W S,©scawDtto,Bs, V.A ISP SI 0 R THE STAT OF GEORGIA k J •v ur ( , ; •ifl FOR THE YEAR rsJm Being the First after Bissextile, and (until the 4th of July.) the 77th year of the Independence of the United States. ; ; 1 —— 1 Adapted to the Horizon and Meridian of Augusta, Ga.: BY DAVII) YOUNG, OF HANOVER NECK, MORRIS CtO., N. J. r.i — \ JOSEPH A. CARRIE &> CO.: UGUSTA ssm /'U 9 srbnville's almanac. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1853. There will be cwo Eclipses of the Sun and one of the Moon, tn;s year T. There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on Monday, June fih at 2h. 36m. in the afternoon ; invisible here, but to be seen a little further south. The northern limit of visibility in this eclipse, is a line leaving the Pacilie coast about 150 miles southeast fiom San Francisco, passing near Santa Fe. and thence eastward, bearing southward, to the Atlantic (Ice an ; leaving Little Rock and Milledgeville on the right hand, in the region of visibility; and Huntsville, Augusta, and Charleston on the left, where the eclipse will not be Been. The eclipse will be central and annul; r on the meridian in longitude 110d. 54m. west from Greenwich, and latitude Cd. "S rhn. north. II. There will be an Eclipse of the Moon on the 20th and 2 let of June, . in the evening and morning, visible: D. H. M. Beginning — 20 11 43 Evening. Middle 21 0 31 ) . End 21 I 10 f MommS* Duration 1 36 Magnitude, 2.45 digits on the Moon's northern limb. III. There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 30th of November, at lh. 56m. in the afternoon, invisible. On this ecc; sion, a small t.clipse may be seen on the Sun's southern limb along the Peninsula and Gulf of Califnr nia, and the Isthmus of Darien ; and the eclipse will be more or less visible in all parts of South America as far as about the 46th degree of south lati¬ tude. The Sun will be centrally and totally eclipsed on the meridian in lon¬ gitude llOd. 18m. west from Greenwich, and latitude lid. 20m. south. BEGINNING OF THE SEASONS. Spring begins,.. March 20th, at 10b. 49m. morning. ^Summer begins . June 21st, at lh. 54m. morning. Autumn begins Sept. 22d, at lOh. 16m. evening. Winter begins Dec. 21st, at 3h. 45m. evening. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Solar Cycle, 14 Roman Indiction, 11 Julian Period 6566 Dominical Letter B Golden Number, or Lunar Cycle 11 Epact, { D's age, January 1st] 20 ^.— MOVEABLE FEASTS OF TIIE CHURCH. Easter Sufiday ^ March 27 Rogation Sunday,*,.. ...... May 1 Ascension Day a... J.May 5 Whit Sunday (Pentecost) May 15 Trinity Sunday May 22 Advent Sunday Nov. 2i WnaNVtLLE's ALMANAC a SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Spring signs, Summer signs, 1. Aries. 2. y Taurus. 3. n Gemini. 4. 23Cancer. 5. £\Leo. 6. tfj/Virgo Autumn signs. • Winter signs. 7. s&Libra. 8. Tlj_Scorpio. 9. $ Sagittarius, 10. VjCapricornus 11. gx Aquarius. 12. "it.Pisces. names and characters of the skins of the zodiac. Aries, the Ram. y Taurus, the Bull, n Gemini, the Twins. g& Cancer, the Crab. ^ Leo, the Lion. ffJJ Virgo, the Virgin. =£z Libra, the Balance. Vt[ Scorpio, the Scorpion. £ Sagittarius, the Aicher. VJ Cap- ticornus, the Goat. 007 Aquarius, the Waterman. X Pisces, the Fishes. r explanation of characters. Planets.—Q Sun, I? Saturn, $ Mars, Q Moon, 21 Jupiter, $ Venus* ® Earth. £ Mercury, l£t Horschel. - Aspects.—© New Moon, D First Quarter, O E'dl Moon, d Last Quarter, Q Dragon's Head, Q Dragon's Tail", y Conjunction, £> Opposition, A Trigonus, □ Quadril, s|< Sextile, 0 Sin. Apogee—at the greatest distance t'rom the earth. Perigee—at the least distance. Aspects.—When two planets are in the sarn9 degree, they are in conjunc¬ tion, marked thus, y. Sextile >}c, when 60 degrees apart. Quartila n» when 90 degrees apart. Trine A, when 120 degrees apart. Opposition Q * when 180 degrees apart Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. Q Dra¬ gon' Tail, or Descending Node. CUSTOMARY NOTES. 1. Venus (?) will be Morning Star until May 13th; then Evomng Star nntil February 28th, 1854. 2. The Moon will run highest this year about the 11th degree of (23) Cancer, and lowest about the 11th degree of (VJ) Capricornus. 3. Latitude of llerschel (Jj4) about 26m. south this year. 4. Longitude of the Moon's Ascending Node (i,)) in the middle cf tli's ;year, 2 signs, 18 degrees, 29m ® 5. Moan obliquity of the Ecliptic in the middle of this yea*-, 23d. 27m. ,30.4s. True obliquity at the same time, 23d. 27ra. 31.8s. APOGEE AND PERIGEE OF THE SUN. ^un in Peri too Dec. 30, 1352, distant from tin. earth, Eng. mikf, .03,573.000 ^ Apogee July 3, 1853, " " " in " " 96 77 3,030 i " '' Perigee Jan'y 1, 1851-, " " in " " 03,577,000 JANUARY, 1853—Begins on Saturday. MOON'S PHASES. D. B. II. Last Quarter 2 4 22 afternoon New Moon 9 10 18 morning First Quarter 16 11 50 afternoon Full Moon 25 0 2 morning EQUATION OF TIME. * o . 53 80 IC I— C3 rH T-H lO n CO 45 er CO A & § * so o l- Oi o rH 1—4 rH c* rH CO rH Days o cto cb r- rH rH 7 11 4 6 2 9 S 1st Sunday af. Epiphany. 7 2 4 58 21 aft. 5 sets. 10 m $'s greatest elongation. 7 2 4 58 SX 5 1 3 6 13 11 t Dr. Dwight died, 1817. 7 1 4 59 18 1 58 7 16 12 w ^ stationary. JJ* stat. 7 1 4 59 X 2 2 49 8 19 13 t Look for rain. 7 0 5 0 15 3 85 9 19 14 f Regulus rises 7 36. , 7 0 5 0 27 4 18 10 16 15 s 1? south 6 46. Very 6 59 5 1 T 10 5 0 11 11 16 S 2d Sunday af. Epiphany. 6 58 5 2 22 5 40 morn. 17 m Franklin horn, 1706. . 6 58 re .0 O « -V 8 3 6 21 0 6 18 t Moon in Apogee, cold 6 57 5 3 15 7 3 1 0 19 w O enters winds. 0 56 5 4 ' 27 7 47 1 55 20 t Howard died, 1790. 6 56 5 4 XX 9 8 34 2 51 21 f Betelguese south 9 30. 6 55 5 5 21 9 23 3 47 22 s Sirius south 10 17. ) Q 6 54 5 6 © 4 10 15 4 43 23 S Septuagesima. 6 54 5 6 16 11 9 5 38 24 m 0 O Jft. Look for rain 6 53 5 7 29 morn. rises. 25 t Conversion of St. Paul. 6 52 5 8 a 12 0 3 5 48 26 w or snow. 6 51 5 9 26 0 56 6 52 27 t h rises 3 25, 6 51i5 9 m o 1 48 7 57 28 f Sirius south 9 52. 6 5t) 5 10 23 2 38 9 3 29 s George III. died, 1820. o 49J5 11 =c* 7 3 27 10 7 30 S Sexagesima, High 6 48 5 12 21 4 16 11 13 31 m □ Oh« winds. 6 47,5 13.iT^ 5 5 5 morn. FEBRUARY, 1853—Begins on Tuesday. EQUATION ' OF TIIV1E MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. Last Quarter 1 0 19 morning New Moon 7 11 51 afternoon Firct Quarter 15 9 29 afternoon Full Moon 23 1 43 afternoon D. D. of of M W 1 t 2 w 3 t 4 f 5 s 6 S 7 m 8 t 9 w 10 t 11 f 12 s 13 S 14 m 15 t 16 w 17 t 18 f 19 s 20 S 21 m 22 t, 23 w 24 t 25 f 26 s 27 S 28 m x! g n ri Dap ffl 5J CO p^I f- W ® a 5t n n h ia h CO ^ r« CO CO j-H r*4 f—4 r-i rT •fi H lO © CO h ri iO o —j —< (j) c? Yarious Phenomena. Sun irises K.AI. 8 47 6 45 5 18 5 14 5 15 6 44]5 16 6 435 17 6 42? 5 18 5 19 5 20 5 21 0 41 6 49 |6 39 6 395 21 5 22' 5 23 5 24; 2 25 Moon in Perigee. Purification B. Virgin. Sirius south 9 28. D 53 Cold% cloudy 5 runs low. and Shrove Sunday. un pleasant weather, U rises 2 46. Ash Wednesday. Procyon south, 9 52. Sirius south 8 56. More pleasant. 1st Sunday in Lent. Valentine's Day. ]) in Apogee. Sirius south 8 37. 11 rises 2 17. J^weather. O enters X- J 8 5 runs high. Saint Mary. for snow or rain W-ashington Born, 1732. J. Q. Adams died, 1848. St. Matthias. Perhaps snow. Superior d O ? • Moon in Perigee. Dull U rises 1 41. weather. 6 215 39 Sun sets H.M., M'11/s Place, s. D, 6 38 6 37 8 38 o 35 0 34*5 28 6 33<0 27 6 32;5 28 6 31|5 29 0 30j5 30 6 29j5 31 0 28:5 32 6 27 5 33 6 26 5 34 6 25 5 35 6 2-15 36 5 37 5 38 6 22 Vf) n 20 4 18: 2 10 29 13 20 10 22 5 17 29 11 23 5 17 29 11 24 7 21 4' 19 3 17 2 16 "Moon souths. H. M. 5 50 6 50 7 40 8 45 9 44J 10 43 11 39 aft. 31 Moon ri.&st h. ar, 0' 19 20 5, 49 39 12 4 54 5 37 6 23 7 11 8 2 8 55 9 49 10 43 11 37 morn. 0 29 1 21 2 11 3 2 3 54 sets. 5 5.6] 6 58 7 57 8 54 9 50 10 46 11 41 morn. 0 37' 1 ss; 2 29! 24 17! 51 rises. 6 49 7 56 9 4 10 12 11 20 MARCH, 1853.—Begins on Tuesday. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter i>. B. M. 2 7 59 morning. 9 2 40 afternoon 7 5 58 afternoon 5 0 46 morning. 1 4 10 afternoon EQUATION £ OF TIME, Days W S H o MS «) rjf CO Q. 6 3 Vli 25 5 58 0 24 18 f J.C.Calhoun born, 1782. 6 2 5 Off ss 7 6 49 1 20 19 s Regulus south 10 2. tfv Pi*1 5 59 19 7 42 2 13 20 S O enters <¥>. Palm Sun. d^O o 0 a o 8 36 3 0 21 m 21 sets 9 29. 5 59 6 1 15 9 30 3 5( 22 t Look for stormy 5 58 0 2 09 10 2'2 4 3.2 23 vv $'s greatest elongation 5 57 6 3 13 11 14 5 10 24 t Unpleasant, weather. 5 56 3 4 27 morn. rises. 25 f Good Friday. An.B.v.M. 5 55 3 5 12 0 ( 6 52 26 s Mo 2. 29 t Swedenbourg died, 1772 5 51 d 9 J 11 3 4 11 3. 30 w J> J3. Very 5 50 6 10 25 4 43 morn 1 31 t $ stationary. windy. 5 49 0 11 IV? 9 5 40 0 4i APRIL, 1353.'—Begins gii F. MOON'S PHASES. D. II. M. New Moon 8 6 27 morning First Quarter 16 11 17 morning Full Moon 23 9 46 morning 1 26 morning tiiQSj A'l'iON CO - 'i'ii'viij |i ii jj. now® ci 1 17 S 3d Sunday after Easter. 5 323 28 ft 10 7 25 1 coj; 18 m Ant. r. 9 45. 5 316 29 8 17 2 - 19 t O ent. 8 . Very 5 30,6 30ft *4 4 9 S 3 12! 20 w agreeable. 5 29 8 31; 21 9 59 3 41 21 t Spica Trg south 11 18. 5 286 32'^ 5 10 50 4 22 f Dr. Bush died, 1813. 5 27 6 33 20,11 4o 4 58j! 23 s Saint George. ? stat. 5 26 0 34 ft 5 morn. 1 rises. ! it 24 S Moon in perigee. 5 25 6 35 20 0 39 8 9 Hi 25 m Saint Mark. Look 5 24 6 86 t „ r. 1 8 c 26 t Moon Q . for wind 5 23 6 37: | 20 0 8' 0 3ft 27 w )> runs low. and 5 22 6 33 vy 5 3 3- 11 4ft 28 t. 6 Ol1- raln- 5 21 6 39, 19 4 49 morn. p 29 f Ant. r. 9 4. 5 20 6 49 - 5 39 0 30ij 30 s Spica ft scut{l 1° 45. 5 20 6 40 16 6 35 1 ji MAY, 1853. MOON'S PHASES. Begins on Sunday. [EQUATION OE TIME. New Moon 7.10 42 afternoon First Quarter 16 0 33 morning Full Moon 22 5 28 afternoon Last Quarter 29 0 14 afternoon Days CO TP iQ if2 JCJ lO connwncpmc? H lO O) CQ rt Li or i—i i—I « CJ CI 0. t>. Sun Sun M'n's Moon Moon of of Various Phenomena. rises sets Place. souths. ri.&st | W M H.M. H.M. S. D. H. M. H. M.| 1 a Sta. Miilip and James. 5 19 6 41 OX 29 7 26 2 81 2 m Fair and 5 18 6 42 X 12 8 13 2 43! 3 t 1f south 2 51. 5 17 6 43 24 8 57 3 14 4 w If r. 9 45. warm. 5 16 6 44 cy> 7 9 40 3 42 5 t Ascension Day. 5 15 6 45 19 10 21 4 9 6 f Spica ijJZ south 10 22. 5 14 6 46 8 1 11 2 4 38 7 s Quite sultry. 5 14 6 46 13 11 44 sets. 8 S £'s greatest elongation. 5 13 6 47 24 aft 27 7 27 9 m If r. 9 24. 5 12 6 48 n 6 1 13 8 23'; 10 t Moon Q. 5 11 6 49 18 2 0 9 19; 11 w dOb Perhaps show- 5 10 0 50 30 2 49 10 13, 12 t D runs high. ers. 5 10 6 50 95 12 3 40 11 4 13 f Superior d O ? • 5 9 6 51 24 4 31 11 51 14 s 2f r. 9 3. 5 8 6 52 a e 5 22 morn. 15 S Whit. Sunday. 5 8 6 52 19 6 12 0 34 16 m Perhaps thunder 5 7 6 53 n. 2 7 2 1 13 17 t Rev. in Venice, 1797, 5 6 6 54 15 7 51 1 49 18 w showers. 5 5 6 55 29 8 40 2 22! 19 t Dark day in N. E. 1780. 5 5 5 55 =~ 14 9 30 2 55 20 f Lafayette died, 1834. 5 4 6 56 28 10 22 3 29 21 s Heat 5 4 6 56 ill 13 1] 18 4 51 22 S Trinity Sunday. 5 3 6 57 29 morn. rises. 23 m increases. 5 2 6 58 $ 14 6 18 8 15; 24 t Queen Vic. born, 1819. 5 2 6 58 29 1 20 9 24 25 w D runs low. 5 1 6 59 V? 14 2 24 10 27 26 t Johp Calvin d. 1564. 5 1 6 59 28 3 27 11 21 27 f Look outfoi 5 0 7 0 OX 12 4 26 morn. 28 s more showers. 5 0 7 0 25 5 20 0 6 29 S 1st Sunday after Trinity. 4 59 7 1 X 8 6 10 0 44 30 m Alex. Pope died, 1744. 4 59 7 1 21 6 56 1 17! 31 t If south 0 49. 4 58 7 2 It 4 7 38 1 4C| JUNE,~Th53.—Beghu^ on Wednesday. MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. New Moon 6 2 36 afternoon First Quarter 14 Full Moon -21 EQUATION OF TIME. 9 59 morning 0 41 morning 6 morning Oioicco^cor-co « lO H SO CI rl HNM HlOfflCONHlTJ© D. i). e Sun Sun M'n's rM T-H C* Moon ©? 16 8 20 2 14 2 t 'and sultry. 4 57 7 3 28 9 0 2 40 3 f Transit of ?, 1769. 4 57 7 3 a 10 9 42 9 7 4 s George Ifl. born, 1738. 4 56 7 4 21 10 24 3 36 5 S 2d Sunday after Trinity. 4 56 7 4 n 3 11 8 4 8 6 m O eclipsed, in v. J Q. 4 56 7 4 15 11 55 sets 7 t Look for rain. 4 55 7 5 27 aft. 43 8 6 8 w Jackson died, 1845. 4 55 7 5 g. Clear and hot. 4 53 7 7 22 11 58 4 2 21 t O enters SB. Pain 4 53 7 7 V? 7 morn. rises. 22 w about this time. 4 53 7 7 22 1 2 9 3 23 t Akenside died, 1772. 4 53 7 7 OCC. 6 2 4 9 53 24 f Saint John Baptist. 4 53 7 7 20 3 3 10 35 25 s 2f south 10 48. 4 54 7 6 X 4 3 56 11 11 20 S 51 h Sunday after Trinity. 4 54 7 & 17 4 45 11 42 27 m Battle Monmouth, 1778. 4 54 7 6 30 5 30 morn. 28 t Hot and dry. 4 54 7 6 12 6 12 0 10 29 \V St. Peter. 4 54 7 6 25 6 53 0 38 30 t Reg. sets 9 58. 4 54 7 6 8 7 7 34 1 5 gTMrwa. JULY, 1953; MOON'S PHASES. D. H. "M. New Moon 6 5 21 morning First Quarter 13 4 42 afternoon Full Moon 20 8 20 morning Last Quarter 27 4 -26 afternoon Begins on Fkiday. equation OF TIME Days O-^ h c a 1—I CT ca cr Various Phenomena. /» Sun Sun M'n's Moon Moon rises sets Place. souths. ripest. H.M. rr.M'. S. D. H. M. a. h. 4 54 7 6 8 18 "8 le 1 34 4 55 7 5 30 9 0 20 3 4 55 % 5 U 12 9 46 2 35 4 55 7 5 24 10 34 3 17 4 56 7 4 25 -6 11 24 4 2 4 56 7 4 18 aft. 15 sets. 4 56 7 4 30 1 7 8 24 4 57 7 3 a 13 1 57 *9 5 4 57 7 3 26 2 47 9 42 4 57 7 3 nj 9 3 35 10 10 4 58 7 2 22 4 21 10 48 4 58 7 2 ^ 5 5 8 11 19 4-59 7 1 19 5 55 11 50 4 59 7 1 HI 3 6 45 morn 5 c 7 0 17 7 37 Or 23 5 O 7 0 £ 2 8 34 1 1 5 1 6 59 16 *9 35 1 45 5 1 6 59 Y5 1 10 38 2 37 5 2 6 58 16 11 41 3 30 5 2 3 58 30 morn. rises. 5 3 6 57 *cc. 15 0 42 8 2C 5 4 3 56 29 1 38 9 3 5 4 6 56 X 12 2 30 9 30 5 5 3 55 25 3 18 10 7 5 6 6 54 S 4 3 10 35 5 6 6 54 21 4 4 C 11 ? 5 7 3 53 8 3 5 2? ll 31 0 8 3 52 1? 6 in rfroni 5 8 152 27 6 5S 0 1 5 9 3 51 n 8 ' 7 38 0 3, 5 10 3 50 20 8 26 1 12 S m t 6frv 9 10 11 12 18 11 15 10 ■17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 :31 south 10 20. Visitation B. V. Mary, Shu in apogee. - ^ Independence. Wind and D runs high, raia Sheridan died, 1810. sets-8 7, Defeat Braddock, 1755, ih Sunday af. Trinity, . J. Q. Adams born,. 1707 Heat increases. $ Shis 8 9. French rev. began, 1789 Georgh Clinton b. 1739. Wind and jlyitig 8th. Sunday af. Trinity. Moon in perigee.* clouds 9 rnns low. Loolcfor #'s greatest elongation. Sun enters rain. U south 8 43. 9th Sunday after Trinity, Saint James. ■Cooling (Saint nno. # breezes Vega south 10 3. g sets 8 5. Clear rind J10I Dog days begin. 71 Oth. Sunday af. Trinity AUGUST, 1853. MOON'S PHASES. d. h. jr. New MoOn 4 6 32afternoon First Quarter 11 10 7 afternoon hull Moon 18 5 21 afternoon Last Quarter 26 10 8 morning •Begins on Mono ay. EQUATION OF TIME. * o . S3 M O W (E ® H O ^ rl K lO 00 rf O "<*• iJ3 lO lii ^ W « 1-4 o n Days 1 5 9 13 17 21 O C3 CJ D. D, of »f M W 1 tn 2 t 3 w 4 t 5 f 6 s 7 S 8 m 9 t 10 w 11 t 12 f 13 s 14 S 15 m 16 t 17 w 18 t 19 f 20 s 21 s 22 m» 23 t. 24 w 25 t 26 f 27 s 28 S 20 m 30 t 31 w Various Phenomena. Juiien Camming bom. 5 5 runs high. Clear 5 5 runs high. stationary, and hot aotf. Some want of rain. Transfiguration. 11th Sunday aft. Trinity Vega south 9 17. ? sets 8 0. Saint Lawrence. Quite U stationary, dry. George Wash. b. 1762. Q. Adelaide b. 1792. fyioon in perigee, ^onaparte born, 1769 Cloudy and Inferior d O £ • Jjt stationary. 7*s rise, 10 32. ? sets 7 53. dull. 13th Sunday aft. Trinity Look for O enters f$. rain. Saint Bartholomew. Vega south 8 13. g stationary. Dr. Ilerschell d. 18.22. Mint Augu-tinej Brisk It. John Bap beheadedi5 Palcy born, 1743. winds. 5 Banyan didd, 1688. 15 Sun rises sets ft.M. 11 11 12 13 14 14 f5 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Sun H.M, 8 49 6 49 6 48 6 47 6.46 6 46 6 45 6 44 6 43 6 42 6 41 6 40 6 40 6 39 6 38 6 37 6 36 6 35 6 34 6 33 6 32 6 31 6 30 6 30 6 29 6 28 6 27 6 26 6 25 8 24 6 23 M'n's 1 Moon Place. S. D. 23 2 14 . 27 a 9 22 5 19 2 16 30 14 28 12 26 11 25 9 23 7. 20 3 16 29 11 23 5 16 28 10 23 5 ui v? x cp rr 23 a souths, 9 15 10 10 59 11 51 aft. 42 1 31 2 19 3 6 3 54 4 42 5 33 6 27 7 25 8 26 9 28 10 29 11 27 morn. 0 21 6 23 7 12 8 3 8 55 9 47 Moon ri.&st ii. m. 1 54 2 42 3 -36 sets, 7 41 8 17 8 50 9 21 9 53| 10 25 11 II 11 42j morn. 0 30 1 25 2 27i 3 34 rises. | 7 36i 8 8, 8 37: 9 5' 9 35 10 4 10 36 11 13 11 53 morn. 0 38 1 31! 2 27, SEPTEMBER, 1853.- MOON'S PHASESf D. H. fit. New Moon 3 6 14 morning First Quarter 10 3 33 morning Full Moon 17 4 49 morning Last Quarter 25 5 13 morning •Begins on Thursday. EQUATION OF TIME. Days 1(5C) r-l«a-0>03 rt TO lO H rf (M W OHOl^lOi-QDffl I-h irbci c*3 i— H a O Ct CJ CT Various Phenomena. Sun Sun rises sets H.M, 7* rise 9 44. 5 Cool mornings. 5 £'s grektest elongation. 5 15th. Sunday aft. Trinity 5 Altair south 8 45. 5 Lafayette Born, 1757. 5 Very pleasant 5 Nat, of B.. V. M. O O H 5 Moon g. 5 Dog days end. 5 Rattle Champlain, 18145 Variable. 5 h stationary. 5 Moscow burnt, 1812.Y 5 Sur. New York, 177f). 5 7*'s rise 8 59,' 5 Perhaps rain. 5 17th Sunday aft. Trinity 5 Altair south 7 54, 5 C.| Carroll born, 1737. 5 Saint Matthew. 5 O enters Looh 5 Moon in Apogee. ft for more rain. 8 18th Sunday aft. Trinity 6 Cyprian. 6 lTnpleasanf 6 :7*'s rise 8 7. Col 16 St. Michael and angels, jj ft St. Jerome, winds, " JI.M M'n's Place, S. D Moon .[souths, H. *M. Moon rf.&st. H. t f ' s S m t w t f s S m :t w % f 8 S m t w t f s S 2ftim T 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 59 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 0 1 2 3 4 b 6 -t* i 8 6 22 ft 21 6 20 8 19 6 18 6 17 6 16 6 15 6 14 6 13 6 12 6 11 ft 10 ft 9 \ 5 T ftfe. 5 57 5 56 5 55 5 54 53 5 52 8 J 15 28 12 26 11 25 9 23 7 21 w 0 19 X 2 16 29' 12 24 7 194 1 12 24 6 18 3 13 26 9 10 59 11 30 aft. 20 6 37 7 28 • 8 28 9 26 10 201 11 ii ii 53 morn. 0 44 1 27 2 11 2 54J 3 39 4 25 5 13 6 3 6 54 7 40 8 38 •9 28 10 18 3 28, 4 SO, sets, j ■ 7 2S| 8 1 8 34 9 9 9 49 10 34j 11 20 morn. 0 25 1 29 2 30 H 43 4 4R, rises. 7 14 7 42 8 12; 8 43{ 9 IS •9 50] 10 39 11 29 morn. 0 23 1 21 2 23j 3 27 OCTOBER, 1853. -Begins on Saturday. EQUATION QF TIME. MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. New Moon 2 5 1 afternoon First Quarter 9 10 10 morning Full Moon 16 7 18 afternoon Last Quarter 25 0 8 morning Ua\> t*OM-OHlNN »n oi cq i-i ira Ci N CJ CJ D. D. Sun Sun M'n's Moon Moon of of Various Phenomena. rises sets Place. souths. ri.&st M W H.M. H.M. s. ». H. M. H, M. 1 s 11 sets 9 36. 6 9 5 51 m 23 11 8 4 31 2 S 19th Sunday af. Trinity. 6 10 5 50 =2= 7 11 57 sets. 3 m Quite cool. 6 11 5 49 22 aft. 47 6 41 4 t T? south 3.18, 6 12 5 48 111 6 1 38 7 16 5 w Moon in Perigee. 6 13 5 47 21 2 33 7 55 6 t Brisk 6 14 5 46 } 5 3 30 8 39 7 f Moon g. winds. 6 15 5 45 20 4 30 9 30 8 s Fomalhaut south 9 51. 6 16 5 44 V5> 4 5 31 10 28 9 S 20th Sunday af. Trinity 6 17 5 43 18 6 32 11 31 10 m K Look for rain. 6 18 5 42 K 2 7 30 morn. 11 t Bahamas discov. 1492. 6 19 5 41 15 8 25 0 36 12 w 7*'s south 2 29. 6 20 5 40 20 9 16 1 43 13 t Brock killed, 1812. 6 21 5 39 X 12 10 3 2 47 14 f Variable. 6 22 5 38 25 10 48 3 49 15 s 21 sets 8 53. 6 23 5 37 T 8 11 31 4 40 16 S 21st Sunday af. Trinity 6 24 5 36 20 morn. iises. 17 m Burgoyne sur. 1777. 6 25 5 35 8 3 0 14 6 2(1 18 t. Saint Luke. 6 26 5 34 15 0 57 6 50 19 w Cornwallis sur. 1781. 6 27 5 33 27 1 41 7 23 20 t D Q. Very 6 28 5 32 XT 9 2 27 7 59 21 f Moon in Apogee. 6 29 5 31 21 3 It 4 8 40 22 s Red Bank Bat. 1777. 6 30 5 30 23 2 4 3 9 27 23 S O enters T\\. temperate. 0 31 5 29 14 4 53 "10 19 24 m Perhaps more 6 32 5 28 26 5 44 11 14 25 t south, 1 56. 6 33 5 27 a 8 6 34 morn. 26 w 21 sets 8 20. rain. 6 34 5 26 21 7 24 0 13 27 t Windy and cold. 6 35 5 25 *1 4 8 13 1 14 28 f Saint Simon and Jude. 6 36 5 24 17 9 1 2 17 29 s Fomalhaut south 8 32. 6 37 5 23 =£= 1 9 49 3 21 30 S 23d Sunday af. Trinity. 6 38 5 22 15 10 38 4 27 31 } in 7*'s south 1 17. 6 39 5 21 30 111 29 5 85 NOVEMBER, 1853— -Begins -on Tuesday. MOON'S" PHASES. EQUATION OE TIME, D" H. M. New Moon 1 3 27 monring to ai Pn ■X XI l-H \0 a 0 ® "Ct lO CO ^ ^ a First Quarter 7 7 0 afternoon ft CO r-H CO r-H L1; id ^ ro t—1 r—f l—l •—1 01 rm1 Full Moon 15 0 47 afternoon 3 M r-H T-H Last Quarter 29 5 20 afternoon N ew Moon 30 1 56" afternoon Days 1—* til a m i-»^ r-H 1—1 (?) " Gfe CM (?) LL L>. Son Sun >1 n's M0011 Moon of of Various Phenomena. rise* sets Place. souths. ri.&st. M W tt.W. if. 31. s. D- H. M. H. M. P t All Saints. Fair. 6 40 5 20 Ti 15 aft. 123 sets. 2 >v > All Souls. Dt in perigee ft 4ft 5 2ft 30 1 20 6 35 3 t Moon in gj ; 4 ¥ XI 6 41 5 19 £ 15 2 21 7 21, 4 f 4 D if. 4 » S - 6 42 5 18 29 3 24 8 21! 5 s Powder Plot, 1605, Very 6 43 5 17 14 4 27 9 24! li S 24th Sunday all Trinity. 6 44 ft 1ft 28 5 28 10 3 7 m pleasant. 6 45 7 15 >0Cr 12 6 21 11 37j 1 8 t 7*'s south 0 46. 6 46 5 14 26 7 16 morn. | 1 9 w south 0 53. 5 47 5 13 X 9 8 4 0 42 1ft , t Milton died. 1674. 0 47 5 13 22 8 49 1 45 j 11 f Perhaps rain. ft 4^ ft 12 T •5 9 31 2 44 12 s" \ ? Sets 7 57. 6 49 5 11 17 10 13 3 42, I ft S 25th Sunday af. Trinity. 6 5ft 5 10 ■29 10 ftft 4 39 n in O. Carroll dic^d, 1832 6 51 ft 9 « 12 11 3P 5 3" r> t $'s greatest elongation 6 51 5 9 21 nn rn. rises. w Saint Emilv. 6 52 5 8 n ft 0 22 5 ftH 17 t D in apogee. Look for 6 53 5 7 17 1 9 6 37 18 f' more rain 6 54 ft 6 2 1 57 7 21 19 -s Moon runs high. 6 54 5 6 11 2 46 8 If 2ft S d E) If. Mornings 6 55 5 5 23 3 3' i 9 3 21 m ¥ sifts 8 7. ro7.7. 6 5ft 5 4 a ft 4 2ft 10 (' 22 t St, El'a. 0 enters f . (5 5ft ft 4 17 ft 15 10 58 2ft 'V °t Clement,. TTft'/i Lj. ft 57 ft 3 29 6 3 11 ft 9 2r X y sOtionary. 6 58 5 *2 12 45 49 HI It'll 1 '->r' f New-Yprk evac. 17S3 6 5 2 2ft r 3: 1 t ! 2 I s aoi. 'i 59 7 3 9 8 22 2 3 i| 27 Advent SuriJiy. 6 5ft 1 1 23 9 1, 3 71 J 2S Ul t sets 8 13. 7 0 5 (1 ni 8 10 1 4 15 | 2ft t Very agreeable. 7 1 1 59 23 1 y ftr 5 2l;, 30 w St Andrfew, 5 53. 7 1 4 59 P 8 11 55 sets. December, i853.- MOON'tf PHASES. -Begins on Thursday. EQUATION OF TIM v. D. H. M. FirstQuarter 7 6 51 morning I'uli Mopn 15 8 10 morning Last Quarter 23 7 55 morning New Moon 30 0 35 morning. ~ M W « « S5 M 72 Days C> b- ta SO CL C C M h ri t a — —1 0> CJ T> u L>. of of M W 1 t 2 f 3 ' s 4 is 5 m 0 t 7 w 8 r. 9 f 10 s 11 S 12 m 13 t 14 w 15 t 16 f 17 s 18 s 19 rn 20 t 21 w 22 I 23 f 34 s 25 S 28 •n 27 t 28 w 29 t 30 f 31 s Various Phenomena. Sun rises H.M. Moon in perigee. 7 1> runs low. Quite 7 pleasant.. 7 Inferior d O ¥. 7 , h south 10 51. 7 Van Buren born, 1782. 7 $ rises 11 10. 7 Blustering winds. 7 Milton born, 1809. 7 7*'s- south 10 27. 7 3d Sunday in Advent. 7 Perhaps rain. 7 ^ rises 10 59. 7 Washington died, 1799.7 Moon in apogee, Win iy 7 D runs high. 7 Bolivar died, 1830. 7 ?'s greatest elongation. 7 b south 9 45. and 7 $ ri. 10 39. 3 1 53 4 54 4 54 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 54 4 54 4 55 M n s Place, s. n. Moon souths. Ht. M. 4 23 V? 8 "23 % 8 22 5 19 2 14 26 9 2w 2 14 28 }£ ■v ® 8 29 2 14 26 9 21 4 18 a n in v? aii. 5 b 2 3 3 8 4 8 5 3 5 53 6 39 7 23 8 4 8 45 9 27 10 11 10 56 11 43 morn. 0 33 1 22 2 12 3 1 3 49 4*3 5 5 19 6 Moou ri.&st. u. M. 5 5* 7 0 8 F 9 17 10 25 11 29 morn. 0 30 1 2F 2 25 3 21 17 14 9 rises 5 5 6 45 7 45 8 46 9 3«! 10 3C 11 6 4« 7 35 8 20 9 21 10 21 11 28 aft. 32 1 36 3 morn. 0 39^ 1 43, 2 4 50ji c 5 13; 6 27 sets. 6 40 16 • RENVILLE'# Ah3A\NA0. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE—President and Cabinet. MILLARD FILLMORE, of N. York, President Salary $25,000 WM. R.KING, of Alabama, President of the Senate... DANIEL WEBSTER, of Mass, Secretary of State... THOS. CORWIN, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treas A. H. H.STUART, of Virginia, Secretary of Interior... JOHN . P. KENNEDY, of Md. Secretary of the Nary .. CHAS. M. CONRAD, of Louisiana, Secretary of War... NATHAN K. HALL, of N. Y., Postmaster-General JOHN J. CRITTENDEN, of Ky. Attorney-General 5,000 6,000 0,000 6,000 6.000 6.000 6.000 4,000 JUDICIARY—Supreme Court. Names. Residences. Appointed. Salary Roger B. Taney, Baltimore, Md. Chief-Justice, 1S36, $5,000 John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate-Justice, 1S29, 4,500 James M. Wayne, Savannah, Ga. do. 1835, 4,500 Edmund A. Bradford, New Orleans, La. do. 1852, 4,500 John Catron, Nashville, Tenn. do. 1837, 4,500 Peter V Daniel, Richmond, Va. do. 1841, , 4,500 Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, N. Y. do. 1845, 4,500 Benjamin R. Curtis, Boston, Mass. do. 1851, 4,500 Robert C. Grier, Pittsburg, Pa. do. 1846, 4,500 Benj. C. Howard, Baltimore, Md. Reporter, 1843, 1,300 The Supreme Court is held in the City of Washington, and has one ses¬ sion annually, commencing on the 1st Monday in December. CIRCUIT COURTS. The United States are divided into the following nine Judicial Circuits, in each of which a Circuit Court is held twice every year, for each State within the Circuit, by a Justice of the Supreme Court, assigned to the Circuit, and ky the. District Judge of the State or District in which the Court sits. Presiding Judge. 1st Circuit, Maine, N. Hampshire, Mass, and R. I., Mr. Justice Curtis. 2d do. Vermont, Connecticut, and New York. Mr. Justice Nelson. 3d do. New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Mr. Justice Grier. 4th do. Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Mr. Chief-Juet. Taney. 5th do. Alabama, Louisiana, and Kentucky, Mr. Justice Bradford. 6th do. N. Carolina,"S. Carolina, and Georgia. Mr. Justice Wayne. 7th do. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, Mr. Justice McLean. 8th do. Tennessee and Missouri, Mr. Justice Catron. 9th do. Mississippi and Arkansas, Mr. Justice Daniel. The States of Florida, Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin, have not yet been at¬ tached to any Circuit, but the District Courts have the power of Circuit Courts. There is a local Circuit Court held in the District of Columbia, by three Judges specially appointed for that purpose. The Chief-Justice of that Court sits also as District Judge of that District. DISTRICT OFFICERST~" FOR NORTH CAROLINA.—Henry Totter, Judge; Hiram W. Hus¬ ked, Attorney; George Little, Marshal; John M. Jones, Clerk. grenville's almanac. 17 FOR SOUJTII CAROLINA.—Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge. James L. Pettigru, Attorney. Thomas D. Condy, Marshal. W. Y. Gray, Clerk. FOR GEORGIA.— John C. Nicoll, Judge. Henry Williams, Attor¬ ney. Wm. H. C. Mills, Marshal. Robert II. Griffin, Clerk, for N. Dist. W. II. Hunt, Clerk, S. Dist. FOR ALABAMA.—John Gayle, Judge. Jeff. F. Jackson, Attorney for S. Dist. Peter Hamilton, Attorney for IV. Dist. Charles Bingham Mar- shal, S. Dist, W. H. Gibson, Marshall, N. Dist. A. A. Gooch. Clerk, 8. Dist. John Fitts, Clerk, N, Dist. Places and Times op holding the Circuit Courts. North Carolina.—Raleigh—1st Mon. in June, and last Mon. in Nov. ■South Carolina.—Charleston—Wednesday preceding the 4th Monday ia March;—Columbia—4th Monday in November. Georgia.—Savannah—2d Mondays in April, and November. Alabama.—Mobile-—2d Mon. in April, and 4th Mon. in Dec. Places and Times of holding the District Courts. North Carolina.—Edenton—3d Mon. in April and October ;—Newbwrn —4th Mon. in April and October- — Wilmington— 1st Mon. after 4th Mon. in Apri't and October. South Carolina—Charleston—3d Monday in March and September, 1st Monday in July and 2d Monday in Dec.;—Laurens Court House —-the next Tues. aft. adjournment of Circuit Court at Columbia. Georgia, N. Dist.—Marietta—2d Monday in March and September. Georgia, S. Dist.—Savannah—2d Tuesday in February, May. August, and November. Alabama, N. Dist.—Huntsville,—3d Mon. in May and 4th Mon in Nov. Alabama, M. Dist..—Montgomery—4th Monday in May and 1st Mcnday after the 4th Monday in November. Alabama, S. Dist.—Mobile—1st Monday in May and 2d Monday in Dec. CITY COURTS OF AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. Court of Common Pleas.—Augusta. Wm. T. Gould, Judge. D. L. Roath, Clerk. Wm. V. Ker, Sheriff. IFF This Court sits on the 1st Monday in September, December, and March, and 4th Monday in May. Return day, ten days before Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer.—Savannah. E J. Harden, Judge. Mordant Sheftal, Clerk. Levi S. Russell, Sheriff. George W. Wylly, Deputy Sheriff. Court days, 1st Monday in February, May, July, and November. Return day, fourteen days before Court. IS •RENVILLE'S ALMANAC. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. Howell Cobb, of Clarke, Arthur Hood, of Cor on, William Steele, of Baldwin William W. Paine, of Talfair, Wiley H.Pope, of Waltoi, Nathan C. Barnett, of Baldwin. W. H. Mitchell, of Baldwin, Ezekiel S. Candler, of Carroll, P. M. Comi-ton, of Baldwin, Andrew J. Mi ler> Luther J. Glenn, Governor, Salary— Secretary Exe ■. ep't, Mcsseng- " Secretary of State. Treasurer, Comptroller-Gen* al, Surveyor- General, of Richmond, President of the Senate, of Henry, Secretary of the Senate, of $3,000 1,2:0 1,2 0 1,2 0 1,C0" 1,60 1.60 1 60. 5iM! Thaddeus Sturgis. Lewis Zachry, Peter Fair, J. S. Gholson, Dr. C. J. Paine, Dr. T. F. G'eene, Speaker of the House aj Rep' of Muscogee, Clerk of the House of " Principal Keeper o f the Penitentiary, Inspector of the Penitentiary, Bookkeeper do do Physician do do Supt. and Res. Phi/, of the Lunatic Asi/lum. 50o 1 .**00 5U0 1,000 500 1,500 Dr. Toralinson Fort, B P. Stubbs, and Dr. H. K. Green, Trustees do each 75 REPRESENTATION OF GEORGIA IN CONGRESS. SENATORS. Robert M. Charlton, of Savannah, vice Berrien, till March 4th, 1853 William C. Dawson, of Greensboro, term expires in 1855. Robert Toombs, from 4th March, 1853: term expires 1859. - CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. First District.—Jos. W. Jackson. Chatham Bryan Effingham Liberty Mcintosh Tattnall Bulloch Emanuel Lowndes Montgomery Telfair Appling Glynn Camden Wayne Ware Laurens, Clinch Thomas Irwin. 1Second District.—James Johnson. Muscogee Stewart Randolph Early Decatur Baker Lee Dooly Sumter Macon Pulaski Marion Third District.—David J. Bailey. Harris, Talbot Upson Pike Butts Monroe Bibb Houston Crawford. Spalding, Taylor, Fourth District, — Chas. Murphy. Troup Meriwether Coweta Heard Campbell Fayette Henry Dekalb Cobb Fifth District.— E. W. Chast\in. Walker Murray Chattooga Floyd Cass " Cherokee Carroll, Whitfield Dade Gilmer Gordon Paulding Polk Sixth District.—Junius Hillyer Union Lumpkra Rabun Habersham Hall Forsyth Gwinnett Walton Clarke Jackson Madison Franklin Seventh District.—A. H. Stephens Newton Morgan Greene Jasper Putnam Jones Baldwin Hancock Twiggs W ashington Wilkinson Eighth District.—Robert Toombs. Elbert Oglethorpe Lincoln Wilkes Taliaferro Warren Columbia Richmond Burke Jefferson Serivcn OilBNVILLR 9 ALMANAC. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. 19 The Legislature of the State consists of Ninety-nine Senators, (being on© from each county,) and O'le Hundred and Thirty-six Representatives. The Legislature holds its sessions biennially, commencing on the 1st iMon- day in November. The Governor, State House Officers, Senators and Representatives all hold their offices for two years. JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS. Officers. • galarv Joseph LL Lumpkin, of Athens, Judge. Term Expires 1857. $2,500 Hiram Warner, of Greenville, do. " " 1855. 2,500 Eugenius A. Nisbet, of Macon, do. " " 1853. 2,500 T. R. R. Cobb, of Athens, Reporter. Perq. and 1,000 R. E. Martin, of Milledgeville, Clerk. Fees Times, and Places of Holding. f Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, First District.... < alternately at Savannah and Augusta, on the 2d Monday ( in January and June. ! Composed of the Southwestern and Chattahoochee Cir¬ cuits, alternately at Columbus and Americus, on the 4th Monday in J anuary and 2d Monday in J uly. C Composed of the Coweta, Flint and Macon Circuits, Third District... < alternately at Macon and Decatur, on the 2d Monday in ( February and August. ( Composed of the Western, Cherokee and Blue Ridge Fourth District. < Circuits, alternately at Cassvilie and Gainesville, on the I 3d Monday in April and October. C Composed of the Northern, Ocmulgee and Southern Fifth District... ) Circuits, at Milledgeville, on the 1st Monday in May and / November. Judges and Solicitors of Superior Courts. Circuits. Eastern, Middle,.. . Northern Western, Ocmulgee,.... Southern, Flint, Cherokee Coweta,. S. Wesie-n,... Chattahoochee Macon Blue Ridgo, Judges. Salary. Solicitor-Generals. Counties Henry R. Jackson, $1,800 Tlios. T. Long, Nine. Ebenezer Starnes, 1,800 J.T.Shewmake,At.G.Nine. Eli H.Baxter, 1,800 J. B. Weerns, Eight. James Jackson, 1,800 Wm. J. Peeples, Eight. IL V. Johnson, 1,800 Tiios. P. Saiibld, Seven. Aug. H. Hansell, 1,800 P.F.D.Scaiborough, Nine. James H. Stark, 1,800 ... Joseph A.Thrasher, Seven. John H. Lumpkin, 1,800 John J. Word, Eight. Edward Y. Hill, 1,800 M. M. Tidwell, Six. Lott Warren. 1.800 John Lyon, Six I, Alfred Tverson, 1,80G ...... Charles J. Williams, Six. Abner P. Powers, 1,800 W. K-DeGraffenreid, Six. David Irwin, 1,800 E$w. D. Cuisholm, Ten, ij. toAJ lis 15U 000 30 174 120 77 55 190 151 154 150 193 195 130 0# 113 80 120 55 231 190 95 95 180 140 wing the tirEes of holding the Superior and Interior Courts Io? each Cs/utity, the Pr.A dm Milledgeville ; alio the Clerk of the Superior Court} and the (JrdIi3ary and Sh Superior Courts. Inferior Courts. Coiirt House. Dai 19 Oct 17 Aug 22 Nov 14 Dec 8 Oct 27 Nov 2J Sep 12 Nov 21 Aug 15 Aug 22 Sep 12 May 9 Aug 8 Oct 3 Aug 8 Deo 12 Sep 19 Sep 19 Sep 5 Sep 12 Oct 24 Out 10 Oct 3 Oct 10 Sep 26 Oct 31 Feb 7 Maf 8 May 9 Jan 10 Jdn 24 Feb 7 Jan 3 June 10 Jan 3 June 13 May 23 May 23 Feb 21 Apr 18 June 6 Apr 25 Apr 11 June20 Feb 7 June37 May 16 June 6 Apr 4 June20 June27 Jan 11 Feb 14 Aug 1 Sep 6 Nov 14 July U June27 July 4 July 4 July 11 June 6 Dee 12 N9V 28 Nov 23 July 18 Oct 17 Dec 5 Oct 24 Oct 10 Dec 19 July 4 Deq 26 Nov 21 Dec 5 Oct 3 Dec 19 Dec 26 July 18 July 11 Holinesvii'o Newtott Milled geyille Macon Eden Sthtesboro Waynesboro Jackson Jefferson ton Gampbeilton Carrolltott Cassvilln Savannah Suminerville Canton Watkinsville Polk Marietta Appling Nevvnan Knoxville Trenton Bainbridge Decatur Vienna Blakely Springfield Sheriff. James Pop well George W. Collier John A. Breedlove David J. Davis Henry I. Blitch Erastus Waters Aug. G. Kirkland Richard G. Byars A. Harrall Wm. M. Bartlett Eii Benson John F. Brown John Devanney Joseph McConnell Reuben F. Danie' John J Huggins Cornelius Joj ee Jas. B. Blackwell John F. Sutton James Bexley Lewis F. II cks Joseph Killian Abner Belcher T. J. Perlterson Philp'n Boaannon John West John Dasher Clerk Sup. Lo-ut Jesse Mobley S. Ci Stephens B. P. Stubbs II. G. Ross JoJiua Smith David Beasley Edward Gailick W. R. Bankston J. H. Finley Thomas Bullard John Long H. W. Cobb J" F. Guilmarfin Daniel Hicks ■1 Jaspef L- Keith John G.Johnson G. W. Newbern Thos. H. Moore A. Crhwford H. R. Harrison James J. Ray James M.Hall Luke Mann R. M. Brown. R. B. Dayies T. B. Andrews James Ratin id its- toM. ~90 83 107 176 145- 10a 171 201 170 40= 88 136 118 22 110 145 70 67 112 87 35 52 22 48 130 190 ig the times of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts for each County, the m Milledgeville ; also the Clerk of Superior Court, and the Ordinary and S Superior Courts. Inferior Courts. Court House. Sheriff. {Clerk Sup, Court Mar 14 Apr 18 Mar 21 Feb 21 Apr 11 Mar 28 May 2 Apr 11 Mar 28 Mar 14 Mar 14 Apr 11 Mar 21 Apr 11 Mar 14 Apr 25 Apr 18 Apr 25 Apr 28 Feb 28 Apr 25 June 6 Apr 18 Mar 7 May 2 Apr 18 Apr 25 Sep 12 Oct 17 Sep 19 Aug 15 Oct 10 Sep 26 Not 7 Nov 28 Sep 26 Sep 12 Sep 12 Oct 10 Sep 19 Oct 10 Sep 12 Oct 24 Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct 27 Aug 22 Oct 24 Nov 14 Oct 17 Sep 5 Nov 7 Dec 5 Oo* 24 Jan 17 Jan S Jan 17 Apr 18 Jan 10 Jan 24 Jan 10 Jan 10 Jan 17 June 13 June 13 Jan 10 Jan 24 Feb 7 June 13 Jan 10 Jan 24 Jan 24 Jan 24 Jan 10 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 24 June 6 Jan 24 Jan 10 Feb 7 July 18 July 4 June20 Oct 17 July 11 July 25 July 4 June 13 July 18 Dec 12 Dec 12 July 11 July 25 Aug 1 Dec 12 July 11 July 25 July 25 July 4 July 11 July 25 July 18 July 25 Dec 5 July 25 June 13 July 4 Elberton Swainsboro Fayetteville Rome Cumming Carnesville EUijay Brunswick Calhoun Greensboro Laurenceville Clarkesville Gainesville Sparta Hamilton Franklin M'Donough Perry Irwinsville Jefferson Monticello Louisville Clinton Dublin Starkville Riceboro Lincolnton Dozier Thornton Drury S. Moere Wm. Glass Thos. G. Watters William Fincher J. H. Chappellear Wm. E. Plemons John P. Lamb Jesse N. Miller Isaac Morrison J. S. McElvanny Jeremiah Taylor AmbroseKennedy Saml. A. Pardee Moses H. Hopkins Hiram McDonald Levi H. Turner Madison Marshall Levi M. Colbert W. S. Thompson S. W. McClendon Jesse T. Mullini John Bradley James M. Smith Green B. Mayo Jaeob Theiss J. W. Hamhck Wm. Johnson Ezekiel Clifton Wm. J. Russell Absalom B. Ross James Roberts John H. Payne Ransom B. Perry Alex. Scranton Wm. M. Peoples Vincent Sanford Madison L.Adair Philip Martin William Sitton Tuttle H. Audas N. H. Barden Wm. M. K. Watts Henry Stokes Wm. H. Miller Jacob Young Pittsfield Hintor, J. McMichael Divhl Elbert Hutchuigs Francis j t omas Samuel Lindsay Simon Fraser Alex. Johnson gNich. i ] j 1 its ntyv toM, 141 83 81 193 25 108 50 84 41 190 120 63 64 140 71 ei 24 156 130 93 130 160 165 3% ig the tim^s of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts for each County, the Place or Holding, >m Milledgeville ; alto the Clfrk or the SirFKion CoirT, and the Ofdinaky and Shfriff of each 1 | superior Couits. Dec 5 Oct 17 £'ep 26 Sep 5 Dec 1 Aug 22 Aug 15 Aug 22 Oct 10 Sep 5 Oct 3 Nov 14 Sep 19 Oct 17 Sep 5 Oct 4 Sep 13 Oct 17 Sep 19 Oct 6 Sep 12 June 27 Oct 24 Nov 21 Oct 17 Aug 8 Sep p Inferior Courts. Feb 7 June 20 Feb 7 Jan 10 Jan 17 May 16 Apr 25 June 13 Feb 7 June 6 Jan 17 leb 14 June 27 Jan 24 Feb 21 Jan 3 Apt 18 Jan 24 June 2Q Jan 3 Jan 1(1 Maf 10" J.n 10 Jap 17 Feb 7 May 9 June 20 Aug 1 Dec 19 Aug 1 July 11 June20 Nov 21 Oct 24 Dec 12 Aug 1 Dec 5 July 18 Aug 8' Dee 26 June 27 Aug 15 Jo'/ 1 Oct 17 July 4 Dee 19 July! 4 July 11 Sep 8 July 11 July 18 July 4 Nov 14 Dee 19 Court House. Trotipville Dahlonega Lanier Danielsvihe Darien T azewell Greenville Forsyth Mt. V ernon' Madison r-pr ng Place Columbus Covington Lexington \ an \\ ert Zebulon Hawkins 2 927,178 1,364,690 2,814 687 5.967,966 1,411,794 683,405 291,118 15 7t 6,682 Sciiven 524 16 3479,1.429 845 941.161 3,307 210,130 13,757 217,145 2.822,871 Spalding... 811 2G 7 2738,1 217.497 716,015 345,216 688,151 278,108 4,405 145,247 3,353 021 Stewart... 1C27 39 1 7761 3 866 728 2 345 930 91,841 1,370,636 100.885 375.909 8,314,238 Sumter.. .. 1244 29 2 4591,2 228 531 1,740 231 76,502 735,728 44,652 9,310 36»,lii6 4,978,314 Talbot. ..... 1 6»7&4T05«S TAX DIGEST OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA FOR 1852. Counties. Taliaferro. Tattnall : Taylor ... Telfair... Thomas.., Trsup.. Twiggs., Union...., No. of Polls. Walker. Walton Ware Warren..... Washington Wayne Whitfield... Wilkes Wilkinson.. Total. 335 432 324 752. 1277 523 1288 - 990 1202 366 894 1189 177. 1027 648 760 No.of| Pro- Free Per¬ sons of CI, 15 2 2 18 47 12 5 16 19 1 19 18 1 13 25 11 14 Jto. of Slaves. 28 il) 815 1097 5214 9190 4713 227 4632 4087 161 6883 6134 482 846 8I64 2903 Value of Slaves. 1,239,479 375,370 544,450 2.452,540 4 470,400 2,270 550 94 860 2,197,965 1,723,882 84.550 2,495,948 2,785,028 190,460 359,910 3,285,560 1,320.804 Aggregate va »e of Land, including im. porvements $ 550,627 371.220 485,507 1,273.948 2,282,873 1,100.546 ' 477,989 1,140,513 1,057,786 232,130 1.454 695 1,648,672 82.119 702,786 1.398 801 1 127,897 Value ©f Tewn Lots. $ 20,570 1 605 12,000 87,515 266,945 16,170 17,560 55,975 53 240 200 53,873 63,050 64,545 159,069 17,950 Money and solvent debts of all kinds. Value of Stock in Trade- $ 273,095 93,100 135,191 991,407 1,749,687 491,723 90,394 828,174 698,686 151,519 892.556 612.330 64,425 243,389 1,067,730 403.0141 Cut'l. Invest¬ ed in Stocks, Manufactures &c. 14,195 6,150 5,800 106,275 144,975 19,800 16,950 62,829 44,558 4,108 31,050 83,068 7,200 58,990 80,135 22,851 Value of o* ther proper* 4,697 1,300 10,000 7.000 3,356 180,915 98,636 9.950 2,500 7,780 17,000 8,500 fTTtsre 170,496 97,411 315,063 512,980 244,798 194,829 298,578 293,111 65,578 263,485 342,916 91,050 132,804 275,342 233 879 Aggregate value of whole Taxa> ble property. $2,229,910 958,920 1,282,272 901,445 5,489,708 9,471,619 3,588,323 960,903 4,261,946 8,113.980 3,9c6,186 652,801 5,38 i,594 5,530,635 457,198 1,481,750' 6,266,679* 3,322,930= REMARK.—The Digest for the counties of Camden, Cass, Chattooga, Dade, Gordon, Greene, Jefferson, Madison, Folk, end- on® or two others, is incomplete—full returns not having been received at the Executive Department at Milledgeville up to the 14th-. August; although by the statute Law, the Receivers of Tax Returns are required to make their returns by the 1st July. Wehavd in consequence omitted the totals, also the number of acres of 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th quality Land, respectively, the number of persons- liable to military duty, (as of little importance ;) also the value of household furniture, which last is, however, embraced in the last column, under the head of aggregate value of whole Taxable property. Th® Digest is as complete as the Returns on file iu the Executive Departmeut will permit at the date of the issue of the Almanac for 1853 6R.KNYilX&'l( ALMANAC. GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. $3,500 John H. Means, of Fairfield, Governor, Salary, Joshua J. Ward, of Georgetown, Lieutenant-Governor. B. Perry, of Colleton, Secretary of State, Fees. J. B. McCully, of Chester, Comptroller-General, 2,000 Wm. Laval. of Charleston, Treasurer, Lower Division, 2,000 R. C. Griffin, of Columbia, do. Upper Division, 1,600 William F. Erwin, of Chester, Surveyor-General, Fees. Isaac W. Hayne, of Charleston, Attorney-General, $1,100 and Fees. John Gibbes, . Supt. of Public Works, 1,500 R. F. W. Alston, of Georgetown, President of the Senate. W. E. Martin, of Charleston, Clerk of the Senate. J. S. Simmons, of Charleston, Speaker of the House, Tho's. W. Glover, of Orangeburg, Clerk of the House, 1,000 A TA8LB shewing tha POPULATION OF BACH DISTRICT in So, Ca., according to the Census of 1850 ; also the COURT HOUSE of the District, and its DISTANCE Rom the Seat ot Government. Districts. Abbe-yi^e Anderson Barnwell Beaufort.. •......... Charleston......... Chester..... i....... Chesterfield.-. Colleton Darlington.......... Edgefield Faii-field Georgetown Greenville Horry Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lexington Marios Marlborough Newberry Orangeburg Pickens. Richland (Spartanburg Burnter Union Williamsburg York Total. Free. 12,972 13,901 19,600 6,528 29,069 8,156 6,896 7.178 6,789 16,531 7.104 2,392 13,495 5,824 4,896 5,974 11,453 7.373 9,888 5,189 7,455 8,199 13,228 7,205 18,358 10.155 9,459 3,939 11.351 283,7.'?? Slaves. Total. Name of C. H. Dist. 19.176 7,514 14,008 32,323 54,801 01.087 3,894 81,332 10,011 22,648 14,250 17,875 6,752 2082 9,578 5,014 11,953 5,557 7,520 5,000 12.088 15,425 3,079 12,978 8,038 23,065 10,442 8,393 8,008 384,720 32,148 21,475 26,008 38,851 83,873 18,243; 10,790 28.510 16,830 39,179 21,410 20,267 20.247 7,906 14,474 10,988 23,4110 12,930 17,408 10,789 23,143 23,624 16,356 20,243 26,390 33.220 19.901 12.332 19,359 594,389 Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Charleston, Chester, Chesterfieid, Walterborough, Darlington, Edgefield, Monticello, Georgetown, Greenville, Conwayboro, Camden, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, Marion, Rennets ville, Newberry, Orangeburg, Pickens, Columbia, Spartanburg, Sumterville, UniOnville, Kingstree, YorkviJle, 97 127 100 146 124 57 105 99 129 50 31 152 107 190 33 72 70 12 146 107 40 44- 144 63 70 ICS 79 JUDICIARY. Judges of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. J. N. Whitner, Josiah J. Evans, J. B. O'Neall, D. L. Wardlaw, Edward Frost, T J. Withers, J. S. D. Richardson, Alexander Herbeniont, of Anderson, of Society Hill, of Newberry, of Abbeville, of Charleston, of Camden, of Sumpter, Clerk of Court of Appeals 1850, $3,000 1829, 3,000 1835, 3,000 1841, 3,000 1844, 3,000 1847, 3,000 1850, 3,000 £ 2 0ISTRCTS. I COM.& REGISTERS. TIMES OF IIOLDT1VG COURTS OF EQUITY oharles ) !as,„! ul'!«?r, A.a ter . . < J. W. Grav, ( ommisaioner ton f T. Gantt Keeis'er. Orangeburg V. D. V. Jamison Barnwell Johnson rlagood Colleton D. P. Williams Beaufort R, J. Davant Chesterfield Jas. C. Craig Marlboro' E. P. Irvine Darlington Tbos. C. Evans Marion C. D. Evans Horry James Beaty Georgetown S. T. Atkinson Williamsburg E. J. Porter £ % Sumter % ^Kershaw Richland Lexington rfewberry Edgefield- Abbeville Anderson Pickens Greenville Laurens W. Haynesworth W H Workman R. C Pearson H. A. Meetze Lambert J. Jones Arfht r Simpkins A. II. Jones A. O. Norris Miles M. Norton S. A. Townes R. R. Campbell Spartanburg T. O. P. Vernon Union York Lancaster Chester Fairfield D. Gondeloek J. L. Miller J. H. Withorspoon James Hemphill W.R. Robertson b S at Charleston, on the 1st Monday in February, to sit six weeks, and on'the 2d Monday in June to sit four weeks, at Orangeburg, on the 1st Mouday in Feb. to sit one week, at Barnwell, on the 2d do do do do at Walterboro, on the 3d do do do do at Gillisonville, on the 4th do do do do f at Chesterfield, on 1st Tues. aft. 1st Mon. in Feb. to sit 2 days at Marlboro on the Fr day aft. 1st Monday in Feb, to sit 2 days, at Darlington, on the 2d Monday in February, to sit three days, at Marion, on Friday after 2d Monday in Feb. to sit four days, at Conwaybio, for Horry, on Thurs. af. 3d M. in Feb. to sit 3 days, at Georgetown, for Georgetow on 4th Mon. in Feb. to sit 3 ds. at Williamsburg on the Fri. after 4th Mon. in Feb. may sit 3 ds. f at Sumter, on the first Monday in June, may sit 6 days, at Camden, on the 2d Monday in June, at Columbia, on the 3d do do at Lexington, on the 4th do do at Newberry, on the 1st Monday after 4th Monday in June, at Edgefield, on the 1st Monday in June, at Abbeville, on the 2d do do at Anderson, on the 3d do do at Pickens, on the Thiusday after tho 3d Monday in June, at Greenville, on the 4th Monday in June, at Laurens, on the Thursday after the 4th Monday in June, at Spartanburg, on the 1st Monday in June, at Union, on the 2d do do at York on the 3d do do at Lancaster on the 4th do do at Chester, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in June, at Winnsboro on the 2d do do do do do DAYS. 7th Feb, 13ih Jur 7th F«d. 14th Feb. 21st 28th 8th 11th 14th 18 th 24th 28th 1th March 6th Juno 13th 2t)ih th 4th July Gth June 13th 20th 23d 27th 30th June' Gth 13 th 2'ith 27th 4th July 11th « O o Q fcZ'i £ c-pj O z m ; £ ^ z to ■a hTj Oj • 5* C 3 o * Q > a" ^ 3 O £L fc3 S-* £ * w "* 3 o »=a m o el H ts O > o > c Times of Holding Courts of Sessions anb Common Pleas, for each Circuit. Spring Term commences on Days of City month. Circuit. Southern, Western. Northern. Middle Eastern. 1st Monday in March, 2d do do 3d do do 4th do do 1st Mon after 4th Mon in Mar 2d do do do 3d do do do Fall Term commences on 1st Monday in October, 2d do do do 3d do do do 4th do do do 1st Mon after 4th Mon in Oct. 2d do do do 3d do do do Mar 7th 14th Charleston 21st 28th r 4th Apr 11th 18 th Oct 3d ioth 17th 24tb Oct. 31st Nov. 7th 14th to sit six weeks Edgefield, Barnwell, Gillisonville for Beaufort Walterboro for Colleton Orangnburg Edgefield, Barnwell, Charleston to sit four Gillisonville for Beaufort, weeks Walterboro for Colleton . . . (Orangeburg, Spartanburg, Laurens, Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg. Laurens, Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Union, Fairfield, Chester, York, Lancaster, Union, Fairfield, Chester, York, Lancaster, Richland, Newberry Lexington. Kershaw, Sumter, Richland, Newberry, Lexington, Kershaw, Sumter, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Conwaybo-o for Georgetown, Williamsburgh, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Conwayboro for Georgetown, Williamsburgh, Bony, Hony, Associate Judges in the Courts of Law JOSIAH J. EVANS, J. B. O'NE VLL, 1>. L. WARDLAW, EDWARD FROfeT, T. J. WITHERS, J. N. WHITNER, Attorney General. Solicitors. To attend the Eastern Circuit.— W* J. H ANNA. Western do.—J. P. BE1L). Middle do.—SIMEON PAIR. Notthern do.—T. N. DAW7KINS, Southern do.—M. L. BONHAM, I. W. HAYNE, to attend the City Circuit. £ The Court of Appeals in Law atd Equity, to be held in Char, eston on the 2d Monday in January, to try cases for the Districts of Georgetown, Horry, Beaufort, Colleton, and Charleston. 23s*" The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity, to be held at Columbia, on the 1st Monday in May, and 4th Monday in November. The Judges have power to order adjourned or extra sessions in Columbia or Charleston,. A Court for CORRECTION OF ERRORS, consisting of all the Chanoellore and Judges of the Courts of Law, shall be held at such time, during the sittings of the Courts of Appeal, as Judges may appoint. Return Hay. 1 iileen days before the sitting of each Court. City Court of Charleston. Held 1st Monday in February, do do May, do do July, 2d do October, 2th ) Hon. William Rice, Recorder.. 3d 5th 10th f 3y Return Day, ten days be lore ) each Court is held 32 gricnville's almanac. GOVERNMENT OF ALABAMA. Salary. Henry W. Collier, of Tuscaloosa, Governor, (term of office ex¬ pires on the 1st Monday in December, 1853,) $'2,500 William Garrett, Secretary of State, Fees and 1,200 Joel Riggs, Comptroller of Public Accounts, 2,000 William Graham, State Treasurer, 1,200 Marion A. Baldwin, Attorney-General, Fees and 42» James G. Carroll, Adj. and Inspector-General, 200 Carter R. Harrison, of Tuscaloosa, Quartermaster-General, 200 Michael Toumey, of Tuscaloosa, State Geologist, The Senate consists of 33 members, elected for four years, one half of them going out every two years. The House of Representatives consists of 100 members, elected for two years. The Legislature meets biennially in the city of Montgomery, on the second Monday of November. The fourth biennial session will be held in 1853. The pay of the members of both Houses is $4 a day each. The public records, archives, and offices were removed from Tuscaloosa to Montgomery, in November, 1847. The new State Capitol was destroyed by fire in December, 1849. Aasther, erected on the same site, was completed November 1st, 1851. Judiciary. Supreme Court. Salary. Edward S. Dargan, of Mobile, Chief-Justice, $2,250 William P. Chilton, of Tuskegee, Associate-Justice, 2,250 Daniel Coleman, of Athens, do. 2,250 N. W. Cocke of Tuskegee, Reporter Feesi Marion A. Baldwin of Montgomery, Attorney General, Fees and 425 George C. Ball, of Montgomery. Cleric, Fees The judges of the Supreme Court, and the chancellors, are elected by a joint vote of the two houses of tho General Assembly, for six years. The Supreme Court'has appellate jurisdiction only, and holds its sessions at the seat of government, on the first Monday of January aud June of each year, for hearing and determining points of law taken by appeal or writ of error from theChnacery, Circuit, and Probate Courts. The volumes of reported decisions are thirty-seven in number. Court of Chancery. Salary. Jos. W, Lesesne, of Mobile, Chancellor of the Southern Div'n, $ 1,500 Wiley W. Mason, of Auburn, do. do. Middle do. 1,500 David G. Ligon, of Moulton, do. do. Northern do. 1,500 The State is divided into three chancery divisions and thirty-seven dis¬ tricts, in each of which one session of the court is held annually, except in some of the larger districts, where two sessions are held. CUKXT.1JLBV AI.MANA#. 33 Circuit Courts. Judges. John D. Phelan, Ezekiel Pickens, Geo. D. Shortridge, LeroyP. Walker, Residence. Marion, Salem, Montevallo, Florence, Thomas A. Walker, Jacksonville, Lyman Gibbons, William R. Smith, George Goldthwajt, Robert Dougherty. Circuit. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, Salary. $1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Attorneys. William E. Clarke. James A. Stallworth, William S. Mudd. John S. Kennedy. W. O. Winston. Wm. H. Piatt. Daniel Goggin, Marion A. Baldwin. Johnson J. Hooper. Mobile, Fayette C. H. 7th, Montgomery, 8th, Tuskegee, 9th, This court has original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal causes in the State. Two sessions (spring and fall) are held each year in every county. The Solicitors, besides fees, receive a salary of two hundred and fifty Jdollars, except in the first circuit, where the salary i3 three hundred and fifty dollars. The Attorney-General acts as Solicitor for the eighth eircuit. , In Mobile county the criminal jurisdiction has been transferred to a special City Court for Mobile. Salary. Alexander McKinstry, of Mobile, Judge $2,000 This eourt holds three terms each year, on the first Mondays of February, June, and December, and has concurrent jurisdiction with the Cireuit Courts except in real actions. k Judges of Probate, (who are also Clerks of the court and Registers oj Deeds for their respective counties). Counties. Judges. Autauga.—Henly Brown, Counties. Judges. Counties. Judges. De Kalb—Reuban Estes, Monroe—Charles II. Foster, Fayette—John C. Moore, Montgomery—H. N. Watson Franklin—James H. Trimble, Morgan—Thomas Price, Green—James R. Evans, Perry—James F. Bailey. Henry—Hastings C. Owens, Piekens—Tristr. S. Thomas, Jackson—John C. Dixon, Pike—Bird Fitzpatrick, Jefferson—Irab Baily, Randolph—Joseph Burton, Lawrence—Hen. H. McGhee, Russell—Thomas S. Tate, Lowdnes—Edward II. Cook, Shelby—J. M. MeClanahan, Lauderdale—W T. Hawkins, St. Clair—Irby Wooiley, Cherokee—Wm E. McDaniei, Limestone—'Thomas G. Tyus, Sumter—Benj. J. H. Gaines, Coffee—James Claxton, Macon—Lewis Alexander, Talladega Alex. J. Cotton, Madison—John W. Otey, Tallapoosa—Marcus C. Lane,. Marion—John D. Terrell, Tuscaloosa—Moses MoGuire, Marengo—James A. Young, Walker—John Irwin, Marshall—Monjg. Gilbreath, Washington—T. S. Parker, Mobile—Edwin Rust, Wilcox—John A. Jaekson. In consequence of an amendment of the constitution of the State, ratified in January, 1850 the preceding list of Judges of the Circuit Courts, Judge of the City Couri of Mobile, and Judges of Probate were all elected by the people on the first Monday of May, 1850, and for a terifl of sjx years. Baldwin—Patiick Bryan, Barbour—Wm. K. Cowen, Benton—Alexander Woods, Blount—John C. Gellispie, Bibb—John W. Bottle, Butler—Samuel J. Boiling, Chambers—Samuel Pearson. Clarke—Henley W. Coate, Choctaw—Carter N. Wilcox, Conecuh—A. D. Carey, Coosa—J. W. Buttle. Covington—Wm. T. Aoree, Dale—Abel Echols, Dallas—Thomas G. Rainer, BRENTSLLE B AI,MiNA». GOVERNMENT OF TENNESSEE. Palary $2,001) W. B. Campbell, of Carthage, Governor, VV. B. A. Rain3ey, of Nashville, Sec. of St. §• Int. Imp. ConCr, 800 &/ Anthony Dibrell, u Treasurer-,. 1,500 Arthur R. Crozier, " Comptroller of Treasury, 2,000 West H. Humphreys, Attorney-General oo-a, Villa Rica, •- ? ' Cass. AdairsviUe, Allaioona, "Cartersviile, Cassville. I old Run, Fade's Furnace, Etowah. Euhorley, Free Budge, Kings¬ ton. t iitle Fraiiie. Fine Log, Safiquoy ' Stilesboro'. . Chatham. ' Savannah: 1 Chadooga. Alpine,. JBeachland, Chattooga* i ville, Dirt Town, Melville., Spbligna, Mount Hickory. Snmmerville, Tnyn i ac- lory, Telo'ga Springs, 1 Cherokee.- Bail Ground, Hoard tree, Canton, Freemansvilie, Gollsvills Harnageville. Hickory Flat, Kossuth, Orange, Troy, Woodstock. Clarke.- Atheus, Farmiugton, .Salem, V/at> kinsville. J, Cobb. Aoworth, Boltonvjlle, Lebanon, Lost Mountain, Marietta. Mill Grove, i'bw- dei Springs, Eediand. Roswell. Stony Ft. Columbia. Appling, Berzeiiaj Darby's, Eu bunks, Lotnbardy. Raysville, Republican, Thompson, White Oak, Wtightsboro', Wiiifie'd. - ' ■ _ Coweta. HarraLson, Kidron, Location^ Lodi Newnan, Pa!metTo, Paris. Rio, Saluda, Willow Grove. Crawford. "'Frauciaville, Hammock Grove, Hickory Grove, Hopewell. IWito* vilie. ■Dude. Trenton, Wauhatohee Rising Fawp. Decatur. .ttrapulgus, Bainbridge, Cairo Olive -tito'-e. • DeKa:b. Alienta, Cross Keys, Decatur, Lythoma, Panihersville, Stout- Moum-am, East Point ITtoy. Dooly. Drayton. Gum Creek, HolhdMsville. Millwood, l'rav. R-st Vienna, Vv arwic.t. E*r'y. Btak-jly, Fort Gaines Pac'uMa. Effingham. Egypt, Pleasant urove, Reloim, B'btrt!mAma«daville, AnthonyShoals, Broad "' River, Cold Water, Cook s Law Othce, Craftsville Eagle Grove. Elbeiton, Hsr' mony, Montevideo, Petersburg!!, RuckT ersvilie. Emanuel. Swainsborongh. Canooche. Fayette. Faiburn. Fayettevilie, neit Oak, Glenn Grove', Jonesborough, Rough and Ready, White Water; Folk. Floyd. Armuchee, Ca'ii'orniac Cave Spring, Coosa. Everett's Spiing, Hermitage,,, ohn- sow. Missionary Station, Rome, Vann's Valley, Waleska. Forsyth. Ashland. Big Creek, Cool Mountain, Gumming, Hartford, High Tower. Shel>. tonville, Vickery's Creek, Warsaw. Frankiin Aquiila, Bowersville, Hushville, „ Gainesville, Fair View Franklin sprinrs, Grove Level Heiilv'sstore King's rseu.-h Hudson Middle River. Mosely s Store, Parker's Sto.e. Walnut 11.11, Gilmer. Blue Ridge, Carticay Ellejay. Hot House. Marbtehead Prince. Edward, Tacoah, 1 Fail's Creek. Talking Rock, White Path. Glynn, Bethel,. Brunswick, ■ Fancy Bluff, Frederioa. r Gordon.- hair Mount,r Callioui. Greene. Cracker's Neck. Greensboro. Mer. relt, fenneld, Public -quart Scull Shoals,' Union Point, White Plains, Woodville. Gwinnette. Auburn, Berkshire. Cain's,Ches¬ ter', ' Chinkapin < ■ rove. Lawrenoeville, Orrisvrfl■•, Piuefcney vilie, Rock Bridge, tin wane,- Swpet Water. Yellow River. Habersham., Allandale. Batesville, Dawson, Blue Creek. Clarkesville, Hollingsworth, Leo Loudsiilie, Mount 'Yonali. Toocoa Falls Nacoochee, Walton's Ford, Hall. ■ Argo. Ohesnut Hill. Gil'sville, Glade Mines Gaine-vdle, Gailey'* Mill, Hog Mountain, Poplar Springs, Sugar Hill War Hill. Hancock. Devereaux's Store, Long's Bridge, Mount Zion. Poweltou, Shoals of Oge- chee, Rock dills. Sparta. Harris. Cataula, Cochran's Cross Roads, El- lerslie, Hamilton, King's Gap, Mulberry Grove, Piedmont,Wayerley Hall, Whites vilie. Heafd Corinth, Enon Grove, Franklin, Mc. Bride's Miils, XloustoD. Henry, tlersheba, Double Cabins, McPom ough Flat Rock, Locust Grove, Sandy Ridge. Pittsburgh, -pring. Stock Bridge, Tucker's Cabin While House. Houston, liuteiuan's S.o e, Busbayville.Fort Valley. Havnevibo. Hende son, Minerva, i'erry. Weilborn's Mil1-. Wiinn 'rwin Adams Edenficld F'atberg, intown, 'louse Ci-pf-k Jr wins Wile. I'ennsbcrough. lackson Hs-ber's Uruek. liaurobei. Fainieis R. Dechaai -s' >iill. Harmony Grove In¬ dian Creek .left'erson. Marcus, May;,vilie, Mulberrv, Pond Fork. Jasper. Hillsborough, "iVIechaniosville, Mon* tieello, Palo Alto, Shady Dale. Jefteraon- 'Bonny Doon, Fenn's Bridge, Low 26 anENVILLE's ALMA.NA Turnout, Spread Oak, Sylvan Grove. Jones. Clinton, Etheridge, GriswoLdville, Tranquilla, Wallaee. Laurens. Buck Eye, Dublin, Laurens Hill. Lee. Chenuba, Chickasawhatchie, Palmyra, glade, Starkeville, Sumterville. Liberty Hinesville, Jones' Creek, Ricebor- ough, Taylor's Creek, Waltliourville. Lincoln. Double Branches, Goshen, Lin. colnton. Lowndes. Alapaba, Clyattsville', Flat Creek Griffin's Mills, Mineral Spring Okapilco, Pisoola, Sharp's Store,Troupville, Talloka Lumpkin. Amioalola, Auraria, Barrettsville, Calhoun, Cavender's Creek, Crossville Dablonega. New Bridge, Pleasant Re1 treat. Yellow Creek. Macon. Fredonia, Grangersville, Hamburg, Horse Head, Lanier, Marshall*, viUe Oglethorpe. Madison. Brookline, "Danielsville, Madison Springs Planter's Stand, Taylorsville. Mcintosh. Darien, South Newport, Fort Bar, rington Ferry. Marion. Buena Visth, Glenalta, Pineville, Poindexter, Searsville, Tazewell. Meriwether. Erin, Farmer's, Flat Shoals, Gold Hill, Greenville, Jones' Mills, Oak rwi^rHeVodtown, Pum.kintovvn Richmond. Augusta, Belair, MeBean, Richmond Factory. Bcriven. Armenia, Black Creek, Buck Creek Halcyondale, Jacksonboro', Mill Haven, Mobley Pond, Ogeecheee, Scarborough, Sylvania. Stewart. Centre Hill. Florence, Green Hill, Hannahatchee, Hard Menev He'ly Grave Lannahassee, Lnmpkin, Richland, Bej- eneeville. Sumter. Americus, Danville, Friendship, Plains of Dura, Pondtown, Providence. Talbot. Belleview, BluffSpring, Carsonville, Centre, Daviston, Monnt Pleasant. Pine Hill. Pleasant Hill, Prattsburgh, Q-uito, Talbotton, TaliafeTro. CrawfordsviHe, Ray town. Tatnall. Perry's Mills, Reidsville, Surrenays. Telfair. Copeland, Faronia, Jacksonville, Me Rae's Store Lumber City, Ocmulgepville, Sugar Creek, Temperance. Thomas. Boston, Duncanville, Grooverville, Ocklockney, Station, Thomasville, Troup. Antioch, Asburv, Cane Point, Hogaq ville, La Grange, Long Cane, Monntvtlie, O'Neal's Mills, Tronp Factory, Vernon, West Point. Ridge, Loweville, Luthersvihe, Rocky'Twiggs. Jeffersonville, Marion, Tarversville, Mount Warm Springs, White Sulphur Springs, Woodbury. Monrqe, Culioden, Colaparchee, Rusrellviile Forsyth, Johnstonville, New Market. Unionville Montgomery. Vernon. Mprgan. Buck Head, Donble Shoals, Ebv nezer, Fairplay, High Shoals, Madison, Wellington. Murray. ChaseviTle, Cohuttah Sjirings, Coo> sawattee, Dalton, Fancy Hill,Holly Creek, Pleasant Valley, Red Clay, Red Hill, Resaca, Spring Place, ^ugar Valley, Tiltoq, Tunnel Hill, Woquiawn. Muscogee. Bald Hill, Columbus, Halleca, Jamestown, Roland Steam Factoiy, Upa' toie. Newton, Brick Store, Conyers, Covington. Leaksville, Middle Ridge, Newton Facto* ry, Newborn, Oak Hill, Oxford, Rocky Plains, Sheffield, Snapping Shoals, Stars, ville. Oglethorpe. Bairdstown, Bowling Green, Goose Pond, Lexington, Maxey, Mills¬ tone, Philomath, Point Peler, State Rights Paulding. Cedartown, Esom Hill, Hunts- ville, New Babylon, Marysville, Pump¬ kin Pile. Pumpkin Vine, Van Wert YTeIlow Stone. Pike. Barnesville, Griffin, Liberty Hill, Milner, Milbridge. Zebulon, Pu'aski. Hawkinsville, Longstreet. Putnam. Clopton's Mills, Eatonton, Glades Cross Roads, Hearnville, Rookville,Stan¬ ford ville. Rabun. Clayton, Tiger. Randolph. Brooksvilte, Cotton Hijl, Lowell, 110101?. Blnirsville, Brasstown, Gaddistowrt, Ivy Log,Monnt Eolia, Polk, Shady Grove, Skncmah, Wellscott, Young Cane. Upson. Delray, Double Bridges, Hootens- ville, Thomaston, Waymanville. Boxville, Colquitt, Mount Walker. Anderson, Chesnut Plat, Ootoosa, Duck Creek, Flick's Gap, Lafayette, Gordon's Springs, Opelika, Pea Vine, Pond Spring, Ringgold, Rock Spring, Rossville, Snow Hill, Wood's Station, Villa now, Walton. Buncombe, Cutt Off, Good Hope, Monroe, Social Cirele, Walnut Grove, Windsor. Ware. Saint Ilia, Stricklends, Waresboro'. Warren. Camak, Double VVells, Mayfield, Warrenton. Washington. Curry's Mills, Davisboro'. He¬ bron, Irwin's Cross Roads, Oconee, San¬ ders ville, Tennille, Warthen's Store, Wayne. Penlnrvis' Store, Waynesville. Wi tea Aonia, Centreville, Danburgh, Hut- ton's Fork, Mallorysville, Pistol Creek Rehoboth, Washington. Wilkinfon. Cool Soring, EmmiT. GoTdon, Irwmton, McDonald, Milton, Stephens- ville, Toombsboro'. TENNESSEE. Counties. Post Offices, Anderson. Clinton, T oy's Crossroads, Olivers llobertsville, Ross, Wallace's Crossroads, Wilson's. Bedford. Fairfiell, Flat Creek, Richmond, Rich Valley, Rover, Rowewille, f-'helby- ville, Sinking Creek, Unionville, Wartraoe Benton, Camden, Chapultepec, ChasevMli • renville1! Bugle Creek, Morgan's Creek, Sewanee, Will's Point. Bledsoe. Crossville. Fillmore* Foster's Cross Foods, Grassy Cove, Mount Airy, Nine Mile. ©rme's Store, Pikeville, Roberson's O'ost Foads. Blount. Cade's Cove, Chilhowee, Clover Kill, Cioyd's Creek, EUejoy, Friendsville, Little River, Louisville, Marysville, Mor gantown, Plum Grove, Tuoka'eechee Cove, Unitia. Bradley. Charleston, Chataty, Cleaveland, Flint Springs, IBtoney Point. Campbell. Bnlia'o Creek, Fineastle, Grants borough. Jaeksboro, Lost Creek, Pouch Creek, Straight Fork. C'anson. Auburn, Bradyville, Mechanicsville, VVoodbu'y. Carroll. Buena Vista, Christmas ville, Hecla Hico, Huntingdon, Macedonia, MeLe. moresville, Mai tin's Creek, Roan's creek, Sandy Bridge, South Cairob, Standard" ville, Terrysville. Carter. Dugger's Ferry, Elizabethtown. Happy Valley, Roan Mountain. Claiborn. Big Barren, Cumberland Gap. Head of F-arren, Oldtoivn, Speedwell, Sycamore, Tazewell, Yellow Springs. Cooke. Newport, Parroltsvi'ls, Wilsonville. Coifee. Beech Grove, Hickory creek, Hills- borongh, Manchester, David-on. Chesnut Grove, Elm Hi'J, Frank¬ lin College, Gulistan, Julia Lean, Mans- ker's creek, Mount View, Nashville. Ridge Port, South IIarpeth, South Nash ville, Stewart's Ferry, Sycamore Mills. Pecatur. Path Springs, Deeaturvii'e, Hermi¬ tage, Perrysvtlle. * De Kaib. Alexandria, Liberty, Republican Grove Sljgo, Smithville, Temperance Hall. Dickson. Barton's creek, Bellsbiirgh, Char¬ lotte, Danielsville, Rossland, Williams, ville. Dyor. Chesnnt Bluff, Dyersburg, Friendship Grove Mount. Friyefie. Belmont, Colleton, Concordia, Fbe- nezer, Egypt, Fayette corner. Hickory Withe, Ispahan, La Grange. Lame! Creek, Macon, Mount Comfort, Moscow, Nonconner, Oakland, Sandy Spring, Sommervi'le, White Hall, Wolf River. Fentress. Boiling Spiing, Coopersvi'de, Hales Mills, Jamestown, Pal! Mall. Franklin. Alisoma, Crow creek. E;k River, Hawkervillo, Marble Hill, Sa'em, Tuba- hoina, Tunnel, VVinchester, Winchester Springs. Gibson. Antioch, Bluff Springs, Chester, Eaton, Gibson's Wells, Henings, Hope Ilill, Pond H.ll Poplar Grove, Guiney, Shady Grove, Shiloh, South Gibson, Trenton, Waterford, Yorkville. Giles. Bethel, Podenham, Bradshaw, Bun¬ ker's Ilill, Catnpbellsville Cornersvi lc. Elk Ridge, Elkton, Lamartine, Lynnville Mid Bridge, Prospect, Pulaski, Fu-Mand, Shoal Spring. Vaie Mills, White Hill. Singer. Austin's Ferry. Bean s Stalion.J plain's Cip's Roads, Bull Run, Cedar a almanac, 37 Ford, Clear Spring, Baynes, Marshall's Ferry, Morristown, Powder Spring Gap, Red Hill, Redwood, Rocky Spring, Snt. ledge, Spiing House, Tampico, Thorn Hill. Greene. Bay Mount, Camp creek, Caney Branch, Carter's Station, Cedar creek, Clear creek, Oraysburgh, Greenville, Gus- tavus, Henderson's Mill, Horse creek, Laurel Hill, Limestone Springs, Little Chucky, Newrnansville. Rheatown, Ro* meo, Timber Ridge. Warrensburg. Grundy. Altamont, Chesterfield, Cumber¬ land, Pelham. Hamilton. Chattanooga, Chickamoga, Cozby, Harrison, Julian Gap, Limestone, Loddy, Long Savannah, Merry Oaks, Sail creek. Snow Hill, West View, ZionHill. Hancock. Allen's Station, Copper Ridge, Mulberry Gap, Sneedsvihe, Trent's Cha¬ pel. Hardeman. Audubon, Black Oak Grove, Bo¬ livar, Cloverport, Crainsville, Matamora, Midd'ebnrgh, Moore's Cross Roads, New¬ castle, Nubbin Ridge, Van Bursn, White- ville, William's Store. Hard jn. Coffee Landing, Hamburg, Lowry ' ville, Red Sulphur Springs, Saltillo, Sa¬ vannah , Smith's Fork. Hawkins. Lee Valley, Lyon's Store, Marb'e Hail, Mill Bend, Mooresbnrgh, Nevy Can-on, Bogersville, Saint Clair, Van Hill, War Gap, Yellow Store. Haywood. Brownsville, Cageville, Carolina, Cherryvilie, Copan, Pancyville; Lane- field, Rusk, Wesley, Woodvi'le. Henderson. Hurricane creek, Jack's creek, Juno, Lexington, Middle Fork, Ittifflin, Nero, Pleasant, Exchange, Red Mount, Scott's Hill, Shady Hill, Tippecanoe. Henry. Albany, Barren Hill, Caledonia, Cheap Valley, Como, Conyersville, Ell Grove, Manlyvibe, Mansfield, Mount Holyoke, Mouth of Sandy, Taris, Sandy Hill. Hickman Beaver Dam Springs, Bon Aqua, Centerville, Duck Biver, Lick creek, Pa¬ lestine, Pleasantviile, Totty's Bond , Ver- ! r-on. , Humphreys. Waverly, White Oak. , Jackson. Bennett's Ferry, Buck Point, But- Jer's Landing, Celina, Clementsville, Double Springs, Flynn's Lick Fort Blount., Gainesboro, Granville, Hamilton Landing, Highland, Kossuth, Lodi, May, field, Meigsville, Pekin, North Spring, White Plains, Whitleyville Jefferson. Chucky Bend, Pandridge., I.earL vale, Mill Spring, Mossy creek, New Market, Oak Grove, Panther Springs, Russellville, Spiing Vale, Snoddyviile, Strawberry Plains, Trion, Tuckahoe. Johnson. Pandora, Shady, Taylorsville. ■ Knox. Arademia, Beaver Ridge, Campbells Station, Church Grove, Flint Gap, Gap creek, Knoxvii'e, Mecklen,burgh, Rao- coon Valley, Woodbourne. Lauderdale. Cane Bottom, Cottage Hill,Pry Hill, Durhamville, Fnlton, Ripley, Wal¬ nut Post. 88 ®UKSV(LLS!8 almanac. Lawrence Co. Cass, Henry, Law-j 1 renceburgh, North Bend, Paio Ai ""to, Siicarcreek, Wayland's springs, ' We;-t Fo nt. ' ' . Lewis. Hampshire, Newbnrgh.'' Lincoln. Boon's Hill Camargc, Cane creek. Chesnut Ridge,' Cyruston, Fayetteville, Gas factory, Georges More, - Gill's Store," Kinderhook, Lynchburg, Millviile. Moliuo, Mul- - berry, Norris's Creek, Oregon Pe- tersburgh, Pleasant Plains, Prospect - Hill, Robinson's Store Viuey Grove. McM.nn. Athens, Calhoun, Cant. rell's X Roads, Coghill, Facility, Hamilton X Roads jalapa, Man¬ tua, Oxford. McNa.ry. Adamsville, Anderson's More, Huggitfs creek, Jones' Mil's Monterey," Montezuma, Morse creek, Mud. creek, Purdy, Rose- creek, Stantonvilie, Tatesville. Macon. Alton Hill, Brook's Tan yard La Fayette, Meadorv.lle, Red Boil- - i.ng Springs. . Madison. - Andrew hapel, ("otton Grove, Lfenmark, Jackson, Masons G«?ve, Medon Mount Pjnsoa. Oak- ville, Poplar Corner, >pring creek. Marion. Battle'creek, Cheeksvile, Coop's creek, JJadsville, Fairview, Jasperr, Looney's'creek, "-equatehe, Walden's Ridge, Walnut Valley. Marshall. Belfast, Berlin, Cauey Spring, Catalpa Grove, Chapel H.ll. Coch'ansvilie, Farmington, Lewis burgh, Mooresville, New Hope, Spring Place. Maury. Ashwood, Bigbyville, Co lumbla, Hope Hill, Hints' X Roads Horn's Store, Kinnard's -tore. Mr. Pleasant, Pieasant Grove, Poplar Ridge, Rally Hill, Rich Hill, >anta Fe Sereamersville, .-liver Creek Springhiil, Willinmsport. Meigs. Decatur, Go idfield, Kelly': Ferry, Kincannon's Furry, Mouth of Hcwassee, Pine Land, Sowee. \ Ten Mile -land. Monroe. ^Ball Play, Citico. Coker .Creek, Four Mie Branch, Madison -yviile, Midway, Mount Vernon, Phi fyidelphia, Rockville, Sweetwater, Tellico Plains, Towee Falls. Montgomery. Asbury Blooming Grove, Clarksville, Daleys Fredo- nia," Henrietta, Johnson a, Kiltie Grove, Mo Abater's X Roads. Meri- ville. New Providence," New York, ' Ouecho, Palmyra, Pea Ridge, Port " Royal, Richardson's, Ringgold, -ai- lor's Rest, Tennessee Iron Works, Whsatley's .Mills, Yellow Creek Furnace. " - Morgan. Crooked Fork, Long View, _ Morgan. Obion.. Kulah, Fremont, Keel foot, ilver Top, Totten's Wells, Troy, Overton. Fox -pring, Hillliam, Liv¬ ingston, Locust -hade, Monroe, Netberland, Nettle Carier, Oakhill, Oakley, Olympus, SycamoreGrove, Walnut Grove, West Fork. Perry. Buardstown. Botanic Garde n Buffalo, Linden, Woods. Polk. Benton, Cauasauga, Colum¬ bus, Culchote, Greasy Creek, Oeoa, Red Spring, Springtown, Sylco. Rhea. Eagle Furnace, Smith's Cross Roads, Milp'r Springs, Washington. Roane. Barnardsville, Belleville, Blair's Ferry, Cross Keys, Eagle Furnace, Emory Iron Works, Erie, Kiugston, Lenours, Postoaksprings, Seven Islands, Wood'sHill, Wrights ville. * . - j Robertson. Bainbridge, Barren Plain, Fiser's X Roads, Labanus, Mitchels - ville, Malloy's, Red River, Rosehill, Springfield, Thomasville, Turners- ville. Rutherford. ' Carlockville, Cherry Flat, Fosterville, Hail's Hill, Jefler ' son, Jordan's Valley, Las Casas, Millersburg, Milton, Murfreesboro, Readyville, Stewartsboro', Vaughn Valley, Versailles. -molt. Huntsvillo. *- •-evier. Boyd's Creek, Fair Garden, Henry's Cross Roads, Pigeon Forge, . t-evier, Trundle's Cross Roads, Walden's creek, Wearo's Cove, .-•helby. Ammonia, Big Creek, Col- liersville, Germantown, Greenbot- tom, Hazle Flat, Loosahatchee, Memphis, Morning Sun, Raleigh, Rosstown, Sulphur Well. Smith. B.gdud, Carihage Clinton Ce.legft, Convenient, Dixons springs Gordonsville, Lancrster, Montrose, Peyton's Creek, Pleasant >hade, Rome, Witcher's X Roads. Stewart. Cumberland Iron Works, Dover, Hope, Indian Mound, Line Port, New Portland. Tobacco Port, Onward, Standing Rock. Sullivan. Arcadia, .-lounisville, Clo¬ ver Bottom, Campbell's Rest, Eden Rdge. Gott's X Roads, Greenfield. Hilton's, Holsfon Valley, Kings port Mill Point, Paperville, Poorhil1, Rockhoids, White Top. Sumner. Castalianspiings, Fountain Head, Gellatin,Greenwood, Haunas Hartsville, Hendersonville, -Mont¬ gomery, Rock House,Tyreesprings, Willow Grove, Wirt College. Tipton. Boaverdam Forks, Blooming ton,Covington,Portersville, Randolph. Van Baren. pencer. Warren. Cancy Fork, Clearmount, Irving College, McMinnville, Rock Island, Rocky River, Rough and Ready, Trousdale. Washington. Blue Plum, Boon's creek, Cox's * tore, Green Meadow, James Cross Roads, Jonesborough, leesburg, Locust Mount, Longmire WashingionCoilege,WataugaI>ene. Wayne. shland, Cariollville, * lif- ton. Cypress Jan, Factor's Fork, Houston, Piejtsunt Valley, r-orby Victory Waynehborough. Weakley. Boydsville. Dresden. Fie mings, Irvine's -""tore Locust Grove Mount Warren Old Hickory. Pal¬ mer's More. PhillipsviUe, Pillow- vilie, Winston, Whito. Bon Air ^priugs Cave Dry Valley Fulling Water, Gcarsville Newark. River Hill, t pavta. Williamson. Arlington, Barren, Bethesday, Boston, Eagleville, Franklin. Good ■ pring, Han.eth, Hills Valley, .loidau's Store. Leip- er's Fork' Mount Nebo, Nolens- villo, Pey*ons\ille Pinckney Riggn' X Roads, Triune, West Harpctb White Hearse. 'e almanac. 38 . Wilson. Big spring, Cainesville, Ce¬ dar Grove Cherry Valley. Com merce Green Hill. Halifax. Hud- dleston's X Roads, Lagado Leba non, Mount Carmel-, Providence, Rural Hill, ■* hop spring, tatesville, Throe Forks. ALABAMA. Autauga County—Autaugavil'e, Bear Range, Calhoun, Chesnut creek. Ilartwood, Inde¬ pendence, Kitigstcn, Mi'ton, MuHberry, J'rattville, Robinson's spring. Baldwin. Blakley, Fort Montpelier, Honey Cut Stockton Tensaw. Barbour. Clayton. C'owikee, Eufaula, Fort Barbour, Fort Browder, Glennvi le, Kings. Louisville, Midway, Mount Andrew, Mt. Sereene. Benton. A'exandria. Blue Eye, Boiling spring, Cedar spring. Corn Grove, Cove creek. Fair Play, Griffin's creek, Jackson¬ ville, Kemp's creek Ladiga, Lamartine, Mt Polk Harrow Val'ey. New Retli 1,' ak Level Oxford, Polkville. Quitman, Rabbit Town Wehoga White Plains. Bibb. Centrevi'le, Maplesville, Mars, Ran¬ dolph, Scottsville. Blount, Blount's spring, B'ountsvi'le, Ohap- ultepec Dauphin, Murpbree's Valley. Snm mil, Vi lage springs, Vio'y. Walnut Grove. Butler. Barges, Butlerville. Greenville, Kirk- vilie, Maiiningham Millvi'le Monterey, Mt Movialt, Riageville, Starlington, South Butler. Chambers. Bethlehem. Chambers, Cusseta, Fredonia, Gc'd Hiil, Milltown, Mount Hickory. Mt. Jefferson Oak Bowery, Osa- mppa. Oselicha. Sharon. Wick'ifte. Cheiokee. Blue Pond, Cedar Ifuff Centre, Cobb's Mills Co'oma. Gadsden Gay'esviile, ( osheu. Hannegan. Leesburg Pleasant Gap. Occo'o, Ringgo'd, Spring Garden, Straight Meek, Turkey Town. Choclaw. Barbour. Bairyton, Bladen springs, Butler, Tsney Kinteibi.h Mt. Ster'ing, Nicholson's store, Pushmataha, William's X iloads. Clarke. Air Mount, Bashi. Clarksvi 'e. Cof- feeville, Choctaw corner. Gosport. Jackson, Gainestown, Grove Hill, St. Paul, Suggs- vide, Wilderness. Coffee- Bentonville. Coffee corner. Geneva, indigo llead.UldtoWn Smuteye. Wellbo-n. Conecuh. Belleville. Brooklyn, Evergreen, Aathansvil'e, Hepulga Sparta. Coosa. Bradford, Bulger's Mills Bn vcksvi'le, H»;na'ity, Good Water, Hanover Mixburg, Rooki'oid, t'occopatay, Traveller's Rest, Weturnpka. Covington. Andalusia. La'e. liarne's X Koads, PaleviUe. Honey Town, Newton, Saw Mill, Scroggins Mills, Wood Shop. Dallas. Burnsvillo, Cahaba. Cambridge, Carfowsviile, Elm Bluff, Fulton, Liberty Hill, Mose'ey's Grovy, Orryi'i'e, Pleasant Hill, Portland, Richmond, Selma, Summer field, Westmoreland, Woodlawn. BeKalb. Annawaika, Atwood, Coxville Duck spring, Greenwood, Kendrieksville Lebanon, North Bend, Rawlingsville. Sand Mountain, Valley Head, VanBuren.Worth. Fayette. Asbnry, Big Pond, Davis s creek, Dublin, Fayette, Military springs, Mill Port, Newtonville, Palo, Sheffield. Franklin. Allsborougb, Blue Lick, Burleson Buzzard Roost, Cane creek, Cburubusco. Court House, La Grange, NewbUrgh, Dak Hill, Pleasant Site, Point Smith, Roekoreek, Russellville, South Florence, Tuscumbia. Greene. Boligee, Clinton, Eutaw. Forkland, Greensboro, Havana, Hollow Square, Hope¬ well, Knoxville, Mt. Hebron, Newbem,, New Prospect, Pleasant Ridge, Springfield, Union. Henry) Abbeville, Columbia, Open Pond. Cureton's Bridge, Franklin, Hiiiiardsville Lawrence ville. Jackson. Bellefont, Birmingham, Bolivar, Dodsonviile, Langston, Larkin'a Fork, Larkinsville, Liberty, Meadsville, Park's 'store, Princeton, Redman, Rocky spring Sauta Trenton, Woodville. Jefferson, Cedar Grove. Elyton, Jonesboro', Mexico, Mt. Pinson, Oregon, Taylor's.T rnss. Lauderdale. Centre Star. Florence, Gravelly spring, Green Hill, Ingram* X, -Roads, Oak land, Lauderdale Factory, Lexington Masonville, Rogersviile, Slossburgh, Water¬ loo. Westmorelandvilleu Lawrenceville. Brickville, Camp spring Courtland, Hillsborough, Iiinloch, Landers- ville, Leigh'on, Moultpn; Mt, Hope, Oak- ville, Wolf spring. Limestone. Athens; Bridgefbrth's; Luckyhit; •Gilbertsborough; Mooresville; Shoal Ford; White Sulphur Spriilgs. Lowndes, Benton; Braggs; -Church Hill; Collirene; Farmersville; Hayneville; Sandy Ridge; Lawndesborongh; Manack; Mount Wining; Sunny Side. Macon, Abberloil; Auburn; Bambridge;Bug Hall; Chunennggee; Cotton Valley; Enou; Cubehatcliee; Cross Keys; Fort Decatur; Fort Henderson; Loachapoka; Lock land; Notasuiga; Ridge Grove, R idge'.ey; Society Bill; Tuskegee; Union springs; Upbaupee; Warrior Stand, Madison. Berkley; Haden's; Hazle Green; Huntsville; Madison's X Roads; Maysville; Maredianville; New Hope; New Market; Triana; Whitesburgb. 1 Marengo. Clay Hill; Dayton; Demopolis; Dixon's Mills; Hampden,*Jefferson; Laurel Hill; Linden; McKinley; Macon; Montpe- lier; Nanafalia; Pinevilfe; Shilob; Bpencer- ville; Spring Hill; Sweetwater. Marion. Bexar; Canaan; Detroit; Gold Mine Moscow; Pikeville; Toll Gate. Marshall, Aurora; Beard's Bluff; Big spring; Claysvil'e.) CottonvtJle; Gunter's Landing; Hillian's Store; Kennamer; Meltonville; Mountain Stand; Oleander; Red Hill; Warren ton; Zachary. Mobile. Mobile; Mount Vernon. JUquiqb. Bell's Landing; Benq Vista; Burnt chknyillk'* axmanac. Corn; aaibome; Clauseiville; MoatoeviUe; Mt. Pleasant; Polk; TurnbuU. , _ _ _ Montgomery. Argus; Hawthorne; Line creek; Montgomery, Pine Level; Mt-MeigK Oak Groye, P^ne Hill, Pintlala; Ramcr; SharpsviUe, .^trata, Pa ra. Morgan. Apple Grove; Basham s Gap; Bine spring; Cedar Plains; Decatnr, Houston's Lacey'ssprng; Mt.Hill; SomervilIe;Trinity. Perry. Brushereek; Cbesnut Hill; Hamburg; Jericho; Marion: Ocmulgee; Perryviile; Plaateiaville; Radfordsvifle; Uniontown. Pickens. Antiochi Bear Creek; Benevo'a; Carlyle; Carrollton; Cochran's Mills; Gordon - Fairfield; Hinton's Grove; Hope; Lacey's Hill; Mantua; Memphis; Olney; Piokensm ville; Pleasant Grove; Providence; Reforms Vienna; York ville. Pike. Blue creek; China Grove,' Edgefield; ' Farriorsville; Fryer's Bridge; Gainer's store; Indian creek; Missouri; Montieeilo; Olustee ereek; Orion; Pea river; Troy; Whitewater. Randolph. Arbacoechea; Eastviile; High Pine; Lamar, Lee's Ridge; Louina; MoKuq; , Ockfnsky; Piuetucky; Roanoak; Rockdale; Rock mills; Wedowee; Wehadkee; Weso- bulga; Winston. Russell. Burrsville; Crawford; Dover; Fort Mitchell; Girard; Lamington; Nehamico; Olivet; Opelika; Oswichee; Salem; Sand- Fort; Ucbee; Vilula. St. Clair. Asneviile; Bennetfsville; Brauch- ville; Broken Arrow; Crawford's cove; Cropwei); Greensport; Kelly's creek; Mt. Nile*; Spriugvitle; Sulphur springs; Trout ok. Shelby. Bridgeton; Columbiana; Cove, Bar-1 petsville; Highland; Lee's cove; Moutevallo She'by springy; Wilsouville; Woodsboro'. Sumter. Bellmont; Berlin; Bluffport; Brew- ersville; Browns Bluff; Gainesville; Gaston; Intercourse?Jones Bluff; Livingston; New York; Payueville; Penola; Sumtexville; Warsaw. Tal'adega Bluff spring; Bowdon; Browns¬ ville; Cedar Tree; Cliinnibee; Coleta; Fife; Conehardee; Court Hill; Fayetteville; Hat- ober's; Hickory Level? Hdlabee; Kelly's Springs; King ville; Kimulga; Local; Manlis- ville; Maria Forge; Sylacauga; Silver Run; Talladega; Wewokaville. Tallapoosa. Beekefsvilhs; Camp Bill; Oosil- ty Line; Dadevilie; Dudleyville; Fish Pond; Goldyille; Horse Shoe Bend; Jackson ctttnp; Koweliga; Piackoeyville; Rome; S mtebahatchee; Stew's lerry; Tabassee; Wind creek; Youngsville. Toskaloosa. JBnek creev; Bnckland; Cartil¬ age; Fosters; Jena; McMath's; Monterey; New Lexington; Nortbgort; North River; Oregoaia; Komulus; Cripsey Tnrnpikp; Tuscaloosa; Trion. Wa'ker. Chilton's mills; Eldridge; Gap; Holly Grove; Jasper; Thornhill; York. Washington. New Wakefield; Old Wash' inglon", Pleasant Valley ; St. Stephens. Wilcox. Allenton; Bethel; Black's Blnff; Camden; Canton ; Creagh's mill i Lower Peach Tree; Parnassus; Pine Hill; Prairie Bluff; Snow Hill; Upper Peaclj Trey; Wolf creek- A Table showing the net value in dollars and cents, of several articles of American produce at the respective prices in Liverpool. Cost of Cotton, allowing tare 4 per cent., loss 2V per cent, on invoice weight; inclu¬ ding freight at Id. and 5 per cent., storage oae month, insurance, all landing charges; and commissions; exchange 108: Free on board. 5 cents 51 5£ ? 6* 6£ 6* 7 n n n 10 10$ 101 10$ 11 11$ "4 llf Cost of Indian Corn,*■ 81 American bushels, calculated to nett qr. of 480 lbs., includin, freight 5s. per qr, and 5 per cent., dut Is. per qr., one month's storage, insurance' all commissions and landing charges; ex¬ change LOS: Free on board. In Liverpool. 3 7-16d. per lb. 3 9-16d 3 12-16d 3 14-16d 4d 4 2-16d 4 4-16d 4 7-16d 4 9-16d 4 ll-16d 4 13-16d 5d 5 2-16d 5 4-16d 5 6-16d 5 S-16d 5 ll-16d 5 13-16d 5 15-16d 6 1-16d 6 4-16d 6 6-16d 6 8-16d 6 10-16'd 6 13-l6d 6 15-l6d 7 l-16d 7 3-16d per 56 lbs. 30 cents. 35 » 40 •« 45 " 50 « 55 » 60 « 65 « 70 « 75 » 80 •« In Liverpool, per qr. 4801bs. 20s 7d. 22s 5d 24s 4d 26s 3d 28s 2d 30s Od 31s lid 33s lOd 35s 9d 37s 7d 39a 6d Cost of Bacon, including freight at 30s. pe ton, and 5 per eent, one month's storage insurance, ail landing charges and commis sions; exchange 108: Ire® on board. In Liverpool per lb nett. per 112 lbs nett 5 cents 24s 9i H u 25s lid 54 it 27s Od 5f It 28s 2d 6 l( 29s 3d H If 30s 4d 64 « 31s 5d << 32s 7d 7 It 33s 8d 71 (C 34b lOd 74 it 35s lid 7| it 37s Od 8 (( 38s 2d 8$ ft 39s 3d 84 It 40s 4d 9 (1 41s 5d Cost of Wheat, li American bushels calcu- lated to nett 701bs., including freight at 8s. per qr. of 480 lbs., duty 4s. insurance' one month's storage, all landing charges and commissions; exchange 108, Free on board. In Liverpool, per bushel 56 lbs. per bushel 70 lbs. ' }1 7s 7d 1,05 7s lOd 1,10 8s 3d 1,15 8s 5d 1,20 8s 9d 1,25 9s Od 1,30 9s 3d 1,35 9s 6d 1,40 9s lOd 1,45 10s Id 1,50 10s 4d Cost of Indian Corn Meal, including duty at 4{;d. per cwt., freight 2s. 6d. per br). and 5 per cent, one month's storage, insurance, all commissions and landing charges; ex¬ change 108: Free on board. In Liverpool, per barrel 196 lbs. per barrel 196 lbs. $2,50 15s 8d 2,75 16s 9d 3 17s lOd 3,25 18s lid 3,50 21s 2d 3,75 21s 2d A TABLE .hewing the POPULATION OP BASH COUNTY, according Jt-M DKVT i* of 1850; also tbe WHIG and DEMOCRATIC VOTE of each County for • 1848, and for GOVERNOR in 1849; also tha NUMBER OF REI'KE&EiN ^ each County in the Legislature. Census of 1850 El. vote of 48. Gov. vote 18)9 R to Counties. W. Pop. B.Pop. Tota t. Dem. | Whig. Dem. Whig. L APPLING 2, 545 405 2,950 108 "144 191 1 1 BARER 4,360 3. 554 3,765 8 125 634 341 56c 273 BALDWIN , 4, 698 8 252 324 3sc 309 357 1 BIBB 7,065 5, 637 12, 702 806 705 734 634 2 BRYAN 1,180 2,243 3,426 63 123 76 117 1 BULLOCH 2,841 1,400 4,301 378 43 408 25 1 BURKE ' 5,268 10,832 16,lou 215 593 343 464 2 BUTTS 4,683 2, 805 7,488 420 269 411 264 1 CAMDEN 2, 669 4,247 6,316 223 1041 176 62 1 CAMPBELL 5, 725 1,507 7,232 582 281 653 311 1 CARROLL 8, 256 1,101 9,357 834 475 891 4j8 1 CASS 10,292 2,998 13, 290 1,513 968 1461 905 2 CHATHAM 9, 832 14,018 23,900 - 741 843 786 666 2 CHATTOOGA 5,135 1,680 6,815 398 402 462 396 1 CHEROKEE 11,737 1,157 12,894 983 660 1101 cs1 2 CLARKE 5,412 "5,571 10,933 494 624 454 534 2 CLINCH 508 127 635 1 COBB ' 11,583 2, 383 13,960 1,260 861 - 1089 - 889 2 COLUMBIA 3,689 8, 272 11*961 253 519 220 361 2 COWETA . 8.220 5, 405 13,625 662 822 724 774 2 CRAWFORD 4, 355 4, 628 8,98.3 434 402 464 ' 377 1 DECATUR 2, 535 148 2,683 , 359 493 382 469 1 DEKALB 4,623 3, 639 8,262 1,097 799 1014 832 2 DADE 11,407 2,917 14,32-4 253 102 309 67| 1 DOOLY 5, 536 2, 776 8, 362 571 344 595 311; 1 EARLY 3, 711 3,579 7, 296 505 199 457 i44 1 EFFINGHAM 2,016 1,843 3,864 99 183 121 2l2 1 ELBERT 6, 6'j2 6, 669 13,361 161 991 195 995 2 EMANUEL 3,7j5 962 4,677 267 155 3u7 - 176, 1 FAYETTE ' 6,722 2, 055 8, 777 717 521 697 449 1 FLOYD 5. 208 3, 013 8, 221 672 630 780 738 4951 1 FORSYTH 7,864 1,017 8, 881 747 • 629 753 1 FRANKLIN ci;-isl crops of turnips, beets, ow;vn.s porftsipt. &e tfiooM Se >o\vo as they vvi 1 ncijuirc sTj'lioient strength to withstand the cold weather b ;fe piane: inhere t hey have ' • led, or in. to a ..'Mice c ■(' Aprci.-i; ) tbei.? OOf ):ijl!l-- ;owc '»br ^ IcUm e c:t b--t< tu m -a ii ' ■ • •. i -ify; jv*r -flips rut a baga ' iVa s > > • .• ancab b'- n •: •: > t . < .s I - •• . o:ii m-. ' •: i <• ± I -v\-. an 1 i-fiaivc. Rr mrrl. — rf any of . «•'.••: - r-v > -• in ; i a!» vi. • n r !• • ; vowu . ib ' -10 not be iK-gieot<-'d longer mo oM.w m in ■ be m:v • vvi !i conooe.-.hie a 1 • :w::a. Tim a /iuboket should in phis month t>«* itten \-A to ihe ue >••• rewovwi an 1 mac : -* • i. :is i.vbe.rios should be set out this moma—t.ioy will b r, • • ti» • en .• ,) i NOV JS V I BE ft"oh' peas cab': ages r;t.ii he; ' a r > s' ••• .-,■■■ . ' ■ > • wwu;i >-. 1 ttuee beets salaafy. Plant mazaion and ff nuUor b.ans. Turn*;.knit cal-V . • iestuco,o;*«ic-u». an J leeks. DECKMBET •• -vor be in?, i . 1 r i c. b. : - lettuce oai caions. J. M. IBWBY cs "Wholesale and Retail D. alers in r-1 r°AT'? r :V- &<:. &c. j&c. UNDER THE «UNITED ST J TE Mv US '0,. <3.1. AMBROSE SPEA CEII, by DIA b £ fcAtf L ;J.. J L.....L :r, BLIND AND DOOR F.tf""• X - 3~ C' A " ; \I C .. r.' j Is now prepared to :iii . rdcr.- t-> - ; ■ . . . o i : cheapest manner. Lumber ol' > very kind tor ;oi. nj, ' Mou.clng, and every variety of wood work <3 v.e. >S\.. , • f;cm a dist u»ee are solicited. SicJMle.ij.Sa-St.. (South Common,; ri -' " :'3vt. DRY GOODS, AT IT . TAIL. A ,?. ebb li. ii. - . - ' ... ,y i:i n Wholesale and Helm! !>> in PLATED WARES, Houso Keepii)'r Artie. ; 1 ° W v- " L, i a Gold, Silver a >> d .... . . Glasses fitted wlii great . ; Clocks itnd Watchos carefully Ropat. < -X V_-e 4, ce Lorncr. IE a tiro eaow.v.