Library of Emory University AN OF THE WHICH OCCURRED AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION IN THE of DURtNG THE Extraordinary Season of Sickness and Mortality which prevailed in the Summer and Fall Months OF THE YEAR 1820. (As far as they could be ascertained) Who died out df the City, after retreatingfrom iL ALSO, THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DEATHS AMONG THE FEOFLE OF COLOR. t. V jt>atoan«alj, ' 'PRINTED A.yp PUBLISHED ijv HENRY P. RtfgSELI* Dec. 1820.. Co t§e public. So great has been the Mortality in the City of Savannah, during the last season, and bo strong the desire expressed by many to see a List of the Deaths which have occurred, that the Subscriber has been induced to offer it to the Public in this pamphlet form. It is taken from the Pub¬ lic Records, and may therefore be considered as correct as can possibly be obtained. Should some errors occur in the names, they must be attribu- ted to the circumstance of there being so many strangers in the place, and to the general dismay which pervaded the City during the calamitous sea¬ son which it embraces. It commences with the month of July, and clo¬ ses with that of November—during a p^rt of which short period, a mor¬ tality was experienced, that does not perhaps find its parallel in the an¬ nals of any country. The year 1820 will long be remembered by many, with melancholy feelings, as the gloomy period when they became wid¬ ows or orphans—or were called to deplore the loss of those whom they held most dear in life. As the arrangement of the deaths alphabetically, would have been at¬ tended with much labor, and greater liability to error, it has been thought preferable to insert them in the order of time, as they occurred. That this Bill of Mortality, may serve as an acceptable Memento to those who have been bereaved of relatives and friends, and to the munity at large, is the sincfere wish of The Public's obedient servant, H. P. EUSSELL. Savannah, December 23, 1820. DEATHS IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, From July 1, to November 30, 1320. (Tj* Those persons to whose names no disease is annexed, died of Fever. Where no age is mentioned, it is either unknown, or under two years. Day of Burial. NAMES. Age- COUNTRY. DISEASE, &c. July 2, Patrick Riley, 26 Ireland. 1820. Joseph North, 22 Maine. 3 i Abraham Campbell, 26 New.York. lock-jaw John Butler, 35 Ireland. cholic ' ■4, Daniel Howen, 31 Pennsylvania. James White, 23 Rhode-Island. 6 Christopher Riley, 32 Ireland. lock-jaw Catherine Stile, 9 Georgia. Michael Hamitf, 32 Ireland. Richard Forrest, 30 do 8 Robert Keys, 30 England. crainp 9, James Spruson, 25 N. Carolina. unknown Valentine Tollerton, 29 Ireland. 10f Margaret Carter, 40 do sudden 12 Jedediah Morris, 26 New-Jersey. 14; William Bolen, 33 Ireland. John Dawson, 50 S. Carolina. 15| John H. Houston, Georgia. 16, Lawrence Power, 52 Ireland. Patrick Stanton, 32 do James Wheelock, 42 Massachusetts. 18 John Walsh, 22 Ireland. Margaret Grace, 2 New-Jersey, unknown Alexander Bruce, 26 Scotland. Daniel Lake, 30 New-York. 20 John Hurly, 26 Ireland. 21 Robert Houston, 5 Georgia. William Eastwick, 44 Pennsylvania. David Pendergast, 24 Ireland. 22 Zeba Lebaron, 28 Massachusetts. Abel Gibson, 35 do John Williams, 27 Pennsylvania. ! 20 Ivin J. Philjip, 4 Georgia. s,throat 6 DEATHS IX SAVANNAH, Day of | B^riui I Juli/24 NAMES. Joseph Kingsbury, Joseph Vaughan, Thomas J. Wise, Benjamin Brown, Edward Towns, Benjamin Milhado, Thomas Cox, Michael Kenney, Henry Issop, John Rucher, William Miring, Richard Barrigen, William Sharp, John Mahu, Francis Spam*, James S^merville, iMartha Keys, W illiam Topi is, Hugh Montgomery, Barry Read, Ann Chat-lion, Abry Little, Conrad Welsh, George Fogger, John Jenkins, Samuel Davenport, l. Lawlor, James Burtain, Philip Box, i3hilipina Box, William Taylor, B. Perry, •iliza Livingston, VIilea Jones, Madam Chausloupe, Henry Craig, Catharine Mungin, John Thurston, Silent Graves, Mary Williams, 4jr.| COUNTRY. DISEASE, ifc. tfc. Connecticut. New-York. Scotland. 27 England. 26 Ireland. 50 France. 21 New-York. 26 Ireland. 45 ! Connecticut. 52 France. 20 ; England. 21 j New-York. 60 ; Ireland. do N. Carolina, do Georgia. England. Roxbury. Massachusetts. England. New-York, do Scotland. England. Rhode-Island. Ireland. New-York. Georgia, do Pennsylvania. France. New-York, Massachusetts. France. Maryland. New-York. New-Jersey, Virginia. Waie^. 21 28 23 2G 23 28 34 32 32 23 47 34 26 22 21 33 28 7',) 19 54 25 25 suicide intemp. debility f. in peri, bo. com. s. struck ATJGUSTV..1820. 4 Day of\ BurialA NAMES. Age] COUNTRY. DISEASE. (S'c. itfc. 19 Mary Wight, Thomas Btirdon, William G. Enor, Michael Harbock, William Long, Sarah Meleker, John Johnston, John H. flail, Matthew Haley, Eliza Guerard, John Simons, Oneal, James Watkins, John Ferino, Mary T. Martin, Samuel E. Leigb, John Rent, Sarm)el S. Clark, Williatn.Gates, Alice Guilliam, Elizabeth Guiiliara, Gideon Rawson, Richard JFest, Ann Grady, John H. Vicker, Charles Mann, Daniel Guilliam, Y. Fitzpatrick, Sarah Ann Grady* Bastian Levy, James Scully, John P. Smith, Johaunah Lawder, Mary M. Orme, Hesther Lucena, George Beck, Julian Crosgrove, Ann Moody, George M'Coy, C. Cunningham, 8 Georgia. 31 Ireland. 20! Georgia." 25 24 19 36 30 2 7 40 25 25 34 42 22 4 35 33 30 28 48 28 33 3? 6 2 7 24 21 24 20 23 35 2 18 19 23 do do do do do Ireland. 25 Georgia. Ireland, do France. New-York. England. Germany. New-Jersey. Georgia. England, do Massachusetts. England. Ireland. Maryland. Virginia. England. Virginia. Ireland. Spain. Ireland New-York Edinbtirgh Maryland do N. Hampshire Georgia do do Ireland sff. sick. consaraju 8 DEATHS IN Bay rf\ BurialA NAMES. Frederick Bali, Catharine A spin wall, Sarah Norman, William Conway, William Lord, James Clough, John Porter, Lee ffoodberry, George AZiller, James fimers, Mary Berry * M. Hodge, Thomas Gee my, (Filliam JFoodbridge, John Yevel, Betsey Soderland, Almira Barrow, Robert Adams, John Babtiste, Capt. Boivman, Christian Warling, Eliza Bush, Francis Andrews, JoLn Poulson, Diana Davis, Andrew Caseley, Ja mes fV. Lawrence, Rebecca Chatman, David Smith, George Gifford, Joshua E White, Fanny Eekhard, John Furlong, William Roily, —— Scurjon, —— Dutire, Robert jRivers, Solomon Moss, Mrs. fFelsh, IFiHiaiu Morrison, 49 17 21 29 32 23 33 44 27 2 14 26 40 19 24 17 22 30 30 18 21 22 29 54 30 24 32 21 31 45 47 17 21 35 40 38 ' COUNTRY. New-Jersey S. Carolina Georgia Ireland New-York N. Hampshire Maryland Massachusetts New-Jersey Ireland Georgia do Ireland Massachusetts Georgia Connecticut Massachusetts Virginia Italy Germany Rotterdam New-Y ork Rhode-Island Bremen England Naples Georgia N. Carolina New-York do Pennsylvania Georgia England Ireland Georgia France Georgia England Ireland Qegrgia DISEASE, &C. &C. SEPTEMBER.... 18&0. Day of | Burl al. NAMES. | V-1 COUNTRY. D19EASE) &C. Sept. 23 Joseph Eppinger, 19 Georgia. rohn S. Hartridge, 21 do r rbomas Lewis, 30 Massachusetts (ohn Gibbons, 35 5. Carolina 29 Susannah Kaine, 27 Ireland Elizabeth Karklin, 7 Georgia FFilliam Relph, 22 England Simon Reynolds, 27 New-Y ork SO John Rogers, 22 Canada Eliza Reily, 29 New-York Sarah Rivers, 28 S. Carolina John Bolange, 21 France 31 Sarah Gibbons, 22 Ireland Rebecca Brown, 37 England Thomas Peck, 3 7 Liverpool William Cary, 54 .Massachusetts Samuel Robertson, 23 do Name Unknown t. 1 T. D. Row, 6 Georgia Jane Downey, 12 do Sarah Harrison, 18 New-York Torrance Kelley, 27 Ireland Mary Ann Delancy, 14 do Pete? George, 2 Georgia Win. Reed, 36 S. Carolina 2 George Brum, 30 Philadelphia Sophia Nay, 71 Germany James White, 61 Virginia Miss Porturs, 40 Scotland John H. Robins, 38 Massachusetts Martha Lindsay, 24 Ireland Oliver Spencer, 45 Connecticut Henry Hughes, 26 Ireland John H. Waterfield, 38 Virginia 4 Francis Barker, 26 Connecticut Mary Ann Graham, 17 Pennsylvania Reuben Brinton, 32 New-York 4 Sarah Ann Robins, 1 Georgia j jWary AnnBroughtor ., 14 do i Henry Harlow, 21 Ireland consump. bl. vomit. cramp. to DEATHS IN SAVANNAH, NAMES. COUNTRY. DISEASE, &C. Robert Hasket, Name Unknown, Harriet Williams, William Jl/'Sherrey George Kingston, Leonard King, Mrs. Goldsmith, John Stanton, Euxlio Delgado, Joseph Dowely, Saml. Cook, Lot Whiteomb, John Cowan, Wir. Cole, Mrs. Rowney, Miss Eliza Crimur, iWr. Meakin, Mva. Meakin, iJ/rs.Ann Barthelmeys Thos. H. Black, Joseph Hall, Eliza Webster, Mrs. M'Carly, Pafridge Adarns, James Read, Ann Downing, Wm. Sherret, Philip Dooban, Alfred White, Wm. O'Dwyer, Mrs. O'Dwyer, Mary Pi son, Allen Talmadge, T. Taylor, W. Miliigan, John Main, L. P. Johnston, O. BaMnin, Wk. iWiller, D. Bioughton, 26 New-York — <3o 15 Boston 37 Italy 30 Ireland 26 New-York 84 S. Carolina 28 Ireland 36 Spain 19 N. Carolina 29 Pennsylvania 29 Massachusetts 31 Scotland 27 Rhode Island 37 Ireland 25 Georgia Ireland . do 15 Georgia 30 Ireland 30 Massachusetts 14 England 25 Ireland 28 Rhode-Island 22 Georgia 17 Ireland 13 Scotland 24 Ireland 36 Rhode-Island 28. Ireland 19 New-York 28 France 22 | New-Jersey _ England 19 Scotland 60 New-Jersey 23 Georgia 35 Carolina 29 li eland 7 1 Georgia dropsy. old age* SEPTEMBER.... 1820. 11 Bay of Burial. NAMES. |^e.| COUNTRY. DISEASE* iSfc. N. Montgomery, 30 Massachusetts | E. Barker, 30 Rhode-Island i J. Scozbery, 50 Holland Mrs. Powers, 29 Ireland T. White,. 21 Georgia W. Thiess, 25 do D. Johnston, 30 Ireland M. Mills, 12 John M'Carty, 2 do Henry J. Potts, 24 New-Jersey Harris Foster, 28 Massachusetts Chs. Foster, 30 do T. E. Lloyd, 33 Georgia Elizabeth W. George, 5 do B. Gilliaspey, 16 Ireland Robt. Johnston, 35 do Saml. Cooper, 46 Massachusetts Ann M'C6y, 17 Georgia Madame Fougurt, 45 France Elizabeth M'Dowell, 19 Georgia Barna Mallan, 30 Ireland James Seguine, 30 New-York James Murphin, 30 Ireland Mr. Caswell, — do Mr. CasweH; — do P. Stantley, — do Wm. Elon, — Georgia Elizabeth Hopman, — do John Wood, 22 Massachusetts John C. Beekman, 24 New-York James Berry, 19 Georgia Robert Lacky, 25 Scotland. James Tripp, 22 New-York Hill Torrelton, 25 Ireland Monsieur Benua, 30- France Capt. WnuBird, 45 Georgia Livey Hatfield, 28 England Eliza Ott, 12! Pennsylvania Hesther Sawyer, 16 N. Carolina Van Wick, 24 New-York ling. sick. 13 DEATHS IN SAYANNAli, Day of | Burial. I NAMES. COUNTRY. DISEASE, iSfc. Sept 16j Peter Shaffer, Miles Bourke, Joseph Fox, Dr. Chs. C. Gueland, Nancy Brown, Margaret Secord, Charlotte Palmer, Charles M. Paris, Caroline Lane, Joseph Lee, John I. Grieve, Miss Cath. Kellegan, Unknown, Do. Do. Mooney, Joshua John Patrick, Rachael M. Gribbin, Hannah Bailey, Lydia M'Gowan, Claude Moron, Daniel De Grote, Joseph Londermey, Archib. Buchannan, Eliza Benson, Mrs. Chancellor, Mr. Lane, John Green, Catherine JVlackroy, Mrs. Deloney, Elias Ross, T. Robinson, James Power, John Brady, 20 L. W. Chancellor, Lucinda Pearson, J. E. Davidson, Lewis Walwa, R. M. Berrien, M. 1 Henry Smith, 25 23 23 45 27 27 21 24 20 28 25 17 Germany. Ireland. N. Hampshire France, Georgia. New-York S. Carolina do iJiassachusetts New-York Edinburgh Boston dropsy, consump. — Ireland 8 S. Carolina 33 Georgia 19 England 7 S. Carolina 40 France 22 S. Carolina 32 Malta 35 .Miryland 24 Ireland 26 New-York 27 ./Massachusetts — England 23 Ireland 55 Virginia 27 New-Jersey _ America 32 Ireland 35 do 28 Pennsylvania 18 Virginia 22 Massachusetts 33 France 25 Georgia 1 58 do cold. child-bed casuality SEPTEMBER....1820. 13 Day of | Burial. J Sept 20 21 22 23 24 NAMES. j Age- COUNTRY. | Ann Bishop, |- Mary Mooney, 40 [reland Edwin Ivers, 24 New* York Rose Reily, 30 [reland Sarah Day, Robt. Sigins, 30 S. Carolina 25 Ireland Jane Elon, 19 Georgia Henry Bacon, — England Henry M'Coy, 60 Georgia Moses C. Herb, 10 do Ho race Sibley, 25 jT/assachusetts James Cumming, 26 Scotland Francis Warren, — Georgia Win, Ryan, 29 Ireland W. M'Hardy 24 Scotland Arnaud Tey nant, 4" Georgia Mary Knowland, 26 do Mr. C. Dee, ■— Ireland Peter Caesar, 21 Georgia Hannah Traspar, 25 do Catherine Moore, 30 England Mary Deane, 14 Ireland W. Lowry, 51 Georgia Wm. Chily, 22 England Barnabas Sears, 22 America James Hoffman, 15 Georgia Henry Tucker, 5 do Jonas B. Harrison, 28 England Mrs. Sibley, 33 Philadelphia Mrs. Gladhill, 30 England Augusta M. Merriam, 26 Massachusetts Saml. Their, — Roger Powers, 40 Ireland Danl. W. Guellon, 22 America Joseph Dowell, Pbilip M'Gran, 40 do 40 Ireland Catherine Butler, 24 do Daniel Legrand, 22 S. Carolina Thomas Grady, 5 Ireland Susan Rebellec, 19 England DISEASE, ye. bl. vomit do. do. teething worm te. 14 DEATHS IX SAVANNAH, Bay of I Burial / NAMES. |vj COUNTRY. disease, iSfc. Sept.24| Daniel Strange, Mr. Randolph, Brant ToJliton, John Reily, Jane Arbour, Arthur S. Patterson, 25 i Pulaski Gibbons, John Anderson, James A. Moore, Henry Pearson, Mr. Gujar, Unknown, Do. Do. Do. Jane M'Gran, Thos. M'Gran, Nestor Warren, James Beggs, Joseph Rogan, Miss Dousset, Peter Manning, James Tracey, James Johnston, Margaret Brannin, Edward Connor, Patrick M'Gowan, Aaron Liss, Eliza iWilican, John Connor, Mary Eliza Lathrop, James W. Cotton, W. M. Petit DeVillars, Unknown, Amps Dow, John Smily, Laundress, Dennis Scannel, Jeremiah Kelly, John Miller, 24 40 24 40 19 28 1 48 19 28 69 38 16 46 40 2 27 14 30 27 25 50 31 18 26 4 23 14 28 Ireland America Ireland do America Ireland America New-Jersey Georgia England Germany Ireland do Chili, S. Amer. Ireland Spain Georgia - Ireland. Georgia. Ireland, do do do America, do Ireland. Georgia. New-York Georgia. N. Hampshire America, do Ireland. do America. debility bL vomit ling. illn. child-bed. bl. vomit casual ty. casualty, OCTOBER....1820, Day oj Burial J names. Age. country. DISEASE. 1 fctc. Sept. 28 Mary Reily, 7 Ireland. George Parker, 23 Georgia. Abigail Snyder, 7 do J- G. H. Osborne, 24 do Theodore Heed, 19 New-Jersey. 29 James Butler, 30 Ireland. Elizabeth M. Wilson, 2 Georgia. Ami del Godefroy, 24 France. 30 Thomas Smith, 24 England. Katherine Snyder, 10 Georgia. Charles Mittinger, 20 Germany. Oct. 1 Thomas Williams, 24 England. Stephen Licing, 30 Ireland. Josiah Muir, 40 New-Jersey, John Bockler, 24 Germany Mrs. Webster, 38 England 2 Mrs. Susan Sweat, 48 America. H. G. Fowler, 26 Ne w.York. John Bailey, 44 England. ling. ill. Anna R. Bourke, 3 S. Carolina. Mrs. Crosgrove, 22 Georgia. I. W. GladhiU 5 England Ezra Newton, 35 New-York John Weeks, 19 do 3 Philip Raiford 36 Georgia Michael Trittot, 19 New-York Philip Shaly, 18 S. Carolina John Anderson, 47 Massachusetts James Redmond, 24 Ireland Rickards, 50 England casualty James M'Cabe, 30 Ireland do. Jacob Smith, 40 America 4 Felix Morgan, 30 Ireland. Ellen Brady, 40 do William Cullen, 37 do Mark Kane, 26 Massachusetts i Mr. Murdoch, 36 Scotland. j Mary Brown, 26 New-York. j John Garret, -1 Ireland. 1 46 DEATHS IN SAVANNAH, Bay of Burial. Oct, 4 5 NAMES. | ASe COUNTRY. PIS3ASE, iSfc. JO Frederick Loude, Sarah Lucena, Michael Laughry, Michael Lehy, John Snider, Edward D. Lloyd, John Reiley Cherry Farmer, Madam Ferien, Francis A. Dillon, James M'Cauly, John Mitchell, Thomas Crapon, Mrs. West, J. H. Cunningham, J. E; Dubtjsque, H. M'Inalty, Jeusy Sizemore, John Lindermont, John D. Cline, Infant Child of S. C. Dunning, John Jones, John Miller, Peter Tilton, Timothy Reedy, Jonas Cutter, John Groves, John Raw, Joseph Twimm, Mrs. Bowling, Philip Grace, Catharine Johnson, Robert Sole, Thomas Barry, D. W. Shearman, Sarah Noiman, Mary Murdoch, John Divine, Mary C. Saunders, 29 Sweden. 24 Georgia. 30 Ireland. 25 do 54 Georgia. 20 do 19 Rhode Island. 31 Georgia. 73 St. Domingo. 18 Georgia. 30 Ireland. 30 do 29 America. 27 Ireland. 32 Georgia. 36 France. 28 Ireland. 11 Georgia. 36 Germany. 15 Georgia. __ do 32 Pennsylvania. 22 America. 29 do — Georgia. 27 N. Hampshire 25 Georgia. 23 Connecticut. 30 Bordeaux. 50 America. 36 Ireland. 27 do 27 New-York. 28 Ireland. 22 Connecticut. —» Georgia. 30 Ireland. 29 do 74 Georgia. V old a^e. OCTOBER....18S0. i7 Day of Burial. NAMES. re. I COUNTRY. DISEASE, &C. Oct. 10 Mrs. Black!j, James Miller, Daniel Parker, Ann Isaac, Benjamin Jones, Margaret M'Dermot, Muedeth Rollin, Branin, 11 David Norcross, Samuel S. Yarnum, Thomas Rodman, John Russell, William Guthrie, Matilda Hart, William Ryan, Samuel Stewart, Jeremiah Ennis, Ann Newton, Hetty Ramsharfy 12 Benjamin Tuttle, Sarah Rams hart, Martin Harrison, Mr. Rose, George W. Adams, Barnabas Barker, James Fitzsimons, Matthew Stevenson, David Lee, Thomas Welsh, , 13 Maria Thompson, Thomas Hawkins, M. N. Reingard, Alexander Delanoy, Georgian Ricker, Andrew Thorns, Barnet TifFney, William Mahue, James White, James Farrington, Sarah Patterson, 3 *?. Carolina. Pennsylvania. Imerica. do do . Georgia. Massachusetts do New-York, do Ireland, do 31 Belfast. 40 Ireland. 50 America. 14 do 26 do 6 do 30 Ireland. 30 America. 43 Massachusetts. 21 do 50 Ireland. 39 N. Carolina. 27 England. 18 New-York. 25 do 21 West-Indies. 6 Georgia. o do 30 Ireland. do 38 New-York. 34 do 2r Massachusetts. 18 DEATHS IN SAVANNAH, Day of Burial. j NAMES. Oct. Kf Charles Whalan, William Groves, Mary Lindsay, Edward Muckleroy, Joseph Tatem, Eliza Eppinger. Maria T. F. Blors, James Murray, Thomas Wood, Wm. S. Washington, Derk Dellenck, Thomas Morin, Andrew Kelly, Robert Curry, Martin Jackson, Dupon, W. Peckan, Francis Le Serf^ James Smith, Patrick Lissy, Nathan Cole, Marlin Greenleaf, Henry Wescof, Stephen Fagan, Margaret Power, Mary Morgan, Mary Byrne, C. Haufthalara, Ann Eppinger, Elizabeth Eppinger, Miss Girodon, John*G. Gibson, Mrs. E. G. Charlton, Mrs. Kerr, Win. Hogan, Mrs. Ennis, John Cote, David -Gailevion, Mrs. Pettigrew, (Name unkno wn,) (g-e.j COUNTRY. | 25. Ireland. S3 London, 25 Ireland. 30 do 24 Pennsylvania. 20 Georgia. 24 Massachusetts. 28 Ireland. 30 America. — Georgia. 64 Holland. 26 Ireland. 30 America. 50 Ireland. 24 Massachusetts. 5 Georgia. 34 Rhode-Island. 25 Francife. 25 Pennsylvania. 20 Ireland. 31 Massachusetts. 23 do 28 America. 35 j Ireland. 2 America. 27 Ireland. 35 do Georgia, do ley, — do 24 ■ Nicholas Patterson, Elon M'Dpnnell, . Rosa Brady, 25 Miss A.M.Robertson Mr. Wellman, Mrs. M'Gloane, Jane Newton, Joseph Newton, 26 Curtis R. Willet, j Jonathan Cline, Mis. E. Montgomery, Miss H. Montgomery, Miss Ann Stateham, Mrs. Chalterton, James Guilliu, Benj. Hofchkiss, Francis Gain, Mrs. Avington, James Thompson, John Welsh, Anthony Naret, , Katherine Filch, Waller Drummond, Charles G. Bennett, Mary M. Ricker,} Henry Kelly, George Lindsay, Dennis Geary, 29 William Sherlock, Charles H. Patterson, Mary Hogan, Louisa Clark, Daniel Stewart, Charles J. M'Kinnon, 30 John Thompson, Cornelius Reedy, 31 Patrick Ciiristie, 17 New-York. 25! Ireland. 24 | Georgia. 32' Massachusetts. England, do Maryland. Connecticut. Georgia. Ireland. do Georgia. England. Ireland, do do do Massachusetts. Ireland. France. New-York, Scotland. Massachusetts. Georgia, do Ireland. do Georgia. America. Ireland. 2 America. 3' do 22 Georgia. 30 29 Ireland. 23, do 28 19 2 21 56 64 26 13 30 27 30 26 27 24 32 36 21 55 26 24 25 29 37 child-bed, worms. debility. teething, do convuls. NOVEMBER.... 1880. 21 Day of I Burial. I NAMES. WH COUNTRY. DISEASE, &C. Ocf. 31 Alfred Grieves, 4 New-York. Nov. 1 Mary Karr, 56; Georgia. Sarah May, 21 Georgia. Mary Foearly, 6 New-York. Thomas Urquart, 24 Ireland. David Fry, 18 Georgia. Mrs. Williams, 33 Pennsylvania, Theodore Williams, — Georgia. Wm. Clark, 19 do Francis LeCompte, 30 France. Samuel Burns, 35 England. James Brown, 29 Massachusetts. Joseph Lee, 27 Pennsylvania. 3 Charles Trucbelut, 2 Georgia. -Miss Sarah Johnston, 44 do Mrs. Ann Drysdale, 52 do Mrs. E. Boynton, 30 Massachusetts. James Loan, 36 Ireland. 4 James Yansise, 25 New-York. Miss H? A. Hunter, 11 Georgia. Matilda Leseur, — do B. Maylen, 16 Ireland. Milton Y. Sheppard, 22 Georgia. Wm. Tynin, 23 Ireland. 6 ; John Ray, — Portugal. 7 j John Murphy. 24 Ireland. 8 Christiana Smith, 64 Scotland. Daniel "Geddis, 30 do John Morrison, 23 N. Hampshire. Ann Rose, 1 Georgia. Secord, 1 do 9 Thomas Walters, 22 [Connecticut. John Moborety, 30 Ireland. 10 A. Makasey, 21 do Martin Doyle, 40 do Patrick Wilson, 21 Scotland. 11 Mrs. Brady, 35 Ireland. 12 Frederick M'Gee, 24 do Lucretia Walder, 25 ■ Georgia. } Thomas Sharp, 45 ! England. jaundice, lsump. do do debility consump. consump. dysentery DEATHS IN SAVANNAH. Day of Burial- NAMES. A&\ COUNTRY. DISEASE, &C. to ov 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 24 25 28 . so; John Frazier, John Scott. Knapp, Israel Fisk, Maria Ro w son, Pedro Apee, Reuben Lewis, Frederick {staffer, Charles M,oloy, Mary Ann Shaffer, Francis Knapp, . Elizab. J. Robertson, James M'Gran, Joseph K. Sherman, John Thomas, Stephen Crofts, Gilbert Quirk, Ann Middieton, John Gant, Patr'ck Hart, Belanda Lawrence, Benjamin Howard, Miss Mary Pratt, Mr. Neville, 24 26 2 38 45 23 21 41 30 68 2 7 17 21 30 30 40 36 60 25 24 12 29 17 30 Scotland, do Ireland* Rhode-Island. England. Spain. England. Georgia. Ireland. Germ; Ireland Georgia. Ireland. Maine. Maryland. Connecticut. New-York. S. Carolina. Pennsylvania. Ireland. > Georgia, do do New-York. consutop* decline. decline, accident. LIST OF PERSONS WHO DIED OUT OF THE CITY. Mrs. V/. T. Williams. Theodore Williams. Miss Sarah Johnson. Mrs. Ann Drysdale. Miss Ann Robertson. Miss Ann Hunter, daughter of Alexander Hunter, Esq-. Mrs. Sarah Griffin. Dr. Frederick Kreeger, and two children, Mr. John Morrison.