Q) REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE UNION BANK OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, JVovembtr 16, 1838: Read, and ordered to be printed, ALLEN A. If ALL, PRINTER TO THE HOUSE. 1833. REPORT. The select Committee appointed to examine into the condition of the Union Bank of the State of Tennes¬ see, have discharged that duty, and REPORT: From an examination of the books of the bank, the committee find, that on the 10th of October, the capital paid in, amounted to $1,242,647 47 That the President and Directors had discounted notes to the amount of $513,691 71 Domestic bills of exchange* to the amount of 1,211,187 60 Making the sum of 1,724,879 31 The amount of bank notes in circulation 751,355 00 Payable at the following points: At Nashville, 138,130 00 At Jackson, 22,420 00 At Philadelphia, 60,230 00 At Baltimore, 530,575 00 . Total, 751,355 00 4 The liabilities and means of the Union Bank, up to the period aforesaid, are as follows: LIABILITIES. Including the capital paid in, 2,266,635 05 MEANS, To meet these liabilities, . 2,397,754 81 Showing that the Union Bank had made from the time it went into operation, to wit, 4th March to 10th October, 131,119 00 The committee have thought proper to extend the examination down to the 18th inst. and find that the bank at that period had in circulation, 1,056,865 00 That there were notes discounted, 510,347 00 Bills of Exchange, 1,698,249 08 And that the bank had made up to the latter period, 145,000 00 Provided the bank had made no bad debts, and it is believed by its officers to have made none. The committee entertain no doubt of the soundness of the condition of the Union Bank, and that it has ample means to meet all its engagements. The polipy upon which the institution has been con¬ ducted, was well calculated to enhance its profits, and has been conducted with an eye single to the interest of the stockholders, From the time the bank commenced doing business, up to the 5th of June, seven per centum per annum, was charged and taken upon notes that had but ninety days to run, until due and payable, and two per cent. exchange, in addition to the interest charged on bills, without regard to time. The directory at that period, changed the rate of interest and exchange, and have 5 since charged and taken six per centum per annum upon ninety days notes, according to the true intent and meaning of the Charter, and the following rate of interest and exchange on domestic bills: On bills having six months and under, to ma¬ ture, one per cent, exchange, and six per cent, per annum interest, 7 per cent. Over six months to eight months inclusive, exchange and interest, 8 Over eight months, to ten months inclusive, 91-2 Over ten months, to twelve months inclusive, 10 In addition to the interest and exchange, the bank in¬ variably requires an acceptor of the bill, before it is dis¬ counted, which is an additional charge of two and one half per cent, paid to the acceptor, making from 12 to 12 1-2 per cent. Hence the great disparity in the amount of notes discounted, 510,317 00 And bills of exchange, 1,G98,249 08* The committee concede that the dealing in exchange is far more profitable to the bank, than in discounting of notes, and is believed to be as safe to the bank; yet the great body of the people, have not the facilities necessary for the successful drawing of bills, obtaining an acceptance, and have them discounted in bank; con¬ sequently the commercial part of the community, are to a very great extent, the debtors of the bank, and in many instances to large amounts. The committee entertain no doubt that the object the legislature had in view, when the right was given the Union Bank, of charging 6, 7, and 8 per cent, in dis¬ counting notes according to the time they had to ma¬ ture, was, that an opportunity would be given the people, upon well endorsed notes, to borrow money from the bank upon eight and twelve months credit—a sufficient 6 time for the former's crop to mature and be brought to market—and that the bank would not withhold its funds, which would enable him to anticipate his crop, and re¬ lieve himself from his present wants, unless he should present a bill, drawn by an individual known to the commercial world, on some foreign commercial house, and accepted, and that at a cost from 12 to 12 1-2 per cent, per annum All which is respectfully submitted. JO. C. GUILD, Chairman of the Select Committee.