Robert W. Woodruff Library Special Collections emory university ——— 'm^arrrn lunula,' SifyvAg; and1 :®le aiiir ftriail Jjfitkr HINDS OF iO 3STERIES, h Street, WasEiviSSe. jerves, Piekles, Oysters, Cigars, &c. A [. Wedding and other parties in the ' notice, and on the most liberal terms, call and see what they can do here be- r, Confectioner and Baker, Nashville, ent Bread, exhibited at the Tennessee i E. G. EASTMAN, Sec'y. lech- Department of State Fair, 1858. COAL OIL LAMPS & OIL Platfonn & Counter Scales, HOLLOWARE, Sad Irons, AND IRONS. 'Parlor & Common Crates, MCE & LIIT PUMPS, Mats and Brushes. Brittania Ware, Planished Goods, Ac,, k J. W..WILSON, (OPPOSITE SEWANEE HOUSE.) College Street, Nashville, MANUFACTURER of Tin and Copper Ware, Wrought Iron Cooking Stoves, four sizes for families, hotels, and plantations; Coal Ranges, Cooking, and Heating Stoves of all kinds, and of best quality; Willow Wooden Ware, and House furnishing Goods Roofing and Tin work done in best manner. Fob 1859, 4TH VOL. TWO DOLLARS PER COPY. ADVERTISEMENTS, 5 Lines and Copy, $5 " 1-4 Page " 8 1-3 " " 10 " 1-2 " " 15 tl Whole " " 25 The publisher advertises many thanks to the citizens and business men of Nashville, for their liberal patronage. Passenger Steamers and Railroad Passenger Cars have notices and copies of this work free, for their kindness in keeping the copies before the traveling public. This the publisher does for the special benefit of his patrons. Our business men begin to urge the necessity to publish this work once a year, as is done in other cities. This will be done, if our citizens give the right kind of evidence that they desire it. We hope to make improvements in every edition. A A. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 b'-'i ^'"3 ^ ¥-i A ivi ^ ^ ^ v JOHN LOCKEN, »• #> fr »> 9 ft5- cM>0uijmit HW{j0i)ist |j«Mi${mtg powse, NASHVILLE, TENN. 1 « « : Having availed ourselves of all the late improvements in Machinery, (in which respect we are second to no Bindery in the Union,) we are prepared to do binding from the lowest price to the most costly styles. Having on hand a large quantity of all the materials used in bookbinding, and some fifty hands constantly employed, we feel satisfied we can do work cheaper and more ex¬ peditiously than any other establishment south of Ma¬ son and Dixon's line. *• PAMPHLETS AND PERIODICALS. We have one room devoted exclusively to the folding and stitching of Pamphlets and Periodicals. Publishers of such will find it to their advantage to give us a call. JOBBING, In all its variety, from the plainest style to the most elegant Tur¬ key morocco, gilt edge, panel side, and velvet, with gold mountings. Particular attention will be paid to the binding of Music Books, Ma gamines, etc. BLANK BINDING. Having added to our bindery a Blank Book department, with the advantages of machinery, we are enabled to manufacture and sell them as cheap' as they can be purchased in the North. We have on hand a large assortment of the following paper, viz., Cap, Double Flat Cap, Folio Post, Demy, Medium, Royal, Super Royal, and Im¬ perial, of the finest quality, which we will make to order, ruled to any pattern, at the following prices: PER QUIRE. Demy. Russia bands and centre.. $1 25 " Full Russia .1 50 Medium. Russia bands and centre 1 50 " Full Russia 1 75 Royal. Russia bands and centre 2 00 " Full Russia 2 25 Super Royal. Russia bands and centre 2 25 " Full Russia 2 50 We are now manufacturing a large quantity, of a good paper, suitable for ordinary purposes, which we can sell at the following low prices: PER QUIRE. Cap. Day Books, etc., half bound $ 15 " " full bound 25 " " " Russia corners 35 Demy. " half bound 45 " " " Russia backs and corners 50 " " full bound, Rus. bands and centre 75 Medium. " half bound.. GO " " " Rus. backs and eorners 70 " " full bound, Rus. bands and centre 1 00 Hotel Registers 75 " printed heads 1 00 Aldermen's Dockets, Demy, fine paper 1 00 Bill Paper, ruled for 1, 2, or 3 bills, $4 per ream. Railroad and bank officers, merchants, steamboat captains, and all those wanting Blank Books, will please give us a call. Our fellow-citizens, as well as strangers visiting Nashville, are invited to call and examine our Bindery, and witness the operation of our beautiful machinery, among which is that wonder of modern ingenuity, the Folding-machine. NASHVILLE CITY AXB BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FOR TH K CITY OF NASHVILLE. Tol. IV. 1839. COMPILED BY REV. JOHN P. CAMPBELL. NASHVILLE: E. <5. EASTMAN & CO., PRINTERS—UN 10X AND AMERICAN OFFICE 1 859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by JOHN P. CAMPBELL, in the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee" INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Appendix, 163 Attorneys at Law. Baxter, & Haywood 190 Brien, John S. & Sons, 190 Brien, C- D 190 Brown, J. L. & R. W 190 Delany, W. S. 190 Finley, S. L 191 Elippin, Wn. S 191 Fosters & McEwen 191 Fogg, Francis B 191 Fogg, H. M. B 191 Fogg, Or. M 191 Ferguson & Sehon .' 192 Houston & Brown 192 Lindsley, A. V. S 192 Malone, T. H. & J. C 192 McGavock, R. W 192 Meigs, R. J 193 Meigs, R. J., jr 193 Pinkard, M. J 193 Pitman, J. B 193 Rains, Jas. E 193 Shane, William 194 Smiley, T. T 194 Vaughn, Michael 194 Wilkin, D. F 194 Wilkin, Joseph M 194 Agricultural Implements, Carriages, &c., <&c. Armstrong & Co 20i Allen & Co 208 Burns, P 208| Cunningham & Co 209j Jackson & Adams Gunter, G. B 209: Lawrence, E ' page. Planters Bank of Tennessee 197 Protection Insurance Company 198 State Bank of Tennessee 198 Traders Bank 198 Tenn. Marine and Fire Ins. Co 198 Union Bank, State of Tennessee 198 Books, <&c. • Berry, W. T. & Co 219 Hagan F 219 Hagan & Johnson 220 Johnson's New Map 219 York, John & Co 220 Boots and Shoes. Abbay, Gibson & Co 187 Cooke, Bailey & Co 187 Cutter, B. R 187 Farrar & Dismukes 188 Fuller's Shoe Factory 188 Hamilton, J. W 188 Hollins, R. S. & Co 188 Huennerkope, Fred 189 Jones, S. M 189 Peiffer & Gussmann 189 Ramage, John 189 Snyder & Frizzell 189 Boarding Houses. Loomis, Mrs. A. S 229 "Estell, Sarah 229 Carpenters and Builders. Chilton, T. W. & J. A 193 Cowardin, C. M 195 Creighton & Lawrence 195 193 195 Miller, W. W 209[McCullough & Huff 199 Parr, J. F 209! Simmons, Wm 196 Peck, P. P. & Bro 210|Vannoy, Turbeville & Co 199 Pope, Opie 210| Yarbrough, T. S 196 Townsend, W. H 210: Cigars and Tobacco. Auctions. Meredith, Haley & Co 222 Bruce & Robinson 217j Slatham & Ferguson 222 Crutcher & Co 217jGusdorf & Bruch..... 223 Banks Heilinger 200 Millinery and Dress Making. jBurns, M 200 Berry, Saufly & Co 176 Crossman, E. 10.. & Co 200 Bohme, Oscar <& Co 176 ^umldeJJ'J' & C° ^ Doyle, Mrs. M 176 March & Son 201 Golston, Miss S. attorney general, 9th judicial circuit, 47 N Cherry st, residence Gallatin. Bates, R F, family grocery, 85 N Front st. Bateman, H S, clerk steamer. Bateman, John, commander steamer Cuba, 183 S Summer st. Bateman, T L, printer, Patriot office, 96, N Cherry st. Baugh, John, city watch, 159 S Summer st. Baugh, V A, wagon-maker, 126, S Market st. Bauman, J E, & Co, Rock City Flouring Mills, corner Cherry and Line sts. Bauman, J E, above firm residence 8 Line st. Baxter, Hon N, judge circuit court, 9th circuit, Franklin pike. Baxter & Haywood, attorneys at law, 72 N Cherry. Baxter, E D, attorney, above firm, residence country. Bayless, W B, firm W T Berry & Co, W Nashville, street. Baynes, Jas, job worker, Claibornville. Baynes, Jas, cabinet maker, Grooms, Carvet & Co. Bayne, J L, trader, 183 S Market st. Beadle, J S & Co, family grocery, 55 Broad st. Beadle, J S, above firm, store. Beasley, Thos W, saddler, 33 N Market st. Beasley & Ruth, paint shop, 71 N Cherry, st. Beasley, Geo H, above firm, Vine, S Broad. Bean, Alex, carriage trimmer, 69 N Market, 80 N Market st. Beaty, J, candle factory, 27 N Front st. Beaty, Wm, M D, 39 N Front st. Beaty, W T, river clerk, corner Lafayette and Ma¬ ple sts. Beaumont, T W, editor Republican Banner, City Hotel. Bedford, R H, tailor, Sam Pritchett's, Market st, S Nashville. 26 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bedford, Wm, Vine st, S Field. Beech & Goodlett, druggists, corner Cherry and Broad streets. Beech, J J. above firm. Beech, A B & A C, dry goods, 57 N College st. Beech, A C, above firm, 109 N Cherry st. Beech, A B, above firm, 102 N College st. Beech, L F, dry goods, 49 N College st, store. Beech, Paul, salesman, 49 N College st, store. Behne, A, tailor, N Nashville. Beierlien, Peter, shoe and boot shop, and boarding, 93 N Cherry st. Bell, Jas T & Co, proprietors Nashville Daily Ga¬ zette, 52 N Cherry st. Bell, Jas T, above firm, 24 N Spruce. Bell, Robt, 75 S Summer st. Bell, T M, river clerk, Bell, W R, river clerk, as above. Bell, R C., Druggist, 24 N. Spruce st. Bell, Mrs Mary, 94 S College st. Bell, R. P, painter, S College st. Bell, W R, painter, S Callege st. Bell, N C, painter, S College st. Bell, Hon John, firm Woods, Yeatman & Co. Bee, Robt, miller for Bauman & Co. Bell, W, firm of Mosely & B, Watson House, Bell, R F, grocer and commission merchant, 23 N. College, res cor Summer & Crawford sts. Bell, Thos, boarding house, Cherry st, near 2nd Bap¬ tist Church. Bell, Mrs C S, Park st, near the capitol. Belcher, M, printer, at Falls, 91 S Market st. Bellsnyder, S, clerk, Morgan & Co's. Bennett, J L, tinner, 7 Broad st, res 6 S Market st. Benson, W A, dry goods, ION College st. Benson, L, clerk, 10 N College st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 27 Benson, C D & Co, music store, 46 Union st. Benson, C D, piano store, Union st. Benson, J W, dry goods, 32 Broad st, res S Cherry st. Benzeny, C, carpenter, College st, S Nashville. Berry, Chas, collecter. 5 Locust st. Berry, W T & Co, bookstore, 30 Public Square. Berry, W T, above firm, 2£ miles Franklin Pike. Berry, Wm, clerk, Berry & Co's book store. Berry, Saufley & Co, dealers in hats, caps, bonnets, straw goods, etc, 71 Public Square. Berry, W L, above firm, res Broad st pike. Berry, T C, conductor, N & C R R, near depot. Berry, J T, clerk, 18 Public Square. Berry, Chas F, collector and agent, 5 Locust st. Berry, W W, & Demoville, wholesale druggists, 6 Public Square. Berry, W W, above firm, res 3 miles Franklin pike. Bernell, L C, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Bernal, J V, painter, shop 24 Line st. Bernwald, M, firmCorer & B, 59 N Cherry st. Berthoil, Frank, steward Commercial Hotel. Bertolar, Jo, steamboat Jas Johnson. Bertoli, Peter, clerk, 73 S Market st. Bezey, Adam, tailor, 44 Public Square. Billings, J J S, 2nd clerk Post office, res S Nashville. Birchett, W C, carpenter and tank builder, 1 S Vine. Birchet, D, stonemason, Claibornville. Birchett, E M, shoe shop, 93 S Market st. Billiod, P & F, Exchange saloon, 77 S Market st. Binns, John, clerk, 10 N Market st, res store. Bingham, R L, clerk, N & C Railroad Depot, Cherry st, S Nashville. Bingham, R L, collecting agent for N & C RR, res College Hill. Birdwell, J W, livery stables, 3 & 5 S College st, res 8 S College st. 28 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Birthwright, L A, harness maker, 37 N Market st, res S Nashville. Birmingham & Co, merchant tailors, 20 Public Sqr. Birmingham, J M, above firm, same place. Birmingham, J, painter, at Horn's, res Gay st. Bishop, John S, firm of Graves & B, res Lebanon pike. Bishop, C, baker, 42 Union st. Black, Wash, job worker, Boatman's Row, S Nash¬ ville. Black, Wm, cooper, cor Summer and Demumbrane. Black, Isaac, barrel manufacturer, above place, res 85 S Summer st. Black, Wm D, cooper, 85 S Summer st. Blake, W, porter, 42 Union st. Black, W Thurston, portrait painter, 30 Public Square, up stairs. Black, J H, printer, M E Publishing House, 90 N market st. Blackie, Geo S, M D, prof botany and natural history Nashville University, res Lane st. Blakely. P, 123 N Market st. Blank, Emil, music teacher, 30 N Market st. Blanks, H A, carpenter, 106 N High st. Blankenship, J N, moulder, M Jacker & Co's S Nash¬ ville, Blankenship, M, wagoner, Cherry st, S Nashville. Blanton, M L, book-keeper, 51 Public Square. Blind Institution, Lebanon pike, opp Reservoir. Bloomstein, J, dry goods, 34 Broad st. Bloomstein, L, family grocery, 22 Line st. Blount, Mrs R, 53 N Spruce st. Blount, M, carpenter. Blum, H, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Blum, R D, engraver, 18 Cedar st. Blunkall, P H, carpenter, Franklin pike. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 29 Blunton, W H, book-keeper, res Claibornville. Boggs, Geo, carriage-body maker; 69 N Market st. Boggs, Wm, coach trimmer, 103 Cedar st. Bohman, H, tailor, Sam Pritchett's, N Nashville. Boguskie, John, clerk in dry goods' store, 81 Broad st. Bolack, Jo, wagonmaker, at Gunter's, S Spruce st. Bolan, T, job worker, N McLemore st. Bolland, W, bootmaker, 29 Union st. Bolton, Geo, drayman, College st, S Nashville. Borgfeldt & Gurstrath, trimmings and dress goods, 23 N Cherry st. Bon & Cole, saloon, 22 S Front st. Bon, N H, above firm, Crocket st. Boner, H C, livery stable, 38 Deadrick st. Bonwill, bootmaker, 29 Union st. Boney, free col, carpenter, M Jacker & Co's. Bohme, O & Co,dress trimmings,? Union st. Bohme, Oscar, above firm, res Edgefield. Boehme, Wm, beer-saloon, 51 Cooper's building. Bonds, J W, carpenter, S High st. Booth, Wm, root doctor, 10 N Front st. Bordeser, Chas, family grocery, 87 N Summer st. Bostle, Chas, watchmaker, M C Bruce's. Bostleman, W, clock repairer, 13 N Market st. Bostian, J, carpenter, N Spruce st. Bostick, J L, attorney at law, 43 N Cherry st, res 73 N Summer st. Bosworth, C, rope factory, Lebanon Pike. Bos worth, Mrs Wm, rope and cotton factory, College st, S Nashville. Bourginney, Lewis, moulder, M Jacker &. Co's, 82 S Cherry st. Bougloise, T, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, 99 S Market. Bourguine, H, watchmaker, 30 S Market st. Bowles, M W, river man, near Wilson Springs. Bowles, T J, river man, same place. 30 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bowles, H C, wagoner, same place, Bowles, Henry T, patent roofer, Vine st, near Wilson Springs. Bowen, H, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Bowling, Win K, M D, prof obstetrics and practice of medicine and dean of faculty in the University of Nashville, res 20 N High St. Bowers, J M, clerk, 25 Union st. Bowers, B, family grocery, cor Lafayette st and Bow¬ ers' Alley Bowers, G H, clerk, Adams' Express Co, 28 S Mar¬ ket st. Boyd,WmL,jr, general agency office, 50 N Cherry, res 6 N Cherry st. Boyd, Robt R, grocer and commission merchant, 47 5 Market st. Boyer, S C, boarding house, 66 S Cherry st. Boyle, Pafcj stonecutter, Stevenson's yard. Brown, R plasterer, 115 S Market st. Brown, B P, salesman, 52 S Market st. Brown, H R, printer, Union office. Brown & Co, livery stable, 4 N Front st. Brown, L, colored, above firm, corner Cherry and Broad sts. Bruce, Jas R, editor Daily Gazette, firm Jas T Bell 6 Co, residence, 10 S College st. Bruce, M C. auction store, corner Cedar and Cherry. Bruce, Geo W, carpenter, Cherry, S Nashville. Bruce, Jas M, carpenter, corner Summer and Ash sts. Bruch, J Paul, firm Gusdorf & Bruch,St Cloud Hotel. Bruce, R C, carpenter, Vine st, near Wilson springs. Bruce, Robt, clerk at McAlisters. Bruce, B, carpenter, 1 S Vine, res Cherry st, S Nash¬ ville. Bruot, Peter, umbrella maker, 5 Union st. Bunker, F J, basket manufactory, 67£ N College st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 31 Brunker, J, as above. Brunold, Peter, carpenter, Jackson near College st. Brussell, Theo, job worker, S College st. Brussell, Theo, & Plummer, S P, drinking house, Cherry st, S Nashville. Bryan, C B, firm Washington Bryan & Co, 20 N Vine st. Bryan, Col W P, southern planter, St Cloud Hotel. Bryan, Chas, clerk at corner Jefferson and Jackson, sts. Bryan, H, firm Copeland, Armstead & Co, res 9 S Cherry st. Bryant, T C, carpenter, Lafayette st. Bryant, John, wood-turner, 50 Line st, Bryant, Silas, free colored, river man, College st, S Nashville. Bryant, J L, salesman, 58 S Market st, store. Buchanan, H R, dry goods, 14 Union st. Buchanan, 6 R, clerk, 10 Union st, store. Buchanan, A H, M D, Prof surgical anatomy and physiology, medical department Nashville univer¬ sity, 8 S Cherry st. Buckner, H B salesman, 2 inn block. Buck, T M, firm McClure, Buck& Co, Edgefield. Buckley, Mrs M, bar room, 35, Spring st. Buckley, G, marble polisher, Jas Kerr's. Buckley, S J clerk, 34 N Market st. Buckner, J R, salesman, 2 inn block. Bugg, S H, trader, 88 N Cherry st. Buddekie, J H & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 66 and 64 S Market st. Burch, W A, harness maker, 23 N Market st. Burke, P, gas works. Burke, Mat, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Burke, J H, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville. Burchartz, Peter, family grocery, 73 N McLemore st. 32 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Burton, W R, wagoner, corner College and Castle- man sts. Burlington, John, gunsmith, 31 Spring st, S Nashville. Burnet, P, colored, firm Brown & Burnet, corner Cherry and Broad sts. Burnett, L, omnibus driver, 55 Crawford st. Burns, John, wood-turner, phoenix furniture manu¬ factory. Burns, J, wood-turner, phoenix furniture manufactory. Burns, W"m, salesman, 49 N Market st, res Edgefield. Burns, John, tinner, 15 N Market st, res N Nashville. Burns, Pat, coach maker, corner High and Crawford. Bruns, stone worker, Lebanon pike. Burns, Jas, engineer, Nashville university. Burns, M, saddle, shoe and coach trimmings, 49 N Market st. Burt, W J, carpenter, 53 N Spruce st. Burton, J L, omnibus driver, near old bridge. Burton, J, hack driver, 62 N Market st. Burris, R W, railroad engineer, 62 N McLemore st. Bush, W, near sulphur springs. Bush & Bro, family grocery, 57 S Cherry st. Bush, J W, as above, S Nashville. Bush, J F, as above, S Nashville. Bush, Wm G, brick contractor, Cherry st, opposite the grave yard. Buss, J, carpenter at Henderson Bros. Buster, C H, salesman, 48 Public Square. Butt, J S, firm Pope & Butt, 83 S Summer st. Butts, Mrs W, S Summer st. Butler, A W, secretary Tennessee marine and fire insurance company, 66 N Summer st. Butler, M J, superintendent gas works. Butler, G W H, salesman. 35 S Market st. Butler, Geo, moulder, M Jacker & Co's. Byers, Sam A, laborer for Bauman & Co. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 33 Byrum, W R, salesman, 57 N College st. Byram, Chas W, butcher, College st, N Nashville, Byrne & Miller, grocers and commission merchants, 5 Broad st. Byrne, Clinton, above firm, store. Bradley, T, steward Commercial Hotel. Bradley, S G, clerk, 47 Broad st. Bradshaw, J N, salesman, Morgan & Co's. Branch, K, deputy sheriff, office court house, res 70 Watkin's avenue. Branch, John W, secretary and treasurer gaiety the¬ atre, res 21 N Cherry st. Bradford, Wm H, drayman, 172 S Market st. Bradford, J W, flouring mills and burrstone factory, 107Broadst. Bradford, G G, att'y law, 42 N Cherry, res country. Brandon, John, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville, Brannom, Alex, policeman, Washington st. Bransford, J S, salesman, 3 inn block. Bransford, McWhirter & Co, wholesale dry goods, 3 inn block. Bransford, T L, above firm, res Edgefield. Bransford T L, jr, salesman, 3 inn block. Bransford, R C, book-keeper, N & C railroad. Brantley, T M, foreman Vannoy, Turbeville & Co's, res Watkin's addition. Brantley & brother, carpenters and builders, corner High and Line sts. Brantley, J H, deputy city marshal, 109, N College. Brantley, M S, carpenter shop, corner Line and High sts res 109 iM College st. Breen, P, lime burner, Lebanon pike. Brennan, T M, foundry and machine shop, 37 S Col¬ lege st, res corner Vine and Demumbrane. Brennan, Con, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Brennan, J V, clerk, 17 Public Square. 3 34 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Brennan, M, founder, 37 S College st. Brew, M, stone mason, corner high and S Union sts. Breshears, H, 15 McLemore St. Bruce, A, book-binder, York & Co, Vine st, W Nash¬ ville. Briggs & Roberts, dry goods, 15 Union st. Briggs, J R, above firm, store. Briggs, T, clerk, same. Briggs, W M, produce and commission merchant, 25 Broad, res 90 Broad st. Briggs, W T, M D, adjunctive professor and demon¬ strator of anatomy, medical department, univer¬ sity of Nashville, 42 N Cherry st, res 25 N Vine st. Bright, W H, book keeper, 46 Public Square. Bright, J W, salesman, 6 Public Square. Bright, B F, clerk, M C Bruce's. Brien & Cox, attorneys at law, 47 N Cherry st, up stairs. Brien, M M, attorney, above firm, 122 S College st. Brien, J M, attorney at law, 47 N Cherry st, res 122 S College st. Brien, John S & sons, attorneys at law, 68 N Cherry. Brien, J S, above firm, GlenclifF. Brien, W G, above firm, res Edgefield. Brien, J D, above firm, 68 N Cherry st. Brien, M, carpenter, W Nashville. Brittain, J S, watch maker at Donigan's, res S Field. Brinkley, W H, city watchman, 164, S Cherry st. Britton, M P, cabinet maker, Groomes, Cavert & Co. Britton, Wm, clerk, city hotel. Biitton. Jo, finisher at M Jacker & Co's. Brocker, E, shoe shop, 164 S Market st. Brockway, R H, Grover Baker sewing machines, 4 Public Square, res Edgefield. Broad Street Fire Company, No 2, 36 fS College st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 35 Broadway house, 71 Broad st. Brodeck, J D, clothing, 12 Public Square, New York. Brouschetti, R, railroad engineer, 67 N McLe- more st. Brooks, Mrs Ann, 110 S Summer st. Brooks, Mrs V, High st near S Union. Brodie, C A, M D, office and residence Cherry st, S Nashville. Brotherton, R, watchman, Claiborne manufacturing company, S Nashville. Brotherton, Thos, machinist, near grave yard. Brotherton, John, machinist, near Tenn and Ala railroad shop. Browder, J, painter at Holmes', S Summer st. Browser, F M, saloon, Criddle st. Brown, J L & R W, real estate agents, 44^- N Cherry. Brown, J L, above firm, res country. Brown, R W. above firm, res office. Brown, J P & W J, plasterers, Summer, near Broad. Brown, J P, above firm, corner Lincoln alley and High st. Brown, W J, same firm as above. Brown, Mrs L, 14 N Vine. Brown, Hon N S, attorney, firm of Houston & Brown, res Edgefield. Brown, W M, carpenter, 68 N Summer st. Brown, J E, carpenter, 68 N Summer st- Brown, W M, city marshal, office, city hall, res 94 N Market st. Brown, J T, grocer, 38 Public Square, res 69 N High. Brown, A H, clerk, 32 Public Square. Browne, John, merchant tailor, corner Deaderick^and Square, res 91 N Market st. Brown, Aris, jr, attorney at law, 45, N Cherry. Brown, B F, grocer, 8 N College st, res 25 S Sum¬ mer st. 36 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Brown, J W, M D, firm of Rains & Brown, Cooper's Building. Brown, L, clerk, 13 Public Square. Brown, Sam, colored, hacks to hire, 96 N College st. Brown, A. R, salesman, 49 N College st. store Brown, J G, druggist, 43 N College st, res 81 N College st. Brown, W G, salesman, 47 N College st, res Wat- kin's addition. Bryant, Joseph, clerk, 58 S Market st. O. Cabitt, Thos,finisher, Ellis & Moore's, S Cherry st, Cabler, W D, saddler, 33 N Market st. Cabler, JohnM, family grocery, W Cedar st, Cabler, Jas B, clerk, W Cedar. Cabler, C G, captain of steamboat Commerce, res 152 5 Summer. Caffray, Henry, dry goods, 98^ N College st. Cafrey, H, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Cahal, Jas, family grocery, 102 Cedar st. Cahill, John, job worker, N McLemore st. Cairns, Wm, shoemaker, 6 Spring st. Calaghan, P, harness maker, 6 Spring st. Calend, —, tailor, at Ohly's, College st, N Nashville. Calhoun, W H, jeweler, 16 Public Square. Calhoun, G R, clerk, 16 Public Square. Callender, J H, M D, office and residence 15 S Sum¬ mer st. Callender, J T, clerk, Patriot office. Callender, Thos, book-keeper, and firm Smith, Camp 6 Co, office. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 37 Calvert, W W, saddler, 37 N Market st, res N Nash, Cameron, Mrs Sarah, 9 Clark st. Cameron, James, landscape and portrait painter, St Clond Hotel. Cameron & Co, Nashville Daily News, 40 N Cherry. Cameron, Wm, above firm, foreman News office, Vine st near the Capitol Cameron, D, above firm, editor Daily News. Camp, A S, sup't and firm Smith, C & Co, 96 N Cherry st. Camplin, Mrs —, 42 N Spruce st. Campbell, W A, firm Miles & Co, W Nashville. Campbell, Mrs Jane, W Vauxhall st. Campell, D W, dry goods, 68 S Market st. Campbell, W F, merchant, 68 S Market st. Campbell, John P, proprietor Nashville Directory, cor Watkins Avenue and Vine st. Campbell, Andrew, firm of Furman & Co, store. Campbell & Cobb, china and queensware, 40 N Mar¬ ket st. Campbell, H, above firm, res 140 S Summer st. Campbell, G, candle-maker. Campbell, Jas, carpenter, 117 N College st, Mc- Gavock's. Campbell, Robt, carpenter, Claiborneville. Campbell, R A, book-keeper, cor Union & College sts,res cor Vine and Line sts. Campbell, P S, clerk, 2 miles Broad st. Carroll, H, book-keeper, M E Book Concern. Cannon, Mrs Rachel, 89 Spring st. Canlan, Pat, gas works. Cantrell, G M D, teller Planter's Bank, 3| miles mid¬ dle Franklin Pike. Capite, Dan, carpenter, cor Broad and Vine sts. Capite, Geo H, carpenter, cor Broad and Vine sts. Capps, R, coachsmith, at Peck's, 66 Line st. 38 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Caraway, L, colored, blacksmithing, 27 Spring st, res cor Cedar and Summer sts. Cardwell, Mrs MA, 166 S Summer st. Carhart, T. huckster, 164 N Market st. Carnefix, W C F, carpenter, cor Gay and Spruce s'ts. Carow, Dr H, 25 Cedar st. Carpenter, Wm, painter, 71 N Cherry st. Carpenter, Orin, principal S Nashville Select School, Cherry st. Carper, John, key-fitter, 6 Clark st. Carsey, Jas M, cattle and hog dealer, cor S Union and Spruce sts. Carson, Wm, baker, 147 N Cherry st. Carson, John, book-keeper, 29 and 31 S Market st. Carlile, GW, cabinet-maker, Grooms, Carvert & Co. Carrigan, Jas, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, 86 S Cherry. Carr, W N, shoemaker, W Nashville. Carrier, WmH, painter, 58 N Spruce st. Carrick, S P, firm of R S Hollins &, Co, City Hotel. Carroll Mrs Jane, 136 S Market st. Casner & Rosen, cigar manufacturers, 21 Deadrick Casner, J, same. Case & Gee, livery stable, 7 N Market st. Case, Henry, above firm, res 32 Gay st. Cassetty, F H, clerk 22, res 31 Ceda>- st. Casteen, John, cabinetmaker, Phoenix fur manuf. Casteen, Wm, cabinetmaker, Phoenix fur manuf. Casteen, Dan, carpenter, 117 S Cherry st. Casey, M, family grocery, 91-93 S Cherry st. Casey, John, bowling saloon, 41 N Front st. Castleman, R B, ex city Mayor, Sewanee House. Castleman, Mrs E, 91 S Cherry st. Carter, J W, clerk, M E Book Concern, store. Carter, A A, saddler, 38 N Market st. Carter, C V, salesman, 50 Public Square. Carter, A C, firm Hollister & C, 6 S Cherry st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 Carter, S J, eating house, 25 Union st, res 45 Public Square. Carter, W J, printer, Union office. Carter, D F, president Bank of the Union, 18 N High st. Carter, Mrs M M, boarding house, 25 S Vine st. Carter, McKay & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 5 S Market st. Carter, A C, above firm, 6 S Cherry st. Cartvvright, John, captain steamboat Charter, res 107 S College st. Cartvvright & Brother, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 47 Broadway. Cartwright, W T, above firm, res Franklin Pike. Cartwright, E W, above firm, res Lebanon Pike. Cartwright, ML, book-keeper, 5 S Market, 91 S Col. Catolous, Sam, f m c, cooper, 64 N Vine st. Catties, Robt, ass't bridge-.keeper, Jones' Hotel. Catron, Hon John, Judge U S Court, 10 N Cherry st. Cavert, James,firm Grooms, C & Co, near water- w'ks. Cavvett, R M, policeman, 114 S Summer st. Cawthon, Mrs M E, 79 S Front st. Cirer & Bernwald, cigar manuf, 52j N Market st. Cirer, H, above firm, res 59 N Cherry st. City and Marine Hospital, at Shelby Med College, 123-125 Broad st. City Building and Loan Association, over Piter's Bank. City Bank, 33 N College st. City Hotel, S M Scott proprietor, 69 Public Square. Champion, H B, 20 McL^more st. Cilycomb R R worker, S end of Summer st. Chandler, Geo, free col, riverman, Vine st,' N of the Capitol. Chandoin, C R, jobworker, N Spruce st. Chatham, Wm, boiler-maker, Ellis & Moore's, cor Market and Castleman sts. 40 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chester, W P, railroad engineer, 67 N McLemore st. Cheek, Mrs Mary, 57 Crawford st. Cheek, H, river engineer, rolling mill hill. Cheek, W, burr stone worker, 53 S College st. Cheak, B, carpenter, 166 N College st. Cheatham. Archer, firm Williamson & C, res in the country. Cheatham, M &, E F, grocers and com'sn merchants, vcor Spring and College sts. Cheatham, M, above firm, store. Cheatham, E F, above firm, store, Cheatham, Hon E S, president E & K railroad, res St Cloud. Cheatham, B F, agent for Maney's Reaper, 64 N Cherry st. Cheatham, F R, clerk County Court, res McGavock. Cheatham, Wm S, M D, office and res 20 N High st. Cheney, C J, firm Morgan-& Co, 7 N Summer st. Chickering, John D, ass't book-keeper, S Com Col, 49£ JN Cherry st. Childress, T B, att'y at law, 44 N Cherry st, res 10 N Cherry st. Childers, J F, brickmason, S College st. Childers, Jas, job worker, S Market st. Chilton, Wm L, 2d clerk St Cloud hotel. Chilton, Wm, carpenter, S of grave yard. Chilton, Thos W, carpenter, 107, S Cherry st. Chilton, J T, carpenter as above. Chilton, Jas carpenter, Chilton's alley. Chilton, Thos, carpenter, shop, Chilton's alley. Chipchase & Brothers, mattress manufacturers, 40 S College st. Chipchase, Jas, above firm, res same. Chipchase, P, above firm. Choat, Jas, cooper, corner Summer and Demum- brane sts. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 41 Christian, Jas clerk, 8 N Market st. Chumley, John, deputy city marshal, 106 N College. Church,.old baptist, College st, S Nashville. Church, German, 138 N College. Church, associated ref presbyterian, corner College and Ash sts. Church, christian, Rev P Fall, pastor, 72 Spring st. Church, Roman Catholic, corner Cedar and Summer. Church, first Baptist, 28 N Summer st. Claiborne, J T, boarding, 38 Public Square. Claiborne, H L, 1st clerk State Bank Tenn. Claiborne, M G L, city improvement man, Claiborne- ville. Claiborne, Mrs L A, Claiborneville. Clark, Jas, carpenter, Castleman st. Clark, J C, cabinet-maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Clark, Jas P, clerk supreme court, office Capitol, S Spruce st. Clark, Mary, 80 N Spruce st. Clark, J R, carpenter, Lafayette st. Clark, A, clerk, 24 Public Square. Clay, Henry, painter, Vine near S Union. Clemons, W B H, wagoner, Claiborneville. Clemons, W H, 27 S High. Clifton, Albright & Co, clothing store, 15 Cedar st. Clifton, J C, above firm, St Cloud. Cobb, J, firm Campbell & Cobb, 36 S High st. Cochran, John, family grocery, W Cedar. Cohen, S, pedlar, 8 N Market st. Cohen, H, jewelry store, 30 S Market st, res same. Cohn, S, shoe shop, 25 S College st. Coe, Adam, meat marketer, stall No 1, res College st N Nashville. Cockrill, S R, attorney at law. 22 N Vine st. Cockrill, M, clerk, 18 Public Square, res 100 N Mar¬ ket st. 42 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cockrill, Mrs C, boarding house, 109, N Market st. Cackle, Martin, miller for Bauman & Co. Coin, Pat, laborer, 8 S Front st. Cole, Robt A, wharf master, 27 N Spruce. Cole, D, firm Bon & Cole, Crocket st. Cole, E, marketer, 39 S Front st. Cole, J as R, firm Graham &, Cole, store. Cole, A J, firm Jas Johnson, & Co, cor Pearl and Jef. Cole, J W, teacher of music, institution for the blind, res same. Cole, E W, supt N & C railroad company, cor Broad and Lawrence sts. Cole, D A, mattress manufacturer, Lebanon pike. Cole, E W, marketing, Molloy st. Colett, F W, Jefferson house, 20 and 22 S Market st. Colletry, M, contractor, 6 Spring st. Coleman, T B, meat marketer, stall No 4. Coleman, J W, meat marketer, stall No 5. Coleman, L C, meat marketer, stalls Nos 6 and 7. Coleman & Co, Pittsburg coal yard, cor Front and Broad sts. Coleman, B C, book-keeper, cor Spring and College, res city hotel. Coleman & Spain, carpenters and contractors, 17 S High st. Coleman, J P, above firm, 16 S High st Coleman, G W. 8 S Market st. Coleman, P B, Monterey house, 27 N Market st. Coleman, L C, clerk, 28 N Cherry st, res 83 N Mar¬ ket st. Coleman, Thos, teller, Trader's bank, bank. Coleman & Thomas, meat store, 24 S Front st. Coleman, Jas, above firm. 83 N Market st. Coleman, B F, clerk, as above. Coleman, L C, & Do>le, meat store, 23 S Front st. Coleman, L C, above firm, 142 N Front st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 43 Coleman, L C, meat dealer, 138 N Front st. Coleman, J W, clerk, 5 inn block. Colley, R, job worker, 80 S Cherry. Collins, Chas, carriage painter, 90 S Market st, res 82 S Cherry st. Collins, Wm, carriage body maker, 90 S Market st, res 82 S Cherry st. Collins, Susan, Criddle st. Collins, J H, book-keeper, 54 Broad st. Collins, L, book-keeper Republican Banner office, res City hotel. Collins, Jesse, machinist, Ellis & Moore's, res S Nash¬ ville. Collins, Jesse, 122, S Cherry st. Collins, Jesse, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, res 44 S Market st. Collins, Pat, job worker, 150 S Cherry st. Collins, M C, of M Co, job worker, Vine st, N of capitol. Collier, Wm, book-binder, Publishing House res S. Field. Collier, R C, book-keeper, Merchant's bank. Calvert, Jas L dealer in lumber and wood, 58 S Fi ont st. Coltart, John, office 9 Clark st. Colvert, W J, wagon yard, Front st, at upper landing. Combs, Miss Mary, 133 N College st. Combs, J W, family grocery, 29 Spring st. Cornpton, H M, M D, 31, N College st. Commercial Hotel, Hare &; Co proprietors, cor Cedar and Cherry sts. Combs, M S, livery stable, 25 Spring st, res 44 S Summer st. Conley, A, tin and stoves, 10 Broad st, res 61 S Sum¬ mer st. Connelly, E H, painter, S Spruce. 44 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Conley, Jas, clerk, 1 S Market st. Conrod, D, carpenter, 1 S Market st, res S Nashville. Connolly, P, founder, Brennan's foundry. Connelly, J B, watch-maker, Yine st, near Wilson's Springs. Conley E, printer, near Wilson's Springs. Conner, J^, carpenter, W Nashville. Conner, J C, dentist, 8 N Cherry st. Connley, J B, watch-maker, 30 S Market st. Conley, J T, tailor, also, boarding, 6 Spring st. Conley, R D, botanic doctor, Kirkman's block, 76 Union st. Conley, A, copper and sheet iron shop, 94 S Market st. res 61 S Summer st, tin and stove store 10 Broad st. Conley, M, blacksmith striker, M Jacker & Co's. Conrad, David, cabinet maker, Lafayette st. Conrad, G A, clerk, 13 and 15 Broad st. Conger, Chas, carpenter, Cherry st. S Nashville. Conner, John, school teacher, W Nashville. Conwell, Ira, M D, resident physician State hospital. Conwell, Ira, M D, office 67 Spring st. Conover, W V, watch maker, 41 Union st, res Edge¬ field. Cooley, T, clerk, 43 Broad st, res 185 S Summer st. Cooley, S, grocer and commission merchant, 43 Broad st, res 185 S Summer st. Cooke, Bailey & Co, wholesale boots and shoes, 50 Public Square. Cooke, W M, above firm, res Edgefield. 'Cook, J C, stone mason, College st, S Nashville. Cook, Jas, watchman at the capitol, 47 N Spruce. Cook, John, finisher at Ellis & Moore's, Lebanon pike. Cooke, B H, firm of Irby Morgan & Co, store. Cook, H, ticket clerk, 62 N Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 45 Cook, Mrs N, Franklin pike. Coop, Thos, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Cooper, W F, firm Ewing & Cooper, office 46, res 53 N Cherry. Cooper, Wm, portrait painter, 74 Spring st. Cooper, Jas M, river pilot, 126 S Summer. Cooper, W B, portrait painter, cor Union and Sum¬ mer, res Charlotte pike. Cooper, Geo E, book-keeper, T M Brennan's 81 S Cherry st. Cooper, Jas, tinner, 1 S Market st. Cooper, Wm, tinner, 1 S Market st. Cooper, John A, attorney at law, 43 S College. Cooper, H A, tin and stove dealer, 1 S Market st. Cooper, John, dry goods, &c, 22 Broad et. Copeland, Armistead & Co, wholesale dealers in shoes, etc, No 3 inn block. Copeland, Jas B, above firm. Corbett, W B, 8th clerk at post office. Corbitt, D, overseer, Cherry st S Nashville. Corbitt, Sam, mate on river, Cherry st, S Nashville. Corbett, F, pattern-maker, Anderson's foundry. Corbitt, Nicholas, farmer, S end Market. Corbitt, P H, carpenter, Maple st. Corbitt, Wm, plasterer for Wm Stockel, W Nash¬ ville. Corbitt, John, justice of the peaee, 43 S College st, res Maple and Franklin. Corbitt, E F, river pilot, Maple and Franklin. Cornelius, W R, furniture manufactory, 49 Spring st. res 8 S Fine st. Corry, Jas, cashier Union Bank of Tennessee, 13 N Summer st. Correy, John, blacksmith, striker at M Jacker & Co's. Corwin, H W, pattern maker, M Jacker & Co's, res 82 S Cherry st. 46 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIBECTOSY. Cotton, Martin, keeper of city grave yard, near the gate. Cotton, G R, carpenter, Summer st, S Nashville. Cottrell, J S, carpenter, Claiborneville. Cotton, Joseph, carriage maker, 67 N McLemore st. Couch, M I, grocer and commission merchant, 23 Broad st, res country. Couch, W H, clerk, 23 Broad st, res S Nashville. Couch, John A, Captain of steamer Scotland, 60 S Front st. Couch, G W, Captain of steamer Rock City, 102 N Cherry st. Couch, P I, river captain, Boatman's row, S Nash¬ ville. Caussens, John H, tailor, Vine st, S Field. Coughlin, John, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, S Cherry. Cowan, Sam, salesman, 48 Public Square, Cowardin, C W, carpenter and builder, 33 NVine st. Cowan, B F, patent dealer, Sewanee house. Cox, M T, M D, Rolling Mill hill. Cox, H, attorney at law, 47 N Cherry st, res 194 S Summer st. Cox, H, tailor, Edgefield. Cox, H, attorney, firm Brien & Cox, res S Summer. Cram, J, 61, N Spruce st. Crammer, F, tailor at John Browne's. Craft, W H, tinner, 1U8, S College st. Craig, Isaac, coach blacksmith, 69 N Market st. Craighead & Co, hardware, 29 Public Square. Craighead, Jas B, above firm, res 17 N High st. Crandie, W H, 5th clerk at post office. Crawford, carpenter, Vannoy & Myers. Craft, W H, tinner, S Nashville. Crady, J W, wood worker, 40 N Front st, Crandie, Ira, family grocery, 18 Deaderick st, res Buena Vista. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 47 Crane, M, laborer, 6th ward. Crane, Thos, laborer at M lacker & Co's, res 53 S Front st. Crawford, J J, clerk, 18 Union st, store. Crawford, A, clerk, Planter's Bank, 20 S Vine st. Creedon, P J, frame ornamenter, 12 N College st res 174 S Market st. Creeden, Jas, saloon, 8 S Front. Cregear, Peter, meat marketer, stall No 12, res 150 N Front st. Crenshaw, R L, carpenter, 64 N McLemore. Crenshaw, Jac, free colored, Demumbrane st. Creighton, Jo, finisher, M Jacker & Co's, 66 S Cherry. Creighton & Lawrence, carpenters and builders, 68 IN Summer st. Creighton, A D, above firm, 28 Line st. Creighton, Jas A, book binder, Publishing House, 25 Deaderick st. Creli, A, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Griddle, J H, book keeper, 57 N College st, res 95 Sprtftg st. Crisp, W H, lessee of Gaiety Theatre, res Gallatin Pike.. Cristenbury, W, clerk, 155 N Cherry st. Criswell, Mrs M, Cherry st, S Nashville. Crocket, J, supt Cumberland coal yard, 158, N Mar¬ ket st. Crocket, Geo, merchant., 51 Spring st. Crockett, G B, salesman, Thompson & Co's store. Crockett, G B, clerk, Ilillman Bros. Cross, Chas, bootmaker, 84 S Cherry st. Cross, N D, attorney at law, office 24 Deaderick st, Cross, N, teacher, 1£ miles Gallatin pike. Cross, R G, book keeper, 47 N College st. Crosthwaith, A L, paper hanger, 28 Public Square. Crosthwaith, H D, same place. 48 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Crosthwait, W H, city policeman, res Murfreesboro pike. Crooker, A, millinery store, 30 Union st. Crocket, Sam, agent, 25 N College st, res 10 N Vine. Cronan, Dan, marble rubber, Jas Kerr's. Crouch, P W, salesman, 4 inn block. Crunk, T C, firm Gower & Crunk, store. Crush, W P, carpenter, 109 N College st. Crowder, C W, firm Reams, Mitchell & Co, 124 Sum¬ mer st. Crozier, A R, late of Trader's bank, 26, S Cherry st. Caruthers, Wm H, merchant, cor Summer and Mul¬ berry. Culbert, Wm, boiler maker, Ellis & Moore, S Field. Cullum, B L, clerk, at Chas Fox's. Cullum, E M, shoemaker, 9 S College st. Culley, Robt, river man, 55 IN Spruce st. Cunningham & Co, agricultural and. seed store, 6 N College st. Cunningham, F H, above firm, res Edgefield. Cunningham, J, stone mason, Lafayette st. Cunningham, F H, clerk, 14 N College st, res Edge¬ field. Cunningham, Dan, engineer, 160. Cunningham, W W, salesman, Morgan & Co's. Cunningham, G W, firm Fall & Cunningham, 13 N High st. Cunningham, Alex, clerk, State Bank Tenn, res 11 5 Vine st. Cunningham, W A, clerk, State Bank Tenn. Cunningham, Mike, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert 6 Co. Curry, J H, undertaker and cabinet maker, 36 Dead- near N and C depot. Curry, John H, M D, office and res Franklin Pike. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 49 Curry, G W, M D, office 61 N Cherry st, res 92 Spring st. Curry, R O, M D, prof medicine, Chemistry and medical jurisprudence, Shelby Medical College. Cusick, Chas, harness maker, 33 N Market st. Cutter, B R, shoe store, cor College and Broad sts, res cor Vine and£< 3D. Daily Union and American, office Union and Am Buildings, cor Spring and Cherry sts, E G East¬ man & Co proprietors. Daly, M, family grocery, 19 S College st. Daly,' E B, clerk, 41 Union st. Dalton, Wm, plumber, at Henderson Bro's. Dalton, M, lime burner, Lebanon pike. Dalton, "F H, carpenter, S Vine st. Dalberg, A R, grocery and liquor store, 1 Odd Fel¬ lows* Hall. Dameron, J, cooper, cor Summer and Demumbrane. Daniel, D R, clerk, 7 S College, res Edgefield. Daniel, M, carpenter, 109 N College st. Daniel, D R, clerk, 3 S College, res country. Danley, W L, listing clerk, N & C R R, W Nash. Darden, G W, salesman, cor Spring and College sts. Darden, J C & Co, china store, 46 Public Square, res 15 S Spruce st. Darr, Jo, free col, river man, 71 S Cherry st. Dashiell, Capt Jack S, S High st. Dashiell, J G, clerk, 30 Union st, store. Danth, John, shoe-shop, 93 S Market st. Davis, Jo, tailor, Sam Pritchitt's, S Nashville. Davis, Joel, baggage-master N & C R R, re%29 N College st. Davis, J H, shoemaker, 70 Union st. 4 50 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Davis,N. carpenter, S Nashville. Davis, H, shoe-shop, Cherry st, S Nashville. Davis, J, clothing store, 14 Public Square, res 120 N Cherry st. Davis, James, shoe-shop, Cherry st, S Nashville. Davis, Mrs S P, boarding-house, 51 S Cherry st. Davis, Sam, merchant, 138 S Cherry st. Davis, Owen, steamboat captain, 140 S Cherry st. Davis, Jas, family grocery, 134 S Cherry st. Davis & Gaines, grocers and commission merchants, 45 Broad st. Davis, W A, above firm, res country. Davis, Capt A L, line of steamboats Nashville and Memphis, res 144 S College. Davis, W, founder, Brennan's foundry. Davis, Mrs Mary, College st, S Nashville. Davis, C L, salesman, 49-51 S Market st. Davis & McGinnis, dry goods, 48 S Market st. Davis, J B, above firm, store. Davis, "T J, clerk, 35 S Market st. Davis, Wm, carpenter, cor Broad and Vine sts. Davis, Chas, bookbinder, York & Co's, 28 S Front. Davidson, Rev S A, carpenter, Claiborneville. Davy, John, harness-maker, 71 N College st. Davy, H A, family grocery, cor Market st and Murf pike. Dawson, Pat, laborer, A Anderson & Co's. Dearion, Geo, carpenter, College st, N Nashville. Deaderick, L, 50 N Cherry st. Debow, J R, printer, Rep Banner office, 21 N Cherry st. DeGrove, W M, clerk, cor Cherry and Broad sts. DeGrove, Q, D, assistant treasurer Gaiety theatre, Edgefield. DeGrove, M E, book-keeper, 15 N Market, res Edgefield. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 51 Deiss, Mrs C, 173 N Market st. Demonbreun, W R, 102 S Market st. Demoss, A L, att'y at law, 57 N Cherry st. Demoville, J F, firm of Berry & Demoville. Demoville & Co, druggists, 1 Union Block. Demoville, S L, above firm, 11 S Spruce st. Dempsey, R, carpenter, 52 N Summer st. Dungey, Jas, f m c, wagoner, 86 Watkins Av. Denning, W, shoemaker, 9 S College st, res Broad near College st. Derham, Wm, harness-maker, 23 N Market st. Deschants, Geo, tailor, 19 Cedar st, res Spruce st. Deschemps, Geo L, tailor, Spruce st near Capitol. Deshazo, R, waterhauler, S Market st. Devine, Wm, tailor, Harvey & Keating's. De ws, Wm, wagoner, 73 S Front st. Dexter, Chas A, book-keeper, Commercial Hotel. Dibs, Wm, river man, near Sulphur Springs. Dickel, Geo A, shoemaker, 40 Union st, store. Dickerson, —, cooper, Lebanon pike. Dickerson, Jas, job worker, 99 Cedar sf. Dickson, A, clerk, cor Broad and Summer sts. Dickey, D D, produce and heavy hardware, 41 S Market, res College and Gay sts. Diggins, Jas, teacher, piano and music, 14 S High. Diggons, G A, clerk, City Bank, 14 S High st. Diilln, A M, salesman, 48 Public Square. Dillin, W E, clerk, 74 S Market st. Dillin, J R, clerk, 47 Public Square. Dillon & Co, grocers and commission merchants, 15 S College st. Dillon, John, above firm, res St Cloud. Dismukes. D J, salesman, 2 Inn Block. Dismukes, Robt L, captain and owner of Rock City steamboat, res 85 S College st. 52 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dix, Wm, keeper workhouse, 92 N Front, res S Sum mer st. Dobson, Jas, clerk, 26 Broad st. Dobson, Albert, stonemason, 51 N Spruce st. Dobson, W K, carver, 47 Spring, res 87 S Summer. Dobson, J C, clerk, Asbrook's furniture store, Cherry st, S Nashville. Dobson, Wm, carver, 87 S Summer st. Dodd, John, stonemason, S Market st. Dodd, B N, family grocery, S Market st. Dodson, N J, clerk, 9 Union st, store. Dodson, Geo, clerk, 111 S College st. Dodson, Geo A, clerk, 158 S Market st. Dodson, Rebecca, 49 N McLemore st. Dolan, Jno, saloon, 6 N Market st. Dolan, John, job worker, Shanklin st. Doke, Mrs M, Cherry st, S Nashville. Doolin & Clark, Cumb coal yard, cor Market and Locust sts. Donigan, G W, jewolry and silver ware, cor Union and College sts, res 14 N Vine st. Donoho, R D, salesman, 74 Public Square, Dorgan, B, cooper, Moker & Co's. Dorman, Roderick, teacher in Hines' free school, 91 N College st. Dorris, Dr, S College st. Dorris, H P, Eclipse stove foundry, W Broad st, store 6 N College st, res 11 S College st. Dorris, W H, tinner, 6 N College st, res 11 S College. Dorris, W G, stove foundry, W Nashville, ware r'ms 56 Broad st. Dorris, D W, sup't Nashville stove foundry, W Br'd- way, res 56 Broadway. Dorris, H P. tin and stove dealer, 11 S College st. Dortch, Nat F, river pilot, S Market st, Dortch, Capt Jessee, steamboat Minatonka, Maple. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 53 Doubelbeiss, R, stone-cutter, W Cedar st. Doubler, S, shoemaker, S College st. Dougal, J, carpenter, Lafayette st. Dougal, Jas, carpenter, Lafayette st. Doubleday, Geo, meat-marketer, stall No 8. Dougherty, W L, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Dougherty, Jas, finisher, Ellis & Ament's Dougherty, Dan, plasterer, Stockel's, Cherry st, S Nashville. Douglas & Co, wholesale dry goods, 53 Public Square. Douglas, Byrd, above firm, 3£ miles Charlotte pike. Douglas, Hugh, same firm, Edgefield. Douglas, Stephen, colored, hacks to hire, 67 N Col¬ lege st. Douglas, Wm, firm of Walsh & D, store. Dovey, E G. firm Amison & D, 114 S Market st. Dowell, H C, clerk, 6 Public Square. Downs, John, salesman, D D Dickey's, S Nashville, Doyle, E C, firm Coleman & D, 28 N Front st. Doyle, J & Co, pork packers and soap and candle factory. Doyle, J, above firm, City Hotel. Doyle, Wm J, same firm, City Hotel. Doyle, E C, clerk Doyle & Co's, City Hotel. Doyle, P, coal yard, 32 S College st, res Commer¬ cial Hotel. Doyle, Mary Ann, fruit-store, Lebanon pike. Doyle, Jas, merchant, 34 S Market st. Doyle, Mrs M, New York millinery, 32 Union st. Drain, Robt, railroad man, 111 S College st. Drake, Thos, river-man, Lebanon pike. Drake, Wm, river engineer, Rolling-Mill Hill. Drake, J, job worker, same place. Drew, Henry, hackman, f m c, Vine st N Capitol. 54 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Drew, Wm, f m c, river man, 65 Crawford st. Driver, E R, salesman, 44 N Market st, store. Driver, Ben, colored, marketer, 145 N College st. Driver, Wm, salesman, 45 N College st, res 158 S Summer st. Drucker, M J, clotting, 31 N Market st. Drumeler, S P, carpenter, cor Spruce and Gay sts. Duckworth, Jas, machinist, Lebanon pike. Duncan, A J, firm of A J D & Co, Waverly Place, 1J miles from city on Eranklin Pike. Duncan, A J, President Protection Insurance Co, 76 Spring st. Duncan, Dr J A, firm Morgan & Co. 7 N Summer st. Duncan, A J & Co, wholesale dry goods, 70 Public Square. Duncan, W, Cherry st, S Nashville. Duncan, H P, stereotyper Pub House, Line and High st. Duell, J, laborer, 160 N College st. Dulac, B, cooper, Moker & Co's. Dunlap, T C, clerk, 56 S Market st. Dunlap, Gen J T, State Comptroller, office Capitol, res near the city. Du Pre, Cornelius, salesman, 5 Inn Block. Dumahant, W S W, carpenter, Claiborneville. Dumont, E, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Dungey, Wm, jr, fishman, 159 N Market st. Dungy, S, fisherman, 140 N Front st. Dunnington, E C, editor Union and American, res Co¬ lumbia. Durham, John, miller, S Spruce st. Durham, John, huckster, College near Jefferson st. Dury, Geo, portrait painter, 49 Spring st, up stairs, res country. Dwier, Thos, laborer, at Henderson Bro's. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 55 Bwyer, J, porter, Billon & Co's. Bwyre, R, wagon maker, 105 Broad st. Byer, Isham, Esq, office 69 N Cherry st, np stairs. Darden, J R, commission merchant and dealer in lum¬ ber, No 115 Broadway. lEL Eakin, J D, salesman, 51 Public Square. Eakin, Frank, colored, hackman, 121, N College st. Eakin, WmS& Co, wholesale dry goods, 48 Public Square. Eakin, Thos, above firm, res New York. Eakin, Wm S, above firm, 22 N High st. Early, Wm B, compositor, Union and American office, res 80 N Market st. Early, J F, clerk, M E book concern, store. Earle, Alfred, family grocery, 72 N Spruce st. Earle, A R, printer, M E publishing house, res Spruce st, near Line, Easley, J B, clerk, 34 Public Square. East & Shane, attorneys at law, 66 N Cherry st, up stairs. East, E PI, attorney, above firm, res office. East, Jo, clerk, B R Cutters Eastman, J M, mail clerk, Union and American office. Eastman, E G & Co, editors and proprietors Baily Union and American, cor Spring and Cherry. Eastman, E G, editor Union and American, res 33 N Cherry st. East & Petway, druggists, S Cherry st. East, A A, M D, office and res Cherry st near Mul¬ berry st. Eastland, Thos B, jr, clerk, 18 N College st. Eaves, R, firm Adams, Eaves & Co, W Nashville. 56 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ecker, H J, book binder, publishing house, res 90 N Market st. Edgar, Rev John T, D D, pastor 1st Presbyterian church, res 9 S Summer st. Edgefield and Kentucky railroad, office 49 N Cherry st, up stairs. Edghill, Jas, tailor at John Browne's. Edmunds, John, shoemaker, Rolling Mill hill. Edmonds, S T, job worker, College st near Jefferson. Edmondson, Chas, salesman, 49 N College st, store. Edwards, Gilkerson & Co, grocers and commission merchants, corner College and Spring sts. Edwards, Jo, above firm, res Demumbrane st, W Nashville. Edwards, E P, above firm, store. Edwards, Thos, printer, S W Baptist Publishing House, res W Nashville, Edwards, R H, carpenter, Guthrie st. Edwards, A S, firm J T Green & Co, 164 S Market. Edwards, Robt, carpenter, Lebanon pike. Eelbeck,F C, clerk, 5 inn block. Eichbaum, Wra A, treasurer Mt Olivet Cemetery, res 31 N Vine. Eichbaum, F H, book-keeper M Jacker & Co, res cor¬ ner Spruce and Union. Eiser, A, wagonmaker at Gunters. Elam, D W, coppersmith, 94 S Market st, res S Nash¬ ville. Elder, Jas, blacksmith at Anderson's foundry. Ely, Jessee, salesman 49 N College st, store. Elis, Jacob, clothing, 17 Spring st. Ellis & Ament, foundry and machine shop, 101 Broad. Ellis, Wm, above firm, 79 S Cherry st. Ellis, Jas, merchant, corner High and Gay st. Ellis, L, firm Strickler, Ellis & Co, 51 Public Square. Ellis, Jas, merchant, Capitol st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 57 Ellis & Moore, foundry and machine shop, 96,98 and 100 S Market st. Ellis, N D, above firm, 86 S College st. Elliston, Joseph T, farmer, 2 miles west of city. Elliston & Matthews, dry goods, 14 Union st. Elliston, J B, above firm, store. Elliott, J M, carriage body maker, 82 N Market st. Elliott, W F, southern coach manufacturing compa¬ ny, 30 N Spruce st. Elliott, Rev C D, Pres Nashville Female Academy. Elrod, John, family grocery, Lebanon pike, S Nash¬ ville. Elsbach, D, Agent, 12 Public Square. Elverson, Geo, merchant, 110 N College st. Engelhardt, W, shoe shop, 25 Deaderick st. Epps, A B, clerk, 22 Broad st. Epps, J M, clerk, 43, Broad st, res 185 S Summer. Erb, John, machinist, 8 S Spruce. Erskine, W, F, book-keeper, 28 S Market st. Erwin, Jas & Co, hardware, 32 Public Square. Erwin, Jas, Sr, above firm, 88 N College st. Erwin, Jas, Jr, above firm, 71 N Market st. Escue, Robt, carpenter, 45 S Cherry st. Eskew, J D, printer, Republican Banner office, 52 N Summer st. Esselman, John N, M D, office and res 67 Spring. Esselman, J C, clerk, 43 N College st, store. Estes, Mrs Julia, College st, S Nashville, Estell, Sarah, boarding house, 89 N Cherry. Esterdy, Chas, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Esterdy, P, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Evans, J, hatter, 26 N College st, res 104 N College. Evans & Co, wholesale dry good, 54 Public Square. Evans, T W, above firm, Park street, near Capitol. Evans, W H, above firm, same place. Evans, Geo, blacksmith, M Jacker & Co, 82 S Cherry, 58 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Evans, D L, salesman at Evans & Co's. Evans, B G, salesman at Evans & Co's. Evans, Wm B, book-keeper, 43 N College st res Edgefield. Eve, Paul F, prof surgery, medical department, Uni¬ versity of Nashville, res cor Spring and Vine. Everett, Jas, captain police, res 59 N Cherry st. Everett, E F, clerk, 10 Union st, res 19 S High. Everett, J B, dry goods, 10 Union st, res 19 S High st. Everhart, J, family grocery, 164 N Market st Ewin, Pendleton, & Co, wholesale druggists, 5 inn block, Ewin, W H, above firm, store. Ewin, J H, same firm, res 6 miles Franklin pike. Ewish, H, firm O Bohme & Co, res Edgefield. Ewing & Sperry, grocers and commission merchants, cor College and Spring sts. Ewing, E H, jr, above firm, res Ewing avenue. Ewing, McCrory & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 1 and 3 N Market st. Ewing, A G, above firm, res St Cloud. Ewing, John O, cotton planter, 82 Spring st. Ewing, O, jr, clerk, 47 Public Square. Ewing, W G, merchant, Sewanee House. Ewing, H, clerk, Planters' Bank, res Ewing avenue. Eubank, Geo, book binder, res Edgefield. Fagundus, T, hook-keeper 50 Broad st, res W Nash. Failey, Frank, finisher, M Jacker& Co's. Fain, Thos J, clerk, Cherry st, S Nashville. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 59 Fain, Thos J, family grocery, cor of Cherry and Mul¬ berry sts. Falkener, Mrs C, 85 N Summer st. Fall, A B, clerk Berry & Co'sbook store. Fall, John T S, book and job printing, cor College and Union sts, res Edgefield. Fall, W F, firm of McCall & Co, 34 Public Square, res Clarksville. Fall, Rev P S, pastor First Christian Church, res 32 S Vine st. Fall & Cunningham, hardware, 4T Public Square. Fall, Alex, above firm, res country. Faller, F R A, watch-maker and jeweler, 19Deaderick. Faller, B L, watchmaker, 19 Deaderick st. Felts, David, carpenter, 42 Watkins' Av. Fallon, E, foundryman, Anderson's foundry, 101 S College st. Fauntleroy, H, book-keeper, Union st, opposite Mrs Polk's. Falwell, Mrs C, 12 S High st. Faley, J, job worker, 67 S Cherry st. Farnsworth, E D, steamboat inspector for insurance offices, 36 S High st. Farr, S A, salesman, 4 Inn Block. Ferguson, Jas, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville. Farquaharson, Mrs Eliza, 63 N College st. Farrell, W, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Farrell, Wm, carpenter. Farrell, Thos, china store, cor Spring and Market sts. Farrell, Pat, job worker, S Spruce st. Farmer, Wm, carpenter, S High st. Farley, Thos, carriage painter, 82 N Market st, res Edgefield. Farley, Jas, wagonmaker, at Gunter's S Spruce st. Farris, John, carpenter, Washington st, Farris, A C, carpenter, N McLemore st. 60 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Farris, C W, moulder, M Jacker & Co's, S Nashville. Farrar, E W, hook-keeper, Jas Kerr's, St Cloud. Farrar, J H, salesman, 2 Inn Block. Favil, P F, bookbindery, 58 Public Square. Fay, Wm, furniture manufacturer, 15 S College st. Featherston, E J, salesman, Thompson & Co's, store. Featherston, R D, firm of Parks & F, store. Feeley, J, porter, 49 Spring st. Fehr, John C, bookbindery, 19 and 21 Deaderick st. Fellows, J G, land agent, 20 Deaderick st. Fenn, Robt, drinking-shop, 95 N Front st. Fenn, R, drinking-house, 108 N Front st. Ferguson, J, moulder, M Jacker & Co's. Ferguson, Wm, carriage blacksmith, 90 S Market st, res S Cherry st. Ferguson, J G, att'y at law, 14 Cedar st. Ferguson, Rev J B, independent congregation, service at theater morning and evening. Ferguson, C W, tobacconist, 103 Broad, res 104 Broad st. Ferris, Wm, clerk, 47 Public Square, W Nashville. Ferrill, F, patternmaker, Ellis & Moore's, 99 S Mar¬ ket st. Ferall, P, laborer, Brennan's foundry. Fite, L B & T D, wholesale dry goods, 1 Public Sqr. Fite, L B, above firm, store. Fite, T D, above firm, 4 N Vine st. Fitzgerrald, J, job worker, 127 N Front st. Fisher, Wm, butcher, 118 N Market st. Field, P H, book-keeper, 49 N College st, res 26 N Cherry st. Field, Geo, cooper, 24 S Market st. Fitzhugh, Mary J, 80 N Spruce st. Fitzhugh, B S, receiving clerk N & C R R, res Wat- kins' Grove.. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 61 Figg, J J, ladies' shoe-shop, 34 Cedar st. Finn, W W, wall-paper store, 28 Public Square. Finn, J C, clerk, 28 Public Square, St Cloud. Finn, H B, clerk, 28 Public Square, St Cloud. Finn, R, coffee-house, 155 N Cherry st. Finley, S L, att'y at law, 47 N Cherry st, res in the country. Finegan, W R, saddle and harness-maker, 3 S Market. Finegan, Vm, harness-maker, 3 S Market st. Fisk, Mary H, Rolling Mill Hill. Fiske, W P, foreman Union and American office, res 40 Spruce st. Fisk, Jas, carpenter, College st, S Nashville. Fisher, Wheless & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 13—15 Broad st. Fisher, John A, above firm, 77 S Summer st. Fisher, J Gr, carpenter, 28 S College st. Fisher, J B, livery stables,N Cherry st. Fisher, Jas A, book-keeper News office, firm Cameron & Co, res High st. Fisher, Mrs Ann W, High st, cor Lincoln Alley. Fisher, C S salesman, 14 N Market st. Fitzpatrick, C, laborer, M Jacker & Go's, Chilton's Alley. Fitzgerald, Wm, foundryman, Anderson's foundry, S Nashville. Fields, Lewis, 102 N Market st. Fields, B F, carriage painter, 135 S Market st, res 147 S Summer st. Field, F, carpenter and builder, Demumbrane S Field. Fields, H C, clerk, 21 Cedar st, S Nashville. Flanagan, John, marblerubber, Jas Kerr's. Flanagan, S, blacksmith, 41 Deaderick st. Flanegan, J, blacksmith, Ellis & Moore's, 65 S Col¬ lege st. Flack, John, carpenter, Carroll st, S Nashville. 62 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Flaherty, Peter, job-worker, 157 S Market st. Flashman, P, jeweller-store, 26 S Market st. Fleming, J C, plumber, 47\ N Cherry st. Fleming, F, Scovel & Goodel sewing machines, 48 Union st, res Edgefield. Fleming, Mrs E S, 32 N McLemore st. Fleming, R T, painter, shop 62 Union st, res 22 N Spruce st. Fletcher, H N, blacksmith, 40 N Front st. Fletcher, J, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Fleshman, N, peddler, 107 S Cherry st. Flippin, W H, 6th clerk Post Office. Flippin, T D, book-keeper P & C Anderson's, Nolens- ville pike. Flippin, W S, att'y at law, 57 N Cherry st, res St Cloud. Fly, J W, carpenter, Maple st. Fly, Enoch, carpenter, Pearl st, S Nashville. Fly, R H, carpenter, Jackson & Adam's. Flynn, J, tailor Sam Pritchitt's, Edgefield. Flyn, John, saloon, 30 Spring st. Foerderer, John, family grocery, 23 Deaderick st. Fogg, G M, att'y at law, 64 JST Cherry st, res 9 N High st. Fogg, F B & Son, att'ys at law, 39 N Cherry st. Fogg, F B, att'y, above firm, res 69 Spring st. Fogg, HMR, att'y, ab'ove firm, 69 Spring st. Foigd, Andrew, tailor, 12 Public Square. Foley, M, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Foley, M, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Fontaine, C R, shoe-shop, 24 N Spruce st. Ford, Rev R, pastor Cherry st Baptist Church, res S Summer near Mulberry st. Ford, Mrs Eliza, 146 S Summer st. Ford, W R, salesman, 47 N College st, store. Ford, Geo, above firm, store. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 63 Ford, W, book-keeper, 9 N College st. Ford, BEL, printer, News office. Ford, J P, MD, prof obstetrics Shelby Medical Col, office and res 15 S Summer st. Forbes, H, carriage maker, 90 S Market st. res 82 S Cherry st. Forbes, R, paper-hanger, 28 Public Square, resNMar- ket st. Forfey, John, firm Long & F, W Cedar st. Forrest, Mrs M M, 175 S Summer st. Fort, B P, collector, res 20 N Yine st. Fort, E J, collector, office 39 N Cherry st, res 10 N. Yine st. Foster, R C, 14 S Yine st. Foster, T J, jr, firm Ewing McCrory & Co, 71 Spring. Foster, David, cooper, Cherry st, S Nashville. Foster, Thos, cooper, S Summer st. Foster, Wm L, att'y at law, 27 N Cherry st, up stairs. Fosters & McEwen, att'ys at law, office 6 Cedar st. Foster, R C, sr, att'y, above firm, 71 Spring st. Foster, T S, att'y, above firm, Edgefield. Foster, Wm H, att'y at law, 6 Cedar st, res 71 Spring. Foster, J P, meat-marketer, stall No 26. Fowler, A W, salesman, J Ramage's store. Fowles, Mrs Mary, 80 N High st, Flowers, J, jewelry, 41 Union st. Foulk, M C, firm Allen & Co, 93 N Cherry st. Fowler, J C, 4th clerk Post Office. Fox, Chas, auction-store under Commercial Hotel, 7 S High st. Fox, H, barber-shop 24 S Market st. Fox, Mary, Hog alley. Fox, Thos, hackdriver, 72 N Market st. Foxhall, Eliz, colored, 113 N Cherry st. Franklin, B M, paperhanger, 28 Public Square, res N Nashville. 64 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Frankie, Joseph, firm Rymarkiewicz & F, Odd Fel¬ lows' Hall. Franklin, J K, dry goods, 26 Broad st. Frankland, J, clerk, 51 N Market st. Francisco, A J, hat store, 23 Public Square. Fraley, J M, harness maker and dry goods, 38 S Col¬ lege, res S Cherry st. Fraser, S A, salesman, 57 N College st, store. Francis, Thos A, blacksmith, 107 S Summer st. Francis, Jo C, wagonmaker, 107 S Summer st. Frack, A J, carpenter, W Nashville. French, H S & Son, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 70 N Market st. French, H S, above firm, 85 N College st. French, J C, above firm, 87 N College st. French, Jacob, printer, Publishing House, 49 N Spruce st. Freeman. C L. clerk, 38 Public Square, cor Union and Spruce sts. Freeman, J C, shoemaker, Wharf street. Freeman, W & R, Pianos, cabinetmakers' materials, &c, 12 N College st. Freeman, Robt, above firm, 135 N Market st. Freeman, Smith, above firm, Cherry st S Nashville. Freeman, W, above firm, 70 Cedar st. Freeman, Wm, salesman, 12 N College st, res 24 Spruce st. Freeman, L M, firm Hyde and F, cor Spring and Vine sts, res 68 Gay st. Freeman, Lewis, gilder, 12 N College st, res 24 Spruce st. Freeman, Mrs M A, millinery and fancy, 22 N Cherry st. Frensley, G W, wagon maker, Summer st S Nash¬ ville. Frensley, Thos, blacksmith, Edgefield. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 65 Free, M, tailor, 19 Cedar st, store. Frederick, G, woodworker, Jackson st, near College. Frestenbnrg, L & Co, dry goods, 26 Broadway. Friedman, B, family grocery, 139 N Market st. Frizzell, H W, firm of Snyder & Frizzell, W Nash¬ ville. Friday, Chas, cabinet-maker, Phoenix Furniture man¬ ufactory. Frith, J H, firm Starkey & F, Vine st, S Field. Frise, A, prof modern languages, Spruce st 2nd door to Union. Fritz, J, shoemaker, 93 N Cherry st. Fry, N, carpenter at Jackson & Adams. Fry, C, candy maker at Greigs'. Fry, J, clothing, 59 Broad st. Fuller, Ed, shoemaker, 9 S College st. Fuller, E, shoemaker, 9 S College st. Fuller, H C, shoe and boot store. 24 S Market st, res Cherry st S Nashville. Fuller, G F, shoemaker, 24 S Market st. Fuller, Chas A, treasurer Nash Building Association, Edgefield. Fulgham, J H, clerk, 47 N Market st. Fulcher, J W, carpenter, shop cor Summer and Broad st, res S Vine st. Fulcher, J W, carpenter, S Yine st. Fuller, F, 46 Public Square. Furman &c Co, wholesale dry goods, 2 Public Square. Furman, F, above firm, 108 N Cherry st. Fimston, W H, clerk 11 Public Square. 5 66 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O- Gadsey, Wm, finisher, Ellis & Moore's. Gadsey, 0 A, brassworker, 82 S College st, res 133 S Summer st. Gagen, Mike, cupalo tender Ellis & Moore's, res 125 S Cherry st. Gaines, Wm H, firm of Davis & G, country. Gaines, F A, teller State Bank Tenn, res Franklin pike. Galaher, M, brickmason, 101 S Summer st. Galamore, Josiah, boot shop, Cherry st S Nashville. Gallimore, Thos, machinist, Cherry st S Nashville. Gamble, Mrs M, S end of Summer st. Gambill, W J, conductor N & C R R, res country. Gangloff, Geo, musician, 168 N Market st. Gaunt, John, f m c, river steward. Gardner, A W, firm Sanders & G, store. Gardner, Shepherd &. Co, wholesale dry goods, boots and shoes, 2 Inn Block. Gardner, R H, above firm, 24 N High st. Gardner, E S, same firm, 21 N Vine st. Gardner, R C, same firm, 18 IN Vine st. Gardner, J P, shipping, 2 Inn Block. Garner, B M, carpenter, near Wilson Springs. Gamier, S, cooper, Moker & Co's. Garrett, J, printer, Rep Banner office, near Capitol. Garrett, W T, S Summer st. Garrett, G M, carriage maker, Claiborneville. Garrett, P, register for Davidson county, 57 S Sum¬ mer st. Garrett, E B, ice dealer, 38 N Cherry st, court-house. Garrett, W, job worker, 76 S Cherry st. Gaskin, L, candle packer, 28 N Front st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 67 Gates, W T, watchworkman, at Donigan's, 106 Broad st. Gault, J M, salesman, 22 Public Square. Garvin, Wm, moulder, Ellis & Moore's. Gary, J K, harnessmaker, 38 S College st, res S Cherry st. Gay, H, ostler at Comb's, 25 Spring st. Gaygan, M, job worker, 123 S Cherry st. Gaylord, W H, salesman, 44 N Market st, store. Gaylord, J D, book-keeper, 64 N Cherry st. Gee, J W, firm Case & Gee, 32 Gay st. Geiger, John, finisher, M Jacker & Co's. Geiger, J, stonecutter, W Cedar st. Gennet, G W, clerk 42 Union, res 39 S Cherry st. Gennett Brothers, grocers and commission n.erchants, 46 S Market st. Gennett, A W, above firm, store. Gennett, S J, same firm, store. Geoghegan, M, steward Sewanee House. George, M, f m c, shoemaker, Vine st, N of the Cap¬ itol. Gheen, Wm, brickmason, S Market st. Gheen, Mrs B S, Market st. Gholdston, J H, salesman, 45|N College st, res Line near Cherry st. Giblion, M, boilermaker, M Jacker & Co's. Giers, C C, photographic gallery, cor Deaderick and Square. Giese, F, salesman, 49 N Market st, res 50 N Col. Gibson, Robert, Postoffice building. Gibson, Thos, firm of Abbay, G & Co, 51 Public Square. Gibson, Jos, firm Jas Erwin & Co, Edgefield. Gilbert, J V, auctioneer about the city. Gilbert, S, carpenter, S High st. Gilbert, R, carpenter, W Broad st. 68 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Giles, David, foundryman, Anderson's foundry. Giles, J, family grocery, Jeff and Front sts. Gilkeson, J K, firm Edwards, G & Co, store. Gill, Wm, route agent for Patriot office, office. Gillespie, Dan, cooper, 57 S Cherry st. Gilliam, Mrs Jane, dry goods, 8 Cedar st. Gillim, W G, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, 166 S Mar¬ ket st. Gistenger, Geo, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Glase, D B, machinist, N & C shop. Glasgow, W T, clerk, 27 N College st. Glashin, J, plumber at Henderson Bros. Glasscock, E R, auctioneer and general agent, 17 S Spruce st. Gleaves, J W, clerk at B R Cutter's. Gleaves, H A, firm W T Berry & Co, Southfield. Gleaves, Wm A, secretary and treasurer N & C R R Co, 165 S Summer st. Glenn, Saml, shoe and boot shop, 8 Deaderick st, res 125 IN Market st. Glenn, T H, editor S Homestead, Edgefield. Glenn, H P, clerk, 19 Public Square. Glenn, John L, water-tax collector, office City Hall, res 98 Broad st. Glenn, Wm A, city recorder, office City Hall, res 121 N Market st. Glossett, , bootmaker, 29 Union st. Goad, B L, river pilot, 133 S Summer st. Goad, Delila, 152 N Cherry st. Gobat, E, umbrella-maker, 5 Union st. GofF & Stevenson, barbers, 10 Deaderick st. Golden, Thos, doorkeeper theater, 104 S College st. Golston, Miss Sarah, milliner, 53 N College. Goltz, J A, jeweler store 4 Unionst, N Nashville. Goodbar, J M, salesman, 74 Public Square. Goodbar. A J, jr, salesman, 44 N Market st, store. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 69 Goodlett, E E, firm Beech & G, store. Goodlett, Dr. A G, 183 S Summer st. Goodloe, J M, firm of Furman & Co, store. Goodrich, J, clerk, 32 N Market st. Goodrich, H, job worker, Peal st. Goodrich, R H, carpenter, S College st, Goodrich, Geo W, clerk, Hillman Bros. Goodwin, L, blacksmith striker, M Jacker & Co's, S Market st. Goodwin, J, blacksmith-striker, M Jacker & Co's, S Market st. Goodwin, Mrs Martha, 58 Gay st. Goodwin, Thos E, blacksmith, Lafayette st. Goodwin, Mrs Mary, Lafayette st. Goodwin, J H, dancing master, 49 N College st. Goodwin, G B, attorney at law, Spruce st S Field, Goodwin, W T, salesman, 6 S Market st. Gorbey, L M, paper-hanger, 28 Public Square, 65 N Cherry st. Gordon, W H & Co, com merchants and agents Tenn flour and cotton mills, 53—55 S Market st. Gordon, W H, firm Harris & Co, country. Gorden, Jas, 50 N Summer st. Gorman, M, laborer, 5 N Front st. Gould, Jas,merchant, Ewing avenue. Gould, Geo, firm Allen & Co, 93 N Cherry st. Gould, S F, book-keeper, 14—16 N College st, Ew- ing's avenue. Gould, Frank, carpenter, Castleman st. Gould, Mrs M J P, boarding house, 20 Cedar st. G.issitt, K, marketer, Claiborneville. Goth, John, tailor, 19 Cedar st, 93 N Cherry st. Gowdey, W H, clerk, 25 N College st. Gowdey, Thomas, jeweler store, 25 N College st, res Vauxhall. Gower& Crunk, dry goods, 8 Union st. 70 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gower, W A, above firm, store. Gower, J D, clerk, 8 Union, cor Line and Spruce sts. Gower, A C, cabinetmaker, cor Jefferson and Cherry. Gower, Felix, blacksmith-shop and wood, Jefferson and Front sts. Gower, O C, carpenter, Summer st S Nashville. Gowgill, Mrs Martha, Lebanon pike. Graf, C, bookbinder at Fehr's. Graham & Cole, mineral water manuf and soda bot¬ tlers, 88 Broad st. Graham, Jas, above firm, same place. Graham, Mrs F, dry goods, 83 N College st. Graham, Thos, fireman R R cars. Graham, Thos, family grocery, Cherry S Nashville, Graham & Olwell, dry goods, 17 Public Square. Graham, W P, above firm, 17 Gay st. Graham, F, Fireman's saloon. 75 NCollege st. Graney, Thos, stonemason, 97 S Summer st. Granger, Y, f m c, carpenter, 51 Crawford st. Gray, M, family grocery, 15 Spring st. Gray, Wm, clerk, 14 Deaderick st. Gray, Jas H, carpenter, Jackson & Adams. Graves & Bishop, family grocery, Lebanon pike. Graves, L, above firm, Lebanon pike. Graves, R W, clerk, 47 N Market st. Graves, Ab, cabinet-maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Graves, Markes & Co, S W Baptist Pub House, 59 N Market st. Graves, Rev J R, editor Tennessee Baptist, res Edge¬ field. Graves, R W, merchant, S Nashville. Green, Jas R* book-keeper, 5 N College st. Green, J F, firm of Nichol & G, 11 S Cherry st. Green, J T & Co, Gait House, cor Front and Broad. Green, J T, above firm, 117 S Cherry st. Green, Rev A L P, D D, 4 N Vine st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 71 Green, O F, carpenter, cor Cherry and Ash sts. Green, John, meat-marketer, stall No 2, res N Nash¬ ville. Green, F W, salesman at LB & T D Fite's. Green, John, carriage-maker, 135 S Market st, Leb¬ anon pike. Green, E H, coffee house, Lafayette st. Green, Mrs D, Lebanon pike. Green, F M, river watchman, Chilton's alley. Green, John, riverman, Chilton's alley. Green, J, clerk, 20-22 S Market st. Green, J D W, clerk, Langley & Co's. Green, J, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Green, Robt, clerk, Ewing & Sperry's. Green, S, tailor, Sam Pritchitt's, 68 Gay st. Green, R W, carpenter, 88 S Summer st. Greenfield &. Patterson, furniture &c, 14—16 N Col¬ lege st. Greenfield, T H, above firm, 29 S Cherry st. Greenfield, W, pres Huntsville manuf and mining co, 3^ miles Nolansville pike. Greenfield, G G, clerk, 10 Union st, store. Greenhalge, F W, drug- store, cor Cherry and S Union sts. Greener, J G, meat-marketer, stall No 21. Greener, F, candv-maker, 37 Union st N Nashville. Greig, John, clerk, 37 Union st. Greig, Geo, confectionery, 37- 39 Union st. Grewer, D, plumber, at Henderson Pro's. Grewer, Jas, carpenter, N Gay st. Gribbin, F, carriage body maker, 82 N Market st. Grier, Wm, baker, 17 N Market st. Griffin, J W, job worker, Lebanon pike. Griffin, W P, carpenter, shop Lincoln alley, res 63 S Summer st. Griffin, N K, clerk, 28 S Market st. 72 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Griffiths, Wm, moulder, M Jacker & Co's, Cherry st S Nashville. Griffith, J O, editor and gen supt Union and Ameri¬ can office, 27 S Cherry st. Griffith, H, cabinet-makdr, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Griffis, W A, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Griffis, D, mate of steamboat Red Rover, 8 Cherry st. Grilled, M, baker, 42 Union st. Grisham & Huffaker, grocers and commission'mer¬ chants, 58 S Market st. Grisham, J W, above firm, 144 S Summer st. Grisham, Wm, clerk at B S Weller's. Grizzard, R D. clerk, 13 Union st. Grizzard, G D, meat marketer, stall No 25, Cherry st N Nashville. Groomes, R H & B T, undertakers, 114 S Market st. Grooms, R H, above firm, 122 S College st. Grooms, B J, above firm, S Nashville. Gross, H, tailor, 19 Cedar, 36 Spring st. Grubbs, W B, wholesale fancy goods, 4 Public Sqr, res Edgefield. Grundy, Thos, carpenter, 36 Spring st. Guinn, Martin, watch for Tenn and Ala R R, Lafa¬ yette st. Gunn, L T, dentist, 31^ Union st, res 3 Claiborne's Block. Gunn, C H, dentist, 31£ Union st, same. Gunter, G B, wagon and plow-factory,Spruce et, near R R. Gurnaud, M, family grocery, 99 N Market st. Gusdorf & Bruch, cigars, 49 Cherry st. Gussmann, W, firm Peiffer & G, 20 N Front st. Gussmann, P J, family grocery, 161 N College st. Gushman, H, stonecutter, 20 S Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY* 73 Guthrie, A C, river engineer, 47 S Front st. Guthrie, A M, omnibus man, Edgefield. Guy, Miss M, 155 N College st. Hackett, Chas, tailor, Sam Pritchett's. Hagan, Thos, finisher, M Jacker & Go's, 21 N Mar¬ ket st. Hagan, Henry, clerk, Rock City mills, 8 Line st. Hagan, F, books and stationery, 39 N Market and 6 Union st. Hagan, J T, salesman, 39 N Market st. Hagey, John, meat-marketer, stall No 10, res N Nashville. Hagerty, J, plumber, at Henderson Bros. Hagg, L, finisher, M Jacker & Co's. Haile, M V B, firm Jas T Bell & Co, 123 N Market. Haile, T J, city assessor, 121 N Market st. Hailey, W H, pattern-maker, 53 Broad st, res Elm st S Nashville. Haines, H H & Co, slave-dealers, 33 Cedar st. Haley, Thos, Criddle st. Haley, R P, firm Meredith, H, & Co, opposite the Med College. Haley, T W, teacher in the Hines' free school, W Gay st. Haley, Thos, job worker, ?*hanklin st Hall, D H, plumber, 47£ N Cherry st, res Edgefield. Hall, John, H, att'y at law, 43 N Cherry st. Hall, C B, shoe store, 18 Public Square, res 125 N Market st. Hall, Allen A, editor, SpruceS of Spring. Hailey, R, carpenter, 12 N College st, res Market st S Nashville. 74 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Haloran, Michael, job-worker. 56 N Spruce st. Halloran, John, family grocery, 65 S College st. Ham, John, stonecutter, S Summer sts. Hamlett, R, wagoner, 177 S Cherry st. Hanks, Mrs Ann, Ewing avenue. Hanner,Wm, book-keeper, 74 Public Square. Hanally, J, bar-room, 96 N College st. Hanifen, T, boarding, 107 S Summer st. Hanmer, H H & T A, livery and sale stables, 30 N Front st, res City Hotel. Hannan. John, job worker, 71 N College st. Hannon, M, job worker, Park Place. Haney, Pat, boiler-maker, M Jacker & Co's. Handley, R, laborer, 32 Spring st. HamJton, M, salesman, 19 Public Square, res High st 3 doors S of Broad. Hamilton, J M, firm Macey & H, 54 N Summer st. Hamilton, Jas F, prof mathematics in Nashville Uni¬ versity, res same. Hamilton, B S, dry goods, 20 Broad st. Hamilton, J W, shoe and boot manuf, 9 S College st, res S Cherry st. Hamilton, Geo, laborer, 27 Broad st. Hamilton, F B, clerk, 13—15 Broad st. Hamlin, T B, D D S, office 24 N Cherry st, res Edge¬ field. Hamlin & Morgan, D D S. 24 N Cherry st. Hamilton, A, commission and forwarding, 28 S Mar¬ ket st, res Vauxhall. Harbert, E A, M D, druggists, 17 Broad st, res 71 same. Hardcastle, P F, firm Rhea, H & Co, Lebanon pike. Harding, John, 85 Spring st. Hardy, W, jr, cabinetmaker, Phoenix furniture manu¬ factory. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 75 Hardy, Wm, cabinetmaker, 49 Spring st, res S Col¬ lege st. Hardy, L T, anctioneer and gen agent, 42 Public Square. Hardy, Miss M, milliner, 34 Union st. Hardwicke, J L, carpenter, between College and Cherry sts. Hare, Saml E, commercial Hotel. Hargrave, W M, painter shop, 31 Broad st, res 49 S Summer st. Harley, Alex, moulder, Ellis & Moore's near military College. Harlow, N, night-watch, St Cloud hotel. Harlow, E W, clerk, 27 N Market st. Harlow, A H, watchman, Sewanee house. Harlow, Alex, ticket clerk, 62 N Market st. Harman, F, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Harmon, T J, machinist, S Spruce st. Harmon, Mrs. Sarah, 43 S Front st. Harper, Miss P, millinery, store 29 N College st. Harris, A W, salesman, 49 -51 S Market st. Harris, Matilda, 62 N Vine st. Harris, P N, salesman at L B & T D Fite's. Harris, H, moulder, M Jacker & Co's. Harris, J H, steamboat agent, 13--15 Broad st. Harris, Peter, jr, firm Longhurst & H, res country. Harris, A W, salesman, Morgan & Co's. Harris, John, cabinetmaker, Phoenix fur manufactory. Harris, D B, salesman, 3 Inn Block. Harris, Rev G C, pastor Church of the Holy Trinity, res High st cor Lincoln alley. Harris, H, clothing, 30 N Market st. Harris, W H, firm Hugh McCrea & Co, 55 S Sum¬ mer st. Harris, Wily, colored, hacks to hire. 98 N Col¬ lege st. 76 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Harris, Gordon & Co, auction and commission mer¬ chants, 49-51 S Market st. Harris, T O, above firm, Sewanee House. Harris, W O, above firm, 74 Cedar st. Harris, F B, above firm, City Hotel. Harmon, Wm J, captain and owner steamers Sligo and Cumberland, 75 S Front st. Harrison, W J, city watchman, Summer S Nashville. Harrison, Y, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Harrison, W O, carriage-trimmer at Peck's, St Cloud. Harrison, Mrs R, 168 S Cherry st. Harrison, Sam, river engineer, Claiborneville. Harrison, T B, College st S Nashville. Harrison, Thos W, carpenter, cor Gay and McLe- more sts. Harrison, T, carpenter, 55 S College st, res S Cherry st. Harrison, T G, livery stable, 8 N Market st. Harrison, HH, US steamboat inspector, 1 Broad st, up stairs. Harrison, G W,levy clerk, 1 Broad st, up stairs. Harrison, S M, river engineer, 156 S Cherry st. Harsh, Dr P, office and res 107 N Cherry st. Hartenstein, F L, watchmaker, 25 N College st. Harvey & Keating, merchant tailors, 34 Union st. Harvey, J C, above firm, Sewanee House. Harwell, A W, salesman, 48 Public Square. Haslam, Geo, founder, Brennan's foundry. Haslam & Brother, Limestone works, N Nashville. Hasbrooks, J G, dry goods, cor Cherry and Mul¬ berry sts. Hatcher, A A, M D, office S Cherry st near the grave¬ yard. Haverty, M, gas-works. Hawkins, E S, agent, 18 Cedar st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 77 Hawkins, Jas, butcher, 173 N Market st. Hawkin,Robt, brickmason, S Market st. Hawkins, A T, woodworker, 40 N Front st. Haynie & Rulong, carpenters & builders, 112 S Col¬ lege st. Haynie, Jas, above firm, 175 S Summer st. Hays, Rev J S, pastor 2nd Presbyterian Church, 94 N College st. Hays, C, N. firm W Rountree & Co, Spring st. Hayes, Jas, rivet heater, Ellis & Moore's. Hays, C M, 93 Spring st. Hayes, Jas B, grocery and commission merchant, 38 S Market st, Edgefield. Hayes, Henry M, farmer, cor Yauxhall and Broad. Hays, Jas, plumber at Henderson Bros. Hays, Jo, carpenter, College st S Nashville. Hayes, B, clerk, 38 S Market st. Hayden, Ingram & Jasper, coal dealers, 38 S Col¬ lege st. Haywood, C, att'y, firm Baxter & H, res country. Haywood, att'y at law, 72 N Cherry st. Hazel, Wm, carpenter, cor Broad and Vine sts. Hazlett, Wm, clerk, 19 N College st, res 28 N Spruce st. Heartsill, W W, salesman, 50 Public Square. Hefierman, W, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Hofty, M, meat-marketer, stall No 17, res 153 N Mar¬ ket st. Haidell, J, baker,42 Union st. Heidle, Wm, family grocery, 163 N College st. Heil, John, tailor, at John Browne's. Heiman, A, architect, 62 N Cherry st, res N Nash¬ ville. Heims, H, clothing, 100 N College st. Heinrich, A, tailoring, dyeing, etc, 44 Public Square* Heinsberger, Chas, book-binder, York &c Go's. 78 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hellenger, J, harness-maker, 40 N Front st. Hendershott, G W, druggist, 37 Public Square, 29 N Summer et. Hendley, W C, firm Parks & H, Park Place. Hendrick, R W, clerk, 78 S Market st. Henderson Bros, plumbers and gas-fitters, 13 Dead- erick st. Henderson, M, above firm, Edgefield. Henderson, A, same, 25 N Market st. Henderson, J B, gas fitter. College st S Nashville. Henderson. S, machinist, Brennan's foundry . Henderson, Win, plumber, at Henderson Bros, Edge¬ field. Henderson, Mrs Wm, S College st. Henderson, J P, cooper and cedar wares, 40 S Col¬ lege st. Henderson, W, book-binder, at Fehr's. Henderson. J P, clerk, R C McNary & Co's. Hennefin, Pat, porter, 39 S Market st. Henning, J, book keeper, 44 N Market, res 30 S Vine st. Hennesy, T, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Henson, Jas H, street overseer, 39 Crawford st. Henot, C H, firrm M F Sultz & Co, store. Henry, R, boarding, 4 S Market st. Henry, G P, salesman, 39 N College st. Henry, R S, saddler, 33 N Market st. Hensley, H C, firm Lanier, Phillips & Co, 35 S Cherry st. Heriges, John, city sealer, cor Summer and Broad. Heriges, Mrs M, flower maker, as above. Herigess, G W, finisher, A Anderson & Co's. Horbrich, John, watchmaker, 30 S Market st. Herman, E A, surgeon-dentist, 31 N Cherry st, Edge¬ field. Herd, H L, family grocery, 148 S Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 79 Herriford, John, agent for mail lines, Watkins ave¬ nue, 1st door from Summer st. Herrin, Thos L, family grocery, cor Spruce and Union sts. Hess, John, cooper, Moker & Go's. Hess, John, cabinet maker, 104 S College st. Hesey, John, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Hestzell, —, cabinet-maker, Phoenix fur manufac¬ tory. Heverin, Mary, family grocery, 77 N McLemore st. Hewlett, C P, collar maker, Market st S Nashville. Hewlett, H,saddler, 37 N Market st, S Nashville. Hewlett, N, S Market st. Hewett, A, moulder, M Jacker & Co's 66 S Cherry st. Hickerson,E, carpenter, at McFarland's, Line st. Hicks, A H, house furnishing goods, 46 Public Sqr, 2nd floor, res 112 N College st. Hicks, ED, book-keeper,71 S Market st, res S Nash. Hicks, E J, book-keeper, 51 N College st. Hickman, Willis, hacks to hire, 39 Deaderick st. Higgason, A J, carpenter, 63 Summer st. Higgins, Eliza, 103 N Front st. Hight, 0 H, salesman, 33—35 Broad st. Hill, J B, M D, office and res Woodland st, Edge¬ field. Hill, R P clerk, 11 Union, 22 S Yine st. Hill, John M, 74 Spring st. Hill, J T, W Nashville. Hill & Paul, carpenters and builders, Market st, S Nashville. Hill, Henry, above firm, Market st, S Nashville. Hill, WR, clerk, 10-12 S Market st. Hill, R T, steamboat clerk, Cherry st, S Nashville. Hill, Jo, machinist, W Nashville. Hill, Robt, book-keeper at Whiteman's paper store. Hill, Mary, f c, N Front st. 80 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DlRECTOBY. Hill, Mrs Jane, res 93 N Market st. Hill, Jas S, farmer, Ewing avenue. Hillman Bros, iron and heavy hardware, 41-43 N Market, and 44 on College st. Hillman, Chas E, above firm, Edgefield. Hilton, Mrs Anne, S Vine st. Hinton, J N, sheriff, 100 N Cherry st, office court house. Hite & Brother, saloon, 6 Broad st, Hite, Henry, above firm, S Market st. Hite, A, same firm, S Spruce st. Hite, Jas, marketer, S end Cherry st. Hitchcock, Joseph, job worker, 152 N Front st. Hite, Sam, cooper, cor Summer and Demumbrane, Hite, J C, carpenter, Franklin pike. Hobbs, Wm, carpenter, N & Ch depot. Hobbs, Thos, carpenter, S High st. Hobbs, Jas H, carpenter, at McCann's. Hobson, J, clerk, 6 Public Square. Hobson, Thos, jailor, 18 N Front st. Hobbs, J N & Co, livery stables, 8 JV Front st. Hobbs, J N, above firm, 1 Clark st. Hobbs, Wm, blacksmith, Chilton's alley. Hoelsler, A, tailor, If S Market st. Hoffman, E, caipenter, at McFarland's. Hoffmann, W, N Spruce st; Hoffman, —, varnisher, Phoenix fur manufactory. Hoffman, F, burr stone worker, 53 S College st. Hodges & Richards, druggists, 82 Broad st. Hodges, Saml, above firm, Demumbi'ane stS Field. Hodges, Wm, clerk, 32 N M rket st. Hodge, R F, carpenter, 16 S College st, res 168 S Cherry st. Hodge, W B, carpenter, 16 S College st, res 168 S Cherry st. Hodge & Walker, barber shop, 13 Cedar st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 Hodges, W P, blacksmith, 83 S Summer st. Hogg, Jas T, tailor for military institute, S Market. Hogg, Z U, salesman, 2 inn block. Hohenstein, Julius, book-keeper, city bank, Edge¬ field. Holcombe, C A,jr, book-keeper, 17 Broad st. Holcomb, Mrs Betty, toy and fruit store, 44 N Front. Holland, G, coach-maker, 164 S Market st. Holiingsworth, L, river engineer, S Nashville. Hollins, R S & Co, wholesale boots, shoes and hats, 4 inn block. Hollins, R S, above firm, Edgefield. Hollins, P S, above firm, 31 N Summer st. Hollingswrrth & Co, produce and commission mer¬ chants, 6-8 S Market-st. Holiingsworth, S N, above firm, 18 S Vine st. Holmes, —, shoemaker, College st S Nashville. Holmes, R, P. carriage painter, 103 N Cherry st. Holmes, P, bootmaker, 35 N Market st, College st S Nashville. Holman, V B, firm March & H, 78 Cedar st, Holland, N, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Holman, W M, printer, Union and Am office. Hollister and Carter, saloon, 27 Union st. Hollister, C L, above firm, store. Holland, H H, book-keeper at L B & T D Fite's. Holt, A K, agent Acfems' express co, 28 S Market st, 96 Broad. Holt, J M, book keeper, 3J S Market st, City Hotel. Holshuh, Jo, steward 16—18 S Market st. Holshuh, C, Kossuth house, 16-18 S Market st. Holthol, John, carpenter, Jackson & Adams. Hon sen, E, job worker, 162 S Market st. Hood, J P & J J, grocers and commission merchants 12 Broad st. Hood, J P, above firm, country. 6 82 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Hood, J J, same firm, store. Hood, C, agent as above. Hood, G W, clerk as above. Hood, Wm, job worker, Lafayette st. Hook & Moore, sign and house painters, 32 Spring st. Hooper, John M, firm Wells, H & Co, store. Hooper, H B, clerk, 63 Public Square. Hooper, J M, dry goods, 24 Broad st. Hooper, Mrs M C, cor Crawford & Spruce sts. Hooper, G J, mail agent N & C R R, 49 Line st. Hooper, E, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Hooper, E C, finisher, 22 S Front st, McLemore and Gay sts. Hopper, J H & Co, saloon, 34 Broad st. Hopper, J H, above firm, 126 S Summer st. Hopper, W H, above firm, same. Hopkins, T J, salesman Duncan & Co's, Edgefield. Hopkins, N, river captain, near waterworks. Horn, W H & Son, painting shop and painters' ma¬ terials, 15 S College st. Horn, Capt W L, painter, firm Horn & Son. Horn, W H, above firm, res as above. Horn, Chas F, painter, as above. Horn, E H, painter, at Horn's, S Nashville. Horn, F W, painter, at Horn's, S High st. Horn, A, painter, at Horn's, N College st. Horn, L, painter, at Horn's, N High st. Horn, R H, painter, 15 S College st. Horn, L, painter, 79 N High st. Horn, W, painter, at Hargrave's. Horan, J, baker, 37 Union st. Horton, J W & Co, hardware house, 71 S Market st. Ilorton, J W, above firm, Cherry avenue, S Nash¬ ville. Horton, J D,same firm, 71 S Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 83 Horton, WD,M D, office 43 N Cherry st, Sewanee house. Horsten, J V, cigar store, 59 Spring st. Hosse, Chas, harness maker, 33 N Market st, res 16 Line st. Hough, T J, merchant tailor, 11 Cedar st, res 10 S High st. House, Jas, jr, tinner, 46 N Market st, 12 S College. House, P S, clerk, 79 Spring st. Housley, John, R R engineer, Tunnell st. Houston & Brown, attorneys ht law, 41 N Cherry st. Houston, Russell, attorney, above firm, 58 Cedar st. Howard, L F, clerk, 42 Public Square. Howard, M H, 63 N College st. Houston, J G, clerk, 46 Public Square, country. Howell, Rev R B C, D D, pastor First Baptist Ch'ch, res 32 S Summer. Howell, M B, attorney at law, 25 N Cherry st, res 32 S Summer st. Howerton, C L, harness maker, 9--10 Public Square, res Edgefield. Howerton, J T, harness maker, 6 Union st, Howerton, Mrs M D, millinery store, 6 Union st. Howsley, R W, dry goods, 78 S Market st. Hough, Mrs E D, 15 N High st. Hoyte, Rev J W, M D, prof moral science literary department UnivdPlsity of Nashville, res 5 S Cherry st. Hubbell,T B, printer. Union office. Hubbart, Mrs C, 179 N Market st. Hubbard, J B, firm Moss & H, store. Hubbard, J B, cabinet-maker, Grooms, Oavert & Co. Huddlston, Jas H, clerk, 10--12 S Market st. Huddlston, G W, M D, Summer st S Nashville. Hudson, J R, M D, Charlotte pike. Hudson, J & C & Co, coal dealers, 115 N Market st. 84 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hudson, T S, above firm, Watson house. Hudson, T J, book-binder, York & Go's. Hudson, Thos, family grocery, 174 N College st/ Hudson, J, printer, Baptist office, 20 N Market st. Hudson, John, foreman, S W Baptist Publishing House. Huff, L B, firm McCullough & H, 42 Watkins avenue. Huffaker, R D, firm Grisham & H, store. Hughes, J M, firm Smith & H, cor Spring & McLe- more sts. Hughes, T A, carpenter, 55 S College st, 48 S Cherry st. Hughes, A J, family grocery, 98 N College st. Hughes, Mrs N, Molloy st. Hughes, A J, drayman, Molloy st. Hughes, WmT, painter, 52 Line st. Hughston, R F, grocer and commission merchant, 19 Broad st. Hughes, C C, photographic gallery, 23 Union st. Hughes, Jas, river captain, 100 S College st. Hughs, Jas, merchant, 70 S Summer st. Hughes, Robt, river pilot. S Nashville. Hullebrand, R, watchmaker and jeweler, 5 Union Market st N Nashville. Hume, Wm, salesman, 41 Public Square. Hume, Mrs. Rebecca, 181 S Mdrket st. Hume, J K, book-keeper, Thompson & Co's, 29 S Cherry st. Hummer, C W, clerk, 8 N College st. Iluennerkopf, F, French shoe-store, 20 N Market st. Hunt, W T, job worker, Ewing avenue. Hunt, J S, ice depot, 6 Deaderick st, near Capitol. Hunt, Geo H, 15£ S Spruce st. Hunt, Thos, wagon yard, Claiborneville. Hunt, W S, firm Myers, H & Co, Edgefield. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 85 Hunley, B B, carpenter, N McLemore st. Hunley, Thos N, carpenter and builder, N McLe¬ more st. Huntingdon, Rev J, coal agent Etna Mining Co. Hunter, Rev J W, salesman M E book-store, Edge¬ field. Hunter, RP, salesman at L B & T D Fite's. Hunter, Wm K, city collector and agent, McGavock st. W Nashville. Hunter, Miss A J, private boarding, 19 S Summer st. Hunter, Wm, stonecutter, at the Capitol, res near Wilson springs. Hurlburt, E T, piano tuner, 12 N College st, res 70 Cedar st. Hurley, A H, attorney at law, 6 Deaderick st, res Pearl st. Huston, Rev L D, D D, editor Home Circle, M E book concern, W Nashville Hurt, F 0,lime burner, near water-works. Hurt, Mrs M A, 154 S Summer st. Hutchison, Geo, painting, 32 Spring st. Huth, L, upholsterer, cor Summer and Line sts. Hutton, Geo K, assistant clerk in Chancery court, Franklin pike, near R R. Hyde & Freeman, bakers and confectioners, cor Spring and Vine s|£. Hyde, John F, above firm, cor Watkins avenue and Vine sts. Hyde, C W, meat marketer, stall No 26, Capitol hill. Hyde, Carroll W, family grocery, cor Spruce and Line sts. 86 NASHVILIiE BUSINESS DIRECTORY I- Ice Depot, 68—70 N Front st, Chas E H Martin pro¬ prietor. Ingle, J, carriage painter, 69 N Market st. Ingleman, Geo, tailor, Sam Pritchett's, 36 Spring st Ingram, W P, firm Hayden, I & Jasper, City hotel. Ingram, N D, clerk, 33 S College st. Ingram, F H, clerk, 29 Public Square. Irwin, T J, printer, Union office. Irwin, Mrs E, 25 Line st. Irwin, Geo W, boiler maker, 152 S Cherry st. Irwin, F A, book-keeper, 10 N Market st, store. Irwin, Mrs Rachel, 25 S Spruce st. Irwin, F A, book-keeper, 25 S Spruce st. Irwin, Alex H, river clerk, 25 S Spruce st. Isbester, C, pattern maker, Ellis & Moore's, S Sum¬ mer st. Isenburg, B, merchant, S Spruce st. Iser, J, dry goods, Cherry st, S Nashville. Ivy, John H & Son, ventlers of patent medicines, cor Lafayette and Miller sts. Irwin & Co, dealers in produce, 10 Broadway. Irwin, Jas, above firm, 25 S Spruce st. Irwin, R M, same as above. Iser, Alex, firm of Frestenburg & Co, Cherry st, S Nashville. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 87 J". Jack, —, root doctor, 10 N Front st. Jacker, Jo, finisher, M Jacker & Co's. Jacker, M & Co, proprietors Claiborne machine w'ks, Front near Broad st. Jacker, M, above firm, 29 S Cherry st. Jackson, C W, late of Lebanon, Edgfield. Jackson, Chas, moulder, M Jacker & Co's. Jackson, Mrs A, day boarders, 17 S Summer st. Jackson, Jas, spring-keeper, Park Place. Jackson, Andrew, wagoner,.25 Line st. Jackson, John, clerk, 22 Public S, res 17 S Summer st, Jackson & Adams, sash & blind factory, W Nashville. Jackson, Warren, above firm, res 32 S High st. Jackson, H C, carpenter Jackson & Adams. Jackson, Jas, founder, Brennan's foundry. Jackson, Wm, city watchman, 74 N McLemore st. J ackson, Robt, carpenter, Shanklin st. Jackson, C D, groceries, 72 N College, cor S Union and High sts. Jackson, M, f c, river cook, HON Front st. Jaco, C, carpenter, S Nashville, Jacobs, Geo, moulder, M Jacker & Co's. James, Wm A, coal yard, 41 S College st, res Ewings' Avenue. James, E H, salesman, 41 Public Square. James, Thos G, slave dealer, 18 Cedar st. James, John D, Pres Bank of Commerce, 3 miles of Hyde's pike. James, David D, late of the Bank of Commerce, country. Jeck, Peter, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Jenkins, A, dealer in produce, at Ben M Noefis. Jenkins, Oby, meat marketer, Stall No 20. 88 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jennings, Thos R, M D, prof anatomy med depart University of Nashville, res 29 N High st. Jennings, R W, book-keeper, 2 inn block. Joice, M, founder, Brennan's foundry. Jolly, J W, wood-hauler, College st S Nashville. Jonard Brothers, eating and drinking saloon, 47- Union st. Jonard, A, above firm, cor Locust and Market st. Johnson, Jas, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Johnson, H T, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Johnston, D S, steamboat agent, levy. Johnson, J B, firm Allison, Anderson & Co, 94 Spring st. Johnson, Rev W C, book and tract agent for Tenn Conference M E Church South, 28 S Cherry st. Johnson, Mrs M A, 65 S Cherry st. Johnson, A J, job worker. Johnson, J S, both as above. Johnson, J T, hackman. High st, S Field. Johnson, Bailey, commander steamboat Jas John¬ son. Johnson, A W, jr, clerk M E Book Concern. Johnson, F W, river man, 80 N High st. Johnston, James, saloon, 7 Cedar st. Johnson, H O, clerk, 13-15 Broad st. Johnson, Hon C, president State Bank Tenn, Clarks- ville. Johnson, John B, merchant, 10 N Summer st. Johnson, H W, printer, Gazette office. Johnson, Jessee, captain steamboat Jas Johnson, 120 S Summer st. Johnson, H, bricklayer, Cherry st S Nashville. Johnson, B T, express office, 19 Public Square. Johnston, Andrew, brick mason, Rutlege place. Johnson, F M, firm Thompson & Co, 11 S Vine st. NASHVILLE BUSII|ESS DIRECTORY. 89 Johnson, B F, tinner, College st S Nashville, Johnson, John, carpenter, Washington st. Johnson, S K, salesman, 51 N Callpge st, store. Johnson, —, cart d liver, 02 N Market st. Johnston, Dan A, watch-maker and jeweler, store. Johnston, Jas, pattern maker, 75 N College st. Johnson, T H, salesman, 74 Public Square. Johnson, Thos, finisher, Ellis & Moore's. Johnson, W W, foundryman, Ellis & Moore's, S Col¬ lege st near New Market. Johnson, Allen, 80 Line st. Johnson, H C. carpenter, Spruce st, near Capitol. Johnson, B R, sup't military college, or literary de¬ partment Nashville University, res University Place, Johnson, Miles, water hauler, 150 S Cherry st. Johnson, Jas, pres City Buildings and Loan Associa¬ tion, 72 llroad st. Johns, Jo, clerk, 40 S Market st, Johnson, James & Co, grocers, produce and commis¬ sion merchants, 29-31 S Market st. Johnson, Jas, above firm, 72 Broadway Johnston, John, importer cigars, etc, 3 Cedar st. Johnston, C R, railroad engineer, 67 N McLemore. Johnson, E L, book-keeper, 10 Broad, res 61 S Sum¬ mer st. Johnson, Mrs M A, 65 N Spruce st. Joiner, Capt J, 2| miles Flat Rock. Jones, P, stamper pub house, W Nashville. Jones, E R, bill clerk Douglass & Co. Jones, Ira P, ed and firm Smith, Camp & Co, S Col¬ lege st. Jones, Caesar, f c, porter, St Cloud. Jo nes, John, cabinet-maker, cor McLemore and Gay sts. Jones & Thomas, barbers, 15 Deaderiek st. 90 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jones, T C, clerk, Cherry st near Chilton's alley. Jones, M P, grand scribe S of T for the State of Tenn, Jones' hotel. Jones' House, near the bridge. Jones, PI J, salesman, Morgan & Co's. Jones, W W, tinner, College st S Nashville. Jones, E W, drayman, S Market st near Rutlege Place. Jones, W L, painter, S Market st, Jones, D G, salesman, Thompson & Co's store. Jones, James, hatter, 23 Public Square. Jones. W, colored, hacks to hire, 96 N College st. Jones, W P, M D. Jones, I P, receiving clerk N & C R R, College hill. Jones, Young B, freight agent N & C R R, W Nash¬ ville. Jones, Mrs F, High near S Union st. Jones, S E, foreman Brennan's foundry. Jones, S M, shoe-store, 22, res 31 Cedar st. Jones, Joseph, 31 Cedar st. Jones, J G, drinking-house, 25 Cedar st, res Spruce st near Capitol. Jones, R H, dry goods, 72 S Market st, Cherry st S Nashville. Jones, G F, dry goods, 56 S Market st. Jones, M, carpenter, N Nashville. Jones, J H, salesman, 20 Broad st. Jones, J G, planter's saloon, 23 Cedar st. Jones, C G, firm W H Webb & Co, 61 Public Square. Joseph, A, painter, at Horn's, Cumb alley. Joseph, Alexander, jeweler, Edgefield. Joseph, A, jeweler, 20 Deaderick st, Cumb alley. Joyce, John, blacksmith, Cherry st S Nashville. Joyce, J, laborer, 31 Spring st. Joyce, And, river mate, S Market st. Joyce, Peter, job worker, S Front st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 91 Joynt & Treanor, grocers and produce merchants, 41 Broad st. Joynt, Robt, above firm, store. Judkins. W, salesman Duncan & Go's. k:- Iveese, Wm, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Kahle, B, collar maker, 35 Spring st. Kalear, Jo, 128 S Summer st. Karns, V J, foreman Sam Pritchett's, 20 N Cherry st. Kappel, Geo M, tailor at John Browne's. Karbi, Wm, tailor, Harvey & Keating's. Karsch, Adam, cabinet-maker, 104 S College st. Kaufmann, P Jos, manufacturer ladies' furs, 20 N Market st. Kayes, Jas, carpenter, S Market st. Kelsea, Wm, stereotyper, Publishing House, Gallatin pike. Kearney. P, clerk 17 Public Square. Keating, J M, firm Harvey & K, 127 N Front st. Keen, J, printer, Republican Banner office, 52 N Summer st. Keenan, W G, salesman, cor Spring and College st, store. Kees, S W, shoe and boot shop, 78 Spring st. Keiser, —, carpenter, 16 S College st. res S Market. Kelly, M, family grocery, 70 N McLemore st. Kelly, John D, M D, office 5 S Cherry st, res City Hotel. Kelly, J, laborer at Ellis & Moore's, Chilton's alley. Kelley, P B, loading clerk N & C R R, W Nash¬ ville. Kelly, Dan, laborer, 16-0 N College st. 92 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kelly, Ann, rolling mill hill. Kelly, D, tinner, 15 N Market st, 20 S Summer st. Kelly, T J, foreman S W Baptist Publishing House, store. Kelly, Jane, Griddle st. Keller,^Geo, tailor, S Market st. Kelsey, W T, carpenter, Yarney & Co's. Keller, Mary A, family grocery, cor Crawford and Vine sts. Kenedy, W, shoemaker, 9 S College st. Kenedy, Robt, job worker, N Spruce st. Kenly, J P, carpenter, Ewing avenue. Keno, Jacob, carriage maker, 90 S Market st, res 20. Kenny, P, carriage maker, 93 N Cherry st N Nash¬ ville. Kendrick, Jas PI, gas-fitter, 53 N Cherry st, res cor Vine and McGavock. Keegan, Wm, book-keeper, 40-42 Union st. Kenedy, C, livery stables, 62 N Market st, res Com¬ mercial. Kerr, Jas, St Cloud, marble yard opp St Cloud Hotel, 89 N Summer s-t. Kerr, Alex, cigar and liquor store, Post-offiee. Ker, Wm, clerk Lebanon pike, cor Wharf and Wash¬ ington sts. Kerr, Mrs C, 81 N High st. Kercheval, J M, M I), office 3^ Cedar st. Kerrigan, Ed, baker, 37 Union st. Kerley, J F, saddler, 67 Gay st. Kerchner, Chas, cutter for S Nathan. Kibbee, G W, piano tuner, 77 Union st. Kidd, Capt W G, baggage master Tenn & Ala R R, Kidd, Magney, family grocery, cor High and Craw¬ ford sts. Kimball, R, painter at Horn's, res Edgefield. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 03 Kinney, Wm, saloon, 28 N Cherry st. Kinney, Geo, river pilot, 96 N Market st. Kinney, Pat, blacksmith shop, 41 Deaderick st. Kinley, John, clerk, Cherry st, S Nashville. Kinley, L, blacksmith, Edgefield. Kinley, John, river man, S Market st. Kinley, Jas, carpenter, S High st. Kinkade, Mrs E, Ewing avenue. Kinkade, S, hook-keeper, 48 Public Square. Kinkaid, Wm, wood-hauler, S Spruce st. Kinkaid Jo, job worker, rolling mill hill. Kinnaird, R M, firm of Bransford, McWherter & Co, Edgefield. King, A, M D, office 23 Deaderick st. lying, John J, carver, 78 N Summer st. King, John G, carver, 51 N Summer st, res 78. King, Jas, f m c, W Cedar st. King, Wm, inspector for the gas company, 30 S Sum¬ mer st. King, Miss J, 129 N College st. King, A, book-keeper, 58 S Market st. King, Jas, colored, eating-house, 98 N College st. Kine, M, warehouseman, D D Dickey's, N College, near Lick Branch. Kinslow, Thos C, salesman, 50 Public Square. Kirby, J L, foreman Gazette office, 15 Crawford st. Kirkman, John, president Union Bank of Tenn, cor Spring and High sts. Kirkman, Hugh, iron master, 41 N Summer st. Kirkpatrick, Nevinfe & Co, grocers and com mer, 35 S Market st. Kirkpatrick, M, firm above, Edgefield. Kirkpatrick, E, above firm, Edgefield. Kirkpatrick, John, engineer, M Jacker & Co's,S Nash¬ ville. Kirkpatrick, —, clerk, 35 S Market st. f>4 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kirkpatrick, R T, firm R C McNary & Co, res 9 S Cherry st, Kirkpatrick, S, salesman, 51 N College st, store. Kitch, Wm, book-keeper, 56 Broadway, res 41 S Cherry st. Kirchner, J A, jeweler, at Donigan's. Klein, M, clothing and tailoring, 15 Spring Ft. Klein, S, clothing, 4 N Market st. Klink, A, painter, W Cedar st. Klapploth, II, boot-maker, 29 Union st. Knapper, Geo G, clerk 16- 18 S Market st. Knapp, Jas, moulder, M Jacker &. Go's, cor Broad and Summer sts. Kriegner, L W, carpenter, 75 Cedar st. Knight, Rev O O, mailing clerk M E Book Concern, cor Gay and McLemore sts. Knight, W B, firm Plummer & K, store. Knoch, T, fresco painter, 130 N Market st. Knowles, J B, board of education, 27 N High st. Knovvles, J, salesman Evans & Go's. Knox, W W, key fitter and bellhanger, 55 S Cherry. Knox, Mrs Martha A, proprietor female seminary, 51 Spring st. Koche, P, clerk, 34 Public Square, cor Market and Jefferson sts. Ivocsis, A, teacher English and classic school, Leb¬ anon pike, S Nashville. Korbben, S, shoemaker, 93 N Cherry st. Koubley, H, dyeing and repairing, 16 Cedar st. Krager, P, meat-marketer, stall No 12, res N Nash¬ ville. Kramer, H, cabinet-maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Krich, F S, tinner, Jefferson st N Nashville. Krech, John, teacher band music, Franklin pike. Kreider, F C, clerk, 28 S Market st. Krebs, E, cooper, 20 S Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 95 Eridler, J F, saddler, 33 N Market st. Kuhn, L, painter at Horn's, 15 S College st. Kunz, John, shoemaker, 40 Union st, Kossuth house. Kyle, Jas, book-keeper, Morgan & Co's. Kyle, Jas, wagoner, Claiborneville. H.- Lady, E D, carpenter, 63 N McLemore st. Laird, A. printer, Rep Banner office, S Nashville. Lakin, A C, tinner, 4 S Market st. Lallemend, U, hack driver, 62 N Market st. Lally, Pat, lamily grocery, 25 N Front st. Lamb, A L, painter, 8 S College st,res Claiborne¬ ville. Lamanski, Mrs E J, 80 N High st. Lambert, Etienne, teacher modern languages free school, 29 S Summer st. Lanier, Phillips & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 39 S Market st Lanier, L H, above firm, 35 S Summer st. Lanier, VV II, dealer in oysters, S College st. Lanier, W G, firm Allison & L, Edgefield. Lanier, T B, 1st salesman 39 S market, res 35 S Sum< mer st. Lang, John B, transcribing clerk for the circuit court, 49 S Cherry st Lande, A, agent, 12 Public Square. Langley & Co, tobacconists, 44 Union st. Langley, J W, above firm, Vine st S Field. Langdon, Rev W S, agent As Br publication, 8 N Cherry st, res N Nashville. Langdon & Cherry, nurserymen, 8 N Cherry st. 96 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Langbridge, Mrs E A, dressmaking etc, 73 Union st. Lapsley, Robt, cashier Traders' bank. Lary, Jas, laborer, 160 N College st. Larcombe, A, photograph rooms 30 N Cherry st. up stairs. Lattie, Wm, carpenter, Crawford and High sts. Lattimer, Jno, clerk, 9 Cedar st, res 133 N Market. Latimer & Stanley, family grocery, 74 Spring st. Latimer, A R, firm above, Berryhill st. Laufer, S, clothing, 13 Public Square. Lauter, Geo, carver, 25 S College st. Laurant, E L, clerk, 32 N Market st. Lawrence, Ed, carpenter and builder, 02 Line st. Lawrence, A, firm Creighton & L, 68 N Summer st. Lawrence, P F, carpenter, 68 N Summer st. Lawrence, —, cooper, Moker & Go's. Leascher, Geo, mattress manufacturer, 20 S Col¬ lege st. Lea, B F, wood worker, 107 Broad st, N Nashville. Lea, John M, attorney at law, 16 N Vine st. Lea, B F, wagon maker, Cherry st S Nashville. Lee, J T, watchman, City hotel. Lee, AM, carpenter, Claibornevi'ile* Ledbetter^ L & Co, dry goods, 9 Union st. Ledbetter, L, above firm, store. Led better, Allen, dry goods, 70 S Market st, res 123 S Summer st. Ledbetter, Alex, dry goods, 52 S Market st, res same. Leek, Thos, dealer in lumber and wood, 36 S Front st. Lee, Geo, firm of Cooke, Bailey & Co, City hotel. Lehmann, A, shoemaker, N Nashvillp. Lehman, R, fa mil}' grocery, 83 Cedar st. Leitenberger, Fred, meat-marketer, stall 13, market. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 07 Leitenberger, Chas, meat-marketer, stall No 11, N Nashville, Leibert, C J, barkeeper Gaiety saloon, 87 N Cherry, Leineboug, E, harness maker, 40 N Front st. Leips, J, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Lellyett, Wm, local editor Daily News, office' Lellyett & Smith, grocers and commission merch'ts, 10--12 S Market st. Lellyett, John, above firm, 29 S Summer st. Leonhard, —, tanner, Summer st S Nashville. Leonhard, F, machinist, 43 Union st, res Market st N Nashville. Leonhard, R P, same. Leonhard, E, moulder, Ellis & Moore's. Leonard, H, silver plater, 69 N College st, Mc- Gavock's. Lesquereux, Henry, book-keeper, 25 N College st. Lester, Mrs M A, 164 S Cherry st. Lester, G W, brickmason,S College st. Leslie, Geo, carriage-body maker, 69 N Market st, res N Cherry st. Lettis, Ann, family grocery, 109 S Cherry st. Leach. John, carpenter, Claiborneville. Lewis, Mrs E, S Field. Lever, Geo, job worker, Lebanon pike. Lever, A, job worker, Lebanon pike. Levy, Z, dry goods and clothing, 64 and 72 S Market st. Levy, S, clothing, 13 Spring st. Levy, Alex, brickmason, S end Market st. Levy, Henry, brickmason, S end Market st. Levick, Peter, 81 Broad st. Level, Pat, laborer, 8 S Front st. Lewis, Mary, colored, 113 N Cherry st. Lewis, A, clothing, 29 N Market st. 7 98 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Lewis, G T, firm Woods, Yeatman & Co, Clarks- ville. Lewis, S M, engineer for McCullough & Huff, Sum¬ mer st, S Nashville. Lewis, C L, M D, 31 N College st W Nashville. Liddon, John, laborer, M Jacker & Go's, 53 S Front Ligier, E F, grocery merchant, S High st. Liles, Mrs M, 8 Clark st. Lingner & Lopp, meat marketer, stall No 45, N Nashville. Lingner, J K, meat-marketer, stall No 24. Linebaugh, Preston, carpenter, Cherry st S Nash¬ ville. Linsay, Jo, drayman, M Jacker & Co's, cor Front and Castleman. sts.. Lindsey, Rev J Berrian, M D, prof chemistry medical department University of Nashville, res 5 S Cherry st. Lindsley, AYS, real estate agent, 35 N College st. Lindsey, J W, clerk, 7 Public Square. Lindheim, A,clerk, 74Public Square. Litton, Isaac, secretary Protection Insurance Co and Building and Loan Association, Edgefield. Little, Chas, coach-trimmer, 40 N Front st. Little, D, painter at Horn's, S Market st. Livick, S, clothing store, 39 Broad st. Livingston, Jas, grocer, 33 Public Square, res 17 N Vine st. Lloyd, John, wagonmaker, Franklin pike. Lloyd, Mrs S J, millinery, 10 Cedar st. Lloyd, Geo, book-keeper, 10 Cedar st. Locken, Wm, foreman bindery Book Concern, Wat- kins' avenue. Locken, John, proprietor bindery Book Concern. Locken, J, book-binder, Publishing House, Watkins' Avenue near McLemore st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 99 Lockett. H C, book-keeper, 11 S Market st, res 94 S College st. Lock, E, painter, cor Spruce and Gay sts. Lockhart, Mrs Ellen, millinery store, 14 N Cherry st. Loltin, W C, 21 N Summer st. Logan, A, carpenter, S Nashville. Loiseau & TardefF, photographic artists, 33 Union st up stairs. Lomasmey, John, coach-wheeler, 93 N Cherry st N Nashville. Long, Jas, boiler-maker M Jacker & Co's, 84 S Cherry st. Long, Fanny, 192 N Front st. Long, Elish, plasterer, S Market st. Long & Forfey, carpenter shop, 117 N College st. Long, Wm, above firm, res N Nashville. Long, Jas, carpenter, 84 S Cherry st. Long, Jas, family grocery, cor Spruce and Demum- brane sts. Longhurst & Harris, confectioners, 45 Union st. Longhurst, Jno, above firm, store. Longhurst, R A, carriage painter at Peck's, 42 S Sum¬ mer st. Longinette, J L, American house, 73 S Market, 70 S Market st. Loomis, Mrs Ann, boarding house 11 N Cherry st. Lord, J T, agent Singer's sewing machines, 45 N Col¬ lege st. Longworth, W N, clerk steamboat Nashville, 28 N Eront st. Longhurst, C D, S coach manuf com Edgefield. Lounsberry, Mrs Mary, 11N Cherry st. Lowry, Robt, woodturner, Cooper's buildings, Cherry. Love, J B, clerk, 18 Union st, Edgefield. Love, David C, clerk circuit court, office court house, res 24 S Cherry. 100 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Love, Wm, salesman, 49 N Market st, res Commer¬ cial hotel. Love, John R, clerk N & C R R. Love, John S, boarding, 157 N Front st. Love, J F, firm W Rountree & Co, res Commercial hotel. Lovell, Thos, foundryman, Anderson's foundry, 67 S Cherry st. Lovell, Mrs M, 69 S Cherry st. Lovel, W H, river pilot, 133 S Summer st. Lowe, Wm, clerk, 10 N Market st. Lowry, Peter, f m c, pastor 2nd Christian church, 60 N Vine st. Lowry, N, job worker, Ewing avenue. Luck, J L, salesman, 47 Broadway, store. Luck, J K, clerk, 32 Public Square. Lucas, W H, firm Trabue and L, Edgefield. Lumsden & Co, hides, oil and findings, 11 S Mar¬ ket st. Lumsden, John, above firm, S Nashville. Lumsden, Jas, above firm, Edgefield". Lumsden, Geo, above firm, tannery. Lumsden, W, carpenter, Warren & Moore's. Lusk, li, pres mechanics' building and loan associa¬ tion, 9 N College st, 12 N Vine st. Lusk, R, 14 N Vine st. Lusky, M, agent, 119 N Market st. Lyman, C C, book-keeper, City hotel. Lyles, R J, firm II LI Haines & Co, res country. Lynch, John, carpenter, Warren & Moore's. Lynch, Rev John H, pastor Catholic church. 36 N Summer st. Lyons, C P, firm Mansfield & L, 126 Broad st. Lyons, J T, book-keeper, 58 Broad st. res 126. Lyon, A, china and queensware, 38 N Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 101 Lyons, Lewis, cigar manufacturer, 5 N College st,res country. L>on, J M, printer, News office. Lyons, S, moulder, M Jacker & Go's, 66 S Cherry st. Mac, Thos, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Macey & Hamilton, hardware, 47 N College st. Macey, S N, above firm, Edgefield. Madin, T L, M D, office 6 S Cherry st. Magors, Alfred, meat-marketer, stall No 15, College st N Nashville. Magors, J, chair seater and broom maker, blind in¬ stitute, res same. Maguinay, J, cigar maker. S Cherry st. Magruson, John, blacksmith at Gunter's, S Spruce. Mahany, John, laborer, 164 N College st. Mahoney, Mike, graveyard worker, near graveyard. M ah on, P C, clerk 41 Broad st. Mahan & Brown, barbers, under the Commercial hotel. Malone, Mrs M A, 59 S Front st. Malone, Rev J S, financial agent, Nashville female academy. Malloy, Jas, laborer, 24 N Front st. Malloy, M, railroad man, 24 N Front st. Mallory, C W, dry goods, 18 Union st. store. Maliory, Thos, family grocery, Cherry st S Nash¬ ville. Malory, Thos, blacksmith, M Jacker & Go's, cor Ash and Cherry sts. Malory, Wm, brickmason, S College st. Mammel, J, meat-marketer, stall No 16, College st N Nashville. 102 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Maney & McMurry, attorneys at law, 43 N Cherry. Maney, Geo E, attorney, above firm, res Edge¬ field. Maney, W B, M D, office 39 N Cherry st, res 121 Broad st. Maney, E H, salesman, 65 Public Square. Maney, Hon Thos, res cor Broad and McLemore sts. Maney, H, coal hauler, iEtna Co, Bellville st. Mandeville, D G, finisher, 59 S Cherry st. Manlove, P H, clerk, 51 N Market st. Manier, J W, firm Evans & Co, 60 N Summer st. Mandley, Jo, pastry cook, 147 N College st. Manning. J W F, carpenter and R R tank builder, Spring stW of depot. Mansfield, Lyons & Co, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 28 Broad st, Mansfield, T L, above firm, store. Mansfield, Thos, firm Beadle & Co, 58 Broad st. Martin, J T, firm Fisher, Wheless & Co, 69 S Sum¬ mer st. Martin & Barber, barbers, 6 Broad st. Martin, J A, printer, Union office. Mariin, G W, carpenter, W Broad st. Marlin, S C, carpenter, 45 N Spruce st. Mariin, Henry, carpenter, cor Spruce & Gay sts. Mariin, P M, carpenter, Ash near High st. Marian, K J, carpenter, near graveyard. Mariin, Wm, carpenter, Castleman st. Mariin, R, carpenter, Castleman st. Martin, ^Robt, M D, office and residence 8 N Spruce. Martin, Peter, boilermaker, Ellis & Moore's. Martin, Mrs S, 19 Crawford st. Martin, Sam, barber, f m c, cor McLemore and Wat- kins avenue. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 103 Martin, Chas E H, ice merchant, depot N end market house, res 122 N Cherry st. Martin, R C K, M D, office 35 Cedar st. Marlin, Wm, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Martin, Mrs P H, 55 S Summer st. Martyn, John, printer, Publishing House, W Nash" ville. Martin, Mrs P A. Summer st S Nashville. Martin, Wm, carpenter, S Narhville. Martin, Jas, carpenter, S Nashville. Martin, J W, farmer, 67 N Summer st. Marr, W J, firm Nash &. M, clerk, 25 N College st, 71 Cedar st. Marr, Thos S, clerk Union aud American office. March & Holman, saloon, 48 N Cherry st. March, J C, above firm, 78 Cedar st. March, J D & Son, saddle and harness makers, 37 N Market st. March, J D, above firm. March, A C, above firm, W Nashville. March, W F, clerk, 42 Public Square. Markowiez& Burns, cigar store, 54 N Cherry st. Marks, W P, supt S W Baptist Publication House, Edgefield. Marcuson, Rev E, pastor Synagogue, 121 N Market. Marshall, Thos L, firm J Doyle & Co, W Broad st. Marshall, F, city watchman, 26 Line st. Marshall, B W, clerk, 72 S Market st. Marshall, J G, agent News office, 40 N Cherry st. Marshall, E, coppersmith, 94- S Market st, res country. Mattison, Jas H, colporteur, president board publica¬ tion, S Summer st. Mathews, J B, prescriptionist, Wells, Hooper & Go's, Edgefield. Matthews, W, foundryman, Brennan's foundry. 104 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mathews, Jo W, steward St Cloud hotel. Mathews, W T, firm Elliston & M, store. Mathews, J P, book-keeper 6 Pub Sqr, Edgefield. Mathias, J, blacksmith, Brennan's foundry. Maxey, PW & Co, manufacturers stoves and tinware, 48 N Market st. Maxey, P W«, above firm, Edgefield. Maxey, Wm O, firm above, store. May, J F, M D, office and res City hotel. Mayr, A, bookbinder York & Co's, N Spruce st. Mavo, B, job worker, 111 S College st. Mason, Martha A, 118 N Front st. Mayer & Miller, merchant tailors, 69 N Cherry st,res same. Masson, Jas, clerk for R C Bandy. Mayfield, S S, M D, office 25 N Cherry st, res City hotel, Mayfield, Geo A J, M D, office and res 49 Spring st. Mas'terson, —, carpenter, 48 S Cherry st. Mayo, W A, salesman 51 N College st, store. Mead, G W, book-keeper at Donigan's, store. Mealue, T, laborer, M Jacker& Co's. Meadows, Jas, job worker, S Market st. Meadows, Jas, brickmason, S Market st. Mechanics' Building and Loan Association, 8 N Col. Mehstien, M, clerk, 30 N Market st. Meigs, R J, atty at law, office and res 51-53 Cedar st. Meigs, R J jr, attorney at law, same. Meigs, John, ass't librarian State lib, 53 Cedar st. Meikle, J J, tailor at J Browne's. Melmer, W J, grocer, 2 N Market st. Melvin & Pitt, carpenters and builders, 9 N Spruce. Melvine, Phillip, carpenter, 12 N Spruce st. Mecham, Wm, river clerk, College st S Nashville. Melle, II, shoe and boot shop, 22 Derderick st, Edge¬ field. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 105 Mennifee, Thos, machine worker, 25 Line st. Meredith, Haley & Co, tobacconists, 44-48 S Col¬ lege st. Meredith, W, above firm, City hotel. Merritt, A G, attorney, firm of Woods & M, 2 miles Nolansville pike. Merrett, Jackson, colored, hacks to hire, 98 N Col¬ lege st. Merritt, Mrs N, 141 N Market st. Mercer, M, boiler maker, Ellis & Moore's. Merchants' Bank, 50 N College st. Messang, F J, stereotyper, Publishing House. Metlock, W H, clerk at B R Cutter's. Metz, H & J, clothing, 44 S Market st. Metz, Henry, above firm, store. Metz, J, above firm, same place. Miller, C, tailor, 1|- S Market st. Miller, Wm R, clerk, 62 S Market st. Miller, G S, teacher, Claiborneville. Miller, R S, clerk, 51 N Market st. Miller, Frank, cabinetmaker, Phoenix fur raanu- lactory. Miller, W W, pres S carriage manufacturing co, 78 N College st. Miller, P, cooper, Moker & Go's. Miller, R P, printer, Patriot office, Line st. Miller, Mrs M, N Vine st. Miller, Jas, marble worker, Jas Kerr's. Miller, F S, tinner, 15 N Market st, S Nashville. Miller, H C, cabinetmaker, 36 Deaderickst, Summer st opp St Cloud hotel. Miller, M W, buggymaker, 68 N Front st, 26 S Col¬ lege st. Miller, S, cigar maker, Langley & Go's. Miller, J F, firm Byrne & Miller, Edgefield. Miller, J D, painter at Horn's, N Cherry st. 106 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Miller, C J, bookgilder Publishing House, Watkins avenue and McLemore st. Miller, W R, carpenter, 147 S Summer st. Miller, John, Miller's saloon, 9 Cedar st, cor [Cedar and Cherry st. Miller, Rev John G, pastor asso ref Presb church, cor College and Ash sts. Milne, A C, clerk, 37 Union st, store. Millington, Thos H, engineer N & C R R, res in the country. Milliron, J, foreman Sam Pritchett's, Edgefield. Milliron, S W, tailor Sam Pritchett's, 46 Spring st. Milsom, C W, tailor at John Browne's. Milsom, Thos, meat-marketer, stall No 9, N Nash¬ ville. Miles & Co, grocers, 81 ftroad st. Miles, J A, above firm, W Nashville. Miles, Mrs E J, Spring st, W Nashville. Miles, W J, grocer, W Nashville, Harden pike. Mills, Geo, moulder, Ellis & Moore's. Mills, John, family grocery, 135 N College st. Miles, Rev R P, bishop Catholic church, 36 N Sum¬ mer st. Mills, Geo, foundryman, Brennan's foundry. Minehart, F, finisher, High st near Ash. Minchin, E C, drug store, 154 S Cherry st. Minchin, W H, firm McKenzie & M, 113 N Market, Mingea, J F, clerk 54 S Market st. Minor, Col P W, book-keeper, 13—15 S Market st. Minor, T J & Co, dry goods, 47 N Market st. Minor, T J, above firm, store. Minor, J E, above firm, DeKalb county, Minton, J, fengraver, 30 Public Square, up stairs. Mitchell, W 14, firm Reans, M & Co, 124 Summer st. Mitchell, John, f m c, Vine st N of Capitol. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 107 Mitchell, H, clerk 8 N Front st. Mitchell, T J, carriage-body maker at Peck's, 19| Public Square. Mitchell, L E, book keeper Hillman Bros. Mitchell, Capt P II, river clerk, 142 S Summer st. Moffat, J K, fruit and cigar store, 12 Deaderick st. Moffitt, Jas, brass foundry, 82 S Market st, res Murf pike. Moggiana A, saloon, 20 S Front st. Moker, L, cooper shop, city flouring mills, 91 N Sum¬ mer st. Molloy, R, laborer, 33 N Front st. Monroe, Jas, river engineer, S Front st. Monroe, Jas F, artist, 33 Union st. Monks, T B, tailor Sam Pritchett's, 83 N, Market st. Moning, John, job worker, College near Jefferson st. Monohan & Shirk, carriage manufacturers, 114 N College st. Monohan, M M, above firm, res 113 N College st. Mom ague, Albert G, carpenter, 81 Cedar st. Montague, P L, carpenter, S Spruce st. Montgomery, Rev Saml L, Vicar General for the State of Tennessee, 36 N Summer st. Moseley & Bell, grocers and commission merchants, Mosely, S E, above firm, City hotel. Moseley, W O, brick mason and contractor, near water-works. Mosely. T D, attorney at law, office 69 N Cherry st up stairs. Moseley, W T, tobacco inspector, country. 75^ Broadway. Mosely, B F, brickmason, Claiborneville. Moss, John, job worker, 99 Cedar st. Moses, L, furniture, 19 N College st,28N Spruce st. Moss & Hubbard, dry goods, 22 Broad st. Moss, W A, above firm, store. 108 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY« Moss, David, family grocery, Franklin pike. Moore, W F, firmP W Maxey & Co, Spruce and Un'n. Moore, T, drayman, 61 S Front st. Moore, A, blacksmith Ellis & Moores, 117 S Cherry. Moore, C C, firm Ellis & Moore, 117 S College st. Moores, C A, firm of Irby, Morgan & Co, store. Mooney, Thos, laborer, 1 S Market st W Nashville. Moore, Wm, dry goods, 13 Union st, Edgefield. Moore, Mrs E, S Market st. Moore, Mrs Alary, 38 Line st. Moore, G, railroad worker, Cherry st Sou;h Nash¬ ville. Moore, Saml, carpenter, W Line st. Moroe, Jas, river engineer, 38 S Front st. Aloore, Airs Robt I, 23 N Vine st. Moore, Jas, painter, 71 N Cherry st. Moore, J & VV, Aletropolitan saloon, cor Cedar and Cherry sts. Aloore, J, above firm, store. Moore, Wm, above firm, N High st. Moore, John, clerk as above. Alore, W H, foreman 15 N Maiket st, country. Moore, Jas, saddle and harness, cor market and Union sts, res 109 N Market st. Aloore, J A, firm Warren & M, 27 S Vine st. Moore, Alex, foreman Warren & Aloore's, Demum- brane, W Nashville. Moore, S, carpenter, 80 Watkins avenue. Moore, Geo. carpenter, cor Line and High sts. Moran, JasL. tailor, at John Browne's. Morgan, Irby & Co, wholesale dry goods, 7 Public Square. Alorgan, Irby, above firm, Edgefield, Morgan, E W, clerk, 21 Public Square. Morgan, B W, clerk, 51 N Alarket st. Alorgan, B, carpenter, Lebanon pike. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 109 Morgan & Co, wholesale dry goods, 49 Public Square. Morgan, S D, above firm, 7 N Summer st. Morgan, St C M, same firm, 12 N Summer st. Morgan, S D, jr, clerk as above. Morgan, W H, I) D S, 24 1ST Cherry st, country. Mogan, M, gas works. Morris, J R, river pilot, College st S Nashville. Morris, Mrs PC, 166 S Cherry st. Morris, J H, family grocery, 158 S Market st. Morris, W W, book-keeper, 55 N College st, S Nash¬ ville. Morris, J L, salesman, 57 N College st. Morris & Stratton, grocers and commission mer¬ chants, 14 N Market st. Morris. K J, above firm, 13 S Cherry st. Morrison, Jas, salesman, 72 Public Square. Morrow, John & Son, coach and saddlery hardware, 48 N Market st. Morrow, John, above firm, 9 S Spruce st. Morrow, Wm H, above firm, store. Morrow, A G, salesman, 79 S Market st. Morrow, W T, clerk, 20 Broad st. Morse, Geo, family grocery, 144JN Market st. Morphy, M, 1st lamplighter for gas co, cor Cedar and Spruce sts. Morton, E, repairer and tuner of instruments, 33 Union st. Morton, T D, salesman at M C Bruce's, Spruce st. Morton, Geo, bookbinder, McLemore near Gay st. Morton, Jas, cashier State Bank Tennessee, 32 S Spruce at. Morton, John W, M D, office 63 N Cherry st, cor College and Line sts. Moulton & Reed, grocers and commission merchants, 60 Broad st. Moulton, T J, above firm, country. 110 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mourning, Richard, carpenter, 56 N Spruce st. Mox, M, wood turner, Phoenix furniture manufac¬ tory. Mulkey, Rev Wm, author orthographical speller, Cherry st S Nashville. Mullens, W, salesman D D Dickey's, Cherry st S Nashville. Mullen, J G, 7th clerk postoffice. Mullins, M, laborer M Jacker & Co's. Muller, J G, baker, 74 S Cherry st. Mulray, T, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Munch, John, cabinetmaker, Phoenix fur manufactur¬ ing company. Murfree, Wm L, att, Southern Planter, Vauxhallst. Murkin, J A, shoe store, 46 N College st, res same. Murnen, R, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Murphy, Ann, 67 N Front st. Murphy, Thos F, S coach manufacturing co, 38-40 N Front st. Cedar st. Mulloy, E F, attorney at law, 70 N Cherry st, up stairs. Murley, Dan, laborer, 111 S Cherry st. Murry, Dan, job worker, 113 S Cherry st. Murray, Peter, warehouseman D D Dickey's, S field. Musgrove, S, silversmith, 20 S Cherry st, res 119 S Cherry. Myers, H F, foreman T J Haugh's, 130 N Market st. Myers, M, laborer for Bauman & Co. Myers, B F, firm of Yannoy & M, Murf pike. Myers, Hunt & Co, carriage manufacturers, 72 N Market st. Myers, A, above firm, 72 N Market st. Myers, Ben, clerk, 11 Public Square. Myers, W, stonecutter, Nashville Brewery. Myers, John H, carpenter, 90 S Spruce st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ill Myers, Dr H M, 117 S Summer st. Myers, S, carpenter, 55 N Front st, Edgefield. Mayo, Wm, wagoner, cor Lafayette and Maple sts. McAlister. J A & Co, cotton commission merchants, College and Broad sts. "McAlister, Jas A, above firm, res warehouse. McAlister, Wm K, as above, res McGavmck st. McAlister, H Hill, clerk, cor College and Broad sts. McAlister, Sam'l D, clerk as above. McBride, A J, tinner, 172 S Market st. McCall & Co, hardware store, 34 Public Square. McCall, A W, above firm, cor Vine and Broad sts. McCall, Alex, M D, 20 S Cherry st. McCampbell, J A, attorney at law, 59 N Cherry st. McCall, J S, salesman, 71 S Market st. McCall, T A, powder agent, 25 N College st, W Nash¬ ville. McCann, J J, carpenter and builder, High st S of Broad, res 53 S Summer. McCann, R, carpenter, 53 S Summer st. McCarty, J, laborer, 47i N Cherry st. McCarty, D, laborer, 164 N College st. McCartey, Thos, carrier for McCall's powder agency, 25 N College st. McCarty, J, gas works. McCarty, D, gas works. McCaslin & Strader, tin, copper and sheet iron w'ks, 7 Broad st. McCaslin, H, above firm, 65 S Summer st. McCuin, Wm, botanic doctor, S end Lafayette st. McClain, G R, carrier for Bauman & Co. McCloughertv, M A, salesman 2 inn block. McClean, Thonton, teller Bank of Commerce, res country. McClelland, W A & J G, dry goods, 51-53 N Col¬ lege st. 112 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, McClelland, W A, above firm, 8 NVine st. McClelland, J G, above firm, store. McClure, Buck & Co, stoves and tinware, 15 N Mar¬ ket st. McClure, S, above firm. McClure, N, same, res 21 S Summer st. McClure, Jas A, piano and music store, 33 Union st. McCombs, W H, firm Nichol, Green & Co, res in the country. McComas, M, carpenter, Jackson & Adams, McCrea, Hugh& Co, grocers and com mer, 13—15 S Market st. McCrea, Hugh, above firm, 24 S Cherry st. McCrory, J C, firm Ewing, Mc C & Co, Summer st S Nashville. McCuHough & Huff, carpenters and builders, 65 Line st. McCullough, J W, above firm, 44 Watkins avenue. McCullough, G M, carpenter, 44 Watkins avenue. McDaniel, H L, printer, Rep Banner office, 46 S Cherry st. McDaniel, A R, carpenter, 48 S Cherry st. McDaniel, A, tobacconist, cor Cherry and Broad sts. McDaniel, H A, surgeon dentist, 8N Cherry st. McDaniel, Alex, family grocery, 46 S Cherry, res 48 S Cherry st. McDermon, Jo & Co, family grocery, 57 Broad st. McDermott, Jas, plummer, 1 S Market st. McDermet, Jas, tailor, 20 Public Square. McDonald, J H, attorney at law, 42 N Cherry st. McDonald, A, bridge-keeper, res Edgefield. Mc Dowell, G, carpenter, 63 N McLemore st. McEwen, H M, attorney at law, 38 Cedar st, res 18 S Spruce st. McEwen, J W, M D. office and res Cherry st S Nash¬ ville. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 113 McEwen, Col R H, sr, 18 S Spruce st. McEwen, R H, j r, attorney, firm Foster & Mc, Yaux- haul st. McEwen, Pat, job worker, 120 S Market st. McEUigott, Thos, teacher, Cherry st S Nashville. McEUigott, Pat, job worker, Cherry st S Nashville. McElliot.Pat, porter, cor Spring and College sts. McFarland, W R, box manufacturer, 73 N College. McFerrin, Rev J B, D D, gen book agent M E Ch'ch South, Edgefield. McFerran, Jas C, Exchange livery stable, 66 N Col¬ lege st, res 63. McFerrin, Rev A P, clerk book concern, Edgefield. McFerren, Wm, clerk, 5 S Market st. Edgefield. McFerrin, J B, firm Carter, McKay & Co, Edgefield. McGav, D, job worker, Claiborneville. McGary, J, founder, Brennan's foundry. McGavock, Dr D T, res McGavock st. McGavock, Jacob, clerk of federal circuit and district courts, res 22 N Cherry st. McGavock, R W, attorney at law and Mayor of the city, 45 N Cherry st, res 18. McGovran, F, finisher, M Jacker & Co's, High st S Field. McGill, J H, furnishing goods, 24 Public Square, 18 S High st. McGill, Jas, finisher, M Jacker & Co's, 66 S Cherry. McGinnis, J M, firm Davis & McG, store. McGlathery, Jas, blacksmith, M Jacker & Co's. McGraph, M C, saddler, 37 N Market, res 80 N Market st. McGrath, John, 94 Cedar st. McGregor, W F, State treasurer, office capitol, S Nashville Lebanon pike. McGuire, Ed, teller Union Bank Tennessee, res 6 N Vine st. 8 114 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. McHugh, Pat, laborer, Ellis & Aments, 32 S Front. Mcintosh & Taylor, saloon 9 Public Square. Mcintosh, D, above firm, 9 Public Square. Mcintosh, W, supt Gaiety saloon, 87 N Cherry st. Mcintosh, F, clerk 8 N Front st. Mcintosh, Jas S, wig maker, 5 Union st. McKane, Pat, stonemason, Chilton's alley. McKay, P, job worker, S Front st. Mckay, F J, firm of Carter, Mc & Co, country. McKee, J Miller, local editor Union and American, 51 S Summer st. McKenzie & Minchen, hardware, 14 N College st. McKenzie, Alex, above firm. 3-| miles Leb pike. McKendrick, A, printer, Publishing House, cor High and Watkins. NcKinley, W C, firm J T Green & Co, 164 S Market. McKinley, D B, same firm, S College st near market house. McKinley, Wm, carriage trimmer, 69 N Market st. McKinney, Ann, f w c, 84 N High st. McLauglin, Jas, teacher, S High st. McLaughlin, Alex, cigar maker, S High st. McLaughlin, Jas, book-keeper, cor Spring and Col¬ lege sts. McLaughlin, John, book-keeper, 9 S Market st McLaughlin, T, carriage trimmer, 82 N Market st. MacLaughlin, H C, printer, News office. McLaughlin, Jas, saloon, 36 N Front st. McLaughlin, Pat, laborer, 31 Spring st. McMannus, Jos, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, 86 S Col¬ lege st. McMillan, R C, blacksmith, 29 Crawford st. McMinn, Mrs N. McMurry, J A, attorney, firm Maney & Mc, office. McNabb, David, saloon, Broadway house. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 115 McNally, Mike, stone contractor, 72 S Cherry st. McNamary, F, laborer, 97 S Summer st. McNairy, Mrs, Dr Boyd, 11N Summer st. McNairy, F H, 13 N Summer st. McNairy. H Clay, 13 N Summer st. McNairy, Mrs Nat, 14 N High st. McNairy, R C & Co, dry goods, 55 N Gollege st. McNairy, R C, above firm, 6 N High st. McNish, W D, 1st clerk postoffice. McNish, J J, clerk, 29 Public Square. McNish, T F, 3d clerk postoffice. McPherson, Jo, confectionary, 170 S Cherry st. McPherson, W K, finisher, 47 Spring st, McGavock's, McQuade, M. marble rubber, Jas Kerr's. McRoberts, O P, coal merchant, 121 Broad st. McShane, Jao, 2nd lamplighter for gas co, N Front st. McTigue, Pat, beer saloon, 11N Front st. McTyeire, Rev N H,D D, editor Christian Advocate, Vine st. McWhirter, A J & Co, wholesale dry goods, etc, 74 Public Square. McWhirter Brothers, dry goods, etc, 51 N Market st. McWhirter, J W, above firm, store. McWhirter, F P, above firm, store. McWhirter, A J, firm of A J McWhirter & Co, 4 N Vine st. 3ST- Nath, R, carpenter, Chilton's alley. Nance & Woodward, real estate agents, 6 Dead¬ er ick st. Nance, C W, above firm, S Union st. 116 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nance, Win L, brickmaker and builder, S Nash¬ ville. Nanney, Mrs E, S end of Cherry st. Nanny, L, shoemaker, 24 S Market st. Napier, Mrs M A, 136 S Summer st. Napier, W C, hackman, 90 N McLemore st. Nash, Joseph, ins agent, firm Nash & Marr, 25 N College st, country. Nashville Daily News office, 40 N Cherry st. Nashville Mechanic's institute, 27 N College st. Nashville Reading Room, 27 N College st. Nashville Commercial Insurance Company, 36 Public Square. Nashville Daily Gazette office, 52 N Cherry st. Nashville Republican Banner office, U Deaderick st. Nashville Building Association, 52 N College st. Nathan, S, clothing store, 12 Broad st, res 26 S Mar¬ ket st. Nathurst, E O, book-keeper, 37 Union st, res 112 N Market st. Neal, Wm, teller City Bank, St Cloud. Needham,P, shoe-shop, 31 Spring st, Neeley, E, job-worker, 50 Line st. Neely, G Wm, carpenter, at McFarland's, N Nash¬ ville. Neider, B, tailor, at Ohly's, 51 N Cherry st. Neller, M, blacksmith, Jef near river. Nelms, Fanny, 116 N Front st. Nelson, A, city revenue collector, office City Hall, cor Union and Cherry sts. Nevvhaus, John, carpenter, Shanklin st. Nevins, R F, firm Kirkpatrick, N & Co, 25 S High. Newburn, J, carpenter, S High st. Newbern, Thos, family grocery, Cherry st S Nash¬ ville. Newbern, John, wagonmaker, Cherry st S Nashville NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 117 Newland. W P, brickmason, 67 N McLemore st. Newell, Sam'l, sup't coal yard, 115 N Market st. Newell, John, shoemaker, 76 Spring st, Newman, Jo, blacksmith, Ellis & Moore's. Newman, John, drinking saloon, 9 Public Square. Newman, J, shoe maker, 9 S College st. Newman, Jo, carriage-body maker, 69 N Market st. Nichol, Green & Co, produce and commission, 5 N College st. Nichol, C M, above firm, res country. Nicholls, J W, Nashville academy, 18 S Summer st. Niqholls, I S, 18 S Summer st. Nichol, Jas, jr, salesman, 74 Public Square. Nichol, J, real estate agent, 24 N Cherry st. Nichol, D, 24 N Cherry st. Nichol, W P, clerk, 24 N Cherry st. Nichol, Jas, salesman, 55 N College st, res 8 N Sum¬ mer st. Nichol, J B, cor Spruce and McGavock sts. Nichol, Mrs E, 33 N Cherry st: Nichol, F R, tailor shop, 77 S Cherry st. Nichol, J, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Nichol, Mrs John, 16 N Sumryer st. Nichol, P L, deputy clerk county court. Nichol, Wm, planter, 3J miles Lebanon pike. Nichol, Wm, 39 N Summer st. Nickins, John, engineer, Phoenix furniture manufact. Nicholson, I C & Co, dry goods, 22 Public Square. Nicholson, I C, above firm, 90 Spring st. Nicholson, Jacob, f m c, W Cedar st. Niprow, Alex, cabinetmaker, Cherry st near theatre. Noel, W, watchmaker, 47 N Cherry st, res S Nash¬ ville. . Noel, Ben M & Co, grocers and commission mer, 9 S Market st. Noel, Ben M, above firm, Edgefield. 118 NASHVIIXE BUSINESS INRECTORY. Noel, S A G & Co, grocers and commission mer, 3J S Market. Noel, SAG, above firm, Summer st S Nashviile. Noel, O F, above firm, 41 S Cheiry st. Nokes, Mrs L W, boarding house, 82 S Cherry st. Nolen, J, harness maker, Market st. Nolen, Kisiah, 7 Crawford st. Nolen, M D A, clerk steamboat Jas Johnson. Noll, G N, tailor, 12 Public Square. Noonan, J, founder, Brennan's foundry. Noonan, Pat, founder, Brennan's foundry. Norburry, Thos, accountant, 84 S Market st. Norman, Hervy, tinner at Wilson's. Norris, F M, carpenter, Jackson & Adams. Norris, S C, carpenter, Jackson & Adams. North, H, finisher, Anderson's foundry. Norvell, Alex, book-keeper Campbell's building, Union. Norvell, Jo, clerk Union Bank Tennessee. Norvell, G W, salesman, 62 S Market st. Norvell, G P, dry goods and clothing, 62 S Market, res same. Nunn, Wm, plasterer, Cherry st S Nashville. O. O'Brian, Mike, laborer, 47^ N Cherry st. O'Brien, J W, printer, Publishing House, 52 N Sum¬ mer st. O'Brian, M, 29 Broad st. O'Brien, Mike, job worker, Chilton's alley. O'Brien, M, bolt cutter M Jaeker & Co's, 31 Btoad st. O'Brien, T, laborer, Brennan's foundry. O'Bryan, JB, salesman, 65 Public Square. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 119 O'Bryan, E G, firm Washington, Bryan & Co, store. O'Callaghan, W AO, carpenter, N McLamore st. O'Connell, E, tailor, 5 Cedar st. O'Conner, P, pattern maker, Ellis & Moore's, 103 S College st. Oden & Davis, boarding, 99 S Market st. O'Donnel, J, job worker, 103 S College st. Oglebie, John, tinner, B S Weller's. O'Hara, R, painter. Ohly, John, mer tailor, 51 N Cherry st, res Summer st. O'Kane, A, dry goods, 71 N College st. O'Kane, A A, dry goods, 69 N College st, res 45 N Market st. Oiman, Fred, tailor, College st S Nashville. Oliver & Peden, dry goods, 54 S Market st. Oliver, Lem, above firm, same place. Olwell, P, firm of Graham & Ol'well, 140 N Market. Olvvell, L, clerk, 17 Public Square. O'Mahoney, J J, printer, S W Baptist Publishing House, 80 N Market st. Orchard, John, gilder, 12 N College st, 24 Spruce st. Orr, John, clerk Planters' Bank, 19 S Summer st. Orr, Sam, salesman Morgan & Go's. Orr, Rob't, salesman Morgan & Go's. Orr, Jas, book keeper Merchants' Bank. O'Reyer, Wm, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville. Q'Sullivan & O'Connell, saloon, 49 Union st. O'Sullivan, D, printer, Publishing House, 80 N Mar¬ ket st. Osterhart, L B, finisher, Anderson's foundry. Ott, W T T, printer, Gazette office. Ottenville, E, family grocery, 119 S Summer. Ottenville, F, book-keeper, 21 Broad st, 122 S Sum¬ mer st. Over-street, F R, carpenter, cor Spruce and S Union. Ove'bee, John, river man, 129 N College st. 120 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Owen, W W, tinner, Market st, S Nashville. Owen, B C, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Owen, Ambrose, plasterer, S College st. Owen, J E, cotton weigher, 29 S Market st. Owen, H M, foundryman Brennan's foundry. Owen, G W, book keeper Groomes, Cavert & Co. O'Wright, Jacob, carpenter, near Wilson's springs. Ozane, J, printer, Patriot office, Line st. Ozanne & Young, bakers and confectioners, S Mar¬ ket st opp military college. Ozanne, J, above firm, res store. Ozanne, Jo, clerk, 31 Union st, res 30 Line st. Ozanne, W, wig maker, 31 Union st, res 30 Line st. HP- Page, J W, city constable, 38 S Summer st. Page, Jeff, grocery store, 61 Broad st, res 91. Page, Richard, family grocery, cor Spruce and Dem- umbrane sts. Page, McHenry, clerk, 79 W Broad st. Page, J J, clerk 61 res 91 Broad st. Page, Robt, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Page, Geo W, brickmason, S Market st. Page, A, brickmason, Washington st. Paine, Wm L, book-keeper Douglas & Co's. Southworth, W S, at Douglas & Co's. Southworth, A W, at Douglas & Co's. Paillard, Ed, watchmaker, 16 Public Square. Palm, Wm, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Panguelay, Julius, teacher of dancing, 32 N Sum¬ mer st. Parks & Fetherston, dry goods and clothing, Lebanon pike, S Nashville. Parks, P L, above firm, same place. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 121 Parks, W D, dry goods, etc, Lebanon pike, S Nash¬ ville. Parks & Hendley, dry goods, Park Place. Parks, W W, above firm, same place. Parks, J, dry goods, 20 Cedar st. Parks, J, above firm, res store. Parks & Stull, dry goods, 74 S Market st. Parks, P L, above firm, res store. Parks, W D, same firm, S Nashville. Parkhurst, H, silver plater, 12 Deaderickst up stairs. Parker, H, colored, 160 N Cherry. Parr, J F, carriage factory, 90 S Market st, 1J miles Murf pike. Parkerson, John, pastry cook Watson House. Parish, J G, carpenter, Lebanon pike. Parrish, H, free col, cupalo tender M Jacker & Go's. Parish, W, carpenter, 1 S Vine st, res S High. Parish, M R, printer, Gazette office, High below Line st. Parish, Jolly, drayman, 75 S Front st. Parish, Mrs E, Boatman's Row. Parish, Jas M, river man, Maple st. Parish, Frank, f m c, barber shop St Cloud hotel. Parish, Thos J, clerk steamboat Scotland. Parish, J B, blacksmith shop, livery stable 131 S Mar¬ ket, 69 S Front st. Parish, M A & Co, storage and commission house, 110 S Market st. Parish, M A, as above, 54 S Front st. Parish, S E, firm iVI Jacker & Co, 64 S Front st. Pass, Susan, cor Line & McLemore sts. Parish, Jas B, clerk steamboat, 4 Castleman st. Parish, Woodson, drayman, 69 S Front st. Pash, Wm, blacksmith shop, N Front st, 66 Line. Passmore, , carpenter, Murfreesboro pike. Pasmore, H, carpenter, Chilton's alley. 122 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Patton, Wm, pattern maker, M Jacker & Co's, S Nashville. Patton, Wm, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Patten, I W, river clerk, cor Summer and Ash sts. Patton, R H, book-keeper, 17 N College st, stole. Patten, J W, upholsterer, blind institute, res same. Pattenhammer, F, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Patterick, D D, marketer, Lafayette st. Patterson, J E, clerk, 31 N Market st. Patterson, J S, ambrotypist. 23 Union, Hughes' gal'ry. Patterson,R S, 47 Line st. Patterson, A, firm Greenfield & P, cor High and De- mumbrane sts. Patterson, John, firm Greenfield & P, same. Pate, J W, steward Watson House. Paul, Isaac, firm Paul & Hill, Cherry st S Nashville. Payne, Edwin, real estate agent, 35 N College st. Payne, E D, real estate, 33 N College st, cor Frank¬ lin and College sts. Pearsall, A, boiler maker, Cherry stS Nashville. Pearson, M, clerk, 46 Public Square, Edgefield. Pearcy, John, dry goods, 177 S Cherry st. Pearcy, F, free col, riverman, 159 S Market st. Peacher, C E, firm of J C Darden & Co. Turners- ville. Peach, Ira, stoneyard, Franklin Pike. Peach, H S,firm T J Seaberry & Co, Edgefield. Peach, F, plumber, 47£ N Cherry st, Edgefield. Pearl, J F, general supt city high schools, 89 N Col¬ lege st. Pearl, Dyer, pres City Bank, Edgefield. Pearl, E G, cashier City Bank, 20 S Cherry st. Pearl, J M, clerk Union Bank Tennessee. Peck, P P, carriage manufactory and depository, 55 N Cherry st, 20 S Cherry st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 123 Peck, H K, book-keeper, 55 N Cherry st. Peden, C W, firm of Oliver & P, store. Peebles, Wm, family grocery, Cherry st S Nashville. Peet, W L, bakery and family grocery, 67 N Col¬ lege st. Peiffer & Gussman, French bootmakers, Sewanee house. Peiffer, H, above firm, 20 Front st. Peiffer, N, cutter at Sulzbacher's, N Market st. Pendleton, J T, firm Ewin, Pendleton & Co, 10 S Vine-st. Pennington, J A, cooper, Lafayette st. Pendergast, Mary W, family grocery, 168 N Col¬ lege st. Pendergast, Ja«, shoemaker, 102 Cedar st. Pentecost, Absolem, river pilot, 175 S Market st. Pentecost, Jas F & Brother, livery stables, 34 Dead- erick st. Pentecost, J F, as above, 133 N Market st. Pentecost, A M, as above, 133 N Market st. Pentecost, John, deputy keeper workhouse, 92 N Front st. Pentecost, J C, 2nd clerk of market, and auctioneer, 51 S Front st. Pentecost, Joseph, expressman, 51 S Front st. Pennel, Wiley, family grocery, Castleman st. Perry, L S, foundryman, Anderson's foundry, 86 S Cherry st. Perry, H, f c, hack driver, 65 F Front st. Perry, R J, salesman Thompson & Co's store. Perry, R, brickmason, Cherry st S Nashville. Perry, Jesse, brickmason, Ash stnear High. Perry, Wm H, Summer st. Perkins, Wm, O N, sup't Tenn & Ala R R, res 21 S Vine st. 124 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Perine, A M, book-keeper D D Dickey's, 26 N Spruce st. , Periam, J C, clerk Cornelius, 49 Spring st. Percell, Jas, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Persons, Emily, f c, Castleman st. Petty, C, sheet man Publishing House, S Nashville. Petty, John A, cor Jefferson andMcLemore sts. Petty, W A, carpenter, 1 S Vine, res Demumbrane. Petty, Geo, boiler maker, M Jacker & Co's, cor Mc- Lemore and Jeff sts. Petty, Jas D, river engineer, Carroll st S Nashville. Petty, B W, carpenter, McGavock st, W Nashville. Petway, T W, clerk 17 Broad, S Nashville. Petway, R G, M D, firm East & P, office and res Cherry st near Mulberry. Petway, Rev F S, presiding elder Carthage district M E church, Edgefield. Petre, M, firm Altmeyer & P, store. Petre, G, baker at W L Peet's, N Nashville. Pettit, Jas B, assistant State Marshal, S Nashville. Pettifer, W W, cabinet-maker Grooms, Cavert & Co. Pettifor, Wm, carpenter, College st S Nashville- Paulus, C, shoe-shop, 36 S Market st. Pfaff, E, tailor and family grocery, 57 N Spruce st. Pfeiffer, L, firm J Stifel &, Co, Jefferson st N Nash¬ ville. Phaley, J, laborer, Ellis & Moore's. Phillips, W J, livery stable, 19 N Market st. Philips, J R, tinner, 10 Broad st, res W Broad. Phillips, Capt William, firm Lanier, Phillips & Co, country. Philips, Jo, 142 N Market st. Philips, W W. trader 48 N Cherry st, Edgefield. Philips, Wm, sheet iron worker, 7 Broad st, res W Broad st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 125 Philips, P, carpenter, W Nashville. Physick, H S, clerk 43 N College st, store. Picard, Jerome, cooper, 16 Line st. Pigue, J A, firm Evans & Co, Park st near Capitol. Pilant, Betsy, N McLemore st. Pilling, M, basket maker, 67J N College st, res 69. Pilcher, M S, agent salt cos, 25 S Market st, 33 N Summer st, Pilcher, M B, salesman 39 S Market, res 33 N Sum¬ mer st. Pin'kard, M J, att at law, 49f N Cherry st,up stairs. Pinto, A, Havana cigar store, No 3 Union and Ameri¬ can buildings. Piper, P W, bookbinder, York & Go's, 40 N Spruce. Pitman, John B, attorney at law, 6 Deaderick st, res cor Gay and McLemore sts. Pitman, B B, carpenter, 58 S Front st. Pitt, Henry, carpenter, 18 N Front st. Publishing House M E Church South, 66-67 Public Square. Pugsley, Mrs Dr, 37 N Summer st. Pucket, John, finisher Ellis & Moore's, 117 S Cherry. Puckett, Wm, blacksmith-striker M Jacker & Co's. Puckett, W P, coach trimmer, N Spruce st. Pulliam, Thos G, conductor N & C K R, res country, Pulaski, Jo, tailor at John Browne's. Pratt, J W, proprietor Watson house. Pritchett, Sam, merchant tailor, 54 N College st, rea S Field Demumbrane. Pritchett, Jas, wagoner, 57 S Front st. Pride, W T, clerk, 68 S Market st. Prior, W J, salesman, 47 N College st, store. Price, T D, salesman atLB&TD Fite's. Price, L, brickntason, S Market st. Price, Mrs M, 114 Broad st. 126 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIBECTO&V. Price, N, carpenter, College st S Nashville. Pricbard, W P, clerk 34 Public Square. Prichard, Wm, grocer, 87 N Market st. Prichard, J S, firm Hopper, J PI & Co, country. Protection Insurance Co, over Planters' Bank. Pryor, J J, clerk 21 Public Square. Player, Jas, f m c, river man, Vine st N of Capitol. Player, S, f wc, 53 Crawford st. Planter's Hotel, 34 N Summer st. Plaxton, J, printer, Publishing House, 52 N Sum¬ mer st. Plunket, Jas, secretary Capitol commissioners', office Capitol, res cor Demumbrane and Vine sts. Plink, Geo, music teacher military college, res S Mar* ket st. Plowman, D, firm Adams, Eves & Co, Cherry st S Nashville. Plummer, Mrs E, private boarding, 21 N Cherry st. Plummer, C, salesman 6 Public Square. Plummer & Knight, wholesale fancy goods, 72 Pub¬ lic Square. Plummer, H B, above firm, Edgefield. Plunket, Jas D, cor Vine and Demumbrane sts. Planters' Bank, cor Union and College sts. Pyle, A W, carriage maker, 135 S Market st. Poindexter, G G, editor Union and American, office. Polk, Mrs Jas K, 11 N Vine st. Poorman, S, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert[& Co. Poole, Jas, job worker, 70 S Cherry st. Pool, E F, book-keeper in S W Baptist Pub House, Edgefield. Pope, Opie, wagon makiug and blacksmithing, 105 Broad st. Pope, John, coffee house> 159 N Cherry st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS tURECTORV. 127 Porter, W J, salesman 41 Public Square. Porter, Wm, firm Evans & Co, Park st near Capitol. Porter, Mrs Dr R M, 38 Cedar st. Porterfield, John, president and proprietor Traders' Bank, 5 N High st. Porterfield, S, f c, confectioner, 74 Spring st. Post, F, meat-marketer, stall 22 Post Office, cor Spring & Cherry sts. Potee, Chas, cooper, 89 N Summer st. Powers, M, tailor, 26 N Front st. Powers, M, clothing, 11 Public Square. Powers, M, firm Myers, Hunt & Co, 123 N Market. Powers, L, clothing, 34 N Market st. Powers Saml, clerk, 34 N Market st. Powers, S H, butcher and marketer, 79 Watkins avenue. Powell, Wm, riverman, 99 Cedar st. Powell, B, water hauler, 150 S Cherry st. Q,q Quigley, Jas, family grocery, 81 Spring st. Quigley, J, clerk Ewing & Sperry's, store. Quilling, Marv, coffee house, 142 N College st. Quimbey, H B, coach blacksmith, 93 N Cherry st, N High st. Quinn, W J, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Quinn, las, baker, 17 N Market st. Quinn, P, laborer, at Henderson Bro's. Quinn, M, laborer, 96 N College st. Quinn, Mike, family grocery, Shanklin st. Quinn, Wm J, job worker, Claiborneville. 128 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IEi. Raby, E, watchmaker, 16 Public Square. Ratcliff, J W, freight agent Tenn & Ala R R, High st S Broad. Raiford, Wm, salesman, 74 Public Square. Rains, Rev John, Co trustee, 19 Public Square, also, saddler shop, up stairs. Rains & Brown, druggists, 19 Public Square. Rains, T B, above firm, store. Ram age, Alex, tailor for military institute, S Market. Ramage, J S, clerk, 42 N College st. Ramage, John, shoe store, 42 JN College st, res 67 N High st. Ramsey, W B A, secretary and treasurer E&K R R, 49 JV Cherry st, Edgefield. Ratterman, H, clerk, 66 S Market st. Raney, S, wagoner, 162 S Market st. Randall, Geo W, carpenter, S Vine st. Randle, F P, clerk 13 Union st, store. Randall, G W, carpenter, S Vine st. Randall, D A, carpenter, 97 Broad st. Roats, J B, carpenter, 42 Watkins avenue. Rathborne, Elizabeth, 156 N Cherry st. Rathbone, Miss Sarah, dress maker, 141 N College. Rawley & Brother, dry goods and clothing, 40 S Mar¬ ket st. Rawley, J W, above firm, store. Rawley, D N, above firm, store. Rawley, L W, salesman 4 inn block. Rawley, B, clerk, 34 N Market st. Rawley, Mrs M B, 25 N Summer st. Raworth, E A, notary public and com of deeds for all the States in the Union, office and res horticultural garden. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 129 Ray, T J, carpenter, 63 N McLemore st. Ray, John F, river engineer, 81 S Summer st. Read, Wm, blacksmith, 166 S Cherry st. Reader, L H, carriage trimmer, 40 N Front st, S Nashville. Reams, Mitchell & Co, grocery merchants, cor Sum¬ mer and Broad sts. Reams, T A, above firm, 124 Summer st. Rear, Wm, keyfitter and bellhanger, 17 Deaderick, 65 N McLemore st. Reckless, W M, clerk, 16 Public Square. Reed, Rev W M, pastor 1st C Pres Church, Broad¬ way W Nashville. Reed, J M, firm Moulton & Reed, store. Reed, H, Criddle st. Reed, G W, printer, Publishing House, McLemore near Gay st. Reed, B L, brickmason, Claiborneville. Reed, Wm, carriage trimmer, 135 S Market st, 147 S Cherry st. Reed, A C, salesman, 48 Public Square. Reed, Wm B, blacksmith, 166 S Cherry st. . Reeder, J M, engineer waterworks. Reeder. Martha, 72 N Front st. Reemerkerf,—, mattress maker for Geo Leascher, S Nashville. Rees, D, moulder, Ellis & Moore's, 86 S College st. Reeves, H C, bakery and confectionery, No 6 Odd Fellows' Hall. Reddick, John, 36 Spring st. Redick, C P, job worker, S Market st. Redding, F, finisher, M Jacker & Co's. Regg, Chas, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Reguin, Chas, painter, 5 Union st. Reis, S, collar maker, 35 Spring st. Reiser, M, shoemaker, 93 N Cherry st. 9 130 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Reiser, S, shoemaker, 93 N Cherry st. Reid, Dr G H, salesman 10 N Market st, res 85 N College st. Keith, S J, clerk, 13—15 S Market st. Reyer, Geo, harness maker, 29 S College st. Rhea, Hardcastle& Co, commission and boat store, 8 Broad st. Rhea, B S, above firm, S College st opp medical college. Rhoads, J B, tinner, 7 Broad st. Rhodes, F, river man. Rhodes, M, job worker. Richards, T H, clerk 84—86 N Cherry st. Richards, J E, clerk 84-86 N Cherry st. Richenbacker, F, cabinet maker Grooms, "Cavert & Co. Richards, J, firm Hodges & R, 82 Broad st. Richards, Geo C, firm of Warne & Co, S Union st. Richards, R, S Union st. Richards, W D, livery stables, 84-86 N Cherry st, res 9 N Cherry. Richards, E D, grocer, 22 N Market st. Richards, E D, salesman, 57 N College st. Rickard, Alex, carpenter, Vannoy & Myers. Rice, J L, attorney at law. Riddle, Jas, Pittsburg coal dealer, cor Front and Broad sts. Riddleberger, Sam, eating saloon cor Cherry and Deaderick sts. Ridgway, Thos S, firm Wallace & R, store. Rider, E, plummer, 1 S Market st. Riggs, G, cooper, cor Summer and Demumbrane sts. Rieves, M, carpenter,Cherry st S Nashville. Rigsby, Polly, 112 N Front st. Riehm, F, carpenter, 16 S College st, res S Mar¬ ket st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 131 Riley, Y, river man, Lebanon pike. Rimon, Chas H, captain steamboat Empire, 109 S College st. Ritter, John, tailor, li S Market st. Rives, R G, justice of the peace, office and res cor Cherry and Ash sts. Riva, A & Co, importers wines, liquors, etc, 28 N Market st. Riva, A, above firm, res 28 N Market st. Riva, Alex, above firm, res 28 F Market st. Riva, Andr, above firm, res 28 N Market st. Roach, John, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Robb & Smith, grocers and commission merchants, 65 -67 S Market st. Robb, J J, above firm, 84 N College. Roberts & Thornton, grocers and com merchants, 54 Broad st. Roberts, J G, above firm, res country. Roberts, John, supt Rep Banner, firm Bang, Walker & Co, High st near Broad. Roberts, C J, compositor, at Union and American office, res Union st near Summer. Roberts, E C, firm Briggs & R, store. Roberts, Wm, proprietor Sewanee House, 24 N Col¬ lege st. Roberts, Thos, book-keeper, Sewanee House. Roberson, J F, carpenter, Jackson & Adams. Roberson, H, tinner, 6 Spring st. Roberson, N, tinner, 46 N Market st, S Nashville. Robertson, Chas, confectionery, 17 N Market st. Robertson, T, carpenter, McGavock st W Nash¬ ville. Robertson, P M, carpenter, Spruce st near the Capitol. Robertson, A B, shoes, 45 N College st, res 21 S Spruce st. 132 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Robertson, W B, coroner and justice of the peace, 6 Deaderick st, 69 McLemore st. Robertson, R H, partner M C Bruce. Robertson, J G, manufacturer of confectioneries, etc, 21 Broad st. Robertson, H, tinner, 7 Broad st, 8 Spring st. Robertson, Felix, M D, 34 S Cherry st. Rogers, Wm, firm M Jacker & Co, Claiborne's addi¬ tion. Rogers, Jane, 124 N College st. Rogers, S C, traveling partner S W Baptist Publish¬ ing House, store. Rogers, Dr H, near Sulphur springs. Rollins, Wm, firm of Williams & R. res country. Rooney, Pat. 3d lamplighter for gas co, Locus st near Market. Roan, J, 115 S Cherry st. Romakorp, H, upholsterer, S Market st. Romans, John B, firm of Anderson & R, Cherry st near Broad. Roscoe, A H, M D, druggist, 17 Broad st, res City Hotel. Rose, O B, carriage maker, 64 Line st. Rose, J A J, clerk 14 Public Square, 64 Line st. Rosen, H, partner J Casner, 21 Deaderick st. Rosenfield, Wm, bookbinder at Fehr's. Ross, Chas, steward City Hotel. Roser, John, meat-marketer, stall No 14, High st S Nashville. Rountree, W & Co, drinking house, 17 Cedar st. Rountree, W, above firm, Commercial Hotel. Rowen, W M, firm Thoma &; R, store. Royster, M S, book keeper for Tenn & Ala R R, office near depot. Rucker, T G, conductor N & C 11 R, country. Rucker, R Z, book-keeper 6-8 S Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 133 Rucker, Ben, jr, firm Langley & Co, Vine st S Field. Ruggles, A K , book keeper, 75 S Summer st. Rulong, Jas D, firm Haynie & R, College st opp Med College. Russell, L, blacksmith, 83 S Summer st. Russell, Dr R, dentist, 11 N Cherry st. Russell, W, railroad engineer, S Summer st. Rust, J E, book-keeper 47 Broadway, Lebanon pike. Rutland, J B & A V, shoe store 30 Union st. Rutland, J B, above firm, 101 N College st. Rutland, A V, same firm, store. Ruth, John, painter, 71 N Cherry st. Ruth, Robt, firm Beasly & R, 52 N Summer st. Rutherford, J T. groceries and commission, 34 S Market. Ryan, Jo L, 62 N Spruce st. Ryan, P M, French burr manufacturer. 53 S College st, S Union. Ryman, Wm, fisherman, Lebanon pike. Ryrrian, Jo, bar keeper. Ryman, Frank, fish dealer, 116 S Cherry st. Ryan, Mike, foundryman Brennan's foundry. Rymaikiewicz, Joseph, family grocery, No 4 Odd Fellows' Hall. S. Saddler, A, clerk, 62 N Market st. Saflin, Wm, family grocery, cor Spruce and S Union. Saffrons, Dan, wagon maker, 105 Broad st. Salmon, S, jeweler store, 36 S Market st, Sewanee. Saltsman, T F, ambrotypist, 23 Union st. Sample, W T, salesman, Duncan & Co's. Samuels, Mrs M, dress maker, 64 Spring st. Sanbern, W, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co's. 134 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sanborn, Wm, cabinet maker, Sjummer st, S Nash¬ ville. Sand, P H, tailor, 19 Cedar st, store. Sanders & Gardner, family grocery, Spruce st, near R R bridge, Sanders, A, above firm, same place. Sanders, R A, carpenter, &t McCann's, res country. Sanders, C. L, book-keeper, 7 Public Square. Sanders, J E, assistant superintendent N & C R R, res 79 N College st. Sanderson, Martha, 62 N Front st. Sand house, A, clothing, 42 N Market st. Sandridge, W, f m c, sells apples, 72 N McLemore. Sandridge, Geo, col shoe shop, 31 Spring st. Saraphene, sister superior State Hos, S W Nashville. Satterfield, J, clerk, 22 N Market, res cor Summer and Mulberry. Saufley, R. C, firm Berry & Co, Broad street pike. Savage, Ellen, 9 Crawford st. Sawrie, Rev WDF, pastor McKendrie M E Church, res 9 S High. Saxon, Lewis, sand dealer, Franklin pike. Sayres, Chas, shoe store, 35 N Market st. Sayres, Chas P, clerk, 35 N Market st. Scanlan, D J, foreman Sam Prichitt's, Vina st, near Capitol. Schandelmein, John, meat marketer stall No 3, res Nashville. Schnoll, F, carriage maker, 33 Spring st. Shnider, A, harness maker, 29 S College st. Schiler, Jacob, tailor, 15 Spring st Schnellbacher, J P, watchmaker, res store. Schnieder, P, cabinet maker, 14 & 16, N College st. Scheck, M, dyer and repairer, 75 Cedar st. Schlund, Jo, saloon, 9 N Market st. Schlesinger, H, clerk, 13 Public Square. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 135 Schliger, , portrait painter, 64 Public Square. Schwarz, P. clothing and tailoring, 27 Broad st. Schwartz, M, tailor, 19 S College st. Schwarz, C, clerk, 27 Broad st. Schweizer, J C Baker, 42 Union st Schleifer, M, meat marketer, stall N end Market, res N Summer st. Schwieren, F, clerk, 154 S Cherry st. Schott, F, Beer saloon, 3 S Market st. Schaurer, G P cabinet maker, S College st. Schultz, J H W, bakery, 127 N College st. Scollard, Rev John, assistant pastor Cathedral, 36 N Summer st. Scoles, Mercy, f c, Cumb alley. Scott, R H, carpenter, S Nashville. Scott, James, carriage painter, 69 N Market st. Scott, J W, bookbinder, Publishing House. Scott, Moriah, 89 N Front st. Scott, Walter, 125 N Front st. Scott, Mrs M J E, 56 N Summer st. Scott, S M, proprietor City Hotel. Scott, Fanny, Cridde st. Scott, Robert, family grocery, Cherry st, S Nashville, Scovel, H G, real estate dealer, cor Capital av and Park st. Scott, T J, fam gro cor Union & Sum, res Edgefield. Scott, Hugh T, proprietor St Cloud Hotel, cor Spring and Summer sts. Scott, Dr D T, St Cloud Hotel, cor Spring and Sum¬ mer sts. Scott, Rebecca M, cor Gay and McLemore sts. Scribner, Alex, job worker, Washington st. Scruggs, J A, clerk, 50 N Cherry st. Scruggs, Mrs A M, cor Vauxhall and Demumbrane. Scrug gs, W J, blacksmith, 3 N Front st. Sea, Laben, fisherman, 41 S Front st. 136 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Seay, Saml, treas city building and loan association, 58 "N Summer st. Seay, Wm, fisherman, Lebanon pike. Seay, John, fisherman, Lebanon pike. Seaman, George, finisher, M Jacker & Co's. Seabury, John, M, sup't water works, 138 S Cherry st. Seaberry, T J & Co, gas fitters and plumbers, 47J N • Cherry st. Seaberry, T J, above firm, res Edgefield. Searight, Geo, firm of Furman & Co, store. Sehon, J L, attorney at law, 44 Cedar and 11 S Vine sts. .Selinger, A, cooper' 22 Line st. Seltz, M F & Co, merchant tailors, 19 Cedar st. Seltz, M F, above firm, 122 N Market. « Sevier, J W, M D, office 1 Broadway, up stairs. Sevier, T F, book keeper, 35 S Market st, Sevier, *, carpenter, Lebanon pike. Sewell, J H, printer, Union and American office, Seymour, H C, firm, Stratton & S, St Clould. S Chery st. Shackleford, Frank, steamboat clerk, 144 S College Shane, John, attorney at law and clerk criminal court, 55 N Cherry st. Shane, Wm, attorney, firm East & S, office. Shanklin, A B real estate agent, 25 N Cherry, res 9 N Vine. Sharber, Jas, shoe maker, 9 S College st. Sharpies, Jos, shoe maker, 6 Spring st. Shapard, W B & Co, proprietors Merchant's Bank, 50 N College st. Shapard, W B, above firm, 7 N High st. Shapard, H C. above firm, same place. Sheehan, J, machinist, Brennan's foundry. Sheean, A burr stone worker, 53 S College st. Sheffield, H, M D, office 24 N Cherry st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 137 Shegog, C, printer, Repub Ban office, res High near Broad, st. Shegogg, Emily, 118 N Front st. Shelton, M L, marble yard, 51 Spring st, W Nash¬ ville. Shelton' Sarah F, f c, 122 N Front st. Sheppard, Alex, Wagonmuker, 105 Broad st. Shepperd, C, carpenter, 118 S Summer st. Shepperd, W B, salesman 51 N College st, 110 N Cherry st. Shepperd, S, colored, hackman, 85 N Cherry st. Shepperd, Thos, blacksmith shop, 33 Spring st, 61 N Spruce. Sheppard, Chas, blacksmith, 118 S Summer st. Shepherd, F A, firm Gardner, Shepherd & Co, 20 N Yine st. Shields, B F, auction house 42 Public Square, 2£ mis Broad st pike. Shields, G W, book-keeper, 42 Public Square, res.cor Summer and Gay sts. Shields, Jas, clerk 29 Spring st. Shier, S, dry goods Cherry st S Nashville. Shilleut, Jas, baggage master, 62 N Market st. Shinick, D, harness maker, 18 N Market st. Shirk, C D, firm Monohan & S, 113 N College st. Shirley, Wm, marble sculptor, High st near S Union. Shirley, Wm, marble worker, Jas Kerr's. Shirick, L, beef marketer, stall No 3, res N Nash¬ ville. Shivers, J A, meat-marketer, stall N end market, res N Nashville. Shower, E, dentist, 8 N Cherry st. • Shull, W T, printer, Gazette office, 24 N Spruce st. Sibley, Mrs S, Maple st. Sieferle, G, tailor-shop, 115 N College st. 138 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sidney, Robt, carriage trimmer, 82 N Market st, 146 S Summer st. Sigler, John, builder, Demumbrane st, W Nashville. Silber, Sarah A, f w c, 49 Crawford ft. Simmons, Wm J, conductor N & C R R, res in the country. Simmons, Miss Mary, dressmaking, Summer st opp St Cloud hotel. Simmons, S C^receiving clerk N & C R R,Watkins' grove. Simmons, Wm, carpenter and builder, 59 Spring st. Simms, Wiley, captain of steamboat Rock City, 56 N McLemore st. Simpson, B L, wine merchant, 47 Public Square, 114 N Cherry st. Simpson, W M, clerk,' 50 S Market st. Simpson, G W, livery stable, Lafayette st. Simpson, G B, coffee house, Lafayette st. Simpson, Wm, blacksmith, Lafayette st. Sinclair, Jas, printer Publishing House, res Lebanon Pike. Singleton, A J, clerk at Torian's, 10 S College st. Singleton, M, 10 S College et. Singleton, H C, painter, 26- 28 S College st. Sirls, Jas, railroad man, Cherry st near S end. Skinner, Isaac, conductor N & C Railroad, 151 S Cherry st. Skipwith, A P, inspector flour, etc, Summer st 3 drs irom Mulberry. Slade, N J, family grocery, Lebanon pike S Nash¬ ville. Slattery, R P, stereotyper, Pub House, Edgefield. Slaughter, G II, cashier Bank of the Union, 92 Spring st. Sloan, Jas, foundryman, Brennan's foundry. Sloan, Jno H, jr, malt house^ 84 N Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 139 Sloan, Chas M, clerk, 84 N Market st. Sloan, Rev R R, S Market st. Sloan, Jas, late Sloan's mar yard, res near R R depot. Sloan, G Wy boarding house, 10 S Market st. Sloan, J J, clerk 25 Broad st. Sloan, Fred & Brother, carriage manufacturers, 69 N Market st. Sloan, Fred, above firm, 83 N Market st. Slo&n, Jas, above firm, 83 N Market st. Slyer, J D, photographist, 23 Union st. Smart, Harriet, 89 Watkins avenue. Smiley. T T, atfy at law, office 11 N Cherry st. Smith, Camp & Co, eds and props Nashville Daily Patriot, 16 Deaderick st. Smith, W Hy, ed and firm above, 19 S Spruce st. Smith, H, tailor, Sam Pritchett's, S Summer st. Smith, Robt, dry goods, 79 Broad st. Smith, P, tinner, 6 N Market st. Smith, Mrs E, 12 N High st Smith, J L, carpenter, N Spruce st. Smith, E P, book-keeper, .49 N Market st, res 19 S Spruce. Smith, Pat, free color, barber Broadway House. Smith, Thos, att'3' at law, 34 S Cherry st. Smith, P, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Smith, J M, pension agent and city treasurer, 22 IV Cherry st, 91 Spring. Smith, J B, clerk pension office, 22 N Cherry st, 91 Spring st. Smithwick, Geo, clerk, 5 Broad st, store. Smith, T R, 33 Cedar st Smith, Rev L L, pastor Christ Church, res 41 Cedar. Smith, A J, iron merchant, 51 Broad st, res 27 S Summer st. Smith, G B, M D, 29 N Cherry st, 7 S Vine st. Smith, Sam, clerk, 53 N Market, Edgefield. 140 NASUVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Smith, Green, f m c, hostler, Vine st N of Capitol. Smith, W C, salesman Evans & Co's. Smith, M A„book-keeper at Furtnan & Co's. Smith, Jo C, railroad man, Cherry st S Nashville. Smith, Diek, free color, Lebanon pike. Smith, Wm, cooper, 91 N Summer st. Smith, W J, clerk 43 N College st, store. Smith, H G B, clerk 41 N College st, res same. Smith, W H, firm of Lellyett & S, 97 Spring st. Smith, Chas W, books and stationery, 41 N College st, 79 N Market st. Spaith, T, carpenter, Cherry st S Nashville. Smith, Wm, B. railroad engineer, 49 Line st. Smith, Wm R, wagon yard, S Front st. Smith, Joel M, city treasurer and pension agent, City Hall W end, 91 Spring st. Smith, Jlis, job worker, S College st. Smith, Geo W, carpenter, above firm, res S Yine st. Smith & Hughes, carpenters and builders, cor McLe- more & Berry Hill. T Smith, J M, firm Rhea, Hardcastle & Co, Nolansville. Pike. Smith, Jo, salesman, 47 S Market st. Smith, Jas S, firm Robb & S, 84 N College. Smith, Jas M, commis mer manufs' agent, 55 S Mar¬ ket st. Smith, T, shoemaker, High st S Nashville." Smith, C W, clerk, 17 Cedar, Commercial Hotel. Smith. D J, cigar maker, Cumberland alley. Smith, Mrs Rebecca, 43 N Spruce st. Smith, R M, A M, teacher high school, 29 S Yine st. Smith, Jno Hugh, attorney at Iqw, 14 Cedar st, 81JV College st. Smith, M, salesman, 5 inn block. Smith, J W, firm W H Webb & co, 64 Public Square. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 141 Sneed, Jas, carpenter, 7 S Vine st. Sneed, R C, clerk, 1-3 S Market st. Snow, Wm O, clerk 38 S Market st^Edgefield. Snowden,RB & Co, gro and liquors, No. 4 N Cherry. Snowden, S B, book-keeper, 45 N College st, res 181 S Market st. Snowden, John B, 35 N Summer st. Snyder & Frizzell, shoe store, 21 Public Square. Snyder, H N, above firm, Edgefield. Snyder, M, machine worker, N Nashville. Sobel, ^J M & Co, jeweler, 30 S Market st. Sobel, J M, above firm, cor Market and Broad sts. Sobel, D L, above firm, res same. South-Western Baptist Publishing House, 59 N Mar¬ ket st. Southern Homestead office, 25 N College st. Southern carriage manufacturing company, 38- 40 N Front st. Southgate, G M, merchant, boarding 90 N Market. Southerlan, Wm, carpenter, 59 N McLemore st. Spain, J D, firm Coleman & S, 62 N Summer st. Spain, L K, firm of Vannoy, Turbeville Co, W . Nashville. Sparkman, Sam, blacksmith shop, 101 S Market st. Spears, Nancy, Franklin pike. Spence, Jo, clerk, 60 Broad st. Spencer, Mrs W, manager protestant orphan asylum, 8 McLemore st. Sperry, J N, firm Ewing & S, store. Sperry, H, book-keeper at Ewing & Sperry's. Spivey, Thos, printer, Bap Pub House, N Spruce st. Spire, B W clerk, 40 N Morket st, S Nashville. Spitler, J R, tinner, Edgefield. Spi vey, R, printer M E Pub House, res cor Gay and Spruce sts. Sponsler, C F, cutter at John Browne's. 142 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Spotswood & Barter, gro and pro mer, 37 Broad st. Spotswood, J l\I, above firm, res S High st. Spottswood, Mr$ J, 172 S Market st. Stahl, D, tinner, 16 S Market st. {State Hospital, south-west part of the city, 30 pa¬ tients. Stack, P, clerk, 35 Spring st. ~ - Stack, Thos, job worker, Chilton's Alley. Staiert, John, finisher, M Jacker & Co's, Spring st. Stainback, Mrs Mary, 60 N Spruce st. Sord, F, driller, M Jabker & Co's. Stanly, L R, firm Latimer & S, McGavock st. Starkey, Robert, carpenter, Summer st, S Nashville. Starkey, Wm, founderman, Anderson's foundry. Starkey & Frith, family grocery and wagon yard, 97 S Cherry st. Starkey, B, a.3 above, res 86 S Cherry st> Starkey, Sam, city watchman, 172 N Market st. Staub, Christian, carpenter, Jackson rfear College st. Staub, Felix, carpenter, Jackson near College st. St Clair, J D, watchman Commercial Hotel. St Cloud Hotel, cor Spring and Summer sts. Stearnagel, C, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Steele, Joseph, confectionery store, Lebanon pike, res Claiborneville. . ' Steel, J, printer, Repub Ban office, 109 N College st. Stein, I P, dry goods, 12 Union, res 118 N Market st. Stein, F, painter at Hargrave's. Steiner, F, painter, 6 Spring st. Steinfeld, H, cigar maker, Langley & Co's. Stemple, Geo, tannery and candle factory, near pen¬ itentiary. Stenner, Geo, Barber, 3 S Market st. Stephens, A, salesman, 41 Public Square. Stephenson, Thos, clerk, 17 N College, res 43 N Spruce st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 143 Stephenson, T, shoe shop, 83 S Cherry st. Stevenson, Jas, granite dresser, cor College and Ash. Stevens, J D, salesman at W B Gribb's Stevens, A J, railroad man, S Union st. Stevenson, V K, president N & C R R, 61 Spring st. Stevenson, V S, 68 N Cherry st. Stevenson, J F, painter at Horn's, res S Nashville. Stevenson, James, stone yard, near cor Spring and Summer st. Stewart, Alex, f m c, near Capitol. Stewart, Wm, firm Andrew Anderson & Co, res cor Ash and Market sts. Stewart, Alex, painter, 19 S Front st. Stewart, Geo, finisher, Anderson's foundry, res W Nashville. Stewart, B, f c, shoe shop, Cherry st, S Nashville, Stewart, lVl, wood yard, Front st, near Lick branch. Stewart, G, wood dealer, Front, near Lick branch. Stewart, N W, coach painter, 40 N Front st. Stewart, Sally, c, 140 N Cherry st. Stewart, Wm, tinner, 31 S High st. Stewart, John, family grocery, cor Lafayette and Market sts. Stewart, John L, patentee for the cooking stove, J H L, 75 N College st. Stewart, John H, prof ancient languages, Nashville University, pressame. Stewart, C M, 35 S Vine st. Stief, F, band-box maker, 20 & 22 N Front st. Stifel, J & Co, gro and com mer, and Nashville brew¬ ery, 60 S Market st. Stifel, J, above firm, same place. Steinmier, John, shoe shop, 100 N College st. Stitt, Mrs Mary Ann, boarding house, 75 Union st. Stitt, D P, clerk, 75 Union st. Stitt, A A, sup't printing department M E Pub House. 144 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stitt, P B, proof reader, M E Pub House, at D D Dickey's; Stilt, P H, printer, M E Pub House. Stocked, Wm, plasterer, and contractor, 40 S Cherry st, res 38. Stockard, S B, clerk, 39 N College st. Stogner, T D, deputy clerk circuit court, Edgefield, Stoher, Phil, cabinet maker, phoenix fur man. Stokes, J.H, book-keeper, 64 Public Square, res High st, S of Broad. Stokes, M S, book-keeper, Duncan Co's 30 S Summer. Stokes, S, shoemoker, 35 N Market st. Stone, W P, tinner, 46 N Market st, N Nashville. Stone, Mrs Belinda, 69 N Vine st. Stone, W P, family grocery, cor Jefferson and Jack¬ son sts. Stomlake, Henry, firm R C Anderson & Co, store. Stonelake. G H, clerk, 34 S Market st. Story, P V, tailor, S Nashville. Stones, Liston, Druggist, 10 S Vine st. Stout, J V D, tailor, res W Nashville. Stout, J W,.M D, office 63 N Cherry st, res 93 N Market st. Stout, Phil A, blacksmith, cor Broad and Vine sts. Stouthard, J, col hackman, 85 N Cherry st. Stoty, Wm, teacher divers languages, 20 N Market. Stowers, Wm, lime burner, Lebanon pike. Strader, J D firm McCaslin & S, store. Stratton, W S, clerk, 17 N College st, W Nashville. Stratton, D T, clerk, 14 N Market st, res Edgefield. Stratton, Thos E, firm Morris & S, Edgefield. Stratton, M, above firm, res Edgefield. Stratton & Seymour, pro and com mer, 6 & 8 S Mar¬ ket st. Strattan, Jeff, hacks to hire, 126 N College st, Stratton, R H T, farmer, Claiborneville. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 145 Strange, Mrs Susan, cor Summer and Line sts. Street, Amelia, 158 N Cherry st. Stretch, A, druggist, 50 Cedar st. Stretch, J, druggist, cor Market and Broad sts, res 71 S Summer st. Strickler, Ellis & Co, wholesale shoes and boots, 51 Public Square. Strickler, S A, above firm, same place. Strong, Wm, Capt steamer Red Rover, res boatman's row, S Nashville. Strongs John, cooper, Moker & Co's. Stull, J M, dry goods, 52 S Market st. Sturdivant, Wm, city watchman, 74 N Summer st. Sturdivant, J, wagon maker, 85 S Cherry st... Sullivan, J, drinking bar, 84 N Front st. Sulevan, M, saloon, 49 Unjon st. . Sullivan, M,-blacksmith, M J acker & Go's res S Cherry st. Sullivan Mrs Martha, 147 S Summer st. Summers, Rev Thos O, D D, editor books, tracts and quarterly, Pub House M E Church, 11 S High st. Sumner, M, colored, hacks to hire, 98J N College st. Sunderland, river mate, Summer st, S Nashville. Sulzbacker, M, clothing, 53 N Market st. Sulzbacker, Marchus, salesman, 53 N Market st. Surtevant, J M, sup't institution for the blind, res in¬ stitution. Sweeney, G W, gro and com mer, 47 Broad st, res same. Sweeney, Wm, painter, High st, near Lincoln alley. Sweeney, Jo, collar maker, Cherry st, S Nashville. Swan, Moses M, register land office Middle Tennes¬ see, office Capitol, res 68 Cedar st. Swan, Wm L, deputy as above. Swan, Jacob, musician, Jefferson st, near river. 10 146 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T- Tarpley, J E, carriage blacksmith, Market opposite College street. Tate, T J, cabinet maker, Groomes Cavert & Co. Tallman, P, carriage wheeler, 69 N Market, res Line. Tanksley, Henry, plasterer, Cherry st, S Nashville. Tanksley, Jas A, marketer, Cherry st, S Nashville. Tanksley, Jno, family grocery," Cherry st, S Nashville. Tanksley, Ben, plasterer, College st, S Nashville. Tankesley, Smith, plasterer, cor Summer'and Ash. Taylor, Mrs N P, 29 N Spruce. Tate, Andrew, free col riverman, 89, S College. Tarver, B, saddler, 33 N Market- Tate, A J, clerk, 70S Market st* Tabler, A, printer, S W Baptist publishing house, res 52 N Summer st. Taylor, G M, music teacher, Nash Female Academy. Taylor, J, saloon,-137 N College. Taylor, J D, steamboat Red Rover, 158 S Cherry st. Taylor, J, firm Mcintosh & T, 9 Public Square. Taylor, Mrs F, cor Line and McLemore. Taylor, R, printer, SWB pub house, Southgate house. Tebe, W H, blacksmith, 85 S Cherry st. Temple, L M, att'y at law 72 N Cherry, res country. Tenison, A M, book keeper Ellis & Moore's 118 S Col¬ lege st. Tennison, Jas, carriage trimmer 90 S Market, res 118 S Cherry st. Tennessee Marine and Fire Ins Co, 40 Pub Square. Tennessee and Alabama Railroad Office 49J, up stairs. Terrill, Ben, blacksmith, Ellis & Moore's Terrill, Pat, finisher, M. Jacker & Co's. Terriss, Mrs A, 23 N Summer st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 147 Terry, Jas W, clerk, 103 Broad st. Terrass Brothers, grocers and commission merchants, 7 S Market St. Terrass, Fred, above firm, City Hotel. Terrass, J W, above firm, 59 S Summer st. Thacher, H S, eating saloon. Thayer, Geo H, salesman Douglas Co's. Thaxton, W H, clerk, 45 Broad st, res country. Thaxton, N J, book keeper, 13—15 Broad st. Theatre, Gaiety, 87 N Cherry st. Shanahan, J, laborer, 164 N College st. Theobox, T, rope factory, Claiborneville. Trimble, Geo, free col, 78 Watkins av. Thomas, Jas, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville, Thomas, R, moulder, M. Jacker & Co's. Thomas, R, carpenter, S Nashville. Thomas, Jas H, salesman, 53, res 92 Broad st. Thomas R, job worker, Claiborneville. Thomas, Wm, f m c, river man, Vine north of Capitol. Thomas, Jessee, carpenter at McCann's S High. Thomas, Mrs E, 57 S Front st. Thomas, Geo W, painter, 51 S Summer st. Thomas W W, collector, 47J N Cherry st, S Nashville. Thomas, Jas, clerk, 2 Union block. Thomas, Geo, firm Coleman & T, 127 N Market st. Thomas, Chas, firm above, same place. Thomas, Jessee, carpenter, S High st, Thomas, Jessee, clerk Nashville Com Ins Co. Thompson & Co, dry good, 59 N College st. Thompson, Geo T, above firm, 10 High st. Thompson, Chas T, above firm 26 S Vine st. Thompson, Jas, wood-hauler, 156 N Market st Thompson, Jas, confectioner, 17 N Market st. Thompson, D, saddler, 48 N Market st. Thompson, H D, clerk, 47 Public Square. Thompson, Mrs M A, 124 S Cherry st. 148 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Thompson, John, confectionery, liquors, &c, first door from N & C depot. Thompson, J C att'y at law, 44 N Cherry st. Thompson, R, M D, office 67 Spring st. Thompson, Robert, firm of Yired & T, 85 N Market st. Thompson, J, Cumberland coal yard, W Nashville. Thornton, S R, firm Roberts & T, Cherry st, S Nash¬ ville. Thompson, Lem, river engineer, cor College and Castle- man, sts. Thompson, John, merchant & manuf, 26- S Summer st. Thompson W Bri'ce, select male school, classic and En- glishj McLemore between Spring and Broad, res 26 S Summer st. Thoma & Bowen, merchant tailors, 1J S Market st. Thoma, F, above firm, Market st, S Nashville. Thornton, H C, salesman, at Furman & Co's. Throne, R G, salesman, 48 Public Square. Thornhill, Jas, clerk, 45 S Front. Thurman, Wm, tinner, 94 S Market, res 51 S Summer. Thurman, C M, carpenter, 53 S Summer st. Thurston, Charles F, piano and vocal music teacher, Sewanee house. Thurston, C F, organist, Sewanee house. Thurston, A JD, salesman, 74 Public Square. Thurmond, W W, tinner, 10 Broad st, res 57 S Sum¬ mer st. Thyssons, F L J, prof French and drawing, Nashville "University, res same. Tilford, Jas, f m c, river man, Vine st north of Capitol. Tilford, S, clerk R L Weakley, 90 S College st. Tilden, M W, printer pub house, Yine st N Nashville, Tindall, Mrs Agness, 113 S College st. Tindall, Robt, superintendent for Chas E H Martin, 68 N. Front, 88 S College st. Tindall, Wm C, coal dealer, 160 S Market. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 149 Tolliver, C T, clerk, 16 Union st, store. Toles, Arthur, 7 Cedar st. Tomlinson, Chas, carpenter, 109 N Coljege st. Toombs, Mrs E, Cherry st, S Nashville. Toomey, Jas, dry goods, Cherry st, S Nashville. Topp, J, carpenter, 117 N College, res N College. Torian, A G, livery stables, 7 S College st, Sewanee. Torbett, G C & F H, attorneys at law, office in Union and American Buildings. Torbett, G C, att'y, above firm, 16 S Vine st. Torbett, F H, same. Townsend, W H, carriage manuf 82 N Market, res 80. Townsend, J, clerk, 8 N Front st. Trabue & Lucas, dry goods, auction and commission, 74 Public Square. Trabue, Edw'd, firm above, 3 miles Murfreesboro pike. Trafton, G, assistant engineer Cumb. riv bridge E & K railroad. Traber, M, carpenter, 59 Spring st. Trabue, B, W, salesman, Thompson & Go's store. Treanor, J, book keeper, 39 N Market st. Treanor, Thos, S Market st. Treanor, T 0, firm Joynt & T, 6 Spring st. Trimble, John, att'y at law 38 Cedar st, S Nashville. Trimble, M, col barber, 68 Public Square. Trimble, Jas, teacher in Hines' free school, Cedar st. Trotman, M B, salesman, 39 S Market st. Tucker, H, S Spruce. Tucker, Mrs P, 66 Gay st. Tucker, T G, carpenter, cor S Union and Vine sts. Tuppens, M, f m c, job worker, Vine st N of Capitol. Turbiville, W J, firm Vannoy, T & Co, 17 N Spruce st. Turbeville, W, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Turner, Jas, grocer, 25 N Market st. Turner, Wm, clerk, 25 N Market st. Turner, Judge W K, 25 Pub Square, McGavock's ad. 150 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Turner, G W, clerk Sewanee House. Turner, W C, family grocery, 178 S Cherry st. Turner, Thos, river engineer. Turner, Abner, 126 N Front st. Turner, Wm, tailor, 27 Broad st, S Cherry st. Tyler, Andrew, clerk, 1--3 N College st. Tyre, Wat, free color, 71 S College st. Tyrell, Pat, laborer, 97 S Summer st. XT- Union and American Block, cor Spring and Cherry. Underwood, Eugene, attorney at law, 44 N Cherry st. XT- Yalette, Eugene,foreman Publishing House, cor Wat- kins avenue and High st. Vallette, G E, clerk, 42 Union st. Valentine, Mrs C, S Spruce st. Vance, W B, clerk Sewanee House. Van Lew, Geo, bill clerk N & C R R, S Nashville. Vanleer, AW, iron master, partly in city and at Cum¬ berland furnace. Vanleer, Sam'l,firm McCall, V & Co, store. Vanleer, J H, salesman 44 N Market st, store. Vannoy, Turbiville & Co, car-builders and contract¬ ors, near N & C R R depot. Vannoy, Mason, above firm, res 21 N Vine st. Vannoy, Mason, jr, same. Vannoy & Myers, carpenters and builders, 17 N Spruce st. Nannoy, G B, above firm, Gallatin pike. Vantreese, S J, shoemaker, Shanklin st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 151 Varney, E, clerk, 49 N College st, store. Vaughn, Michael, attorney at law, 41 N Cherry st, 32 N High st. Vaughn, Hiram,farmer, Edgefield. Vaughn, Jo, carpenter, S Vine st. Vaughn, F M, cabinetmaker, 114 S Market st. Vaughn, Thos, job worker, S Nashville. Vaughn, C,job worker, Jackson st. Vaughn, Wm, carpenter, 134 S Market st. Vaughn, L, clerk 23 N College, cor Summer and Crawford sts. Vanex, Joseph, pres Tenn Marine and Fire Ins Co, 3 miles Franklin pike. Venable, S; att'y at law, 68 N Cherry st, Commercial Hotel. Verge & Allen, grocers and commission merchants 1-3 N College st. Verge, T C, above firm, cor Line and Cherry sts. Verget, C, confectioner, 42 Union st. Vergin, S, family grocer}'', cor Jefferson and Front sW. Verwall, W, cabinetmaker Grooms, Cavert & Co. Vayne, Pat, plumber, 47£ N Cherry. Vines, John, job worker. Vines, Mc, liver man, W Cedar st. Vogel. Rev Andr, pastor German Catholic Church, 36 N Summer st. Vogt, Joseph, family grocery, 117 N Cherry st. "W- Wade, W A, printer, Publishing House, 52 N Sum¬ mer st. Wade Chas, boiler maker, M Jacker & Go's, 96 Cedar st. 152 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wade, T, boiler maker, M Jacker & Co's,'^96 Cedar. Wade, L G, engineer Jackson & Adams. Waddell, Geo, limeburner, Lebanon pike. Wad dill, A M, 120 N Front st. Wagner, J F, lithographer, N Spruce st. Wain, Thos, clerk 26 N College st, res 104 N Col¬ lege st. Wait & Newell, coal dealers, 115 N Market st. Wakelee, A, clerk, cor Cherry and Mulberry sts. Walace, Mrs, 42 S Summer st. Walace, Mrs T, S High st. Walden, H V, carriage blacksmith, 135 S Market, S High st. Walden, T J, tailor, Sam Pritchett's, 80 N Market st. Wallace, W B, book-keeper 4 inn block. Wallace, A, burr stone worker, 53 S College st. Wallace, John, printer Publishing House, 52 N Sum¬ mer st. Waller, A, blacksmith, 33 Spring st. Wallace & Ridgway, grocers and commission mer's, Broad st. Wallace, Chas, as above, store. Wallace, J F, printer, Union office. Walling, J T, clerk, 39 N Market st. Wallman, B A, firm ofBuddikie & Co, 66 S Market. Walker, W R, salesman 6 Public Square. Walker, Chas, firm of Waterfield & Walker, 110 N College st. Walker, Joseph, clerk, 26 N College st. Walker, John W, iron master, 21 N High st. Walker, J A, clerk, 48 N Market st. Walker, J W, clerk, 18 N College st. Walker, H K, edfirm Bang, W & Co, 13 S High st. Walker, Jas, sec'y Nashville Commercial Ins Co, 21S Cherry st. Walker, W E, book keeper, 1- 3 N College st, NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 153 Walton, RevE P, agent for Baptist Missionary B'rd, HON Market st. Walton, R J, book keeper, Evans & Co's, 6 N Vine st. Walsh & Douglas, saloon, 56 N Cherry st. Walsh, P, above firm, 97 N Market st. Walwork, Wm, painter at Horn's, S Nashville. Wsnn, John, cutter at John Browne's. Ward, Rev W E, editor and proprietor Banner of Peace. Ward, J S, assistant ed Banner of Peace. Ward, J H, firm of Birmingham & Co, 17 Gay st. Ward, Dan, family grocery, 33 N Spruce st. Warden, II, tailor Sam Pritchett's, S High st. Ware, David H, agent and collector, cor McLemore and Gay sts. Warfield, J T, clerk 44 S College, St Cloud. Warley, Mrs Sarah, 125 N College st. Warne, J H, M D, office 41 Cedar st. Warne, Dr W, 104 N Cherry st. Warne & Co, burr millstone factory, Broad st near Franklin depot. Warne, J N, above firm, res S Union st. Warren & Moore, builders and contractors, High st near Broad. Warren, Jesse, above firm, 29 S Vine. Warren, E K, printer S W Bap Pub House, res City Hotel. Warren, Isaac, 111 S College st, 151 S Cherry. Warren, J W, iamily grocery, Cherry st S Nash¬ ville. Warren, W H, firm R C McNairy & Co. store. Washington,"Thos, att'y at law, 32 Cedar st, res 6 N Vine st. Washington, Bryant & Co, wholesale varieties 3 inn block. 154 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Washington, A H, above firm, 2"8 S Vine st. Washington, , free col, blacksmith. Watkins, Samuel, brick and stone contractor, res Wajtkins' addition. Watkins, H A, carpenter, 109 N College st. Watkins, John F, salesman Thompson & Co, store. Waterfield & Walker, hat and fur store, 26 N College st. Waterfield, J, above firm, 156 N College st. Waterfield, Isaac, hatter, 26 N College st, res 106 N College st. Waters, J, M D, 13 -15 N College st. Watts, Wm, clerk 22 Public Square, 90 Spring st. Watts, Wm. clerk at I C Nicholson's. Watson, C T, blacksmith, 40 N Front st. Watson, John M, iVl D, prof obstetrics and diseases of women and children medical fiepartment Uni¬ versity of Nashville, office'42 N Cherry st. Watson, T S, proprietor Watson House, 28 N Mar¬ ket st. Watson, W Scott, book-keeper Watson House. Watson, M, planter, 36 Cedar st. Watson, John, clerk Union Bank of Tenn. Weakall, M, shoemaker, 88 N Summer st. Weakly, Henry, fire-engine tender, Summer st S Nashville. Weakly, W T, family grocery, 111 N College st. Weakley, R L, grocer and com mer, 1 Broad st, 53 S Summer st. Weaver, W, captain steamboat, 152 S Summer st. "Weaver, R, carriage trimmer, 90 S Market st, 101 N . Cherry st. Weaver, Jas, cabinet maker Grooms, Cavert & Co. Weaver, J HL, carpenter, S end Market st. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 155 Weaver, B, cashier Planters' Bank, Murfreesboro p'k, 5J miles. Webb, J L, salesman, 64 Public Square. Webb, WH & Co, wholesale clothing, 63 Public Square. Webb, W II, above firm, Edgefield. Webb, N F, salesman 44 N Market st, res 67 NMar- kst st. Webb, Mrs V M, S Field. Weber, R M, salesman 49 N College st, store. Weber, Henry, prof vocal and instrumental music, 24 S Vine st. Weill, J, clerk, 44 S Market st. Weisenberger, Geo, shoemaker, S High st. Weitmiller, R, family grocery, 17 S College st. Welland, P, cabinetmaker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Welland, Thos, tailor, 76 Union st. ' Weller, B S, agricultural seed, copper and tinware store, 50 Broad st, 29 S Cherry st. Weller, B S, jr, entry clerk 2 inn block. Weller. T W, shipping clerk Morgan & Go's. Welsh, Ed, clerk for P Dojle, 32 S College st. Welsh, P, painter at Horn's,Spring st. Welch, Pat, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Welch, Pat, job worker, 113 S Cherry st. Wells & Hooper, druggists, 21 Cedar st. Wells, Dr H J, above firm, store. Wells, G H, gas fitter for the gas company, N Sum¬ mer st. Wells, John, cabinetmaker, Cornelius, 49 Spring st, res S Nashville. Wells, JNR, carpenter, W Gay st. Wells, Dr T, druggist. 32 N Market st. West, A, job worker, Maple st. West, V, sawyer, Claiborneville. West, Samb sawmill tender, Claiborneville. 156 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. West, J B, music store, 42 Union st. Wessel & Thompson, manuf confectioneries, 40-42 Union st. Wessel, G H, above firm, store. Wessel, G H, jr, clerk, 3| S Market st, 42 Union st. Westbrook, John L, M D, Maple st. Westfall, A M, finisher, 59 S Cherry st. West, John, clerk, 20 Broad st. Wetmore, M W, 49 N Cherry st. Wetteran, C, firm J Stifel & Co, 36 S Market st. Wharton, J C, clerk, 5 inn block. Wharton, Wm H, M D, office and res Demumbrane, S Field. Wharton, G E, clerk, 6 Public Square. Wharton, Mrs A E, boarding, 110 N Market st. Wharton, S S, salesman, 6 Public Square. Whelan, L, laborer, M Jacker & Co's. Whelan, M, carpenter, S Spruce st. Wheless, firm Fisher, Wheless & Co, 8 N Summer st. Wheless, J F, clerk, State Bank of Tennessee. Wheeless, Alex, banker, Union st, res St Cloud. Wheless, W T, firm W B Shapard & Co, 7 N High st. Wheler, L D, clerk, Cherry st, S Nashville. Wheeler & Wilson, dealers in sewing machines, 49 N College st. Wheeler, Seth, as above. Wheeler, L D, salesman, 48 S Market st. Wherry, W A, salesman, 23 Public Square, res 50 S Cherry st. Whitaker, Geo V, plasterer, 120 S Cherry st. Whitcomb, R, moulder, M Jacker & Co's, Edge¬ field. Whiteman, Chas, turner at Smith & Hughes'. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 157 Whiteman, W S, paper manf, 8 miles N of city, store 59 Public Square. Whiteside, Jas A, vice-pres N & C R R, 16 S Spruce St. White, Jas, col carpenter, Criddle st. White, Thos, book.binder, Pub Aouse, 8 S Market. White, T C, dry goods, 16 Union st, Edgefield. White, T C, shoe maker, 34 Cedar st. White, R L, salesman, 2 inn block. White, J B, attorney at law, 25 Public Square, Edge¬ field. White, W M, tinner, shop cor Market and Murfrees- boro' pike. White, W, job worker, cor College and Jackson sts. White, J P, firm Irby, Morgan & Co, Edgefield. White, Thos, job worker, Ewing avenue. Whitley, B, clerk, 28 N Cherry st, res 59 N Cherry. Whorley, Jno, tobacconist, 32 S Market st. Whorley, L, clerk, 32 S Market st. Wiers, H, pres Southern Com Col, 49£ N Cherry st, res same. Wiemer, G N, shoe shop, 26 Deaderick st. Wiggins, N J, book-keeper, 23 Public Square. Wilks, J H, salesman, 29 S Market st. Wilkerson, Jas F, harness maker, shop 23 N Market st. Wilkerson, Rebecca, f c, 34 Line st. Wilkerson, W H, deputy sheriff, Cherry. S Nashville. Wilkerson, Dr. J F, Cherry st, S Nashville. Willard, J N, res 30 S Summer st. Willard, Mrs M, 66 S Summer st. Willard, A, engineeer, Ellis & Moore's. Williams & Rollins, barbers, 21 N Market st. Williamson, B R, job worker, Ewing avenue. Williams, A B, plater, 6 Deaderick st, res 74 Union. Williams, Henry, carpenter, Edgefield. 158 NASHVILLE BUSINESS 'DIRECTORY. Williams, J, hardware, 34 Public Square, 110 N Mar¬ ket st, Williams, O P, cabinet maker, Grooms, Cavert & Co. Williams, John, above firm, 131 N Market st. Williams, LP & Co., editors and proprietors South¬ ern Homestead, 25 N College st. Williams, L P, above firm, Vine st, near Demum. Williams, Mrs Sarah, Lebanon pike. Williams, J W, job worker, 157 N Cherry st. Williams, Mrs Mary, 90 N Cherry st. Williamson, Martha, 50 Crawford st. Williams, G L, carpenter, near cor Spruce and Gay. Williamson & Cheatham, liquors and tobacco, 9 N College st. Williamson, Alex, above firm, Union office, Wilson, W C, salesman, 4 inn block. Wilson, Mrs Ann E, 10 S High st.- Wilson, G W, painter at Horn's, res N Cherry st. Wilson, M, cooper, cor Sumrfier and Demumbrane. Wilson, J W, carpenter, Warren & Moore's. Wilson, S A, book-keeper, 10 & 12 S Market st. Wilson, James, hacks to hire, cor College and Jack¬ son sts. Wilson, Chas, finisher, Ellis & Moore's, 99 S Market. Wilson, Mrs E V, 74 N Spruce st. Wilson, Aubrey, carpenter, 74 N Spruce st. Wilson, John, U S inspector of steam boat engines, 1 Broad st, up stairs. Wilson, James printer at Fall's, 52 N Summer st. Wilson, J W, tinware and house-furnishing goods, 17 N College st, res Demumbrane, W Nashville. Wilson, Robert, R R blacksmith, College, S Nashville. Wills-, John, family grocery, 132 S Market st. Wills, P H, clerk steamer Red Rover, 120 S Front st. Wills, Mrs J H, 42 !\ Spruce st. Wilsford, J T T, clerk, 15 Union st, store. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 159 Wilsford, W C, firm Carter, McKay & Co, 63 N Mar¬ ket St. Winbourn, W M, proprietor Broadway House. Winbourn, J K, clerk, 17 Broad st, res 71. Winfrey, Sam, clerk, at Genett's, S Vine st. Winfrey, A J, clerk, 47 N Market st. Winham, E L, foreman news dep Patriot office, 54 N Summer st. Winham, T, foreman, Repub Ban office, 52 N Sum¬ mer st. Wimer, S, carpenter, 82 Cedar st. Winn, R, clerk, 7 Cedar st. Winter, H, tailor, 115 N College st. Winter, E, shoe maker, 22 Deaderick st, cor Cedar and Cherry. Winter, A, clerk, 12 Union st, store. Winter, Wm, shoe maker, 30 Cedar st. Winter, John, shomaker, 30 Cedar st. Winter, Thos, shoe maker, 30 Cedar st. Winston, C K, M D, prof med dep University, 27 N Cherry st, res cor Summer and Mulberry. Winston, John D, M D, office 27 N Cherry st, res cor Summer and Deaderick. Wise, E, milliner, 46 Union st. Witt, J, carpenter, Cherry st, S Nashville. Witt, R, moulder, M Jacker k Go's, S Summer st. Witty, Mrs F, S Summer st. Woodcock, Mrs Margaret, S Nashville. Woodfin, W, plasterer, S Market st. Woodfin, Mrs Susan, S College st. Woodfin, James, river mate. Woodfin, Albeit, job worker, all as above. Woodfin, R, plasterer, S Market, st. Woodberry, H, salesman, 79, S Market st. Woolfolk, Elder L B, editor Bap Standard, country. Woodfolk, W W, planter, S Field near R R. 160 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wood, B G, firm M Jacker & Co, 156 S Market st. Wood, B, M D, dentist, 30 N Cherry st. "Wood, R M, clerk, 19 Broad st. Woods & Merritt, att'ys at law, 59 N Cherry st. Woods, James, attorney, above firm, 2 miles Buena Vista pike. Woods, Jas, Jr, firm Woods, Yeatman & Co, Cumb iron works. Woods, Yeatman & Co, iron store, 18 N College st. Woods, Jas, above firrh, cor Broad and Vauxhall sts. Woods, Joseph, 25 N High st. Woods, Robert F, 11 N High st. Woods & Co, dealers in lard and lard oil, 25 & 27 S Market st. Woods, Ned, col barber, under city hotel. Woodruff, Mary, 130 S Cherry st. Woodruff, John, job worker, J30 S Cherry st. Woodward, G H, guard at the State Prison, 109 N College st. Woodward, B F, firm, Nance & W, S Union st. Woodward, P S, M D, office Union and American block. Wolf. Jo, river engineer, 144 S Market st. Worner, Chas, meat-marketer, stall No 23 N Sum* mer st. Worrell, L E, carpenter, 132 S Cherry st. Work, Hston, stone-cutter, 59 N McLemore st. Work, Edith, 36 N McLemore st. Word, A B, deputy clerk, criminal court. Wort, J, marble worker, Jas Kerr's. Wooten, Mary, 122 N College st. Wray, W A, clerk, 72 S Market st. Wray, W A, salesman, 9 Union st. Wright, B, family grocery, cor Broad and Sum¬ mer sts. Wright. Aaron, plasterer, 22 S Vine st* NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 161 Wright. Moses, grocer and com mer, 51 S College, 81 N Market st. Wright, W T, livery stables, 68 N Market st. Wright, John, wood dealer, 162 N Market st. Wright, D F, M D, prof physiology and pathology, Shelby Med college, 123 & 125 Broad st. Wright, Jacob carpenter, Summer st S Nashville.' Wright, T C, firm of Evans & Co, 101 N College st. Wright, Geo, family grocery, 85 N College st, Wright, G A, salesman Evans & Co's. Wright, P W, clerk 51 S College st, res 8 N Mar¬ ket st. Wright, Mrs B, dressmaking, 46 S Summer st. Wright, Mrs E M, cor Summer and Ash st. Wright, Mrs J, 30 N High st. Wright, Miles, Summer st S Nashville Wrightman, Dan, coach blacksmith, 93 N Cherry st, 82 N High st. Wyatt, Wm, river engineer, Carroll st S Nashville. Wyatt, Mrs, Franklin Pike. Wyatt, Mary A, Lower st cor Criddle. Wyatt, L J, job worker, Boatman's row. Wyett, S, engine builder, Jefferson st near river. Wyrm, Wm, carriage body maker, 103 N Cherry st. Yarborough, F J, builder, College st S Nashville. Yarborough, Wm, city watchman, 168 S Cherry st. Yates, David, guard at State prison, Cherry st S Nashville. Yates, W, shoemaker, 9 S College st. Yeargan, Jas A, dry goods, 50 S Market st, res S Nashville. 11 162 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Yeargan, W A, clerk 50 S Market st. Yeatman, H T, com mer, 41 S Market st, cor High and Union. Yeatman, John, com mer, 41 S Market st, 23 N Sum¬ mer st. Yeatman, Eugene, clerk, 5 S Market st, store. Yeatman, H C, firm Woods, Y & Co, City Hotel. Yeatman, GeoE. salesman Douglas & Co. York, John & Co, books, stationery, etc, 38 Union st. Young, Wm, wagoner, 63 S Front st. Young, Adam, colored, hacks to hire, 96 College st. Young, Jas M, firm O'Zanne & Y, opp military col¬ lege. Young, O, printer, Republican Banner office, 52 N Summer st. Young, , carpenter, 59 Spring st. Young, Rev Acton, Cor. Cedar & Vine. Y^oung, W B, bounty land agent, 22J N Cherry st. Young, M, blacksmith shop, 93 N College st. Youngerman, H, baker, 17 N Market st. Z- Zackery, J J, carpenter, Franklin pike. Zanone, Mrs A M, boarding, 91 S Market st. Zeutzsel, C J, shoe and boot shop, 29 Union, 15 S Summer st. Zimmermon, Fred, cooper, Moker & Co's. Zimmermon, A, cooper, Moker & Co's. Zimmerman, J M, druggist, 43 S High st. Zollicofier, Hon F K, member Congress, res 28 N High st. APPMDDL Ahby, Edward, body maker, 81 N. Market si. Bateman, A, carriage blacksmith, 81 N Market st. Bass, F D, firm of Norell & B, store. Barry, C F, book keeper, 72 N Market, 5 Locust st. Billsnyder, Thos, steamboat captain, 40 S Cherry sU Blake, John, carriage maker, 6 Spring st. Bolton, C, carriage painter, 62, Watkins av. Boggs, Wm, carriage trimmer, West Cedar st. Bowen, Cyrus, pattern maker at T. M. Brennan's. Brantley, Thos, carriage painter, 99 N Cherry. Byram, C W, butcher and marketer, N Nashville. Calhoun, R M, collector, 44 N Cherry st. Crowdis, J T, carriage harness maker, 95 N Cherry st, Curran, M, blacksmith at T M Brennan's. Delany, W S, attorney at law, 67 N Cherry st. Hunn, Miss J B, dress maker, 32 Union st. Elliott, J M, body maker, 78 N Market st. Everett, John B, dry goods, 10 Union st. Ferris, J, justice of the peace, office 22 Deaderick st res 55 Cedar st. Flippen, T D, Book keeper at P & C Anderson's. Hall, B W, M D, office 22£ N Cherry, res Cherry st S Nashville. Hart, Geo T, carriage maker, 81 N Market st. Horsten, J V, cigars, ale, &c, 71 N Cherry st. Hatcher & Dorch, druggists, Cherry st, S Nashville. Hudson, J R, M D, iron master, res Charlotte pike, ingalls, J F, body maker, 81 N Market. 164 NASVfilLLE BUSINESS DIRECTOR?. Jones,MP & A M, proprietors Jones' Hotel, cor of Front and Public Square, Jones, W W, tin shop, 70 S College st. Kelly, John, carriage blacksmith, 72 N Market. Kendrick, J H, sec'y gas company, res 97 Spring st. Kennaly, J, carriage blacksmith, 6 Spring st. Lally, John, carriage finisher, 81 N Market st. Laurence, E, contractor and builder, 74 Cedar st. Levy, Z, clothing and dry goods, 28 Broad st. Londerbacheri C, cigar maker, 44 Union st. Maning, S H, carpenter and builder, Watkins' add'n. Martin, H C, carpenter shop, 123 N Cherry st. Melmer, Wm J, family grocery, 111 Broad st. Mosley & Bell, gfo and com merchants, 75 Broad st. Mulligan, Pat, clerk, 15 Union st. Norvetl &; Bass, dry goods, clothing, &c, 20 Broad st. Novell, G W, above firm, store. Osborn, Hitam, blacksmith, 81 N Market Owen, Henry, blacksmith, at T M Brennan's. Puckett, W P, carriage trimmer, N Spruce st. Quintard, Rev Chas T, Rector Church of the Advent, 17 N High st. Rojster, Chas E, clerk, 62 S Market st. Shotwell, H, body maker, 78 N Market st. Snowden, R B, firm R B S & Co, res 35 N Summer "st. Stokes, F H, bookkeeper for L F Beech, res 103 N College st. Thompson, E J 48 Public Square. Wynne, W G, carriage body maker, 99 N Cherry. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 165 A.ALLISON. T.ANDERSON. J.B.JOHNSTON. D.A.ALLISON. ALLISON, ANDERSON & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic »%¥ dOODI, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 41 Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. We take pleasure in assuring the trade that we are in constant receipt of SEASOMABLB STOCKS of every variety usually found in our line of business. We sell at a very SMALL PROFIT FOR CASH, and the usual time to all punctual dealers. We hope, by unremitting attention to business, and uniformly low charges and liberal terms., to merit a continuance of the very liberal patronage thus far generously be¬ stowed upon us. 166 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY; DOUGLAS & CO.T Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Carpetings, Wrapping and Writing Paper, Umbrellas, etc., Hugh Douglas, Vm,S. Southworth,. \ iVo. 53 Public Square, Byrd Douglas, Augustus W. Southworth, > m Geo. E. Yeatman,Geo.H.Thayer. ) JNaSHVILLE, lEKN. EVAHS & OO., Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Varieties, &e., &c., No. l Nashville Inn Bloelf, Nashville, Tenet.. WM. S. EAKIN & CO., WHOLESALE °W @00B>S, No. 48 PUBLIC SQUAKE, NASHYILLE, TENN. FURMAN & CO., Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AND VARIETIES, E. Purman, "j jS[0# 2 Public Square, GL Seanght, ,n .' ., t ivr fi-nndlnA r Near the Suspension Bridge, hiCamBwi. J NASHYILLE, TB3JH Nashville business directory. 167 L. B. & T. D. FITE, "Wholesale Dealers in DRY &OOD8, AND VARIETIES, No. 1 Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. GARDNER & CO., Importers-and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, & STRAW GOODS, No. 2 Inn Block, Nashville, Tenn. A. J. McWHIRTER & CO., (Successors to Bransford, McWhirter & Co.,) No. 74 East Side Pablie Square, Nashville, Tennessee, Wholesale dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Embroideries, Cloths and Cassimeres, Tailors' Trimmings, Gloves & Hosiery, Variety Goods, &c. H. B. PLTJMMER. "W- B. KNIGHT. PLUMMER & KNIGHT, (Successors to A. Morrison & Co.,) No. 72 jEast Side Public Square, Nashville, Tenn., Wholesale Dealers in FAN CY GOODS, W'hite Goods, Straw Goods, Silk Bonnets, Embroideries, Shirts, Collars, Irish Linens, Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Toys, And Yarieties Generally. 16S NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HICKS5 HOUSE Furnishing Establishment! No. 46 Public Square, (up stairs,) over (formerly) Nicks' China Nail, now J. C. Darden Co. 's, AT Wholesale and detail TO FAMILIES OR MERCHANTS; ALSO, Looking Glasses, and Mirrors of every variety and style; ALSO, The Improved Vienna Lamps and Chandeliers, Eor burning Kerosine or Coal Oil, •which makes the best and cheapest light now in use. Also, Fluid Lamps, and non-combustible Fluids ; Also, Iiall Lamps, Candlesticks, and Griandoles; ALSO SILVER-PLATED GOODS, Castors, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Waiters, Trays, Chafin Dishes, Tea Sets, Wine Sets, And, iudeed, every thing usually plated with the genuine Silver, and warranted the best. Also, WATER COOLERS, WATER FILTERS, BATHING APPARATUS, SHOWER PLUNGE, &c., Of the most approved kinds. Also, STATE RIGHT Tor LOODESS' SELF-GENERATING GAS, burnt with Lamps, Chandeliers, &c. For its use, this is the latest and best, and neasest approach to portable gas; non-explosive, and possessing superior advantages over all other inventions for a good light. Also, TOYS AND VARIETIES. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 169 E. E. BEECH, Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 49 College Street, NASHVILLE, .TENNESSEE. J. R. BRIGGS. K. c. ROBERTS. Brlggs & Roberts, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 15 Union Street, First door from College St., Green's JVew Block, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Jolrn BP RETAIL DEALER IN French, German, English & American Fancy Dry Goods, No. 10 Union Street, between College and Market, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. W. A. GOWER. T. C. CRUNK. Gower A Crunk, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Shoes, &c., No. 8 Union Street, Nashville, Tenn. J. G. Hasbroofe, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, FURNITURE AND VARIETIES, Corner of Cherry and Maple streets, S. Nashville. Eis Stocks being constantly renewed, Families may rely upon getting any thing they want at very low prices. 170 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. B. S. Hamilton, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Ka 68 Market Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. B. W. HOUSLEI, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &c., Corner of Broad and Market streets, Nashville, Tenn. • Robert H. Jones, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, Carpet Bags, &c., &c., All very low for cash or punctual dealers. No. 72 South Market Street, Nashville. LEWIS LEDBETTER & CO , DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Caps, Trunks, &c., No. 9 Union street, between Market and College. Gr. F. Jones, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Carpets, Carpet Bags, Clothing for men and boys, &c. ATo. 56 South Market Street, Nashville, Tennessee. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY- 171 T. P. McWhirter. E. S. Miller. S. B. Seat. McWMrtsr, Miller & Co., (,Successors to McWhirter Brothers.*) SEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, &e., No. 51 North Market Street, Nashville, "Where they will he pleased to see the friends and patrons of the late firm, assuring them that by strict attention and close application to business, they will merit a contin¬ uation of the patronage so liberally ex¬ tended to their predecessors. WZLLMM MOORE, MERCHANT, No. 13 UNION STREET, 2d DOOR FROM COLLEGE, In Green's New Block. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a fine assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Including every thing for the WEAR OE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Also, a variety of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Bed Blankets, and Coarse Goods- for Servants,,&c., &c. dr. P. MorvelL Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY QOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CABPETS, &c„ No 62. South, Market street, Nashville, Tenn,. 172 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. frEO. W. NORVELL. E. D. BASS. Horvell A Bass, retail and piece dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Beady-Made Clothing, etc., etc., No. 20 Broadway, 2d door from Market Street, Nashville, Term.* g Country Jeans, Linseys, Socks, Rags, &c., taken in exchange for Goods. 3ST IB "W S T O IR, E _ X. C* Micholscm A €?©, Dealers in STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 22 .Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. iy. D. Parks. P. L. Parks. Parks Brothers, Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G1GDS. HATS, Caps, Slioes, Boots. Clothing-, &c., Filmore Street, near the Blind Asylum, Nashville. Parks & Stull, DEALERS 2N STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C. Purchasers will always find it to their interest to call at the "St Louis*Store," No. 74 Market street, next door to the corner of Broad and Market streets, Nashville, Tenn. 1. P. Stein* DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CARPETS AND MAT TINGS, No. 12 Union Street, Nashville, Tennessee. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 17 3 THOMPSON & CO., DEALERS IN fS) f£) ® 9 Embroideries, Lace Goods, White Goods, Curtains, Linens, Carpets, AND staple goods of every description: No. 59 College Street, ' NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, 174 NASHVILXIE BUSINESS DKIECTORYT. T. O. White, ■Sealer in STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, CHEAP CASH STOKE, No. 16 Union Street, Nashville, Tennessee. J&s. A. Tear gin, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, CAPS, SHOES, BOOTS, CAEPETS, CAEPET BAGS, &c. Also, seasonable stock of Glothing for men and boys* No. 50 S. Market St., Nashville* Clotljkrs nub Sailors. St. C. ANDERSON. H. STONELAKEv H. CP. Anderson & €Po. beaters in READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, NASHVILLE, TENN., "West side Market st., 5 doors from the Square, No. 45. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms; Collars, Stocks, Suspenders and Umbrellas. tit. J. Druchcr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHIEK, No. 31 North Market Street, Nashville, Tenn., Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing; also, Hats, Trunks, Yalisesj Carpet Bags, Shirts, Neck Ties, &c.; and a variety of ar¬ ticles usually found in a Gentlemen's Furnishing, • Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices, for cash. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. j, c. harvey< j. m. mating HARVEY & KEATING, HBReKAirV TAX&B&S, And dealers in Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ac., 32 Union Street, Nashville, Tenn. Always on hand an elegant assortment of Gentlemen Furnishing Goods, JFj^ilarvey superintends the Cutting Department. Z. LEVY, Dealer in MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, ALSO, STAPLE # FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, No. 28 Broad street, Nashville, Tenn. ' I«. FOWBIO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in READY MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., No. 34 North Market Street, Nashville, Tenn. His seasonable stocks of everything in the Clothing line, together with his new styles and low prices will guarantee satisfaction to all his customers, old and new. Sam. Prlchitt, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 54 COLLEGE St., NASHVILLE, TENN, Keeps constantly on hand a choice lot of Cloths, Cas¬ simeres and Vestings to suit the seasons. £L. Sandhouse, manufacturer and dealer in ready made clothing, For Men and Boys. Also, Furnishing Goods. No. 42 North Market Street. M. F. SELTZ & CO. 3M:e2ro33.^33.t; Tailors, No. 19 Ceclar street, Nashville, Tennessee. Gents Furnishing Goods of the finest quality and of every variety, made to order at the shortest notice. 170 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DTRECTOHV. Millinery Goods and Dress-Making. W. L. BERRY. ROBT. C. SAUFLEY. SAM'L K. BAKER, Late of Fayetteville, Late of Bransforil, Late of Fall & Tennessee. McWhirter & Co. Cuningham. BERRY SAUFLEY & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Straw Goods, &c., No. 71, (two doors above the City Hotel,) Nasbville', Tenn. Oscar & Co., Manufacturers of FRINGES, CORDS, TASSELS, BUTTONS, &c., No. T Union Street, Nashville, Tennessee. A large assortment of Zephyr, Worsted, Silks, But¬ tons and Tassels, constantly kept on hand. Also, all materials for Embroidery, Netting and Crotchetwork. NEW YORK MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 3VE_ DOYLE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN RILE.IHEBY ISO FAM8Y GOODS, EibboLS, laces, Caps, Glues, Bonnets and Slaw Caods. Orders filled at short notice and warranted to give satisfaction. IVo. 33 UNION STREET, NASHVILLE, MISS SAIiLIE GODSTON & MADAME DU BOIa, (Late of Albany, N. Y.,) MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, And Fashionable Dress Making, Ko. 51J N. COLLEGE ST., OVER Mc CLELLA JYD' S STORE. The generous public are respectfully invited to examine our styles and prices, with which we are sure they will be pleased. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 177 MISS P. HARPER, NEW MILLINERY STORE, No. 29 COLLEGE STREET, • Invites the attention of the city and country to her store, with a modest guarantee that they shall be pleased with her prices, as well as her new and beautiful styles of goods. MRS. W. H. LOCKHART, Il'LLii!B¥ 111 Pilfl ST08E, No. 14 N Cherry St., Nashville Tenn., Has just opened her new stock of goods, consisting of the latest and most beautiful styles of Bonnets, and every thing usually kept in her line. She will be happy to see her friends and patrons at her old stand, • 14 Cherry street. Also, MANTUA MAKING-, still kept up, with the latest styles. Warranted to give satisfaction. IJrokte ak Commission lltcrcjrants. PAUL ANDERSON, CHURCH ANDERSON, Lebanon, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn P. & €. Anderson, Wholesale Grocers, PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 33 & 35 BROAD STREBT, NASHVILLE, TENN. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Produce. Amison & Dovey, Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Cash paid for Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Oats, and Country Produce generally. 49, BROAD STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. 12 178 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IFt. c. IB .A. 3ST 3D ~5T , WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. IMPORTER OP WINESj BRANDIES, AND CIGARS ! DEALER IN Bourbon, Monongahela, and Rectified Whisky! AND MANUFACTURER OF PURE CIDER VINEGAR, No. 50 S College Street, Nashville Tenn. I. 11 . BUDDEKI! & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Cigars, Hollow-Ware, Nails, $c., No. 66 Market Street, Nashville, Tenn. J. W. & I. F. Bush, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Cash paid for Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Eggs, Oats, and Country Produce generally. Cherry Street, 1st Door South of Broad. W. M. Brings, DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 25 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. m- DALT, FAMILY GROCERY, No. 19 South College street, Nashville, Keeps constantly on hand choice Family Groceries, Fruits, Pickles, Preserves, &c., low for Cash. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 179 D. D. Dickey, PRODUCE AND EMIT HARDWARE* 41 South Market Street, | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. .JO. EDWARDS. J. K. GILKESON. E. P. EDWARDS. Edwards* €Hll?eson & Co, (Successors to Jo. Edwards.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers in Brandies, Wines, Cigars, etc., Corner of College and Spring Streets, Nashville, Tenru A. J. EWING. J. C. M'CRORT. T. J. FOSTER, JR. lowing*, M'Crory & Co., Wholesale Grocers, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Market and Church Sts., NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. H. S. FRENCH. J. C. FRENCH. H. S. FRENCH & SON, <®rnaw trail Caramissinn fthrrjjaitte, Corner Market and Clark sts. 3NT asliville, Tennessee. J. W. GRISHAM. R- Q- HUFFAKER. QBISHAM & HUFFAKER. (Successors to Smith, Love & Co.) WHOEE^AEE GROCERS, /nrararlirag anit Commission Jfkrcjjants, No. 58 SOUTH MARKET STREET, A «TT^rTT -IT TE^J"3XTE3JSSfm!0 Will pay Cash for all articles of Produce* 180 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JAMS3 V. HAYS, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, Wo. 38 MARKET ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. Dealer in Flour, Bacon, Lard and Produce, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars. S. '&$. Hollingsworth* PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 6 SOUTH MARKET STREET. Buys and sells Bacon, Lard, Flour, "Wheat, Corn, and all kinds of Produce. Will make liberal cash advances on Produce con-* signed to his friends in New York and New Orleans. J, P. HOOD. J. J. HOOD. J. P. Hood & X J. Hood, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE, &c., No. 12 Broadway, Nashville, Keep constantly on hand choice supplies for Families and. Steamboats. J0HM H. HMElit Nashville, Tennessee, steamboat agent, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Office at the large Warehouse of Fisher, Wbeless- A Co., Broad Street. Advances made on Freight Bills. Boat Bills col¬ lected and adjusted and prompt returns made in all cases. All orders for Merchandise, Country Produce, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Manufactures promptly executed. ALSO ONLY AGENT FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD COMPANY. Through Bills of Lading to all the Eastern cities, on the most faver» able terms. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 181 Jenkins* PRODUCE MERCHANT, DEALER IN Feathers, Lard, Dried Fruit, Eggs, Beeswax, Ginseng, Flax Seed, Peltry, and Produce generally, No. 9 SOUTH MARKET ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. Jfgp13* The highest CASH PRICE, will at at all times be paid for any of the above articles. ROBERT JOYNT. T. o. TREANOR. Joynt & Treanor, Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, PRODUCE, Segars and Tobacco, No. 41, BROAD STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Rirkpatrick, Nevins & Co,, WGKD&B&a&B 33.Q(8BQ Dealers aa Iron and Castings, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 35 Market Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. JOHN LELLYETT. ¥M. H. SMITH. LELLYETT & SMITH, (Successors to Lellyett, Ewing, & Co. i Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c., NOS. 10 AND 12 MARKET STREET SOUTH OF SPRING STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN ■GEORGE MacGREGOR. • JAMES BANKHEAD" MacG-regor & Bankhead, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 16 CABONDALET STREET, JSTew Orleans. J. BANKHEAD & CO., NASHVILLE, TENN., Are at all times prepared to make liberal cash advances on all shipments to us. 182 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wm. J. Melmer's 111 Broadway, Nashville Tennessee. Families, Planters, Steamboat men, and Country Buy¬ ers supplied. Liberal advances made on consign¬ ments. Fresh vegetables daily, with a full supply of everything the market affords. C. M. NICHOL. J. F. GREEN. W. H. M'CO MBS. NICHOL, GREEN & CO., Commission Merchants, and DEALERS IN CUONTRY PRODUCE, No. 6 North College Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. We are paying cash for Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Beeswax, Gin- aeng, Dried Fruit. Will make liberal cash advances on Produce when parties prefer storing. Cash orders filled with promptness »nd dispatch, at a moderate commission. REFERENCE—CITY MERCHANTS GENERALLY. Hugh McCrea & Co., (successors TOB.1. MORRIS & CO.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN LIQUORS, TORACCO, AND CIGARS, NOS. 13 AND 15 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. 0. F. NOEL. D. H BAILEY. S. A. G. NOEL- S. A. G. NOEL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ilSTJOi & I0IIISS1SI IISSIIIIS, DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, LIQUORS, &c., No. 4 Market Street, KTASHVIIjIJE, TEMITESSEE. E. Ottenville, FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 119 South Summer Street. Highest cash prices or exchange for Country Produce. ALSO WHOLESALE DEALER IN IMPORTED ALE, Which he will deliver in any part of the city, free of charge. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 183 M. A. Parish & Co, grain & psiwiiiiifi iBiiain i$ Dealers in BALED HAY AND CORN, 83 S. College St., S. of Broad, running through to Market, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, BEAMS, MITCHELL & CO., C3ROOEES, P101S1I & IIHKlliill HlllHM, Corner Summer and Broad Streets, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Cash paid for Produce of every kind. Our retail de¬ partment has fresh and daily supplies of every- thirtg the market affords for the use of families. B. S. RHEA. P. F. HARDCASTLE. J. M. SMITH. &jK£i&v Boat Store, Grocery and Commission MERCHANTS. No. 8 Broad Street, Nashville, Tennessee. J.J.ROBB. J. 8. SMITH. ROBB & SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. 65 & 67 Market Street, near Broad, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. STRATTON & SEYMOUR, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in Bacon, Lard, and Produce generally. No. 12 Market street, Nashville, Tenn. 184 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. B. B. SNOWDEN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in /annj <®rnrmt», Wlnm, SrattDtBH, foi, No. 4 CHERRY STREET, near the Post Office. We invite the attention of families and the country trade to our large and varied assortment of choice goods. We are constantly receiving fresh supplies of all that pertains to the supply of families. TBR1A.SS BROTHERS, (Successors to McCrea & Terrass,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers, in Jfittt ©litus, llntito anb §umdit liquors, SEGARS, TOBACCO, IKON, NAILS, &c., No. 7 South Market Street. NASHVILLE, TENN. jgggp™ Have removed to the above stand. ». &. WBikELBY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Grocer and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Corner of Front and Broad Streets. O3 Orders of all hinds promptly executed at lowest Market Price. R. YEATMAN & CO., SllUSilii lEilSIIIi. New Orleans. J. & R. YEATMAN, Sillllilil 8E8S5&1TS, Nasliville, Tenn. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 185 H. T. YEATMAN, I For the purchase of COTTON AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 43 South Market Street, ALEX. "WILLIAMSON. WLiiliSii & ARCHER CHEATHAM. Mill, IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND LIQUORS And dealers in Havana Cigars, Tobacco, etc., No. 9 College street, Nashville, Tennnessee. Ibugs sub Jilt&mius. Beech & 0oodlet9 Corner of Broad and Cherry Streets, Nashville, Tenn. "Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in DRUGS Sc MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Putty, Perfumery, Win¬ dow-Glass, Brushes of all kinds, Fishing Tackle, Snuffs, Cigars, Tobaccos, Teas, Dental and Surgical Instru¬ ments, Teeth, Foils, Plaster Paris, &c. Agents for Banning's, Braces and Trusses, Dr. A. G. Goodlet's Houck's Panacea and Family Medicines, etc., etc., etc., etc. DEMOVILLE & CO., UUTT GC3-ISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, GLASSWABE, WINDOW-GLASS, &c., No. 2 Union & American Block:, vbbbbbbbb. 186 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EWIN, PENDLETON CO., ■WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dhigs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE-STUFFS, WINDOW-GLASS, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS &c., No. 6 Public Square, next door to Inn Block, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Dr, JOHN II. IVEY, Manufacturer Rheumatic Fluid, Cholera Syrup, Dropsy Mixture, Prescription for Dyspepsia, Pile Salve, Cansumption Compound, Red, Black and durable Inks. I will guarantee a cure for $10. Any one sending me $5, I will send enough Medicine to cure the worst case. Office—Corner Miller and Lafayette streets, South Nashville. A. H. Rcscoe, M. D., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, dealer in Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c., Comer of Broad and Market Sts., NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. SAMUEL HODGES. JOSEPH RICHARDS. HODGES t RICHARDS, Wholesale and Betail dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c., COBNBB OF SVMMEB AND BBOAD STREETS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 187 Sjruts. ADAM G. ADAMS. FELIX W. ABBAY. THOMAS GIBSON^ ABBAY, GIBBON t CO., (Successors to Strickler Ellis St Co.) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN" Hats and Straw Goods, Carpet Bags, &c., No. 51 PUBLIC SQUARE, Nasliville, Tennessee. WATSON. M. COOKE. JASPER N. BAILEY. Late of Gainesboro', Tenn. GEORGE LEE. COOKE; BAILEY & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN A.OT) STRAW GOODS, No. 50, North side of Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Orders carefully filled and Goods promptly forwarded. B. E. CUTTER'S Ladies and Gentlemen's BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 36 Corner of College and Broad Streets, Nashville, Tennessee. Also, constantly in Store a large and well assorted supply of Leather and Gum Belting and Lace Leather. 188 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. H. TARRAR. FARRAR D. J. DISMUKIS. 4* DISMUKES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN VAIilSESj CARPET BAGS, &c., Corner Market and Union Sts.» BASSE 1?I&&3V B'&BBBSSEEa FUUIjE R. 's SHOE AND BOOT MANUFACTORY, No. 24 S. Market Street, Nashville. I keep on hand, and make to order any kind of pegged work for men, women and children. J. W. Hamilton's BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, No. 9 S. College Street, sign of the big boot, Keeps constantly on hand, and makes to order, all styles of Boot* and Shoes for Ladies, Men, Children, Negroes, &c. Al*o, dealer in Leather, Shoe Findings, Hides, &c., &c. Buyers will find it to their interest to call. R. S. HOLLINS 4r CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN f J iUUUi w Oils) J fiSwi a Caps, TrunliS, cfcc., R. S. HOLLINS,) S. P. CARRICKA P. 8. HOLLINS. > 9 IS3 IAa C<3 U^.a NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. kashvillebusiness directory. 189 9 FRED. HUENNERKOPE, itif w&mm' And Manufacturer of FRENCH OVERSHOES, Wo. 20 Market Street, 9 doors from the Watson House, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. H. PEIFFER. W. GUSSMANN. PEIFFER & GUSSMANN, FRENCH BOOT MAKERS, Sewanee House, College Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. JOHQST RAMAGE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN teunks^YSISES, CAEST^BAG^&c^^* Wo. 42 College Street, NASHVIT iT ,E, 07E1JT3STESSEE, Country Healers and Planters supplied on the most reasonable terms. SNYDER <$r FRIZZELL, DEALERS IN etc., etc., etc., No. 21, PUBLIC SQUARE, tmwmitiL ftm STEPHEN JS£. JONES, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in GENTLE MEW, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, Wo. 22 Cedar Street, UNDER THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 190 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ittnmijs at Jam, £. D. BAXTER. 0. HAYWOOD, Baxter & Way woods ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office, No. 72 OTierry Street, Nashville, Tenn. Will practice in the Courts of Law and Equity in Middle Tennessee. JOHN S. BRIEN. W. G. BRIEN. J. D. BRIEN John B• Brien & ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 68 North Cherry Street, Nashville, _ Will prrctic in the Courts of Law and Equity in Middle Ten¬ nessee, and attend strictly to the collection of _ Claims in any prrt of the State. t C. B. BKIBN, &*§ iifj And General Collecting Agent, ^ NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. Claims ol every description collected or secuted any* where in the United States, at reasonable rates. Satisfactory references given upon application. & m* Wo RBAl B8TATB AGBNT& OFFICE 441 N. CHERRY STREET. XT. W. BHOVETN, AIIBIMf MO 8D01SSLLOB AT LAW, OFFICE AS ABOVE, W. S. DELANY, ATT0RN1X AT BAW, !KT asHville, Tennessoe. QFEICE: No. 67 CHERRY STREET. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 191 S. £j. FINLEY, 9 R NII IT I1W, OFFICE: COOPER'S BUILDING, CJKlBlREiYZ' STREET. WILLIAM S. FLIPPIN, ATTORNEY k T LAW, 59 north cherry street. 5 Residence: Mayfield's new building, Summer st. R. C. FOSTER, Sk. T. S. FOSTER. R. H. McEWEN, Jft es> ATT0RNBT8 IT I AW, No, 6 Cedar Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE- Jf@n' Will give their attention to the collection of claims throughout the State of Tennessee. ec^H ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office : 39 North Cherry Street. RESIDENCE : 69 SPRING STREET. H. M. K. Fogg, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. oeeice: 39 cherry street. Will practice in the Courts of Middle Tennessee, and do a general collecting business. Cr W. Fogg" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office : No. 64 North Cherry St., NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. 192 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOHN G. FERGUSON. JOHN L. SEHON. FERGUSON & SEHON, ATTORNEYS AT WW, Ho. 14 Cedar Street, nSTA.SUaLVILLE, TENNESSEE. jWill give their attention to the collection of claims throughout the State of Tennessee, RUSSELL HOUSTON. N. S. BROWN* HOUSTON & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. , Office North Cherry Street, NASHVILLE, TEISTTSTE 3SEE. A. V. S. L1HDSLEY, ATTORNEY Ji. T ZL-A-W, anp REAL ESTATE AGENT, " No, 33 College Street, Nashville. THOMAS H. MALONE. JAMES C. MALONE, JR. T. H. & J. C. MALONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TEisrisr. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care in any of the Courts in this city. Collections will receive punctual attention. OFFICE: No. 6, North side Cedar Street, near the Square. R. W. McGAVOCK, iTTOlilf 111 OOOHILLOB If LiV, —ALSO— IMC-A.TTOIR Or NASHVILLE. OFFICE: No. 45 NORTH CHERRY STREET. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 193 R. J. MEIGS, ATTORNEY t COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office 51 and. Residence 53 Cedar St., hash vitaa, vessss$ss. B. J. MHEGS, Jr., ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office 51 and Residence 53 Cedar St., Nashville. M. J". FinKarci, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Corner of Cherry and Deaderick Streets, SECOND FLOOR. J, B. Fittman, SOLICITS BUSINESS AS AN a? IL&W. In all Courts in Davidson, and in the Circuit and Chan¬ cery Courts of Wilson county. OFFICE ON DEADERICK STREET, No. 6, First door from the Square, the same as occupied hy W. D. Robertson, Esq. James H. Bains, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ST LAW, Will practice in any of the Courts, and attend promptly to the collection of claims. 13 '194 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W i LI i a m Shane, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, No. 66 [up stairs) Cherry Street, Nashville, Term. Will practice in all the Courts of Middle Tennessee, and do a general collecting business, T. T. SMIXiSY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 11, NORTH CHERRY STREET. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office: No. 41 North Cherry Street, Kr-A-snvxrjLiB, TEHSTISJ ESSEE. D. FT WILKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 70 North Cherry Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Strict attention, punctuality and promptness given to .collections of all kinds, and in answering letters and inquiries connected therewith. Eight years' experience in the business. Reference—the trade generally. JOSEPH M. WILKIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office and business as above. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 195 rptntm atlb ^uilbers. T. W. 4' A. CHILTON, 1TE13S HI ISIliilS, Clulton's Alley, Any orders in the building line, from the city or country, will be promptly filled, and warranted to give satisfaction. C. M. COWARD IN, [tip; L M SL ]I m :n: if m ur f :nc $ ikic m :fl: :n; * * m IF 0 fLat i li Mlill:w w.jutilt:I SHOP, BEREYHILL ST., JSTEAR JY & C. E. B. DEPOT. CREIGI1TON t LAWRENCE, SISfHIIII III IIIiiEII, No. 42 (lay Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Are prepared to fill orders for building or repairing in the city or country, at short notice and fair prices. JACKSON 4* ADAMS, SASH, BLIND, DOOR k PLANING FACTORY, BROADWAY, WEST OE N. & C. RAILROAD. Having machinery new and complete, and skillful hands, they are prepared to fill large orders at short notice. They warrant all work to give satisfaction, both for styles and prices. E. LAWRENCE, ~ CARPENTER & BUILDER, West end of Gay Street, Nashville, Xenn. All orders for work filled promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction. 196 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. McCULLOUGH 4' HUFF, CARPENTERS & CONTRACTORS, Also Manufacturers of SASH, BLINDS, DOOIiS, &c., No. 67 Watkins' Avenue, NASHVILLE, TENN. gggf0 Orders from the city or country prorrptly filled. ~ WILLIAM SIMMONS, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Spring Street, ' OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. Having enlarged his shop and employed a number of experienced workmen, he is prepared to execute any orders in the building line, and warrant satisfaction. VANNOY, TURBIVILLE CO., RAILROAD CAR, 8MST MO a (DQ'Ua Also, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Near N. & C. Railroad Depot, RAgH¥I&&lv E'gfifilSSES. Our improved machinery, large amount of materials, and experienced and competent workmen, will enable as to fill orders promptly, at short notice. Our prices graded to suit times and payments. T. S. YARBROUGH, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 16 SOUTH COLLEGE STREET. ' Having enlarged his business, he is prepared to fill orders promptly. Nashville business directory. 19? Uanfts ani |nsarantt ©ffim. bask of commerce, Corner of College and Union Streets. D. D. James, Cashier. J. D. James, President city bank, College Street, near Union, NASHVILLE, TENN., E. Gi. Pearl, Cashier. D. Pearl, President exchange and banking house OF A. WHELESS Oc CO., No. 36 Union Street. » • NASHVILLE GOHHERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Corner of Cedar Street and Public Square. James Walker, Sec'y. Alexander Fall, Prest Jessee Thomas, Clerk. NASHVILLE LIFE & GENERAL INSURANCE CO. No. 36 Union Street, A. WHELESS, Sec'y. PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSEE, Corner of College and Union Streets, nashville, tenn. P. Weaver, Cashier. 0. Ewing, Presidents 198 NASVHILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE. Office over Planters' Bank, corner of College and Union Streets, Nashville, Tennessee. A. J. Duncan, President. Isaac Litton, Sec'y. STATE BANK OF TENNESSEE, Corner of Union and, Cherry Streets, J. Morton, Cashier. C. Johnson, President. P. A. Craines, Teller. TRADERS' BANK, Corner Union and Cherry sts. Robert Lapsley, Cash'r. Jno. Porterfield, Prest. Tennessee Marine and Fire Insurance Company^ Capital $150,000—all paid in. Office north-west corner of the Public Square. Will take risks against loss or damage by fire on Dwellings- and other Houses, Goods in Store, &c. Also, Marine and River hazards to and from all ports. Also, risks on Negroes against the dangers of the river. DIRECTORS: John M. Hill, Alex. Allison, Thonap. Anderson, James Correy, R. H. Gardner, James Ellis, G. M. Fogg, Joseph Vaulx, N. E. Alloway, W. S. Eakin, Thos. L. Bransford. A. W. Butler, Sec'y. Joseph Vaulx, Presto UNION BANK OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, No. 30 College Street, nashville, tennessee. J. Correy, Cashier. J. Kirkman, President„ NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIREOTOBV. 180 ^tntistrg. DR. L. T. CUNN, DENTIST, No. 43 UNION STREET, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Agent for the Nettleton & Raymond Sewing Machines, The best Machines for the price to he had any where. Every Family should have one. t. b. hamlin. w. h. morgan. HAMLIN & MORGAN, SURGEON DENTISTS, No. 24 Noyth Cherry Street, Nashville, Tenn. DR. E. A, HERMAN, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 31 Cherry Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, "Warrants his work to he equal to the best, and at reasonable prices. Teeth carefully Filled—Teeth set on fine Gold Plate In the most perfect and substantial manner, at from five to sis dollars per tooth. Teeth Set on Platina, With continuous gums, or any other approved plan, in the very best style and at moderate prices. The public are particularly invited to call and examine speci¬ mens of the various kinds of work which are always kept for exhibition. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. R RUSSELL, SURGEON DENTIST, (Late of Columbia, Tennessee,) Office, No. 11 N. Cherry Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Offers his services in the practice of his profession, with a guar¬ antee of entire satisfaction both with his work and prices. SflttbUnj, Cfatl)tx, tic. *RED. ALLNOCH. JOHN HELLINGER. Allxioch & Bellinger, manufacturers and dealers in Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Brushes, Currycombs, &c., No. 18 North Market Street, next door to Morris Sf Stratton, Nashville, Tennessee, We warrant all of our work to give satisfaction both as to style and prices. M. BURNS, dealer in Saddlery, Hardware, Coachware, of every kind, with Leather of all descriptions, and Shoe Findings. No. 49 North Market Street, Nashville. E. D. Grossman & Co.. MA N UFA CTURERS, And Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of FINE AND COMMON TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet and other Traveling Bags, No. 9 North Corner Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Repairing and Covers made to order. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 201 J. LUMSDEN & CO., DEALERS IN HIDES, OIL, LEATHER & SHOE-FINDINGS, No. 11 S. Market /St., Nashville, Tennessee. MARCH A BON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in COACH & SADDLERY HARDWARE, No. 37 North Market Street, Nashville, Tenn. Also, a general assortment of Saddles, Harness and Trunks kept constantly on hand. Collectors mttr Slgmts. William Allen, Note-Broker, Collector dc General Agent, Office, No. 1 (up stairs,) corner of Cedar and Cherry Streets. Thankful for the liberal patronage so long extended, he assures his friends that no attention on his part shall he wanting to give the fullest satisfaction. S3 2* PORT) COLLECTOR AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 39 North Cherry Street, second floor. . Collections or any other business from the City or Country at¬ tended to in double quick time, and liberal terms. WM. K HUNTER. GENERAL AGENT & COLLECTOR, Residence, McQ-avock Street, West Nashville. He expects by strict attention to all business confided to him to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage so long given him. 2Q2 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jftuntkits snb Hfotjjine j%ps. ANDREW ANDERSON, IRON AIM) BRASS FOUNDER, No. 53 Broadway,. Nashville. ANDERSON & ROMANS, Machinists and Engine Builders, Cherry Street,-Near Broad. Ellis & Moore, ENGINE AND BOILER MAKERS, Nos. 96, 98 »nd lOO South Market Street, NASHVILLE, TENN. We will also furnish all kinds of work for Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cut¬ ters, Tobacco Screws, and Straub's Superior Wheat and Corn Mills, Belting, &c., &c. CLAIBORNE MACHINE WORKS, South Front Street, near Broad Street, NASHVILLE, TENN- M. J ACKER & CO., (Successors of Nash. Manu'.g Co.,) PRACTICAL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. And Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Portable Steam Engines and Saw Mills, Saw Mills, Mill Gearing, Railroad Wheels, Flour Mills, Frogs and Switches, Castings, Machinery, Grist Mills, Blacksmith Work, &c. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 203 BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY, JAMES MOFFETT, PR 0 P R IE TO It. Brass Faucets, Steam Whistles, Anti-Friction Metal, Metalic Packing, &c., No 82 South Market street, Nashville, Tenn. iilusic, tie. NEW MUSIC STORE. JNO. B. WEST. C. D. BENSON. BBNSON n^gg.A.3XrX3-»iiJt-c., LIVERY, SALE, AND ESxolianse Bta"bles? College Street, X'wo Doors South of Broad. Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Horses, Hacks, Buggies, &c., with, care ful drivers. 218 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. W. BIRIDWBIJIJ, LIVERY, S1ALE, AND Bxcliang© BtalDles^ 3 & 5 South College Street. Keeps constantly on hand, Buggies, Hacks and Horses to hire, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to all that call. ii""oASB''if'GEE, ^EOPRIETolIf^^^1 NO. 7 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Hoi ses, Buggies and Carriages constantly on hand nor hire. JSiif*"Particular attention given to the Boarding and Sale of Stock. HENKY CASE. JAS. W. SEE. William 1*. Euh>anlAS, LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES, Deaderick Street, near Cherry, Nashville. Saddle Horses, Buggies, &c., to hire at fair rates, and the best of care taken of stock put in his keeping. J. B. FISHER, No. 101 North Cherry Street, near Theatre. Keeps constantly on hand, Pine Carriages, Buggies, Saddle Horses, &c. J". IF. PENTECOST Se BROTHER, TT3P ana TJF» LIVERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, First Door from the Cor. of Cherry on Deaderick St., Nashville. Keep on hand a good stock of Saddle Horses, Buggies, &c., with careful driyers, on fair terms for cash. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 219 Ooohs, etc, W. T. BERRY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS, ST ATI OSf 3E1H Y, &c.. No. 30 Public Square; Nashville; Tennessee. Their stock is comprised of the most popular and standard works for Schools and Colleges, History, Law, Theology, and General Miscellany. Fancy and Plain Stationery of every style. 3F". ^J^GrJkJST. Dealer in MM MB STATME1Y, No. 39 North Market Street; Nashville. Keeps constantly on hand, the Standard "Works on Law, His¬ tory, Theology, and General Miscellany. Fancy and Plain Sta¬ tionery of every kind; also, a fine stock of Standard School Books, &c., &c. ®iw SUIP OF THE REPUBLICS OF NORTH AMERICA. The only May with the Counties Named. Published under the .patronage of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, (See Circular.) The Scale on which this MAP is published, is so large, that the publisher has been enabled to combine those five requisites in an American Map: Accuracy, Fullness, the Naming of Counties on their Faces, Completeness of the Railroad System, Elegance of Style. Sold by authorized CANVASSERS only. M. H. SMITH, Agent. Davidson County. j&gy° The above MAP is well worth the attention of the pub¬ lic. Ed. 220 NASVHILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOHN T. HAGAN. A. "W". JOHNSON, JR., Hagazi. tSa STolmson, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & PERIODICAL AGENTS, NO. 6 UNION STREET. "We keep, constantly, a full supply of School and Miscellaneous Books, as well as a very complete stock of all kind of School and Fancy Stationery. JOEGNT YOEK ■« © H . o=£s*.». ^ «5 £ «^ 2 © r° z 2 S 'f •* *■: S5..CQ I O i # 2 - k, ~ ^ ., »k as®® pa £'. i ^ w 85 ft H *. • 2* W-« u« ■2 - H ft"-'5 w t as K « H h H ®®§ma£* S ti *w3 ** ■5* he-Ss W 3 Howfft BB j ® ► ft *: =s2ags-S l*§c«s e 2 ** ft ? J •< << Jf urnitart, PHENIX FURNITURE FACTORY. W. R. CORNELIUS, WAKE ROOM, NO. 49 CHURCH STREET, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Manufacturer of all kinds of Furniture, Mattrasses, Split Bot¬ tom Chairs, &c., &c. WILLIAM FAY, Manufacturer and Dealer in FURNITURE AND MATTRASSES, NO. 17 FOGG'S BUILDING, SOUTH COLLEGE ST. (Between Broad and Church.) All manner of Repairing executed with promptness, and satisfaction warranted in all cases. 15 226 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. No. 26 College St. * Cole & Frey, Keep constantly on hand all kinds of Mattrasses, such as MXOTTOMSMCK, Spring, Shuck, Moss, Cotton. Also, all kinds of Upholstering done in the neatest manner, and most reasonable terms. DAVID A. COLE. JOHN W. FEET. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 227 Groomes? Cavert & Co., Manufacturers of FURNITURE GENERALLY, No. 13 South College Street, Nashville. Have constantly on hand, and make to order, at their large factory, (by steam power,) every style, and any amount of Fur¬ niture. All work warranted to give satisfaction, both in respect to styles and prices. R. H. & B. J. GROOMES, No. 10 South Market Street, NASHVUJiH, TEtTNESSHE. Owner of the Patent Eight of Crane & Breed's Metalio CasKet^ They can furnish Funeral Undertakers, and the Public, with this Superior and Beautiful METALIC CASKET; also, every other style of Coffins, at fair rates. Horses and careful Drivers always ready at every call. Upholsterers and Mattrass Makers, No. 40 South College Street, Nashville. Will also attend to Laying Carpets, Hanging Curtains, &c. Jobbing and repairing of every description in the above line, will be done promptly, at short notice, and on the begt terms. ~ ' All work warranted to give satisfaction. BY GEORGE LEASCHER, NO. 20 SOUTH COLLEGE STBEET. Mattrasses of all descriptions substantially and neatly made. I also Cut, Lay and Make Carpets, Covering Sails, Trimmings for Church Pews, &c. All done with neatness and dispatch, and warranted to give satisfaction. 228 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, iisimis & obattmoogi i. a® M. OFFICERS FOR 1859. V. K. STEVENSON, President. JAMES A. WHITESIDE, Vice President. THOS. H. MILLINGTON, Resident Engineer or Roadmaster. E. W. COLE, Superintendent of Transportation. W. A„ GLEAVES, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS. V. K. Stevenson, E. H. Ewing, J,. B. Knowles, Sam. D. Mor¬ gan, Jno. M. Lea, F. B. Fogg, Jno. M. Bass, and Jas. A. "White¬ side, of Davidson county; Lewis Garner, and Alfred Miller, of Rutherford county; Thos. C. "Whiteside, and A. L. Landis, of Bedford county; Hu. Francis, of Franklin county; A. M. Rut- ledge, of Grundy county; Thos. Powers, of Coffee county; Henry Cobia, and Geo. "W. "Williams, of Charleston, S. C.; John P. Xing, of Augusta, Ga. Passenger Train leaves Nashville 4J o'clock A. M., and 2 o'clock P. M. Two Daily Trains to Columbia; where it connects with the Daily Mail Coaches of Messrs. Carter, Thomas & Hough, to Pulaski, Tuscumbia and Jackson. Trains leave Nashville half- past six A. M., and three P. M. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Thomas F. Perkins, William P. Cannon, Samuel Henderson, John McGavock, Brice M. Hughes, C. W. Nance, P. W. Baugh, M. G. L. Claiborne, H. G. W. Mayberry, C. H. Kinnard, Wm. O'N. Perkins, John Marshall, William Park, John £3. Clay- brooke, and Martin Stockard. OFFICERS. JOHN MARSHALL, President. FRANK HARDEMAN, Treasurer. W. O'N. PERKINS, Superintendent of Transportation. A. ANDERSON, Chief Engineer. SAM'L HENDERSON, Superintendent of Turnpike. ROBERT H. BRADLEY, Secretary. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 229 EDGEFIELD & KENTUCKY R. R. B. S. CHEATHAM, President. "W. B. A. RAMSEY, Secretary and Treasurer. A. ANDERSON, Engineer in Chief. J. B. CLOUGH, Assistant Engineer. Office: No. 49£ Cooper's Building, CHERRY STREET. Two Daily Trains to Connell's Station, 13 miles. NASHYILLE & LOUISVILLE R. R. GO. PRESIDENT, HON. JO. C. GUILD, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, GALLATIN. Trains leave Gallatin and Nashville twice daily—A. M. and P. M. ggF*" This Road is expected to he completed to Louisville by November, 1859. HOTELS AND BOARDING. MRS. ANN S. LOOMIS, FI1IMI IS1IIISS 1S1SE, No. 11 Cherry Street, Nashville. Having large and COMEORTABLE ROOMS, she will talce a few families ; and being very central for the Business part of the City, she will be happy to accommodate a number of Day Boar¬ ders. She invites a trial of her table. Those who have tried her table, pronounce it first rate.—Ed. SARAH ESTELL, Colored One Door North of Theatre, Cherry Street. Keeps Ice Creams, Refreshments, &c. Also, Eurnishes and Superintends Suppers, and Fashionable Parties. 230 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Has been thoroughly Repaired, Renovated and Newly Furnished in From the Garret to the Cellar; the Cooks and Ser¬ vants very attentive, and the best to be had; the PAR¬ LORS, HALLS AND CHAMBERS well ventilated, and the TABLE always provided with the best the MARKETS CAN FURNISH. In the late Hotel Improvements in Nashville, we are hap¬ py to say none have been more desirable and satisfactory than the above. Those who call here once, will wish to call again.—Ed. NASHVILLE BUSINESS ©IRECTORV. 231 ST. CLOUD Cor. of Spring' <& Summer StsM Jffaslivilie, Term. a 3 PROPRIETOR. THE ST. CLOUD HOTEL Is located in the centre of the most wealthy and fashionable part of the city; nearest all the Churches, Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings, yet equally convenient, if not more so, to all the business parts of the city. 232 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CITY HOTEL, SAM'Ii 3S/I_ SCOTT, PROPRIETOE, NO. 79 PUBLIC SQUARE. S E W A N E E HOUSE, TFM. ROBERTS, Proprietor, College Street, Nashville, Tennessee. WATSON HOUSE, " THOMAS S. "WATSON & PRATT, Proprietors. No. 26 North Market street, Nashville, Tenn. CHARLES HOLSHUH, KOSSUTH HOUSE, Nos. 16 and 18 South Market Street, NASHVILLE. GERMAN BOARDING HOUSE. P. W. COLLETT, JEFFERSON SOUSE, Nos, 20 and 22 Market street, Nashville Tenn P. B. COLEMAN, MONTEREY HOUSE, 27 North Market Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 233 Tims mtfr printing (Dfficrs. ESTABLISHED 1847. ESTABLISHED 1847. BEN FRANKLIN BOOK & JOB PRINTING ROOMS, Corner of College and Union Streets, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE- B8WTI9 BX isiiswim* JOHN T. S. FA.LL, (Successor to Cameron Sf Fall,) Returns his grateful thanks to the citizens of Nash¬ ville and surrounding country, for their kind and libe¬ ral patronage. Having no connection with the City Dailies, he is prepared with good materials and excellent workmen, to execute with neatness and dispatch, all descriptions of Notes, Checks. Bill-Heads, Bills of Lading Way-Bills, Railroad and Wagoners' Receipts, Store Bills, Auction Bills, Steamboat Bills, Apothecaries', Merchants' and Manufacturers' Labels, AM® oDQJJgTO©!©5' ®[LAM1K®9 CATALOGUES, &.G,, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. ffMITM® MHS TOPE ©®M> k SIMM MOMS k ISM. All Descriptions of Books Bound and Made to Order* 234 nashville business directory. 3STA_SH[V^ILLE MHj nMim & WIKW* SMITH, GAMP & CO., PROPRIETORS. ¥. HY. SMITE AND L P. JONES, EDITOES. TERMS—Daily $8, Tri-Weekly Weskly Job Printing Executed in tbe Best Style of the Art. THE BANNER OF PEACE IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, By Bev. "W. E. Ward, Editor and Proprietor, NASHTV1LLE, TENNESSEE!, TERMS OP THIS PAPER. All Subscriptions, in advance $2 00 All Subscriptions, delayed beyond 6 months 3 00 No Subscription received for a less term than six months. All subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, will be considered as wishing to continue their subscription, and their paper will be sent to them accordingly. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the discretion of the proprietor. A liberal discount made to Agents, who become responsible. RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square, (10 lines or less,) one insertion $ 1 50 Each additional insertion 50 One Square, for one year —... 10 00 " " six months 6 00 " " three months 4 00 Each Square, after the first, per year 00 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 235 NASHVILLE J"AMES T_ BELL Sc CO., PROPRIETORS. JAMES R. BRUCE, Editor. The GAZETTE is independent in Politics and Reli¬ gion, devoted to HfMAOTM, HGM£ imSBm, AND THE 5R3T £23 ^ <2> <££> £212 £33 £E> ^ "CP 9 The circulation of the daily issue in Nashville and the country immediately surrounding the city, is much greater than that of any other paper; by virtue of which fact, the GAZETTE is the medium for adver¬ tising the list of UNCALLED FOB LETTERS. It is by far the best advertising medium in the State of Tennessee. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Gazette, $5 per annum; Tri-Weekly $4, and Weekly $2, in all instances, in advance. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do Job Printing of all kinds, with neatness and despatch. JAS. T. BELL, & CO. Gazette Building-, Corner Deaderickand Cherry Sts. 236 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NASHVILLE PUBLISHED DAJXY AND WEEKLY BY CAMERON & CO. D. CAMERON. R. H. BARRY. WM. CAMERON. JAS. A. FISHER. OFFICE NO, 40 CHERRY STREET. Price of Subscription. Daily, strictly in advance, per annum $6 00 "Weekly, " " " 2 00 Bates of Advertising. Twelve lines or less to constitute a Square. NOT RENEWABLE. One Square, 1 day.. $1 00—each additional insertion $ 0 50 1 week ....... 3 00 2 weeks 4 50 1 month 6 00 2 months 9 00 3 months... 12 00 6 months... 18 00 12 months... 25 00 square 1 50 2 00 3 00 4 50 6 00 8 00 10 00 COMMERCIAL EVENING BULLETIN, PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) ON CORNER OF BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS. (Moulton Sc. Reed's new Building,) T. 3VE. HUGHES <3c CO. H. C. MacLAUGHLIN. J. W. SEVIER. T. M. HUGHES. To subscribers in the city and districts, the Bulletin will be served for 10 cents per week—payable weekly, to the carriers, at 40 cents per month, in advance, payable at the office. Subscribers not receiving their paper punctually, will please make it known at the office at their earliest convenience. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 237 L. P. WILLIAMS. T. H. GLENN. lUWiH HOMESTEAD, A LARGE ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, AGRICULTURAL 4 FAMILY NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED BY L. P. WILLIAMS & CO., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. TERMS.—Single Copy, $2 Ten Copies, $15. JOB OFFICE, No. 25 College St., [2dfloor}) Opposite Sewanee House, NASHV1EEE, TENNESSEE. Having received, direct from the Foundries, a large and com¬ plete assortment of ?!)OT <3©® roWIM l&TIHMto, We are prepared to execute every description of JOB PRINT¬ ING with promptness, in the best style of the art. All orders for Books, Pamphlets, Cards, Bill-Heads, Invitation Cards, Circulars, Railroad and Wagon Receipts, Blanks of all kinds,' Posters, Handbills, Railroad and Steamboat Work, etc.. executed upon short notice. 238 NASVHILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. REPUBLICAN BANNER & WHIG, PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY W. F. Bano. H. K. Walkir. J. Roberts. Office No. 13 I>eaderick Street. TERMS. Daily Paper $8 00 Per Annum. Tri-Weekly Paper 5 00 " " "Weekly " 8 00 " " Having supplied our office with a new ADAMS POWER & RUGGLES JOB PRESSES. With all the late improvements, and with a complete assort¬ ment of New Type, and having also applied Steam to our Ma¬ chinery, we are prepared to execute, with despatch, all orders for Books, Pamphlets, Bill-Heads, Circulars, Railroad Work, Steam¬ boat Work, Bills, Cards, Funeral Tickets. In short, every description of PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING that may he desired, at short notice, and in the Best Style of the Art. BANG; WALKER & CO. Publishing Interests of M. E. Church, South. NASHVILLE PUBLISHING HOUSE. J. B. McFerrin, D. D., Book Agent; Bey. K. Abbey Financial Secretary. A. L. P. Green, D. D.,R. C. Gardner, M. D., Mr. W. R. Elliston, Rey. S. Watson, and L. M. Lee, D. D., Book Committee. T. O. Summers, D. D., Editor of Books and Tracts, and Quarterly Review. L. D. Huston, D. D<, Editor of Sunday-School Visitor and Home Circle. H. N. McTyeire, D. D., Editor of Nashyille Christian Advocate. RICHMOND—L. Rosser, D. D., Editor of Richmond Christian Advocate. RALEIGH—Rev. R. T. Heflin, Editor of North Carolina Christian Advocate. CHARLESTON—E. H. Myers, D. D., Editor of Southern Christian Advocate. GALVESTON—Rev. J. E. Carnes, Editor of Texas Christian Advocate. Rev. Peter Mcelling, Editor of Evangelische Apologete. ST. LOUIS—D. R. McAnally, D. D., Editor of St. Louis Christian Advocate. NEW ORLEANS—Rev. C. C. Gillespie, Editor of New Orleans Christain Advo¬ cate. MEMPHIS—Rev. S. Watson, Editor of Memphis and Arkansas Christian Advo- STOCKTON—Rev. O. P. Fitzgerald, Editor of the Pacific Methodist. Tract Society of the M. E. Church South. Bishop Soule, President; J. Hamilton, D. D., Secretary; J. B. McFerrin, D. D . Treasurer. Sunday-School Society of the M. E. Church, South. President, Bishop Soule; Corresponding Secretary, Rev.C.Taylor, M.D., J. B. McFerrin, D. D., Treasurer. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 239 J. R. GRAVES. W. P. MARKS. S. C. ROGERS. E. P. P. POOLE. GRAVES, MARKS & CO., No. 59 North Market Street. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. ^erColftcal Pu&Ucattons* x. THE TENNESSEE BAPTIST. J, K. GRAVES) Editor, This paper entered upon its Fifteenth Volume the first of September. 1858. It is designed to be the exponent of true Baptist faith, and consistent Baptist practice, and to reflect the leading aspects of the " Great West," and of the present times, and to meet and discuss fairly and fearlessly the great issues of the day. It has already reached a circulation larger than any weekly religious pamper in the South, and larger than any weekly Baptist paper in the world, save one. Weekly issue 1350. Terms $2 per annum, in advance. One paper for universal circulation in the South and Southwest, for purposes of intercommunication, is greatly needed. The Tennessee Baptist is becoming that paper. r J]_r*Any preacher of any denomination, not a subscriber, can have the paper one year for $1, or for three new subscribers. JCp When the circulation reaches 15,000, all ministers can have the paper for $1 per annum. Will not all aid it to reach that figure 1 Try it one year, and see Whether its friends or its enemies tell the truth about it. IX. SOUTHERN BAPTIST REVIEW, QUARTERLY. J. R. GRAVES, J. M, PENDLETON, A. C. DAYTON, Editors. This work is quarterly ; each issue, 160 pages making a volume of 640 royal oc¬ tavo pages each year. Subscription price $2 a year, in advance. It has won the reputation of being the- strongest Baptist Quarterly in the Union, The best writers in the South contribute to its pages. It is. in itself, a Theological Library. No minister or reading Baptist should be without it. Its exceedingly low terms place it within the reach of all.- Any minister sending threenew subscribers for the Review, will receive his copy gratis. A specimen number sent, if desired. III. THE CHILDREN'S MONTHLY BOOK. Just the thing for your children. ""Tender grass for Little Lambs." A Southern publication, beautifully illustrated. Edited by Uncle Robin and Aunt Alice, with special reference to its moral and intellectual influence upon the young mind. Pub¬ lished at only $1 per annum, and contains 40 pages. It is pronounced the best pub¬ lication for children that has yet appeared in America. Specimen copies sent if C.Any one sending four new subscribers, will be entitled to a copy for one year gratis. IV. THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST REGISTER. This will be a beautifully Illustrated work of 60 pages, issued on or before the 1st of October of each year. It will contain the most perfect statistics of Baptist* throughout the woridrof any similar work issued in this country. Price 10ct*. 240 NASEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NASHVILLE UNION AND AMERICAN, THE Largest Circulation of any Political Paper in Tenn. E. G- Eastman, F. C. Ddnnington, J. 0. Griffith, G. G. Poindexter. E- C3-_ E^STTsZC^lsr Sc CO., PUBLISHERS, SS SA^L£l^£LUHCB>a ©©SBSEla RATES OF ADVERTISING For Each Square of Ten Lines or Less% 1 insertion $1 00 Each additional insertion $ 00 2 weeks *. 3 00 Each additional Square 1 50 8 " ....... 4 60 " " " 2 50 1 month 6 00 " ** " ...... 3 00 2 " 9 00 " *< " 4 00 3 " 12 00 " " " 6 50 6 " 18 00 " " " 8 00 1 year .......25 00 " " " 10 00 Advertisements must be paid for at the time of insertion. TERMS OF THE PAPER. Daily. - $8 00 Tti-Weekly.. v............... 5 00 "Weekly ................................. 2 00 ggjjT' The money, in all eases, to accompany the Subscription. UNION AND AMERICAN 1901, JOB UB Pile? PiiiTIB® ESTABLISHMENT. Having one of the Largest and Best Selected Offices in the Southwest, we are prepared to execute any kind of Printing that may be called for, with Neatness and Despatch, and on ifoz- sonable Terms. We solicit a trial of our skill in this department. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 241 HUNTSVILLE INDEPENDENT, Published every Saturday Morning by DEW & YOUNG. Terms of Subscription. Three dollars a year, in advance ; Three dollars and fifty cents, if paid within 6 months ; Four dollars, at the end of the year. Single Copies, Ten Cents. J^lT'IsTo paper will he discontinued until all .arrearages are paid, except at the discretion of the Publishers. iEiBll'L STA6B & BtlliSli ffiPPlil. No. 24 CED1R ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. For Louisville, Gallatin, Glasgow and Bowling Green. Railroad and Stage, twice daily to Louisville, and daily to inter- medate points. Leaves the depot in Edgefield, at 10 and 11 A. M. For ClarJcsville, Hopkinsville, Smithland and Henderson, Ky. Leaves the General Stage and Railroad Office, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock, P. M. For Huntingdon and Jackson. Leaves the General Stage Office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 3^ o'clock, P. M. For Columbia, Athens, Ala., Tuscumbia, Pulaski, Waynesboro' and Jackson. Railroad and Stage, twice daily to Columbia at 6|- A. M., and 3J P. M. To Pulaski and Athens, Ala., daily at 6| A. M. To Tuscumbia and Florence, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6J A. M.; and to Waynesboro' and Jackson, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, at 6J A. M. For Lebanon and Smithville. To Lebanon, daily, at 3 A. M. To Smithville, Mondays, Wed¬ nesdays and Fridays, at 3 A. M. For Ilussellville and Springfield. To Springfield six times a week. To Russellville, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 11 A. M. ]?or any information or tickets on any of the above Lines, Apply to JOHN HEBRIFORD, General Stage and Railroad Office, p g —Omnibus Office, also, at the same place. 16 242 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Pittsburgh Boats. Arganalet, Capt. Bickell; Neptune, Capt. Poe ; S. P. Hibbird, Capt. Read; Melrose, Capt. Rogers; Shenango, Capt. Erench; Clifton, Capt. Poe; Empire City, Capt. Yandergriff; Sir Wm. Wallace, Capt. Campbell; Glen wood, Capt. Robinson; Harmo- nia, Capt. Haslip; J. H. Conn, Capt. Woodburn; La Cross, "Capt. Devinney; Rossallie, Capt. Rhodes. Cincinnati Boats. Dunlieth, Capt. Enyart; Hudson, Capt. Ridenour; Reliance, Capt. Bruce; Lightfoot, Capt.'Erazier; Kate Erench, Capt. Caf- frey; Conewago, Capt. Spence; Eairy Queen, Capt. Kyle; Leba¬ non, Capt. Williamson; Ella, Capt. Aken. Louisville Boats. John Gault, Capt. Bunce ; Tempest, Capt. Parr; John Bell, Capt. Austin." St. Louis Boats. B. M. Runyan, Captl Miller. Cairo and. Padncah Boats. Minnetonka, Capt. Dashiell; Cuba, Capt. Bateman; Dr. Rob¬ inson, Capt. Davis. Memphis Boat. J. G. Cline, Captain Elliott. New Orleans Boats. Nashville, Capt. Boyd ; Red Rover, Capt. Strong; E. Howard, Capt. Eowler; Scotland, Capt. Couch; Eastport, Capt. Wood; T. C. Twitchell, Capt. McComas; James Johnson, Capt. John¬ son ; E. A. Ogden, Capt. Lee. Upper Cumberland Boats. Umpire, Capt. Rymon ; Sligo, Capt. Harmon; Charter, Capt. Cartwright; Commerce, Capt. Cabler; Wm. Henry, Capt. Am¬ brose ; Accacia Cottage, Capt. Dismukes; Rock City, Capt. Simms; Blanche Lewis, Capt. Bellsnyder. H. H. HARRISON, Agent for all. A HAMILTON, Agent for St. Louis and N. O. Steamers. J. H. HARRIS, for Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Steamers. nsfifiui & iiiPBis miii, J. Gr. ELLIOT, - - - - Master. ^Leaves- Nashville for Memphis, every Saturday at A. L. DAVIS) Agent* NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 243 Saving IHaclpms, SIN CSrESU'lS Wo. 45 Worth College Street, isr-A.siarvirJxJE;I TENNE SSEE. We would call the attention of all to this unrivalled Machine, of which a large number have been sold in this State within the last two years, and are giving ENTIRE SATISFACTION, They are Strong, Durable, Easily Kept in Order, and capable of sewing every variety of Fabric. All persons desiring to obtain full and reliable information about our machines^sizes, prices, mode of obtaining, &c., can do so by applying by letter for one of Singer's Gazettes, a paper entirely devoted to Sewing Machine Interest. It will be sent gratis. An assortment of Silk, Thread and Needles, always on hand. Good Agents wanted. X- M:. S1NQER cfa Oo>. J* T. LORD, Agent. 244 NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WHEELER & WILSON Manufacturing Company's Improved Family Sewing Machine. PRICES REDUCED. NEW IMPROVEMENTS ADDED, Every Lady should call and examine the beautiful work done on this Machine. A new and very ingenious Hemming Foot has been attached to this Machine, which turns and stitches a hem in the most beau¬ tiful manner. Office 49 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. SETH WHEELER, Agent. C- E. EE. MARTIN, ICE DEALER, DEPOT; N. END MARKET-SOUSE. r^\ Ok) S33 CfL) q BLACKSMITHIG AND WAGON-MAKING. FRONT ST., NEAR TEE OLE BRIBGtE. Also, runs a large number of X53TS.37-®, ~%7U~£Lg-£FffS.®®aE>S3» Resident Physician, DANIEL P. WRIGHT, M. D. &'wry eons, JOHN FREDERICK MAY, M. D., THOMAS L. MADDIN, M.D. Visiting Physicians. JOHN P. PORD, M. D., E. B. HASKINS, Mt D., JOHN H. CALLENDER, M. D., RICH. 0. CURREY, M. D. R. C. K. MARTIN, M. D., H. M. COMPTON, M. D. An Obstetrical Ward, in connection with the Hospital, has been established under the superintendence of Dr. John P. Pord. An experienced Matron and nurses are in constant attendance. O F 1ST ASHVILLE. THOMAS L. MADDIN, M. D., Anatomy and Surgery. DANIEL P.WRIGHT, M. D., Physiology and Chemistry. JOHN H. CALLENDER, M. D., Mat. Medica and Obstetrics. The exercises in this school will commence on the first Monday in April, and close at the end of the ensuing July, to be resumed on the first Monday in October, and close on the last of February. The Summer Course, which will consist of Lectures and Examinations, will he delivered at the-Shelby Medical College. The following subjects will receive special attention: Surgical Anatomy and Minor Surgery, Physical Diagnosis, Obstetri¬ cal Demonstrations on the Mannikin and Manipulations of Obstetrical Instru¬ ments, Microscopical Investigations, Pharmaceutical Re-agents and Tests, Chemical Experiments, etc. Students availing themselves of this course of instruction will have at their com¬ mand all the facilities of Shelby Medical College, Museum, Hospital, Cabinets, etc., etc. The practice of medicine will be mainly taught in the form of Clinical Lectures at the City Hospital, adjoining the College buildings. The Winter Course, commencing with the winter course of instruction in Shelby Medical College will consist entirely of examinations, which will be conducted at stated hours during the week to the close of the session. P33X<£3 : Por the Summer Course alone $40 For Winter ditto 20 Por the whole Annual Course 50 Nashville, March 15,1859. NASHVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 249 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. I. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT, OR 3