WOMAN IN MEDICINE a paper read before the national association of Colored Women's Clubs at Wilberforck, Ohio, August 6, 1914. By S. MARIA STEWARD, M. D., Graduate of the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. Post-graduate course at the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. One of the Founders of the Woman's and Chil¬ dren's Hospitai, Brooklyn, New York. Resident Physician, Wilberforce University. ( Price 15 Cents) WILBERFORCE, OHIO. PREFACE Yielding to the solicitation of many persons, strangers as well as acquaintances and friends, I am offering the following paper to the public. It is the result of serious labor and care and sent forth in the hope that it may furnish encouragement to the earnest women into whose hands it may fall. The generous reader is asked to give to this humble effort the few moments attention wrhich its perusal will entail. vS. Maria Steward, M.D. (Pres. Scarborough's Annual Report, June 16, 191U-) "Dr. S. M. Steward, our Resident Physician for a number of years, has been faithful in looking after the young people in need of medical attention. I am very glad to commend her and her services, and to say that to have such a woman connected with the institution, where there is large attendance of girls, is indispensable." INTRODUCTION New York has ever had reason to be proud of its women. Many of these by direct descent or by adoption have worthily carried- the honor implied in the distinguished, affectionate appellation—Daughter of New York. While but a small number of Afro-Amercian families have been New Yorkers for more than a generation, among these families there is scarcely a family lacking at least one woman member of greater of less distinction ; some of them have even a better showing. Among this latter group the Smith family of Long Island stands pre-eminent. In their uniform success the daughters of Sylvanus Smith and Anna Springsteel, his wife, form a remarkable coterie. The eldest of these was the late Mrs. S. J. S. Garnet. For many years she filled the exceptional position of principal in one of the public schools of Greater New York. The memory of her worth and her usefulness is still alive and fragrant. Mrs. Emma Smith Thomas, also deceased, was not only an accomplished teacher, but was noted for her excellent judg¬ ment in business matters. She was successful in the acquisi¬ tion and investment of money and was a competent adviser in financial affairs. The youngest daughter, Mrs. Clara T. S. Brown, chose music as her profession, was a successful teacher of the piano, and for several years organist of the Concord Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., of which Doctor W. T. Dixon was pastor. Miss Mary Smith and Doctor S. M. Smith Steward, the one in business, the other in the profession of medicine have acquired affluence and reputation. They are now enjoying the fruits of continued application and systematic effort. .3 4 WOMAN IN MEDICINE Upon family, friends, resident localities, our women espe¬ cially, women in general,—they, and those like them confer an honor lasting and most highly to be appreciated. Such women accentuate the power, the dignity, the pres¬ tige of womanhood. They enter into the fullness of life as designed for them by their Creator. In this ideal life, the as¬ pects of daughter, sister, wife, mother are incidental. It is a personal, individual life, involving unlimited scope for ex¬ pansion and development. The woman who today enters a profession appears to be doing a casual, ordinary thing. When the then Miss S- Maria Smith undertook her medical apprenticeship such a decision was momentous. The fear of woman unsexing herself was the bugbear of that period. Only level-headed, determined, self-reliant women then ventured to take a step likely to elicit unfriendly criticism ; likely to induce disparagement if not estrangement. To the credit of our women it may be said that none have ever been more alert, more progressive, more aggressive, more ready to follow paths of upward trend. Whenever and wher¬ ever they have entered the arenas of competition, while they have met equals, they have never been forced to retire before superiors. It is hence more gratifying than surprising to state that Miss Smith was no exception. She was trained in the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, an insti¬ tution founded by the illustrious Doctor Clem»ence S. L,ozier. She completed the prescribed course with the usual success, and with additional distinction. The recognition by the fac¬ ulty of Miss Smith's merit, was an act as graceful as unusual. She was chosen valedictorian of her class—a class regarded as one of the strongest that had ever been sent out. The youthful graduate hung out her shingle in her native city, Brooklyn. N. Y. She took a post-graduate course.in the WOMAN IN MEDICINE 5 Long Island College Hospital, the only woman student in a large class. The practice for which she had made such ample preparation, slowly but steadily grew until in the zenith of her career she maintained consulting offices in two different sections of the city. B2sides her technical equipment and her ever widening experience, she had available certain quailities of temperament and of character. These aided in shortening her professional probation and insuring a more ready success. Friends became patients because they believed her trustworthy ; stran¬ gers became loyal adherents when they learned to rely upon her capability and to appreciate her skill and devotion. Her practice included both sexes. It was a practice unlimited by color or creed. As a family physician she came to be in con¬ stant demand. Consulations frequently brought her in con¬ tact with leading local practitioners. A member of the Kings County Homeopathic Society and of the New York State Medical Soctety, she held for years a leading place as a capa¬ ble, popular, prosperous physician. Her removal from Brooklyn was the outcome of her second marriage. Professional demands of any sort are numerous and exact¬ ing. Doctor Steward discharged all such faithfully, yet never neglected social or personal obligations. Twice married, with intervening years of widowhood, she presents a fine illustra¬ tion of an exemplary matron, an admirable mother, a model home keeper, and a woman active in all matters pertaining to general uplift and betterment. Her Brooklyn home was a center for social intercourse and informal interchange of thought and opinion. Though not a prominent clubwoman, she was one of the founders of the Woman's Loyal Union of New York and her interest in that association has outlived her connection with it. Apart from her knowledge of medicine, Doctor Steward is 6 WOMAN IN MEDICINE also a musician, having studied the organ carefully under John Zundel of Plymouth Church and later under Henry Eyre Browne of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and served as Church organist, Bridge St. A. M. E. Church 23 years, Bethany Bapt¬ ist Church, two years. Doctor Steward is at present resident physician at Wilber- force University with which, her husband Chaplain T. G. Steward, an author of reputation—is connected. The Doctor has travelled extensively over her own country and has enjoyed European tours in company with her husband. Now, delightfully located in a fine luxurious home, she is resting but not apathetic. She is always busy, and as alive as ever to the vital issues of today. The story of her life and of her work is valuable for in¬ spiration, for emulation, for imitation. Such lives are beacon lights illuminating the wastes of indecision. They warn against the fatal frittering away or misuse of power, faculties, advantages, privileges ; they direct the course of the ambitious, though untried towards the harbor of systematic, sustained, concentrated endeavor. In these havens are to be found re¬ wards so ample, so rich, so enduring as to fully compensate for all that must be done, must be endured, in securing their attainment. MARITCHA R. l,YONS, Brooklyn, N. Y. WOMAN IN MEDICINE BY S. MARIA STEWARD, M. D. Instead of reading to you a paper on "Tuberculosis and Kindred Diseases", as alloted to me on the program for this date, I have taken the liberty of changing my subject to that of "Woman in Medicine", and I shall give to you, as briefly as I can, the history of woman in the study and practice of medicine, from the .early centuries until the present time. That women have made a record for themselves in medicine is a fact; and that broad-minded men, as historians, have given them a place in the history of medicine, along with their bro¬ thers in the profession,, is another fact; otherwise .I would not be able to prove my first statement, that they have made a record, well worthy of being handed down in history. The earliest record of women in the practice of medicine is found in sacred history. I refer to their work as given in the Bible, Exodus 1st chapter. Here we find that to women, and to women alone, belonged that branch, or department, of medicine denominated. "Obstetrics", which deals with partu¬ rition, the treatment of women and children at the most sacred, and the most important , moment of their lives. It is recorded of these women, that they feared God. There were, according to Dr. Clark, the commentator, five hundred or more Hebrew women obstetricians in Egypt at that time, although the names of. only two have been handed down to us, Shiphrah, and Puah. . These women all feared Godv and held themselves responsible to Him in the faithful discharge of their duty to their patients. These women feared God /rather than man, although that man was a king. All those who are familiar with this portion of the Scriptures, know the results of the work of these God-fearing women. 7 8 WOMAN IN MEDICINE Dr. James J. Walsh, author of a recent history of medicine, entitled, "Old Time Makers of Medicine", says: "We are prone in modern times to think that our generation is the first to offer to women any facilities, or opportunities, for education in medicine. We are prone, however, in the same way to con¬ sider that a number of things that we are doing are now being done for the first,time. As a matter of fact, it is extremely difficult to find any important movement, or occupation, that is not merely a repetition of a previous interest of mankind". "The whole education of women we are apt to think of as modern, forgetting that Plato, in his "Republic" insisted as absolutely as any feminist of our times, that women should have the same opportunities for education as men ; and at Rome at the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire, women occupied very much the sa:me position in social and literary life as our own women Of to-day." * Coming up to early Christian times, during the fourth and fifth centuries, there were many distinguished women physi¬ cians, and the names of a few of them have been transmitted to us. Such as Theodosia, at Rome. She was remarkable not Only as a physician and surgeon, but also in the fact she suf¬ fered martydom with other Christians under the Emperor Dio¬ cletian v Eabiola, is noted because she was the founder of the first hospital in Rome. There are two other names of Greek physicians, Origenia, mentioned by the great surgeon Galen', and Aspasia, mentioned by Aetius, a distinguished physiciaii and surgeon in his day. We have evidence enough to show that Greek Women physicians were not very rare. ; " Women among the Greeks and Romans enjoyed both en¬ couragement and opportunity to study and. practice medicine in. the. early centuries of the Christian era'.'. .And why shpul.d this not have been so, when the example and influence of the Great Physician, the emancipator of women in His timej dominated that portion of the world ? WOMAN IN MEDICINE 9 We now come to the history of the medieval- women physicians, and their very superior oppo"tunities:for the study, of medicine in the great medical school at Salerno, Italy; where women were admitted oft the same terms as men, and given the same thorough advantages as students. It is said : The best proof of how thorough was the medical education at Salerno, and how much influence it exerted even over public opinion, is to be found in the regulation of the practice of medicine, which soon began, and the insistence on proper training before permission to practice was granted. Three years of preliminary university education, before the study of medicine might be taken up ; four years of medical studies proper, before a degree was given, including a special course in anatomy, if surgery were to be practiced ; a year of practice with a regularly licensed physician, before a license to prac¬ tice could be obtained." "All this represents an ideal we are now striving after. And all this is so much more advanced than we could possibly have imagined, only that the actual documents are in existence, that most people refuse to let themselves be persuaded, in spite of the law, that it could have meant very much. Espe¬ cially as regards medical education are they dubious- as to conditions at that time. To them, it seems that it could make very little difference how much time was required for medical study or for studies preliminary to medicine, since there was so little to be learned. The age was ignorant, men knew- but little, and so very little could be imparted, no matter how much time was taken, This is a common impression, but an utterly false one". ' 'The preliminary training* that is, the undergraduate Work at the universities then, consisted of the seven liberal arts, the trivium and the quadrivium, which embraced grammar, rhetoric* logic, arithmetic ,•••: music, geometry 9 and 10 WOMAN IN MEDICINE, astronomy." To this was added metaphysics, and cosmolo¬ gy, in which some biology was studied. This was a thor¬ oughly rounded course in intellectual trainings ' No won¬ der Professer Huxley said, in his inaugural address as Rector of Aberdeen," "I doubt if the curriculum of any modern university shows so clear and generous a comprehension as to what is meant by culture as this old trivium or quadrivium. does." • ■ . "There is no doubt at all about the value of the under¬ graduate training, nor of the scholarship of the men and women turned out under this system, nor of their ability to concentrate their minds on difficult subjects. Said one of the graduates of this school at Salerno", "I cannot say too much for the training given in this, the first of the medical schools. One thing is sure, the professors were eminently serious, the work taken up was thoroughly scientific, and some,of the results of the medical investigations of that early day are interesting even now." "That which is most interesting to us in the modern time in the history of the medical school at Salerno,, is to be found in the opportunities for the medical education of women, and the surrender to them of a whole department in the medical school, that of the Diseases of Women." It is not definitely known just when this development took place. The first positive evidence with regard to it comes in the life of Trotula, who seems to have been the head of the department, with other women as professors under her. She is said to have flourished about the middle of the eleventh century. The life of this great woman, as given, is exceedingly interesting. She was a woman of great literary ability, and was noted for her writings. Some of her books are well known, and are often quoted from". "Salerno continued to enjoy the reputation for training WOMAN IN MEDICINE 11 women physicians thoroughly, until well on in the .fifteenth century. The custom seems also to have been transferred to Naples, and licenses to practice were issued to women grad¬ uates. Salerno influenced Bologna and the north Italian universities prfoundly in all branches of medicine and medi¬ cal education, particularly in surgery, and the practice of al¬ lowing such women as wished to practice medicine or sur¬ gery, to enter the university medical schools. This is exem¬ plified in the case of Mondino's assistant in anatomy, Allesan- dra Giliani ; though there are others whose names are men¬ tioned in history. Through the influence of the first and great university in Italy, feminine education obtained a strong foothold, and with the further development of universities, feminine education came to be the rule. This rule has main¬ tained itself all down the centuries in Italy, so that there has not been a single century since the twelfth, in which there have not been one or more distinguished women teachers in the Italian universities ". Walsh, in speaking of the educational opportunities out¬ side of Italy, says : "in spite of the absence of formal oppor¬ tunities for feminine education in medicine at the Western universities, a certain ainonnt of scientific knowledge of dir seases as well as valuable practical training in the care of the ailing, was not wanting. The medical knowledge of the wo¬ men of Northern France, Germany and England, however, though it did not receive the stamp of a formal degree from the University, and the distinction of a license to practice, was none the less thorough and extensive." This history of the medieval women physicians would be quite incomplete without a short sketch of the life and work of one of its most remarkable women, that of the Abbess Hil- degarde. The record as given of this woman is as follows ; ' 'The life of the Abbess Hildegarde is worthy of consideration, 12 WOMAN IN MEDICINE because it illustrates the period and makes very clear that, in- spite of the grievous misunderstanding of their life and work so common in the modern time, these old time religious or¬ ders had most of the interests of modern times, and pursued them with even more than modern zeal and success, very often. Her career illustrates very well what the foundation of the Benedictines had done for the women. When St. Benedict founded his order for man, his sister, Scholastica, wanted to do a similar work for woman. We know the Benedictine monks saved the old classics for us, kept burning the light of, intellectual life, and gave refuge to men who wanted to de¬ vote themselves to leisure and peace, to the . things of the, spirit, whether of this world or the other. We have known less of the Benedictine nuns, until now the study of their books shows they provided exactly the same opportunities for women, and furnished avocation, a homeland an occupation of mind and a satisfaction of spirit for women who, in every generation, do not feel themselves Called to be wives and mothers, but who want to live their lives for others, rather than for themselves and their kin ; seeking such development of mind and spirit, as may come with the leisure and peace; of celibacy." St. Hildegarde was born of noble parents in Germany, about the end of the eleventh century. She was a woman of very superior intellect, and possessed of great learning. It; is said of her as a writer,—"One of the most important books on medicine that has come to us from the twelfth century was written by her." Reuss (Rois), the historian, in speaking of her, says,—"Among all the saintly religious who have prac¬ ticed medicine, or written about it, in the middle ages, the most important is, without doubt; St. Hildegarde. With re¬ gard to her book, he continues,—"All those who wish to write the history of medical and natural sciences miist read WOMAN IN MEDICINE 13 this work, in which this religious woman, evidently grounded in all that was known at that time of the secrets of nature, discusses and examines carefully all the knowledge of the time. It is certain St. Hildegarde knew many things that were unknown to physicians of her time." In the sixteenth century, the study and practice of medi¬ cine by women, began gradually to decline, and during the following centuries actually died out and became entirely for-: gotten. Just how this happened is hard to say. It is like1 other human interests that have been, and ceased to be. The revival of the study of medicine did not occur until the middle of the nineteenth century, and America enjoys the honor of being the pioneer in this matter. The woman to take advantage of the first opportunity was an English lady, Elizabeth Blackwell, and this dates back to 1848, when she- was admitted, after having applied at several medical colleges in the country, into the Geneva Medical College of New York. The history of the admission of this heroic woman ; her life as a student in this college of men, many of whom were rough and uncultured ; the transformation of such, by her presence alone, into gentlemen,—or, better put, manly men ; the an¬ noyance she experienced:outside the college, by the women of: the boarding-house and the women of the village, who took it upon themselves to treat her with scorn and contempt be¬ cause she, as a woman, dared to study medicine and aspired to practice this sacred, profession ; her graduation with honor from this institution ; her admission to the Maternite and other hospitals in Paris after a hard struggle to gain enr. trance ; and her completion of a three years' course in that city, is most interestingly told by her sister, Dr. Emily Blacky well in a lecture'given by her at the celebration of the fortieth anniversary ofj. the First National Woman's Rights .Convention, held in Boston, January 28, 1891. ' , . 14 WOMAN IN MEDICINE "immediately after Dr. Blackwell's graduation a few women were admitted into other medical colleges. But, so much opposition was brought to bear by the medical societies against the colleges admitting woman, that the doors of these particular colleges were soon closed and these opportunities were cut off. The exclusion of women from all medical in¬ stitutions in the country now became the settled policy; hence the necessity of opening up medical schools for women. In this Boston took the lead in 1850. In the same year Philadelphia followed. In 1854 the Blackwell sisters obtained a certificate of incorporation for the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and in 1868 the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary was established." In 1863, Dr. Clemence S. Lozier, who had received her medical education in Syracuse, New York, being the first and only woman to graduate from that college, and graduating with the highest honor of the class, founded and endowed the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women and Children. Dr. I,ozier was a distinguished physician, and the first woman to perform a surgical operation in the city of New York. She was a surgeon by knowledge and by nature. To know this cultured Christian lady, was to love her. To be as sociated with, and under her influence, was an inspiration. Being a woman of wealth and great influence, she left no stone unturned to make this college—(her heart's delight), all that it should be in the way of equipment, so that the students enjoyed the best possible opportunities, both theoret¬ ical and clinical. The lecturers in their special subjects were all able men. In the subjects of mineralogy, geology, and chemistry, inorganic and organic, she obtained for the students permission to attend lectures under Professor Charles Stone, one of the best scientific lecturers in Cooper Institute, presiding over one of the best-equipped chemical laboratories Clkmenck 8. L.ozikk, M. I). Founder and first Dean of the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. WOMAN IN MEDICINE 15 to be found in the city. For clinical advantages, and special lectures in the subjects of surgery, diseases of women and children, and the diagnosis class, under the distinguished diagnostician, Dr. Thomas, the doors of the great Bellevue College and Hospital were open to them, and on an equal footing with men the students of this college enjoyed these advantages. The opthalmic and aural hospital clinics, where they saw and studied the special diseases of the eye and ear, were also attended by these classes of women ; and they were permitted to attend clinics at many of the city dispensaries. The advantages afforded to the students were the best that then could be obtained, and fortunate were the women who gained admission to this college. , The love and admiration on the part of the students for this their noble and energetic dean, Dr. Clemence L,ozier, were most remarkable. She was to them the highest type of womanhood : strong in intellect; firm, but just; generous, but judicious; kind-hearted and true. The closing of her life was in keeping with her nature. She had organic dis¬ ease of the heart, of which she was aware. She was found one morning dead in her room, kneeling beside her bed, with hands clasped as though in prayer when her spirit took its flight to the great beyond. It was my privilege to attend the funeral of this most dis¬ tinguished woman. She had been my preceptor and my friend ; hence I loved her. I remember one beautiful sentence spoken on that occasion by Dr. J. P. Newman her pastor and life-long friend, who delivered the eulogy. As she lay in her casket in front of the pulpit: as though in peaceful sleep, looking down on her remains while speaking of her force of character and her achievements, he said,—"Here lies before me Energy in repose." To fully understand and appreci¬ ate this sentence, was to be a listener to the whole eulogy. 16 WOMAN IN MEDICINE It:is said of the faithful Christians, after1 death,-^'their works do follow them." This is exemplified in the Case of this Christian lady ; for the college of her founding is still in existence, and.is said to be the best woman's medical college in the world to-day. It has been fittingly said,—"Women ill medicine hav^ been like a band of immigrants in a new countty, which they could only penetrate by building their own roads as they went." This was true in the history of the women pioneers in America, who were Doctors Elizabeth and Emily Black- well, Dr. Harriet K. Hunt, of Boston, Dr. Zakrzewska, Dr. Sarah Dolley, and Dr. Clemence S. Xozier, of New York. This noble band of herioc and energetic women, through discour¬ agements deep and dark, and with great personal sacrifice and often humiliation, by hard work overcame the obstacles that embarrassed them and obstructed their pathway, and opened up the road of opportunity for the great army of women who are now following in the footsteps of their elder sisters. • The editor of "The Medical Review of Reviews," in the June number, has the following to say of the work accom¬ plished by women physicians up to the present time :—-''Fem¬ inism is a tefm which at present is frequently seen in the newspapers'and magazines, and is heard upon the public plat¬ forms arid in the lecture circuits; The awakening of women to a sense of power and responsibility is extending: through¬ out the civilized world. The desire for an opportunity fof self-expansion equal to that of their brothers, has developed a ihi'litant spirit on the part of the intellectual women. The first real opportunity for the expansion of feminine ac^ tivities was in the medical profession.^ The medical women of'this country have reflected ' credit' "upon themselves and their choseri professionGreat advances -have beeiVmade in medicine siiicte the days' of those splendid' pioneers''^-givitjfg WOMAN IN MEDICINE 17 the names of those I have already mentioned. These are fol¬ lowed by the names of those who have gained distinction in the different departments of medicine : "Mary Putnam Jacobi, Grace Peckham Murray, Elizabeth Mosher,. in medicine ; .Mary D. Rushmore and Bertha Van Holsen, in surgery; Alice Weld Tallant, in obstetrics : Anna W. Williams and Martha Wallstein, in pathology ; Alice Hamilton and Caro¬ line Hedger, in industrial and social diseases; Evangeline Young, in eugenics ; and S. Josephine Baker, in child-wel¬ fare." He continues :—"These represent but a few of the women who have brought things to pass, in their professional career, so as to achieve distinction for themselves as well as the praise of their professional brethern and the communi¬ ties in which they have worked." This list of earnest medical women might easily be aug¬ mented, matched up, and given color tone, by the names of their sisters of a darker race in the profession, who too have taken advantage of stepping into the doors of medical oppor¬ tunity. These are Doctors Rebecca J. Gole, Susan M. Smith (McKinney) Steward, Sophia Jones, Caroline Still Anderson, Lucy K. Moten, Mary L- Brown, Verina Morton Jones, Alice Woodby McKane, Hallie Tanner Johnson, Alice Bennett, Consuela Clark Stewart, Georgia Patton, Georgiana Rumley^ Lucinda Key,; Mary; Waring, Mary Fitsbutler, Lucv Hughes Brown, Ida Gray, Laura Joiner, Sarah Grant, Hulda Proileau, Julia Hall, Mildred Gibbs, Jane Whipper, Carrie Thomas, Mary Lucas, Grace Du Quid, Josepha Jarrat, Agnes Berry, sMary iBritton, Mi; Evelyne Thompson Coppin, Matilda. Ai Buans, Lucilla E. Miller, Theodosia Shoults, M. E. Grito hotter and others, whose; ^names I have not been able to ob¬ tain:* These have made, and are making, records lor thenar s'ehresfrthat will be handed down in history tol the .distinguishr jedicisediit QfctourLown race. These women havei measured up 18 WOMAN IN MEDICINE with their sisters in white, and in some instances have, as students, carried off the highest honors of their classes. Returning to the Editor of "The Medical Review", he con¬ tinues " The present status of medical education for women in the United States gives evidence, as far as medical schools are concerned, that there is no lack of opportunity for secur¬ ing a medical education. 1 In 1909 there were ninty-orie co¬ educational schools, and three distinctively women's triedical colleges. There \vere ovSr nine hundred students in attend¬ ance and more than one hundred and fifty graduates during that year. Apparently, the exteiision of special medical schools for women is unnecessary. The great need at the present time is equality of o^pdrtunity for hospital service. Recently, after long discussion, two women were admitted as internes at Bellevue Hospital." Quite recently, I have learned that a colored young woman, Miss Isabella Vanderwal who is now a Junior in the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, has been admitted as an interrie into the Mkternity Hospital in New York. The editor above quoted, urges the medical women to de¬ mand admission to interneship in the hospitals of the country as their right, and says :—■ "There are no arguments against the admission of women physicians as internes in hospitals, which were not raised against their admission into the medical profession/ ' He heartily commends the women of the country' for the nbtable success they, as a class, have achieved in spite of this embarrassment, and says:— "They should be recognized in every possible way, and shouldbe given the fullest opportunity to demonstrate their fitness to secure the training so essential for the development of their highest possible attainments in a profession which should no more recognize sex differences than the diseases it aims to combat." The most recent account of the world-wide opportunities WOMAN IN MEDICINE 19 for women now in the study of medicine, is given by Dr. Field¬ ing H. Garrison, in his "History of Medicine", published this year, in which he gives the names of the countries and intitutions furnishing these opportunities. In the United States and Canada, women can now study medicine anywhere on the same terms with men. In the London School of Medicine for Women, they acquired the privilege of resident posts in the Royal Free Hospital. The Royal College of physicians in Ireland, and The London, University, admit them to the privilege of examinatiou. The Universities, of Durham, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol are co-educational. At Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and St. Andrews, they are given every facility ; but there has been much opposition in Edinburg. On the Con¬ tinent, the Swiss universities took the lead in 1876, The German states followed, one by one, Prussia being the last to throw open the right of university instruction and graduation to women in 1908, Paris, Vienna, Rome, Brnssels, Upsala, and Copenhagen, are all co-educational. The faculties of Paris and Berne are the most frequented. Crowds of young Russian Jewesses flock to the latter. This historian says. "The number of women graduates who get into practice is said to be relatively small, probably by reason of marriage." Grant this to be so, and very nat- rually so. these women, thus educated make better wives and mothers ; and fortunate are the men who marry these women, from an economic standpoint at least. They are blessed in a threefold measure, in that they take unto themselves a wife, a trained nurse, and a doctor. In the words of the book of Proverbs, I may say, "She will do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.'' Unfortunate, however, is the woman physician who finds herself unevenly yoked ; for such a companion will prove to '•20 WOMAN IN MEDICINE be to her as a mill-stone hanged about her neck. But the 'medically educated women are generally good diagnosticians in this direction also. They are trained in the art of differen¬ tiation, and hence, in the delicate matters of the heart, are the better able to make wise selections; so that the medical ed¬ ucation of women and marriage need not become a question of discussion with the women who have chosen the profession oi medicine as their life-work. They have only to rejoice over the world-wide opportunities opened up to them, and the fact that so many women are now availing themselves of these advantages. July, 1914 Susan M. Smith McKinney Steward APPENDIX Since writing this essay, the war that might justly be call¬ ed the war of the nations, that is now being waged in Europe, has afforded to women physicians and surgeons, such splen¬ did opportunities to display their skill and ability under circum¬ stances that are most cruel and trying, that any history of women in medicine would be incomplete without these the latest achievements ; achievements that will redound to the glory of noble womanhood the world over. Hence I include them as they come in their order of events, to prove more fully my claim for woman in medicine. Doctor Louis Livingston Seaman, in an article to "The Independent", Nov. 2, 1914, entitled "La Croix Rouge de France" telling what the Red Cross is doing in Paris, says there are three principal societies: ' 'First and foremost is La Croix Rouge Francaise, organized over half a century ago, which today extends its beneficent influence over every section of this beautiful land. It is governed by a central committee of fifty members, presided over by the Marquis de Vogue. It includes three principal Societies, La Croix Rogue Militaire, which formerly admitted only men ; L' Union des Femmes de France, with only women surgeons and attendants, presided over by Madame D. Perouse, and Les Dames de France, whose membership is composed mainly of the wives of Government Officials, of which Madame Carnot is the president. The fifty delegates composing the committee and sub¬ committees are chosen from these three societies and from the delegates accredited to the Military Government of Paris, and 21 22 WOMAN IN MEDICINE the twenty army corps of France, thus insuring harmonious action between the military and civil authorities. The society has a membership of over 110,000, and 400 committees, and its humanitarian work goes on in times of peace as well as war." Another organization contributing to the work of the Red Cross is the Societe Franfaise de Secours aux Blesses Militaire, which is equipped similarly to the three already mentioned and is working on parallel lines. The general bureau of distribution for the hospitals, is presided over by Madame L,ejars. It is liberally stocked with medical and surgical supplies, as well as hospital equipment beds, blankets and clothing—so that an "ambulance" can be supplied for installation at the front or elsewhere on demand. Paris is enthusiastic over the work. Following on to this comes the announcement of the appointment of Dr. Mary Crawford of Brooklyn, New York to the position of resident physician of the American Military Hospital in Paris. Doctor Crawford is a member of the Duchess of Talley¬ rand's Red Cross section. In this Military hospital, up to the date of the announcement of the appointment, Nov. 3rd, 500 French and British wounded soldiers had already been treated and discharged. Doctor Crawford first gained her fame as the first ambulance surgeon in Brooklyn. She now appears to have succeeded in her ambition to be the first military surgeon. She graduated from Cornell in 1904, and sailed for France, Oct. 17, 1914. The latest and most scientific achievement in surgery by women, is reported of Madame Curie, Paris, Nov. 19, 1914. Madame Curie has sugested the use of automobiles containing radiographic apparatus on the battle field, and herself has organized the beginning of the service. By the use of this field apparatus, bullets have been found and extracted from WOMAN IN MEDICINE 23 the heads of wounded and even patients whose brains had been entered by bullets have lived. This ends my little essay on "Woman in Medicine." It is simply a very brief account of the history of women phy¬ sicians and surgeons ; but written for the inspiration of women, especially to those inclined to the study and practice of medicine. 24 WOMAN IN MEDICINE EXCERPTS FROM LETTERS Palmyra, Mo. Oct. 13, 1913. Dr. S- Maria Steward, Resident Physician of Wilberforce University, or, as I greatly prefer to address you, Dear Susie Smith, For well do I remember you as a valued and congenial class¬ mate in those old college days. * * * It is a long story to tell since those earnest strenuous student days, when we last saw each other and said a hopeful goodbye. * * * j am as in the long past. Sincerely Your Friend, Elmira Y. Howard Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1914 Dear Dr. Steward : I am glad I heard you yourself read your paper on "Woman in Medicine" and I supposed at that time that the paper was too valuable to be left in your desk and thought it would be put in pamphlet form and distributed among the club women for inspiration. Sincerely yours Mary B. Talbert President of Empire State Federation of Women's Clubs. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 7, 1914 My Dear Dr. Steward: I remember your paper "Woman in Medicine" and a very fine paper it was, and I think it a fine idea to have it printed. I agree with Chaplain Steward and the others. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth C. Carter President Northeastern Federation of Women's Clubs.