SAVE US FROM JTHE DEGRADATION. The Civil Rights Bill WHAT IS IT? This bill has passed the United States Senate. It is now before the House of Representatives. The elections in November will determine its fate. What does this bill propose to do ? It is intended to override the right of the people of the States to pass laws to govern themselves. It forces, bya law of Congress, the children of white parents to associate with negroes as their equals in the public schools. It forces the officers of colleges and institutions of learning ta take negroes as the equals of white students. It forces hotel keepers to put the white guests in the same rooms and beds occupied by negroes. It forces the managers of cemeteries to bury the negroes side byside with the whites. It forces the managers of theatres and places of public amusement to seat the negroes by the side of the whites. It forces the churches built by the money of white people, and congregations which support them, to give a negro any seat he demands. It forces the managers of hospitals to put the negroes in the same room with the whites. The penalty for violating any of the provisions of this bill is a fine of one thousand dollars, and imprisonment for one year, and five hundred dollars to every negro who sues for his moiety. The provisions of this bill apply to all the States North and South. Will the white fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers in Pennsylvania favor this odious law? The negroes have the same political rights now as the white men. Our GerĀ¬ man, Irish, English, and all other naturalized citizens have no such special legisĀ¬ lation for their benefit. They must take care of themselves.. Shall the negro be the only class of people who are to have special laws for their benefit ? Is the negro to have special privileges enforced by special laws, and the white man made to pay and go to prison if he objects ? We appeal to the white race, to the men and women of the white race, to repel with every influence at their command the attempt of the Radical party to degrade them to the level of the negro. The most monstrous provision of this Civil Rights Bill ia that which gives the negro a bribe of five hundred dollars to prosecute, fine, and imprison the white man. We assert, without fear of denial from the Radical party, bold as that party is in assertion of falsehoods, that never before in any civilized State was such a law ever proposed to be inflicted on a people.