COPYRIGHT, By A. P. HOOD, 1909. •: sj? sj? sjc sj? «$: *jr o}? tj? sf: ^ :$? sj? -dJC •$: :f? oj? $■ sj? sj? $• $• oJ: sj? ^c sf: ojc $? $• ^s? sj? r9f> Jg* «"&> tj? nl* *^v PREFACE. We have no excuse for seeking to inflict a much abused and generous public with the added task of reading this humble effort at a feeble under¬ taking to justify the humble endeavors of a weak and kindly race to vindi¬ cate their right and title to survival except our strong conviction that the Sjs7 achievements of the men and women who have striven to make for them- . selves and their posterity a name and a fame worthy of remembrance and perpetuation through the attempt here made in the direction of self help and self elevation are worthy of generous recognition. We are moved, as we hope, also by the belief that the world is entitled to a record of what has been attempted and what has been accomplished by Negro people at Mound Bayou in the way of establishing their right to the ^ boon of self government, the sole and only privilege that can demand the expenditure and tempt the exertion of the fullest and highest power of which civilized man is capable. If only one man shall be brought to discover for himself the roadway to the betterment of his own condition and be induced from consideration of the facts herein set out to follow the path thus blazed we shall feel that our labor shall not have been altogether in vain. ^ A. P. HOOD. sj? r9i% rSr* rif> vjw r9f% vjw rif* wjw rJS vjw > '"Ic t-Io ^ c-S? ^ ^5? c$r c§r tj? c^? ^7 oj? ^ cj? ^ ^7 ^ ^7 r^? cj? cj? ^ The Negro at Mound Bayou. " 5 ^ • ' ** * ^ "" ' ' "*" 'ir","'',"r'' f" "" ",J" n "' '"' ' T-'VT" "'■ ^^0 TW*f ^"%,-B 1 ***> 3 "f^t ^ -mjr f%.