35raorg Idnioersitj) Xibrarg 188230 AUG 151948 Date Due THE MASTER MASON'S MANUAL; ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE DEGREES OF ENTERED APPRENTICE, FELLOW CRAFT AND MASTER MASON, WITH THE ANCIENT CEREMONIES. "The Masonic is a Society whose liberal principles arc founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice.''—Washington. "I consider the order peculiarly valuable in this country, where it has not only fostered the principles of civil and religious liberty, but is eminently calculated to link together the extremities of this wide Republic."—La Fayette. BY WILKINS TANNEHILL, P. G. M. OF GRAND LODGE OF TENNESSEE; R. A; K. T. &C. NASHVILLE: PRINTED BY CAMERON AND FALL, AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM T. BERRV, NASHVILLE AND WILKINS F. TANNEHILL, MEMPHIS. 1845. Entered in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for Middle Tennessee, according to the act of Congress. PREFACE. The" "Masonic Manual," approved by the Grand Lodges of Tennessee and Kentucky, has been several years before the Fraternity. The present volume, al- though issued under a somewhat different title, may be regarded as a third edition of the same work. In the illustration of the degrees of Entered Ap- prentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, a number of additions have been made, and well executed en- gravings on wood have been introduced, which, as the writer believes, will afford greater facilities in the re- citation of the lectures and in the administration of the rites and ceremonies of the order. It will also be found to contain a considerable amount of additional matter which will shed light upon the principles, rules and regulations of the institution. The writer has prepared, and will shortly put to press, another volume entitled, "The Royal Arch and Templar's Manual," with engravings on wood, and ar- ranged on a similar plan. W. TANNEHILL. NOTE. In arranging the Engravings, two were accidentally misplaced; and the error was not discovered until the entire forms were worked off, when it was too late to correct it. The apron belonging to the Fellow Craft is placed in the degree of Master Mason, and that of Master Mason in the degree of Fellow-Craft. W. T. TABLE OF CONTENTS, BOOK FIRST. CHAPTER I. The origin and progress of Freemasonry —Eleusynian Mysteries—Persian Myste- ries—Essenes—Druids Solomon's Tern- pie—General Remarks, page 13—31 CHAPTER II. Freemasonry in England and the United States—Different orders or classes of Free- masonry—Symbolic Masonry—Royal Arch Masonry—Orders of Knighthood, page 32—39 CHAPTER III. Of Grand Lodges; the organization and pow- ers—What constitutes a Grand Lodge— Every Grand Lodge has the right to make new regulations and amend the old ones— Election and duties of Grand officers—Re- marks on the powers and uses of Grand Lodges, page 40—48 CHAPTER IV. Of a Lodge and its government—Attend- viii table of contents. ance of members, and their behaviour to- wards each other in and out of Lodge— Of the officers of a Lodge and their duties —Removal of a Lodge, how effected, page 49—60 CHAPTER Y. Additional regulations for the Government of Lodges—Qualifications of candidates —Admission of candidates—Instruction of candidates—Suspension and expulsion and their effects—Mode of proceeding on the trial of a Mason—Powers of the Master of a Lodge—Right of a Lodge to try its Mas- ter—The business qf a Lodge to be trans- acted in a Master's Lodge—Withdrawal of members—Other regulations, page 61—82 CHAPTER VI. Advantages of Freemasonry—Objections to the Order—Masonic Secrecy—Friendship and Brotherly Love—Charity, page 83—101 pook second. CHAPTER I. Opening and Closing a Lodge—Charge at opening—Prayer at opening—Charge at closing—Prayer at closing—Song at closing —Benediction, page 103—108. CHAPTER II. On the admission of Candidates—Necessity of caution in the admission of members— table of contents. ix Concerning God and Religion—Govern- ment and civil magistrates—Proposing new members—Form of petition—Decla- rations required of candidates, page 109—120 CHAPTER III. Degree of Entered Apprentice—Introducto- ry remarks—Ceremony of initiation—Ex- planation of the badge of a Mason—Work- ing Tools—Remarks on Solomon's Tern- pie—Explanation of the form, supports, covering, furniture, lights and Jewels of a Lodge—Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth—The cardinal virtues of Temper- ance, Prudence, Fortitude and Justice— Charge to a candidate on initiation—To a Clergyman—To a Foreigner—To a Soldier —Song at initiation, page 120—154 CHAPTER IV. Degree of Fellow Craft—Introductory Re- marks—Ceremony of passing—Explana- tion of working tools, the Plumb, Square and Level—Operative Masonry—Specula- tive Masonry—The Globes—Orders of Ar- chitecture—The five senses—The seven liberal arts and sciences—Moral advan- tages of Geometry—Charge to a Fellow Craft—Song at passing, page 155—180 CHAPTER V. Degree of Master Mason—Introductory Re- marks Ceremony of raising Prayer —Hymn—Remarks on Solomon's Temple —Explanation of Emblems—Charge to a x table of contents. Master Mason—Song at Raising, page 187—208 CHAPTER VI. Desultory thoughts of Freemasonry, page 209—216 BOOK THIRD. CHAPTER I. Degree of Past or Present Master, page 217—219 CHAPTER II. Of Lodges under dispensation—Form of pe- tition for dispensation—Ceremony of con- stituting a Lodge under Charter—Ceremo- ny of Consecration—Prayer—Ode—Dedi- cation—Hymn—Ceremony of Installation of Officers—Prayer—Charge to the Master —To Senior Warden—To Junior Warden —To the Treasurer—To the Secretary— To the Deacons—To the Steward and Ty- ler—Address to the Master; to the War- dens; to the members of the Lodge, page 220—243 CHAPTER III. Installation of a Grand Master—Ode and Benediction. page 244—249 CHAPTER IV. Ceremony of laying the Corner Stone of Public Buildings—Form of Procession—Proceed- ingswhen laying the corner stone, page 250—257 CHAPTER Y. Dedication of Masonic Halls—Hymn—Cere- table of contents. xi mony of dedication—Anthem and odes, page 258—265 CHAPTER VI. Anniversaries of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist Procession— Psalm—Prayer—Hymn and ode, page 266—272 CHAPTER VII. The Funeral Service—None under the de- gree of Master Mason can be interred with funeral honors—Clothing of the brethren on such occasions—Form of Procession— Invocations and responses—Hymn—Pray- er—Address of the Master—Dirge—Pray- er—Conclusion, page 273—286 APPENDIX. Freemasonry in Tennessee, page 287—289 List of Grand Masters from the organization of the Grand Lodge to the present time, page 290 List of Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, page 291 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. BOOK FIRST. CHAPTER I. the origin and progress op freemasonry eleusynian mysteries persian mysteries essenes druids Solomon's temple—general remarks. SECTION I. In the history of %eemasonry the first subject that strikes the mind is its antiquity—an antiquity so re- mote, that the keen and searching eye of the antiquary has been unable to penetrate the veil that covers it. Many a volume of ancient lore, and many a moulder- ing monument of past ages have been examined to ascertain when and where, and under what circum- stances the order was first instituted. Although these examinations have been fruitless so far as regards the principal point of enquiry, many interesting and im- portant particulars have been brought to light, connect- ed with the history of the craft, which tend to confirm the traditions of the order that have been handed down from age to age, and have been preserved with scrupulous care. Had it not been for the scruples of 2 14 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. our English brethren, who, about the beginning of the last century, having become alarmed at the publi- cation of the Masonic Constitutions, destroyed many ancient manuscripts and records of the Craft, much of the mystery which now involves the origin of the order, and its early history would have been unveiled. The origin of the order being thus opened for spec- ulation and conjecture, various theories have been formed and maintained with much ingenuity; and hence the origin of Freemasonry has been ascribed to various mysteries which were held in high repute by the more civilized and enlightened nations of the an- cient world, to whose rites and ceremonies the for- mer is supposed to bear some affinity. Although in some respects a resemblance may be traced, it is not of such a character as to establish a common origin. In all researches of-this nature, the antiquary seeks to establish a particular theory, and he is, therefore, apt to discover analogies where none in reality exist. He fancies a striking likeness "vrchere the resemblance is faint and imperfect. An active imagination pre- sents before him in figures of bold relief, what are, in fact, only imperfect outlines. Thus, it is a favorite theory with some, that the Aborigines of the Ameri- can continent are descended from the lost tribes of Israel, and hence it is sufficient with them to estab- lish their theory, that the Indians have their green corn dance or feast, which they liken to the feast of Pentecost, and that they frequently utter, in their so- lemn festivals, an exclamation which they fancy sounds like the ineffable name of the Eternal. Masonic anti- quaries, misled by fancied resemblances, have traced the origin of Freemasonry to the Eleusynian myste- ries which were celebrated at stated periods at Eleusys, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 15 in the vicinity of Athens; to the Persian mysteries in- stituted in honor of the God Mythra, or the Sun; to the Essenes, a sect that existed among the Jews at the commencement of the Christian era; to the Druids, an association of great power and influence at a very early period in Gaul and Britain, and to the sacred mysteries of the Priests of Egypt, whose influence was almost unbounded, and who were celebrated for their learning. The differences in the nature and design of the an- cient mysteries of Greece, Persia, Egypt, Gaul and Britain, and the nature and design of Freemasonry are so striking and important, as to preclude the idea that the latter was founded upon, or instituted in imitation of either. So far as history throws any light upon these ancient mysteries as to enable us to institute any com- parison between them and Freemasonry they possessed but little in common. The several mysteries alluded to, were secret, it is true; admittance to a participa- tion in them, was attended by certain prescribed forms and ceremonies, and the rites of some were adminis- tered by officers who bear some analogy to the officers of a lodge, but here the resemblance ceases. • The in- stitution of Freemasonry is sui generis, and wholly different in its principles and its objects, from that of any other which had previously existed; admitting that those to which we have alluded, had a prior ex- istence—a fact which we much doubt. The ancient mysteries, which ceased when Christi- anity overturned the Temples and altars of paganism, were instituted in honor of fabulous deities, with whom superstition had peopled the heavens, the seas, the mountains, the groves and the rivers. They were founded upon pagan supersitions, and conformed to 16 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. pagan ideas of religion and morality, and were imbued with all the errors and defects of polytheism. Free- masonry claims a higher and purer origin. The pa- gan mysteries were derived from the impure fountains of idolatry; the principles and illustrations of Free- masonry from the volume of Eternal Truth. Idolatry bowed before a thousand Gods, deformed by all the frailties and vices of humanity; Freemasonry before the Supreme and Eternal One,, whose presence fills immensity. Some of the ancient mysteries are said to have taught the immortality of the soul, and a fu- ture state of rewards and punishments; but if they taught either, it was so obscurely, that even those an- cient philosophers who had passed through the cere- monies, entertained very imperfect ideas with regard to these doctrines. All their philosophy on these sub- jects was mixed with doubt, although in the investiga- tion of others they arrived at conclusions which have stood the test of subsequent inquiry. Ceres, according to Heathen Mythology, was the goddess of "the productive and fruitful earth," and was said to be the daughter of Saturn and Rhea. Her daughter, Proserpine, having been carried off by Pluto, Ceres sat out in search of her, and in her wan- derings she arrived at Eleusys, where, being treated with great hospitality, she taught the people of the country the arts of agriculture. In after times the Eleusynian mysteries were instituted in her honor. These mysteries were of two kinds, the Greater and the Lesser. The Lesser mysteries served as a prepar- ation to the Greater, which some regard as analogous to the masonic degrees of Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft. After having passed through the less- er mysteries, the candidate was called Mystes, that is, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 17 qualified for initiation into the greater mysteries; but into these he was not suffered to enter until af- ter five years probation. During the whole of this time he could not enter beyond the vestibule of the temple; the entrance into the sanctuary was permitted only to those who had passed through the more impos- ing ceremonies of the greater mysteries. The ceremonies of admittance were solemn and im- posing, and so careful were the chiefs of the Temple to conceal the sacred rites, that if any one divulged them, it was considered unsafe to abide in the same house with him, lest some divine judgment should be called down; and the person so divulging these rites and ceremonies was apprehended and put to death. Such also was the secrecy of these rites, that if any person who was not lawfully initiated, happened even through mistake or ignorance to be present, he suffer- ed death. The neglect of initiation was regarded as a crime, and this neglect was one of the charges against Socrates, the celebrated philosopher, when he was con- demned to death by the versatile Athenians. When a candidate for the mysteries was initiated, he was introduced bjr night into the temple, after per- forming the ceremony of ablution, with a crown of myrtle upon his head. A box was then opened which contained the laws of Ceres and the ceremonies of the mysteries and after being read, he was made to transcribe them in order more effectually to impress them on his memory. A slight repast succeeded, af- ter which a veil was drawn, and every thing was sud- denly enveloped in profound darkness. The candidate being thus left for some time to his reflections, a bright light succeeded, and the statue of Ceres was exhibit- ed to his view magnificently adorned; the light again 2* 18 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. suddenly disappeared, and all was once more wrapped in profound darkness. Then again, the lightning flashed, peals resembling thunder were heard, and a thousand monstrous figures appeared on all sides, fill- ing the novice with consternation; but at the next mo- ment a calm succeeded, and there appeared in broad day light, the earth clothed in verdure and embellish- ed with flowers, where all came to dance and sing and make merry together. The foregoing scene reminds us of the ceremony of admission into the order of "Assassins," which existed in Syria during the crusades. The candidate was first introduced into the presence of the Grand Master, and ate with him at the same table. After being intoxica- ted with the juice, or an infusion of henbane, the can- didate was transported into one of those delightful gardens which the poets and romance writers of the East, have described in such glowing language. A Garden with verdant lawns, beautiful groves, and bow- ers of roses and vines, scenting the air with the most delightful perfumes. Black-eyed maidens, beautiful as the Houris that people the paradise of Mahomet, served him with wine; the sound of the harp blended with female voices, and the melodious songs of birds, filled him with extacy, and all his senses were wrap- ped in wonder and delight. After enjoying for a time this scene of sensual pleasure, the novice was stupi- fied with opium, and on recovering from his stupor, he found himself near the Grand Master, who persuaded him that he had not left him, but that in spirit he had been transported to the garden of paradise, and had enjoyed a forestaste of that happiness which awaited those who devoted themselves to the orders of the chief and the service of the order. He was then cloth- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 19 ed in the distinctive habiliments of the order, and henceforth was bound to implicit obedience under all circumstances and in all situations. But, to return to the mysteries of Eleusys. The first minister of the temple was called the Hierophontes, or Mystagogos, that is, a "revealer of holy things;" his principal function was to initiate into the mysteries, and in this respect his office may be said to be analo- gous to that of the master of a lodge. The second officer carried the torch in the ceremonies, and pre- pared those who presented themselves for initiation. The third officer was the Sacred Herald, whose office it was to preserve silence during the administration of the ceremonies; the fourth officer was the minister of the altar, whose duty it was to offer prayers in be- half of the assembly, and to assist the other officers in the discharge of their several functions. Besides these four principal officers, there were others whose duty it was to offer sacrifices, and see that all things were performed in due order. On the part of those who trace the origin of Free- masonry to these celebrated mysteries, it is contended that like Freemasonry they were divided into degrees; that the officers in their respective duties strikingly resemble the officers of a lodge; that the preparation of candidates and many of the ceremonies were not unlike in each; that the objects of both were the same, namely, to impress on the mind of the candidate at the time of his initiation, the value of a virtuous life as a preparation for that which is to come, the punish- ment of the wicked, and the happiness of the good; that corn, wine and oil, were sacred symbols in the mysteries of Eleusys, and that they are now used in dedicating every masonic temple. 20 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. The Persian mysteries were instituted in honor-of the God Mythra, or the Sun. Of these mysteries, how- ever, so little is known, that it is impossible to say, what resemblance, if any, they bore to the mysteries of Freemasonry. The Persians, it is well known, worshipped the sun, under the name of Mythra, as the visible fountain of light and heat. They conceiv- ed that the Deity, as the soul of the world, had his chief seat in the body of this luminary, and to the multitude it became a principal object of devotion.— As the symbol of the Deity, a perpetual fire burned upon his altars, the care of which was committed to the Magi. These Magi were divided into three class- es; the first consisted of inferior priests, who con- ducted the ordinary ceremonies of religion; the second presided over the sacred fire; and the third, who was the High Priest, possessed supreme authority over the whole order. The Magi, besides the popular doc- trines in which the people were instructed, like the priests of Egypt and Chaldea, taught within the pre- cincts of their temple, a sublimer doctrine, namely; that the world was not governed by wild chance, with- out intelligence. They believed in a sort of trinity that governed the world. To the latter, or higher power, they gave the name of Oromasdus, to the worse, or inferior power, that of Arimanius; but there also existed a moderator between these two powers, who was called the mediator. Of these mysteries, as I have already remarked, so little is known, that what- ever resemblance may be found between them and Freemasonry, exists more in fancy than in reality. The Egj'ptian mysteries were carefully concealed from the vulgar, and were practised within the en- closures of their temples, and were moreover concealed MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 21 by means of written or hieroglyphic characters, which none but the initiated could understand. Of the pe- culiar forms and ceremonies of initiation into their secret mysteries, we have no knowledge. The Essenes, before alluded to, was an association whose origin and solemnities have occasioned much discussion amongst ecclesiastical historians. They are all of one mind, however, respecting the consti- tutions and observances of this order. When a can- didate was proposed for admission, the strictest scru- tiny was made into his character-. If his life had been exemplary; if he appeared capable of curbing his passions and regulating his conduct according to the virtuous, though austere maxims of the order, he was presented, at the expiration of his novitiate, with a white garment, as an emblem of the regularity of his conduct, and the purity of his heart. A solemn oath was then administered to him, that he would never divulge the mysteries of the order; that he would make no innovations on the doctrines of the society; and that he would continue in that honorable course of piety and virtue he had begun to pursue. Like Freemasons they instructed the young member in the knowledge which they derived from their ancestors. They admitted no women into their order. They had particular signs for recognising each other, which are said to have strong resemblance to those of Free- masons. They had colleges or places of retirement, where they resorted to practice their rites and settle the affairs of the society; and, after the performance of these duties, they assembled in a large hall where an entertainment was provided by the President or Master, who allotted a certain quantity of provisions to each individual. They abolished all distinctions of 22 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. rank, and preference was only yielded to piety, liber- ality and virtue. Treasurers were appointed in every town to supply the wants of indigent strangers. The Essenes pretended to higher degrees of piety and knowledge than the uninitiated, and although their pretensions were highrthey were never question- ed by their enemies. Austerity of manners was one of their chief characteristics. They frequently as- sembled, however, in convivial parties, and relaxed for a while from the severe duties they were accusr tomed to perform. These remarkable coincidences, it is contended, between the chief features of the mason- ic and Essenean fraternities, can only be accounted for by referring them to the same common origin.— Were the circumstances of this resemblance either few or fanciful, the similarity might have been mere- ly casual; but when the nature, the objects, the ex- ternal forms of the two institutions, are so nearly alike, the arguments for their identity, are something more than presumptive. There is one point, however, which may militate against this supposition. The Essenes appear to have been in 110 respect, connected with architecture, nor addicted to those sciences and pur- suits, which are subsidiary to the art of building.— That the Essenes directed their attention to particular sciences, which they pretended to have received from their fathers, is admitted by all writers; but whether or not those sciences were in any shape connected with architecture, we are at this distance of time un- able to determine. But the assurance that the Es- senes were unconnected with architecture, will not affect the hypothesis. For there have been and still are many associations of masons where no architects are members, and which have no connection with the MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 23 art of building. But if this is not deemed a sufficient answer to the objection, an enquiry into the origin of the Essenes affords additional evidence, for the iden- tity of the Masonic and Essenean associations. The opinions of sacred and profane historians agree in representing the Essenes as an ancient association, originating from particular fraternities, which former- ly existed in the land of Judea. Pliny refers them to such remote antiquity, that they must have existed during the reign of Solomon.* fBasnage, who is the only writer who seems disposed to consider them as a recent association, confessed that they existed about three hundred years before the birth of Christ. Seal- iger contends that they were descended from the Kas- sidians, who make such a conspicuous figure in the history of the Maccabees. The Kassidians were a re- ligious fraternity, who bound themselves to adorn the porches of the temple of Jerusalem, and preserve it from injury and decay. This association was com- posed of the greatest men of Israel, who were distin- guished for their charitable and peaceful dispositions, and always signalized themselves by their ardent zeal for the purity and preservation of the temple. From these facts it appears, that the Essenes were not only an ancient fraternity, but that they originated from an association of architects, who were connected with the building of Solomon's Temple. Nor was this or- der confined to the Holy Land; like that of Freema- SQnry it existed in all parts of the world, and although the lodges in Judea were chiefly, if not wholly, com- posed of Jews, yet the Essenes admitted into their or- der, men of every religion, and of every rank in life. They adopted many of the Egyptian mysteries, and, *Plin. Nat. His. B. 17. fRelig. of the Jews, ch. xii. 13. 24 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. like the priests of that country, the Magi of Persia, and the Gymnosophists of India, they united the study of moral, with that of natural philosophy. Although they were patronized by Herod and respected by all men for the correctness of their conduct, and the in- nocence of their order, they suffered severe persecu- tion from the Romans, until their order was abolished about the middle of the fifth century. J The Druids were peculiar to Gaul and Britain, and formed a distinct and separate class or caste; they were the priests of the people and exercised great au- thority. According to the account of Julius Caesar, the Druids presided in religious concerns, directed the public and private sacrifices, and interpreted the will of the Gods. Young men were sent to them for edu- cation, by whom they were held in great honor. The decision of almost all controversies, both public and private, was referred to them, and if any crime were committed, or any murder perpetrated, or any dispute about an inheritance, or boundaries of lands, in all such cases they pronounced sentence, and decreed re- wards or punishments. If any one, either in a pub- lie or private station, refused to submit to their decree, they interdicted them the sacrifices, which is the se- verest penalty they could inflict. They enjoyed many privileges and exemptions, and were not subject to the payment of taxes or service in war. They were divided into three classes; the Bards, who celebrated the praises of eminent men in songs accompanied with the music of the harp; the Euba- ges, who performed the rites of religion and divination; and the Druids in the more limited sense of the ap- pellalion, who had in their hands the direction of pub- ^Lawrie's Hist, of Freemasonry. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 25 lie affairs, the administration of justice, and the edu- cation of youth. They clothed their dogmas in alle- gorical dress, and delivered, them in verse, that they might be more easily remembered. They instructed their disciples in retired groves, and forbade them, un- der the severest penalties, to divulge the secret doc- trines which they were taught, or to commit them to writing. From the mode of instruction and the secre- cy attending it, their doctrines and peculiar ceremo- nies are but imperfectly known;—so imperfectly, that no satisfactory conclusion can be drawn as to their resemblance to Freemasonry. The foregoing exhibits a brief view of the rites and ceremonies of those ancient associations to which many learned men have traced the origin of Freema- sonry. The reader will form his own judgment on the supposed affinity of their practices to the rites and ceremonies established among Freemasons. SECTION II. The erection of Solomon's Temple forms an impor- tant epoch in the history of Freemasonry. To this period it is indebted, if not for its origin, for some of its most essential embellishments, and securities against decay. The sacred volume informs us that David, king of Israel, had determined to erect a magnificent temple for the service of the Most High God, and for that purpose had collected materials in gold, silver, iron and brass; "but the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, thou hast shed blood abundantly, and hast made 3 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. great wars; thou shalt not build an house to my name, because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight. Behold, a son shall be born unto thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solo- mon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build an house for my name, and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." When David was near his end, he assem- bled the chiefs of his people, and informed them of his design to build a magnificent repository for the Ark of God, but having found that it was the divine will that this great work should be accomplished by Solo- mon, he desired them to assist in so laudable a work, and directed that when it should be completed,the arkshould be deposited therein, together with the holy vessels. Solomon ascended the throne amidst the acclama- tions of his people, and under the most favorable cir- cumstances. He, therefore, commenced the great work.in the fourth year of his reign, and that he might prosecute it with the greater expedition, he appealed to Hiram, King of Tyre, the friend and ally of his fa- ther, to furnish him with timber from Lebanon, and "a man skilful to work in gold, silver and brass." Hi- ram readily assented, and not only furnished him with cedar from Lebanon, but he also sent him Hiram, a widow's son, of the tribe of Napthali. He was the most skilful and accomplished artist of his age, in all kinds of work, but particularly in gold, silver and brass. From his designs the temple was begun, carried on, and finished, and it is remarkable that, during the pro- gress of the work, it rained not in the day time, so that the workmen were not obstructed in their labor. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 27 In the conduct of this great work, Solomon divided the workmen into different classes, assigning to each particular portions of the labor; and that each class might be readily distinguished, he gave them certain words, signs and tokens, by which means the whole proceeded with greater regularity and order. With- out such regulations, we should be at a loss to account for the completion of so great a work in the short space of seven years and six months, when the two succeeding temples, though much inferior, employed so much more time.* Whatever doubts may prevail as to the existence of the Masonic institution anterior to the erection of Solomon's Temple, as masons we have satisfactory ev- idence that it has existed in some form since that time. On this subject history and tradition unite.— The original landmarks of the order have been trans- mitted from generation to generation, unchanged by time and uncontrolled by prejudice. As masons we are in possession of facts, which are stated to have origi- nated at the building of the temple. The same facts are in possession of masons in different countries, and of different languages.. If the information we have received by masonic tradition existed only in our own country, or in that from which we received it, we might have ground for the suspicion that it was fabri- cated; but when we find the same facts in almost ev- ery country on the globe, agreeing in all essential points, the conclusion is irresistable that they are true, and that the institution has existed at least from the days of Solomon. *The second temple was commenced 532 years before Christ, and finished 511 years before Christ, or 21 years after it was begun. The third, or Herod's temple, was begun 17 years before Christ, and work,- men were employed on some of the buildings after his death, 28 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL, SECTION III. Notwithstanding the positive origin of the Mason- ic Institution has baffled research, we are well assured from internal evidence, from tradition, and from writ- ten records which have escaped the ravages of time, that it existed long antecedent to the Christian era, if not precisely in its present form, at least in its es- sential features. In the early ages of civil history, when the rights of man were but imperfectly understood, and when learn- ing was extremely limited, different bodies of archi- tects united for mutual protection, instruction and en- couragement, and cemented their union by Friendship, Brotherly Love and Charity, which, to this day, consti- tute the chief pillars of the masonic temple. The members were divided into different classes, according to their several degrees of merit, but all were govern- ed by the same general laws, based upon the principle of equality of rights. It was the duty of the officers to instruct the uninformed; to watch over their con- duct; to admonish and reprove those who by tempta- tion were led astray; to provide for the industrious, and secure to them their wages when they became due; to guard the institution, and prevent innovations upon the landmarks. The members were enjoined to be in- dustrious, temperate, and frugal, that they might not only support themselves, but be able to contribute to the fund appropriated to the relief of the unfortu- nate. That the institution was originally, an associ- ation of architects, may be fairly inferred from the number of architectural implements employed as em- blems of the craft, and other circumstances to which every well informed mason can refer. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 29 At a subsequent period, circumstances of which we are now ignorant, divested the institution of its strict- ly operative character, and persons, not operatives, of every rank and profession, were admitted to partici- pate in its mysteries, and enjoy its privileges. Hence we find in the early history of Freemasonry in Eng- land, that kings, princes, and nobles laid aside the in- signia of their rank, and associated in the labors of the lodge with men of humbler condition. Freema- sonry then assumed a more spiritual and speculative form, drawing from other sources than architecture for instruction, but without changing or impairing the pe- culiar forms and properties that constitute its distinc- tive character. In times when learning was confined to a few, and, consequently limited in its range; when papal tyranny ruled and oppressed the religious world, the lodges became schools of morals, and the imple- ments of architecture were employed as symbols, and constituted a kind of hieroglyphic language, perfect- ly intelligible to the initiated, while they were as the Sybeline leaves to the uninitiated. We do not pretend to assert, that the forms and cer- emonies now practised have always existed precisely in their present form. It would be wonderful indeed, had-they experienced no change. The progress of so- ciety, the march of civilization, the advancement of knowledge, and the improvements in the arts, whieh are so closely connected and interwoven with each other, have, rio doubt, introduced some modifications. It is hardly possible, while other institutions, civil and religious, have been more or less affected, that mason- ry, which has been transmitted from age to age by tra- dition, should have remained precisely the same in its forms, ceremonies, and illustrations, in all nations, 3* 30 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. and under all circumstances, and throughout -every age of its existence. To say that it has continued un- changed, would be asserting for the order a higher origin than we are disposed to assert, and claiming a kind of miraculous protection which would be pre- sumptuous. But this we may assert without fear of contradiction, that whatever changes it may have ex- perienced in the ceremonies of the order, and in the modes of their administration, its fundamental princi- pies and its symbolic language, remain essentially the same. The symbolic language of Freemasonry is the same in all countries where the order exists in its reg- ularly constituted form. It forms a medium of com- munication which is perfectly intelligible to masons of every country and every language; this circum- stance alone is sufficient to establish its uniform and unchangeable character. While these essential par- ticulars remain the same, so do the great and funda- mental principles of the order. The principles upon which Freemasonry is founded, (if we may be permitted to go back to periods so re- mote), are the same now as when Solomon filled the oriental chair; the same now, as when Christianity first shed abroad its glorious beams; the same now, as when a prince of the Saxon race presided at the Grand Convocation at York, and they will remain the same as long as the institution shall exist, unless a total rev- olution shall take place in the moral sense of man- kind. The great principles upon which Freemasonry is founded, and upon which it rests its claim to the dig- nity of a moral and benevolent institution, are those which are unfolded in the sacred volume, the Chris- tian's guide to virtue and future happiness, and which MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 31 should be the guide of the Mason's faith, and the Mason's practice. If the sublime morality and the heaven-in- spired instructions in the sacred scriptures be set aside, then Freemasonry would be only as a "sounding brass and a tinkling symbal." The principles of moral truth and moral govern- ment, which it is the duty of every mason to uphold, not only in the lodge, but out of it, originated in the divine mind when order sprung out of chaos; when the great Creator said "Let us make man," and the first man came from his hands a pure and perfect be- ing, endowed with reason and gifted with the highest intellectual powers. They were breathed into the ear of Adam amidst the delightful shades of Paradise, when every thing glowed around him in all the beau- ty and glory of the morning of creation. They were delivered to Moses by the Almighty himself, amidst the awful thunders and vivid flashes of Sinai, and they are constantly whispered in our ears in a still and small, but intelligible voice, and in language that all may comprehend. It is true that all men do not feel their influence in the same manner and to the same extent; the moral feelings and perceptions of all men are not equally acute; they do not feel the force of moral obligation in the same degree, but creative pow- er has so ordered it, that the moral principles to which we allude, operate in a greater or less degree upon all men, and will continue to operate upon the human mind, and influence human action, through all the vi- cissitudes of life, until the heavens shall be wrapped away as a scroll, and the final mandate shall issue from the throne of the Eternal, that "Time shall be no more." CHAPTER II. freemasonry in england and the united states—dif- ferent classes of masons. SECTION I. It is not our intention to enter into a history of Free- masonry in England and the United States, but briefly glance at it. Unless all history be a romance, a tis- sue of fabulous legends, masonry certainly existed in Britain when it was conquered by the legions of impe- rial Rome. The old constitutions affirm that A. D. 303, St. Alban, who was the first that suffered martyrdom for the Christian faith in Britain, "obtained from the king a charter for the free masons, for to hold a general council, and gave it the name of Assembly, and was thereat himself as Grand Master, and helped to make masons, and gave them good charges and regulations." It subsequently flourished under the kings of the Sax- on race, and was patronised by the princes of the Nor- man line; and it is beyond a doubt, that a convocation of masons was held at York, in the year 926, in the reign of Athelstan, at which Edwin, the brother of the king presided. At this convocation the brethren "brought with them all the old writings and records of the craft extant, some in Greek, some in Latin, some in French, and other languages, from the con- tents thereof that assembly framed the constitutions and charges of an English lodge, made a law to pre- MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 33 serve and observe the same in all time coming, and ordained good pay for the working masons." The rules and regulations drawn up and adopted at this meeting form the basis of the constitutions of the dif- ferent Grand Lodges now in existence, or which have been in existence since that time. The appellation of Ancient York Masons, well known in all regular lodg* es, is derived from this memorable convention at York. From this period, the Grand Lodge continued to as- semble annually; the fraternity greatly increased in numbers, and many persons of elevated rank were in- itiated and became zealous members; conclusively showing that great advantages and benefits resulted from the association. Still, in the progress of events, enemies rose up against the order, who endeavored by their power and influence to suppress it. In the reign of Henry VI., A. D. 1426, an attempt was made by Parliament to suppress the order; to effect it, heavy penalties were denounced against all who should attend the meetings of the fraternity. This act was passed during the minority of the king, through the influence of the Bishop of Winchester, wharepre- sented the masons as "making seditious speeches and menaces which tended to rebellion." This act, how- ever, was never enforced, and as the king himself was initiated when he attained his majority, all opposition ceased. No other attempt on the part of the gov- ernment was made, until the.reign of-Elizabeth, who having heard that the masons were in possession of secrets which they would reveal only to such as they deemed worthy, and would submit to certain forms and ceremonies; and being jealous of all secret as- semblies, she sent an armed force to York to beak up the Grand Lodge. The design, however, was frustra- 34 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ted by Sir Thomas Sackville, then Grand Master, who initiated the chief officers. On their return they made so favorable a report to the Queen, that her fears were silenced, and she never after attempted to disturb their meetings. From this time Freemasonry continued in England sometimes depressed and again rising from the depres- sion. At the time of the Revolution the society was in so low a state, that there were only seven lodges in London and the suburbs; but King William having been initiated, A. D. 1695, Freemasonry revived and flourished until the reign of Queen Anne, when it again fell into neglect, and the number of Masons in the kingdom was considerably diminished. On the accession of George I., it again revived. Before this time a sufficient number of Masons met together in a certain district, had full power to make Masons with- out a charter or warrant. Great disorders having arisen from this mode of proceeding, it was determin- ed, that the privilege of assembling as Masons, should be vested in certain lodges or assemblies of Masons convened in certain places, and that every lodge to be afterwards convened (except the four lodges then exist- ing) should be authorised to act by a warrant from the Grand Master, granted with the consent of the Grand Lodge, on petition from certain individuals, and that without such warrant no lodge should be deemed reg- ular or constitutional. . The former privileges were still allowed to remain with the four lodges then ex- tant, which agreed on their part to extend their pat- ronage to every new lodge which should be constitu- ted according to the new regulations of the Society, and while they acted in conformity to the ancient con- stitutions of the order, to admit their masters and war- master mason's manual. 35 dens to share with them all the privileges of the Grand Lodge, that of precedence only excepted. At this time there were two Grand Lodges in Eng- land, one held at York called the Grand Lodge of all England, the other held in London called the Grand Lodge of England. This seperation continued until the 27th Dec. 1813, when the two Grand Lodges uni- ted under the style and title of "The United Grand Lodge of. Ancient Freemasons of England,'* and his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex was elected Grand Master. SECTION II. From England, Freemasonry was carried into all parts of the civilized world. The first lodge was es- tablished in what is now the United States of Ameri- ca in 1733, under warrant from the Right Honorable and Most Worshipful Anthony, Lord Viscount Mon- tague, Grand Master of Masons in England. It took the name of St. John's Lodge. During the Revolu- tion, several Lodges were connected with the contend- ing armies, which, in numerous instances, served to mitigate the hardships of war and the miseries of cap- tivity. When the war of the Revolution terminated so gloriously for us, and the flag of freedom waved in triumph over independent States, masonry flourished in an unprecedented degree. Planted in a genial soil, it took root, and its branches spread over almost eve- ry town and village in the land, and in the days of its prosperity its beneficent influence was extensively felt. Masonry, although it has been greatly depress- ed, and has had numerous enemies to contend against, so MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. will yet triumph over all opposition and rise with re- newed strength and renovated splendor. At the pre- sent time, in all parts of the United States, old lodges are resuming their labors, new lodges are being insti- tuted, and the fraternity is increasing with a rapidity scarcely surpassed at any former period in the history of the order. "The sun of masonry is fast dispersing the clouds that have so long spread over it, and its genial rays are fast vivifying the blighted regions over which the winds of persecution have passed." Even in those sections of our country where anti-masonry has been most active; where its fell spirit was most extensively felt, the lodges have been re-opened and are pursuing their labors without interruption, and with abundant promises of success and usefulness. The bosopi of every true mason is re-animated, and a laudable desire prevails to extend and perpetuate the blessings which spring from a just appreciation and practical exposition of the principles of the order. SECTION III. Freemasonry may be divided into four orders or classes; first, Symbolic Masonry, including the first three degrees, or the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. Second; Royal Arch Masonry, including the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch; to these may be added the degrees of Royal and Se- lect Master, which are conferred in a Council of Roy- al and Select Masters. Third; The orders of Knight- hood, including the Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Templar, and Knights of Malta. The first is confer- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 37 red in a Council of Red Cross Knights, the two last in an encampment of Knights Templar. Fourth; The Ineffable degrees. These different orders of Freemasonry, although in- timately connected, and forming one harmonious whole, are, in the United States, distinct in their organization afid modes of government. For greater convenience in the administration of their affairs, and for the bet- ter government of the Craft, they are governed by Grand Lodges, Grand Chapters, and Grand Encampments; and to the honor of the Order be it said, that no colli- sionhas ever taken place between these bodies, so har- moniously are they blended by the universal princi- pies of the Craft. These different modes of Govern-, ment are, however, of but recent origin, and are, per- haps, peculiar to the United States. Previously to the establishment of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter, and the General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar and Appendant Orders, the degrees of the Chapter, and the orders of Kighthood, were conferred under the authority of a Master's warrant. The General Grand Chapter of the United States was established in October, 1797, and the General Grand Encampment of the United States in June, 1816. The two first orders or classes of Freemasonry, namely, Symbolic Masonry, and Royal Arch Masonry, although instituted at different periods, are founded up- on events which occurred anterior to the Christian era, and have reference to interesting and important cir- cumstances recorded in the Je wish Scriptures. The first, or symbolic masonry, was earliest founded, embraces a much greater number of masons, and is, therefore, more widely and extensively diffused. Royal Arch Masonry was not founded until the erection of the se- 4 38 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. cond temple, when the Jews returned from the captivi- ty, and while it embraces more interesting and impor- tant particulars, it is in perfect harmony with the first. The order of Knights of the Red Cross, is also found- ed upon events recorded in the Old Testament; but the orders of Knights Templar and Knights of Malta, are strictly Christian in their institution, being founded upon transactions which occurred when our Savior was upon earth, teaching not only by precept, but ex- ample, and inculcating doctrines more sublime, than were ever before presented to the consideration of mankind. It was then that Christianity was introduc- ed, which has redeemed a large portion of the earth from the dominion of false and pernicious systems of religion, and which is destined to pursue its onward and triumphant course until every knee shall bow at the name of the High and Holy One. Although the orders of Knights Templar and of St. John of Jerusalem, or Knights of Malta, were estab- lished long posterior to the other two orders of Ma- sonry, being instituted by Masons, they were imbued with the spirit of Charity, Benevolence and Brother- ly Love, the chief pillars of Masonry, and among the Knights the rites and ceremonies of the order were preserved until times more propitious for their devel- opement. In their commanderies and hospitals, the weary pilgrim found repose, the sick and wounded were healed, and the poor relieved; and, in the gener- ous valor of the Knights, the widow and the father- less found friends and protectors. Intimately con- nected with the other branches of Freemasonry, and forming a connected link in,the extended chain, the nature, design and objects of the orders of Knight- hood tend to the same great end—the cultivation of MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 39 the Christian and moral duties, the protection of vir- tue, and the alleviation of human suffering. The ineffable degrees, says Thomas Smith Webb, "have no resemblance to the fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh degrees, or any reference or allusion to any of 'the circumstances on which these degrees were founded. But, notwithstanding this difference, it will clearly appear that much ingenuity is displayed in their formation; that their design is noble, benevolent and praiseworthy, and that the institution was intend- ed for the glory of the Deity and the good of man- kind." CHAPTER III. OF GRAND LODGES, THEIR ORGANIZATION, AND THEIR POWERS. 1. In the early history of Masonry, we find that "each lodge was independent of every authority but that of its own officers. The power of the Master to make and change rules, laws and regulations was absolute; he being under no other obligation than to observe the principles, landmarks and usages of the order. Lodges were then very few in number, each having an exten- sive. but undefined jurisdiction."* As it was foreseen by Edwin, the brother of king Athelstane, that great evils must result from this unrestrained mode of con- ducting the business of Masonry, he conceived the idea of forming a Grand Lodge, and for that purpose he summoned the Freemasons of England to meet him at York, in the year 926, where the first Grand Lodge was constituted. 2. This Grand Lodge prepared a code of ancient Constitutions, charges, rules, &c., which established the rights as well as the duties of both officers and members, and upon these rules and regulations, the constitutions of all subsequent Grand Lodges of the ancient York rite have been formed, f 3. A Grand Lodge consists of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden, Grand ^Report of a Committee of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. See Freemason's Magazine, vol. 3, p. 268. flbid, p. 269, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 41 Junior Warden, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Deacons, Grand Chaplain, and other necessary officers, together with the Masters and Wardens of subordinate Lodges, who are the representatives of the same, and Past Masters of regular Lodges in the State where such Grand Lodges may be constituted, so long as they are members of such lodges. 4. All past Grand Masters, past Deputy Grand Mas- ters, and past Grand Wardens, while they continue members of a lodge subordinate to the Grand Lodge, are likewise by courtesy as well as by custom, mem- bers thereof, and admitted to vote. 5. Past Masters who have been made such in a chap- ter of Royal Arch Masons, as preparatory to receiving the degrees of the Chapter, although members of a subordinate lodge, are not entitled to seats in the Grand Lodge as Past Masters, nor can they vote in Grand Lodge; unless they have been elected and installed to preside over a subordinate Lodge. 6. Grand Lodges meet at stated periods as fixed by their constitutions respectively, and at the call of the Grand Master. 7. No new Lodge is acknowledged, nor can its officers be permitted to vote in Grand Lodge, until their work has been approved, and such Lodge is constituted under a charter. 8. All matters in Grand Lodge are determined by a majority of votes, in such manner as may be estab- lished by the Constitution and Bye-laws. 9. Brethren of the rank of Master may, on motion, be admitted as visitors to the Grand Lodge; but such brethren are not entitled to vote, nor are they permit- ted to speak on any question without leave, or unless de- sired to do so by the Grand Master, or presiding officer. 4* ■ 42 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 10. The business of the Grand Lodge is-to consider of, transact and settle all matters that concern the prosperity of the craft under its immediate jurisdic- tion, and the fraternity in general. To take cogni- sance of all appeals from subordinate lodges, to re- dress grievances, and make all such regulations as may be deemed necessary for the government and good order of the fraternity, under its particular juris- diction, provided that in altering or amending old reg- ulations or forming new, the ancient landmarks of the order are preserved. 11. "Every Grand Lodge," says the Constitutions of England, adopted A. D. 1717, and published A. D. 17- 23, "has the inherent power to make new regulations and alter these, for the benefit of the Ancient Frater- nity; provided altvays, that the old landmarks are carefully preserved."—"Every Grand Lodge, duly met, has the power to amend or explain any of the regula- tions in the printed book of Constitutions, while they break not in on any of the ancient rules of the Frater- nity." 12. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania declares that, "the Grand Lodge has an inherent right and au- thority to make local ordinances and new Regulations, as well as to amend and explain old ones, for their own particular benefit, and the good of Masonry in gene- ral, provided always, that the ancient landmarks be carefully preserved." 13. It is right and proper that the Grand Lodge should possess the powers mentioned in the preceding para- graphs, else, as has been justly remarked, "all would be anarchy; there would be neither law nor order in the institution."* If every subordinate lodge were per- *Freemason's Mag. vol. 3, p. 228. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 43 mitted to decide for itself in relation to the rules and regulations of the institution, instead of order and regularity every thing would be in confusion. 14. Every subordinate lodge is bound to obey the edicts, rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge from which it derives its authority to work. The Master of a lodge at the time of his installation solemnly prom- ises to "conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge, that is not subversive of the principles and ground work of Masonry." If the members of a lodge were permitted to obey the edicts of the Grand Lodge or not, as their opinions might dictate, it would be use- less to have a Grand Lodge, which is supposed to con- centrate the wisdom of the Craft. If the majority of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of any Grand Lodge should deem any of its acts oppressive, or injurious to the fraternity within its. limits, they have the power in their own hands to correct the evil by electing of- ficers who, as their representatives, will vote for the rescinding of such obnoxious or injurious act. 15. Grand Lodges being established upon the Rep- resentative principle, the Master and Wardens, or their representatives in Grand Lodge, when specially instructed are bound to obey such instructions, provid- ed, however, such instructions do not violate the Con- stitution of the Grand Lodge or. the ancient andestab- lished landmarks of the order, f 16. The Master and Wardens of a Lodge being the proper and legal representatives of their Lodge in Grand Lodge, should always give their personal at- tendance at every Grand Communication; but when any officer of a Lodge cannot personally attend, he may appoint another brother, who must be a member fSee Chapter iv, Sec. 9. 44 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. of a subordinate Lodge under the same jurisdiction, to attend in his place. Such appointment should be un- der the hand and seal of the officer making it.# 17. The Grand Master is elected by the members of the Grand Lodge, at the time which may be fixed by the Constitution, and by that system of balloting the Constitution prescribes. This system of balloting is not uniform in the different Grand Lodges in the United States; as, for example, in some-Grand Lodges, the Past Grand officers, and the Past Masters of sub- ordinate Lodges who are by custom and courtesy enti- tied to vote, have each a separate and distinct vote, while in others the Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, and Past- Mas- ters, have one vote collectively, of each grade. 18. When the election of Grand blaster is made, he is to be proclaimed, installed and saluted if present; if not present, a day is to be appointed for this cere- mony, or he may be installed by proxy on his signify- ing his acceptance of the office.f 19. It is the duty of the Grand Master to take upon himself the general superintendance of the lodges, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge over which he is chosen to preside, and see that no innovations are committed upon the ancient landmarks of the order. That the business of the subordinate Lodges may be properly conducted according to the true spirit of Ma- *Undersome Grand Lodges, when the Master and Wardens or ei- ther of them cannot attend, the Lodge appoints representatives in their room. This, however, is a deviation from the ancient regula- tions. fThe writer is of opinion that neither the Grand Master nor any other Grand Officer should be installed by proxy. It is more proper, as he conceives, that each Officer should take upon himself the obli- gations and responsibilities of the office to which he may have been chosen. The ceremony of installation will be found in a subsequent chapter. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 45 sonry, it is his duty upon all convenient occasions, to visit such lodges, examine their work, and give such instructions as to him may seem right and proper; first giving to such Lodges timely notice of his intention to visit them. On all such visits the Grand Master is to be received with the honors due his station. 20. The Grand Master when elected and installed, has the right to nominate and appoint the Deputy Grand Master, for the reason that, according to the old Constitutions, as the Grand Master cannot be suppos- ed to be able to give his attention on every emergen- cy, it has been judged necessary not only to allow him a deputy, but that such Deputy shall be a brother in whom he can confide* and with whom he can have full harmony.* 21. When no special provision has been made by the Constitution, or other regulations of the Grand Lodge for the appointment of Grand "Visitors or Lecturers, the Grand Master may, from time to time, appoint one or more approved and skilful brothers, to visit the subordinate Lodges in his stead, give them proper instructions, and examine into their work. And it is the duty of the Visitors or Lecturers so ap- pointed to make report in writing to the Grand Master, who shall lay the same before* the Grand Lodge. 22. The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, are also elected by the Grand Lodge, in the manner prescribed for the *This, although one of the ancient regulations, is not followed by all the Grand Lodges. It is the practice in England for the Grand Master to appoint the Deputy Grand Master, and also under the Con- stitution of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, but in other Grand Lodges the Deputy Grand Master is elected by the Grand -Lodge, and in case -of the demise, resignation or removal of the Grand Master, the Dep- uty succeeds to all the rights, privilegesand duties of the Grand Mas- ter. In the other cases the functions of the deputy ceases with the • demise, resignation or removal of the Grand Master, and the govern- ment of the Grand Lodge devolves upon the Grand Senior Warden. 48 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. election of Grand Masters, and are installed into their respective offices with the formalities usual on such occasions. 23. The office of Grand Secretary is one of great importance. All the transactions of the Lodge prop- er to be committed to writing are drawn up by him and recorded. All Petitions, applications and appeals to the Grand Lodge pass through his hands. No war- rant, certificate, or other instrument of writing from the Grand Lodge can be regarded as authentic, with- out his signature and attestation, and his affixing the great Seal of the Grand Lodge. The general corres- pondence of the Grand Lodge is managed by him, un- der the direction of the Grand Lodge or Grand Mas- ter. His presence at every communication is neces- sary in order to give information concerning the annual state of affairs, and make such suggestions as may arise out of it. The business of the Grand Lodge would be greatly facilitated were the Grand Secreta- ry, previously to every annual communication, to make a written statement to the Grand Master of all such matters as are worthy to notice, arising out of the condition of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary, by virtue of his office, is a member of the Grand Lodge, and is enti- tied to speak and vote on all questions. 24. The office of Grand Treasurer is also one of great importance, as to him belongs the management of the financial concerns of the Grand Lodge. He should be skilled in accounts, otherwise the pecuniary affairs of the Lodge might suffer. 25. In the absence of the Grand Master at any sta- ted or called meeting of the Grand Lodge, his place is supplied by the Deputy Grand Master. If the Dep- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 47 uty Grand Master be also absent, the Grand Senior Warden fills the chair, and if he be absent the Grand Junior Warden. In such cases all elected Grand offi- cers present or past, take precedence of every Master of a, Lodge, and the present elected Grand officers of all past Grand officers. Any of them, however, may waive their privilege, to do honor to any ancieflt broth- er and past master whom the Lodge may be willing to place in the chair for the time being. If none of the Grand officers, present or past, be present at any Grand Lodge duly summoned, the master of the sen- ior private Lodge is to take the chair, although there jnay be masters of Lodges present who are older masons. 26. A Grand Lodge may grant dispensations or charters for new Lodges, in any State or Territory where no Grand Lodge is established, but the Grand Lodge ceases to exercise any jurisdiction over such subordinate Lodge, as soon as a Grand Lodge may be formed in such State or Territory. In connexion with this subject, we copy from the Report of the Committee of the Grand Lodge of Mas- sachusetts, the following remarks on the power and uses of Grand Lodges: "The power of the Grand Lodge is great; but eve- ry reflecting mason, every friend of the order, must perceive that great power to direct, control, and correct must be vested somewhere; or identity of rules, work and lectures could not be preserved. Every lodge would cherish and transmit to their successors their accidental deviations and errors. These would be considered the customs of the fathers, and be tena- ciously held and cherished as time honored usages. 48 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. The variations of different Lodges would grow broad- fer, till each became a distinct society, differing more and more in its laws, usages, work, paraphernalia and lectures from the others; and soon the identity, and with it the existence of the order, would perish. Ev- ery lover of the upright, charitable and social princi- pies; and of the simple, antique forms of the craft, will unite in declaring this must not be done. Author- ity must exist; the wisdom and experience of ages unitedly declare that it can be no where so safely de- posited as in Grand Lodges. They being but the rep- resentation—the concentrated principle, interest and feeling of the whole Fraternity are, with great pro- priety, clothed with ample authority. They are enti- tied to speak with the voice of power, and to be heard with feelings of confidence and obedience. When this principle shall be given up, the Institution will be lost." CHAPTER IV. OF A LODGE AND ITS GOVERNMENT THE ATTENDANCE OF MEM- BERS THE OFFICERS OF A LODGE AND THEIR DUTIES. OF A LODGE AND ITS GOVERNMENT. 1. A Lodge is a place in which Masons meet to work. The assembly, or organized body of Masons is also called a Lodge, just as the word Church is ex- pressive both of the congregation and place in which they meet to worship. 2. The qualities of those who are admitted mem- bers of a Lodge, have been mentioned in the prece- ding chapter, and it is only necessary to repeat here in general, "that they are to be men of good report, free- born, of mature age, hale and sound, not deformed or mismembered at the time of making, and no woman or eunuch." 3. A Lodge ought to assemble for work at least once in each calendar month, and must consist of at least one Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer, Senior and Junior Deacons and Tyler, and as many members, as the Master and a majority of the brethren, shall from time to time think proper; although more than forty or fifty are generally found inconvenient for working to advantage; and, there- fore, when a lodge becomes thus numerous, some of the ablest master workmen and others under their di- rection, will obtain leave to separate, and apply to the 5 50 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. Grand Lodge for a warrant to work by themselves, in order to the further advancement of the craft. But such warrant cannot be granted to any number of Masons, nor can any Lodge be formed, unless there be among them three Master Masons, to be nominated and installed as officers, for governing and instruct- mg the brethren of such Lodge. 4. When men of eminent quality, learning, rank and wealth, apply to be made and admitted into the Lodge, they are to be accepted with proper respect, after due examination, for among such, are often found those, who afterwards prove good founders of work and excellent officers, to the great honor of the craft. From among them also, the fraternity can generally have some honorable and learned Grand Master.— These brethren, however, are alike subject to all the charges and regulations; the preferment of brethren must be upon real worth and personal merit, and not upon mere seniority, or any particular rank or qualit}\ 5. In order that due decorum may be observed, while the Lodge is engaged in business, and for the better preservation of secrecy and harmony, a bro- ther well skilled in the Master's part, and one of pru- dence and discretion, shall be appointed to tyle the Lodge door, during the time of communication. 6. Every Lodge shall keep a book containing their by-laws, the names of their members, with a list of all the Lodges under the same Grand Lodge, with the usual times and places of meeting of such Lodges, and such other necessary parts of their transactions, as are proper to be committed to writing. 7. No Lodge shall make more than five new breth- ren on the same evening, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master, or deputy, in his absence; nor shall MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 51 any person be made or admitted a member of a Lodge, without being proposed one month before, (un- less in particular cases to be judged of by the Lodge) that due notice may be given to all the members, to make the necessary enquiries into the character and standing of the candidate. And no member can be imposed on any Lodge without its consent; nor can any brother be admitted a member until he produces' a certificate of his having paid all arrearages to the Lodge of which he was last a member; for should any Lodge admit a brother, who is in arrears to anoth- er Lodge, the Lodge thus admitting him, makes the debt their own. 8. As every Lodge has a right to keep itself an en- tire and distinct body, they ought never to interfere in the business of another Lodge. Therefore it is high- ly improper to confer a degree on a brother who is not of their household;* for every Lodge ought to be com- petent to its own business, and are certainly the best judges of the merits and qualifications of its own members. 9. As the officers of every Lodge are the proper rep- resentatives of their own Lodge in the Grand Lodge, still, for the sake of equal representation, the officers are allowed deputies, when unable to attend themselves; and every Lodge has the privilege of instructing their Master and Wardens, or their deputies, for their con- duct in the Grand Lodge. 10. Every brother ought to be a member of some Lodge, nor is it proper that any number of brethren should withdraw or separate themselves from the *That is, no Lodge should initiate a candidate who resides in a cit}* or town wThere there is a regularly constituted Lodge, or who reside^ 52 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Lodge, in which they were made, or admitted mem- bers, without good cause; although the right is an in- herent one, and can never be restrained by any pow- er whatever; still such separation is improper, unless the lodge becomes too numerous for working, in which case a sufficient number may withdraw with the ap- probation of the Lodge, in order to form a new one. Before application can be made to the Grand Lodge, they shall pay all dues to their Lodge, and give them notice in writing, that they intend to apply to the Grand Lodge, for a warrant to form a new one. The Lodge then shall certify to the Grand Lodge, the cause of -the application, and at the same time shall recommend the brethren best qualified as Master and Wardens. No set of Masons shall take upon them- selves, without such warrant, to work together, or form a new Lodge. OF ATTENDANCE. 1. Every brother should appear in Lodge, properly clothed, in clean and decent apparel, truly subjecting himself to all its bye-laws and regulations. He must attend all meetings, whether stated or emergent, when duly summoned, unless he can offer to the Lodge such plea for his absence, as the said laws and regulations admit. By the ancient rules, no plea was deemed sufficient to excuse an absentee, unless he could satis- fy the Lodge that he was sick, lame, in confinement, or upwards of three miles from the place of holding the meeting, or detained by some unforeseen or extra- ordinary necessity. 2. Whilst the Lodge is open for work, Masons are not to hold private conversations or committees with- MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 53 out leave from the Master; nor talk of any thing for- eign to the work in hand, nor interrupt the Master or Wardens, or any brother addressing the chair; but every brother is to pay due reverence to the Master and Wardens. 3. Every brother found guilty of a fault, shall stand to the award of his Lodge, unless he appeals to the Grand Lodge; but if the work be hindered in the mean time, a particular reference may be made. 4. No private piques, or quarrels about nations, re- ligion or. politics, must be brought within the doors of the Lodge, as being directly contrary to the rules pre- scribed. Masons being declared of the oldest catho- lie religion, universally acknowledged-as such, and of all nations; bound to live on the square, level and plumb, with each other, following' the steps of their predecessors, in cultivating the peace and harmony of the Lodge, without distinction of sect or party. 5. When the Lodge is closed, the brethren before they - depart, may enjoy themselves in innocent mirth, enli- vened and exalted by their own peculiar songs, avoid- ing all irregularity. Therefore, no brother is to be hindered from going home when he pleases; for al- though after lodge hours, Masons are as other men, yet, as the world views them with a jealous eye, if they should fall into excess, the blame, though unjustly, may be cast on the institution. 6. You are to salute each other in a courteous man- ner, as you are instructed in the Lodge; calling each other brother, freely communicating hints of knowl- edge, and always taking care in your actions and con- versations, that you are neither overseen or overheard by strangers. In this friendly intercourse, no brother shall derogate from the respect due to another, were 5* 51 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. he not a Mason. For though all Masons, as brothers, are upon the level, yet Masonry divests no man of the honors due to him before, or that may become due to him after he was made a Mason. 7. Before those who are not Masons, you must be cau- tious in your words and actions; so that the most pen- etrating stranger shall not be able to discover what is not proper to be intimated. The impertinent and en- snaring questions, which are often addressed by those who seek to pry into the secrets and mysteries commit- ted to you, must be prudently answered and managed, as your discretion and duty shall direct. 8. Masons ought to be moral men; consequently should be good husbands, good parents, good sons and good neighbors; not staying too long from home, avoid- ing every excess, that would be injurious to themselves or their families. 9. You are cautiously to examine a stranger, or foreign brother, as prudence and the rules of the craft direct, that you may not be imposed upon by a pre- tender; and if you find any one to be such, you are to reject him with scorn and shame, taking care to give him no hints; but such as are found to be true and faithful, you are to respect as brothers, according to what is directed above; relieving them if in want, to the utmost of your power, or directing them how to find relief, and employing them if you can, or else recommending them to employment. 10. Free and accepted Masons are charged to avoid all slandering and back-biting of true and faithful brethren, or talking disrespectfully of a brother's per- son or performance. Nor must they suffer others to spread unjust reproaches or calumnies against a bro- ther, behind his back, nor to injure him in his fortune. MASTER MASON'S MANUAfc. 55 occupation or character; but they should defend such brother, and give him notice of any danger or injury with which he may be threatened, to enable him to escape the same, as far as consistent with honor, pru- dence and the safety of religion, morality and the state, but no further.. 11. If one brother do another an injury,or if any differ- ence exists between them about any temporal business or interest, they should apply to the Lodge of which they are members, to have the matter in dispute adjusted by the brethren. And if either party be" not satisfied with the- determination of the Lodge, an appeal may be carried to the Grand Lodge. Brethren are not to enter into law suits, until the matter cannot be deci- ded as above. If the matter wholly concerns Mason- ry, law suits are to be avoided, and the advice of pru- dent brethren is to be followed, as they are the best referees of such differences. 12. "Where references are either impracticable or unsuccessful, and courts of law, or equity must at last decide, you must observe the general rules of Mason- ry already laid down; avoiding all wrath and malice, or personal ill will, in carrying on the suit with a bro- ther; neither saying or doing any thing to hinder the continuance or renewal of that brotherly love and friendship, which are the glory and cement of this an- cient fraternity. 13. By observing the rules laid down in this and the foregoing chapters, we will show to the world the be- nign influence of Masonry, as true and faithful breth- ren before us, have done, from the beginning of time; and as all who shall follow us, and would be worthy of that name will do, until the world shall end. 14. Every master of a Lodge, should himself care- 56 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. fully study the foregoing charges, and cause them to be frequently read in Lodge, that they may make that impression upon the minds of the brethren, which, from their importance, they deserve. OF THE OFFICERS OF A LODGE. 1. No brother can be Master of a Lodge, unless he has served the office of Warden, somewhere, unless in extraordinary cases, or where a new Lodge is to be formed, and no past or present Warden is to be found among the members. In such cases, three Master Masons, although they have served in no former offi- ces, (if they be well learned) may be constituted Mas- ter and Wardens of such new Lodge, or any Lodge on a similar emergency. 2. The Master of every Lodge shall be chosen by ballot, and the present Wardens (where they regular- ly are) shall be put among the number of candidates for the chair, but shall then withdraw, while every member (all who have paid their dues, or who have been excused payment) gives his vote in favor of him whom he deems most worthy. Every free member has one vote, and the Master two votes, where the number of votes happeus'to be equal, otherwise he has but one. 3. When the ballot is closed, and before it be exam- ined, the former master shall order the candidates to be brought back before him and take their seats as Wardens. He shall then carefully examine the poll, and audibly declare him that hath a majority of votes, duly elected. 4. The Master elect shall then nominate one for Senior Warden, and the present Master and brethren MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 57 shall nominate one in opposition; both of whom shall withdraw till the ballot is closed as aforesaid; after which they shall be called before the Master, and the poll shall be examined and declared by him as above stated; in like manner shall the Lodge proceed to the choice of all the inferior officers. 5. The Master of every regular Lodge, duly elected and installed, is particularly required to see that the bye-laws of his Lodge, as well as the general regula- tions of the Grand Lodge, be duly observed; that his Wardens discharge their office faithfully, and be exam- pies of diligence and sobriety to the craft; that true and exact minutes and entries of all the proceedings be made and kept by the Secretary; that the Treasu- rer keep and render exact and just accounts -at the stated times, according to the bye-laws and orders of the Lodge; and in general that all the goods and mon- ies belonging to his Lodge, be truly managed and dis- pensed, according to the vote of the majority. 6. The Master should further take care that no ap- prentice or fellow-craft; be taken into his Lodge, un- less he finds him to be duly qualified according to the rules already laid down. 7. The Master has the right and authority of call- ing his Lodge, upon any emergency, which in his judg- ment may require their meeting, and he is to fill the chair when present. It is likewise his duty, together with his Wardens, to attend the Grand Lodge, at the usual communications, and such occasional and spe- cial communications, as the good of the craft may re- quire, when duly summoned by the Grand Secretary. When in Grand Lodge they have full power to trans- act all matters relative thereto, as well and as truly as if the whole body were there present. 58 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 8. The master has also the right of preventing the removal of his Lodge from one house to another; and as several disputes have arisen on this head, and it has been made a question, in whom the power of removing the Lodge to any new place is invested, when the old place of meeting appears to be inconvenient, the fol- lowing rule for this purpose has been agreed upon, and settled by lawTful authority, viz: That no Lodge be removed without the master's knowiedge, nor any motion made for that purpose in the Lodge wiien he is absent. But if the Master be present, and a motion be made for removing the Lodge to some other convenient place, (within the district assigned in the warrant of such Lodge) and if the said motion be seconded and thirded, the master shall order summons to every individual member of the Lodge, specifying the business, and appointing a day for hearing and determining the affair, at least ten days before, and the determination shall be made by the majority. But if the Master is not of the majority, the Lodge shall not be removed, unless full twro thirds of the members present have voted for such removal. But if the master refuse to direct summons to be is- sued (upon motion duly made) then either of the War- dens may direct the same; and if the Master neglects to attend on the day fixed, the Warden may preside in determining the affair, in the manner before pre- scribed. But the Lodge shall not in the Master's ab- sence (on such special call) enter upon any other busi- ness, but what is mentioned in the said summons. If the Lodge is thus regularly removed, the Master or Wardens shall send notice to the Grand Secretary that such removal may be duly entered in the Grand Lodge books at the next Grand Lodge. MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 59 9. The Master's duty in making and admitting breth- ren, and other duties of his office, being such as can- not be written, are only to be acquired by study and experience. 10. None but Master Masons can'be Wardens of a Lodge. The Senior Warden succeeds to all the du- ties of the Master, and fills the chair when he is ab- sent; or if the Master goes abroad on business, resigns, demits or is deposed, the Senior Warden shall forth- with fill his place until the next stated election. And although it was formerly held, that in such cases the Master's authority ought to revert to the last Past Master who is present, yet it is now a settled rule, that the authority devolves upon the Senior Warden, and in his absence, upon the Junior Warden, even al- though a former Master be present. But the Wardens will generally waive this privilege in honor of any Past Master that may be present, and will call on him to take the chair, upon the presumption of his experi- ence and skill in conducting the business of the Lodge. If none of the officers be present, nor any former Mas- ter to take the chair, the members according to senior- ity, shall fill the places of the absent officers. The business of the Wardens of a Lodge, is gene- rally to assist the Master in conducting the business thereof, and managing the craft in due order and form, when the Master is present, and doing his duties when he is necessarily absent; all which is to be learned from the foregoing sections. Particular Lodges, by their bye-laws, assign particular duties to their War- dens, for their own'better government; which such Lodges have a right to do, provided they do not trans- gress the ancient landmarks, nor in any degree violate the true spirit and genius of Masonry. 60 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 11. The Secretary shall keep a regular record of all the proceedings of the Lodge that are proper to be committed to writing; which shall be faithfully enter- ed in the Lodge books, from the minutes taken in open Lodge, after being duly read and approved, before the close of every meeting, in order that the said trans- actions, or authentic copies thereof, may be ready to be laid before the Grand Lodge when required. The Secretary shall keep exact lists of all the mem- bers of the Lodge, with the times of admission of new members; and at each annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, or oftener if required, shall prepare and send to the Grand Secretary, the list of members for the time, with those suspended or expelled, which should be signed by the Master and Wardens; to the end that the Grand Secretary may be enabled at all times to know the names and number of members in each Lodge, with the hand writing of the different officers, and pay all due respect to the brethren recommended or certified by them from time to time. 12. The Treasurer is to receive and keep an exact account of all monies raised or paid in, according to rules for the advancement of the Lodge, and to pay all orders duly drawn on him by the authority of the Lodge. He is to keep regular entries both of his re- ceipts and disbursements, and to have his books and vouchers always ready for examination at such stated times as the bye-laws require, or when specially call- ed on by the Master and Wardens. He is also to have the charge of the jewels and furniture of the Lodge, unless the master and a majority-of the brethren ap- point some other brother for that particular duty; or when the officers of the Lodge may take the charge immediately upon themselves. The warrant in par- ticular, is in the charge and custody of the Master. CHAPTER V. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF LODGES. In the preceding chapters, we have given the an- cient regulations for the government of Lodges still in force, or which form the basis of those of more modern date. In the present chapter we present such additional regulations as have, from time to time, been adopted by different Grand Lodges in the United States, with which it is important the officers and members of subordinate Lodges should be acquainted. OF THE QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES. 1. The ancient regulations provide, that every can- didate for the mysteries of Freemasonry shall be "free- born; of mature and discreet age; of good report; of sufficient natural endowments of a man; with an es- tate, office, trade or occupation, or some visible way of acquiring an honest livelihood, and of working in his craft as become members of this ancient fraternity." They also provide that, "every person desiring admis- sion must also be upright in body, not deformed or dis- membered at the time of making, but of hale and en- tire limbs as a man ought to be." 2. Such is the language of the old constitutions, a literal construction of which would exclude from the benefits of the order all who may be, in any way, "dis- 6 62 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. membered" or "deformed," wlietlier such "dismember- ment or deformity" be such as to render bim incapable of pursuing some trade or lawful occupation, or not. This regulation was, no doubt, adopted when the Fra- ternity was composed exclusively of operative masons, who depended for support upon the labor of their own hands. The admission of applicants to the privileges of the order who were thus dismembered or deformed, was, therefore,prohibited. 3. Under such circumstances the rule was a proper one; but it does not strictly apply to the present state of the institution, when it has ceased to be confined to operative masons, and admits members of every profession and occupation, who, from their moral char- acter, are regarded as worthy. Hence we find, that the English Book of Constitutions, published A. D. 1754, contains the following modification of the an- cient rule: "No Master should take an apprentice unless he lias sufficient employment for him, and unless he he a perfect youth, having no maim or defect in his body, i/h/t may render him incapable of learning the art, or of serving his master's Lord, and of being made a broth- er, and then a fellow craft in due time."* 4. This regulation, or modification of the ancient rule, sustains the construction now given to the old regulations by several of the Grand Lodges in the United States, namely, "that where the deformity or personal defect, does not amount to an inability to ob- tain an honest livelihood, it does not operate as a bar against admission to the privileges of the order." Such was the decision of the Grand Lodge of Ken- tucky in the case of an individual who, in early life, *Freemason1s Mag., Boston, Vol. IV. p. 7. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL 63 had lost his right arm, but whose profession was such that the loss did not deprive him of gaining the means of subsistence. This decision has been more formal- ly repeated by the same Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Tennessee has no express rule, or constitu- tional provision on the subject, but, at the special ses- sion of the Grand Lodge held in July 1842, the follow- ing report of a committee was concurred in, and hence, the subordinate Lodges are to regard it as their guide on all such occasions, until a more formal and definite action shall be had: "Questions of this nature should be decided by the respective Lodges before which they may arise. That degree of lameness, or deformity of limb, which would disable the individual from making a livelihood by manual labor only, should be regarded as a disquali- fying objection only"—"cases of this character had always better be determined upon their own particu- lar circumstances, than depend upon any general rule which might often work injustice or hardship." 5. The views of the Grand Lodge of Massachu- setts, which are entitled to the highest respect and con- sideration, are contained in the following article of its constitution: "By the ancient regulations, the physical deformity of any individual operates as a bar to his admission into the Fraternity. But in view of the fact, that this regulation was adopted for the government of the craft, at a period when they united the character of operative with that of speculative masons, this Grand Lodge, in common, it is believed, with most of her sister Grand Lodges in this country and in Europe, has authorised such a construction of the regulation, as that, when the deformity does not amount to inability to acquire the means of subsistence, it constitutes no hin- drance to initiation.."* ^Freemason's Mag., Bos., VoL IV. p. 8. 64 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 6. The decision of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky above referred to, is contained in the following article of the constitution: "When the deformity of a candidate for initiation is not such as to prevent him from being instructed in the arts and mysteries of Freemasonry, his initiation will not be an infringement upon the ancient land- marks, but will be perfectly consistent with the spirit of our institution." 7. The rule of the Grand Lodge of .Maine is as follows: "No person can be admitted into the mysteries of Masonry, either by dispensation or otherwise, who is so far maimed or defective in his limbs or members as to be incapable of gaining a livelihood for himself and family, or to perform all the work required of any individual member within the body of the Lodge." 8. A similar regulation has been adopted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The conclusion of the whole matter may then be stated to be, that a Lodge may admit any candidate for initiation, whose, "dismemberment or deformity" is not such as to ren- der him incapable of gaining a livelihood, or perform- ing the work of a Lodge. The permission, however, should be used with proper judgment and discretion. ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES. 1. It is a practice in some Lodges, under the old regulations which provide, that "no Lodge shall make more than five new brethren on the same evening, un- less by dispensation from the Grand Master," to intro- duce and initiate more than one candidate at the same time. In thus acting, the rule is misunderstood. It im- plies that a Lodge may initiate five new brethren, but not more, on the same day or evening, but not at the MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 65 same time. A few moments reflection will satisfy any intelligent master of a Lodge, of the impropriety of such a practice. It is inconsistent with the ancient usages of the fraternity; therefore, no Lodge should introduce and initiate more than one candidate at the same time. The rule of the Grand Lodge of Tennes- see, adopted at the Annual Communication held in October, 1844, is as follows: "No subordinate Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall be allowed to initiate, pass or raise more than one candidate at the same time." 2. When a committee appointed by a Lodge has re- ported favorably on the petition of a candidate for initiation, or membership, the petitioner may withdraw his petition before it is acted upon by the Lodge; but, if the report be unfavorable, he shall not have the right to withdraw it, but a ballot shall take place. 3. The reason for the foregoing rule is, that if the petition be withdrawn upon which a committee of in- quiry has reported unfavorably, the applicant may pre- sent his petition to another Lodge, which would be at liberty to act upon it, and admit him to the privileges of the order, and thus an unworthy member may be imposed upon the Lodge, to the great injury of the fraternity. If the petition be Tejected, he cannot gain admission into any other Lodge until the cause of his rejection be removed.* 4. In all cases of the rejection of candidates for the benefits and privileges of Masonry, the fact should be communicated to all Lodges under the same jurisdic- tion, that they may be placed on their guard against *Freemason's Mag. Boston, Vol. 1, p. 310. This rule prevails, we understand, universally in the Lodges ill the Eastern section of the United States, and generally, in the South and West. The rule should be universal. 6* 06 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. unworthy applicants. It is also proper that all rejec- tions should be communicated to the Grand Secretary, that the Grand Lodges and subordinate Lodges of other States may be advertised of such rejections. On this subject the Grand Lodge of New York has the follow- ing regulation: "jNTo Lodge shall initiate into the mysteries of the Craft any person whatsoever, without being satisfied by a test or otherwise, whether such candidate hath, at any time, made application to a Lodge and been rejected, or otherwise refused admission into the same; and if it shall appear that the candidate has been re- jected, then, not until the Lodge to which he applies is satisfactorily convinced, that such rejection has not been on account of any circumstances that ought to preclude him from the benefits of Masonry." 5. If a candidate for initiation has been rejected, the presumption is, that it is for good cause, and it Is, therefore, the duty of the Lodge rejecting him to see that he does not impose himself on the fraternity in other parts of the country, where his character may be less known. Permission to withdraw a petition af- ter an unfavorable report, tacitly implies that he may apply to another Lodge. On the contrary, if the pe- tition be acted upon, and the petitioner rejected, he cannot be admitted into any other Lodge without the consent and approbation of the Lodge by which he was rejected.* 6. In the balloting for candidates for initiation, or membership, any member depositing a black ball, shall not be called upon to give his reasons for so doing. "So sacred should the rights of members of Lodges be held," says the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, "that if by accident it were discovered who black-balled a *FreemasonTs Mag., Vol. II, p. 164. MASTER MASON S MANUAL. G7 candidate, his name ought to be kept secret, and his reasons never required." It is also declared in the report of the Committee on Bye-Laws of the same Grand Lodge, "that any brother giving information to a candidate who it was that gave the negative vote, shall be deemed guilty of unmasonic conduct." 7. In June, 1842, the Grand Lodge of New York took this subject under consideration. It was referred to a committee, who reported the following resolution, which was adopted: "Resolved, That in balloting for candidates for initia- tion or membership, the ballot shall be unanimous; and any member depositing a black ball, shall not be called upon to give his reasons why he did so; or should he be discovered, any brother giving informa- tion to the candidate, or any other person who is not a mason in good standing, who it was that gave the negative vote, shall be deemed guilty of unmasonic conduct, and be expelled from the institution."* The disclosure above referred to, is a violation of that obligation which rests upon every mason to keep secret the transactions of the Lodge, and cannot be too severely censured, as it sometimes leads to unfortu- nate consequences. OF THE INSTRUCTION OF CANDIDATES. 1. As -it is of essential interest to the prosperity and usefulness of the order, that every brother should be well instructed in the degrees conferred upon him, it is now generally settled, that, "no brother should be advanced from one degree to another without an ex- amination in open Lodge on the preceding degree or degrees." ♦Proceedings of Grand Lodge, June, 1844, p. 55. 68 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 2. The regulation of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee on this subject is, "No subordinate Lodge shall confer the degrees of Fellow Craft or Master Mason upon any candidate, unless he shall have passed a satisfactory examina- tion in open Lodge, on the preceding degree or de- grees." 3. No brother should be advanced from the degree of Entered Apprentice to that of Fellow Craft, nor from Fellow Craft to a Master Mason, under one month, unless in cases of emergency, such, for exam- pie as going upon a distant journey. By the regula- tions of some Grand Lodges, to authorise advance- ment, a dispensation is necessary from the Grand, or Deputy Grand Master, who are to judge whether it be a proper case of emergency. On this subject the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, at the Annual Communi- cation in October 1844, passed the following regula- tion: "One stated meeting shall elapse between the con- ferring the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason." At the same meeting it was also ordered, "That the election of candidates to the different degrees shall be at a stated meeting." 4. The haste with which brethren are frequently advanced from one degree to another, has been inju- rious to the craft, because they have not had time to digest and understand the principles and duties incul- cated in the preceding degree or degrees. Many Lodges are too negligent in this matter. It is not unu- sual to confer two degrees on a candidate on the same evening, and even three are sometimes conferred. By such a proceeding the candidate himself becomes confused, and, under such circumstances, he is apt to MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 69 confound what belongs to one degree with another. If the rules above mentioned were strictly observed, to use the language of a well informed and enlighten- ed mason, "we should have fewer nominal masons, and more active masonry."* 5. The practice above referred to is, moreover, in- consistent with the ancient usages of the Fraternity. The constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England, upon which our own are founded to a considerable extent, contain the following rules: "No Lodge shall be permitted to give more than one degree to a brother on the same day; nor shall a high- er degree in masonry be conferred upon any brother at a less interval than one month from his receiving a previous degree; nor till he has passed an examina- tion in open lodge in that degree." 6. A competent knowledge of the lectures of the different degrees, is not difficult of attainment, provi- ded the novice undertakes their acquisition with the desire to be informed; and, when he has once acquired them, he becomes "an intelligent mason, capable of appreciating the excellencies of the institution, and of making himself useful to his Lodge and his brethren." OF SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS. 1. Violations of the rules of the order, or offences which come under the denomination of unmasonic, are punished according to their grade; first, by repri- mand or admonition; second, by suspension from the benefits and privileges of the order for a longer or a shorter period; and, third, by expulsion. 2. In all cases of suspension, the brother suspended ♦Freemason's Mag., Vol, I, p. 124. 70 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. is thereby precluded from all the benefits and privileg- es of Masonry, during the term of suspension. In like manner, any brother who is expelled by a subordi- nate Lodge, or by a Grand Lodge, is precluded from all the benefits and privileges of Masonry forever, un- less reinstated by the Lodge which expelled him, or by the Grand Lodge. With a suspended or expelled mason all masonic intercourse is forbidden; nor can he gain admission into any Lodge whatever, where such suspension or expulsion is known. 3. Every subordinate Lodge has the right and pow- er to call to account for unmasonic conduct, or for a violation of its particular rules and bye-laws, any of its members, and expel, suspend, or reprimand, accord- ing to the nature of the offence charged; and any member thus suspended or expelled, may be reinsta- ted by such Lodge whenever the cause of such sus- pension or expulsion is removed, A Grand Lodge, by virtue of its inherent powers, may reinstate a brother who has been suspended or expelled by a subordinate Lodge, upon proper application. It may restore to the rights and privileges of the order, but such restoration does not necessarily restore to membership in the Lodge by which a brother has been suspended or ex- pelled, without the consent of such Lodge. 4. Every member of the Fraternity, from the nature of his connexion with the order, is accountable to a regularly constituted Lodge in the vicinity of which he may reside, although he may not be a member of such Lodge. By becoming a mason he acquires certain rights and privileges, but, at the same time, he owes to the order certain duties. Every mason, therefore, is bound to obey the summons of a Lodge, whether he be a member of that particular Lodge or not. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 71 5. If any brother who has been impeached for un- masonic conduct, shall fail or refuse to obey the sum- mons of the Lodge when regularly served upon him, such brother so failing or refusing, shall stand suspend- ed until he come forward and answer the charges pre- ferred against him. 6. All accusations against a brother must be made in writing, under the signature of a master mason, and given in charge of the Secretary of the Lodge, who, under the direction of the master, must serve the accused, or cause him to be served with an attested copy of the charges, with a summons to appear be- fore the Lodge at the time appointed for their examin- ation. The examination of the charges should be had at a Lodge convened- for the special purpose. 7. On the trial of a brother charged with unmason- ic conduct, the witnesses, if masons, shall testify on their honor as such. A Lodge may also receive the testimony of persons not masons. For the latter pro- vision a sound reason is given, namely, "that if such evidence were refused, so long as a brother should be able to conceal his delinquencies from the actual knowledge and observation of his brethren, he would be able to maintain his standing in the fraternity, however fallen or degraded he might become in the community."* 8. Every brother who may feel himself aggrieved by the decision of a subordinate Lodge, has the right of appeal to the Grand Lodge. He has also the right to require from the Secretary of the Lodge, a certified copy of the proceedings in the case for his own use. When an appeal is taken, it is the duty of the Secre- tary of the subordinate Lodge, to transmit a copy of ^Freemason's Magv, Bos,, Vol. I, p. 356. 72 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. all the proceedings, together with such of the testimo- ny as may be committed to writing, that the same may be laid before the Grand Lodge in due time. 9. Under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, a Lodge has the right to expel a brother for unmasonic con- duct, and the confirmation of the Grand Lodge is not necessary to render the act final. In other Grand Lodges, before an expulsion can have full effect, it must be confirmed by the Grand Lodge, and expul- sions are only published by order of the Grand Lodge. In Tennessee, expulsions may be published by order of a subordinate Lodge, and the propriety of publish- ing suspensions is left to the discretion of the Lodge. 10. Agreeably to the decisions of the Grand Lodges of Kentucky and Tennessee, "a suspension or expul- sion from an Encampment of Knights Templar, or a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, does not necessarily suspend or expel a brother from the privileges of a Blue Lodge," or in other words a Lodge of Master Masons^ But a brother expelled from a Lodge would not be permitted to receive the degrees of the Chapter or the orders of knighthoods* 11. There is much diversity of opinion and practice in different Lodges, under the jurisdiction of different Grand Lodges, in relation to delinquent members, or those who fail to pay their Lodge dues. For exam- pie, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, directs her sub- ordinate Lodges "to expel members who shall be in arrears for dues or fees, eighteen months, and who shall refuse to pay the same within six months after demand thereof shall be made by the Treasurer." The Grand Lodge of Virginia declares that "the pen- *The reader will findi.his subject discussed ^it considerable length in the. Freemason's Magazine, Vol. I, pp. 38, 353; Vol. II, pp. 94-279. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 73 alty for nonpayment of dues shall be suspension du- ring the pleasure of the subordinate Lodge." The Grand Lodge of North Carolina expressly prohibits expulsion in such cases, and prescribes suspension un- til the dues are paid or remitted. The Grand Lodge of Tennessee has no express regulation on the subject; therefore, while some Lodges suspend until all dues are paid, others declare that "any member who shall be in arrears six months, shall forfeit his privilege of voting in election of officers," and is himself ineligi- ble to office while his dues remain unpaid. "If in arrears twelve months, he may be suspended." Oth- ers again, only strike such delinquents from the list of members of the Lodge, until his dues be paid or ex- cused. This is a subject of interest to the fraternity, and it is important the practice should be settled and uniformity prevail. OF THE POWERS OF A MASTER OF A LODGE. 1. Questions of much interest to the Craft have re- cently arisen with regard to the powers of a Master of a Lodge, and also, with regard to the right of a Lodge to try its Master, either for an arbitrary exercise of the powers with which he is invested, official miscon- duct, or for immoral and unmasonic conduct. These are subjects of masonic jurisprudence in relation to which there is no uniform and settled rule. 2. The Master of a Lodge, it is true, is clothed with great powers in its government, and in the manage- ment of its affairs; but, however great his powers, they are not unlimited. He is subordinate to the established customs and usages of the fraternity; to the regulations of the Grand Lodge, and to the parti- 7 74 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. cular rules and regulations of the subordinate Lodge he is called upon to govern. 3. The Master of a Lodge, like every other mem- ber, is bound to obey the ancient landmarks, the reg- ulations of his own Lodge as established by a majori- ty of the members and approved by the Grand Lodge, and the constitution and bye-laws of the Grand Lodge to which his own Lodge is subordinate. 4. In virtue of his office, it is his especial duty to see that every brother under his charge observe and obey the regulations of "the Grand Lodge, and his own particular Lodge, and, when necessary, to enforce obedience by a proper discipline. Hence in the choice of a Master, the Lodge should be careful to elect one who, to competent knowledge of the arts and myste- ries of Freemasonry, unites prudence, discretion, and urbanity of manners, that the harmony of the Lodge may be maintained. 5. In this connexion, the remarks of a distinguish- ed brother* are not considered out of place: "The Worshipful Master should always bear in memory, that to him the brethren look for instruction; on him depend the welfare and success, the credit and popu- larity of the community. His situation as the chief pillar of the Lodge, is most important; and if he fail in the satisfactory discharge of his duties, he inflicts a fatal blow, not only on the Lodge, which will be the first victim of an ill placed confidence, but on the or- der of Freemasonry itself, which will suffer in public estimation, should its principal officer prove incompe- tent to the high office he has undertaken; should fail through inattention, neglect, or incapacity, to improve The Rev. George Oliver, a distinguished English Mason. See Free- mason's Magazine, Vol. IV, p. 68. MASTER MASONS MANUAL. 75 the brethren in wisdom and knowledge; or to vindi- cate and defend the purity of the order against the attacks and surmises of those who ridicule or con- demn it, simply because they do not understand its object, and are incapable of comprehending its beau- ty and utility." 6. Under the ancient constitutions, the Master of a Lodge, "when duly elected and installed, has it in special charge, as appertinent to his office, duty and dignity, to see that the Bye-laws of his Lodge, as well as the General Regulations of the Grand Lodge, be duly observed." That they may be duly observed, lie should cause them to be frequently read in Lodge, that none may plead ignorance. 7. The Master has also "the right and authority of calling his Lodge at pleasure, either upon the appli- cation of any of the brethren, or upon any emergency which, in his judgment, may require their meeting."* It is also provided "that if he be dissatisfied with the conduct of any of his officers, (whether'elected or ap- pointed,) he may lay the complaint before the Lodge, and if it shall appear to the majority of the brethren present, that the complaint is well founded, he shall have power to displace such officer, and nominate another."! 8. If the Master transcend his legitimate powers, or act, in the exercise of his office, in an imperious or arbitrary manner, so as to disturb the harmony of the Lodge, he may be impeached before the Grand Lodge, and suspended from his office. 9. According to a report of a Committee of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, April, 1829, and concur- *English Constitutions, as quoted in Freemason's Mag., Vol. IV, p. 66. flbid., Vol. IV, p. 66. 76 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. red in by the Grand Lodge, the Master of a Lodge has no power to take possession of the charter and sus- pend the operations of the Lodge, at his pleasure. "The right to suspend the work of a Lodge," says the report, "is vested in the Grand Master during the re- cess of the Grand Lodge, which suspension may ex- tend to the next ensuing Grand Lodge; the power to recall a charter belongs exclusively to the Grand Lodge." The Committee further state, that after an examination of the ancient constitutions of the order, "they find no such power either granted or implied," and that "there is no such power in the Master of a subordinate Lodge, of suspending the work of a Lodge during his pleasure," derived either from the ancient constitutions of the order, or its unwritten laws." 10. The Master of a Lodge has no power to put off the regular meetings of his Lodge, when the times of holding such meetings are fixed by the bye-laws. The business of a regular communication may be adjourn- ed, but the meeting must be held as provided by the bye-laws. OF THE RIGHT OF A LODGE TO TRY ITS MASTER. 1. This is a subject of great interest to the Frater- nity, and there ought to be some general and acknowl- edged rule for the government of subordinate Lodges, in all cases where the Master has rendered himself obnoxious to the charge of misconduct in his office, or of unmasonic conduct. Some of the Grand Lodges in the United States have special rules on this subject; others have none. 2, The regulations of the Grand Lodge of Virginia provide, "that a Master of a Lodge cannot, without MASTER MASONS MANUAL. 77 his own consent previously obtained, be called to account, or tried for unmasonic conduct, before any other body than the Grand Lodge, or a committee ap- pointed by the Grand Lodge, or Grand Master."* 3. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts declares, "that any five members of the Lodge, or the Deputy Grand Master, may impeach him (the Master) before the Grand Master, who shall order an investigation of the charges; and if, in his opinion, they are well founded, and of a character to justify the proceeding, he may suspend the delinquent, and summon him to appear at the ensuing Grand Lodge." 4. The late National Masonic Convention had this subject under consideration, and decided, on what they conceived correct masonic principles, that "a subordinate Lodge has not the right to try its Master, but that he is amenable to the Grand Lodge alone." 5. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina has the fol- lowing regulation: "That in case of gross unmasonic conduct in any Master of a Lodge under the jurisdic- tion of this Grand Lodge, that the M. W. Grand Mas- ter for the time being, on the facts being represented to him by a majority of the acting members of the Lodge, shall have power to suspend the said Master, if necessary, until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, when and where the case can be examined and tried." 6. The arguments to sustain the course laid down in the foregoing regulations may be briefly stated thus: The Master is elected by the members of the Lodge; they are his constituents, and may impeach him for misconduct, but the action of another power is necessary to try and punish him. If it were not so, ^Henderson's Digest, p. 74-115. 7* 78 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. he could at any moment be dishonored and displaced by a majority of the members preferring charges against him, although the Grand Lodge might, on a dispassionate and careful examination of the testimo- ny, set aside the charges as frivolous and invalid.* 7. From the language of the regulations of the Grand Lodges of Virginia and Massachusetts, and of the National Masonic Convention, above referred to, it is still a matter of doubt whether they are intended to apply to official misconduct only, or to include charges involving the moral and Masonic character of the Master. The language of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina is more explicit, and declares that "for gross unmasonic conduct" the Master is to be tried by the Grand Lodge. The Master of a Lodge may be regarded, in some degree, as an officer of the Grand Lodge, and is, therefore, strictly and properly amenable-to the Grand Lodge alone for misconduct in his official character; but, as far as we are at pres- ent advised, we incline to the opinion, that the Master is, and ought to be, amenable to the Lodge for immoral and unmasonic conduct, as another member. MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS. 1. All the business of a Lodge, except that of con- ferring the degrees of Entered Apprentice and Fel- low Craft, and the instruction appertaining to these degrees, should be transacted in a Master's Lodge. In many Lodges the practice has been otherwise. This subject was before the National Masonic Convention, and the views of that body are embraced in the fol- lowing report of a Committee: *Freemason1s Mag., Vol. IV, p. 34. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 79 "The impropriety of transacting Masonic business in Lodges below the degree of Master Mason, except such as appertains to the conferring the inferior de- grees and the instruction therein, is a subject which has recently been presented to the consideration of the Grand Lodges of the United States, by the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri, and in the opinion of the Committee ought to be adopted. Entered Appren- tices and Fellow Crafts are not members of Lodges, nor are they entitled to the franchises of members; to prevent, therefore, the possibility of any interference in, or knowledge of, the transactions of the Lodge, the confining of all business to the Masters' Lodges, will be found most advantageous, and, undoubtedly, is the most correct course of practice." 2. Every Mason on withdrawing from a Lodge, more especially when he designs removing to another State, should take a regular demit, showing that he has paid all dues to the Lodge, and that he is in regu- lar standing. 3. No Lodge should initiate, pass or raise any per- son who is an inhabitant of another State where there is a Grand Lodge, unless the applicant present satis- factory evidence that he has not been rejected by a Lodge in such State. In reference to this subject, the Grand Lodge of Missouri declares that "the practice of initiating and conferring degrees upon citizens of other States within which there are Grand Lodges, is opposed to the true masonic practice and principle, in- jurious and hurtful to the fraternity within whose ju- risdiction the individual resides, and calculated to thrust upon them, as brothers, undeserving and design- ing persons, who could not, at their residence, obtain those honors." 4. No subordinate Lodge should take the note of any individual for the fees of initiation, passing or 80 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. raising. The practice which has prevailed in some Lodges, has been productive of much mischief, and has often impaired the funds of the Lodge, and mate- rially effected its usefulness. The practice is now prohibited by nearly all, if not all, the Grand Lodges in the United States. 5. No Mason can be interred with the formalities of the order, unless he be a Master Mason; and as the funeral ceremonies are performed in that degree, En- tered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts have no right to appear in funeral processions. The appropriate dress on such occasions is black clothing with white gloves, aprons and sashes. The officers of the Lodge wear their appropriate jewels and collars. On all other occasions the members may appear in the full regalia peculiar to their masonic rank. 6. It is the practice of some Lodges to suspend the bye-laws for the purpose of acting on a particular question. Although cases may occur in which a bye- law may be suspended without injury, yet, as a gene- ral rule, the practice ought not to be tolerated. The exercise of such a power, even if it legitimately be- long to the majority of the Lodge, is a dangerous one, and may be used to the detftment of the Lodge and the craft in general. It is well remarked, that "were it permitted to Lodges to suspend their bye-laws at pleasure, these laws would afford little security to themselves, or to the Grand Lodge. A majority of members present would be able, at a thinly attended meeting, to carry measures which would destroy the harmony, or. materially injure the prospects of the Lodge. The power to suspend would, for all practi- cal purposes, be equivalent to the power to alter or amend. By it a small minority might be enabled to MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 81 effect results which would not have been sanctioned by the majority.* 7. No applicant for initiation, whose petition has been reported favorably upon, should be rejected on account of any "private pique or quarrel." Masons should be governed by higher motives. 8. When a candidate for initiation, passing or rais- ing has been elected, any member of the Lodge may object before he is introduced. 9. With regard to admitting to membership, as a matter of course, persons upon whom the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason have been conferred, is not universal. While some Lodges consider that the fact of conferring the degrees constitutes the recipient a member, others do not ad- mit to membership until he has been regularly ballot- ted for. 10. Are Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts properly chargeable with Lodge dues, that is, with the payment of monthly or quarterly contributions? On this subject there is a diversity of opinion and practice, under different masonic jurisdictions. In some Lodges Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are required to pay monthly or quarterly dues, upon the principle that the fact of initiation and passing, invests them with certain rights, benefits, and privileges, and that they are thus bound to contribute to the support of the Institution. In others, they are not charged With monthly or quarterly dues, because, although Masons, they are not members of the Lodge, eligible to office or share in the full privileges of the Lodge. In this place we give it as our opinion, that a mason is not rightly chargeable with dues until he attains that de- *Freemason's Mag., Vol. II, p. 165. 82 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. gree which entitles him to full membership, and to the full enjoyment of the rights, benefits and privi- leges of the Lodge. 11. The right of visiting Lodges by brethren who are not members of any Lodge, is another subject upon which there is no general rule. While the constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England declare, that "A brother who is not a subscribing member of some Lodge, shall not be permitted to visit any one Lodge in the town or place where he resides, more than once during his secession from the craft," under the jurisdiction of some of the Grand Lodges in this country, brethren in good standing, who are not members of any Lodge, are permitted to visit without restraint. Although the Grand Lodge of Tennessee has no positive or estab- lfshed rule upon this subject, it is the opinion of a committee, and concurred in by the Grand Lodge, "that the door of the Lodge should at all times be open to visiting brethren in good standing," and that no visitor ought to be taxed for such visit. The rule of the Grand Lodge of Virginia declares, that "no bro- ther shall be admitted to visit any subordinate Lodge a second time, unless- he is a member of some war- ranted Lodge in Virginia; or a sojourner from some other Grand Jurisdiction, carrying with him proper certificates."*' 12. Where the Grand Lodge imposes no restrictions upon the right of visit, a subordinate Lodge has the right to prescribe its own rules, provided they do not infringe the ancient landmarks, or contravene the an- cient regulations. ^Henderson's Digest, p. 3. CHAPTER VI. ADVANTAGES OF FREEMASONRY REMARKS UPON SOME OBJEC- TIONS TO THE ORDER MASONIC SECRECY FRIENDSHIP AND BROTHERLY LOVE CHARITY. When we advert to the origin of society, we discov- er that mutual wants impelled mankind to associate for mutual benefit and protection. The supreme archi- tect of the universe, when he created man, endowed him with reasoning faculties, the power of discrimi- nating between right and wrong, good and evil, that he might enjoy the pleasures and benefits arising from a state of society. He is created with feelings, pas- sions and inclinations, which direct him to social inter- course, and lead him to share with others, the pleas- ures which he himself feels. The influence of socie- ty is felt in every nation and in every country; the un- tutored and uncivilized savage who roams unrestrain- ed over his native woods, and the equally uncultivated native of the burning sands of Africa, feel its powers, and act under its sovereign sway. They seek society with as much eagerness, perhaps, as the polished in- habitant of the city, and from the same motive; the desire of participating in each other's enjoyments. This propensity to associate is capable of producing the most happy effects, when under proper restrictions. From this general principle of association is deduced that particular principle which leads to the establish- 84 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ment of societies having particular objects in view; such as societies for the relief of the distressed widow, the helpless orphan, the wandering stranger, and other benevolent and charitable purposes. In every coun- try where the minds of men have been enlightened and their manners softened by the benign influence of the Christian religion, societies have been formed, which have been produtive of much good in ameliora- ting the evils which "flesh is heir to." Misery in al- most every form has raised her languid head, and bless- ed the hand extended to relieve. Charity and her sis- ter Benevolence, have knelt by the side of the poor and the afflicted, and the balsam poured into their wounds, has inspired the sufferer with new feelings, causing joy and gladness, where before was all des- pondency and sorrow. Amongst the numberless societies thus instituted for benevolent purposes, it is not arrogating too much to say, that Freemasonry occupies an elevated place, and that it is as pre-eminent in usefulness as in age. Whilst other societies are limited to particular cities, towns or districts, Freemasonry is as extensive as the globe we inhabit, embracing men of every religion and every country; east or west, north or south, Ma- sons are found, ready and willing to administer to our comfort, or relieve our distresses. This is a subject of congratulation which no other institution affords. May its members cherish it for its benevolent designs, honor it for its precepts, and support it for the excel- lence of its moral doctrines, that it may continue to maintain that station which it deserves to occupy! Freemasonry at its institution was no doubt simple in its regulations, consisting of but few rules for pro- moting order and charity among those who embraced MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 85 it. As these were all of the same language, man- nerS, religion and government, they would have but few peculiarities to restrain. Their doctrines would be, that a God of perfect justice and mercy governs the universe, and that to him all men are accountable for their actions. Their precepts would enjoin obedi- ence to the deity; compassion and forbearance to all the human race, and temperance, sobriety and chari- ty to every particular individual. But when Freemasonry began to spread beyond the land of its nativity into distant countries, it would necessarily decline from its primitive simplicity. The few rules which were sufficient to regulate and gov- ern the society, when composed of people belonging to the same nation, would require to be augmented when it consisted of members of different nations. Accord- ingly the brethren have adopted certain signs and to- kens, which serve as a kind of universal language, by which a brother in a foreign country might make him- self known to, and understood by a brother who could relieve and protect him; and also, that they might be able to distinguish one another with ease and certain- ty from the rest of the world, that impostors might not abuse their confidence, nor intercept the fruits of their benevolence. The method adopted by the craft for communicating instruction to their disciples, was in use before the in- vention of letters. All the learning of the ancient world was conveyed in symbols, and entrenched in mystery; and that is not only the most ancient, but the most impressive- vehicle of knowledge, which, by applying sensible objects to a figurative use, affords amusement as well as instruction, and renders even the playfulness of imagination instrumental to moral improvement. 8 86 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. Those who have made inquiry into the rise and pro- gress of science, have found, that in the early ages all speculative knowledge was confined to a few, and by them carefully concealed from vulgar curiosity, under the veil of mystery, into which none were initiated until not only their intellectual capacities, but the firm- ness of their characters, had been put to a severe test; the result of which, determined the degree of proba- bility that they would resist the stratagems of curios- ity and the demands of authority. The weakness and prejudices of mankind, rendered it necessary to conceal many truths, which the progress of civil soci- ety, and the consequent expansion of the human mind, made it prudent to reveal; and although there are still secrets which we confine within the circle of the initiated, which we communicate by different degrees, yet, whatever appeared likely to increase the stock of human happiness, and seemed not dangerous in com- mon hands, our ancient brethren have communicated to the world. In every art there is d mystery which requires a gradual progression of knowledge, to arrive at any degree of perfection. Without much instruction and more exercise, no man can be skilful in any art; in like manner, without proper application to the various subjects treated of in the different lectures of Mason- ry, no person can be sufficiently acquainted with its true value, nor properly appreciate the advantages to be derived from it. It must not, however, be inferred, that persons who labour under the disadvantages of a confined education, or whose sphere of life requires a more intense application to business and study, are to be discouraged in their endeavors to gain a knowl- edge of Masonry. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 87 Masonry is confined to no particular country, but extends over the whole habitable world. By secret and inviolable signs carefully preserved amongst the fraternity, many advantages are gained. The distant Chinese, the Arab of the desert, and even the Indian of our own forests, will hail each other as brethren, and know that beside the common ties of humanity, there is still a stronger obligation to induce him to kind and friendly acts. If Masonry possessed .no oth- er advantage, this alone, is sufficient to entitle it to the esteem and attachment of its members. By this means they can communicate their history, their wants and their prayers to every mason throughout the globe; from whence it is certain, that many lives have been saved in foreign countries, when shipwreck and mise- ry had overwhelmed them; when robbers had pillag- ed, when sickness and want had brought them even to the brink of the grave, the discovery of Masonry has saved them. The mystic signal has staid the hand of the conqueror, when uplifted to destroy the unre- sisting captive; it has withheld the sword imbrued in carnage and slaughter, and subdued the insolence of triumph, to pay homage to the craft. Even pirates on the high seas, who have disregarded every other law both human and divine, have acknowledged and yielded to the force of this. For proofs of the moral tendency of Freemasonry, we - need only appeal to our lectures and charges, a due attention to wdiich cannot fail of proving highly auxiliary fo the practice of religious and social duties. In them will be found a summary of moral conduct, which in soundness of principle and facility of appli- Oation, may vie with the most celebrated systems of ethics; the whole rendered familiar to our conceptions, 88 master mason's manual. amusing to our fancies, and impressive on our memo- ries, by easy and apposite symbols. By them we learn the analogy between physical and moral good; to judge of the wisdom of the creator, by the works of his creation; and hence we infer, that our wise Mas- ter Builder, who has planned and completed a habi- tation so suitable to our wants, so convenient to our enjoyments during our temporary residence here, has exercised more wisdom in contriving, more strength in supporting, and more beauty in adorning, those eternal mansions where he has promised to receive and re- ward all those who faithfully practice the duties laid down in the Book of Life. Whoever divests himself of prejudice, and attentively considers the nature and tendency of the Masonic in- stitution, will readily perceive its utility. The uni- versal principles of the art, unite in the bonds of friend- ship, men of the most opposite tenets, of the most dis- tant countries, and of the most contradictory opinions; so that in every country a mason will find a friend and a home. Every degree in Masonry inculcates some duty to be performed, and some error to be avoided, and when its rules are strictly observed, it is a sure foundation of tranquillity amidst the various disap- pointments of life; a friend that will not deceive, but will comfort and assist in prosperity and adversity.— He, therefore, who cultivates this science and acts conformably to its injunctions and precepts, has, with- in himself, the spring of every social virtue, and will command the esteem and respect of mankind. Freemasonry being a moral and charitable institu- tion, its great object is to impress on the minds of its members, the obligations they are under to God, their country, and themselves. Notwithstanding these lead- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. k'd ing principles, and notwithstanding the moral virtues are the main pillars of the institution,it has been violent- ly assailed, and every effort has been made to excite the prejudices of the ignorant, and stamp with opprobri- um every adhering mason,, while those who have re- nounced the order, are held up as models of virtue and honor.. Trifling circumstances have been distort- ed, and the excited imaginations of men have magni- fied molehills into mountains. Every thing connected with Freemasonry, has been contemplated through a false medium, and a form and color have been exhibit- ed entirely different from their true and natural as- pect, while demagogues have denounced it as an insti- tution hostile to religion, and mimical to the constitu- tion and laws of the country. Men in their private as well as associated capaci- ties, must be supposed to act from some motive.— What motive can be imagined sufficient to induce a body of men, composed as the masonic fraternity is, of men of every political party, and every religious sect, to oppose the operation of just and equal laws, which afford protection to their persons and property, or stand forward as the enemies of religion, of that revelation upon which the whole system of Freema- sonry rests'? What would they gain by such opposi- tion either spiritually or temporally? Would their condition in this world be improved, or would their hopes for eternity be brightened? Are not the inter- ests of Freemasons as closely connected with the in- terests of the country in which they reside, as those of any other association or body of men? Would not any public misfortune affect them as deeply and as vitally? It is absurd then to suppose that Freemasons, as a body, could entertain the opinions, or encourage 8* 90 MASTER MASON S MANUAL* the designs which have been imputed to them, or that they would hazard the peace of their country in an at- tempt to subvert the form of government, or jeop- ard the liberties they enjoy. Admit that a few mis- guided and ignorant individuals have committed a deep and damning crime, does it fairly follow that the whole fraternity should be considered and treated as accessories? This would be a subversion of every principle of justice, and confounding the innocent with the guilty. As well might Christianity be charged with the dark and bloody crimes, that have been com- mitted in its name, as that masonry should be charged with the crimes of those who wear its insignia. The opponents of the order entertain mistaken no- tions of its principles, when they assert that it is in- imical to civil liberty, and adverse to religion, and that its obligations are paramount to all law. Freemason- ry encourages the idea, that all men are created equal, and that they are entitled to all the blessings which rational liberty confers. A mason, in consequence of his duties to the order, loses no part of that freedom of opinion which is his right by the constitution and laws. His mind and his will, in all his civil, political, and re- ligious relations, are as free as the air he breathes. He is tramelled by no obligations, restricted by no penalties, in the performance of his public or private duties. He is not compelled by any rule to adopt any set of opinions, or practice upon principles his con- science does not approve. He is as well qualified to act as a judge or a juror, as if he had never entered within the walls of a Lodge. In politics, he unites himself to this or that political party as his inclina- tions may lead him, without being at all amenable to masonic laws. As it is in politics, so it is in religion. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 91 In this important concern he is left to the suggestions and guidance of his own conscience. It is urged against the order, that it is a secret asso- tion, and it is sagely argued, that whatever the veil of secrecy conceals from the public eye, must of necessi- ty be evil—that if its proceedings were upright, and consistent with good order and good morals, there would be no necessity for concealment. This is a very common: objection, but it does not follow, that because the proceedings of the Lodge are conducted in secret, they are evil. If the transactions of the Lodge are secret, the principles of the order are not; they are laid down in this book, and others of a similar charac- ter.so plainly, that 'those who run may read,' and un- derstand them, if they will. It is no argument against Freemasonry that other secret associations have ad- vanced principles, and acted upon them, adverse to good order, and hostile to religion. Erected upon a different foundation, it is totally unlike other secret associations which have disturbed the peace of other countries, and which certain writers have endeavored to connect with Freemasonry. The ancient philosophers and wise men, were so ful- ly persuaded of the great value of secrecy, that it was the first lesson they taught their pupils and fol- lowers. Thus in the school of Pythagoras, it was a rule that every novice was to be silent for a time, and refrain from speaking unless when a question was asked; to the end that the valuable secrets which he had to communicate might be the better preserved and valued. Lycurgusmade a perpetual law, oblig- ing every man to keep secret whatever was commit- ted to him, unless it were to the- injury of the State. The Athenians had a statue of brass, which was an 92 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. object of their adoration. The figure was made with- out .a tongue; as an emblem of silence. The Egyp- tians, worshipped Harpocrates, whom they denomina- ted the God of Silence; for which reason he was al- ways represented as holding his finger on his mouth. The Persians considered the betraying a secret, so great a crime, that it was punishable with the utmost severity. Nor is the recommendation of secrecy, as an impor- tant virtue, confined to the heathen philosophers and lawgivers, but the fathers of the church, and the in- spired writers, have strongly recommended it. St. Ambrose places the gift of secrecy among the principal foundations of virtue; and the wise King Solomon, deems a man unworthy to reign, who can- not command himself, and keep his own secrets. A betrayer of secrets he brands with the epithet of trai- tor; but he who keeps what has been confidentially communicated tQ him, he ranks as a faithful brother. "A tale bearer revealeth secrets; but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth them. Discover not a se- cret to another, lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away." To the same purpose, in the book of Ecclesiasticus, we find the following beautiful passages, worthy to be indeli- bly engraven upon the hearts of every mason: "Whosoever discovereth secrets, loseth his credit, and shall never find a friend to his mind. Love thy friend, and be faithful unto him; but if thou betrayest his secrets, follow no more after him; for as a man hath destroyed his enemy, so hast thou lost the love of thy neighbor: as one that letteth a bird go out of his hand, so hast thou let thy neighbor go, and shalt not get him again. Follow after him no more, for he is MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 93 too far off; he is as a roe escaped out of the snare; as for a wound it may be bound up; and after reviling, there may be reconcilement; but he that betrayeth se- crets is without hope."* Communicated to all, the value of our mysteries would be mistakenly appreciated by many, and strange as the assertion may seem, it would really diminish, while it seemed to enlarge, the sphere of our practical benevolence. The commonness of the good, however estimable, would rob it- of its attractions; the force of individual motive would be destroyed; and instead of those particular incentives, that now so powerfully in- fluence the feelings of Masons in favor of each other, all would be confounded and lost in the fluctuating "opinions, fashions, and follies of the world. The uni- versal language, by which brother recognizes brother, whatever clime may have given him birth, would ceas^to exist. The privacy of our appeals to the hu- manity of each other, now attended with no prostra- tion of personal feeling, or manly sentiment, must al- so vanish, and an invidious world must witness alms solicited with timidity, and bestowed, as of favor, not of right. Our distressed and unfortunate breth- ren, under the present regulations of the order, have little occasion for the language of solicitation. The connexion with the fraternity entitles them to claim, where it is necessary, what it is the happiness of eve- ry-genuine Mason, spontaneously to afford. It is the weakness of human nature, that mankind are "pleased with novelty and studious of change."— What is difficult attracts their attention, and is eager- ly pursued; that which is easily attained, is little sought for. Innumerable instances might be adduced *Ecc. Chap, xxvii. 16, 22. 94 master mason s manual. in proof of this waywardness of our nature. The most wonderful operations of the Divine Architect, however beautiful, magnificent, or useful, are over- looked, because they are common and familiar, and excite no emotion of admiration for the great first cause, and scarce any feeling of gratitude, for the numerous blessings his beneficence confers. Friendship and brotherly love are regarded by Ma- sons, as the strong cement of the order; without these virtues, the order would soon cease to exist. The fundamental qualities of true friendship, are constancy and fidelity; without these material ingre- dients it is of no value. An inconstant man is inca- pable of true friendship. He may, perhaps, have af- fections which occasionally glow in his heart; which excite fondness for amiable qualities, or connect him with seeming attachment, to one whom he esteems, or to whom he has been obliged. But after these feelings have lasted for a little, either fancied inter- ests alienate him, or some new object attracts him. Where constancy is wanting there can be no fidelity, and consequently, no true friendship. For all friend- ships, suppose an entire confidence and trust; the seal of secrecy to be inviolable; promises and engagements to be sacred; and no advantage of qui* own to be pur- sued at the expense of our friend. The man who is actuated by the pure principles of friendship, will not desert his friend when dangers threaten, or misfortunes assail him. When he is cal- umniated, he will openly and boldly espouse his cause, and endeavor to remove the aspersion. When sick- ness or infirmity occasion him to be deserted by oth- ers, he will seize the opportunity, and redouble all the affectionate attentions which love suggests. When MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 95 his situation is changed, or his fortunes falling, he will afford prompt and zealous aid. These are im- portant duties, which religion and virtue enforce on every worthy mind. Friendships when contracted at an early age, retain to the last a tenderness and. warmth, seldom possessed by friendships that are formed in the riper period of life. The remembrance of ancient and youthful connexions melt every heart; and the dissolutiQn of them is, perhaps,. the most pain- ful feeling to which we are exposed in this life. But at whatever period they are formed, as long as they continue sincere and affectionate, they form one of the greatest blessings we can enjoy. By the pleasing communication of all our sentiments which they prompt, they are justly said to double our pleasures and divide our sorrows* They give a brighter sun- shine to the gay incidents of life, and they enlighten the gloom of its darker hours. A faithful friend is the medicine of life. A variety of occasions happen, when to pour forth the heart to one we love and trust/is the chief comfort, perhaps the only relief we can enjoy. Miserable indeed, must that man be, who, shut up with- in the narrow enclosure of selfish interest, has no person to whom he can at all timefe expand his soul with per- feet confidence. No society can exist for any length of time, unless brotherly love prevail amongst its members. Too often have associations, formed for useful and benev- olent purposes, and established under the most favor- able circumstances, failed of their designs, and been dissolved and destroyed, in consequence of discord and dissension arising among the individvals who compose it. To "dwell together in unity" is the life and support of every institution, be their object and 96 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. designs what they may; and the necessity of living in peace, cannot be too often impressed upon the Ma- son's mind. If a contrary spirit is manifested; if in- stead of peace and unanimity, we find strife and dis- cord introduced; if we find brother calumniating brother, in vain will we proclaim the advantages of Masonry; in vain will we talk of the subjection of ir- regular passions; it will be like "sounding brass or a tinkling symbol." It is not only expected of Masons, that they should refrain from evil speaking, that they should "keep a tongue of good report," but also, that they should be careful to speak well of each other, always avoiding that vice "Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms o'f Nile; whose breath Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world: Kings, Queens, and States, Maids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the grave, This viperous slander enters^' To give a man his just and true character, is so easy a duty, that it is impossible for a benevolent mind to avoid it; it is a degree of common justice to which we are prompted by honesty itself. It is not enough that a mason should refrain from slander; but it is re- quired of him that he should speak with kindness and affection, withholding nothing that can be uttered to his brother's praise or good name with truth. There is a secret joy in speaking well of our neighbors, as self-approbation succeeds it; the breast of such a man is enlarged, whilst he utters the praise due to his neighbor, and experiences those enviable sensations which ever arise from the performance of good and virtuous actions. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 97 The neutral disposition, frigid and reserved, neither speaks good nor evil; but the man who feels the emo- tions of brotherly love is warm to commend. It is an easy and cheap means of bestowing good gifts, and working good works; for by a just praise to industry, you recommend the industrious man to those to whom he might never be known, and thereby enlarge his trade, and contribute to the support of his family. By a just communication of merit, you may open the road to advancement. By a proper praise of genius and art, you may arouse the attention of those to whom the greatest merit and worth might have remained a secret. It is a degree of justice which every man has a right to, and which no mason ought to withhold from another. To veil the imperfections and infirmities of our friend, is christian-like and charitable, consequently, becom- ing the character of a mason. Even truth should not be told at all times; and where we cannot approve, it is better we should be silent. What pleasure or profit can arise from exposing the failings of a brother? When a brother violates any known and established rule, to admonish him with kindness, is virtuous; to revile him is inhuman; and to set him up as an object of ridicule, betrays a heart, void of every virtuous feeling. From hence we must conclude, that the duty of a good man leads to benevolence; and his heart is ■touched with pity and joy, whilst he acts within her precepts. Were the virtues of friendship and brotherly love confined to the spot of our nativity, its operations would be partial, and imply a kind of enmity to other nations, but the true Freemason is a citizen of the world; his philanthropy does not embrace this or that 9 OS MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. part of the globe, but is coextensive with the whole human family. Uninfluenced by local prejudices, lie knows no preference in virtue, but according to its de- grees, from whatever climate it may spring. "As ointment and perfume rejoice the heart, so doth rlie sweetness of a man's friend by hearty council. As iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the coun- tenance of his friend. Make sure of thy friend; for faithful are the words of a friend. A friend loveth at all times; and a brother is born for adversity." Charity is the first of all graces, the child of virtue; the first born of heaven; the connecting link between divinity and humanity; the only medium of intercourse between heaven and earth; so that a mind destitute of +his divine principle, knows nothing of real religion; is a total stranger to the genuine spirit of Christianity, and to every anticipation of the joys of paradise. ''Charity never faileth." It is a perpetual current of good will and compassion, that flows towards the whole family of mankind, and visits with particular delight, the children of sorrow and wretchedness. It feels connexion with every son and daughter of afflic- tion. It is active and diligent in proportion to its means of benevolence; casual opportunities of doing g >od, do not circumscribe its benignity, it seeks for ob- /■cts of distress in their lone recesses. In order to exercise this virtue, both in the charac- t or of Masons and in common life with propriety, we should forget every obligation but affection; for other- wise it were to confound charity with duty. The feelings of the heart ought to direct the hand of chari- ty. To this purpose, we should be divested of every idea of superiority, and estimate ourselves as being of the same rank and race of men; in this disposition MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 00 of mind we may be susceptible of those sentiments, which charity delighteth in, to feel the woes and mis- eries of others with a genuine and true sympathy of soul. Compassion is of heavenly birth; it is one of the first characteristics of humanity. Peculiar to our race, it distinguishes us from the rest of the crea- tion. It includes a supreme degree of love to the great creator and governor of the universe, and an un- limited affection to the beings of his creation, of all characters and denominations. In a particular and impressive manner is the practice of this virtue incul- cated on every brother, on his admission into the Lodge. He is taught and required to extend the help- ing hand to the widow and the orphan, whatever may be their religion, or their country. The bounds of the greatest nation, or most extensive empire, cannot cir- cumscribe the generosity of a liberal mind. A mutu- al chain of dependence, subsists throughout the ani- mal creation. The whole human race, are therefore proper objects of charity. Beings who partake of the same nature, ought to be actuated by the same mo- tives and interests. Hence to soothe the unhappy by sympathising in their misfortunes, and restore peace to their agitated spirits, constitutes the general and great end of the Masonic institution. All human passions, when directed by the principle of reason, promote some useful purpose, but compas- sion towards proper objects is the most beneficial of all the affections, and executes the most lasting de- gree of happiness; as it extends to greater numbers, and tends to alleviate the infirmities and evils which are incident to human nature. Possessed of this amiable disposition, the man of feeling is shocked at misery under ev.ery form and ap- 100 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. pearance. When we behold an object pining under the miseries of a distressed body or mind, the sooth- ing accents which flow from the tongue, mitigate the pain of the unhappy sufferer, and make even adversi- ty in its dismal state look gay. When our pity is exci- ted, we assuage grief, and relieve distress. The dispen- sation of relief by masons, is qualified by one of res- trietion, while the sphere of its extension is enlarged by disregarding several, to which common charities are subject. The indiscriminate lavisher of pecunia- ry grants, is often actuated by generosity of feeling, or the desire of doing good. He throws away his money with equal indifference and folly upon suffer- ing merit, and the worthless and undeserving; because inquiring into the justice of the petition would intrude upon his leisure, or the lamentations of misery are unwelcome to his ear. Not so the Lodge; while her rules prescribe a patient hearing to the tale of sor- row, she applies a guard to- the impositions of affect- ed grief. While she anticipates with anxious solici- tude, the complaints of meritorious poverty, she re- fuses to administer to the passions of man. Not meanly fastidious; not unkindly slow and dilatory; not seeking an excuse to withhold the required boon, she nevertheless, by her established plan of charity, prevents the treasury of the virtuous and good, from being lavished on the idle and vicious. She affords no reason for the dissolute and vile, to pursue their course under the expectation, that when their resour- ces are exhausted, they may find necessities of their own creating, relieved by the treasure laid up for the relief of the children of misfortune. The objects of true charity, are merit and virtue in distress; persons who are incapable of extricating MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 101 themselves from misfortunes which have overtaken them in old age; industrious men, from inevitable acci- dents and acts of Providence plunged into ruin; wid- ows left survivors of their husbands, by whose labors they subsisted; orphans in tender years left naked on the world. What are the claims of such, on the hand of chari- ty, when you compare them to the miscreants who in- fest the doors of every dwelling with their importuni- ties; wretches wandering from their homes, shewing their distortions, and their sores, to excite compassion; with which ill gotten gains, in concert with thieves and vagabonds, they revel away the hours of night, which conceal their iniquities and their vices. Charity, when misapplied, loses her titles, and in- stead of being adorned with the dress of virtue, as- sumes the insignificance, the bells and feathers of folly. END OF BOOK FIRST. 9 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. BOOK SECOND. CHAPTER I. on opening and closing a lodge charge at opening prayers at opening charge at closing prayer and benediction. In all regular assemblies ©f men who are convened for useful purposes, the commencement and conclu- sion * of business are accompanied with some-form. In every country the practice prevails and is deemed essential. Men unacquainted with the mysteries of Freema- sonry, are apt to imagine there is nothing to conceal; that the institution itself is merely a convivial club, and its ceremonies at once trifling and superficial. Such is not the fact; every brother who has paid the least attention, knows that they are not only useful but necessary; that every sign we make, every implement we use, every emblem we employ, inculcates some useful- lesson, and admonishes us of some error to be avoided, or some duty to be performed. Ceremonies when simply considered, it is true, are 104 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. little more than visionary delusions; but their objects and effects are sometimes important. When they produce sentiments of reverence, and direct our at- tention to the great and beneficent author of our exis- tence; when they impress upon the mind solemn and important truths, they become highly interesting. The ceremony of opening and closing a Lodge with solemnity and decorum is, therefore, universally ac- ltnowledged among masons, and although the mode may slightly vary in different Lodges, and in every degree must vary, still uniformity in the general forms prevail in every Lodge;, and the variation that is oc-. casionally found to exist is. solely occasioned by want of proper attention on the part of those who partici- pate in the ceremony. To conduct this ceremony with propriety, ought to be the study of every mason, and more especially of those who are called upon to preside. To the master of a Lodge every eyo is. directed for an example of propriety of conduct, and from him every brother will naturally expect to derive the necessary instructions. As every brother cannot be too often reminded of man's entire dependence upon that Almighty Being who "rides on the whirlwind and directs the storm," the work of the Lodge should always open and close with prayer. Such was the invariable custom of our ancient brethren, and is never omitted in a well regu- lated Lodge. Certain charges are also rehearsed which are intended to impress the mind of the mason with the duties he has engaged to perform. PRAYER AT OPENING. Most merciful God! Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth! We beseech thee to guide and protect these MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 105 thy servants here assembled, and- fulfil at this time, that divine promise thou wert pleased to make to those who should be gathered together in thy name. Teach us to know and serve thee aright. Bless and prosper us in all our laudable undertakings, and Grant, O God! that all our conduct may tend to thy glory, to the ad- vancement of Freemasonry, and finally to our own salvation in that blessed kingdom where the right- eous shall find rest. Amen! The Brethren respond. So mote it be! ANOTHER PRAYER AT OPENING. Almighty and Eternal Jehovah! Great Light of Life! in whom we live, and move, and have our being! Bless the brethren here assembled! Give them one soul, and influence each one of them by the same zeal! Make them one in name and in heart. May the 3las- ter be firm, prudent and discreet in the discharge of his-duties, and as the Glorious Sun gives light to the day, may he be enabled to enlighten the Lodge, and conduct all things aright! May the Wardens be as pillars of Strength and Beauty! May the Treasurer keep that which cannot corrupt, and the Secretary re- cord what Eternal truth shall approve! May the Dea- cons be constant as the hours, and the Tyler be as the eye of a kind Providence which watches unseen over all the works of creation! and may every brother practice out of the Lodge, the duties that are inculca- ted in it! So shall we be built up a spiritual Lodge never to be shaken by the storms of adversity; but, cleaving to thy great name, O Eternal Jehovah! may we be united to thee in love and freedom of soul for- ever! and to thy most Holy name be praise, now, henceforth and forever. Amen! Response by the Brethren. So mote it be! 100 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. One of the following charges should be recited at opening. CHARGE AT OPENING A LODGE. As useful knowledge is one of the objects of our association, we ought to apply ourselves with becora- ing zeal to the practice of the excellent principles of our order. Let us ever remember, that the great ob- jects of our association are, the restraint of improper desires and passions, the promotion of active benev- olence among men, and a correct knowledge of the duties we owe to God, our neighbors, and ourselves. Let us be united, and practice with assiduity the sa- cred tenets of our order. Let all private animosities, if any should unhappily exist, give place to affection and brotherly love; it is a useless parade to talk of the subjection of irregular passions within the walls of the Lodge, if we permit them to triumph in our intercourse with each other. United in the grand design, let us be happy ourselves, and endeavor to promote the happiness of others. Let us cultivate the great moral virtues which are inscribed upon our Masonic Trestleboard, and improve in every thing that is good, amiable and useful, that we may be the better prepared for that kingdom to which we are all hastening. Let the benign genius of the mystic art preside over our councils, and under her sway let us act with the dignity which becomes the station of our ancient and honorable order; On every occasion let us preserve justness of con- duct, politeness of manner, and evenness of temper. Let our recreations be innocent, ever avoiding with scrupulous care the vice of intemperance, that fatal rock upon which so many have split, and never suffer master mason's manual. 107 irregular indulgences, to expose our own characters, and the character of our institution to the mockery and derision of the uninitiated. Thus shall we act in conformity with our precepts, and support the name of being a respectable, regular and uniform society, whose great object is the promotion of the good of mankind. another charge at opening. Behold! how good and how pleasant it is for breth- ren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garment. Like the dew of Hermon that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the LorcC commanded a blessing even for life evermore! prayer at closing. Great and Glorious God! Ruler of Heaven and Earth! We are now about to separate and return to our respective places of abode. Grant that every brother may practice out of the Lodge the duties in- culcated in it—and with reverence, study and obey the laws which thou hast given us in thy Holy Word; and Grant O Lord! that brotherly love may prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us. Amen! Response by the brethren. So mote it be! charge at closing. Brethren:—We are now about to quit this sacred re- treat of friendship and virtue, to mix again with the 108 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. world. Whilst busied in its concerns, let us not forget that around this sacred altar we have repeatedly promised to relieve, protect, and vindicate each other. Let us, therefore, be diligent, prudent and circum- spect in our respective callings, that by liberal benev- olence and diffusive charity, we may discover to the world the happy effects of this ancient and honorable institution. May ye be all of one mind; live in peace; and may the God of love and peace delight to dwell with and bless you. BENEDICTION. May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us and all regular masons! May brother Love prevail, and ev- ery moral and social virtue oement us. Amen! Ilesponse. So mote it be! Before the brethren separate, the following "melody," written by brother Thomas Power, may be sung: Music, "Greenville." F Major. "While we close our social meeting, Friendly thoughts each bosom fill, 'Mid the scenes of lime so fleeting, Parting hours the saddest still. Gentle Hope in whisper'd measure, Tells we yet may meet again; That kind promise still we'll treasure, While we yet in time remain."* #uMasonic Melodies, adapted to the ceremonies and festivals of the Fraternity." By Thomas Power, past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. This work we cannot but reeom- mend to the attention of the Fraternity. CHAPTER II. ON THE ADMISSION OP CANDIDATES. The operative Mason in erecting his temporal build- ing, is careful to select proper materials; upon this depends the durability of the edifice. Upon the same principle should speculative Masons act, in the erec- tion of their Masonic edifice. The irregular conduct of some of its members, has long been urged as an objection to the institution; but it will be remembered, that among the various socie- ties instituted among men, few are exempted from censure. Their regulations have seldom operated so powerfully as to promote that sincere attachment to the welfare and prosperity of each other, which consti- tutes true happiness. This may.be ascribed to vari- ous causes; amongst others to the reprehensible mo- tives which too frequently lead men to a participation of social entertainments. It is a truth whiclrcannot be denied, that the privileges of Masonry have been conferred on unworthy persons, and have been prosti- tuted to unworthy purposes. When we consider the variety of members of which the Masonic society is composed, and how many are deficient in, a proper knowledge of the tenets and principles of the institu- tion, we cannot wonder that many are remarked for irregular lives. Many, when their curiosity is grati- fied by initiation, think every thing is attained, and 10 110 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. give themselves no farther trouble than to obtain the decorations of the order. They neglect the study of those sublime and important truths which form its ba- sis, and remain perfectly ignorant of the principles of the art. From such persons, it cannot be expected that they will pay much attention to the observance of duties which they perceive openly violated by their own initiation. The character of the Masonic institution is not now to be formed; its active operation through a succes- sion of ages, in aid of civilization, of the develope- ment of moral principle, of the introduction of the arts, of the cultivation of the sciences; in fine, of whatever has ameliorated the condition of man; on these are founded its high character, and these form its claims to our veneration and our best exertions to preserve it unimpaired. In order to this, our first bu- siness should be extreme caution in determining to whom this important trust is to be committed. All societies loose their influence when the management of their concerns is entrusted to weak or wicked hands. Let him who is desirous of becoming one of our order, have the important requisite of a pure heart. Without this he can neither bring the accept- able sacrifice of holy affections to the altar of God, or devote himself to the duties of charity in his inter- course with man. By a recurrence to the objects of our association, we cannot misunderstand what qualifications are neces- sary in order that any one should become a candidate for initiation. Riches and honors are but secondary qualifications. A man may possess all these, yet, he may possess a mean and selfish temper, sordid and contracted feelings, and indefinite views of moral MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Ill principle. However our interests and prejudices as men may bias our feelings, as Masons we should say to him when he approaches our threshold, "thus far shalt thou come but no farther." Can we hope that the ceremonies of initiation will renovate his heart and feelings? The ceremony of initiation can never efface the pollutions of licentiousness or the stains of guilt; and he who in the ordinary walks of life ex- hibits the debasing effects of malignant passions, will not, on his admission, receive the amiable temper of charity. Masonry does not propose to create affec- tions, but direct them, and present new motives to the heart already enlisted on the side of virtue. The facility with which our doors have been open- ed to those who seek admission, is not only a subject of regret to many of the most zealous supporters of the institution, but has occasioned reproaches from those who are not of our number, and has, no doubt, prevented many from participating in its benefits.— Too many Lodges seem to think that numbers alone constitute the respectability of the society. If a man of indifferent character and reputation gain admis- sion, his neighbour will look upon the transaction at least with suspicion, and probably will acquire preju- dices which will never be effaced. Thus, particular instances of irregularity create disaffection to the in- stitution, and however erroneous the impression, it will be of no avail to explain its professed objects when at variance with practice. This always occa- sions a humiliating application of these words, "by their fruit shall ye know them." It is in vain to at- tempt disguising irregularities which too often render ineffectual the good purposes of the institution. It is expected of Masons, that they will live sober and 112 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. moral lives. If they do this, they have the reward which every good man feels from the consciousness of rectitude, the steady confidence of their brethren, and the hope that at the consummation of their works, it will be said to them, "well done good and faithful ser- vants." On the prerequisites and admission of candidates, the ancient regulations lay down the following rules: CONCERNING GOD AND RELIGION. "Whoever, from a love of knowledge, interest or cu- riosity, desires to be made a Mason, is to know, that, as his foundation and chief corner stone, he is to be- lieve firmly in the one Supreme and Eternal God, and pay that worship which is due to Him, as the great Architect and Governor of the Universe. A Mason is also obliged to obey the moral law, as a true Noah- chida,# and if he rightly understand royal art, he can-? not tread in the paths of the irreligious libertine or stupid atheist; nor in any case, act against the inward light of his conscience." "He will likewise shun the gross errors of bigotry and superstition; making a due use of his own reason, according to that liberty with which a Mason is free. For although in ancient times, the Christian Masons were charged to comply with the Christian usages of the country where "they sojourned or worked, (being found in all nations, and of all religions and persua- sions,) yet, it is now thought most expedient that the brethren in general should be only charged, to adhere to the essentials of religion in which all men agree; leaving each brother to his own private judgment, as *Noah-.chida, sons of Noah, the first name of Freemasons MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 113 to particular modes and forms. "YVKence it follows, that all Masons are to be good men and true—men of honor and honesty, by whatever religious names or pursuasions distinguished; always pursuing the gol- den precept, 'do unto all men as (upon change of con- dition) you would that all men should do unto you.'" "Thus Masonry becomes the centre of union among the brethren, scattered over the habitable globe, and the means of conciliating and cementing into one body, those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance; thereby strengthening, not weak- ening, the divine obligations of religion and love." CONCERNING GOVERNMENT AND THE CIVIL MAGISTRATES. "Whoever would be a true Mason, is further to know, that by the privileges of his order, his obligations as a subject and a citizen, will not be relaxed, but enforced. He is to be a lover of peace, and obedient to the civil powers which afford him protection, and are set over him where he resides, or works. Nor can a real craftsman ever be concerned in conspiracies against the state, or be disrespectful to the magistrate when in the discharge of his duty; because the welfare of the country which protects him by its laws should be his first object." "If any brother, forgetting for a time, the rules-of his craft, and listening to evil counsels, should unhap- pily fall into a contrary conduct, he is not to be coun- tenanced in his crimes and rebellion against the state; but he forfeits all the benefits of the Lodge, and his fellows will refuse to associate with him in private, while he continues in his guilt, that no offence may be given to the lawful government. Such a person, 10* 114 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. however, is still considered as a Mason, his title being indefeasible; and hopes are to be entertained, and en- deavours used, that the rules 'of the craft may again restore him to a sense of his duty." '•From the constant desire of true Freemasons, to adorn the countries where they reside with useful arts, they have been, from the earliest ages, encouraged and protected by the wisest rulers of states and com- monwealths; who have likewise thought it an honor to have their names enrolled among the fraternity, and have become patrons of the craft. Thus Masonry having always flourished most in the peaceable tim.es of every country, and having suffered in a particular manner through the calamitous effects of war, the craftsmen are the more strongly engaged and inclin- ed to act agreeably to the true principles of their art, in following peace and love as far as possible, with all men; and as political affairs have occasioned dis- cord amongst the nearest relations, and most intimate friends, Masons are enjoined never to speak of, or dis- cuss them in the Lodge." OF PRIVATE DUTIES. "Whoever would be a Mason, should know how to practice all the private duties. He should avoid all manner of intemperance and excess, which might pre- vent his performance of all the laudable duties of his craft, or lead him into enormities, which would reflect dishonor on the craft. He is to be industrious in his profession, and true to the lord and master he serves. He is to labour justly for his meat and his drink.— What leisure his labour allows, he is to employ in studying the arts and sciences with a diligent mind, MASTER MASONS MANUAL. 115 that he may the better perform all his duties to his creator, his country, his neighbor and hijnself. For, to "walls humbly in the sight of God, to do justice and love mercy," are the true characteristics of free and accepted Masons." "He is to seek and acquire, as far as possible, the virtues of patience, meekness, self-denial and forbear- ance, which give him the command over himself and enable him to govern his awn family with affection, dignity, and prudence; at the same time checking ev- ery disposition injurious to the world, and promoting that love and service which brethren of the same household owe to each other. Therefore, to afford succour to the distressed; to divide our bread with the industrious poor, and to put the misguided traveller in the way, are duties of the craft, suitable to its dig- nity and expressive of its usefulness. But, although a Mason is never to shut his ear unkindly against the complaints of any of the human race, yet, when a brother is oppressed or suffers, he is in a more partic- ular manner, called upon to open his whole soul in love and compassion to him, and to relieve him with- out prejudice to himself or his family, according to his capacity." "It is also necessary that all who would be true Ma- sons, should learn to abstain from all malice, slander and evil speaking; from all provoking, reproachful and ungodly language, keeping always a tongue of good report." "A Mason should know how to obey those who are set over him; however inferior they may be in world- ly rank, or condition. For although Masonry divests no man of his honors and titles, yet, in the Lodge, pre- eminence of virtue, and knowledge in the royal" art, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. are considered as the true sources of all nobility, rule and government." "The virtue indispensibly necessary in Masons, is secrecy. This is the guard of their confidence, and the security of their trust. So great stress is laid up- on it, that it is enforced under the strongest penalties and obligations; nor in their esteem is any man ac- counted wise, who has not intellectual strength and ability sufficient to cover and conceal such honest se- crets as are committed to him, as well as his own more serious and private affairs." OF PROPOSING NEW MEMBERS. "No person is capable of becoming a member, un- less, together with the virtues before mentioned, or at least a disposition to seek and acquire them, he is al-. so 'freeborn; of mature and discreet age; of good re- port; of sufficient natural endowments and the senses of a man; with an estate, office, trade or occupation, or some visible way of acquiring an honest livelihood, and of working in his craft, as become members of this ancient fraternity.' Who ought not only to earn what is sufficient for themselves and families, but likewise something for works of charity, and support- ing the true dignity of the royal art. Every person desiring admission, must also be upright in body, not deformed or dismembered, at the time of making; but of hale and entire limbs, as a man ought to be." "No brother shall propose for admission any per- son through private friendship or partiality, who does not possess the moral and social duties; or a sound head and good heart; and who has not an exemption from all those qualities and vices which would bring dishonor on the craft." MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 117 "A strict (though private and impartial) enquiry will be made into the character and ability of the can- didate, before he can be admitted into any Lodge, and by the rules of masonry, no friend who may wish to propose him can shew him any favor. But if he has a friend who is a Mason, and is every way satisfied, his duty is described as follows:" "Every person desirous of being made a Freema- son in any Lodge, shall be proposed by a member, who shall give an account of the candidate's name, age, quality, trade or occupation, place of residence and other necessary requisites, as mentioned in the fore- going sections. And it is generally required, that such proposal be also seconded by some one or more mem- bers, who are acquainted with the candidate. Such proposal shall also be made in Lodge hours, at least one Lodge night before initiation, in order that the breth- ren may have sufficient time and opportunity to make strict inquiry into the character, and circumstances of the candidate; for which purpose a special committee is generally appointed." "The brother who proposes a candidate, shall at the same time, deposit a sum of money for him,# as the rules or bye-laws of the Lodge mayrequire; which is forfeited to the Lodge if the candidate should not at- tend according to his proposal, if elected; But it is re- turned to him, if he should not be approved or elected. In case he is elected, he is to pay in addition, such further sum as the laws of the Lodge may require." "The candidate has a right, before his admission, to desire his friend to shew him the warrant, or dispen- sation by which the Lodge is held, which if genuine, *This is not always required—Lodges have the right to regulate ilii? matter as they may think proper. 118 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. he will find to be an instrument written or printed up- on parchment, and signed by some Grand Master, his Deputy, the Grand Wardens and Grand Secretary; sealed with the seal of the Grand Lodge, constituting particular persons therein named, as Master and War- dens, with full power to congregate and hold a Lodge at such place, and therein to 'make and admit Free- masons, according to the most ancient and honorable custom of the royal art, in all ages and nations throughout the known world, with full power to nom- inate and choose their successors, &c.'" "He may also request the perusal of the bye-laws, which being short, he may read in the presence of his friend, and be shown a list of the members of the Lodge; by all which he will be the better able to judge whether he could associate with them and conform to their rules. Being thus free to judge for himself, he will not be liable to the dangers of deception. But, on the contrary, will be admitted into a society, where he may converse with men of honor and probity; be exercised in all the offices of brotherly love, and be made acquainted with some things, of which it is not lawful to speak, or make known out of the Lodge." By a regulation adopted by most of the Grand Lodges in America, no candidate for the mysteries of Masonry, can be initiated without having been pro- posed at a previous meeting of the Lodge, in order that no one may be introduced without enquiry rela- tive to his character and qualifications. All applications for initiation must be in writing, signed by the applicant, in the following form: "To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons: "The petition of the subscriber respectfully repre- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 119 sents, that having long entertained a favorable opin- ion of your ancient and honorable institution, he is desirous of being admitted a member thereof, if found worthy. His place of residence is his age years, his occupation he has read and approves your bye-laws. A. B. Recommended by After this petition is read, the candidate must be proposed in form, by a member of the Lodge, and the proposition seconded by another member; a commit- tee is then appointed to make enquiry into his charac- ter and qualifications. Previous to initiation, the candidate is briefly in- formed of the nature and design of the institution, and his assent is required to the following declarations: Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that un- biassed by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry? Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you are prompted to solicit the privileges of Masonry by a favorable opinion conceived of the institution, a de- sire of knowledge, and a sincere wish to be serviceable to your fellow creatures? Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you will cheerfully conform to all the ancient established customs and usages of the fraternity?* *By a regulation of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, in addition to the above declarations, every candidate is required to give his assent to the following: ♦'Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you believe in the existence of a God, and a futur&state of rewards and punishments?" The foregoing regulation has been ably examined in the Freema- son's Magazine, published in Boston, to which the reader is referred; it has also been a subject of discussion in several of the Grand 120 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. The candidate having given his assent to the fore- going declarations, it is reported to the Master, who makes it known to the Lodge. If there are no objec- tions made, the candidate is introduced in due form. Lodges of the United States. While, by some, such a regulation is considered necessary to guard the institution against the admission of improper persons, by others, it is regarded as an innovation upon a funda- mental principle of the order; namely, that no religious test shall be re- quired from any candidate for initiation, except that of belief in the ex- istence of God, and that an adherence to it .shuts out from the benefits of the order, a large and respectable denomination of christians.— As far as the writer is informed, the Grand Lodge of Tennessee is the only one which requires from a candidate a similar declaration; the question then naturally arises, ought it to be retained? CHAPTER III. DEGREE OF ENTERED APPRENTICE. Freemasonry, for the more regular advancement in a knowledge of its mysteries and the precepts it in- culcates, is divided into different degrees; the first is that of Entered Apprentice. Each degree of Masonry is accompanied by cer- tain ceremonies which have been practiced from time immemorial, without any essential variation, and are intended to impress upon the mind of the candidate a series of important truths, and moral rules for the government of his conduct in the various relations of life. In the degree of Entered Apprentice, the candidate has but entered upon the threshold of the Masonic temple, but certain duties are enforced, which are in- tended to have a bearing upon his future life. These duties, however, in no way conflict with those which he owes to his God, his country, and his fellow men. The symbols and working tools constitute a kind of hieroglyphic language which become perfectly intelli- gible to those who study them with right views and proper dispositions. When correctly understood and appreciated, they turn the reflections of the novice upon himself; from mortality to immortality; from the present to the future; and while he is taught to look abroad and contemplate the majesty of nature in 11 122 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. the brilliant and glorious works of creation which are around and about him, he is necessarily led to ac- knowledge and adore the Almighty Creator: "In the vast and the minute he sees The unambitious footsteps of the God "Who gives its lustre to the insect's wing, And wheels his throne upon the rolling world." Few have received the degree of Entered Appren- tice, when properly conferred, without being impress- ed with the excellence of the moral precepts it incul- cates. The expectations of the candidate are, no doubt, frequently disappointed with regard to the circumstances attending the ceremonies of initiation. Vague and indistinct ideas of something splendid' or awful float through his mind; when, therefore, he passes through the realities of initiation, and finds that he has not been wrapped in clouds, or his senses overpowered by peals of thunder and flashes of light- ning, as in the mysteries of Eleusys, he may feel a momentary disappointment. But, when the ceremo- nies have been explained to him, and when he reflects that the institution of Masonry is a moral and benev- olent institution, and the ceremonies of initiation are not addressed to the outward senses, but to the mind and heart, he will entertain different views. Cere- monies, when considered merely as such, are, it is true, of little value, but when they impart useful lessons for the government of our conduct in our intercourse with the world, they become interesting and impor- tant. What at first view may appear unimportant, and even trivial, when considered with reference to their ultimate results, will be presented to the mind under an entirely different aspect. The lecture on the degree of Entered Apprentice is MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 123 divided into different sections, and as it cannot be committed to writing is verbally delivered to the can- didate at the time of initiation, or at a convenient season thereafter. As it explains the circumstances attending the ceremonies of initiation, every master of a Lodge should be perfectly conversant with it. He should not only be acquainted with it in its techni- cal form, but he should be able to illustrate and en- force the principles contained therein, so that the En- tered Apprentice may clearly understand the extent of the duties which devolve upon him in the new character he has assumed. It is not enough that he should be able to report with technical precision the different sections of the lecture; such knowledge is, no doubt, highly useful and necessary, but to make an intelligent Mason something more is required. The true spirit of the lecture and its practical application to the regulation of his conduct should be impressed upon his mind, and he who feels and acts according to its dictates will "walk worthy of his vocation." - CEREMONY OF INITIATION. SECTION FIRST. The candidate having given his assent to the declar- ations contained in the preceding Chapter, is intro- duced into the Lodge with appropriate ceremonies, during which one of the following prayers is recited: "Vouchsafe thine aid, Almighty Father of the Uni- verse, to this our present convention; and grant that this candidate for Masonry may dedicate and devote 124 master mason's manual. his life to thy service, and become a true and faith- ful brother among us. Endue him with a competen- cy of thy divine wisdom, that, by the secrets of our art, he may be better enabled to display the beauties of virtue, to the honor of thy most holy name!—Amen!" So mote it be! "Thou Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth, bless us in the exercise of those kind and social affec- tions, which thou hast given us. May we display and cherish them as our honor and joy. May this our friend, who is now to become our brother, devote his life to thy service, and consider aright the true prin- ciples of his engagements. May he be endowed with wisdom to direct him in his ways, strength, to support him in all his difficulties, and beauty, to adorn his moral conduct; and may we jointly and individually walk within compass, and square our actions by the dictates of virtue and conscience, and the example of the wise and good.—Amen.!" so mote it be! "0! thou, by whose omnipotent fiat the fair fabric of the Universe rose into existence and is still upheld! Thou greatest and best of beings! From the centre of thine own essential and uncreated glory, where thou coverest thyself with light unapproachable by mortals, we beseech thee to behold in mercy, a few of j;hy unworthy creatures, assembled here at this time, to promote and extend the heavenly principles of be- nevolence, friendship and harmony, amongst mankind, through the mystic medium of Masonry; and 0 Lord! let the light of thy countenance shine amongst us, and particularly upon thy servant, now bowed before thee, and on his way to thy temple. Do thou graciously enlighten his darkness; annoint his eyes with the eye- master mason s manual. 125 salve of true wisdom, that he may see; clothe his na- kedness with the garments of true righteousness; and enrich his poverty with the celestial gold of thy king- dom. "And although he may meet with various perils, 011 his way to the portals of our mystic temple, suffer not his courage to forsake him, nor his timidity to prompt him to draw hack, until he becomes more than a con- queror over all that may oppose him. So shall he be enabled, in due time, to pass on to higher attainments, until he be raised and exalted to the highest honors of thy faithful and perfect servants, and enabled to enter within the veils, into the most secret chambers of thy holy temple. We, therefore, now commend him to thy divine providence and protection, beseeching thee to make him in due time, a master in Israel, and to thy holy name the glory, honor and praise shall be ascribed, now and forever more!—Amen!" So mote it be! The following passages of Scripture are then recited by the master, or some other brother appointed by him: "I will bring the blind by a way they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make the darkness light before them, and crooked things straight; These things will I do unto them and not forsake them. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall di- rect thy paths. 11* 126 master mason's manual* "Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and tliy foot shall not stumble. For the Lord shall be thy con- iidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken." genesis, ch.I, v. 1. "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was withojit form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters; and God said let there be light and there was light. In this section the Lambskin or White Leather Apron, and the Working Tools, are explained by the master. the lambskin Is the emblem of innocence, and is esteemed the peculiar badge of a Mason. When worthily worn, it is more honorable than the Star and Garter, the Gold- en Fleece, or Roman Eagle, or any other order that MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 127 could be conferred, and which every Mason ought to wear with equal pleasure to himself and honor to the fraternity. The primitive Christians were accustomed to put a white garment on a person baptized, to denote his hav- ing put off the lusts of the flesh, and his having been cleansed of his former sins, and also to denote that he had obliged himself to lead thenceforward a life of purity and innocence. This white garment was de- livered to him with the following charge: "Receive this white and undefiled garment, and pro- duce it without spot before the tabernacle of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you may obtain eternal life." It was usual to wear this garment a week after be- ing baptized, after which it was laid up in the Church as a witness against him should he violate the cove- nant he entered into at the time of his baptism. Of an Entered Apprentice, are the Twenty-Four Inch Guage or Rule, and the Common Gavel. Is an instrument made use of by operative Masons to measure and lay out their work; but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the purpose of dividing our time. It being divided THE WORKING TOOLS mmmn THE TWENTY-FOUR INCH GUAGE 128 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to subdivide into three equal parts, whereby we find eight for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother; eight for our usual avocations, and eight for refreshment and sleep*. A proper division of our time, and conforming as near as possible to that division, is of great impor- tance in the transaction of our worldly business. The division above set forth, is admirably contrived for the promotion of our comfort and enjoyments. A portion of our time is thus allotted to the'service of God; of that beneficent Being to whom we are indebted for our existence, and on whose bounty we are dependent for the comforts of this life. In the language of an eloquent writer, "what duty is more pleasing than that intercourse which every reasonable creature ought to maintain with the great author of his being? The man who lives under an habitual sense of the divine presence, keeps up a cheerfulness of temper, and en- joys every moment the satisfaction of thinking him- self in company of his dearest and best friend. The time never lies heavy upon him; it is impossible for him to be alone. His thoughts and passions are the most busied at such hours when those of other men are most inactive. He no sooner steps out of the world but his heart burns with devotion, swells with hope, and triumphs in the-consciousness of thatpres- ence which every where surrounds him; or on the contrary pours out its fears, its sorrows, its apprehen- sions, to the great supporter of his existence." *Stow, in his "Annals of England,'' says that Alfred the Great "divided the four and twenty hours of the day and night into three equal parts; he spent eight hours in reading, writing and praying, eight into provision for his body, and eight in hearing and despatching the matters of his subjects." MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 129 THE COMMON GAVEL Is an instrument made use of by operative Masons to break off the corners of rough stones, the better to fit them for the builder's use; but we, as free and ac- cepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our minds and consciences of the vices and superfluities of this life, thereby fitting our bodies as living stones, for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. We are admonished by this instrument to divest our minds and consciences of the vices and superfluities of this life. Let every brother ask himself, when this instrument is presented before him, if in his life and conduct he adheres to this admonition? Let him en- deavor to curb those unruly passions which produce dissension; restrain those propensities and inclinations which lead to vice and folly; let him give more atten- tion to the instructions contained in the Book of Life, which we profess to revere as the guide of our lives and the rule of our faith, that he may be the better prepared, when the awful period -of his separation from the things of time and sense approaches, for the enjoyment of happiness in another and a better world,, where "moth and rust corrupt not, nor thieves break through and steal." SECTION SECOND. It is important that the second section of the degree should be thoroughly understood by the Entered Ap- prentice. It satisfactorily accounts for the origin of our hieroglyphic instruction, and illustrates certain •particulars, to be ignorant of which, might lead the 130 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. young Mason into error. Without the explanations given in this section, he would still be in the dark; all would be mysterious and incomprehensible. But, when the ceremonies the candidate has passed through are explained by a competent teacher, the mystery is unveiled, and he finds that the whole is replete with instruction, and that it confirms the. assertion, that "every character, figure and emblem, depicted in a Lodge, has a moral tendency, and inculcates the prac- tice of the noblest virtues." Upon the moral instruc- tion it is the aim of Masonry to inculcate, rests its reputation for usefulness, and its permanency. The great principles of moral truth and moral government, which it is the duty of every Mason to uphold, not on- ly in the Lodge but out of it, originated in the divine mind, when order sprung out of chaos; when the Al- mighty Creator said, "Let us make man," and the first man came from his hands a perfect being, endowed with reason and gifted with the highest intellectual powTers. In this section a number of emblems are explained in a manner peculiar to Masons, illustrative of the ceremonies of initiation. RUTH, CHAP. IV, V. 6-7. "And the kinsman said, I cannot redeem m}Tself, but I mar my own inheritance; redeem thou my right to- master' mason's manual. 131 thyself; for I cannot redeem it. Now, this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming £,nd changing, for to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe and gave it his neighbor, and this was a testimony in Israel." the badge of a mason. The Lamb has in all ages been deemed an emblem of innocence; he, therefore, who wears the Lambskin as a badge of Masonry, is continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is essentially neces- sary to gaining admission into the celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe presides. 1 kings, ch. vi, v. 1-7. "In the month of Zif, which is the second month, he began to build the House of the Lord"'—"and the house when it was building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither; so that there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron heard on the house while it was building." In this section is enforced the virtue of Fidelity; it is one of the great virtues of a Mason. To be true and faithful is one of the first lessons he is taught. So highly did the Romans esteem the virtue of Fidelity, that they erected a temple near the Capitol, which they dedicated to Fides, or Good Faith. The priests when offering sacrifices, covered their heads and hands with a white cloth. The goddess was represented by various symbols; one was a white dog; another two hands joined, and another two virgins holding each other by the hand. Allusion is made to the manner in which the Temple of Solomon was erected, without the assistance of an axe, hammer or other tool of iron; to the number of 132 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. workmen employed, and their division into classes or Lodges. The Temple was begun in the month of April, A. M. 2992, four hundred years after the children of Isra- el came out of Egypt, and was finished in October, A. M. 2999, one thousand and five years before the birth of Christ. There were employed in the work three Grand Mas- ters; three thousand three hundred Masters, or over- seers of the work; eighty thousand craftsmen, and seventy thousand entered apprentices, or bearers of burthen. All these were so classed and arranged by the wisdom of Solomon, that neither envy, nor discord, nor confusion, were suffered to interrupt the universal peace which then pervaded the world. In the conduct of this great work, Solomon discov* ered the necessity of assigning to different portions of the workmen the particular labor they were to pur- sue. He gave them certain words, signs and tokens, by which each should be distinguished, so that the whole might proceed without confusion. Without such regulations we would be at a loss to account for the completion of so great a work in the short space of seven years and six months, when the two succeed- ing temples, though much inferior in size, employed so much more time. Solomon was wise in all ancient learning; he was possessed of all the mystical knowledge of the Eastern nations, and was, moreover, enlightened by the imme- diate gift of heaven. It was the custom of the times in which the temple of Jerusalem was built, to use emblematical and symbolical ornaments in public edi- fices; a fashion derived from the monuments of the Egyptians, and the mysterious mode in which their MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 133 sages concealed their wisdom and learning from the vulgar eye. The pillars erected at the porch of the Temple were not only ornamented with* net work, lily-work, and pomegranates, but they also carried with them an em- blematical import in their names. They were regard- ed as a striking memento of the promise of God, that he would establish the throne of David, and make the nation .of Israel strong in his might. These pillars were destroyed by the Chaldeans when Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar, and the brass of which they were made was carried to Babylon. SECTION THIRD. The third section is not less important than the pre- ceding; it explains the nature and principles of our constitution, and teaches the Entered Apprentice to discharge with propriety the duties that devolve upon him as a man and a Mason; for he should never for- get that the duties required of him as a Mason are, in no way, incompatible with those of a good citizen. In both, the true Mason is strengthened in all his pub- lie and private obligations. In this section the Entered Apprentice is instructed in whatever relates to the Form, Supports, Covering, Furniture, Ornaments, Lights and Jewels of a Lodge, with its Situation and Dedication. It was a custom among the ancient Jews to build their Temples on high places, and before the erection of 12 134 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Temples, the celestial bodies were worshipped on hills, and the terrestrial in valleys. The ancient Druids per- formed their mysteries in the deep recesses of the most retired groves, that they might be free from the observation of the uninitiated and profane. It is not improbable that our ancient brethren, before they had more convenient places of meeting, held their Lodges on hills, or in valleys, or in retired groves. It is said, that at one time, the oldest Lodge in England was held in the crypt, a subterranean chapel or oratory, under the Cathedral in the City of York. The dimensions of a Lodge are unlimited; they ex- tend from East to West, from North to South; they are symbolical of the Universe, which is illimitable on every side, and is the proper temple of the Deity whom we serve, whose canopy is the heavens, and vThose footstool is the earth. The unlimited dimensions of master mason's manual. 135 a Lodge may also be said to denote the universality of the order, which embraces men of every country. The Masonic Institution, in the technical language of the Craft, is supported by three great pillars of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, because it is necessary 136 master mason's manual. there should be Wisdom to contrive, Strength to sup- port, and Beauty to adorn all great and important un- dertakings. An institution thus supported is impreg- nable from without, and its foundations can only be shaken when discord reigns within. The covering of a Lodge is the canopy of Heaven, where all good Masons hope to arrive by the aid of the Theological Ladder which Jacob saw in his vision, ascending from Earth to Heaven. genesis xxvii, v. 12. "And he dreamed, and, behold, a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven, and, behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold the Lord stood above it, and* said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac." The three principal rounds of this ladder are denom- inated Faith, Hope and Charity, which admonish us to master mason's manual. 137 have Faith in God, Hope in immortality, and Charity to all mankind; the greatest of these is Charity, which is thus characterised by the Apostle in his epistle to the Corinthians: "Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself; is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth. Believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." The charity mentioned is not that which is confined to the bestowing of alms, or mere pecuniary relief, but is closely allied to that Brotherly Love which is, or ought to be one of the characteristics of Masons, Every well governed Lodge is furnished with the holy bible, square and compass. The Bible points Out the path which leads to hap- piness, and is dedicated to God, because it is the ines- timable gift of God to man. * * * * The Square teaches us to regulate our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue, and is dedicated to the Master, because, being the proper Masonic em- blem of his office, it is constantly to remind him of the duty he owes to the Lodge over which he is appointed to preside. The Compass teaches us to limit our desires, in every station, and is dedicated to the Craft, because, by a due attention to its use, they are taught to circumscribe their desires, and keep their passions within due bounds, 12* 138 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. The Bible is the inestimable gift of God to man, and by the sublime doctrines therein contained, every Ma- son should study to regulate his conduct. This is a duty incumbent upon every rational being, who has been favored with its light, but more particularly up- on Freemasons, who profess to revere it as the guide of their conduct and the rule of their faith. The Bible is valuable also, as it affords the only au- thentic history of the origin and multiplication of man- kind; and by exhibiting the actual manner in which societies were formed, offers the best theory of the so- cial compact. Its historical parts, whilst it throws much light upon the traditions of our order, tends also to show with great probability, that those general principles of morals prevalent amongst the rudest and most unlettered nations, and which have, perhaps, been too hastily attributed to the efforts of natural reason, are more rationally to be ascribed to direct revelation; and will appear, with all the errors and impurities which time, situation and proclivity of cor- ruption may have produced, to have been the broken glimpses of a fuller and clearer light, originally radi- ated directly from Heaven.* The purity and sublimity of the morals of the Bible, have at no time and in no country been questioned; in vain do we look among the writings of ancient philosophers for a system of moral law comparable with it. From it may be collected a system of ethics in which every moral precept founded in reason, is carried to a higher degree of purity and perfection, than in any system of the wisest and most celebrated philosophers. Every moral precept founded on false principles is totally omitted, and many new precepts *Hofman's course of Legal study. master mason's manual. 139 added, particularly corresponding with the objects of this religion, f The ornamental parts of a Lodge are the Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star. The Mosaic Pavement is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon's temple; the Indented Tessel, the beautiful tessellated border which surround- ed it; and the Blazing Star in the centre, is commemo- rative of the star which guided the wise men of the East to the place of our Savior's nativity. "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the east of Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is .born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him." Matt., ch. ii, v. 1-2. The Mosaic Pavement is emblematical of human life, chequered with good and evil, and reminds us of the precariousness of our state on earth; to-day our feet tread in prosperity, to-morrow we totter on the une- ven paths of weakness, temptation and adversity. tSoame Jenyns. 140 master mason s manual. The Tessellated Border is emblematical of those bles- sings which we hope to attain by a faithful reliance on Divine Providence, which is hieroglyphically rep- resented by the Blazing Star in the centre. While the mosaic pavement is before us, we are in- structed to boast of nothing; have compassion and render assistance to those who are in adversity; for such is this present state of existence, that there is no situation in which we can be placed but is subject to reverses. Whilst we tread on this mosaic, every Mason should bear these facts in remembrance, and as the die- tates of reason and conscience prompt him, live in broth- erly love, exercising those benevolent principles which are inculcated in every degree of the order, and are represented by the various emblems of the craft. The Moveable & Immoveable Jewels are next explained. These jewels teach us to regulate our actions by the Plumbline of truth; to level' our pride with the master mason's manual. 141 plane in which God has designed us to move, and to square our conduct by the precepts of Holy Writ, and the dictates of enlightened reason. By them when united, we are reminded of the natural equality of the human family, at the same time we are admonish- ed neither to despise the humble, or look with envy upon the great. They teach us also, that as Masons we meet on that decorated carpet which recognises no distinction of blood or fortune, and spurns no foot- step but that of immorality and crime. "Judgment I will lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, saiththe Lord." The Rough Ashler, is a stone taken from the quarry in its rude and natural state. The Perfect Ashler is a stone made ready by the hands of the workmen to be adjusted by the tools of the Fellow Craft. The Trestleboard is for the master workman to draw his designs upon. By the rough ashler we are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; by the perfect ashler, of that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous education, our own endeavors and the bles- sing of God; by the Trestleboard, that as the operative Mason erects his temporal building, by the rules and designs laid dowh, by the Master on his Trestleboard, so should we both operative and speculative, endeav- 142 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. or to erect our spiritual building, agreeably to the rules laid down by the Supreme Architect of the Universe, in the Book of Life, which is our spiritual and Mason- ic Trestleboard. The situation of a Lodge is explained by the Master in language peculiar to Masons. 'If K. ■ ITv. ft>\ / 1 N: U Our ancient brethren dedicated their Lodges to King Solomon; but since the introduction of Christi- anity, they are dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, who are regarded as having been eminent patrons of the art. Since their time, there is represented in every well governed Lodge a certain point within a circle, embordered by two par- allel lines, representing the boundary of a Mason's duty to God and man, beyond which a Mason is never to suffer his passions, interest or prejudices to betray MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 143 John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, and on the top rests the Holy Scriptures. In going around this circle, we necessarily touch upon these two lines as well as the Holy Scriptures, and while a Mason keeps himself circumscribed within their precepts, it is impossible he should materially err. This section strengthens those which precede, and enforces a due regard to character and behaviour in public as well as in private life.; within the sacred en- closures of the Masonic temple as in our intercourse with the world. It forcibly inculcates the most in- structive lessons, and places before the novice, in an impressive manner, the noblest virtues which adorn our nature. BROTHERLY LOVE. By the exercise of brotherly love, we are taught to regard the whole human race as one family, the high and the low, the rich and the poor, who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other. It unites men of every country, and of every religion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at perpetual distance. The necessity there is for the exercise of brotherly love among Masons, must be apparent to every one. Within the Lodge, peace, regularity and decorum, are indispensable duties; all the fire of resentment, and remembrance of injuries should be forgotten, and a warm and cheerful cordiality should ever exist. The most material part of that brotherly love, which should 144 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. subsist among Masons, is that of speaking well of each other to the world; more particularly every member should beware how he traduces his brother. Calumny and slander are detestable vices. Nothing can be more vile than to traduce a man behind his back; it is like the villainy of an assassin, who has not virtue enough to give his adversary the means of self-defence: but working in darkness, stabs him while he is unarmed and unsuspicious of an enemy. Shaks- peare has given a just description of this crime in his tragedy of Othello: Good name, in man or woman, Is the immediate jewel of their souls; He who steals my purse, steals trash; 'twas something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, But makes me poor indeed. RELIEF. To relieve the distressed, is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly on Masons, who are united by an indissoluble tie. Charity is one of the principal supports of our order, and is strongly inculcated inev- ery degree of Masonry—remove it, and the fabric falls, and crumbles into dust. In order to exercise this vir- tue, both in the character of Masons and in common life, with propriety, we should forget every obligation of affection; for otherwise, it would be confounding charity with duty. The feelings of the heart ought to direct the hand of charity. For this purpose, we ought to divest our- selves of every idea of fancied superiority, and look MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 145 upon ourselves as beings of the same rank and race of men. In this disposition of mind, we may be suscep- tible of those sentiments which charity delighteth in, to feel the woes and miseries of others with a genu- ine and true sympathy of soul. The objects of chari- ty are merit and virtue in distress. The Mason's heart should be ever ready to commiserate such dis- tress; his hand ever open to relieve it; he should drop the cordial balm on the wounds affliction has made, and bind up the hearts which sorrow has broken: "Hail! brightest attribute of God above, "Hail! purest essence of celestial love, "Hail! sacred fountain of each bliss below, "Whoso streams in sympathy unbounded flow." TRUTH. We are taught in the sacred volume, that truth is an attribute of the deity, and that every one should tell the truth to his neighbor. To be good and true is one of the first lessons we are taught in Masonry. On this theme, we should contemplate, and by its die- tates endeavor to regulate our conduct. Whilst influ- enced by this principle, hypocrisy and deceit will be unknown amongst us, sincerity and plain dealing dis- tinguish us, and the heart and the tongue join in pro- moting each others' welfare, and rejoicing in each others' prosperity. To this illustration, succeeds an explanation of the four cardinal virtues, Temperance, Fortitude, Pru- dence and Justice. TEMPERANCE. Temperance is that due restraint upon our affec- 13 14(5 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. tions and passions, which renders the body tame and governable, and frees the mind from the allurements of vice. ####*# This virtue should be the constant practice of eve- ry Mason, whilst its opposite should be carefully guarded against. At the shrine of intemperance how many victims are daily offered; blooming youth and hoary age have alike bowed before it. They continue offering libations on the unhallowed altar, until their fortunes are wasted; their credit lost; their constitutions impaired; their children beggared, and that life which might have been usefully and honora- bly employed, becomes a burthen to the possessor.— The dire effects of intemperance are elegantly des- cribed in the following: " In the embattled plain, Though death exults and claps his raven wings, Yot reigns he not even there so absolute, So merciless, as in yon frantic scenes Of midnight revel, and tumultuous mirth; Where in the intoxicating draught concealed, Or couch'd boneath the glance of lawless love, He snares the simple youth, who nought suspecting, Means to be blest—but finds himself undone. Down the smooth stream of life the stripling darts, Gay as the morn; bright glows the vernal sky; Hope swells his sails, and passion steers his course; Safe glides his little bark along the shore, Where virtue takes her stand; but if too far He launches forth boyond discretion's mark, Sudden the tempest scowls, the surges roar, Blot his fair day, and plunge him in the deep." FORTITUDE. Fortitude is that noble and steady purpose of the MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 147 mind, whereby we are enabled to undergo any peril, or danger, when prudently deemed expedient. * * * * This virtue is equally distant from rashness and cowardice; and, like the former virtue of temperance, should be deeply impressed upon the mind of every Mason, as a safeguard against every illegal attack that may be made, by force or otherwise, to extort from him any of those secrets with which he has been so solemnly entrusted, and which was emblematically represented upon his first admission into the Lodge. PRUDENCE. Prudence teaches us to regulate our lives and ac- tions agreeably to the dictates of reason, and is that habit by which we wisely judge, and prudentially de- termine, on all things relative to our present as well as future happiness. % # * This virtue should be the peculiar characteristic ot every Mason, not only for the government of his con- duct while in the Lodge, but also when abroad in the world; it should be particularly attended to in all strange and mixed companies, never to let fall the least sign, token or word, whereby the secrets of Ma- sonry might be unlawfully obtained. JUSTICE. Justice is that standard, or boundary of right, which enables us to render to every man his just due, with- out distinction. ***** This virtue is not only consistent with divine and human laws, but is the very cement and support of 148 master mason s manual. civil society; and as justice in a great measure con- stitutes the real good man/so should it be the invaria- ble practice of every Mason, never to deviate from the minutest principles thereof. The illustration of these virtues is accompanied by some general observations peculiar to Masons, in which it is shown, that our ancient brethren, guided by the principles laid down for their government, dis- charged their duties with that freedom, fervency and zeal which should characterise every true Mason. Such is the arrangement of the different sections of the first lecture, which, with the forms adopted at open- ing and closing a Lodge, comprehends the whole of the first degree of Masonry. The whole is a regular system of morality, conceived in a strain of interest- ing allegory, which must unfold its beauties to the can- did and industrious enquirer. charge at initiation into the first degree. Brother:—As you have now been introduced into the first'degree of Masonry, I congratulate you on be- ing received into this ancient and honorable order; ancient, as it has existed from time immemorial; and honorable, as tending to render all men so, who will observe its rules, be governed by its principles, and act in conformity with its precepts. No institution was ever established on nobler principles, nor were ever more excellent rules and maxims laid down, than are inculcated in the several Masonic Lectures. They are all derived from that sacred volume, which you have been instructed to regard as the inestimable gift of MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 149 God to man, and as the rule and guide of your faith and practice. At this stage of your profession, there are three great duties you are charged to perform—duties which you owe to God, your neighbor and yourself. To God. in never mentioning his name but with that reverence which is due from the creature to the creator; to im- plore his aid in all your laudable undertakings, and to esteem him as the source from whence all earthly bless- ings flow. To your neighbor by doing unto him what, under similar circumstances, you would have him do unto you. Man is a social being; he was not design- ed to pass his life in solitude with all his thoughts concentrated upon himself; hence, in their social ca- pacity, men should endeavor by kind and friendly acts to promote the happiness of each other. To yourself in avoiding all irregularity of conduct which may im- pair your faculties, or debase the dignity of your pro- fession; more especially are you to avoid all intern- perance and excess. In the state you are to be true to your government, and just to your country. You are not to counte- nance any act which may disturb the peace of the country in which you may reside, but pay due obedi- ence to the laws. In your outward demeanor, be careful to avoid cen- sure and reproach. Let not interest, favor or preju- dice, influence you to be guilty of a dishonorable action. Remember that the credit of the institution into which you are now admitted, depends upon the conduct of individual members. The world will "judge the tree by its fruit." The Lodge may inculcate the virtues of Temperance, Charity, Friendship and Brotherly Love, but if they are disregarded in private life, the 13* 150 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. world will be justified in the conclusion that Masonry has but little or no influence upon the conduct of its members. Let me urge upon you then, my friend and brother, to cultivate the moral virtues, and prac- tice the duties we have this evening, endeavored to impress upon you. At your leisure hours learn to im- prove in Masonic knowledge by study of the book of constitutions and of conversations with well-informed brethren. Although your frequent attendance upon the stated and other meetings of the Lodge is desired, yet, it is not meant that Masonry should interfere with your necessary vocations; these are on no account to be neglected. Finally, my brother, keep sacred and in- violate the mysteries of the order which have been committed to your charge. The transactions of the Lodge, you are not to communicate to any but such as are rightfully entitled to their knowledge. Indis- creet conversations on such subjects have occasioned disorders which have been difficult to correct. Ad- mitted to the first degree, we hail you as a brother of our ancient and honorable order, in the confident ex- pectation that you will not sully the purity of that em- blem which has been presented to you as the appro- priate badge of a Mason. The following charges may be used as circumstan- ces may require. AT THE INITIATION OF A CLERGYMAN. You, brother, are a minister of that holy religion which inculcates "peace on earth and good will to MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 151 men;" which teaches. universal benevolence and un- bounded charity, and which points out the path that leads to eternal happiness in a world beyond the grave. You cannot, therefore, but view the order in a favor- able light, and be zealous for the interests of Freema- sonry, which in the strongest manner, inculcates the same charity and benevolence, the same faith in God, and the same hope in immortality; and which, like the benign spirit of religion, encourages and enforces every moral and social virtue; which introduces peace and good will amongst men, and is the centre of union to those who might otherwise have remained at a per- petual distance. Whoever is warmed by the spirit of Christianity, must venerate the mystic order, for christians derive the tenets of their profession, the principles of their faith, from the Holy Bible; from the same source do Freemasons derive those tenets and principles which are the pillars of their order. The principles of Freemasons, however they may be perverted and abused by licentious and unprincipled members of the fraternity, are so closely connected, so intimately interwoven with the great moral doc- trines of Christianity, that they cannot be separated. Such is the nature of our institution, that in our Lodges, union is cemented by affection, and pleasure is reciprocally communicated by a cheerful observance of every obliging office. Virtue, the grand object in view, luminous as the meridian sun, shines reful- gent on the mind; enlivens the heart, and converts cool approbation into warm sympathy and cordial af- fection. Though every man, who carefully listens to the die- tates of reason, may arrivo at a clear persuasion of the beauty and necessity of virtue, both public and pri- 152 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. vate, yet it is a full recommendation of a society to have these pursuits continually in view, as the princi- pal objects of their association; and these are the laudable bonds which encircle us in one indissoluble fraternity. AT THE INITIATION OF A FOREIGNER. You, brother, the native and subject of another country; by entering into our order, have connect- ed yourself by sacred and indissoluble ties, with thou- sands of Masons scattered over the habitable globe. Ever recollect that the order you have entered into, bids you look upon the world as one great republic, of which every nation is a family, and every individual a child. When, therefore, you shall return and settle \in your native country, take care that the progress of friendship be not confined to the narrow circle of na- tional connexion, or a particular religion; but let it be universal and extend to every branch of the hu- man race. At the same time remember, that, besides the common ties of humanity, you have this night en- tered into obligations, which engage you to kind and friendly acts to your brother Masons, of whatever sta- tion, country or religion. AT THE INITIATION OF A SOLDIER. Our institution breathes a spirit of general philan- thropy. Its benefits, considered in a social view, are extensive. In the most endearing ties, (those of broth- erly love and charity,) it unites all mankind. It opens MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 153 in every nation, an asylum to virtue in distress, and grants the comforts of hospitality to the necessitous and unfortunate. Those sublime principles of uni- versal goodness and love to all mankind, which are essential to it, cannot be controlled or extinguished by national distinctions, prejudices and animosities. The rage of contest it has abated, and substituted, in its stead, the milder emotions of humanity. In the heat of battle, the arm uplifted to destroy, has been arrest- ed in its course, and it has even taught the pride of victory to give way to an honorable connexion. You, brother, are a soldier, arid should your country be involved in wars and demand your services in the protection of its rights, and should captivity be your lot, you will find affectionate brethren to afford you relief and consolation, where others would find only bitter enemies. In whatever country you travel, when you meet a Mason, you will find a friend, who will do all in his power to serve you, without being influenced by those motives, which too often influence mankind, and who will relieve you should you be in want, and adminis- ter to your comfort with ready cheerfulness. At the close of the ceremonies, the following "mel- ody" may be sung, for which we are indebted to the "Masonic Melodies" of brother Thomas Power, of Massachusetts. ON THE INITIATION OF A CANDIDATE. Music, " Winchester" C Major. From East to West, o'er land and sea, Where brothers meet and friends agree, Let incense riso from heart's sincere, The dearest offering gather'd here. 154 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Let notes of prniso united tell Of thoughts most kind whore brothers dwell; Though clouds may dim our darkened way, Some kindly hand will be our stay. Our trust reposed on him alone, Who ne'er will contrite hearts disown, Our Faith shall mark that Holy Light, Whose beams our dearest joys unite. CHAPTER IV. of the degree of fellow craft. The institution of Freemasonry, as has been re- marked in the preceding pages, has a direct tenden- cy to inculcate on the mind of its votary, every thing laudable and useful to society; and its leading quali- ties are, well directed philanthropy, pure morality and inviolable secrecy. It instructs us in our duty to the supreme architect of Heaven and Earth, to ourselves and our neighbors; it bids us open our ears to the cries of the unfortunate, and extend our hands to them with the cup of consolation. To those who have carelessly considered them, many of our illustrations may appear unimportant; but to him who will take the trouble of studying and investigating them, they will be found useful and en- tertaining. According to our talents and industry in the acquirement of knowledge, we attain a greater or less degree of perfection, and the man of wisdom will not check the progress of his abilities, though the task he attempts may be irksome. Perseverance and application remove each difficulty as it occurs; every step he advances, new pleasures open to his view, and instruction of the noblest kind attend-his researches. Men who are unacquainted with our mysteries, and are disposed to ridicule what they cannot compre- hend, pretend to say our ceremonies are trivial. It will 156 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. be readily conceded, that ceremonies and mysteries, when not considered with reference to their ultimate ends; when they inculcate no useful or moral lesson, are little more than visionary delusions which strike the mind for a moment, and then fade from the remem- brance "like the baseless fabric of a vision." But when they are calculated to produce important effects; when they strike the mind with reverence and awe; -when they inculcate sublime lessons of morality, teach- ing us to regulate our actions by the square of virtue; when they direct our reflections and our feelings to that Almighty Being, who controls the destinies of the world, and point out to us our dependence upon him, by reminding us of his power and goodness, they are both useful and interesting. Such is the tenden- cy of every ceremony and every illustration in Ma- sonry. Although every additional step in Masonry is calcu- lated, if properly conferred, to impress more strongly on the mind the value of the institution, yet, the Fel- low Craft's degree, is treated in many Lodges with much less respect than it deserves. The second sec- tion of the lecture, and a great proportion of the cer- emony, are often omitted altogether, and tho candi- date is permitted to pass with a very slight acquaint- ance with the peculiarities and excellencies of this de- gree. Scarcely a new idea is communicated—scarcely an addition is made to what was before known and un- derstood. He hears nothing of the peculiar value of peace, unity and plenty; he is introduced to no famil- iarity with the peculiar mode of illustrating the or- ders of architecture, the human senses, the liberal arts and sciences, nor does he perceive any thing to direct his attention to the science of geometry. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 157 The first degree of Masonry is admirably calcula- ted to enforce the duties of morality, and imprint on the memory some of the noblest principles which can adorn the mind. The second degree extends the same plan, and comprehends a more diffusive system of knowledge and morality. The accomplished master of a Lodge, leads the candidate into the interior of the Masonic Temple, points out the objects worthy his attention, and directs him to a contemplation of their meaning and allusions. Passing from operative to speculative Masonry, he explains those moral and sci- entific lessons, which are taught in the ceremonies of this degree. He leads him to view with reverence and admiration, the glorious works of the creation, and inspires him with exalted ideas of the perfections of our Divine Creator. In this degree, practice and theory join in qualifying the industrious Mason to share the pleasures which an advancement in the art must necessarily afford. Listening with attention to the opinions of experienced craftsmen, he gradually familiarizes his mind to useful instruction, and is ena- bled to investigate truths of the utmost concern in the general transactions of life. In conferring this degree, the Lodge rooms ought to be prepared with the requisite apparatus, for intro- ducing the candidate into the interior of the Temple, and for exhibiting to his view all those objects prop- erly belonging to the degree, which are calculated to impress on his mind the appropriate lessons. The ex- pense would be trifling, and would be amply compen- sated by the additional satisfaction and advantage which would be the result. 14 15S master mason's manual. CEREMONY OP PASSING. SECTION FIRST. The ceremonies of this degree are intended to im- press upon the mind of the candidate important moral lessons, as a guide to his future life and conduct. During the ceremonies, the following passages from Holy Writ may be properly introduced. "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sound- ing brass or a tinkling cymbal. "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and un- derstand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. "Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. "Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth. I. Corinthians, xiii. MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 159 "Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. "Charity never faileth; b'u,t whether there be proph- ecies they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. "For we know in part, and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I under- * stood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I be- came a man, I put away childish things. "For we now see as through a glass, darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as I am known. "And now abideth Faith, Hope, Charity; but the greatest of these is charity." This section elucidates the mode of introduction in- to this degree, and instructs craftsmen how to proceed with regularity in the arrangement of the ceremonies always to be observed. The knowledge of this section is alsolutely neces- sary to every Mason, as it recapitulates the ceremony of initiation into this degree, and no officer or mem- ber of a lodge should be unacquainted with it. In this section, the Plumb, Square and Level, these 160 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. noble and useful implements of the craft, are intro- duced and moralized, and serve as a constant admo- nition to the practice of virtue and morality. The Plumb is an instrument made use of by opera- tive Masons, to raise perpendiculars; the Square to square the work, and the Level, to lay horizontals; but we, as free and accepted Masons, are taught to make use of them for more noble and glorious pur- poses. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man, squaring our actions by the square of virtue, and remembering that we are travelling upon the level of time, to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no travel- ler returns. The Square is an emblem of morality, and instructs in the golden maxim, "do unto others as you would that others should do unto you." The Level, serves as a memento that we are equally subject to diseases, to accidents and various afflictions; that we are equally under the protection and care of the Great Parent of all; and that we are equally doomed to die, to be lev- elled with the dust, and to corrupt. The Plumb is an emblem of a fair and honorable life, and cautions us against any deviation from an upright conduct in all our transactions, whether public or private, keeping steadily in view that course of conduct, which will lead us to the heavenly mansions of eternal rest, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 161 SECTION SECOND. Masonry, in its origin, was a system by which ope- rative Masons were associated together, to perfect themselves in the science, and the better to carry on their work and protect and defend each other. Its an- cient forms and rites are still pursued; but for centu- ries past, its objects have been wholly different. It is now a system of morals drawn from the word of God, and may be said to be a handmaid to Christianity. Its great object is to further the cause of benevolence, and its votaries are bound together by solemn ties of Brotherly affection. This degree encourages by its spirit and its precepts, the union of the members in the strong bonds of Friend- ship and brotherly love, and directs their attention from transient and perishable objects, to those of high- er moment—to those jewels which give permanence, elevation and dignity to the Masonic character, and reflect lustre upon the order by deeds of charity and pure benevolence. It teaches that no ungenerous ri- valry should exist among brethren, but cultivates peace and harmony and "good will to men;" to be courteous and respectful to each other in public as well as in private, ever bearing in mind the words of the royal Psalmist, "how good and how pleasant it is to dwell together in unity.'' In this section, also, circumstances of great impor- tance are particularized, and many traditional tenets and customs confirmed by sacred and profane record. Here the accomplished master may display his talents and acquirements to advantage, in the elucidation of the orders of architecture, the senses of human na - X4* 162 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ture and the liberal arts and sciences, which are sev- erally classed in a regular arrangement. In this section. Masonry is considered under two de- nominations, operative and speculative. The pillars erected in the porch of the Temple were not only ornamented with net work, lily work, and pomegranates, but the import of their names was em- blematical, and they were regarded as a striking me- mento of the promise of God, that he would establish the throne of David and advance the glory of Israel. "He cast two pillars of brass, eighteen cubits high apiece; and a line of twelve cubits did compass them about." 1 Kings, vii, 15. "And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars; the height of one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits; and nets of checker work, MASTER MASON'S MANUAJj. 1G3 and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars, seven for the one chap- iter, and seven for the other chapiter. And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one net work to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates, "and so he did for the other chapiter. And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cu- bits. And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates above, and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows, round about upon the other chapi- ter." 1 Kings, vii. OPERATIVE MASONRY. By operative masonry, we mean the proper applica- tion of the rules of architecture, whence a structure derives figure, strength and beauty, and a due propor- tion and just preponderance in all its parts. In the origin of Freemasonry, as we have already 164 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. mentioned, there is little doubt that it was an^associ- ation of architects, and that at the erection of the first Jewish Temple, the wisdom of Solomon devised certain rules and regulations for the government of the craft engaged in the erection of that magnificent edifice; and as there was an evident necessity to as- sign different portions of the work to different classes of workmen, he devised certain means by which they should be known to each other, A like distinction was no doubt retained in the erection of the second temple, during the reign of Cyrus. It was the custom of the times in which the temple was erected, to use emblematical and symbolical or- naments in the public edifices; a fashion perhaps de- rived from the hieroglyphic monuments of the Egyp- tians, under whose dominion the Israelites lived be- fore their departure under their great leader Moses, and hence, also, the use of the implements of opera- tive masonry among the emblems of the craft, which have been transmitted to us from the daj^s of Solo- mon. These circumstances tend to show that Mason- ry was originally operative, and that at a subsequent period it assumed that speculative form under which it now appears. Whatever doubts may be entertained as to the high antiquity of the ofder by the uninitiated, we, as Ma- sons, are satisfied that it has existed since the days of Solomon, if not in its speculative, or spiritual, at least in its operative character. The original landmarks of the order have been transmitted through a chosen few to the present time, and as Masons we possess facts unknown to the rest of the world, which are stated to have originated at the building of the tem- pie; and the same facts are in possession of Masons MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 165 of different countries. Now, if the information we have received from* Masonic tradition, existed only in one country, or that from which we have directly re- ceived it, there might be some ground for the suspicion, that the whole was a fabrication; but when we find the same facts in every country on the Globe where Masonry is known, agreeing in all essential points, the conclusion must be, that they are true. History, as well as tradition, affords abundant evi- dence of the existence of Freemasonry from the time of Solomon; there are various allusions to it in the Sacred Scriptures, and after the Tyrians who were engaged in the erection of the Temple, returned to their own country after its completion, they preserved the same arts. De Goguet, a distinguished" French writer, says, that many of the Jews who were em- ployed in the building of the temple, and who must have been acquainted with all the circumstances that transpired at the time, emigrated to Phoenicia, a coun- try of which Tyre was the capital. Oppressed by their enemies, and exposed to dangers and many trials, "they sought an asylum among the inhabitants of that eity. Reminded of the interesting scenes they had witnessed on Mount Moriah, and influenced by those feelings of brotherly love and friendship, which sev- en years residence together had inspired, the Tyrians furnished them with ships, in which they passed the pillars of Hercules and settled in Spain. We are told by Strabo, that colonies were established by the inhab- itants of Palestine, on the Western coast of Africa, about 190 years after the Trojan war, Eyjd about four- teen years after the dedication of Solomon's Temple. It is then an established fact, that men in the posses- sion of the secrets on which the six first degrees of 166 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Masonry are founded, settled in various parts of the world. SPECULATIVE MASONRY. By speculative Masonry we learn to subdue our passions, to live within the compass, and act upon the square with one another and with the world at large. It is not enough that Masons should act justly and deal honorably with each other, but they should be governed by the same principles in their intercourse with the uninitiated. Masonry teaches that the mem- bers of the order should expand their hearts with no- ble and generous sentiments. It bids them unite with virtuous men of the most distant countries and oppo- site opinions in the promotion of the general good, in the advancement of whatever can enlarge and lib- eralize the human mind. Although not a religious institution in the usual and common acceptation of the term, it is so far interwoven with.religion as to lay every Mason under obligation to pay that rational homage to the Deity which properly belongs to the great Creator and ruler of all things. It leads the contemplative to view with reverence and admira- tion the glorious works of creation, and inspires him with the most exalted ideas of the perfections of his divine Creator. In six days God created the heavens and the earth, and rested on the seventh day; the seventh day, there- fore, our ancient brethren consecrated as a day of rest from their lal^rs, thereby enjoying frequent opportu- nities, while their minds were abstracted from the cares of life, of contemplating the glorious works of creation, and adoring the great Creator, who "hath MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 167 stretched forth the heavens as a canopy, and planted the earth as a footstool." THE GLOBES Are two spherical bodies, on which are represented the situation of different countries, seas, the face of the heavens, and the revolutions of the heavenly bodies. Their principal use, beside serving as maps to dis- tinguish the outward parts of the earth, and the situ- ation of the fixed stars, is, to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising from the annual revolution, and the diurnal rotation of the earth round its axis. They are the noblest instruments for improving the. 168 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. mind, and giving it the most distinct idea of any prob- lem, or proposition, as weli as-enabling it to solve the same. Contemplating these bodies, we are inspired with due reverence for the deity and his works, for the "heavens declare his glory, and the firmament sheweth forth his handy work." ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE. sideration, a brief description of them, may therefore, not be improper. By order in Architecture, is meant, a system of all the members, proportions and ornaments of columns and pilasters; or, it is a regular arrangement of the projecting parts of a building, which united with those of a column, form a beautiful and complete whole. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 169 The origin of this science may be traced in the In- dian's hut, and the Greenlander's eave; they shew the rude beginning from which it has grown to its pres- ent perfection and magnificence. It is an art of the first necessity, and almost coeval with the human spe- cies. Man, from seeking shade and shelter under the trees of the forest, soon felt the necessity, and saw the utility of bending them to more commodious forms, than those in which he found them disposed by nature. To huts made of branches of trees, leaning together at top, and forming a conical figure, plastered with mud, succeeded more convenient habitations. The sides of these habitations, and the inner supports of the roofs being trunks of trees; from them were de- rived those beautiful, symmetrical columns, the orders of architecture. Though the art of building was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians, with great success in the production of such gigantic structures as the Pyramids of Egypt which exist to this day, and the labyrinth seen by Herodotus,* with others of extraordinary and vast magnificence; yet we owe to the Greeks the first structures, in which elegance and symmetry were combined with comfort and conven- ience in the plan. The established orders of architecture were brought to perfection under the Greeks and Romans. Modern efforts have added little or nothing to the beauty and symmetry of these columns and the parts dependent on them. The five orders are thus classed; the Tuscan, the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite. *Bcloes Hero, vol. ii, p. 73-4, Euter. 15 170 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. THE TUSCAN Is the most complete and solid of the five orders; it was called the Rustic by Vitruvius, a celebrated ar- chitect, who flourished 135 years before Christ; and the name of Tuscan was applied to it, because they were the ancient people of Lydia, who, coming.out of Asia to settle in Tuscany, first made use of this order in the temples they erected. This order was an art- less imitation of nature; yet, simple as it was, it open- ed the door to new improvements, stimulated rising genius, and insensibly led to scientific perfection. Its column is seven diameters high; and its capital, base and entablature have but few mouldings. THE DORIC, Which is plain and natural, is the most ancient, and was invented by the Greeks. The Doric is the best proportioned of all the orders, and its solid composi- tion gives it a preference in structures where strength and noble simplicity are chiefly required. In its first invention, it was more simple than in its present state. In after times, when it began to be adorned, it gained the name of Doric; for when it was constructed in its primitive, simple form, the name of Tuscan was con- ferred on it. Hence the Tuscan precedes the Doric in rank, on account of its resemblance to that pillar in its original state. THE IONIC. Before the invention of this order, buildings were admirably contrived for strength and convenience; yet, there was something wanting to captivate the eye, and give them an aspect worthy the appellation of a MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 171 scientific production; this deficiency was partly made good by the introduction of a new order; for the eye being charmed by woman's grace, elegance and beau- ty, they made this scientific union of male and female, by embellishing their buildings with a new order, formed after the model of a young woman of elegant shape, as a contrast to the Doric, which was formed after that of a robust man. The invention of this or- der is attributed to the lonians, as the famous temple of Diana of Ephesus was of this "order; hence it was called the Ionic. THE CORINTHIAN. The Corinthian i,s the richest of the five orders, and is deemed a master-piece of art, and is used in stately and superb edifices. It was invented by Callima- chus, at Corinth, who is said to have taken the hint of the capital of this pillar from the following cir- cumstance. Accidentally passing by the tomb of a young lady, he perceived a basket of toys covered with a tile, placed over an acanthus root, having been left there by her nurse; as the branches grew up, they encompassed the basket, until arriving at the tile, they met with an obstruction and bent downwards. Calli- machus, struck with the object, set about imitating the figure; the base of the capital he made to represent the basket, the abacus the tile, and the volutes the bending leaves.* THE COMPOSITE Is composed of the other orders, and was invented *Warburton, in his "Crescent and the Cross,'' speaking of the Date-palm says, "Its tall, straight trunk, and luxuriant head, must have given the idea to the early architect of the column and the capi- tal, long before the acanthus, clustering around the block of marble, taught the Greek." 172 MASTER MASON'S .MANUAL. by the Romans. Its capital has the two rows of leaves of the Corinthian, and the volntes of the Ionic. Its column has the quarter round, as the Tuscan and Doric. This pillar is generally found in buildings where strength, elegance, and beauty are displayed. The ancient and original orders of architecture, re- vered by Masons, are no more than three, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, which were invented by the Greeks. To these the Romans added the Tuscan, which-they made plainer than the Doric, and the Com- posite, which was more ornamental, if not more beau- tiful than the Corinthian. The first three orders alone, shew invention and particular character, and essentially differ from each other; the two others have nothing but what is borrowed, and differ only acciden- tally. The Tuscan is-the Doric in its earliest state; and the Composite is the Corinthian enriched with the Ionic. To the Greeks, therefore, and not to the Romans, are we indebted for what is great, judicious and distinct in architecture. OF THE FIVE SENSES OF HUMAN NATURE. An analysis of the human faculties, is next giv- en in this section, in which the five external senses particularly claim attention;- these are hearing, see- ing, feeling, tasting and smelling. In elucidating these subjects in our assemblies, we are not confined to any particular mode of explana- tion; every man being at liberty to offer his sentiments under proper restrictions. The following thoughts, however, may be useful. The senses we are to consider as the gifts of na- ture, and in the use of them we are subject to rea- MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 173 son. Reason, properly employed, distinguishes the good from the bad, rejects the last with modesty and adheres to the first with reverence. The objects of human knowledge are innumerable; the channels by which this knowledge is conveyed are few. Among these, the perception of external things by the senses, and the information we receive from human testimony, are not the least considerable; the analogy between them is obvious. In the testimony of nature, given by the senses, as in human testimony given by information, things are signified by signs. In one as well as the other, the mind, either by origin- al principles, or by custom, passes from the sign to the conception of the thing signified. The signs in the natural language, as well as the signs in our ori- ginal perceptions, have the same signification in all climates nnd nations, and the skill of interpreting them is not acquired, but innate. HEARING Is that sense by which we distinguish sounds, and are capable of enjoying the agreeable charms of mu- sic. By it we are enabled to enjoy the pleasures of society, and reciprocally communicate to each other our thoughts and intentions, our purposes and desires, whilst our reason is capable of exerting its utmost power and energy. The wise and beneficent author of natdre intended by the formation of this sense, that we should be social creatures, and receive the greatest and most important part of our knowledge from the information of others. For these purposes we are endowed with hearing, that by a proper exertion of our rational powers, our happiness may be complete. 15* 174 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. SEEING Is that sense by which we distinguish objects in an instant of time, without change of place or situation; view armies in battle array, figures of the most state- ly structure, and all the agreeable variety displayed in the landscape of nature. Dr. Blacklock, who at a very early age was deprived of sight, speaking of this sense, remarks, "there is not, perhaps, any sense or faculty of the corporeal frame, which affords so many resources of utility and entertainment, as the power of vision; nor is there any loss, or privation, which can be productive of disadvantages or calamities so multiform, so various and so, bitter, as the want of sight. By no avenue of corporeal perception, is knowledge in her full extent, and in all her forms, so accessible to the rational and enquiring soul, as by the glorious_ and delightful medium of sight. For this not only reveals external things in all their beau- ties, in all their changes, and in all their varieties, but gives body, form and color, to intellectual ideas and abstract essences; so that the whole material and in- telligent creation lie in open prospect; and the majes- tic frame of nature in its whole extent, is, if we may so speak, perceived at a single glance. By the aid of this sense, man beholds the object of his attention from afar. Taught by experience, he measures their relative distances; distinguishes their qualities; deter- mines their situations, positions and attitudes; presa- ges what those tokens may import; selects his favor- ites; traverses in security the space which divides them from him; stops at the point where they were placed, and either obtains them with ease, or immediately perceives the means by which the obstacles which in- tercept his passage to them, may be removed." MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 175 Of all the faculties the sight is the noblest. The structure of the eye, and its appurtenances, evinces the admirable contrivance of nature for performing all its various external and internal motions; while the variety displayed in the eyes of different animals, suited to their several ways of life, clearly demon- strates this organ to be the master-piece of nature's work. FEELING Is that sense by which we distinguish the different qualities of bodies; such as heat and cold, hardness and softness,roughness and smoothness, figure, solidi- ty, motion and extension.. The three senses, hearing, seeing and feeling, are deemed essential among Masons. SMELLING Is that sense by which we distinguish odours, the various kinds of which convey different impressions to the mind. Animal and vegetable bodies, and in- deed most other bodies, while exposed to the air, con- tinually send forth effluvia of vast subtility, as well in a state of life and growth as in a state of fermenta- tion and putrefaction. These effluvia being drawn into the nostrils with the air, are the means by which all bodies are smelled. Hence it is evident, that there is manifest appearance of design in the creator's hav- ing placed the organ of smell in the inside of that ca- nal, through which the air continually passes in respi- ration. TASTING Enables us to make a proper distinction in the choice 176 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. of our food. The organ of this sense, guards the en- trance of the alimentary canal, as that of smelling guards the entrance of that .of respiration. From the situation of both these organs, it is plain that they were intended by nature to distinguish wholesome food from that which is nauseous. Smelling and tast- ing are inseparably connected, and it is by the unnat- ural kind of life men commonly lead to society, that these senses are rendered less fit to perform their natu- ral offices. The proper use of these five senses enables us to form just and accurate notions of the operations of nature; and when we reflect on the objects, with which our senses are gratified, we become conscious of them, and are enabled to attend to them, until they become familiar to the mind. The senses, and indeed all the operations of the mind, are so difficult to understand and to analyze, that the most learned may fail in the attempt fully to explain them. The mind is ultimately affected by the senses; when that is diseased every sense loses its vir- tue. The fabric of the mind, as well as that of the body, is curious and wonderful; the faculties of the one are adapted to their several ends with equal wis- dom, and no less propriety than the organs of the oth- er. The inconceivable wisdom of an Almighty Being is displayed in the structure of the mind, which ex- tends its power over every branch of science. In the arts and sciences which have the least connexion with the mind, its faculties are still the engines which we must employ; the better we understand their nature and use, their defects and disorders, we shall apply them with greater success. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 177 Wise men agree, that there is but one way to the" knowledge of nature's works; the way of observation and experiment. By our constitution we have a strong propensity to traee particular facts and observations to general rules, and apply those rules to account for other effects, or to direct us in the production of them. This procedure of the understanding, is familiar to every human creature in the common affairs of life, and is the only means by which any real discovery in philosophy can be made. On the human mind all our knowledge must depend; what, therefore, can be more proper for the investiga- tion of Masons'? By anatomical dissection and observa- tion we become acquainted with the structure of the body; by the anatomy of the mind, we discover its pow- ers and principles. To sum up the whole of this transcendant measure, God's bounty to his dependant creatures, we shall add, that memory, imagination, taste, reasoning, moral perception, and all the active powers of the soul, pre- sents a vast and boundless field for philosophical dis- quisition, which far exceeds human enquiry, and are peculiar mysteries known only to nature's God, to whom we all are indebted for creation, preservation, and every blessing we enjoy. THE SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES. The seven liberal arts and sciences are next illustra- ted in this section. GRAMMAR Teaches the proper arrangements of words, accord- ing to the idiom, or dialect of any particular people; 178 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. and that excellency of pronunciation which enables us to speak or write a language with accuracy, agree- ably to reason and correct usage. Grammar, as an art, refers only to particular languages; because it would be impossible to lay down any system of rules which would apply to two languages. To a certain extent, the principles of grammar are general, and some of them may be said to be universal. The laws of the human mind are the same in all ages, and in all nations; and of those causes which have called forth its energies, many have operated universally. What- ever have been the variety of turns, and of the modi- fication and arrangement of them, the grand objects of men, in the formation and extension of language have been the same; to communicate their sensations, their judgments, their reasonings; to express the ob- jects of their thoughts, and the changes and connex- ions observed among them, and to do this with des- patch. This has produced great uniformity in" the general principles of language. But the connexion between words and thoughts is arbitrary, as well as the mode of connecting words themselves. Hence, with much uniformity, we meet with much variety; and hence, universal, or even general grammar, must be confined within very narrow limits, till the phe- nomena of a variety of languages have been exam- ined, and their correspondence with each other, as well as their diversities ascertained. RHETORIC. Rhetoric may be defined the art of speaking with persuasion. This art, like all others, is the result of observation and experiments made by men of good capacity and enlightened minds. After multiplied MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 179 and often defective essays, those principles are at length discovered, which distinguish between the good and bad, between the faulty and the perfect. These principles when reduced to method, and well arranged, save succeeding enquirers much pains and trouble, considerably shorten the road to knowledge, and ma- terially assist in the formation of a correct judgment. As, in respect to poetry, it is contended, that though accurate rules of criticism will not bestow genius, they will check redundancy and bombast, and detect all the errors into which the competitors for the laurel are too apt to be betrayed; so, with regard to the pre- cepts of rhetoric, it may safely be asserted, that though they will not generate that energy of mind which rises to the highest flights of eloquence, they will effectu- ally warn the orator against incongruity in the dispo- sition of his matter, absurdity in argument, which amuses instead of convincing, or those injudicious at- tempts to interest the feelings, which excite ridicule rather than sympathy. LOGIC Is the art of using reason well in our enquiries after truth, and the communication of it to others. Its de- sign is to teach us the right use of our reason, or intel- lectual powers, and the improvement of them in our- selves and.others; this is not only necessary in order to attain any competent knowledge in the sciences, or affairs of learning, but to govern both the greater and meaner actions of life. It is the cultivation of our reason, by which we are better enabled to distinguish good from evil, as well as truth from falsehood; and both these are matters of the highest importance, whether we regard this life or the life to come. 180 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Logic consists of a regular train of argument, whence we infer, deduce and conclude, according to premises laid down, admitted or granted; and in it are employed the faculties of conceiving, judging, reason- ing and disposing; all of which are naturally led on from one gradation to another, till the point in question is finally determined. ARITHMETIC Teaches the powers and properties of numbers, which is variously effected by letters, tables, figures and instruments. By this art, reasons and demonstra- tions are given, for finding out any certain number, whose relation or affinity to another is already known or discovered. GEOMETRY. Geometry is said originally to have signified noth- ing more than the art of measuring the earth, or any distance or dimensions within it; but at present it de- notes the science of magnitudes in general, compre- hending the doctrine and relations of whatsoever is susceptible of augmentation or diminution. So to Geometry may be 'referred not only the construction of lines, superfices and solids, but also of times, velo- city, numbers, weight and many other matters. This science is said to have had its rise, or at least its present rules, from the Egyptians, who,. by nature, were under the necessity of using it, to remedy the confusion which generally happened in their lands, by the overflowing of the Nile, which annually carried away all boundaries, and effaced all limits of their possessions. Thus this science, which consisted only in its first steps, of the means of measuring lands, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 181 that every person might have his property restored to him, was called geometry, or the art of measuring land; and it is probable, that the draughts and schemes, the Egyptians were annually compelled to make, helped them to discover many excellent properties of those figures, and which speculation continually oc- casioned to be improved. By this science, the architect is enabled to con- struct his plans, and execute his designs; the general to arrange his soldiers; the engineer to mark out ground for encampments; the geographer to give us the dimensions of the world, and all things therein contained; to delineate the extent of seas and speci- fy the divisions of empires, kingdoms and provinces; by it also, the astronomer is enabled to make his ob- servations, and fix the duration of times and seasons, years and cycles. MUSIC. Any succession of sounds, however much they vary in regard to direction, or however much they may partake of various modes or keys, provided that sue- cession be agreeable, and excites in a well tuned ear, certain agreeable sensations, is called music. All an- imals, however pernicious, appear delighted with mu- sic, which affects them differently, according to their several dispositions. Birds are even fascinated by the upper notes of a fine voice, and at all times we find such as have agreeable notes of their own, pecu- liarly attentive to every succession of sounds. This art from the time of Jubal, to the present time, has been held in high esteem, since it is pro- ductive not only of the highest entertainment, but the 16 182 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. most beneficial effects. Shakspeare, speaking of mu- sic, thus expresses himself: "The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, villanies and spoils: The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus; Let no such man be trusted." And thus the fanciful author of the "Botanic Garden:" " relenting tigers gaze, And pausing buffaloes forget to graze; Admiring elephants forsake their woods, Stretch their wide ears, and wade into the floods; Jn silent herds the wondering sea-calves lave, Or nod their slimy foreheads o'er the wave; Poised on still wing attentive vultures sweep, And winking crocodiles are lull'd to sleep." ASTRONOMY. Astronomy is that science, by which we are taught to read the .wisdom, strength and beauty of the Al- mighty Creator, in those sacred pages, the celestial hemisphere. The science of astronomy is not specu- lative, but its truths are as demonstrable as its study is sublime. By astronomy, we learn the velocity of any celestial body, however swift its motion; its mag- nitudes, however extensive, and its distance, however remote. It illustrates, and explains the varieties of the seasons, the causes of our unequal days and nights. By its knowledge, commerce is promoted, and the in- tercourse between distant nations facilitated, so that the mariner guides his vessel across the trackless ocean, with as much certainty as he displays in his pedestrian journey from one well known place to an- other. While we are employed in its study, -it can- not fail to give us the most exalted ideas of the wis- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 183 dom, beneficence and greatness of the Almighty Ore- ator. It is in the heavens that he has chiefly manifest- ed his greatness and majesty. It is in the heavens that the sovereign wisdom shines with the greatest lustre, and that sublime ideas of order and harmony reign. In this immense host of celestial bodies, all is magnificence; all is regularity and proportion; all an- nounce a controling power infinitely fertile in the pro- duction of beings, infinitely wise in their arrange- ment and destination. MORAL ADVANTAGES OF GEOMETRY. Geometry is the basis on which the superstructure of Masonry rests. By geometry, we may curiously trace nature through her various windings to her most concealed recesses. By it we discover the power, the wisdom and the goodness of the grand architect of the universe, and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. By it, we discover how the planets move in their different orbits, and dem- onstrate their various revolutions. By it we account for the return of seasons, and the variety of scenes which each season displays to the discerning eye.— Numberless worlds are around us, all framed by the same divine artist, which roll through the vast ex- panse, and all are conducted by the same unerring laws of nature. A survey of nature, and the observation of her beautiful proportions, first determined man to imitate the divine plan, and study symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies, and birth to every useful art. The architect began to design, and the plans which he laid down being improved by experience and time, have produced works which are the admiration of every age. 184 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. The lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance and the devastations of war, have laid waste and des- troyed many valuable monuments of antiquity, on which the utmost exertions of human genius have been displayed. Even the temple of Solomon, so spacious and magnificent, and constructed by so many celebra- ted artists, escaped not the unsparing ravages of bar- barous force. Freemasonry notwithstanding has sur- vived. The attentive ear received the sound from the instructive tongue, and the mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts.— Tools and implements of architecture are selected by the fraternity, to imprint on the memory wise and se- rious truths; and thus, through a succession of ages, are transmitted unimpaired, the excellent tenets of our institution. master mason's manual. 185 charge to A fellow craft. Brother:—Being now advanced to the second de- gree of Freemasonry, in the name of the brethren who now surround you, I congratulate you on your preferment. It is at once an evidence of your profi- ciency in the preceding degree, and that you have thus far satisfactorily discharged the duties required of you. Masonry, my brother, is progressive in its nature: and the further you advance, the stronger, become the duties which unite you to your brethren. The duties required of you are such as every man may perform, who is properly impressed with their importance. Founded upon the truths of the sacred scriptures, they carry with them the evidence of their value; and your own judgment must convince you that a strict adher-' ence to the principles of the -order will enhance your character and reputation. Our laws and regulations you are strenuously to support, and be always ready to see them executed without favor, partiality, or prejudice. You are not to palliate or aggravate the offences of your brethren, but in every trespass against our rules, you are to judge with candor, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with justice. In your intercourse with your brethren, cultivate friendship and brotherly love, those noble principles of our profession without which Freemason- ry would be only as "sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." Cultivate literature and the fine arts, not only as a personal accomplishment, but as a means of refined and social entertainment; they tend to polish and adorn the mind, and advance mankind in the scale of 16* 186 MASTER MASON^ MANUAL. improvement. With a mind enriched with useful knowledge, man is never alone; he has within himself means of enjoyment, far preferable to all the pleas- ures which the haunts of dissipation can afford. Study the principles inculcated in the degree you have just received; they are to regulate your conduct and prepare you for further advancement; and finally my brother, keep sacred and inviolate the mysteries which have been entrusted to you, and steadily per- severe in the practice of every commendable virtue. In the closing ceremonies of this degree, the follow- ing may be sung: Give thanks to him who formed in love, All beautouus things, around, above! The fragrant flowers that bloom so fair, The cluster'd stars, his love declare. With kindest care ho gave to man His power to form and skill to plan;. To calm his thoughts, to soothe his woes, Their beauteous forms from chaos rose. What eye unmoved can mark the grace In our fair temple love may trace? What hand unkind will ne'er entwine A garland for that loved shrine. Bring willing hearts, bring hearts sincere, While arch and column high we rear; Each brother true bo ever seen, With love most pure and love serene. When time shall end and temples cease, And gained at last eternal peace, A moral temple each shall be, Supported then by heaven's decree.* *Masonic Melodies, by Thomas Power. CHAPTER V. on the degree of master mason. The degree of Master Mason is much more impor- tant than either of the preceding degrees, as it in- volves higher responsibilities and more extended du- ties; and the ceremonies are more solemn and impres- sive. From this class the rulers of regular bodies of Masons in the three first degrees of Masonry are se- lected, as it is only from those who have made such advances as to enable them to give instruction, that the less informed can expect to receive it. Hence every brother who aspires to be a "ruler" over his fellows, must see the necessity of being not only thor- oughly versed in the great principles of the order, but the proper mode of administering its rites and cere- monies. The Master Mason imposes upon himself the dis- charge of important moral duties, which are inculca- ted in the different sections of this degree. Begin- ning within the circle of domestic and social duties, the bosom of the Master Mason should dilate to the more enlarged circle of the public duties he owes to his country;- and not confining his affections even there, his heart should expand to the spacious circle of human nature, and swell with emotions of univer- sal love and benevolence. A proper attention to the principles inculcated in this degree, cannot fail to 188 master mason's manual. make the Master Mason a good man, a good citizen, and a good christian. The lecture of this degree is divided into three sec- tions. FIRST SECTION. In this section, the ceremony of initiation into the third degree is explained, and many useful instruct tions given in relation to the duties of a Master Mason. The following passages of scripture are introduced: Ecclesiastes xii. 1—7. "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. "While the sun, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain. "In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened; "And the doors shall be shut in the streets when the sound of the grinding is low; and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird; and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 189 "Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, J^nd fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper be a burthen, and desire shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets; "Or ever the silver chord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the foun- tain, or the wheel broken at the cistern; "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit unto God who gave it." In this section are explained the working tools of a Mason, which are all the implements of Masonry in- discriminately, but more particularly the Trowel. The Trowel, is an instrument made use of by opera- tive masons, to- spread the cement which unites a building injd one common mass; but we, as specula- tive masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of brotherly love and" affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who can best work or best agree. 190 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. The Trowel teaches, that nothing can be united without proper cement, and that the perfection of a building must depend on the manner in which the ma- terials are joined together. Charity, the bond of per- fection and social union, must connect in one, separate interests, so that like the radii of a circle, which ex- tend from the centre to every part of the circumfer- ence, the principle of universal benevolence may be diffused to every member of the community. This is a further spiritual use which should be made of the Trowel, by free and accepted Masons. SECOND SECTION. The second section recites the traditions of the or- der, and presents to view a finished picture of the ut- most consequence to the fraternity. It exemplifies an instance of virtue, fortitude and integrity, seldom equalled, and never excelled in the history of man.— In this section is likewise inculcated the important doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Never has any nation been discovered on the face of the earth, so rude and barbarous, that in the midst of their wildest superstitions, there was not cherished among them, some expectation of a state after death in which vir- tue would be rewarded and vice punished. Many of the strongest passions- of our nature are made to have a clear reference to a future existence of the soul. The love of fame, the ardent concern which prevails about futurity, all allude to somewhat in which men suppose themselves to be personally concerned after death. The concern of the good and the bad, bear witness to master mason's manual. 191 a world which is to come; and seldom do men leave this world without some fears or hopes respecting it; some secret anticipations and presages of what is hereafter to befal them. The following passages of scripture are introduced: Ezekiel xxxvii. 1—10. "The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the midst of the valley that was full of bones. "And he caused me to pass them round about and behold, there were very many in the open valley, and lo! they were very dry. "Atid he said unto me, son of man can these bones live? and I answered, O Lord thou knowest. "And he said unto me, prophecy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. "Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live; "And I will lay sinews upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know I am the Lord. So I prophecied as I was commanded; and as I pro- phecied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. "And when I beheld, lo! the sinews and the flesh came upon' them, and the skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them. "Then said he unto me, prophecy unto the wind, prophecy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord Godt come from the four winds 0 breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live. "So I prophecied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived." prayer. Thou, 0 God! knowest our downsitting and upris- 192 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ing—and understandest our thoughts afar off; shield and defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, and support us under the trials and afflictions we are destined to endure, whilst travelling through this vale of tears. Man that is born of Woman is few of days and full of trouble. He cometh forth as a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow and continu- eth not. Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee; thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass; turn from him that he may rest till he shall accomplish his day. For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and the tender branches thereof will not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? as the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. - Yet, 0 Lord! have compassion on the chil- dren of thy creation; administer them comfort in time of trouble, and save them with an everlasting salva- tion.—Amen! So mote it be! In the course of the ceremonies of this section, the following Hymn may be sung: HYMN. Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time, As we journey here below Through a pilgrimage of wo. Mortals now indulge a tear, For mortality is here; See how wide her trophies wave, O'or the slumbers of the grave! MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 193 Here another guest we bring! Seraphs of celestial wing— To our funeral altar come, Waft a friend and brother home. God of Life's eternal day, Guide us lest from thee we stray By a false, delusive light, To the shades of ondless night. Lord of all below—above— Fill our souls with truth and love; And whon dissolved our earthly tie, Take us to thy lodge on high. When the misfortunes of a brother call for aid, we should not withdraw the hand that might keep him from sinking. We should not permit the foot to halt, but forgetting all selfish feelings, be ever ready to serve a brother in distress, his widow and orphans. When our prayers ascend to the throne of the Most High, we should remember a brother's welfare as our own. We should never injure or betray the confi- dence of a brother, as by so doing we might inflict up- on him the greatest injury he could sustain in this mortal life. It would be like the villainy of an assassin, who lurks in darkness to stab his adversary, when unarmed and unprepared to meet an enemy. We should support a brother's character when we hear it 17 i $ 1 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. wrongfully assailed, and we should be ever ready to assist him with our best council and advice. THIRD SECTION. This section illustrates certain hieroglyphic em- blems, and inculcates many useful lessons, to extend knowledge and promote virtue. In this branch of the lecture, many particulars rela- live to King Solomon's Temple are considered. This magnificent Temple was founded in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon, in the second of the month of Zif, being the second month of the sacred year. It was situated on Mount Moriah, near the place where Abraham was about to offer up his son MASTER MASON'S MANUAL, Isaac, and where David met and appeased the des<- troying angel. No structure was ever like this for exact propor- tion and beautiful dimensions, from the magnificent Portico in the East, to the sanctum sanctorum in the West; with numerous apartments for the Kings and Princes, the Sanhedrim, the Priests and Levites of Israel, and the outer court for the Gentiles, it being a house of prayer for all nations, and capable of receiv- ing in all its courts and apartments together, about three hundred thousand people. It was supported by fourteen hundred and fifty-three columns, and two thousand nine hundred pilasters, all hewn from the finest Parian marble, and about two thousand two hundred and forty-six windows; and it was lined with massive gold, set with innumerable diamonds and precious stones. There were employed in its build- ing, three Grand Masters; three thousand three hun- dred masters, or overseers, of the work; eighty thou- sand craftsmen, and seventy thousand entered appren- tices or bearers of burthen. All these were so class- ed and arranged by the wisdom of Solomon, that nei- ther envy, discord, nor confusion, were suffered to in- terrupt the universal peace which pervaded the world at that important period. The preparations for this temple were immense.— There were employed in it thirteen millions five hun- dred thousand pounds weight of gold, and one hun- dred and twenty-seven millions, one hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds weight of silver. Every thing was made ready before it came to the spot, so that nothing was to do but join the materials. The top of Mount Moriah, on which it was erected, was inclosed with a wall. Into this there was an entrance on eve 196 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ry side; besides one towards the south-west, for the royal family, whereby, by a raised way, called the Gate of Shallecheth, they came to their place in the covert of the Sabbath. The East gate was called Seu; the South gate, Assupim, because there the Levites convened to receive their directions; the gate Parbar was at the north-west of the temple. At the side of every gate, and corner of the court, houses were built. Into this outer court, every clean Hebrew, or prose- lyte of the covenant, might enter. In our Saviour's time, there was a court of the Gentiles without this. In the middle of the outer court, but nearer to the west end, there was a court of the Levites, stretching from east to west, and was surrounded by a low wall, of about four feet high, that the people might, over the top of it, see what was doing by the Priests.— This court had two entrances, one on the north side, the other on the south. In this court, just before the east end of the temple, stood the brazen altar, and the brazen sea and lavers. The temple, properly so call- ed, stood from east to west, near the west end of the court of the Priests. On each side of its entrance was a pillar eighteen cubits high and twelve cubits in circumference. Passing through this porch, you en- tered the sanctuary, or holy place, at the west end of which, stood ten golden candlesticks, on the south side, and on the north, ten tables, with twelve loaves of shew-bread on each; and in the middle between them, stood the golden altar of incense. Passing through the sanctuary lengthwise, you entered by a fine vail, and a two-leaved door of olivetree, into the oracle or niost holy place, into which the High Priest only might enter, and that only on the day of atonement. In the most holy place stood the ark with its furniture; MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 197 and Solomon made two new cherubims of olive- tree, which overshadowed the two golden ones, and stretched their wings the whole breadth of the house. The wall of the house was reared with alternate lay- ers of fine cedar wood and hewn marble; the inside was carved with figures of cherubims and palm trees, and the whole inside, floor, walls and roof, was over- laid with gold. The oracle had no windows; the sanctuary, narrow windows; light against light.— About eleven months after the building was finished, and just before the feast of the tabernacles, this tern- pie was furnished with the ark, and other sacred uten- sils, and the shechinah, or cloud of divine glory, en- tered it and took up its rest over the ark, between the cherubims; and it was dedicated with solemn prayer by Solomon, and by seven day's sacred feasting, and by a peace offering of twenty thousand oxen, and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep, to consume which the holy fire anew came down from heaven. This temple remained about thirty-four years in its glory, when Shishak, King of Egypt, took Jerusalem and carried away its treasure, A. M. 3033. Under Jehoram, Ahaziah and Athaliah, it was much decay- ed, but Jehoida and Joash repaired it about A. M. 3150. Afozz,Kingof Judah, having bought the assistance of Tiglath-pileser, King of Assyria, against the Kings of Syria and Damascus, who were at war with him. robbed the temple of its riches, to give to this foreign King. Not content with that, he profaned it by setting up therein an altar copied from one he had seen at Damascus, and taking away the brazen sea from off the brazen oxen that supported it, and the brazen ba- sons from their pedestals, and the King's throne, to 17# 198 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. prevent their being carried off by the King of Assyria. He pillaged the temple, broke the sacred vessels, and shut up the house of God. HezeJtiah, the son and successor of Ahaz, opened and repaired the gates of the temple; restored the worship of the Lord, and caused new and sacred ves- sels to be made. Rut in the fourteenth year of his reign, Sennacherib, King of Assyria, coming with an army into, the land of Judah, Hezekiah was forced to take the riches of the temple, to give them to the King of Assyria. Manasseh profaned the temple by setting up altars and idols, by which he worshipped the host of heaven, even in the courts. Manasseh was taken prisoner by the King of Babylon, who loaded him with chains, and carried him beyond the Euphrates. Here he re- pented of his sins, and being restored to his domin- ions, he took away the idols he had erected, destroyed the altars and set up the altar of burnt offerings, up- on which he offered his sacrifices. Josiah, King of Judah, repaired the edifices of the temple, which had been either neglected or demolish- ed by his predecessors. He also commanded the Priests anclLevites to. replace the ark of the Lord in the sanctuary. A. M. 3398, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, took away a part of the sacred vessels, and placed them in the temple of Belus at Babylon, under the reign of Jehoiakem, King of Judah. He also carried away others in the reign of Jeconiah, A. M. 3405; and in the eleventh year of the reign of Zedekiah, he took Jerusalem and entirely destroyed the temple, A. M. 3416. The temple continued in its ruins fifty-two years, MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 199 when Cyrus, King of Persia, A. M. 3468, permitted the Jews to return to Jerusalem for the purpose of re- building it. The work was commenced, but it had not proceeded far when it was suspended by order of Artaxerxes. This suspension continued until the reign of Darius Hystaspes, who permitted the work to be carried on to its completion. It was dedicated in the sixth year of Darius, 511 years before Christ. The foundation stone was laid in the month of April, 532 years be- fore Christ. The time occupied in the building was therefore, twenty-one years. In this section, are explained the emblematical sym- bols represented in this degree. Is an emblem of a'pure heart, which is always an acceptable sacrifice to the deity; and as this glows with, fervent heat, so should our hearts continually THE POT OF INCENSE 200 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. glow with gratitude to the great and beneficent author of our existence, for the many blessings and comforts we enjoy. "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God." THE BEE-HIVE Is an emblem of industry, and should inculcate on our minds, that as we came into the world rational and intelligent beings, so should we be industrious ones; never sitting down contented when our fellows around us are in want, when it is in our power to relieve them without injury to ourselves. Bees are remarkable for their untiring industry, and their example affords a useful lesson to mankind. They are, says Shakspeare, "Creatures that, by a rule of nature, teach The art of order to a peopled kingdom." It has pleased the Almighty Architect to have form- ed man a dependant creature; dependant on him who created him, and dependant on each other. He, there- fore, who is not industrious, temperate and discreet, in the station which Divine Providence has assigned him—who does not, according to the best of his abili- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 201 ties, exert his endeavors to promote the good of his fellow creatures, may be justly considered as a drone in the hive—a useless member of society. THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS, GUARDED BY THE TYLER'S SWORD Reminds us that we should ever be watchful and guarded, in our thoughts, words and actions, particu- larly before the enemies of Masonry; ever bearing in mind those truly-Masonic virtues, silence and circum- spection. THE SWORD POINTING TO A NAKED HEART Demonstrates that justice will sooner or later over- take us, and although our thoughts, words and actions, be hidden from the eyes of man, yet, nothing caii con- ceal them from the omnipresent God. 202 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. THE ALL-SEEING EYE Is emblematical of the Omnipotent and Omnipresenl Sovereign of the Universe, whose presence*pervades al] space, and to whom the secrets of all hearts are known. Under his watchful care, the sun, moon and stars perform their revolutions, and comets are guided in their course. This awful being pervades all space, and penetrates every thought of man; he hears every word; he sees every action of our lives, and will final- ly reward every one according to his works. THE ANCHOR AND ARK. The Ark is an emblem of that divine Ark, which MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 203 safely wafts lis over this sea of troubles. The Anchor is emblematical of the well grounded hope, which they, who faithfully perform their duty in this life, may entertain of being at last, happily moored in a blessed harbor, where the "wicked cease from troub- ling, and the weary are at rest." THE FORTY-SEVENTH PROBLEM OF EUCLID. "In any right angled triangle, the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares described upon the sides, which contain the right angle." It is said, that Pythagoras having discovered this proposition, sacrificed a Heca- tomb, (that is one hundred oxen,) to the muses, to re- turn thanks for their assistance, supposing it above the power of human invention. This problem is intro- duced into Masonry, to teach the brethren, the value of the arts and sciences, and that by patience and perseverance, they may at least, be able to make some discoveries, which will enable them to render a service to the community. Is an emblem of human life. Behold how swiftly THE HOUR GLASS 204 MASTER MASON'6 MANUAL. the sands run, and how rapidly our lives are drawing to a close! The sand runs almost imperceptibly to the end of the hour; thus wastes man! To-day he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; to-morrow, bios- soms and bears his blushing honors thick upon him; the next day comes a frost which nips the shoot, and when he thinks his greatness still aspiring, he falls like autumn leaves, to enrich our mother earth. Is an emblem of time, which cuts the brittle thread of life, and launches us into eternity. What havoc does the scythe of time make among the human race! If by chance we should escape the numerous evils in- cident to childhood and youth, and with health and vigor arrive to years of manhood, yet, we mUst soon be cut down by the destroying hand of time, and be gathered unto our fathers. The scythe should remind us, that yet a little while and the archangel will sound the trump and proclaim "there will be time no longer." Then abused opportunities willhever return, and new opportunities will not be offered. We should, there- fore, make good use of our time; reflect that yester- day cannot be recalled; to-morrow cannot be assured; to-day only is ours, which if we procrastinate, we loose, THE SCYTHE and if lost, is lost forever. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 205 THE THREE STEPS Usually delineated upon the Master's carpet, are emblematical of the three principal stages of human life; youth, manhood and age. In youth, as Entered Apprentices, we ought industriously to occupy our minds, in the attainment of useful knowledge; in man- hood, as Fellow Crafts, we should apply our knowledge to, the discharge of our respective duties to God, our neighbors and ourselves, so that in age, as Master Ma- sons, we may enjoy the happy reflections consequent on a well spent life, and die in the hope of a glorious immortality. jog master mason's manual. death of the body, and the immortality of the soul, that etherial part of man which survives the grave— which was imperfectly known even to the most re- nowned of the ancient philosophers, but which was brought to light by the Son of God. " Immortality o'ersweeps All pains, all tears, all time, all fears,—and peals Like the eternal thunders of the deep Into our ears this truth—we live forever." Byron. charge to a master mason. Brother:—You have now been received into the third degree of Masonry, and you must have perceiv- ed the additional duties imposed upon you. It is the last degree of symbolic Masonry; it was the earliest founded, and includes the largest number of members. Your are now bound by duty, honor and gratitude, to be faithful to the trust reposed in you; to support with dignity the character of a Master Mason, and to enforce by precept and example obedience to the tenets of the order. The great principles of moral truth and moral gov- eminent, which are unfolded in this and the preceding degrees, originated in the Divine Mind, when order sprung out of chaos, and the great Creator said, "Let us make man." These principles were breathed into the ear of Adam amid the delightful shades of Para- disc, when every thing glowed around him in all the beauty and freshness of the morning of creation. They were delivered by the Almighty himself to Moses, amidst the awful thunders and vivid flashes of Sinai, and they are constantly whispered in our ears in a still, small voice, and in language all may comprehend. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ^'07 In the character of a Master Mason, you are au- thorised to correct the irregularities of your less in- formed brethren, and to warn them against a breach of fidelity; but when you find it necessary to reprove,- let reproof be administered with kindness. To preserve unsullied the reputation of the frater- nity, should be your constant care; never indulge in those excesses which may degrade your character, or dishonor your profession. Charity and benevolence you are always to inculcate; they are Masonic vir- tues which should ever be held in special veneration. Charity is one of the main pillars of the order, and he who is destitute of that noble feeling, is unworthy the name of Mason. The Mason's heart should be ever ready to commiserate distress; his hand ever open to relieve it, so far as he can do without injury to himself or family; he should drop the cordial balm on the wounds affliction has made, and bind up the hearts which sorrow has broken. The ancient landmarks of the order entrusted • to your care, you are carefully to preserve; never suffer them to be infringed, or countenance in others a devi- ation from the established usages and customs of the fraternity. Your honor and reputation are concerned in support- ing with dignity the character you now bear. Let no motive, therefore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebra- ted.artist you have this evening represented. Thus you will render yourself deserving the honor we have conferred, and merit the confidence we have reposed. The following "melody," from the "Masonic Melo- 208 master mason's manual. dies," by brother Thomas Power, may be sung at the close of the ceremonies of this degree. Music.—" The Muleteer's Evening Song." When dangers cross our weary way And foes shall gather round us, We'll cherish then, though friends betray, The gentle ties that bind us. Cho.—When dangers cross, &e. Solo—Like beauteous flowers that soon decay, Our hopes are found declining; But faith points out the brighter day Whose sun is ever shining. Cho.—We bow to, him whose love is near, Our dearest aid supplying; When all shall fade we've cherished here*. Our joys shall live undying. Joys shall live, Jays shall live,. When all shall fade we've cherished here, Our joys shall live undying. Though clouds that dim our morning sky Life's shadowy forms shall borrow, Our father's voice when whispered nigh, Shall heal each brother's sorrow. Cho.—Though clouds that dim, &c. Solo—And thus our closing days shall find Their joys on hope reposing, And truth direct the peaceful mind, When time's fair scenes are closing. Cho.—-We bow to him, &c, CHAPTER VI. DESULTORY THOUGHTS ON FREEMASONRY. 1.—In its original institution, and perhaps centuries after, it is probable that Freemasonry was an associa- tion of operatives united together for mutual assist- ance, and for the preservation and advancement ot the arts connected with Architecture. At a subse- quent period it was divested of its strictly operative character, and assumed a spiritual or speculative form, and men were admitted to its privileges, not for their skill in Architecture, but their virtues, and their know!- edge of the arts and sciences. As civilization ad- vanced, the Society continued to attract public atten- tion, and its beneficial effects were felt in the allevia- tion of human misery, and relieving individual dis- tress. 2.—Freemasonry, from the nature of its organiza- tion, and the principles upon which it is founded, is essentially a moral and charitable institution, and all its rites and ceremonies tend to produce the results in- dicated by the terms "moral" and "charitable," and re- ject every thing of a contrary tendency. It does not profess to be a religious institution, except so far as the great and fundamental principles of morality, the foundation of religion, are concerned.. Every degree of Masonry prescribes some duty to be performed, or some vice or error to be avoided, and when its rules 18* 210 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. are observed, it is a sure foundation amidst the vari- ous disappointments to which all men are exposed, in their earthly pilgrimage. We are all liable to misfor- tune, and we know not what a day may bring forth— under such circumstances, how gratifying it is to the broken spirit, to be cheered by the kindness of a bro- ther! It is then that masonic friendship exercises one of its highest and noblest attributes—it is as an "oint- ment which perfumes and rejoices the heart." 3.—That the privileges of the society have been used by bad men for base purposes, we do not deny; but the abuses of the privileges of any Society, by one or a thousand of its members, is no argument against its intrinsic excellence. In every Society, however rigid may be its rules, and however careful- ly its avenues may be guarded, improper persons will obtain admission, and sully the emblem of purity with which they may have been invested. In every asso- ciation, whether it be of divine or human origin— whether it have its foundation in divine wisdom, or in the imperfection of human reason—there are to be found men who dishonor their profession—who disre- gard every social tie, and trample with sacrilegious feet upon the most sacred obligations; but all this does not establish that the Society of which they are mem- bers is immoral in itself, or that it encourages viola- tions of public and private duties. It only proves that all men are not equally influenced by, the force of moral obligation. 4.—Freemasons have been charged with being hos- tile to free governments. If there be one political prin- ciple more fondly cherished by them than another, it is that of attachment to the government and laws un- der which we live; and to protect and defend the Con- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 211 stitution and laws, every mason is solemnly enjoined, even on his first entrance into the lodge—nor is there a single principle ever inculcated, of an opposite ten- dency. Masonry has never raised tho standard of re- hellion; it has never resisted the civil power; its true disciples cheerfully submit to the laws, and peaceably abide its decisions. 5.—If Masonry were dangerous to the peace of the community; if under any circumstances it were capa- ble of being used for the destruction of the liberties of the people, would the immortal father of his country have countenanced it, or favored it? Would he have declared that "its principles were founded on the im- mutable laws of truth and justice?" Would he have designated the lodge as "the sanctuary of brothers?" The character of Washington was too pure, his sense of honor too elevated, his patriotism too devoted, his attachment to free institutions too sincere, to have countenanced for a moment an institution adverse to those principles of civil liberty for which he contend- ed with so much glory, and so much success. To con- trovert this testimony, it is in vain to say that the prin- ciples of the institution have changed; its principal features, its fundamental doctrines remain unaltered. 6.—Brotherly love, temperance and charity may be called the cardinal virtues of Freemasonry. In their wide and extended signification, they include other virtues but little less important, and while their habit- ual practice elevates and ennobles the character of a mason, the institution itself is elevated and dignified. The neglect or disregard of these cardinal virtues de- grades the character of the mason, and shakes the pillars of the edifice to their foundation. 7.—The stately pillars of wisdom, strength and 212 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. beauty, would exhibit nothing but deformity, if sur- rounded by ill-will, uncharitableness, and intemper- ance. What mason would desire to look upon the great pillars of his order thus disfigured, when it is in his own power, by the exercise of his own will, to pre- serve their beauty and harmony of proportion? 8.—Within the lodge there is no virtue more fre- quently inculcated than that of brotherly love. It is the first lesson a mason is taught, when he enters with- in the porch of the temple, nor does it lose its value as he ascends the masonic ladder. There is no virtue which ought to be more deeply impressed upon the mind of every mason of every degree, if we regard the usefulness and permanence of the institution. 9.—Brotherly love is the chief cement which unites the building into one common mass. If it be removed, its-beauty is defaced, its symmetry destroyed. Masons may be separated by degrees, but the sentiment of brotherly love and friendship should pervade the whole. 10.—The necessity of cherishing this virtue and practicing upon it, within the lodge and without it, must be apparent to every mason, who reflects upon and venerates the principles of his order. We look with pleasure upon the friendship of individuals, but all animated creation cannot present a more beautiful picture for the contemplation of the philanthropist, than that of a band of brothers, united for purposes of charity and benevolence, and the grand design of pro- moting each other's welfare. 11.—If every mason acted in conformity with the dictates of brotherly love, as they are inculcated in the lectures and charges of Freemasonry, the tongue of slander would be still, and we might point with honest pride to the lodge as the abode of peace, and the resi- dence of every kind, generous and noble sentiment. MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 213 12.—As the Masonic institution occupies high ground, it behoves every mason to observe its com- mandments as far as human frailty will permit, and guard its portals from the approach of whatever may impair its beauty, or disturb its harmony. The true principles of Freemasonry enjoin upon its members to "keep the soul embalmed and pure In living virtue, that when both must sever, Although corruption may his frame consume, The immortal spirit in the skies may bloom." 13. Although Freemasonry may be perverted and abused by designing men, this fact constitutes no va- lid objection "to the order itself. Its principles offer to the consideration of its votaries a moral code in strict accordance with the code of ethics contained in the Bible. Its lectures and charges, whether oral or writ- ten, contain rules of moral conduct perfectly in uni- son with the doctrines of Christianity, and their avow- ed object is to promote and extend the virtues of Brotherly Love, Charity, Temperance, and universal Benevolence. Being essentially a moral institution, and not religious, in the strict sense of the term, it pre- scribes no particular creed, but it is, at the same time, so closely connected with religion, that it forms as it were, a stepping stone to that sublime and beautiful system, of which the Saviour of mankind afforded a bright and glorious example. 14. If the true principles of Freemasonry were cherished and practised by its members, how beauti- ful would the temple appear! The best desires of the human heart would be fulfilled, the cause of universal benevolence would be honored and promoted, and the true end and aim of the institution would be manifest td the world. 214 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 15. St. Paul, well knowing how important peace and harmony were to the integrity of the church, to its prosperity, and the extension of its doctrines, ad- monished his brethren to drive from the threshold ev- ery evil passion, every impure desire, that all things might give place to peace and good fellowship. How forcibly do such doctrines address themselves to ma- sons? How perfectly applicable are they to masons of every degree and order? The christian church was then in its infancy, struggling for ascendency over the gods of paganism. It was necessary for their pre- servation that the Christians should be united; that they should practice the virtue of Brotherly Love, and that they should support and encourage each other in every good work. It is thus with Masons. By the practice of Brotherly Love, and its associate virtues, the character of the institution will be elevated, and its opponents will retire abashed from the conflict. 16. It has been remarked by a distinguished mem- ber of the fraternity that "it cannot be expected that in every society there will be a perfect accord, and congeniality of minds, pf tastes, and of morals. Hence differences will sometimes arise." This is true. In the best regulated societies there will be occasional disturbances, but a proper exercise of Brotherly Love on the part of those who are not immediately interest- ed, will in nine cases out of ten, prevent them from breaking out into violent convulsions. In the course of my masonic life, I have often seen violent quarrels reconciled by such interposition which, under other circumstances, would have ended in bloodshed. It is a beautiful feature in the masonic character, that it possesses such an influence over the passions of men. 17. Freemasonry is essentially a charitable institu- MASTER MASONS MANUAL. 215 tion. No institution more strongly enforces this vir- tue by its laws and its precepts. How strikingly this, virtue is impressed upon the novice every mason well knows. In the language of one of our charges, "the mason's heart should be ever ready to commiserate distress; his hand ever open to relieve it; he should drop the cordial balm on the wounds affliction has made, and bind up the heart which sorrow has broken." No mason who is embued with the true spirit of the order, will turn a deaf ear to the supplications of a worthy brother, or reject his application when in his power to afford relief. If there be one he is unworthy the badge he wears. 18. Charity may be contemplated in another aspect not less beautiful than that of affording pecuniary relief. On this point I shall use the language of another, "It does not require us to excuse the vices, or overlook the er- rors of a friend. One of the best proofs of charity towards a brother is that affectionate censorship which watches over his actions, marks his errors, and sedu- lously labors for their correction. It instructs us to bear with affectionate sympathy those eccentricities of character, those fluctuations of temper, and those little excesses either of gaiety or depression to which all are subject. "We should advise a friend with cau- tion, and reprove with meekness." When thus con- templated, Charity is a high and noble virtue, and one not difficult to exercise. A mason who acts accord- ing to this principle in his intercourse with the breth- ren, will bring back to the fold many a wandering, and reclaim many-an erring brother. 19. The vice of intemperance is one which cannot be too carefully avoided, independently of being a di- rect breach of masonic duty. How often do we find 216 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. a splendid genius prostrated, and a noble mind de- stroyed by the debasing effects of this worst of vices —the worst because it leads to so many others. God endowed man with reason and intelligence for higher, nobler purposes. He did not endow him with the high- est powers of intellect to be destroyed by intemperance. He did not give him noble sentiments and generous feelings to be debased by this wretched vice. He ere- ated him in his own likeness, that, towering above all other created beings, he might assume the exalt- ed station he was destined to fill. He gave him an immortal soul, that by properly cultivating his pow- ers here he might be better fitted to enjoy immortali- ty in the world to come. 20. Masons, like other citizens of this free govern- ment, may differ on the great political questions which from time to time agitate the community, but under all circumstances it is thfeir duty to acknowledge the supremacy of the laws, and bow to their decisions. A mason is free in every sense of the word; he is ajfree- man as well freemason, but he who rightly under- stands his masonic duties, and justly appreciates the privileges of his order, will ever feel the weight of his civil obligations. He who would enter into plots and conspiracies against his government, or obstruct the execution of its laws, is a traitor to his order. END OP BOOK SECOND. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. BOOK THIRD. CHAPTER I. degree of present, -or past master. The degree of Present or Past Master, is usually ranked as the fifth in order, and is, in this country, conferred in a chapter of Royal Arch Masons, after the degree of Mark Master, and is preparatory to the degrees of Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Mason. It seems, however, from its connexion with the ancient ceremonies, more properly to belong to the "Blue" or symbolic Lodges, and is conferred upon the blasters of all regularly constituted lodges of Mas- ter Masons. It was most probably instituted at the erection of Solomon's temple, and was conferred up- on the Overseer, or Master set over the lodges, or com- panies into which the workmen of the temple were divided. Formerly, none but those who had been elected by their brethren to preside over a regularly constituted Lodge"; were made acquainted with the mysteries of this degree, and such only were considered as legally 19 218 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. authorised to sit and act, as representatives in the General Grand Conventions; but in consequence of the manner in which the influence of Masonry has been extended over the greater parts of the habitable globe, it has been found convenient to confer this de- gree on any worthy Master Mason, as preparatory to the degree of Royal Arch Mason. No Master can le- gaily obtain this degree, except in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, unless he has been elected to preside over a Lodge. It is a degree which should be carefully studied and well understood by every Master of a Lodge. It treats of the government of our society; the disposition of our rulers; and illustrates their requisite qualifica- tions. It includes the ceremony of opening and do- .sing Lodges in the several preceding degrees; and also the forms of consecration and installation, in the Grand Lodge, as well as private Lodges. It comprehends the ceremonies of laying the foundation stones of pub- lie buildings, and also dedications and funerals, by a variety of particulars explanatory of those ceremo- nies. The following passages of scripture serve to eluci- date this degree. Rev. xi—1. "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod; and the angel stood, saying, rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and they that worship therein." Ezek. xi—3, 4, 6, 8. "And he brought me thither, and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of brass; with a line of flax in his hand, and a measur- ing reed, and he stood in the gate, and the man said unto me, son of man behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 21.0 shall show thee; for the intent that I might shew them unto thee, art thou brought hither; declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel. Then came he un- to the gate which looked towards the east, and went up the stairs thereof and measured the threshold of the gate which was one reed broad: and the other threshold of the gate within, one reed." 32, 49. "And he brought me into the inner court toward the east, and he measured the gate according to these measures. The length of the porch was twenty cu- bits, and the breadth eleven cubits; and he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it; and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side." Jeremiah xv—19. "Thou shalt stand before me, and thou shalt take forth the precious from the vile; thou shalt be mouth," CHAPTER II. LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION FORM OF PETITION FOR A DISPENSATION CEREMONY OF CONSTITUTING AND CONSE- CRATING A LODGE OF MASTER MASONS. From time immemorial, certain forms and ceremo- nies have been observed by the Masonic fraternity which are explained in the following sections: SECTION FIRST. OF LODGES UNDER DISPENSATION. Any number of Master Masons, not under seven, desirous of forming a new Lodge, must apply by peti- tion, to the Grand Lodge of the State in which they reside, or to the Grand Master, setting forth— "That they are Free and Accepted Masons; that they are at present, or have been, members of regu- lar Lodges; that, having the prosperity of the frater- nity at heart, they are willing to exert their best en- deavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Masonry; that, for the convenience of their respec- tive dwellings, and for other good reasons, they are desirous of forming a new Lodge in the town of to be named ; that in conse- quence of this desire, they pray for letters of dispen- sation, or a warrant of constitution, to empower them to assemble as a legal Lodge, to discharge the duties MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 221 of Masonry in a regular and constitutional manner, according to the original forms of the order, and the regulations of the Grand Lodge. That they have nominated and do recommend A. B. to be fifrst Master, C. D. to be first Senior Warden, E. F. to be first Jun- ior Warden of the said Lodge; that if the prayer of their petition is granted, they promise a strict conform- ity to all constitutional laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge," The petition being signed by at least seven regular Master Masons, and recommended by a Lodge or Lodges adjacent to the place where the new Lodge is to be holden, is forwarded to the Grand Secretary, who lays it before the Grand Lodge or the Grand Mas- ter.* If the petition is approved, a dispensation is gene- rally issued, signed by the Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master, which authorises the petitioners to as- semble as a legal Lodge, for a certain specified time. In some jurisdictions, the Grand and Deputy Grand Masters, respectively, are invested with the power of granting dispensations during the recess of the Grand Lodge; in others, they are never issued without the special direction of the Grand Lodge. Lodges under dispensation are considered merely as agents of the Grand Lodge; their presiding officers are not entitled to the rank of Past Masters; their of- ficers have no vote in the Grand Lodge; they cannot change their officers without the special approbation and appointment of the Grand Lodge; and in case of the cessation of such Lodges, their funds, jewels and *If the brethren petitioning for a dispensation, or warrant, reside at so great a distance fiom a regular Lodge as to render it inconvenient or impracticable to procure a recommendation, it has been consider- ed that the recommendation of three or more well known and ap- proved Master Masons is sufficient. 19* 222 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. other property, become the property of the Grand Lodge, and must be delivered over to the Grand Treas- urer. When a dispensation has been issued for a new Lodge, the Grand Master, under his hand and seal, authorises one or more approved Past Masters to set the Lodge to work under such dispensation. On the day appointed, the officers and members of the new Lodge, assemble in their Lodge room, when the Past Master appointed by the Grand Master, takes the chair and opens the Lodge in due form, and proceeds to constitute the Lodge according to ancient usage. A Lodge thus constituted under dispensation is in- vested with full powers to confer degrees, and all its transactions are equally valid with those of a Lodge regularly constituted under a charter from the Grand Lodge. When Lodges under dispensation have passed the regular period of probation, and their work has been approved by the Grand Lodge, a charter is granted, conferring upon them all the powers of regular Lodges. SECTION SECOND. CEREMONY OF CONSTITUTION AND CONSECRATION OF LODGES WORKING UNDER CHARTERS. After a charter is granted by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master appoints a day for consecrating and constituting the new Lodge, and for installing its offi- cers. If the Grand Master, in person, attends the ceremo- ny, the Lodge is said-to be constituted in ample form; master mason's manual. 223 if the Deputy Grand Master only, it is said to be con- stituted in due form; but if the power is vested in a subordinate Lodge, it is said to be constituted in form. When charters are granted for places, where the distance is so great as to render it inconvenient for the Grand Officers to attend, the Grand Master, or his Deputy, issues a written instrument under his hand and private seal, to some worthy Present or Past Mas- ter, with full power to congregate, constitute and in- stall the petitioners. ceremony of constitution and consecration. On the day and hour appointed, the Grand Master and his officers, meet in a convenient room, near to that in which the Lodge to be constituted is assembled, and open the Grand Lodge in the third degree of Masonry. The officers of the new Lodge are to be examined by the Deputy Grand Master, after which they return to their Lodge. The new Lodge then sends a messen- ger to the Grand Master with the following message, viz: most worshipful: The officers and brethren of Lodge, who are assembled at have instructed . me to inform you that the Most Worshipful Grand. Lodge (or Grand Master,) was pleased to grant them a letter of dispensation, bearing date the day of in the year authorizing them to form and open a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, in the town of ; that since that period, they have regularly assembled and conducted the business of 224 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Masonry, according to the best of their abilities; that their proceedings having received the approbation of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, they have obtain- ed a charter of constitution, and are desirous that their Lodge should be consecrated, and their officers installed, agreeably to the ancient usages and customs of the craft; for which purpose they are now met, and await the pleasure of the Most Worshipful Grand Master." He then returns to his Lodge, who prepare for the reception of the Grand Lodge. When notice is given that they are prepared, the Grand Lodge walk in pro- cession to their hall. When the Grand Master en- ters, the grand honors are given by the new Lodge; the officers of which resign their seats to the Grand Officers, and take their several stations on the left. The necessary cautions are then given, and all, ex- cept Masters, and Past Masters of Lodges, are request- ed to retire until the Master of the new Lodge is placed in the chair of Solomon. He is there bound to the faithful performance of his trust, and invested with the characteristics of the chair. •Upon due notice, the Grand Marshal re-conducts the brethren into the Hall, and all take their places, except the members of the new Lodge, who form a procession on one side of the Hall to salute their Mas- ter. As they pass, they make the proper salutation; and when they have all passed, he joins them and takes his appropriate station. A Grand Procession is then formed in the following order: TYLER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; TWO STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS; ENTERED APPRENTICES; FELLOW CRAFTS: MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 2 25 STEWARDS; JUNIOR DEACONS; SENIOR DEACONS; SECRETARIES; TREASURERS; PAST WARDENS; JUNIOR WARDENS; SENIOR WARDENS; PAST MASTERS; ROYAL ARCH MASONS; KNIGHTS TEMPLAR; MASTERS OF LODGES; The new Lodge then follows in the following order: TYLER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; STEWARDS, "WITH WHITE RODS; ENTERED APPRENTICES; FELLOW CRAFTS; • MASTER MASONS; DEACONS; SECRETARY AND TREASURER; TWO BRETHREN CARRYING THE LODGE;—(Flooring.) JUNIOR AND SENIOR WARDENS; THE HOLY WRITINGS, carried by the oldest member, not in orncE; THE MASTER; MUSIC. THE GRAND LODGE; GRAND TYLER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; GRAND STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS; A BROTHER, carrying a Golden Vessel, with Corn; TWO BRETHREN, carrying Silver Vessels, one of Wine, the other of Oil; ' GRAND SECRETARY; GRAND TREASURER; A BURNING TAPER, BORNE BY A PAST. MASTER; A PAST MASTER, BEARING THE HOLY WRITINGS; SQUARE AND COMPASS—supported by TWO STEWARDS, WITH RODS; TWO BURNING TAPERS, borne by two Past Masters; CLERGY AND ORATOR; THE TUSCAN AND COMPOSITE ORDERS; THE DORIC, IONIC, AND CORINTHIAN ORDERS; 226 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. PAST GRAND WARDENS; PAST DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS; PAST GRAND MASTERS; THE GLOBES; JUNIOR AND SENIOR GRAND WARDENS; RIGHT WORSHIPFUL DEPUTY GRAND MASTER; THE MASTER OF THE OLDEST LODGE, carrying the Boos of Constitutions; THE M. W. GRAND MASTER; THE GRAND DEACONS—on a line seven feet apart, on the right and left of the grand master, with Black Rods; GRAND SWORD BEARER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; TWO STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS. The whole procession moves on to the Church or place where the ceremonies are to be performed. When the front of the procession arrives at the door, they halt, open to the right and left, and face inward, while the Grand Master, and others in succession, pass through and enter the house. A platform is erected iu front of the pulpit, and provided with seats for the accommodation of the Grand Officers. The Bible, Square and Compass, and Book of Con- stitutions, are placed upon a table, in front of the Grand Master; the Lodge is placed in the centre, upon a platform, covered with white satin or linen, and en- compassed by three tapers, and the vessels of corn, wine and oil. A piece of music is performed, and the public ser- vices commence with prayer. An oration or sermon upon the design and principles of the institution, is then delivered by the Grand Chaplain, or some one ap- pointed for that purpose, which is succeeded by a piece of music. The Grand Marshal, then directs the officers and master mason's manual. 227 members of the new Lodge to form in front of the Grand Master. The deputy Grand Master, then ad- dresses the Grand Master as follows: "most worshipful: A number of brethren duly instruc- ted in the mysteries of Masonry, having assembled together at stated periods, for some time past, by vir- tue of a dispensation granted them for that purpose, do now desire to be constituted into a regular Lodge, agreeably to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity." The Secretary of the new Lodge then delivers the dispensation and records to the new Master elect, who presents them to the Grand Master. The Grand Master examines the records, and if they be found correct, proclaims— "The records appear to be properly entered, and are approved. Upon due deliberation, the Grand Lodge have granted the brethren of this new Lodge a charter confirming them in the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Lodge, which the Grand Secretary will now read." After the charter is read the Grand Master then says, "We shall now proceed according to ancient usage, to constitute these brethren into a regular Lodge." Whereupon the several officers of the new Lodge deliver up their jewels and badges to their Master, who presents them with his own to the Deputy Grand Master, and he to the Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master then presents the Master elect of the new Lodge to the Grand Master, saying: 228 MASTER MASON S MANUAL. "MOST WORSHIPFUL, I present to you brother — whom the members of the Lodge now to be constitut- ed, have chosen for their Master." « The Grand Master asks them if they remain satis- fied with their choice—(they bow in token of assent.) The Master then presents, severally, his Wardens, and other officers, naming them and their respective- offices. The Grand Master asks the brethren if they remain satisfied with each and all of them—(they bow as before.) The officers and members of the new Lodge then form in the broad aisle, in front of the Grand Master; and the business of consecration commences with so- lemn music. CEREMONY OF CONSECRATION. The Grand Master, attended by the Grand Officers, and the Grand Chaplaiii, form themselves in order round the Lodge, which is then uncovered. All de- voutly kneeling, the first clause of the consecration prayer is rehearsed, as follows, viz: . "Great Architect of the universe! Maker and ruler of the world! Deign, from thy celestial temple, from realms of light and glory, to bless us in all the pur- poses of our present assembly! . "We humbly invoke thee to give us, at this and all times, wisdom in all our doings, strength of mind in all our difficulties, and beauty of harmony in all our com- munications! "Permit us, 0 thou author of light and life, great MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 229 source of love and happiness, to erect this Lodge, and now solemnly to consecrate it to the honor of thy glory! "Glory be to God on high" Response by the brethren.—"As it was in the begin- ning, is now, and ever shall be!-—Amen!" During the response, the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, take the vessels of corn, wine and oil, and sprinkle the elements of the consecration upon the Lodge. (The Grand Chaplain then continues,) "Grant, O Lord, our God, that those who are now about to be invested with the government of the Lodge, may be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all their duties. May brotherly love, re- lief and truth always prevail among the members of this Lodge; and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world! "Bless all our brethren, wherever dispersed; and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed. "We atfectionately commend to thee all the mem- hers of thy whole family. May they increase in the knowledge of thee and the love of each other. "Finally; may we finish all our work here below with thy approbation; and then have our transition from this.earthly abode to thy heavenly temple above, there to enjoy light, glory and bliss, ineffable and eternal! " Glory be to God on high" Response by the brethren.—"As it was in the begin- ning, is now, and ever shall be!—Amen! So mote it be!—Amen! 20 230 master mason s manual. The brethren rise while the Lodge is covered. The following Ode is sung: ode at constituting a lodge. Genius of Masonry descend, And with thee bring thy spotless train; Constant our sacred rites attend, While we adore thy peaceful reign. Come, Charity, with goodness crown'd, Encircled in thy heavenly robe; Diffuse thy blessings all around, To every corner of the globe. Thy well built pile shall long endure, Through rolling years preserve its prime, Upon a rock it stands secure, And bears the rude assault of time. Ye happy few, who here extend, In perfect lines from East to West, With fervant zeal the Lodge defend, And lock its secrets in each breast. Behold the planets, how they move, Yet keep due order as thoy run; Then imitate the stars above, And shine resplendent as the sun; That future Masons when they meot, May all our glorious deeds rehearse, And say, their fathers were sq great, That they adorned the universe. The Grand Chaplain then dedicates the Lodge in the following terms: "To the memory of Holy St. John, we dedicate this Lodge. May every brother revere his character and imitate his virtues." " Glory be to God on high" To which the brethren answer: MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 231 "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end!—Amen!—So mote it be." The following Hymn is then sung, during which, the officers of the new Lodge advance in procession to salute the Grand Lodge, with their hands crossed upon their breast, and bowing as they pass. They then take their places, and stand as they were. HYMN. Great source of light and love, To thee our songs we raise! O! in thy temple, Lord, above, Hear and accept our praise! Shine on this festive day, Succeed its hop'd design, And may our charity display A love resembling thine. May this fraternal band, Now consecrated—blest, In union all distinguished stand, In purity be drest! May all the sons of peace, Their every grace improve; 'Till discord through the nations cease, And all the world be love! As soon as the music ceases, the Grand Master rises, and constitutes the Lodge in the following form: "In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of I now constitute and form you, my good brethren, into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. From henceforth, by virtue of the power and authori- ty in me vested, I empower you to act as a regular Lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of our or- der, and the charges of our ancient and honorable fra- 232 master mason's manual. ternity; and may the supreme architect of the uni- verse prosper, direct and counsel you in all your do- ings." To which the brethren answer—"So mote it be." The ceremony of installation then succeeds. ceremony of installation. The Grand Master then asks his Deputy, "have you examined the Master nominated in the warrant, and do you find him well skilled in the science of Ma- sonry, and worthy to be invested with the govern- ment of a Lodge." The deputy Grand Master answering in the affirma- tive, the Grand Master says, "Present him to me." The Deputy Grand Master then takes the Master elect by the hand and presents him to the Grand Mas- ter, saying: "most worshipful: "I present you my worthy brother to be installed Master of this new Lodge. I find him to be of good morals and of great skill, true and trusty; and as he is a lover of the whole frater- nity, wheresoever dispersed over the face of the earth," I doubt not he will discharge his duty with fidelity." The Grand Chaplain then rehearses the following prayer: "Great Architect of Heaven and Earth! in whose work all life is employed. The whole is harmony in thee, each part has its place and all is perfect. Behold us, who from this apartment in thy works, small in- deed in itself, but vast enough for our full employment. master mason's manual. 233 "Grant that thy servant, now to be solemnly invest- ed with authority and rule over this Lodge, may be endued with knowledge and wisdom; and may the brethren under his jurisdiction, understand, learn and keep all the statutes of the Lord, pure and undefiled. May brotherly love and charity always abound among us. And when we have finished our work here be- low, let our transition be from this earthly tabernacle to the heavenly temple above; there, among thy jew- els, may we appear in thy glory for ever and ever. "Bless and prosper, we pray thee, every branch and member of this fraternity throughout the habitable earth. May the kingdom of peace, love and harmo- ny, come; may thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; and the whole world be filled with thy glory. —Amen." Response—"So mote it be!" The Grand Master then addresses the Master elect: "Brother, Previous to your investure, it is necessary that you signify your assent to those ancient charges and regulations which point out the duty of a Master of a Lodge." The Grand Master then reads, or orders to be read, to the Master elect, the following charges: I. You agree to be a good man and true, and strict- ly obey the moral law. II. You agree to be a peaceful subject and cheer- fully to conform to the laws of the country in which you reside. III. You promise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against government, but patiently submit to the decisions of the supreme legislature. IV. You agree to pay a proper respect to the civil 20* 234 MASTER MASONS MANUAL. magistrate, to work diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men. V. You agree to hold in veneration, the original rulers and patrons of the order of Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, accord- ing to their several stations; and to submit to the awards and resolutions of your brethren when con- vened, in every case consistent with the constitutions of the order. VI. You agree to avoid private piques and quarrels, and to guard against intemperance and excess. VII. You agree to be cautious in carriage and be- haviour, courteous to your brethren, and faithful to your Lodge. VIII. You promise to respect genuine brethren, and to discountenance impostors, and all dissenters from the original plan of Masonry. IX. You agree to promote the general good of so- ciety, to cultivate the social virtues, and to propa- gate the knowledge of the art, X. You promise to pay homage to the Grand Mas- ter for the time being, and his officers duly installed; and strictly to conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge, that is not subversive of the principles and ground work of Masonry. XI. You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry. XII. You promise a regular attendance ortthe com- munications of the Grand Lodge on receiving proper notice, and to pay a proper attention to the duties of Masonry on convenient occasions. XIII. You admit that no new Lodge shall be form- ed without permission of the Grand Lodge, and that no countenance be given to any irregular Lodge, or to any person clandestinely made therein, being contrary to the ancient usages of the order. XIV. You admit that no person can be made a Ma- son in, or admitted a member of any regular Lodge, without previous notice, and due enquiry into his ,char- acter. master mason's manual. 235 XV. You agree that no visitors shall be received into your Lodge without due examination, and produ- cing proper vouchers of their having been initiated in a regular Lodge. The Grand Master then addresses the Master elect, and says: "These are the regulations of free and accepted Masons. Do you submit to these charges, and prom- ise to support these regulations as Masters have done in all ages before you?" The new Master having answered in the affirma- tive, the Grand Master thus addresses him: "Brother—In consequence of your cheerful con- formity to the charges and regulations of the order, you are now to be installed Master of this new Lodge, in full confidence of your skill and capacity to govern the same." The Grand Master then proceeds as follows: "I invest you with the honorable badge of the of- fice of Master, and now present you with the furni- ture and implements of your Lodge. "The Holy Writings, tha.t great light in Masonry, will guide you to all truth; it will direct your paths to the temple of happiness, and points out the whole du- tyof Man. "The Square, teaches us to regulate our actions, and harmonize our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue. "The Compass teaches us to limit our desires in ev- ery station, that rising to eminence by merit, we may live respected and die regretted. "The Rule directs, that we should punctually observe 236 master mason's manual. our duty; press forward in the path of virtue, and, neither inclining to the right nor to the left, in all our actions have eternity in view. "The Line teaches the criterion of moral rectitude, to avoid dissimulation in conversation and action, and to direct our steps to the path which leads to immor- tality. "The Book of Constitutions you are to search at all times, cause it to be read in your Lodge, that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it en- joins. "Lastly:—You receive in charge the By-Laws of your Lodge, which you are to see carefully and punc- tually executed." The jewels of the officers of the new Lodge being then returned to the Master, he delivers them respec- tively to the several officers of the Grand Lodge, ac- cording to their rank. The subordinate officers of the new Lodge, are then invested with their jewels, by the Grand Officers of corresponding rank; and are by them, severally in turn, conducted to the Grand Master, who delivers each a short charge, as follows: to the senior warden. Brother:—You are appointed (or elected, as the case may he) Senior Warden of this lodge, and are now invested with the insignia of your office. The Level teaches that we are descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; "that we are all children of one com- mon father, heirs of the same infirmities, and exposed to the same vicissitudes." It also reminds us, that al- though distinctions among men are necessary tp pre- master mason's manual. 237 serve subordination, no eminence of station should make us forget that we are brethren, and that in the Lodge and our masonic associations, we are on a level. This implement teaches us, that a time will come, and the wisest knows not how soon* when all dis- tinctions but that of. goodness shall cease, and death, the grand leveller of all human greatness, reduce to the same state. Your regular attendance on the stated and other meetings of the Lodge is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Master, you are to govern the Lodge, and in his presence assist him in the government of it. Hence you will perceive the necessity of pre- paring yourself for the important duties which may devolve upon you. Look well to the West, and guard with scrupulous care the pillar committed to your charge. to the junior warden. Brother:—You are appointed (or elected, as the case may he) Junior Warden of this Lodge, and are now invested with the insignia of your office. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations; to do unto others as we would have others do unto us; to observe the just medium between intemperance and pleasure, and make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of our duty. In the absence of the Master and Senior Warden, upon you devolves the government of the Lodge; but to you is especially committed the superintendance of the craft during the hours of refreshment; it is, there- fore, not only necessary that you should be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclina- tions, but carefully observe that none of the craft con- 238 master MASON S manual. vert the purposes of refreshment into intemperance and excess. Look well to the South. Guard with vi- gilance the pillar committed to your charge, that no- thing may disturb the harmony of the Lodge, or mar its beauty. TO the treasurer. Brother:—You have been appointed (or elected) Treasurer of this Lodge, and have been invested with the badge of your office. It is your duty to keep a faithful account of all monies received for the use of the Lodge, and pay them out to the order of the Worshipful Master, with the consent of the Lodge. Your own honor, and the con- fidence the brethren repose in you, will excite to that faithfulness in the discharge of the duties of your of- fice which its important nature demands. to the secretary. Brother:—You have been appointed Secretary of this Lodge, and have been invested with the badge of your office. It is your duty to keep the records regularly, fairly and faithfully; to receive all monies and pay them into the hands of the Treasurer, and to issue summons- es at the Master's direction. Your love to the craft and attachment to the Lodge will induce you cheer- fully to fulfill the duties of your office; and in so do- ing, you will merit the esteem of your brethren. to the senior and junior deacons. Brothers—You are appointed Deacons of this Lodge. It is your duty to attend on the Master and Wardens, and to act as their proxies in the active du- master mason s manual. 239 ties of the Lodge, such as the reception of candidates, and the introduction and accommodation of visitors. Those columns, the badges of your office, I entrust to your care, in full confidence of your vigilance and attention. to the stewards. Brothers:—You are apppointed Stewards of this Lodge. The duties of your office are to assist in the collection of all dues; to keep an account of Lodge expenses; to see the tables properly furnished at re- freshment, and that every brother is suitably provi- ded for; and generally, to assist the Deacons and oth- er officers, in performing their respective duties. Your regular and early attendance will afford the best proof of your zeal and attachment to the Lodge. to the tyler. Brother:—You are appointed Tyler to this Lodge; the duty assigned you is of the utmost importance. Your constant attendance cannot be dispensed with but by permission of the Master. Be careful, and discharge your duty with zeal and vigilance. The Grand Master or his representative, then ad- dresses the officers and members as follows. Worshipful Master:—Having been chosen to pre- side over this Lodge, you cannot be insensible to the obligations which devolve upon you. The honor, rep- utation, and usefulness of your Lodge will materially depend upon the skill and ability with Avhich you man- age its concerns. As master of this Lodge, it will be your especial duty to attend to the administration of its ceremonies, and preserve the ancient Land- 240 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. marks of the order now committed to your care—per- mit no innovation in the principles or rites of the or- der. Upon all suitable occasions remind the brethren, that Masonry is founded upon the great moral prin- ciples set forth in the sacred volume, which we receive as the rule and guide of our faith and practice. Ex- hort them to govern themselves by these principles, as well with the world at large as with each other.— Teach them to reverence the three great lights com- prehending the Holy Bible, the perfect Square, and the extended Compass, the explanation of which must be familiar, to your mind, and which include some of the most important duties inculcated in our order. As the great object of our institution is' to inculcate sound morality; to make men honest and upright, true to their God, and faithful to their country, and to unite them by the strong bonds of charity, friendship and brotherly love, great care should be taken in the admission of members, lest by the introduction of bad materials the institution should be corrupted. It should be constantly borne in mind, that the respectability and usefulness of a Lodge does not consist in the-num- ber, but in the character of its members. As it is. the design of Freemasonry to create friendship, to make provision for the relief of poor and distressed breth- ren, and protect the widow and the orphan; to incul- cate reverence for Almighty God; and to encourage the growth of the social virtues which dignify and adorn human nature, and render mankind peaceful and happy, the doors of the Lodge should be closed against the idle, the profligate, the intemperate and licentious. If, unfortunately, unworthy members should gain admission, it will be your duty to exercise master mason's manual. 241 proper discipline to correct abuses, and restrain the refractory. Unruly members should be reduced to or- der. The first risings of vice should be suppressed, and when kind and affectionate admonitions fail, the unworthy should be removed as a blot upon the order. Permit me, Worshipful Master, to remark, that to preserve the purity of our order, and maintain unim- paired its ancient rites and ceremonies, instruction is necessary. The mysteries of the order are to be un- folded, and the moral duties inculcated. The minds of the brethren are to be enlarged and informed. They are to be frequently reminded of the duties they owe to Almighty God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. They must be taught to be good men and true; to be sober, industrious, charitable, upright in their dealings, friendly in their social intercourse, and to live in love and peace, having consciences void of of- fence, and characters unspotted from the world. Thus taught and thus acting, they will convince mankind of the value of the institution* Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens:—To you are committed the pillars of strength and beauty. It is your duty, therefore, to set before the brethren who surround these pillars, the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy, in those moral lessons our order inculcates. In your own persons you should give evidence that you are governed by the prin- ciples of the order, as it is by a due regard to them in your own lives and conduct, that you can expect obedi- ence in others. Perform the duties of your respective stations, "and the blessings of the widow and the father- less will rest upon you;" the prayers of the children of sorrow will cheer your dying hours, and you will re- ceive from your Almighty Father, an inheritance in- corruptible and undefiled, that fadeth not away. 21 242 master mason's manual. Brethren op the Lodge:—Such is the nature of our constitution, that some must of necessity rule and teach, others must submit and obey. The officers you have chosen, and who have been solemnly installed, are sufficiently acquainted with the rules of proprie- ty, and the laws of the institution, as to avoid exceed- ing the powers with which they are entrusted. The harmony of the Lodge will materially depend upon the good order you may preserve in the conduct of its business, and the courtesy and forbearance you may observe towards each other in its deliberations. "I charge you then, as you shall answer at the great day, that you "walk worthy of the vocation by which you are called," and suffer no faults, no imperfections on your part to tarnish the lustre of your jewels, or bring discredit on the craft. Recommend Masonry to the world by the rectitude of your conduct. To this end make yourselves intimately acquainted with all its principles and obligations; and practice in your lives all its duties and requirements. Divest yourselves, Brethren, of that coldness and apathy so fatal to your best interests; shun those affections and grovelling passions which are unworthy of a soul that claims affinity with the "sons of light," and put forth all your energies to grasp whatever is noble or elevating in thought, and whatever can reveal new and sublime ideas pertaining to our lofty destiny. Guard against dissensions among yourselves. Let no root of bitter- ness spring up to trouble you? Use all your exertions to preserve your Lodge pure, and prevent the introduc- tion of vice or error in their thousand forms. If in the frailty of mortality, some individual brother shall be subject to the occasional influence of unholy feel- ings, and shall wander into forbidden paths, seek the wanderer out, bring him back to the fold, and show him the superior loveliness of virtue."* *From the charge of the M. W. j. Worthington Smith, at the con- secretion of a new Lodge in Virginia. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 243 Finally, Brethren, be of one mind, live in peace. Let nothing distrub that pure, warm and holy love our ritual enjoins. Follow these injunctions, and your Lodge will flourish. May the tenets of your profession be transmitted through your Lodge unimpaired from generation to generation. The Grand Marshal then proclaims, "In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of I proclaim this new Lodge, by name of Lodge, duly constituted." This proclamation is made thrice, and -each time followed by a flourish of drums or trumpets. The Grand Chaplain then makes the concluding prayer, which ends the public ceremonies. The Grand procession is then formed in the same or- der as before, and returns to the hall. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Wardens, being seated, all but Master Masons are requested to retire, and the procession continues round the hall, and upon passing the several Grand Officers, pays them homage, by the usual congratula- tions and honors in the different degrees. Such is the ceremony -observed by regular Masons at the constitution of a new Lodge, which the Grand Master may abridge or extend at pleasure; but the material points are on no account to be omitted. The same ceremony and charges* attend every succeeding installation of new officers. *With such alteration in the charges as may be suited to the occa- sion. CHAPTER III. INSTALLATION OF A GRAND MASTER. The office of Grand Master is of the highest digni- ty in the Grand Lodge, as upon him devolves the su- perintendence of all the Lodges throughout the juris- diction over which he presides. The Grand Master should, therefore, be well skilled in the knowledge which belongs to the several degrees of Masonry, in order that he may correct irregularities, and see that the business of Masonry is conducted in such manner as not to reflect discredit on the craft. On the election of a Grand Master, he is proclaimed by the Grand Secretary in the following words: "I proclaim the M. W. Brother duly elected Grand Master of Masons in and through the State of Which proclamation is made thrice. The ceremony of installation into this high and hon- orable office, is conducted by the Grand Master in the chair, or the oldest Past Grand Master present. A Past Master's Lodge being opened for that pur- pose, the Grand Chaplain invokes the throne of Grace in the following or some other appropriate PRAYER. "O most glorious and eternal God! infinitely wise architect of the Universe; we thy servants, assembled master mason's manual. 245 in solemn Grand Lodge, would now extol thy power and wisdom in the ranks of creation and providence. We beseech thee to give us, thy servants, at this and at all times, wisdom in all our doings; strength of mind in all our difficulties; and the beauty of harmo- ny in our communication with one another. Grant, 0 Lord! that thy servant now about to be solemnly invested with the authority and rule over the several Lodges in this State, may be endued with the knowledge and wisdom to instruct and explain to us the mysteries of Masonry; and may we and all our brethren under his jurisdiction, understand, learn and keep, all the statutes and commandments-of the Lord, and this holy mystery pure and undefiled to our lives' end. May brotherly love and charity abound among us; may they always be the cement of our so- ciety: each one striving how he may be most benefi- cial to mankind. And when we have finished our work here below, let pur translation be from this earth- ly tabernacle to the heavenly temple above; there safe- ly lodged among thy jewels, may we shine with thee foreyer and ever. Bless and prosper, we beseech thee,'every branch of this fraternity throughout the habitable globe.— May thy kingdom of love, peace and harmony come. —May thy will be-done on earth as it is in heaven, and the whole world be filled with thy glory; and to thy most holy name would we ascribe praise, forever and ever—Amen! Response—So mote it be! The Deputy Grand Master then presents the Grand Master elect, saying— "Most Worshipful:—I present you for installation. 21* 246 master mason's manual. our Most Worshipful Brother ■ who has been du- ly elected by the members of this Grand Lodge, Grand Master of Masons for the State of " The Grand Master then addresses the Grand Mas- ter elect: "M. Worshipful Sir and Brother:—You have been elected by your brethren in Grand Lodge assembled, Grand Master of Masons in and throughout this State, and having signified your acceptance thereof, it devolves upon me as your predecessor, to install you into your high and honorable office, with the usual ceremonies. Previous to your investiture with the em- blem of your power and office, it is necessary you should give your assent to those ancient charges and regulations which are pointed out in our general laws. The Grand Master then reads to the Grand Master elect, such parts of the ancient charges as are appli- cable to the office of Grand Master. The Grand Master elect having assented thereto, the Grand Master proceeds: "I now present you with this jewel, the badge of your office, and the emblem of your power and -au- thority. Many of the most illustrious and distinguish- ed characters the world has produced, have worn it with satisfaction and delight. It will silently admon- ish you to do justice to the cause of Masonry, to con- suit, as the exalted rank you now hold demands of you, its real interests. It will instruct you to infuse into the many Lodges of which you are now the head, the true spirit of our order. It will direct you to give due commendation to the worthy members of the fra- ternity and to reprove those who act contrary to its laws. MASTER MASON S MANUAL. 247 "To you are committed those sacred writings in which are to be found the sublime parts of our an- cient mysteries. From this great light our institution derives its wisdom, strength and beauty, and demands from every good Mason, the most profound veneration, as the word of the supreme grand architect of Heav- en and earth. It will confirm your faith, strengthen your hope, encourage your charity, and direct you to that magnificent temple, where all is harmony, love, and peace. "These. instruments of operative Masonry, con- structed to assist the architect in his various designs, when speculatively applied to the duties of your im- portant office, will direct you to square your actions by the principles of candor, justice, and moderation; to keep and regulate the craft within the prescribed compass of Irotherly love, relief'and. truth, and preserve that decorum on which the honor and usefulness of our institution so essentially depend. "I present you the constitution and by-laws of this Grand Lodge, which it is your duty to see punctually observed and obeyed. "I also present you the Book of Constitutions, in which are contained the rules and regulations estab- lished for the government of the society, and the charges which exhibit its nature and utility. It con- tains doctrines and principles which, if rightly ob- served, will ever maintain the reputation of the fra- ternity. With this book you will direct your Lodges to make themselves acquainted." The Grand Master elect is then seated in the orien- tal chair. The members form a procession and salute him with the grand honors three times, whilst the Grand Marshal each time proclaims, 248 master mason's manual. "In the name of the Holy St. John, I proclaim the Most Worshipful Brother duly installed Grand Master of Masons in the State of for the en- suing twelve months." The Lodge is then closed to the degree of Master Mason, when all Master Masons are admitted, who, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, form a pro- cession round the Hall, and salute the Grand Master by the usual congratulations and honors of the differ- ent degrees. Previously to the benediction the following may be sung: Music—The Indian Philosopher, When Heaven's great Architect divine Raised world on world, in kind design, Then form on earth was laid: Fraternal thoughts, conferred on man, By love inspired the social plan, And social hearts obeyed, Cho.—Fraternal thoughts, &c. While wandering on our clouded way, Compassion shed its kindly ray, A guide to lead the blind; Conducted by a holy light, With generous love and solemn rite, The purest joy we find. Cho.—Conducted by, &c. With skill to work and wise to guide, No pain shall come, no thought divide, Where hearts with hearts agree; Then let us to our altar bring The dearest offering while we sing United, true and free. Cho.—Then let, &c.* ♦Power's "Masonic Melodies.'1 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 249 The ceremony concludes with the following BENEDICTION. May the Supreme Architect of the Universe, shed his blessing abundantly upon this society; enable his servant, now raised to the office of Grand Master over our Lodges, to discharge the duties of his important trust, to the honor of his holy name, and to the credit of this ancient society, CHAPTER IV. CEREMONY OP LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The ceremony is conducted by the Grand Master and his officers, assisted by the members of the Grand Lodge, and such officers and members of private Lodg- es as can conveniently attend. The chief magistrates and other civil officers of" the place where the build- ing is to be erected, also generally attend on the oc- casion. At the time appointed, the Grand Lodge is convened jn some suitable place, approved by the Grand Mas- ter. A band of martial music is provided, and the brethren appear in the insignia of their order. The Lodge is opened by the Grand Master, and the rules for regulating the procession to and from the place where the ceremony is to be performed, are read by the Grand Secretary. The necessary cautions are given from the Chair, and the Lodge is adjourned, af- ter which, the procession sets out in the following order: TWO TYLERS WITH DRAWN SWORDS; TYLERS OF THE OLDEST LODGES, with drawn Swcrds, THE STEWARDS OF THE OLDEST LODGE, with white rods; ENTERED APPRENTICES; FELLOW CRAFTS: MASTER MASONS; STEWARDS; MASTER MASONS MANUAL. 251 JUNIOR DEACONS; SENIOR DEACONS; SECRETARIES; TREASURERS; PAST WARDENS; JUNIOR WARDENS; SENIOR WARDENS; PAST MASTERS; ROYAL ARCH MASONS; KNIGHTS TEMPLAR; MASTERS; MUSIC. GRAND LODGE. GRAND TYLER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; GRAND STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS; A BROTHER WITH A GOLDEN VESSEL, containing Corn; TWO BRETHREN WITH SILVER VESSELS, one containing wine, and the other oil; PRINCIPAL ARCHITECT WITH SQUARE, Level & Plumb ; GRAND SECRETARY AND TREASURER; BIBLE, SQUARE AND COMPASS, carried by a Master of a Lodge, supported by two Stewards; GRAND CHAPLAIN; THE FIVE ORDERS; PAST GRAND WARDENS; PAST DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS; PAST GRAND MASTERS; TWO LARGE LIGHTS, borne by two Masters of Lodges ; GRAND WARDENS; ONE LARGE LIGHT, borne by a Master of a Lodge; DEPUTY GRAND MASTER; MASTER OF THE OLDEST LODGE, bearing the Book of Constitutions on a Velvet Cushion GRAND DEACONS, WITH BLACK RODS, on a. line seven feet apart; GRAND MASTER; GRAND SWORD BEARER, WITH A DRAWN SWORD; TWO STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS. At the place appointed for the ceremony, it is usual to erect a triumphal arch, under which the procession 252 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. will pass. The members of the fraternity will form a circle round the stone, and the Grand Master and his officers take their places on a platform, erected for the purpose. If the building to be erected, be one for public pur- poses, for example a church, a court house, &c., the chairman of the board of Commissioners appointed for its erection will briefly address the Grand Master, stating the purposes for which the building is design- ed, and requesting that the corner stone be laid ac- cording to the ancient forms and ceremonies of the craft. If the building be intended for masonic pur- poses, the address will be varied according to circum- stances. The following, or some other suitable prayer is then offered by the Grand Chaplain. PRAYER. "Almighty God! Creator and upholder of the Uni- verse! who from primeval nothingness didst first call chaos into order; on whom eternity hath its founda- tions! Of light and life, of harmony and joy, sole ori- gin; All beauty, strength and wisdom thine! Thou Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. Thy light and life, in their wide plenitude, pervading worlds, have reached our bosoms. We are, O God! and surely thou must be! As children of thy creation, having the germ and image of our Father's mind, we too create and make, plan and mould. In thee is our wisdom; in thee is our might! Oh thou Eternal God! without whom nothing is holy, we invoke thy bles- sing upon our present work. Protect from every dan- ger the life and limb, the health and strength, of all who may be engaged in this building. May the Mas- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 253 ter, fellow-crafts, and apprentices be directed by thy most gracious favor, and furthered with thy continual help! May the structure of which this is typical be cemented and adorned, completed and preserved, by those good offices and kind affections which he requires who will lay judgment to the line and righteousness to the plummet. From this corner stone, 'well tried, true and trusty,' may the good work advance in peace and harmony, till all worthy brethren shall bring forth the head stone with shouting, crying, Grace and peace be unto it." And to thy holy name, be all honor and praise now and forever. Amen. So mote it bet After the prayer, the following or some other suita- ble hymn or ode will be sung: Groat Architect of Earth and Heaven By time nor space confined, Enlarge our love to comprehend Our brethren, all mankind. Where'er we are, whate'or we do, Thy presence let us own. Thine eye, all-seeing, marks our deeds, To thee all thoughts are known. While nature's works and science' laws We labor to reveal, O! be our duty done to thee With fervency and zeal. With faith our guide and humble hope, Warm charity and love, May all at last be raised to share Thy perfect light above. At the conclusion of the hymn, the stone will be raised up under the direction of the Principal Archi- tect. An engraved plate, with an appropriate inscrip- 22 25 i master mason's manual. tion, and various coins and medals of the year, are then deposited by the Grand Master, or by the Grand Treasurer by his' direction, during which solemn mu- sic will be introduced. On depositing the plate, and coins, the Grand Mas- ter will say, "According to the ancient custom of our order, I now deposite under this stone, this plate (or this scroll or inscription) and these coins bearing date of the pres- ent year. Long may they be preserved, and when ages upon ages shall have passed away, may this building be unimpaired, and the memorials which have now been deposited declare the purposes for which it was designed." The Principal Architect will then present the Grand Master with the Plumb, Square and Level, saying, "most worshipful, The necessary preparations hav- ing been made for laying the foundation stone of this edifice, I present you the Plumb, Square and Level, those useful implements of the craft, by which you will be able to ascertain that the materials have been properly prepared, and the stone you are about to lay •' well formed, true and trusty." The stone being placed in its proper position, the Grand Master will apply the Plumb, Square and Lev- cl, and the stone being found to be truly adjusted, and appropriate in all its parts, he will say, "I find this stone well formed, true and trusty, and properly adapted to the purposes for which it is de- signed." The Deputy Grand Master, or his representative, master mason's manual. 255 will then present to the Grand Master, the vessels eon- taining corn, wine and oil, saying, "most worshipful, I present you, to be used on this oc- casion according to ancient custom, these vessels con- taining corn, wine and oil, the emblems of nourish- ment, refreshment and joy." The Grand Master will then say, "Corn, wine and oil seem to have been regarded by the ancients, Jews as well as Gentiles, christians as well as heathens, as the emblems of National pros- perity—the essential elements of sustenance and do- mestic comfort. In this light frequent allusions are made to them in the sacred writings and in profane history, and hence, probably, originated the custom of employing them in laying the corner stones of tern- pies and other public buildings, and in their dedica- tion and consecration. 'Wine,' saith the Psalmist, 'maketh glad the heart of man; oil maketh his face to shine; and bread strengtheneth man's heart.' Al- though like other customs, the actual origin of the use of these emblems in laying the foundation stones of public buildings, and in the dedication of sacred and Masonic edifices, has been lost in the lapse of ages, it has been practised from time immemorial by the Masonic fraternity. "In conformity with this custom, I now pour out this vessel of corn as emblematic of that nourishment by which human life is sustained. "I also pour out this vessel of wine, as emblematic of that refreshment and gladness of heart of which the Psalmist speaks, and which is the result of its moderate and temperate use. 256 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. "And as Jacob annointed with oil the stone upon which his head rested when, in a dream, he saw the ladder ascending from earth to heaven, and as Moses poured oil on the tabernacle, so do I annoint this cor- ner stone with oil, and pray that the blessing of God may rest upon it, and that the cape stone may be brought forth with rejoicing." This part of the ceremony having been performed, the Grand Master will say, "May the all bounteous author of nature, the Su- preme and ever living God, bless the inhabitants of this place with all the necessaries, comforts and con- veniences of life—assist in the erection and comple- tion of this building—protect the workmen against every accident, and long preserve from decay the struc- ture which will here arise. And may he grant to us in needful supply the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil of joy! Amen. So mote it be!" The Grand Master then strikes the stone three times with the mallet, and the public honors are given. The Grand Master then returns the Plumb, Square and Level to the Principal Architect, with a suitable address. An oration is then delivered suitable to the occasion; an ode in honor of Masonry concludes the ceremony. ODE. 'Twas wisdom fashioned, 'twas strength^thy temple raised, When first eternal justice bade Life's varied ills untempered flow, 'Twas then Almighty goodness said, Go Pity, cheer the realms of woe. Go mild compassion, go charity and love, Tell man there's mercy yet above. MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 257 Scarce fled from heaven the high behest, That whelm'd in light the smiling earth, Ere wide creation doubly blest, Hailed Masonry's propitious birth. With strains majestic, ye Masons lift the skies, Let grateful hallelujahs rise. Hail Royal art! in humble zeal, The Mason greets thy gladdening sway, 'Tis thine to teach his heart to feel, And thine to bid his hand obey. 'Twas wisdom fashioned, 'twas strength thy temple raised, And beauty o'er the fabric blazed. Sweet charity, whose soothing art, Can bid e'en apathy adore, Can sweep the chords of every heart, Primeval harmony restore. Come lovoly sister, come smooth life's rugged way, And lead our souls to realms of day. The procession then returns to the Hall and the Lodge is closed. 22* CHAPTER V. ceremony at the dedication of masonic halls. On the day appointed for the celebration of the cere- mony of dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge, meet in a room near the place where the ceremony is to be performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in ample form, in the three first degrees of Masonry. The Master of the Lodge to which the Hall to be dedicated belongs, being present, rises and addresses the Grand Master as follows: "Most Worshipful:—The brethren of Lodge, being animated with the desire of promoting the hon- or and interest of the craft, have, at great pains and expense, erected a Masonic Hall, for their convenience and accommodation. They are now desirous that the same should be examined by the Most Worship- ful Grand Lodge; and if it should meet their appro- bation, that it should be solemnly dedicated to Mason- ic purposes, agreeably to ancient form." The Grand Master then directs the Grand Secreta- ry to read the order of procession, which is delivered over to the Grand Marshal; and a general charge respecting propriety of behaviour is given. A grand procession is then formed in the order laid down in the preceding chapter. The whole move to the Hall which is to be dedicated, and upon the arrival MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 259 of the front of the procession at the door, they halt, open to the right and left, and face inward, while the Grand Master and others in succession, pass through and enter. The music continues while the procession marches three times round the Hall. The Lodge is then placed in the centre; and the Grand Master having taken the chair, under a cano- py of State, the Grand Officers, and the Masters and Wardens of the Lodges repair to the places previous- ly prepared for their reception; and the three lights and the gold and silver pitchers, with the corn, wine and oil, are placed round the Lodge, at the head of which stands the pedestal, with the Bible open, and the square and compass laid thereon, with the constitution roll on a crimson velvet cushion. Matters being thus ar- ranged, an anthem or hymn is sung, and an oratiorr on Masonry, delivered. HYMN. Supreme Grand Master! must sublime! High thron'd in Glory's radiant clime; Behold thy sons on bended knee, Conven'd O God! to worship thee! And as 'tis thine, with open ear, The suppliant voice of prayer to hear, Grant thou, O Lord, this one request, Let Masons be, in blessing, blest. O give the craft, from pole to pole, The feeling heart and pitying soul, The generous breast, the lib'ral hand, Compassion's balm, and mercy's band. With charity that pours around, The wino and oil on mis'ry's* wound; And heals-the widow's, orphan's heart, Peep pierced by sorrow's venom'd dart. 260 master mason's manual. Then to thy throne the craft shall raise One deathless song of grateful praise; And, Masons, men, in chorus join, And hymn the power of love divine. That love supremo, thy love, O God! Which heav'n itself shall pour abroad; Till light, life, peace, ?idorn the vale, And angels, men, pronounce—all hail! The Architect addresses the Grand Master as fol- lows: Most Worshipful:—"Having been entrusted with the superintendance and management of the work- men employed in the construction of this edifice—and having accomplished the task assigned me, to the best of my ability, I now return my thanks for the honor of this appointment, and beg leave to surrender the implements which were committed to my care, when the foundation of this fabric was laid, humbly hoping, that the exertions which have been made on this oc- casion, will be crowned with your approbation, and that of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge." To which the Grand Master makes the following reply: Brother:—Having examined this Hall, I find it well suited to the purpose for which it is designed. I con- gratulate the brethren on its completion, and sincere- ly hope that it may long stand a monument of their taste and liberality; here may the genius of Mason- ry preside, and lead the brethren in the bright patk the principles of the order point out; and long may this Hall continue the abode of union, peace and har- mony! An ode or anthem, in honor of Masonry, is sung, ac- •ompanied with instrumental music. master mason s manual. 261 anthem. "Let there be light," the Almighty spoke, Refulgent streams from chaos broke, To illume the rising earth! Well pleased the great Jehovah stood, The power Supreme pronounced it good, And gave the planets birth! In choral numbers Masons join, To bless and praiso this light divine. Parent of light! accept our praise! Who shed'st o'er us thy brightest rays, The light that fills our mind; By choice selected, lo! we stand; By friendship joined, a social band! That love, that aid mankind! In choral numbers, &c. The widows' tear, the orphan's cry. All wants our hands with speed supply, As far as power is given! The naked clothe, the prisoner free, These are thy works, sweet charity! Revealed to us from Heaven! In choral numbers Masons join, To bless and praise this light divino. The Deputy Grand Master then rises and says: Most Worshipful—"The Hall in which we are as- sembled, and the plan upon which it has been con- structed having met your approbation, it is the desire of the fraternity that it should now be dedicated ac- cording to ancient form and usage." Whereupon the Grand Master requests all to retire but such as are Master Masons. A procession is then formed in the following order: GRAND SWORD BEARER; A PAST MASTER, WITH A LIGHT. A PAST MASTER, with the Bible, Squabe and Compass, on a Velvet Cushion. 262 master mason's manual. TWO PAST MASTERS, EACH WITH A LIGHT; GRAND SECRETARY AND TREASURER, with Emblems; GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN, with a Pitcher of Corn; GRAND SENIOR WARDEN, with a Pitcher of Wine; DEPUTY GRAND MASTER, with a Pitcher of Oil; GRAND MASTER, TWO STEWARDS, WITH RODS. All the other brethren keep their places, and assist in performing the following hymn, which continues during the procession: Master Supreme, accept, our praise, Still bloss this consecrated band; Parent of light illume our ways, And guide us by thy sovereign hand. May Faith, Hope, Charity divine, Here hold their undivided reign; Friendship and harmony combine T9 soothe our cares, to banish j)ainf May wisdom here disciples find, Beauty unfold her thousand charms, Science invigorate the mind, Expand the soul that virtue warms. May pity dwell within each breast, Relief attend the suffering poor, Thousands by this Lodge be blest, Till worth distresi shall want no more. The Lodge being uncovered and the first procession being made round it, the Junior Grand Warden pre- sents the pitcher of corn to the Grand Master, saying, "Most Worshipful, In the dedications of Masonic Halls, it has been of immemorial usage to pour corn upon the Lodge as an- emblem of nourishment. I, therefore, present you this vessel of corn to be em- ployed by you according to ancient usage." master mason's manual. 263 The Grand Master then pours the corn upon the Lodge, at the same time pronouncing, "In the name of the Great Jehovah, to whom be all honor and glory, I solemnly dedicate this Hall to Masonrv. The Grand honors are then given. The second procession is then made round the Lodge, when the Grand Senior Warden presents the vessel containing wine to the Grand Master, saying; "Most Worshipful, Wine, the emblem of refreshment, having been used by our ancient brethren in the ded- ication and consecration of their Lodges, I present you this vessel of wine, to be used on the present occasion according to ancient form." The Grand Master then pours wine upon the Lodge, at the same time saying, "In the name of the Holy Saint John, I do solemn- ly dedicate this Hall to Virtue." The Grand honors are twice repeated. The third procession is then made round the Lodge, when the Deputy Grand Master presents the vessel of oil to the Grand Master, saying, "Most Worshipful, I present you, to be used accord- ing to ancient .custom, this vessel of oil, an emblem of that joy which should animate every bosom on the completion of every important undertaking." The Grand Master then.sprinkles oil upon the Lodge, saying, "In the name of the whole Fraternity, I solemnly dedicate this Hall to Universal Benevolence." 264 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. "And may the giver of every good and perfect gift, bless*the brethren who are here to assemble, in all their lawful undertakings, and grant to each one of them, in needful supply, the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil of joy." The Grand honors are then thrice repeated. A solemn invocation is made to Heaven by the Grand Chaplain, and an anthem or hymn sung; after which the Lodge is covered, and the Grand Master re- tires to his chair. An Oration is then delivered, and the ceremonies conclude with music. The Grand Lodge is then closed in ample form, in the several de- grees. HYMN. Unto thee, great God, belong Mystic rites and sacred song! Lowly bending at thy shrine, We hail thy majesty divine! Glorious architect above, Source of light and source of love, Here thy light and love prevail— Hail! Almighty Master, hail! Whilst in yonder regions bright, The sun by day, the moon by night, And stars that gild the sky, Blazon forth thy praise on high; Join, O Earth, and as you roll, From East to West, from pole to pole* Lift toHeav'nyour grateful lays, Join the universal praise. Warm'd by thy benignant grace, Sweet Friendship link'd the human race; Pity lodged within her breast, Charity became her guest; There the naked, raiment found; Sickness, balsam for its wound, Sorrow, comfort; hunger, bread; Strangers there, a welcome shed. MASTER MASON S MANUAL 265 Still to us, O God, dispense Thy divine benevolence! Teach the tender tear to flow, Melting at a brother's woe! Like Samaria's son, that wo, Blest with boundless charity, To th' admiring world may prove, They dwell in God, who dwell in Love. 23 CHAPTER VI. THE ANNIVERSARIES OP ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST AND ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Iii almost every age and country, mankind have ob- served stated anniversaries and festivals. The Greeks had their Olympic games, the Romans their Saturna- lia, their sacred, votive and funeral games, and mod- ern nations have set apart certain days for the cele- bration of important events. Before the knowledge of letters became general among men, this custom was necessary to preserve the recollection of eventful pe- riods in the history of nations; and although the knowl- edge of letters, by means of the art of printing, is now widely diffused, and has, in a great degree, ren- dered unnecessary such celebrations, yet, when kept within reasonable limits, they are of service to refine- ment, knowledge and virtue. The concourse of indi- viduals collected on such occasions, mingle their sym- pathies, and glow with one general sentiment; even religion catches a new inspiration when multitudes are pouring out their thanksgivings and praises to the Lord of Heaven and Earth. In conformity to long established custom, Freema- sons continue to celebrate the anniversaries of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist. If these distinguished individuals were not actually in- itiated into the mysteries of the craft, they at least MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 207 hold conspicuous places in the annals of the institu- tion. They were holy and inspired men, whose vir- tues were so exemplary, so honorable to themselves, so useful to mankind, and so acceptable to God, that they should ever be held in grateful remembrance.— The early christian Masons dedicated their Lodges to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, and Masons of modern times observe the same custom of dedication, and celebrate their birth-days with rites peculiar to the order. The one was the forerunner, the other the beloved and cherished companion of the Savior of men. The one announced his coming in the beautiful and expressive language of scripture— "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight"—"there cometh one mightier than I, after me". The other was a witness of the principal circumstances of his eventful life, of his agony, and his death upon the cross. The one fell a victim to the cruelty of a tyrant ere his Savior's mission was accomplished; the other attained an advanced age, and fearlessly proclaimed the doctrines of his master, even in the capital of the Roman Empire, and under the very shadow of the throne of the Caesars. They were both models of a pure and virtuous life, and il- lustrious examples of the tendency of true religion to support man under the most trying circumstances, and in the deepest scenes of human calamity. In the first ages of Christianity it was the custom of the various religious orders and associations which grew out. of the christian institution, to select as pa- trons of such orders and associations, some eminent individual, distinguished for that elevated piety, that purity of life, and that holy walk and conversation which sanctify human virtues, and dignify and adorn 2G8 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. the human character. His immortal spirit when sep- arated from its mortal tenement was supposed to ho- ver over the faithful upon earth, imparting wisdom to their deliberations, strength to their resolutions, and beauty to their moral deportment, and confirming in their minds the hopes and promises of the religion they had embraced. The idea entertained by our ancient brethren in common with the christians of the times, may be con- sidered in these more enlightened days, when we im- agine we have cast off the shackles of superstition, as being nearly allied to it, and but little removed from the pagan notions by whom they were surround- ed, and with whom they were in the daily habit of associating. But yet, that was a beautiful supersti- tion which tended, in opposition to most superstitions, to elevate rather than degrade the human mind, and lifted men's thoughts from earth to heaven. It was strikingly expressive of the sublime and ennobling doctrines of the immortality of the soul, and a future state of existence—doctrines which bring man near- er to his creator, and enable him to contemplate with an eye of faith the brightness of eternity—doctrines which were but dimly shadowed forth in the Mosiac dispensation; which were but the dream of the most celebrated ancient philosophers, but which were bril- liantly and gloriously displayed in the resurrection and ascension of the "Sun of Righteousness." On each anniversary, the members of the Lodge, and such visitors as think proper to attend, assemble at the Lodge room; the Lodge is opened in the first degree of Masonry, and the prefaratory business being attended to, a Procession is formed in the following order: MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 269 TYLER, WITH DRAWN SWORD; MUSIC; TWO STEWARDS, WITH WHITE RODS; ENTERED APPRENTICES; FELLOW CRAFTS; MASTER MASONS; SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS; SECRETARY AND TREASURER; SENIOR AND JUNIOR DEACONS; PAST MASTERS; MOST EXCELLENT MASTERS; ROYAL ARCH MASONS; HOLY BIBLE, CARRIED BY THE OLDEST MASTER MASON. The Procession then moves to the Church, or house appointed for the public services, which they enter in inverted order. The services commence by singing the following Psalm: PSALM. CXXXIII. Lo! what an entertaining sight, Are brethren who agree; Brethren, whose cheerful hearts unite, In bands of piety. 'Tis like the oil divinely sweet, On Aaron's reverend head; The trickling drops perfumed his feet, And o'er his garments spread. 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews, That fall on Zion's hill, Where God his mildest glory shews, And makes his grace distil. The Chaplain delivers the following or some other suitable prayer: "We lift up our hearts to thee, great and adorable God! Almighty Architect and Parent of the world! 23* 270 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL, We implore upon this, and all our laudable underta- kings, thy favor, thy blessing and thy aid! without which, vain and fruitless are all the efforts of feeble man! It is from Thee, beneficent founder of our frame, that we have received the heart to feel; the hand to labor; the eye to behold; the ear to hear; the tongue to proclaim; and all the faculties which make us susceptible of moral, and partakers of natural good! Teach us, then, to delight in them, to improve them as thy blessing, and through the beauty, order and excellence of created things, to view, contem- plate and adore thy uncreated excellence and beauty! We look up to thee, to inspire us with understanding, with science, with virtue, with all that can dignify, refine, and exalt our nature, and render us worthy to inhabit thy holy temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Direct us to make the blessed volume of thy instructive wisdom, the never erring square to regulate our conduct, the compass within whose cir- cle we shall walk with safety and with peace; the in- fallible plumbline of rectitude and truth. Enable us, O Lord, to fill up every sphere of duty with exactness and honor, and by amiable attention to all the sweet and blessed offices, the endearing charities of social life in particular; teach us to win the love of those who unite with us in those tender offices, as faithful fathers, husbands, friends—as worthy men, and as worthy Masons, to distinguish and exalt the profes- sion which we boast. "Enable us to imitate in our lives and conduct, in our walk and conversation, that holy man whose memory we have this day met to celebrate. And while through thy bounty, rich dispenser of every blessing! our cups overflow with plenty, and corn, wine and MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 271 oil, delight and cheer our boards; may we never be wanting in gratitude and thanksgiving to thee; in lib- eral sentiments and succour towards every laudable undertaking, in the quickest sensibility and readiest relief we can give to the woes and distresses of our fellow creatures; of every being who bears thy image, and looks up to thy Providence, who is fed by thy hand, and hopes for thy mercy! And to thy great and exalted name, sovereign Lord of the universe! we would unite in ascribing praise, glory and dominion, now and forever—Amen! "So mote it be." HYMN. On wings of harmony unborne, Wido flow the exulting sound; Auspicious beamed the festal morn, That called the tribes around. To Salem's favored towers and plains, The bands fraternal move: Her shores repeat the solemn strains, That swell to peace and love. Far o'er these plains the admiring eyes, See opulence spread wide: While toil its best exertions plies, To o'erreach the fluent tide. On the fair work now science beams— Descending powers approve; We waft across the honor'd streams, The streams of peace and love. An Oration on Masonry, or a sermon suited to the occasion, is then delivered, after which the following, or some other hymn is sung: "Let there he light," Jehovah said, And nature sprang to birth; 272 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Darkness before his presence fled, And beauty crowned the earth. Man, by his word from dust he fprm'd, And woman from his side; Their souls with fireetherial warm'd, To heaven's dread kind allied. But soon the gloom of sin o'erspread The lustre of the mind; No light the lamp of reason shed, And man again was blind. His walk was darkness, and despair Upon his spirit prayed, Weary and worn with aching care, Along life's waste he stray'd. The Eternal saw—"Let there be light," Again in heaven was heard; And lo! man's weak, bewildered sight, The Star of BeihVem cheer'd. The Sun of Righteousness, his beams Upon tho spirit shed; The sleep of sin, and error's dream Were o'er, when Jesus bled. The service then concludes by prayer, and the breth- ren return in the same order. CHAPTER VII. funeral service. Funeral rites, in honor of the dead, have been prac- tised in all ages and in all countries, differing, howev- er, in their forms, according to the religious opinions which prevailed. They are the last tribute of the esteem and affection of the living for the dead. As different societies and associations of men observe different forms on such occasions, so the Masonic Fra- ternity inter their deceased members with ceremo- nies peculiar to their order, which, when properly con- ducted, are highly impressive. No Mason can be interred with the formalities of the Order, unless he shall have been raised to the de- gree of Master Mason. No Mason can be thus interred, unless by his own special request. Foreigners and sojourners are ex- cepted.* From the foregoing restrictions, there can be no ex- ceptions, but the last named. ii. The Master of a Lodge having received notice of the death of a Master Mason, the time and place of *It is now generally admitted, that officers of a Lodge, or members whose zeal in the cause of Masonry have afforded reason to believe that, had they foreseen the approach of death they would have re- quested a masonic burial, may be interred with the formalities of the order, at the request of their immediate relatives or friends. 274 master mason's manual. interment, and the request to be interred with Mason- ic honors, causes the Lodge to be convened for the necessary arrangements. The Master may invite as many Lodges to unite in the ceremonies as he may think proper; but the whole must be under the direction of the Master of the Lodge of which the deceased was a member. In case the deceased was not a member of either of the attending Lodges, the ceremonies are to be conducted by the Master of the oldest Lodge, unless he waive his right, or unless the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, or a Past Grand Master be present. All the brethren in procession should observe, as much as possible, uniformity in dress. Black clothing, with white gloves, white aprons and white sashes, is most appropriate. Crape may also be worn on the left arm. The officers of the Lodge wear their respective badges. hi. When the brethren assemble at the Lodge room (or place appointed for the meeting,) the Master opens the Lodge in the Third degree, and states the object of the meeting. The preliminary arrangements having been made, a procession is formed, which moves to the house of the deceased. The different Lodges, when there are more than one, rank according to seniority; except that the Lodge of which the deceased was a member, or has charge of the ceremony, walks nearest the corpse. Each Lodge forms one division, in the follow- ing^order:— master mason's manual. 275 Tyler, with drawn Sword. Music. Two Stewards, with White Rods, Master Masons. Senior and Junior Deacons. Secretary and Treasurer. Senior and Junior Wardens. Past Masters. Royal Arch Masons. The Holy Writings, with the Square and Compass, on a cushion, covered with black cloth or crape. The Master. Clergy. The Body, with the insignia placed upon the coffin, and two swords crossed. If the Grand Master, or Deputy G. Master, or a Past Grand Master, be present, he takes .his place in the rear, with two Deacons, one on his right, the oth- er on his left, with a Sword-bearer behind. iv. On arriving at the house of the deceased, the Lodge takes the body of the deceased brother in charge; and conveys it to the place of interment: the procession observing the order above laid down. [It is sometimes the case, that the ceremonies contained in this section, are performed at the house of the deceased; but as it is not always convenient, it is now most usual to dis- charge the whole duty at the grave.] On arriving at the-place of interment, the members in procession form a circle round the grave; the ofh- cers of the Lodge, (and the Clergy, if any be present,) take their stations at the head of the grave, and the members at the foot, when the services commence. 276 master mason's manual. The Master then proceeds as follows: Brethren:—We have this day assembled to commit to the earth, from whence it came, the body of our brother; let us, then, with becoming reverence, dis- charge the last solemn duty our Order enjoins. The Master then says:—"Man that is born of wo- man, is of few days, and full of trouble; he cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. Man dieth and wast- eth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down and riseth not up; till the heavens shall be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." Response.—"The place that knew him, shall know him no mover Master.—"What man in he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave?" Response:—"Man walketh in a vain shadow; he heap- eth up riches, and cannot tell who shall gather them." Master.—"When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend after him." Response.—Naked he came into the world, and naked must he return." Master.—"The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Response.—"So mote it be!" The following hymn is then sung: Hark! from the tomb a doleful sound! Mine ears, attend the cry— Ye living men, como view the ground Where you must shortly lie. Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; master mason's manual. 277 The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Must lie as low as ours. Groat God! is this our certain doom? And are we still secure? Still walking downward to the tomb, And still propared no more? Grant us the power of quick'ning grace; To fit our souls to fly; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky." Or this: Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee; Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb, The Savior has passed through its portals bofore thee, And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom. Thou art gone to the grave—wo no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough path of the world by thy side; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope,sinco the sinless has died. Thou art gone to the grave, and its mansions forsaking, Perhaps thy tired spirit in doubt lingered long; But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, And the song that thou heard'st was the seraphim's song. Thou art gone to the grave, but 'twere wrong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian and guide, He gave thee, and took thee, and soon will restore thee, When death has no sting since the Savior hath died. The hymn being concluded, the coffin is lowered in- to the grave, when the Master, taking the sacred roll in his hand, says: "Let us die the death of the righteous, and let our last end be like his!" Response.—"God is our God, forever and ever; he will he our guide even unto death." 24 278 master mason's manual. Master.—"Almighty Father! Into thy hands we commend the soul of our loving brother!" The Brethren answer three times, giving the grand honors each time: " The will of God is accomplished! so he it!" The roll is then deposited in the grave, when the following, or some other suitable prayer, is repeated by the Master or Chaplain: "Most glorious God! Author of all good, and giv- er of all mercy! We bow before Thee, our Heaven- ly Father! as the Supreme Disposer of all human events! In thy hands are the issues of life and death, and upon Thee we humbly acknowledge our depen- dence. Almighty Father! thou hast been pleased to appoint unto all men once to die, and after death the judgment. Thou hast said to the whole human race, "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return." Grant, O Lord! that, as thou hast been pleased to re- move our brother from time to eternity, his death may seriously remind us of our approaching fate; of our entire dependence upon Thee, and of the necessity of preparing for that great change which awaits us all. Grant, O Lord! that each one of us may be incited so to live, that we shall not fear to die. Almighty God! we now commit the body of our deceased friend and brother to the earth whence it came; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, looking to the general re- surrection at the last day, and the life of the world to come, through the merits of the Redeemer, who died that we might live and enjoy life eternal. Grant, we beseech Thee, that after our departure hence, we may be received into Thine everlasting kingdom, to enjoy in union with the souls of our departed friends, Master mason's manual. 279 the just reward of a virtuous and pious life; and to Thy Holy name be glory, honor and praise ascribed, now and forever. Ameti!" So mote it be! The Master then pronounces the following exhorta- tion: [Here it may bo remarked, that the Master, or officiating officer, is not confined in the exhortation to any express form of words. He may alter it to suit the particular occasion; or circumstances;—observing, however, the division as regards the invocations and other ceremonies.] Brethren:—In obedience to the usage of our Order, we have assembled to discharge the last sad office to a departed brother, and commit his body to the grave, there to await the general resurrection. But, while we consign his body to its last resting place, let us re- member, that the last offices paid to the dead, are on- ly useful as lectures to the living, and consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our own dissolution, when it shall please the Almighty Dispenser of human events to call us hence. Death and the Grave! How solemnly do these words fall upon the ear! How forcibly dQ they re- mind us of the inevitable destiny that awaits us all! From dust we came, and to dust we must return! The events of every day demonstrate that "in the midst of life we are in death," that "man that is born of wo- man, is of few days and full of trouble; that he cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down; that he fleeth as a shadow, and continueth not." Death has established his empire over all animated nature, from the humblest reptile that crawls the earth, or insect that cleaves the air, to the Creator's noblest work—the image of himself. In his visitations, the 280 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. "Insatiate Archer" spares neither age nor sex, nor rank nor condition. The mightiest potentate, clothed "in purple and fine linen," falls beneath his shaft, as well as the humblest laborer. He regards not the ex- ternals of majesty, the pomp of power, the pride of wealth, the graces of intellect, or the charms of beau- ty. In the grave, all ranks are levelled, and all dis- tinctions are done away. We stand here, my brethren, surrounded by the graves of the departed, which speak in language more powerful than ever fell from human lips, the vanity of all earthly pursuits, the uncertainty of life, and the certainty of death. These graves are as the dead speaking to the living, and cold and obdurate must be the heart that is not moved by their voiceless elo- quence. They tell us, in silent but impressive lan- guage, "Be ye also ready"—"Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." But, notwithstanding the ad- monitions of these silent monitors, and the reflections that are forced upon us by their contemplation, how few of us permit our minds to dwell upon that dread hour when all earthly ties will be sundered, and we be called to experience the realities of another world. Such is the force of habit or education, or such our carelessness with regard to the future, that too many of us act as if earth was our perpetual abiding place, and our frail bodies as immortal as our souls. Hence, we go on from one design to another, and lay out plans for the employment of many years, until we are sud- denly alarmed by the approach of death, when we least expect him, and at an hour we probably con- elude to be the meridian of our existence. When we contemplate this narrow house, now oc- cupied by our brother, we feel a momentary contrac- MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. 28 f tion of the heart, a mournful presage that here, too, the evening of our days will soon be closed, and the tear which falls to-day upon the grave of another, may soon be transferred to the place we shall inhab- it. That here we shall lay down the vain glories of the world, its riches and its honors, and mingle with our kindred earth. These become strong incentives, to a well regulated life, and, when the whispers of conscience plead in vain to our unsubdued passions, the grave, that awful monitor, informs us, this must; be their final consummation. While we drop the tear of sorrow over the grave of our departed friencl and brother, with whom we have associated in the retirement of the mystic tern- pie, as well as in the busy scenes of life, we cannot but mingle our sympathies with those who are con- nected with him by dearer ties. Let us, then, my b rethren, cherish and imitate the virtues which adorn- e d his character, and let that charity which our Or- der inculcates, throw a veil over his foibles, whatev- er they may have been. Let the frailties of human nature plead in his behalf. Perfection on earth has never been attained; the wisest and the best of mep have erred and come short in the discharge of tbe dp- ties they owe to God and to their fellow men. The present instance of mortality should excite in us the most serious thoughts, and strengthen our reso- lutions of amendment. We know not the day nor the hour when we may be summoned to appear be- fore the bar of the Eternal, to give an account of the deeds done in the flesh. We should, from this dispen- sation, draw lessons of wisdom, • and while we are permitted to stand on earth, look to Heayen as the haven of future bliss, and a glorious immortality, 24* 282 master mason's manual, True wisdom should teach us that earth is not our abiding place; that here our sojourn is short; it should admonish us to embrace the present moment, while time and opportunity offer, to provide against the great change, when the employments and pleasures of this world shall cease to delight, and the reflection of a virtuous life yield the only comfort and conso- lation. Thus our hopes and expectations will not be disappointed, nor we hurried, unprepared, into the presence of an All-wise and Powerful Judge, to whom the secrets of all hearts are known. Let us, then, support with propriety the character of our profession, reflect upon the nature of the ties that connect us with each other, and study the princi- pies of our order, which are founded upon that sacred volume which was given for our instruction, and to which every Christian looks for comfort and consola- tion in the hour of affliction. Then may we with con- fidence supplicate the favor of that Eternal Being who fills the throne of the Universe, that when the awful moment shall arrive, we may be enabled, with- out dread or apprehension, to prosecute our journey to that distant country from whose bourne no travel- ler returns." The following invocations are then made: Master.—"May we be true and faithful; and may we live and die in love." Response.—"So mote it beP' Master.—"May we profess what is good, and al- ways act agreeably to our profession." Response.—"So mote it beP' Master.—"May the Lord bless and prosper us; and may all our good intentions be crowned with success.". Response.—"So mote it beP1 master mason's manual. 283 Master.—"Glory be to God on high! On earth peace! and good will towards men!" Response.—"So mote it fye! now, henceforth and for- ever more! The Master then takes the Lambskin, or white leather apron, and says: "In conformity with ancient custom, I now deposit in the grave of our brother, this lambskin or white leather apron, the emblem of innocence. It is em- blematical of that innocence of life and purity of con- duct, which is essentially necessary to gain admission into that celestial temple—that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Response.—"Blessed are the righteous who die in the Lord. The Master then takes in his hand a branch or sprig of evergreen, and says: I now deposit in the grave of our brother this ever- green, as an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul. By it we are reminded, that although our bodies perish, we have an immortal part that will sur- vive the grave; that although we may soon be depos- ited in the silent tomb, yet, through the mediation of that exalted Being who brought life and immortality to light, we confidently hope that our souls will bloom forever in the Paradise of God. While the volume of inspiration teaches that this mortal body shall put on immortality, the works of nature by which we are surrounded, speak this truth—"The soul shall live for- ever." Response.—"Incline your ear and come unto me," saith the Lord, "and thy soul shall live." The following dirge is then sung, during which the brethren will move round the grave three times. On 284 master mason s manual. passing round the third time, each brother will depos- it a sprig of evergreen. DIRGE. Tune—PleyeFs Hymn. Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time, As we journey here below, Thro' a pilgrimage of woe. Mortals now indulge a tear, For mortality is here, See how wide her trophies wave, O'er the slumbers of the grave! Hero another guest we bring! Seraphs of celestial wing, To our funeral altar come, Waft a friend and brother home. God of life's otornal day! Guide us, lest from thee we stray, By a false obtrusive light, To the shades of endless night. Lord of all below, above, Fill our souls with truth and love; And when dissolved our earthly tie, Take us to thy Lodge on high. The Master then concludes, the ceremony as fob lows: "From time immemorial, it has been the custom of "Free and Accepted Masons, at the request of a broth- er, to deposit his remains with the usual formalities of the Order. In conformity with this custom* we have here assembled to consign the body of our brother to master mason's manual. 285 tlie earth whence it came, and to offer up the last tribute of our esteem. [Here tho master, or officiating brother, may introduco such remarks on tho lifo and character of the deceased, as ho may deem appropriate.] "Our brother has departed! The Great Creator hav-- ing been pleased to remove him from the cares and troubles of a transitory state of existence, to one of eternal duration; may we who survive him, anticipate our approaching fate, and be more strongly cemented in the ties of union and friendship! In the short space allotted to our present existence, may we wisely and usefully employ our time in preparing for eternity! And may we, in the reciprocal intercourse of kind and friendly acts, convince the world that we dwell together in unity. Unto the grave we resign the body of our brother, in the hope and expectation that his immortal soul will then partake of the joys prepared for the righteous from the beginning of the world. And may Almigh- ty God, of his infinite goodness, at the grand tribunal of unbiassed justice, extend his mercy towards him and all of us, and crown our hopes with everlasting bliss. This we ask for the honor of his name, to whom be glory, now and forever. Amen!" Response.—"So mote it be!" The Master then throws a shovel full of earth into the grave, saying: ' "The dust shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit unto God who gave it." The members then unite their hands, give the grand honors, and repeat: "The will of the Lord is accomplished; so be it." Master.—"Friend of our hearts, rest in peace. Rais- 28G MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. ed by the Grand Master's word, mayest thou share the blessings of immortal life and unfading glory." CONCLUDING PRAYER. Almighty and most merciful Father, we adore thee as the God of time and eternity—blessed be thy holy name! As it has pleased thee to take from the light of our abode, our friend and brother, we beseech thee to bless and sanctify to us this dispensation of thy providence. Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high, that we may glorify thee in all our ways. May we realize that thine all-seeing eye is upon us, and be influenced by the spirit of truth and love to perfect obedience—that we may enjoy the divine approbation here below. And when our toils on earth shall have ceased, may we be raised to the enjoyment of fadeless light and immortal life in that kingdom where faith and hone shall end, and love and joy prevail through eternal ages. And thine, 0 Righteous Father, shall be the glory forever. Amen. So mote it be! The grave is then filled up, and the procession re- turns to the Lodge Room, where the necessary duties are complied with, and the Lodge is closed. END OF BOOK THIRD, APPENDIX. FREEMASONRY IN TENNESSEE. Previously to the 27th Dec. 1813, the Lodges in the State of Tennessee were held under charters from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, with the exception of one in Davidson county, which was held under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. Pursuant to a resolution of Hiram Lodge, No. 7, and unanimously adopted by the several Lodges in the State of Tennessee, proposing a convention of Ancient York Masons at Knoxville, on the first Mon- day in December, 1811, for the purpose of establish- ing a Grand Lodge, delegates appeared from the fol- lowing Lodges, viz: Tennessee Lodge, No. 2; Greene- ville, No. 3; Newport, No. 4; Overton, No. 5; King Solomon, No. 6; and Hiram, No. 7: when the Rev. brother Stephen Brooks was appointed Chairman, and brother John A. Rogers, Secretary. The following resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention, the number of Lodges of Ancient York Masons, in this state, as well as the state of society, require the for- mation of a Grand Lodge within the same, for the bet- ter regulation and extension of the craft. Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention, that for constituting a Grand Lodge, it will be neces- sary for the Masters, Past Masters and Wardens of 288 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. the different Lodges, or delegates to be by the said Lodges appointed, to meet in convention at Knoxville, on the second Monday in August next, for the purpose of forming a constitution and bye-laws for the gov- ernment of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, to elect officers thereof, and further to do whatever may be necessary for its operation. Resolved, As the opinion of this convention, that all Master Masons working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in this state, be ad- mitted for the purpose of giving their aid and assist- ance, at the time of forming a constitution for the government of the Grand Lodge in the State of Ten- iiessee, the object of which is to obtain the benefit of all the light that can be thrown on so important a sub- ject, notwithstanding such brethren may not be enti- tied to vote on such occasions. Resolved, That a committee be appointed for the purpose of drawing up an address to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina; soliciting their assent to the estab- lishment of. a Grand Lodge in this state, and that said committee draft a letter to be directed to brother Rob- ert Williams, requesting him to lay said address, to- gether with the proceedings of this convention, before the Grand Lodge; and in all things relative thereto, to give us his aid and assistance, so far as he may deem it correct. Agreeably to the foregoing resolutions, a committee was appointed, who reported a letter and address, which being read and approved were signed by the Chairman and Secretary. The convention then adjourned to meet on the 10th of August, 5812, at which time a letter was received from the Most Worshipful Robert Williams, Grand MASTER MASON'S MANUAL 289 Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, in an- swer to the above mentioned communications, which was read, and in pursuance of the request contained in said letter, it was agreed to postpone the further consideration of the establishment of a Grand Lodge, until after the next meeting of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and until such time as the Lodges of this state might agree upon. In October, A. L. 5813, a communication was receiv- ed from the Grand Master of North Carolina, direct- ing the Lodges in this state to assemble either collect- ively or by their representatives, in the town of Knox- ville, on the 27th Dec. 5813, to constitute the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Delegates from Tennessee Lodge, No. 2; Greeneville, No. 3; New-Port, No. 4; Overton, No. 5; King Solomon, No. 6; Hiram, No. 7;' Cumberland, No. 8; and Western Star, No. 9, accord- ingly assembled at Knoxville on the day appointed. The convention being duly organised, a charter, or deed of relinquishment, from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, bearing date the 30th September, 5813, was presented. By this instrument the Grand Lodge of North Carolina relinquished all authority and jurisdic- tion over the several Lodges in the State of Tennes- see, and assented to the erection of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. A committee was appointed to report a constitution and bye-laws, for the government of the Grand Lodge, who retired, and after some time, reported a constitu- tion and bye-laws, which were read, adopted and signed by the members on behalf of their respective lodges. 25 Since the adoption of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, the following persons have successively filled the chair of Grand Master: M. W. Thomas Claiborne, elected December 1813. " Thomas Claiborne, " " 1814. " Robert Searcy, " " 1815. " Robert Searcy, " " 1816. " Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1817. " Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1818. " Oliver B. Hays, " " 1819. " Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1820. " Wilkins Tannehill, '* " 1821. " Gen. Andrew Jackson, " " 1822. " Gen. Andrew Jackson, " " 1823. " Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1824. " Mathew D. Cooper, " " 1825. " Mathew D. Cooper, " •' 1826. " William E. Kennedy, " " 1827. " William E. Kennedy, " " 1828. " Hugh W. Dunlap, " " 1829. " Hugh W. Dunlap, " " 1830. " Archibald Yell, " " 1831. " Dudley S; Jennings, " « 1832. " Harry L. Douglas, " " 1833. " Benjamin S. Tappan, " " 1834. " Benjamin S. Tappan, " " 1835. " J. C. N. Robertson, " " 1836. " Philander Priestley, " " 1837. " Samuel McManus, " " 1838. " Samuel McManus, " " 1839. " George Wilson, " " 1840. " Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1841. '• Wilkins Tannehill, " " 1842. " Joseph Norvell, " " 1843. " Edmond Dillahunty, " " 1844. Subordinate Hiram, Cumberland, Western Star, Mt. Moriah, Columbia, Union, Mt. Moriah, Jackson, Meridian Sun, Olive Branch, Clinton, Mt. Pleasant, . Mt. Libanus, Constantine, Jackson, Somerville, Liberty, La Grange, Mt. Moriah, Trenton, Randolph, Western Sun, Clarksville, Dresden, Memphis, Priestley, Hess, King Solomon, Germantown, Caledonia, Charlotte, Lebanon, Sparta, LIST OF LODGES to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. No. 7, held at Franklin. « 8, 66 66 Nashville. 66 9, 66- 66 Spring Hill. 66 18, 66 66 Murfreesborough. 66 31, a u Columbia. 66 38, tt a Kingston. 66 39, 66 66 Dover. 66 45, 66 66 Jackson. (r6 50, 66 66 Athens. 66 53, U ii Jasper. tt 54, ii it Bolivar. ii 57, f( ii Mt. Pleasant. ii 59, tti ii Knoxville. 66 64, 66 66 Lexington. « 68, 66 66 Fayettville. 66 73, 66 66 Somerville. n 77, a a Liberty. 66 81, a a La Grange. 66 85, 66 66 Covington. 66 80, 66 66 Trenton. « 87, 66- 66 Randolph. 66 88, 66 66 Troy. 66 80, 66 <4 Clarksville. 66 90, 66 66 Dresden. 66 91, 66 66 Memphis. 66 92, 66 66 Waverly. 66 93, 66 66 Dyersburg. " 94, 66 66 Gallatin. 66 95, 66 66 Germantown. " 96, 66 66 Caledonia. 97, 66 66 Charlotte. 66 98, 66 66 Lebanon. 66 99, a a Sparta. 292 MASTER MASON'S MANUAL. Ripley, Pulaski, Savannah, St. John, Wesley, St. James, Huntingdon, Lawrenceburg, Paris, Marshall, Centerville, Benton, Dillahunty, Union, Harrison, Yorkville, 100, 66 Ripley. 101, 66 66 Pulaski. 102, 66 a Savannah. 103, 66 u Raleigh. 104, « a Wesley. 105, a a Williamsport. 106, il 66 Huntingdon. 107, 66 u Lawrenceburg. 108, « u Paris. 109, 66 u Cottage Grove. 110, a 66 Centerville. 111, 66 a Williamson county. 112, 66 u Louisburg. 113, 66 a Hartsville. 114, a 66 Harrison. 115, 66 66 Yorkville. FINIS.