1816—CENTENNIAL ALBUM-1916 Of AFRICAN METHODIST CHURCHES IT" N presenting this book we have but one aim; namely, to show to the world the achieve- ments of a poor people, whose faith in God prompted them to a self-sacrifice, in order that they might be able to worship Him "under their own vine and fig tree "—Gen. 28:19. And also, that the present and following generations may catch the inspiration of the fathers who have left such a goodly heritage. ^ -j* The first property was a blacksmith shop, pur¬ chased by Richard Allen in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1787. The first church building was erected in 1793 and at its dedication was named Bethel. The people of Philadelphia called a general con¬ vention in April, 1816. Delegates were appointed to represent different churches from Pennsyl¬ vania, New Jersey and Maryland, At said convention the African Methodist Episcopal Church was organized and Richard Allen was elected the first bishop,J* The array of churches herein presented is but a meagre expression of a vast multitude of excellent churches owned by the Connection, whose aggregate value runs into several million dollars. The poorest member of the African Methodist Episcopal church is an associated stock-holder in this great common¬ wealth of African Methodism. «* & We endeavored to secure a picture of a represent¬ ative church from each of our Conferences, that all might be represented in this collection, but some of the brethren failed to respond to our request to furnish us with a picture of their church, hence it is through no fault of ours that these Conferences are not represented. Faithfully your servant, B, F. W ATSON, Secretary of Church Extension Blacksmith Shop, Philadelphia, Pa.—Phil- adelphia Conference. Old Bethel, First Church Built, Philadelphia, Pa.— Philadelphia, Conference. Interior of Mother Bethel, Philadelphia, Pa.—Phila¬ delphia Conference. Mother Bethel, Philadelphia, Pa.—Philadelphia Con¬ ference. Big Bethel, Atlanta, Ga.—Atlanta (Georgia) Conference. Stewart Chapel, Macon, Ga.—Macon (Ga.) Conference. ■ Ml. 5C na I 7 A S" x ^ f ^t. QoxiJt- V _y^s-rr-v-cA_^ • ^3 ^JL\^c^x*al^iy^Ltn^' _A^'U ^cx/n^ty AO-fr^s ?/,