/ REPORT OF ?5he Book Concerrv * Of the African Methodist episcopal Chvirch. TO THE TWENTY-SECOND QUADRENNIAL SESSION OFTHE GENERAL CONFERENCE OFTHE A. M. E. CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL., MAY 2ND,. 1904. REPORT OR1 THE BOOK CONCERN OF THE African Methodist Episcopal Church TO THE 22nd QUADRENNIAL SESSION Of the General Conference of the A. M. E. Church, Chicago, 111., May 2nd, 1904. REPORT OF The Book Corvcerrv Of the A. M. E. Church. Rev. John H. Collett, General Business Manager. TO THE BISHOP AND MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ASSEMBLED IN CHICAGO, ILL., MAY THE 2ND, 1904. Reverend Fathers and Brethren in Christ:— The Publication Department, the first and oldest Depart¬ ment of the A. M. E. Church, is still an active and effective agency in the advancement of the Redeemer's Kingdom. It stands intact to-day a credit to the past and present la¬ bors of this great Christian Church. The General Conference at Columbus, Ohio, in May, 1900, elected as Manager of this Department a son of North Caro¬ lina, the Rev. R. H. W. Leak, D. D. And we bring it back to you through the hand of another son of the old north State, who was appointed to fill the vacancy which occured through the action taken by the Board of Publication and the resig¬ nation of Dr. Leak. And though its voyage has been stormy and destruction threatened its business life, we present it saved to-day with a business record never surpassed for excellence, clear profit, good business achievements. We will present to-day facts and figures which will sustain these assertions. BOOK CONCERN REPORT CONDITION AND CAPITAL. In January, 1902, we, upon taking charge, were confronted with a sheriff's notice placed on the building, 631 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa., giving notice that furniture, printing plant and all effects of the Department would be sold at public auc¬ tion on the 22nd day of January, 1902. A note for $350.00 was given us by the Financial Depart¬ ment to assist in the off-set of the sale. We succeeded in stop¬ ping the sale and settled down to a hard business fight in an endeavor to satisfy numerous creditors and to save the Pub¬ lication Department. This was no easy task as the Department was without either money or credit, and with very little stock. That we are able to present the Book Concern to the General Conference with a business existence, is indeed astonishing to us, marvelous, and beyond any business calculation that could have been made when we took charge. Think of it! All we found was a mountain of indebtedness, lost credit, angry creditors, no cash and little stock. Not one cent of appropriation has been given this Department except the three hundred and fifty dollars to assist in removing the Sheriff's restraint and off-set sale. NEW METHODS ADOPTED. Conditions were such that I found unless I stayed in the office daily, all would be lost and failure would be the result. On the other hand field work was necessary to increase the revenue of the Department. Whilst I remained at my desk to palliate and plead with creditors for time, avert law-suits, reconstruct ,and change the system of management and arrange for the renewal of stock, the important place of field agent was filled with profit, ac¬ ceptability and credit by Mrs. Ruth M. Collett, who volun¬ teered to do this work for the Concern without the charge of commission pr salary. This was a great help to the Department as we needed every pent and $1000.00 commission was saved to the Department through her efforts. After getting the Department in good running condition BOOK CONCERN REfORT and matters well straightened out, I visited a number of Con¬ ferences and cities in the interest of the Concern. My labors yielded large returns for the Department. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. For the protection of the Church, for my personal protec¬ tion and to convince pressing creditors that every cent would be honestly dealt with, and the affairs of the Department con¬ ducted in an open and business manner, as per Cdrporation, was my reason for employing this officer under the law of the State of Pennsylvania, to audit the books of the Concern quarterly. Several Firms held notes running up to from hundreds to thousands of dollars, besides numerous open accounts against the Concern. On every hand we were in the clutches of shrewd business people, who at any moment might bring the Concern in Court. The Auditor was valuable as month after month we extricated the Concern. CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. Finding "Accounts Receivable" so large, representing $15,000.00 and collections hard to make and many disputed statements and bills I at once adopted a cash system. It proved to be the right arm of power to the Department and has given the splendid results which we will show in this re¬ port. NEW FEATURES AND MANAGEMENT. (A) Bank Account opened in the name of the Book Con¬ cern of the A. M. E. Church. I. Book Concern Check designed and printed by us bear¬ ing the portrait of the late Bishop J. P. Campbell. II. Receipt and Check Voucher. III. The Recorder Subscription Book. IV. The Pay Roll Record Book. V. The Order Book containing record of the shipment of all orders. VI. Money Order Record containing number of money order, check number. 6 BOOK CONCERN REPORT VII. Registered Letter Number, with name of person, place and date. IMPROVEMENTS. The Christian Recorder has been greatly improved by the addition of a new head-line which we designed and had made bearing the face of the illustrious founder of the A. M. E. Church, Richard Allen. The print of the Recorder has also been greatly improved by the ^addition of new type. Its cir¬ culation increased 3000. The paper has been printed and mailed with regularity. We have removed all advertisements not in keeping with the religious standard of the paper. THE REVIEW. We have printed and bound in our own Publishing House the A. M. E. Church Review Quarterly. The beautiful cover of the Easter Edition of the Review, which displayed great artistic skill in the blending of colors was the work of our own printers at the Publishing House. JOB DEPARTMENT. Great improvement has been made in the execution and dispatch of the work of this Department. We have turned out books and pamphlets, the workmanship of which gave satisfaction to our patrons and measured up to the standard of leading printing houses. We have taken no second place in this Department. The Credentials which you hold as dele¬ gates to this General Conference are samples of work done by our printers. Other samples of work at hand are the Min¬ utes of the Women's Mite Missionary Society. The Church Extension Blue Book, Scraps of A. M. E. History by Bishop Handy, the Seven Kingdoms by Bishop Salters, and numer¬ ous other, books and pamphlets which are bright evidences of the skill and efficiency of our printers. The Job Department has been a money maker for the Book Concern. Every Hymn Book issued during my administration was printed in our own Publishing House by Colored Printers. Every Digest, every Polity, is the work also of Colored Print¬ ers in your own Publishing House. We further recommend to this General Conference for the use of the entire connection, the very excellent Class Book Receipt and Report Blank, that has been given the Church by the Rev. John H. Grant. I do not hesitate to say that "Grant's Vest Pocket Class Book Receipt" is the best financial method for the regulation of our class work, that it is my pleasure to know about. To adopt Grant's Class Book Receipt means ordjsr, system and finan¬ cial increase to the connection. BOOK CONCERN REPORT 7 STORE AND SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. We have been able to replenish our shelves with books as rapidly as shipment depleted them, and have at all times kept on hand a full line of books for the trade. We have placed in the store a Cash Register, new desks, new type¬ writer and other improvements and conveniences. THE BUILDING. The entire building has been thoroughly renovated, re- papered, painted and put in first class condition at a cost of nearly $500.00 and all these improvements paid for in full. APPROPRIATION NOT RECEIVED. The Financial Board voted an appropriation of fifteen hun¬ dred dollars for the relief of this Department and Publication of this action appeared in our Church Organs, but not one cent of the fifteen hundred dollars voted to be appropriated has been received by this Department; but unaided from this source which has heretofore given from one thousand to three thousand five hundred dollars every Quadrennium, we have struggled on for more than two years with only small Allen Day returns to aid us. We stuck close to business and good business methods and thus out of the actual earnings of the Department kept the wheels of the Concern going, paid off many of its creditors. Not a day have we shut down nor banked our fires, not even during the great coal strike when we paid from $14.00 to $18.00 per week for fuel for which we paid cash. THE CAUSE OF FAILURE. The main cause of the failure of this Department to make money and build up a Strong efficient Publishing House, is to be found in the absence of the Manager from his post of duty, at his desk in the Department. I have studied this matter closely and I have investigated and looked into the methods of a number of successful business houses and I find that the Manager in these Departments is almost continuously at his post of duty. No man can successfully manage the Publishing House and s S00l£ CONCERN REPORT4 be absent from" his office, " in the field, visiting Conferences, acting as an agent from two to four months at a time; for what he gains in the Conferences as an agent is being lost at the Department in the accomplishment of business. The very idea of a traveling agent managing a great Publishing Plant is ridiculous to say the least of it. AID GIVEN BY THE BISHOPS. We presented the condition of the Book Concern at the Bishops' Council at Mobile, Ala., and informed them that no appropriation had been given to assist the Department, not¬ withstanding the fact that the Department out of its earnings had reduced its indebtedness. Yet one creditor who held a claim of $2,560.00 and six years back taxes were pressing so heavily that money could not be realized rapidly enough out of the business to satisfy these claimants. , These facts having been presented to the Bishops and they seeing the great strain which was upon the Department, came to. its rescue by placing at our disposal, through a committee for the Rodelheim claim of $2,560.00, $2,300.00 with which amount every note and his open account against the Depart¬ ment was taken up and cancelled in this transaction we saved $360.00 for the Department. The account was settled accord¬ ing to the books of the Concern. This was a noble and timely act on the part of these ven¬ erable fathers and it has brought great credit and honor to the entire Connection. WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED. Paid on indebtedness out of actual earnings Allen Day and Donations, $6,281.70. Paid by the Bishops, $2,237.01, making total paid on indebtedness $8,518.71. . STOCK ON HAND. We have in- finished and raw material as valued by us $9,000.00, we include in this 2000 copies of the "Colored Regu¬ lars" by Chaplain T. G. Steward, D. D. BOOK CONCERN REPORT 9 AMOUNTS ON DEBTS PAID OUT OF TRE ACTUAL EARNINGS OF THE DEPARTMENT. Search Light on Our Work. Legal Profession 21 00 To Wm. Bryan's Loan 500 00 Improvements 450 00 Frank Miller's Claim 420 15 Moorehouse . 60 00 Bushner's 99 44 Shoemaker iic\ 00 Hultz 134 00 H. T. Kealing 40 00 G. M. D. Bellows 100 00 Florida Conference 100 00 Sprague 35 00 New Jersey Conference 75 00 W. B. Heath 23 20 Jas. Potts .. 1 04 Parker and Murphy 10 66 E, H. Eiler 4 67 Joseph Tisdale 75 Hess and Baker 4 20 H. Katz 1 00 Berlin Ink Co 51 73 tt. L. Wilson 23 36 Scattergood • •• n 00 Christian Finance 2 75 Myer Bros 2 25 M. B. Niles .1700 Oxford University 5° 99 Philadelphia Engraving Co 19 55 Jas. Arnold 3 75 Beck Engraving Co 22 35 Knowland 25 20 Rodelheim's Account 180 00 Cash Register 5° 00 10 BOOK CONCERN REPORT N. C. Confernce Minutes 5° 00 Typewriter 55 00 Paid on Interest 9°2 95 Commission 5QI 64 Rev. Graham (paid as royalty) 125 00 Rev. Haynes (paid as royalty) 200 00 Mrs. Tillman (paid as royalty) . 125 00 Embry's Estate $650 00 Blasius 15 00 Walkey and Go 51 88 Besswick 2 70 Albro 5 38 Bell Telephone 21 17 Phillip Carey 65 00 Powell and Maddock 3 75 Burchfield 18 00 J. B. Stansbury 75 00 Holman 5 80 Typewriter 10 50 Henderson (coal) 7 50 Geo. Bellows 12 84 Elliot 40 48 Bryant (on account) 20' 00 Yeo n 88 Lasher 112 50 Godfrey 16 32 Strawbridge 6 34 Dobson 21 04 Rec. Pub. Co 4 41 Megargee 24 41 Linotype 55 17 Franklin Co 161 00 Scranton 3 60 Merchandise Refunded 250 40 Total ...$6,281-70 BOOK CONCERN REPORT H NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS. The Seven Kingdoms, by Bishop Salter, D. D iooo Scraps of A. M. E. History, by Bishop J. A. Handy, D. D. iooo iVre the White People of the South the Colored People's Best Friends, by J. H. Haynes 5000 The Jolly People, by J. P. Sampson . 3000 The Disappointed Bride, by J. P. Sampson 2000 The S. S. Lesson Plan, by Mrs. H. A. Fry 500 Thirty Years of Freedom, by Mrs. Tillman 3000 Recitations and Dramas, by Mrs. Tillman iooo The True Christian Sabbath, by Rev. R. A. Graham..... 2000 Mite Constitutions 5000 South African Letters, by Bishop L. J. Coppin, D. D... 3000 Stray Thoughts, by Bishop B. T. Tanner, D. D iooo Christ and His Church, by Bishop W. B. Derrick, D. D. iooo Life of Allen, by Bishop Lee and Rev. Yeocum iooo Holy Sacraments, by Rev. J. Gwynn iooo Joyful Noise, by Mrs. M. A. Gwynn iooo A. M. E. Polities, by Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D 800 Digest of Theology, by Bishop Embry, D. D iooo Order of Church Service 2000 Rituals iooo Descent of the Negro, by Bishop Tanner, D. D iooo Tanner's Outline iooo Musical Hymnals 2500 32 mo. Hymnals 6000 18 mo. Hymnals 4000 Lux Gentris Nigrae, by H. T. Johnson iooo Key to the Problem iooo In type ready for the press, by Rev. T. G. Steward, D. D. 2000 Brown Chapel, by R. E iooo A. M. E. Reviews 17000 Conference Minutes 13000 International Law and Treatise, by S. Mason, LL. D... iooo Sin Against the Holy Ghost, by Rev. Lewis iooo Parents and Children, by Rev. W. Thompson iooo Evangelical Catechisms, by Rev. R. H. W. Leak 2000 12 BOOK CONCERN REPORT Baby Rally Debt Cancellers, by R. M. Collet 2000 The Colored Regulars, by Chaplain T. G. Steward, D. D. 2000 The Brown Chapel, by R. E. Ford 1000 The Pulpit, Pew and Parish, by H. T. Johnson 1000 RECOMMENDATIONS. We recommend that the actual indebtedness of the Book Concern be assumed by the Financial Department of the Church, and the amount be paid to the Creditors on terms hereafter agreed upon by Creditors and the Department. We recommend that the management of the Department re¬ main as it is; under Manager and Editor. We teeomciend^ that "this, Genial Conference outline "the policy*,l'6T^he-Dlu"4a4ian ^^6erder*,ar^Tollows: ^ That no Article shall appear in-4ts columns which may in- volAre"the Management in aJaw suit. We further refcommendjthat-all—Articles, in reference to which There is-ar kouFt""as to*,their fitness Jjo-appeaTsmi the columns of the Chmtialf Recorcl^r shaltlie submitted for the consideration of a Committee of Three, consisting Trf^Editor, President of Board and Manager. We also recommetwPfFat the colymfns"oi the Christian Re¬ corder be closed to all ArticlesTvhich have a^eFdency to in¬ jure the Church. We further recommend that all business done by the Book Concern during the next four years be on a cash basis except business in the Mercantile Trade. We recommend that all blanks of every description used in Annual or Quarterly Conferences shall be printed at the Book Concern and no other blanks except these be used by Con¬ ferences. IN CONCLUSION. Dear Brethren, Members of the General Conference and Rep¬ resentatives of this great Church: Allow me to say that it was only the love for my Church, my Race and my native State which caused me to take upon my shoulders the great responsibility of redeeming and hold¬ ing intact the Publication Department; and BOOK CONCERN REPORT 13 Be it known that when first requested to take the manage¬ ment of the Publication Department I refused the offer the conditions being so serious, but upon being urged to take charge, and having a desire burning in my heart for the suc¬ cess of this Old Land Mark of African Methodism planted by the fathers, I determined to make the effort and struggle of my life to preserve its existence. Ah! It cost me tears, sleepless nights and weary days, sometimes not knowing where to go for help. Thank God for his guidance and for the great loyal heart of African Methodism and other benevolent friends who aided us. I' am here to report success by figures and facts. Out of comparatively nothing we have brought results which are a credit to the entire Church and Race. We present to you the Book Concern with Assets exceeding Liabilities and an ad¬ ditional $5000.00 assets on the books not included in the find¬ ings of the auditor only substantial collectable, live assets are carried in the account. • There are fifteen thousand dollars due the Department for Recorder subscriptions, Merchandise, Recorder sales, print¬ ing of Minutes and Job Work. These outstanding debts will to-day, if collected, pay off the indebtedness of the Department. The names of all persons owing amounts that make the aggregate of $15,000.00 are on the Books of the Concern. The CREDIT business has ruined the Department. Having earnestly and faithfully struggled during the period of two years and six months with the affairs of the Publica¬ tion Department and endeavoring to practice economy and to adopt the best business methods and deal honestly, we are pleased to say out of darkness I bring you LIGHT, out of con¬ fusion and dismay I bring you clearness and JOY. What was lost is regained; and now unto Him who hath kept us and guided us through all weariness and sorrow and enabled us to accomplish the task given us, be thanks and praise forever, Amen. Yours in Christ, JOHN HENRY COLLETT. u BOOK CONCERN REPORT Philadelphia, Pa., March 31. 1903. The books have been carefully kept and carefully examined. Although probably many of the accounts receivable need ad¬ justing. Since December when a bank account was opened in the name of the Concern the work has been much more sat¬ isfactory. Also, having the vouchers numbered and in regu¬ lar form is a great assistance in auditing and is the only proper manner in which to keep vouchers for reference. The present method of entering notes payable is also satisfactory. The list of Accounts Receivable you were to have typewrit¬ ten and that list can be attached to this statement. Probably one-half of these accounts should be charged to Profit and Loss account. If they are not collectable, it is only a hindrance to the book¬ keeper to carry them on the .books. I advise that you go over the list carefully and to instruct the bookkeeper to charge all worthless accounts to Profit and Loss. It was not possible to divide wages to the several sales ac¬ counts, so that from the gain on each department must be deducted the wages which belongs to that department. If the Board would only devise some means to help you pay off the current liabilities, which amount to $7,000.00, you could no doubt buy on much better terms. We all know that a cash business is more profitable; you can buy and sell to better ad¬ vantage. Respectfully submitted, N. B. NILES, Certified Public Accountant. BOOK CONCERN REPORT 15 RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, We the Members of the Executive Board have listened with delight to the Report of the Business Manager in which he has given a clear and minute exhibit of all Re¬ ceipts and Expenditures since assuming control of said Pub¬ lication Department; and Whereas, The showing made in said Report is of the most excellent and satisfactory nature, knowing as we do the de¬ plorable state in which said Department was in upon the Rev. H. Collett taking control; and Whereas, The success which has been achieved must be at¬ tributed to the staunch business methods with which said Manager is thoroughly conversant, without which success could not have been attained. Resolved, That we are delighted in saying that we have found said Business Manager to be a person of correct busi¬ ness ideas and a man of integrity and capacity. Resolved, That we commend him and the successful man¬ agement of the Department to the General Church believing that if allowed to continue under the existing management for a few years success will be achieved, such as will reflect credit upon all concerned. Respectfully submitted, W. P. HALL, J. B. STANSBERRY, ST. BIVINS, S. E. PURNELL, Secretary, W. B. DERRICK, President. Philadelphia, April 22nd, 1904. 16 BOOK CONCERN REPORT STATEMENTS FROM THE BOOKS OF THE A. M. E. BOOK CONCERN. Report 3—J. H. Cpllett, G. B. M., January 14th, 1902, to March 31, 1902. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. March 31, 1902. Assets. Real Estate, Ground and Building..... .$17,500 00 Machinery 4,640 00 Office Fixtures 150 00 Organ 50 00 Mdse, Inventory (Store and Bindery).. 2,620 95 Recorder Inventory 156 85 Type and Sundries 730 80 Plates and Cuts 1,982 20 Job, Paper and Supplies 674 74 Cash 72 04 Sundry Accounts Receivable 6,110 74 Sundry Accounts Receivable 82 87 Liabilities. Mortgage Payable $5,000 00 Loans and Interest payable as per list.. 3,479 20 Bonds Payable 371' 00 Bills Payable (Promissory notes) S,?1/ 63 Book Accounts Payable 818 81 Wages Payable. Old Account 305 48 Total $15,192 12 Balance or Net Investment $*9,579 °7 Grand Total $34,77* *9 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 17 Merchandise Account. Sales, 1-14, '02, to 3-31, '02 $1,687 *8 Inventory Jan. 14th, 1902. ,... $2,210 20 Binding 437 62 Purchases 114 94 $2,762 76 Inventory March 31, 1902 2,620 95 — 141 81 Balance or Gross Gain on Mdse $i»545 37 Recorder. Subscriptions 1-14, '02, to 3-31, '02 $ 350 13 Sales, 1-14, '02, to 3-31, '02 11 07 Advertising, $9o.23-$35.oo 55 23 $416 43 Mail for Recorder $ 60 04 Paper • • • I5° 00 210 04 Gross Gain on Recorder $206 39 Job Work. Sales, 1-14, '02, to 3-31, '02 $144 25 Inventory, Jan. 14, '02. $ 619 21 Purchases, Supplies and Expenses 207 73 $ 826 94 Inventory, March 3Isb '02....... 674 74 $152 20 Balance or loss on job work $ 7 95 18 BOOK CONCERN REPORT GAINS AND EXPENSES. January 15, '02, to April I, '02. Gains. Merchandise $L545 37 Recorder 206 39 Use of Organ 1 50 Expenses. Wages, Store, Office, Job Work, Recorder $1,004 67 General Expenses 84 70 Traveling Expenses . 18 90 Fuel and Gas 103 31 Postage ..... 94 21 Commission 2 45 Repairs 75 94 Express and Hauling 22 29 Legal Expenses 56 75 Job Work —,... 795 Type 29 26 Gain on i 252 83 $1,753 26 $1,753 26 Sales. Merchandise, cash credit $1,687 *8 Job Work 144 25 Recorder 416 43 Total net sales, three months. $2,247 86 Investment Account. Balance net investment Jan. 14, '02 $18,365 50 Appropriations $ 350 00 Allen Day — 634 39 Donations 131 00 Net Gains as per statement of Gains, expenses $252.83, interest $154.65 98 18 $1,213 57 Balance investment as per statement of "Assets and Liabilities" $I9«579 07 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 19 A. M. E. BOOK CONCERN, APRIL i, 1903. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Assets. Real Estate $17,500 00 Machinery 4,649 34 Office Fixtures and Furniture 401 90 Organ 50 00 Merchandise as per Inventory 3T79 93 Type and Sundries, Inventory 1,414 35 Plates and Cuts, Inventory 1,511 00 Recorder, Paper and Supplies 281 85 Job Paper and Supplies, Inventory. ..... 385 16 Cash . 136 61 Book Accounts Receivable 4,346 43 Liabilities. Notes Payable:— Notes and Interest, principally old loans as per list $4,422 90 Promissory Notes as per list.. 2,988 84 Promissory Notes, Rodelheim. 1,989 00 Total Notes Payable. $9,4°o 74 Book Accounts pay'le as per list 2,131 80 Bonds Payable 371 00 Bond and Mortgage Payable... 5>°°° 00 Total Labilities $16,903 54 Balance or net investment,April 1, 1903 i6,953 °3 $33,856 57 $33,856 57 ROOK CONCERN REPORT SALES AND PURCHASES. Merchandise Account. Sales:— Merchandise $6,036 40 Purchases:— Merchandise $1,63706 Binding 725 69 Inventory April I, 1902 2,620 95 $4,983 70 Less Inventory Mar. 31, 1903 3,179 93 Cost of Merchandise sold... $1,803 77 Gain on Merchandise.., $4,232 63 Job Work Account. Sales:— Printing and Job Work..... $3,245 I3 Purchases:— Paper and Supplies .$2,058 57 Less Inventory, Mar. 31, '03. 385 16 Cost of Job Work done (not inc. wages) 1,673 41 Gain on Job Work $I,57I 72 Recorder Account. Subscription $2,884 3° Sales 341 81 Advertising 5°3 9^ $3730 01 Paper and Supplies $1,385 60 Less Inventory — 125 00 $1,260 60 Mailing Recorder 3°7 89 Editorial Services 20 00 Cost of Recorder (not inc. Wages) ............ 1,58849 Gains on Recorder $2,141 58 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 21 GAINS AND EXPENSES. April i, '02, to April 1, '03. Gains. Merchandise $4,232 63 Job Work 1,571 72 Recorder 2,141 58 Office Rent 124 00 Use of Organ 15 00 Expenses. Wages, Store, Office, Job Work, Re¬ corder, etc., total $4,870 53 General Expenses 575 94 Traveling Expenses 583 65 Telephone 39 00 Fuel and Gas 489 52 Postage 240 92 Insurance 75 74 Water Rent 34 50 Commissions 260 92 Repairs 127 06 Express and Hauling 220 81 $8,084 93 Total Expenses $7,5*8 59 Balance on Gain 566 34 $8,084 93 Sales. Merchandise, cash and credit $6,036 40 Job Work, cash and credit. 3>245 *3 Recorder 3>73° °7 Total Net Business ,for year ending March 31/03 $13,011 60 BOOK CONCERN REPORT April i, '02, to April 1, '03. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Gains. Cain on Business as per Statement of of Gains and Expenses $ 566 34 Allen Day 621 21 Donations 245 47 Losses. Interest and Discount $ 918 14 Balance to Investment Account 514 88 $1,433 02 $L433 02 Investment Account. Balance Net Investment, Apr. 1, '02.... $I9>579 °7 Less Worthless Accounts and Included in Opening Entry, 1-14, '02 $2,905 09 Less old Accounts Adjusted, Bp. Gaines. 213 67 Less old Accounts Adjusted, Bp. Shaffer 22 16 $3,140 92 $16,438 15 Add Balance of Profit and Loss Account 514 88 Balance on Net Investment, April 1, '03. $16,953 03 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 23 STATEMENT FROM THE BOOKS OF A. M. E. BOOK CONCERN. April i, 1903, to April 20, 1904. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Assets. Real Estate $17,500 00 Machinery 4,649 34 Office, Fixtures and Furniture 476 90 Organ 50 00 Merchandise as per Inventory 4,240 75 Type and Sundries 1,431 55 Plates and Cuts 1,511 00 Recorder Supplies and Paper 446 85 Job Paper and Supplies 40 50 Cash 86 23 Accounts receivable as per list 2,796 33 Liabilities. Old Loans, Notes, Interest to date, as per list $6,631 76 Current Notes, as per list $2,101 72 Accounts payable:— Old j $ 491 13 New 1,353 61 1,844 74 Wages Payable 184 85 Bonds Payable 371 00 Mortgage Payable 5,000 00 Total Liabilities $16,134 07 Balance net Investment, Aoril 20, '04. .. 17,095 38 $33,229 45 $33,229 45 BOOK CONCERN REPORT SALES AND PURCHASES. April i, 1903, to April 20, 1904. Sales:— Merchandise $5,643 28 Purchases $1,090 93 Binding 928 96 Inventory, April 1, '03 3,179 93 $5,199 82 Less Inventory, April 20, '04 4,240 75 Cost of Merchandise sold $ 959 07 $959 o7 Gross Gain on Merchandise $4,684 211 Job Work Account. Sales:— Printing and Job Work .... $2,505 95 Purchases:— Paper and Supplies $ 943 16 Inventory, April 1, '03 385 16 $1,328 32 Less Inventory, 4-20, '04 40 50 Cost of Job Work (excluding all wages) 1,287 82 $1,287 82 Gross Gain on Job Work $1,218 13 Recorder Account. Subscriptions $3*963 41 Sales 220 29 Advertisements .. . 412 28 — $4,595 98 Paper and Supplies $ 968 10 Less Inventory 165 00 $ 803 10 Recorder Mailing 326 32 Cost of Recorder, excluding wages $1,129 42 Gross Gain on Recorder $3,466 56 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 25 GAINES AND EXPENSES. April i, 1903, to April 20, 1904. Assets. Merchandise, gross gain $4,684 21 Job Work Printing, Etc., gross gain... . 1,218 13 Recorder, gross gain 3,466 56 Office Rent 120 00 Use of Organ 18 00 Expenses. Wages, Store, Office, Job Work, Re¬ corder, Etc., total $6,043 54 General Expenses 571 37 Traveling Expenses 766 87 Telephone 75 43 Fuel and Gas 449 17 Postage < 327 64 Insurance no 67 Legal Expense 12 00 Commission 238 27 Repairs • 189 85 Express and Hauling 368 56 Total Expenses $9,*53 37 Balance on Gain on Business 353 53 $9,506 90 $9,506 90 Sales. Merchandise, cash and credit $5,643 2& Job Work, cash and credit 2,505 95 Recorder Subscriptions $3,963 41 Sales 220 29 Advertisements 412 28 $4,595 98 Total Net Busines from April 1, '03, to April 20, '04 $12,745 21 BOOK CONCERN REPORT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. April i, 1903, to April 20, 1904. Gains. Gain on Business as per Statement of "Gains and Expenses" $353 S3 Allen Day, Contributions 66o 14 Donations 2,278 53 Losses. Interest and Discount $ 915 03 Taxes 225 00 Worthless Accounts, net 16 30 Balance to Investment Account 2,*35 &7 $3,292 20 $3,292 20 Investment Acount. Balance Investment, April 1, '03 I6,953 °3 Worthless Accounts and which were in¬ cluded in opening entry, Jan. 14, '02.. $1,693 52 Bishop Derrick, claim for expenses in '01 300 00 $1,993 52 Corrected balance of Investment Ac't. $14,959 51 Add balance of Profit and Loss Ac't.... 2,135 &7 Balance Net Investment as per State¬ ment of "Assets and Liabilities" $17,095 38 BOOK CONCERN REPORT SALES AND PURCHASES AND EXPENSES. January 14, 1902, to April 20, 1904. Merchandise $13,366 86 Job Work 5,895 33 Recorder 8,742 42 $28,004 67 Use of Organ 34 5° Rent of Office 244 00 $28,283 17 Costs. Merchandise, net less Inventory $2,904 65 Job Work, net less Inventory 3>i42 69 Recorder, net less Inventory 2,927 95 Expenses. Wages $11,918 74 General Expenses 1,266 51 Traveling Expenses L369 42 Telephone 114 43 Fuel and Gas IP42 00 Postage 662 77 Insurance 186 41 Legal Expense 68 75 Commission 5QI 64 Repairs 392 85 Express and Hauling 611 66 Worthless Accounts 16 30 $27,126 77 Balance or gain on General Business 2j4 years $M56 4° BOOK CONCERN REPORT Investment Account. Net Investment, Jan. 14, '02, as per opening entry.. $18,365 50 Less Accounts Receivable, Worthless, in¬ cluded in opening entry Jan. 14, '02 $4,598 61 Less Accounts Adjusted, old claims 535 83 — $5>*34 44 Corrected Balance or Investment, Jan. 14, '02 $13,231 06 Appropriations and Donations, 2)4 years 3,005 00 Allen Day, Contributions 2j4 years 1,9*5 74 Gain on General Business 1,156 40 $19,308 20 Less Interest charges for 2T/\ years, including Inter¬ est for Mortgages and Loans 2,212 82 Balance on Net Investment, April 20, '04, as per Statement of "Assets and Liabilities" $*7,095 38 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 29 LIABILITIES. Old Loans, Notes and Interest to Date. 1 Church Extension 610 oo 2 Mathew Estate 200 00 Interest 81 00 3 Mathews, Mrs 271 57 Interest 40 65 5 Campbell Estate 500 00 Interest 112 75 5 Campbell Estate 200 00 Interest 20 00 6 Campbell, Mrs .... 150 00 Interest • 38 25 7 Satfchell, C. W 100 00 Interest 4 50 8 Shaffer C. T 44 22 9 Gould, Theo 96 83 11 Tanner, Bishop 153 00 11 Goppin, Bishop 500 00 74 Giles, W. H 52 00 75 Derrick 300 00 62 Gould, H. D 194 45 Johnson, Eva 112 75 Fisher, E. H 11 5° 40 Leak, Gertie 13 08 73 Chew, Wm 369 00 Xenia 1,000 00 74 Gould, H. D 21 00 Ramsey, Wm 87 97 Anderson, Sol 34 74 Wilberforce University, Int. 3yrs. 1,312 50 Total $6,631 76 30 BOOK CONCERN REPORT Current Promissory Notes. 71 Coppin, Bishop $ 329 67 49 Collett, J. H 709 40 73 Lowndes, Lloyd 100 00 74 Thomas, J. Sewell no 00 75 Osmmun, N. Y 5 00 Steward, T. G 100 00 Handy 200 00 73 Bellows, 4-30 50 00 Bellows, 4-30 15 00 76 Sager, 2-3 26 00 74 Lasher 90 00 Lasher 80 00 Bellows 55 00 75 Yost Typewriter 40 00 Lasher, Geo. F 76 65 Bellows, 7-31 35 00 Lasher, 8-1 80 00 $2,101 72 Accounts Payable. 100 Methodist Book Store $ 79 29 101 Eiler, E. H 5 69 104 Philadelphia Inquirer 9 35 Jones, Fred 10 00 Minton, T. J 10 00 W. Typewriter 4 4° 108 Bellows, C. A 41 93 no Bryant, Wm 61 50 116 Godfrey Co 25 65 Price, Thomas 21 22 118 Katz, H 3 3° 122 Miller, Frank 99 01 Berlin Ink Co . 16 35 129 Bass, H. W 10 10 138 Fuller, H 1 35 139 Philadelphia Engraving Company.. 8 00 140 Keystone 6 61 143 Arnold, James 2 00 143 Beck Engraving 62 95 BOOK CONCERN REPORT 31 144 Knowland 31 20 144 Hultz 90 00 149 Tanner, C. M 29 50 150 Keystone Telephone 13 00 152 Hall & Mack 24 46 153 Philadelphia Engraving 6 20 154 Antiquarian 1 00 156 Bently, D. S 42 20 158 White, S. W 40 00 159 Gaines 213 67 160 Sprague 3 50 161 Elliot & Co 88 91 162 Hoskins 6 10 164 Wanamaker 8 62 164 Winston 2 93 165 Type-Casting 404 12 166 Queen City 18 30 167 Keyser 21 45 168 Moorehouse 165 00 169 American Type Foundry 32 32 The Franklin 63 91 Coppin, Bishop L. J 59 65 $1,844 74 The Book Concern