MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES AMONG THE Women of the Pittsburg Conference Branch —ii— CONTRIBUTED BY MRS. ISABELLE TANNER TEMPLE MRS. ELLA H. BROOKS MRS. L. V. JONES MRS. M. L. C. NORRIS DEDICATED TO THE SPECIAL EFFORT DEPARTMENT OF THE W. M. M. SOCIETY OF THE PITTSBURG CONFERENCE MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES AIVIUINU 1 HL Women of the Pittsburg Conference Branch CONTRIBUTED BY MRS. IS/^ELLE TANNER TEMPLE MRS. ELLA H. BROOKS MRS. L. V. JONES MRS. M. L. C. NORRIS DEDICATED TO THE SPECIAL EFFORT DEPARTMENT OF THE W. M. M. SOCIETY OF THE PITTSBURG CONFERENCE PREFACE The purpose of this work is to give the members of the Pittsburg Conference Branch some information of the origin and accomplishments of the women composing the Women's Mite Missionary Society during the twenty-two years of its existence and to keep alive the memory of those precious workers who helped to make this Conference Branch a success and who have gone to receive the reward of their labors; those "whose hands drop off, but whose work goes on." HISTORY The history of the Pittsburg Conference Branch dates from the convention of the Third Episcopal District of the Women's Mite Mis¬ sionary Society, comprising the Ohio, North Ohio, and Pittsburg Con¬ ferences. This convention convened at Dayton, Ohio, 1896, at which time the above named conferences were divided into conferencei branches, in compliance with the law of the General Conference in May, 1896. It was, therefore, at the rise of this convention, that the Pittsburg Conference Branch of the W. M. M. Society was launched with the following officers in charge: President, Mrs. Georgia Johnson; 1st Vice President, Mrs. I. N. Ross; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J. W. Batch; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. D. S. Bently; Recording Secretary, Mrs. M. B. Richards; Asst. Secre¬ tary, Mrs. Mary Fields; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Agnes Vactor; Treasurer, Mrs. Lida Loury. Executive Board, Mrs. Ennie Queen, Mrs. Carrie Lucas, Mrs. D. B. Scott, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. Hattie Solomon, Mrs. B. Henderson, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge. Lecturer, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge. CONVENTIONS FIRST CONVENTION The first convention of the Women's Mite Missionary Society of the Pittsburg Conference E'.ranch was held at Williamsport, Pa., the first week m July of the year 1897, Rev. D. F. Caliman, Pastor. This annual meeting brought together a number of interested workers and visitors, among whom were Bishop Lee and wife, Miss Wilmer, of Philadelphia; Miss Charlotte Monye, Presiding Elder W. H. Brown, Rev. C. Asbury, Revs. Gazaway, Jeffries, Sampson and Caliman. Good music, well prepared papers and addresses made the convention interesting and profitable to all. The following is a statement of the work for the year: Number of members, 509; number of societies reporting, 24; number of repre¬ sentatives, 47; amount sent to Conference Treasurer, $252.77; amount sent to General Treasurer, $141.27; amount raised on the quilt, $101.01; amount raised for contingent, $65.56. Total amount, $564.61. Resolutions pledging the members to renewed and more persistent efforts for the cause of missions were unanimously adopted at this convention. The president, Mrs. Georgia Johnson, delivered a very appropriate address, full of timely suggestions, respecting the grand work before us. A very creditable feature of missionary endeavor was reported at this convention by Mrs. J. W. Batch, in the character of two beautiful quilts. In the center of one of these was a handsomely decorated square upon which was inscribed the name of Bishop Daniel A. Payne, the worthy and revered founder of the Women's Mite Mis^ sionary Society of the Third Episcopal District of the A. M. E. Church, July 3rd, 1893, at Columbus, Ohio. It contained also a square in honor of Bishop Arnett and a large list of names of preachers and members of the society. For each name inscribed the sum of ten cents was paid. The other quilt consisted of large beautiful squares upon which was inscribed the names of different secret societies from which a creditable sum was received; also some Sunday Schools were represented in this quilt. The society raised from these quiltsi,$156.00. The following are the names of the officers elected at this con¬ vention: President, Mrs. Violo Caliman; 1st Vice President, Mrs, Miller; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Hattie Solomon; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. Mary Blue; Secretary, Miss Osie Watson; Asst. Secretary, Miss A. Walls; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Agnes Vactor; Treasurer, Mrs. Lida Loury; Lecturer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. SECOND CONVENTION The Second Annual Convention of the Pittsburg Conference Branch of the W. M. M. Society was held July, 1898, at Uniontown, Pa. Greet¬ ings, fraternal and co-operative, were exchanged between our conven¬ tion and the North Ohio Branch, in convention at the same time at Youngstown, Ohio. A resolution was adopted by the convention that 75 per cent of its parent money be appropriated for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a college in South Africa. 3 The following shows the relative strength of the work at the close of the second year: Number of members, 723; number of societies reported, 32; number of representatives, 53. Amount sent to Confer¬ ence Treasurer, $398.87; amount sent to Parent Treasurer, $142.28; amount raised for contingent, $84.69. Total, $626.16. The following is the list of officers elected at this convention for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Violo Caliman; 1st Vice President, Mrs. B. Jeffries; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Gay McGee; 3rd Vice Presi¬ dent, Mrs. Mary Stevenson; Secretary, Mrs. Martha Sampson; Asst. Secretary, Miss Rose Jackson; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Lillian Dock; Treasurer, Mrs. Lida Loury; Lecturer, Mrs. Sadie Bentley. These officers were duly installed by the Rev. D. F. Caliman, Presid¬ ing Elder of that district. THIRD CONVENTION The Third Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pitts¬ burg Conference Branch was held in Wheeling, W. Va., from July 6th to 9th, 1899. Rev. R. H. Bumry, Pastor. The inspiration received at the annual meetings previously mentioned seemed to possess the offi¬ cers and members with every increasing moment, and thus the work at the beginning of the year, started off with a full tide of missionary fervor. A special column in the "District Circular having been pre¬ viously arranged for the Voice of Missions," printed circular letters, having been distributed at different periods of the year, and our worthy Lecturer, Mrs. Sadie Bentley, together with her valiant assistant, Mrs. J. W. Batch, who having been appointed because of the former's dis¬ ability. All these were the principal agents at work. The delegates to the Electoral College to choose representatives to the Parent Conven¬ tion were Mrs. Lida A. Loury, Mrs. Grace P. Offer, Mrs. Violo Caliman, Mrs. Lillian Dorkins and Mrs. R. H. Bumry. Number of members, 876; number of societies reporting, 38; num¬ ber of representatives, 60. Amount sent to District Treasurer, $456.89; amount sent to Parent Treasurer, $244.24; amount raised for con¬ tingent, $82.00. Total from all sources, $913.09. Number of member^ at the time of division, 262; increase in three years, 614. Amount sent to District Treasurer in three years, $1,278.70. Amount set to Parent Treasurer in three years, $528.09. Amount raised for con¬ tingents in three years, $236.15. Grand total, $2,042.94. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Mrs. J. W. Batch; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Lizzie West; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. Lydia Loury; Treasurer, Mrs. Lydia Loury; Secretary, Miss M. Levada Carter; Asst. Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Lillian Dorkins; Lecturer, Mrs. Grace Offer. The blessings and success which have come to us during the last three years shall ever be held most dear as manifest tokens of our Ebenezer "Hitherto the Lord has helped us, Glory!" May the subse¬ quent history of the Pittsburg Conference Branch sparkle with increas¬ ing lustre until its voteries shall be immortalized in the golden regions of eternal day. Yours for the cause, Mrs. Violo Caliman. FOURTH CONVENTION The Fourth Annual Convention of the Pittsburg Conference Branch of the W. M. M. Society was held at Brown Chapel A. M. E. Church, Allegheny, Pa., July 5th to 9th, 1900, Rev. R. H. Morris, Pastor. The 4 various addresses of the president, secretary, treasurer, officers and members showed the work to be steadily increasing both numerically and financially. Special efforts reported at the meeting was the organization of an Auxiliary in every charge and Selfdenial Banks from which $107.41 was realized. This convention was highly honored by the presence of Miss Hallie Q. Brown, of Wilberforce, and Miss Charlotte Monye, a native African, who was being educated by the Missionary Society of the Third Episcopal District. Well prepared papers on the following subjects were read and discussed: "The Missionary as an Expansionist", by Mrs. Emma Davis, East Elizabeth; "Every Christian a Missionary", by Miss Eva Chambers, of Canonsburg; "Missionary Hospitality", Mrs. B. A. Grant; "What Steps Can, we Take to do More Effectual Work in the Auxiliaries", by Mrs. Violo Caliman. The following delegates from the Junior M. M. Societies were present in the persons of Mary Bean, from New Brighton; also Bessie Jackson, Eva Wheeler and Ola Asbury, from Canonsburg; Florence Hopper and Quendola Anderson, from Washington, Pa.; Edna Cook and Alice Brondson, from Brown Chapel, Allegheny, Pa.; Alma Lightfoot, from Wheeling, W. V. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi¬ dent, Mrs. J. W. Batch; 1st Vice President, Mrs. W. H. Brown; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. R. H. Bumry; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. R. H. Morris; Recording Secretary, Miss M. Levada Carter; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Lillian Dorkins; Treasurer, Miss Lida Loury; Lec¬ turers—Pittsburg District, Mrs. Grace Offer; Assistant, Mrs. Mary Smothers; Allegheny District—Mrs. Hattie Soloman; Assistant, Mrs. J. W. Brun; Wheeling District—Mrs. L. V. Jones; Assistant, Mrs. Jenny Davis. Number of societies, 56; amount raised by societies, $524.20; amount raised for missions, $710.22. Grand total, $1,145.57. Number of representatives, 44; number of Junior Societies, 9. Total membership, 1,083. FIFTH CONVENTION The Fifth Annual Convention of the Pittsburg Conference Branch of the W. M. M. Society was held at Washington, Pa., July 11th to 14th, 1901, Rev. W. S. Loury, Pastor. The opening of the convention consisted of the usual appointing of various committees, and reports of societies. At the reception held in the evening the following program was rendered: Welcome address in behalf of the district, Rev. C. A. McGee. Welcome address in behalf of the local societies, Rev. W. S. Loury. Welcome address in behalf of A. C. C. League, Mr. A. Cramer. These splendid addresses were responded to by Rev. J. S. Gazaway. One of the most notable and creditable features of thid convention was the introduction of the first organizer of Junior Mite Missionary Societies in the person of Mrs. Lida Loury. At this time the Washington Junior Society was introduced to the convention and rendered a splendid program. They were highly congratulated by the President, Mrs. J. W. Batch. The evening exercises of the second day's session were saddened by the knowledge that Miss Charlotte Monye was leaving for her native land. Miss Monye made a pathetic farewell address in regard to her stay with us but bright in the antici¬ pation of fulfilling her Heavenly Father's command. She expressed heir sincere thanks to the W. M. M. Society, Pittsburg Conference Branch, for their kindness rendered in educating, instructing and guid¬ ing her for the past eight years. Mrs. Grace Officer responded for the conference branch, followed by the President, Mrs. J. W. Batch, Mrs. 5 Lillian Dorkins and others. By request Miss Nellie Bolden, of Wash¬ ington, Pa., sang a beautiful solo entitled, "In the Dark Sudan", after which Miss Monye sang very sweetly in her native tongue. An offering was lifted amounting to $30,48. An opportunity was given to all present to shake hands while Rev. C. P. H'urrington, of Waynesburg, sang "We Will Shout His Praise in Glory", after which the "Chautauqua Salute" was given Miss Charlotte Monye. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Jennie B. Bumry; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Gay McGee; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. M. O. Bell; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. R. H. Morris; Recording Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. L. Carter; Treasurer, Mrs. Lida Loury; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Rose Catlin; Lecturers—Pittsburg District, Mrs. G. Offer; Allegheny District, Mrs. R. Aldridge; Wheeling District, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Executive Board, Mrs. Violo Caliman, Mrs. Maggie Jenkins, Mrs. Mary E. Jackson. Number of societies reporting, 39. Grand total raised by auxil¬ iaries, $1,206.09. Grand total from all sources, $1,349.20. Many instructive addresses and papers were heard and discussed during the convention, namely, such subjects as "The Use and Abuse of Conventions", by Mrs. Violo Caliman; "What a Missionary is Able to do", by Mrs. Lizzie Jackson, Wheeling; "Does the Missionary of today Express the Mind of Christ", by Mrs. Gay McGee; "Africa's Need of Christianity", Mrs Jenkins. After installation of officers by Bishop Arnett, the convention adjourned to meet in Brownsville. SIXTH CONVENTION The Sixth Annual Convention of the WT. M. M. Society of the Pitts¬ burg Conference Branch was held at Brownsville, Pa., from July 3rd to 6th, 1902, Rev. Carter Wright, Pastor. It was during the convention that a Committee on Constitution and By-Laws for the government of Junior and Senior Missionary Societies was chosen, also that the missionary conventions hold their sessions during the second week in July. The convention was highly honored by the presence of Bishop Arnett. Mrs. J. W. Batch suggested that a special badge or pin for the Pittsburg Conference Branch of the W. M. M. Society be made and worn by the members. The President, Mrs. Jenny Bumry, offered some very good recommendations and advice in her annual address, among thgm being "Our Meetings and What they Should Accomplish", "The Foreign Fields Work", "The Work of Missions" and "The Work of our Conventions." Elections resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Jenny Bumry; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Gay McGee; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. L. V. Jones; 3rd Vice President, M. L. Brown; Recording Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner; Asst. Secretary, Miss Emma Chambers; Corresponding Secretary, Miss M. L. Carter; Treasurer, Miss Lida Loury; Executive Board, Mrs. Dora West, Mrs. Viola Caliman, Miss M. E. Jackson, Mrs. Maggie Jenkins, Mrs. Emma Morris. Number of delegates, 36. Total receipts, $1,313.60. SEVENTH CONVENTION The Seventh Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Bellefonte, Pa., from July 9th to 12th, 1903, Rev. T. J. Askew, Pastor. The reports of the Treas¬ urer, Secretaries and Lecturers and the well prepared addresses of the President and members showed the work of missions to be on the 6 increase. The usual appointing of the various committees and reports of the societies was taken up the first day. The officers, members and delegates were tendered a delightful reception by the local society, given at the Brush Arcade. Cordial invitations were extended by the pastors and congregations of Bellefonte to use their churches at specified periods. The following churches were used for special meet¬ ings: Methodist, Baptist and United Brethren. Well prepared papers on the following subjects were read and discussed: "How to Increase an Interest Among the General Membership of our Local Churches in the W. M. M. Work", by Mrs. Blanche Gilmore, Homestead; "Mission¬ ary Force Through the Pulpit", by Mrs. W. B. Anderson; "What the A. M. E. Church is Doing for Africa, Compared with Other Churches", by Mrs, Virginia Sluby. The Children's Hour was conducted by Miss Florence Jackson and Mrs. Katherine Green, of Bellefonte. Brief talks! to the children by Miss Libbie Skinner, Miss Sadie Jackson, Mrs. Batch, Mrs. Offer and Mrs. Streets. Instruction to the Lecturers was given by the President. The sum of $50.00 was appropriated to the Payne Theological Seminary. Mrs. Violo Caliman was elected delegate to represent the Pittsburg Conference Branch at the District Quadrennial Meeting to be held in Newark. The President, Mrs. Jenny Bumry, in jher address to the convention, made special mention of the need and encouragement to the Junior Societies and that every church should have a young people's organization. In well chosen words Mrs. Lillian Dorkins, of Allegheny, responded to the President's address. After the installation of officers by Bishop Arnett, the convention adjourned to meet in Canonsburg. During Bishop Arnett's administration the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch raised $5,176.94. Amount of money received during the year, $1,423.86. Number of rep¬ resentatives being 37, and number of Junior Societies, 9. The officers are: President, Mrs. Jenny Bumry; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Grace Offer; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Elizabeth Cross; re¬ cording Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Anna Douney; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. Levada Carter; Treasurer, Lida Loury. Lecturers—Pittsburg District, Mrs. J. W. Batch; Allegheny District, Mrs. Aldridge; Wheeling District, Mrs. Caliman. Executive Board,—Mrs. Georgianna Johnson, Mrs. Emma L. Morris, Mrs. Blanche Gilmore, Mrs. T. J. Askew, and Mrs. Lillian Dorkins. EIGHTH CONVENTION The Eighth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Payne Chapel A. M. E. Church, Canonsburg, Pa., July 21st to 25th, 1904, Rev. J. W. Jeffries, Pastor. The President, Mrs. Jenny Bumry, called the following cabinet to the rostrum: Mrs. Grace Offer, Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Miss Libbie Skinner, Mrs. Anna Douney, Miss M. Levada Carter, Mrs. Lida Loury, Mrs. J. W. Batch, Mrs. Aldridge, Mrs. Caliman, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs, Askew, Mrs. Dorkins and Mrs. Emma Morris. Bishop W. B. Derrick was present and gave encouraging and instructive advice. Dr. Carl M. Tanner was introduced and gave very interesting talks on his visit to South Africa, and a paper entitled, "The Witness", edited by himself. The W. M. M. Society wasl given a page of the paper for their special work to be printed. Rev. W. S. Loury, P. E. of the Allegheny District, presented for inspection a beautiful souvenir (a leaf) from a tree found in Cape Town, South Frica, and brought to America by Dr. C. M. Tanner. Mrs, Rosa Johnson, fraternal delegate from the North Ohio Branch, was introduced by Bishop Derrick. The Bishop, officers and 7 members repaired to Payne Hall where they were delightfully banquet- ted by the Canonsburg Society. Among the many and able addresses) and papers read, were "Little Things, Great Things", by Miss Grace Joiner, Washington, Pa.; "Co-operation of Pastor and People", by Mrs. Harriet Leiei, Pittsburg; "The Influence of Women", by Mrs. G. S. Sampson; "Why Should Women Work for Missions", Miss Blanche Tillman; "The Women's W. M. M. Society Conventions, Its Defects and Remedies", by Misa Libbie Skinner, Washington. The convention waai in every way a success and the true spirit of missions predoninated. The union work was succeeding slowly but surely. The financial suc¬ cess showed that the societies1 were working in harmony. Number of representatives being 38. Grand total receipts, $983.46. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Bumry; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. M. B. Bell; Recording Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Anna Douney; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. L. Carter; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Executive Board—Mrs. Ida Johnson, Mrs. B. Jonas, Mrs. Mahala Sampson, Mrs. Harriet Lee and Mrs. Emma Morris. NINTH CONVENTION The Ninth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Clarksburg, W. Va., with thirty-eight delegates present and the following officers: Mrs. Bumry, Mrs. Aldridge, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Douney, Mrs. Levada Carter, Mrs. Adelia Murray, Mrs. Dorkins and Mrs. Violo Caliman. By the hand of death the Recording Secretary, Miss Libbie Skinner, was not permitted to fill her place, but had gone to the Great Beyond to receive the reward of the faithful. Mrs, Rebecca Aldridge read resolutions on the death of Miss Libbie Skinner and a chair was draped in her honor. The Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch, was unable to be present because of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Addie Little. Mrs. Lillian Dorkins, Lecturer of the Pittsburg District, was also absent and because of ill health resigned her position and Mrs. Hattie Lee, of the Executive Board, had been transferred to the Baltimore Conference. A reception was tendered the officers and delegates. The Pastor, Rev. George C. Sampson, and others, in glowing words welcomed the convention, and in well chosen wordsi Mrs. Adelia Murray responded. Interesting papers read at this convention were "How to Remedy the Indifference of the Missionary Society", Mrs. Sadie Morton; "Women's Work as a Divine Gift", by Mrs. Katherine Green, Bellefonte; "What are Some of the Hindrances to Missionary Work", by Mrs. P. A. Scott, of Allegheny; "Every Christian a Missionary", by Miss Grace Joiner; "The Station Plan of Missions", by Mrs. Gay McGee; "Mission Work in Our Church an Index of the Christ Life", Mrs Adda Little. Total receipts, $954.06. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Violo Cali¬ man; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge; 2nd Vice President, ; Recording Secretary, Miss Willa Lee; Corresponding Secre¬ tary, Miss Levada Carter; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Lecturers— Washington District, Mrs. M. C. Bell; Pittsburgh District, Mrs. Anna Douney; Wheeling District, Mrs. Zora Johns. Executive Board, Mrs. Jenny Bumry, Mrs. Hattie Solomon, Mrs. Mahala Sampson. TENTH CONVENTION The Tenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pitts¬ burg Conference' Branch was held July 19th to 23rd, 1906, in the St. 8 Paul A. M. E. Church, South Side, Pittsburg, Pa., Rev. C. J. Powell, Pastor. One of the sad features noted in the address of the President, Mrs. Violo Caliman, was the announcement of the death of Sisiters Jenny Bumry, Zora Johns and Georgianna Johnson. One of the myster¬ ies connected with the deaths of Sisters Bumry and Johns was this: A few daysi after the death of Sister Bumry, Rev. Carter Wright, P. E., related the following: Mrs. Bumry and Mrs. Johns were converse ing at Mrs. Bumry's home, Mrs. Johns said, "Well, Sister Libbie Skinner has gone from us, I wonder who will be next." Mrs. Bumry, pointing to herself, replied, "Me or you?" When P. E. Wright was relating this at Washington, Pa., to Mrs. Ella Brooks, Sister Johns was seemingly in perfect health, but a week later the news of the sudden death of Sister Zora Johns came. The Presiding Elder of the district, Rev. W. H. Brown, welcomed the convention in behalf of the district and a very pleasing address of welcome was delivered by Rev. C. J. Powell, Pastor of the Church. Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge responded to these addresses in a most pleasing manner. The convention then settled down to business and during the remaining sessions much work was1 accomplished. The Treasurer's report gave a grand total of receipts of $1,154.41. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Violo Cali¬ man; Vice President, Mrs. Cora Powell; Recording Secretary, Missi YVilla Lee; Corresponding Secretary, Alice Williams; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Executive Board, Mrs. Lou Catlin, Mrs. J. W. Jeffries and Mrs. L. E. Scott. The Lecturers elected were Mrs. Mrs. Hattie Smith, Mrs. Cornelia Scott, Mrs. M. Ophelia Bell and Mrs. Mary Dyer. ELEVENTH CONVENTION The Eleventh Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Scranton, Pa., July 18th to 22nd, 1907. It was at this meeting that the sad news of the death of Bishop W. B. Derrick's beloved wife and esteemed President of the Parent Mite Missionary Society, was hear. A committee composed of Mrs. Grace Offer, Mrs. Mary E. Stevenson, Mrs. Mary E. Dyer and Mrs. Ophelia Bell, presented a resolution that a chair be draped in memory of Mrs. W. B. Derrick, whose life among us of the Pittsburg Conference proved an example worthy of emulation and a blessing while with us. Rev. Rawer, a native missionary of New Zealand, gave the convention some very interesting missionary remarks on the work of missions in his homeland. Mrs. Isabella Tanner Temple, 2nd Vice President of the Parent Missionary Society, was introduced and invited to the rostrum. The Lecturers, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge, Mrs. M. C. Bell and Mrs. Hattie Smith, all reported the work to be on the increase and several new Junior Societies being organized. Among the many subjects read and discussed were, "The Necessity of Training our Children for Mission¬ ary Work", by Mrs. Virginia Allen; "The Duty of Officers", Mrs. Mar¬ guerite Ferguson; "The Women's Missionary Society as a Real Factor Relative to the Work of Missions"; To What Extent Does Missionary Work Embrace that of Temperance", by Mrs. Anna Wheeler, Washing¬ ton, Pa. The following officers were elected for the year: President, Mrs. Offer; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Fern Hurrington; Recording Secretary, Miss Willa Lee; Corresponding Secretary, Anna Wheeler; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Executive Board, Mrs. Cora Taylor, Mrs. Levada Carter Norris, Mrs. Margueret Ferguson. Lecturers, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge and Mrs. M. C. Bell. 9 Rev. West, Presiding Elder of Wheeling District, suggested that it be divided into sub-districts as follows: Clarksburg District, Mrs. Grace Grayson; Ohio River District, Mrs. Lynch; Plat Top District, Mrs. Minnie Huff. TWELFTH CONVENTION The Twelfth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at New Castle, Pa., July 2nd to 6th, 1908. The President, Mrs. Grace Offer, gave some very good recommendations and advice to the convention. Mrs. Annie L. Mose- bay, a noted Christian young woman, told how she was going- to spend her life asi a missionary to Africa and, hoped to sail in January. Mrs. Cora B. Taylor, sang "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." The well prepared addresses and papers showed that the missionary movement was not dead. Total receipts $674.71. President, Mrs. Grace Offer; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Fern Hur- rington; Recording Secretary, Mrs. M. L. Carter Norris.; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Willa Lee; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. Superinten¬ dents—Pittsburg District, Mrs. Cora B. Taylor; Allegheny District, Mrs. L. V. Jones; Washington District, Mrs. M. C. Bell; Wheeling District, Mrs. Minnie Samuels; Temperance District, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple. THIRTEENTH CONVENTION The Thirteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Brown Chapel A. M. E. Church from July 14th to 19th, Rev. C. M. Tanner, Pastor. The Presi¬ dent, Mrs. Grace Offer, called the officers to their respective places. The appointing of various committees and reports of the superinten¬ dents were heard during the first day's session. A pleasing reception was tendered the convention in the evening. The President's address was full of advice and encouragement. The Temperance Superin¬ tendent, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple, conducted a splendid meeting and a very spirited discussion of temperance was engaged in by Mrs. R. H. Morris, Mrs. Adelia Murray and Mrs. Fanny Nevels. The Juniors gave the convention a splendid showing of their missionary work. Prof. Nelson Arter directed the singing. The President, Mrs. Offer, was presented a medal in the name of the Pittsburg Conference Branch, for her 35 years of actual service. The President, deeply affected by this token of appreciation, accepted the gift with sincere thanks. Mrs. J. W. Batch, a faithful worker, and Treasurer of the Society, was pre¬ sented with a medal in behalf of the Pittsburg Conference Branch. Mrs. Batch's favorite motto being, "Distribute your flowers while life lasts." She thanked the convention in her own sweet way. Miss Willa Lee, the retiring Secretary, was presented with a handsome bracelet, for her active Christian service to the convention. A committee was appointed to secure a banner for the Junior Societies. Mrs. Gay McGee stated that the Canonsburg Missionary Society would furnish whatever was needed for the banner. The President then appointed the following persons to see about the purchase of the banner: Mrs. Gay McGee. Mrs. Sluby, Mrs. Praul, Mrs. M. E. Wheeler and Mrs. Lou Catlin. Total amount raised by the Pittsburg Conference Branch, $535.80. President, Mrs. Grace Offer; Vice President, Mrs. Fern Hurrington; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jefferson; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. Levada Norris; Treasurer, Mrs. Gay McGee. Executive Board— 10' Mrs. Aldridge, Mrs. Virginia Sluby, Mrs. J. W. Batch. S'upt. of Pittsburg District, Mrs. C. T. Boykin; Supt. of Allegheny District, M. 0. Bell; Supt. of Washington District, L. V. Jones; Supt. of Temperance, Mrs. I. T. Temple. FOURTEENTH CONVENTION The Fourteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Uniontown, Pa., from July 7th to 11th, 1910, Rev. R. H. Morris, Pastor. One of the sad features of this convention was the death of Mrs. Mary A. Campbell, founder of the Parent Missionary Society. Mrs. Isabelle Temple read a communica¬ tion of the Trumpeter from the Treasurer of the Parent body, Mrs. S. Tanner, an appeal from the Sarah Gorham Mission; also from Retv. Seally. A committee composed of Mrs. Praul, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. M. O. Bell, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Adelia Murray, Mrs. L. V. Jones and Mrs. S. E. Brooks, presented resolutions on the death of Mrs. Mary A. Campbell. Bishop Heard was introduced and given the Tawa-warwa Salute. His message from Africa was greatly appreciated and a col¬ lection of $5.07 was lifted. A motion prevailed that Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge, who had to leave, should present greetings to the National Confederation of Women's Clubs from this convention. During the Temperance Symposium, Mrs. J. S. Plater recited an original poem entitled "Temperance". Among the many addresses and papers heard were such subjects as, "What the Missionary Spirit Does for the Preachers", by Eva Williams; "Women's Devotion to the King's Bus¬ iness", Mrs. Ella H. Brooks. The Junior Society, of Uniontown, had a well prepared program and received many compliments. The report of the committee on Sarah Gorham Mission was as follows: "That we endeavor to uplift the A. M. E. Church above criticism and ridicule by the Mohammedan and other denominations. That each local society make a special effort to raise two dollars or more to aid the Sarah Gorham Mission. The same to be paid to the Home Treasurer on or before September 15th, 1910, and the Treasurer forward it to the Parent Treasurer." Total receipts, $708.57. Election resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple; Vice President, Mrs. Fern Hurrington; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Jose¬ phine Gatewood; Recording Secretary, Izetta Jefferson; Corresponding Secretary, M. L. C. Norris; Treasurer, Mrs. Gay McGee; Superin¬ tendents, Mrs. L. V. Jones, Mrs. Mary Blue, Mrs. Adelia Murray. FIFTEENTH CONVENTION The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at St. James A. M. E. Church, E. E. Pittsburg, July 13th to 16th, 1911. The President, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple, called the officers to the rostrum where they were seated ~-iri their respective places. The usual appointing of committees, and hearing the Superintendents was heard the first day. The President delivered a fine address and among the recommendations considered were, "That the Baby Roll be Known as the Grace P. Offer Sheltering Arms". "That Mary A. Campbell Day be observed by Societies of this Conference Branch on Jan. 10." Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris read a well prepared paper on, "The Origin and History of the Pittsburg Con¬ ference Branch of the W. M. M. Society". The devotional service was conducted by Mrs. Gatewood and Mrs. Dyke. A paper, entitled "The Need of Junior Missionary Society and What it Can do for the Cause 11 of Missions", was read by Miss Eva Brooks, Washington, Pa. Welcome addresses were made by the following persons: Rev. C. J. Powell, Mr. Robert Wheeler, Mrs. Love and others. Mrs. Adelia Murray responded nobly to these addresses. The Secretary then read the following let¬ ters: Mrs. Handy, thanking us for the help to the Sarah Gorham Mis¬ sion; a letter from Rev. H. M. Steady, of Freetown, thanking us for $33.40 for rebuilding the Sarah Gorham Mission; also a letter from Mrs. Sarah E. Tanner, Treasurer of the Parent body. Paper, "The Relation of the Negro Women to Missions", was read by Miss Mabel J. Webster, Charleroi, and a motion prevailed that the paper be adopted, and placed on the minutes. Mrs. Mary B. Jones, Monongahela,, read a paper on, "Our Mission Work in Africa". A motion that each Society subscribe for the Trumpeter and Missionary Recorder. The committee on awarding the banner for the Juniors announced two Societies in the contest, Washington, Pa., $16.00, and Canonsburg, $19.00. Canons- burg received the banner. Mrs. R. H. Morris made the presentation speech and Mrs. M. E. Wheeler responded in behalf of the Junior So¬ ciety. Mrs. Lou Saunders: presented the Juniors of Euclid Avenue to the convention, after which a fine program was rendered. A committee composed of Grace P. Offer, Mrs. J. W. Batch, and Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, to visit and carry a letter of sympathy to Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Loury as Mrs. Lida Loury's condition was critical. The missionary sermon was preached by Rev. W. H. H. Butler, P. E., of the Pittsburg District, which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Emma J. Moore and Miss Eva Brooks addressed the Sunday School. The Temperance Symposium was con¬ ducted by Mrs. Offer, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. J. W. Batch, Mrs. Robison. The memorial service was conducted by Mrs. Emma J. Moore. Total amount of money raised for missions, $1,008.95. The delegates elected for the quadrennial convention of the Parent body that convened in Chicago, were Mrs. J. W. Batch; alternate, Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris. The officers elected for the year were: President, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Mary Stevenson; 2nd Vice President, Mrs, Lou Saunders; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jefferson, Corre¬ sponding Secretary, Mrs. M. L. C. Norris; Treasurer; Mrs. Gay McGee; Superintendent, Mrs. L. V. Jones, Mrs. Adela Murray and Mrs. Mary Stevens. Total receipts, $1,008.95. SIXTEENTH CONVENTION The Sixteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held in Washington, Pa., from July 18th to 21st, 1912, Rev. W. H. H. Butler, Pastor. Delegates' Prayer Meeting was conducted by Mrs. Adelia Murray and Mrs. Emma J. Moore. Mrs. Mary F. Handy, wife of the late Bishop Handy, was intro¬ duced to the convention and gave some very encouraging remarks. Mrs. Handy is President of the Parent Body Women's Missionary So¬ ciety. The first day was taken up hearing reports and appointing com¬ mittees. Mrs. Linnie Guy was the fraternal delegate to our meeting, bringing greetings from the North Ohio Branch. Mrs. Jenny Davis, fraternal delegate from the West Virginia Conference Branch, was introduced and made some very beautiful remarks to the convention. The report of the Junor Societies resulted in the Washington Juniors receiving the banner, having raised $40,85 and Canonsburg $10.58. Miss Eva Brooks, Junior Superintendent of the Washington Society, responded to the kind words of encouragement given by the women of the convention. In the evening a splendid program was rendered. Welcome addresses were made by P. E. R. H. Bumry, Rev. W. H. H. 12 Butler, Mrs. Josephine Asbury, Miss Eva Brooks, Mrs. Linnie Guy, for the North Ohio Branch, and Mrs. Jenny Davis, for the West Virginia Branch. The response to the welcome addresses was made by Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge. An elaborate reception was tendered the officers and delegates by the members of the St. Paul A. M. E. Church Mis¬ sionary Society, Mrs. Ella H. Brooks, President. A picture was taken of the convention by Mr. N. T. Bush. Mrs. Grace P. Offer and Mrs. A. J. Batch were made Honorary Members of the Convention and execu¬ tive Board with all privileges allowed. The women were charter members. A motion prevailed that we furnish a room in the National Preachers' Home in Denver, Colorado, and pay the sum of $15.00 down, which was adopted. Junior Hour was conducted by Superintendent Miss Eva Brooks. Recitations and songs were given by Thelma Birch, Wylie Avenue Junior; Katherine Hayden, Marie Lyons, Sarah Brooks and others. Words of commendation by Mrs. J. W. Batch, Mrs. Handy and Mrs. Temple. The presence and words of instruction and advice from Mrs. Handy was a benefit, to the convention. The convention stood with bowed heads during the Memorial Service, when the name of Mrs. Lydia. A. Loury was numbered with many others who had crossed the shore. She was a faithful worker and a charter member of the W. M. M. Society. Total receipts for the year, $659.40. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Gay McGee; 1st Vice President, Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Eva Williams; Recording Secretary, Miss Izetta Jefferson; Cor¬ responding Secretary, Mrs. E. Pryor; Treasurer, Mrs. E. H. Brooks; Executive Board, Mrs. Julia Johnson, Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, Mrs. M. Ophelia Bell; Superintendent, Mrs. L. V. Jones; Junior Superintendent, Miss Eva Brooks. Honorary Members, Mrs. Grace P. Offer, Mrs. J. W. Batch . SEVENTEENTH CONVENTION The Seventeenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Monogahela, July 18th to 20th, 1913, Rev. Williams, Pastor. The President, Mrs. Gay McGee, called the officers to their respective places on the platform. Reports and committees were heard. Greetings were read from Mrs. Beckett, Secretary of the Parent body, containing the following information: $7,615.00 sent annually to foreign fields; $4,882 raised for missions since the meeting in Chicago; financial help sent to the flood sufferers; Bishop Johnson travels 1,600 miles to get over his district. Missi Willa Lee, President of the West Virginia Conference Branch; Mrs. Emily Kineh, returned Missionary from Africa, were introduced and seated on the rostrum. Mrs. Offer, fraternal delegate to the N. B. Convention, made report of the prosperous condition of that branch. The reports of the superintendents showed the work to be increasing. Miss Eva Brooks, First Junior Superintendent of the Pittsburg Conference Branch, made a good report for the Junior Societies. Among the many good things in the President's address were following recommenda¬ tions: 1st—That each society take up a mission sturdy course. 2nd— That we adopt some plan to increase interest in the Contingent Fund treasury of Mary A. Campbell Day. 3rd—That we. subscribe to the Voice of Missions and Women's Missionary Recorder. 4th—That our Superintendents offer special inducements to stimulate the reading of suitable missionary literature, such as "The Price of x^frica", by S. Earle Taylor; "Daybreak in the Dark Continent", by Naylor; "In Pigmy Land", by Fisher. That we have a home l'or aged and indigent mem- 13 bers and ministers, to be established by the missionary women of the Third Episcopal District. Rev. Williams, Pastor of the Church, invited the convention to visit the foundry of Mr. Simmons, a young colored man who cast the liberty bell for the Emancipation Exposition to be held in Philadelphia. A splendid Junior Hour was conducted by Junior Superintendent Miss Eva Brooks. The convention was highly honored by the presence and missionary talk by Mrs. Emily Kinch, returned missionary from Africa. Many well written papers were heard, among them "How to Maintain and Increase a Missionary Interest When Once Aroused'', by Miss Emma Overton; "Should our Church Have Medical Missonaries in Africa?" Why Should a Missionary be Thor¬ oughly Educated?" "How Organize and Maintain a Missionary Society at a Mission Point". Total receipts, $1,058.39, as follows: Treasurer's Report—Receipts, Auxiliaries,, $708.29; Annual Confer¬ ence, $24.26; for Rev. Steady, $25.00; Contingent, $43.00; Cradleroll, $2.40; Minutes, $25.10; Dues, $34.00; Public collections. $21.01; Bal¬ ance from last year, $175.33; Grand total receipts, $1,058.39. Disburse¬ ments, $793.09. Balance, $265.30. President, Mrs. Gay McGee; 1st Vice President, Mrs. M. Levada C. Norris; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Eva Williams; Corresponding Sec¬ retary, Mrs. Mary B. Jones; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jefferson; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella H. Brooks; Junior Treasurer, Miss Catherine Bowman; Superintendent, Mrs. M. Ophelia Bell; Junior Superintendent, Miss Eva Brooks; Executive Board, Mrs. Margaret E. Wheeler, Rebecca Aldridge, Mary F. Addison, Grace Offer and Alice J. Batch. EIGHTEENTH CONVENTION The Eighteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Oil City, July 2nd to 5th, 1914, Rev. H. G. Payne, Pastor. The convention opened with a dele¬ gates' prayer meeting, led by Mrs. Mary F. Addison, Chaplain; Mrs. M. E. Wheeler and Mrs. J. W. Batch. The first day's session was opened by singing, "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go", after which all re¬ sponded with a verse of scripture. Reports of Superintendents, and appointing of committees and minutes of the Executive Board were heard. The report of Madam Ophelia Bell, Superintendent of the Senior Societies, gave a grand account of her year's work, visited 34 societies and organized two. The sad feature in her report was the parting word to the members as with this report she retires from mission work among us and leaves for New Haven, her former home. The President's address was received with applause and referred to a committee. Suggestion by Mrs. Adelia Murray that we have a fancy work table at the conventions and the money be used for Contingent Fund, which was adopted. An elaborate reception was tendered the officers and members of the convention. Mr. L. O. Brown, of Franklin, Pa., brought greetings from the Venango County Sunday School Asso¬ ciation. He held the audience spell bound thirty minutes with a chalk talk. Rev. Dr. J. W. Rankin, Secretary of Missions, was introduced and gave a very interesting account of his recent trip to Africa. Miss Helen Lauson, of Franklin, rendered a beautiful piano selection and Madam Bell had a reading entitled "The Master's Flower Garden". Among the many well written papers were, "How to Maintain and Increase a Mis¬ sionary Interest When Once Aroused", by Miss Emma Overton; "What Can the Missionary Society do to Offset the Influence of the Saloon", by Mrs. Mary Martin, Washington. The reporters for the various pa¬ pers were Miss Eva Brooks, for the Oil City papers; Mrs. Levada C. 14 Norris, for the Missionary Recorder and Voice of Missions; Mrs. E. H. Brooks, for the Pittsburg Courier. Mrs. Grace Offer was compelled to leave for her home in Pittsburg because of the illness of little Thelma Burch. During the convention Mayor J. B. Higgins welcomed the ladies to the city. The Juniors of this church rendered good service with Miss Valeria Johnson at the organ. Grand total or receipts, $1,056.38. The officers elected for the following year are: President, Mrs. Gay McGee; Vice President, Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Eva Williams; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jeffer¬ son; Corresponding Secretary, Mary B. Jones; Superintendents, Mrs. Mary Blue, Mrs. Adelia Murray, Mrs. Cornelia Praul; Junior Superin¬ tendent, Miss Eva Brooks; Junior Treasurer, Mrs. Katherine Bowman Thompson; Executive Board. Mrs. Margaret Wheeler, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge, Mrs. Mary F. Addison, Mrs. Grace P. Offer, Mrs. Alice J. Batch. Treasurer's report as follows: Receipts—Auxiliaries, $587.65; An¬ nual Conference, $16.50; District Conference, $3.56; Executive meeting, $6.47; Balance from Annual Conference, $6.92; Junior Societies, $60.05; Contingent, $32.20; Dues, $29.00; Collections, $18.68; Minutes, $21.10; Contributions, $3.65; Babyroll, $1.40; Balance from last year, $265.30; Grand Total receipts, $1,056.38. Disbursements, $859.65. Balance!, $196.73. NINETEENTH CONVENTION The Nineteenth Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held at Canonsburg, Pa., July 8th to 11th, 1915, Rev. R. H. Morris, Pastor. Devotional services were con¬ ducted throughout the convention by Chaplain Mrs. Mary P. Addison and assistants. Mrs. W. H. Thomas presided at the piano. Reports of the Superintendents showed the work as a whole to be in a prosper¬ ous condition. Mrs. Emily Kinch, of Philadelphia; Rev. I. E. Steady, a native of West Africa, were introduced and seated upon the rostrum. The President's address was received with great applause and referred to a committee. Some of the recommendations were, In naming your societies call them for our own women who have been pioneers in the work; that our local societies elect officers at the last business meeting before the convention as this would help the Corresponding Secretary; that we endeavor to have a working Junior or Young Ladies' Society in each church; that our watchword be efficiency. The reporters for the convention were: Mrs. Ella Brooks, for the Pittsburg Courier; Mrs. W. H. Thomas, for the Recorder; Mrs. M. L. C. Norris, for the Voice of Missions; Mrs. Bertha Goodly, for the daily papers of Canonsburg. An elaborate reception was tendered the officers and members and dele¬ gates of the convention by the local society, of which Mrs. Mary M. Jones, is their efficient President. Rev. I. E. Steady brought greetings from our Father Land, West Africa, being one of the products of Mrs. Amanda Smith and Mrs. Sarah Gorham. Mrs. Emily Kinch, returned Missionary from Africa, gave a splendid address on the needed work to be done in Africa. The hymn "Do Something for Somebody Every Day", was sung by the convention choir. The members of the conven¬ tion visited the log cabin, the historical spot of Jefferson College. Addresses were made by Rev. Brown, grandson of ex-President of Jefferson College. Rev. P. A. Scott, Rev. W. S. Laury and Mrs. Adelia Murray. The Junior Hour was conducted by Miss Eva Brooks and Mrs. Margaret Clark. Rev. I. E. Steady sung a song for the Juniors in African language, and Mrs. Kinch gave a short talk. Rev. C. A. McGee, 15 husband of the President, gave a chalk talk on "Missions." Main things to do were prayer—study—give—work—go. Mrs. Corinthia Dickerson rendered a beautiful solo. The temperance symposium was conducted by Mrs. Emma J. Moore and Mrs. R. H. Morris. Address by Mrs. Dorsey, of the W. C. T. Union of Canonsburg (white). Temperance song, "Pensnylvania Shall be Free", was sung very sweetly. Mrs. Cant- well rendered a beautiful solo, "Jesus Lover of My Soul", (whistle). Bishop C. T. Shatter was introduced and gave a short address to the convention. Some of the papers read and discussed were, "How the Women Should Work for Missions", by Mrs. Nellie Lucas, of Franklin; "What are the Fundamental Needs of the Women's Mite Missionary Society", by Mrs. Mary Dyke; "What Has Our Women Done for Mis¬ sions in the Last Fifty Years", by Mrs. Cora. B. Henry. The Missionary sermon was preached by Bishop C. T. Shaffer, Mark 16:15. It was full of food for the soul and full of historic facts. The Young Ladies' Hour was conducted by Mrs. R. H. Morris, after which the Memorial Service was conducted by Mrs. L. V. Jones, Mrs. J. W. Batch, Mrs. Delia Thompson, Mrs. T. E. Wilson and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. The silent roll was called and the convention stood and sang, "Shall We Meet Beyond the River"? The grand total receipts for the year was $1,057.59. Treasurer's Report—Receipt, Auxiliaries, $602.18; Junior Societies, $96.16; Dues, $38.75; Contingent, $40.25; Collections, $21.37; Minutes, $17.30; Special effort Treas., $28.25; Annual Conference, $12.60; District Conference, $4.00; Balance from last year, $196.73; Grand total receipt, $1,057. 59. Disbursements, $892.94. Balance, $164.65. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Gay McGee; Vice President, Mrs. Eva Williams; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J. S. Plater; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jefferson; Corresponding Sec¬ retary, Mrs. B. Jones; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella H. Brooks; Junior Treas¬ urer, Mrs. Catherine B. Thompson; Superintendents, Mrs. Mary Blue, Mrs. Adelia Murray, Mrs. Cornelia Prawl; Junior Superintendent, Miss Eva Brooks; Executive Board, Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, Mrs. L. V. Jones, Mrs. Rebecca Aldridge, Mrs. Grace P. Offer, Mrs. J. W. Batch. TWENTIETH CONVENTION The Twentieth Annual Convention was held in Brown Chapel, N. S. Pittsburg, Pa., July 6th to 9th, 1916, Rev. C. J. Powell, Pastor. The meeting was called to order by President Mrs. Gay McGee, and the officers were seated upon the rostrum. The minutes of the Executive Board were read and approved. Appointing of committees and hearing the Superintendents' reports was taken up the first morning. Rev. T. J. Askew made a most impressive address on the subject, "Women a Factor in the World's Redemption". Mrs. Tenie Robison, of Union- town, rendered a beautiful solo. Communication was received from the West Virgina Branch thanking this branch for the receipt of $15.00 and wishing the convention a happy session. A letter was sent to the Columbia Hospital, Wilkinsburg, for Mrs. Mollie Fletcher, who was very ill. Welcome addresses were made by P. E. Rev. N. D. Temple, Rev. C. A. McGee, Rev. C. J. Powel, Mrs. Adelia Murray, Miss Hazel Lee, Florence Arter and others. The response was made by Mrs. L. V. Jones. Miss Irene Morris rendered a pleasing solo, after which a well prepared reception was tendered the officers and members of of the convention. A communication from Bishop Shaffer expressing his regrets as to his inability to be present at the convention. The Junior Societies raised $120.73, an increase from the preceding years. 16 Mrs. Mary B. Jones read an interesting paper, "Can One be a Christian Without Being a Missionary"? Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris gave an excellent report of her stay while attending the Sixth Quadrennial Con¬ vention, which was held in Detroit, Mich., followed by a report from Mrs. R. H. Morris, second delegate to the convention. Mrs. M. L. C. Norris reported the business part and Mrs. R. H. Morris the social side. Solo, Mrs Madeline Brown. Rev. W. H. H. Butler, P. B. of Washington District, delivered an address, in which he gave great credit to the women of the Church for their vital and effiective1 work in connection with world wide missions. Mrs. Grace P. Offer read reminiscences of the Pittsburg Conference Branch, and a vote of thanks was given her for the information imparted. Mrs. Katherine Green read a, paper on "Woman's Work in the Missionary", followed by a paper, "Missionary Work an Open Door of Opportunity for the Women of the Church' . The Sorosis Society composed of young ladies of St. James Church E. E., having raised $44.23 for Missions wasi awarded the Intermediate Banner. Mrs. Saunders made the presentation speech and Mrs. R. Ii. Morris responded. Miss Elizabeth Jones, of the Pittsburg Dispatch force, and Mrs. Laura Brown were introduced and addressed the con¬ vention interestingly. On motion the Junior S'ociety of West Newton was named the Eva Brooksi Society. The Missionary sermon was preached by Rev. N. D. Temple, text Jonah 3:2. Mrs. Sadie J. Ander¬ son of the North Ohio Conference Branch was introduced and delivered an inspiring message on "A Living Torch, or the Light that Never Faileth". The Memorial services were conducted by Mrs. Dessie Grooms, Mrs. Truss, Mrs. Matilda Robison and Mrs. J. S. Polley. The convention stood with bowed heads, while Mrs. Bessie Powell called the names of the silent roll. Hymn, "Shall we Meet Beyond the River," was sung. Total receipts for the year, $976.63. Grand total, $1,142.38. Treasurer's Report—Receipts, Auxiliaries, $653.17; Junior Societies, $120.73; Annual Conference, $18.83; Allegheny District, $3.00; Minutes, $18.80; Special effort, $51.13; Dues and Contingent, $110.97; Balance reported, $164.65. Grand total receipts, $1,143.38. Disbursements, $812.80. Balance, $330.58. The following officers were elected for the year: President, Mrs. Gay McGee; Vice President, Mrs. Eva Williams; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. L. V. Jones; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Izetta Jefferson; Correy sponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary B. Jones; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella Brooks; Junior Treasurer, Mrs. Katherine Thompson; Superintendents, Mrs. J. S. Plater, Mrs. E. J. Moore, Mrs. Emma Morris; Junior Superinten¬ dent, Miss Eva Brooks. TWENTY-FIRST CONVENTION The Twenty-first Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held in Franklin, Pa., July 5th to 8th, 1917, Rev. H. H. Summers, Pastor. The usual appointment of com¬ mittees and hearing the Superintendent's report was taken up the first morning. The announcement was made of the death of the Cor¬ responding Secretary, Mrs .Mary B. Jones, which occurred at her home in Monongahela, Tuesday, July 3rd, 1917. Miss Mabel Webster was elected Corresponding Secretary pro tem. A birthday souvenir con¬ sisting of a poem set to music and the names of all the Presidents, and a picture of the President, Mrs. Gay McGee, composed and arranged by Mrs. Ella H. Brooks, of Washington, Pa, The poem was presented to the convention by Mrs. Isabelle Tanner Temple and sold for the small sum of ten cents and proceeds applied to Special Effort Fund. 17 A vote of thanks was extended Mrs. Brooks for the composition. Ad¬ dresses of welcome were made by Mayor W. H. Brown, Rev. R. H. Morris, Rev. Summers' and others from various departments of the Church. Mrs. Gay McGee responded in a very pleasing manner. The church choir sang very beautifully and was highly appreciated. A splendid repast was given the officers and delegates in the dining room. A beautiful banner on which was inscribed, "Young Woman's Departr ment", was presented by the Sorosis Intermediate Society of St. James Church, East End, Pittsburg, and a vote of thanks was extended them. Same of the recommendations in the President's address were, Holding of mass meetings to arouse interest in the work. Societies raising $100 or more be placed on the Honor Roll in the minutes. That we maintain a scholarship at Payne Sem¬ inary. That we have a Secretary of Literature. That we have a Secre¬ tary of Temperance. A communication from Rev. R. R. Wright, asking a contribution for the book concern, was read and $1.50 was raised by free will offering and $3.50 ordered drawn from the treasury. The report of Mrs. Emma Morris, District President, visited several societies and reported the work in good condition in Washington District. Mrs. J. S. Plater, District President of the Pittsburg District; Mrs. Emma J. Moore, of Allegheny District, and Miss Eva Brooks, Junior Superin¬ tendent, on account of illness, wrote to each point and reported the work in good condition. By request of Rev. W. S. Laury, the members joined in singing, "The Star Spangled Banner". Paper, "The Necessity of Unity Among Mission Workers", by Mrs. Margaret Brown. Discus¬ sion, "What are the Advantages of a Negro Health Week", by Rev. J. M. Wheeler and Mrs. Aldridge. Temperance Symposium was conducted by Mrs. E. J. Moore, Mrs. J. W. Batch and Mrs. Aldridge. Stirring temperance music was rendered by choir and congregation. Miss Flor¬ ence Arter recited the "Gambler's Wife", and Mrs. Lulu Blair read an original poem. Mrs. Matilda Robison gave a reading followed by several addresses. Miss Willa, Lee, President West Virginia Conference Branch, sent a verse of scripture for encouragement. Mrs. Adelia Mur¬ ray, who was taken suddenly ill, was the subject of prayer by the con¬ vention, for her recovery. A splendid paper on "Little Things, Great Things", by Mrs. Blanche Bundy, was highly appreciated and discussed by the members, and a vote of thanks extended her for the inspiration received. Sunday afternoon a Young People's mass meeting was con¬ ducted by Miss Eva Brooks and Mrs. Annie Lawson, of Franklin, which was well appreciated. Mrs. R. H. Morris, in well chosen words, pre¬ sented the retiring President, Mrs. Gay McGee, with a handsome gold medal as a token of the high esteem which the members held for Mrs. McGee during her twenty-one years of her membership in this Confer¬ ence Branch. Mrs. McGee, greatly surprised, responded in a touching and pleasing manner. The Memorial Service was conducted by Mrs. Grace Offer, Mrs. Anna Webb, Mrs. Nettie Scott, Mrs. W. M. Lyons, Mrs. Levada Carter Norris. As the roll of deceased officers and mem¬ bers was called by Mrs. Norris, the audience stood with bowed heads and Mrs. Alice Batch dropped a white flower in memory of each name called. The amount of money raised by the Junior Societies, $272.76. Total amount for the year of the Senior Societies, $1,307.38. Balance, $411.51. Mrs. Ella H. Brooks, Treasurer. The Special Effort Committee through Mrs. Grace Offer, presented Mrs. McGee with a handsome pillow. Officers elected: President, Mrs. M. Levada Norris; 1st Vice Pres¬ ident, Mrs. Lulu Blair; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Catherine Green; Cor¬ responding Secretary, Mrs. Lauretta Moore; Recording Secretary, 18 Mabel J. Webster; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella H. Brooks; Junior Treasurer, Mrs. Katharine Thompson. District Presidents—Pittsburg District, Mrs. L. V. Jones; Allegheny District, Mrs. Emma J. Moore; Washington Dis¬ trict, Mrs. Emma L. Morris. Junior Superintendent, Miss Eva Brooks; Executive Board, Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple, Mrs. E. J. Pride, Mrs. Hen¬ rietta Loury; Honorary Members, Mrs. Grace Offeir, Mrs. Alice Batch. TWENTY-SECOND CONVENTION The Twenty-second Annual Convention of the W. M. M. Society of the Pittsburg Conference Branch was held in the Bethel A. M. E. Church, Williamsport, Pa., from July 4th to 7th, 1918, Rev. W. M. DawkiiiS', Pastor. The President of the Conference Branch, Mrs. M. Levada Carter Norris, called the officers to the restrum and seated in their respective places. The devotional service was conducted by Mrs. Matilda Robison and Mrs Henrietta Loury. The convention song waa sung, after which the roll of officers and delegates was called, each answering with a verse of scripture. The minutes of the Executive Board held at McKeesport, March 14, 1918, were read and received after necessary correction. The reports of the District Presidents, Mrs. L. V. Jones, Mrs. E. J. Moore and Mrs. Emma Morris were accepted with a standing vote of thanks. The national hymns were sung, "The Star Spangled Banner" and "America". Miss Eva Brooks, the Junior Super¬ intendent. reported and her work showed progress in every phase of the work. Some excellently prepared papers on the following subjects were read: "What are Some of the Duties Outside of the Meeting" by Mrs. Ollie Hill; "The Opportunity and Migration Among Colored Peo¬ ple", Mrs. Fanny Nevels, Braddock; "Why do we Err with More Rapid¬ ity than-Wisdom"? Mrs. Cora B. Henry. A delightful program' was rendered the first evening, after which an elaborate reception was tendered to the officers and delegates. Reporters for the various papers wore, Miss Carrie Collins, Pittsburg Courier; Mrs. Henrietta Loury, for the Women's Missionary Recorder and the Voice of Missions; Miss Florence Arter, for the city papers. Mrs. H. G. Payne sang a beautiful solo, after which Mrs. Anna Mosebay Williams, returned Missionary from Africa, addressed the convention. It was wonderful, the circum¬ stances under which she and her husband labored earnestly and prayer¬ fully for four year and as she told, of the life of the little babe, whom she and her husband adopted, her listeners were moved to tears. Fol¬ lowing her address the hymn, "If Jesus Goes With Me", was sung. Col¬ lection $10.00. Mrs. Mary Slaughter, Matron of the Home for Aged Colored Women, Williamsport, Pa., was presented and spoke to the con¬ vention. The picture of the convention was then taken by Mr. Harris. A Symposium on Temperance was conducted by Mrs. E. J. Moore, Mrs, A. J. Batch, Mrs. Loury and Mrs. Grace Offer. Those taking part, other than the leaders, were Miss Florence Arter, Pitts¬ burg; Rev. Richards, of the local Baptist Church; Rev. King, of the Shiloh Baptist Church; Rev. Truss, P. E. of Pittsburg District, and Mrs. Katherine Thompson, of McKeesport. An original poem was read by Mrs. J. S. Plater, Scranton, Pa. Communications from Bishop Shaffer regretting he could not be present, but wishing the convention God's speed. A letter from Rev. R. H. Morris,, who had been called to the bedside^ of his son, and could not be present. Prayer was offered for Rev. Morris and his son by the convention. Miss Eva Brooks gave a beautiful piano solo. Mrs. Anna Mosebay Williams conducted a ques¬ tion box. The annual Missionary sermon was delivered by Rev. W. H< Truss, P. E. of the Pittsburg District. Immediately after the Sunda/ 19 School session the Young People's Mass Meeting was conducted by the Junior Superintendent, Miss Eva Brooks. At this meeting Mrs. Anna Mosebay Williams spoke to the boys and girls of the home life of the children in Africa. The Grace P. Offer Sheltering Arms Roll was called and eight new members added. The Memorial Service was: conducted by Mrs. Offer, Mrs. Batch and Mrs. L. T. Temple. As the death roll was called of officers, members and ministers, a flower was dropped in their memory, while the organist played, "Shall we Meet". Among the many good recommendations were, That every church be 100% a Mis¬ sionary Society. That we set a certain time to make a drive to double or membership. That we seek a 50% financial interest for the next conference year. That we formulate and adopt an active educational campaign of Missions. That a uniform program be prepared by thia convention and distributed to the churches. One of the noted and creditable missionary endeavors completed during this convention year was the Young People's Missionary Manual of the Pittsburg Conference Branch, dedicated to the Junior Mite Missionary workers. The follow¬ ing persons composed the committee: Mrs. Henrietta Laury, E. E. Pittsburg; Miss Carrie N. Collins, N. S. Pittsburg; Mrs. J. W. Batch, Elizabeth; Mrs. G. P. Offer, Pittsburg; Miss Eva Brooks, Washington; and Mrs. Isabelle T. Temple, Canonsburg, Secretary and Editor. Treasurer's Report—From Senior Societies, $1,289.11; Junior So¬ cieties, $452.45; Annual Conference, $22.10; Mass meetings, $18.42; Minutes, $38.95; Offerings, contingent, dues, $131.19; Collection for Mrs. Williams, $10.10; Balance from last year, $411.51. Grand total receipts, $2,373.83. Disbursements, $1,625.31. Balance $748.52. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. M. Levada Norris, 1st Vice President Mrs. Lulu Blair; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Catherine Green; Recording Secretary, Mabel Webster Patience; Cor¬ responding Secretary, Mrs. Lauretta Moore; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella H. Brooks; Junior Treasurer, Mrs. Catherine Thompson. District Presi¬ dents—Mrs. Emma L. Morris, Washington; Mrs. Emma J. Moore, Alle¬ gheny; Mrs. L. V. Jones, Pittsburg District; Miss Eva Brooks, Junior Superintendent. Executive Board, Mrs. I. T. Temple, Mrs. E. J. Pride, Mrs. Henrietta Loury. OA