m m I II § m (fa fk i {% v V d 1 a u| ® * c# tp 1 ^ 1 m iiT/» Directory 19 14 BETHEL BAPTIST INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH a It Snr««u Jacksonville, ffla. s^s sf] »KMM8HMMmaH09nK6BWSM[ Bethel Bapt. Institutional Church HOG AN & CAROLINE STS. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA ITS WORK, AND THE WORKERS COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP i:nt twelve districts and "work of the INSTITUTIONAL DEPARTMENT Directory 1914 Rev JOHN E. FORD, D D., Pastor ]. A, HOUSTON, Statistician and Compiler " Work for the night cometh, when man's work is done" "Tell ye your children of it, and" let your children tell their children, and their children another generation."—Joel 1:3. History of Organization The Bethel Baptist Institutional Church of Jacksonville, Fla., was organized in July A. D., 1838, under the title of Bethel Baptist Church. "Elder James McDonald, was the first pastor. There were six charter members: Deacon Jas. McDonald, and wife, Rev. J. Jaudan and wife, and two colored persons, slaves of Mr. Jaudan. The first meeting place was the Government Block house, which stood near the County Court House. In 1840 the Church purchased the lot on which the McTyeire Memorial Church now stands. Five years later, this property was sold to the Methodists, and the Baptist removed to LaVilla where they remained for about five years, when it was thought best to secure a more central location. Dea¬ con Jaudan purchased a lot on Church street, between Hogan and Julia and gave it to the Church, upon which a meeting house was erected, and the congregation entered the new building in the spring of 1861. During the Civil War the church was used as a hospital by the Federal troops, and left greatly damaged. " At the close of the Civil War, the white members of the church went into court and endeavored to dispossess their colored brethren and sisters of the church property and name, but as the colored members were in the majority the court decided that they were the '•Bethel Baptist Church" and the rightful owners of the property of said church. History of First Building A phort while after this the Bethel Baptist Church sold the property on Church street between Hogan and Julia Sts. to their white brethren, and purchased a lot on the N. W. corner of Main and Union streets, and erected thereon in 1868 the one-room frame building which is shown on the opposite page. In this edifice the church continued to worship until it was displaced by a large red brick structure in 1895 j This second church house was erected at a cost of #26,000.00 and was occupied by the church until its destruc¬ tion by fire, May 3, 1901. On November 16, 1894, The Bethel Baptist Church of Jack¬ sonville, Florida, was incorporated by the State of Florida as an Institutional Church with authority to carry on Social Betterment and Industrial Training work, a Bible Institute and a Publishing and Tract Repository Department, in addition to the regular work of a Missionary Baptist Church. "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."—I Samuel vii: 12. FIRST BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Built 1868 Torn down 1895 Bethel's congregation worshipped in this building for twenty-seven years, and grew from a few souls to several hundred. "Even them will 1 bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer >r mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people." Isaih lvi:7. "Now, my God, let I beseech thee, thine eyes be open and let thine ears be attent unto" the prayer that is made in this place."—11 Chronicles vi:40. Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. Jacksonville, Florida Erected 1895 Destroyed by fire 1901 This was the first Institutional Ourch buiMuig ever erected in thesoutl by a colored congregation It w.s built of red presst-d brick, trimmed will Georgia Marble. The building contained a main auditorium with a seatim capacity of 1150, and nine class rooms, and cost $26,000 It was erected b colored mechanics under the direction of colored contractors, and was t the time of its erection, the most convenient and attractive church buildin in the city of Jacksonville. "Come near and bring sacrifices and thank offering unto the house of the Lord."—I Chro. 16-29 This is what is known as the "Shack." It was the building used immediately after the fire and while the ast building was in process of erection. The lumber and bell is now in use in the Industrial shop of the Torida Baptist Academy. Bible Institute and Temporary Quarters Regular courses, and summer school in Short Hand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping, Sewing, Dressmaking, Kindergarden, Lecture Course, Weekly Bible Study and Annual Bible Conferences. Arrangements can be made by telephone, postal or presence at the office. J. A. Houston, Sec. to Faculty. The congregation in the meantime had grown beyond the five hundred mark, and in order to provide for its still further increase, it was deemed wise to secure a larger site and off of the business streets, In 1903, "The Rivers' Square" was purchased, bound by Hogan, Eagle, Julia and Caroline streets, facing New City Park, one of the most desirable blocks in Jackson¬ ville for church purposes, and Bethel's congregation proceeded to erect thereon one of the most modern and commodious church buildings in the south, as is shown on opposite page; Rev. J. M. Waldron, D. D., the pastor, always believed that Bethel should stand as a refutation of racial inferiority and an 'object lesson of the better side of~Negro culture and progress in the south. PESCRIPTION of the THIRD NEW BUILDING News Item.from the Florida Daily Sun of December 2-4 th, / 904. •'One of the largest and most attractive church edifices in the city is the building erected by,;the> Baptist Institutional Church, comer of Hogan and Caroline streets . It is rectangular in shape; its dimensions are 108 x 86^ feet, with a main story and basement, and a main tower on the corner and two smaller towers on Hogan and Caroline streets." '•Thq stylp of architecture is what is commonly known as the composite; on the outside the roof ascends in three gradual and graceful tiers from the lower point of the rear wall to the highest part of the building proper and culminates in a cupola. The main entrances are three in number and are located in the towers There are three other entrances to the .building so that in case of fire it can be emptied in three or four minutes. "The edifice is not only a church but a School house as well; it has been erected so as to not only to afford all the needed facili¬ ties for an aggressive and uptodate church and Sunday school, but also to provide ample room for a Bible and Industrial Training school. In the main story and in the three towers are six large class rooms and a lecture room in addition to the mam auditorium. In the basement are large; well lighted and airy rooms, and here will be located the Kindergarden, Primary school, Young Men's Baraca Club. Dining room. Reading room and Library, Bath and toilet rooms for men and women; Baptismal robing room, a print shop, a room for socials and indoor athletic sports and two rooms in which to teach cooking on gas and coal ranges. The entire building will be heated by hot air, generated by two large furnaces and hot and cold water and lavatories have been placed at convenient points throughout the building. Most of the class rooms, lecture rooms and the main auditorium are divided by roller partitions and sliding doors so that they can be opened into each other if necessity requires. This church is a monument to the Industry, Morality and Re¬ ligious enterprise of Jacksonville's colored citizens." "What hath God wrought?"—Numbers xxii:23. Spirit divine attend our prayer—And make this house thy home." Front View of the 1 hud New Building BETHEL BAPTIST INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH Fronting Hogan and Caroline btreets "Walk about Ziou, aiiu go tounu «ouui i.n; ten the luwtis thereot." l^salm xiviii: 12. Rev. M. W. Gilbert, D. D—1890-92 Rtv J. Mi-;on \X olc'ror, D. D. 1892-19' IN MEMOKIAM W l>at. is sa>d of brother Deacon Dennis may also be said, of many members and families of Bethel Baptist Ohurch. This church has been blessed with faith¬ ful and h»nnrai)V families as well as members who have held up the hands of their faithful pastors. (DECEASFO) S.M. Dennis, Chairman Deacons Board and 30 years Clerk of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church Deacon David Jones, Deaconess Kiziah Crump Deaconess Joanna Griffin, Deaconess Cenia Brown, Deaconess Carrie Anderson, Trustee John L. Usher. "Asleep in Jesus." ! INSTITUTIONAL WORK Not Institutional in name only, but in fact-our object-''Save the whole man" body, mind, soul and spirit EDUCATIONAL Night School Business College Florida Baptist College Auxiliary.' TEMPERANCE Women's Christian Temperance Union. Men's Christian Temperance Union Mothers meetings. Health and Improvement Association. Kindergarten Bethel Inside Out "The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let alt the earth keep silence before him." Habakkuk ii:20 A center around which reflects the life of the city and from which radiates influ¬ ences for moral and civic good, open the year round. Interior View o( the Main Auditorum into which the Sunday School and Lecture Room at the left is opened The Lecture Rooom is capable of seating 250 and is often crowded at Sunday morning services and at the Communion services each first Lord's day. "One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Loid all the days of my life." Psalm xxvii:6. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and delighteth in his way.** Ps. xxxvu:23. One of the Former Trustee Boards of Bethel From left to right G, H. Ambrose, Isaac Johnson, Prof. N. W. Collier C. W.J. Blackshear, L. D. Erwin "I commend unto you Phebe our sister which is a servant of the Church." Rom. xvi-I One of the Earlier Boards of Deaconesses Top row from left to right Joanna Griffin, Deceased Keziah Crump, Decp^er. Susie A Hall. Jennie Argrett Charlotte Latson. Flora Wright. Roen.i Hill M. L. Crump Bottom Row: Hattie Sutton. Eliza Hunter. Henrietta Dennis. Amy DrCoursey. 'And saw others standing idle in the market place. Matt. xx.3. DEPARTMENTS Bethel Church is at present organized and equippedto for Service as well as "Praise and Worship." Its motto is Every Member a Worker, Every Worker Trained." For this reason it has many de¬ partments, each designed for a specific work,-as follows: REGULAR BOARDS Deacons Board, Assistant Deacons Board, Deaconess's Board, Trustee Board, Finance Committee, Choir and Music Department, Ushers Board, Pulpit Club, District Visiting and Praying Bands, District Financial Clubs, MISSIONARY Woman's Home Mission and Educational Society L. C. Fleming Foreign Missionary Society PRAYER MEETINGS Weekly Prayer Meeting, Tuesday evening. Early Sabbath morning meeting District praying Bands (Deaconess) YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORK Sunday Schools Primary School, Intermediate School, Adult School Metokas Senior Junior Galedas Senior Junior Baptist Young Peoples Union 1912 Kindergarden Class of Bethel Church Miss Charlotte Gomott, Teacher A Summer Course is given each year in Kindergarden work, as well as a Graded Class, Primary Sunday School; The scholars in this depart¬ ment have their own assembly Room, Piano, Superintendent, officers and Teachers and dismiss 15 minutes before the regular school in order to avoid the rush of older pupils. DEACONS and DEACONESSES or DISTRICT ONE Asst. Dei. Nfeadhaii Lot" Deacon J. W. Bradford, ^ +i* Jennie Argrett DISTRICT ONE LOCATION East of S, A. L. Ry to St. John's River and beyond North of Darwin St. to City Limits and beyond Deacon J. W. Bradford, Assistant Neadham LoTT Deaconesses Jennie Argrett, Susie A. Hall MEMBERSHIP Argrett'. Jennie . ...1433 Van Buren " Lawrence ' •' " Jonathan ' ' " Augustas ' ' Anderson, Belle 1432 Fla. Ave. Aaron, Julia 1500 Yan Buren Bradford J.W 914 Lome St " Emma ' ' •' Amy 916 " L.A. " Isaac ' Blackshear Cherry <...1016 David ' " Andrew J. 4 " Andermeda ' " Luscious ' " CaioW.J 1651 Fla. Ave. " Mattie F. Brandon William.., 728 Lome'St. ,, Alattie O ' , Blocker, Sarah A FJa. Bapt. Aea " Sadie ' ' " Ann S. 1 ' Belton. Lizzie 1463 Van Buren " Francis 1508 *' Butler, Beatrice 1556 Fla. Ave. Brown, Polly 1739 Franklin Turnbull, Annie ' Willis, Lucy • " Martha, Brown.. 1608 Franklin lane Ng.W. Collier Fla. Bapt. C. Idella Caaon ' . ' Clara Fulford ...1528 Spearing Ada Days Altemeas Jones 24th &Fisher Samuel Dorrell ' ' Susan ' '' Maggie Dennis 1717 Van Buren Katie ■ ' ' Be^ie Moore 1605 ' . .* | Carne ' ... ... .1632 Harrison Alice ' ' J D ' ' Isaac Moody 24th, Clarkville Wilder ' '* ' Annie hliz.ibeih Diggs ' ' Sylvester Norris 1614 Van Buren Man ha ' " Henrietta Powells 1609 ' Johnnie ' ' ' ' James Willis, 1609 VanBuren James Willis 1465 Harrison r. Hobn son 1472 Franklin Maggie ' Henry K. ' ' ' Kmery H.Young' ' Ksiella 'I homas Fisher Maggie Boykin 1656 FJa* Ave. A lice Co; kJey ' ' ' Ge>>rge W . Parker Tally rand Ave. Charlotte Hill Phoenix Park Daisy ' ' ' Ruiherfnr'd ' ' A. C. Cain 1730 Evergreen Ave. Sallie i Catherine Cobb ' ' Ma,rgrett Williams 1726 ' * John S. Walker...., 1712 ' ' Hattie T. ' 1 e Neadham Lott 1602 Joseph St. Mamie ' ' ' Ida Black 1556 Fla. Ave. E. C. Young 914 Lome Former Assistant Deacons Board Left to right: Geo. C. Lewis, M. Browning-, (deceased) N. G. Whitehead, Phillip Anderson, J. H. Burroughs Wm. D. Turner, District One :—Continued Willie L. Lee 1840 Franklin Beatrice ' ' ' Susie Ryan ' ' Wm. P. Adams..... 1214 Pacetti Hermin L. ' ' ' Wilhemena Lee ' ' J. A. Houston 1952 Franklin Laura M. • ' ' Lucy 1 ' ' Alberts * t * William Messer.........l234 8th St. John Roberts Franklin & Emma Ellen Daniels 925 E. Third St. W. H. Wiggnis , L. S. Fleming 1732 Franklin Mamie ' ' ' Emma Holder 1620 Van Buren * Steele Johnson 1725 Harrison Josephine Kendrick 916 Lorne William Logan 1737 Van Buren Maggie * ' ' ' Johh S. Hall 1511 1 Susia A. ' ' Gussie ' i ' ' Alice B. ' 11 ' Lula Hopkins 1507 ' ' Jennie B. Floyd 1533 Spearing John D. Jackson...1524 ' e Effie M. ' Louis D. Erwin 1664 Evergreen Ave. Mabel ' ' Frank ' ' ' John 0. Hurston...l663 4 Blanche ' ' Zora ' ' E. A. Geter 1506 Van Bnren Emma Griswald 21th & Fisher Claud Andrews .1503 Van Bureu Mattie Argo 1702 Spearing Benj. F. Bell 1461 Van Buren John Broom...1662 Evergreen Ave, Maggie T. Butler 915 Lome. Henry Berry 1437 Adelia Lottie ' * E. W.Latson ' ' Charlotte ' Earnest - - - A1 thea - - John A. - - Virgie - " Moses Cook ...1457 Augustus Brown 1504 Van Buren Monroe Brown 1658 Harrison Prescila Bradford 916 Lome Katie Dennis 911 Lorne Peter - - - Annie B. Dixon 1775 Fla. Ave. Ollie Davis 1630 Fla. Ave. General Devine ...1619 Van Buren Ruth Dennis 1718 Hattie Forsythe 1018 Lorn* Charlotte Gomott F. B. A. Annie Geiger 1606 Spearing Austin Grant Taleyrand Ave. Maria Henry 1475 Harrison Clarence Hollaway...l640 V. Buren R. H. Higgs F. B. A. Charlie James 1522 Spearing Nathaniel Jones 1472 Franklin Gertrude - - - Rosa Dorrell - - Fisher S.' A". Logan ■ [saac Maine .- F. B. A. W. Mosely 1577 Evergreen J. C. McKenney .... F. B. A. W. C. Reynolds 1726 Spearing Daisy - - - Ethel Rivers...Buekman & Poulton Edward - Claudia Smith Wilson Johnie Tolliver. .. 1657 Evergreen Issibella Tolliver M. E. Vann 1728 Speariug Rosa Lee - 1619 Van Buren E. S. Wicker Panama Lula William James - - Ida Emma F. - Hattie Mattie Rosa Mary Jennie Whitehead... 1771 Fla Ave. Idella Williams Fisher Winnie ,,Williams F. B. C» Maud - - - Lucy - Ewington Fla Lilla - - Deacons a.no Deaconesses of District Two Flora Wright (Deaconess) Julia A. James DISTRICT TWO LOCATION East of S A. h. Ry. to St, John's River and beyond Darwin St. Southside to Union St. Northside Deacon Samuel Dorrell, Assistant James D. Thomas Flora Wright, Julia A. James Deaconesses MEMBERSHIP James D. Thomas, 1222 Pippin Lettie L. ' ' Trixie J. ' ' Ruth E. Harris ' Essie Williams, 1222 ' Callie F. Stringer,___1029 VanBuren Ros Ella Cox 1032 ' Mary Spaulding, 1345 ' Arthur ' ' Emma White, 1226 Hickory Julia Williams, 1208 ' Mary Hall, Fla. Ave & Hickory Junius Smith, 1202 Sarah ' Ellen Junius Jr,' ' George Crump, 905 ' Madeline ' Florine Nancy Champion, 827 Lillie-Mae Smith, ' ' Shepherd Mungeon 919 ' Mamie Julia Jones 915 E. Union Minnie ' Reed ' * Bina Crump ' ' Grant ' ' Lavinia Bridget 1003 Spearing Jennie Barnes 717 E. Union Estelle Matthews ' Carrie Johnson 816 Pippin Jane House 815 Pippin Harriet Wright 835 ' ! Mamie ' " 932 ' Christine ' ' ' Beatrice Dyal 911 Janie Bulter 902 Fanny Johnson 925 ' Jane Mungeon 1431 ' Arie ' 1431 ' Rachel Adkins 1433 ' Maud ' " ' Ellen McCampbell 915 ' Thomas ' ' ' Mary Ella Robinson" ' Emma Long 928 E. Union Mamie ' ' ' Cubelle McGinnis 928 E. Union Lucielle ' " ' Nettie Clark__ 1230 Jessie Addie Campbell 1142 Perry ' 1142 Jessie Essie ' 1142 ' ( Henderson ' ' ' Emma Bellamy 1125 Odessa Geo. Matthews 1129 ' Hattie ' 1129 Odessa Oscar ' 1129 ' Diana Hatcher 1142 Fla. Ave. Minnerva Bennett 1013 Bradier Beiliel Rostrum, Choir Loft, Organ, Baptistry and Deacon's Platform viewed from the Gallery The Rethel Auditorium is crowded at the Sunday morning services, a .sign being hung at the front requ¬ esting late comers to go around to the Chapel entrance for admitance and frequently the Chapel is filled to ovei flowing. District Two—Continued Joseph Argrett 1013 Rail Road Ave. Irene ' ' ' Nancy King 827 E. Union R. G. Thomas 841 Odessa Beatrice ' . ' ' Hattie ' ' ' Leroy ' ' ' Henrietta Alston ' ' E. Lena Williams 710 Darwin Martha McAllister 4 ' Florence L. Holmes 810 ' W. D. Turner i_49 R. R. Ave. J. H. Turner 1237 Annie E.White 1^59 ' Flora Wright.. ' * Mattie Jackson 1126 Odessa Fannie Reddick 827 Odessa Jimmie-Lee ' ' ' Fanny-Mae ' ' ' Sophia Williiams 13'22 Spearing Elnora ' ' ' Bertha ' ' ' Irene ' 1326 ' Jessie Everett 1803 ' Lettie Pierson 1321 ' Martin Dixon ' ' Louisa ' ' ' Ruth D. Graham ' ' Dean .1. 'lhomas 1329 ' Maggie ' ' Julia F. Hammond 1561 Jessie Lustina Robinson Odessa Mamie ' 909 Jessie Annie Rogers 942 ' ROsa-Lee Smith 1224 Darvin Rena Napolean ' ' Dai&y ' . , ' ', Fannie Smith __.:1038 Fla. Ave. C. B 'limmons 1226 Spearing Georgia Griffin. 843 Odessa Mazepher Henry ' ' . Christopher Armstrong.. .842 Odessa Wm. J. Burris 1130 Jessie .Nellie ' ' ' AlonzaBell 911 Pippin Mary Smith 902 Spearing Alice Cook 1038 Spearing Earlie ' ' ' Jane Carroll .__1452 Odessa Jessie Collins 1259 R. R. A. Bessie Johnson- 1130 Jessie Minnie S. E. ' ' ' Lucile King 841 Odessa Wesley Porter 821 Spearing Milton Sweet 810 Darvin Adlene Taylor 802 Odessa Anna Tucker 919 Union Julia Williams 1227 Hickory PRAYER MEETING ROOM Wbere Weekly Devotions and Praise Meetings are Held This room is well lighted and ventilated and is in constant service every night in the week, meetings of varied char¬ acter take place in this room day and night. CLERICAL FORCE AT WORK Keeping the accounts of the Church and various statistic requires a large working force to be engaged Regular weekly. Monthly, Quarterly and Annual State¬ ments are kept of attendance, absentees as well as the finances of the Church, and Institutional Depart¬ ments. This represents the accountants at work. DE\CONS AND DEACONESSES OF DISTRICT THREE Samuel Joshua, Batche^or I ea. S. 'i. assistant Madaline L. Crump Mary F. Lewis, (Deaconess) DISTRICT THREE LOCATION East of S. A. L. Ry. to St. John's River and beyond Southside Union St, to St. John's River and beyond Deacon Samuel Joshua,. Assistant S. D. Jones Mary F. Lewis, Madeline L. Crump Deaconesses MEMBERSHIP Mary E. Mcintosh 1305 E. Monroe Samuel Joshua L. W. Johnson 1402 E. Duval Anna Henderson 1545 Bertha Mack 30J Ware W, J. Sherman Eliza Thomas 422 Bradier Joe Higdon 1224 Oakley Mary H. Freeland 1220 Neater Courtney 1236 Union Earnest - - - Everlyn David Alexander 909 Oakley Julia - Carrie Robinson 833 - Frank J. Young 805 Jennie Vivian - - Marion - - - Isaac Melton 594 Palmetto Annie Littman 711 Fla. Ave. Julius - - Geo. Dilworth Bertha - - Daniel Weathers - JHattie Trimming...1111 E. Beaver Julius - - Lawrence Eliza James 859 Fla. Ave. Hattie L. Andrews .... 1145 Oakley. Phillis Thomas 1147>£ G rant Ella Hinton 917 Bradier , innie McKinney... 1107 E. Beaver Fannie Nobles 915 Beaver Lilia Norwood 1541 Swift Addie Madison - - Jennie Dukes 619 Fair Field Ben Munday Hill Sarah B Irwin 921 Van Buren Alice Me. First 918 Bessie Simon 913 Oakley May Smith Lafayette Louisa Williams 619 Fairfield s T. Jones 1526 E Church Lucy Sawyer • John Ambrose 1515 Beaver ()-c.ar a rjrrett.... Union & Spearing Ruih - - Douglass Anderson S. Jax, Ethel Anderson John H. Butler 311 Franklin Hattie Cook...Forsyth & R. R. Ave. Wm James 1023 Albert El zebeth James Rubie Jozies Fairfield J.J. Littman 711 Fla. Ave. x Lazarus Lott 803 Speaaing iMciw m i\et«bii ....,..,827 Lafayette Tlie"doscia Perry 1405 Church Alma Stevens So. Jax. x a contributor OFFICERS OF DISTRICT FOUR Blanche Hurston (Deaconesses) Jennie R. Frazier Deacon John C. Hurston, Phillip Elmore, Assistant D-I STRICT FOUR LOCATION East of Main St, to Seaboard Ry. Westside St. John's River North to City Limits and beyond Deacon John C. Hurston Assistant Phillip Elmor Blanche Hurston Jennie R. Frazier Deaconesses MEMBERSHIP Jennie R. Frazier j 734 Cemetery Jessie E Frazier Eliza Williams Cottage Place Lizzie Johnson .. 711 Catherine Nicholas - - - Henrietta DeCosta 621 - H. B. - - Louisa Selene 615 Washington Mary Mungeon 743 Jessie Mariah Dudley Mary Field 742 Odessa Ethel Johnson Laura - - : Bash Williams 1058 Ionia Matilda Payne x 1102 - L. M. - ) - - - Louisa Brown V 343^ Phelps Dolly Stewart * ? 313 First Laura Hoskins ' William - - Kate Barnes i 329 E. Beaver Roena Hill . 333 Malinda Johnson v 510 Phelp Mary Lue Boyd - - Nannie 8. Freeland .1 819 Market Marcella McGriff 717^ - A. W. Hagan 228 E. State J. R. MclJuffie 224 Mary J. Bradford 210 W. L. - • - J. L. Polite ...815 Union Pol lie - - WORTHY OF HONOR FOR LONG SERVICE William James, Deacon E neritus who has I en a dqacon for over 50 years; now 77 years of age and active as a laJ. Cti tirumn f prayer meeting appointments. Elizabeth James, Deaconess at-large; After years of active service in her district,[has been promoted to Deaconess at-large. District Four—Continued 0. M. Miller 156 Belleview Ave. Carrie Horton 29 E. Union Mattie Johnson G S. Saunders 38 1. H. W - . Alberta - _ Da:i Linsey 31 Charlotte Randall 29 ' J. F. W right 118 Ocean N. Gaskins Josephine Gaskins Annie Nelson 388 Beaver Ben Gianton 336 Carrie ' ' Issac Johnson: 335 ' Fannie • « « Philip Elmore 337 E. Ashley Mamie ' ' ' Inez ' • ' Obie H. Bryant 339 4 -.,Lula • 4 4 •H. Corker 4 Minnie Smith 331 ' Louisa 4 ' 4 Berlina 4 ' ' Maggie Ambrose 327 E Union Gilbert ' ' 4 Georgie Cooper 225 4 Lizzie Christmas 431 E.Ashley Elmore Halford 340 E. Union Laura * ... 4 4 Dora Robinson 305 ' David 4 4 ' Fa nnie Johnson 4 4 Unice ' 4 L. B. Wilson 205 4 Connie Barnes 329E.Beaver Eliza Kinard 343 E. Union J. L 4 4 Mamie Williams ' ' Carrie Jackson -39 E Union Katie Ray ford 215 E. Adams J. W. Agner - 725 Market Lavania 4 ' Mabel Webb 1416 Hubbard Tena King 107 E First Esther Fields 313 Minnie Baxter 120 E, 4th. Ross J. ' ' j Royena ' Rosa E. Ross Julia Alston Market & 21th. Eari . • ; ; Jeremiah _ Edward Toliver Ionia & 23rd. Miles Rodgers 23rd & Walnut Mrs. G. L. Thomas 817£ Market L,. C. Fleming Foreign Missionary Society Henrietta Powell, Secretary Belle Anderson, President This Society is named in memory of Louise C. Fleming, a member of Bethel Church who went to .Africa as Missionary and died in beha'f of the unsaved. A large window in the auditorium being dedicated to her honor. This Society has been very useful in the work of the Church, on the first Sun¬ day in each month they serve a free dinner to the aged mem¬ bers in the spacious Dinning room. District F^our—Continued Rebecca Armstrong 536 E Union L. A. Bradford Jr 210 State Lelia Burton 1417 Ma ire Janett Casey 336 Beaver P. L. Curtis 716 Market Luella Dixon 524 Church Josephs. Davis 810 Market Adeline Green 3J9 Beaver William Harris 120 state Florence Hijes 437'Union Edgar Howard 141 Beaver Amanda Junior 333 ' Pearl Jones 1414 Market Charles Jackson . .345 State Jno. J Johnson 729 Market Sarah ' 325 Union Alice Manning • 337 Beaver Mary C. M Her ____ 11 State Rol t. Martin , . 32 John H Norfletr. _ :H17g Market Ruby IVlton 6 Cottage Place Charlie Pel ton Tampa, 11a. Maggie L Ros»-__ „ •_ .St Augustine. ' William Priestly - 530 Union Phjli-« Ram»ey -- -705 ' Belle Robinson_ _ .. - 343 Ashley Sarah "aunders .... 332 Union Ellen Smith . ...... _ - 139 Sarah strong , .... 105 DEACONESS BOARD The Deaconess Board of Bethel is composed of two members from each district, whose duties are to have the oversight of the membership of the District and assist their deacons in every way possible. OFFICERS OF DISTRICT FIVE Henrietta L. Dennis, (Deaconess) Can\e Hcrtcn DISTRICT FIVE LOCATION Main Street West to Cedar Street Saint John's Riv£r, North to City Limits and Beyond A. H. Hudson, Deacon Leo. P. Dennis, Assistant Henrietta L,. Dennis Carrie Horton Deaconess MEMBERSHIP Theodocia White__ Dora Jenkins Annie Adams Maud ' Naomi Patterson... Hattie Smith Wm McQueen Fannie ' Marguret Haywood A. W. Price Delorus ' Nettie ' Annie Randolph Hattie Anderson C. H. Gibson Mamie ' Daisy Clansey Geo. Lewis Lula ' E. M. M. White Clara ' Lavinia Dorsey Daniel ' Lula Martin Clara Lagree Martha Simmons, .. Edna Moore -- F. P. Holmes Grace Booker Martha Ambrose.. S. A. Butler WmFiggs Donie Jones — 1121 Cedar ..1299 ' ..1225 ' ..1009 ' .1322 Julia 1303 ' 1305 ' 1205 ' i i ....1116 ' ...1117>o ' .1117 6 I 231 Eagle .233 ...227 i < .7.335 _. 125 Caroline . 185 ( t .7.321 1016 Julia -.1116^ --.1014" .' _ 915 BETHEL'S CHOIR The Splendid and Faithful Leaders of Worship and Praise This body of singers regularly leads in the music of Public Worship besides rendering services at'Fnnerals and Annual Sermons and other occasions; The Choir assists the Churcl financially and has been successful in keeping peace among themse ves. District Five—Continued Nellie Meeks 915 Julia Corine Philips .1023 ' Carrie Cruse ... .. 1303 ' Bettie Garten . 1217 ' Amanda Bowens 1114, ' ©so. Sumner ... , _ : 1112 Annie Brown 1116 Hogan Theresa * % ' ' M. L. Jenkins ...A 1019 ' Ollie Howard ^ .1011 ' M. J. Walker r lpi3 ' Amelia Allen =. 1116 ' Emma Brooks ...1218>2 ' Lizzie Daniels » 118 North. Lucretia Whitehead =227 ' Susan Furgerson .319 ' Lizzie Winslow ' ' Lillian Soloman . 227 . ' Hannah Robinson 127 Orange" Mary Jane King = 329 ' , Tolbert Smothers 321 ' Hattie ' . ' , '' KACcip i ^ ' Fred J. Crump__.IIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII/IIII/I/l331 Hattie V ' ' Charity ' Robert Williams ' ' BeaulahBray 129 ( Katie Owens 311 State Fannie Hart 228 ' H. J. McCollough 235 Bell ' ' MaggieS. Williams 222 ^ ' Marie ' ' 4 I. S. Thomas, ^7^, Minnie ' ' .. Sylvester GloVer 314 Jas. Stephen 230 x C. N. Ward ..... ' Jennie Hart Franklin...... 228 ^ Mary Norman ... 233 ^ Carrie Levy 216 Ida Gwinn^.i -]31 ^ Rosa Wright n ^ Florence B. Armstrong H2 Orange John Billings Julia & Beaver J. B. Brown 41?lane J. H. Ballou x 43_5 11th St. Henry Boyd Desota Sanitonum Hattie Cole ?21 Orange Jamison Clark 121o Hogan Mary Daniels Panama Helen Davis Sophia Drummond ( &aSle Jake Furgeson 321 Caroline x a contributor Mabel Webb, Soprano and Composer Amanda Green, sweet Soprano singer of Several Musical Numbers District Five—Continued J. H. Fuller I.. _ 135 North Eliza Gdudy Main St. Box 11 Frank P. Holmes : 321 Caroline Annie Mae Hammond 221 State Ellen Jamison 319 North Freddie Jenkins Clear Water Fla. Fannie " 313 Caroline S. A. James 1221 Julia Thomas Jefferson 823 Laura Jennie Johnson 201 Orange America " 1117J Julia Josephine Lee New York City Carrie McCloud 121 6th St. Frank McKay — 1022 Julia Anna B. O'Neil 25 W. Union Z. R. Pay ton 1002 Julia J. W. Robinson 231 Eagle Laura Rains 128 Orange Robert Sams 231 Eagle Florence B. Strauser - 1614 Main T. B. Stoney 1307 Julia Rosa Smith 1116 Julia Tena Vaughn ' Mary Wooten 121 Orange FAITHFUL WORKERS Hattie Anderson Henderson Campbell OFFICERS OF DISTRICT SIX Charlotte Johnson, (Deaconess) Sarah Lawrence DISTRICT SIX LOCATION West of Cedar to . East of Jefferson North of Union to City Limits and Beyond A. Chas, Robinson. Deacon Moses Weaden, Assistant Charlotte L. Johnson (Deaconess) Sarah Lawrence MEMBERSHIP . Florence Adams. _ 540 W. Orange' Thomas Austin 904 Clay Susan Barnes 526 Bloxam Albert Bentley •. 553 Napeolion Caroline Beard 418 Victora Spencer Bythwood 1425 Clay Susan Buchanan _ 621 Caroline Jane Benjamin 416 W. State Jerusha Burnhain 1 __ . __1204 Cedar W. F. Brown _ 1420Clay Ida 4 •_ ' ' Catherine Crump 537 Eagle Essie ' ' ' Alexander Cook 1112 Cedar Emma ' ' ' Hannah Coleman 1017 Broad St. lane Henrietta Dennis .. 540 Eagle Leo. P. 4 : : ' Emma ' , ' ' Edith ; ' ' Joanna ' I 520 Caroline Martha Drayton -540 W. Orange L.N Edwa-rds 409 Eagle Edith L. ' -- ' J. E. Ford, D D ■ 625 W. Union George Flowers 415 Orange Eliza Franklin 623 Caroline Robert Griffin :—. 504 | Fannie ' ' Mary Green^ - 812 Broad Geo. Giles..,..- --..621 Caroline Carrie Gilbert. - - 420 W. State A. H. Hudson - 025 W Union Julia Harris - - 4-8 Victoria M ad 1 i n e Hart - - - - - - - - - !ay Maggie Hiir - - 437 VVJuion Mercedes Hart. - - m w it / Frances Houser.,. 9-0 \V. State Mary ' - - , Annie ' „ Isaac Johnson ---...547 Orange Charlotte F. ' - "At i. i „ Mht-v L Tones - - Clinton lane JH ° II III I YY.YYY.YY. - -437 W Union Emmerline £. Jamep- - -412 Victoria Arthur ' OTHER FAITHFUL MEMBERS OF THE CHOIR ESSIE M. CRUMP, Soprano Prof. W. T. BRANDON, Organist Other Regular Singers in the Choir District Six—Continued Sarah Jackson . _ 540 Eaele Florence < V"." Na^.n Anna Jones . 542 W. Orange Jane King 1209 0lav John Lawrence .... 546 W Orange Sarah ' < Clara LaGrare . _ ... 1210 Cedar Henry Lockwood _ ... . ... ...,"."."{430"Broad St. lane Rachel Macarthy _ _ 1102 Jpffprson Margeret Middleton___ _ . " V.;; _~ 1422 Cedar Sophia D Myatt __.625 W. Union Emma Miller ... __ __ . 520 Napoleon Daisy Macon __ 540 w. Orange Earnest Nobles ... 426 W. State Carrie ' " ' Anna ' _~.~~~!~[~612 W. Orange Beatrice , < Precilla Rice _ . ___1208 Clay Louise Randall .1222 ' A. Chas Robinson. ___ ______ __627 \V. Orange Millie E. Robinson ' < Manerva Randall 1222 Clay Julia A. Sullinvan __ ___540 Eagle E mm a Weaver 523 W.Orange S W.White ; 589 ' Mary T. Williams 532 ' Susie ' 562 Napoleon Fannie ' 1422 Clay Mattie C. Wilson ! 525 Napoleon Clarence ' : < Rosa Wallace 1432 Clay J. B. Warfield 808 Cedar Katie ' 4 « Clarence Brown 546 Orange Mack Coleman -_501£ Orange Francis Hart Marietia Fla. Stephny Jones 1210 Broad Sarah Jackson . __ ___540 Eagle Fannie Kirkpatrick 1211 Clay Eva Johnson _ __ 709 Victoria Ana Lewis 808 Cedar Wm Mallard ____ 424 State Chas Neeley 1__ 805 Jefferson Willis Milligen 604 Orange Josephine Morton 432 Union Alberta Macon.__ T 540 Orange Daisy " ' " ' Nearin 804 Cedar Carrie Gilbert 424 State Rosa E. Potter Monticello, Fla. Marcellia ' 547 Orange Alfred Robinson 627 ' Louisa Singleton 709 Victoria Rosa Wallace 1322 clay Moses Weaden 1017 Broad Lillian ' | ' Altemease ' \ ' Alberta Myrick Ashville N. C. GALEDA CLASS FORMERLY PHILATHEAS GROUP OF GALEDA GIRLS Faithful Members of the Galeda Class Anna Chappelle, Treasuress Clara Bell Wright, Chaplin Mrs. J. M. Waldron, Organizer Philathea Julia McQuay OFFICERS OF DISTRICT SEVEN Martha Branning (Deaconess) Marie J. Lee DISTRICT SEVEN LOCATION West of Cedar to East of Davis Street Saint John's River, North to Union South Side Geo. W. Branning, Deacon Henry Williams, Assistant Martha Branning, (Deaconess) Marie J. Lee MEMBERSHIP Lela Green 632 Church D. A. Armstrong .638 ' Joans Robinson ' ' Maria Davis ' ' Floretta ' ' ' Emma Ingram ' ' Scipio Lucas-, 640 ' Liizzis i - - i i Henry Williams 709 ' Emma ' ' ' Moselle Lark 711 Mattie D. Walker 7 9 Elenor L. Richards . ... _ - Katie Bell Lowe ^33 "John H. Norton - 743 Mand P. ' Cherry McCray -- 768 Mamie Corthran 616 Herbert ' --- ' ' Dr. Geo. Brewer - 648 W. Adams James Washington ' ' Geo. Kirkpatrick --- 422 Broad Alice ' - - ( I Amanda Bess -- ( Mary DeCoursey ^ 'Wilesta ' - _622 Unio'i Lizzie Summerall. _ . 418 Jefferson Pearl Li ir,gston__ -- - -- 7 5 M^ciecn Sarah Smith ~'30 W. Union Annie Bevil - 634 William H. Lee < Marie J. ' ( Louisa M. Geo W. Branning 7bU Martha ' { George ' Jr - - Clara Gary - 611 Beaver FRIENDS OF THE GALADA CLASS Irene Dillard Sadie Brown Rosa Canon Nannie S. Freeland District Seven—Continued E. Rodrigerus • 625 Beaver Julia ' __ _ ' < Beny H Hodge ~ ~ _~~_\\~805 Laura Shelton__ " < < Moseys P. Bryant __ ___ 812 ' Julia G. ' __ _ ' ' Lottie L. William. _ _ ' ' Silvia Burch __ . _ ... _. . 7§3 W. Ashley Zonia Peck ' ' Luanda Wilson. ___ ... _ 743 W. Chupch T. B. Avery __ __ _ _ 710 Beaver Siivenor Berrnudey . .. . Tampa, Fla. Alberta Daniels _ _ . 739 Church Tena Dailey _ ___ __ ... _ _ 720 Jeffershn Fred Fairchiid . ... _ ' ' Amos Flowers ... . _ _ _ 754 Church Louise C. Garner ... _ _^_608 Berver Estelle Johnson _ _ _ Tallahassee, B'la. L. G. McKissick^ . _ . ..732 W. Church Julia Rodrigerus 625 Beaver Victoria Shaw.. _ _ _. _ _ 721 Jefferson E. C. ' _ . ' Lizzie Summerail .. 416 ' Mamie Valles __ 529 Beaver James W. Washington ... 64K Adams Josephine Mortan 521 W. UH~n Tiie Junior Galeda Class of Bethel Church USHER'S BOARD GROUP OF USHERS AND MASCOTTS LADY USHERS BOARD Ida P. Green, 1st President (deceased Cora Mumford, former member GRO.UP OF LADY USHERS OFFICERS OF DISTRICT EIGHT Wm. Ross, Deacon J- F. Mumford, Assistant Elsie Gripper (Deaconess) Chrirtine Valentin© DISTRICT EIGHT LOCATION Jefferson St., to East-side Davis Union North to City Limits and Beyond William Ross, Deacon j. F. Mumford, Assistant Elsie Gripper, (Deaconess) Christine Valentine MEMBERSHIP Charity Pinlcnev 1^08 Jefferson Martha Rowland " "■ DanieJ " ^ __ _ _ " " Millie Lundy. __ _ . _ 1U05 Jefferson Emma Jones. 1601 Iilinoise Alberta " _ _ _ " " Samuel Thorripkins . __ __ 116_17 " Ariana " _____ _ " " Lottie " __ " " Emma Thompkii -Bell. _ _ _ _ " " Harry Roberson. _ _ 17-1 Iilinoise Samuel Oliver J 1716 " Mamie " _ J __ " " Mary Overstreet __ __ _1719 " Susan Stevens _ 180i Lousiana Ida L. Rucker _ __ __:800 " Marie " . _ " " Luia M'Ghee _ ._ 1557 Davis Katie Allisc n ... _ 1713 " Mat tie- W. Gordon _ ... .. . .. - 1711 " Mary F. Lewis _ - .504 Eighth Sarah Crockett___ _ .. _ ._. 501 " 'iliOP. J. " ._ _ __ - " " Mattie " ... __ - - -- Cathrine " _ - iNiancy Usher _ M attie " - — ^ Lena B. " Rosa Cannon -1-6 M^rs Ave. Effie Thornton 2154 " Hattie L. Scenia Maud Pitman " " A. M. " ... " „ " Retta Rcbinson --£6 Mars Ave. Haward " t( [( Gardina Brogsdale ^01 ^ ^ Cora Alexander ~ Eliza Ferrebee 2031 Jupiter J. E. Avery 2062 Madison Ave. Annie L. Avery.. " Patsy Grant - - 2048 ^ ^ Christine Valentine 2006 Inez Jackson .-2002 Madison Ave. OFFICERS AND TEACHERS OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP OF TEACHERS District Eight-Continued M. A. Rooks 893 Eighth Dora ' ' ' Julia James 560 ' Dr, H.W.James - Randolpn Bolden 1200 Madison Dollie Gaitwood. 1235 ' Hannah ' ' ' Belle Matthews 1535 ' ' Roberson 1229 * Lewis 1675 Mary H. Smalls """ I 1762 *« Toby ' """ """""" « « James F. Mumford _____ _ 1721 ' Cora ' __ I " ' ' Glasco Christopher _ _ 1219 ' Lottie ' ' ' Delphia Thomas . _ « « Lilla ' ■ .___ J ' ' Gripper \V22 Louisiana K H. Houston 1225 ' Druscilla ' J ' ' Noah G. Whitehead 1810 ' Lucy C. Anglin _ _ _ _ _ 1812 < E. A. ' < Rosa Latson 930 Joseph Lane D. W. Willis 529 Missouri Annie Gibson, 763 W. Union Everlyn Thompson ; 815 Inez ' < Lula Woods _ ' Lucreatia Spearing 825 Luther Walden 826 Ada ' ' Millie Singleton 810 Addie Robinson 726 Willie ' Bulah Mea Slade, ' Rachel Washington 731 Hattie Wade 735 Charles Andrews 913 Madison Alex Morris 1121 ' Everlyn Anderson, Summerville, Fla. Philip ' •_ ' Cora Alexander 2127 Mars Ave, Bulfch B. Fleece 2158 ' Peter E. Brown 2123 Madison S. A. Brookins 2136 ' _ Patsy Coleman Madison Sdrah David- 707 Orange J, M. Dennard ,.1762 Madison Blanche Henderson N. Springfield M6ry L, Holmes 820 State Lottie B. Jackson „— 703 Eighth Everlyne B. ' „ - 17 & Illinois Anna Jones 841 W. Union Benj. Johnson^, U22 Louisianna Roberta Lawson. -—762 State j, H, Burroughs, President D, A, Armstrong, Vice»l>r«^ District Eight—Continued Ella Long Champion 1219 Madison John Massey 1476 Illinois Jeanett Munnallyn ' 1715 Davis Eliza McKinzie 504 Eighth Julia Neal 560 ' Mary Osborne 2048 Madison Celia M. Ponder 2009 Davis Pauline Payne Summerville A. M. Priestly 727 Union Eiizabeth Robinson 1624 Illinois Martha Rufus 1227 Madison Ophelia Robinson 1924 East Arthur Stroman 732 W. Union J. J. Shanke 722 Eighth Rebecca Thurman 1122 Madison Sallie K. Watson Summerville A Sunday Night Congregation OFFICERS OF DISTRICT NINE (Deaconeess) Sarah Crocket Isaac Frazier, Deacon Ishmeal Williams, Assistant Anna L. Brown, DISTRICT NINE LOCATION King Road, North to City Limits and Beyond Davis Street, West to City Limits and Beyond Issaac Frazier, Deacon Ishmeal Williams, Assistant Anna L. Brown, (Deaconess) Sarah Crocket MEMBERSHIP Wisdom Allen 1505 Lee Jennie ' ' Andrew Griffin 1510 ' Alice Moultree 1728 Davis Rebecca Fleming 1 2 1510 ' Nettie Hart 1712 ' Irine Dillard 1950 ' Simm ' ' ' Tillie Oxendine R. R. Ave. & Davis Mattie Johnson 1320 ' Henry Lockwood ' ' Agnes Williams J 1406 ' Mary Mack 1706 Lee Lavenia Lowman j. 1910 Isaac Frazier __ 1915 Mary C. ' ' Clarenda ' ' Viola Ricks 2014 Mattie L. Allen 1503 Johnson Nettie Mayes 1^08 E. A. Gramlin 1510 Rebecca ' ' ' Flossie " L. H. Morgan 1516 j Carrie Howel K. C. Kines . 1617 Lillian Hines ! ' ' Elias Love 1^ Snriih i - — - - Eva L. Rufus 2423 Richard Henretta Mitchell 1612 Cemetary Susan Wicker t> , Lucy Lee Moncnef Springs Road Annie ' - , t J. M. Robinson - t ( t Anna Bams., - * Faithful Baracas Rev. E. A. Gramling Rev. J. W. Sapp District N ine—Continued Rachel Robinson Moncrief Road Mahnda Taylor _ < < < w. a. < Estell Jamison Moncrief & Durkee Henry Barns < < < John M. Johnson < ' ' Ariana Lundy ~ 7_ 1,546 22nd Rachel Oxindine. _ 21st T. H. Ward 22nd & Staurt Jennie ' « < Lydia Cooper 22nd & Davis Raymond ' < ' Laura Harris. : 17th & Durkee Prescilla Campbell 2100 Durkee Ave. Mammie ' ___ 2050 ' .2100 Mamie Boroughs .. __ _ __ 2048 ' R. E. ' ' Sarah Lucas ' ' Hattie Lee _ Durkee & 4th Ave. S. C. Tucker 1820 ' Albert ' ' ' W. R. Jones 4th & Durkee Lilla ' Dora Duckett 1719 4th Ave, Salema Morse ' ' Alice Jones ~ 102 Grover Ave J. H. Boroughs 1790 3rd.--': Fannie Rivers 2nd & Wilcox Anice Junius 1507 Stewart Josephine ' ' Charlott Grant ' ' LulaRodgers 1029 Channel lane Flora Brown 1502 2nd Ave. Clara Belle Wright 1508 Stewart Mamie Brooks -,-1535 Standard Ave. Rosa B. Mathews 1 Rosa Goode : 2446 Durkee Ave. Maud Thomas 1445 Cleveland Lavenia Williams 1403 Laura ' H29 King Road Isabella Counrtney Cemetary ' ' Elizabett Corbett 1131 ' Mary J. Davis D bt. S. D. Jones Ishmel Williams 1601 3rd Ave. Lizzie Floyd C. B. Brown : _ , Sadie ' i , Lawrence Brown . Wm Shield N- D,avis & 27 S™lie™ran«.n f P^arce & ™ Matilda Hawkins frTcookacobs : «» * JUNIOR BAHAMA U L A 5 3 H. E. Robinson, Teacher Ben Hurston, President DeLacy Wright, H. E. Robinson, (Teacher) David Dennis, Frank Erwin, Louis Jackson, Harry Hunter, Samuel Simmons, District Nine-Continued Mamie M. DeLyons Corinne Simns __ Laura Gray Ella Hawkins Pheobe Procter _ Sarah Collins Fanny Crooms. _ Mamie Bell 1532 Grover Ave. Juliett ' . _ 1515 Durkee Ave. Moncrief & ' ._ __. 1620 Johnson 409 Grover Ave. Daytona 1622 Davis 1404 5th Ave. Silvia Davis Chelsea Ambrose... Ida L. Benjemin... Louisa E. Cook Nora Crump _ _ Anie ' Myers Geo. ' . /_ __ Laura ' Anna Chappell Sampson- Campbell Alethea Corbett _ J. H. Evans Mary L. Green Wilcox & 2nd ' 1702 4th ' __ 827 Griffin - ... _ 14th & Durkee _ _ _ 2012 Davis 2012 ' ■ 1713 Lee 1408 Cleveland 2100 Durkee _____ _ _ I'31 King Road If SO Standard Ave. _ ___ ._ 1125 King Road Maggie Johnson ______ _ 151! Durkee Ave. Lula Lucas --- - -2048 ^ ( George i ___ __ _ - — Flora Maize": ___ Johnson Maggie C. Pickett ________ 1321 Stewart Jestina Amealia Potter - - - nm v- paVl^ Davis Rodgers.i - - - & + Georgia Reives , -. - - S Lero.v Roper. _ ______ _ I —5 King Road Lavenia StGeorge _ _ - -- Henry __ _ - -- - - Inez Simpkins -- - ■ Rebecca M. Johnson _ Ida Williams - - — 1444 Cleveland i ( 2012 Davis 1419 4th Ave. 1409 Harrinscn Women's Home Missionary and Educational Society Amy DeCourcey, President. M. R. Baxter, Secretary. Christine Valentine, Charlotte Randall, Minnie R. Baxter, Sec., Cora Mumford, Chorister, H. L. Dennis, V-Pres., Martha Branning, Treas. Lula Bryant, A. H. Hudson, Delphia Thomas, Amy DeCourcey, Pres. Emma Johnson, Mabel Webb, Martha McKinney, Effie Thornton! The Present Board of Deacons E. W. Latson, Chairman. A. C. Robinson, Clerk A. Chas. Robinson, Clerk; Geo. W. Branning, A. H. Hudson, Treasurer; Isaac Frazier, Elias Love, Wm. Ross, William James, (deacon Emeritus) E. W. Latson, Chairman; Samuel Dorrell, J. W: Bradford, Jno. C. Hurston, Samuel Joshua, Jno. Clark, Church Clerk OFFICERS OF DISTRICT TEN c. S. Tucker, (Deaconess) Gertrude Simmons DISTRICT TEN LOCATION Beaver and Enterprise Sts., North to Kings Road Davis.Street, West to City Limits and Beyond Elias Love, Deacon Samuel Smith, Assistant C. S.' Tucker, (D eaconess) Gertrude Simmons MEMBERSHIP Mary King Phebia Frazier Harriett Bradford Geneva Clark Sallie Washington Mary Robinson Titus Tillman Lucielle Wilburn Alberta Williams Alice Brown Susan Garner Georgia Gnider Sophn Richardson .... Sarah Nalley Mamie Smii h Hatt ie C!uthbert Mitt e Richardson Hellen Brown Annn L Brown E. D Brown Kssie Brooks L:zzie Redding Emma Hunter A. \j. Simmons Etta Galvin Ora Harris .Martlia Smith Rena ' Victora Mangram John Robert L Andrews Pearl Andrews Mati'da Hawkins Caddie-Bronson Miry L. Williams Gertrude Simmons Olive Smith Samuel Smith 1000 Kings Road 1220-a Kings Road 1508 < » < i i( 1303 W State 1220 W. State 1508 W. State 1306 Myrtle Ave. 1036 W. Union 1029 ' 1002 ' 1060 ' 1063 4 1063 W. Union 909 ' 1019 ' Beaver 728 Lee 1043 W. Beaver (< < a 640 ' 1117 W Beaver 709 DeWitt 1711 Enterprise 1739 t < ii 1862 Wright 1004 Auburt ft ii 1712 Deland ft »< Pearce & 3rd ii I i 2^06 Pnoly Stafford CollegefPark <« «» <« M ASSISTANT DEACONS BOARD Ishmeal Williams, Samuel Smith, Neadham Lott, Jnp. E. Spearing District Ten—Continued J. C. Williams Wood & Grant Addie Columbus 2106 Kings Roard Hattie Sutton 1036 W. State Walter Smith 909 W. Union J.W.Smith 304 Tyler Minnie Grant 1004 Arbutt Ella Gross 1225 L'uval John Clark .... 1508 Kings Road Annie Mustean 1510 Kings Road W F. " Rosa C. McGill 1120-a Kings Road Estella Erwin 814 Davis Henrietta Mitchell Dcwitt Florence Williams .% 1026 Union Fred Bentley 1290 Beaver Ira " Marie " Odie S. Jone* 938 DeWitt Camilla Brown 728 Lee Carrie Blackshear 1004 Arbutt Arthur " Lucy Carter ••• 1218 Union Emmitt Davis Dooley Lonie " ' Annie Ford Enterprise & Ida C. H. Ivory 1723 " F. Paxton 1038 htatc C. C. Roberts J 1038 Kings Ave. Lula Stucks J2i9PoPe^V?r Maggie Taylor 3.5 state Dilsie-Thompson ,, Reaver F Ft, Valley, Ga. Anna Wyche r 1??lBrTaVOr Florence Williams 1*^6 Union OFFICERS OF DISTRICT ELEVEN Charlotte Latson (Deaconess) Amanda Jackson DISTRICT ELEVEN LOCATION S. A. L. Ry., Tampa Division North to Beaver and Enterprise Streets, Davis Streett, West to City Limits and Beyond E. W. Latson, Deacon John E. Spearing, Assistant Amanda J. Jackson, (Deaconess) Charlotte Latson MEMBERSHIP A J Jjio. son 1016 W Adams Berlha Brown Joe Higginbottom ' « Geo. Baker 1338 ' Olive Washington 1114 \V. Church Lillie B. Johnson Mary E. Jame* 924 4 N. R. Williams 928- ' Hester ■ ' ( John N ' ' ' Elizabeth Farrow 1027 W. Duval Essie Holman 1277 Louisa Scott 1217 ' Fannie Jones ' ' John Spearing 1072 Ashley Eliza Burgtss 1053 ' Fannie P. Mention 1123 ' Charlotte Randall 1039 ' S. 8. Campbell M. D i - 125 Johnson Carrie ' Gussie Wiggins 138 I.ee Maggie Smith 1020 W. Beaver Ella Edwards - 1026 Bell Brooks 608 Stewart Ella Martin 1432 ^. PiivhI Rosa A I* xande<- „ ^60 Achley Susan Brown U24 B aver Mamrp D. Brooks 1230 Duval Wm Goodwin 1129 Church Amanda B Green .... 505 Johnson Louis Henry 1109 Ashley U. L Hughes.. 1^R!°u!'oe Chamie Henry i 1109 Ashley W. H. Hawkins mil rkee Florence James I*d6 Clay J. D. McCoy 1225 Ashley Emma Rozier — >10 t H. G. Young * 413 Lee PRESENT TRUSTEE BOARD THOS. J. CROCKET, Treasurer ISAAC JOHSON PRESENT TRUSTEE BOAR D—Co n t i n u e d N W. COLLIER, Trustee of Church—Pres., F. B. A. WILLIAM' R. JONES, Secretary Financial Committee ED BROWN, Deacon at large M. MESSER, ex-Sec'y Finance OFFICERS OF DISTRICT TWELVE ,:.w—. ' JDU2A HUNTER, Pe»eonesg DISTRICT TWELEVE LOCATION McCoys Creek, St. John River, West to City Limits and Beyond S. A. L. Ry., Tampa Track South to City Limits apd Beyond. John Clark, Deacon H. D. Diggs, Assistant Eliza Hunter, Deaconess MEMBERSHIP Eliza Hunter 524 Dora Lucinda ' ' Alice ' ' Ethel ' * Jessie Anderson Spruce I. V. Walden 314 Oak Maud ' Mae W. Davis Lucy Hughes 563 Park Robt. ' P Perkins _ - - 516 Myrtle Ave Ida ' Mamie P. Mitchell „ 516 4 Estell Nero 411 Stonewall Serena Joyner 567 Park Celestine ' ( Carrie Franklin o23 ^ Cora Alexander Mary Woo ten - 1223 Rivers d^ Rebecc Alexandra - 514 Winter ' Thompson ' ark Florence Hicks *-60 I liarles Gertrude ' ... , H D Disss Bismark Sadie McRae."::.. 430 £ha^s Mamie Wasnington imc n . , * Margurett McQuay 1916, Re;-1113 Gussie Weston.... " .'".V 333 M ® £ Roxie Walker lDh™ Ella Reddick U«nmb Alice Richardson ™ 1 e 'c* Walter Williams 111 Uowell Rebecca ' ?Jla,T3 ".[---I- 1514 Highway Ida Brown.-- --- 316 Claude Annie Demps , Lottie Byard - ~ PRIMARY SUNDAY SC H O O L—'The Future Church CHARLOTTE GoMOTT, Supt. Future leaders—being trained in S. & District Twelve—Continued Mamie Byard 316 Claude Altamese « Mary Cain, ggg gpruce ' ^Hunter « Amelia McPherson 553 Oak Rosa Harris ; 344 Magnolia Mary Robinson 569 Oak C. R. Hagerman 519 (Carles A. B. Covington 547 Oak Lillie Mitchell Price Carrie Larick 567 Park R. D. Anderson 514 Spruce Julia Andrews 503 Oak Essie Adams 306 LeJia Margurett Allen 507 Bisniark Mamie H. Aikins 2815 St Jno Ave. Bessie Bingham J Highway Ave. Many L Crawford 217 Ocola Ardella ' ' Ella Covington - 547 Park Edward Demps 316 Claud Francis Flagg 614 Riversid Edna Robinson Laura Euller - 12 Yernue Terrace Ophelia Lawson 576 Park Mary Morrison 418 Park Claudia • ' Rebecca Miles 516 Park Martha McDonald 106 Lelia Carrie McGriffj 553 Oak L. E. Price-... 1609 Oak Sarah E. Porter... 101 Post Mary Swanson 216 Magnolia Emma Steplight 7 Kings Dr. J. H. Thompson Kissimme Fla. Mrs. 4 ' " , Bessie Taylor 228 Jackson WmTilliman 2756 St. Jno. Ave. Sadie West 557 Spruce EARNEST WORKERS FOR CHRIST MATTIE E. WILSON, Faithful Missionary mary e. Mcintosh MEETING PLACE FOR BIBLE STUDY REV. B. H. HODGE ently — REV. H. B. DaCOSTAR The "Old Philosopher" New Members received since going to Press; and too late to District LOCATION Thomas Adams 540 Orange Emerson Alexander 813 Iona Mattie Augusts 628 W. Church J. B. Alston 2127 Evergreen Claude Andrews 1508 Van Buren Georgia Beasley 33 E. Third Hosea Bishop 1563 Davis Thomas Cobb 611 W. Beaver Carrie Carswell 2063 Verrus Ethel Demorest 1561 Evergreen Caude Delmar 1937 St. John's Ave. Sadie Davis 1114 Julia Mary H. Daily 1452 Van Buren Rebecca Daniels 514 W. State Susie Gillispie 223 Orange J. A. Grimes F. B. Academy Ariel Gresham 601 Laura Harry Hunter 1311 Enterprise Wilhemena Hayes 1305 Julia Annie B. King J 905 Hickory Martha Lindsey 620 W. State Horace E. Lee 2140 Mt. Crief Ave. Minerva Johnson 2210 Mars Ave. Louis Jackson 1608 Cleveland R. L. Jenkins Rebecca Miles 516 Park Daisy McDonald 1111 E. Beaver Mamie Pratt 607 W. Beaver Lula Scrivens 221 E. State H. G. Smith 527 Broad J. M. Tomlin 1225 Franklin Lavinia Robinson Moncrief Ave. Beatrice Thompson 2155 Mars Ave. J. F. Wright 221 E. State DeLacy Wright 1508 Stewart Ave. W. H. Williams 17 E. State INSTITUTIONAL DEPARTMENT Every facility is offered in this Institution to make the best use of your time and talent. Now is the time to get acquainted with the work. Business Course Dress Making, Cutting, Fitting Bible Department. Domestic Science and Cooking. Mu *ic. Instrumental, Vocal. Physical Culture. English Branches. Theological. Plain Sewing and Fancy Work Lyceum Lecture Course LYCEUM LECTURE COURSE One lecture each month by a specialist. PHYSICAL CULTURE Body building, proper breathing and gymnastics. BUSINESS COURSE There is a constant call for efficient stenographers and typewriters. More than we are able to supply. BIBLE DEPARTMENT Classes formed for systematic study of Scriptures including Theolog¬ ical Course and Annual Institute. MUSIC-VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL A study of rudiments and advanced sight reading. ENGLISH BRANCHES For those who wish to improve their common school work, or pre¬ pare for civil service examinations. PLAIN SEWING AND FANCY WORK For beginners or advanced scholars, but open to all. DRESSMAKING, CUTTING AND FITTING A department of practical instruction in the art of building correct dress garments in all styles and description. FIRST GRADUATING CLASS FROM BUSINESS COURSE 1907 1909 Estella Dee Jamison, corine hermine simms, Georgia Nathan Barnes, Gato W. j. Blackshear THIRD GRADUATING CLASS—BUSINESS COURSE 1907 1911 Vina A. Amos» Rebecca Wilson-Johnson, Mattie C. Brandon, Olivia Walker, Cynthia Amos. Mary H, Smalls, SPECIAL GRADUATING CLASS—BUSINESS COURSE 1907 1911 Frankie B. Parks, Hattie T. Walker, The class that made a record of one term. Florine A. Crump FIFTH GRADUATING CLASS—BUSINESS 1907 COURSE 1912 Rachel R. Burns,-(deceased) Minnie T. Grant, Carrie Hampton, Angie L. Rainey—Ponder Maggie B. Williams, Nannie G. King, Essie Lancaster SIXTH GRADUATING CLA?S—BSUINESS COURSE 1907 1913 Mabel Webb, Anna Belle Driskell, Arthur L. Payne Laura M. Houston, Sewing Class of 1911 MISS M. L. HALYARD, Teacher of Sewing Claas THE DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT In this department, is taught the art of Dressmaking from the beginning. The modern method is used; and all work is finished. There are Twenty lessons in the full course, including cutting, drafting, basting and fitting. A good opportunity for girls, young ladies and older ones to learn how to make their own garments. Days—Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:00 a. m to 4:00 p. m. 1910 ANNNIE B. KING The First Graduate 1913 FANCY WORK Special mention is here made of thejwork done by the little children ' anging from six years old up. They are taught the art of patching, button-hole and various kinds of stitching, fancy and drawn work; espe¬ cially embroidery. The Instructor, Mrs. Amy DeCourcey is wellknown as an expert in hat line of work; and besides, various other duties she has to perform, she finds time to impart this useful information to those who desire to earn. MRS. AMY DeCOURCEY Teacher of this course MUSIC DEPARTMENT Vocal, Piano and Pipe Organ Instruction is given under able teach¬ ers. A most excellent opportunity to learn how to use the voice and instrument. Prof. Brandon and others will give reasonable terms. RUTH E. HARRIS, One of the Instructors of Music The English Department This Department offers excellent opportunities to those who desire to take advantage of being better prepared. A full graded course is given, using the text books as the Public Schools. The Instructors are competent, and practical teachers in the schools and colleges. This course is open to those who cannot attend day school, and desires to learn. Special attention is paid to Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and Spelling. Study nights: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs¬ day, beginning at 7:00 o'clock. The Bethel Mutual Teachers' Agency A BUREAU FOR COLORED TEACHERS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. OUR OBJECT: 1st. To supply Schools and Colleges with Teachers and Professors of all kinds; also Business firms with Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Type¬ writers, Clerks and efficient help. 2nd. To aid Teachers in securing employment and the unem¬ ployed in finding situations. 3rd. Employment Agency for all needing work of any kind and especially those who are efficient and giving good references. 4th. To recommend schools to parents. The President having traveled considerably, is able to know what kind of help is needed. The Bethel Teacher Agency Employment Office REV. JOHN E. FORD, Pres. J. A. HOUSTON, Sec. Office open at all Hows. Call or Telephone 2354 THE BUSINESS COURSE In this department is taught the modern use in Shorthand, using the Ben Pittman System (adopted by the United States Government as the standard.) The Touch System of Typewriting, and Montgomery's Modern Bookkeeping—a thorough training is outlined; and special atten¬ tion is given to each student. Many graduutes from this department are now filling good positions drawing fair salaries. Mondays and Fridays are the days. 7—9:30 p. m. J. A. HOUSTON One of the Teachers of the Business Course THE LYCEUM COURSE This course offers to the citizens of Jacksonville an excellent oppor¬ tunity of hearing some of the ablest speakers of our race. With the monthly lectures, dramatic readings, musicals and other literary entertainments, this course has become quite popular The managers have promised to bring the very best kinds of entertainers, and they ask the continued patronage of the public whenever these events are announced. MR. T. H. WARD, Musical Director for Choirs and Cantatas PHYSICAL CULTURE Under direction of Miss Jerusha Burnham, the young people are having the many out-door evercises that mean much in developing per¬ fect man and womanhood. There are many games, such as croquett, basket-ball, rope-jump¬ ing and lawn tennis. Beautiful Tennis Court constructed by the Baraca Class, and is enjoyed by all. * group of nnr vou^g Missionaries, who collects the of»ni Theological Department. REV. C. T. DORRAH] J Old Folks' Home The care of the aged and destitute, worn out with service and years of toil is a humane and christian duty that must not be overlooked by those who are younger and more fortu¬ nate in this world's gocds. The Old Folks' Home Association is composed of Christian women who are giving much time, strength, prayer and money for aged. Organized March, J8C1 Four acres of ground $6,000 Value of Building, $5,000.00 Number of inmates—30 Miss E. M. M. White, President Mrs. J. VV. Ward, Vice-President Mrs. C. S. Tucker, Secretary Mr°. H. T<. Dennis, irensurer The public are invited to visit the Old Folks's Heme. Religious cervices every Sun¬ day in the afternoon. PRINTING THAT ATTRACTS Inside view of The Florida Printery where uptodate, firstclass job work of all description is turned out. Lar^e and small presses are operated by experienced and competent help Lettei- heads, Billheads, Handbills, Programs, Invitations, Tickets, Business "and Calling Cards are done in modern style. Inspection invited. MRS. G. S. SAUNDERS, Proprietress The Florida Printing Company 40 East Union Street