JOURNAL OP THE ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AT THE ANNUAL SESSION OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMENCED AT MILLEDGEVILLE, November 2d, 1859. BOUGHTON, NISBET & BARNES, STATE PRINTER, Miixedgeville, Georgia, 1859. JOURNAL 01? THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIYES OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2d, 1859. At a session of the General Assembly of Georgia, begun and holden at the State House, in the City of Milledgeville, in the county of Baldwin, on the second day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and of the sovereignty and independence of the United States the eighty-fourth, on motion of Mr. Cook of Early, Mr. Williams of Muscogee, was called to the Chair, for the purpose of or¬ ganizing the House. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll and the following members elect, from the several counties hereafter mention¬ ed, produced their credentials, and having taken the oath pre¬ scribed by the Constitution of this State, and to support the Constitution of the United States, before the Hon. Thomas W. Thomas, one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of this State, took their seats, to-wit: From the county of Appling, the Hon. Middleton Gra¬ ham. From the county of Baker, the Hon. John W. Solomons. From the county of Baldwin, the Hon. Robert A. Mc- Comb. 4 JOURNAL OF TlrlE HOUSE, From the comity of Banks, the Hon. Robert Allan. From the county of Berrien, the Hon. J. J. Nobles. From the county of Bibb, the Hon's. A. M. Lockett and Clifford Anderson. From the county of Brooks, the Hon. J.'T. Edmondson. From the county of Bryan, the Hon. A. H. Smith. From the county of Bulloch, the Hon. John Goodman. From the county of Burke, the Hon's. John A. Rozier and Richard A. Heath. From the county of Butts, the Hon. James W. Harkness. From the county of Calhoun, the Hon. Chas. R. Knowles. From the county of Campbell, the Hon. Robert J. Tug- gle. From the county of Camden, the Hon. J. J. Dufour. From the county of Cass, the Hon's. M. A. Harden, and Thomas J. Wofford. From the county of Charlton, the Hon. A. N. Hogans. From the county of Chattahoochee, the Hon. James Whittle. From the county of Chatham, the Hon's. Julien Hart- ridge and John Screven. From the county of Cherokee, the Hon's. William W. W. Fleming and W. W. Worley. From the county of Clarke, the Hon's. W. G. Deloney and E. P. Lumpkin. From the county of Clayton, the Hon. Elijah Glass. From the county of Clay, the Hon. F. T. Cullens. From the county of Clinch, the Hon, John Williams. From the county of Cobb, the Hon's. N. B. Green and George N. Lester. From the county of Coffee, the Hon. James R. Smith. From the county of Columbia, the Hon's. Colvard and J. R. Wilson. From the county of Colquitt, the Hon. Henry Gay. From the county of Coweta* the Hon's. J. J. McClenden. and Elijah Martin. From the county of Crawford, the Hon. Leroy W. Hicks. From the county of Carroll, the Hon's. W. F. Johnson and R. L. Richards. From the county of Catoosa, the Hon. H. J. Sprayberry. From the county of Chattooga, the Hon. John PI. Echols. .From the county of Dade, the Hon. Robert H. Tatum. From the county of Dawson, the Hon. John Hockenhull. Prom the county of Decatur, the Hon. Robert R. Terrell. From the county of DeKalb, the Hon. John G. Ragsdale From the county of Dougherty, the Hon. R. N. Ely. From the county of Dooly, the Hon. James 0. Farnell. From the connty of Early, the Hon. W. C. Cook. From the county of Echols, the Hon. Fuilford Register. Fyom the county of Effingham, the Hon. Lewis Groven- stein. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2d" 1859. 5 From the county of Elbert, the Hon. Darkin L. Clark. From the county of Emanuel, the Hon. Owen McGat. From the county of Fafmin, the Hon. James Parks. « From the county of Fayette, the Hon. H. F. Underwood. From the county of Floyd, the Hon's. Thomas W. Alex¬ ander and J. W. Turner. From the county of Forsyth, thfr Hon's. S. P. David and A. Bruton. From the county of Franklin, the Hon. J. R. Earl. From the county of Fulton, the Hon. J. J. Trasher. From the county of Gilmer, the Hon. Ebenezer Fain. From the county of Glasscock, the Hon. Allen Kelly. From the county of Greene, the Hon's. |R. L. Mc"\\£horter and Miles W. Lewis. From the county of Gwinnett, the Hon's. Nathaniel Reeder and B. H. Blakey. From the county of Glynn, the John L. Harris. From th£ county of Gordon, the Hon's. William P. Fain and John Baugh. From the county of Habersham, the Hon. George W. Keeling. From the county of Hall, the Hon. William P. Smith. From the county of Hancock, the Hon's. David W. Lewis and W. H. Brantley. From the county of Haralson, the Hon. W. W. Sock- well. From the county of Hart, the Hon. Jefferson Holland. From the county of Henry, the Hon's. Benjamin L. Har¬ per and Andrew Henderson. From the county of Houston, the Hon's. Wm. J. Green and Wm. R. Brown. From the county of Harris, the Hon's. E. Mullins and R. Kennon. From the county of Heard, the Hon. James B. Ware. From the the county of Irwin, the Hon. Geol'ge W. N. Young. From the county of Jackson, the Hon's M. M. Mintz and R. J. Daniel. From the county of Jasper, the Hon. John C. Key. From the county of Jefferson, the Hon. John W. Brin- son. From the county of Johnson, the Hon. James M. Tapley. From the county of Jones, the Hon. Benjamin F. Fin¬ ney. From the county of Laurens, the Hon. Charlmes L. Holmes. From the county of Lee, the Hon. Isaac P. Cock. _ From the county of Liberty, the Hon. B. P. IPerrington. From the county of Lincoln, the Hon. J. W, Barksdale. From the county of Lowndes, the Hon. William Howell. 6 JOURNAL OP THE HOUSE, From the county of Lumpkin, the Hon's. Mathews Mc¬ Donald and J. M.Mays. * JFrom the county of Madison, * the Hon. Willis Strick¬ land. From the county of Macon, the Hon. Arthur M. Pitts. From the county of Mcintosh, the Hon. 0. 0. Hopkins. From the county of Merriwether, the Hons. Walter Ector and James A Render. From the county of Milton, the Hon. H. W. Howell. From the county of Monroe, the Hon's. Thomas R. Little and Wm. M. Clarke. From the county of Morgan, the Hon. Isham Fannin. From the county of Muscogee, the Hon's. Charles J. Wil¬ liams and Robert E. Dixon. From the county of Montgomery, the Hon. Mathew Sharpe. From the county of Miller, the Hon. Benjamin D. Joiner. From the county of Murray,'the Hon. J. D. *W. McDon¬ ald. From the county of Marion, the Hon. Martin L. Bivins. From the county of Mitchell, the Hon- A. H. Jones. From the county of Newton, the Hon's. Joseph A. Stew¬ art and Robert J. Henderson. From the county of Oglethorpe, the Hon's. John T. Lof¬ ton and John Eberhart. « From the county of Paulding, the Hon. William E. Mc- Ever. From the county of Pickens, the Hon. John E. Price. From the county of Pearce, the Hon. James Sweat. From the county of Pike, the Hon. John H. Mitchell. From the county of Polk, the Hon. William M. Hutchins. From the county of Pulaski, the Hon. Richard F. Dela- mar. From the county of Putnam, the Hon's. Wm. M. Vaughn andlrby H. Seott. From the county of Quitman, the Hon. R. G. Morris. From the county of Rabun, the Hon. Lewis N. Jones. From the county of Randolph, the Hon's. Henry L. Tay¬ lor and Thomas Coleman. From the county of Richmond, the Hon. William Gib¬ son. From the county of Schley, the Hon. Mark A. Perry. From the county of Paulding, the Hon. Wiley Patrick. From the county of Stewart, the Hon's. Samuel B. Wal¬ ton and Mark Holloman. • From the county of Sumter, the Hon's. Adam R. Brown and George R. Harper. Fiom the county of Scriven, the Hon. Benjamin L, Pres- cott. J WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2d, 1859. 7 From the; county of Talbot, the Hon's. J. B. McCrary and Thomas R. Lumsdell. From the county of Taliaferro, the Hon. W. F. Holden. From the county of Tatnall, the Hon. Samuel Brewton. From the county of Taylor, the Hon. Jeremiah McCants. From the county of Telfair, the Hon. MalcomN. McRea. From the county of Terrell, the Hon. John B. Yanover. From the county of Thomas, the Hon. J. H. Whaley. From the county of Towns, the Hon. Sumner J. Smith. From the county of Troup, the Hon's. A.*P. Fannin and A. P. Norwood. From the county of Twiggs, the Hon. H. T. Smith. From the county of Union, the Hon. John S. Fain. From the county of Upson, the Hon. W. G. Horsley. From the county of Walton, the Hon's. B. F. Selman and George J. Hurst. From the county of Warren, the Hon's. Wm. H. Pilcher and C. Gibson- From the county of Ware, the Hon. John B. Cason. From the cotinty of Whitfield, the Hon. Chas. E.Broyles. . From the county of Wilcox, the Hon. N. G. Forner. From the county of Wilkes, the Hon's. Isiah T. Irvim and G. W. Sims. From the county of Wilkinson, the Hon. T. R. Conley. From the county of Washington, the Hon. J. I. Irwin. From the county of Worth, the Hon. Daniel Henderson. From the county of Wayne, theHon. Welly Knox. From the county of Walker, the Hon. Charles C.Patton. From the county of Webster, the Hon. L. B. Causey. From the county of White, the Hon. James West. On motion *of Mr. Tatum of the county of Dade, the House proceeded to the election of Speaker. The ballots being received and examined, it appeared that the Hon. Isiah T. Irvin of the county of Wilkes, was duly elected ; whereupon, on motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene a com¬ mittee of five consisting of Messrs. McWhorter, Broyles, Ely McCombs and Lumsdell, was appointed to inform him of his election and request his acceptance of the same. The Committee having performed the duties assigned them, reported the acceptance of the same of the Speaker, who heing conducted to the Chair, tendered his acknow¬ ledgments to the House and entere4 upon the duties of his office. On motion of Mr. Cook cf Early, the House proceeded to the election of a Clerk, on counting out the ballots, it ap¬ peared that James J. Diamond of the county of Dekalb, had received a majority of all the .votes cast and was thejre- tfore duly elected and qualified as such. The House then proceeded on motion, to the election of a 8 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Messenger. The votes being received and examined, it ap¬ peared that Jesse Oslin, Esq., of the. county of Cobb, was duly elected to that office. The House then on motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene, adjourned until 2£ o'clock, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment and on motion proceeded to the election of a Door Keeper, the ballots be- • ing received and counted out, it appeared that William Ad- kins of the county of Oglethorpe was duly elected. On motion of Mr. Cook *of Early, "the House adjourned until 10 o'clock, A. M., to-morrow. THUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 18-59. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. Wfest their Secretary. Mr. Speuker:—I am directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives that they are organized, having made choice of Hon. T. L. Guerry, Senator from the county of Quitman, as their President and Fred. H. West of the county of Lee, as their Secretary and are now ready to pro¬ ceed to business. They have also appointed Messrs. Cone, Miller, and Har¬ ris of Worth, as a Committee to join such Committee as may be appointed by the House of Representatives to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that both Houses are now organized and ready to receive*any com¬ munication he may desire to make to this General Assem- bly. Mr. Tatum, of Dade, offered the following resolution, which was adopted, to-wit: Resolved\ That the rules of the last House of Representa¬ tives be adopted by this body, and that one hundred and eighty copies of the sanle be printed-for the use of the House. Mr. Williams, of Muscogee, offered the following resolu¬ tion which was agreed to, to-wit : Resolved, That the usual courtesy of this body be extend¬ ed to tli,e Press of this State, in providing seats for Editors and Reporters upon the floor of the House. Mr*Smith, of Towns, offered the following Resolution, which was agreed to, to-wit: Resolved, That the Clerk be directed to inform the Senate that the House has elected the Hon. I. T. Irwin, of the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. 9 county of Wilkes, as tlieir Speaker, James J. Diamond, Esq. of the county of DeKalb, as their Clerk, and that they are ready to proceed to business* Mr, Lester, of Cobb, offered the following resolution which was also agreed to, to-wit : Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed by the House to join the Committee on the part of the Senate, to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and inform him * that both branches of the General Assembly are now or¬ ganized and ready to receive any communication which he may desire to make. Mr. Gibson, of Richmond, offered the following preamble and resolutions which, on motion, were taken up, read, and agreed to, to-wit: Whereas, The late attempt at Harper's Ferry, in the State of Virginia, to excite a portion of the slaves of the South to insurrection has produced the highest degree of indignation in the jninds of the Southern people against the perpetra¬ tors of that outrage, their aiders and abettors, and affords just ground to apprehend a renewal of their efforts in other places; and, whereas the action of Governor Wise and Pres¬ ident Buchanan, meets with our unqualified approbation, we deem it nicumbent upon the members of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, to give the most authoritative expres-. siou of their sentiments; therefore, Resolved, That we regard the effort to excite the slaves of the South to a servile insurrection with the most intense in¬ dignation, and trust that the parties to this insane and trea¬ sonable plot, may meet with the most prompt and signal punishment; believing as we do, that while it will be mete- ing out a just retribution for their crime, it will exert a wholesome influence in detering others from countenancing similar movements. Resolved, That the prompt and energetic action of Gov¬ ernor Wise, of Virginia, and of President Buchanan in Sup¬ pressing the outbreak at Harper's Ferry, and in their efforts to capture the insurgents, evince a degree of manliness anjd patriotism honorable alike to thorn and worthy of our warm admiration. Resolved, That we pledge the State of Georgia to uphold and support the State of Virginia and the President of the United States in the position they have assumed in connec¬ tion with this unfortunate affair and we earnestly counsel the utmost vigilance in guarding against the recurrence of a similar conspiracy in our own borders or elsewhere South. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoging preamble and resolutions be transmitted by the Governor of the State of Georgia to the Governor and Legislature of Virginia and to the President of the United States. 10 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, The same was ordered to be transmitted to the Senate without delay. „ . On motion of Mr. Smith, of Towns, the Hon. Havicl VV. Lewis, of the county of Hancock, was unanimously chosen speaker, pro tern. _ , Leave of abscence was granted Mr. Gibson for a lew days on special business. Mr. Lester, of Cobb, 'from the joint Committee 01the General Assembly, appointed to inform the Governor of the- 'organization of the same and that they were ready to receive any communication he might desire to make, reported the discharge of their duties and that the Governor would com¬ municate his message in a few minutes. The following Message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, by Mr. Williams, his Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—I am directed by His Excellent ernor, to deliver to the House of Represents al Message and accompanping dr On motion of Mr. Smith, of ken up and read as follows : GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: In the seventeenth- Section of the first Article of the Con" stitntion of this State, it is declared that " every hill shall be read three times, and on three separate days, in each branch of the General Assembly, before it shall pass, unless in case of actual invasion or insurrectionand in the same section it is further declared, that " all Acts shall be signed by the President in the Senate and the Speaker in the House of Representatives." Bills Lost, which were not Engrossed and Enrolled. On the day" of the adjournment of the Legislature, at its last session, so large a number of bills passed both Houses that it was not possible for the Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks to copy and prepare all for the signatures of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, be¬ fore the hour of adjournment. Consequently, all bills in this condition were lost. Had they been enrolled after the Legislature had adjourned, they could not then have been signed by the President in the Senate nor by the Speaker in the House of Representatives. Not Signed by Presiding Officers. A number of other Bills which had been properly en-* rolled and* prepared for signature, but which, by some over¬ sight in the hurry of business, had not been signed by eith¬ er one or the other of those officers, were brought to the Executive Office, about the time of adjournment; and find¬ ing, on examination, after the Houses had adjourned, that the constitutional provision above mentioned had not been com¬ plied with, I withheld my signature from them, believing that it could not then give them the force of law. These Bills are herewith returned to the respective Houses in which they originated. It is believed that many of them 12 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, were never read a second time, on any previous day of e session, but that, when they came up in their order ore second reading, the captions or titles only, and not the , tire Bills, were read. The Constitution is imperative thai not only the title, but the Bill, shall be read, as well on x second as on the first or third reading. If any_ one re g may be dispensed with, all may} and the Bill, no ma how important, may be passed upon three readings o is tie only, while its provisions are unknown to many o e members of each House. Hasty and Inconsiderate Legislation Condemned. The numerous examples of hasty and inconsiderate legis¬ lation, which we so often witness, are becoming a source of great detriment to the State, and should be discouraged by all prudent legislators. One of the great evils of the age is, that we legislate too much. As a general rule, the fail¬ ure of a Bill that has merit in it is less to be regretted than the passage of a bad law. Wholesome rules of law with which the people have become familiar, should not be changed, unless for good cause, after very mature deliberation. A failure on the part of the Legislature to observe this rule, has involved our laws in much uncertainty, and has often kept the people in ignorance of their true meaning. Our legislators have frequently given too little attention to their duties during the earlier part of the session, and have left the greater part of the business of the session to he trans¬ acted within the last few days before adjournment. Hence, their inability to give to each important measure, brought before them at the close of the session, the attention and deliberation necessary to its proper disposition. The con- Sequence has been, that we have had much inconsistent ami unwise legislation. If we would learn wisdom by experi¬ ence, we might do much to correct this evil in future. I feel it my duty to use all the influence and power of my po¬ sition to that end. I shall not, therefore, hesitate to lay aside and withhold my sanction from all such bills passed in the hurry and confusion which usually precede an adjourn¬ ment, as fail to command the approbation of my judgment, together with all such as have not been plainly and cor¬ rectly enrolled and signed by the proper officers. Trivial, Local, Individual and Class Legislation. I would further suggest the propriety of dispensing with a great deal of the trivial, local, private and class legislation which is introduced into almost every General Assembly, much of which is useless because it benefits 110 one, and much of it is unjust and mischievous, because it benefits a few individuals at the expense of the many. Let it be remem bered, that each useless local Act introduced and passed cum¬ bers the Journals and the pamphlet of Acts, and that the THURSDAY, NQVEMBER 3p, 1859. 13 State pays out of money raised from tiie people by taxation, for printing 4,000 copies of the Journals of each House and 5,000 copies of the Act itself, and that one day spent by the General Assembly in, the passage of such Acts costs the State over $2,500 00, in pay of members, pfficers and other expenses. A proper and just regard for. economy demands reformation in this particular. The same objections that are applicable to triyial and local legislation, apply to much of our private or individual and class legislation, with many other objections on account of its injustice and inequality. It would, in my opinion, be much better for the Legislature, with few exception^, to lay down general rules of law, and let all alike regulate their conduct by them. Exercise op the Veto Power. Entertaining these views, I have, during my term in of¬ fice, frequently withheld my sanction from bills of the char¬ acter above described. In so doing, I do not consider that 1 have been wanting in respect for the General Assembly. The Constitution has assigned to the Governor, as well as to the General Assembly, official powers and duties, and the people should hold him responsible for the independent ex¬ ercise of his official powers, as well as the faithful discharge of his official duties. Neither House of the General As¬ sembly feels that it is wanting in respect for the other when it refuses to pass a Bill which it does not approve, though it may have been passed by the other. The, Constitution declares that the Governor " shall have the revision of all Bills passed by both Houses, before the same shall become laws;" and it only gives to the General Assembly power tp pass laws, " notwithstanding his dissent," by two-thirds of both Houses. If the Governor, therefore, out of respect for .the t\yo Houses, signs a Bill which his judgment does not approve, he denies to the people the exercise of that Executive revi¬ sion, which, under the Constitution, they have a right to de¬ mand, as a protection against hasty or unwise legislation. New Counties. I beg leave to call the attention of the General Assembly to our new county legislation. There may have existed a necessity, a few years since, for the creation of several new counties. Some of the old ones, which were laid out when the population was very sparse, were found to be too large for convenience when they became more densely settled, and legislative interference became necessary. Since the precedent of forming new Counties has'been established, it is believed it has already been followed further than the public interest may have required. Bills, for the organisa¬ tion of new counties covering small strips of territory, are 14 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, now passed, which, ten years since, would have met with no favbr in the Legislature. . 4 The number of applications for new counties increases in a ratio almo'st double that of the number made at each session. We now have 132 counties in the State, lhe whole amount of tax paid into the State Treasury by eac of a considerable number of our counties, is zm, by several hundred dollars, than the amount drawn by each of them from the Treasury in payment of its members, and for other usual and necessary purposes. This deficiency of several hundred dollars must, therefore, be made up to each out of tax paid by others- I recommend in future, as a general rule, to which I think there should be few, if any, excep¬ tions, that no new county be formed which does not embrace within its limits a territory at least as large as the average size of the present counties, without reducing the old coun¬ ties from which it is taken, each to a less area than that proposed for the new county; and that no such Act be passed until the Legislature is satisfied that the State tax to be paid by the proposed new county, when formed, will be at feast sufficient to reimburse the State for all moneys which she will be compelled to pay from her Treasury on account of its formation; and that each county from which territory shall have been taken to form the new one, will be left with the like ability. Reduction of the Number of Senators and Repre¬ sentatives. The further fact that the number of Senators and Rep¬ resentatives is increasing with the increase of the num¬ ber of new counties, is, to my mind, another reason why few if any other new counties should be formed. Our leg¬ islative Assembly is already much too large, expensive and unwieldy. A Senate composed of one hundred and thirty- two members differs but little from a House of Representa¬ tives, except in name. It is almost impossible for so large a body to maintain that calm and dignified decorum, and to act with that coolness, deliberation and caution, which are indispensable to the proper discharge of the high functions of a wise and grave Senate; wThich, when properly organised, is justly looked to as one of the strongest bul¬ warks of liberty in a republican government. I would, therefore, most respectfully but earnestly ur°-e lipoit your consideration, the importance of an early change of the Constitution, so as to reduce the number of Senators and Representatives. I would suggest that the Senate be reduced to thirty-three members, which would be an aver¬ age of one for every four counties; and the House of Rep¬ resentatives to one hundred and fifty-two members, which would be jtwo to each of twenty counties having the high- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. 15 est representative population* and one to each of the re¬ maining counties. Each of these bodies would then be quite large enough for the proper discharge of all its con¬ stitutional functions. Each county would have a dis¬ tinct an.d separate voice in the House of Representatives, the twenty strongest having each two Representatives. The adaption of this suggestion would reduce the present num¬ ber of Senators and Representatives, from three hundred and one, to one hundred and eighty-five, being a reduction of one hundred and sixteen. Upon the score of just econ¬ omy, this reduction should be made, if the efficiency and wisdom of the General Assembly will be nothing impaired by it. Let us look at the question for a moment, in this light. Should the example of the last General Assembly, the members of which voted themselves each six dollars per day, be followed as a precedent, (the propriety of which has been doubted,) these one hundred and sixteen Senators and Representatives will, in future, draw from the Treasury six hundred and ninety-six dollars per day, during the Session. If the session continue but forty .days, this will amount to $27,840 00 each session. ToHhis add $31 00 to each, which is about the average mileage of a member, and the mileage of the one hundred and sixteen would amount to $3,596 00; which, adde'd to the per diem pay as above fixed, makes a total of $31,436 00, thereby saving to the State, should the proposed reduction be made, that sum, each session of forty days; should the session be longer, the sum will be greater. But it is believed, now that the ses¬ sions are annual, that the people do not expect them to be protracted beyond forty days, and that no sufficient reason exists for so doing, as all the necessary business, with dili¬ gent attention during the earlier part of the session, mey be dispatched within that time. The above sum is now raised annually by taxation from the people, and is, in my opinion, expended in a manner worse than useless—as the General Assembly, under its present organization, is be¬ lieved to be a less safe and efficient body than it would be if organized upon the plan above proposed. For the pur¬ pose of ascertaining the sense of the people directly upon this subject, I recommend that a law be passed by the pres¬ ent Legislature, authorizing the call of a convention of the people, to take into consideration the propriety of the pro¬ posed Change, or such, other change as will accomplish the object, together with other necessary alterations of the Constitution. Should a reasonable reduction- be made, the saving of expense at a single session of the Legislative would nearly pay the expenses of the convention. The Legislature, as at present organized, including per diem and mileage of members, clerk hire, &c., costs the State about $2,520 00 for every day it is in session. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Pay of Clerks axd Per Djem of Members Should be Fixed Ry Law. _ In this connection, I will remark that the item of cleik hire, alone, has frequently been most exorbitant and un¬ reasonable. It is believed that much of this unnecessary expense has resulted fro pi the practice too often adopted by the Chief Clerk and Secretary, of employing a large number of supernumeraries. During the session of 1853, and 1854, the clerk hire in the House of Representatives amounted to $24,410, and in the Senate to $7,346. Since then, a law has been passed, limiting the number of clerks to be employed; and I recommend a further enactment, fixing the pay of each clerk, except two enrolling clerks, at $4 00 per day, and the enrolling clerks each at $5 00 per day. There would be no difficulty in obtaining the services of any number of clerks needed, at these prices, who are quite as competent as those heretofore employed at suj and seven dollars per day. The ^Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives, during the last session of the Legislature, (which lasted tmly thirty-nine days,) received each seven dollars per day, and an additional sum of five hundred dollars, appropriated to each. This appropriation and per diem together amounted to nineteen dollars and ninety-seven cents, each, per day, besides all the contingent expenses incident to the office of each, which were also paid out 'of the Treasury. Neither of these officers had, I think, five days of official labor to perform after the adjournment of the Legislature. 1 recommend that the compensation of each of these of¬ ficers, be fixed by law; and I would suggest that the actual contingent expenses of the office of each be paid, and that each receive not exceeding ten dollars per day for the time he is engaged in the duties of his office, without further appropriation. I am satsified that it would also be bet¬ ter to fix the per diem of the members of the Legislature by law, than to leave it, as heretofore, to be determined by themselves at each session. On account of the lateness of the hour in the session when the bill appropriating money for the support of the gov¬ ernment, is usually passed and presented to the Governor for his sanction, he is sometimes left to the alternative of giving it his sanction when it contains items of appropria¬ tion, which are, in his judgment, unnecessary and exorbit- aut, and which he does not approve; or, of vetoing it and Calling anexfra session of the legislature to pass an& appro¬ priation bill without those items j which would cost a much larger sum than the amount contained in the parts of the bill to which he objects. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ^ 1859. 1?' If the compensation of the members ah/f of all offihets 6f'% every character connected with the body,, were fixi ed by law, much of this embarrassment woitld be avoided; any proposed ch,angq would then be brought up in a separate bill and acfed upon with reference to its individual merits Indeed, propriety would seem to dictate that no appropria¬ tion of doubtful expediency, should be fastened upon the regular appropriation bill, the legitimate object of which i& duly to appropriate the several sums of money Which ard knoxyii to, 1859. 23 Georgia Military Institute. It is to be regretted that the (Georgia Military In¬ stitute at Marietta has not been as prosperous the last year gis its frichds had anticipated. This may b$ the result chiefly of oitr defective legislation for its government. As at present organized, it is under the control and management of a* Superintendent,, a Board Of Trustees and a Board of Visitors, whose powers,, respectively, are not well defined. In this conflict of ju¬ risdiction, that decision, and dispatch is wanting which i's absolutely necessary in maintaining government in the In¬ stitute. Tfle consequence has been that the number of Cadets is greatly diminished, and the character of the In-r stitute has suffered in public estimation, At the end of the last term. Col. A. V. Brumby, the late able Superintendent,, and Capt. McConnell, late? Com¬ mandant, resigned their respective offices; and Maj* W. F. Capers, who has for a number of years held a similar position in our sister State of South Carolina, has been elec¬ ted Superintendent, and Capt. W. J. McGill, of Charleston, has been elected Commandant. These gentlemen have both- accepted, and are now at their respective posts, giving, as far as I can learn, general satisfaction- It is to be hoped tliaf with the necessary legislation for the government of the Institute, they may soon be able to restore it in public confidence and'raise it to a high state of prosperity. Maj. Capers yielded reluctantly to the call of the' authorities of the Institute, and only upon the guaranty given by the joint Board of Trustees and Visitors that his salary should be made secure. The position which he resigned in Charles¬ ton was paying him as large a salary as he is promised in this State, and it was there secured by the State. I there-* fore recommend that the sum of $2,500, be appropriated j;o pay the salary of the Superintendent, and that this be an annual appropriation for that purpose till the incomes of the Institute become sufficient to defray all its expenses and pay the salaries of all its Professors. By a joint resolution of the last General Assembly the* Governor, in connection with the Board of Trustees, was authorized and empowered, (should they deem it necessary for the welfare of the Institution,) to employ an additional Professor for the same. By virtue of this authority the)7* eugagedtlie services of the Rev. Johh W. Baker; but on account of the reduction of the number pf Cadets occuf-* ring sopn alter his appointment, and the consequent dimi¬ nution of the incomes of the Institute, he has not received* his salary. As he was employed by authority of the legis¬ lature, good faith requires that a sum Sufficient to pay his miliary fojc the time he lips served} be appropriated. m JOOTNAL OF Tlifc HOUSE^ M their last i oiix,t meeting, the Board of Trustees and fiie"Board of Visitors, after much deliberation, agteed upon a bill to be laid before the legislature, proposing such- changes in the law for the future government ot the insti¬ tute "as experience has shown to _ be necessary. Among other things it is proposed to abolish both the old Bom s, and fo substitute in their place a single Board, to be charg¬ ed with the entire government of the Institute. It is also proposed to connect the Institute with) and make it part of, the Military organization of the State, and to give to the Commander-iil-Ohief, the same control over its officers which he has oter Other Military officers of the State. This it is be¬ lieved, will Secure more strict military government, which, is considered indispensably necessary to the Success and use¬ fulness of the Institute. I therefore, respectfully recom¬ mend the passage of tl^e bill proposed by the joint Boards. Military System—Volunteer Corps. For the purpose of giving new life and energy to our mil¬ itary system, which is pdw almost entirely neglected, the; importance 6f affording to a portion of" the youth of our (State a thorough military education, cannot be too highly appreciated. The people of many of the States of this Union are falling behind most of the civilized nations of the earth in "military training. Within the last twenty years the more powerful nations of Europe have probably advanced more in military science and skill, and in all the arts of war, than they had during any previous century. It is believed that no one will doubt thfe correctness of this remark who has observed attentively the late struggles between thg contending powers in the Crimea and in Italy. There is not a more brave and patriotic people on earth than those of the United States; and there is probably no llation whose militia is so reliable on the field of battle, yet in this day of constant advancement in Military science, those who depend Mone upon patriotism and valor enter the field, even in their own defence,under great disadvantage. Should otiy cohntry be invaded by any of the great powers of the other hemisphere, our people would be found at the com¬ mencement ol the struggle to he almost destitute of milita¬ ry training. Until this deficiency could be supplied, they might be unable to contend with the disciplined troops of a regular army, without great loss of life and much detri ment to our national character. There is probably ho State in the Union, certainly not ohe of the fold thirteen, m which military frainiim is more neglected than m ouf own. We know hot how "yon we limy be brought to the practical test of defending ourselves agyinSt the assaults ol foreign ambition, or the more unnatu¬ ral attacks oi those who ought to he our brethren, but whose THURSDAY, XQVEMBEB 3d, 1859., 25 lm aire; sin is prompting tliem tcf a Course which i^ daily weaken Aug the ties thqt hind uS together as one people. The father of his country lias admonished us to prepare for warm time of peace. If we tvohld profit hy his advice it is necessary that We reorganize our military system. I do Hot hesitate to bay, that the State should offer every reasonable jnducCmeHt for the organization and training of volunteer military corps, as the best and most efficient mode of re¬ viving the military spirit among Our peojple. TJiis cannot be done until She has made provision for arming such com¬ panies. At present, the only provision for this purpose, is, the distribution of the small quota of arms which the State receives annually from the General Goverment, and which js wholly inadequate to the demand. The consequence is* that many of our volunteer companies are without arms, energetic and efficient officers who have had the Work in charge, and upon the trustworthy and intelligent board of directors who have the supervision and direction of its affairs. While tfle work seems to have been faithful¬ ly done, my opinion is that those having the control liave permitted no wasteful or extravagant expenditure of the State's money. In common with the citizens of Georgia, I deeply regret the death of Dr. James P. $crevqn, tlie late able and untiring President of this ftoad. It is said, that in his extraordinary efforts to push forward to its completion this great thoroughfare, which is to give neW life and energy to a large and very interesting section of our State, he con¬ tracted the disease which terminated his valuable life. The work, when completed, "will stand as a well deserved mon¬ ument to his memory. The Board of Directors, since the date of my last Message having certified to me, as the statute requires, that the second, third, and fourth in- instalments, of sixty thousand dollars each, have been paid in by the private stockholders, On their subscrip¬ tion, I have, in each case, issued fifty thousand dol¬ lars of the State's bonds, as fhe statute directs, and de¬ livered them to the company, at par, as the State's install¬ ments due upon her stock. The whole amount of bonds issged to this time, on account of the road, is $250,000, for which the State holds that amount of stock in the com¬ pany. The Directors having lately notified me that the fifth installment of $00,000 has been lately paid in by the private stockholders, I have prepared $50,000 more of the bonds, which, are now ready for delivery, and will be de¬ manded in a few days. 30 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, State Aid. In my Annual message to tlie last legislature, I gave it as my opinion that it- would be good policy for the State- to lent) her credit to aid in the construction or such otner railroads as may be necessary to the more full development of her vast resources, provided she be made perfectly secure, beyond doubt, against ultimate loss. I still entertain the same opinion. In lending her aid m the construction oi a i-Q'ad, 1 only propose that the State indorse the bonds of the icompany, after a reasonable proportion of the road is first completed, for a feum sufficient to purchase the iron to com¬ plete the rest, as fast as the company, at its own expense, shall have first graded the road and laid down all the tim¬ bers and superstructure, ready for the iron. Ifor the purpose of securing the State against loss, on ac¬ count of this liability, I propose that she take and retain a mortgage or statutory lien upon the entire road, as well the part completed before her liability was incurred as the part Completed afterwards, with all the superstructure* rolling stock,, fixtures, franchises, and appurtenances of every char¬ acter belonging to the company, with the right to sell the whole, after sixty or ninety days advertisement, whenever the company tails to meet and promptly pay any installment of interest Or principal due on, said bonds. And should any portion of the State's liability remain unextinguished, after the sale of the road, I propose that the whole deficiency, whatever maybe tbe amount, be divided among the solvent stockholders, in proportion to the number of shares owned by each, and that the Comptroller General, under an order frOm the Governor, issue execution immediately against each, for his proportion of the deficiency, to be levied and collected by the Sheriff of the county in which the de¬ fendant resides, or of any county in which he may have property. This would, in my opinion, make the State am¬ ply secure. Indeed, it is not probable that she would ever have to call upon the stockholders to make up a deficiency, aftei the sale of a road j as it is not reasonable to suppose that any company of sensible men, simply because the State •would agree to indorse their bonds under the very binding restrictions above proposed, for a sum sufficient to"purchase thelarger part of the iron, would ever invest their capital in grading and building a road which would be of so little val¬ ue, wfien completed, that the whole road, and all its appur¬ tenances, including the iron upon the entire track, and all the .rolling stock, would not bring, if sold, a sum sufficient to pay for only the w of the iron for the price of which the State would be liable. Capitalists do not usually invest their money where they not only expect no dividends or incomes, but the loss of the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. Si principal, Witli an ultimate liability to future additional lossi! consequently, it is not reasonable to suppose that the stockholders in any1 company under the proposed plan, would undertake to build a roa,d, and receive the Stated aid by the indorsement of their bonds, unless they were sat¬ isfied that the road was a public necessity, and that the stocky after the road should be completed, would pay reasonable dividends. „The law, if passed, tefiould be a general one, giving to eyery company in the State, engaged in the construction of a railroad, the same aid, Subject to the same liability. It may be objected, that the terms upou which it is proposed to grant the aid are so onerous that no prudent company would avail themselves of its benefits-, and that no encour¬ agement would be given by the proposed plan to the devel¬ opment of the resources of the State; and it may be asked, what are the advantages of State aid, under this plan 1 To fhisit may be replied, that the Company, with the State's in¬ dorsement upon its bondjg, can sell thenl at par in "the mar¬ ket, and thereby save itself from the ruinous loss which it would have to bear, should it be compelled1, by its necessi¬ ties, as such companies often are, to expose its bonds in the market, without such indorsement, fbr the purpose of rais¬ ing money to complete its road. Many companies, which are now ctoing a prosperous business, while constructing* tlieir roads, were compelled to sell their bolids at sixty cents ill the dollar, to raise money with which to complete them. "Had the bonds of any such company had the proposed in¬ dorsement, they would have commanded par in the market, ami thus over one-third of the cost of construction Would have been saved to the company. As an illustration, sup¬ pose it will cost SGOOjOOO to build a road between two given points, and the road, if built, woufd be of much pub¬ lic utility, and do much to develope the resources of an in¬ teresting section of the State, and a solvent company, with¬ out the cash at present, undertakes to build it upon credit, by the sale of its bonds, as such roads are often built, the bonds must be offered in' the market, and will bring only pixty cents in the dollar. It will cost $1,000,000 of bonds to raise the $000,000 in cash. When due, these bonds must be redeemed by the company at par. It will, therefore, cost the company $1,000,000 to build the rOad, But, sup¬ pose the State indorses the bonds; they will then bring par; and $600,000 pf the bonds will bring $600,000 in cash. The company, irr that case, would have but $600,000 of bonds to redeem; consequently, it would cost them only $600,000 to build the road. The State's indorsement would, therefore, be worth $400,000 to the company. The .State would remain perfectly secure, and have her resources greatly developed, and the lands pf her citizens in the vi- 32 ifOHMAI* OE THE HOUSE, ty and proceed with tlie Work. Shppld if, howeveiy Cost $1,000,000" to HvlHH the satae Boacfj it could then pay 111 tu-* videncls irom the same amount of business, hut little ©Ver half of eight per cept, and infhat case, fhey would refuse H Incur the lial>l^ity or to proceed with the work- Conse¬ quently, the road would not he built} the resources of tbq section would not he developed? tlie price of lands woiild pot |>e raised, and the amount of tax paid into the Treasury 'jvould hot l^e increased. Hence, I conclude that it will he a wise policy on the part of the State to grant the aid pp- ©n these terms, that no ptudent company wil^ receive it until the stockholders are satisfied that the road" Will pay when completed, ana that the«,aid will he" very vaTuahle 1i a company engaged in building suqh a,road. It is sopietimes sai,d that in justice to the railroad c om- panies already in. existence, the State should, not aid nr en¬ courage the building of other roads which may come in competition with those new in operation. "Shine of these companies are now making very large profits, and while I desire to see them prosper, and would not wTish to see their .dividends reduced, helow a, point where the- stock would be •reasonably profitable;, ho matter how much other interests plight be thereby promoted, I am unwiliing that such sec¬ tions of the State as -are, without railroads should be -denied Heir benefits on the ground that the large incomes of some pf the wealthy companies now in existence, might be re¬ duced by giving these section^ lan opportunity to partici- • pate in the advantages "which would result to them from the construction of other roads. Indeed, I entertain no uonbt that the interest of the people requires that the num¬ ber qf roads be increased till pa one shall have a pionopo-t !y of th^ business of any very large portion of the State, n/y. vide& that each shall be left with sufficient business to make its Stock reasonably remunerative. TWo-ronW and the shipp^ must heap the loss. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. $3 Again, I deny that any Company has a right to complain that injustice has been done it by the State, should she permit or encourage the building of such roads as the inter¬ est of her people in different sections require, which do not in any manner violate the chartered rights of such company. Most of our railroad charters contain guaranties to the re¬ spective companies, that no lateral road shall be built with¬ in a certain number of miles of the road of the company to which the guaranty is given; say twenty miles, as an in¬ stance. These corporations claim that the charter is a con¬ tract between the State and the company, and they cling with tenacity to every chartered right given them by this contract, and exercise it, if profitable, no matter how oner¬ ous its exercise by them may be to other interests in the State. They Should therefore be content with the contract; and should not be heard to complain when the State exer¬ cises rights reserved by her when she granted to them their charters. The State, in the case above supposed, as an in stance, when she granted the charter, guarantied to the company an exclusive right over a strip of her territory forty miles wide. With this guaranty they were1 content, accept¬ ed the charter, invested their money, and built the road. The interest of a large number of persons outside- of the limits embraced in the guaranty probably afterwards requires that they have & road; the State encourages its construction and it is built. What injustice is done to the first company and how fiave they been deceived? They have the full measure of their rights, and the full benefits of what they in¬ sist upon as their contract. It is true, they Diay not have so large a monopoly as they desire, but they have all they con¬ tracted for, while another portion of the State is developed, and the people have the benefits ot low freights resulting from the competition. The State has taken stock in two railroad companies. I oppose this policy, and do not think she should be a part¬ ner with her citizens in such an enterprise. My opinion is that she should have no interest in any property over which she has not the entire control. By endorsing the bonds of the company, with ample security, she complicates herself with none of its private management .or affairs. Banks and Banking. By the second section of the Act of 22d December, 1857, usually known as the bank Act, it is enacted that "when any bank or banks now incorporated or which may hereafter be incorporated in this State, shall refuse or fail to pay specie for any of its bills, notes or drafts, or other writing fox which they may be bound, when demanded by any individ¬ ual or individuals, shall be liable to suit thereon in/any of the Courts of la,w or equity in this State, and such individu- 3 34 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, taoc ao / x 4-1 "U principal and interest due upon eacli banknote, or other ob¬ ligation which the batik has refused to redeem in specie on demand, with twenty five per cent damages*; tlie interest to be computed from the time of the refusal to redeem the note in specie when presented; and that the plaintifl be en¬ titled to judgment at the first term of the Court. I also 'recommend, that the penal code of this State be so changed as to declare that a future Suspension of specie payment, by any bank in this State, shall be adjudged as conclusive evidence of fraud on the part of the President and directors of such bank; and that the same be declared to be a high misdemeanor; and punished by confinement and hard labor in the Penitentiary of this State, for a term not less than five, nor more than ten years; and that the Grand Jurois of each county in this State, in which a bank is loca¬ ted, shall, at the opening of each term of the Court, in addi¬ tion to the oath now prescribed by law, further swear that they will diligently inquire, and true presentment make ol all cases of bank suspension which have occurred in the county since the last term ot the Court; and in case any Grand Jury shall present any bank 9s having suspend¬ ed specie payment, that; it shall be the duty of the Solicitor Gene 1 al forthwith to make out bills of indictment against the Pi esident and Directors of such bank. In my message to the last Legislature, I expressed the opinion, that in view ot all the imperfections and abuses of our uresent bank-inn- upon iheir representatives the enactment of such laws as I'? m 7 mnt0 effect Tlle of the banks and bmk officeis, should be made so strihgent as to deter them m future from trifling with the rights of the people, or the (impose of advancing .their own interest and their pwn speculations. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. Education. The last Legislature, by its liberal enactments and en¬ lightened views upon the subject of Common School Educa¬ tion, not only rendered the State a most valuable service and entitled itself to the thanks of the whole people, but set an example of liberality in favor of education which challen¬ ges the approbation and deserves the imitation of all its suc¬ cessors. It is true, the Common School System adopted, was not perfect, nor was this to have been expected. So gfeat a work must be progressive and a succession of \yise enact¬ ments, guided by the light of experience, can alone perfect it. Bgt the last Legislature did take a most important step in £he right direction. It laid broad and deep the founda¬ tions of a system upon which, if its successors are equally wise, a most beautiful and perfect structure in all its mag¬ nificent and symmetrical proportions, will soon be reared.. In addition to the sum heretofore appropriated and dis¬ tributed annually for education, it made an annual appropri¬ ation of $100,000, to be paid out of the net proceeds of the W. & A. Road; and provided that the School fund should be further increased, annually, as hist as the public debt is de¬ creased; and that the interest heretofore'paid to the State's creditors, shall in future aS fast as the debt is-paid, be added to the School fund, and distributed for educational purposes. This $100,000 appropriation was made under the suppo¬ sition that the net incomes of the State Road would not exceed $300,000, per annum. As before stated, the Road has dtiring its last-fiscal year, paid into the Treashfy of the Sfate $402,000, clear of all necessary expanses and repairs. Estimating the future incomes* from the Road at a like sum per annum, I see no just' reason why the annual appro¬ priation for school purposes, may not be safely increased to $150,000, exclusive of the interest on'the old fund, and the interest on the bonds which are to be issued for educational purposes as the Stase debt is paid. I earnestly recommend this increase of $50,000, per annum, in the aiinual appropria¬ tion- If this be made, ,the amount for distribution, next year, from the State Treasury for Educational purposes, will be nearly $200,000. Deposit with Bank of Savannah. The School Act of last year authorized* me to deposit the School Fund, and other surplus funds in the Treasury, with any of the banks of Augusta or SaVannah, at interest, upon the be^t terms I could "make with the banks. Under this authority, I vtas able, on the 14th day of January last, to deposit the sum, of $100,000 with the Bank of Savannah; for which it gave ifs obligation to pay interest on the amount, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, till the 36 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, third Monday in the present month, which is the ^ ^ byflje statute SorXM to tb,, a^nt to be districted, together with toX<£ the Treasury. As an inducement to me oa $100,000, on these terms, I agreed to g^"he^e T ^ other deposits of the State, ar. These he redeemed, together with $1,- 38 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, 297 50 pf interest which had accrued upon them, was not yet due. T _ *160,boo of f^;c~l bo®s up_ As directed by t e ^ 5150,000 of new on the redemption <01 these 00 _ tWPn_ bonds, dated the first day of tb. ty years after date, bearing six pe ,c u r ble aBnually. These bonds are payable to the of State, as the trustee of the Educational Fund of Gtotgih, and are deposed in his office; the interest upon which will, in future, "be distributed annually as part of the k_ckool Fund. Duty of Ordinaries. The seventh Section of the School Act authorizes the Governor, before drawing his warrant upon the Treasury for the amount of school fund, to which each county is enti¬ tled, to direct each Ordinary to furnish him with the num¬ ber pf children in his county between the ages of eight and eighteen—the number taught the elementary branches of an English education, the number taught the higher branch¬ es of education, and the rates of tuition in the elementary branches tod in the higher branches, and all other farts and statistics Which the Governor may require said Ordinaries to obtain, and return, and which may he deemed useful in ajid of future legislation. Under this Section, I caused circulars to be addressed to all the Ordinaries of this State, calling on them to furnish such facts and statistics as, in my opinion, might be useful in aid of future legislation. Most of tile Ordinaries have performed their duty and forwarded the necessary informa¬ tion. jSome have, however, lhade very imperfect returns; and some have made* none. It may become my duty to withhold the fund from the counties whose Ordinaries are In default, till they shall have made their returns. Ig sitch case, I shp.ll not fail to make known to the people of the comity the reason why the fund is withheld, and give them cgi op¬ portunity, at the ballot-box, to hold the proper officer re¬ sponsible. The Ordinary in*each county has power to with¬ hold the fund from the Teachers till they furnish him with the necessary information. This will, no doubt, be suffi¬ cient penalty to enforce performance of duty on their part. School Statistics. Thus far returns have only been received from 102 coun- ies. ihese returns contain much Valuable information. I ave had them arranged in a statistical table, which is in • is omce, and will be at all times subject to the inspection 9 Members of fhe Legislature. So soon aS the Ordinaries 0 the other counties shall have made their returns, the ta- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER'to, 1S59. 39 ble will be printed, if desired j)y the General Assembly. The returns front those 102 comities, furnish the following among other interesting facts. Whole number of children between the ages of 8 and 18—1.07^825, Number between 8 and 18 taughhin 1859,-67,155; total of all persons taught, 79,- 922; of these 45,090 are males, and 34*832 are females.— Whole number of males taught in the elementary brunches 29,238, pumber ©f females, 22,681. Whole number of males taught the higher'branches, 8,032, females, 7,613. Average tuition, per annum, in the elementary branches $15 50, in the higher, $26 ,00. Whole number of school houses, 1775; number of schools, 1777. Nutnber of Methodist Male Colleges, 4, in which there have been taught 358 pu¬ pils; Methodist females 'Colleges, 4, pupils 524; Baptist Male Colleges, 3, pupils 297; Baptist Female Colleges, 4, pu¬ pils, 322; Presbyterian Male College, 1, pupils* 97; Presby¬ terian Females Colleges, 3? pupils 3,25; Colleges and High Schools not sectarian, male, 16, pupils, 773, female 16, pupils 1222; number of Academies, 57. Out of the 102 coiinties 99 have appointed boards t6 examine teachers, and 1297 teaph- ers have passed* an examination. The Ordinaries of only 49 of the bounties of this State, have given bonds as required by the statute/or tire proper disbursmeht of the school fund. The remaining S3 have not yet complied with the law, in this particular, and will not be entitled* to draw the fund until they shall have given bond, as directed by the statutes. For the benefit of tjieir constituents, I shall have the names of the defaulters published soon! School Ta|: Collected by Counties. It further appears by thefee returns, that the proper author¬ ities of only 84 of the 102 counties, have levied .and collected each a county tax to be added to the school fund of the county. Th'e counties of Clarke and Effingham, have each assessed fifty per cent upon the State Tax for school pur¬ poses. This is the highest per cent levied by any county.— The county of Meriwether only assessed five per cent upon her State Tax, which is the lowest per cent levied by any one of the 84 counties. The aggregate amount raised by the 84 counties for school purposes, is $64,997. As each of quite a number of th,e counties, which draws its just propor¬ tion of the amount distributed from the State Treaehry, ♦re¬ fuses to raise ahy additional sum by taxation, I recommend shell change in the law as will authorize the Governor to withhold from ' each county in the State, after this year, its proportion of the State fund, tilt its proper authorities 'shall have levied and collected a tax of at least 25 per cent . upon, # tips State Tax, to be added to tpe amount which it receives from the Stare for educational purposes* Many of the comities would no doubt 40 journal of the uou^e, raise over 25 per cent, as matter of choice. ^ If each county should assess and collect but 25 per cent, this would amount to about $100,000; which, added to the $200,000 distributed from the Treasury, should the annual appropriation be in¬ creased as above recommended, would increase the amount of public money to be expended next year for education, to $o00,000, which sum would be still further ^increased annu¬ ally from the interest on the bonds to be issued upon the payment of the public debt. This $-300,000 annually would ' be equivolent to shgper cent upon a school fund of $5,000,- 000, a fund of which any State might justly be proud. Even, this, however, would be only three fourths of the annual net incomes to the Treasury from the State Road. Probably no State in the Union is now in a condition to da so much for the advancement of education, with so little of *the bur¬ dens of taxation to her people. The incomes from her public property, if wisely expended, will enable her to build Up a magnificent school fund, while herpeople pay a smaller'tax than the people of any State in the Union. The past year has been one of prosperity, durum which Our kind Heavenly Father has bestowed rich blessings upon the people of our noble State. With hearts hilj of gratitude let us Jmmbly invoke his aid in all our deliberations for the public good. joseph e. brown". THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, 1859. 41 Leave of abscence was granted Mr, Screven, of the county of Chatham, McWhorter and Mintz. ° Mr. Lester of Cobb, offered the following resolution which was taken up, read and agreed to, tq-wit ? Jle$olvcdj That a committee of five be appointed by the House to co-operate with a similar conlmittee of the Senate FRiDAt, November 44,1359. 43 in making suitable arrangements fpr the inauguration of the Governor elect, and to invite distinguished persons to attend, the ceremonies. The Chair appointed under this resolution, Messrs. Lester, Sprayberry, Thrasher, Harkness, and McComfo. The following message tvas received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—I am directed by the Senate to inform* the House of Representatives that they have agreed to a resolu¬ tion bringing on certain elections therein specified, in which they ask the concurrence of the HouSe. I am also directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate "appointed Messrs. Paine, Seward, Printup, G&rtrell and Warjd, as-a committee to join sudi committee as may be appointed by the House to make suitable" ar¬ rangements for the inauguration of the Governor el^ct and to invite distinguished individuals to attend the same. On motion of Mr. Ely of Dougherty, the rules were sus pended and the following Senate resolution was taken Up and read, to-rwit: Resolved, That upon concurrence of the House of Repre¬ sentatives in this resolution, the General Assembly do meet in the Representative Hall? on Saturday, £>4 inst:, at ^ o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing twp Judges of the Supreme Court, to suoceed the Hon. Henry L. Penning and the Hon. Linton Stephens, whose terms of'office expired or1 will expire before the next session of the Legislature. Mr. Deloney proposed to amend by inserting in lieu of the period mentioned, Thursday, "November tenth, at 10 o'clock A. M., the same was received. Mr. Tatuta, moved, to insert and a United States Senator, upon this proposition the yeas and nays were required, t@ pe recorded. There are yeas 76. There are nays 81. Those who voted, in the affirmative are Messrs : Allan, Fain* of "Gordon, Hicks, Baugh," Farnell, Hockenhull, Broyjes, Finney, Holland, Brewton of Forsyth,Fortner, Howell of Lowndes, Cason, Gay, Hutchins, Clarke of Elbert, Glass, Irwin, Colvard, Gibson of Warren, Johnson, Coleman, Goodman, J oiner, Dayid, Green of Houston, Jones of Mitch ell, Earl, Hardin, Reeling, Echols, Harkness, Kefmon, Ector, Harper pf Sumter, Khowles, Hdmondsan, Harris. Lofton, Fain pf Gilmer, Heath, Martin, 44 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. McCdnts, Palton, McComb, Ferry, »McDo,nald of Lump-Pilcher, lyn, Prescott, McDonald of Mur-price, ray, Register, McEver, Render, McGar, Richards, McLendony Rozier, Mitchell, Scott, Norwood, Smith of Coffee Patrick, Smith of Ha LL, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Grovenstein, Mmtz, Harper of Hepry^ Morris, Hartridge, Mullens, Henderson of Hen-Nobles, ry, Parks, Henderson of NeV-Pitts, ton, Ragsdale. Sprayberry, Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Taylor, Tuggle, Vaughn, Ware, West, Whaley, Williams of Clinch, Wofford. Alexander, Anderson, Barksdale, Blakey, Bivins, Brantley, Brinson, Brown of Houston,Henderson of WorthReeder, Brown of Sumter, Herington, Btewton of Tatt- Hogans, nal, Clarke of Monroe. Cock, Conley, Cook* Gullens, Daniel, Delamar, Delony, Dixon, Dufour, Eberhart, H olden* Holloman, Hopkins* Horsley, Howell of Milton, Hurst, Jones of Rabun, Kelly, Key, Knox, Lewis of Greenes, Lester, Lumpkin, Lumsdell, Seltaan, Settle, Sliarpe, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smithof Towns, Smith of Twiggs, SoekweU, Solomons, Stewart, Strickland, Terrell, Thrasher, Turner, Underwood, Vanover, Whittle, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Worley, Ely, Fain of Union, Fannin, of Morgan, Mays, Fgrihin of Tipup, McCrairy^ Fleming, McRea, Green of Cobb, McWhorter, So the amendment was not received. The resolution afe amended on motion of Mr. DelOney of Clarke was then concurred in. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West theit Secretary. Mr. Speaker: I am directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives that they have appointed Messrs. Printup, Hill of Troup and Johnson nf Cass, as a committee. FRIDAY,. RG.VI|MBER 4th, 1859. 45 to join the committee appointed by the .House to inform JpsephE. Bro\bn, governor elect, of his election and to re¬ quest his acceptance of the same. The following resolution of the Senate was on motion ta¬ ken up, read *and concurred in, to-wit: Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives that both branches of the General Assembly do convene in the Representative Hall on Saturday the 5th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. to proceed to the election of Secretary of State, Comptroller General, Treasure^ Surveyor General, Director of the Fank of the State of "Georgia and State Prin¬ ter. The following bills of the House were*read the second time and committed for U third reading, to-wit: A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Richmond county to levy an extra tax &c., and, A bill for the relief of William J. Eve, W. H. Goodrich, and others, securities. The committee appointed on the part of the House to wait Upon the Hon. Joseph E. Brown, in connection with a sim¬ ilar committee on tip© part of the Senate, 'and inform him of his election as Governor of Georgia, request his acceptance of the Same, and ascertain at what time he would be pre¬ pared to meet the General Assembly to tdke the oath of of¬ fice, reported by their chairpian Mr. Tuggle, the perform¬ ance of their duties, the acceptance of the Hon.«Joseph E. Brown, and that he would meet the Geheral Assembly at the hpur of 12 P'clock M., to-day, for the purpose of taking the dath of office, * On motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene, the House took- a recess until 11 % o'clock. The House again convened, and on motion of Mr. Mq- Whorter of Greene, the Gferk was. directed to inform the Senate tfiaf the House of Representatives Vere prepared to receive that body into their Hall, for the purpose pf pror ceeding with the inauguration of the Goverplpr elect, which idpty being performed by the Clerk* the President andmem- bers of the Senate attended. The Governor elect was introduced by the joint commit¬ tee, attended by the State House Officers, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Reporter and Clerk, Judges Pf the Superior Courts, Members of Congress^ ex-Governors and other dis¬ tinguished visitors and citizens, whep'he addressed the Gen¬ eral Assembly, ^nd took the oath prescribed by the Consti¬ tution of the State. 46 JOURNAL OF {TH& HOUSE. ^ * "VTlijll"" The Governor attended by the cofm™^tg^^aeVI^epair€;J drawnj the Presided and membersr^lirne(j until 10 o'clock to their Chamber, and the House adjourned unr A. JL, to-morrow morning'. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1S59. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Onmotion of Mr1. Mints of Jackson, the Clerk greet¬ ed to inform the Senate that the House was ready to re¬ ceive that body into their Hall, and proeddd to the electrons Set ajpart for this day. „ Mr. Lewis of Hancock, offered the following resolution which was tqkeri up, read apd agreed to, to-wit. Resolved, That George Hijlyer, Esq., of the county of Walton, the assistant Clerk, act as Clerk, of the House dur¬ ing the absence ol James J. Diamond Clerk^ who is excused frown attendance on his duties for a few day^ on account, of iliness in his family and that the Senate be informed of the appointment of Mif. Etillyer, Leave of absence was, granted Messrs. Horsley and Irwin of Washington for a few days on special businesst Creorge II illy or, Esq., was duly qualified as assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives. The following bills werd read the second!" time and com¬ mitted for 'the third reading, to-wit; A bill to appropriate money to defray the Expenses of the pupils of the Georgia Academy for the Blind and to provide furniture, apparatus and books for said Academy. A bill to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the county of Dade, and authorize the levying of a tax for the same. Ah^ll tq reduce the Sheriffs .bond of the county of White. f J A bill to incorporate •" The Xucy Cobb Institute" for the education of yqpng ladies in the town of Athens, and A bill tp augend the charter of w The South Western, Rail¬ road Company, and to authorize an increase of the capital stock of said Company. The following hills were tead the sePond time and referred to the Judiciary Conynittep, torwjt: A foil to organize a Law School in connection with "the University o£ Gporgia, arid to provide a Library for the same and, 4 A bill to give endorsers the control -of fi. fas. and judg¬ ments paid olf by them. • ° The following bills were read the second time and refer¬ red to the Committee on Banks, to-wit: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 185-9. ft A bill to incorporate an Insurance Company in the City of Columbus, to be Called u The South Western Georgia In¬ surance Company," ftnd, A bill to compel the Chartered Banks of this State once in every year to publish a list ef their depositors apd the amount due td each. The President and members of the Senate were received and the General Assembly proceeded to the election of 'a Secretary of State, hpon countihg out the ballets it appear¬ ed that E. P. Wat bins of the coffiity of Baldwin, Ifad lbceiv- e,d. a majority of all the votes given in, and was therefore de¬ clared diily elected to said office for the two ^ears next en¬ suing. • The election*of Comptroller General being next ih order the General Assembly proceeded to ballot therefor, the bal¬ lots being counted out, it appeared that Peterson ThweatR had received, a majority of .all the votes cast, and was therer fore declared duly elected Comptroller General Ibr the next ensuing two years.# Thfe Geperal Assembly psoceeded next to the election of a Treasuries, upon the ballots being counted put, it appeared that John B. Trippe of the county ofPutnaVn was duly elec¬ ted Treasurer for the ensuing tkm of two years. The (jreneral Assembly then proceeded to the election of a Purveyor General, the votes being counted out and it ap- , pearin^ that A. J. Boggess of the county of CaiToll, had re¬ ceived a majority of the whole number cast, he was declar¬ ed duly elected Surveyor General for the next ensuing two 1 years. The election of Director of the Bank of the State of Geor¬ gia being next in order*, the General Assembly proceeded to the samft, which resulted in the election of Solomon Cohen of the county of Chatharp. The Genersd Assembly then proceeded to the election of State Printer, upon the ballots being counted.out, it appear¬ ed that S. N, Boughton, of the county of ^Baldwin, had re¬ ceived a majority of the whole number cast, he was there¬ fore declared duly elected for the next ensuing terpi of two years. The Senate then withdrew to their Chamber. The following messagd was received ijrom the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary : * Mr. Speaker:—I am directed bjjthe S,enate to»inform the House of Representative^, that they have Concurred in the amendment of the Sopse to $ie resolution of the ^enate brjngin^ on thS election for Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia. The HohsC on motion Of M^Lpmpkin of Clarke, adjourn ed pntil 10 o'clock, A. $!., pn Monday. 49 JTjtJfiNAL OF THE HpUfeE, MONDAY, NOVEMBEK7tb,lS59. Tte »f Washington and the Hon. William J- members elect from tic' counties ,^rrilir.H ed their credentials, and having taken the oath prescribed bytha Constitution of this State, and to support the Cough- tHion of the United States, before the Hon. Isaiah T. Imn, SPOnkthec°^ of counties the following bills wgre reported and read the first time, to-wit: ' Mr. 'Allan of Burke, reported at bill to change the line be¬ tween Hall and JBanks. , ., Mr. Bozier of Banks, reported a bnl to render the estate of deceased persons and of minors liable dor Medical services rendered negroes of each estates during the- time for which they are hired. * Mr. Sprayberry of Catoosa, reported a hill to compensate William T. Williamson, for services rendered the State of Georgia in 1851 and 1852. Mr. Hartridge of Chattham, reported a bill for the relief of thn securities upon the bonds of substituted trustees. Mr. Screven of Chatham, reported a bill to give the re¬ ceiver pf Tax. Returns of Chatham county* certain commis¬ sions. Mr. Delony of Clarke, reported a bill to change and regu¬ late the fees of Attorney's General and Solicitor's General in this State. Also, a bill to arriend An Act entitled An Afct to incorpor¬ ate the Yahoola Rivef and Cane Creek, Hydraulic Mose Mining Company, assented tb Dec. 11,1S5S. Also, a bill to incorporate the Etowah and Aurarica Hy¬ draulic HoseMining Company. Mr. Glass of Clayton, reported a hill for the relief of Berry Chapman of the county bf Claytoh. Also, a bill for the relief of J. C. Smith formerly of Fay- i now Clayton county. Mr. Smith of Coffee, reported A bill, fixing thp time of hblding the Inferior Courts in the codnty of Coffee. Also, a hill tb change fhe lines between Irwin and Coffee. Mr. Johnson of Carroll, reported f n i-ncorPorate the town of Bowderf in the tounfy oj Carroll, and for other purposes. Mr. Colvard of Columbia, reported A bill, to entitle ^Viljiato Sfitterwhitp of dplbmbia coun¬ ty to manumit a slave. Mr. Tatum ofi Dade, reported MONDA^ November 7^, 1S59. 49 Abill* td repeal so much of An Act entitled A11 Act, to extend tlie eorporktioil limits of tlie town of Hamilton in the county of Harps and other places therein named, and to in¬ corporate the town of Trenton in Dade county ^ approved* Feb. 18th, 1854, so far as relates to the town of Ti^n-, ton; And, to provide for working the streets of fhe*town of Trenton. Mr. Terrell of Decatur* reported A bilP, to incorporate the Bainbridge Volunteers. Also, a bill incorporate the Bainbridge and Florida Rail¬ road Company. Mr. Hly* of Dougherty, repotted A Bill, To provide for the compensation of Sheriffs for summoning nf 0-ranc? and Petit Jntors, in the County of Dougherty, and to levy a Tax for the kairte, Mr. Henderson of Fayette reported A Rill, For the relief of "\Villiam Redwine, of the cOun«- ty of Fayette. Mr. Brewton, of Forsyth, reported A Bill, To allow the Superintendents of Sll Elections precincts without the limits of a City, Town, 01; Vilfage of the State, to close the polls of such elections after the hour of 4 o'clock* P. M., and, for other purposes. Mr. Thrasher, of Fulton, reported A Bill, To extend aid to the Oglethorpe Medical College at Savannah, Geqrgia. Mr. Lewis, of" Greene, reported A Bill, To abolish the public execution of criminals, con¬ demned to death by the Laws of Georgia, and to provide for their*Execution in private* ( Also, A Bill, To expedite the progress of certain cases ta¬ ken up to the Supreme Court, by Writ of Error. ' Afso, A Bill, To amend the third, seventh, and twelfth Septiobs of the first Article of the Constitution of this State. Also, a bill for'the relief pf a portion of the legatees of William Watspn deceased. Mr. MeWhorter of Greene, reported A hill, to protect and encourage the erection of artificial fish ponds and to make any tresspass on the Same penal, and fqi; other purposes. Also, a hill for the relief of Miles G. Brown. Mr. Mullens of Harris, "reported * A bill to amend the Road Laws of this S^ate, so far„as re¬ lates to the County of Harris. Mr. Harper of Henry, reported A bill for the relief of John F. Jackson. Also, a bill fqr fhe relief of Reuben Kelly of Henry equn- ty. 4 50" JOURNAL OF THE E&USE. Mr. Greene pf Houston, sported ^ of FoEij A bill to amend An Act to inborpor proyjde for the Valley in the county of Houston;^°Xed March 3d, election pf Coihmissioners for the same, app 1856. , m Also, a bill to amend An Apt to incorporate .4 corps oi Infantry in the town of Fori^ Also, to incorporate the (Jgieinorpt; o c . Savannah, and to confer certain privileges on , p proved Dec. 11,1858. Mr. Young of Jrwin, reported . A bill to appropriate money for the erection of a turn-pike and bridge across Allapaha near IrWmville on the road trom Jacksonville, Telfair cpunty to the town of Albany. Also, a bill to consolidate the offices of Tax Collector and Receiver of the county of Irwin. Mr. Howell of Lowndes, repotted A bill to remove the county site of Lowndes cOunty, and to fchange the lines of Lowndes county, and for pther put- poses. Mr. HolmeS of Laurens, reported A bill to add a portion of Johnson county to Laurens coun¬ ty- Mi*i McDaniel of Lumpkin, reported A bill to provide for the- proper distribution of the CPm-» mon school fund in the ctfunty of Lumpkin. Mr. Hopkins bf Mcintosh, reported A bijl to change the times of holding pertain elections. Mr. J ones of Mitchell, repprted A bill for the relief of Seaborn Stringer, pf the county of Mitchell. ° J Mr. Fannin1 of Morgan, reported A bill to provide for a «all of & convention to reduce the General Assembly of the State of Georgia and to make such other alterations'ill the Constitution as may* be deemed es¬ sential, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to repeal An Act authorizing the Georgia Rail¬ road and Banking Company to build* k branch road to the town ojfoEatonton in Putnam county, and to increase the capital stock of Said Company, assented to on the 11th* of December 1858. Mr. Dixon of Muscogee, reported A bill to alfow.Nicholas A. Long of the State of Florida to otters testamentary according to law,, now of force in this State, upon, thp estate of John ,Long deceased, of Washr mgton county. Also, Smitli pf Towns, McWhprter, Heath, Harkness, Felony, Bivins, BrantUy, Jlrown of Houston, Wilson* Wicker, Tiymer, Fafour,, Hafper of pointer, McDonald of Murray* Cook, flqjlenian, Patrick, tannin of Troup and Key, • Oh% Bftnks:—Messrs. Hartrjdge, Gibsdh of Mchmorid, Dixon, Dbprfeart, Clarke of Elbert, Wh^ley, Anderson, Mc- Lendom, ffokten, Lester, Baugh, Loftoii, Fafcell, Rrinsoii, Fleming,', Thrasher, Grovenstein and Smith of Brykn. , # • t On+ Enrollment:—Messrs. David, ^ones ©f Mitchell, Lump¬ kin* Dixon, Swbat, Causey, Brewton of Tattnall, Gflass, Fain 01 "Union, .Henderson of Newton, "Mjc^ants, Holnies, JpMson. Wfrson and Key. 0(i the Per^itci^tlavj:—Messrs. McWhorter, McComb, Mit¬ chell, Morris, Hogans, Hicks; Cason, friyiham, Ragsdale, Reefer, Woriey, Mintz^ West, Cullena, Brewtpn of Forsyth, Stewart, Delamar Delony and Coleman- Qtu PuUif Pvinlifig:—Messrs. Sprayberry, All^n, Brant- hay# D^nief, Blakey, Rhodes, Henderson of" Henry, Tat^m, Walton, Fadghn? TJnderwo.od, Toggle, TerrCll? Anderson, . Winiaips of Muscogee, and Lester. Tfp House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to authorize the? Justices of t/iQ Inferior Court of jWle county, tp lC^y .an *Qxtra tax to compensate the Grand* and Petit Jim&rs of said cotinty* f The report was agreed to, the bilf was* read thp third time and lost. The House took up the report oh the Committee oh the bill, to Incorporate the Lucy jCabb Institute for the ecbica- tion of youngdacfies, in fhejown o# Athens. Wliich rhporf was agreed to, and the Jul! read the third fime and phssed. ; ^Iso, the report of the comhlittee on the bill to he entitled an act to Itmeiii the phpfer fof the South-western Railroad Company, ami to authorize an increase df the capital Mock of said Company, ^yiiick report was agreed to# and the bill read a third time land passed. i The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to be*entitled an achto induce the Sheriff St bond in the County of Whitb. The report Vas agr^efl pQr the bill jvasread the third time and lost. The House took up .the report bf the Committee pn the bifl to be entitled an hcRtfo appropriate money to detiay the expense^ of tile" pupiR of^fhe Georgia Academy for the blind 54 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, and to piuvidefurniturer,-apparatus and bodks for said Acad¬ emy, and the same \jras on motioh of Mr. Lewis of Hancock, referred; to the Committee ®n the Asylum for the Blind. Tie Holise took up the report of the fJominittee on the bilf to authorise the Inferior Court of Richmond county, to leyy an extra, &g. . . The'report Wets agreed to, tjie bill was read* the third time and passe$. t Mr. Smith of Hall, presented a memorial praym^ trie be¬ lief Mrs. Angelina "Winters, signed by Various citizens of Hall county. Which was read and referred to, the Judiciary Commit¬ tee: Mr. Key of tamper, also presented a memorial prating for the relief John R. Dyers, exeautdr of Anthony Dyer,-de¬ ceased, of the coUnty ofdhspef. Which was referred t6 a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Ke,y of Jasper, 'Smith of Towns, Delbjiy, Strickland and Lofton withftut being read* Mr. David of Forsyth, offered the following resolution, Resolved* That fhei Spegke* appoint a fcomrpittee of three to- fix the hburs of iheefiugs and adjournments of the House of Representatives. Mr. Lester of Cobb, offered the following resolution, ResolveThat ttfet portion of the 'Governor's message, which relates to a change of the Constitution of this State, so a^to reduce the number of Seiiators and Representatives, fee referred to a special committee of ten, fep ade, aftcl authorize fheievyingj of ail extra tax fol: tips purpose. The«reporf was agreed to, the bill was read the third timd and passpd« , By unanimous consent of the House Mr. Lester* withdrew the resolution offered by him on yesterday,*relative to the appointment of a oonimittcte to consider that portion, of the Governor's message which relates to proposed, alterations of the Constitution of this State. The House also gavethe^r cdnsent and Mr. Saturn, of Dade withdrew hi^ resolution of yesterday, in reference to the ap¬ pointment of a committee to investigate and? report m re¬ gard to the Militia laws offthis State, &cJ The folk>wifig resolution was takpn up and hpreecfto wit^: Resolved, That the Speaker appoint a committee ©f#thr<^5 to fix the hours of nffeetingk and adjoiirment, of the Hquse ©f Representations. # ♦ The Speaker appointed under the same, Messrs. David, Lew^s of Hancock and Harris"of Glynn. ♦ The House tpok dp the resolution offered yesterday by Mr Broples of Whitfield proposing to elect a United State Sena¬ tor op to-morrow at 10 o'clock, A. M. „ Mr, Hartrfdge of Chatham, offered the substitute which was, received, to-wit: Resolved, That it is the senSfe of this House that tire vacan¬ cy to occur in the Senate of the United "States, hy the expir¬ ation of the term of the Hon. Alfred Iv-erson on the 3d March 186i, should not be filled by election, until the next Session of thistLegislature. • Upon the question of agreeing to the substitute as adopt¬ ed, the yeas and nays were required by several gentleman tt> be recorded. There are?yeas 83, there are nays 75. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs r Alexander, Cook, Henderson -of Hen- Allan, Delony, ry. Anderson, Xfufour, Henderson of Ifew- Hlakey, Ear*, J ton, Brantley, Fain, of Umqn, Herrmgton, Brkisofi, Fannin pf Morgoh, Hogans", Bnowit of Houston,Fannin of Troup, Holden, Brown of Sumtpr, Fleming* HoHoman, Brewton of T/itt-» Gibson of Warren, Holines, pall, Gqodman, HopkinS, Causey, * Gfeen of Cobb, Howell ®f Lowndes, Clarke of Elbert, Groveflstefp, Howell of Milton, Clarke of Monroe* Harper of Henry, Hurst, Cplvard, Harper of Suidter, ffutchias, Colenian, Hattridge, 58 JOURNAL 0F THE HOUSE. J opes of Rabun, t Mpita, Kelly, Kennon, Key, Knpwles,, KnOx, LOwis of Gfeene, Letter, Lumpkin, Lulu sd ell, McCrairy, r_7 McDonald of Lum- Screven, kill, Settley McWhortef, Eelmkn, Mullens, Nobles, Norwood, Parks, PilCher, Pitts, Ragsdale, Register Reeder^ Rhodes, Shaigm, Smith -of Bryan, Sockwell,. Sprayberry, gtewart, * Strickland, Terfell, Thrasher, Turner, Underwood", Vanow, Walton, WesL Wopley. Those Vho voted in the negative were* Messrs : Barksdale, Hardin, Perry, Baughy Hdrkness, PricO, BHins, Harris, Render^ BrOyles, Hendergon of WorthRichard, ^ - Trr« 1 Bre^ton of Hous-Hicks, ton, Casen,11 Cbck, Conley, Cullens, David, Delamar, Dixon, EberhaA, Echols, Ectdii Edmondson. Ely, Faip of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon Farnell, Kinney, Fortner, GCj, Glass, Graham, Hockehhull, Irwin, Johnson, Joiner, Jones Cf Mitchell, Keeling, Lockett, Lofton, Martin, Mays, McCants, McComb. McDonald of Mpr-,Whaley, Whittle, Wicker, Rozier, Scott, Sims, Smith of Cofibe, Smith of Hall, Solomons, Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Taylor, Tugglb, Yaughh, Wajfe, ray, McEvpr, McGar, McLendon McRea, Mitchell, Morris, Patrick, Williams of Clinch, Williams of Musco¬ gee, W ilsony Wofibrcf, Young, Gredh Of Houston, Paijton, So thO same, was agreed to. The following bills wCre* i'Oad the second time ancj com¬ mitted, fat the third reading, ta-wit: TUESDAY^ NOVEMBER 8th# 18-39. A bill »to render the estates of deceased persons and, mi¬ nors liaple for medical services rendered, negroes of said es¬ tates during the time for which they $re liired. A hijf to change the line between the comities ef jHall and Banks. A bill fof the relief of BeVry Chapman of the county of Clayton-. , A bill to rfepeal, so much of an act entitled an net to ex¬ tend the corporate 'limits of the town of Hamilton, in the county of Harris, and Other counties therein named. An^ t° incorporate the town of Trenton in the county of Dade, approyed Febru,ary ISth, 1834, as related totheftneor- poration pf the town of Trenton, and to provide for work¬ ing the streets of the town of Trenton. * A-bill to autkopze Williarn Satlewffite of Columbia coun¬ ty, to manumit a slave. A bill to change the line between tliq counties o£ IrWin apd Coffee* A bill1, to ^provide for fhe compensation of Sheriff's for summoning Gr^nd and Petit Jurors, in the county of Dough¬ erty, arid to levy & ta$ for the* Same. A bilUfiying the time t)f holding the Inferior Courts in the- county of Coffee. A bill for the relief Of William Redwine of Fayette coun- 9 A bill to allow the Superintendents of all elections at precincts wfthdjit the limits of a pity, toWnoi; tillage in this State, to clpse t/ie polls' of Such elections aftef the hour Of 4 o^clock, P. M., and for other purposes. A. bill "to incorporate the Bainbridge Volunteers. A bill to incorporate tKe Bainbridge and Florida Railroad Company. A bill to extend aid to the Oglethorpe Medical College of Savannah Georgia. A bill fpr ihe relief of Miles G. Brown,, A bill -to- protect and encourage the grection of ai^ificial "Irish Ponds" and to make any trespass on fho same penal, and fqt other purposes. A bill for the relief of John F. Jac^son* A bill for the riffjefpf a portion of the-legatees of Williatn Watsdn, deceased. * A bill to amend an act incorporting the town of port Val¬ ley hi the county of Houston, ancf to provide for the elec¬ tion* of commissioners for the ^apie, approved March 3d? 1856. A bill to alter and amend the rpadlaws of this State, so far as rplates to the county of Harris. A bill to add a poytipn, of Johnson to Laurens county. A bill to consolidate fhe offices of Tax Qollector and Re¬ ceiver in the county of IrWin. 60 J0UR^AL OF THE HOUSE. A bill to amend an act incorporating a corps of Infantry in, the to^n of Fort Valley, and also to Incorporate the Ogle¬ thorpe Light Infahtry of toavannah, and to confer certain privileges upon the same, approved December Lfth, 18-53. A bill to repeal an act to authorize the Georgia Railroad arrd Ranking Company, to build a branch road to the tcrvvn o^fCatonton in Putnam county, and to increase the capital stock of said Company, assented, to pn the .11th December, 1858. " A bill for the relief of Seaborn Stringer of the County of Mitchell. A hill f o remove the county site of Lowndes bounty; to change the lines of paid county, and for other phrposes, A bill to ameiid! an ac^t incorporating thS Colpmbus Sav¬ ing^ and Mutual '"Loan Association, approved March, 1st, 1856, _ #A bill authorizing the Inferior Court qf Pietce county,, to asspss ail extra tax for the purpose of building a jail, in said A bill for the relief of teaches*of poor ckildrenin Musco¬ gee coupty in the year 18p3. A bilj tol appropriate money to remove obstructions from tha Alapaha river, &c. A bill to give to Charles N. Perry, a ffrinOr of the cotmty of Muscogep, tlie §ame privileges) and make him sub¬ ject to the«same liabilities as (though he were of lawful age. A bill for the relief of J, G. fL P* Henderson. A( bill to prescribe the liability in certain* cases, of per¬ sons hiring slaves. A bill to constitute the town of Ciifhbert, Randolph Coun¬ ty a city, and for other phi-poses. A bill1 to authorize the Inferior C^ourt of the county of Murray, to levy an extra tax of sevenfjvfive pep cent On the State tax, and for other purposes. A bill t6 repeal an aet to increase th,c salaries of fhe Exe¬ cutive, and Judges Of islie Supreme -ahd Superior Cqurfs of this State, approved December 22d, lSo7. A dill to &mend fhe 4-oad laws of this State* A hill to change the time of holding the Inferior Cours in the cpimty ofTprrelLg A bill to amend anacj; granting certain powers and privi¬ leges to flie G ldfim Light Ghard, of the city of Griffin, Spald¬ ing comity Georgia, Assented to December 22d, 1857. A bil], td incorporate the town of Hawkinville in the Cpunty of Pulaski. A bill consolidate fhe offices of Tax Collector and Re- Ceivefy of the ehqnty pf Wilcox. A hfll tp Authorize theOrdinary of "Warren county fop&y ffioney, &c. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1859. 61 A hill to authorize the inferior Court. of Ware county to levy an extra tax for the purpose of building* a Court House in said county. *Th® following bills were read*the second time ancl, referred to the Judiciary Committee, to-wit j A hill for the relief of the securities upon the bonds of substituted trustees. A'bill to change and regulate top fees of the Attorney Gen¬ eral and Solicitor's General of this State. A bill to expedite the progress of certain cases taken up to thh Supreme Court by writ of error. ' A bill to abolish phblic execution of criminals condemn to death, and provide for their execution in private. A bill to change t)ie time of holding certain elections'. A hill to ptovide for a call of a conviction to reducC the members General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and for other purposes. A hill to provide for the payment #of Solicitors General, and other officers of Oourtj &c. A bill to add an additional section to the twelfth division of tfte Penal Code of this State, and A hill to compensate witnesses in the various Militia Dis¬ tricts in this State. The following bills were read the seconchtime and referred to the committee oh Education, to-wit: A bill to incorporate the town ofBowden in Carroll coun¬ ty, and? for other purposes* and * A bill to provide h>r the proper distribution of the common school fund in the county of Lumpkin. The following bills were read the second tipie and de¬ ferred to the committee on finance, to-wit r A bill for the relief of J, C. Smith formerly of Fayette now of Clayton county- A bill to compensate William T. Williamson, for services ijepdered the State of Georgia, in 1851 and 1852. A hill to give the Receive^ of Tax Returns of the county of Chathaih, certain commissions j and A bill for the relief of Reuben Kelly of Henry county. _ The hill to alter and amend thp 3d, 7th and 12th section ofithe 1st. Article of thp Constitution, was rehd the 2d time and referred to the Cppimittee on the State of tlje Repub-* lite. Mr. Mitchell of Pike, withdrew the hill to change the n^tnes pf certain persons, apd to lpgetimatize the same, by the bnanimous consent of the House. The following bills were read |he second time afid referred) to the Committee oil Agriculture and Internal Improvement, to-wit: 62 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. A Mil to Be entitled an hct to incorporate « The Y&hoola Eiver and Oane Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company, as¬ sented to December 1.1th, 1858. ^ A bill to incorporate fthe Etowah and Aurana HyarauEc Hose Mining Company. The bill to be entitled ail act to establish an Arihory m this State for the manufacturing of arms, and for othempur- poses, was read the'second time and referred to the Com¬ mittee on» Military affair^. _ The bill to appropriate money for the erection of a Turn Pike and Bridge across the Alapaha river near Irwinvill, on the rodd from Jacksonville, Telfair county, to the town of Albany, was read the second time and referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Youngs Solomons, Ely, Mc- Combs and BrOyles. ■phe following bills were read the second time and ordered to be engrossed, to-wit : A bill to allow Nicholas A. Long from the State of Flori¬ da, to obtain letters testamentary according to the laWs of force in this State, upon the estate of John Long deceased, 6f Washington bounty, and A bill to allow Stephen Williams of Pierce County and John Taylor of Ware county, to peddle in the first Congres¬ sional District without paying for license. The bi'll of the Senate to change the time of holding the Shperior Courts in the counties of Lowndes, "Brooks and Thomas, in the Southern Judicial Circuit, was read the sec¬ ond time and Committed for a third reading. The following standing committees "were announced by the? Speaker, to-wit: On Journals.—Messrs. Colvard, Earle, Echols, Fleming, Kelly, Lofton, Fannin of Morgan, Irwin of Washington, Keeling, Pattop, Perry, Pitts, Richards of Carroll, Clroven- stein and Holland. On "the Lunatic Asylum.—Messrs. Screven, Williams of Muscogee, Lester, Anderson, Lumpkin, Harris of Glynn, Greene of Houston, Pitts, Pricq, Fannin of Troup, Ely, Mor¬ ris, Mitchell, Pilcher, Brantley, Martin, Mays, Sockwell and Gibson of Warren. On the1 Deaf and Dumb Asylum.—Messrs. Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Alexander, Lockett, Greene of Cobb,"Thrasher, Har¬ den, Lumsden, Mullens* Ware, GUUens, Wliitfle, Hurst, Hutchins, Prescott, Pitts, Clarke of Elbert, Smith of Towns, and Stewart. On the Asylum for the Blind.—Messrs. Lockett, Hartrjdge, Finney, Gay, Clarke of Elbert, Joiner, Pitts, ^Hicks, Barks- dale, Sims, Vanover; Williams of Clinch, YoUng, Smith of Hall, Smith of Twiggs, Little, Scott. Edmondson, Knowles •and Harper of Henry. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1&59. On Mamfaauresr±-&l(3Wn, Forfoer; Henderson of Worthy Hockenhull, Howell, of Milton^Jofies of Rabun, McCrairy. McDonald of Lumpkin, Nobles, Regis¬ ter, Parks, Tapley, Sjj^arpe* Riti&ards, Smith of Coffee, Mc- Gar and Howell of Lowndes* , pr r ^nniny reported, A bill for the punishment of small offences or misde¬ meanors* % Mr* Cook, of Early, Teported, A pill toe incorporate the Chattahoochee Stock Water navigation company. J\lr, Lewis, of Greene* reported, A bill to alter the rules of evidence relative tp the com-' petency of witnesses. , n A bill tO amend fhe act establishing the Supreme Cohrt'pi Georgja. And, 66 JOUKHAL 0F fcblTSE. A bill to present thenSale of spirituous liquors b^ ifme- rant persons peddling the same hi tpiS State. Ms. Keeling reported, A A bill t6 lay out and drgapize a new courtty from the counties of Franklin and Habersham. Mr. Lewis, of Hancock, reported^ « „ , . A bill to change the name of the Mon^osb Mamjfactupipg Company of Sparta, Hancock county, and for other pur- pdsfes. Smifh,, bf Hall reported, > A bill to alloW additional compensation to the Sheriffs of Hall county. Mr. Kfinnon, of Harris, reported, A bill to alter and amend an a0t assented to December 11th, 1858, to aboljisl^ imprisonment for debt on certain ren¬ ditions therein sef forth. Mr. Warp, pf Heard, reported. A bill lo chatogd the line betweefp the counties of Heard and OoAveta. Mr Cullenp reported^ ^ bill to prescribe the time of holding elections for meih- bersof the 'United States Sen ale in {he, State ©f Georgia., Mr. Holland, of «Hart, reported, A biH to incorporate Hemfan Lodge Kp,lS9, and foy oth¬ er purposes. Mr. Holmes reported, A Hill tqf add a^iart' of Montgomery county to the county of Laurens. Mr, McDonald, of Murray,reported, A*bill to alter knd amend an act entitled an act regulating the duties of the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Cbnrts of flie several counties ifL this State. Mfi Hqnmp^ef Morgan, reported, A biU fonthe relief of John W. CardWelJ of the ,Count| of Morgan and Tomlqison, Fort of the county of Baldwin, and fdf other purposes. A bill td authorize the administrators of Williapi Q, An¬ derson, deceased^ and Thomas Eavor, deceased, to^qflthe real tesfatq belonging to said estates, and for other purposes. And, A bill to amend1 an apt to authorize the issuing of attach¬ ments agd garnishments, and j^o regulate the proceedings in relation to the same, aijd fote other purposes djherejn menr tion, approved Mfarch 1st 1856, gnt] ta extend the provisions of fhe same. Ml. McHqnald, of Lumpkin. reported, A bill to add an additional section, to the* apt in¬ corporating the town Of Dahlopega, in fhq county of Lumpkin. WEDNESDAY, NOY&MBER, 1859. 67 Mrj Joyper reported, A Wl to appropriate $1,^00 00 towards the buildim* of a bridge o^r Spring Creek in Miller County. ° Mr. Jones, of JNlitclie^, reported, A bill to Change the line betyvepn the counties of JihdihaA and Mitchell. Mr. Hopkins reported, *A bill Jo' jrdTievte certain perform in Mcintosh County from Jury*«duty. Mr„ "Strickland, of Madigon reported A bill t0» alter and change the line Jje^vteen thd 'counties of Madison an^ Ffalikli^. * Mr. Price, of Pickens, reported, A bill for the rdlidf of Agd/ew Lovelady' fof the County of Pickens. Mr. Stewart, of Nfewtoh, reported, A bill to l^y ou^ and organize a new cotmty out of the counties of Newton, PeKalb, Henfy and GVilmett, &c. Mr. Morris, of Quitman, reported? A pdll to incorporate Georgetown i# QMtman county* and for ether purposes* (Mr* Smith, of ToWns, reported, A bill to hreate and lay off a new Judicial Circuit to he called the Hiwasseu Circuit, &£■„ Mr, Price, of Pickens, xepogtefh A""bill to alter and amend stn aqt tp alter and* ahiend the 12th section eff the*ist article of the Constitution of this State., apprdved Qeceiffoer 21st, I857y so as to make election, of members df the jGenefal Assembly annual. Mr. Grii^on,. of Richmond, repotted, A* bill td aUfhoriize the ^treasurer to makd certain ad¬ vances. , ^ Mr. Walton, of Stewart, reported, Abiltto prescribe the duly of the Judge'of the Superior Courts of the coutity*pf Stpw^rt in xelatidn to the Petit Ju¬ rors of haid chunty, and for other purposes. Mr. Hoklen, of Taliaferro*, reportCfl, • A biff prescribing thd time whfen alj free persons of color born within thp limits of the State phall become slaves, and for pthpr purposes. Mr, Ratmin, df TrohP* reported, ^ A bill for the relief of the estate ,df Robert Bradford, de¬ ceased, and 'Samuel Maffit and Robert H. Bradford execu^ tors of th$ saipe. Mr. ^mtZ Reported, A bill to, revise, alteTpnd amehdpn act entitled ai\ act to appoint Trustees fonth^ Jackson County Academy,, and to incdrporkjbe the game, assented to November 20th, J818, p,na for other purposes therein mentioned. 68 JOUlfNAE OF THE HQUSE* Mr. Hebderson, of Worth, reported, _ » A biff tp cotopel non-residents owning^ lands tn the &o 7 of Worth to pay piyes on the .same "in said cou ty, —a t,5 beo. nth, 185% SO far as relates to the county of Wilcox. AMttto^reatTm&itio.Mfuwl for tin edtfcation gftl,e children of this State froni the nett earnings of theTV^tertf and Atlantic Railroad. # My. Sieman, of Walton, reported, _ A bill t® reduce an Lewis ot Greene. Delpny^Lofton and Cartridge. The* Hon,Se tools lip tlie report ol tpe committee oil the Pill to provide fir the compensation of Sheriff ioi Sum- 70 JOURNAL OU T^E HOUSE. moning grapdand pet^t jurors for .fche county qfpoughertj? and to levy a tax for the saule-. . . -Mr, Lumpkin offered to amend by extending its proves ons fp the county of -Clark,- The same was»recmyed. The report, as amended, was# agreed fo, the bill was read the third time and passed. ^ The Hpuse took up the report of the ebmmitte© om the bilj tq allow the Superintendents bf all elehhori^hf prp- iCinpts hftlrout the lipiits of the city, fown or village or the State, to closp the pojls of such elections after the liour ©f fopr o'clock, P. M-candfor other puipbses. The ^report w^s agreed to^th.6 J>ill was read the third and passec^* , • The%ill for the relief ofWrn. Red,wine of Fayette, was on motion, referred to» a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Underwood, David and Ifarkness. 4 The House went into (Committee of the whob?, Mr.,Mp-» TYhorter of Greene in the chair, on the bill for uhpirefief o,f J. C. Smith, formerly of Fayette how of Clayton -couhty. After some time spent therein th% commitjtfee arose, talrd through their chairman, reported" the. same baft tq tie House witbopt amendment. Tl^e .report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time dnd[ passech The House w^nf into Committee of the Whole, Mr., M&- Whqrtetr "ki the Chair, on the bilf to be reported the same back to the jHouse„reco,m'- mending its reference to the judiciary Committee, wh^ch yrtas donet The House'took up the Report of the committee on the hill for the refief of Miles jGrf Browm The same'was Variously, amended, when, on motiop, it wTas indefinitely postponed. * The House took up the Rep'oi^ of the committee @n the bill rto alter and amend the Road laws of this State* sd far as relates to the county of Harris. The repeat was agreed to, tfie hill was read the third time and passed. The Hduse took up the report of the Finance Cdpimittee for the relief of Reuben Kelly, 9I Hdnry copnty. 9 The report being adverse to the passage of the same, it was agreed to hhdthe bill Vasfioph The bili to add a portion ofTohnsffii county to t^ie copnty of Laurens^ was„ on motion, referred to the compittee on new counties. TheHbu&e» took up the report^of the Committee on the hill for the relief of John F. Jackson4 " Thp same was, ®n motion of ^lr. Lewis*ofGfrqene, sq amen¬ ded as to extend its provisions to certain perspirs in the coun¬ ty of Greenej The report, as amended, was agfeed JtrO, thp hill was read the third time and passed. L The House took up the report of the Cpmmittee*oii the hilito amend an act to incorporate the»tdwn of Fort Valley in the ctounty of Houstoh, ami tp provide for the election of commissioners for the game, approved "March 3rdf 185(L The report was agreed to, thd hill' \fras, read' the third fpne passed. Thb -Housd took ,up the report of the committee tnpthp bill to consolidate the offices of Tax Collectof and Receiver of Tay Returns in tire county of Irwin. _ The report was agrfeed f 6, phe bill wa§t teadrhe third time and parsed. 72 jojxrnal of the, House; The House/o ok up the report*, of the committee on the bil) to emCnd an apt to incorporate a corps of Infantum the town of Fort Valley, and .also to incorporate the Ogle¬ thorpe Light Infantry, of Savannah^ and to confer cer^ain privileges uppii the same, approved December IltP, IbOb. The report was agreed to, jthe bill was read the thardtime £Cnd passed. The [House fpok up the report of the committee on the bil to remove the county site of,Lownd6$ cpunfyi to change the line o£ said county, and for other purppses. T^e same was appended by the mdver of the bill. The Report, as Amended, was agfeed^toy the bill was read the Idhird time and passed/ The following Standing Committee on Hew Counties was annotlnped by the Speaker, io-wit: Messrs. Tuggle* Fortner, Holmes, McVfhorter^Price, Ee¬ rier, Prescoft, Horsley# Solomons, Williams of Clinch, Wor- ley, Holden, Graham, Mjntz, Jrwin ahd Kennon. The House adjourned,, on motion Of MA Williams of Mtis- cogee, until 10, A.M., to-mprrow. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1359. The,House mpt pursuant ±q adjournment. # On motion of Mr. Glass, so much nf the Journal of yesterday was reconsidered as relates to the rejection of the bill for the relief of Berry Chapman. Mr. Thfa^her moved to reconsider so much «of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the Bill to extend aid lo the Oglethorpe Medical College. Which moticfti was lost.^ Ou motion of Jit. Hartndge of Chatham, so much pf the Journal of yesterday was reconsidered as relates to the pas¬ sage of the bill incorporating Hie Batnbridge and Florida R«R. Company. Oh motion Mi\ Alexander of Floyd, the Clerk was direct^ ed to #inforpi tfye Senate that the "House was ready to re¬ ceive that body jntjv their Ifall for the purpose of'electmo- twd Judges of the Supreme Coptt. "* Tlie following message Was received from the Senate bv Mr. West their Secretary. (Ma SjMafar-I am directed by the Senate to inform the Hpuse pf Representatives that they have passed the fol¬ lowing bill to wit i A bill, tO bo entitled an act to anlend ap act entitled an act to incorporate the Savannah, Quitim and North Alabama THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1859. >?$ Rail Road .company assented to on the 11th day of February 1S54, and to repeal sectipns 7tfy8th and 9th, of said acf, and to1 substitute tyro-additional sections in lieu thereof. Mr, David f^6m the eorrynittee ©n Entojmefit reported US duly enrolled and signed by th,e President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, A Resolution bringing ,on the election of Judges of the Supreme Court. Leave of absence was granted to, Mr? Parks, of Rannin on, accoupt of the Illness of his family, and Messrs, McGrar^ Green and Hicks for a few* days on business. Mi". David from the special committee id "whom Was re¬ ferred the subject of meetings *and adjournments of the, reported the following Resolutions the first of which Was adopted, the Second Was laid «pn fhe table until the 16th instant, to tvit: Resolved, That until the 16th insf., the Housp of Repre-r sentatives kill meet at Half past nine o'clock,, A. M. and ad¬ journ (a^ half pasffone P. Ml for the day. Resolved, Thaf after the 16th inst., the HotiSe will meet at 9 otlock A. M. and adjourn at one o'clock P. M., they meet at ^-o'clock and adjourn at 5 o'clock, P. The following Senate Resolution was tgken up,* read and concurred in, td wit: Resolved# That so much pf his Excellency the Governor'^ message as relates to a mjneralogical and Geological survey of the $tate«, he referred to a coiymittee of throe appoihted, by the President of the Senate to confer with a similar coih- mittee appointed by the House with instructions to report by Bill or otherwise. The following Resolutions of the Senate Were taken up, read" and "unanimously concurred In, io$ wit; Whereas, thy attempt at Harper's jEferry iy .the State of Virginia lo excite a portion of jfche sjaves of the South, to jn- Styrection has produced the highest degree of indignation in fhe minds of the Southern people against thS perpetra¬ tors of thaf outrage, tli^ir aiders and abettors, and affords jUst ground fo apprehend a renewal of their efforts i,n otRer places ; and whereas the#action of President Buchan¬ an ahd Governor Wipe, meets*with Our unqualified nppRd- bafion, we deeih it Incumbent on the, members^of the, Leg- islatuRe1 of the Stjarte of Georgia to give the most authorita¬ tive expression t6 they sentiments, therefore, Resolved, That we regaRd the eifott to excite thp slaves of the JSputh to a servile in^urrectioy with intense indignation *4 JOUEHAL OF THE HOUSE* ahd trust that tfie parties to this treasonable plot«iay*beef with the» most prompt and signal punishment; bensy- !ng as we do, that while it will be ihoting put a just re rr- bution fop their cfimej it will exert a whotesorire nmueiace in detering others from countenancing similar movements,! Resolved, That the prompt and e&ei;getif. action ofPresi- dent Kuchanan and Gfovernpr Wise of Virginia in suppress¬ ing the Outbreak at Harper's Fdrry, ana in them efforts to Capture the insurgents, evince*a degree of manliness and pa¬ triotism, honorable alike' to them, and worthy of otir warm admiration as the Representat iVes of one of the States fif this Confederacy. Resolved, That \ye pledge the State pf Gptxrgia tp uphold and support the President of the United States, and the Stafe .of Virginia in the position they haye assumed in, connection witlj this unfortunate affair and we earnestly counsel the ut¬ most vigilance in guarding against the recurrence of a simi¬ lar conspiracy in our own. bqgders or elsewhere at the South. Resolved Tha^ a eppy of the foregoing bream]*^ and reso¬ lutions be transmitted by the Governor of Georgia tP the President of the United States and to the Governor of Vir¬ ginia- Mr. Ldster of Cobb, offered; the following resolution which was taken up, read and agreed to, to wit; 'Resolved, *TJiat the Judiciary committee of both branches of the General Assembly be and they are hereby .made a Joint committee tf> Consider any matter referred to theip up¬ on which they may desire to co-operate. The President an,d members of the feengte were received and the General Asserfibly proceeded, to the election of •two Judges of the Supreme Cqurt which Resulted in the eleption of Eichard «F. Lyon,* Esq., of the county of Dougherty to Succeed the'Hon. Henry L. Banning and the Hon. Linton Stephens of the corfnty of IJancock to fill the Vacancy caus¬ ed by the* resignation of the Dom Charles J. McDon¬ ald. ^li>David from the committee enrollment reported as duly enrolled and signed by the President and ready for Hie signature of the Sftefiker pf the Hohse of Representa¬ tives., An act to cha*ngethe time of holdihg the Superior Cpjarts ih the polities of Lowndes, Brooks and Thomas ii\ the Southern Judicial District. * The committee On jthe part of the House appointed by the Speaker id) consider that portion of the Governor'£ mes¬ sage relative to g mineralogical and Geological survey tf THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IOTS, 1859. •tliis Statp conskts«of itfflssri. .Lctwis of IfaneOct, Lester hnd Delony. * The House \yenti into committee of the whole, Mr. McWhortea? in the Glfak oh the Bill to organize a L&w School in connection with the* University of Georgia and to provide a JLihrary for the sa*pe. After some time spent therein the committee rose and re¬ ported the same back to the House ^Tifh a proposed amend¬ ment. v The bill and the amendmint were on motion referred t6 the Judiciary committee. The Honse tobk up1 the report of the Judiciary committee pn the bill to render estates of deceased persons«and minors liable fof medical seryices tendered negroes of Shell estates during the time for whicli|fhey may hh hired. The report being adverse to t}ie same \yas agreed to and the bill consequently Jost. The Hoti^e tOok up the report of th*e Judiciary bominit- teb qnthe bill for#the relief of the securities upon the boncjs of substituted trustees. *The report was favorable being agreed 16, the bill dvas read the 3d time and pasped. •The bill for the relief of JSeaborn Stringer Of the cpunty of Mitch el was referred to the committee on Petitions. The ffoirse took up thegeport of the committee on the bill to repeal an act (entitled hn act to authorize the Geprgia Jvaif Boad and Banting company to build a branch Jtoad to the town of Eatonton, Putnam county .ailj to increase the capital stock of said cbmpaAy, assented to December lltli, 1858. * The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third fime apd passed. The House took up the rfeport of the committee on the bdl Tor fhe relief of* Teach'ers of. poor children, in Musco¬ gee in the year 1853. The "repotrf was agreed to. The bilf was read «the third tipae and passed- The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to amend at! act entitled ai^aet to incorporate fhe Col- uinbus Savings and Mutual!*Loah Association, approved March 1st, 185tb The report whs agteed to. The bill whs re^,d tile third time and »p^ssed. The House took up ifhe ueport of the pommittee on the bill to give io Charles1 N. Perry a minor, of the Gounty of Muspogee, the same privileges and make him subject^;© the same lia*b^liti,ps though he were pf full age. The same \Vas amended op motiorf of MriPrescott, so as to. ?6 JOURNAL, OF THE HOUSE, •extend its proitfsions to Joseph H. Morehouse of pie county of Screven. The repdrt as amended was agreed td. The hill was read the third time arid passed- ^ The Hohse took up pie report of the committee on the bill Authorizing th,e Inferipr Court of Pierde county to assess ^an extra tax for the purpose of building a jail said coun- ?' Tpp report was agreed to. The bill was read ihe third time and passed. H The Ilou^e took *up the report of the Committee on the bill authorizing the Ihferior Court to leyy seventy-dive per cent upon the State tax forjfche county of Murray, and for Pther purposes. The report was agreed to. The bill was j-ead the third time find passed. The bill to appropriate a sum of money to rempve ob¬ structions from the Alapaha river and rentier the samp na,V- igaple for timber, rafts, lumber, wood Ac., Was referred, to the1 Judiciary committee. And the bill for the relief of J. Cf, H. R. Henderscfa was indefinitely postponed. hlr. Lewis df Hancock offered the following resolution "Which, was taken up, read and agreed fjo, to wit: Resolved, That the Clerk of the JJ011se> furnish to- the committee on Public Education as often as shall he desired by the Chairman or committee a clerk to assist said com¬ mittee iriftits business, Mr. Smith of Towns presented fthe following resolution which whs taken up,"read and unanimously ag^eefi to, to • Whereas, the Hon. Wm. H. Utiles has been requested to address his fellow citizens this evening, therefore, Resolved, That the uses, of the Representative .Hall be, uqd the same is hereby tendered to Mr. Stiles for thq purpose aforesaid. The hour of l£ having arrived the HouSq adjourned up der their#rule td 9| o'cldck, A. M. to-morrow FRttUY, NOVEMBER 11x5, f§59. 77 FRlt>AM, NOVEMBER 11th, 1859. the House met pursuant to adjournment. Reave of absencb was granted Messrs. Seqtt *of Butnphi, Lewis of Handopk, dark, of Monroe^Brovtil of Sumter, and McLendon of Oowpta. The following bills \frere reported 4ftd read the first time, Jo -wif: Mr. Culleus reported, t A bill to attach lots of lapd Nos. 54 hnd 55, in the 7thDis- trict of Randolph county ±® the county 4of Clay.* Mr. Cook of Eqrly reported, , A bill to* compensate Dn WilliaJm Z. Cock of the jpounty ofEarly. * A bill to alter and amend the thirty fifth section efthe l-4th Division of the Penal code, and A bill for the relief of Wilson W* Poe rof the cdunty of Earl/. Mr. Ragsdale reported A bill to require securities aild endorsers when 'they give notice to do so in writing. Mr. Harris of Glynn ijepprted, A bill tq aid the citizens of (Georgia in the construction of A Rail Road in the State upon the conditions ancf limita¬ tions therein specified. On motion ©f Mintz tw'o'hundred copies pf this bill were ordered to pe printed f6r jfche use of the House. Mr. Register reported, A bill for the relief of J. E. McMullen of Echols coun- "ty. Mr^ Terrell reported, A bill for thd relief pf Reuben Cloud of Decatur coun- fy, Mp. Smith pf Coffpd reported, A bill to repeal aif act fo am6nd the Road Laws of this Statd so far as relates fo the couuty of Coffee. Mr. Creed of Cobb, Reported, L A bill providing for the probating wills anf taking testis mony in Courts of Ordinary by commissions, &c, M r. W qrlev reported, w A bill to alfer ahd amend the Road1 laws of this State so far as relates the county of Cherokee. Mr Sprayberry reported, jA bill to refund a t&x^paid by the North Western Rank to th,e fax Collector of Catoofcafcounty. Mr. Nobles reported, . rn. . A BiR to change the line betweeen the counties ot Clinch and Coffee. 7& JOURNAL OF THE HQUSF. Ml*. Brantley reported. A BiR to alter an6oRs to the bounties of Ware, Telfair and Charlton* Which. Was read. The following Message Was receded froth th© Senate- by Kt. West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker* z-r-T am directed hy the Senate to infohm the. Sons©' pf Representatives, that they have "appointed Messrs. MoGphee, Summeropr and Billnps as a cpmihittee on the part of the. Senate, to confer with th© committe appointed by the House tp take inte consideration, so hnich Of the message of his Excellency* the Governor, as relates to a Mih- eralogical and Geological suryOy of this State and fo re- pprt thereon. The hillfo prescribe-the liability in pertain cases of per¬ sona hiring slaves. The bill to repeal, an afrfc to increase the salaries of the Executive and the Judges of the Supreme|ahd Superior Courts df1 this State, assehted to December* 22nd, 1857, And*; The hill to incorporate the Bambridge Volunteer^, were referred to the Judicially committee. The House, took up the report of fhet comWtfee en the bill to change, the time of holding the, Inferior Courts jn the county of Tetrbll. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third tame and pafesep. The House took Up the repdrt of the committee op the pill to amend' an act passed by the General Assembly for the year 1857 granting certain powers and privilege^ to the Griffin Light Guards of the city pf griffin, Spalding county assented to Dee. ,22nd, 1857. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third thne and passed. The House took tp the fepoVt of the committee on the" bill to. incorporate the town of Hawkinsville in the county1 pf Pulaski andfor ptherpurposes. The report was agreed to. The pill was read the third fipae and passed. t The House took up fhe report of the committee on the bill to allow Nicholas A. Lpng of the State of Florid^ to ob¬ tain letters testamentary1 according to the laws now pf force ih this $tate Wp0n jthe estate of John Deng, of Washing¬ ton county deceased. The report was agreed to, The bill was tead the third time and passed. _ The House t6ok up the report of the committee on the bill te amend the road laws of this State, &c. Tbe report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. b 8* JQHRKAL OF THE HOUSE. The Senate Besolwtion ill regard to the joint action of the Ending Committees of the respective branches of the General* Aseembly 'Was on motion taken up, read, and laid, on the table for thfc balance of the session. 4 Oh motion of Mt. Smith of ToWhs the various portions pf the Governor's message were respectively preferred to the appropriate standing committees of the House.. Thd House took up the report of thd dotpmittee on the* bill tq allow Stephen Williams of Pieree cbunty and Johh Taylor of Ware county to peddle in thp 1st Congressional District, without paying license for the feame^ The report wap agreed to. Tile hip was read the third; time and on the question of its passage, Mb Fannin of Troup required the "yeas, and nays to he recorded. There are yeaS^SS/there ard nays 68. Those who yoted in the, affirmative Pre .Messrs 9 * Allen, HepcterSonof WorthRagsdple* Blakey, Hicks, Register, Bivens, Hockenhull, Richards, Brown of Mouston, Hogatfs, Rosier, Cason, Hppkins, Screven, Clark of Elbert^ Howell ot Lowndes,l^harpe, Coleman, loyner, Smith of Bryan,, «Ooo"ffi J ones of Mitchell, ,Smith ©f Cqffee, Daniel, Kelly, Smith of Hall, DeLamar, Knox, Smith of Towns, Delony, Lewis of Greene, JSockwell, Diion.,, Lofton, Stewart, Echols, Lumpkin, Strickland, Ector, Martin, Sweaty Edmonson, Mays, Tapley, Ely, McCants,, Tathm^ Fain of Gilmer, McComb, Thrasher, Fain of Gordon, McDonald; ofLump-Warq, Fain of Union, kin, Whaley, Earnell^ McDonald of Mur- Wicker, lay, William? of Clinch, „ ___ MqEver, Wjlliatas of MusCo- Gibson ol Wayren, Mintz, ^ee, Green of Cobb, Morris, Wilson, Hardin, ^Patrick, Wqffbrd, Harkness, Pilcher, Younm Harris, Prescott, a Heath, Price, friday, november iith, 1s59. Those tyho voted in the negative are Messrs s Alexander, Hrpvensteine? Mullens, Anderson, Harpei; of Henry, Nobles, Barksdale,. Harper of Suniter, .Norwood, Baugh, Henderson ofHehry Batten, Brantley, Henderson of New-Perry, Brown of Sumter, f on, Reeder, Broyle^ Holden, Bonder, Brewton, joi For" Holland, Rhodes, sytn, Holloman, Splman, BreWtpn ©f Tatt- Holmes, Settle, nail, * Howell of Milton, Smls, Causey, Hursf, Smith of Twiggs, Clark of Monroe, Hutclrins, Solomons, Hock, Jrwifl, Terrell, Cotiley, Johnson, Turner, Guldens, Jones of Rabun, TuggLe, David, Kennon, Underwood, Earl, Lester, Vaughn, Eberhart? Lockett* Walton, Fapnin of Troup, Lumsden* "We^t, Flemings McQrafy, Whittle, Eitrney, McKea- Worley, Fortner, McWhorter, Goodman, Mitchell, So the. bill was passed. The House tools; up the report of the committee on the. hill td authorize the Ordinary of Warren* cbimty to pay money &e. The report was agreed to* The bill was react fhe third time and passed. The House- took up the report pf the committee on the bill authorizing fhe Inferior Court .of Warp county fd assess an extra tax for the "purpose of building a Cpurt House in said county. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and nassed. The Bouse took pp the report -of the committee oh the bill to add an additional sefotiott to the 12th division of the penal code of this Stafe. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third, time and passed* The House took the report of the cpmihittee oh* the bill to compensate witnesses in the various militia districts m this State. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time &hcl pa^ed* 34 JOURNAL OF TIJE HOUSE. The rules were suspended and Mr. Lester reported) A hill to amend an act to define the liability of Rai oa Companaesfin this State for injury done to persons &c. Which was read the first time. The reconsidered bijl for the relief of Berry Chapman of the county of Clayton was amended and indefifiite y p s ^°The House took up the report of the committee on the till to consolidate £he offices of tax Collector, and Receiver of tax returns of the county of WilOox. The report waS agreed to. The hill was read the* third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the reconsjdeited bill to incorporate *" The* Bainbridge and Flori¬ da Rail Road company. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The following message of the Sedate was received by Mr. West their Secretary. Mx- Speaker:—IW directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives that they havepassed a resolution that the committees of the Senate a,nd House of Representa¬ tives be constituted joint committees in which they ask the concurrence of the House. Mr. David from the committee on enrolment reported as duly enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature*of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives. A Resolution in relation to the late outbreak at Harper's Ferry. The following bills were read tbe second time and refer¬ red to the fcommittee on the Judiciary, t® wit; A bill, to add an additional section to the first Division of the penal Code of tips State. A hill to amend an act tq abblish imprisonment for debt and for (other purposes, assented to Dee. 11th, 1858. A, bill to amend, the laws in relation to pleading and amendments thereto and for other purposes therein mention- fed. A bill to prescribe _ tbe number bf continuances, tq be granted in civil cases in the Superior Courts of tips State and to regulate the granting -of tbe same and for other pur¬ poses* • * A bill for tbfe relief of thq Union Branch Rail Road com¬ pany, &nd' for other purposes. A hill tQ prescribe the manner of drawing Juries in Jus¬ tices Courts. A bill to exempt from levy and sale in the bands of pur FRIDAY, November H™, 1859, ss chasers and others obtaining the same. &11 property exempt by law while ip. the hands of debtors* ^ A bill to authorize Ex-Judges of the Superior Courts to sign bills of exceptions In certain eases. * A bill to prohibit the post-mortem mahumision of sTaves. The following bill Was read the second, time aud commit¬ ted for a third reading, to wif. A bill to authorize the Judges of the Superior Churls* of this State to allow special and petit jurors refreshments ijn certain cases therein named. The following resolution was read and lost, to wit •* Resolved% That the members in the Counties that a^e to be effected by the Formation of New cqunties ot the change of county lines be added to the standing committee on ne^ counties. The following bill was read the second time-, and Ordered to be engrossed, to wft: A bill to incorporate Etowah' Lodge of Free and Accept¬ ed Masons. The following bills were read the second tjme and com¬ mitted for a third reading, to wit: A hill to "change the line between Brooks and Colquitt. , A bill to reduce the Sheriffs Bond1 of Dooly county from $20,000 to $10,000. A bill to ihcorporate the town of Thompson in the Coun¬ ty of Columbia. The following bills were read the second time and refer¬ red toi the Committee on the" Judiciary, to wif: A bill to regulate the practice of the Superior Courts of this State in certain cases. A bill to provide for citizens of other Staf es and territo¬ ries of the Dhitdd States to act as Executors,, (^o-Executors and Administrators' in this State under certain Circumstan¬ ces therein mentioned. A Bill to amend the law in. relation to'the foreelosure of mortgages on real property and the sale thereof,, and to pre¬ scribe a form for all mortgages and for other purposes there¬ in mentioned. A hill to alter and amend the 3rd and 7th septions of thp 1st Article of the Constitution. A bill to provide for, the admission in evidence of copy plats and, grants. Thte following bill was read the second time and referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Williams of Clinch, Fannin of Morgan, Eberhart, Worley of Cherokee and Thrasher, to wit: A bill for the relief of Du,ncan Barlow" of Clinch county and for other nprposes. The following bill was rqaj the second time and referred to the committee «pn Agricuhfcure-and internal improvement to wit: S6 JOURNAL OD THE HOUSE. A bill to amend .an, act entitled an act_ for the better reg¬ ulating licences in the province of Georgia, approved March, The following hill, was read the ^second" time and, referred to the committee on Banks, to wTit. A hill to repeal dn act to authorise the business of bank¬ ing and to regulate the same, assepted to Dec/ 1&3B. The billowing hill was read the second timq and referred *to the Committee on petitions, to witr To aiithorise Isham O. Smith of the county of Coweta to peddle im the fourth Congressional district without payment for licepsei The following hill was read, the second time and referred to. the committee on new dopnties, to* wit: A "bill to add lot of land No. 345 in Colquitt to Thom- as-" Tfie hour of adjournment hdving arrived, the Speaker pro tern, the Hon, Mr. McWhorter of Greene, declared the House of Representatives adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 orclock, A. M. * SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, "i * The House met pursuant to adjournment. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. SpraybeTry, Brant¬ ley of, Hancock, Render* "Williams of Muscogee,, Cook of Early, Andersen of Bibb, Price of Pickens, Rhodes of Richi mond, Brown of Houston and Cock. The Hotise too"k up the repbrt of the committee on the bill to authorise the Judges pf the Superior Courts Of this £},tate, to allow special and Petit Jurors, such "refreshments as said Judges may deem, meet and proper while said ju- r°rs arb engaged in the investigation, of aiiy cause, and to provide paylpent h>r the same. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the thircf time and passed. , The House to oh up the report nf the committee on the bill tychange the line between the counties of Brooks, and "Colquitt so as to add 0. H. Johnson of the county of ChL- qhitt to the county of Brooks. The report was agreed,to, the bill was read the third time and lost. The House took hp the report Of the Committee On the hill, to redpce the Sheriffs bond of Dooly county from $20,000, to $10,000. * The report wak agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. SATURDAY, UOYEllBER, l&ra 1859. TW House took up the report of the Committee on fbe bill to incorporate Etowah Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. The report was agreed tq, the hUX was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee On the hill to incorporate the towii of Thompson, m the coUhty of Columbia. Which report Was agreed to, tmcf the bill read the third time and passed. The House wdnt into Committee of the Whole Mr. Smith of Towns, in the chair, on thefbill to authorize* the Treasur¬ er to make certain advances. After some time Spent therein, the "Committee hose and through their chairman reported the sameback to the House without amendment. The report was agreed to, the bill was head the third time, passed and- ordered to be transmitted to the Senate without delay. Th® House toqk up the report of the Committee on1 the "bill to giye bo endorsers the control of tl!fi fas" and judgments paid off b,y them. * The report of Judiciary Committee being favorable there¬ to vvas agreed to. The bill Was read the time apd passed. Mr. David from the Committee on Enrollment reports as duly enrolled and ready for the Signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives ? A resolution in relation to the portrait of Qeneral James Jackson. The following message was received from fhe Sedate. Mr. Speaker:—I am instructed by the Senate to 'inform the House ef Representatives, that they have passed the folj lowing bills. A bill to entitled an act to legalize the holding of the Su¬ perior Court of the county of Carroll, at its last term. A hill to be entitled an act for the relief of the securities ofGreorge F. Wing, former Tax Collector of the county of Mcintosh. Also* a hil). for the relief of Amy* Clarke, from certain, dis¬ abilities therein mentioned. Also, a hill to be entitled a'n act to authorize the Mayor and Council of the city of Aflahta, to take possession of the enclosed ground lyirig between the general passehger depot and Decatur streets^ and the Ailanta Hotel and Loyd, street in the city of Atlanta, for the purpose of beautifying ahd ornamenting the sahie, to be-Used as a Railroad Park. Also, a bill to he entitled ait act to repeal fhe seventh $ec- 88 Jotjm&L OF THE HOUSE. tion of an act, to incorporate and grant certain privileges and powers to the Newnan Guards, ill the town of Newnan,. Coweta county, and for other purposes therein mentioned* and to repeat the fourth, section* of an act t° regulate the compensation of jurors, in the county of Jefferson, ana for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town ofElfaville in Schley coupty. Also, a? bill to regulate the School fund of Habersham CQunty? and for other purposes therein mentioned. I am also instructed to inform the House ©f Representa¬ tives, that fhe Senate haye agreed to a resolution appoint¬ ing a committee, to aet in concert "\vith such committee as may be appointed by the House to make arrangements for divine service, on Thursday 24th inst., appointed as a day of Thanksgiving, and Jiavie appomted Messrs. Paine, Hill of WilkeS and Briscoe as that committee on the part of the Senate, in which resolutidn they .ask the concurrence of the House. The* House took, tip the report of the Committee on fhe bill to qhange and regulate the fees, of Attorney General and Solicitors General of this State, The Judiciary Committee recommended fhe passage pf the same' with an amendment. Mr. Smith of Towns, moved to postpone the bill indefin¬ itely. Upon this motion be Required fhe yeas and nays to here- corded. There are yeas 69. Thete are pays 81. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs s Baugh, Fain of Gordon, Hopkins, Blakey, Fain of Union, Hurst, Bivins, Farnell, Johnson, Brown of Houston,Fleming, Joiner, Brecon ©f Forsyth,Fillney, Jones of Mitchell, Causey, Fartner, Joiiesof Rabun, Cock, Gay, Keeling, Haniel, Goodman, Knox, Uqlamar, Graham, Lumsden, Dufour, Green of Cobb, Martin, Eberbart, Heath, Mays, "Echol^ Henderson of WorfhMcCants, Ector, Herington, McCr&iry* Edmondson* HollomaO, McDonald ofLumn- Fftjn of Gilmer, Holmes kin, "SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH, 1?59. 89 Thrasher, Underwood, Vanover, VaUghn, Walton, Ware,# West, Whaley, Whittle, Williams of Clinch, Wofford. Worley, t iftlcDonalcf of Mpr-Rozier, rhy, Selman, MeEvet, Sharpe, MeWhorter, Smith of (Coffee, Mintz, Smith of Hall, Mitchell, Smith of Towns, Morris, Smith of Twiggs^ Mnllens, Sockwell, Nobles, Stewart, Patrick, Strickland» Pattop. Tapley, Register, Tatum, Reeder, Terrell, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Alexander, Glass, Lewis of Greene, Allan, Gibson, of Warren, Lester, Anderson, GroVenstein, Lockett, Barksdale, Hardin, Lofton, Brantley, Harkness, Lumpkin^ Brinson, Harper of Henry, McRea, BroyJes, Harper of Sumter, Norwood, Brewton of Tatt- Harris. Perry, nal, Cason, Clarke of Elbert Colvard, Coleman, Conley, Cpok, Cullens, David, Delony, Dixon, Earl, Ely Hartridge, Pilcher, Henderson of Hen-Pitts, ry, PrescOtt, Henderson of NeW-Ragsdale, ton, RhodeS, Hockenhutl, Richards* HogSns, Screven', H olden, Settle, Holland, Sims, Howell of Lowndes,$mith of Bryan, Howell of Milton, Solomons, Hutchins, Sprayberry, Irwin, Sweat, Fannin of Morgan, Kelly, Turnery Fannin of Troup, Kennon, Tuggle, Gibson of Rich- Key, Wicker, mond, Knowles, Wilson, So the motion prevailed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to provide for the payment of Solicitors General and other officers of Court, to dispose of money raised by fines and forfeitures, and for other purposes. Mr. Fain of Union/ proposed to amend the same by giving to ekcfo Grand and Petit Jurors of this State, one dollar per day.' The same *yas not received. 50 journal of the house. Other amendments were offered whdn |Mr. Ely moved to postpone the hall and amendments indefinitely. ^ Upon this motion Mr. Fain of Union, required the yeas and nays to be recorded. Ther committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvement. Mr. Glass'of Clayton, offered a resolution to diirnish the county of Clayton \yith the statutes of this State. Mr. Lewijs4 of Greene, offered the following; resolution which on motion was taken up, read and agreed to, to- wit: Resolved, That the clerk of this HoUse be authorized io em¬ ploy ten engrossing clerks if that number should be found! necessary to expedite the business of Legislation. Mr, BroyleS^ "reported A bill to amend an -act entitled an act to change certain county lines therein mentioned, approved March 1st- 1856. Mr. Fatton of Walk,er, reported A hill to by out and organize, a new county from the counties of Chattooga and Walker. Mr. Cason, reported A bill to change the county lines between tbe counties of Ware, Pierce and Coffee. Mr. Gibson of Warren, reported A bill to change the county linq between the counties of Warren and Glasscock, accompanied by a petition for fhe same. Mr, Gibson of Richmond, reported A bill to incorporate the "Richmond Fire Company." Mr. Strickland, reported A bill to amend fhe 1st. section, of act entitled an act to add an additional section to the> 10th Division of the Penal Code. Mr. Sharpe, reported A hili'for the relief of John S. Carpenter, late tax collec¬ tor of the county of Montgomery. Mr. Gibson of Richmond* reported A hill f0 facilitate the taking of cases to the Supreme Court by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, &c. MONDAY, JTOYEMBEB 14Yh, 1859, 97 Mn Lofton, reported A bill to ameiid ail act entitled an act to amend the rent laws of this State, approved December 24th, 1857. And also an actf entitled an act to protect the owner of land or tenements against intrude^, afnd to provide a reme¬ dy for land owners in certain cases, approved February 14th 1854k Mr. Cook, reported A bill to alter and amend the charter of the Atlantic and ■Gulf Railroad, and locate the west end 6f the same. Mr. Whaley, reported A bill to empower the Superior Courts io appoint parti- tioners to divide negroes and other personal property, and to authorize th,e sale of the same, && Mr. Baugh, reported A bill to ambnd the 6th Article and 1st section of an act passed ^he 27th of Dec., 1845. MY. Parks, reported A bill to add a part of the county of Gilmer to the coun¬ ty of Fannin, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The House took Yip report Of the Committee on the% bill to change the name of the Montrose Manufacturing Company of Sparta Hancock county, and for -otjier pur¬ poses. The report was agreed to, and the bill read a third tim,e and passed. . "flie House took up the report of the Committee £>n the bill to incorporate the town of Dawsonville, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to1, the bill was read the third time apd passed. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary. . " Mr Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bills, to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Georgia Insurance Company. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an acit entitled an act* to charter the Charleston and, Savannah Railroad. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act, to alter and amend the Road Taws of this State, so fau as relates to the!1 county ctf Wayne, assented to ^December 22d, 1857. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend an act, incorporating-the town of Lincolnton, and the several acts amendatory thereof. Ah 3. a bill* to amend the charter of the pity of Gnf- £n,a 7 98 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Also, a bill to regulate the school fund of Habersham county, an,d for other purposes therein named. Also, a bill to incorporate the Clarke county Agricultural Society, and to confer certain powers ahd immunities on the same. The HoUse took up the report of the Committee on the bill to prescribe the liability incertaih cases of persons hiring slaves. The same was amended. The report as "amended was agreedio. The 3^11 was read the third time'and lost. The House took tip the report of the Committee On the biR to incorporate an Insurance Company, in the city of Col¬ umbus, to be called '-The Western Georgia Insurance Com¬ pany. Mr. Hartridge from the committee on Banks to whom, said bill was referred proposed to amend the same by ^hang¬ ing its name to, The Georgia Home Insurance Company". The amendment was received. The report as amencled was agreed to, ih,e bill was. read the third time and passed as amended, ThO House took up the report" of the Committee on thei bill for the relief of Seaborn Stringer, of the county of Hit* chell. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and lost. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill to repeal an act to increase the salaries of the Execu¬ tive and of the Judges of the Supreme Court and Superior Courts of this State, assented to December 22 d, fS57. _ Upon the question of agreeing to the report of the Judi¬ ciary Committee, which was adverse to the same, Mr, Fain of Unioh required the yeas and nays to "be re¬ corded, ThOrC are yeas 109, tbere are nays 33 Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, Causey, Echols, Allan, Clarke of Elbert, Ector, Barksdale, polvard, Edmondsou, Baugh, Coleman, Ely, Blakey, Cook, Fain of Gordon, Bivins, Cullens, Fahnin of Morgon, Brinson, David, Fannin of Troup, Brovm of Sumter, Delamar, Finney, Brutoii of Forsyth, Delony, Fortner Brewton of Tatt- Dixon, Gay, f nail, HarU Glass, Cfisoh, Eberhart, Goodman, MONDAY* NOVEMBER T4M I8d9, Green of Pehb* Knox, Green of Houston, Eewis of Gfreene, Hardin, Lewis of Hancock, Harper of Henry, Lester, Harper of Sumter,Lofton, Harris, Lumpkin, Hartridge, Martin, Heath, McOpnts, Hencfetson of New-McComh, ton, McCr&iry, Henderson of W orthMcEver, Holcben, McKea, HolToman, McWhOrter, Holland, Mitchell, Hopkins, Morris, Hbwell of Lowndes,Nobles, Howell of Milton, Norwood, Hurst, Parks, Hhtchins, Patriot*, Irwin, Perry, Johnson, Pilcher, Jjpnes of Mitchell, Pitfs, Jones Of Rahun, Register, Keeling, Richard, Kelly, ' Kozier, Knowles, Scott, Screven, Settle, Sims, Smith Of Rryan, Smith of Coffee, Smifh of Hall, Smith of Twiggs, Solomons, Sweat, Tapley, Teriyil, Thrasher# Tprner, Tuggle, Vanovef, Vatighn, W alfon, Ware, Whaley, Wicker, Williams of Clinch, Williams of Musco¬ gee. Wilson, Young, Those wfio voted in jfche negative were Messrs Broyles, Holmes, Daniel, Joiner, Fain of Gilmer, Kerinon, Fain of Union, Key, Farnell, Lumpen, Fleming, Gihson of Rtch- mond^ Gibson of Warren, Henderson of Hen-Mintz, Patton, Feeder, Selman, Sharpe,* Smith of Towns, Sockwell McDonald of Lum- Strickland, kin, Tatuirfy • McDonald of Mur- Underwood, raV, West, Whittle, Wofford, Worley. Harrington# Price, Hockenhnll, Ragsdale, So the report was agreed .to, and the hill therefore lost. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill to add a section to the 1st. Division of the penal Code of this State* The? same was on motion of Mr. Lewis of Hancock, a- mended by substituting the punishment of death for confine¬ ment in the penitentiary, The report as amended wafe agreed to. aoo JOUI&'AL OF THE HOUSE. The bill was read the third time, and passed as amend- 6<1. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill to amend the law iri relation to pleading, and amendment^ thereof, nhd far dther purposes, on the bpl to prCsdribe the manner1 of drawing juries in Justices Courts, and A bi|l to exempt from levy and sale in \he hands of purchasers and others obtaining the same, all propmty ex-, empt by law while in the hands of flebtots. The Judiciary Committee having reported against the passage of said bills, The report was agreed to, and the bills lost. The House took up the report of the Judiciary Copimit- tee on the bill to regulate the practice of the Superior Court®1 of this State in certain cases, and for other purposes. The report waS agreed to, the bill was read the third, time aaid passed. The Horace took up the report qf the Judiciary Committee On the bill to empower Ex-Judges of the Superior Courts to sign hills of Excep^ionp in certain cases. The report wgs agreed to, and the bill read the third time and pas$ed. The House took up the report of the Judiciary Commit¬ tee on the bill to prohibit the past-mortem manumission of slaves. % The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time* and passed. t The House took up the report of the Judiciary Commit-) tee on the bill providing for citizens of other States and ter¬ ritories of the United States to act as Executors co-Execu¬ tors and Administrators jn this State* under certain circum¬ stances therein mentioned. The report being adverse tq the passage of the same was agreed- toi, and the bill therefore lost. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate Hirman Lodge No, 1S9, qf "Free and Accepted Masons, and for other purposes therein men¬ tioned. The report was agreed to, the bilj was read the third time and passed. The House tqok Up the report, of the Committee on the bill to allow additional compensation to the (Sheriffs of Hall county. The report was agreed to. The bill xVas read the third time enA passed. ^ The House tpok up the report of the committee op the bill to relieve certain persons in Mcintosh county from jury dutf. * ^ Thd report was agreed to. The b^l was read the third time and passed. MONDAY, H0VEM3EK 141H, 1859. 101 The House took up the report of the Coaimittee> »4 the "bill tp add a Section to the get incorporating the to^fh of Dahlonega. The report wa^ agreed tP, the hill was read thq third time and passed., "The bill for the reliefof And! J. Lovelady, pf the county of Pickens, and for of her purposes, "was on motion of, Mr., Price pf Pickens, referred tp a special Crmmittee con¬ sisting* Pf, Messrs. Price of* Pickups, Smith of'TPLester, Ely and Fain of Gilmer* The bill to create a new Judicial Cirqmt to be called the Hiwasseb Circuit ,*was laid bn the tablo subject to the Call of the mover Mrr Smith of Towns. Thp House took up the rqpOrt Pf the committee cut thd bill to repCal an act, Assented to December llth, 1858, so far as relates tp the county of Wilobx, regulating t&vfern li¬ censes in this State, • The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took hp the report of thp Committee pn the bill for the teLpf of the estate of Rob eft Bradford, deceas¬ ed, and Samuel MofFet and Kobert H. Bradford ExccutPrs, Pf the same. The report was agreed to, the bill Was read the third time and passed. - The Iiouse took up the report of the Committee on the bill to incorporate tbe town of Georgetown of Quitman counj and for ty, pther purposes. ^ The repbrt was agre'ed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took* up the report of the Committee pn. the bill to reyisp, after and amend an act entitled an act id ap¬ point trustees fpr tbe Jackson county Academy, and to incor¬ porate the same, assPnted to 20th November, 1818, nnd for Pther purposes therpin expressed. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The bill to compelnon-residents owning land in the coun¬ ty ofWorth, fo pay faxes oh the same in said county, was re¬ ferred to the committee on Finance. The House took up the Senate resolution relative to the Branch Mint Pf Dahlonega and, concurred in thp same, The Senate resolution relativp to thp appointment of a Joint Cpmmittee to make preparation fpr thp celebration of Thursday 24th inst.* as a day pf Thanksgiving was takpn upr rekd and concurred in. The Speaker on the part 0£ the House appointed under this resolution, Messrs* McCombj Lewis of Hancpck^ Lester, Smith of Towns apd MpWhorter. 102 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, The-following resolution of the1 House was taken up read and, agreed fo, to-wit: * Resolved, T^iat this House yill not entertain any propo¬ sition, to change the present -county lines of any county in this State without a petition or the written consent of the parties who gfe to bo affectdd thereby. The jlouse took up, read ahd agreed to the resolutiomof the Senate requiring the Judiciary Committer to enquire in¬ to the -importance of a change in the*present mode or hold¬ ing Sheriffs, Executors, Administrators. Guardians and Trus¬ tees in this State. Mr. Smith of Towns, was added to the Judiciary jCogi- mittee. Mr. Mtntz to the Corrimittee on the Lunatic Asylum- ^ Messrs. Jones pf Mitchell ahd Ghusey^ to the committee on the ^sylum for the Blind* Messrs. Terrell, Stewart, Patton and Echoes to the com¬ mittee nn new counties. The following bills were tead the second time pnd cOm- jnitted ior the third readiug, to-^ut: A, hill to attach lots of land No's. 54 and 5*5 in the 7th district of Randolph county, to the county of Clay. A bill for the relief of Reuben Cloud of Deeatur county. A bill to repeal an bet to amend the road laws of this State, e© far as relates to the county of Coffee. A bill to alter and amend the road laws of this State, so far as rebates to the county*of Cherekee. A bill to refund a tax paid by the North Western Bank fo the Tax Collector of Catoosa county. A hill to change the lilies between the coiintiqs of Clinch tod Berrien, and A foil! providing for the probating of \yills and taking tes¬ timony in Courts of Ordinary by Commission, . k * A bill to fix the amount of claim bonds in the Justice^ Courts in this State. A bill to reduce work on foad^ ip. the cpunty of Wilcox. A bill to compel the Sheriffs, Clerks, fo advertise their sales &e., of Randolph county on certain conditions. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Schley county to levy an extra tax for county purposes. „ „ A bill to alter and change the election of tax receivers {nicl collectors. A bill tp authorize the removal of trustees, and f°r other purposes. 104 journal of the house. A frill to repeal an act amendatory of the Penal Code &c. * A till to authorize the Inferior Court of the county of Tattnall tojevy an extra tax, for county purposes. A bill to create a new Judicial Circuit, apd to moyide for thef appointment and election of a Judge and Solicitor General thereof. A bill to compel trustees in certain cases ^ therein men¬ tioned to make -annual returns to the Ordinaries of the sev¬ eral -bounties of the State of Georgia. A bill for the relief of Mary Francis Nunor of the county of Bibb, arfd for other purposes. A bill to amtend the Judiciary act of 1779, A bill, to incorporate the -Fort Hoyal Railroad Company. A bill fo amend the charter of the town of Washington. A bill to incorporate1 the Eatonton and Madison Bail- road. The following hills were read the. second time and refer¬ red to the Judiciary Committee, to-wit: A "bill to make Justices of jfche Peace in the several Militia Districts in this State, ex-officio* road and patrOl cohimis- «ioners. A bill to require securities and endorsers when they give notice, to do so in writing. A hill to repeal the act organizing, the Supreme. Court. A bill to repeal an act abolishing imprisonment for debt, <5^0. a bill for the relief of James RozierN fhe following bills we're read the second time and teferred to the compiittee, on Public Education, to-Wit: Al bill tq repeal kn act entitled an act to provide for "the education of the children of the State, between certain ages and to provide an aiinnal, sinking fund for the extinguish-* merit, of the, public debt, and to provide for the application of the netf earnings of the W. & A. Railroad, and for other purposes. Op motion of Mr. Scteven of Chatham, the following res¬ olution was taken up, read, and referred to the committee On Finance,- to-wit: Retailed, By the Senafe and House, of Representatives* of the State of Georgia in General Assembly mef, that his Ex¬ cellency the Governor, be and he is berebj* requested, arid authorized to purchase two hundred copies of Opblfs Gen¬ eral Index to fhe Georgia Reports, and two hundred copies of Milieu'^ Digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia, for the use ©f the State House Officer^ and of the counties of this St^e, $nd fa draw his-warrant on the XreasT ury for the payment of the same- ItONDAy.SoVEMB^B 14TH, 1S59. 105 ^ The following bills ©f the House were read the secpnd time ap& ordered to be, Engrossed, to-wit «c A bill to protect the legacy left by the last will and testa¬ ment of William Martin, deceased^ for the benefit of the so¬ ciety fat Jefferson, Jacksoii county, Georgia) of the, Metho¬ dist Episcopal Churph South, and for othep purposes. A bill to authorize Samuel IrVsdn of the county of Claytdn to practice inedicine. 'The bill to provide for the education ©f a tdafeher of the „t)eaf and Du,mb, was read the spcohd time and referred to thq, Committee on the Asylum for theT)eaf and! Dumb. iyso, the bill to appropriate a sum of myney to pay cer¬ tain persons for work and labor done and material furnished about the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 'The bill defining ' the duty of the several clerks of the Court of .Ordinary in this State, fin relatiion to granting •marriagelicense in certain"cases therein mentioned, and to prevent tl^e same, and for Othei; purpose^ was ;r©acf the sec¬ ond1 time and Referred to u select committee cdnsi^ting q£, Messrs. Leyds of Hancock, Holdeh, Clarke of Elbert, Alex¬ ander of Floyd and Smith ©f Towns. The following bills were read the second time andVeferred to the Committee pii New Couhties, to-wit : A hill to alter and change the line between the counties of GJa^scock and Warren, A. bill to lay 6dt and organize a. new county out of the Counties of Columbia, Jefferson and Grlasscqck. A hilt to create a new county out of thp counties of Wayne and Appling. •The fpllowing bills of theHouse were read the second time and referred to the Committee op Agriculture and Intern#! Improvement, to-wit: A hill to change the name of the Southern Central Agri¬ cultural Society, and to incorporate the Planters" Club ©f Hancock county. The hill to amend an #ct to incorporate the u The Savam nab, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad Company, assented to 11th, day of February, 1854, and to- repeal sections 7, 8 ami 9 of said hdt, and t6 substitute two* additional sections in lieu thereof. Was read the second time. The Houjse then adjourned until 9^ o'clock, A. M., to¬ morrow morhing. 106 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. 'TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1859. The, House met pursuant to adjournment. Leave of absence was graced Mr. Kennon for a few days ou account of illness in his family. Qn motion of Mr. Alexander of Floyd so much, of the Journal of yesterday ^ras reconsidered, as Relates io the re¬ jection of the bill to amend the law hi relation to pleading? and amendments thereof* .and for other purposes therein mentioned. The bill to change the lines between thd counties, of Clinch and Berrien, was referred to the Committee on New Counties. The Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improve¬ ments, to whom was referred a bill, to reduce and establish tthe rate of freight on lime carried over the W. & A. R. R., so as to facilitate tlie use of the same for agricultural pur¬ poses, repotted as a substitute for tbe samev " a bill to re¬ duce f fye rates of freight on lime* salt, guano, and, all other fertilizers parried pver the W. & A. R. R», where the samd are to be used exclusively for agricultural purposes." Tbe House took up tbe report of tbe committee on the bill to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Ya- hhola River and Cane Cr^ek "Hydraulic Hose Mining Cqm- pany, assented to December 11th, 18-58. The sai^m was amended. The report, as amended, was agreed to, the bill was read tbe third time and passed with amendments. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to be entitled an, act to incorporate the Etowah and Auraria Hydraulic Hosp Mining Company. The report was agreed! to, witb amendments proposed by fhe Committe on Internal Improvements, the bilk Was read the third time and passed as amended* ^ The-Uouse took up the report of th? committer on the >H1 to Abolish the public execution pf criminals condemned to death by the laws of this Stale, and tp prpvide for their executiohiu private. The same was amended. The report, as amended, was agreed to, the "bill Was read the third time and on tlip question of its passage, the yehs and nays being recorded, there are yeas 88, there are nays 60. Tuesday, November ma, 1359. 107 Those who ^oted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, Henderson ofNew'nMorris, Allan, Herrington, Mullens, Barksdale Hockenhull, Parks, Bivms, Hogans Pilcher, Brinson, Holden, Pitts, Brown: of* Sumter, Holloman Prespott, Ciapon, Holmes, R^gsdale, Causey, Hopkins, Richards, Clark of Elbert, Howell ofLowndes,Rozier, Cpl^ard Howell of Milton, Scriven, Conley, Hutchins, Splman, dookj Irwin, Settle, Cullens, Kelly, Sharpe, Dixon, Key, Sims> » Earle, Lewis of' Greene, Smith of Bryan, Echols, Lewis of Hancock, Smith of Twiggs, Ector, iLester, Solomons, Fain of Gordon, Lockett, Stewart^ Fannin of Mprgan, Lofton, Sweat, Eanni,n of Troup, Lumpkin, Terrell, Finney, Mays, Turner, Gibson of RichmopdMcGomb, Tuggle1, Gibsop of Warren, McCrary, Yanover, Greene of Cobb* McDonald of Lump-Walt cm, Grovensteine, kin, Whittle, Harper of Henry, McDonald of Mur-Wickef, Hafcper of Suipter, ray, Williams of Muspo-f Harris, M&Rpa, gee, Hartridgey McWhortef, Wilson, Heat'h, Mintz, Wofford* Henderson of Henry Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: k» Baugh, Farnell, J ones oh Rabun, BJakey, Fleming, Keeling Broyles Fortpen Knowles, Bruton of Forsyth, Gay,. Knox Coleman, Glass, Margin, ^Daniel* Goodman, McGants, David, Graham, MeEvpr DeLamar, Henderson of WorihMcLendpp, Delony, Herrington, Mitchell^ Dufour, Holland Nobles, Eberharf, , Hurst, Norwood*. EJniondson, Johnson, Button, Fain of Gilmer Joyfler, Perryv Fain of Union, Jones of Mitchell, Price 108 JOURNAL OF THE HPU&E. Register, Reeder, Scott, Smith of Coffee Smith of T6wns, Soekwell, TjSipl©y j Tatum, Taylor, Ware, West, Whaley. vvnaitry, Williams erf Clinch, Worley, Young. Thrashei4, Underwood, Vaughn Strickland, So the bill was passed. The hill to provide for1 the call of a convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly of the State Of*£foor- gia, and to make such other alteration^ in the Constitution as ihay be deemed essential, ana fox other purpose^ was made the special order for Thursday next, and two hundred copies of,%the same ordered to be printed for the use of the Hohse. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to add a portion of Johnson -county jto the county of Lau¬ rens. Tlie report of the committee oil new countiep, which Was adverse to the passage of the same, *was agreed to and the bill therefore lost. The House took up the report of) the Committee -on- |he bill to incorporate the town o£ Bowden in th,e poun\y of Carroll, and for ofhe;rpurposes therein mentioned. The same Was amended, on motion of Mr- Thrasher, and* the report as amended agreed to. The bill was read the third time, and passed. The bill to Create the office of State's Attorney was "with¬ drawn by the mover, with the Unanimous consent of the House. The House took up the report Of the Committee oh the bill granting administrators pertain privileges in selling pro¬ perty of estates. The Judiciary Committee having reported against the passage of the bill, the report was agreed to, and, the bill therefore lost- The House took up the Report nt the committee On the bill to amfoid an act for the better regulating fences in th^ Province 6f Georgia, approved March 7tlr, 1759. The report \Vas agreed to, the bill was read the third time hnd passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to afoehd the law in relation to the foreclosure of mOri ga&es on re^l property, and the -sale thereof, and to prescribe a form for afTmortgages, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The same was amended. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1659. 109 The report, as amended, was agreecf to, thh bill was read the third time and passe/f. The following Message was received from the* Senate? by Mr ji West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Seriate have passed the following Tpl^s: A bil^t to be entitled an act to incorporate the town* of Perry in Houston county, and to extend the liipits of tbo same, and to repeal an act to incorporate the totvn of Peri^y passed December 28th, 1828. Also, ♦A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Early and Calhoun. -Also, A bi.ll in relation to new trials- Also, A bill to be entitled an apt to amend ,an act, entitled an act to provide for the education of the children of this State. Al^o, A bill to be entitled an net to change the line between the counties of Elbert and Hart. Also, * A bill to be entitled an act to authorize guardians of in¬ sane persons to be rhade parties to suits. Alsp" A bill- entitled an act to authorize juries to assess damages m matters of illegalities, upon certain conditions. Also, A bill in relation to the admission pf evidence. Also, A bill to *be entitled an acf to authorize the administra¬ tors of the estatp pf James Ypung, Siv, to sell the property of said estate, and toinake titles to the same. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to add the county of Wilcox to the Second Congressional District. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to prohibit persons froln pois¬ oning fish in the water course^ of Irwin county. Also, A bill to bp entitled an act to incorporate the Thomasville manufacturing, agricultural and commprciabaksociation, and for other purposes. The Senate has also agreed fo a resolution that the Gener-* al Assembly appoint a committee to take into consideration the promotion of the arts knd sciences of this State. Also, a resolution that the General Assembly cjo meet in the Representative "Half on Satbrday the 19th inst, at 12 o'clock, tp elect two commissioners fo codify -the laws Pf Georgia. The House, took up the rep or f of the Committee on the bill for thd punishment of small offenpes and misdemeanors. The report of the Judiciary committee, which was ad- Verse tp the sable, was agreed to1*, afid the bill was therpfbre lost. The IfousP wPnt into cpmmittee of the whole, Mr. Me- WhPrtetf of Gbeene in the chair, on tbu bill to appropriate 110 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. $U£00 00 towards the building of a bridge over Spring Creek in Miller county. . ^ After some time spent therein the committee arose, and through* their chairman, reported the sortie back to the House \yith an amendment striking V>ut that portion of the ■bill which provided an appropriation. Upop the question of receiving the same, the? yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 7'9, there are nays 43, Those who voted in the affirmative ate Messrs p Barksjale, Blakey, Bivins, BranSon Broyles Bruton of Forsyth, Cason, Causey, Colvard, Colepian, Conley, Cook, Cpllens Daniel, David ? Dixon, Earle, Eberhart, Ector, Edmondson, Fain of G-ilmer, Fannin? of Morgan, Fannin of Troup, Finney, Goodman, Grovensteine, Jiarper of Henry, Harper of ISumter, NorWood, Henderson pf HenryPatton, Herrington, Hockenhull, Hogans Holden, Holland, Hollomany Horsley Hurst, Hutchins, Jones of Rab|in, Kelly, Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Hancock,Turner Pilcher, Pitts, Reeder, Rozier, Scott, Selman, Settle^ Sims, Smith of Uall, Stewart Strickland, Taylor, Lockett Lurhpkinj Martin, McCants, McCrairy, McEver, McLendon, McRea, JVlcWhorter, Mintzr, Mitchell, Mullens Tuggle, Underwood, Vaughh Waltpn Ware, West Whittle Wicker Wilson, Worley, Thosq who voted in the negative are Messrs: Alexander, Gibson of Ri,ckm'nd, Joyner, Bahgh, Graham, Jones of Mitchell, Brewtonof TattnaljHarris, KeClino- DeLamhr, Hendersop of W orthKno wles, Ely, Holmes Knox, Fain of Union, Hopkins, Lester Lowell q£ Uowndes,McDonald of Lump- Johnson, kin, Glass, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16«rn, 1859. I if McDonald * of Mfir^Richards, Tatum, Screven Terrelfy Mays^ Sharpe, Thrasher, Morris, Smith of Bryan, Vanover, .Nobles, Smith of Coffee, Whaley, Berry Smith of TofWns, Williams of Clinch, Price* Sockwelfi, Williams of Mus'gea Ragsdale, Solomons, Wpfford, Register, Sweat* Yonng. So the amendment was received, The hill Was then, on motion-of Mr. Joyner of Miller, post¬ poned indefinitely. Mr. Gibson, of Richmond, was added to the Special Com¬ mittee^ to whom Was referred a bill relative to free negtoes, &c., &c. The House adjohrned nhtil 9£ o'clock, A. M., to-mor¬ row, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i6th, 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr, Joyner of Miller so much of the Jour¬ nal ofi yesterday as relates to the amendments and indefinite postponement pf* fihe hill appropriating 11,500 00 to, the building a bridge across Spring Creek in the county of Mil¬ ler was reconsidered. Leave of absence for a few days on business was granted Messrs, jjeath of. Burke, Selman, of Walton, Smith bf Hall, Und Hurst of Walton. The following bills were reported and read the first time, to wit: Mr. Wbfford? reported, A bill foa; the relief of Arthur Haire of the county of Qass, Mr. Tuggle reported? A bill tp prescribe the terms for which receivers of tax re¬ turns, tax; collectors and county treasurers shall field their offices. Mr, Worley reported A bill to regulate the paper currency, to prohibit the cir¬ culations of B^nk bills or notes under ten dollars and for oth¬ er purposes. JOURNAL ,OF THE HOUSE, The following message was received frorh. the Senate by Mr. West thexi* Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—The Senate has passed the following hilts, A hill to he entitled au act to incorporate the town-of Berry in Houston -county and to extend the limits of the, same, and to repeal an act to incorporate the town of Perry in H oust01^ county, and to define the duties and authorities of the samp, passed the 28th December, 1838, and for Other purposes therein named. They have also passed a hill of the House of Representa¬ tives to be entitledwan act to authorize the State Treasurer to make certain advances, with an amendment in which they ask th,e concurrence of the House. On motion of Mr. G-ibson of Richmond the rules were sus¬ pended ahd Senate amendment to the bill to authorize the Treasurer to make certain advances, was concurred in. Mr. Hogans of Charlton, reported, A hill to protect the possession of lands in the county of Charlton, &c. And, A bill to alter and amend the 2d section of an act approved January 21st, 1852, and for other purposes therein men¬ tioned. M?r, Edmonton, of Brooks-, reported, A bill to incorporate the town of Quitman in Brooks cpunty and for other purposes therein mentioned. Mr. Lfimpkin, of dark, .reported, A bill for the the relief of Charles & Oliver and Charles J. Oliver of Clark cOunty. Mrf Delony of Clark, reported, A bill to incorporate " Thd Relief Fire tlompany No. 2, in the Town of Athens. A hill tq provide for the rendition of fugitive criminals, and, A bill declaring the rights of husbands in, and to the prop¬ erty pf their deceased wives and to fix the liabilities of hus¬ bands upon the contracts of their deased wives and for other purposes. jjVlr, Gray of Colquitt, reported, A bill to change the name of James Mercer to James D. Robinson and for other purposes therein mentioned. Mr. Hockenhul],, reported, A bill to change the lino between the counties of Dawson mnd Bumpkin so as to include the residence of James Rico in the county of Dawson. Atn. Tatum* of Dade, reported, A bill for the relief of Francis Daniel, Sheriff of the coun¬ ty of Dade. Wednesday, NOVEMBER isth, issg. its Mr- Screven of Chatham reported, A hill to amend the several acts of the G-eneral Assembly relating to the Savanna,}! and Albany R^il Road company, &c., <®c., &c. Mr. Ely Dougherty reported, A bill to alter and amend an act pointing put the mode of collecting ^ certain (description of debts therein mentioned approved Dec. 19th, 1818 and fo extend the provisions of thp same so as to embrace corporations, Mr. LestOf of Cobb» reported, A bill to amend the second Section of ah act entitled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the several bank charters of this State, on Recount of non-specie payment for a given time and for Other purposes tferein.named, passed &2dl)dc. 1857. Mi\ Williams of Clinch, reported, A bill to »amend an -bet entitled an act entitled to amend the Road laws of this State so far as relates t6 the county of Coffee* approved 1st March 1856, and apply itsf provisions to the county of,Clinch. Mr. CullOns reported, A bill to re-imburse the county of Early fos mrfney »es- pended in arresting the spread of Small Pox. Mr. Lewis of Hancock, reported* A bill for the better protection of the mortis of the yOuth of this State. A bill mpre effectually to carry into effect the 13th sec¬ tion of the 4th Article of the Constitution of this State, to promote the arts and sciences, and to provide for the* educa¬ tion of teaehers at the fJniVersity, and for other purposes.—> And t i A hill to lend the bonds of the* State of Georgia to Mark A. Cooper and for other purposes. Mr. Lewis, of Greene, reported, A-bill t& amend the act of the 11th DeC. 1858, in relation to insurance companies, and express companies doing bush hess in this State. Mr. Kelly of Glascock, reported, A bill to prevent the marriage of CoUsinS. Mr. Fain, of Gilmer^ reported, A hill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Gilmer county to levy and collect an extra tax f6r the pur¬ pose of paying the county debt created by the buildihg of their last court house. Mr. Terrell reported, A bill* to compensate Justices of the Peace in Decatur county for making out and, returning lists of poor children tp the Ordinary. Mr. Register reported, A bill to prevent the burning of the wopds in the county 8 114: JOURNAL OF LEE HOTJSEr of Echols at certain seasons of the year, and for other pur¬ poses. Mr. Earle of Franklin reported, , u x A hill to incorporate the Indian Greek Baptist Church ill the county of Franklin, and for other purposes. Mr. Trasher, ofFhlton, repotted, _ A hill to incofporate the Gate City Guards of Atlanta and to grant certain immunities and privileges to the samp. Abilltobe entitled an act to make Hannah Jarrefi k ^6'rri6 sole tr8id6x« Leave 0} absence was granted Mr. Joyner on account of indisposition. Mr. Riits offered a memorial of Eugene F„ Coky of Madon county which on his motion "was referred without "being redd to a select committee, consisting 'of Messrs. Williams of Muscogee, Harris of Glynn, Lockett of Bibb^ McCdmb of Baldwin and Ely of Dougherty. Mr. Ector reported, A bill for the encouragement of Volunteer companies and the better organization of the military force of this State. A bill to exempt "from levy and sale under execution or otherwise certain property herein mentionod and,to repeal all exemption laws in this State. And, A bill for the relief of Sterling S. Jenkins of the -county 6f Merri\Veather, Mr. Hopkins reported. A bill for the relief of William Middleton of Hie county ofMcIntpshj Mr. McDonald of Murray reported, A bill to lay out and organize a new county out of fhe counties of Cobb, Cass, Cherokee and Paulding and for oth¬ er purposes therein mentioned. Mr. Howell of Lownd,ep reported, A bill to add that part pf the 11th District *of what was originally Irwin county, which lies west of the Alapaha "river, but which is now in the county Echols to the pounty of Lowndes. Mr. Price of Pickens reported, A bill to enforce full returns of property. Mr. Hpvell of Milton reported, A bill to reduce the Sheriffs bond of the county of Mil¬ ton, Mr. Taylor of Randolph reported, A hill to incorporate Spring Vale Institute in Randolph cptmty, Mr, Coleman reported, A bill for the relief of Wm. F. Shannon. Mr, Mitchell of Pike, reported, A bill for the relief of Riphard Myrick of Bike county ^ WEDMSDAt; HOVEM&Eft i6TH, 1859. 115 hlr. Williams of Muscogee^ reported, A bHl to raise- the salaries of1 Secretary of State, Comp¬ troller General, Treasurer, and Surveyor General to two thousand dollars each per annnm, to increase- the duties o£ ■Comptroller General and, ifo provide conipensation 'for the same and for other purposes therein named/ And, A hill to facilitate the rendition of judgments against Sheriffs and their securities. A hill to amend'the laws in relation to Jmy fees. And, A bill to* prescribe the manner in which Judges shall give their eharges to Juries, Mr. Dixon of Muscogee reported, A hill to incorporate the Georgia Greys of the city of Columbus and to extend to them certain privileges. Mr. Jones of Mithell reported, A hill to amend an* act to incorporate the town of Camil¬ la,, approved March 3d f856. And, A bill to protect landlords in the possession of their land and for ofher purposes. Mr. Grpen of Houshoh, repotted," A hill to Jefine-Oertain -duties of the several Railroad Agents of this $tatp and for ether purposes therein me'm. tioned. Mi;. Gibson of -Richmond repOrted, A bill to present Itinerant trading m this $tate. Mr. West of White, reported^ i A hill to changd the line between Habersham, and, White ounty land for other purposes. , Mr, Irwin of Washington reported, * A bill tp erect a monument to "Governor Jared Irwin in the tcfwn oftkndersville. Mr. Wicker of Washington reported, A bill to exempt from levy and sale one negro, Mr. Prescptt of Scriven, reported, A biH to* incorporate-the towns of -Sylvania and Scarfioro in the county of -Scriven. And, A bill to prevent the killing of deer in the bounty of Scriveiv Mr, Causy reported, ^ w A bill to change the time of holding the Inferior Court of Webster county. Mr". Splman, of Walton, offered, the following resolution, io wit ; i "Resolved, by the House of" Representatives that no new matter wjll he received into thishody aft^r the regular ball of thd counties on, Wednesday* the 23rd inst. Resolved, That the present Legislature will adjourn on the 1st day of December, nexL The bill to amend an act to define the liability of the 116 dOUBEAL OB THE HOUSE, several Railroad companies foii injury dope to persons and property &£« And, ' , A bill to make Compensation to the Reporter of the Su¬ preme $ourt for certain volumes of the decisions- ©r sain Court furnished by him under the provisions of the act of 1845, were referred to the Judiciary committee. Thp Ilopse took, Up the report of the committee on the hill to authorize the administrators of Wm. Q. Anderson de¬ ceased and1 Thomas Faver -deceased to sell the tea} estate belonging to-said estates and for other purposes. The report as was agreed to, the bill was read the. third time and passed. The House tpok up the report of the committee or* the hill to reduce and establish the yafe of freight pn lime carried oVer the W. & A. R. B. sef as to facilitate the use of the same for agricultural purposes. The hill reported by the committee on Agriculture and internal Improvement as a substitute for the eame^whiph is a bill to Induce the rates of freight oa Lame, Halt, GUan the bill was rbad the third time and on the question of its passage, Mr. David required the ypas and najfs to be recorded. There are yeas 9f \ there are nays, 30. %18 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Those Who- Toted in the affiipaativd are Messrs i Alexander, Uerrington, Norwood, Allen, Hockenhully Parks, Laugh, Holden, Pilch er, Bivrns, Holland,. Pitts, Brown of Stimter, Holloman, Rresoott, Broyles, Hopkins, Price, Cason# Howell of Lowndes,Ragsdale, Causey, Hurst, Register, Colvard, Hutchins, Rosier, Cullens, Irwin, Scott, DeLamar, Jones of Mitchell, Screven, Dixon, JOnes of Rabnn* Selman, Dufour, KeOling, Settle., Earle, Key, Smith, of Bryan, Ectdr, Knox, Stewart, Fain of Union, Lewis of Greene, SwTeat, Eannip1 of Morgan, Lewis of HanOock, Tatum^ Fannin of Troup, Lester, Terrell, Farnell? Lofton, Thrasher, Gay, Lumsden, Tuggle, Glass, Martin, Underwood, Gibson of Rich-1 Mays, Vanover, mond„ McCants, Vaughn, Gibson of Warrdn, McDonald of Lump-Walt on, Graham, kin, Ware, Greek of ®obb, MtDonald of Mur- West, Green bf Houston, tay, Whaley, Grovenstdine, McEver, Williams of Clinch, Harper o£ Sumter, McLendon, Williams of Musco-" Hartridge, McRae, gee, Henderson of New- McWhorter, Wilson, ton, Mitchell, Young, Mullens* Vhose who voted in the negative are Messrs. Bafksdale, Fleming, Mintz, Brinson, Goodman, Nobles, B tut on Of Forsyth, Harper of Henry, Reeder, Brewtop of Tapt- Hendrson of Henry,-Sims, naif, Hdnderson of Smith of Coffee, Oonley, Worth, Sockwell, Daniel, Hogans? Strickland, DaVid, Johnson. Tapley, Eberharf, Kelly, Whittle* Echols* Kpowles, Worley. Fain Of Gilmer. McCrary, So the bill was passed. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1859. 119 The House took up the report of the committed oil thqbillto fix the amount of claim bonds in the Justices Courts of this State. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and lost. The House took up the feport bf the committee on* the bill to incorporate the Eatonton and Madison Railroad com¬ pany. The report was agreed, to. The bill was read the third time and, passed. The House took up the report of the committee dn the bill for the relief of Mary Prances Nunor, ©f the county of Bibb, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to. The bill was tead the third time and passed. The House took up the report of* the committee on the bill to compel the Sheriffs, Clerks? &C. to advertise their sales &c. Qf Randolph county on certain conditions. The report was agreed fo, The bill Was read the third time and lost. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to authorize Samuel Irvih 6f the county of Claytcfn fo practice piedicipe &e. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took Up the report of the committee on the bill to alter the times of holding elections for Receiver of tax returns* tax Collectors and tax Assessors io this State. The report was agreed to; the bill Was read the third time and on the question of its passage, the yeas and nays, by a number of gentlemen*, were required to be recorded. There are yeas, 79 ? There "are nays. 61. Those who yoted in the affirmative Ore Messrs: Alexander. Dufour, Harper-of Sumter, Allen, Earl, Harris, Barksdale, Echols, Hatrbpdge, Blakey^ Ely, Holden, Bivens, Pain'of Gordon, Holland, Brewton, of For-- Fannin* of Morgan, Holloinan, syth, Farnell, Hoyell of Milton, Cason, Fleming, Hutchins, Causey, Gay, Irwin, Clark of Elbert, Glass* J ones *of Rabun, Coleman, Gibson of Rich- Keeling, Cpilley, mend, Knowles, Cullens, Gibson, of Warren, Lewis of Greene, f)avid, Green of Cobb, Lewis of Hancock^ HeLumar, Grovensteine,, Lester, 120 Lofton, Lumsden,. McCants, McComb, McCrary, JOURNAL OF THB HOUS& PrescOtt, Ragsdale, Register, Richards, Screven, McDonald of Lump-Sims Smith of Bryan, SteWa;rt> Sweafy Tatum, Taylor, Terrell, Thrasher, kift, fMcEver, McWhortei", Morris, H»prw®od, Parks, Pilcher, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs i Turned Tuggle, Yanover, Walton* Whaley* Whittle;, Wicker, Williams of Muse cS gee, Wilsou, Worley, Young, Bhugh, Brinsoh, Brown of Sumter, Broyles, Brewton of Tatt¬ nall, Col vai;d, Daniel, Delony, Eberhart, Fetor, Fain of Gtihnpr, Fain of Union^ Fannin of Troup, (jrOodman, Grah&m., Lreen of Houston, Harper of Henry t Heath. Henderson of New-Mintz, ton, Mitchell, Henderson of Henry Mullens, Henderson of WbrthKobles, Harrington, Perry, Hockenhull, Pitts, Hopkins, Ptice, Howell of Lowndes,*Reeder, Hurst, Rosier*. Johnson, Scott, Jones of Mitchell, Selman, Felly, Knox, Lockett, Lumpkin, Martin, Mays, Settle,, Sharpe, Smith of Cyoffeo, Smith of Towns, Sockwgll, Strickland* McDonald pf Mur- Tapley, rar, McLendpn, McRea Underwood, \T aughn, Ware, W est, Williams. of Clinch, Wofford, So the bill was passed. The following message was received, from His Excellent cy the Governor by Mr. Campbell his Secretary, to wit; Jf?\ Spctiltcr:—The Governor has approved and signed, an net authorizing the State Treasurer to make certain adyan* ees„ The bill to amend the Judiciary act of1799, And, A bill amendatory of the penal code \tere referred to the Jiidiciary committee. Heave of absence was granted Messrs. Darnell and Cau- sy foi; a few days on special business, the House hdjoptned un^il 9J o'cloek^ A. M. to-morrow, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1809; 121 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Pfth, isb9, "The House met pursuant to adjournment $Ir. KCy, of Jasper, moveth to reconsider so piuch of (the Joiirual ®f yesterday as rebates tC the rejection of a. bill fof the relief of John ft. Dyer* executor, of Anfhony D,yer? de¬ ceased, And, A bill te donate "all negro slaves executecUn this State to* the several Medical Colleges in thei same. The motion did hot prevail. *Mi\ McDonald, of Murray, moved to reconsider so mucli ©f t,he Journal of yesterday |is relates to the passage of* the bill »to chaugethe tirhe of holding elections for counts- officers in this States The motion was lost. Mr. Fannin of TrOup moved to reconsider so mud? of the* Journal of yesterday as relates to1 the passage of ijihe bill to alter tlie time af holding the elections of Receiver's of Tax Returns and1 Tax Collectors in* this State. The motion, prevailed. 1 Leave of absence, for a few days., on special business, was granted Messrs. Solomons of Baker, Harper ©f Henry, Pitts ©F Macon, IrWin of Washington, Alintz of Jackson, Hollo- man of Stewart, Patrick of Spaulding, Howell bf Milton, Henderson of Newton, Pileher of Warren, and Wofford ©f Cass. f On motion of Mr. Lewis, of Hancock,, two hundred Cop¬ ies of the bill to loah the bonds of the State to Mark Ar Cooper, and t.he accompanying report of the Special Comi mitfee, to whom the same Was referred, Were ordered to-be printed for the use of the Hhusev * The House took'up the report of the committee on. the bill to provide for a call of* a Convention to "reduce the nnffib betf of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia^ and to make such other alterations in the Constitution as may be deemed necessary, and ffir other purposes. Mr. Tatnm, of Dade, proposed toramend#the same by striking otit of the JLst section the words, 'rin number equal to their representation in the lower branch of the Gener al^ Assembly," anff inserting in Reu thereof, Ifhe words, " ip number equal to their representation in the "General Assenv bly." Upon the question of receiving this amendment, th© mover required the yeas and nay^ to be recorded. There pre yeas 61, there are nays 81. f.2-2 ItOtjrhal of the house. Thoke who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Hogans Allan, Bivins, Holland, Breton of Forsyth, Helmes, Brewtouof TattnallHopkins, Price, Ragsdale, Register, Sharpe, Cason, David. Ho,Well of Lowndes Smith of Ooffee, DeLatnar, Earle, Edmondson, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Union, Fortner, Gay, Goodman, Graham, Green of Cobb, Harris, Henderson of WortbMitchell, HerringtOn, ISfobles, Hicks, Parks, Hockenhnll, Perry, Smith of Hally Smith of Towns, Sockwell, Strickland, Sweat, Tapley, Tatumr Taylor, Irwin, Joyner, Jones of Mitchell, Jpmes of Rabun, Keeling, Knox, Mays, M cComb, McDonald of Lump^ Terrell, kin, West, McDonald of Mur- Wicker Williams of Clinch, Williams of Musco- •*ray McRae, gee, Young. Those who Voted in the negatiye,are Messrs: Alexander, parksdale Bauglv Blakey1, Rrpwh of Smnter Catisey, ClaRv of Elbert, Clark, of Monroe, jColemaril Oonlev, Cullenjs Daniel, Delony, Di^on, Dufour, Ebethatt, Echols, Ector, Fainpf Gordon, Finney, Lester, Glass Lockett Gibson pf Rich- Lofton, niond, Lumpkin* Gibson of Warren, Lumsden, Green of Houston. Martin, Grovenstein, McCants, Hardin, McCrairy, Harper of Henry, McEver Harper of Sumter, McLeodon, Hartridgo McWhorter, Henderson of flenryMullens Henderson of New-Kor\yood, ton, Patton, Holloman, Pilcher, Horsley, Prescoft, Howell of Milton, Reeder, Hu,tphins, Kelly, Fannin of Morgan, Key, Fannin tff Troup, Lewis of Greene* Fleming, Render,, Richards, Rozier, ...... Scott LmVis of Hancock, Screven, TOtJftSbAY, NOVEMBER 17th, lS^f S^tfle, Turner, Wate, Sims, , Toggle, Whaley1 Smith, of Bryail, Uhaerwood, Whittle Smith pf Twiggs, Vanover, Wilson, Stewart, V ailghn, WoHey, Thresher, Waltoft So the same was not received., Mr. Delony, of Clark, offered t© amend the first section by providing " that each county in this State shall have onb delegate for eyery three thousand of the! representative: pop¬ ulation, including the whole white population "v^ith three- fifths of the persons bf color, fo bo determined by the cen- aqs of this year. The $ame was postponed "by consent pf the mover, until action was taken hpon the amendment of Mr. Lewis of Han* C'ock. Mr. Lewis, of Hancock offered to amend the 1st section jas follows, to-wit .*■ "That the thirty-set en couhties having "the largest represent tative 'population, apcordihg to the Census of the present year, counting all white inhabitants and three fifths of all Other pe^oilSs, shall have two members in said convention, and all other nountie$ shall have one member; the appor¬ tionment te be made by his Excellency the GoVernor^ gnd Published in his official proclamation. Thb same was received. The report as amended, was agreed to, the hill was react thfB the third time, and on the question of its passage, Mr. Strickland rebuked the yeas and nayS to he recorded—there are yeas 69, there are nayS 80. Those who Voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, B^trksdale, Brinson Brown of Sumter, ■Clark pf Elbert, •tHarfi bf Monroe, Coleman, Cohfoy, Cullens, Delony, Dixon, Echpls, pctpr, Fannin of Morgan, Earmfn of TreufS Fleming, Horsley Finney, Howell of Milton, Gibson of Bich- Hutchms, mond, Hey, Greeii of Hbuston, Knowles, Harper of Henry, Lewis of Greene, Harper of Sumter, Lewis of Hancock, Hartridgq, Lester, Henderson of Henry, Locketf Henderson of .New-Lofton,^ ton, Lumpkin, Herrington, Lumsden, Hicks, MpCants, Hollqman, McCnmb, Hopkins, McCrairy, Hi McLendon, McWhorter, . Mitchell, J&orwood, Pilcher, Preseott, Bender, Rozier, Scott, JQ0EHAL OP THfe HOUSE. Screveil Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Twiggs* Stewart Taylor, Thrasher, Turner, Underwood, Yaughn, Walton Ware, Wicker* Wilson, Worley Th-osSe who voted in the negative are Messrs: Allah, Green of Cohb, Patton, Baggh, Grovenstem, Perry, Blakey, Harris, Pitts* Bivins, Henderson of YfrfJiyPrice, BroyteS Hockenhull, Ragsdale* Bruton of,Forsyth, Hogans Register, Brewton of Tatt- Holden, Reedes, Holland Richards, Holihes fSbarpe, Ho well of Lo wndgs, Smith of Cqflee, Irwin, Smith bf Hall* Jbhnson, Smith of Towns, Joyn'er, SochweE, Jones of Mitchell, Strickland, Jones of Rabun, Sweat", Keeling Tapley, Kelly, Tatum, Knox, Terrell, nail, •Cason, Causey, Colyard Daniel, David, •* 7 DeLama(, Dufohr, Earle, Eberhajrfc, EdmondsoU, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, Fain of TJnioh, Fortner Gay, Glass, Gibson o( Warrbn, McBefy Goodman, Nobje^, Grahmn, Martin^ Vanover, May$, West* McDonald of Lutnp-Tf haley kin, Whittle McDohald of Mur- Williams of Clinch-, ray, Williams of Musco- McEVej", gee, Wofford, Young. Parks, So the bill whs lost. Mr. Gibson* from the Committee on the Asylum for tU Deaf and Dumb, presented a report upon the same, two hundred copifes of whieb were Ordered to he printed for fho use of theHou^e. The bill to M a portion of the county of Echols tb county of Lownjes, was referred to the Cpmmitte^ ohJtfeW Counties. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17th, ji&9. ],2s Thrter, Henderson of New- Mitchell, toh, Mullens Henderson ofW'rth,Nobles, Hicks, Pitts, Hogan, PreSeott, Holden, Reeder, YRIDAY* BOVEMRER ISth^ 1859, 127 Bender, Solomons, VaughA, Scott Siewart Ware, Sims* Strickland!, Whal£yr Bmlth of Bryan, Terrell, Wicker Smith of Twiggs* Underwood, Wilson. So the hill was lost. Leave of absence for a few days was gi$nte<| Messrs. Knowles of Calhoun, Lester of Cobb, and Joyner of Mil¬ lar. Messrs. Scriven of Chatham and Lockett ofBibb^were, on ^notion of Mr, Ely, added to the Committee on. Military Affairs. The House took up the second resolution, reported by thp special cormhittee on the subjects of meeting and adjourn¬ ment. * The same was amended and, postponed for the present, On motion of Mr. Lewis of Greene, the House resolved to be governed for the present1 by the rule adopted, to the 16th inst. • The House adjourned under the same lo o'clock, A. M., to-morrow. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Fannin of Morgan, moved toreconsiderso'much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the hill to provide for the call of a convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly, and to make such other alterations ih the Constitution of this State as may be deemed meet, and for other purposes. Upon the motion to .reconsider the yeas and nays were re¬ quired to he recorded. There are yeas 74. There are nays 51. Those Who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, Clarke of Monroe, Ector, Anderson* Colvard, Fain of Gordon, Bivins, Coleman, Fannin of Morgan, Brantley, Conley, Fannin of Troup, BrinSpn, Cullens, Fleming, Brown of Houston,Dixon, Gibson of Klch- JBrcfWb of 'Sumter,. Dufour, moud, 128 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Gibson of "VV4rrt?p? Lofton, Green of Cobb, Luippkin, Green of Houston, Lhmsden, Hardin, Martin, Harper of Siamter, Mays, Hartridge, McCaUts, Henderson 6f Hen-McComb, ty, McOrairy, Henderson of*New-MdBver, McLendon, ton, Herington, Holclfen, Hopkins, Horsley, Johnson., Key, Richards, Rozier, Smith of Bryan, Stewart, Taylor, Terrell, Thrasher, Tdmer, Toggle, Underwood, Vaughn, Walton, Ware, Whaley, Wicket, Williams of MuscO- McWhorter, Mitchell, Morris, Mullens* Norwood, Patton, Lewis of Greene* Ragsdale, gee. Lewis of Hancock, Reeder, Wilson* Lester, Render, Worley, Those who voted in the negatiyeTare Messrs: Allan, Goodman, McRea, Baugh, Graham, Nobles, Blakey, Grovenstein, Parks, Broyles, Harris. Perry Brewtop of Forsyth,Henderson pfyVorthPrescoit, Brewton of Tatt- Hockenhull, Price, Hogaps, Register, Holland, Sharpe, Holpies, Smith of Coffefc, Howell of Lowndes,Smith of Towns, Jonesof Rabun, Sockwtll, Keeling, Strickland, Kelly, Tapley, Knpx, Tatum, McDonald of Lump-Vanoyer, kin, West*, McDonald of MUr-Whittle, ray, Williams of Glinchy nal. Cason, Daniel* David, Delamar, Earl, Eberhart, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Hnion, Forinet, Glass, So the motion prevailed. Mr. Sweat moved to reconsider so much of of the Journal of yesterday as^ relates to the rejection of the bin to appro¬ priate money to remove obsrnctions from Alapaha river, &o. Thd motion was lost. Mr^tin of Union, moved to rebopsider so pinch of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the bill to limit the lien of judgments, and for other purposes therein mentioned. FRIDAV, NOVEMBER l&ta, 1859. 129 Upon this motion, Mr. McDonald of Murray, required the yeas and nays to be recorded.. There- are yeafc 43, there are nays TO. a Those who voted in the affirmative wdte, J ones- of Rabun, Keeling, Kelly,°. Martili, Mays, Richatds, Smith of Towtis, Sockwell, Tapley, Tatnm, McDonald of Lump-Taylor, kin, 4 Thrasher, McDonald ofMur- Turner, Vanover, West, ray, McEver, "Whittle. Wicket, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Worley, Alexander, Baugh, Rroyles, Fain of Gilmer, Fail! of Gordon, Faip. of Union, Fannin of Morgan, Fleming, Foftner, (jreen of Cobb, Henderson of New-McLqndon, ton, Nobles, Henderson ofWorthParksH Hockenhnll; Perry, Holmes, Price, Johnson, Rags'dale, Those who voted in the negative were, Allan, Glass, McOant, Anderson, Gibson of Rich- McCrairy, Blakley, mond, McRea, Bivins, Gibson of Watren, McWhorter, Brinson, Gbodman, t Mitchell, Brown of Houston,Graham," Morris, Brown of Sumter, Grovenstein, Mullenk, Brutoh of Forsyth,Harper of Suqater, Norwood, Brewton of Tatt- Harris, Prescott^ nail, Hartridge, Reeder, Cason, Henderson of Hen-Repder, Cflarke of Monroe. ry, Herrington, "HoganS, Holden, Holland, Hopkins, Horsley, Howell of Lowndes,Vaughn, Oolvard, Coleman, Cbnley, Cul'lenS, Daniel, DeLamar, Diyon, Dufout, Earl, Eberhart,» Ector, Ely, Fannin pf Troup, So the motion did not prevail. 9 Screven, Smith of Bryan,"' Strickland, Sweat, Tetreli, Toggle, , Underwood, Key, Knox, Lewis of Greene, Lofton*11 Lumpkin. Walton, Ware, Whaley, West, Wilson, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Messrs. Delony, Screven, Dixon„ Brinson, Tapley, Nor¬ wood,. Stewart and Mc^Vhofter, obtained leave of absence for a few days on special business. Twp hundred copies*each of the evidence in the^pase 01 the State vs. William A. Choice, and of the State vs. Francis I Smith, were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. Thefollowing bilb were reported and read ^the first time, tc-ydt: . Mr. McComb of Baldwin, reported A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Baldwin county, to payi over to Sarah M- Candler the sum Of two hundred and three* dollars and ninety cents, for teaching poor children in said county. Mr. Noble of Berrien reported ( A bill to change the lines between the counties of Irvaq and Berrien. Mr. Anderson of Bibb, reported A bill to protect the holders of Bills of Exchange xk Drafts drawn and'accepted on accounc cotton, , and td puin shipments or transfers of ish those who fraudulently vib- late there contracts of aceptance «or misapply the cotton received by them or its proceeds-, and A bill for the relief of James M. Jonbs, of the county of Bibb, ExeoutOr of fhe last will and testament of James S. Bealle, late of Dooly County deceased, ahd for qther purpo^ ses therein mentioned. Mr. Hatrtridge presented A bill and memorial, which on his motion was referred to the Finance Committee without being read. * Mr. Anderson of Bibb reported, A bill to altef and amend the claim laws of this State, and fpr other purposes therein mentioned. Mr, Allan of Banks, reported A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of the County of Banks to submit the question of the location of their Coun¬ ty site to the citizens of said County, and to have an ejection held for said purpose, and for other purposes therein men¬ tioned; Mr. Graham offered a resolution, relative to furnishing tl^e weights and measures alloWred by law to thh counties of Appling and Telfair, the rules were suspended and the sarp^ taken up and read. t Mr. Hartridge offerredas a substitute which .was received* a resolution authorizing the Governor to furnish all count ties that are now destitute of the eights and measures lowed by law. The resolution was agreed to. The following message was received from the Senate V Mr. West, their Secretary j M(. Bpevhr—The Senate have passed the following bib of flije House of Representatives, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 18th 1859. 131 A bill to be "entitled an; act to remove the Cdunty Site of Lowndes Couiity, to change the line between Sail Comity' and the connty of Brooks, and for other purposes. They have also passed a bill to be entitled an aandrfor other put-poses. Mr, Gibson of Richmond, reported A bill to appropriate money for the Medical College of Georgia, and for Other purposes. Mr. Taylor of Randolph, reported A bill for the relief of D. M, G- W. Smith and their se¬ curities, and for other purposes. The rule of adjournment was suspended and the House ad¬ journed until 3£ o'clock, P. M. THREE O'CLOCK, P. M. Thb House met pursuani to adjournment. Mr. Gibspn of Richmond, reported A bill to amend the charter of the McBean Company granted February Hth, 1850, which was read the, 1st time. Mr. Wflliams of Muscogee, reported A hill to compensate Dr. Benjamin Fi Newsom of the county offlacon for Medical services rendered tp the citi¬ zens of Macon and Taylpr counties, during the pretf alfence oi Small Pox in, said counties, and A bilj. tq compensate Dr. Eugene F. Colzy for Medical services rendered, the cititzens of Oglethorpe, during the pre¬ valence of Small Pox in said city, f The same we're read, the first time. 136 JQtJKHAL OF THE HOUSE. Mr. Ely of Dougherty, offered the following resolution "jyhich on motion of Mr. $crevem was taken up, read and agreed to, tb-wlt: . Resolved, That» two hundred and fifty copies of the Milita¬ ry Code, yrhich the Committee on Military Affairs have un¬ der consideration, he printed for fhe use of the Committee arid the Hopse* . Thb following hills of the Senate were Teacfthd second rime and committed for the third reading* to-witc A hall to ipcqrporate the town of Eljavilleln Schley coun¬ ty. A Kill for the relief of the securities of George F, Wing former Tax Collector of Mqlntosh county. A hill to legalize the holding of Carroll Superior Court at its last term and to make valid the proceeding of said Court. A bill to authorize the Mayor aud" Council of the city of Atlanta, to take possession of the enclosed ground lying be¬ tween the general passenger depot, and Decatur street and the! Atlanta Hotel and Lloyd street in the city of Atlanta, for the purpose of beautifying and ornamenting, the dame to be used as a Railro&d "Park, A Ipil for the felief of Amy Clarke from certain disabili¬ ties therein mentioned, A bill to repeal the seventh section of an act, entitled an act tb incorporate and grant certain privileges and powers to the Newnan Guards, in the town ofNqwnan, Coweta egun- ty, and for other purposes herein mentioned, end to repeal *the fourth section of an act to regulate the compensation of Jurors in the cOunty of Jefferson, and for other purposes there¬ in mentioned. "The following bills of Senate were read the first time, to- wit: A bill to amend an act*fo alter and amend the road laws of this State, so far as relates to the cohnty of Wayne, as¬ sented to Dec. &9d, 1857. A bill to pardon, William A. Choice of the county of Ful¬ ton, now under sentence of death for the crime of lpurder. A hill to pardop Francis I. Smith of the county of Camp- hell, now under sentence of death for the crime of muriler. A bill to amend an act to charter the Charleston and Sav¬ annah Railroad* A bill to alter and, amen'dthe act incorporating the ttnvn of Iincolnton, and the several acts amendatory thereof, to confer additional powers upon the Commissioners in relation to raising "revenue, preservation of good ordei;, the regula¬ tion »pf license for vending spirituous liquors, prescribing the qualification of voters, *and for bther purposes. A bill to incorporate the,Georgia Insuranpe Cbmpan^. A bill treserit General Assembly, for* the tise of the •Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts; Ordinaries and" Sheriffs of the several counties in this State, was taken up read, amended, and agreed to. The Senate bill for thR pardon of Frahcis* J. Smithy of the county of Campbell and, Wm. A. ChoiOe, of the courity of FultOn, were on motion read the second time and com¬ mitted for the fhircL reading. The former was made the Special Toe House took up the report of the tommitlee on the bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors by itinerant peddle^ peddling the Same in this St We. :SATHRDAl% NOVEMBER 19TH,. 1859. 129 'On motion of Mr. Strickland, the county of Madison w^is "Stricken, out. On motion of'Mrj fliviqs, tlie same was amended. The amended report was a,greed to. The bill was read the 'tiiird time, and on the question of its passage, the yeas and na,ys, were by a number of gentlenleri required to be re¬ corded. There are yeas 63, there are nays ,4S. Those who voted in the- affirmative arq Messrs: Alexander, Grovensteine, Mitchell, AndersoU, Harper of Henry, Perry, Barksdale, Harper of SumterJPrOscotty Bivihs, Harris, Register, Brantley, Hartridge, Render, BrOwn of Houston, Henderson, of Hen- Richards, BrOWn of Sumtef, ry", , Smith of Bryan, 01 ark. of Monroe, Hockenhull,* Smith of Coffee, iColvard, Hogans, Tatum, Coleman, Holden, Taylor, Cullens, Holland, Terrell, Delamar, Hopkins, Thrasher, Dufour, Howell of LoWndes,Turner, EJari, Kelly, Underwobd, Ector, Key, Vanovdr, Ely, Lewis of Greene, Walton, Fannin of Morgan, Lewis, of Hancock, Fannin of Troup, Lumsden, Gay, Mays, Gibson of Rich-r MciComb, mond, McCrairy, Gibson of Warren, McDonald of Lum- GreenoF Houston, kin, Those Who voted in the negative wete Messrs Allan, Graham, Nobles, Bahgh, Green of Cobb, ParicS, Rlakey, Henderson of WorthPrice, Broyles, Hicks, Rrnton of Forsyth, Hutchins, Brewton of Tattnall Johnson, Whaley^ Williapis of Clinch, Wifiiamk of Musco- See' Wilson, Copk, Daniel, David, Eberhart, Fain of Gilmer, Fain df Union, Fleming, Fortnei> Glat en ate forthwith SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 18-59. 143' to Inform the. House df Representatives, that they have agreed to a Resolution, authorizing his Excellency the Oov-. ernor, to appoint a special agent to the Governor of Flori¬ da }i\ relation to border difficulties, between, the citizens of ^shiu States, in which they ask the concurrence of the House. The same was taken u*p, read and concurred ih by the Hoosfei, The House took up the report of the committee* on the bill to amend the Judiciary act of 1799, so as to require the several Clerks of the Superior, Inferior and corporation Courts of t)iis" State to enter all appeals of causes tried in any of said Courts in ,a separate book to be provided for that purpose. The same was amended. The report as amended jvas agreed to, the bill yms read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate the Port Royal Railroad company. ^ "The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee qn the bill authorizing the Inferior Court of Schlep County to levy an extra tax for pohnty purposes. The report was Agreed to7 thebill was read the third time and passed. " The bill to create a new Judicial* Circuit, and to provide foy the appointment and election of a Judge and Solicitor General thereof. And, 9 A hill to compel Trustees in certain cases therein mention¬ ed to make annual, ^etqrns to the Ordinaries of the several counties of this, State, \yere referred to the' Judiciary com¬ mittee. _ * The House took up the repdrt of the committee on the bill to reduce the work on roads in the cpunty of Wilcox. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the thi^d time and passed. The House took up the report pf the committee on the bill to authorize the Inferior Court*of the county of Tatnall to levy an extra tax for county purposes. " The report was agreed toi, the bill was read the third time and passed. ^ The House took up the report of the committee on4 the bill to amend the charter of Washington, in Wilkes cpunty. The report was agreed to, the bill was read th,e third time and passed. The House took up the Report of the committee on the hill to incorporate a miniiig company in the county of Car¬ roll, &c. ^ The report was agreed to, tbe hill was read fhe third tithe and passed. 144 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The rules were Suspended and Mr„ Render reported a hill for the relief of George W. Douglass, which, was read the first tim& Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Vaiighrf, Williams of Muscogee, and Fannin, of Trotip, fox a few* days, on spec¬ ial bpsinhss. 'The Hohse adjourned until 9£ o'clopk, A. M., Monday. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 185b. The House1 met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Anderson, of Bibb, moved lo reconsider1 so much of the journal of Saturday as relates to the passage of the bill tb authorize the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta^ to improve a certain* piece of land in said city and beautify the same, to be u^ed as a Railroad park, &c. The motion* did not prevail. On motion of Mr. trice, of Pickens, so much of the journal of Saturday was reconsidered, as relates -to- the, passage of the bill to prevent the sale qf Spirituous liquors by itine¬ rant peddlers peddling the same in this State. On motion of Mr. Anderson of Bibb", the bill for the par¬ don of Win, A, Choice of the c,ounty of Fulton, was made the special order for Wednesday the 30tEi inst., instead of Friday 25th inst., as previously determined. Mr. preen, of Cobb, moved fy> reconsider -so much of ihe Journal of Saturday as relates to the indefinite postponement of the bill, providing for the giving up of marriage licenses- to thq husband of the parties after recording, and to make the same evidence. The motion did not prevail. Mr. David from the committee on Enrolment reported as duly enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a resolution authorizing the "Gov¬ ernor to appoint a special agent for the purpose of con* ferring with the Executive of Florida, in relation to certain difficulties that are likely to arise between the citizens of Georgia and said State. The following message of the Senate was received by Mr. West their [Secretary. Mr. Speaker—the Senate haye passed the following bills of the House of Representatives: A hill to be entitled an act to change the lines between the Counties of Pofiee and Irwin. Also* MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1859.. 145 ♦ A bill to be entitled an.u?qt fixing tbe time. o£ holding the inferior Court's in the county of Coffee. Also, . A bill tq, fie entitled an act for the relief of teachers of poor cliiftltfeii in Muscogee*county, iruthe year 1853, ^lstf, A bill to beientitled an act to provide for the compensation of Sjherilfe for summoning Grand and Pvetif Jurors in the couhty of ^Dougherty, ancLto levy atax for the same, Als.o, A bill to be entitled ap-act fbr the irelief d£ Wip. P. Red- Vrine of flic county of Fayette., Also, 1 * # A bill to be entitled An apt to repfcal so much of tfn act En¬ titled an act to extend tfie corporate limits of the Totfoi of Hamilton, ifi tfie counfy of Harris, aild other places therein tiamed, pnd to incorporate the teWn of Trenton, ip Dade eohnfy, approved February 18th, 1854, as relates to the in-» Corporation of the t'own of Trenton, arid to provide for work¬ ing tfie streets' of the town of Trenton. Also, # A biilto«be entitled ah act authorizing the Inferior Court qf the county of Murray to increase theiak for said,county, ahd for o£hefr purposes. Also, • A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Inferiqr Cou,rt of Pierce county to aSSess» an exfra tax for the purpose of fiuilding a Jail. Also, A bilf to be entitled an act tovhange the line between tfie Counties of HgbL and Banks, * Ai\d have concurred in the amendments bf the House of Representatives to a bill of the Senate, to be entitled an*act to repeal tlib seventh sect/on of an act -entitled an afct to in¬ corporate and granfi certain privileges and powers to the ^Newnan Guards, in the? town of Newnan,* Coweta county, and for other purposes thereih mentioned. And to repeal the fourth section of -a*n act to regulate the compensation of Jurors in the comity of Jefferson, and for other purposes therein named. Oh motion of Mr. Lewis of'Greene, thq resolution rela¬ tive to Public Printing, which was referred to the Finance Committee, was transferred to the Commitfpe on# Public Printing. The following message was received from thq Senate, by Mr. We^t, their Secretary*to-wit: Mr. Speaker:—I am directed by tlie Senate to inform the H-oftse bf Representatives .that they have passed resolutions in regard "to the death of the Hon. (3teo. B. Gilmer, in which they ask tfie concurrence of the House. t /The House took up the report of the comhiittee on the Tuff of the Senate, tb pardon Francis J. Smith, of the county of Campbell, now under sentence of death, for thq crime of murder. 10 146 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The report was agreed to, t"he bill was read the third time and passed, The following resolutions of the Sehate were taken up, on motion, read and unanimously*adopted, fo-wit: Whereas, The General Assembly have received intelli¬ gence of the death of Ex-Governor George R. Gilmer, at his/esidence in Lexington, onf^her 16thinst. \ ana wherehfc, it is prpper to pa*y some tribute of respect to those w"ho have honorabfy served the country, be it therefore, Resolved, That in the death of George R. Gilmer, theStatfl of Georgia has been deprived of one of her most faithful, upright and efficient citizens j of one who, 'in various posjh tions, had served her with, credit to himself and benefit to her, and who, as Chief Magistrate, in trying times, had proved himselflrae to her interests, and devoted to her rights, and in every public and private delation, had shown himself tp "be firm, honest and just. Resolved, That as a token of respect to his memory, the General- Assembly will adjourn until 9 o'clock, to-mprrov morning. ResoUed, That the Secretary pf the Senate be hereby in¬ structed tP transmit a copy of these resolutions to the widow of the decPasbd. The House adjourned, by virtue of the sajne, until £ o'clock, A. Mv to-morrow. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1859, The House met pursuant to adjournment. The House to up the report of thp committee on- the bill' to alter and aihend thp third, seventh and twelfth sec¬ tions of the first Article of the constitution of this State. The committee on the Judiciary to whom the same was referred, reported as a substitute therefor, A bill pf similar title. Mr. Delony, Of Clark proposed to amend the first section of the substitute, by striking out all after first paragraph bf the same, agd inserting in lieu thereof the following, to Wit: The Senate shall shall be elected, bi-ennially on the first Wednesday in October, and shall consist of forty-four Mem¬ bers, and shall be composed of one member from "each Sen- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1859. 10 atorial Districts,, which Senatorial districts sfiall be compos¬ ed of three counties, lying contiguous to each other, which districts shall be arranged and* organised hy the General Assembly at the session, wh,en this shall be adopted, and if any new county shall be formed, it shall be added to one 6f the districts from which it may be takeh. The question Was divided, and the vote was taken upoil the motion to strike out. Upon this proposition, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. Thdre are yeas, 85't There are nays, 4*2. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs £ Allen, Goodman, Parks, Baugh, Graham, Perry, Blajkey, Greep of Cobb, Price, Bivms, Harris, Ragsdale, Broyles, Henderson of }VorthRegister, Brewton, of For- Hockenhull, Reedet, syih, Hogans, Rhddes, Brewton of Tatt- Holland, Richards, nail, Holmes, Scott, Causey, Hopkins, Screven, Cock, HoWeRofBowndes,Sh!irpe, Oolvard, Hurst, Smith, of Bryan, Coleman, Hutchins, Smith of Coffee,. Cook, Johnson, Smith of Towns, Daiiiel, Jones of Mitchell, Sockwell, David, Jones ofRahun,. Sprayberry,* DeLamar, Keeling, Strickland, Delony, Knox, SWeat, Earl, Martin, Tatnm, Edmondson, Mays, Terrell, Ely, McCants, .Vanover, Fain of Gilmer, McComb, Vaughn, Pain of Gordon, McDonald of Lump-Walton, Fain, of Union, kin, Ware, Fleming, McDonald of Mnr- West, Finney, ray, Whaley, iFortner, McEver, Williams of Clinch, Gay, McGar, Wofford, Glpss, McRae, Worley, Nobles, Young, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs i Alexander, Brantley, Clarke of Elbert, Anderson, Brown of Houston, Cullens, Barksdale, Brown of Sumter, Dixon, *48 JOURNAL OF THE. HOUSE. Eberha^t, H olden, Ector„ . Horsley, Faiinixl of Morgan, Kelly, Gibsop^ of Rich- Key,^ mend, Lewis of Greene, McWhorter, 'Mitchell, Mullen^, Render* Kozier, Gibson of Warren, Lewis of Hancock, Settle, Sims, Thrasher, Toggle, Underwood, Wickers- Green of*Houston, Lockett, Haydin, Lofton, _ Harper of Henry, Lumpkin, Hamper of Sumter, L tons den, He/ith, McCrary, H elnderson ofHenryMcLendom So the same was stricken out. The vote was, then taken upon the motion to insert. The yeas and nays were also required to be recorded up¬ on the proposition. There are- yeas 84; there are nays 46. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs : Allen, Baugh, Blakey, Biyens, Broyfes, Brgfon of Fbrsyth, .Brewton of Tatt¬ nall, Cock, Colvard* Coleman, Conley, Cook, Cullen^, Dkniel, David, DeLatpar, Delony, Earle,, Edmonton, Ely, Faig of Gilmer. Fain of Gordon, Fain of Union, Fleming, Finney, Fortner, GayV Glass, Grahain, Harris, PqrkS, Heath, "Patrick, Henderson of Patten, Wdrth, Price, Hockenhull, Ragsdale, Hogans, Register, Holland, Reeder, Holmes, Richards, Hopkins, Sctftt, Howell of Lqwndes,Screven, Hurst, Hutchins, Johnson1, Joyher, JonCs of Mitchell, Jones of Rabun, Keeling Sharpe, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Towns, Smith of Twiggs, Sockwell, Sprayherry, Strickland, Sweat, Tatum, Taylor, Knox, Martin, Mays, McCantsy McDonald of Lump-Vaughn, kih, Ware, McDonald ofMur- West, ray, Whaley, McEver, Williams of Clinch, McGar, Wofford, McLendon, Worley. McRea Younj Nobles, Js> TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1859. k9 Those \yho voted in thenegatiVe are Messrs. Alexander* Green of Houston, McComfo, Anderson; Hardin, M cOrary, Barksdafe, Harper of Henry, McWhort^r, Brantley, Harper of Sumter, Mitchell, Brown of Houston,"Hendrsoq of Henry,ftWllenp., Brown of Sumtet, Hicks, Bonder, Clark of Elbert, Holden, Hosier, DixOn, Horseley, Settle, Eberhart, Kelly, Stms,* Ector, Key, Thrasher, Fannin of Morgan, Lewis of Greene, Tuggle, Gibson of Rich- Lewis of Hancock, Underwootl, mond, Lochett, V anover, Gihson of Warren, Lofton, Walton, Goodman, Lumpkfn, Wicker, Green of Cobb, Lumsden, So the ipotion to insert prevailed. Mr. Graham of Ajppling proposed to amyrrd the second section in such manner as to provide that each nevt eOunty which may be created, shall be entitled! to one Representa^ tives. The Speaker decided this amendment nut of orcler fronx the fact, thaf it was incompatible with a proceeding clause of that section, which tixes a definite number of Represen¬ tatives. Mr. Strickland of Madison moVed the iiidefinitcposipone^ ment of the bill, find upon this motion called the previou question.. The call was not seconded, and the motion of indefinite •postponement did not prevail. Mr. Goodman, of Bullock, in older fp obviate Hie object tion to the amendment of Mr. Graham, of Appling proposed to amend by providing, that when any new' county may be created, it shall be Entitled to rone Representative to fie taken from that county of the clfiss entitled tor two, which £hall have the smallest Representative population. Upon this motion Mr. Terrell of Decatur require^ the yeas and nayS to be recorded. There are yeas 5,6, there are nays '(5-3* 150 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Those wko voted in the affirmative are Messrs ? Allan, Harris. Bivins, Henderson of Bruton of Fotsy th, Worth, Brewton of Tatt- Hicks? nail, Coleman, Cook, Cullens, Daniel, Edmondson, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, Fain of Union, Finney, Fortner, Gay, Glass, Goodman, Graham Green^ of Cobb, Hockenhull, Hogans, Holland, Holmes, Hursi, Johnson, Joiner, Jones of Mitchell, Jones of RabUn, Keeling, Nobles, Parks, Batton, Price, Ragsdale, Register^ Richards^ Sharpe, » Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Towns, Sockwell, Sweat, Tatu^, Taylor, Terrell, Kelly, Knox, McDonald of Mur- T^est, ray, Whaley, McGar, Williams of Clinch, MeRae, Young, Those who voted iir the negative are Messrs: Alexander, Harper of Henry, McLendon, Anderson, Harper of Sumter, McWhorter, Barks dale, Henderson of Hen-Mitchell Baugh, ry. Mullens, Blakey, Holden, Perry, Brantley, Hopkins, Reeder, Brown of Houston, Horseley, Render, Rrown ofkumter, HoweR of Lowndes, Rozier, Broyles, Hutchins, Scott, Clark of Elbert, Key, Settle, Lewis of Greene, Sims,, Lewis of Hancock^ Smith of Twiggs, Lockett, Strickland, Lofton, Thrasher, Lumpkin, Toggle, Lumsden, Underwood, Martin, Yanoyer, Walton, Ware,, Colvard, ponley, DeLamar, DiVon, Eberhart, Ecto-r, Ely, # Fannin of Morgan, Mays, Fanpin of Troup,, McComb, Fleihing,, _ McCrairy, Wicker, Gi,bson of Rich- McDonald of Lump-Worley„ oiond, kin, Gibson, of Warren, McEver, So the amendhierR Was not received. The bills and amendments under -consideration were on Tuesday, November 22ND, 1859. 151 motion postponed for the present, for the purpose of taking Up the Resolution of the Senate, authorizing the Governor tp purchase a sufficient number of fire-arms of the latest and moSt approved stylo for the, perfect equipment of all the Volunteer Companies within the State, now formed or that may*be organized within the next twelve months The same was (concurred in. The following message was received from the Rebate by Mb. West their Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—The Sedate has passed the following bill, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the 'Trusteed of the Presbyterian Church in the town of Perry in the county of Houston. Mr. David from the Committee on Enrollment reports as duly enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speakfer of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, an act to pardon Frances J. Smith of the coun¬ ty of Campbell, now under sentence of death, &c. Mr. David from the Committee on enrollment reports as duly Enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives: An act to change the lines between the counties of Hall and Banks. Also an act fot the relief of William A. Redwine of the- county of Fayette. # Also an act to repeal sO much of an act entitled an act to extend the corporate limits -of the towp *pf Hamilton in the county of Harris, and other places therein named, bid to incorporate the town of Trenton in Hade ,county > approved February, 18th 1854, as relates to thef incorporation Of the town of Trenton, and to provide for the wdrking and keep¬ ing in repair the streets in the town of Trenton. Also, an, act authorizing the Inferior court of the county of Murray to increase the tax for the said county and for other purposes. # Also an act to authorize the Inferior Court of Pierce coun¬ ty to assess an extra, tax'for the purpose of building a Jail. On motion of Mr. David from the committee on enroll¬ ment, said committee was allowed a clerk. Mr. McWhorter offered th£ following resolution^ which was taken up, read mid agreed to, to wit: Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives he authorized to employ aS many as ten clerks in the en¬ rolling department if he deems that number necessary» Leave of absence1 was granted Messrs. Turner of Floyd, end Ilartridge of Chatham, for a few days on, special busi¬ ness. On motiop of Mr- Smith, of Towns, the House a \mtil & h' clock, P. M. ajourned 152 Journal of the house, THREE O'CLOCK, P. M*. The E^oiise met pursuant to adjournment. The following bills of the House were read the spponcl time and committed for a third reading, to wit: A bill to ppnfer certain powers upon the Judge of the City Cotirt of Savannah. A bilLfor the relief of David Edwin W. Efvin, of the county of Chatham, and to permit him to marry again and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Baltimore and Savannah Steam¬ ship Company. A bill to exempt from taxation, one acre of land in the county of Montgomery* and, to constitute the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county trusteesj A bill to amend an act incorporating the Madison Presby¬ terian Church, so far as relate to the-filling of the vacancies of trustees, assented to 7th December 1S51. A bill fortthe relief of John S. Carpenter, late Tax Collec¬ tors pf the county of Montgomery. A jbill f o consolidate the offices of clerk? of the Superior and Inferior Courts 6f Hall county. A bill to incorporate the Richmond Fire compahy* A hill to change the county line between flip counties of Ware, Coffee and Pierce. A bill to confer oertain powbrs upon the Judge of the city Courjb of Savannah. A bill t6 change Certain County lines therein mentioned, approved March 1st, 1856. A bill to incorporate the town of Quitman, in Btooks countyand to confer bpon the citizens of •said town the privileges of electing town commissioners with certain powers therein, enumerated, and for other purposes therein specified. A Rill to alter apd amend the second section of an act, ap¬ proved January 21st, lS52„and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to incorporate the ReliyfFpre company, No. 2, in Athens. A bill to protect the possession of lands in Charlton, &cf A bill to provide for the rendition of fugitive criminals A bill entitled ail act to amend an act entitled an act to amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as.relate to the county OfOffem approved 1st Marph, 13-56, and to apply its provisions to the oppnty of Clinch. AIM for the relief of Francis t) aniel, ShPriif of the coun¬ ty of Dade. • A bill to incorporate fhe Indian Creek BaptH Church in the county of Franklin, and for other purposes* TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22*i>, 1659. 15;J A bill to prevent tbe burning of the woods in tbef coiinty of Echoes &b Certain, seasons of the year, and for other pur¬ poses, A bill fo incorporate the Gate City Guards of Atlanta, and to grant certain immunities and priviledges to the same. A ball to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Gilmer county to levy alijd collect an extra tax for the pur¬ pose Of paying the county debt, created by the building of tjheir Court House. , A bill to alter and umepd an avas read the second time, and On motion of Mr, Lewis of Hancock, made the Special order for Saturday, 27fh inst. The bill for the better protection of the, morals of the JfQifeh of this State was read the second time, and referred to the Committee on Public Education. Tfie. following bills were «read the second time and refer¬ red to the Judiciary committee, to wit: A hill amend the 35th section of the 14th division of the Pehal Code. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1859. 155 A bill to male all psoperfy botji real and personal subject for the purchase! money of such property. ^ A ^ill to repeal an act entitled an? act to regulate the tes- Jtipiohy of Attorneys at Law. A hill to amend the 6th Article, and 1st section of an act passed 27th Pec., 1$45. A bill to require parties propounding a will for probate, to give to parties that would be interested, if thqre was no will, and the legatees, under the will, ten dayS notice of the timet and place, when and whete the same is to be offered for probate, and for other purposes. A bill to facilitate the taking of cases to the Supreme Court by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, &c. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to amend the rent laws of this State, approved Dec. 24th, 182^7. * And also an act entitled an act to pr6tect*the owner of lands or tenements against intruders, and to provide a reipe-« dy for land owners in certain cases, approved Feb. 14th, 1.854. A bill to .empower the Superior Courts to appoint partr- tioners to divide negroes, and other personal property, ana to authorize- the sale of the same, &c. t A bill declaring the rights of husfidndsj in, and, to the property of their deceased wives, and to fix the liabilities of of husbands upon the contracts of their deceased wives, and for other purposes. A bill to prevent the marriage of cousins. And, A bill to exempt from levy and sale under execution, or Otherwise certain property herein mentioned, and to repeal all exemption laws in this State. The following bills was read the second time and referred to the committee oh Finance, to wit: A bill to compensate Dr. "William Z. Cock, of the county pf Early. * A bill for the relief of Arthur Haire, of the county of Cass. * . i ■ A bill for the relief of Charles S. Oliver and Charles J. Oliver of Clark county. A "bill fo reimburse the county of Early for-monies ex¬ pended in arresting the spread °f Small Pox. The following bills were read the second time and ordered io be engrossed, to vidt: A bill to alter and amend the charter of the Gulf and At¬ lantic Eailroad company, and to locate the West end of said Kqad. A'bill tp amehd the first? section of an act entitled an act to add an additional section to the 10th Division of the Pe¬ nal Code. 156 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The following hills was -regd the second time and referred to the committee on new counties, to wjt: A bill to add a part of the county of Gilmer tb the conn-, ty of F^tlnin, and for1 other purposes. A 'jpll to lay out and organize a nety county front the counties of Chattooga and Walker. A hill f o change the line between the counties of Lump¬ kin and Daw$oih , The bill to amend the several acts otj the General Assem¬ bly relating to the Savannah and Albany Railroad Company* &c„ &c., &d., was read the second time, amdmefeijed to the committee on* Agriculture and Internal Improveiftent. The bill to regulate the paper'currency. To prohibit the circulation of bank bills or notes, undet the denomination of ten dollars, end other things therein mentioned, waS read the second time, and referred to the committee on Banks. Also, A bill to amend the 2nd Section, of an act entitled an act to provide against ther forfeiture of the several Bank Char¬ ters in this State, on account of" non-specie payment penal the betting on elections. Mr. Mayes, of Lumpkin, reported a bill to alter and amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the cpunty of Lumpkin. Mr. Hopkins, of Mclntbsh, reported a bill to amend the Judiciary of Georgia, so far as relates to the county t of Mc¬ intosh. The House took up the Report of the committee on the bill for the relief ofi Wilson W. Poe, of the couhty of Ear¬ ly.* , The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. , , Thb bill to account with the Trustees of the University of 11 162 aOUKtfAL OF THE HOUSE, Georgia, for the interest dike on tpe sale of the* University lands, and to provide for the payment of the same, was re¬ ferred to the committee on Public .Education. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to. chapge the line between the counties, of Clihch and Berrien. Thfe report of the committee on new counties, which was adverse, was agreed to, and the bit! whs. therefore ^ost. The House took up the report of the committee? on the bill to amend an act to define the liability of the several Bail Road Companies of this State, for injury to persons or property; to prescribe in what counties they may be sued, and how served with process, approved March 5th, 1856, ahd for pther purposes. Mr. Lester, of^Cobb, ofierred as a substitute for f he same, a bill of similar title, which was adopted. * The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to incorporate the town of Blackshear,- in Pierce coun¬ ty, and provide for the governmeht of the same. The report was agreed to, the bill \vss read the third time and passed. The Housetiook up the report of the committee o,n the bill to incorporate "The Baltimore and Savannah Steamship Company.''' The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third timb and passed. 'The Houfee took up the report of the committee1 on the bill to confer certain powers upon the Judge of the City Cburt of Savannah. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to consolidate the offices of Clerk of the Superior and In¬ ferior Courts, of the county of Hall. The same was amended, on motion of Mr. Tatum, so as to embrace in its prpvisions tbe county of Dade. The re¬ port as amehded was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on tbe bill to exempt from taxation, one acre of land in the coua- ty of Montgomery, as the burial place of Qeorge M. Troup, deceased, and to constitute the Justices of tire Inferior Courts of said county, Trustees for the prptection of the same, The report was agreed to,* the bill was read the third time and passed. * The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to amend the charter of the Gulf and Atlantic Bail Boad Company, aiyl to locate the west end of said road- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23Ad, 1859. 163 The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time And passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the tire bill tp amend an act incorporating the^Madison? Presby¬ terian Church, so far as relates to the filling the vacanpies of Trustees, "Alssepted to, "Dec. 7th, 18#51. *The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate the Richmond Fire Company, &c. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third •time and passed, ' The House took up the report of the comrpittee on the bill to amend the first Section of an act entitled " An Act to add a Section to the 10th Division of the Pepal Code. The report was agreed to, fhO bill was read the third tilde and passed. * The House went into Committee of1 the Whole, Mr. Mc- Whorterin the Chair, on the bill for the relief of John £>. CatpCnter, late Tax Collector of the county of Montgom¬ ery- . , The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. On moiion of Mr. Broyips, The hill to amend an act entitled " An Act to chapge cer¬ tain county lines therein, mentioned, approved March fst, lS-56, ^ was. referred to the committee on n6w counties. The following message was received from 'the Senate, by Mr> West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker; The Senate have passed the following bills: A bill to be entitled an act t6 legalize the marriage of' Lawson Oady and Frances E. Cady, and for other purposes. Also a hill to be entitled an act to authorize A. C. Trim- belt, Administrator of Andrew M. Hamilton,, deceased, to sell the negroes of his intestate,on the firSt'Tnescfay in Jan¬ uary next. Also a hill to be entitled an act, to amend an act, appro¬ ved March 5th, 1856, entitled An act to anthdrize personsto submit controversies to arbitrators, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also a pijl to be entitled an act to in corporate the Plant¬ ers *Rail Road Company, apd for other purposes. Also a bill to be entitled an ,act to give to the Inferior Courts of ihe different counties of the State, ppwer to ap¬ point some fit and proper person, to receive and receipt for the amount of money their respective counties may be enti- titled to, under the act to provide for the education of the 164 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. ♦children of the State, &c., assented to, December 11th, 1858, "when, the Ordinarys of said counties refuse or neglect to give bpnd in terms of the law. Also a hill to be entitled an act to prdvent the sale of spir¬ ituous liquors, within one-half mile of the Court House, in the town of Fayetteville, in Fayette county, Only*on condi¬ tions therein named. Also a bill to be entitled an act to aid the citizens of Geor¬ gia, in the construction of Rail Roads in this State, upon the conditions and limitations therein specified. Mr. David, from the committee oh enrollment,. reports as duly enrolled, and signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House; ef Representatives, the following acts, to wit An act for; the relief of the securities of George F. Wing, former Tax Collector of Mcintosh county. Also an act to legalize the holding of Carrol Superior Court, at its last term, arid to make valid the-proceedings nf said Court. Also an act to incorporate the town of Ellaville, in Schley county. , Also ail act to amend an act entitled an apt to incorporate th« SaVannah, Griffin and North Alabama Rail Road Compa¬ ny, assented to on the 11th day of February, 1854, and fa) repeal Sections 7, S, and 9, of said act, and tcf substitute two additional Sections in lieu thereof. Also gn act to authorize the Mayor and Council of the cify ,of Atlanta, to "take possession of the enclosed ground, Jying betwpen the general passenger Depot and DeCatur street, an,d Atlanta Hotel and Lloyd street, in the city of At¬ lanta, for the purpose of beautifying and ornamenting the same, to be used for a Rail Road Park. Also an act to repeal the 7th Section of an act entitled ah act to incorporate and grant certain privileges and pos¬ ters to the Newnan Gtiards, in the town of Newnan, Cow¬ eta county, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also an act to repeal the 4th Section of an act to regu¬ late the compensation of Jurors, of Jefferson coiintv,. and for other purposes therein mentioned. Mr. David, from the committee on enrollment, reports as duly enrolled and signed by the President Of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, the following resolution, to wit: Jpint Resolution in relation to the Branch Mint at Dab- lonega. The following message was received from H^is Excellency the Governor^ by Mr. Waters, his Secretary. Mr. Speaker: The Governop has signed, the folW^ bills: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23k», ,1859.. 16S A bill fixing fhe time of holding the Inferior Courts, in the county of Coffee. A bill to change the line between the counties of Hall alih Batiks. A bill to change the lines between the counties' of Coffee and Irwin. A bill for.the relief of teachers of poor children, in Mus¬ cogee county, in the year 1853. ' A bill to» provide for the compensation of .Sheriffs, for summoning Grand and Petit Jurors, in the county of1 Houghs erty, and to levy a. fax for the same. A bill authorizing the Inferior Court of the county of Murray, to increase the tax for the said county, and for oth¬ er purposes. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Pierce county to- assess an extra t&x, for the purpose of building a Jail, A bill to repeal so much of an act entitled an act to ex¬ tend the corporate* limits of the town of Hamilton, in the county of Harris, and other places therein named, and to incorporate the town of Trenton in Dade county, approved Eebruary 18th, 1854, as relates to the incorporation of the town of TreUton, and to provide for the working and keepr irlg in repair the streets, in the town of Trenton. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ tly the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit: Mr. Speaker: I am directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor, to lay before this branch.of the General Assembly- h communication in writing, with the bill to which it refers. 4 'The same was, on motion, taken up and read. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 23d, i8-59. To the House of Representatives: The bill entitled an act for the relief of William P, Red- wine of Fayette county, is herewith returned without* my sanction. The bill recites that on the fifteenth* of November, 1858, Mr, Redwine, with others became tbe surety of one Deskin jlolcombe, on a recognizance for his appearance at the Sep*- tember Term, 1859, of the Superior Court of said county, atid that at sS^d Term Of the Superior Court, said recogni¬ zance was forfeited, on account of the non-appearance of saidHolcombe. After reciting these facts, it'is enacted, that the said Red wipe be released apd fully exonerated from lia¬ bility on said recognizance. 166 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE,* j This presents,,the Ordinary case of a surety, who ha? vol¬ untarily assumed thp liability, and whose principal, b® fail- ed to attend thp Court,, and answer for the offence with which he stands charged. Within less than three months after the Term of the Court at which the ^recognizance was forfeited', and before Stricklauid,. Belony, Kpowles, Sweat, Bixon, Rnox, Tatunr, Ector* McComb, Terrell* Edttiondspn, .McCrairy, Thrasher,. Ely, McDonald of Lump-Underwood, Fain Of Gordon, kii\, Wate, Fannin pf Morgan# McDpnild of Mur-Whaley, Fannin of Troup, ray, Whittle. Farnell, MrGar„ Wicker, Finney,, McLendon, Wjlliams of Clinch, Glass,, MpWhOrter, Wilson, Gibson of Warrpn, Mitchell, Wofford, Graham, Morris, Young, Those whq voted in the negative, are Messrs.: HrPy^es Goodman, MeEver Cook, Hipks^ Ragsdale, DeLaniar, Hockenhull, RegistAik Earle, Hofland South of Hall, Fberhart, Jones of Rabun Toggle, Fain of Gilmer Letter, Vaughn* Fain w Ho ion, Martin,, West Fleming, Mays, Wprley, The Bill (received a constitutional ^fote, And was fhere- fofe passed over the Executive yetch Mr. Williams Af Miiseogee, reported the Bills, which were read ihh first time 5 to -wit * SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2Cth, 18-59. 183 A Bill to compensate James Etamilton, for services rem dered tliis State, as Commissioner and Surveyor, in 1856, and, A Bill for the relief-of Wm. Rankin, of the county of Mus - cogee. * Mr. Harsely reported, A Bill fo provide fpr the issuing of summary am,! conir pulsary process, for witnesses jri all criminal causes in this State, upon the conditions therein named. Mr. Lester of Cobb, offered, the following Resolution, which was taken up, read and adopted ; to wit: •Whereas, a Resolution, alleging that the Hon. Robert Y. Hardeman, noyT Judge of the Superior Courts of the Oc- mulgee Judicial Circuit, is laboring under an affliction of Providence, which renders him physically and 'mentally in- pompentent to discharge the duties of hjs office, and asking an address to the Governor for his removal front office, has been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. And whereas, the subject is one of seriousness ancTimpom tance, and ought to be proceeded in, with due forn,* and solemnity. Be it therefore, Resolved, That the said Committee on the Judiciary, have *ful\ power fo1 send for persons an^l papers, and $wear and examine witnesses, in relation to the subject matter of said resolution, in order that a full and proper report may be made in the premises. On motion of Mr. West of White, the House adjourned until 9 £ o'clock A. M., to-morrow. Saturday, November 26, 1853. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Young, of Irwin, moved to re-consider so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates so the rejection ol the bill to appropriate money for the erection of a Turnpike, across the Alapaka, near frwinyille, on the road from Jackr sonville, Telfair county^ to the town of Albany. Upon this motion, Mr. Young required the yeas, and nays to be recorded. There are yeas 4,7. There are nays GO. m JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Those who toted in the (affirmative are Messrs. Baugh, Harris, Richards, Brutpn 6f Forsyth, Henderson of WorthScreven, Brewtom of Tattnall Hockenhull, Casph, (Cook, Delamar, Edmondson, . Faih of Gilmer, Fain, of Gordon, Fain o£ Union, Farnell, Fortnef,; Gay, Glass, Graham, Heeling, KnowleS, KnoX, Lester, ' McComb, McGar, McRea, Nobles, Perry, Prescott, Price, Ragsdale, Register, Sharpe, Smith of Coffee, Smith of TownS, .Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Thrasher, Williams of Clinch, Williams of Mtiseo- gee, Wilson, Wofford, Young, Those who yoted in, the negative, are Messrs. Alexander, Allan ? Anderson, Barksdale, Blakey, Bivins, Brantley, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Grovensteine, Darper of Henry, Heath, Henderson of New- Mintz, McDonald of Mur¬ ray, McEver, McLendon, McWhorter, ton, Brown of Houston, Iierington, Brpwn of Sumter, Hicks, Broyles, Causey, Clark of Monroe Colvard, Coleman, Conley, between th£ counties of Talbot and Meriwether, whicb was .read the first tinfe. , The bill to lend the Bonds of the State to M^aflv A* Coo¬ per, which was the 'special order for to-day, was, On motion of Mr. Harris, of Glynn, laid on the tableysub¬ ject to the vith unanimous consent, withdrew from the further consideration of the House, a bill to alter apd amend the 3rd and 7th Sections of the 1st Article of the Constitu¬ tion. Mr. Price, of Pickens, with the unanimous consent of the House, withdrew a bill to alter and amend an act to alter and amend the 12th Section of the 1st Article of the Con-, stitution of this State, approved Dec. 21st, 1857, so as to makef the election of members of the General Assembly annual. ^ 0*n,motion of Mr. Delony, two huncTrdd copies each, of the evidence in the case of Thonjas C. Whitworth, and John, Fhndy, Were ordered to be printed for the- use,of the House. The House toqk up the report of the committee on the bill to alter aild amend the 35th Section of the 14th Divis¬ ion of the Penal Code. The report was Agreed to, the bill was read tbe third tifne and passed. The House went into'Committee of the "Whofe,, M^* Mc_, Whorter in the Chair, on the bill t<* compensate Dr. "Wil liam Z- Cock, of the county of Early. The Finance committee proposed an amendment which was received. The .committee then rose and reported the s&mc back Jo, the House? with the amendment. , Vhe report was agreed to, 'the 'bill was read the third £ime and lost. Mr. David, from the committee of enrollment, reported as duly enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. A resolution returning the thanks of the General Assem¬ bly to the Rev, S. H. Higgins, D. D., for his very appropri¬ ate, impressive and eloquent discourse, on " Thanksgiving1 Day," and to solicit the same for publication, &c. The following message was recdivdd from the Senate, by jfringlc, their Secretary pro dc?n* JOURNAL, Oi? THE HOUSE, Mr. SpcrtltbV: The S<*pai:e hds granted leave of absence to Mr, Wefct, their SeWtary^for.a.fewAays, and have appoint¬ ed Jaihe^ A- Hrin^le, Esq., their Secretary pre tern. They have also passed a frill to be entitled an act to jnhkls valid all letter^ of Administration heretofore granted hv the Courts of £)rdihary of tjhis Stafd^ where written notice eff suqh, application has not been givett at the Court House (floor, pfhhpb. county, as required by law. _ , Also aloill to be entitled an act to chahge the time of hold¬ ing the general elections in the State, and for other pnrpe- The House took up the report of the committee op the bills relative to iinprisOimient' for debt". The committee on the Judiciary reported a§ a Substitute (for the Vayious bills .on this Subject, a bill to alter and amend ah hct entitled an act to abolish imprisonment for 1 ffit, oh certain conditions. &c., assented to* Dec. 11th, 1S»W. The same was acLOpted^the report thdreon agreed to. The bilf Was read the third time, and pn the question!' of its passage, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded There are yeas 118, there are nays 1-5. Those who voted in the affirmative hre Messrs: Alexander, Allans Anderson, Barksdale, Baugh, B'lakey, Bivins, Brantley, Brinson, BroWn of Houston, Brown of Sumter, Breton pf Forsyth, BiVvvtoh of 'Tatt¬ nall, Otson, Causey, Chlvard Eoleniah, Conley, (look, Culled,' Danipfr David, DeLamair, Dplauy, Dixon, EarlO, Eberhart, Efehols, Ector, Edmondson, Ely, Fain of Gordon, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Finney, Fortner, Glass, Gibson, of Rich¬ mond, Gibson of Warren, Ivey, Goodman^ Graham, Green of Cobb, Grovensteih, Harper of flenry, Harris, Heath, „AU-i UiJ Hfmder&op ofwTtfrjAEa^ Herrington, Hockemmlk Hogans Holden, Holland Hopkins, Horsley, Howell of Lowhdek Howell of Milton, Hurst, Hiltchins, Irwin, Jones of Mitchell, Jones of Kaburn, Keeling Kelly, Iynowles, Knox, Lester, LoOketf Lofton, Lumsden/ Martin, SATURDAY, HQYRJilEER 2Gm iSffff. 1ST JlctVurib, Ragsdale, Thrasher, Mt Grary, Renter, Tuggle, McLendon, Feeder,, Underwood MvReu, Render, * Vaughn, ' MeWhorter, Rosier, TVTafe, ^ Mitchell, Screven West, J^obtes, Smith pf Coffee, WhMey Norwood, Smith-of Twiggs, Whittle Parks, , Sockwell, Williams of Clinch* Patten* Sprayberry, Williams of MusCd- Ferry, Stewart, gee, Pitts, Strickland, Wilson, Prescoip, Tapley, WorlOy, Price> Terrell,; Those who voted in the negative are Messrs ; Broyles Johnson, Pilcheiy Pain of Gilmer, McDonald of Lump-Richards, Fain of Union, kin., Smith Of Towns, Fannin of Morgan, McDonald of Mur- Tatum, Farnell, * ray, ptenderson of Ne,w-McEver, ton, Mintz, Sp the substitute wag passed. The "following minority report of the Judiciary commit¬ tee was read and ordered to be placed upon the Journals, to wit: phe* majority committee, to whom was referred the bill to amend an act entitled an act to abolish imprisonment for debt, On certain conditions therein set forth, assented to, Dec. 11, 1858, having reported in favor of the passage of the same, and the minority committee having the same under consideration, beg leave to dissent from said report, and submit the following reasons: First y The Constitution provides,' that the pefsoii of 0 debtor, when there is not strohg presumption of fraud, Shall not be detained in prison, after delivering, bona fife, ■pH his estate real and personal, for the use of his creditors, in such manner as shall be hereafter regulated; the minori¬ ty committee would therefore ipogt respectfully submit, that if it is consistent with the received, opinion and practice of the profession, in criminal cases, mnch fesg, in civil cases, to presume fhat a person is guilty of fraud until it is made to appear by evidence, jTet in the case under consideration, the majority committed' would assume fraud without any evidence being submitted to induce that conclusion, when the Constitution expressly dpclajrejs no person shall he de- 159 JOtmlTAL OF THE HOUSE. Your committee would therefore insist that a strong pre¬ sumption ef fraud, can nd, ray, Perry, Pilcher, Pitts, Prescott, Price, Ragsdale, Howell of Lowndes, R jgistei, Ho Well pf Milton, Reeder, Hurst, Reuder, Hutchins, Richards, JohnsoU, Screven, Jones of Mitchell, Sharpe, J ones of Rabun, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, Smith of Towns, Keeling, Kelly,. Key, Knowles, Knox,, Lumsden, McComh, McCrahy, McDonald of Lump-Tapley, k-Vb Tatum, McDonald of Mur- Terrell, Smith of Twiggs, Sockwell, Sprayberry, Stewart Strickland, Sweat, Gibson of Warren, McEver, Goodihan, Grahipn, Green of Cobb, Gtoveiistein, Hardin, Harper, of Henry, McGar, MeRea, McWhorter, Mintz, Mitchell, Morris, Thrasher, Underwood, Whaley, Williams of Clinch, Wil 1 i auis of Mils' gee Wilson, Wolford, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26m, 1S&). 191 Tho^o who voted ill the nbgative* are Messrs. Andersen, Fain of Union, Lofton, Brown <,f Suinter, Fannin of Morgan, Martin, Bpoyles, Fleming, Mays* Bruton of fbrsytli,Finney, McLendon, Clarke erf Monroe. flockenhnll, Rosier, Colvaxti, Holland, Yanover, Cook, Irwin, Ware, Dixon, Lester, Whittle Earle, Lockett, Wicker, Ebeylinrt, Worley, S6 the saipe received a Constitutional vote and was there fore pussej over the Executive Veto. On motion of Mr. Gibson, of Richmond, the Clprk was di-* rected to, transmit the bill, and accompanying evidence,, to the Senate without delay. The bill to prevent the marriage of cousins, and* , The bilk to change the name of James Mercer, <£c,, were indefinitely postponed, * On motion of Mr. Delony, tlie bill to alter and amend art net pointing out the mode of collecting a certain description of debts therein mentioned, approved Dec. 19, 1818", and to extend the provisions of the same to embrace corporations, was referred to the Judiciary committee* The House took up the report of the committee, mn the bill to pre rent the burning of the Woods, in the county of Echols, at certain seasons of the year, and, for other pur¬ poses. The same was amended, by extending its provisions fotlie county of Clinch. The report ds amended was agreed t'o, the bill yfas read the third time and passed. On motion of Mr. Fannin, of Morgan, leave of absence for a few days was granted James A. Diamond, Clerk of the House, and George Hillyer, Esq., appointed Clerk pro tern, during the absence of the principal. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to cliangb the line between the counties of Davison and Lupipkiu, so as to include tlie residence of James Rice, in the county of Dawson. The report was agreed to. The Dill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to prevent itinerant trading in this State, by levying a tax, &o. The taport was agreed to. The 1j "11 wa^ read tlie third time and passed. _ The I he State. * .-.-j,. The" rdport was agreed, to, the bill was read the'thiKl time and lost. The bill to dtefine certain duties, of the several Rail Road" Agencies in this State, and for other purposes therein named, and! A bill to protect landlords in the possession of their lands, afid for other purposes, were referred to the Judiciary com¬ mittee. The following bills were indefinitely postponed, to wit: A bill for the relief of Win. Middleton, of Mcjntosh county. A bill to amend the law in relation to Jury feds. Tl\e House took up thp report of the ponmiitte on the bill to compel all persons owning lands in this State, to- return and pay tax for the same, in the county where the land lies. Mr. Strickland, of Madison, moved the indefinite postpon- jnent of the sarhe. Upon,this proposition, Mr. Price of Pickens required the yeas and nays to be recorded. There are yeas 71. There are nays 62. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Anderson, Blakey, Bivins, Brantley^, Brinson Gibson of Warren, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Grovensteine, Harper of Henry, Herrington, Brown of Houston, Hicks, Br,own of Sumter, Holden, JBrewton of Tatnall,Holland, Causey, HoUoman, Clark of Monroe, Hopkins, Coleman, Horsley, paniel, Hurst, Delofiy, Hntchins, Dixon, Irwin, Eberhart, Kelly, Ector, Key* Fannin of Morgan, Knowles Eannio of Troup, Lockett, Einney, Lofton, Gihson dfRichm'ndjLuipsden, Martin, McComb, McCrairy, Mitchell, McLendon, McWhorter, Mintz, Norwood, Pilcher, Pitts, Prescott, Ragsdale, Reeder, Render, Richards, Rozier, .Screven Smith of Hall, Smith of Twiggs, Stewart StiicUand> JMBEK 28TH, 185^ J 93 ThTa$lw*r, Ware, Wicker, 'luggl Wfialey, Williams of Musco- Underwuod, Whittle* geH, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. 4 .Alexander, Hardin, Morris, Baugh Harris, Nobles, Broyles Heath, Parks, Rruton of Forsyth, Henderson ofWorthPatton, Cason, Hookenhull, Perry, Cock, Hogans Price Colyard, Howell of Lowndes,Register, Cullens, Howell of Milton, Sbarpe, David, Johnson, SnRth of Coffee, DeLarmr, Jones of Mitchell, Smith of TowHs, Earle, Jones oi Rabun, Sockwell, Edmondson, Kbpling Sprayberry, Ely, Knox Sweat, Eairfof Gilmer, Lester,, Tapfey,. Fa,in of Goron, Mays,. , Tatum; Fain'of Union, McDonald of Lump-Terrell, Famell, kin, " West,. Fleming, McDonald of Mur-Williams of Clinch, Fortner ray, Wofford, Gay, McEver, Worley Glass, McGar, Young*. Gtaham, McRea, Sd the bill was indefinitely postponed. Leave of abjsehpe was granted to Mr. Kelly, of Glasscock, fipr a few days on special business. On motion of Mr. Brown, of Sumter, Mr. Anderson, of Bibb was added to the Judiciary committee. The House adjourned until -9J c'clock, A. M., Monday. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1859. Tfie House met pursuant to adjournment, On motion of Mr. Cook, of Early, so much of tfie Journal of Satui lay as relates to tfie rejection of the bill to compen¬ sate Dr. William Z. Cock, of the eonnty of Early, was recon¬ sidered. Qn motion of Mr. Smith of Towns, sd much of the Jour¬ nal of Saturday was reednsidered as relates to the rejection of the bill to amend the act of the 11th, Dec. 1858, inrela- X3j 1&4 JOURNAL OF TH£ HOUSE, fidn to Insurance *and Express Companies doing business in this StatA . Mr. Price, of Pickens moved to reconsider so much oTthe Journal of Saturday as relates to the rejection 01 the bill, to compel all persons owning lands in this State, to lCtum and pay tax for the same in the county, where said land lies. The motion vims lost. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Barksdale ami Clark, of Monroe, foita feiv days, on special business; and to Messrs. Cullens of Clay, and Delony of Clark, on account of sick¬ ness in their families. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Waters his Secretary, to wit: " Mr. Speaker :—I am directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor, to transmit to this branch of the General Assembly amommunination, in writing, f * "On motion of Mr. Cartridge the satne was taken up and read*, to wit: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Milledgeville, Ga., Nov, 2Sth, 1S-59. To the General Assembly: A joint" resolution of the Legislature, authorizing andm questing-the Gpvernor to purchase q sufficient number of tire arms Of the latest and most approved style for the perfect equipment of all the volunteer companies within the State, now* formed or which may be Organized within the ne?t twelve months, has received my absent. I now beg leave to call the attention of the General Assembly to thefuchthat no appropriation has been made for the purpose mentioned ih the resolution, ancl that I, am. without the means to catry it ihto effect.. There are at arms in either of the State Arse¬ nals fit fbr use: and a considerable number of gallant young Companies, lately organized are without arms. The quota furnished the State by the General Government is not suffi¬ cient to arm half the companies which are annually formed, and several companies have lately disbanded en account of their failure t6 get arms. My Opinion, is that it Will costftom $75,000 to $100,000 to purchase arms of the most approved style, sufficient to supply all the volunteer corps now in ex¬ istence, and all which will be organized within twelve months j as d large number of new Companies will be or¬ ganized so Soon as it is knoWn that provision has been made by the "State to Supply the necessary arms. As the General Assembly has imposed uppn me the duty of supplying tlie MftNElAY, NCTOMBI}R 2StHj 1859. 195 firms, f r^pectftilly request an appropriation of fbfe sum necessary to epable me to carry into effect tlieir (resolution. 1 also beg leave again to call the (attention of the General Assembly to the?great ilnportance of establishing in out own State a foundry for the manufacture Of arms and munitions ofyar. We have the necessary material in great abundance, and our financial condition is such, that the people of the State- woufd not feel the cost. We know not how soon we may bef called upon to defend our institutions and 6ur fire¬ sides against the assaults of unnatural enemies. Is it not the part of wisdom, therefore, to prepare for the worst, while we hope for the best ? It may pe proper to purchase? from the foundries of other States, such supplies 6f arms as Qur present necessities require, "but it certainly could npt be wise for us to do so in future, as we should qot expend large sums of money out of the Stfite for spch supplies as4can be #sj well made within, the State. JOSEPH JE. BROWN. The same was on motion of Mr. Williams; of MuScogee, referred to the committee on Military affairs. On motion of Mr. Prescoft, of Scriven, the rhles were suspended, and the Senate bill to authorize the Administra¬ tors of the estate of James-If onng, Sr., to sell the property qf said estate, and to make titles for thfe samp, was read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed. The following pills were reported and read the first time, to wit: Mr. Anderson, of Bibb, reported, A pill to amend the rent laws pf this State, and to- rendfet certain property first liable to pay debts due for' rent, ardfor other purposes. Mr. Green, of Cobb, reported* A bill to incorporate the Marietta Paper Mill Company, and for other purposes. And the following resolution to wit: A resolution providing for the'distribution of the Acts and Journals Of the present General Assemby to thd- members thereof, &q. Mr^ Tgtum, of J)ade reported, A'biUto appropriate one- million of dollars for the pur¬ pose of buiJdiiig' a new'Sfate House, for the, State of Geor¬ gia, and f°r Other purposes. A bill to alter and amend an act, entitled an act to alter and amend the 15th section of the Hth division of the Penal Code, approved March 5th, 1856i And a resolution authorizing the Governor to furnish the 196 JOURNAL OF ThlE HOUSE, Clerk of the ^upeyior Court of the county of Dade, the first eight volumes of'the Supreme Court reports. Mr. Lestpr of Cpbb, reported, A hill to "apportion the Representatives among the seve¬ ral counties Of this State according to the requirements of the Constitution. And. . A hill to incorporate the town of Powder Springs, and the Powder Springs High School, in the -county of Cobb, and for ofher purposes. Mr. Smith, of Hall, reported* A bill to encourqg6 Railrpad enterprises in this State. Mr. Ragsdale, reported, A bill for the relief of Charles Whitlock, of DeKalb coun¬ ty* Tlip following Message was received from the Senate by Mr. Pringle their Secretary, jjro tcm. Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bills to wit: A bill to be entitled an act, to constitute and declare Mar¬ gate! Marshall Barclay, the adopted daughter of Mary M. Marshall, of the county of Chatham, the heir of the said Maty M. Marshall, and to enable her to inherit the property of the feanl Mary M. Marshall, and for other purposes. Also,, a bill to be entitled an act, to authorize the construc¬ tion of a Rail Road from Bamesville, in the county of Pike to the city of Brunswick in the county of Glynn, and any pther seaport on'the Atlantic coast of this State, and also ♦to amend the charter of the Georgia Western Railroad company, ahd for other purposes therein mentioned* Also, a bill to bq entitled an act, tq amend the Judi¬ ciary act of this State, and to direct the manner of making Trustees parties, plaintiffs or defendants in all suits or ac¬ tions, now pending, or that may hereafter exist in the seve¬ ral courts of this State. Alsoj a hill to be entitled an act, to alter and change and define thb line between Early and Clay counties. Also, to change the line between ,Henry and Clayton counties. Also a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Polk State- Quarry Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Alfco a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate a Bank to be located, in the city of Rome, to be called the Bank of Rome, and to amend the Charter of the Timber Cutters Bank* They have also? passed the following bill of the House of NOVEMBER 2S?H, 1859. 19* Av bill to hfe entitled an &cf, fo relieve certain perSoiis in Mcl^itosh county from jury duty. Th'ey have also agreed td a Resolution, "That his Excellency the Govehiqr be requested to fur¬ nish the ustial law books to all the newly qreated militia dis¬ tricts! of this State, which have not beeh already provided* with the same. Also, a resolution, that the Military Committee ' of the Senate and House of Representatives be made a Joint Com¬ mittee, Also, a resolutioh appointing a committee of five Iq join a like conimittee, of the House of Representatives to examine into the eondition of the business of tlie Houses and to Re¬ port the best means of facilitating the business, so as to com¬ plete the same by the 10th December, and ask the concur-* rence of the Hous& in the same. On motion, of ML "Williams, so much of the foregoing message as relates to the resolution, making the Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on military af¬ fairs a doint Cqmmittee, was taken up and the resolution concurred in. Mr. Andersop. of Bibb, reported, A bill to incorporate the South Western Magnetic Tele¬ graph Company, and for other purposes, Mr. Hockenhull, reported, , A bill to allow the Inferior court of Dawson county to levy nti extra tax. Mi'- Lewis,, Of Hancock, reported, A bill to amend an act approved 4th of March, fSo6„ incor¬ porating the Bank ofSparta, to confer certain privileges upon the corporations therein named, and to provide for the con¬ strue of a Railroad from Sparta to TenUilld or any Other point on the Central Railroad. A hill the more effectually to enforce th,e act approved 10th Deci, 1803, in relation to slaves transacting business for themselves, and for other purposes. And a resolution authorizing the Governor fo have a mon¬ ument erected to the memory of General James Oglethorpe^ Mr. Brantley, of Hancock, reported, , A bill tq incorporate Culverton Academy in the county of Hancock. , Mr* Alexander, of Floyd, reported, A bill to appropriate five thousand dollars, to improve the navigation of the Oostanaiila, River. Mr. McWhortqr, of Greene2 reported, A bilk to appropriate money to complete the repairs at the Penitentiary, to fix the ^Salaries Of Overseers in said in- tittition and for other purposes. Andy 19S JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. 'A bil,l to incorporate the "Union Male and Female cad- em y, in the county of Greene, , Mr. Henderson, of Henry, reported, . A bilj. to incorporate and endow a Medical College»in the city of Griffin to be called the Middle Georgia Medical Col¬ lege. Mr. Pitts, of Macon, reported, ^ A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Marion County, to pay over to E. II. Winn, his account for teaching poor children' for 1853. Bivins* reported, A bill to create a new county from the counties of Mari¬ on and Taylor. Mr. Dixon, of Muscogee, reported, • A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Muscogee coun¬ ty to levy an extra tax for the purposes therein mentioned. Mr. Ector, of Merriwether, reported, A bill for the creation of School Superintendent; to de¬ fine the duties.of" said officer, and for other purposes. ,Mr. Ely, of Dougherty, reported, A bill to provide for the establishment of a Foundry and Armory,' for 'the manufacture of Ordnance and small arms, and to appropriate money for the same, and for other pur¬ poses. . Mr.^Render, of Merriwdther, reported, A bill to regulate the testimony of parties in Justices Courts. Mr. Lofton, repbrted, A bill to incorporate the [Middle Georgia Telegraph corn- pang, and for other purposes. M iv Strickland of Madison, Offered a resolution/fixing Saturday, 10th Dec-, as the period of adjonrnmemt,- shje die, of the present General As¬ sembly. Mi:. Price, ,of Pickens, reported, A bill 'to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of the county of Pickens to retain one half of the State tax collected in said county tor a time therein mentioned for the pitrpose of erecting an Academy in the town of Jasper in said county, and for other purposes. '* . And a resolution requiring the Speaker to appoint a com¬ mittee offive t'o examine and report Toy bill relative to the place in which land owners in this State, shall pay taxes on the .same. Mr. Gibson, of Richmond, reported, A bill in relation to Justices Courts in the city of Augus¬ ta. i » A bill to anffind an act to provide for the registry of notes &c., ip the city of Apggsta, approved Feb. 15th, 1S56, and MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th,. 1859. 199 to extend the powers of the Recorder of said city, in rela¬ tion to free negroes, and for other purposes. And, A hill to. incorporate a Gas company in the city of Au¬ gusta, Mr. Fannin of Troup, reported, A hill to protect the wool growing interest in this State. A hill to authorize-the Mayor and Council of LaGrange to levy an ektra tax, and for other purposes. And^ A hill to incorporate the Cotton Planters Bank of La- Grange. Mr. Colemijn, of Randolph, reported, A hill to amend the several laws of this State, regulating the duties of Tax Receivers, &c. Mr. Morris of Quitmau, reported, A hill to amend the road laws of this State, so far as re¬ lates to t^ie county of Quitman. Mr. Mitchell, of Pike,, reported, A hill to incorporate a bridge hcross Flint River, in the firSt district of Pike county. Mr. P^tton, reported, A hill to provide for the education of the poor1 children of the State of Georgia, and for other purposes, Mr. Pilcher, of Warren, reported, A bill to compensate managers of elections in' Warren county, and for other purposes. . , And a resolution authorizing the Clerk of the House to have fifteen hundred copies of the Comptroller General's Report printed for the use of the members of the General Assembly. Mr. Fortner, of Wilcox, reported, A bill ior the relief of Swhin M. Fortner, and Jagies R. Meadows, securities of Bennet Powell, late Tax Collector of Emanual county. Mr. Causy, reported, A bill to authorize L. B. Causey, Guardian to settle with Joseph J. Hale, a minor, and for other purposes. Mr. Broyles, of Whitfield, Offered the following resolution, to wit: Whereas, The amount of business accumulating on the Clerks Desk, in view of the shortness of the remainder of the session, calls for prompt and extra labor on the part «of the Legislature, RcsokcJ, That the House of Representatives meet to¬ night, and eacli succeeding night until further order at 7 o'clock, to read Senate billgthe 1st and2nd times. Mr. Fain of Union, offered the following resolution, to wjt: &00 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Wbereas, The object1 of granting pensions to soldiers has been befbfe Congress, and in all probabilities Will come to* fore them again; whefeas on the pne hand, an extensivei aha ex ravagant* system of pensions would burden the Federal Government with heavy indebtedness, for which in the end the great exporting article of the South would* have to pay, and whereas such a system would tend to corrupt tip fountain*of true liberty by causing the people to look to (government for money of livelihood, and to sap t-:e*fous- dation of State sovereignty, by binding lafge pordohs of the citizens-of the States to the Federal Government with chains of gold, and whereas on the other hand, a limite8 just, and proper system confined to those who have faithful¬ ly and honestly served their countiy on the battle lield in actual and arduous campaign service, and who in dt dilute circumstances, from infirmity or misfortune commends itself to out sense of right and feelings of benevolence, and where¬ as there are many such soldiers surviving the wars of 1S13, Therefore, Resohedi That the Congress of the United States'shall provide by' law a pension for the infirm, and indigent sol¬ diers of ^ 1812, putting' officers and soldiers upon the same footing, and confining the operation of the net to the poor and to the ill firm, wffiether such infirmity arc «e from disease contracted in service or otherwise, Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives be re¬ quested to confine their action to the spirit of the foi ''going preamble and Resolutions, and that his Excellency the Gov¬ ernor be requested to forward them a copy of the same. ^Tbe House took up the report of the committee on the bill to amend the several acts of the General Assembly relative to the Savannah, and Albany Railroad company, &c., &c. The amendment'offered by the committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvement were received. The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third, time and passed. ^ The House took up the rephrt of the coiUmittee on the bill to incorporate tliO Relief Fire Company, No. 2 in the town of Athens. The report was Agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed- The House took up fTie report of the committee on the bill to compensate Justices of tbe Peace jn Decatur county for making out and returninglistfe ofpoor children to the Or* dinary of said county. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time apd. passed. * MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, iS5!h 20i Yl^ House took up tj]0 rdp6rt of the committee on the bill to amend an act entitled ajl act to amend, the Railroad laws of this State, so far as> felatep, to the county bf Coffee, approval 1st-March 1S56; and tb apply its provisions to tpe eouhtypf Clinch The report was agreed to. • The hill was read the third time and passed. Thd House took up the* report of the conimitiep oh, the bill to incorporate the Indian Creek Baptist Church, in the codhty of Franklin* and for other purposes. The rhport Was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mt. David from the committee on enrollment reported as duly Enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the following act. An act to relieve pertain persons in Mcintosh county from jury duty., The Housd took up the report of the committee on I the bill to incorporate the, Gate City GhardS* of Atlanta, and to grant certain immunities and privileged to the same. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The flouse *took hp the report of the compiitlee °A thd bill to reduce the sheriffs bond, of the county of Milton. TJip rqpOrt was agreed to*the hill was read the third timb and passed- The House took up the Report of the committee on the1 bill tp" authorize the Justices of the Inferior court of Gilmer county, to levy and collect an extra tax for tne purpose of paying the county debt created py the building their Court House The report Was agreed to, the bill was read the third, time &nd passed. The House iookup the report f the same, passed the ASth December, liS"S, and for other purposes herein named. bill t© he entitled an act to change the time of holding the general election^ in tips State, and for other pur¬ poses. HQUDAY, NOVEMBER &8TH, 1359. *20-5 A bill to apientl tlfe charter of ilie city of Griffin-/ A bill to incorporate the Clarke county Agricultural Socie¬ ty, and to confer certain powers; and immunities on tjie s^tnO, * A bill to be entitled an act to authorize jurors to assess images tn matters-of illegalities upon certain conditions. A bill to be entitled ail act to incorporate a Bank to be located in the< city of Roihe, to bo cplledthe Bank of ROme, Und to amend the. charter of the Timber Cutter's Bank. A bill to prohibit person, from poisoning fish, in the Water courses of Irwin County, for the purpose of killing, fish. A bill to be entitled an-act to authorize A. C. Trumbull," administrator of Andrew M. Hambletom deceased, to sell the negroes* of pis, intestate on the first Tuesday in January next. „ * A bill- to be entitled an act to legalize the marriage of Law- son Cody and Francis E. Cody, and for other purposes. A bill to be entitled, an act to ajnend an act approved March 5th, 1856, entitled an act to authorize persons to sub¬ mit cooit'roveries to arbitrators, and for other .purposes there¬ in mentioned. 1 A bill to be entitled an act to prevent the sale of spiritu¬ ous liquors, within One half mile of the Court House fin the ■ town of Fayetteville, in Fayette county^ only on*conditions therein natmed. A bill to be entitled an act to aid the 'citizens of * Georgia in the construction of Railroads in this State, upon the con¬ ditions and limitations therein specified. , A bill t9 be entitled an acttogivO to Inferior Courts of the different counties Of this State, power to appoint some fit and proper person to receive and receipt for the amount of money their respective, counties may be entitled to, under the act to provide for the Education of the children Of this State &c., assented to 11th December, 185$, when the Ordinary Of said counties refuses or- neglects to give bond in terms of the law. A bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the sever¬ al acts relative to the probate of wills, granting letters testa¬ mentary and of administration, and for other purposes there¬ in specified. ' A bill to be entitled an act to regulate the freight of lime for Agricultural purposes, when transported on the Western and Aflantic Railroad. A bill to be entitled an act to .define and enlarge the cor¬ porate privileges, heretofore granted, to the first Presbyte¬ rian Church of Augusta. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. Pringle, their Secretary pro tern : Mr. Speatyr;^The Senate have passed the following bill 206 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, which they have instructed me to transmit forthwith 10 the House of Representatives, to wit:. A bill to be entitled an act, to authorize the Ordinary 0f Habersham county, to grant letters oi Guardiansmp on the Estate of Susan S. Hackett. Mr- Lester presented the following report, to-\wt: The special committee to whom were referred : A Rill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the 3d, 7th and 12th sections of the 1st article of the Constitution of this State, together with a substitute for said bill, reported by the Judiciary Committee, and varioils amendments to said substitute, have had the same under consideration, and respectfully submit the following report: ^ Your Committee have met with a similar committee of the Senate on the same subject, and after full discussion and ■deliberation, are satisfied that we cannot agree upon any .plan reducing the number of the General Assembly accord¬ ing to the form prescribed in the Constitution, and therefore your committee return to this House the papers referred to them and recommend that the General Assembly, nowia session do provide for the calling of a convention for the purpose of altering the Constitution in such particulars as the people by their delegates in such convention tuay desire. GEO. N. LESTER, Chairman. The following hills of the Senate were read the second time and committed for the third reading, to-wit: -f ^7 A bill to incorporate the town of Warrenton in "Warren county, and to amend the charter of the city of Atlanta, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to alter and amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the county of Wayne. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to charter the Char¬ leston and Savannah Railroad Company, &c. A bill to incorporate The Georgia Insurance Company, and A bill to alter and amend the act incorporating tne town 'of LincOlnton, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and for other purposes. The following bills of the House were read the second time and committed for the third reading, to-\Vit : Abillto amend an act entitled an act authorizing the arrest by the Marshall of the village of Sparta, without warrant and the confinement in the common jail of the county of Hancock, of all persons violating the laws passed by the Commission¬ ers of said village against drunkenness, and, other gross im- MONDAY, "30 VEMBHR 2STii, 1859, 207 moralities in said village, and for other purposes, assented to, Dec. 11th, 1S58. Alain for the relief o¥ Jabez M. White, of the county of Hancock. * . A hill for the relief of Wm. M. Pyron, of the county of "Fayette. ' ( A hill to incorporate the Macon Guards, to' authorize the Governor to furnis them with arms land ■ accoutrements, and to grant certain immunities and privileges to the same. ♦ A bill "to incorporate the Mutural Building and Loan As¬ sociation of Columbus. A bill to allow persons to make a return of fheir taxable ^property to the Clerk of the Superior Court in certain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to incorporate the Hancock Van Guard and the Hancock Troop of Cavalry Volunteer Companies in the county of Hancock, to confer certain privileges on the same and provide a fund for their support. A bill for the relief of John T. Martin of the county of Hancock. ( ' A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Rabun county t,o •levy an ektfra tax, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Jackson Artillery of the qj-ty of Macon, and to authorize the Governor to furnish ,them* with suitable arms and accoutrements, and to* grant certain im¬ munities §,nd privileges to the members of the same. ,A hill to consolidate the Offices of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Quitman county. , » A bill to appropriate a sum of money to improve the nav¬ igation of the Oconee and Ocmuffiee Rivers in this State. , O O A hill to authorize the Inferior Court of Sumter county to levy an extra ta& for county purposes. A bill for the relief of D. M. & G. W. Smith and their se- ■ curities, and for other purposes. A bill to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors in the county of Stewart, and for other purposes. • A bilf to incorporate the Georgia' Hussars, a "Volunteer Corps of Savannah. A bill to amend, the incorporation of the Savannah Volun¬ teer Guards of the city of Savannah. A bill repealing an act fixing the hours of labor in facto¬ ries, &c. A bill to consolidate the Offices of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the The county of Schley, and to re¬ duce the bond of the Sheriff of the county of Schley. A hill to donate to the county of Taylor one thousand dollars out of the State tax, for the year 1859, and for other purposes therein named, < A hill to amend an act to regulate toll bridges, ferries and 208 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE turnpike roads, approved Pec. 22d, 1S0S,, and. to presenile certain penalties for violation of said act. A bill to ineorporate " Tlie Upson^ puards/' A A bill to change- the tirhes of holding the Couits m Up. son' . t> • A, bill tp prescribe the time in, which the public Fi niter shall furnish the Journal of the Legislature, and for other purposes, , A JaiJ.1 to appropriate money for the relief ot Margaret Haahn and Wm. Grover, Trustee for Edward GrOver. A bill to alter and* change the time, of holding the Supe¬ rior and Inferior Courts ot the county of Walker, and the Superior Courts- of the county ofJDade;, and A bill to amend the charter or the JMcBeene Company, graitted' February 11th, 18-50. The bill to alter the law in relation to shows, so far hs the county of# Walker is affected thereby, was read the second »timfeiand,ordered to be-engrossed. The bill for the relief of the heirs of David McCullough, was lead the second time and referred to a special commit¬ tee consisting of Messrs. Holden, Lewis of' Hancock, Smith of Towns, Gibs oil of Eichmond and McWhorter of Greene. The bill to appropriate money for the purchase of arms for the use of the Volunteer Companies of this State, was .read the .secpnd time and referred to* the committee on Mili¬ tary Affairs* The following bills were read the Second time aud referred to the committee on New Counties, to-wit: # A bill to define the lines between the counties of Lumpkin and White, and to attach a portion of Lumpkin county the county «of White. * A bill to establish the line between the counties of Mont¬ gomery and Tattnall, and A bill to change the line between the counties of Gwit- nett and DeKalb. The bill to enable Executors and Administrators cm their own individual account to bid for aud purchase property of the estates they represent at public sales thereof, and for oth¬ er purposes, and A, bill to take testimony by interrogatories in all civil cas¬ es, were,repd the second time and referred to the Judiciary Compiittee. The bill of the Senate to authorize the Ordinary of Hab¬ ersham county, to grant letters of Guardianship on the Es¬ tate of Susan L. Hackett was op motion taken up, and, read the first tim Ok v Mr. Dixon, reported A bill which was read the first time to regulate the Manu¬ factories pf this State. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1859. 209 Mr. Lagsdale, reported A bill to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb county, to pay over to William A. Stansell, the sum of three 'hundred and forty eight dollars, for teaching poor children in said county. The House adjourned until 9£ o'clock, A. M., to-morrow. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 29th 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Prescott of Screven the rules were sus¬ pended, and the House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to .authorize the Administrators of the Estate of JameS Young, Sr., to sell the property of said Estate and to make titles to the same. The report was agreed to, and the bill read a third time and passed. The Clerk was directed to transmit the same to the Sen¬ ate without delay. , Messrs. Cook of Early and Henderson of Newton were added to the committee on the Lunatic Asylum, and leave of absence for to-day was granted to said committee. Mr. llorsley was added to the committee on the Judici¬ ary. . ( The House on motion took up the Senate resolution in relation to the appointment of a joint committee to examine into the condition of business in both Houses, and report the best means of facilitating the business, so as if possible to complete the same by the 10th Dec. The same was concurred in and the committee appointed by the Speaker, consists of Messrs. Terrell, Fannin of Morgan David, Lewis of Greene and Colvard. The, House took up the report, of ,the Committee on the bill to lead the bonds of the State to Mark A. Cooper. Mr. Lewis of Hancock, offered the following amendments to the same, which were received, to-wit: In the 1st section strike out" five" and insert " ten" in the game section after the word money, insert the words " prin¬ cipal and interest into the Treasury of the State, twenty days 1/'fore the several payments shall be home due After the words " Etowah to" insert "or near," and after, the words "in this State" insert "to be completed in three years fro n and after the*first day of July next." Mr. Lewis of Greene, proposed to amend by adding after the words "above mentioned property" the words " an.d up- 14 210 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. on the remaining portion of said road to be completed as contemplated by this act." The saftie was received. . Mr. Lewis of Hancock, offered the following, which was received as additional to the first section, to-wit: "It is herein provided that in case the said obligors shall fail to provide-for the payment of the State s bonds, or the interest on them or either of them as required by their obli¬ gation to be given as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor of the State to cause the Comptroller, to issue Execution ninety days thereafter against^the property so Mortgaged, for the sum then due as in case of judgments on foreclosure, and have the property levied on and advertised for ninety days to be sold in the county where the land lies, by the Sheriff of said county, who shall on the day of sale sell the same or so much thereof as will pay what may then be dqe, unless the same shall be paid at or before the said sale day.," The report as amended was agreed to, when on motion of Mr. Lester, the same wTas postponed until Thursday next. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to incorporate " The Georgia Insurance Company." The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third tirtie and passed. The House took up the^report of the committee on thq bill of the Senate', to amend an act entitled an act to alter and amend the rbads laws of this State, so far as relates to the eounty of Whyne, assented to, December 22d, 1S5T. The repbrt was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and pgssed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the House, to change the name of the Southern Cen¬ tral Agricultural Society," and to incorporate the Planters Club Of Hancock county. . The report was agreed to, and the bill read the third time and passed. The» House took up f he report of the Commiftee on the bill of the House, to authorize the Mayor of the city of St Marys, to hold special Courts for summary trials in certain cases. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Campbell his Secretary, to-tffit: Mr. Speaker :-"The GbVernor has signed the bill to relieve certain persons m Mcintosh county, from Jury duty. The House took up the repbrt of the committee on the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1S59. £ll 41 bill of the House, to change the time of holding the Supe¬ rior Courts of the county of Effingham. \ The Report'was agrped to, the bill wa& read the third time and passed. | The House took up the report of fhe Committee ou the •bill of the House, to amend an act entitled an act to incor¬ porate " The Orphans'Home of the Protestant Episcopal ilOhurch in Chatham county. i, The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third I time aild passed. The House took up the report of the committee 9n the mbill of the House, to amend the charter of the American ](Atlantic Screw Steamship Company, granted 19th Decem¬ ber, 185(?, and to allow an increase of the capital stock of said .(Company. hl The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. • t The House tOok up the report pf the committee on the [fJbill of House, to incorporate Gordon Grove No. 1, ijnited ^Aucient Order gf Druids, located in the city of Savan-» ]fflilah. The report was agreed to", the bill was read-the third time j, and passed. # The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the House, to incorporate Claytoif High School, and II for other purposes therein- named. t ' 'The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time »Ud passed. The House took up the bill' of ^fche House, to amencj.- an "act entitled an*act authorizing the arrest by the Marshal of the village of Sparta without warrant and the confinement )l!m the common jail of the county of Hanqock, of all persons 1 ^'violating the laws* passed by the commissioners of s,aid vil¬ lage against drunkenness and other gross and immoral con¬ duct in said village, and for other purposes, assented to, Dec. tkllth, 1858. The,report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time i®1' and passed. o'S The House took up the report of the Committee on the itfUbill of the House, to consolidate the Offices of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the cgunty of Quitman. > Jtii The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the House, to incorporate the Hancock Van Guards and the Hancock Troop of Cavalry, Volunteer 'Compames in .•j the county of Hancock, to confer certain privileges on the same, and to provide a fund for their support. j The same was so afnended on motion of Mr, Daniel b, Esq., *be referred tq the committee on the Judiciary, whose duty it shall be fo examine tbeir work on the Code of Georgia, in which they are engaged, and report thereon to this House. The resolution authorizing the Governor to furnish cer¬ tain bookd to Clinch county, was taken up read and agreed to. The House then adjourned until 9£ o'clock, A, if, to-morrow. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. ijVIr. Lester of Cobb, moved to reeonsider so much qf the Jpurnar of yesterday, as relates to the action of the House, making the Bill to aid thb citizehs of the State of Georgia in the construction of Rail Roads, &c.„ the special order of J uesqay next. Upon this motion the yeas and nays were* required to be recorded. There are yeas {74, there are nays 80, WEPHEgDlY, NOVEMBER 30Tb, 1859. 219 Those who voted in the affirtnative are Messrs: Allan, Harris. Anderson, Henderson of Baugth, Worth, Brown of Houston, Herrfngton, Broyles, Hockenhull, Bruton of Forsyth, Hogans, Cason, Gopk, David, D^Lamar, Dixon, Earle, Ecjhols, E^mondson, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon^ Fain of Union, Fleming, Fortner, Gay, Glass, Graham Greene of Cobb, Hardin, Harder of Henry, Holland, Holmes, McRea, Nobles, Pafks, Patriclj,, Paiton, Pritee. Ragsaale, Register Howell of Lowndes,Reeder, Howell of Milton, Rhodes, Hutchins, Johnson, Jioiner, Jones of Mitchell, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Knox, Lewis of Hancock Lester, Lockett, Mays, Richards, Sharpe, f Smith of Hall, Smith of Towns, Sockwell, Sweat, Tatum, Taylor, Tjbmslier, Turner, Underwood* McDonald of Lnmp-tyesfy kin. | WilliarSs of Clinch, McDonald of Mur- Wofford, ray, Worley, McEver, Young, Those who voted in tho negative are Messrs: Alexander. Barksdale, Blakey, Bivins, Brantley, Brinson, Brown of Sumter, Brewton df,Tatt¬ nall, Causey, Clark of Elbert, Clark of Monroe, Oock, Colvard, Coleman, Conley, Danjel, Eberhprt, Fhnnin of Morgan,' Horseley, Fannin of Troup, Hurst, Farnell, Kelly, Finney, Key, Gibson of Rich- KnowleS, mond, Lewis of Greene? Gibson of Warren, Lofton,* Goodman, Lumpkin, Grovensteine, Lumsden, Darkness, Martin, Harper of Sumter, McCants, Hartridge, McComb, Heath, M cGrary, Henders'on of Hen-McGar, ry, McLendon, Henderson of New^McWhorter, ton. Mitchell, Holden, Morris, Holloition, Ncfrwood# Hopkins, Perry, Pilcher, Pitts,, 220 JOURNAL OT THE HOUSE. Prescott, Render, Rozier, Scott, Screven, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of1 Bryan, Smith of Twiggs, Solomons, Stewart, Strickland, Tapley, Terrell, Tuggle, Vaughn, Walton, Ware, Whaley, Whittle, Wicker; Wilson, So the,motion did not prevail. Mr. Mintz of Jackson, stated that he had paired off with Mr. Delony, upon this Bill, and that therefore he did not vote in*the affirmative. Leave of absence was granted tp Mr. Hicks of Crawford for a Jew days, on special business. The House took up the^report of the committee on the Bill, for the pardon of William A. Choice, of the county of Fulton, now*under the sentence of death, for the crime of murder. , The report was agreed to, the bill was. read the third time, and on thd question of its passage, the yeas and nays wCre required to be recorded. There#are yeas 71. There are nays 68. Those whty voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, Hartridge, Mintz, Allen, Heath, Morris, Anderson, Henderson of WorthNphles, Bivrhs, Herrington, Patton, Brantley, Holden, Pilcher, Brinson, Hollomon, Pitts, Brown of Houston,Holmes, Prescott, Brown of Sumter, Hopkins, Rhodes, Horsley, Bmwton of Tatt- nail, Clarke of Elbprt, Cock, Coleman, DeLamar, Ely, Fain of Gordon, Fannin* bf Trohp, Farhell, Fortner, Gibson 6f Rich- Screven, Howell of Lowndes,Smith of Towns, Hutchihs, Solomons, Irwin, Spray berry, Keeling, Strickland, Key, Sweat, Knowles, Tatum, Knox, Taylor, Lewis of Greene, Terrell, LevH^ of Hancock, Turner, Lofton, Walton, Lumsden, Whaley. Mays, Wicker, Williams of Musco¬ gee, mond*, Gibson of Warren, McCants, Grovensteine, McComb, Hardin, McCrary, Harper of Sumter, McDonald of Lnm'n Young, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30m 1859. 221 Those who vot^d in the negative are Messrs : Barksdale, Bapgh, Blakey, Broyles, Brewton, of For¬ syth, Caukey, Clafck of Monroe, Colvard, Daiiipl, David, Dixon, Earle, Ebeiihart, Fain of Gilmer, Fain pf Union, Fannin of Morgan, Fleming, Finney, Glass, •Goodman, G?een of Co*bb, Harkness, Harper of Henry, Henderson of Flen-Perry, ry, Ragsdale, Henderson of New-Register, Jon, feeder* Hockenhnll, Rozier, Hogans, J^cott, Holland, Belmanj Howell of Milton, Settle, llurst, Johnson, Jones of Rabun, Kelly, Lockett, Lumpkin, Martin, Sims, Smith, of Bfyan, Smith of HsjdJ, Smith, of Twiggs, SOckwell, Stewart, Tapley, McDonald of Mur- Thrasher, ray, McEver, McOar, McLendon, Mitchell, Norwood, Parks, Patrick, Tuggle, Underwood, Vayghn, Ware, West, Whittle, Wilson, Worley, Mr Cook of Early stated that he had paired oif with an absent member, and therefore did npt vote. So the Bill \vas passed. 4 The same was on motion transmitted by the Clprk to the Senate. The following message was received from the Senat|hby Mr. West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following; Bills, of the House of Representatives, to wit ? A Bill to b'e entitled an Act, for the relief of Virginia Louisia HoWell, of county of Hancock. Also, A Bill to, be entitled- an Act for the relief of the securi¬ ties upon the bonds* of substituted trustees, aftd for ether purposes therein named. Also> A Bill tp be entitled an Act, for the- purpo'se Of changing the times t>f holding the Inferior Court of Terrell county." Also A Bill to be entitled ap Apt, fro amend an^ct passed W the General Assembly, for the year eighteen, hundred, and fifty seven, granting pertain privileges to the Grriffip. Light 222 JfctTBNAL OP THE HOUSE. Guards, of the city of Grjffih, Spaudding county1, assented to Dec. 22nd, 1857. Also, . A Bill to be entitled an Act to amend -an Act to*mcorpo¬ rate the tovtii of Fort Valley, in the County oi Houston* and to provid,e for the election of Commissioners for the same, approved March 3rd, 1856. Also, A*Bill to be entitled an Act to amend an Act, •entitled an Act, to incorporate the Columbus Saving and Mutual Loan Association, approved March 1st, 1856. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act to repeal an Act to regulate the Tavern Licence in this State, approved DeA 15th, 1809, so far as the same relates to the County of Wilcox. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act, for the relief of John F, Jackson, and ofhelr persons therein pientioned. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act. to authorize the Inferior Court af Richmond county, to levy a Tax, for certain pur¬ poses. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act, to amend, the (Charter 6f the South Western Rail Road Company, and* to authorize an in¬ crease of the Capital Stock of said Company. Also, A Bill to be entititled an Act, to reduce the Sheriffs Bond in the county of Whitp. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act, to incorporate the Lucy Cobb Institute, for the education of young ladies, in the town of Athens. Also, * A Bill to bp entitled an Act, to compensate the Gfancl and Petit Hirers, of the county of Dade, and td authorize the levying of a Tax for f&6 same. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act, to alter and amend the road laws of this State, so far as relates the County of Harris. Also, A Bill to be Entitled An Act, to give the Receiver of tax returns, of the co.unty of Chatham, certain commission^. Ala* _ A Bill to be entitled an Act, for the relief of J. C. Smifh, formerly of Fayette, now of Clayton County. Als6, # A Bill to be entitled an Act* to consolidate the offices of Tax Collector and Receiver, <}f the County Of Irwin- They have also passed thp following hills of the "House of Representatives* with amendments, in which they ask the concurrence of tlie House, to wit : A Bill to be entitled an Actvto protect and eocou.iagpthfe erection of artificial fish ponds, and to make any trespass on Hie Sarhe penal, and for other purposes. Also? A Bill tt) be entitled an Act, to incorporate the town of Hawkifipville, in the county of Pulaski, to Appoint Oomv missioners for the. same, and to confer certain poWets upon said Commissioners. Alsq, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1859. 22$ ^ A Bill to b^ entitled an Aet, to* incorporate the Bain- >ridge? and Florida Rail Road Cpmpany. ^ fThe Senfrt^ bate concuiVed in tub following Resolutions 4>f the House of Representatives : i| A Resolution requesting our Senators and Representa¬ tives in Corigtess^i to restprethe mail line between Jackson- Uville«and Sugar Creek, in ^Telfair county, ii lliey have also concurred i,n the Resolution apppinting a Committee to ascertain what additional furniture *is needed {i|.n tlie Executive Mansion, and have appointed Messrs, feil- tjlups, Gartrell, and Jordan, as that Committee on the part Jpf the Senate. in The following communication, directed to the Speaker, i: was pn motion, taken up, read, and referteddo the Commit¬ tee on Military Aaffairs ; to-wit: I The Committee appoipfed by the Convention of Volun¬ teer Officers, of the State of Georgia, to *rfeport sqch mat¬ ters as may be advisable for the Convention, dnd to whom j was referred sundry propositions, laid before the meeting, beg leave to report: j That they have?considered and consulted upon the mat¬ ters refered, and as the result of their deliberations, they rrecotrimend to the Convention; the .following resolutions: 1 lsiy Resolted, That this Convention recommend to the* General Assembly of Georgia, to pass an Abl appropriating ^ a sufficient sffm to purchase *arpjs, accoutrements,,, and full equipments to supply the Military*force of the State, 1 2nd, Resolved, That the Convention also earnestly recom¬ mend tq the General Assembly, the irhmedia$e establish- "mentof a State Armory, for the manufacture and repair "of snlall'arms, and artillery. 3rd, Resolved, That this Convention recommend the 'Georgia Miliary Institute, to the fostering care of the 'State, land further recommend such changes jn the laws now governing it, as may increase its efficiency ? aS^d insure its discipline. 4th, Resolved, That this Convention "recommend to the General Assembly, the appointment, &t> this Session, of a, Coinmissidn, to consist of dive competent officers, ydipse duty it shal], be fo prepare a Military Code, and report thq saihe at the next opening of the Legislature. The above report having ]beeii taken up, discussed, and Unanimously agreed to, on motion of Captain BartoW, thd President'.qf the Convention \yqs requested tcf report the sajne to both branches of the General Asspnfyly, Respectfully, . B. Q. HANLIETEtt, ( Sectf„ KOBEET (JBAHT, I Milledgeville, Nov. 29th,1,859. 224 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE- The House took up the repprt of the Commit,tee on % Bill of thelfousC, to lay out and organize a pew county out of the counties of Newton, DoKalb, Henry, ancq Gwi* nptt, &c. The same was amended. The report, as amended, was agreed to, when op motion of Mr. Strickland of Madison, the same yyas indefinitely postponed. r The House went into a Committee ot the W hole, $i. McWhorter, in the Chair, pn the Bill to compensate Win. T. Williamson, for services rendered the State of Georgia, in 1851, h&d 1852. After some time spent therein, the Committee rose, aid through ^their Chairman, reported the same hack to the House without amendment, The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time and passed*. The House adjoilrned until 3 o'clock, P.. M THREE O'CLOCK, J\ M- The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following hills of the House, were read the second time and committed for a third reading, to wit. A hill to incorporate the Baptist Church, at the head of Tennessee, in the county of Rabun. » A bill to change the! lines between the counties of Sumter find Webster. A bill t6 exempt from jury duty certain Firemen ahdfp® other purposes. A bill to amend the patrol laws of this State. A bill to change t^e time of "holding the Inferior Court of the county of Rudolph. A bill to change the line betweeh the coupties of Ran¬ dolph and Quitman^ and* for other purposes. A "bill to change the corporate limits of the city of Amer- jcus, &Cv ^ A bill to charter the Central Insurance company of Georj* gia, and to confer on said com pap y eertain rights, pop"pr? and privileged, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Georgia JBaptist Bible and Col¬ porteur Society. * r A hill t© alter and amend the several acts in relation to the Bibb county Acatjehiy, and to change the name of the samq. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1859. 225 A J)ill for the relief of M.-C. Goh&Win of t,hb county 6f Pjke. AbMl for the relief of John J. Drawdy and Daniel N. Drawdy, of Bertien county, securities of Daniel Drawdy, Sr. A bilf to authorize the Mayor and Gouncil of the city of Macon, to lease a portion of the public? Reserve lying below said city, t® foe u^ed as a brick yard, and for other purppses therein mentioned. # A bill to compensate Dr. Eugene F. Colzy, for medical serviced rendered to the citizehs .of Oglethorpe, during the prevalence of jSmMl Pox, in -said city. A bill to compensate Dt. Benjamiri F. Newsom, of the county of Macon, for medical services rendered to the citi¬ zens of Macop and Taylor counties, during the prevalence of Small* Pox in said counties. A bill to amend an ac| entitled,an act to .amend the roacL laws of this State, so> far as relates to the county of Chero¬ kee. A bill to prescribe thp sum that sh^ll be paid for a license to Retail Spirituous liquors in this State. A bill to alter and amend gn act, passed on the 22nd, Dec. 1857, entitled an act to epcOurage persons making \ti|ls, to provide a permanent fhpd for the collegiate prepar¬ ation and, education of indigent bbys ahd vpung men. A bill for the relief of George W. Douglass1. A bill to incbrporte the toym of Fort Gaines, and* for pth- er purposes. A hill to amend the charter of Greensboro. • A hill to amend an act entitled an act to protect religious socfotiefe in the exercise of their religious duties. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Campbell county to pay A„ B. McCool, his poor sychoOl account, for the year 1858. A hill, to alter and aiqen.d an act passed on the 2pnE HOUSE, The 1*11 foiniie relief ftf the Executtfrs of James*-Goiflok late of the < ounty of Clarke, was referred to the fcommit- tee*oq Fiuauce. \ # , TLq bill < to ' incorporate the Owl Town ahd Coosa Creek Mining company, ancf for other purposes therein mention¬ ed. A?h1, < • -fjil? to exempt practising .Physicians of,the county of Appling from jury duty, were read the *^econd*tiine abd ordered to be engrossed.* # . \ The bill ho* repeal the 1st, '2nd and 3rd, sections of an ac't to prescribe certain rules and regulations to be observed by the several Paul road companies in rutmning engintes upctn their respective tracks, and annex a peiialty for the viola¬ tion of the same, approved January 22d, 18-52, and to sub¬ stitute t wo sections in lied of said second and thi^cT sections; was referred to the committee on Agriculture, and Internal Improvement. • • The hill to amend an act entitled an acttto provide for the,education of the .children of this* State, between certain ages* and to provide annual an sinking fund forthe extinguish¬ ment of the Public debt &c, so far as relates to the county of Mum, wa,s« re^id the *sefond time, "and rql§i!ed to the Committee oil public Eduoalion. * The bill to §x tpe pay of the Guard1 of the*Penitenliaty for the future, &c., whs re^'d tpe second time, ancl referred to *tli* conmiittee#tm the Penitentiary. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West, their Secretary. Jlr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following bill, • to wit; • 4 ' h * • » bill to be entitled an act, tp change and fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the counties of Heard, Oar- * toll, Campbell, Paulding and Flqyd,,and to change the timer' of holding the Inferior Courts in-the county*of Heard and tcf add .the county of Patilding to the Tallapoosa Circuit. 'Thpy have also^agreed to ar Resolution, requesting Our$en- aijors and Representatives in Congress, to use their "influence tQ procure, a weekly one horse m'ail line tioin Spring Place or other fnost Convenient place, to a place known as the ball groufid, in the Ball Ground Militia District, of said-county.' Also a Resolution re(|uestipg, our Senators' anHd Jtepresen- tatives to use their effort's to have the mail, service in Geor¬ gia put in operation. I Also a resolution requesting* our Sena^qrs aild Represen¬ tatives in Congress to '.have a tri-Veekly mail jrbutb estab- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30tn, 1§59. 227 fished from Harmon^ Grove,, in. Jalokson county to UlarkeS- ville, in HajbershaA. county. Also, a resolution (requesting the establishment of a daily inaii routp^ fipm W&resboro to Trotipville, and to re-estab¬ lish the mail rohte fr6m Waresborp to Holmervifle. ' i Also a resolution to *havb a weekly fnhil route establish¬ ed from Blackshear, in'Pierce county to Douglass! iit QoffeO couhty, Also a. resolution f£ate Geologist? and to prescribe fiiis duties. A bill to authorize the Qrdmary-pf Hepry*cpunty to pay to ¥m. W. Campbell, tuition for poor children. A bill td aftienfi an act to authorize th$ |ustice$ o^the In¬ ferior court of Pickens county to levy and collect an extra tax for the .pufpose of paying the counfy *debt, created by the building of the Oo'urt HouSe In said county, assefited to 11th Dec. 1858. A bill to prevent and punish free and slaves for keeping eating tables, and front living separate afid apa*rt from their •owryers, hirers^ of guardians^ br oth,er places, of traffic, or trading in flite town "of Crawfordville, in, fhis State? and, for other purposes, andtto prescribe punishment for thte same. A bill to incorporate the Calhoun and Efijay Turnpike company, and to confer pertain powers and privileges on the sam& 230 JOURNAL OF THE* H0U$E Ajbill ho protect the property of persons awm»ri$ stuttis adjoining the1 town of Athens, A bill to incorporate a Volunteer military company m, the town of Jfott* Gaines, and to confer upon it certam privileges. . A bill to require jiilors of the -several counties oi this Stafe to qdvertisq runaway slavey in one of the public Ga¬ zettes published at Milledgeville in certaki,casesr jAibrfl fp change the numje and style of the Mechanics' Savings |Rank, &c. A bill,to incorporate a Volpnte^r corps/rf qrhfleryipthe toWn hi? Athens, and to grant unto it certain privileges. A bill to amend the fifth section of an ^ctr pasgpd on the 27th January,*!852, entitled an act more effectually to pre¬ vent frgud in elections in this State, ahch to detect an^ pun¬ ish the sanlp. A bill to cbnfer additioiiaj powers qjaon the Justice^ of the- Inferior Courts of the several counties of this Stab1, and for pther pnrppses. A bill to authorize the Chairman and commissioners of the town of Louisville to tax free pet-sons of color, retailers of spirituous liquors, Billiard Tables,. Tenpili Allies fShoy- men, itinerant trader's, hawkers, peddlers, Ac., and to im¬ pose an extra tax upon tli,e citizens of the tc»wn,,and fer oth- cfr purposes. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Board of Trustees of the Mount Vernqp Association of Baptists Churches appointed by the said Association, for the govern¬ ment of the Mount VernoA Institute, at the village "of Bid- die ville, in Washington cpUnty in this State to confer on sgid Board certain privileges, to incorporate said tillage of Eiddleville, arid for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Qiiitman Gtiards, and for .other purposes therein mentioned. A bill 1;cf alter and amend jthe incorporation of the vil¬ lage of Chickasawhatclice, hi «form,efly Lee*, noiv Terrell county. .4 ]?il5, ho incorporate the Union Male and* Female Acade¬ my, irf the eoAmty of Greene, and to appoint Trristqes for the ^anie, and for other purposes. A bill tq pl-ovide how tines and forfeitures in criminal gas¬ es shall be received and disposed of, and for other purposes "therein mentioned. A bill toaqtWize the Ordinaries of the State to impbse administration of unrepresented estate^ upon tlig Cky-k of the Superior c<>i\rt, without requiring "additional bond, vtfien no oonrpetegt person, will take such administrafion. A bill to change the name of the Southern Central Agri¬ cultural Society, and to appropriate money iso the reform MedicaJ Coljege at Macpif, Georgia. WEBMSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1830. 231 A bill to allow free persons of color in tjiL* State, to go into voluntary-slavery, .or compel theifi to 1< are ibe ^tate, and for other purposes therein- mentioned. A bill to alter and amend the Sheriffs fees A certain cases so Tar as relates to the county,of Cass. A bifl'to incorporate the Cherokee manufaciming coril- pany, located in Cherokee cpunty, Georgia, •• iieen given at'the Court House door of said County, a^ re¬ quired by law. The rOport .was agaeed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed- ( The House took up the report of the Committee on the Bill of'the Ssnatepto Alter and amend the Act inco: pwttin-f the town of Li-noolntOn, and the several Afcts Amehdfitory theteof, to Odrifier Additional powers ©n the Commissioners THURSDAY, DECEMBER J.&T, 1859. 233 in relation Eb^aisitig rqveime, the preservation of goo$ or¬ der, the regulation of license for vending spirituous liquors, and prescribing the qualifications of vothrs, and for other purposes. The report w&8 agreed to, the bill was read thd "tlikd tihf^ ancf passed. * The amendments of the Senate to the Resqlution bf the^ Houses relative td furnishing certain books,- to the CQuftby officers in this State, were taken up apd concurred iffi The House then, on motion, adjpufned until 9 £ Q'clook A. M., to-morrow. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 18&~ The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Henderspn, of Yewton, moved to reconsider so mhch of the Journal yesterday, as relates to the rejection of the bill to lay oitt and organize a new county, put of the coun¬ ties of Newton, DeKalb, "Henry alid Gyunnett. Upon this motion the yeas and nays were requii^ed to be recorded. * There arc yeas 64 ; there are nays- 72. Thpse who voted «in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander 4Harkness, Perry Allen, Hartridge, Prescott, Anderson, Henderson, ofHen-*UriceH Bifens, ry, Bi;own of Houston, Henderson of Broyles, Cason, Clark, of Elbert, Coqk, C»olv^rd, Conley, Cook, Dixon, Earle, Eberhart, EgIioIs, Fain of €{-ilmer.f Fain 6f Gordon, Faitr pf Union, Fettner, Glass, GHbspirof W^rrem Bairick, Graham, Patten, Worthf 9 1 Hockenhull, Hdrseley, Hurst, Jojhqson, Kpeling Kelly, Key, Knox, Loster, Lofton, Register, Rpnder, Rhodps, Richards, Rozier, Sc|-eve?n, Smith of Towns,, Sprayberry, Stewart, Swe^t, Tatum, Taylor, Thfasher, McDonald of Mnr- Turner, r&y, Wicker, McJEVer, Willjams of Mu^co- Mitchell, gee, Parks, Wofford, Young, 236 JOURNAL OF fHE HOUSE, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Henderson of Hen- Barksdale, Baugh, ry. H^key, Herrington, Braptley, Holden, Rrow/i of* Sumter, (Hplland, IBfuton of Forsyth, 'Hollpman, Holmes, Hopkins, Jones of Mitchell, Jones of Rabun, Knowles, Lewis of Greene, Lumsdeh, Martin, Mays, McOants, MpComb, McCrairy, McDonald of Lump kin, McGar, McLendon? McRea of Sumter,McWhorter, Mintz, Causey % Clark of Monroe, Colenian, . Daniel, David, DeLamar, Ector, Fannin of Morgan, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Finney, Gay, Goodman, G/een of Cobb, Grovensteine, Hardin, Harper of Henry, Harpel* Nobles, Norwood, Rilcher, Ragsdale, Reeder, Scott, Settle, Sharpe, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, Smith of Twiggs, Sock well, Strickland, Tapley, Terrell, Toggle, -Underwood, "Walton, Ware, West, Whaley, Williams of Clinch, Wilson, So the motion to re-consider the same was lost. +Mr. West, of White, moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday, a,s relates^to the rejection of the Ml to change the line between the Counties of Lumpkin and l\hite, and to attach a part of Lumpkin to White. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Rroyles, of Whitfield, so milch of flic Jpurnal of yesterday was re-consjdered, as relates to thexe- jection of the bill to amend an act to change certain county lines therein mentioned, approved March 1st, 1856. The following message was received from the Senate, by i\fr. West, their Secretary. J/r. Speaker} The Sen'ate have passed a bill of the House of Representatives, to be entitled u An act to allow Nicho¬ las A. Long, of the State *of Florida, to obtain letters testa¬ mentary, according to the laws now of force in this State, upon the estate ot John Long, deceased, of Washington cOunty.'1'* „ With an amendment pi which they ask the concurrence of the House. THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 1st, 1859. 237 ft Mr. Dixon, from the committee on enrollment, reports'as luly enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate, md ready for the 'signature of the Speaker of the Honse )f Representatives, an act to amend an act entitled an dctto liter and amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as re- ates to the county of Wayne, assented to, Dec. 22nd, 1857. Also an act to pardon William A. Choice, of the county )f Fulton, now under sentence of death for the crime of nurder. Also an act to be entitled an act to incorporate the Geor¬ gia Insurance Company. „ lij On motion of Mr. Lewis, of Hancock, the Senate amend- jiinent to the bill of the House to allow Nicholas A. Long, of ithe State of Florida, to obtain letters testamentary, ac¬ cording to the laws now in force in this State, upon the es- , ate of John Long, deceased, of Washington county, was J, aken up an,d concurred in. The bill* to lend the bonds of the State of Georgia" to' Vl$rk A. Cooper, for purposes therein specified, which was he special order for to-day, was taken up. ol Mr. Lester proposed an amendment,, which, On motion of Mr. Screven; of Chatham, was referred, vith the bill,t and previously received 'amendments, to the jommittee on military affairs. II id The following message was received from the Senatte, by vlr. West, their, Secretary. t, Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed an, act for the re- ief of William P. Redwine, of the county* of Fayette, by a jiponstitutional majority, over the veto of Hjs Excellency the fjlovernor, by a vote of 96 yeas to 14 nays, g The House took up the report of the committee on the fill to lay out and organize a new county from the counties Franklin and Habersham. I The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time st,md lost. ji The House took up the report of the .committee on the I bill to lay out and organize a ne\V county out of the coun¬ ties of Walker and Chatham, and for other purposes, v The report of the majority of the committee on new jouaties, which was adverse in its character, was-disagreed ;|tO. I? Mr Lewis, of Hancock, moved the indefinite postpon¬ ement of the bill. |j; Upon this motion the yeas and nays were, by*Mr. Echols, jlof the county of Chattooga, required to be" recorded. ]> There are yeas 76. There are nays 63. 233 JGUfHJfAI, OP THE HOUSE, Thos&who voted in the affirmative are Messrs * Barksdale, Blakeyfc Brantley Samper o£ Sumter, McWhortpr, Heath, Minfz, Henderson of Hen-Mitchell^ BrOwn of Houston, ry, Brown of Sumter, Herringtom Krewton of Forsyth, H olden, Causey, Holland, Clarke of Monroe, flolloman, Cock, Coleman, Cohley, Cook, Dapiel, Davi^, Delamar, DJxon, .Eberhal't, Ector, Holme&, Hopkins, Horsley, Mprris, Norwood, Pilcher, jPitts, Prescott, Reeder, Render, RoziPr, Howell of Lowndes,Scott, Jonesdf Mitchell, Softie, Kelly, Sims, Knewles, Smith of Cofiee, Lewis of Greene, Smith of Half, Lewis of Hancock, Smith of Twiggs Lofton, Eannin of Morgan, Lupipkin, Fannip of Troup, Lumsden, Finney, Martin, Gay, Mays, Goodman, McCqpts, Grovenstein, McCrairy, Harkness, McGjar, Harper of Henry, McLendon, Strickland, Tuggle, Underwood., Walfon, T^re, Whaley, •Whittle, Wicker, Wilson, OD ] of Those vtho votfed ih the negative are Messrs: Alexander, Graham, McEver, Hafris, McRea, Henderson of New- Nobles, ton,$ Parks, Henderson of WprthPatton, Hockenhulf, 'Perry, Tatt- Howell of Milton, Price, Hurst, Hutchins, J ohnsbn, Joyner, Jones of Rabun, Keeling", Xey, Knox, Lester, McDpnald pf Ltimp-Stewnf t bin, Sweat, McDonald of Mur-Tapley, ray, Tatum, Allan, Baugh, Biyins, Brinson, Broyles, Brpwton nal, Oolvard Earle, Echols, Edmondson, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, Fain»of Un'ioy, Fortner Glass, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Ragsdale, Register, Rhodes, Richarjs, Sefman, Sharpe, Smith of Bryan, Sockwell, Sprayberry, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ls^ 1859. 239 Taylor, West, Woffaljd, Terrell, William? -of Clinch, Young, Thrashei*, Williams of Musco- Turner, gee, So tire bill was indefinitely,pt>stponedv TheTIouse went into bommitt^e Of ]blie Whole, Fap- n!%of Morgan iji the Chats, op the bill to appropriate $1,500 towards the building of a* bridge over Spring Creek, i,n Mil¬ ler ooifii^y, the same being a reconsidered bill. * After some time spent thbreyn, the committee arose, apd through theif Chairman reported the same back to fhe Hoitseuvithout amendment. " The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and* parsed. Mr. David, from the committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of fllte House of Representatives, An act to alter and amend the road laws of this'State, so fer as relates to the county df Harris. Aldo an act to amend the charter of the South Wester A Rail Road Company, and to authorize^ an "increase Of tlie capital stock of said Company, Also an act to repeal an act, entitled an act to amend an act, entitled an act to regulate the faverp license in this Stat^ approved Dec. 15th, 1809, so far as thesafne relates to the county of Wilcox. Also an act to amend an act passed by the General Assembly for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, granting certain powers aPd privileges to thp Gfiffih Light Guards, of th'e city of Griffin* Spaulding couuty, Georgia, assented to, Dec. 22nd, 1857. Also an act for tbe relief of J. C. Smith, formerly ©f Fay¬ ette, notv of Clayton county. Also an act to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors pf the county of l^ade, and to authorize a letting of a tax for the .same. Also an acj for the relief of Virginia Louisa Howell, of the county of Hancock. Also an ac^ to ameiict an act to incorporate thp tdwn of Fort Valley, m the bounty of Hohston, an'd to provide for the election of Commissioper.s for the same, Approved March i 3d, 1851. Also an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Columbus Savipg and Mptual Loan Association, approL ved March 1st, 1$56. Also an act for the purpose pf changing the time ®f hom¬ ing -the Inferior Courts of Terrell county^ 240 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Al^o an act lot the relfef of securities upon the bonds of substituted Trustees, and for other purposes therein named. Also an $ct for the relief of John F. Jackson, and other purposes therein nhmed. Also an act to consolidate the offices of Tax Collector atfd Tax Receiver, in the county of frwin. Also an act to incorporate the Lucy^ Cobb Institute, Tor the education? of young" lafdies, in the town of Athens. Also an act to entitle the »receiyer of tax returns, of the county Of Chatham, to a pommissiom on tho extraordinary tax levied by the Inferior Court1, of said county, for cofunty purposes. Also an act to authorize the Inferior Court of Richmond couftty to levy an extra tax for the erection of public*buildr ings. Also an act to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the counfy of White. Also a-resolution to request oUr members in Congress fo re-open certaih mail lines. Also> a resolution, appointing a committee t® ascertain, if any additional furniture is needed in the*Executive mansion. ML Ely, of Dougherty* offered1 the following Resolution, which*was taken«up, read, and agreed to, to wit: Resolved, That the special cpmmittee to who in was refer¬ red the bill entitled an act «to provide for the establishment of an armorer state, be requested tg act with the com¬ mittee on Military Affairs, so far as said bill is concerned. The House took up the bill to compel non-residents own¬ ing lands in this State, to giye in and pay tax for the same, in the coimty where the land lies, and for other purposes therein mentioned1. The same was made the special order for to-morrbjv, agd two hunch-fed copies were ordered to be1 printed for tlie uSe of the House. The House resolution relative to the printing of "fifteen hundred copies of the Comptroller General's Report, for the use of the members ofthe General Assembly was taken up, read, amended so as to provide for the application of the numbers now on hand tojsaid purpose, and agreed to as amend¬ ed* Leave of absence w^s granted Messrs. Gibson, of War¬ ren, find Brown, of Sumter, for a fq\V days bn special busi¬ ness. TJJie HoUsh adjourned until 3| o'clock, p. M. 3£ O'CLOCK, P, M. The Bpusqjnot pursuant to adjournment, The Hous® took up the rfeport pf $ie committed on* ihfc FHTJBS£>AY> kjECEMBER l§r, 1859. 241 "bill to apitod an act entitled an act to amend the Road Laws efthis State, so fat as relates to the connty of Chfero- kee. The same was amended. ^ ^he report afs amended was agreed to, the hill was rfead the tj^rd time and passed. The House took up the report-of the commit me on the hillftto amend an act entitled an act to charnge certain potm- ty lines therein mentioned, assented to, Match lsr, 1856. The Report was agreed,to, the bill waS read the third time and passed*. The House took up the Pepoft of" the commit me on the hill to titer and amend an act passed oh the 22ndff)ecem- bih, 1857, entitled an act to ""encourage ptrsOus making a will £o provide a permanent fund for the* collegiate prepara¬ tion apd education of indigent t>bys o»^oung men, The report \ya« agreed to, fhe bill »was read the third time and passed. fthe HOuse took up fhe report df the cominittee on the hill to authorize ^the ^fayor and pouncil of the city pf Macon ijp lease? a portion of the Public Reserye lying, below said city,- to hemmed a's a brick y^rcf and fpr ether purposes. The report v^as agreed to, the bill wds read the thiudtime and passed, The Hopse took up the report of the committee on the bill to exenfpt practising Physiciyhs, of the COuhty of Ap- piitig, and for other purposes from Jury duty. j The report wap agreed io, tfie bill* was read the- tliiiti time and passed. The House took tip the report df the cdmmittee <>n tpeibill to alter and. amend, the several actsln relation to Bibb coun¬ ty Academy, and to change the name of"the same, The report was agreed 'to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Tim Hopse took up the reporfi Of the committee an fhe bfll f(> incorporate the Gporgia Baptist Bible and Cplpor- teur Society, The report was agreed to, the bfll tvas yea*d thetlprd time and. parsed, Mr. Pavid, from the committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, and ready for fhe signature qf the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act td protect and ehcoprage the erection of artificial fish ponds* kqd to- make any trespass upon the same penal, and for other purposes. Also an act to allow Nichblas A« Long, of the State of Florida, to obtain letters testamentary adeorfimg to the laws now pf force in this Stafe, upon the estate fof John Long, deceased, of Washington county, AJso h yesofution to authorize thp Governor to Subscribe 16 242 JOURNAL, OF THE HOUSE. for copies of the Public Laws in pamphlet,form, of thp pres¬ ent sbSsibn. TJhe House took Up the report of the committee on the bill to authorize the Ordinary of Campbell county id pay AiP. MeCool, his pqpr school account for the year 185& The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House fotfk up the report of the committee oh fhebil to incorporate the Hoard bfi Trustees of the Mount VprnQn Association, of feaptist Churches appointed by safd AssOci- atiation for the government of the Mopnt, Vernon Instil tute, at the village of Riddfeville, in Washington county in this Stdte, tb Confer on saTd,board certain privileges* tq in¬ corporate said village of "Riddleyille, and for other purpo¬ ses. * 1 'The report was agreed to, the!1 pill was read the third time an,d passed. * Tlip House toqji up the report of the committee bp the bill to#chartes the Central Insurance Company, certain rights, powers and privileges, and for other jmrposes. The report was agreed to. The bill Was read thb third time and passecl. The House took up the report of tpe committee on the hill to amend the Charter of the city of Greensboro, and for other purposed. The report was agreed to, The *1)111 was read the third? time and passed. The House took up the report ©f the committee on the bill to prescribe the supi that shall be paid for a license to retail spirituous liquors in this State. *The report was agreed to, the bill yvas real! fhe third tiuri and passed. T1;q House took up the report of the committee on 1jhe bilitb incorporate a Volunteer corph of Infantry iprihh city of Greensboro. The -saipe was so hpiended as to incorporate a Volunteer corps in Covington, NeWton county, and in Monroe, in tli6 county of Walton. The aAiendeit report4was agreed to, the bill Was read ^ third time and passed. The HbuSe took up the report of the committee on the bill tor the^ relief of John J. Drawdy qnd, Daniel N. Drawr dy, pt pernon couiity, seenrfties of Daniel Drawdy, Su. The report was agreed to, thp bill was read the third time, and Ipst. The Hons6 t°°k VP the Report of the Committee on fhe hDl fo change thq corporate limits of the city of AmerieuS, so to cfpmge the resident^ of John J. Hudson therefrom and to exempt him from the payment of taxes tq said city^ The report was agreed to, the bill Wad read t^ie third tinie and passed. thursd ay,f December" 1st, 1349. 243 1 The House took up the report of the committee .on the bill to incqrporate Hie Owl ToWn and Coosa Creek Milling company, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The report was agreed fo, the bill was read the third time and passe^. The House took rip the report of the Committee on thte bill to amend an act to protect religious societies iri the exercise of their religious duties. * * t * The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. * t The House fook up,the report of, the committee on, the bill for. the relief of Mrs. Isabella Adams of the county of , Miarfay, The report was agreed to, wthe bill was read the third , time and passed. # ■ The House took up the jreport of the vcommitted 'on the j bill to incorporate the town of Fort G-aines, and for other ^purposesj. The report was agreed to. ^ The bill was read the third time and passed, The House .took up the report of the committee, on the jbill to alter and amend the road Laws of this State, so'far jjas »relates to the county of Lumpkin, * The report as was agreed to, the bill' was read the third jtime and passed. " , # The House took' up ,the report 'of the committee on- the bill to incorporate the QuitmEii GuaVd's, a"ndtfor other 'pur- '"poses therein named. ■ » ' , * The report was aineneed and agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. ® 'The House took up the report of the 'committee on the bill to authorize the Ordinary of Henry county to pay Wm' JW. Campbell tuition for poor children. !l" The report was agreed to. " , !? The bill was read the third time and passed. + „ 11 The House1 took up, '.the report of the .committee on the bill for the relief of practising Physicians, of Monroe couii- ^7- . The report was agreed to. |( The? bill was read the third time and p§s§ed. fll The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to amend an act entitled an act, to. authorize the Justices "bf the Inferior court'of Pickens county, to, levy and collect an extra tax for the purpose of paying the county debt cre¬ ated by building a Court House in said county, assented to Tlth Dec., 1858. ^ $ The report was agreed to, the bill was, read, the third time jand passed. . - • The 'bill to authorize the testimony of witnesses in all civil cases to be tried in the courts of this State, to be ta- 944 JOURNAL OF IHE'HOUSE, "ken byi interrogatories and to allow the answers thereto to he read in the case.1? for'which they are taken, and to provide against the fraudulent execution ©f the ,same^ was referred again io the Judiciary committee. Mr, Hartridgu with the unanimous consent of thc,Hous§ withdrew the pill for the relief of# Richard Scanlan of ctjunfy of Chatham* the Finance committee having unaai. mou^y reported against the same. The Senate hill fo change and fix the time of holding the ^Superior Courts in the counties of Heard, Cardpbew, Paujil- ing apd Floyd, and: the Inferior Courts* in the county of Heard, and to acid the county of Paulding to thd Tallapoosa CjlrOuit, was read the firsp time. Lfeave of absepce waS granted Mr. Earle of Franklin, for a few days on Special business* The House adjourned until H o'cloqk, A.M. to-morr other" pur¬ poses. Also, * A ' > • An act to alter and amend tjie act incorporating the town pf Liiicolnton, and the several acts amfendatofy thereof, to confer additional powers upon the commissioners in relqtfon to raising revenue,/he preservation of good order, the regu¬ lation of license of spirituous liquors, specifying the qukli-' fication of voters, and for other purposes. Also, * An act to constitute'and' declare Margaret* Marshall Bar¬ clay, the adopted daughter: pf Mary. M. Marshall, of the county of Chatham, the heir of the safd Mary M. Marshall,, and to enable her to inherit the property of the said Mary M. Marshall, and for other purposes. " h The House to.olpup the report of the committee 011 the bill to compel non-residents, pwning lands in the State of Gedrgia ,'to give in a'n'd pay tax for the same in the county where the land lies, and for other purposes therein mention¬ ed. • 1 , ' The Speaker decided the bill out of order frdmuthe fact that its subject matter had been jirevkiusly acted upon by the fiouse, during the present segsion. Two thirds of tfie- members consented to its being enter¬ tained. The same was offered as a substitute for the bill to eoih- pel non-residents owning lands in the county of Worth, to pay the tax on tile same ill said c-oimt'y. * Various amendments were offered when the bill and amendments were referred to a special'committee consisting of Messrs. Trice, Sulith of Towns, Gibson of Richmond, Lew- 246 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. is of Greene, Hilrtridge, Dixpn, Anderson df Bibb and Tug. &le- . 4 The Committee on Military Affairs to wh(pn A bill to bpndAke bonds of thin State to Mark A. -Cooper, &c., and* A bill for thf? establishment of an Armory .and Foupdry for ijhO manufacture of ordnance and small arms, &c., report as a substitute for fhe same. A bifl to provide for the purchase and manufacture of arms, for this State, and for other proposes therein men- tipried. Two hundred copies of the proposed substitute were1 or¬ dered, fo be printed fop the use of the House, and the same made the special order for to-morrbw. Mr. Ragsdale of DFKalk, presented the minority report of the committpe dn the Penitentiary, two hundred copies of wjiipli were ordered iq be prifatecf for "the use of the Home. The pome- took up the report of the committee on the bill ton amdnd the 2d section of an act entitled an act to provide against the fprfeiture pf the several Bank charters in this Spate, °d •hccoiutt of n(pa-specie? payment for a ^hven time, and for other purposes therein named, passed 22d Hecem- ber, 18S7. The same was amended by striking from the? 1st section, the "vydi'ds, " and Plaintiffs in Such cases shall be entitled to judgment at the first term of the Cburt. The amended report was agreed toj the bill was read the third time, and Upon tfie qpestion of its passage, *Mr. Gibson of Rich- Kfond, Required the yeas and nays to be recorded. There are jdas1 79. There al*e nays f9. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Barksdale, Delamat, Harkness, BauJ™h, Eberhart) HdndersbnofVvimtii Biyins, Ector, Herington, Brifisoo, Edmondson, Hopkenlnill, Hrowp op Houston, Ely, Holdqn, Broylys, Fain of Gilmer, Holland, C&son, Fain of Uipipn, Holmes, Cod?, Fannin, of Morgan, Hopkins^ Colvard, Fleming, Howell oBLpwudes, Coleman, Gt$T, Howell of Miiton, Conley, £5fraliam, Hurst, Cook, Greep of Cobb, Johnson, Cullens, Hfori in, Jo pes, bf hJitchpll, Daniel, Henderson of Nety- Jones of Rabun, David,, ton, Hppling, FRIDAY,- DECEMBER 2nd, 1S59. 247 Kelly, Knowles, Knox, Lewis of Greene, Lester, Lumdsen, Martin, Mays, McCant McCrairy, McDonald of Mur- fay, McEvet, McLendon,. McRea, McWhorter, Mintz, Mitchell, Morris, Nobles, Norwood, Parks, Perry, Price, Ragsdale; Register, Sharpe, Smith of Towns, Smith of Twiggs,* Smith of Coffee, Sock well Solomons, Stewart, Strickland, Tapley, Terreil, Turner, W are, 1 West. Wlialey, Wliittle, Wicker, W illian'is of Clinch, Worley. Youna, Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs Key,, Lewis of Hancock, McComb, McGar, Mullens, Patton, Pilcher, Richards, Scott, of Hen-Screven, Selman, Settle, Sims, 'Smith of Bryan, Smith of Hall, Sweat, Tatum, Taylor, Thrasher, Allan, Hartridge, Anderson, Heath, Blakey, Henderson Brantley, ry, Bfuton of Forsyth, Holloman, Clark of Monroe, Hutching, Cansey, Dixon, Echols, Fannin of Troup, Farnell, jfinney, Glass, , Gibson of RichmondPrescott, Goodman, Pitts, Grovensteine, Reeder, Harper of Henry,, Render, Harper of Sumter, Rhodes, So the bill was passed. The Hous6 took up the report of the committee on the bill to exempt certain property therein mentioned from levy and sale, and for other purposes therein specified. The same was repotted by the Judiciary committee as a substitute for several, bills relative to the subject matter of this, and after certain amendments was adopted. The report thereon was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mr. David, of the committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Tugglq, Underwood, Walton, Williams of Musco¬ gee, 248 JOURNAL OF THE#HOUSE. An act to incorporate tlie Bainbridge and Flchida Railroad Company, and to incorporate the Monticello Branch Rail¬ road Company. The Houpe took up the report of the committee op the bill for the relief of Andrew J'. Lovplady, of the county of Pickens, and for other purpose^. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. TJre several bills on the subject of free persons of color in this State, were made the special order for Monday next, and two hundred Copies of each ordered to be printed foi;tlie use of the House. The. bill to create a new Judicial Circuit, and to provide for the appointment and election of a Judge and Solicitor General thereof, was withdrawn by the unanimous consent of the House. The PJotise took up the report of the committee on the hill to empower the Superior Courts, to appoint petitioners to divide negroes apd other personal property, and to au- thorlzethe sale of the same. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and lost. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Knowles, Brantley and McGar, lor a few days on special business. The HoVise adjourned until 3 o'clock,, P. M. 3 O'CLOCK, P. M. Thd House nlet pursuant to adjournment. And went into the committee of the "Whole, Mr. Lewis bf Hancock, in the chair, on the bill for the relief of Francis Daniel Sheriff of the county of Dade. After some time speiit therein the committee rose and through thCir chairman reported, the same back to tfiaHouse without Amendment. The report was agreed to, the hill vqns read the third time and passed. The Ilquse took up the report of the committee on the bill for the tncourageineut of Volunteer Companies and the better organization of tlie Military force of this State. The counliittee om Military Affairs offered the following resolution as a substitute for the same, Which was adopted and agreed to, towvit: Resolved, That his Excellency the O-overiaor be and kb is hereby requested to appoint as early as practicable, a com- FRIDAY^ DECEMBER ®3sri>, 1659. 2^9 mission consisting of five competent persons whose duty it sba^l "bd to prepare a Military Odde^ arid report the same at the opening of the next session of the Legislature, The* House to up the report of the comm^ee for the relief of Joseph White, of the county of* Jackson. The report wfs pgreed to. The bill wa^ read the third tiipe and passed. The House tpoh up the Report of the committee on the bill to define c^rthin duties o,f the several Railroad Agents of this State* add for -other purposes therein mentioned. The report was agreed to, the bill was read) the th,irtl time and passed. The bill to exempt from levy and sale one negro, wak' on motion indefinitely postponed. The House took up the report of thp committee on the bill to change the liue between thefcounties of Irwin and Baker. ^he same was amended on motion of Mr. Pitts of Macon, as to change the line between the cofintie^ of Macon aiid Dooly. The report as amended was agreed to, the hill \yas read the third time knd parsed. The House took up the report of the Committee oil the bilfto protect the holders of bills of exchange or drains drawn* apd accepted on account of shipments or transfers of cotton and to punish those who fradulently violate their contracts of acceptance orjmisapply the cotton received hy "them or its proceeds. The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third time and passed. The House too k up the report of the committee on the bill fo prescribe the manner in which Judges shall give their charges to Juries. Tjhe report was agreed" to*, the bilk was read the third time £fcnd lost. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to authorize jihe InferioriCourt of Cobb county to' levy an extra tax, to builp a jail in said county, and for other pur¬ poses. The same was amended, the report as amended was agreed to, the bill vfas read the third time p,nd passed. The Hogsg took, up the report of »the copmittee* on the bill for the relief of Nehemigh Garrisoii, of Cherokee conn, ty. Th(j report was agreed to, the- pill was read the third time and lost. The House topk up the report of the committed on the bill to facilitate thd pnditipn of Judgments against Sheriffs ajid theii; securities, The report tras Agreed to, the hill was read the third 2fi® JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. time, @n the question of its 'passage, Mr. Faip of Union required the yeas and nays to be recorded. There are yeas 06. There are nays 34. Those* who *voted in the affirmative are Messrfe : Alexander, Holland, Perry, Anderson, Hopkins, Pilcher, Bdrksdale, Hdrsley, Prescott, Baugh,, ~ Howell of Lbwndes,Ragsdale, Broyles, Howell of Milton, Register^ BrutOp of Fprsythj'purst, Render, Rrewton »of Tatt-Johnson, Rhodes, nail, Jcmes of Mitchell, Richards, Cason, Kelly, Rozier, Clark, of Elbert, *Key, Scott, Clatk, of Monroe,' .Kpox, ^ Screven, Lewis of Hancock, Seiman, Colvard, ^ Colehipn, Lester, -Copley, Lofton, C ill lens, Lmppkin, Ddmel, Lurosden, David, Martin, DeLamar, Mays, Delony, McCants, Diion, MeConib,. Eberhart, McOrairy, EdmpndsPn, Ely, kin, Fain, of Cordon,, McEver, Fannin of "Morgan McLendop, Fannin of Troup, McRea, Fleming,' "Minks, Gray, Mitchell, Gld$s, Morris, Green of Cobb, Mullen^, Harris, Rorwood, Hartridge, Parks, Henderson of NeW-Patfick, toil, Those Mio vof;etJ in the negative are Messrs : Spttle, Sharpe, Sims, Smith, of Bryap, Solomons, Spraybefry, Stewart, Tatum, Taylor, McDonald ofLump-Thrrell, Thrasher, Turner, W alton, Ware, Whatey, "Whittle, Williams of Clinch Williams of Musco¬ gee. Worley, Blakpy, Causey, Cock, Rcjiois, RctOr, Fain Of Qihner, Fa|n of Urpiop, Finnby, GoOdmap, Grdfiam, Joy Per, Grov&nsteine, Topes^ of Rahun, Hardin, Jveeling, Harper of Henry, Mct)onah] of Mui'- Henderson o£ Hen- ray, ry> Nobles* Herplbrson pf WorthPatton, Holden, * Price, HoRopiap, Reeder, HBinAYte December 2ND, 1&59. 251 Smith pf Halt, Sockyell, Tapley, Smith of Towns, Strickland, Wofford, Smith of Twiggs, Sweat, Young, f So the bill was passed. The House took? up the reporf; the committee on the bill to repeal an pet entitled ah act to regulatq the testimo¬ ny of Attorhies at law, approved the 21st February, 1850. •The report \ya^ agreed to, the bill wait read the third time and lost. ■The kill to fix the compensation of Members, Officers and Clerks of the General Assembly "of the State of Georgia, was on inotion of Mr. Mintz of Jackson, indefinitely post¬ poned. The House took up the repott of fhp committee on the bill to declare certain words actionable, and for other pur¬ poses. # Thp report was agreed to, tlpe bill was read the third time and passed. The House took Up the report 01 the comnpittee on the bill to change the penalty prescribed in the 43d section of an act-entitled an ac^to prohibit the sale bf deadly weapons, and to proscribe the manner of carrying the samp, and to punish for the violatibn of thp same, and to repeal an act Entitled an ppt "to guard and protect the citizens of this State, agailist the unwarrantable and too prevalent use of deadly weapong, absented to, the 25th Hecember, 1837, approvecf 12th January, 18,52^, and for pthei; purposes. ' * The report was agreed to, the bill wa^ read the third time and on the question of Its passage,; the yeas and nays werP required to be recorded. There are yeas 91, there are nays 36 Alexander, Fain of Gilmer, , Henderson of Hen'y, Barksdalq, Fain of Gordon, Henderson ©f New- BaUgh, Fain of Union, • ton, , Hlakey, Fannin, of Morgan, Hondei^soh, of With, Bivinsv Fannin of Troup, Herriugton, Brinson, Fleming, Hbckenhull, Hrpwn of Houston,Finney, Hogan, Casoh, Gay, " HolJejp, Clark of Elbert, Gibs°U of Bich- Holland, Clark of Momxie, jnoud, Hopkips, Mullens* GrovepstPin,, Howell pf Lowndes, Daniel, fjarper of Henry, Ho Well of MiltOh, DeLarpah, Harper of Sumter, Hurst, Ubeijiarfi; Harris, Jdues of fthtchell, Eetorv Heath, Jones of Kabun, 252 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE- Keeling, Perry* Smith "of Coffee Kelly, Pilcher, Sockwell, Knox, !^itts, Sitewart, Lexy'is of Hancock, Prescott, Taylor, Lester, Price, Terrell., Lumpkin, Ragsdale, juggle, Lumsden, Register, "Walton, Mays, Reeder, Ware* MpCants, Redder, W est, MpCrahy, Rhodes!, Whaley, McEter, Richards* Whittle* McRea, Rozier, Williams of Clinch, McWhorter, JSoofcL Wilson, MmtZ* S elm an, WoKey, Ttyrrip, Settle, Young, Norwood* Sims, Those who voted* in the negative are Messrs i Allan, Hardin. Patrick, Broyles, Hartriage, Pa^ton, Bruton of Forsyth,Holloman, Screven, Brewtqii of Tatt- Holmes Sharpe, naif, Hprsley $mith of Bryan, Causey ^ Johnson, Sniith of Towns, Cock, Joyner, Smith of Twiggy Colvard Key, Solomons, Coleman, Lewis of Greene, Spi^yberjy, Conley, Lofton^ Strickland* Delony, Martin, Sweaty Dixop, McComk, Tattpn, Echols, McDonald of Lump-Thrasher, Edmondson, kin, Turner* Ely, McDonald of MurTJnderwoop, Fortner ray, Wicker Glas{5, McLendon, William^ of Mufecq- Goodman, Mitchell, gee, Graham, Mullens Wofford, Green of Cobb, Nobles, So the bill \Vaepassed. Tihe bill t© enab|c Executors and Administrators on their pwn individual aqcount, to bid for and1 purchase property of the estates they represent at public shies thereof", ahd fpr other purposes therein mentioned, was indefinitely post¬ poned- The House took up the report of the committee op the bill to pllow persons to make a return of,their taxable prop¬ erty to the Clerk of the Superior Cyurt in certain easefe, and for other purpuses therein mentioned. FKIDAt, DECEMBER 2Hv% 1359. 253 T^ie repQrt was agreed to, the bill was road the third time jpid passfed. Thk hill for the relief Of the Executors of Jaiiids Cop?ok of Clarke county^ was withdrawn froih the further considera¬ tion of*the House. Thus following message wak received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary : Mr. Speaker:—The Sedate Ms passed the following bills, A bill to bh entitled an act to repeal an act, to authorize the election of Marshal of the? town of Hewn an in Coweta county, approved Feb. 17th, 1^-54. „ Alsd a Tbill to be entitled am act for the relief1' of Wm. E>. Bigdori, of Oharlton county, and for other purposes. Afsoi a bit) tofc reduce? the Sheriffs bond in the corfnty of Irwin, and for Other purposes, ,Al^o a bill to change the lime between the eounties of Un¬ ion ancf Fanpin. Also; a hill, to be entitled an act to compensate the Sher-i iff of Franklin county for summoning (fraud and Petit Jri- rors of said county, and1 for other purposes. Also, a hill to he entitled^ an aet for the relief of John Farmer rind William ^toll, securities on the*appearance boild of Nekton Freeman of the pounty of Gilmer:' Also, a bill to be entitled an got for the relief of Heriry Hen- spn, and EliaS Eillpatrick of the county of Towns, Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize "Nicholas Grice of Merriwether county, an infirm an indigent person, to peddle without paying for the privilege of so doing. Also,, a bill to be Entitled an act to incorporate* the town pf Stateville in Echols clonnty, and to appoint Commissioners of fhe >same, arid for other purposes. Also, ia bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Adminis¬ trator of the Estate of the late Toliver Jopes, of the county of Harris, to sell all the lands belonging to the said Estate, lying in the counties of Harris, Muscogee, ancf Talbot, at the Corirt House in "the county of Harris. Also, a bill to he entitled an act to authorize William Ford of Mitchell county, looses W. Graham and Charles Find- lay of Meyriwefher cotmty arid Russell J. Powell of Frank¬ lin county* to peddle withdut lieerise. Also, a bill to be entitled an aat to incorporate the Cane Creek Hydraulic Hose Milling Company* of the county of Lumpkin^ Also, to incorporate fhe Etowah arid Battle Branch Hy¬ draulic Company, and for other purposes. Also* a bill to be entitled1 an act to authorize the consolida- tioh of the stock of the Milledgeville and Gordan Railroad 254 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Company, with ihe stock of the Central Railroad and Rant¬ ing Company of Georgia, and _ Also; to authorize "the consolidation of the stock of the Eat on toil BramOh Railroad* wifh the stock df the Central Railroad and Ranking Company of Georgia, and Also, to authorise aif increase of the capital stock Of the said Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and for other purposes. » ARq^' a Mlf tb be entitled an act to suspend a part of the 8th section of a,m act, to provide for the Education of the children of this State, between certain ages, and to provide all auhuat sinking fund, for the extinguishment of*the publie debtfor the^year 4859 so far as relates to the counties of Green anf Johnson P. Wellborn, of the Cdun- ty of Union. 17 25S JOURNAL Otf THE HOUSE, A BiR to authorize Wliitmill Home, of county ^ Bibb, to practice medicine, and charge and collect eoinpyu. SatiSnJbr the same. , u . A Bill to legalize the marriage of John G. McMichae]; with Elizabeth Ethridge, f W orthRichards, Brown? of Houston, Hoganls Scott Cason, Holdeh, Screven, Clark of Elbert, Holland, Settle, Clark of Monroe, Hollomdn, Sharpe, Colvard, Holmes, Sims, Coleman, Horsley, Smith of Bryan^ Conley, Howell of Lowndes,Smith of Coffee, Daniel. Howell of Milfon, Smith of Twiggs, David, Hntchins, Sprayherry, DeLamar, Johnson, Stewart Delbny, - Jteeling Sweat, Dixon, Knox Tapfey, Echols, Lofton, Tafum, Ector, Lumpkin, Taylor, Edmondson, Martin, Terrell, Ely, McDonald of Lump-Thrasher, Fannin of Morgan, kin, ' Turner, Farnelf, Mcfen-don, Walton, Fipney, McRea, Ware, Fortner McWhorter, West, Glass, Mullens Williams of Clinch, Goodman, Nobles, Williams 'of Musco- Graham, Norwood, gep, Grovenstein, Perry, Wilson. H^nessy Pilcher, Young. So the motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Lester so much of the Journal Of yes¬ terday was Te (Considered as relates,to the rejection of the "bill for the relief of Nehemiah Garrison of Cherbk-ee jbounty and for other purposes. The bill was tnen withdraw. Mr. SpraybOtty moved to reconsider so much of the Jour- n$il of yesterday, as related to the passage of the-bill relative to the penalty for carrying concealed weapons. Upon this qtlestion Mr. Holmes required the yeas and nay|3* to he recorded. There a^e years 46; There are nays 76. 260 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE?. Those who tsofpd in the affirmative are Messrs. Allen. Glraham, Brown of Houston,Hardin, Broyles, Brewton of Tafi nail, Cause/, Coleman, Conley, Delony, Dixon, Echols, EMmgndson, Ely, Finney, Glass Goodman, Hartridg^, Holmes Hutches, Johrfspn, Key, Lofton, Ragsdale, Screyen, Selman, Sbarpe, ^mith of Towns, Smith of Twiggg, Sprayberry„ Strickland, McDonald of Lump-Sweat, kin, Tapley, McDonald of Mur- Tatum, ray, Thrasher, McLendon, Turner, Mitchell. Wicker, Mullens, Williams of Ifltsco- Patton, gee, Price, Woffold, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Anderson, Henderson of Perry, Bhrksdale, Worth, Pilch,er, Batigh, Herrington, Register, Blakey, Hockenhull, Reeder, Bivins, Holden, Rentier, Brinson, Holland, Rhodes, Cason, Hopkins, Richards, Clark of* Elhert, Howell of Lowndes,Rozier, Clarke of Mpfiroe, Howell of Milton, Scott Hurst, Jones of Mitchell, Jones of Rabun, Kelling, Selly, Knox, Lester, CoTvard, Cullens Dahiels David, Ehefhartj Ector, Fain of Gilmer, Rain of Union, Fannin of Morgan, Rumsden, Fannin, of Trouji, Mays F^rnell, McCants, Rlgming, McEver Gay, * Mintz, (Gibson of Rich- MeRea^ jnond, MorUs, Grovensteine, Nobles, Harper of Hem*y^ Norwood, Henderson of Henry So the motion did not prevail. Settle, Simms, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Sockwell, Stewart, Lewis of Hancock, Terrell, Tuggle, Walton Ware, Wpst, Whaley, Whittle. Williams of Clinch, Worley, Youngs SATURDAY, .NOVEMBER, 3ed 18,59. 261 Mr. Settle moved. to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday jis relates to tlie p ass&ge ol' the bill for tlie relief of Andrew J. Lovelady, of $ie county of Pickens .and fpr other purposes. i The y^afe and nays were ordered to be recorded oif this proposition. There are yeas 57 . Thfere are nays 72. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs: Anderson, Bafksdale Biyins, Brinsou, Brown of Houston Broyles, Causey, Clkrke of Elbert, Clark of Monroe, ColVard, ColeiUan^, Cdi^ley, David, Dixon, Eberhart, J?Mn pf Union, Fannin of Morgan, Fleming, Harder of Henry Mitchell, Hendeisson of HenryMull&ns, Holloman, Patrick, Horsey, Reeder, Howell of Lowndes,Rendet, Howell of Mifllon, Rhodes, Hurst, Selmkn* Hutchins, Settle, Kelly, Sims, Key, Smith of Hall, Lumpkin, Snlitfi of Twiggs, Lumsden^ Terrell, McCants, Turner, McDonald of Mun- Tuggle, ray, Underwood, McRver, Whittle, McWhotter, Wilson, Those who voted in the negative were Messrs : Allan, Baugh, JBlakey, , Brewton of Tatnall Cason, Dpok, CulleiiSf Daniel, Echols, Ector, Edmondson, Ely, Fdin of Gilmpr, Fain of Gordon, Fannin of Trhup, Finijey, Fortner, Glass Jones of Mitchell, Gibson of Rich- Jones of Rabun, mondj Keeling, ,Goodtnan, #Knox, Grahagi, Martin, Hardin, Mays, Harper^of Sumter, McDonald ofLump- Hartridge, kin, Heath, McLendoi\, Henderson of Wd'thMcRea, Herrington, Hockenhull, Hogans Holland, Holmes, Hopkins, Johnson, Morris, Nobles, Nobles, Norwood, Parksi, Perry, Pilcher, Pre scott, Pric^, Eagsdald, Eegister, 262 JOURNAL 0^ THE HOUSE, Ooffea, Thrasher, Thwns, Ware, •Sockwell^ Spraybemy Stewart, >vii aity, Williams 01 Clinch, Wofford, Young. Eosibr, Scott, Screven, Sharps Tapley, Strickland, S\veat, Smith of Bryan, Takim, So the motion did not prevail. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Smith of Twiggs, oil account of sickness in his family. The House yenf into Cohimittee of the Whole, Mr. Mc- Wliorter of Greene in the Chair, on, the bill to make an ap¬ propriation to endow a chair of Natural Science and Agri¬ culture in the Cherokee Baptkt College, and for other pur¬ poses, therein mentioned. After some time spent therein, the Committee resq, pod reported the same back tef the ''House with an ameh]- ment. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the Ihirdtimfc and «op the qhestipn of its passage, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 42 ; There are nays 101. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs : Alexander, Hartridge, Eegister, Fain ofGihper, Fain of Gordon, Fannih of Troup, Gibson of Bich- Allan, Buhgh, -David, Delonv, Eehbliji, Ely, McDonald of Lum- Tatum, kin, Terrell, brasher, Turner, m ond, Graham, Green of Cobfy Hardin, Harris, Williams of Clinch Tre^cott, Price, Wbfford, Youngs SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1S59. 263 TJiose who voted in the negatiye, are Messrs, I * Anderson, Henderson qi Kew-MuUens, Barksdale, ton, * No*bles, Blakey, Henderson of \YorthNo r od, Bivins, Hogans, Patrick, BrkMn Holden, Perry, Brpwn of Houston, Holland', Brinson, Hdltoman, Broyles, Holmes, Breton of Forsyth, Hopkins,. Brewton o&TattnallHorsley, Pilcher, Jagsdale. Eteeder, Render, Rhodes, Causey, Claris, of Elbert, Clark of Monroe, Colvaixlj Colenym, Oonley, Cook, Cullens, Daniel, Dixon, Eberfeart, Edmctadson, Fain of Union, Howell of LowndesEichards, Howell of Milton, Scott, Hurst, Selman, Hutchins, Settle,. Irwinj Sims, Johnson, _ Smith of Bryan, Jones of Mjtchell, Smith of Coffee, Kelly, Key, Kno?, Lofton, Lumpkin, Lumsden, Fannin o'f Morgan, Martin Farnell, Fleming, Fihney, Gay,' Glass, Goodman, Grovensteine, Harkness, M ays, McCants,' McCohih, Smith of Twiggs, n Solomons, Stefwart, Strickland, vSWeat,* Taylor, ' Toggle, Unde'nfoock Vanover, Walton; McDqnald ofMur- Ware, Whittle, T2I> McEver, McLenfon, McRea, Wicker, Williams of Mus- to^ee, Wilson, Wmley, Harper of Henry, McWhorter,* Harper of Sumter, .Mintz, B^eatfe, Mitphel.1, Heildersop of Henry, Morris^ » Set the hill was los't. Mf. Lewis of Ua'iifcpck, from the committee 011 public ed- ucgtioil reported back the sSverad billh referijed to said com¬ mittee, with a substitute »for the whole * of* them, which a majority of the cogimitfee recommended. He also submitted h report with, tfee papers and other documents therein referred to, which 'would be accompa¬ nied by a ppnority report of Mi". Strickland of Madison, and moved that two hundred copies of the substitute, add one 2G4 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE thousand copies of the reports and accompanying' statistics and documents be printed far the use of the Housa. Also that all bills relative* to, education now pending he referred to the committee on this subject, and mdde the special orddr for Wednesday next; all of which motions pre¬ vailed. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary, to-wit: Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following hills to wit: A bill to be entitled an act, to repeal all laws under, and by authority of whifih pedlary and itinerant traders have been permitted to purspe their occupations in this State, except as herein specified, and to provide and impose pen¬ alties upon each and ev^ry person, who may alter this act, is provided to lake effect, be detected in the violation of the provisions thereof, and for other purposes therein speci¬ fied. Also*, A bill to be entitled an act, to alter and change the times of holding dlie Superior Courts of the counties of Wilcox, Telfair, Irwin, "Berrien and Glynn, and for other purposes therein named, Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to change the time of hblding the Superior fcourta of the coun\y of Pierce. Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to authorise the. Ordinary of the county of DeKalb to ^pay arrbarges due J. F. Buchanan, a teacher of poof children in salcL county for the year jS53. Also, A hill to be entitled an act, for' the relief of W. F. C. Faulkner oFMadison county. Also, A bill to be entitled, an act to incorporate the Vernon Shell Road Company, &c. Also, A hill to be entitled ah act, to legalize un,d enforce the bperations of the Board of Pbliee for the i5th, Dist. G. W°f the county of Liberty, to confer upon the same, certain rights, powers and pivileges therein mentioned, hnd to es¬ tablish by law the system of motmted police, now mention¬ ed in said Ifistrict. The Senate has also passed the following bills of the House bf Representatives. A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of the legatees of Wijliam Watson,, detv Also, A hill to he entitled an art, to incorporate a corps of In¬ fantry in the town ©f Fort Vfilley. And also1 to incofpyrate the Oglethorpe Light infantry SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3E^? 1859. 2&5 of Savannah, and to cOnfy certain £>rrvilege^ on the teame, with an Amendment, in which amendment they con¬ currence of the House. Tfhe Senate has also concurred j.u an amendment of the Hohfed «of Representatives, to A bill of the Senate to be entitled an act, to incorporate the Trustees of the Presfiytrrihri Church in the town nf Per¬ ry, Houston county, and to incorporate Amerious Lodge, Nof 13, of Free and, Accepted Masons of the city of Ameri- cus Sumter county,- Georgia. !JT,he following message was received frpm His Exoellen- cy the Governor, by» Mr, Campbell, his Secretary, jfcb wit: Mr% Speaker: Inni directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor, to lay before "this branch of the General Assembly a communication in writing, relative to the boundary line be¬ tween. Georgia and Florida, together with the»3ceompahy- ir\g correspondence. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ cy tfie Governor by Mr. Campbell liis Secretary, to*wit: Mr. Speaker: The Governor has sighed the following bills: A bill to incorporate the Luoy Cobft Institute for the ed¬ ucation gf young ladies in the "town of Athenh, A bill to authorize the Administrators of Williaho. ($, An- dferson, decease^, ahd of Thomas Fqver, deceased, tesejlthe reaj estate of said deceased, and for other putpbses. A bill to allow Nicholas A* Long of the State of Flprifla, to obtain letters testamentary according tp the law§ now in force in this State, upon the estate of John Long, deceased, of Washington county. A bill to consolidate the offices of Tax Collector and Tax Receiver, of the county* of Irwnn. A bill for the relief pf sedurities upon bonds of substituted Trustees, and for othbr purposes therein named. A bill to protect and encourage the election of artificial fish ponds^and to make trespass upon the same pengl, fhd pther purposes. Also a resolution to authorize the Governor to suhspribe for the public laws, in pamphlet form, of the present session. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor, by Mr- Campbell, his Secretary, to-wit: Mr. SpeakerI am directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor to return to this branch of the General Assembly from 266 JOUK&AfL OF THE HOUSE, whence it originated, the bilT entitled an act, for yie relief-of Virginia Louise Howell, «of the county of Hancock, accotar. panied with a communicationhn writings The following message waj3 receiyed from the Senate by Mr. Wdipt, their Secretary t Mr. Speaker :—The Senate has passed, A bilk to be entitled, an. act to incorporate the town of Mohltrie, in the county of Colquitt, and to confer certain privileges and powers o-n the commissioners, and to amend thd'Sdyeral aots incorporating the city of Koine, ana to con¬ fer certain privileges 011 tlie Mayor arbl ^Council ot the city of Albany, and to amend the aqt incorporating the towft of Monticqllo in the county of Jasper, fend* fot other purposes therein ♦mentioned, The' Senate has also passed the following bill whieh.1 am directed to transmit forthwith tq Hie House of Representa¬ tives, to.wit; A bill • to be entitled, an act to regufates. Jlie Agencies Of Foreign Insurance Companies, and to provide »for the ap¬ pointment of an Insurance Commissioner. Mr. Havid from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled and ready for the signature of t^e Speaker Of the House of.Representatives : An acjj for the relief of a portion of the legatees of "Win. "Watspn, deceased". Tlikfollpwing Messagb was received from the Senate by Mn Wegt, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker:—I am directed by the Senate forthwith tp inform the House of Representatives £hat ^ey have agreed to Et I'esolut^oil , 1559. 269 There afe yeas "06, there are nays 76. Those «who vofed in the affirmative are Messrs: Barksdale, Henderson of New-Prescott,, Biyins, ton, Ragsdale, Brown of Houston,Herrington, Reeder, Bfuton of F^syth, Holloman, Render, Brewton of Tatt- Hopkins, Rhodes, nail, Horseley, Rosier, Cason, Howell of Lowndes,Scott, Caud^y. HowelT of Milton, Serpen,* Clark of" Elbert, Hurst, Selmali, Clarke of Monroe, Jones of Mitchell, Settle, Colvard, Conley, Delpny,* Dikon, Eberhart, Ebtor, Fain of XJhion, Kelly, Lofton, Lumsden, •Martin^ McCants, McRendon, McWhdrter, Fannin of Morgan, Mitchell, Goodman, Morns, Grovensteihe, $Iullins. Harper of Sumter, Patrick^ Hartridge, Perry, #Hea1th, Pitts, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Tyfrggs, Stewart, Strickland, Taplew Terrellr Tuggle, W are, Whiffle, Wicker, Wilson, Young, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs : Alexander, Allan, Anderson, Baugh, Blakey, Brinson, Broyles, Coleman, Cook, Cullens, Daniel, David, DeLamar, Echols„ Edmondson, Ely, Fleming, Lewis of Greene, Gay, Lewis* of .Hancock, Glass, Lester, Gibson, of Richnt'ndLumpkiu, (Gaaham, Mays, 'Green of Cobb, McCornb, Hardin, M cD onald of Tump- H a;rper of Henfy, kin, Harris, # McDonald of Mur-' Henderson of Hen- ray^ ry, MpEver, Henderson of W0rthMcRea, Hobkenhulf, Holland, Hhlrne^ Hutqjhins, Fain*of of Gihner,. Johnsoh, Fam of Gordon,, Jones of Rabun, Fannin of* Troup, Keelfng, Farnell, 3£nox, Mintz, Nobles j Norwood, Phrfis, Patton, Pilcher, Price, Register, 270 JOURNAL, O^P THE HTQU^EV Richards, Sharp©, Sifiith of Coffee, Soc&well, Sprayberry, Tatum, Tpyfor, Thrasher, Turner1, Uildbrwood, Walton, West, Whaley, Williams of Clinch, William's of Musco- Watford, \%oiiey, So the same was ndt adopted. The question recurring upon the adoption of the substi¬ tute of tire committee on. Military Affairs. * » j Mr. Smith of Bryan, called the previous question which was sustained1. The y?as and nays were „redorded on the main ,qiies- tion, There are ye^ts 72. There are nays 71. ^Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Alexander, Hartipdge, Norwbod, Allan, Heath, Parks, Anderson,* Henderson ofWorthPattoh,, Brewjon of Tatt- Hockenhnll, Pilcher, n$Jl, * Holland, Price, Colqman, Holmes, Register, Cook, Howell of, Lowndes,Richards, Cullens, Hutchins, Screven, DeLamar, Johnson, Skarpe, f>elo,ny, Jones of J|M>un, SmifhVf Coffee, Echols, Keeling, Smith of Towns1, Hdmoildson, Krtqx, Spckwell, Ely, * Lpwis of Greene, Sprayberry, Fym of Gilmer,! Lewis of Hancock, Sweat, Fain of Gordon* Lester, Taium, Fain of Union, M&ys, Terrell, Fanpip of froup, McComb, Thrasher, Fleming, McDonahfof Lump-T timer, Gay, kin, West, Glass, McHonald, of Mur- Whaley, Gibson of Rich- • ray, Williams of Clinch, mond So Ike first sqb^itute wag adopted. The report th-creon was agreed to,» *the bill yas read the third time, and on the question of its passage, t]ie yeas and nays' werq required to be reporded. There aie yeas 65. There are nays 7*7. Those whd Voted iu the affirmative are Messrs : Render, Rhodes^ ' Rosier, Scott, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Twiggs, Stewart Stripkland, Tapley, Tayfor, Tpggle, Underwood, Walton, Ware, tYhitt^e Wicker, WilsOp, Young, Alexander, Allan, Anderson, Bhwgh, Cason, Cpleman, Cook, Cullens, Savid, eLaipar, Delony, "Echols, Edmonds on^ Ely, ■ Fam of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon,, Fannin, of Tronp, Fleming, Hay* Glass, # Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Graham, Hardin, •Harris, Henderson of Wdrth Ho»ckeliiitill, Holland, * Hblpies, Hutchins, Johnson, Jones*of Rabttn, Keeling, Knox, Lewis of Gidene, ' Lewis of Hancock, 272 JOURNAL OF T,HE HOUSE, Leister, ^arks, Mays, Patton, MdComb, Pilpher, McDonald ofLuihp-Price, kin, # Register, McDonald of Mhf-Ricnards, ray, Screven, McEver, Sharpe, McRea, Smith of Coffee, Mint^;, Sockwell, Nobles, Sprayberry, •Sweat, Tafuni, Thrasher, Turner, Whaley, Williams ef Clinch, Williams of Mts- cogee, Wofford, Worley, Young, "Those who voted in the negative*are Messrs. Batksdale, Perry, Hartridge, Blakey, tieath, Pitts, Bivins* Henderson qf Hen^Prescott, Brinson, ijy* « Ragsdale, Brown of Houston,Henderson of New-Reeder, Broyles, ton, Render, Brutqn of Forsyth, Herrington, Rhodes, Bre\kton of Tatt-Hogans, Rqsier, nafl, Holloman, Scott, Causey, Hopkins, Seknan, Clark of Elbert, Horsely, Settle, Howell of Lpwndes,Snns,' HowelPof Miltdn, Smith of Bryan, Clark of Monroe, Colvard, Conley, Daniel, Dixon, Eberhart, EctoV, Eaih of tlhion, Hurst, Kelly, Key, Lofton, Livnpkin, Lunrsden, Eannin ibf Morgan, Martin, Fhrnell, McCants, Goodman, McLendon, Greene of Cobfy McWhorter, G^ovensteine^ Mitchell, Hardness, Motris, Hatper of Henry, Mullins, Platper the rejectioii of the bill to lend the hdnds of the State of ^eorgia to Mark A. Cooperj and the hill to astahlish an Armory in this State, and the several substitutes offered thereto. Upon this 'proposition the yeas and Bays were required tcf be recorded* There are yeas 61. There are nays 8p. Those who voted in the affirmative are. Messrs: Hatdin, Morris, Harris, Nobles, Henderson of Worthjarks, HockenhBll, Price Holden, Register, Holmes, Sharpe, Horsley Smith of Ooffee Hutchms, Smith of Hall, Johnson, Smith of Towns, Jones of Mitchell, Sockwell,, Jones ofRabun, Sprayberry, Knox,, Swea^' Lewis of Hancock, Thrasher, Lester, Whaley, McDonald of Lump-Williams of Clinch, 1-'- Williams of Mhsco- kin, McDonald of Mur- gee, ray, Wilson, MbEver, Wofford, McRea, Worley, Allan, Anderson, Baugh, Broyles, Cqlenfan, Cook, Culfens Dayid, DeLaifiar, Dixon, Echols, Edmondson, Ml7> Fain of Gilmet, Fain of Gordon, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Fortner, Gay, Glass, Gibson of Richm'ndMintz, Graham, Those who Toted in the negative are Messrs. Alexander, Clarke of Monroe, Fannin of Morgan, Barksdale, Colbert, Farnell, Blakey, Conley, Goodman, Bivins, Panier,# Greene* ofQobh. Brown ot Sumter, Delonyv Groveiisteine, Brewtonof TatfnallEarle, fTarknetes, Cason, Eberhart, Harper of Henry, Causey, Ector, Harper of Sumfer, Clark of E|b6rt, 18 Youug. Fain of Uniooj Hart rid, 274 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Heath, McCants, Hepdefsom off-IenryMcGaK Henderson ofKthv'nMcLendon, Herringtttn, McWhorter, Hicks, Mitchell, Holland, Mullens Holloman Norwood, Hopkins, Patrick, Howell of Lowndes,terry, H owell of Milton, Pilcher, Udrgt, Keeling, Kelly, Key, Lewis of Green, Lofton* Lumpkin, Lumsden, Martin, Pitts, Prescott, Ragsdale, Reeder, Render, Rozief, •Scott, Screven, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Solomons, Stewart, Strickland, Tapley, Turner, Tuggle, Upderwood, Yanover, Yaughn, Walton, Ware, West, Whittle, Wicker, So the motiorf did npt prevail, Mr« Fester moted to re-consider so much of the Journal of yesterday as rebates to the refusal of the House to adopt tho substitute offered by the committee on Military Affairs, for tb e two original, bills mentioned. This motion was lost. Mr. Hartridge*moved to re-consider so much of the Jour¬ nal of Saturdays relates to the Rejection of the substitute pffered by hhn for said original bills. Ujaud this proposition the yea$ and days were requirecfto bfc recyftled. There are yeas 02. fhep ard nays 56. Those who yoted in the affindative aie Messrs. Alexander. Anderson, ByrksdAle, Blakely, Bivins* Conley, Qullens, David, Delony, Dixon, BpnVri of Sulntpr, Fberliart, Broyles, Ector, Bruton of Fbrsyth. Ely, BresVton of Tafnalb Finney, Cason* Fortner, Causey, Goodman, Olark of Flbert, .Green bf Cobb, Clark of JMompe, GroVedsteihe, Cplvard, Harkness, Harper of Sumter* Uartridge, Heath. Henderson of Kew- ton, Henderson of Worth He^rington* Hogans Holland, Jlolloman, Holmes, Hopkins^ Hartley, Howell of Lowndes MONDAY, DECEMBER 1859. 275 Dowel! df Milton, Hurst, Kelly, faster*. Lofton, Lumpkin? Luitasden. Martin, McCants, McLendon, McWhorter, Mitch^li, Mortis, Nobles, Norwood, Patrick, Perry, Pitts. Pagsdale, Register, Render, Render, Rozier, Scott, Screven, Settle?, 4L. Sims, Smith, of Bryan, Smith Of Coffee, Sockwell, SolomonS, Sprayberry, SiewaVt, Strickland, Sweat, PrOscot t, Tapley, Tatuim Taylor, Terrell, Turner, Thgglg, Vaughn, Walton, Ware, West, Whaley, Whittle", Wictef, Wilson, Young, Those who voted in the .negative are Messrs. Allan, i Baugh, , Coleman, | Qook, Daniel, DeLamar, Echols, | Edmondson, Pain of Gilmer, ,Eain of Gordon, 'Fain of Union, Hayrijs, McEyer, Henderson of Henry Mc^ea, Hicks*, Mintz, HoekOnhull, Mullins, Holden, Park?, Hptchins, JPatton, Johnson, Pitcher, Jones-of Mitchell, Price, Jone^ of Rabuh, Selman, Keeling^ Sharpe, Key, Smith ofJElall, Fannm of Morgan, Knoy, Thrashef, Fannin of Txoup, 'Lewis of Greene, Underwood, Fgtrnell, Lewis of Hancock, Williams' of Clinch, Fleming, Mays, Williams of Musco- Gay; McComb, gee, E Dlass, McDohald of Lump-W offord, Gibson of RichmM, kin, Worley, Graham, McDonald of Muu- f Hardin, ray," Harper, of Henry, So the motion prevailed. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary. * ilfh Speaker » The! Senate Imte passed the following bills of fhe House of Representatives, with amendment?, in 'which they hsk the concurrence of the House, to wit: 276 JOURl^AL OF THE HOUSE. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Rtowah and Anraria,Hydraulic Hose Mining Company. J Also a bill to be entitled an acLto amend an act entitled an act to* incorporate the Yahoola Rive* and Cavfe Oleek "Hydraulic Hose Mining Company* assented to Utn Decern^ ber 1858. The following message was received from His Excellency1 the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary. Mr. Speaker: The Governor has signed the following bills, to wit: A bill to reduce the Sheriff's bond, in the county of White, A bill to amend a act entitled an act to incorporate the Columbus Saving and Mutual Loan Association, approved March? 1st, 1856. * A bill fpr the? purpose of changing the time of holding the Inferior Courts of Terrell county* A bill to amend an act passed "by the General Assembly for the year 1857, granting certain, powers and privileges to the Griffin Light Guard", of the city of Griffin, Spaulding nounty, Georgia, assented to December 22nd, 1S57. A bill to amend an act to incorporate the totyn of Fort Valley, in the county of Houston* and to provide for the election of Commissioners/or the same, approved March 3d, 1856. A bill fo repeal an act entitled pn get tq amend an actio regulate the Tavern License in this State, approved Decem¬ ber 15th, 18Q9, so far as the same relates to the ctmnty of Wilcox. A bill to entitle the receiver of tax returns, of the County of Chatham^ to a commission on the extraordinary tax lev¬ ied by the Justices ef the Inferior Court of said county, for county purposes. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Richmond county to levy an extra tax for the erection of public buildings. A bill to alter; and amend the road laws of this. State;, so far as relates to the county of Harris, A bill for the relief of John F. Jackson, and ether purpo¬ ses therein mentioned. Also the following resolutions: A resolution, requesting our Senators and Representa¬ tives in Congtess, to re-open a pertain mail line therein men¬ tioned* A resolution Appointing a Committee of three from this House to cO-qperate with such qommittee as may bp ap pointed by the Senate, to examine and ascertain what, if MONDAY,' DECEMBER 5*H, 1859. 277 any additional furniture is needed in the Executive man¬ sion. On motion of jNfr. Delony, the Senate amendments* to the bills of the House, to amend an act entitled an act to*ihcor- porate the Yahoola River and Cade Creek Hydraulic HO'se Mining Company, assented ]jo 11th December, 18&8, arfd The hill to incorporate the Etowah and Amnaria Hydrau¬ lic Hose Minihg Company, were taken up and concerted, in. Mr. Screven withdrew the hill relative to the sale of irthe old Greene Montiment, the committee, to'whom it was refer¬ red havipg reported against its passage. Mr. Screven presented the report 6f the committee on the Lunatic Asylum, two hundred dopies of which were-op- dered to be printed for the u§e of the House. # # Mr. Lewis, °f Greene, offered the report of the Finance* Cortimittee, which was made, and two hundred copies there¬ of ordered to he printed for the use ©f the House. Mr. Gibson, of Richmond, offered the following resolution, which, oil motion, was taken up, read and agreed to, £o wit- Reqplved, TJiat the Speaker do appoint a committee of three to confer with a like committee from the Senate, to consult as to the propriety of extending the present session. The pommiitee appointed hy f irtue of the same, consists of Messrs. Gibson, David and Delonv. The rifles werd suspended and the House took up the re¬ port of the Committee on the hill for the pardoif of Thom¬ as *C. \VhitWorfh, of the county of Chattooga? now under sentence of death for tlie crime of Murder. The report was agreed to, the bflbwas read the third time? and on the question of its passage the yeas^and nays being recorded, There are yeas 80; there are nays 50. Those who voted i,n the affirmative are Messrs:' Alexander, Eberh&rt, HartridgC, Allen, Ector, Her^iiigton, And,erson, Fain of Gordon, Hicks, Barksdnle,* Fannin of Troup, Hob^enhull, Blakey, Fdrmell, Hogans, Brewton, of For- Fortner, Golden, «yth, Glass, Hollahd, Brewtdn of Tatt- Gibsoh of Rich- Hoflo^ian, nail, mond, flolmes, Casoii, Graham, 'Hopkins, Coleman, Grovensteine, HojsTey, Cujlens, Hardin,. Howell of Milton, DeLamar, Harper of Hbqry, Iiurst"^ Delony, Harper of Sumter, Hutchins, 278 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Johnson, Patrick, Strickland, Jones of Mitchell, Patton, Sweat, Bey, Perry* Tapley, TZn,(k, Pitts, Tatum, Lofton, Prescoft, Taylor, Lthnsden, Price, Terrell, Mays, Reeder, Turndr, JtfcjQomfc, Rozier, Unde^ood, MdDonald ofLum'nScreven, Vanover, McEver, Salman; Walt oh, Mfntz, Sockwell, Whaley, Morris, Solomons,, Whittle^ l^Obles, Sprayberry, W-offard, Nprwoq,d," Stewart, Those wbo voted in the negative are Messrs. Baugh, Howell o^LowndesJlegister, Bivnls, Jones of Rabnn, Render, Brown of Sumter, Kelly, * ^ Scott, Olarkot Monroe, Lewis-of Greene, Settle, Oolvald, Lewis of Hancock, Sims, Conley, Lpster, Smith, of Bryan, ♦Hanielt Lumpkin, Smith of Hall, David, Martin, Thrasher, Dixon, McDonaljl of Mux- Toggle, Ely, pay, ' Vaughn, Fhin of Gilmer, McLendon, Ware, Fain of Union, McRea West, Panoin of Morgan, McWhorter, Williams of Musco- Einney, Mitchell, gee* Gay, Mullens, Wilson, Goodlnan, Parks, Worley. Green of Cobb, Pagsdale, Harknfess, Schtffe bill was passed and ordered to be transmitted to the Senate without dqlay. Mr. Ooolv 'qf Early stated that fte had paired off with Mr. Lumsden of Talbot; Mr. Broyles^ of WhjdfiH^ with Mf. Smith, of Tbwns, and the House excused ^rom voting upon the foregoing Bill Messrs. Harris, of Glynn, ard Hen¬ derson of Henry. The following Message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, theR Secretary. Mr. SjtcqJicff The Senate lidve passed a bill to be enti¬ tled an act t6 provide fbt the vdhmtary enslavement of "Free PerSbns of color, within this State." Also, a bill to be entitled an aqt to change the jraipe of the " Planters And Mechanics Hank, of Dalton. MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1S59. 279 The House too,k up the report of the Committee on the hill to compel * all non-residents owning land in the county of Worth, to give in and pay tax on the same in said coun¬ ty. The special Committee to whom the hill was referred, reported as a substitute for the same,' a bill fo compel non¬ residents owning lands in the State of Georgip, to give in 9,nd pay tax on the same in the county where the land lies, and for other purposes. Various amendments were offered and received to the substitute. Mr. Williams, of Muscogee moved the indefinite postpone¬ ment of the original and substitute. Upon this motion the yeas' and nays were required, to be? recorded. There are yeas 77. There are nays 61. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Anderson, Barksdale, Blakey, ■ Bivins, Brown of Sumter, Bruton of Forsyth, Brewton of Tatt¬ nall, Causey, Clark of Elbert, Clark of Monroe, Coleman, Conley, Delony, Dixon, Eberhart, Ector, Fannin of Morgan, Fannin of Troup, Finney, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Grovensteine, Harkness, Harper of Henry, Harper of Sumter, Heath. Henderson of Hen'y Henderson of New¬ ton, Herrington, Hicks, Holden, Holland,* Holloman, Holmes Hopkins, Horsley Hurst, Kelly, Key, Knowles, Loftojo, Dump kin, Lumsden, Martin,, McCants, McLendon, McWhorter, Mitchell, Mullens Patrick, Pilcher, Prescott, ,Ragsdale, ■ Reeder, Rozier, Scott, Selman, Settle, •Sharpe, Sims, Smith "of Hall, Stewart, t Strickland, Tapley, Thrasher, Tuggle, Underwood, Y ahover, •Vaughn, Walton, Ware, West, Whittle, Wicker,» » Williams of Musco¬ gee, 280 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Those whtfvoted in the negative are Messrs. Alexander, Hockenhull, Nobles, Baugh, Hogan, Parks, Broyles, Howell ©f Lowndes, Patton, Cason, Howell of Milton, Pepy Oook, Hutchips, Price, Gullhns, Johnson* Register, Daniel* Jones 6f Mitchell, Screven, David, J toes of Rabun, Smith of Bryan, PeLam&r, Keeling, Smith of Coffee, Echols, Knox, Smifh*of Towns, Edmondson, Lhwis pf Greene, Sockwell, Fain of Gilmer, Lewis of Hancock, Solomons, Fain *of Unjon, Mays, Sweat, Farnell, McDonald of Lump-Taylor, Fleming, kin, Terrell, Fortner McDonald of Mifr-Whaley, Gay, ray, Williams of Clinch, Gfessj, McEyer, Wilson, Graham, McRea, Worley* Harris, Mintz, Wofford, Hartridge, Morns, Young, Henderson ofW'rfh, So the motion to postpone prevailed. Mr. tlavid from the committee on enrolment reported as dtily ehrolled and signed^ bv the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentative^ An act to incorporate thp Trustees of the Prfesbyterian Church in *the town of Perry, Houston, couptjh And to incorporate Americus Lodge (No. 13) of Free and accepted Masons^ of the city of Ameri,cus, Sumter county, Georgia. The House bills relative to free persons of col,or in this State, were laid on the, foible for the present. The jSenqte hill to provide for the voluntary enslaye- ment«of fto persons of color within this State was, on mo¬ tion of Mr. Dixon of Muscqgpe, taken up and read the first time. Leate of absepcg was granted Messrs. Rhodes and Joyn- er, on account of (sickness. The House adjourned until o'clock, P. M. bi O'CLOCK, P. The Horn o met pursuant to adjournment, and took up the repott of the committee on thp reconsidered bill of the House to amend the law in relation t6 pleading arid amendments thereof, and for othnr purposes, therein mentioned. MONDAY, DECEMBER kii, 1859. 281 'The committee on the Judiciary reported adversely tb the passage of the? same. Upon the Question of agreeing to the report, the yeasn and nays .were required to he recorded- There are yeas 73. There are nays 56. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Hartridge, McEver, Anderson, Heath, McLendon, Bakeley, Henderson of4 Ilei-McRea, Rrpwn Of Summer, ry, Mifohelf, Broyles, Henderson, of Norwood, Brewton ofTatthall Worth, Noblek, * Cason, Herjington, Perry, Causey, Hockenhull, Pitts, Oolvard Hogans, Prescott, Conley, Holden, Register, Cook1, Holloman, Scott, Cullens, Hopkins, Screven, Pavid, Howel of Lowndes Sblman,* DeLamar, Hurst, Smith of Hall># Delony, Irwin, Sockwell, Dixon, Johnson, Solomons, Ector, Jones of Mitchell, Stewart, Edmondson, Kelly, Thrasher, ply. Key, * juggle, pajrnell, Knox% t Van oyer,* Finney, Lewis of Qreene, Vaughn, Goodman, Lewis of Hancock, Ware, Grovetfsteine Lester, Whaley, Hardness, Lumpkin, Wicker Harper of Henry, ilartin, William^ of Clinch, Maysr Young, Those whd foted in the negative, are Messrs. Alexander, Fleming, McDpnald of Lump- Bark^dale, Fortner, kin, Baugh, Class, McDonald ©f "Mur- Bivpns, Graham, "ray, Bruton of Forsyth, Greene of Cohb, MoWhorter, Clark of Monroe* "Hardin, Mintz, , Coleman, ' Harris, Mullins, Daniel* Henderson of New-Paries, Eberhart, ton, Patrick, Echols, Hofland, Patton, Fain of Gilmer, Holmes, Pilcher, Rain of Gordon, Horsley, Price, Fain uf Union, Hutchins, Ragsdale, Fannin of Morgan, Keeling, Reeder, Fanniir pf Troup, Lumsden, Settle, 282 JOURNAL OF THE flOUSE, $harpe,» Sweat, West, Sims, Tatuta, Whittle, jSmitb. of Bryanj Taylor, Wofford, Smttjtiof Towns, Turner, Worle^, Sricklaaid, Urlderwood. So the report was*agreed to, and the hill was therefore tost. 9 The House took up and* concurred in the Senate amend¬ ments to the "hill of the House, todncorporate the town^tfjf Hawkinsyillo, in the county of Pulaski^ to appoint Commis¬ sioners for the same, and to confer certain plowers upon said (jommissinqrs, On motion of Mr. Ragsdale, the hill pf the House for the relief of Qharles Whitlock of DeKalb- cotinty. was taken up and referred to a special committee consisting of, Messrs Rags- dale, , Gibson, Lester, Harfridge and Williams of Muscogee. The House went into Committee of the Whole, 1% Fannin of Morgan in the Chair, on the Bill to reimburse the ^county of Early for monies expended in arresting th,e spread pf Small* Pox. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time apd lost. « The Hon^e hook up the report of the committee, on the bill*to alter and amend the 3d, 7th and 12th sections pf tfe first article of the Constitution^ this State ; anothef of sim¬ ilar ft^e reported by the Judiciary Cpmmittee, and the hid to provide for a call of a convention to reduce the number of the theneral Assembly ofthe State of Georgia, and to make such ptlier alterations ih the Constitution as may*be deemed essentia^ dpd fot other purposes. The special committee to whom these hills were referred reported in favor- of the passage bf the latter; with amend¬ ments. The fepoi;t was agreed tp,tfre bill'was rpad the third time and on t|ie question of i,ts passage, the yeas and n^tys were required tp be Recorded. * There are yeas SL The;re are nays 66. Those who vpted in the affirmative are Messrs*: Alexander, QblvArd, Dixon, Anderson, Coleman, Echols, Barksdale Conley, Ector, Brown of Houston, Cook, Fannin of Morfqm JlroWn of §umterfc Cullens, Fannin of Troup, Causey, DeLamar, FarneR, Clark of Monroe, Delpny, Fleming, MOtfDAY, DECEMBER 51 n, 1859. "283 Fiiiney, GIqss> Gibson qf Rich- imtmd, Green of t!obb, Hardin, Harness, Harper of Henryy Harper4 of S tenter,* McComb, Hartridge McLendon, Heath,McWhorter,) Henderson, ofHen- Mitchell, ry, Mullen^ Henderson of Hew-Norwood, Key, Lewis of Greene, Lewis' of Hatncqckj Lester, Lumpkin, Lrpnsden, Martin, McCants, ton, Patrick, Herrington, Pilcher, Holden,„ *Pitts, Hohoman, Ragsdale, Hopkips, Reedef, Horsley, Render, Howell of Milton, Rqzier, Hnrst, Scott Kelly, ll f Those who voted in the negative are Messrs Ajdan, Henderson ofWorthHpbles, Screven, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Solohaops, Sprayjrerry, Stewart Taylor, , Thrasher, Turner1, Tuggle, UnderWoad, Van over, Vaughn, Walton, Wate, Wicker Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wilson. Wofford, Worjey Baugh, Hicks, Blakey, HockCnliull, Bivens, Hogahs Broylesi Holland, Brutonnf Forsyth, Hohpes, Parks, Patton, Perry, Pr^Scott, Price BreWton nail, Cason, Daniel. David, EbCrhart, Edmondson, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, F^in of Union, Fdrtner Gay, Goodman, Graham, Gro-verfstein, Harris, of Tatt-Howel} of Lowndes,Register, Selmaii, Sharpe, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, Smifh of Towns, SOckwell, Strickland. ^wdat, Tapley, Hutchins, Irwin, Johnson, Jones of Mitch ell* Jones of Rabun, Keeling Knowles, Knox Mays, McDonald of Lump-Tatum, kin, Terrell, McDonald of Mur-West, ray, Whaley, McEver, Whittle, . McRqa* ^ Williams of Clinch, Mii\tz, " Young. So the bill was passed. 284 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The .House took up the report of the committee on the reconsidered Bill to prevent the sale of spiritqou$ li¬ quors by itinerant persons peddling theeatne in this -State. Mr. Lewis of Greene offered a substitute for the shine, A "bill to preveht the peddling of spirituous liquors in Greene copnty, The same was amended by extending its provisions the counties of Henry, Sumter, Laurens, Early*, Troup, Houston, Lincoln, Cla^ Wilkes, Dooly, Chattahoochee, Stewart, Glasscock, Colquitt, Warren, Webster, Terrell, JefferSon, Monroe, Burke„ Newton, Glynn and Taliaferro., ^hb substitute as atnended was adopted. The report ♦thereof was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. SEVEN O'CLOCK^ P. M. The House met, pursuant to adjournment^ And took tip the report of the committee on the bill to create a new county out of the counties of Wayne and Appling to be called Buchanan. The report" was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and on the question of its passage, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are, yeas 51. These are nays 79. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Alexander, Helington, Perry, Aljan, t Hockenhull, Prescott, Brmson, Hbgans, Price, Brewtoh of Tatnall,H olland, Register, Cason, Holmes, Screven, Delapiar, Howell of Lowndes^Sharpe, Ecfiofs, Hutchins, Smith of Bryan, Edmondson, Johnson, Smith of Coffee^ Fain of Gilmer, Jones, of Mitchell, Smith of Towns, Fain of Gordon, Keeling, Sweat, Fortner, Knox, Tapley, Cx^ty» Mctlomb, Tatum, Glass, McDonald of Mur- Taylor, Graham, ray, Turner, Hhrris, McRea, Williams of Musco- Hartridge, Nobles, gele, Heath, Parks, Young, Henderson of WorthPatton, Monday, December sth^ ibs9. Those Who voted in the negative, are Messrs. 38n Harper of Henry, Halter of Sumter, Henderson of Hen- Anderson, Barksdale, Bajigh, Blakey, ry, Bivins, Hicks, Brown of Houston, Holden, Btoyles, Holloman, Brnton of Forsyth,Hopkins, Cansey, Clark pf Monroe, Coivard, Coleman, Conley, Daniel, Dlelony, Dixon, Fberhart, Ectpr, "Fain of Union, Horsley, Howell of Milton, Horst, Irwin, Jones of Rabun, Kelly, Key, Lewis of (freene, Lewis of Hancock, Lester, Lumpkin, Fannin of Morgaft, Lumdsen, Fannin of Troup, Martin, Fleming, Mays, Finney, McCants, GrbSon of RichmondMcEyer, Goodman, McLendon, Green of Cobb, McWhprter, Grovensteine, Mintz, So thef bill was lost. Mitchell, Mullens, -Norwood, Pilcher, Ragsdalei Repder, Rendpi* Rosier, Scott, Selman, Settle, Sim^, Smith isf Hall, Sockwell Teijtell, Thrasher, Tuggle, Yaiiover, Vaughn, Walton? Ware, West. Whkley, Whittle, Wicker, «W orley. The flouse took up the report of the? committee on the hill for the relief of D. M, & G. W. Smith and their (secu¬ rities, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, (the Bill was read the third time nnd passed. The House took up f he report of the committee on the bil]l to alter land change the ejections of Tax Receiver and Collector. iThe same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to, the Bill was read the fhjrd time* and on the question of itd passage the yeas and nays were .required to he recorded* Therp are yeas4 73. There are nays 63. 2$G JOURNAL OF TEfE HOUSk Thosb who verted in the affirmative are Messrs. Alexander, Green of Cobb, McRea, Allan, Grovenstejne, McWhorter, Ahderson, Hamper of Sumtdy,, Parks, Bafksdale, Harris, Pafton, Blakey, Hartridge, Pncher, BiVins, Hicks, "Prescott, Brown of Houston,Holden, Ragsdale, Cason, Holland, Screven, Cause/, Holloman, Sims,, Clark of El]^t, Holmes, Smith of Bryan, Coleman, Howell of Milton, Stewart, Conley, Hutchins„ Sweaty CullCns, Johnson, Tatum, DeLamar, .Jones pf Rabun, Taylor, Dixon, Keeling, Terrell, Echols, Kelly, Thresher, Edpmndson, Key, Turner, Fain of Gordon, Lewis ©f Greene, Tuggle, Fannin of Morgan,Leivis 6f Hancock, Vanover, Farnell, Lumsden, "Walton, Fleming, Mays, "Whittle, Gay, McCants, Wicket, Glass, McComb, Williams of Musco- Gibson of RichmondMcE vet, gen, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Baugji, flopkins, Price, Brinson, Horsley, Register Broyles, Howell of Lowh's Reedeq, Bruton of Forsyth,Hurst, ,Render, Colvard, Irwin, Rosier, Daniel, Jones of Mitchell, Scott, Delqny, Knox, Selman, Eberhart, Lester, Settle, Ector, Lumpkin, Sharpe, Fain of Gilmer, Martin, Smjth of CofFOq, Fain of Union, McDonald of Lump-Smith of Hall, Fannin* of Troup, kin, Smith of Towns, Finnby, McDonald of Mur- Sockwell, Fortner, ray, Strickland, Goodman, JVlcLendon, Tapley, Graham, ' Mintz, Vaughn, Harper of Henry, Mitfehell, Ware, Heath, Morris, West, Henderson Of Henry Muffins, W hqley^ Herringtbn, Cobles, Worley* Hockenhull, Norwood, Young, Ilogans, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th; 1S59. 2S7 So the bill was passed. The rules were suspended, and the House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to change and fix the time of holding the Superior Court's in the counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Paulding and Floyd, and to change the time of holding the Inferior Courts in the county ©f Heard aifd to add the county of Paulding to the Tallapoosa Circuit, The same was amended on motion of Mr. Tuggle of Campbell. , The amended report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee op the bill to declare the law in regard to deeds to land made du¬ ring adverse possession. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and on' the question of its passage the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 95 ; There are nays 27. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: * f Alexander, Harper of Henry, • McDonald of Lump- Allen, Harris. # t kin, Barksdale, * Henderson of Hen-McEver, Baugh, ry, McLendon, Blakey, Herrington, Mintz, Bivins, Hicks, , Mitchell, Bruton of Forsyth, Hockenhull, Mullens, v Cason, Hollomon,, Norwood, Causey, Holland, Parks, Colvard, Hopkins, Pattoii, Coleman, Horsley, Perry, Cullens, Howell of Lowndes,Prescott, Daniel, Howell of Milton, Price,' < DeLamar, Hurst,^ Register Delony, Hut chins,1 Reeder, Dixon, Irwin, Rehder,' Eberhart, Jones of Mitchell, Rozier, Ector, Keeling, Scott Fannin of Morgan, Kelly, Settle, F arnell, Key, Sims, 1 Fleming, Lewis of Greene, Smith of Bryan, Finney, Lewis of Hancock, Smith of Coffee, Fortner, Lester, , Smith of Hall, Gay, Lumsden, Sockwell, Glass, Martin, Stewart, Goodman, Mays, ^Strickland, Graham McCants, Tapley, Grovensteine, McComb, Terrell, 288 JOURNAL, OF THE HOUSE, Thrasher, Vaughn, Whaley Turn et, Waltoli Whittle Tuggle, Ware, Wicker, Vapover., West, Worley, fThOse who voted in the negative are Messrs: # Brinson, Henderson of McDonald of Mur- Btoyles, Worth, ray, Brewton of Tatnall,Hogans, McWhorter, Fain of Gilmer, Holdefi, Morris, Fain of Union* Holmes, Nobles, Gibson of Rich- Johnson, Pilchef, mond, Jones of Rabun, Rags dale,* Greene of Cobb, Knox*, Screvpn, HaHridge, Lumpkin, Smlttyof Towns, Heath,. McKea, Young, Mr. Tatum was excused from Voting because of his. in¬ terest as Attorney in case now pending to- which ildslaW will apply. So the bill was passed. The House took up the report of the Committee' on the bill to endow Florence E. Winn, a minor of Liberty comi¬ ty, Georgia, with all the rights and privileges pf majority. The report was agreed to. 'The Bill was read the third time and passed. The House look up the report of the Committee on the bill to add another section to the 7th Division of the Penal Cpdeof this State* and for other purposes therein men¬ tioned. « * The repott was agreed to, the bill "was read the third time and passed. The bill to exempt practicing Physicians from profession¬ al tax* and for other purposes, was, on motion of Mr. Tatum of Dade indefinitely postponed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to make Justices of the Inferior Courts of the several counties of this State, ex-officio commissioners of Patrbl in the counties, for which they are elected, and for other pur¬ poses therein mentioned. ThC report wajs agreed to, the Bill was read the third tiine, and lost. The House took tip the report, of the committee en the bill to leayfe the queetion of the existence or abolition of the Supreme Cphrt to the people of the State. Mr. Gibson pf Richmond offered as a substitute for the same, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6th> 1S59. 289 A bill to repeal the act organizing the Supreme Goprt. Pending discussion of this subject tHe House adjourned until 9£ o'clock, A. M. to-morrow. JL TUESDAY, DECEMBER, Cth 1859. The House met "pursuant to adjournment^ J tl On motion of Mr. Graham so mucS of the Journal 6f yes¬ terday was reconsidered'as relates to the rejection of the bill1 tptneate anew county, out of the counties poses* t Also,,a Dill* to be entitled an act to incorporate the Some Guards in Madison, Mhrgan couhty, and to graht certaih privileges herein specified. Also, «el bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the South¬ ern Rights Guards in the county of Houston, to incorporate the £foott Rifles in the county of Talbot, to incorporate, the Macon#donnty Volunteers in the county of MaGon, ahd for other purposes. „ ( They have also passed a bill of the House of Representa¬ tives, to-wit : A bill to be entitled an act to repeal gin act to authorized the Georg?a Railroad apd Banking "Company, to build a Branch .Railroad to ttye town of Eatonton in Putnam county, and to increase the capital stock of said Company, assented, to, llthDec., 1858. Mr. Datid frctati the Committee on enrollment reports as duly enrolled and ready for tlje signature of the Speaker of the .House of Representatives: An act to amend an act, entiled an act, to incorporate the Yahoola River and Cane Creek Hydraulic and Hose Mining Company, assented to, Dec., llth, 1858. The following message was received from the Senafe, by Mr. West, their1 Secretary. Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following bill to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to pardon John Fundy of the .county of Gwinneif. now under'the sentence of death for the crime of murder* The following message was received from His. Excellency Jthe Governor,, by Mr. Campbell hist Secretary, to-wii>: Mr. Speaker :—The Governor has* signed the following hills to-\Vit: i5 A bill for the relief of J. C. Smith, formerly of Fayette %ow Clayton county. A bill to amend an act entitled, an ac^j to incorpate the frahoola River and Cane Creek Hydraulic and Hose Mining i Company, assented to, llth Dec., 1858. 292 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE* The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. Wqst thejir Secretary. Mr. Speaker: lam directed by the Senate i® inform the House |Oi Representatives that they have concurred to a res¬ olution of the Houee of Representatives, raising a joint conf- mittee to consult as t^ the propriety of extending the pres¬ ent sesSioi^, wjth an amendment iir which they ask the con¬ currence of the House* . And have appointed1 Messrs. Johnson of Clayton, Holt and Collier as that committee on. the part of the Senate. The. House resumed the unfinished business ofyestercfay. to-wit i A bill to leave the question of the existence or abolition of thd Supreme Court to the people of the State, arid the substitute offered by Mr. Gibson pf Richmond, which*is A bill to repeal the act organizing the Supreme Cdurt, &c. "Mr. Elytoffered the following resolution as a substitute /or the foregoing bilfs, fo-wit: Resolved, That the whole matter of the abolition of the Supreme Court be referred to the Convention of the people 'of Georgia, to meet in Milledgeville the next year. Upon the question of adopting the same, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded* •There are yeas 88. There are nays 64. Those whd voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, DeLamar, Henderson of New- Andersqn, Delony, ton, Barksdahe, Eberhart, Herrington, Baugh, Ector, Hic^s. Blakey, Edmondson, Hopkins, BiVins, Ely, Horsley, Brown of Sumter, Fain of Gilmer, Howell of Lowndes, Brmdes * Fain of Morgan, Hurst, Bruton of Forsyth, Fannin of Troiip, HutchinS, Cason, Finney, Johnson, Clark of Elbert, Gays Jones of Mitchell, Clark of Monroe, Goodman, Key, Colvard, Green of Cobb, Knowles Coleman, Hardin, Bewis of Creene, Conley, Harkness, Lewis of Hancock Cook, Harper of Sumter, Lester, Cullens, Harris, Lockett, David, Hartridge, Lofton, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1859. 293 Lumpkin, Render, Martan> ^Richards, Mayd, Roziet, McC^nts, Scott, McQdmb, Screven, McDonald of JVIur- Selman, ray, MeWhortpr, Mitchell, Morris^ Norwood, Ragsdale, Reeder, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of ToWns, ■ Solomons, Sptayberfy, Stewart, Syeat, Taylor* Terrqfl, Turner, Y aughn, Walton, Warfe, \Vhaley? •Williams of Clinch, Wilson, Wofford, Thos^ who vot^d in the negative, are JMessrs : ,Allan, Hockenjiull, Brinson Holden, Brown of HoustonHolland Causey, Hollorhan, Daniel, Holmes, Dixon, Hov^ell,of Milton Eqhols, lrwin% Fain of Union, Jones «of Rabun Fahnjn of Morgan, Keeling, Farnell, Fleming^ Fortner, Kelly Knox, Ltensden, McDonald of Ifum-Tatum, Patton,* PeVry, Pilcher, Prescott, Price, Ragsdale, Setting Sharpe, , Smith of Coffee, « Sockwell, Strickland, Tapley, Thrashet, Toggle, \ . Underwood, Yajiover, "West Whittle, Williams of Muscp- gee, Young, Gflas^ Gibson Of Rich- kin, mond, .McEver Grdham, McGar, Gi;ovensteine, McLendon, Harper of* Henry, McRae, Heath, Mintz, Hendersoh o£Hen- Mullins, ry, Nobles, Henderson of Parks, Worth, Patrick, So the .same was adopted. The resolution yas*fhen agreed to, Mr. Dafid, fr^m the cojnfnitiee qn enrolltnent. reported as, duly enrolled and'r^ady for the signature df the Speaker of the Hougse of Representatives, Arrant to repeal an act to auth,orp;e tjie Georgia Railroad and Bankipg Company1, to build a Branch Road to the town of Hatonton*in Putnam county* and to increase the capital «tock Of said Comfiany, assented tcT, ITtRDec., 185^., 294 JQURNAL OF THE HOUSE, The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to aid the citizens of Georgia, in the construction of Rail¬ roads in this State, upon the conditions and limitations there¬ in specified., Mr# Tatuth, moved to amend the saihe so as to extend its benefits to that porfiop of the Wills Valley Railroad, which is embraced in the county of Dade# This ahiendment was not jreceiyed. « Mr, Horsley of Upson, offered the following amendments which were lost. Be itfurther enacted, That all Railroads now completed in this State, Whose companies have not fully paid for the eoin stijuction thereof, shall be entitled to the State's endorse^ ment in the sum of two thousand dollars fot efery mile completed, subject to all the requirements and restric¬ tions of this act. * And he it further enacted, That the Thomastoif and Batnes- ville Railroad Company, shall be entitled to the endorse¬ ment of the State, and the Governor of Georgia is hereby tcr quired to endorse the bonds pf Said Company to the amount of three thousand dollars per mile for the length of the sec¬ tion of their Railroad already Completed} and the accep¬ tance of the ajd, extended to them by this acf, shall consti¬ tute a first or prior lien, superior to all others, on said Rail¬ road, so far*as it is now completed; its equipments, and a^> purtenances' in favor of the State", and subject said Compa¬ ny to all the requirements# penalties gnd liabilities of this acf. Mr. Dixon of Muscogee, proposed the following 84. 296 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Those who> vdted in tke affirmative are Messrs e Barks c£ate, Harper of Summer, Pilcher, Brinson, Harris, Pitts, Brown of "Houston,Henderson of Hen-Bagsdale, Bro^n of Sumter,, ry, Bender, Brewton of Tatt- Henderson ofWorthSettle, nal, Hicks,* Smith of Bryan, Causey, Holden, Smith of Hall, Clark of Elbert, HorsTey, Smith of Twiggs, Clarke of Monroe, Irwin, Strickland, COlvard? Conley, Daniel, DelaUiar, Dixon* FhUnin of Morgan, kin, Fafnbll, McGar, Fleming, McLendon, Gibson of Kick- Minfz, mond, Mitchell, Gibson of Warren,"Norwood, Goodman, Parks, Green of Obb, Patrick. GfbvenatAn, Patton, Harper of Henry, Prescott, Key, Tattyh, Lester, Thrasher, Lumsden, Tuggle, McCtfnts, Underwood, McDonald of Ltunp-Vangver, Vaughn, Walton, "^Vare, Whittle, Wicker, "Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wilson, Worley, Those who Vnted ih the negative are Messrs 1* * Alexander, Allan, Andfer^bn, Betugh, Blakey, Bivins, Broyles, Glass* Graham, Harden, Harkn?ss, Hartridge, Heath, Knowles, "Knox, Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Locketf, Lofton, BreWton of Forsyth, ton, Henderson ofNew-jLumpkih, Coleman, Oobk, Cullens, David, Delony, Eherl^rt, Edmgndson, Ely, Fain of Gi,hner, Fain of Gordon, "Faih of Uffion, Finney, Fottner H&y, Herrington, Hockeuhul'l, HogahS, • Holland, Holmes, Hopkins, Howell oftawmdes,MqWhorters Martin, Mgys, McComb, McDonald of Mur¬ ray, McEver, McBea, Hurst, Hutchinsr, Johiison, * Jongs of Mitchell, Jones of Kabun, Keeling, Felly Morris, Noblels, Perry, Prioe, Register, Beeder, Richards, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1859. 2^7 Bozier, Sock welly Turner, gcdtt, Solomofh, West, SctevCn, *Sprayberry, Whaley, Selman, Stewart, Williams of Clinch, Sharpe, iapley, Wofford, Smith of Coffee, Taylor, *Yo(ung, Smith of Towns, Terrell, So the motion dick, not prevail. On motion of Mr. Alexander of Floyd, the rules were suspended, aiyl the Senate Bill fory Mf. West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker i The Senate have passed the following Bills. * A Bill tp be pntitled^anAct, to'allow the Attorney Gen¬ eral, and Solicitors General* a'fee in cases of #peace war- ran^s^ Also, A Bill to be cntitjed an Act, to defind and punish vhgraiif cy ip free persons of color, Also, ' ( A Bill to be entitled an Act to authorize the GoVerndr of this State to grant certain privileged to the Dalton hud Gadsden Rail Road Company. Also, A Bill to be^entjtled an Act, fo amend aft Act, ip refer¬ ence to granting Divorces, approved December 5th, 1806. Also, * » A Bihto be entitled an Act to provide and give lieps to Stone Cutters,,' and Marble'Companies of-this State to secure p'ayment for their labor. Also, A Bill to be entitled an Act, to amend ah Act, entitled an Act, td carry into eftCct the sixth Sec¬ tion of th® fourth Article of the Constitution, pro- Vidiiig fo£ the distribution of Intestate? Estates^ directing tfie manjief of grafting letters pf administration, &<$., approved Decepibdr 12th, 1804, so as to embrace .the child Pr children n>f intestate Nephews and* Neices*. Also, 298 . -• JOURNA^OF THE HOUSE, A Bill to be eiititled an Act, to abolish the "Senalui Academicus." to give its*power^ to the Board of d^rustee^of the University of (3-eorgia, and to yest the government 'of said University'in said Board of Trustees. Also, ^ , ( 'A Bill to he entitled an Act, to amend an Act, ^ntitle'd an Act,, to prescribe thdmanner in which, the names of persons may be changed, and persons born illegitimate, may be made legitimate, and to carry into effect the tprevisions of the Constitution upon that subject* 'and also to prescribe the mantlet in which children may, be adopted. Approved .March 6th, lSSfi, so as to extend the provisions of the-same to grdwn persons, as* well as children, and to yna ke the con¬ sent of the mother sufficient to adoption, in certain cases. Also, * * * 4 A Bill to be entitled an Act to incorporate uhe ','Slewart Volunteers',".and other, Volunteer Companies herein men¬ tioned, and to extend certain privileges to them ami all other Volunteer; Companies now organized, or hereafter to be or¬ ganized in this State, and for other purposes. Also, A. Bill to be entitled an Aft, for, the distribution of the egtate. offiCofeinan S. Pringle,' late of Pike county, deceased, and for the relief of the execution to the last will of said Testator. • . • t • ' The Senate have also passpd the following Bills of the House of Representatives: A»Bill* to be entitled an Act, to alter the times of hold¬ ing the Superior Courts- of the county of Ediugliam, and for, other purposes therein mentioned.' Also, A Bil} to* be entitled jpi Act, to alter and change the time .of holding fhe Superior a,nd Inferior Courts of the county pf Walker, and the Superior Churts of the county pf Dade. ' ■ , , ,* * « .They have also concurred in the amendments of the "House of Representatives, to a Bil-l ,of the Senate, to 'fie' * en titled-an Act, to -changeand fix the time of, holding the Superior Courts, in the counties of Heard, Carroll, Qamp- belfi Pauldiilg, and Floyd, and to change tlie time of hold¬ ing the Inferior Courts in the county of Heard, arid to add fhp county of Paulding to the* Tallapoosa circuit. * * * " , f ■ Th5 Senate have also agreed to a "Resolution that the Bill'phsspd by the Senate add House of Representatives, for tile pardon of Wm. A. Choice, now under sentence 6f death, for the" prime of. murder, in the county of Fulton, be placed , upon file, ill the office pf Secretary of State, and that the Shcrefory'of State do," or\ the „ application of any, person, prepare a.popy;ofsaid Bfil, so passed as .aforesaid, do eerily WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1859. 299 minder his seal of office, and deliver* such copy and certifi¬ cate, to jany person applying for the1 same, in which they ask'the concurrence of the House. The following Message was received from his Excellency Ike Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit r Mn Speaker c Th,e Gavernpr has signed the Act, to incor¬ porate the Eto\yah pud Auraria Hydraulic and Hose Mining Company, and also to, incorporate the Cedar Creek Lum¬ ber and Drifting Association. Mr. David, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of' the House of Representatives ; • Ah Act, to incorporate the Etowah and Auraria Hy¬ draulic Hosd Mining Company, and the Cedar Creek Lum¬ ber Driftirig Association. Mr. David, from the Committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives : An Act, to alter the times of* holding the Superior Courts of the cqiinty of Effingham, apct for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, An Act, to change the times qf holding the *Superior*and Interior Courts of th'e county of Walkdr, and the Superior Courts of^he county of Dade. Mr. David, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as duly enrolled,-and ready for the signatuf^of the Speaker of the House of Representatives An Act, to incprporatb the tbwn of Hawkinsville, in the county of Pulaski, to appoint Commissioners for the same, and to cqhfer cettairf powers upofi said commissioners. Al¬ so, to incorporate fhe town of GrooverviUp, in Brooke County, and for ofher purposes. The unfinished business f of yesterday was resumed, tot- wit : the passage of the* Bill to aid the citizens of Georgia in the construction bf Rail Roads in this State, upoq the conditions apd limitations therein specified^ After argument thereon, Mr^Tuggle called the previous question, which was seconded. The piain Baugh, Hockenhull, Parks, Brown of Houston, Hogans, Patrick, Broyles, " Holland, Price, Bruton of ForsythjHolmes* Ragsdale, Cason, Dayid, DeLamar, Echols, Edtnoncfson, Fain of Gilmer, Fain, of Gordon, Fain of Union, Fleming, Fbrtner, Gay, Glass, Graham, Green of Cobb, Hardin, Howell of Milton, Register, Hr^chins, Richards, Jolmson, Sharpe, Jones of Mitchell, Smith of Coffee/ Jones of RaWn, Spiith, of Hall, Smith of Towns, Sockwell, Sweat, Thrasher, West, Keeling, Knox, Lester,, ,Lockett, Mays, McDonald of Lnmp-Whaley, kin, Williams of Clinch McDonald of Mur-Woffbrd, ray,, Worley, McEver Young, McRea, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs Alexander, Barksdale, Blakey, Bivins^ Bjrinson, Brown of Sumter, Brewton nail, Causey, Clark of Elbterfc, Cl^k of Monroe, Golvard, Qoleman; Conjey, Cullens, Daniel, Delony, Dbion» Eberhart, Eetor, Gibson of Warren, Luippkin, Goodman, Lumsden, * Grovensteine, Marliny Hark,ness, MpCants, Harper of Henry, Me Gar^ Harper of Sumter, McLendon, of Tatt-Hartridge, McWhorter, Henderson of Hen-Mitchell, ry, * Morris, Henderson of flew-Mullens, ton, Norwood, Herrington, Patton, Hicks, Perry, Holden, Pilchter, Holloing Pittfe, HopkinSj Prescott, Horsley, Reeder, Hurst, Roaier^ Irwin, Renter, Kelly, Scott, Fannin of Morgan Key, Screven, Farnell, Knowles, Seaman, Finney, Lewi^ of Greehe, 'Settle, Gibson of RichnlondLofton, Sims, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH;" 1859. 30i Smith of Bryan, Sm^th of Twiggfe, Solomons, ' Sprayberry, Stewart, Strickland* Tapley, Tatum, Taylor, Terrell, Tuggte. Underwoo'd, "Vanover, Vaughn, W alton, Ware, Whittle, Wicker, Williams of Musco¬ gee. Wilson, So the bill was lost. Lewist)f fEan'cock, in favor of the Bill, and Turner' of Floyd, in favor1 of the bill, paired off with Fannin of T^oup, and Rhodes of Richmond, against it. Leave of absencfe for a few days on special business *to Mr. Howell of Lowndes, a^nd Edmondson. The House adjourned uhtil8 £ o'clock, P.. M. • THREE i*0'PL0CK, P. M. Thq Horyse met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Lewis of Greene offered the following "Resolution, which was read, td wit: p Resolved, "That no member, during the remainder of thjs Session, shall speak mote than once on the same subject, nor •more than ten minutes at any one time. • *Mr. Pitts moved to strike out ten and insert five minutes, Upon this motion the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There were yeas 74. There tverej nays 68. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs: Barksdale, • Harper of Henry, Key, Bau&h, Heath, * Lewis of Greene,* Blakey, Henderfeon of New-Lockqtt, Bivins, . ton, Lumpkin, Causey, H enderson of W orthLumsden, Daniel, Herrington, Martin, Efierhart, 'Hogans* Mays, Ector, Hollapd, McCants, Farnell, Hopkins, McComb, Fleming, Howell of Lowndes,McCrairy, Finney, Hurst, McDonald of Lump- Glass, # Irwin, kin, Gibson of Watren, Keeling, JMcEver} Hardiif, Kelly, McQar, 302 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Mctendon, Settle, Tuggle, McRea, Sharpe, Underwood, McWhorter, Sims, Vanover, Mullins. Smith of Coffee, Whittle, Nobles, Smith of Hall, Williams of Clinch, Norwood, Smith of Twiggs, Willian^s of Musco- Parks, Stewart, gee, Pilcher, Strickland, Wilson, Register, Sweatt, W offord, Ree&e^ Tatum, Worley, ftosier, Tatylor, Youtfg, Selman, Thrasher, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs : Alexander, Fortner, Perry, Allah, Gay, Pitts, Anderson, Gibson of Richm'ndPrescott, Brinson, Goodpian, Price, Brown of Sumter, Graham, Render, Broyles, Green of Cobb, Richards, Brufon of Forsyth, Grovensteine, Scott. Brewton of Tatt- Hatper of Sumter, Screven, nail, Hartridge, Smith of Bryan, Clarl^of Elbert * Henderson of Hen- Smith of Towns, Clarke of M onroe, xy, Sockwell, Colvard, Hicks, Spi^ayberry, Coleman, Hockenhull, Tapley, Conley, Holden, Terrell, Cullens, Holmes Turner, David, Horsel^y, Vaughn, DeLamar, Johnson, TValton, Delony, Jones of Mitchell, Ware, Echols* Jone§ of Rabun, West, Edmonton, Knox, Whaley, Ely, Lebter, \Yicker, Fain of of Gilmer, Lofton, Fain of Gordon, McDonald of Mur¬ rain of Union, ray, Fannin of Morgan, Mintz, S<*the motion prevailed. Mr. Lewi^ of Hancock moved to amend by adding, "that this Resolution shall not take effect until after 12 o'clock to^ morrow. The same was lost. On motion of Mr. Smith of Towns, the resolution >and amendments were laid oh the table' until Saturday next, 12 P. M. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER *7th*, 1859. 303 The following Message was received from his Excellency, the Governor, by Mr. Campbell his Secretary,, to-wit:. ** Mr. Spraktr: 1 am directed by the Governor to return t'd this brant;! i of the General Assembly, in which it originated, a Bill entitled an Act, to incorporate, the Bainbridge "and Florida Rail Road Company, and to incorporate"the Monti- cello branch Rail Road Company, accompanied by a com¬ munication in writing. » » Mr, David, from the Committee on Enrollment, report as duly enrolled, sighed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of ,the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives,: An Act to be entitledian Act to 'change the time of hold¬ ing the Superior Courts, in, the counties of Heard,' .'Carroll, Campbell, B.tuldmg, and Eloyd, and to change the time of* holding the Toferior Courts of the county of Heard, -and to add the county of Paulding to the Tallapoosa Circuit. To'the*House of Representatives : I herewith re turn the Bill to be entitled "an Act to, in1 corporate the Bainbridge^ and Florida Rail Road Company; and t.o incorporate the Monticello Branch Rail Road Com¬ pany, and for other purposes," Without my sanction. ,The 6th soolron *of this Bill, gives to the Monticello Branch Rail Road Company, "all the powers, rights, and privileges, and immunities,ranted to the Savannah and Al¬ bany Rail re <><1 Company; (now Savannah, Albany,, and Gulf Railroad Company,) by the* Act of incorporation, and the va¬ rious Acts amendatory thereof,, so far as the provisions of the same can be made applicable to the said Moniicefio Branch Railroad Company." ^ y t Section first of the original Charter of the Savannah and Albany Railroad Company, (now Savannah, Albany* and Gulf Railroad Company, invests said Company, "with all the rights, powers, and immunities, Milch, by the laws of Georgia, are field or enjoyed by any other incorporated Railroad Company, or Companies, subject to the restric¬ tions c'onuected with, and necessarily consequent' Upon sucfi rights, privileges, and immunities, for the purposes "thereinafter specified.'' By reference to some other Rail¬ road Charters, then in existence, it seen that one of the immunities granted'to and erijoyed by such companies, was an exemption from taxation beyond one half of one per cent upon the net iqcornqs Of the Company. As 'an instance, this immunity was then 'enjoyed by 'the Central Railroad Company, and was by said Act also *giyen to the Savannah and Albany RailroadCopapany; and this Bill proposes- to 304 JOURNAL OF TflE EOU^E give the imitiuilittj to the Monticpllo Branoli Railrojad Company, now proposed to be chartered. The fa^t that the privileges is given to this Co. in anindirect way, by referring to other charters, and giving tie ^rights and immunities enjoyed by other *Co.'s, does net change the mer¬ its' of the case. The effect-of the Bill, as now passed, is to exempt the property of the Montieello ^Branch Railroad Company, from everjpaying .a tax of more than one half of one per cent upon its future net inccMes. I cannot sanction this Bill, for the reasons*, given in my message to the House-, returning tfip Bill to increase the cap¬ ital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company. In'cfise of war, or other future, emergency, requiring a large increase of tax upop the property of the State, no good rOa- gcta can be givkn why the State should parfc «vith her "right tq taV the property of Railroad. Companies, as high as the taxes of negroes, land, or other property. I regret that the Bainhridge and Florida Railroad Com¬ pany is incorporated in the same Bill. Tfiere are no such ohjectional features in-the charter of this Company*; but I $ am Compelled' to disprove the whole Bill, or sanction the whole; and as the objectionable part above referred to, cannot receive my sonction, I have to returnthe whole Bill, without approval. JOSEPH E. BROWN. The HousC took up the report of the 'committee^ onf the various Bills relative to the subject of education, which were made the»special order of to-clay. The Committee offered as a substituie for the same, a Bill to provide for a Superintendant of edmcation in Georgia, and to prescribe his duties; to appropriate money for the hid of education in this State, and for other purppses. On motion of Mr. Gibson of Richmond, the first section was stricken out, when Mr. Lewis of Hancock, withdrew thC Bill. Mr. Tpggle offered as a substitute : A Bill to amend an Act to provide for the education of the children of this State, between certain ages, and pro- yide an gnpual sinking fund, for the extinguishment of the public debt, &c. On motion of, Mr. Smith of Towns, the various Bills mentioned, and the substitute Of Mr. Tuggle, were postpon¬ ed unfil to-morrow, ThO General Appropriation Bill was taken up, and pend¬ ing the actiOn of the House "upon the same, Mr. Broyles of Whitfield movq her support, .that he procured her consentfo marry him by prpniises which were ilever fulfilled, and that satisfactary evidence has been produced, that her husband at the time of the marriage with her was the husband of another wife, then in life. - „ The bill then enacts that she is released from ay. disabili¬ ties and penalties, which she may incur by a marriage with any other person, that the contract between her and Ho'well is null and void, and declares "the parties'forever totally di¬ vorced." . If-all is true which the bill recites the proper tri¬ bunal in tire proper State, ought to declare V that the par¬ ties are forever totally divorced." If I am correctly inform¬ ed, the alleged marriage in phis case was solemnized hi'the State of Virginia, and the cTuel treatment and abandonment took place in New York, neither of me parties noXv is or ev- ef has been a citizen of Georgia. Mr. -Howell is not now in the State' and Mrs. Ho'well has only been two or three ntogths in the State. It might be a grave question there¬ fore whether the Judiciary of Ge.orgia to which department of the Government the Constitution has given jurisdiction •over the subject of, granting divorces, has any jurisdiction over this case. * Tf however, this investigation can properly be had in Georgia, .it must be had before the Courts. , After a careful investigation of this .question, I am" fuih Satisfied that the Legislature of Georgia has no power under the Constitution to grant a divorce, in this or any other case, and that the Constitution not only confers the power upon the Judiciary but expressly prohibits the Legislature from exerciSihg it. ■ ( * The 1st section of the 1st article of the Constitution of this St He declares that, " tlie Legislative, Executh e and Judicially departments of government shall be distinct, and to each department shall be confided a Separate body of mag¬ istracy ; and no person, or collection of persons, being of one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly hi- 3io JOURNAL OF T&E HOUSE. tacked to either -of the others except in the instances herein ex¬ pressly permitted." • If it can be shown that tbe Constitution has attached the power of trying issues of this character, and of granting di¬ vorces, to the Judiciary department of the government, it must be admitted that the above^ section of the Constitution prohibits the Legislative department from exercising this, unless it is " expressly'.' given to the Legislature also by some other clause in the Constitution. I can find no clause in the Constitution which '• expressly" permits the Legisla¬ ture to exercise this power. Let us see what the Constitution does say upon this sub¬ ject. *By the Constitution of 1798, it is declared that, "di¬ vorces shall not be granted by the Legislature until the par¬ ties shall have had a fair trial before the Superior Court, and a werdict shall have been obtained upon legal principles; and in such case, two thirds of each branch of the Legisla¬ ture may pass acts accordingly." It will be oberved that the Constitution of*179S, conferred this power upon neith¬ er of thesp departments of the government separately, but made its exercise dependent upon the Action of both. This provision of the Constitution was changed in 1S3-5, and the following was adopted in lieu of it, viz: " Divorces shall fye final and conclusive, when the parties shall have obtained the concurrent verdicts of two, spfecial juries, authorizing a di¬ vorce upon legal principles." #This section of the Constitution of 1S-35, repealed the sec¬ tion of the Constitution 179S, pbove quoted, and vested the whole power of granting divorces in the Courts, where alone the venlicts of special juries can be*had ; and as it did not " expressly" permit the Legislature to take any part in grant¬ ing' a divorce, it of course took from the Legislature allpow- dr over the subject by virtue of the first section above quot¬ ed. The Constitution of 1S35, only permitted the Courts t« grant divorces upon i(^gal principles, to-wit; the legal princi¬ ples theji in existence ; and not only denied to the Legisla* tu-re the right to grant divorces, hut also denied the right to tbe Legislature to change the legal principles upon which the Courts were authorized to grant them. In 1S49, this section-of the Constitution was again chang¬ ed, to as to give to the Courts the right to grant divorces, and to the Legislature the right to prescribe'the legal prin¬ ciples upon which they may be granted. The Constitution as amended ih lS49fis now ot force so far as divorces are concerned, and .is in these words, "Divorces shall be final and conclusive when the parties shall have obtained the concurrent verdicts of two special juries authorizing a di¬ vorce upon such legtd principles as the General Assembly may by law prescribed The Constitution of 1S49, repeals so much only of thAt of 183-5 up. denied to the Legislature the WEDNESDAY;, DECEMBER 7TB, 1359. 311 right to prdsoribe tjie legal principles upon wjiich divorces may be gruned and confers upon th(f Legislaturemfuture the right t» prescribe -the legal principle^ upon which the- Cptirfs shall acfyirf granting them. In a word the Constitution a^ it now stands confers upon rth,e Courts the right to grant , divorces,, and upon the Legislature the,power to prescribe the' legal principles upon whjch the Courts may grant them. The -Leg¬ islature has no fhore power therefore under the Constitution to grant divorces, than the Courts have to prescribe the legal principles upon which the Legislature may graht them; apd th^ Courts would no more transcend the powet given them, by the Constitution, were they to assume- the right to pre¬ scribe the legal principles upon which divorces may fye grant¬ ed by the Legislature, tjian the Legislature transcends its pbwefl when it assumes the rjghtto grant a divorce. I de¬ ny therefore, that the Legislature has any power to grant a( divorce an in 1.837, and in this case the verdict of i;he jury .and the judgment of the Court had tbeen rendered previous to the alteration* of the "constitution,^ and the Legislature passed an act perfecting la divorce, Which it wa& held must he passed by two thirds majority under the requirements of jthe constitution of 1798. Since 1837 repeated applica¬ tions have been made, and'in no "instance, so far as I can Jearn, has'a single bill* introduced for^ this purpose become a law. Nor *can I find'a single instance upon the Statute JOURNAL OF THE HOtTSE, book si$ce 1798, in which the Legislature has exercised the power claimed in this case, and granted a divorce without a trial ill Court, and the verdict of a Jury first rendered in fa¬ vor of« the applicant. Shall there he no limit 'to the agi¬ tation of this question, and shalhthe question of legislative power in this regard never he considered as settled ? If in the jildment of the present General Assembly, the opinion of the Supreme. Court is entitled to no consideration, I would respectfully inquire whether the opinions of our pre4 decessots in office, for the last sixty years should not com¬ mand our respect. If the Legislature from 1798 to 1S3-5 uniformly held that they power to grant a»divorce without a previous trial between the parties in the Superior Gourt, and no act has bhen passed into a law since 1S37, granting a divorce un'deriany circumstances even to our own citizens. Why, I would ask, should we disregard all precedent—set at naught the opinions of our Supreme Judges, and contemn all the wisdom of the great and the good, who have gone before ns, to -grant relief to a person who comes from another State to ask us to do what she has not asked at the hands -of the tribunals of her own State. „ J trust we are not yet prepared to make our Halls what one or two of the Northern States once* were, and what they havef refused longer to be, a forum for dissolving the marriage ties between citizens of other States,* whose cases will not bear investigation or entitle them to rejief at home The christian and the patriot have cause to regret that the marriage relation in our State should he treated with so little sanGtity. A Divorced are now too easily obtained in our Courts, and the penalty imposed by a wholesome stat¬ ute upon those who are the guilty .cause of divorce, is be¬ ing repealed by repeated acts of „tlie legislature, for the res- lief the guilty parties, yid to permit them to marry again. If we would maintain a wholesome rule of law, that the guilty part}" shall not be permitted to marrY again during the lite of the other party we would destroy all temptation, which parties without Jhe intercom ent * of the rule now have to obtain divorces by collusion, or by the practice of a fraud,upon the Courts, since the precedent Of relieving the guilty party has been set by the Legislature. I dm inform¬ ed tllat it now frequently occurs in"the Courts, that no de¬ fence is made to an action of divorce, by the defendant^ With the understanding that the plaintiff's friends will of¬ fer no opposition to the'defendant's application for relief in the Legislature, and in this way parties Who desire to he separate, make the Courts ancV Legislature the instruments to accomplish the ^object. Sound pojicy certainly dictates that a period he put tp this deilioralteing practice. 1 trust I am not'too sanguine when I expfessrtlie hope, that the WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1859. 315 sbbef thinking, moral and religions portion of 'our commu¬ nity will take the question under consideration, and* de¬ mand of their rulers that a practice so corrupting in* its tendencies, and demoralizing in its effects be no longer tol¬ erated. In tlfe case ^ow before us were I to admit What is deemed, that'the Legislature possesses the powfer to grant a divorce I -could' never consent to the exercise of the power hpon a mere . exparte ^ statement, without a trial and without giving both parties an op'portunity to be heard.- If I am *not misinformed, no witnesses have been svforri. in this case before either branch of the General Assembly, or any committee appointed by them Vith powers to take tesJ timony, and Mr. Howell has not been Oited by any process ' emenating from either Honse* to cSppean and defend." the case ^therefore progressing not only ex-paric, jbut without even swearing the Witnesses on'the* part of the applicant. The preamble of the bill nfakes * grave charges against My. HoVell, and condemns him without a* .hearing. ,This is contrary to every principle of natural justice, and shows the wisdom of 'those who made the constitution, and vest¬ ed tire power to grant divorces in the Courts and juries* \yhen issues of this character may be faitty tried*, aftey both parties have had an opportunity tp be Heard,' and to introduce evidence and examine and cross-examine witness^ es under oath. The constitution vests in tire General*As¬ sembly as much right to try an action* of ejectment or ail action of debt upon a proihissory note, to which Mr. HoW- ell maybe a pa'rty, and to "render a judgment against him, without a hearing, or to try any other issue properly per-' tainingjto the Courts and juries, as if does to try this isSue, and render the judgmpnt.pronounced by this bill. Lalso object to the passage of this bill upon principles of public policy. Tf Mrs. Howell is the injured patty, and deserves relief, why cfid she not apply to the Legislative or Courts of the State, where the marriage was solemnized, or where the separation took place, or where the legal resi¬ dence of one of the parties is now"known to be, where'the facts are known, and where "a, fair trial could be had, With both sides of the question'fairly before the tribunal* which is to pronounce the judgment. This Would certainly have looked better, If we grant the relief asked for" in this case, we open wide the door to similar* applications; ancl we may expect that discontented husbands and wives from other States, who may he unable t*o establish a right to pe- Kef at home, will crowd our legislative halls with similar petitions, supported by eyideilce On one side- only. Is it good policy to invite such applications from all parts of the Union, and to volunteer our services to settle all the family difficulties which occur beyond our limits1. I ain of opinion that 'it is not, aild that we have enough to do ii we 316 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. confine ourselves 'to 'such investigations* as pyrpenly belong terns; and^o such legislation as is demanded by the wants of *the people of our own State. . - JOSEPH E. BROWN! T£pon the question of passing th^ bill fot the relief of Mrs. Virginia Louise Howell over the Executive Veto, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. Tjhere aye yeas 31. There are nays 78. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Hutchins, Parks, Key, Patton, Knowjes, Pilcher, Lewis of Greene, Prescott, Lewis of Hancock, Tatum, Lumsden, * ThrgsLer, McGraRy, , Turner, M cDonald of Lump-Willi ems of Musco- kin. gee, Mintz, "VYofibid, Mullens,. Youiur, Howefl of Lowndes, Those who Voted in tjid negative, are Messiv : Anderson, Henderson of New- Nobles, "Allan,,* • Clark of Elbert, ^ Pqleinan, Cullens, Daniel, Glass,- Gibson' of Rich- * ipond, Gibson of "Warren, Hollomon, Horsley, ton. 'fearksdale, Baugh, ' Henderson of Blakey,* Worth, * * Biymsjfe 4 t Hicks, Brown, of Houston, Hockenhull,, Brbwp of Sumter, Holland, Broyles, Holmes, Brut on of Forsyth, Hurst, Cdson, Irwin, Clark ®f Monroe, Johnson, Conley,» j)avidL DeLamgr, D^xon, lEbferhart, Edmondsop, Fain of Gilmer, Fain, of Union, * "Perry, Rygsdale, Register Reeller, Rozier, Scott Settle, Sharpe, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Hall, Sockweii, Strickland, Terrell, Tuggle, Vaiiuhu, Wdre, Whalev Jondfe of Mitchell Jones of Rabnn, Kelly, Knox, Lockett, Martin, Mays, McGantS, Fannin of Morgan, McDonald of Mur- Whittl Fleffiing; _ ray, -Wicker, Goodman, * * 'McEver, Greene of Cohh, .McLenctoii, Hdrppr of Henry, McRea Heath, , . McWhorter, Henderson of Hen^NI orris, Williams of Clinch, Wilspu, Worlev. THURSDAY* DECEMBER 6tu, |S59. 317 Sothe^iiU was lost* The Ho use adjourned until 9| o'clock, A. M., to-nror- roW. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1859. The Hoi se or courts of the county of Effingham, and for other purposes thereiii mentioned. An act "to inqotp orate the town of Hawkinsville in the county of Pulaski, to appoint Commissioners for the same, and to confer certain powers upon said commissioners. Al¬ so, to incorporate the towp of Grooveryille, in Brooks c oun- ty, and for other purposes.* » Mr. Lester of Cobb, offered a resolution requesting our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their best efforts to obtain an increase bf the salary of the Hon. John E. Nicholl. • » The Hoffise took up the report of the committee on the bill to prevent' and make penal the betting 011 elections. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. McWhorter in the Chair, on the Bill' for the relief of John J. Flornoy of the county of Jackson. After some time spent therein the committee rose and through their chairman^ reported the same back to ,the House without, amendment- The report was agreed to, the bill was road the third time and lost. ' , The bills'on the 'subject of education, were on moffio'%, postponed for the' present. The House took up the report of' the Con miittep on the bill to prevent minors from selecting a new Guardian at their own option, upon arriving at fourteenyea'rs of age, and for other purposes. » The report was agreed to, the bill was readtiie third time and passed. . 1 The bill to lay out and organize a new county from the counties' of Gordon, Cass, Cherokee, Pickens and Gilmer, and for other purposes, was postponed indefinitely. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to employ a State's Geologist, and tp prescribe his du~ 'ties. ' ( The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third timo and lost. , The bill' to privide for the mileage and per diem pay of members of the General Assembly, and to regulate the same, was indefinately postponed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to amend the Judiciary of Georgia, so far as relates to the county of Mcintosh. The same was amended. S24 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE The- report as aihepded was agreed to, tlie *bill was^ read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the commitfee 'on the bill tp change the line between the counties' of Rhndplph and Quitman, and for othef purposes. Tkp report us was agreed to, the bill was read the third tiha,e and passed. The House took up the report of the committee On the bill tp alter .and amend the law of descendants in bases; of persons whp are illegitimate or bofn out of lawful wedlock dyihg intestate*. Tjiie repprt was, agreed to, the "bill was read the third aild passed. The House took up the report of the committee pn the bill to create and Jay off a new Judicial Cif curt t6 be called thb Hiwassee Cirpuit. The report was agreed to, thfe ^Ball was read the third time, and pn the question of its passage the yeas and nays Were required to be recorded. • There are yeas 61. There are nays 79. Th'ose who voted in thp affirmative ar,e Messrs: Alexander, Hardin, Nobles, Allah, Harkness, Parks, Anderson, Harris, Patton, Baugh, Hartridge, Registet, Proyles, Henderson of WorthRichards, BreWtpn of Tatnall,Holmes, Screven, (Jason, Howell pf Milton, Sharpe, Colvard, Hut chins, Smith of Bryan, Oullens, Irwin, ^mifhofChffee, David, Johnson, Smith of Had, DeWy, Jones of Rabun, Smith of Towns, Echols, Keeling, Sockwell Fct6r, Knox, Sweat, Edmondson, Mays, Tapley1, Ppip of Gilmer, McComb, Tatum, Fain of Gordon, McDonald of Lumpiest. Fai/i of Uniop, kin, Wicker^ Fortner, McDpnald of Mur- fVilliams of piinch Gay, ray, Wpfford, Glass, McEvpr, Young, Gibson of RichmpndMoRq^, Graham, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1859. 325 Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Barksdale, Hicks, Blakey, Holden, Brinsom Holland, Brown of Houston Holloman, Brown of Sumter, Hopkins, Causey, Clark of Elbert, Clark of Monroe Conley, Cook, Daniel, Delamar, Dixon, Eberhart, Farnell, Fleming, Finney, Gibson of Warren, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Grovensteine, Harper of Henry, Harper of Sumter, Mintz, Henderson of Hen-Mitchell, ry, Morris, Henderson of New. Mullens, ton, Norwood, Herington, Patrick, So the bill was lost. Horsley, Howell of Lowndes Hurst, Jones, of Mitchell, Kelly, Key, . Knowles, , Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Himcock, Lofton, Lumpkin, Lumdsen, Martin, McCants, McCrairy, McLendon, McWhorter, Perry, Pilcher, Price, Ragsdale, Reeder, Rosier, ,Scott, Selman, 'Settle, Sims, Smith of Twiggs, Stewart, Strickland, Taylor^ Terrell, Thrasher, Turner, Tuggle, Van over, Vaughn, Walton, Ware,, Whaley, Whittle, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Worley, The bill to exempt practising Physicians from Jury duty, and to allow them to- be examined by interrogatories, was taken up and postponed indefinitely. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Smith, of Towns, after Saturday next for the remainder of the session, and to Mr. Smith of Clinch, on account of sickness in his family The fallowing Message was. received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bills to wit; A bill to be entitled ait act to authorize the Ordinary of Whitfield county to pay Teachers of poor children, for the year 1859. Also, 326 JOURNAL 0^ THE HOUSE, A Mil to be entitled an act to change the coun¬ ty line between the counties *of Wayne and Charlton; between the counties of Colquitt &nd Thomas; between j;he counties of Sumter and Schley; between the counties of Lee and Sumter ; between the counties of Ware and Pierce; between the counties of Pulaski and Houston ; between the counties of Banks and Jackson, and to add pertain lots of land, now in the county of Irwin to the county of Coffee, and for other purposes. • Also, A Bill to be eiltitled an Act, to authorize the Ordinary of Butts county, vo pay Mathew J. Gibson, for teaching poor children in said County, also to authorize the Ordinary of Fayette County, to pay John T. Wooten, for teaching poor children in said County, and to authorize the Ordinary -of Harris con M y* to pay John* AndersOn for teaching poor» children in the county of Harris. Also, A Bill to be be entitled an Act, to change and alter the lines between the counties of Worth and Colquitt. Also,' A Bill to be entitled an Act, for the purpose of attaching a strip of imsurveyed land,' lying between the fourth and sixth districts of originally Early county, to the county of Early, and fotf other purposes therein contained. Also, A Bill to be entitled an* Act, to incorporate the first Pres¬ byterian Church, of the city of Columbus, and the St. Luke Methodist Episcopal Church South, of the city of Co¬ lumbus, ami the St. Paul Methodist Episcopal Church South, of the City of Columbus. Also, To amend an Act entitled an Act, to incorporate the Trustees fin Wesley Chapel, Andrew Chapel, and Trinity Church, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in the city*of Savannah. Approved 2nd of December, 1S49, and to appoint seperate Trustees for Wesley Chapel, in said City, ancf the property thereof. Also, A Bill to be entitled ail Act to authorize^ the Justices of the Inferior' Court of Lumpkin County, or a majority of them, to levy an extra tax, for the purpose of repairing the Couyt House, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, A Bill M be entitled an Act, to extend the corporate lim¬ its of the town of Hamilton, Harris county," and to create and, "give additional powers to the corporate authorities of said town: The Senate has also passed the following bills of the House of Representatives. A Bill to he entitled an Act, to pardon Thomas C.. Whit- worth, of the fcounty of Chattooga, noyv under sentence of death, for the crime of murder. The'House went Into a conimittee of the whole, Mr. Smith, of Towns in the Chair, on the Bill to appropriate THURSDAY,\PECEBIBER Sth, 18-59. 327 money for the support of Govern merit., for the year I860* and for otlier purposes. The same was taken up "by sections. After some time spent therein, the committee rose, re¬ ported. progress, and asked permission to sjt again. The rules wese suspended, when the Se'hate Bill to par¬ don John Fundy, of the 'county of Gwinnett, now under sentence qf death,, for the crime nf murder, \vas takeh.up and fead the second tim^: The House adjourned until 7 o'clock P.M. 7 O'CLOCK P.M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following Bills of the Senate were read the first time, to' wit: " A Bill to he entitled' an Act, to add an additional section to the eleventh division of the Penal Code. A Bill to he entitled an Act, to confer additional' powers upon the Mayor and Council of the city of LaGrange, to regulate the rate of taxation in said city, and to, grant ceiv tain exemptions to the diligent firemen of LaGrange. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to change the eighteenth Section of the fourteenth Division of the Penal Code of this State, and for other purposes. A Bill to be entitled an Act, for the relief of .the estate of Samuel Martin, late of the county of Payette, deceased. A Bill to he entitled an Act, to change the lines .between the counties of Floyd and Polk. A BiB to be entitled an Act, for the relief of William D. Pigden, of Charlton county, and for other purposes. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to change the line between the counties of Union and Fannin. A Bill to 'be entitled an Act, to compensate the Sheriff .of Franklin County,'for summoning Grand and Petit Jurors of said County, and for other puiposes. - A Bill to be entitled an ACL f°r 'the relief of John Far¬ mer, and .William Hall, securities,, on the appearance bond of Newton Freeman, of the cou'nty of Gilmer-. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to suspend a part of the eighth Section of an Act to provide for the education of the children of this State, between certain ages, and to provide an annual sinking fund, for the extinguishment of the pub¬ lic debt, for the year eighteen hundred and fifty nine,, so far as relates t6 the counties of Green & Baldwin,and to authorize the Ordinaries of said counties to pay over to certain teacher? 328 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. of "said counties, tlie school fund belonging to said counties, and fof other purposes herein mentioned. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to authorize Nicholas (trice, of Merriwether County, an infirm and indigent person, to peddle without paying for the privilege of so doing. A Bill tobe entitled an Act. to incorporate the Enter¬ prise Railroad Company, and for other purposes. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to repeal, under and by au¬ thority of which peddlers and itinerant traders have beea permitted to pursue their occupation in this State, except as hbfein specified, and to provide and impose penalties upon each and.every person who may, after this Act is provided to take effect, be detected in the violation of the provisions thereof, and for other purposes herein specified. A Bill to be entitled an Ach, to incorporate the town of Moultrie, in the county of Colquitt, and to .confer certain privileges and powers on the Commissioners, and to amend the several Acts incorporating the city of Rome, and to confer certain powers on the Mayor and Council of the city of Albany, and'to amend the Act incorporating the town of Monticello, in the county of,Jasper, and for other purposes therein mentioned. . A Bill to be entitled an Act, to provide for the distribu¬ tion and disbursement of the Common School Fund, to which the counties of Gilmer and Lumpkin are or may be entitled, Under arid by virtue of * an Act, passed on the eleventh day of December, eighteen hundred und fifty- eight, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A Bill to be entitled an Act, to incorporate the Stewart Volunteer Conypany, herein mentioned, and to extend cer¬ tain privileges to them, and all other Volunteer Companies now organized, or hereafter to be organized in this State, aud for other purposes. A.Bill to amend the 13th Section of the 13th Division of the Penal Code 'of the State of Georgia, so as to increase the penalty for selling and furnishing intoxicating liquors to slaves, and free persons of color. "A Bill to confer certain privileges on Julius A. Cade, of Chattahoochee county, to make lawful his acts, &e. A Bill to incorporate the town of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton, and to provide for the election of Com¬ missioners, Marshal, and Clerks, and for other purposes therein named. A Bill to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the cpunties of "Dougherty, Paulding, Terrell and Merriwether, and Petit Jurors of the counties of Marion and Putham, and provide for the same.' A Bill to authorize the administrators of the estate of the late Toliver Jones, of the county of Harris, to sell all the lands belonging to said estate, lying in the counties of THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1,859. 329 Harris, ^Muscogee', and .Talbot, at the Court Hpuse, in the county of Harris. " ■ ' A Bill so authorize "William Ford of Mitchell county, Mo- sOs W. Graham, and Charles Findlay of' Merrfwether coun¬ ty, and Russell J., Powell,' of E^hlin county, to peddle without license. A Bill to incorporate ttie 'Hydraulic Hose Mining Com¬ pany, of Lumpkin, to incorporate the Etowah and Battle Branch Hydraulic Company, and for other purposes therein specified. t A Bill for the relief of Henry Henson, and EJias Kilpat- rick, of the county of1 Towns.,, A Bill to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Milledgeville and Gordon Railroad Company, with th&stbck of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and also to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Eatonton Branch Railroad wieh the stock' of the .Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, apd also to au¬ thorize an increase of the capital "stock of, the said Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and for other purposes. , ' A Bill to reduce the Sheriffs bond in .the coftnty of Irwin" and for other purposes." \ ( A Bill to repeal an Act entitled an Act to authorize the election of Marshal, for the town of Newhan, in the'c'ounty of, Coweta, in the same way and, manner as Commissioners for said town are now elected by law, approved February 17th, 1854. A Bill conferring certain powers upon Absolom E. Rob¬ erts, administrator.of the estate of Robert J. Culbreath, de¬ ceased, &c, &c?>&c, &c. A Bill to chapge the time of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Pierce, A Bill to-incorporate the town of Btatesville in Edhols, county, and for other purposes. A Bill to legalize and enforce the operation of the Board of Police, for the 15 th Disirict G- M., of the cpunty of Lib¬ erty, and to confer upon them certain powers, &c. ' A Bill to incorporate the Vernon Shell Road Company, &c, &c. A "Bill to authorize the Ordinary of the county of De- Kalby fo pay arrearages due J. F. Buchanan, (a teacher8 of poor childrenln said county,) for the year 1853* A Bill for the relief of W. F. C. Faulkner, of Madison county. A Bill to change the times of holding tlm Superior Courts, of the countiesmf Wjlcox, Telfair, Irwin, Berrien, and Glynn, and for otliel* purposes. , . ABill to change the name of the Planters and Mechanics Bank of Dalton. 330 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, A Bill t6 regulatd the agencies of foreign Insurant^ eom^ panies, and to provicfe for the appointment of an IhsuVance Commissioner. # t # * A Hill to define and declare the jurisdiction of the courts of this- State, in feuits against Railroad Companies'. A Bj.ll to incorporate the Southern Rights Guards, in the county of Houston, the Scott Rifles, in the county of Tal¬ bot, and the Macon County Volunteers, in the county of Macon, and for other purposes. A Bfll to authorize the Inferior Court of Early county,! to levy a Road Tax, aid for other purposes. A Bijl to incorporate the Home Guards, in Madison, Mor¬ gan county, and to grant certain privileges herein specified. A Bill to compel alljpefsons—nonresidents of the county of Wayne, owning, penning and grazing stock cattle in said county to return hnd pay tax on the saipe in the county atbre^id. » A BilBto ptovide! and give liens to stone cutters and mar¬ ble companies ©f this State to secure payment for their la¬ bor. , „ A Bill to incorporate the triwn of Carnesville, in the coun¬ ty of Franklin, and for other purposes. A Bilhto allow the Attorney General and, Solicitors Gen¬ eral a fee in cases of Peace Warrants, and, A Bill to define and pnnish vagrancy in free persons of cdlor. The Hduse adjourned till 9 i o'olock, A. ]\L, to-morrow. FRIDAt, DECEMBER 9th, 1S59. The Hopse met pursuant to adjournment. Leave of absence was granted Mr. TRnox after Wednesday next, Mr. McRae after Saturday next, and Mr. Screven after Monday next* • Leaye of absence was granted Mr. Pilchfer of Warren, un¬ til Monday next on, important business. « The Speaker appointed as an auditing committee Messrs,, Lumpk'u, McWhoifier, Glass, Render^ Harkness, Wofford and Ha ipei: of Henry. The comtaittee of the Whole, Mr. Smith of Towns in the chair, resumpd the consideration of the general appropriar tion bill. The ^ame was taken up by sections and amended. The bill,arid amendments were then reported back to the Hofise. M The bill vfas again taken up by sections. The following was offered in copimittee as an amendment to the 3d section, to-wit 4 He it further enacted, That the sum of sevepty-five thpps- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1859. 331 and dollar-. be and the same is hereby appropriate, for the purpose <5 purchasing arms and accoutrements for the Vol¬ unteer Military Companies of this State \ to be expended by his Excellency the Governor in bis discretion as he, may ' deem necessary, said arms when procured, to be deposited in the variou s Arsenals of the State, and given out to th» various Military Volunteer Companies of the State, on their giving bond with good security to be , signed by the Com¬ manding Officer, (or in case of incorporated Companies) signed in the corporate name, for the return of, said arms in good order to the State, on, the disbandment of said" Com¬ panies. * Mr. Harris moved to amend the foregoing amendment by the following, "upon which the yeas and nays weiA record ed, to-Mit: "And that the amount of money appropriated by this sec¬ tion for the purchase of arms, be, expended for arms to be manufactedin the State of Georgia, pro vided, That the'Gov¬ ernor can contract for their manufacture and delivery with¬ in the term of twelve months ; the contractor, to give bond to the Governor with approved security in a sum equal to the amount hereby appropriated for the prompt and faith¬ ful performance of the contract. » There are upon the adoption of this proposition yeas G1 nays 71. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs :: Allan, Holden/ gobies, Baugh, Holland, Parks, Brinson, Horsley, Patton, Brown of Houston, Hutchins, Perry, Broyles Johnson, Pitts, Cason, Jones of Mitchell, Price Causey, Jones of Rabun, Ragsdale, Cock, Keeling Register, DeLamar, Key, Richards, Fain of Gordon, Knox Rosier, Fain of Union', Lewis of Greene, Sliarpe, Fannin of Morgan, Lewis of Hancock, Smith of Coffee, Fleming, Lumsden, Smith of Towns, Gay, Mays, Stewart Gibson of Rich- McCrairy, Tatum, mond, McDonald of Lump-Thrasher, Gibson of Warren, kiu, Walton, Harper of Henry, McDonald of Mur-We"st, Harris, ray, Williams of Clinch, Henderson-, of Hen- McEver, Wofford, ry, ( McGar, * Worley Henderson ofWorthMcRea, Young. Hockenhuil, Minfz, 232 pOTJRJpAL OF THE HOUSE, Those wiit) wfed in the negative are Messrs. Anderson? Barksdale Blakey, Bivens, Brantley, k Groven^tein, Fresoott, Hafkness, Reeder, Harper of Sunifey, Render^ Hartridge Scott Heath, Screven, Brown Of Sumter? Henderson of Ne'w-Selman Bruf otf Of Forsyth, tony Brewton of Tatt-HOrrmgtop, nail, Clark of Monroe, Colvard, Coleman, Conley, Daniel. David, Delony, Dixon, Eberhatt, Echols, Ector, w.- Fain, of Gilper, Farnell, Finney, Glass, Gdodmgn,, Green ofCobfy,. Hicks, Hogans Holloman, Holmes, Hopkins, Howell of Hilton, Hnrst, Kelly, Knowles, Lockeft, Lntnpkin, Martin, McCants, MeLehdon, Mitchell, Morris, Miiljens Norwood, Ratrick, Settle, Sinis, Smith oi' Bryan, Sockweil, Strickland. SwCat, Tapley, TaiyloV, Tertell, Turner^ x UOOlC» Underwood, Yanoveii Yauglm, Watri, Wfialey, WlpttTe, Wicker YViliiaihis of Musco¬ gee, Wilson. So flie same was not received. The quesfion then recurred upon receiving the original amendment of the committee of the Whole. Upon this proposition the yeas aild nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas S6$ There are nays 55. Thope who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Alexander, Allan, Anderson, Barksdale, Blakey, Bivins, Brantley* Cgson, Cansey, Clark of Elbert, Clark of Monroe, Coleman, Conley, Cnllens, B^own of Sumter, Daniel, Brnton of Forsyth,David., Brewton of Tatt- DeLamar, nail, Delony, Dixon, Eberliart, Echols, Ector, %. Finneyr Glass, Gibson ofRichmoncf Goodnpan, Green of Cobb, Grovensrifnei FRIDAt, DECEMBER to, 1859. 333 Harkness, Lumpkin, Rarper of Sumter, Martin, Hafris, Hartridge, Sockwell, Stewart, McCants, Strickland McDonald of LirmpVTatkm, Taylor, TerrelR TVmer, Tuggle, Underwbod, Vanover, Vapghn, Warg, Wkaley^ W kittle, Wickey, "Williams of« Musco¬ gee, Wiisdn, Heath, kin, Herrington, McLendon Hicks, Mitclidll, Hockenhfull, Morri§, Hogans, Mullinfe, Holfompn, Norwood, Holmes, Patrjbk, Hopkins, PresCQtt, Horsley, Render, Hurst, Render, Johnson, Scott, Kelly, JScreven, Knowles, Selman,. jLester, SimS, Lockett, Smith of Bryan, Yoi^ng Those who voted in the. negative- are Messfs* Baug^i, Holland, Pattoir, Brinson, Howell of Milton, Perry, Broyles, Hutchins, < 'Pitts, Brown of Houston, Jdnes of Mitchell, Price, Cock, Jokes of Rabtui, Ragsdale, Colvard, Keeling, Register, Cook, Key, Richitrds, Pain of Gilmer, Khox, Settle, Fain of Gordon, Lewis of Greene, Sliatpe, Faik of Union, Lewis of Hancock, Smith of Obflee, Fann,in of Morgan,Lumsden, Smith of Towns, Farnell, Mays, Sweat, Fleming, McCrairy, Tapleyk Gay, MyDonaldm f Mur-Thrasher, Walton, "Wiest Williams of Clinch, Wofiford, Worleyy Qibson gf Warren, ray, Harper of Henry, McEyer, Henderson bf Hen- McRea* ry, McWhorter, Henderson of klirrtz, Worth, Nobles, Holden, Parks, So the saitie was received. jifr. Smith of To\yns, moved to strike out that clause of the 7th section, which relates to the appropriation of twen¬ ty-five thousand dollars for the Penitentiary* The motion prevailed. 334 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Mr. Lewi's of Greene, proposed to fill the same with twen¬ ty-four thousand, Which, was lost. Mr. McDonald, moved to fill it with fifteen thousand dollars, Which was lost. _ * Mr. Holmes, moved to fill the "blank with one thousand dollars,* Which Was lost. On lgotionofMr. Horsley, the entire clause on 'the sub¬ ject of the Penitentiary in the 7th section, was stricken out. , Mr. Fain of Union, moved to amend by reducing the per diem of Members to five dollars, This motioh did not prevail. The report as amended was then agreed to, the bill was read the third time, passed and ordered to be transmitted to the Senate without delay. Mr. Dayid from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to incorporate Etowah Lodge No. i ?2, of Free and Accepted Masons, at Dawsonville in Dawson coun¬ ty* " Also, an act to authorize the Inferior Court ot Dhre coun¬ ty to assess an extra tax, for the purpose of building a Court House in Said county. * Also, an act to consolidate the Officers of Tax Receiver and Collector' of ^ilcox comity. Also, an act to authorize and * require tl e Ordinary of Warren county, to pay Miss. Harriett L. Den i>, t»ie sum of eighty seven dollars and six cents, out of anj^ school fundsip. his hands for Educational purposes. Also,,an act to reduce the Sheriffs bond of Dooly couil- tj' Also, an act for the relief of the estate of Robert Brad¬ ford, deceased, and Samuel Moffat and Robert II. Bradford, executors of the same. Also, an act to change the name of the Montrose Manu¬ facturing Company of Sparta, Hancock county, to that of the " Montour Manufacturing Company," and for other purj poses. Alsh, an act to incorporate Herman Lodge No. 1S9, and for other purposes therein mentioned* of Free and Accepted Masons. ' ' • Also, a resolution to prolong the present sessfon of this General Assembly, till the 16th ofthis present month. Also, an act to pardon Thomas C; Whit worth of the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1859. 335 county of Chattooga, now under sentence of death for the crime of murder; Also, an act to allow additional compensation,to trie Sher¬ iffs of Hall, Cass and Dade'counties. 4 # The following message wasf received from the Senate, by»Mr. West, their Secretary,to-wit: 'Mr. Speaker The Senate haVe passed the .following hills A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Savannah Mutual Loan Association, Also, a'bill to be entitled an act for the .relief of Moses (3r. Sutton, of Berrien county. , « 'Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate Checharo Baptist Church, in the county of Rabun. » Also, a bill to be entitled an act to* authorize James F. Lynn of the courity of Pulai^d, to peddle on such goods and wares not prohibited by law in the limits of said County. Also, a bill to-be entitled an act "to alter and change! the common school law, so far as relates to Walker coUnty. * Also, a -bill to be entitled an ac^t to alter" and amend and construe a,n act" to proVide for the Education of the -children of this State &c., assented to December 11th, 1858, so far as the same relates tp'the counties of Milton and ^aulding* Also, a bill to be entitled "an act to 'authorize* Solomon A. Howell, an infirm man of the'county of Calhofcm, as an itin¬ erant trader to vend any Goods, Wares or Merchandize with¬ in the Second Congressional District without obtaining li¬ cense. - * t Also to allow Alden Hall of the county of Quitmap, and Robert Davis of the county, of Hall, to peddle under certain restrictions v • Also, a bill to be entitled an apt to prescribe and define, the qualifications of'persons in Early county, far the' office of Ordinary,, and to remove certain disabilities under .exist¬ ing laws, and for other purposes. -Also, a bill to be entitled an act.for the relief Susan L. R. Godwine of the county of Bibb, and William P.' Fieel of the county of Troup-. Also, a bill to 'be entitled an act to change the time of holding the Inferior Court in the county of Gordon. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to provide for the relief pf John Af Jones, and Jackson Yaughan of the county of Milton. ' „ Alsp, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the arrest and rendition, of persons committing offences against the criminal laws of any of the States adjoining to the State of Georgia, and who may take refuge within the limits of the State of Georgia, upon certain conditions herein named, Also, a bill" to be entitled an act to add an additional see- 336 JOUR^AR OF THE HOUSE, tion to an act to appoint the persons therein naitiej Comipissionfers of the town of Preston, &ejy assentedto, Dec., 1857. . , • Also, a bill to be entitled an aci; to -authorize the Ordina¬ ry of Pibe county, fo pay teac hers of poor children for the year 185&, and for other phrpose^ herein named. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to repeal all laws relating to head rights^ so far as they apply to Franklin county. Also a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the He¬ brew Congregation in the city of Macon.# The Sehatn have also passed the following bills pf the House pf Representatives: A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act, entitled atn act to incorporate the Orphans' Home of £he Protestahf Church, inUhbthapi county, hnd for oth^r purposes there- ih .named. Mr. Dav^d from the Committee on enrollment reported as drtfy Unrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives ; ¥ An act to revise, alter and amend an act entitled an, act to appoint Trustees for the Jackson chunty .Academy, and to incorporate the same, assented tp, Soih bfovembet, ISIS, and for other purposes therein expressed. A.lsp, ah act to incorporate Georgetown of Quitman eoun- <7* Also, to define the boundry of Said incorporation and,to appoint the persons therein named as Commissioners of dajd town, and to confpr certaih powers upon said Commission¬ ers and their successors in Office. Mf. David from the committee on Enrolment reported as July enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of thejHouse pf Representatives, An act tp amend an act entitled an act t6 incorporate "the Orphans Home of Prostanf Rpiseopal Church in Chatham county, and for other purposes therein named. Also, ap. act to incorporate the town of Thomson in the county of Columbia, and to appoint Commissibners of tlye same, and to point put the mode of electing Commissioners and other Officers of said, town. The Hpupe top k pp the report of thecommjttee on the bill Of the Senate to incorporate the town of Watrenfon in War¬ ren cpUnty, to amend the charter of the city #of Atlanta, and fotf other purposes. Mr* Anderson, offered the following amendments^ which was not teceitpdj to-wit i FRIDAY, DECEMBER; 9tS, 18£9. 337 grevided, That the provisions; of this act shall not apply- to any property owned by non-residents of the city of At¬ lanta,, or in which any^non-resident of said city is interested; nor shall the Mayor and Council of said* city, be allowed tp lay out or congtj-tfct any street over on; through any lands or property thus owned, without first obtaining the consent of such owner, "Which was not received. Tlje report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time agfi passed. The House adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M. The Rouse met pursuant to adjournment, Leave of absence was granted Mr. Register, after Satur¬ day ji^xt for thte balance of the session, on^accoupt pf sick- iless in his family ; to Mr« Stewart 'after to-morrow* for the b^ance pf the s'ession for the same*reaspn 5 Mr. Conley un¬ til Monday next on special business, and to Mr. Taylor oh acicount of sickness in his family. The Senate bill to submit the question bf the Removal of the Qodrt House of the county of Clinch, to the voters theret- of was read the first time. The Senate bill fotfthe relief of Hehry flenson* and Elias Killpatrick of the county of Towns, was read the second ti{ne and ordered to be engrossed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill, of the Senate to amend an act entitled an act to pro¬ vide fpr the edacatioh. of the children ofthis ^State, between certain ages to provide an annual sinking fund for the extin- guMhnent of the public-debt, assented to, December Ifth, 16&8, so far as thb'same relates to the doupty of Hall. Thcreport was agreed to, tfie bill was read the third time and passed. The House topk up the report of the cofiimittee 6n the bill of the Senate t© incorporate the Polk-Slate Quarry Railroad Company, and! for other purposes, The same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to,, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House tojotk up the report of the committee qn_ the bill of the Senate to regulate the freight on lime for agricul¬ tural purpose^ when transported on the W. & A. R< R. 22 JOURNAL OE TfiE HOUSE. The report was agreed to, 'the hill was read J;he third timd aftd* passed*. The House took up the report of jfche committee On thfe hill of the Senate to amend the .Judiciary^ act of this State and to direct the manner of making Trustees parties, plain* tiffs or defendants in all suits or actions now pending, or that may hereafter exist in the several courts in this State. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill hill of the Senate- to change the time of holding the general elections in this State, and for otl\er purposed. The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third time and passed. The following "message was received from the Senate, by Mr." West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker:—The Senate has passed the following bills, to wit: A bill to he entitled an act to authorize the Thomtestoa an,d Bafiaesville Railroad* company to construct and extend tlfcir Railroad to £ome pchnt on the Railroad of the Musco¬ gee Railroad company t and to authorize and •empower the Muscogee Railroad company, by and with the constat oilty Thornaston and Barnesville Railroad company first being had theteto* to extend their Railroad from some convenient point on their Railroad to Thomaston, fn Upsdu county, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, A hill to be entitled an act, to amend" in, acfr, eptitlecUn act t<5 lay out and form a new county out of the counties of Marion and Sumter, and to organize the same, assented to, Dec. 22nd, 1857. Also to change the county lines, and for otper purposes herein mentioned. Also, A ]oiH to be Entitled an act to declarO the meaning and intention of an adt to exempt from levy and sale under exb cution, certain property therein mentioned, assented to*Dec. 22nd, 1857. Also, • A bill to bp entitled an act to alter and amend the" Laws now existing, in reference to the Supreme cotirt. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Baker and Early, so, as tq ih elude lot of lani No. 392, in fjhe Seventh District of Baker in the county of Early. Alsq. A bill to be entitled an act for the relief qf Davis Gnrn- iqage, Shadraek Ware, William Winters and Henry M. Johnson frpm their liability bpon a Certain, penal Bond.-i- Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to amend an act, entitled nh FMpAt, •DECEMBER. 9rfc, >1859. 33d act to incorporate thje town of* Daltpn nnder th© nam© add stvle oft! 10 city of Daiton, and for other purposes, approved" pec. 28th, 1S53. Also, ♦ # • A hill to be entitled an- act, to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Georgia Whitephth 'Gold* and Copper cohtpany,* approved February 18th, 1856. Also, ' A bill to be entitled an act, to allow the Ordinary of Ihe county of.Talbot, Newton, Cobb, Columbia and Hart to pay certain* Teachers for teaching poor children in said "'counties,1 and for other purposes. Also, „ A bill l^bc entitled an act to authorize the Inferior court of the count}" of Hancock, to compel the' hands* subject t.6 roa to incorporate the Ogldthorpe Light infantry of Savannah, and to confer cer- privileges on the same, and:a bill to incorporate the Bain- bijidge Voluriteers., and to confer certain priviltges en the same. „ The House took up the report of the committee oh, the bill of the Hopse to add land Lot No. 3^5, in the county of gliomas, to Colquitt. * The feport was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following bills of the Senate were read the second time and ordered to he engrossed, to-wit: A bjll to incorporate the ShbllRoad Company. A bill to incorporate the town of Jonesboro, in the conn- ,ty of Clay tori. "A bill to fconfer additional powers upon the Mayor and couhcil of the city of LaGraifge. A bill to authorize Nicholas Grice, t>f Merriwether coun¬ ty, to peddle, &c. A bill to repeal an act to authorize the election of Mar¬ shal, for the town of Newnpi, in the county of Coweta? and fol* other purposes. A bill to legalize and enforce the operations ©f the Board rif Police for the 15th District, Gv M., of the county of Liberty, to copfermpon, the same certain rights, powers and privileges therein mentioned, and to establish by law the system of mounted police now maintained in said district. A bill to change the line between.the Counties of Union and tannin. A, bill to regulaih the agepcies of Foreign Insurance Companies, and provide fcr the appointment of an Insur¬ ance Commissioners,-and a bill to authorize theconsolidation ®f the stock .of the Mijledgeville and .Gordon Rail Road Cp. with that ©f the Central Rail' Road and Banking Cbjnpauy FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9Gi, 1859. 343 of Georgia, also the .stock of the Eatopton Branch Rail Road Company, with ,that of the Central Rail Road and Banking Company uand to authorize an. increase pf the capi¬ tal stock of the last Company. . The bill to changethe 18th section of the 14thDivision of the Penal Code of this State, and for other purposes, was read *the time, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. i . A bill, to be entitled an act for tlie relief of W. P. C. Faulkner, of Madison county. A bill, to be entitled an act to change the time of hold¬ ing tlie Superior Courts of the county of Pierce. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Hydraulic Rose Mining Company of Lumpkin, to incorporate the Etowah and Battle Branch Hydraulic Company, and for other purposes therein specified. A bill td be entitled an act to suspend a part# of the eighth section of. an act to provide for the education of the children of this State between certain ages, and* to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of th,e public debt for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, so'far as relates to the counties of Greene and Baldwin? ahd to au¬ thorize the Ordinary of said counties to pay over to Certain .teachers of said counties the school funds belonging to said Counties, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to be entitled an act for the relief qf John Farmer and William Hall, securities, on the appearance bond of Newt'on Freeman, of the county of Gilmer. , , A bill to be entitled an act to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the county of Daugherty, Paulding,- Terrell, MerriXvether, and Petit Jurors 'of the counties ,of Marion and#Putnam, and provide for the same. A.bill to be entitled an, act to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the county of Irwin, and for other purposes. A bill to be, entitled an act for the relief of William D. Rigdon, of Charlton county, and for other ptirposes. A bill to be entitled an act to authorize William JFbrdof Mitchell county, Moses W. Graham, and Charles Findley of MerriwetheT county, and Russel J. Powell of Franklin county, to peddle without license. The following bjllls of the Senate were read fhe second time and committed for the third reading, to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act'to apiend the 13th section of the l^th division of the Penal Code of the State of Geor¬ gia, so as to increase the • penalty for selling and, furnishing, intoxicating liquors to slaves and free persons of color. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the to.wn of Statesville, in Echols county, and to appoint Commission¬ ers of1 the same, and to point out the mode of electing Com- 344 frOUfctfA on THE HOUSE. missioned, ahd Other Officers of said"*tq"w^ and to confer certain powers on the Cohimidsioiiers thereof, and for dthdr purposes therein ipeiitioned. A hill to be entitled an act for the relidf of the estate incorporating the town of Monticello, in the county of Jdsper, and for other purposes*therein mentioned. A bill tO be entitled an act >to authorize the administra¬ tors of thhesthte of the late TOliver Jones, of the cotnlty of Harris, tO sell all "the lands belonging to said estate, ly¬ ing in the counties of Harris, Muscogee, and Talbot, at the Court House, in the county of Harris. A bill to be entitled an act to provide for the voluntary enslavement of free persons of color within this* State. A bifl to be entitled ah act to change the line between the countiete of Floyd and Polk. A bill to be entitled an act to add an an additional sec¬ tion to the eleventh division of the Fenal Cot^e. 4 bilj to be entitled an act- to compensate the ShefifFof Franklin county" for summoning -Grand and Petit Jurors of said cpynty, and for other purposes. A bill to be entitled an, act to authorize the Ordinary qf the county of DeKalbj to pay arrearages due J, F. Buch¬ anan (a teacher of poor children ipf said county) for the year 18-53. A bill to b? entitled an act to alter and change the tijn& of holding the Superior Qoupts of thq counties of Wilcox, Telfair, Irwin, Berrien and Glynn, and for other purposes thereiu named. A bill to be entitle^ an act to authorize Absaldm E. Roberts, administrator upon the estate of Robert J. Cul- breath, deceased, under an' order of Count of Ordinary qf Walton county, to have the distributive share of the widow of said deceased ascertained ip the estate ©f said, deceased, and to pay the same over to hep and thohi for the balance of said estate, Subject to be distributed, to be and remffin the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9tH, 1859. 345 property jointly of the two minor children of said deceased, until pne of theni shall marry or arrive at full age. A hill to "be entitled an act t® repeal all laws under and by authority of which Peddlars and itinerant traders fiaye been permitted to pursue thfeir occupations iu this State, except as therein specified and to provide and impose pen¬ alties urpon each and every person who may after this act is provided t take effect, be detected in the violation, of the provisions thereof, and for other purposes therein spec¬ ified*, * The following bills of the, House were read the second tkne and committed for the third reading, to-wit : A bill to- compensate managers of elections in Warrep county, and for other purposes. * . A bill to authorizb the Ordinary of DeKalb county to pay over to W. A. StanseJ^a sum of money* for- teaching poor children. A hill for the relief of Swain M. Fortner and James R. Meadows, securities, &c. # A bill to regulate the testimony of parties in Justices Courts. A bill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Pickens county to retain one half of the State tax of skid county for a certain time, for a certain purpose. A bill to incorporate tM Middle Gfeorgia Telegraph Com¬ pany, &c. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Muscogee coun¬ ty to levy ah extra tax for the purpose therein mentioned. A bilf to appropriate five thdusand dollars to improve the ftayigation off thd Opstanaula River. , A bill to create a new county fropi Macon and Taylor. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Marion county to pay to E. H. Winn his account for b^ehing poor children in 1853. A bill to incorporate and endow a Medical College in the city of Griffin to be called the Middle Georgia Medical Col¬ lege. A bill the more effectually to enforce the ,act approved 19th Dec., 1803, in relation to slaves transacting business for themselves, and for other purposes. A bill in relation fo the city of Augusta, &c» A hill in relation to the Justices Cobrt of Augusta. A hill to amend the seyerallaws of this State regulating the duties of Tax Receivers. -A bill to ignthorize L. B. Causey, Guardian to settle with Joseph J, Efale, minor, andfor other purposes. A bill to incorpdrate the Cottpn Planters' Bank of La* (irange. . ~ A bill to authorize the Mayor and Council of LaGrahge to leVy an extra tax, and other purposes. 346 journal of the house. A "bill -to protect tlie wool growing interests of the State, A bill to incorporate a Gas company in Adgusta. A bill to amehd fhe Road Laws of this State so far as relates to the county of Quittoau. A bill to incorporate a Bridge in Pike county. A bill ty the last will and testament of William D. Martin deceased for the benefit of the Society at Jefferson, Jackson county? Georgia, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and for otlier purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled ail act to alter land amend the Laws of this State, so far as relates to the counties of Cherokee and Columbia. The Semite have also passed the following bills of tfye House of Representatives, with amendments, in Which they ask the concurrence of the House : A bill to Be entitled an act fprtfe relief of Reuben Cloud of Decatur, Georgia. Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to incorporate an insurance company in the city of Columbus, to be called the* Geor¬ gia Home Insurance Company. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to provide for the paying of pfficers presiding at the polls on t lections hereafter to be held in Taliaferro county, and for ot! ier purposes. Th,e report was agreed to, the'Rill was read the third time and passed. The bill to exempt from taxation certain propertyx"was oh motioi of Mr.. Tafum of Dade indefinitely postponed. 352 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. (The bill to appropriate money to build a State Library, was, also, on Ms motion, indefinitely postponed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to extend the time for the Cherokee Volunteers to pre¬ sent their claims, and to authorize the payme'nt of claims for rations and forage furnished to Capt. Witcher's com¬ pany in 1838. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill for the relief of M. C. Goodwyn of the county of Pike. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The bill to lay out and organize a new county from the counties of Walker and Chattooga was withdrawn by Mr* Echols. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to reduce the bond of Sheriffs of the county of Johnson. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third thne and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to discharge William Rogers of the county of Milton from the Trusteeship of the property of Mrs. Ann C. Le¬ noir, and her children and to vest said Trusteeship in John W. Lenoir her husband and father of said cMldren, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee orP the bill to alter and amend the charter of the city of West Point, and for other purposes. The same 'was amended. The amended report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. "The House took up the report of the committee on the bill for the relief of John A. Bartlett, andLucinda Ellis, of the county of Bibb, and to legalize their marriage. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to protect the property of persons owning farms adjoining the town of Athens. The report was, the bill was read the third time and lost. The bill to confer additional powers upon the Justices of the Inferior Courts of the several counties of this §tate, and for other purposes, was referred to the Judiciary Com¬ mittee. The Housq took up the report t)f thbb, Lewis of Greene, Hardin, Lofton, flarper of Henry, Lumpkin, Harper of Sumter, Lumsden. Hartridge, Martin, Heath, ^ McCants, Henderson of HenryMcCOmb, flicks, Hogans, Holden, Holioman, Hopkins, Horsley, Hurst, Kelly, Key, M cCrary, McLendon, McWhorter, Mitchell, Morris, Mulling, Norwood, Perry, Pitts. Reeder, Screven, Selpian, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Strickland, Tapley, Terrell, Juggle, Underwood, Yanoyer, Vaughn, Whittle, Wicker, Wilson, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Allan, Holmes, Anderson, Howell of Milton, Baugh, Johnson, Blakey, Jones of Mitchell, Brown of Houston,Jones of Rabun, Broyles, Keeling, Bruton of Forsyth,Knox, David, Lester. Ely, Mays, Fain of Gilmer, McDonald of Lump' Fain of Gordon, Fleming, Glass, Harris, Henderson of Worth, Herrington, Hockenhull, Holland, kin, McDonald of Mur¬ ray, McEver, McGar, McRea, Mintz, Nobles, Parks* Patton, Price, RagSdale, Register, Richards, Sharpe, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, ■Smith of Towns, Sopkwell, Tatum, Thrasher, West, Whaley, Williams of Clinch, Worley, Young, So the motion: to postpone prevailed. Mr. Fannin of Morgan, offered the following resolution, whicb was taken up, read and agreed to, to wit: Resolved, That all bills hereafter passed shall be transmit¬ ted forthwith to the Senate, unless notice is giVen that a motion to reconsider will be made. Leave of absence was jgranted Mr. Patrick, on account of sickness for the balance of flie session ; to Mr. Glass for the balance of the session; to Mr, Hutchins of Polk, yntil Tues- 358 JOURNAL OF THE. HOUSE, day next on special business; to Mr. Smith of Hall, after Wednesday next for the balance of the session, on special business; to Mr. David of Forsyth, for the balance of the session, on account of sickness in his family; to Mr. Grov- ensteine, after Wednesday next, for the balance oftheses- ' sion, on special business ; to Mr. Sharpe for the balance of thes sion, on special business; to Mr. Holmes, after to-night, until Tuesday next; to Mr. Scott until Tuesday morning, and to Mr. Thggle for the balance of the session on account of indisposition. 4 The House-adjourned until 3\ o'clock, P. M. 3i O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met persuant to adjournment. ..And took up the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate a Medical College in the city of Griffin, to be called ''The Middle Georgia Medical College." That portion of the Bill providing an appropriation was withdrawn. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The( bill to appropriate five thousand dollars to improve , the navigation of the Oostanaula river, was indefinitely post¬ poned. ' The .House took up the report of the committee on the bill to authorize the Ordinary of Marion county, to pay over to E. H. Winn, his accQunt for teaching poor children for 1853. Various amendments were received. ' The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the thil'J time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as ' duly enrolled and ready'for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives : An act to repeal an act to amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the county of Coffee. Also, an act to amend an act to incorporate, a corps of In¬ fantry in the town of Fort Valley, and the Oglethorpe Light Infantry of Savannah and to confer certain privi¬ leges on the same. Also, an act for the relief of Mary Francis Newnanof the county of Bibb. Also, -in act to amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the counties of and Columbia. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 1859. 359 Also, an act to allow Stephen Williams of Pierce county and John Taylor of Ware county, to peddle in the first Con¬ gressional District. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Muscogee County, to levy an extra tax, for the purpose therein mentioned. . The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the l)ill to incorporate the Middle Georgia Telegraph Company, and for other purposes. The same on motion of Mr. Broyles was so amended as to* •authorize the Dalton and Gadsden Railroad Company, to reduce tlie pat value of their shares to ten dollars per share,, to consolidate with any Railroad Company chartered by the State of Alabama, and the said consolidated Company, to be known by the name and style of the Dalton and Jackson¬ ville Railroad Company. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third- time and passed. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West', thejr Secretary. Mr. Speaker—The Senate have concurred in the resolu¬ tion of the House of Representatives requesting Richard L. Hunter, agent of the Bank of Savannah, to pay certain war¬ rants of the Speaker and President and audited certifi¬ cates. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the county of Quitman. The same was so amended as to extend its provisions to other counties. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read thq» third time and passed. Mr. Horsley, withdrew from the House the bill authoriz- izgthe Governor to endorse the Cupon Bonds, oftlie Thom- aston and Barnesville Railroad Company. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to regulate the testimony of parties in Jpstices Courts. The same was amended, The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the Coinmittee on Enrollment reported As duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, A resolution to authorize Richard L. Hunter, agent pf the 360 journal oE the house Bank of Savannah at Milledgeville, to make certain advan¬ ces during the indisposition of the Treasurer. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Mintz for the balance of the session. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to confer additional powers Upon the Justices of the In¬ ferior Courts of the several counties of this State, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the thirdtnne and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate a Bridge in Pike county. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill, in relation to Justices Courts in the city of Augusta. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Waters his Secretary, to-wit: Mr. Speaker:—The Governor has signed the following acts to-wit: An act to incorporate the town of Thomson in the coun¬ ty of Columbia, and to appoint Commissioners of the same, and to point out the mode of electing Commissioners and other Officers of said town, and to confer certain privileges on the Commissioners thereof, and for other purposes there¬ in mentioned. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Orphans Home of the Prostestant Episcopal Church in Chat¬ ham county, and for other purposes therein named. An act to change the name of the Montrose Manufactur¬ ing Company of Sparta Hancock county, to that of the Mon¬ tour Manufacturing Company, and for other purposes. Also, a resolution to obviate the inconvenience arising from the temporary illness of John B. Trippe, the State Treasurer. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill ifl relation to the city of Augusta. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. ^ The Hquse took up the report of the Committee on the bill to incorporate a Gas Company in Augusta. The same was amended. The Mnended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bjll of the Senate, for the relief Henry Henson and Elias Kill- patricl^ of the county of Towns. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1^50. 861 The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. , The House took up the report of the committee on, the bill of the House, to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb coum ty, to pay over to Wm. A. Stansell the sum of three hundred and forty-eight dollars and ninety cents, for teaching poor children in said county. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to authorize the Mayor and Council ofLaGrange, 0 levy an extra tax, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The bill to protect the wool growing interests of this State, was indefinitely postponed. The House took up the report of the committee on the1 bill to incorporate the Cotton Planters Bank ofRaGrange. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following Message was received from the Sep ate by Mr. West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker; The Senate have passed the following bills, to wit: A bill to be entitled an act to change the lines of Butts and Henry counties. A bill to be entitled an act to alter and -amend the first section of the third article of the Constitution, as to the place or places of the sitting of the Supreme Court of this State*' Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Ala-' bama Planters Steam Boat Company, and to grant to said Companies certain powers therein specified. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to extend the civil juris¬ diction of the Justices of the Peace, in that part of the coun¬ ty of Chatham embraced within the city of Savannah. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act, to provide for the Education of the children of this State, between certain ages, and to provide an annual sink¬ ing fund for the extinguishing of the public debt, so far as relates to the county of Fannin. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Coffee county, to levy an extra tax of fifty per cent for the purpose of paying for their jail, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to repeal a part of the first section of the third article of the Constitution of this State,, and to insert a provision in lieu thereof., 362 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Pulas¬ ki Insurance Company, of Hawkinsville, Georgia. AIsq, a bill to be entitled an act to define and enlarge the duties of county Treasurers, in the several counties in this State. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to repeal the second sec¬ tion of an act entitled an act to repeal the nineteenth section of an act entitled an act to incorporate a Bank in the city of Atlanta»to be called the Bank of Fulton, and for other pur¬ poses therein, named. The Senate have concurred in the amendments of the House of Representatives to the following bills of the Sen¬ ate, to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to incoiiporate the town of Perry in Houston county, and to extend the limits of the same, and to repeal an act to incorporate the town of Perry in Houston county, and to define the duties and authorities of the same, passed December 2Sth, 1S2S and to repeal an act entitled an act to amend the*charter of the city of Albany, so as to give the election of Marshal to the qualified voters of said city, approved December 22d, 1857, and. for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, a bill to be entitled an aet to incorporate the Polk Slate Quarry Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Plan¬ ters Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to incorporate the town of Dawsonville in the coun¬ ty of Dawson in this State, and for other purposes. Also, an act to add additional sections to the act incor¬ porating the town of Dahlonega, in Lumpkin county. Also, an act to incorporate the Baiubridge Volunteers, Ufi(l to confer certain privileges upon them. Also, the Atlanta Greys in the city of Atlanta. Also , an act to protect the legacy left by the last will and testament of William D. Martin, and for other purposes. Also, an act to give "to Charles N. Terry a minor of the cohnty ot Muscogee, Joseph H. Morehouse a minor of the county of Screven, certain privileges to authorize Littlebury Jackson, Guardian of Wm. C. Bickers, (et. a?.,) to settle with said wards. The bill to amend the several laws of this State regular ting the duties of Tax Receivers, wgs ruled out of Order by the Speaker, action having been previously taken during1 the present session upon the subject matter of the same. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10t^ 1859. 303 The hill to lay out a new county frdm the counties ot Macon and Taylor, Was indefinitely postponed. The House took up the report of the committee on then bill to authorize L. B. Causey, Guardian, to settle .with Jos¬ eph J. Hale, minor, and for other purposes, The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third timer and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill to compensate Managers of Elections, in Warren county, and for other purposes. Tile same was amended, The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill for the relieve of James R. Walker, of the cotmty of Upson, from the disabilities of minority, and for other pur¬ posed therein stated. The same was amended, The report as amended was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed. The bill more effectually to enforce the act approved lO^fi December, 1803, in relation to slaves transacting business for themselves, and for other purposes, was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports the following bill as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of th,e House of Representatives, to- wit: An act to incorporate the town of Bowden in, the coun¬ ty of Carroll, and for other purposes therein mentioned and to regulate the retail of spirituous liquors in a certain dis¬ tance of the poor house of Attanta. The H ouse took up the report of the committee on the bill, for the relief of Swain M. Fortner and James R. Mead¬ ows securities of Bennett Powell, late Tax Collector of Eman¬ uel county, Ga. The report -was agreed to, the bill was read the third time^ and lost. The Senate amendments to the bill to incorporate an In¬ surance Colnpany in the city of Columbus, to be called the Georgia Home Insurance Company, and the bill for the re¬ lief of Reuben Cloud of Decatur county, were taken up and* concurred in. The Senate bill to submit the question of the removal of the Court House of the county of Clinch, to the votaoi there¬ of, Was read the Second time and committed for the third' reading. 364 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, The following "bills of the Senate were read the first time, to-witt A bill to authorize the county of Thomas to aid in the construction of the South Georgia, and Florida Kailroadand "for other purposes therein mentioned, A bill to add an additional section to an act to appoint the persons therein named Commissioners of the town of Pres¬ ton, &c., assented to, 22d Dec., 1857. A bill to confer certain privileges on Charles Greene. A bill for 'the relief of Luke Paget his heirs and represen¬ tatives. A bill to change the county line between the counties of Wayne and Charlton ; between the counties of Colquitt and Thomas; between the counties of Sumter and Lee ; between the counties of Ware and Pierce; between the counties of Pulaski and Houston ; between the counties of Banks and Jackson, and to add certain lots of land, now in the county of Irwin to the county of Coffee,and for other pur¬ poses. A bill to extend the corporate limits of the town of Ham¬ ilton, Harris county, to create and give additional powers to the corporate authorities of said town. A bill for the relief of John A. Jones and Jackson Orr, of the county of Milton. A billior the relief of James Karr, Robert Orr and Eli- as Payne, of the county of Forsyth. A bill to repeal an act entitled an act to consolidate the Offices of Tax Collector and Receiver, for the county of Harralson, assented to, 11th Dec., 185S. A bill to be entitled an act for the relief Davis Gammage, Shadrick Ware, Wm. Winters and Henry M. Johnson from their liability upon a certain Penal Bond. A bill to incorporate the Hebrew Congregation of the City of M aeon. A bill to' repeal all laws relating to head rights, so far as as they relate to Franklin county. A bill to change the line between the counties of Baker anj Early, so as to include lot of land No. 392, 7th district of feaker in the county of Early. A bill to amend and interpret an act, approved March 5th, 4856, relative to the payment of accounts of teachers of poor children. A bill to alter and amend an act to regulate the granting ofxetail license and Sale of spirituous liquors, assented to, 29th Dec., 1828. A bill to incorporate Chicaro Baptist Church in the coun¬ ty of Rabun. A bill to amend an, act in reference to granting divorces, apprgved 5th, 1806f &4TORDAY> DECEMBER 10th, 185& 365 A bill to alter the tax laws of this State. A hill for thb relief of Moses G. Sutton, of Berrien couth ty' ■ * A hill to Compensate the Sheriffs of Jefferson county, for serving Subpoenas on Graild and Petit Jurors. A bill for the relief of Susan Lj B. Godwine of Bibb county and Wm.P. Freel of Troup county. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Whitfield county, to pay teachers of poor children in 1859, A bill to amend an act to incorporate the town of Dalton under the nartie and style of the city of Dalton, approved' December 28th, 1853. A bill fb alter and change the common school laws of Walker county. A bill to change the line between the counties of Whit¬ field and Catoosa, and for other purposes. A bill to pay Isaac P. Porter's accounts against-said coun¬ ty for tuition of poor children in said county. A bill to change and alter the lines between the counties of W orth and Colquitt. A bill to incorporate the Augusta Presbytery and Savan¬ nah River Steam and Pole Boat Navigation Company of North Eastern Georgia. A bill to incorporate the Savannah Mutual Loan Associa¬ tion. A bill for the distribution of the Estate of Colleman S. Pringle, late of Pik,e county, deceased, and for the relief of the Executors of the last will of said testator. A bill to authorize the Governor of this State to grant certain priviliges to the Dalton and Gadsden Railroad Com¬ pany. A bill to compel Justices of the Peace of the county of Rabun to give bond and security, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act to incorporate the Georgia White- path Gold and Copper Company, approved February 18th, 1856. A bill to prevent delay in the trial of causes in the Courts of this State in consequence of the death of parties in certain circumstances to be made on motion, and for other purposes. A bill to alter and amend and define an act to proyide for the education of the children of this State between cer¬ tain ages, assented to Dec. 11th, 1858, and for other pur¬ poses, so far as relates to Murray county. A bill to be entitled an act to require the Ordinary of the county of Worth to pay John Everett's account foi; teaching poor children in the year 1857 and 1858, and fo authorize the Ordinaries of the several counties of this State to pay the Teachers of poor children in their respec¬ tive counties as herein specified. 3G6 JQIJKNAL OF THE HOUSE. A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the arrest and rendition Gf persons committing offences against the erim^ "Jinal lawS of any of the States adjoining to the State of "•Georgia, and who may take r'efuge within the limits of the State of Georgia upon certain conditions herein named, A hill to provide for the election of County Treasurer ill the counties of Berrien, Newton, Baker, Forsyth, Hall, Luprpkin, Ware, Mitchell, Fannin, Paulding, Johnson and Marion. A bill for the relief of William L. Rackly and Eliza A. Hackly formerly Eliza A- Brazwell, of the county of De- patur, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to legalize the purchase of a tract of land made by Iftfrs. Clemintina J. Billingslea, administratrix of Jas. F. Billingslea, deceased, of the county of Greene. A bill to incorporate the first Presbyterian Church of the city of Columbus, and the St. Luke Methodist Episcopal Church South, of the city of Columbus, and St. Paul Meth odist Episcopal Church South, of the city of Columbus. Also, to amend an act to incorporate the Trustees for Wesley Chapel, Andrew Chapel, and Trinity Church of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the city of Savan¬ nah. Approved 2d. December, 1S49, and to appoint sepe- rate Trustees for Wesley Chapel, in said city, and the prop¬ erty thereof. A bill to provide for the citizens of Decatur county cross¬ ing Flint River at or near Bainbridge free of ferriage. A bill to alter, amend and construe an act to provide for the education of the children of this State, &c. Assented to 11th December, 1S5S, so far as relates to the county of of Paulding. i A bill to regulate the sale and use of spiritous liquors and intoxicating drinks within the corporate limits of the town of Elberton. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Butts county to pay Matthew J. Gibson for teaching poor children in said coun¬ ty, and to authorize the Ordinary of Fayette county to pay John S. Wooten for teaching poor children in said county, tod to authorize the Ordinary of Harris county to pay John Anderson for teaching poor children in the county of parris., A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of the county of Hancock to compel the hands subject to road duty in "any one District in said county, to perform road duty in"any ad¬ joining District. gi, bill to repeal the second section of an act to provide for the education of children of this State between certain ages, andt to provide an annual sinking fund for the extin¬ guishment of the public debt, so far as relates to the coun¬ ty of Echols, and for other purposes. 8A,1 tl Uli/AV, 'tiEC'K'MIKBS' ioth, 18-59. 3sr A till to abolish the Senates Academicos to-give its pow- ers to the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, and to vest the governlnent of said University in said Board* nf Trustees. A bill to amend an act incorporating the Georgia and Alabama Bail Road Company, and for other purposes. , A bill to incorporate the Chestatee River and Town Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company, and the Caranders Creek and Ward's Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company. A bill relative to the Thomaston and Barnesville Rail Road Company, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate Furlough Female College, in the city of Americus. A bill to authorize Justices of the Inferior Court of Lumpkin county, to levy an extra tax for certain purposes therein mentioned. A bill to. proscribe and define the qualifications of persons in Early county for the office of Ordinary, and to remove certain disabilities under estray laws, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to amend an act en¬ titled an act to carry into effect the sixth section of the fourth article of the constitution of this State. A bill to declare the true intent and meaning of the 5 Oth section of an act to carry into effect the amended constitu¬ tion in reference to ordinaries in this State, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to prescribe the manner in which the names of persons may be changed, and persons legitimatized, and for other purposes therein men¬ tioned. A bill to amend an act to incorporate the Indian Spring Rail Road Company. A bill to authorize James E. Lyon, of the county of Pu¬ laski, to peddle on certain conditions. A bill to legalize the adjournment of Quitman Superior Cqurt. A bill to consolidate the offices of Clerk of the Superior and inferior Courts of the county of Chattooga A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Pike county, to pay teaphers of .poor children for- the year 1858, and for other purposes. A bill to authorize Solomon A. Howell and others, to peddle without paying for license within certain limits. A bill to give to the Commissioners appointed by the Jnferior Court of Calhoun county to examine teachers, the power to* decide as to their qualifications. A bill to revive and put in force the 3d and 4th sections of an act amending an act to incorporate ^ the town of Lumpkin, in Stewart county, to add additional section^ 368 JOURNAL OP THE HOUSE, thereto; to amend the charter of the city of D alt on, and for other purposes, A bill to allow the Ordinaries of the counties of Talbot, Newton, Cobb, Columbia and Hart, to pay certain teachers of1 poor children in said counties, and for other purposes. A bill to change the time of holding the Inferior Court in the county of Gordon. A bill to declare the meaning and intention of an act, ^mendatory of an act, to exempt from levy and sale, under execution, certain property therein mentioned. Assented to 22d Dec,, 1857. A bill to alter and amend the laws now existing in, refer¬ ence to the Supreme Court. A bill to incorporate the Atlanta Mutual Insurance and * stock company. The following bills of the Senate were read the second, time, and committed for a third reading, to-wif: A bill to compel all persons non-residents of the county of Wayne,"owning, penning and grazing stock cattle in said coiinty to return and pay tax on the same in the county aforesaid. A bill to incorporate the Southern Rights Guards, in the county of Houston. To incorporate the Scott Rifles, in the county of Talbot. To incorporate the Macon county Yolunteers, in the county of Macon, and for other purposes. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Early county^ to levy a road, tax and for other purposes. A bill to allow the Attorney General and Solicitors Gen¬ eral a fee in cases of Peace Warrants. A bill to provide and give liens to stone cutters and marble companies of this State to secure payment for their labOr. A bill to define and punish vagrancy persons of color. A bill to incorporate the town of Carnesville, in the cotmty of Franklin, and for other purposes. A bill to define and declare the jurisdiction of Courts in this State in suits against R. R. Campanies. A bill to incorporate the Home Guards in Madison Mor¬ gan county, and to grant certain privileges therein specified. A bill to provide for the distribution and disbursement of the common school fund, to which the counties of Gilmer and Lumpkin, are, or may be entitled, under and by virtue of an a^t passed 11th December, 1858, and for other pur¬ poses therein mentioned. A bill to incorporate the Enterprise R. R. Company, and for Other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Stewart Volunteers, and other Volunteer Companies berein mentioned, and to bxtend cer¬ tain privileges to them and all other Volunteer Companies MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859. 369 now organized, or hereafter to be organized in this State, and for other purposes. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Williams of Clinch, for the balance of the session, on account of sickness in his family; to Mr. Terrell for the balance of the session on special business; to Mr. Reeder for the balance of the ses¬ sion on special business; to Mr. Alexander, of Ployd, for the balance of the session on account of urgent business; to Mr. Rhodes, of Richmond, for the balance of the session On account of sickness in his family. The House adjourned until 9£ o'clock, A. M., Monday. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Horsley moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of Saturday as relates to the indefinite postponement of the bill to exempt certain property from taxation, &c. Upon this motion the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There were yeas 34. There were nays 78. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Anderson, Gibson of Warren, Nobles, Barksdale, Hardin, Norwood, Bivins, Henderson of Hen-Parks, Brantley, ry, Patton, Cook, Henderson of W'rth,Ragsdale, Daniel, Horsley, Selman, Dixon, Lewisof Greene, Tatum, Eberhart, Lewis of Hancock,Underwood/ Fannin of Morgan, Lumpkin, Yanover, Glass, Lumsden, Walton, Gibson of Rich- McCrairy, Whittle mOnd, 1 McWhorter, Young, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs : Alexander, Broyles, Causey, Allan, Bruton of Forsyth, Colvard Bauffi, Brewton of Tatt- Coleman, Blakey, nail, 2°^ley' Brown of Sumter, Cason, Cullens, 24 370 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Henderson of New ton, Hurst, Joyner, Jones of Rabun, Keeling Kelly, Key, KnowleS, "Knox, Lofton, Martin, Mays, McCants, McDonald of Lump kin, McDonald of Mur ray, McEver, McGar, McLendon, Mitchell, Perry, -Prescott, Price, Richards, Rozier, Settle, Sirns^ Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, Sockwell, Sweat, Tapley, Thrasher, Turner, ■Vaughn, West, Whaley Williams of Clinch \V ilson, Wofford, Worley, Echols, Fain of Gilmer Fain of Gordon, Fain of tlnion, Fleming, Finney, Fortner, Goodman^ Green of Cobb, Grovenstein,, Harkness, Harper of Henry, Harper of Sumter, Hicks, Hockenhull, Hogans Holder^ Holland Holmes, Hopkins, Harris, Heath, Herrington, So the nation did not prevail. Ma. Dixon of Muscogee offered the following resolution, which was taken up read and disagreed to, to wit : Resolved, That the House of Representatives do appoint R. A. McComb, M. G. Fortner, and James N. Tapley, with such .committee as may be appointed by the Senate, to biicij •up the unfinished business of this Session, and that fivedaju be allowed said members hereby appointed for that purpose at the same per diem as is now allowed to the members (If the General Assembly, for their compensation. The bill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior CourJ of Pickens county to retain one half of the State Tax t>f said county, for a time mentioned, for School purposes, wafc on motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene, indefinitely post¬ poned. The House took up the report of the Committee on thp bill to provide for the payment of teachers of poor ehildrea in the coupty of Hall. ^ The report was agreed to, The bill was read the thirj time andjpassed. The House went into a Committee of the Whole, Ma Colvard of Columbia in the chair, on the Bill to appropriate money to the county of Dawson, to supply a deficit in the schobl funt| for the year 185S. After $ohie time spent therein, the Committee rose, an| MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859, 371 tkroygli fhteir Chairman, reported Rle same back to the House without ameudment. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to create a School Commissioner, for the co i i ly of jasper, and to provide for the education of certain rh idren 1 and to authorize the levying a tax for the same, knd 1' n oth¬ er purposes. The games was amended on motion of the ffiover. The report was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed as amended. The House took up the report of the Committee on the hill to alter and amend an act entitled an act to provide for the education of the children of this State, between cer¬ tain ages, and to provide an sinking fund for the extinguish¬ ment of the public debt, assented to December 11th, 18-58, knd for other purposes," so far as relates to the county of Bab tun The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time jmd passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide fot the proper distribution of the pommon school fund, in the county of Lumpkin. The same was amended. The report as amended wg,s agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the hill to authorize the Ordinaries of Habersham and White counties to pay teachers of poor children taught pi ,vious to the year 1859, in said counties. Thep'eport was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the cpmmittee on the bill to change the line between Habersham and White counties, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time, and on the question of its passage, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 60; There are nays 44. Those who voted int the affirmative are Messrs. Alexander, Dixon, Fleming, Blakey, Ebprhart, Fortner, Bruton of Forsyth, Ector, Glass, Cason, Fain of Gilmer, Gibson of 1' nrren, Oolvard, Fain of Gordon, Goodman, Daniel, Fain of Union, Hardin, Delony, Fannin of Morgan, Heath, 372 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Henderson of W orthLumdsen, Iierington, Martin, Hockenhull, McComb, Holm on, McCrairy, Hopkim Nobles, Hqvsley Norwood, Howell of Milton, Parks, Hurst, Patrick, Hutchins, Patton, Jones, of Mitchell, Perry, Jones of Rabun, Prescott, Key, Rags dale, Knowles. Render# Lofton Those who voted in the negatiye, are Messrs. Harper of Sumter, McLendon, Henderson of Hen-Mitchell, ry, Mullens, Hicks, Price, H ogans, H olland, Joyner, Keeling, Rosier, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall, Sock well Sprayberry, Sweat, Tatmn, Turner, Yanover, West. Whaley, Williams of Clinch, Young, Allan, Anderson, Barksdale, Baugh, Bivins, Brantley# Brown of Sumter, Broyles, Brewton of Tatnall,Knox, Causey, Coleman, Conley, Finney, Groveiisieipe, Harkness, Harper of Henry, Richards, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Thrasher, Underwood, Lewis of Greene, Lumpkin, McDonald of Lump-Vaughn, kin, Walton, McDonald of Mur- Whittle, ray, Wilson, McEver, Wofford, So the Bill was passed. The House took up and coucurred in the Senate Resolin tion relative to the pardon of Wm. A. Choice. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to regulate the school fund of Habershanl county, and for other purposes therein named. The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read, the third time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin, from the Committee on Enrollment, report yiS duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, ana ready hn the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep resentatives ; An ac to be entitled an act to change the time of holding the general elections in this State, and for other purposes.—1 Also, An art to ^mend an act entitled an act to regulate netf trials# approved February the 20th* 1354. Also, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859. 373 An act to be entitled an act to amend the Judiciary Act of this State, and to direct the manner of making Trustees parties Plaintiffs or Defendants in all suits or actions, now pending, or may hereafter exist in the several Courts of this State. Also, An act to be entitled an act to amend an act approved • March the 5th, 1856, entitled an act to authorize persons to submit controversies to arbitration, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, An act to amjend an act entitled an act to pro ride for the education of the children of this State, betwedu certain ages, an to provide and annual sinking fund for the extin¬ guishment of the public debt, Assented to December the 11th 1858, so far as the same relates to the county of Hall. Also, An act to amend the charter of the city of Griilin. Also, An act to authorize the construction of a Roil Road from Barnesville, in the county of Pike, to the city of Bruns¬ wick, in the county of Glynn, or any other seaport on the Atlantic coast of this State with a recognition of the vested rights granted in other Rail Road charters by the Legislature of the State, and protect its rights, and define its liabilities, and also to amend the charter of the Georgia Wekern Rail" 'Road Company, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, ' An act to incorporate a Bank, to be located in the city of Rome, to be called the Bank of Rome, and to amend the ' charter of the Timber Cutters Bank. Also, An act to incoaporate the Polk Slate Quarry Rail Road "Company, and for other purposes. Also, An act to incorporate the town of Warrenton, in "War¬ ren county, and to amend the charter of the city of Atlan¬ ta, and for other purposes therein named. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to authosize Jurors to assess damages in matters of illegalities, upon certain conditions. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate in relation to the admission of evidence. The amended report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time arid passed. The House took up the report of the commit tee on the bill of the Senate to change the line between the counties of Early and Calhoun. The same was laid on the table for the balance of the Ses- sio11- . . +i The House took up the report of the commm.-o on tne bill of the Senate to change the line between the comities of Elbert and Hart. 374 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. , . The House took up the report of the Committee ou th$ hill of the Senate to alter and amend the several acts rela¬ tive to the prokate of wills, granting letters testamentoryf and of administration, and for other purposes therein spec¬ ified. , The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third, time and passed. The Iioutse took'up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to define and declare the jurisdiction of the Courts of this State in suits against Rail Road Compan¬ ies. - , The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and. passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the billof the Senate to change the 18th Section of the 14th Division of the Penal Code of this State, and for other pur¬ poses. The same was amended. • The amended report was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed. 1 The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to alter, change and define the line be¬ tween Early and Clay counties ; also between Henry and Clayton, • . On motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene, the first Sec¬ tion was amended by striking the preamble in and inserting ' "that the lines between the counties of Early and Clay he changed as follows : commence at the southwest corner of the lot of land in the fifth land district of Early county, on. which Martin W Stamper,jnow resides, and run north to the Colomokee creek, and run east from the same corner of said lot to Gates' Branch—thence down said Branch to Colomokee Creek; the territory included being hereby added to the coun¬ ty of Clay, Mr. lTendarson of Henry moved to amend by striking out the second section. Upon this motion Mr. Glass required the yeas and nays to be recorded. There are yeas 63. There are nays 34. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs : Alexander, Brown^of Sumter, Colvard, Anderson, Broyles, Coleman, Baugh, Bruton of Forsyth, Conley, - Blakoy, - Cason, Copk, Bivius, Causey, - Daniel, Brantley, Clark of Elbert, Delopy, MONDAY, DECEMBER IStb, 185£r, 873, Dixotf, Joyner, Ebevha^t, Jones of Rabbin, Ector, Kelly, Fain of Union, Lewis of Green, Fannin of Morgan, Lumsden, Fleming, McCrairy, Finney, McDonald of Lump- Harper of Henry, kin, Harper of Sumter, McDonald of Mur Harris, ray, Heatli, McEver, Henderson of Henry, McLendon, Herrington, McWhorter, Holland, Norwood, Hopkins, Perry, Horsley Render, Hurst, Rozier,, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Sockwell, Solom-ons, •Underwood, Yanover, -Vaughn, Walton, West, Whittle, Williams of Clinch, Worley, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Barksdale, Lofton, Brewton ofTattnallMartin, Echols, Mays, Fain of Gilmer, McComb, Gay, McGar, Glass, Mitchell, . Gibson of Warren, Nobles, Henderson of WorthParks, Hicks, Patton, Hockenhull, Prescott, Enowles, Price Knox, Ragsdale, So the amendment was received, Richards, Smith 6f Coffee Tapley, Tatum, Thrasher, Turner, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wofforcl, Young. The Bill was read" The amended (report was agreed to. the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the Fill of the Senate to add a Section to the 11th Division of the Penal Code. The report was agreed to. The Bill was read the third, time and passed.. The House took up the report of the Committee, on the bill of the Senate to change the -lino between the counties of Floyd and Polk, The report was agreed to. The Bill was read the* third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on* the bill of the Senate to confer additional powers upon the Mhyor and Council of the city ofLaGrange, to regulate the rules of taxation in said city, and to grant certain exemp¬ tions to the diligent Firemen of LaGrange. && Journal of the house. Tire reporf was agreed to, t)ic bill was read the tliird tiiaa. and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the hill of the Senate for the relief of the estate of Samuel Mar¬ tin, late of the county of Fayette, deceased. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and lost. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary : Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bills to wit: A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Elbert and Madison, and for other purposes Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend the several acts incorporating the town of Cartersville, in Cass county, •so far as to exclude the residence of James Milner out of the Corporate limits of said town. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to explain the 10th sec¬ tion of the 10th division of the Penal Code of this State. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to alter and change the line between the counties of Dougherty rnd Worth. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to- incorporate a corps of Infantrytin the town of Jonesboro, in the county of Clay¬ ton, to be known as the Clayton Volunteers, and to confer certain privileges on the same. Also, a bill to be entitled, an act to require the several Treasurers of the several school Districts of the county of Lumpkin, to ref-urn the unexpended balances of the school funds now i^ their hands to the Ordinary of said county, and for other purposes therein named. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to change the time of holding the Inferior Courts of Emanuel county. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to provide compensation to Coroners for burying insolvent persons. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the law of descent, in cases of persons who are illegitimate, or borri out of lawful wedlock dying intestate. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to repeal a portion of the 8th section of an act approved Dec. 11th, 1858, entitled an act to provide for the education of the children of this ♦State between certain ages, and for other purposes, so far as the same applies to Emanuel county. Also, a. bill to be entitled an act to further regulate the retail of spirituous liquors. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to repeal an att entitled ap acf to eonsqlidate the office ot Clerk of the Superior anil Jnferiof fTohrts of the county of Haralson. Assented to December 22d, 1857, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act facili- MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 1859. 377 fating Mining Operations for gold, and for other purposes, in the county of White. Assented to December 13tM 1858. f Also, a; bill to be entitled an act to alter and change the county line between the counties of DeKalb and Henry. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act for the better protection and security of orphans and their estates. Approved-Feb'y ISth, 1799. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Inferior Court of Haralson county to levy an extra tax. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to correct and perfect the plat, and grant to lot of land No. 142, in the 4th Dis¬ trict of originally Appling, now Pierce county, so far as to change the title to William instead of Abraham Osfeen. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to require certain offi¬ cers in Emanuel county, to be kept at the couiity site, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend the act to or¬ ganize a volunteer battallion, in the city of Savannah, to be called the Independent Volunteer Battallion of Savannah, Approved January 20th, 1852. Also, bill to be entitled an act amendatory of the act of 1S57, entitled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the several Bank charters in this State, on account of non-> specie payment for a given time, and for other purposes therein named, and declaratory of the true meaning of certain sections of the same. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize Stephen El¬ lis, an old man of the county of Gwinnett, as an itinerant trader, to vend any goods, wares, nr merchandise within the county of Gwinnett, without obtaining license for the same. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to provide compensation for the Petit Jurors in Mitchell county, and for other pur- jpuses. Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of James Brooks and John H. Jones of Randolph county, of Jordan Flanders of the county of Emanuel, of John M. Brack of the county of Dougherty, of Benjamin Chapman, of the coun-, ty of Clayton, and of Noah Godfrey of the county of Mus¬ cogee, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to pay the Sheriffs of the Several counties of this $tate for certain services, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to change the lines be¬ tween the counties of Laurens and Johnson. The, Senate have also concurred in the resolution of the ilouse of Representatives extending the time for ' he com¬ pletion of the Code of Georgia, until the 1st day of Noveir^ 378 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Ijer next, with on amendment in which they ask the concur- renet of the House. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ cy the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit: Mr. Speaker:—The Governor has signed the following Acts to-wit: An act to repeal an act the Road Laws of thisState so far as relates to the county of Coffee. An act to incorporate the town of Dawsonville in the county of Dawson in this State, and for other purposes. An act to amend the amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as relates to the counties of Cherokee and Columbia. An act to amend an act to incorporate a Corps of Infantry in the town of Fort Valley, and Also to incorporate the Oglethorpe Light Infantry of Savannah, and to confer certain privileges upon the same, approved Dec. 11th, 1858. I am also directed to return to this branch of the Gener¬ al Assembly in which it originated, A bill entitled an act for the relief of Mary Francis Kew- nar of the county of Bibb, and for other purposes, accom¬ panied with a communication in writing. An act to add additional sections to the act incorporating the town of Dahlonega, in the county of Lumpkin. An act to protect the legacy left by the last will and tesr tament ofWm. D. Martin, deceased, tor the benefit of the so¬ ciety fit Jefferson Jackson county Georgia, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, ancl for other purposes. An act to incorporate the Bainbridge Volunteers, and to confer .certain privileges upon the same, Also, to incorporate the Atlanta Greys, in the city of At¬ lanta in the county of Fulton. The House took up the report of the committee on the till of the Senate, to confer certain privileges upon Julius* A. Cade of Chattahoochee county, to make lawful his acts and give him authority to transact business, as though hq was 21 years of age, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time aud passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to submit the question of the removal of the Court House in the county of Clinch to the voters there¬ of. The same was postponed indefinitely. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend the 13th section of the 13th dh visioh of the Renal Code of the (State of Georgia, So as to in* MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1S59. 379 crease the penalty for selling and furnishing intoxicating li¬ quors to slaves and free persons of color. The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the counties of Marion, Dougherty, Paulding, Terrell, Merri wether and Putnam, and to provide for the same. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. . . The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to incorporate the town of Jonesboro in the county of Clayton, and to provide for the election of Commissioners, Marshal and Clerks, and for other purposes herein named. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to incorporate the Hydraulic Hose Min¬ ing Company of the county of Lumpkin, the Etowah and Battle Branch Hydraulic Company, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, and the bill read a thirdme ti and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled and signed'by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, A resolution in relation to the pardon ofWm. A. Choice. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ cy the Governor by Mr. Campbell his Secretary, to wit: Mr. Speaker:—lam directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor to return to this branch of the General Assembly in which it originated: A bill entitled an act to allow Stephen Williams of Pierce county and John Taylor of Ware county, to peddle in the first Congressional District without paying license for the same, accompanied with a communication in writing. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on Enrolment reports, as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House' of Rep¬ resentatives, An act for the relief of Henry Henson andElias Killpat- rick of the county of Towns. Also, an act to regulate the freight on lime for Agricul¬ tural purposes when transported on the Western and Atlan¬ tic Railroad. 380 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Also, aii adt to be enti$e&.an act to incorporate thd towa of Perry, in Houston county, and to extend the limits of the •same, and to repeal an act to incorporate the town of Perry in Houston county,.and to define the duties and authorities of the same, passed December 2Sth, 1&28, and td repeal afl| ^act entitled an act to amend the charter of the city of Alba¬ ny, so as to give the election of Marshal to the qualified vo¬ ters of said city, approved December 22d, 18-57, and for oth¬ er purposes therein mentioned. Also, an apt to regulate the school fund of Habersham county, and for other purposes therein named. The House took up the report of the Committee on the Jbill of the Senate, for the pardon of John Fundy, now un¬ der sentence of death for the crime of murder in the county of Gwinnett. The report was agreed to, and the bill read the third time and on the question of its passage the yeas and rrnys be¬ ing recorded. There are yeas 4-1; there are nays 55. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Alexander, Allen, Cason, Clark of Elbert, Colvard, Coleman, CullenS, Daniel, Delony, Ector, Fortner, Glass, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Gibson of Warren, Green of Cobb, Grovensteine, Harper of Sumter, Harris, Herriugton, Hicks, Hockenhull, Hogans, Holmes, Horsley, Joyner, Keeling, Key, Knox, Lester, Lumsden,' Mays, J\1 cDonEild of Lump- kin, 1V1 orris, Nobles, Prescott, Price, Settle, Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Turner, Underwood, W alton, Whaley, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Barksdale, Causey, Baugh, Conley, Blakey, Dixon, Bivins, Eberhart, Brown of Sumter, Fain of Gilmer, Broyles, Fain of Unioh, Bruton of Forsyth, Fannin of Morgan, Brewton of Tatt- Fleming, pall) Finney? Goodman, Harkness, Harper of Henry, Heath, Henderson ofHenry, Holland, Hopkins, Hurst, Jones of Rabun, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1889. 3S1 Kelly, Mullins, Lewis of Greehe, Norwood, Lumpkin, Parks, Martin, Perry McCrairy, Ragsdale, McDonald of Mur-Render, ray, Rozier, McEver, Selman; MeLendon, Sims, McWliorter, Smith of Bryan, Mitchell. Sockwell, So the bill was lost. Mr. Patton of Walker, stated that he had paired off with Mr* Cook of Early. Mr. Delony of Clarke, gave notice thai he would move to reconsider the same to-morrow. Leave of absence for the balance of the session was grant* ed Messrs. Hartiqdge, Clarke of Monroe and Whaley 011 ac¬ count of sickness in their families. Mr. Broyles of Whitfield, offered the following resolutions which were taken up, read and agreed to, to-wit: JVhereas, The policy of establishing an Armory in the South, for the manufacture of arms and munitions of war is rendered each day more apparents from the frequent and de¬ cided manifestations of disloyalty to the Constitution of our country, threatening civil war and a dismemberment of the Union; And whereas such a policy upon the part of the Southern States Qf this Confederacy, is calculated to secure all the ele¬ ments of self defence within ourselves, and give unity of strength, as also concert of action to the South upon the vi- tal question of her interest to-wit: The institution of slave¬ ry ; and whereas further the South posseses an inexhausta- ble supply of the material from which such arms and muni¬ tions are manufactured, in iio wise inferior to that of any sec¬ tion of the Union, requiring only a sufficiency of skill and -energy to develope it, and place us as a people upon that basis of independence and security, to which we are deserv¬ edly Untitled, and which is our birthright in view of our va¬ ried Agricultural and mineral resources. Be it therefore, Resolved, By the General Assembly of the State of Geor¬ gia, that his Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby jequested to confer at as early a day as convenient with the executives of the several Southern States^ upon the policy and plan of establishing an Armory in the South, and that* he communicate to the next session of the Generel Assembly of the State qf the State of Georgia, all the information to¬ gether with wch suggestions as ho may he in possession of» Thrasher, Vanover, Y auglm, West, Whittle, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wofford, Worley, 8S2 JOURNAL OF THE. HOUSE, an J deem necessary for the accomplishment of the a foresaid ,purpose. Resolvfid, 2dly, That in the event a co-operatioil of the South or of any one or more of the Southern States, canno| be had or upon further investigation is deemed iitip ractica- ble then and in that event, His Excellency is requ _\sted ta confine his inquiry to the policy of establishing the same in Georgia, haviiig'reference to the place and probabl1 cost of doing so, for as Georgians we are resolved to main ifin our equal and undeniable right guaranteed by the Cop titution of the United States, within the Union if we can, without it if we mush Resolved, 3dly. That to enable the Governor, more suc¬ cessfully to furnish the information sought in the fi regoing resolutions, he is hereby authorized and empowered to em¬ ploy Some suitable person or persons to aid and assist him in doing so. The House adjourned until 3£ o'clock, P. M. 3f O'CLOCK, P. iM. The House met pursuant to adjournment, and took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to mcorpce rate the Vernon Shell Road Company. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time hnd passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the comity of Irwin, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passhd. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill Of the Senate to repeal an act entitled an act to author¬ ize the election of Marshal for the town of Newnan, in thfe county of Coweta, and for other purposes, The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committer on the bill of the Senate to compensate the Sheriffs of Frank 1 income ty, for summoning Grand and Petit Jurors of sai i county and for other purposes, The report Whs agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committei, on the bill Of the Senate to incorporate the town of Statesville in JEchols county,, and for other purposes. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th,. 1859-. 38S Th4 report was agreed to, the hill was reUd the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee On the b,ill of the Senate to change the time of holding the Superir or courts of the county of Pierce. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee 011 the hill of the Senate to legalize and enforce the operations of a Board pf Police in Liberty county, The report was agreed to. The hill was- read the third time and passed* Mr. Lumpkin, of the committee on enrollment, reported as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of idie House of Representatives, An act to incorporate an Insurance company in the city of Columbus. Also to incorporate the Oglethorpe Insurance company of Savannah. Also an act for the relief of Reuben Cloud of I^ecatur county. Also for the relief ol Mrs. Nancy Waddell of the bounty of Fulton. The House took up the report of the committee on the' bill of the Senate to regulafe the Agencies of Foreign In* snrance companies, and to provide for the appointment of of an Insurrnce Commissioner. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to change the name of the Planters and Mechanics' Bank of Dalton. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed* The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the town of Moultrie, in the county of Colquitt, and for other purposes therein specified The report was agreed to, the bill was read the fhird time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb coun¬ ty, to pay Arrearages due J. F„ Buchanan, a teacher of pool' children in said county, for the year 1853. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took* up the rbport of the committee on bill of the Senate for the relief of Wm. D. Rigdon, of Charl¬ ton cqunty, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. 3S4 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, The House took up, the* report of the committee on the "bill of the Senate for the relief of W. F. C. Faulkner of Mad¬ ison comity. The spine was postponed indefinitely. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Milledgeville and Gordon Railroad company with the stock of the Central Railroad and Banking company of Georgia; and also, to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Eatonton Branch Railroad company with the stock of the Central Railroad and Banking- company of Georgia, and also to authorize an increase of the capital stock of the said Central Railroad and Banking Company of Geor¬ gia, and for other purposes. The report Was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House.took up the report of the committee on the . bill of the Senate to alter and change the time of holding the Superior courts of the counties of Wilcox, Telfair, Invin, Berrien and Glynn, and for other purposes. The same was amended. The report, as amended, was agreed to, the bill was read the third lime and passed. The bill of the Senate for the relief of John Farmer, and William Stoll, Securities, &c., was indefinitely postponed. Also, A bill to authorize Wm. Ford, of Mitchell county and oth¬ ers therein mentioned, to peddle without license. Also the bill to authorize Nicholas Grice of Merriwether county, to peddle without paying license. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to repeal all laws under, and by authority of which Peddlers and itinerant traders have been permitted 'to pursue their occupation in this State, except as herein .specified, and to provide and impose penalties upon each and every person, who inay after this act is provided to take effect, be detected in a violation of the provisions thereof, and for other purposes therein specified. Mr. Williams of Muscogee, proposed the following amend¬ ment, which was received, to wit: Provided the provisions of this bill be not extended to market Gardens. Mr. Fain of Union, offered the following amendment, which with others was cut off by the previous question, to wit: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not be so construed as to apply to the county of Union, or any of the citizens thereof. % flie bill was .read the third time, and on the question MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1659. 38$ of its passage the yeas and nays were required to be re¬ corded. There are yeas 65. There are nays 45. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Henderson of New-McWhorter, Alexander, Barksdale, ton, Morris, Blakey, Herrington, Mullens, Bivins, Hicks, Norwood, Brantley, Hogans, Perry, Brown of Sumter, IIolden, Prescott, Causey, Holmes, Rozier, Clark of Elbert, Horsley, Selman, Dolvard, Howell of Milton, Settle, Cook, Joyner, Simms, Echols. Kelly, Sweat, Fannin of Morgan, Key, Thrasher, Finney, Knowles, Turner, Fortner, Knox, Underwood, Gibson of Rich- Lewis of Greene, Vanover, Hiond, Lewis of Hancock, Vaughn, Gibson of Warren,Lester, Walton Goodman, Lumpkin, Williams of Clinch, Grovensteine, Lumsden, Williams of Musco- Hardin, McCants, gee, Harper of Henry, McComb, Wilson, Harper of Sumter, McCrairy, Young,. Heath, McGar, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Allen. Fleming, Baugh, Glass Broyles, Greene of Cobb, Bruton of Forsyth, Harkness, Brewton of Tatt- Henderson of nail, Cason, Coleman, Conley, Cullens Daniel, Delony, Dixon, Eberhart, Ector, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, Fain of Union, 25 Worth, Hockenhull, Holland, Hurst, Jones of Rabun, Kelling,. Lofton, Martin, Mays McDonald of Lump-West, kin, Whittle: McDonald of Mur- Wofford, ray, Worley, McEver McLendon, Nobles, Parks, Patton, Price, Ragsdale, Richards, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Smith of Hall* Sockwell, Sprayberry, Tatum, SSfi JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, So the bill was- passed. Leave of absence wag granted Mr. Woffordof Cass, for the balance of the session. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to suspend a part of the Sth section of an act to provide for the education of the children of this State between certain a^es, and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, for the year 1S59, so far as relate to the counties of Greene and Baldwin and to authorize the Ordinary of said counties to pay certain Teachers of jpoor children of said counties out of the poor school fund of said counties, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time, and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize Absalom E. Roberts, Admin¬ istrator to have the distributive share of the widow of Rob¬ ert J. Culbreth ascertained, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment, and took up the report of the committee On the bill of the Senate to in¬ corporate The Home Guards in Madison, Morgan county and to grant certain privileges herein specified. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on fhe bill of the Senate to incorporate the Southern Rights Guards in the county of Houston; the Scott Rifles in the county of Talbot, and the Macon county Volunteers in the county of Macon, and for other purposes. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read tke third time and passed. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary. Mr Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bil^i to-wit: MONDAY} DECEMBER 12th, 1859, 387 A Dill to be entitled an to repeal the 5th section of an act to change and fix the times of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Lumpkin, and to authorize the drawing and sumu>oning of grand and petit jurors for said courts, approved 11th December, 1858, and to add the county of Lumpkin to the W estem circuit, and to authorize the holding of said Courts on the 4th Monday in March and September. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Madison and Jackson, between Floyd and Polk, between Macon and Taylor, between Wilcox and Pulaski, between Sumter and Macon, between Merriwether and Coweta, and to amend the caption of an act, assented to Dec. 11th, 1S58, entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Ware and Pierce, and also to change the line between other counties herein mentioned, and for other pur¬ poses. Also, A I >; 11 to be entitled an act to allow Mathew Cook of the county of Walton to peddle without paying Tax for the same. Also, A bill to < be entitled an act to incorporate the Georgia Internal Improvement association. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to. authorize the Ordinary of DeK. lb county, to pay G. W. Lathram for teaching poor children in said county of DeKalb. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town of Homer in the county of Banks, and to appoint commission ers fc< i the same, and for other purposes therein specified.— Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Ben Hill Academy, in the county of Emanuel, and to appoint Trus¬ tees for the same. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Columbus and Whiteville Railroad company. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to autorize Alexander K Leo¬ nard, Guardian of Michael W. Harvey, to pay over to the said Ward, the whole, or any part of the estate of said Mi- chaiel W. Harvey, in the hands of said Alexander K, Leo¬ nard. Also, *A bill to be entitled an act to amend the 33d section of the Judiciary act of 1799, in relation to the advertisement of Sheriffs sales. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to repeal an act of 1853-4, so far as; I he county of Decatur is concerned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to prescribe the mode of lay¬ ing out private ways, and for other purposes so far as relates to the county of iTenry. Also, A bill to be entitled an to authorize George Under¬ wood, of the county of Glasscock to pay over and settle with William W. Thompson, a minor, his Ward, and other purposes. Also, 388 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, A bill to be entitled an act to compensate the Tax Re¬ ceiver of Marion county for services rendered. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to further amend an act, en, titled an act to incorporate the Trustees of the Southern Botanic Medical College, assented to the 11th day of De¬ cember, 1839. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to make valid certain sales of real estate heretofore made by Executors, Administrators and Guardians of this State. Also, A bill to be' entitled an act to provide for the pay¬ ment of the persons appointed by the Judge of the Su¬ perior courts of the counties of Burke, Banks, Chatham, Columbia and Floyd, to take' down testimony on the trial of crimihal cases in said counties. Also, A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Lemuel Wehb, of the county of Early. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Inferior court of the county of Lumpkin, to levy a Tax for certain purpos¬ es therein mentioned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to amend an act of 1S3-5, in¬ corporating the town of Walker county, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to prevent free persons of col¬ or, commonly known as free negroes, from being brought or coming into the State of Georgia. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to exempt practicing Physicians in the county of Jefferson from Jury duty. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Governor of this State to cause to be established at some accessable and convenient place in this State, a State Foundry, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to amend an act limiting the time in which suits in the courts of Law in this State, must be brought, and also limiting the time in which indictments are to be found and prosecuted in certain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned, approved March 6th, 18-56. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the Stewart Volunteers, and other Volunteer companies herein mentioned, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill whs read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to ilicorporate the town of Carnesville in the county of Franklin, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide for the distribution and dis- MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859. 389 bursement of the common school fund, to which,the coun¬ ties of Gilmer and Lumpkin, are or may be entitled under and by virture of an act, passed on the 11th'day of Decem¬ ber, 1858, and for pther purposes therein mentioned. The same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed, The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the Enterprize Railroad company, and for other purposes. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to. The bill was read ' the third time and passed. * The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide, and give liens to. Stone Cutters and Marble companies of this State to secure payment for their labor. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read -the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the ) bill of the Senate to compel all persons non-residents of the county of Wayne, owning, penning, and grazing cattle in said county to return and pay tax on the same in said coun¬ ty' ' The same was so amended as to extend its provisions to other counties. The amended report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to allow the Attorney General and Solic¬ itors General a fee in cases of Peace Warrants. ' The report was agreed to, the Bill was rdad the third time and passed. 1 The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Inferior court of Early "county to levy a road tax, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, tbe Bill was read the third 'time and passed. 1 The House took up the report of the committee on the ' bill of the Senate to authorize the Administrators of the es¬ tate of the late Toliver Jones of the county of Harris to sell "all the lands belonging to the said estate, lying in the coun¬ ties of Harris, Muscogee and Talbot, at the Court House in 1 the county of Harris, f; The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to define and punish vagrancy in free,per¬ sons of color. 390 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE The same was amended, the report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the Committee on Enrollment reported a»s duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House ol Rep¬ resentatives, An act to define and declare the jurisdiction of this State in suits against Railroad companies. Also, An act to amend the 13th section of the 13th division of the Penal Code of the State #f G-eorgia, so as to increase the penalty for selling and furnishing intoxicating lip nor to slaves and free persons of color. Also, an act to add an additional section to the 11th divi¬ sion of the Penal Code. Also, an act to change the line between the counties of Floyd and'Polk. Also, an act to confer certain privileges upon Julius A. Cade, of Chattahochee county, to make lawful his acts, and give him authority to transact business as though lie was twenty one years of age, and for other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the Platus Railroad company and to incorporate the Bainbridge and Florida Railroad com¬ pany, and for other purposes therein named. Also, an act to authorize Jurors to assess damages in mat¬ ters of illegalities upon certain conditions. Also an act to confer additional powers upon the Mayor and Council of the city of LaGrange to regulate the rate of Taxation in said city, and to grant certain exemptions to the Diligent Firemen of LaGrange. Also an act to change the line between the counties of El¬ bert and Hart. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide for the voluntary enslavement of free persons of color, within this State. Mr. Lester of Cobb, offered as a substitute for the same, A bill to rid the State of Georgia of free person of color, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The substitute was adopted and amended. Mr. Lewis of Q-reene, then offered the original bill as a Substitute for the adopted substitute and amendments. Upon the question of its adoption, the yeas'and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 50* There are nays 46. MONDAY, DECEMBER. 12th, 1859. Those who .voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Anderson, Barksdale, Bivins, Brantley, Brown of Sumter, Bruton of Forsyth, Brewton of Tatnall, Clark of Elbert, Colvard, Coleman, Cullens, Daniel, Dixon, Fain of Union, Fannin of Morgan, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Harper of Sumter, Herrington, Hicks. Hopkins, Horsley, Hurst, Joyner, Key, Knowles Knox, Lewis of Greene Lumpkin, McCrairy, McDonald of Lum kin, McEver McLendon, Mullins, Norwood, Parks, Patton, Perry, Prescott, Eozier, Selman, Settle, Sims, Sockwell, Sweat, Tapley, -Tatum, Turner, W alton, Williams of Musco¬ gee. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs : Allan, Heath, Mays, ; Baugh, Henderson of Hen- McDonald of Mur- Blakey, ry, ray, Broyles Henderson of New-McCants, Causey, ton, M cWhorter, Conley, Henderson of Mitchell, Eberhart, Worth, Morris, Ector, Hockenhull, Price, Fain of Gilmer, Holland Ragsdale, Fain of Gordon, Howell of Milton, Smith of Bryan, Fleming, Jones of Rabun Thrasher, Fortner, Keeling, Underwood, Gibson of Rich- Kelly, Vanover, mond, Lester, West Hardin, Lofton, . Whittle, Darkness, Lumsden, Wilson, Harper of Henry, Martin, Worley, So the same was adopted, and laid 011 the table until to¬ morrow. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Morris of Glynn, on account of sickness. The following bills of the Senate were read the second time and committed for the third reading, to-wit: JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, A bill for the distribution of the estate of Coleman $, Pringle, late of the county of Pike, and for the relief pf the Executors of,the last will of said testator. A bill to authorize the Governor of this State, to grant pertain privileges to the Dalton and Gadsden Railroad com¬ pany. A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act in reference to granting divorces, approved December 5th, 180Q. A bill to amend an act to prescribe the* manner in which the names of persons may be changed, and persons born ille¬ gitimate may be,mnde legitimate, and to carry into effect the provisions of the Constitution upon that subject, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to amend an act to carry into effect th,e sixth Article of the Constitution pro¬ viding for the distribution of intestates estates, and for oth¬ er purposes. A bill to abolish the Senatus Academicus, to give-ata pow¬ ers to the Board of Trustees of the University bf Georgia and to vest the government of said University in said Board of Trustees. A bill to incorporate the Chestatee River, and Town Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Co., and to incorporate the Cavenders Creek and Ward's Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining cojnpany. A bill to authorize the county of Thomas to aid in the construction of the South Georgia and Florida Railroad, and for other purposes. A bill to repeal the secpnd section of an act, tp provide for the education of the children of this. State bettveeii cer¬ tain ages, land to provide an annual sinking fund for the ex¬ tinguishment of the public debt, so far as the county of Echols is cohcerned. A hill tP legalize the- purchase pf a lot of land made t)y Mrs. Billingslea, Administratrix of James F. Billingslea, de¬ ceased, of the county of Greene. A bill to incorporate the Augusta Presbytery, aud Savan¬ nah River Steam and Pole Boat Navigation company, of North Eastern Georgia. A bill to provide for the election of county Treasurer in the cpimtien of Berrien, Newton, Forsyth, Baker Hall, Lump¬ kin, Ware, Mitchell, Fannin, Raulding, Johhson and Mari¬ on. A bill to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church of the city of Columbus, and the St. Luke Meth-odist Episcopal Church South? bf the city of Columbus, and the St. Paul Methodist Episcopal Church South, of the city of Colum¬ bus. Also, to afnend an act to incorporate the Trusteed for Wesley Chixpeh Andrew Chapel, and Trinity Church qf the Monday, December 12th, 1859. 393 Methodist Episcopal Church South, ih the city of Savan¬ nah. Approved 2d. March, 1849, and to appoint sepe- rate Trustees for Wesley Chapel, in feaid city. A bill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts of Lumpkin county, or a majority of them to levy an -extra tax for the purpose of repairing the Court House, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate Furlow Female College, in the city of Americus, and to incorporate the Trustees for the same. A bill to regulate the use and sale of spirituous liquor^ and intoxicating drinks within the corporate limits of the town of Elberton. A bill for the purpose of attaching a strip of unsurveyed land, lying between the fourth and sixth districts of origi¬ nally Early, to the county of E.arly, and for other purposes. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Butts county to pay Mathew J. Gibson for teaching poor children in said coun¬ ty, and for other purposes. A bill to change the lines between the counties of Wayne and Charlton, the counties of Colquitt and Thomas, the counties of Sumter and Schley, the comities of Lee pnd Sumter, the counties of Ware j and Pierce, the coupties of Pulaski and Houston, tha counties of Banks and Jackson, pmd to add certain lots of land now in Irwin county, to Cof¬ fee county, and other purposes. « A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Whitfield county to pay teachers of poor children, and other purposes, for the year 1859. A bill to extend the corporate limits of the town of Ham¬ ilton, Harris county, and other purposes. A bill to change and alter the line between the counties of Worth and Colquitt. A bill to add an additional section to an act to appoint the persons therein named, Commissioners of the town of Preston, &c. A bill do incorporate the Hebrew Congregation in the city of Macon. A bill to repeal all laws relating to head rights, so far as they apply to Franklin county. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of Pike county to pay teachers of poor children, for the year 1858, and for other purposes. A bill to authorize the arrest and rendition of persons committing any offences against the criminal laws in any of the States adjoining to the State of Georgia, and who may take refuge within the limits of ihe State of Georgia on cer¬ tain conditions herein named. A bill for the relief of John A. Jones and Jackson Vaughn of the county of Milton. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, A bill to change the time of holding the Inferior Court in the .county of Oordon. A bill for the relief of Susan L. B. Oodwine of the county of Bibb, and Wnl. P. Frost of the county of Troup. A bill to change the common school law?, so far as rej lates to Walker county. A bill to prescribe and define the qualifications of persons in Early county, for the Office of Ordinary, and to remove certain disabilities under existing laws, and for othet ppr- A bill to authorize Soloman A. Howell an infirm man of the county of Calhoun, to peddle without paying license^ and for other purposes. A bill to alter, amend and construe an act to provide for education of the children of this State, and for other purpos? es, so far as relates to the counties of Milton and Pauld- ihg. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to amend an act td carry into effect the 6th section of the ill to authorize the Inferior Court of the county of Hancock, t® compel the hands subject to road duty in any one district in said countynto perform road duty in any ad¬ joining districts. A bill to authorize the ThomaSton and Barnesville Rail¬ road Company, to construct and extend, their Railrpad to some point on the Railroad of tlm Muscogee .Railroad Com¬ pany, and fop other-purposes, A bill to compensate the Sheriffs of Jefferson county, for services of Subpoenas On Grand arid Petit Jurors in s^id county. A bill to alter t*he tax laws of this State, A bill to declare the" true intentioh and meaning of the 20th section of an act entitled an act, to early into effect the amended Constitution in reference to Ordinaries of said State, and for other purposes. A bill to provide and put in force th'e '3d and 4th sections of an act amending an act to incorporate the town of Lump¬ kin in Stewart county, and for other purposes. A bill t® require the Ordinary of Worth county to pay Isaac R. Porter for teaching poor children in said county. A bill to amend an act incorporating the Georgia and Alabama Rail Road Company, and for other purposes. A bill to repeal an act to Consolidate the Offices of Tax Collector and Receiver, of Tax Returns for the county of Harralsori. A bill to confer certain privileges on Charles Greene. ^ A bill to consplidate the offices of Clerk of the SuPerior and .Inferior Courts of the county of Chattooga. A bill to amend and interpret an act, approved March 5fh 1856, relative'to the payment of the accounts of teachers of poor childreh. A bill to alter and amend an acf to regulate the granting 396 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, of retail license and sale of spirituous liquors, assented to, 29th Dec., 183S, so far as relates to the city of Ameiicus. A bill to give to the Commissioners appointed by the In¬ terim- Court of Calhoun, to examine teachers the- power to decide upon their qualifications. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Indian Spring Rail Road Company. A bill for the relief of James Karr, Robert Orrand Eli- as Payne, of the county of Forsyth. A bill to legalize the adjournment of Quitman Superior Court. A bill to provide for the citizens of Decatur county cross¬ ing Flint River at or near Bainbridge free of ferriage. A bill to compel Justice^ ot the Peace of the county of Rabun to give bond and security, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the first Presbyterian Church of the city of Columbus, and for other purposes therein specified. A bfil to incorporate the Atlanta Mutual Insurance and stock company. The following bills of the Senate were read the first time to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Laurens and Johnson. A bill to provide compensation for the Petit Jurors of Mitchell county. A bill to require the Treasurer of the several school dis¬ tricts in the county of Lumpkin, to return the unexpended balance in their hands, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate a corp of Infantry in the town of Jonesboro, to be known as the Clayton Volunteers, and to confer certain privileges upon the same. A bill to be entitled' an act to change and alter the line between the counties of Dougherty and Worth. A bill to be entitled an act to repeal a portion of the 8th section of an act, approved Dee. 11th, 1S58, enti¬ tled an act to provide for the Education of the children of this State between certain ages, and for other purposes, so far as the same applies to Emanuel county. A bill to be entitled an act to change the time of holding the Inferior Courts of the county of Emanuel. A bill for the relief of James Brooks and John H. Jones of Randolph county, of Jordan Handers of the county of Emapuel, of John M. Brack of the county of Dougherty, of Benjamin Chapman, of the county of Clayton, and of Noali Godfrey of the county of Muscogee, and for other purpos¬ es. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to extend the civil juris¬ diction of the Justices of the Peace, in that part of the coun¬ ty of Chatham within the city of Savannah. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1859. 397 A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of the county of Coffee, to levy an extra tax to pay for their Jail, and for other purposes. A bill to regulate the retail of spiritous liquors. A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act to provide for the Education of the children of this State between certain ages. A bill to incorporate the Alabama Planters Steam boat Company, and for other purposes. A bill to explain the 10th section of the 10th division of the Pjehal Code of this State. A bill to amend the several acts incorporating the town of Cartersville in Cass county, so as to exclude the residence of James Milner. * ' A bill to authorize Stephen Ellis to peddle in the con nty of Gwinnett, without the payment of license for the same. A bill to change the county lines between the counties df DeKalb and Henry. A bill to define and enlarge the duties of the Treasurers of the several counties of this State. A bill to repeal the 2d section of an act to repeal the 19th section of an act entitled an act to incorporate a Bank iri the city of Atlanta to be called the Bank of Fulton, ^nd for oth¬ er purposes A bill to extend the civil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace, in that part of the county of Chatham, embraced within the city of Savannah. . A bill to incorporate the Pulaski Insurance Company of Hawkinsville, Ga. A bill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Coffee county, to levy an extra tax of fifty per cent, for the purpose of paying for their jail, and for other purposes. *A bill to correct and perfect the plat and grant to lot of land No. 142, of originally Appling now Pierce county, so as to change the title to William instead Abraham Osteem. A bill to change the lines of Henry and Clayton coun¬ ties. A bill to. provide compensation to Coroners for burying insolvent persons. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Harralson county to levy an extra tax. A bill to amend the act entitled an act to organize a Volunteer Battalion in the city of Savannah, to be calleu the Independent Volunteer Battalion of Savannah, approved 20th Jan., 1852. A bill to be entitled an act amendatory of the act 1357, entitled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the se ,Ter- al Bank charters in this State, on account of non-specie pay¬ ment for a given time, and for other purposes therein named, 398 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. and declaratory of the true meaning t)f certain sections of the same, A bill to repeal a part of the 1st section of the 3d article of the Constitution of this State, and to insert a provision in lieu thereof. A bill to amend the 1st section of the 3d article of the Constitution. A bill to repeal an act entitled an act to consolidate the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the cohnty of Harfal&on. A bill to pay the Sheriffs of the several counties of this State for .certain services, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act facilitating mining operations for gold, and for other purposes, in the county of White. A bill to change the line between the counties of Elbert and Madison, and for other purposes. A bill to require certain officers in Emanuel county to be kept at the county site, and for other purposes, » A bill to alter and amend the law of descent in cases of illegitimates, or persons born out of wedlock dying intes¬ tate, and A bill to amend an act entitled an act for the better pro¬ tection and security of Orphans and their .estates, approved Feb. iSth, 1799. . The House adjourned until 9 o'clock, A.M. to-morrow. TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 13th, 1S59. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Price of Pickens, moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the bill to authorize the Inferior court of Pickens county to retain one half of the State tax of said county for academic purpos¬ es, and for a certain period. The motion was lost. My. Keeling moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the passage of the bill to change the line between the counties of Habersham and White. The same was lost. Mr. hagsdale moved to reconsider so much of the Journal ■of yesterday as relates to the passage of the bill-to author¬ ize the Ordinary of the county of DeKalb to pay arrearages due J. F. Buchanan, for teaching poor children in said coun¬ ty, in the year 1853, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 1859. 399 The motion prevailed. Mr. Ector moved to reconsider so much qf the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the bill to authorize Nicholas Grice of Merriwether county to peddle without li¬ cense, This motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Rrice of Pickens, so much of the Jour¬ nal of yesterday was reconsidered as relates to the bill for the relief of John Farmer and William Stott, securities on the appearance bond of Newton Freeman of the county of Grilmer. Olr motion of Mr. Delony, so much of the Journal of yes¬ terday was reconsidered as relates to the rejection of the bill of the Senate for the pardon of John Funday, of the county of Gwinnett, now under sentence of death for the crime of murder. On motion of Mr. McDonald, of Lumpkin, so much of the Journal of yesterday was reconsidered as relates to the pas- Sage of the bill of the Senate, relative to business of peddling and itinerant trading. Mr. Lewis of Greene, presented a resolution, which was agreed to, authorizing the Clerk to employ an additional as¬ sistant at the desk for the balance of the session. The following Message was received from the Senate by Mr. West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following bills, to wit: A bill to be entitled an act to consolidate and amend the several acts incorporating the town of Cartersville, in the county of Cass. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to compel persons owning one thousand or more acres of land in certain portions of Mont¬ gomery and Telfair counties. Also in the counties of Wayne, Camden, WilcoX and Doo¬ ly, to give in and pay taxes on the same in said counties.— Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to amend the charter of the Ellijah Railroad company, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town of Summerville in the county of Emanuel, and appoint com¬ missioners for the same„ with powers to regulate the benefit Of the school within said corporate limits. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the .town of Bainbridge, and to grant certain privileges to the same. Also,- A bill to bq entitled an act change the line between the counties of Campbell and Coweta, and between the coun¬ ties of Taylor and Schley, and for other purposes. Also, 400 ■ JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. A bill to be entitled an act to repeal go much of tiie first section of an act entitled an act to appoint county Treasu¬ rers and define their duties, approved Dec. 24, 1825, as re¬ lates to the appointment of said officers by the Justices of the Inferior court of the State, and to authorize their elec¬ tion by the people so far as relates to the counties of For¬ syth, Newton, Hall and Baker. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend an act en¬ titled an act to submit the question of the removal of the county site of Montgomery county, to the voters of said county, and for carrying out the will of the majority, assent¬ ed to, Dec. 21st, 1857. Also, ' A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Calhoun and Rbme Railroad company, and to grant certain powers and privileges to said company. Also. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Jenner Medical Society of Oglethorpe Medical College at Savan¬ nah. The Senate have also passed the following bills of the House of Representatives, to wit: A bill to be entitled an get for the relief of Cornelius Hil- berts of the county of Fulton. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives : An act to alter and amend the several acts relative to the probate of wills, granting letters testamentary and Admin¬ istrations, and for other puqjoses therein specified. Also, an act to incorporate the Hydraulic Hose Mining company of the county of Lumpkin, to incorporate the Et¬ owah and Battle Branch Hydraulic company, and for other purposes therein specified. Also, an act to suspend a part of the eighth section of an act to provide for the education of the children of this State between certain ages, and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt for the year eigh¬ teen hundred and jfifty nine, so far as relates to the counties of Greene and Baldwin, and to authorize the Ordinaries of said counties to pay over to certain Teachers of said counties the school funds belonging to said counties, and for other pur¬ poses herein mentioned. Also an act to incorporate the town of Jonesboro, in the county ©f Clayton, aud to provide for the election of com¬ missioners, Marshal and Clerk, and for other purposes. Also an act to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the counties pf Dougherty, Paulding, Terrell, Merriwether; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 401 and Petit Jurors of the counties of Marion and Putnam, and to provide for the same. ■ Also an act to change the name of the Planters and Me¬ chanics' Bank of Dalton. Also, , An Act to reduce the Sheriffs .bond in the county of Ir-" win, and for other purposos. Also, An act to repeal an act to authorize the election of Mar-* shall for the town of Npwnar, in the county of Coweta, in the same way and manner as Commissioners for said town are now elected by law, approved February 17th 1854.— Also, An act to legalize and enforce the operation of the Board of Police for the 15th District G. M.' of the county -of Lib¬ erty to confer upon the same certain rights, powers and privileges therein mentioned, and to establish by law the system of mounted Police now maintained in said District. Also, An act to compensate the Sheriff of. Franklin county, for. summoning Grand and Petit Jurors of said county, §nd for othe purposes. Also, An act for the relief William D. Rigdon of Charlton county, and for other purposes: Also, An act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts of the county of Pearce. Mr. Lumpkin, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, andreadyfor the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives : An Act for the relief of Cornelius Hibberts. The following Message of'his Excellency the Governor was taken up and read. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, > Milledgville, December, 12th, 1859. ) To the House of Representatives : I herewith return the Bill entitled "an Act for the relief of Mary Frances Newnar, of the county of Bibb, and for other purposes," without my approval, for the general rea¬ sons given in my message te the Senate during the present Session, when I returned the Bill for the relief of Amy Clark. In 1857 I signed several Bills of this character, in each of| which it was said that there existed special reasons for making it an exception t© the general rul.e. I then doubted the policy of such laws, but gave my assent to them out of respect to the action of the General Assembly. In 1858 I found an increased number of Bills of a like character, pass¬ ing both Houses. Indeed, these applications to the Legis-. lature are becoming so numerous as no longer to forpa ex¬ ceptions to a general rule, but the general rule is being re- 26 m journal of the house* pealed in almost every individual ease, by a special act, ap¬ plicable to a single individual. The result is, that parties defendants in courts frequently piake no defence, and per¬ mit plaintiffs to obtain verdicts for divorce, with the under¬ standing that the friends of plaintiffs will encourage relief to defendants by the Legislature ; and in this way divorces are frequently obtained by collusion betweeil the parties.— The consequence is, that the sancity once attached to the marriage relation, no longer exists ; and a practice is fast obtaining, which is most demoralising in its effects. I can¬ not consent to the further encouragement of such a pracJ- tice, If we will enforce the wholesome rule of law, which now libson of Warren, Lofton^ Rozier, Opusejr, Clark of' Elbert, Golvard, Coleman, Cpnley, Cull 6 ns Daniel, Dixoti, Ector, Fain of Gordon, McEver, McGar, MeLendon, McWhorter, Mitchell, Morris, Mullins, Nobles/ Norwood, Parks, Patton, Perry, Price Ragsdale, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 1859. 403 Scott, Sweat, Walton, Settle, Tapley, West, Siins, Tatum, Whittle, Smith of Bryan, Thrasher, Williams of Musco* Smith of Coffee Turner, gee, Sockwell, Underwood, Wilson, Solomons, Vanover, Young. Spray berry, Vaughn, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Eberhart, Hicks, Martih? Fleming, Jones of Rabuil, So the Bill was passed over the executive Veto, and on motion of Mr. Anderson of Bibb ordered to be transmitted < to the Senate without delay. ' The following Message was received from his Excellency1 the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit : Mr. Speaker: I am directed by the Governor to return to this branch of tne General Assembly, ill .Which it originated* a bill to be entitled an "act to pardon'Thomas C. Whit- worth, of the county of Chattooga, now under sentence of death for the crime of Murder, accompanied'with-a communication in writing. On motion of Mr. Alexander of Floyd, the saihe wa>s taken up and read: ' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, > Milledgeville, December 13th, 1859. ) - To the House of Representatives: I return without approval, the Bill entitled "an .act to pardon Thomas C. Whitworth, of the county of Chattooga, now under the sentence of death for the crime of murder. I have carefully enquired into the facts of this case, and am satisfied that the fact recited in this Bill, that Thomas C„ Whitworth is "now under sentence of death for the crime of murder," does not exist; and that the Legislative department of the Government has no jurisdiction whatever overthis case in its present condition. In the government from which we principally derived Our laws,, no part of the pardoning power was vested in the legislative department, but the executive department alone possessed this power. The framers of our Constitution continued this power with the executive, in this State, except in cases, of murder or treason. ,In these cases, after final conviction, and a sen¬ tence of the court under which the defendant may be execu¬ ted or calised to suffer the penalty of the law, and after res¬ pite by the Governor, the pardoning power is vested in, the 4b4 JOUHNAL'OF THE HOUSE,' General Assembly, and may be exercised by them, by & vote of a bare mojority of each House, if the bill meets the approval efthe Governor, and by a vote of two-thirds of each House notwithstanding his disapproval. The exercise of the veto powef does not, therefore, interfere with the rights of the General Assembly'to pardon, but only requires that it be .exercised in more solemn form and with more mature deliberation, after having heard_ and weighed the reasons given by the Executive for declining to approve the Act. The seventh section of the second Article of the constitu¬ tion of this State, is in these words : "He, (the Governor,) shall have power tp grant reprieves for offences against the State, except in cases of impeachment, and to grant pardons or to remit any part of a sentence, in all cases after convic¬ tion, except for treason or murder, in which cases he nrr.y re¬ spite, the execution, and make report thereof to the next General by whom a pardon may be granted-" , The tenth and eleventh sections oftnesame article of the constitution define the veto power, and provide for the further action of the General Assembly, in case of its exer¬ cise. A p^reful examination of the seventh section, above quo¬ ted, will, I think, satisfy the mind of each member of the General Assembly, that the constitution has only delegated to the General Assembly the right to exercise the pardon¬ ing power', in cases of treason or murder, after the defendant has been finally convicted, by the court,-and is subject to be executed,' by the Sheriff, or to Suffer the penalty of the law, and has been respited by the Governor. As this is a power delegated to the General Assembly by the Constitution, which at common -law they did not possess, they can only exercise Jt qubject to the restrictions and qualifications con¬ tained in the Constitution. In other words, they must take the grant Subject to the qualifications contained in the grant. Until the courts have finally adjudicated the case, their jurisdiction over it is exclusive, under the first section Of the first article of the 'Constitution* which declares that "the Legislative, Executive,, and Judiciary Departments of Government shall be distinct, and each department Shall he confided to a separate body or magistracy; and no person or celkctim of persons, being of one of those departments, shall' ©xereise any properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly permitted," and by the first section of the third article of the Constitution,' in which it is declared that, the Superior Courts, shall liave exclusive jurisdiction "in all criminal cases." Under this grant of power, the courts have the exclusive right to try all criminal'cases, amounting to" felony,' including treason and murder, and to pronounce judgment in case of convic- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 405 tion, and to order execution of the defendant in eases where the pentlty is death ; and neither the Legislative nor Exec¬ utive department of the Government has any right to inter¬ fere, except so far as the Constitution has expressly permitted. Incase Of conviction for murder, the Governor is expressly 'permitted to respite the execution ordered by the Court, and to make report thereof to the next. Ge?ieral Assembly; and after this is done, they are expressly permitted, subject to the qualifica¬ tion above meutioned, to pardon the defendant. In this case, each'department of the Government has its proper fnnctions assigned to it. The power to try and dispose of the case is originally vested in the Court, and no other de¬ partment has any right to interfere till the court has pro¬ nounced its,final judgment and ordered execution to be done; after this*, the Governor may interfere and respite the execution •and make report thereof to the next General Assembly ; and then the General Assembly may pardon-, by a majority with. his Assent, and by a two-thirds majority notwithstanding his dissent. These I conceive to be the relative powers of the three departments of the'Government, in a case of murder. , In the application of these rules, it will be necessary in determining whether the General Assembly has'yet acquir ed jurisdiction in this ease, to enquire vthat disposition has been made of it by the Judiciary, and the Executive De¬ partments ©f the Government. Has there befen a final don- viction in court, under which the Sheriff of ChattoOga coun¬ ty is authorized and required to execute the defendant ?' *aud has the Governor respited the execution and made urepo%t phereoff to the General Assembly ? Neither the one nor the other has been done ; and I therefore conclude that the General Assembly haveacqpired no jurisdiction whatever over this case. • , |Upon examination of the papers now of file in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of this State, which are ancl have been subject'to the inspection of the members of the General Assembly, it wrill be seen that the defeudant, Thom¬ as C. TVliitworth, wTasput upon his trial at the last March Term of -the Superior Court of Chattooga county, for the murder of Edward M.'Hall, and the jury, after hearing the case> returned a. .Verdict of guilty of murder, and the Court sentenced-him to be hung on Friday the 22nd of April last, ft was then agreed by the counsel for the State, and the de>- fendajit, that a motion for a new trial might be made at the then next term of Cass Superior Court, which should be- 'in all respects as if the motion were made before,the ad- jonnmieut of said Court.'* ,At the next term of Cass Su¬ perior Court, the motion wds made, before the Hon. L* IV. Crook, then presiding ; and tlie final hearing of the motion was thou adjourned over until the first day of the next term of Gordon Superior Court, when it was heard, and the mo- 406 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, tion overruled by the Court, and a new trial refused; whereupon the counsel for the defendant tendered their bill of exceptions to the ruling of the Court, for the purpose of carrying the case to the Supreme Court; which bill of ex¬ ceptions was allowed and signed by the Judge, who there¬ upon, as I learn from counsel in the case, under the provis¬ ions of the statute's in such case made and pro¬ vided, issued his order superceding the judgment of the Superior Court of Chattooga county, and order¬ ing the Sheriff to suspend all further actiou in the premises till the adjudication of the case in the Su¬ preme Court and the further judgment of the Superior Court Under this order, the day fixed for the execution was permit¬ ted to pass, and the case Was carried to the Supreme Court upon said bill of exceptions. At the last August term of that Court, held at Atlanta, this case was continued by the Supreme Court for providential cause ; and the case is still pending in that Court. There is, therefore, no subsisting judgment of the Superfor Court of Chattooga county against the defendant, under which he could ever be execu¬ ted; and there is no day set, in future, for his execution. He is not, therefore, -'under the sentence of death for the crime of murder," as recited in this Bill; nor is it in the power of either the Executive or Legislative Department of the Gov¬ ernment to say that he ever will be again. The Supreme Court may grant him a new trial, and when again put upon trial, he may be acquitted, or convicted of some one of the grades of manslaughter. It is very clear, therefore, that the General Assembly have not yet acquired jurisdiction of this case, and very possible that they may never acquire it. There is no final scntense in the case, and can be no execution under any judgment now in existence, whether this bill become a law or not. If' the General Assembly have a right to pardon in this case, they would have the same right in a case pending in the Superior Court upon a motion for a new trial undis¬ posed of in that Court; and if they have that right, they have the same right in a case pending in the Superior Court in which no trial has yet been had. Establish this prece¬ dent, and the General Assembly may expect to be called upon in future to act upon each case of.murder pending in the Superior Courts in advance of the final action of the Courts, which will be equivalent to divesting the Courts of 'the jurisdiction given to them by the Constitution, and trans¬ ferring the trial to the General Assembly. I protest against all such interference by the Legislative departnlent of the Government Vvith the powers vested by the Constitution in the Judiciary. Let us wait till the Constitution gives us TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 407 jurisdiction of this case, and it 'will then he time enough for for us to act. "Sufficient unto, the day is the evil thereof." I do not consider that it is proper for me to express my opinion upon the facts or merits of this case, as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant. It is now in the hands of a Court in whose wisdom and integrity I have the highest confidence; whose decisions, in point Ot uniformity, ability and correctness, may justly challenge comparison with those of any Court in any State in the Union , and which will, I trust, be appreciated and upheld by the people as the safe and ultimate arbiter, of their rights, without regard to the clamor and misrepresentations, of disappointed lawyers, or the efforts to excite discontent which are made by uUsuc- cesful litigants. JOSEPH. E. BROWN. On motion of Mr. Alexander the foregoing bill for the par don of Thomas C. Whitworth now under sentence of death' in the county of Chattooga for the crime of murder, which had failed to receive the executive sanction was taken tip, and put upon its passage. The'yeas and nays being record¬ ed thereon. There are yeas 58 ; there are njays 47. Those who Voted in the affirmative are Messrs* Alexander, Harper of Sumter, McEver, Allan, Henderson of Hen-Mullens, Anderson, ry. Nobles, Barksdale, Holden, Norwood, Blakey, Holmes, Patton, Brantley, Horsley, PrescOtt, Brown of Houston, Howell of Milton, Price, Causey, Hurst, Richards, Clark of Elbert, Joyner, Rozier, Coleman, Keeling, Smith of Coffee, Cullens, Key, Sockwell, Eberhart, Knowles, Sprayberry, Ector, Kpoy, Sweat, Fain of Gordon, Lewis of Greene, Tapley, Fortner, Lewis of Hancock, Tatum, Gibson of Rich- Lofton, Thrasher, mond, Lumsden, Turner, Gibson of "Warren, Mays, Underwood, Grovensteine, McComb, Vanover, Hardin, M cDonald of Lump- Harper of Henry, kin. '408 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Baugh, Harkness, Morris, Bivins, _ Hartridge, Parks, Brown of Sumter, Heath, Ragsdale, Broyles, Henderson of Render, Bruton of Forsyth, Worth,. Scott Brewton of Tatt- Hicks, Settle, nail, Hockenhull, ' Sims, 'Cason, Hopkins, Solomons, Colvard, ' Jones of Rahun, Yanghn, ■ Daniel, Kelly, Walton Delony, Lester. - West, Dixon, Martin, Whittle Fain of Gilmer, McDonald of Mur- Williams of Musco- Fain of Union, ray, gee, Fapnin of M'organ, McLendon, Wilson, Fleming, . McWhorter, Worley. Finney, Mitchell, Goodman, There not heing two-thirds in favor of the passage of the hill, it was lost aud the veto sustained. . Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled and signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, An act to provide and give liens to Stone Cutters and Marble Companies of this State, to secure payment for their labor. Also, an act to incorporate the Home Guards of Madison in Morgan county, and to grant certain privileges. Also,-an act to incorporate the town of Statesville in Ec¬ hols county, and to appoint Commissioners for the same, and other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the town of Moultrie in Col¬ quitt county, and to confer certain privileges and powers on the Commissioners, and to amend the several acts incorpor¬ ating the city of Rome, and to confer certain powers on the Mayor and Council of the city of Albany, and amend the act incorporating the town of Monticello in Jasper county, and for other purposes. Also, an act to authorize the Inferior Court of Early coun¬ ty to levy h Road Tax, and for other purposes. Also, an aCt to incorporate the Vernon Shell Road Com¬ pany, * Also, an act to authorize Absalam E. Roberts, administra¬ tor upon the estate of Robert J. Culbreath, deceased, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Walker county, to have TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 1859. 409 the distributive share of the widow of said deceased, ascertained in the Dstate of deceased, and to pay the same over to her, and then for .the balance of the said estate, subject to be distributed to be and remain the property jointly ol the two minor children of said, deceased, until one of them shall marry or arrive at full age. Also, ah act to regulate the Agencies of Foreign Insurance Companies, and to provide lor the appointment of an Insur¬ ance Commissioner. ^ Also, an act to allow the Attorney and Solicitor's General a fee in cases of Peace \Yarrants. .Also, an act to authorize the Administrators, of the Es¬ tate of the late Toliver Jones of Harris county* to sell all the lands belonging to said Estate , lying in-the counties of Harris, Muscogee and Talbot at the Court House in Harris county. Mr. Colvard, from the committee on Journals offered the following report and resolntion which were taken up, read and agreed to, to-wit: The committee on Journals beg leave to report that they have carefully compared the Journals with the record, and find them neatly and correctly kept. In consequence of the extension of the session and the accumlated mass of business your committee recommend, the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the recording Clerks be allowed fifty days to bring up the unfinished business of the session, and twen¬ ty days to make a perfect and correct index to the same arjd that the Hon. R. A. McComb be and he is hereby authoriz¬ ed to inspect and receive the same. The H ouse took up the report of the committee, on the* bill of the Senate, to provide for the distribution of the Es¬ tate of Colemam J. Pringle, late of Pike county, deceased, and for the relief of the Executor of said estate. The report was agreed to, ■ the bill Was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill "of the Senate, to authorize the Governor of this •grant certain privileges to the Dalton and Gadsen Railroad Company. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee oil the hill of the Senate, to amend an act entitled an act to pre¬ scribe the manner in which the names of persons may be changed and persons legitimatized, &c., &c. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third tune and passed- 4io JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. 'The House took Up the report of the Committee On the Ibill of * the Senate, to abolish the Senatus Academicus, to give its'powers to the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, and to vest the Government of said University id said Board of Trustees. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. ' The House took up the report of the committee on* the bill of the Senate, to ahiend an act entitled an act to amend an kct to carry into effect, the 6th section of the 4th article of the Constitution, &c. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third "time and paSsed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to incorporate the Chestatee River and Town Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company and Caven- ders Creek, and Wards Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Com¬ pany. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took Tip the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to incorporate the Augusta, Petersburg and Savannah River Steam and Pole Boat Navigation Com¬ pany of Forth Eastern Georgia. The report .was agreed to, and the bill read a third time and passed. The House adjourned until o'clock, P. M. n O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. And went into committee of the Whole, Mr. Lester in the chair, on the bill of the House to change the name of the Southern Central Agricultural Society, and to appropriate jnoney for the benefit of the same. After some time spent therein the committee rose and through their chairman, reported the same back to the House were with an amendment. Tbe rhport was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and on the question of its* passage, the yeas and naj3 required to be recorded, There are yeas 64, there are nays 54, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1859. 4ll Those Who voted iH the affirmative are Messrs ; Allan, Andersbn, Barksdale, Baugh, Brantley, Brinson, Hartridge, Parks, Henderson of Hen-Patton, ry, Prescott, Hockenhull, Richards Hblden, Holmes, Bruton of Forsyth, Horsley, Brewton of Tatt- Howell of Milton, . nail, Pausey, Ctillens, Delony, Dixon, Eain of Gordon, Eain of Union, Fannin of Troup, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Hutchins, Joyner, Knowles, Lewis of Greefie, Rozier, Selman, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Hall, Solomons, Sweat, Tatum? Taylot, Lewis of Hancock, Thrasher, Lester, Lofton, Lumpkin, Martin, Mays, Gibson of Warren, McDonaldof Mur Hardin, ray, Harper, of Henry, McWhorter, Harper, of Sumter, Norwood, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs; Turner, Underwood, Vanover, Walton, Wicker, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wilson, Blakey, Health, Bivins, Henderson of BroWn of Houstbn, Worth, Brown of Sumter, Herrington, Broyles, Cason, Cock, Colvard, Coleman, Conley, Daniel, Eberhart, Fain of Gilmer, Fleming, Finney, Qoodman, Green of Cobb, Grovenstein, Hprkness, Hicks, Hogans, H opkins, Hurst, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Kelly, Knox, Lumsden, McCants, McQrairy, McDonald of Lump-Vaughn, kin, Whittle McEver, Worley, McLendon, Young, Mitchell, • Morris, Mullins, Nobles, Perry, Price, Ragsdale, Render, Scott, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan,i Smith of Coiiee, Sockwell, Tapley, So the bill was passed. . Mr. Key from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and 4\2 (JOUENAL OF THE HOUSE, ready for the signature of the Speaker qf the" Hou?e of Representatives : An act to incorporate the Stewart Volunteers and otker Volunteer Companies therein mentioned, and tq ponfer on them certain powers and privileges. Also, an act to incorporate the town of Carnesville m the county of Frank-lib, and for other purposes. Also, an act to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Milledgeville and Gordon Kailroad Company, with the stock of the Central Eailroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and Also, to authorize the consolidation of the stock of the Eatonton Branch Railroad ,and Banking Company of Geor¬ gia. • Also, an act to authorize an increase of the capital stock of the said Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and for other purposes. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ cy the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit; Mr, Speaker;—The Governor has signed the following Acts to-wit.; An act to incorporate an Insurance Company in the city of Columbus, to be called the Georgia Home Insurance Com¬ pany. Also, to incotporare the Oglethorpe,Insurance Company of Savannah. An act to incorporate the town of Bowden in the county of Carroll, and forgather purposes therein mentioned, and to regulate the retail of spirituous liquors in a certain distance of the Boor HouSe in Atlanta. The following message was received from His Excellen¬ cy the Governor by Mr. Campbell his Secretary, to wit: Mr. Speaker;—I am directed by His Excellency the Gov¬ ernor to return to this branch of the General Assembly iti wjjiich it originated: A bill entitled an act to give Charles N. Terry a minor of* the county of Muscogee, and Joseph H. Morehouse a rninqr of Screven county, the same privileges and make them sub¬ ject to the same liabilities as though they were of lawful age, and to authorize Littleberry Jackson of Green county, Ghardian of Wm. C. Beckers and MrS. George "W. Johnsqn formerly Miss Beckers, to settle with said wards, accom¬ panied by a communication in writing. The House took up the report of the committee on the ubiH of of the Senate, to change the line between the coun¬ ties of Union an4 Fapnim TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 413 ^ Tiie xepoit was agreed to, the Dili was read the third tune, and on the question .of its passage, .the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 37, there are nays 59. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs , Parks, Prescott, Render, Richards, Selman, . Alexander,- Herrington, Anderson, H olden, Brantley, Horsley, Brinson Joyner. BroVm of Houston/Kelly, Broyles, Causey, Dixon, Ector, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Hardin, Henderson of Yew-McW horter, ton, Key, Settle, Lewis of Greene, Solomons, Lewis of Hancock, Tatum, Lumpkin, T aylor, Lumsden, Thrasher, Mays, Turner, McCrairy, Yanover, Williams of Mus'gee Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Barksdale, Goodman, McEver, Baugh, Green of Cobb, McLendon, Blakey, Harper of Henry, Mullens^ ■ Bivins, Hartridge, Norwood, Brown of Sumter, Henderson of Hen-Perry, Brewton of Forsyth, ry, Price, Brewton of T at t nallHen derson of WorthRosier, Hicks, Hockenhnll, Hogans Holmes, Hopkins, Hurst, Hutchins, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Martin, McCants, McDonald of Lump-Worley, kin, Youn Cock, Coleman, Conley, Cu'llens, Daniel, Delony, Eberhart, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Gordon, Fain of Union, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Finney, So the bill was lost. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. McGar, Finney and Fain of Gordon, on account of sickness, and to Messrs. Har¬ per of Sumter and Martin of Cownta, on special busiuess. The House adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. Scott, Sims, Sockwell, Tapley, Underwood, Vaughn, Walton, Ware, Whittle, Wicker, Wilson, 414 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE* 7 O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Dixon, of Muscogee, the following Message was taken up and read, to-wit: To the House of Representatives: I cannot approve the bill entitled an act to give Charles N. Terry, a minor of the county of Muscogee, and Joseph H. Morehouse, a minor of Screven county, the same privi¬ leges, and make them subject to the same liabilities as though they were of lawful age, and to authorize Littleber- ry Jackson, of Greene county, Guardian of Wm. C. Beckers, and Mrs. (George W„ Johnston, formerly Miss Beckers, t® settle with said yrards. The subject of this bill seems to be, to give to the two minors above mentioned, all the privileges, and subject thern to all the liabilities of adult persons, and to permit a Guar¬ dian to settle with his minor wards. It is necessary in every well regulated government that there be some fixed period in human life at wheh the disa¬ bilities of youth shall cease, and the privileges and liabili¬ ties of manhood shall commence. The time fixed by our law is, when the minor shall attain the age of twenty-one years, This is a safe rule, general in its application, and sanctioned by the wisdom of ages, and ought not, in my opinion to be disturbed. If we begin to make exceptions to the rule, a large portion of the time of the Legislature will, in future, be taken up in this kind of special or indi¬ vidual legislation, to the delay and hindrance of other more important business, and at a heavy cost to the State. Ex¬ perience is teaching us every day, how very unwisely we act, when we commence establishing by Legislation, these individual exceptions to wholesome general rules. The youth of bur country are quite enough inclined to assume the position of manhood prematurely, without special leg¬ islative encouragement. If we admit that there are special reasons which would justify the* departure frotn this rule, in this particular case, we must not forget that there will be no end to these applications, when the precedent of dis¬ regarding the rule is once established. Time will soon do for these young gentlemen, what it is now proposed to do by Legislation withput infringing any wholesome rule of la\v. There are objections qo less weighty to the establish¬ ment of a rule that Guardians may settle with their minor wards. Every fashionable young gentleman in the State, who is not yet twenty-one, and whose father has left him a Jit- Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 13th, 1859. Executive Department, I TUESDAY* DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 415 tie property, is looking with some anxiety to the time, when he will take it under his own control. It is often spent fast endugh after he attains the age of twenty-one. Give him the control of it at sixteen or eighteen, and it may not last him till he is twenty-one. Again, it would often be true that a shrewd, crafty Guardian would prefer to settle with boys as he might make better terms with them than he could with men. It may be said that none of these objec¬ tions apply to this particular case; I will not say that they do; but they might apply to the next one. Establish the precedent, and break down the general rule, and all these evils will soon occur in the practice that will follow. I deprecate all this sort of unwise special, and individual Legislation, and shall continue to do all in my power to dis¬ courage it. JOSEPH E. BROWN. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Ordinary of Whitfield county to pay Teachers of poor children for the year 1859. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the .report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to authorize the county of Thomas to aid in the construction of the South Georgia and Florida Rail Road, and for other purposes therein mehtioned. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Comnlittee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Ordinary of Banks cdun-' ty, and* the Ordinaries of certain other counties "to pay teachers of poor children. The report was agreed to, the bill was redd the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of Senate, for the purpose of attaching a strip of un- surveyed land lying between the 4th and 6th districts of originally Early county, to the county of Early, and for other purposes therein contained. The report was agreed to, the billwas read the thirdtime and passed. ^ ^ The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to give to Inferior Courts of the several counties of this State power to appoint some fit and proper person to receive and receipt for the amount of njoney their respective counties may be entitled to, Tinder the act to pro¬ vide for the education of the children oi this State, &e., where the Ordinaries refuse or neglect to give bond as re¬ quired by law. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. T]he report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time ahd passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill of the Senate to incorporate the Hebrew Congregation in the city of Macon. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to amend an act entiled an act to provide foh the education of the children of this State, &c., so far as the Same relates to the county of Hall. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the the bill of the Senate, to extend the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton in the county of Harris, and to give addi¬ tional powers to the corporate authorities of said town. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to repeal the 2d section of an act, entitled ai^ act to provide for the education of the children of this State, &c., so far as relates to the county of Echols, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide for the election of county Treasurer in the counties of Berrien, Newton, Baker, For¬ syth, Hajl, Lumpkin, Ware, Mitchell, Fannin, Paulding, Johnson, and Marion. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed' to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary : Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed the following bills to wit: A bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend an act, en¬ titled an apt to provide for the education of the children of this State between certain ages, and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt. Assented to 11th December, 185S. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to' recognize under cer¬ tain circumstances the boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida, as the permanent boundary aflrrning titles to land on either side of the line, and directing crimi-> pal prosecutions in Georgia to be nolle prosiqui. TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 13th, 1859, 417 The Senate have, concurred in the' amendments' of the Hoiiso bt Representatives to the following bills, .to-wit:, ' A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate' the Enterprise Rail Road Company, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the South¬ ern Rights Guards, in the county of Houston. t To incorporate the Scott's Rifles, in the county bf Tal¬ bot. • To incorporate the Macon County Volunteers, in the county of Macon, and for others purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to alter and change the times of holding the Superior Courts of the counties of Wilcox, Telfair, Irwin, Berrien and Glynn, and for other purposes therein named. Also, a bill to be entitled an. act to provide for the distri¬ bution and disbursement of the common school fund, to which the counties of Gilmer and Lumpkin are, or may be entitled, under and by virtue of an act passed on the eleventh day of December, 18-58, and for other purposes therein named. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to change the eighteenth section of the fourteenth division of the Renal Code pf this State, and for bther purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to alter and change and define the line between Early and Clay counties. Also to change the lines between Henry and Clayton counties. The Senate have also concurred in the amendments pf the House ot Representatives to the following bills of the Senate, with amendments, in which they ask the concur¬ rence of the House: r t » A bill to be entitled an act to compel all persons non¬ residents of the county of Wayne, owning penning and grazing stock cattle in said county to return and pay tax on the same in the county aforesaid. A bill to be entitled an act to define and punish vagrancy in free persons of color. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate for the relief of Luke Paget, his heirs and representatives. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time .and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to regulate the sale and use of spirituous liquors and intoxicating drinks within the corporate limits of the town of Elberton. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. ' The House took up the report of the -committee on the 27 418 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, bill of tbe Senate to incorporate Furlow Female College in the city of Americus, &c. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The'House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to legalize the purchase ot a tract of land made by Mrs. Clementina J. Billingslea Administratrix of James F. Billingslea deceased, of the county of Greene. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate Chicaro Baptist Church in the county of Rabun. The report was agreed to, the Bill wras read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to change the common school laws so far as relates to Walker county. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time, and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill of the Senate to add a section to an act appointing the persons therein named commissioners of the town of Preston &c., assented to Dec. 22nd, 1S-57. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Ordinary of Pike county to pay Teachers of poor children for the year 1S5S, and for other purposes herein named. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time and passed. Tile House took up the report of the Committee on the hill of the Senate to change the time of holding the Inferior courts in the county of Gordon, The report was agreed to, The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to change the lines between the counties of Worth and Colquitt. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee 011 the bill of the Senate to provide for the relief of John A. Jone& and Jackson Vaughn, of the county of Milton. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time ami lost. The House took up the rep011 of the committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Justices of tho Inferior TUESDAY, DECEMBER '13th, 1859. '419 court of LuMpkin county or a Majority of them, to lory an extra tax The report was agreed to, the bill wal read the'third time and passed. ' The House took up the Report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to compensate the Sheriffs of Jefferson, county for service of subpoenas on grand and petit jurors .of said county. The same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to prescribe.and define the qualm cations of persons in Early county, for the office of Ordinary, and to remove certain disabilities under existing laws and for other purposes. , '' • The report was agreed to, the-bill was read the third time and passed. , ' , The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Thomaston and Barnes- ville Railroad company to construct and extend their Rail¬ road, to. some point on the Railroad . of the Muscogee Rail¬ road company, and to authorize and empower the Musco¬ gee Railroad company, by and with the consent of the Thomaston and Barnesville Railroad company to extend their Railrood from some convenient point on their Railroad to Thomaston in Upson county, .and for other purposes. The same was amended, The report as amended was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed. ■ . . •< The House took up the report of the 'committee on.the bill of the Senate to amend an act entitled an act to My out and form a new county out of the counties of Marion and Sumter, &c.j &c. 420 JOUENAli OF THE HOUSE. 'the report was agreed to, the bill was read the third timer and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Inferior court of the counr ty of Hancock, to compel the hands subject to do road duty jn any one district in said county to perform road duty m &ny'adjacent district. The report was agreed .to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on. the bill of the Senate to amend an act.entitled an act to incor¬ porate the town of Dalton under the name and style of the city of Dalton, &c., &c. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time &nd passed. , The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to require the Ordinaries of the several counties in this Si&te, to pay Teachers of poor children in their respective counties, as herein specified. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passdcL The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to revive and put in force the 3rd and 4th sec¬ tions of ah act, amending an act to incorporate the town of Lumpkin in Stewart county, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to allow the Ordinaries of the counties of Talbot, Newton, Cobb, Columbia and Hart to pay certain Teachers pf poor children, &c. The same was amended, The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to change the line between the counties of Baker and Early, so as to add lot of land 392, in the 7th district, to the county of Early. The samp was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill it)f the Senate to change the line between the counties Of Whitfield and Catoosa, and for other purposes. * The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. • The Hdqsp took Up the report of the committee, on the bill of the Senate to amend an net entitled an act to incor¬ porate the Georgia Whitepath Gold and Copper colnpany. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1859. 431 The Report was agreed to, the bill Was read the third time a!nd paksed. , The House took up the report of the committee on the hill of the Senate to alter, amend, and defme-an act to pro¬ vide for the education of the children of this State, &c., so far as relates to the county of Murray. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed, ^ The House took up the report of the committee on the nill of the House to exempt certain property from taxation* &c. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following bills of the Senate were on motion indefi¬ nitely postponed, to wit: . * A bill to authorize Solomon A. Howell, an infirm man of the comity of Calhoun, as an itinerant trader, to vend any* goods* wares, or merchandize within the second Congress- ional District, without obtaining license for the same* Also, to allow Allen Hall of the county of Quitrtian, and Robert Davis of the county of Hall to peddle under certain restrictions. A bill to alter, amend, and construe an act to provide for the education of children of this State, assented to, 11 De¬ cember, 1858, so far as the same relates to the county of Paulding. A bill to authorize James E. Glynn of Pulaski to peddle, on such goods and wares not prohibited by law in the limT its of said county. A bill for the relief of Davis Gammage, Shadrack Ware, William Winters and Henry M. Johnson, from their liabili¬ ty upon certain Penal Bonds. A bill for the relief of Moses G. Sutton of the county of Rerrien. The following bills of the Senate were read the first time, io wit: A bill for the relief of Lemuel R. Webb of Early coun¬ ty* A bill to change tha line between the counties of Madison, and Jackson, between Floyd and Polk, between Macon and Taylor, between Wilcox and Pulaski, between Sumter ana Macon, between Merriwether and Coweta, and to amend the caption of hn act, assented to, llfh December, J. 858, en¬ titled an act to change the line between the counties of Ware and Pierce, and other counties therein mentioned. ( A bill to provide for the payment of the person appointed 422 JOURNALS THE HOUSE, by x^e Judges 'of the Superior Courts of the counties of Burke, Chatham, Columbia and Floyd, to take down testis uiouy on the criminal cases in said counties. A bill to compensate the Tax Receiver of Marion couuty for services rendered. A bill to amend an act of 1S-5S, incorporating the town of LaFayecte of Walker county, and for other purposes. A lull to allow Matthew Cook of Walton county to ped¬ dle without paying tax for the same. A bill to repeal the 5th section of an actto change and fix the time of holding the Inferior Courts in the county of Lumpkin and to authorize the drawing and summoning Grand and Petit Jurors lor said courts, approved 11th, Rec. 1S-3S and to add the county of Lumpkin to the Western Circuit, and to authorize the holding of said Court on the fou'ith Monday in March and September. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb county, to pay S. W. Latham, for teaching poor children in said county. A bill to incorporate the town of Homer, in the county of Banks, and to appoint commissioners for the same, and other purposes. A bill to authorize the Governor of this State, to cause to be established at some accessible- and convenient place in this State, a State Foundry and for other purposes. A bill to exempt practicing physicians in Jefferson coun¬ ty from Jury duty. A bill to incorporate the Columbus and Whiteville, R. R. Company. A bill to authorize Alexander R. Lenard, Guardian of Mi¬ chael W. Harvey to pay over to the said Ward, the whole or any part of the estate, of said Michael W. Harvey in the hands of Alexander R. Lenard. A bill to repeal an act of lS53-'4, so far^as the county of Decatur is concerned. A bill to prescribe the mode of laying out private ways, antj'for other purposes, so far as relates to the county of Henry. A bill to authorize George Underwood of the county of Glasscock to pay over to and settle with Wm. W. Tkomjh son, a minor, his ward and for other purposes. A bill to amend the 33d section of the Judiciary act of 1790, in relation to the advertisement of Sheriffs sales. A bill to prevent free negroes from coming, or being brought into the State of Georgia. A bill to ihcorporate the Trustees of the Southern Bo¬ tanical Medicel College, assented to, December 11th, lb39* A bill to authorize the luferier court of Lumpkin county* to b vy a tax for certain purposes therein mentioned. ' A bill to incorporate the Ben Hill Academy in the coun¬ ty of Emanuel, and to appoint Trustees- for the same.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER Wt;#, 1^59, 4^$ • « A bill to •limit the time in which suits in th6 Cpurts of j law in this State, must be brought; and also limiting the time in which indictments are to be found and prosecuted in certain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned, approved March 6th, 1856. A bill to#mahe valid certaia sales of real estate heretofore made by Executors, Administrators and Exectors in this . State, and other purposes. A bill to incorporate the -Georgia Internal Improvement Association. A bill to consolidate and amend the several acts ihct»rpo- tating the town of Cartersville in the county of Cass. A bill to incorporate the town of Summerville in the county of Emanuel, and appoint commissioners for the kame With powers to regulate the same, for the benefit of the school within said corporate limits. A bill to repeal so much of the first section of an act, to appoint county Treasurers, and define their duties, approv¬ ed December 24th, 1825, as relates to the appointment of said officers by the Justices of the Inferior court of the State and to authorise their election by the people, so fat as re¬ lates to the counties of Forsyth, Newton, Hall and Baker. 4 A bill to be entitled an act to compel persons owning pne thousand or more acres of land in certain portions of Mont¬ gomery and Telfair counties; Also, in the counties of Wayne, Camden, Wilcox and Dooly, to give in and and pay taxes on the same in said counties. A bill to change the line between the coupties of Camp¬ bell and Coweta, and between the counties of Taylor and Schley, and for other purposes. A bill to amend the charter of the Ellijay Railroad compa¬ ny, and for other purposes. A bill to incorporate the Jennet Medical Society of Ogle¬ thorpe and Medical College of Savannah. A bill to incorporate the Calhoun and Romp Railroad company, and to grant certain powers and privileges to said company. A bill to alter and amend an act to submit the question of the removal of the county site of Montgomery county to the voters of said county, and for carrying out the will of the majority, assented to December 21st, 1857. A biil to incorporate the town of Bainb ridge,-and to grant pertain privileges to the same. A bill to recognize Under certain circumstances, the boun¬ dary line between the States of Georgia and Florida hs the permanent boundary ; affirming titles to land on either side of the line,- and directing criminal prosecutions in Georgia to be nolleprose qui. A bill to be entitled an an to alter and amend an act en-r titled an act to provide for the education of the children-of 424 JOURKAL OF THE HOUSE the State, between certain ages, and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, as¬ sented to, December 11th, 1858. The following bills of the Senate were read the sec¬ ond time and committed for the third reading, to»-wit: A bill to incorporate the Alabama and Oostanola Steam Boat company, and to grant to said companies certain pow¬ ers therein specified. A bill to be entitled an act, to amend an act entitled an act to provide for the education of the children of this State between certain ages, and to provide, an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, so far as relates to the county of Fannin. A bill to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of # of Fannin county, to levy an extra tax of fifty per cent, for the purpose of paying for their Jail, and for other purposes, A bill to repeal a part of the first section of the third ar¬ ticle of the Constitution of this State, and to insert a provi¬ sion in lieu thereof. . A bill to extend the eivil jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace in that part of the county of Chatham embraced within the city of Savannah. A bill to alter and change the line between the counties of Dougherty and Worth. A bill to repeal the second section of an act to repeal the nineteenth section of an act to incorporate a bank in the city of Atlanta, to be called the Bank of Fulton, and for other purposes. A bill to define and enlarge the duties of Treasurer of the several counties of this State. A bill to change the time of holding the Inferio Courtr of Emanuel county. A bill to provide compensation to Coroners for burying insolvent persons. A bill to incorporate Pulaski Insurance Company of Ilaw- kinsville, Georgia. A bill to alter and change the county line between De- Kalb and Henry. • A bill to repeal a portion of 8th section of an act to pro¬ vide for the education of the children of this State between certain ages, and for other purposes, so far as relates to the county of Emanuel. A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Laurens and Johnson. A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate a corps of In¬ fantry in the town of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton, to be known as the Clayton Volunteers, and to confer cer¬ tain privileges on the same. TUESDAY, UEUESMBER 18TH, 1S59. 425 • A bill to bo entitled an act to alter and amend the law of decent in cases of persons who are illegitimate, or born Out of lawful wedlock dying intestate. A bill to be entitled an act to explain the 10th section of the 10th division of the Penal Code of this State. ' A bill to be entitled an act to require the several treasur¬ ers of the several school districts of the county of Lumpkin^ to return the unexpended balance of the school funds now in their hands, to the Ordinary of said county, and for oth¬ er purposes therein named. A bill to be entitled an act to provide compensation for the Petit Jurors in Mitchell, and for other purposes. A bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the first section- of the third' article of the constitution, as to the place or places of the sitting of the Supreme Court of this State. A bill to be entitled an act to repeal an act entitled ah act to consolidate the the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, of the county of Haralson. Assented; to December 22nd, 1857. A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Elbert and Madison, and for other purposes. A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of James Brooks and John H. Jones, of Randolph county—of Jordan Flan¬ ders, of the cpunty of Emanuel—of John M. Brack, of the county of Dougherty—of Benjamin Chapman, of Clayton, county, and of Noah Godfrey of Muscogee coqnty. A bill to be entitled an act to change the lines of Butts and Henry counties. A bill to further regulate retail of spirituous liquors. A bill amendatory of the act of 1857, entitled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the several Bank Charters in this State, on account of non-specie payment for a given, time, and for other purposes, and declaratory of the true meaning of certain sections of the same. A bill to repeal an act entitled an act to consolidate the Offices of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Court of the county of Haralson ; assented to December 22d, 1857, and" for other purposes. A bill to change the line between the counties of Elbert and Madison, and for other purposes. A bill to correct and perfect the plat and grant to lot of land No. 142, in the 4th District of originally Appling' now Pierce county, so as to change the title to William, in¬ stead of Abraham Osteem. * A bill facilitating mining operations for gold, and for oth-t er purposes, in the county of White. A bill to amend the act to organize a Volunteer Battal- liort in the city of Savannah, to be called Independent Vol- 456 JOURNAL OP THE HOUSE, unteer Bat'tallidn of Savannah. Assented to January 50fh, IS 52. A bill to amend an act for the better protection and se¬ curity of Orphans and their estates. Approved February 18th, 1799. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court of Haralson coun¬ ty to levy an extra tax. A bill to authorize Stephen Ellis, an old man of the coun¬ ty of Gwinnett as an itinerant trader to vend any goods, "wares, ! be entitled an act to appropriate money to de¬ fray the expenses of the Pupils of Georgia Academy for the Blind : and to provide furniture, apparatus, and books for said academy. Also. A bill to be entitled an act to protect the possession of lands of actual residents of the county of Charlton, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Hancock Van Guard, an Infantry Company in the county of Hancock and aho the Hancock Troop of Cavalry of said county, and to inc6rporafe the Jackson Rifles, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to bq entitled an act to authorize the Inferior Court of die county of Tattnall, to levy an extra tax for county purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act to incorporate the to u ii of Camilla, in the county of Mitchell, approved' March drd, 1856. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the'Georgia Hussais, a volunteer Military Corps of Savannah. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to change the line between the counties of Coweta and and Heard, and to add lot of land number 84 in the fifth district of originally Henry, now Fayette county, to the county of Clayton. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to make Justices of the Peace in the several Militia Districts in the the county of Jasper, ex-oflicio Road and Patrol Commissioners. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to amend the Judiciary act of this State, approved the 16th day of February 1799, as to require the several .Clerks of the Superior, Inferior, and corporation courts of the county of Richmond in this State, to enter all appeals of causes tried in any of said Courts in a. separate Book, to be provided for that purpose. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town of Blackshear, in Pierce county, to confer upon the citizens of Said town the privilege of electing Town Commissioners, with certain powers therein enumerated, and for other pur¬ poses. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town of Quitman in Brooks county, and to confer upon the citizens of said town the privilege of electing Town Commissioners with certain powers therein enumerated, and for other pur¬ poses therein specified. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to attach lots of land number 54 and 55 in the seventh district of Randolph county to the county of Clay. Also, •430 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, A Hill to be entitled an act to- reduce the work oil Roads in the county ofWilcox. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to prescribe the duty of tlie Judge of the Superior Cotirt of the county of Stewart, in re* tion to Petit Jurors ofsaid Court, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to add a part of Montgomery county to Laurens county. Also, A bill to be entitled an act authorizing the Inferior Court of Schley county to levy an extra tax for county purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to regulate the fees of Jurors in Justices Courts in the counties of Catoosa and Dade.— Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Jackson Artillery of the city of Macon, and to authorize the Governor to furnish them with suitable arms and accoutrements, and to grhnt certain immunities and privileges to the members of the same. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize Samuel Irvin of the county of Clayton to practice medicine upon the Hydro- phatic system, and to charge for the same. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to reduce the Sheriffs bond of the county of Milton. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate Spring Yale Institute located in Randolph county, Georgia. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Manir of the city of St. Mary's to hold special courts for sum nary trials of. any dispute or difference between any ship-mas¬ ter, owner, consignee, or super-cargo of any vessel, a tide Seaman, or other person in the corporate limits of said city. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to charter the Port Koyal Rail Road company. Also, A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of James M. Jones of the county of Bibb, Executor of the last will and testament of James S. Beall late of Dooly county, deceased, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, A bill to he entitled an act for the relief of Richard My- lick of Pike county. The Senate have passed the following bills of the House of Representatives with amendments in which they ask the concurrence of the House : A bill to be entitled an act to confer certain p nvcrs ppon the Judge of the city court of Savannah, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to change, the times qi hold¬ ing the Infefior Courts of the counties of "Webstt' and pade, apd tp change the times of holding the Superior Courfo of the counties of Richmond and Glynn. Also, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14ns, 1S5&, «1 A bill to be entitled an net to alter and change the county line between the counties of Glasscock, .antT War¬ ren, and to change the residence of Richard H. tlark. from the the county of Glasscock to the county of Warren, and to take eertain lots of land therein named, from the eonn- ty of Macon, and to- add them to the county hf Taylor, and for other purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to amend the several acts bf the General Assembly relating to the Savannah and Alba¬ ny Railroad company, and the Savannah Albany and Gulf Railroad company, and to authorize the said company to consttuct branch Roads to the boundary line between GeoiV gia and Florida. Alsp, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate a Min* ing company in Carroll coUnty, and in other counties in the State of Georgia. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to amend the charter of the toWn of Washington in Wilkes county. Also, . A bill to be entitled an act to prescribe the time of holding elections for members of the Senate in the Coh- gress of the United States from the State of Georgia Alsoy , A bill to be "entitled an act to empower ex-Judges of the Superior Courts to sign bills of exceptions in certain cases. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to change the time for hold- ' ing the elections for county officers in this Sfate. , Also, a bill to be entitled an act to appropriate inoney for the support of Government, for the political yeaf fStiO, and to make certain special appropriations, and for other pur¬ poses thereiil named. The Senate hate also agreed to a Resolution in which they authorize the Governor, to appoint a Commissioner to go to ^Europe, and act in concert with the Commission ap¬ pointed by the Cotton Planters Convention of the State of Georgia, in which they ask the concurrence of the House. The House took up the report of the committee on the hill of the Senate, to extend the civil jurisdiction of the Jus¬ tices of the Peace, in that part of the county of Chatham, embraced within the city of Savannah. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of tlxe committee on the reconsidered bill of the Senate, for the relief of John Farmer and William Stott, securities on the appearance bond of NeWton Freeman, of the county of Gilmer. ^ The report was agreed to, the bill "was read the third time and passed. The House took up the Report of the committee oh the bill of the Senate, to repeal^ the 2d section of an act entitled m JOtBNAL OF THE flOUSE. an act to incorporate a Bank in the city of Attanta, tO be (called the Bank of Fulton, and for other purposes therein named* The report was agreed to, the bill Was read the. third time and passed. The bill of the Senate to authorize the arrest and rendi¬ tion of persons committing offences against the? criminal laws Of any of the States, adjacent to the State of Georgia, and who may take refuge within the limits of the State of Georgia, upon certain conditions therein named, and A bill to change the line between tbe counties of Colquitt ai^d Thomas, and other counties therein mentioned, were in¬ definitely postponed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend an act in reference to granting •divorces, approved Dec. 5th, 1806. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed* The House took up the report of the Committee on thd hill of the Senate, to declare the true intent and meaning of the 20th section of an act entitled an to carry into effect the'amended Constitution in reference to Ordinaries of said State, and for other purposes*. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, for the relief of William S. Kackley and Eliza A. Rackley, formerly Eliza A. Brazwell of the county Of Decatur, and for other purposes therein mentioned. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The- House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to require the Ordinary of Worth coun¬ ty pay Isaac R. Porter's accounts against said county for tui¬ tion of poor children in said county. The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third time and passed, Tbe House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend an act to incorporate the Geor¬ gia and Alabama Railroad Company, and to grant certain privileges and powers to the same, and for other purposes, afprovedFeb, 18th, 1854. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on tha bill Of fhe Senate, to incorporate the Pulaski Insurance Com¬ pany ot Hawkinsville Georgia^ Thq report was agreed to, tbe bill was Tead the third time and passed. T$e Hpuse tpok up the report pf tbe Cominittee- on the WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 433 bill of the Senate, to declare the meaning and intention of an act amendatory of an act to exempt from levy and sale under execution, certain property therein mentioned, assen¬ ted to, Dec. 22d, 1857. The report was agreed to, the hill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Sehate, to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb county, to pay arrearages due J. F. Buchanan (a teacher of poor children in said county,) for the year 1853. The same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to define and enlarge the duties of Treas¬ urers of the several counties of this State. The report was agreed to. The hill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to alter the tax laws of this State. The report was agreed to. The bill was .read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to alter and amend the laws now existing in relation to the Supreme Court. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and lost. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend and interpret an act, approved March 5th, 1856, relative to the payment of accounts of teachers of p,oor children. The same was amended. The report as amended was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed, The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to consolidate the Offices .of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Chattooga. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives: An act to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the county of Mil- ton. Also, an act to reduce the work on roads in the county of Wilcox. Also, an act for the relief of Arthur Haire, of the county of Cass. 23 434 JOURNAL. OF THE HOUSE. Also, an act to amend an act to incorporate* tile town of Camilla! in the county of Mitchell, approved March 3d, 1556, The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker :—The Senate ha repassed a kill of the House of Representatives, to be-entitled an act to provide for the bi-ennial election of the Principal Teacher of the Georgia Institution for the Deaf ana Dumb, and for other pur¬ poses. Mr. Lumpkin from the Committee on Enrollment reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to attach lots of land No. fifty-four and fifty-five, in the seventh district of Randolph county to the county of Clay. Also, an act to appropriate money to defray the expenzes of the Georgia Academy for the Blind, and to provide furni¬ ture, apparatus and books for said Academy. Also, an act to authorize Samnel Irwin of the county of Clayton, to practice Medicine on the Hydropathic system, and to charge for the same. Also, an act to add a part of Montgomery county to Lau¬ rens county. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on Enrolment reports .a£ duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, An act to amend an act prescribing the manner in which the names of persons may be changed, and persons born il¬ legitimate may be made legitimate and to carry into effect the provision of the Constitution on this subject, also pre¬ scribe the manner in which children maybe adopted, approv¬ ed March 5th, 1856, so as to extend the provisions of the same to grown persons as we'll. Also, an act to abolish Senatus Academicus, and for other purposes. Also, an act to amend an act entitled an act to carry into effect the sixth section of the 4th article of the Constitution, and foy other purposes. Also, an act to authorize the Governor of this State to grant certain privileges to the Dalton and Gadsden Railroad Company. Also, an act for the distribution of the Estate of Coleman S. Pringle, and for other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the Augusta, Retersburgh and WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 435 Savannah River Steam and Pole Boat Navigation Company of Ijlorth Eastern Georgia. Also, dn act to incorporate the Chestatee River and Town Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company, and for of her pur¬ poses The House took up the report of1 the committee on the bill of the Senate, to confer certain privileges on Charles Green. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to repeal an act to consolidate the Office of Tax Collector and Receiver of Tax Returns for the coun¬ ty of Harralson, assented to, 11th Dec., 1958. The report was agreed to, thebill was read the third time and passed. The following Message was received from the Senate by Mri West, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed An act for the relief of Mary Frances Newnor of the coun¬ ty of Bibb, andfor other purposes, by a Constitutional ma¬ jority over the veto of His Excellency the Governor, by a vote of 81 yeas to 6 nays. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary. Mr. Speakgr:—lam directed !byHis Excellency the Gov¬ ernor to return to this branch of the General Assembly in Which it originated: A bill for the relief of Reuben Cloud of Decatur comity, also for the relief of Mrs. Nancy Waddail, of the county of Ful¬ ton, accompanied by a communication in writing relating thereto,. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, for the relief of James Karr, Robert Orr, and EliaS Payne, of the county of Forsyth. The report was agreed to, the bill Was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend an act entitled an act to incogs orate the Indian Spring Railroad Company, approved J an. 2^ 1852. The report was agreed tp, the bill was read, the third time {md passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to give Commissioners appointed by the f3G JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Inferior Court of Calhoun county to examine teachers, the poWer to decide upon their qualifications. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third tinfo and passed. *■ The Souse took up the Senate amendments to the gener¬ al appropriation bill, and concurred in each of the same, ex-> cept the one reducing the Compensation of the commission- err efigaged in codifying the laws of this State. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled, and ready fotr the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to provide for the bi-emlial election of the Princi¬ pal Teacher of the Georgia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, and for other purposes. The House took up the Senate amendments to the follow¬ ing bills of the House and concurred in the same, to-wit : A bill to incorporate a Mining Company in Carroll coun¬ ty, and in other counties in the State of Georgia. A bill to confer certain powers updn the Judge of the city Court of Savannah, and fox other purposes therein mention¬ ed. A bill to change the time of holding the election for coun¬ ty officers in this State, and for other purposes. A bill to alter and change the county line between the eoubties of Glascock and Warren, and to change the resi¬ dence of Richard H. Clarke from the county of Glasscock to the county of Warren, and to take certain lots of land therein named, from the county of Macon and *add, them fo the county of Taylor, and for other purposes. A bill to empower Ex-Judges of the Superior Conrt to ffign bills of exceptions in certain cases- A bill to amend the charter of the town of "Washington in.Wilkes county. A Dill to prescribe the time of holding elections for mem¬ bers of the Senate in the Congress of the United States from the State of Georgia. A bill to amend the several acts of the General Assembly relating to the Savannah and> Albany Railroad Company, and the Savannah Albany and Gulf Railroad Company, and to auiliorize the said Company to construct branch roads to klip boundary line between Georgia and Florida. A bill to change the times of holding the Inferior Courts nf the counties of Walker and Dade, and to change the times of holding the Superior Courts of the counties of RichAomd and Glynn- The following Message was received from the Senate! by Mr. West, their Secretary. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 437 Mr. Sgealcerto-Z-The Senate have receded from their amend ¬ ment td a bill of the House of Representatives, to be entitled an act to appropriate money for the support of government for the political year 1860, and to make certain special ap¬ propriations, and for other purposes, in which the House re¬ fused to concur. The House adjourned until 3| o'clock, P. M. 3£ O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Harden, of Cass offered the following Resolution, which was taken up, read and agreed to, to-wit: Resolved, That the Speaker appoint a Committee' of five, whose duty it shall be to bring up the unfinished business of the Session, and that the Committee allow them in their accounts five days for this purpose. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Coffee county, to' levy an extra tax of fifty per cent for the»durpose of paying for their Jail, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The H ouse took tip the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to amend an act entitled an act to pro¬ vide for the education of the children of this State, &c., so far as relates to the county of Fannin. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee Op the bill of the Senate to alter and amend an act entitled an act to regulate the granting of retail license, and pie of spiritous liquors; absented to the 29th December, 1858, so far as relates to the city of Americus. The same was postponed indefinitely, The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church of the city- of Columbus, and for other purposes. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. 433 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to legalize, the" adjournment of Quitman Superior Court. The report Was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide for the citizens of Decatur county crossing- Flint River at or near Bainbridge free of of Ferriage. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time dan passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the the bill of the Senate to compel Justices of the Peace in the county of Rabun, to give bond and security, and for other purposes. The report was. agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill to, incorporate the Atlanta Mutual Insurance and Stock Company. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following resolutions of the Senate were taken up, read and concurred in, to-wit: A Resolution relative to the appointment of a commit¬ tee to examine and report in regard to the Stat^ University. A Resolution extending the time for codifying the laws of Georgia, and for other purposes in connection therewith. A Resolution requesting his Excellency, the Governor, to furnish the usual law books to all the newly coectedcoun¬ ties and Militia Districts of this State. A resolution relative to the appointment by the Govern¬ or of some fit and proper person to adjust and'file and index the State papers in the capitol, &c. The House took up the Senate Resolution relative to the appointment of a commission to visit Europe, and take in¬ to consideration the best means of establishing direct com¬ mercial intercourse between that continent and the cotton planting States of this Union. The same was amended. And upon the question of concurring in the same the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 82. There are nays 25. wednesday, december 14th, issd. 439 Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Anderson, Barksdale, Bivins, Brantley, Brinsdny Brown of Sumter, , Bruton. of Forsyth, Cason, Causey, Clatk of Elbert Cock, Colvard, Coleman, Cdnley, Hook, Cullens, Delony, Eberhart, Ector, Fannin of Morgan, Fannin of TroUp, Fleming, Green of Cobb, Karkness, Harper of Henry, Hartfidge, Henderson of New- ton? II olden, Hopkins, Horsley, Howell of Mil'ton, Hurst, Hutchins, Joyner, Jones of Rabun Key, Knowles Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Lester, Lofton, Lumsden, Mays, McCants, McComb, MpCrairy, « McDonald of Lum kin, McDonald of Mur¬ ray, McEver McWborter, Mitchell, Morris, •Mulling, Norwood, Parks, Perry, Pileher, Prescott, Render, Richards, Rozier, Scott, 'Selman, fettle, Sims, Smith of Twiggs, Solomons, Sprayberry, Sweat, Tatum, Taylor, Thrasher, Turner* -Underwood, Vanovef, V aughn, W alton, Wicker, Williams of Musco¬ gee. WilsoU, Worley, Those who voted in the Negative are Messrs. Baugh, Jllakey, Hicks, Brewton of Tatnall, Hogans Daniel, «Holmes, Dixon, Keeling, Fain of Gilmer, Kelly, Gibson of Rich- Knox, ffiond, MeLendon, Goodman, Nobles, Henderson of W'rth,Patton, Price, Ragsdale, Stiiith of Bryan, Sockwell, West Whittle, Young, So the same as amended was concurred in. The committee appointed by the Speaker to bring up the Unfinished business of fhe present Session ate Messrs.'Har¬ den, Sprayberty, TaplOy, McComb, and Fortner^ The House rPs^utton authorizing the Governor tq pur- 440 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. chase certain books for the use of State House officers the cohnties of this State, was postponed indefinitely. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee pn enrolment reported as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Hoh^e Representatives. An act to add an additional section to an act to appoint the persons therein named Commissioners of the town df Preston, &c., assented to December 22d,.1857. An act to repeal all laws regulating head rights so far as relates to Franklin county. Also, an act to authorize the Ordinary of Pike county, to pay Teachers of poor children for the year 185S, and for other purposes. Also, an act to alter and change the common school laws so far as relates to Walker county. Also, an act to alter and change the lines between Worth and Colquitt. Also, an act for the purpose of attaching a strip of mi sur¬ veyed land, lying between the fourth and sixth districts of originally Early county, to the county of Early, &m of tlie Senate, to amend an act facilitating Mining opeU- ations in White cburity, &C. The report wa§ agreed to/ the Bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of tire Committee on the hill of the Senate, to incorporate the Alabaftia Planters jStehm Boat Company, and the Oostananla Steamboat Company's and to grant certain Companies certain powers therein spe¬ cified. The report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed. The ifouSe took up the report of the Committee on the hill of the Senate, to amend an act organizing a Volunteer Battallion in the eity of Savannah, to be called " The Inde¬ pendent Volunteer Battallion of Savannah." The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed*. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate, to amend the several acts incorporating the town of CartersviTle iu Cass county, &e. « The report was agreed to, the bill wa^ read the third time and passed. The bill to pay the Sheriffs of the several counties of this State for certain services, and for oiher purposes, and A bill for thb relief of James Brooks, and John H> Johes of Randolph county and: others* were indefinitely 'post; poned. The following Resolutions of the'House were taken up, read and agreed to, to-wit : Resolved, by the Senate and House 6f Reprecentaf'ives, in Gen¬ eral Assembly met% That our Senators and Representatives in Congress fro mf this State he and they are hefeby requested to use their exertions to have the Stage- line from Cumming' to Dahlonega So changed as- to run by and through the town of DaWsbnville, in DaWson County of this State. Also a resolution reeommending members of this State in Congress, to endeavor to have established a triweekly mail route from Albany in Dougherty connty, via Moultrie, Tab locas and Okilfilco to Quitman in Brooks county, and re¬ questing his Excellency the Governor to forward nopieS of the foregoing to our Senators and Representatives in TCon- gms# Mail Route Resolutions of the House and Senate agreed to t ^ . Also a resolution for the establishment of a mail joute from Hawkinsville to Irwintille, via Abbeyville in Wii- Cb& county. > Also to establish a two horse "hack line from Ellij&yi Jas~ per, Pickens county, to Ball Ground, thence to Canton, ^herokeb county. 444 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Also, to' establish a weekly one horse mail linefrom Spring Place, to it place known as the Pall (Hound. Also a Resolution to establish a tri-weekly mail between, Thomaston, Upson county, and Butler in Taylor county, and 4' tri-weekly mail from ThomaStoil, DLnc epitoii, via. Raysvillb. , - e Also, a resolution to establish a Hi-weekly in ail route from Harmony Grove, Jackson county, by way of Phi Del¬ ta, Bushville, and county site,, of Banks! Webbs Creek "and HolTingsworth to Clarkesville, Habersham count}". , Also a resolution to establish a tri-weekly mail route from jDubliii to T.aylorsville in Laurens county. Als'o a resolution to -reestablish a weekly mail route from Blackshehr Pierce county via Strickland, BagglyX S|jore to DoOglass in Coffee county. Also,a resolution to establish the following nrnii routes, to®wif; from Little York to Dublin, from Little York to Boxville, frbrn Boxvill'e to Sugar Creek, and from Seward via Mount Vernon to Battta Ground. „ Also a resolution to have changed the mail routes thrOugh Worth, Irwin, Wilcox, changed from whjut they are, to what they were before the letting of con hacks in 1859. * ^ ♦ Also, a resolution to establish a daily mailfrOpi Wciesbo- ro fo Ibonville on the Atlantic and Gulf Rail Bead Ware bounty, to be carried in two horse hack, and to have the mail route, from Waresboro Ware county, to Holmes-4 ville Appling county re-established. , Also a resolution fo hate the mail service which has late¬ ly been discontinued in Georgia, put it operatiop again by the Post Master General. , , t Miscellaneous resolutions read and agreed to, to vrii i - A Resolution to pension the surviving soldiers of 1S12 # 1813. , A Resolution providing for the distribution of AtftSand Journals of the present Legislature to the members there¬ of. ' A resolution in reference to the pensioning the surviving Soldiers of 1812. A resolution to furnish the county of Clayton with the acts and Statutes of this State* " A resolution authorising the Superintendent of the W. & A. Railroad to retain three hundred dollars to defray expenses incident to the discharge of duties, > A resolution to furnish the Clerk- of Superior Court in Dade .county the eight first volumes of Supreme Court Re¬ ports. A, resolution to establish a mail route froin Warrenttm to gene's Bridge via Gibson in Glasscock county, and a WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1359. 445 tri-weeklv route from Dahlonega Via Cleveland to Clarkes- ville. * A rcm'ntion authorizing the Governor to purchase for the use of the State, 300 copies of Mr. Jas. R, Butts new map, wr.F: indefinitely postponed.. • The following House Resolution was taken up read and agreed to, to-wit: Whereas, it has been customnry from time immemorial with ail civil and enlightened nations to honor the memory of their illustrious and noble dead and,emblazon their deeds in marble or brass for coming posterity, it is therefore but right mi l proper for us as Georgians, and the dictates of patriotism, and a grateful people demand that the life, memory and character of the illustrious founders of our great - and growing state should be rescued from the dark¬ ening shade of oblibion; therefore be it' ResoJvjL That the Governor be authorized and request¬ ed to h ave erected in the capitol yard a handsome, elegant and appropriate marble monument to the memory of the illustrious founder of our'State, Gen. James Oglethdrpe, who Combined in his life and character the great and'noble qualities of a soldier, scholar, statesman, philanthropist and christian. The He use adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M„ SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment, And postponed indefinitely the bill to repeal an act enti¬ tled an act to consolidate the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Haialson, assented .to Dec. 22d, 1857, and other purposes. The following message was received from His .Excellen¬ cy the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, his Secretary, to wit r Mr* Speaker:—The Governor has "signed 'the following acts, to wit : * An act to reduce the Sheriffs bond of the county of Mil¬ foil. "An act to add a part of Montgomery county, to the coun¬ ty pt LauienS. • » An act to amend an act-,' to incorporate the town oi Ca¬ milla in the county of Mitchell, approved March 3d,' 1356. An acf to attach lots of laud, number fifty-four and fifty 446 JOtJE^AL OH tHE HOHSE, live, in the seventh District of Randolph county, to the eoun-i ty of Clay. An act t6 reduce the work on TOads in the county of Wilcox. The House took up the1 report of the committee oil the bill of the Senate to repeal the 8th section of an act, ap»- proved Dee. lltfy 18*58, entitled an act to provide for the education of the children of this State, &p.^sofar as the same relates po the county of Emanuel. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took Up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to provide compensation for the Petit Ju¬ rors of Mitchell county, and for other purposes* The Hotuse took np the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to require the several Treasurers of the school districts df the county of Lumpkin, to return the unexpend¬ ed balances .of tbe school funds now in their hajld^ to the Ordinary of said county, ancl| for other purposee therein namedj, The Same was amended. Tlie report, as amended, whs agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House trook up the repdrt of the ^Committee on the bill of the Senate to Phange the time of holding the Inferior Courts of Emanuel county. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the thud time and passed. The House tdok up the report of the committee on the hill of the Senate to change the line between the counties of Dougherty and Worth. The report was agreed1 to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report pf the Committee on fbte bill of the Senate to provide compensation to CorPntrs for burying insPlvent persons. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time -and passed. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on, enrollment, reported bs duly enrolled, and ready fpr the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to make Justices of the Peace in the several Mili¬ tia Districts in the county of Jasper, ex-officio road and pat¬ rol commissioners. Alsbj an act fo incorporate the Eatonton and Madison Railroad, Alsq, an act for tbe relief of John \y. Cardwell, uf the county of Mergam and Tomlinson jFoH, of the bounty pf Baldwin. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER'14th, 1859 447 Also, an act to repeal an act amendatory of the tenth sec¬ tion of the tenth division of the Penal Code of Georgia. Also, an act to amend the road laws of this State, approv¬ ed the nineteenth day of, December, 1818, and to punish persons for violating the same. Also, an act to allow and make compensation to the re¬ porter of the Supreme Court, for certain volumes of the de¬ cisions of said court, furnished by him, under the provisions of the act of 1845. Also, ah act for the relief of Richard My rick of Pike coun¬ ty- ' Also, an act to incorporate the Eatonton and Madison Railroad. Also, an act to authorize the Judges of the Superior courts of this State to allow Special and Petit Jurors such refreshments as the presiding Judge may deeni meet and proper, while said Jury may be engaged in the investiga¬ tion of any cause, and to authorize said Judge to draw his warrant on tide county Treasurer of the county where such investigation may be made for the payment of the same and to compel said county Treasurer to pay the same out of any funds on hand. Also an act, to prescribe the duty of the Judge of the Superior court of the county of Stewart, in relation to Pet¬ it Jurors of said court and for other purposes. Also, an act, to authorize the Inferior Court of the coun¬ ty of Tatnall to to levy an extra tax for,county purposes upon the recommendation of the Grand Jury of said county. Also, an act to change the lines between the counties of Appling and Coffee so a^ to add Benjamin Thomas of the county of Coffee, to the county of Appling. Also, an act to incorporate the Hancock Van Guards and Infantry company, in the county of Hancock, and also, the Hancock Troops of Cavalry, of said county, and to incorpo¬ rate the Jackson Rifles, and for other purposes. Also, an act to amend the Judiciary act of this State, ap¬ proved the 16th day, of Eebruary, 1799, as to require the several Clerks of the Superior, Inferior and Corporation Courts of the county of Richmond in this State, to enter all appeals of causes tried in any of said courts in seperate books to be provided for that purpose. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following bills, of fhe House of Representatives, to wit: A bill to be entitled an act to_ amend an act, to regulate toll-bridges, Ferries and Turnpike Roads, approved Dec. 448 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, 22d, lSOS, and to prescribe certain penalties for violation of said act. Also, ' A bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend an act point¬ ing out the mode of collecting a certain description of debts thetepi mentioned, approved Dec. 19tb, 1818, and to extend the provisions of the same, so as to embrace corporations, approved Pee, 11th, 1858, Also, A bill to be entitled an act to prevent the firing of woods between the 1st day of May, and the 1st day of February hi each and every year id the counties of Echols gnd Clinch, and, for* other purposes. Also, • A bill to be entitled an act to levy a Tax on all goods, peddled in this State, or sales "by sample or otherwise by itinerant drummers or other persons, and for other purpos¬ es, Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to incorporate the -Gate City- Guards1 of Atlanta, and to grant certain immunities and privileges to the same. Also, A A bill to entitled an act to alter and amend the second section of an act, approved January* 21st, 1S52, and for oth¬ er purposes therein mentioned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the towns of Sylf aniaand Scarborointhe county ofScriven„ and to amend the charter of the city of Atlanta. g^The Senate have passed the following bills of the House of Representatives, with amendments, in which they ask the concurrence of the House, to wit j A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Owl Town atad Coosa Creek Mining Company, and for other purposes thereirfmentioned. Also, A bilLto be entitled an act to repeal an act entitled an act to regulate the testimony of Attorneys at Law. The Senate have concurred in the amendment^ of the House of Representatives to the following bills, to wit: A4 bill to be entitled an act, to change the line between •the counties of Raker and Early, so as to include lot of lanc( No. S9^, in the seventh district of Raker in the county.of Early. Also, A bill to be entitled ah act to provid,e for-election of couh- ty Treasurer, m the counties of Berrien, Newton, Baker, Forsyth, Hall, Lulhpkin, Ware, Mitchell, Fannin, Pabld- ing, Johnson and Marion. Also, A bill In be entitled an act to authorize the Thomaston and Barnesville Railroad Company to construct and extend their Railroad to some point on the Railroad of the Musco¬ gee Railroad company, and to authorize and, emjpo'wbr the Muscogee Railroad company, by, and with the consent- pf "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 449 theTkomaston and Barnesville Railroad company first being bad thereto, to extend their Railroad from sOme convenient point on their Railroad to Thomaston in UpsOp county, and for other purposes herein mentioned. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to alter,'amend and define an act to provide for the education of tlie children of this State between certain ages, assented io, Dec. 11th, 185S, and for other purposes herein mentioned, so far as relates to the county of Murray. Also, A bill to be entitled an to allow the Ordinaries of the counties of Talbot,'Newton,'Cobb, Columbia and Hart, to pay certain Teachers for teaching poor children in said coun¬ ties, and for .other purposes. Also, A,.bill to be entitled an act to compensate the Sherffs of Jefferson county, for service of subpoenas on Grand and Petit Jurors of said county, and to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the counties of Hancock and Mcintosh, and for other pur¬ poses. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Ordinary of the counties of Whitfield and Dade, to pay Teachers of pOor children for the year 1859. And have refused to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to a bill to be entitled an act to extend the corporate lhhits of the town of Hamilton, Harris county to create and give additional powers to the corporate authorities of said town. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate a corps of Infantry in the town of Jonesboro in the county of Clayton to bte known as the Clayton Volunteers, and to confer certain privileges on the same. The bill was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to change the line betwden the counties of Laurens and Johnson. The same was withdrawn. The bill to, further regulate the retail of ardent spirits was indefinitely postponed. The House took up the Senate amendments to the bill of the House to repeal an act to regulate the testimony of At- tornies at Law, and the bill to incorporate the Owl Town and Coosa Creek Mining* Company, and for other purposes therein mentioned and concurred in the same. The House adhered to their amendment of the Senate bill to incorporate the town of Llamilton in the county of Harris. The House took up the report of the Committee on the 29 450 JOU&NAL OF THE HOUSE, bill of the Sepate to explain the 10th section of the lot)i Division of the Penal Code of this State. The same was amended. The amended report was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time and passed as amended. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to alter and amended the law of descents in cases'of persons who are illegitimate or born out of law¬ ful wedlock, dying intestate. The report was agreed to. The Bill was read the third time add passed. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to amend an act entitjed an aet fpr the bet¬ ter protection and security of Orphan^ and their estates, ap¬ proved February 18th, 1799. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to repeal a part of the first section of the third Article of the Constitution of this State and to insert a provision in lieu thereof. The same was amended. # The amended report was agreed, to, the bill was read the third time and on the question of its passage, the yeas and nays were recorded. There are yeas 76, there are nays 24. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs : Ector, Fannin of Morgan, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Allan, Anderson, Barksdale, Baugh, Blakey, Gibson of Warren, Brantley, Green of Cobb, Brinson, Harper of Henry, Brown of Sumter, Hartridge, Brewton of Forsyth,Henderson of Few Br ewtOn of Tactual, ton, Cason, Herrington, Clark of Elbert, H olden, Cock, Colv^rd, Coleman, Cullens, Daniel, Delony, Dixon, Eberhart, Hopkins, Hurst, Hutchins, Joyner, Key, Knowles, Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Lester, Lofton, Lumpkin, Lumsden, Mays, Mc Cants, McComb, McCrairy, McDonald of Mar- ray, McEver, McWfiorter, Mitchell, Morris, Norwood, Patton, Perry, Pilcher, Prescott, Bender, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 451 Rozier, Tatum, West, Selman, Taylor, Wicker, Settle, Turner, Williams Sims, Underwood, gee, Smith of Bryan, Vaughn, Wilson, Sockwell, Walton, Worley, Sweat, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. of Musco- Parks, Price, Ragsdale, Holmes, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Kelly, Sm ith of Coffee, McDonald of Lump-Tap ley, kin, Vanover, McLendon, Whittle, Young, Bivins, Broyles, Causey, Fain ojl Gilmer, Fain of Union, Fortner Goodman, Henderson of WorthNobles, Hockenhull, So bill was passed as amended. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of, the Senate to alter andam and the first set ik u of third Article of the Constitution as to the place or places of the sitting of the Supreme Court of this State. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time, and kpon the question of its passage, the ye..,s and nays were recorded. There are yeas 58, there are nays 48. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs : Anderson, Barksdale, Brantley, Brinson, Brown of Sumter, Causey, ■ Clark of Elbert, Colvard, Coleman, Delony, !Dixon, Eberhart, Ector, Fannin of Morgan, Fannin of Troup, Fleming, Harpet, of Henry, Henderson of New- ton-, Henderson of Worth, Hartridge, Hicks, Holden, Hopkins, Howell of Milton, Hurst, Kelly, Key, Knowles, Lewis bf Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Lofton, Lumsden, Mays, McCants,, McComb, McCrairy, -McWhorter, Morris, Mullins, Norwood, Patton, Pilcher, Prescott, Render, Rozier, Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Sweat, Thrasher, Turner, Underwood, Vaughn, Waliop, Wicker, Williams of Musco¬ gee, Wilson, 452 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Allan, Goodman, McLendon, Baugh, . Green of Cobb, Mitchell, Blakey, Herrington, Nobles, Bivins, Hockenhull, Parks, Broyles, Hogans, Periy, Bruton of Forsyth, Holmes, Price, Brewton of Tatt- Hutchins, Ragsdale, nail, Joyner, Sockwell, Cason, Jones of Rabun, Tapley, Cullens, Keeling, Tatum, Daniel, Lester, Vanover, Fain of Gilmer, McDonald of Lump-West, Fain of Union, kin, "Whittle Fortner, McDonaldof Mut- Worley, Gibson of Warren, ray, Young, The bill not having received a rote of two thirds was lost. The House took up the report of the committer on the "bill of the Senate amendatory of the act of 1S57, entitled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the several Bank Charters of this State on account of non-specie payments for a given time, and for other purposes therein named, ancl de¬ claratory of the true meaning of certain sections of the same. The bill was amended. The amended report was agreed to, the Bill was read the third time and passed as amended. The House took up the report on the bill of the Housfe to regulate the Manufactories of this State, and for other pur¬ poses. Mr. Dixon of Muscogee, moved to amend the saihe by striking out the words "thirty" minhtes," and inserting in lieu thereof, the words "forty five minutes;" Also by add¬ ing llie following additional sections,* to wit; Be it farther enacted, That whenever any operative or op¬ eratives in the manufactories of this State, desire to leave the establishment, whdfe said operative or operatives are laboring, and having left, demand a certificate or certificates of competency and capacity as to the character or charac¬ ters of said operative or operatives, for performing labor in manufacturing establishments, and, the same is denied by by the owners or proprietors of said manufactory, Whereby the said opeiwtives are thrown but of employment, or com¬ pelled to remain in the manufactory, where he, shb or they were employed apd from which, he, she or they,-demanded said certificate'at a less sum for wages than could be obtain¬ ed from any ' other manufactory, then, and in that event,, said operative or operatives shall have a remedy, to wit WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1859. 453 said operative or operatives may, by petition as in action fot debt in any Justices Court Inferior or Smperiqr Court of the eouilty which has jurisdiction of the territory wherein said manufactory or manufactories is, or are located setting forth the fact or facts of Ms, her or their case or Cases, and upon proof of the same shall have judgment for such dama¬ ges as the Court or the Court and jury may adjudge, Pro¬ vided, it shall fully appear to the satisfaction of said Court and Jury, that said operative has borne a good charcterfor honesty, sobriety, industry and capacity, and that said cer¬ tificate is withheld captiously, and for the injury of said op¬ erative. Any Superintendent of a Factory who fails to allow the operative or operatives, the time for meals allowed in this bill may be jndictej as for a misdemegner, and oh convic¬ tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than twenty five Dollars for each offence. The amendments were agreed to. The report as amended, was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An acjfc to protect the possessions of lands of actual resi¬ dents of the county of Charlton. Also an act to incorporate the Georgia Hussar a Volunteer Military Corps pf Savannah. Also an act authorize the Mayor of the city of St. Marys to hold Special Qourts for the summary trial, any dispute pi- difference between any ship master, owner, consignee or supercargo of any vessel, articled seaman or other person, in the corporate limits of said city. Also, an act to regulate the fees of Jurors in Ju stiles courts in" the county of Catoosa and Dade. Also an act to abolish the public execution of criminals condemned to death by the Laws of Georgia upon certain conditions, and to provide for their execution in private. Also, an act to Incorporate a Volunteer Cavalry compa¬ ny, in the county pf Floyd known as the Floyd Cavalry. Also an act, to change the lines between the counties of Coweta and Heard and to add lot of land number 84, in Fayette .county to the county of Clayton. Also, am act to require securities and endorsers, when they give notice, to do so in writing. ' . Also an act to authorize the Inferior Court of Schley bounty to levy a"n extra tax for county purposes. Also', an hct for the relief of J ames M. J ones, of the coun¬ ty of Bibb, Executor of the last will and testament of James S. Bealle, late of Dooly county, deceased, and for other piuv poses therein mentioned. 454 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Also, fm act to incorporate the town of Blackshear in Pierce county, and to confer upon the citizens of said town the privilege of electing commissioners, and for other pur¬ poses. The House resumed the consolidation of the hills on the subject < 4'free persons of color in this State, the question recurring upon the Senate bill previously adopted as a sub¬ stitute. The report having been agreed to, the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 50. There are nays 42. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allen. Harper of Henry, McComb, Anderson, Hartridge, McDonald of Lump- Barksdale, Henderson of New- kin, Bivins, ton, Morris, Brantley, Henderson of Mullens, Brinson, Worth, Nobles, Brown of Sumter, Herrington, Perry, Clark of Elbert, Hogans, Render, Coqk, H olden, . Rozier, Colvard, Hopkins, Selman, Cullens Howell of Milton, Settle, Delony, Keeling Sims, Dixon, Key, Sweat, Fain of G ilmer, Lewis of Greene, Thrasher, Fannin of Morgan, Lumpkin, Turner, Fortner, Lumsden, Walton Goodinan, Mays Young, Gregie of Cobb, McCants, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Baugli, Holmes, Price, Blakey, Hurst, Ragsdale, Brovles, Hutchins, Sockwell, Bruton of Forsyth, Joyner, Tapley, Brewtoi; of Tatt- Jones of Rabun, Tatum, nfdl» Kelly, * Underwood, Causey, Lester, Vanover, Coleman, McDonald of Mur- Vaughn, Daniel, ray, West, Eberhart, _ McEver Whittle. Fdin of Union, McLepdon, Wicker, Fannin of Troup,i. McWhorter, Williaips'of Musco- Fleming, Mitchell, gee, Gibson 'of Warren,Parks,, Wilson, Hockenliull, Pilcher, Worley, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 1859. 455 So the hill was passed. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Coleman and Wilson of Columbia, after Thursday next on special business, and to Mr. Anderson, of Bibb for to-morrow. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to prevent the practice of peddling and itinerant trading &c., in this State. The same was amended. The previous question was called and seconded, cutting -Off other amendments. The main question was then put, to wit 3 the question of agreeing to the report of the committee as amended.' The report was agreed to. Upon the question of the passage of the bill the yeas and nays were recorded. There are yeas 47. There are nays 48. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Anderson, Barksdale, Brinson, Brown of Sumter, Causey,1 Clark of Elbert, Colvard, Fannin of Morgan, Fanrlin of Troup, Gibson of Warren, Harper of Henry, Henderson of New ton, Herrington, Hicks, Holdfen, Holmes, Howell of Milton, Kefly, Lewis of Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Lester. Lumpkin, Lumsden, McCants, McComb, McCrairy, -McWhorter, Mullens, Norwood, Patton, Perry, Pilcher, Render, Rozier, Selman, Settle, Sims, Sweat, Thrasher, Turner, Underwood, Yanover, Walton Whittle Wicker, Williams of Museo- Wilson, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs : Allan, Baugh, Blakey, Bivins, Broyles, Delony, Dixon, Eberhart, Ector, pain of Gilmer. Bruton of Forsyth, Fain of Union, Brewton of Tatt- Fleming, nail, Fortner, Cock, Green of Cobb, Cullens, Hardin, Daniel, Hartridge, Hendprson of Worth, Hockenhull, Hopkins, Hurst, Hutchins, , Joyner, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, McDonald of Lump- , kin. 4-56 JOURNAL OF THE HOtTSE, McDopald of Mur- Nobles, Tapley, ray, Parks, Tatum, Mays, ■ Price, Vaughn, McEver, Ragsdale, West, McLendOn, Smith of Bryan, Worley. Mitchell, Smith of Coffee, Young, Morris, Sockwe-11, So the hill was lost. The House took up and concurred in the Senate amend¬ ment to the House amendment of the Senate bill to com¬ pel all persons non-residents of the county of Wayne, own¬ ing, penning and grazing stock cattle in said county to re¬ turn and pay tax on the same in said county. The following message was received from the Seaate ly Mr. West their Secretary : Mr. Speaker : The Senate have passed the following Bills, of the House of Representatives, to wit : A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act incorporating the Madison Presbyterian Church, so far as- relares to the filling thb vacancies of Trustees, assented to the 7th of Dee,, 1857. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Balti¬ more and Savannah Steamship Company. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior CJourt of Sumter county, to levy an extra tax for county purposes. Also, a "bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Geor¬ gia Grays of the city of Columbus, and to extend to them certain privileges. Also, a Rill to be entitled an act to regulate the sale* of spirituous liquors in the county of Stewart, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Wilson W. Poe of the county of Early. Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Sterling S. Jenkins of th4 county of Merriwetlier. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to amend the Road Laws of this State, so far as re¬ lates to the county of Coffee,* approved 1st of March, 1S56, so as to apply the provisibns of said act to the county of Clinch. Also, a bill- to be 'Untitled an act to incorporate the Rich¬ mond Fire Company No. 7, and for of her purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the charter of the Gulf and Atlantic Railroad Company, and ta locate the West end of said road. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1S59. 457 Also, a bill to be entitled . an act for the relief of D. Ml. and G. W. Smith, and their securities from a certain bond, and fol other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Mayor and Council of the city of Macon to lease a portion of the public reserve lying below said city, to be used as a brick yard, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to change the name of the Southern Central Agricultural Society to that of the State Agricultural Society of Georgia, and for other pur¬ poses. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to consolidate the offices of Clerk of Superior and Inferior Court in the county of Quitman, Also, a bill to be entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to change certain county lines therein mentioned, approved March the first 1856. Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of William M. Bryan of Fayette county. The following bills of the Senate were read the second time and committed for the third reading, to-wit: A bill to change the line between the counties of Madi¬ son and Jackson, between the counties of Floyd and Polk, between Macon and Taylor, Wilcox and Pulaski, be¬ tween Sumter and Macon, between Merriwether and Cowe¬ ta, .and to amend the caption of an act, assented to, 11th Dec., 1858, to change the line between the counties of Ware and Pierce, and other counties therein mentioned, and lor other purposes. " A bill for the relief of Samuel Webb of Early county. A bill to provide for the payment of the person appointed by the Judges of the Superior Courts of the counties of Burke, Banks, Chatham, Columbia and Floyd to take down testimony on the trials of criminal cases in said counties. A bill to compensate the Tax Receiver of Marion county for services rendered. A bill to amend an act of 1835 incorporating the town of LaFayette of Walker corfnty, and for other purposes. A bill to repeal the 5th section of an act to change and fix the time of holding the Superior Court of the counties of Lumpkin, and to authorize the drawing and summoning of Grand and'Petit Jurors for said county, approved 11th De¬ cember 1858, and to add the county of Lumpkin to the West¬ ern Circuit, and to authorize th(e holding of said Courts on the 4th Monday in March and September. A bill to allow Mathew Cook of the county of Walker, -to peddle without paying tax for the.same. A bill to authorize the Ordinary of DeKalb county to pay 4-5 § JOURNAL, OF THE HOUSE, Gf W. Latham for. teaching poor children in said county of DeEalb. A "bill to incorporate"the town of Homer in the county of Banks "and appoint Commissioners fop the same, and for oth¬ er purposes therein specified. A bill to authorize the Governor of this State to cause to be established at some accessible and convenient place in this State, a State foundry, and for other purposes therein mentioned. A bill to exempt practicing physicians in the county of Jefferson from Jury duty. A bill to incorporate the Columbus and Whiteville Rail¬ road Company. A bill to authorize Alexander R. Leonard, Guardian of Michael W. Harvey, to pay over to the said ward the whole or any part of the estate of said Mhchael TV. Harvey in the hands of said Alexander R. Leonard. A bill to repeal an act of 1S53 and 1854, so far the coyntj of Decatur is concerned. A bill tQ prescribe the mode of laying out private ways, and for other purposes, so far as relates to the county of Henry. A Hill to authorize George Underwood of th,e county of Glasscock, to pay over to, and settle with Wm. TV. Thomp¬ son, a minor his ward, and for other purposes. A bill to amend the 33d section of the Judiciary act Of 1799, in relation to the advertisement of Sheriffs sales. A bill to prevent free negroes from beingbrotight or com¬ ing into the State of Goorgia. A bill to further amend aniact to incorporate the Trustees' of the Southern Botanic Medical College, assented to 11th Dec. 1839. A bill to authorize the Inferiqr Court of the connty of Lumpkin, to lay a tax for certain purposes therein men¬ tioned. A bill to incorporate the Ben Hill Academy in the coun¬ ty of Emanuel, and to appoint Trustees for the same. A bill to amend an act limitating the time in which suite in the Courts of law in this State, must be brought* and also limiting the time in which indictments are to be found and prosecuted, and for other purposes therein mentioned, ap¬ proved March 6th, 1856, A bill to make valid pertain sales of re&l estate .heretofore made by Executors, Administrators and Guardians of this State, A bill to incorporate the Georgia Internal Improvement Association. A bill to consolidate and amend the several acts incor¬ porating the town pf Cartersvilie in the county of Cass. A bill to incorporate 'tfye town of Summerville in the THURSDAY, DEQEMBER 1£th, 1859. 459 county of Emanuel* and appoint Commissioners for the saipe with powers to regulate the same* for the "benefit of the school within said corporate limits. A bill to repeal so much of the 1st section of an act enti¬ tled an act to appoint county Treasurers^ and define their duties, approved Dee. 24th, 1825, as relates to the appoint¬ ment of said officers by the Justices of the Inferior Court of the State, and to authorize their election by the people so fan as relates to the counties of Forsyth, Newton, Hall and Baker. A bill to incorporate the town of Bainbridge and to grant certain privileges to the same. ^ A bill to compel persons owning one thousand or more acre»of land in certain portions of Montgomery and Telfair counties, also in the counties of Wayne, Camden, Wilcox and Dooly, to give ill and pay taxes on the samS in said coun¬ ties. A bill to change the lines between the counties of Camp¬ bell and Coweta, and between the counties of Taylor and Schley, and for other purposes. A bill to amend the charter of the Ellijay Railroad Com¬ pany, and for othhr purposes. A bill to compensate the Jenner Medical Society of Ogle¬ thorpe Medical College at Savannah. A bill to incorporate the Calhoun and Railroad Company and to grant certain privileges and powers to said Compa¬ ny. A bill to alter and amehd an act to submit the question of the removal of the county site of Montgomery county' t«t the voters of said county, and for carrying out the will of the rnajority, assented to, Dec. 21st, 1857. A bill to recognize under certain circumstances the boun¬ dary line between the States of Georgia and Florida, as the permanent boundary affirming titles to land on either side of the line, and directing criminal prosecution in Georgia to be noil' prosequi. A bill to alter and amend an act to provide for the Educa¬ tion of the children of this State, between certain# age and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, assented to 11th Dec., 1858. T^he House adjourned until o'clock, A. M. to-morrow. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1859. The House met pursuant to adjournment. And on motion of Mr. Fannin, of Troup, reconsidered so much of the Jo-urpaf of yesterday as relates to the passage 460 JOUBNAL ,OF THE HOLtSE, of the hill of the Senate relative to free persons of color in this State. 1 On motion of Mr. Williafns, of Muscogee, so much of the Journal of yesterday was reconsidered as relates to the rejection of the bill' of the Senate to alter and amend the' 1st, section of the 3d Article of the Constitution, as to plaee cy places of the sitting of the Supreme Court of this State. On motion of,Mr. Lewis, of Greene, so rnUeh of the Journal of yesterday was reconsidered, a,s relates to the passage of the bill to repeal an act consolidating the offices^ of-Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Harralson. 'The^same Was taken up and passed. »On motion of Mr. Lewis, of Hancock, 200 copies ofthe bill on the subject of the voluntary enslavement of free persons of color in this State, were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. Mr. Hartridge offered the following resolution, which was taken up, read, and agreed to, t^-wit: » • Resolved, That the Clerk of this Housg preserve the un¬ finished business of. the House in the order in which if stands at the close of the present session, so that it maybe taken, up continuously at the beghmihg of the next session, should the House, at that time soT direct. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of t.he Senate to change the lines between the counties of Madison and Jackson, and for other purposes. The same was amended. The amended report was^ -agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The Housp took up the report of the committee on the bill,of the Senate fo compensate the Tax Beceiver of Mar riop county for services rendered. »The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third, time; aijd passed. The House took up the report of the committer on the bill of tl\e Senate fo authorize the Ordinary of DeKalh county to pay G-. W. Lathram for teaching poor children, in said county. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The H ouse took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the town of Bainbridge, and to grant certain privileges to the same. The report was agreed to. The bill .was read the third time and passed. The House took Up the ^report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the town of Homer, in the county of Ban^s, hnd for .other purposes. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th* 1859. 401 The report was agreed to. -Thp bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on ihe bill of the Senate to provide for the payment of the person appointed by the Judges of the Superior_ Courts of the counties of Burke, Banks, Chatham, Columbia and Floyd, to take down testimony in the trial- of criminal causes in said Courts. The Report was agreed to. The b.ill was read thfe third time and passed. The House took up, the report of the committee on the ,bill 6f the Senate to repeal the 5th section of an act to change the time of holding the Superior Court! of'the county of Lumpkin, &*c., &e. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate to incorporate the Georgia Internal Im¬ provement Association. The report was agreed to. The bill was read the third time and passed^ The following bills of the Senate were taken up, the re¬ ports thereon were agreed to, the bills read the third time and passed, to-wit: A bill to further amend an act entitled an act to'incor¬ porate the Trustees of the Southern Botanic Medical Col¬ lege ; Assented to 11th Dec., 1839. A bill to prescribe the mode of laying out private ways, and for othqr purposes, so far as relates to the county of Henry. A bill to consolidate apd amend the several acts' incor¬ porating the town pf Cartersvitle, in the co.unty of Cass. A bill to incorporate the Columbus and Whiteville Rail Road Company. A bill to incorporate the Ben Hill Academy, of Emanu¬ el county, and to appoint Trustees for the same. A bill to authorize the Inferior Court, of the count/ of Lumpkin, to levy a tax for certain purposes therein men¬ tioned. A bill to repeal ^n act of 1853, and to esfablisfy and make uniform the rates of ferriage, -&c., so far as the county of Decatur is concefned. A bill to authorize the Governor of this State to cause to be established at some 'convenient and acceptable place in this State, a foundry,'and for other purposes. A bill to alter and amend an act entitled an^ act to sub¬ mit' the question of the removal of the county site of Mont¬ gomery county, to the voters of laid county, &c. "bill to repeal so much of the 1st section pf an aot to 462 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE appoint cOunty Treasurers, and define their duties; ap¬ proved Dec. 24th, 1S25, as relates to the appointment of the same by the Justices of the Inferior Court of the State and to authorize their election by the people, so far ks re¬ lates to the. counties of Forsyth, Newton, Hall and Baker. A bill to incorporate the Jenndr Medical College atSar vannah., A bill'to incorporate the town of Sumnerville* in the county of Emanuel. A bill to recognize, under certain circumstances the boundry line between the States of Georgia and Florida, as the permanent boundry, &c., &c. A bill to amend the charter of the Ellijay Rail Read Company, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act limiting the time in which suits in the Courts of law in this State must be brought, and also limiting the time in which indictments are to be found and prosecuted in certain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; approved March 6th, 1856. The House took up the report of the Committee on the bill of the Senate to change the liife between the c. unties of Campbell and Coweta, and* between the counties of Tay¬ lor and Schley, and for other purposes, The same was amended, The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and passed. The following Message was received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary. Mr. Speaker.—The Senate have passed the following bills of the House of Representatives, to-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Quitman Guards, and the Delljiigh Ranger^, and to grant them certain powers, and exempt them from the duties therein named. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to change the county lipe between the counties of Ware and Pierce. Also, a bill to be entitled an act t© incorporate the board of Trustees of the Mount Vernon Association of Baptist Churches appointed by said Association, for the government and management of Mount Vernon Institute at Readville, in thp county of Washington, in this State, to confer tipon said Bokrd certain powers and privileges to incorporate the town of Readville, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Indian Qreek Baptist Church, in the county of Franklin, and to ap¬ point Trustees for the same. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Ordin¬ ary of Baldwin county to pay over to Sarah M. Candler the sum of two hundred and fhree1 dollars, and ninety cents for teaching poor children in said county, and al *o to au¬ thorize him to pay to L. Carrington thirty one dollars and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1859. 463 sixty-six cents, balance due him for teaching poor children in said county for the year 1858. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, adding an additional sec¬ tion to an act passed incorporating the town of Athens, in the county of Clarke. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to prevent the killing of Deer in the county of Screven. Also^abill to 1m entitled an act to incorporate the Cor¬ don Grove No. 1, United ancient order of Druids (W. A. 0. D), located, and working in Savannah. The objects and principles of the order being the diffusion of Social and In¬ tellectual Intercourse among its members, and the estab¬ lishment of a system of philanthropy and benevolence, by providing for the sick and distressed, and the interment of its deceased members, and the support of the widow and orphan. Also, a bill to be. entitled an act, to erect the monument of Governor Jared Irwin, in the town of Sandersville. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Macon Guards, to authorize the Governor t6 furnish them with arms and accoutrements, and to grant certain immunities and privileges to the same. Also, a bill to be-entitled an act^to authorize the Ju'stices of the Inferior Court of Gilmer county to levy and collect exempt practicing Physicians in the county of Jefferson from Jury duty. A bill t * authorize Geo. Upderwood, of the county of (jlasscodito pay over to and settle with William W. Tliompsci., a minor, his ward, and for other purposes. A 1 ill t<. allow Mathew Cook of thecotinty of Walton, to peddle without paying tax for the same. The following Message was received from his Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Campbell his Secretary, to-wit :■ Mr. Speaker : The Governor have signed the following4 Acts, to'wit : An act for.the relief of Arthur II aire of the county of Cass. Also, tire act for the relief of Cornelius Hibberts, accom¬ panied with a communication in writing relating thereto. The fallowing message was received from the Senate by Mr;, West, their Secretary. Mr* Sp'.aker:—The Senate has passed the following bills of the Mouse of Representatives : A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Ordinary of Campbell county to pay A. P. McCool, for teaching poor, children for the year 1858, and for other purposes. Also, • A bill io be entitled an act to incorporate a Volunteer Corps of Infantry, In the town ofThomaston, Upson county and to grant unto it certain privileges. The Senate have also passed the following bills of the House of Representatives, .with amendments, in which they ask the concurrence of the House: A bill to be entitled an act to amend the act of 11th De¬ cember, 1S5S, in relation to the returns of Lottery Mana¬ gers and Insurance Companies, and Express Companies do¬ ing business in this State. 'Also, Abilltobe entitled an act to constitute the town of Cuthbert in Randolph county, a city, to provide for the elec¬ tion of odicers, to define the powers of the several officers qf spiid city, as well as of said corporation, to extend the limits of Cuthbert and for other purposes; The Senate have concurred in the amendments of the House of Representatives to the fdllowing bills : - A bill to be entitled an act to repeal a part of the first section of the third Article of the Constitution of this State and to iur art a provision in lieu thereof. Also, A bill to be entitled an act, to require the several Treasu¬ rers of i La several School Districts of the county of Lump- tin, to ic turpi the unexpended balances of the School Funds 470 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, now in their hands to the Ordinary of said county, and for other purposes therein named. Also, A hill to be entitled an act amendatory of the act of 1857 entiled an act to provide against the forfeiture of the several Bank Charters of this State on account of non-spe¬ cie payipent for a given time, and for other purposes therein named, and declaratory of the true meaning of certain sec¬ tions of the same. Also, A hill to be entitled an act to incorporate d corps of in¬ fantry, in the town of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton, to be known as the Clayton Volunteers, and to confer cei> tain privileges on the same. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to compel Justices of the Peace in the county of Rabun, to give bond and security, and for pther purposes. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Ordinary of the county of DeKalb to pay arrearages due J. P. Buchan¬ an, a teacher of poor children in said county, for the year 1853. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to amend and interpret an act approved March the 5th, 1856, relative to the payment of accounts of Teachers of poor children. Also, A bill to be entitled an act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton, Harris county, to create and give additional powers to the corporate authorities of said Town. And have refused to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to a bill to be entitled an act to explain the tenth Section of the tenth Division of the Epiial Code of this State. Mr. Lumpkin, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives : An act for the relief ofD. M. and G-. W. Smith, and their securities from a certain bond. Also an act to change the times of holding elections for county officers, Judges of the Superior Courts, Attorney and Solicitor General, (except Ordinary,) in this State. Also an act to amend the several acts of the General sembly relating to the Savannah aiid Albany Rail Road Company; and the Savannah, Albany & Gulf Rail Road Company, and to authorize them to construct Branch Road?. Also an act to amend an act to change certain count/ lines, approved March 1st, 1856. Also an act to change the name of the Southern Central Agricultural Society of Georgia, and for other purposes. Also ah act to consolidate the offipes of Clerk of the Su¬ perior and Inferior Courts of the county of Quitman. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15m, 1659. Ml AIsq an dct to authorize the Mayor and Council of the eity of Macon, to lease a portion of the public reserve for certain purposes. Also an act to change the times of holding the Inferior Courts of the counties of "Webster, Dade and Floyd, and to change the times of holding the Superior Courts of Richmond, Glynn, Burke and Floyd, Also an act to take certain lots of laud therein named, from Macon county, and to add them to the county of Tayr "lor, and for other purposes. » Also an act to alter and amend the charter of the Atlan¬ tic & Gulf Rail Road Company, and to locate the west end of thesamej Also an act to prescribe the time of holding elCCtiond for Senators in the Congress of the United States from the State of Georgia. Also an act for the relief of William M. Pyron of Fay¬ ette county, &c. Also an act to amend an act to regulate Toll Bridges* Fer¬ ries and Turnpike Roads^ approyedDec. 22nd, 1808, and to prescribe certain penalties for violation ot said acL Also an act for the relief of Wilson W. Poe, of the the county of Early. Also an act to incorporate the Georgia Grays, of the city of Columbus, and to extend to them pertain privileges. Also an apt to incorporate a Mining Company in Car¬ roll county,and in other counties in the State of Georgia. Also an act to empower ex-Judges of the Superior Courts to sign bills of exceptions in certain cases. » Mr. Lester of Cobb offered the following resolution, which was taken up, read and adopted, in lieu of the original res¬ olution of the -committee on Journal^,1 relative to the re¬ cording of the same, to-wit ; Resolved, That the Recording Clerks have such time after thd adjournment of this Session of the General Assembly as may be necessary to record the Journals and make a full, complete and perfect indexto the record, and that the Gov¬ ernor be authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for such compensation as in his judgment may be due such Clerks for such service.. The House adjourned Until 3£ o'clock P.M. 3£ O'CLOCK, P. M, The House met pursuant to adjournment, And concurred in the amendments of the Senate, to the 472 JOURNAL OF THE HOtJSE. lb ills @f the House reported as amended in the foregoing1 mes¬ sages of to-day. , The House receded from their amendments to the Senate bill, to define and punish vagrancy in free persona of color alndthe bill to explain the 10th section Of the 10th division 6f the Penal Code of this State. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives: An act for the support of .government for the political year 1S69, and to make certain appropriations, and other purposes therein mentioned. The House took up the report1 of the Committee on the reconsidered bill of the Senate, to alter and amend the first section of the third Article of the Constitution as to the place or places of the sitting of the Supreme -COml of this States The same wds amended by striking out the words 1 at such place or places aS the Legislature of this State shall bylaw direct,"" and insert in lieu thereof " At Marietta and Macon,, or such other two placed as the Legislature m^y hereafter direct. The amended report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time and on the qite&tion of its passage the yeas ahd nays were recorded. There are yeas 69 ; there are nays 20. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs: Barksdale, Ely. Hutchins, Baiigh, Tannin of Morgan, Key, BiVcnl, Fannin of Troup, Lewis of Greene, Brin^ou , Fleming, Lewis of Hancock, Brbwp of HoustonGoodman, Lester, Brown of Sumter, Greene of Cobb, Lofton, Broyles, Hardin, Lumpkin, BrUton of Forsyth, Harper of Henry, Mays, Cason, Hartriclge, McOrairy, Clark „of Elbert, Henderson of New- McDonald ofLiunp- tjock> ton, kip, Coleniah, Hockenhull,. M Oliver, Conley, Holdeh, McWhOrter, Cuilens, Holmek, Mnllins, Helony, Hopkins, NorxVood, Dixon, Howell of Milton, Parks, HotOr, i/urst, PilOher, THURSDAY* DECEMBER 15th, 1859. 473 Prescott, SocWell, Whittle, Richards, Solomons, Wicker Rozief, Taylor," Williams of jfyitus- Scott, Thrasher, cogee, Turner, Wilson^ Smith of Bryan, Vaughn, Worley, Smith of Coffee, West, Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Blakey, Irwin, Price, Causey, Jones of Rabun, Ragsdale, Fain, of Gilmer, Keeling, Tapley, Fain of Union, Kelly, Tatum, Fortiier, McLendon, Vanover, Gibson of Warren, Nobles, Young, Harkness, Perry, There being a fwo third vote in favor of the bill it was passed. Mr. Key from the committee on Enrolment reported as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives, An act to repeal a portion of the 3th section of an act en-, titled an act, to provide for the education of the children of* this State between certain ages, so far as relates to Emanuel , county, and for other purposes. Also an act to consolidate the offices of Clerk of the Su¬ perior and Inferior Courts of Chattooga county. Also, ail act to change the line between Elbert and Madi¬ son counties. Also, an act to change the line between Dougherty and Worth counties. Also, an act to correct and perfect the Plat and Grant to lot of land No. 142, in 4th district of Appling originally, now Pierce county, and for other purposes. Also, an act to amend the several acts incorporating the town of Cartersville in Cass county, and for other purpose e$. Also, an act to authorize Stephen Ellis of Gwinnett coun¬ ty, to trade in Skid county without license. ^ Also, ah act to organize a Volunteer Battathon in the city of Skvuimah, to be called the Independent Volunteer Bat- tallion of Savannah, and for other purposes, 474 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Also, an 'act lo provide compensation to Coroners for Bur1 tying insolvent persons, ,AlsOi an act to incorporate the Alabama Planters Steams- boat company, and for other purposes. Also*, an act to amend an act to provide for the better pro-* fcectjon and security of Orphans and their estates. Also, an act facilitating mining operations for Gold, and other purposes in White county. Also, an act to amend the law of descent in cases of persons Who are illegitimate or born out of lawful wedlock dying intestate. The following message was received from the Senate by Mr. West their Secretary.- , Mr. Speaker:—The Senate have passed an act for the re¬ lief of Henry Henson and Elias Kilpa trick of the County of Towns, by a constitutional majority over the veto of his Excellency the Governor, by a vote of 57 ayes, to 10 nays. They have also passed a Resolution in relation to the pardon ot William A. Choice by a Constitutional majority over the yeto of his Excellency the Governor^ by a vote of £8 yeas4 to 23 nays. The Senate have also agreed to a Resolution directing the •Secretary of the Senate to furnish the Secretary of State yrith an exemplification from the Journals of the Senate in relation to the pardon of William A. Choice, in Which they ask. the concurrence of the House. The House took up the report of the committee on the bill of the Senate, to alter and amend an act entitled aq act to prqvide for the education of ihO children of this State be¬ tween certain ages and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, assented to, Decem¬ ber llth, 1S58. Mr. Fannin, of Morgan offered as a substitute for the same, at the request of Mr. Cook of Early, A bill to repeal the present Tax act of this State, and to require the Inferior Courts of the several counties of this State to levy a tax for the purpose of educating thp poor of the several counties of this State, and for other purposesi Mr. Williams of Muscogee moved, the indefinite postr ponhment of the original and substitute. Upon this the yeas and nays were recorded. There are yeas 42. There are* nays 53. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15rff, 1859. 475 Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Barksdale* Blakey, ton, Bivins, Hicks, Brown of Houston., Horsley, Brov^n of Snmter, Hurst, Broyles, Irwin, Causey, Lofton, Coleman, Lumsden, Conley, McCants, Dixon, McCrairy, Eberhart, McDonald of Lump-Vanover, Ely, kin, Whittle, Fain 'of Union, McDonald of Mur-William&of Mus- Fannin of Morgan, ray, gee. Herringtpn, McWhorter, Young, N orwood, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Hendersoh of Few-Parks, Patton, Perry, Pilcher, Ragsdale, Rosier, Settle, Sims, Solomons, Turner. Allan, BaUgh, © 7 Brinson Harper of Henry, Nobles, Hartridge, Prescott, Henderson of WortliPrice, Brewton of Forsyth,Hockenhnll, Brewton of TattnallH olden, Clark of Elbert, Holmes, Cullens, Delony, Ector, Fain of Gilmer, Fanniri of Trotip, Fleming, Fortner, Gibson of Warren, Mays, Goodman, McEver, Green of Cobb, McLendon, Hardin, Morris, Harkness, Mullens, Howell pf Milton, Hutchins, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Kelly, Lester, Lumpkin, Richards, Scott, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, Sockwell, Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Taylor, Thrasher* Vaughn, West, Wicker, Wilson1, W orley ? So the motion did not prevail. , Mr. Price of Pickens called the previous question on the briginal bill which was seconded. Upon the question* shall the main question now be put I the yeas and nays were required to be recorded. There are yeas 6S. There are nays 21, 4-7G JOUKNAL OF THE HOUSE. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Allan, Baugh Heath, Herrington, Blakey, Hicks, Bivins, Hockenhull, Brown of Houston,Holden, Broyles, Holmes, Bruton of Forsyth, Hopkins Causey, Coleman, Conley, Cullens, Eberhart, Ely, Fain of Gilmer, Fain of UniOn, Fleming, Fortner, Gibson of Rich¬ mond, Goodman, Hardin, Harkness, Henderson, of Worth, Horsley, Howell of Milton, Hurst, Hutcliins, Jones of Rabun Keeling, Kelly, Lester, Lofton, Lumsden, Mays, McCants, McDonald of Lump-Vaughn, kin, W est McDonald of Mur- "Whittle, ray, Worley, McEver Youmr, McLendon, Morris, Nobles, Norwood, Price, Ragsdale, Richards, Rozier, Scott, Smith of Bryan, Smith Of Coffee, Sockwell, Solomons, Sweat, Tapley, Tatum, Taylor, Thrasher, Vanover, Those who Voted in the Negative are Messrs. Barksdale, Fannin of Troup, Mullins, Brinson, Green of Cobb, Parks, Brown of Sumter, Hartridge, Prescott, Clark of Elbert, Henderson of New-Settle, Delony, ton, Sims, Dixon, Lumpkin, Turner, Ector, McCrairy, Wicker, Fannin of Morgan, So the main question was put, and the bill was passed. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on enrollment, reported duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act to amend the charter of the town of Washington in Wilkes county, and to authorize and empower the com¬ missioners of the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of the town. THURSDAY, DECEMBER IStii, 185D. 177 ARo, ait act to incorporate tlie Richmond Fire Company No. 7, and for other purposes. , Also, an act to amend an act entitled an act, to amend the road laws of this State, so far as relates to the county of Coffee, approvedMarch 1st, 1856, so as to apply the provi-, sions of said act to the county of Clinch. Also, an act for the relief of Sterling S. Jenkins, of the of the county of Merriwether. Also, an act to incorporate the Savannah and Baltimore' Steamship company. Also, an act to incorporate the Owl Town and' Coosa Creek Mining company; the Masonic Hall company in the city of Atlanta. . Also, an act to regulate the testimony of Attorneys "at Law,' and for other purposes. Also, an act to regulate the sale off spirituous licpiors in the county of Stewart. Also,, an act, to authorize the Justices of the Inferior court of Sumter county to levy an extra tax; for county pur¬ poses. Also an act to authorize the Ordinary of Campbell coun- *ty to pay A. P. McCool, for teaching poor children for the year 1858, and for other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the Grate City Guards of At¬ lanta, and to grant certain immunities and privileges. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on Enrollment, report¬ ed as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speak¬ er of the House of Representative, An act, to levy a tax on all goods peddled in this State, or sales by sample or otherwise, by itinerant drummers, or oth¬ er persons, and for other purposes. Also an act, to alter and amend the second section of an act approved January 21st, 1852, and for other purposes. Also an act, to incorporate the Jackson Artillery, of the city of Macon, and to authorize the Governor to furnish them with suitable arms and accoutrements, and to grant certain immunities and privileges to the members of the1 same. Also an act, to alter and amend an act to amend an act pointing out the mode of collecting a certain description of debts therein mentioned; approved Dec. 19th, 1818, and to extend the provisions of the same so as to embrace corpora¬ tions, approved Dec. 11th, 1858. Also an act, to incorporate the town of Quitman, in Brooks county, and to confer upon the citizens of said town the privilege of electing Town Commissioners, with certain privileges therein enumerated, and for other purposes there- in spccifiGd* Also an act, to prevent the fireing the woods between the 478 JOURNAL OU THE SOUSE. first day'of May and the first day'of February, in each and every1 yeair, in tile counties of Echols and Clinch, arid for other purposes. Also an act, to incorporate Spring Vale Institute,, located in Randolph County, Georgia. Also an act,, to incorporate the towns of Sylvania and (Scarbor©, in the county of Screven, and to amend the chan¬ ter of the city of Atlanta. Also an acjfc, to charter the fort Royal Rail Road. The House adjourned until 7£, P. M. O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Felony yjave notice that he would, to-morrow, move the re-consideratioh of the bill passed to-day, On the sub-* ject of education. Leavq of absence was granted Mr. Walton, of Stewart, for the balance of the session, on account of sickness. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary : Mr. Speaker; The Senate have passed the following bills, of the House of Representatives : A bill, to be entitled an act, to apportion the Representa¬ tives amOng the several counties of this State, according to» the requirements of the Constitution. Also a bill, to be entitled on net, to alter and amend the several acts in relation to Bibb County Academy, and to change the name of the same. Also a, bill, to be entitled an act, to amend the charter 6f the McBean Company, granted February the 11th, 1S50. Also a hill, to be entitled an act, to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court ol Rabun county, to "levy an extra tax^ find for other purposes. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to alter and amend an act, passed on the 22nd of December, 1S57* entitled an act to encourage persons making a will, to provide a permanent fund for the collegiate perpetuation and education of indi¬ gent boys and young men. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to authorize the Ordina¬ ry of Henry county, to pay to Wm. W. Campbell tuition money for poor children, for the year 1857, Also a entitled an act to amend an act to prp- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15tii, 1S59: 479 tect Religious Societies in the exercise of their religious du¬ ties, approved December the 13th, 1792. Also a bill, to be entitled an act to establish the county lines between the counties of Montgomery q.nd Tatnall, and also between Tatnall and Emanuel. Also a bill, entitled an act for the relief of- Jabez M. White, of the county of Hancock. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to consolidate the offices of the Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the coun¬ ty of Schley, "and to reduce the bond of the Sheriff of said county. Also a bill, to be entitled an act to repeal the 7th and 9th sections of an act to incorporate the village of Chickasaw- hatchie, in formerly Lee, now Terrell county, and to add an additional section to said act, and for other purposes therein mentioned. , 1 f Also a bill, to be entitled an act for the relief of Andrew J. Lovelady, of the county of Pickens, and for other pur¬ poses. Also a bill, to be entitled an act to incorporate the Geor¬ gia Baptist and Colporteur Society. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to compensate-William T. Williamson, for recording the unfinished Journals of the 'House of Representatives, for the years 1851 and J852. The Senate has also passed the following bills "of the House of Representatives, with amendments, in which they ask the concurrence of the House: A bill-to be entitled an act, to declare certain words slanderous, and actionable per se, and for other purposes. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to incorporate Clayton High School, and for other purposes therein mentioned. - They have also concurred in the amendments of the House to the first section of a bill, to be entitled an act to pre¬ vent free persons of color, commonly known as free negroes, from being brought, or coming into the State of, Georgia, and have refused to concur in the amendment of the House, adding two additional sections to said bill. t The House took up the Senate resolution relative to the pardon of Wm. A. Choice, which was passed by both branch¬ es of the General Assembly, vetoed by his Excellency the Governor, and passed over said veto in the Senate, by a Con¬ stitutional majority. Upon the question of passing the same oyer the veto, the yeas and nays were recorded. There are yeas 76. There are nays 16. 4S0 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Those who voted in the affirihative are Messrs Allan, Barksdale Gfreen of Oohb, Harper of Henry; Hartridge, Bivins, Heath, Brahtley, Herrington, Brown of Houston, Holmes, Brown of Sumter, Hopkins, Brutoii of Forsyth, Horsley, Causey, Clarke of Elbert, Cock, Colvatd, Coleman, Conley, Culleni, Daniel, Delony, Dixon, Ector, Ely,' Fain of Gilmer Mitchell, Morris, Mullens, Nobles, Norwood, Patton, Perry, Preseott, Rozier, Scottj Selman, Settle, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Solomons^, Sweat, Howell of Milton, Hutchins, Irwin, Joyner, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Key, . Lewus of Greene, Lewis of Hancock, Tapley, Lester, Tatum, Lumsden, Taylor, Mays, Turner, McComb, Underwood, Fannin of Morgan, McCrahy, Vanpver, Fannin of Troup, McDonald of Lump-Vaughn, Fortner, kin, Williams of Mus- Gibspn of Rich- McLendon, cogee, mond, McWhorter, Young. Goodman, Those who voted jn the negative are Messrs' Fain of Union, McDonald of Mur- Smith of Coffee, Fleming', ray, Smith of Twiggs, Hieks,t MeEver, Sockwcll, Hockenhull, Trice, West, Hurst, Ragsdale, Worley, Kelly, Render, The same having received a constitutional majority was passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor. The House took up the bill of the Senate for the relief of Henry Ilenson, and Elias Kilpatrick, of the eounty of Towns, which had passed both brunches of the General Ash sembly, was vetoed, by his Excellency the Governor, and passed by the Sepate over his veto by a constitutional ma¬ jority. Upon the question of its passage the yeas and pays were required to be recorded. There are ^eas 26. There are nays 68. Thursday, December, isth, i$5$. ^si. Thcfee Milledgville, Ga., December 6th, 1859. > To the House '-of "Representatives : I return without my sanction a Bill to entitled "an act to 484= JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of the county of l^ade, and: to authorize the leyying of a tex for the sa iaae.w There is a general law of theState which fully meets the necessities of this „case, without the passage of g special act for that purpose. The act of 27th February IS-.*'*, is m these yvords i •"That from and after the passage of this Act, il sfyall and may be lawful for tire Justices of the Inferior Court of the several counties in this State, and they are here- be authorized upon the recomitiendationof the Gr/;nd Ju¬ ries of the several counties aforesaid, to assess and raise a tax for the reasonable compensation of the Grand and Petit Ju¬ rors, or Grand or Petit Jurors, and at their pleasure to dis¬ continue the same, and again, to resume and reassess said tax, upon the recommendation aforesaid ; the jury and con- fession fees in each case to be paid into the county fund for that purpose." This general law gives to the Inferior Court of D,ade county upon the recommendation of the Grand Jury ample power to levy and collect a tax toy the compensation of Grand and Petit Jurors, or Grander Petit Jurprs, The Justices of the Inferior Court and Grand Ju¬ rors, are supposed to be acquainted with the condition of the finances of the county, and with the wants of the peo¬ ple of the county j and Jtiaye ample power in the premises!. When we have a general law applicable to all the counties tof tlie State, it would seem to be unwise for the Legislature to pass a special law for each county relating to the same subject matter : and confirming the same powers and privi¬ leges. It would, I think, in such chse be much better to avoid "this special legislation, x^hieh is useless, and leave each County to act under the General Law: otherwise a general rule of law is useless. JOSEPH E. BROWH. The bill mentioned in the foregoing message was taken up. _ U pon the question of passing the same over th$ Ex¬ ecutive v eto, the yeas and nayswere recorded. There are yeas 61. There are nays 2S. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Daniel, Gibson of Rich- Brantley. Delqny, niond, Brown of Sumter, Dixon, Harper of Henry, Broyles, Eberhart, Hartridge, Bruton of Forsyth, Ector, Heath, Clark of Elbert, Fain of Union, Henderson of Colvard, Fannin of Morgan, Worth, Conley, Fannin of Troup, 'Heriingten, Cullens? Holden, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1859. 4S5 Holmes, McDonald of Lump-Rozier, Hopkins, kirm Selman, jHorsley, _ McDonald of Mur- Settle, , Hurst, ray, Smith of Bryan, Hutching, McWhorter, Solomons, Joyner, 'Mullens, Sweat, Key* Norwood, Tatum; Lewis of Gireene, Parks, Taylor, Lewis of Hancock,, Patton, Thrasher, Lofton, Pilcher, Turner, Lirmsden, Prescott, Williams of Musco- Mays, Price, gee, McOoihL, . Ragsdale, McCrairy, Render, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs: Barksdale, Irwin,, Scott, Baugh, Jones of Rabun, Rockwell, Blakey, Kelly, Vandver, Bivins, McCants, Vaughn, Causey, McEvter„ West,. ' Cock, McLendon, Whittle Eain of Gilmer, Mitchell, Wicker, Fleming, Morris, Wilson, Groodmarh Perry, Worley. Hicks* There being a constitutional vote ha favor, of the passage pf the 331111 the same was parsed, By the unanimous eonsent of the Hotise the substitute offered by Mrf Lester and adopted in lieu of the original res¬ olution of the Committee on Journals relative to the Recordi ing of the same, was withdrawn, when the Original resolu¬ tion,'was taken up . amended by striking out seventy days and inserting fifty, and agreed to as amended,. Mr. Thrasher of Fulton offered the following resolution which was taken up, read and agreed to, to-wit : Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives that the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of theHonse be allow¬ ed four days each after the adjournment of,the General As^ to makp out apd file in the dffice of Secutary of State full and complete transcripts from the Journals upon the Bills for the pardon of Willaim A,. Choice and Thomas 0- Whit- worth ps required by the resolution of the General Assem- bly. The" House adjourned hnti). £ i o'clock A. M. to-mor¬ row. 486 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSB- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1859, The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Broyles moved to 'reconsider so much of the Journal Of yesterday, as relates to the passage of the i>ill to incor¬ porate the Calhoun and Rome Railroad? Company, and to giant certain powers and privilestothe same. The motion did not plevail. ( On motion of Mr. Cook of Early, so much pf the Journal of yesterday4, was recondsidered as relates to. the rejection of the hill of the Senate, for the relief of Lemuel Webb, of the county of Early. The motion pre vailed and thohill^as passed. Mr. Delony, moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday, as relates to the passage of the hill to alter and amend an act entitled an act to provide for the educa¬ tion of the children of this State, between certain ages, and to provide an annual sinking fund for the extinguishment of the public debt, assented to, Dec. 11th, 1S5S. Upon this question the yeas and nays were required to tie recorded. There are yeas 22, there are nays 68 Those whp voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Brantley, Fannin of 31 organ, Render, Brown of Houstpn, H arper of Henry, Settle, Brown of Sumter, Horsley Sims, Clark of Elbert, Lumpkin, Smith of Twiggs, Conley, Lumsden, Tatum, Cook,, McCrairy, Williams of Musco- Dixon, McWhorter, gee, Ector, Mullins, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs, Allan, Fain of Gilmer, Hick^, Baugh, Fain of Union,' Hockenhull, Blakey, Fleming, Holden, Bivins, Fortner, Holmes, Broyles, Gibson of Rich- Hopkins, Brnton of Forsyth, mond, Hutchins, Cqlisey, Goodman, Joyner, Cock, Green of Cobb, Keeling, Colvard, Hardin, Jones of llabuii, Coleman, Hartridge, Kelly, Cullens Heath, Key, Daniel, Henderson of WorthLpstcr, Ely, Herrington, Lofton, FRIDAY, DECEMBER lSlff, 1859. 487 MayS, Parks, Sweat, McCants, Patton, Tapley, McDonald of Lump-Perry, Turner, kin, Prescott, Y anovef, McDonald of Mur Price Vaughn, ray, Richards, West, McEver, Rozier, "Whittle, McLendoh, Scott, Wickhr, Morris, Smith of Bryan, Worley, Nobles, Smith of Coffee Young, Norwood, Sockwell, So the ffiption did not,prey ail. Leave ©f absence was granted Mr. Blakey, for the balance of the session off account of ill, health. » The following resolutions offered ,by "Mr. Hartridgd ©f Chatham., were, taken up, to-wit: Thu condition of the political affairs of tiff country de¬ mand the consideration of the Representatives of the peo¬ ple of Georgia before the, next "session of this Legislature, events will have transpired which will fix and determine the position of this State with regard to the Union, it is proper thdn that we shall declare to the Stated of this Confederacy! the views which we who are representing the people of jGra, entertain in relation to the political condition of the couff try, and what we deem to be the fixed determination of that people as to their future course ynd conduct. A new and peculiar'aspect of political affairepresents itself to our view, up to a recent period the efforts of Northern faiiatitism t© produce discord between tRe States of this Union, to wea¬ ken tfye ties that bind" them .together and to outrage the feelings and yiolate fire- rights of the people of the South, have been confined to fho Halls of Congress or the soil, of some remote Territory of the Union. But recently a spec¬ tacle has been witnessed, unprecedented m the' history of opr cohntry. Fanaticism grown bold by impunity has in¬ voked the aid of treason, murder and fapind, has crossed the border and advancing upon Southern soil, has spread blood¬ shed and excitement throughout a Southern State. The blow which sifikes gf the institution pf slavery in a sister South¬ ern State, also vitally Effects the, interest and. the honor of Lreofgia. A colnmunity of interest, of feeling and of right® hinds the Southern States of this Union one to other, they ffiust stand of fall together. This present condition of our political affairs should re¬ ceive deliberate attention, and our action should be calm ignd dignified but resolute and+determined. The position js now pending before tl}e Legislatures of some of these South¬ ern States, to take into consideration what position we shall 488 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE assume to insure our safety and equality in, the tlnion, or ■our independefice out of it. In view of these facts, be it Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia iA General Assembly/net, and if is here¬ by rtesblvpd by the authority of the same* That the* State of Georgia holds herself ready to enter into any concert of actioq with the sister Southern States, which will secure their common rights under the Constitution in the Union, or if that be no longer possible their independence and securi¬ ty out^of it. Resolved, That should a majority of the Southern States of this Union, determine to hold a'Convention to take into consideration our present condition and our future action ^ slave States, Georgia will go into snch Convention. And His Excellency the Governor is hereby authorized and requested upon being notified by a majority of the Ex' cutives ofthe south ern States that their States are prepared and have taken steps t6 hate such Convention, to call a Convention of delegates from the different counties of this States* to assemble at Milledgevjlle, on such day as he may appoint, to choose delegates to represent the State of Georgia in such Conten¬ tions Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor is hereby requested1 to transmit a copy of these resolution to the Executive^ of each of the Southern States of this. Union. Mr. Lewis of Hancock^ offered the following as additional to the foregoing resolutions : Resolved, That \ye have full confidence in the Spirit and pow'er and readiness pf Georgia, and her sister Southern States to maintain th,e right? of the slaveholder against all our enemies, whether found, among men who have the name pf fellow citizens at the North, among foreign emissaries, or ill foreign Governments, and that without inviting aggres¬ sion. We do not waive or postpone the conflict which such aggressipns seek or provoke. Resolved further, That Georgia is and ever will he ready to co-operate with her sister States in efforts to protect the rights of the slaveholding Slates. Resolved, And in no party sense, that the history of past yehns teaphps us that it is unreasonable to expect fh'e pro¬ tection of our rights by thp Federal Government, that we lobk to ana are relying alone upon our own strength of heart and arm and, the strength of our cause, and With such re¬ liance we feat no contests and no results of contests. , Rcsolti\d, That we would prefer that the House of Repre¬ sentatives of Congress should never be organized, than he organized by the election of any man who will not before his election, declare his recognition, of the equal rights of the people of the South with all their property, with the FRIDAY, DECEMRER 16th, 1859. 489 ights of all other citizens of these States, and his determin- ition to support such equal rights of the South at all time md in all places^ Resolved further,* That the policy of the- Federal Govern¬ ment for years past has been rfnequal and unjust in its'oper¬ ations upon the interest of the South, and ought not longer to be submitted to. The resolutions were, taken up separately. Those offered by Mr. Hartridge were severally agreed to, and the two first, offereed by Mr. Lewis of Hancock, to-wit: the 4th aiid 5th of the entire series* . * Mr. Delony1 moved to strike out the 6th resolution. Upon this motion the yeas and nays were requiren by Mf. Lumpkin of Clarke, to be recorded. There are yeas 51. There are nays 35. Those who voted in the'affirmative are Messrs. Allan, Anderson, Laugh, Blakey, Bivins, Broyles, Colvard, Coleman, Donley, Cullens, Delony, Ely, ' Fain of Gilmer, Fain of Union, Fleming, Goodman, Green of Cobb, Heath, Henderson of WorthPilcher, Hopkins, Hurst, Jones of Rabun, Keeling, Kelly, Lester, Lofton, Mays, McCants, McDonald ofLump-Tatum, kin, Vaughn, McDonald of Mur-West, ray, ' Whittle, McEver, Wicker, McLendon, Worley, Morris, Young, Nobles, Price, Ragsdale, Render, Rozier, Scott, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Twiggs, Sockwell, Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Brown of Houston,Holmes, Brown of Sumter, ILorsley, Causey, Clark of Elbert, Cock, Dixon, Ector, Fain of Gordon, Fannin of Troup, McWhorter Harper of Sumter, Mulling, Hartridge, Norwood, Patton, Perry, Hutchins, Prescott, Key, Richards, Lewis of Hancock, Selman, Lumpkin, Lumsden, McCrairy, H olden, Parks, Settle, Taylor, Tiirner, Underwood, Vanover, Williams of Musco¬ gee, 490 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, So the Sctai-e was striken out Mr. Fannin of Morgan, proposed to strike ou,t thd 7th res0lution and insert the following which, prevailed, ts of the .In¬ ferior and Superior Courts of the counties of Hail, Dade and Whife. Alsq an act to amend an act entitled an act authorizing the arrest by the Marshal of the village of Sparta, without warrant, assented to 11th Dec. 1858, so far as saicl acts relates to the regulation of the liguot traffic, in the county of Hancock. Also an act to establish the coupty line between the counties -of Montgomery and Tattn&h also between Tattnal pndEmanueh Also an apt to pbange and fix the time of holding the Su¬ perior Courts of the county of Randolph. Rendef, Rozieri " Scott, Sims, Smith of Bryan, Smith of Coffee, West* Smith of Twiggs, Wicker, Sweat, WOriey, Tatum, YoUng, Vaughn, So tlie same was not agreed to. 492 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Also, an act to consolidate the offices of the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Schley and to reduce the bond of the Sheriff of said county. Also an act for the relief of Joseph Whit6 of the county of Jackson. Aljso am act for the relief of Andrew J. Lovelady of the county of Pickens, and for oth'er purposes. Also an act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Rabun cbunty to levy an extra tax, and for other purposes' Also an act to incorporate a Volunteer Corps of Infantry in the to\yn of Thomaston, Upson county, and to grant them certain privileges. Also an act to amend the charter of the McBean Com¬ pany, granted February the llth» 1850. Also,, an act to incorporate the (Georgia Baptist Bible and Colporteur Society. Also an act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Cobb county to levy1 an extra, tax for county pur¬ poses. Also an act to repeal the 7th and 9th sections of an act enfitled an net to incoiporate the village of Chickasaw-1- hatchee, in formerly Lee now Terr elf county v and, to" add an additional section to said hpt, and for other purposes. Also an act to change the lines between the counties of Irwin apd Berrien. Also an net to increase the duties of the Comptroller Gene¬ ral and, to provide compensation for the same. * Also* an act to amend an act to incorporate the Savan-i hah Vojunteoii Guards, of the city of Savannah, and Re¬ publican Blues of Savannah, approved Dec. 22d, 1851. Also an act to cdnfer certain powers upon the Judge of city cdurts of the city of Savannah, and to make valid the election of Solicitor General, for the Eastern Circuit of this State, to take place on the first Monday in January I860. Also an act to protect the holders Of hills of exchange or (hafts drawn and accepted pn accounts of shipments or transfers of cotton, aud to punish those who fraudently vio¬ late their contracts 6f acceptance, or misapply the cotton received by them, or its proceeds. Also an act to amend an act to protect Religious Socie¬ ties in the exercise of their religious duties, approved Dec. 13fh, 1792. f Also an apt for fhe relief of JabezM. White of the county of Hancock. Also an act to amenc} the act incorporating the Madison Presbyterian Church, so fat as relates to removing and fill¬ ing vacancies of trustees, assented to Dec. i 1th* 1841. Also an act t6 amend the second section of an act entitled FRIDAY, DECEMBER I6to, 1859. 493 to act to provide against th$ forfeiture of the several Bank charters of this St&te, on acconht of non-specie payments for a given time, aiid for, other purposes therein named, passed §2d December, 1857^ Also to aCt for the encouragement of 'fire 'companies in the city of Augusta, and to exempt certain members front jury duty, and other purpose's. 1 AlsO da act to alter and amend thefoad laws of this" State so -fat aS relates to the counties of Lumpkin and Schley. Also ah act to alter and amend the'Several acts in* relation to Bibb county Academy, and to change the name of the same. % Also an act to authorize the Ordinary of Hemycounty to pay to Wm. W. Campbell, tuition money for the poor chil¬ dren foi4 the year eighteen hundred and 'fifty-seVen. Mr. Key,from the Committee on .enrollment. Reported as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, and 'ready for the signature* of the .Speaker of the Hons© of Rep¬ resentatives < An act,to authorize the Ordinary of DeRalb Cpunty to pay G. W.Xiathram for teaching poor children in said coun¬ ty- * , ' Als0 to act to further amend- the act to incorporate the- Trustees of the Southern Botanic Medical College, and for other purposes. Also an act to prescribe the mode of laying ^cfut private ways, and for other purposes. Also an act to repeal an' act of 1853 & 4, So far as Deca¬ tur county is concerned. * Also an act to authorize the Governor of this State to cause to b© established at some acceSsable and "convenient place in this State, a State foundry, ^nd f°r other, purpo¬ ses, Also an act to compel all persons- non-residents of the counties of Wayne, Irwin and Wilcox, owning, penning and grazing stopk cattle in said counties, to return and pay tax on the same in said counties. Also an act to compensate the Tax Receiver of Marion county for services rendered. « Also an act to incorporate the- Ben Hill Academy, in Emanuel cQunty, and appoint Trustees for the same., Also'an act to repeal an act consolidating the offices of clerk of the Superior and Inferior courts of Haralson, and for other purposes. Also an act to authorize the inferior Court of Lumpkin to levy a tax for certain purposes. * Also to a°t to incorporate thte Atlanta' Mutual Insurance and Stock company. ' j Also an act to incorporate the Columbus and Whiteville Railroad company. 494 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. AJso an act to provide for the* payment of persons apj pointed by Judges of the Superior courts of the counties of Burke, Banks, Chathaip, Coinmbias, and Floyd, in the trial of criminal cases. The following message was received front His Excellen¬ cy the Governor, by Mr. Campbell, lli,s Secretary1, to wit: Mr. Speaker:—The Governor has signed , the following Acts to-wit: An act to alter and amend an act pointing out the mode of collecting a certain description of debts therein men¬ tioned, approved December 19th, 1818, and to extend the provisions of the saihe so ate to embrace corporations, ap¬ proved Dec, J 1th, 18-58. An act to authorize the Judges of the "Superior Courts of this State to allow special and Petit Jurors such refresh¬ ments as the presiding Judge may deem meet and juuper while said Jurors may be engaged in tbe investigation pf any cautee, and to authorize said Judge to draw his warrant on the County Treasurer of the county where such inves¬ tigation may be made for the payment of the same. An act to alter and amend the second section of an pet, approved, January 21st, 1S52, and for other purposes there¬ in mentioned. An act to amend the Road Laws off this State, approved 19th December, 1818, and to punish persons for violating the same. An act ■ to levy a tax on Ull goods peddled in this State, or sales by sample or otherwise, by itinerant drum¬ mers, «or other persons, and for other purposes. An act to repeal an act amendatory of the tenth section of the tenth division of the Penal Code of Georgia, and for other purposes. An act to require securities and endorsers, when they give "notice, to do so in writing. An act to abolish the public execution of criminals con¬ demned to death by tbe laws of Georgia, upon certain con¬ ditions, &c., and to provide for their execution in private. An act to appropriate money for the support of Govern¬ ment, for fhe political year 1860, and to make certain spe¬ cial appropriations, and for other purposes therein named. The following Message was received from the Senate by Mr. West, their Secretary : A/r. Speaker ; The Senate hag concurred in the oj'd, 4th and 6th amendments, but refuses to concur iu the 1st, 2d and 5th amendments qf the Mouse of Representatives tp A bill, to be entitled au act to change the line between the counties of Madison and Jackson, between Floyd and Polk, between Macon and Taylor, between Wilcox and Pu- FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 16th, 1859. 495 laski, between Sumter > and Macon, between Merriwether and Coweta, and to amend the caption of an act assented to Dec. 11th, 1859, entitled an act to change the line be¬ tween the counties of Ware hnd Pierce ; and also to change the line between other counties herein'mentioned. That the Senate refuses ta concur in amendment of the House of Representatives to a b^ll to be entitled an act, to alter and amend the first section of the third article of the Constitution, as to the place or places of the sitting of the Supreme Court of this State. Mr. Lumpkin from the committee on enrollment reports as duty enrolled, and ready for tlin signature of the Speaker of tire House of Representatives, An act to incorporate the Indian Creek Baptist Church, in the county of 'Franklin and to appoint Trustees for the same, Also, an act to authorize the Ordinary of Baldwin coun¬ ty, to pay over to S M Candler the sum of two hundred and three dollars and ninety cents, for teaching poor • children in said county, also to authorize him to pay to L. Catrington, thirty-one dollars and sixty-six cent balance due him foj teaching poor children in said county for the year 1858. Also, an act to erect the monument of Governor Jared B> win in the town pf Sandersville. Also, an act to amend the act of the llthDec., 185S, in relation to the returns of Lottery Managers, and Insurance Companies and Express Companies doing business in this State, and to postpone the operations 'of an act entitled an act to regulate the Agencies ofForeign Insurance Companies, and to provide for the appointment of an Insurance Commis¬ sioner, approved Dec. 14th, 1859. Also, an act for the relief of Mrs. Isabella Adams, of the county of Murray. Also, an act to alter and amend an act passed on the 22d day of December, 1857, entitled an act to encourage persons making a wdllto provide a permanent fund for'the Collegiate preparation, and education • of indigent boys and young men. Also, an act to allow persons to make a return, of their taxable property to the Clerk of the Superior Court, in cer¬ tain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Also, an act to iiicorporate Gordon Grove (No. 1,) number one " United Ancient Order of Druids" M. A. O. D. located and working in Savannah, the objects and principles of the order being the diffusion of social and intellectual inter¬ course amongst members, and the establishment of a system of philanthropy, and for other purposes. Also, an act to prevent the killing of Deer in the county of Scriven. 496 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Also, an act to constitute the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, to grant certain privileges by election and other means. Also, an act to incorporate a Volunteer Corps of Infantry in tlie'city of Greenborough, and also a Volunteer Corps in Covington, and in Monroe in the county of "Walton. Also, an act for the relief of Francis Daniel, Sheriff of the county of Dade, Also, an act to incorporate the Macon Guards, to author¬ ize the Governor to furnish them with arms and accoutre¬ ments aild to grant certain immunities and privileges to the same. Also, an act to exempt from taxation one acre of land in the county of Montgomery, appropriated as the burial place of George M. Troup, deceased, aud to constitute tliO Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, Trustees for the protec¬ tion thereof, Also, an act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Gilmer county, to levy and collect an extra tax for the purposes of paying the county debt. Also, an act to alter and amend the third section of the first article and the second section of the 2d article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, by striking out the word " Monday" when it appears in each of said sections and in¬ serting in lieu thereof the word "Wednesday" and insert¬ ing also in the said third section, the words " House of Rep¬ resentatives and members to Congress" after the word Senate." Also, an act to change the lines between the counties of Thomas and Mitchell, so as to include the residence of E. H. Taylor, of the county of Thomas within the county of Mitchell. Also, an act to change the county line between the coun¬ ties of Ware and Pierce. . Also, an act to incorporate the Quitman Guards and the Delhi Rangers, and to grant them certain powers and priv¬ ileges. Mr. Key from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Rep¬ resentatives : An act to compensate the Sheriffs of Jefferson county for service of subpoenas on Grand and Petit Jurors, and for other purposes. Also, an act to change the line between Baker and Early counties, and for other purposes; Also, an act to provide for the election of a county Treas¬ urer in certain counties of this State. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1859. 497 Also, an act to authorize the Ordinaries of Whitfield and t)ad6 Counties, to pay teachers of po6r children. 4 t Also, an act to consolidate land, amend the several acts in¬ corporating Cartetsville in C&ss county. Also qfi act to compel Justices of the Ifeace ifr the coun¬ ties of Rabun, Catoosa, Milton, Murray aqd Whitfield, to give Jxrnd and security, and for other purposes, Als6, an act to aniend and interpret an act for the relief of certain teachers of poor cfiilclren in Decatur county/and for other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the Georgia Internal Improve¬ ment Association. ' AlSo, ah act to explain the 10th section of the loth division of the Penal Code of this State. , Also., an act to make valid certain sales ot real estate here¬ tofore made by' ExecutCrs, Administrators and Guardi'ans of this State. Also, an act to submit .the questioh of the removal of the pounty site of the county of Montgomery to the voter^, and for other purposes. Also, an act tQ amend and limit the time in which suits-in the Coxirts of Law in tfiis State must bp broitght, and for other purposes. Also, ^an act to incorporate a Corps of Infantry in the towri of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton, to be known as the Clayton Volunteers, and for pther purposes., * Also, an act to incorporate the town of Bainbridge, and for other purposes. Also, an act to amend the chartpr ofi the Elijay Rqilroad Company, and for other purposes. Also, an act to authorize the Ordinaries of DeKalb and Gwinnett counties 16 pay teachers of poor children for the years 18-57 and 1858. Also, an act to incorporate the town of Homer in Banks county, and for other purposes. Also, an act to repeal so much of an "act to appoint* county Treasurers and define their duties in the counties of Forsyth, Newton, Hall and Baker, and for Other purposes. Also, an act to incorporate the town of Summdrville in Emanuel county, and for other purposes. Also, an act to allow the Ordinaries of Talbot, Newton, Cobb, Columbia and Hart, to pay teachers of poor children ih said counties, aild for other purposes. Also, an act to hlter, ameiui and define an act to provide for the Education of the children of this State be¬ tween cerfioij ages, so far as the same relates to Dade county, and for other purposes. Also, an act to repeal a part of the first, section 6f the 3d article of the Constitution of' this State, and fot other pur- posfes. 32 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Also, an act amendatory of an act of 1857 to provide against the forfeiture of the several^ Bank charters m this State for non-specie payment for a givdn time, and for other purposes. Also, an act to authorize the Thomaston and Barnesville Railroad Company to construct and extend their Railroad to some point on the Muscogee Railroad* and for other pur¬ poses. Also, an act to require the several Treasurers of the sev¬ eral school districts of Lumpkin and Screven to return their unexpended balances of school funds in their hands to the Or¬ dinaries of said counties. ' Also, an act to define and punish vagrancy in free persons of color in this State, and for other purposes. ' Also, an act to recognize under certain circumstances the bdundary Tine between the States of G-eorgia and Florida, and for other purposes. Also, an act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton, and for other purppseS. Also, an act to prevent free persons of cdlor, commonly known as free negroes from being brought on coming into the State of Georgia. The following Message was received from the Senate by Mr. West, their Secretary : The Senate have passed the following hills ,of the House of Representatives, fo-wit: A bill to be entitled an act to reduce the work 011 roads in the county of Johnson. Also, a bill to be entitled an act tp allow and authorize, the Justices of the Peace in the city of Augusta, to hold their Courts, at any place they may designate in said city, and to increase their jurisdiction, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be .entitled an act to reduce the Sheriffs bond in the county of Johnson. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to exempt negroes em¬ ployed by constractorsin the construction of Railroads from liability to work on Roads, on certain conditions. Also, a bill to be entitled an incorporate the Cher¬ okee Manufacturing Company, located in Cherokee county, Georgia, and to define the, rights, privileges, and liabilities of the same. Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Johson P. Wellborn of the county of Union. Also, a bill to he entitled an act to relieve James R. Wal¬ ker, of the county of Upson, from the disabilities of minori¬ ty, andfot other purposes therein mentioned. Alsd, a bill to be entitled an act to "jompensate managers of elections in Warren, Chattooga and Greene counties, and for other purposes. FRlDAt* DECEMBER 16t;H, 1859. 499 Also, a Dill to be entitled an act to incorporate a bridge across Flitit River, ifi the first district of Rjke county. Also, a bill toj be entitled an act to incorporate the Mari¬ etta Paper Mill Company, and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled ah act to ipcorponate the Cal¬ houn apd Ellijay Turnpike Company, and to confer certain powers and privileges upon the same. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to allow tfi$ Justices of fchd Inferior Court of Dawson county, to levy %anel co'lect a poor tax for said county not to exceed twenty-five per cent on the General Tax. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to ptovide for the* pay¬ ment of Officers presiding at the polls, on elections hereafter to bd held In Taliaferro county, and for other purposes there¬ in mentioned. Also, a bill to be entitled an to amend an act to provide fo? the registry of voters, m the city of Augusta,-approved Feb. 15th, 1856, and to extend the powers of the Repordei,of said city in relation to free negroes, and for o'ther purposes, The Senate have also concurred in a resolution auhliofiz-% ing the Governor, to have all the useless articles in the Ar¬ senal at Milledgeville Sold. The Senate has also passed a bill of the House of Repre¬ sentatives with an amendment, in which they ask the con¬ currence of the House to-vHt: A bill to compensate James Hamilton for services rendered this State as Commissioner and Surveyor in 1856. The following message*was received from the Senate, by MA West, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker t The Senate havd parsed the following tbills, of the House* of Representatives* A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act, approved the £0th of March, 1854, in relation to patrols, and fpr other purposes, so far as the same relates to the county of Rich¬ mond. « Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to incorporate a Volun¬ teer corps of Artillery in the town .of Athene and to grant unto it certaip privileges. Also, a bill to be entitled" an act to alter and change the name and style of the " Mechanics Savmgs.Bank" to the corporate name and style of the " Farmers and. Mechanic? Bank" and for other purposes connected with said change of name and style. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to prevent free negroes and slaves from keeping eating houses and from living sep¬ arate and apaj-t frpm their owners, hirers or Guardians, and 500 JOURNAL QF THE HOUSE, to prevent their trafficking and trading in the town of Craw- lb rdville, and the town of Warrenton in this State, and to prescribe punishment for the same^ and for other purposes. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to endow Florence E. Winn, a minor of Liberty county, Georgia with all the rights and privileges of majority. # A1 so, a bijl to be entitled an act, to change the county lines between the counties of Milton and. DeKalb, and Mil¬ ton and Gwinnett, and define the line between the cpunfies 6f Early and Miller. Also, a bill to be entitled an act, to repeal the first, Sec¬ ond and third sections of an act to prescribe certain r&les and regulations to f)e observed by the several Railroad Com¬ panies in running engines upon their respective tracks and annex a penally for the violation of the same, approved January' 22d, 1852, and to substitute two sections in lieitof of said second and £hird sections. A»!s6, a,bill to be entitled an act for the relief of John T. Martin of the cotinty of Hancock. Al so, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate a medical Oblh ge m - the ejty of Griffin to be called' the Middle Geor¬ gia M ediqaf College. Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the chair¬ man and commissioners 6f the town of Louisville, to tax free person of color, retailers of spirituos liquors, billiard ta¬ bles, teil pin alleys, show men, itinerant traders, Hawkers, Peddhirs, &c., to impose a tgx upon, citizens of the town to sell wnole, pr parts uf streets, to prescribe the tinle of hold¬ ing elections for chairman and commissioners of the town and in the event of their being no election, to authorize the old board to continue in office and tQ give them municipal authority over the Academy pudding in said town, and to incorporate Waresboro* Also a bill to be entitled -an act to fix the pay of the Guards ,of the State Penitentiary for the future. Also, a bill to he entitled an act to incorporate the South Western* Magnetic Telegraph company and for other pur¬ poses. Alsp, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize Whitmill Home of tbe county of Bibb to practice Medicine and to charge and collect compensation for the same. Also a bfll to he entitled an act, to add land lot, number 'three hundred! and forty five in the thirteenth district of Thoiwas coknty to the county of Colquitt, and to change so far the oounty lines.. Also, a bill to be entitled an act,,to amend the fifth sec¬ tion of an act, parsed on the 27th of January. 1S52, entitled ap act'mpre .effectually to prevent fraud in elections in thif Statfj, and to detect and punish the samp. ! Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate a Volun FRIDAl, DECEMBER 10th, 1859. 501 teer Military company' in the toWn 'of Fort Gaines, and al¬ so, the l(inooln Yolunteerfc, and confer upon them certain privileges herein named. , Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Ordina¬ ry of Marion county to pay over to E. H. Winn his poor school account for the yeaf 1853$ also, the. Ordinaries o'f Talbot, TWrell and Clinch Counties, to pay acpoU'nts there¬ in specified. t Also, a bill to be' entitled an act, to alter and amend the road layvs of'this State, so far as relates to' the counties of Quttman. Sumter, > Stewart, Chattahoochee, Talbot Gifiner, Miller, Milton, Webster4, Bibb, Terrell, Baldwin', Jackson, Floyd,.Greene, Troup,'Clarke^ "Fulton, Dawson, Burke, Murray, DeKalb and Haralson. • ' Also, a bill to be 'entitled an act for the relief -of Chafles S. t)liyer and Charles J. Oliver of Clarke courity. Also, a bpl to be entitled an act t'o alter and amend pn act to define and establish the >fe,es of Ordinaries, Clerks of the .Superior and Inferior Courts', Sheriffs., Jailors,1 Justices4 of the Peaee, and Co'nstables .of this State,, and ftm qther purposes, so far as relatek to the fees.of Sheriffs in the coun¬ ties of Cass, Bade and, Chattooga.' • Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of the heirs of Everett Wells, deceased. Also, a bill to be entitled an act,,to incorporate the city Gas Light company in' the" city .of Augusta. '• The Senate have also passep.the following bills of the House of Representatives, with amendments, in which ask the'concurrence of the House. A bill to be entitled an act to declare the law in regard to deeds to land made during adverse.possesion. Also, a bill to be entitled an aht to' incorporate the town of Fort Gaines, in-the coUnty of Clay, to define'its jurisdic¬ tional limits,. and for other purposes .therein mentioned.' Also, a bill to be entitled an.act to amend the Judiciary act of Georgia, So far as relates to the county of Mcintosh, and to require Magistrates in this State to consolidate suits brought at the same term between the same parties if the .aggregate do noi exceed fifty dollars. 1 The SenatC have refused to concur in the amendment of the House to. a .bill of the Senate entitled A bill to be entitled an act, to repeal the 5th section ofian act to chatige and fix; the time of holding the Superior courts of the county of Lumpkin, and to authorize the drawing and summoning of Grand and Betit Jurors foi; said Couits, approved 11th December, 1858, arid to 'add the county of Lumpkin, to the Western Circuit, and to authorize the hold¬ ing of said courts on the fourth Monday in March and September, m Journal of the house. They have also concurred in a resolution of the House oij Representatives in relation to the pardon of Thomas G. Whitworth, with an amendment, m which, they ask the concurrence of the House* > 'The House took up and, cqnpurrecf in the Senate amend¬ ments to the following bfllsof the House# fo wit:^ A bill to compensate James Hamilton for services ren¬ dered the State ms commissioner and Surveyor, in lS-56? A hill to declare the law in, regard to* deeds to land made during adverse possession,. The House concurred in the amendment of the jSenate^ relative to the Turppikenpmpany in the bill to incorporate- the town of Ft. Gaines, and for other pin-poses, jand insists on the remaining amendment; #nd the Senate amendments to the bill of the House to amend the-Tudiciary pot df Geor¬ gia,,so fa£ as relates to ihe county of Mcintosh, and adhered to the amendment of the bill to repeal, the fifth section of hn act changing the time pf holding the 'Superior ppurfs of Lumpkin ©ounty &c» The Senate resolution relative tp jbhe sale pf the useless arms in the Arsenal of this State and fhe purchase of new and improved arms in their steady was taken up, pnd con¬ curred in. The Senate amendment of the House resolution relative to the pardon of Thomas C. Whit worth was. concurred in. ♦The House receded #fr»mi their amendment tp the,hill of the Senate to alter and amend jfche 1st section of the 3rd Ar¬ ticle of the Constitution as the plact or plaeeg pf the siffi,n« of the Gup rem e court of fliis State. The House receded from their 1st, 2nd, and 5th amend¬ ments of the Senate bill changing thelites between fhe ctun- tied ©f Madison knd Jackson, and between otkef counting therein mentioned. The following communication was received froimJai^s J. Diamond, Clerk, of House of Representatives* to wit: hou&E of REPRESENTATIVES, MilLedgeville, Ga., Dec. 16th, 1S59.- Hon. Speaker, apd members of the House of ■ Representa¬ tives ; ' ' ,Cmcmnstances of n priVate nature render it necessary thtf the comiection which I have held with you in the capacity of Clef]* of ypur'honorable body dufing the present session of the General Assembly must* now tfe dissolved. 'In tendering, nay ^ resignation, permit my to assure you, that I remember with pride, tye flattering "unanimity with which I was chosen at the beginning of youy deliberation^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1859. 503 "Whilst I have endeavored to discharge the duties which haVe devolved upon me with a fidelity duett) the responsi¬ ble position, I ask that my short comings may he regarded with that indtilgence due to inexperience and the frailties of ' our common nature. AW tli many thanks, gentleman, for the courtesies you have ever seemed ready to .offer me, and with the heartfelt wish that harmony may continue in your deliberations, and that prosperity and happiness may attend you individually, I subscribe myself, Your humble servant, JAS. J. DIAMOND. Mr. McWhorter of Greene'offered the following resolu-" tions, which wetetakfen up,- and unanimously agreed to,- to Avit : Resolved, That the House having accepted the resigna¬ tion of James J. Diamond, Esq.J their late Clerk, it takes this occasion to manifest regret in parting with such an agreeable, faithful and efficient officer. A gentleman wh'o has discharged the dutiespf his office with honor to himself, and to the entire satisfaction of each and every member of this House. As a business man, he is prompt and energet¬ ic, and as a gentleman, polite and courteous. We dissolve this connection with reluctance, and hereby tender to him pur undivided wishes for his future success and happiness," wherever, under the dispensation of Divine Providence Iris his lot may be cast Resolved, That a certfied copy of these fur¬ nished to J. J. Diamond, Esq. * On motion of Mr. McWhorter of Greene, George Hillyer pf the county of AValton was unanimously chosen Clerk of the House of Representatives to fill the unexpired term of Jas. J. Diamond, Esq. ( . The Clerk elect took the oath of office and entered upon the ^discharge of, the duties of his position. The House tlien adjourned until 3£ o'clock, P. M. 3£ O'CLOCK, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. AVest, their Secretary. Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed, JOURNAL 6F THE HOUSE. A bifk to he entitled an act, to authorize the Jnstmeg of the, Inferipr Court vof Muscogee county, or a majority of them, tp levy an extra tax, for a certain purpose .herein men¬ tioned. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to incorporate the Mid¬ dle Georgia Telegraph, (pompany. Also a bill, to change the name of the Dalton and Gadsen Railroad Company to that of the Dalton and JacksonyilJe Railroad Company and for other purposes. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to prevent the shooting, netting and hunting of partridges, doves, snipes, _ turkeys, ducks, or* other pine birds, "in Richmond county, within cer¬ tain times and tor other purposes. Alsp'ar.bilJ, to be pntitled an apt, tp extend the time for the Chefokee Volunteers to present thetfr claims, under the provisions of an act, approved March dd, 1856, and to au¬ thorise the payment of claims fox rations andforagd furnish¬ ed to Captain Witcher's Compahy, in 1S38. Also a bill, to he entitled an act for the relief of John A. Bartlette and Lucincla Ellis, pf the cohnt^ hfBihb, and to legalize their marriage. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to authorize the cfrdina-, ry of DeKalb county, to pay oveVto William A. Stansel, the sum of three hundred and forty-eight dollars and ninety cents for teaching poor children, in tepid cotmty,for the years 1855 and 1856. Atso a bill, to be entitled an act, to authorize the Ordina¬ ry of Habersham and White counties, to pay off all accounts for teaching the poor children, previous to the year 1859. Also^a bill, to be entitled an act, to alter and; amend* the law of defecents, in cases of persons yviio are illegitimate, or born out of lawful wedlock, dying intestate. 'Also a bilk to be entitled an act, to make the Ordinary1 of Jasper county, cx-officio School Commissioner, to require bond of Lim as such, to prescribe his duties, to authorize the Grand Jury of said county to levy an extra tax for school purposes,, to select those children entitled to the same, and to| prescribe for the location and government pf schools in said county. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to appropriate one hun¬ dred and fifty dollars to the county of Dawson, to supply the deficit in the school fund, for the year 1S58, and to eoip- pel the School Commissioners, of Franklin and Habersham counties to pay arrearages due poor children, for 1858, out of the school fund for 1§59, before paying teachers for 1{359. Alsb a bill, to be entitled an act, tp kuthoxize the Mayor and "Council of the city of Lagrang^, levy an extra tax*, «nd for other purpose^. Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to endow Florence E. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1859. 505 Winn, $ minor, of" Liberty country, Georgia, with all tfie, rights and privileges t>f majority. ■ *' • ' Also a bill, to be entitled an, act, to exempt froip taxation cettain persons, apd for other purposes. The Senate have also passed tfie following bills of the House of Representatives, with amendments, in which they ash the .concurrence of the House, to, wit; A bill, to be entitled an apt, to incorporate tfie 'town of Powder Springs, and the Powder Springs High School, in the county of Cobb*, the Trenton Cumberland, Presbyteri¬ an Church, in the county of Dade, and to incorporate the village of Botsford, in the county 'of Sumter, an'd for other purposes. t ' Also a bill, to be entitled an act, to incorporate the £ul- verton Academy, in Hancock county. Also a bill, to incorporate the Union Male and Eemale Academy, in the chuuty of Greene, and to appoint Trustees for the same, and for other purposes. Also a bill, to be entitled an a6t to amend an acj:, ap¬ proved on the 4th March, '1856, incorporating the Bank of Sparta, to confer certain privileges on the, Corporators therein named, and to provide for the construction of a Rail Road .from Sparta, Tennille, or '.any other point on the Central Rail Road. ' ' The Senate has agreed to. a*resolution, that the bill for the pardon of John Fundy, the veto message of the Gpver- nor, in reference to said "bill, and all other papers for a full, and fair hearing in the Supreme Court, be placed on die, in the office of Secretary of State, and that the Secretary pf' State do, on application of any person, prepare a copy of siid bill, and other papers aforesaid mentioned, duly .certi¬ fied under his seal of office, and do deliver such copy or copies, &c., to any person applying for the same,' for the. purpose 'of using such copy or copies in said Court, and in which they ask the concurrence of the House. The Senate has concurred in the 1st amendment, but refu¬ sed to concur in the 2nd amendment of the House ox Repre¬ sentatives, to a resolution authorizing. tlie Governor to ap¬ point Cbpimissioners to Europe, to establish direct commer¬ cial intercourse with the Cotton Planting States., The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. West, their Secretary: ' Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the following reso¬ lutions of the House of Representatives, to wit; A resolution, authorizing Dr. John W. Lewis, Superin- 506 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. tendent of ;the Western and Atlantic Railroad to retain in his hands a sum *of money, and to allow him to occupy ^ dwelling adjacent to the depot, free of rent charge. Also a resolution, allowing' th,e Secretary of the Senate^ and Clerk of the House of Representatives time to make out a transcript , an act to- alter and amend the Road Laws of this State, So far as relates to the coftnties of Quitman, an<^ others, therein mentioned. Also, an act to incorporate the Mutual Building and Lban Association of Columbus, aud the Phoenix Loan and • Btiildiug Association in the city of Atlanta. Also, an act to authorize the Ordinary of Marion county, to pay E. H. Winn his-'poor school account for the, year 1853. ^ Also, the Ordinaries of Talbot, Terrell and Clinch coun¬ ties to pay certain accounts therein specified. Also, an act to authorize Whitiftill Home, of the coun¬ ty of Bibb, to practice Medicine, &nd to charge and collect compensation for the same. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16T&, 18(59. §07 Also, ^ act to prevent fee negroes apd,slaves from peep¬ ing eating tables, and from living separate and apart from then iowners, hirers or Guardians, and4 to prevent their traf¬ ficking and trading "vyis, hf Green, offered the following resolution, which was taken up, read-and unanimously agreed to, to wit: Resolved, That the intelligence of the'resignation of the Hon,. W. 0. Cook, Representative, from the county of Ear¬ ly, jast received, is as unwelcome as it is unexpected; that, th^ remaining members will cherish the memory of his faith¬ ful services, and the pleasure of Ms company, as one of the 'fondest reminiscences connected with their Legislative * ca¬ reer, and that to the quality of ability, they add their unani- ' mous testimony to Ms unbending integrity. Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on Enrollment, re¬ ported as duly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, An act, to incorporate Culverton Academy, in Hancock doiinty, and to appoint Trustees for the same, and for other purposes. . • Also, an act to extend the time for the Cherokee Voltra- unteers to present their claims, under the provisions of an act, approved March 3rd, 1S56, and to authorize the pay¬ ment of claims for rations and forage, furnished to Captain Wilcher's Company, in 1S36. . Also, a resolution in relation to the pardon of John Fun- dy, now under sentence of death in Gwinnett county. ^ Also, an act to make the Ordinary of Jasper county., ex- officio a School Commissioner, to require bond of him as such, to prescribe his duties, to authorize the Grand Jury of Said bounty to levy an extra tax, for school purposes, and for other purposes. Also, hn act to declare the law in regard to deeds to land, made during adverse possession. Also, an act to incorporate the Marietta Paper Mill Com¬ pany, and for other purposes. Also;' a resolution in relation to the pardon of Thomas C. Whitwol'th, now under sentence of death, in the county of Chattooga. ( ' 1 , Also, an act to authorize Thomas W. Fleming, Guardian of Florence p. Winn,'.a certain sum-therein namej. . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1859. S15 The following message'was received ff;om theJSenate, by M^J \V«jst, their Secretary,. Mr. Speaker: TJbe Senate- have concurred in^ resolhtkm of the House of Representatives, calling upon our Sena,toss and Representatives' in Edngrefes, to use their-efforts fotthe establishment of a, triwveekly Mail'Line, fromDahl onega, by the way of Cleveland, to Clarksville*. '1 Also, ■ a semi-weekly • Mail Line, from (Warrenton to Fenn's Bridge, via Gibson, in this S^ate. ' • Tho'S-inate has also concurred ill a fesulution of th'e ifouse of Representatives, requesting ouj: Senators and Represen¬ tatives in Congress, to use their influence In the' passage of an act, tq raise the salary of the Hon. John C, HicOll, to an 'amount at least eqUal to that of thp Supreme Court fudges' of tips State. i '• Mr. Lumpkin, from the committee on Enrollment, re¬ ports as duly1 enrolled., and ready for fhe signature pf the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate* An aeti, tp amend the Judiciary act of p-eorgi,a, jso far as relates to Mcintosh county. * * » \ " * Mr. Key from the committee on enrollment reported as duly enrolled, and ready for the Signature of the President, the following acts and resolutions, of the Senate. T , ' An act to repeal the 5th section of an act to change and fix the time of holding the Superior courts of the county of Lumpkin, and for other purposes. Also an act to change the line between the' counties of Madison and Jackson and other Counties. « Also an act to alter and aniehd the 1st section of'the 3rd Article of the Constitution. Also, a resolution 'in relation to the pardon of William, A.' Choice. " Also, a Resolution to inform the Governor, that the Legis¬ lature is ready to adjourn. Also, a Resolution to authorize the governor to sell use¬ less arms, &C. The- following message was received from the Senate, by ML We 4, their Secretary. Mr,. Speaker—The Senate have concurred in the following jresolutmns of the House-of Representatives. . That the cpndition of the political Jaflair$ of the couutr^ demands the consideration of the people of Georgia, that we shall declare to the States of this Confederacy the views the pt < pic of Georgia entertain iU relation t9 the political condition of the country, &c;, &Cr m JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Mr* Uumplin from the committee orf enrollment reports as duly enrolled, and ready for* {he sighatur© of the Presi- 4ent of the Senate, An ant to alter and amend the law of descendants ih cases of persons who are illegitimate or* born out of lawful wed* lock dying intestates* An act to amend an act approved on the 4th March, 1356, incorporating the Bank of Sparta, to confer certain privil¬ eges upon the corporators therein najned, and to provide for the construction of a Railroad from Sparta to Tennille, or any" other point on the jCentral Railroad. Also, an act to incorporate the towti of Powder Spring, the Boeder Spring High School in the county of Cobb, the Trenton Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in the county of Dade, and to incorporate the village of Bottsford in the conlxty of Sumter, and for other purposes. Mr. Uester of Cobb, offered the following Resolution, .which which adopted,to wit: Resolded„ That the Clerks inform the Senate that this Branch of the General Assembly have completed the business of the present session, and is now ready to adjodra smh die. The following Message was received from the Senate, by1 Mr. "West their Secretary, Mr. Speaker;—I am directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives, .that they are now ready to ad journ sine die. The House adjourned sine die. INDEX. allan, hon. robert of Banks county, 4 48 f 30 ANDERSON, HON.. CLIFFORD Of Bibb county, 4 '41 63 §6 180 130 13$ 141 144156 175 195 197 i 20^ 212 296 ALEXANDER, HON, T. W. Of Floyd county, 5 72 7$ 106 ^97 £97 407 Academies, schools and colleges Academy for Blind, 41 46 53176' Lucy Cobb Institute, 41 46 53 222 240 Oglethorpe Medical, 49 59 TO 72 Jack-son County,, 67 -93 101 Cherokee Baptist, 95 154 228 262 Trenton Academy, "95 154 T$8 Spring Vale, 114 169 202 Clayton High School, 182 170 ^11 Bibb county, 157 224 241 Reform Medical, 172 Powder Spring High School, 196,257 356 Culverton Academy, 197 257 354 Union Male and Female, 198 230 Furlow Female College, 321 418 Ben Hill Academy, 2$7 461 AUDITING COMMITTER Appointment o£ <^0 ^BCENCJE, LEAVE GRANTED, Mr. Gibson, 1J Screven, 41 ^Horsley, 46 ft' Irwjn, Bapks* ^ INDEX. ABSENCE-v*-Leave granted Mr. McGrar, 73 " Green, 73 '* Hicks, * 73 li Scott, 77 " Lewis of Hancock, 77 " Clark, 77 " Brown of -Sumter, 77 " McLendon, 77 " Sprayberry, 86- " Brantley^ 86 " Williams, 86 " Cook, 86 " Rende^, 86 " Anderson, 86 " Price, $6 n Rhodes, 86 " Brown of Hohston, 86 ^ Cock, §6 il Lpmsden, 94 " Kennon, IOjS- w Heat^i, lir " Selman, 11,1 " Smith of Hall, Lli *e Hurst, 111 " Joyner, U4, Famell, 120 *' Causey, 120 " Solomohs, 121 " Harpe^ 12l " Pitts, 121 Irwin, 121 tl- Mintz, 121 '* Holioman, 121 " Pattick, 121 " Howell, 121 " Henderson, 121 " Pitcher, 1&1 " Wofford, 121 ** Knd\yles» 127 a Lester, 127 " Joyner, 12^ " Delony, 130 " Steven,, 1SQ 't Dixon, 130 " BrinsQn, 130 " Tapley, 130 ^ Norwood ISO " Stewart, 130 41 McWliotter, 130 Brown, fearle. INDEX. fit* ABSENCE—Leave granted ( T^r* Morfis, 134 .Herringtou, 13V ?rescott, 137 larkness, 137 Schols, 137 Eozter, 137 Cason, * 137 B,arris, 187 Vaughii, \ 144 "Williams of Muscogee, 144 Eannin, 144 Turner* 1*51 Hartridge, 151 Scott, 15§ Vanover, 1-5® Harper of Sumter, 15# Settle, 15* Walton,. Henderson 1*® Hplmes, 156 Taylor, Lewis of Green,, 168 Key. 168 Sims, 1^® McCapts, 170 Williams of Clinch, 179 Mullins, 111 McWhorter, 171 Heath, "1 Bivms, ijl Brantley, Brow"\ ist Lumpkin, J Gteen, 1®® ^Tver' 19S Kelly, ^ Barksdale, ^. 1*94 194 194* Delony, 2m Hicks, '^2§ Lockett, Clark, Cullens, Irwin, Baugh, <2^ Gibson of Warreh, jS4* 24S Knowles, ^.g ^Brantley,. §2t> index ABSENCE—Leav© granted Mr. McGar, >248 44 Cock, 2-H McCrarry, 257 44 Dixon, 257 " Smith of Twiggs, 262 " Rhodes, 280 " Joyner, 280 " Ebehart, 290 " Howell of Lowndes,, 301 4,4 Smithy 325- " Knox, 330 " McRae, 330 M Screven, 330 " Pileher, 330 " Register,, 337 " Stewart, 337 Taylor,, 337 u ConTey, 337 44 Patrick,, 357 M Glass,, 357 w Hntchms, 357 44 smith of Hal?,; 357 " David, 35S u Gr©vensteine„ 358 4,4 Sharpe, 358 ^ Holmes,,. ' 35S 44 Scott, 358 " Toggle,, 358 w Mintz, 360 w Williams of Cljn&h* 369 s" Terrell,. 369 44 Reeder, 369 M Alexander,, 369 44 Hartridge,, 380 «■ Clark,, 3S0 4< Whaley,, 380 « Wofiord* 3S6 *4 McGar, 413 " Finney,, 413 " Eafia, 413 M Harper; 413 u Martin,. 413 * Henderson of Jtehry, 426 44 Daniel, 426 w Eberhart, 426 4< Howell of Milton* 426 u Coleman, 455 ** Wilson, 455 14 Anderson,, 455 INDEX. 521 ABSENCE—Leave granted—Continued. Mr. Brewton, 453 Henderson of Newton, 468 Mitchell, .468 * Colvard, 468 " Walton, 473 " Blakey, 487 ADJOURNMENT 8 41 42 46 47 56 68 66 72 76 85 94102105 111 120 127 135 137 144 146151 156 168 171 180 183 193* 203 209 214 218224229 230 240 248 254 258 280 284 289 295 306 330 340 '369 382 386 420 503 On Final- 115 '198 507 516' attorney general and solicitors general To change fees of, 48 61 &8 To provide payment for, 51 61 State's Attorney, . 65 91 108 Fees in Peace Warrants, » 297 330 389 ASSOCIATIONS AND COMPANIES, • Columbus Savings &C., 51 60 75 222 239 Mutual Building and Loan,. 133 207 215 Amend charter McBean Co., 135. 208 214 Georgia Baptist Bible Society, 156 224 241 Protect Religious Societies, 157 243 Union Society, 171 232 .Chahge name Southern Central, 173 Sav. Mutual Loan, 335 419 Jenner Medical Society, 400 462 ATLANTA Mayor to enclose public ground, 87 94186 138 164 APPROPRIATIONS, Allapaha River, obstructions, 51 60 76 125 176 Spring Creek, 67 93 109 239 Oconee and Ocmulgee, 134 207* 254 To Volunteer Companies, 134 21)8 .To Medical Colleges of Georgia, 135 202 229 To Dawson County, 158 225 370 Appropriation Bill, 168 218 304 327 330 Oostanaula River, 197 345 858 Penitentiary, 197 257 356 ACTS, To amend, , Amend 6th Art. IstSeC. of, 97 155 188 « 2d.See, passed Jan. 21st, 1852, 112 152 189 Repeals See's of Act, organizing a • ^ neW county from Thomas and Lowndes, 16L Bepoal Apt 25th, Deo., 1837, 172 231 251 5&3 INDEX. AGTS^To amende Continued. Repeal act of154, relative to Decatur, 387 Amend act of 1850, in respect tokhitg *398 462 AMERICUS, Ghange corporate limits 160224 242 AUGUSTA, In relation to Justices Courts, IDS -345 36Q Amend act as- to registry of notes, IDS"845 36(jy* Gag Company in, 190 340860 ACADEMICUS SENATES, * TV) abolish., 298 410 ARMORY, , To establish ait 51 62 138 179 240 207 461 ARBITRATION, Amend act of 1856, 163 205 217 340 AGRICULTURE AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, Standing com", on, Bills referred to, Change name of S. 0. A, S. Planters Club of Hancock, Resolution on, Clarke county1 Society, ADMINISTRATORS, Granting privileges. Of W, Q. AadersjCm and Uavor, Of Jas. Young, Sr., to sell, To buy property, Of A- M. Hamilton, Estate of Toliver Jpnes, ATTACHMENTS, Amend act, B- BRECON, HON. A. of Forsyth county, BLAREY, HON, B. H. i of Gwinnett county, BAUGH, HON. JOHN of Gordon county, BRANTLEY, HON. W. H., of Haudock county, BROWN, HON. W. R. of Houston county, BfilNSbir, HOS.J.W. of Jefferson County, bAbksdale, pop. J» w, of Lincoln county. BIVINS, HQN. M. B. of Marion county, 52 85 105 61 93 96 78 210-2^0 410 7S210 96 98 205 21t> 244 65 91108 66 91116 180190 109 16S 195 217 133 208 252 163 205 216 234 244 253 328 38f> 66 91140 5' 49 5 5 97 5 78 197 5 6 79 174 $ 161 6- 78 130 139 193 INDE3L BROWN, HON, A. R. of Sumter county, G 80 1*60*193 BREWTON, HON, S* of Tattnall county, 7 BO broyles, hon, g. e. of Whitfield county, 7 52 54 63 96 160 103 lil 199 236 486 BANES & BANKING!, Publish list of depositors, 41 47 22§ Standing Committee on, 5$ 85 Repeal act, 64 85 Regulate paper currency* 111 166 228 Amend act of 1857, 113 156 246 Change name Mechanics Saving, 171 230 J2&6 Extend Charter of-Planters' Bank.'179 204 217 233 24^ Charter Bank of Rome^ 1,96 205 216 341 Amend act incorporating Bank of Sparta, 197 257 356 505 Cotton Planters Bank, l9o 345 361 Change name Planters & Mechanics^ 27S '329 383 Bank of Fulton, 362 397 432 Amend act of 1857, 377 397 452 BROWN,, HON. JOS. E. Declared elected, 42 Waited on, 45 Bridges, perries, turnpikes, AUapaha, 50 62 125 176 Spring creek, 67 93 109 239 Amend Act of- 1^08 135 268 307 Calhoun and Ellljay* 173 229 m Across • Flint River* 199 346 360 Across Flint in Decatui, 351 438 461 BILLS, Engrossed, 6^ BILLS- OF EXCHANGE, To protect holders, . 130 170 249 BARCLAY, MARY MARSHALL, Declare her adopted daughter" of Mary M- Marshall, 196 204 216 234 ^45 BOUNDARY LINE, . Georgia and Florida, 265 416 462 &LlNI>, ASYLUM FOR, Standing Committee on, • BIPLINGSLEA, MRS. C. E, Aftnr'x, Le^gaRsfc purchase of land, C. CtTLLENS, HON, Ft T— ' , Of Clay county 4 64 6® 6$ 77 113158 1,78 INDEX. CQLVARD,HON. A— Of Columbia comity T 18 409 COOK, HON. W, Cl— Of Early county 4 77 91174 193 $21278 486 514 CLARK, HON- U L^ Of Elbert county 5 65 COCK, HON. I. p— Of Lee county 5 CLARKE, HON. W. M.— Oi" Monroe county 6 coleman, hon. thcs— ^ Qf Randolph county 6 51 70 1^1109 *0ASON„ H0N. J. B— Of Ware eouiify 752 96 conley,hon: t. r— Of 'Wilkinson county 7 CAUSEY, HON* l. B— Of Webster county 7 105 115 199 CLERK— Vote for 7 Clerk pro tan 191 Vole of thanks 508 Committee^ Special, 54 54 62 64 69 70 8-5 94 101 111 114154156 202 216 225 245 2S2T COMMITTEES— To wait on Governor 9 42 On Inauguration 4-3 Joint Committees 131179.ISO ±97 209 21$ .Oh reduction bi^ls " 159 COUNTY LINES—to change, Hall and Banks 48 59 69 145151165 Irwih and Qoifee k 48 59 69 154 165 Brooks and Colquitt 65 85 86 Heard and Coweta 66 93 IS'l •Montgomery and Laurens 66 90 125 Thomas and Mitchell 67 93 181 Madison and Franklin 67 93 228 Clinch hnd Coffee 77 102 106 Brlasscock and Wafren 78 105 181 Appliug and Coffee 7S 10$ f!7 Amend Act £6 ish 153 228 241 Ware, Pierce, and Coffee 96 15& 189 Wavrpn and jGrlasacack 96 81 Eaily and Calhoun 109 203 216 373 Elbert and Hart, ^ 109 204 215 373 Dawson and Lumpkin ll2 156 191 Habe^hafi aq Of Clarke Ootinty 4 41 43 £8 112 123 149tyl173 185 307 33 478 4$6 489 DAVID, HON. S, P— Of Eprsyth cpulrty -5 54 73 84117 133 137 141 144151 153 164 164 ISO L&5 f 59 201 239 241 244 247 2S0 29? 39 303 334 t 336 DANIEL. IfOKR, J— Of Jackson, county 5 158 174 DfXON, HON. R-E— Of Muscdgee county 6 50 79 96 115 132 174 175 198 208,237 2SQ 294 379 414 djelamar,hon. R. d— Of Pulaski county 6 51 134 DIAMOND, JAMES Jr— 7 DOORKEEPER— Election of 9 Vote Of Thanks 508 DEAF AND DUM&ty Standing Committee ou Asylum 62105 124 "Pay for work on Asylum 79 105 Elebt Teabher SO 105 141 Board of Managers 160 232 Resolution relative to 512 DEBT-** Abolish imprisonment for 63 91 Amend &bt 66 84 186 Repeal act 79 104 Alter act relative tqr collecting 113153 306 DEER— To prevtenfe killing 115169 202 PIYORCN— Amend ficp of Dec* 5,1856 316 432 DIAMOND X J— Resignation 502 IKDEX 529 E. EDMONDSON, &ON. J. T— Of Broods county 4 65 112 171 ECHOLS, HON. JOHN H— Of Chattooga county a i 09 ELY, HON. E.N— Of Dougherty county 4 43 49 90 95 113 127 136 138 173 198 273 292 514 EARLE, HON. J. R., Of Franklin county ECTOR, HON. W., of Merriwether county EBERHART, HON. JOHN, Of Oglethorpe county EXECUTORS, To make valid certain sales Of W. R. Ruffin Other States Of James Camak ENDORSERS, Control of fi fas ELECTIONS, Secretary of State Comptroller General Treasurer Surveyor General State Bank Director State Printer Codifiers of Laws Superintendents to close polls Change time of holding Prescribe time of holding (U. S. S.) Change time of general elections Prevent betting On Amended Act to prevent frauds Pay persons presiding at polls Compensate Managers in Warren ESTATES, Medical liability Robert Bradford Intestates' estate EXECUTIONS, To abolish Public 5 114 6 114185 198 398 388 468 41 45 69 92 64 85 100 15% 226 253 41 46 87 47 47 47 47 47 47 141 49 59 70 50 61 fl7 178 66 92 142 79 103 186 204 216 338 161 231 323 172 230 353 474 256 351 199 345 363 48 59 68 75 67 92 101 297 49 61106 34 530 INDEX, ENROLLMENT, Standing Committee on 53 Report of 73 74 87 116 133 141 144 151 153 lb4 180 190 334 336 390 433 470 482 490 496 Clerk to 151 EDUCATION, Bills referred to Committee on 61 93 154 232 Amend Act Educating 65 93 335 Repeal Act Educating 79 104 335 341 Amend Act 100 204 217 415 416 421 421 437 446 474 Encouragement of 160 232 337 Amend Act (Rabun) 160 226 371 Inferior Court to appoint, &c. 163 205 217 Prqvide for Educating of Poor 199 204 337 Suspend 8th Sec. of an Act 254 327 376 386 Report on Educational Bills 263 304 Superintendent of 604 Repeal 2nd Sec, of an Act, '58 320 3.97 All Bills laid on Table 342 EVIDENCE, Plots and Grants as 65 85 91 ^Altcs" Rules of 65 91 140 Admission of 109 203 216 373 EARLY COUNTY, To Reimburse 113 155 282 Road Tax 291 330 389 Attach lot of Land 326 415 EXECUTIVE MANSION, Buy Furniture for 132 223 240 EMANUEL COUNTY, Certain Officers to keep Offices at Comity Site 377 398 ELLIJAY RAIL ROAD, To Incorporate 309 462 F. FLEMING, HON. W. W, of Cherokee county, 4 157 171 FARNELL, HON. J. O. of Dooly county, 4 65 HllN, HON. W.W. of Gordon county, 5 96 173 FAIN, HON. E. of Gilmer county, 5 65113 index. 531 FINNEY, HON. B. F. of J ones county, FANNIN, Hon. I. of Morgan county, FANNIN, HON. A. B* of Troup county, FAIN, HON. J. S. of tjnion county, 6 50 66 78 96 127 1.42 161 176 202 409 7 67 62 199 272 513 7 51 51 68 89 90 98 125 1£8 159 174 199 289 334 384 Fortner, hoN.n. a, of W ilcox county fish, To prevent poisoning, FISHPONDS, Artificial encourage erection of, FINANCE, standing committee on, Bills referred to committee, Bill reported, fences, Regulating, FINES AND FORFEITURES, In criminal eases, free negroes, Fixing time to become slaves, Go into voluntary slavery, Provide for enslavement, Define and punish vagrancy, Prevent coming into State, Consolidation bills, FIRE COMPANIES, Richmond Fire Company, Relief, No. 2, Diligent Firemen, FUGITIVES, Rendition of, 7 52 68 80 173199 109 205 215 234 245 49 59 90 222 229 241 53 61 94 104 130 142 155 170 172 232 244 168 64^1 108 173 230 349 67 93 172 231 280 278 390 297 330 889 • 388 468 454 9d 152 163 112 152 200 213 142 152 189 307 532 Index. FEME SOLE, To a uke Harriett Jarrett, *114153 FACTORIES, Labor in, 133 207 307 FOUNDRY AND ARMORY, To establish, 198 218 267 Gov. to establish, 388 461 G. GRAHAM, HON. MIDDLETON, of Appling couhty, 3 78 79149 157 289 GOODMAN, HON. JOHN of Bulloch county, 4 133 149 GLASS, HON. ELIJAH of Clayton county, 4 48 72 79 96132 374 GREEN, HON. N. B. of Cobb county, 4 64 64 77 9? 132 144195 GAY, HON. HENRY, of Colquitt county, 4 65 112 GROVENSTEINE, HON. L. of Eili ngham county, 4 GREEN, HON. W. J. of Houston county, 5 50 115 GIBSON, HON. W. of Richmond county, 6 9 41 67 78 80 96 96 111 112 115 124 135 135 160161174 191198 202 246 288 304 &18 GIBSON, HON. C. o£ \Varren county, 7 96 GENER AH ASSEMBLY, Con iit vote for Governor, 42 Elect Judges Supreme Court, 74 Elccl codifiers ofLaws, 109 Mileage, per diem pay, 157 232 323 DLfi ibution of Laws and Journals, 195 GOVEE WR, Inauguration of, 45 Mess age of, 82 index. 533 green monument, TO sell* 95154 guardians, Of insane persons, 100 204 215 233 L. B. Causey, to settle &c, 190 345 363 A. K. Leonard to pay ward, 387 GEOLOGIST, STATE To employ, 153 2%9 323 Game, Prevent killing in Richmond, 174 256 34$ GREEN, CHARLES Qonfer privileges on, 350 364 435 h. heath, hon. richard a., Burke county, 4 172 harkness, hon. j. w. of Butts county, 4 hardin, hon. m. a. ©f Cass county, 4 63 172 hogans, hon. a. n. of Charlton county, 4 112 hartridge, hon. julien of Chatham county, 4 48 57 64 72 80 95 98 130 130 131 135 171 173 194 278 244 274 483 487 hicks, hon. l. w- of Crawford county, ^ hockenhull, hon. john of Dawson county, 4 $5 112 158 197 harris, hon.j.'l. of Glypn county, ^ 185 353 HOLLAND, HON. j. of Hart county, harper, HON. B. l. of Henry county, HENDERSON,HON. A. of Henry county* 5 49 68 158 198 5 66 5 49 534 INDEX. HOLMES, HON, C. L. of Laurens county, HARRINGTON, HON. B. P. of Liberty county, HOWELL, HON. W. of Lowndes county, HOPKINS, HON. O. C. of Mcintosh county, HOWELL, HON. H. W. of Milton county, HENDERSON, HON. R. J4 of Newton county, HUTCHINS, HON. W. M. of Polk county, HOLLOMAN, HON. MARK of Stewart county, HARPER, HON. GEO. R. of Sumter county, HOLDEN, HON. W. F. • of Taliaferro county, HORSLEY, HON. W.G. of Upson county, 5 50 66 239- 334 346 6 173 p 50 114 161 6 50 67 79 114,161 6161 17fr 6 J76 235 >6175 6 135 6135160 7 51 67 135 13S 161174 7 JS£ 160 175 209 294 31S 334 355 369 HURST, HON.G.J. of Walton county, HENDERSON, HON. D. of Worth ctounty, HILLYER, GEO. Elected Clerk pro. tern, HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES, Hours and meeting, &c., Night meeting, To Dr. Mulkey, HUSBANDS, Rights of, in deceased wife's property, t 7 6S 46 54 57 73 199 •229 112 155 INDEX, 635 HANCOCK COUNTY, Inferior Court, (power,) 339 420 HARDEMAN,HON. R. V, Address relative to 159 HAMILTON, JAS, To compensate, 183 257 355 HOWELL, VIRGINIA L. 170 266 309 318 HEAD RIGHTS, # Repeal law, Franklin county^ 336 HARALSON CQUNTif, Consolidate offices #of Tax Receiver and Tax Collector, c 350 435 Also Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts, 376 398 445 HILLYER, GEO. Chosen Clerk, 503 Vote of thanks to, 508 L Ik WIN, HQN. I. T. o£ Wilkes county, 7 IRWIN, HON. J. I. of Washington county, 7 115 INSURANCE COMPANIES, To incorporate the Western Georgia, 42 47 9S Amend act ol 1858, 113 153 192 193 214 Georgia Insurance, 97 136 206 210 237 Western Ga., 98 Central, 156 224 242, Insurance Commissioner, 330 340 383 Atlanta Mutual, 350 43S INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT, MINING CQ'S &c. Yahoola River, &c., 48 62 106 Etowah and Auraria, &c., 4® ^ Chattahoochee Stock Water, ^ 94 Baltimore and Savannah, 9$ 162 American Steamship, Co, 131 1^1 211 Vernon Shell Road, 264 329 342 3§2 Augusta and Petersburg River-Navigation Co. i 320 410 Georgia Internal Improvement Association, 387 461 5&S INDEX. ITINERANTS, Prevent trading, 345 169 191 284 ILLEGITIMACY, Alter law of descendants, &c., 160 231824 376 3?8 450 INSOLVENTS, Coroners burying in Emanuel, 376 397 446 J. JOHNSON, HON. W. F. of Carroll county, 4 4£ JOINER, HON. B. 0. of Miller county, I? 67 110. Ill JON^S, HONl A.*H. 9! Mitchell county, 0 ,50 G7 115 JONES, HON. L. N. of Rabun county, 6 JLDl 160 JURORS, GRAND & PETIT, To compensate, 41 40 53 56 S9 94 164 213 222 239 328 379 511 To allow provisions, 63 bl> §6 Amend law as to fees, 115 109 192 How judges shal| charge, 115 170 24-9 Confer powers on, ' 158 225 308 Compensate in Mitchell, 877 396 446 JUDICIARY, COMMITTEE, Standing Committee on, 52 Reference to, 54 Bills referred to, 61 69 71 75 101 177 324 New circuit* SO 10^ 143 24S INDEX. 537 JOURNALS, $t&nm, 64 84 lOb ?o extend provisions of act, 79 103 142 To exempt from, 114 155 24? To exempt one negro, 115 176 249 Declare meaning of act 1857, 338 433 LICENSES, MARRIAGE, Giving up, 64 85 92 141 Duties 01 Ordinary, &c.# 80 105 I INDEX1 539 LODGES, &c., Etowah Free and Accepted Masons, 65 >85 87 Herman, No. 189, 66 92 100 Gordon Grove FTp. 1, 13J. m 211 LIQUORS, Prevent sale of, 66 93 138 284 Pegulate sale, (Stewart) 135 2$7 212 Prescribe amount o£ license* 157 225 242. Prevent #ale in Fayette, 164 205 215 233 244 Regulate sale in Elbeyton, 320 417 Amend act of '38, in Americas, 350 437 To regulate sale ofj 37# 397 LYON, HON. R. F., Elected Judge, 74 LAW BOOKS, Furnish Clayton county, D6 Resolution on, 104 LANDS, T^ ^ icity Court of Summary trials, 132169 210 $HGW^ ^ regards Walker county, 133208 214 INDEX SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, To appoint in Jasper, 161332 371 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, To create office of, 198 STATE HOUSE, Appropriate money to bnild, J05 257 356 SESSION, Com. on extending session, 2f7 292 SCHOOL—Common Fupd, Gilmer and Lumpkin, 2^4,328 389 SUTTON Jl. G*. To relieve,, 335 STEAMBOATS^—Ala. Planters, Td incorporate, 361 443 SAVANNAH, » Organize Volunteer Battallion in, 377 397 443 t. TUGGLE, HON. ROBERT J., Of Campbell county, 4 42 45 »63All 157 29 9" TATUM, HON. R. EU Of Dade eounty 4 8 41 43 48 54 55 56 57 64 73*7995 • 112 121 141 162 171 185 4952S8 294 356 43# 4S3 TERRELL, HON- R- Of Decatur county 4 43 68 77 103 413 134149 TURNER, HON. j. W., Of Elbyd county 45 THRASHER, HON. J. J., Of Fulton pounty 5 43 72 16$ f 14 4S5 tapley, Hon. j:m., Of Johfljson county 5 TAYLOR, HON.H. L., Of Randolph county 6 51 li4 155 159* TAX RECEIVERS AND CQLLECTQR& Consolidating 50 52 59 60 71 $4222 240 Alter time of electing 78103 119 2S5 Amend Act as to 199 34§ 349 TAX, EXTRA, Inferior Court, Richmond, to levy 41 45 §4 222 " " Pierce, to levy 5160 7#14S 151165 « Murray, to levy 5160 76 145151165 »' " Ware, to levy 52 61 80 Schley, t© levy 80 103143 t( Tatnall, to levy 80104143 Gilmer, to levy 113 153201 H INDEX* 555 TAX* EXTRA—Continued. Inferior Court Cobb, " " Rabun:, " Sumter, Amend Act Pickens, Extra in Wayne, *f Dawsonf tv Muscogee, " Lumpkin, " Coffee, Haralson", ^ TOWNS AND CITIES INCORPORATING?, Rowden, to levy to» levy to levy to levy to levy to levy to levy to levy to levy to levy 1^1 169 249 134 207 212 135 20*7 213 159 229 243 160 232 255 197 258 350 19S 345 359 326 288 419 461 361397 397 437 3T7 397 442 Trehtoil, Fort V alley, Cuijbbert, Hawkmsville, Thompson, , D&wsonville, Dahlonega* Georgetown, Washington, Ellaville, Athens, Lincolnton, Griffin, Blackshear, Perry, Quitman, Camilla, Sytvania and Scarboro Sparta, (Amend Act,) Warrenton, Port Gaines^ Cbicka^awhatchie, West Point, Powder, Springs, Jonosboro, SffiteVille, Moultrie, C^rUesville, Hamilton, Preston, Dalton, Lumpkin, Cartersville, Homer, Lafayette, gunmierville, Rainbridge, 48 61 10& 49 59 69 145 151 165 50 59 71 222 239 51 60227 51 6b 81 ?%2 282 65 85 87 65 93 97 '66 92 191 322 67 92 101 86 104 143 88 94 136 138 164 95 168 181 97 136 20d 234 245 97 205 215 341 103*112 162 109 112 204 215 340 112 152 181 115 16§ 201 115 169 202 134 206 211 136 206, 336 158 161 230 255 17*5 256 352 196 257 356 2J3 328 342 379 253 329 382 266 328 383 290 330 388 326 416 336 364 418 339 $20 351 420 376 397 399443 460 387 460 888 468 399 462 399 460 55$ index: TESTAMENTARY LETTERS, N. A4 Long, to obtain 50 62 81 236 237 241 TEACHERS OF POOR CHILDREN, T& pay in Muscogee " « Hall TREASURER, COUNTY, To elect in certain Counties To deiine dp ties of To Repeal Act of 1852 TREASURER, STATE, To Inake advances TROUP, EON. G. M*, Exempt Burial Spot TAXE$, Non-residents, where to pay To refund to N. W, Bank Te return to Clerk Superior Court Donate Tax to Taylor County Exempting certain persons Exempting certain property Amend Ta^ Laws, &c. Tax dn latnd, where paid, &e. TAX LAWS, To alter, Powers, Jolin A. To compensate TRUSTEES, Authorize removal Make returns, &c. Relieve Margaret Hagin Discharge W. Rogers THANRS(^VING, Resolutions on TESTIMONY, Of At^orn^ys Regulate, of Attorneys Taking by interrogatories TELEGRAPHIC COMPANIES, To Incorporate S. W. Mag' Tel Co. v " Middle Ga. Tel. Co. TRIALS, Prevent delay TRIPPE, J. R. Resolution relative to TlTLE> Uhange title to land, 50 60 75 145 153 165 173 231 370 320 416 362 397 433 400 462 ♦ 67 87 112 116 120 95 152 162 68 92 101 24(>279 77 102 133 207' 232 3 35 20? 306 172 231 347 174 256 317 3-51 421 » 175 102 135 192 245 33k 433 78 103 142 78 irr 112 188 80 10* 1,43 1SS 133 208 175 231 352 S3 94 101172 96 155 251 449 432 155170 133 £0 * 244 307 1I.7 25 193 345 359 339 419 340 377 442 index. 557 TAYLOR, J. S. Vote of Thanks to 5q§ U* underwood,'hon h. f. Of Fayette county 5 134 University of Georgia. TJo account for lands ' 7S IO3,161162 UPSON COUNTY. To change time of holding Oouftg 13-3 208 Unfinished business. Committee on 370 v. vaughn, hon. w. m. Of Putnam county 6 VANOVUR, HON. J. B. Of Terrell county 7 51161 VOLUNTEER CORPS—To incorporate., Bainbridge Volunteers* 49 59 81 322 Infantry Corps at Fort Valley 50 60 72264 Oglethorpe Light Infantry 50 60 72 264 Griffin Light Guards 51 60 61 221 239 Floyd Cavalry 7® 1°3 H7 Newnan .Guards 88 94 136 138 145 164 Gate City Guards lf4.153 201 Bill to encourage 114 153 248 Georgia Grays 115 159 201 Macon Guards 132 207 212 Jackson Artillery 132 207 212 Upson Guards 208 213 Savannah Volunteer Guards 133? 217 214 Hancock Van Guards 134 207 211 Hancock Trpop 134,207 211 Georgia Ifussars 1^5 207 214 Corps in Greensboro, 158 327 242 Quitman Guards W 230 243 Artillery Corps in Athens 173 2 Company at Fort Gaines 173 230 248 Claims of Cherokee Volunteers 175 256 366 Jackson Rifles . 00a Home Guards J91 330 386 fss?" ixs SSXKST"' «g- Clayton Volunteers 376 396 449 558 INDEX. VETOES. Bill to relieve W. Redwine Bill to relieve Amy Clark Bill to relieve Virginia L. Howell Compensate Jurors in Dade county Relief of Wm. Watson's legatees Amend charter S. W. Railroad Baipbridge & Florida Railroad To relieve Mary F. Nunor Certain persons to peddle Bill to pardon WAifwojrth, To relieve C. N. Terry To relieve Reuben Cloud, &c W. WARE, HON J. B. Of Heard county WOFFORD, HON. THOS. j. Of Cass county WHITTLE, HON. JAMES Of Chatfahootchee county WORLEY, HON. W. W. Of Chrokee county WILLIAMS, HON. JOHN Of Clinch county wilsqn, Hon. j. r. Of Columbia county WILLIAMS, HON C. j. Of Muscogee county 165 166 179 266 309 295 295 297 1603 878 401 379 403 41^ 414 435 66 4 64 $5 111 f 64 64 4 77 111 132 258 i 64 95» 113 4 65 WALTON, HON. S.B. Of Stewart county WHALEY, HqN. J. H. Of Thomas county WEST, HON JAMES of WJiite county WICKER, HON. T. O. Of Washington county WITNESSES. To compensate To i^ue process WOODS. Prevent burning WORDS. Certain actionable WILCOX. Act relative to Wilcox county Add to 2d Congressional Dist. 6 8 42 51 115 133 ip-5 182 195 197 279 295 <^4 474 6 67 7 97 7 41 56 ll£ 133 153 43 115 §2 61 83 183 257 355 113 X53 191 131 169 251 6892101 228 239 109 203 216 233 245 INDEX. 559 western &• atlantic r. r. Create fund from Gg 93 Freight on lime 68 93 106 116 140 205 215 337 WILLS. For probating 77 702 141 Relative to William Martin's 78 105 117 days* notice 96 155 306 Amend act probating, 140 205 216 374 Amend act of 1857 157 225 374 WELLS, EVERETT Reimburse heirs of 158 225 308 WOQL* Protect wool growing interest 199 346 361 wAyne county. Non residents, &c 290 330 389 WHITEPATH «GOLD AND COPPER COMPANY. To Incorporate £39 420 ways, laying out. In Henry county 387 461 YOUNG, HONl G. W. ft Of Irwin eounfyv 5 30 183 YEAS AND NATS, 43 44 55 56 57 58 82 88 •§9 90 91 08 99 107 110 111 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 12T5 126 127 128 129 13? 147 148 150 167 X7V 178 182 183 184 186 187 190 192 193 *218 219 220 221 235 236 237 238 246 247 250 251 25? 258 259 260 261 262 263 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 277 279 280 281 283 283 284 285 2&6 287 £89 290 292 296 297 299 30? *301 302 305 316 317 319 324 33l 332 <333 846 *353 356 869 371 874 380 385 390 402 407 411 413 427 439 450 451 454 455 469 472 475 476 480 483 484 486 489 490 511 YOUTH Protect morals of, 113 154