BY-LA W S ?OF 5 gOLOJWOJ^ fEJVtPLE, -NpNo. 641 COLUMBUS, - GEORGIA. by-laws. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That the name of the Committee shall be put on roll as fol¬ lows : Bro. SHELTON BEDELL, Bro. HENRY REDDEN, " EMANUEL WILLIAMS, " JEFFERSON BEDELL, " HILLIARD HOWELL, " BUCK JOHNSON, " JOHN RICHERSON, " MOSE THOMAS, " TIM JACKSON, " NOAH HARRISON, " JAMES WASHINGTON, " EDDIE THORNTON, i> Secretary. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That no member shall bring in an application without half of Entering Fee. Resolution by Bro. Jefferson Bedell :— That any member carrying out any secret of this Order shall be fined $5, or be expelled for five years, unless making his appeal inside thirty days. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That any applicant joining this Order shall be blindfolded in the ante-room and conducted to the door and give two knocks, which are answered by one knock, and then brought in and marched around the hall and made to kneel down and pray. His pants and drawers shall be lowered and a rod in the shape of a snake shall be slipped in the fire and heated, and then stuck to his hinder parts, and after which he shall be marched back to the ante-room. Resolution by Bro. Jno. Richerson :— That the Temple shall be called "Solomon Temple.'1 Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That this Temple shall be for the purpose of taking care of the sick and burying the dead. Resolution by Bro. Jno. Richerson :— That this Temple shall be known as a Secret Temple. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That any member misplacing any money, or anything else belonging to this Order, shall be fined $10, and if not paid within JO days, shall be suspended for 10 years. Resolution by Bro. Emanuel Williams:— That our dues shall be 50 cents per month. Resolution by Bro. Jefferson Bedell:— That any member found drunk on the highway shall be fined $2, and if not paid in 30 days, shall be expelled for 5 years. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That any member bringing in an application, and it does not stand fair with the Order, there shall be a file against the app.ication. Resolution by Bro. Emanuel Williams :— That no person shall join this Order under 18 years and over 45 years old. Resolution by Bro. Jefferson Bedell :— That any member speaking anything against application, the black balls don't count. Resolution by Bro. Emanuel Williams That meetings shall be opened by singing, Come we who love the Lord, And let our joys be known ; Join in a song of sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God ; But children of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heavenly fields Or walk the golden streets. Then let our songs abound And every tear he dry; We're marching through Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high. After which the President shall call the house to prayers. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That we shall sing, Y'e men and angels witness now Before the Lord we speak ; To him we make one solemn vow— A vow we dare not break. Oh, guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in thy ways ; And while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn thou our prayers to praise. Resolution by Bro. Redden :— That this Committee shall be Standing Committee, and cases not settled in general meeting shall be referred to the Committee of Management.