Robert W. Woodruff Library EMORY UNIVERSITY Special Collections & Archives THE DOCTRINES and DISCIPLINE op the AFRICAN Methodist Episcopal Zion Church WITH AN APPENDIX Revised by the General Conference KNOXVILLE, TENN., 1920 edited by BISHOP G. L. BLACKWELL, D. D., LL. D. charlotte, n. c. A. m. e. zion publication house 1921 COMMITTEE'S STATEMENT The Discipline, as revised by the General Con¬ ference 1920, is a little tardy in coming out; we are of the belief that it is rather more provi¬ dential than a dereliction of duty, from the fact that so many important events transpired within the months immediately following the Gen¬ eral Conference, which give us opportunity to note them in this statement. May 31'st, Bishop A. J. Warner, assigned to the Fifth District, passed: July 9th, Bishop It. B. Bruce, assigned to the Seventh District, passed; July 23rd, Bishop J. W. Alstork, assigned to the Second District, passed, his wife having died January 12, 1920; December 5th, Honorable J. C. Dancy, Church Extension Secre¬ tary, passed; January 10, 1921, Mrs. M. E. Harris, widow of the late Bishop Harris, passed; and just as we go to Press with the Manuscript, May 12, 1921, Bishop G. W. Clinton, assigned to the First District, passed away. Thus it will be seen that, within one year after the rise of the General Con¬ ference, that four Bishops, one General Officer and a Bishop's widow, passed away. While it appears that the hand of Providence has borne down heavily upon us, we rejoice that He who does all things well, who is too wise to err and too good to do wrong, is still guiding the Old Ship of Church. We now present our constituency with the Discipline, which we trust will prove an excellent guide in administering the affairs of the Church. Because of the high cost of paper and printing, the price of the Discipline is advanced to one dollar. Committee: J. S. Caldwell, G. L. Blackwell, L. W. Kyles, G. C. Clement, F. M. Jacobs, W. O. Cabbington. EDITOR'S STATEMENT As editor of the Book of Discipline for the sixth consecutive time, I wish to state that in¬ creased episcopal duties and the fact that I had to prepare lectures to be delivered to the stu¬ dents of Hood Theological Seminary, so en¬ grossed my time that I, could not in justice to my physical and mental powers, hasten the work. However, I have tried to do a faithful piece of work and to follow out the orders of the General Conference as nearly as I could to be consistent with the polity of the Church. The readers will find very little new legislation, except the Con¬ stitution of the Bureau of Evangelism; otherwise the revisions for the most part consist in addi¬ tions, eliminations and changes in phraseology. It is hoped the Book will have a quick and com¬ plete sale. G. Jj. Blackwell, Editor. Philadelphia, Pa.f August 29, 1921. 5 FOUNDERS' ADDRESS. To the Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Americas Beloved Brethren: We think it proper to state briefly that, after due consideration, the Official Members of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion and Asbury Churches in the city of New York have been led to conclude that such was the relation in which we stood to the white Bishops and Conference, relative to the ecclesias¬ tical government of the African Methodist Church or Society in America, so long as we remain in that situation our Preachers would never be able to enjoy those privileges which the Discipline of the white Church holds out to all its Members that are called to preach, in consequence of the limited access our brethren had to those privi¬ leges, and particularly in consequence of the dif¬ ference of color. We have been led also to conclude that the usefulness of our Preachers has been very much hindered, and our brethren in general have been deprived of those blessings which Almighty God may have designed to grant Founders' Address. them, through the means of those Preachers whom He has from time to time raised up from among them, because there has been no means adopted by the said Bishop and Conference for our Preachers to travel through the Connection and promulgate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; and they have had no access to the only source from whence they might have obtained a support, at least, while they traveled. Under these circum¬ stances they believed that the formation of an itinerant plan and the establishment of a Con¬ ference for the African Methodist Preachers of the United States, who are not yet attached to any Conference of that nature, would be essential to the prosperity of the spiritual concerns of our colored brethren in general, and would be the means of advancing our Preachers (who are now in regular standing in connection with the white Preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church), whenever it should be found necessary for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom among our brethren, to bring forward for ordination those who are called of God to preach the Gospel of our Lord, which maybe done from time to time, according to the best of our judgment of the necessity thereof, and not according to the method which is natural to supposer our white brethren would pursue, to determine upon the Founders' Address. necessity of such ordination. We are under strong impression of mind that such measures would induce many of our brethren to attend divine worship, who are yet careless about their eternal welfare, and thereby prove effectual in the hands of God in the awakening and conversion of their souls to the knowledge of the truth. And whereas, Almighty God, in his all-wise and gracious providence, has recently offered a favor¬ able opportunity, whereby these Societies may be regularly organized as an evangelical African Methodist Church, we have therefore resolved to embrace the said opportunity, and have agreed that the title of the Connection shall be the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America; * and we have selected a form of Discipline, with a little alteration from that of our Mother- Church, which selection we recommend to you, for the Doctrines and Discipline of our Church, hop¬ ing that the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, the all-wise and gracious God, will be pleased to approve of the above measures and grant that we may obtain and preserve those privileges which we have been heretofore deprived of; that thereby we may unite our mutual efforts for the prosperity of the Redeemer's kingdom among us, and for * The word "Zion" was added to the title by the Qeneral Conference of 1848. $ Founders' Address. the encouragement of our colored brethren in the Ministry. Earnestly soliciting your prayers and united en¬ deavors for the same, we remain your affectionate brethren and servants in the kingdom of our ever- adorable Lord. Abraham Thompson, James Varick, William Miller. 9 COMMITTEE'S ADDRESS. On the Origin of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America: Dearly Beloved: In view of the rapid growth of our Connection and the many changes that have been made since the issuing of the Dis¬ cipline heretofore in use, it must be clear to all that a new compilation is an indispensable neces ¬ sity. To know our laws it was necessary to possess the Minutes of all the General Con¬ ferences since 1856, of which comparatively few were in our possession. The General Conference which met in Clinton Chapel, Charlotte, N. C., on the 19th of June, 1872, appointed a Committee to revise the old and prepare a new compilation. The Committee submitted the result of their labors to the General Conference, and it was adopted. The General Conference also appointed a compiler to prepare the matter for, and to super¬ intend its publication under the direction of the General Book Committee. As it is proper that you should be fully informed respecting the history of Committee's Address. our beloved Zion, especially as there are those who are disposed to make erroneous impressions, we have thought it not out of place to inform you of our origin. By those who are acquainted with the history of Methodism in this country it is generally con¬ ceded that its light first shone forth in the city of New York about the year 1765. The John Street Church was the first Methodist Church erected in that city. There were several colored Members in this Church from its first organization. Between the years 1765 and 1796 the number of colored Members largely increased, so much so that caste prejudice forbade their tak¬ ing the Sacrament until the white families were all served. This, and the desire for other Church privileges denied- them, induced them to organize among themselves, which they did in the year 1796. This was the first African Methodist Epis¬ copal Church of which we have any account. In the year 1800 they built a church and called it Zion. This Church, unlike the other colored Methodist Churches formed about the same period, was, as regards its temporal economy, separate from the Methodist Episcopal Church, from its first organization. They drew up article? of agreement with the Methodist Episcopal Church under which she supplied them with Ministers tor Committee's Address. about twenty years. So that Zion, the oldest Church of the Connection, that has by general consent taken her name, must be conceded to be the oldest Methodist organization separate from the Methodist Episcopal Church, in this country. As we have shown, the Connection is generally called Zion out of respect to that first Church. But the style and title of the Church, as the founders tell us, is the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Church. And if there is any body of Methodists in the world that has a pre-eminent right to this title it is the Zion Connection, for she assumed it before there was any other to assume it. Trusting that the hints we have thrown out may induce you to investigate this subject fully, and also hoping that this compilation may facili¬ tate good government and give general satisfac¬ tion to the membership of our Church, we remain yours in Christ, J. P. Thompson, Chairman of Committee. J. W. Hood, Secretary. 12 THE BISHOPS' ADDRESS. Beloved Brethren : Wishing that you may not be ignorant of any of our Christian doctrines, or any part of the Discipline of our Church, we desire you to read carefully, mark, learn, ai*d in¬ wardly digest the whole. It is incumbent, upon you, next to the word of God, to procure and acquaint yourselves' with the articles and canons of the Church to which you belong. Convinced as you must be of the im¬ portance of orders in all Societies, and especially so in Christ's Church, therefore it is our confident hope that you will not only acquaint yourselves with the rules and regulations of our Church, but that you will, for peace, order, and good government, and the consequent prosperity of the Church, honestly endeavor to observe and carry them out fully, in the spirit and in the letter. 13 The Bishops' Address. Wo remain very affectionately, your brethren and unceasing laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. G. W. Clinton,ft J. W. Alstobk,! A. J. Warneb,* It. B. Bbuce,! J. S. Caldwell, G. L. Blackwell, L. W. Kyles, W. L. Lee, G. C. Clement, J. W. Wood, P. A. W all ac" ffDied Thursday, May 12, 1921. JDied Friday, July 23, 1920. fDied Friday, July 9, 1920. ♦Died Monday, May 31, 1920. M CONTENTS. PAET L THE CHURCH. CHAPTER PARAGRAPH I. Articles of Religion 1-25 II. The General Rules 26-33 IIL Special Advices 34-41 Marriage 34-35 Divorce - 36 Slavery 37 Temperance 39 Rising Generation 39 Love-Feast 40 Watch-Night Meeting 41 IV. Membership 42-50 Probationers . . . . 42-43 Admission into Full Connection 44 Baptized Children - . 45-48 Transfer of Membership by Certificate . 49 Receiving Societies into the Connection . . 50 V. Worship 51-59 Order of Worship 51 The Spirit-and Truth of Singing 52 Classes and Class Meetings 53-59 VI. Ordinances 60-63 Mode of Baptism 60 In fan ; Baptism 61 Adulv Baptism 62 The I jrd's Supper 63 15 Contents. PAET II. THE CONFERENCES. chapter paragraph • I. The General Conference 64-85 II. The Board of Bishops 86-92 III. The Connectional Council 93-98 IV. The Annual Conferences 99-114 Y. The District Conferences 115-129 VI. The Quarterly Conferences 130-136 VII. The Leaders' Meeting 137-141 VIII. The Members' Meeting 142-143 PAET III. THE MINISTRY. I. Qualification and Eules of a Preach¬ er ' 144-157 His Call to Preach 144 Eules for a Preacher's Conduct 145-155 Manner and Method of Preaching . . . 156-157 II. Eeception of Preachers and Minis¬ ters 158-183 Eeception on Trial 158-166 Admission into Full Connection .... 167-169 Ministers from other Churches 170-176 Ministers in Official Positions 177-179 Transfer of Ministers 180 Termination of Conference Membership 181-183 1. By Location 181-182 2. By Withdrawal 183 III. Deacons 184-188 IV. Elders 189-192 V. Bishops 193-197 VI. Presiding Elders 198-204 VII. Pastors in Charge 205-209 VIII. Supernumerary and Superannuated Ministers 210-211 16 Contexts. PART IV. LOCAL PREACHERS, EXHORTERS, AND LAY HELPERS. CHAPTER PARAGRAPH I. Local Preachers . 212-220 II. Exhorters 221-227 III. Class Leaders and Their Duties . . 228-231 PAET Y. JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION. I. Trial op an Accused Member .... 232-242 Immoral Conduct 232-235 Imprudent and Unchristian Conduct , . 236 Neglect of the Means of Grace 237 Sowing Discord 238 Disagreement in Business—Arbitration . 239-241 Failure to Pay Assessments 242 II. Trial of an Exhorter and a Local Preacher 243-246 III. Trial of a Local Deacon and a Local Elder 247-251 IV. Proceedings Against a Preacher on Trial 252-257 V. Trial of a Traveling Minister in Full Connection 258-269 VI. Trial of a Bishop 270-270 VII. General Directions Concerning Trials . « 277-297 VIIL Court of Appeals 298-309 PART VI. temporal economy. I. Financial Department. Board of Apportionment— General Claims Assessment Division of General Claims 17 310-343 312-313 314 315 Contents. Appropriation of General Claims . 31® Board of Finance- Q 317 Financial Seoretairy — 318- ooq Appropriation of Educational Money.— 322-323 Appropriation of Church Extension and Home Mission* 324-325 Appropriation for Superannuated Ministers, Widows, etc.. - 326 Appropriation to Annual Conference— — 327 Auditing Board 328 Annual Conference Board of Apportionment 329-332 Duties of Bishop and Annual Conference .— 333-336 Duties of Pastors and Presiding Elders 337-342 Duties of Members.. 343 II. General Secretary - 344-347 III. Anniversary Days and Collections 348-356 Children's Day. 348-350 Easter Day— 351 Collection for Varick Endeavor Union 352 Sunday School Union Day. 353 Foreign Missionary Day.— - 354 Collection for Mission Schools. 355 Publication House ..... 356 IV. Denominational Fund. 357-362 V. Support op Effective Ministers 363-394 Stewards. — 363-369 Preacher's Stewards 370-372 Stewardesses 373 Support of Pastors 374-380 Support of Presiding Elders 381-385 Support of Bishops 386-391 Relief of the Poor 392 Poor's Steward 393-394 VI. Reliet Department. 395-397 Corresponding Secretary. 398 Superannuated Ministers- 399-403 Widows and Orphans of Ministers- 404-406 Duties of Bishops and Annual Conference 407 Widows of Bishops 408-409 VII. Ministerial Brotherhood. 410-418 Preliminaries 410 Board of Management — 411 Corresponding Secretary. 412 Name and Object 413-414 Membership and Class 415-416 Maintenance of Brotherhood 417 Distribution of Funds. 417 Duties of Bishops and Annual Conferences____.__^__ 418 18 Contents* viii. Chttrch Property . 419-433 Trustees—their Election and Duties. 419-427 Form of Conveyance of Church Property. 428-429 Form of Conveyance of Parsonage Property. 430-431 . Sale of Church Property. 432-433 PART VII. educational and benevolent institutions. i. Publication Department. 434-456 Publication House 434-435 Board of Managers. 436-439 General Manager... 440-447 Bojard of Publication 448-453 Editors and Periodicals. 454-456 ii. Sunday school Department. 457-481 Sunday School Board r 457-458 Editor of Sunday School Literature.— 459 General Superintendent of Sunday Schools 460 General Convention 461-464 District Conventions 465 Sunday School Rally Da,y.— 466 Sunday School Standard 467 Local Sunday School B3ard 468-475 Dutiesof Officers and Teachers 476-479 Duties of Presiding Elders— 480 Duties of Pastors..._ 481 iii. Educational Department. 482-506 Board of Education - 482-483 Corresponding Secretary.— - 484-486 Educational Institutions * 487-496 Duties of Pastors and Presiding Elders 497-506 iv. Church Extension and Home Missions 507-524 The Board. - 507-511 Maintenance of the Department.— - 512-513 The General Committee - 514-517 Corresponding Secretary.— 518 Duties of Annual Conference — 519 Applications for Ail 520-522 Dutiesof Presiding Elders and Pastors. 523 oil v. Foreign Missionary Department 525-547 Foreign Mission Board 525-527 The Corresponding Secretary... ro? Support of Missions— - Annual Conference and Foreign Missions oio-oia Duties of Presiding Elders 539 540 Duties of Pastors— ——— oil-oil 19 Contents. vi. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 548 560 Constitution and By-Laws._—. : By-Laws of the General Missionary Society.— Constitution for District Convention oojj By-Laws for District Convention — Constitution Local Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- sionary Society. ------ 561-505 By-Laws Local Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- sionary Society. 663 VII. Bureau of Evangelism Board of Evangelism 567 Director of Evangelism 568 General Evangelists 569 Conference Evangelists 570 The Pastor and Evangelism.... 571 Presiding Elders and Evangelism 572 Local Board of Evangelism 573 General Evangelism 574 VIII. Varick Christian Endeavor Union 575-G04 Board of Control 575-.rSl President of the Union .. 582-586 Annual Conference Vice President of Union— 590 Duties of Pastors and Presiding EJders - 591—£92 Model Constitution for Local Societies 593-604 PART VIII. the ritual. i. Baptism. 618-619 Of Infants. - 618 Of Adults —— ' *- 619 U. Reception or Members. 620-621 Reception'on Probation— 620 Reception into Full Connection 621 III. The Lord's Supper 622-623 Public Administration 622 Communion Service for the Sick/ 623 IV. Matrimony 624 V. Burial op the Dead 625 VI. Consecration and Ordinations , 626-628 Consecration of a Bishop. 626 Ordina tion of Elders. • 627 - Ordination of Deacons. „ 628 vn. Corner-Stone and Dedication. 629-630 Laying the Corner-Stone of a Church 629 Dedication of a Church ... 630 20 Contents, APPENDIX. hapter paragraph i. Officers, Residences and Addresses 1-2 Bishops and Episcopal Districts 1 General Officers and Departments 2 II. Administrative Boards 3 Board of Finance 1 Board of Education v 2 Board of Church Extension and Home Mission 3 Board of Foreign Missions 4 Board of Publication 5 Board of Superannuated Ministers 6 Board of Ministerial Brotherhood 7 Board of Sunday School Union 8 Board of Audit ... 9 Board of Connectional Trustees 10 Board of Varick Christian Endeavor Union 11 Bureau of Evangelism 12 Board of Appeals . 13 Board of Legion of Financiers— 14 Board of Harriet Tubman Home 15 ' Board of Statistics 16 III. Annual Conferences and Missions — 4 Annual Conferences 4 Mission Work 5 IV. Miscellaneous 19-25 Rules for Conference Proceedings 19 Manner of Formulating Charges— Form of Charges 21 Order of a Trial ; 22 What Constitutes a Circuit or Station 2d The Correspondence School— 24 Forms of Deeds- V. Courses of Study. 26-31 For Class Leaders and Exhorters.:. 29 For Local Preachers— For Traveling Preachers— - — 21 PART I. The Church. I. ARTICLES OF RELIGION. II. GENERAL RULES. III. SPECIAL ADVICES. IV. MEMBERSHIP. V. WORSHIP. VI. ORDINANCES. CHAPTER I. ARTICLES OF RELIGION. L—Of Faith in the Holy Trinity. 1. There i8 but one living and true God, ever¬ lasting, without body or parts, of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the maker and preserver .of all things, visible and invisible. And in the unity of this Godhead there are three persons, of one sub¬ stance, power, and eternity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. II.— Of the Word, or Son of God, who was made Very Man. 2. The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead and manhood, were joined together in one person, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God and very man, who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for the actual sins of men. 25 5T 8. Articles op Religion. III.—Of the Resurrection of Christ. If 8. Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took again his body, with all things appertaining to the perfection of man's nature, wherewith he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth until he shall return to judge all men at the last day. IV.—Of the Holy Ohoet. IT 4. The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one substance, majesty, and glory with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God. V.— The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation. f 5. The Holy Scriptures contain all things neces¬ sary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be re¬ quired of any man that it should be believed as an article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scriptures, we do understand those canonical books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority there never was any doubt in the Church. The names of the canonical books are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuter¬ onomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, the Second Book of Samuel, the First Book of Kings, the Second Book of Kings, the First Book of Chronicles, the Second Book of Chronicles, the Book of Ezra, the Book of Nehemiah, the Book of Esther, the Book of Job, the Psalms, the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or the Preacher, Cantica or Sons: of 26 Articles of Religion. 8. Solomon, Four Prophets the greater, Twelve Prophet* the less. All the books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive and account canon¬ ical. VI.—Of the Old Testament. 6. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament ever- . lasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man. Where¬ fore they are not to be heard who feign that the old fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the law given from God by Moses, as touching ceremonies and rites, doth not bind Christ¬ ians, nor ought the civil precepts thereof of necessity be received in any commonwealth; yet, notwith¬ standing, no Christian whatsoever is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral. VII.—Of Original or Birth Sin. f 7. Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam (as the Pelagians do vainly say), but it is the corruption of the nature of every man that naturally is engendered of the offspring of Adam, whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and of his own nature inclined to evil, and that con¬ tinually. VIII.—Of Free Will. T[ 8. The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turn and prepare himself, by his own natural strength and works, to faith, and to 27 9. Articles op Religion. calling upon God; wherefore we have no power to do good works, pleasant and acceptable to God, without the grace of God by Christ assisting us, that we may have a good will, and working with us, when we have that good will. IX.— Of the Justification of I fan. ^[9. We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by faith, and not for our own works or deservings. Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort. X.— Of Good Works. T[ 10. Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgments; yet they are pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and spring out of a true and lively faith, insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known as a tree is discerned by its fruit. XT.— Of Works of Supererogation. f 11. Voluntary works, besides, over, and above God's commandments, which are called works of supererogation, cannot be taught without arrogancy and impiety. For by them men do declare that they do not only render unto God as much as they are bound to do, but that they do more for his sake than of bounden duty is required: whereas Christ saith plainly, When ye have done all that is commanded of you, say, We are unprofitable servants. Articles of Religion. it 15. XII.—Of Sin after Justification. 11 12. Not every sin willingly committed after justification is a sin against the Holy Ghost and un¬ pardonable. Wherefore, the grant of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after justifi¬ cation : after we have received the Holy Ghost, we may depart from grace given, and fall into sin, and, by the grace of God, rise again and amend our live3. And, therefore, they are to be condemned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here; or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. XIII.— Of the Church. TT 13. The visible Church of Christ is a congrega¬ tion of faithful men in which the pure word of God is preached, and the Sacraments duly administered according to Christ's ordinance, in all those things of necessity required for the same. XIV.— Of Purgatory. IT 14. The Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, pardon, worshiping, and adoration, a8 well of images as of relics, and also invocations of saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no war¬ rant of Scripture, but repugnant to the word of God. XV.— Of Speaking in the Congregation in such a Tongue as the People Understand. If 15. It is a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God and the custom of the primitive church, to 29 ^[16. Articles of Religion. have public prayer in the Church, or to minister the Sacraments, in a tongue not understood by the people. XVI.—Of the Sacraments. H16. Sacraments, ordained of Christ, are not only badges or tokens of Christian men's profession, but rather they are certain signs of grace arid God's good will toward us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm, our faith in him. There are two Sacraments ordained of Jesus Christ our Lord in the Gospel; that is to say, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Those five commonly called Sacraments, that is to say confirmation, penance, orders, matrimony, and extreme unction, are not to be counted for Sacra¬ ments of the Gospel; being such as have partly grown out of the corrupt following of the Apostles and partly are states of life allowed in Scriptures, but yet have not the like nature of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, because they have not any visible sign or ceremony ordained of God. The Sacraments were not ordained of Christ to be gazed upon or to be carried about; but that we should duly use them. And in such only as worthily receive the same they have a wholesome effect or operation; but they that receive them unworthily purchase to themselves condemnation as St. Paul saith. I. Cor. 11:29. 30 Articles of Religion. ir is. XVII.—Of Baptism. 717. Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are distin¬ guished from others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth. The baptism of young children is to be retained in the Church. 'XVIII.—Of ihe Lord'8 Supper. 118. The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another, but rather is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death ; insomuch that to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same, the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ; and likewise the cup of bless¬ ing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation, or the change of the substance of bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord, cannot be proved by Holy Writ, but is repug¬ nant to the plain words of Scripture, overthroweth the nature of the Sacrament, and hath given occa¬ sion to many superstitions. The body of Christ is given, taken and eaten in the Supper only after a heavenly and spiritual man¬ ner. And the means whereby the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is faith. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshiped. 31 19. Articles of Keligion. XIX.— Of Both Kinds. If 19. The Gup of the Lord is not to be denied to the Lay People, for both parts of the Lord's Supper, by Christ's ordinance and commandment, ought to be administered to all Christians alike. "XX.— Of the One Oblation of Christ Finished Upon the Cross. Tf 20. The offering of Christ, once made, is a per¬ fect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world, both original and actual; and there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone. Wherefore the sacrifice of masses, in the which it is commonly said that the priest doth offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, is a blasphemous fable and danger¬ ous deceit. XXI.— Of the Marriage of Ministers. 121. The Ministers of Christ are not commanded by God's law either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriages; therefore, it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge the same to serve better to godliness. XXII.—Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Churchet. 1 22. It is not necessary that the rites and cere¬ monies should in all places be the same, or exactly alike ; for they have always been different, and may be changed according to the diversity of the coun* 32 Articles of Religion. 23. tries, times, and men's manners, so that nothing be ordained against God's word. Whosoever, through his private judgment, willingly and purposely doth openly break the rites and ceremonies of the Church to which he belongs, which are not repugnant to the word of God, and are ordained and approved by common authority, ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of the Church and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren. Every particular Church may ordain, change, or abolish rites and ceremonies, so that all things may be done to edification. XXIII.—Of the Rulers of the United States of America. Tf 23. The President, the Congress, the General Assemblies, the Governors and the Councils of State, as'the Delegates of the People, are the Rulers of the United States of America, according to the division of power made to them by the Constitution of the United States, and by the Constitutions of their re¬ spective States. And the said States are a sovereign and independent Nation, and ought not to be sub¬ ject to any foreign jurisdiction. As far as it respects civil affairs, we believe it the duty of Christians, and especially all Christian Ministers, to be subject to the supreme authority of the country where they may reside and to use all laudable means to enjoin obedience to the powers that be; and, therefore, it is expected that all our Preachers and People who may 3 S3 24. General Rules. be under any foreign Government will behave them¬ selves as peaceable and orderly subjects. XXIV.—Of Christian Men's Goods. | 24. The riches and goods of Christians are not common, as touching the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely boast; notwithstand¬ ing, every man ought, of such things as he possesses, liberally to give alms to the poor according to his ability. XXV.—Of Christian Men's Oaths. 1 25. As we confess that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his Apostle; so we judge that the Christ¬ ian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the Magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and charity, so it be -done according to the Prophet's teaching, in justice, judgment, and truth. CHAPTER II. THE GENERAL RULES. The Nature, Design, and General Rules of oar United Societies. 26. In the latter end of the year 1739, eight oi ten persons came to Mr. Wesley, in London, who appeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemption. They earnestly desired (as General Rules. 28, § 1. did two or three more the next day) that he would spend some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee the wrath to come, which they saw continually hanging over their heads. That he might have more time for this great work, he appointed a day when they all might come together ; which from thenceforward they did every week, namely, on Thursday in the evening. To these and as many more as desired to join with them (for their number increased daily), he gave such advice, from time to time, as he thought most needful for them, and they always concluded their meetings with prayer suited to their severfl necessities. Tf 27. This was the rise of the United Societies, first in Europe, then in America. Such a society is no other than " a company of men having the form and seeking the power of godliness, united in order to pray together, to receive the word of exhortation, and to watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to work out their salvation." H" 28. Glasses.—That it may be more easily dis¬ cerned whether they are indeed working out their salvation, each Society is divided into smaller com¬ panies, called Classes, according: **■> respective places of abode; from twei^ w thirty persons k. Class, one of whom is styled -The Leader. It is his duty— § 1. To see each person in his Class once a week at least; in order—(1) To inquire how his soul pros¬ pers. (2) To advise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require. (3) To receive what he is 35 28, § 2. General Rules. willing to give toward the relief of the Preachers, Church, and Poor. \ 2. To meet the Preacher and Stewards of the Society once a month in order—(1) To inform the Preacher of any that are sick, or any that walk dis¬ orderly and will not be reproved. (2) To pay the Stewards what he has received of his Class during the month preceding. 1[29. Conditions of Membership.—There is only one condition previously required of those who desire admission into these Societies: "A desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins." But wherever this is really fixed in the soul it will be shown by its fruits. ^ 30. It is therefore expected of all who desire to continue therein, that they shall continue to evidence their desire of salvation, First: By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is most generally practised: such as, The taking of the name of God in vain; pro¬ faning of the day of the Lord, either by doing ordi¬ nary work therein, or by buying and selling. Drunkenness, buying or selling or using spirituous or intoxicating liquors, unless in cases of extreme necessity; fighting, quarreling, brawling; brother going to law with brother; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing; the using of many words in buy¬ ing and selling; the buying and selling of goods that have not paid the duty; giving or taking things on usury (that is, unlawful interest); uncharitable or unprofitable conversation ; particularly speaking evil General Kules. 31. of Ministers and Magistrates; doing unto others what we would not they should do unto us; doing what we know is not for the glory of God; the putting on of gold as a useless ornament; and taking such diversions as cannot be done in the name of the Lord Jesus—such as dancing, card-playing, lottery, policy, and other games of chance; going to circuses and theatres; the singing of those songs and the reading of those books that do not tend to the knowledge and love of God; softness and need¬ less self-indulgence; laying up treasures on earth; buying goods without the probability of paying for them, f 238. 1 31. It is expected of all who wish to continue in these Societies, that they should continue to evi¬ dence their desire of salvation, Secondly : By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power; doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men. To their bodies of the ability which God giveth; by giving food to the hungry; by clothing the naked; by visiting or Jielping them that are sick or in prison ; To theit souls, by instructing, reproving, or ex¬ horting all whom they have any intercourse with; trampling under foot that enthusiastic doctrine that " we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to it" By doing good especially to them that are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be; employing them preferably to others; buying one of another ; helping one another in business—and so much the 37 32. Geneeal Rules. more because the world will love its own, and them only. By all possible diligence and frugality, that the Gospel be not blamed. By running with patience the race set before them, denying themselves and taking up their cross daily; submitting to bear the reproach of Christ; to be as the filth and offscouring of the world; and looking that men should say all manner of evil against them falsely, for the Lord's sake. 32. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these Societies that they should continue to evi¬ dence their desire of salvation, Thirdly: By attending on all the ordinances of God; such as, the public worship of God; the Ministry of the word, either read or explained; the Lord's Supper; searching the Scriptures, fasting, and abstinence; family and private Prayer, 237. H 33. Conclusion. These are the General Rules of our Societies; all which we are taught of God to observe, even in his written word, which is the only Rule, and a sufficient Rule, both of our faith and practice. And all these we know his Spirit writes on all truly awakened hearts. If there be any among us who observes them not, who habitually breaks any of them, let it be known unto those who watch over that soul as they who must give an account; we will admonish him of the error of his ways; we will bear with him for a season. But if then he repent not, he hath no more place among us; we have delivered our own souls. 38 Special Advices. 36. CHAPTER III. SPECIAL ADVICES. L Marriage* 11 84. We do not prohibit our members from marrying persons Who are not of our Church, pro¬ vided such persons have the form, and are seeking the power of godliness; yet we feel it our duty to discourage their marrying persons who do not come up to this description. Many of our members have married unawakened persons. This has produced a bad effect; they have either been hindered for life, or have turned back to perdition. Tf 85. In order to discourage such marriages, 1. Let every Preacher publicly enforce the Apostle's caution, " Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." (II. Cor. 6:14.) 2. Let all be ex¬ horted to take no step in so weighty a matter with¬ out advising with their most serious brethren. IL Divorce. ][ 36. Our Ministers shall discourage the procure¬ ment of divorce except on Scriptural grounds. All divorces not thus obtained shall subject the persons so offending to trial according to Discipline. No man who has two or more living wives, or woman who has two or more living husbands, shall be ad¬ mitted a Member of our Church, except they were 39 IT 37. Special Advices. unavoidably separated by slavery, so as to have not the least prospect of being together again in this life, or except the separation occurs on Scriptural grounds (Matt. 19: 9); in both of which cases the clearest proof must be given to the Pastor in Charge called upon to take cognizance of the case, and if any Pastor in Charge receiving information to that effect respecting any person or persons, applying for ad¬ mission into our Church, shall fail properly and fairly to investigate the case, and shall thereby admit such person or persons into the Church wrongfully, said Pastor shall be deemed guilty of immorality. III. Slavery. Tf 37. "We believe that the buying, selling, or hold¬ ing of human beings to be used as chattels is con¬ trary to the laws of God and nature, and inconsistent with the Golden Rule, and with our Discipline. We will not receive any person into our Church who is a slave-holder. All our Ministers and people are ad¬ monished to keep themselves pure from this great evil, and seek its extirpation wherever it exists, by all lawful and Christian means. IV. Temperance. IT 88. We believe that temperance implies the sub¬ ordination of all the emotions, passions, and appe¬ tites to the control of reason and conscience, and a wise use of suitable articles of food and drink. The Holy Scriptures teach us to abstain from all alcoholic liquors. The manufacturing, buying, selling and Special Advices. it 41. using of spirituous liquors is both contrary to Script¬ ure, and against the principles of morality and the public welfare. We most heartily approve of all lawful and Christian efforts to exterminate the traffic, and to save Society from the evil results of intem¬ perance, and earnestly advise our people to co-oper¬ ate in all reasonable measures to put an end to the liquor traffic, and urge a strict observance of temper¬ ance by all our Members. V. Rising Generation. 39. In order to benefit the rising generation let each Minister in Charge of a circuit or station deliver a number of lectures each year upon the great advantage of mental and moral culture. Let him frequently talk to the children in his Charge in a plain and practical manner on subjects suited to the capacity of their minds. Let him often cate¬ chize them on the Bible, and the history of their own Church. VI. Love-Feast. IT 40. We do not regard Love-Feast as a Divine Ordinance, but an Ecclesiastical Rule which we observe in imitation of the Agapae of the early Christians, and it is designed to promote fellowship and brotherly love among the Members. Let each Pastor observe Love-Feast once a quarter in his Church. VII. Watch-Night Meeting. We regard watch-night meeting as a suit¬ able service to be observed in all our Churches on 41 42. Membership. the eve of the New Year in order to awaken serious reflections of past blessings, and to enforce religious lessons and make solemn vows. CHAPTER IV. MEMBERSHIP. I. Probationers. 42. In order that we may not admit improper persons into our Church, let great care be taken in receiving persons on Probation, and let no one be so received or enrolled who does not give satisfactory evidence of his desire to flee the wrath to come and to be saved from his sins. Such a person satisfying us in these particulars may be received into our Church on six months Probation; but shall not be admitted to Full Membership until he shall have given satisfactory evidence of saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 619. . f 43. A person professing faith in Christ who has previously joined on Probation may not be required to wait six months before he is received into Full Membership; but may be admitted to Full Member¬ ship as soon as he satisfies the Pastor and Leader as to the soundness of his conversion. I 1. Let every Pastor and Class Leader see that all Persons on Probation be instructed in the Rules and Doctrines of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion 42 Membership. 44, § 2. Church before they are admitted to Full Member¬ ship. f 205 § 6. I 2. The Pastor shall see that there is a book called the Probation Book in which the names of all the Probationers shall be recorded, and which shall be examined monthly or quarterly at the Lead¬ ers' Meeting in order to inquire into the state of the Probationers, to approve, or drop them as the case may be. 278. \ 8. Probationers are expected to conform to the rules and usages of the Church, and to show evi¬ dence of their desire for fellowship in the Church; they are entitled to all its spiritual privileges and' benefits; but they may not enjoy the right to vote nor be Members of the Quarterly Conference; they may, however, testify as witnesses. 1L Admission into Full Connection. 1T 44. Persons may be admitted to Full Member¬ ship into our Church in'two ways: § 1. A Probationer who has served out his Proba¬ tion, has been baptized, recommended at the Leaders' Meeting, and if none has been held according to law, recommended by the Leader, and on ex¬ amination by the Pastor before the Church as re¬ quired in ][ 620, has given satisfactory assur¬ ances both of the correctness of his faith and his willingness to observe and keep the rules of our Church, may be admitted to Full Membership. I 2. A Member in good standing in any other Evangelical Church, desiring to unite with us, may 44, § 3. Membership. be received on. his Certificate of Membership, and by giving satisfactory answers to the usual questions laid down in our formula for the Reception of Mem¬ bers, If 620. § S. Let the Pastor see that a proper Church record is kept in each Church, and that the Church Clerk, or where there is not a Clerk, the Secretary of the Leaders' Meeting, properly and faithfully enroll the names of all the Members received into our Church, *|[ 205, § 17. \ 4. The Presiding Elder shall examine the roll of Membership at each session of the Quarterly Con¬ ference, and see that the number and names of all the Members therein recorded be reported by the Pastor at the Annual Conference, f 199, $ 14. m. Baptized Children. 1145. We regard all children who have been bap¬ tized as placed in visible covenant relation to God, and under the special care' and supervision of the Church, TT 61, 205 § 10, 475 § 1, 2. The Pastor shall preserve a full and accurate register of the names of all the baptized children within his pas¬ toral care, the dates of their birth, baptism, their parentage, and place of residence. Tf 205 § 10. T[ 46. The Pastor shall organize the baptized chil¬ dren of the Church, at the age of ten years or younger, into Classes, and appoint suitable Leaders (male or female) whose duty it shall be to meet them in Class once a week, and instruct them in the nature, design, and obligations of baptism, and the Membership. 49, § 1. truths of religion necessary to make them wise unto salvation ; urge them to give regular attendance upon the means of grace; to advise, exhort and encourage them to an immediate consecration of their hearts and lives to God, and to inquire into the state of their religious experience, 205 \ 10. % 475 $ 1, 2. 11 47. Whenever baptized children shall have attained an age sufficient to understand the obliga¬ tions of religion, and shall give evidence of piety, they may be admitted into Full Membership in our Church, and on the recommendation of a Leader with whom they have met at least six months in Class, by publicly assenting before the Church to the baptismal covenant, and also to the usual questions on Doctrine and Discipline, 205 § 6, 620. T[ 48. Whenever a baptized child, orphan or other¬ wise, becomes deprived of Christian guardianship, the Pastor shall ascertain and report to the Leaders and Stewards' Meeting the facts in the case; and such provisions shall be made for the Christian train¬ ing .of the child as the circumstances of the case admit and require. IV. Transfer of Membership by Certificate. I" 49. \ 1. A Member in good standing in our Church desiring to remove his membership from one Pastoral Charge to another is entitled to a Certifi¬ cate of that nature from the Pastor, or if there is no Pastor, from the Presiding Elder; and the Pastor is to instruct his Members from time tq time not to re- 45 *1]" 49, § 2. Membership. move from one Charge unto another without a Certifi¬ cate in this form: T[ 205 \ 5. " This certifies that A. B., the bearer, is an accep¬ table Member of African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church of of — Circuit or Station Conference but, desiring to remove Membership, is hereby affectionately commended to the fellowship of the Pastor and Mem¬ bership of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in or in any other place where may decide to reside £ 2. When a Pastor shall have received a Member by Certificate he shall notify the Pastor of the Charge from which the person comes so that his relationship with the former Church may cease, in order to keep a correct account of our Members, % 205 \ 5. § 3. The Certificate of Membership thus given shall not be valid longer than one year from the time it was issued: and for any cause it was impracticable for him to deposit it during that time, it may be renewed. § 4. A Member who absents himself by leaving the town or vicinity of his Church and does not communicate with his Leader or Pastor, and does not keep up his financial obligations, his name shall be stricken from the roll, after six months of such absence, and placed on the Probation Book. § 5. A Certificate of Membership may not be re¬ fused, if demanded by a Member removing his resi¬ dence, except for reasons satisfactory to Pastor and Leader to justify their withholding it. In such a 46 Membership 50, § 1. case the person applying for said Certificate may be given opportunity to show why the Certificate should be given. § 6. A note of recommendation may be given a Member who desires to join another Evangelical De¬ nomination. § 7. Whenever a Pastor removes from one place or Charge to another he shall complete the Church Record by entering upon it opposite the names of his family, the words, "Members of the Pastor's family transferred to " and see that they are placed on the Record of the Church to which he is appointed with this note "Members of Pastor's family transferred from " § 8. All our Bishops, General Officers, Presiding Elders, Ministers, and Preachers of every rank together with their families shall deposit their Mem¬ bership with the Church of the town or vicinity where they live. They shall be amenable to that Church for their Christian conduct according to the Discipline and shall pay their Pastor's salary, Gen¬ eral and Benevolent Assessments as ordinary Mem¬ bers, ff 242, 347, fl" 348. V. Receiving Societies into our Connection. 50. § 1. A Society wishing to unite with us shall present to one of our Preachers a list of their names accompanied with their desire to become organized under our Discipline. The Preacher shall then read to them the General Rules of our Church, and if they are willing to comply with the same he shall read the 47 50, § 2. Worship. list of names, and declare them Members in full standing in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. \ 2. The Preacher shall then nominate a Leader, and the persons just admitted to membership shall elect him as their Class-Leader. The Preacher shall next proceed to form a Board of Trustees or Stew¬ ards and instruct them in the duties of their office. \ B. It shall be the duty of the Trustees or Stew¬ ards so appointed to provide for the use of said society the following articles: A Church Record, in which to record the names of Members, both those on Probation and those in Full Connection; the list of Classes, the record of baptized children, etc. A record book for the proceedings of Trustees' or Stewards' Meetings. A record book for Leaders' Meetings. A copy of our Book of Discipline. A Bible. Our Church Hymn Book. CHAPTER V. WORSHIP. I. Order of Worship. If 51. In order to establish uniformity in public worship among us on the Lord's Day 48 Worship. *S 61, § 1. § 1. We recommend the following order for morn¬ ing service: Formula of Service. 1. Organ Prelude, or Voluntary Singing. 2. Singing from the Hymnal, the People standing. 3. Reading Psalms. 4. Scripture Lesson, by the Minister. 5. Prayer. 6. Organ Interlude and anthem. 7. Reading of Notices. 8. The Beatitudes, Congregation standing. Blessed are the pure in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for right¬ eousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Reioice and be exceeding glad: for great is your 4 49 51, § 2. Worship. reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 9. Chant: The Lord's Prayer, by Choir and Con¬ gregation. 10. Singing from the Hymnal, the People sitting. 11. Sermon. 12. Short Prayer for a blessing on the Word. 13. Collection. 14. Singing. 15. Apostles' Creed, which may or may not be re¬ peated. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. 16. Doxology, and the Apostolic Benediction. g 2. Let the Afternoon or Evening services follow the same general order except that either or both the Scripture Lessons may be omitted. I 3. At the services during which the Sacraments are administered any of the items of the formula 50 Worship. H 52, § 7. may be omitted except singing, prayer, and the apostolic benediction. \ 4. In administering the Sacraments, and in the Burial of the Dead, let our form of Eitual invari¬ ably be used. \ 5., Let the people be earnestly exhorted to take part in the public worship of God; first, in singing; secondly in prayer, in the scriptural attitude of kneeling, by the repetition of the Lord's Prayer. II. The Spirit and Troth of Singing. 52. To guard against formality in singing, \ 1. Select such hymns as are proper for the congre¬ gation and the occasion. \ 2. Do not sing too much at once; seldom more than four stanzas. § 3. Let the tune be suited to the metre and the sentiment of the hymn. $ 4. Do not suffer the people to sing too slowly; this naturally tends to formality. \ 5. Encourage every person in the congregation to sing, and not merely one in ten; this can be facili¬ tated by giving out two lines at a time where the people have no hymn books. § 6. In every congregation let due attention be given to the cultivation of sacred music. \ 7. Should the Pastor desire it; let the Quarterly Conference appoint annually a Committee of three or more, of which Committee the Pastor shall be chairman, and they co-operating with him, shall regu¬ late all matters relating to this part of Divine Wor- "Worship. ship. The action of said Committee shall be in every respect subject to the control of the Quarterly Conference. EI. Classes and Class Meetings. 53. The design of organizing the membership into Classes and the holding of Class Meetings is, I 1. To establish a system of subpastoral oversight that shall effectively reach every Member of the Church. \ 2. To establish and keep up a meeting for social and religious worship, for instruction, encouragement, and admonition, that shall be a profitable means of grace to our people. § B. To aid, when desired, in carrying out our gen¬ eral Financial Plan, If 230 | 7, 8, f 339, If 340. § 4. To aid in carrying out the system adopted for the support of the Pastor and the Poor of the Church. 1154. A Class shall consist of from twelve to twenty persons. As soon as there are thirty persons in any one Class, the Pastor shall make pro¬ vision to have it divided into two Classes. A less number may be divided if necessary. If 55. The Members of each Class shall meet to¬ gether at their appointed place once every week in order to inform their Leader how their souls are prospering, to receive advice, reproof, comfort, or ex¬ hortation, as may be necessary, and to give their Leader what they can afford for the benefit of the Pastor, Poor, or Church, 229 § 1. If 56. Those persons who willfully neglect theii Ordinances. If 60-, § 1. Class Meetings shall be visited by the Leader or Pastor, who shall explain to them the consequences of wilful neglect, and if they do not amend, they shall be excluded from the Church; provided that no Full Member shalf be expelled without due trial and conviction by a Committee, U" 75 § 3, T[ 237, f 277. T 57. Persons who absent themselves from the Class Meeting three successive times or more, and do not amend, after they have been duly admonished, shall be brought to trial to answer for such neglect, If 141,11 237. T[ 58. In the arrangement of Class Meetings two or more Classes may meet together, and be conducted according to the plan agreed upon by the Pastor and Leaders, 230 \ 5. Tf 59. Let care be observed that the Members of the Classes do not fall into formality through the use of a uniform method. Let speaking be voluntary and the services fresh, spiritual, and of permanent religious profit. CHAPTER VI. ORDINANCES. I. Mode of Baptism. K 60. | 1. Let every adult person, and the parents of every child to be baptized, have the choice of baptism either by immersion, sprinkling, or pouring. 53 60, § 2. Ordinances. \ 2; A Preacher must be regularly ordained to ad¬ minister the Sacraments and solemnize Matrimony, f 209. I 3.. Our Ministers shall not make a charge for administering Baptism or attendance on Burying the Dead. II. Infant Baptism, If 61. We hold that all children, by virtue of the unconditional benefits of the atonement, are Mem¬ bers of the kingdom of God, and therefore graciously entitled to Baptism; but as Infant Baptism contem¬ plates a course of religious instruction and Disci¬ pline, it is expected of all parents or guardians who present their children for Baptism, that they use all diligence in bringing them up in conformity to the word of God, and that they should be solemnly ad¬ monished of this obligation, and earnestly exhorted to faithfulness therein, ]f 45, If 47, If 205 \ 10, f 475, U, 2. m. Adult Baptism. If 62. Baptism is a Divine Ordinance, the sign of regeneration or the new birth. Every one professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, should feel duty bound to receive the Sacrament of Baptism if he has not been previously baptized. Baptism should precede the Reception of a person into Full Connection in our Church, 620. IV. The Lord's Supper. ^f 63. § 1* Let those who have scruples concern* 54 Ordinances. IT 63, § 3. ing the receiving of the Lord's Supper kneeling be permitted to receive it sitting. I 2. No person shall be admitted to the Lord's Supper among us who is guilty of any practice for which we would exclude a Member of our Church. \ 3. It shall be the duty of every Pastor of a Cir¬ cuit or Station, at least once a quarter, on the Friday evening next preceding the Sacrament, to meet the Members in .General Class, in order to inquire how their souls are prospering; to exhort, reprove, advise, etc., as duty may require, preparatory tc their re¬ ceiving the Lord's Supper, 205 £ it. PART II. The Conferences. I. THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. II. THE BOARD OF BISHOPS. III. THE CONNECTIONAL COUNCIL IV. THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. V. THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE. VI. THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. VII. THE LEADERS' MEETING. VIII. THE MEMBERS' MEETING. General Conference f[ 69 CHAPTER I THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. If 64. The General Conference shall be composed of Ministerial and Lay Delegates. If 65. The Ministerial Delegates shall consist of one Delegate for every ten Pastoral Charges up to twenty, and one Delegate for every fifteen Pastoral Charges above twenty and two-thirds fraction thereof; yet so that such Delegate shall have travelled at least four years from the time he was received by an Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and is in full connection at the time of holding the General Con¬ ference. If 66. The Ministerial Delegates shall be elected by secret ballot in each Annual Conference; the delegation shall organize immediately, and the Chairman elected shall be the representative for that Conference on the Episcopal Committee. If 67. It shall require a majority of all the Dele¬ gates and Members of the General Conference who have answered to the roll call during the General Conference session, to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, provided, however, that a majority of all the Delegates elected to the General Conference shall be in attendance, 1f 193. 1f 68. No Annual Conference shall be denied the privilege of one Ministerial and one Lay Delegate. If 69. No one shall be elected as Delegate to the General Conference who does not promise to remain 59 U 70 General Conference until the close of its session, unless excused by the Conference, 1 110. U 70. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Bishop to see that no one is elected a Delegate to the General Conference who is not entitled to that privilege ac¬ cording to law, and that each Delegate elected shall receive a certificate from the Secretary of the Annual Conference signed by the Bishop, before adjournment, 165,1174. 171. The Lay Delegates shall consist of two laymen for each Annual Conference, except such Conferences as have but one Ministerial Delegate, which confer¬ ences shall be entitled to one Lay Delegate. 1 72. The Lay Delegates shall be each chosen by an Electoral Conference of Laymen, which shall as¬ semble for the purpose on the third day of the session of the Annual Conference at the place of its meeting, and at its session immediately preceding the General Conference?, and elect its Delegates by secret ballot. U 73. The Electoral Conference shall be composed of one Layman from each circuit or station within the bounds of the Annual Conference; and on assembling the Electoral Conference shall organize by electing a Chairman and Secretary of their own number—such Laymen to be chosen by the Last Quarterly Confer¬ ence preceding the time of its assembling; or the Dis¬ trict Conference may each elect three lay delegates to the Annual Conference to represent their district, who shall have a number of votes in the Electoral Conference equal to the whole number of circuits and stations composing the District. 60 General Conference U 76 1 74. No layman shall be chosen a Delegate to the General Conference who shall have not been a Mem¬ ber of our Church in Full Connection for the four con¬ secutive years preceding his election. 1 75. The General Conference shall have power to make rules and regulations for our Church, under the followimg limitations, to-wit: 1. It shall not revoke, alter, nor change our Arti¬ cles of Faith, nor establish any new standard or rules of doctrine contrary to our present existing and estab¬ lished standard. 2. It shall not change nor alter any part or rule of our government so as to do away with Episcopacy nor destroy the plan of our Itinerancy. 3. It shall not do away with the privilege of or Ministers or Preachers of Trial by Committee, and of an Appeal; neither shall it do away with the privilege of our Lay Members of trial before the Society or by a Committee, and of an Appeal, 1 56. 4. It shall not revoke nor change the General Rules of our United Societies, 26 H 33. 5. It shall not appropriate the proceeds of the Book Concern, nor of the Chartered Fund to any purpose other than for the benefit of theTraveling and Super¬ annuated Ministers, their wives, widows, and chil¬ dren, U 435. 1 76. The General Conference shall have power to make new rules, and to revise those already made, whenever it may deem it necessary for the general in¬ terest of the Connection; and all such rules shall be- 61 1 77 General Conference come valid immediately after the sanction of that body. 1 77. The General Conference, through its Episco¬ pal Committee, shall arrange the Episcopal Districts and assign the Bishops to them. 1 78. The General Conference shall have power to determine the salary of the Bishops and other General Officers, 1315,1396. 1 79. The General Conference shall have power to set off Annual Conferences in such places and at such times as it may deem best, 1 104; and the Bishops shall have power to supply such districts, by calling from any Annual Conference District such Ministers or Preachers as they may deem most serviceable in establishing such fields of labor; provided, always, that there are no unavoidable circumstances to pre¬ vent such Ministers or Preachers from being removed, 192. 1 80. The General Conference shall have power to ratify or reverse the decision of the lower court, to try charges agamst a Bishop during its sitting, to ac¬ quit, expel, or disrobe him of his Episcopal authority, or remand his case to a lower court for decision (1294-2); it is also constituted a Court of Appeals for Traveling Ministers in Full Connection who have been convicted by a lower court, 1 269-2, 1 308; it also finally determines the correct interpretation of any question or opinion of law, or any ruling on the part of a Bishop in any lower court, 1197-9, ^ 300. 1 81. Tie General Conference shall meet every four years on the first Wednesday in May; a Commission 62 General Conference 83 shall be appointed who shall have the power to determine the place where the General Conference shall meet and shall report the same at least two years before the time of the next session; but the Bishops, with or by the consent of a majority of the Annual Conferences, shall have power to call a General Conference sooner, if they judge it neces¬ sary. The Board of Bishops may also, in case of urgent necessity, change the place of meeting of the General Conference, H 86. If 82. The Bishops shall preside by rotation; but should there be no Bishop present or in power, the General Conference shall elect a President pro-tem, 1194. 1 83. The following persons are members of the General Conference-by virtue of the office they hold: I. The Bishops. 2. General Secretary. 3. Financial Secretary. 4. Manager of the Publication House. 5. Editor of the Star of Zion. 6. Editor of Quarterly Review. 7. Editor of the Sunday School Literature. 7. President of Livingstone College. 9. Correspond¬ ing Secretary of Education. 10. Corresponding Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions. II. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign' Missions. 12. Corresponding Secretary of the Brotherhood. 13. Corresponding Secretary of Yarick Christian Endeavor Union. 14. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. 15. The President of Atkinson College. 16. The President of Clinton College. 17. The President of Greenville College. 18. The Principal of Dinwiddie Normal and Iildustnal 63 84 General Conference School. 19. The Principal of Lomax-Hannon High School. 20. The Principal of Walters Institute. 21. The Principal of Lancaster Normal and Indus¬ trial Academy. 22. The Principal of Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy. 23. The Principal of Edenton Normal and Industrial School. 24. The Principal of Macon Industrial Institute. 25. The Principal of Johnson Rural High School. 26. The Connectional Evangelists. 27. The Superintendent of Connectional Statistics. 28. Secretary of Audit. 29. The President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Sec¬ retary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Secre¬ tary of Young Woman's Branch, Superintendent of the Buds of Promise, of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 30. Superintendent of Harriett Tubman Home. 31. Officers of Administra¬ tive Boards. 32. Director of Evangelism. Dean of Hood Theological Seminary. If 84. After the organization of the General Con¬ ference, the first business shall be the Quadrennial Reports of Bishops and General Officers in their order as follows: 1. Episcopal Address, including each district. 2. General Secretary. 3. Financial Secretary and the Financial Board. 4. Manager of the Publication House and Pub¬ lication Board. 5. Editor of the Star of Zion. 6. Editor of Quarterly Review. 7. Editor of Sunday School Literature. 8. President of Livingstone College. 04 General Conference 84 9. Corresponding Secretary of Education and Board of Education. 10. Corresponding Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions and Church Extension Board. 11. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions and Bishop of Foreign Work. 12. Corresponding Secretary of the Ministerial Brotherhood. 13. Corresponding Secretary of Yarick Christian Endeavor Union. 14. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. 15. President of Atkinson College. 16. President of Clinton College. 17. President of Greenville College. 18. Principal of Dinwiddie D. N. and I. School. 19. Principal of Lomax-Hannon High School. 20. Principal of Walters Institute. 21. Principal Lancaster Normal and Industrial Institute. 22. Principal Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy. 23. Principal Edenton Normal and Industrial School 24. Principal Johnson Rural High School. 25. Principal Macon Industrial Institute. 26. Connectional Evangelists. 27. Superintendent of Statistics. 28. President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secre¬ tary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary of Young Woman's Branch, Superintendent of Buds of Promise, of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 65 85 General Conference 29. Director of Evangelism. 30. Connectional Trustees. 31. General Auditor and Auditing Committee. . If 85. The election of Bishops, when there are any to be elected, and the General Officers may take place any time during the session after the reports of the said officers shall have been made. The order of the election, which shall be by ballot, shall be as follows: U193, 194,-1-2-3-4. 1. Bishops. 2. General Secretary. 3. Financial Secretary. 4. Manager of the Publication House. 5. Editor of the Star of Zion. 6. Editor of Quarterly Review. 7. Editor of Sunday School Literature. 8. Corresponding Secretary of Education. 9. Corresponding Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions. 10. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions. 11. Corresponding Secretary of Ministerial Brotherhood. 12. Corresponding Secretary of Varick Christian Endeavor Union. 13. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. 14. Connectional Evangelists. 15. Superintendent of Statistics. 16. General Auditor. 17. President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secre¬ tary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary of Young Woman's Branch, Superintendent of Buds 66 General. Conference 87 of Promise, of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 18. Connectional Trustees. 19. Director of Evangelism. 20. The Assignment of Bishops by the Episcopal Committee. 21. The Appointment of Administrative Boards by the Bishops; provided that one Layman shall be an officer on each Board. 11 85%. The General Conference directs that there be appointed by the Bishops a Commission which shall consider the invitations from the various cities desiring to entertain the General Conference, and shall decide, not later than two years before the session of the General Conference, upon the city offering the best inducements. CHAPTER II THE BOARD OF BISHOPS. If 86. In the interval of the General Conference the general supervision of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church shall be vested in its Bishops, who shall be known as the Board of Bishops, If 81. If 87. The Board of Bishops shall meet semi¬ annually to counsel for the general interests of the Connection, and to attend to such duties as are required by law, and shall hold such other meet¬ ing? as may be necessary. 67 88 Board or Bishops. If 88. At each semi-annual meeting the Board shall elect a President and a Secretary. Said President and Secretary shall have no extra¬ ordinary powers in the interval, except to call special meetings, when in their judgment it may be necessary, or at the request of two or more members of the Board. If 89. A majority of all the Effective Bishops shall be necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business. 1f 90. The Board of Bishops shall constitute a Court of Appeals for any Bishop of the Connection who has been suspended by. a Trial Committee in the interval of the Annual Conference, or who has been suspended or expelled by an Annual Con¬ ference in the interval of the General Conference, <[274, If 295. 1f 91. Further duties and business of the Board of Bishops shall be to hear reports from: 1. General Secretary. 2. Financial Secretary. 3. Manager of Publication House and Publication Board. 4. Editor of Star of Zion. 5. Editor of Quarterly Review. 6. Editor of Sunday School Literature. 7. President of Livingstone College. 8. Corresponding Secretary of Education and Board of Education. 9. Corresponding Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions and Church Extension Board. 68 Board of Bishops. ^ 92 11. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions and Bishop of Foreign Work. 12. Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Depart¬ ment and the Ministerial Brotherhood. 13. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary So¬ ciety. 14. Corresponding Secretary of Yarick Christian Endeavor Union. 15. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. 16. General Auditor and Auditing Committee. t 92. The Board of Bishops shall have authority: 1. To provide for any vacancy that may occur in any of the Episcopal Districts, 179. 2. To fill any vacancy that may occur among the General Officers or any of the Members of the Board. 3. To hand down interpretations of existing Church law, and explanations of methods f or exercising the law. 4. To correct, admonish, reprimand, or remove from office any General Officer whose wilful neglect of duty or erroneous conduct warrant it, t 286. 5. To adopt the proper measures for carrying out the Financial Plan and raising the collections for our Benevolent Institutions, f 314, H 315. 6. To make provisions for New Episcopal Districts when they deem it necessary. 7. To make a quadrennial report of their labors to the General Conference. 8. To make such recommendations to the General Conference as they may deem best for the good of the Connection. 9. To provide for the proper Committees for the General Conference. 69 1 93 CONNECTIONAL COUNCIL. CHAPTER III THE CONNECTIONAL COUNCIL. 1 93. The Connectional Council shall be composed of all the Bishops, General Officers, and the President, Secretary and Treasurer of all the Boards appointed by the General Conference. The President of the Board of Bishops shall be President of the Council, and the General Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Council. I 94. The Council shall meet once a year at the time and place of the Fall meeting of the Board of Bishops. Nine Members, including not less than a majority of the Board of Bishops, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. U 95. The Council shall exercise executive power over and possess all the rights vested in the several Connectional Boards (the Board of Bishops excepted) and shall have authority to make and' enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the successful operation of the several Boards. II 96. The Council shall receive reports from each of the Boards, and make such suggestions for the appropriation of the funds as may be deemed best for the good of the Connection. i 97. The Council shall see that each officer and member of the several Boards perform the duties required by law: if any officer wilfully neglects his duty and suffers the work of his Board to fail from 70 Connectional Council. 98 that account, the Council may recommend his re¬ moval to the Board of Bishops. If 98- Reports shall be made in the following order: 1. General Secretary. 2. Financial Secretary and Financial Board. 3. Manager of Publication House and Publication Board. 4. Editor of Star of Zion. 5. Editor of Quarterly Review. 6. Editor of Sunday School Literature. 7. President of Livingstone College. 8. Corresponding Secretary of Education and Board of Education. 9. Corresponding Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions and Church Extension Board. 10. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions and Bishop of Foreign Work. 11. Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Depart¬ ment and the Ministerial Brotherhood. 12. President, Recording Secretary, Correspond¬ ing Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary of Young Wo¬ man's Branch, Superintendent of Buds of Promise, Superintendent Bureau of Supplies, of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 13. Corresponding Secretary of Varick Christian Endeavor Union. 14. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. 15. President of Atkinson College. 16. President of Clinton College. 17. President of Greenville College. 71 98 CONNECTIONAL COUNCIL. 18. Principal of Dinwiddie N. and I. School. 19. Principal of Lomax-Hannon High School. 20. Principal of Walters Institute.' 21. Principal of Lancaster Normal and Indus¬ trial Institute. 22. Principal Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy. 23. Principal Edenton Normal and Industrial School. 24. Principal Johnson Rural High School. 25. Principal Macon Industrial Institute. 26. Connectional Evangelists. 27. Director of Evangelism. 28. Superintendent of Harriett Tubman Home. 29. Superintendent of Statisticts. 30. Connectional Trustees. 31. General Auditor and Auditing Committee. 72 Annual Conferences. i 103 CHAPTER IY THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES. ^ 99. The Annual Conference shall be composed of a Bishop and all the Traveling Ministers,and Preach¬ ers, both in Full Connection and those on Trial, within the bounds of the Conference, and such Lay Delegates as may have been legally elected to that body. H 100. The Bishop shall preside in the Annual Conference. In cast no Bishop is present, a Member of the Conference appointed by the Bishop shall preside. But if no appointment be made, or the Minister appointed does not attend, the Conference shall elect a President from among the Elders with¬ out debate. 1 101. The Annual Conference shall appoint the time and place of its own sitting. But should it become necessary to change the time or place of its sitting, after it has been fixed, the Bishop can, after obtaining the written consent of a majority of the Ministers in the Conference, change either the time or place. U 102. Each Annual Conference shall examine strictly into the state of the domestic Missions within its bounds, and to allow none to remain on its list of Missions which, in the judgment of the Con¬ ference, is able to support itself. \ 103. Each Annual Conference shall have power to send one Delegate to another Annual Conference 73 1 104 Annual Conferences. at its sitting, provided it shall pay the Delegate's fare to said Annual Conference. 1 104. An Annual Conference shall have power to set off a new Annual Conference District, but not until the proposition shall have been brought before the Board of Bishops in session assembled, and a decision of a,majority thereof shall have been ob¬ tained, subject to the approval of the General Con¬ ference, 1 79. f 105. An Annual Conference has power to hear complaints against its Members, and may try, re¬ prove, suspend, deprive of official authority or Ministerial office and Credentials, expel, or acquit, any of them against whom charges may be pre¬ ferred, ! 265. It also has the power to try charges against a Bishop 1271. 1 106. That the proceedings of the Annual Con¬ ference may be properly recorded, the Statistics accurately reported, and the General Claims and Benevolent Collections duly accounted for, let the following rules be observed: 1. Each Annual Conference shall purchase and keep a record of its proceedings. A Recording Secretary shall be chosen for that purpose, and the Bishop shall see that every particle of the legal pro¬ ceedings is recorded before the adjournment of the Conference, and he and the Secretary shall attach their signatures thereto. As soon as the minutes are published, the Secretary shall send a copy each to the General Secretary and Financial Secretary, ^ 335. He shall also report to the General Secretary the 74 Annual Conferences. ! 106 names of the Delegates-elect to the General Con¬ ference, H 347-4. 2. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Statisti¬ cal Secretary who shall make an accurate table of all the items contained in the Statistical Blank, and report the aggregate to the Annual Conference before it adjourns. He shall also report to the General Secretary for publication, the whole Statistical Table of the Annual Conference. 3. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Con¬ ference Treasurer who shall receive and hold all moneys not otherwise provided for, and shall report the full amount received for each purpose, and pay over the same according to the requirements of the Discipline, before the adjournment of the Annual Conference. 4. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a General Claims Secretary who shall receive the General Claims and Bishops' receipts brought to the Con¬ ference; he shall receipt for the same, and report each item to the Conference, and the Bishop shall see that the whole amount shall be divided according to law; fifty percent paid to the Financial Secretary and the other fifty per cent, paid to the proper officers, f 315. The General Claims and other financial re¬ ports shall be submitted to an Auditing Committee and approved by vote of the Conference, and shall bear the signatures of the Committee and Presiding Bishop. 5. On the first day of the Conference session, each Pastor shall present his Statistical and Financial reports correctly and plainly written, and each Pastor 75 H 107 Annual Conferences. and Traveling Minister shall pay over all Conference and Connectional claims to the proper source on that day, 1 205, §14. 6. The Statistical Secretary and the Conference Treasurer shall compare the reports of collections made for the Statistical Tables with the accounts of money received by the Treasurer so that dis¬ crepancies, if any shall be found, may be corrected before publication. 1 107. The Annual Conference shall cause a proper and rigid examination of all candidates to join the Conference, whether they come recommended by the Quarterly and District Conferences or simply on their Credentials. No candidate shall be admitted into the Annual Conference without at least being ex¬ amined on the Doctrines and Discipline of our Church, 1 118, 1 161, 1 172. 1 108. The rights and privileges of the Laity are permanently and effectually secured through repre¬ sentation in legislating for the better government of the Church; therefore each station and each circuit shall have the privilege of sending a Lay Delegate to the Annual Conference. All such Delegates shall be elected by the Quarterly Conference or by the Members of the Circuit or station which they repre¬ sent, and shall be entitled to a seat in the Conference upon the showing of their Credentials, properly authenticated by the Officers of the meeting in which they were elected. Their privilege shall be restricted to making known to that body the wants and wishes of their various charges, ^ 126, *[ 217. 76 Annual Conferences. f 111 t 109. Nevertheless, the District Conference which immediately precedes the meeting of the Annual Conference may elect not more than three Lay Delegates to represent the Laity of the District in the next Annual Conference, and the Delegates so chosen shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other members of the Annual Conference. The expenses of all such Delegates shall be defrayed by the Society or Societies from which they come, 1 75, 1124, §127. 1 110. Where there are no District Conferences the Lay Delegates present at any session of the Annual Conference shall have the right to elect on the first day of the session, from their own number, as Dele¬ gates to represent them, a number of representatives equal to one-fourth of all the circuits and stations included in the Conference District; which represen¬ tatives shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other Members of the Annual Conference. No one shall be elected a Lay Delegate to the Annual Con¬ ference who does not premise to remain until the close, unless excused by the Conference, f 69. t 111. Each Annual Conference, at its session im¬ mediately succeeding each General Conference, shall levy such an assessment upon each Member of the Church as may be necessary to defray the traveling expenses of its Delegates to the General Conference. Said assessments shall be collected at least three months before the asembling of the General Con¬ ference by the Pastor in Charge of each circuit or station within the bounds of said Annual Conference, 77 1112 Annual Conferences. and shall be forwarded to said officer as the Annual Conference may designate, whose duty it shall be to pay out of the funds thus raised the traveling expenses of such Delegates, both Ministerial and Lay, as shall be in attendance upon the General Conference, 1205, §25. 1 112. Each Annual Conference shall send to the Financial Secretary the sum of Twenty ($20) Dollars for each Delegate it elects to the General Conference for the purpose of paying the Board of its Delegates and defraying the incidental expenses of the General Conference, and each Bishop and General Officer, in attendance, shall -pay the same amount, which money shall be paid out only upon the order of the General Secretary signed by the Chairman ot the General Committee. 1 113. The business of the Annual Conference is as follows: I. Preliminaries. 1. Devotional Exercises. 2. The Election of Elective Officers. 3. Calling and Correcting the Roll. 4. The Appointment of Committees. 5. The Delivery of the Episcopal Address. 6. The Settlement of all Connectional Claims. II. Reports. 1. Of Presiding Elders. 2. Of Pastors. 3. Of Delegates. 4. Of General Claims. .78 Annual Conferences. ^ 113 5. Of Educational Money. 6. Of Church Extension and Home Missions Money. 7. Of Foreign Missions Money. 8. Of Sunday School Union Money. 9. Of President Yarick Christian Endeavor Union. 10. Of Ministerial Brotherhood. 11. Of Publication House. 12. Of District President, Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young Woman's Branch and Juvenile Society. 13. Of Committees. 14. Of Conference Treasurer. 15. Of Auditing Committee. III. Disciplinary Questions. 1. Who have been Received by Transfer, and from what Conferences? 2. Who have been Received on Credentials, and from what Churches? 3. Who have been received on Trial? 4. Who Remain on Trial? 5. Who have been Dropped? 6. Who have been Admitted into Full Connection? 7. Who have been elected Deacons? 8. Who have been ordained Deacons during the year? 9. Who have been ordained Deacons at Con¬ ference? 10. Who have been elected Elders? 11. Who have been ordained Elders during the year? 12. Who have been ordained Elders at Conference? 79 113 Annual Conferences. 13. Who have been ordained Local Deacons? 14. Who have been ordained Local Elders? 15. Who have been ordained Deacons under Mis¬ sionary Rule? 16. Who have been ordained Elders under Mis¬ sionary Rule? 17. Who have been Transferred, and to what Conferences? 18. Who have died? 19. Who have been Located? 20. Who have Located at their own request? 21. Who have honorably Withdrawn? 22. Who have Withdrawn under Charges or Com¬ plaints? 23. Who have been Suspended? 24. Who have been Expelled? 25. Are there any Complaints? 26. Are there any Appeals? 27. Are all the Ministers and Preachers blameless in Life and Character? (Let the Characters be examined). 28. Who are the Triers of Appeals? 29. Who compose the Educational Board? 30. Who compose the Church Extension and Home Missions Board? 31. Who compose the Foreign Mission Board? 32. Who are the Superannuated Ministers? 33. Who are the Widows and Orphans of our de¬ ceased Ministers? 34. Who are our Missionaries? 35. What new Societies have been Received? 80 Annual Conferences. \ 114 36. Where are the Preachers Stationed? 37. Who are our Supernumerary Preachers? 38. When and where shall the next Conference be held? 1 114. Statistical Report of the Year shall be as follows: Statistics No. I.—Sunday Schools. Number of Sunday Schools. Number of Officers and Teachers. Number of Members on Cradle Roll. Increase over last year. Number of Scholars in Adult Bible Classes. Increase over last year. Number of Scholars in Main School. (Extension Classes included). Increase over last year. Average attendance. Whole number of Scholars in Sunday School. Increase over last year. Decrease. Number of Scholars and Teachers who are Church Members. Number of Scholars (whethier attendants or Mem¬ bers of Home Department) who are Church Members. Number of Scholars converted and uniting with the Church during the year. Number of Sermons preached by the Pastor to the Children. Number of times the Pastor catechised the Children. Number of Bound Volumes in Library. 81 H 114 Annual Conference. Number of Lesson Helps taken from our Publica tion House. Amount raised for Sunday School purposes. Amount raised for Foreign Missions. Amount raised for Home Missions. Amount raised for Sunday School Board. Amount expended. Amount in hand. Statistics No. II.—Yarick Christian Endeavor Society. Number of Societies. Number of Active Members. Number of Associate Members. Number of Honorary Members. Number of Junior Societies. Number of Members in the Junior Societies. Number of Members in both Senior and Junior Societies. Total amount raised by both Senior and Junior Societies. Amount sent to the President of the Union. Amount raised for Foreign Missions. Statistics No. III.—Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies. Number of Societies. Number of Active Members. Number of Honorary Members. Total Amount of Money Raised. Amount sent to Treasurer by Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 82 Annual Conferences. 1 114 Amount sent to Treasurer by Young Woman's Branch. Amount sent to Treasurer by Juvenile Society. Amount remaining in Treasury of Societies. Statistics No. IV.—Church Membership. Number of Conversions. Number received on Probation. Number of Probationers admitted to Full Con¬ nection. Number of Members received by Certificate. Number of Local Preachers and Exhorters. Number of Local Deacons. Number of Local Elders. Number in Baptized Children's Classes. Number of Persons remaining on Probation. Whole number of Full Members. Increase over last year. Number dismissed by Certificate. Number Withdrawn. Number expelled. Number of Deaths. Number of Children Baptized. Number of Adults Baptized. Statistics No. V— Church Property. Number of Churches. Probable Value. Number of Parsonages. Probable Value. Value of Other Church Property. 83 H 114 Annual Conferences. Amount paid on Mortgage Indebtedness with interest. Amount paid on Floating Indebtedness. Amount paid_for Repairs. Amount paid for Current Expenses. Amount in Treasury for Building and Repairing. Statistics No. VI.—Support of the Ministry. Amount raised on Pastor's Salary. Amount raised on Presiding Elder's Salary. Amount raised for General Claims. Statistics No. VII.—Benevolent Collections. Amount raised Children's Day for Education. Amount raised Easter Day for Church Extension and Home Missions. Amount raised Missionary Day for Foreign Missions. Amount raised for Local Education. Amount raised for Ministerial Brotherhood. Amount raised for Publication House. Amount raised for the Poor and Charity. Statistics No. VIII.—Special Collections. Amount raised for the support of Annual Conference- Amount raised for the support of General Con¬ ference. Amount raised for General Conference Delegates. Amount raised by Daughters of Conference. Amount raised for Amount raised for 84 District Conferences. 116 Amount raised for other purposes. Total amount raised for all purposes. Balance in Treasury for Current Expenses. Statistics No. IX.—Church Periodicals. Number of Subscribers to the Star of Zion. Number of Subscribers to the Quarterly Review. Number of Subscribers to the Missionary Seer. Number of Subscribers to the S. S. Bulletin. CHAPTER Y THE DISTRICT CONFERENCES. 1 115. The Annual Conferences shall be divided into a convenient number of Presiding Elder Districts, and one or more District Conferences may be held each year at such time and place as may be appointed by the Presiding Elder of the District. H 116. The District Conference shall be composed of all the Traveling, Supernumerary and Superan¬ nuated Ministers, Local Elders, Local Deacons, Local Preachers, Exhorters, Superintendents of the Sunday Schools, Presidents of Varick Christian Endeavor Societies, District President of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young Woman's Branch, Juvenile Society and District Educational Secretary, District Superintendent of Sunday Schools, one Lay Delegate from each circuit and station within 85 1 117 District Conferences. the District, and one Lay Delegate from each Sunday School in the District and from each Varick Christian Endeavor Society. f 117. The business of the District Conference shall be to inquire into the spiritual and temporal affairs of Churches, Schools, and Benevolent Societies within the District. To take cognizance of all the Super¬ numerary and Superannuated Preachers, Local Elders, Deacons and Preachers, and Exhorters, in the District; to inquire as to the gifts, graces, and genera) usefulness of Ministers, Preachers and Exhorters, and, upon recommendation from the Quarterly Con* ference, to grant or renew Local Preachers' License. 1 118. All Candidates for license or renewal, or to join the Annual Conference who have been previously examined and recommended by the Quarterly Con¬ ference and reported to the District Conference, shall be further examined on the studies laid down for admission into the Annual Conference, and if such Candidates pass creditable examination they may be favorably reported to the Annual Conference, 1161,1199. 1 119. The Presiding Elder of the District shall preside at the District Conference. But in case the Presiding Elder is absent, an Elder appointed by him shall preside. But if no appointment is made, or the one appointed fails to attend, the Conference shall proceed to elect a President from among the Elders, without debate. 1 120. A record of the proceedings of each District Conference shall be kept by a Secretary chosen for th0 86 District Conferences. U 121 purpose, and a copy of said record shall be sent to the ensuing Annual Conference. f 121. The regular business of the District Con¬ ference shall be: 1. To take the general oversight of all the temporal and spiritual affairs of the District, subject to the provisions of the Discipline. 2. To take cognizance of all the Supernumerary and Superannuated Preachers, Local Elders, Deacons, and Preachers, and Exhorters, in the District; to inquire as to their gifts, graces and general usefulness. 3. To ascertain the correct membership of Preach¬ ers and Laity within the District. 4. To inquire whether the Assessment of General Claims has been collected according to Discipline, and whether the other Benevolent Collections have been properly attended to in each Pastoral Charge, and to adopt suitable measures for success in raising the required amount. 5. To inquire into the condition of the Sunday Schools in the District, and to adopt suitable meas¬ ures for insuring their success. 6. To inquire into the condition of the Varick Christian Endeavor Societies in the District^ and to adopt suitable measures for their success. 7. To inquire into the condition of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, Young Woman's Branch and Juvenile Societies within the District, and to adopt measures for making them a success. 8. To ascertain the number of baptized children 87 f 122 District Conferences. that have been arranged into classes according to Discipline, ^ 45, 1 48. 9. To ascertain from each Pastor whether he has carried out the law spiritually and temporally ac¬ cording to the duties of a Pastor. 1 122. The order of business for the District Con¬ ference. 1. Devotional Exercises. 2. Election of Officers. 3. Roll Call." 4. Appointment of Committees on (1) Rules. (2) Lay Delegates. (3) Finance. (4) Programme of Religious and Literary Exercises. (5) Education. (6) Church Extension and Home Missions. (7) Foreign Missions. (8) Sunday Schools. (9) Varick Christian Endeavor. (10) Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young Woman's Branch and Juvenile Society. (11) Superannuated Ministers. (12) Widows and Orphans. (13) Examination of Local Preachers and Exhorters. (14) Examination of Candidates for admission into the Annual Conference. (15) Presiding Elder's Salary. 88 District Conferences. t 122 (16) Miscellaneous Matters. 5. Then shall follow reports: (1) From the Presiding Elder, as to the con¬ dition of the work under his Charge, and his own work as Presiding Elder. (2) From each Pastor, as to the religious con¬ dition of his Charge, his Pastoral labors4 the Benevolent Collections, and the circu¬ lation of our Church Periodicals and Books. (3) From each Lay Delegate as to the wishes of the Churches he represents for the return of the Pastor. (4) From the Supernumerary Preachers within the District, as to how they have employ¬ ed their time and talent, when and where, with what Quarterly Conference they are connected, and what studies in the Course they are pursuing. (5) From the Local Elders and Deacons as to the number of sermons they have preached during the past year, how often they have assisted in administering the Sacraments, the number of baptisms and marriages they have performed, what assistance they have rendered the Pastor and Pre¬ siding Elder, and what studies in the Course they are pursuing. (6) From each Local Preacher as to the number of sermons he has preached, what service Jie has rendered the Pastor and Presiding 89 1 122 District Conferences. Elder, what studies he has finished in the Course laid down, and what studies he is pursuing. - (7) From each Exhorter, as to how many Exhortations he has given, how many Prayer Meetings held, and other work he has done, especially for the sick and poor, and what studies in the Course he is pursuing. (8) From each Superintendent as to the general condition of the Sunday School he repre¬ sents. (9) From each Sunday School Delegate as to the numerical, financial, literary, and spiritual condition of the Sunday School he repre¬ sents. (10) From each President or Delegate of the Yarick Christian Endeavor Society as to the numerical, financial, literary, and spiritual condition of both the senior and junior Societies he represents. (11) From the District Presidentof the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young Woman's Branch and Juvenile Society as to the number of Societies in the District, the amount of money she has received through the local societies, the amount of money she has collected through her own efforts, the remittances she has made to the General Treasurer, and the amount of expense incurred in the discharge of her duty. District Conferences. ^ 127 (12) Reports from other Committees. 123. The business may be varied, so as to inter¬ sperse literary and religious exercises. ^ 124. The District Conference shall have the power to elect two or more Delegates, as it may deem best, to represent the District in Annual Conference next ensuing. The traveling expenses of such Delegates shall be met by the District Conference. The Dele¬ gates so elected shall have the same right of any other Member of the Annual Conference in the trans¬ action of business. The President of the District Conference shall see that Credentials are given each Delegate signed by himself and Secretary, ^ 108. H 125. Each Pastor holding a Charge shall be re¬ quired to lift a collection of One Dollar ($1.00) or more and bring or send the same to the District Conference to help defray the expenses of the District Con¬ ference, f 205, §16. TI 126. Where the District Conference elects Delegates to represent the Churches of the District in the Annual Conference, they shall take the place of Delegates from individual Charges or Churches, provided, however, that an individual Charge or Church may send a Delegate of its own to the Annual Conference who shall have the right to state the wishes of the Charge or Church he represents as to the Pastor, also the spiritual and temporal condition of the work; but shall not be allowed to discuss other business of the Annual Conference, nor to exercise the right to vote, ^ 108. ' t 127. Where a majority of the District Conference 91 1f 128 District Conferences. decides not to elect Delegates to the Annual Con¬ ference, but votes to allow the individual Charges or Churches to send Delegates of their own, such Dele¬ gates elected by the individual Charges or Churches shall enjoy all the rights of the Annual Conference that the two or more District Delegates would have enjoyed, 1108. H 128. The Presiding Elder shall impress upon the Pastors and Members of the District Conference that every Part of the Church law should be enforced in the right spirit, and every honorable measure adopted to make success of both the spiritual and temporal part of the work. f 129. It is the business of the District Conference to examine into the conditions of the Sunday School and Yarick Christian Endeavor Societies within the District, but where a majority of the Members of the District Conference decides to hold two sessions separately, and at different times, this may be done. Where the Sunday Schools and Varick Christian Endeavor Societies meet separate from the District Conference in annual session, their meeting shall be styled District Convention, at which the District Presidents may preside alternately, ^ 199, §6. 92 Quarterly Conferences. 1 133 CHAPTER YI THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCES K 130. The Quarterly Conference shall be composed of all the Traveling Ministers, Local ^Elders, Deacons and Preachers, Exhorters, Class Leaders, Trustees, Stewards, Stewardesses, Deaconesses, the Superin¬ tendents of Sunday Schools, President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Varick Christian Endeavor Society, The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, The Young Woman's Missionary Society, The Juve¬ nile Society and the Daughters of Conference of the Circuit or Station. All of our General Officers and Ministers shall be amenable to the Quarterly Confer¬ ence within whose bounds they reside. The Presi¬ dent, Secretary and Treasurer of any Society formed and operating in th name of the Church shall be sub¬ ject to the Quarterly Conference. H 131. The Presiding Elder shall appoint the time and place of holding the Quarterly Conference, and shad preside over its proceedings, or he may appoint a Traveling Elder to preside; but in the absence of the Presiding Elder, and of the Traveling Elder so appointed, the Pastor shall preside. H 132. The Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Secretary, who shall accurately and faithfully keep a record of the proceedings, which record shall be read and approved before the Conference adjourns, and shall be signed by the President and Secretary. f 133. The regular business of the Quarterly Con¬ ference is: 93 1 133 Quarterly Conferences. 1. To examine into the character of all its Members whose characters are subject to approval or disap¬ proval by that body. 2. To inquire into the gifts, labors and usefulness of all the Ministers, Preachers, Exhorters and Dea¬ conesses within the Charge. 3. To examine and license proper persons to preach and exhort when in its judgment their gifts, graces and usefulness warrant it, or may refer them to the Dis¬ trict Conference, after examination for license or re¬ newal. 4. To recommend to the District and Annual Con¬ ference suitable condidates to be received on Trial, and suitable Preachers for Deacons' and Eldei^' Or¬ ders, 1199 § 8. 5. To examine into the accounts of Pastor, Trus¬ tees, Stewards, and the Societies subject to the Quar¬ terly Conference, f 349. 6. To act as Appellate Court for Members who have been tried in the lower Court, to adjudicate and fin¬ ally determine the appeal, f 240. 7. Try, suspend, deprive of Credentials, expel, or. acquit any Local Elder, Local Deacon, Local Preacher, or Exhorter, in the Circuit or Station, aginst whom charges have been preferred, 11215, 1227, 1245, 1249, 1 255. 8. To have the oversight of all the Sunday Schools within the bounds of the Circuit or Station; to con¬ firm or reject the Sunday School Superintendents nom¬ inated by the Sunday School Board, to remove any Superintendent who may prove unworthy or inefficient. 94 Quarterly Conferences. f 136 9. To have the general oversight of the Varick Christian Endeavor Societies, the Local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies and other organizations formed and operating in the name of the Church; to confirm or reject the Presidents of the Varick Christian Endeavor Societies, the Presidents of the Local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, and the President of any other Society formed in the name of the Church and subject to the Quar¬ terly Conference. 10. To elect a Delegate to represent the Church or Charge in the District or Annual Conference, 1108. 11. To appoint on the nomination of the Pastor the proper Leaders, Stewards, Stewardesses, and Dea¬ conesses, and a Committee on Education, Church Extension, Foreign Missions, Superannuated Minis¬ ters, Widows and Orphans, Sunday Schools, Music and the Presidents of Societies connected with and operating in the name of the Church, and confirm those already appointed. 12. To inquire after and see that our own Periodi¬ cals and Hymnals are used in our Churches, 1199, § 13. t 134. The Quarterly Conference shall have original jurisdiction ovar its own Members, and shall consti¬ tute a Court of Appeals for Lay Members, 1290,1293. 1 135. At thi last Quarterly Conference of each Conference year all persons whose business it is to report to the Quarterly Conference, shall make a report covering the four quarters. 1 136. The order of business in the Quarterly Con¬ ference shall be as follows: 1. Devotional Exercises. 95 H 136 Quarterly Conferences. 2. Calling the roll of Members. 3. A brief address by the Presiding Elder. 4. The following reports shall then be made: (1) Trustees, 1423, 1 433. (2) Leaders, f 231. (3) Poor's Steward, U 418. (4) Preacher's Steward, * 382. (5) Stewardesses, f 383. (6) Deaconesses, (7) Local Preachers, 1218. (8) Exhorters, 1 225. (9) Superintendents of Sunday Schools, "1. (10) Presidents of Varick Christian Endeavor. Societies, 1 596, § 1. (11) Presidents of Local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young Woman's Branch and Juvenile Society, 1571. (12) Presidents of Daughters of Conference. (13) Representatives of other Societies operat¬ ing in the Church. (14) Committee on Education. (15) Committee on Church Extension and Home Missions. (16) Committee on Foreign Missions. (17) Committee on Superannuated Ministers, Widows and Orphans. (18) Committee on Sunday School. (19) Committee on Music. (20) Other Committees. (21) Pastor, \ 205, § 32. 5. Examination of characters. 96 Quarterly Conferences. J 136 6. The following questions shall then be asked: (1) Are there any applications for Exhorters' or Preachers license? (2) Are there any licenses to be renewed? (3) Are there any Leaders to be appointed? (4) Are there any Trustees to be confirmed? (5) Are there any Poor's Stewards to be appointed? (6) Are there any Preacher's Stewards to be appointed? (7) Are there any Stewardesses to be ap¬ pointed? (8) Are there any Superintendents to be con¬ firmed? (9) Are there any Presidents of Varick Chris¬ tian Endeavor Societies to be confirmed? (10) Are there any Presidents of the Local Woman's Home and Foreign Mission¬ ary, Young Woman's Branch, and Juvenile Societies to be confirmed? (11) Are there any Presidents of the Daught¬ ers of Conference to be confirmed? (12) Are there any Deaconesses to be con¬ firmed? (13) Are there any Boards to be appointed or confirmed? (14) Are there any Committees to be ap¬ pointed or confirmed? (15) What amount has been agreed upon for the support of the pastor? (16) What amount has been assessed this 97 1 137 Leaders' Meeting. Charge for the support of the Presiding Elder? (17) What amount has been assessed this Charge for General Cla ms? (18) What amount has been apportioned this Charge for Benevolences? (19) Are there any Appeals? (20) Are the Churches in this Charge insured? (21) Have the Churched in this Charge the proper Church Records? (22) Are there any Candidates to be recom¬ mended to the District or Annual Con¬ ference for Reception on Trial? (23) Are there any Candidates to be recom¬ mended to the Annual Conference for Deacons' or Elders' Orders? (24) Reading and Approval of Minutes. CHAPTER YII THE LEADERS' MEETING. f 137. Leaders' Meeting shall be held once in every month n a Station, and once in every three months on a Circuit, and shall consist of the Pastor in Charge, who is the Chairman, the Class Leaders, and the Stewards who have been appointed to take charge of the money collected for the Pastor, Presiding Elder, General Claims, Benevolences, and Poor. U 138. Each Leader shall be closely examined by the Pastor at least once in three months with th§ 98 Leaders' Meeting. ^ 140 utmost exactness concerning the method of meeting his Class, and the numerical, financial and spiritual condition of the Members of his Class. t 139. The Preacher's Steward shall receive from the Leaders the money collected by them in their respective Classes, and he shall make a report of the same to the Leaders' Meeting, ^ 230, § 4. The Poor's Steward shall report what money he has received, and paid out for the Poor, % 230, § 2. I 140. At each Leaders Meeting let the following questions be asked namely: 1. Are there any sick? 2. Are there any requiring temporal relief? 3. Are there any who walk disorderly, and will not be reproved? 4. Are there any who willfully neglect the means of grace? 5. Are there any changes to be made in the Classes? 6. Are there any Probationers to be recommended for admission into Full Connection? 7. Are there any to be recommended for License to preach or exhort? 8. Are there any applications for Certificates of Membership? 9. Have any withdrawn without Certificates of Membership? 10. Who have married? II Who have died? 12. What amount has been raised for the Poor? 13. What amount has been received for the support of the Pastor? 99 H 142 Leaders' Meeting. 14. What amount has been collected for the support of the Presiding Elder? 15. What amount has been collected on General Claims? 16. What amount has been collected for benevo¬ lences? 1 141. When there are complaints entered such as will require a trial meeting, the Pastor shall choose a committee of members of the Circuit or Station forthwith, and, if possible, aside from the official. Members, and shall also appoint the time of trial and notify the accuser and the accused. A Secretary shall be appointed to keep a record of the proceedings of the Leaders' Meetings from time to time, who shall also keep a copy of the proceedings of the Trial Com¬ mittee in the Leaders' Meeting Book, 57, H 237. CHAPTER VIII THE MEMBERS' MEETING. 1 142. Whenever there is any business to be at¬ tended to by the local Church not otherwise vested in the Board of Trustees, Leaders' Meeting or Quarter¬ ly Conference, the Members in Full Connection shall be called together in a Members' Meeting to consider the matter. 1 143. The Pastor in Charge shall have the sole right to make the call for and preside over the Mem¬ bers' Meeting, ^ 421, ^ 425, H 433. 100 part iii. The Ministry. X. QUALIFICATIONS AND RULES OF A PREACHER. II. RECEPTION OF PREACHERS AND MINISTERS. III. DEACONS. IV. ELDERS. V. BISHOPS. VI. PRESIDING ELDERS. VII. PASTORS IN CHARGE. VIII. SUPERNUMERARY AND SUPER¬ ANNUATED MINISTERS. Qualifications and Work. IT 145. CHAPTER I. QUALIFICATIONS AND RULES OF THE PREACHER. L His Call to Preach. H 144. We regard the call to preach the Gospel to be both internal and external. § 1. The internal call consists of those gifts and graces requisite to the proper and faithful discharge of the duties of the Christian Ministry. We expect those who profess to be moved upon by the Holy Ghost to preach, (1) To evince an unmistakable con¬ ception of salvation by faith ; (2) To possess a sound mind; (3) To have a clear understanding of the Scriptures; (4) To have a right judgment in the things of God; (5) To have a good degree of utter¬ ance as a Preacher. \ 2. The external call does not confer personal gifts nor qualifications, but presupposes both. It is designed to confer upon the Preacher who is found to possess the inward call, official authority, to exer¬ cise in the name of God and in the name of the Church, the functions of the Christian Ministry. II. Rules for a Preacher's Conduct. f 145. Rule 1. Be diligent. Never be unem¬ ployed. Never be trifiingly employed. * ■ 103 146. Qualifications and Work. If 146. Rule 2. Be serious. Let his motto be " Holiness to the Lord." Avoid all lightness, jest¬ ing and foolish talking. If 147. Rule 3. Be circumspect, and conduct him¬ self prudently with women. (I. Tim. 5 : 2.) If 1«. Rule If,. Believe evil of no one without good evidence; unless he sees it done, he must take heed how he credits it. Put the best construction on everything. If 149. Rule 5. Speak evil of no one, because his word, especially, would eat as doth a canker. Let him keep his thoughts within his own breast till he comes to the person concerned. T 150. Rule 6. As a Methodist Minister he must mind every point, great and small, in the Methodist Discipline. Therefore he will need to exercise all the sense and grace he has. If 151. Rule 7. Avoid all affectation. A Preacher of the Gospel is a servant of all. If 152. Rule 8. Be ashamed of nothing but sin. If 168. Rule 9. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time. Not to mend our laws, but keep them; not for wrath, but for conscience's sake. 1f 154. Rule 10. He should act in all things, not according to his own will, but as a son in the Gospel. As such it is his duty to employ his time in the man¬ ner which his brethren direct. In preaching and visiting from house to house; in reading, meditation, and prayer; above all, if he labors with his brethren in the vineyard of the Lord, it is needful he should do the part of the work that they desire at those Qualifications and Work. -157. times and places which they judge most for the glory of God. Tf 155. Some smaller advices which may be useful to Preachers in general are these: 1. Be sure never 'to disappoint a congregation. 2. Begin at the time appointed. 3. Let his whole de¬ portment be serious, weighty and solemn. 4. Always suit the subject to the audience. 5. Choose the plainest text. 6. Take care not to ramble, but keep to the text or subject, and make out what is taken in hand. 7. Avoid anything awkward or affected either in gestures, phrases, or pronunciations. 8. Should not usually pray extempore above eight or ten min¬ utes (at most) without intermission. 9. Frequently read and enlarge upon a portion of Scripture; and let young Preachers often exhort without taking a text. 10. Let the Preacher always avail himself of the great festivals by preaching on those occasions. m. Manner and Method of Preaching. IT 156. The best method of preaching is: First. To convince. Second. To offer Christ. Third. To in¬ vite. Fourth. To build up. And to do this in some manner, in every sermon. \ 157. The most effectual way is, to preach Christ in all his offices, and to declare his Law as well as his Gospel, both to the believers and unbelievers. Let every Minister strongly and forcibly insist upon inward and outward holiness. 105 158. Preachers and Ministers. CHAPTEK II. RECEPTION OF PREACHERS AND MINISTERS. I. Reception on Trial. 158. A Preacher is to be received on Trial by the Annual Conference. 159. During the interval of the Annual Con¬ ference a Bishop or Presiding Elder may receive a Preacher on Trial temporarily, and use him until the sitting of the Annual Conference next ensuing. 11160. Before he can be received on Trial by a Bishop or a Presiding Elder he must give the Quarterly Conference that recommends him satisfaction as to iis knowledge of the branches laid down in the Dis¬ cipline to be studied by Candidates for Reception on Trial, and his general ability to enter upon the duties of a Pastor, A. 30. IT 161. Before he can be received into the Annual Conference, whether he has been previously used by a Bishop or Presiding Elder or not, he must: \ 1. Present a recommendation to the Examining Committee from the Quarterly Conference (and one from the District Conference, provided he was exam¬ ined there) of which he was a Member, duly signed by the President and Secretary thereof. \ 2. He shall give the Annual Conference satisfac¬ tory evidence of his knowledge of the studies pre- 106 Preachers and Ministers. 164. scribed for, and to be pursued by Candidates for Re¬ ception on Trial. g 3. He must satisfy the Conference that he is not encumbered by debts or otherwise embarrassed so as to prevent his going to and entering upon the work of his Charge. § 4. He must satisfy the Conference as to his gen¬ eral habits, especially as they refer to temperance and the use of narcotics. § 5. He must give satisfactory evidence that he is acquainted with the Qualifications and Rules of a Preacher. (1) His Call to Preach. (2) Rules for a Preacher's Conduct. (3) Manner and Method of Preaching. I 6. If he satisfy the Conference on the above and present the proper recommendation he may be received on Trial, H" 107, T[ 118, A. 30. 162. Reception on Trial is entirely different from admitting a Preacher into Full Connection. A Preacher taken on Trial may be dropped when occa¬ sion requires it without any formal trial. 1T 163. When an unordained Preacher is dropped from the Conference Roll he shall become subject to the Quarterly Conference where he resides, which Conference shall renew or reject his License within one year, and thereafter be dealt with as a Local Preacher. T[ 164. While he is on Trial the Annual Confer¬ ence alone has jurisdiction over his authority to preach, and his appointment from year to year will 165. Preachers and Ministers. be a sufficient guarantee for the renewal of his License. ft 165. If the person on Trial is a Deacon or Elder, and shall be dropped from the Conference Roll, he shall be subject to the Quarterly Conference where he resides, but his License will not have to be renewed; his rank shall at once become a Local Deacon or Local Elder. f 166. When a Preacher's name is not printed in the Conference minutes, he must receive a written License from a Bishop or Elder. H. Admission Into Full Connection* T 167. A Preacher on Trial who has been employed in the regular itinerant work on Circuits or Stations, or as an instructor in an institution of learning, for two successive years from the time he was received on Trial, may be admitted into Full Connection in the Annual Conference after he has given satisfactory evidence of his knowledge of the first two years of the Conference Course of Study, and after the exam¬ ination before the Conference prescribed in ft 168. ft 168. In admitting a Preacher into Full Con¬ nection, after solemn fasting and prayer, he shall be asked, before the Conference, the following questions, with any others which may be thought necessary, namely: 1. Have you saving faith in Christ? 2. Are you going on to perfection ? 3. Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life? 108 Preachers and Ministers. 169. 4. Are you groaning after it ? 5. Are you resolved to devote yourself to God and his work? 6. Do you know the general Rules of our Church? 7. Will you keep them ? 8. Do you constantly attend the Lord's Supper ? 9. Have you studied the doctrines of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church ? 10. Will you preach and maintain them ? 11. Have you studied our form of Church Disci¬ pline and Polity ? 12. Will you support and maintain them ? 13. Have you considered the Rules for a Preacher, especially those relating to Diligence, Punctuality and to Doing the Work to which you are assigned? 14. Will you keep them for conscience's sake? 15. Are you determined to employ your time in the work of God ? 16. Will you diligently instruct the children in every place ? 17. Will you visit from house to house ? 18. Will you recommend fasting and abstinence both by precept and example ? 19. Are you embarrassed by debts, so as to prevent you from traveling? 20. Do you use intoxicating drugs or tobacco ? f 169. If he give satisfactory answers to questions contained in 168, after he ha^ been employed two successive years in the regular itinerant work, he may by vote be received into Full Connection. 109 ^f[ 170. Preachers and Ministers. IIL Ministers from other Churches. If 170. A Minister coming to us, whether Local or Itinerant, in good standing from another Methodist Church, may be received by the Quarterly Conference or the Annual Conference, on the face of his Cre¬ dentials without the reimposition of hands, on the condition of his giving satisfactory evidence of his being in orders and taking upon himself our Ordi¬ nation Yows. If 171. A Minister coming to us from a Denomina¬ tion which recognizes only one Ordination, shall be received as a Deacon. Nevertheless, if on examina¬ tion, he be found to agree with us in doctrine and Church Polity, and is qualified according to our standard, he may be ordained an Elder immediately, provided he has been engaged in pastoral work for at least four years. Tf 172. A Minister wishing to unite with us from another Church or Denomination shall give satisfac¬ tion to the Committee on Holy Orders in the Annual Conference as to his gifts, graces and culture, but suet a Minister shall need no recommendation from the Quarterly Conference, If 107, If 161. If 173. A Minister wishing to unite with us from any other Church or Denomination must be duly accredited as in good standing in his own Church until his withdrawal or dismissal therefrom, and must be, as far as we can ascertain, blameless in life and character. Tf 174. Ministers of the above description may be received on Trial or into Full Connection according 110 Preachers and Ministers. ■}[ 176. to the number of years they have engaged in pastoral work and in conformity to the Rules governing our own Ministers. Whenever they are so received the usual questions for such Reception shall be asked them in addition to the Ordination Vows, T[ 161 \ 1- e, ir i7i. IT 175. Ministers of the above description shall be subject to the Course of Study laid down in our Dis¬ cipline for Preachers of their rank, and unless they have finished the Course, or its equivalent, they shall be required to pursue the Studies according to the year they are judged to enter. 11" 176. Whenever such Ministers are received they shall be furnished with a Certificate signed by one of our Bishops in the following order: " This is to Certify that Conference having examined the Credentials of Rev. as (Elder or Deacon) of the and having received other testimonials of his Grace, Gifts, and Usefulness, and being satisfied therewith, has this day accepted and recognized him in due form as {an Elder or a Deacon) according to the usage of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and he is hereby authorized to exercise the functions of his office in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, so long as his life, conduct, and conversation are such as become the Gospel of Christ. Given under my hand and seal, at , this day of in the year of our Lord Done at , 19 111 •f[ 177. Preachers and- Ministers. IV. Ministers in Official Positions. If 177. Traveling Ministers who have been elected to official positions by the General Conference, or ap¬ pointed to similar positions by the Annual Conference or Bishop shall be Members of such Annual Conference as they may select upon the approval of the Bishop. U" 178. In case they wish to remove their Member¬ ship from one Annual Conference unto another, they shall like all other Ministers secure a transfer. Tf 179. All of our Bishops, General Officers, Presi¬ dents of Institutions of Learning who are Ministers, and all other Traveling Ministers shall hold their Membership in, and be subject to, some Annual Con¬ ference. V. Transfer of Ministers. 180. After a Minister has become a Member of an Annual Conference, the Bishop or Conference may transfer him to any other Conference District in the Connection, with his consent; provided, further, that no Bishop shall refuse to grant a transfer to any Min¬ ister applying for the same, when in good standing according to the Discipline. The Bishop shall give him a transfer in the following form: "To the Bishop and Members of the Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, greeting : " This is to Certify that the bearer, Rev , having been a Member of the Annual Conference, is transferred to your District. " (/Signed) _t Bishop." 112 Preachers and Ministers. 183. VL Termination of Conference Membership. 1. By Location. 181. An Annual Conference may grant to any Member who is in good standing therein a Location, certified by the Bishop of the Conference. Such Min¬ ister shall thereupon hold his Membership as a Local Elder (or Deacon), as the case may be, in the Quar¬ terly Conference where he resides. T[ 182. Whenever a Member of the Annual Con¬ ference applies for a Location, it shall be asked, Has he settled up all his Assessments and Conference Claims ? Is there anything against his Moral, or Christian, or Ministerial Character? If he has met all his claims and found to be blameless, he shall be granted his Location. 2. By Withdrawal.. If 183. A Member of the Annual Conference in good standing wishing to withdraw from our Church and Ministry to join another Church, his Credentials should be surrendered to the Conference, and he given a Certificate of recommendation, signed by the Bishop and Secretary of the Conference. Or should he de¬ sire, his Credentials may be returned to him with the words written across the face : " This Certifies that Rev. has honorably withdrawn from the - Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church." 8 113 •J, 184. Deacons. CHAPTER III. DEACONS. 1[ 184. A Deacon is constituted by the election of a majority of the Annual Conference and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop. H" 185. A Deacon has the authority to preach; to conduct Divine Worship ; to solemnize Matrimony; to administer Baptism; and to assist the Elder in administering the Lord's Supper. 1[ 186. A Deacon shall exercise the functions of his office at least two years before he is eligible for elec¬ tion to the office of an Elder; but in case of necessity the Annual Conference may elect him to the office of an Elder sooner. IT 187. A Deacon who ceases to travel without the consent of the Annual Conference, certified to under the hand of the Bishop of the Conference, except in case of sickness, disability, or other unavoidable cir¬ cumstances, shall not be allowed to exercise the pe¬ culiar functions of his office among us. Neverthe¬ less, the Annual Conference shall determine such cases. - 1[ 188. The following Preachers are eligible to the office of Deacon: \ 1. Local Preachers who have served as such at least two years, have satisfactorily completed the Course of Study laid down for Local Preachers, and 114 Elders. IT iw. have been properly recommended by the Quarterly Conference, 1[ 220. § 2. Traveling Preachers who have been in the Annual Conference on Trial for two years, have satis¬ factorily completed the first two years of the Con¬ ference Course of Study laid down for Preachers on Trial. \ 3. Traveling Preachers who shall be appointed by a Bishop to a foreign Mission or to a remote field in the Conference where it is difficult for them to have the oversight of an Elder, and the necessities of the field require the Preacher to be in orders. In such a case the Bishop and Presiding Elders may recommend their election, and they may be ordained to Deacons' Orders by what is known as Missionary Rule. CHAPTER IV. ELDERS. 1f 189. An Elder is constituted by the election of a majority of the Annual Conference, and by the laying on of the hands of a Bishop and two or more Elders. Tf 190. An Elder has authority to Preach; to con¬ duct Divine Worship; to solemnize Matrimony ; and to administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. If 191-, Preachers of the following classes are eli¬ gible to the office of Elder: *f[ 191, § 1. Elders. \ 1. Those who have been for four years Local Deacons, have completed satisfactory to the Annual Conference the studies prescribed for Deacons who are Candidates for Elders' Orders, and have been properly recommended by the Quarterly Conference for Elders' Orders. § 2. Preachers who have been Deacons for two years in the Traveling Connection, and have been in Full Connection during the same period, have com¬ pleted satisfactory to the Annual Conference the Course of Study prescribed for Deacons who are Can¬ didates for Elders' Orders. § 8. Preachers who having been admitted to Full Connection, and have been elected to the office of Deacon under the Missionary Rule, have traveled two years, and have completed the Course of Study pre¬ scribed for Candidates for Elders' Orders. $ 4. Those Preachers who unite with us from Churches that recognize only one Ordination and have been received as Deacons, but who upon exam¬ ination satisfy the Annual Conference of their knowledge of the Course of Study prescribed for Deacons who are Candidates for Elders' Orders. 192. When an Elder ceases to travel without the consent of the Annual Conference, or a certificate under the hand of a Bishop, except in case of sick¬ ness, disability, or other unavoidable circumstances, he shall net be allowed to exercise the peculiar func¬ tions of his office. Nevertheless, the Annual Con¬ ference shall determine the case. 116 Bishops. 1 195 CHAPTER V BISHOPS. *1 193. A Bishop shall be constituted by the elec¬ tion of two-thirds of all the Members of the General Conference who have answered to roll call durir.g the session, and the laying on of the hands of three or more Bishops, or at least one Bishop and two Elders, 167. f 194. If by death, or otherwise, there be no Bishop remaining in our Church, the General Con¬ ference shall elect a Bishop, and the Elders present, or any three of them, who shall be appointed by the General Conference for that purpose, "hall con¬ secrate him according to our Ritual, 1 82 1 195. A Bishop is consecrated for life, or so long as his spirit and practice are such as become the Gospel. If a Bishop cease from traveling at large among the people without the consent of the General Conference, he shall not be allowed in any degree to exercise his Episcopal office, 180, 1 271; whenever by infirmity or otherwise he becomes incompetent to perform his official duties, he shall be retired; A Bishop shall be retired automatically by the General Conference which convenes nearest his seventy-fourth birthday, and his pension shall be One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars a year, 1 80, 1 271. 117 1 196 Bishops. t 196. No Elder is eligible to the office of Bishop: 1. Who has not been twenty years a Traveling Minister. 2. Who has not attained the age of forty years. 3. Who has two living wives. 4. Who has been expelled from our Church or from any other Denomination for gross immorality. f 197. The duties of a Bishop are: 1. To preside in the Annual and General Con¬ ferences. 2. To form the Presiding Elder Districts according to the judgment of the Conference. 3. To make out the appointments of the Preachers under the following restrictions: (1) He shall appoint the Preachers to Charges annually. (2) He shall allow a Preacher to remain in a Charge four consecutive years, provided in his judg¬ ment it is best; but no longer, unless he is building a Church or Parsonage or engaged in paying off some heavy Church debt; he then may allow him to stay longer at his discretion. Provided, however, that this rule does not refer to Preachers in Foreign fields. (3) He shall appoint no Preacher to a Pastoral Charge who is not a subscriber to our official peri¬ odicals. § 4. To appoint Agents when requested by the Annual Conference, to travel throughout the bounds of such Conference for the purpose of collecting money for the benefit of the Institutions belonging to our Church, 1 539. 118 Bishops. 1 197 § 5. To change in the interim of the Annual Con¬ ference, the appointments of the Preachers as neces¬ sity may require. § 6. To receive and transfer Preachers when necessary according to law; he shall not transfer a Preacher from one Conference to another without his consent, ^ 180. § 7. He shall travel throughout his entire District once a year, to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the work, U 355. § 8. To consecrate Bishops who have been elected by the General Conference and ordain Deacons and Elders who have been elected by the Annual Con¬ ference, and to furnish them Credentials. § 9. To decide all questions of law in the Annual Conference subject to an appeal to the General Con¬ ference, but the application of law shall in all cases be with the Annual Conference, 180. § 10. To appoint Presiding Elders over Districts for the efficiency of the work. § 11. To sit as judge when appealed to by a Minister convicted by a Trial Committee, to call and preside over the Court of Appeal^ for Ministers convicted by an Annual Conference, H 264, § 1. 119 1! 198 Presiding Ejlders. CHAPTER YI PRESIDING ELDERS, 1 198. Every Annual Conference shall adopt the Presiding Elder System, and it shall be divided into a suitable number of districts for that purpose. 199. The duties of a Presiding Elder are: 1. To travel through his District and labor for the promotion of the spiritual and temporal upbuilding of the work committed to his charge. 2. In the absence of the Bishops to take charge of all the Traveling Ministers, Local Preachers, and Exhorters in his District as the Discipline directs. 3. To fill vacancies in appointments, temporarily, when necessary, subject to the approval of the Bishop, but he shall not change an appointment made by a Bishop or appoint another to fill the vacancy without consulting the Bishop when it is reasonably con¬ venient for him to do so. 4. To appoint the time and place for the Quarterly Meeting, and to be present and preside over the Quarterly Conference, or, if unable to be present, to appoint some Traveling Elder to preside in his stead 1131. 5. To decide all questions of law in proceedings pending in a District or Quarterly Conference subject to an appeal to the Bishop, to the Triers of Appeals, or to the General Conference, but the application of the law shall in all cases be with the Conference. 120 Presiding Elders. f 199 6. After consulting with the Pastors in Charge in the District and District officers, to appoint the time and place of holding the District Conference and Sunday School Convention, and preside over the same, or appoint some one to preside over the same, or appoint some one to preside in his absence, % 129. 7. To issue Licenses to the proper persons, and to renew them according to the action of the Quarterly or District Conference, ^ 133-3. 8. To attach his signature to the recommendations given to any Candidate by the Quarterly Conference for Reception on Trial in the Annual Conference, also to any Certificate given Delegates to the Annual Conference,! 133, §4. 9. To see that all Church property is well insured. 10. To see that all Deeds, Charters, and other con¬ veyance^ of Church property in his District conform strictly to the laws of the State or Territory within which such property is situated, and according to the Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 1 428, H 432. 11. To promote by all proper means the collecting of the assessments and the interests of Education, Church Extension and Home Missions, Foreign Missions, Sunday School Union, Yarick Christian Endeavor Union, Publication House, to observe the rules of the Church concerning these and other benevo- ent causes himself, and to see that they are observed by every Pastor and Church within his District; and to explain the purpose of the different benevolences to the Quarterly and District Conferences, and 121' H 199 Presiding Elders, endeavor to secure uniformity in all our Churches in their observances, t 3t9, ^ 522, f 524. 12. To attend the Bishop when present in his District, and to give him by letter, when absent, all necessary information of the condition of his District. 13. To see that our Hymnals, Disciplines, and Sunday School Literature and other Church Periodi¬ cals are used in our Churches, 133, § 12. 14. To see that there is a record in each Church and the names of all the full Members and Proba¬ tioners are duly recorded. At the last Quarterly Conference of the Conference year he shall personally examine the record to see that the number of Mem¬ bers reported to the Annual Conference substantially corresponds to the record as he examined it, 144, §4. 15. To assist in apportioning the amount to be assessed each Charge for general purposes, 1337. 16. To instruct Candidates for the Ministry of the necessity of taking advantage of a thorough training in our literary and theological schools before apply¬ ing for admission into the Annual Conference, and to direct the attention of those who are admitted on Trial to the Course of Study laid down to be pursued, 1 118, 1 504, § 30. 17. To explain and enforce the law as well as the Gospel, but always in the spirit of Christ. 200. The Presiding Elder shall not employ a Preacher who has been rejected by the Annual Con¬ ference without the consent of a majority of the Quarterly Conference of which the Preacher is a Member, and without permission from the Bishop. 122 Pastors in Charge, ^ 205 f 201. The Presiding Elder shall not cease to travel without the consent of the Bishop or Annual Con¬ ference, except in case of sickness, disability or un¬ avoidable circumstances, the reasonableness of which shall be determined by the Annual Conference. t 202. Whenever it shall appear to the Bishop that the Presiding Elder is incompetent, either from want of administrative ability, knowledge of law, prudence or piety to honor the office and bless the Church, he shall remove him and appoint another to fill his place. t 203. The Presiding Elder shall be chosen and appointed by the Bishop as a Pastor is appointed, for one year at a time, but may be allowed to remain in one district, as it is profitable. f 204. The Presiding Elder shall not assume pas¬ toral Junctions where there is a Pastor; nor shall he be appointed to a Pastoral Charge, except in cases where it is not convenient to give him a District sufficiently large to occupy his time and to give him the proper support. CHAPTER YII PASTORS IN CHARGE. U 205. The duties of a Pastor in Charge of a circuit or station are: 1. To have the oversight of all Ministers, Preach¬ ers, Exhorters and officials in his Pastoral Charge. 2. To see that the Ministers, Preachers, Exhorters and officials behave themselves well, and to arrange 123 1 205 Pastors in Charge. appointments for Local Preachers and Exhorters so as to give them systematic work, 1 503. 3. To appoint Class Leaders; to change them at the Quarterly Conference or during the interval when he deems it necessary for the good of the Classes and Church; and to provide for new Classes, 228. 4. To hold Leaders' Meeting once a month in a station, and at least once in three months on a circuit; to examine each Leader with all possible exactness, concerning the method of leading his Class, and to make such changes in Membership as necessity demands, ^ 137. 5. To receive persons on Probation, and into Full Connection after Probation is out; to receive and dismiss Members by Certificate, H 49, § 1-7. 6. To instruct Probationers in the Doctrines and General Rules of our Church before they are received into Full Connection; also to acquaint those who wish to unite with us from other Denominations with our Doctrines and Rules, ^ 43, §1, ^ 44, §2. 7. To read and explain the General Rules at least once a quarter in every Society, ^ 26, ^ 33. 8. To enforce vigorously but calmly the rules of the Church. 9. To try and expel Members according to our form of Discipline, ^ 232, t 242. 10. To form classes of the Baptized Children within his Charge and to catechise and preach to them, also to appoint Leaders for them, ^ 45, t 48, 1 61, ! 475, §1, §2. 11. To hold Watch-night Meetings yearly, and 124 Pastors in Charge. ^ 205 Love-Feasts and General Class Quarterly. He may suffer Watch-night Meetings to last from three ton four hours, and Love-Feast and General Class from one to two hours, 140,141,^63, §3. 12. To catechise the children publicly in Sunday School and at special meetings appointed for that purpose, and also privately; to organize Sunday Schools in places where ten children can be procured; also to organize Varick Christian Endeavor Societies, Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, Daughters of Conference, and to appoint such other Boards and Committees required by the Discipline, 1475. 13. To nominate Trustees, and the elective officers in the Quarterly Conference, t133, §11; 1421. 14. To see that the following Anniversary Days are observed and collections taken: Easter Day, for Church Extension and Home Missions. Children's Day for General Education (10 per cent). Missionary Day (4th Sunday in Sept.) for Foreign Missions. Varick Christian Endeavor Day (Sometime in May) for Varick Christian Endeavor Union. Christmas Sunday in the interest of the' Publica¬ tion House. Sunday School Day (in October) for the Sunday School Union. To collect the General Claims monthly and forward the money according to law. 125 1 205 Pastors in Charge. 15. To call the Stewards and Trustees as often aS may be necessary at least once in three months to inquire into the state of the funds, and to look over their accounts, of which Boards he is ex-officio Chairman,! 137. 16. To lift a collection of One Dollar or more, each, for the specific purpose of bearing the expense of the District Conference, 1125, and to collect the Assess¬ ment for the Annual Conference, f 106, §5. 17. To see that each Church in his Charge is sup¬ plied with a Church Record in which the Member¬ ship, including Probationers, shall be recorded, and to bring a list of all his Members and Probationers to the Annual Conference; to leave his successor an exact account of the names, street and number of all the Members and Probationers in his Charge, H 44, §3; 1199, §14. 18. To see that every Church in his Charge be supplied with our Hymn Books and other Church literature. 19. To renew the Love-Feast tickets quarterly, and that the Leaders take up a collection in their Classes for the Poor when they give out the tickets. 20. To lift a collection for the Poor at every Quarterly Meeting; oftener if necessary, ^ 416. 21. To appoint Prayer Meetings whenever advis¬ able in his Charge, and persons to hold them. 22. In the absence of the Presiding Elder or his appointee, to preside in the Quarterly Conference, provided, however, that if the Pastor be not an Elder these duties shall be performed by another Elder, 1131. 126 Pastors in Charge. 205 23. In the interval of the Quarterly Conference to fill all vacancies occurring in that body, 1 133, § 11; 1425. 24. To attend the Bishop when present, and give him whatever information is necessary, by letter or in person, for the good of the work. 25. To carry out the law respecting the expenses of the General Conference, and any other special collections levied by the proper power for the success of the Church, 1 112. 26. To recommend that a fast be held in every Society on the Friday preceding every Quarterly Meeting, and see that a memorandum of it be written on all the Class-books. , 27. To see that no Member of his Charge officiate in public as a Preacher or Exhorter without obtaining a License for that purpose. 28. To warn his Members from time to time that none are to remove from one Charge to another with¬ out a Certificate of Membership, f 49. 29. To attend and report to the District and Annual Conferences. 30. To become a personal Subscriber to the Star of Zion, Western Star of Zion, Quarterly Review, Mis¬ sionary Seer, 1197, §3, §3,1 455, H 456. 31. To make a written report at each Quarterly Conference in the following form: Quarterly Report. Of the Pastor in Charge of. to the Quarterly Conference held at on the. , c>/. 19 J27 1 205 Pastors in Charge. I. Pastoral Labor. 1. Number of Pastoral visits made. 2. Number of Marriages performed. 3. Number of Funerals conducted. 4. Number of Adults baptized. 5. Number of Children baptized. 6. Number of Sermons preached. 7. Other items. II. Changes in Membership. 1. Number of Conversions. 2. Number received on Probation. 3. Number of Probationers received into Full Connection. 4. Number of Members received on Certificate. 5. Number of Certificates granted. 6. Number withdrawn without Certificates. 7. Number Expelled. 8. Number of Deaths. 9. Present number of Probationers. 10. Present number of Full Members. 11. Increase over last quarter. III. Benevolent Collections. 1. For District School. 2. For Church Extension and Home Missions (Easter). 3. For Education (Children's Day). 4. For Foreign Missions, (Missionary Day). 5. For Varick C. E. Union (In May). 128 Pastors in Charge. ^ 208 6. For General Sunday School Board. 7. For Publication House. 8. For Foreign Mission Schools. 9. For General Claims. IV. Subscribers to our Periodicals. 1. Star of Zion. 2. Western Star of Zion. 3. Quarterly Review. 4. Missionary Seer. ..Pastor in Charge. t 206. To make an exact report to the Annual. Conference of all the items embraced in the Statistics of the Conference, and to pay to the Conference Treasurer or to the proper persons all the moneys raised for our benevolent causes, and to report in open Conference whether he has presented the claims of our benevolent causes according to the require¬ ments of the Discipline, K 106, § 5; U 316; K 349; f 354. f 207. In order to supply the circuits and stations during the sitting of the Annual Conference, let the appointments stand according to the plan of the cir¬ cuit or station, and let the Bishop, or, in his absence, the Minister in Charge, engage as many Local Preach¬ ers and Exhorters as will supply the circuit o? station. 1 208. If Preachers or Exhorters cannot be obtain¬ ed, then let some person of ability be appointed, by the authority aforesaid, to sing and to read one of Mr. Wesley's sermons; but if this cannot be done, let there be Prayer Meeting at the regular times of public worship. 129 209. Supernumerary, Superannuated. f 209. If the Pastor in Charge be not an ordained Minister he shall perform all the duties of a Pastor, except (1) To hold Quarterly Conference, (2) To administer the Lord's Supper, (3) To baptize, (4) To perform the marriage ceremony, 1 60, § 2. CHAPTER VIII. SUPERNUMERARY AND SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS. L. Supernumerary Preachers. f 210. A Supernumerary Preacher is one who has been left without an appointment by the Bishop either from lack of ability, from lack of sufficient Charges to supply him, from temporarily impaired health or at his own request to be left without an appointment. He is subject to receive an appointment during the interval of the Annual Conference from the Bishop, or from the Presiding Elder, by the consent of the Bishop. He still remains a Member of, and is ex¬ pected to attend the Annual Conference until his re¬ lation is properly severed, but shall be subject during the year and enjoy the privileges of the Quarterly Conference where he resides, and shall report to the District Conference, ^ 116. He shall make the fol¬ lowing report at the last Quarterly- Conference of the year: Supernumerary, Superannuated, ft 211. 1. Number of Sermons preached. 2. Number of Marriages solemnized. 3. Number of Baptisms performed. 4. Other labors performed. II. Superannuated Ministers. 211. A Superannuated Minister is one who has worn himself out in the Ministry, and is not able to render further effective service. When a Traveling Minister has rendered no less than ten years of effective service in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, maintained &. good standing in the Traveling Connection and become too feeble to hold a Charge by reason of service, he may by vote of the Annual Conference of which he is a Member be placed in the Superannuated relation. He shall still be a Member of the Annual Conference, and shall enjoy the privileges of the Quarterly Confer¬ ence where he resides. He shall be taken cognizance of by the Presiding Elder, who shall re¬ port his Christian and Ministerial conduct to the Annual Conference. He shall render the following report to the last Quarterly Conference of the year, If 610.' 1. Number of Sermons preached. 2. Number of Marriages solemnized. 3. Number of Baptisms performed. 4. Other labors performed. 131 PART IV. Local Preachers, Exhorters and Lay Helpers. I. LOCAL PREACHERS. II. EXHORTERS. III. CLASS LEADERS. Local Preachers. 214. CHAPTER I. LOCAL PREACHERS. If 212. A Local Preacher is constituted by a major¬ ity of the Quarterly Conference of the Charge of which he is a Member. When an Exhorter or a Member of our Church wishes to obtain License to Preach, he shall make it known at the Leaders' Meeting, either in person, by letter, or otherwise. If his moral and Christian conduct warrants his being recommended for License, the Pastor shall examine him upon the Course of Study laid down for persons applying for License as a Local Preacher, A. 33. If the Pastor and Leaders are satisfied "with his knowledge of the Course of Study, the Pastor shall appoint a time when the applicant shall preach a trial sermon before the Pastor, Officials and Members, in order to further judge of his qualifications. 11" 218. After the applicant has preached his trial sermon, and a majority of the Official Members who were present and heard him, are satisfied with his gifts, graces and general knowledge, they may recom¬ mend him to the Quarterly Conference for License to preach. U 214. When a person is recommended to the Quarterly Conference for License to preach, the Chairman shall satisfy himself as to the ability and fitness of the applicant for the position, and if a ma- 215. Local Preachers. jority of the Quarterly Conference Members concur, he shall be granted License to preach, which License must be renewed annually, or it shall become null and void. Form of the License. " This is to Certify that is duly authorized to preach in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, so long as his life and conduct comport with the Gospel rule, and he conform to the Discipline of the above named Church. On behalf of the Quarterly Conference held at on the day of 19 — (Signed) , Presiding Elder and Chairman. , Secretary. N. B.—Be careful to have this renewed annually." 215. Every Local Preacher, not holding a Charge shall be a Member of, and amenable to the Quarterly Conference where he resides, If 205. And when he shall change his residence he shall procure from the Pastor of the Charge from which he goes, or from the Presiding Elder of the District, a Cer¬ tificate of his Official Standing and shall present it to the Pastor of the Charge to which he goes. Should he neglect to do this he shall not be recog¬ nized, nor shall he use the offiee of a Local Preacher in the Charge to which he goes, but continue to be amenable to the Quarterly Conference of the Charge from which he goes, which may, if the neglect be protracted, after due notice has been given him, try 136 Local Preachers. 220. him for persistent disobedience to the order of our Discipline, and upon conviction thereof, deprive him of his Credentials, f 133 § 7, 1f 243. If 216. Should a Local Preacher be appointed to a Charge by the Presiding Elder he shall then be¬ come a Member of and subject to the Quarterly Con¬ ference of his own Charge, and shall be allowed a salary as any other Pastor, f 384. If 217. Every Local Preacher shall be enrolled in a Class, and the same rules of attendance shall apply to him as are applied to other Members of the Church, If 49 § 8, 55. If 218. Each Local Preacher shall make a report to the Quarterly Conference as follows : 1. Number of Sermons preached. 2. Number of Prayer Meetings held. 3. Number of Class Meetings attended. 4. Number of times attended Sunday School. 5. Number of Funerals conducted. 6. What service he has rendered the Pastor. 7. What service he has rendered the Presiding Elder. 8. What studies he is pursuing. 9. Miscellaneous items. If 219. If a Local Preacher be found neglectful of any of the above duties, and proves himself un¬ worthy of the office, the Quarterly Conference may, after due trial, deprive him of his Credentials, If 133 I 7. If 220. No Local Preacher shall receive Deacon's Orders without the consent of a majority of the 137 •[f 221. Exhortees. Quarterly Conference, and the concurrence of the Annual Conference. Each Local Preacher shall be a Member of and attend the District Conference, and render a report of his labors to that body, f 188. CHAPTER II. EXHORTERS. IF 221. An Exhorter shall be constituted by a majority of the Quarterly Conference of the Charge of which he is a Member. If 222. When a Member of our Church wishes to obtain a License to exhort he shall make it known in the Leaders' Meeting. When such request is made known the Pastor shall examine him upon the Course of Study laid down for applicants who wish to obtain Licenses to exhort, and require of him a trial discourse, A. 32. After delivering the trial dis¬ course, if he satisfies the Pastor and Leaders of his fitness for such License, and his gifts, graces, and usefulness warrant it, he may be recommended to the Quarterly Conference for such License; and if the Chairman and a majority of the Quarterly Con¬ ference concur in his general ability for the office he shall be granted License, which License must be renewed annually or become null and void. 138 Exhokters. 226. Form of the License. " This is to Certify that is duly authorized to exhort in the' African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, so long as his life and conduct comport with the Gospel rule, and he conform to the Discipline of the above named Church. On behalf of the Quarterly Conference held at on the day of 19 . (Signed) , Presiding Elder and Chairman. , Secretary. N. B.—Be careful to have this renewed annually." If 228. An Exhorter shall be a Member of and sub¬ ject to the Quarterly Conference. He shall labor at such time and place within the bounds of the circuit or station as the Pastor in Charge or Presiding Elder may direct, U 205. Tf 224. No person shall be granted a License to exhort who cannot read and write. Tf 225. He shall render to the Quarterly and Dis¬ trict Conference a report of, his labors in the follow¬ ing form: 1. Number of Discourses delivered. 2. Number of Prayer Meetings held. 3. Number of times attended Sunday School. 4. Number of Class Meetings held. 5. What studies he is pursuing. 6. Miscellaneous items. If 226. Each Exhorter shall be enrolled in a Class, and the same rules of attendance shall apply to him 139 1 227 Class Leaders and Their Duties. as are applied to other Members of the Church, ^ 49, § 8, 1 55. K 227. If an Exhorter be found neglectful of any of the above duties, and proves himself unworthy of the office, the Quarterly Conference may, after due trial, deprive him of his Credentials, ^ 133, F 7,1243. CHAPTER III CLASS LEADEHS AND THEIR DUTIES. 1 228. A Class Leader shall be appointed by the Quarterly Conference as follows: The Pastor in Charge shall nominate the person, and a majority of the Quarterly Conference present shall elect him, if there be no objection to his character, to serve one year, and no longer, unless reappointed. He must be a man of good sound judgment and truly devoted to God. >1 229. Previous to the expiration of the time a Leader has to serve, the Pastor shall ascertain from the Members of his Class, by vote or otherwise, whether they wish their Leader re-appointed or not. They shall have said privilege by applying to the Quarterly Conference, if there be no objection to his character or conduct. 1 230. The duties of a Class Leader are: 1. To meet his Class once every week at the ap¬ pointed place of meeting, and to visit those who may J4P Class Leaders and Their Duties. H 231 be absent as soon as possible, in order to inquire how their souls prosper; to advise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require. 2. To make a collection in his Class once in three months for the poor at the time of giving out the Love-Feast tickets, and in giving out the Love- Feast tickets he shall be under the same restrictions as a Pastor in that particular. 3. To make such weekly or monthly collections for the support of the Pastor as shall be agreed upon by the Special Conference, Trustees and Stewards' Boards and the Quarterly Conference from time to time, K 384. 4. To pay into the hands of the Preacher's Steward the money received from his Class. 5. To meet each other's Classes as often as con¬ venient, and to see that the sick and poor Members have proper attention given them. 6. To apply through the Pastor to -the Poor's Steward for means of relief for his needy Members. 7. To collect from his Members whatever assess¬ ment has been agreed upon for the support of the Presiding Elder. 8. To collect from his Members as much as he can of the General Claims Assessment and Special As¬ sessment, and report the same to the Pastor. 1 231. The Leader is required to make the follow¬ ing report at the Quarterly Conference: 1. Number of Members in his Class, 2. Number of Probationers. Average Attendance. 141 1 231 Class Leaders and Their Duties. 4. Number habitually absent. 5. Number of Class Meetings held. 6. Number of visits made. 7. Number who contribute to the support of the Church. 8. Number of Church papers taken by Class Members. 9. Amount collected for Presiding Elder's support 10. Amount the Leader has paid Pastor. 11. Amount collected from Class Members for Pastor. 12. Amount of General Claims Assessment paid by Leader. 13. Amount of. General Claims Assessment collect¬ ed from Class Members." 14. Amount of Benevolent Assessment paid by Leader. 15. Amount of Benevolent Assessment collected from Class Members. 16. Amount collected for the Poor „ from Class Members. 17. Amount collected for Charity from Class Members. 18. Miscellaneous Matters. 142 PART V. Judicial Administration. I. TRIAL OF AN ACCUSED MEMBER. II. TRIAL OF AN EXHORTER OR A LOCAL PREACHER. III. TRIAL OF A LOCAL DEACON OR A LOCAL ELDER. IV. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST A PREACH¬ ER ON TRIAL. V. TRIAL OF A TRAVELING MINISTER IN FULL CONNECTION. VI. TRIAL OF A BISHOP. VII. GENERAL DIRECTIONS CONCERN¬ ING TRIALS. VIII. COURT OF APPEALS. Trial op an Accused Member. 234. CHAPTER I. TRIAL OF AN ACCUSED MEMBER. I. Immoral Conduct. f 282. A Member of our Church against whom the charge of immorality has been made shall be brought to trial before the Society of which he is a Member, or a select number of the same, of not less than five or more than twelve persons, aside, if possible, from the Official Members (and if the Pastor deem it nec¬ essary, the Committee may be selected from any neighboring Church in our Connection), in the pres¬ ence of the Pastor in Charge, who shall preside and cause exact minutes of the trial to be taken. The accuser, or the next best evidence, and, if possible, the accused must be present, If 281. If 2BB. If the accused person be found guilty by the decision of a majority of the ^embers before whom the case is brought, and the crime be such as is ex¬ pressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the offender must be expelled, 1f 288. Tf 234. But if in view of mitigating circumstances and of humble and penitent confession, the Commit¬ tee finds that a lower penalty is proper, it may either impose censure on the offender, or suspend 10 145 235. Trial of an Accused Membeb. him from all Church privileges for a definite time, at its discretion. If 235. If the accused person evade a trial by absenting himself, after sufficient notice is given him, and the circumstances of the case afford strong presumption of guilt, he shall be tried in his absence, and if found guilty, he shall be accordingly expelled. II. Imprudent and Unchristian Conduct. ]f 236. In cases of neglect of duties of any kind, imprudent conduct, indulging sinful tempers or words, the buying, selling or using intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or disobedience to the order and Discipline of our Church, first, private reproof shall be given by the Leader or Pastor, and if there be an acknowledgment of the fault, proper humilia¬ tion, the person may be borne with. On a second offense the Leader or Pastor shall take one or two Members of the Church with him. On the third offense the person shall be brought to trial, and if found guilty, and there be no sign of real humility, he shall be cut off, If 30, If 75 § 3, If 291. IE. Neglect of the Means of Grace. If 237. When a Member of our Church habitually neglects the means of grace, such as the public wor¬ ship of God, the Lord's Supper, Class Meetings and Prayer Meetings, his Leader or the Pastor in Charge shall visit him, whenever it is practicable, and explain to him the consequence of such neglect. If he do not amend, let a charge be preferred against him and Trial of an Accused Member. 240. he be dealt with accordingly, and if he be found guilty of wilful neglect by a majority of the Mem¬ bers before whom he is arraigned, let him be expelled, 1 32, 56, If 57. IV. Sowing Discord. H 238. If a Member of our Church shall be ac¬ cused of sowing discord so as to break up the har¬ mony of Christian fellowship among the Members, the person so offending shall first be reproved by the Leader or Pastor in Charge, and if he afterward per¬ sist in such pernicious practice, he shall be brought to trial, and, if found guilty, he shall be expelled 1f 30,291. ,V. Disagreement in Business—Arbitration. f 239. In any dispute between two or more Mem¬ bers of our Society concerning the payment of any debts or moneys, or.otherwise, which cannot be set¬ tled by the parties concerned, the Pastor who has charge of the cireuit or station shall inquire into the circumstances of the case, and shall recommend to the contending parties a reference to arbitration; one arbiter to be chosen by the defendant and another by the plaintiff, which two arbiters shall choose the third, the three being Members of our Church. ^ 240. But if one of the parties be dissatisfied with the judgment given, such party may apply to the en¬ suing Quarterly Conference of the circuit or station for permission to have a second arbitration ; in which case each party shall choose two arbiters, and the 147 241. Trial of an Accused Member. four shall choose a fifth, the judgment of whom shall be final; and any person refusing to abide by their decision in the case shall be excluded from the Church, 133 g 6. If 241. But if any Member of our Church shall re¬ fuse, in case of debts or other disputes, to refer the matter to arbitration when recommended as aforesaid, or shall enter into a lawsuit with another Member before these measures are taken, such person shall be expelled, except the case be of such a nature as to justify and require an immediate process at law. VI. Failure to Pay Assessments. 242. Any Member of our Societies who neglects to pay such assessment as the General Conference imposes, or as the Quarterly Conference may impose from time to time, in order to meet 'the lawful de¬ mands of the Society or General Church, when in his power to do so, he shall be -admonished by his Leader and Pastor, and if, after sufficient time has been given him he wilfully and persistently refuses to pay such assessment he shall be deprived of his Membership as provided in f 49 § 8,75 \ 3, 347, 1[348. 143 Trial of an Exhorter. 245. CHAPTER II. TRIAL OF AN EXHORTER OR A LOCAL PREACHER. If 243. When an Exhorter or a Local Preacher is reported to be guilty of some crime or immoral con¬ duct, expressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the Pastorjn Charge shall call a Trial Com¬ mittee consisting of three or more Official Members; or if the Official Members cannot be procured, then he shall call three or more Members, of which the Pastor shall be the Chairman, and before which it shall be the duty of the accused to appear, and by which, if the charge is sustained, he shall be sus¬ pended. At the beginning of the trial, the Chairman shall demand the License of the accused party. U" 244. If the accused refuse or neglect to appear before said Committee the trial may proceed in his absence. The Chairman shall cause exact minutes of the charges, testimony, and proceedings of the trial, together with the decision of the Committee to be taken, which, when read and approved, shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Com¬ mittee. 245. If the accused be found guilty of the charge by a majority of the Committee (^[ 285) he shall be suspended from his office and all Church privileges *f[ 246. Trial of a Local Deacon. until the ensuing Quarterly Conference, which Con¬ ference shall have the power to confirm the decision of the Committee, to suspend, expel, or acquit, as the case may be, and its decision shall be final, T 133-2 7. ^ 246/ In case of minor offences, such as improper conduct, tempers, words, or actions, the Exhorter or Local Preacher so offending shall be admonished by the Pastor in Charge. If he shall heed not the ad¬ monition of his Pastor, and continue to offend, lie shall be called to trial as provided for in f 243. CHAPTER III. TRIAL OF A LOCAL DEACON OR A LOCAL ELDER. T[ 247. When a Local Deacon or a Local Elder is reported to be guilty of some crime or immoral con¬ duct, expressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the Pastor in Charge shall call a Committee consisting of three or more Local Preachers, who with himself as Chairman, shall constitute a Trial Commit¬ tee, before which it shall be the duty of the accused to appear, and by which, if the charge is not sustained, he shall be acquitted, but if sustained, he shall be suspended from all the functions of his office and 150 Trial of a Local Deacon. 251. Church privileges until the ensuing Quarterly Con¬ ference, H 285. At the beginning of the trial, the Chairman shall demand the License of the accused party. 248. If the accused refuse or neglect to appear before said Committee the trial may proceed in his absence. The Chairman shall cause exact minutes of the charges, testimony and proceedings of the trial, together with the decision of the Committee to be taken, which when read and approved, shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee, and a copy of the same shall be laid before the Quar¬ terly Conference, where it shall be the duty, of the accused to appear. 249. The Quarterly Conference shall have the power to confirm the decision of the Trial Committee, to suspend, expel, or acquit as the case may be, f 133 § 7. 1[ 250. A Local Deacon or Local Elder convicted by the Quarterly Conference shall have the right of an appeal to the Annual Conference, which shall have the power to finally determine the case, 293. T[ 251. In case of improper conduct, tempers, words, or actions, the Local Deacon or Local Elder so offending shall be admonished by the.Pastor in Charge. Should a second transgression take place, one, two, or three Members of the Church must be taken as witnesses. If he continue to offend, he shall be called to trial as provided for in If 247. 151 252. Preacher on Trial. CHAPTER IV. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST A PREACHER ON TRIAL. I" 252. A Preacher on Trial is accountable for his tonduct to the Quarterly Conference of his Charge. 253. When a Preacher on Trial in an Annual Conference is reported to be guilty of some crime or immoral conduct, expressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the Presiding Elder shall call a Committee consisting of three Local Preachers (Tf 284) who with himself as Chairman, shall consti¬ tute a Trial Committee before which it shall be the duty of the accused to appear, and by which, if the charge is not sustained, he shall be acquitted, but if sustained, he shall be suspended from all Minis¬ terial functions and Church privileges until the en¬ suing Quarterly Conference, 285. At the beginning of the trial the Chairman shall demand the Credentials of the accused party. If 254. If the accused refuse or neglect to appear before-said Committee, the trial may proceed in his absence. The Chairman shall cause exact minutes of the charges, testimony and proceedings of the trial, together with the decision of the Committee, to be taken, which when read and approved, shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee, Trial of Traveling Minister. 258, § 1. and a copy of the same shall be laid before the Quar¬ terly Conference where it shall be the duty of the accused to appear. f 255. The Quarterly Conference shall have the power to confirm the decision of the Trial Commit¬ tee, to suspend, expel, or acquit, as the case may be, 1 133 § 7, * f 256. A Preacher on Trial convicted by the Quar¬ terly Conference shall have the right of an appeal to the Annual Conference which shall have the power to finally determine the case, 293. f 257. In case of improper conduct, tempers, words, or actions, the Preacher on Trial so offending shall be admonished by the Presiding Elder in Charge. If he continue to offend he shall be called to trial as provided for in f 252. CHAPTER Y. TRIAL OF A TRAVELING MINISTER IN FULL CONNECTION. T[ 258. When a Traveling Minister is under re¬ port of being guilty of some crime or immoral con¬ duct, expressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the following actions shall be taken. 1. In the interval of the Annual Conference let 153 258, § 2. Trial 01 Traveling Minister. the Elder to whom the omplaint is made call two other Traveling Ministers (T[ 284) which three shall constitute a Committee'of Investigation, ][ 282. This Committee shall call the accused Minister and examine into the naturo of the complaint. If the Committee find that th$ complaint warrants a trial, a formal charge shall bo made against the accused by a competent person, tnd the Investigating Com¬ mittee shall call two o, more other Traveling Min¬ isters, which number shall constitute a Trial Com¬ mittee. § 2. After due notice is given the Trial Committee shall meet, before which it shall be the duty of the accused, and if possible the accuser to appear, and by which if the charge is not sustained, the accused shall be acquitted, but if sustained, he shall be sus ¬ pended from all Ministerial functions and Church privileges until the ensuing Annual Conference, IT 285. \ 3. If the accused and the accuser cannot be brought face to face, but the supposed delinquent evades trial, it-shall be received- as a presumptive proof of guilt, and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses he shall be condemned. § 4. If the accused refuse or neglect to appear before the said Committee after due notice has been given him, the trial may proceed in his absence. Witnesses from without shall not be rejected, and the testimony of an absent witness may be taken before the Chairman of the Committee or the Presiding Jilder of the District within which such witness Trial of Traveling Minister. 259. resides; provided, in every case sufficient notice has been given to the adverse party of the time and place of taking such testimony, 281. I 5. "When the Trial Committee assembles, if coun¬ sel has not been provided for the Church or the accused, the Chairman, shall have power to appoint counsel for both, or either, who shall be Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, ][ 280. \ 6. The Elder into whose hands the charges are placed shall call the Trial Committee, and preside throughout the proceedings of the trial, and shall certify to, and declare the verdict of the Committee. At the beginning of the trial he shall demand the Credentials of the accused party. \ 7. The Chairman shall cause a correct minute of the charges, specifications, proceedings, evidence in the trial, and the decision of the Committee to be taken, which when read and approved, shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee,, and transmitted to the Bishop, and the Annual Con- ference, ^ 264. \ 8. Supernumerary and Superannuated Ministers shall be dealt with in the same manner as Traveling Ministers. 1[ 259. Inr cases of improper conduct, tempers, words, or actions, the Traveling Minister so offending shall be admonished by the Presiding Elder of the District. Should a second transgression take place, one, two, or three Ministers must be taken as wit¬ nesses. If he continue to offend let him be dealt with as in T[ 258. ^ 260. Trial or Traveling Minister. 1 260. When a Traveling Minister disseminates publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion or established standards of doctrine, let him be dealt with as in 258. But if, after the charge is sustained, the Minister so offending does solemnly engage to the Trial Com¬ mittee to cease from disseminating such erroneous doctrines in public or private, the Committee may waive suspension, nevertheless, the Annual Con¬ ference may call him into account. 1[ 261. When a Traveling Minister in the interval of his Annual Conference declines or ceases to do the work to which he has been duly appointed, ex¬ cept for the reasons indicated in 187, If 192, If 201, let him be dealt with as in If 258. ]f 262. In cases of alleged maladministration a Traveling Minister may be charged with corrupt, negligent, or partisan administration, and the Minis¬ ter so offending shall be dealt with as in U 258. ]f 268. When the Traveling Minister fails to keep his part of a business transaction, or contracts debts and fails to pay them, the Presiding Elder of the District shall appoint three judicious Members of the Church who shall examine the accounts, contracts, and circumstances of the supposed delinquent, and if possible, adjust the matter; but if the circumstances of the case show that the said delinquent contracted the debt or debts without the probability of paying them, or persistently neglects to settle claims that have been proved to be just, let the delinquent Min¬ ister be dealt with as in Tf 258. 156 Trial of Traveling Minister. ^]~ 266, § 2. If 264. When a Traveling Minister is convicted by a Trial Committee, he shall have the right of appeal from the decision of the Committee as follows: | 1. To the Bishop of his Conference, who, after reviewing the findings, shall have the power to con¬ firm or reverse the decision of the Committee, or order a new trial. If the case is not clear enough so as to enable the Bishop to form a correct decision he may have all the parties before him for examination, so as to assist him in rendering a decision, ]] 197 § 11, I 258 I 7, If 294. g 2. To his Annual Conference, which, after re¬ viewing the findings, shall have the power to con¬ firm the decision of the Committee, suspend, expel, acquit, or to order a new trial, 258 \ 7. T[ 265. An Annual Conference may entertain and try charges against a Traveling Minister, even though no trial has been held, or, even though a trial was held and did not result in suspension, due notice having been given to the accused, 105. f 266. The Annual Conference may at its discre¬ tion try a Traveling Minister against whom charges have been made by either of the two methods: § 1. The entire trial including the examination of the witnesses may be by the Conference in Executive session. § 2. Or the Conference may refer the case to a Select Number of its Members, of which Select Number the Bishop of the Conference shall be Chair¬ man, or appoint an Elder to act in his place, and the Secretary of the Conference shall be Secretary of the 157 267. Trial of Traveling Minister. Select Number. The Select Number shall have the power to consider and determine the case according to the rules which govern the Annual Conference in such proceedings ; and they shall make a faithful re¬ port in writing of the entire proceedings of the trial to the Annual Conference duly signed by President and Secretary. 267. When a charge is brought against a Minis¬ ter before the Annual Conference, and the case can¬ not be tried during the session for want of testimony and otherwise 296) the Conference may refer it to an Elder who shall proceed as directed in 258. T[ 268. After a Minister shall have been regularly tried and expelled he shall have no privileges of Society or Sacraments in our Church, without con¬ trition, reformation, and confession, satisfactory to the Conference from which he was expelled, f 288. 269. When a Traveling Minister has been sus¬ pended or expelled by the decision of the Annual Conference, he shall have the right of an appeal: $ 1. To the Court of Appeals by making an appli¬ cation to any Bishop aside from the one who sat upon his case, who when applied to, shall summon the Triers of Appeals according to law, f 299. \ 2. To the General Conference which shall re¬ view the case together -with the findings and points of law contained therein, and shall confirm or reverse previous decision or decisions of the lower courts, and finally determine the matter, 80. 158 Trial of a Bishop. *[[ 272. CHAPTER VI. TRIAL OF A BISHOP. Tf 270. A Bishop is amenable for his conduct to the General Conference which shall have power to order the manner of his trial. TT 271. When a Bishop is accused of a crime or immoral conduct in the interval of the Annual Conference the Elder to whom the accusation is made shall call two other Traveling Elders from neighboring circuits or stations who shall constitute a Committee of Investigation, Tf 282. This Commit¬ tee shall call the Bishop and carefully examine into the nature of the complaint; and if in their judg¬ ment there is reasonable ground for such accusation, crime or misdemeanor, they or a majority of them, shall call six other Traveling Elders from neighbor¬ ing circuits or stations, which nine Elders shall con¬ stitute a Trial Committee, and shall have the power to acquit, or suspend the Bishop from all official standing if they judge him guilty of the charge, until the ensuing Annual Conference of the District in which the crime or misdemeanor was committed, and where his case shall be tried, ][ 195, 285. If 272. No accusation shall be received against a Bishop except it be delivered in writing, signed by the accuser or those who are to prove the charge. A 159 % 273. Trial of a Bishop. copy of the same shall be given him, and sufficient time allowed him to prepare his defense. If 273. The Elder to whom the accusation is made shall be the Chairman of the Trial Committee, and shall certify to and declare the verdict of the Com¬ mittee. He shall see that a correct minute of the charges, specifications, proceedings, and the decision of the Committee bo taken, which when read and approved, shall be signed by the Chairman and Sec¬ retary of the Committee, and transmitted to the Annual Conference. 1 274. When a Bishop is suspended by a Trial Committee in the interval of the Annual Conference, suspended or expelled by an Annual Conference in the interval of the General Conference, he shall have the right of an appeal: \ 1. To the Board of Bishops who shall constitute a competent Court of Appeals to confirm or reverse the decision of the Trial Committee, or the decision of the Annual Conference, 91. | 2. To the General Conference which shall have the power to ratify or reverse the decisions of the lower courts, f 80. TJ 275. When the General Conference ratifies the decisions of the lower courts in expelling a Bishop, it shall have the power to disrobe him of his Epis¬ copacy and remand him to the Annual Conference which tried his case for final expulsion, ][ 80. 1f 276. When charges are brought against a Bishop at the sitting of the General Conference, the Gen¬ eral Conference shall proceed to try the case in open 160 .Directions! Concerning Trials. 280. Conference or refer it to a Trial Committee of its own appointment, and said Committee shall try tlie charge and report their decision to the General Conference which shall have power to determine the case as in If 275. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL DIRECTIONS CONCERNING TRIALS. f 277. No Member can be deprived of his Mem¬ bership without due trial by a Committee, and proper process of law, Tf 56. Tf 278. Probationers are not subjects for trial; if their conduct do not correspond to the word of God, and to the rtiles of our Church, they are dropped at the Leaders' Meeting upon the recommendation of the Leader and the concurrence of the Pastor, 43 ? 2. If 279. A Pastor who prefers a charge against one of the Members of his Church, or the Minister who prefers a charge against another Minister, shall not sit as Chairman of the Trial Committee before which the case is to be tried, If 302. 280. The accused shall have the right to call to his assistance as cfflttnsel any Member or Minister in good and regular standing in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 1f 258 § 5, If 306. 11 161 281. Direction Concerning Trials. If 281. Witnesses who are not Church Members shall not be rejected, and the testimony of an absent witness may be taken before the Pastor in Charge where such witness resides, or before the Preacher appointed by the Presiding Elder of the District within which such witness resides, provided, in every case sufficient notice has been given to the adverse party of the time and place of taking such testimony, If 258 § 4. Tf 282. An Investigating Committee may formulate charges or cause them to be formulated against the accused, but shall not perform the duties of a Trial Committee except when it is so stated. Tf 283. Members and Ministers have the right of peremptory challenge on the assembling of the Trial Committee, yet not so as to reduce the number of the Committee to less than a majority, 304. ]f 284. A Traveling Preacher, Deacon, or Elder, shall be allowed the privilege of being tried by his peers in the interval of the Annual Conference; a Trial Committee composed of Traveling Elders shall be competent to try charges against a Bishop in the interval of an Annual Conference; if the case is to be at the Annual Conference, a Bishop shall sit as Chairman. Tf 285. In every case the proceedings and the de¬ cision of the Trial Committee, whether resulting in acquittal, suspension, or expulsion, shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee. A majority of the Trial Committee shall be competent to render a decision. 162 Directions Concerning Trials. 291. If 286. The removal of a Member or Minister from an official position does not necessarily carry with it expulsion from Church Membership, ]f 292 f 8. Tf 287. In all cases requiring the accused to be ex¬ pelled, the Chairman of the Trial Committee shall pronounce the sentence of expulsion. Tf 288. After due trial and expulsion from Mem¬ bership the person expelled shall have no privilege of Society, or of the Sacraments in our Church, with¬ out contrition, confession, and satisfactory reforma¬ tion, Tf 268. T1 289. If, in the trial of Members the Pastor in Charge differs from the rest of the Committee con¬ cerning the guilt or innocence of the accused, he may refer the case to the ensuing Quarterly Conference, which shall have power to affirm, or reverse the de¬ cision, or order a new trial, ]f 133 \ 7. Tf 290. If there be a murmur of complaint from any excluded Member, Exhorter, or Local Preacher, that justice has not been done, he shall be allowed an ap¬ peal to the ensuing Quarterly Conference (except such as absent themselves after sufficient notice has been given them), and a majority of said Quarterly Con¬ ference shall finally determine the case, Tf 133 § 6. If 291. For minor offences persons may be sus¬ pended for three or six months. Such persons shall be deprived of all Church privileges except attend¬ ance upon means of grace. But no person shall be deprived of membership or put back without due trial' (except those who absent themselves after due notice), If 56, Tf 75 \ 3. Nevertheless, if there V>e an 292. Directions Concerning Trials. unfavorable rumor of any person, such accused person may be deprived of all Church privileges until the matter is investigated, TJ 307. TI 292. Ministers and Members holding official po¬ sitions in the Church shall be dealt with according to the rank of Membership to which they belong, IF 179.. T1 298. An appeal of a Lay Member, Exhorter and Local Preacher ends with the Quarterly Conference, Tf 134. The appeal of a Local Deacon, Local Elder, and Preacher on Trial ends with the Annual Confer¬ ence, IT 250, H 257. Tf 294. A Traveling Minister in Full Connection is allowed an appeal from the decision of the Trial Committee in the interval of the Annual Conference directly to the Bishop of his Conference (If 264 \ 1), and to the Annual Conference, If 264 § 2. He is allowed an appeal from the decision of the Annual Conference to the Court of Appeals (]f 305), and to the General Conference, If 269 \ 2. f 295. A Bishop is allowed an appeal from the decision of the Trial Committee or the decision of the Annual Conference directly to the Board of Bishops and to the General Conference, f 80, 1 91. Tf 296. When a Quarterly, Annual, or General Conference, or Court of Appeals sitting to hear ap¬ peals, remands a case to the lower court for a new trial, the proper official shall proceed to try the accused person again, unless charges are withdrawn, 1f 267. Tf 297. No Annual Conference shall, by reason of 164 iJOURT or Appeals. •[[ 299. the failure of any one to arraign a Bishop, or Travel¬ ing Minister for any misdemeanor, in the interval of its session, be estopped or prevented from investigating and disposing of all such cases; and the party so neglecting to arraign or have arraigned, any Minister or Preacher known to be charged with misdemeanor in the interval of the Conference,*may bS tried for neglect of duty, f 199 § 2, T[ 205 \ 1. CHAPTER VIII. COURT OF APPEALS. Tf 298. It shall be the duty of each Annual Con¬ ference, on the third day of its sitting, to choose from among its Members five Elders, jmen of prudence, piety, experience, and sound judgment in the affairs of our Church who shall be known as Triers of Ap¬ peals. ][ 299. When notice of an appeal is made to a Bishop, he shall proceed forthwith in accordance with the wishes and rights of the Appellant, to call the Triers of Appeals from two other Conferences conveniently near to the one from which the appeal is taken, and the Triers of Appeals from the three Conferences shall constitute a Court of Appeals for Traveling Ministers who have been found guilty, by the decision of the Annual Conference, ][ 269 § 1. 165 300. Court of Appeals. If 800. The Bishop who calls the Court shall pre¬ side, but should he be prevented from attending another Bishop shall preside, and shall decide all questions of law arising in the proceedings, subject to an appeal to the General Conference, If 80, ^f 197 §9. If 301. The Court shall appoint a Secretary who shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings, -and shall, at the close of the Court, transmit the records made and the papers submitted in the case, or certified copies thereof, to the General Secretary who shall carefully preserve the same for the review and final decision of the General Conference. If 302. The Bishop who sat on the case of the Appellant in the Annual Conference cannot call the Court nor preside over its proceedings. The Appel¬ lant must make his application to another Bishop, If 269 § 1, If 279. ]f 303. Nine Members of the Court shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of the Members present shall be competent to decide the case. Tf 304. The Appellant shall have the right of peremptory challenge, yet not so as to reduce the number of the Court below a quorum, If 283. Tf 305. In all cases of trial and conviction of a Traveling Minister in Full Connection by an Annual Conference, he shall be allowed an appeal to -the Court of Appeals as hereinbefore provided, f 294. Tf 306. In all cases where an appeal is made, and admitted by the Court of Appeals, the Appellant shall state either personally or by his representative, Court of Appeals. 308. the grounds of his appeal, showing the reason why he appeals, and he shall be allowed to make his statement without interruption. After which the person or persons who shall have been chosen by the Annual Conference from which the appeal is taken to prosecute the case, shall be permitted to respond in the presence of the Appellant, who shall have the privi¬ lege of replying to said Representative. A rejoinder may be made .by the prosecution, which shall close the proceedings on both sides. This done, the parties shall withdraw, and the Court of Appeals shall decide the case. It may reverse, in whole or in part, the findings of the Annual Conference or it may re¬ mand the case for a new trial. If it neither reverse, in whole .or in part, the judgment of the Annual Conference, nor remand- the' case for a new trial, the judgment of the Annual Conference shall stand. Counsels on both sides shall be Members of the Annual Conference of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion Church, TJ 280. f 307. When the case of any Minister who has been suspended or expelled is remanded for a new trial, he shall be suspended from all Ministerial ser¬ vice until the next ensuing session of the Annual Conference, ][ 267, T[ 291. T| 308. The General Conference shall carefully review the decisions of Questions of Law contained in the records and documents transmitted to it by the Secretary of the Court of Appeals, and in case of serious error therein, shall take such action as justice may require, If 80 167 309. Court of Appeals. T[ 309. The right of an appeal of a Traveling Minister to the Court of Appeals shall not take away his right to an appeal from the decision of an An¬ nua] Conference directly to the General Conference, If 269 g 2. 168 PART VI. Temporal Economy. I. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. II. ANNIVERSARY DAYS AND COLLEC¬ TIONS. III. DENOMINATIONAL FUND. IV. SUPPORT OF EFFECTIVE MINIS¬ TERS. V. RELIEF OF SUPERANNUATED MIN¬ ISTERS. VI. RELIEF OF WIDOWS AND OR¬ PHANS. VII. RELIEF OF THE POOR. VIII. CHURCH PROPERTY. Financial Department. 312 CHAPTER I FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. f 310. The ways and means by which the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Connection is to be sup¬ ported shall be regulated by the General Conference, § 75, § 76. ^1 311. The Ecclesiastical year as it relates to the tenure of office and payment of General Claimants shall begin with June 1,1344, § 11, f 333, § 7,1340. I. Board of Apportionment. U 312. The General Conference shall appoint a Board of Apportionment, consisting of all the Bishops, Financial Secretary, and one member from each Episcopal District, which shall make an estimate of the amount necessary to run the General Church, and shall apportion among the Episcopal Districts the General Claims Assessment, and the Benevolent Assessment, required to be raised to meet the esti¬ mate made. The Board shall also apportion the amounts to be raised by the several Annual Con¬ ferences, which amounts shall be adequate to meet the assessments of the Episcopal Districts. The apportionment in either case shall be made on the basis of the financial as well as the numerical strength of the Episcopal District or Annual Conference, 1 329, 1 332, 171 313 Financial Department. 11313. Whenever the assessment for the entire Connection shall have been raised in any one year, and there is a surplus, the Board of Finance shall appropriate the surplus according to their best judgment as follows: If 75, § 5, H 361, H 435. 1. To the back salaries of Bishops. 2. To meet any deficiency in the pro rata to the General Officers. 3. To meet any deficiency in the pro rata to Liiyingstone College and to furnish, as far as is consistent, transportation for students to the College. 4. To relieve the deficiency of the • Publication House. 5. To relieve our Superannuated Ministers. 6. To relieve the Widows and Orphans of Deceased Ministers. 7. To aid our. Educational Institutions. 8. To increase our Church Extension and Home Mission Fund. 9. To increase our Foreign Mission Fund. II. General Claims Assessment. If 314- The following is the General Claims As¬ sessment on each Episcopal District and each Annual Conference: I. Episcopal District $16,600.00 Conferences: New England $2,600.00 New Jersey 3,000.00 Western North Carolina.... 8,200.00 Alabama 2,800.00 172 Financial Department. II. Episcopal District $20,800.00 Conferences: New York $3,200.00 Philadelphia & Baltimore 6,000.00 North Carolina 5,200.00 Palmetto 3,600.00 North Alabama 2,800.00 III. Episcopal District $15,300.00 Conferences: Michigan _...$1,400.00 Allegheny 1,700.00 Albemarle 3,200.00 Virginia 3,800.00 West Central N. Carolina 5,200.00 IV. Episcopal District $11,500.00 Conferences: Central North Carolina.—$5,200.00 Blue Bidge 2,200.00 East Tenn. & Va 1,800.00 California _ 500.00 South Georgia _ : 1,000.00 South Florida 700.00 Oregon .1 100.00 V. Episcopal District $14,800.0f Conferences: Western New York $1,200.00 Cape Fear 5,200.00 South Carolina 3,600.00 Pee Dee 3,600.00 Georgia 1,200.00 173 }[ 314 Financial Department. VI. Episcopal District $ 9,200.00 Conferences: Ohio _ $1,500.00 Kentucky 1,600.00 West Kentucky 1,400.00 Tennessee 2,500.00 West Tenn. & Mississippi 2,200.00 VII. Episcopal District $13,200.00 Conferences: Central Alabama $2,500.00 South East Alabama. 1,500.00 South Alabama 2,800.00 West Alabama 3,000.00 Cahaba 2,000.00 South Mississippi 1,400.00 VIII. Episcopal District $ 7,200.00 Conferences: Missouri $1,600.00 Indiana 800.00 Arkansas 1,400.00 North Arkansas 700.00 Oklahoma 300.00 Texas 200.00 Louisiana 1,000.00 Florida 1 1,200.00 Total General Claims Assessment $108,000 Of 174 Financial Department. 315 III. Division of the General Claims. H 315- The General Conference directs that each Annual Conference shall divide and remit the General Claims as follows: 1. That 50 per cent, shall be sent to the Financial Secretary out of which the salaries of Bishops, General Officers, not otherwise provided for, shall be paid, and for such other purposes as the General Conference directs. 2. That 25 per cent, shall be sent to the Secretary of Education to be used in sustaining our Con- nectional Schools, IT 483. 3. That 10 per cent, shall be sent to the Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions to be used in the interest of Churches and Pastors holding Mission Appointments, 512. 4. That 7% per cent, shall be sent to the Secre¬ tary of the Relief Department to be used to help the Superannuated Ministers, Widows of deceased Ministers and their children, U 399, 11404, If 407. 5. That 7 y2 Per cent, shall be retained by the Annual Conference to be used in extending or developing the work of the Conference, and to meet any contingent expenses of the Conference. IV. Appropriation of General Claims. If 316- The General Conference directs that the following shall be appropriated per annum out of 175 f[ 316 Financial Department. the 50 per cent. General Claims coming into the hands of the Financial Secretary: Episcopal Claimants: Eleven Bishops at $3,000.00 each, including Traveling Expenses $33,000.00 $33,000.00 General Official Claimants: General Secretary 500.00 Financial Secretary, includ¬ ing Traveling Expenses.... 1,750.00 Manager of Publication House (one-half) 750.00 Editor Star of Zion, includ¬ ing Traveling Expenses.... 1,750.00 Editor S. S. Literature, in¬ cluding Traveling Expenses 1,750.00 Editor Quarterly Review (one-half) 750.00 $7,250.00 Benevolent Claimants: Six Estates ($500.00 each).. 3,000.00 Ten Bishops Widows ($300.- 00 each) 3,000.00 Mrs. J. C. Price (widow) - 300.00 $6,300.00 176 Financial, Department. 317 Miscellaneous Claimants: Varick Monument $4,000.00 John Wesley Church 2,000.00 Richmond Church 2,000.00 Memphis Church 300.00 $7,300.00 Departmental Claimants: (Paid from their Departments) : Church Extension Secretary, including Traveling Ex¬ penses $1,750.00 Educational Secretary, in¬ cluding Traveling Expenses 1,750.00 Foreign Missions Secretary, including Traveling Ex¬ penses 1,750.00 Relief Secretary, including Traveling Expenses 1,750.00 Superintendent of S. S., in¬ cluding Traveling Expenses 1,750.00 Varick C. E. Union Secre¬ tary, including Traveling Expenses 1,000.00 $9,500.00 V. Board of Finance. If 317. The General Conference directs that there shall be a Board of Finance appointed at the Quad¬ rennial Session consisting of one member from each 177 Financial Department. 1 317 Episcopal District whose President and Vice Presi¬ dent shall be Bishops, whose Treasurer shall be the Financial Secretary, and a Recording Secretary. The permanent location of the Financial Department shall be at Philadelphia, Pa. 1. The Board of Finance shall have full supervision over the Financial Department. 2. All checks for payment by the Financial Secre¬ tary shall be countersigned by the President or Vice President of the Board. 3. The Board with the Financial Secretary shall determine the Banks of Deposit of the funds of the Department. 4. That only one clerk shall be permanently em¬ ployed for the Department whose pay shall not exceed Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per week. 5. That the Board of Finance shall meet once a year namely, at the Financial Headquarters in Philadelphia; provided that special meetings may be called if necessity demands it. 6. That there shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of Finance, consisting of five members who shall meet as often as necessary and who shall have power to act for the Board. 7. The traveling expenses of the members of the Board shall be paid by the Financial Secretary if not otherwise provided for, when in attendance upon the regular meeting, also the traveling expenses of mem¬ bers of the Executive Committee in attending Special Meetings. 8. The Executive Committee shall before each 178 Financial Department. f 317 regular meeting of the Board examine the records, check books, bank books and vouchers of all kinds of Financial Secretary and see that the affairs of the office are conducted in accordance with the intent of the law governing that Department and with the best and most economical interest to the Connection. 9. The Board shall require the Financial Secre¬ tary to give a bond for the faithful discharge of his duty in the sum of Eighteen Thousand ($18,000) Dollars. 10. The Board of Finance and the Financial Secre¬ tary in disbursing the funds of the Department shall be.guided by the appropriation made by the General Conference and the modifications of the appropria¬ tion made by the Board of Bishops, and shall follow the direction laid down for the payment of Claimants. (1) The Episcopal, General Officials and Benevo¬ lent Claimants shall be paid on a pro rata basis month¬ ly up through the month of November; unless in case of emergency the miscellaneous Claimants shall not be paid till the month of December. In December as soon as the Conferences and Bishops make their reports the Board and Financial Secretary shall proceed to pay off the Claimants as follows: (a) The Bishops' salaries and traveling expenses to be paid first, (b) The General Officers; (c) the Benevolent Claimants; (d) the Miscellaneous Claimants,- if Funds are sufficient; if not, then they shall be paid on the pro rata or emergency basis. (2) The Contingent Fund shall be used to meet any deficiency in payment of any specific traveling 179 fl 318 Financial Department. expense in the interest of the whole Church not otherwise provided for, and for general emer¬ gencies, If 316 VI. Financial Secretary. If 318. The General Conference shall elect a Financial Secretary who should be a person of con¬ siderable prudence and well experienced in handling of money, whose election shall follow immediately that of the General Secretary, and whose term of office shall be for four years or until his successor is elected. 1. The Financial Secretary shall be a General Officer of the Connection, and shall receive the sum of Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Dollars jper annum including traveling expenses. 2. The Financial Secretary shall receive and de¬ posit in bank all General Claims coming into his hands and shall pay it out only by check, counter¬ signed by the President or Vice-President of the Board. He shall give an acceptable bond to the President of the Board in the sum of Eighteen Thousand ($18,000.00) Dollars. 1T 319- The further duties of the Financial Secre¬ tary shall be: 1. To receipt for all Connectional money coming into his hands. 2. To keep a separate as well as an aggregate account with each Episcopal District by Annual Conferences, and with each Annual Conference by Presiding Elder Districts and Pastoral Charges. 3. To report to the Bishop at the sitting of each Annual Conference the amount of General Claims 180 Financial Department. 320 received from each pastor in that particular Con¬ ference on blanks prepared for that purpose, which shall be filled out and returned to him. 4. To write each Pastor who may not be making monthly remittances of the General Claims, as pro¬ vided by law 1 205, § 14, and request him to do so and to inform the Bishops of any persistent delin¬ quents. In case the delinquent continues to neglect his duty in this respect, the Financial Secretary may file charges against him before or at the sitting of the Annual Conference, t 334. 5. To pay the Claimants of his Department accord¬ ing to law monthly on the pro rata plan as far as the funds will admit, as provided for in K 317, § 10. 6. To make a semi-annual report to the Board of Bishops and a summary for the year at the Winter Meeting of the Board; he shall also make a quadren¬ nial report to the General Conference of all moneys received and disbursed. 7. Should the Financial Secretary receive in caeh or by Bishop receipts, or by both, more than 50 per cent, of the General Claims from any one Conference, so as to prevent the Conference from making the proper division, on notice from the Presiding Bishop he shall immediately send a check to square the account to the Secretary whose Department he is due the amount. | 320. The Financial Secretary shall maintain his office and conduct the business of the Financial Department at the Financial Headquarters in Phila¬ delphia, Pa. He shall be allowed a clerk whose pay 181 321 Financial Department. shall not be above Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars a week, and also the ordinary office expense. The expenses of his office shall be taken account of monthly. 11321. The Financial Secretary shall be responsi¬ ble to the Board of Finance for his official conduct, who for cause to them sufficient, shall have the right to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power after due investigation to re¬ move him from office and fill the vacancy. VII. Appropriation of Educational Money. If 322. The General Conference directs that the following shall be appropriated per annum out of the 25 per cent. Educational Money coming from the General Claims into the hands of the Secretary of Education: 1. Livingstone College —$15,000.00 2. Secretary of Education's salary 1,500.00 Traveling Expenses 250.00 3. Atkinson College 800.00 4. Greenville College 800.00 5. Clinton College : 800.00 6. Dinwiddie Normal and Industrial School 800.00 7. Walters Institute 800.00 8. Lomax-Hannon Literary College 800.00 9. Edenton Normal and Industrial School 600.00 10. Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy 600.00 182 Financial Department. 325 11. Lancaster Normal and Industrial Institute $ 600.00 12. Macon Industrial School 400.00 13. Johnson Rural High School 600.00 $24,350.00 H 323- The General Conference also directs that an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the General Claims Assessment shall be placed on the certificate of each Pastor for the further support of our Schools which amount shall be collected on or be¬ fore Children's Day and sent directly to the Secre¬ tary of Education and the Secretary and Board shall divide it equally among the Connectional Schools, If 483. VIII. Appropriation of Church Extension and Home Missions Money. If 324. The General Conference directs that out of the 10 per cent, coming from the General Claims into the hands of the Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions the following shall be appro¬ priated : 1. The salary of the Secretary $1,500.00 Traveling Expenses 250.00 2. That after the necessary office expenses, shall be taken out the balance shall be appropriated by the Secretary and Board of Church Extension and Home Missions to meet the emergencies of Church, Mission Pastors and Home Mission fields. IT 325. The General Conference also directs that there shall be placed on the certificate of each Pastor an amount no less than 5 per cent, to be collected on 183 H 326 Financial Department. or before Easter Sunday and sent directly to the Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions to help meet the emergencies of the Department. This money as well as the 10 per cent. coming from the General Claims shall be appropriated by the Secre¬ tary and Board. IX. Appropriation of Superannuated Ministersi Widows and Orphans Fund. K 326. The General Conference directs that the seven and one-half per cent, coming from the General Claims into the hands of the Secretary of the Board of Relief, shall be appropriated as follows: 1. One-half of the Secretary's salary. $750.00 2. One-half of traveling expenses 125.00 3. After the necessary office expenses shall have been deducted the balance shall be appropriated for the relief of our Superannuated Ministers, Widows of our deceased Ministers who are still unmarried and Members of our Church, and the Orphans of our ^ deceased Ministers under fourteen years of age. One-half of the amount shall be appropriated to Superannuated Ministers, the other half to Widows and Orphans. The Secretary shall make all remittances by check to Superannuated Ministers quarterly, and to the Widows and Orphans in the months of July and December, 1 399, t 404, 1 407. X. Appropriation to Annual Conference. ^ 327. The General Conference directs that the seven and one-half per cent, coming from the General 184 Financial Department. ^ 331 Claims to the Annual Conference, be paid over to the Conference Treasurer to be appropriated by the Bishop and Finance Committee to meet the needs of the Conference. XI. Auditing Board. 1 328. The General Conference directs that there shall be an Auditing Board appointed at each Quadren¬ nial Session, the Corresponding Secretary of which shall be the Auditor, who with or by the instruction of the Board, shall visit each general office once a year and examine the books, check books, bank books, vouchers and accounts of the several officers, and he with the Board shall report tkeir finding to the semi-annual session of the Board of Bishops and to the General Conference. The Auditor and Board shall report any lack of conformity to the law on the part of the General Officer or Board, and their report must be approved or rejected by the Board of Bishops and General Conference. XII. Annual Conference Board of Apportionment. H 329. The Board of Apportionment for the Annual Conference shall consist of the Presiding Bishop, Conference Secretary, and the Presiding Elders. 1 330. The Board shall assess each Presiding Elder's District per annum an amount to be raised equal to the aggregate assessment of all the Pastoral Charges within the District. ^ 331. The Board shall assess each Pastoral Charge an amount of the General Claims Assessment equal to One Dollar per Member, or an amount equal to 185 H 332 Financial Department. the ability of the Charge to pay, whether less or more than One Dollar per Member, which amount shall be a proportionate share of what is required to meet the assessment on the Presiding Elder's District and the Annual Conference, 1312. 1 332. The Board shall also assess each Pastoral Charge for Benevolences as follows: An amount equal to ten per cent, for Education, five per cent, for Church Extension and Home Mis¬ sions, and five per cent, for Foreign Missions. XIII. Duties of the Bishop and Annual Conference. 1 333. The .Bishop shall travel throughout his entire District once a year and assist the Pastors in raising their assessments. The collections taken at the time of his visit shall be paid him as a part of the assessment of the Charge, and shall be accredited to the Annual Conference in which it was collected, 1 195, 1 197-7, f 352. t 334. It shall be the duty of the Bishop and Annual Conference to cause a rigid examination of the report of each Pastor, and ascertain whether or not he has done his duty in collecting the assessment, and whether or not he has made the proper remittances to the Financial Secretary. If it be ascertained that the Pastor has wilfully neglected his duty and has not put forth proper efforts to collect the whole assessment, or having collected the same has failed to remit promptly to the Financial Secretary, they shall cause the law to be applied as in ^ 346. The Bishop and Conference shall judge of a Pastor's 18<3 Financial ^Department. ^ 338 faithfulness in raising the General Claims Assessment by the amount of money he raises for other purposes. t 335. The Bishop shall see that a sufficient assess¬ ment is laid upon each Charge annually to insure the collection of the assessment laid upon the Annual Conference; provided that should the Bishop fail to see that the assessment for his District is paid, and thus permit a failure by his neglect of duty, he shall forfeit an amount equal to his pro rata of what is short of the amount that should have been collected, and the Financial Secretary shall deduct the-amount in making his annual settlement, ^ 195, K 317, § 10, 1. 336. The Bishop shall appoint a General Claims Secretary in the absence of the Financial Secretary to assist him in collecting the General Claims at the eeat of the Conference whose functions shall cease only after the General Claims shall have been collected, properly divided and properly remitted. XIV. Duties of Pastors and Presiding Elders. 1 337. The Pastor in Charge shall collect as much of the assessment monthly as he can, and remit the amount collected immediately to the Financial Secretary. He shall keep a roll of the Members pay¬ ing General Claims which roll shall be examined by the Presiding Elder at each Quarterly Conference; and if one-fourth of the amount has not been raised he shall urge greater effort, ^ 199, § 11, 1 205, § 14. 1 338. The Pastor shall put forth every effort to collect the ^hole amount before thfe assembling of the Annual Conference of which he is a Member. If 187 1 339 Financial Department?. one-half of the amount is not raised within six months after the adjournment of his Conference, he shall make a special appointment, and shall insist upon the pay¬ ment of that amount; and he shall do the same at the close of the Conference year. t 339. No Pastor shall send any General.Claims to the Bishop in the interval of the Annual Conference, hor shall he pay the Bishop, nor shall the Bishop receive any General Claims during the sitting of the Annual Conference. He shall not at any time pay the Bishop ,any General Claims without taking the Bishops' receipt. 1 340. On the occasion of the Bishop's visit, the Pastor shall put forth a special effort to raise as much of his assessment as possible, and the money raised on that occasion shall be paid the Bishop on General Claims provided his"full assessment is not raised, U 333. U 341. The Pastor shall not send to the Financial Secretary any part of his assessment within thirty days of the sitting of his Annual Conference, but shall retain the amount he may collect during that time, and bring or send it to the Annual Conference. H 342. The Pastor on taking the Bishop's receipt for General Claims collection shall send it immedi¬ ately to the Financial Secretary, and receive the Financial Secretary's receipt for the same, 1319. XV. Duties of Members. 1 343. Every Member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, including Bishops, Ministers, Preachers, their wives, and Laymen, is assessed One 188 General Secretary. f 345 Dollar per annum to meet the General Claims Assess¬ ment laid upon the Pastoral Charge for the support of our general Connection; provided that children under fifteen years of age are not assessed, but shall be encouraged to pay what they can. If the One Dollar per capita is not sufficient to meet the above assessment, the deficiency shall be made up by in¬ creasing the per capita tax, by public collections, or otherwise, 1 49,' § 18; 1 242. CHAPTER II GENERAL SECRETARY—HIS DUTIES. 1 344. The General Conference shall elect a General Secretary who shall be a person well experienced in the Councils of the Church, and whose literary qualifications are well fitted for the discharging of the duties incumbent upon that officer. His election shall follow immediately the election of Bishops, when there are Bishops to be elected, otherwise it* shall be the first in order of the General Officers. His tenure of office shall be for four years, or until his successor is elected. He shall be responsible to the Board o Bishops for his official conduct, who shall have the power, for cause to them sufficient, to remove him from office and fill the vacancy, 1 92, §2. 1 345. The General Secretary shall be a General Officer of the Connection and shall receive the sum 189 1 346 General, Secretary. of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per annum for his services. 1 346. He shall be allowed his traveling expenses when on official business and the necessary expenses in discharging the duties of his office. ^ 347. The duties of the General Secretary are: 1. To record the proceedings of the General Con¬ ference. 2. To record the proceedings of th) Connectional Council, and to make an extract in his Journal of the transactions of the Board of Bishops 3. To take charge of the Journal, the Books, Papers, Documents, and other property belonging to the General Conference not otherwise provided for. 4. To "record the names of all the Delegates-elect to the ensuing General Conference, which names shall be sent him immediately upon their election, by the Secretary of each Annual Conference, 1106, § 1. 5. To record a brief historic statement in the Journal of the Connection of any and all official acts of the Board of Bishops, and the Connectional Coun¬ cil; the deaths, resignations and changes occurring among the general officials of the Church. 6. To edit and issue all necessary blanks, receipt books, credentials and certificates for the use of the Bishops, Presiding Elders, Pastors and Conferences. 7. To issue Credentials to the newly elected Bishops which shall be signed by the Senior Bishop and him¬ self; to issue Certificates of Appointment of Bit-hois to their respective Districts and General Officers to 190 Anniversary Days and Collections. ^ 348 their respective positions; and to issue Certificates of Indebtedness to the Bishops of any back salary that may be due them, f 389, and to furnish the Bishops with official stationery. 8. To keep the seal of the Connection, and see that all official papers issued by him shall bear-its stamp. 9. To keep in his Ledger a record of all the indebted¬ ness of the Connection. 10. To present a report of his official acts to the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Bishops, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference, 1 84, §2; 11 91, § 1. 11. To make an annual publication in the Church Organ or otherwise, on the first of June, of the aggre¬ gated Statistical Table of the whole Connection. CHAPTER, III ANNIVERSARY DAYS AND COLLECTIONS. I. Children's Day. 1 348. The fourth Sunday in June each year is hereby instituted, and shall be known and observed in all of our churches and Sunday Schools as Children's Day. A collection must be taken on Children's Day in every Church in the interest of education. The collection so taken shall be an amount equal to ten per cent, or more of the General Claims Assessment 191 1 349 Anniversary Days and Collections. and shall be forwarded forth-with by the Pastor to the Secretary of Education, U 483. H 349. The Pastor and Superintendent shall see that a programme is observed so that our young people may cultivate a loyal interest in our Educa¬ tional Institutions. Should any circumstance occur so as to prevent the observance of the fourth Sunday in June as Children's Day, the next convenient Sunday shall be used for that purpose. H 350. No Bishop, Presiding Elder, Pastor or agent shall arrange any appointment on Children's Day so as to defeat the collection for education, un¬ less the amount has been previously raised. II. Easter Day. K 351. Easter phall be observed in all our Churches and Sunday Schools as Church Extension and Home Missions Day. On that Day a collection shall be lifted equal to the amount of five per cent, or more of the General Claims Assessment in the interest of Church Extension and Home Missions and shall be forwarded forth-with by the Pastor to the Corres-, ponding Secretary, 420 S. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa., H 513. III. Collection for Varick Endeavor Union. ^ 352. At one of the services of the Varick Chris¬ tian Endeavor Society, or if there be no Society in existence, the Pastor shall take or cause to be taken, a collection of one dollar or more on a Sunday in the month of May of each year, for the Varick Christiaa 102 Anniversary Days and Collections. ^ 355 Endeavor Union and shall forward the same im¬ mediately to the Secretary of the Union, ^ 581; ^ 591. IV. Sunday School Union Day. K 353. On a Sunday in the month of October of every year there shall be observed in each of our Sunday Schools what is known as Sunday School Rally Day. A campaign to increase the membership and improve the School along all lines should precede the Rally Day on which reports of the campaign shall be made. An offering shall be lifted for the work of the Sunday School Board (of not less than One Dollar from a School with less than one hundred members and not less than Two Dollars from a School with one hundred or more members) and forwarded im¬ mediately to the General Superintendent of Sunday Schools, if 466. V. Foreign Missionary Day. 1 354. T'ae Fourth Sunday in September of every year shall be known and observed 'n all of our Churches as Foreign Missionary Day. On that day a collection shall £e taken in all of our Churches for Foreign Missions equal to the amount of five per cent, or more of the General Claims Assessment and for-, warded forth-with by the Pastor to the Corres¬ ponding Secretary, 1 534. VI. Collections for Mission Schools. ! 355. On account of the meagre support given to our Foreign Mission Schools each Pastor is -hereby required to lift a collection of One Dollar or more in 193 356 Denominational Fund. each Sunday School of his Charge for the support of our Foreign Mission Schools, and the money so collected shall be forwarded forth-with by the Pastor or Superintendent to the Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions, If 534. VII. Publication House. If 356. There shall be a Free-Will Offering taken in every Sunday School or Church every year on Christmas Sunday (unless it had .been taken previously) for the benefit of our Publication House, and forwarded forth-with by the Pastor to the Manager, Charlotte, N. C., If 450, 3. 'VIII. Livingstone College. 1f 356^4- February 10th, the Birthday of Dr. J. C. Price, or the Sunday nearest it, shall be observed as Livingstone College Day. A collection shall be taken by every Pastor on the occasion for Living¬ stone College and sent forth-with to the Treasurer of the College. CHAPTER IV DENOMINATIONAL FUND. If 357. The General Conference shall appoint at each of its quadrennial sessions a Board of Con- nectional Trustees, consisting of one member from each Episcopal District, who shall be duly incor¬ porated at Washington, D. C. 1f 358. The Connectional Trustees shall hold in trust for the benefit of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion Church any and all donations, bequests, grants, and funds in trust, etc., that may be given or conveyed to said Board, or to the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, as such, for any benevolent £94 Denominational Fund. ^ 362 -object, and to administer the said funds, and the proceeds of the same, in accordance with the direc¬ tions of the donors, and of the interests of the Church contemplated by said donors, under the direction of the General Conference. 1 359. When any such donation, bequest, grant or trust is made to this Board, or to the Church, it shall be the duty of the Pastor within the bounds of whose Charge it occurs to give an early notice thereof to the Board, which shall proceed without delay to take possession of the same according to the provisions of its Charter. t 360. It shall be the duty of all our Ministers to obtain, as far as practicable, contributions to said Fund, by donations, bequests, and otherwise. f 361. The interest accumulating from said Fund shall be subject to the order of the General Con¬ ference for the following purposes: 1. To pay the expenses of the General Conference. 2. To pay the expenses of Delegations appointed by the General Conference to corresponding Bodies. 3. To make up any deficiencies in the salaries of the Bishops. 4. To relieve the necessities of the Superannuated Minis¬ ters, and the widows and children of those who have- died in the work. 1 362. The Board shall make a faithful report of its doings, and of the funds and property on hand, to each quadrennial session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 1 84, § 33. 195 1 363 Support of Effective Ministers. CHAPTER Y SUPPORT OF EFFECTIVE MINISTERS. I. Stewards. f 363. In order to raise the amount necessary to meet the estimate made for the support of the Pastor in Charge, there shall be a Board of Stewards elected by the Quarterly Conference of each Charge, not less than three, nor more than nine, to raise and take charge of the money collected for the ministry. t 364. The Pastor shall have the right to nominate the Stewards, and the Quarterly Conference shall confirm or reject such nomination. They shall serve for one year and no longer unless reappointed. f 365. Let the Stewards be men of solid piety, who know and love Methodist Doctrine and Dis¬ cipline, and who are capable of transacting the temporal business of the Church. t 366. The duties of Stewards are: To take an exact account of all the money, or other contribut- tions for the support of the Pastor in Charge, and to apply the same as the Discipline directs; to make provisions for the moving expenses of the Pastor and provide a parsonage for himself and family; to make monthly reports to the Pastor of their collections; to seek to relieve the needy and distressed Members. t 367. Stewards are accountable for the faithful discharge of their duties to the Quarterly Conference 196 Support of Effective Ministers. 11 372 which has power to dismiss or change them at pleas¬ ure. They shall make an accurate report of the collections and application of money passing through their hands at each Quarterly Conference1! f 368. They shall assist the Pastor and Leaders in raising the salary of the Presiding Elder. t 369. When there is no Board of Stewards the duties hereinbefore stated shall be performed by the Board of Trustees, except such as become the duties of the Preacher's Steward, ^ 426. II. Preacher's Steward. 370. There shall be a Preacher's Steward ap¬ pointed in each Society to serve for one year, subject to reappointment; he shall be the Chairman of the Board of Stewards. ^ 371. The Pastor shall have the right to nominate the Preacher's Steward and the Quarterly Con¬ ference shall confirm or reject such nomination. ^1 372. The duties of the Preacher's Steward are: To see that all necessary provisions are made for the temporal comfort of the Pastor in Charge, to officiate in taking collections to meet the estimate made for the support of the Pastor; to meet the Leaders' and Stewards' Meetings in order to receive from them whatever they have collected for the support of Pastor through the Classes or otherwise; to consult often with the Pastor so as to be informed as to the comfort or necessities of the Pastor and his family; to meet the Board of Stewardesses and advise with them as to what is necessary to secure the temporal 197 J[ 373 Support of Effective Ministers. relief of the Pastor and his family; to prepare the elements of the Lord's Supper, and for the Love- Feast; and^to make a report of his transactions to the Quarterly Conference, which shall- have the right to dismiss or change him at pleasure. III. Stewardesses. If 373. At the pleasure of the Pastor in Charge the Quarterly Conference may appoint annually three or more female Members as Stewardesses whose duty it shall be to assist the Preacher's Steward in making provisions for the support and comfort of the Pastor and his family. After their appoint¬ ment they shall meet and elect from among their number a President, Secretary and Treasurer, which officers shall be amendable to the Quarterly Conference. IV. Support of Pastors. If 374- The annual allowance of a Pastor in charge shall be whatever amount that he, the Estimating Committee and the Quarterly Conference agree upon, with Parsonage, and in addition thereto his traveling expenses t6 and from the place of destina¬ tion, at such times as the Bishop shall demand his presence in the interest of the Connection. The newly appointed Pastor, immediately after enter¬ ing upon his Charge, shall appoint an Estimating Committee of three or' more members, who shall confer with the Pastor as to the amount of- salary necessary to furnish him a comfortable support, 198 Support of Effective Ministers. ^ 378 .and he may convene a Special Conference composed of the Quarterly Conference Members, of which he shall be Chairman, to determine the amount of salary that shall be paid him for the year. 1 375. Whatever amount shall be agreed upon by the Pastor and Estimating Committee and approved by the Special Conference shall be the salary of the Pastor for that year. Nevertheless, if either part is dissatisfied at the amount decided on, the matter may be referred to the Quarterly Conference next ensuing which shall finally determine it. ^ 376. The Speoial Conference shall not have the right to transact any other business, except that which relates to the support of the Pastor, his moving and traveling expenses, arrangement of parsonage for himself and family, and the providing for any recep¬ tion or donations desired on the part of the Church. The Trustees shall make such provisions as are neces¬ sary for raising the required amount, t 426. 1 377. The appointment of a Preacher by a Bishop to any Charge shall be regarded as a settlement of his claim to, and control of, the pulpit or pulpits of said Charge and the entire direction of its spiritual affairs, with the exercise of all the rights and pre¬ rogatives of his office for one Conference year, com¬ mencing on the date of said appointment, and ending with the appointment of his successor, unless sooner changed by a Bishop or forfeited by the decision of a competent committee, t 207, 1 208, 1 268. t 378. The moving and traveling expenses of the Pastor shall not be reckoned as a part of the estimatp 199 1 379 Support of Effective Ministers. for salary, but shall be provided by the Trustees and Stewards separately. 1 379. The agreement on the amount of salary shall be drawn up in writing and two copies provided, the one for the Trustees and the other for the Pastor. Arrears of salary shall be collectable as all other Church debts which are collectable in the ordinary way; provided, that the Pastor shall have performed the services required by his appointment, and also that he shall have made a written contract for salary with the Church officers. 1 380. A minute of the proceedings shall be made in the Quarterly Conference Record by the Quarterly Conference Secretary, and the copy shall bear the signature of«the Chairman and Secretary. V. Support of Presiding Elders. ^ 381. The salary of the Presiding Elder shall be the same as that of a Pastor in Charge, and shall be apportioned among the Churches in the District according to their financial and numerical strength. 1 382. In all cases let the following plan be adopted for arranging the Presiding Elder's salary, namely; within thirty days after the adjournment of the Annual Conference, let the Presiding Elder call to¬ gether the Pastors in Charge and one Lay Delegate from each Charge in a District Meeting, which shall be styled a Special District Conference, which Con¬ ference shall assist the Presiding Elder in apportion¬ ing the assessment necessary to furnish him a com¬ fortable support. 200 Support of Effective Ministers. j[ 388 H 383- Should any Charge not be represented in the said Special District Conference, after being duly notified, such Charge or Charges shall be bound by the action of the Special District Con¬ ference, and shall pay the assessment laid upon it. If desirable for the saving of expenses the Presiding Elder may call the Pastors and Delegates together at the close of the Annual Conference, and arrange for his salary, where it can satisfactorily be done. If 384. His traveling expenses shall be the same as provided for other Traveling Ministers. 1f 385. It shall be the duty of Pastors to use their best efforts to raise the Presiding Elder's allowance quarterly, and to pay it to him in the Quarterly Conference. Should this be done, the entire collec¬ tion on the Quarterly Meeting Sunday (except the Poor's money), shall be applied (1) to the payment of any balance that may be due on the Pastor's salary; (2) to any other indebtedness of the Church, including indebtedness to the General Claims Assessment. VI. Support of Bishops. If 386. Each effective Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church shall receive as salary Two Thousand, Seven Hundred ($2,700.00) Dollars per year, which shall be paid him out of the General Claims of the Church, If 78, 317, § 10. H 387. The collections taken by the Bishop when on his regular Episcopal tour shall be accredited the Church on General Claims, If 333, If 340. If 388. Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars traveling 201 f 389 Support of Effective Ministers. expenses shall be allowed a Bishop to attend the meetings of the Board of Bishops, Connectional Council, the General Conference, the Trustees' Meetings of Livingstone College and other Connec¬ tional Schools, and when visiting Missionary Con¬ ferences. No account of the traveling expenses of the Bishops shall be taken into consideration, however, until the settlement in December. The salary of a Bishop shall cease with the month in which he dies. H 389. The back salary due a Bishop for'which he holds a Certificate of Indebtedness at the time of his deathj shall be paid to his widow or other legal heirs at the rate of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per annum until all that was due is paid, ^ 347, § 7. If 390. If there is an amount due a Bishop on current salary for which he holds no certificate at the time of his death, his widow or other legal heirs shall receive a pro rata of the same during the remaining months of that year, provided that the full amount shall be paid in December of that year. f 391. The back salaries due the Bishops up to June 1, 1896, shall be paid whenever the condition of the General Treasury will admit, f 347, § 7,> § 9. VII. Relief of the Poor. ! 392. The Pastor shall see that a collection is taken at each Love-Feast and at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for the relief of the Poor of our Church. VIII. Poor's Steward. t 393. The Quarterly Conference shall elect in 202 Relief Department. ^ 395 each Church a Poor's Steward upon the nomination of the Pastor in Charge, who shall serve for one year subject to reappointment. ^ 394. The duties of the Poor's Steward: To re¬ ceive the money collected for the poor at Love-Feast, Sacrarr.ent, or otherwise; hold the same and pay it out only as he is directed by the Pastor and Leaders' Meeting, ^ 230, § 6. To meet the Leaders' and Stewards' Meetings to receive what they may have collected for the needy and distressed Members of the Church; to make a report of the money received and paid out to each Quarterly Conference, which shall have the right to dismiss or change him at pleasure. CHAPTER VI RELIEF DEPARTMENT. K 395. That the proper relief might be given to our Superannuated Ministers and the Widows and Orphans of our deceased Ministers, the General Conference directs that there shall be established a Relief Depart¬ ment, located in Philadelphia, Pa., and for the con¬ trol of which there shall be appointed quadrennially a Board of Relief, consisting of the Bishops and one Member from each Episcopal District. The officers of the Board shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer. 203 396 Relief Department. If 396. The President shall have power to call special meetings of the Board when necessary, pre¬ side over all the meetings of the Board and perform other duties which appertain to the office of Presi¬ dent. If 397. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings of the Board and perform such other duties as the Board requires. I. Corresponding Secretary. 1f 398. The General Conference shall elect quad¬ rennially a Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Department, whose tenure of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected. He shall be ex-officio a member of the Board, and shall also be the Treasurer of the Relief ~ Department. His duties shall be to receive the money belonging to his department from each annual Conference, to inaugurate and execute plans for the raising of additional money for his department, to keep a faithful record by Conferences of all money re¬ ceived, to remit the allowance to Superannuated Ministers quarterly and to Widows and Orphans in the months of July and December. He shall submit a semi-annual report to the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Connectional Council and a quadrennial report fo the General Conference. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Relief, which for cause to them sufficient shall have the right to report him to the Board of Bishops who shall .have power to remove him from office and to fill the vacancy. The salary of the 20i Relief Department. 403 Corresponding Secretary shall be Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars a year, One Hundred and Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars for traveling expenses, and a reasonable amount for office ex¬ penses. His bond shall be $10,000. II. Superannuated Ministers. If 399. One-half of the amount coming into the hands of the Corresponding Secretary shall be allowed for Superannuated Ministers and shall be pro rated to them quarterly. The Corresponding Secretary shall arrange his books so as to grade the Superannuated Ministers as follows: 1140O. - Class D. A Minister who has maintained a good, active and regular standing in our Itinerancy more than ten years and less than fifteen years, on taking the Superannuated Relation shall receive no less than Eighty ($80.00) Dollars a year. 1f 401. Class C. A Minister who_ has maintained a ' good, active and regular standing in our Itinerancy more thai?, fifteen years and less than twenty years, on taking the Superannuated Rela¬ tion, shall receive no less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars a year. If 402. Class B. A Minister who has maintained a good, active and regular standing in our Itinerancy more than twenty, years and less than twenty-five years, on taking the Superannuated Relation, shall receive no less than One Hundred and Forty ($140.00) Dollars a year. Tf 403. Class A. A Minister who has maintained a good, active and regular standing in our Itinerancy for thirty years and more, on taking the Super- 204a j[ 404 Belief Department. annuated Relation, shall receive no less than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars a year. III. Widows and Orphans of Ministers. 11404. One-half of the amount coming into the hands of the Corresponding Secretary shall be al¬ lowed for Widows and Orphans and shall be pro rated to them in the months of July and December, 11405. A Minister must have traveled in the regular Itinerancy of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion Church at least five years at time of his death before his "Widow or Orphans shall have claim upon the Relief Fund. Orphans over four¬ teen years of age will not be considered bene¬ ficiaries. Whatever amount is allowed Widows and Orphans will continue only so long as they are Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. If 406. Orphans under fourteen years of age shall receive one-half" of the amount allowed to each Widow. IV. Duties of Bishops and Annual Conferences. 11407. The Bishop and Annual Conference shall see that the seven and one-half per cent, appro¬ priated out of the Dollar Money by the General Conference shall be made and sent directly to the Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Fund. They shall also inaugurate any plan feasible for the col¬ lecting of additional money for Conference Claim¬ ants to supplement the amount coming from the Relief Department. The amount collected in this way shall be paid directly to the Claimants at the geat of the Annual Conference, If 106, § 4, 1f326. 204b Relief Department. 409 V. Widows of Bishops. 1 408. The General Conference directs that the Widows of deceased Bishops shall receive Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars a year as long as they remain Widows and Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. By special act of the General Conference the Widow of the late Joseph C. Price shall also receive Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars a year, so long as she remains a Widow and a Member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. The Widows included in this paragraph are to be paid by the Financial Secretary as all other Claimants on that fund are paid. 409. The Secretary of each Annual Conference under the direction of the Bishop shall make a proper list of all the Superannuated Ministers and Widows, and Orphans under fourteen years of age, of deceased Ministers residing within the bounds of the Annual Conference territory each year, and send the same to the Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Depart¬ ment, and the Bishop shall see that the list is also published in the Annual Conference Minutes. 204c 1 410 Ministerial Brotherhood. CHAPTER VII MINISTERIAL BROTHERHOOD. I. Preliminaries. 1 410. Realizing that life is short and that death is certain, and that Ministers as well as other people must die and leave behind them dependents, and that it is the duty of Ministers as well as other people to provide for those of their family whom they leave behind, the General Conference of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Zion Church directs that there shall be established a Ministerial Brotherhood, in order to provide for the burial of its Members. In order that each shall be benefitted and not at the expense of the other, the General Conference directs that all of the Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, including Bishops, Elders, Deacons and preachers, shall take out membership in the Minis¬ terial Brotherhood. To that end the Institution has been incorporated by the Legislature of North Carolina as a mutual benevolent society, the main features of which are hereby recited: II. Board of Management. U 411. The General Conference directs that there shall be a Board of Management for the Ministerial Brotherhood consisting of the Bishops and one Member from each Episcopal District who shall have charge of the Ministerial Brotherhood. There shall 204d Ministerial. Brotherhood. 412 be a President and Secretary who shall perform all the duties usually incumbent upon such officers. The President shall have the right to call special meet¬ ings whenever necessary and preside over all meet¬ ings of the Board. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the transactions of the Board. III. Corresponding Secretary. If 412- The General Conference directs that there shall be a Corresponding Secretary elected whose tenure of office shall be for four years and until his successor is elected. The Secretary shall re¬ ceive all joining fees and annual dues paid by the Members of each Annual Conference and shall keep a faithful record and entry of the dues paid by each Member and classify the Members according to grade. He shall also issue a Certificate to each Member as a guarantee of bonafied membership. In sixty days after the death of a Member in good standing he shall pay the benefit provided by the class according to which the Member belonged, to the legal Heirs of the deceased Member. The Secre¬ tary shall receive a salary of Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollar^ a year, One Hundred and Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars for traveling ex¬ penses, and a reasonable amount for office expenses. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Managers, who shall have the right, for cause to them sufficient, to report him to the Board of Bishops who shall have the power to remove mm from office and to fill the vacancy. His bond shall be $10,000.00. 204e 1 413 Ministerial Brotherhood. IV. Name and Object. If 413. The name of this Department shall be the Ministerial Brotherhood of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 1f 414. The object of the Ministerial Brotherhood shall be: 1. To provide a burial fund for the Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 2. To build and maintain a home for the Superan¬ nuated Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 3. To pension Superannuated Ministers of the Afri¬ can Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. V. Membership and Class. ^ 415. Ministers of all ranks of good and regular standing in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and who are in good health at the time, shall be eligible to membership in the Ministerial Brother¬ hood by paying One Dollar (SI.00) joining fee and the annual dues in advance. 1. Class A provides $100.00 at death, the death of a Member must be certified to by the Presiding Elder or Bishop. The annual fees for class A is $5.00. 2. Class B provides $50.00 at death. The annual fee is $2.50. f 416. Any Member who fails to pay his annual dues at the expiration of the year will be allowed three months only in which to pay them; should be allow the three months grace to expire his Certificate shall be declared lapsed and should his death occur 204f Ministerial Brotherhood. ^ 417 after that period his heirs shall not be entitled to, benefits beyond what the Member has paid in; should he allow six months to elapse before paying up his policy shall be null and void and all he has paid in shall be forfeited to the Ministerial Brotherhood. VII. Maintenance of the Brotherhood. H 417. The Ministerial Brotherhood shall be maintained: 1. By soliciting endowment and bequests. 2. By yearly fees from its Members. 3. By donations, Membership fees and forfeitures. VII. Distribution of Funds. 1. The endowment and bequest fund shall be ueed for the building and maintaining of a home for the Superannuated Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 2. The donations, forfeitures, membership fees and 25 per cent, of the yearly dues, shall constitute an expense fund. 3. Seventy-five per cent, of the .yearly dues shall constitute a mortuary fund. (a) To aid the aged and infirm Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church by pension. (b) To provide a burial fund for deceased Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 204g 1 418 Ministerial Brotherhood. VIII. Duties of Bishops and Annual Conferences. 1 418. The Bishop and Annual Conference shall see that each Minister on roll take out a Certificate in the Ministerial Brotherhood by paying the $1.00 membership fee and ^he annual dues required of the class he prefers. The Bishop shall collect, or appoint someone to collect the annual dues from the- Mem¬ bers, and he shall see that the names and addresses of them all together with the money, be reported im¬ mediately to the Secretary of the Ministerial Brother¬ hood. In order to facilitate the matter the Bishop shall put the amount of the annual dues on the Certifi¬ cate of Appointments. 20411 cteurch Property. 422, CHAPTEE YIII. CHURCH PROPERTY* I, Trustees—Their Election and Duties* U" 419. Each Board of Trustees of our Church Property shall consist of not less than three nor more than nine persons, each of whom shall not be less than twenty-one years of age and Members in good standing in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. T1 420. In all cases where the law of the State or Territory requires a specific mode of election, that mode shall be observed. If 421. In all other cases, the- Trustees shall be elected annually by the Members of the Church upon the nomination of the Pastor in Charge, who shall nominate one-Candidate for each vacancy. In case of failure to elect at the proper time a subsequent meeting may elect, and all the Trustees shall hold their office until their successors are elected, If 143. f 422. At their first regular meeting, after the election, the Trustees shall organize their Board by the election of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall call and preside over the meetings of the Board, and shall sign all orders for the pay¬ ing out of money by the Treasurer from the treasury. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the meetings and transactions of the Board, draw up and •ft 423. Church Property. countersign all orders on the Treasurer for the pay¬ ing out of money, and make a report for the Board of all their receipts and expenditures to each Quar¬ terly Conference. The Treasurer shall receive and pay out all the money belonging to the Board by the order of the President; he shall be subject to the direction of the Board of Trustees from time to time, also his accounts shall be subject to the inspection of the Pastor in Charge. 423. The Board of Trustees of every Church shall be responsible to the Quarterly Conference of the Charge, and shall be required to present a full report of its acts at every Quarterly Conference. The Conference shall have the power to confirm their election, and to remove any one or ones of them for causes, when not in conflict with the law of the State or Territory. If 424. No Trustee shall be ejected while he is in joint security for money unless such relief be given him as is demanded, or the creditor will accept. If 425. In case of a vacancy on the Board of Trus¬ tees by death, resignation or otherwise, the Pastor shall call the membership together and proceed to fill the vacancy in accordance with the foregoing pro¬ vision, 143, 205 § 28, ^ 421. U" 426. It is the duty of'the Board of Trustees to take charge of and protect the Church Property with all of its appurtenances in trust for the membership, and to make such improvements as may be necessary from time to time for the interest of the Society of which they are Trustees; and to see that order and 206 Church Property. 430. decorum are at all times observed in the Church, and where there is not a Board of Stewards, to perform the duties therein stated, f 379, f388. tf 427. The Pastor in Charge is ex-officio President of the Board of Trustees, 205 § 15. H. Form of Conveyance of Church Property. Tf 428. It is the duty of the Pastor and Presiding Elder to see that our Church Property is deeded ac¬ cording to our Book of Discipline, and duly incorpo¬ rated in accordance with the laws of the State or Territory in which it is situated, 199 $10. 1[ 429. In all conveyances of ground for the erection of houses of worship, or upon which they have already been erected, let the following clause be inserted at the proper place: " In trust that said premises shall be used, kept, maintained, and disposed of as a place of Divine worship for the use of the Ministry, and member¬ ship of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America, subject to the provisions of the Disci¬ pline, Usage, and Ministerial appointments of said Church, as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and by the Annual Conference within whose bounds the said premises are situated." in. Form of Conveyance of Parsonage Property. T[ 430. For all conveyance of ground for the erec¬ tion of Parsonages or upon which they may have 207 431. Church Property. already been erected for the use of the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, let the following clause be inserted at the proper place. " In trust that said premises shall be held, kept and maintained as a place of residence for the use and occupancy of the Ministry of the African Meth¬ odist Episcopal Zion Church in America, who may from time to time be stationed in such place, subject to the provisions of the Discipline and usage of said Church, as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and by the Annual Conference within whose bounds said premises are situated." If 481. In all other cases of said conveyances, let careful conformity be had to the laws, usage and forms of the several States and Territories in which the property may be situated, so as to secure the ownership of the premises in fee simple. IV. Sale of Church Property. f 482. If the Trustees, or any of them, have ad¬ vanced or shall advance any sum or sums of money, or shall be responsible for any sum or sums of money on account of said premises, and they, the said Trus¬ tees, or their successors be obliged to pay the said sum or sums of money, they, or a majority of them, shall be authorized to raise the said sum or sums of money by a mortgage on the said premises; or by selling the said premises after giving notice to the Pastor or Minister who has the oversight of the Con- -208 Church Property. 433. gregation attending Divine services on the said premises—if the money due be not paid to the said Trustees or their successors within one year and six months after such notice is given. If such sale take place the said Trustees or their successors, after paying the debt, and other expenses which are due from the money arising from such sale, shall deposit the remainder of the money accruing from said sale in the hands of the Steward or Stewards of the Society belonging to or' attending Divine service on the said premises, which surplus of money from such sale so deposited in the hands of the said Steward or Stewards, shall be at the disposal of the Quarterly Conference according to its best judgment for the use of the said Society. 433. The Trustees shall not in any case what¬ ever dispose of Church Property by sale or otherwise without the consent of the majority of all the Mem¬ bers in Full Connection expressed by vote in a meet¬ ing called for that purpose of which due notice has been given, 143. Provided, however, that no pas¬ tor nor trustee Board shall mortgage or sell any property of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church without the written consent of the Bishop of the District or the Annual Conference. Trustees' Quarterly Report. 1. Value of Church. 2. Value of Parsonage. 3. Value of other Church Property. 14 ?09 Chttbch Pbopebty. IT 433 4. Amount paid on Mortgage. 5. Amount paid on Floating Debts. 6. Amount paid for Repairs. 7. Amount paid on Pastor's Salary. 8." Amount paid on Presiding Elder's Salary. 9. Amount paid for Current Expenses. 10. Amount paid for other purposes. 11. Amount raised for all purposes. 12. Balance in Treasury. 13. Present Indebtedness. 210 PART VII. Educational and Benevo¬ lent Institutions. I. PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT. II. .SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. III. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. IV. CHURCH - EXTENSION DEPART¬ MENT. V. MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT. VI. WOMAN'S HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. VII. ZION LEGION OF FINANCIERS VIII. VARICK CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. Publication Department. ^ 436 CHAPTER I PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT. I. Publication House. 1 434. For the publication of the literature of our Church, Sunday Schools, and Young People's Socie¬ ties, the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church directs that its principal Printing House and Book Concern shall be located at Charlotte, North Carolina; but there may be Deposi¬ tories of our publications at such other places as the General Conference may from time to time determine, or that the Board of Managers may direct, subject to the approval of the General Conference. f 435. The profits arising from the Publication House after a sufficient capital to carry on the busi¬ ness is retained, shall be regularly applied to the relief of Effective, Supernumerary and Superannuated Ministers,'their Widows, and Orphans. II. Board of Managers. t 436. For the proper conducting of the affairs of our Publication House the General Conference shall appoint a Board of Managers, consisting of all the Bishops and one Member (who shall not be the Manager or any Editor) from each Episcopal District, Mdiich Board shall be duly incorporated according to law, and whose members shall serve for a term of 213 1 437 Publication Department. four years, and until their successors are elected. The Board shall have general supervision of the Publication House, and examine carefully into the condition of its business, and render a report of its transactions to the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Bishops, annually to the Connectional Council, and quadrennially to the General Conference. 1 437. The officers of the Board of Managers shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer. 1. The President shall have the authority to call special meetings when necessary, preside over all meetings of the Board, and perform all other duties appertaining to that office. 2. The Secretary shall keep an exact minute of all the transactions of the Board, and make out its report semi-annually, annually and quadrennially. 3. The Treasurer, who shall be a member of the Local Committee, shall receive from the General Manager all money over and above what is required to meet his daily emergencies, and shall pay it out only upon the proper orders of the Manager. In paying out money, however, he shall be under the same restrictions as $he General Manager as in f 444j He shall render a monthly report to the Local Committee of his receipts and disbursements, nam¬ ing each item, and number of the voucher received from the Manager. Both his and the General Mana¬ ger's accounts shall be subject to the Board of Audit. He shall give a good and satisfactory bond to the Board of Managers fpr a faithful discharge of the duties of his office. 214 Publication Department. f 440 438. Three members of the Board of Managers, of which number the Treasurer shall be one, living nearest the Publication House, shall constitute the Local Committee, whose duty it shall be to examine into the accounts and condition of the Publication House once a month, and shall assist in regulating its affairs., All local differences among officials, or between officials and employee's, which cannot be settled by the General Manager, shall be referred to, and adjusted by the Local Committee in the absence of the Board of Managers. If 439. On the approval of the Local Committee, the General Manager shall be allowed in case of extreme necessity to make notes against the House by proper endorsements to the amount of Two Hun¬ dred ($200.00) Dollars at one time; but he shall not be allowed to make any note or notes at all against the House without the consent of the Local Com¬ mittee, nor shall he be allowed to make a note or notes within any one month over the amount of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, nor shall he be allowed to mortgage the property of the Publication House, either real or personal, for any amount without first obtaining the written consent of the Board of Managers in meeting assembled. III. General Manager. 440. The General Conference shall elect a General Manager of the Publication House whose tenure of office shall be for four years and until his successor is elected, who shall have authority under the super¬ vision of the Board of Managers hereinbefore pro- 215 ' H 441 Publication Department. vided, to regulate the publications and other busi¬ ness of the House, except that which belongs to the editorial department. H 441. The General Manager shall keep a separate account with each Department of the business, and with each periodical published under his supervision, and he shall set for^h in his reports the amount of sales, receipts, and expenditures for books, periodi¬ cals, job-printing, and all other business transactions, including the amount received from Depositories, together with a statement of the profits or losses on the same. He shall furnish to the Local Committee at each of its monthly meetings, a full and satis¬ factory statement of the transactions of the preced¬ ing month, and if the Committee shall so require, present for examination, vouchers for all payments during the period specified. U 442. The General Manager shall have authority to_hire, regulate the wages, pay, and dismiss all employees, subject to the approval or disapproval of the Local Committee, and shall require of all em¬ ployees a "faithful performance of the work assigned them. t 443. The General Manager shall make all needed improvements, and repairs on the building, have charge of, and shall keep the machinery in first-class running order, provided, however, that he shall not make any improvement or purchase of any kind except that of paper, or contract any debt against the House exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, without first submitting the matter to the Local Committee, and obtaining its approval. m Publication Department, f 446 t 444. The General Manager shall receive all money for subscriptions to periodicals, sale of books, printing, advertisements and Sunday School Litera¬ ture and shall keep a daily account on his cash book of the same as well as of all expenditures. He shall be allowed by the approval of the Local Committee to hold a sufficient amount of his receipts to meet daily emergencies, the remainder receipts he shall pay over to the Treasurer of the Board. H 445. The General Manager shall be allowed a reasonable amount of space in each official periodical for inserting such advertisements as he may procure from time to time to assist in the support of such periodicals Should there be any question in his mind as to the appropriateness of the advertisement for the columns of the periodical, he shall consult with the Editor of said periodical, ^ 554. If there still exist a question as to its appropriateness, the mat¬ ter shall be submitted to the Local Committee which shall finally determine it. f 446. The General Manager in addition to his receipts and expenditures shall make an inventory in March of each year of all stock on hand including paper, books, furniture and machinery, and give a statement, of all assets of every kind, including real estate, and shall also give the liabilities, and present the same to the Board of Managers, and Board of Bishops at their Spring meeting. He shall arrange for, and hand over to his successor in office, such an inventory of all stock, and a statement of assets and liabilities a3 shall be approved and certified to by the Board of Managers. He shall receive a salary of 217 447 Publication Department. Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars per year, and shall be required to give his undivided attention to the duties of his position.His bond shall be $15,000.00. f 447. The General Manager shall make a monthly report to the Local Committee, a semi-annual report to the Board of Managers and Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Connectional Council, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. He shall be' amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Managers who shall have the right to institute proceedings against him for cause, to them sufficient, and who shall investigate and settle any irregularities in his accounts, or any misunderstanding arising be¬ tween him and any other official; should the Board in. its investigation find cause why he should be re¬ moved, it shall have the right to report him to the Board of Bishops who shall have the power to remove him and fill the vacancy. IV. Board of Publication. ^ 448. The General Conference shall appoint a Board of Publication consisting of one Bishop, and one Member from each Episcopal District, who shall serve for a term of four years and until their successors are elected. The officers of the Board of Publication shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties which,usually appertain to those offices. 449. The Board of Publication shall have general supervision of the literary part of our Connectional books, newspapers, magazines, Sunday School Litera¬ ture, catechisms, and all our other official publica- 218 Publication Department. ^ 453 tions emanating from our Publication House or elsewhere. T[ 450. The Board of Publications shall have the right to determine the correctness of the doctrines and statements, the literary character of any book, pamphlet, magazine, or periodical, now being pub¬ lished, by the authority of our Church, or may be published, or offered for publication by any Editor, Minister or Member of our Church. K 451. The Board of Publication shall have the right to pass upon the orthodoxy of any Biblical, theological, or ecclesiastical work published by any of our Ministers or Members in the interest of, and to be used as an official guide in our Church. H 452. The Board of Publication shall have the right, for cause to them sufficient to report any Editor for neglect of his official duty, or for erroneous doctrines, mischievous statements of their own or those they permit to be printed under their super¬ vision, and utterances inconsistent to the Scriptures, as we understand them, or contrary to our Book of Discipline, to the Board of Bishops who shall have the power to remove him from office and fill the vacancy. % 453. The Board shall render a report of approval or disapproval of the official conduct of our Editors, approval or disapproval of the mechanical appearance and literary character of our periodicals, also their endorsement or disapproval of any printed publica¬ tion that may "have been issued, or manuscript, that may have been offered for publication during the period, to each semi-annual meeting of the Board of 219 454 Publication Department. Bishops, and the Connectional Council and the General Conference. V. Editors and Periodicals. 1454. The General Conference shall elect one Editor for each of the Periodicals herein indicated, whose tenure of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected. Each Editor shall have entire charge of the literary part of the Periodicals which he edits, except the matter for advertisements, which shall come under the super¬ vision of the General Manager of the Publication House as provided in If 445, and shall render semi¬ annual reports to the Board of Publication and the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Con¬ nectional Council, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. The salary of the different Editors shall be as follows: Of the Star of Zion—$1,750.00 per year. Of S. S. Literature—$1,750.00 per year. Of the Quarterly Review—$1,750.00 per year. Of the Missionary Seer—See If 528. Of Sunday School Bulletin—See If 4G0. VI. Duties of Bishops and Annual Conferences. 1f 455. The Bishop and Annual Conference shall seg that every effective Minister and Preacher sub¬ scribe for and pay his subscription to the Connec¬ tional Periodicals, and the Bishop shall not appoint a Minister or Preacher to, nor allow him to hold a Charge in our Church, except he is a bonafide sub¬ scriber to these periodicals. 220 Publication Department. t 456 1. Subscriptions to our periodicals on the part of a Traveling Preacher or Minister shall be paid so as to begin with the rise of the Annual Conference of which he is a Member. 2. The accounts of the local agents, Ministers and Preachers with the Publication House, shall be settled up in full at the end of the Conference year, of which said agents, Ministers, or Preachers are members; the failure of a final settlement of the amount current, to be a stoppage to the passage of their character until their accounts are settled or otherwise provided for by their Conferences. VII. Duties of Presiding Elders and Pastors. t 456. 1. The Presiding Elder shall require all Local Preachers and Exhorters to become subscribers to our weekly periodicals, allow no one to be recom¬ mended for Reception on Trial in an Annual Con¬ ference who does not subscribe. 2. Each Pastor is required to put forth an effort to procure subscriptions to our periodicals in his congregation from time to time, and report the same to the Quarterly and Annual Conference. 3. Each Pastor is required to raise One Dollar or more on or before Christmas Sunday and forward the same immediately to the Manager of the Publica¬ tion House, Charlotte, N. C., ! 356. 221 1 457 Sunday School Department. CHAPTER II SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. I. Sunday School Board. ^ 457. For the Moral and religious instruction of our children and for the promotion of Bible knowledge among our people, the General Conference directs that there shall be a Sunday School Department which shall be under the general supervision of the Sunday School Board, and whose offices shall be located in the Publication House at Charlotte, North Carolina. The Board shall consist of three Bishops, the Editor of the Sunday School Literature, the General Superintendent of Sunday Schools, one member from each Episcopal District, and ten mem¬ bers at large. There shall be both lay and clerical members such as are expert in Sunday School work. 1 458. The Sunday School Department shall in¬ clude all the Sunday Schools of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Sunday School Board and the General Conferences may from time to time pre¬ scribe. The object of the said Department shall be to educate the Church in all phases of Sunday School work, to give impulse and direction in general to the study of the Bible, to adopt a Sunday Schoo. Stand¬ ard, to determine the Sunday School curriculum (including the courses for Teacher Training), to 222 Sunday School Department. ^ 460 supply the Sunday Schools with proper literature, catechisms and requisites, establish schools in needy communities and to assist missionary and needy schools wherever practicable. II. Editor of Sunday School Literature. If 459.v The General Conference shall elect an Editor of the Sunday School Literature whose term of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected. He shall edit the Sunday School Lesson Leaves, Books, Papers and Tracts. He shall' also in consultation with the Sunday School Board edit, select, or approve of all litera¬ ture in our Sunday Schools. His salary shall be Seventeen Hundred and Fifty ($1,750.00) Dollars per year. He shall render a semi-annual report to the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Con- nectional Council, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Sunday School Board wJio shall have the right for cause, to them sufficient, to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove &im, and fill the vacancy, If 92, 81, If 452. III. General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. % 460. The General Conference shall elect a Gen¬ eral Superintendent of Sunday Schools whose tenure of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected. He shall have general supervision of all the Sunday Schools of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. He shall travel, organize schools, conduct Institutes, edit the Sun- 223 J[ 461 Sunday School Department. day School newspapers, prepare and issue Programs for Sunday School Days and represent our Publica¬ tion Department. His salary shall be Seventeen Hundred and Fifty ($1,750.00) Dollars per year. He shall render a semi-annual report to the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Con- nectional Council, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. He shall be amendable for his official conduct to the Sunday School Board who shall have the right for cause, to them sufficient, to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove him and fill the vacancy, If 92, §1, H452. IV. General Convention. If 461. The Sunday School Board shall see that there is held once in every two years a General Sunday School Convention which may meet in con¬ nection with a similar meeting of the Varick Chris¬ tian Endeavor Society. The officers of the General Sunday School Convention shall be: President, a Vice President for each Episcopal District, Record¬ ing Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treas¬ urer. The officers of the Convention shall be elected biennially by the regular members of the Conven¬ tion. If 462. The Sunday School Board, the President, Secretaries, Treasurer of the Convention and five other persons selected to represent the Convention at large shall compose the Executive Committee of the General Convention. The said Executive Com¬ mittee shall have charge of all affairs during the interim. ^ 463. The General Sunday School Convention 224 Sunday School Department. 1 465 shall be composed of the following members: Sunday School Board, Editor of Sunday School Literature, General Superintendent of Sunday Schools, District Superintendents, Superintendents of local Sunday Schools and delegates elected or confirmed by the District Convention. No Presiding Elder District shall be permitted to seat a larger number of dele¬ gates than it has schools. The Bishops, General Officers and Pastors are Ex-Officio members of the Convention H 464. The Sunday School Board shall, upon the nomination by the General Superintendent, elect a's many Field Workers as the Church needs and as the funds will permit, whose duty shall be to organize and to stimulate interest in the Sunday Schools. The Board shall make an annual estimate of the amount necessary to carry on the work and shall authorize the expenditure of the same. The Board shall appropriate any surplus funds to Missions and to Education. V District Conventions. f 465. Presiding Elders are requested as far as practicable to arrange for District Sunday School and Varick Christian Endeavor Conventions within their Districts each year, so as to furnish opportunity for the young people to exercise their talents. Each Convention is asked to forward to the General Superintendent of Sunday Schools the amount of Five Dollars to help publish the necessary literature and to meet the necessary expenses of the Sunday School Board. 225 466 Sunday School Department VI. Sunday School Rally Day. II 466. The third Sunday in October of every year shall be observed in all of our Sunday Schools as Rally Day. A campaign shall be made to stimulate and increase the membership and improve the School in every way prior to the Rally Day, and on the Rally Day reports of results should be made. An offering shall be raised of a Dollar or more and forwarded forthwith to the General Superintendent of Sunday Schools, If 353. If 467. The following shall be the Sunday School Standard: 1. Cradle Roll and Home Department. 2. Organized Class in Secondary Division. 3. Organized Class in Adult Division. 4. Superintendent and Every Teacher a Student or a Graduate of an Approved Training Course. 5. Departmental Organization. 6. Graded Instruction. 7. Missionary Instruction. 8. Missionary Offering. 9. Temperance Instruction. 10. Continuous Evangelism. 11. Workers' Conference Regularly Held. Full Denominational Requirements: (a) Denominational Lesson Helps. (b) School Open All the Year* (c) Annual Observance of Easter, Children's Day, Rally Day, Christmas Day. (d) Annual Offering for Sunday School Board., 226 Sunday School Department 471 (e) Superintendent and Teachers in Attend¬ ance at District Convention. (f) Offering Sent Quarterly to the Secretary of Home Missions. (g) Offering Sent Quarterly to the Secretary of Foreign Missions. VII. Local Sunday School Board. H 468. All the Sunday Schools of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church shall be under the control of a Sunday School Board, and shall be. auxiliary to the Sunday School Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. H 469. The Local Sunday School Board shall con¬ sist of the Pastor, who shall be Chairman, the Sun¬ day School Committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference, the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendents, the Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Librarians, and the teachers of the Schools. 11470. The business of the Sunday School shall be transacted by the Board. All nominations of Officers and Teachers shall emanate from the Sunday School Board, but the right of nomination shall always be with the Pastor in Charge, except that of Teachers, who shall be nominated by the Superintendent. 11471. The Superintendent shall be elected by the adult members of the Sunday School, and confirmed or rejected by the Quarterly Conference at its ses¬ sion after such nomination, and in case of vacancy, the pastor shall superintend or secure the super¬ intendence of the School until another is nominated and elected. The other Officers of the School shall be elected annually in the same way as the Super¬ intendent. H 472 Sunday School. Department. 1 472. The Teachers of the School shall be nomi¬ nated by the Superintendent with the concurrence of the Pastor, and elected by the Board. A person to become a Teacher shall be proposed by a Member of the Board; and if the Board is satisfied with the religious and literary qualifications of the individual and he is willing to be governed by the Constitution of the School, he may be elected a Teacher by the concurrence of a majority of the Members of the Board at any regular or special business meeting. H 473. The place of any Officer or Teacher, habitu¬ ally neglecting his or her duty, or being guilty of improper conduct, may be declared vacant by two- thirds of the Board present at any regular or special meeting. K 474. Teachers' Meetings may be held weekly for the study of the Sunday School Lessons over which the Superintendent shall preside. f 475. Order of Business of Local Sunday School Board. 1. Devotional Exercises. 2. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting. 3. Unfinished Business. 4. Report and Recommendations of Superintendent. 5. Report-of Secretary. 6. Report of Treasurer. 7. Report of Librarian. 8. Report of Teachers. 9. Miscellaneous Business. 228 Sunday School Department. | 476 VIII Duties of Officers and Teachers. 1 476.—§ 1. Superintendent—The Superintendent shall be at the School at the hour appointed for the opening of the session, and shall open and close the School (or call upon another) with devotional exer¬ cises, as may be prescribed by t'he Sunday School Board. § 2. He shall see that order is observed during the time of the School and that the Teachers are at their classes in proper time; supply vacant classes with Teachers; grade the pupils, and often converse with the Teachers and consult with the Pastor for the best interests of the School. § 3. He shall preside at the Teachers' Meeting, and give all necessary encouragement to Teachers to a faithful performance of their relative duties, and frequently lecture them. § 4. He shall read the regulations of our school as often as necessary, and see that they be carried out so that the design of our Church relative to Sunday Schools shall be fully realized. § 5. He shall see that programmes are carried out on Children's Day in the interest of Education; on Easter in the interest of Church Extension and Home Missions, and shall put forth an earnest effort to collect as much money as he can on those occasions for the Institutions represented. He shall see that' One Dollar or more is sent to the Secretary of Foreign Missions for Foreign Mission Schools; also see that One Dollar is raised and sent to the Superintendent of the Sunday School Union where he has 100 scholars 229 4TG Sunday School Department or less, and Two Dollars if there are 200 scholars or more. § 6. He shall report the following items to each Quarterly Conference and at the last Quarterly Con¬ ference of the year make an Annual Report. Form of the Superintendents Quarterly Report. 1. Name of Sunday School. 2. Number of Officers and Teachers. 3. Number of Scholars, not including Cradle Roll, Home and Adult Departments. 4. Increase (Decrease) over last quarter. 5. Children on Cradle Roll. 6. Increase (Decrease) over last quarter. 7. Number of Home Department. 8. Increase (Decrease) over last quarter. 9. Number in Adult Department (Persons above 24 years old). 10. Increase (Decrease) over last quarter. 11. Total enrollment in all departments, includ¬ ing ' Cradle Roll, Home and Adult Departments, Scholars, Officers and Teachers. 12. Increase (Decrease) over last quarter. 13. Number of Officers and Teachers who are Church Members. 14. Number of Scholars who are Church Members. 15. Number of Scholars converted and uniting with Church during the. quarter. 16. Number of bound volumes in Library. 17. Number of Lesson Helps taken from our Publication House. 18. Number of Subscribers to Sunday School Bulletin. 230 Sunday School Department f[ 478 19. Number of Subscribers to Star of Zion. 20. Number of Subscribers to Missionary Seer. 21. Number of Subscribers to Quarterly Review. 22. Amount raised for current expenses. 23. Amount raised for Sunday School Board. 24. Amount raised for Home Missions. 25. Amount raised for Foreign Missions. 2G. Other Benevolent collections. 27. Total amount raised by Sunday School. 28. Amount sent District Convention. 29. Total amount expended. 30. Amount in hand. If 476 Secretary—The Secretary shall keep a record of the Members who join and leave the "School, also their residences; keep the Minutes of the Board Meetings and Teachers' Meetings; keep the School register and a general account of the attendance of the Teacher sand scholars; assist the Superintendent in the general management of the School when required, and submit to the Board monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. If 477. Treasurer—The Treasurer shall receive and hold all money for the School after a minute has been made of the same by the Secretary; pay all sums authorized by the Sunday School Board on orders drawn by the Secretary and signed by the Pastor and Superintendent, and shall submit to the Board monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. If 478. Librarian—The Librarian shall deliver the books to the Teacher of each class, for the scholars during the School session; keep a catalogue of all 231 1 479 Sunday School Department. books in the school, and shall submit to the Board monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. 1 479.,§ 1. Teachers—Teachers shall be at the School at the time appointed for the opening of the session. They shall go to their classes immediately on entering the School and shall see that good order is observed in their respective classes; mark in their class-books the attendance of .the scholars, as well as their residences; visit as often as possible the scholars of their respective classes, and report when they are sick or prevented from attending school from any other cause. § 2. The pupils are required to submit to the Superintendent and Teachers; any misdemeanor on their part shall be reported by the Teacher, and the Superintendent may administer punishment at his discretion by withholding a Library Book, by a public reprimand, or otherwise; unless the case, in the estimation of the Teachers' Meeting warrants expulsion from the School. § 3. Teachers are strictly admonished against con¬ versation with each other during the session unless upon purely school matters. Any negligence upon the part of the Teachers, or any misdemeanor shall be settled at the Teachers' Meeting; in failing so to do, let the whole matter go before the Board. IX Duties of Presiding Elders. 480. It shall be the duty of each Presiding Elder to bring the subject of Sunday Schools before the first Quarterly Conference of each year, and said Quarterly Sunday School Department, f 481 Conference shall appoint a Committee of not less than three nor more than nine for each Sunday School in the Charge, to be called the Committee on Sunday Schools of which the Pastor in Charge shall be Chair¬ man, whose duty it shall be to aid the Pastor in Charge and the Officers of the Sunday School in pro¬ curing suitable Teachers, in promoting in all proper ways the attendance of children and adults on our Sunday Schools and on our regular public worship, and assist in raising finance for the School. X Duties of Pastors. H 481. § 1. It shall be the duty of the Pastor in Charge with the aid of other Preachers and the Com¬ mittee on Sunday Schools, to form Sunday Schools in all our Congregations where ten children can be collected for that purpose, which Schools .shall be auxiliary to the Sunday School Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church; to engage the co-operation of as many of the Members as he can, and to visit the Schools as often as practicable; and to preach on the subject of Sunday Schools and the religious instruction of children in each congregation at least once in six months; to form Bible classes wherever he can for the instruction of the youth and adults; and where he cannot superintend them per¬ sonally, to see that suitable Teachers are provided for the purpose, 1,205 § 12, to assist in raising finance for the School and especially money for Connectional Days, f 348, f 351, 11 353, H 354. § 2. It shall be the duty of our Ministers to enforce 233 1 482 Educational Department. faithfully upon parents and Sunday School Teachers the great importance of instructing children in the doctrines and duties of our holy religion; to see that our catechisms be used as extensively as possible in our Sunday Schools and families^ to preach to the children, and publicly catechise them in the Sunday Schools and at public meetings appointed for that purpose, and exhort all parents to dedicate their children to the Lord in baptism as early as con¬ venient, 1 46, H 205, § 12. CHAPTER III EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. I. Board of Education. 1 482. 1. For the promotion of our Educational work, the General Conference of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Zion Church directs that there shall be an Educational Department, and for the general control of which there shall be elected by the General Conference upon nomination of the Board of Bishops, a Board of Education, consisting of a Bishop and one members from each Episcopal District, which shall be duly incorporated according to law and shall have the general control of the Educational affairs in our Church, and shall have the power to locate its head¬ quarters and prescribe rules for its operation not 234 Educational, Department. 1 482 inconsistent with the provisions of the Discipline. The officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice- President and a Secretary and Treasurer. 2. The Board of Education shall have the general control of all our schools, and shall be the custodian of all school deeds and valuable papers of the school; it shall co-operate with the local Administrative Trustee Boards in the maintenance and the conduct of our Institutions of learning, and shall supervise the operation and discharge of the annual budgets of same. 3.^The Board of Education shall have the right of review in all matters pertaining to administration and discipline in our schools, and no debts shall be contracted by the local Administrative Trustee Boards of any of our schools without the concurrence of the Board of Education; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to invalidate any existing obligations of said schools. 4. The Board of Education shall have the power itself, or with the aid of a Committee especially chosen by them for that purpose, to readjust the courses of study in our schools so as to promote the idea of graduation and articulation of curricula as far as practicably; and, with the Corresponding Secretary of Education, to advise the Board in de¬ termining the rank of our Institutions as elsewhere provided. 5. The President, after conference with Secretary and Treasurer of the Board, shall have the power to call special meetings when necessary, preside QVe,r all 235 1 482 Educational Department. meetings of the Board, and perform all other duties which appertain to the office of the President. 6. The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a faith¬ ful record of all proceedings of the Board, and sha 1 report the transactions of the Board annually to the Connectional Council. 7. The regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be annually at the timeandplace of the meetings of the Connectional Council; special meetings shall be called at the discretion of the President and Cor¬ responding Secretary of Education. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the trans¬ action of business. 8. The Board_or a Committee appointed for that purpose shall before each Annual meeting examine the records, check books, bank books and vouchers of all kinds of the Educational Secretary and see that the affairs of the office are conducted in accordance with the interest of the law governing that Depart¬ ment. The Board shall regulate his office and travel¬ ing expenses. 9. The Board shall require a Corresponding Secre¬ tary to give bond in the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties. 1 483. The maintenance of the Department shall be provided for as follows: 1. Each Annual Conference shall appropriate 25 per cent, of the General Claims collected and send it directly to the Secretary of Education for educational purposes, ^ 315, T 322. 2. An amount equal to 10 per cent, of the General 236 Educational Department, 485 Claims on each, charge shall be placed on each Pastor's Certificate to be raised on or before Chil¬ dren's Day, and sent by the Pastor directly to the Secretary of Education for the further support of our Schools, If 323. - 3. Each and every Pastor shall observe Children's Day in all the Sunday Schools of his Charge. This observance shall occur at the hour when the Chil¬ dren's Day Programme furnished by the Secretary of Education is rendered, and the collection taken 6r money reported shall be in the interest of Educa¬ tion. The amount however shall be included in the 10 per cent, the Pastor is to raise for Education, If 348. II. Corresponding Secretary. If 484. The General Conference shall elect quad¬ rennially a Corresponding Secretary of Education whose tenure of office shall be four years, and until his successor is elected. He shall be an ex-officio member of the' Board of Education, and. also a regular member of the Board of Trustees of Living¬ stone College, and of the local Administrative Boards of Trustees of the several Connectional Schools. The salary of the Corresponding Secre¬ tary of Education shall be Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Dollars per annum. If 485. The Corresponding Secretary of Education, as Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Educa¬ tion, shall receive and hold all money coming to the Board from time to time from all sources, keep an accurate account of the same, and pay it out only on the order of the Board of Education, and shall re- 237 486T Educational Department. port his receipts and disbursements semi-annually to the Board of Bishops, annually to the Connec- tional Council, and quadrennially to the General Conference. 11486. • The Corresponding Secretary shall, under the direction of the Board, and the provisions of the Discipline, conduct the correspondence of the De¬ partment and promote its general interest by traveling, lecturing, soliciting, donations and other¬ wise. He shall prepare the programme for Chil¬ dren's Day, and give whatever assistance he can give to increase the proceeds of that day. He shall visit as often as practicable all the schools work¬ ing under the Board of Education, so as to be in¬ formed as to their general conduct and needs. 1. The Corresponding Secretary shall put forth every effort to stimulate an interest in the collection of the Assessment for Education by letter, articles and otherwise. Besides reporting regularly to the Board of Education, he shall also render a semi¬ annual report to the Council and a quadrennial report to the General Conference of his travels, lectures, and collections in the interest of Education the number and names of all the schools under the auspices of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, their officers and number of students, the general manner and amount of support that each one receives; together with the condition and standing of the schools. He shall be ex-officio mem¬ ber of any committee appointed by the Board to advise with it in regulating the rank of the schools receiving the patronage of the Church. 23S Educational Department. 1 488 2. The Corresponding Secretary in his annual and quadrennial reports shall give an account of the educational money raised by Annual Conferences and pastoral charges. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Education, which, for cause to them sufficient, shall have the right to jeport him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power after due investigation and proper hearing, to remove him from office and fill the vacancy. He shall report his official expenses to the Board of Education for approval. His bond shall be $10,000.00. III. Educational Institutions. ! 487. No institutions of learning shall be organ¬ ized by the Board of Education as under the auspices of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and inserted in its classified list of such institutions, or receive aid from its connectional funds, unless it has been made a connectional beneficiary; provided, that all schools already adopted by the General Con¬ ference shall be considered such beneficiaries. K 488. Whenever there are schools already in existence and not under the patronage of the Board of Education, and wishing to be made beneficiaries of the Board, or when there are persons desirous of establishing a school under the auspices of our Church, and wishing to bring it under the patronage of the Board of Education, applications must first be made to the Board of Education, together with the plan of support and the Board of Education, must recom- 239 ^ 489 Educational Department. mend it to the General Conference before it can be made a connectional beneficiary. t 489. Annual Conference shall not submit for recommendation of Schools beyond our ability to equip and maintain them. 1 490. It shall be the duty of our Bishops, Presiding Elders and Pastors to direct the attention of young people to our literary institutions, and the attention of candidates for our ministry, having proper quali¬ fications, to our Theological Seminaries. H 491. The Board of Education shall publish in its annual report a list, of all educational institutions under the patronage of the African Methodist Episco¬ pal Zion Church, classifying them both according to rank and capacity as well as to the work they are actually doing. U 492. The Presidents and Principals of our Con¬ nectional Schools, excepting the President of Livings- stone College, shall be selected by the Board of Education and by virtue of the importance of their positions they shall be members of the General Conference. The salaries of the Presidents and Principals shall be regulated by the Board of Educa¬ tion; the salaries of the other teachers shall be regula¬ ted by the Local Administrative Trustee Boards of the several Schools with the advice of the Correspond¬ ing Secretary and the Board of Education. ^ 493. Each President or Principal of our Con¬ nectional Schools shall render an annual statement of the condition of the school under his charge to the Corresponding Secretary of Education, who shall 240 Educational. Department. ^[495 include the same in his report to the Board of Bishops, the Connectional Council and to the Gen¬ eral Conference. If 494- 1. The Trustees of each connectional in¬ stitution, other than Livingstone College, shall be elected by the General Board of Education upon the nomination of the Bishop presiding over the dis trict in which the school is located. 2. The local Administrative Trustee Boards here provided for shall choose the teachers (other than Presidents and Principals) of their respective in¬ stitutions, with the advice of the Corresponding Secretary of Education and upon nomination of the President and Principals, respectively, they sh§.ll arrange for and supervise all matters of expense as well as administration of their respective institu¬ tion ; but budgets showing all expense for salaries or other purposes shall be submitted to the General Board of Education, for its concurrence at the an¬ nual meeting of the Board, before such budgets shall be permanent. H 495. Each of our Schools is given an Educational District to include Conferences as follows: 1. Livingstone College—Western North Carolina, Cape Fear, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, New England. 2. Atkinson College—Kentucky, West Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. 3. Greenville College—East Tennessee and Vir¬ ginia, Blue Ridge, Central North Carolina, Cali¬ fornia and Oregon. 241 495 Educational Department. 4. Clinton. College—South Carolina and South¬ east Alabama. 5. Dinwiddie Normal and Industrial School— Michigan, Allegheny, Virginia and West Central. 6. Walters Institute—Indiana, Missouri, Arkan¬ sas, North Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and West Alabama. 7. Lomax-Hannon—Alabama, North Alabama, Central Alabama, Cahaba and Florida. 8. Edenton Normal and Industrial School— Albemarle and Western New York. 9'. Eastern North Carolina Academy—North Carolina, and New Jersey. *10. Lancaster Normal and Industrial School— Pee Dee and Palmetto. 11. Johnson Rural High School—West Tennessee and Mississippi and South Mississippi. 12. Macon Industrial School—Georgia, South Georgia and Florida. II496. 'That our Schools may be better provided for each Bishop is asked to put on the Certificate of each Pastor a reasonable amount to be raised each year for the District School and the money so raised shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the School his Conferences patronize; or in lieu of the above any other plan may be adopted provided it brings the desired results. The money so raised and paid to the local School shall not be counted as a part of any other assessment. IV. Duties of Pastors and Presiding Elders. 11497- It shall be the duty of every Pastor to observe Children's Day in the interest of Education 242 Educational Department. 1 500 in each Church of his charge on the fourth Sunday in June of every year, and take a collection as hereto¬ fore provided for, and the Children's Day collection shall be forwarded immediately by the Pastor as provided in Paragraph 348. 498. It shall be the duty of the pastor to co¬ operate with the Corresponding Secretary of Educa¬ tion and Presiding Elders in arranging for lectures, educational meetings, and other enterprises in order to raise educational funds. He shall preach or cause to be preached at least one sermon on Education each year. K 499. It shMl be the duty of the pastor to collect the 10 per cent, assessment for Education, which money shall be promptly sent to the Secretary of Education. 1 500. It shall be the duty of every pastor in charge of a circuit or station, with the advice of the Corres¬ ponding Secretary of Education to organize the local and itinerant preachers and exhorters residing in his charge into a Preacher's Institute, and to hold at least one session of the same during the Conference year, continuing at least two days. The object of' the institute shall be: 1. To cultivate Christian fellowsh'p and helpful¬ ness among its members. 2. To aid its members in gaining such knowledge as shall be of use to them in discharging the duties required of them by the Discipline of the Church. 3. To pursue a course of instructions or readings 243 1 501 Educational Department. for the purpose of cultivating th^ir moral, spiritual and intellectual powers. \ 501. One night in every month shall be set apart in every charge, when the Exhorters and Local Preachers shall conduct services in session under the supervision of the pastor, who shall privately give them such friendly criticism and instruction as may be of benefit to those officiating in said services. t 502. A report on the condition of the Preachers' Institute shall be submitted at the District Confer¬ ence, and a copy of the same transmitted to the Corresponding Secretary of Education. H 503. It shall be the duty of each Presiding Elder to bring the subject of Education before the Quarterly Conference of each charge within his district and at the first Quarterly Conference of the year there shall be appointed a committee on Education, of not .less than three nor more than nine persons, of which Committee the pastor shall be Chairman. This com¬ mittee shall aid the pastor in canvassing the charge for the purpose of stimulating interest in the education of our youth, by distributing catalogues and other educational literature, and solicit funds from the members of the church and congregation, and others for educational institutions, and the money so collect¬ ed shall be credited to the church where the same was raised. The Annual Conference shall appoint a standing Committee on Education whose duty it shall be to stimulate an interest in our Schools and lay plans to raise money and secure students for .Schools. The Bishops shall appoint a District 244 Church Extension and Home Missions, t 507 Educational Secretary who in co-operation with the Committee and Corresponding Secretary seek to raise money for our District Schools and to secure students for the same. 504. The Presiding Elder in his last Quarterly Conference in the charge shall ask: 1. Has the sermon on education been preached this year? 2. Has Children's Day been observed as required by the Discipline, and the assessment for education raised and forwarded as required? 3. Has a general canvass of education been made? ^[.505. The Presiding Elder shall note quarterly on blanks furnished by the Educational Department the information received in answer to these questions, and forward the blanks thus filled out to the Correspond- ingSecretary of Education. t 506. Any law or parts of law in conflict with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed. CHAPTER IV CHURCH EXTENSION AND HOME MISSIO NS. I. Church Extension and Home Mission Board. 1 507. For the promotion of the temporal welfare of the Church, the securing, improvement and the saving of Church and Parsonage Property and for the relief of Missions Charges, and Preachers on poor 245 1 508 Church Extension and H6me Missions; fields, the General Conference of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Zion Church directs that there shall be an organization in our Church known as the Church Extension and Home Mission Board, con¬ sisting of the Bishops, the Corresponding Secretary, and one Member from-each Episcopal District, with headquarters at Philadelphia, Pa. The Board shall be duly incorporated according to law, and shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Discipline and laws of the General Conference as prescribed from time to time. The Officers of the Board shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 508. The President shall have the power to. call special meetings when necessary, preside at all the meetings of the General Committee, and exercise all the other functions which usually appertain to the Office of President. t 509. The Recording Secretary of the Board shall also be the Recording Secretary of the General Committee, and he shall keep a faithful record of every meeting of the Board and of the Committee. 510. The Treasurer by virtue of his Office shall be treasurer of the General Committee, and shall receive and hold all money belonging to the General Committee from whatever source it may come, and shall give receipt for all money coming into his hands. He shall make quarterly reports of the receipts and disbursements of money to the General Committee, semi-annual reports to the Board of Bishops, annual reports to the Connectional Council, and quadrennial report to the General Conference. 246 Church Extension and Home Missions. ^ 514 I 511. The Church Extension Home Mission Board shall meet annually at the time and place of the Connectional Council. When meeting alone, five Members shall constitute a quorum for the trans¬ action of business. II. Maintenance of the Department. H 512. That there might be constituted a Fund for Church Extension and Home Missions, the General Conference directs that there shall be appropriated ten per cent, of the General Claims which shall be set apart by each Annual Conference and sent directly to the Corresponding Secretary who is the Treasurer of the Department, 1 315, H 324. II 513. The General Conference also directs that there shall be placed on the Certificate of each Pastor an amount equal to five per cent, or more of the General Claims, to be collected by the Pastor on or before Easter Sunday and sent directly to the Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions, to help the emergencies of the Department. This money as well as the ten per cent, coming from the General Claims &hall be appropriated by the Board by way of loans on interest, donations, and relief to Mission Charges and Pastors, H 325. III. The General Committee. 1 514. The Board of Bishops shall appoint a General' Committee, before the General Conference adjourns consisting of the following: 1. A Bishop who shall be President of the Committee. 2. Three Vice-Presi¬ dents who shall be Bishops. 3. Corresponding 247 H 515 Church Extension and Home Missions. Secretary. 4. Recording Secretary, who shall be Secretary of the Board. 5. The Treasurer who shall be Treasurer of the General Committee. 6. And six other Ministers and three Laymen, selected so as to enable them to meet quarterly with little or no expense to fhe General Committee. The General Committee shall have supervision over and shall conduct all the financial affairs of the Church Exten¬ sion and Home Mission Board, according to the Charter and By-Laws of said Committee, provided in all cases, that nothing shall be done contrary to the Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. f 515. The General Committee shall continue in office for four years and until their successors are appointed, unless otherwise ordered. Should any of the Members thus appointed prove inactive or in¬ efficient, they may be reported by the Committee to the Board of Bishops, who shall have power to de¬ clare their seats vacant, and appoint others to fill the vacancy. H 516. The General Committee shall meet quarter¬ ly in the office of the Church Extension and the Home Missions and shall have power to make By- Laws for the regulation of its own proceedings, but in no case shall they conflict with the Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. It shall have power to provide for Life and Honorary Membership and other funds for the advancement of the Board. In all meetings of the General Committee 248 Church Extension and Home Missions. fl518 five shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. H 517. The General Committee shall provide for the following funds: Loan Fund, Emergency Fund, Donation Fund, and Annuity Fund. The money re¬ ceived for loans shall be used only for loans on Church and Parsonage Property, deeded to the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, at 6 per cent, interest. The Emergency Fund shall be held at the disposal of the Corresponding Secretary to be used when delay would be dangerous in saving Church or Parsonage Property. The Donation Fund shall be taken account of at the meetings of the General Committee. In making loans or donations, the Corresponding Secretary shall act as agent for the Church Extension and Home Mission Board. IV. Corresponding Secretary. H 518. The General Conference shall elect a Corre¬ sponding Secretary whose tenure of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected, who shall use his time in advancing the General in¬ terest of the Church Extension and Home Mission Boards by traveling, lecturing, soliciting and-other¬ wise. By virtue of his office he shall be the Treas¬ urer of the Board and shall receive all the appro¬ priations and moneys coming to the Board for Church Extension and Home Missions. He shall be the accredited agent for the Church Extension and Home Mission Board. His salary shall be Fif¬ teen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars a year. Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for traveling expenses, and shall be allowed a reasonable t 519 Church Extension and Home Missions. amount for office expenses. He shall give a satis¬ factory bond to the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.- 00) Dollars to cover the money coming in. He shall render a quarterly report to the General Committee, a semi-annual report to the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Connectional Council, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Church Extension and Home Mission Board, who shall have the right, for cause to them sufficient, to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove him from office and to fill the vacancy, 1 92, § 2. V. Duties of Annual Conference. 519. Each annual Conference shall appoint three Ministers and two Laymen who shall constitute the Conference Board of Church Extension and Home Missions. The officers of said Board shall be a President, Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer, provided the Treasurer of the Conference shall be the Treasurer of the Board, U 106, § 3. The persons selected shall be a Standing Board during the quadren- nium, and shall be so located that a quorum can be convened at any time. The Board shall have charge of the Church Extension and Home Missions interest within the bounds of the Annual Conference not other¬ wise provided for. There shall be set apart an hour in each annual Conference to be known as Church Extension and Home Mission Anniversary, and the Bishop and the Conference Board shall arrange for 250 Church Extension and Home Missions. H 520 the programme. Immediately following the adjourn¬ ment of the Conference the Bishop shall forward to the Corresponding Secretary a list of the Pastoral Appointments with assessments and Post Office addresses. VI. Applications for Aid. t 520. All applications for aid shall he made on blanks furnished by the General Committee. The Applicants shall.give all the information necessary to warrant the safety of the loan asked for. The following facts must be obtained: 1. Number of Church Members. 2. Population of the Community and prospects of increase. 3. Location, size, afid value of property. 4. If title to the property is in the name of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 5. If the building is to be erected, plans and specifications must be submitted with probable cost when building is completed, and if loan is granted, the Committee.shall have the right to modify plans and cos$ if necessary. 6. The amount already raised by the Trustees, also the amount subscribed are not paid. 7. The prospect of raising the amount of the loan as stipulated in the agreement, together with interest. 8. The amount of Mortgage Debt already on the building. 9. The amount of floating debt. 10. Whether property is insured, and in what com¬ pany and the amount. 11. Any other facts deemed necessary by the General Committee may be exacted before the loan is granted. In any and all cases no loans will be granted unless the property is held, or 251 t 521 Church Extension and Home Missions. is to be held, in trust by the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 1 521. All applications for aid must first be sub¬ mitted to the Conference Board of Church Extension and Home Missions, and the said Board shall apply to the General Committee, ^ 199, § 11. H 522. Aid may be granted a Mission Charge or a Preacher on a poor field from the Emergency Fund by the application of a Bishop or a Presiding Elder to the Corresponding Secretary. VII. Duties of Presiding Elders and Pastors. 1 523. The Presiding Elder shall bring the subject of Church Extension and Home Missions before each quarterly Conference and inquire whether the amount assessed has been raised; if not ascertain the cause. At the First Quarterly Conference of the year in each charge a Committee on Church Extension and Home Missions shall be appointed to assist the Pastor in raising his apportionment. K 524. Easter Sunday is Church Extension and Home Missions Day. On that day every Pastof in the Connection shall take a collection for Church Extension and Home Missions, unless he has pre¬ viously done so, and the amount collected and for¬ warded to the Corresponding Secretary, shall be five per cent, or more of the General Claims, ^ 325. 252 Foreign Mission Department. ^ 52& CHAPTER V. FOREIGN MISSION DEPARTMENT. I. Foreign Mission Board: 525. For the extending of our Missionary Wortc in foreign countries, the General Conference of the American Methodist Episcopal Zion Church directs that there shall be a Foreign Missionary- Society, located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and for the general control of which there shall be ap¬ pointed quadrennially a Foreign Mission Board, consisting of the Bishops and one Member from each Episcopal District, -which shall be duly in¬ corporated according to law, and be subject to the rules' and regulations which the General Confer¬ ence from time to time shall prescribe. The offi-. cers of the Board shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer. h 526. The President shall have power to call special meetings when necessary, preside over all the meetings of the Board and perform all other duties which appertain to the office of President. 527. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings of the Board and perform such other duties as the Board requires. II. The Corresponding Secretary. | 528. The General Conference shall elect quad¬ rennially a Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions whose tenure of office shall be for four years, and until his successor is elected. His 253 528 Foreign Mission Department. salary shall be Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars a year, and Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars traveling expenses. He shall be ex-officio a member of the "Board of Foreign Missions and shall also be the Treasurer of the Foreign Missionary Society. His duties shall be to keep a correct ac¬ count of all the Foreign Mission Fields, the num¬ ber and names of Missionaries employed, and the stations they occupy, to receive and receipt for all Mission ifioney, from assessment or otherwise, to pay to Missionaries the amounts alloted to them under the advice of the Bishop of the District and, the Foreign Mission Board; to remit whatever ap¬ portionment may be made by the Board of Foreign Missions under the advice of the Bishop of Foreign Missions, to edit and publish the Mis¬ sionary Seer, the official organ of the Missionary Department, to travel, preach, lecture, publish literature and hold Conventions in the interest of Missions. He shall report his transactions to the Foreign Mission Board semi-annually, also to the Board of Bishops, Connectional Council and to the General Conference. He shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Foreign Missions who for cause to them sufficient, shall have the right to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have power to remove him from office and fill the vacancy. His bond shall be $10,000.00. IT 529. The regular meetings of the Foreign Mis¬ sion Board shall be held semi-annually, and may or may not be held in connection with the Board 254 Foreign Mission Department. 1 ■ 533 of Bishops and the Connectional Council. When meeting alone five Members of the Board shall con¬ stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 530. The Executive Board shall consist of the regular officers and the Executive Members of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. Five Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 531. The money collected through the Foreign Missionary Society for Missions shall be used for the support of Missionaries employed in the For¬ eign fields, and for the relief of Mission points. | 532. The Foreign Mission Board shall have power to employ Ministers, Physicians and Teach¬ ers as Missionaries from any of our Conferences who are willing to labor in Mission fields with the consent of the Bishop of said Conference, and determine the amount of support necessary to sus¬ tain each one in his station. 533. The Board shall have the right to change or discontinue any Mission station and the ser¬ vices of any Missionary, when it deems either one unprofitable. All Missionaries on furlough for more than three months shall have only one-half salary. No Missionary shall be allowed to leave his or her post of duty without the consent of the ' Bishop of the Foreign Work and the Corresponding Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board. All Mis¬ sionaries traveling in America and collecting Mis-* sion money shall report the same to the Corr§* sponding Secretary. 255 1 534 Foreign Mission Department. III. Support of Foreign Missions. | 534. To aid in supporting our Foreign Mission work the following regulations of the General Con¬ ference shall be carried out: 1. The Fourth Sunday in September of every year shall be known as Foreign Missionary Day. On that Day a collection shall be taken equal to five per cent or more of the General Claims Assess¬ ment in the interest of Foreign Missions and shall be forwarded forthwith by the Pastor to the Cor¬ responding Secretary. The amount may be made much larger if the Pastor and people are willing to so make it. 1f 354. 2. The money raised through the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society for Foreign Mis¬ sions shall be paid over by the Treasurer semi¬ annually to the Corresponding Secretary of For¬ eign Missions. If 555, § 7 (d). 3. The revenue resulting from Special efforts, lectures, devices, Conventions, Convocations and otherwise by the Board and Corresponding Secre¬ tary, shall go toward increasing the funds. 4. Each Pastor is required to collect at least One Dollar from each Sunday School each year, for the support of our Foreign Mission Schools, which money shall be sent directly to the Corre¬ sponding Secretary by the Pastor or Superin¬ tendent. If 355. 5. Each Yarick Christian Endeavor Society is asked to make a donation each year toward our 256 Foreign Mission Department. 1 539 Foreign Mission Schools which amount should be sent directly to the Corresponding Secretary. IY. Annual Conference and Foreign Missions. ^ 535. The Annual Conference shall appoint a Foreign Mission Board consisting of five persons, which shall co-operate with the Presiding Elders and the Corresponding Secretary in planning for and holding District Missionary Conventions and disseminating Missionary literature and raising Missionary money. ^ 536. The Conference Board of Foreign Mis¬ sions shall appoint its own officers, provided, how¬ ever, that the Conference Treasurer shall be the Treasurer of the Board, and shall receive the money appropriated for Foreign Missions and send it to the Corresponding Secretary, (If 528). 537. The Conference Foreign Mission Board shall assist the Bishop and the Corresponding Secretary and the Members of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society in arranging for the Anniversary Missionary Meeting at each An¬ nual Conference. 538. The Conference Foreign Mission Board may employ special agents to solicit funds within the bounds of the Annual Conference in the inter¬ est of the Mission cause, said agents to receive credentials from the Board endorsed by the Bishop and Corresponding Secretary. (If J.97). V. Duties of the Presiding Elders. ^ 539. It shall be the duty of each Presiding 257 1 540 Foreign Mission Department. Elder to bring the subject of Foreign Missions be¬ fore tlie Quarterly Conference of eacli Charge within his District; at the first Quarterly Confer¬ ence of each year there shall be appointed a Com¬ mittee of not less than three nor more than nine, of which the Pastor shall be Chairman, to be called the Committee on Foreign Missions, whose duty it shall be to aid the Pastor in carrying into effect the law of our Church for the support of our Foreign Missions. ^ 540. It shall be the duty of each Presiding Elder to see that the provisions of this section are faithfully carried out in his District and in order thereto he shall inquire at each session of the Quarterly Conference. What has been done by the Committee for Foreign Missions? VI. Duties of Pastors. 541. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to provide for the diffusion of Missionary intelligence among the members of the Church and Congregation. 542. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to hold meetings whenever practicable for the purpose of informing the people respecting Foreign Mission work, to offer Prayer for Missions and Missionaries and to raise what means he can for the Mission cause. 543. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Missions, to appoint Mis¬ sionary Collectors and furnish them with suitable 258 Foreign Mission Department. 1 546 books and devices that they may call on the mem¬ bers of the Church and Congregation, and on other persons for contributions for the support of For¬ eign Missions; said Collectors shall make returns to the Pastor and Committee, and the money thus collected shall be sent to the Corresponding Secre¬ tary. 544. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to col¬ lect his Assessment for Foreign Missions as early in the Conference year as possible and report the amount forwith to the Corresponding Secretary of Missions; he shall also present his receipts at the Annual Conference" for the remittances he has made. ^ 545. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Missions, to observe Foreign Missionary Day on the fourth Sunday in Sep¬ tember of every year, &t which time hershall make a special effort to bring the cause of Foreign Mis¬ sions before the people, and shall make a strong effort on that occasion to raise money for For¬ eign Missions and the money so collected shall be forwarded directly to the Corresponding Secretary. (H 354). 546. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to see that each Sunday School and Varick Christian Endeavor Society is organized into a Foreign Mis¬ sionary Society, or have a Committee on Foreign Missions, and the money raised from these sources shall be forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary, 259 1 548 Woman's Missionary Society. and shall not be counted as a part of the Pastor's Assessment. 547. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to organize a Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary- Society, Young Woman's Branch and a Juvenile Missionary Society in each Church of his Charge, which shall be operated under the Constitution governing those Societies, and the money thus collected shall be sent directly to the Treasurer of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, CHAPTER YI WOMAN'S HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. I. Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE I. NAME. 548. This organization shall be known as the General Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, with .headquarters at Philadelphia, Pa. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. f 549. The object of the Woman's Home and Foreign.Missionary Society shall be to raise money for Home and Foreign Missions, through member¬ ship fees, pledges, entertainments, donations, soli¬ citing devices and special occasions, but none of 260 Woman's Missionary Society, f 550 which methods shall interfere with the contri¬ butions of the Church and Sunday School in rais¬ ing the assessment for Missions. The money raised by the above methods through the Society exclus¬ ively shall be forwarded directly to the Treasurer of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. AETICLE III. OBGANIZATION. 550. 1. Officers. (a) The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society shall be auxiliary to the Parent Mission Board of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. (b) The officers of this Society elected by the General Conference shall be a President, Vice-Presi¬ dent, Recording Secretary, Corresponding ■ Secre¬ tary, Treasurer, Secretary of Young Woman's Missionary Society and Superintendent Buds. of Promise or Juvenile Missionary Society. (c) The General Officers of the Society shall constitute the Executive Board, who shall have authority to make all rules and regulations govern¬ ing the Societies not inconsistent with those speci¬ fied in the Book of Discipline. (d) The Bishops' wives and widows shall be Vice-President and Active Members of the Execu¬ tive Board. They shall have power to organize Missionary Societies in all of its branches any¬ where in the General Church. (e) The Executive Board shall choose the Editor pf the Woman's Section of the Missionary Seer, the 261 H 551 Woman's Missionary Society. Secretary of the Bureau of Foreign Supplies and the Organizers,' all of whom shall be amenable to the Executive Board. (f) The General Officers shall be amendable to the Parent Board of Missions for their official con¬ duct, who shall have the right, for cause to them sufficient, to report them to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove them from office and fill the vacancy. 551. 2. Meetings. (a) The General Officers of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society shall be members of the Connect'onal. Council and shall sit as corre¬ sponding members of the Board of Missions. (b) The regular business meetings of the Society shall be held twice a year. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi¬ ness. (c) The District Presidents, District Secretaries and District Superintendents shall sit as members and be allowed a voice in these meetings. (d) Quarterly Mass-Meetings, District and Con¬ ference Conventions may be held in connection with or separate from the District and Annual Confer¬ ences, the membership to consist'of District Presi¬ dent, District Secretary, District Superintendent, local Officers and a Delegate from each Society, and any person who pays 50 cents annually as a membership fee. (e) A General Missionary Convention may be Jield once a quadrennium, and its members shall m Woman's Missionary Society. 553 consist of the General Officers of the Society, the District Presidents, District Secretaries Young Woman's Missionary Society, District Superin¬ tendents, one Delegate from each Presiding Elder's District and one Delegate at Large from each Annual Cbnference, all of whom may be seated upon the payment of the sum of one dollar. (f) The anniversary of the organization of the Society shall be celebrated in the month of May. ARTICLE IY. MEMBEHSHIP. ^ 552. Any person paying one dollar annually into the Treasury of the General Society may sus¬ tain membership therein. Anyone paying the sum of twenty dollars into the Treasury at one time may be constituted a Life Member. Anyone paying into the Treasury of the' Society one hundred at one time may be constituted a Life Patron. Twenty dollars paid for a departed friend will make him or her a Memorial Member. One hundred dollars paid at one time from an Honorary Member will constitute him a Life Patron. ARTICLE Y. DEPARTMENTS. 553. (a) There shall be three departments composing the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis¬ sionary Society: The Buds of Promise, including the children from three to fourteen years *, the Young Woman's Mis¬ sionary Society, from fourteen years to an un¬ limited age for unmarried women; the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society comprising married women. 263 II 553 Woman's Missionary Society. (b) The Presiding Officer of the Buds of Promise shall be styled Superintendent; for Young Woman's Missionary Society, Secretary; for the women, President. (c) There shall be a Bureau of Foreign Supplies, to which all donations of clothing, medicine, litera¬ ture, etc. shall be sent. The chairman of this department shall be designated Secretary of this Bureau, and she, with the Bishop of the Foreign Work and a Committee of five shall have charge of all articles to be sent to the foreign field and make annual reports to the Board of Missions. All money for this department shall be sent to the General Treasurer. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES OF PASTOBS AND PRESIDING ELDEBSa 554. It shall be the duty of each Pastor (wherever practicable) to organize a local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, a Young Woman's Missionary Society, and the Buds of Promise. The Presiding Elder shall insist that the Pastor carry out the provisions of this Constitution. II. BY-LAWS OF THE GENERAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 555. 1. The President shall have power to call special meetings when she deems it necessary, and shall preside at all meetings of the Society, sign drafts drawn on the Treasurer and perform all 264 Woman's Missionary Society. *1 555 other duties connected with the office of President. 2. The Vice-President shall perform these duties in the absence of the President. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep a roll of the Officers of the General Board, the roll of all Life Members, Matrons, Memorial Members and Patrons, and a record of the business proceedings of the Executive Meetings and General Conven¬ tions, and read the same on demand. She shall draw up and sign all orders on the Treasurer for the payment of money. 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society. She shall keep in touch with the Missionary Societies of other .Churches, and with all District Presidents and Organizers, and so far as possible with the Local Societies; prepare the literature and programs for the Societies and Conventions, and report her trans¬ actions to the Executive Board, and for the Society to the Board of Bishops, the Connectional Confer¬ ence and the General Conference. 5. The Secretary of the Young Woman's Mis¬ sionary Society shall conduct the correspondence of the Society. She shall keep in touch with the Young People's Missionary Societies of other Churches, and with all the District Secretaries and Organizers, and, as far as possible, with the local societies; prepare and send out the literature and programmes for the Young Woman's Missionary Society, and report her transactions to the Execu¬ tive Board, and for the Society to the Board of 265 1 555 Woman's Missionary Society. Bishops, and the Connectional Council and the General Conference. 6. The Superintendent of the Buds of Promise shall conduct the correspondence of the Society. She shall keep in touch with the Juvenile Mis¬ sionary Societies of other Churches and with all the District Superintendents and Organizers, and as far as possible with .the Local Societies; pre¬ pare and send out the literature and programmes for the Societies, and report her transactions to the Executive Board, and for the Society to the Board of Bishops, and Connectional Council and General Conference. 7. (a) The Treasurer shall receive and hold all money raised through and paid to the Society, keep an impartial account of the receipts and disburse¬ ments, but shall pay out none except by an order properly signed by the President and Secretary. (b) She shall place all moneys raised through Life * Members, Matrons, Memorial Members, Patrons' fees and Red-Letter Day exercises in a reserve fund in bank on interest, this money to be used as an educational fund to prepare and sup¬ port missionary women in the foreign field. (c) She shall report monthly through the Mis¬ sionary Seer her receipts from local Societies and her disbursements. (d) She shall make a semi-annual remittance to the Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Mis¬ sions. (e) She shall report from time to time to the 266 Woman's Missionary Society. ^ 557 Executive Board of the Society, to the Board of Bishops, and the Connectional Council, and shall make a quadrennial report to the General Con¬ ference. Her bond shall be $5,000.00. 8. The Executive Board shall take into con¬ sideration the needs of the general work and devise means and perfect plans for carrying forward the work in all three departments of the Missionary Society. They shall send out a printed report by September of each year. 9. The Missionary Seer shall be the official organ of the Societies through which reports of their work shall be made by an editor chosen for that purpose and by the Corresponding Secretary. m. CONSTITUTION FOR DISTRICT CONVEN¬ TION. ARTICLE I. NAME. 1 556. This organization shall be known as the District Missionary Convention of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and may be held in each Presiding Elder's district annually. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. 1 557. It shall be the object of this Convention to inspire missionary zeal and enthusiasm through¬ out the district, and to increase the amount of missionary funds sent up from local Societies and collected during the sittting of the Convention. 267 f 558 Woman's Missionary Society. ABTICLE III. ORGANIZATION. 1 558. in each Annual Conference there shall be appointed one Distr'ct President, one District Secre- taay, one District Superintendent for each Presiding Elder's District, who shall, by the virtue of their office, be members of the General Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 2. There shall be elected at each District Conven¬ tion a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secre¬ tary and Treasurer; these, together with other District Officers, shall form a District Executive Board. 3. The District Presidents, Secretaries and Superintendents shall often confer with the Bishop, Presiding Elder and Pastor as to the best steps to take in prosecuting their work, and shall urgently request every Pastor to organize each Society in every Church under his charge. 4. The General Executive Board may, for the good of the work, appoint upon the approval of the Bishop, special Organizers for certain territory. 5. Convocations may be held including a group of Annual Conferences whenever the Executive Offi¬ cers and Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Mis¬ sions can so arrange. The Vice-President in the territory where the Convocations meet shall pre¬ side.' ABTICLE IV. FINANCE. t 559. 1. Money collected for Missions through the Society exclusively - and that which may be brought to the Annual Conference for the Woman's 268 Woman's Missionary Society. 560 Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Young .Woman's Missionary Society or the Buds of Promise, shall be sent directly to the Treasurer of the General Society. 2. All money sent up from the local Societies, and all money collected at the Convention shall be forwarded to the General Treasurer after the traveling expenses of the District Officers to the Convention and other incidental expenses shall have been met. 3. The traveling expenses of the Delegates and local Officers to the Convention shall be met by the local Societies. 4. The traveling expenses of the District Presi¬ dent, Secretaries, Superintendents and Organizers shall be paid by the local Societies visited by them. Where it is necessary for any of these offi¬ cers to visit the Annual Conference in order to prosecute their work, their expenses shall be paid out of the money raised for this purpose, and not out of the money that may be sent to the Annual Conference for missionary purposes. IV. BY-LAWS FOR DISTRICT CONVENTION 560. 1 (a) It shall be the duty of the Dis¬ trict President to superintend the organizing of Missionary Societies within the bounds of her district, and she shall put forth efforts to stimulate 268a 1 560 Woman's Missionary Society. the raising of funds for the Society by subscrip¬ tions, pledges, entertainments, donations, soliciting devices and special occasions. (b) She shall keep in constant correspondence with the Corresponding Secretary as to the best methods to pursue in advancing the missionary cause, but she shall adopt no method that will interfere with the Pastor in carrying out the pro¬ vision made for raising his Missionary Assessment. (c) She shall make the call and. preside at the Executive Meetings and at all meetings of the Convention when the women render their reports. 2 (a) It shall be the duty of the District Secre¬ tary and District Superintendent to superintend the organizing of Missionary Societies within the bounds of their district in each of their respective departments, and shall put forth every effort to stimulate 'the raising of funds by subscriptions, donations, soliciting devices and special occasions. (b) They shall associate the District President in arranging programmes for the Executive Meet¬ ings, Quarterly Mass-Meetings and District Con¬ ventions. (c) They shall preside at the time when" reports are being rendered from their respective depart¬ ments. (d) In case of sickness or other disability of the District President, the District Secretary and Dis¬ trict Superintendent shall issue the call for the District Meetings and arrange programmes for the 268b "Woman's Missionary Society. | 560 three departments that the work may not lag or suffer. 3. It shall be the duty of the District Recording Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of the convention and a correct roll of the local Presi¬ dents, Secretaries and Superintendents of each Society, in the district and at the rise of the Con¬ vention send a list of these officers, with their post-office addresses, as follows: Local Presidents to the Corresponding Secretary, local Secretaries to the General Secretary of the Young Woman's Missionary Society, the local Superintendents to the General Superintendent, that these General Officers may always be in touch with the local offi¬ cers. She shall sign all drafts. 4. It shall be the duty of the District Corres¬ ponding Secretary to issue the call for the Execu¬ tive meetings, conduct the correspondence for the quarterly Mass-Meetings and District Conventions, to send out programmes "and other literature, to thoroughly advertise the meetings, to carry out the order of the Executive Committee in distri¬ buting devices for special collections to be re¬ ported at the District Meetings. 5. (a) It shall be the duty of the District; Treas¬ urer to receive district membership fees at the Quarterly Mass-Meetings and District Conventions, and all money from Delegates from local Societies from all departments, and shall send it to the General Treasurer immediately on the rise of the meeting. 268c 1 561 Woman's Missionary Society. (b) She shall send a separate itemized list of local officers (President, Secretary and Superin¬ tendent), with the amount sent to the .meeting by each, and all other moneys in a separate account. G. It shall be the duty of the Executive Commit¬ tee to arrange a place, date and programme for the District Missionary Meetings, and adopt ways and means for the successful prosecution of the work. 7. The Order of Business shall include: 1. Devotional exercises. 2. Appointment of Committees: Delegates, Rules, Ways and Means, Missionary Seer, Finance, Courtesies. 3. Seating Delegates. 4. Presiding Officers' Annual Reports. 5. Recording Secretary's Report. 6. Corresponding Secretary's Report. 7. Treasurer's Annual Report. 8. Unfinished Business. 9. New Business. 10. Report of Committees. 11. Election of Officers. V. CONSTITUTION LOCAL WOMAN'S HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. aeticle I. name. 11561. This Society shall be called the local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the African Methodist EpiscopaL Zion Church, onsrf Woman's Missionary Society, 564 article II. organization. 1 562. 1. The officers of the local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and shall be elected annually by the members of the So¬ ciety, a notice of the election to be given at least one week before the time they are to be elected. 2. The officers of the local Missionary Society shall be members of and shall make a report to each Quarterly Conference of the money collected during the quarter and the progress made in the member¬ ship and the work accomplished generally. article iv. membership. 1 563. Any lady paying a membership fee of twenty- five cents and a regular subscription of five cents per month may become a member of the local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 2. Any gentleman may become'an Honorary Mem¬ ber by paying an annual subscription of fifty cents. article v. meetings. t 564. 1. Meetings of the local Society shall be held weekly. First meeting of business, at which time the monthly dues are to be collected, com¬ mittees render their reports and all the business trans¬ actions of the Society carried out. Second meeting shall be a praise meeting, where special service of prayer and praise may be entered into. Third meet- 268e * 565 Woman's Missionary Society. ing a literary programme shall be given, in which those who are not members of the Society may take a part. Fourth meeting, a social one, in which mem¬ bers and friends of the missionary cause may meet socially, and by silver offerings and other free-will donations may reimburse the local Treasury. 2. There should be one public Missionary Mass- Meeting held every quarter, at which time the whole community should be stirred up and enlightened along missioary lines. article VI. finance. 1 565. 1. The local Society shall devise ways and means by which to increase its funds. It may raise money through membership fees, pledges, enter¬ tainments, donations, soliciting devices, and special occasions. 2. All money raised by the Society exclusively shall go to its credit and shall be disposed of at the end of each quarter, after the repojt has been made to the Quarterly Conference, by sending to the Treasurer of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission¬ ary Society, one-half of the amount collected during the quarter, the other one-half to be retained and disposed of by each Society in all the departments for local missionary purposes. 3. Each member in all departments shall "pay ten cents annually as a Contingent Fund, five cents to be retained in the local and five cents sent to the General Treasury, to be used for any exigency that jnay arise. 26§f Woman's Missionary Society. 566 4. All expenses for operating the local Society must be paid from the one-half retained in the local Treas¬ ury and the Contingent Fund. VI. By-Laws Local Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 1 566. 1. The President shall call extra meetings when necessary and preside at all stated meetings of the Society, sign all drafts on the Treasurer when ordered by the Society, and perform all other duties of a President. She shall be amenable to the Quarter¬ ly Conference. 2. The Vice-President shall perform these duties in the absence of the President. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep an exact record of the transactions of the Society, draw and sign all drafts ox^ the Treasurer, ordered by the Society, take an account of all the money in the name of the Society, make monthly reports to the Society and Quarterly reports to the Quarterly Con¬ ference. 4. The Treasurer shall receive and hold all money collected for and by the Society, and pay it out only on drafts ordered by the Society and properly signed by the President and Secretary. She shall make a monthly report to the Society and a quarterly report to the Quarterly Conference, and immediately after the Quarterly Conference remit one-half of the 'money collected for the quarter to the Treasurer of 268g 5C6 Woman's Missionary Society. the General Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 5. There shall be a number of Marshals appointed at the option of the Society, whose duty it shall be to assist the Presiding Officer in arranging for the meetings, seat the people attending all meetings, and to perform other duties imposed upon them by the President. 6. It shall be the duty of the Pastor in charge to see that a Woman's Home and Foreign Mis¬ sionary Society is organized and operated in each of the Churches of his charge, and the Presiding Elder shall see that this provision is carried out. 2CSli Bureau of Evangelism. j[ 567 CHAPTER VII BUREAU OF EVANGELISM. I. Board of Evangelism. If 567.1. In order that the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion Church may conform more closely to the spirit and mission of the ministry of our Lord and employ the most effective means for the accomplish¬ ment of the chief end of the Gospel—the salvation of souls; and that the Church may more vigorously promote and apply the moral and spiritual agencies by which men are rescued from sin and trained for heaven; and that a more inviting opportunity may be given our ministers to use their evangelistic talent more frequently in conducting revivals; and to systematize the work of evangelism among the ministry, the General Conference directs that there shall be an organization in our Church known as The Bureau of Evangelism, and for the general control of which there shall be elected by the Gen¬ eral Conference, upon the nomination of the Board of Bishops, a Board of Evangelism consisting of one Bishop and one member from each Epis- 268i 567 Bureau or Evangelism. copal District, whose officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. 2. The Board of Evangelism shall have authority to exercise general control over the field of Evangelism and shall seek to promote revivals of religion throughout the territory occupied by the Church and shall endeavor to vitalize and restore the waste places in our Zion. 3. The Bureau shall have power to prescribe regulations for the operation of the Board not in¬ consistent with the provisions of the Book of Discipline; also to locate its headquarters. 4. The Bureau shall have the right to employ Evangelists for the field and to regulate their sphere of operation so that all parts of the field may enjoy the benefits of their service, but it shall not assign Evangelists without the consent of the Pastor except it be in unoccupied territory. 5. The Bureau shall have power to regulate the support, entertainment and expenses of each Evangelist who gives his whole time to the work, and shall see as far as possible that each whole- time Evangelist rendering effective service, is liberally cared for. 6. The President, after conference with the of¬ ficers of the Bureau, shall have the power to call special meetings when necessary, and shall preside over all meetings of the Board, and perform all other duties which appertain to the office of Presi- 268j Bureau of Evangelism. j[ 568 dent. The Vice-President shall perform these duties in the absence of the President. 7. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings of the Board in a Book pur¬ chased for that purpose and shall report to the Board and to the Board of Bishops whenever de¬ manded. 8. The Treasurer shall receive, receipt for, hold and pay out whatever money that comes to the Board from whatever source. He shall not dis¬ burse the money only as ordered by the Board or directed by the President. II. Director of Evangelism. 1568- The General Conference shall elect a Di¬ rector of Evangelism, whose tenure of office shall be for four years and until his successor is elected. He shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Evangelism, and shall be the chief Executive of¬ ficer of the Board, and shall, under the direction of the Board and the provisions of the Discipline, have the general Directorship of Evangelism, con¬ duct the general correspondence and tentatively pass upon the qualification and fitness of Evan¬ gelists to be appointed by the Board. He shall make a survey of the field from time to time and under the direction of the Board and upon the in¬ vitation of Pastors, assign Evangelists to certain territory. He shall confer often with the Board as to the best method of regulating support for the Evangelists both in cities and rural districts, 268k j[ 569 Bureau of Evangelism. the length of time an Evangelist should spend at any given place and how he is to be entertained while there. He will be expected to call a meeting of the Evangelists when convenient so as to ex¬ change opinions as to the best methods of con¬ ducting an evangelistic campaign where several churches may combine to that end. The Director's compensation shall be equal to that of other General Officers should his whole time be given to the work, but it shall be provided for by his Board. He shall render a semi-annual report to his Board and to the Board of Bishops; an annual report to the Council and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. He shall be amenable for his con¬ duct to his Board, which for cause to them suf¬ ficient, shall have the right to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove him from office and to fill the vacancy. III. General Evangelists. 'If 569- Evangelists employed by the Bureau of Evangelism shall be known as General Evangelists, provided their whole time is given to the field, and their support shall be regulated by the Board. No one hereafter shall be styled a General Evan¬ gelist, nor shall any particular support be provided, who is not employed and recognized by the Board and who does not give his whole time to the work. Once a Minister decides to become a General Evan¬ gelist and is employed by the Board, he must sub- 2681 Bureau of Evangelism. 572 scribe to and abide strictly by the regulations of the Board, or he will be dismissed. IV. Conference Evangelists. 1f 570. A Minister of an Annual Conference who desires to give part of his time to Evangelism sub¬ ject to an appointment to a Pastoral Charge by the Bishop, shall be styled Conference Evangelist whose sphere of operation shall be confined to his Con¬ ference territory, except when the Director of Evangelism invites him to assist in an effort. V. The Pastor and Evangelism. If 571. Neither the Board of Evangelism, the Director of Evangelism, nor any General Evangelist shall force an evangelistic campaign upon a Pastor against his advice. However a Pastor who is not possessed of this spiritual gift should stand ready to welcome a good Evangelist to conduct a revival for and with him, yet it is his privilege to object to such service if he prefer to condifct his own revival. VI. Presiding Elders and Evangelism. If 572. While the office brings the Presiding Elder largely in contact with the temporal economy of the Church, his sermons and instructions should be appeals for men to .be saved. He should stress this thought above all others in his Quarterly Con¬ ference and sermons. He might leave a lasting im¬ pression upon the people which might eventuate in 268m 571 Bureau of Evangelism. souls being saved. In each Quarterly Conference let him seriously inquire of the number of con¬ versions. VII. Local Board of Evangelism. II573. The Pastor who stresses his salary and finance to the exclusion of the salvation of souls need not be surprised if there is a declension of interest in his sermons on the part of his congre¬ gation. He should not only preach evangelistic sermons and conduct revivals constantly, but should organize a local Bureau of Evangelism among the devout members of his church to assist him in prayer meetings, in special service for the unsaved at the church or in their homes. Local Preachers, Exhorters, Deaconesses, Class Leaders and others can render great service in this way. VIII. General Evangelism. H 574. V*th all the sermons preached, even true religion often becomes dimmed and intermittent and often needs rekindling by revival influence. The ministry of Jesus Christ was of a revival type. He preached repentance, so did the Apostles. The tendency of the Church today is to expand itself through finance and fine edifices. These we must have, but reliance upon them alone produces spiri¬ tual declension and barrenness. A genuine revival of religion fills the Church with members, arouses its activities, quickens its sympathy, and increases its moral and spiritual power by shaking off its 268ft Vakick Christian Endeavor Union. 575 lethargy; increases ministerial power by invigorat¬ ing the soul of the Minister; makes church work easy and enjoyable and produces a spirit of bene¬ volence among the people, and proves to be a harvest season for gathering in the fruits of pastoral seed-sowing. CHAPTER VIII VARICK CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. I. Board of Control. II575. For the promotion of intelligent and vital piety among the young people of our Churches and Congregation, and for the purpose of de¬ veloping them into strong, active, Christian workers, there shall be an organization under the authority of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, known as the Yarick Christian Endeavor Union, and for the government of which, the Gen- 268o t 575 Varick Christian Endeavor Union. eral Conference shall appoint a Board of Control, consisting of all the Bishops and one Member froin each Episcopal District who shall serve for a term of four years, and until their successors are elected, and whose officers shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer. § 1. The President shall have power to call special meetings when necessary, preside over all meetings of the Board, and perform all other duties which appertain to the office of President. § 2. The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of all the transactions of the Board, draw up and sign all drafts on the Treasurer, and shall report the transactions of the Board semi-annually to the Board of Bishops, annually to the Connectional Council, and quadrennially to the General Conference, 184, 29, ^ 92 § 3, 6, 1 98 § 6. § 3. The Treasurer shall receive and hold the money over and above what is required to conduct the business of the Union, keep an accurate account of the same, pay it out only on drafts properly signed by the President and Secretary, and shall report his receipts and disbursements in the same manner as the Secretary. f 576. The regular meetings of the Board of Control shall be annually at the time and place of the meeting of the Connectional Council; special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President. When meeting alone five Members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the trans¬ action of business. 268p Varick Christian Endeavor Union, 551 f 577. The Board of Control, under the advice of the General Conference, shall have the authority to regulate and pay the salary, and the office and official traveling expenses of the Secretary of the Union; the balance remaining shall be used for.the mission cause. | 578. The Union through its Secretary shall is¬ sue Charters for each Yarick Endeavor Society which shall contain the portrait of the founder of the Church. 1 579. All the Young People's Societies of Chris¬ tian Endeavor existing in our Churches, or which may hereafter be organized and approved by the Quarterly Conference of the Charge, shall be known as Yarick Christian Endeavor Societies, and shall be auxiliaries to the Varick Christian Endeavor Union. t 580. The Union shall put forth efforts to pro¬ mote intelligent and vital piety among the young Members of the Church, to aid them in becoming strong, active, Christian workers, and for this pur¬ pose it shall publish and supply the Yarick Chris¬ tian Endeavor Societies with the necessary literature for the proper conducting of thei rservices and busi¬ ness affairs. ^ 581. The Varick Christian Endeavor Union shall be maintained principally by the means accruing from the sale of literature and special donations, but in order to assist in its maintenance, and to stimulate a mutual interest in the Societies, the an¬ niversary of the Union shall be observed annually in the month of May by all the Societies, and the collection taken during the anniversary exercises shall 268(1 1 582 "Varick Christian Endeavor Union1. be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Board, and accredited to the Society and Church. Should there be no Varick Christian Endeavor Society existing in the local Church, then the Pastor shall be required to lift a collection during the month of May, and for¬ ward it to the Treasurer of the Board. II. Secretary of the Union. 1 582. The General Conference shall elect a Secre¬ tary of the Varick Christian Endeavor Union whose tenure of office shall be for four years and until his successor is elected. He shall be the chief executive officer of the Varick Christian Endeavor Union, and shall, under the direction of the Board of Control, and the provisions of the Discipline, conduct the cor¬ respondence, and have the general oversight of the Union and all-Young People's Societies, and shall prepare all literature, select and approve of all re¬ quisites necessary for the use of the Societies. 1 583. The Secretary shall travel and deliver lec¬ tures whenever practicable and assist the Pastors in organizing Societies. 1 584. The Secretary-of the Union shall render a semi-annual report to the Board of Control and the Board of Bishops, an annual report to the Connec- tional Council, and a quadrennial report to the Gen¬ eral Conference of his receipts, disbursements, travels, lectures, number of the Societies, the number be¬ longing to the Societies, and all other items of in¬ terest, 184 § 28,1 92 § 3, 6, f 98 § 6. 268r Varick Christian Endeavor Union, t 591 1 585. The Secretary shall be allowed a reason¬ able compensation for his services out of the funds of the Union and also his office and official traveling expenses as provided in f 577; he shall pay the bal¬ ance over into the hands of the Treasurer of the Board. f 586. The Secretary shall be amenable for his official conduct to the Board of Control which shall have the right for cause to them sufficient, to report him to the Board of Bishops, who shall have the power to remove him from office and fill the vacancy, 1 92 f 6. III. Annual Conference Vice-President of the Union. f 590. The Annual Conference may at -its discre¬ tion appoint a Vice-President of the Varick Christian Endeavor Union, who shall co-operate with the Secre¬ tary, Presiding Elders and Pastors in organizing Varick Christian Endeavor Societies, within the bounds of the Annual Conference, stimulating an in¬ terest in those already organized, and in holding District or Annual Conference Conventions whenever practicable. IV. Duties of Pastors and Presiding Elders. H 591. It shall be the duty of the Pastor m Charge to organize a Varick Christian Endeavor Society in each Church of his Charge, and to-co-operate with the Executive Board in supplying the Society with the proper Charter and literature, to see that the 268s ^ 592 Varick Christian Endeavor Union. anniversary is observed in the month of May, and that a collection is taken at the time and sent to the Treasurer of the Board. 1 592. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Elder to bring the subject of Varick Christian Endeavor Societies before the Quarterly Conference, and at the first Quarterly Conference of the year, the President of the local Society shall be confirmed or rejected at the discretion of the Conference. MODEL CONSTITUTION FOR LOCAL SOCIETIES. article t. name. t 593. This organization shall be known as the Varick Christian Endeavor Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and shall be auxil¬ iary to the Varick Christian Endeavor Union. 2m Varick Christian Endeavor, 595. article ii. object. Tf 594. The object of the Society shall be to pro¬ mote intelligent and vital piety and an earnest Christian life in its Members, to increase their mu¬ tual acquaintance, to develop them into useful and active service to God, and to encourage devotional culture and denominational upbuilding. article iii. membership. K" 595. The Members of the Society shall consist of three classes, namely: Active, Associate, and Af¬ filiated or Honorary. 1.. Active Members. The Active Members shall con¬ sist of all young persons who believe themselves to be Christians, and wlio sincerely desire to accomplish the object abpve specified. Voting power shall be vested only in the Active Members. 2. Associate Members. All young persons of worthy character who are not at present willing to be consid¬ ered Christians, may become Associate Members. They shall have the special prayers and sympathy of the Active Members, but shall- be excused from taking part in any prayer meeting or business meeting. It is expected that all Associate Members will habitually attend the prayer meetings and that they will in time become Active Members. The Society will work to this end. 3.- Affiliated or Honorary Members. All persons of worthy character, although no longer young, who are interested in the Society, and who wish to have some connection with it, though they cannot regularly 269 596. Varick Christian Endeavor. attend the meetings, may become Affiliated Members; their names shall be kept on a list under the appro¬ priate heading, but shall not be called at roll-call meetings. article iv. officers and their duties. T[ 596. The officers of the Varick Christian En¬ deavor Society shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall be chosen from among the Active Members, and who shall be elected annually. \ 1. President. The President shall perform the duties which usually appertain to that office. He shall keep special watch over the interest of the Society^ and shall be careful to see that the different officers and committees perform the duties devolving upon them. He shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee, and shall render a report to each Quar¬ terly Conference, and an annual report at the last Quarterly Conference of the year of the spiritual, numerical and financial condition of the Society. The Vice-President shall perform the duties in the absence of the President. \ 2. Recording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a record of the Members, to correct it from time to time, as may be necessary, and to obtain the signature of each newly elected Member to the Constitution; also to corre¬ spond with absent Members, and to inform them of their standing in the Society, and keep a correct minute of all business meetings of the Society; to Vakick Christian Endeavor. 597, § 1. notify all persons of their election to office or to com* mittees, and to do so in writing if necessary. He shall render a monthly report to the Executive Board, § 3* Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to keep the Local Society in communication with the Varick Christian. Endeavor Union and with other local Societies; and to present to his own Society such matters of interest as may come from the Yarick Christian Endeavor Union, from other local Societies, and from author¬ ized sources of Christian Endeavor information. This office shall be permanent, and the name shall be for¬ warded to the Yarick Christian Endeavor Union. 1 4. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treas¬ urer to receive and hold all the money belonging to the Society, and to pay it out only on orders properly drawn, bearing the signatures of the President and Secretary. ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES. If 597. There shall be an Executive, Look-out, Prayer Meeting, and Social Committee, and such other Committees as the local needs of the Society may require, and each, except the Executive Com¬ mittee, shall consist of five Members, and shall make a written report to the Society at the monthly busi¬ ness meeting concerning the work of the past month. They shall be elected annually at the same time the officers are elected. 2 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Com- 271 597, § 2. Varick Christian Endeavor. mittee shall consist of the Pastor in Charge, the officers of the Society, and the Chairman of each committee. All matters of business requiring debate shall first be brought before this committee, and by it reported to the Society, either favorably or ad¬ versely. All discussions or proposed measures shall take place before this committee, instead of the Society. Kecommendations concerning the finance of the Society shall also originate with this com¬ mittee. . \ 2. Look-out Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to seek for and bring new Members into the Society, to introduce them to the work and to the other Members, and to affectionately look after and reclaim any that seem indifferent to their duties as outlined in the pledge. This committee shall also by personal investigation, satisfy itself of the fitness of young persons to become Members of the Society, and shall propose their names at least once a week before their election to membership. \ 3. Prayer Meeting Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to have in charge the Prayer Meetings, and to see that a topic is assigned, and a Leader appointed for every meeting, and to do what it can to secure the faithfulness to the Prayer Meet¬ ing pledge. § 4. Social Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to promote the social interest of the So¬ ciety by welcoming strangers to the Meetings, and by providing for the mutual acquaintance of the .Members by occasional sociables, for which any 272 Varick Christian Endeavor. 598, § 2. appropriate entertainment of which the Church approves, may be provided. article vi. regular meetings. T[ 59S. § 1. The Prayer Meeting. All the Active Members shall be present at every Prayer Meeting unless detained by some absolute necessity, and each Active Member shall take some part, however slight, in every meeting. To the above all Active Members shall pledge themselves, understanding by absolute necessity, some reason for absence which can be con¬ scientiously given to their Master, Jesus Christ. * \ 2. The Consecration Meeting. Once each month a Consecration Meeting shall be held, at which time Active Members shall renew their vows of consecra¬ tion. If a Member wish, he can express his feelings by an appropriate verse or a Scriptural quotation. (1) At each Consecration Meeting the roll shall be called and the responses of the Active Members shall be considered as renewed expressions of alle¬ giance' to Christ. It is expected if any one is obliged to be absent from the meeting he will send a message, or at least a verse of Scripture to be read in response to his name at the roll-call. (2) If any Active Member of this Society be absent from the monthly meeting, and fail to send a message, the Look-out Committee is expected to take the name of such a one, and in a kindly and brotherly spirit ascertain the reason for the absence. If any Active Member of the Society is absent and unexcused from three consecutive monthly meetings, 18 273 598, § 3. Varick Christian Endeavor. such a one ceases to be a Member of the Society, and his name shall be stricken from the list of the Members. (3) Any Associate Member who without good rea¬ son is regularly absent from the Prayer Meetings, and shows no interest whatever in the work of the Society, he may, upon recommendation of the Look¬ out Committee and Pastor, be dropped from the roll of Members. g B. Business Meetings and Elections. Business Meetings may be held at the close of the Prayer Meeting, or at any other time in accordance with the call of the President. The election of the officers and Committees shall be held annually (officers may be elected every six months). Names may be pro¬ posed by a nominating committee appointed by the President for the purpose, of which the Pastor shall be a Member ex-officio. article vii. relation of the society to the church. 599. This Society being a part of the Church, it owes allegiance only and altogether to the Church to which it is connected. The Pastor and all Church officials, if not Active Members, shall be ex-officio Honorary Members. Any difficult question shall be laid before them for advice, and their decision shall be final. It is to be understood that the nomination of officers or other action taken by the Society shall be subject to revision or veto by the Church; that in every way the Society shall be under the control of 274 Vaeick Christian Endeavor. 601. the Official Board of the Church and the Quarterly Conference of the Charge. article viii. relation of the junior society. Tf 600. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor and Junior Society being united by the ties of closest sympathy and common effort, monthly (or at least annual) reports shall be read to the Senior Varick Christian Endeavor by the Junior Superin¬ tendent. When the boys and the girls reach the age of fifteen, they shall be transferred to the Senior Society. Special pains shall be taken to see that a share of the duties and responsibilities of the Prayer Meeting and of the general work of the Society be borne by the younger Members. article ix. fellowship. If 601. This Society while owing allegiance only to its own Church is united by ties of spiritual fel¬ lowship with other Endeavor Societies the world round. This fellowship is based upon a common love for Christ, by a common pledge and common methods of work, and is guaranteed by a common name "Christian Endeavor," with our denomina¬ tional name Yarick attached; by this we dp not interfere with the relations of the Societies to the Local Unions. Our main object for having a de¬ nominational name is for denominational upbuilding. This Society may be promoted by Local Union Meetings, Conferences, National Congress, or Yarick Christian Endeavor Conventions; also by informa- 275 ^[ 602. Varick Christian Endeavor. tion and encouragement given by the Bishops, Gen¬ eral Officers, Presiding Elders, and Pastors of the Church, all of whom are ex-officio Honorary Mem¬ bers. article x. transfer of membership. 1[ 602. Since it would in the end defeat the very object of our organization if the older Active Members who have been trained in the Society for usefulness in the Church, remain content with fulfill¬ ing their pledges to the Society only, therefore it is expected that the older Members, when it shall be-' come impossible for them to attend the weekly Prayer Meetings, they shall be transferred to Affiliated Membership in the Society, if previously faithful to their vows as Active Members. This transfer, how ever, shall be made with the understanding that the obligation to faithful service shall still be binding upon them in the regular Church Prayer Meeting. It shall be left to the Look-out Committee in conjunc¬ tion with the Pastor, to see that the transfer of mem¬ bership is made as occasion may require. article xi. withdrawals. f 603. Any Member who may wish to withdraw from the Society, shall state the reason to the Look¬ out Committee and the Pastor, and if these reasons seem sufficient, he may be allowed to withdraw. article xii. amendments. If 604. This Constitution may be amended at any 276 Varick Christian Endeavor. 604. regular business meeting by a two-thirds vote of the entire Active Membership of the Society, provided that a written statement of the proposed amendment shall have been read to the Society, and deposited with the Secretary at the regular business meeting next preceding; provided that no alteration shall be made that will interfere or abridge the authority of the Church over the Society. Form of the President's Quarterly Report. 1. Number of Yarick Christian Endeavor So¬ cieties. 2. Number of Active Members. 3. Number of Associate Members. 4. Number of Honorary Members. 5. Number of Active arid Honorary Members who are not Members of our Church. 6. Number of Junior Societies. 7. Number of Members in Junior Societies. 8. Whole number in both Senior and Junior So¬ cieties. 9. Increase over last quarter . Decrease . 10. Average attendance# 11. Number of times the Pastor has instructed the Society. 12. Number of bound volumes in Library. 13. Amount raised by the Senior Society. 14. Amount raised by the Junior Society. 15. Total amount raised by both Societies. 16. Amount expended. 17. Amount in hand. "f[ 605. Ministerial Brotherhood. 18. Amount raised for Missions. 19. Amount forwarded to the President of the Jnion. 278 part viil The Ritual I. BAPTISM. II. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. III. THE LORD'S SUPPER. IV. MATRIMONY. V. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. VI. CONSECRATION " AND ORDINA¬ TIONS. VII. CORNER STONE AND DEDICATION, VIII. CONSECRATION OF DEACONESSES. Baptism. CHAPTER I. BAPTISM. 1[ 618. Baptism of Infants* The minister, coming to the Font, which is to be filled with pure water, shall use the following: Dearly Beloved: Forasmuch as all men are conceived and born in sin, and that our Saviour Christ saith, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, I beseech you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that having of his bounteous mercy redeemed this child by the blood of his Son, he will grant that he, being baptized with water, may be also baptized with the Holy Ghost, be received into Christ's holy Church, and become a lively Mem¬ ber of the same. Then shall the Minister say: Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, who of thy great mercy hast condescended to enter into covenant rela¬ tions with man, wherein thou hast included children as partakers of its gracious benefits, declaring that of such is the kingdom of God; and in thine ancient Church didst appoint divers baptisms, fig¬ uring thereby the renewing of the Holy Ghost; and by thy well-beloved Son Jesus Christ gavest com- II 618. Baptism. mandment to thy holy Apostles to go into all the world and disciple all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost: we beseech thee that out of thine infinite mercy thou wilt look upon this child; wash and sanctify him; that he, being saved by thy grace, may be received into Christ's holy Church, and being steadfast in faith, joyfui through hope, and. rooted in love, may so overcome the evils of this present world that finally he may attain to everlasting life, and reign with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 merciful God, grant that all carnal affections may die in him, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Amen. Grant that he may have power and strength to have, victory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen. Grant that whosoever is dedicated to thee by our office and ministry may also be endowed with heavenly virtue and everlastingly rewarded through thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, everlasting God, whose most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, did shed out of his side both water and blood, regard, we beseech thee, our supplications; sanctify this water for this holy Sacrament, and grant that this child, now to be baptized, may receive the fullness of thy grace, and ever remain- in the 286 Baptism. IT 618. number of thy faithful and elect children, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the-Minister address the Parents or Guardians as follows: Dearly Beloved: Forasmuch as this child is now presented by you for Christian Baptism, you must remember that it is your part" and duty to see that he be taught, as soon as he is able to learn, the nature and end of this holy Sacrament, and that he may know these things the better you shall call upon, him to give reverent attendance upon the appointed means of grace, such as the ministry of the word and the public and private worship of God; and further, ye shall provide that he shall read the Holy Scriptures, and learn the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Catechism, and all other things which a Christian ought to know and believe to his soul's health, in order .that he may be brought up to lead a virtuous and holy life, remembering always that Baptism doth represent unto us that inward purity which disposeth us to follow the ex¬ ample of our Saviour Christ; that as he died and rose again for us, so should we, who are baptized, die unto sin and rise again unto righteousness, contin¬ ually mortifying all corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness. Do you therefore solemnly engage to fulfill these duties, so far as in you lies, the Lord being your helper? Ans* We do. 287 •[[618. Baptism. Then shall the People stand up, and the Minister shall say: Hear ye the words of the Gospel, written by St. Mark. [Chap, x, 13-16.] They brought young children to Christ, that he should touch them; and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Yerily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. A verse may be sung. Then the Minister shall take the Child into his arms, and say to the Parents of the Child : Name this child. AncL then, naming the Child after them, he shall sprinkle or pour Water upon it, or, if desired, dip it in Water, saying : N., I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall the Minister offer the following Prayer, the People kneeling: O God of infinite mercy, the Father of all the faithful seed, be pleased to grant unto this child an understanding mind and a sanctified heart. May thy providence lead him through the dangers, tempta¬ tions, and ignorance of his youth ; that he may never 288 Baptism. IT 619. run into folly, nor into the evils of an unbridled appetite. We pray thee so to order the course of his life that by good education, by holy examples, and by thy restraining grace, he may be led to serve thee faithfully all his days, so that, when he has glorified thee in his generation and has served the Church on earth, he may be received into thine eternal king¬ dom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty and most merciful Father, let thy loving- kindness and compassion descend upon these, thy servant and handmaiden, the parents [or guardians] of this child. \ Grant unto them, we beseech thee, the Holy Spirit, that they may, like Abraham, command their household to keep the way of the Lord. * Direct their actions and sanctify their hearts, words, and purposes; that their whole family may be united to our Lord Jesus Christ in the bands of faith, obedi¬ ence, and charity, and that they all, being in this life thy holy children by adoption and grace, may be ad¬ mitted into the Church of the first-born in heaven, through the merits of thy dear Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen, 619. Baptism of Adults. The Minister shall rise the following in administering this holy Sacrament: Dearly Beloved : Forasmuch as all men are conceived and born in sin, and that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and they that are in the flesh can¬ not please God, but live in sin, committing manr 19 289 nr 619. Baptism. actual transgressions, and that our Saviour Christ saith, None can enter into the kingdom of God except he be regenerated and born anew of water and the Holy Ghost: I beseech you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that of his bounteous goodness he will grant to these persons that they may be baptized with water and the Holy Ghost, be received into Christ's holy Church, and be made lively Members of the same. Then shall the Minister say, standing: Almighty and immortal God, the aid of all that need, the help of all that flee to thee for succor, the life of them that believe, and the resurrection of the dead, we call upon thee for these persons, now com¬ ing to thy holy Baptism. Receive them, O Lord, as thou hast promised by thy well-beloved Son, saying, Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall jind; knock, and it shall be opened unto you : so give now unto us that ask; let us that seek find; open the gate unto us that knock: that these persons may enjoy the everlasting benediction of thy heavenly washing, and may come to the eternal kingdom which thou hast promised by Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty and everlasting God, our heavenly Father, we give thee humble thanks, for that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee. Increase this knowledge, and confirm this faith in us evermore. Give thy Holy Spirit to these persons, that they may be made heirs of everlasting salvation, through our Lord Baptism. Tf 619. Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Then shall the People stand up, and the Minister shall say: Hear the words of the Gospel, written by St. John. [Chap, iii, 1-8.] There was a man of the Pharisees named Nico- demus, a ruler of the Jews ; the same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Yerily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old ? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb,, and be born ? Jesus answered, Yerily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof; but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Then shall the Minister speak to the Persons to be bap¬ tized, as follows: Well Beloved, who have come hither desiring to receive holy Baptism, ye have heard how the Congre- IT 619. Baptism. gation hath prayed for you, that our Lord Jesus Christ would vouchsafe to receive you and bless you, to release you from .your sins, to give you the king¬ dom of heaven, and everlasting life.' And our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised, in his holy word, to grant all those things we have prayed for, which promise he, for his part, will most surely keep and perform. Wherefore, after this promise, made by Christ, you must also faithfully, for your part, prom¬ ise, in the presence of this whole Congregation, that you will renounce the devil and all his works, and constantly believe God's holy word, and obediently keep his commandments. Then shall the Minister demand of each Person to be bap¬ tized, severally, the following questions : Quest. Do you renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all cove¬ tous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, so that you will not follow nor be led by them? Ans. I renounce them all. Quest. Do you believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son our Lord; and that he was con¬ ceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; that he suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried ; that he arose again the third day; that he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; and from thence shall come, at the end of the world, to judge the living and the dead ? And do you believe Baptism. ir 6i9. in the Holy Ghost; the holy Catholic* Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and everlasting life after death ? Ans. All this I steadfastly believe. Quest. Will you be baptized in this faith ? Ans. That is my desire. Quest. Will you obediently keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in them all the days of your life? Ans. I will endeavor so to do, God being my helper. Then shall the Minister pray, kneeling: 0 merciful God, grant that the old Adam in these persons may be so buried that the new man may be raised up in them. Amen. Grant that all carnal affections may die in them, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in them. Amen. Grant "that they may have power and strength to have victory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen. Grant that they, being here dedicated to thee by our office and ministry, may also be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded, through thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, everliving God, whose most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our gins, did shed out of his most precious side both * The one universal Church of Christ, 393 nr 619. Baptism. water and blood, and gave commandment to his dis¬ ciples, that they should go teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, regard, we beseech thee, the supplications of this Congregation, and grant that the persons now to be baptized may receive the fullness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect children, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A short hymn may be sung. Then the Minister shall baptize them with Water, either by sprinkling, pouring, or dipping, according to their request, saying: N., I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall the Minister, kneeling, offer the Lord's Prayer : Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. 294 Reception of Members. 620. CHAPTER II. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. 620. Form for Receiving Persons Into the Church on Probation. Those who are to be received into the Church as Proba¬ tioners shall be called forward by name, and the Min¬ ister, addressing the Congregation, shall say : Dearly Beloved Brethren: That none may¬ be admitted hastily into the Church, it is our custom to receive all persons seeking fellowship with us on profession of faith, into a preparatory membership on trial, during which time such persons may have op¬ portunity .to become acquainted with the Rules and Doctrines of our Church ; and the Church may learn the sincerity and depth, of the motives which prompt them to seek such fellowship. The persons before you desire to be received on Probation, and it is needful for me to remind you that your lives should be holy examples to them, that they may take no detriment from you, but that through your help they may have reason to give thanks to God that they were led into this fellowship. Then, addressing the Persons to be received on Proba¬ tion, the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved: You have by the grace of God made your decision to follow Christ and to serve him, 295 621. Reception of Members. which decision we trust is not based upon any worthiness in yourselves, but solely on the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, and on his death and inter¬ cession for us. That the Church may know your purpose, you will answer the questions I am now to ask you. Have you an earnest desire to be saved from your sins? Ans. I have. Will you guard yourself against all things contrary to the teaching of God's word, and endeavor to lead a holy life, following the commandments of God ? Ans. I will endeavor so to do. Are you purposed to give reverent attendance upon the appointed means of grace in the ministry of the word, and in the private and public worship of God? Ans. I am so determined, with the help of God. The Minister shall then announce that the Candidates are received on Probation, and shall assign them to classes. He may then offer a short extemporary Prayer. If 621. Form for Receiving Persons into the Church after Probation. Dearly Beloved Brethren: The Scriptures teach us that the Church is the household of God, the body of which Christ is the head; and that it is the design of the Gospel to bring together in one all who are in Christ. The fellowship of the Church is the communion that its Members enjoy one with an¬ other. The ends of this fellowship are the mainte- m Reception of Members. 621. nance of sound doctrine and of the ordinances of Christian worship, the exercise of that power of godly admonition and discipline which Christ has com¬ mitted to his Church for the promotion of holiness. It is the duty of all men to unite in fellowship, for it is only those that " be planted in the house of the Lord that shall flourish in the courts of our God." Its more particular duties are to promote peace and unity, to bear one another's burdens, to seek the in¬ timacy of friendly society among themselves, to con¬ tinue steadfast in the faith and worship of the Gospel, and to pray and sympathize with each other. Among its privileges are peculiar incitements to holiness from the hearing of God's word and sharing in Christ's ordinances, the being placed under the watch¬ ful care of Pastors, and the enjoyment of the blessings which are promised only to those who are of the household of faith. Into this holy fellowship the persons before you, who have already received the Sacrament of Baptism and have been under the care of proper Leaders on Trial, come seeking admission. We now propose in the fear of God to question them as to their faith and purpose, that you may know that they are proper persons to be admitted into the Church. Then, addressing the applicants for admission, the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved : You are come hither seeking the great privilege of union with the Church our Saviour has purchased with his own blood. We rejoice in 297 ^[621. Reception op Members. the grace of God vouchsafed unto you, in that he has called you to be his followers, and that thus far you have run well. You have heard how blessed are the privileges and how solemn are the duties of member¬ ship in Christ's Church; and before you are fully admitted thereto it is proper that you do here pub¬ licly renew your vows, confess your faith, and declare your purpose, by answering the following questions: Quest. Do you here, in the presence of God and this Congregation, make the solemn promise contained in the Baptismal Covenant, ratifying and confirming the same, and acknowledging yourselves bound faith¬ fully to observe and keep that Covenant ? Ans. I do. Quest. Have you saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Ans. I have. Quest. Do you believe in the Doctrines of the Holy Scriptures as set forth in the Articles of Religion of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church ? Ans. I do. Quest. Will you cheerfully be governed by the Rules of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, hold sacred the Ordinances of God, and endeavor, as much as in you lies, to promote the welfare of the Redeemer's kingdom ? Ans. I will. Quest. Will you cherish friendly feelings toward all persons, as far as possible, especially toward the Members of the Church? Ans. I will. 298 Reception op Members. . IT 621. Quest. Will you contribute of your earthly sub¬ stance, according to your ability, to the support of the Gospel and the various benevolent enterprises of the Church ? Ans. I will. Then the Minister, addressing the Church, shall say : Brethren, you have heard the responses given to our inquiries. Have any of you reason to allege why these persons should not be received into Full Con¬ nection in the Church? No objection being alleged, the Minister shall say to the Candidate : We welcome you to the communion of the Church of God, and in testimony of our Christian affection and the cordiality with which we receive you, I hereby extend, to you the right hand of fellowship; and may God grant that you may be faithful and useful Mem¬ bers of the Church militant till you are called to the fellowship of the Church triumphant, which is " with~ out fault before the throne of God." 299 If 622. The Lord's Supper. CHAPTER III. THE LORD'S SUPPER. 622* The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Sapper. The Elder shall say one or more of these Sentences, dur¬ ing the reading of which the Persons appointed for that purpose shall receive the Alms for the Poor : Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. [Matt, v, 16.] Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. [Matt, vi, 19, 20,] Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. [Matt, vii, 12.] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [Matt, vii, 21.] Zaccheus stood and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. [Luke xix, 8.] 300 The Lord's Supper. 622. He which soweth sparingly shall reap also spar¬ ingly ; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. [2 Cor. ix, 6, 7.] As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially unto them who are of the house¬ hold of faith. [Gal. vi, 10.] Godliness with contentment is great gain ; for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [1 Tim. vi, 6, 7.] Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communi¬ cate ; laying up in store for themselves a good foun¬ dation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. [1 Tim. vi, 17-19.] God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. [Heb. vi, 10.] To do good and to communicate, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. [Heb. xiii, 16.] Whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ? [1 John iii, 17.] 622. The Lord's Suppek. He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth to the Lord; and that which he hath given he will pay him again. [Prov. xix, 17.] Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. [Psa. xli, 1.] After which the Elder shall give the following Invitation, the People standing: If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. Wherefore ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from hence¬ forth in his holy way; draw near with faith, and take the holy Sacrament to your comfort: and, devoutly kneeling, make your huihble confession to Almighty God. Then this general Confession shall be made by the Minis¬ ter, and by all those who are minded to receive the Holy Communion, both he and all the People devoutly kneeling and saying : Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men, we acknowl¬ edge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy Pivine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath The Lord's Suppek. 622. and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Elder say : Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee, have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Collect. Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Elder say: We do not presume to come to this thy holy tablGj 0 merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under J 303 622. The Lord's Supper. thy table; but thou art the same Lord, whose prop¬ erty is always to have mercy: grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood, that we may live and grow thereby, and that, being washed through his most precious blood, we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us. Amen. The Prayer of Consecration shall then be said by the Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made there, by his oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of his precious death until his coming again: hear us, O merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee, and grant that we, receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remembrance of his death arjd passion, may be partakers of his most blessed body and blood, who, in (l) Here the Elder the same night he was betrayed) may take the plate of took bread (j) and when he hac[ bread in his hand. . ,, .,' . . .(2) Here he may g^en thanks he broke it, (2) and take the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, Elder : break it. (3) Here he shall put his hands on all the bread. Take, eat; this is my body (3) which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. 304 The Lord's Supper. I]" 622. Likewise after supper he took (4) Here he may (4) the cup; and when he had ^and^ °UP WS given thanks, he gave it to them, ,,, „ . . „ v . t. . , „ v (5) Here he shall put saying, Drink ye all of this; (5) his hands on all the for this is ray blood of the new vessels containing testament, which is shed for you, e W1Ue" and for many, for the remission of sins; do this, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. Amen. Then shall the Minister receive the Communion in both hinds himself, and proceed to deliver the same to the other Ministers, if any be present; after which he shall say : It is- very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, Almighty, Everlast¬ ing God. Therefore, with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. Amen. The Minister shall then proceed to administer the Com¬ munion to the People in order, they kneeling; and when he delivereth the Bread he shall say : The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto ever¬ lasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith, with thanksgiving. ' 20 305 622. The Lord's Sxjppee. The Minister that delivereth the Cup shall say: The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which wag shed for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto ever¬ lasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. [Note.—If the Consecrated bread or wine be all spent before all have communed, the Elder may Consecrate more by repeat¬ ing the Prayer of Consecration.] When all have communed the Minister shall return to the Lord's table and place upon it what remaineth of the Consecrated elements, covering them with a fair linen cloth. The Elder shall then say the Lord's Prayer, all kneeling, and repeating after him each petition Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. After which the following shall be said : O Lord, our heavenly Father, we thy humble ser- vants desire thy fatherly goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving; most humbly beseeching thee to grant that, by the merits and death of thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ and through faith in his blood, we and thy whole Church may obtain the remission of our sins, and all 3QS The Lord's Supper. ^622. other benefits of his passion. And we offer and pre¬ sent unto thee, O Lord, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice; humbly beseech¬ ing thee that all we who are partakers of this holy communion may be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction. And although we are unworthy, through our manifold sins, to offer unto thee any sacrifice, yet we beseech thee to accept this our bounden duty and service; not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offenses, through Jesus Christ our Lord; by whom, and with whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory be unto thee, O Father Almighty, world without end. Amen. Then shall be said : Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good¬ will toward men! "We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, 0 Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty! O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art roost high in the glory of God the Father. 623. The Lord's Supper. Then the Elder, if he see it expedient, may put up an ex¬ temporary Prayer, and afterward let the People depart with this Blessing: May the peace of God, which passeth all under¬ standing, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord • and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. [Note.—Any of the above may be omitted if the Elder be strained for time, except the Invitation and the Consecration Prayer.] If 62 S. Communion Service for the Sick* Appropriate remarks shall be made, followed by a suit¬ able hymn. Then read the following : And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: for I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the king¬ dom of God. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among your¬ selves : for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also [he took] the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. [Luke xxii, 14-20.] Matrimony. 11 624. Then shall an extemporaneous Prayer be delivered, followed by the Prayer of Consecration. Then shall the Bread and Wine be given to the sicJc Person and other Communicants present. After which the Benediction shall be pronounced. CHAPTER IV. MATRIMONY. If 624. Form of Solemnization of Matrimony. At the time appointed for Solemnization of Matrimony, the persons to be married—having been qualified ac¬ cording to law—standing together, the Man on the right of the Woman, the Minister shall say : Dearly Beloved : We are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, insti¬ tuted of God in the time of man's innocency, signi¬ fying unto us the mystical union that is between Christ and his Church; which holy estate he adorned and beautified by his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of St. Paul to be honorable among all men; there¬ fore it is not, by any, to be entered into unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God. Into which holy estate these two persons present 624. Matrimony. come now to be joined. Therefore, if any person can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak, or else forever hold his peace. The Minister shall then address the persons that are to be married, saying: I require and charge you both, as you will give an account at the dreadful day of judgment, that if either of you know any impediment why you may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, you do now confess it; for be you well assured, that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God's word doth allow, are not joined together by God, neither is their Matrimony lawful. If there be no impediment alleged, the Minister shall say unto the Man : M., wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love, comfort, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live? The man shall answer : I will. The Minister shall then say to the Woman : N., wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded hus¬ band, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony ? "Wilt thou love, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health: and forsak- 310 Matrimony. IT 624. ing all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live? The woman shall answer : I will. When the parties so desire, the Man shall give unto the Woman a ring; and the Minister, taking the ring, shall return it to the Man, to put it upon the third finger of the Woman's left hand; and the Man, holding the ring there, and taught by the Minister, shall say : With this ring I thee wed, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall the Minister say : Let us pray. 0 Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all man¬ kind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of ever¬ lasting life, send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that as Isaac and Eebecca lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant between them made, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace to¬ gether, and live according to thy laws, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister join their right hands together and say : Those whom God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. v 311 625. Burial of the Dead. Forasmuch as M. and N. have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith each to other, and have declared the same by joining hands, I pronounce that they are husband «nd wife together: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And the Minister shall add this blessing: God the Father, God the Son, God the 'Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mer¬ cifully with his favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that ye may bo live together in this life that in the world to come ye may have everlasting life. Amen. CHAPTER V. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. ^ 625. Order for the Burial of the Dead. The Minister, going before the Corpse, shall say : I am the resurrection, and the life: he that be- lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. [John xi, 25, 26.] I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my 312 Burial of the Dead. 625. flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. [Job xix, 25-27.] We brought nothing into this world, and it is cer¬ tain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. [1 Tim. vi, 7; Job 1, 21.] At the House, or in the Church, the following Scripture may be read: Psalm xxxix. I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. I was dumb with silence, I held my peace, even from good; and my sorrow was stirred. My heart was hot within me; while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue, Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am. Behold, thou hast made my days as a handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state is alto¬ gether vanity. Surely every man walketh in a vain show: surely they are disquieted in vain: he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. And now, Lord, what wait I for ? my hope is in thee. Deliver me from all my transgressions: make me not the reproach of the foolish. I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou didst it. Remove thy stroke away from me; I am consumed by the blow of thine hand. When thou with rebukes dost correct 313 625. Burial of the Dead. man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely every man is vanity. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. 0 spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more. Psalm xc. Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as asleep : in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance. For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be four¬ score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Who knoweth the power of thine anger ? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. So teach us to number our days, that Burial of the Dead. 625. we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Return, O Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants. O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands estab¬ lish thou it. Then may follow the reading of the Epistle, as follows: 1 Cor. xv. 41-58. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corrup¬ tion, it is raised in incorruption : it is sown in dis¬ honor, it is raised, in glory : it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power: it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they alsQ that are heavenly. And as we 315 TT 625. Burial of the Dead. have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say> brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet'shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory ? The sting of death is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stead¬ fast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. At the grave, when the Corpse is laid in the Earth, the Minister shall say: Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down like a flower : he fleeth as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one stay. In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may we seek for succor, but of thee, O Lord, who for our sins art 316 Burial op the Dead. % 625. justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts; shut not thy merciful ears to our prayers, but spare us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not at our last hour for any pains of death to fall from thee. Then shall be said by the Minister :■ Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God, in his wise providence, to take out of the world the soul of the departed, we therefore commit his body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; looking for the general resurrection in the last day, and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jesus Christ ; at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and sea shall give up their dead, and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in him shall be changed and made like unto his own glorious body; according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, From henceforth blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Even so, saith the Spirit; for they rest from their labors. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. 317 *|[ 625. Burial of the Dead. The Collect. O Merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live though he die, and whosoever liveth and believeth in him shall not die eternally: we meekly beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of sin to the life of righteousness; that when we shall depart this life we may rest in him, and at the general resurrection at the last day may be found acceptable in his sight and receive that blessing which thy well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all them that love and fear thee, say¬ ing, Come, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Grant this, we beseech thee, O Merci¬ ful Father, through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done -in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. 818 Consecration and Ordinations. IT 620. CHAPTER VI. CONSECRATION AND ORDINATIONS. H 626. The Form of Consecrating a Bishop. The first lesson shall be read by one of the Elders. [1 Tim. iii, 1-7.] The second lesson shall be read by another Elder. [St. John xxi, 15-17.] Then another Elder shall read St. Matthew xxviii, 18-20. Here follows the sermon. After the Gospel and the Sermon are ended the Elected Person shall be presented by two Elders unto the Bishop, saying: We present unto you this holy man, to be con¬ secrated a Bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, according to our form. Then the Bishop shall move the Congregation present to pray, saying thus to them: Brethren, it is written in the gospel of St. Luke that our Saviour Christ continued the whole night in prayer before he did choose and send forth his twelve apostles. It is written also, in the Acts of the Apostles, that the disciples who were at Antioch did fast and pray before they sent Paul and Barnabas forth on their first mission to the Gentiles. Let us, therefore, following the example of our Saviour 626. Consecration and Ordinations., Christ and his Apostles, first fall down and pray be¬ fore we admit and send forth this person presented to us to the work whereunto we trust the Holy Ghost hath called him. Bishop. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Ans. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Then shall be said, all kneeling, the Bishop beginning and the Elders answering, as follows : We beseech thee to hear us, O Lord God, and that it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church universal in the right way. Ans. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops, Elders, and Deacons with true knowledge and under¬ standing of thy word; and that both by their preach¬ ing and living they may set it forth and show it accordingly. Ans. Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. That it may please thee to give to thy Church unity, peace, and concord. Ans. Grant us thy peace, good Lord. That it may please thee to bless this our brother elected and to send thy grace upon him; that he may duly execute the office whereunto he is called, to the edifying of thy Church and to the honor, praise, and glory of thy name. Ans. O Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, grant us thy grace. 320 Consecration and Ordinations, 626. Then shall be said the following prayer : Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who, by thy Holy Spirit, hast appointed divers offices in thy Church, mercifully behold this thy servant, now called to the work and ministry of a Bishop, and replenish him so with the truth of thy doctrine and adorn him with innocency of life, that both by word and deed he may faithfully serve thee in this office, to the glory of thy name and the edifying and well governing of thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. Then the Bishop shall say to him that is Consecrated: Brother, forasmuch as the Holy Scripture com¬ mands that we should not be hasty in admitting any person to government in the Church of Christ, which he hath purchased with no less price than the shed¬ ding of his own blood, before you are admitted to this administration you will, in the fear of God, give answer to the questions which I now propound: Are you persuaded that you are truly called to this ministration, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ ? Ans. I am so persuaded. Bishop. Are you persuaded that the Holy Script¬ ures contain sufficiently all doctrine required of necessity for eternal salvation through faith in J esus Christ? And are you determined, out of the same Holy Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach hv maintain nothing as 21 321 626. Consecration and Ordinations. required of necessity to eternal salvation but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the same? Ans. I am so persuaded and -determined, by God's grace. Bishop. Will you, then, faithfully exercise your¬ self in the same Holy Scriptures, and call upon God by prayer for the true understanding of the same, so that you may be able by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine and to withstand and convince the gainsayers ? Ans. I will do so, by the help of God. Bishop. Are you ready with faithful diligence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God's word, and both privately and openly to call upon and encourage others to the same? Ans. I am ready, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, that you may show yourself in all things an example of good works unto others, that the adversary may be ashamed, having nothing to say against you ? Ans. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you maintain and set forward, as much as shall lie in you, quietness, love, and peace among all men; and such as shall be unquiet, disobe¬ dient, and criminal, correct and punish according to such authority as you have in God's word, and as shall be committed unto you ? 322 Consecration and Ordinations. -,| 626. Ans. I will do so, by the help of God. Bishop. Will you be faithful in ordaining, and in all other duties of your office ? Ans. I will so be, by the help of God. Bishop. Will you saow yourself gentle, and be merciful, for Christ's sake, to poor and needy people, and to all strangers destitute of help ? Ans. I will so show myself, by God's help. Bishop. Will you promise conformity and obe« dience to the Doctrines, Discipline, and worship of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America ? Ans. I will, by the help of God. Then shall Veni Creator Spiritus be said, the Bishops beginning and the Elders present answering by verse : Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart Thy blessed unction from abova Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight; Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of thy grace ; Keep far our foes, give peace at home; Where thou art Guide no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee of both to be but ONE; That through the ages, all along, This may be our endless song : Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 626. Consecration and Ordinations. That ended, the Bishop shall say : Lord, hear our prayer. Ann. And let our cry come unto thee. Bishop. Let us pray. Almighty God and Most Merciful Father, who of thine infinite goodness hast given thine only and dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ to be our Eedeemer, and the author of everlasting life; who, after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, poured down his gifts abun¬ dantly upon men, making some Apostles, some Evan¬ gelists, some Pastors and Teachers, to the edifying and making perfect of his Church: grant, we beseech thee, to this thy servant, such grace that he may evermore be ready to spread abroad thy Gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with thee, and use the authority given him, not to destruction, but to salva¬ tion ; not to hurt, but to help; so that as a wise and ikithful servant, giving to the family their portion in due season, he may at last be received into eternal joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. Here the Bishops shall lay their hands upon the head of him, that is being consecrated, saying : The Lord pour upon thee the Holy Ghost, for the Office and Work of a Bishop in the Church of God, now committed to thee by the authority of the Church, through the imposition of hands: be thou a faithful dispenser of the word and of the holy Sacraments, Consecration and Ordinations. 626. and faithful in thine administration: in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Then the Bishop shall deliver him the Bible and Disci- pline, saying Think upon the things contained in these books. Be to the flock of Christ a shepherd, not a wolf. Hold up the weak. So administer the Discipline that you may not be remiss, or forget mercy; that when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, you may receive the never-fading crown of glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Bishop shall say the Gloria in Excelsis, the Elders repeating it with him : Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good¬ will toward men I We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, fjxt most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. 627. Consecration and Ordinations. Then the Bishop shall administer the Lord's Supper ftj the newly consecrated Bishop and the Elders present. Then the following prayer shall be said: Guide us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name; and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. If 627. The Form of Ordaining Elders. [When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, there shall be a Sermon or Exhortation, declaring the Duty and Office of such as come to be admitted Elders; how necessary that Order is in the Church of Christ; and also how the People ought to esteem them in their office.] After which one of the Elders shall present unto the Bishop all those who are to be Ordained, and say : I present unto you these persons to be ordained Elders. Then, their names being read aloud, the Bishop shall sea/ unto the people: Brethren these are they whom we purpose, Gorf Willing, this day to ordain Elders. For after due 326 CONSECRATION AND ORDINATIONS. If 627. examination we find not to the contrary, but that they are lawfully called to this function and ministry, and that they are persons meet for the same. But if there be any of you who knoweth any crime or im¬ pediment in any of them, for the which he ought not be received into this holy Ministry, let him come forth in the name of God and show what the crime or impediment is. [If any crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall sur¬ cease from ordaining that person until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of the same.] Then shall be said the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, as follows : The Collect, Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed divers Orders of Min¬ isters in thy Church, mercifully behold these thy servants now called to the Office of Elders, and so replenish them with the truth of the doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that both by word and good example they may faithfully serve thee iiv this office, to the honor and glory of thy name, and the edification of thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. The Epistle. Eph. iv, 7-13. Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he 327 627. Consecration and Ordinations. saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that he as¬ cended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth ? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heav¬ ens, that he might fill all things. And he gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edi¬ fying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. After this shall be read for the Gospel part of the tenth chapter of St. John. St. John x, 1-16. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he put- teth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him; for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them; but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, X Consecration and Ordinations. 627. say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it'more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is a hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth ; and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. After which the Bishop shall say unto them as follows: You have heard, brethren, in your private exam¬ ination, and in the holy lessons taken out of the Gospel, and the writings of the Apostles, of what dignity and of how great importance this Office is whereunto ye are called. And now again we exhort you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you have in remembrance into how high a dignity and to how weighty an Office ye are called: that is to 627. Consecration and Ordinations. say, to be messengers, watchmen, and stewards of the Lord, to teach and premonish, to feed, and pro¬ vide for the Lord's family, to gather the outcast, to seek the lost, and to be ever ready to spread abroad the Gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with God. Have always, therefore, printed in your remem¬ brance how great a treasure is committed to your charge. For they are the sheep of Christ, which he bought with his life, and for whom he shed his blood. The Church whom you must serve is his spouse and his body. And if it shall happen the same Church, or any member thereof, do take any hurt or hindrance by rason of your negligence, ye know the greatness of the fault, and also the horrible punishment that will ensue. Wherefore consider with yourselves the end of the ministry toward the children of God, toward the spouse and body of Christ; and see that you never cease your labor, your care and diligence, until you have done all that lieth in you, according to your bounden duty, to bring all such as are or shall be committed to your charge unto that agreement in the faith and knowl¬ edge of God, and to that ripeness and perfectness of age in Christ, that there be no place left among you, either for error in religion, or for viciousness in life. Forasmuch then as your Office is both of so great excellency and of so great difficulty, ye see with how great care and study ye ought to apply yourselves, as well that ye may show yourselves dutiful and thank° 330 Consecration and Ordinations, 627. ful unto that Lord who hath placed you in so high a dignity; as also to beware that neither ye your¬ selves offend, nor be occasion that others offend. Howbeit ye cannot-have a mind and will thereto of yourselves; for that will and ability is given of God alone; therefore ye ought, and have need, to pray earnestly for his Holy Spirit. And seeing that ye cannot by any other means compass the doing of so weighty a work, pertaining to the salvation of man, but with doctrine and exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures, and with a life agreeable to the same, consider how studious ye ought to be in read¬ ing and learning the Scriptures, and in framing the manners, both of yourselves and of them that spe¬ cially pertain unto you, according to the rule of the same Scriptures; and for this self-same cause how ye ought to forsake and set aside, as much as you may, all worldly cares and studies. We have good hope that you have all weighed and pondered these things with yourselves long before this time, and that you have clearly determined, by God's grace, to give yourselves wholly to this Office, whereunto it hath pleased God to call you; so that, as much as lieth in you, you will apply yourselves wholly to this one thing, and draw all your cares and studies this way, and that you will continually pray to God the Father, by the mediation of our only Saviour Jesus Christ, for the heavenly assistance of the Holy Ghost; that by daily reading and weighing of the Scriptures ye may wax riper and stronger in your ministry ; and that ye may so endeavor to sane- 627. Consecration and Ordinations. tify the lives of you and yours, and to fashion them after the rule and doctrine of Christ, that ye may be wholesome and godly examples and patterns for the people to follow. And now, that this present Congregation of Chris¬ tians here assembled may also understand your minds and wills in these things, and that this your promise may the more move you to do your duties,.,ye shall answer plainly to these things which we in the name of God and his Church shall demand of you touch¬ ing the same. Do" you think in your heart that you are truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the order of Elders ? Ans. I think so. Bishop. Are you persuaded that the Holy Script¬ ures contain sufficiently all doctrine required of ne¬ cessity for eternal salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ? And are you determiijed out of the said Scriptures to instruct the people committed to yom charge, and to teach nothing as required of neces¬ sity to eternal salvation but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the same? Ans. I am so persuaded, and hiave so determined, by God's grace. Bishop. Will you then give your faithful diligence always so to minister the Doctrine and Sacraments and Discipline of Christ as the Lord hath com manded ? Am. I will do so, by the help of the Lord. 332 Consecration anl Ordinations. ^[ 627. Bishop. Will you be ready with all faithful dili¬ gence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God's word ; and to use both public and private monitions and exhortations as well to the sick as to the whole within your charge, as need shall require and occasion shall be given ? Ans. I will, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you be diligent in prayers and in reading of the Holy Scriptures, and in such studies as help to the knowledge of the same, laying aside the study of the world and the flesh ? Ans. I will endeavor to do so, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you be diligent to frame and fashion yourselves and your families according to the doctrine of Christ: and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in you lieth, wholesome examples and patterns to the flock of Christ? Ans. I will apply myself thereto, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you maintain and set forward, as much as lieth in you, quietness, peace, and love among all Christian people, and especially among them onat are or shall be committed to your charge ? Ans. I will so do, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you reverently obey your chief Min¬ isters, unto whom is committed the charge and gov¬ ernment over you, following with a glad mind and will their godly admonitions, submitting yourselves to their godly judgment? Ans. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. 333 627. Consecration and Ordinations. Then shall the Bishop, standing up, say : Almighty God, who hath given you this will to do all these things, grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same; that he may accomplish his work which he hath begun in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [After which the Congregation shall be desired secretly in their prayers, to make their humble supplications to God for all these things ; for the which prayers there shall be silence kept for a space.] After which shall be said by the Bishop (the Persons to be ordained Elders all kneeling), the Bishop beginning and the Elders and others that are present answering, as follows: Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight: Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of thy grace; Keep far our foes, give peace at home: Where thou art Guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee of both to be but ONE: That through the ages, all along, This may be our endless song: Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 334 Consecration and Ordinations. 627. That done, the Bishop shall pray in this wise, and say: Let us pray. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thine infinite love and goodness toward us, hast given to us thy only and most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ to be our Redeemer and the author of everlasting life; who, after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, sent abroad into the world his Apostles, Prophets, Evan¬ gelists, Teachers, and Pastors, by whose labor and ministry he gathered together a great flock in all parts of the world, to set forth the eternal praise of thy holy name: for these so great benefits of thy eternal goodness, and for that thou hast vouchsafed to call these thy servants here present to the same Office and Ministry appointed for the salvation of man¬ kind, we render unto thee most hearty thanks: we praise and worship thee; and we humbly beseech thee by the same, thy blessed Son, to grant unto all who either here or elsewhere call upon thy name, that we may continue to show ourselves thankful unto thee for these and all other of thy benefits, and that we may daily increase and go forward in the knowledge and faith of thee and thy Son, by the Holy Spirit. So that as well by these thy Ministers, as by them over whom they shall be appointed thy Ministers, thy holy name may be forever glorified, and thy blessed kingdom enlarged, through the same, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord: who liveth and 627. Consecration and Ordinations. reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. When the Prayer is done the Bishop, with the Elders present, shall lay their hands severally upon the head of every one that receiveth the Order of Elders, the Receivers humbly kneeling upon their knees, and the Bishop saying : The Lord pour upon thee the Holy Ghost for the Office and Work of an Elder in the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the authority of the Church through the imposition of our hands. And be thou a faithful dispenser of the word of God and of his holy Sacraments : in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then the Bishop shall deliver to every one of them, kneeling, the Bible into his hands, saying: Take thou authority as an Elder in the Church, to preach the word of God and to administer the holy Sacraments in the Congregation. Then the Bishop shall say: Most Merciful Father, we beseech thee to send upon these thy servants thy heavenly blessings, that they may be clothed with righteousness, and that thy word spoken by their mouths may have such success that it may never be spoken in vain. Grant also that we may have grace to hear and receive what they shall deliver out of thy most holy word, or agreeably to the same, and the means of our salvation; and that in all our words and deeds we 336 Consecration and Ordinations. 628. may seek thy glory and the increase of thy kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Guide us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The peace of God, which passeth all understand¬ ing, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. [If on the same day the Order of Deacons be given to some and that of Elders to others, the Deacons shall he first presented, and then the Elders. The Collects shall both be used: first that for Deacons, then that for Elders. The Epistle shall be Eph. iv, 7-13, as before in this Office; immediately after which they that are to be ordained Deacons shall be examined and ordained as is above prescribed. Then one of them having read the Gospel, which shall be St. John x, 1-16, as before in this Office, they who are to be ordained Elders shall likewise be examined and or¬ dained, as in this Office before appointed.] Tf 628. The Form of Ordaining Deacons. [When the day appointed by the Bishop is come there shall be a Sermon or Exhortation, declaring the Duty and Office of such as come to be admitted Deacons.] After which one of the Elders shall present unto the Bishop the Persons to be ordained Deacons, their names being read aloud. The Bishop shall say unto the people: Brethren: If there be any of you who knoweth anv crime or impediment in any of these persons • 22 337 628. Consecration and Ordinations. presented to be ordained Deacons, for the which he ought not to be admitted to that Office, let him come forth in the name of God, and show what the crime or impediment is. [If any crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall sur¬ cease from ordaining that person until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of the same.] Then shall be read the following Collect and Epistle: The Collect. Almighty God, who by thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders of Ministers in thy. Church, and didst inspire thy Apostles to choose into the Order of Deacons thy first martyr, St. Stephen, with others: mercifully behold these thy servants now called to the like Office and Administration ; replenish them so with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that both by word and good exam¬ ple they may faithfully serve thee in this Office to the glory of thy name and the edification of thy Church, through the merits of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost now and forever. The Epistle. 1 Tim. iii, 8-13. Likewise must the Deacons be grave, not double- tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved ; then let them use the Office of a Deacon, being found blameless. Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. Let the Deacon be the husband of one wife, ruling his children 338 Consecration and Ordinations. 628, and his own house well. For they that have used the Office of a Deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. Then shall the Bishop examine every one of those to be ordained, in the presence of the People, after this man¬ ner following : Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Spirit to take upon you the Office of the Minis¬ try in the Church of Christ, to. serve God for the promoting of his glory and the edifying of his people? Ans. I trust so. Bishop. Do you unfeignedly believe all the canoni¬ cal Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? Ans. I do believe them. Bishop. "Will you diligently read or expound the same unto the people whom you shall be appointed to serve? Ans. I will. Bishop. It appertaineth to the Office of a Deacon to assist the Elder in divine service. And especially when he ministereth the Holy Communion, to help him in the distribution thereof, and to read and ex¬ pound the Holy Scriptures, to instruct the youth, and to baptize. And furthermore, it is his office to search for the sick, poor, and impotent, that they may be visited and relieved. Will you do this gladly and willingly ? Ana. I will do so, by the help of (rod. 339 628. Consecration and Ordinations. Bishop. Will you apply all your diligence to fram and fashion your own lives (and the lives of your families) according to the doctrine of Christ; and to make (both) yourselves (and them), as much as in you lieth, wholesome examples of the flock of Christ ? Ans. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. Bishop. Will you reverently obey them to whom the charge and government over you is committed, following with a glad mind and will their godly admonitions ? Ans. I will endeavor to do so, the Lord being my helper. Then the Bishop, laying his hands severally upon the head of each of them, shall say: Take thou authority to execute the Office of Deacon in the Church of God: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall the Bishop deliver to each of them the Holy Bible, saying: Take thou authority to read the Holy Scriptures in the Church of God, and to preach the same. Then one appointed by the Bishop shall read the Gospel: Luke xii, 35-38. Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that, when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watch' Consecration and Ordinations. 628. ing. Verily I say unto you, that he shall gird him- selfj and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth to serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. Immediately before the Benediction shall be said these Collects following : Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who of thy great goodness hast vouchsafed to accept and take these thy servants into the Office of Deacons in thy Church; make them, we beseech thee, O Lord, to be modest, humble, and constant in their ministration, and to have a ready will to observe all spiritual dis¬ cipline; that they, having always the testimony of a good conscience, and continuing ever stable an& strong in thy Son Christ, may so well behave them¬ selves in this inferior office that they may be found worthy to be called into the higher Ministries in the Church, through the same, thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory and honor, world without end. Amen. Guide us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Benediction. The peace of God, which passeth all understand¬ ing, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge 629. Corner-stone and Dedication. and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and remain with vou always. Amen. CHAPTER VII. CORNER-STONE AND DEDICATION. If 629. Form for Laying the Corner-stone of a Church. Dearly Beloved: We are taught in the word of God that, although the heaven of heavens cannot contain the Eternal One, much less the walls of tem¬ ples made with hands, yet his delight is ever with the sons of men, and that, wherever two or three are gathered in his name, there he is in the midst of them. And in all ages his servants have separated certain places for his worship: as Jacob erected a stone in Bethel for God's house; as Moses made a tabernacle in the desert; as Solomon built a temple for the Lord, which he filled with the glory of his presence before all the people. We are now as¬ sembled to lay the Corner-Stone of a new house for the worship of the God of our fathers. Let us not doubt that he will favorably approve our godly pur¬ pose, and let us now devoutly unite in singing his praise and in prayer for his blessing on this our undertaking. 342 Corner-stone and Dedication. 629. Let one of the hymns 48, 382, 443 or 921 be sung. Then shall the Minister say : Let us pray. Most Glorious God, the heaven is thy throne and the earth is thy footstool; what house, then, can be built for thee, or where is the place of thy rest ? Yet blessed be thy name, O Lord God, that it hath pleased thee to have thy habitation among the sons of men, and to dwell in the midst of the assembly of the saints upon the earth. And now, especially, we render thanks unto thy holy name that it hath pleased thee to put it into the hearts of thy servants to erect in this place a house for thy worship. We thank thee for thy grace which has inclined them to contribute of their substance for the glory of thy name; and we pray thee to continue thy blessing upon their pious undertaking. Amen. . May many unite with them in their holy work until this habitation of thy house shall be completed and ready for dedication to thy service, free from all debt or claim of men. Amen. May peace and harmony prevail in the counsels of thy servants, and may no selfish or divided aims find place among them. May the work of this building be completed without hurt or accident to any person. And when thou shalt have prospered the work of their hands upon them, and this house shall be pre¬ pared and finished for thy service, grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work may show forth their thankfulness by making a right use of it, 343 ^]" 629. C/OKNER-STONE AND DEDICATION. to the glory of thy blessed name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Grant that all who shall hereafter worship thee in the temple here to be built may so serve and please thee in all holy exercises of godliness, that in the end they may come to that temple on high, even to the holy place, made without hands, whose builder and maker is God. Amen. Hear us, O Lord, for thou art our God in whom we trust. And when we shall cease to pray unto thed on earth may we, with all those who in like manner have erected such places to thy name, and with all thy saints and redeemed ones, eternally praise thee for all thy goodness vouchsafed unto us here on earth and laid up for us there in heaven. Amen. Accept these pur prayers, we b.eseech thet, for the sake of thy dear Son, and to thee, the only true and living God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be honor, praise, and glory, forever and ever. Amen. Then shall the Minister read the following Psalm, or the Minister and People may read in alternate verses, the parts in italics to be read by the People: Psalm cxxxii. Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to my eyelids, 344 Corner-stone and Dedication. 629. Until I find out a place for the Lord, A habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood. We will go into his tabernacles : we will worship at his footstool. Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness ; And let thy saints shout for joy. For thy servant David's sake turn not away the Jace of thine anointed. The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. If thy children will keep my covenant and my tes¬ timony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore. For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision : I will satisfy her poor with bread.. I will also clothe her priests with salvation : And her saints shall shout aloud for joy. There will I make the horn of David to bud : I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame: But upon himself sft&ll his crown flourish, 345 •J] 629. Corner-stone and Dedication. The Lesson. 1 Cor. iii, 9-23. For we are laborers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and an¬ other buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other founda¬ tion can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you ? If any man defile the tem¬ ple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Let no man de¬ ceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may i)e wise. For the wisdom of this world is fool¬ ishness with God: for it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men : for all things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to 346 Corner-stone and Dedication. 630. come; all are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. Then shall follow the Sermon, or an Address suitable to the occasion, after which the Contributions of the People shall be received. [Then shall the Minister, standing by the Stone, exhibit to the Congre¬ gation a box to be placed in an excavation of the Stone. It may con¬ tain a copy of the Bible, the Hymn Book, the Discipline, the Church Almanac for the year, Church periodicals of recent date, the names of the Pastor, Trustees, and Building Com¬ mittee of the Church, with such other documents as may be desired. A list of these may be read, after which the Minister may deposit the box in the Stone and cover it; and the Stone shall be laid and adjusted by the^Minister, assisted by the builder.] Then shall the Minister say : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we lay this Corner-Stone for the foundation of a house to be builded and consecrated to the service of Almighty God, according to the Order and Usages of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Amen. The service may conclude with extemporary Prayer, the Lord's Prayer, and the Benediction. If 630. Form for the Dedication of a Church. The Congregation being assembled in the Church, the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved : The Scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with those who build temples to his name. We have heard how he filled the temple of Solomon with his glory, and how in the second temple he manifested himself still more gloriously. *J[ 630. COKNEK-STONE AND DEDICATION. And the Gospel approves and commends the cen¬ turion who built a synagogue for the people. Let us not doubt that he will favorably approve our purpose of dedicating this place in solemn manner for the performance of the several offices of religious worship; and let us now devoutly join in praise to his name, that this godly undertaking hath been so far com¬ pleted ; and in prayer for his further blessing upon all who shall hereafter worship his name in this place. Let one of the hymns 88, 362, 861, 927 or 1202 be sung and extemporary Prayer be offered, the Congre¬ gation all kneeling. Then shall the Minister or some one appointed by him read : The First Lesson. 2 Chron. vi, 1, 2, 18-21, 40-42; vii, 1-4. Then said Solomon, The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built a house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling forever. But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built! Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee: that thine eyes may be open upon this house day and nighty upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which 348 CORNER-STONE AND DEDICATION. 630. thy servant prayeth toward this place. Hearken therefore unto the supplications of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, which they shall make toward this place: hear thou from thy dwelling-place, even from heaven; and when thou hearest, forgive. Now my God, let, I beseech thee, thine eyes be open, and let thine ears be attentive unto the prayer that is made in this place. Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into thy resting-place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. O Lord God, turn not away the face of thine anointed: remember the mercies of David thy servant. Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt-offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house. And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the Lord upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshiped and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for¬ ever. Then the king and all the people offered sac¬ rifices before the Lord. The Second Lesson. Heb. x, 19-26. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living 349 630. Corner-stone and Dedication. way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; and having a high- priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful that promised; and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth; there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. Then shall one of the hymns 88, 362, 445, 861, 927 or 1202 be sung, after which the Minister shall deliver a Sermon suitable to the occasion, after which the Con¬ tributions of the People shall be received. Then shall the Minister read the following Psalm, or the Minister and Congregation may redd it alternately, the parts in italics to be read by the Congregation ; Psalm cxxii. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem. Jerusalem ia builded as a city that is compact together: Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, 350 Corner-stone and Dedication. 630. Unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : They shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, And prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good. Then let the Trustees stand up before the Altar, and one of them, or some in their behalf, say unto the Minister : We present unto you this Building to be dedicated as a Church for the service and worship of Almighty God. Then shall the Minister request the Congregation to stand while he repeats the following declaration. Dearly Beloved : It is meet and right, as we learn from the Holy Scriptures, that houses erected for the public worship of God should be specially set apart and dedicated to religious uses. For such a dedication we are now assembled. With gratitude, therefore, to Almighty God, who has signally blessed his servants in their holy enterprise of erecting this Church, we dedicate it to his service for the reading of the Holy Scriptures, the preaching of the word - oki 630. Corner-stone and Dedication. of God, the administration of the holy Sacraments, and for all other exercises of religious worship and service, according to the Discipline and Usages of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. And, as the dedication of the temple is vain without the solemn consecration of the worshipers also, I now call upon you all to dedicate yourselves anew to the service of God. To him let our souls be dedicated, that they may be renewed after the image of Christ. To him let our bodies be dedicated, that they may be fit temples for the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. To him may our labors and business be dedicated, that their fruit may tend to the glory of his great name and to the advancement of his kingdom. And that he may graciously accept this our solemn act, let us pray. The Congregation kneeling, the Minister shall offer the following Prayer : O Most Glorious Lord, we acknowledge that we are not worthy to offer unto thee any thing belonging unto us. Yet we beseech thee, in thy great goodness, graciously to accept the dedication of this place to thy service and to prosper this our undertaking. Receive the prayers and intercessions of all those thy servants who shall call upon thee in this house; and give them grace to prepare their hearts to serve thee with reverence and godly fear. Affect .them with an awful apprehension of thy divine majesty and a deep sense of their own unworthiness; that so approaching thy sanctuarv with lowliness and de- 352 Corner-stone and Dedication. 630. votion, and coming before thee with clean thoughts and pure hearts, with bodies undefiled and minds sanctified, they may always perform a service accept¬ able to thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Eegard, O Lord, the supplications of thy servants, and grant that whosoever shall be dedicated to thee in this house by Baptism may ever remain in the number of thy faithful children. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that whosoever shall receive in this place the blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ may eome to that holy Ordinance with faith, charity, and true repentance, and, being filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction, may, to their great and endless comfort, obtain remission of their sins and all other benefits of his death. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that by thy holy word which shall be read and preached in this place, and by the Holy Spirit grafting it inwardly in the heart, the hearers thereof may both perceive and know what things they ought to do and may have power and strength to perform the same. Amen. Now, therefore, arise, O Lord, and come unto this place of thy rest, thou and the ark of thy strength. Let thine eye be open toward this house day and night, and let thine ear be ready toward the prayers of thy children which they shall make unto thee in this place; and whensoever thy servants shall make to thee their petitions here, do thou hear them from heaven, thy dwelling-place, the throne of the glory of thy kingdom; and when thou hearest, forgive. And grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that here and 23 353 630. Corner-stone and Dedication. elsewhere thy Ministers may be clothed with right¬ eousness and thy saints rejoice in thy salvation. And may we all, with thy people everywhere, grow up into a holy temple in the Lord and be at last received into thy glorious temple above, the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glory and praise, world without end. Amen. The services to conclude with Doxology and Bene¬ diction. CHAPTER VIII 1 631. Form for Consecration of Deaconesses. (Devotional exercises and suitable addresses may precede the following order of service): 1. Presentation of Candidate. 2. Hymn (Selection from Church Hymnal). 3. Responsive Reading. Leader. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has annointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Cong. For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. Leader. He telleth the number of the stars; he 354 Consecration of Deaconesses. 631 calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. Cong. The Lord lifteth up the meek: he casteth the wicked down to the ground. Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God: for he hath strengthed the bars of thy gates; he hath blessed thy children within thee. Leader. Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. Cong. O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor and needy praise thy name. Leader. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness; therefore God, thy God, hath annointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Cong. All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory places, whereby they have made thee glad. Leader. Kings' daughters were among thy honor¬ able women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir. Cong. Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house. Leader. So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. Cong. The King's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. 354a L 631 Consecration of Deaconesses. Leader. She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework: the virgins, her companions that follow her, shall be brought unto thee. Cong. With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the King's palace. Leader. I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee forever and ever. Cong. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto thy children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea the work of our hands establish thou it. 4. Prayer. Let us pray: O Eternal God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ' the Creator of man and of woman, who didst replenish with thy Spirit Miriam and Deborah and Anna and Huldah; who didst not disdain that thy only begotten Son should be born of a woman; who also in the tabernacle of the testimony and in the temple, didst ordain women to be keepers of thy holy gates, do thou now also look down upon these, thy servants, who are to be set apart to the office of Deaconess and grant thy Holy Spirit that they may worthily dis¬ charge the work which is committed to them, to thy glory, and the praise of thy Christ, with whom glory and adoration be to thee and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. 354b Consecration of Deaconesses. 631 5. Address to the Candidates. Dear Sisters: We rejoice with you that in the good providence of God an open door of usefulness has been found for you in the service of the Church of Christ. In our Master's wide vineyard there are a thousand forms of labor, and to each disciple some fitting task is assigned; but to you are accorded peculiar privileges and priceless opportunities. Released from other cares, you give yourself without reservation to the service of the Lord of the vineyard, ready for any duty which may fall to your lot. Like our blessed Master, you will henceforth go about doing good, ministering, as he did, to the wants of a suffering, sorrowing, sin-laden world. The Church now solemnly sets you apart for her special service. You are to work for Jesus only. You are to minister to the poor, visit the sick, and pray with the dying, care for the orphan, seek the wandering, comfort the sorrowing, save the sinning, and ever be ready to take up any duty for which willing hands cannot otherwise be found. Such a ministry is one which confers upon you a great honor, but also a solemn responsibility. You have not entered upon it lightly, and no doubt in the sacred stillness of the sanctuary of the heart you have already consecrated yourselves to this office and work. What you have done alone with God, you now do for¬ mally and publicly in the presence of the Church. Quest. Do you believe that you have been led by the Spirit and providence of God to engage in this work and assume the duties of this office? Ans. I do* 354c H 631 Consecration- of Deaconesses. Quest. Do you, in the presence of God and of this congregation, promise faithfully to perform the duties of a Deaconess in the Church of God? Ans. I do. Quest. Do you accept the Bible as God's Word, and will you make it a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path? Ans. I do accept it, and will walk in its light. Quest. Will you strive to walk so close to your Saviour's side that you will ever carry his blessed presence to the hearts and homes of those to whom you minister? Ans. I will endeavor so to do. Quest. Will you cheerfully accept the direction of those whom the Church may set over you in the prosecution of your work? Ans. I will cheerfully do so. (Congregation and Candidates, kneeling, after a brief season of silent prayer, unite in singing.) 6. Hymn. Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to thee; Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of thy love. 354a Consecration of Deaconesses. | 631 Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for thee; Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my will and make it thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is thine own, It shall be thy royal throne. Take my love, my God, I pour At thy feet its treasure store; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for thee. (The Congregation rise while Candidates remain kneeling.) 7. Invocation of the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit of the living God descend upon you and abide with you evermore. May his holy annoint- ing impart to you grace for every trial and gifts for every duty. May his presence be to you a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night all along the journey of life; and may the blessing of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you now and evermore. Amen. (The Candidates rise, and the Minister, taking the right hand of each Candidate, shall say): 354e f 631 Consecration of Deaconesses. I admit thee to the office of Deaconess in the Church of God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 8. Dismissal with Benediction. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. 354£ Appendix. I. OFFICES, RESIDENCES, AND AD¬ DRESSES. II. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS. III. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION BENEVOLENT AND SAY¬ INGS INSTITUTION. IY. ANNUAL CONFERENCES AND FOR¬ EIGN MISSIONS. V. MISCELLANEOUS. VI. COURSES OF STUDY. Officers Residences and Addresses, 1 CHAPTER I OFFICERS RESIDENCES AND ADDRESSES. 1f 1. Bishops and Episcopal Districts. I. District—New England, New Jersey, Western North Carolina. George Wylie Clinton, A. M., D. D., LL/. D., 415 N. Myers Street, Charlotte, N. C. II. District—South Alabama, North Alabama, Alabama, South East Alabama, South Florida. John Wesley Alstork, D. D., LL. D., 231 Cleveland Avenue, Mont¬ gomery, Ala. III. District—New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, North Carolina. Josiah Samuel Caldwell, A. M., D. D., 420 S. Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. IV. District—Michigan, Allegheny, Virginia, Albemarle, West Central North Carolina. George Lincoln Blackwell, D. D., LL. D., 420 S. Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 357 1 Officers Residences and Addresses. Y. District—Palmetto. Andrew Jackson Warner, D. D., 220 E. Boundary Street, Char¬ lotte, N. C. VI. District—Central North Carolina, California, Oregon, Blue Ridge, East Ten¬ nessee and Virginia, South Georgia. Linwood Westinghouse Kyles, A. M., D. D., 4301 West Belle Place, St. Louis, Mo. VII. District—South Carolina. Robert Blair Bruce, D. D., 203 S. Brevard Street, Charlotte, N. C. VIII. District—Western New York, Cape Fear, Pee Dee, Georgia. William Louis Lee, D. D., 450 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. IX. District—Kentucky, West Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, West Tennessee and Mississippi. George Clinton Clement, A. M., D. D., 1425 W. Walnut Street, Louisville, Ivy. X. District—Central Alabama, West Alabama, Cahaba, South Mississippi. John Wesley Wood, D. D., 1231 Cornell Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. 358 Officers Residences and Addresses, 2 XI. District—Missouri, Indiana, Arkansas, North Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida. Paris Arthur Wallace, A. M., D. D., 522 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. If 2. General Officers and Departments. 1. Financial Depabtment. General Secretary—Frederick M. Jacobs, D. D., M. D., 416 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Financial Secretary—William H. Goler, A. M., D. D., LL. D., 420 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Benevolent Department. Manager of Publication Souse—S. D. Watkins, D. D., 810 E. 8th Street, Charlotte, N. 0. Corresponding Secretary of Education—J. W. Martin, A. M., D. D., 4828 W. Belle Place, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions —John C. Daccy, A. M., LL. D., 420 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions— W. W. Matthews, D. D., 420 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary of Yarick Christian Endeavor Union— Aaron Brown, Pensacola, Fla. Secretary Ministerial Brotherhood—Calvin S. 359 Whitted, D. D., 420 S. 11th Street, Philadel¬ phia, Pa. Superintendent of Sunday Schools—James W. Eichelberger, A. M., 3947 Michigan Ave., Chi¬ cago, 111. 3. Editorial Department. Star of Zion—W. J. Walls, D. D., Box 117, Char¬ lotte, N. C. Quarterly Review—C. C. Alleyne, A. M.f 17 Winyah Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Missionary Seer—W. W. Matthews, D. D., 420 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sunday School Literature—J. Francis Lee, A. M., D. D., Charlotte, N. C. Sunday School Bulletin—J. W. Eichelberger, Jr,. A. M., 3947 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 2 Officers Residences and Addresses. 4. Educational Institutions. tlood Theological Seminary— Livingstone College—D. C. Suggs, A. M., Ph. D., President, Salisbury, N. C. Clinton College—Robert J. Boulware, A. M., Presi¬ dent, Rock Hill, S. C. Atkinson College—M. V. Taylor, A. M., Preside^-, Madisonville. Ky. 360 Officers Residences and Addresses, 2 Greenville College—J. W. Young, A. M., President, Greenville, Tenn. Dinividdie 'Normal and Industrial School—W. E. Woodyard, A. M., President, Dinwiddie, Va. Lomax-Hannon Literary College—W. N. Rake- straw, President, Greenville, Ala. Walters Institute—C. TV. P. Mitchell, D. D., President, Warren, Ark. Lancaster Normal and Industrial Institute—M. D. Lee, President, Lancaster, S. C. F.astern North Carolina Industrial Academy— William Sutton, D. D., Principal, Newbern, N. C. E dent on High School—E. T. Mclver, A. B., B. D., President, Edenton, N. C. Macon Industrial School—W. M. McGee, Principal, Macon, Ga. Johnson Rural High School—G. W. Vance, Prin¬ cipal, Stover, Miss. Walters Academy—Rev. R. E. Peters, Principal, Quittali, W. C. Africa. Small Academy—Rev. F. A. Pinanko, A. M., Prin¬ cipal, Cape Coast Castle, W. C. Africa. 5. Woman's Home and Foreign Missinoary Society. President—Mrs. Daisy Johnson, 715 12th St., Birmingham, Ala. 861 Officers Residences and Addresses. 2 Vice-President—Mrs. S. D. Davis, 2122 Highland Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Recording Secretary—Mrs. L. B. Evans-Pierce, 724 S. Preston St., Louisville, Ky. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Annie W. Black- well, 624 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer—Mrs. Ida Y. Smith, 1309 R St., N. W., Washington, D. O. Secretary Young Woman's Missionary Society— Miss Victoria Richardson, Livingstone College, Salisbury, N. 0. Superintendent Buds of Promise—Mrs. M. L. Clin¬ ton, 415 N. Myers St., Charlotte, N. C. Secretary Bureau Foreign Supplies—Mrs. J. W. Brown, 155 W. 136th St., New York. 'National Organizers—Mrs. Ada L. M. Hall, Tusca¬ loosa, Ala.; Mrs. A. L. Anderson, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. Ida Barber, 410 S. Second St., Char¬ lotte, N. C. 862 Administrative Boards. fl 3 CHAPTEE II 1[ 3. Administrative Boards. 1. Board of Finance. Bishop J. S. Caldwell, President; Bev. W. H. Goler, Corresponding Secretary; Bev. J, B. White, Vice-President; Mr. A. A. Bives, Recording Secretary; Bev. W. H. Taylor, Bev. H. D. Tillman, Bev. W. O. Carson, Bev. J. P. Foote, Assistant Secretary; Bev. G. W. John¬ son, Bev. J. H. Hall. 2. Board of Education. Bishop G. L. Blackwell, President; Bev. J. W. Martin, Corresponding Secretary; Prof. S. G. Atkins, Recording Secretary; Bev. G. L. White, Vice-President; Bev. M. F. Gregory, Assistant Secretary; Bev. William Anderson, Bev. A. L. Martin, Bev. C. C. Marks, Bev. J. V. Catledge, Bev. W. E. Shaw. 3. Board of Church Extension and Home Missions. Bishop W. L. Lee, President; Hon. John C. Dancy, Corresponding Secretary; Bev. B. W. Swain, Assistant Secretary; Bev. W. C. Brown, Bev. T. T. Taylor, Bev. W. H. Davenport, Record- 363 3 Administratis*: Boards. ing Secretaryj Rev. E. L. Madison, Vice- President; Rev. E. D. W. Bell, Rev. W. F. Finley, Rev. D. S. Blackwell. 4. Boakd of Foreign Missions. Bishop G. C. Clement, President; Rev. W. W. Matthews, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. T. A. Auten, Recording Secretary; Rev. G. M. Oliver, Rev. W. H. Howard, Rev. C. P. S. Harrison, Prof. W. J. Trent, Assistant Secre¬ tary; Rev. J. H. McMullen, Vice-President; Rev. H. R. Gaines, Rev. A. Shinn, Mrs. Daisy V. Johnson, Mrs. S. D. Davis, Mrs. Annie W. Blackwell, Mrs. Ida V. Smith, Mrs. Lizzie E. Pierce, Mrs. M. L. Clinton, Mrs. J. W. Brown, Miss Victoria Richardson, Mrs. Ella J. Cald¬ well, Mrs. L. W. Kyles, Mrs. W. L. Lee, Mrs. G. C. Clement, Mrs. J. W. Wood, Mrs. P. A. Wallace. 5. Board of Publication. Bishop G. W. Clinton, President; Rev. S. D. Watkins, Manager; Rev. H. B. Bennett, Vice- President; Rev. F. W. Riley, Rev. W. A. Blackwell, Secretary; Mr. J. T. Hamilton, As- sistant Secretary; Rev. Wm. Robinson, Treas¬ urer; Rev. G. W. Bell, Rev. N. D. Crawford, Rev. A. W. Sherred. 6. Board of Ministerial Relief. Bishop J. W. Wood, President; Rev. C. S. Whitted, 364 Administrative Boards. 3 Corresponding Secretary; Dr. J. W. Darden, Assistant Secretary; Rev. J. F. Fitzpatrick, Rev. J. C. Taylor, Rev. C. P. Harrison, Rev. C. D. Hazel, Recording Secretary; Rev. T. H. Merriweather, Rev. W. D. Speight, Vice- President; Rev. C. P. Hudson. 7. Sunday School Board. Bishop P. A. Wallace, President; Bishop G. W. Clinton, Vice-President; Rev. J. Francis Lee, Editor S. S. Literature; Prof. J. W. Eichel- berger, Jr., General Superintendent; Rev. C. C. Williams, Assistant Secretary; Rev. W, D. Bat¬ tle, Rev. C. W. Carver, Rev. G. W. Harrell, Rev. H. Durham, Rev. H. T. Medford, Record¬ ing Secretary; Rev. J. W. Jones, Rev. T. J. Moppins, Vice-President. 8. Board of Varick C. E. Union. Rev. J. W. Brown, President; Prof. Aaron Brown, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. F. R. Blakie, Rev. J. C. Lewis, Rev. J. E. Garrett, Rev. W. J. J. Byers, Recording Secretary; Rev. J. E. Kennedy, Rev. J. W. Frazier, Assistant Secre¬ tary ; Rev. W. F. Witherspoon, Rev. S. D. Davis, Vice-President. 9. Bureau of Evangelism. Rev. M. D. Smith, President; Rev. A. J. Gorham, Vice-President; Rev. W. M. Langford, Rev. C. J. Stevenson, Rev. L. T. Conquest, Rev. J. W. 365 Administrative Boards. Carter, Rev. J. H. Ellison, Rev. J. L. Black, Treasurer; Rev. M. C. Glover, Secretary; Mr. R. L. Brokenburr, Assistant Secretary. 10. Board of Theological Seminaries. Bishop L. W. Kyles, President; Rev. W. W. Slade, Vice-President; Rev. R. R. Ball, Rev. H. L. Holt, Rev. C. L. Alexander, Secretary; Rev. W. W. Howard, Rev. P. B. Coward, Rev. R. L. Cherry, Mr. H. C. Russell, Assistant Secretary; Rev. H. R. Jackson. 11. Board of Audit. Bishop L. W. Kyles, President; Rev. W. L. Hamlin, Auditor; Rev. T. H. Jones, Mr. O. W. Adams, Treasurer; Rev. P. R. Flack, Rev. D. G. Moose, Recording Secretary; Rev. R. J. Crocket, Vice- President; Rev. W. H. Mitchell, Rev. T. J. Jackson, Rev. F. W. Alstork. 12. Board of Appeals. Rev. G. "W. Maize, President; Rev. W. M. Bascom, Vice-President; Rev. H. Blake, Rev. J. H. Love, Treasurer; Rev. G. W. Brown, Prof. J. C. Banks, Assistant Secretary; Rev. J. H. Mosely, Rev. R. B. Williams, Rev. T. H. Stevenson, Rev. C. W. P. Mitchell, Recording Secretary. 13. Board of Connectional Trustees. Rev. T. J. Houston, President; Rev. S. P. Cooke, 360 Administrative Boards. 3 Vice-President; Rev. W. M. Marshall, Rev. H. J. Callis, Rev. E. T. Mclver, Recording Secre- tary; Rev. G. G. Huff, Rev. H. J. Johnson, Rev. J. H. Branner, Rev. B. G. Shaw, Treas¬ urer', Rev. H. M. Stovall, Assistant Secretary. 14. Board of Statistics. Rev. J. H. Anderson, President; Prof. S. M. Dudley, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. H. H. Jackson, Rev. E. D. W. Jones, Vice-President; Rev. £5. J. Bolding, Rev. J. J. Nicholson, Rev. J. H. D. Bailey, Dr. E. L. Watkins, Treasurer; Rev. J. C. Laramore, Assistant Secretary; Rev. H. R. Jackson, Recording Secretary. 15. Board of Ministerial Brotherhood. Rev. C. C. Stewart, President; Rev. D. 0. Baum, Vice-President; Rev. C. S. Whitted, Correspond¬ ing Secretary; Rev. H. L. Simmons, Rev. W. C. Brown, Rev. G. W. Gaines, Treasurer; Rev. A. M. Goodwin, Recording Secretary; Rev. E. W. Smith, Mr. Floyd Grayce, Assistant Secretary; Rev. M. S. Kell, Rev. N. T. Hunter. 367 4 Conferences and Foreign Missions. CHAPTER III ANNUAL CONFERENCES AND FOREIGN MISSIONS. f4.—Annual Conferences. 1. Alabama. 2. Albemarle. 3. Allegheny. 4. Arkansas. 5. Blue Ridge. 6. Cahaba. 7. California. 8. Cape Fear. 9. Central Alabama. 10. Central North Carolina. 11. East Tennessee and Virginia. 12. Florida. 13. Georgia. 14. Indiana. 15. Kentucky. 16. Louisiana. 17. Michigan. 18. Missouri. 19. New England. 20. New Jersey. 21. New York. 22. North Alabama. 23. North Arkansas. 24. North Carolina. 25. North Louisiana. 26. Ohio. 368 Miscellaneous. 27. Oklahoma. 28. Oregon. 29. Palmetto. 30. Philadelphia and Baltimore. 31. South Alabama. 32. South East Alabama. 33. South Carolina. 34. South Florida. 35. South Georgia. 36. South Mississippi. 37. Tennessee. 38. Texas. 39. Virginia. 40. West Alabama. 41. West Central North Carolina. 42. Western New York. 43. Western North Carolina. 44. West Tennessee and Mississippi. 5.—Foreign Mission Conferences. 45. East Gold Coast, West Africa. 46. Liberia. 47. West Gold Coast, West Africa. Foreign Missions. Demerara and British Honduras. CHAPTER Y. MISCELLANEOUS. 19. Rules for Conference Proceedings. §1. All Conference proceedings not especially con¬ stituting a rule previously decided on as such must be introduced by motion. 360 19, § 2. Miscellaneous. £ 2. Every motion must be seconded to be intro¬ duced as such by the Chairman. § 8. Every motion contains a proposition or pro¬ posal to do something or refrain from doing by non- concurrence. § 4. When a motion is made and seconded, or a resolution is introduced and seconded, or a report presented and read by the Secretary, or stated by the Chairman it shall be deemed in possession of the Conference. But any motion or resolution may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before amend¬ ment or decision. \ 5. It is the prerogative of the Chairman to rule out or refuse to entertain a motion when it proposes a violation of law. § 6. The motions to adjourn, to suspend the rules, to lay on the table, to take from the table, and the call for the previous question shall be taken without debate. § 7. No new motion or resolution shall be enter¬ tained until the one under consideration has been disposed of, which may be done by adoption or rejec¬ tion, unless one of the following motions should intervene, which shall have precedence in the order in which they are placed, namely : (1) To fix the time when the Conference shall ad¬ journ. (2) To adjourn. (3) To take recess. (4) To lay on the table. (5) For the previous question. 370 Miscellaneous. II 19, § 15. (6) To postpone. (7) To give time. (8) To refer. (9) To substitute. (10) An amendment. (11) To postpone indefinitely. The motion for the previous question cannot be laid on the table. § 8. There may be a motion to amend the propo¬ sition offered. § 9. There may be a motion to amend the amend¬ ment. § 10. There may be a motion to offer a substitute for the proposition. §11. There may be a motion to refer the matter to a standing or a special committee. §12. If the motion to refer is lost, there may be a motion to postpone the matter and the time named, or to an indefinite period. £ IB. There may be a motion to lay any of these propositions on the table except the previous question, which if carried, ends the further consideration of the whole matter for the present. I 14. The motion to substitute takes precedence of all motions to amend, and the motion to refer takes precedence of all others in this connection. § 15. The motion to adjourn shall be taken with¬ out debate, and shall always be in order, except (1) when a member has the floor; (2) when a question is actually put, or a vote is being taken; (3) when a question is pending or sustaining the demand for 19, § 16. Miscellaneous. the previous question; (4) when the previous ques¬ tion has been called and sustained, and action under it is still pending; (5) when a motion to adjourn has been lost and no business or debate has intervened. \ 16. When any motion or resolution shall have been acted upon by the Conference it shall be in order for any member who voted with the prevailing side to move a reconsideration; but a motion to reconsider a nondebatable motion shall be decided without debate. 3 17. When any member is about to speak in debate or to deliver any matter to the Conference lie shall arise and respectfully address the President, but shall not proceed until recognized by him, and the member must address the chair from his place. ■ \ 18. No member shall be interrupted while speaking except by the President to call him to order when he departs from the question or uses person¬ alities, or uses disrespectful language, but any member may call the attention of the Chairman to the subject when he deems the speaker out of order, and any member may explain when he thinks himself misrep¬ resented. g 19. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than five minutes at one time without leave of the Conference, nor shall any person speak more than once until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken, provided, how¬ ever, that the committee making the report shall through its Chairman or one of its members, in all cases be entitled to five minutes to close the debate. 372 Miscellaneous. II 20. § 20. No member shall be allowed to vote on any question who is not within the bar at the time when the question shall be put by the Chairman except by the leave of the Conference, when such member shall have necessarily been absent. $21. Every member who is within the bar at the time the question is put shall vote unless the Confer¬ ence for special reasons excuses him. | 22. When the hour agreed on for adjournment arrives, a motion for extension of time is out of order; if desired it must be agreed on by motion to suspend the rule in order thereto before the time to adjourn arrives. § 28. When a member desires to speak on a ques¬ tion of privilege he shall briefly state the question, but it shall not be in order for him to proceed until the Chairman shall have decided it a privileged ques¬ tion. Privileged questions should be disposed of immediately after the approval of the minutes. \ 24. All actions should be settled, and reports made by members both in Annual and Quarterly Conferences previous to the passage of the member's character in order to determine his fitness in the dis¬ charge of duty, and his fitness for continuance in his position. *|[ 20. Manner of Formulating Charges against an Ac¬ cused Member. In drafting charges and specifications for the trial of an accused Member of the Church there should be a brief statement defining the offense by its gen- 373 ff 21, § 1. Miscellaneous. eric name, such as "Defamation," "Dishonesty," "Lying," "Imprudent Conduct," "Indulging Sinful Tempers or Words," "Disobedience to the Order and Discipline of th© Church," "Neglecting Prayer- Meetings," "Neglecting Class-Meetings," etc. Each charge should be accompanied with one or more specifications germane to the charge; and the fol¬ lowing forms may serve to illustrate the manner of preparing charges and specifications. The charges and specifications must be so varied in the several cases as to meet the facts or evidence relied upon for conviction. The bill of charges should be signed by one or more Members of the Church, and must be addressed to the Preacher in Charge of the circuit or station in which the accused person holds his membership. TT 21. Form of Charges* § 1. IMMORAL CONDUCT. Fobm No. I. To A. B., Preacher in Charge of Circuit or Station: Dear Brotheb: The undersigned, a Member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, com¬ plains to you that C. D., a Member of the same Church, has been guilty of immoral conduct, and he is hereby charged therewith, as follows: charge : defamation. Specification 1. The said C. D., on the day of , 19.., at , did write and publish, malicious¬ ly and in violation of the Rules of the Discipline, 374 Miscellaneous. u 21, § 2. the following false and libelous matter of and con¬ cerning E. F., to wit: (Here copy the writing com¬ plained of). Specification 2. The said 0. D., on the day of , 19 , at , did utter and publish ma¬ liciously and in violation of the Rules of the Disci¬ pline, the following defamatory and libelous matter of and concerning E. F., to wit: (Here copy the matter published). Specification 3. The said 0. D., on the day of , 19 , at , did, maliciously and in violation of the Eules of the Discipline, speak, utter and publish, in the hearing of divers persons, the following false and slanderous words concerning E. F., that is to say, "He (meaning the said E. F.) is a thief." [Signed] M. N. Form No. II. [The address to the Preacher in Charge should be the same as in No. I.] charge: lying. Specification. The said C. D., on the day of , 19 . at } did, in violation of the Rules of the Discipline, falsely and wilfully say (here insert what was said) or words to that effect, know¬ ing the statement to be misleading and false. [Signed] M. N. § 2. IMPRUDENT AND UNCHRISTIAN CONDUCT. In this class of cases preliminary labor .is required before the accused person is liable to be arraigned 375 21, § % Miscellaneous. and tried, and it should be averred in the complaint that such preliminary labor has been performed for such averment there is nothing to show that the per¬ son is liable to be tried. The following form may be used: Form No. III. To A. B., Preacher in Charge of Circuit or Station: Dear Brother: Inasmuch as C. D., a Member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, indulged sinful tempers, and was afterward reproved, as the Discipline provides; yet the C. D. was guilty of a second transgression and he was again reproved as the Discipline provides; yet notwithstanding these repeated reproofs, the said C. D. continues im¬ penitent and still persists in indulging sinful tem¬ pers, thereby bringing reproach upon the Church; therefore the undersigned complains to you of the conduct of the said C. D., and charges him as follows.* charge: indulging sinful tempers. Specification. The said C. D., on the day of , 19 , at , and at other places, did on three several occasions become angry and indulge sinful tempers, in violation of the Rules of the Disci¬ pline. [Signed] M. N. Form No. IY. To A. B., Preacher in Charge of Circuit or Station : Dear Brother : Forasmuch as C. D., on the , day of , 19 , at , did become angry and indulge sinful tempers, in violation of the Rules of 376 Miscellaneous. IT 21, § 3. the Discipline; and though, reproved therefor, after the manner provided in the Discipline, he made no acknowledgment of the fault, and showed no proper humiliation; and he still continues impenitent; therefore the undersigned complains to you of the conduct of C. D., and hereby charges him as follows: charge: indulging sinful tempers. Specification. C. D., on the „ day of , 19 at , became angry and indulged sinful tempers, in violation of the Rules of the Discipline ; and, not¬ withstanding he has been reproved* on account thereof, as the Discipline provides, he has made no acknowledgment of the fault, and has shown no proper humiliation, but continues impenitent, in violation of the Eules of the Discipline. [Signed] M. N. I 3. NEGLECT OF THE MEANS OF GKACE. Form No. V. 7b A. B., Preacher in Charge of. Circuit or Station : Dear Brother: Inasmuch as C. D., a Member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, had .or a long time neglected class-meetings, and havi»5 so neglected was visited by the Leader, who explained to him the consequences should he continue such neglect; and yet. notwithstanding such visit and explanation, he does not amend, but continues to neglect class-meetings, therefore the undersigned complains to you of the conduct of C. D., and hereby charges him as follows: 22. Miscellaneous. charge: habitual neglect of class-meetings. Specification. The said C. D., unmindful of his duty, and in violation of the Eules of the Discipline, does habitually neglect class-meetings. [Signed] M. N. [Note.—It is sufficient to charge the offense by its generic name, and after such charge the complaint may set forth in specifications as many instances of the offense as he may see proper to insert; provided, always, the specifications may sus¬ tain the charge. In preparing the charges and specifications care should be taken in setting out the offense, so to describe it in each specification as that it shall embody the essential ele¬ ments of the offense, that the accused may be apprised more certainly of the»nature of the charge upon which he is to be arraigned and tried.] 22. Order of a Trial. For the sake of convenience the following is sub¬ mitted as the order of proceedings in a Trial Com' mittee: 1. Devotional exercises. 2. Appointing of Secretary. 3. Appointing or recognizing Counsel. 4. Challenge, waived or decided. 5. Reading and introducing of Charges. 6. The accused admits or denies the Charge. 7. The testimony for the prosecution introduced. 8. The testimony for the defense presented. 9. Eebuttals for prosecution and defense. 10. Arguments. First. For prosecution covering the whole ground. Second. For defense in full. Third. The prosecution closes without introducing any new matter. 378 Miscellaneous. 23, § 1. 11. The Committee takes the case for decision, the accused and the accuser retiring. The Members of the Committee may refresh their minds through reference to the testimony, which they may consider until they are ready to vote. In voting, the Chairman submits the question on the first specification, and asks, Is this specification sustained? He takes a vote on each specification in the same manner until all are voted on. Then he asks, Do the specifica¬ tions sustained, sustain the charge? If the vote is affirmative, the penalty must be according to the grade of offense. If the vote on sustaining the charge is negative, then the Chairman shall ask, What grade of offense do the specifications sustain ? If in the judgment of the Committee the specifica¬ tions do not sustain any grade of offense, the accused shall be acquitted; but if in its judgment, the specifi¬ cations sustained some minor offense, the penalty shall be accordingly. 12. The findings will then be written and must conform exactly to the votes of the charge and speci¬ fications, and signed by the majority, but no member of the Committee shall be compelled to subscribe to what he did not vote for. 13. The Chairman shall then announce the find¬ ings in order of the specifications, and the sentence which the Discipline requires. 23. What Constitutes a Circuit Qf Station. § 1. A circuit is a city, town, district, or circle, taking in several societies, whose temporal concerns 23, § 2. Miscellaneous. are conducted by separate bodies of Trustees or Stewards, according to their charters or constitutions, and consequently require separate Trustees and Leaders' Meetings. I 2. A station is a city or town where there is but one society (though haying several houses of worship), whose temporal concerns are conducted by one body of Trustees or Stewards, or one Leaders' Meeting. f 24. The Correspondence School, $ 1. "The Correspondence School established by the Board of Bishops of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Zion Church is hereby incorporated. At the first Quarterly Conference held each year an educational session shall be held, at which all the Traveling Preachers who have not finished their four years' course of study, and Local Preachers residing in the circuit or station, together with the Exhorters, shall be examined by the Presiding Elder or his proxy in the studies designated for them by the Book of Discipline, including those of the Correspondence School." I 2. All failing to pass said examination shall pursue the studies prescribed for them in the Corre¬ spondence School. I 3. At each succeeding Quarterly Conference the students atorenamed shall be examined, and the results reported to the ensuing Annual Conference. § 4. A collection shall be raised yearly in every Church for Ministerial Education, which shall be 380 Courses of Study. 24, § 4. devoted by the Quarterly Conference next ensuing to the following objects, namely: 1. To establish and maintain a library, which shall retain all that is required in the Conference Course of Study or the Correspondence School. 2. To provide a supply of books to lend to those members of the Quarterly Conference who desire, or are required, to pursue a course of study in the Correspondence School. 3. To furnish such literature as may be desired by the Preachers' Institute. 4. All the surplus of said collection shall be used in augmenting the library of the Sunday Schools. 381 Miscellaneous. FORM OF DEED, Deed. TO Deed—Consideration, $- Dated. day of- , ig Filed for Registration on the. day of , ip , at. o1 clock, M., and registered in the office of the Regis¬ ter of Deeds for. County, , this. day of- /p , at. d clock, M., in Book . cf Deeds, on Page. , &>c. Register of Deeds. «t25. IT 25. 382 Miscellaneous. H25. State of , County. made this day of , 19 , by of. County, State of. , to Trustees of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America, of. County, State of. , WITNESSETH, That said. , in consideration of 100 Dollars, to paid by Trustees of the Church aforesaid, the receipt of •which is hereby acknowledged, ha bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell, and convey to said Trustees, their associates and successors in office, a. of land in County, State of adjoining the land of. and others, bounded as follows, viz : 383 Miscellaneous. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract- and all privileges and appur¬ tenances thereto belonging. Intrust that said prem¬ ises shall be used, kept, maintained, and disposed of as a place of Divine Worship for the use of the Ministry and membership of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Zion Church in America: subject to the Discipline, usage, and Ministerial appoint¬ ments of said Church, as from time to time author¬ ized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and the Annual Conference in whose hounds the said premises are situate.—Provided, how¬ ever, that no pastor nor trustee Board shall mort¬ gage or sell any property of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church without the written consent of the Bishop of the District qr the Annual Confer¬ ence. And the said convenant.... that seized of said premises in fee simple, and ha... the right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free from all incum¬ brances, and that will warrant and defend the said title to the same, against the claims of all persons whatsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said ha... hereunto set hand.. .and seal... the day and year above written. (L.S.) Attest: 384 Miscellaneous. II 25. State ol County. Be it Remembered, That on the day of. , ig t before me, personally appeared , the grantor named in the foregoing Deed, who acknowl¬ edged the due execution thereof, by. as. act and deed; and thereupon the safd being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her free consent to the execution of said deed, she sn such, her examination, declares that she executed the same freely, of her own will and accord, and without any force, fear, or undue influence of her said husband, or any other person, and does still volun¬ tarily assent thereto, and hereby relinquishes her right of dower in said land. Let the said deed, with this certificate„ be regis¬ tered. Probate Judge. 25 885