MINUTES of The FORTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the CHATTAHOOCHEE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, HELD WITH THE Church at Pleasant Mill, Hall County, Ga, October 9th» 10th and l&th, 1869* •o« GAINESVILLE, GA. 5 Air-Lin© Eagle Joto Offio© i J. E. REDWINE, 1-ROPRIETORi I860. Pleasant Hill, Hall County, Ga., October 9.1), 1S69. The Delegates met at the above place orr the 9th at ] 1 o'clock; when th© Introductory Sermon was delivered by Elder J, E, Rives, from Paul's first Letter to Timoth, 13th verse—"But if I tarry long, &c." After a short inter- mission the.Association convened. Prayer by Elder J. M. Dowdy. 1. Called the roll of Churches, and recorded Delegates names. 2. Opened the way for the reception of Churches into this body, when the Church at Holly Spring, with a letter of recommendation from the Clarkesville Association was received ; also the Churches at Corinth and Apalachy, newly constituted, was received. 3. Elected Brethren J. E. Rives, Moderator, and M. A.Cain, Clerk. 4. Appointed the following Committees, viz : On Preaching—Brethren G. G. Thompson, B. J. Rice, Wtti. "Wheeler and H. B. Cobb. On Arrangement—Brethren W. C. Smith, D. J. Mattox, L. Chapman, J. M. Davis, Moderator and Clerk. On Finance—H. B. Cobb, J. C, Harrison and W. M. Jones. On Sabbath Schools—W. C. Smith, J. M. Davis'and*G. G. Thprapsoa.' ^ On Deceased Ministers and Blembers—J. L. Chapman, H. N#Rainey,D. J. Mattox, J. L. Phillips and J. M. Dowdy. 2 o Arrange Sections of the Associations—J. R. H. Luck, J. Armstrong, I>. J. Mattox and W. C Smith. 5. Called for correspondence from sister Associations. Received from' Sa- repta Brother H. C. Appleba: from Liberty Association, Brother H. R. Kim- zey and N. C. Nicholson ; from Lawrenceville Association, Wm. Haslet A. K. Tribble, S. Cross, A. H. Holland, E. K. Head and M. S. Pool * from High- tower Association, J. A. Hope and Elison Hope and a package of Minutes. 6. Invited Ministers, not Messengers, to seats with us. Invitation accept¬ ed by Brother S. M. Roberts. 7. Resolved, That; this Association will not receive any minister to a seat with us, who cannot readily 6how the Church and Association to which he be¬ longs; and we further advise the several Churches of this Association not to invite any minister into their pulpit who cannot make the above showing. ' 8. Leave of absence was granted to A. J. Thompson and Bennet Whitmire the balance of the session. $ 9. After prayer by the Moderator the Association adjourned until Monday morning 9 o'clock. 19. On Sunday the stand was occupied by Brethren Kimzey, Chapman and Davis, in the order of their names, to a large and orderly congregation with good effect, (Brother Chapman preachibg the Missionary Sermon). 11. Met Monday morning according to adjournment. Prayer by Elder A, K:. Tribble, 12. Received and adopted the report of the Arranging Committee. 13. Called the roll of Churches and marked absentees. 14. Renewed the call for correspondents, 15. Called fori read and adopted the Circular Letter asjprepared by Elder J. E, Rives. 16. Called for the report of the Committee on arranging Sections, and adop¬ ted the same, adding Corinth and Holly Spring to the Ist Sec, and Apalachy Church to the 3rd Sec; 17. Appointed union meetings as follows: For 1st Section, at Dewbury No, 1, Friday before tbe first Sunday in August—attended by Brother W. C. Smith. At Yellow Creek, Friday before tbe 3rd Sunday in August—attended by Brethren D. J Mattcx and W. C. Smith For 2nd Section, at Pleasant Hill, Friday before the 4th Sunday in July—attended by Brethren D.J. Mat- tox. J. E. Rives, J. M Dowdy, W C. Smith and J. M.Davis, For the 3rd Section, at Ft iendship, Friday before the 3nd Sunday in August—attended by Brethren J. L. Phillips, \V. M. Jones and M. E Tt mlin For the 4th Sec¬ tion, at Timber Ridge, Friday before the 3rd Sunday in July—attended by Brethren D J. Mattox, J' L,. Phiilipps and J. L. Chapman. 18. Received and adopted the report ori Sabbath Schools as follows: We the Committee find on examination, that there are hut ten Sabbath Schools in the bounds of our Association, consisting of 325 students, besides supsrintend- ant and teachers ; and a portion of said schools have good libraries And we recommend the several churches of this Association to a more vigorous , effort in behalf of Sabbath Schools, • W. C. Smith^ Ch'm 19. Received and adopted the report on Deceased Ministers and Members as follows : We, the Committee, on examination find that God, in his gracious Providence, has spared the lives of all the ministers of this Association the present year > for which we feel grateful to (he Giver of all good. And we fur¬ ther find that only 17 of our lay-members have departed this life since our last meeting. We are consoled after, reflection, that our loss is their eternal g in. J. L. Chapman, Ch'rfl. 20. Appointed correspondents to sister Associations : To the Ilightower at New Harmony Cnutch, 8 miles north of Cumming,'Forsyth county,, Friday before the 2nd Sanday in August next—Elder W. C. Smithy messenger. To Sarepta, at Black's Creek Church 4 miles east of Harmony Grove, Jackson county, Saturday before the 4th Sunday in September next—Brethren J. L. Phiilipps, W, C. Smith, D, J Mattox and H. B Cobb, messengers, To- Clarkesville Association'—Brethren J. M Dowdy and J L. Chapman, messengers. To La wrencfcville Association, at Hog Mountain, 8 miles north of Lawrenceville. Saturday before the 4th Sunday in August next—Brethren W. C Smith, D J. Mattox, J. L. Phillips, W. M. Jones and J. M, Dowdy, messengers. To Chestatee Association, at Nitnhlewill Church, Saturday be¬ fore the 3rd Sunday in October pext—C. W. Stargel, messenger. To Liberty Association, at Antioch Church, 5 miles east of Clarkesville, Friday before the 1st Sunday in October next-r-Brother W. A. Cain, messenger. 21. The Committee on Finance report $40,80, minute fund. , . W. A. Cain, Ch'm. 22. The Executive Committee beg leave to report that we have on hand from last year as Missionary fond $23,45 Sent up from the Churches $17,00. Collected at the Stand on Sunday $36,00. Total " $66,45 H, B. Cobb, Ch'm. 23, Appointed Ex, Com., viz : J, R. H. Luck, II. B. Cobb, J. II. Parks, Win. Wheeler and Jasper Blackstock. Mi®o®llan©ous 1. Granted a letter of dismission to the Church at Cane Creek. 2. Quart/'— From the union meeting, of the 1st section held at Savannah Church : Is it, best to continue our union meetings without ministerial lobor, or discontinue (hem for the future ? Answer, No. 8. Elected Elder, W. C. Smith to preach our next introductory Sermon; Elder, J. M. Davis, alternate. Elder, J. E R ives to preach the Missionary Sermon ; Elder J. M. Davis, alternate. Elder J. L. Chapman, to write Cir¬ cular Letter. 4. Agreed that the Clerk have the Minute fund expended in printing copies of our Minutes, and distributing the same, reserving seven dollars for his services. 5. Agreed to hold our next Anniversary with the Church at Zion, Jackson county 1J£ miles west of Jefferson, on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Oct, next, at II o'clock a. m. After an affectionate address, by the Moderator and prayer by Elder W. C. Smith. The Association adjourned unto the time and place above mentioned, J. E. RIVES, Moderator. W. A. CAIN, Clerk. Names and Address of Ministers of the Association- J. E. Rives, Gainesville. J. M Dowdy, Dahlonega W. C. Smith, *« C. W. Stergil, S. M.Roberts, '• G B.Hall, Dawsonville P. T. Reynolds, 14 J. L. Philips, Hog Mountain J. !L. Chapman, " M. E. Tumlin, " D. S. McCurry, *' W.M.Jones, Gumming J. G. McNorton, " G. L. Bagwell, Mulbery J. M. Davis, Cain's. G. T. Robinson, s( James Cain, *' P.»WiHiams, Chinquapin Grove J. Garner, Gainesville Licentiates. D. J. Mattox, Hog Mountain H. N. Rainey Mulberry. W- H. Bridges '• Ordajned. CIRCULAR LETTER. The Chatiahoochee Baptist Association, to the Churches she represents : We address you upon several subjects which we deem of great importance, As it is generally admitted by all well informed upon the subject, that a church <>t*Christ is a local organization within his visible Kingdom ; arid is composed of baptized believers in Christ, and no others ; and although there are thousands euch organizations, they are all independent of each other—having no rule of government except that given by Christ, their Head, and this should be obeyed in every respect reverently. Each Church is a Judiciary Executive Body, to adjudicate every case arising among its members, and execute the laws cf the kingdom in every case of discipline—in all cases according to Scripture. 'J be officers of a Church are Deacons and Pastors. The duty ol ^Deacons is to attend to the temporalities of the Church ; to do this, they must (ifcereive a great deal of self-denial, They should appeal tb every memier df the icboreh (except those so poor that they are objects of charily) for - contributions.,', aceor- dingto hiSor her ability ; to pay their paster ; to help the poor, arid for*; mis¬ sionary ancl other purposes. We do not advise thai pastors be made ri&h, ©or do wfe believe that real pastors desire it ; but they ought to have for themselves and families a reasonable support, and an allowance for educating Jhoir. chil¬ dren—their families the mean while, doing what they can in'way of" supporting themselves, and, with this help, to enable the families of pastors to live comfor¬ tably when they are dead and gone. Then our pastors would have no right to, nor excuse for, engaging in any other busines for support. Nor do we believe tfeey would have even a desire to do so. £tfo minister should indulge himself in indolence, nor^houlA any 'ehurcfi re¬ cognize any man as a minister, who is notoriously lazy ;; hut study to sho^ him¬ self approved unto God—a workman that need hot be afthamed—rightly divid¬ ing the word of truth, and carry out, practically, all the duties of a minister of thi; Gospel. And in morals he should be a patern of piety. However desirable it may be, it is not practiqable to have preaching in each Church every Sabbath, we therefore recommend the Brethren (as msny as can) to meet every Sabbath, and in some Scriptural way worship God, and thus publicly acknowledge their obligation, to rementber the Sabbath day and to ke^p it holy. This could be done in connection with your Sabbath Schools, I of* we insist upon it that there should be such a school in every Church, well supplied with suitable bogbs, Superintendents, and teachers- The first and most important object; of Sabbath Schools is to lead the,-.pupils to Christ, and in order to do this they should among other things, b.e taught the necessity of ab¬ staining from the use of intoxicating spirits, as a beverage, and to keep.oui of bpd company as much as possible- -Under existing laws it,is probable that dif¬ ficulties may in some instnces arrase among some of ?your tnembers-in settle- mem of debts. In order to preserve that fellowship which* should-exist in the Churches -and among their members, it will be best for each Chureh tp decide in such cases between her members, as well as in other cases. Carry oUt the pl^ns laid down in this Circular, and we doubt not but" great good will result fr$m it. It is gratifying to say^hat for many years this Association has en¬ joyed uninterrupted peace, and a good degree of prosperity for which we are truly grateful to God, STATISTICS OF TUB CBEUE.CHES. CHURCHES Yellow Creek Cool Spring Sardis Dewbury, No 1 Union Cane Creek Dewbury, No 2 Savannah Corinlh Holly Spring Sec. 2nd Bethel Salem PI easanl Hill Flat Creek Sec. 3rd Shoal Creek Friendship Mt. Moriah Zion Bethabara Apalachy SeC. 4th Hopewell Harmony Timber Ridge Gainesville Hail Lumpkin Hall Dawson Hall Forsyth 4 4 Hall Gwinnett Jackson •« Gwinnett Hail POST OFriCEC DELEGATES NAMES. 53, f ? I o ?»§?, Rives Gainesville J E Rivee, B G Rives, J T Rives, B Parks, 12 11 18 2 o 248 10 258 8 1 8 55 G»t ner 44 J Smith, S Alberts n [J H Parks 5 3 1 7 1 157 1 158 2 1 00 Rives a i G Thompson, F A Stovers 2 12 20 1 Id 76 4 1 00 C AG it J R H Luck, R A Gowder o 5 21 I 78 78 1 2 00 dissolved SAD Dnhlnnega J M Dowdy, C W Stargel* 27 8 19 19 4 1 1 10 CAW Gainesville J L Chapman, D S McOurry* 13 1 4 119 3 2 00 Garner Dawsonviile G B Hall, Thomas Goswick* 1 1 1 S9 3 82 4 75 Smith Gainesville A J Thompson* Bennett Whitmire* 1 83 83 2 I 2'. Nicholson Polksville J Highsmith, J B Davis. 3 1 1 22 oo 4 T 00 Blanton Cumming •I Armstiong, B J Rice. 15 11 8 2 183 138 2 1 2 00 Phillips W M Jones, P J Hutch ins 25 24 8 5 2 1 144 144 i 1 !2 00 Mattox Gainesville a H Cain, J D Bagwell 1 1 1 2 88 88 4 1 76 Phillips " I L Phillips, Berry Ragwoll, 6 2 2 5 2 105 5 HO 3 1 75 not represented. • Mattox Hog Mt D J Mattox, Wm Wheeler, Wm Phillips 3 16 4 163 '63 o 2 35 Davis Cai n 's T M Davis, M A Cain, G L Bagwell, 4 2 5 17 3 1 175 3 178 1 1 2 00 Davis Mulb erry H J Randolph, J D McEver, 16 11 2 t 103 103 4 2 00 Davis 1 II N Rainey, J R Wall 5 7 61 61 0 1 30 P Williams, A Dodd. 19 i. 1 I 00 Smith Gainesville H B Cobb, C C Bell J Owen. R Howington 25 ' 3 7 3 222 7 229 i 1 3 00 Smith J C Harrison, Wm Mangum. | 6 2 2 103 1 104! 3; 1 60. C & K <4 P T Raynolds* J B Coffee* W Barton, alt, , 1 J 1 2 24 3 i 120 8|123 3 1 9 00 Rives U W C Smith, R Hawkins, J Black stock /» 4 1 8 172 lfi'137 14 OQ'S