■Mi sS 'M G: IS MI1VTJXES of tee 30TH ANNUAL SESSION. of the © HELD WITH THE YAHOOLA CHURCH, Lumpkin County, Ga., Oct. 17tli. 1868. (# II yS fe 3 DAHLONEGA, GA. / MOUNTAIN SIGNAL JOB OFFICE j. w. woodward, proprietor, 1868. JBSg*" CLERKS of Associations will find that we execute work neat, quick, and cheap. And always print the required number of minutes for the money on hand. Work solicited from all sections and prompt at¬ tention given to the same. Work sent by mail, accompanied with the cash, will be as promptly attented to'as if handed in in person. J. W. Woodward, Proprietor Signal Office. PROCEEDINGS; 1. According to appointment tire Chestatee Association met to daand at 11. o'clock A. M., Elder Martin Free preached the introductory sermon, from the 1st Epistle of John. 4th Chapt, and 11 verse; the Delegates then met in the house and were called to order by the Moderator. Prayer by Elder J. "W. Hughes. 2. Read Letters from 18 Churches and enrolled Delegates names. 3. Opened the way for reception of Churches, into our union, when Hightower applied by letter, and delegates, which was cordially received. Also Concord of Fannin co., was received. 4. Re-elected Wm. Pruett Moderator and H. G. King Clerk. 5. Invited visiting Ministers, not Messengers, to seats with us, accepted by J. J. Stargell, T. J. Holden, R. C. Wootten, J. M. McBayer. 6. Called for correspondence from sifters assocations, and re¬ ceived from Hightower by her messenger, A. W. Richards, a package of minutes. No Letter. From Clarksville by C. W. Ash, their messenger. From Notly River J. R. Christopher, their messenger. From the mountain, a package of minutes, no messenger. 7. Appointed Committees as follows: On preaching, L. Spivey, J. R. Blackwell, M. Lance, J. Hood, J. L. England. On Finance, J. Seabolt and J. Simmons. On Deceased Mem¬ bers, B. Cerby and J. W. Hughes. On Arrangment, M. Free, M. M. Roberts, B. Cerby, with the Moderator and Clerk. 8. Omitted appointing a committee on Sabbath Schools, up¬ on the grounds,we don't think we have any right to have them published in our minutes—not that we oppose Sabbath Schools. 9. Adjourned tell 9 o'clock, Monday Morning. Prayer by Elder J. F. Holden. 1 . 10. Sabbath, the stand was occupied by J- F. Holden, J. K. Cowen, B. Cerby and Wm. Pruett, to a large and well order- ed Congregation and we trust with good affect. 11. Monday Morning, met persuaut to Adjournment—Pray¬ er by Elder J. M. Blackwell. 12. Called for the report of the Arranging Committee which •was read and received—Committee Discharged. 13. Renewed the call for correspondence. 14. Renewed the call for transcient ministers. Excepted by T. Postelle. 15. Called the roll. 1G. Called for the Circular Letter, prepared by Elder J. M. Blackwell, on the subject of Sabbath Schools, which was reciev- ed, but give our advice that they are matters of Churches and Communities and not with Associations, and as such, we recom¬ mend Sabbath Schools. 17. Read the Rules of Decorum. 18. Appointed Correspondence to sister Associations To the Hightcwer, which is to Convene with the Bethany Church, Commencing on Friday before the Second Sabbath in August, next, Messengers J. M. Blackwell, J. Etres, J. L. Wehunt; Toccoa, Commencing with the Antioch Church two miles south of Morganton, on Friday, before the 1st Sabbath in September, Messengers, J. Cochran, R. Presly; Little River commencing on Saturday before the third Sabbath in August next, Ales en- ger, Wm. Pruett, J. Barnes, E C. Barnes; Chattahoochee, com¬ mencing on Saturday before the second Sabbath in October, next, Messengers, J. R. Blackwell, W. Staton, W. C. Pitnev; Clarksville, commencing with the Sardis Church White Co., on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in August next, six miles east of Cleveland, Alessengers S. Gouch, A. Wofiord, ET.*«P. Fer¬ guson; Mountian, commencing on Friday before third Sabbath in August, Alessengers L. Spivey, J. W. Brown, B. Cerby; Not- ly River, eight miles west of Blairsville, Alessengers, J. W. Hughes, J. Seabolt, Al. M. Roberts, M. Brookshear, H. Ingram, J. G. Jarrard, 19. Resolved, that we request the Assocations to receive our messengers into their several bodies by their presenting a copy of these minutes. 20. Answered a querryfrom the New Bethel Church—quer- ry, has the church a right to bring in question one of her mem¬ bers, for their political sentiment, or for enjoying the liberty of any other organization that does not effect their christain mor¬ al—'Answer, No. 21. Called for the report of deceased members, which is as- follows : Your committee on deceased members beg leave to make the following reports : fiincsKrur last session Zion Church has lost one of her members, old father David-Jarrard, aged 88 tie professed religion in bis early age but never joined tne church till a few years before his death ;ghe died in the full triumph of a living faith. Also, Mount Pleasant Church has lost on e of her members old sister McKinney, aged 83 years—lived in the church 40 years and was a pious and good member all her days ; Also Tesentee Church has lost one of her members, sister Mary Etris, aged 62 years, lived in the church 22 years a good and pious member all her life. We sympathize with their friends but believing our loss is their great gain. B. KERBY, Chairman. 22. Appointing union meetings for section 1st at Bethlehem, Hall, commencing on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in August next, to be attended by D. S. McCurry, E. J. Ferguson; for section 2nd at Faders creek commencing on Friday before the 1st Sabbath in September next, to be attended, by Wm. Pruetb, J. W. Hughes; for section 3rd at Bethlehem, Lumpkin, com¬ mencing on friday before the 1st Sabbath in August next to be attended by J. M. McBrayer, Wm. Pruett. 23. Appointed the next session of this body to be with the Nimblewill Church 11 miles northwest of Dahlonega commen¬ cing on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath' in October, 1869. Appointed J. W. Hughes to preach the next Introductory Ser¬ mon and Baily Kerby, to be his Alternate. 24. Called on the Finance Committee who report 30 dollars and 36 cents. Appointed the clerk to superintend the printing and distribution of 600 copies of these minutes and that he re¬ tain 5 dollars for his services. 25. Resolved that we tender our thanks to the Yahoola Church and the,vicinity around her, for her kind hospitality in enter¬ taining this body, while in session. After an interesting exertation by Elder M. Free and Pray¬ er by Elder M. M. Roberts. Adjourned. WILLIAM PRUETT, M. P. H. G. KING, Clerk. The Cliestatee Baptist Association to the Churches of which she is Composed—Greeting. Beloved Brethren :—We address you in our circular this year on the Bubjeet of Sabbath Schools, The word of God enjoins it upon parents to bring up their children in the nurture;,and admonition of the Lord. The inspired writer says. '^Prain up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he yull not depart from it, "Prov. 22d and 6. This injunction isS upon , all parents in every age dfc dispensation. One of the .great commandment is : "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it-ho¬ ly." As we are required to keep the Sabbath holy, is it ndt our duty as parents to see that our children violate not this great commandment, and, also, to give them daily instruction in re¬ gard to the holy scripture, and also to educate our children so as they may be enabled to read for themselves the word of truth. Brethren, as it has been the will of our Heavenly Fath¬ er to scurge our country with the depravities of a fc|oody war on account of which literature and good morals have been greatly impaired, we deem it our duty to recommend as an air ternative for the deprivation of the times, Sabbath Schools, as we have already experienced much and lasting good which Ms derived therefrom, as under the present circumstances the poor of our country has become numerous. State funds have exhausted rendering it impossible for the poor of our country to acquire an education unless partly assisted by Sabbath Schools. We further see that the intelligent baptist of our day recommend Sabbath Schools in their bounds. From the Chattahoochee Association we read the following. "We find upon enquiry that there is but six Sabbath Schools in the churches composing this body. We find that there is no poor school funds in the counties which our churches are located and that there is a vast number of orphan children and poor children in our bounds who are likely to be raised without ed¬ ucation unless educated in part by Sabbath Schools." We also see Sn the minutes of the Hightower Association that they re¬ commend a Sabbath School in every church in their body from which we can clearly ascertain the judgment of that body. We are grateful to ascertain that there are already interesting and /fell ordered Sabbath Schools in this section of country Thou¬ sands of verses of scripture have been memorized by these S ab- bath School scholars during the past season. Dear brethren, as we think this to be one of the great insti¬ tutions of the day, not claiming it to be any part of the church but an auxillery to the church in preparing material for it, as the Saviour said. "Search, the scriptures, for in them ye think "ye hate eternal life, and they are they which testify of .me." Paul says relative to the same subject in writing to a young Timothy,where he commended his parents for their hav¬ ing properly "trained him in his childhood. "From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which is able to make the wise umto salvation through faith, that is in Christ Jesus." "We be¬ lieve that Timothy's parents had instructed him, sabbath after sabbath, in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. "With these considerations is it not our duty as brethren and as christians ■to reebmmend every church in this association to establish •sabbath schools, and encourage our children to engage therein, and Should we not as parents meet with them there and instruct them in all biblical knowledge. How beautiful to see the youths of our country engage, sabbath after sabbath, reading the bible asking and answering scriptural questions bringing the young and tender minds to the proper channel of scriptu¬ ral truth es. Dear Brethren; as the limits of a circular is not comprehen¬ sive enough to give a full detail of this important subject, we submit to you the above. ■ May the great head of the church ever lead, guide, and direct Vou, is our prayer. Amen. J. M. BLACKWELL. NAMES AND ADDBECS OF MINISTERS: OBDA1NED t Martin Free Dahlonega, Ga. Wtn. Pruett.. f 'leveland, Ga. "Baijv Kerby /*.... .Blairsville. Ga. J. M, Blackwell .Duhlonega, Ga. M. M. Roberds. ... " J. W. Hughes Morganton.Ga. Wm. Franklin, LICENTIATES : H. P. Fagana. T< till >ii' -i, Ga. Thomas Curtis , BlairN illt\ Ga. J. M. Brown. Statement of the Churches : C p. F 2 CD CO fD C"+* to CD O W CD 03 e* c 55 Dead Excl 1 F o e-^ CD O II CHURCHES. COUNTIES. BY WHOM SUPPLIED. DELEGATES «AMES : POST OFFICES k p D c+- p e-t- CD 03 U1 CD & V F CD O >~i CD P" a* VI F CD. B Cj