-^IbAIILTTTTIES^- CE4jOF THEJjq) 3 1 S T ANNUAL SESSION dVfcOF THE<^*(D ikju I held with the NIMBLEWILL CHURCH, LumpkinCo., Ga.? Oct. lOtli, 1869. MOUNTAIN SIGNAL PRINT, J. W. WOODWARD, Proprietor, 18G9. Note :—Associations making estimates for minutes should be restricted by the following regulations : S:n< I mi nr. top, without Circular Letter, for the Erst hundred $6.00 ■ For - - Iditional hundred 4.00 i / Mi <. vi, ' --eular Letter, first hundred 10.00 For each subsequent hundred .jJ/Ktf| ■ uv in registered packages, will be neatly printed y i )rw directed. Address J. W. WOODWARD, 'roprietor "Signal Office," Dahlonega, Ga, IF^OCIEIEIDI^GrS: 1. According to last year's arrangement, the Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder J. W. Hughes, from Haggai the 2d chapt. and 7th vrs. 2. After thirty minutes recess, the delegates convened in the house. Our former Moderator not being present, by motion, Eld. M. Eree, was invited to the chair, till the Association was organized—prayer by Eld. R. C. Wootten. 3. M. M. Roberts and D. J. Burt read letters and the Clerk enrolled delegates names. 4. Called for petitionary letters—none applied. 5. Elected Eld. J. M. Blackwell, Moderator and H. G. King, Clerk G. Invited visiting ministers, not messengers, to seats with us. 7. Called for correspondence and received from Hightower Association, her letter and minutes, from the hands of D. J. Burt and A. Shuffield, their messengers. Also from the Toccoa, a letter from the hands of Wm. B. Yandergriff and W. Ratley, their messengers; from the Clarkesville, A. F. Underwood and F. D. Okelly, messengers. No minutes nor letter; from the Chattahoochee, B. G. Hall, their messenger—received a letter from the Mountain—no messenger; from the Notley River a package of minutes, from the hand of L. J. Duncan their mes¬ senger. 8. Appointed committees as follows: On preaching, J. M. Barnes, R. C. "VYootten, J. Barnes, J. Seabolt, L. Spivey.— Adopted for this year, the report of the arranging committe of our last session. On Finance, G. "VY. Blackwell, Wm. Abber- crumbia; on deceased members, M. M. Roberts, J. "VY. Hughes, J. M. Blackwell. Adjourned till 9 o'clock, Monday morning— prayer by D. J. Burt. 9. Sabbath—Elders A. F. Underwood, D. J. Burt, L. J. Dun¬ can, A. Mabery, occupied the stand, in the order of their names, to an unusual large and well ordered congregation; and from the deep feeling which was manifested we have reason to hope that much good will result from the days labor. 10. Monday morning—met persuant to adjournment—prayer by M. M. Roberds. 11. Called the roll. 12. Renewed the call for trancient Ministers—accepted by Eld. W. J. Wootten. 13. Read the rules of Decorum. 14 Appointed correspondence as follows: To the Hightower, to commence Friday before the 2d Sabbath in August, 1870, eight miles North of Cumming—messengers, C. P. Dens- moo re, H. P. Fagans, R. C. Wootten, C. H. Boyd, C. Abber- crumbia; to the Toccoa, to convene with the Macadonia Church, commencing on Friday before the first Sabbath in Sept, 1870 ; messenger's, J. M. Blackwell, S. Jones, J. L. Weahunt, J. "VV. Hughes, H. W. Ward; to the Little River, commencing Satur¬ day before the 3d Sabbath in August, 1870, Milton County, Ga.-messengers, J. M, Barnes, J. Barnes J. M. Elackwell, H.G. King; to the Chattahoochee, commencing Saturday before the 2d Sabbath in Oct, 1870; messengers, G. H. Boyd, J. M, Black- well, J L. Weahunt, Wm. Abbercrumbia, J. Barnes; to $the Clarkesville to commence Friday before the 4th Sabbathin Au¬ gust, 1870, to convene with the Naucoochee Church, 9 miles North of Cleaveland—messengers, H. P. Fagans, J. S. Waters, L. Spivy, C. P. Densmoore, J. Atres, C. H. Boyd, J. W. Black- •well; to the Mountain to convene 9 miles east of Clayton, com¬ mencing Friday before the 3d Sabbath in August, 1870—mes¬ sengers Forester, J. S. Waters; to the Notly River, to convene with the Ivy Log Church, commencing on Friday before the 3d Sabbath in August, 1870—messengers H. W. Ward, D. J. Payne, J. A. Field, J. W. Hughes, J. Seabolt, John Seabolt and Wm. Brookshire, 14. Answered a Querry from Faders Creek Church. Quer- ry : Is it good order for the Church to invite any Minister in¬ to her stand to preach the Gospel who has never joined the Church ? Answer, No. And we will withdraw from any Church that does invite them. 16. Taken up a request from Concord Church, Fannin Co., requesting us to ordain D, J. Payne to the Ministry. We the Association recommend the Church to call in a presbytery and do her own work according to the usual costom of the Church. 17. Called on the committee on deceased Members, which made the following report: We your committee beg leave to make the following report: Since our last session Nimblewill Church has lost two of her members, sister Martha Cochran, who lived a pious member 20 years, but she has gone to reap her reward in the Spirit Land. Sister Delila Wehunt, who lived a pious member of the Nimblewill Church eleven years, she was afflicted four years with a Turner Cancer on her breast which was amputated eleven times by Doctor N. F. Howard and M. H. Vandyke. The first time it was taken off it weigh¬ ed nine lbs. and some ounces—the last two years of her life she professed to be perfectly willing to leave this world, stating to those who visited her that her time was near at hand and of¬ ten sung the song, "How long, oh Savour how long, shall this bright hour delay?" In her dying hour she exclaimed that she saw her mother and little sister and her brother Martin's h'ttle son, after she was too weak to be raised up. She prayed to God in behalf of her brothers for thier welfare on earth, and that they might meet her in Heaven. Also, Mt. Gilead Church has lost one of her members, sister Martha Gilbert. Also, Con¬ cord of Hall, has lost one of her members, old sister West, the wife of Eld. James West. Our sister was a pious member of the Baptist Church more than half a century. The last years of her life she ofcen expressed a desire to depart and reap her reward. The old sister is gone and her joys is now perfect. J. W. HUGHES, Chairman. 18. Appointed Union meetings as follows: Wauhoo, to com¬ mence Friday before the 1st Sabbath in August, to be attended by J. M. Blackwell, M. M. Roberds, H. P. Fagans, R. C. Woot- ten, D. J. Burt, W. J. Wooten, J. S. Waters, J. Gooch, J. L. Weahunt and J. M. Barnes; at Yahoola, to commence on Friday before the 3d Sabbath in July, to be attended by M. Roberts, J. W. Hughes, M. Free, A. F. Underwood, D. J. Payne, R. C. Wootten, F. D. Okelly, A. L. Legg, J. L. Weahunt, J. M. Barnes, J. Gooch, H. W. Ward, Wm. Abbercrumbie and J. Densmoore; at Mt. Ary, commencing on Friday before the 1st Sabbath in*July,'M. M. Roberds, H. P. Fagans, J. W. Hughes, W. J. Wootten. By motion, granted the second section two Union meetings. Appointed a Union meeting to convene with Concord Church, Fannin, on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in July, to be attended by J. M. Black well, M. M. Roberds and R. C. Wootten. 19. Appointed the next session of this body to be held with the Concord Church,'Hall County, two miles north of Polksville, commencing on Saturday before the 3d Sabbath in October, 1870. M. M. Roberds, to preach the Introductory Sermon, and J. M. Blackwell, his Alternate. 20. Called on the Finance committee, who report $25. Ap¬ pointed the Clerk to superintend the printing and distribution of as many copies of these minuets as the money would pro¬ cure after deducting five dollars for his services. 21. liesolvecl, That we tender our thanks to the Nimblewill Church and her vicinity, for her kind hospitality in entertain¬ ing this body while in session. After an interesting exhorta¬ tion, and prayer by the Moderator, the Association adjourned. J. M. BLACKWELL, Moderator. H. G. KING, Clerk. Articles of Faith. 1. We believe in one only true and living God, and there a wre a trinity of persons in the Godhead—the Father the Son a nd the Holy Ghost, and there are not three Gods, but one God. 2. We believe the Old and New Testaments are the words of G od, and the only rule of faith and practice. * 3. In the fall of Adam and the imputation of his sin to his po sterity, in the corruption of human nature and the impor- tan ice of man to recover himself by his own free will and ability. 4.. In election according to the foreknowledge of God the Fatl her, through sanctification of the spirit. 5. That sinners were justified in the sight of God only by the r ighteousness of Christ imputed to them. 6. That all those who was chosen in Christ will be effectu¬ ally c. %lled, regenerated, converted, sanctified, and supported by his power, so that they shall persevere in grace, and not one of them be finally lost. 7. T hat good works are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, and that they only justify us in the sight of men and angels, and are evidences of our gracious state. 8. That there will be a resurrection of thedeadand a gener¬ al judgement, and that the happiness of the righteous and punishment of the wicked will be eternal. Decorum. 1. This Association shall be composed of members who have been regularly chosen by their churches, and come recom- mended by letter, which shall represent their appointment, by the number of members in their church; also, the number which have been received, dismissed, ex-communicated, res¬ tored, or dead, in the past year. 2. This Association claims no power over the internal right of a church, as they do not wish to lord it over Gods heritage; but would only assume the character of an advising council consistant with which the wishes allow us to act. She shall have a Moderator and Clerk who shall be appointed anually, by members present, and shall stay in office until the next appointment. 3» No church shall be admitted to have more than three delegates in this Association, until her number in fellowship ex¬ cels one hundred, and then one delegate for every fifty mem¬ bers afterwards. 4. Every application made by a church for admittance into this Association, must be done by petition, by letter, and if found orthodox so as to be received, the Moderator shall tes¬ tify their reception by giving their delegates the rite hand o f followship. 5. No qnerry will receive the attention of this Associa¬ tion only those that are sent up under the authority and request of a church. 6. Every motion made and seconded, shall come under the observation of this Association, if considered in order; except it is withdrawn by the members who made it. 7. Every member who speaks in debate shall rise from his Beat, and address the Moderator, and shall not b6 interrupted while speaking, except he departs from the subject; but shall not be permitted to speak more than three times on one sub¬ ject, without leave of the Association. 8. This Association shall always begin and end each days business by prayer. The members must observe good order while in session and not absent themselves from the same, without leave of the Moderator. 9. The business which this Association designs to attend to will be such as comports with peace happiness and prosperity of Christs church on earth extending and strengthening the union of churches and corresponding Associations. 10. This Association Resolves t o itself the right to alter or amend its rules of government whenever a majority shalL think it necessary. NAMES AND ADDRESS OF MINISTERS IN THE ASSOCIATION. ORDAINED : Martin Free, Dahlonega John M. Blackwell, Dahlonega.... J. W.'Hughes, Morganton...... M. M. Roberds, Dahlonega, Baily Kerby, Blairsville R. C. Wootten " Wm. Franklin, Morganton LICENTIATES. H. F. Fagans, Dahlonega I Thomas Curtiss, Blairsville J.M.Brown, Hiwassee | D. J.Payne, Morganton........ Notb :—This Minute was handed in the 3d day after the adjourn¬ ment of the Association, and was printed and in the hands of the Clerk, ready for destribution, in one week from the time the Association ad¬ journed. We make this statement in order to show our Baptist friends the promptness with which we turn off work. J. W. WOODWARD. Statement of the Churches a CHURCHES. COUNTIES. SUPPLY. P. 0. DBEEGATES NAVES I Bethlaharn... Concord Mt. Gilead... Wauhoo Teaentee..... 'Hall, Hall...... Lumpkin .. Lumpkin .. White .... 1 Underwood & Chapman. Avgo R. C. Wootten Dahlonega Underwood & Mc'Curry . 1 Choestoa.... Yahoola .... Mt. Pisgah .. Zion...... .. Faders Greek New Bethel.. Mt. Pleasant. Mt. Ary Mt. Zion... Bethlaharn... Nimble will... High tower . Concord .... Union 1 Lumpkin .. Lumpkin .. Union Towns .... Fanuin .... Union. .... Blackwell & Fagans.... Dahlonega Pruett Loudsville D. S. Moose Blairsville. B. Kirby lliwassee. M. M. Roberts j Union Lumpkin .. Lumpkin .. Lumpkin .. Lumpkin .. Fanuin j.M. Blackwell f - Blackwell jDahlonega M. Free 'Dahlonega J. M. Blacktvell .'Dahlonega M. M. Roberds Dahlonega Hughs & Franklin..... .| J. W. Blackwell, C. H. Boyd,, J. Barnes, E. 0. Barnes, F. 0. BrOwn. Wm. Abbercrombia, J. P. Densmore.. .r. Eatres, J. Tate John Hood, J. S.Watters, H. G. King.. Jones Seaboit, R. Stancel 1. A. Garrett, John Seaboit, J. A Field... L. Spivey, A. Clarke ,. B. C. Bryan, H. Smith, J. Long........ II. W. Word, Wm. Brookshire,........ M. Brookshire, J. Gooch, E. Magness... C. Abbercrombia, J. Simmons, Bruce.. Jtf. Free, Thos. Davis, J. F. Head J. M.Blackwell, R 0. Wootten, M. Barnes M. M. Roberds, M. Lance, J. Pierce. .• • J. W. Hughes, D. J. Payne, A. Legg... '•13 & s* M O cr S- < Q- C7T- o* c+- CD C- 26^ 7 2 1 6 10 6. 4. 1 5f 1 1- 62 36 141 39 112 54 43 25 33 34 l: 2 0: 1! M Ctc3 O -i is cr ® W s. 200 160 250 160 200 200 150 50 100 125 50. 1. 130 76 4! 170 1* 130 2' 210 3l 150 25 2J 1W EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Mr. Bart Flanders 157136 FEB 1 1945