rE Gf cn9 V Tiie Kijzkvir Library. | .. l. tt? nt Vol.. VI. No. 298. £. Cr "tain conc^ •a^e bee:. rn xx ^ve T H n - THRESHOLD of the GODS BY MAURICE THOMPSON. NEW YORK: JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER, 303 Pearl Street. Entered at the Post-Office, New York, as Second-class matter. fe/r. Library. ype, and unabridged, -rices named. p Van Winkle. WaRi^ltmi Irving 2o lie Burning of Rome. Cuuuu Farrar 2o fa rue W inls <>f Washington: Farewell Address, etc... So 11 Life of Washington Irving. K. H. Stoddard ,... fc 5 Sea-Serpents of Science. Prof. Andrew Wilson 2c 6 Enoci Ardeu. Alfred Tennyson go 7 Tie Motive and Habit of Heading. Prof. Chas. F. Richardson.... 2o 8 Life of Frederick the tireat. 'i'. B. Macaulay So 10 Queen Mabel, add other Poems. EUeji Tracy Alden , 2c If Life >f Sir Isaac Newton. Junius Purton 2o 12 World Smashing. Earthquakes, Lunar Volcanoes. Wil'iams 2c 18 A Half Hour in Natural History. PiesioentS. H. Piabody, 2c 14 Bunyau's Pilgrim's Progress. oomph te : illuslraied 8e 15 American Humorists. Washington Irving ., 2c 16 Life of Gustavo D >ri. Illustrated. F. il. Norton. 2c 11 Aineric in Humorists.—Oliver Wend' II Holmes 2c 16 The Orie'.iet on the Hearta. Illustrated. i buries Dickens..,...,... 8c lft Ain rican Humori-to- Junes Russell Lowell... .a.. 3c 2i) American Hum irists.—Art'-m-is Waid , .-. ^ 2c 21 American Humorists.—Mark Twain 2c 2,'i C»saf. Ancient Olassics f ir E -glidi Readers 10c 23 Hiiro lotus. Anci'ht Classics i i- English Readers... lie 2b Cioero. Ancient CIissics for Eu. lish Readeis.., 10c 25 The Deserted Villa re; Traveller, ttc. Olivi r Goldsmith.... 2c 26 The Cotter's S it irday Night, and other Poems.«JB.obeJ t Burns...,. 2c 27 H >w Lisa Loved the Ei'isS George Elint 2c 28 S mgs of Seven, and other Poems. Jean Int i lew 2o 29 D^m isthenes. Ancient Classics for Fiudi.-h R< aders lllc 50 Hirhwayt of Literature. Prof. David Pride,, k 8c 51 Aristotle. Aneimt Classics f >r English Readers 10c 33 Plato. Ancient Cla-'sies for English Readers 10c 34 Horace. Anci -nt Classics for English Renin rs , loc 85 Life of Ales. II. StQph°ns. IHustrnt d. F. H. Norton 8c 36 Schiller's 3 >ng of the Bell and ether Poems. Translated 2c 37 Pearls of the F or Islam's R -sory. Edwin Arnold lllc 88 Life of Richard Wagner. Wt h Port'nit Eeitha lliomas 2c 39 Juvenal. Ancient Clns-ies for English Readers lllc 40 S mshlne, and otVr Stories. Illustrated. Ellen Tracy Alden 2c 41 Life of P -ter C >op r. Illustrated. C. Edwards Lester + 8o 42 The Civilizations of Asia. George Bawlinson 2c 43 Bil Inism. Prof. John Caird..., ...^ j 2c 44 Evidences of Evoluii >n. Prof. T. H. Huxley 2c 45 Tacitus. Ancient lassies for E"gli li Readers ,.10c 46 The Philosophy of Stvle. Herb'rt i pel cer 8c 50 Choice Biography. Nos. 4,11, 16, 38, combined..., 8o 51 Fables from ^Esop. Illustrated, 2c 62 Siudbad the Sailor. From The Arabian TCfpht~ 2c 53 Some Adventures of Baron Munchausen 2c 56.The St irv-Teller, and other Tales.- Illustrated. Fans Andersen.... 8o 57 Fiirv Tales, and other Stories. Illus trati d. EajiS * udersen 8o 68 Shoes of Fortune, an i oth-r Stories. Iilustnted. Hans Auderst n. 8c -69 The Ohrlstm is Greeting, an I other ftoi jes. Illus. Hans Andeisi n, 8o 60 The lee M ild-m, and oth-c Stories. Illustrated. Eatis Andersen.. 8o 61 The Picture Rook without Pictures. Illustrated. Hans Andersen. 8o 62 Tie U Iv Duck and other Stories. Illustrated. Hans Andersen... 8c 63 Mild King's Daughter, aid other Stories. Illus. Hans Andersen Re 64 TheEssavs >f Lord Bacon, complete 12c 66 The Celtic Hurmlts. Charles Kingsie.v 2c 67 Seneca and St. Paul. Canon Farrar ." 2c 68 The Cru-iftxlon. Rev. Cunningham Gi ikie 2c 69 A Half H >nr with St P ml. Convbeave and Howson...,, .,..20 70 Christian S'ries. No«.2,43, 66. 67. f>9, f9. combined ,.10o 71 Virgil. Ancient Classics for Eh".i- h R aders :.„.10o 72 H im»r's Iliad. Ancient Classics for En lish Readers 10c 73 Homer's O Ivssev. Ancient Classics for EngM-h Readers ...,10c 75 Life of S im Houston, Hero and Statesman, of Texas. C. E. Lester,15o 76 Xsnophon. Ancient C assies for English Readers........... 10c 77 j® ichylus. Ancient "1 issics for English Readers - T'C 78 Sonloc'es. Aii"l nt Classics for English Readers .'...lOo 79 TheSpeetre Bridegroom. WashingtonIi-ving.... 2c 80 Pliny. Aneioht Clas-ies for English Readers j....... lOo 81 Aristophanes. Ancient classics f r English Readers lhe 82 Greek Anthology. An' lent C assies for English Readers...., 10c 83 Fior d'Alisa. A Romance. Alphonse de Lamartine. 12c 84 F,