School of Medigine, Howard University SYLLABUS OF EXERCISES IN QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS H. G. SGURLOGK PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY WASHINGTON. D. C. BERESFORD, PRINTER, 605 F ST. 1912 GRAVIMETRIC METHODS. I. DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY. a. A Solid Heavier Than Water.—Weigh the substance (a) in air, (b) in water, suspending the substance from one end of the balance by a thin wire. Subtract the weight in water from the weight in air, divide weight in air by the difference to find S. G. Calculate the weight of 185 c.c. of the substance, and the volume of 250 gms. of the same. b. A Solid Lighter Than Water.—Weigh substance in air; weigh a sinker in water; attach sinker to the sub¬ stance and weigh both together in water. Subtract the weight of both in water from the water-weight of the sinker alone, add the difference to the air-weight of the substance and divide the air-weight by this figure. The result is the S. G. of the substance. Calculate weight and volume as in a. c. The S. G.- of a Liquid.—Determination of the per cent, of alcohol in solution. Expose the solution, water and pycnometer to the at¬ mosphere'of the room in which the experiment is to be made till they are all of the same temperature. See that the pycnometer is perfectly clean and dry, and weigh cor¬ rectly to the tenth of a milligram. Fill the pycnometer with distilled water to any con¬ venient graduation on the stem, using the capillary pipette 2 to take out or put in water, as necessary. Weigh cor¬ rectly ; subtract weight of pycnometer to find weight of the water. Again make pycnometer perfectly clean and dry, and in the same way as for water find the weight of the alcoholic solution, being careful to fill the pycnometer with the so¬ lution to exactly the same mark that it was filled with water. Find the weight of the alcoholic solution ; divide by the weight of the water to find the apparent S. G. Calculate S. G. at 40 C. by use of factor for cubical expan¬ sion (obtain factor from instructor). Consult Bureau of Standards' Tables for percent, of alco¬ hol corresponding to S. G. at 40 C., and report. II. DETERMINATION OF C02. Get apparatus (Schroetter's) and carbonate from supply clerk. See that the apparatus is perfectly clean and dry. Carefully weigh the bottle containing the carbonate, and shake out on a piece of black glazed paper about two grams of the carbonate. Again weigh the bottle and con¬ tents and subtract from first weight to find how much car¬ bonate has been taken. Follow the directions in Olsen's Quantitative Analysis, page 105 (office), and calculate the per cent, of C02. (Copy the directions in Olsen and put into your note-book.) III. DETERMINATION OF A SULPHATE. Bring to an instructor a beaker of about 150 c.c. capacity, labeled " Sulphate" and with your name. Add to the solution given you about 30 c.c. of water and a few drops of hydrochloric acid. Heat nearly to boiling and gradually add 25 c.c. of hot barium chloride solution. Continue the heating, nearly to boiling, for 30 minutes, 3 constantly stirring. Allow the ppt. to settle, and wash by decantation with hot water, pouring the liquid through a filter. Transfer the ppt. to the filter and wash with hot water till the filtrate no longer gives a ppt. with silver nitrate solution. Dry the filter and contents and carefully remove the latter without loss to a watch glass or piece of black glazed paper. Burn the filter paper in a weighed crucible, then add the ppt. and ignite; cool in the desiccator and weigh. Calculate the weight of magnesium sulphate in the solution given you. IV. DETERMINATION OF A CHLORIDE. Bring to an instructor a beaker as in III, labeled " Chlor¬ ide." Add about 30 c.c. of distilled water and a few drops of nitric acid ; heat to boiling. Add slowly 25 c.c. of silver nitrate solution, stirring meanwhile, and protect from light. Continue the heating and stirring until the ppt. settles readily. To the clear supernatant liquid add a drop of silver nitrate solution to see if precipitation is complete. Wash by decantation with hot water to which a few drops of nitric acid have been added, pouring the liquid through a weighed Gooch crucible. Finally wash the ppt. into the crucible and filter off all the liquid. Dry the crucible and contents to a constant weight at i30° C., cool in the desic¬ cator, weigh and calculate the quantity of common salt in the solution given you. See directions for preparation of the Gooch crucible. 4 VOLUMETRIC METHODS. V. DECI-NORMAL OXALIC ACID SOLUTION. Get from an instructor a weighing bottle containing pure oxalic acid crystallized with two molecules of water, H2CA.3HA Carefully weigh the bottle and its con¬ tents, and shake out from the bottle about three grams of the acid. Again weigh the bottle and contents and sub¬ tract from the first weight to find the amount of acid re¬ moved. Calculate the amount of water in which the acid must be dissolved to make a deci-normal solution (6.3 gms. ox¬ alic acid in 1,000 c.c. of water make a deci-normal solu¬ tion ; hence, 6.3 : 1,000 :: wt. of acid : x = amount of water required). Weighing of the acid and measuring of the water must be done very exactly, for this solution is to be used as the starting point in volumetric methods. The correctness of all subsequent work will depend upon the accuracy with which the first solution is made. Measurement of the water should be made with volumetric flasks and burettes. For example, if the amount of water required is 435 c.c. a volumetric flask could be used to measyre 400 c.c., being careful to drain it thoroughly, and the remainder added with a burette; or, the whole amount could be measured with a burette. If the exact amount of acid to make a liter or half a liter is weighed the solution will be more nearly correct if the acid is put into the flask and the flask then filled to the mark exactly. But practically the same results can be obtained by the first method by putting the acid into the flask used for measuring, filling to the mark, 5 dissolving and completely rinsing out with the subsequent portions of water to be measured. If the work is done with care the solution so made will be sufficiently accu¬ rate for the requirements. Stopper the bottle and label " Deci-normal Oxalic Acid." VI. DECI-NORMAL SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION. Get from the supply clerk a piece of sodium hydroxide for the solution. Place into a 500 c.c. volumetric flask, add about 300 c.c. of water and dissolve. Allow to cool, add water to the mark and shake to thoroughly mix. With the burette, or with an accurate transfer pipette, measure into a beaker exactly 5 c.c. of the solution, add 20 c.c. of distilled water and three drops of phenolphthalein solution. Fill a perfectly clean burette with N/10 oxalic acid solu¬ tion, and titrate the NaOH solution until the red color just disappears. Repeat the test several times until the average difference of the readings is not greater than .1 c.c. Suppose it is found that 5 c.c. NaOH solution require 12 c.c. of the oxalic acid solution ; then, 5 : 12 : : 1 : x = 2.4 ; i. e., as the solution now stands it is 2.4 times the strength of the oxalic acid, and must be diluted with water to the extent that 1 volume of the NaOH shall become 2.4 vol¬ umes, For example, 400 c.c. of the solution should be diluted to 960 c.c. (2.4 X 400), or, 560 c.c. of water must be added. Such a solution will be approximately deci-normal if the measuring is done with the care already cautioned, but it must again be tested against the oxalic acid solution. Proceed as before, but use 10 c.c. of the diluted solution instead of 5 c.c. Suppose it is found that 10 c.c. of the diluted NaOH solution require 9.5 c.c. of the acid ; then, 10 : 9.5 : : 1 : x = .95, or the NaOH solution is .95 N/10. The bottle 6 maybe labeled "0.95 N/10 NaOH," and when used as a test solution calculations may be made as if it were deci- normal and then corrected by use of the factor .95. Of course this same method would apply to a solution stronger than N/10. VII. DECI-NORMAL HYDROCHLORIC ACID SOLUTION. Measure into a 500 c.c. volumetric flask ro c.c. of con¬ centrated hydrochloric acid ; fill with water to the mark and mix thoroughly. Proceed to standardize as in VI, titrating with deci-norinal NaOH. Use phenolphthalein as indicator ; but'it is to be remembered that there will be no red color on adding the indicator to the acid solution. The end-point of the reaction is shown by the merest pink tinge produced permanently in the solution by the titration. Use the same care here as elsewhere. VIII-IX. ACIDIMETRY AND ALKALIMETRY. Bring to an instructor two beakers marked with your name, and on one of them " Alkali" and on the other "Acid." Determine the amount of alkali and of acid, respectively, in the solutions given you, in terms of the substance re¬ quired. Titrate the alkali with HC1 solution, not oxalic acid. Use phenolphthalein as indicator. X. DETERMINATION OF FORMALDEHYDE. Measure into a 250-c.c. Erlenmeyer flask 25 c.c. of deci- normal sodium-hydroxide solution and add 25 c.c. of hy¬ drogen-peroxide solution. Weigh out about three grams of formaldehyde solution (the exact weight must be known) and add to the contents of the flask. Heat on the boiling-water bath for five minutes, shaking 7 occasionally. Allow to cool; titrate the excess of alkali withdeci-normal acid (use litmus as indicator) and calculate the per cent, strength of the formaldehyde solution. In this experiment the formaldehyde is oxidized to formic acid in the presence of an alkali. In working with strong solutions of formaldehyde it is better to use normal solutions. Exercises for which mimeographed instructions will be provided: Analysis of Milk : Specific gravity by lactometer; de¬ termination of total solids ; ash ; fat by Babcock's method. Analysis of Saccharine Solution: Amount of reducing sugar ; sucrose, Clerget's hydrolysis ; polariscopy. Examples in analysis of Foods, Water, Drugs, etc.