PORO C O L L E G 2>^ 3 M Appreciation GREETINGS We prize the endorsement, co-operation, and support of friends and co-workers through which has been created an Institution that stands out as an heroic achievement in the economic life of Our Group. To you, as one of the millions of citizens who may speak with pride of PORO COLLEGE, this Booklet is presented. We trust the pictorial and word story which follows may prove interesting to our many friends as well as helpful to the many thousands of loyal PORO Agents throughout the World. Sincerely yours, PORO COLLEGE PORO CORNER Pendleton and St. Ferdinand Aves. ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. & [> y u Page Two ANNIE M. POPE TURNBO-MALONE Founder F> O R O COLLEGE 3S X AARON EUGENE MALONE President A| s: X X. Page Three POR O COLLEGE 7\ i In a Rear Upstairs Room Poro Was First Manufactured. Lovejoy, III. 1900-1902 History PORO COLLEGE is the fruition of years of hard labor and endeavor. The history of the Institution must necessarily be in its nature a sketch of the life of Mrs. Annie M. Pope Turnbo-Malone, the Founder, so inseparably are her life and personality interwoven with the Institution. Mrs. Malone was born on a farm and spent her early childhood in Metropolis, 111. Very early in life she lost both parents. She attended the public grade school of Metropolis, and later, through the assistance of her brothers and sisters, attended the public high school of Peoria, 111. Very poor health obliged her to abandon high school. Early in life she manifested a fondness for hair-dressing. As a child she delighted in dressing the hair of her sisters and associates. On leaving school she very naturally turned to hair work—an art in which she had already won the appreciation of the community in which she lived. Later, with a view of developing this art, she resumed the study of chemistry, a subject in which she had become particularly interested while in high school. After a period of research, Mrs. Malone evolved a Preparation for the hair and scalp which she named "Wonderful Hair Grower". She and her sisters used this Preparation on their hair and scalps with amazing results. This led to further research work, and other Preparations for use in connection with "Wonderful Hair Grower" followed. Mrs. Malone began the manufacture of these Preparations at Lovejoy, 111., in 1900. Thoroughly convinced of the merit of the Preparations she began by house to house canvass to acquaint the public with her Preparations by prevailing upon women to permit her to treat their hair and scalps. Reports of 1>] Kb Page Four C O R O COLLEO I amazing results obtained by those who received her treatments spread, and "Wonderful Hair Grower" became noted in Lovejoy and nearby towns. A St. Louis friend, learning of the efficacy and merit of her Treatments and Preparations and realizing the commercial possibilities, encouraged Mrs. Malone to remove the business to St. Louis, where she came in 1902, locating at 2223 Market Street. The wonderful results which she had secured through her Treatments and Preparations at Lovejoy were not entirely unknown in St. Louis, and shortly she had a clientele of en¬ thusiastic patrons in her new field. In 1904 she spent several months traveling throughout the South advertising and demonstrating her Methods and Preparations. The result of her tour was an immediate increase in the business. The demand for "Wonderful Hair Grower" soon became so great that unscrupulous dealers began to offer imitations to the public under the same name, and it became necessary for the protection of the public as well as for the protection of her business, to place the Preparations under a copyrighted trade-name; so the name "PORO" was adopted in 1906. The business outgrew the Market Street quarters, and contrary to the advice of sincere friends who felt the undertaking too great, Mrs. Malone rented the premises at 3100 Pine Street. To this location the business was removed in 1910. The business continued to grow rapidly. During the winter of 1913-1914 the responsibilities of the business so heavily weighed on Mrs. Malone, and her Where the Business Was First Housed, in St. Louis. 1902-1910. 2223 Market St., St. Louis I 9 Page Five health became so impaired that she was compelled to cease business activities. Delegating the temporary conduct of the business to trusted employes, arrangements were made for a trip through the West that she might regain her health. Mr. and Mrs. Malone regard the present development of their interests as an opportunity for service—a beginning for the bigger things they hope to achieve. Just at this time Prof. Aaron Eugene Malone, Principal of the Lincoln Public School of Quincy, Illinois, and a former schoolmate whom she had not seen for fourteen years, stopped in St. Louis enroute West. This chance meeting resulted in their union in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Malone toured the West immediately follow¬ ing their wedding, and it was during this trip that they planned the new PORO COLLEGE. The present PORO COLLEGE is their own conception, and in many respects is one of the most unique and most complete institutions in the World. Marking Our Growth. Our Next Home 1910-1918 3100 Pine St., St. Louis Ground was broken for PORO COLLEGE Building in October, 1917. The building was completed and occupied in November, 1918. Such was the growth of the business during the period of its con¬ struction that the building was found inadequate when ready for occupancy. PORO ANNEX Building was immedi¬ ately planned and erected. This building was com¬ pleted and occupied in November, 1920. The growth of the business, even during the period of economic depression following the World War, has been steady and substantial. Much of the neighboring property has been acquired to provide for future expansion. Page Six P» O R O COLLEG 5)^ % X « The Present Home of Poro Hair and Toilet Prepa¬ rations A Plant Beautiful Reflecting the Results of Real Service Rendered PORO CORNER. PORO COLLEGE St. Ferdinand & Pendleton Aves. ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. PORO COLLEGE Building, PORO ANNEX Building, and PORO GARAGE Building, with equipment, represent investments of $550,000, $168,000, and $32,000, respectively—a total Plant invest¬ ment of $750,000. s: A ♦ x. Page Seven Our Aims and Purposes— To contribute to the economic betterment of Race Women. To train to useful lives. To develop proficiency. To encourage thrift and industry. To awaken latent forces. To inspire to higher things through the inculcation of ideals of personal neatness and pride, self-respect, physical and [F=2= mental cleanliness. ^ PORO COLLEGE is consecrated to the uplift of humanity—Race women in particular. 'Porous Economic Advantages SEVENTY-FIVE thousand Race women throughout the world have become Agents of PORO COLLEGE. These members of "The Great PORO Organization" have benefited through profits derived from PORO. Thousands are prosperous through their practice of the PORO SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC HAIR AND BEAUTY CULTURE. Homes are being acquired. Families are being provided for. Children are being schooled. Thousands, awakened to their own latent powers, are being made happy through their achievements. It may be conservatively stated that PORO COLLEGE is affording a pi more far-reaching economic opportunity to a greater number of Race women than is any other one commercial enterprise. A « X I Ss g O Bo COLLEGE Plant and 2* St THE PORO Buildings are fire-proof, being of brick, reinforced concrete and steel construction. PORO COLLEGE Building and PORO ANNEX Building are three-story structures with M ezzanine floors between the first and second stories, and are equipped with passenger and freight elevators, there being an automatic passenger elevator in PORO COLLEGE Building, which ascends to the Roof Garden. Located in PORO COLLEGE Building are the Instruction Department and Beauty Parlor, Lobby, Auditorium, General Office, Cafeteria, Dining Department, Sewing Shop, Dormitories, Guests' Rooms, and the Apartments in which Mr. and Mrs. Malone live. In the PORO ANNEX Building are the Shipping Department, Manufacturing Laboratories, Laundry, Filling and Finishing Department, Bakery, Publicity Department, and thousands of feet of floor space for the storing of chemicals. PORO GARAGE Building, a one-story brick structure to the rear of PORO COLLEGE Build¬ ing, houses our automotive equipment. In this building are two sections for the parking of cars, a fully equipped work-shop, lavatory, bathroom, and an office for the mechanic-in-charge. A force of one hundred and seventy-five uniformed employes, ranging in ages from sixteen to eighty-eight, constitute the personnel. Many who are untrained and inexperienced on entering the employ of PORO COLLEGE, develop into proficient, valuable workers. Males comprise about one-eighth of the employed force. Twenty- five or more High School and Normal College students are employed in various capac¬ ities after school hours and on Saturdays. Kb 33 Page Ten Page Eleven A beautiful and comfortable lobby is the welcoming entrance to PORO COLLEGE. Allegorical paintings adorning the walls, old rose draperies, roomy overstuffed chairs, ma¬ hogany writing desks, and artistic tile flooring create an atmosphere which impresses the entrant that PORO COLLEGE is a sound business institution. Information Bureau Located in Lobby Partial View of the Lobby Courteous, alert clerks cheerfully receive our students, agents, and vis¬ itors. Our Information Bureau pro¬ vides guides to show visitors through the Plant. Stamps and money orders are sold, and city gas bills may be paid at this desk. speaker is secured or a program rendered by em- A Partial View oj Poro Auditorium ployes. Through the encouragement of the Management some very novel and entertaining play¬ lets have been written and produced by members of the PORO Organization. While the auditorium, which seats nine hundred, was built pri¬ marily to serve the needs of the Institution, it is available and is frequently used by religious, frater¬ nal, civic, and social organizations for meetings, entertainments, lec¬ tures, and recitals. View of the Stage Page Twelve Page Thirteen From these two offices Mr. and Mrs. Malone direct their many activities. They are the sole owners of PORO COLLEGE and personally supervise the business. Besides their business in¬ terests which receive their very close attention, they devote much of their time to welfare and community problems. The phenomenal development of PORO COLLEGE to its present vast proportions may be properly ascribed to efficient products, honest and superior service, a high standard of business ethics, loyalty and co-operation of employes and agents, and the application of Christian prin¬ ciples in the conduct of the Institution. P> O F? O C O L. L. E a 2H £ <] The General Office THIRTY clerks and stenographers constitute the Office personnel. These have been recruited from all sections of the country. Some are products of leading colleges and commercial schools. However, some most proficient workers in this office have received their commercial training in their present positions. Untrained, inexperienced workers, through employment in this office, acquire practical commercial training and are developed into proficient invoicers, typewriter and adding machine operators, correspondents, file clerks, etc. The most modern office furnishings and equipment are used, which include Remington, Under¬ wood, Oliver and Corona Typewriters, Burroughs, Standard, Wales, and Sunstrand Adding Machines, Globe-Register Billers, Underwood Fan-Fold Billing Machines, Reynolds Letter Sealers, Bricher Electric Letter Openers, Multipost Stamp Machines, Remington-Wahl Register Machines, Toledo Computing Mail Scales, Art Metal Filing Equipment, Edison Dictaphones, Edison-Dick Mimeo¬ graphs, Gammeter Multigraphs, and Lamson Pneumatic Carriers. Departments comprising the General Office are: The Billing Department, where invoices are prepared; the Complaint Department, where complaint mail is given attention, adjustments made, and correspondence with the Post Office Department to effect deliveries and set¬ tlements for lost shipments attended; the General Correspondence Department, where correspondence of a general character is given attention; Department 3, where Diplomas are prepared and correspondence having to do with the establishment of new agencies and the treatment of the Hair and Scalp attended; the Sales Analysis Department, where the daily sales are classified and analyzed for the Accounting Division; the Mailing Department, where first-class mail is stamped, sealed and posted, and the Department of Miscellaneous Clerical Work. >1 KS Page Fourteen Page Fifteen ft The General Office Most earnest effort is made by our clerks and correspondents to render PORO patrons the most prompt, accurate and courteous service. The lighting and ventilating system, the appointments, and the general equip ment of our office are second to none. r^gx(c~PORQ COLLE Q~E The General Office No expense has been spared to provide the most superior and complete facilities to serve PORO patrons most efficiently. A VISIBLE Card System of Agents' Directory and Accounts accommodates the records of the thousands of PORO Agents. Each agent has a card showing her official name, correct address, and account. As addresses and names change these cards are corrected and shifted to their proper positions in the record. Agents must report promptly changes of names and addresses; otherwise identification is some¬ times difficult and delays result which cause loss and inconven¬ ience to PORO patrons. Partial view of Agents' Directory and Accounts PORO Preparations are sup¬ plied in quantities to PORO Agents ONLY; hence all orders and letters which come to PORO COLLEGE must first be referred to this Depart¬ ment to determine whether or not the correspondent is a qualified PORO Agent. Care is taken that only PORO Agents enjoy those privileges to which PORO Agents are entitled. Page Sixteen cJr1 A P> O R O COLLEGE 3^ The General Office The Alphabetical and Geographical Filing System is used. Two complete files are maintained: one for orders and invoices, and one for correspondence. At a moment's notice the orders and invoices, correspondence or account of any PORO patron may be supplied by our expert file clerks. A Section of the Files The Directory and Filing Systems represent investments of several thousand dollars. A corps of ten young ladies attend the Agents' Directory, Accounts, and Files. We endeavor to develop the most efficient methods for the conduct of the business. 3 Page Seventeen X *1 F> O R O COLLEGE^ X. The Poro Agent Renders a Distinct Service It Pays to Patronize Her The first essential to a healthy, abundant growth of the hair is the proper care of the scalp. To promote a luxurious growth of hair and to maintain its life and beauty, PORO Hair Grower should be applied two or three times a week, and the hair and scalp thoroughly cleansed at least once every two weeks. For shampoo purposes the new PORO Skin and Scalp Soap should be used to secure best results. PORO Pressing Oil used in connec¬ tion with PORO Hair Grower softens the strands and imparts a natural gloss to the hair. It does not leave the hair gummy. PORO Pressing Oil is supplied PORO Agents for their exclusive use in giving PORO Treatments. PORO Agents do not sell Pressing Oil to the public. Page Eighteen 8?= I F? O R O COL LEGE Poro Hair and Toilet Preparations Are Sold By Poro Agents Only PORO Special Hair Grower is a specific for the treatment of irritated or diseased scalps for which it is invaluable. Only in cases of irritated or diseased scalps should Special a jg'v mx ~,H|« ~)}M§/ . I Hair Grower be used, one box often being sufficient as a cor¬ rective. After the use of one box of PORO Special Hair Grower, plain PORO Hair Grower is usually recommended. PORO Liquid Hair Grower is an excellent tonic for hair of a texture which does not require pressing. Applied two or three times a week it promotes a luxuriant growth and maintains and increases the beauty of the hair. I X Page Nineteen 8?= gjjg><( PORO COLLEGE A ♦ % l Ss= Poro Hair and Toilet Preparations Are Scientifically Manufactured PORO Tetter Relief is a splendid remedy for tetter, scalp irrita¬ tion, dandruff, and falling hair. PORO Temple Grower and PORO Special Temple Grower are most excellent for restoring the hair on the temples and remedying other baldness. These two preparations are supplied PORO Agents for their exclusive use in giving PORO Treatments and are not sold to the public. Because of the universal demand for PORO Hair Preparations there have been attempts to impose on the public through the sub¬ stitution of poor imitations. In order to protect PORO cus¬ tomers against such practices, cartons in which PORO Hair Preparations are packed are now sealed with the PORO Green Strip Seals which completely encircle the cartons. PORO Agents are instructed not to sell and PORO customers are cautioned not to accept any preparation represented as PORO if the seal has been broken. Page Twenty Poro the Logical Choice ONE of the most profitable professions open to Race women today is the practice of the PORO SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC HAIR AND BEAUTY CULTURE. Twenty-three years of unparalleled success and the present unprecedented demand for PORO Products indicate that PORO is amazingly efficient. PORO makes a friend of every user. PORO COLLEGE offers the Race woman a splendid opportunity to obtain, with little interference with present duties and at small cost, a vocation which is both dignified and profitable. The woman entering the profession of Scientific Hair and Beauty Culture quite naturally seeks that System which affords the greatest advantages for her success. The tremendous demand for PORO Products and Treatments, together r with the very superior facilities of PORO COLLEGE to serve the interests of PORO patrons, make the PORO SYSTEM the logical choice of the enlightened woman, for PORO'S supremacy is an established fact. PORO COLLEGE^ K <] 6. p Announcement 0R0 is the name by which the products of our laboratories have been known since 1906. Each passing year deepens the significance of PORO because we hold fast our covenant with PORO patrons. Pursuant to the constant and ever increasing demand of thousands of enthusiastic PORO patrons who have used PORO Hair Preparations with most pleasing results, PORO Toilet Preparations are now manufactured and supplied PORO Agents for re-sale to the public. The new PORO Toilet Preparations are of that same high standard as has always characterized PORO Hair Preparations. Many PORO Agents are now materially increasing their PORO business through the sale of these fine Toilet Goods. r- % >1 KS Page Twenty-two F» O R O C O l_ L- E G A « 7Vo 'Products on Your Tfressin Harmony of Fragrance Cleanliness is the basis of health, and the right soap is first on our list of toilet accessories. PORO SKIN AND SCALP SOAP contains only the purest ingredients compounded through scien¬ tific formulae for especial use with other PORO Products. Used for cleansing the skin, it helps to keep the complexion clear and fresh. Mild in its action, it is thoroughly cleansing. Used for sham¬ pooing, it softens and gives life to the hair. The lather is amazingly abundant; it rinses out quickly and thoroughly. Delightfully soothing in its after effects, PORO SKIN AND SCALP SOAP is equaly gratifying when used for skin and shampoo. 5 9 x. =2 Page Twenty-three Our \Determination Is to Give the Greatest Value—to Render the 'Biggest Service Pase Twenty-four Poro Creams will not cause growth of hair. PORO COLD CREAM cleanses, invigorates, nourishes, softens and beautifies the skin. It builds up the tissue, and is unex¬ celled for massaging. PORO COLD CREAM contains just the right amount of oil to penetrate the pores and remove every trace of dirt. Serves to help protect the delicate texture of the skin against cold and wind. PORO COLD CREAM is highly recommended for wrink¬ les and extended pores and to keep the skin from becoming coarse and brittle. §F= PO RO COL-LEG —-% Poro College Is Justly Proud of Its Products Standard for Twenty-Three Tears The sJ^in requires two creams, one to cleanse, and a very different one to protect and hold the powder. A cool touch of PORO PEROXIDE VANISHING CREAM gives smoothness to the skin and makes the powder adhere longer, prevents roughness and coarseness of the skin, and is an excellent remedy for sunburn, chaps, eczema, pimples, and blackheads. The pure medicinal hydrogen per¬ oxide entering into this cream is an efficient bleaching agent which will not harm the most delicate skin. PORO PER- OXIDE VAN ISH ING CREAM lightens the skin. This is a Cream of exceptionally fine quality. # w Page Twenty-five Page Twenty-six Poro Products Meet the Alost Particular Toilet Needs Poro Deodorant is carefully prepared from a special formula— dependable and absolutely safe PORO DEODORANT is a clean, antiseptic liquid. Its mild, effective action checks profuse perspiration and destroys objectionable body odor without affecting the natural, healthy perspiration of the body. The personal cleanliness which the bath imparts remains when PORO DEODORANT is used. Applied as di¬ rected a body freshness, which cannot be had with soap and water alone, is assured. An effective, economical, and necessary toilet article. Page Twenty-seven Poro Hair and Toilet Preparations are Superior Products Poro Face Powder gives to the skin a subtle softness, a delicate, creamy smoothness. You will like it. PORO FACE POWDER is a very carefully prepared cosmetic combin¬ ing a fragrance, a fineness, and that clinging quality so much desired in a face powder. Supplied in three shades, brunette, flesh, and white. It spreads evenly a wonderfully smooth, velvety film which blends naturally with the skin. Beautifying, comforting, refreshing. Page Twenty-eight merit The mails are used exclusively for PORO shipments because quicker deliveries are made through the medium of the mails, and thousands receive their shipments promptly to whom deliveries cannot be effected conveniently by express. Great care is exercised in filling orders promptly and packing goods carefully. Five hundred to one thousand orders are shipped daily in two shipments by insured parcel post. A Partial View of the Shipping Depart- §5^ A P»ORO C O l_ l_ E G E 3>4 s: Motor Truck Facilities Our trucks transport PORO to the Main Post Office. Orders received in first morning mail are placed into the mails at 10:30 same morning. Orders received in our office later in the day are placed into the mails at 4:30 same afternoon. Orders for PORO are filled and shipped the same day received. A $ =28 Page Twenty-nine Page Thirty Poro Preparations for Every Texture of Hair and Skin Here PORO Preparations are placed in containers. PORO Hair Preparations are placed in cartons and sealed with the Green PORO Seals, which completely encircle the cartons. The Green Seal, unbroken, serves to protect the PORO customer against the substitution of imi¬ tations, which has sometimes been attempted. Sewing Department A Partial View of the Filling Department » > , The Management provides uniforms for employes and students. These uniforms, which are worn during business hours, differ in color and design according to the department in which the worker serves. Uniforms and house-linens are made and kept in repair by our Sewing Department. X p o R O COLLEGE 5)^ Some Helpful 'Reminders for Poro Agents NEVER has the time been more favorable than the present for the PORO Hair and Beauty Culturist. The demand for PORO Treatments and Preparations is now nation-wide. Success awaits the wide-awake, industrious, capable PORO Agent who is ever mindful that her success depends on the quality of her services to her patrons. To serve PORO patrons with satisfaction, you must serve them well amid attractive surround¬ ings. Keep these surroundings scrupulously clean and make them beautiful. Your personal neatness is no less essential. Under no circumstances sacrifice the quality of your PORO Treatments. Be punctual in keeping your engagements. Never disappoint a patron. Treat your patrons with courtesy and be considerate of their comfort. A pleased patron is your very best advertisement. By your general bearing, command respect. Do not neglect your present opportunity. In transacting business with the College, your careful observance of the following instructions will very materially aid us in dispatching your business promptly and accurately: Give pupil's name and address when requesting an Application Blank, for the Blank cannot be sent until the pupil's name is supplied. Report promptly any change in your name or address, giving both the old and the new, and be careful to write the new address plainly. Make all remittances by post office or express money orders or cashiers' checks. Please do not send personal checks. Write C. 0. D. on your orders when C. O. D. shipments are desired; goods are not shipped C. 0. D. unless so ordered. Always use Order Blanks when ordering goods, which fill very carefully to avoid error. To serve you best, your kind co-operation is necessary. a w X on Page Thirty-one ^ I^x(( F>ORO COLLEGE The Poj'o System T HE Beauty Parlor and Instruction Department have been thoroughly and modernly equipped for teaching the PORO SYSTEM of Scientific Hair and Beauty Culture and giving the PORO Treatments to the public. The Instruction Rooms and Treatment Booths have every con¬ venience, and very earnest effort is exerted by our expert teachers and operators to insure each student careful, thorough training, and to render the public the very best service. » Scientific Hair and Scalp Culture, Facial Massaging, and Manicuring comprise the regular Course. Fancy Hair Dressing, Manufacture of Hair, and Body Massaging are Special Courses. I A The PORO Agency offers an unusual opportunity for energetic, ambitious women to make material and financial progress. A few weeks spent in learning the PORO SYSTEM have been H~~t, JH to thousands of women the f-\ IS^nK r gateway to prosperity through the establishment of a perma¬ nent, profitable business. It behooves every woman, who is ambitious, who is not content with her present financial and economic status, to very care¬ fully consider the splendid advantages the Poro Agency affords. A Class Room Page Thirty-two The Poro System One of Our Twenty-four Instruction and Treatment Booths PORO Agents teach the PORO SYSTEM, for which they receive liberal compensation. One of the many attractive features of the PORO Agency is that only PORO Agents are supplied PORO Preparations for resale to the public. Druggists and other non-agent dealers cannot profit through the sale of PORO Products. Thus the PORO Agent is fully protected. In order that PORO Agents may keep abreast of the forward trend of the World which is ever devising something new and improving the old. a Ten-day Review Course is offered every one of the thousands of PORO Agents. PORO Agents r | pj-—■——~ .|SS8SS&5 are privileged to spend ten days at the College, once every twelve months, while taking the Review Course without charges, room and board included. This Review Course may be taken at any time to suit the con¬ venience of the Agent. Could anything be fairer? The Poro System The facilities at PORO COLLEGE for teach¬ ing the PORO SYSTEM and the appointments for the comfort of the student while receiving intensive instructions are such that, during the period of training, every moment is profitably spent in an environment most cheerful and wholesome. Students, agents, and others who see the PORO Plant, the most complete of its Chiropody Booth—Foot Treatment Bath Dept. Body Massaging. Turkish and Vapor Baths. kind in the World, readily perceive that there are good sound reasons for the supremacy of the PORO Hair and Beauty Culturist. One floor of an entire wing of PORO COLLEGE Building is re¬ served for the accommodation of Page Thirty-five The Poro System students and review-agents. These rooms are cheerful, comfortable and scrupulously clean. There is also provided in this wing of the building a reception room, artistically decorated and beautifully furnished, where students and agents, during their stay at the Students' and Agents' Reception Room College, may receive and entertain their friends. Our matron gives most careful attention to the com¬ fort of our students and agents. Members of the PORO Organiza¬ tion are cheerful, courteous, willing and helpful. A Dormitory Room Page Thirty-six Rooms are provided for the accommodation of guests of the Institution; also transients are accom¬ modated. The rooms are cheerful, spotlessly clean, artistically decorated, beautifully and comfortably furnished. Our facilities assure the traveler most excellent accommodations. An Emergency Room A Guest Room Two emergency rooms, fully equipped for first-aid treatment, serve our em- ployed-force and student- body in case of accident or sudden illness. A trained nurse is stationed at the College regularly. ^<( P O R O CO lH~E G E ))x^ The Publicity Department PORO advertising is here prepared. PORO advertisements appear regularly in forty or more publications throughout the country. Ad¬ vertising contracts and accounts with publishers are handled in this office. "THE PORO PURPOSE," our monthly newspaper, in which is published the worth¬ while news, and which has a large circulation among PORO Agents and friends, has its home here. The subscription rate to "THE PORO PURPOSE" is only 50c per year. Sample copies will be sent on re¬ quest. An automatic house-telephone system con¬ nects all departments, and thirty-nine telephone stations, together with enunciators in all rooms, afford facilities throughout the Plant for outside communication. Through our powerful radio set, programs rendered throughout the United States may be enjoyed. Telephone Switch Board Page Thirty-seven ^g*(( RQRO COLLEGE ))*^ Exquisite Cuisine. Excellent Service. Immaculate. Beautiful. A Partial View of Dining Room. Located on the third floor of PORO COLLEGE Building is our beautiful, sanitary Dining Room, one of the most complete and up-to-date in the city, in which two hundred may be comfortably accommodated. Here the employes are served meals below cost. The PORO Dining Room enjoys the large patronage of the public to whom the doors are open 7:30 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Our prices are moderate. A specialty is made of serving dinner parties, banquets, etc. Page Thirty-eight P> O R O COLLEO si A ♦ Partial View of Cafeteria Our modern, airy, sanitary bakery daily sup¬ plies the bread and pastries for our Dining Department and Cafeteria. These products are sold to the public through our Cafeteria. Candy is also manufactured. The products of our shop are unsurpassed in quality and ex¬ cellence. In the PORO Cafeteria on the first floor there is installed a most beautiful, modern, mar¬ ble fountain and an up-to-date sanitary steam table. From our fountain a full line of fountain products of the highest quality is dispensed. From our steam table appetizing lunches and hot liquids are served. These delicacies are served in generous portions at prices most moderate. Our Cafeteria prides itself for the high quality of its products and the excellence of its service. Pariial View of Bakery & ) Page Thirty-nine Page Forty Press Committee Room Mr. and Mrs. Malone are intensely interested in religious progress and in those institutions and movements which, sanely directed, have for their purpose human uplift and community betterment. To work of this character much of their time and energy are given. Two Conference rooms serve com¬ mittees of the PORO Organization as well as boards and committees of a number of religious, fraternal, civic and social organizations of St. Louis. With these organizations, PORO COLLEGE is happy to enjoy rela¬ tions of reciprocal co-operation and support. ^ PRO COL-LEO The 'Poro "Plant Equipment It has been found ad¬ vantageous to operate our own laundry. Here the house-linens and em¬ ployes' uniforms are laundered. The laundry equipment, which is of the most modern type, is electrically driven, and includes a washer, an extractor, mangle, steam presser, station¬ ary tubs, and individual gas irons. Two Kewanee low- A pressure boilers, of the The Laundry water and fire-tube type, afford steam heat, and a Brecht Hot Water Heater provides hot water for both buildings. Refrigerating Equipment in the basement of PORO COLLEGE Building chills the several vaults in both buildings and cools the drinking water which is distributed through fountains throughout the Plant. About 800 pounds of ice may be manu¬ factured daily. The Lamson Pneumatic Carrier Equipment is employed for transmitting mail between departments and buildings. Electrically driven fans supply the air pressure for this service. Page Forty-one St PORO COLLEGE)^ A A i Attention, Ambitious Women! Do You Want to Enter a Profitable Profession? Do You Want to Better Your Condition? Do You Want to Increase Your Earnings? Do You Want to Serve? IF SO, WRITE TO-DAY More Agents are needed to supply the tremendous demand for PORO Products IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE For Further Information Address PORO COLLEGE Dept. G. C. PORO CORNER : : ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A Page Forty-two kc P> O R O COL-UEGE 3^ % PORO Agencies are now conducted by enthusiastic Agents in every state in the United States, and in Africa, Cuba, the Bahamas, Central America, Nova Scotia, and Canada. The opportunity of the PORO Agent to render genuine service is boundless. PORO profits bring economic independence. Page Forty-three A Poro Graduating Class Copyrighted Poro College 19 2 2 fSt Pkone Ja. 9174 250 Auburn, Ace., N.E. TORO of Atlanta BEAUTY SHOP A skop of rare ckarm ami distinction tkat caters to Women of discriminating Ella Ramsey, Manager taste and refined judgment