MINUTES OP THE PRESBYTERY OF FAYETTEVILLE. AT THEIR EIGHTIETH SESSIONS, HELD AT MARK'S CREEK CIIURCIT, (NEAR ROCKINGHAM, N. C.) On tlie 7th, 8th, and 9th of April, 1853: WITH AN APPENDIX. FAYETTEVILLE : PRINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE & SQSL 1853.. EIGHTIETH SESSIONS of the PRESBYTERY OF FAYETTEVILLE. "Mate's Creek Chukcii, 7tli April, 1853. Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with a Sermon by the Moderator, Rev. J. R. Mcintosh, from 2d Corinthians, v, 20: "Row then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." Constituted with prayer by the Moderator. present: Rev. Messrs. Hector McLean, Hector McReill, Arch'd Smith, John R. Mcintosh, Frederick K. Rash, Reill McKay, ¥m. LI. Hogshead, Reill McDonald, Hector McAlister, and James Jones Smyth; with Elders, Messrs. John McReill from Laurel Hill,. Angus Wilkison from Lebanon, Daniel McKinnon from Centre,. Arch'd Ray from Longstreet, Daniel D. Morrison from Mark's Creek, John Ferguson from Union (in Moore,) Lauchlin Mc- Laurin from Smyrna, Jas. Banks from Fayetteville, and Hayes W. Beatty from Black River Chapel. absent: Rev. Messrs. Robert Tate, John Mclntyre, Simeon Colton, D. D., Samuel Paisley, Wm. R. Peacock, Adam Gilchrist, Evan- der McRair, James O. Stedman, Flugh A. Munroe, Colin Shaw, Duncan B. Black, Daniel Johnson, and James M. Sprunt. Rev. J. J. Smyth was elected Moderator,.and Rev. Reill Mc¬ Kay Temporary Clerk. Presbytery took a recess for fifteen minutes. Alter recess, Presbytery met. The Moderator appointed the following Committees, viz: On Religious Exercises.—Rev. H. McLean and Mr. D. D. Morrison. Judicial Committee.—Rev. Messrs. J. R. Mcintosh and Wm. H. Hogshead, and Mr. James Banks. Committee on Supplies.—Rev. Messrs. H. McAlister and Reill McDonald, and Mr. John McReill. Committee to Audit the Treasurers Book,—Mr. J. Banks and Rev. F., K, Rash,. 3 Committee on the Narrative.—Rev. Messrs. Mcintosh, and McNeill. ^ Committees on Sessional Records'.—Vw. On the Records of— China Grove and St. Paul's—Rev. H. McLean and Mr. D. McKinnon. Laurel Hill, Carthage, and Union—Rev. Hector McNeill and Mr. D. D. Morrison. Antioch and Philadelphus—Rev. J. R. Mcintosh and Mr. L. McLaurin. Centre and Fayetteville—Rev. Win. H. Hogshead and Mr. H.W. Beatty. Black River Chapel—Rev. N. McDonald and Mr. J. Banks- Bethel and Lumber Bridge—Rev. H. McAlister and Mr. J-. Ferguson. Smyrna and Ashpole—Rev. F. K. Nash and Mr. A. Ray. South River and Brown Marsh-—Rev. Wm. N. Peacock and Mr. J. Clark. Elizabethtown and Beth-car—Rev. N. McDonald and Mr. J- McNeill. Sardis—Rev. J. P. McPherson and A. Wilkison. The death of Rev. John Mclntyre was announced to Presby¬ tery. Whereupon, Rev. Messrs. McLean, Mcintosh, and Mc¬ Neill were appointed a Committee to prepare a Minute expres¬ sive of the feelings of Presbytery in reference to this dispensa¬ tion of Providence. Rev. James P. McPherson presented a Letter of Dismission from the Presbytery of Harmony to the Presbytery of Fayette¬ ville; and after the usual examination, by Presbytery, on expe¬ rimental religion and on Theology, he was received as a mem¬ ber of this Presbytery, and his name was enrolled accordingly. A Call from the congregation of St. Paul'#'Church, for the Pastoral labors of the Rev. J. P. McPherson, was presented; which was read, and placed in brother McPherson's hands;— and he having signified his acceptance of the same, the follow¬ ing Minute was adopted:— Resolved, That the Rev. Messrs. Hector McNeill and Hector McLean be a committee to install the Rev. J. P. McPherson Pastor of the St. Paul's Church, 011 the Saturday before the se¬ cond Sabbath in May next. That Rev. H. McNeill preach the Sermon and deliver the Charge to the Pastor, and Rev. H. Mc¬ Lean deliver the1 Charge to the congregation. That Rev. A. Smith be Alternate to the former, and Rev. IT. McAlister to the latter. Reports of Committees on Sessional Records was made the first order of the day for to-morrow. Free conversation on the State of Religion was made the or¬ der of the day for 11 o'clock to-morrow. 4 The Committees of supplies to vacant Churches reported in reference to their labors. .Rev. Hugh A. Munroe appeared in Presbytery and rendered excuse for tardiness. Mr. James Kelly, Ruling Elder from Brown Marsh, Mr. "Wm. J. Cromartie, Ruling Elder from South River, and Mr. Gilbert McLean, Ruling Elder from Antioch, appeared in Presbytery and took their seats. A committee consisting of Mr. James Banks and the Rev. Arch'd Smith was appointed on the Minutes of Synod, to ex¬ amine the same and report whatever they may find of interest to Presbytery. Rev. James O. Stedman being absent and out of our bounds, Mr. James Banks was appointed Chairman of the committee on the History of the Presbyterian Churches in our bounds. A communication was received from Rev. Simeon Colton, D. D., assigning reasons for absence, and presenting a statement of money matters between Presbytery and himself. The excuse for absence was sustained, and the accompanying statements referred to the committee on the Treasurer's Book. A communication was received from the Rev. James O. Sted¬ man, assigning reasons for absence from the present Sessions of Presbytery, which were sustained. Presbytery adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. 'Closed with Prayer by the Moderator. Friday Morning, April 8,—9 o'clock. Presbytery met according to adjournment. Opened with Prayer. After the usual religious exercises, the Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The following Minute in reference to the death of the Rev. John Mclntyre, was presented and adopted, viz: "Whereas, it has pleased the Great Head of the Church to remove from us by death, on the 17th November last, in the 103d year of his age, that venerable servant of Christ, the Rev. John Mclntyre: the Presbytery would, in view of the loss we have sustained in the death of this eminently pious, zealous, and faithful Father in the Ministry, record the following facts and resolutions: "He was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, August 24th, 1750; became pious in the fifteenth year of his age; joined the Church in his twentieth; pursued for several years the occupation of a Shepherd; embarked for this country August 10th, 1791; landed November 11th, 1791; .turned his attention to the Ministry in 5 1802; commenced his Latin Grammar December 1803, and read so much Latin and Greek as to sustain an approved examina¬ tion; waslicensed to preach the Gospel September 25th, 1807, and ordained to the full work of the Gospel Ministry July 1st, "Resolved, 1st. That we adore that Wonderful Grace which called him at a late period of life, after various trials and afflic¬ tions, into the holy Ministry; enabled him to be an eminently pious, zealous and useful servant of Christ; to be a faithful wit¬ ness for the truth through a long devoted life, and finally, in full assurance of hope, to fall asleep in Jesus. "Resolved, 2d. That while we call to remembrance the many qualities which endeared him to us,—his zeal and fidelity, which made him an example eminently worthy of our imita¬ tion; and the fact that although for several years unable to en¬ gage in the active duties of the Ministry, he never forgot Zion, nor to remember us at a throne of grace,—we would bow in humble submission to Him whose servants we are, and heed the voice which, in this event, admonishes us to be diligent and faithful, for we too must go to give an account of our stewardship. "Resolved, 3d. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family of our venerable and deceased father." The Committees on Sessional Records reported. The Records of Centre, Philadelphus, Antioch, St. Pauls, China Grove, Lumber Bridge, Bethel, Beth-car, Elizabethtown, Brown Marsh, South River and Union, were approved. The Records of Fay- etteville, Carthage, Laurel Hill, Smyrna, Black River Chapel and Sardis, were approved with exceptions. The Records of Ashpole Church were approved in part, and the Session cen¬ sured for defects in the records and negligence in not sending them to Presbytery. Mr. H. W. Beatty was appointed Treasurer jpro tem. The Committee on the claims of Dr. Colton made a Report, which was referred back to the Committee for a few corrections. Rev. Wm. N. Peacock appeared in Presbytery and assigned reasons for his tardiness, which were sustained. Mr. John Clark, R. E. from Mt. Carmel, and Mr. John Mc- Auley, from Sharon, appeared in Presbytery and took their seats. The Committee on the Treasurer's Book submitted the fol¬ lowing Report, which was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes: "The Committee appointed to audit and report upon the Treasurer's account and vouchers respectfully report: That the Treasurer's account has not been audited since the 12th Oct. 1850. The following table exhibits the receipts and disburse¬ ments since that time, the objects patronised by Presbytery, 6 and the amount now in the hands of the Treasurer for each object: "Receipts and Disbursements of the Treasurer since the 11th Oct. 1850, and balance on hand, viz: Receipts. "For Domestic Missions, $573 64 Foreign Missions, 407 93 Commissioners' Fund, 527 54 Cumberland Academy, 539 10 Board of Publication, 22 48 Davidson College, 28 00 Church Extension, 12 40 B'd Education, 108 83 Colored Mission, 25 57 Disbursements. Balance. $523 37 $50 27 329 37 78 56 390 27 137 27 483 35 55 75 19 23 3 25 16 00 12 00 12 40 91 68 17 15 25 57 $2245 49 $1853 27 $392 22 "The Treasurer desires to know how he will disburse the last named amount. To receive all other amounts there are exist¬ ing Boards. "Your Committee report, that the vouchers of the Treasurer are satisfactory, and, within a trifling amount, cover the whole disbursements. We recommend that they be received in full satisfaction of the Treasurer's account, exclusive of the balance reported in his hands. "Your Committee further recommend, in the discharge of the duty assigned them, that the Treasurer procure a new Book, and open an account current with every Church in Presbytery, and with individuals who contribute through Presbytery to the various Boards. In an account between the several Churches they should be charged with the amounts assessed for the Com¬ missioners' Fund. The account with the Churches can be bal¬ anced semi-annually or annually, by transferring the amounts paid in to the credit of the various Boards. "All of which your Committee submit, and ask to be dis¬ charged. "JAMES BANKS, ) n ... „ "F. K. NASH, \ Committee." The order of the day—free conversation on the State of Re¬ ligion—was then attended to. Mr. James P. Hodges, R. E. from Sardis Church, appeared in Presbytery and assigned reasons for his tardiness, which were sustained. Mr. Martin McQueen presented, through Rev. N. McDonald, a Critical Exercise, and also a Latin Exegesis, as parts of trial; which were referred to a Committee consisting of Rev. Messrs. Nash and McDonald. 7 Verbal reports were made to Presbytery by Rev. H. McLean, from Messrs. Darach and Livingston. A communication was received from Patrick Mnrphy, Esq., respecting the propriety of his entering on a course of study preparatory to the work of the Ministry, when the following resolution was adopted: Pesolved, That the communication from P. Murphy, Esq. be favorably entertained; that he be encouraged in his present purpose, and that he be requested, as soon as he may think ex¬ pedient, to present himself before this Presbytery, for the pur¬ pose of being regularly admitted, if the way be open, to the work and office of the Gospel Ministry. Resolved, That the Stated Clerk communicate this resolution to Mr. Murphy. The Executive Committee of Missions submitted their Re¬ port, which was adopted, and is as follows: "The Executive Committee of Domestic Missions report: "1st. That we have received no statistical information rela¬ tive to your vacant Churches and your destitute places, as re¬ commended by your body in our last report, and consequently have done almost nothing. "2d. That we have sought and obtained contingent aid for only one as a Missionary in our bounds. "3d. That the following Churches are not supplied with sta¬ ted preaching: Mt. Williams, Keith, White Plains, Bethlehem, Mt. Edwards, and Bluff. "4th. Your Committee report, that while they humbly sub¬ mit to the direction of your body in accomplishing the "work assigned them, we hope that a zeal corresponding with the mo¬ mentous cause, so dear to the Great Head of the Church, will sustain us in our effort. "All which is respectfully submitted. "H. McALISTER, Ch'n." The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to ascertain how- much of the debt of Mark's Creek Church Presbytery agreed, to pay; how much has been paid—by what Churches—and. how much remains to be paid. Whereupon, James Banks,^ Esq. and Rev. Areh'd Smith, were appointed said Committee. The request of the Rev. Evander McRair for the dissolution of the Pastoral relation between himself and the Bluff Church,, and for a dismission from this Presbytery to join the Presby¬ tery of Brazos, was taken up and the following Minute adopted:. Resolved, That the request of Rev. Evander MciN air in refer¬ ence to the dissolution of the Pastoral relation of the Bluff' Church,, be granted;, that the said Church, be,quid hereby is da- 8 clared vacant; and that Rev. Dr. Colton be requested to preach at said Church as soon as convenient, and publish the fact to the congregation. Resolved, 2d, That this Presbytery entertain the highest es¬ teem, and the most affectionate regard for the Rev. Evander McNair; that they cherish a lively remembrance of their frater¬ nal intercourse with him; that they yield to his request, and cordially recommend him to the brethren of the Brazos Presby¬ tery, as a Brother beloved in the Lord, and in every way wor¬ thy of their confidence and christian sympathy. Presbytery then proceeded to the election of Commissioners to the General Assembly. Rev. Frederick K. Nash and Mr. Daniel B. Nicholson were appointed Principals; and Rev. Dr. Colton and Gen. A. D. McLean, Alternates. Rev. George McNeill, by letter, ap|)lied for a dismission from this Presbytery to join the Presbytery of Orange. The appli¬ cation was granted, and it was ordered that he be dismissed as a Minister in good and regular standing. The following Minute was adopted by Presbytery in refer¬ ence to Rev. James PI. McNeill and his present field of labor: Whereas, this Presbytery has been informed that the Rev. James IP. McNeill, (who, although a member of Orange Pres¬ bytery, has been laboring partly in our bounds for some con¬ siderable time, and with encouraging success,) has been invited to a distant field of labor, and that he is seriously considering the propriety and duty of leaving the State: Therefore, Resolved, 1st, That Presbytery regard Bro. McNeill's pre¬ sent field of labor as one of the most important and promising points in our bounds; and that the ground and standing of our * Church in that quarter must be maintained. Resolved, 2d. That the Committee of Missions be instructed to confer with Bro. McNeill and his Presbytery, and adopt such measures as may be necessary for his temporal comfort and support, and encouragement to remain in his present field of usefulness. The Committee appointed on the Minutes of Synod reported as follows: "The Committee to whom was referred the Minutes of the 39th Session of the Synod of North Carolina, respectfully Re- port, That they have examined the same, but find nothing therein demanding the action of this body. "Your Committee cannot, however, close this report without referring to and approving the* proceedings of Synod on the . subject of the appointment of an Agent for each of the Boards —of Foreign Missions, Domestic Missions, and Education; and believe that the requirements made upon those Agents to re¬ port in writing the different operations of the respective Boards,, 9 and all that is being done to advance said Boards within the bounds of Synod, will operate beneficially, and is an example set well worthy of imitation on the part of this Presbytery to¬ wards the corresponding Executive Committees and Agents of the several Boards. "1 our Committee call the attention of Presbytery to the re¬ quest of Synod, that Elders and Ministers should more prompt¬ ly attend Synod; and approve of their paying the expenses of their Directors in the Union Theological Seminary, this Pres¬ bytery agreeing to pay its quota. (See Minutes of Synod, pages 12, 18.) "J. BANKS, Ch'ii." The Town of Fayetteville was agreed upon as the place of the next regular semi-annual meeting of Presbytery, and Fri¬ day, the 4th day of November, at 6 o'clock, P. M., as the time of meeting. Presbytery adjourned, to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'¬ clock. Closed with prayer. Saturday Morning, April 9th, 1853. Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with prayer. The Minutes of yesterday were read and ap¬ proved. The Committee to whom were referred the Critical Exercise and Exegesis of Mr. Martin McQueen, reported, and recom¬ mended that they be sustained as parts of Trial preparatory to Licensure. The recommendation was sustained. The Committee appointed to install Rev. Wm. H. Hogshead Paster of Union and Carthage Churches, reported that they had attended to that duty according to the order of Presbytery. "The Committee to whom was referred the claim of Mark's Creek Church on Presbytery, Report, That Presbytery is un¬ der promise to pay to said Church, in aid of its erection, Two Hundred Dollars; that relying on this promise, Col. John W. Covington lias advanced that sum on its account and on its credit-; that Presbytery has repeatedly called the attention of the Churches to this subject, and at its last Session Presbytery ordered that the members attend here prepared to liquidate the debt. "Your Committee further report, that several Churches have taken up collections for this object, but from some cause, their collections have not been paid over, except the sum of $17 .10, which has been paid by the congregations of Ashpole, Smyrna and Philadelpkus;—which leaves a balance of . $182 90 still 10 due, with interest thereon, which your Committee think should he allowed. "Your Committee recommend, that the Churches which have taken up collections, he requested to forward their amounts without delay, to the Treasurer, or to the Rev. Henry Walsh; and that in the mean time, Presbytery pay what it now can in redemption of its promise. "In view of this and kindred subjects on which your Com¬ mittee' has been called upon to report during this Session, your Committee would say, that it will preserve Presbytery from much unpleasant embarrassment, if it never assumes a pecuniary liability that it is not willing and ready to make good out of the private purses of the members of that body. "Your Committee would further report, that $11 45 has come into the Treasurer's hands from Bluff and Tirzah Churches for this object, but has been remitted to Philadelphia. "Your Committee would recommend that a Committee be appointed to receive moneys for Mark's Creek Church, and to report at the close of Presbytery how much shall have been paid. JAMES BARKS, Ch'n." The above report was adopted; and Messrs. John McKeill and James P. Hodges were appointed said Committee. The Committee on the claim of Dr. Colton against the Cum¬ berland Academy, made a report, which was accepted, amend¬ ed, adopted, and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes, and is as follows: "The Committee to whom was referred the claim of Simeon Colton, D. D., for services rendered as Principal of the Cum¬ berland Academy, respectfully Report, That on the 1st of April, 1853, the amount due him was $301 05, subject to a credit of $21 20—that being the amount of Dr. Colton's sub¬ scription for liquidating the debts of said Academy. "Your Committee further report, that the Treasurer of Pres¬ bytery has on hand, subject to Dr. Colton's order, the sum of $55 75, leaving a balance of $224 50 to be collected out of the subscriptions and assessments made at China Grove Church in 1852. "Your Committee report, that the Treasurer's Book shows that the following amounts have been collected on that sub¬ scription and assessment^ viz: from Antioch and Philadelphus $30 00 Rev. Wm. H. Hogshead 10 00 Bethel 13 25 Macedonia 9 00 Bethlehem 4 00 Center 10 00 China Grove 30 00 White Plains 4 50 Rev. H. McAlister 10 00 Grove 22 00 Bethcar Church 9 00 Fayetteville 50 00 Rev. Colin Shaw 10 00 Rev. Adam Gilchrist 10 00 Alex. Kelly 10 00 Sharon 11 25 11 Six Runs Church Hopewell Rockfish Keith Mt. Edwards Lumber Bridge Union _ Rev. J. R. Mcintosh Euphronia South River (by W. J. C.) Black River Chapel Harmony Smyrna Ashpole But there is still due 5 00 2 00 10 00 6 50 50 5 45 10 00 30 00 8 00 10 00 7 00 13 50 13 50 10 00 Rev. N. McKay (for Buffalo and Tirza,) 50 00 Longstreet 9 00 Center 19 80 Rockfish F't'ry (not assessed) 1120 Everettsville 9 00 Mt. Pisgah 1,3 50 David McNeill, for Bluff, 31 00 Ashpole 8 00 Mt. Carmel 9 00 Lumber Bridge 7 75 Making the sum of $540 00 Henry Elliot 50 00 S. Colton, D. D. 20 00 *Dr. Neill Grabam 10 00 *Cypress Cburch 9 00 R. W. Gibbs 13 00 Neill McArthur 5 00 Galatia Church 13 50 "*Brown Marsh 15 00 Black River 20 00 Hopewell St. Paul's 9 25 13 50 Mineral Spring 11 25 *Barbacue 9 00 the following amounts, viz: By Union (in Duplin) 13 50 Shiloh 13 50 McPherson's 9 00 Lebanon 6 75 Rockfish (Duplin) 11 90 Keith 2 50 Euphronia 5 50 Bensalem 11 25 Bethesda 13 50 Mt. Williams 6 75 Center 1 70 Mt. Edwards 6 75 Bethlehem 50 *Since paid. Making $334 10 Still clue, which, if paid in, as Presbytery desired and had every reason to hope, would at once disembarrass it, and en¬ able it to pay Dr. Colton a claim, the payment of which, for the honor of the body, has been too long deferred. "Your Committee are advised and believe, that the Treasur¬ er has on hand, on account of the Commissioner's and Contin¬ gent Fund, $137 27, to which additions have been made at this Session of Presbytery; and as Presbytery is only entitled to send to the next General Assembly one Minister and one El¬ der, your Committee therefore recommend, that the Treasurer be instructed to borrow $100 from the Contingent Fund, (pro¬ vided there is that excess after paying the Commissioners' ex¬ penses,) and pay it to Dr. Colton; and that he be authorized, after paying Dr." Colton's debt from the subscriptions and assessments as they are paid in, to replace said $100 from the Cumberland Academy's fund; and report to the next meeting of Presbytery. "Respectfully submitted. "JAMES BANKS,) Ci„ "F. K. NASH, f committee. ^ Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to collect f amounts due on subscription and assessment, made at Cb 12 Grove Church, 1852, for Cumberland Academy, and report to Presbytery. Mr. H. W. Beatty was appointed to receive moneys for the Cumberland Academy. The Committee of Supplies presented their Report, which was adopted, and is as follows: "For Bethlehem—A. Gilchrist and H. McAlister. "Wliiteville—H. A. Munroe and C. Shaw. "Mt. Edwards—D. B. Black and C. Shaw. "Bluff—Wm. H. Hogshead, A. Gilchrist, H. McAlister, and Dr. Colton. "Mt. Williams—Dr. Herring, J. M. Sprunt and G. M. Gibbs. "Everittsville—J. M. Sprunt and G. M. Gibbs. "Each to preach one Sabbath at the above-mentioned places." The Committee on the Narrative submitted their Report, which was accepted, adopted, and is as follows: "The Presbytery of Fayetteville submit the following Narra¬ tive to the General Assemblv: "In general, there has been an increase in the size of our Congregations. The addition of members to most of our Churches has been larger than for some years previous, and in a few instances revivals of considerable extent have taken place. "We believe that harmony and brotherly love are more man¬ ifest among christians, and there appears to be, at least, the beginning of some yearning for the salvation of sinners, which we regard as precursors of better things. "Attention to Sabbath School and Catechetical instruction, and the study of the Confession of Faith, has been commendable, as there are but few of our Churches in which instruction in one or other of the above forms, or in all of them, has not been given. A good degree of attention to the colored people, by the Elders and Ministry, has also marked the year. "A few of our unsupplied Churches, that were considered weak, have waked up to the importance of having the preach¬ ing of the Gospel statedly, and have nobly undertaken to sup¬ port their Ministers. There are others still destitute; and there are none at present among us to hearken to .their calls for the Word of Life. This is a matter of lamentation. "In conclusion, while there are many things for which we have cause to be thankful to the Great Head of the Church, and for which we would take encouragement to labor more zealously and faithfully, yet we have to admit that there are also many things over which we have much cause to mourn, and that our failures and short-comings call for repentance and reformation. JOHN R. McINTOSII, Ch'n." Rev. N. McDonald was appointed to administer the Ordi- 13 nances at Macedonia; Hey. H. McAlister at Mt. Carrnel; and Rev. "Win. II. Hogshead at Harmony. The Stated Clerk presented the Statistical Report to the Gen¬ eral Assembly, which was adopted, and is as follows: "The Presbytery of Fayetteville would report to the General Assembly: That at this time they consist of 22 Ministers, and have under their care 54 Churches, 3 Licentiates, and 5 Candi¬ dates: That on the 31st August 1852, they lost, by death, the Rev. Hugh McLaurin: That on the 14th—16th October, they received Mr. Henry Walsh, a Licentiate, from the Presbytery of Raritan; received under their care Mr. Martin McQueen as a Candidate for the Gospel Ministry, on probation; dismissed Rev. Angus C. McNeill to join the Presbytery of South Ala¬ bama, and received the Church of Montpelier under their care: That on the llth day of November 1852, they lost, by death, the Rev. John Mclntyre: That on the Yth of April 1853, they received the Rev. James P. McPherson from the Presbytery of Harmony; and on the 8th they dismissed the Rev. Evander McNair to join the Presbytery of Brazos, and Rev. George McNeill to join the Presbytery of Orange. "ARCHT) SMITH, S. C." Resolved, That the Moderator and Stated Clerk have power to fill up the Statistical Report to the General Assembly. The Treasurer was ordered to pay Messrs. E. J. Hale & Son their account for printing the last Minutes, and the Stated Clerk One Dollar for Blank Sessional Reports. Resolved, That 500 copies of the present Minutes be printed. The Committee appointed to collect for the Mark's Creek Church reported that they had collected $54 50, which was ordered to be paid over to Col. John W. Covington. Rev. Neill McDonald was appointed to preach the Sermon on Domestic Missions at our next semi-annual meeting. Resolved, That the thanks of this Presbytery be tendered by the Moderator to the people of this neighborhood, for their kindness and hospitality to the members of Presbytery during their Session at this place. In accordance with a vote of this Congregation, the name of this Church was changed from Mark's Creek to Mizjpeh. The memorial from Tirzah Church—the consideration of or¬ ganising a Church at Pike Creek—and the Overture to Pres¬ bytery,—also the Ordination of Dr. Herring, (not being present,) were postponed until thgmext meeting of Presbytery. On motion, Presbytery adjourned, to meet in Fayetteville on Friday the 4th day of November next, at 6 o'clock P. M." Closed with prayer. * ARCH'D SMITH, S. C. HJVJYUdlE REPORTS OF THE CHURCHES IPD ipnia ipiBiaaTuririaar.r D? ^AiraR'i'aTatLiLa-* From April 1852, to April 1853. MIP^The Columns for Collections are filled up as follows:—Domestic Missions; to include all moneys collected for the purpose, and Church Extension, whether for the Boards, or any judicatories of the Church. Foreign Missions; including all moneys for that pur¬ pose. Education; including all that is given for the education of candidates for the ministry; for Theological Seminaries; Presbyterian colleges, academies, parochial and Sabbath-schools. Publication; all moneys for the Board of Publication, and for Synodical and Pres- byterial depositories, and colportage. Prcsbyterial; to include Commissioners' and Contingent Funds, and contributions for the support of aged ministers. Congregational; all moneys contributed for the congregation, as pastors' salaries, building and repairing churches, liquidation of debts, and current expenses. Miscellaneous; including all other collections. CHURCHES. COMMUNICANTS. BAPTISED. Whole No. of Families in the Congregation. FUNDS COLLECTED. > ea p. p- P & p B 5 p > p- © p o p o © H © p © o o © © © p p 5- & B 0 £■ o % _ o 5- ° »1 B 0 5. > Cu 0_ c+- CO i—i p '-b p CO © B © CO f-p o* 8 ©" p CO o 1-1 oq" p § CO CO o° p 00 & p o p o' p p3 0 cr C5* p o" 0 cs CO a* *