of the STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION OF .GEORGIA; held at EATONTON on the 23rd and 24th November, ISU3. PENFIELD: printed by benj. bratttli 1844. MINUTES, &c. Eatonton, Nov. 23d, 1843. According to appointment, delegates from various Temperance Societies met at 11 o'clock, at the Union Church. Rev. Billington M. Sanders was called to the Chair pro. tem. and J. i\I. Ashurst and E. C. Lawrence requested to act as Secretaries, for the organization of the Convention. After prayer by Rev. W. A. Florence, the delegates were called on for reports. The following gentlemen were reported as the dele¬ gates from the Richmond County Washingionian T. A. Society.—Samuel 1'. Chapman, L. D. Lallerstadt, Jas. T. Hook, Hawkins Huff, and G. A. Ingraham. From the Morgan County Temperance Society.—C. P. B. Martin, John T. McNeil, W. G. Ballard, A. A. Overton, A. Atkinson and Thos. Nelson. From the Washingtonian Society at Crawfonlville.— Rev. John YV. Wilson, Wm. H. Chapman, John W. Reynolds, L. L. Andrews, Wm. B. Reynolds and W. A. Wilson. Lick Creek Society, Putnam county.—Wm. D. Ter¬ rell, James W. Mappin and John T. Blount. Fort Valley Temperance Society.—J)r. J. G. Cheeves, A. H. Slappy, Esq. and Col. A. D. Hendriek. Bethel Total Abstinence Society, Newton county, was represented by a letter. Talbot County Washingtonian Society.—Elijah Worthen, Young Edwards and J. C. Godwin, Esq. Mountain Creek Temperance Society.—Col. John White, C. Kenon and M. D. J. Heard, Esq. Jackson Temperance Society, Butts county.—Rev. W. A. Florence and A. Cargile. 3 Savannah Washingtonian Temperance Society sent up a letter. Clopton's Mill Temperance Society.—P. II. Mullins, T. J. Williams, D. R. Andrews, John H. Clark and B. W. Clark. Fair Play Washingtonian Society, Morgan county.— Wm. H. Ponder, Calvin Street, R. A. Prior and Elijah Mattox. Holmesville Total Abstinence Society.—W. B. Jour- dan and Francis S. Hearn, jr. Liberty Chapel T. A. Temp. Society.—James Tin- ley and Hiram T. Mann. Forsyth T. A. Society.—Rev. Daniel Holiday, H. II. Tucker and E. W. Todd. Penfield Washingtonian Society.—Rev. B. M. San¬ ders, E. C. Lawrence, Benj. Brantly and T. G. Macon. Greenesboro' Washingtonian T. A. Society.—Rev. P. H. Mell and Vincent Sanford. Philadelphia Wash. Society, Putnam county.—W. Turner, Esq., A. D. Gatewood, John T. Adams, Brad- ly Slaughter and F. D. Ross. Eatonton T. A. Society.—George C. Mason, II. T. Shear, D. R. Adams, H. M. Tripp, Joel Branhani, B. W. Sanford, Wm. A. Thornton, Anderson Comer, Rev. Miles Greene, J. A. Wingfield, Albert Jones, John Hndson, S, Fuller, jr., John M Ashurst and Gabriel R. Thomas. Temperance Society Rehoboth, Monroe county.— Rev. Hiram Phinazee, Wm. N, Fambrough and Pierce Wynn. Jones County Temperance Society.—Rev. J. H. Campbell. Walton County Wash. Society.—James Brewer. DeKalb County Wash. Society—James Diamond and J. B. Breedlove. Twiggs County T. A. Society.-—B. F. Tharpe, C. J. Easom and Dr. Townson. 4 Social Circle Wash. T. Society, Walton County.— Rev, T. U. Wilks. Monticello Wash. Society.—Samual Plummer and Samuel Dent Varner. Athens Wash. T. A. Society.—Thomas W. W. Cobb, Esq., W. Nichols, John H. Newton, Dr. Henry Hull, Wm. Flint, Jos. Carlton. Monroe Wash. Society, Walton County.—James Brewer. On motion of Dr. Hiram P. Shaw, it was Resolved unanimously, that the Rev. B. M. Sanders be appoint¬ ed President of this Convention. Before taking the Chair, the Rev. gentleman made a few appropriate and interesting remarks. On motion of Mr. Campbell, J. M. Ashurst and E. C. Lawrence were appointed to act as Secretaiies by ac¬ clamation. By resolution, the friends of Temperance present who were not delegates, were invited to aid in the delibera¬ tions of the Convention. On motion, a Committee of seven, consisting of J. M. Ashurst, J. H. Campbell, Hiram Phinazee, Hiram P. Shaw, A. A. Overton, James T. Hook and James Tin- ley, were appointed to report upon the subject of Tem¬ perance publications. On motion, a Committee consisting of J. H. Camp¬ bell, L. D. Lallerstadt, L. L. Wittich, H. H. Tucker and Wm. Turner, were appointed to report business for the action of the Convention. Convention adjourned to meet at o'clock P. M. Half past 2 o'clock, P. M. Convention met according to adjournment. Some communications were then read from the dele¬ gates of the different Societies. The Committee on business made a report which was received. o On motion, Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to address the citizens of the State upon Tem¬ perance. The President appointed J. H. Wingfield, P. H. Mell, L. L. Wittich, Wm. Flint and L, D. Laller- stadt. The Society adjourned business till 9 o'clock, to-mof- row morning, with an appointment to meet at early can¬ dle light to hear addresses ; at which time, Mr. Wittich, Mr. Phinazee, Dr. Joel Branham and Mr. Flint address¬ ed the Convention. The speeches were eloquent and appropriate to the occasion, abounding with wit, humor and sound argument. Aftei which, 11 females and 2 males took the pledge, Friday Morning.—The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Wilks. The Committee on business made a further report, which was received. Read a communication from the Monticello Colei Water Association. Took up the unfinished business of yesterday in re¬ lation to the report of the Business Commtttee. Mi. Hudson offered the following as a substitute for one resolution of the Committee : Resolved, That this Convention do not propose to further the cause of Temperance by any other means than that of moral suasion—which was adopted. Adopted the following resolutions from the report of the Committee on Business : Resolved, That the Convention recommend the hold¬ ing of large Temperance meetings by the union of dif- lerent Societies, (of different counties, if need be,) to¬ gether with Temperance barbecues, when practicable, for the pur pose of bringing together and addressing such as are usually indifferent to the Temperance movement. Resolved, That a Committee ot one from each coun¬ ty in the State be appointed, whose duty it shall be to 6 procure statistical accounts of the various Societies in their respective counties, and forward them to the Tem¬ perance Banner and Augusta Washingtonian. Resolved, That the officers of this body retain their offices during the year, that the Convention meet annu¬ ally at such time and place as shall be deemed pioper, and that it consist of delegates from all Temperance So¬ cieties in the (State who think proper to send them, and that it be called the State Temperance Convention of Georgia. Read the report of the Committee on Publications, which was received. After a lengthy discussion, the Committee was allowed to withdraw the report. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Adams, and adopted: Resolved, That the Convention recommend to the friends of Temperance the patronage of the Temper¬ ance Banner and Augusta Washingtonian, and that each of the members of this Convention subscribe to one or both of these papers. Adjourned to 2 o'clock. Met pursuant to adjournment. The President addressed a few remarks to the Con¬ vention upon the importance of Temperance in all things—in business deliberations as well as indulgence of appetite. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Branham. On motion, it was Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to select a suitable place for holding the next session of this body. Committee appointed under the above resolution : H. H. Tucker, Kev. J. H. Campbell, James Diamond, Col. John White, David R. Adams. The Committee retired a few moments and reported Forsyth, in Monroe coun¬ ty, Ga., as the place of holding the next Temperance Convention. 7 On motion, it was therefore Resolved, That a Tem¬ perance Convention be held in said place on Thursday, the 21st of November, 1844. Resolved, That a Committee of nine be appointed to select an Orator to deliver an address to the Slate Tem¬ perance Convention at its next meeting in Forsyth. Committee—H. Jtl. Tucker, Rev. J. H. Campbell, J. A. Wingfield, W. A. Florence, James Diamond, Rev. Hiram Phinazee, Robert A. Prior, Rev. D. Kelsey, Augustus Cargile. On motion of the Rev. J. H. Campbell, Revolved, That our thanks are due to Almighty God for the past success and brightening prospects of the Temperance cause. On motion of Rev. Mr. Florence, Resolved, That we hereby tender our grateful acknowledgments to the citizens of Eatonton for the kind hospitality extended to the membeis of the Convention. The President then withdrew for a few moments and the Rev. J, II. Campbell was called to the Chair in his stead, when on motion of Dr. Shaw, it was unanimous¬ ly Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be tendered to the Rev. Mr. Sanders for the able and im¬ partial manner in which he has presided over its deliber¬ ations. On motion of Mr. Cargile, it was Resolved, That the thanks of the Convention be tendered to the Secre¬ taries for the manner in which they have discharged the duties of their office. On motion of Mr. Turner, it was Resolved, That each delegate present, as well as any friend so disposed, be requested to contribute fifty cents to constitute a fund to be employed under the direction of the President and Secretaries in publishing the proceedings and address of the Convention in pamphlet form. Resolved, That the Temperance Banner and Augus¬ ta Washingtonian be requested to publish the proceed- 8 ings of this Convention, together with the Address hereafter to be made, and that we also extend this invi¬ tation to the different Miscellaneous, Religious, Agricul¬ tural and Political papers in the State. Convention then adjourned to early candle light. Friday Evening, 7 o'clock. Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Heard several interesting addresses; after which the pledge was proposed, and 15 signatures obtained—13 females and 5 males. In obedience to a resolution previously adopted, the President returned the thanks of this Convention to the Almighty in a most fervent and eloquent prayer. After which, on motion, the Convention adjourned sine die. B. M. SANDERS, President. E. C. Lawrence, } 0 . T Ttyr » >- -Secretaries. J no. M. Ashurst, 3 ADDRESS TO THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. It is a fact beyond dispute, that morality is the very essence of civil liberty under free institutions. The reason is simply because, that under such institution all power proceeds either directly or indirectly from the people. If, therefore, the people are generally moral, they will al ways exercise the powers and priv¬ ileges which they enjoy with a disinterestedness of patriotism only equal to the unhesitating promptitude of their obedience to the laws. On the contrary, it is equally a fact, as fully veri¬ fied by the history of the past, as it is striking to the 9 common sense of every reflecting mind, that a loose morality, by a law as unvarying and invariable as the law of gravitation, must result in the decline and final destruction of republican institutions. If these facts are admitted, what, let us inquire, is the moral condition of our country? It is to us a mat¬ ter of gravest import and deserving our most serious consideration. From one end of the country to the other, we have heard of nothing so much for the past few years as the mobs, the riots, the thefts, the mur¬ ders, and every thing, in a word, which could indicate the general immorality and corruption of our people. The press has been so crowded with the shocking de¬ tails of crime, that we can hardly take up a newspaper which does not contain an account of some new out¬ break against law and good order, or some tale yet untold of theft or bloodshed. Never was there a period in the history of our government, say our statesmen, so fraught with corruption as is the present. Hence proceeds the gloom which settles and gathers thick and heavily^over all their speculations concern¬ ing the future. In addition to these facts, are not the disorders con¬ sequent upon the recent monetary depression fresh in the recollection of us all? Was there ever a plainer demonstration than was then afforded, of the ineffi¬ ciency of mere parchment restrictions when unsus- tained by the salutary restraints of a sound morality? Resistance to the peaceful administration of justice, was in many places openly discussed, and too often 10 successfully carried out. There was hence a general feeling of insecurity, and a felt uneasiness and anxiety among all law-abiding men, as to the course of those who seemed disposed to set aside the supremacy of the laws. Such is and has been the moral condition of our country. We presume not to trace the causes which have combined to produce such a state of things; yet it may not be unimportant to notice, among many others, one or two facts which most certainly exist, and which will operate as an aggravation of the present evils in time to come. According then to the best estimates which have been made, our population doubles itself every 23^ years. We have now a population of seventeen mil¬ lions. If the immorality of the country is enough to excite the alarm of the patriot now, what may we ex¬ pect in the next 23i years, when our population will be 34 millions'? What in the next half century, when we shall number 68 millions of inhabitants. The causes which operate to demoralise our people note, besides being vastly multiplied in number, will act with much more power. The people will be collect¬ ed in greater masses throughout the country, and whatever is inflammatory of passion and prejudice will be the more easily enkindled and spread with the greater rapidity. The collection of large numbers of persons together has always been found to favor the growth and devel¬ opment of our worst passions. The'Same man is al- 11 together a different creature unuer the different cir¬ cumstances of solitude and society. In the one case, he is more apt to yield to the suggestions of his reason and the disinterested goodness of his heait. In the other, he is the creature of an unthinking, unreasoning impulse: And thus it is, that in the calmness of solita¬ ry reflection, we are often surprised, when we recur to our association with a crowd, and recall the indis- creetness of our remarks, or the heedless impetuosity of our actions. Under these various circumstances, men are not unlike the electric fluid, which, in its general diffusion over the earth, gives calm and re¬ pose and sunshine to the world,' but concentrated it seems to loose the law of its being, and to follow no other law but that of death and destruction to every thing within the sphere of its influence. The increased and increasing facilities of communi¬ cation by means of the steam car, are bringing the most distant parts of the country into the same neigh¬ borhood. The vices of the large cities will thus spread through the country, and the moralsofthe peo¬ ple must certainly deteriorate. It then appears, that we are grossly immoral now, with a certain prospect, from causes now in operation, of becoming worse in time to come. Are these facts, or are they not? If they are, it must be admitted, that our country may be ruined by her vices. In the lax morality of our people we have a foe arrayed against us, more to be feared for its numbers, more insatiable in its hostility, and more insidious in its 12 tacks, than the whole army against which we battled for our independence. Against the latter, though against the most powerfttl odds, we have fought vic¬ toriously. Who can say that we shall be equally victorious over the more formidable enemy, which is now silently, yet not the less certainly, sapping the foundations of American liberty? The noble oak which has been torn, and wrong, and riven by the lightnings of heaven, has sometimes flourished on, green and unwithered in its glory, as if in defiance of the thunders of the tempest; yet, after all, it has fallen beneath the attack of an unseen enemy at its heart. God grant that such may not be the type of our destiny; but victorious in arms, that we may also be able to control and to conquer our passions. Are yoa not prepared, then, fellow-citizens, to aid in the moral reformation of your country? Are you not prepared to wage a war of extermination with the moral corruption of our people. Let us then at¬ tack the enemy in the very citadel of its strength.— Let us rase that to its foundation, and the victory is ours. That citadel is Intemperance, Hence issue the legions of evils, which under different names are constantly sallying forth upon society, leaving nought but famine and universal desolation to mark the track of their invasion. We cannot present a more condensed view, or a more graphic description of the evils of intemperance than one which has been given by a writer in the State of Ohio. We gladly substitute itin the place of any 13 thing from ourselves, and ask for it a careful and thoughtful perusal: "And yet its march of ruin is onward still. It reaches abroad to others, invades the family and social circle, and spreads wo and sorrow all around; it cuts down youth in its vigor, manhood in its strength, and age in its weakness; it breaks the father's heart, bereaves the doting mother, extin¬ guishes natural affection, erases conjugal love, blols out filial attachment, blights parental hope, and brings down mourn¬ ing age with sorrow to the grave. It produces weakness, not strength; sickness, not health; death, not life. It makes wives widows; children orphans; fathers fiends, and all of them paupers and beggars. It hails fevers, feeds rheumatism, nurses gout, welcomes epidemic, imparts pestilence, and em¬ braces consumption. It covers the land with idleness, pov¬ erty, disease and crime; it fills our jails, supplies our alms¬ houses, and demands our asylumns; it engenders controver¬ sies, fosters quarrels, and cherishes riots; it contemns law, spurns order, and loves mobs; it crowds your penitentiaries, and furnishes victims for your scaffolds; it is the life-blood of the gambler, the aliment of the counterfeiter, the prop of the highwayman, and the support of the midnight incendiary; it countenances the liar, respects the thief, and esteems the blasphemer; it violates obligations, reverences fraud, and honors infamy; it defames benevolence, hates love, scorns vir¬ tue and slanders innocence; it incites the father to butcher his offspring, helps the husband to massacre his wife, and aids the child to grind his parricidal axe; it burns up man, consumes woman, detests life, curses God, and despises Heaven; it suborns witnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury box, and stains the judicial ermine; it disqualifies voters, cor¬ rupts elections, pollutes our institutions, and endangers our government; it degrades the citizen, debases the legislator, dishonors the statesman, and disarms the patriot; it brings shame, not honor; terror, not safety; despair, not hope; mise¬ ry, not happiness. And now, as with the malevolence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolations, and insatiate with havoc, it poisons felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights confidence, slays reputation, and wipes out national honor, then curses the world and laughs at its rum. It is 6tated, too, upon the highest and most unquestionable authori- 14 ty, that not less than a half a million of drunkards have ex¬ isted at any one time in the United States for the last twenty years. That one million and a half have died since the ac¬ knowledgment of our independence; that at least a quarter of a million in the same time have been put to death by murder and manslaughter from drunkenness; another quarter of a million have been executed for murder and sentenced to public prisons; making in all, the appalling1 number of two millions since we have been a free people." If, therefore, the evils which have been enumerated in the foregoing extract, do naturally result from in¬ temperance, is it surprising that we hear and read so much of the immorality and corruption of our people, when it is considered, too, that intemperance, the great cause of causes, numbers so many among its votaries? Ought not, then,, every patriot to engage in the effort which is now making to remove intem¬ perance, this dreadful enemy of our peace, our hap¬ piness, and our liberties, from the land. Are we worthy of the noble heritage of our rights and our liberties, if we make no effort to preserve them? Yet after all, it is to be feared that there are hundreds amongst us who—because we have not yet been de¬ stroyed by our vices—either cannot or will not see any danger, unless they see the red coat of the British soldier or hear the booming of a British gun. They do not seem to consider that we can suffer harm ex¬ cept from the artillery, the infantry and the cavalry of some foreign foe. To such persons we would say, if you will give the 'go-by' to the teachings of reason f go and consult the history of the Republics which are now no more. You will find, if we mistake not, that. in every instance, the insidious, the ever-active, the 15 destructive enemy of their own vices had enslaved tb em, long before they ever yielded submission to any foreign power. That already conquered by their own excesses, an invading army had nothing to do but take possession of their territory. It is at once our glory and our danger, that all power emanates from the people. Our glory, because we are the authors and preservers of our own rights. We do not take them as a boon from any man or set of men. And in the exercise of virtue directed by an enlight¬ ened view of our best interests, we shall perpetuate a free government to the latest generation. Our dan¬ ger, because the people may become corrupted.— They may cease to exercise their powers in accord¬ ance with the dictates of a virtuous and enlightened patriotism; until yielding only to the impulsive mad¬ ness of passion and the prejudices of ignorance, every measure that is corrupt, may find its sanction in law— every man who is ambitious may establish his honor by elevation. The legislation of the country neces¬ sarily partaking of the capricious passions which direct it, the rights of the people may become unstable and fluctuating; until passing from one stage to another, civil war may finally ensue, and ihe people at last find themselves writhing under the yoke of the most galling despotism. Among the evils of intemperance, we have barely noticed its tendency to corrupt the purity of elections. We will here add, that in this respect it is a most dangerous engine in the hands of the demagogue.— 16 By the power which it gives him, the government is practically subverted; for the powers of the people are transferred from them to those who have a mind, to impose upon them. The government no longer becomes the government of the many, but the govern¬ ment of the few. The demagogue may thus, through the agency of intemperance, carry whatever he pleases. If he has any selfish object to attain, be it merely his own elevation, or, what is worse, to filch by legislative spoliation, the hard earnings of his more honest and industrious neighbors, he may successfully employ this engine in its attainment.—Who has not seen hundreds of our fellow-citizens the veriest slaves of those who would treat at elections; thus ignobly parting with their rights of suffrage, the most glorious right of American freeman. Whatever may have been our past offences upon this subject, whether they have been to treat or be treated, let us not perpetuate an evil which may be such a powerful instrument in the hands of bad men. Let us look with suspicion upon men who, wanting the courage to covimand our suffrages by their merits, would insidiously steal them by liquor. Let us watch all candidates, particularly on our days of election. If they offer to treat us then we are bound to suspect them, however plausible the pretexts of their kindness. And so suspecting them, we are bound to feel the deep, the stinging insult,, which is implied in the attempt to control the dearest right of an American freeman by the bottle. From nothing let us turn so indignantly away. Nothing? 17 should so stir up the resentment of every man who rejoices in his freedom. Whatever becomes corrupt¬ ed, let us preserve the purity of the ballot-box.— Whatever sacrifices we make, let us never sacrifice that right which makes us free, and which indepen¬ dently maintained will keep us so. If intemperance produces so much evil, temperance on the other hand, will produce a correspondinga- jnountof good. Temperance is the mother of industry, industry is itself the parent of a host of virtues.— Temperance strengthens the bonds of society; it loves order and respects the laws; it promotes education; it cherishes the social feelings, and thus alleviates the burdens and the sorrows of life by the charm which it diffuses over all its various relations. It keeps men alive to their rights, and confers the ability to main¬ tain them. It weakens the motives to do wrong, and strengthens the motives to do right. It makes men good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers. It helps the poor man to wealth, and secures the fRfe1- sessions of the rich. It regards obligation and speeds us forward in the discharge of duty. In a word^it preserves the due subordination of the passions and the supremacy of reason; evolving all that is good and which will make us happy,—suppressing all that is bad and which will make us unhappy. It is our duty, then, fellow-citizens, to promote tbe cause of Temperance. We owe it to ourselves," rJB« our families, and to society. We owe it, above evetyf thing,, to the government under which we live, and i£f which can only be sustained by the virtue and mor¬ ality of its citizens. Up to the time of the origin of the Temperance reform, America had been called a nation of drunk¬ ards by some of the States of Europe. The charge could not then be denied, for the drinking class of our citizens constituted no small part of our whole popu¬ lation. Since that time, the cause of Temperance has progressed with a rapidity far beyond the calculation of its warmest friends. Hundreds and thousands and millions have enlisted under its banners. America, once taunted with the drunkenness of her population, has been the first to set about the correction of the evil; and Europe, animated by a noble emulation of her success, now acknowledges by her reformed mil¬ lions, the worthy example of once drunken America. How should the thought swell the bosom of every American patriot, when he reflects, that if we were first to be called a nation of drunkards, we were also first to set the example of sobriety. There is some¬ thing about this which we may fairly trace to the* good old blood of the revolution, it savors much of the spirit of those great men, who, convinced of their er¬ rors, always deemed it nobler to retrieve them, than persist obstinately in their defence. To America belongs the honor of giving the exam¬ ple of a free people and free institutions to the world. Her example was felt in the honest but ill-fated at¬ tempt of France, to establish similar institutions upon the ruins of her fallen throne. It spread thence throughout the nations of Europe. And although none of them have as yet adopted her form of Govern- ment, yet, the spirit of liberty is still increasing among their people to such an extent, as to leave very little doubt that there is a gradual and an irresistible ten¬ dency of all the governments of Europe to the equal rights and privileges of our own glorious republic.— But if America had stopt here, if she had been con¬ tent with the achievements of her illustrious founders^ her work, though confessedly great, had been but half done; Greece and Rome had flourished and with the decline of virtue they had fallen. France, infuriated under a sense of the most galling oppression, had thrown off the chains of feudal vassalage, and upon the ruins of her ancient institutions had founded a Government which was to confer equal rights upon all; yet, unprepared for the transition, and maddened with the enjoyment of a liberty which before had ex¬ isted only in the dreams of her Poetry or in the wild abstractions of her Philosophy, her passions had risen into the storm, under the violence of which, her liber¬ ties had been prostrated. Such too had been the fate of our South American neighbors. The conclusion, therefore, of the friends of the insti¬ tutions of Europe, had been that such too must and will be the fate of Republican America. But thanks to the enlightened patriotism of those who could see in immorality and vice, the deadliest enemies to our in¬ stitutions, our country has been aroused to a sense of its danger, and not content with the mere possession ■30 of free institutions, we are now showing to the world that we know how to preserve them. In our Temperance Societies we have the guaranty of an enlighted and a virtuous population for genera¬ tions to come. Thus shall our liberties be preserved; for, with such a population, our laws will be planned in wisdom, administered with impartiality, and carri¬ ed most faithfully into execution. May we not contemplate, with proud satisfaction, the contrast between America and all of the Repub¬ lics of the past. They perished from the excesses of a looss morality. Such cannot be her fate if we suc¬ ceed, as we confidently believe we will. in the efforts which we are now making for our moral improve¬ ment. But if such reflections may inspire us with pride, may we not feel prouder when we reflect that we are fast shutting the mouths of our transatlantic enemies when they point to "drunken America," and argue from her excesses that her days will soon be numbered—and that she too, will perish as have the Republics which have gone before her. What an impulse shall we give the cause of free¬ dom throughout the civilized world. How triumphant¬ ly shall the friend# of liberty appeal to our example in all time to come. It was a great work to plant our Institutiens. It is no less a work to preserve them. The former was the work of our fathers—the latter is ours. Let us see to it that we have equal success. Pos¬ terity shall then award us equal honor. We therefore invite you, Fellow-citizens to enlist 21 with us in the great work of moral improvement which is now going on. Let us advance the Temperance Reform. A broad field is here opened for your pat¬ riotism and your philanthropy. You are called onto make no sacrifice of principle either in religion or politics. Our cause stands by itself. It will succeed upon its own merits. The evils which it is designed to remove need only to be brought before the atten¬ tion of the people to insure its most distinguished success. It therefore needs no alliance with any thing- else, VVe claim it as our own peculiar privilege, that we unite all parties and all churches in the common cause of removing the ills of Intemperance. We nei¬ ther ask you to make any sacrifice of health, of repu¬ tation, or honor, or indeed any sacrifice or privation which would be even as dust in the balance compared with the real service which you may render your country. We only ask you not to drink ardent spirits. That is easily enough done. You make no sacrifice in that which will not benefit you, whilst at the same time you are doing great service to your country. You are neither .called on to set yourselves up in the oppo¬ sition of distance and coldness and reserve to old. friends because they drink. -On the contrary, in ac¬ cordance with the dictates of humanity and our own glorious principles, we would expect your friendship to catch a warmer glow from the pity excited by the infirmities of your-friends and your anxiety to reforip them. 22 We regard the drunkard with pity, not wilh scorn- We have no other than feelings of the kindest sympa¬ thy for him. Instead of lowering him in his own or tha public estimation, we would rather go to him, and in the spirit of the greatest benevolence and terms of the greatest persuasion, urge him to the aban¬ donment of a set of habits which must result in his degradation. We believe, too, that persuasive means are most effectual in reclaiming the inebriate. We deem all others unnecessary, and therefore we use no others. No possible objection can be opposed to our cause or the means which are used in its advancement. It proposes to remove a great evil. How? Simply-by persuading men to abandon it. However determined a man may be in his opposition to the temperance re¬ form, he cannot be honest with himself if he objects either to the cause or the means by which it is ad¬ vanced. Will a man hate you when you give him the best of reasons to believe that you love him 1 It cannot be. Called on, therefore, to make no sacrifice what¬ ever—to do nothing which can create bad feelings between you and your neighbors, yet still enabled to co-operate in one of the greatest revolutions since the days of Luther—a revolution rich with blessings and happiness to our common country and to mankind, we urge you, fellow citizens, to lay hold without delay upon your privilege and your duty. The success of our cause is now past all dispute. 23 Nobody can say aught against it. Every body can say something for it. The young men throughout the whole country are coming up to its aid. Go in¬ to any of our villages, and it will be found that, with very few exceptions, nine-tenths of the young men are on the side of temperance. The bottle is no long¬ er used to stimulate their mirth in the meetings of their clubs. Go where you will and you will scarcely nnd a tavern where spirits are kept. Their manufac¬ ture and importation are annually diminishing. The voice of the whole country is getting to be against their use as a beverage. The day, we believe, is not very far distant when they will cease to be used in th$it way. What a glorious day for our beloved coun¬ try ! When harmony and peace and love shall rule the domestic circle; when the tears of early disappoint¬ ment and care shall cease to bedim the cheek of the too confiding wife, and the silence of midnight shall no more be broken with her groans; when Intem¬ perance shall no more consume the bread of helpless and unprotected orphanage; when the cottage of the poor man ho longer the squalid abode of pining and want, shall assume the neatness and the eomfort of thrifty acquisition; when its walls no longer echoing the mirth of Bachanalian revelry shall resound with the praises of the living God; when the blessings of Education shall be within the reach of the hundreds and thousands who are now enveloped in the darkness of ignorance; when all of our citizens may qualify themselves for the discharge of all their duties as the 24- freemen of a free government; when crime shall be comparatively unknown, and order, morality; and obedience to the laws shall universally prevail,—our work will have been done. Our country no longer enslaved to immorality and vice, will stand erect in the glorious beauty of her emancipation. Superior to the control of her own passions* she shall have re¬ moved every obstacle in the way of her prosperity. The mind, unfettered in its action except by the most wholesome restraints, will bring to light the hidden and undeveloped blessings of a higher civilization and a purer refinement. Our march will then be on ward,—ever onward to the high destiny for which omi •"nstitutious were projected.