t f as aeeispiB t 1 THIRTEENTH AMPA© ©@rawiKnra©ra OF THE Protectant fpicropol Cljurcl), mm HELD IN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, TALLAHASSEE, Commencing on the 8th of January, 1851. TALLAHASSEE: ©ffice of tl)c Jloritra Scntmel: J. CLISBY, PRINTER. LIST OF THE CLERGY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, CANONIC ALLY CONNECTED WITH THE DIOCESE OF FLORIDA, JANUARY 5th, 1851. Rev. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Key West, and Missionary. Rev. JAMES S. GREENE, Rector of St. Luke's Church, Marianna, and Missionary. Rev. HENRY McVlCKAR, Residing in New York—in ill health. Rev. F. H. RUTLEDGE, D. D., Rector of St. John's Church, Tallahassee. Rev. WM. T. SAUNDERS, Rector of Trinity Church, Apalachicola. Rev. J. J. SCOTT, Rector of Christ Church, Pensacola Rev. ISAAC SWART, Rector of St. John's Church, Jacksonville, and Missionary. Rev. BENJAMIN WRIGHT, Rector of Trinity Church, St. Augustine, and Missionary. Rev. R. E. PARHAM, Of the Diocese of North Carolina, officiating at Monticello. Cist of Cfynrcljes in tl)e HUocrn of Jloriira. TRINITY CHURCH, St. Augustine. CHRIST CHURCH, Pensacola. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Tallahassee. TRINITY CHURCH, Apalachicola. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Quincy. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Key West. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Jacksonville. CHRIST CHURCH, Monticello. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, Marianna. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Warrington. JOURNAL. St. John's Church, Tallahassee, Florida, ) Wednesday, January 8th, 1851.) This being the time and place appointed for the meeting of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Florida, the Conven¬ tion met accordingly, at half past ten o'clock, A. M. Morning prayer was read by the Rev. B. Wright, Rector of Trinity Church, St. Augustine, assisted by the Rev. J. J. Scott, Rector of Christ Church, Pensacola; and the Convention Sermon was preached by the Rev. J. S. Greene, Rector of St. Luke's Church, Marianna. After divine service the Rev. J. J. Scott, former Sec¬ retary, called the Convention to order, when, on his motion, the Rev. Dr. Rutledge was requested to take the chair. The Secretary then called over the list of Clergy entitled to seats in the Convention, when the following answered to their names, viz : Rev. J. S. Greene, " Benjamin Wright, Rev. F. H. Rutledge, D. D. " J. J. Scott, Rev. W. Trebell Saunders. Certificates of Deputies to the Convention being pre¬ sented, they were referred to a Committee consisting of Messrs. I. H. Bronson and John Beard. The Committee reported that Canonical certificates had been received from six Parishes, and that the following persons are entitled to seats in the Convention, viz: From Trinity Church, St. Augustine : Isaac H. Bronson and George R. Fairbanks. From St. John's Church, Jacksonville : Thomas Douglas, J. W. Bryant, J. M. Daniel, A. M. Reed. From Christ Church, Pensacola: Walker Anderson, Robert C. Caldwell, W. W. J. Kelly, Wm. H. Baker. The roll being called, the following Deputies answered to their names : A quorum of both orders being present, the Convention proceeded to elect officers. Whereupon the Rev. F. H. Rutledge, D. D., was elected President. The former Sec¬ retary, the Rev. Mr. Scott, declining to serve any longer, John Beard was elected Secretary, and Turbutt R. Betton was re-elected Treasurer of the Diocese. The following Standing Committees were then ap¬ pointed : On the State of the Church.—Rev. Benjamin Wright, and Messrs. George R. Fairbanks, Thomas Douglas and T. R. Betton. On Unfinished Business.—Rev. J. J. Scott, and Messrs. I. H. Bronson and F. Eppes. On Elections.—Rev. J. J. Scott, and Messrs. I. H. Bronson and A. G. Semmes. On Finance.—Messrs. Robert Gamble, Walker Ander¬ son, Thomas Douglas and J. J. Finley. Parochial Reports were read, and referred to the Com¬ mittee on the State of the Church. (See Appendix.) I. H. Bronson, George R. Fairbanks, Thomas Douglas, T. R. Betton, F. Eppes, R. Gamble, John Beard, J. J. Finley, A. G. Semmes, Walker Anderson, J. W. Bryant. JOURNAL. On motion, ordered that the Convention now proceed to the election of the Standing Committee of the Diocese for the ensuing year, and for Deputies to the General Convention. Whereupon, after balloting, the Committee on Elections reported that the following persons were duly elected : Stantong (Eommittee of % SHoceae. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. F. H. Rutledge, D. D. Francis Eppes, " J. J. Scott, T. R. Betton, " C. C. Adams, James H. Randolph, " B. Wright. George Whitfield, John Beard. IBeptttiea to % (General (Eonoentton. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. F. H. Rutledge, D. D. Hon. I. H. Bronson, " J. J. Scott, " Wm. Marvin, " B. Wright, " Tho's. Douglas, " W. T. Saunders. " Tho's. Randall. The Standing Committee of the Diocese made the following report: REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE. In presenting their Annual Report, the Standing Com¬ mittee, with deep thankfulness to the great Head of the Church, record that the Diocese has been much blessed in the unity and peace which, through the past year, has pervaded its borders. At no former period of its history 3 have its prospects been more encouraging. With a single exception, the Parishes are all supplied with stated minis- < j- terial services, and there has been a zeal exhibited among the members of the Church, which bids the hearts of all who are interested in her welfare to rejoice. The general agent, charged with soliciting contributions towards the formation of an Episcopate Fund, is assiduously prose¬ cuting the duty assigned him; and his success (as his report will show) gives token that a brighter day is dawn- H ing upon our Diocese. H In obedience to the instructions of the last Convention, a correspondence was opened with the R't. Rev. Horatio || Southgate, D. D., requesting him to render Episcopal H services to this Diocese; in reply to which the following || letter was received: " I have received your letter of the 26th of March, and having given to it the consideration which its importance deserves, beg to say—that it seems inexpedient for me to assume the regular exercise of Episcopal functions in the United States, while the questions which have arisen respecting our Oriental Missions, remain undecided. I await a decision from the General Convention. " I remain, &c. "HORATIO SOUTHGATE." Invitations of a kindred character were likewise extend¬ ed to several of the neighboring Bishops, and responded to by the Bishops of Georgia and South Carolina. The first named, visited and administered confirmation at Trinity Church, Apalachicola, early in the spring. The latter, it is understood, is at this time at Key West, for the purposes of consecrating the Church edifice and adminis¬ tering confirmation. The clerical changes which have occurred within the year are, the transfer of the Rev. W. J. Zimmer to the Diocese of Georgia, and the admission into this of the Rev. James S. Greene, on letters dimissory from the Bishop of Mississippi. Mr. Greene is serving St. Luke's Parish, Marianna, as Missionary, under the appointment (at the instance of your Committee) of the Domestic Board of Missions. And the Rev. Wm. T. Saunders succeeds to the charge of Trinity Church, Apalachicola, which had been temporarily served by the Rev. W. J. Ellis, of Alabama. The congregation at Monticello have given a call to the Rev. R. E. Parham, a Presbyter of North Carolina, at present ministering for them, but we are not informed as $ journal. 9 to the result. By request Bishop Gadsden licensed Mr. J. H. Loyd as Lay reader at Pensacola; and in the same capacity Mr. W. S. Bogart served the Church people at " Bel Air," a summer retreat in the neighborhood of Tal¬ lahassee. The following Canonical notices have been received: The displacement, from the Ministry of the Church, of Samuel H. Sherwell, deacon, of the Diocese of Tennes¬ see, by Bishop Otey. The displacement of Jedediah Huntington, M. D., a Presbyter of South Carolina, by Bishop Gadsden. The displacement of J. Murray Forbes, D. D., and Thomas S. Preston, Presbyters of the Diocese of New York, and the deposition, after Canonical trial, of Thomas S. Brittan, of the same Diocese, by the Bishop of New Hampshire, acting under the invitation of the Stand¬ ing Committee of New York. The displacement of Gardner Jones, deacon, by the Bishop of Georgia; and the displacement of Foster Thayer, Presbyter, by the Bishop of Vermont. Your Committee are constrained to lament the reduc¬ tion of the Missionary Stipend by the Domestic Board, ($500 being the whole amount appropriated to Florida for the present year.) In consequence of the deficiency in means, the Committee have felt themselves obliged to adopt the following resolution : Resolved, That until the Treasury is in a condition to support fully the Missionaries now employed in the Dio¬ cese, no new stations shall be adopted, and no vacancies in existing stations shall be supplied. It rests with the Convention to determine what further shall be done to meet the alarming deficiency—to say whether they will allow it to be recorded against the churchmen of the Diocese, that " the cares of the world, and the love of other things have so damped their zeal, and diminished their energy, that they neglect to provide 2 10 journal. spiritual sustenance for the brethren within their own borders asking aid." F. H. RUTLEDGE, President of Standing Committee. The Diocesan Missionary Committee, by their Chairman, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, made the following report, which was read and concurred with : Report of the Diocesan Missionary Committee. Your Committee respectfully report that nothing has been effected in this department during the past Conven¬ tional year. Restricted in their means, they have been unable to assume the responsibility of adding such an amount to the small stipend appropriated to Missionary stations in this Diocese, by the Domestic Committee of Missions, as to induce suitable persons to occupy our vacant Parishes. By reference to the report of the Treasurer of the Diocese, it will be seen that contribu¬ tions have been received from two Parishes, in accordance with the recommendation of the Convention, in relation to the Eastern Collections. Your Committee would earnestly recommend, as in their judgment a more effi¬ cient plan of conducting the Missionary operations of the Diocese than that which has hitherto been pursued, the adoption of the following resolutions : 1st. Resolved, That this Convention do most earnestly commend to the several Parishes of the Diocese the sys¬ tem of "Church offerings," as an efficient method of procuring supplies for meeting the Missionary and other benevolent operations of the Diocese. : 2d. Resolved, That in addition to the regular Conven¬ tion sermon, a Missionary sermon shall be preached on some evening during its session—the preacher to be ap¬ pointed by the Convention, and in the event of his failure to do so, of which notice shall be given, a substitute shall be appointed by the Standing Committee. # F. H. RUTLEDGE, Chairman. JOURNAL. 11 The Rev. Mr. Scott presented an application from St. John's Church, Warrington, accompanied with documents, to be admitted into union with this Convention; which, on motion, were referred to a special " committee on the admission of new Churches," consisting of the Rev. Mr. J. S. Greene and T. R. Betton, Esq. The Rev. Mr. Scott, from the Committee on Unfinish¬ ed Business, reported for consideration the Canons proposed at the last annual Convention, and the "Articles of Asso¬ ciation" appended to the journals of said Convention; whereupon, On motion, the Convention went into committee of the whole, Mr. Gamble in the chair, to consider the said Canons; and after some time spent therein, committee rose, reported progress, and had leave to sit again. On motion, Ordered, That the Convention do now ad¬ journ to 9 o'clock, A. M. to-morrow. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. Thursday, January 9th. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer was said by the Rev. Mr. Parham. The President in the Chair, the Secretary called the roll, and a quorum of both orders being present, the min¬ utes of yesterday's session were read and approved. The Rev. Mr. Parham presented the credentials of the following gentlemen, as Deputies from Christ Church, Monticelio, viz: Messrs. J. Caraway Smith, James R. Tucker, O. H. Gadsden, Joseph Palmer, Josiah T. Budd, and Smith Simpkins. The number of Deputies being greater than the Parish is entitled to, it was, on motion, Ordered, That any four of said Deputies who may first i appear, shall be admitted. George R. Fairbanks, Agent of the Episcopate Fund, presented his report, which was read and referred to the Committee on the State of the Church. JOURNAL. Turbutt R. Betton, Esq., Treasurer of the Diocese, presented his annual report, which was read and referred to the Committee of Finance. (See Appendix.) On motion, Resolved, That it is expedient to elect a Treasurer of the Episcopate Fund. In pursuance of the foregoing resolution, Henry L. Rutgers, Esq., was nominated as Treasurer of the Episco¬ pate Fund, and was duly elected. The Committee of Finance, to which was referred the annual account of the Treasurer of the Diocese, reported the same to be correct, and their report was concurred with. (For account see Appendix.) The Committee on the State of the Church, to which was referred the report of the Agent of the Episcopate Fund, submitted the following REPORT: The Committee upon the State of the Church, to whom was referred the report of the Agent of the Episcopate Fund, report that they approve of the plan suggested by the Agent, of requesting from members of the Church subscriptions, payable within ten years, with interest from the period of the consecration of the Bishop ; and recom¬ mend the election of a Treasurer of the Episcopate Fund, and the investment of the amounts which may be received by him, under the regulation of the Standing Committee. B. WRIGHT, Chairman. Report of the Agent of the Episcopate Fund. The Agent of the Episcopate Fund, appointed by the last Diocesan Convention, respectfully reports, that he has engaged in the performance of the duties assigned him, and his efforts towards the eliciting the contributions of churchmen, to whom this object has been presented, have been measurably successful. He has personally visited the congregations of St. John's Church, Jacksonville, Trinity Church, St. Augustine, and St. John's Church, Tallahassee, and has received subscriptions as follows: JOURNAL. From St. John's Church, Jacksonville, .... $205 " Trinity Church, St. Augustine, about • • 150 " St. John's Church, Tallahassee, in part. He has also addressed circular letters to the other Parishes of the Diocese, and presumes that efforts are now being made responsive to this object. Should the remaining Parishes contribute in proportion to the amounts already subscribed, the fund raised by the present effort will probably amount to about the sum of two thousand dollars. The Agent submits to the Convention the neces¬ sity of providing for the mode of investing this fund, and also the propriety of continuing the effort until a sufficient fund shall be raised. The Agent would respectfully suggest that, in his view, an available mode of raising the proposed fund would be to elicit contributions payable in, say ten equal annual instalments, with interest annually, from all who are willing thus to extend their aid to this fund. And second¬ ly, to receive specific donations from all who are willing to contribute from time to time. Ten churchmen sub¬ scribing $50 annually for ten years, with interest on the $500 until paid; twenty-five subscribing $25 annually for same period, with interest annually; and one hundred subscribing $10 annually for same period, would give an annual increase to the fund of $2,000, and at the end of ten years would furnish a permanent fund of $20,000, and from its very commencement would give an income = of at least $1200 per year. Or the condition might be * added, that the payment of the interest should only com- l mence from the consecration of a Bishop ; or, if preferred, no interest shall be required. The carrying out of the above plan would demand the concurrence of but 135 members of our Church, and your Agent believes that even a larger number of persons, able and willing from their abundance to make the subscriptions above suggest¬ ed, can be found within our Diocese. An earnest and zealous effort by the Church to carry t 14 JOURNAL. "p out this plan, your Agent believes would be entirely suc- cessful. In his intercourse with the members of the y| Church in various Parishes, the Agent has every where ^ found a warm interest taken in the subject of a speedy supply of an Episcopal Head and the raising of a com- |> petent fund for his support. The present he deems a p favorable opportunity to prhsent this subject to the Church, 1 our border having been blessed with general health, uni- | versal prosperity and profitable agricultural products, adding largely to our ability to aid the Church in this her hour of necessity. 1 Respectfully submitted. GEO. R. FAIRBANKS, I Agent of the Episcopate Fund. The Committee on Finance recommend that, for the I purpose of "defraying the expense of printing the Journal 1 of this Convention, and to raise a fund to purchase copies \ of the Constitution and Canons of the Church in the \ United States," the following assessments should be made, viz: On Trinity Church, St. Augustine, $10 " St. John's Church, Jacksonville, ..... 10 " St. John's Church, Tallahassee, 30 " Trinity Church, Apalachicola, 25 " St. Paul's Church, Key West, 10 " Christ Church, Pensacola, 15 Which was adopted. > The same Committee also recommend the adoption of A the following resolution, viz : H Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Diocese be required f| to procure fifty copies of the Constitution and Canons of if the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, for % distribution among the Churches of this Diocese. ¥ Which resolution was adopted. ¥ Each of the following resolutions was severally offer- H ed, read and adopted: ¥ Resolved, That it is the duty of the Church in this Di- JOURNAL. ^ ¥ ocese, to devise prompt, efficient, and liberal measures for || the establishment of the Episcopate therein ; and that this Convention do most earnestly and affectionately urge upon their fellow churchmen the due consideration of this subject, m. Resolved, That it be requested of all the parishes con- |£ nected with the Church in this Diocese, that they transmit || to the President of the Standing Committee certified $ copies of the charters or articles of association of their respective Churches or Parishes, to be recorded in a book which shall be kept for that purpose. Resolved, That all previous assessments standing against Christ Church, Monticello, St. Luke's Church, Marianna, and St. Paul's Church, Quincy, be, and they are, hereby remitted. , Resolved, That, in view of the pressing necessities of Christ Church, Monticello, the several Clergymen of this Diocese be requested to take up a collection on Easter Sunday next, in aid of the payment of a Missionary for said Church. The Rev. Mr. Greene, from the Committee on the adop¬ tion of New Parishes, to which was referred the petition of St. John's, Warrington, made the following Report: The Committee report, that the documents from St. John's Church, Warrington, are in exact accordance with the Canons and Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and do recommend the ad¬ mission of the said Church of St. Johns', Warrington, into the Diocese of Florida. The report was concurred with, and the said Church was accordingly admitted. On motion, Convention resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Gamble in the Chair, and resumed the consideration of the Canons proposed for this Diocese. After some time spent therein, committee rose, reported, and recommended for adoption the appended Canons, (see Appendix,) and begged to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. | 16 JOURNAL. | The report was concurred with, and the committee j discharged. | The Hon. Thomas Douglas introduced the following | preamble and resolution, viz : | Whereas, There is now a sufficient number of Clergy- | men canonically connected with this Diocese to authorize | it to elect a Bishop; and, whereas, the interest of the | Diocese imperiously demands that such election take place during this Convention : Therefore— Resolved, That we will now proceed to the election of a Bishop. And the said resolution was adopted. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Scott, who suggested that it was customary on such occasions, the Members of Con¬ vention went into silent prayer for a short time. After which, the two orders separated. After an interval, the Rev. Mr. Scott, from the order of the Clergy, announced that they had agreed to nominate and appoint the Rev. Francis Huger Rutledge, D. D., as Bishop of the Diocese of Florida. Whereupon, a balloting was had by the Lay order, which resulted in the unani¬ mous election of Dr. Rutledge. It was then, on motion, Resolved, That the Rev. Francis Huger Rutledge, D. D., is unanimously elected Bishop of the Diocese of Flori¬ da. The Bishop elect, being notified of his election, briefly, but with much solemnity and impressiveness, addressed the Convention, and craved time to consider. Whereupon, , it was moved and ordered, that the Convention do adjourn : until to-morrow, at 9 o'clock, A. M. = THIRD DAY'S SESSION. Friday, January 10, 1851. Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and prayer was said by the Rev. Mr. Greene. A quorum being pres¬ ent, the minutes of yesterday were read and approved. journal. 17 The following letter from the Bishop elect was received, and, on motion, ordered to be spread on the Journal: Parsonage, January 10th, 1851. To the Rev. Clergy and Laity of the Church in Florida, in Convention assembled: Respected Brethren and Friends—I have given to the subject of your communication, made me last evening, the deliberation which its importance seemed to demand, and take this occasion to thank you for the gratifying evidence it furnishes of your confidence and regard, by the unanimity with which you have elected me to the Episcopate of Florida. Were I influenced by personal considerations alone, with my experience of the difficul¬ ties and trials of the Christian Ministry, and in view of the weightier responsibilities attaching to the high and sacred office of a Bishop in the Church of God, I should unhesitatingly decline the appointment, under a sense of my utter insufficiency. But when I reflect how much the Diocese has already suffered, for want of a complete Ecclesiastical organization, and think of the great respon¬ sibility I should incur by refusing to occupy the position which, under the providence of God, you have assigned me, I feel constrained (under a conviction of duty to God and to his Church) to accede to your wishes. I accept, therefore, the Episcopate of the Diocese of Florida, looking up to Him " without whom nothing is strong—nothing is holy," for grace to enable me diligently and faithfully to discharge the duties of that high trust, and confidently re¬ lying upon your hearty and zealous co-operation, which I shall so greatly need. Let me earnestly entreat of you, brethren, an interest in your daily prayers. With the view of facilitating your further proceedings in relation to this matter, I respectfully resign the place which I occupy in your Standing Committee. With undissembled affection, I commend you, brethren, 3 ij§ 18 journal. H and the congregations which you represent, to the protec¬ tion and guidance of Him who is " head over all things to the Church/' I remain ever your sincere friend and Brother in Christ, FRANCIS H. RUTLEDGE. The President of the Convention having withdrawn, the Rev. Mr. Scott was called to the Chair. On motion, Resolved, That the Secretary of this Convention draw testimonials of the election of the Bishop elect, and, after the same shall have been signed, deliver them to the Stand¬ ing Committee of the Diocese, to be disposed of according to Canon 5th of 1832, of the General Convention, provi¬ ded in such cases. On motion, Ordered, That the matter of providing means to defray the expenses incident to the consecration of the Bishop elect, be committed to the Standing Committee of this Dio¬ cese. The Rev. Dr. Rutledge, late a member of the Standing Committee, having resigned, on motion, an election was held to supply the vacancy ; whereupon, the Rev. Mr. Greene was duly elected a member of said Committee. On motion of Mr. Walker Anderson, it was— Resolved, That a Committee of five Laymen of the Church be appointed, whose duty it shall be to consult with the respective Vestries of the several Churches of this Diocese, and with the Bishop elect, on the subject k of the residence and support of the Bishop; and that H said Committee be empowered, in the name and behalf of this Convention, to enter into the necessary contracts for carrying out the views of the Convention ; the said -j| Committee to be appointed by the Chair, upon nomina- i; # tion in Convention. jl tit Whereupon, the following gentlemen were nominated Ik and appointed as said Committee, viz : Messrs. Thomas |> —-—-— — 3^C7 5~b-T3^- JOURNAL. 19 Douglas, Walker Anderson, Robert Gamble, John Beard and Francis Eppes. On motion, Ordered, That the consideration of the " Ar¬ ticles of Association," be postponed to the next Conven- On motion, Ordered, That the Secretary have three hun¬ dred copies of this Journal printed, for distribution. On motion, Ordered, That when this Convention ad¬ journ, it will adjourn to meet in St. John's Church, Tal¬ lahassee, on Friday, the 16th day of January, A. D. 1852. The Rev. Mr. Scott was appointed to preach the Mis¬ sionary Sermon at the next Convention. The minutes of Convention were then read and ap¬ proved, and, after prayer by the President, the Conven¬ tion adjourned sine die. £ tion of this Diocese. F. H. RUTLEDGE, President of the Convention. Attest: John Beard, Secretary. APPENDIX. TREASURER'S REPORT. March 4th May 15th June 13 th Dec. 26th Tallahassee, January 8th, 1851. The Treasurer of the Diocese of Florida, respectfully reports the following receipts and disbursements since the Twelfth Annual Convention, viz: 1850. January 9th—Balance in the Treasury as per last report, - $4 75 " 10th—Received of Rev. Mr. Scott, on ac. Christ Church, Pensacola, 12 00 " " Judge Douglas, on account St. John's Church, Jacksonville, - - - 8 00 " " Rev. Mr. Wright, on account Trinity Church, St. Augustine, - - - 8 00 " " Rev. Dr. Rutledge, on ac. St. John's Church, Tallahassee, - - - 25 00 " " Rev. Mr. Adams, on account St. Paul's Church, Key West, ... 700 1851. January 9th " " Rev. Mr. Saunders, on account Trini¬ ty Church, Apalachicola, - - 23 00 1850. DISBURSED. $87 75 June 13th—Remitted Treas'r Gen. Convention, as per letter, $10 00 Dee. 26th—Paid J. Clisby on ac. print. Journal, as pr. rec't, 53 75 1851. January 9th " do. in full for Journal, as per receipt, 9 75-73 50 Balance in Treasury this day, - $14 25 1850. DIOCESAN MISSIONS. January 8th—Balance in Treasury as per last report, - - $32 00 1851. January 8th—Received of Rev. Dr. Rutledge, St. John's Church, Tallahassee, - - - - - 57 30 " 9th " " Rev. Mr. Scott, Christ Cli., Pensacola, 12 00 $101 30 APPENDIX. 21 1850. DISBURSED. May 15th—Paid order Pres't. Standing Com. aspr. recpt. $32 00 1851. January 8th " " ditto " " 30 00 — $62 00 Balance in Treasury this day, - $39 30 The Treasurer would further respectfully report the following Parishes are in arrears for assessment, viz : Christ Church, Monticello, $15 ; St. Luke's Church, Marianna, $5 ; St. Paul's Church, Quincy, $5 ; St. Paul's Church, Key West, bal. $1. All of which is respectfully submitted. TURBUTT R. BUTTON, Treasurer. REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. The Committee on the State of the Church respectfully report, that they have examined the reports made to the Convention by the Ministers of the several Parishes, and draw from them the following statistics, adding, how¬ ever, that the report of one of our most important Parishes is not included. Baptisms, 72 Burials, - - - 37 Communicants, - 260 Sunday School Teachers, 31 Confirmations, 11 Scholars, - 226 Marriages, 13 Contributions, about $3,000 With these imperfect, yet, as far as they go, encouraging statistics, and with other reliable sources of information to guide the judgment of your Committee in reporting upon the State of the Church in Florida, we enter¬ tain the sincere conviction that her condition at the present time is such as to encourage the hearts of all who are interested in her prosperity. It is true that she has not made large accessions to her fold—that she has made but little progress in opposing and overcoming the worldliness and error that abounds about her, and that for the most part our Parishes are feeble, and are still obliged to struggle against the most adverse circumstances, some of them hardly maintaining even a sickly existence. Yet we have palpable evidence to lead us to believe that the number of the Church's real friends is steadily increasing, and that her growth generally in the Diocese, if not a rapid, is yet a healthy one. The hope that was expressed in last year's report to this Convention, that every Parish would be favored with an Epis¬ copal visitation, has not been realized, only one or two having been thus visited. The effect of this deprivation must be obvious to all who have any fp^ 22 APPENDIX. just appreciation of the important functions of the Episcopal office, and the necessity of having them exercised in the Church. There are high spiritual acts which he only can perform, and cut off from which we cannot thrive as a Christian Church. No Diocese in the American Church has suffered as severely as the Diocese of Florida, in this respect, and that it has continued to strengthen itself in the face of this great hindrance, is an indication that if it were removed, the growth of the Church would surpass our most san¬ guine expectations. There are now Canonically connected with the Diocese eight Clergymen, and your Committee would respectfully recommend that the subject of an election of a Bishop be sincerely and prayerfully considered, and unless there are obstacles which we cannot detect to such a course, to act upon it at this Convention. BENJAMIN WRIGHT, Chairman. PAROCHIAL REPORTS. TRINITY CHURCH, ST. AUGUSTINE. Rev. BENJAMIN WRIGHT, Rector. Baptisms—adults, 3 ; infants, 14—total, - - - 17 Communicants—added, 4 ; died, 2; removed, 4 ; present num¬ ber, - - - - - - 28 Marriages, - - - - - - 1 Burials, - - - - - - 3 Sunday school—teachers, 6 ; scholars, 40. Catechized in the church nearly every Lord's day—families, - 29 Public services in Trinity Church, 100 times; in other places, 6—total, 106. Communion—celebrated publicly, 9 times ; in private, 4 times—total, 13. Contributions—offertory, $55. Domestic missions, $12 50. Episco¬ pate fund, about $150 00—total, $217 50. CHRIST CHURCH, PENSACOLA. Rev. J. J. SCOTT, Rector. Baptisms—infants, white, 3 ; colored, 2—total, - - 5 adults, - - - - 6 Communicants—removed, 7; added, 17; died, 1—present num¬ ber, - - - - - - 75 APPENDIX. 23 Marriages, - - - - - - 5 Burials, - - - - - - 6 Sunday school teachers—males, 2 ; females, 8—total, - 10 scholars—white, 30 ; colored, 30—total, - 60 Books used—Church Catechism, Bevans' Ives', with the Bible and Prayer Book. Catechized openly in the Church—Number of times, - - 10 Contributions—offertory, - - - $52 25 Diocesan missions, - - - - -12 00 Incidental expenses, - - - - - 4 30 For Font, - - - - - - 45 00 Toward defraying expenses of Episcopal visitation, - - 10 00 Assessment on parish, - - - - - 12 00 $135 55 Church families, - - - - - 36 Children under 14 years of age, not knowD. Public worship—number of times, - - - 160 Preached, - " " - - 141 The Rector was absent from his parish three months in the course of the year. During which time, he attended the Meeting of the Trustees of the General Theological Seminary, and of the General Convention. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, TALLAHASSEE. Rev. F. H. RTTTLEDGE, Rector. Baptisms—adults, 2 ; infants, 12—total, - - - 14 Communicants—added, 6 ; died, 1 ; removed, 2 ; suspended, 1 — present number, - - - - - 65 Marriages, - - - - - - 6 Burials, - - - - - - 7 Sunday schools—teachers, 6 ; scholars, 40. Catechized openly in church, 10 times; families, 44. Service held at St. John's Church, Tallahassee, 116 times ; at other places, 15 times—total, 131 times. Communion administered, 11 times. Contributions—offertory, - - - $114 Foreign and domestic missions, - - - - 34 Diocesan missions, Liquidating church debt, Episcopate fund, - 57 - 600 - 700 Total, - - $1,505 Owing to the indisposition, and consequent absence of the Hector, the Church was closed during the months of August and September, which accounts for the lack of services rendered, compared with previous years. We have still to acknowledge the goodness of God, in the continued unity, peace and prosperity of our parish. A society, composed of the female members of the congregation, has recently been formed, which is designed to promote the general interests of the Church in the Diocese. In a tem¬ poral point of view, the prospects of the parish are encouraging. By the praise worthy liberality of the male members, aided, in some good degree, by contributions from a few of the ladies, the Vestry have been enabled to lift the last mortgage against the Church. The spiritual condition of the parish is such, also, as to inspire the Rector with renewed hope in his labors. If there has been no increased attention to religion of a very marked character during the past year, yet with truth he can say, that the communicants generally are strengthened in their at¬ tachment to the doctrines and distinctive principles of the Church, and give evidence of increased devotion in all the duties of the Christian life. TRINITY CHURCH, APALACHICOLA. Rev. W. TREBELL SAUNDERS, Rector. Baptisms, - - - - - -2 Confirmations, - - - - - 11 Communicants, about - - - - - 33 Marriages, - - - - - 1 Burials, - - - - - 3 Sunday school teachers, - - - 6 scholars, about - - - - 35 Services, twice each Sunday, on holy days, and on thanksgiving day. The above statistics, unavoidably imperfect, are for the whole year. Da¬ ring the early part of it, the parish had the services of the Rev. Mr. Ellis, and then, after a vacancy of some seven months, the present incumbent ar¬ rived. He has cause to " thank God, and take courage," at the favorable APPENDIX. 25 reception lie met with from the dear brethren in the Lord, and the symptoms for good which are developing themselves. The attendance, although re¬ duced by the secession of the Congregationalists, who have built a Church of their own, is still considerable, and sometimes large. He prays for the peace and prosperity of Zion. Respectfully submitted, WM. TREB. SAUNDERS. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, KEY WEST. Rev. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Rector. At no period of my incumbency, has the temporal and spiritual condition of this parish been more flourishing. Within the past year, the inside of the Church edifice has been ceiled, reading desks and pulpit have been added to the chancel, an elegant marble font has been placed before it, and a superb silver tankard and one cup added to the sacred vessels. The building, which was objected to as too large, when first erected, a little more than comfortably holds our winter, morning congregations. Ten persons have been added to the list of communicants, and thirty-five are candidates for confirmation—about half of these are communicants. The Right Reverend Bishop of South Carolina is expected to visit us on the second Sunday after Christmas. The Church has put down a tap root on the island, which bids fair, with God's blessing, to survive all assaults of men or devils, and to resist all hur¬ ricanes of heresy or schism. There are some precious souls here devoutly attached to the Church, and many laymen, who are not communicants, contribute largely and libe¬ rally to sustain their own parish, and other Church institutions. In intel¬ ligence and liberality, the congregation is second to none which I know of its size. My official round of duties is, services and preaching twice on Sunday; morning prayers every Wednesday and Friday at 10 A. M., and on every holy day throughout the year. Eleven families and six communicants have removed or died within the year. The list at present stands:— Families, - - - - - - 49 Communicants, - - - - - 40 Candidates for confirmation, '- - - - 35 4 26 appendix. Marriages, - . - - - 2 Burials, - - - - - - 8 Baptisms, including one of last year, - - - 11 Communion alms, about - $100 Sunday school scholars, - - - - 70 " " teachers, - - - - 8 Candidates for baptism, - - - - 4 "We trust that the Lord has heard the prayer so devoutly offered by the Church, on the fourth Sunday in Advent, to raise up His power, and " come among us;" that he will deepen the strivings of His Holy Spirit in the hearts of this people, and pour us out a blessing, until there shall not be room enough to receive it; and to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost shall be all the honor and glory, world without end. Amen ! ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, JACKSONVILLE. Rev. J. SWART, Rector and Missionary. Baptisms—infants, 16; adults, 2—total, - - - 18 Communicants—died, 3; added, 1; received, 11; removed, 9— present number, - - - - - 33 Holy Communion administered—times, - - - 12 Public worship—times, - - - - 194 Instruction—sermons, 81 ; other christian, 99 ; catechetical open¬ ly in Church monthly, 8 ; explanation of gospel in Sunday School, 27; catechized in Sunday School, 34 ; catechized in catechetical class, 34—total, - 283 Sunday School—times, - - - - - 51 teachers, - - - - 2 scholars, - - - - 24 Catechetical class—times, - - - - 38 scholars, - - - - 27 Books—distributed Bibles and Testaments, - - 7 Common Prayer, - - - - 10 Used in Sunday Schools—the authorized ones. Funds—for the Pastor, - $400 Domestic Missions, 66 77 Diocesan, " 13 00 T. O. Holmes, 39 00, money advanced in former years. APPENDIX. 27 Bishop fund, 200 00 Belfry, 50 00, about. Bell, 30 00 Alms and oblations, 72 00—Total, - $870 77 Remarks.—I visited Black Creek, had four services, preached four times, and administered the communion once. I visited Pilatka, had one service, and preached once. The above report is for the period of one year and two weeks, from December 1, 1849, to December 16,1850. CHRIST CHURCH, MONTICELLO. Baptism, infants, white, 1 Families of the Church, ----- 8 Communicants—deaths 1, added 1—present number - - 10 congregation at marion cross roads. Families of the Church, ----- 3 Communicants—deaths 1—present number, 4 The Church at this place, Monticello, had been closed for more than twelve months, until we were visited, about the middle of November last, by the Rev. R. E. Parham, a Presbyter of the Diocese of North Carolina. The vestry and congregation wish to secure the continuance of the Rev. Mr. Parbam's services, and have invited him to take the pastoral charge of the Parish. The Rev. Mr. Parham, we are happy to state, has consented to remain with us, and has entered upon his duties. In our present weak and feeble condition we are under the necessity of applying to the Domestic Committee for assistance, or for a share of the funds appropriated to this Diocese by the Domestic Committee for the support of Missions, to enable us to make out a support for our Minister. JAMES R. TUCKER, Secretary. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, MARIANNA. Rev. J. S. GREENE, Minister. The Minister of this Church respectfully reports to the Convention, that he entered on the duties of this parish on the 8th of April of the past year, and it is with pain he states that he found it pre-occupied by, and under the control of, Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians. The paucity of — —~ 28 appendix. Church members, and these being, for the most part, ladies 5 and, also, some three or four families, the main supporters of our Church, emigra¬ ting from this county this year—all these circumstances combined, have ren¬ dered it impracticable for the Vestry to extend a call to any Minister for this year. May the Lord look in mercy upon our beloved Zion, and deliver her from the dangers which assault her on the right hand and on the left. My imperfect services have been regular, with the exception of one or two interruptions, caused by sickness, both of myself and family. Nine infants have been baptized since I came here—six colored, and three white infants. I read the funeral service over three children. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper has been regularly administered on the second Sunday of the month. The number of communicants varies from six to ten. Our opinion is, that a young minister, without a family, whose heart is in the work, might overcome the difficulties which now check her-prosperity in this town. May God grant it, for his son's sake. CANONS OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE DIOCESE OF FLORIDA, Adopted 9th January, 1851. CANON I.—Of the Convention. Of the number necessary to form a Convention. No Convention shall be opened for the transaction of business, unless there shall be present two Clergymen, and Deputies from at least two Churches or Parishes. A smaller number may adjourn from day to day, or to a definite time, within twenty days of the date of the original appointment. CANON II. Of the organization of the Convention. The Bishop of the Diocese, or in case of his absence, the senior Presbyter present, shall call the Clergy and Deputies in attendance, to order, and pro¬ ceed to organize the Convention according to existing rules of order adopted in this Diocese. In the absence of the Bishop, if any other Bishop of the Church shall be present, an invitation may be extended to him to preside over the Convention, and if he declines, in the absence of any other Bishop, the Convention shall elect a President from among the Presbyters of the Diocese present. CANON III. The Clergy required to attend the Convention. It is declared to be the duty of every Clergyman having a seat in Conven¬ tion, to attend every meeting thereof. At the opening of each Convention, a list of the Clergy entitled to seats therein, prepared by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese, shall be called over by the Secretary, the absentees noted, and these shall be required to give excuses for their absence, to the Ecclesiastical Authority. ;g*g£*g4*£3tf3»E3*s I 30 appendix. CANON IV. Of Deputies to the Convention. The appointment of a Deputy to the Convention shall be certified in writing, according to the annexed form, and signed by the Rector of the Parish of which the Deputy is a representative, or by one of the Wardens, or by the Clerk of the Vestry of such Church •, and unless the appointment of any Deputy is thus certified to, he shall not be received as a member of the Convention. No Deputy shall be entitled to a seat in the Convention, unless he be entitled to vote for Wardens and Vestrymen, and is a regular attendant upon the services of the Church which he is appointed to represent. No Parish shall be entitled to a Deputation, until all assessments upon the same, made by the Convention, not specially remitted, shall have been paid to the Treasurer of the Diocese. CANON V. Of the Secretary of the Convention. It is hereby declared that this officer shall be chosen by ballot. He shall transmit to each of the Bishops of this Church, to the Secretary of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, and to the Secretary of each Diocesan Con¬ vention, a copy of the Journal of the Convention, and request the last to send copies of their respective Journals in exchange. He shall file such docu¬ ments as may be sent to him, to be delivered over to his successor to be preserved for the use of the Diocese. Besides the duties above specified, he shall perform all others usually appertaining to the office of Secretary, or that may be enjoined on him by the Convention. CANON VI. Of the Treasurer of the Diocese. Section 1. A Treasurer of the Diocese shall be elected annually. It shall be his duty to receive and keep all monies collected under the authority of the Convention, not otherwise disposed of, and to pay the same to the order of the President of the Standing Committee, drawn agreeably to some vote of the Convention. He shall forward in due time to the Treasurer of the General Convention, the amount assessed upon the Diocese for the contin¬ gent expenses of the General Convention. His accounts shall be rendered annually to the Convention and referred to the Committee on Finance for APPENDIX. 31 J examination. In ease the office of Treasurer shall become vacant, it shall be ; supplied by the Standing Committee; and the person elected shall continue I to act until an election is made by the Convention. The Treasurer shall give bond in a sum and with a security satisfactory to the Standing Com¬ mittee of the Diocese. Sec. 2. A Treasurer of the Episcopate Fund shall be elected annually, whose duly it shall be to fake charge of all moneys, securities and other property of said fund, and faithfully account for the same; and lie shall pay out moneys of said fund only on the order of the President of the Standing Committee, to be drawn in pursuance of a vote of the Convention. He shall give bond, with such security and such penalty as may be approved by the Standing Committee, and his accounts shall be rendered annually and refer¬ red to said Committee officially. In case of a vacancy, it shall be supplied by election by the Standing Committee. CANON VII. Of Deputies to the General Convention. The Convention shall elect annually, by ballot, four Presbyters, canonically connected with this Diocese, and four Laymen, attached to the doctrines, discipline and worship of the Church, and residing in this State, as Deputies to the General Convention, who shall continue in office one year from date of election, and until successors are appointed at a future Convention. Such Deputies shall be furnished with a certificate of election signed by the Pres¬ ident and Secretary of the Convention. Should any of the Deputies elected decline or be unable to serve, they shall communicate the same to the Presi¬ dent of the Standing Committee, who shall summon that body together and supply the vacancy, and furnish such Deputies with a certificate of election. If at the time of the meeting of the General Convention, any Deputies who may have been elected by the Convention, or as substitutes by the Standing Committee, shall fail to attend, such vacancy shall be supplied by the concur¬ rent vote of the remaining Clerical and Lay Deputies who may be in attendance on said General Convention. Ho candidate for Holy Orders shall be elected to represent this Diocese in a General Convention. CANON VIII. Concerning elections by the Convention. The election of all committees, or single individuals, who are to exercise their office during the recess of the Convention, shall be by ballot, without 32 appendix. nomination, and any Committee so elected shall have power to fill any va¬ cancies which may occur during the recess of the Convention. In case of a single individual appointed to perform a duty dying or being otherwise removed the Ecclesiastical Authority shall supply his place. CANON IX.—Of Parishes or Churches. Of the formation and admission of Churches or Parishes into the Convention. An association of ten or more adults, consenting to adopt and be governed by the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention and the Church in this Diocese, assuming some name by which their Church or Parish may be designated, appointing a Vestry and Deputies, as provided for in the Con¬ stitution, may be admitted into union with the Convention of the Church in this Diocese: Provided, always, That such application be presented in wri¬ ting, signed by the Wardens and Vestrymen, stating that the foregoing conditions have been fully complied with. Should the Convention make a favorable decision, the said Church shall then be considered in union with the Convention of the Church in this Diocese, and the Secretary proceed to call the names of the said Deputies. CANON X. Of the Vestry of a Parish. Section 1. In every Parish there shall be an annual election on Easter Monday, or on such day thereafter as the Parish may appoint, of a Vestry, consisting of not less than six or more than ten members, who shall continue in office one year and until their successors are chosen. Two of these Ves¬ trymen shall be appointed to serve as Wardens, one of whom shall be designated as the Senior Warden of the Parish—to be appointed by the Rector. The Vestry shall elect a Secretary, whose duty shall be to take and record the minutes of their proceedings, attest the public acts of the Vestry, preserve all records and papers belonging to the Parish, perform such other duties as shall be legally assigned to him, and faithfully deliver into the hands of his successor all books and documents belonging to the Parish, that may be in his possession. Sec. 2. In electing a Vestry, no person shall be entitled to vote who is not a holder or renter of a pew, or who is not a stated contributor to the Church, APPENDIX. 33 to such an amount as the respective Parishes shall appoint, or is not, where these conditions cannot be complied with on account of poverty, a regular attendant on the public worship of God in the Parish. In forming new Parishes, no person shall be entitled to vote who lias not signed the Articles of Incorporation and Organization of Churches. Sec. 3. No person shall be elected a Vestryman who is not a pew holder, or a qualified voter in the Parish for which he is elected. In the election of Wardens preference shall always be givbn to those who are communicants of the Church, and if such persons are to be had, no others shall be chosen to fill that office. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Vestry to take charge of the property of the Church, to regulate its temporal concerns, elect and call a Minister and provide for his maintenance, to keep order in the Church during the celebration of Divine Worship, and in general, to act as helpers to the Min¬ ister, in whatever is appropriate to Laymen, for the furtherance of the gospel. It shall be the duty of the Wardens especially to provide the elements of the Lord's Supper, to collect the alms at the administration of the same, and at other times, to keep and disburse such alms, (in case the Church is without a Minister,) to provide for the celebration of public worship, and the instruc¬ tion of the Congregation by occasional Clerical services, or by Lay reading, as the case may permit. And, also, in the absence of the Minister, who is ex officio President of the Vestry, to call meetings of that body, and preside according to seniority. Parishes now incorporated, are excepted from any part of this Canon interfering with their articles of association, by-laws, or acts of incorporation. CANON XI. Of the use of Churches. No Clergyman shall be admitted into the Pastoral charge, or be permitted in any way to officiate in any Church in connection with this Convention, unless he first produce his Letters of Orders, or other satisfactory evidence, that he is an accredited minister of the same. Wherever there is a Minis¬ ter settled in a Parish as Rector, he shall be the sole judge in the premises ; but if the Parish or Church is vacant, the Wardens and Vestrymen shall require the fulfilment of the above conditions. No Church in this Diocese shall be used for any but religious purposes, or matters connected with relig- 5 | 34 appendix. | ious services, or the welfare of the Church, in accordance with the Constitu¬ te tion and Canons of the same. CANON XII. Of supplying Vacant Parishes with Clergymen. It shall be the duty of the Clerical members of the Standing Committee, at any time when the Episcopate is vacant, when informed by the Vestry of any Church in the Diocese that it is not provided with a Minister, (in which information, the means which the Church has of supporting one shall be stated,) diligently to inquire for and recommend to the Vestry giving such information, a proper person to officiate in said Church. When there shall be a Bishop of this Dioeese—if any Church or Parish should become vacant, and should fail to elect a Minister within six months of the time when the vacancy occured—the Bishop shall appoint some suitable clergyman to offi¬ ciate for said Church, until such time as they may be able to elect. CANON XIII.—Of the Clergy. Of the Presentment and Trial of a Clergyman. Section 1. Every trial of a Clergyman in the Church of this Diocese, for misconduct, shall be on presentment made to the Bishop, or, in case of a va¬ cancy in the Episcopate, to the Clerical members of the Standing Commit¬ tee, by the Convention, by the Vestry of the Parish to which the Clergyman belongs, or by three or more Presbyters of the Diocese. In every present¬ ment, the charge or charges shall be distinctly specified in writing. Sec. 2. Disorderly and immoral conduct, vicious and unseemly diversions, neglect of duty, disregard of the Constitution and Canons of the General or Diocesan Convention, a deviation from the Rubrics, and disseminating or countenancing opinions which are contrary to the doctrines of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church in the United States, are offences for which a Clergy¬ man may be brought to trial. Sec. 3. For the trial of a Clergyman, the Bishop, or Clerical members of the Standing Committee shall appoint three Presbyters, who shall be consti¬ tuted a Court for trying the accused person. The Bishop, or Clerical mem¬ bers aforesaid, shall fix the time and place, of both of which, at least six week's notice shall be given to the party accused; and should he neglect or refuse to attend, without assigning a valid excuse, the trial shall proceed. APPENDIX. 35 The court thus constituted, after organizing by electing a President, who shall be of their number, and a Secretary—shall examine fully the charges al¬ leged, and keep a minute and accurate record of the testimony of the wit¬ nesses, and of every question and proceeding that comes before them. On the examination of any witness, should the accused party require it, an oath or affirmation shall be administered by the President of the Court. Plaving come to a decision, the Court shall communicate such decision to the Bishop, or Clerical members of the Standing Committee aforesaid ; and in case they have found the accused guilty, the sentence which, in their opinion, should be pronounced, A certified copy of the record of their proceedings shall be laid before the Bishop, and his judgment in the case be final; and should there be no Bishop of the Diocese, the Clerical members aforesaid shall sub¬ mit the record, decision and proposed sentence, to the Clerical members of the Standing Committee, who shall submit it to some convenient Bishop, whose judgment in the case shall be final. Sec. 4. If the accused do not appear for good cause shown, the court shall adjourn the trial for another day ; and if he refuse or decline to appear, the court shall report him to the Bishop, or the said members of the Stand¬ ing Committee, for contumacy, and the sentence of suspension from the Ministry shall be pronounced upon him by the Bishop ; and where there is no Bishop, by a neighbor Bishop, as in the previous section of this Canon. But such sentence may be reversed by the Bishop, if the accused, within three calendar months, shall report to him, that he is prepared to undergo his trial, and shall appear for that end before the Court; and if he do not so report and appear, the Bishop, in view of the charges in the presentment, may pass against him the sentence of degradation from the ministry. CANON XIV. Of the Duty of Ministers with regard to Confirmation. Every minister that hath cure and charge of souls, for the better accom¬ plishing of the orders prescribed in the book of Common Prayer concerning confirmation, shall take especial care that none shall be presented to the Bishop for him to lay his hands upon, but such as can render an account of their faith, according to the Catechism in the said book contained. And when the Bishop shall assign any time for the performance of that part of his duty, every such minister shall use his best endeavor to prepare and make able, and likewise to procure as many as he can to be then brought, and by the Bishop to be confirmed, if he approve of them. 36 appendix. ~ CANON XV. Of Parish Registers and Reports. Sec. 1. Every Minister shall keep a register of all the baptisms, confirma¬ tions, marriages and funerals solemnized by him, or in his Parish by any other Minister, specifying the names and times of birth of the children baptized, together with the names of the parents and sponsers ; the names of adults baptized, and also the witnesses of the baptism, the names of those confirmed and by whom, the names and times of persons married and buried ; a list of families and communicants within his cure. Sec. 2. In every Parish destitute of a Minister, the register shall be kept by some person appointed by the Vestry for that purpose, and the Annual Parochial "Reports shall be presented or forwarded to the Ecclesiastical Authority by the Wardens of the Parish. The Parochial Reports shall be made out according to the form approved by the Convention of 1848. CANON XVI.—Of Missions. The Duty of the Church with regard to Missions. Section 1. It shall be the duty of every Minister in this Diocese to instruct the people of his charge in regard to the missionary character and obliga¬ tions of the Church. And it is recommended to every member of the Church to lay by him on the first day of the week, in store for the purpose, as God hath prospered him, according to the Apostolic direction—1 Cor. xvi. 1. Sec. 2. There shall be appointed at each Annual Convention a committee, to be known as the Diocesan Missionary Committee, consisting of the Bishop of the Diocese, ex-officio Chairman, and four lay members, who shall be communicants residing in the same Parish, of which committee the Clergy¬ man of the Parish shall be Chairman, except when the Bishop of the Diocese may be present. Sec. 3. The Committee shall meet annually, at the place and on the first day of the Convention, and at such other times and places as the Bishop or Chairman may appoint. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Diocesan Missionary Committee to re¬ ceive contributions, to ascertain the most promising towns and neighborhoods for Missionary Stations, and to adopt proper measures for supplying the several congregations and missionaries in the Diocese with Bibles, Prayer Books, Sunday School Books and Tracts. APPENDIX. 37 Sec. 5. Each Clergyman of the Diocese is hereby enjoined to aid and assist the Committee by his influence, and by raising funds at least once a year, by subscription or otherwise, to be transmitted to the Rector of the Parish, where the Committee is located, for the furtherance of the purposes for which they were appointed. There shall be held a Missionary Meeting at each annual meeting of the Convention—and a sermon shall be preached on Diocesan Missions, and a collection taken in aid of the cause, by a Cler¬ gyman appointed by the Convention—and at such times as the Committee, with the advice of the Rector of the Parish where the Convention is held, may designate. Sec. 6. The Diocesan Missionary Committee is hereby required to pay, from time to time, to the Treasurer of the Diocese, all the funds received by it. The Treasurer of the Diocese shall keep a separate account of all the Missionary funds thus received, to be submitted annually to the Convention, and shall pay them to the order of the Bishop, or the Chairman of the Diocesan Committee —such order not to be drawn until after a vote of the Committee. CANON XVII. Of the Standing Committee. Section 1. It is hereby declared and made known that, until there is a Bishop of the Church in this Diocese, the Standing Committee is the Ec¬ clesiastical Authority for all purposes indicated in these Canons. Sec. 2. The Standing Committee shall organize as soon after their elec¬ tion as possible, by electing a President, who shall be a Presbyter, and a Secretary. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee, before every stated meeting of the General Convention, to draught, with the advice and approbation of the Bishop, (if there be one in the Diocese,) a report of the State of the Church in this Diocese, to be presented to that body. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee, at every meeting of the Convention, to submit, in addition to the report of their proceedings, such documents as may have been laid before them during the year. CANON XVIII. Of Lay Readers. Section 1. No person shall be considered as authorized to officiate as a lay reader in this Diocese, without a written license from the Bishop, or when 38 APPENDIX. the Episcopate is vacant, from the Clerical members of the Standing Com¬ mittee ; and no sermons shall be used by him but such as shall be selected by the power by whom he may be appointed ; or if he is to read in a Parish where a Presbyter is settled, by the said Presbyter, and lay readers shall, in all cases, conform to the provisions of the II. Canon of the General Conven¬ tion of 1832. Sec. 2. On application by the Vestry or Vestries, it shall be the duty of the Clerical members of the Standing Committee to appoint suitable persons for lay readers—one or more in each Parish—and direct them what sermons to read. CANON XIX. Of the requisites of a Quorum. In all cases in which a Canon directs a duty to be performed, or a power to be exercised, by a Standing Gommittee, or by the Clerical members there¬ of, or by any other body consisting of several members, a majority of the said members, the whole having been duly cited to meet, shall be a quorum; and a majority of the quorum so convened, shall be competent to act, unless the contrary is expressly required by the Canon, or some existing Charter. CANON XX. Concerning Alterations in the Canons. No proposed alteration of, or addition to these Canons shall hereafter be considered by the Convention, unless at least one day's previous notice be given thereof in open Convention:: nor unless by unanimous consent, until such alteration or addition shall have been referred to, and reported upon by a Committee of at least two Presbyters and three Laymen. Nor shall such alteration or addition be adopted during the same Convention in which it is proposed, if two-thirds of the Convention shall not concur therein; but in such case the same (unless negatived by a majority of the members present) shall lie over for consideration until the next annual meeting of the Convention. CANON XXL Repealing Clause. All former Canons of the Diocese of Florida, not included in these Canons, are hereby repealed. Recommended for the Organization or Re-organization of Parishes in this Diocese. ordered to be printed. "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, desiring to enjoy the privilege of religious worship and instruction, according to the forms and doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church in these United States of America, have this day of , A. D. , at , in the State of Florida, formed ourselves into a congregation, and adopted (by virtue of au¬ thority given in Division 3 of An Act of the General Assembly of the State aforesaid, entitled " General Law in respect to Corporations," and ap¬ proved January 6th, 1847,) the following articles of association: ARTICLE I. This association or congregation shall be known by the name of the Rec- tor, Wardens and Vestry of Church, and by this name and style, the Wardens and Vestrymen of said Church, as trustees thereof, may sue and be sued, plead or be impleaded, and may have perpetual succession and a common seal. ARTICLE II. The said Church, its Rector, Wardens and Vestry, shall, at all times, ad¬ here to the doctrine, worship and discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, as set forth in its creeds, articles, liturgy, con- tutions and canons, and as a declaration to this effect, the said Wardens and Vestrymen shall signify their assent by subscribing this Constitution. ARTICLE III. The said Church shall be subject to the spiritual jurisdiction and authority of the Bishop who shall have charge of the Diocese of Florida provision¬ ally, or otherwise ; or if a new Diocese should be established embracing this 40 APPENDIX. Church within its limits, the Bishop of such Diocese shall have spiritual au¬ thority over the said Church—but until the establishment of such new Dio¬ cese, this Church shall be and continue subj ect to the constitution and canons of the Diocese of Florida. ARTICLE IV. No person shall be allowed to exercise any of the functions of the sacred ministry in the house of worship of Church, unless he shall be recog¬ nized by the Bishop having charge of this Diocese, or if there be no such Bishop, by the Standing Committee of the same, or an ordained Minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church in good standing: Provided, That nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the Wardens and Vestry from inviting any regularly ordained Minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church in good standing, and not known to be discountenanced by the authority aforesaid, to officiate occasionally in the Church, or to interfere with the per¬ formance of the usual services by lay readers duly appointed to officiate in the congregation in the absence of the Minister. ARTICLE Y. On Easter Monday annually, an election shall be held for Vestrymen of said Church. Persons, being laymen or members of said Church, shall be chosen by ballot, and shall continue in office until successors have been elected. At all such elections, every white male member of the Church, who is over twenty-one years of age, and who shall have contributed to the Church the preceding year dollars, shall be entitled to a vote. Imme¬ diately after the [election of Vestrymen, they shall elect of their own body two persons to serve as Wardens, until the next annual election. ARTICLE YI. The Vestry shall have the power to elect the Rector, (they having due regard in such election to the previously ascertained wishes of the members of the Congregation, and especially of the communicants of the Church,) to fill vacancies occurring in their body, and to perform all parochial duties which usually pertain to such bodies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. They may, also, adopt rules of order, and shall keep a record of their proceedings, which shall be signed, from time to time, by theh presiding officer; and being so signed, shall be evidence of their cor- APPENDIX. 41 porate acts. They shall, likewise, have power to elect a Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as may be necessary to transact the busi¬ ness of the corporation. ARTICLE VII. The Rector, or Minister, shall be President of the Vestry, but shall have no vote on any question, except when a tie occurs; no proceedings shall be had by the Vestry in the absence of the Rector, or Minister, unless he shall have had timely notice of the meeting, or shall be absent from the Parish, when an exigency may require a meeting to be held without delay. The Rector, or Minister, shall have power to call meetings of the Vestry, and he shall, also, have power to call a general meeting of the members of the Church, for the purpose of electing Vestrymen, in case of a failure to elect either in whole or in part on Easter Monday; and whenever such meet¬ ings and elections have been held, the result shall be certified for record, and shall have the like effect and validity with the proceedings of the regu¬ lar annual meetings. ARTICLE VIII. The annual rents, contributions and other revenues, raised by this asso¬ ciation or congregation, shall be, from time to time, applied by the Wardens and Vestry, to the maintenance and support of the Rector and Minister, and to such other objects as are connected with the well-being of the Church, and to no other purposes whatsoever. ! ARTICLE IX. 1 This association, or the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of Church, | or other persons in whose names the property of Church maybe K vested, shall not, by deed or by any other means, without the consent of the | Bishop having charge of the Diocese, under his hand—or if there be no |> Bishop, of the Standing Committee of the said Diocese, by a majority there- K of, under their hands previously had and obtained—grant, alien, or otherwise K dispose of any lands, messuages, or hereditaments in them vested, for the use | and benefit of said Church, nor change, nor encumber the same, to any | person whatsoever. I 6 ARTICLE X. In the case of the dissolution or extinction of this association for any cause whatsoever, the lands, tenements and other estates, real or personal, if such there be, shall vest in the Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of this Diocese, or under whose supervision it may for the time be, and his canoni¬ cal successors—to be by him or them held in trust for the benefit of a future congregation of the Protestant Episcopal Church, which may be formed in the same place, or its vicinity, and upon the same principles, as the present Church and Association. ARTICLE XI. This constitution may be amended in the following mode, and in no other, to wit: Every proposition for amending it shall be submitted in writing, and spread upon the journal or record book of this Vestry at a regular annual meeting, and if at the next annual meeting, the said proposed amendment be agreed to by three-fourths of the voters then present, it shall be deemed a part and parcel of the constitution. \ President of the Convention. Rev. F. H. RUTLEDGE,D. D,, Residence, Tallahassee President of the Standing Committee, Rev. J. J. SCOTT, Residence, Pensacola. Secretary of the Convention. JOHN" BEARD, Residence, Tallahassee. Treasurer of the Diocese, TURBUTT R. BETTON, Esq., Residence, Tallahassee. Agent of the Episcopate Fund, Hon. GEORGE R. FAIRBANKS, Trustee of the General Theological Seminary, Rev. J. J. SCOTT. Clerical and Lay Deputies to the General Convention. Rev. F. H. RUTLEDGE, D. D., I Hon. ISAAC H. BRONSON, " J. J. SCOTT, " WILLIAM MARVIN, " B. WRIGHT. | " THOMAS DOUGLAS, W. T. SAUNDERS, THOMAS RANDALL, Form of a Certificate of Appointment as Deputy to the Convention. This certifies that, at a meeting of the Rector, Wardens and Vestry, (or Wardens and Vestry, if no Rector was present,) of —, held on the — day of —, the following person (or persons, as the case may be,) viz: C. C., J. B. and O. G. were duly elected to represent this Church in the next Diocesan Convention, to be held in —, on-the — day of—, 18—. Form of a Parochial Report, according to the requisitions of Canon XV. CHURCH. , RECTOR, MINISTER, OR MISSIONARY, (as the case may be). white coVd white coVd Baptisms, Adult, " Infant, Confirmations, - Communicants, " Added, " Died, •' Removed, - " Stricken off", - " Total, Marriages, ... Burials, - Sunday School Teachers, - " " Scholars, " " Subjects taught, " Books, | Catechized Children, number, " " Times, | Contributions, offertory, - " Missions, Foreign, " " Domestic, " " Diocesan, " " Jews, " Episcopate Fund, j Families, Church, ; Children under 14, - " dissenter's attending, j Services held, number, " " place, - The Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Florida, will be held in St. John's Church, Tallahassee, on Friday, the 16th day of January, A. D. 1852. JOHN BEARD, Secretary of the Convention.