JOURNAL OP THE Proceedings OP THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL CONVENTION, OF THE PBOTESTANT EPISCOPAL CIIURCH, XIV THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, Held in 'trinity Church, lolumbuSi Commencing on the 5th May, 1842. r£&absr«W8f) * W. T WTlMAMft, 1.84,?, LIST OF CLERGY. *Rt. Rev. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Bishop of the Diocese, and Rector of St. John's Church, Savannah. *Ret. EDWARD NEUFVILLE, Rector of Christ Church* Savannah. " ED. E. FORD, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Augusta, " T. B. BARTOW, Chaplain in the U. S. Navy. * " SENECA G. BRAGG, Rector of Christ Church, Macon. * " WM. D. CAIRNS, Rector of Trinity Church, Columbus. " JOHN J. HUNT, Missionary at Lexington, and Teacher of a Seminary in Washington, Wilkes Ceunty " GEORGE WHITE, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Springfield. * " CHARLES F AY, Rector of St. Luke's Church, and Prin¬ cipal of the Episcopal Institute at Montpelier. " ED. T. WALKER, Deacon, Minister of Christ Church, St. Simon's Island. LIST OF LAY DELEGATES. christ church, savannah. Dr. THEODOSIUS BARTOW, Messrs. *WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, R. R. CUYLER. st. paul's church, augusta. Messrs. *G. McLAUGHLIN, *B. T. NICHOLS, BENJA¬ MIN CONLEY. christ church, macon, Messrs. *LEWIS N. WHITTLE, GEO. A. KIMBERLY, NATHAN C. MUM ROE. trinity church, columbus. Messrs. *THOS. M. NELSON, *ED. B. FISHBURNE, *LE WIS C. ALLEN. st. joiin's church, savannah. Messrs. *GEO. R. HENDR1CKS0N, *JAS. A. CLIFFORD,. ^Present at Convention. JOURNAL. TRINITY CHURCH, COLUMBUS, Ascbnsion Day. May 5, 1842. This being the time and place for the Twentieth Annual1 vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocef Georgia, the Rt, Rev the Bishop, and a number of Clergj and Laymen assembled for the purpose of Divine Worsh: Trinity Church: the Order for Daily Morning Prayer I performed by the Rev. Edward Neufville, the Communion Se: by the Bishop, and the Convention Sermon preached by the Charles Fay, from Acts, 2d chapter, 47th verse. The Bishop having taken the Chair, the following pei entitled to seats in this Convention, were found to be presei wit: op the clergy. % op the laity. Rev. Edward Neufville, Wm. Thorne Williams, " Seneca G. Bragg, G. McLaughlin, Whereupon, a constitutional quorum being present, the i vention re-elected the Rev. Wm. D. Cairns as its Secretarj the ensuing year. The Rules of Order of 1838, were adopted for the Go> ment of this Convention. On motion, the Rev. Mr. Neufville and Major Nelson ^ appointed by the Chair, a Committee to report upon the app tion of Churches for admission into connexion with this Con tion. The Chair appointed the following Committees: On the State of the Church.—The Rev. Messrs-. Neufville Bragg. " William D. Cairns, " Charles Fay, B. T. Nichols, Thos, M. Nelson. Ed. B. Fishburne, Lewis C. Allen. 6 On Unfinished, Business.—The Rev. Mr. Cairns, and Col. Wil: Hams. On Finance.—Mr. McLaughlin and Maj. Nelson. On motion, the Chair appointed the Rev. Mr. Neufville and Mi*. Allen a committee to report to the Convention a proper form for the purpose of facilitating the due organization of Parishes, de¬ signing to seek admission into connexion with this Convention. Candidates for Holy Orders in this Church present, were invited to attend the deliberations of the Convention. Mr. Wm. X Ellis, a Communicant of Trinity Church appeared and took his seat. The substitute for the Sixth Article of the Constitution of this Diocese, proposed by the last Convention, was unanimously adopted. -Whereupon, the Missionary Sermon was ordered to be preached by the Rev. Mr Bragg to-morrow evening, and a collection made in aid of Missions within this Diocese. Convention adjourned to meet at the hour of Divine Service, to-morrow morning. At night, Evening Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Neufville, and a Sermon preached by the Bishop from St. John's Gospe], 16th chap. 7th verse. The Sacrament of Baptism was admin¬ istered by the Rector to two adult persons immediately after the second lesson. FRIDAY, MAY 6th, half-past 10, A. M. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Fay, and the Sermon preached by the Rev, Mr. Neufville, from Psalm 92, vs. 13,14,15. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. A certificate of delegation from St. John's Church, Savannah, was presented to Convention and Messrs. George R Hendricksom and James A. Clifford, the Delegates took their seats. The Bishop then read to the Convention his ANNUAL ADDRESS. Brethren of the Clergy and Laity : At tfee close of another year of labour and of privilege, we are assembled in Council to speak of the dealings of the Lord with our portion of his Church, and to advise together, in faith and grayer, for its advancement and prosperity. May the mighty power of the Holy Grbost direct, sanctify and govern us in our f present work, inspiring us with the spirit of truth, unity and con' cord, and preserving us. from all error, ignorance, pride and prep udice. The past year has been one of unexampled public depression and pecuniary embarrassment, afflicting severely our Churches and our people, but it has also been one, I humbly trust, of steady spiritual improvement. Thje chastisements of the Lord have produced their proper effect, and the people, ashamed of their sacrifices, are turning from their idols to serve the living Grod. Let us pray that this spirit of true humiliation may increase and deepen, until our dross being purged away, the Lord shall turn aside his fierce anger and once again bless us with plenty and prosperity. Immediately after the adjournment of our last Convention, I left Macon for the Montpelier Springs, with the double purpose of organizing our Schools at that place and a Church in connexion with them. I remained four days with our friends at that point, examining the property of the Institute and arranging the details of its management; and on the fourth Sunday after Easter, 1841, I confirmed in the temporary Chapel of the Springs, seventeen persons, thirteen of whom were slaves. After Morning Service a Church was organized, under the title of St. Luke's Church, Montpelier Springs, Monroe, Co., Ga., by the election of War* dens and a Vestry. The Rev. Charles Fay, Rector of the Schools, will officiate regularly at this point. On Monday, the 10th May, I visited Forsyth, the County site of Monroe County, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Bragg, and offi¬ ciated in the evening in the Baptist Meeting House. I found at this point several intelligent Episcopalians, who stand connected, at present, with the Churches at Macon and the Montpelier Springs. From Forsyth I passed to Clarksville, in Habersham County, in the expectation of consecrating our Church in that village. I found it in too unfinished a state for consecration or even for ser¬ vice and officiated both morning and afternoon of the Fifth Sun¬ day after Easter in the Methodist Meeting House. Our progress at this station has been hitherto very slow, owing to many una¬ voidable circumstances, and out ultimate success will depend very s much, tinder God, upon the firmness and zeal of our friends foi a. year or two longer. The services of the Rev. J. B. Gallagher, during the past summer, were very acceptable to the whole com¬ munity, and it is with pleasure that I state to the Convention that he will resume his Missionary labours in that field the ensuing Summer. On Tuesday, May 18th, T proceeded to Athens, still accompa¬ nied by the Rev. Mr Bragg, and on Wednesday afternoon officia¬ ted iu the Presbyterian Church, and at night in the Methodist Church It was not deemed advisable to organize a Church in Athens upon this visit, as there was no clergyman prepared to take charge of the congregation, but 1 feel satisfied that there will ultimately be no difficulty in establishing ourselves firmly at this important place. From Athens, I went down, on the 20th May, to Lexington?", Oglethorpe county, at which place I remained four days, officiating daily. On Sunday the 23d May, I administered the Communion, assisted by the Rev- Messrs. Bragg and Hunt, to such persons as were prepared to unite in its celebration. There are, at this point, several zealous Church families, who have received Epis¬ copal services from time to time, from the Rev. Mr. Hunt, of W ashington. In consequence of the fewness of our members at Lexington and its proximity to Athens, it will be necessary for the present, to unite our people at this point with the contempla¬ ted congregation at Athens, and serve them once a month from Athens, and once a month from Washington, so long as Mr. Hunt shall remain there. From Lexington, I proceeded to Washington, Wilkes County. Here I spent the night under the roof of the Rev. Mr. Hunt. In the afternoon, I baptized the child of Mr Hunt, and at night offi¬ ciated in the Presbyterian Church. Besides Mr. Hunt's family, there are one or two individual Episcopalians in the Town of "W ashington, but no more. In the present condition of our Diocese, it would be lost labour to attempt any thing in this village. From Washington, I returned to Augusta, and on the 26th May administered the rite of confirmation to twelve persons in St. Pauls Climch. These candidates were upon the list presented by the Rector of St. Paul's for confirmation on Jb aster Sunday, £> but had been prevented from attendance by the extreme inclem¬ ency of the day. I reached Savannah on the 28th May, termina¬ ting my first Episcopal visitation, thanks be to God, without any accident or mischance. From the 28th May until the 9th of June, I performed Paro¬ chial duty ih the Parishes of Christ Church aud St. John's, Sa¬ vannah, in conjunction with the Rev. Mr. Neufville. On the 0tb, I left Savannah to me0t the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Philadelphia. Preached the Annual Sermon before the Board on Wednesday the 16th June, and attended the meetings of the Board until its adjournment on Friday the 18th. On Friday proceeded to New-York and spent Saturday in exam¬ ining the Schools stt Flushing, with reference to our Institute at Montpelier Springs. Returned to Savannah on Saturday morn¬ ing the 26th June. From the 26th June to the 25th September, I performed Paro¬ chial duty in the Parishes of Christ Church and St. John's, Sa¬ vannah, in conjunction with the Rev. Mr. Neufville. On the 25th September, I proceeded to New-York to attend the meeting of the General Convention. Attended without intermission the ses¬ sions of the House of Bishops from the 6th to the 19th October, and during the same time was present at the triennial meeting of the Board of Missions. The proceedings of both these bodies have been published and are before the Church for its judgment* From the 30th October, the period at which I returned to Sa¬ vannah, until the 3d December, I continued my ministerial du¬ ties in the united Parishes of Christ Church and St. John's, and on the 3d December, proceeded to Montpelier Springs to at¬ tend the Semi-Annual Examination of our Schools. Remained at the Springs until the 9th, inspecting the Schools and making arrangements for the winter term. I found every thing in the very best condition, full of promise to the Church and to the State. Spent three days with our people at Macon and reached Savannah on the 14th December. I resumed my Parochial duties in Savannah, and on the 23d January, (Septuagesima Sunday,) I admitted Mr. Edward T. Walker, a candidate for the Ministry, transferred from the Dio¬ cese of Virginia, to the Holy Order of Deacons. Mr. Walkar 2 ig has taken charge of the Parish at St. Simon's Island, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Bartow. On the 18th February, I commenced my Spring visitation, ac¬ companied by the Rev. Mr. Walker. Reached St. Simon's Island on the 19th, and officiated four days in Christ Church. I found the Church and its enclosures in excellent order, although the people had been without Church services for nearly a year, owing to the continued illness of their late Rector, the Rev. Theo. B. Bartow. They Were very anxious for the renewal of regular worship, gladly received their young minister, and cheerfully contributed to make his ministrations among them agreeable and successful. The Glebe land attached to this Church has been sold within the year, and the proceeds invested, the interest of the fund to be applied to the support of the minister of the Par¬ ish. This sum, added to a moderate pew assessment and a little help from our Diocesan Society, enables this limited congrega¬ tion to maintain its Rector comfortably. While upon the Island I baptized four children. On the 3d Sunday in Lent, the 27th February, I officiated in Darien in the Baptist and Presbyterian houses of worship, and at night administered the Communion to fourteen members of our Church, at the house of Dr. Holmes. Our church people in Da' xien and its neighbourhood, have been prevented, by the embar¬ rassment of the times, from erecting a Church edifice, but are prepared, the ensuing winter, ta receive a clergyman and maim tain him. I found no diminution of their interest in the estab¬ lishment of a Church, and hope to see them represented in both- orders at the next Convention. Upon looking into some ancient records, the Vestry discovered that Darien was located in the Colonial Parish of St. Andrew, and they resolved that their Church should be known hereafter by the style of St. Andrew's Church, instead of St. Peter's as re* ported to our last Convention. During my visit to Darien, I bap¬ tized six children. From Darien, I paid a visit to the Planters of Glynn County \ remained with them three days and baptized four children. I have been since informed officially by one of the Wardens elect, that soon after my departure, a Parish was organized under the 11 title of St. David's, Glynn County, and that a small Church would be erected during the ensuing summer, and a fund provided for the larger portion of the maintenance of a clergyman. The neigh¬ bourhood is thinly settled, but the immense number of slaves makes it a very interesting point of missionary labours. From Glynn County I returned to Savannah and continued at my Parish through the closing weeks of Lent. On the 5th Sun¬ day in Lent (March 13) I administered the rite of Confirmation in Christ Church, for the united Parishes of Christ Church and :St. John's, when sixteen persons were confirmed. On the 8th April I proceeded to Augusta, and on the second Sunday after Easter, administered Confirmation to eight persons, two of whom were colored. This Church I found suffering much from emigration, but firmly sustaining itself against depressing in¬ fluences. I baptized a child at the request of the Rector. On the 19th April I went to Milledgeville and remained two days with our people. I officiated one night in the Presbyterian Church to a very good congregation. During my visit I held a meeting of the Vestry of St. Stephen's'Church and arranged a; contract for a Church edifice to be ready for service next Februa¬ ry. This contract will be finally concluded at a visit which it is my intention t© pay this place as I return to Savannah. On the 22d April I reached Macon, and on the fourth Sunday after Easter I baptized three adults and confirmed' twelve persons in the morning,and baptized eight infants in the afternoon, the Rec¬ tor having been requested to act as sponsor and witness in the res¬ pective cases. Services were continued in this Church for seve¬ ral days, and although suffering from the pecuniary pressure which lies heavy upon the country, is rich, I trust, in faith and prayei*. It has made steady increase during the past year. On the 27th April, I proceeded to the Montpelier Springs and spent four days in examining the Schools and visiting the Church. On the fifth Sunday after Easter, I confirmed in the temporary chapel, four persons, two of them pupils of the school, and one a slave. In the afternoon, I administered the communion to a large body of communicants, white and colored. I also baptized a col¬ ored infant. Our Schools have flourished at the Springs beyond our mo,st 13 sanguine expectation. In spite of the strict Episcopal principle upon which we arranged the enterprise—in splto of the numeroui schools which are scattered over the State—in spite of the preju dices which were excited and fostered against us by designing anc interested parties—in spite of the pecuniary embarrassment o: the times, which has compelled every body to husband their re^ sources' to the uttermost, the excellence of the instruction and the devoted religious spirit which breathes around the Institute, have worked our Schools silently and surely into the favour of christian parents, and have made- them anxious, of whatever denomination, to secure their advantages to their children. We lack but twelve, should all return who were attasched to the Schools the last term, of our full complement. It seems strange, that, among all the other plans which have been adopted in the slave-holding States for the promotion of edu¬ cation,the one,upon which turns the success of our Institute, should never before have engaged the public attention, especially when something of the same kind {ias been successfully carried on, for many years, in the Island of Barbadoes. Our plan—one struck out very much by the circumstances of the case—is to make a stock farm cultivated by a slave force owned by the Institute, pay all the expenses of the Schools except the salaries of the In¬ structors. By throwing only this burden upon the tuition money, we are enabled, should the plan continue to work as well as it has hitherto done, to furnish the hest education, together with all such accomplishments as christian parents should desire for their chiI-> dren, at a cost far below the usual charges, at the same time that we improve the property and enlarge the schools. Working at disad¬ vantage the past year upon this plan—subjected to large expense in the improvement of the Institute, with many of our spliolars coming in late in the year, we have been enabled, through the blessing of God and the admirable managomenf of our Superin- tendant, to maintain the Institute upon the most liberal footing, and to say at the end of one year s experience, that we owe no man any thing but love. Anothei striking advantage of this plan is its expansivepess. It can be enlarged upon the same principles of arrangement to uny-extent, and twenty schools may be supported as easily as qu& 13 at tlio same time that the capital required to be invested in ]anc| and negroes for their support, will diminish in proportion as the schools increase. Our present investment sustains one school-— double the farm and the number of labourers and we can make it sustain four schools—double that again and it shall sustain, not eight, but twelve schools—and this arises from the greater pro¬ ductiveness derived from a division oflaboux* and the ability to con¬ centrate a large force at any given moment upon any given point. My design is, with this result in view, to increase, with any money that may come into our hands, the landed and slave property of the Institute, until they shall be sufficient to supply any number of schools that we may need with every thing necessary for their comfortable support and maintenance. It will remain with th® wealthy citizens of Georgia, and especially of the Episcopal Church, to determine whether this plan si?all be developed slow¬ ly or rapidly, for not a step shall we take forward upon credit or upon hope. We are free from debt at this moment, and intend, by Gr-od's blessing, to remain so. Very much of our usefulness will depend upon our independence of popular caprice: for the. principles of education, like those of religion, have been long since settled upon their only sound basis, and any thing new in the one is just as likely to be false as any thing new in the other. Strict discipline, after the fashion of the Proverbs, religious train¬ ing upon the system of the Church, thorough instruction along the old thorny road of hard study and minute accuracy; these,in which there is nothing new, I consider necessary to any good result, and these can only be maintained now-a-days, I regret to say it, by a perfect independence of parental whim—by an ability to say to any dissentient " the removal of your child is your loss and not ours." Any increase in the number, &c. of schools, will not inter¬ fere with the present system of management. Instead of enlarg¬ ing one building and accumulating numbers of children together, my intention is to multiply buildings, at suitable distances from each other, each constituting a separate family under distinct man¬ agement of its own, and connected together only by some general government under my personal control. I pledge myself, as these schools increase, that they shall be furnished with the best teachers that can be procured from Europe or America, and it will remain 14 with the citizens of Georgia to determine whether they will edu* cate their children at their own doors, at a diminished expense as compared with a northern education, and upon religious princi¬ ples, or whether they will still continue to drain the State of its resources and subject their children to the temptations necessari¬ ly incident to a residence remote from pai'ental influence, and to the dangers arising from a change of constitution, by a long ab¬ sence from the climate of the South at the most critical period of life. Another part of my plan is to combine with the education and accomplishments of these schools some instruction, during leisure moments, in rural economy. Not that the boys will be required to labour at all r but if the farm be well cultivated and skilfully ar¬ ranged, they may be taught many lessons of management and economy, to be turned to good account in after life. And whether much be gained or not in this particular, we are so imitative, that we will carry away from our early associations, feelings and hab¬ its that it will be difficult afterwards to get rid of. A long res¬ idence, during years of boyhood, upon a well kept and well arranged farm, wilj impress upon the eye and upon the feelings a habit of order and neatness which will make most of them, after¬ wards, attentive to these things in their own domestic relations, They will also be trained in the best mode of performing their duties as the owners of slaves and the masters of human beings for whose souls they must give an account. On Monday, the 2d May, I visited Forsyth, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Fay. I preached at night in the Baptist house of wor* ship, and administered the rite of confirmation to three persons. The Rev. Thomas A. Cook, late of La Fayette, Ala., is now resi¬ dent at this point, engaged in the business of instruction. This act closed my official operations previous to the meeting of this Convention. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I acknowledge the goodness, of God towards our Diocese, in raising up for us, during the past year, three Candidates for Holy Orders, Mr. Wm. J. Ellis, of Columbus, Dr. J. J. Ridley, of Forsyth, and Dr. William Bacon Stevens, of Savannah. It is indeed a special mercy to us, for I feel convinced that the enlargement of our borders will depend 15 Very much upon the building up of a native ministry, having at heart the spiritual interests of their countrymen, and prepared to live and die upon the soil of their nativity or adoption. It is ex¬ tremely difficult for us to procure an efficient ministry from abroad, for the double reason, that every Diocese needs its own increase, and we have nothing to offer as an inducement to tempt men away from their homes and their associations. Our unsupplied Parishes are all Missionary stations, at which the Church will have to struggle up against prejudice and pre-occupation, and very few have the faith or the zeal to cast themselves into such posi¬ tions for Christ's sake and the Church. Let us continue, there¬ fore, beloved brethren, to supplicate the great Head of the Church for more labourers in the vineyard, for new supplies of good men, full of the Holy Ghost, that shall be willing to dedicate themselves to the service of the Lord. They will come at the summons of prayer, and such as we need will come in no other way. During the past year, there have been very few clerical changes in our Diocese. The Rev. Theo. B. Bartow has resigned the Parish of St. Simon's Island, and become a Chaplain in the Navy. He still retains his canonical connexion with this Diocese. The Rev. Edw. T. Walker has taken charge of the Parish left vacant by the resignation of Mr. Bartow. The Rev. J. B. .Gallagher will resume his missionary labours at Clarkesville this summer. No clergyman has removed from the Diocese during the year, neither has one died or been degraded. It gave me pleasure to perceive upon my late visitation, how generally my suggestions of last year, in relation to the religious instruction of negroes, have been acted upon. At almost every point I found a Sunday school for their benefit in full operation, and,for the most part, well attended,and taught by the most intelli¬ gent members of the congregation. Upon the Clergy would I urge a perseverance in this good work—this labour of love—noth¬ ing but perseverance—perseverance through every discourage¬ ment—perseverance in the most systematic manner, will produce the result which I desire to see—a body of well instructed colored communicants in every Episcopal Church. The Sunday School is the nursery whence these members must be drawn—the Sunday School, conducted as much as possible upon the system recommen- XJ6 tied in my last Conventional address. Upon the Laity would I also press this matter, especially upon the large slave owners of the Eastern and middle sections of the State, as demanding their ?nost imperative attention. I know that to a certain extent it is attended to, but at the best, very imperfectly and inadequately. It can only be effectually carried out by a judicious union of adja¬ cent plantations and ttie procurement of a clergyman who will live in the midst of them and be a Pastor—a Pastor in the old and primitive sense of that word—one feeding them with knowl* edge and with truth. It is difficult to find in our Church, met* willing to labour perseveringly in this field; but I trust that they will be raised up of God for our necessities. The General Conven¬ tion could aid us much in this matter by the passage of a Canon, such as was prepared and passed by the House of Bishops, and laid upon the table of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies in October last,authorizing the admission of suitable men to a perpet¬ ual Deaconship, upon lower literary attainments than are required of those who intend to pass on to the higher grades of the ministry. We trust that we shall not be left much longer to mourn over the want of such an order of men in our Church. To others it may be a matter of choice or caprice ; to lis of the slave-holding States it involves the whole question of the kind of teaching which these people shall receive. It is now almost monopolized by the Meth¬ odists and Baptists, for the single reason that they have sent out men upon lesser literary qualifications, who were, at the same time, perfectly competent to instruct our slaves, and willing to live humbly and hardly for Christ's sake. In a certain section of the State, the Presbyterians have laboured with most interesting results and have placed slave instruction upon a systematic basis which it would not be easy to surpass. While we give honor to whom honor is due, let us imitate this good example and strive to do our duty in connexion with those whom the Lord has commit¬ ted to our especial keeping. It does not become us as the Church of Christ, whose treasures have always been the poor and the af¬ flicted and the ignorant, to devolve the slaves whom the Lord has entrusted to us, upon any other teaching than our own. If we do, we shall have to answer for it to the Great Head of the Chyrch; and we shall certainly suffer for it here upon earth. IT &ince the adjournment of the last General Convention, it has pleased our Lord to call to his rest, one of the most venerated of the Fathers of the Church. Our mourningr is not. for him. Hav- ing fought a good fight and finished his course and kept the faith* he has gone to receive the crown of righteousness laid up for him with Jesus. It is for the Church, which has been deprived of another of those holy men w ho framed her polity and guided her infancy and rejoiced in her rapid strides to maturity. It is for the Bench of Bishops which has lost its kindest heart* its most affectionate spirit. It is for the clergy, who loved to look upon his venerable form and dress themselves in the mirror of his excellence and sweetness. It is for his Diocese which has lost a Parent as well as a Bishop, a Father as well as a Pastor. May the Lord bless this affl'ction to the Church and the Ministry, teaching the one that his purposes are not wrought out by might nor by power, but by his spirit—warning the other to watch and be sober lest that day come upon them as a thief. In conclusion, let me call your attention as a Diocesan Conven¬ tion, to the proposed alteration in the Prayer Book, and the pro¬ posed addition to the Constitution, with copies of which you will be furnished. The former is of very little consequence; the lat¬ ter of immense importance. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr. Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. The "alteration in the Prayer Book," and the "addition to the Constitution," proposed by the last General Convention, and alluded to by the Bishop in his Address, was referred to the Rev. Messrs. Fay and Bragg as a Committee to report to this Conven¬ tion. The Parochial Reports were then read and ordered to be prin¬ ted. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, SAVANNAH. Baptisms—white infants, 13 ; adults, 2 ; coloured infants, 1, 16 Marriages, - - - 2 Burials, - - - ~ * -4 Confirmed, 6 Communicants—whites, 38 j coloured, 1. Total, - - 39 3 rs dec! in my last Conventional address. Upon the Laity woulu I also press this matter, especially upon the large slave owners of the Eastern and middle sections of the State, as demanding their most imperative attention. I know that to a certain extent it is attended to, but at the best, very imperfectly and inadequately. It can only be effectually carried out by a judicious union of adja¬ cent plantations and the procurement of a clergyman who will live in the midst of them and be a Pastor—a Pastor in the old and primitive sense of that word—one feeding them with knowl* edge and with truth. It is difficult to find in our Church, me$ willing to labour perseveringly in this field; but I trust that they will be raised up of God for our necessities. The General Conven¬ tion could aid us much in this matter by the passage of a Canon, such as was prepared and passed by th-e House of Bishops, and laid upon the table of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies in October last,authorizing this admission of suitable men to a perpet¬ ual Deaconship, upon lower literary attainments than are required of those who intend to pass on to the higher grades of the ministry. "We trust that we shall not be left much longer to mourn over the want of such an order of men in our Church. To others it may be a matter of choice or caprice ; to lis of the slave-holding States it involves the whole question of the kind of teaching which these people shall receive. It is now almost monopolized by the Meth¬ odists and Baptists, for the single reason that they have sent out men upon lesser literary qualifications, who were, at the same time, perfectly competent to instruct our slaves, and willing to live humbly and hardly for Christ's sake. In a certain section of the State, the Presbyterians have laboured with most interesting results and have placed slave instruction upon a systematic basis which it would not be easy to surpass. While we give honor to whom honor is due, let us imitate this good example and strive to do our duty in connexion with those whom the Lord has commit¬ ted to our especial keeping. It does not become us as the Church of Christ, whose treasures have always been the poor and the af¬ flicted and the ignorant, to devolve the slaves whom the Lord has entrusted to us, upon any other teaching than our own. If we do, we shall have to answer for it to the Great Head of the Chyrch; and we shall certainly suffer for it here upon earth. 19 *Ms Diocese from its first organization in 1823, at a Convention held in Augusta. With only two exceptions he was a delegate in attendance at every subsequent Convention until 1834, and; also discharged the duties of Treasurer of the Diocese until 1837, when he was compelled, through bodily infirmity, to retire from a participation in the active concerns of life. His zealous devotion to the interests of the Church, entitles his name to be had in last¬ ing remembrance. The Rector avails himself of this opportunity to record his grateful testimony to the unanimity of feeling which subsists be¬ tween this Church and St. John's (in which he officiates alternate¬ ly with the Bishop,) and to their flourishing condition. An in¬ creased attention to spiritual things has been discernible of late* He who maketh men to be of one mind in an house, and with whom is the residue of the spirit, has vouchsafed such manifesta¬ tions of His favour and goodness, as are calculated abundantly to encourage the hope of future increase and enlargement. AUGUSTA, May 2, 1842. To the Secretary of the Convention : Rev. and Dear Sir—I send you herewith my Parochial Report, which I beg you to lay before the Convention for me. Most sin¬ cerely do I regret my inability, from a painful indisposition, to meet the Convention—but rest assured, my whole heart is with you. That the great Head of the Church may bless your mea¬ sures, to the advancement of the Church and the promotion of Hifi glory, is the sincere prayer of Your Friend and Brother in Christ, EDW. E. FORD. The Rector of St. Paul's Church, Augusta, presents the followc ing Report of the state of his Parish, since the last Convention: Baptisms—2 adults, 7 children, one of the latter by the Bishop of the Diocese. Confirmed—at two confirmations, 20. 20 Communicants—added 10; removed 18; "repelled" from the- Communion, for unchristian conduct, 2 ; withdrawn 1« Pros* ent number 74. Marriages, 4. Burials, 7. Sunday Schools—White, about fifty children, under the direction of the Rector, as Superintendent, two male and seven female teachers. Black, about eighty scholars, taught by the Rector, assisted by two male and six female teachers. The Sunday School for coloured persons is the result of efforts made by the Rector, in compliance with the suggestions on that subject contained in the Address of the Bishop of the Diocese, to the last Convention. Although established with a view to the instruction of children, yet adults having in seveial instances, presented themselves, they have not been excluded. The Rector has been much gratified with the apparent eagerness with which, thus far, the class of persons in question have availed themselves of this opportunity for religious instruct iion. No branch of his labours does he regard with greater inter¬ est, and he cherishes the pleasing hope that at least a foundation has thus been laid for much good. Since the last Convention, the 6um of about $350, raised by the praiseworthy efforts of "the Ladies Working Association" of the Parish, has been appropriated to the supply of certain needed conveniences and improvements about the Church. The sum of $121 56, has been collected through "the Church offerings," and transmitted to the Diocesan Committee of Mis¬ sions, to be applied to the support of Missions within the Diocese. The Rector has had to lament, during the past year, the drain-* ing effect of emigration upon his flock. By the above statement it will be seen that even the accession of ten new members to the number of his communicants, has not served to maintain the Jbal- ance- EDW. E. FORD, CHRIST CHURCH, MACON. Rev* Nenecn G. Bragg, Rector. Baptisms (including three adults and eight children, baptized by the Bishop of the Diocese, at the request of the Rector,) adults, 3; children, 19. Total, fc 2% Confirmations, - - . - . , it Communicants—died 2, removed 3, transferred to another Parish 3, added 13. Present number 60 Marriages, - - - . . .10 Funerals—"(including three attended by other ministers, in the absence and during a bereavement of the Rector,) adults, (all except two without the Parish,) 12 ; children, (all except one without the Parish,) 9. Total, 21 The Rector would gratefully acknowledge, in behalf of himself and the Parish of his charge, the signal mercy of the Lord, under many chastisements, during the last Conventional year. But three members of our flock have been removed by death ; two, adults and beloved communicants, who departed this life in the full assurance of faith,—the other a child, who had been received into the Church, by baptism. Our afflictions have been of an un¬ usual character, and yet followed, as we hope, by salutary results. Amidst our embarrassment and distress, some needful improve¬ ments have been made for the accommodation of the friends of the Church, by the addition of nineteen new Pews, the erection of a plain bellfry and the purchase of a bell. A few young men of o.ur congregation have generously presented a baptismal Font, of convenient form, chaste design, and beautiful workmanship.— While we have been deeply humbled, by unexpected embarrass¬ ment which presses heavily upon the Parish at the present mo* jnent, we would, be thankful, that, within a few weeks past, atten¬ tion to weekly Church offerings has been revived, with special reference to the discharge of our pecuniary obligations. The Ladies of the Congregation have liberally aided this important object, by the payment of one hundred dollars, beside supplying a nearly equal amount for the improvement of the interior of the Church. Special donations have also been made, through another channel, with a view to relieving the Parish under existing diffi¬ culties. Our contributions to Missionaiy and other objects of christian benevolence, have been comparatively small; but we trust, that by self-denial, economy, and systematic efforts, we may be enabled, hereafter, to do more in the cause of charity, through a simple reliance upon "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," Who " became poor, that we through his poverty might be riqji^ 22 The services of the Church are better attended than formerly. The Sunday School for white children, rem iius under the care of the same Superintendent to whom we have long been indebted. He is aided by four male, and five female teachers, all members of our Communion. The number of Scholars registered, ia sixty- seven, and the number usually attending is above forty. In pur¬ suance of Episcopal recommendation, a Sunday School for col¬ oured persons has been established under the care of the Superin¬ tendent of the Sunday School fur white children, assisted by two of the female teachers of that School. The number of scholars exceeds twenty. Oral instruction is given them from the valua¬ ble catechism prepared by the Bishop of .North Carolina. The Superintendent reads to them a portion of the Holy Scriptures, usually accompanied with a few remarks, intended to impress reli¬ gious truth on their minds and consciences. On the first Sunday in each month, it is the practice of the Rector, to examine and instruct the children of the Parish in the catechism openly in the Church—and expound to them a passage from Holy Writ. Im¬ mediately afterward, the Sunday School for coloured persons ig visited by the Rector, and a similar mode of examination and in¬ struction is pursued. Two male teachers having just been engag¬ ed for the last mentioned School, we are encouraged to prosecute our labour of love with renewed zesT, "lookingunto Jesus," as the Divine Head of the Church, and the "light of the world." TRINITY CHURCH, COLUMBUS. Ber. William D. Cairns, Rector. Baptisms—white adults, 2, infauts, 17 coloured do. 9, do. 6. Total, - 34 Confirmed, (1 coloured,) - - - - - 13 Communicants—removed 2, added 27, (of these 7 are colour¬ ed,) ....... 72 Marriages—whites 2, coloured 9, - - - - 11 Burials, - 2 Sunday School Teachers 11. Scholars, (20 coloured) 100 Collections—Communion Offerings, - - $250 From Ladies Society, - . 300 For Mibsions at this Convention, £0—6K> 23 An Execution against the Church for rnoTe than Eleven Hun¬ dred Dollars has been paid by the Rector, not a little to his own embarrassment, but in the confident belief that the friends of the Church in the Diocese would susiain him in the effort to save from desecration, property which had been solemnly consecrated to the service of God. In this he is happy to inform the Convention, he is likely not to be disappointed. His unfailing friends, the ladies of Savannah, have added to their former benefaction the gift of $300, through the Rev. Mr. Neufville, and assurances of relief have been given from the Bishop and others, such as to induce the conviction that he will sustain no ultimate individual loss. The only claim now remaining against the Church, excepting that of the Rector, is for a note of $430, with interest for several years. The holder of this paper, from whom the Vestry have ever experienced the kindest indulgence, consents that the Titles of the Church shall pass into the hands of the Bishop. By this means the most gratifying assurance is furnished to our friends, both at home and abroad, that our Church, for which so much anxiety has been felt and so much sacrifice made, is safe from the spoiler, and we trust that God's blessing will forever rest upon those who have so freely assisted us iu the accomplishment of this gratifying end. The spiritual condition of the Parish will be sufficiently indica¬ ted by the reported increase of communicants, and other pastoral -acts. CHRIST CHURCH, ST. SIMON'S ISLAND. Rev. Edward T. Walker, Di-acot>, :TS iuintcr. I accompanied the Bishop upon his second Episcopal visitation to this Church in February. The Church was open for divine Service for three successive days, on each of which the Bishop preached. The Communion was administered by the Bishop to nine persons, and the rite of Baptism to four children. The Church has been open for service every Sunday since, and during Lent every Wednesday and on Good Friday. The attendance upon Church has been good, upon the tord'? 24 day, during the Lent services, and upon the weekly prayer meet¬ ings; arid a growing interest for the spiritual and temporal condi* tion of the Church has been evinced by her members. For the last two months, services have been held for the Ne¬ groes on Sunday afternooD at the Church; 011 Sunday night and once during the week at some one of the plantations, which are visited in rotation. The negroes have manifested a desire to be instructed and to be taught of Jesus. They have been punctual in attendance upon the services designed for them. They are not obstinate, hard to teach, slow to learn, nor hard to deal with, but lather with willing and grateful hearts have improved their religious privileges, and many of them are true and lively christians. In religion, the negroes have but one peculiarity. They uni¬ versally prefer immersion. They are not, however, irrecoverably lost even in this respect,though it has been thought best to yield to their prejudice, and some are waiting to be baptized by immer¬ sion. They have, however, cheerfully brought their children to be baptized by pouring, according to the Baptismal service, to the Church and to their own Churches upon the plantations to the number of forty. The monthly Missionary offerings, for March, April and May, have been $17, negroes $1,12. The Ladies' Working Society have about $250 with which it ie designed to purchase an organ. The arrangement of the pulpit and reading desk has been alter¬ ed and a Vestry Room is being built. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, MONTPELIER. Rev. Charles Fay, Rector. Baptisms—5 white children, 12 coloured adults, 2 coloured children. Total, ----- 1S^ Confirmations, - <• . - „ *21 Communicants, - - - . _ 28 • Funerals, (1 coloured child,) - - - 1 Collection for Missionary fund, . . $20 At his last report, the Rector, from encouraging appearance^ 2?r at the time, expressed the sanguine hope, that a respectable con¬ gregation would be gathered at Montpelier. But his hopes have Hot been realized, from the fact that strenuous efforts were made by the surrounding sectaries to prejudice the community against the Church, and to induce people to withhold, what then seemedi a willing attendance upon our services. We have, notwithstand¬ ing, pursued the even tenour of our way, and by God's blessing, have not been without seeing some good results to the glory of the Redeemer and the advancement of the Church. The pupils of the Institute and the various other members of the household, to¬ gether with two or three families from ihe neighbourhood, have constituted a respectable congregation, and the usual services of the Church have been regulary conducted. A chapel is expected to be built during the ensuing summer, and the funds for the pur¬ chase of an organ are in progress of collection. The efforts made in behalf of the coloured people of the planta¬ tion, have been eminently successful. The Steward of the Insti¬ tute, Mr. S. H. Fay, has kept up the Sunday School instruction and other exercises for the benefit of the blacks, and their gener¬ ally correct deportment and moral conduct show, in a pleasing manner, th£ influence of religion upon the uneducated, and the adaptation of our Liturgy to the Condition of the slave population. The Rector, as Principal of the Georgia Episcopal Institute, is happy to testify to its present flourishing state and cheering pros¬ pects. Its growth has been gradual but sure. The pupils amounted the last term to twenty-eight girls and seven boys, the number being limited to thirty-six girls and twelve boys. We have had also an acquisition of two female assistant teachers, who are well fitted by their qualifications and zeal, to increase the effi¬ ciency and elevate the character of the School. Of our success in improving the young people committed to our charge, it does not become me to speak. Suffice it to say, that our great effort has been to educate them thoroughly, as far as they go, in the useful and ornamental branches of knowledge, to elevate their tastes, to refine their manners, and above all, to bring them under those moral and religious influences, which will fit them for hap¬ piness here and hereafter. The Steward of the Institute has accomplished a great deal for 4 2& the improvement of the grounds and buildings of the Institute^ and all the arrangement of the establishment are calculated to make the pupils comfortable and satisfied, and to make them feel as if they were members of one large family, united by the bonds of Christian affection. Hitherto the advantages of the School do not seem to have been appreciated by our own people to the degree we should wish, (about three fourths of our pupils coming from non-Episcopal families ;) but as the pecuniary embarrassmenls of the country become ameliorated, it is to be hoped, that Episcopalians will not be found deficient in sustaining an institution so important to the interests of sound education and true religion in this Diocese. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD, EFFING- HAM COUNTY. Rev. George White, Rector. The Rector takes pleasure in stating that the Church is finish¬ ed, but some alterations in the pulpit and seats being considered necessary, it has not yet been opened for divine service. Confident hopes are entertained that it will be ready for consee- oration in a few weeks. The Ward ens desire the Rector to return their grateful ac¬ knowledgements to the Ladies in-Savannah, for several donations,, among which is a neat Communion Service. During the last summer, the Rector visited Springfield about once every two weeks, and at each visitation, preached in the Methodist Meeting House twice and occasionally three times. On one of these visits he wis accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Forc^ from Key West. Funerals 4. Marriages 2. GRACE CHTJRCH, CLARKESVILLE. Rev. JT. R. Gallagher, Temporary Minuter. Baptisms,, infants, - . , . - ■ 48 Funerals, - - _ „ _ _ -3 Communicants, (admitted 2,) . - -14 This report embraces a period of five months, commencing witji 27 Xuiie 1st, 1841. During this time Divine Service was regularly held twice on the Lord's day, besides a Bible class and an evening lecture in the course of the week. The congregation was en¬ couraging in regard to numbers, although of a very fluctuating character and composed, to a great extent, of persons who resort to Clarksville and its vicinity during the summer. Seven of th« communicants reported are of this description. Several members of other denominations who regularly united with us in the ordi¬ nance of the Lord's Supper are not included. There is reason to believe that a better acquaintance with the doctrines and forms of the Church is gradually vanquishing preju¬ dice and preparing the way for success and permanence among the settled population of the country. The effort to erect a Chuich, after a long suspension, was re¬ sumed and vigorously prosecuted during the summer. It is un¬ derstood that but little remains to be done in order to accomplish its completion. It is expected that with the exception of the paint¬ ing, the edifice will be ready for consecration by the 1st of June. Let us hope and pray, that this consummation so long desired will prove, through the Divine blessing upon the appointed means, productive of eternal benefit to the souls of those who shall wor¬ ship Almighty God in the house that is called after His name, and hear within its walls the Gospel of salvation preached by the min¬ isters of Apostolic succession. A considerable debt has been incurred in the erection of the Church, but it is hoped that the members of this parish,struggling in the feebleness of infancy, will not be allowed to appeal in vain for aid to their more favoured brethren. A collection of $42 50, ivas made in the Church in aid of Domestic Missions. The Report of the Standing Committee was read and accepted. The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Georgia REPORT: That since the last meeting of the Convention, they have signed testimonials recommending to the Bishop as candidates for Holy Orders, Mr. William Josiah Ellis, of Columbus, Dr. Joseph James Ridley, of Forsyth, and Dr. William Bacon Stevens of Savannah; r-A tyr. .Edward Tabb Walker, for ordination as Deacon* "28 As Trustees of the permanent fund for the support of the Epis¬ copate under a resolution of the last Convention, (see page 22 ol journal,) they have no report to make. The very great distress and embarrassment of the times, and the frequent claims present, ed for other and more immediately urgent objects, have probably operated to deter the Clergy from calling the attention of theii Parishioners to the subject. All which is respectfully submitted. EDW'D NEUFVILLE, President The Report of the Committee on Missions vyas read and accep¬ ted. The Committee on Missions respectfully REPORT: That the continued embarrassment of the Diocese has disposed the Committee to move cautiously within the limited sphere of their duties. Soon after the last Convention, it was judged best that the Chairman should accompany our Bishop during the period of his first visitation, at those places where our Missionaries had recent¬ ly laboured. For the result of that visitation, the Committee would refer to the annual address of our Diocesan. It was resol¬ ved to continue our efforts to sustain the mission at Clarksville, and the services of the Rev. J. B. Gallagher were usefully bestow¬ ed at that point, until a previous engagement compelled him to return to the Diocese of South Carolina. The Rev. J. J. Hunt was again requested to visit the friends of the Church at Lexing¬ ton, and hold service among them as often as his other duties might permit; who has reported a compliance with our wishes. In regard to the future action of the Committee, we think it right to wait for the suggestions of the Bishop, in reference to whom, as the ex officio Director of the Missionary operations of the Diocese, it is hoped there will be some modification of the Canon, which provides for the annual appointment of the Committee on Mis-* sions. The report of Nathan C. Munroe, Esq., Treasurer of the Committee, showing the receipts and expenditures during the past year, and a balance in his hands of about one hundred and «9 twenty dollars, Is herewith submitted to the Convention. The sum of one hundred dollars has been appropriated recently, to aid Christ Church, St. Simon's Island, in the support of Public wor¬ ship, under the direction of the Bishop. No change of importance has occurred in respect to the Depo¬ sitory of the Diocese. The number of Prayer Books unsold and undistributed is one hundred and eighty-three. We have a small supply of Tracts both doctrinal and practical. A list of the several kinds of Sunday School Books remaining on hand, is subjoined: Sunday School Books, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Catechisms, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Church Catechism. Church Primer. Office of Devotion. Short Piayers. Questions on Common Prayer. Union Primer. Questions on St. Matthew, Parts 1 and 2. Questions on the Acts, Parts 1 and 2. Collects. Questions on do, Epistles and Gospels. Questions on do. Harmony of the Creeds. First Truths. SENECA G. BRAGG, Chairman. The Reports of the Treasurer of tho Convention and of the Missionary Committee, with the suggestions of the former, were Referred to the Committee on Finance. The proposed alteration of the 9th Article of the Constitution of this Diocese was, on consideration, unanimously adopted. The Committee ou Unfinished Business reported and were dis¬ charged. The Committee appointed at the last Convention to report on the expediency of limiting the future meetings of the Conven- 30 tion of this Diocese to such places as are central or easy of aor cess," failed to procure a meeting and was continued. The Standing Committee elected for the ensuing year, were Of the Clergy. Of the Laiiy. Rev. Edvv'd Neufville, Mr. Wm B. Bulloch, " Edvv'd E. Ford, Dr. Theodosius Bartow, " S. G. Bragg. Hon. R. M. Charlton. The Delegates elected to the General Convention, wer# Of the Chrgy. Of the Laity. Rev. Edw'd NeufviPe, Hon. J. M. Berrien, " Edw'd E. Ford, Maj. Thos. M. Nelson, " Wm. D. Cairns, Mr. Ed. F. Campbell, « S. G. Bragg, " Nathan C. Munroe. Convention adjourned to meet at the hour of Divine Service to-morrow morning. At night, Evening Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Neufville, and the Missionary Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Bragg, when a collection was made for Diocesan Missions amounting tf sixty dollars. SATURDAY, MAY 7, half-past 10, A. M. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Bragg, and the 8er« «non preached by the Rev. Mr Fay, from Phil. 3d chap. 20th ver, Holy Baptism was administered to five infants, after the second Lesson. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. Mr. Whittle, a delegate from Christ Church, Macon, appeared ancT took his seat. The Committee appointed to prepare "A Form for the purpose of facilitating the due organization of Parishes designing to seek admission into connexion with this Convention," made the follow¬ ing REPORT: The Committee to whom was refeired the duty of preparing a proper form for the purpose of facilitating the due organization of ^Parishes, beg leave to report the following Canon and Standing J? ^solution, defining the course proper to be pursued in such »1 CANON V. Section 1. Whenever any number of persons shall associate' fo form an Episcopal Congregation,they shall adopt articles of asso¬ ciation for their government, in which they shall acknowledge and accede to the Constitution, Canons, doctrines, discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Georgia; they 6hall assume a suitable name by which their Church or Parish shall be designated, ajid elect two Wardens and any numbei of Vestrymen at discretion, not exceeding eight. A certified copy of the articles of Association and of the proceedings at their adop¬ tion, signed by the Wardens, shall then be laid before the Con¬ vention, and if approved by that body, delegates from such con¬ gregation or Parish may take seats in the Convention, and the congregation shall be considered as united to the Convention and subject to its decisions. Section 2. Every Parish so organized, shall annually, on Eastef Monday, elect the same number of Vestrymen and Wardens. Resolved, That in the organization of new Parishes, the follow¬ ing form of declaration be recommended, and the meeting in which it is adopted be held and conducted according to the pro* visions of Canon 5. " We, the subscribers, assembled for the purpose of organizing a Church [or Parish] of the Protestant Episcopal Church in , county of , and State of Georgia, after due notice given, do hereby agree to form a Church [or Parish] to be known by the name of Church , and as such, do hereby acknowledge and ae- Cede to the doctrine, discipline and worship, the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and the Constitution and Canons of the same Church in the Diocese of Georgia, and we do accordingly now appoint A. B. and C. D. to be the first Wardens, and E. F., G. H , I. J., to be the first Vestry nun of Church, to continue in office until Easter Monday, a. D. , and until others be chosen in their place. And an election of Wardens and Vestrymen shall hereaf¬ ter be held on Easter Monday of Each successive year. Witness our hands at , county of , and State of Geor¬ gia, this day oi , in the year of our Lord 30 A copy of the foregoing shall be forwarded to the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, to the President of the Standing Committees .AH of which is respectfully submitted. EDW'D NEUFVILLE, LEWIS C. ALLEN. The Report was accepted, and the Canon unanimously passeis The Report of the Committee on Finance was read and accept¬ ed, as follows: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the accounts of the Treasurer of the Diocese, and of the Treasurer of the Mis¬ sionary Fund, beg leave to REPORT: That the accounts are regularly stated, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of the Diocese of $7, and in the hands of the Treasurer of the Missionary fund of $121 37, all the items of each account being sustained by proper vouchers. All of which is respectfully submitted. THOS. M NELSON, Chairman. Mr. Wm. P. Hunter, of Savannah, was unanimously re-elected Treasurer of the Diocese. Mr. Nathan C. Munroe, of Macon, was unanimously re-elected Treasurer of the Missionary Committee. On motion, it was unanimously resolved, as a standing rule, that the Reports of the Treasurers respectively, be printed in an Ap¬ pendix to the Journal of the Convention. The Rev. Mr. Cairns declining a re-election, the Missionary Committee chosen for the ensuing year were, Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. S. G. Bragg, Mr. N. Q. Munroe, " Chas, Fay, " Horaee Fitch, " Geo. A. Kimberly. The Committee appointed to take into consideration so much of the Bishop's Address as related to the proposed alterations in the Prayer Bo^k and the Constitution of the Church, was, on request, continued to the next Convention. The Chair appointed the Rev. E. T< Walker, as Preacher of the Convention Sermon, and the Rev. Charles Flay, of the Mis^ sionary Sermon at the next Convention, (8 On motion, it w$s ordered that six hundred copies of the Joiii* Jaal and one thousand copies extra of the Bishop's Address be printed for distribution, under the direction of the Secretary! The next Annual Convention was appointed to meet in the City of Savannah, on the first Thursday in May, 1843. The thanks of the Convention were unanimously tendered to- the Treasurers of the Diocese and of the Missionary Committee, for their faithful and efficient services to the Church. On motion, it was unanimously resolved, that the words "of which Committee the Bishop of the Diocese, when there is one, shall be ex officio Chairman," shall be inserted after the word Laymen, in the third Canon of this Diocese. On motion, it was unanimously resolved, that it be recommend¬ ed to the Vestries of our Churches in this Diocese to discourage the use of the Churches under their care, for all *'unhallowed, world¬ ly and common uses." The .Report of the Committee on the State of1 the Church, was read and accepted, as follows: The Committee on the State of the Church, referring to the Parochial reports as evidence of the fact, gratefully acknowledge the Divine favour and goodness towards this Diocese, as manifest¬ ed in the enlargement of the borders of the Church, and the in¬ creased interest in spiritual things every where discernible. In the prosperous circumstances of the Institute at Montpelier, your Committee discern a token for good which the Great Head of the Church has vouchsafed, to encourage us to go forward in the work, which has been so auspiciously commenced, of imbuing the minds of the young with religious principles, whilst at the same time the instruction necessary for the fulfilment of the duties of life, is such as to answer the utmost expectations of parents and guardians. The attention which has been paid to the religious instruction of coloured persons within the Diocese, i|i conformity with a re¬ commendation to that effect in the Primary Address o^the Bish¬ op, has not been as general as could be wished, and the Commit¬ tee would call the attention of the Clergy to the importance of exerting themselves to carry out the views expressed in that ad¬ dress, encouraged as they have reason to be by the experience of 5 34 those who have gathered in the first fruits of a harvest, which, i? is hoped, will under the blessing of the Lord, prove abundant Respectfully submitted. ED. NEUFVILLE, S. G. BRAGG, Committee. Convention adjourned until Monday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. At night, Evening Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Fay, and a Sermon preached by the Bishop, from Matthew, 27 ch, 25 v. SUNDAY. A. M.—Morning Prayer was read by the Rev, Mr. Neufville. Confirmation was administered to thirteen persons, one of them coloured, and the address to the confirmed delivered by the Bish¬ op. P. M.—The Communion Service was read by the Bishop, and the Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Neufville, from Psalm 122, v. 6. About seventy united in the reception of the Holy Communion. At Night, Evening Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Cairns, and a Sermon preached by the Bishop from the Lamentations of Jeremiah, 1 ch. 12 y. MONDAY MORNING, 9 o'clock. Convention met, according tp appointment. After prayer by the Bishop,- the Minutes of Saturday were read and approved. There being no further business, on motion, the Convention ad¬ journed, after Prayer and Benediction by the Bishop, to meet in Savannah on' the first Thursday in May, 1S43. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr. Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia:. Wm, D. Cairns, Secretary. Columbus, May 9, 1842. APF3SHDIZ, C O 8"S TITCTIOJ OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA. " ^ ARTICLE I. The Church in this Diocese, as a constituent part of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, accedes to* recognises, and adopts the General Constitution of that Church, and acknowledges its authority accordingly. ARTICLE II. A Convention of this Church shall be held at such time of each year and place as the previous Convention may ajipoint: Provi¬ ded, however, that no Convention shall be opened for the transac¬ tion of business, unless there be present at least two Clergymen and Delegates from two congregations. And in case no Conven¬ tion be formed, the standing officers of the last Convention shall hold their respective offices until successors shall be appointed. ARTICLE III. The Bishop, or, if the Episcopate be vacant, the Standing Com¬ mittee, shall have power, when it appears requisite for the good ®f the Church, to call a Special Convention, by a circular letter to the several Churches. There shall not be less than four weeks' notice previous to the day appointed, and such meeting shall be holden when the authority calling it shall determine : and at such Special Convention, no other business shall be transacted than that stated in the notice calling the Convention, ARTICLE IV. The Convention shall be composed of Clergymen and Laymen. Every Clergyman in good standing, duly exercising clerical fuac- 36 lions in existing parishes, or in other situations under the directior of the Ecclesiastical authority of this Diocese, shall be a membei of the Convention; and every duly recognised Minister of thif Church, engaged in the business of literary instruction, who shal have resided within the Diocese for six months last past, shall b« entitled to all the privileges of a member of the Convention, with the exception of a right to vote. Each Church or Congregation in union with this Convention shall be entitled to a representation by one Lay Delegate or more, not exceeding three, to be chosen from its own body by the War¬ dens and Vestrymen thereof: Provided, however, that the Minis' ter, or in his absence, the Delegate or Delegates present at any Convention, may supply any vacancy in the delegation, if he 01 they should find, at the place of meeting, a member or members of the congregation which they are empowered to represent. ARTICLE v. New Parishes may be admitted into union with this Convention, by a majority of rotes : provided they shall have laid before the Convention written evidence, subscribed by the Wardens, that they accede to the Constitution and Canons of this Church, and are regularly t>rganized by the election of two Wardens, and any number of Vestrymen at discretion, not exceeding eight. ARTICLE VI. Every meeting of the Convention shall be opened with Morning Prayer, and a Sermon delivered on the first day of the Conven- ti°n, by a preacher appointed at the preceding Convention: a Sermon on Missions shall also be preached some time during the sitting of each Convention, when a collection shall be made in aid of Missions within this Diocese. The appointment of both preach¬ ers shall be made by the Bishop, or, in his absence, by the Presi¬ dent of the Convention. ARTICLE VII. The Convention shall deliberate and act as one body, unless when any member shall call for a division on any question, in which case each Clerical member shall be entitled to one vote, and the Lay-Delegates of each congregation jointly to one vote; and a majority of both Qrdere shall be necessary to a decision-. 37 ARTICLE VIII. The Bishop of the Diocese shall be, ex-officie, President of the Convention. In case there be no Bishop, or in his absence, a presiding officer shall be elected from among the clerical mem¬ bers present. ARTICLE IX. At each annual meeting of the Convention, a Secretary and Treasurer shall be chosen, to hold their respective offices until the next Annual Convention, or until successors shall be appoint¬ ed. ARTICLE X. A Standing Committee shall be chosen at each annual meeting of the Convention, to consist of three Clerical and three Lay members : of the time and place of whose meetings due notice in writing shall be given to all the members thereof at least one week before the time of such meeting. At a meeting thus notified, any four members shall constitute a quorum. The Standing Commit¬ tee shall meet as soon as practicable after their election, and choose a President and Secretary from among their own number, and it shall be the duty of the President to call a meeting of the Com¬ mittee whenever he shall deem it necessary, or whenever he shall be required so to do by any three members of the Committee. Vacancies in this Committee, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be supplied by the suffrages of the remaining members. ARTICLE XI. The Convention shall annually elect four Clergymen and four Laymen, as Deputies to the General Convention, and to any Spe¬ cial General Convention which may be held in the recess of this Convention, who shall be empowered, in the absence of one or more of their colleagues, to appoint in the plaice of such Delegate or Delegates any citizen or citizens of this State, provided that such citizen or citizens be a member or members of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church in this Diocese; or if it be inconvenient for any Delegate or Delegates to proceed to the place of meeting, the Bishop is authorized to appoint others in their place. In case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, the power hereby conferred on the Bishop shall be exercised by the Standing Committee. 38 ABTICLE XII. A proposition for altering and amending this Constitution shai be introduced in writing, and considered in Convention . and i approved by a majority, shall lie over to the next Convention when upon consideration again, if it be approved by a majority q the Convention, it shall be adopted. CANONS. OAWON I. Each Church duly represented in this Convention shall pay o? cause to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the Conven¬ tion the sum of fifteen dollars annually, for defraying the incidenr tal expenses of the Convention, CANON II. In case any Clergyman of this Diocese shall be accused oferroi in doctrine, immorality of life, or neglect or transgression of any of the Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, or of this Diocese, it shall be the duty of any two or more Clergymen, or of the Wardens and Vestrymen of the Church of which he is Rector, or to which he may belong, who shall have knowledge or belief of such misdemeanor, to represent the same to the Bishop, or in case there be no Bishop, to the Standing Com¬ mittee of the Diocese. In the event of such representation, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Stan¬ ding Committee, if he or they shall deem the charge or charges worthy of investigation, forthwith to notify the accused of such charge or charges, together with the time and place appointed for his trial. The mode of trial shall be as follows: The Bishop, or the Standing Committee as the case may be, shall appoint a num¬ ber of Presbyters not less than five, of whom the person accused may select a majority by whom to be tried. The result of the trial shall be made known to the Bishop, or in case there be np Bishop to the Standing Committee, who shall pronounce and ex¬ ecute or cause to be pronounced and executed, such sentence as 39 litay be awarded, should the same by him or them be deemed just and proper. Should the sentence be suspension or degradation from the Ministry, the Bishop, or provisional Bishop, or should there be none, some neighbouring Bishop shall be requested to pronounce the same. Should it be impossible to obtain from this Diocese the requisite number of Presbyters to constitute a board of trial, the deficiency may be supplied from a neighbouring Diocese. Should any Clergyman, accused and cited for trial according to the provisions of this Canon, neglect, or refuse to obey the cita¬ tion, such neglect or refusal shall be considered as an acknowl¬ edgement of the truth of the charges preferred against him, and sentence shall be pronounced accordingly. CANON III. The Convention shall appoint annually, by ballot, a Committee of two Clergymen and three Laymen, of which Committee the Bishop of the Diocese, when there is one, shall be, ex-officio, chair¬ man ; whose duty it shall be to take in charge the Missionary, Bible, Common Prayer Book, Tract and Sunday School opera¬ tions of the Church in this Diocese : and it shall be further the duty of this Committee to make a full report of all their proceed¬ ings to each succeeding annual Convention. CANON IV. It shall be the duty of the Vestry of each Church in connexion with this Diocese, to pay, or cause to be paid, into the hands of the Treasurer of the Convention, at each annual meeting of the Convention, the amount of the assessment laid upon the Churches respectively represented by them, for the support of the Episco¬ pate in this Diocese. 0AN0N v. Section X. Whenever any number of persons shall associate fco form an Episcopal Congregation, they shall adopt articles of asso¬ ciation for their government, in which they shall acknowledge and accede to the Constitution, Canons, doctrines, discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Georgia; they shall assume a suitable name by which their Church or Parish 40 shall be designated* and elect two "Wardens and any number . Vestrymen at discretion, not exceeding eight. A certified cop of the articles of Association and of the proceedings at their ado] tion, signed by the Wardens, shall then be laid before the Coi vention, and if approved by that body, delegates from such coi gregation or Parish may take seats in the Convention, and th congregation shall be considered as united to the Convention an subject to its decisions. Section 2. Every Parish so organized, shall annually, on Easte Monday, elect the same number of Vestrymen and Wardens. 8TAND1NO BKSOLUTIOlYSi For providing a permanent Fund for the support of the Episcopah adopted 1841, Resolved, That, as it is important that the formation of a perma nent fund for the support of the Episcopate in this diocesfe, be a once commenced, each Rector of a Parish is requested, annually to call the attention of his Parishioners to the subject, and invito contributions for the object in such mode as he may deem mos expedient. That the Standing Committee of the Diocese, b( Trustees of this fund, to whom all collections are to be paid ovei by the respective Rectors, and the amount thus paid over investec by the said Trustees, in what may appear to them the most saft and profitable manner—the interest annually received to be adde< to the principal, so that for the present the fund may be accuttiu lating. And further, Resolved, That the Standing Committee as Trustees aforesaid, be requested to report at each annual Conven¬ tion the amount received during the year, the sources from which received, and the manner in which the same is invested. Of the organization of neio Parishes, adopted 1842. Resolved, That in the oi-ganization of new Parishes, the follow- ing form of declaration be recommended, and the meeting in which it is adopted be held and conducted according to the pro¬ visions of Canon 5. We, the subscribers, assembled for the purpose of organizing a Church [or Parish] of the Protestant Episcopal Church in , county of , and State of Georgia, after due notice given, da Hereby agree to form a Church [or Parish] to be known by the name 41 Church , and as such, do hereby acknowledge and ae- cede to the doctrine, discipline and worship, the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and the Constitution and Canons of the same Church in the Diocese of Georgia, and we do accordingly now appoint A. B. and C. D. to be the first Wardens, and E. F., G. H , I. J., to be the first Vestryman of Church,, to continue in office until Easter Monday, A. D. , and until others be chosen in their place. And an election of Wardens and Vestrymen shall hereaf¬ ter be held on Easter Monday of Each successive year. Witness our hands at , county of , and State of Geor¬ gia, this day of ——, in the year of our Lord ." FORM OF A CERTIFICATE Of Appointment as a Delegate to the State Convention. This certifies that at a meeting of the Rector, Wardens and Ves¬ try, (or Wardens and Vestry, if no rector were present,) of , held on the day of , the following person (or persons, as the case may be,) viz : K. L. M. N. and O. P., were duly elected to represent this Church in the next Convention of this State, to be held in , on the day of , 18—. The above certificate shall be signed by the Rector, if present, or in his absence by one of the Wardens or the Secretary of the Vestry. THIS STlTIiR OR TITLE OF CHURCHES. The proper style for a duly incorporated Congregation is, "The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry, (or else the Church War¬ dens and Vestry) of Church in The first blank being left for the name of the Church, the other for that of the place. 6 42 Dfc. The Diocese of the State of Georgia, in Account Voucher 1841. May 2S. To cash paid R. G. Guerard, late No. Treasurer, in full for balance of account ren¬ dered last Convention, j * - - 1 $ .50 August 4. To cash paid Bull, Goulding & Co. (through Rev. W. D. Cairns, Secretary,) for printing, binding, &c, Journal of 19th Annual Convention of Diocese, receipt dated Colum¬ bus, July 22d, 1841, - - - - 2 70.00 To cash paid Rev. W. D. Cairns, Secreta¬ ry, for postages incurred by him, (see his let¬ ter, Columbus, July 30th, 1841,) - - 3 5.75 To cash paid Rev. W. D. Cairns, Secreta¬ ry. asssessment upon this Diocese for contin¬ gent expenses of General Convention, (see last Journal, page 22, and Rev. Mr. Cairns' letter, Columbus, July 30th, 1841,) - 4 6.75 August 23. To cash paid Rt. Rev. Stephen El¬ liott, on account of salary as Bishop for the year 1841, 5 1,800.00 1842. March 7. To cash paid Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott on account of salary as Bishop for the year 1841, (leaving $100 still due from Ma¬ con.) .... 6 100.00 March 30. To cash paid Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott on account of salary as Bishop for the year 1842» 7 600.00 April 20. Balance due by Wm. P. Hunter, Trea¬ surer, transferred to new account, - - 7.00 $2,590.00 43 Current with "William, P. Hunter, Treasurer. Cr. 1841. May 3. By cash received from Rev. W.D. Cairns, being quota of Trinity Church, Columbus, to Bish¬ op's Fund for 1841. $ 100 By cash received of ditto, for quota of Trinity Church, Columbus, for expenses of Convention for 1841, - - 15 By cash received from St. Paul's Church, Augus¬ ta, quota for expenses of Convention for 1841, - 15 By cash received from Christ Church, Macon, quotafor expenses of Convention for 1841, - 15 August 4. By cash received from Christ Church, Ma¬ con, on account of pledge of $300 from that Church for Bishop's salary for 1841, leaving $200 still due on that pledge for this year, .... jqq August 23. By cash received from Christ Church, Sa¬ vannah, quota of that Church to Bishop's Fund for 1841, .... ... 1>000 By cash received from St. Paul's Church, Augus¬ ta, quota of that Church to Bishop's Fund, for 1841, 500 By cash received from Christ Church, St. Simons Island, quota of that Church for Bishop's Fund for 1841,, - - _ - - - - 100 Sept. 20. By cash received from Christ Church, St. Si¬ mons Island, quota for expenses of Convention for 1841, 15 Nov. 23. By cash received from Christ Church, Savan¬ nah, quota of that Church for expenses of Conven¬ tion for 1841, - -- -- -- 15 1842. Feb. 22. By cash received from Christ Church, Macon, on account of pledge from that Church for Bishop's salary for 1841, leaving $100 still due for 1841,* - - - 100 March 29. By cash received from Christ Church, Sa¬ vannah, on account quota of that Church, for Bish¬ op's salary for 1842, 600 April 20. By cash received from St. John's Church, Savannah, quota for expenses of Convention for 1841, 15 $2,590 E> E# w. P. hunter; Treasurer of the Diocese of Georgia. Savannah, April iQih, 1842. ^Tliis amount has been received since this statement was made? out. 44 Dr. The Committee on Missions of the Diocese of Georgia, 1841. May 7. To amount paid Rev. S. G. Bragg, on account of travelling expenses to Clarkesville and Lexington, $ 46.39 To amount paid Rev. Charles Fay, Missionary at Montpelier, ..... 300.00 June 11. To amount remitted Rev. Jno. B. Gallagher, Missionary at Clarksville in part of salary, - 150.00 Oct. 12. To amount remitted Rev. Jno. B. Gallagher, Missionary at Clarkesville, in part of salary, through Rev. Edw'd Neufville, - 131.00 Nov. 26. To amount balance of salary remitted Rev. Jno. B Gallagher, late Missionary at Clarksville, $96; enchange on do. $312, - - 99.12 1842. April 29. Amount deposited with Bishop Elliott, for the support of the ministry at St. Simons, - 100.00 To balance in hands of Treasurer, -r * J.21.37 $947.88 45 in account with Nathan C. Munroe, Treasurer. Cr. 1S41. May 4. By balance from account N. Barker late Treasurer. - - . . . $ 96.07 May 7. By amount received from Rev. W. D. Cairns, for books from the depository, - By amount received from the Wardens and Ves¬ trymen of Christ Church, Savannah, trustees of the Female Episcopal Society, for the advancement of Christianity in Georgia,by the hands of Bishop Elliott, May 31. Am't rec'dfrom Rt. Rev, S. Elliott, Jr.from St. John's Church, Savannah, for Missionary purposes, June 10. By amount received from Rev. S. G. Bragg, for books sold from depository, Oct 12. By amount received from Christ Church, Savannah, for Missionary purposes,* - - $81 By amount received from St. John's Church, Savannah, for Missionary purposes,* - - 50—131.00 Nov. 15. Amount received from St. Paul's Church, Au¬ gusta, through Rev. E. E. Ford, for Prayer Books from depository, ... $14.66 and for Diocesan Mission fund, - 38.34— 53.00 Nov. 26. By amount offerings Christ Church, Macon, for Diocesan Missions, - 26.25 1842. Feb. 15. Am't rec'd from Christ Church, Ma¬ con, thro' Rev. S. G. Bragg, for S. School books, &c, 15.00 By amount received for Prayer Books sold from de¬ pository by Rev. S. G. Bragg, - - - 5.00 April 22. By amount received from Rev. E. E. Ford, from St. Paul's Church, Augusta, for books from the depository, $ 6.96 do. for Church offerings from the same, 79.35— 86.31 April 28. By amount received from Rev. S. G. Bragg, for Suuday School Books, ordered by R. B. Murdock for Sunday School, Trinity Church, Columbus, 2.00 Received from Rev. S. G. Bragg, for Prayer Books sold from Depository, 3.00 Am't rec'd from Rev. S. G. Bragg, for S. S. Books, S. S. Christ Church, Macon, 3.29 April 29. Am't rec'd thro' Rev. E. Neufville, from the offerings of Christ Church, Savannah, $50, & from the JLady's Miss'ry Association of Christ Church, Savan¬ nah, $50, for the support of the ministry at St. Simons, 100.00 Am't rec'd from offerings of Christ Church, Savan¬ nah thro' Rev. E. Neufville,for Books from the depo¬ sitory $12 75, and for Missionary purposes $7 54, 20.29 3.67 300.00 100.00 3.00 $947.88 * Remitted to Clarksville through Rev. E. Neufville, from Savannah. * * * 5 I w !WB^k Bishop of "the Diocese of G