a THE AiAiAMA AND MISSISSIPPI ALMANAC, "for the year of our lord being bissextile, or leap year, and the eightieth of american independence. Calculated for the Horizon and Meridian of Mobile, Lat. 30° 12' North, and Long. 87° 47' 30" lVest,from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; but will serve without material variation for the adjacent States. MOBILE, Ala. published and sold by STRICKLAND & CO* No. 28 Dauphin Street. strickland >) will be evening star until March 5th, then morning star until the end of the year. TIIE ANATOMY OF MAN'S BODY, AS SUPPOSED TO BE GOVERNED BY THE TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS. V Head and Face. n Arms. 5L Heart. Reins. t Thighs. Legs. 8 Neck. Breast, mz Bowels, ni Secrets. VS Knees. ^The Feet. TO KNOW WHKRK THE SIGN IS. Fiisttind the day ot'the Month,and againstit you have the sign or place of the Moon,in the 7th.column, then finding thesign here,it shows the part ofthe body it is supposed to govern. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. T Aries, the Ram. Taurus, the Bull. DGemini, the Twins. SoCa&cer, the Crab. £\.Leo, the Lion, Virgo, the Virgin. ^Li¬ bra. the Balance. tTJScorpio, the Scorpion. / Sagittarius, the Archer. /3Capricornus, the Goat, ^Aquarius, the Waterman ^Pisces, the Fishes. EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS. Planets.—©Sun. f? Saturn, ' - 6 30 5 30 11 46 28 3 6 10 52 16 Satu 9 runs high. 6 29 5 31 11 25 S 4 3 11 46 17 Sun 2d S. in Lent. 6 29 5 31 11 5 23 4 53 Morn. 18 Mon Clear 6 28 5 32 10 44 61 5 37 0 38 19 Tues Procy. s. 9 35 6 27 5 33 10 22 17 6 16 1 27 20 Wed and cool. 6 26 5 34 10 1 28 ©rise 2 13 21 Thur Wash'nb.1732 6 25 5 35 9 39 "X 6 37 2 56 22 Frid #in Apogee. 6 24 5 36 9 18 23 7 31 3 26 23 Satu b stationary. 6 23 5' 37 8 56 8 25 4 16 24 Sun 3d S. in Lent. 6 22 5 38 8 34 16 9 20 4 55 25 Mon • y .[St. Mat. 6 21 5 39 8 12 28 10 15 5 34 26 Tues 6 21 5 39 7 49 11 14 6 16 27 Wed Showers 6 20 5 40 7 26 23 Morn. 7 0 28 Thur may 6 19 5 41 7 4 / 0 16 7 48 29 Frid be expected. |6 19 5 41 6 41 18 1 19 8 41 & Venus ( 2) will be morning star until the 19th of July, then even¬ ing star the remainder of the year. '^MOBILE STATIONERS' WAREHOUSE.' STRICKLAND & CO. NO. 28 DAUPHIN STREET, JtMobite. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Blank Books—Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, In¬ voice Books, Order, Cash, Letter, Sales and Receipt Books ; also, Bank, Memorandum, Copy, Pass, Bills of Lading and Bills of Exchange Books, Indexes, Pocket Ledgers, &c., &c. Writing and Letter Papers—Imperial, -Super- Royal, Medium, Demi, Folio Post and Foolscap Paper; white and blue hot-pressed or plain, English, French, and American Packet Post and Letter Paper, thick and thin; best laid Record Paper. All the above Ruled or Plain. Sealing Wax—Royal Victoria, Irish Harp, Fine Scarlet, Black, Fancy Colored, and Perfumed, Gold Spangled and Bronze Sealing Wax. Wafers—Best English, Scarlet Red, Notarial, Trans¬ parent and Fancy Wafers of all sizes. Inks—Maynard and Noyes' Black Ink, Arnold's En¬ glish and German Copying Ink, Stepens'-Unchangeable Light Blue Fluid, and his Brilliant Red, Best French Carmine Ink. Ink Stands—Cut Glass, Fancy, Agate, Patent India Rubber, Bronze, Screw, Pocket, Cork and Pewter Ink- Stands, of all kinds. Miscellaneous Articles—Porcupine Pen Hold¬ ers; Ladies' Papeteries, all sizes ; Quill Pen Nibs in boxes ; Economic Chess Boards ; Ornamented Cigar and Card Cases, various kinds ; Patent Spring Measu¬ rers ; Notary Seals; Enameled Seals in cases, and Fold¬ ers ; Tube Inks ; Fancy Paper Weights ; Pump Inks ; Gold Pens ; Pearl and Ivory Folders ; French and Bone Whist Counters ; Boquet Paper ; Pen Wipers; Sheaf, Free Trade, Cornucopia and Hand Clips ; Spring Files; Date Boxes ; Moseley's Steel Pens ; Gold and Silver MA8C1I begins on Saturday, has 31 days. " There are few occasions in life," says Hannah More, " in which we are more called upon to watch ourselves narrowly, and U) re¬ sist the assaults of various temptations, than in our conversation. Deserve success, and you shall command it. moon's phases. New Moon, 6th day, 2h. 47m. evening. First Quarter, 13th day, 9h. 44m. morning. Full Moon, 21st day, 10h. 13m. morning. Last Quarter, 29th day, 8h. 40m. morning. D. Days M Week. 1 Satu 2 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tues 5 Wed 6 Thur 7 Frid 8 Satu 9 Sun 10 Mon 11 Tues 12 Wed 13 Thur 14 Frid 15 Satu 16 Sun 17 Mon 18 Tues 19 Wed 20 Thur 21 Frid 22 Satu 23 Sun 24 Mon 25 Tues 26 Wed 27 Thur 28 Frid 29 Satu 30 Sun 31 J Vfon | Miscellany. Clear 4th Sun. Lent. ©runs low.] 9 5 d ©. and\6 © sets. U 6 © • cold. ©in Perigee, Stamp act 1675 5th S. in Lent. Plenty of @ Q> ram. * 6 ©. ©runs high. Jackson b.1777 Palm Sunday St. Patrick's D. rises 5 3 m. Pollux so. 7 49 ©e.T® inap Good Friday, ©near S . Easter Sunday Now cloudy, Annun'n. © and perhaps rain ©runs low. 185 175 L6;0 155 145 13 5 12;5 1 1 ;5 105 10!5 95 8;5 7i5 6,5 5'5 4j5 3|5 2:5 115 o!6 59:6 58 6 57 56 55 54 53i 53 6 52 6 51 6 50 6 4 43 44 45 46 4 48 49 50 5C 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 0 Q's I©| Moon dec. so.'pl. ri.Sfset. 7 19 6 56 6 33 6 10 5 47 5 23 5 0 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 4 36 4 13 3 49 3 26 3 2 2 39 2 15 1 51 1 28 1 4114 0 40|26 S. 171\V N. 7 0 31 0 54 1 18 1 42 2 5 2 29 -2 52 V3\ 2 23 14 3 18 29 4 18 z?\ 5 7 29j 5 48 }£;©sets 29! 7 15 Tj 8 24 29j 9 34 « 10 43 28|11 52 II Morn. 24! 0 57 1 58 201 2 53 a| 3 38 4 17 4 52 5 21 5 48 6 13 13; ©rise 25! 8 10 Tll| 9 7 1910 8 Full Sea. 20 3 39 4 2 4 25, 1627 YS 24 11 10 Morn. 0 12 1 13 2 9 2 57! 9 38 10 38 11 39 A. 39 1 36 2 31 3 24 4 15 5 6 5 59 6 53 7 49 8 46 9 41 i 10 35 11 25 Morn. 0 11 0 55 1 35 2 15 2 54 3 33 4 15 4 58 5 45 6 35 7 29 8 27 9 26 10 24 m m Paper; Glazed Fancy Paper; Buff Envelopes; Cal¬ enders ; Porte Monaies ; Patent Letter Balances ; very thin French Letter Paper; Letter Files, with clasps; Zebra Twine ; Tape Measures; Twine Reels; Metal¬ lic Memorandum Bool?s; Ivory Tablets; Fine Laid Packet and Commercial Post; Lace Visiting Cards; Perforated Boards, different colors; Brass Protractors; Colored Crayons; Book Slates; Arnold's Steel Pen Writing Ink; Monthly Calendars; Silver Snake Pen Holders; Cocoa Wood and Tin Sand Boxes: Ivory, Bone and Wood Pounce Boxes ; Japanned Paper Cut¬ ters ; Twine of assorted sizes and qualilies ; ever-point¬ ed Silver Pencil Cases ; Points fordo.; Desk and Paper Weights; Paper Wafer Boxes; Porcelain, Welch and Log Slates; Rowlett's and Preston's Interest Tables; best English Tissue Paper, of assorted colors; Lead Pencils of all kinds ; Mother of Pearl, Fancy Metal and Wood Pen Holders; all kinds of Steel Pens; Swan, Opaque, and best manufactured Quills; Parallel, Flat, and Round Lignum Vitae Rulers ; Pounce, in small vials; Pink Tape; Parchment of all sizes; Copying Presses, of various kinds; Oiled Paper; Copying Paper; Wet¬ ting Brushes; Manifold Letter Writers; Marble Pa¬ per; Mathematical Instruments; India Rubber; Ack- erman's, Neuman's, and best French Water Colors ; Rodgers' Pen and Pocket Knives; Erasers; Desk Knives; Check and Bank Note Scissors; Log Paper; Hair Pencils; Card and Pen Racks ; Blotting Paper; Port Folios; Backgammon Boards; Playing Cards; Chess Boards; Chess Men; Dominos; Dice; Survey¬ or's Compasses ; Note Paper; Scotch Penknife Hones ; Indelible Ink ; Ornamented Note Envelopes ; French, English, and American Cards, &c., See. PRICES VERY EOW. ssra^a'sr aw NO. 28 DAUPHIN ST., MOBILE. ^ foi 9?" APRIL begins oil Wueadag, has 30 days. There is something so low,coarse and wicked in swearing, that it is surprising that men, who wish to be considered as wise and po¬ lite, should ever be found in the habit of it. It is a vice to which there is no temptation, and one of those sins which are called pre¬ sumptuous. moon's phases. New Moon, 5th day, llh. lm. evening. First Quarter, 11th day, llh. Om. evening. Full Moon, 20th day, 3h. 22m. morning. Last Quarter, 27th day, 6h. 24m. evening. -[o D. M. Days Week. Miscellany. m rises. sets. ©'s I© 1 Moon dec. n. pla\ri.Sfset. Full Sea. 1 Tues $ SO. 5 49 6 11 4 49' AW vw 3 40 11 21 2 Wed $ rises 4 40 m. 5 48 6 12 5 12 X 4 18 A. 15 3|Thur U $ d ©• 5 47 6 13 5 35 22 4 44 1 8 4 Frid Plenty oj rain. 5 46 6 14 5 57 V ©sets 1 59 5 Satu © £3. 3 s.l 1 48 5 45 6 15 6 20:22 7 10 2 50 6|Sun 2d S. af. Easter 5 44 6 16 6 43 8 8 20 3 44 7 Mon Regu. so. 9 0 5 44 6 16 7 5 22 9 32 4 39 8 Tues 3 so. 11 32 5 43 6 17 7 28jn 10 40 5 36 9 Wed U 3 $ ■ Cool. 5 42 6 18 7 50 20 11 50 6 35 10 Thur ©runs high. 5 42 6 18 8 12 S Morn. 7 32 11 Frid sets 5 18 5 41 6 19 8 34 16 0 50 8 28 12 Satu 3 south 1110. 5 40 6 20 8 56 29 1 40 9 21 13 Sun 3d S. af.Easter 5 40 6 20 9 18 SI 2 1710 9 14 Mon 9 st'y. © in ap. 5 396 21 9 39 23 2 54 10 53 15 Tues 3d©- Clear 5 386 22 10 1 UZ 3 2411 35 16 Wed Spica so. 11 40 5 376 23 10 22 17 3 53 Morn. 17 Thur and warm. 5 366 24 10 43 28 4 16 0 14 18 Frid ©near $ . 5 366 24 11 4 4 41 0 53 19 Satu ® 13. 5 35 6 25 U 25 22 ©rise 1 33 20 Sun 4th S. af. East'r 5 34 6 26 11 45 7 1 2 12 21 Mon 21 rises 3 56. 5 33 6 27 12 5 16 8 1 2 56 22 Tues ©runs low. 5 32 6 28 12 25 28 9 2 3 42 23 Wed Fine weather. 5 31 6 29 12 45 / 10 6 4 32 24 Thui Regu. s. 7 32 5 30 6 30 13 5 24 11 7 5 25 25 Frid St. Mark. 5 29 6 31 13 25 V3 Morn. 6 22 26 Satu Spica so. 110 5 28 6 32 13 44 20 0 4 7 19 27 sun Rogation Sun. 5 27 6 33 14 4 AW -VW 0 53 I 8 16 28 Mon Growing 5 26 6 34 14 22 18 1 37 9 12 29 Tues 3 south 9 45. 5 25 6 35 14 41 2 15 10 5 30jWed warm. 5 24 6 36 14 59 17 2 49 [10 56 ol. & g] - . ~ " " Mobile Stationers' Warehouse." STRICKLAND & GO'S BOOK, STATIONERY, PRINTING AND BINDING m © i? A H3 2L n @ m us is KF 9 No. 28 Dauphin St., Mobile. B OO KS, Comprising the works of the best standard authors in the various departments of Literature. CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, At publisher's prices, received as soon as issued from the press. SCHOOL BOOKS, A large supply of all kinds in general use, selected with great care by the proprietor personally. ANNUALS AND PICTORIAL WORKS, Of the most beautiful description, superbly bound. STATIONERY, Consisting of the most approved kinds, adapted to the use of counting rooms and public offices. BLANK BOOKS, Of the most approved manufacture, with recent improve¬ ments. PAPER AND CARDS, Letter, Foolscap, Folio Post, and other papers ; playing and plain Cards, all kinds. PRINTING AND BOOK BINDING, In all their branches, neatly executed. Country Merchants are invited to examine the Stock and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. T51 - —- lol Ef MAY begin* on VHurtday, ha* 31 dayj. Religion alone can afford true joy and permament peace. It is this that inspires fortitude, supports patience, and by its pros¬ pects and promises, throws a cheering ray into the darkest shade of human life. MOONS PHASES. New Moon, 4th day, 8h. 50m. morning. First Quarter, 11th day, 2h. 53m. evening. Full Moon, 19th day, 6h. 5m. evening. Last Quarter, 26th day, 11 h. 43m. evening. u. M. Days Week. Misceluaw* | p rises. sets. G's | dec. it. 1 © ola Moon ri.Sfset. Full Sea. 1 Thur AscensionDay',5 23 6 37 15 17 T 3 20 11 46 2 Frid $ south 9 31 5 22 6 38 15 35 16 3 53 A. 37 3 Satu ©in Perigee, j 5 22 6 38 15 52 S 4 25 1 28 4 Sun Look out 5 21 6 39 16 10 16 ©sets 2 22 5 Mon S <5 •- 5 20 6 40 16 27 n 8 18 3 19 6 Tues for rain.5 19 6 41 16 44 14 9 26 4 18 7 Wed If & ©. soon. 5 19 6 41 17 0128 10 30 5 18 8 Thur ©runs high 5 18 6 42 17 16 11 25 6 16 9 Frid S south 9. 5 17 6 43 17 32 24 Morn. 7 12 10 Satu Fair Weather 5 16 6 44 17 48 a 0 12 8 2 11 Sun Whit Sunday. 5 16 6 44 18 3 19 0 5$ 8 49 12 Mon If sets 115 m. 5 15 6 45 18 18 W 1 25 9 23 13 Tues ^ sets 8 45. 5 14 6 46 18 33 13 1 54 10 13 14 Wed © in Apogee. 5 14 6 46 18 48 25 2 20 10 52 15 Thur $ 6 9. 5 13 6 47 19 2 2 43 11 31 16 Frid Light 5 12 6 48 19 16 19 3 8 Morn. 17 Satu © £5 showers. 5 12 6 48 19 29 tn 3 33 0 10 18 Sun Trinity Sund. 5 11 6 49 19 42 13 4 1 0 53 19 Mon Spica so. 9 38 5 10 6 50 19 55 25 ©rise 1 49 20 Tues $ south 8 18 5 10 6 50 20 7 I 7 57 2 27 21 Weil Fair and 5 9 6 51 20 19 21 9 1 3 20 22 Thur ©runs low. 5 9 6 51 20 31 V3 9 59 4 15 23 Frid Arctur. s.10 3 5 8 6 52 20 43 17 10 52 5 14 24 Satu pleasant 5 8 6 52 20 54 AtAt 11 37 6 11 25 Sun 1 st S. af. Trin. 5 7 6 53 21 5 15 Morn. 7 8 26 Mon 5 7 6 53 21 15 29 0 16 8 1 27 Tues ■weather. 5 6 6 54 21 25 * 0 49 8 50 28 Wed $ 6 If 9 • 5 6 6 54 21 35 27 1 22 9 40 29 Thur [Ifd© 5 6 6 54 21 44 T 1 52 10 29 30 Frid • Q> 5 5 6 55 21 53 26 2 23 11 18 31 Satu Pleasant days, 5 5 6 55 22 2 S 2 57 A. 9 EL -M '''books and stationery,1 At prices lower than ever before known in this city, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, OTIMCDIEILiAOT) & (D®. No. 28 DAUPHIN STREET, HOUII.K, AUV.. Invite the attention of residents of the city and country rontemplating purchases in this line, to their varied, complete and extensive assortment. Their COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Of every size and variety of binding, material, and finish, contains the works of all the Standard British, French, and American Authors, in the departments of HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE AND ART, Together with the classic productions of the POETS, NOVELISTS and ESSAYISTS of Great Britain and the United States, whether of remote or more recent date. It comprises, in addition, an array of enter¬ taining and instructive Biographies of Past and Present Celebrities. It embraces also a choice selection of the most attractive NARRATiyES OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, while a supply of the ephemeral and fashionable Literature of the day is kept constantly on hand. Continual accessions are made to their stock, so that customers in the city, or at a distance, may rely upon having any order for a volume usually to be found in a Well appointed book store promptly filled. RARE AND CHOICE BOOKS which may be desired, are procured to order from any part of the Unitpd States or Europe. Their collection of LAW AND MEDICAL WORKS, has been made with a view of having it in their .power to answer most if not all of the ordinary demands of members of thpse professions. Persons engaged in the education of youth, are assured that their stock of , embraces all usually required in that vocation. JUNE begin* 011 StntHay, has 30 days. A fair and honest course of conduct will always be rewarded by the approbation of our fellow creatures; and this approbation will naturally be followed by good offices and grateful returns, which will certainly tend to promote and give success to all our under¬ takings. moon's phases. New Moon, 2d day, 5h. 48m. evening. First Quarter, 10th day, 9h. 58m. morning. Full Moon, 18th day, lOh. Om. morning. Last Quarter, 25th day, 4h. 25m. morning. D M Days Week Miscellany. m rises. 0 sets. Q's dec. 71. © pla Moon ri.S(set. Full Sea. 1 Sun 2d S. aft. Trin. 5 4 6 56 22 9 ¥ IT 34 1 3 2 Mon $ rises 4 12 5 4 6 56 22 17 n ©sets 2 2 3 Tues Clear and 5 4 6 56 22 24 22 8 12 3 1 4 Wed 9 runs high. 5 3 6 57 22 31 Eo 9 12 4 1 5 Thur Arctur. s. 9 15 5 3 6 57 22 "38 19 10 6 4 59 6 Frid quite 5 3 6 57 22 44 a 10 48 5 52 7jSatu warm. 5 2 6 58 22 50 15 11 24 6 42 8 Sun 3d S. aft. Trin. 5 2 6 58 22 55 27 11 55 7 27 9 Mon [Jackson died, 5 2 6 58 23 0 ite Morn. 8 8 10 Tues [1845. 5 2 6 58 23 5 21 0 21 8 48 11 Wed 9 in Apogee. 5 1 6 59 23 9 0 47 9 27 12 Thui Antar. so. 110. 5 1 6 59 23 12 15 1 11 10 6 13 Frid • W 5 1 6 59 23 16 27 1 35 10 48 14 Satu # with clock. 5 1 6 59 23 19 rtl 2 2 11 31 15 Sun 4th S.aft.Trin. 5 1 6 59 23 21 21 2 31 Morn. 16 Mon 6 5 1 6 59 23 23 / 3 5 0 19 17 Tues Probably 5 1 6 59 23 25 17 ©rise 1 11 18 Wed 9 runs low. 5 0 7 0 23 26 VS 7 51 2 6 19 Thur a thunder 5 0 7 0 23 27 14 8 46 3 5 20 Frid Antar. s. 10 27 5 0 7 0 23 27 27 9 34 4 4 21 Satu shower. 5 0 7 0 23 28 £? 10 16 5 2 22 Sun 5th S. af. Trin. 5 0 7 0 23 27 25 10 51 5 57 2*3 Mon 5 0 7 0 23 26 X 11 24 6 49 24 Tues St. John Bap't. 5 0 7 0 23 25 24 11 55 7 38 25 Wed • Perigee. 5 1 7 59 23 24 r Morn. 8 26 26 Thur ea. 5 1 7 59 23 22 22 0 25 9 14 27 Frid Antar. s. $ 54 5 1 7 59 23 19 8 0 57 10 3 28 Satu Light 5 1 7 59 23 16 20 1 31 10 55 29 Sun 6th S. af. Trin. 5 1 7 59 23 13 n 2 12 11 50 30 Mon showers. 5 1 7 59. 23 9 18 2 58 A. 26 BOOK-BINDING. PAMPHLETS, MUSIC BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS. LAW BOOKS, &c. Bound in any style, at very low rates, at Strickland & Co's AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, HO. 28 DAUTHXH STREET, &S4MM&3B. 13}- JUI1.Y begins oil T«ei<>(%, ha# 91 days* • Great talent/renders i onan. famqiis; great tnent procures re¬ spect ; great learning, esteem ; but good breeding alone insures love and affection. moon's phases. New Moon, 2d day, 3h. 39m. morning. First Quarter, ldth day, 'lh. 30m. morning. Full Moon, 17tli day, 3h. 39m. evening. Last Quarter, 24th day, 9h. 10m. morning. New Moon, 31st day, 3hv. 16m. evening. r> M Days IVeek, Miscellany. P rises. sets. 0's dec. n © pla Moon ri.Sfset Full Sea. l rues • runs low. 5 1 6 59 23 '5 S 2> sets 1 47 2 Wed $ sets 11 56 5 2 6 58 23 1 15 7 53 2 46 3 Thur Clear and 5 2 6 58 22 56 28 ' 8 41 3 42 4 Frid Independence 5 2 6 58 22 51 Si 9 19 4 33 5 Satu 7th S.alt. Trin. 5 2 6 58 22 45 23 9 54 5 20 6 Sun and very 5 2 6 58 22 39 nE 10 22 6 4 7 Mon dry. 5 3 6 57 22 32 17 10 48 6 44 8 Tues 5 3 6 57 22 25 29 11 13 7 23 9 Wed • in Apogee. 5 3 6 57 22 18 11 37 8 2 10 Thur • y. Vega n. 5 4 6 56 22 11 23 Morn. 8 42 11 Frid [11 20. 5 4 6 56 22 3 ril 0 2 9 24 12 Satu $ □ Q. 5 5 6 55 21 54 17 0 SO 10 10 13 Sun 8th S. aft. Trin. 5 5 6 55 21 45 29 1 2 10 59 14 Mon Look fur 5 5 6 55 21 36 t 1 41 11 53 J 5 Tues • runs low. 5 6 6 54 21 27 25 2 26 Morn. 16 Wed a heavy 5 6 6 54 21 17 V3 3 22 0 51 17 Thur thunder storm. 5 : 7 6 53 21 7 23 ©rise 1 51 18 Frid Vega n. 10 49 5 7 6 53 20 56 8 13 2 51 19 Satu 2 6 ©. 5 8 6 52 20 45 21 8 51 3 49 20 Sun 9th S.aft. Trin. 5 8 6 52 20 34 X 9 25 4 43 21 Mon • in Perigee. 5 '9 6 51 20 22 19 9 56 5 34 22 Tues It rises 10 27. 5 9 6 51 20 10 V 10 27 6 23 23 Wed • Q 5 10 6 50 19 58 19 10 57 7 12 24 Thur Altair s. IF 36 5 H 6 49 .19 45 .8 11 32 8 0 25 Frid St. Jhmes. * 5 11 6 49 19 32 17 Morn. 8 52 26 Satu Sultry. 5 12 6 48 19 19 n 0 11 9 45 27 Sun 10th S af.Trin. 5 12 6 48 19 5 14 0 54 10 41 28 Mon • runs high. 5 13 6 47 18 51 27 1 44 11 39 29 Tues Very warm. 5 14 6 46 18 37 EE 2 41 A. 37 30 Wed 5 9 c5 ©• 5 14 6 46 18 23 24 3 4 -2 1 34 31 Thur Vega n. 9 57. 5 15 6 45 18 8 a ©sets 2 25 (61 STANDARD WORKS E IN EVERT DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. STRICKLAND & CO'. IB®®Ikg®Ill®iF0 Midi NO. 28 DAUPHIN STREET, MOBILE. Beg leave to invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, tb their extensive and choice assortment of the most important works that emanat^from the English and American Press. Their establishment is distinguished by its large collection of STANDARD WORKS, in the several departments of Civil and Ecclesiastical History, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Architecture and Engineering, General Biography, Voyages and Travels, and Classical and General Literature. They would respectfully call attention to their unequaled stock of SCHOOL BOOKS AND CLASSICS, comprising all the works of the most approved authors in the different branches of learning, in general use in the Common Schools, Academies and Colleges throughout the Southern States. Attached to their establishment is a well arranged Printing Office and Book-Bindery, where they are prepared to execute Printing, Book-Binding, and Blank Book Manufacturing, in all their branches, with neatness and dispatch. Their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY, in all their varieties, but particularly in that of the Richly Ornamental, cannot be surpassed. They take this opportunity to state that they are Agents for the sale of JOHN T. WHITE'S PIMMTPm© WIPES, Plain and Ornamental, comprising all the most beautiful and approved specimens in modern use. They are also Agents for Hoe & Co's CELEBRATED PRINTING PRESSES, of all sizes. Always on hand a full assortment of Chases, Cases, Brass, Rule, Galleys, Composing Sticks, Furniture, and Inks of all colors Also an extensive assortment of Printing Papers, Cap and Letter Papers, plain and colored Printers' Cards, of all sizes. No pains or expense will be spared to give perfect satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call, or with their orders. jgi.. „j. ei loT AUGUST begin* on JFriday, ban 31 day*. "IP. Truth is always consistent with itself, and requires nothing to help it out. It is always near at hand, and sits upon our lips, and is ready to drop out before we are aware; whereas a lie is trouble soine, and sets a man's invention upon the rack; and one trick needs a great many more to make it good. Moon's phases. First Quarter, 8th day, 6h. 50m. evening. Full Moon, 16th day, llh. 4m. evening. Last Quarter, 22d day, 3h. 15m. evening. New Moon, 30th day, 5'h. 21m. morning. i2Z- l) M Days Week. M iscei.i.any. rises. # sets. 0's dec. n. © pla Moon ri. Sfset. Full Sea. ~~1 Frid Very 5 16 6 44 17 53 ST ~T!>2 3 14 2 Satu warm. 5 16 6 44 17 37 8 22 3 59 3 Sun 11th S.af.Trin. 5 17 6 43 17 22 13 8 49 4 40 4 Mon 5 18 6 42 17 5 25 9 15 5 20 5 Tues 9 in Apogee. 5 18 6 42 16 49 9 39 5 59 6 Wed 0 £5. Vega n. 5 19 6 41 16 33 19il0 3 6 38 7 Thur $ 6 Q.[9 33. 5 20 6 40 16 16 m 10 30 7 19 8 Frid Showery. 5 2116 39 15 59 13 10 59 8 2 9 Satu $ 5 sup. o 0 5 21 6 39 15 41 25 11 34 8 49 10 Sun 12th S.af.Trin.- ■5 22 6 38 15 23 / Morn. 9 40 11 Mon Altair so. 1025 5 23 6 37 15 5 20 0 16 10 36 12 Tues ®jruns low. 5 24 6 36 14 48 V3 1 6 11 34 13 Wed Thunder 5 24 6 36 14 30 17 2 " 5 Morn. 14 Thur showers. 5 25 6 35 14 11 >vwV 3 13 0 35 15 Frid Napo'n b. 1769 5 26 6 34 13 52 15 ©rise 1 34 16 Satu 2 6 S • 5 27 6 33 13 33 X 7 24 2 40 17 Sun ® Per. 13th S. 5 27 6 33 13 14 15 7 55 3 24 18 Mon [after Trinity. 5 28 6 32 12 55 30 8 27 4 16 19 Tues • ft. O i U. 5 29 6 31 12 35 T 8 58 5 5 20 Wed Clear and 5 30 6 30 12 15 29 9 33 5 55 21 Thur warm. 5 31 6 29 11 55 d 10 10 6 47 22 Frid Vega n. 9 42. 5 32 6 28 U 35 27 10 53 7 41 23 Satu [St. Bart. 5 33 6 27 11 If n II 41 8 37 24 Sun 14th S.af.Trin. 5 33 6 27 10 54 24 Morn. 9 33 25 Mon ®runs high. 5 34 6 26 10 33 S 0 35 10 31 26 Tues Clear and 5 35 6 25 10 12 21 1 33 11 28 27 Wed fine 5 35 6 25 9 51 a 2 34 A. 21 28 Thur U south 2 4 m. 5 36 6 24 9 30 15 3 36 1 20 29 Frid wuather. 5 37 6 23 9 9 27 4 34 1 55 30 Satu [Sun. aft. Trim 5 38 6 22 8 47 TTJZ ©sets 2 37 31 Sun 2 ? d <6 15th 5 39 6 21 8 25 22 7 18 3 18 Jol " school, books! 0 §©[K]©©IL TI^©!HI!E1S©S COUNTRY MERCHANTS, AND PARENTS. The attention of those purchasing SCHOOL BOOKS, either for their own use or to sell, is respectfully invited to the assortment of the subscribers. They keep constantly on hand all Works in general use, and offer them at the VERY LOWEST RATES; amongst which are— Primers, Spelling Books, Readers, Dictionaries, Grammars, Rhetoric, Elocution, Logic, Com¬ position, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Mensuration, Drawing, Book Keeping, Geography, His¬ tory, Biography, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Natural History, Physiology, Astronomy, Intellectual Philosophy, Political Economy, French, Spanish, German, Latin, and Greek Books. _ irr a liberal discount made to Country Dealers, Professors, Teachers, and those who buy to sell again. Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, and Book-Binders, 28 DAUPHIN STREET, MOBILE. 121 ' ® ffl 8EPTE9IBER beeina on Jf^onday, has 30 > rises 10 36. 6 17 5 43 7 17 17 3 10 Morn. 12 Sun 21st S. af. Tri. 6 18 5 4 -2 7 39 T 4 20 0 37 13 Mon ©in Per.® Q, 6 19 5 41 8 2 17 ©rise 1 28 14 Tues Warm days 6 19 5 41 8 24 8 5 59 2 21 15 Wed Fomal.so.9 15 6 20 5 40 8 46 17 6 40 3 16 16 Thur and cool nights. 6 21 5 39 9 8 n 7 26 4 13 17 Frid V inf. 6 ©. 6 22 5 38 9 30 16 8 20 5 13 18 Satu St. Luke. 6 23 5 37 9 52 s 9 18 6 13 19 Sun 22dS. aft. Tri. 6 24 5 36 10 14 14 10 20 7 15 20 Mon 6 25 5 35 10 35 27 11 22 8 12 21 Tues $ sets 6 30. 6 26 5 34 10 57 SI Morn. 9 4 22 Wed 2J south 7 51. 6 27 5 33 11 18 22 0 23 9 52 23 Thur Cloudy. 6 28 5 32 11 39 m 1 20 10 36 24 Frid Dan'l Webster 6 28 5 32 12 0 16 2 16 11 18 25 Satu [died, 1852. 6 29 5 31 12 21 28 3 10 11 58 26 Sun • in Apogee. 6 30 5 30 12 41 =£= 4 4 A. 35 27 Mon • S 6 © 6 31 5- 29 13 1 22 4 57 1 14 28 T ues St.Sim.&Jude. 6 32 5 28 13 22 m ©sets 1 55 29 Wtd Cloudy with 6 33 5 27 13 42 15 5 34 2 38 30jThur Fomal. s. 8 1. 6 34 5 26 14 1 27 6 8 3 24 31 jFrid rain. 6 34 5 26 14 21 t 6 49 4 14 b —a WALL PAPER WW8L&9 FIRE BOARDS. E OR 1E IIS® AND SCENERY PAPERS, A Large Assortment constantly on hand, which are offered at VERY LOW RATES, BY STRICKLAND & CO. Booksellers, Stationers, BOOK-BINDERS, PRINTERS, AND BLANK BOOK 28 DAUPHIN STREET, mussMSo lol ■ . . Ir.1 lor NOVEMBER begins on Saturday, has SO days. Five of the sweetest words in the English language begin with H, which is only a breath—Heart, Hope, Home, Happiness, and Heaven. Heart is a hop14 7 2C 4 52 a M books. The Freemason's Monitor, Trestle Board, Chart, Mackey's Lexicon, Scott's Analogy, with every kind of STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS HJOTUD EH 3L©IG)@3I®S FOR SALE BY STRICKLAND & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BOOK-BINDERS, AND 9 Blank Book Manufacturers, 28 DAUPHIN STREET, EE@H323Mi0 THE TEXT BOOK FOR THE Of 0. F. Lodge Registers, Dae Books, Record Books and Lodge Stationery of every kind. Application Blanks, Printed Envelopes, and every description of Printing for Lodges promptly executed. * m— —i GOVERNMENT OF ALABAMA. executive department. Capital—City of Montgomery. Salary. John A. Winston, of Tuscaloosa, Governor, (term expires on 1st Monday in Dec, 1857,) $2,500 Vincent M. Benham, of Montgomery, Secretary of State, fees and 1,200 Joel Riggs, of Montgomery, Comptroller of Pub-- lie Accounts, 2,000 Win. Graham, of Lowndes, State Treasurer, 1,000 J. J. Mickle, of Montgomery, Adjut. and Ins. General, 200 A. P. Pfister, of do. Quarter Master General, 150 Michael Tuomey, of Tuscaloosa, State Geologist, John Whiting, Commissioner and Trustee to settle the affairs of the State Bank and Branches, 2,500 Thomas Harrison, of Montgomery, Private Seer retury to Governor, and Keeper of State House, 450 The Senate consists of 33 members, elected fcfr four years, one half going out every two years. The House of Representatives consists of 100 members, elected fox two years. The Legislature meets Menially in the city of Montgomery, on the 2nd Monday of Nov. The fifth biennial session commenced in November,' 1855. The pay of the members of both houses is $4 a day each. Judiciary. Supreme Court. Wm. P. Chilton, of Tuskegee, Chief Justice, $2,250 G. Goldthwaite, of Montgomery, Associate do. 2,250 Samuel F. Rice, do. 2,250 M. A. Baldwin, of Montgomery, AtCy Gerdl, fees and 425 J. D. Phelan, of Marion, Clerk, Fees. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Chancellors, are elected by a joint vote of the two houses of the Gen¬ eral Assembly, for six years. The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction only, and holds its sessions at the seat of government, on the first Monday in January and June, for hearing and determining points of law taken by appeal, or writ of error, from the Chancery, Circuit, and Probate Courts. The volumes of reported decisions are thirty-seven in number. foi ,—. - roi or Court of Chancery. Salary W. Keys, of Montgomery, Chancellor S. Division, $ 1,500 James B. Clarke, of Eutaw, do. of Middle Division, 1,500 A. J. Walker, of Talladega, do. of Northern Division,! ,500 The state is divided into three Chancery divisions and thirty-seven districts, in each of which one session of the Court is annually held, except in some of the larger dis¬ tricts, where two sessions are held. Circuit Courts. Circuit. Judges. Residence. 1st And'w B. Moore, Marion, Nathan Cooke, Haynesville, G. D. Shortridge, Montevallo, John E. Moore, Florence, T. A. Walker, C. W. Rapier, E. W. Pettus, John G. Shorter, R. Dougherty, 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Solicitor. Y. L. Royston, Jas. A. Stallworth Wm. S. Mudd. John S. Kennedy, James M. Adams, D. C. Anderson, A. E-Van Hoose, M. A. Baldwin. J. J. Woodward, Jacksonville, Mobile, Carrollton, Barbour Co., Tuskegee, This court has original jurisdiction in all civil and crim¬ inal cases in the State. Two sessions (spring and fall) are held each year in every county. The Solicitors, besides fees, receive a salary of $250, except in the first circuit, where the salary is $350. The Attorney-General acts as Solicitor for the eighth circuit. In Mobile County the criminal jurisdiction has been transferred to a special City Court for Mobile. Alexander McKinstry, of Mobile, Judge, salary, $2,000. This court holds three terms each year, on the first Mondays of February and June, and 2d Monday in Octo¬ ber, and has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Courts except in real actions. Judges of Probate. (Who are also Clerks of the court and Registers of Deeds for their re¬ spective counties.) Autauga—Henley Brown. Baldwin—Patrick Byrne. Barbour—Wm. K. Cowen. Benton—Alexander Woods. Blount- J. C. Gillespie. Bibb—J. W. Suttle. Butler— Sam'l J. Boiling. Chambers—Sam'l Pearson. Clarke— Henry W. Coate. Choctaw.—Carter N. Wilcox. Cher- >[£) okee—Wm. E. McDaniel. Coffee—James Claxton. Con¬ ecuh—A. D. Carey. Coosa—J. W.Suttle. Covington Wm. T. Acree. Dale—Abel Echols. Dallas—T. G. Rainer. DeKalb—R. Estes. Fayette—John C. Moore. Franklin, J. H. Trimble. Greene—Jas. R. Evans. Henry —Hastings C. Owens. Jackson—John C. Dixon. Jef¬ ferson—Irab Baily. Lawrence — Henry H. McGhee. Lowndes—E. H. Cook. Lauderdale—W. T. Hawkins. Limestone—Thos. G. Tyus. Macon—Lewis Alexander. Madison—F. L. Hammond. Marion—John D. Terrell. Marengo—James A. Young. Marshall—M. Gilbreath, Mobile—Edwin Rust. Monroe—Chas. H. Foster. Mont¬ gomery—H.N.Watson. Morgan—W.H.Campbell. Perry —J F Bailey. Pickens—T S Thomas. Pike—B Fitz- patrick. Randolph—J Burton. Russell—Thos S Tate. Shelby—J. M. McCIanahan. St. Clair,—Ross Phlilips. Sumpter—Benj J H Gainns. Talladega—Alex J Cotton. Tallapoosa—-Marcus C Lane. Tuscaloosa—Moses Mc- Guire. Walker—T M Gabbit. Washington—T S Par¬ ker. Wilcox—John A Jackson. Hancock—John Penn. In consequence of an amendment of the constitution of the state, ratified in January, 1850, the preceding list of judges of the circuit courts, judge of the city court of Mo¬ bile, and Judges of Probate, were all elected by the people on the 1st Monday of May, 1-850, for a term of six years. Members of Congress. Senators.—Hon. Benj. Fitzpatrick, term expires 1855 Hon. C. C. Clay, «' " 1859 Trustees of the Alabama University Jud. Dist. 1st, Gen. E. D. King, 2nd, I. B.Jenkins, 3rd, James Guild, 4th, L. P. Walker, 5th, Charles S. Jones. Jud. Dist. 6th, J. W. Portiss, 7th, James M. Beckett, 8th, F. Bugbee. 9th, Alexander Bowie. Times of Holding Courts. Supreme Court. Sits at Montgomery, 1st monday in January and June; >J lo Federal Circuit Court. Hon. John A. Campbell, of Mobile, Judge, salary 4,500 dollars. Sits at Mobile, 2nd monday in April and 4th monday in December. C. M. GODBOLD, U. S. Marshal. Federal District Court. Hon. JOHN GAYLE, of Mobile, Judge. Northern Dhtrict, at Huntsvilie, 2d monday in May, and the 2d monday in November. Middle District, at Montgomery, 4th monday in May, and the 4th monday in November. Southern District, at Mobile, 4th monday in April, and the 2d monday after the 4th monday in November. CIRCUIT COURTS. First Circuit. Bibb, 1st monday after 4«h monday in March and September. Autuaga, 2d monday after, 4th do in March and September. Coosa, 3d monday after 4th do in March and September. Perry, 5th monday after 4th do in March and Sep¬ tember. Marengo 8th monday after 4th do in March and September. Second Circuit. Covington, 2nd monday in March and September, Conecuh, 3rd monday in March and September. Butler, 4th monday in March and September. Wileox, 2nd monday after 4tli do in March and September. Lowndes, 4th monday after 4th do in Mjtieh and September Dallas, 6th monday after 4th do in March and Sep «, Third Circuit. St. Clair, 1st monday in March and Sept.. Shelby 2d monday in March and Sept. Jefferson, last monday in February and August. Tuscaloosa, 4th do in March and Sept. Greene, 2d monday after 4th do in March and Sept. Fourth Circuit. Limestone, 2d monday in March and Sept. Lawrence, 3d monday in March and Sept. Franklin, 2d monday after the 3d monday in- March and Sept. Lau¬ derdale, 4th monday after 3d do in March and Sept. Morgan, 6th monday after 3d do in March and Sept. Hancock, 4th monday after 4th monday in March and Sept. Fifth Circuit. Marshall, 2nd monday in March and Sept. Madison, last monday in Feb. and Aug. Jackson, 3d monday in March and Sept. DeKalb, 1st monday after the 4tli monday in March and Sept. Cherokee, 2d monday after the 4th monday in March and Sept. Benton, 4th monday after 4th monday in March and Sept. Sixth Circuit. Chocktaw, 1st monday-in March and October. Washington, 3d monday in March, and October. Clarke, 4th monday in March and October. Monroe, 1st monday after the 4th monday in March and Oct. Baldwin, 2nd monday after the 4th in March and October. Mobile, 3d monday alter the 4th in March and October. Seventh Circuit. Blount, 3rd monday in March and Sept. Walker, 4th monday in March and Sept. Marion, 1st monday after 4th do in March and September. Fayette, 2nd monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Pickens, 4th monday [ after 4th do. in March and Sept. Sumter, 6th monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Eighth Circuit. Montgomery, 7th monday after the 4th monday in March. Pike, 4th monday in March, and 2d do in Sept. Coffee, 1st monday after 4th do in March and 4th do in September. Dale, 2d monday after 4th do in March, and 1st monday after 4th do in Sept. Henry, 3d monday after 4th do in March, and 2d monday after 4th do in Sept. Barbour, 4th monday after 4th do in March, and 3d monday after 4th do in Sept. Ninth Circuit. Randolph 1st monday in March and 1st in Sept. Chambers, 2d monday in March and September. Bussell, 1st monday in March and Sept. Macon, 2d monday after the 4th do in March and Sept. Tallapoosa, 4th monday alter 4th monday in March and Sept. Talledega, 5th monday after 4th do in March and September. ,—, CHANCERY COURTS. Southern Division. 1 Mobile, Washington, and Baldwin, two terms a year; to be ordered y 2 Connec'Ifh,' Covington, Monroe and Clarke, 2d monday after 4tl. monday in May, and 3d monday in December. ... „„j i.t do in /one. 3 Sumpter 4thi monday in July, and 1st do in June. 4 Marengo, 5 Choctaw, 7 Butler, 8 Dale and Henry, 9 Barbour, 10 Pike and Coffee, 11 Montgomery, 2d monday after 12 Lowndes, 2d 2d 4th 2d 1st 3d 4th 4th 13 Wilcox, 14 Russell, 15 Chambers, Middle Division. March. " June. " April. " November " May and November. " November, tc « " May, and 1st do after the 4th in November. August. 2d Monday in May and November. 3d 16 Macon, 1st 17 Tallapoosa, 4th 18 Coosa, Autauga, 1st monday after 4th 19 Dallas, 2d monday after 20 Perry, 3d monday after 2J Green, 4th 4lh 4th 2d and Thursday after the 2d Monday in Nov. " " and November. " " and 3d in November. " " and Thursday after the 3d Monday in Nov, " " and November. " " and 1st after the 4th in N ovember, " June and 2d after the 4th n November. " July and February, " " and February. 22 Tuscaloosa, 23 Pickens, 1st 24 Fayette, Marion, Thursday after 1st 25 Walker, Tetferson, Thursday after 2d " " " 26 Bibb, Thursday after 3d " Northern Division. 28 Lauderdale, 2d Monday In May. 29 Franklin, 1st ♦' " 30 Lawrence, 4th *♦ ** April. 31 Limestone, 4th Monday in May. 32 Madison, 1st monday after 4th " November. 33 Morgan, 2d monday after 4th " " " 34 Blount, 1st Friday alter 2d monday after 4th do in May. 35 Marshall,3d monday after 4th monday in May. 36 Jackson, 1st Thursday after 3d monday after 4th monday in May. 37 DeKalb, 4th monday after 4th monday in May. 38 Cherokee, 2d Monday in February,and 1st Thursday after 4th monday in May 39 Benton, 3d monday in February, and 5th monday after 4th monday in May. 40 Talladega, 4tli monday in February, and 6th do after 4th monday in May. 41 St. Clair,3d monday in August. 42 Randolph, 2d monday in August. JRepresentatives to Congress. 1st Dist.—Percy Walker, 2nd " JCli Shorter, 8rd " S. W. Harris, 4th " Wm. 5,. Smith, 5th Dist—Geo. S. Houston, 6th " W. R. W. Cobb, 7th " Jas. F Dowdell, Mobile County Officers. Hon. Alex. McKinstry, Judge of City Court. Hon. J. A. Hitchcock, Judg,e of Probate Court. D. C. Anderson, Solicitor. M J. J. T. Wilson, Clerk of Circuit Court. Reuben A. Lewis, Clerk of Gity Court. U. T. Cleveland, Sheriff. Henry Hunt, Tax Collector. Morgan McMorris, County Auditor. Henry Turner, Assessor. S. C. Stramler, Coroner. Commissioners of Revenue. Wm. F. Cleveland, President; W. W. McGuire, Da¬ vid Stodder, J. C. Smith, Jacob Magee. Place of meet¬ ing, office of Auditor. Commissioners of Roads. H- Chamberlin, Chairman ; Wm. Brooks, Wm. Byrd, John M. Brown, James Hall, J.D. Haynie, Jacob Magee, James M. Park, George Perrine, Dabney Palmer, Byron C. Rowan, James D. Godbold, Ed. A. Lewis, H.Brodnax« ; School Commissioners. G. Horton, President ; W. Barlow, Vice President; W. G. Clark,R. L. Watkins, B. Labuzan, Stephen Davis, W H Anderson, C Billitfgsley, T Sanford, John Forsyth, M R Evans, John Hurtel. Mobile City Government. Charles C. Langdon, Mayor, (term expires 1st Monday in December, 1855, salary $3,000 Boards of Aldermen and Common Council. Aldermen—1st ward, J. M. Withers, Stephen Twelves, R. H. Slough. '2d. ward, H. W. Brodnax, R. A. Lewis, B. F, Scattergood. 3d ward, Geo. A. Ketchum, R. L. Watkins, W. C. Wright. 4th ward, Newton St. John, A. L. Pope, J. Kirkbride. 5th Ward, C. L. Thomas, T. Seymour, S. C. Stramler. 6th ward, E. J. Rollings, J. Lowary, Geo. Schieffelin. 7th ward, Geo. Petty, Geo. A. Cleveland, Geo. E. Sherwin. R. H. Slough, President. Councilmen—1st ward, C. T. Ketchum. 2d ward, T. St. John. 3d Ward, L. T. Woodruff. 4th ward, R. S. Bunker. 5th ward, W. E. Jennings. 6th ward, C. W. Gazzam. 7th ward, A. H. Ryland. R. S. Bunker, Pres't. B1 ^ B /' —13 Mobile Post Office. j Theophilus L. Toulmin, Post Master. Lloyd Bowers, Assistant Post Master. Clerks.—Samuel Armour, C. H. Higley, Thomas Butler, A. J. Gunnison, R. B. Owen. Eastern Mail.—Due daily at 8 A. M. and closes daily at 9 A. M. New Orleans Mail.—due daily at 6 A. M. and closes daily at 1 ] £ A. M. Coffeeville Mail.—Due Sunday, Wednesday, and Fri¬ day, at 8 A. M. and closes Monday, Wednesday and Fri¬ day at 11 A. M. Pensacola Mail.—Due daily at 8 A. M. and closes daily at 9 A. M. Gainestown Mail.—Due Monday, Wednesday and Fri- i day at 8 A. M. and closes Sunday, Tuesday, and Thurs¬ day, at 9 A. M. This mail supplies Clark and Marengo ' counties, Ala. - Paulding, (Miss.) Mail.—Due Sunday, Wendesday and Friday, at 12 M., and closes Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, at 12 M. Burnt Corn (Claiborne,) Mail —Due Sunday and Mon¬ day at 8 A.M., and closes Monday and Thursday at 9 A.M. Columbus, (Miss.) Mail.—Due Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 P. M., and closes Monday, Thursday and Friday at 7 A. M. 'Augusta (Miss. Jackson C. H.) Mail.—Due Wednesday at 6 P. M.,and closes Thursday at 6 A. M. Lake(Pascagoula, Officers.—Wm. Johnson, M . W. G. P.; John G. Pierce, M. E. G. H- P.; Robert Cowan, R. W. G. S. W.; J. N, Boggs, R. W. G. J .W.; W. E. Jennings, R. W. G. S.; G. H. Hilliard, R. W. G. T.; Charles R. Hansford, R. W. G. Representative. Alabama I^odge, No. 1, meets on every Tuesday, at 8 o'clock, P M at the Hall of the Grand Lodge, in Mobile. Gfficers.—Wm. Choate,N. G.; Thomas B. Lyons, Y. G.; B. S. Skaats, Treasurer ; E.G. Pratt, Secretary. Union Lodge No. 13, meets every Monday, at o'clock P. M., at Lodge Room Odd Fellows' Hall, Mobile. Ojfficers.—E. J. Rollings; N. G.; William Bryden, V. G. ; C. J. B, Delage, Treasurer ; Henry T. Cox, Secretary. Washington Lodge No. 40 I. O. O. F., meets on Wed¬ nesdays, at 7 o'clock P M, at Odd Fellows Hall. Officers.—J. B. Hazard, N. G. J. A. Herron, V, G.; Lee Simpson, Secretary ; D. P. Reid, Treasurer. Mobile Degree Lodge No. 1, meets on the first and third Thursday in each month, at 7£ P. M. Officers.—Wm. E. Frink, L. M.; W. Robb. Secretary. Mount Ararat Encampment No. 1, meets on the second and fourth Thursday in each month at 7| P. M., at Odd Fellows' Hall. Officers.—D. P. Reid, C. P.; W . Bryden, S. W.; J. F. Hoffman, J. W.; J. J. T. Wilson, H. P.; F. J. Bar¬ nard, Treasurer; Wm. Robb, Scribe. Commercial Lodge, No. 57, meets on Friday at 7 P. M at Lodge Room, Odd Fellows' Hall. Officers.—J. J. W. Magoffin, N. G.; J.G. King, V. G.; James K. Adams, Secretary ; Wm. Flash, Treasurer. Masonic. Officers of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Alabama. M. W. S. A. M. Wood, of Florence, Grand Master. R. W. J. McCaleb Wiley, of Troy, Dep. G. Master. | R. W. H. S. Shelton,of Pickensville, S. G. Warden. R. W. J. H. Danforth, of Eufaula, J. G. Warden. R. W. Thos. Welch, of Montgomery, G. "Treasurer. I R. W. Amand P. Pfister, of Montgomery, G. Secretary. Mobile Encampment No. 2 K. T. will meet on every I Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, until further notice. ^ — f51 3- . — . IpI Mobile Council No. 12 of R. and S. Masters, holds its regular communications at Masonic Hall, on the first Wednesdays of February, May, August and November. Mobile R. A. Chapter No. 21, holds its regular com¬ munications at Masonic Hall, on the first Thursday of each month, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Mobile Lodge No. 40 of F. and A. Masons, holds its regular communications at Masonic Hall, on the second Monday of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Special meetings every Monday at 8 o'clock. Howard Lodge No. 69 of F. and A. Masons, holds its regular communication at Masonic Hall, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Special meetings every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sons of Temperance. Star of Hope Division No 4, S. of T. The stated, meetings of this Division are held at Temperance Hall every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Neptune Division No. 70.—The regular meetings of Neptune Division, No. 70, are held every Wednesday evening, at 7^ o'clock, in the Temperance Hall. Mobile Division No. 325—Regular weekly meetings of this Division are held at Temperance Hall every Fri¬ day evening at 8 o'clock. Degree Division, S. of T.—Regular meetings held on the second Saturday evening of each month, at Tempe¬ rance Hall. Hour of meeting, 8 o'clock. Order of Templars. Crested Wave Temple of Honor No. 11, holds its reg¬ ular weekly meetings on every Tuesday evening in Tem¬ perance Hall, at 7\ o'clock, P. M. Trident Temple of Honor No. 28.—The regular meet¬ ings of Trident Temple of Honor No. 28, are held every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at Temperance Hall. Ocean Degree Temple No. 1 of Alabama, holds their regular meetings in Temperance Hall, on the 2d Saturday of each month, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Mobile Temple of Honor, No. 37.—Regular meetings held in Temperance Hall, every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. ] Cant-Get-Away Club. J. Hurtel, President. Jas. M. Park, Secretary. The Brotherhood of the Church. This Organization is connected with the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is composed of members of that Church. The objects are mutual relief and assistance to mem¬ bers, and their widows and orphans, and to assist the Clergy in relieving the sick and destitute. It is also in contemplation to establish a library for the use of its members. President, Robert S. Bunker. The Relief Committee for the year ending May, 1856, is composed of the following gentlemen : Thomas Lesesne, Charles H. Brightly, W. K. Thur- ber, Henry Farrow, James Groves, Jos. W. Field, Nath. Webb. Hibernian Society. P. Loughry, President; James Burns, 1st Vice Presi¬ dent; Frank Jones, 2d Vice President; Win. Hukey, Sec¬ retary ; John Rogers, Treasurer. Samaritan Society. Daniel McNeill, President; R. D. Moffat, 1st Vice President; Emanuel Jones, 2d Vice President; G. Hor- ton, Treasurer ; C. J. Shepherd, Secretary ; Wm. Barne- wall, Jr W. D. Hardaway, John Malcolmson, W.J. Led- yard and Daniel Wheeler, Executive Committe; Doctor Thomas S. Easton, Physician. Horticultural Society. C C Langdon, President; Calvin Norris, 1st Vice President; P Loughry, 2d Vice President; J C Hodges, 3d Vice President ; W W McGuire, Corresponding Sec¬ retary ; P B Pomeroy, Recording Secretary ; A L Pope, Treasurer. 4* List of LANDINGS on the ALABAMA RIYER. Tfil Landings. 751 21 Mile Bluff 27 Mile Bluff 28 Mile Bluff Brashau's Lyon's Seymour's C'hasta jig's Cedar Creek H. Chapman's Fort Studard Toulmin's Woody'd Jas. Godbold's McDaniels' Pierce's Atkinson's Steadham's Montgomery Hill Mrs. Tunstall's K. S. Moot's Cut Off Mrs. Saunders' Dr. Belt's Mrs. Singleton's Jos. Silver's Mrs. Slaughter' R. McDonald's Harry Davis' H. I. Davis' Dr. Holmes' Richard Davis' Mrs. H. G. Davis' Sibley's Earl's McDavid's Woody'd Mrs. Tail's Driesback's J. A. B.Flinn's Turviu's Sizemore's Turvis' Gin Jones' Woodyard Mrs. Matheson's Choctaw Bluff Darlington's W. K. English's R. D. James' Downing's Mrs. Jaines' or Mrs. Erwin's A. Henderson's Cartel's White's Gaines town Waller's Woodyard English's Woodyard J. C. Smith's French's Mrs. R. F.nglish's A. Henshaw's Denaro's Agee &. Leslie's Woodyard Lovitt's Frin's A. Newman's Jno. Slaughters' Colburn's J. L. Marshall's J M. Lindsay's Landings. Dis¬ tance. J. Daniel's P. Bullard's Marshall's Gin E. Callier's Cedar Creek Mrs. Harris' S. R. Davis' Gosport Mrs. Dillett's Lower Gilliard's Claiborne Mrs. Herrins' Mrs. Dillett's Upper A. Draughan's Lisbon T, Williams' R. Tobinson's (J. T- Odom, Jr.'s 'Knight's Gin IA lien's orHamilton's (Silver Creek (Mrs. M C. English's Presnall's S tablet's D, Maibin's W. Heuderson's A. Williams' J. A. Woods' A. J. Kidd's J. T• Odom, Sr. Da vis'Ferry Harris Bradley's Powell's Johnson's Woodyard L. Kidd's Leslie'SjJ.B., Powels Morrisett's Black's Bell's McCant's J. B. Packer's D. Packer's Welch's Stover's Mrs. Brian's Nettle's McCaskill's People's Castaphin's L. P. Tree's Lynch's Mobley's Ferry Culpepper Wm. Pout's .1. Mason's F. Bobbin's Yellow Bluff R. Williamson's C. Deer's Tait's Lower McNeill's A. IC. Smith's S. B. Mathew's Bossy's L. W. Mason's Tait's Middle Black's Bluff Tait's Upper Landings. Blackmail's Austill's Eacles or Gullett's Coles' Bluff L. D. MeConico's Burfbrd's Bowham's Cannon's File's Gin Hoi ley 's Hawkins' Dumas' Gin H. S. Evans' Kees' oin F. R. Beck's T. Evan's H. E. Curtis' Drew's Rock Bluff Clifton C. F. Stewart's Mendenhall's W. T. Mathews' W. D. Marsh's S, Marsh's Pledger's D.Bethea's or Ayers' Strother's Woodyard T. a. Bethea's Higginbotham's Helen McGregor's C. Rawly's Miller's Ferry P. Bluff Seller's or Smith's Hichmond C. L. Young's McGuire's Mixen's Aola C. Sattenvhite's Parks' T. S. Roach's J. G. Young's R. Sc.tterw hite's J, Vandervoot's Tom Beck's Canton Ferry' G. T. Watson's T, Carter's A. J. Beck's J. M. Burks' Hillsborough Bridgeport Bckhard's J. Bell's P. Rodgers' Hurricane Bluff M.H.Petway'sLower M. Reed's Petway's Upper C. P. lrby' Atwood's W. S. Oliver's Lexington H. Hunter's E. Rigby's J. A. Norwoods Portland Ins¬ tance 1219 & Landings. Dis¬ tance. Fannan's Ferry J. U. Molett's Mis. K-nnan's W- P. Moletcs Relief Poit Elm Bluff ColmutTs G. P. Bibb's S. Davis' Houseman's Leononi's White's F. B. King's P. E. Mathews' H. J. King's Gin King's P. M. Mathews' J. E. Mathews' Caliawba Hatchers' E. Watts' Hatchers' Bluff Givan's Cleveland's M unk's King's Bend J. Berry's Kirk Harrison's D. M. Brigg's Selma Lower Seltna Upper Tipton's Kornigay's R. W. English's Tarver's Weaver's Woodyard Landings. Baker's Frederick or B. E. Smith's Cunningham's Mrs. B. Smith's V. H. Gardner's Perry's Lov>* Gaston's I. Steele's Lower Hooper's Morgan's G. L. Stewart's l)r. J. Wood's Mintei's Oldtown Benton Torray's J. Smith's Mack's D. A. Steele's .(esse White's Beachport Bishop's Tino's J Steele's Upper Edwards' House Bluff J. Edwards' Stoudemires' Gin Sprott's Cypress Creek Dutch Bend W. O. Nixon's Houzer's Bunnell's Ferry Dis¬ tance. !{oJ Landings. Vernon DeJernett's Fisher's Newport Lockranza' I- Huffman's P. Wyatt's C. Myer's Lower Tallowassia Graves' Mrs Pope's C. Gunter's Brivard's Hadnot's Washington J. J. Cox Mrs. Turner's Henry's Ferry C. Myers' Upper J no Duncan's H. Rose's Gause Reese Montgomery Rail Road Depot Bibb's B. Hall's Coosada Reese's Gin Loften's Lower C. M. Jackson's Brigg's Robbinson's Lofiin's Mis. Simmons' Wetumpka Dis¬ tance. 391 405 422 List of LANDINGS on the WARRIOR RIVER* Landings. Dis¬ tance. i2i- Deuiopolis from Mo- bile Glover's Dr. Fiuell's Morton's Bluff A rcola Ravasies' W heeling orCandy's Drake's Wilson's Sparrow's Randolph's McDamel's Wynne's Bluff Simmes" Myers' Bluff Buyal's Withers' or Millwood Pickens' Hines' Bollin's Sheppard Town Holcomhe W. Ford's Wolff Bluff Erie Holcombe Slough's 293 Landings. McAlpin's Ferry East port Brown's LiglnfootV Stephens' Bluff Choctaw Stanford Camp lenning's Ferry Eutaw Finch's Ferry Sample's Bluff Brown's Bluff Chiles' Ferry Merri wether's Z. Logan's Leroy Logan's Logan's Morrow's Wilson's Bluff White's Bluff Steele's Bluff McGifford's Singleton's Bluff Burrows' or Foster'; Hardwick's Dis¬ tance. 318 328 333 Landings. John S. Bealle's Estate of Hardwick McCowan's Bluff Hardy Foster's Mi's. Ann Foster's Gen. D. Dent's J. Collier Foster's Cunningham's King's T.J. Hill's McN. Jemison's or Gen. Cheet's J. H. Foster's McJemison's Woo ley's Foster's Ferry Dunlap's Robinson's Sanders' Ferry Mrs. Marr's 358 Perkins' I J. Carson's orAUen's j Perry's Tuscaloosa I Nurth'port Dis¬ tance. 20 393 20 413 .[£] 4** List of LANDINGS on the TOMBIGBEE RIVER. l.anU-.Tiva. 2: Mi,e Bluff 27 Mile Biuff Lyon's Seymour's Bluff Cliesiang's Bluff Ceil sir Creek Fort Stoddard Tuulmin's W ic k w i re's Wood y'd 1 Bates' Billiro's Island Mcintosh's Bluff Tl ree Hirers McL, od's Bull IV11 Payne's Woodyard Holland's Owen's Oren Bluff Salt Works Harwell's Woodyard Ha rrell's Hunter's Mounter's S lade's Mrs. H ir well's Carney's B,uff Austin's Geo. 3. Gaines' Carney's Woodyard Bassett's Dearmond's S English's Waiter Taylor's Jackson Chapman's Starke s DuBose's Hoven's Files' Woodyard's Cowan's St. Stephens' P. T. Harris' Beckham's L. J. Wilson's Pevey's Coleman's Atch son's Blount's Beuna Vista Hazard's Mrs. Cato's H. Bass' Christmas G. B. Malone's K. K. William's Coffeeville Murrell's James Cox's Est. of Thompson's Hill's,Bladon Spring Wilkin's Eli Thornton's Poe's Mrs. Turner's Slater's Mrs.T urn' r'sOldGin J. W. Thornton's D*jt- tuner 10 100 Isaac .Martin's ■icaugg's Mrs. Mitchell's Buxton's V. Martin's Baldwin's Bluff Wood's Bluff Hearrin's HeCaity's or Hill's Ferry "ampliell's Barney's loe McCarty's Odom's B.'J. Brown's Mills' Mrs Love's I'uscalioma B. L. Turner's Yarbrough' Barnes' Gay's T. Vivion's Lott's x'anat'alia Kimbrough's .Vlann's Murphy's Bluff Tompkin's Bluff James Kemp's P, Clialley's O ik Chia Bluff Poelnitz's N. Lewis' Judge HemberPs C. Kemberl's Port Clarion Bick ley's Bryant Burn's Griffin's M. Lewis' Uobiuson's Chaney's UpperGin C room's Black Bluff Donald's Dr. Jordan's Hart's Moscow Valuer's W. T. Cheney's C. Willsams* or H B. Mitchell's Adams' Barton's Bluff Pace's Simmons' Beasley's. McDowell's Glover's Quarter Demopolis, Lower Demopolis, Upper Fort's Hancock's Green's Ch ince's Ferry Arlington's Rowe L-unaings. Dis¬ tance. Coie's Kirkpatrick's Fleming's Mat. Taylor's High's Inge's Durden's Ferry borsby's Wliiiehead's Phares' Lower Gin >pring Bluff Duke's Bluff Port Jackson's Cedar Bluff Williams' b rage's Bluff Mi's. Phillips' Martans' McAlpin's Bluff* H anna's We. deli's Knight's Hillman's Jones' Bluff Millers Bluff Hale's Gill Hays' Ferry Lowe's Tom s Bluff Mixon's or Clay's Cook's Trusseil's Ferry Croft's J. U. Brown's Bohannon's Tubb's Creek Bee's Nest Smith's Cherry Bluff Co gin's Gainesville Hiti's Month of Noxubee Whitsitt's Smith's Ferry McMahon's Wood- yard Mobley's Boar's Nest Mrs. Walker's Carpenter's Craig's Ferry Watkin's Warsaw Grcsham's Hutton's Old Ferry Hiblar's Drake's Cliilders' Geo. Hill's Conway's Mouth of Sipsy Vienna Halsey's Windham's Thomas' Gibson's, or Rurgess J. S.Cunningham's 343 Landings, | Dis¬ tance. Newport Stone's Ferry Fail-field Majur Cook's Gregory's Hines' May's Mill Isaac Tailor's Memphis tu rnipseed's Mc Fauden's Hinggod's Bluff .lackson's Ferry Hayne's Pickensville McLarau's Mouth of Coal Fire Jamrs Crawford's ("ox's Bluff Blewitt's Nashville 8 369 3 10 381 10,391 Landings. Union Bluff Harvey's Moore's Bluff ' Hairston's Lindsiy's Ferry Low ndesville M;-s Cox'sWoodyard Envin's Butler's Neal's Law's ■ Columbus West Port Malone'sCottonSned Plymouth Barry's Burt's W averly Cox's C olbert Parker's Dis¬ tance. Landings. Dis¬ tance. I Barton Kenton's 7| Hamilon's 7 | Col. Franki' 7 Rogers' G. W. Gore4! 7 Vera Cruz 2 Saunders' 4 5 Loughridge's 4 1 Lackey's 3 1 N. Whitefieldi 1 6 416 Vat-net's 1 1 Strawhorn's 1 | Martin's Bluff 1 6 A berdeen 6 470 1 ioe May's | Parrsviile 6 428 Reynold's 1 .loll n Thompson's 12 440 Mudin's 1 Cotton Gin Part Letter and Newspaper Postage. LETTER POSTAGE. Ali letters directed to places within the United States, including Cali¬ fornia, must be pre-paid, at the following rates— For any distance less than 3000 miles, 3 cents for each half ounce. For any distance exceeding 3000 miles, 10 cents for each half ounce. FOREIGN LETTERS. Letters to Canada, 10 cents per half ounce, pre-payment optional. Letters to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 24 cents per half ounce, pre-payrnent optional. Letters to the rest of Europe, 5 cents in the English steamers and 21 cents in the American steamers, which must be pre-paid. NEWSPAPER POSTAGE. Weekly Newspapers, within the county free, within the State 3 i-4 cents per quarter, heyond the State 6 I -2 cents per quarter. Semi- Weekly Newspapers, 13 cents per quarter. Tri- Weekly Newspapers, 19 1-2 cents per quarter. Daily Newspapers, 39 cents per quarter. Magazines, half a cent per ounce, all payable in advance. Transient Newspapers and Periodicals, 1 cent an ounee in advance, or 2 cents when deliveied. Small newspapers, and periodicals published monthly or oftener, and pamphlets not containing more than 16 octavo pages each, when sent in single packages, weighing at least eight ounces, to one address, and pre¬ paid, by affixing stamps thereto, half a cent an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, notwithstanding the postage calculated on each separate article would exceed these rates. Books bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, for any dis¬ tance not exceeding 3,000 miles, 1 cent per ounce; over 3,000, 2 cents. Fifty per cent to be added to these rates when not. prepaid The publishers of newspapers and periodicals may interchange one copy free, and may inclose tneir bills to subscribers. Money and other valuable matter sent by mail, are at the risk of the owner. But letters will be registered at the Post Office, upon the pay¬ ment of 5 cents. a. GOVERNMENT OF MISSISSIPPI. officers of the state. Hon. John J. McRae, Governor, salary, $4,000 " Win, H. Muse. Secretary of State, 1,200 " Shields L. Hussey, Treasurer, 1,500 " Madison McAfee, Auditor of Accounts, 1,500 " David C. Glenn, Attorney General, 1,200 state officers not elected) by the people. £. P. Russell, Superintendent of the Penitentiary, $1,500 Robert Josselyn, State Commissioner, 1,500 E. B. Green, Adjutant General, 600 James McDonald, Clerk, 500 A. B. Cabaniss, Librarian to the Penitentiary, varies. D. N. Barrows, Physician, 700 U. S. SENATORS FROM MISSISSIPPI. Hon. Stephen Adams, term expires, 1857 Hon. A. G. Brown, " " 1859 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. As districted by the Legislature, (Session of 1854.) First District. Counties.—Tishemingo, Tippah, Marshall, De Soto Tunica, Coahoma, Panola and La Fayette. Second District. Counties.—Pontotoc, Itawamba, Monroe, Chicasaw, Calhoun, Yallobu- sha, Tallahatchie, Sunflower and Bolivar. Third District. v Counties.—Carroll, Choctaw, Octibbeha, Lowndes, Noxubee, Winston, Attala, Leake, Neshoba, Kemper and Lauderdale, Fourth District. Counties.—Washington, Holmes, Madison, Yazoo, Issaquena, Warren, Hinds, Rankin, Scott, Newton, Clarke. Jasper and Smith. Fifth District. Counties.—Simpson, Copiah, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Lawrence, Covington, Jones, Wayne, Greene, Perry, Marion, Pike, Amite, Wilkinson, Hancock, Harrison and Jackson. U. S. COURTS IN THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. circuit court of the united states. Judges of the Circuit Courts have each a salary of $4,000 per annum. Peter V. Daniels, Judge. I H. J. Harris, Attorney. Richard Griffith, Marshall. | William H. Brown, Clerk. This Court commences its sessions at Jackson, on the 1st Monday in May and November. a- ia 13/ district court of the united states. Samuel J. Gholson, Judge. Northern District. R. W. Edmundson, Clerk ; Richard Griffith, Mar¬ shall, John A. Orr, Attorney. The Court in this District commences its session at Pontotoc, on the 1st Monday in June and December. Southern District. W. H. Brown, Clerk. Richard Griffith, Marshall. H. J. Harris, Attorney. The Court in this District commences its sessions at Jackson, on the 1st Monday in May and November. Judge Gholson, of the District Court, has also Circuit Court jurisdic¬ tion. HIGH COURT OF ERRORS AND APPEALS. judges' salary, $3,000.. C. Pinckney Smith, 2d District, Chief Justice, E. S. Fisher,' 3d " } Associate Justices. C. R. Clifton, ' Clerk. J. Z. George, Reporter. The jurisdiction of the High Court is appellate exclusively. The High Court holds two terms each year, in Jackson, commencing the third Mondays of April and October, and may continue in session as long as business requires. SUPERIOR COURT OF CHANCERY. CHARLES SCOTT, Chancellor, salary, $2,500 John T. Sims, of Jackson, Clerk, Counties.—Bolivar, Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Warren, Washington.— Held at Jackson. Process made returnable on the first Monday in June and December. May continue in session as long as business requires. DISTRICT CHANCERY COURTS. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Henbv Dickinson, of Lowndes, Vice Chancellor, salary, $2,000. Counties.—Lowndes, Octibbeha, Noxubee, Winston, Kemper. Held at Macon, on the first Monday in May and November, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. J. K1NCANNON, Clerk. Counties.—Chickasaw, Tishemingo, Itawamba, Monroe. Held at Ful¬ ton, on the 3d Monday in May and November, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. CLEMENT C. MOORE, Clerk. Counties.—Lafayette, Marshall, Tippah, Pontotoc. Held at Holly Springs, on the first Monday in July and January, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. SAMUEL N. ALLEN, Clerk. Counties.—Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Carroll, Choctaw. Held at Car- rolton, on the 2d Monday in April and October, 2 terras in each year. 12 Judicial days. RUFUS K BEAN, Clerk. Counties.—Panola, Coahoma, Tunica, Desoto. Held at Hernando, on the 4th Monday in June and December, 2 terms in each year. 6 Judicial days. ROBERT CLEELAND, Clerk. MIDDLE DISTRICT. Seldon S, Weight, Vice Chancellor, salary, $1,000. Counties.—Yazoo, Holmes, Leake, Attala, Issaquena, Sunflower. Held ® I g\' at Yazoo City, on the first monday after the 4th monday in March and September, 2 terms in each year. 24 Judicial days. J. C. HOLLINGS- WORTH, Clerk. SOUTHERN DISTRIC T. B. C. Buckley, Vice Chancellor, salary, $2,000 Counties."-Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, Green, Perry. Held at Mis¬ sissippi City, on the 3rd Monday in April and October, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. J. B. FIN LEY, Clerk. Counties.—Lawrence, Copiah, Pike, Marion, Covington, Simpson. Held at Monticello, on the 4th Monday jrf July and January, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. W. C. LEKAY, Clerk. Counties'—Jefferson, Adams, Wilkinson, Amite, Franklin, Clairborne. Held at Natchez, on the 4th Monday in June and December, 2 terms in each year. 24 Judicial days. E. S. RUSSELL, Clerk. Counties.—Jasper, Clarke. Lauderdale, Newton, Neshoba, Scott, Smith, Wayne, Jones. Held at Paulding, on the 2d Monday in March and September, 2 terms in each year. 12 Judicial days. THOMAS CHAP¬ MAN, Clerk. -[pl CIRCUIT COURTS. First District. Stanhope Posey, Judge. D. O. Merwin, District Attorney. Counties. Seats of Jus¬ tice. Time when holden. No. of days. Wilkinson, Woodville, 2d Monday in June and Decern 18 Adams, Natchez, 1st do in May and 2nd in Nov 18 Jefferson, Fayette, 3d do in April and October 12 Franklin, Meadville, 3d do in March and Septemb 12 Amite, Liberty, 4th do in May and November 12 Claiborne, j Port Gibson, 1st do in April and October 12 Second District. J. E. Harrison, Hancock, Marion, Pike, Lawrence, Covington, Smith, Scott, Rankin, Simpson, Copiah, McNair, Judge. Miss. City, Shieldsboro', Columbia, Holmes, Monticello, Williamsburg Fairfield, Hillshoro', Brandon, Westville, Gallatin, Richard Cooper, District Attorney 3d Monday in March and Sept 1st do in April and October 2d do in April and October 3d do in April and October 4th do in April and October 1st do in May and November 2d do in May and November 3d do in May and November 4th do in May and November 1st do in June and December 2d do in June and December 12 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 l2h Third District. John J. Guion, Judge. J. W. Robb, District Attorney. Hinds,* Raymond, 2d Monday in March and Septem 24 Warren, Vicksburg, 3d do in May and November 24 Tunica, Austin, 2d do in April and October 6 Coahoma, Delta, 3d do do do 6 Bolivar, Bolivia, 4th do do do 6 Washington, Greenville, 1st do after 4th in April and Oct 6 Issaquena, Callula, 2d do in May and November 6 * By act of 1852, the Judge may hold special terms in Hinds by giving 30 days notice. M >]- Fourth District. John Watts, Judge George Wood, District Attorney. Counties. Seats of Jus¬ tice. Time when holden. No. of days. Jasper, Newton, Jackson, Jones, Greene, Perry, Wayne, Clarke, Lauderdale, Neshoba, Kemper, Noxubee, Paulding, Decatur, Jackson, Ellisvihe, Leakville, Augusta, Winchester, Quitman, ' M arion, Philadelphia, De Kalb, Macon, 1st Monday in April and October 4th do in March and Septemb do in May and November do in April and October do in May and November do in May and November do in April and October do in April and October do in'Feb'y and August do in March and Septemb do in March and Septemb do in June and December E. G. Henry, Judge. Y azoo, Madison, Holmes, Sunflower, Attala, Winston, Leake, Yazoo City, Canton, Lexington, McNutt, Kosciusko, Louisville, Carthage, Wm. L. Harris, Judge.. Calhoun, Monroe, Lowndes, Octibbeha, Chickasaw, Yalabusha, Tallahatchie, Carroll, Choctaw, P. T. Tippah, Tishemingo, Itawamba, Pontotoc, Lafayette, Ponola, Desoto, Marshall, Aberdeen, Columbus, Stark ville, Houston, Coflfeeville, Charleston, Carrollton, Greensboro', Fifth District. G. B. Hemphill, District Attorney. 4th Monday in May and Nov. 1st Monday in April and Oct. 1st do in May and November, 4th do in April and October, 3d do in March and September 1st do in March and September 4th do in March and September Sixth District. Isham Harrison, District Attorney. 1st Mond. in March and Septem | 3rd do in March and Septem 3rd do aft 3d in March & Sept 5th do aft 3d in March & Sept 6th do aft 3d in March & Sept 8th do aft 3d in March & Sept 10th do aft 3d in March & Sept J 1th do aft 3d in March & Sept 13th do aft 3d in March & Sept 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 24 18 18 6 12 6 6 Seventh District. Scruggs, Judge. J Whitmore, District Attorney. Ripley, I 1st Monday in March and Sept I 12 Jacinto, | 3d do in March & September | 12 Fulton, I 1st do in April and October, I 12 Pontotoc, I 3d do in April and October, | 12 Oxford, 1st do aft 4th ia April & Oct 12 Ponola, I 3d do aft 4th in April & Oct | 12 Hernando, I 5th do aft 4lh in April & Oct I 12 Holly Springs | 3d do in January and July, 24 All Judicial, officers elected by the people—the judges of the High Court (by districts) for six years—the term of one expiring at every bien¬ nial election. The Chancellor for six, Circuit Judges four. A proposi¬ tion to amend the Constitution so as to abolish the Chancery Courts, is now pending, and will be voted on at the next general election. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. THE ENTIRE WORK, UNABRIDGED, In One Volume, Crown Quarto, of 1452 Pages, Containing THREE TIMES the matter found in any other English Dictionary compiled in this country. PUBLISHED BY G. 6c C. Merriam, Springfield, Mass., AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. TESTIMONIALS. " I find it an invaluable vade mecum." "Etymological part surpasses any thing that has been done for the English "Language." " Every scholar knows its value " A very valuable work*— a necessity to every edit. cated man." " The most accurate and reliable Dictionary of the Language." " Ages will elapse before any other Dictionary of the Language will be required." [LL. P., of Scotland, author of " Christian Philosopher," &c.] For Sale by Strickland & Co^ 28 Tlaiiphin jSt. Mobile. 'tg1 HENRY, STODDART & CO. | IMPORTERS OF FANCY DRY GOODS, THREAD LACES, AND EMBROIDERIES, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CLOTHING, RUSSET BROUANS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Corner of Conti arid Water Streets, MOIMMSo [OXE PRICE ONLY.] We would respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters and citizens generally, to our exten¬ sive stock of the above articles, selected with great care, both in the Home and Foreign Markets. Being con¬ stantly receiving fresh supplies, we are at all times pre¬ pared to furnish purchasers with every style of goods in our line at satisfactory prices. m a BOOKS AND STATIONERY, WHOLESALE A\U RETAIL. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of all who may intend purchasing articles in the above line to their establishment Their stock, they believe, is the best in the southern country, and prices the lowest. BookS)—Of every variety and description, and in every de¬ partment of Literature, Science and the Arts Medical and Law Books.—An extensive stock. Religious and Devotional Books—For every denomination of Christians. Family Bibles of every quality. School Books.—Their stock embraces everyBook in demand. Sunday School Books.—All the books used by the various denominations, constantly on hand. Stationery.—Every article of French, English and Ameri¬ can Staple and Fancy Stationery—a very tine stock. Gold Pens, of every kind and quality. Papier Mache Goods.—Writing Desks, Portfolios, Cabi¬ nets, Albums, &c., made of this rich material. Fine En¬ gravings, Oil Paintings, and Illustrated Books. Blank Books—Manufactured to order in any style. Record Books, Dockets, Tax Books, and every other kind of Books used by Sheriffs, Clerks of Courts, &c., made to any pat¬ tern. A large stock of Record Books, of all sizes, con¬ stantly on hand, of superior quality. Account Books.— Ledgers, Journals, Cash, Invoice, Day Books, &c., &c., of our own manufacture, a very heavy assortment always on hand. Paper.—Printing Paper of all sizes; Record Paper; French, English and American Letter Paper, ruled or plain ; Fools¬ cap Paper of every quality, ruled or plain ; Colored Papers ; Wrapping Paper of every kind, &c., &c., Wall Paper. —Teasters, Fire Boards, Borders, Scenery Paper, a large assortment constantly on hand. Printing ink—Type, and every description of material used in a Printing Office, always on hand. Job Printing.—The best Job Printing Office in the South is connected with our establishment. Plain and Fancy Printing, of every description, neatly and promptly executed. Book Binding.—Pamphlets, Music Books, Periodicals, Law Books, &c., bound in every style, at very low rates. n~r Merchants from the country, Teachers, Lawyers, Physicians and Stu¬ dents, are assured IT IS THEIR INTEREST to call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing. STRICKLAND & CO., No. 28 Dauphin St., Mobile, Ala.