B Y-L A "W S OP MULBERRY LODGE, NO. 183. ADOPTED MARCH 5th, A, L. 5853. A. D. 18 53. BENTON, {ALA) pRINTBD AT THE "LEDGER" OFFICE, 1853. BY-LAWS. We, the Members of Mulberry Lodge, No. 183, of Free and Accepted Masons, held by Dispensation from the Most Worship- ful Grand Lodge of the State of Alabama, granted and dated on the 7th day of December, A. L. 5852, A. D. 1852, in order to promote the Benevolent purposes for which our Society was first founded, and is still continuod; to preserve inviolate that respect which its ancient customs require; to promote Love, Charity§ and the practice of Morality; to preserve the dignity and harmony of the Lodge, and the more firmly to maintain inviolate the duties which the honds of Masonic Union and Brotherly Love prescribe, ■—Do Ordain and Establish the following Articles, as a Consti- tutional Code of Laws for the government of ourselves and our successors: ARTICLE I.—COMMUNICATIONS. Section 1. The regular Communications of this Lodge shall be held in the Hall at Mulberry 1\ O., on the first Saturday in every month, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and on the Anniversaries of St. John, the Baptist, and St. John, the Evangelist. Sec. 2. The February, May, August and November Communi- Cations shall be termed Quarterly, and those on the twenty-fourth of June, and twenty-seventh of L>ecember, Semi-Annual. Sec. 3. The Worshipful Master, or, in bis absence, the Senior or Junior Warden, may convene the Lodge at discretion; giving always, through the Tyler, or some other means, notice to the Members, so far as practicable, of the time ami objects of the meeting; and the expense of such special communications shall he del'raj-ed by the member or members at whose request the meeting is held, unless on business of a general nature. (1) ARTICLE 11ELECTIONS. SMtrrfoN 1. The officers of the Lodge shall he elected, by ballot, on the twenty-fourth day of June of every year; on which day they shall he installed, or as soon thereafter as convenient. * Sec. 2. On the day of, and previous to, the election of officers, the Secretary shall read over, in open Lodge, a list of the morn- hers, if any, nvho have failed to pay their -dues; and none such shall vote, or be eligible to any office whatever. SeO. 3. In cases of death, resignation, or disqualification of any officer, the Vacancy so occasioned shall be filled, as Soon thereat- ter as practicable, notice being given to the members of such in- tedded elections* ARTICLE IIL Section 1. Petitions from brethren for membership, or from Candidates for initiation, must bq accompanied by a i-ecommqndj- tion from, at least, two Master Masons, which shall be laid before thC Lodge at Regular Communications only; and shall then lie over for one month for consideration, except in cases which the Lodge itnaniniously consider emergent* Sec. Every petition for Initiation must he accompanied with fiftedh dollars, which shkll be returned to-the candidate, if he is rejected, r If his petition 1>4 granted, it shall he Entered in full, for his initiation fee. Rut if lie Should not come forward within two' months after sdeh election, the money1 shall he forfeited to the Lodge**,' and he shall Stand in the same situation as though he had not petitioned, ituleSs good cause be shown why the pen- a by Should not be imposed. Sec. 8. «No member shall be ontitled'to all the privileges of the LodgC, Until he is made a Master Mason ; but every candidate initiated1 shall be amenable to the Laws and Regulations of the Lodge* ' l Sec} 4. Brethren wishing t,o* he passed, must be examined in open Lodge on the degree from which they wish to advance; ami ftlleir proficiency or fitness for promotion, shall he determined hy a majority of the meinb* rs before whom tbeO are examined. ' Sec: 5. *1 Accepting of ejecting candidates for initiation, mem- bOrship hi* degree, granting diplomas, suspending or expelling brethren (except* in cases herein -specially provided) shall be de1- tided by ballot, Master Masons only voting. Sec. 6. No person shall he admitted a member, no candidate initiate* 1, degree conferred; or diploma awarded, if the ballot he found uiuH dear;1' nor shall tmy candidate fof initiation be per- tmittud to withdraw his jwtiuen after it has been submitted, to the Lodge. ARTICLE IfCONTRIBUTION AXI> FEES,. Section 1. Every member, (Secretary ant^ Tyler excepted} shall pay a contribution of four dollars per annum; two dollars* of which sball be paid semi-annually, on. the 24 th o£ June and 27th of December in every year; and for failing tq do so, after receiving twenty days notice from the Secretary, the delinquent member, or members, shall stand suspended, until ^payment be made, or during the pleasure of the Lodge. , Sec, 2. The fees in all cases shall be as follows: For Initiations fifteen dollars ; For the Second and Third Degrees, ten dollars- each; For the Admission of a Brother to Membership, t>vo- dollars; For each Diploma awarded, two dollars ; and no, petition- from a candidate for initiation, or from a brother for membership,, shall be received, or degree Conferred, until the foregoing fees are paid. ARTICLE V,—TREASURER, SECRETARY, AXD TYLER.. Section I. The Treasurer shall keep a neat and substantial book, in which, he shall open an account for "Cash," and for "Mulberry Lodge, No, 188;" and shall regularly enter to thb debt of one and credit of tire other, all moneys which may he- paid to him by the Secretary, or which may otherwise come into- his hands, by virtue of his office. Lie shall pay Out no money, except to the written order of the Master, given by authority bf the Lodge, and countersigned by the Secretary; of to the written order of the Standing* Committee for Charitable Purposes, Coun- tersigued in like manner; and shall file all such orders to be pro- dileed as vouchers on the settlement of his accounts. Imnredi- ately after St. John the Evangelist's* Day, lie shall make out an Account Current, showing the balance of money which was, in his hands, on the* preceding St. John, the Evangelist's Day, the several sums received, aud the balance on hand; which account he .Shall submit to a committee appointed to examine anf his -office, charge him with the same, and, take his receipt therefor, which receipt he shall file, and produce as vouchers on the settlement of his accounts. Immediately after epery St, John's Day, he shall make (Out a correct list of all moneys due to and from the Lodge; to- gcther with a detailed statement of the cash and Treasurer's ac- jcountS, from fhe preceding StT John's Day to the last settling day inclusive; all of which, with his books and vouchers, shall be {submitted to a committee appointed to examine and report there^ on. J?or these services, lie shall be paid one doiigr for every .Communication he attends.* Sec. 3. The Tyler shall attend the Regular and Special Com- muni cations of the-Lodge punojually, Jle shall go on messages; ^erve summon;); keep the Lodge Room, and all the furniture, jewels, etc., in n£at and propel- order; have fires prepared and candles lighted in due time; and. for these services, together with the faithful discharge of his duty in tyling the Lodge, he shall be allowed one dollar for -every Communication he attends. ARTICLE VI.—GENERAL REGULATIONS. "Section 1. "When the Lodge is open, the brethren shall eon- duct themselves with that order and propriety which the solemni- fy of the Institution requires; and shall not leave the room with- out permission from the presiding officer, to whose commands tf-hcy shall at all times be attentive and obedient. Sec. 2. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, without permission from the Worshipful Master, and that permission shall only once be granted. Sec. 8. Every brother who speaks, shall rise, and, in a respect- ful manner, address the presiding officer; and while speaking, no member shall presume to interrupt lb in. But if the speaker be wandering from the subject under consideration, the Worshipful Master may call him to order, and he shall sit*down; but may again proceed, if be thinks proper, after being corrected. Sec. 4. The presiding officer shall decide questions of order without debate, allowing any brother the right of appealing to the Lodge from such decision, He shall appoint all committees, and fill vacancies which may occur by the absence of any regu- lar officer, by appointment, pro Urn,, and shall public-ly reprimand any brother who may be guilty *of any indecorous or disorderly conduct during the working of the Lodge. f A second offence of the samp nature may be punished by suspension or expulsion from all the benefits of Masonry. m SeC. 5. The Worshipful Master and Wardens shall be a Stand- fog Committee, whose Special duty It shall be, Ruling the recess of the Lodge, to take -Cognizance Of tlie misbehavior of its to em- bers, and report thereon to th'e next Regular, or to a Special Com- rnunication. If necessary, to hear and settle (if possible) private disputes or differences between the brethren, should any tuifortU*- nately arise; and in case of failure to.adjust them amicably, to report thereon as (above directed i—To receive applications for charity ; and "Whenever they think proper "to help the needy and distressed, by -drawing jointly on the Treasurer for any amount, not exceeding, at any one time, nor to any one person, the sunt of ten dollars. Sec. 6. Disbursements (except for charitable purposes) must be made by the Lodge at Regular Communications only. Sec. "7. On the 27th of December in every ^year, a Committee shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to take (ah inventory of the jewels, furniture and Other tyropferty belonging to the Lodge; examine the Treasurer's and Secretary's reports, and compare the name Svith their books*, -examine minutely into the state of the funds, and require from those (officers proper vouchers for all money which may nave passed through their hands, and report fully thereon at the next Regular Communication; which report, together with the reports or accounts current of the Trea- Surer and Secretary, shall be read and considered, iand, if appro- ved, shall be received and hied, i Sec. 8. Dor every failure, on the part iof the Treasurer and iSecretary, to make out reports, as .directed by the first and second sections of the .fifth article of these Laws, or of (the Committee to perform their duties, as prescribed by the preceding JsectioU— they shall (each and (every one be fined in a sum mot less than two nor more than five dollars, unless good (cause be shown why the fine should not be imposed. ARTICLE VII.—WITHDRAWALS, j .Section 1. A member shall have the liberty fo jwitftdraw at any Regular Communication* on producing the receipt of the Secretary for all dues and arrearages, unless tinder, charges for unmasonic conduct. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. All propositions to revise, alter, or amend these By-Laws, must be submitted in writing at a Regular Communi- cation, handed to the presiding officer, and distinctly read; when, if approved, they (shall be entered upon record, and at the next Regular Communication may be adopted or rejected.