&ELD t&lJNTY UKE,, OGWtnfc'ETt COWTT., October the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, 1S3& —i—— WASHINGTON, (GA.) l^fllNTE* AT THE NEWS OFFICE • •••Ml Ml* * * Willi * ' 1st, The introductory sermon Was delivered ;by Elder Otis Smith, from Xfeiah" 44 chap. 20 ver., " Hefeedeth oo^as'hes i a deceived heart hath turiied him aside,' that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in ihy right hand V'i; , _ 2nd; Ln consequence of the deatlrof Br: Marshall^ tSje foiv mcr,CIerk^of .th6 \ Association, •Br.'fe: M^nSaiidgrs wns'appoin¬ ted Clerk pro tem." ' 3d. Head letters from1 the.chur¬ ches and recorded their state. 4th. Fleeted Br. Je'sse $Iei> cer Mod.,;and B. VI Sanders Clerk.-—Received into member ship the Pine-Grove Church., lately^constituted in Columbia County. * 5tfr.% Appointed »B"o- J.ames Armstfo'ngy Otis %*mith and" J. II Walker a corn mi tee on the Mercer Institute for {Science and in Jiistiy-Gibsou, Mercer, lrvin, and Armstrong to arrange prea- chnigr—Shervvoo I, Robert? gind Davis** to examine" minutes and arrange the business,—Stocks, Harris and J. Lumpkin to au¬ dit the account, of the late Cleiv and receive Contributions Ot !. Called for Corresp >ading let. its; received a letter & fnin utes from the Ocmulgee associa¬ tion,- by their messengers Fe|fcol ^ &. Aendrick—f <>m the Yellow rirVer, a. loiter &, niinutti^by -their ine'sseage s Colley and iialcum —--vc >m vVashin>coa. a letser 'and .ma j*,es -%m {hei-v a >"e.* J. V. ju>veiett—aud iwAwiit; Flint river, aletter by the Breth¬ ren Carter, Milner, & Shockley —-from theCahawba, a letter—• frdm the Ebenezer, a letter and minutes by their messenger 11. Messer; from the Sarepta, n:in- utes by their messengers Davis, Bledsoe & David; from the fcia* vannah river, a letter and min¬ utes;, from the Western, receiv¬ ed their messengers Reaves <& • Jennings.s*#•>,i~ 7th. Appointed Brethren Da-' vis, Lumpkin and Harris a com¬ mittee to report on a letter from the Ocmalgee Association, and Brethren Sanders, Stocks and ^Valke r a committee' to report on a letter from the Flint liivev Association, _ 8th Appointed Brother Sher- woo (^Assistant Clerk: adjo irn- ed ui ifill half past I) "to Jiorrovy morning. 1 tfiliirdatf morn. Oct. 13. Met according to adjournment, prayer by i5ro. iloberts; called the roll and read^ the minutes of yesterday- - v ; 9th. Called for remaining com¬ munication's—read letters from tiie Churches ofSii iruit, Henry comity, Paro i, Monroe cou.ity,' Sardis & vnyrna Baits county;' andonefVo n .Vl*i3 jnough, \vhicU were all refered to a "committee,' consisting of Brethren' Roberts* Armstrong, Lumpkin 3 & Stiervv^od to rej;} Av')l5 a-* ifii'yf receive.! a c > n /v-i-ho u'i-ni fro u I 'jo O-oi, iMr$U. oouaty i'a-- u nn'»ar.va rji £ticlo« i^ilg ;^43, to&' .djidoiO Jldjr* V which we cojnmend as an exam¬ ple, worthy of the' consideration & imitation of our sisters in oth¬ er neighborhoods^ and the more so as it is stated to be principally $ie product of their own labour. 10th. The committee of ar¬ rangement made their report iwhich was accepted.' M 4 11 11th, Read the Circular of the Georgia Baptist Convention, & Jtesolvcd that it meets the hear¬ ty approval of the Association. 12th. Called for the Circular fvhich was I'ead and accepted; arid Br. J. Armstrong1 appoint¬ ed to write the next*. 1 "13th. The Committee on the letter from tfee Ocmulgee As¬ sociation reported the following resolution viz i Resolved, that great tenderness and Christian forbearance be exercised by the Association while she endeavors fo convince her sister the Op- inulgee that she is in error, 2. Hesolved, that a committee be appointed to prepare a letter embracing explanations upon the subject of our grievances sp far as a common letter will al¬ low, and that a delegation be appointed to tear it, who shall be empowered to act for this body in the settlement of the dif¬ ficulties between us. The rep¬ ort was accepted and agreed to, and Br'n. Davis, Harris and Thornton, appointed to write the letter; and that Davis, Mer¬ cer, lipberts, Lumpkin," ^horn- ton, Stocks and Smith be the delegation to bear it. 14th/ Received a letter £nd minutes from the Tugalo Asso¬ ciation by her messenger Br. T, jpHWSfQ, . . 15th. Appointed messengers to the following associations viz: * J. B. Battle and W. L. Tucker to the Ebenezer; and Dr. T. G. Janes to Write the letter. * Br'n. Harris, Callaway, Johnston and Sherwood to the Tugalo; and br. Johnston to write the letter. Br'n. Lumpkin, Davis &Thorn- to the Saluda; & Br*(). Smith to write the letter. ' Br'n. Shert wood, Sanders, Davis and Har¬ ris to the Yellow-River; and Br. Haralson to write the let* ter. * Br'ri. Harris and Sanders to the Savannah river; and Br. L. B. Mercer to write the letter. Br'n. Ivy and Mallary to the Hepzibah ; and Br, R. Q. Die-, kinson to write the letter. Br'n," J. Mercer and Callaway to the t Sarepta; and Br. A. Janes to 1 write the letter.' Br'n. Gilbert, Perrymani Johnston and gand¬ ers to the Washington; artd Br." N. M. Lumpkin to write ttye let* ter,*" Br'n, Blanchard, -Taylor,. Ivy and Harris to the Edgefield; and J. B. Battle to write. the letteK Brn« Moon and 1-^ vy to the Western; and Br. J,'* Lockhart to write the letter. 16th, Appointed general mee^. tings in the following order viz: 1st District, Smyrna, Green Co. Friday before the 5th sabbath in Jiine 1§33. 2d do., Union, Warren Co, Fridav before the 5th sabbath in Sept. 3d do.,* Phillips' Mill, Wilkes co. Frid- , ay before the 2d sabbath in Au¬ gust. 4th do., Greenwood Lin¬ coln co. ^Friday before the 5tfi sabbath in March. . * 17th, Appointed the next as¬ sociation to be held a^ Reho- both.in Wilkes county, oji Fri* / I * day before the 2d sabbath in Oct. 1^33; and Br. Harris to preach the introductory sermon, and Br. V. R. Thornton his altern- inate; Br. O. Smith to preach the Mission sermon and Br. Da¬ vis his alternate. I8th. Appointed Br. Mercer, Armstrong, Sherwood, Lump¬ kin, Stocks, Davis, Thornton, and Sanders delegates to repre¬ sent this body in theBaptist con¬ vention for the state of Georgia, to meet at M'Donough, Friday before the 2d Lord's tlay in May next. 19th, Resolved, that we dis claim any connection with a cer¬ tain Joseph Stephens, who is travelling about in the charact¬ er of a baptist preacher; that an extract from this minute be communicated to the Ecjitor of the Christian Index. * 20th, The committee on the letter from the Flint River as¬ sociation made their report, em¬ bracing in it a resolution to re¬ consider our last 3'ears letter to the Flint River association and to call to our aid the messen¬ gers of that association, with a view to acknowledge and ex¬ punge what might be shown to be offensive in it; but upon the affirmation of said messengers that they were neither authoriz¬ ed nor prepared to render any such aid, the report was re¬ committed to said committee with the addition of the moder¬ ator, and J. Armstrong to report pn Monday a Jetter to the said Association. ' 21st, Resolved, that while the scriptures require, that children should be brought tip in thu m?r-j * 3 ture and admonition of tlm Lord, &.that all should remem¬ ber the sabbath day to keep it holy; and while sabbath schools, when well conducted, have had so happy an effect in promoting- those important objects, we con¬ sider it a matter much to be re¬ gretted, that they are so much neglected as they are by so ma¬ ny of our brethren ; and that we recommend more energy among our brethren in promoting them. Adjourned to Monday morning 9 o'clock. Sunday, The weather being inclement the congregation was divided,—brethren Echols and Reaves preached to the females' in the house, interesting discour¬ ses, and we trust with good ef¬ fect:—brethren Sherwood and Lumpkin preached at the stage to a very large congregation * who were more attentive than could be expected from the fre¬ quent showers of ram ; at the close of Br. Lumpkin's sermon a collection wastaken ibr Mis - sionary purposes, when was taken at the stand, and $ 1.4 Sf some jewellery, in the house*1 frpiu the ladies/ The evening being more open br. James Da¬ vis preached at the stage follow¬ ed in exhortation by br, G\ Lumpkin. Monday morning met accor-. ding to adjournment. Prayer by br. Reaves, called the roll aiid read the minutes* :2id, The report of the finan¬ cial committee wa.^ read and ajiprftved (viz:) The committee* appointed io audit the accounts of the |ate Clerk J. P. Marshall, report, on exa:uh;,aUc>;i of " [ 4 Looks and the minutes of flic last nssocintioji, it appears t'tcre was in his hands at his death, the sum of$JL34 88. Your commit¬ tee further report, they*have re¬ ceived (including the collection on the sabbath) from the chur¬ ches of this body at its present session, $122 82, to defray the experjee of printing and distrib¬ uting minutes; $20143, for home missions; $413 87, for for¬ eign missions; $ 172 38, for the School Fund ; $210 16, for gene¬ ral purposes, making an aggre¬ gate amount* of $1240 82 cents. In addition to this sum we have received a box of jewellery'from the females of Augusta, estimate cost $99, supposed to he now Worth halt that sum. * - P. S. The following additional, Voluntary contributions, for mis¬ sions were made. By a member ©f County-Line church, $1 00. Friendship church by br. # . Ogle shy for school, , 2 00, A friend to missions, ^ 1 (Ki. From the W arreuton ch. 2 00. ^ Colored man 25. rA Breast Pill by a female, 6 25.. 23d, The , Committee on the Mercer Institute made thi'ir l-epavt which was accepted (viz:) The committee, to whom was rufered the d,utv to ascert¬ ain the amouiitsub^critaeii, with¬ in the bounds of the Georgia Association, for theWnefit of the M-.irccr Institute^respectful¬ ly report. ^ i'oon wood.Clutch has sposcrjbed Oji the 5 year p]-ur,. §lG0,0t) crccli, do. 135,00 [' *d »• 1 rear plan, 2-i,37^-159,',37& 1 y. p. * 127'374; ivi^kue 5 year p. 1«£5,08 lUh^bolh 5 y. p. 160,00 J ' . 1 y. piasi, 1 LjA)-)'—125,00 Sai flis, 5 y- plart, 125,0J do. one y« plan, 10,00-—13a,05 • Your Co-wnittac also re- t { port, that Elder Jesse Mer¬ cer has given to ciect a laroth their deferences and .purs with the said: Association will yet be amicably adju>t^d. 25th. The com,mittee appum-* ted tiMvrite aletfvr to tue, jl)ci ai jigGQ assoei*iti .^reported, JA& Wibicii was-adopted; ako eouimittefc 04 "tiie i^litit river let- ter, to whoultlut matter was re4 tfonfMiTTed, fe^oried a letter to said a-.soci«ition3 vvUieh \y ts ad4 t»piodr «& the bi4e^ii'cn -Viorcer, fSu'ndora* oiraituii, t Jui iiijfwi <*?, £'S ^Thornton, Travis. Stocks, Fib-, tii.-.. Jit ires ami ( alia v tv- , v*crt': aj 'pointed nresscng«rs to thati association with full power to sertie the differences between us. 26t'*-, Kead. approved and ad¬ opted the letters prepared ioi the several Associations with whom we correspond. 27th, The committee appoin¬ ted to prepare a histoiy of this Association, reported difficulties w I ich had prevented a comply- £ii ee; mi which it was resolv¬ ed, That the accomplishment of &aid design be eonhoed to the Moderator, on his own responsi¬ bility, but under the patronage of the association. 28h, Rf'so/V/, That 3.500 cop¬ ies of these minutes be printed embracing-the constitution^ de¬ corum, r Ok ^ ■*11 2 » u u - ^ o u U) tee it e; s - c? s WJ 0 v X) ;s 2 CHURCHES, Powellou^ Hancock co Mt Zion, do, Bethel' - do. Heel), do. tVhite Plains,-' Greene co, Smyrna do. WarrentonJ Warren co Mineral Spring, Wash.co. Salem, Taliaferro Long creek, Warren. ^ Richland, Green. Williams' Creek, Warren Bethel', Taliaferro. , j ;Elim, Warren. Kioltee, Columbia. Double Branches Lincoln. Sweet Water, Warren. . Union, do. Pine Grove, Columbia, Sharon. do. Damascus, do. Grove, ido. Aberleen, - do. Bethel, do. • Augusta, Richmond co, Springfield, -- do i Spirit Creek, do. { New-Hope, Lincoln. ^ Bethesda, Greene, cox ^ DELEGATES' NAMES. OTIS SMITH." C. Buttle/ tohu V.Rabuu.* Absalom E, Reeves, J. G. GILBERT Jesse Lockhart, W. Barksdale, Wm. Lattemer. JOSEPH ROBERTS. J. B. BATLE. Isaac Motfre, JESSE^ MOON. V. R. THORNTON. J M. Haughton, Peter Cody. William Castleberry Robert Blair, Redding Lewis, i Benj Allen,* Absalom Funderburk, Stephen Jones, Sampson Culpeper, George Hall, Aziral Bruce Jethro Darden, T. Smith. I DAV1S^ M. Johnston. L. B. Mercer, A. G. Janes, E. Meadows, D. Meadows H.Mercer Adam Broom,* Job Smith. J. HARRIS, D.Stanford, C. Collins, Cartledge Eli Lockart, T. Ayres. E. FERRYMAN, Wm. P. Steed. G, W. Hardeway,' J.inios Rickerson. B. M. SA-NDERS, George Darsev. John Lamar, J. G. Marshall* Uriah Blanchard, John Cartledge. GUTR1DGE IYY, Thomas Burton.* John Skinner, G. A. P. Whitfield. A Dagna!), J, Boyd. C. D. MALLARt* J. W. Whitlock. JACOB WALKER, S Walton, J. Roxbourlh, S. Matthews. t , ROBERT M'GEE. E. S. TAILOR, J R. Little*" Z. Howard. T;:G.- Janes, J Mercer, R. V. Asbury, Janfcs, f?'. L Tucker, R. Q. Dickinson. fcpiilitM!) Jmkkvfy fiedit, ^Urrt&0B,|24 803 4 2 19 56 29 9 s W o « Ig r£«5 168 62 159 142 J15 '70 53 92 72 119 60 128 353 76 217 77 90 81 48 77 54 67 56 131 1301 347 36 306 2 6 282*4 iO0' 1(0 00 50 ' 50 50 00 00 00 50 - 00 00 50 4 00 2 00 5 00 2 45 3 00 2 00' 2 00 16212 33 2 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 1 25 5 Q0 e ,tg -O '£ s K O i cut 1 50 5 62 1-2 10 S3 3-4 4. 20 00 4 12 5 75 4 00 18 00 -f 12 00 79 121-2 12 50 10 00 -6 25 20 00 V- 6 25 a 25 41 CO] 4 15 53$ % 1 1 1 4 2f> i 13 2®. 15 50 80 At ' 2Q1 rC G* I O } XT' C? •g J - £2 e 0? a .-j e*-t. 7 S» •= CP £ jg b xr ^ -I ■p. -c l- «s _ n &• - «c = U g _ -e County Line Oglethorp iNi w Hope, Greene. Beard's, Oglethorpe. Antioch, do. | Philips s Mill, Wilkes. ^ Greenesboroueh. Ebenezer, W ilkes, Gosheii, Lincoln. Clark's Station. Wilkes. Sardis, do. | Newford, do. Rehoboth, do. { Greenwood, Lincoln.g I Union, do. Lincolnton, do. I Fishing Creek, Wilkes. Salem, Lincoln. I Washing on, Wilkes. I tlepzibah, Lincoln. ^.Friendship Wilkes. V Brown, L. B. Kinney brew, (. 16 19 3 1 1 1 24 17ol<><> 74 (709!: 4 QO 4 (X> U 50 (pr P. S. William's Creek. $2 00 more in Macon Money for General purposes; Female Society Augusta, for Foreign-Missions, and Box Jewellery. $70 00; Ke- Biale« at H»reh Church, Hancock county, for Foreign Missions $21 50; Sister at Mount Zion, for Schol Fund $2 00; Fishing Creek, for permanent I'und .'ercei Iti- «litn(e Si~0 00: (Greenwood. do. do. do. $36 00! John Brooks, Sweet Water, for G. purposes 1 00; R. Booker from savings in sunff, for G. purposes. 8 00; Columbia onnty Female Missionary Society, for F M. 43 00; Sister Eliza Green for F. M. 2 00; Executors of James Mathews 5 00 for F. M . and 5 00 lor School fc'iiu) ; R Booker. Bfent for Rehohoth Church, permanent fund 40 00; S. Gibson agent for Clark Station do. do 5 00; B. M Sanders collected and paid over fo School fund 11 56 14; B M. Sanders f'o. for pernianant fund 2 00; Collection after Miission Sermon $95, one finger ring, one small par ear-rings; Deduct for mien jlfo' tn< for Gcue al purpose fund 2 00. ON Monday morning the further following Contributions was Voluntarily made for Missions.—From a female of the Congregation 1,0®; Br. Oglesbv agent far, 9t'if>tiH*hip Church for School ]; from fhe delegates of Warrenton Church, for her $2; from a coloied man for Missions 25 cents; Froth, afi nm1, a Breast pin for the same.—Total $6 25 cents. The ♦< tf»l amount of Money received.—For Minutes,' $122 £2 rents.— For Home Missions, $208 C3 cents— For Foreign. Jl'ssions $113 —For the School $174 38 ceiits'-^r'or, permanent ftdtool Fund $114 56^eents-^Fm; Gi.eaer&jl ^fsr poses $>219 46 eem^rt-rXottth $1244 7JJ cents* I»f *«€'»»» Wft, tlieCJhurchc of Jesus Christ, wh«> have been regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith, are convinced, from a5 series of experi¬ ence* of the necessity of a eombina- . tion of Churches; and of maintain¬ ing a correspondence, for the pres¬ erving of a federal union amongst all th' Churches of the same faith and order. And as we are convinced, th«i there are a number of Baptist Chur¬ ches, w ho differ from us in faith and practice; and that it is impossible T*- have communion where there if} 110 union, wd think it our duty, to set forth a concise declaration of th*: fa»th and order, uj)on which we in tend to associate, which is as fol¬ lows :— 1st. We believe in one only true and living God ; and that there is a trinity of persons in the Godhead — tlip Father, the Son, and the Holy G »»stj and yet, there are not three G? ds, but one G »d. 2iL We believe that the scriptures of the oM and New Testament are the word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice, 3d. We believe in the fall of Ad¬ am, and the imputation of his sin to his posterity ; in the corruption ol hit iun nature, and the impotency of man to recover himself by his bwn fr.'O wilt ability. 4fii. We brieve in the everlasting To.e of God to his people, and the e- teroal election of a definite number of the human race, to grace and glo¬ ry : And that there was a covenant of grace or redemption -made be tvvoen the Father and the Son, he- fVle the world began, i>- which their syJvMtion ij secure, and that they in pnijicular are r.< deemed. 5 h. We bdiev< that sinners are jualitiud in the s»^ht oi God, only bv the righteousness of Christ ita]F>titc& to them. 6lh. We believe that all those wh» wiie chosen in ( bust Will be effr*, tuallv calltd, regenerated, convert* ' d, sane ifird, and supported by the- spirit and power of God, S6 tha$ (bey .shall peisevere in grace, an4 not one*of them be finally lost. 7iii. W.e believe that good woiks are the fi nits of faith, and follow af¬ ter Justification, and that they only justify us in the sight of men and an¬ gels, & are evidences of our gracious *tate. 8th. YY e believe that there will be a-resurrection oftSedead, and a ge¬ neral judgment; and that the happr- ness of the righteous, and the punish* ment of the wicked will be eternal* And as for gospel order • 1st. We believe t'hat the visible Church ofChristisa congregation of faithful persons, whohtive gained christian fellowship with each'other^ and have given themselves up to the' Lord, and to one another, and have agreed to keep up a Godly discipline^ agieeably to the rules of the gospel. 2d. We believe that Jesus Christ is the great head of fhe. Church, & only law giver and that the govern¬ ment is wtfli the body and is the pri¬ vilege of each individual^ and that the discipline of the Church is inten¬ ded-tor the leclaimibg of those christians who may be disorderly ei¬ ther in piiociple or. practice; and ' must be faithfully kept up for God's glory, and'the peace and unity of the Chinches. 3d. We believe, that water bap¬ tism and the Lord's-supper, al e oidi- j^mcesoftbe Lord, and are to be continued tilH-ns second coming. 4th. |VV *' believe, that tiueb<)ie» vers in Jesua Christ Ure the onijf p SuVjccts ofbaptism, and that dipping fes 1 io mode; 5ib. W «* behove that none but re gul ulv baptised Church members! feave a right to commune at theLoi d's table. i 6th. We believe that it is the thir! 4y of every heave i-born soul to be¬ come a member of the visible Church, to make a public profession of his faith, to be legally baptised, so as to have a right to, and partake of the Lord's supper at every legal op¬ portunity, through the whole comae of Ins life". Huvrng laid dowu a summary of . the faith and order upon which We intend to associate; we there¬ fore purpose for the decorum of ©tu association, the following plan or form of government. Article 1st. Those members who are regularly chosen by the Churches in our union, shall com¬ pose the Association. 2d. The members so chosen, shah produce letters from their respective Churches, certifying their appoint¬ ment, together with their number in fellowship, those baptised, received by letter, restored, dismissed, ex- couimuuicatcd, and dead since the last Association. 3d. *The me .ibers thus chosen 6i Oonve.ied", snail be denominated the Georgia Baptist Association. 4ih. This association snail have no power to lord it over God's bent- age; nor by which they can infringe upon any of the internal rights of the Churches. 5iti. Tho association siiall nave a moderator and clerk, who shall be Ghosen hv the members present. Gin. It new Cliurches desue to be admitted into tins union, tney shall pttiUou t»y letter and messengers, &. .Upon examination, il found oimo- tlox ind tnderly, shall he received by the ^ociaiion; and inaniit sied b^ the to K'iat:jr'8 giving the messen¬ gers me rigm band of teUowsmp. 11 7th. No Church in the union shall have-a lig >t to tnoiv, than i.-' mes5* seugers, till it snali exceed one Hun¬ dred members ; a'ld then she snail have a right to an addititional meSH senger for every fifty after the first hundred. 8th. Every query sent to the As* sociation, by an\ Church in the uni¬ on, shall be read, and put to vole by ihe moderator, whether it siutil bo debated; ami if theie be a rnajwi ity for it, it shall betaken ujj,(fc inves¬ tigated ; hut if not, it snail he with** drawn. TVovided, aiwavs, 'i aat tiiose be tirst considered which afiect I lie union of Uj.urches, ih. Every m>>tiou made and sec* onded,"' snail come under the obser¬ vation oi the Association ; except it be withdrawn by the member vvno made it. l()ih. Every person who speaks in debate snail rise from his seat, and addles the moderator, aim shah not be interrupted while speaking* cent he depart from tne subject. 11th. J\o jjerson snail spealt more than thiee times tc* the same query) .v uhout leave of the Association. 12ih. There shah be no taluingov wnispeiui^; in the time of u puolic speech, nor reflections cast upon Ui(j speaker. IJtii. i\o member shall exempt nnuaeit t-oin the Assoihat.iuu vvilUout leave from the modeiator. I4ih. it any meuioer snail breafc the rules ut this decorum, he anud ue imifieuiateiy reproved by the mode* rator, 15tli. It is the business of this As* soctatiou, 1st. T«« provulefor thegeuerai u* iiion ot tne Chat cues. 2d. l o Keep up a correspondence with tuose Associations, ol the same taith and order, tuat a chain oi com- iiiuiiiuii may be preserved amon^s^ cue Chuiches. 3u. 1\>g.ve the Chuiches th* oest advice tney can lti tiia't^rs ot mot* r fUiltv; and if thfc communion should be broken between any of the sister Churches in the nuifii, to enquire in¬ to the cause of the breach,' and 'use th fir best endeavours to remove the difficulty; but if the bi each cannot be healed, to withdraw from any cbutch or churches, whoin they shall look upon to be unsound in piinciple, Oi unmoral in practice, till they be re< (aimed. * 4t!i. To admit any of the brethren in the ministry as assistants, ifthex phail judge it to be nec essary. " 1 5ilt. To appoint a secretary to keep u iiook, and reiiulai ly recoro the pi ttceedings of e\ery Association, 1# ] and to see that be is satisfied for trouble. ' 6th. To have the minutes of t.hf Association read (ami coriected i need be) and signed by the inoderae for and clerk, before the Association rises, and have them printed annual¬ ly, and the'constitution and rules of4 this Body, the present year, and ev¬ ery fourth year thereafter if need be, 7th.. To mend this plan or form of government at any time when th© majority 'of the union shall deem it to be necessary. ' ' 8th.1 To adjourn to any time or .lace which the/ iuaj think, to most proper* " . * ' Beloved in the Lord, You are expecting- a word of advice and admonition from our animal meeting,—and we address you o» subjects of a practical nature. ist, On Family Religion. Since the kindly influence of the gu e in debt is to be in the fashion, and this fashion would not be the fruitful source of so many evils, if these d<'bts were paid When due; but how many pitiful and unjustifiable excuses are ^latje'fw want of punctuality by pra&*sinut what have all these pitiiui evasions to do with your solemn •^ligations? Not a whit more than had Adam's about eating ♦lie forbidden truit. ri he violation of our promises and the dis« honesty in these matteisis truly a subject of lamentation. But must 1 never ask tor credit: 'J hi> is not the question. Our exhortat ion is that ^ou luihl ytntr c<.tilt acts. \\ e thiiik there* is.a great deal too much cr< dit in our day, and if necessity should drive you to it. and \ou perceive 3ou cannot meet the demand when due, go to your cieditor and olitciii» his induK- yence for further time. P\ this means >011 will save your cha¬ racter tor honesty. lint if he denies any longer credit, sell your property and pay him, for your reputation as a man and a christian are at stake. Jt is better for you to sacrifice property than your christian character. crty w|noli unGonbiitGuCijal laws huvu £ * ' fr&tfi (is; Dill: nofhing tvan contribute an equivalent for co'ispim* _tious rights which have been trampled on and torn .n r Ir/ Tawless power, \ " JESSE SlERCfiR, Mofhiortr, v B- M, Saxders, Clerk. THE C late Session) confided to the Moderator, on liis own responsibi* Btjr, nnder the patronage of the Association—Jind as the first actings and doings of the Association have not beeii preserved ^ It is therefore earnestly requested, if any brother or other per¬ son, into whose, hands these minutes may coirifc, Jias any papers!, written Gr printed, in his possession or knowledge, relative t# the proceedings of the Association before the year 1795, (front which our unbroken file begins,) that he would forward • imme¬ diately all or any Such papers to the Editor now appointed, to Enable him to proceed with the work assigned him. And furthermore, should any brother* ,in any of the Associa¬ tions, which have branched off lrom the Georgia Association1, think it an object worth his labour, and will make out a concisd ' account of his Association, and forward it, it Will be. receive# with pleasure, to enrich the pages of the proposed History, The Moderator.1 ,r Received of tho Clerk r>i" die Association -$73, for printr |n*g 3,500 copies of these MmtiteK.. * Printer". * r