JLeetuipe 0 N AND sciimu HISTORY Respectfully invites the attention of this people to a Lecture which he proposes to deliver evening, at on the subject above named. The design of the Lecture is to give a striking and impressive illustration of many incidents and events in Scriptural and Ancient History, and of the remarkable fulfilment of the prophetic writings which shall awaken interest in the study of Ancient History, and the Holy Scriptures. For this purpose, and to render it highly attractive to the young, and valuable to all classes, the whole will be illustrated by a rich variety of splendid, magnified and illuminated Paintings, each cov¬ ering a space of canvass of from 75 to 100 square feet. PAINTINGS. 1. Four different maps of Palestine, 18. South end of the Dead Sea and Mouth of 2. Mt. Lebanon, the Jordan, 3. Beyroot and Lebanon, 19. View on the Jordan, 4. River Kishan and Mt. Carmel, 20. Rhodes and Asia Minor, 5. Ruins at Baalbec, 21. Acropolis in Athens, 6. Sidon, 22. Antioch, 7. Old Tyre, 23. Solomon's Pools immense reservoirs of ah 8. Acre, its bay and Mt. Carmel, aqueduct supplying Jerusalem and 9. Joppa the great sea port of Palestine, Bethlehem, 10. Jericho and Mt. of Temptation, 24. Bedouin Arabs showing dress, habits, 11. Fount of Elisha which that Prophet 25. Bethlehem, sweetened, 26. Nazareth, 12. Shechem, 27. Cana of Gallilee, IS. Tiberias and Sea of Gallilee. 28. Mt. of Transfiguration, 14. Jacob's Well. 29. Mt. Olives, 15. Jordan's Mouth, Mts. Nebo and Pisgah, 30. The Crucifixion, 16. Damascus, 31. The Ascension. 17. Mt. Arrarat, 32. The Disciples on the Mount. The following testimonials will show the character of the Lec¬ ture and Paintings. From Pres. GREEN, late of Whitesboro Institute, and Profs. AVERY and CATLIN, of Ham. College, and others. I have listened to Mr. Holt's Lecture on Palestine, and have witnessed the accompanying illustrations. The whole affair was highly attractive—deeply interesting—greatly instructive. The il¬ lustrations are striking and imposing; as refreshing to the eye as impressive on the mind. They are moreover adapted to gratify and improve the taste. Mr. Holt has, in my view, fair and strong claims on the attention and countenance of those to whom he may have access. His character I have reason to believe is sound and elevated; entitling him to the love and confidence of the Friends of our Common Humanity. BERIAH GREEN. Whitesboro, N. Y. April 21, 1846. We concur in the above. C. AVERY, N. CATLIN, Ham. College, A. KENYON, Pastor of Baptist Church, Clinton, N. Y.; A. J. DANA, Pastor of M. E. Church, Clinton, N. Y. To the above I cheerfully subscribe, and add that no one can give Mr. Holt a candid hearing, and witness his beautiful and striking illustrations, without being well paid and greatly edified. I heartily wish that the importance of the subject and the admira¬ ble manner in which he handles it, might secure a liberal patron¬ age. WALTER R. LONG, Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Whitesboro, N. Y. I most cordially concur in the opinions of Rev. Messrs. Green and Long, above expressed. POMEROY JONES, Senior Judge of Oneida County, N. Y. From Profs. EATON and KENDRICK of the Literary and Theo. Seminary, Hamilton, N. Y. Mr. Holt's pictorial illustrations are among the best of the kind we have ever seen, and their general accuracy may be relied on.— His remarks were clear, appropriate, instructive, and at times solemn and impressive. His style and manner as a lecturer are happy and lucid. * * Admittance 12 1-2 cents. Received at the door. Children half price. Lecture to commence at 7 o'clock.