Robert W. Woodruff Library EMORY UNIVERSITY Special Collections & Archives JESUS CHRIST HAD NEGRO BLOOD IN HIS VEINS. The Wonder of the Twentieth Century. BY W. L. HUNTER, M. D., Publisher, 302 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. REVISED EDITION. 1904. Copyright, 1901, by W. L. Hunter. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 5 Four Hamitic women married into the royal family of which Christ came 13-15 David married a Hamitic woman 15 Solomon married the daughter of a black king 15 Solomon's temple was built by a negro 25-27 Freemasonry founded by a negro 28-29 Melchizedek was a Canaanite .30-31 American religion reviewed 33-45 Love cannot be bound by man : xx The negro has fought in all of America's wars 34-35 What the negro laborer has lost through unjust deal 36-37 INTRODUCTION. Because it is generally taught that the Hamitic race has never done anything worthy of note in the world, and be¬ cause it is also generally taught, even in our schools, that these people never were anybody—for these reasons, given above, the author has written and sent forth this book. The book has been revised and enlarged. It con¬ tains much new matter that is not found in the old book. Aside from proving that Jesus Christ had negro blood in his veins, it also shows that David and Solomon both mar¬ ried black women. It is also proven that Solomon's temple was built by a negro, and that a negro was the founder of freemasonry; and that the first righteous priest that is recorded upon earth was a black man. The American religion is reviewed in the light of the Scriptures, and the amount lost to the negro laborer through unjust deal. CHAPTER I. In these times, when so much is being said and done against the Hamitic race by the learned, the unlearned, by teachers, professors and statesmen, trying to impress upon the world the idea that the black man never was anybody, and there never was anything of note connected with his history; and going so far as to even deny the possibility of his ever being fit to associate with the rest of mankind, no matter what his education, religion or refinement might be; and speaking of him as though he had always been dis¬ honorable in the estimation of mankind and in the estima¬ tion of his God; I have thought it necessary, therefore, in these times when every man's hand seems to be against the negro, trying to crush him and to sink him into oblivion, 7 to show that he has been honored by the greatest men of earth and by his God. The Lord God not only honored the black man by allow¬ ing him to bear the cross of Jesus Christ, which he did when white men were leading Him away to lynch or to murder Him, as they did the prophets who were before Him, and as they lynched all of the apostles, excepting one. God honored Ham by allowing or having His Son Jesus Christ carry negro blood in His veins. The black man, while bearing the cross for Christ and following after Him, represents the whole Christian Church bearing the cross and following after Christ, but he had the Christian's badge and glory upon him, for the cross of Christ is the Chris¬ tian's badge and glory everywhere, and it represents the Church itself, and a black man was the first to wear that badge in the world that Jesus came to save; and to the writer's mind this was great honor indeed. But we started out to prove that Jesus Christ had the blood of Ham in his veins, which we will do. Shem was the 8 progenitor of the patriarchs, prophets, of the Jews, and of Christ, and on these accounts the renown of the house of Shem has been great in all the earth, and into this renowned family Ham, the black man, married, and he, too, thereby became the ancestor of David and of Christ. This brings us to the thought that the black and white people have always intermixed. Their intermixing dates as far back as Abraham; for Abraham's son, Ishmael, was born of Hagar of Egypt, a black woman (Genesis, 16th chapter). Joseph, a son of Jacob and Rachel, the great and wise governor under Pharaoh, who saved so many thousands from starvation and death, married a black woman. Moses, the great Hebrew legislator and lawgiver, married a black woman. Samson, a deliverer and judge of Israel for twenty years, married a Philistine woman, and the Philistines were black people, they being the descend¬ ants of Ham. Salmon, a chief man of the tribe of Judah, married a Canaanite, a descendant of Canaan, a black man. Judah himself, the tribe of whom Christ was to come, 9 married a Canaanite, a black woman. I speak of these, not because I favor the mixing of the races so much, but to show that it is not an unheard of thing, and to show that Jesus Christ had plenty of Hamitic blood in Him. I speak of it, secondly, because there are such great efforts being made at the present time to keep the two races apart —in churches, schools, restaurants, hotels, steam cars, trol¬ ley cars and everywhere, excepting in heaven and hell; and many white men are opposed to their being together in heaven, and if it were in their power, they would try to induce the Lord to put all of the dark-skinned people in some back street and build a high fence between them and the white people. I mention the characters above to show that the white and black races have been intermixing as far back as nine¬ teen hundred and ten years before Christ; and the Hami¬ tic women in marrying such men as Joseph, .Moses, Sam¬ son, Judah, Salmon, David and Solomon, have married the greatest men that the earth has yet produced, and even away back in the dark ages can we see the fondness of white 10 men toward black women, and that fondness has never died out. The intermixing of the two colors is almost as old as the races themselves. They always have mixed and always will, if there is no law against their marrying. They will mix lawfully in some cases. If there is legislative law against their marrying, they will mix unlawfully, as in the Southern States of America. They have been intermixing for thousands of years and are still intermixing in every country where the two races exist, and will till the end of time. Love is a passion of the human heart that is inflamed by whoever delights it, and this passion of the human heart can never be controlled by any law that man can make. No lock and key will ever hold or keep it from the object that delights it. No chains nor iron bars will ever keep love from its object. Even death itself cannot destroy love. The children of Israel broke divine law and married black people in old Canaan. Samson was one of those who broke divine law and married a Philistine woman, and the Philis- 11 tines were black people, they being the descendants of Ham. But I must get back to the subject. Was Ham a black man, and was his blood in the veins of Jesus Christ? If so, how can we prove it? Well, we first say that according to history, cyclopedias and Bible dictionaries, that Ham, a son of Noah, was born black, and if Ham was born black, his sons must also have been black. Ham was the father of four sons—Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan (I Chronicles, 1st chapter). Cush, Put and Mizraim settled in different parts of Africa; Canaan settled in the southern part of Asia. They were the primitive settlers in said countries after the flood. Ham was the ancestor of the Canaanites, Southern Arabians, Ethiopians and Egyptians (Genesis, 10th chapter, from the 6th to the 20th verses). Canaan being a black man, and his tribe being the first to settle in the southern part of Asia, which was afterwards called the land of Canaan, therefore all the people who inhabited old Canaan prior to the entering of the Israelites under Joshua were black peo¬ ple; for there were no other people in old Canaan except- 12 ing the Canaanites, the descendants of Canaan, a black man. Well, says one, what has that to do with Jesus Christ having negro blood in his veins? Very much, as we shall show further on. Now, the Scriptures teach us that Jesus Christ was to come and did come of the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah, born in Mesopotamia, B. C., 1755. The Scriptures plainly teach that Christ was of this tribe. Old Jacob himself, when he was blessing his sons just before his death, said that the sceptre should not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be (Genesis, 49th chapter and 10th verse). This Judah had two sons by a Canaanitish woman whose name was Tamar. She was a descendant of Canaan, a black man. The names of these two sons were Phares and Zarah. The name of Phares, a half white and a half black or mulatto man, appears in the generation of Jesus Christ (Matthew, 1st chapter and 3d verse). So the reader can see plainly that Judah, of 13 whom Christ was to come, starts off by presenting to the world a child by a Canaanitish woman, who was a negress. This royal family begins with a child by a white man and a black woman (Matthew, 1st chapter and 3d verse). Having shown the reader that Judah married a Canaanitish woman, a negress, and that the two children spoken of in the chapter referred to above were also chil¬ dren of a negress, and after stating that Judah had no other children excepting those that were by Canaanitish women (I Chronicles, 2d chapter, 3d and 4th verses), we can say without fear of contradiction that the state¬ ment we make declaring that Jesus Christ had negro blood in His veins is true, because the Canaanites were black people, they being descendants of Canaan. We now proceed to show that another black woman married into this royal family of whom Christ came. Rahab, who married Salmon, a chief man of the tribe of Judah, was a black woman. They had a child whose name was Boaz. He married Ruth. This Rahab was a Canaanite, a descendant of Canaan, who was a son of Ham. 14 She it was who hid the spies that were sent into the land of Canaan by Joshua. Her life, with the lives of her kindred, were saved when the city of Jericho was taken and destroyed (Joshua, 2d chapter, 21st verse). Rahab became a converted woman and married Salmon, a chief man of the tribe of Judah, as we have stated, and thereby became the ancestress of David and of Christ. We now present the third woman of the Hamitic race who married into the royal family of whom Christ came. Bathsheba, whom David took for a wife, had formerly been the wife of Uriah, a black soldier. She was the mother of Solomon. We are taught that the name Bathsheba means a daughter or woman of Sheba, and that means that she was a descend¬ ant of Cush, a son of Ham. The fourth black woman that married into this royal family of whom Christ came, was Solomon's lawful wife. She was an Egyptian woman, a daughter of Pharaoh, King of Egypt (1st Kings, 3d chap¬ ter, 1st verse). Therefore, in the generation of Jesus Christ we have the blood of four negro women. Now, from the facts that have been stated above, we have clear proof that Jesus Christ came nearer being a black man than a 15 white man, or at least a very dark man, by reason of all the above named Hamitic women marrying into the family of which He came. And we challenge successful contradic¬ tion of this statement. Now, the thought that presents it¬ self to us is, what will the negro-hating white Christians do when He comes to take charge of His church, and they find that He is a black Savior? Will the white man worship a black Savior? Yet, that is what they do every day in the week, and must forever do or have no Savior at all, for we have proven in this chapter that the incarnate Savior was nearer a black than a white man, and if He was living in the United States of America to-day He would be called a negro. Again we say, what will the negro-hating white man do when He comes to judge the world, and he (the white man) must receive his reward from Him, whether it be good or evil, and lo, he finds Him deeply mixed with that race against whom he has done everything that is mean and wicked that could be thought of under heaven, and is now his Judge and Rewarder ? 16 KINGS. Not only is this true. There was Hamitic blood in all of the kings that came of the tribe of Judah, and history says that there were nineteen successive kings in the line of David. I have already shown you that David had Hamitic blood in him by reason of the actions of Judah and Sal¬ mon, both of whom married Canaanitish women, who were black people. Now, if David had negro blood in him, so did his son Solomon, and so did all the rest that followed the line of David. You can see, then, that the descendants of Ham have contributed no small quantity of blood to the veins of all the kings of the tribe of Judah, even to the veins of Jesus Christ, the greatest of all kings. Therefore, the negro has been a factor in the powers that have 17 ruled the earth. Consequently, he has ruled with the white man upon the throne, having their blood mixed. So when you saw David ruling upon the throne, you saw a percentage of Ham ruling there also, and a pretty large percentage at that, because four Hamitic women coming into this royal family gives Ham a pretty large percentage of the blood that ran through the veins of the rulers upon the throne. I speak not now of the negroes' own kings, whose blood was not mixed, who ruled over their own people, for it is known that they had many kings who ruled over people of great wealth and culture in those days. In fact, Egypt led the world in art and science in ancient times. But we par¬ ticularly call the attention of the reader to the fact that David and all the kings that came of the tribe of Judah had Hamitic blood in them; and in the veins of Jesus Christ, the greatest of all kings, the blood of Ham was in abun¬ dance. Therefore, the black man who helped Christ to bear the cross was helping his own kinsman. Of course, the Scriptures have but little or nothing to say about the color 18 of a man or woman, for in those days a man was spoken of as a man of a certain country or as a child of a certain man, and there was nothing said about his color at all. You would only know his color by knowing who lived in that country or by knowing a man's ancestors. This colorphobia is more of modern times, and we have more of it in America, perhaps, than in any other civilized or uncivilized country in the world, and still we have at least seven millions of people in this country who are neither white nor black, and yet they are called negroes. Who is responsible for this burning shame? Our white brothers, who took charge of the black man against his will and started to teach him civilization and religion when they were heathens, and while teaching the black man re¬ ligion, they robbed him of his color, and this is the result— look! look! There were two black men who were teachers and preachers with the apostles, but their color is not men¬ tioned; yet it is known, because of the country from which they came, and theologians and commentators 19 declare that they were black men. They preached to white people, too; but there was no tumult over it, because in those times a man was regarded as a man and had his standing according to principle and character, and was not rated according to or by his color. The names of these two black men who preached and taught with the apostles were Niger, who was sometimes called Simeon, and Lucius (Acts, 13th chapter and 1st verse). The latter the writer was named after. I think that we have proved that Ham has been honored with all there was to be honored with, he having occupied the highest seat in the royal family, having become the an¬ cestor of Christ, because four Hamitic women married into the royal family of which He came; and by proving that black men were set apart and ordained by the apostles to teach and preach with them. Lucius was probably a kins¬ man of Paul (Romans, 16th chapter and 21st verse). These men went forth to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. They did not stop to look for a colored gathering to preach to, for there was none; but instead of looking 20 around for a colored race to preach to, they recog¬ nized the fact that there was only one race that Jesus came to save, and that was the human race, and to that race Niger, who was called Simeon, and Lucius, preached. I think, secondly, that we have proven that Jesus Christ had negro blood in Him, because, as we have said, Judah—the tribe of whom Christ was to come and did come—had no other children excepting those he had by Canaanitish women (I Chronicles, 2d chapter, 3d and 4th verses). It is accepted by every one wherever the Christian religion is accepted that Christ came of that tribe, and we re-state that the Canaanites were black people. 21 PROPHETS. Not only did David and Christ come of the tribe of Judah, but many of the prophets came of that tribe. Amos was of that tribe, and some of the leading prophets were of this tribe. In fact, nearly all of the prophets were with and under the kings of Judah; and therefore they must have been of that tribe; and let the reader bear in mind that every man or woman that sprang from the tribe of Judah had Hamitic blood in his veins, whether he was a king, a judge or a prophet, because, as stated above, Judah had no children excepting those he had by Canaanitish women, who were descendants of Canaan, a black man. 22 JUDICIARY. The establishment of the system of our courts was born in the brain of a black man. That is, the plan for establishing the inferior, superior and supreme courts was given to Moses by his father-in-law, Jethro, a black man (Exodus, 18th chapter, 21st to 26th verses). This is the first division of the courts that was ever planned and adopted in the civilized world. As we have said, the system of the judiciary referred to is the product o-f a negro's brain. That system or a similar one is in vogue at the present time all over the civilized world. 23 CHAPTER II. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE WAS BUILT BY A NEGRO. The greatest house that was ever built upon earth was built by a negro. A house that was honored by the Divine Creator as no other house has ever been honored. It was built by Hiram of Tyre, the widow's son, and be it re¬ membered that the Tyrians were black people. Tyre was the celebrated emporium of old Phoenicia. History teaches that there were three of these Hirams of Tyre. Two of them were kings; one succeeded the other in office. The first one of these kings sent congratulations to David on his accession to the throne, and aided in build¬ ing his palace. The second was also a friend of David; he 25 furnished essential aid in the building of Solomon's temple; he provided timber, stone and immense amount of gold. The third one of these Hirams or Hurams, was a skillful artificer, and his mother was a Jewess. His father was a Tyrian, a man of the Hamitic race; because, as stated above, the old Phoenicians were black people; they being descendants of Ham. Hiram, the widow's son, was of this people (II Chronicles, 2d chapter and 14th verse). All of the interior decorations and utensils of Solomon's temple were made under the direction of Hiram (I Kings, 7th chapter, 13th and 14th verses). We here mention just a little of his work in the temple. He cast two pillars of brass, eighteen cubits high, and set them up in the porch of the temple; he called the right pillar Jachin, and the left pillar Boaz. He made a molten sea, ten cubits from one brim to the other, and it stood upon twelve oxen— three looking toward the north, three looking toward the west, three toward the south and three looking toward the east. He made cherubim, lions and palm trees. This gives some idea of the work done by this great and wonderful man, who in this day would be called a negro. 26 I have not mentioned one-third of the work that was done by Hiram in the temple. We have mentioned him, together with some of his great works, to show that the Hamitic race has contributed to the church and state from ancient times up to the present time. All of the real gran¬ deur and beauty of the greatest house ever built was built by a negro. It has been said by some historians that if the kings of old Phoenicia, a land of black people, had not given the aid that they did, it is doubted that the temple ever would have been built. Certainly there never would have been such a one built as was built, had it not been for the timber, stone and the great amount of gold that was furnished Solomon by Hiram, a black king of Tyre, and the work done by the master workman in the person of Hiram, the widow's son, whom we said was a negro, because he was a son of a black man and a white woman, and all such at the present time are called negroes. 27 FREEMASONRY. Freemasonry is said to have started at Solomon's temple by Hiram of Tyre, the widow's son. If that be true, then freemasonry was given to the world by a negro, and we think this is true, because Hiram is referred to by masons as no other man, and his works in the temple are also re¬ ferred to by masons more than the works of any other man, especially his works such as making the great pillars of brass and setting them up in the porch of Solomon's temple, and giving to them such time-honored names. One he called Jachin and the other he called Boaz. Freemasons in every nation have honored these names, and have ever honored the name of Hiram as well. But little did, or does many of them who do such honor to the name and memory of Hiram, know that he was the son of a black man. 28 I have been told that the freemasons in America—the white members of it—do not want to recognize the colored men who are masons, not knowing or forgetting that a col¬ ored man was the founder of freemasonry. I think it many of the American white men had known this, that they never would have become members of that fraternity, because of their great prejudice. The Hamitic race will have to claim this wonderful man, Hiram of Tyre, because it is the rule that children take the name of their father and are classed on his side. It is the rule in America to call such children negroes. 29 PRIESTS. The first priest that is recorded upon earth was aCanaan- ite, a black man, in the person of Melchizedek. Of course no one knows when he was born, nor when he died, be¬ cause there was no record kept of him; but that he was a Canaanite is pretty certain. First, because he had a Ca- naanitish name. Secondly, he lived in old Canaan, a land of black people; and at that time there were no white peo¬ ple living in old Canaan, excepting Abraham and his family, that history gives any account of. For further proof that Melchizedek was a Canaanite, see the Bible handbook by Joseph Angus, D.D., a member of the Royal Asiatic So¬ ciety, page 152. "Melchizedek was a king of Salem, also priest of the most high God, in which capacity he blessed Abraham" (Genesis, 14th chapter, 17-20th verses). 30 He was a royal priest by the appointment of God. Thus, he was a type of Jesus Christ, who is priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, and not after the order of Aaron (read Hebrews, 7th chapter). Melchizedek was a friend of Abraham and of a rank elevated above him. There had been men who offered sacrifices in their fami¬ lies, but there had been no divinely appointed priest before Melchizedek, the Canaanite, that we can find on record anywhere. Here Ham was honored, not by men, but by the Lord God Himself. The Lord God has taught that the Hamitic race was fit for something higher than the drawing of water and the hewing of wood, and some of them always did and always will hold some better place than that, and no preju¬ dices or persecution will keep them from it, for some of them are bound to get there. 31 CHAPTER III. I do not write this book from a spirit of_bigotry; but it is a matter of history, which, I think, will be in¬ teresting to some people. I present it to the world of mankind, and in sending it forth I challenge successful contradiction. I have undertaken to champion the black man's cause in a different way, perhaps, from any man that has ever started out to write upon this ever-perplexing race question. Secondly, I send it forth to the world because the white man of this country hates his black brother and punishes him because God Almighty choose to make him black. The only excuse they give for their inhuman treatment to the black man is his color, and in their maltreatment of them 33 because of their color, they have condemned God, who made the color, and they punish the negro for having the color; for they, the white people, have made it the cause of their actions toward the negro upon all occasions, every¬ where and at all times. I send it forth, thirdly, because there is a disposition' in this country to undervalue all that the negro has done —before the war and since. They undervalue all that he has done to increase the wealth of the nation. It all counts for nothing. He bore the white man's bur¬ den for 247 years, but it is not remembered. He cleared the forest for him; drove out the great beasts; built houses, barns, churches and schoolhouses for his white brother. He made the bread and paid for the college education of his white brother. All this has merited nothing. But the worst name and the mean¬ est treatment that hell itself could devise has been poured upon the negro, without being mixed with the least degree of mercy. The black man has fought in all the wars that the nation 34 has had, and he did his part well. He has allowed his blood to be poured out like water upon the ground in de¬ fense of this government, only to be denied the most com¬ mon rights of a man. This government for which they fought, bled and died, now refuses absolutely to protect them in the exercise of their rights. I do not believe that there is another nation on earth that is so ungrateful. They have appealed to the government again and again, but it has absolutely refused to grant them any protection—either to men, women, children or to their property; and thus thousands upon thousands of these people have been mur¬ dered by the white men of this country because they were powerless to help themselves, and because God Almighty made them black people. They don't want them to hold office for fear of misrule and domination; and we say if their misrule can be ex¬ ceeded, God only knows where the pattern is to come from. Yes, the negro is undefended by the government under which they live; yes, undefended by the govern¬ ment that they have been loyal to in the times of peace and in the times of war. 35 They are robbed every day in the year, only because they are powerless to help themselves. Their white brothers take the advantage of their weakness and inability to help themselves and make life hard for them at every point, and cause the black man to work against individual and organ¬ ized opposition. Why do I say that these people are robbed every day in the year? Well, his white brother, for he is his brother, has taught his black brother relig¬ ion and lessons in the Golden Rule. He charges his black brother from five to ten dollars more per month for a house to live in than he charged a white man who just moved out of it. Then he pays a black man ten dollars less than he paid a white man to do the same work. This is the way the Golden Rule works toward his brother in black. The facts stated above would cause a man to lose from fifteen to twenty dollars per month, or $240 per year, or $2,400 in ten years. That much is unjustly taken from one poof man.: Suppose they take that much from a hundred thousand' then, that would be $2,400,000 that number of men woulcl be robbed of in ten years, and they are not the 36 one hundredth part of their workingmen. This kind of business has been going on for nearly forty years. See the millions that these people have been robbed of in just the two methods mentioned above. And his white brother who taught him religion calls such treatment as I have just de¬ scribed, just, right and fair. Can any one make me believe that Spain ever treated her subjects any worse? Never! Or any other nation this side of Sheol. How can we prove that the man of color has to work against individual and organized opposition? Well, he works against individual opposition because when his white neighbor advertises for help in his place of business, and if a negro applies for the place or position, he is refused. He cannot get the position as clerk, bookkeeper or salesman. Not one white man in a thousand would give him such a position, no matter what the black man's ability might be, or how good his character might be; yet the black man spends all of his money with him, and does not take it 37 away out of the country. That is the way the white mao's Golden Rule works in this city. White men laugh at the negroes' poor and wretched con¬ dition, and say the reason of their condition is that they are worthless, when they themselves have closed the avenues against them. Yes, they say that the negro has had fair play and ought to have done better. Well, we say let the Christian's God be the judge in the matter. The half that the black man suffers in this country has never been told. Even the pulpits are locked against say¬ ing anything in condemnation of the inhuman and most damnable treatment which they are subjected to in this country. There are not three preachers in a thousand that would stand up and publicly condemn the hellish deeds that are practised against a defenseless and most loyal citi¬ zen. They preach against Spain's treatment to the Cubans, which was not as bad as the treatment that the negro re¬ ceives in the United States, and in some respects was not half so bad. They preach against every sin excepting the sins of the 38 American white people against the black people. I do not wish to misrepresent any one, nor the condition of. the negro; neither would I try to make it appear that all negroes are perfect saints. They have their tramps and criminals just the same as other people, but no more than other people. In many parts of this country when one of them is accused of a crime, he is not allowed a chance to prove whether he is guilty or not, but after a verdict of a jury that was filled with prejudice from their birth, he is hurried off to prison or they make a bonfire of him while yet alive, without the least proof of his being guilty. Only the murderers come back from the burning and say that the negro confessed the crime. They tell this while their hands are covered with human blood and their garments smell of death, and the Ameri¬ can people take this statement as being satisfactory, and that is the end of it. You may see an account of it in the papers *he next day, but you seldom see a word in that paper condemning the unjust, barbaric and in¬ human conduct. You look to the pulpit on Sunday, 39 but not a word will you hear against it. They preach against dancing—a thing that the commandments say nothing against; they preach against going to the theatre—a thing that the commandments say nothing against; they preach against people going to the sea¬ side on Sunday to get a little fresh air—a thing that God has not said a word against. But not one sermon in ten thousand says anything against dragging a man out of bed at night from his wife and little children, and murdering him before their eyes, without law, without judge and without jury. Not a word, not a word, is said in the pulpit against it. Therefore, we are compelled to say that the white man's religion in the United States is wrong, because he has a religion of race prejudice and race hatred, and such a re¬ ligion has never saved any one since the days of Jesus Christ upon earth. All the almost countless thousands that have died with that kind of religion are lost, if the Scriptures are true. For it says (I John, 3d chapter and 15th verse) that whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. And we 40 know it says no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. That means whosoever loveth not his brother (same chap¬ ter, 14th verse). I wonder how many white Christians that have ever died in this country, really loved their black brothers, and that were free from race prejudice, and if they died with race prejudice and race hatred, tell me where they are now. Answer according to the teachings of the Bible. All who are now living and hateth any one on earth are murderers; and, therefore, unsaved now, and never can be if they retain race prejudice and race hatred, and I doubt that the American white man ever gives that up— not even in death. I 'repeat that the religion of the white American is wrong, according to the Bible which he professes to go by (I John, 2d chapter, 9th verse; 3d chapter and 15th verse; 4th chap¬ ter and 20th verse). His conduct toward the darker races proves that his religion is full of race prejudices and race hatred. Such a religion has never saved any one nor never will, if the Bible be true. Moreover, such a religion is nor fit to take to the heathen. It would do him more harm 41 than good; for if the heathen accepts of such a religion he can never be saved, and without it he would stand a better chance. For only the religion of love will save any one. But the negro will not always play the fool; his day will come, and I fully believe that in some perilous times this nation will need his friendship, and the treatment that he has received will be remembered. Jacob had a good time once at Esau's expense, but there came a time when he dreaded to meet his brother Esau. The slave of this country met his master once where the master never expected to meet him, and the meeting was a dreadful one. The white men of this country say that the negro is rapeful, and that they have to murder them in these unlawful ways in order that they may protect the virtue of their women. Well, the writer has nothing to say against any man for protecting his wife and daughter from outrage, and I have no respect for any man who will not protect his family against scoundrels, whether they be white or black. But it has been proven beyond successful contradiction 42 that there has been less than one to the million per annum of the negro race who has even attempted to commit rape from the end of the Civil War up to 1903; so, you see, that the charges made against them is absolutely false. But, on the other hand, it has been the negro women who have been wronged by white men; and if they had murdered a white man for every colored woman that they have wronged or outraged, there would be a funeral long enough to reach around the world and the marching would never cease. But the negro has waited upon the law, which is dead so far as his redress is concerned. I believe in protecting the virtue of women where it exists, but I believe in protecting the virtue of all women, white and black alike. Anything short of this is downright hypocrisy. Now, the writer does not make these charges against all white men. The negro has many friends in the North and in the South, and they acknowledge their gratitude for what these friends have done and they are thankful for what they are doing for them; but as they have so many millions 43 who are opposed to them having the rights and enjoy¬ ments of a man, and such rights and enjoyments as belong to every man, till we feel bound to speak out and enter our protest; for it does seem to us that ninety-eight white men out of every hundred are prejudiced to color in some de¬ gree or other ; and any man who is prejudiced to another will never willingly concede to that man all that is right¬ fully his. Any man who is prejudiced toward another man ought never to sit as as a juror upon that man's case in court; for he will decide against him just as sure as he takes his seat. Every judge and every lawyer knows that this is true. A prejudiced man will and does decide against you before the case is heard. Yes, he is against you before he gets his boots on in the morning. Thus, you.can see how little the negro has to hope for when he is brought in court. But justice will not sleep forever. This same Jesus to whom Ham was related in the 'flesh will remember the negro, and the Lord God is and will be found on the side of right, and right will prevail just as certain as the heavens stand to-day, and all that is wrong must and will 44 go down. There is no such thing as the separating of sin from punishment; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap, said the Master, and whatsoever a nation soweth is equally true. I suppose that it was a long time before Spain could be made to believe that statement of the Master, but I suppose that she has learned her lesson well by this time, and so will this nation learn hers. It is bound to come, or God is dethroned and the devil is God. This nation would do well to stop its unjust dealings before it, like Spain, be made to stop by the irresistible God, who will lead whoever he may appoint to bring about a change. The negro now appeals to every humane individual in » the civilized world to interest themselves in his behalf, by saying or doing whatever is necessary to relieve a poor, robbed, oppressed, defenseless and undefended people. 45 CHAPTER IV. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. The question that confronts us now is, will the black man survive or live through all the prejudice and persecu¬ tion that he has to face in this country at the present time? We answer in the affirmative, because there is such a law in nature as the survival of the fittest. Persecution and prejudice will not annihilate any nation, people or principle that God would have live or exist upon the face of the earth. The Jews were persecuted in Egypt for a great many years, and their persecu¬ tion was of the severest kind. Even their children were ordered to be killed at birth, and yet the Hebrews 47 survived under it all and muitiolied the more. They outlived Pharaoh and his government, and are living to-day and are a mighty power in the financial world. This was because God judged them more fit to live than their persecutors. No, persecution and prejudice will not annihilate any nation, people or principle that is fit to live or exist. That has been tried in all ages of the world. A people may be caused to suffer and suffer much, as the negro has suffered in this country and as the Jews suffered in Egypt, but neither has been anni¬ hilated by the persecutor. And the negroes, like the Jews, are multiplying as the sands of the seashore. They are the only people that are increasing the American popu¬ lation to any considerable numbers through births. The white population increases through immigration. The negroes increase the population through births, notwith¬ standing the great sufferings and privations through which they have had to come. Robbed and cheated, and even murdered by the thousands, besides having the lucrative doors of the industries closed against him. All other nations, and even the scavengers of other 48 nations, are invited to partake of the good things of America; everybody and anybody excepting the black man. He is refused a fair chance in life, and is shut out, and yet he has lived—and not only lived, but he has improved his tondition by improving his mind. He was liberated and left, as it were, naked—without a handful of seed-corn to plant, and not a piece of land, as large as his hand to plant it in if he had the corn. Not a horse, or a mule or a plough in all God's world. He did not have a house in which to sleep, and not a dollar in the wide world with which to pay rent. He did not have a tree to stand under to protect him¬ self from the rain. He was also left in ignorance as dark as the night, because before the war it was a crime punishable by law for any one to teach him how to read or write. But for all that, he has reduced his illiteracy forty-five per cent, in one generation. Our object was not to have much to say about the treatment which the negro receives in this chapter, as we have already spoken of it in the first part p* this 49 book. Our object in speaking of it here is to show that persecution and. prejudice will not annihilate him He is here to stay. The abolitionists of this country started out with a principle, and that principle was opposed by those who were against freedom. The principle that the abolitionist started out with was op¬ posed and fought in every conceivable way that could be thought of. Men and women wrote and spoke against it everywhere, and in all parts of the country the abolitionists were persecuted in the most severe manner. Some had their printing-presses destroyed; some were dragged through the streets; John Brown was murdered; Charles Sumner was struck down in the United States Senate; Abraham Lincoln was mur¬ dered. The South spent nearly everything it had and lost thousands of its choice sons fighting against a prin¬ ciple that was just and right, and lost the fight, and the principle to which the abolitionist held triumphed because it was the fittest, and therefore it survived the principle held to by the South. 50 Whatever principle that ought to live will live and receive recognition of the best people, and all the persecution and prejudice that can be poured upon it cannot exterminate it. Its cause may suffer, but it will never die. This is history, and it has been true in all ages of the human family. There was an effort made once by the majority of mankind to drive the principles of the religion from the face of the earth many thousands of years before Christ, but the fittest survived; that is, the true religion sur¬ vived the principles held to by her persecutors. This little handful who worshipped the true God was a small minority. They started out against great opposition, and met with prejudice and persecution almost every¬ where. The persecutors killed the prophets, and later they murdered Jesus Christ—the greatest of all the prophets. They, however, murdered John the Baptist just before Him, and later murdered all the apostles ex¬ cepting one. And still Christianity continued to spread. Men may die, but principles live on. The per- 51 secutors may kill men, as they always have done and are doing now, but they can never kill a principle that is just and right and right according to God's rule of right. In the persecution some Christians were thrown to the wild beasts, and were torn to pieces. Many women were torn to pieces while the milk was seen streaming from the breast; some men were burned in the fire; others were tied to two horses, and these horses were driven in opposite directions and pulled the man in two pieces; and others were decapitated. Notwithstanding all this, Christianity continued to grow and flourish. They thought, perhaps, when they killed Jesus Christ that the doctrine of the true and living God would be done with, but the fire grew larger and Christianity spread all the more. Governors and rulers rose up against the principles of the little hand¬ ful of Christians, and even united their forces against them; but the principles held to by this little band of Christians survived all the powers that opposed them and conquered, and has raised her banner over or in 52 every known nation in the world, and to-day Christ has more than 450,000,000 Christians in the world. Thus you see the survival of the fittest. We think that we have proven our statement that prejudice and persecution will not annihilate any peo¬ ple or principle that God wants to live, and I think it is fair to say that if God had not wanted the dark- skinned people to live, that he never would have made them. When we speak of the survival of the fittest, we mean from the moral, religious, physical and intellect¬ ual view points. As to a man or a nation surviving will depend much upon the moral condition of that man or nation. Immorality has been the cause of the fall of every man, nation or tribe that has fallen since God made the first man. History furnishes us with the in¬ formation concerning the wrecks all along the road, beginning with the antediluvian world, and coming up to the present time. The cause of the flood which destroyed mankind from 53 the face of the earth, was immorality: and Noah and his family survived the whole world of mankind because he was more moral than they. The reader can see in this case, also, that the fittest survived. He may also notice in this case, as in all others, that a majority amounts to nothing in the carrying out of this rule: The survival of the fittest. That is true of nations that have gone down. This we make as a general statement without attempting to enumerate them, and we think that all true history will bear us out in the statement. The reader can see that much, and very much depends upon the moral condition of a people as to whether they will stand or fall. "Well," says one, "do you mean to say that the negro is more moral than the white man, and, therefore, will survive him?" I do not say that, but I do say that God has not judged the negro as being more immoral than the white man, or he never would have helped him and the negro never would have lived under the great persecution and maltreatment that he has had to endure 54 for the last 271 years. I say 271 years, because the negro's persecution has never ceased. It has been con¬ tinuous; before the war and since, and he is by no means annihilated and never will be. So those who hope to see that day will die without the sight. Moreover, in speaking of his morals. I am sure that they are as high as the white man's. Go into the city and count the houses of dissipation, and find out who keeps them and who supports them. Take for an in¬ stance five hundred, and you will find that at least four hundred and eighty of them are kept and supported by white people. All the gambling-houses are kept and supported by white men; and in New York it is now stated that the houses of ill repute are protected by a white police force. Who ever knew a band of negroes to hold up a train and rob it and the passengers? A thing that is fre¬ quently don* in America, but not by negroes. Who ever knew a band of negroes to tear up the railroad track, and cause the train to run off the track, and it 55 full of passengers? How many negroes have been known to set fire to people's dwellings in the middle of the night and burn it down while the inmates slept? That is frequently done in America—almost every week, but not by negroes. Who ever knew a crowd of black men to take a human being or a horse or a dog out in the woods, and burn him up alive? This barbaric act is often done in America or in the United States, but the negro has not been found guilty of any of these great crimes which I have mentioned. We said that the survival of the fittest implies his religious fitness, as well as his moral, physical and in¬ tellectual. Now, if a man's faith is wrong, that means that his religion is wrong; for a man's religion consists of what he believes, and his morals consists of what he does, and if a man's faith is incorrect, his morals will be bad. If, therefore, the negro's faith is correct, the white American will never annihilate him, because his system of faith, if correct, brings him in relationship with God, and that means help for the negro, and whoever God blesses no man or nation can curse. 56 PHYSICAL. The black man is evidently as strong physically as the white man. What he has borne up under in the way of hard usage, and being half fed and half cared for generally, has proven that. Moreover, his physical ability to endure as a soldier in the army is an addi¬ tional evidence that he is physically as strong as his white brother. 57 MENTALLY. Mentally the negro has not attained to that develop¬ ment that the white man has attained to as a mass, and no one could expect him in one generation to reach the point of intellectual development that the white man has been more than twenty generations in getting to. But the black man of America has at least shown the possibility of his race. He has shown that he is susceptible of learning anything that any other race of people can learn. The negro has shown that he has a stronger nervous system than the white American has, and the strength of the mind depends upon the strength of the nervous system. Our proof is that the everlasting cry of insanity—the shield and hiding place of crime—is seldom found among negroes. 58 Another thought is that the black man seldom com¬ mits suicide; and any people that commit suicide are weak mentally. Now, the committing of suicide is as common in the United States as the rising and setting of the sun, and yet how seldom do we hear of a black man resorting to such a great and unpardonable sin in order that he may be released from trouble or to hide his crime and shame. The black man's mind is strong enough to bear his troubles of whatever kind, and his troubles are great and always have been in this country, because the American white people who are in the majority have always made life hard for him. It seems to be the important part of their religion. That is to make life unpleasant for the black man in every avenue of life, and yet he has borne it all without resorting to suicide and without committing but very few murders of his persecutors. White men would have committed ten thousand suicides, and as many homi¬ cides, since the war, if they had been placed in his stead. Judging from the present conduct as regards suicides 59 and homicides—for it is that so-called superior white race that commits nearly all the murder that is com¬ mitted in this country, and the negro whom they have published home and abroad as being so brutal seldom commits either suicide or homicide. And no man can refute this statement. And what we have stated above is clear proof that the black man has the strongest mind of the two races, and that he bears his troubles and waits upon his God, who will bring him out all right in the end, and he leaves this suicide and homicide business to those whom he would survive. 6.0