( 36 ) vice of the Heathen, (Marcus Antoninus, as I remember] THV T%v BiChiesv (P'l'^av pifov- Rid thyfelf of the Rbirjl after Books; and to Itudy nothing at all but what ferves to the Advancement of Piety and good Life. I have now fpent about 13 Years in the mo ft cele¬ brated Univerfity in the World ; in purfuing both iuch Learning as the Academical Standard requires, and as my private Genius inclined me to. But in Truth, when I think on my paft Intelleftual Conduft, I am as little fatisfied with it as with my Moral; being very con- fcious, that the greateft Part of my Time has been em¬ ployed in unconcerning Cur; hities, fuch as derive no Degree of moral Influence jpon the Soul that contem¬ plates them. m ™ But I have now a very different Apprehenfion of Things, and intend to fpend my uncertain Remainder of Time, in ftndying only what makes for the moral Improvement of my Mind, and Regulation of my Life: Being not able to give an Account, upon any rational and confiftent Principles, why I Ihould ftudy any Thing elfe. * More particularly, I fhall apply myfelf to read fuch Books as are rather perfuaftve than inftru&ive ; fuch as warm, kindle and enlarge the Affections, and awaken the divine Senfe in the Soul; as being convinced by eve¬ ry Day's Experience, that I have more Need of Heat than of Light. Tho' were I for more Light, ftill I think this would prove the beft Method of Illumination, and that when all is-done, the Love of GOD is the bell Light of the Soul. A Man may indeed have Knowledge without Love ; but he that loves, thd he wants Sciences humanly acquired, yet he will know more than human Wifdom can teach him, becauf'e he has that Mailer with¬ in him who teacheth Man Knowledge. FINIS. INSTRUCTIONS 3 tfci its* > w. bTH u» ;v6ya i betas stot! later FOR CHILDREN. ************************************** t the e rfmjii lay 121 tyuyli ,d » .fsdtffl Mcedflfl The Second Edition. ii iT OPiti Qttl! 5® ■tilnth Vtfir* * e-wvv-: *** *** <: ***** *** ***** ****-: ***** Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Paternojler- Ro