A SERMON, UPON THE WORD AMEN. REVELATION, XXII. 21. DELIVERED IN ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, Charleston, Feb. 7th, 1813. BY ANDREW~FOWLER, "A. M. RECTOR OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, EDTSTO ISLAND. ®ijarItstott: PRINTED BY D. J. DOWLIN&, N. W. CORNER CHURCH AND QUEEN-STREETS. 1835. I ADVERTISEMENT. The Author of this Discourse, at the time of writing it, was living upon Edisto Island, and had come to the city upon business, expecting to return on the Saturday following. The day be¬ fore/ Dr. Dehon invited him to preach in St. Mi¬ chael's Church the next Sunday; but he excused himself, by observing that he was under the ne¬ cessity of returning home, if the weather would permit. It so happened, however, that a heavy rain commenced early on Saturday morning, and Dr. Dehon wrote him a note, saying, "you must preach for me to-morrow, since you cannot leave the city to-day, and if you have no Sermon with you, you will have time sufficient to throw togeth¬ er a few thoughts for the occasion." His re¬ quest was accordingly complied with, and this Discourse was the result of the writer's reflec¬ tions. The author does not publish this Sermon, be¬ cause he supposes it to possess any peculiar ex¬ cellence, either in the style or manner of it; but because several of his old friends, who heard him deliver it, have lately solicited a copy of it, and he wishes to comply with their request. A SERMON. Let the v)ords of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be always acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."—Our Father, Sfc. REV. XXtl. 22—AMEN. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. He laid the foundations of this lower world, and built the vast fabric. He spake the word, and it came to pass. He created the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea. He also formed man out of the dust— created him after his own image—placed him in Paradise, and made him ruler over all things here below; even over the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the fishes of the sea, and all creeping things. But man being in honor, abode not; but rebelled against God his Creator, by eating of the forbidden fruit. Thus he, who was created but a little lower than the aifgels, by his disobedience, became but a little superior to the beasts of the field. So far did the fall debase human nature. Man, by his rebellion, lost communion with God, and rendered himself obnoxious to the wrath 6 of his Creator. By his transgression of the Divine Law, he forfeited all right and title to his favor, and became subject to pain, sickness, and death. A dreadful alteration now took place. Instead of the pleasures and sweets of Paradise, he is doomed to the gloom and melancholy of a howling wilderness. Instead of enjoying the light of God's countenance, he was fell under the power of sin ; that spiritual sickness, which destroyeth the soul; and which rendered him wretched and miserable indeed. No hand could now help him—no created arm could save him: the gate of Paradise was barred against htm with a flaming 3word, and the way to life rendered im¬ possible, even to the sorrowful and penitent heart. Now, Christ beholding the condition wherein man had brought himself by his disobedience, steps forth as a saviour; presents himself as a medi¬ ator between God and man, and offers to pay the debt due for sin. God the Father, being pleased with the mediation of Christ,as one mighty and able to save, says, Amen: so let it be:—let Christ die for man:—let him suffer to pay the debt due for sin:— let him satisfy the divine justice : Through him, my wrath shall he appeased, and man shall again be re-admitted into a state of favor, and reconcil¬ iation with his maker : His death shall cancel the demands of the law, and this proverb shall no more be used, the parents have eaten sour grapes, Qnd the children's teeth are set on edge. Accordingly, Christ left the bosom of the Fa- 7 tVier, the superlative excellence, the prerogatives of the Godhead, and came into this our world, and took our nature upon him. For us, he descended from far above all principalities and powers : For us, he became a helpless infant, and was content to be born in the meanest circumstances of pover¬ ty and degradation : For us, and for our salva¬ tions, he was reviled and afflicted; yea, he hum¬ bled himself unto death, even the death of the cross. How did the haughty Scribes and Phari¬ sees persecute him', even the King's of Glory, the holy one of Israel, the Lord of light and life. As a Father pities his children, so did Christ pity us. He bore our infirmities, and our stripes were laid upon him. He was judged by men, and the vi¬ lest of men; and condemned to die the death of a malefactor, by the very breath which he himself inspired. He was scourged by Pilate, stripped by the soldiers of his garments, and a crown of thorns, as a mock ensign of royalty, was set upon his head, and a reed put into his hand. They spit in his face, and buffetted him. They bowed their heads before him, and cried, hail King of the Jews, in derision. Away to Calvary they dragged him, and placed him upon the cross, as the worst of evil doers. See your Jesus lying down upon that bed of sorrows; and his mother* with the women, and the beloved Disciples, weep¬ ing around him ! Behold the nails and the ham¬ mer! The appointed soldier fastens him to the wood! It is erected! Jesus is lifted up between 8 the Heavens and the Earth! He hangs suspen¬ ded upon his wounds, a spectacle to man, and to angels! How, he cries in the bitterness of his soul, Eloi, Eloi, lama Sabacthane? My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? What, O Heavenly Father, hast thou forsaken thy son, thine only be¬ gotten son? Whence these direful groans! those heart-rending agonies ! Jesus dies! Horrid spec¬ tacle! Dies between two thieves ! My very flesh trembles at the thought! The Earth quakes— the veil of the temple is rent asunder—the graves are opened—the dead arise, and the Sun, as if ashamed to behold the cruel deed, hides his face in darkness ! Yet how do the Priests, and Scribes, and Elders of the people, mock his dying pangs! O ye Angels, how could ye bear the sight! ye ce¬ lestial spirits, to see the King of glory upon the accursed tree. Be astonished, O ye Heavens, and tremble thou earth at the ingratitude of sinful man! But hark! Methinks I hear yet a voice! Jesus cries! But what does he cry? He cries Amen ! It is finished. I have paid the debt due for sin— reconciled God and man, and made an atonement for the whole human race! Here ends the scene of his sufferings. Christ gives up the ghost! He hangs a. pale, ghastly corpse! See his withering limbs! His once sparkling eyes, and blooming cheeks! Behold his snow white skin! his throb¬ bing breast—his pierced side! his hands and feet! All these speak with a still small voice, come unto 9 me, ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will re¬ fresh you:—1 will give rest unto your souls ! Rest ilnto our souls? O blessed Jesus, it is all we need; we ask no more. Grant us gracious Lord to be truly thankful to thee, and to follow the path thou hast marked out, ever led by the gui¬ dance of thy holy spirit, and at last receive us to the blissful mansions above, where thou forever reignest; where all tears shall be wiped from our eyes, and where all sorrow shall be taken from our hearts. Thus did Christ die! It is certain also that he rose from the dead, being "the first fruits of those who slept." " For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection from the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." And he hath also ascended into heaven, and taken a seat at the right hand of God the Father, where he is surrounded with my¬ riads of Angels, and an innumerable company of ministring spirits, who continually cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Host; Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy Glory." And it also is evident that he will come again at the last day, in great power and awful dignity, to judge both the quick and the dead. For he saith, surely I come quickly—Amen. And the echo, or expectation of the Apostle, or Church, is, even so come Lord Jesus. And again, "behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also ivho pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall 10 wail because of him. Even so—Amen." "What scenes of terror, shall then sieze upon the souls of those, who refused to obey their rightful Lord and Sovereign—rejected his offers of mercy and reconciliation, set light by the gospel, and all the invitations of his love and compassion? How will they tremble to meet the righteous Judge, the man whom their sins, and their iniquities have pierced, even the Redeemer of the world, the Lamb of God! Their souls will then shudder at the very sight of him, whom they crucified; when he shall come to take vengeance on those, who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; at whose second coming, the King's of the earth, and the great men, and the Chief Captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, shall hide themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains, and shall say to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and Jrom the wrath of the Lamb• But what will all this avail? Shall the mountains and rocks hide them, that the Almighty, the searcher of hearts, and discerner of thoughts, should not bring them to Judgment ? No, alas! to Judgment they must come, there to give an account of all the deeds done in the body; and not only these, but all the world must appear before the Judgment seat of God, where they that have done good, shall receive this enravishing sentence pronounced upon them, by their reconciled God and Judge; come ye blessed of my Father, inheriteth 11 kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world! But to the wicked, those who have done evil, set light by the gospel, disobeyed the truth, and refused to be governed by the laws of Christ, he shall say, in awful accent, as the just recom¬ pense of their iniquities—depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his an- gels. This concludes! Now is the great Amen pro* nounced! The end is come! The Angel swear eth by him that liveth for ever and ever, that time shall he no more! Thus, this world, with all its pomp and glory is done away! a long eternity succeeds; and a never ending Sabbathism of rest brings up the rear. J2 A PRAYER. Grant us thy blessing, O Lord, and help us to meditate upon thy word. Pardon whatever thy pure eyes have seen amiss in us this day, while assembled together in thy house of prayer; and let thy truth live in our hearts. Though we are guilty, sinful, and polluted, thou art just and holy. Wash and sanctify us, and all our works in the blood of Jesus. Give freedom to every captive soul, and bid us all depart in thy peace, and with thy blessing, for Christ's sake.—Amen.