EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SPECIAL ORDERS 07 THE ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1864. I'ECIAL ORDERS OF THE ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, CON- FEDERATE STATES, 1864. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 2, 1864. |:cial Orders) I No. 1. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted Ithe President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant L. B. Mitchell, Inpany E, Forty-second Mississippi Volunteers; Captain K. R. Webb, Inpany D, Thirty-third Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant . WIV. Wilkinson, Company H, Eighth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain I W. Weatherford, Company E,Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers; Second Mutenant D. M. Williams, Company H, Twenty-second Alabama Vol- q Iteers; Captain Daniel Williams, Company K, First Florida Volunteers; fcond Lieutenant 0. B. Wright, Company C, Allison's squadron. O EL A furlough for twenty days is granted Private John M. Spencer, U Impany A, Mosby's battalion of cavalry. til. Private J. W. Atkins, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment North Car- * Ina Volunteers, is detailed for duty as hospital nurse, and will report O Ithe surgeon in charge of Chimborazo Hospital, in this city. Z ItV. The following-named privates are appointed hospital stewards, a Id will report for duty as designated : W. B. York, Company G, Sixth . Innessee Volunteers, to the colonel of Fourth Tennessee Volunteers; £ meph A. Rogers, Company B, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers, to < le colonel of his regiment. * IV. The resignation of Major-General William Smith, Provisional Army - Infederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect ecember 31, 1863. ^ IVI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to 2 le others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the 0 Infederate States be thereby incurred: B. JP. Kappel, Company E, Forty- pi Icth Alabama Volunteers ; H. W. Browder, Andrews' battery. < IVII. The resignation of Chaplain L. C. Ransom, Twentieth Regiment Z Jabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect u ®cember 31, 1863. J IVM. The leave of absence heretofore granted the following-named Juicers is extended as follows: Lieutenant Bryan James, Company A, >■ Mitts' artillery battalion, thirty days ; Lieutenant J. M. Simmons, Third M fcorgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant S. D. Shannon, aid-de-camp, 0 fenty days; Captain R. L. Y. Long, Company D, Phillips' Legion, ten Z my8; Colonel E. P. Alexander, artillery, Longstreet's corps, thirty days q l>m January 2, 1864; Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. C. Lewis, artillery, Pro- a Isional Army Confederate States, thirty days from December 28, 1863. 4 IX. Leave of absence is granted the following-named officers from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain J. R. Bell, Com- pany B, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers, sixty days from January 2, 1864; Captain R. B. Applewhite, Company H, Twelfth Mississippi Vol- unteers, sixty days from January 2,1864; First Lieutenant Benton Goode, Company C, Fifth Alabama Volunteers, forty days from January 2,1864. X. Sergeant A. M. Pithon, Company K, Tenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the Colonel of his regiment. XI. Robinson A. Todd is appointed an agent of the Subsistence De- partment, and will report to Major R. Tannahill, commissary of subsist- ence, at Petersburg, Va., for assignment to duty. XII. The following-named conscripts are discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disability: J. T.Butler, Third Congressional District Virginia; William J. Bickers, Eighth Con- gressional District Georgia. " XIII. Private Robert 0. Burch, Company H, Twenty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is discharged the service of the Confederate States. XIV. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: H. H. Jackson, Company C, Sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Robert Parker, Company B, Fortieth Mis- sissippi Volunteers. XV. Surgeon Paul DeS. Baker is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to medical director at Mobile, Ala., for assign- ment to hospital duty in Eufaula, Ala. XVI. Assistant Surgeon L. White will report without delay to Surgeon IR A.} Flewellen, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment. XVII. Surgeon Joseph Bensedon will report without delay to Major J. C. Denis, commandant of conscripts State of Alabama, for assignment. XVIII. Assistant Surgeon J. F. J. 'McClery will report without delay to Surgeon [W. AJ] Carrington, medical director, &c., for assignment. XIX. The following-named medical officers are relieved from their present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon \_Frank A.] Ramsey, medical director, at Abingdon, Va.: Surgeon R. Q. Owrrey, Assistant Surgeons L. D. Carter, J. R. Hoffman. XX. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 304, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, December 23, 1863, relating to Hospital Steward J. R. [or J. A.] Kennaird, is hereby revoked. XXI. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No-298, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 16,1863, as refers to Colonel M. W. Hannon, Fifty-third Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and he will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 5 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmorid, January 4,1864. Special Orders) No. 2. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon E. J. Bowen, Provis- ional Army Confederate States; Surgeon Dan. F. Wright, Third Tennes- see Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon George Ross, Provisional Army Con- federate States; Colonel D. H. Hamilton, First South Carolina Volun- teers. II. Assistant Surgeon B. 0. Cook will report without delay to Surgeon IE. A.] Flewellen, medical director, &c., at Dalton, Ga., for assignment. III. Assistant Surgeon A. S. Cameron is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to officer commanding Fourth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers for assignment to duty. IV. Assistant Surgeon John R. Jones will report without delay to Medical Director [S. if.] Stout, at Atlanta, Ga., for duty. V. Surgeon Saul Second [Solomon Secord,~\ Twentieth Georgia Regi- ment, will proceed without delay to Rogersville, Tenn., via Bristol and report to Lieutenant-General Longstreet for duty with his regiment. VI. Hospital Steward A. H. Bailey is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., for duty in hospital at Danville, Va. VII. Hospital Steward N. B. Cook is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon N. S. Crowell, medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty. VIII. Surgeon H. M. D. Martin is relieved from his present duty, and will report to medical director Army of Northern Virginia for assign- ment. IX. Assistant Surgeon Henry Briscoe is relieved from his present duty and will report without delay to Surgeon [R. P.] Brodie, medical director at Charleston, S. C., for duty. X. Assistant Surgeon John W.Suggs will report without delay to Sur- geon [P. P.] Brodie, medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment. XI. Assistant Surgeon A. M. Ashbrook will report without delay to Surgeon [E. A.] Flewellen, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for duty. XII. Assistant Surgeon Henry J. Smith will report without delay to Surgeon [E. A.~] Flewellen, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for duty. XIII. Surgeon R. H. Dalton is relieved from his present duty, and will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Scott, acting medical director, at Brandon, Miss., for duty. > XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers is extended as follows: First Lieutenant Arch. Boiling, Otey Bat- tery, five days from January 18, 1864; Major I. M. Partridge, commis- sary of subsistence, Posey's brigade, ten days; Lieutenant-Colonel J. D. Twiggs, First South Carolina Cavalry, fifteen days; Captain Walter C. Hallihan seven days from January 6, 1864. XV. Leave of absence for sixty days with permission to visit Arkan- sas is granted Captain Bart. Johnson, Company A, Third Regiment Ar- kansas Volunteers. XVI. Josiah Hawkins is appointed an agent of the Subsistence Depart- ment, and will report for duty to Major W. H. Dameron, chief commis- sary of subsistence State of Mississippi, at Meridian, Miss. XVII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon E. H. Sholl, Provisional Army Confederate States. 2—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.-4 6 XVIII. Sergeant John S. Hyatt, Sixty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volun- teers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XIX. E. D. Smith is appointed hospital steward, and will report for assignment to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director; &c., in this city. XX. Private Morris Thomas, Captain A. C. Smith's company, Fifth Battalion North Carolina [Florida] Cavalry, is transferred from'the army to the navy, and will report to commanding officer Confederate States steamer " Spray," at St. Marks, Fla. XXI. Peter Cliatt, conscript, Eighth Congressional District Georgia, is discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certi-. ficate of disability. XXII. A furlough for fifteen days is granted the following-narrTed~" men: Sergeant D. T. Rogers, Company H, Private William P. Fulton, Company F, Private W. W. Daniel, Company E, Fifth Missouri Infantry. XXIII. Captain James Benagh, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Larkin Smith, assistant quartermaster-general, for orders. This order to take effect from December 31, 1863. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, A ssistant Adjutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 5, 1864. Special Orders) No. 3. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Colonel Joseph F. Gist, Fifteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel P. A. Work, First Texas Volunteers; Major Ro. E. McMillan, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Major J. H. Pickett, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers; Rev. H. S. Williams, chaplain, Forty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Rev. J. W. Ward, chaplain, Third Virginia Volunteers.; First Lieutenant J. R. Carrell [Curell,] aid- de-camp, &c.; Colonel D. W. Hurst, Thirty-third Mississippi Volunteers. II. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private H. P. Bone, Company H, Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers, to colonel of Forty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; R. A. North to Surgeon [W. A.~\ Carrington, for duty in gen- eral hospital, Lynchburg, Va.; Arthur Fairley to Surgeon [N.'. &] Crowell, for duty in First Virginia Hospital, at Charleston, S. C.; Private E. J. DeBerry, Company C, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private William N. Vallian, Twenty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private Thomas J. Wiggs, Company B, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment. III. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private James B. Fanning, Company I, Fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers. IV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant-Colonel Edward McCrady, jr., First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. V. Private William F. Otey, Company I, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Med- ical Department, and will report to Surgeon [_C. P.] Gibson, in charge General Hospital No. 1, in this city. 7 VI. The following-named privates are detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to C. 0. Sanford, president Petersburg Railroad Company, at Petersburg, Va.: George W. Evans, Stephen G. Ledbetter, David N. Baltimore, Company C, Eli Totty, Company K, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. VII. Private J. R. Merryman, of Company D, First Maryland Cavalry, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major W. S. Downer, superintendent, &c., in this city. VIII. Private Arthur C. Smith, of Company G, Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John W. Cam- eron, quartermaster, at Wilmington, N. C. IX. Upon surgeon's certificate of disability the following-named pri- vates are detailed for hospital duty, and wiil report to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C.: J. A. Vestal, Company D, W. G. Ervin, Company A, Third North Carolina Cavalry. X. Private J. W. Ivey, Company G, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, heretofore detailed for duty with the James River and Kanawha Canal Company, is transferred to the Merchant's Bank at Lynchburg, Va. XI. Upon surgeon's certificate of disability Private James A. Washing- ton, Company B, Tenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for conscript duty, and will report to the chief enrolling officer Third Congressional District North Carolina. XII. Private JohnA.Speer, Company B, Thirteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major D. N. Speer, inspector of field transportation. XIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel F. H. Clack, consolidated Crescent Regiment, thirty days from February 1, 1864; Lieutenant W. H. Blount, Company D, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, twenty-one days; Captain C. L. Lumsden, Lumsden's battery, fifteen days from January 14, 1864; Captain Charles E. Waddell, Com- pany A, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, twelve.days from January 12, 1864. XIV. The following-named men, assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia, are transferred to Company H, First Regiment Engineer Troops: Daniel B. Bivins, John P. Hamil [Hamill,] Joseph J. [ James «/.] Dinkins, Gilbert Fowler, James C. Rome \_Rowe,\_ Lewis [Jf.] Rogers, Thomas Dunn. XV. The following-named men,'assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia, are transferred to Company A, First Regiment Engineer Troops: Bird Garrett, Richard Williamson, H. T. \_H. P.] Hite, John H. Wootten. XVI. Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 275, series for 1863, referring to Major S. F. Powers [Power,] quartermaster, and Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 283, series for 1863, relating to Major E. W. Baylor, quarter- master, are hereby revoked. Major S. F. Powers [Power,] quartermaster, will relieve Major E. W. Baylor, post quartermaster at West Point, Ga. Major Baylor on being relieved will report to General J. E. Johnston, com- manding, &c., for assignment to duty with jStrahl's brigade. XVII. Captain E. F. Fellows, assistant quartermaster, will turn over all public money and property in his possession to Captain J. C. Graham, assistant quartermaster of post at Selma, Ala., who will in addition to his other duties perform those hitherto performed by Captain Fellows. Captain Fellows on being relieved will relieve Captain James Maurice, assistant quartermaster, now on duty with the Army of Tennessee. 8 XVIII. Captain James Maurice, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain Joseph M. Broifoi as post quartermaster at Georgetown, S. C. Captain J. M. BroWn, assistant quartermaster, on being relieved will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field trans- portation, in this city, for assignment to duty. XIX. Private E. S. Holliday, of Company H, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., for duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, January 6,1864. No. 4. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant G. M. Hoke, adjutant, Twenty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. Samuel H. Smith, chaplain, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers; Major J.A.Stewart, Eighteenth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel S. H. Van Diviere, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant T. A. Hatch, adjutant, Thirty-sixth Ala- bama Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Gillespie, Second Tennessee Cavalry. II. Corporal George F. Byrum, of Company C, Sixty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. III. Captain Edwin Smith, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Captain R. W. N. Noland, chief commissary of Second District of Virginia, at Charlottesville, for assignment to duty as purchasing commissary of the Fifth Division of Virginia. IV. Captain M. B. Tate, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to the Quartermaster- General for assignment. V. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private C. H. Nohlin, of Com- pany H, Sixteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. VI. Lieutenant-Colonel R. Snowden Andrews, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as inspector of forts and heavy batteries, and will report to the chief of ordnance, in this city. VII. Captain J. L. Ames, assistant commissary of subsistence, will relieve Major William W. Harvie, commissary of subsistence, now serving with Rosser's brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. Major Harvie on being relieved will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General B. H. Robertson. VIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers is extended as follows■: Captain Erick Erson, Company H, Fifty- second North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant A. F. Hurley, Company A, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers, twelve days; Cap- tain John A. Bernard, Company B, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain John A. Fuqua, Company G, Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Major A. L. Rogers, artillery, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Captain C. S. Hurt, assistant quartermaster, twenty days. 9 IX. Corporal H. G. Jackson, First Regiment Engineer Troops, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to the surgeon in charge of general hospital at Macon, Ga., for assign- ment to duty. X. A furlough for fifteen days is granted each of the following-named privates: W D. Johnson, William Ingram, Company D, J. G. White, Com- pany H, Fifth Missouri Volunteers; L. II. Kopps, Company G, Second Missouri Volunteers; J. A. Moore, St. Louis Battery; W. B. Spover, Second Missouri Volunteers. XI. The sentence of death pronounced by general court-martial against the following-named privates has, on the recommendation of the court and the commanding general, been remitted by the President, and they will accordingly be released from confinement and returned to duty: Jacob Carwile, Orange Artillery; J. W. Ramey, Company K, Twelfth South Carolina Volunteers. XII. Private William L. Vowell, of Captain Aston's company, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XIII. Colonel John M. Brockenbrough, Fortieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will report without delay at the office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General. XIV. Private H. C. Hewitt, of the Otey Battery, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XV. Leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted each of the following-named officers for the time specified: Rev. J. A. Joyner, Fifty-seventh Virginia Volunteers, twent3'-five days; Captain G. T. Griggs, Company A, Fifty-seventh Virginia Volunteers, forty days. XVI. Private William D. Barker, of Company D, First Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company E, Sixty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XVII. Private Timothy J. Jones, of the Montgomery True Blues, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers con- cerned, to Company D, Thirty-fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVIII. Private Thomas H. Sharp, of Company H, Seventeenth Regi- ment Louisiana Volunteers, being unable to rejoin his command, is transferred to the Orleans Guards Battery [Orleans Guard Artillery,] and will report accordingly. XIX. Private Charles W. McClanahan, of Company D, Twenty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain McClanahan's battery Virginia artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XX. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 306, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, December 26, 1863, is hereby revoked. Captain E. Eastman having failed to raise the company for which authority was granted him, his commission is hereby declared void. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 3—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 10 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office,- Richmond, January 7, 1864. Special Orders) No. 5. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain A. A. Stewart, Company E, Sixth Battalion Florida Volunteers; First Lieutenant H. H. Rogers, aid-de-camp, &c.; Captain C. H. Richardson, Company E, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; Captain C. H. Andrews, Company D, Third Georgia Volunteers; Captain E. G.Scruggs, Company A, Forty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Captain W. R. Wood, Company G, First North Carolina Cavalry; Captain D.H.Smith, Company I, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain C. S. Broum, Company D, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers; Captain James Buchanan, Company B, Forty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Willis Parker, Company I, regiment, Thomas' Legion; Captain A. J. Leggett, Company G, Seventh Battalion Missis- sippi Volunteers; Colonel George C. Gibbs, Forty-second North Carolina Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain Gaston D. Cobb, Company I, Eighth North Carolina Volunteers, January 1, 1864; Captain J. S. Wiggins, Company A, Fourth Georgia Cavalry, December 20, 1863; Captain E. A. Cole, Company L, One'Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers, January 30, 1864. III. Second Lieutenant David C. Farmer, of Company I, Fifty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of th§ C. S. Army. IV. Warren Stone, jr., of the Fifth Company, Washington Artillery, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [J. F1.] Huestis, medical director, &c., at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty. V. The following-named medical officers will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to Surgeon E. A. Flewellen, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty: Assistant Surgeons Edmund Ravenal,jr., Pinckney J. Maxwell. VI. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 124, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, May 25,1863, is hereby revoked, and Private H. C. Fuhri [H. C. A. Furhi] will immediately rejoin his company—the Donaldson [Donaldsonville] Artillery. VII. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: First Lieutenant W. C. Keith, adju- tant, Orr's South Carolina Rifles, twenty days; Second Lieutenant David CrStyron, Company I, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain W. R. Wood, Company G, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days; Captain J. H. Thorpe, Company A, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, twenty-one days; Lieutenant G. W. Westray, Company A, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. VIII. Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Lamar, of the Fifth Florida Volun- teers, will immediately rejoin his regiment. IX. Private Andrew J. Nicholson, of Captain Edin's [Eddins'] company, Forty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to duty as provost- marshal at Tuskaloosa [Tuscaloosa,] Ala., and will report accordingly. X. Leave of absence for thirty days from January 15,1864, is granted Captain Will. Wren, Provisional Army Confederate States. 11 XI. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Sergeant-Major James R. Rowland, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. XII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Surgeon H. M. D. Martin, Provisional Army Confederate States. XIII. Private S. T. Coffield, Company E, Fifth Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain H. B. Coffield's company Texas volun- teers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XIV. Private A. J. Lefevre, Company A, .Ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will proceed without delay to Mobile, Ala., and report to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, for assignment to duty in his department. XV. Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 298, and Paragragh XVIII, Special Orders No. 300, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Decern- ber 1, 1863, are amended so as to retain temporarily on duty in the conscript service the officers and men hitherto under the orders of Brig- adier-General PiUow in the States of Tennessee, Alabama, and Missis- sippi who have not already been relieved. They will receive orders from Colonel [John &] Preston, chief of Bureau of Conscription. XVI. Brigadier-General Pillow is allowed such time as may be neces- sary to adjust the unsettled matters pertaining to his late duties before reporting to the general commanding the Army of Tennessee. XVII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Surgeon J. Kellum, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVIII. Brigadier-General William Preston, Provisional Army Confed- erate"States, is relieved of the command of the Abingdon District, and will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to Lieutenant- General E. Kirby Smith, commanding, for assignment to special duty. Commanders of military departments and all military authorities will furnish him with such escort, transportation, stores, and such other facilities as may be deemed necessary. XIX. Lieutenant H. H. Johnston, aid-de-camp, will report to Major- General S. B. Buckner for assignment to temporary duty on his staff. XX. Private Thomas Summerville, of the Fifty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General William Preston for special service. XXI. Thomas G. Pugh is appointed an agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the Quartermaster-General. XXII. Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 4, current series, relating to Major Wm. W. Harvie, commissary of subsistence, and Captain J. L. Ames, assistant commissary of subsistence, is hereby revoked. XXIII. Leave of absence for sixty days for the benefit of his health is granted Lieutenant James A. Williamson, Company C, Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry. XXIV. Private S. A. Wellborn, of Kolb's battery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartertnaster's Department, and will report to Captain H. C. Hart, assistant quartermaster, at Eufaula, Ala. XXV. The following-named men, now serving with the Twenty-second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, will be arrested and returned to their proper command: William L. Ball, John W. Ball, Company I, Larkin Samples, Company G, Thirty-seventh Virginia Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 12 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 8,1864. Special Orders) No. 6. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain W. H. Fowler, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain George C. Howard, Com- pany K, Fifty-first Tennessee Volunteers ; Captain W. T. Miller, Company D, Sixteenth and Twenty-fifth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain James G, Neal, Company B, Ninth Kentucky Cavalry; Captain Gyrus H. Higgin- son, Company C, Fourth Kentucky Volunteers; Captain S. D. McClelen [McClellan,] Company F, Fifty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; ^Captain M. Patterson, Company G, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers;"Captain A. M. Reinhart, Company A, Forty-third Georgia Volunteers; Captain W. W. Brown, Company H, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; Captain D. P. Luke, Company I, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers; Captain A. J. Pool, Company I, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Captain J. T. Russell, Company C, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Captain H. BaUinger, Company M, First Texas Volunteers; Captain Joel 0. Barnet, Company G, Cobb's Legion; Captain Ro. Crawford, Company F, Sixth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. A. Fisher, Company B, Nine- teenth Battalion Virginia Artillery. II. Private Charles W. Westhrooks, of Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. III. The furloughs heretofore granted the following-named men are extended as follows: Private J. C. Grissom, Company D, Sixty-third Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Private Lewis Roesch? Fourth Com- pany, Washington Artillery, forty days. IV. Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 309, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, December 30, 1863, in relation to Private L. H. Baker, Fourth Company, Washington Artillery, is hereby revoked. V. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private F. L. Williford, Company B, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers. VI. Major J. L. Cross, assistant adjutant-general, will report to Briga- dier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding District of Middle and West Florida, at Quincy, Fla., for assignment to duty. VII. Leave of absence for forty-five days is granted Surgeon C. J. Clark, Provisional Army Confederate States. VIII. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 270, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, November 13, 1863, granting a mutual transfer to the following-named privates is hereby revoked: J. H. Mitchell, Alexandria [Light] Artillery; W. W. Turner, Company D, First Virginia Volunteers. IX. First Lieutenant William H. Porter, C. S. Army, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, for assign- ment to duty with Brigadier-General Thomas L. Rosser, commanding cavalry brigade. X. Leave of absence for forty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is 'granted Lieutenant C. G. Falligant, Company H, Forty-eighth Georgia Volunteers. XI. Private A. Brittin, of Captain Fenner's company light artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disability. 13 XII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: First Lieutenant J. C. Windham, Company A, Fortieth Mississippi Volunteers; Rev. S. B. Suratt, chaplain, Nineteenth Louisiana Volunteers. XIII. Captain Thomas B. Sykes, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, at Brandon, Miss., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General W. H. Jackson. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain G. M. Jessee, Company A., Third Kentucky Battalion, is extended fifteen days, from date. XV. Surgeon J. B. Fontaine, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as medical director of the Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. XVI. The following-named privates are transferred to Company B, Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles, and will report accordingly: W. R. Perrymore, Company B, J. R. Wilson, Company F, First Arkansas Bat- talion Cavalry. ' XVII. On the recommendation of the commanding general and the report of a medical board, the senterice of death pronounced against Private Joel A. Smith, of Company E, First Virginia Battalion, for deser- tion, is remitted by order of the President, and Private Smith will be released from confinement and returned to duty. XVIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private William T. Blair, of the Otey Battery, is extended ten days. XIX. Captain John Mason, assistant quartermaster, will report to the chief quartermaster, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty. XX. The leave of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers is extended as follows: Captain R. M. Tuttle, Company F, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant G. Crook, Company K, Fifth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Captain John M. Tale, assistant quartermaster, Eleventh North Carolina Volun- teels, ten days from January 20, 1864; Lieutenant J. P. Gibson, Com- pany B, Twentieth North Carolina Volunteers, twelve days from Jan- nary 20, 1864; Lieutenant W. E. Still, aid-de-camp, twelve days from January 22, 1864. XXI. Captain Moore's company of light artillery is hereby trans- ferred to the heavy artillery service, and will report as such'to Major- jreneral W. H. C. Whiting, commanding the District of Cape Fear, at Wilmington, N. C. XXII. The detail heretofore granted Private F. M. Thomas, Company k, Third Regiment Georgia Cavalry, is extended sixty days. XXIII. Captain Thomas J. Portis, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will ■eport by letter to Lieutenant-Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of the bureau, n this city. XXIV. Captain C. C. Pinckney, artillerj-, Provisional .Army Confed- jrate States, will report to Major N. R. Chambliss, commanding Confed- irate States arsenal at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to dutj'. 4—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 14 XXV. Second Lieutenant Edwin Ledyard, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will proceed without delay to Mobile, Ala., and report to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, for assignment to ordnance duty. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain B. D. Terry, Company E, First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, is extended twenty days from January 10, 1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, January 9, 1864. No. 7. ' f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Victor Perret, Company C, battalion Confederate States Zouaves, [Confederate States Zouave Battalion, Louisiana volunteers;] Colonel R. McMillan, Twenty- fourth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. F. Kincaid, Company E, Second Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. D. Smith, Company I, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant William G. Brown, Company D, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant G. W. Dannelly, Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant B. B. Chapman, Company F, Thirteenth South Carolina Vol- unteers; First Lieutenant Ferdinand Barrow, Company F, Forty-second Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Joseph H. Spengler, Company D, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant T. D. Brit- tain, Company I, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieuten- ant John M. Phillips, Company G, Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant James H. Capers, adjutant, Twelfth Mississippi Volun- teers. II. The resignation of Surgeon William B. Day, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect January 1, 1864. III. Sergeant Joseph F. Murphy, Company C, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, has been appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the officer in command of Fort Moultrie. IV. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private W. G. Boyer, Company E, Forty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Pri- vate W. Pryor Creecy, Fourth Company, Washington Artillery, to Med- ical Director [ W. A.] Carrington for,duty at general hospital, Danville, Va. V. Lieutenant W. E. Pitman, Provisional Army Confederate States, being unfit for field service, is assigned to conscript duty, and will report to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. VI. Sergeant J. K. P. Neathery, of Company C, Eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, * will be discharged his former service. VII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant H. P. Jones, Company E, Thirteenth Battalion North Carolina Artillery, is extended thirty days. VIII. Leave of absence for sixty days'is granted each of the follow- ing-named officers on surgeon's certificate of disability: Lieutenant /G. B. Finch, Company E, Lieutenant William C. Custis, Company F, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers. 15 IX. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Captain James Din- widdie, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. X. The furlough heretofore granted Private David B. Clark, Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended ten days. XI. Rev. W. E. Jones, chaplain, is relieved from duty with the Twenty- second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and will report to the officer com- manding Phillips' Legion, cavalry, for assignment. XII. Private Csesar Huchez, of the Second Company, Washington Ar- tillery, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to T. Allan, commissioner of taxes, in this city. XIII. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 309, Adjutant and Inspector- GeneraPs Office, December 30, 1863, referring to the following-named medical officers, is hereby revoked: Surgeons James Kettum, T. L. Maury, J. B. Tuft, J. L. White, Assistant Surgeons J. J. Duprey, T. Spencer, H. Fairfax, W. H. B. Norcum, Seahrook Jenkins, David Sled, T. M. [F. M."] Henderson, J. W. Boggs, Ro. Davis, J. C. Conrad, J. P. Harrison, J. E. Smith. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain H. B. Clay, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended twenty days from January 22, 1864. XV. Brigadier-General D. H. Cooper is assigned to the command of the Indian troops in the Trans-Mississippi Department on the borders of Arkansas. Brigadier-General Steel [Steele] is relieved from that com- mand, and will be otherwise assigned to duty by the commanding general of the Trans-Mississippi Department. , XVI. Captain W. E. Hill, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Dublin Depot, Va., and report to Major-Gen- eral Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XVII. Second Lieutenant John G. Hyland, of Company F, First Mary- land Battalion Infantry, being unfit for field service, will report to Brig- adier-General J. H. Winder for assignment to some appropriate duty. XVIII. Major A. G. Quaite, quartermaster, will report to Lieutenant- General L. Polk, at Brandon, Miss., for assignment to duty with Major- General S. D. Lee, commanding cavalry division. XIX. Rev. J. E. Wheeler, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to the commandant of the post at Enterprise, Miss., for assignment to duty. XX. Corporal C. McVey, Company F, Fifty-seventh Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon iif charge of general hospital, Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, for assignment to duty. XXI. Private Samuel W. Wilson, Company D, Fifty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge of General Hos- pital No. 8, Raleigh, N. C. XXII. Leave of absence for four months with permission to visit Canada is granted Brigadier-General William Preston, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. Corporal L. Cannon, of Company G, First Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during said detail, and will report to the superintendent, at Savannah, Ga. 16 XXIY. Private Charles Clarke, of Company B, Boggs' battalion artil- lery, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, in charge Clothing Bureau, in this city. XXV. Private B. E. Burke, Company A, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, will report to the surgeon in charge general hospitals, Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. XXVI. Private David H. Slagle, Company A, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain [EdJ] McCormick, assistant quartermaster, Lynchburg, Va. XXVII. Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, for assign- ment to duty on courts-martial. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 11,1864. Special Orders) No. 8. \ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Thomas F. Pierce, Forrest Artillery, Georgia State Guards; Second Lieutenant James Cody, Company E, Seventh Confederate States Cavalry; Second Lieutenant H. Nichols, Company G, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon John T. Palmer, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon J. H. Vaughan, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant G. W. Dickson, Company F, Eighteenth Battalion Mississippi Partisan Rangers; Lieutenant V. M. Brandon, Company C, First Arkansas Volunteers ; First Lieutenant 0. N. Hollingsworth, adju- tant, Third Texas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. P. Bailey, Company D, Tenth Texas Cavalry, (dismounted;) Second. Lieutenant W. N. Griffin, Company G, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant William Lawler, Company F, Thirty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant John J. KimbrougTt, Company I, Sixth Alabama Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon D. P. Gibson, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Second Lieutenant M. A. Wilkins, Company F, Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles, November 7,1863; Second Lieutenant J. M. Osburn [Osborne,] Company F, Bates' regiment, November 7,1863; Second Lieu- tenant T. E. Hill, adjutant. Bonner's [R. R. Brown's] battalion [Texas] cavalry, November 7,1863; Chaplain J. H. Oummings, Thirty-second Texas Cavalry, November 7, 1863; Captain Th. Podevils [Podewils,'] Company F, Thirty-second Texas Cavalry, November 7,1863; Captain W. H. Maltby, artillery, Eighth Texas Regiment, November 7, 1863; Chaplain J. J. Loomis, Twenty-first Texas Volunteers, November 7,1863; Assistant Sur- geon J. N. B. Gwinn, Eighteenth Texas Volunteers, November 7, '1863 ; Second Lieutenant C. W. Fitz, Company G, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Vol- unteers, November 7,1863; First Lieutenant J. B. Herefoi'd, Company D, 17 Eighth Louisiana Volunteers, November 7,1863; Captain M. W. King, Company G, Sixteenth Texas Cavalry, November 7,1863; Captain J. G. McKnight, Company K, Seventeenth Texas Consolidated, November 7, 1863; Major D. Beraud, Yellow Jacket Battalion, November 7, 1863; Lieutenant B. H. Slaughter, Company F, Eighth Louisiana Volunteers, November. 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant J. A. Marburger, Company G, Fourth Texas Mounted Volunteers, November 7, 1863; Captain W. H. Tucker, Company G, Twenty-eighth Texas Cavalry, (dismounted,) No- vember 7, 1863; Captain A. B. Parrott, Company D, Fourth Texas Mounted Volunteers, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant W. R. Womack, Company F, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant M. Winston, Company F, Fourth Texas Cavalry, November 7, 1863; First Lieutenant 0. L. Chamberlain, Com- pany G, Second Louisiana Cavalry, November 7,1863; First Lieutenant C. Partain, Company B, Hill's regiment, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant John Carnes, Company L, Twenty-first Texas Cavalry, No- vember 7, 1863; First Lieutenant J. A. Ferguson, Company F, Thomp- son's [Thomson's] Arkansas cavalry, November 7, 1863; Captain R. C. Nunnally, Company E, Shelby's regiment, November 7, 1863; Captain T. Taylor, Company B, Thompson's [Thomson's] Arkansas cavalry, No- vember 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant John Tyler, Company A, Green's [Greene's] regiment, November 7,1863; Second Lieutenants B. R. Jacobs, H. M. Gragg, Company I, Dawson's regiment Arkansas' volunteers, No- vember 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant C. H. Hamilton, Company —, Third [Thirteenth] Missouri Battery, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant C. R. Phillips, Company K, King's Arkansas volunteers, November 7, 1863; Captain R. C. Nail, Company F, Dobbin's regiment, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant J". G. West, Company G, Lewis' Missouri volun- teers, November 7, 1863; Assistant Surgeon H. N. Austin, Provisional Army Confederate States, November 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant J". T. Sfiort, Company B, Dobbin's regiment, November 7,1863; First Lieuten- ant W. R. Suddon, Company G, Lewis' Missouri volunteers, November 7, 1863; Assistant Surgeon A. G. Quarles, Provisional Army Confederate States, November 7,1863; Captain /. S. Herriford, Company C, Burns' Missouri volunteers, November 7, 1863; Major L. A. Campbell, White's Missouri cavalry, December 1,1863; Second Lieutenant J. H. Stowe, Com- pany D, Harrison's Louisiana cavalry, December 1, 1863; First Lieu- tenant J. Halloway, Company C, Stone's regiment, December 1, 1863; First Lieutenant H. E. Carrington, Company F, Fourth Missouri Cavalry, December 1,1863; Second Lieutenant T.Ballance, Company E, Kitchen's cavalry, December 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant W. R. Walker, Company E, Eighth Missouri Volunteers, December 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant S. M. Jester, Company C, Wood's battalion cavalry, December 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant T. Chenevert, Company K, Second Louisiana Cavalr}', December 1,1863 ; First Lieutenant Z H. Bell, Company I, Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers, December 1,1863; Second Lieutenant J. B. Buchan- nan, Company D, Grimsted's [Grinsted's] regiment, December 1, 1863; Second Lieutenants W. J. Ferguson, J. C. White, Company L, Monroe's Arkansas cavalry, December 1, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant H. Angell, Gonzales' light battery, December 1, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant D. Castle- berry, Company F, Eleventh Louisiana Battalion, December 1, 1863; Surgeon A. N. Perkins, Provisional Army Confederate States, December 7, 1863; Captain A. C. Banks, Company K, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, December 7, 1863; Captain E. H. Knight, Company B, Wood's battalion cavalry, December 7, 1863; First Lieutenants. B, 5—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 18 Jones, adjutant, Nineteenth Texas Volunteers, December 7, 1863; First Lieutenant S. H. Carroll, Company H, Eighth Missouri Volunteers, De- cember 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant V. Danterive, Company D, Yellow Jacket Battalion, December 7, 1863; First Lieutenant M. Samson, Com- pany K, Second Louisiana Cavalry, December 7,1863; Surgeon J. Boring, Captain S.L.Holland, Provisional Army Confederate States, December 7, 1863; Second Lieutenant E. Marshall, Company F, Thirteenth Louisiana Battalion Partisan Rangers, December 7, 1863; First Lieutenant J. E. Mcintosh, Company D, Dawson's regiment, December 7,1863; First Lieu- tenant J. C. Cline, Company E, White's regiment, December 7, 1863; Captain W. H. Brewin, Company A, First Texas Cavalry, December 7, 1863; Chaplain J. A. Scruggs, Twenty-second Texas Volunteers, December 7,1863; Second Lieutenant W. R. Pittman, Company K, Fifteenth Arkan- sas Volunteers, December 7,1863; Captain H. J. Taylor, First Lieutenant H. C. Click, Company I, Terrell's regiment, December 7,1863; Second Lieu- tenant James Jeffries, Company B, Thirtieth Battalion Texas State Troops, December 7,1863; Major J. C. Ward, Hill's Arkansas cavalry, December 7, 1863; Lieutenant P. R. Goolsly, Company B, Dawson's regiment, Decern- ber 7, 1863; Captain Thomas James, Company C, Denson's squadron, December 7, 1863. III. Assistant Surgeon Patrick H. Adams will report without delay to Surgeon IS. H.~] Stout, medical director, &c., at Atlanta, Ga., for assign- ment to duty. IV. Assistant Surgeon John J. Harden will report without delay to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, at Rogersville, Tenn., for assignment to duty. V. Assistant Surgeon Jacob F. Dunn will report without delay to Surgeon E. A. Flewellen, medical director, &c., Dalton, Ga., for assign- ment to duty. r VI. Hospital Steward W. A. Drickell will at the expiration of his leave report to the surgeon in charge of hospital at Eufaula, Ala. VII. The following-named men have been appointed hospital stew- ,ards, and will report for duty as designated: Private A. S. Epperson, Company A, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private W. A. Brinson, Company C, Fourth Florida Volunteers, to col- onel of his regiment; Private William W. Hubbard, Company B, Second Florida Volunteers, to Medical Director W. A. Carrington; E. P. Jones to Medical Director W. A. Carrington; Private Francis R. Stone, Chatham Artillery, to Medical Director [V. &] Orowell, Charleston, S. C.; Private John H. Leigh, Company A, Twenty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment. VIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Lieutenant G. Adi- hold [(?. W. Aderhold,~\ Company F, Cobb's Legion, Georgia volunteers ; Captain James D. Hunter, Company D, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers. IX. Private William H. Bowles, of Company C, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department without claim to pay or allow- ances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Messrs. Jones & Markham, government tanners, Bedford County, Va. X. So much of Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 44, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, February 24, 1862, as refers to Captain J. R. Vogler, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Vogler will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. 19 XI. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Second Lieutenant Seth Bridgman, Company I, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XII. Private W. C. Williams, Company A, Eleventh Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is 'detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain B. J. Curry, assistant quartermaster, at Demopolis, Ala. " . XIII. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 202, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, August 26,1863, referring to Second Lieutenant John H. Sale, Company B, Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Artillery, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Sale will rejoin his command. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Brigadier-General William A. Quarles, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended ten days from January 17, 1864. XV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 306, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 26,1863, as relates to the following- named officers is hereby revoked. They are properly accepted in Par- agraph II of this order: Assistant Surgeon H. N. Austin, Provisional Army Confederate States; Assistant Surgeon J. N. B. Cfwin [Guinn,~\ Eighteenth Texas Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon A.Q. Quarles, Haw- thorne's [Hawthorn's] Arkansas volunteers. XVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: Brigadier-General H. L. Benning, fifteen days from February 4,1864; Lieutenant J. T. Smith, Company H, First Texas Volunteers, thirty days from February 2,1864; Captain D. P. Halsey, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, fifteen days from January 17, 1864; Brigadier-General W. W. Kirkland, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Lieutenant William Haynes, Company K, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. XVII. Private James S. McCoum, of Company A, Fifth Regiment .Mis- souri Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disability. XVIII. Colonel T. J. Reid, jr., Twelfth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, will proceed without delay to Brandon, Miss., and report to Lieutenant- General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XIX. Brigadier-General John Gregg, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Russellville, Tepn., and report to Lieutenant-General James Longstreet, commanding, /for assignment to duty with the Texas brigade of his corps. XX. Captain T. C. Cone, Company K, Tenth Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, is relieved from his present duty and will without delay rejoin his company. XXI. So-much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 250, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, October 25, 1862, as refers to Captain L. C. Hanes, assistant quartermaster, Forty-eighth Regiment North Car- olina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Hanes will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXII. First Lieutenant W. G. Fackler, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to Lieutenant-General E. Kirby Smith, commanding, &e., for assignment to duty. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted each of the following-named privates is extended sixty days: John T. Thraves, Company A, Lieu- tenant Richardson's company; Daniel R. Mitchell, Company K, Twelfth Louisiana Battalion. 20 XXIV. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed to work in the machine shops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Charles O. Talcott, superintendent, &c., in this city : R. E. Jones, Company K, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; J. J. Hampton, Parker's battery. XXV. Private J. W. Starnes, Company B, Thirty-first Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon in charge general hospital, Macon, Miss., for assignment to duty. XXVI. Private John L. Moore, of Company F, Thirteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXVII. Private J. B. Phillips, of Company K, Forty-second Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to Surgeon [J". R.] Strachan, at Peters- burg, Va., for assignment to duty. XXVIII. Lieutenant-Colonel R. Snowden Andreios, artillery, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, will proceed to Europe and report to Colonel T. S. Rhett as an associate in the duties which he has been ordered to perform. XXIX. Private William Shupe, of Company I, Ninth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is detailed to work at Williams' Forge, in Smythe [Smyth] County, Va., without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Abraham Shupe, government contractor, in Smythe [Smyth] County, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 12, 1864. Special Orders) No. 9. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect"to-day: Second Lieutenant B. W.Mullikin, Company B, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieu- tenant E. H. Henaren, Company B, Sixty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Alexander Campbell, Company C, Twenty-second Bat- talion Georgia Artillery; Second Lieutenant E. J. Mancil, Captain Curry's company, Fourth Battalion Florida Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. B. Hilton, Company E, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant B. P. Brockinton, Company C, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant T. C. Orr, Company G, Twenty- second South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. T. Matthews, Company I, Thirty-third Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant George W. Metcalfe, Company G, Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. L. Mikell, Company G, Seventh Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thomas Hicks, Company K, Twenty-ninth Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant Kelles Farrar, Company D, Second Ten- nessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant William H. Meares, Company D, First Arkansas Volunteers. II. The resignation of Captain George Hillyer, Company C, Ninth Reg- iment Georgia,Volunteers, has been accepted b}T the President, to take effect October 16,1863. 21 III. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private Edward De Steiger, Colonel Burns' regiment, to colonel of his regiment; Private A. G. Donoho, Com- pany H, Second Tennessee Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; W. D. Hooper to Surgeon W. A. Carrington; Private Henry C. Baird, Company E, Third Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon-General; Private John V. Glass, Company A, Nineteenth Alabama Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private George K. Ligon, Company A, Ninth Louisiana Bat- talion, to lieutenant-colonel of his battalion. IV. John T. Glenn is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to Captain A. F. Pope, in charge ordnance depot at Atlanta, Ga., or such military post as may be established for General Cobb's command. V. Major Alexander Hart, Fifth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, in this city, for assignment to duty. VI. Private George L. F. Woodward, of Company H, Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Captain W. B. Denson's company of cavalry, unattached, and will report accordingly. VII. Second Lieutenant J. H. Pickens, of Company G, Nineteenth Reg- iment Louisiana Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. VIII. Private John Morgan, Company D, Twenty-ninth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work on the Mobile and Great Northern Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to the superinten- dent of the road, at Mobile, Ala. IX. Conscript A. G. Brown, of North Carolina, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. X. A furlough for twenty-four days is granted Private A. B. Small, Company B, Phillips' Legion, courier at the headquarters of General Robert E. Lee. XI. Second Lieutenant W. A. GiUiland, Company D, Cobb's Legion, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Thomas A. Gilham, assistant quartermaster, at Lexington, Ga. XII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant William H. Dupuy, adjutant, Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers, is ex- tended five days from January 23, 1864. XIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major J. W. Johnson, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended sixty days. XIV. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: J. W. Reynolds, Company E, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; F. M. Williams, Company H, Sixty-second Georgia Volunteers. XV. A furlough for ten days is granted Private J. H. McLean, Com- pany H, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers. XVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Charles G. Jones, Company A, Shelby's regiment Missouri cavalry, is extended thirty days. 6—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 22 XVII. Private W. W. Proffitt, of the Crenshaw Battery, Virginia artil- lery, being unfit for field service, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder for assignment to some light duty. XVIII. The details heretofore granted each of the following-named men are extended as follows: Private C. C. Thompson, Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers, twenty days; Sergeant William G. Miller, Otey Battery, sixty days; Private M. H. Ward, Company K, First Georgia Cavalry, sixty days; Private Edward Higgins, Companj^ D, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers, sixty days. XIX. George K. Birchett is appointed assistant agent of exchange, with the pay and allowances of a captain, in the Adjutant-General's Department, and will report to Colonel Robert Ould, agent of exchange, for assignment to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department. XX. Leave of absence for thirty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Captain Lafayette Jennings, Company F, Thirty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain' Thomas Ellett, of the Crenshaw Battery, Virginia artillery, is extended ten days from January 15,1864. XXII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant W. W. Myers, Reilley's [Reilly's] battery, North Carolina volunteers, is extended twelve days. XXIII. A furlough for thirty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Private W. J. Hurtt, Company B, Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers. XXIV. The following-named privates are for ninety days detailed to work on the Virginia Central Railroad without claim to pay or allow- ances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report to H. D. Whitcomb,. superintendent, &c., in this city: Edward F. Straney, Captain Breathard's [Breathed's] company, Stuart Horse Artillery; W. H. Tyler, Purcell Battery [Artillery,] Virginia artillery. XXV. Private Thomas Butler, of Company B, Nineteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed to work on the Atlanta and West Point Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to George G. Hull, superin- tendent, &c., at Atlanta, Ga. XXVI. Major John Blair Hoge, quartermaster, is relieved from duty in the office of the Quartermaster-General, and will report to the Secre- tary of War for special service. XXVII. Private Joseph H. L. Gerdine, of the Troup Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed on enrolling duty, and will report to Major Charles J. Harris, commandant of conscripts, at Macon, Ga. XXVIII. Private John P. Barry, Troup Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Messrs. Cook & Brothers, government contractors, at Athens, Ga. XXIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain E. D. Brails- ford, Company I, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended fifteen days from January 29, 1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 23 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, January 13,1864. No. 10. r I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant 0. H. Anderson, Company D, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant D. M. Prewitt, Company D, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. H. Cleveland, Company F, Fifth Kentucky Volunteers; Rev. 0. D.Fitzgerald, chaplain, Thirty-second Mississippi Volunteers; Surgeon B. T. Marshall, Provisional Army Confederate States; Major A. jR. 17. Ramon, commissary of subsistence, Captain W. Edward Dick, assistant commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Private James E. Barnett, of Company A, Sixteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company H, Palmetto Battalion, light artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. III. Leave of absence for ninety days for the benefit of his health with permission to visit Florida is granted Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Coit, Eighteenth Regiment Texas Cavalry. IV. Private William D. Hemingway, of Company K, Eleventh Regi- ment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain B. F. Jones, assistant quartermaster, at Carrollton, Miss. V. Private E. B. Burroughs, of the provost-guard, Selma, Ala., is de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department during the time his company remains at that post, and will report to Captain J. C. Graham, assistant quartermaster, at Selma, Ala. VI. Paragraph XXXIV, Special Orders No. 246, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, October 16, 1863, detailing Private John F. Garvin, Company D, Seventh Confederate Cavalry, is revoked, and Private Garvin will immediately rejoin his company. VII. Captain M. D. Robimon, of Company D, Thirteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to enroll- ing duty, and will report to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. VIII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private David A. Armfield, Second North Carolina Cavalry, to the colonel of his regiment; Sergeant William C. Leake, Company C, Sixty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment. IX. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Assistant Surgeon J. P. Harrison, Provisional Army Confederate States. X. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Charles D. Hill,' assistant quartermaster, Thirteenth Regiment North Carolina Volun- teers, is extended seven days from January 20, 1864. XI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain T. A. Baber, of Company E, Fifth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended thirty days from February 5, 1864. XII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department until further orders, and will report to Lieutenant A. T. Cunningham. artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, in charge ordnance depot at Savannah, Ga.: Private Thomas Ballentyne, Company F, Jeff. Davis Legion ; Private Samuel Wolfe, Company B, Forty-seventh Georgia Volunteers. 24 XIII. The following-named men are detailed to work on the Rich- mond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report to C. G. Tulcott, superintendent, &c.,in this city: Private A. A. Waugh, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; Privates J. H. Tophavn, T. W. Bass, Peters- burg Greys, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. XIV. Private Leonidas Smith, of Company E, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company Cj Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XV. Brigadier-General John C. Moore, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty at Mobile, Ala., and will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment. XVI. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 7, current series, as refers to the following-named medical officers is hereby re- voked, and they will report without delay to Lieutenant-General Long- street, at Rogersville, Tenn., for assignment to duty: Surgeons T. L. Maury, J. L. White, James Kellum, Assistant Surgeons J. W. Boggs, T. M. [Fl M.~] Henderson, J. P. Harrison, David Sled, J. J. Duprey, T. Spencer, H. Fairfax, J. C. Conrad, Ro. Davis. XVII. Surgeon James Guild is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the Surgeon-General for assignment. XVIII. Private John T. Alsop, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quarter- >master's Department, and will report to Captain Jackson Warner, assistant quartermaster, in this city. XIX. Private G. Henderson, of Company K, Thirteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is detailed during the continuance of his dis- ability for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain J. Bartlett, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Enterprise, Miss. XX. Private J. F. Hudgins, of Company E, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as guard at the Confederate States distillery, Salisburj', N. C., and will report to Surgeon James T. Johnson, medical purveyor, at Charlotte, N. C. XXI. Private John Bays, of Company E, Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Thomas L. Brown, quartermaster, at Dublin Depot, Va. XXII. Private Joseph K. Elliott, of Company D, Fifth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. F. Cone, acting assistant quartermaster-general, in this city. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Horace Powers, of Com- pany D, Forty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXIV. Sergeant A. J. Bynum, of Company I, Thirty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as deputy Confederate States tax collector Thirty-first District of North Carolina, and will report to J. M. Bynum, Confederate States tax col- lector, at Pittsborough, N. C. XXV. The detail heretofore granted Private John J. Edwards, Com- pany I, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. 25 XXVI. Private P. P. Maxwell, of Company B, Fifty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel George W. Rains, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Augusta, Ga. XXVII. Captain William Nelson's company is hereby attached to and will form a part of the Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") Richmond, January 14,1864. No. 11. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant-Colonel 0. P. Anthony, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieu ten ant Jo hn Weaver, Company E, Fourth Battalion, Local Defense [Troops ;] First Lieutenant Clem C. Moore, Company A, Forty-third Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieuten- ant T. C. Davis, Company I, Third Kentucky Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant Thomas J. Chanler, Second Lieutenant Aaron D. IAchlyter, Com- pany D, Second Missouri Cavalry; Surgeon J. M. Keller, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant Joseph R. Gentry, Com- pan}' K, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. F. Simmons, Company B, Eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon R. W. PAnson, Second North Carolina Cavalry j Captain John M. Williams, Company D, Fourth Virginia Volunteers ; First Lieutenant G. B. Beecher, Company A, Phillips' Legion, cavalry; Surgeon J. W. Barnett, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private L. P. Coleman, Company D, Seventh Mississippi Battalion, to commanding officer of his battalion; Private John G. Knight, Company A, Tenth Virginia Battalion, to the colonel of Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers. III. Private T. S. Winn, of Company C, Sixth Battalion Florida Vol- unteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected clerk of the circuit court of Hernando County, Fla. IV. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 305, December 24, 1863, is hereby revoked, and Private W. H. Vaughan, of Company I, First Regi- ment Engineer Troops, will immediately rejoin his command. V. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the othprs command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Sergeant C. K. Williams, Com- pany K, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. R. Witherspoon, Com- pany G, Palmetto Sharpshooters. VI. Private W. P. Pennington, of Company I, Second Regiment Florida Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain Cone's company independent cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. » VII. Private James H. Mashburn, of Company G, Third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department to relieve Private Joseph W. Taylor, of same company and regiment, and will report to Major [ W,G.] Ferguson, quartermaster, &c., in this city. Private Taylor on being re- lieved will immediately rejoin his company. 7—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.-4 26 VIII. The resignation of Captain Louis Zimmer, Company A, Arsenal Battalion, has been accepted by the President, to take effect December 31, 1863. IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant E. J. Levy, of Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended seven days from January 18, 1864. X. The furlough heretofore granted Private Isaac J. Levy, of Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended seven days from January 18, 1864. XI'. Private M. Rodgers, Company A, Twenty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon J. B. McCaw, in charge of Chimborazo Hospital, in this city. XII. Private W. M. Dickinson, of Captain Wright's company, Cobb's Legion, cavalry, is detailed to work on the Southwestern Railroad of Georgia without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the con- tinuance of such detail, and will report to Major F. W. Sims, in this city. XIII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 297, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 15,1863,.as accepts the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Minter, Fifty-fourth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, is hereby revoked, the resignation having been accepted under a misapprehension of his letter. XIV. First Lieutenant Hugh G. Gwyn, adjutant, Twenty-third Ten- nessee Volunteers, is relieved from duty with his regiment, and will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan, Provisional Army Confederate States, for assignment. XV. Cadet James H. Rudy, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Decatur, Ga., and report to Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan for assign- ment to duty. XVI. Private F. S. Presley, Company D, Forty-seventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as ward- master, and will report to Surgeon William Hays, in charge general hos- pital at Staunton, Va., for assignment to duty. XVII. Private James Conner, of Company E, Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to Surgeon William P. Palmer, in charge Camp Lee Hos- pital, near this city. XVIII. First Lieutenant John G. Brevard, Hunter's battery Missouri artillery, is assigned to duty with Company C, First Missouri Volun- teers, and will report accordingly. XIX. Major W. A. Bradford, commissary of subsistence, will relieve Captain G. W. Alderson, assistant commissary of subsistence, as post commissary at Abingdon, Va. Captain Alderson on being relieved will report to Major H. W. King, commissary of subsistence, for assignment to duty. . XX. First Lieutenant T. E. Camus, of the Grivot Artillery, Louisiana volunteers, will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to Lieutenant-General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for assignment to conscript duty. XXI. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed to work on the Virginia Central Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report to H. D. Whitcomb, superintendent, &c., in this city: A.J. Trice, Company —, Fifty-second Virginia Volunteers; James T. Meredith, Company F, Fifty- sixth Virginia Volunteers. 27 XXII. Private W. B. Davis, of Company E, Fifteenth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the senior surgeon at Lynchburg, Va , for assignment to duty. XXIII. Private James Millena, of Company D, Thirtieth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as guard at the Confederate States distillery at Salisbury, N. C., and will report to Surgeon James P. Johnson, at Charlotte, N. C., for assignment to duty. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon Henry J. Nott will report without delay to the colonel of the Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers for assignment to duty. XXV. Assistant Surgeon William J. Upshur will report without delay to Surgeon [Frank A.] Ramsey, medical director, at Abingdon, Va., for assignment to duty. XXVI. The detail heretofore granted Private Daniel Richmond, of the Alexandria Light Artillery, is extended sixty days. XXVII. Second Lieutenant L. B. Jennings, of Company D, Thirty- ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is for ninety days assigned to duty as purchasing agent for the Bibb County Coal and Iron Mines Company, and will report accordingly. XXVIII. Private Andreio M. Neff, Company F, Thirty-seventh Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain G. W. Alderson, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Abingdon, Va. • XXIX. Major W. H. Smith, commissary of subsistence, will proceed at once to Columbus, Ga., and from thence to this place, to investigate the causes of delay in the transportation of corn belonging to the Sub- sistence Department to Virginia, and will do all in his power to facili- tate its transmission to this State. XXX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Edward J. Willis, of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended fifteen days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 15, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 12. i" I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant W. P. Dawson, Company H, First Lieutenant James Dunn, Company F, Second Lieu1- tenant J. B. Cox, Company G, Captain T. M. Kestis [Curtis,] Company K, Captain E. G. Sexton, Company H, Second Lieutenant P. B. Harrell, Com- pany F, Second Lieutenant George W. Settle, Company H, First Lieuteiv ant W. T. Thomas, Company I, Captain W. C. Allen, Company A, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain Perry AdcocTc, Company C, First Lieuten- ant J". H. Bryan, Company B, Second Lieutenant David 0. Bein, Company C, Second Lieutenant S. V. McManas [McManus,] Company E, Second Lieutenant P. P. Trewitt, Company D, First Tennessee Battalion. 28 II. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: G. M, Hoke to Surgeon-General; Henry C. Nichols to Medical Director IN. S.~\ Crowell; Private Henry K. Mathews, Company D, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers, to officer commanding First Virginia Battalion; Private J. P. Hunter, Company G, Second South Carolina Cavalry, to the colonel of his regiment. III. Captain A. Meade Smith, assistant commissary of subsistence, will relieve Major W. W. Harvie, commissary of subsistence, as brigade commissary of Rosser's brigade. Major Harvie on being relieved will report to General G. T. Beauregard, at Charleston, S. C., for duty with Brigadier-General B. H. Robertson. IV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major W. J. Baker, com- missary of subsistence, is extended to February 1, 1864, on surgeon's certificate of disability. V. First Lieutenant J. Barrel [/. Barroll,"] Washington, C. S. Army, will report without delay to General Joseph E. Johnston, at Dalton, Gp,., for assignment to ordnance duty. VI. Leave of absence during the present session of the Virginia Leg- islature is granted Captain W. B. Colston, Company E, Second Regiment Virginia Volunteers. VII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain William E. Cam- eron, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended five days from January 15, 1864. VIII. Private S. R. McDowell, of Company B, Twelfth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, is transferred to Captain Quirk's company of cav- airy, Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan's command, being a native of Kentucky. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Jessee Chandler, Company A, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Edward Nixon, Company G, Thirtieth Ala- bama Volunteers. X. Private John . T. Davis, Company E, cavalry, Holcombe's Legion, is transferred to the Marion Artillery, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred. XI. A furlough until March 2,1864, is granted acting Sergeant-Major Samuel F. Tenney, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private L. B. Gray, Company B, Eighth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Landsman G. W. Graves, Confederate States steamer " Roanoke." XIII. Paragraph XXX, Special Orders No. 11, current series, extend- ing the leave of absence of Captain E. J. Willis, Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is amended so as to read twenty-five days. XIV. The following-named privates of the Fifth Company, Wash- ington Artillery, having been appointed master's mates, C. S. Navy, will be discharged their former service : James White, Avery S.. Winston. XV. A furlough for twenty-eight days is granted Private John S. Weber, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XVI. Private Charles Weber, of Company I, Eighth Regiment Lou- isiana Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work on gunboats with- out claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Engineer-in-Chief W. P. Williamson, C. S. Navy, in this city. 29 XVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant J. K. Kearney, Ward's battery Mississippi artillery, is extended twenty days. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Garnett, artillery, is extended ten days from this date. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain William Collins, Company H, Third Virginia Cavalry, is extended ten days. XX. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral Franklin Buchanan, C. S. Navy, at Mobile, Ala.: Patrick Tomeny, Company E, John Ross, Company A, Dennis Callimen, John Holet, Company C, Angus Ingale, Peter West, William Otto, Company F, Second Texas Volunteers; George Davis, Company A, Thirty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers. XXI. The following-named officers are temporarily assigned to duty as acting assistant quartermasters, and will report to Major H. R. Teas- dale, quartermaster, &c., at Lake City, Fla.: First Lieutenant S. K. Bull, Company A, First Lieutenant Charles F. Stevens, Company B, Milton Artillery ; First Lieutenant H. A. Gray, Company B, First Lieutenant S. C. Reddick, Company C, First Lieutenant G. M. Whitstone, Company F, First Lieutenant W. H. McCardle, Company H, Second Florida Cav- airy; First Lieutenant George Robinson, Company A, [First]^Florida Special Battalion; First Lieutenants II. H. Hale, E. A. Davis, Second Lieutenant F. M. McMeekin, independent Florida volunteers [Sixth Bat- talion Florida Volunteers.] XXII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Assistant Surgeon- A. C. Crombie, First Texas Volunteers, is extended twenty days. XXIII. Lieutenant E. C. Everett, of the Fourth Battalion Florida Volunteersj is temporarily assigned to duty as acting assistant quarter- master and assistant commissary of subsistence, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., Quincy, Fla. XXIV. Lieutenant John A. McDonald, of Company G, Nineteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to conscript duty, and will report to Major C. D. Melton, com- mandant of conscripts, at Columbia, S. C. XXV. Private E. Jenkins, Companj' A, Twenty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed to work in the naval machine shops at Columbus, Ga., without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the contin- uance of said detail, and will report to Chief Engineer J. H. Warner, C. S. Navy, in charge. XXVI. Private William B. Aiken, of Company I, Forty-eighth Regi-. ment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., in this city. XXVII. A furlough for three months is granted Private Charles C. Farrar, Company H, First Mississippi Cavalry. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 8—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 30 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 16, 1864. Special Orders! No. 13. t I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant James E. Black, enrolling officer, &c.; Lieutenant W. C. Carrington, aid-de-camp, X. Major William S. Saunders, artillery, C. S. Army, will report to Major-General W. H. C. Whiting, commanding District of Cape Fear, at Wilmington, N. C., for assignment to duty. XI. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private F. M. Cooper, Com- pany B, Tenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his company. XII. Private T. H. McCaskey, of Company D, Third Regiment Loui- siana Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the con- sent of the officers concerned, to Company A, First Battalion Alabama Artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 57 XIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: James Rice, Company H, Tenth Battalion North Carolina Volunteers; S. A. Long, Company C, Seven- teenth North Carolina Volunteers. XIV. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: John B. Darst, Company C, Fourth Virginia Volunteers; A. W. Williams, Company F, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry. XV. Private W. C. Evans, of the Botetourt Artillery, is transferred at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Corput's battery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. , XVI. Elijah C. Morgan, commissary sergeant, Fourth Regiment Georgia Cavalry, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVII. Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 12, current series, is hereby revoked, and a furlough until further orders is granted Private William, B. Aiken, Company I, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Vol- unteers. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted each of the following-named men is extended thirty days : H. H. Drinkard, Company B, Twelfth Vir- ginia Volunteers; W. M. Lanier, Read's battery; E. F. Stainey, Breathed's company, Stuart Horse Artillery. XIX. Sergeant Charles E. Carnes, of the Macon Light Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty at the conscript camp near Macon, Ga., and will report accordingly. XX. Private C. J. Cronvn, Company B, First Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, is detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Chief Engineer James H. Warren, in charge Confederate States naval works at Columbus, Ga. XXI. The detail heretofore granted Private William Marshall, Sixtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXII. Private John B. Tourtarel, of the Orleans Light Horse, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon Miles H. Nash, in charge at Cassville, Ga. XXIII. Private John N. Eubank, of Company A, Tenth Battalion Vir-.. ginia Heavy Artillery, is detailed to work on gunboats, and will report to Lieutenant John H. Parker, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty. XXIV. Private J. A. Rampey, of Company E, Nineteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon N.S. Orowell, medical director, at Charles- ton, S. C., for assignment to duty. ' * XXV. The furlough heretofore granted Private Jacob S. AUen, Com- pa'ny F, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers, is extended ten days from February 3, 1864. XXVI. Pay will be allowed the following-named officers from the dates annexed to their respective names : Captains E. G. Williams, H. F. Cook, C. A. Manlove, R. R. Randolph, assistant quartermasters, December o, 1863. XXVII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private J. H. McClain, Company H, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers. 15—S, O., A, & I. G. 0—4 58 XXVIII. Sergeant J. 0. White, of Company F, Tedth Regiment Vir. ginia Cavalry, being unfit fur field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain T. W. Wood, assistant quartermaster, at Charlottesville, Va. XXIX. The sentence of the general court-martial co'nvened under Special Orders No. 192, of October 24, 1863, Headquarters District of Arkansas, dismissing Colonel A. S. Dobbin, Confederate States cavalry, from the army, has been remitted by the President. Colonel Dobbin therefore restored to duty, and will at once proceed to the Trans-Mis- sissippi Department and resume the command of his regiment. XXX. The furlough heretofore granted Corporal John W. Lipscomb, of Ward's battery, is extended twenty days from February 29, 1864. Transportation will be furnished him from Jackson, Miss., to the Head- quarters Army of Northern Virginia. XXXI. R. A. Mills is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain John M. Garnett, assistant quar- termaster, at Albany, Ga. XXXII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon R. S. F. Peete, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers, is extended twenty days from February 7,1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, January 30,1864. Special Orders) No. 25. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant Antony C. Pate, Dooly Volunteers; Captain John T. Dent, Company H, Eighth Regiment Georgia State Guards; Captain J. M. Whorter [J.'McWhorter,] Company [K,] Third Regiment Georgia State Guards, [cavalry;] Assistant Surgeon J. B. Saunders, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant L. 0. Kibler, Company H, Holcombe Legion; First Lieutenant J. R. Mc• Manus, Company A, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volunteers. II. Surgeon Alex. Harris is relieved from present duty, and will report immediately to Colonel Peter Mallett, at Raleigh, N. C., for duty in ex- amining conscripis in the Fifth Congressional District of North Carolina. III. Assistant Surgeon Leonard F. Dozier will report without delay to the medical director of General Longstreet's corps, at Russellville,Tenn., for assignment to duty. IV. Sergeant John H. Cardwell, of Company A, Ninth Regiment Ken- tucky Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. V. The following-named persons are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as indicated: H. S. Allen to Surgeon S. A. IS. H.] Stout, medical director, at Dalton, Ga.; H. J. Jones to Surgeon George S. Blackie, medical purveyor, Atlanta, Ga. VI. Leave of absence for thirty days from February 1,1864, is granted Surgeon Hugh A. Blair. VII. Private W. D. McLary, of Company I, Third Regiment Loui- siana Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, be being a citizen of the latter State. 59 VIII. Private Jacob Bove, of CompanyK, Twelfth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Forty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, he being a citizen of the latter State. IX. So much of Paragraph XIX, Special Orders No. 202, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August 29, 1862, as refers to Captain J. L. Moore, assistant quartermaster, First Battalion Reserve Artillery, is hereby revoked, and Captain J. L. Moore will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. X. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon J. E. Dulaney, Nineteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is extended ten days from January 29, 1864. XI. The following-named privates will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: John C. Kinzer, Company —, John Surface, Com- pany —, Fifty-fourth Virginia Volunteers. XII. The troops mustered into the Confederate service for1 six months from the State of South Carolina will be discharged on the 1st day of February, 1864. XIII. The furlough heretofore granted Sergeant R. B. Pleasants, of the Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended five days. XIV. Sergeant Edward A. Carter, of Company A, Thirty-eighth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for enrolling service, and will report to Major IE. (?.] Wall, en- rolling officer Sixth Congressional District. XV. Private Charles Green, of Company K, Twenty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to the chief engineer at Mobile, Ala. XVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain J. V. Ashurst, Company F, Thirteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel R. Lindsey Walker, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended to February 4,1864. XVIII. Private A. J. Rollins, of Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, recently serving with Company L, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will rejoin his original company. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain W. H. Martin, of Company K, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended ninety days from February 23, 1864. XX. The detail heretofore granted Private C. C. S. Thompson, Com- pany B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten days from February 1, 1864. XXI. The following-named officers, being unfit for field service, will report by letter to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assignment to enrolling duty in the State of Florida: First Lieu- tenants W. B. Watson, J. J. Thompson, Second Lieutenant W. B. Watts, Second Florida Volunteers. XXII. Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Saunders, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to the commanding general at Savannah, Ga., for assignment to artillery duty. XXIII. Captain H. 0. Claggett, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major-General A. Elzey, commanding, &c., Richmond, Va., for assign- ment to duty as paymaster of Colonel Stevens' command, Richmond Defenses. 60 XXIV. The following-named privates, being unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the printing office of W. J. Westbrook, govern, ment contractor, at Grenada, Miss., without claim to pay or allowances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report accord- ingly: Thomas F. Oury, T. H. Oury, Company K, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers. XXV. The following-named men, assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia, are transferred to Company I, First Regiment Engineer Troops: George M. Bailey, John Hines, M. S. McCfurry, Henry Nelson, W. Lurkhauer. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain W. B. Will- iams, assistant commissary subsistence, is extended to February 6,1864. XXVII. Private Henry C. Bowe, of Lieutenant Jackson's detachment of cavalry, is transferred to Captain Gregg's company, Thirty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders "I Richmond, February 1,1864. No. 26. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Rev. W. J. Duval, chaplain, Third Florida Volunteers ; Surgeon J. W. Pitts, Thirty-fourth Alabama Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant R. Townley, Company L, Fifty-sixth Ala- bama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. P. R. Ratcliffe, Company C, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry ; First Lieutenant R. P. Smith, Company I, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Wright, Com- pany A, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Joseph Graham, Poague's artillery [battalion.] II. Assistant Surgeon Tazewell L. Anderson will report for duty with- out delay to the medical director of General Longstreet's corps, at Rus- sellville, Tenn. III. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 309, series 1862 [1863,] as refers to Assistant Surgeon David Steel is hereby revoked. . IV. Assistant Surgeon N.> Wayb is relieved from hospital duty, and will without delay report to the medical director of General Longstreet's corps, at Russellsville [Russellville,] Tenn. V. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to the medical director of General Joseph E. Johnston's command, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty : Assistant Surgeons W. N. Bush, William H. Brame. VI. Private J. F. Foard, of Baxter's battery, is appointed hospital steward, and- will report to Surgeon W. Jennings, chief surgeon of Gen* eral Buckner's division. VII. Private William Carr, a drafted militiaman from Calhoun County, Miss., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. VIII. First Lieutenant D. T. Millard, Company C, Thirty-sixth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is tern- porarily assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Colonel Peter Mallett, at Raleigh, N. C., for orders. 61 IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: Captain Joseph P. Carson, Com- panv I, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, fifteen days; Lieutenant J. A. Thompson, Company G, Forty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain E. T. Randall, Company D, Third Alabama Volunteers, sixty days; Brigadier-General E. A. Perry, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, fifteen days; Major D. T. Webster, commissary of subsistence, fifteen days; Captain J. W. Williams, Company D, Fifth Alabama Volun- teers, thirty days; Colonel Edward J. Walker, Third Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant-Colonel/. L. Corley, quartermester, fifteen days. X. Private Angus McDonough, Company £>, Nineteenth Battalion Vir- ginia Heavy Artillery, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander/o/m R.Mitchell, Navy Department, Richmond. XI. Private John Costello, of Company I, Griffith's regiment, is trans- ferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral F. Buchanan, C. S. Navy, at Mobile, Ala. XII. The following-named privates are transferred from the works of Messrs. Spiller & Burr, at Atlanta, Ga., to the pistol works at Macon, Ga., and will report to Colonel James H. Burton, superintendent of armories, &c., for assignment to duty: A. J. Bass, Company H, Thirty-fourth Ala- bama Volunteers ; H. W. Barr, Company D, Thirty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; Edwin Campbell, Company D, Twenty-seventh Mississippi Volunteers ; Irwin Hall, Company F, Nineteenth South Carolina Volun- teers; T. J. Lair, Company K, Ninth Mississippi Volunteers ; T. A. Mis- kelly, Company A, Twenty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers; William Mc- Lernore, Company F, Forty-first Mississippi Volunteers; J. F. Sloman, Company B, Fifth Georgia Volunteers. XIII. The Department of East Tennessee will include on the east the counties of Russell, Buchanan, Wise, Scott, Lee, and Washington, in Virginia, and that part of North Carolina west of the Blue Ridge; on the south the country north of the Little Tennessee River, and op the west the country east of the Tennessee and Clinch Rivers and Emory's Creek. XIV. First Lieutenant C. J. Matthews, of Company C, Fourteenth Ten- nessee Volunteers, being unfit for active service in the field, will report to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assignment to conscript duty. XV. Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 308, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, December 29, 1863, is hereby revoked, and Captain J. McLaughlin, assistant quartermaster, will report to the commanding officer Phillips' Legion of cavalry for assignment to duty. XVI. Private B. G. Dickerson, jr., of Company I, Forty-fourth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed to carry on his business as wheelwright in the county of Charlotte, Va., without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance, of said detail. XVII. Leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant A. W. Buckner, Company C, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XVIII. Authority is hereby granted Captain W. H. Martin, Company K, Fourth Texas Volunteers, to collect the absentees from his brigade during his leave of absence. XIX. Second Lieutenant James A. Paul, of Company C, Walker's bat- talion, will be dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. 16—S. 0., A. & I. G, 0—4 62 XX. Private J. C. Wagner, of Company D, Sixteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Lieuten- ant-General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., at Shreveport, La., for secret service. XXI. Assistant Surgeon G. S. Trezevant is relieved from the operation of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 13, current series, and will report when relieved by Surgeon Fisher to Medical Director [AT. &] Crowd, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment. XXII. Surgeon W. M. Morris is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the enrolling officer of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia for duty on the board of examiners for that district. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon Marcus D. L. Jordan will report without delay for duty with General Forrest, at Como, Miss. XXIV. Colonel William Miller, of the First Florida Regiment, is as- signed to duty as commandant of conscripts for the State of Florida, and will report to Colonel John S. Preston, chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XXV. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department without claim to pay or allowances as soldiers during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Messrs. R. M. Taylor and William Allen, government contractors, in this city: James W. Whitlock, Willis W. Enroughty, Company E, Tenth Virginia Battalion. XXVI. Private Abner G. Sparks, of the Delta Rifles, [Company F,] Fourth Louisiana Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Major W. Norris, in this city. XXVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colohel Thomas T. Munford, Second Virginia Cavalry, is extended ten days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 2,1864. Special Orders) No. 27. 1 I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant G. W. Arm- strong, Company D, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant TO. Littleton, Company B, Ninth Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. J. Pauley, Company F, Eighth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant M. A. Martin, jr., Company I, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers; Cap- tain J. W. Wells, Company H, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers; Rev. William Flinn, chaplain, Sixteenth Georgia Volunteers; Major S. B. Spencer, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry. • • II. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 309, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 30, 1863, as refers to Assistant Surgeon V. P. [Josiah iV.] Boggs is hereby revoked. III. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 8, current series, as refers to Private Francis R. Stone, of the Chatham Artillery, is hereby revoked, and Private Stone will immediately rejoin his company. IV. Hospital Steward W. E. Besson is relieved from present duty, and will report to surgeon in charge hospital at Eufaula, Ala. 63 V. Surgeon F. A. Ramsey is assigned to duty as medical director of hospitals for the army in East Tennessee. VI. Officers and bonded agents of Major Charles S. Carrington's de- partment, providing forage for the armies in Virginia and North Caro- lina, when temporarily absent from their posts in discharge of their duties will be allowed their personal expenses in lieu of all allowances for fuel, quarters, and forage for the same period. The payment author- ized will be made by any post quartermaster. Each account must be certified by the party receiving the payment, and approved by Major [Charles &] Carrington, quartermaster, or Major [6r. TE] Grice, quarter- master. VII. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: First Lieutenant C. W. Motes, Troup Artillery, ten days; Assistant Surgeon J. C. Fowler, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. VIII. Captain Walter J. Morris, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to Meridian, Miss., and report to Lieu- tenant-General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his chief engineer. ' IX. The following-named privates of Company B, Nineteenth Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, will immediately rejoin their com- mand: Colleton Glover, Delaware PoweU. X. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private R. W. Oronin, Com- pany B, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XI. The general court-martial appointed in Special Orders No. 21, Paragraph XXVI, current series, from this office, is authorized to ad- journ from place to place as circumstances may render necessary. XII. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private T. G. Paulson, of Company H, Nineteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XIII. Private William H. McFarland, of Company C, Twelfth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the printing-office of J. B. Ege, government con- tractor at Petersburg, Va., without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain E. S. Jemison, Company G, First Texas Volunteers, is extended thirty days. ' XV. Private A. M. Erskine, of Company —, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to Lieutenant-General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for assign- ment to duty with Major-General J. B. Magruder. XVI. The furlough heretofore granted Private Samuel M. Gaines, of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended ten. days. XVII. Leave of absence for ten days is granted Major JohnR. Blocker, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVIII. Private T. C. Billups, of Company A, Forty-fourth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain J. T. Bernard, assistant quartermaster, Eighth Florida Volunteers, is extended to Feb- ruary 6,1864. XX. Private John T. Hooper, of Company A, Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to the Twenty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 64 XXI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Mathew T. Kemper, Captain Lenoir's company; W. A. Cochran, Company F, First Alabama Artil- lery. XXII. Captain J. S. Cleveland, of the Fifth Texas Volunteers, will proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department and report to Major-Gen- eral J. B. Magruder, when his health is sufficiently restored, for assign- ment to conscript or other duty for which he may be competent. He will forward monthly certificates of his condition to the commanding general. XXIII. First Lieutenant J. W. Ford, of Company K, First Missouri Infantry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXIV. A furlough until further orders is granted Private J. R. Stephenson, Company L, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XXV. Private Thomas B. Cersley, of Company I, Sixth Virginia Vol- unteers, will immediately rejoin his company. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel H. Hawkins, Fifth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is extended five days from Feb- ruary 3, 1864. XXVII. Private L. E. Waring, Company B, Fortieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to sur- geon in charge of Chimborazo Hospital for assignment to duty. XXVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Benjamin Robinson, Company A, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers, is extended ten dajrs. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 3, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 28. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Brigadier-General John C. Moore, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant Jesse Martin, Company I, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Joseph Rine- hart, Company F, First Virginia Cavalry; Colonel W. B. Ball, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Captain W. R. Lyman, Company B, Thirty-first Vir- ginia Volunteers; Captain H. C. Fite, Company H, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant John McGUl, Company A, First Lieutenant S. V. D. Stout, Company B, Eleventh Tennessee Volunteers; Captain T. A. Hill, Company I, Forty- second Georgia Volunteers. III. Cadet John B. Thompson, C. S. Army, will report to General Joseph E. Johnston, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. 65 IV. Leaves of absence for the time annexed to their respective names are granted the following-named officers: Surgeon William M. Compton, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Lieutenant S. H. B. Massey, Company D, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, forty days. V. Captain H. S. Park will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., with the company recently raised by him and report to General Joseph E. Johnston for assignment to duty. VI. Private Jacob N. Marberry, of Company —, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VII. A furlough for ninety days for the benefit of his health is granted Private J. F. Stewart, of Company A, Forty-ninih Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers. VIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private E. Waldrop, Company C, Thirteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. IX. Private H. 0. Whitworth, of Company D, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the con- sent of the officers concerned, to Captain Samuel T. Wright's company light artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. X. Sergeant T. C. Reavis, of Company G, Twenty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for active service in the field, is for sixty days detailed as provost-guard, and will report to Captain Samuel B.. Waters, provost-marshal, at Raleigh, N. C. XI. Sergeant E. W. Miller, of Company K, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XII. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: Lieutenant R. M. Middleton, Com- pany A, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant P. P. Peace, Company G, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. E. Sullivan, Company K, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, twenty days. XIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain William E. Duncan, assistant quartermaster, is extended twenty days. XIV. The furlough heretofore granted Private William Smith, of Cap- tain C. H. Blake's company of cavalry, is extended ten days from Feb- ruary 24, 1864. XV. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private J. H. WoUz, of Grif- fin's battery Virginia artillery. XVI. Captain Elson [Eicon] Jones, Signal Corps, will report to Major William Noiris, chief of Signal Corps, in this city. XVII. Second Lieutenant George A. Smith, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to Major-General Arnold Elzey for assignment to duty. XVIII. Private Edward L. Crowder, Company E, Third Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., in this city, for assignment. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon J. Kellum is extended twenty days from February 28, 1864. XX. Sergeant Loftin M. Little, of Company I, Third Regiment Arkan- sas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty at the Confederate States distillery at Salisbury, N. C., and will report to Surgeon James T. Johnston, medical purveyor, at Charlotte, N. C. 17—S. 0., A. & I, G. 0.-4 66 XXI. Private T. Barnes, of Company C, Fifty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Major William R. Hunt, at Selma, Ala. XXII. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel 1. M. St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, in this city: James Franklin, Captain Randolph's cavalry company; James Foster, Company F, Fourth Virginia Cavalry. XXiri. Private A. F. Dod, of Company L, Sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Dr. Pratt, at Augusta, Ga., for assignment. XXIV. Cadet E. A. Semple,jr., C. S. Army, will report to Major-Gen- eral Arnold Elzey, commanding, &c., in this city, for the purpose of en- abling him to appear before the examining board. XXV. Private J. H. Johnston, jr., of Company C, Sixteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for forty days detailed for duty in the Commis- sary Department, and will report to Captain W. D. Reynolds, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Raleigh', N. C. At the expiration of his present detail he will rejoin his command. XXVI. Private J. A. Lynham, of the Third Company, Richmond How- itzers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 4,1864. Special Orders) No. 29. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain D. F. Berry, Company K, Thirty-first Arkansas Volunteers; Rev. W. B. GaUman, chaplain, Sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant B. R. Mayes, Company K, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers; Captain Francis U. [Francis W.] Bona, Company A, First North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Thomas D. Kinden, Company A, Forty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Captain John B. Beall, Com- pany H, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. L. Bird, Company D, Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry; Captain John W. Mitchell, Company C, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieu- tenant R. L. Barn, adjutant, First South Carolina State Troops. II. The leave of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers is extended as follows: Lieutenant J". W. Pinguid, Griffin's battery, twenty days; Captain J. A. Fisher, Company F, First North Caro- lina Cavalry, thirty days; Lieutenant J. A. Lowe, Company G, Twenty- sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant William L. Timms, Company F, Fortieth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Colonel Peter Turney, First Tennessee Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant Elias Edmonds, Company H, Fortieth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant J. A. Polk, Company K, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days. 67 III. The furloughs heretofore granted each of the following-named privates are extended for the time annexed to their respective names; A. W. Hundley, Company G, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days: J. B. Hundley, John L. Johnson, Company G, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volun- teers, fifteen days; W. L. Brimior, Company C, Fifty-fifth Virginia Vol- unteers, thirty days. IV. Private M. B. Toney, Company B, First Tennessee Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, the cap- tains consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States bes thereby incurred. V. The furloughs heretofore granted each of the following-named men are extended until further orders. They will forward to this depart- ment medical certificates of their condition every three months: Ser- geants W. T. Spear, R. H. Breashear, Company H, Third Arkansas Vol- unteers. VI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain James Hays, assistant adjutant-general, is extended twenty days from March 5,1864. VII. Sergeant W. L. White, of Third Company, Richmond Howitzers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to Colonel J. Gorgas, chief of Ordnance Bureau, for assignment to duty. VIII. Private H. B. Lowe, of Company B, First Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on sur- geon's certificate of disability. IX. Private Edgar R. Mieon, of Company A, Fifty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report to Captain Z. S. Farland, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Miller's Tavern, Va. X. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are detailed for hospital duty at Macon, Ga., and will report to the surgeon in charge: Sergeant E. Mote, Company B, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers; Private T. J. Mclntire, Company H, Fifteenth. Alabama Volunteers; Private Charles King, Company K, Eleventh Georgia Volunteers; Private H. W\ Crosby, Company K, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers; Private J. M. Han- cock, Company K, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers. XI. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private M. L. Goodlett, of Company K, Second Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XII. The furlough heretofore granted Private J. W. Vass, of the Cren- shaw Battery, is extended seven days from February 4, 1864. XIII. Major-General Breckinridge will report in person to this depart- ment for special assignment to command. He is authorized to take with him on his new assignment the assistant adjutant-general (Major [/.] Stoddard Johnston) of his present division. XIV. Private R. B. Rea, of Company I, Seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge at Charlottesville, Va. XV. Private T. J. Carter, of Company E, Tenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major-General H. Heth is extended five days. XVII. First Lieutenant Robert S. Russ, of Company K, Sixth Regi- ment Florida Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. 68 XVIII. Pileg Seaberry is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter, master's Department, and will report to Major R. J. Echols, quarter, master, at Charlotte, N. C. XIX. Second Lieutenant W. N. Chevalier, of Company F, Twenty, fifth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will immediately rejoin hig company. XX. Captain W. Murry, Company E, Fifteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assignment to enrolling duty. XXI. Private George J. Barr, of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as ward- master, and will report to the surgeon in charge of Second Georgia Hospital, at Augusta, Ga. XXII. Private H. C. Thomason, of Company H, Eleventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major I. T. Winnemore, quartermaster, at Augusta, Ga. XXIII. Private L. D. Daley, of Company K, Fifty-ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as night watch at the arsenal, Macon, Ga., and will report to Colonel D. Wyalt Aiken, commandant of the post, for assignment to duty. XXIV. Private Patrick Kelly, of Company K, First Regiment Florida Volunteers, is detailed to work on gunboats, and will report to Lieu- tenant Van R. Morgan, C. S. Navy, at Marion Court-House, S. C. XXV. A furlough for thirty days is granted Sergeant E. V. Ditmars, Florida volunteers. XXVI. Private Henry H. Farthing, of Company E, Thirty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Captain Mallett, commanding guards at Salisbury, N. C., to relieve an able-bodied man. XXVII. Private R. P. Price, of Company E, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as nurse, and will report to the senior surgeon at Lynchburg, Va., for assignment to duty. XXVIII. Private Herbert W. Williams, of Captain B. J. Epes' com- pany, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company G, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cav- airy, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. The above transfer will take effect February 1, 1864. XXIX. The resignation of Colonel F. W. Adams, Thirty-eighth Regi- ment Mississippi Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect September 24, 1862. XXX. Private F. K. Steele, of Company C, First Regiment, Maryland Line, being unfit for field service on account of gunshot wound, is de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John Ambler, quartermaster, &c., in this city. XXXI. The furlough heretofore granted Private Leander Elam, Com- pany B, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended thirty days from February 1, 1864. XXXII. Major-General John A. Wharton is transferred to the Trans- Mississippi Department, and will report to Lieutenant-General E. Kirby Smith, commanding that department, for assignment. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 69 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 5, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 30. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain V. L. Hopson, assistant commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieu- tenant A. J. Hanson, aid-de-camp, &c.; First Lieutenant B. J. F. Cotton, Company E, Twenty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. IV. N. Wilson, Company C, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. W. Johnston, Company G, Fifty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant S. H. Harris, Company H, Thirty-sixth Georgia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant J. M. Parker, Company E, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant John W. Montgomery, Company K, Nineteenth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant S. H. Wheeler, Company F, Second Tennessee Cavalry; Major John E. Neusum [Newsom,] Captain Jeremiah Dailey, Company E, Captain Thomas J. Warren, Com- pany B, Second Lieutenant James H. Weir, Company [A,] Fourth Ala- bama Cavalry, [Roddey's.] II. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private S. Crawford, Company B, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers; [Private] R. H. McCain, Company G, Tenth Alabama Volunteers. III. Sergeant John W. Hurxthall, of Company A, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. IV. Private H. Falconer, of Company F, Thirty-fourth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, having been elected a representative in the State Legislature from Marshall County, Miss., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. V. Sergeant John J. Henderson, of Com pany F, Twenty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected sheriff of Pierce County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VI. Private S. K. Hodges, Company G, Tenth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. VII. Captain John C. Landis, of Missouri Volunteer Artillery Company, will report to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c., at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty. VIII. The detail heretofore granted Private N. P. Loving, of Company D, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is extended sixty days. IX. Ordnance Sergeant R. D. Jordan, Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to Major T. H. Price, Selma, Ala., for assignment to ordnance duty. X. Private J. L. Van Zandt, of Company D, Seventh Regiment Texas Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to Medical Director [John M.~] Haden, at Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department. XI. Lieutenant-Colonel W. P. Johnson, Fourth Regiment Missouri Infantry, having been appointed a Confederate States senator by the Governor of Missouri, his resignation has been accepted by the Pres- ident, to take effect December 7, 1863. 18—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 70 XII. Surgeon C. D. Rice is relieved from the operation of Paragraph YII [VI,] Special Orders No. 19, current series, from this office, and will report to the enrolling officer of the Third Congressional District of Virginia for duty on the examining board of that district. XIII. Assistant Surgeon J. H. Curry is relieved from duty with Ninth Georgia Artillery Battalion, and will report to Surgeon [& if.] Stovt, medical director, at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment. XIV. Assistant Surgeon John W. Bowdune [Bowdoin] will report with, out delay to medical director at Dalton, Ga., for assignment. XV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 17, current series, as relates to Hospital Steward W. W. Hubbard is hereby revoked, XVI. Private J. J. Fugate, of Company B, Sixteenth Regiment Arkan. sas Volunteers, is transferred to Cobb's battery Kentucky volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVII. Rev. John R. Bennett, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in hospitals at Lynchburg, Va., and will report accordingly. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel Edward McCrady, jr., First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is ex. tended twelve days from date. XIX. The sentence of death pronounced against Private James R. Miles, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, for desertion is re. mitted by order of the President. Private Miles will be released from confinement and returned to duty with his company. XX. The furlough heretofore granted Private W. M. Wise, of Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended eight days from February 10, 1864. XXI. Private J. Henry, of Company D, Eighth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city. XXII. The leave of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers is extended as follows: Brigadier-General L. S. Baker, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Surgeon T. B. Memminger, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days from January 26,1864. XXIII. Private C. J. Colcock, jr., of Company I, Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company H, Third Regi- ment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for infantry service. XXIV. Major-General R. Ransom, jr., will proceed at the expiration of his present leave of absence to southwestern Virginia and East Ten- nessee, make a thorough inspection of the troops in those departments, and report the result, with such suggestions as he may consider proper, to this office. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 71 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 9, 1864. Special Orders) No. 31. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Major Thomas F. Holmes, First Lieutenant J. T. Kerr, Company B, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James W. Foutch, Company A, Allison's squadron; Captain C. W. Foster, Company D, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Major S. F. Williams, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Jesse Brewer, Company H, Twenty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Captain R. J. Wilson, Company I, Rev. William Hauser, chaplain, Forty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant George L. Richardson, Company A, Forty-second Virginia Volunteers; Surgeon F. B. Richerson, Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers; Signal Sergeant Paul F. Hammond, Provisional Army Confederate States; Major J. Thompson, assistant adjutant-gen- eral, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Surgeon J. S. Morel will report without delay to Surgeon N. S. Crowell, medical director of hospitals at Charleston, S. C., for assignment. III. Assistant Surgeon E. McRory [McCrory] will relieve Surgeon W. H. Moore from Wilmington Light Artillery. On being relieved Surgeon Moore will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, &c., Raleigji, N. C., for assignment to duty. IV. Assistant Surgeon M. M. Pitts will report without delay to med- ical director at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. V. Assistant Surgeon Charles S. Darby will report without delay to Major-General J. B. Hood for assignment to duty. VI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private George W. Worthington, Company G, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment, to date from October 1, 1862; Private J. P. Porter, Com- pany F, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Volunteers, to the colonel of his regi- ment, to date from May 1, 1862; Private L. B. Robinson, Company A, Twenty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carring- ton, Richmond, Va. VII. Captain John Archer, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to Lieutenant-General E. K. Smith, com- manding, for assignment to duty. VIII. The following-named men, being citizens of Virginiia, are trans- ferred from Company D, Twelfth Battalion Louisiana Artillery, to Cap- tain A. B. Jones' battery heavy artillery, Virginia volunteers: Corporal E. C. Roper, Private J. R. Roper. IX. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty as designated: Sergeant P. M. Moss, Company E, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Sergeant Jesse D. Tucker, Company F, Forty-sixth North Carolina Vol- unteers, to the colonel of his regiment. X. Sergeant P.A.H. Brown, of the Chesapeake Light Artillery, Mary- land volunteers, is transferred to the Signal Corps, and will report to Major William Norris, chief of Signal Corps, in this city, for assignment to duty. XI. Leave of absence for thirty days from February 2, 1864, is granted Major Joseph E. Ficklin, commissary of subsistence, Wharton's brigade. 72 XII. Captain E. J. Gilford, of Company G, Eleventh Regiment Ten- nessee Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 203, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August 30, 1862, as refers to Captain 0. T. Gibbs, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Gibbs will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIV. Within twenty days from the date of this order the commis- sioned officers of the Sixth Confederate Battalion will hold a meeting and recommend for appointment a lieutenant-colonel for said battalion. Captain Boyd's company of Virginia cavalry is attached to the Sixth Confederate Battalion, and the commissioned officers of it will have a vote in making the recommendation for lieutenant-colonel. XV. Private James Tabb, of Company E, Fifty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is transferred to Company D, Thirty-second Regiment Georgia V olunteers. XVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted First Lieutenant A. A. Williamson, of Company F, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended twenty days from March 7, 1864. Under act of congress of April 16, 1862, he is entitled to transportation to his home and thence to his regiment. XVII. Private A. P. McCaskill, of Company F, Eleventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company G, First Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, being unfit for infantry service. XVIII. Captain George W. Helm, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report by letter to Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, for assignment to duty. XIX. Private Dennis M. Wade, of Captain Wade's company, Hood's cavalry battalion, is discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected ordinary of Early County, Ga. XX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major F. W. Sims, quartermaster, &c., in this city: Private J. H. Clary, Captain Wright's company, Camp Lee; Private T. A. Chauncey, Company E, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers; Private W. M. Wade, Company F, Sixteenth Vir- ginia Volunteers; Private M. G. Thayer, Company H,Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers. XXI. Corporal H. C. Graves, of Company D, Fourth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Larhin Smith, assistant quartermaster-general, for assignment in Demop- olis, Ala. XXII. Private L. J. Dabbs, of Company C, Third North Carolina Cav- airy; beingf unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty, and will report to commandant of post at Danville, Va. XXIII. Sergeant L. R. Phillips, of Company K, Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to H. T. Pealce, superintendent South Car- olina Railroad, Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty as machinist. XXIV. Private John Barry, of Company E, First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to S. L. Fremont, superintendent Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Wilmington, N. C., for assignment as engineer. 73 XXV. The furlough heretofore granted Private Abner S. Ford, of Com- pany B, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended fourteen days. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain James M. Garnett, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is -extended ten days. XXVII. Major L. W. Hastings, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., at Shreve- port, La. Transportation will be furnished him. By command of the Secretary of War: ■ JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 8, 1864. Special Orders] No. 32. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant H. H. Stone, Company K, Sixty-second Virginia Volunteers; Captain J. P. Daniel, Company B, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Rev. A. P. Smith, chap- lain, Second South Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. B. Jones, Company F, Thirty-third Tennessee Volunteers. II. Assistant Surgeon M. W. JjicCaine will report without delay for duty to medical director of General Longstreet's corps, at Russellville, Tenn. III. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 309, series 1862 [1863,] is so modified that Surgeon J. B. Oden will report without delay to Surgeon [Lafayette} Guild, medical director, Army of Northern Virginia, for as- signment. IV. Assistant Surgeon E. McQreary is relieved from hospital duty, and will report without delay for duty with the Sixty-third North Car- olina Volunteers. V. Assistant Surgeon R. E. Shelton will report without delay for duty to medical director of General Longstreet's corps, at Russellville, Tenn. VI. Hospital Steward E. D. Smith is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to medical director at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment. VII. So much of 'Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 10, current series, as relates to Surgeon James Guild is hereby revoked. VIII. Assistant Surgeon L. A. Woodson will report without delay to medical director of General Longstreet's corps for assignment to duty. IX. The unexpired portion of the sentence against Private Alexander P. Hill, of Company F, Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, having bfeen remitted by the President, he will rejoin his command. X. Company E, Tenth * Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is hereby dis- banded. The officers and men composing the same will be enrolled and allowed to select the companies in the Army of Northern Virginia in which they will serve. XI. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant J. R. Baldrey, of Company H, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin bis command. 19—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0,-4 74 XII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Colonel J. L. Black, First South Caro- lina Cavalry, ten days; Colonel John E. Toole, Provisional Army Com federate States, five days; Lieutenant-Colonel G. M. Sorrell [Sorrel,] as- sistant adjutant-general, ten days from March 4,1864; Surgeon J. M. G. McGuire, fifteen days from February 12,1864; Lieutenant G. E. Har- rison, Signal Corps, fifteen days from date. XIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private Robert C. Burton, of the Otey Battery, Virginia artillery, is extended ten days from Feb- ruary 13, 1864. XIV. The furlough heretofore granted Private George Beall, of Com- pany A, Ninth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is extended thirty days from February 10, 1864. XV. Major C. M. Winkler, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, will proceed without delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Major Gar- nett Andrews, assistant adjutant-general, judge-advocate of the court- martial now in session at that place. XVI. The furlough heretofore granted Sergeant .4. R. Green, Company A, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended twenty days. XVII. Walter Coles, jr., is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major J. G. Paxton, quarter- master, at Lynchburg, Va. XVIII. Private Thomas B. Spaulding, of the Fifteenth Regiment Lou- isiana Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XIX. Private Charles Sieber, of the First Regiment Engineer Troops, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XX. Captain G. W. Latham, assistant adjutant-general, will report to the commandant of the post at Lynchburg, Va., for assignment to duty. XXI. On his application Captain D. C. Stith is relieved from duty under Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 209, series 1863, and will re- port to General Joseph E. Johnston for assignment. His temporary rank of colonel having ceased from his disconnection with the command for which it was given, he is remitted to his former rank under General Orders No. 48, 1862. * XXII. Sergeant R. D. Murphy, of the Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with Lieutenant-General Hardee's corps, and will report to Lieu- tenant-General E. Kirby Smith, at Shreveport, La., for duty with Major- General Sterling Price. XXIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 203, August 30,1862, as refers to Captain A. Robert, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Robert will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXIV. Lieutenant Haley Wigfall, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General J. B. Hood, in this city, for assign- ment to duty. XXV. The following-named officers and men being important wit- nesses in cases now pending before the Hustings Court in this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond, on Sat- urday, the 13th of the present month: Brigadier-General R. T. Hoke, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain [J". TP.] Wyatt, Albemarle Artillery; William A. Whittaker, First North Carolina Battalion. XXVI. A furlough until further orders is granted Private John B. ,Glynn, Company E, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. 75 XXVII. The furlough heretofore granted Private Walter Bragg, Com- pany H, Sixth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, is extended six days from February 10, 1864. XXVIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private J. C. Maben, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended to March 6,1864. XXIX. All officers of rank above that of major who have heretofore been employed in the conscription service under the orders of Brigadier- General Pillow are relieved from that service, and those of them who are unattached will report by letter to the Adjutant and Inspector-General, at Richmond. Those attached will report to their proper commands. From this order are excepted Colonel William Miller, First Florida Vol- unteers; Colonel T. W. White, Ninth Mississippi Volunteers; Lieutenant- Colonel J. 0. Lockhart, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers, who are assigned to duty under the Bureau of Conscription. All such officers of and below the rank of major will be subject to. the orders of the Bureau of Conscription. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 9,1864. Special Orders ) No. 33. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. H. Cason, Company C, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant George W. Stubbs, Company H, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers. II. Private E. J. Peebles, Company E, Fifty-sixth North Carolina Vol- unteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. III. Sergeant Mark Long, of Company F, .Sixth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regir^ent. IV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major P. M. Slaughter, commissary of subsistence. V. Colonel Edmund Pendleton, Fifteenth Regiment Louisiana Volun- teers, will immediately rejoin his command. VI. Private S. Cox, of the Forty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Vol- unteers, having been improperly assigned, will report to Colonel P. Mai- lett, at Raleigh, N. C. . VII The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant John Womble, Com- pany H, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant J. H. Johnson, Company G, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant William S. Barnes, adjutant, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, twelve days; Lieutenant D. T. Cartwright, Com- pany K, Thirteenth Georgia Volunteers, twenty days;' Major P. B. Stanard, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, fifteen days; Captain L. R. Gibson, Company D, Fifty-second North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days. 76 VIII. Private A. L. Parks, Company F, Third Regiment North Caro. lina Cavalry, is, transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Compan3r B, Eleventh Regiment North Car, olina Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: John R. Beane, United Artillery; Colin B. Tomlin, Company B, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. X. Private A. T. Goodwin, of Company A, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Forty-second Bat. talion Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XI. Private W. R. Falconer, of the First Company, Washington Artil- lery, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the offi- cers concerned, to Captain Porche's company, Second Regiment Loui. siana Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XII. Private John W. McCabe, of Company A, First Battalion, Waul'g Legion, Texas volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, he being a citizen of the latter State. XIII. Paragraph XXI, Special Orders No. 308, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, December 29,1863, is hereby revoked. Private S. T. Curry, of Company D, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry, is transferred to Company E, Thirty-first Virginia Volunteers, and will report ac- cordingly. XIV. Lieutenant-General J. B. Hood will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, for assignment to the command of an army corps. XV. Second Lieutenant John R. Patterson, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XVI. Private W. H. Jewell, of Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his company. XVII. The resignation of Second Lieutenant Perry H. Satcher, Com- pany'B, Stead's [Steede's] battalion cavalry, has been accepted by the President, to take effect February 1, 1864. • XVIII. Captain Thomas H. Williams, of Company C, Eighth Regi- ment Confederate Cavalry, will immediately report for duty with his company. " * . XIX. The furlough heretofore granted Private John JF. Eaches, Com- pany F, First Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended twelve days. XX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Second Lieutenant Samuel S. Harris, First Regiment Alabama Cavalry, is extended thirty days from February 17,1864. XXI. Assistant Surgeon W. R. Menniece will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Scott, medical director, &c., at Brandon, Miss, for assign- ment to duty. XXII. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to Surgeon L. Guild, medical director, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty: Assistant Surgeons J. E. Goethe, John R. Wood. XXIII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 7, current series, as accepts the resignation of First Lieutenant J. H. Capers, adjutant, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, it having been erroneously accepted. 77 XXIV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 281, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, November 26, 1863, as refers to Lieu- tenant J. R. Massey, adjutant, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is revoked, his resignation having been accepted under misapprehen- sion of the circumstances. XXV. A furlough until further orders is granted Private W. H. Can- nady, of Company G, Forty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volun- teers. XXVI. The hospital guard at Lynchburg, Va., is hereby transferred to the command of Captain Van R. Otey, provost marshal. Lieutenant [ W M.~\ Lockwood, after transferring all the public property, rolls, &c., in his possession, will immediately rejoin his command—Company D, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers. XXVII. Major J. D. Upton, of the First Regiment Tennessee Heavy Artillery, will immediately rejoin his command. XXVIII. Captain W. H. Chapman is relieved from enrolling service and will rejoin his command—Company C, Mosby's battalion cavalry. XXIX. An ordnance board, to consist of the following-named officers, will assemble at Chaffin's Bluff on February 12,1864, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into the cause and circumstances of the bursting of the Brooke gun at that place : Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. A. DeLagnel, Majors R. C. Taylor, A. L. Rogers, Provi- sional Army Confederate States. XXX. Authority is hereby granted Lieutenant R. G. Cross, adjutant, Forty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, [con- solidated,] to collect the stragglers and absentees from Gracie's and Johnson's brigades, of Longstreet's corps; as well as those in temporary detail in hospitals and elsewhere. XXXI. L. L. Youell is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general field transportation, in this city, for assignment to duty. XXXII. Major John H. Crump, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at Madison, Ga., and will report accordingly. XXXIII.. Paragraph XXI, Special Orders No. 251, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, October 27,1862, is hereby revoked, and Private Levi Wasserman, Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his company. XXXIV. Private John Young, of Captain Simpson's company, Thirty- eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, heretofore detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, in this city, is transferred to Danville, Va., and will report to Captain C. J. Hutter, commanding- Confederate States arsenal at that place. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General, 20—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 78 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 10,1864. Special Orders) No. 34. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain C. T. Fellowes [E. T. Fellows,] assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant F. T. Boggs, Captain Curlin's company, Local Defense, [Virginia volunteers;] Second Lieutenant George H. Tardy, Company C, Twenty-second Louisiana Volunteers; Captain S. G. Pry or, Company A, Twelfth Georgia: Volunteers; Second Lieutenant H. N. Hagin, Com. pany K, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W.H.Barr, Company D, Third North Carolina Volunteers. II. Private Joel 0. Henry, of Company E, Forty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected clerk of the inferior court of Harris County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. III. Private Henry G. Jennings, Company A, Ninth Battalion Georgia Artillery, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company I, Thirty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. IV. The detail heretofore granted Private William. H. Peters, of Captain Dejarnett's [DeJarnette's] company, Signal Corps, is extended twenty days. V. Lieutenant John Johns, C. S. Army, will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation, in this city, for assignment to duty. VI. Private J. D. McNeely, of Company D, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon James F. McRae, at Salisbury, N. C., for assignment to duty to relieve B. G. Clifford. VII. Private Henry B. Whitten, of Company E, Twenty-eighth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Bentley, quartermaster, &c., in this city. VIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel D. C. Glenn, judge military court, Third Army Corps, is extended thirty days from March 10,1864. IX. First Lieutenant C. Y, Steptoe, adjutant, Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will report to Major-General F. H. Smith, super- intendent Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington, Va., for assignment to duty. X. Private R. A. Crawford, of Captain Corder's company, Twentieth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty at the Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington, Va., and will report to Major-General F. H. Smith, superintendent, &c. XI.-Private Samuel J. Rucker, of Company C, Forty-fifth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is detailed as clerk of the military court Depart- ment of East Tennessee, and will report for duty accordingly. XII. Major William M. Owen, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty with Major-General Samuel Jones, and will report to Lieutenant-General James Longstreet, commanding, &c., at Morristown, Tenn., for assignment to duty. 79 XIII. Private W. L. Robinson, Company E, Second Florida Cavalry, is detailed to report without claim to pay or allowance to James Kirksey and others, engaged in the erection of a cotton factory near Tallahassee, Fla., for the purpose of purchasing necessafy machinery in Europe and superintending the factory when in operation. XIV. Private James W. Green, of Company I, Fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed to work on the Southwestern Railroad of Georgia without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Major F. W. Sims, quartermaster, &c., in this city. XV. Private John Anderson, of Company K, Eleventh Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, will remain on duty with his present company. XVI. Private Daniel F. Brown, of Company F, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for enrolling service, and will report to Major C. J. Harris, Commandant of conscripts at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. XVII. Private W. H. Clark, of Company I, Fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major F. W. Dillard, quartermaster, at Columbus, Ga., for assignment as engineer on the steamer " Marianna." XVIII. Private William Kinney, of Company I, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain A. Kinney, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Adams' Run, S. C. XIX. Private E. Waldrop, of Company C, Thirteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon in charge general hospitals at Griffin, Ga. XX. Private A. C. Coogler, of Company E,.Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to Surgeon James Mercer Green, at Macon, Ga., for assign- ment to duty. XXI. Private H. 0. Davis, of Company B, Phillips' Legion, Georgia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as wardmaster, and will report to the surgeon in charge general hospitals at Danville, Va., for assignment to duty. XXII. Private R. G. Scott, of Company G, Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, heretofore detailed for duty with Messrs. Spiller & Burr, is transferred to the Navy Department, and will report to the officer in charge of the naval powder mills at Columbia, S. C. This detail will remain in force for sixty days. XXIII. Private Alfred G. Robertson,'of Company G, Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is de- tailed for enrolling service, and will report to Colonel P. Mallett, com- mandant of conscripts at Raleigh, N. C. ' XXIV. The details heretofore granted each of the following-named privates are extended ninety days: Thomas H. Davis,Company D, J.K. Sturgis, Henry Colona, Company B,J.N. Hancock, Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion; Jerdon Miles, Company A, Twentieth Virginia Bat- talion. XXV. Private William T. Pugh, of Company C, Fifty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [IF. B.~\ Rich- ards, quartermaster, &c., at Gordonsville, Va. 80 XXVI. Captain G. W. Menus [.Menees,] assistant commissary of sub. sistence, will report without delay to Major W. E. Moore, commissary of subsistence, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. XXVII. So much of Para'graph II, Special Orders No. 203, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August130, 1862, as refers to Major John Claiborne, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Major Claiborne will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major John H. New, assistant adjutant-general, is extended five days from February 15,1864. . XXIX. John S. Kemper is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain S. T. Stuart, assistant commis- sary of subsistence, at Lindsay, Va.' By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office,. Special Orders ) Richmond, February 11,1864. No. 35. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant John Padgett, Captain Robinson's company Partisan Rangers, [Florida volunteers;] Second Lieutenant W. W. Jordan, Company H, Sixth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Reuben Mayo, Company B, Twenty-eighth Georgia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant E. De Berry, Company I, Sixth South Caro- lina Cavalry; Captain G. W. L. Fortune, Company C, First Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant William Williams, Company K, Second Arkansas Mounted Regiment; Second Lieutenant P. H. Adams, Company I, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. R. Francis, Com- pany D, Sixty-third Virginia Volunteers. II. Private Thomas J. Armistead, of Captain Chalmers' company, is detailed to work on gunboats, and will report to the Secretary of the- Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty. III. Private William Scojield [W. H. Schojield,] of the Chicora Rifles, [Company B,] Twenty-third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is for thirty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon J. J. Chisolm, at Columbia, S. C. IV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows-: Brigadier-General John B. Gordon,- Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Major J. H. Lambeth, Fourteenth North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days; First Lieutenant James T. Humphreys, Company D, Thirtieth Virginia Volun- teers, to February 15,1864. V. The operation of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 31, current series, is suspended until the 4th of March next, and Captain John Archer will report to Brigadier-General John H. Winder for assignment to court-martial duty. VI. First Lieutenant William J. Brannon, Provisional' Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty as commandant of the post at Eufaula, Ala., and will report accordingly. VII. Cadet Edward P. Harlee [Harllee,~] C. S. Army, will proceed with- out delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Long- street, commanding, for assignment to duty on the staff of Brigadier- General J. B. Kershaw. 81 VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: W. C. Tennison, Company H, Thirty-second Mississippi Volunteers; J. D. Storvnent, Company A, Twenty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: W. J. Johnson, C. S. Navy; James Thompson, Company B, Thirty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers. X. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: N. J. Malone, Company F, Four- teenth Mississippi Volunteers; B. B. Mitchell, Company I, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers. XI. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private E. Y. Griggs, Com- pany B, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XII. Private William C. Long, of Company C, Hughes' regiment of cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company A, Fourth Battalion Louisiana Volun- teers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XIII. Private William Rich, of Company C, Third Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company D, Twenty-fifth Alabama Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XIV. Rev. H. V. Brown, chaplain, Tenth Regiment Tennessee Volun- teers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Edward J. Willis, Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten days. XVI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names : First Lieutenant L. F. Dozier, adjutant, Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers, February 1, 1864; Second Lieutenant D. Gibson, Company E, Seventeenth Texas Cavalry, December 28,1863. XVII. Private L. B. Crawford, 6f Company A, Fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected clerk of the inferior court of Fannin County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVIII. Captain J. M. Randall, of the Thirty-ninth Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report' to Major A. M. Paxton, quartermaster, at Brandon, Miss. XIX. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private Joseph B. Bell, of Company C, First Regiment Arkansas Volunteers. XX. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private P. J. Walker, of Company H, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXI. Private ~W. R. Schar, of Selden's battery, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral F. Buchanan, at Mobile, Ala. XXII. Rev. J. B. Hardwick, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Fayetteville, N. C., and report tq the commandant of the post for assignment to duty. 21—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 82 XXIII. Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 26, current series, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Surgeon N. Wayt will report to Brigadier-General J. D. Imboden for assignment to duty. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon William Henderson will report to Surgeon [/. F7.] Huestis, medical director, at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty. XXV. Surgeon H. K. Green is relieved from duty in Montgomery, Ala., and will report by letter to the Surgeon-General, in this city. XXVI. Assistant Surgeon Stephen R. Deakins will report without delay to the medical director of General J. E. Johnston's command, at DaJton, Ga., for assignment to duty. XXVII. Hospital Steward James J. Paschal is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [/. F.] Huestis, medical director, &c., at Mobile, Ala., for assignment. XXVIII. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 83, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, April 6, 1863, as refers to Private A. F. Arrington, of Company D, Seventeenth Regiment North Carolina Volun- teers, is hereby revoked, and Private Arrington will immediately rejoin his company. XXIX. Captain T. W. Stott, of Company F, Eighth Alabama Regi- ment, being unfit for field service, is temporarily detached from his company, and will report to Major W. P. Van Dever, assistant quarter- master, at Richmond, Va. XXX. The furlough heretofore granted Private Edward E. Spence, of the Fredericksburg Artillery, is extended seven days. XXXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon Robert Gibbon, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended ten days from February 14, 1864. XXXII. Acting Second Lieutenant J. M. Armistead, artillery, Provi- sional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Meridian, Miss., and report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, commanding, for assign- ment to duty with Major-General W. W. Loring. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 12, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 36. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain William Jameson, assistant quartermaster, Ninth Arkansas Volunteers; Captain George W. Mott, Company D, Second Missouri Cavalry ; Captain J. L. Finley, Company C, Tenth Mississippi Volunteers ; First Lieutenant James Banks, Com- pany I, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant James D. Riddock, Company K, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers ; Lieutenant- Colonel Lemuel Hargrove, Thirty-ninth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. P. Harris, Company F, Twentieth Alabama Volunteers; Drill-Master John G. Rencher, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Jerome P. Chase is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermas- ter's Department, and will report to Captain James Sowers, assistant quar- termaster, at Florence, S. C. 83 III. Private E. P. Lane, Company H, Fourth Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major George W. Grice, quar- termaster, at Augusta, Ga. IV. The following-named men, heretofore assigned to,the Army of Northern Virginia, are transferred to Company K, First Regiment Engi- neer Troops: Robert A. Donaldson, David Y. Partlow, C. A. [C. HI] Millhouse, James W. Sandifer [Sandiford,] Sidney Bud [Rudd,] James S. Rountree [Roundtree,] William Bletchenton [Blichenton,] William T. Williams, James H. Edwards, Levy Watts, John Goss, John [&] Moody, George Leopard, Hosey White, John Kinnedy [Kennedy,] David Abernathy, Jefferson G. Ziegler, William L. White, John F. Balloon [Bellune,] Thomas 0. Burnett, John N. Miller, Henry C. Dierson, Jasper A. Southron [Jasper N. Southern,] John Hays, Perry Rody [Roddy.] V. The following-named men, heretofore assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia, are transferred to Company F, First Regiment En- gineer Troops : Jonathan Bone, John B. [John Russell] Mathews, Isaac N. Kelly, William A. Winkler [ Winckler,] John R. Parnell. VI. The following-naihed privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred: William Howard, Captain Chiches- ter's company heavy artillery; John C. Raysor, Company G, Second South Carolina Volunteers. VII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows : Lieutenant T. L. Rogers, Com- pany B, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant John Forrest, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Lieutenant T. L. Brassard, Company C, Eighth Louisiana Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant H. A. Gray, Company F, Forty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant-Colonel N. H. Rogers, Thir- teenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain L. Jemings [Jennings,] Company F, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. VIII. Private William Williams, Company K, Thirtieth Regiment Mis- sissisippi Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. IX. The resignation of Colonel W. D. Holder, Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect January 20, 1864. X. The detail heretofore granted Private J. P. Mix, of Company C, Second Regiment Florida Volunteers, is extended to April 1, 1864. XI. Major Giles B. Cook [Cooke,] assistant adjutant-general, will pro- ceed without delay to Quincy Fla., and report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XII. Colonel Swanson's regiment of Alabama volunteers is assigned to duty with and will form a part of Brigadier-General Battle's brigade, to relieve Colonel O'Neal's regiment, of the same brigade. Colonel O'Neal's regiment on being relieved will report to Lieu tenant-General L. Polk, at Meridian, Miss., for assignment to duty. XIII. Major-General R. Ransom, jr., Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., for assignment to the command of the cavalry attached to his corps. XIV. Brigadier-General C. W. Held, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, for assignment to duty with the division lately commanded by Lieutenant-General J. B. Hood. 84 XV. Captain Robert Johnson, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major-General Robert Ransom, jr. XVI. The furloughs heretofore granted each of the following-named privates are extended four days: Robert Taylor, Robert P. Kidwell, Com- pany H, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers. XVII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private C. C. S. Thompson, of Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers. XVIII. So much of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 179, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August 2, 1862, as refers to Captain H. EstiU, assistant commissary of subsistence, is hereby revoked, and Cap tain Estill will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. Captain Estill will report to Major-General Samuel Jones for assignment to duty with the brigade commanded by Colonel [ John,] McCausland. XIX. Captain George W. Long, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Major [/. L.~\ Locke, commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga., for assignment to duty. XX. Sergeant Patrick Hays, Company E, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major W. S. Downer, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, in this city. XXI. Private C. C. Mooney, of Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the second auditor, in this city. XXII. The discharge of Private George Jones, of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, is hereby annulled, and his name will be borne upon the rolls of his company. XXIII. The authority heretofore granted Lieutenant John W. Garter to raise a company of horse artillery is hereby revoked. XXIV. Private Thomas Finn, of Company C, Twenty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major F. W. Dillard, quartermaster, at Columbus, Ga. XXV. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private H. W. Ward, of Company E, Phillips' Legion, Georgia volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 85 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, February 13,1864. No. 37. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant J. C. Campbell, Company K, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant George W. Francisco, Company C, Second Lieutenant Andrew Mullin, Company B, Seventh Battalion Confederate Cavalry; Major R. D. Minor, Fourth Battalion, [naval,] Local Defense, [Virginia volunteers;] Second Lieu- tenant T. C. Byars, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain S. C. Moore, Company I, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers; Cap- tain L. A. Nash, Company C, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant S. W. Humphries, Company E, Twelfth South Carolina Volunteers; Surgeon E. H. Pritchett, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Surgeon A. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States, December 29,1863; Chaplain J. McCarly, Pindall's sharpshooters, December 29,1863; Second Lieutenant N. F. Heath, Company I, Second Lieutenant S. M. CP Brian, Company A, Second Lieutenant J. N. Chapman, Company K, Second Lieutenant W. J. Richey, Company G, Eighteenth Texas Infantry, December 29, 1863; First Lieutenant G. F. Bird, Com- pany A, Sixteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, December 29, 1863 ; Captain H. B. Wear, Company I, Davie's regiment, December 29,1863; Second Lieutenant J. M. Clarkston, Company D, Second Lieutenant J. Brown, Company B, Second Lieutenant J. H. Hallis, Company A, Wood's battalion cavalry, December 29,1863; Captain J. Bledsoe, Bledsoe's Mis- souri battery, December 29,1863; First Lieutenant J. B. Smith, Company F, Eighth Missouri Infantry, December 29,1863; Second Lieutenant/. W. Moody, Company G, Debray's regiment, December 29,1863; Second Lieu- tenant John H. Drewry, Company F, Dawson's regiment, December 30, 1863; Captain J. H. Hanson, Company F, Monroe's regiment, December 30, 1863; Captain W. F. Glasgow, Company E, Twelfth Arkansas Infantry, December 30, 1863; Captain W. B. Ragland, assistant quartermaster, December 30,1863; Captain W. J. Smith, Company F, Bell's regiment, December 30,1863; First Lieutenant Miles F. Moore, Company H, Twen- tieth Arkansas Infantry, December 30, 1863; Second Lieutenant Luke D. Chaddick, Company F, Fourth Missouri Cavalry, December 30,1863; First Lieutenant A. J. Simons, Pratt's battery light artillery, December 30,1863; Captain E. O. Bowen, Company K, Eighth Missouri Infantry, December 30, 1863; Captain C. McBride, Com pan}' F, First Texas Cav- airy, December 30, 1863; Captain P. Wagner, Company B, Captain E. Toole, Company [I,] Third Texas Infantry, December 30, 1863; Second Lieutenant A. B. Hudson, Company B, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry, De- cember 30, 1863; First Lieutenant J. B. Hibbetts, Company I, Debray's regiment, December 30, 1863; First Lieutenant J. O. Shelby, Company I, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry, December 30, 1863; Captain J. W. Stans- bury, Company B, Twenty-third Texas Cavalry, December 30, 1863; Second Lieutenant A. N. Wilbanks, Company B, Stone's regiment, De- cember 30, 1863; Surgeon B. F. Dial, First Texas Cavalry, December 30,1863; Captain F. A. Fenner, Company C, Fourth Texas Cavalry, De- cember 30, 1863; Captain T. P. Hightower, Company B, Waller's bat- talion, December 30, 1863; Captain P. Voigt, Company B, Eighth Texas Infantry, December 30, 1863; First Lieutenant W. A. Junker, Company 22—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.-4 86 E, Speight's [Spaight's] battalion, December 30,1863; First Lieutenant T.O.Searcy, Company D, Eighth Texas Infantry, December 30,1863; First Lieutenant B. Teah, Company E, Captain John Long, Company B, Thirteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, December 30, 1863; Chaplain Charles Ooldlong [Goldsburg,] Eighteenth Texas Infantry, December 30, 1863; Second Lieutenant 22. H. Finly, Cameron's battery, December 30, 1863; Second Lieutenant W. V. Meador, Company G, Fifteenth Texas Volunteers, December 30, 1863. III. The resignation of Second Lieutenant J. A. Cabaniss, Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Texas Cavalry, has been accepted by the Pres- ident, to take effect August 18,1862. IV. The following-named acting medical officers, having been rejected by an army medical board, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Dr. William, W. Chandler, Hughes' Arkansas battalion; Dr. James Lewis Adams, Hill's Arkansas cavalry; Dr. Waldemar S. Lindsley, Adair's Second Cherokee Cavalry; Dr. Samuel B. Bethune, First Arkansas Bat- talion Infantry. V. Assistant Surgeon David T. Cooper, Chickasaw Battalion Cavalry, having been rejected by an army medical board, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. VI. Private Thomas H. Boatwright, of Company I, Forty-first Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. VII. The Department of Tennessee will be bounded on the north and east by the western limits of the Department of East Tennessee, as de- scribed in Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 26, current series, and a line south from the source of the Little Tennessee River to Greens- borough, Ga.; on the south and west by the Georgia Railroad from that place to Atlanta, Ga., and the Montgomery and West Point Railroad to West Point, Ga., and on the west by the eastern and northern limits of the Department of Mississippi, as described in a letter from this office dated August 12, 1863, addressed to General J. E. Johnston. VIII. The operation of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 274, series of 1863, is hereby suspended, and Major John F. O'Brien, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General John H. Forney, at Enterprise, Miss., for temporary assignment to duty. IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Edward 0. Qumant \_Guerrant,~] assistant adjutant-general, is extended to March 1, 1864. X. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant J. H. Morn, Company B, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is extended fifteen days from February 17,1864. XI. Private J. M. Eaches, of Company F, First Regiment Missouri Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Seventeenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, and will report for duty accordingly. XII. Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Tavenor [ Tavenner,~] of the Nine- teenth [Seventeenth] Regiment Virginia Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIII. The following-named officers will immediately rejoin their com- mands, in the Trans-Mississippi' Department: Captain T. W. Deloney, Com- pany I, Captain 22. L. Duncan, Company D,'Lieutenant L. A. Williams, Company G, Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers. 87 XIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel George E. Tayloe, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers, fifteen days; Captain JohnMuUin [Mullins,] C. S. Army, thirty days; Lieutenant A. B. Hays, Company F, Twenty- sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. XV. Leave of absence for forty days for the benefit of his health is granted Assistant Surgeon Wm. L. Earout, First Regiment Virginia Artillery. XVI. Sergeant Charles E. Bishop, of the Confederate Guard, is trans- ferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company H, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVII. Private James Ryan, of Company I, Thirty-fifth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. XVIII. Private J. W. Carr, Company E, Eleventh Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. H. Curry [Cuney,~\ commissary of subsistence, at Columbus, Miss. XIX. A furlough for thirty days is granted Sergeant G. W. Boone, Company A, Seventeenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XX. Corporal William Jasper Dibble, of Company A, Hampton's Legion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for enrolling duty, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for the State of South Car- olina, at Columbia, S. C. XXL Private Josiah P. R. Sikes, of Company G, Fifth Regiment Georgia Cavalry, having been elected ordinar}7 of Tattnall County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXII. Private Jonathan B. Bruton, of Company G, Fifth Regiment Georgia Cavalry, having been elected clerk of the superior and inferior courts of Tattnall County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Con- federate States. XXIII. The Twenty-fourth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, four com- panies of the Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry, and the Hard- wicke Mounted Rifles are hereby consolidated, and will form the Seventh Regiment Georgia Cavalry. The remaining company of the Twenty- first Battalion will be attached to and form a part of the Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry. XXIV. Second Lieutenant William N. Boiling, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to the duty of assisting in the collection of railroad iron, and will proceed for that purpose to the various points where his services are required under instructions from the Engineer Bureau, XXV. The following-named officers will immediately rejoin their respective commands: Colonel Paul [jF] Faison, Fifty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers; Captain A. Ramsy [AT. A. Ramsey,] Sixty- first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XXVI. Second Lieutenant M. W. Black, Company E, Seventeenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, will proceed without delay to Meridian, Miss., and report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major-General N. B. Forrest XXVII. Paragragh XXIV, Special Orders No. 33, current series, referring to First Lieutenant James R. Massey, adjutant, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and so much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 281, November 26,1863, as accepts the resignation of Lieutenant Massey will remain in force. 88 XXVIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private L. C. Anderson, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended six days. XXIX. First Lieutenant L. L. Ducat, of Company C, Seventh Regi- ment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Major Thomas L. Bayne, in charge of steamers, &c., for assignment to duty as purser of the steamer " Heroine." XXX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 93, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, April 16, 1863, as refers to Captain A. If. Williams [Andrew Williams,'] assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Williams will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. He will report to Major-General G. E. Pickett, at Petersburg, Va., for as- signment to duty. XXXI. Private Robert Smith, of Cotnpany C, Thirtieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field kse£vice, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain Edwin Smith, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Bowling Green, Caroline County, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 15,1864. Special Orders) No. 38. 1 I. The resignations of the following-named officers 'have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Otterson Smith, Company G, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant John Beasley, Company D, Sixtieth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Isaac Ledbetter, Company G, Third Tennessee Volun- teers; Rev. T. D. Gwinn, chaplain, First South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant L. R. Stark, Ferguson's battery; Second Lieutenant F. A. Lassiter, Company G, Thirty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; Major N. A. Isom, Twenty-ninth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain 0. W. Ken- nedy, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. The folio wing-named medical officers will report to the comman- dant of conscripts at Columbia, S. C., for assignment to duty: Surgeons J. J. Simkins, Theodore Parker. III. Surgeon J. H. Erskine is assigned to duty as medical director of General Hindman's corps, Army of Tennessee. IV. Assistant Surgeon Searles M. Lewis will report without delay to Surgeon [A. J.] Foard, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. V. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to the medical director General Longstreet's corps for assignment to duty at Russellville, Tenn.: Assistant Surgeons Thomas C. Brown, B. F. Meadows. VI. Private Leonard K. Sparrow, of Carrington's battery Virginia artillery, is appointed ordnance sergeant of the First Regiment En- gineer Troops, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel T. M. R. Talcott, commanding, ortation and protection as he may require in the performance of his uties. VIII. The following-named men having been elected civil, officers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: Private L. R. Thompson, Company F, Fourth Georgia Cavalry; Sergeants Thomas H. Morton, Hampton Morgan, Company K, Twenty-sixth Georgia Volun- teers; Corporal Erasmus F. Hughs, Sergeant F. Chambers, Private James Pittman, Company F, Third Georgia Volunteers; Private William S. Shumate, Company B, Second South Carolina Volunteers; Privates John W. Wood, James B. Kindall, Company G, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Private E. D. Lane, Company B, Forty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Ser- geant John L. Peterson, Company C, Third Florida Volunteers; Private J. G. Carroll, Company K, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers; Private Walter McDougal, Company K, First Mississippi Volunteers. 101 IX. The resignation of Captain E. J. Willis, of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect February 10, 1864. X. The furlough heretofore granted Sergeant C. H. Epps, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended seven days from this day. XI. First Lieutenant Levi W. Clines, of Haskins' battery light artil- lery, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer. XII. Captain E. F. Young, of Company E, Eighth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XIII. Private J. A. Aldridge, of Company C, Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is relieved from duty in the quartermaster's de- partment at Gordonsville, Va., and will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder for assignment to hospital duty. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain L. P. Cooper, assistant quartermaster, Forty-second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended ten days. XV. Cadet John Lewis, C. S. Army, will report to Colonel G. W. Rains, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Augusta., Ga., for assignment to duty. XVI. Second Lieutenant Lsaac S. Hyams, Confederate States infantry, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Lockhart, at Talledga [Talladega,] Ala., for assignment to duty. XVII. The following-named privates are transferred, at their own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company D, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers: George W. Smith, Sanford A. Smith, George Dunn, John J. Perry, Company E, Sixty-third North Caro- lina Volunteers, ([Fifth] Cavalry.) XVIII. Captain R. B. Marye, assistant quartermaster, at Farmville, Va., will assume the duties of post commissary vacated by the death of Captain R. H. Vaughan. XIX. The sentence of the military court of Lieutenant-General Ewell's army corps, September 5, 1863, whereby Lieutenant John E. Plater, Chesapeake Battery [Artillery,] who was tried and convicted on the charges of misbehavior before the enemy and conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and thereupon dismissed the service, has been commuted by the President to suspension from rank and command for four months from the 23d of September, 1863. This time having elapsed, Lieutenant Plater will be restored to duty. XX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain J. M. Gudger, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is ex- tended thirty days. XXI. The furlough heretofore granted Private George W. Rohhins, of Company G, Fifty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XXII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred • Joshua A. Davis, Company C, Thirty-second Virginia Volunteers; William H. Pierce, Company B, First Virginia Artillery. XXIII. Private John M. Stephenson, of Company D, Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company F, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 26—S. 0., A. &I. G. 0.—4 102 XXIV. Private John G. Cabell, of the Lowry Battery [Lowry's battery,] Thirteenth Battalion Virginia Artillery, will report to Lieutenant-General E. Kirby Smith, commanding, &c., at Shreveport, La., for assignment to a company in the command of Brigadier-General A. Rust. XXV. Leave of absence to remain at Montgomery, Ala., for thirty days is granted Colonel M. D. Graham, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXVI. The following-named medical officers will report to the com* mandant of conscripts, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty: Surgeons James Guild, Robert W. Park, P. B. Minor, Assistant Surgeons J. A. Smith, D. L. Darden and H. B. Malone. XXVII. Assistant Surgeon Z. T. Murphy is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the commanding officer Twen- tieth Battalion Alabama Light Artillery for assignment to duty. XXVIII. Major J. W. Goodwyn, quartermaster, will report without delay to Robert L. Owen, military superintendent of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, for assignment to duty. XXIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Tench ScMey, assistant quartermaster, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, is ex- tended twenty days from February 17, 1864. XXX. The following-named officers are assigned to duty in the bureau of the Adjutant and Inspector-General, in this city, for service as assistant inspectors-general: Majors James R. Shaler, Arthur J. Magenis, assistant adjutants-general, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXI. Four companies (A, B, C, and D) of the Twentieth Georgia Battalion of Cavalry will proceed, under the command of the lieutenant- colonel commanding the battalion, to the Army of Northern Virginia and report to General R. E. Lee. The remaining two companies (E and F) of this battalion will remain as at present in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, under the command of the major. XXXII. On the approval and recommendation of his several com- manding officers Private Thomas Johnson, of Company C, Twelfth Mis- sissippi Regiment, is hereby transferred to Company M, First Texas Regiment, and will report accordingly. XXXIII. Major E. J. Wheeler, First Mississippi Cavalry, having been pronounced by medical board unfit for field service, is hereby honor- ably retired under the act of congress to " provide for disabled officers," &c., and will report to Lieutenant-General Polk for assignment to post duty. XXXIV. The furlough heretofore granted Private Channing M. Smith, of the Otey Battery, is extended fifteen days from February 23,1864. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 103 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 23, 1864. Special Orders) No. 44. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon Thomas J. Boykin, med- ical purveyor, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant L. Grimsley, Company I, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Jacob Sherrill, Company I, Forty-ninth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant S. C. Fontaine, Company H, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant William A. Pace, Company D, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion; Captain Charles T. Goolrick, Com- pany M, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant William B. Hall, Company H, Third Alabama Volunteers; Major John H. Pate, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers ; First Lieutenant/. E. McDonald, Com- pany I, Twenty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel 0. 11. Cooke, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers. II. Assistant Surgeon Charles Hardee will report without delay to medical director of hospitals at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. III. Assistant Surgeon J. P. Jenkins will report without delay to Sur- geon [A. /.] Foard, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. IV. Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 219, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, series 1863, is hereby revoked, and Private B. B. Gwynn, Company I, Fourth Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. V. Private W. H. Pate, Company I, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, will without delay rejoin his command. VI. Surgeon C. A. Thomas is relieved from present duty, and will re- port to Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts, Richmond, for assignment to duty in the Seventh Congressional District of Virginia. VII. Assistant Surgeon George S. Field will report without delay tcf Surgeon [F. A.] Ramsey, medical director, at Abingdon, Va., for assign- ment to duty. VIII. Assistant Surgeon W. II. Hodnett will report without delay to Colonel P. Mallett, commandant of conscripts at Raleigh, N. C., for assign- ment to duty in one of the congressional districts of North Carolina. IX. The following-named men being important witnesses in the case Commonwealth against James P. Tyler, now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas XJ. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond, on the 29th of February: Thomas Ford, George Tyler, Cap- tain Caskie's battery. X. The issues of forage to the private animals of the officers stationed at posts in Virginia and North Carolina is hereby restricted to such animals entitled to forage as the commandants of these posts shall certify to be absolutely necessary to the discharge of the official duties -of these officers', in no case allowing more than one horse to such officer. Mill offal shall be used at these posts when it can be procured, and in the absence of this the grain ration shall noVexceed six ppunds of corn or its equivalent in shelled oats. Whenever practicable the corn ration shall be converted into meal and fed with cut long forage as chopped food. The ration of long forage shall not exceed nine pounds of hay or its equivalent in straw, which is. to be used in preference as long as the same can be procured in sufficient quantities. This order will take effect from and after the 1st day of March next. 104 XI. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 15, current series, as refers to Surgeon P. A. Holt, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and Surgeon Holt will immediately rejoin his command. An investigation will be had into the conduct of Surgeon Holt in pro- curing an extension of his leave of absence. XII. Lieutenant Frank Markoe, jr., Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., at Charleston, S. C., and will report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, commanding, &c., at Demopolis, Ala., for assignment to duty with Major-General S. D. Lee. XIII. Lieutenant John L. Doggett, Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with Major-General Whiting, commanding, &c., at Wilmington, N. C., and will report without delay to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain James Pleasants, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended ten days. XV. A commission consisting of the following-named medical officers will proceed at once to inspect the hospitals in Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia, with authority to return to the field all detailed men and patients fit for duty. They will also report on those detailed on government work or in conscript camps, whether their places may not be supplied by men now disabled. Commanding gen- erals will give all the necessary facilities for carrying out the object pro- posed : Surgeons R. J. Breckenridge, R. T. Coleman, S. W., Langdon, Pro- visional Army Confederate States. XVI. Colonel A. W. \_Isaac WJ\ Avery, Fourth Regiment Georgia Cav- airy, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his command. XVII. The following-named officers First Regiment Georgia Cavalry will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty: Colonel J. J. Morrison, Captain L. L. Lanier [Lamar,] acting aid-de-camp; First Lieu- tenant \J. W.~\ Tench, adjutant; Captain [& M.~] May, assistant quarter- master. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Assistant Surgeon B. B. Singletary, Fiftieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days from March 22,1864. XIX. The Districts of East and Middle Florida will be united into a district, to be known as the District of Florida, and will be embraced in the command of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Major-General Patton Anderson is assigned to the command of the District of Florida. He will proceed to that district and report to General Beauregard. XX. The furlough Heretofore granted Private John P. Tabb, of Captain J. J. Young's howitzer company, is extended ten days from February 27th, 1864. XXI. Major-General J. F. Gilmer will proceed without delay to Mobile, Ala., and report to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, for assign- ment to temporary and special service. - • XXII. Private Charles E. Collier, of Company H, Twelfth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work in the machine shops of the Macon and Western Railroad, of Georgia, without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during continuance of said detail, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Sims, quartermaster, in this city. 105 XXIII. Private William Hass, Company A, Fourth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain E. M. LEngle, assistant quartermaster, at Quincy, Fla. XXIV. Lieutenant Thomas Carty, Company F, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Conscript Bureau, and will report to Major T. Shelby Williams, commanding conscripts Southeast Louisiana, at Mobile, Ala., for assign- ment to duty. XXV. Private Peter Wedeman, of Company G, First Regiment vLoui- siana Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral F. Buchanan, at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty. XXVI. First Lieutenant C. H. Thomas, aid-de-camp, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, in this city, for assignment to duty on courts-martial. XXVII. Private S. A. Luck, of Company E, Thirtieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company F, Forty-second Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXVIII. Private Peter Hedinger, of Company A, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Fer- guson, quartermaster, in this city. XXIX. Private W. S. Forrest, of Company D, Garnett's artillery bat- talion, having received the appointment of master's mate C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former, service. XXX. Colonel G. V. [G. NJ] Folk, commanding Sixty-fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will repair with his regiment to Weldon, N. C., reporting thence by letter to Major-General G. E. Pickett, com- manding, &c., at Petersburg, Va. XXXI. Corporal J. T. Walrond, of Company F, Third Regiment Ar- kansas Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Fifty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XXXII. Requisitions for leather for repairs of artillery harness and cavalry equipments in the field will hereafter be made on the Quarter- master's Department. Such requisitions will, if practicable, be consoli- dated and approved by the chief ordnance officer of each army corps or department. XXXIII. Private McClintock G. Barry, of the First Maryland Artil- lery [Battery,] is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Major William Norris, chief of Signal Corps, in this city, for instructions. XXXIV. Paragragh VI, Special Orders No. 38, current series, ap- pointing private Leonard K. Sparrow, of Carrington's battery, ordnance . sergeant is hereby revoked, and he will rejoin his company. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 27—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.-4 106 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 24, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 45. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain Sledge M. Robertson, Company G, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. H. West, Company D, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant Daniel J. McLeod, Company F, Twenty-seventh Mississippi Vol- unteers; Captain J. D. Smith, Company C, Twenty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. F. Steele, Company A, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Captain S. C. Dobbs, Company E, Eleventh Georgia Volun- teers; Captain A. H. Peck, Company G, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry;' Second Lieutenant W. T. Smith, drill-master, Provisional Army Confed- erate States; Assistant Surgeon D. L. Darden, Provisional Army Con- federate States. II. The resignation of Captain A. H. Nelson, Company C, Sixty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect January 15, 1864. III. Corporal W. J. Keblinger, of Company B, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain T. W. Wood., assistant quartermaster, at Charlottesville, Va. IV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from $te rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army : Assistant Surgeon W. D. Wiley, Forty-third Mississippi Volunteers j Lieutenant Wm. H. Phillips, Company B, Second Lieutenant John Hibarts, Company H, Thomas' Legion; Captain H. L. Heiskell, Company I, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenants Melton Griffith, S. E. Parkman, Company E, Thirty- eighth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain Pat. McGovern, Company F, Phillips' Legion; First Lieutenant D. M. Ruby, Company G, Thomas' Legion; Second Lieutenant Elmore T. Wolf, Company E, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry. V. The resignation of Captain Thorn,as Harris, Company E, Seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. He has permission to attach himself to any com- pany in the department where he is serving that was in service April, 1862. VI. Private J. W. Saunders, of Company C, Sixth Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, is transferred to Brigadier-General J. R. Davis' com- mand, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. VII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : James A. Tracy, Company F, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry; George W. Phillips, Company G, Thirty- first Virginia Volunteers. VIII. Private P. G. Scott, of the Third Company, Richmond How- itzers, is transferred to Company G, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cav- airy, for the purpose of receiving promotion. IX. The discharges heretofore granted each of the following-named men are hereby cancelled, and their names will be borne upon the rolls of their respective companies : Private John Ricard, Company F, Tehth Louisiana Volunteers; Private William Henry, Company C, Nineteenth MississinDi Volunteers. 107 X. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private L. K. Glasgow, Com-, pany E, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XL The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel B. T. Brockman, Thirteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended fifteen days. XII. E. F. B. Langstroth is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., in this cit.y. XIII. Major-General G. E. Pickett will immediately dispatch to Lex- ington, N. C., a sufficient force to repress the mob and protect the public property at that place. XIV. Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Cunningham,, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to the command of the Fortieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XV. Private R. H. Hobbs, Company R, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work in the machine shops of the Rich- mond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Super- intendent [0. (?.] Talcott, in this city. XVI. Lieutenant W. Lawson, Company H, First Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will report to Major W. Boyle [Cornelius Boyle] for duty with the provost-guard at Gordonsville, Va. XVII. The details heretofore granted each of the following-named privates is extended sixty days: T. Dixon, Company A, J. R. Covington, Company H, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers. XVIII. Private John S. Moore, of Company G, Twenty-second Bat- talion Virginia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the machine shops of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to E. H. GUI, superintendent, &c., in this city. XIX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Rev. B. Smedes, chaplain, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain James A. Haynes, Com- pany K, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain William Ratliff,, Company A, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, to April 1,1864. XX. Private W. T. Stamper, Company C, First Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. F. Cone, acting assistant quartermaster-general, in this (fity. XXI. The authority heretofore granted each of the following-named men to enlist companies within the enemy's lines is hereby revoked, and they will immediately rejoin their command: Sergeant William T. Leachman, Private Archibald McQueen, Twenty-second Virginia Volunteers. XXII. Private Joseph A. Hartley, of the Marion Light Artillery, is transferred to Company A, Second Florida Battalion, provided no ex- pense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXIII. Sergeant John H. O'Connor, of the Louisiana Guard Artillery, will be discharged his present service for the purpose of receiving pro- motion in the navy. XXIV. J. J. McRae is hereby appointed commissioner under the im- pressment law for the State of Mississippi, and will report accordingly. XXV. Douglas Morton is hereby appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Cairington, medical director, in this city. XXVI. Private E. Moore, of Company K, Thirteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to the commanding officer Confederate States arsenal at Macon, Ga. 108 XXVII. Private N. Holman, of Company D, Willis' cavalry battalion, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company F, Eighth Texas Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be therebj' incurred. XXVIII. Sergeant James C. Read, of Lee's battery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain L. L. Marks, assistant quartermaster, at Peters- burg, Va. XXIX. Private S. C. Hibberd, of the Brooke Artillery, is detailed for sixty days to work in the machine shops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and v^ill report to C. O. Talcott, superin- tendent, &c., in this city. XXX. Private Thomas L. Arnold, of Company F, Ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for service in the field, will report to Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken, commanding post at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty as military conductor. ^ XXXI. Private Robert T. Ouey, of Company A, Alexander's battalion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Larkin Smith, assist- ant quartermaster-general, in this city. XXXII. Private B. K. Munchison \_Murchison,~\ of Company A, Third Battalion South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. R. Vance, assistant quartermaster, Fourth Congressional District South Carolina. XXXIII. Private R. Doughtry, of Company K, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for thirty days de- tailed for duty in the War Department, and will report to the chief of the Bureau of War, in this city. XXXIV. Leave of absence for four months is granted Captain James F. Lalor, Provisional Army Confederate States. Transportation will be given him to Wilmington, N. C. XXXV. The Fiftieth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers and the First Battalion Tennessee Volunteers are hereby consolidated, and will form the Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers. To this end the several companies belonging to these organizations will be consolidated or changed as follows: Companies A and B, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers, will con- stitute Company A, of the new organization, the officers taking positions in the new organization according to their relative rank; Company A, First Tennessee Battalion, will become Company B of the new organi- zation; Companies C and D, E and F, Fiftieth Tennessee, will continue as at present; Companies G and K, Fiftieth Tennessee, with their offi- cers, will constitute Company G in the new organization; Companies B and E, (with their officers,) First Tennessee Battalion, will constitute Company H in the new organization; Companies I and H, Fiftieth Tennessee, with their officers, will constitute Company I of the new organization; Companies C and D, First Tennessee Battalion, with their officers, will constitute Company K of the new organization.- Promo- tions to fill vacancies in the companies of the new organization will be made by the brigade commander. The vacancies in the lowest grade will be filled by election. Promotions of field-officers will be made by the War Department upon recommendations forwarded through the regular military channels. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 109 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 25,1864. Special Orders) No. 46. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant A. N. Thomp- son, Captain Morrison's cavalry company; First Lieutenants. F. Bryan, Company F, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers; Captain W.H.McAfee, Com- pany I, Thirty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Captain Richard S. Parks, Company K,Tenth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Altizer, Company E, Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant- Colonel Peril [Peril] C. Haynes, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry; First Lieu- tenant Jonathan Barnard, Company G, Thirty-first Tennessee Volunteers ; First Lieutenant A. J. Steioart, Company I, Forty-first Alabama Volun- teers. II. Private Richard O'Brien, of Company H, Third South Carolina Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned,- to Company F, Seventeenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. III. The detail heretofore granted Private John H. Lee, of Company E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, is extended twenty days,- at the expira- tion of which time he will rejoin his company. IV. The details heretofore granted each of lhe following-named pri- vates is extended sixty days : Hugh Thompson, Lewis Williams, Charpen- tier's battery ; W. B. Glover, Company C, First Georgia Volunteers; A. Riemer, Company B," Fifteenth Arkansas Volunteers; N. J. Robertson, Company D, Twenty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; L. McRae, Simpson's company, Myers' battalion ; J. W. Shinn, Company E, Seventeenth Vir- ginia Volunteers; N. E. Wood, Company A, Fourth Alabama Volunteers; P. Quill, Company I, N. B. Drake, Company D, Eighth Alabama Volun- teers. V. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert M. Sands, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Major-General John [Jones M.] Withers, at Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to tempo- rary duty. VI. Major W. H. Smith, commissary of subsistence, will proceed at once to-Wilmington, N. C., for the purpose of superintending the trans- portation of corn and other supplies for the use of the Army of Northern Virginia, and inspecting the public stores at that place. VII. Private Josiah Brunson, of Company F, Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to Surgeon James Mercer Green, in charge at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. VIII. Private John A. Chesnut, of Company A, Cobb's Legion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge of hospitals at Covington, Ga. IX. Private James N. Staunton, of Company A, Cobb's Legion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the con- tinuance of said detail, and will report to Messrs. Wilder & Dunn, gov- ernment contractors, at Forsyth, Ga. 28—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 110 X. Private L. C. Payne, of Company B, Third Battalion Georgia Volun- teers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Medical Director [S. H.] Stout for assignment at La Grange, Ga. XI. Private William Lipscombe, of Company A, Forty-third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to the surgeon in charge of the Wayside Hospital, at Demopolis, Ala. XII. Private B. V. L. Hutton, of the Second Company, Washington Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major [W. F.j Haines, quar- termaster, at Demopolis, Ala. XIII. Private D. A. Richardson, of Company C, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon in charge of Winder Hospital, near this city. XIV. Captain J. A. Fuqua, of Company G, Thirteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for service in the .field, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder for assignment to duty at Salisbury, N. C. XV. A furlough for forty days is granted Private G. W. Freeman, of Company K', Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers. XVI. Private W. R. Johnson, of the provost-guard at Abingdon, Va., being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the provost-marshal's office at Abingdon, Va., and will report accordingly. XVII. Private S. J. Ward, of Company A, Twenty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major George W. Jones, quartermaster, at Marion, Ala. XVIII. Private William A. Warren, of Company I, Fifty-first Regiment North ^arolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as hospital guard, and will report to Surgeon James T. Johnson, at Charlotte, N. C. XIX. Private D. L. Plaster, of Company C, Cobb's Legion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Invalid Corps, and will report to Major G. W. Lee, commanding, at Atlanta, Ga. XX. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain Matthew P. Taylor, assistant commissary of subsistence, February 29,1864; Second Lieutenant 0. A. McCourt, Com- pany A, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense, March 1,1864; W. S. Downer, superintendent of armories, March 31, 1864. XXI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant Daniel G. HelmicTc, Company E, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry; Captain C. 0. Berry, Company A, Captain W. B. Nelson, Company B, Captain S. Whitaker, Company E, Thomas' Legion. XXII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Surgeon J. B. Newton, Fortieth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant R. A. Tate, Company B. Twenty-second North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant B. F. Cleaveland, Company E, Thirteenth Georgia Volunteers, twenty days; Lieutenant H. A. Gray, Company F, Forty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. Ill XXIII. The following-named men of Company K, Seventh Florida Volunteers, are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Flag-Officer [ Wm. W.] Hunter, at Savannah, Ga.: Charles Chapman, James Barnett, Robert Watson, Alfred Lowe, Edward Dorcy [.Dorsey,] William (J Neil, John Mason, R. M. Bryson, Josephus H. Moss, William E. Lowe, W. H. Franklin, Francisco Dias, John T. Lowe, Rofend Falis [Rofeno Fallis,] Manuel Minto [Manuel Montes] De Ocha, J. B. [John P.] Williamson, Augustus Merrillae [Murilac.] XXIV. Private J. F. Chapman, of Jordan's battery, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Major W. Norris, chief of Signal Corps, in this city. XXV. Surgeon W. H. Baptist will relieve Surgeon Tomlin Braxton, now serving in Department of Southwestern Virginia. Surgeon Braxton on being relieved will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., in this city. XXVI. Surgeon John W. Ashby is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C., to relieve Assistant Surgeon J. D. Thomson. As- sistant Surgeon J. D. Thomson will when relieved report for duty to Surgeon J. T. Johnson, at Charlotte, N. C. XXVII. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 83, series 1863, as refers to Private Jno. K. Cherry, Company I, Seventeenth Regi- inent North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Cherry will rejoin his company without delay. XXVIII. Major-General Breckenridge [Breckinridge'] is hereby assigned to the command of the Trans-Alleghany or Western Department of Virginia. Major-General Samuel Jones is relieved from duty in that department, and will be held subject to future assignment. XXIX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted to Colonel R. H. Lee, on military court, Second Army Corps, [Army] of Northern Virginia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 26,1864. Special Orders] No. 461. I I. For the more thorough and efficient conduct of this bureau, the following orders, regulating the distribution of duties and the trans- action of business, are published for the guidance of the several officers herein on duty. II. The bureau will be divided into several offices, to wit: The Recep- tion Office, the Office of Orders, the Appointment Office, the Office of Organization, the Judge-Advocate's Office, the Adjutant-General's Office, the Office of Inspection, and the Office of the Adjutant and Inspector- General. Each will be charged with specific duties and will be inde- pendent of the other, the several officers receiving orders from and oeing responsible to the Adjutant and Inspector-General and? the Sec- retary of War directly. 112 III. The Reception Office will be charged with the keeping of the files and general records; the reception and opening of the mails and all official papers; the indorsing, entering, and distributing of all papers to the offices charged with action upon them, the recording of such action, and the filing of papers, or, when necessary, their trans- mission from one office to another, and from the bureau. Upon this office will also devolve the reception of and attention to visitors. It will occupy the first and second in the suite of rooms in the main building. IV. The Office of Orders will be charged with keeping the record of the general and special orders, and with action upon all papers and applications requiring for their completion solely the issuing of a special order, such, for instance, as applications for leaves of absence, furloughs, transfers, details, discharges, and return of soldiers, resignation and as- signment of officers, &c. This office will occupy two rooms next in suit to the Reception Office. V. The Appointment Office will be charged with the register of com- missioned officers appointed, and with the duty of acting upon all appli- cations for appointment, preparing nomination lists, issuing letters of appointment, and entering confirmations. It will occupy the first and second rooms in the building adjacent to the main building formerly occupied by the Commissary-General. VI. The Office of Organization will take charge of the muster-rolls, rosters, returns, and reports, and act upon all matters relating to the or- ganization of the army, such as the raising, muster, consolidation, recruit- ing or disbanding of companies, battalions, and regiments, the succession of officers by election or promotion, questions of rank between officers of the line, &c.; all matters bearing mainly not upon individuals but upon organized bodies of troops. This office will occupy the rooms adjacent to the Appointment Office and the buildings in the rear, upon the second and third floors of which the rolls will be kept. VII. The Judge-Advocate's Office will take action upon all papers and applications relating to courts-martial and courts of inquiry, and will occupy for the present the room in the main building next to the Office of Orders. VIII. The Adjutant-General's Office will be charged with the duty of acting upon all papers which cannot properly be devolved upon other offices, and upon all papers submitted to or devolving specially upon the Adjutant and Inspector-General, and with the preparation of the general orders. It will for the present occupy rooms with the Judge- Advocate's Office. IX. The Office of Inspection, which will devolve upon the assistant inspector-general, to be assigned to duty in this bureau, will take charge of inspection reports, and will attend to the duties of inspection in the several armies and staff departments, and of enforcing obedience to the laws, orders, regulations, and usages of the service. X. The Office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General will contain the confidential files and records of the bureau, and will take cognizance only of such matters as are beyond the ordinary duties of routine and which cannot properly devolve upon the offices hereinbefore designated. It will occupy the last room in the suite in the main building. XI. Captain John W Riely is assigned to duty in the Reception Office, Lieutenant-Colonel John Withers in the Office of Orders, Lieutenant-Col- onel E. A. Palfrey in the Appointment Office, Major Samuel W. Melton in the Office of Organization, Major G. H. Lee in the Judge-Advocate's Office, Lieutenant-Colonel H. L. Clay in the Adjutant-General's Office^ 113 XII. Major W. S. Barton,' assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty in the Office of Organization, in this bureau, and will be charged specially with the duty of acting upon the reports of examining boards. XIII. Colonel Withers will, as heretofore, have charge of the dis- bursement of the office fund, to which duty the chief clerk—Mr. H. C. Wall—is, under his supervision, specially assigned. Among the spe- cific duties thus devolved will be the supplying of and attention to stationery, furniture, printing, blanks, outside work, and, generally, whatever involves expenditure. XIV. The officers on duty in this bureau will be required to take final and decisive action upon all matters within the scope of their capacity and the limits of whatever authority may be delegated to them, and will submit to the Adjutant and Inspector-General such papers and applications only as require a higher discretion, and to the honorable Secretary of War such only as demand the exercise of authority not del- egated; the rule hereafter to control the distribution of duties and the transaction of business in this bureau being, that officers should do nothing which can be as well done by their subordinates. XV. Each paper submitted to the honorable Secretary of War or to the Adjutant and Inspector-General will be prepared for their action by indorsement, exhibiting succinctly but clearly the contents of the paper and of its inclosures in such manner as to present the points for decis- ion and the facts stated bearing upon them, together with the facts ap- pearing of record in the bureau and the maturely considered opinion of the officer charged with the office to which the subject-matter of the paper may relate. The indorsements, so far as they exhibit the con- tents of papers and their inclosures, will be made in the Reception Office. XVI. No paper will be placed finally upon the files until the writer or party concerned is notified of the action taken upon it, and to avoid the duplication of papers and the unnecessary accumulation of business such notification will be given by written communication at the earliest possible moment. If it be deemed unimportant and unnecessary to re- tain a paper on file as a record or for reference, the notification will be indorsed thereon, and it will be returned to the writer, the action having been first recorded in the indorsement book in the Reception Office. XVII. The door will be opened to the public at 11 o'clock and closed at 1 o'clock. Before and after these hours no person will be admitted without the sanction in each instance of the Adjutant and Inspector- General, except the heads of departments, commanding generals, the chiefs of bureaus, and the clerks of the Bureau of War. XVIII. The officer on duty in the "Reception Office will attend to the application of each visitor, and, if possible, meet his purpose without communication with the other offices. When indispensable, the visitor will be directed, or, if need be, conducted, to the officer upon whom may devolve the subject-matter in hand. The doors between the Reception Office and the other offices will be habitually closed, and visitors will not pass them without permission. It is desirable that this bureau be regarded strictly as a place of business, and the duty is devolved upon the Reception Office of protecting the other offices from unnecessary intrusion and embarrassment in the continuous transaction of business. The officer in charge will, in addition to the regular hours, attend in this office one hour between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening^. and a clerk or employ^ will remain on duty at all hours day and night. 29—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 114 XIX. The doors of the Office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General will be habitually closed, and visitors will not be permitted to pass them without consultation with the officer in charge of the Adjutant-General's Office, who will, if possible, himself answer the purpose desired. He will confer with the Adjutant and Inspector-General between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock each day in reference to such papers submitted as may be beyond his discretion. He will receive the decision orally and commit it to writing by indorsement or by separate communication. XX. The officers of this bureau will proceed at once to make prepa- rations for rearranging the rooms, papers, records, and furniture in ac- cordance with the requirements of these orders, which will, if practicable, be put into full operation by the 15th of March. Major Samuel W. Melton is charged with their prompt and thorough enforcement. S. COOPER, , Adjutant and Inspector-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, February 26,1864. No. 47. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeons P. 0. Winn, George F. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant W. P. Burks, Company K, Twenty-second Alabama Volunteers; Captain George Dobson, Company D, Tenth Mississippi Volunteers ; Rev. G. T. Henderson, chaplain Second Tennessee Volunteers; Captain R. Robinson, Company H, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James D. Romin [Romine,] Company K, Seventeenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant R. S. Sanxay, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Vol- unteers; Captain J. W. Shelton, Company A, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Thomas A. Janes, Company H, Sixty-second Georgia Volunteers, [Eighth] Cavalry: II. The following-named officers will report in person to General Braxton Bragg, in this city, for assignment to duty: Colonel G. W. Brent, assistant adjutant-general; Surgeon T. G. Richardson, Provisional Army Confederate States. III. The following-named officers will report by letter to General Braxton Bragg, in this city, and await instructions: Colonel J. P. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Walter, assistant adjutant-general; Lieutenant-Colonel McDowell IT. A. McDonell,} First Florida Volunteers; Captain Samuel S. Harris, assistant adjutant- general. t IV. Private Adolph Goment, of the Eighth Regiment Louisiana Vol- unteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. V. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended to April 1, 1864: E. F. Strainey, Breathed's company, Stuart Horse Artillery; H. H. Drinkard, Company B, Twelfth Virginia Volun- teers; R. W. Lanier, Read's battery; Sergeant Joseph Cole, Company K, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry. VI. Private Robert S. Godsey, of Company K, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed to work on the Richmond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to C. G. Talcott, superintendent, &c., in this city. 115 VII. Private Henry Clayton, of Company H, Sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work in the machine shops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allow- ances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to C. G. Talcott, superintendent, &c., in this city. VIII. Sergeant W. M. Smith, of Company A, Sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work in the machine 6hops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to C. G. Talcott, superintendent, &c., in this city. IX. The following-named privates of Company B, Second Georgia Battalion, will immediately rejoin their command: H. M. Cottingham, Robert J. Lightfoot, James G. Price. X. Sergeant James P. Moore, of Company B, Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, having been elected commissioner in equity for Greenville District, S. C., will be discharged the service of the Confed- erate States. XI. Private John Brown, of Company F, Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon James Mercer Green, at Macon, Ga. XII. Sergeant Frank C. Loman, of Company H, Sixty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain E. P. George, acting commissary of subsistence, at Harrellsville, N. C. XIII. Private D. B. Hasleton [Haselton,~\ of Company E, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed to work on the Northeastern Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail. XIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are granted as follows: Surgeon 0. Wiley, Fifty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, five days; Major J. P. Collins, quartermaster, ten days; First Lieutenant Joseph B. Penrose, Company B, Fifteenth Louisiana Volun- teers, twenty days; Colonel E. P. Alexander, one week; Lieutenant 0. F. Payne, adjutant First Kentucky Cavalry, ten days from February 25, 1864. XV. The following-named men will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected civil officers: Private John Webb, Company E, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers; Private Moses Daniel, Company I, Twenty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Private G. R. Robinson, Company I, Thirty-eighth Georgia Volunteers ; Corporal James C. Lake, Company E, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers. XVI. Private James Vanalstine, of the Montgomery True Blues, will rejoin his command without delay. XVII. Private Joseph Legg, of Company F, Second Texas Volunteers, is detailed to work on gunboats without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to Messrs. Shirley & De Haven, government contractors, at Selma, Ala. XVIII. Officers on inspection duty, while traveling under theimme- diate orders of the War Department, will be allowed their personal ex- penses, less the commutation value of one ration per day, and in lieu of all allowances for fuel, quarters, and forage. Each account must be certi- fied by the officer receiving the payment, and will be paid by any quar- term aster. XIX. The authority heretofore granted F. E. Burke, from this office, to raise a regiment is hereby revoked. 116 XX. Private James PL. Carter, of Company C, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request, and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company I, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXI. Private D. M. Taliaferro, of Company D, Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, on detailed duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, in this city, is transferred to Gainesville, Ala., and will report to Captain James B. Thornton, assistant quartermaster, at that place. XXII. The detail heretofore granted Private H. Cowperthwait, of Com- - pany L, One Hundred and fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers, is extended until further orders. XXIII. Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 32, current series, referring to Hospital Steward E. D. Smith, is hereby revoked. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon William L. Lundy will report without delay to Surgeon [A. «7.] Foard, medical director, &c., at Dalton, Ga. XXV. Acting Hospital Steward L. Dursse will proceed without delay to Columbia, S. C., and report to Surgeon J. J. Chisolm, medical pur- veyor, &c., for assignment to duty. XXVI. Surgeon G. W. Graves is relieved from hospital duty, and will report to the colonel commanding Fifth Louisiana Volunteers. XXVII. Surgeon H. G. Leigh is relieved from duty with the Fifth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, and will report to Surgeon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. XXVIII. Surgeon F. A. Stanford is assigned to duty as medical director of Major-General Wheeler's cavalry corps. XXIX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 38, current series, as refers to Surgeon Theodore Parker is hereby revoked, and Sur- geon Parker will report to Surgeon J. Mercer Green for assignment to duty in the general hospital at Macon, Ga. XXX. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 304, series for 1863, as refers to Assistant Surgeon Thos. E. Nott is hereby revoked, and Assistant Surgeon Nott will report to the colonel of the Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers for assignment to duty. XXXI. Paragraph XXX, Special Orders No. 43, current series, is hereby revoked. XXXII. The following-named officers will proceed to the Trans- Mississippi Department and make inspections and reports under the immediate order of the War Department and in accordance with spe- cial instructions of this date. They will report to Lieutenant-General E. K. Smith, commanding, and upon the completion of their special duties will return to Richmond without unnecessary delay: Majors James R. Shaler, Arthur J. Magenis, assistant adjutants-general, Pro vis- ional Army Confederate States. XXXIII. Leave of absence for sixty days for the benefit of his health is granted Lieutenant T. J. Beall, aid-de-camp. XXXIV. The operation of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 40, current series, referring to the following-named officers is hereby sus- pended: Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. Garland, First Missouri Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. Bevier, Fifth Missouri Volunteers. XXXV. Colonel A. W. Persons, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as commandant of the post at Andersonville, Ga. He will have command of the prison guard and charge of the Federal prisons [prisoners] at Camp Sumter, near that post. 117 XXXVI. Lieutenant William Hume, of Stewart's battery Tennessee artillery, is relieved from duty with his company, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. White, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Selma, Ala. XXXVII. Captain H. G. Townsend, assistant commissary of subsist- ence, will proceed without delay to Quincy, Fla., and report to Major P. W. White, commissary of subsistence, for assignment to duty as chief commissary of West Florida. XXXVIII. Major S. B. French, commissary of subsistence, will pro- ceed to Wilmington, N. C., and such other points as he may deem advisable, for the purpose of making such distribution of the subsist- ence stores in that State as his judgment may dictate, under instructions from the Subsistence Department. XXXIX. The detail heretofore granted Private George T. Rogers, of Company B, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is extended until further orders. XL. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon J. M. G. McGuire, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended seven days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 27,1864. Special Orders ) No. 48. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain D. C. Jackson, Company D, Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry ; Captain George T. Boatright, Company A, Sixtieth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant John F. Millsops [Millsaps,'] Company E, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion Partisan Rangers; Captain A. T. Bennett, Company E,Thirty-fourth Georgia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant H. H. Harris, Company C, Ninth Kentucky Volunteers. II. Second Lieutenant R. W. Hatton, of Company B, Thirty-third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. ill. Conscript A. B. Botts is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [ W. H.] Geddings, medical purveyor, &c., Army of Northern Virginia. IV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Captain M. L. Barber, Company C, Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Captain A. B. Andrews, Company B, Lieutenant W R. Scott, Company F, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days ; Major J. C. Holmes, Thirtieth North Carolina Vol- unteers, thirty days; Brigadier-General L. S. Baker, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Captain N. Nesbitt, Company B, First South Carolina Cavalry, fifteen days; Major S. N. Stowe, Twentv-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days; Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hanlon, Sixth Louisiana Volunteers, thirty days; Major W. B. Stanard, commissary of subsistence, three days; Assistant Surgeon D. S. Russell, Twenty-third North Carolina Volunteers, five days from March 21,1864. 30—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 118 Y. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 89, current series, as refers to Captain F. W. Minor, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, F. W. Minor never having been appointed assistant quartermaster. VI. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral F. Buchanan, at Mobile, Ala.: Sergeant James F. Drew, Company A, First Confederate Georgia Volunteers; Pri- vate Montgomery Smith, Company K, Second Missouri Volunteers ; Pri- vate J. N.Miller, Company A, Twenty-first Alabama Volunteers; Privates S. P. Insley, Frank M. Rives, Hamlin, J. McBright, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers; Privates B. F. Wallace, J. J. Gevin, A. W.Smith, Forty-sixth Tennessee Volunteers; Privates J. W. Smith, John Hagey, John D. Nees, Joseph W. Groom, G. T. Nees, Robert R. Bowen, C. C. Dale, S. J. Word, B. F. Martin, Company H, First and Third Missouri Volunteers. VII. Captain 0. M. Graham, cavalry, Provisional Army Confederate States, will immediately rejoin his command. VIII. Captain J. C. Pierce, enrolling officer, is- relieved from duty in the conscription service. IX. The appointment of John S. Boylan as second lieutenant and drill-master Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and he will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Array Confederate States. X. The furloughs heretofore granted the following named privates are extended thirty days: J. T. Wood, Robert Hudgins, Company F, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers. XI. The following-named officers will proceed without delay to the Trans-Mississippi Department, with full authority to collect and bring back to their respective regiments all absentees (officers or men) from their brigade who may be found in that department or elsewhere, whether attached to any service or not, excepting only such as may have been detailed specially by the War Department. Authority is also given these officers to enlist recruits for their brigade. General E. K. Smith, commanding Trans-Mississippi Department, will furnish such aid as may be necessary to the furtherance of the orders intrusted to these officers : Captain T. J. Thrasher, Third Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant B. J. Franklin, Fifth Texas Volunteers; First Lieutenant H. Brahan, Fourth Texas Volunteers; First Lieutenant John Shotwell, First Texas Volunteers; Captain W. H. Martin, Lieutenant Eli Park, Fourth Texas Volunteers; Captain T. A. Baber, Fifth Texas Volunteers; Cap- tains J. H. Massie, E. S. Jamieson, Lieutenant J. T. Smith, First Texas Volunteers. XII: The furlough heretofore granted Private John Edwin Glascock, of the First Maryland Artillery [Battery,] is extended six days. XIII. Major John D. Munford, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-Genernl J. H. Winder, commanding, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty at his headquarters. XIV. Conscript H. R. Dupuy is appointed a hospital steward, and will report for duty to the commanding officer Starke's [Stark's] bat- talion light artillery. XV. Surgeon C. J. Clark will report without delay to Surgeon [8. H.] Stout, medical director, &c., at Atlanta, Ga., for hospital duty at Mont- gomery, Ala. XVI. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to Colonel P. Mallett, commandant of conscripts, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty: Surgeons A. P. Hall, W. J. David. 119 XVII. Surgeon H. L. Byrd will report without delay to the comman- dant of conscripts, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. XVIII. Assistant Surgeon B. H. Jackson is relieved from present duty, and will report" without delay to Surgeon [iV. &] Qrowell, medical director of hospitals at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to hospital duty in Florida. XIX. Assistant Surgeon P. G. Covlson is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Major-General Stephen D. Lee for assign- ment. XX. Surgeon J. W. Hines, Provisional Army Confederate States, is re- lieved from present duty with Walker's artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, and is assigned to duty as medical purveyor, and will relieve Assistant Surgeon Z. B. Herndon. Assistant Surgeon Z. B. Herndon on being relieved will proceed without delay to Lake City, Fla., and assume the duties of medical purveyor at that post. XXI. The following-named men are transferred to Captain Smith's company, Colonel Dearing's regiment of cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Oska Britton, George W. Burks, J. M. Brockwell, William Sanford, E. C. Johnson, W. W. Stainback, J. E. C. McEnry, German Eanes, R. 0. Epes, Company A, S. C. Brown, Cousins, Corbin Kerr, 0. H. Miles, Lewis A. Loyd, Augustus F. Newton, W. S. Aiken, Company B, W. S. Williams, Joseph E: Moore, Company C, Forty-fourth Virginia Battalion. XXII. A furlough for twenty-five days is granted Private James H. Vanalstine, Montgomery True Blues, at .the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. XXIII. First Lieutenant J. F. Lanneau, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report temporarily to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c., at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty with his chief engineer. XXIV. Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan will proceed with his com- mand (excepting that portion of Kentucky cavalry commanded by Colonel [J. Warren] Grigsby) to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieu- tenant-General James Longstreet, commanding. He will move across the country by the most practicable and expeditious route. XXV. Captain John W. Browne, jr., of Company A, Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Major J. C. Denis, at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to enrolling duty. XXVI. Cadet L. A. Alexander, C. S. Army, will report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. XXVII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 31, current series, as refers to Surgeon F. B. Richerson, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, his resignation having been accepted under a misapprehension of the circumstances. XXVIII. Hospital Steward W. A. S. Taylor, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 120 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, February 29,1864. No. 49. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Robert Prater, Company A, Conscription Battalion; First Lieutenant L. R. Dodd, Com- pany I, Twenty-second Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant G. P. Horan, Company G, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. M. C. Luke, Company D, Seventeenth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. F. Person, Company H, First North Carolina Cav- airy; Captain R. A. Wood, Company G, Forty-first Georgia Volunteers. II. Private James E. Binford, of Company D, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request, and with the consent of the officers concerned, to the Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. III. Private Henry S. Dancy, of Company F, Pierson's regiment cav- airy, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company H, Thirty-fourth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. IV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Sergeant J. W. Helms, Company A, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers; Private Henry Earles, Company K, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry. V. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: F. B. Ham, Company K, Twenty- seventh North Carolina Volunteers; William Sauls, Company E, Sixty- seoond Georgia Regiment, [Eighth] Cavalry. VI. Private R. R. Cassell, of Comany D, First Regiment Virginia Cav- airy, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company F, Fifty-first Regiment Virginia Volun- teers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. VII. Corporal James Carter, jr., Company I, Fifty-third Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the con- sent of the officers concerned, to Captain Dickenson's company light artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: William F. Phillips, Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry; John Carpenter, Company C, Twenty- fifth Virginia Volunteers. IX. Private Robert Freeman, of Company G, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, having been appointed acting master's mate C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. X. Private W. H. Cuttino, of Company C, Hampton's Legion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 2, at Columbia, S. C. XI. Private W. L. Crush, Company E, Thirtieth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for active field service, is for ninety days detailed for enrolling duty, and will report to Lieutenant W. W. Lewis, enrolling officer, Roanoke County, Va. 121 XII. Sergeant David D. Horen, of Chaysentier's [Charpentier's] bat- tery, being unfit for active service in the field, is detailed as acting ord- nance sergeant at Redoubt No. 9, Mobile Defenses, and will report ac- cordingly. XIII. Major Willis F. Jones, assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from duty in the Conscription Bureau, and will report to Major-General C. W. Field, in this city. XIV. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain H. M. Mcllhany, assistant quartermaster. XV. Private W. R. Gary, of the Crenshaw Battery, will immediately rejoin his company. XVI. Private James E. Terral, of Company F, Fourth Virginia Cav- airy, having been appointed acting master's mate C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. XVII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Captain Eugene Holmes, Company E, Crescent Regiment. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Edward M. Alfriend, Company E, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, is extended eight days from February 27, 1864. XIX. Private J. G. Harviee, of Company I, Fortieth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J. L. Calhoun, quartermaster, at Montgomery. XX. Leave of absence to await the action of the War department on his application to be placed on the retired list is granted Colonel John B. Weems, Tenth Georgia Volunteers, with permission to remain at his home in Washington, Ga. XXI. Private W. A. Folkes, of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Provost-Marshal Department, and will report to Briga- dier-General J. H. Winder, in this city. XXII. Sergeant William F. Parker, Cbmpany D, Fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain Joseph Bart- lett, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Enterprise. XXIII. Private W. M. George, of Company C, Palmetto Sharpshooteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the provost-marshal department at Columbia, S. C., and will report accord- ingly. XXIV. Private N. A. Hancock, of Company G, Sixteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain J. J. Murphy's company, General Morgan's command, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXV. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Captain S. D. IF. D.] Lee, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, at Charleston, S. C.: Private John F. Cordes, Corporal E. J. W. Freeman, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry. XXVI. Paragraph XXXV, Special Orders No. 47, current series, is hereby amended. Major E. Griswold is assigned to special duty in charge of the Federal prisoners at Camp Sumter, near Andersonville, Ga. Colonel A. W. Persons, commandant of the post, will detail the necessary guard for the prisoners upon the requisition of Major Griswold, who, of course, is subordinate to the commandant of the post. 31—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 122 XXVII. Private M. H. Demask, Company I, Ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon in charge of General Hospital No. 2, at Savannah, Ga. XXVIII. Private R. N. Bowden, of Company E, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital nurse, and will report to the surgeon in charge of general hospitals at Liberty, Va. XXIX. Private T. A. Kersey, of Company E, Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to Surgeon [Frank A.] Ramsey, medical director, &c., at Abingdon, Va. XXX. Private J. B. Anderson, of Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain John A. Kerhy, assistant quartermaster, at Cassville, Ga. XXXI. The discharge heretofore granted Private William E. Willson, Company D, Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, having been im- properly granted, his name will be taken up and borne upon the rolls of his company. XXXII. Brigadier-General A. Iverson will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to the command of the brigade of Georgia cavalry. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, March 1,1864. No. 50. f I. Private Marshall J. Sothoron, of the First Maryland Battery, having received the appointment of assistant paymaster C. S. Navy, will be dis- charged his former service. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army : Second Lieutenant R. W. Thompson, Company H, Second Virginia Volunteers; Captain W. 0. Martin, Second Lieutenant E. G. McKenzie, Company C, Captain A. W. Beegley [Beegles,] Company D, Second Lieutenant James Harelip Company E, Captain W. W. Mullendore, Company H, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry. III. The following-named men having been elected civil officers will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: Private J. J. Morriss, Company F, Tenth Georgia Volunteers ; Corporal M. Baxley, Company B, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volunteers. IV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Captain C. McClellan, Company F, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers, thirty days; Captain E. H. Martin, Company D, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Major E. A. Mash, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, ten, days; Lieutenant-Colonel M. Lewis, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, thirty days; Captain W. M. Hammond, assistant adjutant-general, thirty days ; Assistant Surgeon J. W. Jones, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain J. W. S. Smith, provost-marshal, five days from February 29, 1864; Brigadier-General E. M. Law, Provisional Army Confederate States, five days from this day. 123 V. Private W. B. Romer, of Company A, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the surgeon in charge General Hospital Levert, at Mobile, Ala. VI. Sergeant W. T. McGbthlin, of Company E, Thirtieth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. VII. Assistant Surgeon Thomas F. Tebbs, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from duty in the conscription service. VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: William King, Company B, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; William Turner, Company G, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: R. C. Bartlett, Company A, cav- airy, Iiolcombe Legion; T. M. Brogden, Company D, Second South Car- olina Volunteers. X. Leave of absence for fifty days is granted Lieutenant John G. Scott, aid-de-camp, &c. XI. Private John W. Guy, of Company D, First Battalion Alabama Artillery, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company I, Thirty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XII. Private R. T. Davis, of Company I, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. G. McKee, assistant quartermaster, at Oconee, Ga. XIII. Private C. T. Binford, of the Otey Battery, now at the Mont- gomery White Sulphur Springs Hospital, will be transferred to Chim- borazo Hospital, near this city. XIV. Captain William Campbell, Company D, Sixth Regiment Ken- tucky Mounted Rifles, will proceed without delay to Morristown, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, for assign- ment to duty with Brigadier-General John H. Morgan. XV. Private D. K. Richardson, jr., of Company G, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is transferred to Captain Edwards' company, First Texas Regiment Cavalry, being a citizen of the State of Texas. XVI. The furlough heretofore granted Private William C. Shelton, Com- pany E, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended five aays from March 2, 1864. XVII. The following-named officers will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Major-General C. W. Field for assign- ment to temporary duty with the division commanded by him : Major Julien J. Mason, commissary of subsistence ; Major Henry C. Dashields [Deshields,~\ quartermaster. XVIII. Junius A. Morris is appointed a bonded agent of the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quar- termaster, in this city. XIX. The furlough heretofore granted Private William N. Whiting, Company G, Sixth Virginia Volunteers, is extended five days. XX. Leave of absence until exchanged, with permission to remain at Montgomery, Ala., is granted Lieutenant E. D. Woolief [ Woodlief,'] First Louisiana Artillery. v 124 XXI. A general court-martial is hereby appointed to meet at Co- lumbia, S. C., on the 10th of March, or as soon thereafter as may be prac- ticable, for the trial of A. W. King, master armorer, and such other pris- oners as may be brought before it. Detail of the Court.—Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Moore, Confederate States artillery ; Major J. T. Trezevant, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States; Majors J. W. Radcliffe, Rowland [Roland] Rhett, quarter- masters ; Captain J. D. Witherspoon, assistant commissary of subsistence; First Lieutenant C. Richardson Miles, judge-advocate. XXII. Leave of absence, until exchanged with permission to remain at Montgomery, Ala., is granted Captain R. C. Bond, First Louisiana Artillery. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 2,1864. Special Orders") No. 51. f I. The resignation of Captain G. A. Wardlaw, assistant quartermaster, First South Carolina Infantry, (regulars,) has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. II. Major Alfred M. Barbour, quartermaster, will report to the Quar- termaster-General, in this city, for the purpose of settling his accounts. III. The following-named officers of the Provisional Engineer Corps are relieved from their present duty, and will report to Major-General D. H. Maury, at Mobile, Ala.; First Lieutenant J. T. Elmore, Second Lieutenant E. A. Ford. IV. Sergeant James Leonard, of Company B, First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, is appointed ordnance sergeant at Roriden Post, near Savannah, Ga., and will report accordingly. V. Leave of absence for three months is granted Rev. J. B. Hardwicfce, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States. VI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: James J. Brown, Company B, Phillips' Legion, cavalry; J. B. F. Murphy, Company I, Fortieth Georgia Volunteers. » VII. Private George W. Powell, of Company H, Ninth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, is transferred to the Eighth Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, being unfit for infantry service. VIII. Captain E. Troupe Randle, of Company D, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to the commandant of the post at Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to duty. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: William Sanders, Company L, Cobb's Legion, cavalry; William A. Blount, Company D, Second Georgia Volunteers. X. Sergeant M. D. Doney, Fifteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J. B. [F. W.~\ Dittard, quartermaster, at Columbus, Ga. 125 XI. Private John M. Phelps, of the Washington Mounted Artillery, is for sixty days detailed to work on the South Carolina Railroad without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to H. T. Peake, superintendent, &c., at Charleston, S.C. XII. Hospital Steward W. R. Goodman is relieved from hospital duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon H. Stockdell, medical purveyor, at Wilmington, N. C. XIII. Hospital Steward W. W. Hubbard is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [N. &] Orowell, medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for hospital duty at Lake City, Fla. XIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates are extended sixty days: James Gale, J. H. Humphrie, Robert Ruda, Company E, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers. XV. The furlough heretofore granted Private A. S. Roberts, Company B, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended twenty-five days from March 27, 1864. XVI. Rev. A. T. Holmes, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, being a supernumerary, will be dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private John Kirkbride, Company C, Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are hereby revoked, and they will immediately rejoin their command : T. H. Oury, Thomas F. Oury, W. L. Oury, Company K, Eleventh Missis- sippi Volunteers. XIX. Private W. H. Hagood, of Company E, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report to Major R. G. Hay, com- missary of subsistence, James Island, S. C. XX. Private L. J. Hoffman, of Company A, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major R. M. Ouyler, at Macon, Ga. XXI. Private T. J. Harper, of Company I, Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Rowland [Roland] Rhett, quartermaster, at Columbia, S. C. XXII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: A. P. Ramsey, Company F, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; W. C. Harris, Company C, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers. XXIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private J. P. Herman, of Company I, Ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, on surgeon's cer- tificate. XXIV. The resignation of Lieutenant F. P. Buckner, military store- keeper and paymaster, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 32—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 126 Adjutant and Inspectoe-General's Office, Richmond, March 3,1864. Special Orders) No. 62. J I. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Henry C. Long, Company K, Third Virginia Volunteers; Charles Giblin, Company A, Garnett's artil- lery battalion. II. Assistant Surgeon George McD. Brumby will report without delay to Surgeon \_Frank A.] Ramsey, medical director, at'Abingdon, Va., for assignment to duty. III. Assistant Surgeon Julius C. BlacTceney will report without delay to Medical Director M. M. Lewis, Petersburg, Va., for assignment to duty. IV. Private John Meaney, of Company A, Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is relieved from duty in the Medical Department, and will immediately rejoin his command. V. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as indicated: Conscript W. C. Barker to Medical Director [P. P.] Hines, at Raleigh, N. C.: Private if. B. White, Company D, Forty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, to the Surgeon-General; Conscript P. McL. Burbanks to Surgeon-General. VI. Joseph T. Glover is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major James Glover, quartermaster, at Bristol, Tenn. VII. Sergeant J. H. Derrah, of Company K, Twelfth Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, is relieved from duty at the Purveying Department, in this city, and will rejoin his command without delay. VIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Captain A. M. Chapped, Com- pany A, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J". W. Dinguid, Griffin's battery, thirty days; Colonel Julian Harrison, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, sixty days; Captain L. T. Jennings, Company D, Fif- teenth Louisiana Volunteers, thirty days; First Lieutenant R. H. Max- well, Company C, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days; Rev. W. E. Massey, chaplain, Eighth Alabama Volunteers, ten days. IX. Private William Head, of Company B, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the con- sent of the officers concerned, to Company G, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. X. Sergeant A. M. Lee, Company B, Forty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XI. Private J. R. F. Hume, of Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, First Battalion Maryland Cavalry, he being a citizen of the latter State. XII. Private Francis T. Leak, of Company K, Thirty-fourth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Captain H. H. Falconer's cavalry company, and will report accordingly. XIII. Private John H. Goodwyn, Company I, Second Alabama Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company C, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, pro- vided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 127 XIV. Private Samuel L. Jefferson, of Company B, Forty-fourth Vir- ginia Battalion, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain Moorman's battery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XV. The following-named privates, being unfit for field service, are detailed in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty as designated: Robert C. Murrill, Company G, Eleventh Virginia Volun- teers, to Captain E. B. Faulkner, assistant quartermaster, at Lynchburg, Va.; J. C. Wilson, Company C, Hampton Legion, to Captain. [ W. W.] Weisiger, assistant quartermaster, in this city; John Ratigan, Company B, Fifth Texas Volunteers, to Major William G. Bentley, quartermaster, in this city; W B. Weymouth, Company E, Eighteenth Virginia Volun- teers, to Captain R. B. Marye, assistant quartermaster, Farmville, Va.; J. L. Hays, Company B, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers, to Major J. M. Thompson, quartermaster, Covington, Ga.; Albert S. Bacon, Company B, Eighth Georgia Volunteers, to Captain R. K. Hines, assistant quarter- master, at Albany, Ga. XVI. Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 37, current series, is hereby amended, and Corporal William Jasper Dibble, of Company A, Hampton's Legion, will report to Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secretary of the Treasury, for assignment to duty. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private J. R. Johnston, Company A, Fifteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XVIII. The sentence of death against Private Jesse M. Luther, Com- pany E, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Troops, Army of Northern Vir- ginia, is commuted, by order of the President, to four months'hard labor at such place as the commanding general may appoint. XIX. The sentence of death against Private John Jones, Company B, First North Carolina Troops, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is commuted, by order of the President, to hard labor until the 31st of March, 1864, at such place as the commanding general may appoint. XX. The sentence of death against S. C. AUred, private, of Company L, Twenty-second North Carolina Troops, Army of Northern Virginia, is remitted by order of the President. XXI. The following-named privates, being unfit for field service, are detailed forvhospital duty, and will report as indicated: W. A. Benthal. Ward's battery, to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, at Raleigh, N. C.; J. T. Gamble, Company C, Eighth Georgia Volunteers, to Surgeon James Mercer Green, in charge at Macon, Ga.; Lewis G. Colin, Company C, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers, to Surgeon W. 0. Owen, at Lynchburg, Va. XXII. First Lieutenant James F. Grattaul[Grattan,'] Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Brigadier-General E. P. Alexander, chief of artillery, Long- street's corps, for assignment to duty. XXIII. Private R. M. DuBos, of Company C, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company H, First Regiment Engineer Troops, for the purpose of receiving promotion. XXIV. Private H. T. Coleman, of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Deparment, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, commanding Confederate States arsenal in this city. 128 XXY. Officers of the Quartermaster's and Subsistence Departments will afford to A. J. Wagner, bearer of dispatches to the Trans-Mississippi Department, the necessary facilities for reaching his destination. He is entitled to receive the usual pay and allowances of bearers of dis- patches to that department. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 4,1864. Special Orders) No. 53. J I. Private W. Wynns, Company C, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Vol- unteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Company F, Second Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, and will report for duty accord- ingly. II. The sentence of the court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 306, of December 13,1863, Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, whereby Colonel T. G. Singletary [JSihgeltary,~] Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Troops, was cashiered is, by order of the President, re- mitted upon the recommendation of the commanding general. Colonel Singletary [Singeltary] will, therefore, be released from arrest and resume his sword. III. The sentence of death against Private Peter Treffenstedt, Company E, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Troops, Army of Northern Virginia, heretofore suspended by General R. E. Lee, is remitted by direction of the President. IV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Assistant Surgeon J. M. Adams, Twelfth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Brigadier-General E. M. Law, Provisional Army Confederate States, five days from March 6, 1864; First Lieutenant Phillip Smith, First Virginia Battalion, twenty days from March 22, 1864; Major A. A. Lowther, Fifteenth Alabama .Volun- teers, ten days; Lieutenant J. J. Charlton, Company B, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. V. Private John T. Eason, of Company F, Thirteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, at present detailed for duty in the general hospital at Madison, Ga., is transferred to the general hospital at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., and will report accordingly. VI. Private R. Brandt, of Company F, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as clerk in the Con- script Office, and will report to the enrolling officer Chester District, S. C., for assignment to duty. VII. Private J. W. Wills, of Company G, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, at present detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, in this city, is transferred to the same department at Columbus, Ga., and will report accordingly. VIII. Corporal A. F. Hade, of Company C, Forty-seventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for post duty, and will report to the commandant post at Marietta, Ga, 129 IX. Private Frederick W. McKnight, of Company E, Sixtieth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major [R. M.] Ouyler, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Macon, Ga. X. Private S. Heath, Company D, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital guard, and will report to Captain George T. Duffy, commanding post at Mont- gomery White Sulphur Springs, for assignment to duty. XI. Captain W. S. Davis, of Company B, Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assignment to enrolling service. XII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private Seaborn Jones, of Company K, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XIII. The sentence of death against Private Joseph Odeem, Company B, Forty-eighth Virginia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, sus- pended by the commanding general, is commuted, by order of the Pres- ident, to forfeiture of pay and hard labor with ball and chain in Castle Thunder during the war, and then to be dishonorably dismissed/ from the service. XIV. The sentence of death against Private William, R. Lunsford, Com- pany A, Twenty-second Georgia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, suspended by the commanding general, is commuted, by order of the President, to forfeiture of pay and hard labor in Castle Thunder with ball and chain during the war. XV. The sentence of death against Private David Ramey, Company K, Twelfth South Carolina Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, sus- pended by the commanding general, is remitted by order of the Pres- ident. XVI. The sentence of death against Private E. M. Berry, Company H, Twenty-second North Carolina Regiment, Army of Northern Vir- ginia, suspended by the commanding general, is remitted by order of the President. XVII. The furlough heretofore granted Private R. M. Doswell, Signal Corps, is extended ten days from March 6, 1864. XVIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army of the Confed- erate States: First Lieutenant W. C. Southwwic, Second Lieutenant J. J. Bingley, Company A, Second Lieutenant W. C. Ault, Company B, Second Lieutenant C. F. Hupp, Company C, Second Lieutenants W. A. True- heart, John Ellison, Company F, First Battalion, Local Defense. XIX. Hospital Steward E. G. Colton is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon J. F. Heustis, medical director, &c., at Mobile, Ala., for assignment. XX. Hospital Steward W. G. Malone is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Chief Surgeon [J. R.] Cowan, General Forrest's cavalry, for assignment. XXI. Surgeon M. E. Swinney is relieved from hospital duty, and will report without delay to the colonel of the Forty-eighth Regiment Georgia_ Volunteers for assignment. XXII. Surgeon P. 0. King will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty. 33—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 130 XXIII. Assistant Surgeon E. T. Sabcil is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts, Richmond, for assignment in the Second Congressional Dis- trict of Virginia. XXIV. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Surgeon James Dunn, Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 5,1864. Special Orders ) No. 54. f I. The following act of Congress and the joint resolution construing the same are published for the information of all concerned: AN ACT to increase the compensation of certain civil officers and employes in the President's Office and in the Executive and Legislative Departments, at Richmond, for a limited period. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the sala- ries and compensation of all civil officers and employes in the President's Office and in the Executive and Legislative Departments, at Richmond, whose compensation or salaries do not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars per annum, shall be increased, from the passage of this act to the 15th of May, 1864, at the rate of one hundred per cent, per annum, provided the same shall not be thereby increased beyond the rate of three thou sand dollars per annum; and the salaries of all said officers whose com pensation is above two thousand dollars, and does not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars per annum, shall, for the same period of time, be increased at the rate of fifty per cent, per annum; but it is hereby expressly declared that the increased compensation provided for by this act shall not be paid to any officer or employ^ in any ex- ecutive department of the government who is liable to perform mili- tary duty or is able to bear arms in the field, unless such officer or em- ploye shall first obtain a certificate from the head of the department in which he is engaged that his services are absolutely necessary to the government, and that his place cannot be supplied by any one known to the head of the department who is not subject to military duty, which said certificate shall be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury before the money is paid, and it shall be the duty of the said Secretary at the beginning of each session to communicate a list of all such certificates to Congress ; provided, that no clerk who, by virtue of a military com- mission, receives rations or commutation of rations shall be entitled to the benefits of this act. JOINT RESOLUTION construing an "Act to increase the compensation of civil officers and employes in the President's Office and in the Executive and Legislative Departments, at Richmond, for a limited period," approved January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Resolved, That the "Act to increase the compensation of certain civil officers and employes in the President's Office and in the Executive and Legislative Departments, at Richmond, for a limited period," approved 131 January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby, construed so as to embrace soldiers detailed for clerical duty in Richmond. II. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred: William H. Barnes, Company F, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Robert AdJcins, Company B, Twentieth Bat- talion Virginia Artillery. III. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain N. A. Stuart, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieu- tenant Charles T. Lucas, Company G, Twenty-second Alabama Volun- teers. IV. The following-named officers, being supernumeraries, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant James Pennybacker, Com- pany B, Seventh Virginia Cavalry; Assistant Surgeon Miles W. Goldsby, Provisional Army Confederate States. V. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 28, current series, as refers to Captain T. A. Hill, Company I, Forty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Hill will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. VI. The resignation of First Lieutenant E. D. Gamblin, Company I, Fortieth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect December 11, 1863. VII. Brigadier-General Francis A. \_Francis C.] Armstrong, Provisional Army Confederate States, cavalry, is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will proceed without delay to Demopolis, Ala., and report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assignment. VIII. Private W. H. Jewell, of Company A, Twenty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will report to Major-General Wade Hampton for duty as telegraph operator. IX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Assistant Surgeon James W. Oliver, Seventh Virginia Volunteers, ten days; Captain William H. H. Cowles, Company A, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days. X. The sentence of death against Private Cyrus Dunn, Company G, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, suspended by the commanding general, is remitted by order of the President. XI. Cadet Charles P. Pwcher, C. S. Army, is temporarily assigned to duty with Company F, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volun- teers, and will report accordingly. XII. The furlough heretofore granted Private E. S. Dinguid, Com- pany A, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XIII. Second Lieutenant John G. Rencher, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with the Thirty-third Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, for the purpose of receiving promotion. XIV. Private James W. Carter, of Campany I, Fift3T-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city. 132 XV. Private James M. Calhoun, of Captain McCarthy's company siege artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. .XVI. Private J. A. Clemments, of the Georgia Huzzars, Jeff Davis Le- gion, having been elected a civil officer, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVII. Private Herman S. Smith, of Fenner's battery, having received the appointment of acting gunner C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. XVIII. The following-named persons, being important witnesses in the case of Commonwealth against Joseph J. McCarthy, now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, ser- geant, &c., on the 21st of March, 1864: Lieutenant Henry Merchant, Sergeant William Morney,Company A, Fourth Texas Volunteers. XIX. The following-named privates are detailed for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to Lieutenant A. T. Cunningham, in charge of ordnance depot at Savannah, Ga.: George Digger, William Kerr, Company A, Eighteenth Georgia Battalion.' XX. So much of Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 38, current series, as announces the acceptance of the resignation of Colonel J. E. Pitts, Sixty-first Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is hereby revoked. XXI. Private Edwin B. Snead, of the First Company, Richmond Howitzers, is transferred to Captain W. R. Smith's company, Mosby's battalion, provided no expense to the Cpnfederate States be thereby incurred. ' XXII. Leave of absence for sixty days is hereby granted to Colonel J. E. Pitts, Sixty-first Tennessee Volunteers. XXIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant T. S. McDonald, Company H, Thirteenth Alabama Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XXIV. At the request of Brigadier-General S. M. Barton a court of inquiry is hereby appointed to meet in this city on the 10th day of March, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of inquiring into the cause of the alleged failure of General Barton to co-operate with General G. E. Pickett in the late attack on Newbern, N. C. The court will report the facts in the case, together with its opinion thereon, to this office. Detail of the Court—Major-Generals Samuel Jones, Arnold Elzey, Briga- dier-General J. R. Cooke; Major L. R. Page, assistant adjutant-general, judge-advocate. XXV. Private H. Spear, of Company G, Second Kentucky Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [ John] Ambler, quartermaster, &c., in this city. XXVI. Private/. R. McCalla, of Company C, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, cavalry, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty at the Confederate States naval works at Atlanta, Ga., and will report to Lieutenant D. P. McCorkle, in charge works. XXVII. Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 41, current series, is hereby revoked, and Major R. H. Carter, quartermaster, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation, in this city. XXVIII. Hospital Steward Edward F. Kelly will report to the officer commanding Third Battalion North Carolina Artillery, at Kenansville, N. C., for assignment to duty. 133 XXIX. Assistant Surgeon A. N. Bellinger is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [iV. S.] Orowell, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to hospital duty at Savannah, Ga. XXX. Surgeon W. A. Thorn is relieved from present duty, and will proceed without delay to the Trans-Mississippi Department and make a thorough inspection of all medical purveying depots there. After completing these duties he will report in person to Surgeon-General. XXXI. The furlough heretofore granted Private Theodoric C. Lyon, of Forty-eighth Mississippi Regiment, is extended five days from March 3,1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 7, 1864. Special Orders') No. 55. 1 I. Private W. J. McDearman, of Company B, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. II. Assistant Surgeon Henry W. Williams, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will have his name dropped from the rolls Tor prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. III. Second Lieutenant Thomas L. Emory, drill-master, &c., will have his name dropped from the rolls for conduct unbecoming an officer, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. IV. Corporal John W. Adams, of Company E, Sixty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected a civil officer, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. V. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: James A. Sexton, Company D, Third North Carolina Cavalry; Adam Record, Company B, Tenth North Carolina Battalion. VI. Acting Lieutenant John S. Morson, First Regiment Engineer Troops, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel T. M. R. Talcott, commanding, .] Wither- spoon, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Columbia, S. C., for assignment. . XXIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Brigadier-General William Mahone, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended ten days. XXV. Leave of absence for ten days is hereby granted Captain R. F. Langdon, assistant quartermaster. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 140 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 10,1864. Special Orders) No. 58. \ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant C. A. Rous, selot, Company D, Gilmor's battalion cavalry; Rev. A. M. Marshall, chaplain,Twelfth Georgia Volunteers; Captain W. L. Montgomery, Com- pany B, Forty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Rev. J. M. Meredith, chaplain, Forty-seventh Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John A. Lindsay, Company K, Fifty-second Virginia Volunteers; Captain George Graham, Company F, Thirty-seventh Virginia Volunteers; Captain W. M. Stitt, Company I, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant John Carson, Company D, Sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. D. Froser [FVaser,] chaplain, Second Florida Volunteers. II. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for forty days as bridge guards, and will report to C. G. Talcott, superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, for assignment to duty: W. H. Compton, Company D, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers; L. Osborne, Company I, Fifth Alabama Volunteers; W. Martin, Company H, Sixth Alabama Volunteers; W. W. Owens, Company F, Thirteenth Ala- bama Volunteers; M. S. Calaniss [Cabiness,] Company I,Third Alabama Volunteers; J. J. McLendon, Company F, Eighth Alabama Volunteers; James E. Grow, Company D, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; P. Cacy, Company K, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers; S. A. Brewster, Company D, Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers; H. Baker, Company B, Fifth Ala- bama Volunteers; H. McDonald, Company B, Thirteenth Alabama Vol- .unteers; J. B. Cain, Company E, Eighth Alabama Volunteers; T. Mc- Clure, Company E, Fifth Alabama Volunteers; B. Rogers, Company D, Sixth Alabama Volunteers. III. Private Edward'■ F. Murphy, of Company F, Sixty-second Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as postmaster at Franklin Depot, Va., and will report to Hon. J. H. Reagan, Postmaster-General, for assignment. IV. The following-named officers, being important witnesses in" a case now pending in the Hustings Court, of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of the city, on the 21st of March, 1864: Lieutenant H. C. Hewitt, Company C, First Battalion Virginia Regulars; Lieutenant George R. Waldman, Company E, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers. V. The furlough heretofore granted Private James Poulson, of Com- pany A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended five days. VI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: A. P. Rowzie to Surgeon J. H. White, Andersonville, Ga.; Private W. C. White, Company A, Forty-sixth Mis- sissippi Volunteers, to Surgeon-General; Private Thomas C. Campbdl, Company E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon Hugh Stockdell, Wilmington, N. C.; Private Thomas Black, Company C, Sixteenth Ten- nessee Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment. VII. The furlough heretofore granted Private George Beall, of Com- pany A, Ninth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is extended to April 5, 1864. VIII. Captain H. D. Garden, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. 141 IX. Brigadier-General G. J. Raines [Pains,] Provisional Army Confed- erate States, charged with ordnance and engineering, will be furnished with the force necessary to the efficient conduct of his operations. It will be limited to what is absolutely necessary. No men within con- script age thus employed will be excused from enrollment or hired for the purpose, but will be detailed by the Bureau of Conscription. Gen- eral Raines [Rains] will be aided when any heavy work is required by details from the army or command with which he may be operating. X. The furlough heretofore granted Private A. Patterson, of Company I, Thirty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended twenty days. XI. The company of light artillery raised by Captain E. P. Lumpkin has been mustered and received into Confederate service for the war from the 1st of February last. For the present it will constitute a part of the command of Captain Andrew- Young, in northeastern Georgia. The following officers-elect will take position in the company, to date from day of muster: E. P. Lumpkin captain, W. C. Weir first lieutenant, W. H. Morton senior second lieutenant, & W. Prewit junior second lieutenant. XII. A furlough for three weeks is granted Private John Dulany, of Company E, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers. XIII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, being unfit for field service, and will report for duty as designated: Private PL. B. Whittin, Company E, Twenty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, to Lieutenant-Colonel [A. P.] Cone, assistant quar- termaster-general, for assignment at Dineguist's foundry, Roanoke County, for sixty days; Private A. H. Beauchamp, Company F, First Ala- bama Volunteers, to Captain [Henry C.] Hart, post quartermaster, Eighth Congressional District Alabama, for collection of tax in kind ; Private C. P. McCallester [McAllister,] Company K,' Third Georgia Volunteers, to Captain T. A. Gilham, post quartermaster, Sixth Congressional District, Lexington, Ga., for collection of tax in kind; Private F. Sullivan, Com- pany E, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers, to Major W. L. Cochran, quar- termaster, Montgomery White Sulphur Springs; Private G. W. Outer, Company C, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, to Captain 0. B. [Archibald P.] Seals, assistant quartermaster, Fort Gaines, Ga.; Private E. T. Saye, Company A, Eleventh Georgia Volunteers, to Major Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga.; Private P. Schramm, Company A, Ninth Battalion Georgia Artillery, to Major G. W. Cunningham, quartermaster, Atlanta, Ga.; Private J. M. Tally, Company G, Ninth Georgia Volun- teers, to Major G. W. Cunningham, quartermaster, Atlanta, Ga. XIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant John W. Carrington, artil- lery, Provisional Army Confederate States, ten days; Captain S. II. Stone, Company I, Fiftieth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain D.F. Wilson, Company H, Forty-eighth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Major B. L. Wolfe, commissary of subsistence, thirty days. XV. Private Owen Peel, of Company I, Thirty-fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby detailed for the purpose of procuring and distributing supplies, &c., for families of soldiers in Wayne County, N. C., and will report accordingly. XVI. Private Thomas L. Widdows, of Carpenter's battery Virginia vol- unteers, is hereby detailed for sixty days for duty in the Quartermas- ter's Department, and will report to H. W. Vandegrift, chief engineer and general superintendent Orange and Alexandria Railroad, at Lynch- burg, Va. 36—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—i 142 XVII. Major S. H. Reynolds, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, com- manding, &c., for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel P. T. Manning, chief of ordnance, &c. XVIII. Second Lieutenant J. H. Stewart, infantry, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment. XIX. Lieutenant W. C. Schley, Signal Corps, will proceed without delay to Dublin Depot, Va., and. report to Major-General J. C. Breckin- ridge, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty on his staff. XX. Private John H. Webb, of the Beaufort Artillery, is hereby dis- charged the service of the Confederate States, having been appointed deputy postmaster at Pocotaligo, S. C. XXI.. Private Edward Everitt, of Company H, Sixty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Signal Bureau, and will report to Major William Norris, chief, &c., in this city, for assignment. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 11,1864. Special Orders) No. 59. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Colonel J. A. Orr, Thirty-first Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant F. J. Moses, jr., CompanyF, First South Carolina Infantry; Second Lieutenant N. B. Saine, Com- pany F, Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. M. Brown, Company B, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. A. Tate, Company B, Twenty-second North Carolina Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant James F. Clark, Company G, Third North Carolina Volunteers; Captain William H. Harrison, Company H, Thir- teenth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Matthew Carpenter, Com- pany A, Thirty-first Virginia Volunteers. II. Surgeon E. A. Flewellen will report to Surgeon A. J. Foard, med- ical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. III. Private N. A. Kitchell, of Company A, Tenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, will rejoin his command without delay, at Atlanta, Ga. IV. Assistant Surgeon J. W. Banks will report without delay to Sur- geon A. J. Foard, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. V. Surgeon W. T. Abrahams is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts at. Macon, Ga., for assignment in that State under General Orders No. 11. VI. Assistant Surgeon E. W. Latimer will report without delay to med- ical director Army of Northern Virginia for assignment to duty. VII. Hospital Steward E. L. Bardwell is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [& H.] Stout, medical director, at Atlanta, Ga. VIII. Assistant Surgeon Sidneg E. Babcock will report without delay to medical director of hospitals at Charleston, S. C., for temporary duty in hospital at Columbia, S. C. 143 IX. Surgeon T, B. Memminger will report without delay to Surgeon [N. S.] Crowell, medical director of hospitals, for duty in hospital at Co- lumbia. S. C. X. Captain Henry Booth, assistant commissary of subsistence, is hereby assigned to duty as assistant commissary of subsistence of Brigadier- General McRae's brigade, and will report accordingly. XI. The following-named officers, now on duty at Camp of Paroled and Exchanged Prisoners, near this city, are hereby relieved from said duty, and will report to Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts State of Virginia for assignment: First Lieutenant J. M. Smith, Second Lieutenant II. Sawyers. XII. Captain J. B. Heard, of Hawthorn's Missouri cavalry, is relieved from further duty at Camp of Paroled and Exchanged Prisoners, near this city, and will report without delay to General E. K. Smith, com- manding, &c., at Shreveport, La., for duty with his command. XIII. Second Lieutenant L. Wankowiez [ Wankowicz,~\ Confederate States infantry, will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to General G. T. Beauregard for assignment. XIV. Private C. E. Stewart, of the Jeff Davis Artillery, Carter's artil- lery battalion, having been appointed a commissioned officer, is dis- charged his former service. XV.. The following-named officers being important witnesses in a case now pending in the military court of Major-General Sam. Jones' depart- ment, will report without delay to the presiding judge of said court, at Newbern, Va.: Captain Guy D. Huffman, Company K, Chaplain W. G. Miller, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers. XVI. Private T. C. Livingston, of Company G, Third Regiment Florida Infantry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [& II.] Stout, medical director, &c., at Atlanta, Ga. XVII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Colonel J. R. Butler, First Kentucky Cavalry, seven days; Captain W. Aiken Kelly, Company L, First South Carolina Volunteer?, fifteen days; Lieutenant A. A. Haines, Company G, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain John F.Lacy, Company B, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. XVIII. Captain J. G. Riley, of Colonel W. L. Jackson's cavalry com- mand, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, in this city. XIX. J. B. G. Kennedy is hereby appointed an agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major/. T. Wimumore, quarter- master, &c., Augusta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XX. The following-named privates, being ,unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John Ambler, quartermaster, &c., for assignment: Henry Carter, Compan}' A, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; John Shea, Letcher Artillery, Virginia volunteers. XXI. General G. T. Beauregard and Major-General G. E. Pickett will cause the officers of their respective departments who have had com- mand of guards in charge of prisoners being sent to Camp Sumter to make an immediate report to this office, stating the number of prisoners they received, the number escaped, the number died, the number of sick left on the road ; also stating in each case of escape, death, or sick- ness, the name,- company, regiment, and State, and when and where the occurrence took place, and to order hereafter a report as above imme- diately after the transfer of the prisoners from the charge of the officer. 144 XXII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army : Second Lieutenant George Beauchamp, Company G, Arsenal Battalion, Local Defense; First Lieutenant W. H. Smith, Company C, Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers; Surgeon E. P. Bouchelle, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. The following-named officers will immediately rejoin their commands: First Lieutenant J. G. Rucker, Company C, Twenty-first Georgia Volunteer^; Captain D. F. Buckner, Company D, Captain Frank Clark, Company G, Captain B. T. Walshe, Company I, Captain G. P. Ring, Company K, First Lieutenant E. O.Riley, Company C, Lieuten- ant-Colonel [Joseph] Hanlon, Sixth Louisiana Volunteers. XXIV. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated : Private A. M. Fann, Company F, Eighth Georgia Volun- teers, to Major N. W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga.; Private Jacob A. Fluke, Company D, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers, to Captain J. J. Allen, assistant quartermaster, at Buchanan, Botetourt County, Va., for collection of tax in kind for sixty days; Private S. T. Hardy, Com- panv L, Fifteenth Alabama Volunteers, to Major [/. L.~] Calhoun, Mont- gomery, Ala., for sixty days; Private H. L. Foster, Company G, Forty- eighth Alabama Volunteers, to Major [F. W.~] Dillard, quartermaster, Columbus, Ga., for sixty days; Private James W. Buford, Company H, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers, to Lieutenant-Colonel L. Smith, assistant quartermaster-general, for duty with J. J. Bass, agent, &c., Lawrence- ville, Brunswick County, Va., for sixty days. XXV. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Privates John Dishow and W. P. Davis, Company A, Twenty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, to Captain J. G. McKee, inspector field transporta- tion, Oconee, Ga.; Private M. L. Dedman, Captain Goldely's company home guards, to Captain J. C. Graham, assistant quartermaster, Selma, Ala. XXVI. Private Thomas Butler, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to the chief engineer Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, at Charleston, S. C. XXVII. Captain A. J. Sydnor, of Company B, Fortieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Brigadier- General J. H. Winder, commanding, &c., in this city, for assignment to court-martial duty. XXVIII. Brigadier-General N. G. Evans, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will forthwith proceed'to take command of his brigade, in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 145 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 12, 1864. Special Orders') No. 60. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant John R. Hill, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant H. M. Ferguson, Company F, First Confederate Battalion; Lieutenant Horatio W. Gould, Company B, Mobile City Troop; Assistant Surgeon M. M. Johnson, Fifty-third Tennessee Volunteers; Captain S. C.Stone, Company F, Second Tennessee Cavalry; First Lieutenant Ed. Rine, Company E, Ninth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. H. Staton, Company D, Twenty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant William F. Hovis [Havis,] Company F, Forty-seventh Georgia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant Cullen Curl, Company G, Fourth Florida Battalion; Second Lieutenant D. W. Ogbern \_0gburn,~\ Company I, Sev- enteenth South Carolina Volunteers. II. The sentence by court-martial convened under General Orders No. 30, of February 6, 1864, Department of Henrico, whereby Captains J. S. Dalton, Company D, Forty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, and J. W. Coker, Company C, Thirty-second North Carolina Regiment, were dis- missed the service for disobedience of orders, having, on the petition of their associates in arms and the recommendation of the general in charge of the department, been remitted by the President, they will be restored to duty. A prompt observance of orders is indispensable to military discipline. Disobedience is a grave offense, and merits the punishment awarded in these instances. Captains Dalton and Coker being now re- lieved from it by this exercise of executive clemency, it is hoped will avail themselves of the opportunity presented to retrieve and maintain the character of faithful and efficient officers. III. Major J. B. Hoge, quartermaster, will return to Richmond for consultation with Lieutenant-Colonel T. L. Bayne, in charge of govern- ment steamers, &c. During the absence of Major Hoge the duties of his office will devolve upon Edward Hobart, esq. IV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private J. H. Skinner, Company B, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers, and Private W. A. Kelly, Company A, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, to surgeon in charge Catoosa Hospital, Griffin, Ga.; Private William Tinsley, Company D, Sixty-third Virginia Volunteers, and Pri- vate J. B. Rayburn, Company F, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers, to sur- geon in charge Montgomery White Sulphur Springs; Private William Barrow, Company G, Fifty-seventh Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon J. T. Johnson, medical purveyor, at Charlotte, N. C., for duty as guard at Confederate States distillery at Salisbury, N. C. V. Private N. S. Perry, of Captain Hardaway's artillery company, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major [P.] Campbell, com- missary 'of subsistence, at Montgomery, Ala. VI. Sergeant Charles Coleman, of Company G, Second Georgia Volun- teers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to Captain H. V. Cothran, assistant quartermaster at Columbus, Ga. 37—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 146 VII. The detail heretofore granted the following-named privates is extended sixty days: Henry H. Drinkard, Thomas W. Bass, James H. Topham, Company B, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. VIII. Private John McCallan, of Carter's battery, Carter's battalion artillery, is hereby detailed for sixty days for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel I. M. St. John, chief &c., for assignment. IX. Private Loray Duke, of Captain Starr's battery, is detailed for ninety days for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major W. S. Downer, superintendent of armories, &c., in this city. X. Major M. Cheatham, quartermaster, will report to Colonel J. S. Preston, chief of the Bureau of Conscription, for assignment to duty in Alabama. XI. Private J. A. Davis, of Company G, Fourth Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, being a citizen of Virginia, is transferred to Company B, Forty- ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XII. Private James H. Birch, of Company K, Second Regiment Ken- tucky Volunteers, being a citizen of Maryland, is transferred to Com- pany A, Second Maryland Infantry. XIII. Private James T. Wood, of Company F, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry duty, is transferred to Cap- tain Piper's [Pifer's] company, Thirty-ninth Battalion Virginia Cavalry. XIV. Private W. R. Nelson, of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Captain Joseph Selden's com- pany, Major Trueheart's battalion artillery. XV. Private T. F. SoweU, of Thirty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volun- teers, is transferred to Fifteenth Regiment Confederate Cavalry, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: M. F. Wilkerson, Captain Good- wyn's company, Ninth Virginia Volunteers; Ro. J. Turner, Captain Graham's company field artillery. XVII. The foliowing-iiamed privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: R. H. Burnley, Company E, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry; James W. Flynt, Company D, Fifteenth Georgia Volunteers. XVIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: John J. Workman, Company H, First South Carolina Cavalry; C. P. Cline, Company E, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers. XIX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Wilson Leach, Company F, Fifth Mississippi Volunteers; J. J. McDaniel, Company A, Thirteenth Missis- sippi Volunteers. XX. The Quartermaster-General is hereby authorized to stop pas- senger trains upon any line of railroad on which either forage or sub- sistence for the army may be delayed until the same, or such portion thereof as may be necessary to the public service, shall be removed. All officers in charge of transportation at points where such supplies are delayed will communicate the fact to the Quartermaster-General, who will give the necessary directions to them to stop the trains. 147 XXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted First Lieutenant John R. Smith, of Company K, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten days from March 20, 1864. XXII. The following-named men having been elected to civil offices, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: Private E. S. Kirkland, Corporal J. Sumner, Company C, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volun- teers: Private David M. Duke, Company C, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers. XXIII. Leave of absence upon surgeon's certificate of disability is hereby granted the following-named officers: Major 31. W. Henry, artil- lery, Provisional Army Confederate States, sixty days; Captain A. M. Houston, Company K, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers, sixty days. XXIV. The following-named privates will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and neces- sity: Henry V. Dudley, Company G, Eighth North Carolina Volunteers; John T. RusseU, Company H, Forty-sixth Alabama Volunteers. XXV. Private Ch. C. S. Thompson, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company H, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no ex- pense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXVI. Private Z. T. Meroney, of Company D, Sixty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXVII. Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation, will make a tour of inspection in matters pertaining to his bureau in the departments commanded by Generals Joseph E. John- ston and G. T. Beauregard. When this has been done he will return to Richmond. XXVIII. Captain 31. S. Hanckell, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty at Savannah, Ga., and will immediately resume his former post, at Pocotaligo, S. C. XXIX. Private William F. Baxter, of White's battalion cavalry, Vir- ginia volunteers, is hereby transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Depart- ment, and will be assigned to such service as the general commanding may direct. XXX. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 33, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private A. T. Goodwin will immediately rejoin his original company—Company A, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXXI. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical purveyor, &c., Richmond. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 148 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 14,1864. Special Orders) No. 61. t I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon R. E. Moore, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant Theo. W. Erwin, Captain Lusk's company, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieuten- ant William G. Smith, Company A, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Robert F. Thornton, Company F, Thirty-eighth Virginia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant J. B. Moore, Company G, Fortieth Missis- sippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant James A. Hart, Company B, Eight- eenth Alabama Volunteers; Captain J. L. Brownlow, Company H, Thirty- second Tennessee Volunteers; Captain C. A. Dollar, Company E, Thir- tieth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. H. Marshall, First South Carolina Infantry ; Second Lieutenant George W. Reynolds, Company A, Fourth Florida Battalion. II. Private E. D. Sandford, of Starr's battery, Company D, Fifteenth North Carolina Battalion, artillery, will proceed to Savannah, Ga., for the purpose of being examined by a board of naval officers for the position of acting master's mate C. S. Navy. III. Corporal A. G. Cowan, of Company D. Garnett's artillery bat- talion, having been appointed acting master's mate in the C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. IV. Private Joseph Voyle [ Vyle,'] of Company A, Twelfth Battalion Lou- isiana Artillery, will immediately rejoin his command. V. Private Thomas L. Brown, of Company C, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel R, M. Cuyler, at Macon, Ga., for assignment as harness-maker. VI. All purchasing State commissaries now on duty in that part of East Tennessee now occupied by Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet's forces, will report to Major R. J. Moses, chief commissary of subsistence, Longstreet's corps, for duty until further orders. VII. The following-named privates, being unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon W. H. Prioleau, in charge Confederate States distillery at Macon, Ga., for assignment as guards: E. M. Simpson, Company C, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Samuel D. Surface, Company F, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers; H. T.Riley, Company G, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers; H. T. Reagin, Company C, Cobb's Legion, Georgia volunteers; A. W. Whitehead, Company G, Third North Carolina Cavalry. VIII. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as desig- nated: Private E. N. Ells, Company A, Mosely's [Moseley's] artillery battalion, to Surgeon J. T. Johnson, medical purveyor, Charlotte,! for guard duty at Confederate States distillery, Salisbury, N. C; Private George Cornelius, Company G, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers, to Medical Director [iV. &] Orowell, as hospital attendant; Private W. P. Hodges, Company G, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers, to Lieutenant [ Will] Lockwood, in charge hospital guard, Lynchburg, Va. 149 IX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. TannahUl, com- missaryof subsistence, Petersburg, Va.: Private Benjamin Scott, Company C, Forty-first Virginia Volunteers; Privates Henry Edmonds, Paris Clay, William Tatum, John Schell, Captain Pannill's company, Fifth Virginia Cavalry. X. Lieutenant W. L. Farley, of Company F, Sixteenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. TannahUl, commissary of subsistence, at Petersburg, Va. XI. Sergeant A. Wittowsky, of Company C, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major H. C. Guerin, chief commissary of subsistence of South Carolina, at Charleston S. C., for assignment. XII. Private WUliam Bane, of Captain Ruffner's cavalry company, Colonel W. L. Jackson's command, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Messrs. J. R. Anderson & Co., government contractors, in this city. XIII. Private P. Donnelson, of Company C, Fourth Regiment Ten- nessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to the President Red Mountain Iron and Coal Company, Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. XIV. Private John Schofill, of Company A, Twentieth Georgia Volun- teers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, quar- termaster, Augusta, Ga., for assignment. XV. The detail heretofore granted Private John H. Lee, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended until April 10, 1864. . XVI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major [J". G.] Paxton, quarter- master, Lynchburg, Va., for assignment: T. H. SUkett, E. F. Holt, L. F. Stratton, James E. Smith, John E. Powell, John R. Lindsay, Battery No. 9, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Artillery. XVII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Captain E. W. [E. NJ] Thurston, ordnance officer, ten days; Lieutenant E. E Jefferson, Nelson Light Artillery, [Vir- ginia volunteers,] thirtydays; Captain J. G. Hinderson [J. J. Henderson,] Company A, Sixty-first Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant Ro. E. Goolrick, Company M, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant G. W. Ward, Company B, Third North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain J. R. Heffin, Company E, Forty-sixth North Caro- lina Volunteers, ten days; Lieutenant Joseph Barber, Company B, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. XVIII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments : Sergeant T. R. Quinn, Company K, Fourth Kentucky Volunteers; Ser- geant Thomas Coyle, Fortieth Georgia Volunteers ; Sergeant W. H. Drum- mond, Company C, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers; Sergeant J. C. Mixon, Company H, Thirty-eighth Alabama Volunteers. 38—S. 0., A. & I, G. 0.—4 150 XIX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: A. M. Swaney, Company C, Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry; Rowan Johnson, Company I, Ninth Georgia Volunteers. XX. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed as guards in the Ordnance Department, and will report for duty to Major Harris, post at Macon, Ga.: Abel Bond, T. E. Peterman, Company A, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers. XXI. The following-named men will immediately rejoin their com- mands: Sergeant A. J. Davies, Company G, Private W. J. Smith, Com- , pany A, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers. XXII. Private Robert Y. Johnson, of Company I, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, being a citizen of Virginia, is hereby transferred to Company D, Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. XXIII. Private J. 0. Lowe, of Company C, Fifth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being a citizen of North Carolina, is hereby transferred to Company I, Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XXIV. Private James Alsip, of Company G, Sixteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, being a citizen of Kentucky, is hereby transferred to the Tenth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry. He will be allowed to select a company in said regiment. XXV.' Conscript James Swinton, now serving as teamster with Colonel [& JET.] LocJcett, chief of engineers, at Pearl River, Miss., is hereby trans- ferred to the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain W. M. Gillaspie, assistant quartermaster, at Selma, Ala., for assignment. XXVI. Sergeant E. H. Fay, of Captain Webb's company, General Mosby's [Cosby's] escort, is hereby transferred to the Engineer Bureau, and will report to Richard M. Venable, captain and chief of Topographical Bureau, W L and A . XXVII. The following-named privates being unfit for infantry service are hereby transferred to the cavalry, and will report as designated: J. D. Cadle, Company E, Third Arkansas Volunteers, to Lieutenant Asberry Hinson's cavalry company, General John H. Morgan's com- mand; G. W. Green, Company C, Seventeenth Mississippi Volunteers, to Company F, Saunders' [Sanders'] cavalry battalion. XXVIII. The following-named sergeants having been appointed com- missioned officers will be discharged their former service: Henry Brown, Company G, Tenth Virginia Cavalry; A. J. Byrnes, Company F, Fourth Alabama Volunteers. XXIX. Private William H. Thelwall, of Company B, Seventh Regi- ment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in this office, and will report accordingly. XXX. Private William L. Norris, of the Swanson Guards, Twenty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Con- federate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. XXXI. Second Lieutenant/. S. Dorsette [Dorsett,~] of Company D, Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXXII. Private William R. Dufphey [Duffey,"] of Company C, Forty- fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward, and will report to surgeon in charge Emory Hospital, Va. XXXIII. Leave of absence for twenty days is hereby granted Major John R. Blocker, Provisional Army Confederate States. 151 XXXIV. The following-named privates being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, for assignment, to date from February 1,1864: Stephen Chalaron, Second Company, Washington Light Artillery, Louisiana volunteers; Henry Hallam, Fredericksburg Artillery, Virginia volunteers. XXXV. Private J. A. Greenwell, of the Baltimore Light Artillery, is hereby detailed for duty in the Engineer Bureau, and will report to chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city, for assignment. XXXVI. Major W. C. Wingfield, commissary of subsistence, is relieved from duty as chief commissary of subsistence of Major-General R. H. Anderson's division. XXXVII. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Lieutenant S. S. Ashe, of White's battery Texas volunteers. XXXVIII. A furlough for six months is hereby granted to Ordnance Sergeant C. W. Chapman, of Fifty-ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistan t A djutan t- General. ■ Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, March 15, 1864. No. 62. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant B. A. Calhoun, adju- tant, Colonel Perrin's regiment cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. D. Boyd, Company K, Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry ; Major W. G. Pegram, Thirty- fourth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant John F. Smith, Com- pany H, Tenth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. W. Hamilton, Company A, First Lieutenant George W. Kearney, adjutant, Second Lou- isiana Volunteers ; First Lieutenant F. E. Scott, Company B, Forty-eighth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant S. L. Isenhat [& F. Isenhart,'] Com- pany E, Fourteenth Virginia [Cavalry] Volunteers; First Lieutenant William Horton, Company I, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. G. Smith, Company C, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect January 22,1864: Captain D. B. Griswold, Griswold's battery; First Lieutenant J. J. Fain, Company K, Eleventh Texas Infantry; Second Lieutenant J. R. Roberts, Company E, Eighth Texas Infantry; Second Lieutenant H. Moss, Company E, Fifth Texas Infantry; Second Lieutenant C. W. McCommon, Company E, Hawthorne's [Hawthorn's] Missouri [Arkansas] volunteers; Captain D. G. Adams, Company K, Cook's regiment Tex;as artillery; Assistant Surgeon J. H. Mullins, Fifteenth Texas Infantry; Second Lieutenant Ro. Tate, Company A, Second Louisiana Cavalry; Captain W. J. Gallaspy, Company B, Baylor's regiment Texas cavalry; Captain W. W. Thompson, Company I, Captain J. C. Maples, Company K, Eighteenth Texas Infantry. III. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Assistant Surgeon T. M. Logan, Provisional Army Confederate States, March 4,1864; Surgeon John Wright, Fifteenth Mis- sissippi Volunteers, January 15, 1864; Second Lieutenant R. D. Wade, Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, February 1, 1864. 152 IV. Major George S. Laswell, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, McNair'g brigade, will proceed to Shreveport, La., and report to General E. K. Smith for assignment to ordnance duty. V. Captain J. W. Dennett, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain R. H. Hill as post quartermaster at Bristol, Tenn. Captain Hill on being relieved will proceed to Kingsville, S. C., and assume the duties of post quartermaster at that place. VI. Private V. M. Fleming, of Company D, First Regiment Engineer Troops, is appointed ordnance sergeant and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. VI I. The following-named officers being important witnesses in a case now pending in the military court of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to president of said court: Captain R. L. Bowaen, Lieutenant W. D. (TSheelos [O?Shields,] Company A [F,] Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers. VIII. Major. Caleb Smith, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General G. E. Pickett, commanding, &c., at Petersburg, Va., for assignment to duty. IX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named ofli- cers are extended as follows: Assistant Surgeon C. G. Smithes [Smithers,] Forty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain A. B. Rid- ding, assistant quartermaster, Thirty-first Georgia Volunteers, fifteen days; Colonel E. J. Walker, Third Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant A. C. Massenburg, Company D, Fifteenth North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days; Lieutenant C. M. Sudderth, Company F, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant T. F. Worley, Com- pany D, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant H. H. Perry, Company B, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days. X. Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 19, current series, is modified, and Surgeon Blair Burwell will report without delay to Medical Director [ilf If.] Lewis for duty with Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XI. Assistant Surgeon Thomas J. Taylor will report without delay to Surgeon M. M. Lewis, medical director, &c., at Petersburg, Va., for as- signment to duty. XII. Hospital Steward Samuel Y. Browne is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [S. H.] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga., for hospital duty at Selma, Ala. XIII. Assistant Surgeon Thomas J. Webb will report without delay to medical director Army Northern Virginia for duty with Seventh Ten- nessee Regiment. XIV. Surgeon Henry J. Macon will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. XV. Hospital Steward William P, Brewer will report without delay for duty to Surgeon [& if] Stout, medical director of hospitals at Atlanta, Ga. XVI. Surgeon Ro. J. Abernethy will report without delay for duty with the Fifth Regiment Alabama Cavalry. XVII. Assistant Surgeon Bodisco Williams will report without delay to Surgeon [Lafayette] Guild, medical director Army Northern Virginia for assignment. XVIII. Surgeon Thomas Hill is relieved from hospital duty, and will report without delay to the colonel of the Fortieth Regiment North Car- olina Volunteers for assignment. 153 XIX. Surgeon H. 0. Ghent will report without delay to Surgeon [ilf. M.] Lewis, medical director, at Petersburg, Va., for assignment. XX. Hospital Steward G. S. Seymour will report without delay to Medical Director [& H] Stout, at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XXI. So much of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 259, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, series for 1863, as relates to Private A. Tolson, First Maryland Artillery [Battery,] is hereby revoked. XXII. Assistant Surgeon F. M. Henderson will proceed without delay to Raleigh, N. C., and report to Surgeon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon P. B. Dance will relieve Assistant Surgeon IF. M. Marston, of the Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers. Assistant Surgeon Marston on being relieved will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to duty. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon S. P. Breckinridge will report without delay to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to duty. XXV. Hospital Steward John Berry will relieve Hospital Steward M.M.Troy, of the Forty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. Hospital Steward Troy on being relieved will report to Surgeon Hines, medical director, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. XXVI. Hospital Steward M. F. Wharton will proceed without delay to Petersburg, Va., and report to Medical Director [M. M.~\ Lewis for as- signment to duty with the Washington Light Artillery. XXVII. The following-named hospital stewards will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to Surgeon [& H] Stout, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty : J. W. Clements, M. Williams, J. A. Fogle, H. F. Glover, H. M. Pittett, W. D. Hooper, H. A. Wiseman. XXVIII. The following-named hospital stewards will proceed without delay to Abingdon, Va., and report to Surgeon Ramsay [P. A. Ramsey,'] medical director, &c., for assignment to duty: W. C. Day, W. F. Noel, F. S. Hill. XXIX. Hospital Steward H. G. Bradley will report without delay to the surgeon in charge Way Hospital, at Selma, Ala., for assignment to duty. XXX. Hospital Steward William H. Sheppard will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to Surgeon [iV. S.] Crowell, medical director, for assignment to duty. XXXI. Hospital Steward J. B. Spicer will proceed to Raleigh, N. C., and report to Surgeon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, &c., for assign- ment to duty. XXXII. Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 59, current series, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Surgeon E. W. Latimer will report without delay to Surgeon IF. A. Carrington, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty at General Hospital No. 4, in this city. XXXIII. Surgeon V. Y. Conway will report without delay to Surgeon [IF A.] Carrington, medical director, &c., Richmond, for assignment to duty. XXXIV. Surgeon J. IF Powell is assigned to duty as medical director of the Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. XXXV. Hospital Steward Case is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Scott, medical director, &c., at Demopolis, Ala., for assignment. XXXVI. A furlough until further orders is granted Private A. L. Sludor, of Company H, Eleventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers. 39—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 154: XXXVII. The detail heretofore granted Private John H. Morgan, of Company D, Twenty-ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXXVIII. Private George A. Thatford, of Company I, Sixth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to superintendent Rich- mond and Danville Railroad for assignment. XXXIX. Private F. J. Saunders, of Company E, Fifteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [/. L.] CaU houn, quartermaster, &c., Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. XL. Private Thomas J. McGehee, of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major T. G. Humphries [_F. 0. Humphreys,] commanding Confederate States arsenal, Columbus, Ga., for assignment. XLI. Private G. P. Wilcox, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major M. B. Miller, commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga., for assignment. XLII. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. Tan- nahill, commissary of subsistence, at Petersburg, Va., for assignment: W. T. Tannahill, Company E, J. M. Williams, Company B, Twelfth Vir- ginia Volunteers. XLIII. The following-named privates being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report as designated: H. A. Randle, Company A, Fourth Alabama Volunteers, to J. C. B. Mitchell, commanding bureau, Selma, Ala.; Austin \_M.~\ Emms, Company E, Hampton Legion, South Carolina volunteers, to Major Asmore [ John D. Ashmore,'] Greenville, S..C.; John Bolt, Company C, Third South Carolina Volunteers, to Lieutenant [i2. L.] McGowan, Laurens, S. C. XLIV. Lieutenant A. S. Erwin, of Company C, Phillips' Legion, Georgia, volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to W. H. Griggs, enrolling officer, Habersham County, Ga. XLV. Assistant Surgeon R. W. Hooper is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to commandant of conscripts, State of Virginia, for assignment under General Orders No. 11. XLVI. Private John G. Johnson, of Company D, First Battalion Ala- bama Artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. XLVII. Private W. H. Singletary [Singeltary,] of Company [G,] First Regiment Rifles, South Carolina volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XLVIII. The following-named privates are hereby transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city: Mortimer Riddle, Company B, Louisiana Guard Artillery; Alexander Spence, United Artillery, Virginia volunteers. XLIX. Private Charles V. Richardson, of Company B, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby transferred to Company E, Seventh Regiment Virginia Cavalry. L. Private L. D. Berry, of Company —, Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company A, Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, all parties consenting thereto, provided no ex- pense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 155 LI. Private D. J. Rivers, of Company A, Fifty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Partisan Rangers, is transferred to First Arkansas Battery Light Artillery, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred. LII. Sergeant P. G. Scott, of Company G, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to the First Regiment Engineer Troops. LIII. Private Marcus L. Sanders, of Company K, Seventeenth Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected a civil officer, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. LIV. Quartermasters and commissaries will furnish the necessary transportation and subsistence to Colonel W. L. Hunter, Provisional Army Confederate States, bearer of dispatches to the Trans-Mississippi Department. LV. First Lieutenant W. H. Robertson, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to Demopolis, Ala., and report to Lieu- tenant-General L. Polk for assignment to appropriate duty under Major- General S. G. Drench. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, March 16, 1864. No. 63. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Major 0. S. Tenney, Second [Bat- talion] Kentucky Mounted Rifles; First Lieutenant G. C. McBee, Com- pany D, First Regiment, Thomas' Legion; First Lieutenant A. C. Perry, Company B, Colonel Benjamin Beck, Ninth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Oliver J. Youmans, Company C,Second South Carolina Volun- teers; First Lieutenant T. M. Hewitt, Company E, Eighth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain Thomas H. Pitts, Company I, Third South Carolina Volunteers; Colonel G. W. Abert, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. A. Binford, jr., adjutant, Fifteenth Mississippi Vol- unteers; Captain W. S. Eskridge, Company I, Ballentine's regiment. II. The inspector-general of field transportation is hereby authorized to transfer any means of field transportation at posts or with stationary troops to commands on campaign service. His orders may be executed through officers of his special department and will be final. III. The Southside Artillery and the Lunenburg Artillery, Virginia volunteers, are hereby permanently detached from the Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers, and will remain on duty as at present assigned. IV. Major John Claiborne, quartermaster, will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, com- manding, &c., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Bryan's brigade to relieve Major C. A. Harding, quartermaster. Major Harding on being relieved will proceed to Hanover Junction, Va., and report to Colonel B. T. Johnson for assignment to duty with his command. V. Lieutenant C. M. Jackson, of Company D, Second Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, will immediately rejoin his command. VI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : William Dawson, Company E, Third North Carolina Cavalry ; Samuel Stock, Company E, Sixty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers. 156 VII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Captain Miles Selden, assistant quarter- master, ten days; Captain Z M. Mason, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Major/. W. Green, commissary of sub- sistence, Kemper's brigade, ten days; Lieutenant-Colonel George E. Tayloe, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers, seven days; Captain Z R. Ludlow, Company D, Sixth Virginia Volunteers, ten days. VIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 203, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August 30, 1862, as refers to Captain Miles Selden, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and he will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. IX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence froni duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army : First Lieutenant S. B. Buchalew, Company I, First Lieutenant Z L. Freeman, Company G, First Lieutenant Z C. Elliott, Company K, Second Lieutenant J. T. C. Ward, Company C, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Surgeon R. A. Anderson, Provisional Army Confederate States. X. Captain E. D. Ricketts, assistant quartermaster, Sixth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls, having failed to execute a bond as required by law. XI. Leave of absence for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Colonel M. S. Langhorne, of Eleventh Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers. XII. Lieutenant James N. Douglas, infantry, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will immediately report in person to this office with a view of his transfer from the army to the navy. XIII. The following-named privates are hereby transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city, to enlist them in the navy for assignment to gunboat "Fredericksburg:" John W. Gladson, Ellwooa \Eldred) D. Floyd, John IF. [ John JET.] Stant, Charles D. Stant, A. T. Doughty, Michael Underbill, David Horner, Company B, W. R. Lewis, John E. Collins, Edward 0. Gladson, Company E, Nineteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. XIV. The following officers and men of the army are temporarily transferred to the navy, to report to Lieutenant T. E. Shepard, C. S. Navy, commanding Confederate States steamer " Fredericksburg," at Richmond, Va.: Second Lieutenant Edward Lakin and twenty-five men and three non-commissioned officers, all seamen, from Captain Kevil's [Kevill's] company, Smith's battalion, at Drewry's Bluff, and Second Lieutenant [ John] Lewis and fifteen men, all seamen, from Captain Young's com- pany of howitzers, unattached. XV. Conscript Frank Carter is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon W. H. Giddings, medical purveyor, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty. XVI. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates are extended sixty days: Edward Higgins, Company D, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers; A. Dill, jr., Company F, Twenty-first Virginia Volunteers. XVII.. Private R. M. Auten, of Company E, Bonaud's artillery bat- talion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon W. H. Prioleau, medical pur- veyor, Macon, Ga. 157 XVIII. Sergeant J. P. Hanlon, of Company —, Ninth Georgia Bat- talion, artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for garrison duty, and will report to Colonel Von Zurken [Leon Von Zinken,] at Marietta, Ga., for assignment. XIX. Private A. M. Hogg, of Company C, Thirty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to commandant of naval gun foundry at Selma, Ala., for assignment. XX. Private Noah Bassett, of Company G, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is transferred to the Trans-Mis- sissippi Department. On reporting to General E. K. Smith, command- ingat Shreveport, La., he will be assigned to light duty in Texas. XXI. Private Ro. E. Doggett, of the Signal Corps, Department of Wil- mington, is transferred to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, for assignment to duty in the Signal Corps of his command. XXII. Private R. H. Helm, of the Brook's (now Utterback's) battery [Brooke's battery,] Virginia volunteers, being a minor and having en- listed without the consent of his parents, is hereby transferred to Com- pany H, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XXIII. Private John T. Gray ham, of Company D, Gilmor's battalion of cavalry, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXIV. The following-named sergeants having been elected civil offi- cers will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: Isaac H. Highsmith, Company D, Twenty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; James M. Arnold, Company K, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers. XXV. The following-named men will immediately rejoin their com- mands: Privates W. C. Wadsworth, T. D. Johnson, Company A, Private J. R. Scott, Company D, Private J. E. Rooks, Company G, Privates W. N. Whitfield, J. J. Gray, Company H, Seventh Georgia Volunteers; Privates G. Barnsly, 0. S. Bondit, J. H. Reagan, H. A. Smith, Company A, Privates J. E. Lacklison [Lachlison,\ H. J. Quantock, M. H. Franklin, W. A. Luddington, Company B, Privates W. J. Douglass, L. W. Hunt, Company C, Privates F. Ward, J. F. Stinson, Company D, Private S. H. Adams, Company E, Privates Sandford Gantt, G. W. Martin, 0. H. Spear, Company F, Sergeant W. A. Wilcox, Company G, Private W. E. Fowler, Company H, Privates F. Shlein [Schlein,~\ Joseph Williams, Company I, Private J. R. Leftwich, Company K, Eighth Georgia Volunteers; Private L. C. Oraig, Company C, Private M. Mountain, Company D, Private L. White, Company.E, Pri- vates E. C. Renfrae [E. E. Renfroe,~] W. Y Spellers J. R. Strothers, Company F, Ninth Georgia Volunteers; Privates J. G. Gapin, H. Allen, Company E, Eleventh Georgia Volunteers; Private John Dennington, Company E, Private A. Tice, Company K, Privates S. L. Brown, J. H. Horn, Company D, Private T. Hattoway, John Redfern, Company B, Private P. J. Grant, Company I, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers. XXVI. Leave of absence for thirty days is hereby granted Lieutenant- Colonel H. C. Davis, commanding post, Cahaba, Ala. XXVII. Private Norwood Stansbury, of Company L, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, is'detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel G. W. Rains, commanding Confederate States arsenal, Augusta, Ga. XXVIII. Captain William B. Ritter, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will proceed without delay to Orange Court-House, Va., and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to ordnance duty. 40—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 158 XXIX. Leave of absence for thirty days is hereby granted Assistant Surgeon E. S. Moseley, Cooper's battery. XXX. Private William L. Scott, of the Fredericksburg Artillery, is hereby detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Captain W. H. James, Engineer Corps, Department Cape Fear, for assignment. XXXI. Leave of absence for thirty da}Ts is granted Captain R.Y. Brown, of Company H, Eighteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, an exchanged prisoner suffering from wounds. XXXII. Colonel S. Crutchjield, having been assigned to ordnance duty during unfitness for field service, is charged with the special duty of inspection of the ammunition and equipments of sea-coast batteries, under such instructions as majr be given to him by the chief of ord- nance. XXXIII. So much of the sentence of the military court Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, held February 6, 1863, as condemns Pri- vate Tilman R. Vestal, Company I, Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment, to imprisonment for the war, is remitted. He will accordingly be released from confinement, and is assigned to work during the war with David Parr & Sons, Richmond, Va., but without pay and allowances from the government. XXXIV. First Lieutenant S. F. Adams, infantry, C. S. Army, will report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., Greenville, Tenn., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General W. E. Jones. XXXV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Walter Weir, assistant adjutant-general, is extended ten days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, Va., March 16, 1864. Circular.] Special Orders No. [46 J,] Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, 26th February, 1864, are amended so as to except the Judge-Advocate's Office from the routine therein prescribed. Hereafter the Reception Office will send, without action, all papers pertaining to courts-martial or courts of inquiry to the Judge-Advocate's Office, in which they will be entered, acted upon, the action recorded, and the papers, when nec- essary, filed. With this amendment the orders will from this date be strictly obeyed, and the scheme therein prescribed carried into thorough operation. Attention is directed to Paragraph XIV. That it may be properly carried out, each officer will submit to the Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General a copy of the orders, with an indorsement requesting that such authority may be delegated, and such general rules of action pre- scribed as may be needful for the thorough conduct of his office. Special attention is also called to Paragraph XVI. The officer on duty in the Reception Office will not place any paper on file until the regulation prescribed in this paragraph is complied with. The officers will, as far as possible, avoid making personal applications to the Adjutant and In- spector-General, and will, instead, observe the regulation in this par- ticular contained in Paragraph XV. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector-General. 159 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 17, 1864. Special Orders \ No. 64. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Harrison, Company K, Forty-first North Carolina Volunteers, (cavalry;) Second Lieutenant Wellington Wishart, Company A, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. M. Stitt, Company I, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. Grice, Forty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Willis Dorming, Company A, Sixty-first Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel Edward McOrady, jr., First South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Ro. E. Hudgins, Company D, Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain N. A. Stuart, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry; Captain W. II. Carter [Curtes,] Georgn [George's Mississippi] regiment cavalry ; Assistant Surgeon T. J. Palmer, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas L. Bayne, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from duty with the chief of ordnance for special service, and will report directly to the Secretary of War and have gen- eral charge of all matters indicated in Paragraph XIII, of Special Orders No. 174, and Paragraph XXVI, of Special Orders No. 259, of 1863, and of all matters relating to exports of cotton, &c., under the recent act of congress approved February 6,1864, and regulations adopted for carry- ing out said act so far as they attach to the War Department. Also with the superintendence, so far as pertains to the War Department, of the importation of supplies from the islands and the provision of cotton to pay for all supplies purchased by the various bureaus of the War Department, the payment for which is to be made in cotton. Captain Joseph Denegre, military storekeeper, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas L. Bayne as his assistant. The officers and agents heretofore assigned to report to Lieutenant-Colonel Bayne will continue on duty until relieved by the Secretary of War. III. The sentence of death against Privates John Garner and W. L. Garner, of Company E, Eighth Mississippi Regiment, by court-martial convened under general orders (number not given) of February 27,1864, Headquarters Army of Tennessee, has been remitted by the President, and they will accordingly be released from confinement and returned to duty. IV. Captain Ben. Morgan, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty at Bristol, Tenn., and will report to General R. E. Lee, command- ing, &c., to relieve Captain M. Gonnley [Gormley,] assistant quartermaster, of Thirteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. Captain Gonnley [Gormley] on being relieved will proceed to Cuthbert, Ga., and assume the duties of post and transportation quartermaster at that place. -He will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, &c., in this city, for additional instructions. V. Cadet A. R. Boteler, jr., C. S. Army, will report to General R. E. Ijee, commanding, for assignment to ordnance duty under Lieutenant- Colonel B. G. Baldwin, chief of ordnance, Army of Northern Virginia. VI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Brigadier-General J. R. Cham- bliss, [jr.,] Provisional Army Confederate States, fifteen days; Lieutenant- Colonel J. F. Waring, Jeff. Davis Legion, ten days; Major John C. Haskell, artillery, Third Corps, ten days. 160 VII. Chaplain William P. Wilson, of the Sixteenth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. VIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates are extended forty days: A. J. Trice, Company —, Fifty-second Virginia Volunteers; J. T. Meredith, Company —, Fifty-sixth Virginia Volun- teers. IX. Private Michael Merrin, of the Donaldsonville Artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. X. Private John Burke, of Company E, First Regiment Texas Volun- teers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States in order to accept an appointment from the Governor of Texas. XI. Private Mike Peacock, of Company F, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby detailed for duty in the Medical Department, being unfit for field service, and will report to the surgeon in charge of hospitals in Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. XII. Captain Howard Finley, assistant quartermaster, Haskell's bat- talion artillery, is relieved from further duty with said battalion. XIII. Assistant Surgeon G. G. Griffin will report to Surgeon [A. J.] Foard, medical director, Dalton, Ga., for duty with Thirteenth and Twentieth Regiments Louisiana Volunteers, to relieve Assistant Sur- geon 0. M. Sitman. XIV. Assistant Surgeon C. M. Sitman will when relieved report without delay to Surgeon [5. H.~] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XV. Lieutenant H. S. Foote, jr., C. S. Army, will proceed to Green- ville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, commanding, for temporary duty under Major-General S. B. Buckner. XVI. Captain F. F. Forbes, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report without delay to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as commissary for prisoners of war in this city, to relieve Captain Jackson Warner, assistant commissary of subsist- ence. XVII. Major J. D. Keily [Keiley, jr.,] quartermaster, will report with- out delay to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General H. H. Walker's brigade. XVIII. Major A. A. Burleson, quartermaster, is relieved from his present duty, and will proceed to Cahaba, Ala., and relieve Major 0. W. Gassett as post quartermaster at that place. Major Gassett on being relieved will proceed to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant- General Longstreet, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as quar- termaster of the brigade now commanded by Colonel Thomas Harrison, Provisional Army Confederate States. XIX. Private Thomas Arnold, of Slocomb's company, Washington Artillery, is hereby transferred to Company A, Duke's regiment Ken- tucky cavalry. XXi Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 45, current series, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant W. Lawson, Company H, First Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, com- manding, for assignment to duty. XXI. The assignment of Lieutenant 0. W. Alexander, Company A, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers, to duty in post quartermaster's office of the Eighth Congressional District, Charlotte, N. C., is hereby extended thirty days. 161 XXII. Lieutenant J. G. Cone, Company A, Forty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will relieve Lieutenant P. W. Doyle, Company A, Forty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, now on conscript duty at Savannah, Ga. Lieutenant Doyle on being relieved will immediately rejoin his command. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon William J. Williams will report without delay to Surgeon [A.] Guild, medical director, Army of Northern Vir- ginia. v XXIV. Assistant Surgeon James M. Madden will proceed without delay to relieve Assistant Surgeon W. B. Penn, at St. Marks, Fla. XXV. Assistant Surgeon W. B. Penn when relieved will report with- out delay to the colonel of the Sixty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers for assignment to duty. XXVI. Surgeon J. H. Pottinger is relieved from duty as member of examining board of conscripts for the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia. He will remain in charge of the Virginia Hospital, Peters- burg, Va. XXVII. So much "of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 146, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, series of 1862, as relates to Private D. A. Carter, of Company —, - Regiment , is hereby re- voked, and he will immediately rejoin his regiment. XXVIII. Assistant Surgeon S. P. Green is relieved from his present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon [8. IP] Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for assignment. XXIX. Hospital Steward C. B. Johnson is relieved from his present duty, and will report to Surgeon Hines, medical purveyor, for assignment to duty. XXX. Surgeon W. J. Bland will report without delay to Brigadier- General A. L. [A. G.] Jenkins, in the Army of Southwestern Virginia, for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, ' Richmond, March 18, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 65. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. A. Wyly, Company E, Sixteenth Georgia Volunteers; Captain James W. Chambers, Company A, Thirty-first Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant F. L. Harman, Company K, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain J. N. Hooa, Company E, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; First Lieuten- ant C. E. Horton, Company G, Second South Carolina Rifles; Captain S. Harrison, Company A, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant William H. Rich, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; First Lieutenant John W. Joines, Company I, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant S. S. Montgomery, Company D, Thirty- third Mississippi Volunteers; Captain C. A. Manlove, assistant quarter- master, Provisional Army Confederate States, 41—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 162 II. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant A. B. Hays, Company p Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain J. H Thorpe, Company A, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, twenty, one days from March 4, 1864; First Lieutenant T. J. Richards, Ward's Mississippi battery, fifteen days; Lieutenant Ro. Stiles, adjutant, Cabell's artillery battalion, ten days; Lieutenant T. W. S. Hendon, Company I, Thirteenth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Major John B. Brocken- borough [Brockenbrough,] artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, to April 1, 1864; Lieutenant W. G. Thompson, Company F, Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. III. Sergeant W. E. H. Clagett, of Company A, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being permanently disabled, is detailed for duty in this office, and will report to Colonel E. A. Palfrey, assistant adjutant- general, for assignment. IV. Private G. B. Huggins, of Company K, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain J. B. Chandler, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Williamsburg, S. C. V. Private J. R. Petterson, of Company A, Sixteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to superintendent powder works at Augusta for assignment as watchman. VI. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates are extended as follows: James T. Gray, Company C, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, until further orders; J. C. Robertson, Company K, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers, until further orders; M. M. Gilliam, Company K, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, sixty days. VII. The following-named privates being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as desig- nated: J. H. Owens, Company D, Third South Carolina Volunteers, to General Hospital No. 1, Columbia, S. C.; W. A. Hammett, Company H, Eighth Georgia Volunteers, to surgeon in charge Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va. VIII. The following-named privates being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Captain W. B. Mallory, commanding guard at Charlottesville, Va.: Michael O'Connor, Company B, F. Melton, Company F, D. E. Smith, Company G, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers. IX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Private R. J. Roach, Company G, Fifth Virginia Cavalry, to superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city; Private Levi Jackson, Company —, Private E. Jennings, Company —, Private M. Murphy, Com- pany —, Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers, to superintendent Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Lynchburg, Va.; Private B. F. Bonner, Sergeant G. W. Bonner, Company M, First Palmetto Sharpshooters, to Major N. W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga. X. Private Joseph B. Daniell, of Company K, Thirty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, hitherto detailed for conscript duty, is transferred to the Quartermaster's Department for thirty days, and will report to Captain C. H. Locher, assistant quartermaster, Lynchburg, for assign- ment. 163 XI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report as designated: Private William H. Garlington, Company G, Thirteenth Georgia Volunteers, to Medical Director [2V. &] Qrowell, Charleston, S. C.; Private George W. Fleming to Chief Surgeon Straitt, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. XII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for 6ixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty as designated: Sergeant N. Black, Company K, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers, to Captain Thomas W. Wood, assistant quartermaster, Charlottesville, Va.; Private W. II. Flowers, Company C, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers, to Captain \_G. P.] Theobald, assistant quartermaster, Demopolis, Ala. XIII. The following-named men will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected to civil offices: Private Wash- ington Powell, Company B, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Sergeant T. J. Stallings, Company G, Thirty-ninth Georgia Volunteers. XIV. Private J. B. Bullock, of Company E, Third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being permanently disabled, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XV. Private Origen W. Couch, of Company B, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVI. Paragraph XLV, Special Orders No. 62, current series, is amended so as to substitute for Assistant Surgeon R. M. Hooper Assist- ant Surgeon W. C. Kloman, who is instructed to report without delay to the commandant of conscripts for Virginia for assignment to duty, under General Orders No. 11, to the Second Congressional District of Virginia. XVII. Assistant Surgeon G. A. D. Gait will proceed without delay to Union, Va., and take charge of the hospital at that place. XVIII. Surgeon F. A. [T. A.] Means is relieved from operations of Special Orders No. 20, Paragraph II, current series, and will report to Surgeon [& 27.] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga., for duty. XIX. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 41, current series [1863,] as relates to S. C. Parsley [Pursley] is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay for duty to colonel commanding Third. Regiment Arkansas Volunteers. XX. Private W. M. Marray, of Company H, Forty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, cavalry, is transferred from his present duty as guard at Confederate States distillery, Salisbury, N. C., to report to Assistant Surgeon J. J. Palmer as nurse at Wayside Hospital, Wilming- ton, N. C. XXI. Private S. E. Shinn, Company C, Seventh Regiment North Car- olina Volunteers, is transferred from the Wayside Hospital, at Wilming- ton, N. C., and will report to Surgeon J. T. Johnson, medical director, &c., Charlotte, N. C., for guard duty at Confederate States distillery. XXII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private Roland Sterner, of Company B, Second Battalion Georgia Artillery. XXIII. Private Walter Kenan, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain A. W. Dunn, assistant quartermaster, Petersburg, Va. XXIV. Leave of absence for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Lieutenant William Thornley, Company F, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. 164 XXV. Captain J. 0. S. Blackburn has authority to proceed to the Mississippi River with such men as may be selected to accompany him. XXVI. Lieutenant XX. H. Johnston has authority to proceed to the Mississippi River with such men as may be selected to accompany him. XXVII. Private W. J. A. Prather, of Company I, Twentieth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Forty-second Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XXVIII. The First South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel [John X.] Black, and the Second South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel [T.,/.] Lipscomb, will proceed without delay to South Carolina and report to General Beaure- gard, commanding, for duty—the dismounted officers and men and the baggage by railroad, and the horses, in charge of mounted detachment, by highway. XXIX. The Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel IB. XX] Rutledge the Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel Danovant [John Dunovant,] the Sixth South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel [XT. XT.] Aiken, the Seventh Georgia Cavalry, Colonel [W'. P.] White, and the three remaining companies of the Twentieth Georgia Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel [John M.~\ MiUen, will at once proceed, in light marching order, by highway, to the Army of Northern Virginia. The train now attached to each regiment and to the battalion will accompany them on the march, and will transport cooking utensils only. The baggage, conformed to regulation, will be transported by railroad; XXX. The companies of South Carolina cavalry commanded by, Captains [«X XX] Tucker, [ W. L.~\ Wallace, [P. M.~] Boykin, [ W. L.~\ Trenholm, and Mayee [X. J, Magee] will be organized, with the cavalry of the Hoi- combe Legion, into a regiment, to be known as the Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and commanded by Colonel W. P. Shingler. The companies named will, to this end, proceed without delay by highway to Richmond, Va., in light marching order and accompanied by sufficient . transportation for the march. The baggage, conformed to regulation, will be transported by railroad. XXXI. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth South Carolina Cavalry will, upon their arrival in the Army of Northern Virginia, be organized into a brigade, to the command of whioh Brigadier-General YilX. C.] Butler will be assigned, and which will be attached to the division of Major- General [ Wade] Hampton. XXXII. Major-General Hampton is charged with the prompt move- ment of the cavalry, as directed in the preceding paragraphs. XXXIII. The Hampton Legion, infantry, Colonel M. W. Gary, will move at once with its transportation and baggage from the Department of East Tennessee, ma Ashville [Asheville,] N. C., to Greenville, S. C., from which point the officers and men will receive furloughs each of twenty days for the purpose of procuring horses and mounting and equipping themselves for service as mounted infantry. Uponreassem- bling at Greenville the regiment will move promptly with its trains to Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty on the Peninsula. XXXIV. Sergeant John A. Payne, of First Company, Washington Light Artillery, is transferred to Major Byrne's artillery "battalion, Brig- adier-General J. H. Morgan's command. XXXV. Captain J. D. Workman, of Company B, Ninth Louisiana Volunteers, will rejoin his command. 165 XXXVI. Captain IF.- B. Martin of Company B, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will rejoin his command. XXXVII. G. B. Davenport is hereby .appointed commissary agent, and will report to Colonel L. B. Northrop, commissary general of sub- sistence, in this city, for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, March 19,1864. No. 66. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. Drummond, Company G, Fifteenth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. B.Johnson, Company A, Thirteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Livingston, First South Carolina Volunteers; Second. Lieutenant R. F. Fleming, Com pan}' A, Captain G. S. Swygert, Company H, Third South Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant John Pace, Company A, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry ; Captain J. F. Wheless, Company C, First Ten- nessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant D. S. McOravey, Company L, Captain IF G. Harris, Company H, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers ; First Lieu- tenant John SchneU, Company B, Thirty-seventh Georgia Volunteers. II. The general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 50, March 1, 1864, [Paragraph XXI,] from this office, for the trial of Master Armorer A. IF King, at Columbia, S. C., and of which Colonel J. C. Moore, Confederate States artillery, is president, is dissolved. III. Assistant Surgeon John C. Goodman will report wi thout delay to Surgeon Fauntleroy, medical director, at Wilmington, N. C., for duty. IV. Surgeon IF S. McChesney will report without delay to medical director Army Northern Virginia for duty. » V. Surgeon IF P. Sutton is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts State of Virginia, for assignment on the board of examiners for the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia. VI. Assistant Surgeon Francis S. Hall will report without delay to medical director Army Northern Virginia for assignment to duty. VII. So much of Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 62, current series, as refers to Hospital Steward W. D. Hooper is hereby revoked, and he will report to Surgeon [W. A.] Carrington, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty at Howard's Grove Hospital. VIII. Hospital Steward A. IF Hennick will report without delay to Surgeon [& H.] Stout, medical director, &c., Atlanta, Ga., for duty. IX. Saltville, Va., will hereafter be considered as in the Department of Southwestern Virginia. X. Paragraph XXXII, Special Orders No. 43, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private Thomas Johnson will return to his former command-' Company C, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XI. Private J. P. Mason, of Company L, Thirteenth and One Hun- dred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Regiments Infantry, is hereby detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department for sixty days without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during said detail, and will report to Messrs. Brooks Gainor, government contractors, Selma, Ala., fo* assign-. ment. 42—S. 0.,( A. & I. G. 0.—4 166 XII. First Lieutenant Benjamin J. Foster, of Company E, Fifty-ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major J. F. (Jammings, commissary of subsistence, Atlanta, Ga. XIII. Colonel William H. Taylor, of the Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from dutjr without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIV. First Lieutenant Joshua McCook, of Company C, Arsenal Bat- talion. Local Defense, will have his name dropped from the rolls for desertion, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XV. Lieutenant M. V. Hickman, of Company I, Second Regiment Arkansas Mounted Riflemen, will have his name dropped from the rolls for unofficer-like conduct, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XVI. Lieutenant T. T. Grayson, Confederate States infantry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for inefficiency, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XVII. A furlough for sixty days is hereby granted Private Peyton Wiltshire, of Captain Dabney's field artillery Virginia volunteers. XVIII. Captain S. B. Blocker, assistant commissary of subsistence, Second South Carolina Cavalry, having failed to execute a satisfactory bond as required by law, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIX. The detail-heretofore granted each of the following-named pri- vates is extended sixty days : John T. Thraves, Company A, Lieutenant Richardson's company; R. E. Jones, Company K, Sixth Virginia Vol- unteers. XX. Private W. N. Drumheller, of Company H, Forty-ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Engineer Department without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during such detail, and will report to H. M. Smith, government contractor, in this city. XXI. Private T. M. Wescoat, of Company I, Third Regiment South Carolina Cavalry,is hereby appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [V. &] Gcowell, medical director, &c., at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty. XXII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department for sixty days, and will report to Major [ W'. F] Hawes, quartermaster, &c., Decatur, Ga.; E. P. Bass, Company E, Forty- fourth Tennessee Volunteers; William Rye, Company B, Forty-fifth Ten- nessee Volunteers; G. A. Gordon, Company C, Second Tennessee Vol- unteers; B. F. Layne, Company K, Forty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; W. R. Woodward, Company A, Seventeenth Tennessee Volunteers; J.J. Clomons, Company G, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; J. H. Keating, Company K, Eighth Texas Volunteers; J. A. Sexton, Company C, Tenth Texas Volunteers; G. M. Wellmore, Company H, Sixth Texas Volun- teers; H. E. Dabney, Company F, Fifteenth Texas Volunteers; S. J. Stone, Company A, First Georgia Volunteers; M. S. Swan, Company H, Eighteenth Georgia Volunteers; T. B. Stacy, Company F, First Georgia Volunteers; James Rawell, Company H, Twenty-seventh Mississippi Vol- unteers; A. W. Bray, Company I, Fifty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Lewis Bender, Company H, Fifth Confederate Volunteers. 167 XXIII. Private Chapman Coleman, lately assigned to Brigadier-Gen- eral's John H. Morgan's command by Major-General Buckner, will pro- ceed to the Mississippi River and report to Captain H. II. Johmton for duty with his independent cavalry command. XXIV. Rev. S. F. Cameron is relieved from duty as post chaplain at Chaflin's Bluff, and will proceed to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as chaplain of Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan's command. XXV. Private Lewis H. Smith, of Company B, Fifty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confed- erate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity until the 20th day of December, 1864, at which time he will rejoin his command. XXVI. Private W. E. Riser, of Company E, Tenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer in Company K, Eighteenth Alabama Volunteers, will be discharged his former service. XXVII. Private John E. Brown, of Company B, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXVIII. Sergeant R. S. Whitehead, of the Signal Corps, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report for duty to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c. XXIX. Captain T. S. Knox, assistant commissary of subsistence, is relieved from present duty, and will proceed to Chaffin's Bluff and re- lieve Captain J. L. Ames, assistant commissary of subsistence, on duty with Hunton's brigade. Captain Ames on being relieved will report to Major R. Tannahill, commissary of subsistence, at Petersburg, for duty in the district embracing the counties of Prince George, Sussex, Surry, Isle of Wight, and Southampton, Va. XXX. Cadet Stevens Dent, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General Wade Hampton, Provisional Army Confederate States, Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty. XXXI. Brigadier-General F. A. Shoup is relieved from present duty, and will report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to artillery duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 168 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 21,1864. Special Orders) No. 67. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain R. P. McCants, McCants' battery; Captain F. McMurray, Company B, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John W. House, Company I, Second Tennessee Volunteers; Major G. C. Sandusky, Third Confederate Cav- airy; First Lieutenant J. R. Gibbert, Company D, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Major T. H. Pitner, 'Thirty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. J. Weaver, Company C, Thirty-ninth Georgia Vol- unteers; First Lieutenant Peter Ruhl, [Company B,] Twentieth Lou- isiana Volunteers. II. Private W. R. Beery, of Company C, Thirteenth Battalion North Carolina Volunteers, light artillery, is hereby exchanged for Lewis T. Savage, of the Confederate States gunboat "Neuse," at Kinstoij, N. C. They will each report without delay to their new commands. III. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Thomas Tabor, Company D, Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry; George S. Davis, Company C, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers. IV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Nathan W. Tetterton, Company B, Tenth North Carolina Volunteers; Sergeant J. P. Miller, Company H, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers. V. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Marian Ham, Captain Payne's company couriers, Department Southwestern Virginia; John R. Payne, Captain French's company, Starke's [Stark's] battalion of light artillery. VI. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Gabriel Jones, Company E, Eighth Georgia Volunteers; J. 0. Winfrey, Captain Gartrell's cavalry company. VII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: N. Foster, Company D, Third North Carolina Cavalry; B. F. Clegg, Company I, Thirty-second North Carolina Volunteers. VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Alexander Spence, United Artil- lery, Virginia volunteers; T. B. Blankinship, Company A, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion Infantry. IX. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: S. R. Bingham, Company B, Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry; S. B. Hargroves, Company F, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers. 169 X. Private 0. T. Sims, of Caroline Light Artillery, (Captain [Thos. i£.] Thornton,) is hereby transferred to Captain Walsh's company light artillery, Missouri volunteers, Cockrell's First Missouri Brigade, being a citizen of the latter State. XI. Private 0. T. Hollace, of Company B, Twelfth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company F, Eighth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XII. Private L. H. Martin, of Company I, Twenty-seventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company G, Forty-fifth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XIII. Private Thomas P. Ward, of Company B, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to the First Company, Wash- - ington Light Artillery. XIV. Private Thomas W. Asbury, of Company E, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby trans- ferred to Company C, First Regiment Georgia Cavalry. XV. Private Stephen Atkins [Akins,~] of Company G, Sixty-second Regi- ment Georgia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company A, Siege Artillery, (Captain F. W. Brantly,) all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVI. Sergeant John L. Singleton, of Company B, Twenty-fourth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby transferred to Company I, Second Virginia Cavalry. XVII. Private W. M. Gordon, of Company K, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Captain Crawford's company, Seventeenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, all parties consent- ing, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVIII. The following-named privates of Company G, Twenty-first Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, are hereby transferred to Company K, Sixty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: T. D. Ingram, M. M. Oliver. XIX. Private E. De Berry, of Company I, Sixth Regiment South Car- olina Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company C, Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, Brigadier-General John H. Morgan's command. XX. Private D. D. Wilkes, Company A, Second North Carolina Bat- talion, is hereby transferred to Company F, Twenty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXI. Private J. Williams, of Company E, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company D, Forty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXII. Private R. F. Hyde, of Company A, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby transferred to the First Regiment Engi- neer Troops, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confed- erate States be thereby incurred.- XXIII. Sergeant C. B. Hicks, of Company F, Seventh Confederate Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company D, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 43—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0—4 170 XXIV. The following-named' privates, being unfit for field service, are, until further orders, detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: S. M. Hurley, Company G, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers, to surgeon in charge hospitals, Montgomery, Ala.; Francis Russell, Company A, Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry, to Surgeon R. B. Maury, Greenville, Ala. XXV. The following-named men, being unfit for field service,*are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private George Adboose, Company B, Alexander's artil- lery battalion, to Surgeon Brown, First Virginia Hospital, Charles- ton, S. C.; Corporal Henry Bruning, Company B, Alexander's artillery battalion, to surgeon in charge Wayside Hospital, Fort Gaines, Ga.; Private B. Magellan, Company F, Alexander's artillery battalion, to sur- geon in charge General Hospital No. 3, Columbia S. C.; Corporal A. M. Pierce, Company D, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers, to Surgeon in charge Hardee Hospital, at Forsyth, Ga. XXVI. The following-named privates, being unfit for field service, are for thirty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Captain W. B. Mallory, commanding post, Charlottesville, Va., for assignment as hospital guards: J. T. Johnson, Company B, W.J. Garnett, Company E, J. W. Tyler, Company H, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers. XXVII. Private W. R. Taliaferro, of Company A, Thirteenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to Major W. Allan [Alien,] chief of ordnance Second Army Corps, for assignment to duty at post at Gordonsville, Va. XXVJLlI. T. W. Tatem, of North Carolina, is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general field transportation, for assignment to duty. XXIX. Benjamin P. Jett is hereby appointed commissioner, under the impressment law, for the State of Arkansas, and will report accordingly. XXX. Assistant Surgeon E. F. de Graffenreid, being a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXXI. Captain T. C. Cone, of Company K, Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will proceed to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant- General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., for duty with his company. XXXII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following- named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant J. B. Washington, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Lieutenant A. N. Wiseman, Company K, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. XXXIII. Brigadier-General H. H. Sibley, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department, where he will await further orders. XXXIV. Paragragh XXIX, Special Orders No. 37, current series, is hereby revoked, and First Lieutenant L. L. Ducat, Company C, Sev- enth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXXV. Captain S. Bard, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain B. J. Curry, assistant quartermaster of the post at Marion, Ala. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 171 Adjutant and Inspector;-General's Office, Richmond, March 22, 1864. Special Orders j No. 68. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon C. Peyton, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain Stephen V Gay, assistant quarter- master, Fifty-first Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Sloan, Company C, Sixty-first Georgia Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon A. B. Johns, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Alexander D. Moore, Company E, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Daniel Henderson, Company B, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Surgeon R. H. Dalton, Provisional Army Confederate States, March 30,1864; Surgeon E. H. Bryan, Forty-first Georgia Vol- unteers, March 5, 1864. III. The sentence of death pronounced by court-martial convened in Special orders No. 31, of February 2, 1864, Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, against Private H. B. Thompson, Lee Battery, Brax- ton's battalion, is, by order of the President, commuted to hard labor with ball and chain for the residue of his term of service at such place as the general commanding may appoint. IV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 38, current series, as refers to Captain C. W. Kennedy, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and his resignation is hereby accepted, to take effect March 31,1864. V. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel Ro. C. Wood, cav- airy, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby extended two weeks. VI. The following-named men will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected to civil offices: Private William M. Hunnicvit, Company F, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; Private C. Robertson, quartermaster's sergeant, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Private A. P. Turpin, Company I, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers. VII. The following-named privates of the Marion Artillery, South Carolina Volunteers, being citizens of Maryland, are hereby transferred to Company C, First Battalion Maryland Cavalry: P. L. Elder, Thomas P. Williams. VIII. Private Charles Creech, of Company L, Seventh Regiment South Carolina volunteers, being a citizen of North Carolina, is hereby trans- ferred to Company C, Fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. IX. Colonel J. B. Walton, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General Braxton Bragg, in this city, for assignment to inspection duty. X. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Private W. A. Nichols, Company E, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain S. S. Kirkland, assistant quartermaster of post at Hillsborough, N. C.; Sergeant Daniel Richmond, Alexandria Light Artillery, to H. D.- Whitcomb, superintendent Virginia Central Railroad; Private W. M. Lanier, Read's battery, and Sergeant Joseph Cole, Company K, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry, to superintendent Richmond and Petersburg Railroad; Private David Eusten, Hart's battery, to Samuel G. Jones, engineer and superintendent, &c., Montgomery, Ala.; Private E. F. Straney, Stuart's 172 horse artillery, to superintendent Richmond and Petersburg Railroad; Private James W. Minn, Brooks' artillery, Alexander's battalion, to' superintendent Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, S.C.; Private R. P. Mayo, Company F, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, to superintendent Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, at Wilmington, N. C.; Private John L. Root, Company C, First South Carolina Volun- teers. to superintendent South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. XI. Second Lieutenant W. L. McGaughy, of Company H, Sixteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will report to the colonel of the Fifth Regiment Alabama Cavalry for the purpose of receiving promotion. XII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: B. Holland, Company F,Tenth North Carolina Volunteers; Josiah Holloman, Company G, Third North Carolina Volunteers. XIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: A. B. Whisnart, Company H, Eighth North Carolina Volunteers; M. M. Ketchie, Company A, Twentieth North Carolina Volunteers. XIV. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: James Lands, Selden's light ar- tillery, Alabama volunteers; Henry 0. Tardy, Company C, Fiftieth Ten- nessee Volunteers. XV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred: Private A. D. Troublefield, Company A, cavalry, Holcombe Legion; Sergeant J. C. McLaurin, Company D, Second South Carolina Volunteers. XVI. Private George Hampton, of Company F, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company H, Eighth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XVII. Private George B. Gelting, of Company H, Hampton Legion, South Carolina volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XVIII. Rev. Darius Hubert, chaplain, First Regiment Louisiana Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c., for temporary assignment to duty in the hospitals of this city. XIX. Private W. A. Nunnelee, of Company H, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. White, Confederate States arsenal, Selma, Ala., for assignment. XX. Private W. E. Stansel, of Company C, Forty-first Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to the surgeon in charge Catoosa Hospital, Griffin, Ga., for assignment. XXI. A furlough for sixty days is hereby granted Private J. P. Ogle- tree, of Company B, Third Battalion, Alabama Legion. XXII. A furlough until July 1,1864, is hereby granted Private H. C. Martin, of Company —, Fourth Regiment Alabama Cavalry. 173 XXIII. Sergeant George W. Hammond, of Company D, Sebond Regi- ment Rifles, South Carolina volunteers, being unfit for field sb^vice, is detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Captain A. T. Broyles, enrolling officer Anderson District, South Caro- lina, for assignment. XXIV. Private Daniel Kelly, of Company F, First Confederate Bat- talion Infantry, is hereby detailed for duty in the Nitre and Milling Bureau, and will report to Major W R. Hunt, Nitre and Mining Office, Selma, Ala. XXV. Captain M. P. Parker, of Company K, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXVI. Captain L. Masters, Provisional Arm}' Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieutenant- General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major-General C. W. Field. XXVII. Sergeant W. B. Smith, of Company A, Sixty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to Surgeon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, &c., Raleigh. N. C. XXVIII. Assistant Surgeon M. Rittenour [Ritenour,] Provisional Army Confederate States, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXIX. Hospital Attendant L. W. Smith will report without delay to surgeon in charge hospitals, Marion, Ala., for assignment to duty. XXX. Surgeon Harold Snowden and Assistant Surgeon Charles Selden will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty under General Orders No. 11, 1864. XXXI. Acting Assistant Surgeon C. W. Crozier will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to Surgeon [& H.~\ Stout, medical director &c. XXXII. So much of Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 265, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, November 12, 1862, as refers to G. D. Woodbridge is hereby revoked. XXXIII. Lieutenant A. Flournoy, aid-de-camp, will accompany Brigadier-General H. H. Sibley to the Trans-Mississippi Department. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 44—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.— 4 174 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 23,1864. Special Orders) No. 69. \ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain William L. Lampkin, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant William Dooly, Company C, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry; Captain Charles M. Roberds, Company K, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Joseph W. Dobson, Company C, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. F. Gibson, Company A, First Battalion Cavalry, Local Defense; Second Lieutenant A. B. Maxey, Company D, Navy Battalion, Local Defense; Captain Samuel Hunter, assistant quartermaster, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. M. HarJcreader, Company I, Seventh Tennessee Volun- teers; Lieutenant William G. Smith, adjutant Twenty-second Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant James M. Anderson, Company F, Thirty- ninth Georgia Volunteers. II. The following medical officers will report without delay to the com- mandant of conscripts for Alabama for assignment to duty as designated: Surgeon J. M. Driver, headquarters, Montgomery, inspector; Assistant Surgeon B. J. Morely [Mosley,] Camp Buckner, Talladega; Surgeon J. E. Hall,, Camp Watts, Notasulga; Surgeons 0. M. Doyle, J. B. Hinkle, First Congressional District; Surgeons R. F. Michel, Jerome Cochran, Second Congressional District; Surgeons E. McD. Coffee, J. D. Caldwell, Third Congressional District; Surgeon John W. Gray, Assistant Surgeon C. A. McKinley, Fourth Congressional District; Surgeon D. W. Brickell, As- sistant Surgeon D. Barger, Fifth Congressional District; Surgeon 0. B. Knode, Assistant Surgeon D. E. Bass, Sixth Congressional District; As- sistant Surgeons G. P. Wilson, L. W. Chamberlain, Seventh Congressional District; S urgeons S. Burke, E. B. Johnson [Johnston,] Eighth Congressional District; Surgeons E. Woodward, 0. Kratz, Ninth Congressional District. III. Surgeons W. R. Jones and E. Sheppard.will report for duty with- out delay to the commanding officer, Camp Sumpter [Sumter,] Ander- sonville, Ga. IV. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, medical director of General Polk's command, for assignment to duty: Surgeon J. Bensaden, Assistant Surgeons A. L. Graves, J. R. Coffman, W. C. Sillman. V. William V. Allen is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general field transportation, in this city, for assignment to duty with Major Kensey Johns, quartermaster, &c., Warrenton, N. C. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant William M. Howington, Company D, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Volun- teers; First Lieutenant H. D. Evans, Company E, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant Ro. J. Gibbert, Company I, Second North Carolina Volunteers; Captain C. C. Berry, Second Lieutenant A. C. Berry, Company A, Walker's battalion, Thomas Legion. VII. So much of Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 63, current series, as refers to Private G. Barnsley [Barnsly,] of Company A, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, he being a hospital steward. 175 VIII. M. A. Miller, quartermaster's sergeant, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty in Virginia. IX. Private Floyd Brewer, of Company B, Twenty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field servicers detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to commandant conscripts State of Virginia for assignment. X. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: R. R. Clifton, Company B, Col- onel Dearing's cavalry regiment; Hinton Jones, Company D, Fiftieth North Carolina Volunteers. XI. The following-named men are hereby transferred from the army to the navy, and will report as designated : Private George W. Clements, Company K, Third North Carolina Cavalry, to Lieutenant B. P. Loyall, C. S. Navy, at Kinston, N. C.; Private H. H. Howard, Company C, Forty-first Virginia Volunteers, to Secretary of Navy. XII. Private A. McMillan, of Company K, Twenty-seventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, having been appointed acting master's mate in the C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. XIII. Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 21, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain Miles Selden, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain C. B. Gwathmey, assistant quartermaster, Fifth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry. XIV. Sergeant L. H. Jeter, of Captain Thornton's Virginia light artil- lery, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department until the 1st June, 1864, and will report to Captain Edward Smith, assistant commis- sary of subsistence, Fifth Division, Virginia, at Bowling Green, Caroline County, Va., for assignment. XV. Private J. T. Giddens, of Company I, Forty-fifth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain Parke Campbell, assistant commissary of subsistence, Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. ^ XVI. Leaves of absence for the time specified are granted each of the following-named officers: Captain J. G. Spann, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, sixty days; Assistant Surgeon J. J. Cherry, Wayside Hospital, at Bristol, Tenn., fifteen days; Captain William M. Jones, assistant quartermaster, (formerly at Vicksburg,) sixty days, unless sooner exchanged. XVII. Captain D. H. Thomas, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with Captain \_G. P.] Theobald, assistant quartermaster, at Enter- prise, Miss., and will report to Brigadier-General P. D. Roddey for as- signment to duty with Major J. T. Williams' battalion of cavalry. XVIII. Sergeant J. A. Boblett, of Company K, Fourteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department to relieve Private N. R. Saunders, of Company E, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, detailed as forage-master, Magnolia, N. C. XIX. Private S. R. Hilliard, of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. B. White, assistant quartermaster, Hensenon [Henderson,] N. C., for assignment. 176 XX. Private William H. Game, of Company I, Fifteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for fieid service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to the officer in com- mand of hospital guard at Wilson, N. C., to relieve Private John Nixon, Company E, Twenty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, on duty as hospital guard at that place. XXI. Private Eiheldred Carlisle, of Company C, Twenty-seventh Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to senior surgeon at Lynchburg, Va., to relieve Private W. Rochester, of Company I, Fif- teenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, detailed as nurse in hos- pital. XXII. Private B. F. Brock, of Company K, Seventh Regiment Con- federate Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as hos- pital nurse, and will report to senior surgeon, Columbus, Ga., for assign- ment. XXIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant J. S. Daniel, Company A, Twenty-first Virginia Volunteers, thirty days ; Captain Thomas H. Biscoe, Company K, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers, ten days. XXIV. The following-named men having been elected to civil offices will be discharged the service of the Confederate States : Sergeant John Herndon, Company K, Twenty-ninth Georgia Volunteers ; Private Will- iam D. Kiddoo, Company F, Fifth Georgia Volunteers. XXV. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 45, current series, as refers to Captain H. L. Heislcell, Company I, Twentieth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Captain Hdskell will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXVI. First Lieutenant Robert Lynne, of Company E, Sixth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXVII. Captain Arthur E. Wilson, assistant commissary of subsist- ence, is hereby specially authorized to collect all the property captured from the enemy in their late raid on Richmond. Those members of Company B, Minute Men of King and Queen, commanded by Captain R. H. Bagby, who have lost horses in former raids and captured United States horses in this, shall have a horse so captured, with the equip- ments, turned over to him by Captain Wilson upon his statement on oath that he has sustained said loss, and that he captured this one and has no other horse to ride; provided, that no man shall have more than one horse turned over to him. Citizens having captured property in their possession are requested to turn it over to Captain Wilson. Officers commanding troops are especially directed to cause all property cap- tured by their men from the enemy in their late raid, whether branded or not, to be turned over to Captain Wilson. Captain Magruder [ Wm. M. McGruder,'] commanding Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry, and Lieutenant James Pollard, commanding Company H, Ninth Virginia Cav- airy, are directed to give Captain Wilson such assistance in the discharge of this duty as he may require of them. XXVIII; Private W. T.- Mason, of Breathed's battery, Stuart Horse Artillery, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be dis- charged his former service. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 177 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 24, 1864. Special Orders) No. 70. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant S. B. Patterson, Company C, Eighteenth Virginia Cavalry; Major James A. Long, Thir- teenth Georgia Volunteers; Colonel S. T. Player, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Daniel N. Easley, Company C, Ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Campbell Pigman, Company A, Tenth Kentucky Mounted Riflemen; Captain Frank Ogden, Company II, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. Jones, Com- pany F, Rev. J. H. Massey, chaplain, Sixty-second North Carolina Vol- unteers; Captain P. L. Burwell, Company E, Fiftieth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant L. C. Bell, Company E, Arsenal Bat- talion, Local Defense. II. The following-named privates are for sixty days detailed for duty in the railroad bureau of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: J. J. Hampton, Parker's battery, to C. G. Talcott, superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad; Thomas Orabtree, Company H, Second South Carolina Cavalry, to H. F. Peake, superin- tendent South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C.; Samuel Green, Com- pany G, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers, to H. F. Peake, super- intendent South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. III. The following-named privates are for thirty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department without claim to pay or allow- ances as soldiers during such detail, and will report to Messrs. White- head & Brooks, government contractors, Petersburg, Va.: Stephen D. Wil- kinson, Drewry's battery, Drewry's Bluff; Merritt Garner, Company I, Third Virginia Volunteers. IV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 300, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 18, 1863, as refers to Surgeon E. Jones, Eleventh Regiment Texas Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Surgeon Jones will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. V. H. V. Fengas is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major N. W. Smith, quartermaster, &c. Augusta, Ga., for assignment to duty. VI. Major P. T. Glass, commissary of subsistence, will turn over to Captain S. J. Humphries, assistant commissary of subsistence, the $5,000 retained by him, said funds being under the control and for the benefit Of the Bureau of Conscription. VII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred, to date from the 1st of March, 1864: Private A. H. Bradshaw, Company G, Sixtieth Virginia Volunteers; Private Joel Bruger, Company E, Fifty-second Virginia Volunteers. VIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant J. J. Baker, Company F, Fifth Mississippi Volunteers; Lieutenant J. E. Dwyer, aid-de-camp, Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieutenant R. H. Askins, Company —, Forty-first Tennessee Volunteers; Captain J. A. Mabinett [Inabnit,] Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. Hendrex, Second Lieutenant B. M. Garrett, Company 45—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 178 I, First Confederate Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. E. GaUo- way, Company A, Fifty-first Virginia Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon J. J. Baxter, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain J. J. Lengs- field, Company C, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers. IX. Surgeon E. R. Walker will report without delay to the comman- dant of conscripts for Virginia, at Richmond, for assignment to duty. X. Surgeon J. B. Bond is assigned to duty as medical purveyor at Lewisville, Ark., to date from June 8, 1863. XI. Private John N. Bowie, of Company B, Eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for six months detailed as an agriculturist upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, without claim to pay or allow- ances as a soldier during said detail. XII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted each of the following- named officers are extended as follows: Captain M. L. Barber, Com- pany C, Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Assistant Sur- geon John M. Adams, Twelfth Alabama Volunteers, twenty days; Cap- tain E. Cowan, Company G, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Chaplain S. W. Howerton, Fifteenth North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days; Captain H. H. Carleton, Troup Artillery, Cabell's bat- talion, ten days. XIII. Sergeant P. C. Jones, of Corppany A, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days de- taled for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon W. H. Prioleau, medical purveyor, Macon, Ga., for guard at Confederate States distillery. XIV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report as designated: Sergeant J. F. Bonnett, Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers, to the enrolling officer of Orangeburg, S. C.; Ser- geant T. C. Gordon, Company D, Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers, to the enrolling officer of Spottsylvania County, Va.; Private W. A. Baker, Company C, Fifteenth Alabama Volunteers, to the enrolling officer of Girard, Ala. XV. Private Thomas F. Horton, of Company K, Twenty-ninth Regi- ment Mississippi Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to surgeon in charge hospitals at Griffin, Ga., for assignment. XVI. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 64, current series, is so amended as to require Captain F. F. [P. T.] Forbes, assistant commissary of subsistence, to report to the Commissary-General of Subsistence for assignment to duty. Captain J. Warner, assistant commissary of sub- sistence, will transfer all the public funds and property in his hands pertaining to the subsistence of prisoners of war to Captain F. F. [P. T.] Forbes, assistant commissary of subsistence. XVII. The First Confederate Regiment, Colonel George A.'Smith com- manding, is hereby attached to Jackson's brigade, Cheatham's division, Army of Tennessee. The companies belonging to this regiment now serving in the District of the Gulf will proceed without delay to the Army of Tennessee. XVIII. The following-named privates of Caskie's battery Virginia volunteers, being important witnesses in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, city ser- geant, on the 1st day of April, 1864: Thomas Ford, George P. Tyler. XIX. Private G. Jackson, of Company G, Seventh Regiment Texas Infantry, is transferred to Company B, Waul's Texas Legion, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 179 XX. Private William M. Flanigan, of Company H, Forty-eighth Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, is transferred to Company E, Nineteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXI. Private Moore Dean, of Company I, Twentieth Arkansas Volun- teers, is transferred to such company as he may select in the Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred. XXII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private J. J. Maldon, Company D, Cobb's Legion, cavalry; Private A. King, Company E, Second North Carolina Volun- teers; Private W. S. Smith, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers. XXIII. The sentence of death pronounced by court-martial convened under Special Orders No. 30, Department of Henrico, February 6,1864, against Privates Harry Agan and W. M. Arnold, of Company I, First Regiment Engineers, and Privates Samuel Roberts, H. J. Wooddy, G. B. Herring, G. W. Holden, W. R. Fore, and John R. Dryman, of Company A, First Regiment Engineers, is remitted by the President. These men will accordingly be released from confinement and returned to duty. The sentence of the same court against Privates L. P. Fore and J. W. Fletcher, of Company A, First Engineer Troops, is supended by the President until further orders. XXIV. Captain A. M. Garber,jr., assistant quartermaster, will relieve Major John A. Harman, quartermaster, as chief quartermaster of Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Major Harman on being relieved will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. Corley, chief quartermaster, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, March 25, 1864. Special Orders) No. 71. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon George Lumpkin, Pro- visional Army Confederate States; Captain John H. Mangham, assistant commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States ; Sur- geon R. S. F. Peete, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers ; Second Lieu- tenant M. H. Cobb, Company G, Twenty-second North Carolina Volun- teers; Rev. Charles H. Bogg, chaplain, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant W. Grandille Gray, Company F, Twenty-first Virginia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant Reubin Thorn, Company H, Eleventh Ala- bama Volunteers. II. The sentence of death pronounced by court-martial is remitted in the following cases by order of the President. The men will be released from confinement and returned to duty : Private Thomas Jones, Company B, First Georgia Regulars, tried by court convened under General Orders No. 68, of 1863, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; Private Jones will be transferred to a Tennessee regiment. Private Robert Ilill, Company D, Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment, tried by military court, Breckinridge's corps, near Chickamauga, Tenn., November 16, 1863. 180 Privates W. D. Michaels, and Sylvanus Deal, Company K, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, tried by court convened under Special Orders No. 7, of 1863, Department of North Carolina; these men are relieved under the President's amnesty. Private Benjamin F. Pew, Company K, Tenth Georgia Infantry, tried by military court, First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, July 31,1863. III. The following-named privates being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [W. G.~\ Ferguson, quartermaster, &c., in this city, for assignment: John T. Howard, W. W. Ezzell, Company B, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Richard Fowler, Company F, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers; W. S. Hall, Company G, Second South Carolina Rifles. IV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Private G. S. Goodnight, Company I, Eighth Georgia Volunteers, to Major I. F. [Isaac T.~\ Winnemore, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga.; Private William Hall, Company F, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry, to Lieutenant-Colonel A. F. Cone, assistant quartermaster-gen- eral, in this city. V. So much of Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 63, current series, as refers to Private C. S. Bondet \_Bondit,] of Company A, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and the detail heretofore granted Private C. S. Bondet [Bondit] is extended until further orders. VI. Private Dorsey Joplin, of Captain Kelly's artillery company, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed to assist in the manufac- ture of wool cards without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during said detail, and will report to Alfred Joplin, Chesterfield District, S. C. VII. First Lieutenant Otho K. Pate, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from present duty, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to Fifth Virginia Cavalry. VJII. The foliowing-mamed men of Company B, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, are transferred, and will immediately report for duty with their new commands as designated: Privates E. W. Bartley, Robert S. Brunson, and Edward Bush to Company I, Seventh South Car- olina Volunteers, Kershaw's brigade, Department of East Tennessee; Private George B. Addison to Company I, Second South Carolina Cav- airy, Butler's brigade; Private James Kimbril to Company B, First South Carolina Cavalry. IX. Cadet Samuel G. Grasty, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Greenville, Tenn., and report to Lieuten- ant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, &c.} for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Morgan. X. Major John Rawle, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Demopolis, Ala., and report to Lieutenant- General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major- General Forrest. XI. First Lieutenant W. J. Edney, of Company C, Sixteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will proceed to the District of Western North Carolina for the purpose of arresting such men of his regiment as may be found in other commands. On his arrival in Western North Carolina he will report to Colonel John B. Palmer, commanding forces in that section, who will render all necessary aid and facilities to Lieutenant Edney in carrying out the provisions of this order. 181 XII. A furlough for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Sergeant J. H. Kohler, of Company D, Hampton Legion, South Carolina volunteers. XIII- Private J. T. Jefferies, of Company K, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Company G, Fortv-first Battalion Virginia Cavalry. XIV. Private John Duke, of Company A, Twenty-fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XV. Major-General IF. H. C. Whiting, commanding, &c., Wilmington, N. C., will detail from the forces under his command seventy men, and order them to report to Lieutenant John Wilkinson, C. S. Navy, for special service. XVI. In order to define more particularly the boundary between the geographical Department of Tennessee, under General Joseph E. Johnston, and the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, under Lieutenant-General L. Polk, the following will govern, viz.: From Gun- ter's Landing, on the Tennessee River, in a direct line to Gadsden, on the Coosa River; thence down that river to its junction with the Talla- poosa River; thence in a direct line to the intersection of the northern boundary of Florida with the Chattahatchie [Chattahoochee] River, and down that river and bay to the gulf. All west of said line will be con- sidered in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and east of the line, from the northern boundary of Florida at its inter- section by the Chattahatchie [Chattahoochee] River, in the Department of Tennessee. XVII. Private H. Dewitt Clinton, of Company K, First Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Col- one! IF. L. Brown, in charge arsenals in this city, for assignment. XVIII. Colonel A. E. Reynolds, of the Twenty-sixth Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, and Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. Forney, of the First Con- federate States Battalion, Adams' brigade, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, will immediately proceed with their commands to headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding &c., for assignment to Brigadier-Gen- eral J. R. Davis' brigade. XIX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain J. D. Westcott, assistant commissary of subsistence, at West Florida: Private William J.Fogle, Company I, First Georgia Regulars; Privates IF. IF. Trotter, Joshua Howard, James Jordan, Washington Richards, Jeter's company in-, dependent cavalry; Corporal Anglus Anderson, Privates Joseph Roche, N. Roche J. C. B. McKithron, Elbert Buchanan, William Daniel, John Miller, Company G, Second Florida Cavalry; Privates Thomas Marshall, John IF. Malay, David Johnson, McLane's company, Fourth Florida Battalion; Private Joseph Wesl, Captain Milton's independent cavalry; Private Franklin Gainor, Captain Robertson's company infantry ; Privates Fred- erick Baldree, James StanfiU, Daniel Richards, Joseph Willis, H. Harrold, Madison Tate, William Harrold, Jasper Lambert, Wesley Bummers, Thomas Witherspoon, Toliver Jones, John M. Bush, Jacob Summers, John Whichard, Allen Lambert, Company A, Second Florida Cavalry. XX. Leave of absence for forty days from March 19, 1864, is granted Colonel E. IF. Buckner [Rucker,] commanding Twelfth and Sixteenth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry. 46—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0—4 182 XXI. Major W. H. Smith, commissary of subsistence, will at once pro- ceed to Raleigh, N. C., for the purpose of effecting the immediate removal of subsistence stores accumulated at that place and at Gaston, destined for Richmond and Petersburg. He will then proceed to Salis- bury, Lexington, Concord, and Charlotte, and arrange for the prompt shipment of supplies collected at those points and at Hickory Tavern. He will visit all intermediate stations on the line to Augusta, Ga., and such other places as the Commissary-General may designate, inspecting all depots, and urging the rapid shipment of all stores now awaiting transportation. XXII. Private W. P. Purcell, of Company L, Sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for sixty days for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to the Commissary- General, this city, for assignment. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") Richmond, March 26,1864. No. 72. ) I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Assistant Surgeon J. C. Branch, Surgeon Thomas F. Gullett, Provisional Army Confederate States; Cap- tain Rufus B. Lankjord, Company C, Third Confederate Cavalry; Assist- ant Surgeon Edward Latham, Tenth Mississippi Volunteers; Rev. P. G. Jamison, chaplain, Eleventh Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant S. G. Neel, Company A, Forty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant W. S. Newsam, Sengstak's company artillery; Colonel A. H. Helvenston, Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers. II. Private John A. Clarke, of Company B, Forty-second North Caro- lina Volunteers, is transferred to Company K, Eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. III. Private A. R. Jennings, of Company E, Fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be dis- charged his former service. IV. Private W. V. Jeffroy, of Company G, Tenth North Carolina Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty .in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major James Sloan, commissary of subsistence, Greensborough, N. C., for assignment. . V. Private W. K. Kennard, of Company I, Twenty-first Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to the surgeon in charge Second Georgia Hospital, Augusta, Ga., for assignment. . VI. Private Jesse T. Harvey, of Company H, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to com- mandant conscripts for Virginia for assignment as bridge guard. VII. Private A. M. Lappington, of First Company, Washington Artil- lery, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to General Duff Green, Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. 183 VIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private T. J. Chiles, of Company H, Palmetto Battalion, light artillery. IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain E. Johnson, of Stafford's brigade, is extended thirty days. X. Captain W. H. Kerker, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from his present duty, and will proceed without delay to Orange Court-House, Va., and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. XI. Private A. C. Ewell, of Company L, Thirteenth Regiment Ten- nessee Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [IF. A.] Carrington, medical director, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty. XII. Conscript Henry W. Clonel is appointed master armorer, and will report to Captain C. C. McPhail, commanding Confederate States armory at Columbia, S. C. XIII. Private A. J. Autrey, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and yvill report to Major F. C. Humphries [Humphreys,] in charge arsenal at Columbus, Ga., for assign- ment. XIV. Private H. W. Lulhell [Luttrell,] of Company G, Tenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge hospitals at Selma, Ala., for assignment. XV. Private C. W. Lewis, of Company Ir Twelfth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for thirty days detailed for duty in the naval ordnance works, Atlanta, Ga. At the expiration of his detail he will be examined by a medical board, and if fit for field service will be returned to his regiment; if not fit, his detail may be renewed on application t,o this office. XVI. Corporal J. J. Blair, of Company K, Third Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major F. W. Dilinrd, quartermaster, &c., Columbus, Ga., for assignment. XVII. Captain F. Potts, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Thirty-eighth Battalion Virginia Light Artillery, and will report to Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, commanding, for duty with Major E. Taylor, chief quartermaster, &c. XVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men of Captain F. M. Wright's company, Confederate Guard, are extended sixty days: W. H. Tappy, W. C. Lumsden. XIX. The furlough heretofore granted Private George A. Hodnett, of Company C, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended twelve days. XX. Private E. C. Jenkins, of First Company, Independent Signal Corps, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Charles S. Wallack, quartermaster, &c., Petersburg, Va., for assignment. XXI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Major T. J. Page, [jr.,'] artillery, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, six months on surgeon's certificate of disability; Captain T. B. Ilayne, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, seven days. 184 XXII. The furlough heretofore granted Private E. W. Blackburn, of Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten days from the 7th of April, 1864. XXIII. Leave of absence for five months with permission to visit England is granted Captain John Cussons, aid-de-camp to Brigadier- General E. 31. Law, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. A furlough for thirty days, commencing April 1, 1864, is granted Private J. J. Floyd, Hampden Artillery. XXV. Private Benjamin Dawton, of Company D, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being permanently disabled, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, March 28, 1864. No. 73. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Second Lieutenant A. J. Kitte- brew, Company A, Russell's regiment; Second Lieutenant N. 31. Oren- shaw, Company G, Fifth Mississippi Cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. J. Hughes, Company C, Eighteenth Battalion Mississippi Partisan Rangers; Colonel R. T. W. Duke, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers. II. Private R. J. Cooper, of Company G, Sixty-third Regiment Ten- nessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixt)7 days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [J. G.~] Paxton, quartermaster, &c., Lynchburg, Va., for assignment. At the expiration of this detail he will rejoin his command. III. Company E, Sixty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, Captain T. W. Harriss commanding, will immediately rejoin its proper command. IV. Surgeon Charles Pinckney will report without delay to the com- mandant of conscripts of Georgia, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty under General Orders No. 11. V. Assistant Surgeon T. A. Berkeley will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts for South Carolina, at Columbia, S. C., for\ assignment to duty under General Orders No. 11. VI. Assistant Surgeon Archibald M. Roberson will report without delay to Surgeon Fauntleroy, medical ^director, at Wilmington, N. C., for assignment to duty. VII. Assistant Surgeon Thomas E. 3Ioorman will report without delay < to the medical director Army of Northern Virginia for assignment to duty. VIII. Surgeon Charles Witsell will report to the medical director Army of Northern Virginia for duty with the Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers. IX. Surgeon John T. Kilby when relieved will report to the Surgeon- General, Richmond, Va., for assignment. X. So much, of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 129, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, May 30, 1863, as appoints H. G. Water- man, of Company I, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, hospital steward, is revoked, and he will report without delay to his regiment for duty. 185 XI. Surgeon Boiling A. Pope will report without delay to Surgeon [5. H] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XII. Surgeon J. F. McKee \_McRae'] will report without delay to relieve Surgeon Robert Gibbon, Lane's brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. XIII. Surgeon Robert Gibbon on being relieved will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, &c., Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. XIV. Hospital Steward George S. Barnesley will report without delay to the Surgeon-General for assignment to duty in his office. XV. Assistant Surgeon Henry W. Dorsey will report without delay to Major-General Arnold Elzey for duty at Camp Maryland, Staunton, Va. XVI. Assistant Surgeon W. D. Witherspoon will report without delay to the medical director Army of Northern Virginia for assignment to duty. XVII. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 118, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, May 11, 1863, as appoints [Dr.] C. H. Wagner hospital steward is hereby revoked. XVIII. Hospital stewards G. W. Emmons and 0. W. Doyle will report without delay to Surgeon Hines, medical purveyor, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. XIX. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain James B. Avault, Company F, Twentieth Mississippi Volunteers, January 21, 1864; Chaplain James D. Thomas, Nineteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, March 11,1864, Captain Newsoni Taunton, Company K, Fifty-seventh Alabama Volunteers, March 3,1864. XX. The Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers will proceed without delay, to Chaffin's Farm to supply the place of the Twenty- eighth Virginia Regiment, Colonel [ TFto.] Watts, detached from Hunton's brigade. Upon its arrival at that place the battalion commander will report to Brigadier-General \_Eppa"\ Hunton for orders. XXI. Private W. D, Schoolfield, of Company D, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company A, Major Rountree's ^battalion Texas cavalry, being a citizen of the latter State. XXII. The authority heretofore granted Major W. N. Harman to raise a battalion of cavalry, dated August 5, 1863, is hereby revoked. The men recruited by Major Harman will be turned over to the nearest en- rolling officer. XXIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant John L. Holland, of Company E, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, at the expira- tion of which time he will rejoin his command. XXIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Captain B. B. Hutchison, Company G, One hundred and Fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Regiment, ten days; Colonel D. G. Glenn, military court, Second Army Corps, twenty days. XXV. Private George C. Shay, of First Missuri Battery, is transferred to Company A, Twentieth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, (Captain [David J/.] Camp,) being a citizen of the latter State. XXVI. First Lieutenant Frank A. Humes, of Company D, Twenty- first Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and, will report to Colonel John S. Preston, superintendent, &c., in this city. 47—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 186 XXVII. The following-named men, heretofore detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, being unable to render any service in said department, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, com- manding, for duty in hospitals : Privates John T. Howard, W. W. Ezzell, Company B, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers. XXVIII. Lieutenant Stanard, now on special service in Ha- vana under orders from General E. K. Smith, will, as soon as he shall have completed such service, report in person to the War Department, at Richmond, Va. XXIX. Owan R. Smith is hereby appointed a bonded agent in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major G. W. Grice, quartermaster, &c., Columbia, S. C., for assignment. XXX. Major Claude McGinnis, quartermaster, will relieve Major R. M. Mason, chief quartermaster of Lieutenant-General L. Polk's department. Major Mason on being relieved will report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, &c., at Dalton, Ga. XXXI. The sentence of death pronounced by the military court, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, February 6, 1864, against Private J. R. Philips, Company F, Third North Carolina Regiment, is remitted by order of the President. XXXII. The sentence of death pronounced by general court-martial against Private J. W. Bunch, Company F, First Georgia Cavalry, and now in confinement at Atlanta, or Dalton, Ga., is remitted by order of the President. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, March 29,1864, No. 74. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant J. L. Hellyer, Company A, Fifth Mississippi Cavalry; Captain John Cavanaugh, Com- pany C, Eighth Battalion Louisiana Heavy Artillery; Major R. IE Wharton, First Battalion North Carolina Sharpshooters ; Second Lieu- tenant Rufus M. Johnson, Company B, Cobb Guards; Second Lieutenant Wesley Hall, Company H, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry; Major John A. Henley, Third Battalion, Local Defense. II. Captain A. J. Hutchins, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Major J. F. Cummings, commissary of subsistence, at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. III. Sergeant George W. Ellington, of Company B, Fourth Battalion Arkansas Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. IV. Private John D. Davis, of Company E, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel F. L. Childs, com- manding arsenal and armory, Fayetteville, N. C., for assignment. V. Private J. J. S. Callaway, of Company E, First Regiment Confed- erate (Georgia) Volunteers, is transferred,to Frazier's [Fraser's] battery, Cabell's battalion artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 187 VI. Private J. M. Davis, of Company E, Forty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be dis- charged his former service. VII. Private William H. Karr, of Company F, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to the navy, and will report to com- mander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty. VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: B. F. Carlisle, Company I, Forty- sixth Georgia Volunteers; G. J. Bruce, Company K, Twenty-seventh Georgia Volunteers. IX. The detail heretofore granted Private Frank Baptiste, of Captain W. W. Parker's company Virginia artillery, is extended sixtv davs, (to 21st May, 1864.) X. Private J. A. Hightower, of Parker's battery, Alexander's battalion, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secretary, • XXV. Captain J. W. Cringan is relieved from duty as assistant quar- termaster of First Virginia Battalion Regulars, and will report without delay to Major-General A. Elzey, commanding, &c., for assignment with the Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry to relieve Captain W. J. Lynham, [jr.,] assistant quartermaster. Captain Lynham on being re- lieved will report to General R. E. Zee,"commanding, &c., for assignment with the First Virginia Battalion Regulars. XXVI. Lieutenant-Colonel F. S. Armistead, assistant adjutant-gen- eral, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding, &c., Fayetteville, N: C., for assignment. XXVII. At the expiration of his leave of absence Captain Charles Sample, military storekeeper, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to ordnance duty under Lieutenant-Colonel H. Oladowsky [Oladowski,] chief ordnance officer, Army of Tennessee. XXVIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following- named officers are extended as follows: Assistant Surgeon A. 8. Slaughter, Fifty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, five days; Colonel E. J. Walker, Third Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Assistant Surgeon W. A. Blount, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days from March 26, 1864; Lieutenant T. M. Carter, Company B, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, fifteen days from April 15, 1864. XXIX. Surgeon John T. Darby will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding; &c., for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-General J. B. Hood, Provisional Army Confederate States. ♦ XXX. George R. Wilson is appointed a bonded agent in the Commis- sary Department, and will report to Major B. P. Noland, chief commis- sary of subsistence for Virginia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 249 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, April 22, 1864. Special Orders) No. 94. k I. Th e resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted bv the President, to take effect to-day: Captain B. W. York, Company E, b'inth Battalion Georgia Artillery; First Lieutenant C. G.Falligomt [.Falli- gant,] Company H, Forty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Captain A. B. Red- ding, assistant quartermaster, Thirty-first Georgia Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant 0. M. Russom, Company C, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers : Rev. Bennett Smedes, chaplain, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant R. Murchison, Company I, First South Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. M. Wilder, Company E, Palmetto Sharpshooters; First Lieutenant William S. Reynolds, Company F, Second Mississippi Cavalry; First Lieutenant A. Smith, Company I, Fourth Mississippi Cavalry; Rev. Thomas C. Weir, chaplain, Thirty-seventh Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. W. Billup, Company L, First Texas Legion Cavalry. II. Surgeon John 0. Merrill, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Mobile, Ala., and report to Major-General ' 1). H. Maury, commanding, &c., to answer the charges which have been preferred against him. III. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private John S. Tipton, Company H, Twelfth Louisiana Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Conscript Joseph B. Walker to Medical Purveyor W B. Robertson, Wytheville, Va. IV. Major James Reilly, Tenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will report at once to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., Weldon, N. C., for assignment to duty with his regiment. V. Furloughs for the times specified herein are granted the following- named privates : C. H. Thomas, Company D, Twelfth Mississippi Vol- unteers, three days; John W. Ward, Company G, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, twenty days. VI. Corporal John A. Toole, of Company H, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is for forty days detailed for special service in the Engineer Department, and will report to Major John A. Williams, Engineer De- partment, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. VII. Private W. P. Goodman, of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Con- federate States. VIII. Private J. L. Erwood, of Company H, Thirty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company K, Twenty-sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. IX. Private S. Wingrove, -of Company K, Twenty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Company I, Eighth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. X. Private H. G. Freeman, of Company G, Third Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is transferred to Company E, Third Regiment Georgia Cavalry, being a citizen of the latter State. XI. Private L. H. Gibson, of Company G, First Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, is transferred to Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XII. Sergeant F. A. Ragland, of Company K, Twenty-second Regi- nient Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company I, Forty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. G3-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 250 XIII. Private Henry Rook, of Company C, First Regiment Engine^ Troops, is transferred to Company A, Second Regiment Engine^ Troops, now being organized under Lieutenant-Colonel [& H.] Loch* at Demopolis, Ala. XIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to tht others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con. federate States be thereby incurred: Private A. S. Ward, Company\ Thirty-first Virginia Volunteers; Private John C. Steele, Captain Marl shall's company, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry. XV. The sentence of death against Private J. M. Phillips, of Company C, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, pronounced by court, martial convened by General Orders No. 97, of September 19, 18^ Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is remitted by tht President because of legal defects in the proceedings of the court- martial. Private Phillips will be released from confinement and re- turned to duty with his company. XVI. The sentence of death against Private William Cox, of Company D, Thirtieth Virginia Battalion Sharpshooters, pronounced by court martial convened by General Orders No. 2, of October 20,1863, Depart ment West Virginia and East Tennessee, is remitted by the-President because of legal defects in the proceedings of the court-martial. Private Cox will be released from confinement and returned to duty with big .company. XVII. The sentence of death against Private Edward S. Scroggim, of Company C, Forty-first Regiment Virginia Infantry, pronounced by court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 195, of the 9th August, 1863, Department of Northern Virginia, is remitted by the President because of legal defects in the proceedings of the court-martial. Private Scroggins will be released from confinement and returned to duty with his company. XVIII. The sentence of death against Sergeant L. T. Glover, of the Jackson Guards, pronounced by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 7, of January 26, 1864, Department of South Caroliua, Georgia, and Florida, is remitted by the President because of legal defects in the proceedings of the court-martial. Sergeant Glover will be released from confinement and returned to duty with his company. XIX. The sentence of dismissal pronounced by the military court attached to the Department of East Tennessee against Colonel C. B. Harkie, Fifty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is remitted by the di- rection of the President, upon whose mind the evidence in the case made a different impression as to the charges against Colonel Harkit from that upon the court. Colonel Harkie will be restored to duty with his command. XX. The sentences of death against the following-named persons are remitted by order of the President. They will be accordingly released from confinement and returned to duty: Private John M. Staten, Com- pany F, Fiftieth Virginia Regiment, tried by court-martial convened under Special Orders No. 211, of 25th of August, 1863, Department of Northern Virginia; Private Lewis A. Thompson, Company C, Fourth Florida Battalion Infantry, tried by court-martial convened at Talla- hassee, Fla., January 7, 1864; Private Boston W. Murray, Company E, Thirty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, tried by court-martial con- vened by Special Orders No. 217, of September 8, 1863, Department of Western Virginia; Private William Oram, Company B, First South Car- olina Artillery, tried by military court, of which Colonel D. F. Jamim 251 is the presiding judge, held at Charleston, S. C., January 13,1864; Musi- cian Henry Dunnon, Company I, First South Carolina Artillery, tried by court-martial convened under Special Orders No. 102, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, of October 8,1863; Private Merrill E. Rattin, Company G, Ninth Texas Cavalry, tried by military court Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, convened at camp of Whitfield's brigade, Hinds County, Miss., December 7,1863. XXI. The sentence of death against Private Robert T. Newton, Com- pany C, Forty-first Virginia Regiment, pronounced by court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 195, of 9th August, 1863, Department of Northern Virginia, is remitted by order of the President, who directs that the captain of Private Newton's company will, under the supervi- sion of his colonel, give him a solemn warning, and impress him with the magnitude of the crime committed. He will then be released from confinement and returned to duty. XXII. The sentence of death against Private Stephen T. Bird, Com- pany E, Thirty-sixth Virginia Regiment, pronounced by court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 217, of September 8, 1863, Department of Western Virginia, is, by order of the President, commuted to confine- ment at hard labor for four months under the direction of the general commanding. XXIII. The sentence of death against Private Jacob Lovett, Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, pronounced by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 102, of October 8,1863, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is, upon evidence submitted ad- ditional to the record, remitted by order of the President. Private Lovett will therefore be released from confinement and returned to duty. XXIV. Captain L. F. Luckade, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report without delay to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to Brigadier-General R. D. Johnston's brigade, to relieve Major A. B. Garland, commissar}' of subsistence. Major Garland on being relieved will report to the Commissary-General of Subsistence, in this city, for assignment. XXV. Colonel John L. Logan, Eleventh Regiment Arkansas Volun- teers, will report to General E. Kirby Smith, commanding, &c., Shreve- port, La., for assignment to duty in his department. XXVI. Company A, (Captain W. Lee,) of the First Confederate Bat- talion, now on duty at Atlanta, Ga., will immediately proceed to rejoin its command in the Army of Nothern Virginia. The commandant of the post at Atlanta will see that this order is promptly obeyed. XXVII. The resignation of First Lieutenant Andrew J. Rowe, of Com- pany F, Seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect March 25, 1864. XXVIII. First Lieutenant F. M. Coker, of the Sumter Light Artillery, is relieved from duty as enrolling officer of the Seventh Congressional District of Georgia, and will immediately rejoin his command. XXIX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major J. Living- 8ton, quartermaster, Athens, Ga. XXX. The Fifty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Troops, (Fourth Cavalry,) Colonel D. D. Ferrebee, is detached from Brigadier-General James B. Gordon's brigade. Colonel Ferrebee will report to General Beauregard, commanding, &c., Weldon, N. C., for duty. The Third Reg- iment North Carolina Cavalry, Colonel Baker, will immediately proceed by highway to Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to General J. B. Gordon's brigade. 252 XXXI. Leave of absence for ninety days is granted Major R. J. Moses, commissary of subsistence. He will be allowed transportation to his home and thence to his command, and commutation of fuel and quarters while on leave. .By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, April 23,1864. Special Orders") No. 95. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant Robert A. Mai- thews, Company D, Department Battalion; First Lieutenant J. N. Anderson, Company B, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. D. Ballenger, Company K, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Linsey Lowder, Company D, Twenty- eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. S. F. Butts, chaplain, Forty- second Virginia Volunteers; Major D. P. Graham, Fifty-first Virginia Volunteers; Captain J. F. Wise, Company B, Fifty-ninth Alabama Vol- unteers; Rev. A. J. Witherspoon, chaplain, Twenty-first Alabama Vol- unteers; Lieutenant-Colonel M. T. Porter, Twentieth Alabama Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant N. B. Meglathery, Company I, First Lieutenant James Hogan, Company F, Fiftieth Alabama Volunteers. II. Upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, a furlough for three months is granted Private W. E. Lightfoot, of Captain Roberts' company of cavalry, unassigned. III. Conscript Edward R. Taylor is appointed hospital steward and will report for duty to Medical Purveyor Young, at Atlanta, Ga. IV. Private John Kirkbride, of Company C, Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. V. So much of Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 68, current series, as refers to Private R. P. Mayo, of Company F, Eighteenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers,, is hereby revoked, he being under, charges at the time the detail was made. VI. The detail heretofore granted Private John S. Beery, Marye's bat- tery, is extended thirty days. VII. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, at Orange Court-House, Va., for assignment to duty, to take effect April 13, 1864: Henry C. Lumsden, Company E, First North Carolina Volun- teers; Charles Crawford, Company F, Third North Carolina Volunteers: Henry H. Evans, Company F, Tenth Virginia Volunteers; Eduiara Boxley, Company G, W. C. Shelton, Company E, Twenty-third Virginia Volunteers. VIII. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, at Orange Court-House, Va., for assignment to duty, to take effect April 10, 1864: C. H. Flowers, Company C, Twenty-sixth Georgia Regiment; Thomas M. Mayo, Company D, Fifth North Carolina Regiment; James Costello, Company D, Henry Carr, Company C, George Smith, Company F, Forty-first Battalion Virginia Cavalry; John H. Coleman, Company 253 E» Forty-fifth North Carolina Regiment; John S. Brown, Company E, Second North Carolina Battalion; August Darrell, Company H, Isaac Clapp, Company F, Fifty-third North Carolina Regiment; J. B. Taylor, Company D, Forty-third North Carolina Regiment; W. H. M. Phelps, Company B, J. OConn&r, Company H, Thirteenth Georgia Regiment; R. R. Comron, Company G, Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment; Green Almond, Company K, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Regiment; E. Glen- inger, Company H, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Regiment; R. J. Senior, Company C, Second North Carolina Regiment; J. P. Durfee, Company C, Sixty-first Alabama Regiment; W. J. Clarke, Company A, Fifth Alabama Regiment; Daniel Price, Company I, Third Alabama Regiment; Robert Ridd, George Claiton, McClanahan's battery. IX. Sergeant D. P. Bester, Signal Corps, will report at once to General R. E. Lee for assignment with Captain R. E. Wellbourne [ Wilbourn,] signal officer. X. Private Robert V. Gordon, of Company B, Thirtieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is transferred to the Signal Corps, and will report to Major IF. Norris, chief, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty. XI. Major William, S. Barton, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty in charge of the Judge-Advocate's Office, in the Bureau of the Adjutant and Inspector-General. XII. Major John Blair Hoge, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty in the Office of Organization, Bureau of the Adjutant and Insp^c- tor-General. XIII. Captain Q. C. Campbell is relieved from duty at Confederate States arsenal at Atlanta, Ga., and will report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., Dalton, Ga., for assignment with Lieutenant- Colonel II. Oladowski, chief ordnance officer Army of Tennessee. XIV. Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 107, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, May 2, 1863, is revoked, and Lieutenant James 31. Duncan, Company C, Sixteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XV. Major C. A. Harding, quartermaster, &c., is relieved from duty with Bryan's brigade, and will report for assignment to Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, commanding, &c., Hanover Junction, Va. XVI. The sentence of the court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 306, of 13th December, 1863, Department of Northern Virginia, cashiering Colonel Edward G. Haywood, of the Seventh North Carolina Regiment, for drunkenness is remitted, by order of the President, in consideration of the long and gallant service of Colonel Haywood!, his pledge of future good conduct, the recommendation of the members of the court-martial, of the field-officers of his brigade, and of General R. E. Lee. Colonel Haywood will be released from arrest and restored to duty. ' XVII. Assistant Surgeon Charles W. Truehart [or Trueheart] will report without delay to medical director Army of Northern Virginia for as- signment. XVIII. Surgeon John H. Hunter will report for duty without delay to Major J. C. Johnston, commandant of conscripts, Bristol, Tenn. XIX. Paragraph XXI, Special Orders No. 76, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, Hospital Steward Charles W. Truehart [or Trueheart] having received the appointment of •assistant surgeon, Provisional Army Confederate States. XX. Surgeon T. P. Temple will report without delay to medical director Army of Northern Virginia to relieve Surgeon T. Tyler. 04—S. 0.,'A. & I. G. O.—4 ' 254 XXI. Surgeon T. Tyler will when relieved report without delay ^ Surgeon [ W. A.] Carrington, medical director, for duty. XXII. Surgeon D. P. Ramseur will report without delay to medicaj director Army of Northern Virginia to relieve Surgeon J. W. Tracy from duty with the Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment. XXIII. Surgeon J. W. Tracy will when relieved report without delay in person to the Surgeon-General. XXIV. The following-named acting medical officers will have their names dropped from the rolls, having been rejected by an army med- ical board: Dr. Charles John Crockett, Twenty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Dr. James G. Parshall, Third Tennessee Cavalry. XXV. Surgeon George Westley Henly, Fifty-ninth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, having been rejected by an army medical board, will have his name dropped from the rolls. XXVI. Assistant Surgeon W. J. Barry is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Major J. C. Johnston, commandant of conscripts, Bristol, Tenn. XXVII. Private G. W. Libby, Otey's battery, is relieved from duty in Surgeon-General's Office, and will report to his command without delay. XXVIII. Surgeon Charles Duffey will report without delay to medical director of General Pickett's command for duty with Fifty-fourth North Carolina Infantry. XXIX. Surgeon Silas Johnson is relieved from duty in the Army of Northern Virginia, and will without delay report in person to Surgeon- General. XXX. The following-named medical officers will report without delay to medical director Army of Northern Virginia for assignment to duty: Surgeon D. S. Watson, Assistant Surgeons B. A. Bobo, Andrew McD. Moore. XXXI. Assistant Surgeon Mathew Davenport is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to medical director of hospitals at Atlanta, Ga. XXXII. Surgeon Francis T. Miles is assigned to duty, as member of the Army Medical Board, at Charleston, S. C. XXXIII. Hospital Steward W. Rotherock is relieved from present duty, and will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical purveyor, for duty. XXXIV. The telegraphic order of April 5, 1864, from Lieutenant- General L. Polk, commanding Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and Fast Louisiana, directing Brigadier-General D. Ruggles and staff to pro- ceed to Richmond, Va., and report to the War Department, is hereby revoked. General Ruggles and staff will proceed to Demopolis, Ala., and report to Lieutenant-General L. Polk, commanding, &c., for assign- ment to duty. XXXV. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private W. B. Smith, of Company H, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XXXVI. Lieutenant C. G. Memminger, Signal Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to commanding officer Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida for assignment to duty. XXXVII. Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 196, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, August 22, 1862, is hereby revoked, and Private Charles C. Benn will report to his command—Company E, Second Reg- iment Virginia Volunteers. 255 XXXVIII. Surgeon W. G. Carter will report to Medical Director \_M. M.~\ Lewis, Petersburg, Va., for assignment to duty. XXXIX. Assistant Surgeon Henry A. Coleman will report without delay to Medical Director [Lafayette] Guild, Army Northern Virginia, for duty. XL. Assistant Surgeon Warren G. Lomax will report without delay to Medical Director [Lafayette] Guild, Army Northern Virginia, for duty. XLI. Hospital Steward Benjamin F. Clark is relieved from duty in the Medical Purveyor's Office, in Richmond, Va., and will report to Chief Surgeon E. N. Wood, Anderson's division, Army Northern Virginia. XLII. Lieutenant-Colonel [J". W.] Bondurant, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from present duty, and will report for assignment to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c., Mobile, Ala. XLIII. Surgeon Calhoun Sams will report without delay to Medical Director [John B.~\ Fontaine for duty. XLIV. Assistant Surgeon James Long will report without delay to Medical Director [Lafayette] Guild, Army of Northern Virginia, for duty. XLV. Assistant Surgeon Edward F. Raymond will report without delay to Medical Director John A. Hunter for assignment to .duty. XLVI. Assistant Surgeon M. E. Vason is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Major J. C. Johnston, commandant of conscripts, at Bristol, Tenn., for assignment. XLVII. Assistant Surgeon Joseph D. Young is relieved from present duty, and will report for assignment to Surgeon J. M. Driver, medical inspector of conscription, Montgomery, Ala. XLVIII. Assistant Surgeon F. C. Hober is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to medical director of General Polk's com- mand, at Demopolis, Ala. XLIX. Assistant Surgeon Martin L. Goodlett will report without delay to medical director Army Northern Virginia for assignment. L. Assistant Surgeon Robert E. Dennis will report without delay to Surgeon [Lafayette] Guild, medical director, Army Northern Virginia, for assignment. LI. Hospital Steward George H. Lathamis relieved from hospital duty, and will report to Nelson Battalion Artillery, Army Northern Virginia, for duty. LII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 123, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, series 1862, as relates to Hospital Steward D. P. McGuire, is hereby revoked, and he will without delay report for duty to Company B, Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. LIII. Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 5, current -series, is hereby revoked, and Hospital Steward Warren Stone, [jr.,] will report without delay to Fifth Company, Washington Artillery, General J. E. Johnston's army, for duty. LIV. The resignation of Major John Blair Hoge, quartermaster, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to day. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 256 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, April 25,1864. No. 96. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant/. Trimble, Company D, Eighth Georgia Battalion; Second Lieutenant J. E. Martin, Company G, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenants, (j Marchant, Company K, Forty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant J. A. Wright, Company B, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Ames, Company A, Second Lieutenant Jamet Conroy, Company K, Second Lieutenant John Clark, Company D, Tenth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant William Y. Watson, Company A, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry ; First Lieutenant James M. Truitt, Ferrell's battery. II. Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 93, current series, is re- voked. At the expiration of his leave of absence Captain Charles Semple, military storekeeper, will report to Major-General Breckinridge, com- manding, &c., for duty as assistant to Major T. M. Bowyer, chief ordnance officer, Army of Southwestern Virginia. III. Assistant Surgeon Samuel D. Moses will report without delay to Surgeon [W. A.~\ Carrington, medical director, for assignment to hospital duty at Charlottesville, Va. IV. Surgeon H. L. Breysacker is assigned to duty as medical director of Lieutenant-General Hardee's corps. V. Assistant Surgeon Granville B. Lester will report without delay to Surgeon [A. /.] Foard, medical director, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. VI. Surgeon Joel E. Pearson will report without delay for duty to Surgeon Miller, medical purveyor, at Mobile, Ala. VII. Assistant Surgeon William A. Strother will report without delay to Surgeon [12. X.] Brodie, medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for duty. VIII. Surgeon A. Chastant will report without delay to Surgeon [/. FJ] Heustis, medical director, Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty. IX. Surgeon Wm. R. Vaughan is relieved from the operation of Para- graph VI, Special Orders No. 43, current series, and will report to Surgeon Claiborne, Petersburg, Va., for assignment to the general hospital, (Fair Grounds.) X. Surgeon Joseph W. Aiken is relieved from present duty, and will report to the commandant of conscripts, Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. XI. So much of Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 66, current series, as refers to Private A. W. Bray, of Company I, Fifty-eighth Regi- ment Alabama .Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and he will return to duty with his company. XII. Private L. C. Vaughan, of Company I, Second Regiment Ten- nessee Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as detective on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and will report to commandant of post, Lynchburg, Va., for assignment. XIII. The case of Private William Smith, Company A, Twenty-ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, sentenced to be shot to death by court- martial convened by General Orders No. 108, of October 27, 1863, De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, being within the amnesty of the President's proclamation, Private Smith will be released from confinement and returned to duty. 257 XIV. Captain A. W. Harris, assistant commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as post commissary at Marion, Va., and will report accordingly. XV. A furlough for six months upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity is granted Private D. A. 0'Bryant, of Company E, Thirty- fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XVI. Quartermasters, commissaries, and government agents will afford all necessary facilities to the following-named clerks of the Treas- ury Department en route to agency of the Treasury in the Trans-Missis- sippi Department: Jackson Douglas, G. H. Spencer, Thomas M. Green, C. G. Addison, J. W. Hampton. XVII. Captain Martin's company, of the Fourteenth Regiment Vir- pinia Volunteers, now serving with the Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is attached to and will form a part of the Thirty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XVIII. Brigadier-General G. C. Wharton with the troops under his command—the Fifty-first Regiment and the Thirtieth Battalion Virginia Volunteers—will proceed by railroad to Dublin Depot, Va., and report for duty to Major-General J. C. Breckinridge, commanding, &c. XIX. Companies A and G, of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, and Com- pany K, of the Thirtieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, now on duty at Savannah, Ga., will immediately proceed by railroad to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assign- ment to duty with their respective regiments, now serving in Brigadier- General Stevens' brigade. XX. Leaves of absence for the times herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Brigadier-General S. D. Ramseur, Provisional Army Confederate States, five days;' Captain A. W. Lawrence, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, twenty days; Surgeon J. F. McKee, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Assistant Surgeon E. T. Sabal, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days. XXI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Major S. N. Stowe, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days ; First Lieutenant T. L.Mills, Company G, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers, fifty days from January 28,1864; Lieu- tenant M. M. Murray, Company F, First South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Surgeon E. N. Wood, Anderson's division, Army Northern Virginia, five days; Surgeon C. 0. Schley, Sixty-first Georgia- Volunteers, twenty-one days; Assistant Surgeon V. II. Flynn, Tenth Virginia Vol- unteers, twenty days; Captain L. P. Cooper, assistant quartermaster, Forty-second Mississippi Volunteers, thirty days from May 25, 1864 ; Captain C. H. Brown, artillery, Provisional .Army Confederate States, fourteen days from April 30, 1864. XXII. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment will report without delay to the commanding officer Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, at Charleston, S. C., for assign- ment to duty with Major E. C. Simpkins, quartermaster, &c., at Baldwin, Fla.: Captains J. L. Dunham, M. F. Gonzales. XXIII. Captain Allison Spears, of Company C, Second Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Colonel William M. Browne, commandant conscripts, Macon, Ga. 03—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 258 XXIV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 80, current series, as directs the return of the following-named men to their rep. ments at the expiration of sixty days is hereby revoked: Private J. H' Louvern, Company A, Privates Jos. P. Johnston, Jno. W. Johnston, Header, son W. Meadows, Joseph E. Stafford, Andrew F. Croy, Company I, Thirty, sixth Virginia Volunteers; Privates German Clark, A. C. Peters, Company B, Private James R. Thorn, Company G, Twenty-third Virginia Battalion. XXV. Private B. F. Brown, of Company A, Sixth Regiment Florida Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the naval machine shops, Columbus, Ga., and will report to Chief Engineer J. H. Warren, C. S. Navy, in charge, for assignment. XXVI. The detail heretofore granted Private J. W. Wood, of Company C, Thirty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXVII. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report for duty as designated: Private J. P. Allen, Company A, Grigsby's Kentucky cavalry, to Major J. M. Quinlin, post commissary, Columbus, Miss.; Sergeant James H. Howard, Company K, Thirty-second North Carolina Volunteers, to Major R. Tannahill, commissary of sub- sistence, Petersburg, Va. XXVIII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain D. G. Meade, assistant commissary of subsistence, Camp Lee, near this city: Private F. Cox, Company —, Eighth Alabama Volunteers; Private C. Fidler, Company —, First Texas Volunteers; Private E. Smith, John- son's battery. XXIX. Private Colen Buchanan, of Company C, Twenty-seventh Reg- iment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major L. 0. Bride• well, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga., for assignment XXX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Pn- vates E. Auke, R. H. Bautzman, Company H, First Engineer Troops; Private George Sneath, Johnston's battery Virginia volunteers; Private M. V. Seaton, Crenshaw's battery Virginia volunteers; Corporal J. H. Brooks, Tanner's battery, Jones' battalion, to J. R. Anderson & Co., gov- ernment contractors, Richmond, Va. Private John W. Umples, Company D, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers, to S. L. Fremont, superin- tendent, &c., Wilmington, N. C. XXXI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Private Daniel Bain, Company I, Fifty-third North Carolina Volunteers, to Major W. W. Pierce, quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C.: Private J. H. Reed, Company A, Fourth Tennessee Vol- unteers, to Major J. G. Michaeloffsky, quartermaster, Macon, Ga.; Private J. E. Weaver, Company G, Twenty-third North Carolina Volunteers, to Major W. W. Pierce, quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. XXXII. Major-General R. Ransom, [jr.,] is assigned to the command of Department of Richmond, and will relieve Major-General A. Elzey. The latter on being relieved will repair to Staunton, where he will establish his headquarters as commander of the Maryland Line. 259 XXXIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for guard duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [ W. iZ~.] Prioleau, medical purveyor, Macon, Ga., for assignment in Confederate States distillery: Private Jacob L. Smith, Company I, First South Carolina Volunteers; Private A. J. McOulley, Company H, First South Carolina Cavalry. XXXIV. Private S. J. Nash, of Company K, Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon W. P. Palmer, Camp Lee, near this city, for assignment. XXXV.. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 50, current series, as refers to Captain W. W. Mullendore, Company H, Fifth Regi- nient Tennessee Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and he will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXXVI. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, cur- rent series, as refers to the following-named officers is revoked, and they will continue to be officers of the C. S. Army: Major W. D. Peck, quar- termaster, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain L. M. Lawshee, assistant quartermaster, First Mississippi Volunteers. XXXVII. Private Logan Tames, of Company K, Fourth Regiment Virginia Heavy Artillery, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Col- onel W. H. Stevens, headquarters [chief] engineer, Department Northern Virginia, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, April 26,1864. No. 97. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant F. Y. Old, Company I, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant J. C. Ginn, Company B, First Lieutenant W. D. Haynes, Company G, Thirty-first Georgia Regiment; Captain R. S. Y. Lang, Company D, Phillips' Legion; Captain A. W. Rowe, Company E, Ninth Tennessee Cavalry; Rev. Heze- kiah West, chaplain, Thomas' Legion, North Carolina volunteers. II. Assistant Surgeon Thomas E. Whyte, Ninth Georgia Battalion Ar- tillery, will have his name dropped from the rolls for drunkness and dereliction of duty, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. III. Captain John H. Kyser, assistant quartermaster, Tenth Battalion Mississippi Volunteers, (First Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters,; having failed to execute his official bQnd as required by law, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. IV. Surgeon John T. Kilby will report without delay to Surgeon [ W. A.] Carringtou, medical director, at Richmond, for duty in hospital at Peters- burg, Va V. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 13, series 1863, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, appointing R. H. Henshaw \_Renshaw] hospital steward is hereby revoked, he having been appointed captain and assistant quartermaster. 260 VI. Captain M. S. HanJcel, assistant quartermaster, will report without delay to the commanding officer Department South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty as purchasing agent for the several commands on the line of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. VII. So much of Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 96, current series, as refers to 0. G. Addison is hereby revoked, and the name of Myron C. Riggs is substituted therefor. VIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant B. F. Creamer, Company B, Tredegar Battalion; Captain W. G. Andrew, Andrews' battery Alabama volunteers; Second Lieutenant Seth Bridgmn, Company I, Fortieth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant Jam A. Thorn, Company I, Fifty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. Samuel Stick, chaplain, Fifty-ninth Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieuten- ant J. D. Bond, Company G, First Lieutenant Isom L. Lee, Company C, Fifty-ninth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant C. J. S. Kirtly, Com- pany C, Thirty-sixth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain E. K. Counts, Company E, Second Lieutenant S. Flecher, Company F, First Lieutenant Jasper Colly, Company E, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry; First Lieuten- ant William A. Ellis, Company E, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Lieu- tenant John Sumford [J. A. Swinford,] Company E, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers ; Captain John S. Stansell, Second Lieutenant William H. Lott, Company C, Fifty-second Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant J. H. Smith, Company —, Fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant Askins, Company —, Forty-first Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant J. W. McClung, Company F, Thirty-first Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. M. McCarty, Company D, Fifty-third Alabama Vol- unteers; First Lieutenant L. S. Mathews, Company B, Eighteenth Alabama Battalion; First Lieutenant W. H. Scott, Company [C,] Second Lieuten- ant John C. Higgins, Company G, Captain G. W. B. Kusling, Lieutenant J. H. Wassum, Company IT, Lieutenant John M. Williams, Company K, Sixty-third Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. W. Robinson, Company B, Twenty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant Henry Scheling, Company G, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant N. M. Coker, Company F, Forty-second Mississippi Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant J. G. Hastings, Company K, Twelfth Missis- sippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant H. C. Gibson, Company B, Six- teenth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. D. Castlebury, Company K, Second Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant C. F. Jones, Company E, Nineteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant A. Davis, Company L, Forty-eighth Mississippi Volunteers; Cap- tain J. R. Norment, Company D, Fourteenth Louisiana Volunteers; First Lieutenant William Magee, Company I, Ninth Louisiana Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant E. T. •Cormier, Company C, Sixth Louisiana Volunteers; First Lieutenant Hiram Gay, Company H, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thomas E. Lee, Company K, Ferty- ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. A. Carraway, Company H, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers; Rev. F. Hickerson, chaplain, Fifth Florida Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. L. Jacobs, Company I, Eight- eenth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant Luke Durden, Com- pany K, Fourth Texas Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon R. H. Pate, Pro- visional Army Confederate States. 261 IX. Private Charles H. Sackett, of Company I, Sixty-third Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's De-' fiartment until further orders, and will report to Major Louis Delaigle De Laiglei] quartermaster, Bryan's brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. X. Second Lieutenant George F. Border, Invalid Corps, will proceed without delay to the headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department, Shreveport, La., and report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for assignment with Major-General John A. Wharton. XI. Surgeon J. F. Moore and Assistant Surgeon G. W. Lockhart are relieved from conscription service in Mississippi, and will report with- out delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, medical director General Polk's com- mand, for assignment. XII. Surgeon Thomas C. Buffinton is relieved from present duty, and will report by letter to Surgeon J. M. Driver, medical inspector, Mont- gomery, Ala., for assignment to conscript service in Mississippi. XIII. Surgeon Silas Johnston will report for assignment to the com- mandant of conscripts for Georgia, at Macon, Ga. XIV. Private William Pratt, of Company C, Eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Flag Officer [W. F.] Lynch, C. S. Navy, Wilmington, N. C., for assignment to duty. XV. Captain G. C. Gibbs, C. S. Army, is relieved from duty in Florida, and will proceed to Charleston, S. C., and there await special instruc- tions from this office. XVI. Private R. J. Syme, of Company E, Twenty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to Company—, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XVII. Captain R. H. Fitzhugh, Engineers Corps, is relieved from duty with the Army of Northern Virginia, and will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel A. L. Rives, acting'chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city, for assignment. XVIII. Captain Henry J. Rogers, Engineer Corps, will proceed with- out delay to headquarters Army Northern Virginia and report to Gen- eral R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with chief engineer Armj' of Northern Virginia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, April 27,1864. Special Orders ) No. 98. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Oliver B. Steele, Company B, Fourth Kentucky Volunteers; Captain H. C. Stone, Company K, Eighteenth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. N. Pirtle, Company H, Fourth Arkansas Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon //. G. Jackson, Orr's South Carolina Rifles; Colonel Collett Leventhorpe, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. B. Massie,' Company II, Twenty-fifth Virginia Volunteers: Surgeon D. S. Watson, provisional Army Confederate States; Captain L. C. Leftwich, artillery, provisional Army Confederate States. 66—S. 0., A.' & I. G. 0.—4 262 II. The sentence of death against Private D. T. Shepherd, Compaq D, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, pronounced by court-martial con. vened by General Orders No. 6, of January 20, 1864, Department 0j South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is, upon the recommendation 0f General G. T. Beauregard, remitted by order of the President. Private Shepherd will be released from confinement and returned to duty. III. The sentence of death against Private C. R. Carter, Company 1) First South Carolina Artillery, pronounced by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 102, of October 8, 1863, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is, upon the recommendation of the court and of General G. T. Beauregard, remitted by order of the President Private Carter will be released from confinement and returned to duty. IV. The sentence of death against Private JohwR. Robertson, Com- pany D, First South Carolina Artillery, pronounced by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 102, of October 8, 1863, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is, upon the recommendation of nine members of the court and of General G. T. Beauregard, remitted by order of the President. Private Robertson will be released from'con- finement and returned to duty. V. The sentence of death against. Private Joseph Baxter, Company D, First South Carolina Artillery, pronounced by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 102, of October 8,1863, is, upon the recommends- tion of eight members of the court and of General G. T. Beauregard, remitted by order of the President. Private Baxter will be released from confinement and returned to duty. VI. Furloughs for the periods herein specified are granted the fol- lowing-named privates: H. J. Lilly, Company D, Sixth Louisiana Vol* uhteers, seven days; John C. Simms, Company E, Fifteenth North Caro- lina Volunteers, twenty days. VII. The furlough heretofore granted Private Robert H. Pretlow, of Com* pany —, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended seven days. VIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant J. M. Jarrett, Company C, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant H. H, Perry, Company B, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain Leigh Watkins, assistant commissary of subsistence, Hays' brigade, twenty days. IX. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names : Surgeon W. B. Williamson, Ballentine's cavalry regi- ment, April 1,1864; Second Lieutenant W. P. Gardner, Company H, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers, April 30,1864; First Lieutenant J. 0. Stephens, Company E, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, May 1, 1864. X. Private Thomas Smith, of Company D, Ninth Regiment Virginia Infantry, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. XI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private R. G. Chisolm, Marion Ar- tillery, to Medical Purveyor Chisholm [/. J. Chisolm,] Columbia, S. C.; Private W. B. Meacham, Company G, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon [ W. A."] Carrington for duty at Chimborazo Hospital; Private T. V. Taylor, Company B, Fifth Texas Volunteers, to Medical Director Car• rington for duty at Chimborazo Hospital; Private W. H. C. Walker, Com* pany F, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers, to Medical Director Carrington for duty at Chimborazo Hospital; Conscripts A. R. Mayer, William J- Armstrong to Medical Purveyor Johnson, Charlotte, N. C. 263 XII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty as designated: Sergeant F.H. Turner, Company C, First Tennessee Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant Joseph S. Spence, Company B, Ninth Tennessee Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant C. J. Morris, Company B, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant Jes& S. Moore, Company II, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant Charles Planner, Company G, Eighteenth North Carolina Vol- unteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant George E. McCord, Com- pany II, Seventeenth Alabama Volunteers, to commanding officer Bat- tery Gladden; Sergeant C. 0. Bingham, Company B, Third Alabama Volunteers, to Major H. Myers, chief ordnance officer of Department of the Gulf. XIII. Private George F. Knauff, of Company A, Fifty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty in the War Department, and will report to Captain R. G. H. Kean, chief of Bureau of War, for assignment, to take effect from April 22, 1864. XIV. The furloughs heretofore granted the following-named privates are extended to May 1, 1864: II. C. Brock, Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; T. P. Larus, Company F, Fifth Virginia Cavalry. XV. Major-General Howell Cobb will, after informing himself on the subject, furnish without delay to the commandant of prisons at Amer- icus, Ga., such guards from the local reserves under his command as he may deem necessary for the perfect security of the prisoners at that point, to relieve the regular troops now engaged in that duty. XVI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report as designated: Second Lieutenant A. J. Heslep and Captain W. B. Colston to comman- dant of conscripts State of Virginia; Second Lieutenant N. M. Cook to commandant conscripts State of South Carolina; Captain John A. Crawford, to commandant conscripts State of Georgia. XVII. So much of Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 61, current series, as refers to the following-named men is revoked, and they will immediately rejoin their command: Henry Edmunds, Paris Clay, William Tatum, John Shell, Captain Pannill's company, Fifth Virginia Cavalry. XVIII. So much of Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 65, current series, as refers to Private R. J. Roach, Company G, Fifth Virginia Cav- airy, is hereby revoked, and he will immediately rejoin his command. XIX. Leave of absence until further orders is granted Major B. W. Hunter, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War; JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 264 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, April 28,1864. No. 99. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Rev. James L. Neese, chaplain, Twenty-fifth Texas Cavalry, (dismounted;) Second Lieutenant If. £ Richardson, Company A, Thirty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Lieuten- ant-Colonel Alexander M. Wallace, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Cap. tain James M. Smith, Company B, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant William O'Brien, Company B, Third Georgia Volun- teers; Rev. T. J. McVeigh, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States; Assistant Surgeon S. M. Dold, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. Hays, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to his Ex- cellency the President, in this city, for assignment to inspection duty. III. The seven companies composing the Sixth Florida Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John M. Martin commanding, and the three com- panies of independent infantry Florida volunteers, Captains J. McNeill, B. L. Reynolds, and J. C. Eichelberger commanding, are hereby formed into a regiment to be known as the Ninth Regiment Florida Volunteers. IV. The seven companies composing the Forty-first Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Ro. White commanding, Captains Rid- dleburger's and Pollock's companies of O'Ferrall's battalion Virginia cavalry, and Captain Calmes' company Virginia cavalry, are hereby formed into a regiment to be known as the Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Cavalry. V. Leave of absence for four days is granted Assistant Surgeon W. IT. Butler, Provisional Army Confederate States. VI. Brigadier-General A. Grade, jr., with his brigade will proceed by railroad to Richmond, Va., and report to Major-General R. Ransom, [jr.,] commanding, &c. VII. Brigadier-General J. Hagood with his brigade will proceed by railroad to Headquarters Department of North Carolina, Weldon, N.C., and report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., for assign- ment to duty at Wilmington, N. C. VIII. The Fifty-fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers is relieved from duty at Montgomery, Ala., and will proceed by railroad to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assign- ment to Brigadier-General Baker's Alabama brigade. IX. Paragraph XLII, Special Orders No. 89, current series, is hereby revoked, and Colonel George A. Gordon with his regiment, the Sixty- third Georgia Volunteers, will proceed by railroad to Headquarters Army of Tennessee, Dalton, Ga., and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, ] Company C, Forty-third Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant S.M. Browne, Company C, Tenth Virginia Volunteers; Captain John Peck, Com- panyC,Sixty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Wm. G.Barrett,drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States; Major Gar-" nctt Andrews, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States; Assistant Surgeon John W. Bowdoin, Thirtieth Alabama Volun- teers. II. The following-named medical officers are relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to commandant conscripts, Raleigh, X. C., for duty on examining board fot conscripts in the Ninth and Tenth Congressional Districts of North Carolina: Surgeon R. S. Lewis, Assist-' ant Surgeon II. N. Young. III. Surgeon B. T. Marshall will report without delay to Surgeon [A. J.] Foard, medical director Army of Tennessee, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. IV. Hospital Steward George W. Emmons is transferred from Medical Purveyor's Office in Richmond, and will report to Assistant Surgeon Hale, medical purveyor, at Petersburg, Va., for duty. V. Hospital Steward W. LI. Tucker is transferred from medical pur- veyor's office in Petersburg, Va., and will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Bines, medical purveyor at Richmond, Va., for duty. VI. Lieutenant A. A. Brinsma.de, drill-master, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will report without delay to Colonel John S. Preston, superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assign- nient to duty. VII. Private Thomas H. Thompson, of Company D, Eighteenth Reg- iment Mississippi Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted with- out the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Con- federate States. VIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain D. H. White, of Lieutenant-Colonel Black's command, is hereby revoked, and Captain White will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. IX. Private Jacob Poh, of Company G, Second Regiment South Car- olina Artillery, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. X. Second Lieutenant G. H. Browne, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Headquarters • Army of Tennessee, at Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. John- don, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his chief engineer. 70—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 278 XI. So much of Paragraph XXIV, Special Orders No. 70, curren. series, as refers to Captain A. M. Garber, jr., assistant quartermaster, j, hereby revoked, and Major J. D. Rogers, quartermaster, will relieve Maj0r John A. Harman, quartermaster, as chief quartermaster of the Second Corps, Army Northern Virginia. XII. First Lieutenant John Campbell, of Company B, Sixty-first Reg. iment Alabama Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 93, series of 186^ as refers to Captain Charles P. Rogers, assistant quartermaster, Thirty, seventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Rogers will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows : Colonel F. E. Pitts, Sixty-first Tennes- see Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. Rogers, Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. - XV. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeant*, and will report for duty as designated : William P. Bretle, Company G, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, to the Colonel of his regiment; R. F. Jonti, Company —, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; J. M. Craig, Company F, Thirty-second and Fifty-eighth Ala. bama Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; D. M. Kent, Company B, Thirty-ninth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, to colonel of his battalion; M. M. Leverett, Beaufort Artillery, to commanding officer Fort Sumter. XVI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Lieutenant-Colonel John W. Corser, Newton's Arkansas cavalry, February 19,1864; Captain J. A. Ashford, Company B, Twelfth Battalion Arkansas Sharpshooters, February 19,1864; Captain RufusE. Arnold, Company A, Grinstead's [Grinsted's] regiment, February 19,18G4; Captain J. M. Odell, Company I, Fourth Texas Cavalry, February 19,1864; Second Lieutenant Thomas Ramsey, Company E, Chisum's regiment Texas cavalry, February 19, 1864; Second Lieutenant George P. Bass, Haider- man's [Haldeman's] battery, February 19,1864 ; Second Lieutenant E Wasson, Company D, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, February 19, 1864; Second Lieutenant D. M. Waddill, Company E, Sixteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, February 19, 1864; Colonel T. C. Bass, Twentieth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, March 1, 1864; Captain John T. Harman, Company C, Twenty-ninth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, March 1,1864; Colonel C. L. Dawson, First Lieutenant J. A. Anderson, Company B, Dawson's regiment Arkansas volunteers, March 1, 1864; Surgeon ll'm Madison, Baylor's regiment Texas cavalry, March 1, 1864; First Lieu- tenant R. J. Patton, Graham Rangers, March 1, 1864; First Lieutenant P. E. Bonford, aid-de-camp, March 1,1864; Second Lieutenant James S. Thompson, Company I, Ninth Missouri Volunteers, March 1,1864; Cap- tain J. P. Layne, Company A, Twenty-first Texas Volunteers, March 10, 1864; Second Lieutenant A. Siemering, Company E, First Texas Cavalry, March 10, 1864; First Lieutenant A. H. Thompson, Company H, Fif- teenth Texas Volunteers, March 10,1864; First Lieutenant L. P. Briaid, Yellow Jacket Battalion, March 10, 1864; Second Lieutenant IF. B. Martin, Company I, Thirty-first Texas Dismounted Cavalry, March 10, 1864; Major James Q. Morton, Ninth Missouri Volunteers, March 11, 1864; Captain F. L. Scott, Company D, Stevens' Texas dismounted cav- airy, March 11, 1864; Captain V. Thibodeaux, Company A, Yellow Jacket Battalion, March 11,1864; Second Lieutenant Joseph H. Price, Com- pany K, Eighteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, March 11,1864; Second 279 Lieutenant F. Schrsiner [Schreiner,] Company H, Third Texas Volunteers, March 11,1864; Assistant Surgeon A. Brand, Thirty-third Texas Cav- airy, March 11, 1864; Captain D. S. Arnold, Company G, Capers' regi- nient cavalry, April 1, 1864; First Lieutenant N. J. Scott, Company F, Thirteenth Louisiana Battalion, April 1,1864; Captain Richard C. New- port, First Missouri Volunteers, April 1, 1864; First Lieutenant J. C. Roberts, Company I, Twentieth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, April 1, 1864; First Lieutenant D. H. Myers, Company K, Second Lieutenant S. Harrison, Company A, Terrell's regiment, April 1, 1864; First Lieu- tenant J. W. Lockhart, Company B, Twentieth Texas Volunteers, April 5, 1864; Assistant Surgeon J. W. Knight, Nineteenth Texas Cavalry, April 6, 1864; Second Lieutenant T. Eggeling, Company B, Seventh Texas Cavalry, April 6, 1864; Second Lieutenants. H. Harris, Com- pany E, Harrison's regiment, April 6, 1864; Second Lieutenant M. An- drews, Ivey's company cavalry, April 6, 1864; Second Lieutenant 0. Toutcnot, Company K, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, April 6, 1864; First Lieutenant T. H. Handy, Crescent Artillery, April 6, 1864. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant E. R. Derry, of Com- pany A, Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel S. D. Lowe, of the Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended thirty days from May 12,1864, pending the decision of this department on his application to be placed on [in] the Invalid Corps. XIX. The proceedings and findings of examining board in the case of Captain J. B. Burgess, Company F, Second Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, adverse to his promotion are confirmed, and Captain Burgess will retain his position. The next officer in rank will, if competent, be promoted. XX. Private Joseph H. Taylor, of Company C, First Confederate Bat- talion Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Third Regiment Ala- bania Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XXI. Second Lieutenant Garnett Andrews, Confederate States infantry, is assigned to duty with Company I, Fifteenth Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, and will report accordingly. XXII. The following-named officers being important witnesses in a criminal case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will re- port to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of this city, on or before the 19th day of May, 1864 : Lieutenant H. C. Hewitt, Company C, First Battalion Virginia Regulars; Lieutenant G. R. Waldman, Company E, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers. XXIII. Sergeant H. M. Carter, of Company E, Forty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being an important witness in a criminal case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, esq., sergeant of this city, on or before the 19th dav of May, 1864. XXIV. The horses, harness, and guns of the section of artillery in the possession of the commandant of conscripts for the State of North Carolina will be turned over to Colonel John B. Palmer, commanding District of Western North Carolina, at Ashville [Asheville,] N. C. XXV. The following-named officers being important witnesses in a criminal case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will re- port to Thomas U. Dudley, esq., sergeant of the city of Richmond, Va., on or before the 17th day of May, 1864: Lieutenant James Pollard, Com- pany II, Ninth Virginia Cavalry ; Lieutenant!?. C. Schriver [Shiver,'] Com- pany [A,] Second South Carolina Cavalry. 280 XXVI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards and will report for duty as designated: Conscripts W. F. Sorey and E. R Poole to Medical Purveyor Johnson, Charlotte, N. C.; Conscript J. C. Wharton to Medical Purveyor [George 5.] Blackie, Atlanta, Ga.; Pri. vate John N. Brown, Company D, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment. XXVII. Brigadier-General Thomas Jordan is hereby relieved from general staff duty. XXVIII. The Macbeth Artillery (Captain \_B. A.] Jeter) is relieved from duty in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will proceed by highway to Asheville, N. C., and report to Colonel J.B. Palmer, commanding District of Western North Carolina. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 5,1$64. Special Orders) No. 105. r I. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Lieutenant W. W. Games, C. S. Navy, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty, to take effect April 11,1864: Privates R. H. Hestor, A. Reynard, George Grainger, George Cardinal, A. M. Swimm, Com- pany H, Ninth Kentucky Regiment; Private Nathan White, Company I, Fourth Kentucky Regiment; Private J. Nicholas, Company H, Ninth Kentucky Regiment; Private M. Morris, Company K, Second Kentucky Regiment; Private Mack Moss, Company H, Fourth Kentucky Regiment; Private R. Raleigh, Company D, Second Kentucky Regiment; Private D. H. Osborn, Company K, Fourth Kentucky Regiment; Private J. T. Burn, Company G, First Louisiana Infantry ; Private W. H. Crosby, Com- pany K, Private R. Mattock, Company A, Private John Martin, Company K, Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment; Private John Lengen, Company K, Twentieth Louisiana Regiment; Private Pat. Farley, Company F, First Louisiana Infantry; Private W. W. Moreland, Company D, Fourth Lou- isiana Battalion; Privates John Manguer, J. Frederick, Company G, Pri- vates Eugene Lee, John Gray, Company C, Private L. Hinkle, Company G, First Louisiana Infantry; Private Thomas Brown, Company F, Twen- tieth Louisiana Regiment; Private Thomas Corren, Company E, Fourth Louisiana Battalion; Private F. Lardinois, Company E, Thirteenth Lou- isiana Regiment; Private J. W. Smith, Company A, Twenty-fifth Lou- isiana Regiment; Private Pat. Murphy, Company B, Private John J/. Tooley, Company H, Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment; Private Jacob Begley, Company C, Fourth Louisiana Battalion; Private H. N. Black, Company E, Private John Reagan, Company C, Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment; Private L. Janus, Company E, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Regi- ment; Private John Flynn, Company F, First Louisiana Infantry; Pri- vate Thomas Keirnan, Compafiy C, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Regiment; Private John Seymour, Company A, Private Joseph Lounge, Company K, Fifth Arkansas Regiment; Private E. C. Fuller, Company E, Privates Sylvester Nash, C. J. Knight, Company K, First Arkansas Regiment; Private C. P. Stanley, Company A, Private 0. L. Doyle, Company I, Second Arkansas Regiment; Private Joseph Douglass, Company B, First Arkan- 281 gas Regiment; Private Charles James, Company A, Sixth Arkansas Reg_ jnient; Private James Givens, Company C, Fifth Arkansas Regiment;" privates William Brumell, Martin Howard, Company G, First Arkansas Regiment; Private Ed. L. Harley, Company C, Sixth Arkansas Regiment; private James Coleman, Company F, Tenth Tennessee Regiment; Private jm H". Johnson, Company G, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Regiment; Private J. McDonald, Company H, Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment; Private P. H. Kennedy, Company F, One Hundred and Fifty- fourth Tennessee Regiment; Privates James H. Martin, C. Strohle, B. E. fiobinson, J. E. McCullum,- Company A, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Regiment; Private John Murray, Company G, Third Confederate Regi- ment; Private T. G. Long, Company I, Forty-fifth Alabama Regiment; Private N. A. Marchalt, Company F, Private Nathan W. Leach, Company. K, Thirty-ninth Alabama Regiment; Private J. Gabel, Company H, . Twenty-second Alabama Regiment; Private Thomas Carpenter, Com- pany A, Twenty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Private John Wilson, Com- pany C, Thirty-second Alabama Regiment; Private J. A. Jenson, Com- pany D, Twenty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Private Peter Holm, Com- pany B, Fourth Florida Regiment; Privates Nathan Tanner, Charles . Monies I)e Oca, W. N. Campbell, W. T. Burts, Addison Man-seU, J. C. Papy, Company B, Seventh Florida Regiment; Private W. W. Howell, Com- pany H, Private G. R. Rice, Company K, Privates William Johns, H. J. Yeasly, Company T, Private W. M. Botven, Company K, Fourth Florida Regiment; Private J. B. Jackson, Company K, Seventh Florida Regi- ment; Private J. H. Roberts, Company PI, Private J. S. Strode, Company K, Fourth Florida Regiment; Private J. S. Fletcher, Company E, Seventh Florida Regiment; Private John Knox, Company A, Forty-seventh Georgia Regiment; Private Thomas Hanney, Company A, Fourth Georgia Battalion; Private Thomas Turner, Company H, Private Jeremiah Lucy, Company A, Twenty-fifth Georgia Regiment; Private • Peter Soper, Company D, Sixth Texas Regiment; Private R. Bi Taylor, Com- pany D, Twenty-fifth Texas Regiment; Private Daniel McLeod, Com- pany D, Sixth Texas Regiment; Private Thomas Barry, Company H, S'inth Kentucky Regiment; Private W. S. Johnson, Cobb's battery; Private Richard Doyle, Key's battery; Privates William McTaggart, John J. Ward, John Cookson, Swett's battery; Private Pat. Lacy, Slo- comb's battery; Private James Bryan, Dent's battery; Private A. McGillway, Semple's battery; Private Thomas Wilson, Ferguson's battery; Private John Halbert, Marshall's battery; Privates A. W. Johnson, Francis Marschalk, Darden's battery. II. Assistant Surgeon J. C. Harrison will report without delay to Sur- geon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. III. Surgeon F. F. Fry will relieve Surgeon W. A. Spence, now on duty as a member of the board of claims for slaves lost in the service of the Confederate States. IV. R. Gatewood, superintendent Army Intelligence Office, will pro- ceed to the Army of Northern Virginia for the purpose of securing a list of the casualties in the impending battle. ^ V. Paragragh XX, Special Orders No. 79, current series, detailing Sergeant J. E. Cope, of Company K, Eighteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, is so modified to date from the 4th day of March, 1864. 71—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 282 VI. Captain J. R. Branham, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Colonel Will^ M. Browne, commandant of conscripts State of Georgia, at Macon, Ga. for assignment. ' VII. Captain T. H. Bomar will proceed by railroad with his company now on duty in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, to Headquarters Arm}' of Northern Virginia and report to General R, £ Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his appropriate reg- iment—the Thirty-eighth Georgia Infantry. VIII. The Ben. Hill Artillery, Captain John B. Higdon commanding, is permanently detached from the Thirty-eighth Regiment Georgia Vol. unteers, and upon the arrival of Captain Bomar's company will proceed by railroad to Headquarters Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and report to Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding, for assignment to duty as an unattached. IX. The Fifty-ninth North Carolina Regiment, (Colonel [Dennis Z).] Ferrebee,) the Sixty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, (Colonel [G. N.] FolkJ the Sixty-second Georgia Regiment, (Colonel [Joel J?.]Grrffin,) and the Seventh Confederate Cavalry (Colonel [ V. II.] Taliaferro) will constitute a brigade, to the command of which Brigadier-General James Deariag is hereby temporarily assigned. . X. The detachment of one hundred and fifty men ordered from Camp Watts, Ala., January 20,1863, for temporary duty at Mobile will be re- turned without delay to Montgomery, Ala., and placed under the juris- diction of the commandant of conscripts for assignment to companies in service prior to April 16, 1862, as the law directs. XI. Major H. W. Gilmer's [Gilmor's] battalion Partisan Rangers will be. immediately mustered into the service of the Confederate States as cavalry. Major Gilmer [H. W. Gilmor] will then proceed by highway with his battalion of cavalry to Camp Maryland, Staunton, Va., and re- port to Major-General A. Elzey, commanding Maryland Line, for assign- ment. Citizens of other States who are enlisted in any company of this battalion may, if they desire it, be transferred to companies from their own States. XII. Captain Kincheloe's company Partisan Rangers will be mus- tered into the service of the Confederate States as cavalry, and will then be assigned to the Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XIII. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 76, current series, assign- ing Colonel J. P. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States, to inspec- tion duty in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida is so amended as to take effect from February 26, 1864, at which time he entered upon the discharge of that duty. XIV. Private W. F. Baxter, of Company A, White's battalion cavalry, will rejoin his command within ten days. XV. The resignation of Assistant Surgeon J. F. Crawford, Eighth Reg- iment Mississippi Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XVI. Captain Thomas K Gregg, with his battery (Company C, Siege Train) South Carolina volunteers, will proceed by railroad to Head- quarters Army of Northern Virginia and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to Lieutenant-Colonel Pegram's artillery battalion to relieve the Pee Dee Artillery, Lieutenant JJr. E. Zimmerman, commanding. Lieutenant Zimmerman on being relieved will proceed with his battery to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major- General Sam. Jones, commanding, &c., for assignment. The horses and gunsof each battery will remain in the departmentin which they arenow. 283 XVII. Private II. G. Waterman, of Company I, Third Regiment Ala- bania Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate Suites, in order that he may accept an appointment in the volunteer navy. XVIII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Captain W. B. Cox, of Company E, Ninth Regiment Missouri Volunteers. XIX. Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge] will select two batteries from the Thirteenth Battalion Virginia Artillery for duty in his department, after which Lieutenant-Colonel J. Floyd King, command- ing the battalion, will proceed by railroad with the two remaining bat- teries to Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia and report to Gen- eral R. E. Lee, commanding, for assignment to Brigadier-General Alex- ander's artillery corps. XX. Major Samuel K. Hays, quartermaster, is relieved from present duty, and will report to Major-General S. B. Buckner for assignment to duty in Trans-Mississippi Department. XXI. Lieutenant A. C. Gibson, acting ordnance officer, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General S. B. Buckner for assignment to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department. XXII. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain J. J. Allen, assistant quartermaster and commandant post, Buchanan, Va. XXIII. The following-named men are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major G. W. Can- ningham, quartermaster, &c., at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty: Jf. F. Herring, Abram B. Adams, G. G. 0'Bryan, William Hunter. XXIV. First Lieutenant William Thurmond, now on ordnance duty in Army of East Tennessee, will proceed without delay to Mobile, Ala., and report to Major-general D. II. Maury, commanding, &c., for duty with Major II. Myers, chief ordnance officer Department of the Gulf, to re- lieve Lieutenant R. V. Booth. Lieutenant Booth on being relieved will proceed without delay to Headquarters Army of Tennessee and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel H. Oladowski, chief ordnance officer, Army of Ten- nessee. XXV. Private Antoine Amey, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Loui- siana Volunteers, a soldier disabled by wounds, is detailed for light duty, and will report to the commanding officer at Augusta, Ga., for assign- ment. XXVI. Colonel William Butler, First South Carolina Enlisted Men, is relieved from duty in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will proceed without delay to Headquarters Department of Richmond and report to Major-General R. Rorsom, [jr.,] commanding, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 12, 1864. 8pecial Orders ) No. 111. f I. Until further orders the heads of the various bureaus of the War Department will require their offices to be kept open by night as well as day, with an officer present to meet calls and carry out any special instructions that may require prompt attention: Quartermaster-Gen- eral, Commissary-General, Chief of Ordnance, Chief of Engineer Bureau, Chief of Signal Corps, Chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, Surgeon-Gen- eral, Chief of Bureau of Conscription. II. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain John Bartholomew, assistant quartermaster, Third Arkansas Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Captain Bartholomew will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. III. Lieutenant-Colonel J". C. Pemberton, Confederate States artillery, will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, jr., commanding Depart- nient Richmond, for assignment to the command of the artillery de- fenses of his department. 296 IV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 283, Adjutant Inspector-General's Office, November 28,1863, accepting the resig^ tion of Colonel James Hogan [Hagan,] Third Alabama Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and he will rejoin his regiment; at Dalton, Ga. Authority ^ granted Colonel J. Hogan [Hagan] to proceed to his command by way ^ Mobile, Ala. ' . V. The leave of absence heretofore granted Second Lieutenant Fr^ erick H. Perkins, Confederate States infantry, is extended twenty day^ By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 14,1864. Special Orders) No. 112. 1 I. The command of General G. T. Beauregard is hereby extended go as to include all that portion of Virginia lying south of James River, including Drewry's Bluff and its defenses. II. Captain 0. L. G. Minor, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. III. Captain Ben. Lane Posey, Thirty-eighth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, will without delay report in person at this office. IV. Lieutenant J. Austin Smith, artillery, Provisional Army Con fed- erate States, will report at once to General G. T. Beauregard, command- ing, &c., at Drewry's Bluff, for assignment to duty with Lieutenant- Colonel J. R. Waddy. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 16,1864. Special Orders) No. 113. 1 I. Brigadier-General James L. Kemper will take immediate command of the reserve forces of the State of Virginia. He will complete their organization and place them at once in service. To this end he is authorized to employ all enrolling officers, who are hereby directed to ■ obey his instructions. He will establish his headquarters at such point as he may deem best. Officers of the Quartermaster's, Commissary, Ordnance, and Medical Departments are required to furnish all neces- sary facilities. All officers from the State of Virginia of the Invalid Corps and such of the regular forces as are for any reason unassigned will immediately report to General Kemper, who is authorized to assign them temporarily to duty with the reserves. II. Major G. 0. Watts, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to headquarters of General E. K. Smith, commanding Trans- Mississippi Department, and report for assignment to duty with Major- General S. B. Buckner. 297 III. Captain H. B. Smith, Invalid Corps, will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty with the commandant of conscripts State of Georgia. IV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain M. G. May, Com- pany C, Ninth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant George D. Nixon, Company A, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers; Lieutenant W. R. Wright, Company K, Eighth Georgia Volunteers; Captain J" G.McCabe, Company A, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain Henry B. Harvey, Company II,Sixth Texas Volunteers; Captain T. H. OHorne [Osborne,] Company II, Fifteenth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. E. Amis, Com- pany H, Fourth Louisiana Battalion; First Lieutenant Fred. G. Howard, Company G, First Florida Volunteers; First Lieutenant L. W. Gilhreath, Company G, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant John 0. De Graffenreid, Company K, Tenth Confederate Cavalry ; First Lieuten- ant William A. Ellis, Company E, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. C. Dorris, Company I, Fifty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant/. D. Smith, Company F, Eighth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant F. Daniel, Company D, Thirty-ninth Georgia Volun- tcers; Second Lieutenant W. H. Rose, Company K, Thirty-second Ten- nessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. H. Womacle, Company D, Twenty-third Tennessee Battalion; Second Lieutenant P. M. Hughlett, Company I, Fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. B. Potti, Company H, Forty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant B. R. Fakes, Company K, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. C. Dunn, Company I, Forty-fifth Tennessee Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant T..B. Hardy, Company B, Fourth Louisiana Battalion ; Second Lieutenant J. C. Boring, Company D, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. A. Bethell, Company K, Sev- entn Florida Volunteers; Lieutenant B. G. Darden, Company E, Third Tennessee Volunteers. V. Private M. 0. Gordon,' Company A, Seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed as clerk at the headquarters of Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, and will report accordingly. VI. Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., will send to this city with the greatest possible expedition a good brigade of infantry from Florida, taking those troops that are most accessible. VII. Captain R. C. Macmurdo, assistant quartermaster, in addition to his other duties, is assigned to duty with the troops for local defense commanded by Brigadier-General G. W. C. Lee, and will report accord- ingly. VIII. Private Charles G. McGehee, of Company A, Twenty-third Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness de- tailed for duty as hospital nurse, and will report to Brigadier-General J. II. Winder, in this city, for assignment to duty. IX. Private W. Bunn, Company H, Third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, now acting as hospital nurse at Wilmington, N. C., will immediately rejoin his command. X. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish to Brigadier-General Daniel Ruggles and staff transportation in kind from' this city to Dalton, Ga., for themselves, horses, and baggage. 75—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 298 XI. Private W. H. Harris, Company B, Twenty-second Georgia Bat. talion Artillery, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company C, Twelfth Regiment Georg^ Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XII. Private James D. Addy, Company . H, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company C, Fifteenth Regiment South Caro. lina Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XIII. A furlough for thirty days with transportation to Chapel Hii^ N. C., is granted Private H. A. Davis, Company G, Eleventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XIV. The Seventeenth and Thirtieth Virginia Regiments will imme. diately proceed by the Petersburg Railroad to rejoin their brigade, under General [i?. F.~] Hoke, near Drewry's Bluff. XV. The detail heretofore granted Private John S. Cooke, Company D, Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is extended sixty days. XVI. The resignation of First Lieutenant J. W. Flood, aid-de-camp, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private Thomas F. Butler, of the Chatham Artillery, is extended sixty days. XVIII. The Twelfth and Eighteenth Georgia Battalions, the Forty. ' seventh, Fifty-fifth, and Fifty-sixth Georgia Regiments, the Twenty-sixth Alabama Regiment, (Colonel [E. A.] O'Neal,) and the Tenth and Nino teenth South Carolina Regiment will proceed immediately by railroad to this city with the greatest possible expedition. If the Twentieth . South Carolina Regiment (Colonel [Lj iff.] Keitt) has not moved to Dalton it will also be sent. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 17,1864. Special Orders ) No. 114. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Captain T. iff. Harris, assistant quartermaster, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Rev. John L. Pettigrew, chaplain, Thirty-first Georgia Volunteers ; Captain B. T. Bell, Company C, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant H. W. Steven*, Company B, Bonaud's battalion; First Lieutenant Jere Coxe, Company A, Seventh Confederate States Cavalry; Lieutenant-Colonel C. McLaurin, Fourth Mississippi Cavalry; Captain J. F. White, Company I, Second Mississippi Cavalry ; Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. McRae, Third Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant Thomas R. Evans, Company F, Forty-third Mississippi Volunteers; Major F. H. Garrison, Fourteenth Texas Cavalry. II. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private Daniel Fourquerean [Fourgureau,'] of Company C, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry. 299 III. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain Samuel C. Taylor, Company E, Wright's regi- ment Arkansas cavalry,. March 26, 1864; Second Lieutenant J. L. Thompson, Company E, Second Regiment Arkansas Cavalry, March 26, 1804; Second Lieutenant J. M. Fleming; Company E, Grinsted's regi- pent Arkansas infantry, March 26, 1864; First Lieutenant W. Greenlee, Company G, Cocke's regiment Arkansas infantry, March 26,1864; First Lieutenant E. F. Ewing, Company F, Twenty-first Regiment Texas Cavalry, March 26, 1864; First Lieutenant D. A. Aiken, Company D, Thirteenth Regiment Texas Cavalry, Mareh 26, 1864; Captain L. F. Jones, Company I, Wright's regiment Arkansas cavalry, March 26, 1864; First Lieutenant F. M. Fulbright, Company E, Second Lieutenant John R.Ricketts, Company D, Second Lieutenant G. L. Hanks, Company E, Third Missouri Cavalry, March 31, 1864; Second Lieutenant 0. Denton, Company F, Tenth Missouri Infantrj', March 31, 1864; First Lieuten- ant CI C. Hart, Company A, Brooks'Arkansas infantry, March 31, 1864; Second Lieutenant M. E. Ivie, Company A, Twenty-second Texas Volun- teers, March 31, 1864; Second Lieutenant John R. Shook, Company F, First Texas Cavalry, March 31, 1864;. First Lieutenant S. 0. Farris, Company C, Third Missouri Cavalry, April 7, 1864; First Lieutenant G. R. Buchanan, adjutant, Sixteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, April 7,1864; Second Lieutenant T. Deslandes [Deslouche,] Benjamin's company cavalry, April 7, 1864; First Lieutenant A. J. Ridge, Company D, Seven- teenth Texas Volunteers, April 7,1864 ; Captain J. G. Hayes, Eighteenth Louisiana Volunteers, April 7, 1864; Second Lieutenant C. D. George, Company D, Stevens' regiment Texas dismounted cavalry, April 7, 1864; Second Lieutenant A. F. Ward, Company C, Second Louisiana Battalion Heavy Artillery, April 7, 1864; First Lieutenant K. P. Russell, Second Lieutenant Ira F. Kilgore, Company E, Sixteenth Texas Dis- mounted Cavalry, April 7, 1864; Captain J. H. Long, Company E, Fourth Texas Cavalry, April 7, 1864; Colonel J". W. Speight, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, April 15, 1864; First Lieutenant C. G. Hart [Hurt,] Had's [Head's] company Partisan Rangers, (unattached,) April 15,1864; Second Lieutenant Ransom Moore, Company A, Buster's battalion Ar- kansas cavalry, April 15, 1864; Second Lieutenant B. Clifford, light artillery, April 15, 1864. IV. The following-named brigades will proceed to Drewry's Bluff and report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, this order to take effect from the 14th instant, inclusive: Gracie's brigade, Brigadier-General [A.] Grade, [jr.;] Kemper's brigade, Colonel [Wm. R.] Terry; Hoke's old brigade, Colonel [ W. G.] Lewis. V. The sentence of death against Private R. G. Wilson, Compan}r K, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Infantry, pronounced by military court of the First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is, upon the statements of Lieutenant-General Longstreet and the judge-advocate of the court and upon evidence submitted since the trial, remitted by order of the President. Private Wilson will be released from confinement and returned to duty. VI. The following-named officers will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] for assignment to duty on his staff: Majors T. 0. Chestney, Thomas Rowland, T. P. Branch, Captain J. T. Brown, assistant adjutants- general. VII. The following-named conscripts are appointed hospital stewards, and will report to Surgeon J. J. Chisolm, medical purveyor at Columbia, S. C.: A. J. Berry, R. D. Holman. 300 VIII. The following-named officers will report to Brigadier-Genera James L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, for assignment to temporary duty: Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] Provisional Army Confederate States ; Colonel M. Langhorne, Eleventh Virginia Vol. unteers; Colonel E. G. Lee, Provisional Army Confederate States; Colonel P. P. Slaughter, Fifty-sixth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Richard Laidky Twenty-second Virginia Volunteers; Captain W. T. Fry, assistant adju' tant-general, First Lieutenant W. PI. Crank, Provisional Army Confeff. erate States. IX. As soon as it is ascertained with certainty that the enemy has retired within his intrenchments on the' south side of James River Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] will return to his command in Richmond. X. The prisoners having been ordered from Cahaba, Ala., the Forty, ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers will immediately proceed to Dalton. Ga., and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding, &c. All staff and other officers, except the quartermaster and commissary for collect- in'g supplies, as well as all non-commissioned officers and privates, on detached duty at this post will immediately report for duty to their respective commands. XI. The detail heretofore granted each of the following-named men is extended ninety days: Privates John Disbro, William P. Davis, Com. panv A, Colonel Anderson's command. XII. Private J. B. Gwathmey, of Captain Harrison's company, Allen's battalion, is for ninety days detailed to work on the South Side Rail- road, and will report to H. D. Bird, superintendent, &c., at Petersburg. Va. XIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private George W. White, Company H, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XIV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Brigadier-General Samuel McGowan, Provisional Army Confederate States, on surgeon's certificate of disability. XV. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Colonel L. G. Pyks, Second Regiment Florida Volunteers, on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability. XVI. The following-named men having been citizens of Maryland at the commencement of the war, are transferred to the Maryland Line under,General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report to Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, commanding Camp Howard, Hanover Junction, Va.: Privates F. J. Gunly, Thomas Williams, Company I, Thirtieth Virginia Infantry; Private W. E. McMahon, Company G, First Virginia Cavalry; Private Thomas A. Ridgeley, Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Private John W. FiUins, Company C, Huger's battalion artillery ; Private Robert Garrison, Company B. First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters. XVII. Private Q. L. Washinyton, of Company A, Henley's battalion, is for twenty-four hours detailed for duty in the War Department, and will report to Hon J. A. Campbell, assistant secretary of war, in this city. XVIII. The provisions of Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 44, cur- rent series, to wit.: " The issues of forage to the private animals of officers stationed at posts in Virginia and North Carolina are hereby restricted to such animals entitled to forage as the commandants of those posts shall certify to be absolutely necessary to the discharge of the official duties of these officers, in no case allowing more than one horse to such officer. Mill offal shall be fised at these posts when it can be procured, and in the absence of this the grain ration shall not 301 jcCed six pounds of corn or its equivalent in shelled oats. Whenever Practicable the corn ration shall be converted into meal and fed with l'ut l°nS f°rage as chopped food. The ration of long forage shall not tjcecd nine pounds of hay or its equivalent in straw, which is to be used in preference as long as the same can be procured in sufficient Quantities," are extended so as to embrace all posts east of the Missis- Jppi River. By command of the Secretary of War: 7 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 18, 1864. Special Ordebs") " No. 115. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captains James S. Brown, John R. Johnson, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieu- tenant F. C. Parsons, Company F, Twenty-second South Carolina Vol- unteers; Captain Joseph IF. Denham, Company F, Captain A. M. Dozier, Company C, Seventh Mississippi Battalion; First Lieutenant C. 31. Jackson, Company D, Second Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters ; Second Lieutenant W. H. Quillian, Company H, Second Lieutenant J. H. Me- Dade, Captain J. Thornton, Company I, Second Lieutenant B. F. Ham- mock, Company K, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers ; Lieutenant-General J. C. Pemberton, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty as desig- nated: Captain E. F. Baber to commandant conscripts Alabama, Cap- tain T. T. Eason to commandant conscripts Georgia, Captain J. W. Ward to commandant conscripts Mississippi. III. Captain E. Troup Randle, Invalid Corps, will report to the com- mandant post, Montgomery, for assignment to duty. IV. The following-named officers being inefficient will have their, names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. 8. Army: First Lieutenant Calvin Dickinson, Company D, Tenth North Carolina Battalion Artillery; Captain A. Kilpatrick, Com- • pany A, Thirty-second Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Robert James, Company A, Sixth Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops. V. The examining boards in the case of each of the following-named officers having found them unfit to perform their legitimate and proper duties, and the findings of the boards having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President they will cease from this date to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant L. D. Alexander, Company F, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant R. 0. Bryan, Company F, Forty-eighth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. P. Ray, Company B, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John H. Sale, Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Bat- Ldion; Second Lieutenant R. II. Thompson, Company B, Forty-eighth ^ irginia Volunteers. 76—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 302 VI. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant C. ft Walden, Company E, Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, and the findiiw of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutena^ Walden, by order of the President, is honorably retired without pay 0f allowance, and will cease from this date to be an officer of the army. VII. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant J. f McGahee, Company A, Patterson's regiment Alabama cavalry, having found that he is unfit on account of physical disability to perform hi legitimate and proper duties, and the finding of the board having approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant McGahee, by order of the President, will cease from this date to be an officer of the army. VIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropp^ from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain C. L. MJ. tier, Company E, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Jamti R. Stewart, Company G, Eighth Florida Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. S. Crook, Company A, Ninth Texas Volunteers; Major K. M. |',n Zandt, Seventh Texas Volunteers; Captain Benjamin F. Patton, Com- pany B, Sixtieth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. If; Stewart, Company E, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant G. P. Straley, Company F, Third Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Swinford, Company E, Second Lieutenant J. SmiOuy( Company H, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant If. K' Stennis, Company I, Fifth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Pittman, Company I, Sixth Florida Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant William I. Ritcher [ W. G. J. Richter,] Company I, Second Lieuten- ant John L. West, Company G, First Florida Volunteers. IX. Leaves of absence for the time annexed to their respective nanus are granted each of the following-named officers on surgeon's certificate of disability: Major D. L. Donald, Second South Carolina Rifles, forty days; Captain W. C. Wardlaw, Company K, Second South Carolina Rifles, sixty days. X. A furlough for ninety days is granted Private J. H. Whitner, Com- pany —, Palmetto Sharpshooters, South Carolina volunteers. XI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Surgeon J. Lem Woodville, Provisional Army Confederate States. XII. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 34, current series, is amended so as to read as follows: Lieutenant John Johns, C. S. Army, will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation, in this city, for assignment to duty as acting assistant quartermaster. XIII. Second Lieutenant Frederick H. Perkins, Confederate States in- fantry, will at the expiration of his leave of absence proceed without delay to the Trans-Mississippi Department and report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-General Richard Taylor. XIV. Major George Robertson, jr., commissary of subsistence, will re- port to Major J. L. Locke, chief commissary of subsistence State of Georgia, at Savannah, for assignment to duty. XV. Colonel P. T. Moore, Provisional Army Confederate States, is tem- porarily assigned to duty in organizing and placing in the field the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report to Brigadier-General J. £• Kemper, commanding, &c., in this city. 303 XVI. The sentence of the military court for Lieutenant-General Jlardee's corps dismissing from the service Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. frayser, of Thirty-seventh Regiment Tennessee Infantry, is, upon the application of divers officers of his regiment and brigade, of his brigade fornmander, and of others, remitted by order of the President. Lieu- tcnant-Colonel FraS/ser will therefore be restored to duty with his regi- pjont. XVII. The following-named men of Company A, Henley's battalion, ivill report in person at this office immediately, their services being absolute[ly] essential: Privates Fred. W Pleasants, N. R. Savage, Corporal / //. Henry. _ XVIII. Private D. P. Foster, Company B, Thirty-sixth Regiment jforth Carolina Volunteers, is detailed to work in the machine shops of (be Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, and will report to Henry M. Drone, superintendent, &c., at Wilmington, N. C. XIX. First Lieutenant James H. George, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Dalton, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to ord- nance duty under Lieutenant-Colonel H. Oladowski, chief ordnance officer Army of Tennessee. XX. The following-named officers will immediately rejoin their re- ppective commands: Colonel Moses White, Thirty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel T. A. McDonnell [McDowell,"] First Florida Volunteers. XXI. Private Henry J. Quantock, Company B, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed to work in the machine shops of the Georgia Central Railroad, and will report accordingly. XXII. Private James Li McDonald, of Company B, Second Georgia Battalion, having received the appointment of acting assistant engineer C.S. Navy, will be discharged his former service, to date from April 16, 1864. XXIII. Major-General L. McLaws, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., for assignment to the command of the defenses of Savannah, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-Genekal's Office, Special Orders | * Richmond, May 19, 1864. No. 116. J I. The.resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant D. C. Owens, Company F, Sixty-third Virginia Volunteers; Captain D. W. Sowers, Company A, Fifty-fourth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Thomas E. Tay- lor, Company A, Murray's battalion; Second Lieutenant M. M. Blythe, Company C, Fifty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Second lieutenant William M. Wilson, Company K, Fifty-first Alabama Cavalry; Captain David Davidson, Company H, Fourth Alabama Cavalry ; Captain William J Underwood, Company B, Third Georgia Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant E. B. Mershon, Company K, Tenth Confederate Cavalry ; First Lieuten- ant Robert Allen, Second Lieutenant R. F. Ricks, Company E, First Con- federate Cavalry; Captain Miles Edwards, Company H, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers. 304 II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect March 1,1864: Rev. IF. M. Patterson, lain, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain R. L. Norman, Davis' [Davie's] regiment Arkansas infantry; Captain James D. Young, Company E, Fifth Texas Partisan Rangers ; First Lieutenant P. Lassalle, Yellow Jacket Battalion ; First Lieutenant J. J. CunningharA, Company A, First Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant A. J. Miller, Company II, Twenty, ninth Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant Charles Neaglin, Company H, Thirty-second Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant John P. Calvin, Com- pany I, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers ; First Lieutenant J. C. Baker, Company A, Twenty-ninth Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant L. S. Lawhan [Lawhon,] Company K, Second Texas Cavalry; Second Lieu- tenant M. Woodlif [ Woodlief,] Company C, First Texas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant J. A. Chitwood, Company A, Eighteenth Texas Cavalry. III. Lieutenant-Colonel John D. Wylie, Fifth South Carolina Volun- teers, is relieved from duty at Burkesville, Va., and will immediately rejoin his command. IV. Private Charles J. Mann, of the Tenth Regiment Kentucky Cav- airy, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. V. Private S. W. Price, of Company H, Fifty-first Regiment Forth Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of South Carolina, is transferedto Company B, South Carolina Siege Train, and will report accordingly. VI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred: Privates Emanuel Riley, Jasper Brannon, Company E, Fifty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Privates Gabriel Smith, Elisha IF. Blankinship, Company B, Thirty-third Alabama Volunteers. VII. Captain Thomas Butler, Provisional Army Confederate States, now on inspection duty with General'!?. Bragg, will proceed under his instructions to make a thorough inspection of the guards and bridges of the Danville and Piedmont Railroads. VIII. Major F. Malloy [Molloy,] commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as chief commissary Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, and will report without delay to the general commanding. IX. First Lieutenant Stephen A. Cowley*tadjutant, Forty-second Regi- ment Tennessee Volunteers, will immediately report for duty with his command. X. Private J. C. Reeves, of Company F, Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfit- ness detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon James T. Johnson, medical purveyor, at Charlotte, N. C. A cer- tificate of his condition will be furnished his commanding officer monthly. XI. Private John P. Miller, of Fenner's battery, having received the appointment of acting third assistant engineer C. S. Navy, will be dis- charged his former service. XII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private James Meddows, Com- pany K, Hampton's Legion; Private [.M. JF] Dillard, Company F, Six- teenth South Carolina Volunteers. 305 XIII- The following-named men of the Armory Battalion, will report immediately to Captain John Elliott, in this city, their services being abso- lately essential: John G. Hunter, John Wills, John Barfoot, Will Ostrander, Charles Henline, Henry Fergerson, John Henline, Michael Stern, John Griffith, John Williams. XIV. Colonel Geary [M. W. Gary] with his command, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry, will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, jr., in this city, for assignment to duty. XV. Private W. J. Moon, of the Arsenal Battalion, Local Defense Troops, will report immediately to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, Confederate States arsenal, in this city, his services being absolutely essential. XVI. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended until further orders: Private A. C. Hammett, Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private Campbell Douglass, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private James Manigault, jr., Marion Artillery; Private R. D. Rogers, Company B, Siege Train; Private R. K. B. Hammett, Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Sergeant John IC. Young, Macbeth Artillery. XVII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain Job M. Morgan, assistant quartermaster, Twen- tieth [Twenty-eighth] Tennessee Regiment, is hereby revoked, and Cap- tain Morgan will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XVIII. Major-General George E. Pickett will immediately report to the general commanding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, who will reassemble and place him in command of that por- tion of his old division within the limits of that department. XIX. Corporal H. Nunn, Company K, Fourth Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, is for thirty days detailed as assistant agent Southwestern Rail- road at Americus, Ga.,and will report accordingly. At the expiration of above detail he will rejoin his command. XX. Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 112, current series, is modified so as to exclude from the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia the line of defenses around Richmond on the south side of James River. XXI. It was not intended by Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 73, current series, to detach permanently the Twent}'-eighth Regiment Vir- pinia Volunteers from Hunton's brigade. The Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers being assigned to the brigade for temporary duty only, is not, therefore, part of the organization. XXII. So much of paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current scries, as refers to Captain Martin V. Moore, assistant quartermaster, Seventh Battalion North Carolina Volunteers, [Sixty-fifth North Caro- lina or Sixth Cavalry,] is hereby revoked, and Captain Moore will con- tinue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. Private Thomas L. Simmerly, of Company D, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is djetailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, at Augusta, Ga. < XXIV. Colonel [John A.] Baker, commanding Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, now on duty with General G. T. Beauregard, will re- I»ort immediately with his command to Major-General Fitz. Lee, north °f Richmond. 77—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 306 XXV. The Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion, Loc^l Service Troop^ Lieutenant-Colonel W. M. Elliott commanding, is detached from Him. ton's brigade, and will remain in the defences around Richmond. XXVI. In consideration of the meritorious conduct of the member of the battalion of soldiers lately released from the military prison ^ this city, and their good conduct during the late operations of the enemy in the immediate vicinity, the President directs that as soon as then present organization is broken up the men be returned to their respec. tive commands without further investigation of, or punishment for, tht offenses with which they are individually charged. XXVII. Lieutenant E. J. White, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Colonel D. B. Harris, chief engine^ Charleston S. C., for assignment to duty. XXVIII. Corporal Henry A. Thompson, of Company E, Crescent Reg. iment, is appointed ordnance sergeant, to date from November 12,1802, and will report to the colonel of his regiment for assignment to duty. XXIX. Surgeon R. P. Page, Provisional Army Confederate States, ij assigned to duty as chief surgeon Western District of North Caroling and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 20,1864. Special Orders ) No. 117. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant John T. Johmtm, Davidson's battery; Second Lieutenant A. Davis, Company L, Forty- eighth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain 0. A. Allen, Company G, Forty- sixth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. W. Davidson, Com- pany K, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon M. Turner, Twenty-second Alabama Volunteers. II. The detail heretofore granted Private J. S. Berry, of Marye's bat- tery Virginia artillery, is extended until further orders. III. Private Joseph Lorentz, of Company G, Sixth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, on detailed duty as guard at the medical purveyor's depot, in this city, is transferred to Danville, Va., and will report to the com- mandant post. IV. The following-named men, on detailed duty as guards at the medical purveyor's depot, in this city, are transferred to the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs Hospital, and will report to Surgeon J. Levi* Woodville, in charge, &c.: J. 0. Dilling, G. W. Stalls, Company E, Four- teenth Tennessee Volunteers. V. Private Thomas J. Minor, of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Southern Telegraph office, in this city, and will report to William S. Morris, presi- dent Southern Telegraph Company. VI. Private William McKissock, of Company H, Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major R. P- Archer, quartermaster, in this city. 307 VII. The resignation of Captain J. H. Graham, Company A, Twenty- eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect April 18, 1864. VIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extendJed as follows: Captain C. H. B. Campbell, Company I, Thirteenth Mississippi Volunteers, sixty days; Captain D. W. Steger, Company F, Seventeenth Mississippi Volunteers, sixty days. IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain John Mullins, C. S. Army, is extended thirty days, at the expiration of which tjime he will report to General Joseph E. Johnston, at Dalton, Ga., for assignment to duty. X. Private John Hadden, Company G, Thirteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XI. The detail heretofore granted Private John S. Roberts, Company D, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Artillery, is extended forty days. XII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted each of the follow- ing-named officers: Lieutenant Charles Selden,jr., artillery, Provisional Array Confederate States; Captain J. R. Bryan, jr., assistant quarter- master. XIII. The four brigades composing Pickett's division, viz., Kemper's, Hunton's, Barton's, and Corse's, and also Hoke's old brigade, will pro- reed immediately by railroad to the Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia and report to the general commanding. Brigadier-General Gracie's brigade will take position at Chaffin's Farm in place, of Hun- ton's brigade, and a regiment from that brigade will relieve the Twenty- eighth Virginia Volunteers, now on temporary duty in this city. XIV. Colonel R. E. Burke, Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General James L. Kemper for temporary duty with the reserve forces of Virginia. XV. The discharge granted Sergeant Albert De Laine, of Company D, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, dated Orange Court- House, Va., September 12, 1863, is hereby revoked, and Sergeant De Laine's name will be taken up and borne upon the rolls of his com- pany. XVI. Sergeant John F. Mayer, of Company A, Henley's battalion, Local Defense Troops, will report immediately at this office, his services being essential. XVII. The details heretofore "granted the following-named men are hereby revoked, and they will immediately rejoin their command: Sergeant G. W. Bonner, Private B. F. Bonner, Company M, Palmetto Sharpshooters. XVIII. Private Albert H. Sealy, of the Fifty-eighth Regiment Alabama ■ Volunteers, having been improperly conscripted, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XIX. Private E. G. Freeman, of Company H, Twenty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed as nurse in the hospital department, and will report to Surgeon E. B. Haywood, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. A certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XX. The cavalry under the command of Colonel [ W. P.] Shingler, on temporary duty in the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,~] commanding, &c., in this city. 308 XXI. Private John R. Walke, of Company C, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed to work in the naval foundry at Selma, Ala., and will report to Commander [Catesby Ap. P.] Jones, C. S. Navy, in charge: H. H. King, Moorman's battery, Stuart's horse artillery; J. W. Fisher, Company C, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant J. R. Baldry, of Com- pany H, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days from April 9, 1864, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. XXIV. Private Paul Romare, of Company A, Henley's battalion, will report in person at this office, his services being essential. XXV. The Third Virginia Volunteers, forming a portion of Pickett's division, will proceed immediately to the Headquarters Army of North- ern Virginia and report to the general commanding for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 21,1864. Special Orders ) No. 118. J I. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the . navy, and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty, to take effect April 28, 1864: C. L. Peddigord, Company B, William L. Pollard, Company D, William T. Tynes, Company H, J. W. Sturdivant, Company I, Third Virginia Cavalry; C. C. Clark, William A. Vader, Company B, Fourth Virginia Cavalry; A. J. Wilkins, J. Trexter, Company I, T. J. Minter, Company F, Fifth Vir- ginia Cavalry; S. Reamey, Company I, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; J. C. Clapps, Company C, E. W. Clanton, Company G, A. M. Applewhite Com- pany C, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry; W. C. Beasley, Company C, W. H'. Sawyer, Company I, L. Langley, Company K, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry. II. Brigadier-General P. 31. B. Youny, Provisional Army Confederate States, now in Richmond, will take charge of the bodies of cavalry 'arriving here from the South for the Army of Northern Virginia,as well as the dismounted men now in Richmond and its vicinity. The latter will be armed and equipped and ordered to report to Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, commanding at Hanover Junction. The former he will prepare as rapidly as possible for active field service, and when prepared send them forward promptly to report to Major-General Fitz. Lee. When all shall have been sent he will proceed in person and report to Major-General Fitz. Lee for assignment to their command. III. The offense for which Private John Daniels, Company G, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, was sentenced to be shot to death by court-martial convened by General Orders No. 26, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, of February 22, 1864, coming within the amnesty granted by the President's proclamation, the sen- tence is remitted. Private Daniels will be released from confinement and returned to duty. 809 TV Private Thomas Wicker, Company H, Thirtieth 'Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness Retailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. W. Pierce, quartermaster, &c., at Raleigh, N. C. A certifi- cnte of his condition will be furnished his commanding officer every thirty days. V. The detail heretofore granted each of the following-named men is extended ninety days: E. F. Straney, Breathed's company, Stuart ITorse Artillery; Joseph Cole, Company K, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry. VI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Privates John W. Scuer \_ScurrJ] Jrdliam H. Chairs [Cheairs,] Company G, Fifteenth Mississippi Volun- teers; Privates Williamson. Wright, Company G, Sixth Alabama Cavalry. VII. Private S. 8. Cook, Company H, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [F. IF.] Dillard, quartermaster, &c., at Columbus, Ga., to relieve Private T. S. Hewett, of Company G, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, who will be im- mediately sent to his command. VIII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to thq Confederate States be thereby incurred : A. J. Highjield, Company H, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers; W. T. Moody, Company A, Fortieth Georgia Volunteers. IX. Sergeant T. W. Bowchier, of Company A, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, being dismounted, is transferred to the German Artillery, and will report accordingly. X. Sergeant James M. Lowe, of Company I, Second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected to a civil office. XI. Private Morgan T. Smook, of Company B, Fourth Regiment Ala- batna Volunteers, is transferred to Company B, Twentieth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Isaac F. Pruitt, Com- pany F, Forty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Private IF. C. Thompson, Com- pany F, Eighth Virginia Cavalry. XIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the * Confederate States be thereby' incurred: Private William H. Woodson, Johnston Artillery; Private R. Perkinson, Company C, Eighteenth Vir- gmia Volunteers. . XIV. Sergeant James J. Wootten, of Company F, Third Regiment bouth Carolina Cavalry, is transferred, at his own request and with the' consent of the officers concerned, to Company C, Second South Carolina ♦olunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. . XV. Private V T. Johnson, Company D, Twenty-eighth Regiment Mis- Pissippi Cavalry, is transferred to Captain H. L. Towles' [Foules'] com- Pan}T, Major-General Breckenridge's [Breckinridge's] escort, and will report accordingly. ?8^S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.-4 310 XVI. Captain William H. Coe, of the Invalid Corps,> will report \,t Major-General Robert Ransom, [yV.,] commanding, &c., in this city, assignment to duty with Brigadier-General John H. Winder. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private 0. H. Clark, Compaq A, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is extended until furthj orders. XVIII. Leave of absence for one week is granted Captain Robert y Brown, Company II, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers. XIX. General G. T. Beauregard will relieve the guard of one hundrtd men belonging to Hunton's brigade stationed at Mattoax bridge, ^ Richmond and Danville Railroad, by two hundred men from his com. mand. The guard as soon as relieved will proceed to join its command, now serving with Army of Northern Virginia. XX. The following infantry force now serving under Major-General D. H. Maury will forthwith proceed to Army of Tennessee and report to General Joseph E. Johnston: Quarles' brigade—Thirty-seventh Mississippi Volunteers, Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteers. XXI. Private R. P. Simpkins, of Company G, Seventeenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being a citizen of Virginia, is transferred to Com- pany I, Twenty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XXII. Private James D. Hardy, of Company B, Sixtieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed as an agriculturist under the conditions prescribed by law, and will report to the enrolling officer of his district XXIII. Assistant Surgeon John Berry will report without delay to the medical director Army of Northern Virginia. XXIV. Sergeant George M. Keckley, Company C, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field'service, is during his unfitness detailed to work in the machine shops of the South Carolina Railroad, and will report to H. L. Peake, superintendent, &c., at Charleston, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished to his commanding officer every thirty days. XXV. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty, to take effect April 25, 1864: Private Lewis C. Corley, Company E, Private William Bishop, Company C, First North Carolina Cavalry; Private G. W. N. Rodes, Company C, Private Henry Moore, Company A, Private Thomas Pickett, Company K, Second North Carolina Cavalry; Private James Minchiner, Company F, Private John Francisco, Company H, Private John Moore, Company L, Cobb's Legion, cavalry; Privates T. J. Moore, E. 0. Lynch, Company D, Phillips' Legion, cavalry; Private Junius Welch, Company A, Privates J. T. Krebs, J. T. Stanley, Company B, Jeff. Davis Legion; Private John D. Scott, Company B, Third Virginia Cavalry. XXVI. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty, to take effect April 30,1864: G. H- Ashly, Company A, Twelfth Virginia Cavalry; James Green, Company E, James Albow, Company B, Eleventh Virginia Cavalry; Elijah Peterson, Company F, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry. 811 XXVII. The following-named men are transferred from the army to navy, and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, in this city, for assignment to duty, to take effect May 2, 1864: Privates f McDermot, II. Vols, Company H, Privates J. Dushill, R. Goodman, Com- pany F, Privates H. Hamlin, B. T. Andrews, Company C, Forty-first Bat- talion Virginia Cavalry; Private S. Nelson, Company C, Privates J. Mid- dUton, H. Dever, Company K, Sixty-second Virginia Regiment; Private /. Gladdin, Company L, Private L. R. Peay, Company G, Private G. N. finer, Company E, Forty-first Virginia Battalion; Private F. Britton, Com- pany D, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion. XXVIII. The resignation of Surgeon N. W White, Twenty-sixth Bat- talion Virginia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XXIX. Captain V J. B. Girardy [Girardey,] assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from duty on the staff of Brigadier-General A. R. Wright, and will report to Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector- general, in this city. XXX. Colonel William Butler, First Regiment South Carolina Volun- teers, will report without delay to General G. T. Beauregard, command- ing Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assignment to duty. XXXI. The Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteers will proceed at once to the Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia and report to the general commanding for assignment to duty. XXXII. The Eighteenth Georgia Battalion will proceed at once to the Mattoax bridge, on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and re- lieve the detachment of the Twenty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, Hunton's brigade. The detachment on being relieved will move promptty to its command—Army Northern Virginia. The Eighteenth Georgia Bat- talion will constitute the permanent guards to the bridges over the Appomattox and the one two miles beyond over Flat Creek. XXXIII. First Lieutenant J. T. Keesee, adjutant, Henley's battalion, Local Defense Troops, will report immediately at this office, his pres- ence being absolutely necessary. XXXIV. Colonel Anderson's cavelry regiment-, now serving in De- partment of South South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will proceed Dy highway via Atlanta, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding Army of Tennessee. XXXV. All the companies raised in the State of Virginia for local defense and special service, commonly called home guards, will report to Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia; in this city, for orders. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 312 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, May 23,1864 No. 119. f I. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the nav» to date from April 13, 1864: Jack O'Done [O'Dono,] Company Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters; J. D. Warner, Company E, Edit^ McCormack, Company H, W. J. Robson, Company E, Thirty-third sippi Regiment; M. F. Fitzheavy, Company H, John Edwards, CompUnt K, A. J. Geragano, Company B, Third Mississippi Regiment; I)r. j> Gillinsly, Company F, R. P. Pulliam, Company C, R. Watts, Company Thirty-first Mississippi Regiment; J. Murphy, M. Morrissey, Company C, Twenty-second Mississippi Regiment; W. H. Fluey, Company B, b.f Jones, Company H, R. T. Faucett, Company F, J. H. Jones, Company Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment; William Hardcastle, Company p F. H. Steel, Company B, Jephta Davis, J. R. Wood, Company E, Fifteenth' Mississippi Regiment; Thomas Jandron, Company K, J. R. Allen, J. h Jackson, Company I, Twenty-third Mississippi Regiment; R. M. Slup. pard, W. H. Calcote, Company H, Twelfth Louisiana Regiment; J. ft Armstrong, Company D, W. B. Miller, Company G, Ninth Arkansas Regj. ment; T. Proctor, Company D, J. B. Morris, Company H, J. Murphy Company I, Fifty-fifth Alabama Regiment; S. J. Sharpless, R. H. Sharp, less, Company A, W. T. Ilinson, D. H. Hall, Company I, H. B. Corle^ Company A, Fifty-seventh Alabama Regiment. II. Sergeant David McQutcheon, of Company A, Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his reginaent. III. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private Norwood Tilden, Company A, Twenty-seventh Louisiana Volunteers, to Medical Director [John if] Haden; Private W. W. Norris, Company A, Fifth Georgia Volunteers, to Medical Director [SL H.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga.; Private W. F. Robertson Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers, to colonel of his regi- ment; Sergeant J. F. Young, Company F, Seventeenth North Carolina Volunteers, to Colonel Jackson, Kenansville, N. C.; Private Robert W. Enniss, Twenty-second Alabama Volunteers, to colonel of his regi- ment. IV. Captain Waller Thompson, Company I, Thirty-second Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will immediately report for duty with his company. V. In the absence of Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] Brigadier-General W. E. Jones will assume command of the Department of Southwestern Virginia. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S, Army: Captain Jacob Foster, Company A, Twenty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; Captain E. F. Young, Company E, Eighth Arkansas Volunteers; Captain J. W. Robinson, Com- pany C, Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers; Captain George TP. Byram, Company C, Fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain S. M. Ralston, Cora- pany D, Sixth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant 0. S. Ragluni Company D, Forty-third Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant M- Duffie, Company K, Fifty-first Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Samuel W. Robinson, Company K, Thirty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant George W. Prior, Company G, Lieutenant Joseph R. 1^ Company'- H, Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant T. J. Terry, Company C, Forty-first Mississippi Volunteers. 313 VII. Captain W. D. Stuart, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed at once to the Headquarters Army of Isorthern Virginia and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his chief engineer. VIII. Sergeant F. M. Woods, Company G, Fifth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in the Conscription Bureau, and will report to Colonel William, Miller, commandant of conscripts State of Florida, for assignment. Cer- lificate of his condition will be forwarded to his commanding officer monthly. IX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private A. Newcombe, Company B, Third Virginia Cavalry; Private R. W. Dawson, Company I, Thirty- second Virginia Volunteers. X. Leave of absence for thirty days, unless sooner exchanged, is granted Captain William M. Jones, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. XI. Captain F. C. Fisher, Company C, Twelfth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness assigned to the duty of receiving and forwarding the conscripts intended for his regiment, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Lockhart, com- mandant conscripts State of Alabama. XII. Private A. G. Sinclair, of Company K, Henley's battalion, Local Defense Troops, will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Palfrey, assistant adjutant-general, at this office, his services being essential. XIII. Private W. T. Bell, Company A, Sixty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain H, Wade, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Greenville, Ala. Cer- tificates of his condition will be forwarded his company commander monthly. XIV. First Lieutenant 0. M. Van Ekeline, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General James. L. Kemper, commanding the reserve forces of Virginia, for assignment to duty. XV. Second Lieutenant J. W. G. Smith, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Trans-Mississippi De- partment, and will report to chief of Bureau of Conscription for assign- ment. XVI. Private Thomas J. Read, of Company G, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, being a citizen of Kentucky, is transferred to Company D, Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XVII. Private James L. Wadditt, of Company B, Twenty-second Bat- talion Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Messrs. Haxall, Crenshaw [& Co.,] in this city, to relieve Private J. Li Harlow, of Company H, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion, who will immediately rejoin his command. XVIII. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 103, current series, directing First Lieutenant John McHenry Howard, Provisional Army Confederate States, artillery, to report to General R. E. Lee is hereby revoked. 79—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 814 XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant W. C. Poktj Company C, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended thin, days. XX. Private R. C. Moore, of Captain Bradley's company, Second Baj. talion, Waul's Legion, Texas volunteers, now serving with Company G, Seventh Regiment Texas Volunteers, will immediately rejoin h{, command. XXI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each the others command,, all parties consenting, provided no expense totl* "Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private John Sanderford, Com. pany E, Fortieth Alabama Volunteers; Private B. P. Bonner, Com pan j A, Ninth Alabama Cavalry. XXII. Private J. T. Ramsey, of Company D, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and wi^ the consent of the officers concerned, to Company D, First Battalion, General Morgan's command, and will report accordingly. ' XXIII. Captain E. P. Bryan, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty at Charleston, S. C., and will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., at Chester Va., for assignment to special services. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 24,1864. Special Orders) No. 120. i I. The resignation of Lieutenant Ro. C. MiUer, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. II. By direction of the President a court of inquiry, to consist of the following medical officers, viz.: Surgeons W. M. Gentry, A. H. Vorhea, L. T. Pirn, the junior member of which will-act as recorder, will meet at Selma, Ala., on the 10th proximo to Investigate the contra- dictions which exist between the certificates made by the hospital examining board, Selma, Ala., of January 11,1864/ and those of the examining board for Hindman's division, Army of Tennessee, of April 11, 1864, in the case of A. B. Bower, ordnance sergeant, Twenty-eighth Alabama Regiment. The court is authorized to adjourn from time to time to such place or places as may be necessary, and will report fully the facts in the case with its opinion upon the merits. III. Major W: T. Martin, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to in- spection duty. He will repair to Dublin, Va., and act under instruc* tions which he will find awaiting him there. IV. The First Georgia Regiment, Colonel [C. JET.] Olmstead, will proceed with the greatest possible expedition by railroad via Atlanta, Ga., and report to General J. E. Johnston, commanding Army of Tennessee. V. Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 112, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, May 9, 1863, appointing Private Thomas V. Robinson, Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, is hereby revoked. 315 VI. Captain John J. Middleton, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Fifteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as chief quartermaster of the artillery of the First Corps, Army of Xorthern Virginia. VII. Major W. F. Ayer is relieved from duty as post quartermaster at Palton, Ga., and will proceed without delay to La Grange, Ga., and as- sume the duties of post quartermaster at that place. VIII. Private William M. Heath, of Company A, First Regiment of South Carolina Cavalry, is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation, for assignment to duty. IX. The following-named men are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty as designated: Conscript William A. Miller to Major W. G. Fugerson [W. T. Ferguson,'] quartermaster, in this city; Charles S. Ellis, quartermaster's sergeant, First Battalion North Carolina Heavy Artillery, to Major John W. Cameron, quartermaster, Wilmington, N. C.; Conscripts E. A. Smith, J. B. Oliver to Major G. W. Cunningham, Atlanta, Ga. X. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private B. W. Williams, Company C, Third Alabama Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private George Harris Peel, Company I, Sixty-first Alabama Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private W. M. Cravens, Company B, Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private W. B. Wells, Eighth Bat- talion Georgia Volunteers, to Surgeon [A. J.] Foard, medical director, Ac.; Conscript James M. Moore to Surgeon [P. E.] Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C.; Private Clarance C. Ward, Company D, Balch's Tennes- see cavalry, to acting medical director at Mobile, Ala.; Private Joseph G. Nelson, Company C, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers, to Surgeon [5. P.] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga.; Sergeant T. P. Robinson, Jeff. Davis Artillery, to Surgeon Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga.; Con- script James T. Hornlines to Medical Director IS. H.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga. XI. Brigadier-General William M. Gardner, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will report without delay to this office for assignment to duty. XII. Colonel J. B. Walton is relieved from inspection duty, and will report in person to General R. E. Lee for artillery service in Army of Northern Virginia. XIII. Private John W. Switley, of Company H, Fourth Regiment of South Carolina Cavalry, having been elected to a civil office, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XIV. The following-named officers are relieved from duty in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and will re- port to Major-General John H. Forney for assignment: Major S. Croom, assistant adjutant-general; Major H. W. Williams, quartermaster; Sur- geon J. C. Nidelet, Provisional Army Confederate States. XV. Private William E. Lively, of Company D, Tenth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secre- tary of the Treasury, for assignment. XVI. Sergeant Thomas Rock, Twenty-fifth Regiment Texas Cavalry, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. 316 XVII. Colonel John McCausland (nominated brigadier-general) jj hereby assigned to the command of Jenkins' brigade of cavalry. XVIII. Private F. M. Walker, of Company K, Eleventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain John A. Homer, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Fort Valley, Ga., for assignment. XIX. Private William H. Abdell, of Company H, Sixth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Richmond post-office, and will report to John 0. Stegor, esq., postmaster, &c., for assignment. XX. Sergeant-Major J. B. Milam, of Sixtieth Regiment Georgia Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain [J. T.] Peyton, assistant quartermaster, at Atlanta. XXI. Private Thomas B. Lynes, of Company A, First Regiment Mobile Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Forty-third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confed- erate States is thereby incurred. XXII. Major L. R. Page, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed with- out delay to Danville, Va., and make a thorough inspection of the various government departments at that place. He will make a report of his inspection to the Adjutant and Inspector-General. XXIII. Thomas T. Long, aid-de-camp, having been specially assigned to the duty of visiting troops from Florida in the armies of the Confed- .erate States, with a view of procuring information concerning deceased soldiers from that State, and of obtaining from the officers in command of companies final statements of deceased soldiers to be filed in the Second Auditor's Office to facilitate the settlement of such claims, com- manders of armies in which Florida troops may be serving are requested to afford to him such facilities in the discharge of his duties as may not conflict with interests of the service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and he will be allowed to pur- chase the same rations from the subsistence departments as are sold to colonels in the field. XXIV. Major Charles Snowden, quartermaster, &c., is relieved from duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report to Major-General A. Elzey, commanding, &c., Staunton, Va., for assignment. XXV. Quartermasters, commissaries, and government agents will afford all necessary facilities to J. A. Wagner, special courier of War Department, to Trans-Mississippi Department and thence to Richmond, Va. XXVI. A furlough for twenty days with transportation to Amherst County, Va., is granted Private H. M. Loving, of Company E, Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XXVII. Lieutenant Ro. L. Pendleton, of Company A, Third Battalion, Forces Local Defense, will report without delay to this office for assign- ment to duty. XXVIII. Captain J. M. Jamison, assistant quartermaster, will proceed without delay to-Headquarters Army of Tennessee and report to Lieu- tenant-Colonel M. B. McMickin [McMicken.] chief quartermaster, Army of Tennessee, to relieve Captain J. C. Head, assistant quartermaster. Captain Head on being relieved will proceed without delay to Head- . quarters Trans-Mississippi Department and report for assignment to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c. 317 XXIX. Private M. E. Cuthbert, of the Twelfth Battalion Virginia Artil- jery, is detailed for special service in the Navy Department, and will report to Commander John M. Brooks [Brooke,] in charge of ordnance and hydrography, C. S. Navy, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. "WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 25,1864. Special Orders) No. 121. J I. The discharge granted Private William J. Beck, of Wyatt's battery, Poague's artillery battalion, February 20,1863, is annulled, and Private Beck will have his name taken up on the rolls of his former company in order that he may be placed on [in] the Invalid Corps. II. Assistant Surgeon Thomas F. Tebbs will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director of hospitals, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. III. Assistant Surgeon W. T. Gregory is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts, Macon, for duty on examining board conscripts in one of the Congressional districts of Georgia. IV. Surgeon H. A. Mettanor [Mettaner] is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts for Georgia, at the camp of instruction, Macon. V. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 128, series of 1863, is hereby re- voked, and Assistant], Surgeon Wm. R.Johnson, Provisional Army Confed- crate States, will report without delay to Surgeon J. M. Haden, medical director, &c., Shreveport, La., to take charge of the medical laboratory at Tyler, Tex. VI. Assistant Surgeon J. A. Baden is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director of hospitals, Richmond Va., for assignment to duty. VII. Hospital Steward Roland Steiner will report without delay to Surgeon W. H. Doughty, Augusta, Ga., for assignment to duty. YlII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 11, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Hospital Steward L. P. Coleman is hereby revoked, he being reported a deserter to the enemy. IX. Hospital Steward Peter S. Conden is relieved from present duty, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, Rich- mond, Va., for assignment to duty. X. The examining board in the case of Captain C. T. Huckstepp [Huck- artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, having found that he is unfit to perform the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President Captain C. T. Huckstepp [Huckstep] will cease from this date to be an officer of the army. XI. The proceedings and decision of the examining board in the case of Private W. F. Sheffield, who has been elected second lieutenant Company C, Seventh Florida Regiment, adverse to his promotion are approved and confirmed. Private Sheffield will therefore return to his position in the ranks. 80-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0—4 318 XII. The exatnining board in the case of Lieutenant John Ford, Com. pany E, Thirty-third Virginia Infantry, having found that he is unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Ford, by order of the President, will cease from this date to be an officer of the army. XIII. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant J. j; Sermons [Simons,] Company G, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the finding of the board having been approved by'the Secretary of War, by order of the President Lieutenant J. J. Sermons [Simons] will from this date cease to be an officer of the army. XIV. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant Georgt White, Company B, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment, having found that he ig unfit to discharge the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President Lieutenant White will from this date cease to be an officer of the army. XV. The examining board in the case of Lieutenant J. A. McCall, Company E, Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform his proper and legitimate duties, and recommend that he be honorably retired, and the finding having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President Lieutenant J. A. McCall is honorably retired from the service without pay or allowance, and will from this date cease to be an officer of the army. XVI. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant J. Hall, Company I, Second Florida Regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the find- ing having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President Second Lieutenant J. Hall will from this date cease to be an officer of the army. XVII. The examining board in the case of Lieutenant J. H. More- head, Company H, Eleventh Alabama Regiment, having found that he is unfit, because of advanced age, to perform the duties of his position, and the . finding having been approved by the Secretary of War, by order of the President Lieutenant J. H. Morehead is honorably retired from service without pay or allowance, and will from this date cease to be an officer of the army. XVIII. The Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, Colonel [B. //.] Rutledge commanding, and the Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Miller [John M. Millen] commanding, will proceed with the greatest possible expedition by highway to headquarters Army of Northern Virginia and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, for assignment. XIX. The corps of cadets Virginia Military Institute will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] commanding, &c. XX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army : Colonel William G. Robinson; Second North Carolina Cavalry; First Lieutenant W. C. Driver, Company E, Seventh Louisiana Volunteers; Second Lieutenant G. B. Strickland, Company K, Forty-second Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John Sweeney, Company K, First South Carolina Volun- teers; Lieutenant is?. P. Tutwiler, Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Cav- airy; Captain James 0. Cooper, Company E, Forty-eighth Tennessee 319 Volunteers; Captain A. C. Pippin, Company A, Twenty-eighth Tennes- ^ Voluuteers; Captain E. D. Polk, Company B, Thirty-fourth Tennes- ^Volunteers; Captain J. M. Phillips, Company D, Fourth Tennessee (\viJry; Captain J. F. Richie, Company B, Eighth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. II. Sthieshler [Sthreshley,'] adjutant, Fourth Louisiana n trillion; First Lieutenant J. R. Roundtree, Company I, Fifth Missis- i pi Volunteers; First Lieutenant /. W. Roberts, Company D, Thirty- Lcond Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant James A. Lee, Company E, r Seventh Mississippi Volunteers ; First Lieutenant Arthur W. Hardin, ^nipany G, First Confederate Cavalry Regiment; First Lieutenant r D.E. Rigys, Company B, Seventh Louisiana Volunteers ; FirstLieuten- ant J- & Robinson, Company E, Thirty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Qt>cond Lieutenant W. H. Quilliam, Company H, Second Lieutenant j jl McDade, Company I, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieu- U-nant iV. C. Young, Company C, Thirty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; j^cond Lieutenant T. J. Terry, Company C, Forty-first Mississippi Cav- airy [Infantry;] Second Lieutenant H. W. Taylor, Company B, Twenty- sixth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant R. E. Thurman, Company ( C Fifty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thomas Morgan, Company I, First Florida Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thos. Padrick, Company I, First Florida Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Wm. P. Clanton, Company D, Forty-second Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J Quill, Company 1, Eighth Alabama Volunteers; L. McRae, Simpson's company, Myers' battalion: J. W. Shinn, Company E, Seventeenth Vir- ginia Volunteers; A. Beimer, Company B, Fifteenth Arkansas Volun- teers; N. J. Robertson, Company D, Twenty-fourth Tennessee Volun- teers; IV. B. Glover, Company —, First Confederate Georgia Volunteers. XXI. Captain W. Bowie, of the Fortieth Regiment Virginia Volun- uers, will proceed to Columbia, S. C., and inspect the management of die conscript bureau there and at different agencies of the State, re- porting from each point. All general orders relating to the subject will he found in the hands of the enrolling officers. XXII. Leave of absence for six months without permission to leave the Confederate States is granted Captain F. B. DuBarry, artillery, Pro- visional Army Confederate States. XXIII. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 46, current series, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Robert M. Sands, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his regiment. XXIV. Private H. Gosee, of the Confederate Guard, Ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsist- enee Department, and will report to Messrs. Haxall & Crenshaw, govern- merit contractors, &c., in this city. XXV. Lieutenant E. A. Portis, of Company K, Forty-second Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Conscription De- partment, and will report to commandant conscripts State of Alabama. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, May 31,1864. Special Orders ) No. 126. ( I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain H. McCoy, assistant Quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States y Second Lieutenant S. W. Allen, Citizens Guard, First Mobile Volunteers;' Second Lieutenant Gibson Dodson, Company G, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Volunteers; Colonel J. L.Sheffield, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant Joseph II. Jones, Rice's battery; First Lieutenant William M. Taylor, Company C, Second Cherokee Regiment; Second Lieutenant Hardy. H. Hunter, Company D, Bonaud's battalion; Captain R. M. Henry, Company D, Sixty-second North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant James A. Jervis, Company F, Sixty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain H. E. Lane, Company G, Fifty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant E. T. Hunnicutt, Company B, Second Lieutenant K. Gramling, Company E, Lee's Rangers; Captain A. D. Cutis, Company F, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers. II. The decision of the examining board in the case of Lieutenant J. M. Peedin, Company C, Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment, adverse to his promotion is approved and confirmed, and Lieutenant Peedin will retain his present position. 332 III. The decision of the examining board in the case of R. B. Ipf;r elected second lieutenant Company E, Twenty-third Mississippi Hep! ment, adverse to his promotion is approved and confirmed, ana he will return to the ranks. IV. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assign^ to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report as designated; Second Lieutenants. R. Reid to commandant conscripts State of Georgia- Captain John W. Mallory to commandant conscripts State of Tennessee'. Second Lieutenant F. A. Gunter, Captain N. S. McAfee to commandant conscripts State of Alabama; Captain H. B. Landers to chief of bureau of conscription of the Trans-Mississippi Department for assignment- Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Coit to chief of bureau of conscription Tranj! Mississippi Department for assignment in Texas. V: Private William, T. Ballow, of Company A, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for three months detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Halifax County, Va. VI. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 78, current series,as refers to Colonel W. Clarke [Clark,] Thirty-ninth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, is hereby revoked, and Colonei Clarke [Clark] will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army, in order that he may be retired to the Invalid Corps. VII. Leave of absence for sixty days for the benefit of his health is granted Surgeon N. S. Orowell, medical director of general hospitals Charleston, S. C. During his absence Surgeon R. A. Kinloch will act as medical director of general hospitals. VIII. Lieutenant J. T. Lane, of Company G, Sixty-third Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, will report to the commandant of conscripts for State of Florida for assignment to duty. IX. Second Lieutenant W. S. Archer, Confederate States infantry, will proceed without delay to Headquarters Army Northern Virginia and report to General Ro. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. X. Lieutenant J. Wi Patrick, of Company D, Sixtieth Regiment Ak- bama Volunteers, will proceed to Departments of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee, for the purpose of collecting the absentees and deserters of Brigadier-General A. Grade's command. He will return to their proper commands all men not detailed by competent authority. XI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain M. S. Womack, Company G, Fifth Mississippi Volunteers, March 20,1862; Chaplain A. S. Worrell, Provisional Army Confederate States, May 1,1864. XII. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect April 22,1864: First Lieutenant James M. Cameron, Company D, Terrell's regiment; Second Lieutenant William Clemens, Company K, Third Texas Infantry; Colonel John H. Burnett, Thirteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry ; Captain W. F. Clarkt, Company C, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. M. Naybr, Company H, Debray's regiment Texas cavalry. XIII. Private J. T. Ilazlewood, of Company D, Twelfth and Forty- seventh Regiments Tennessee Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to Surgeon S. II. Stout, medical director, dc., Atlanta, Ga, 833 XIV. Private D. C. Cady, of Company L, First Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, is detailed to take charge of the surplus baggage of the officers and men of his regiment at the Texas depot, in this city, to take effect from February 28, 1864. XV. Horses belonging to the Army of Northern Virginia will not be pastured or recruited within the lines of the Richmond defenses. The grass and other forage is required for horses belonging to the Depart- ment of Richmond. XVI. First Lieutenant Thomas Nash, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is relieved from duty in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report to General G. T. Beauregard, com- nianding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assignment. XVII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. G. Royal, Invalid Corps. XVIII. A furlough for sixty days with transportation to his home in Mississippi is granted Private Allen Estes,.of Company L, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XIX. A furlough for sixty days with transportation to his home in Georgia is granted Private A. G. Register, of Company H, Fourteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XX. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant W. G. Miller, of the Otey Battery, Virginia artillery, is extended sixty days. XXI. Lieutenant W. F. Withers, C. S. Army, will report for duty to Brigadier-General James H. Clanton, commanding, &c., at Blue Mountain, Xorth Ala. XXII. Private Julian St. J. Jordan, of Captain G. A. Roberts' cavalry company, is transferred to Captain R. F. Kolb's battery light artillery, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXIII. First Lieutenant T. H. McKinnie, of Company H, Nineteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to such duty as his condition may allow. XXIV. Private Richard Owens, of Company I, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being a minor, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. He will be allowed transportation to his home in South Carolina. XXV. Commanding officers of regiments and companies which have recently been ordered from the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida will furnish Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., with complete lists of the men of their commands on detached service in Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, stating where and on what duty they are. The receipt of such men as may be forwarded under this order will be acknowledged to Major-General Samuel Jones. XXVI. Surgeon 0. R. Taber is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon \_R. LJ] Brodie, medical director, near Petersburg, Va., for duty. XXVII. Surgeon 0. F. Baxter is relieved from present duty, and will report to officer in command at Chaffin's Farm for duty without delay. XXVIII. The following-named acting medical officers will have their names dropped from the rolls of medical officers, having declined their examinations by an army medical board: Dr. Thomas W. Cecil, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry; Dr. Strong, Tenth Kentucky Mounted In- fantry; Dr. W. L. Morgan, Sixty-fourth Virginia Cavalry. 84—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 334 XXIX. Surgeon Alfred Carter Elevins will have his name dropped from roll of medical officers Provisional Army Confederate States, he having been rejected by an army medical board. XXX. Acting Assistant Surgeon Samuel J. Fox is hereby dropped from the roll of medical officers Provisional Army Confederate States; he having been rejected by an army medical board. XXXI. Surgeon H. L. Wilson, in addition to his duties as surgeon at headquarters of commandant of conscripts, will serve on the board of examiners at Camp of Instruction, Macon, Ga. XXXII. Major-General R. F. Hoke, Provisional Army Confederate States, with his division, will proceed with all possible expedition to Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia .and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistan t A djutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 1, 1864. Special Orders) No. 127. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant E. F. Matthews, Company B,cavalry battalion, Waul's Texas Legion; First Lieutenant W. H. Dudley, Company B, Keizer's regiment of [Tennessee] cavalry; Second Lieutenant J. M. Harper, Caldwell's company, Faulkner's regi- ment Kentucky cavalry; Captain W. H. Thomas, Company C, Fourteenth Confederate Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. E. Childress, Company E, Forty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain J. M. McLendon, Company G, Fourteenth Mississippi Battalion Light Artillery; First Lieutenant L. E. Rhodes, Company F, Fifty-second Tennessee Volunteers; Chaplain James A. Murphree, Forty-ninth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant Jesse Carroll, Company D, Second Lieutenant James M. Adkison, Com- pany G, Fifty-seventh Alabama Volunteers. II. Leaves of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of dis- ability are granted the following-named dfficers: Lieutenant Thomas A. Murray, Troup Artillery, Cabell's battalion; Lieutenant. C. Hawkins, Company K, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; Captain L. E. Edwards, Com- pany E, Ninth Virginia Volunteers; acting-Adjutant J. A. Kennedy, Lieutenant-Colonel K. Otey, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant James Hill, Company B, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers; Captain J. H. Fleet, Company H, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant Silas Booth, Company D, Fifty-eighth Virginia Volunteers; Captain L. E. Sanford, Company A, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Colonel N. A. Brorn, First North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant T. C. James, adjutant, Lieutenant G. W. Ward, Company B, Lieutenants A. J. Carter, G. M. Ormsby, Company K, Third North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenants P. D. Carlton, N. R. McNeeley, Company A, Fourth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Lieutenant George Wilcox, Company H, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant J. A. Graham, Company G, Twenty- seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. T. Bradley, Company B, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant W. T. McEntire, "Company D, Captain W. F. Avery, Company G, Thirty-third North 335 Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant G. W. Woods, Company A, Thirty- fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant R. M. Staley, Company E,Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant L. D. Killett, Company C, Captain L. P. Coleman, Company G, Forty-third North Carolina Volunteers ; Lieutenant J. H. Scales„ Company C, Forty-fifth Sorth Carolina Volunteers; Colonel J. K. Conally, Fifty-fifth North Caro- linaVolunteers; Lieutenants. Lewis, Company B, South Carolina Sharp- ghooters; Captain J. B. Moore, Company L, Lieutenant-Colonel H. McD. Miller,Orr's Rifles,South Carolina volunteers; Lieutenant M. R. Tharin, Company L, Captain E. D. Blailsford [Brailsford,] Company I, Lieu- tenant B. F. Howard, Company B, Firs.t South Carolina Volunteers; Colonel John H Kennedy, Lieutenant A. McNeills, Company F, Second South Carolina Volunteers; Colonel A. Coward, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant J. R. Goodall, Company E, Captain E.J. Goggin, Company M, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant W. HcSween, Company F, Seventh South Carolina Battalion; Major H. H. Harper, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant J. H lewis, Company C, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Ensign J. M. Pendergrass, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieuten- ant IE D. Wynnn, Company D, Lieutenant W. H. Bearden, Company L, Third Georgia Volunteers; Captain A. C. Frost, Company. D, Lieutenant J. McConnel, Company F, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; Lieu- tenant D. R. Towers, Company H, Eighth Georgia Volunteers ; Lieuten- ant IE T. Conn, Company F, Ninth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant J. Gartledge, Company D, Tenth Georgia Volunteers ; Assistant Surgeon N., Ilart, Fourteenth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant J. 0. Waddell, adjutant, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers ; Lieutenant W. Klank, Company D, Lieu- tenant G. T. Nungzer [Nungeyer,'] Company G, Twenty-sixth Georgia Vol- unteers; Lieutenant G. M. Hood, Company D, Major R. T. Pride, Thirty- first Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant J. M. Mitchain [Mitcham,] Company B, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant R. W. Freeman, adjutant, Captain James Henderson, Company B, Lieutenant J". D. Mann, Company D, Lieutenant J. H. Hammond, Company E, Forty-fourth Georgia Volun- teers; Captain A. W. Gibson, Company K, Forty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Captain W. T. Mullaly, Company I, Lieutenant J. F. Dagger, Company C, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant W. Baird, Company C, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers ; Captain J. P. Erwin, Company G, Sixty- first Georgia Volunteers; Major W. M. Robin [Robbins,] Fourth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant/. W. Fleming, Company I, Fifth Alabama Vol- unteers; Colonel J. N. Lightfoot, Sixth Alabama Volunteers ; Lieutenant J. K. McBride, Company C, Ninth Alabama Volunteers ; Adjutant T. D. Gregory, First Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant H. Baxter, Company B, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers ; Captain A. C. Jones, Company G, Third Arkansas Volunteers; Lieutenant R. H. Franks, Company D, Fourth Texas Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel K. Bryan, Fifth Texas Volun- teers; Lieutenant J. P. Guzzle, Company C, Fourth Texas Volunteers; Lieutenant Winston Rucker, Company C, Third Kentucky Volunteers. III. Leaves of absence upon surgeon's certificate of disability for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Cap- tain H. B. Dickinson, Company D, Fifty-ninth Virginia Volunteers, twenty days; Captain A. Mizell, Company H, First North Carolina Vol- unteers, twenty-five days; Lieutenant S. S. Biddle, Company C, Sixty- first North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days; Lieutenants J. A. Mc- David, W. Y. Sherard, Company F, Second South Carolina Rifles, twenty days; Colonel T. B. Lamar, Fifth Florida Volunteers, fifty days; Lieu- 336 tenant W. D. McClelland, Company F, Forty-eighth Mississippi y0j teers, fifty days ; Lieutenant George Connor, adjutant, Second Louigjj0* Volunteers, ten days; Captain John Goswick, Company I, Thirty-ei„}?J Georgia Volunteers, fifty days; Captain T. R. Holland, Company j) Sixth Georgia Volunteers, twenty-five days; Lieutenant W. R Company F, Twelfth Georgia Volunteers, twenty-five days; Capt^ W. R. Redding, Company E, Thirteenth Georgia Volunteers, twenty.fiT( days; Lieutenant J. A. Edwards, Company F, Fifteenth Georgia VoluD. teers, twenty-five days; Lieutenant W. A. Cheves, Company I, Lieu^u. ant W. A. Byrd, Company E, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers, twentr. five days; Lieutenant W. B. Chambers, Company I, Nineteenth Georpj Volunteers, twenty-five days; Lieutenant L. W. Davis, Company K Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, twenty-five days; Lieutenant if. Strickland, Company H, Forty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, twenty-fivt days; Lieutenant R. D. Johns, Company G, First Virginia Cavalry, fortr days ; Lieutenant J. Hughes, Company F, Second Virginia Cavalry, forty days; Lieutenant H. T. Meredith, Company K, Third Virginia Cavalry, forty days; Lieutenant J. E. Routh, Company A, Ninth Virginia Ca'y airy, forty days; Captain G. K. Griggs, Company K, Thirty-eighth Vir- ginia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant R. S. Sadler, Company I, Fifty, fifth Virginia Volunteers, forty days ; Captain C. J. Iredell, Company E, First North Carolina Cavalry, forty days; Major L. C. Latham, First North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant T. P. Malhy, Com- pany D, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Captain D.J. Devarte, Company I, Twentieth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Captain J. A. Breedlove, Company G, Twenty-third North Carolina Vol- unteers, forty days ; Captain D. L. Hudson, Company G, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, forty days ; Lieutenants. W. Dockery, Com- pany E, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days ; Lieuten- ant J. G. Jeffreys, Company I, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days ; Lieutenant H. R. Crichton, Company F, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Colonel W. A. Owens, Fifty-third North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant L. T. Reeder, Company F, Orr's Rifles, forty days ; Captain G. M. Grimes, Company G, First South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. M. Vandiver, Company K, Second South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Captain W. J. Stover, Company I, Lieutenant J. A. Walson [ Watson,'] Company A, Twelfth South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant John C. Anderson, adjutant, Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Ensign James F. Murphy, Captain J. P. Carson, Company I, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. M. Patterson,. Company H, Seventh Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant S. H. Manget, Company G, Tenth Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. W. Morrow, Company II, Eleventh Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant N. T. Johnson, adjutant, Twelfth Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Captain W. G. L. Butt, Company K, Twenty-third Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant C. M. Compton, Company I, Thirty-first Georgia Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. R. Winchester, Company D, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, forty days ; Lieutenant L. Baker, adjutant, Fifty-third Georgia Volun- teers, forty days; Lieutenant-Colonel B. H. Gee, Captain S. H. Gates, Company K, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers,forty days; Captain D. F. K. Melton, Company I, Lieutenant W. H. May, Company G, Third Ala- bama Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. B. Hannon, Company B, Eighth Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant A. J. Christian, Com- pany I,.Tenth Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenants. L. Horn, 337 Company D, Twelfth Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant ft. N. AppUton, Company E, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J- H. Strain, Company H, Second Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant ft. W. Black, Company G, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. W. Gower, Company D, Eight- eonth Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant L. B. Lester, Com- pany G, Nineteenth Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant 11". B. Williams, Company C, Forty-eighth Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Captain A. T. W. Alexander, Company C, First Tennessee Volun- teers, forty days; Captain J. L. Lyons, Company A, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant R. N. Tinnire [Tinnin,~] Company C, First Texas Volunteers, forty days; Captain E. Owens \_Owen,~\ Washing- ton Artillery, twent}' days. IV. The unattached companies of Captains A. A. Griffin and W. H. Cone, Florida volunteers, are hereby assigned to the Fifth Florida Bat- talion Cavalry, and will form a part of that battalion. V. Lieutenant-Colonel [ft. F.~] Eshleman, with his battalion of light artillery, will immediately proceed to Headquarters Department of Richmond and report to Major-General..ft. Ransom, [jr.,] commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. VI. The assignment of the following-named officers by Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 114, current series, will take effect as follows: Major Thomas Rowland, assistant adjutant-general, April 28, 1864; Captain J. P. [J. T1] Brown, assistant adjutant-general, April 26, 1864. VII. Lieutenant-Colonel David Urquhart, assistant adjutant and in- spector-general, will, under special instructions from General ft. Bragg, proceed to make a full and rigid inspection of the command of Colonel J. B. Palmer, in Western North Carolina ; also of all troops and stations in the districts of Pickens, Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg, Laurens, and Abbeville, S. C. VIII. Sergeant-Major J. N. Bell, of the Sixth Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the War Department, and will report to Captain ft. G. H. Kean, chief of Bureau of War, for assignment. IX. Joseph H. Hynson, esq., is appointed a commissioner under the impressment act, vice Richard Nugent, resigned. X. Captain Israel Gibbon, assistant quartermaster, will report without delay to Major Frank Clarke, commandant conscripts for East Louisiana, for assignment to duty. XI. Lieutenant George E. Strawbridge, Company K, First Louisiana Artillery, is temporarily assigned to duty with Semmes' battery, now serving in District of Western Louisiana, and will report accordingly. XII. Sergeant George H. Meek, of Company—, Battalion Washington Light Artillery, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. ft. Waddy, chief ordnance officer, Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assignment to duty at Fort Clifton, Va. XIII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private T. F. Johnson, Company A, Arsenal Battalion, to Medical Purveyor [James ft] Johnson, Charlotte, N. C.; Private Edward P. Culver, Company I, Twenty-second Alabama Volunteers, to Medical Director [ft Jft.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga. 85—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0—4 338 XIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended forty days : E. F. T. Rowland, Company B, Eighteenth Geor^ Battalion; W. H. McLeod, Company I, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; McCallum, Company E, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; IF. H. Joyf^ Joe Thompson's [Thompson] Artillery; John Churchwell, Company p Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers ; William Sawyer, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volunteers ; Shubel F. Wood, Company K, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers. XV. The following-named men of the Fifty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers having been appointed commissioned officers, will be dig. charged their former service: L. F. Choice, Company H; A. Davcsoi^ Company E. XVI. Lieutenant C. F. Smith, First Regiment Engineer Troops, will proceed without delay with the animals and men under his command to Gordonsville,Va., and bring from thence the reserve bridge material By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant"Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 2,1864. Special Orders) No. 128. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain George W. Littlejidd, Company I, Eighth Texas. Cavalry; Captain W. H. Brazier, Company K, Second Lieutenant G. F. Page, Company I, Tenth Confederate Cav- airy; Captain Andrew McGregor, Company G, Fourth Tennessee Cav- airy; First Lieutenant Perry C. Wilkes, Company B, One Hundred and fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Columbus Lee, Company A, Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. B. Doggett, Company K, Ninth Mississippi Volunteers; Rev, J. H. Wealh- erly, chaplain, Forty-sixth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Hambrick, Fourth Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant George G. Barrs, Company A, Twenty-sixth Georgia Battalion ; Colonel Frank Schaller, Twenty-second Mississippi Volunteers. II. Leaves of absence for thirty day7s on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability are granted the following-named officers ^Captain W. C. Mar- shall, Fauquier Battery; Lieutenant-Colonel P. B. Whittle, military , court, Army Northern Virginia; Captain W. Davidson, assistant quarter- master, First Virginia Cavalry; Colonel Thomas H. Owen, Third Vir- ginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant 0. K. Pate, Fifth Virginia Cavalry; Captain A. B. Carter, Company F, Sixth Virginia Cavalry; First Lieu- tenant J. P. Wilson, adjutant, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant R. II. Johnson, Company B, Captain Cyrus Harding, Company D, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant C. L. Upshur, Company F, Captain L. B. Edwards, Company E, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant E. A. Tuck, Company K, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant J. 0. Wright, Company E, Lieutenant V. R. Bue, Company D, Fifteenth Vir- ginia Cavalry; Captain W. H. Smith, Company K, Eighteenth Virginia Cavalry; Colonel E. P. Tayloe, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion; Lieutenant J. H. Rosenberger, Company K, Thirty-third Virginia Volun- teers; Lieutenant Thomas A. Robbins, Company A, Thirty-fourth Vir- ginia Volunteers; Major IF. Farris, Forty-eighth Virginia Volunteers; 839 Captain J. A. Ramsay, Company D, Tenth North Carolina Artillery; Colonel W. II. Cheek, First North Carolina Cavalry; Lieutenant R. W. Saunders, Company F, Second North Carolina Cavalry; Lieutenant C. Patrick, Company C, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry; Lieutenant W J. Street, Company K, Second North Carolina Cavalry; Captain Milton Smith, Company A, Second North Carolina Battalion; Captain S. A. Kelly, Company G, Second Lieutenant M. L. Bean, Company K, Lieu- tonant J. A. Cowan, Company B, Fourth North Carolina Regiment; First Lieutenant M. F. Hunt, Company E, First Lieutenant W. M. Lea, Company I, Captain J. M. Taylor, Company G, Lieutenant T. D. Moore, Company C, Fifth North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant E. B. Roberts, Company I, Seventh North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant D. W. Weaver, Company D, Eighth North Carolina Regiment; Captain Joseph Jones, Company K, Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant J. M. Cutchins, Company I, Seventeenth North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant E. S. Moore, adjutant, Lieutenant J. D. Irwin, Company A, Twentieth North Carolina Regiment; Captain F. Bennett, Company A; Twenty-third North Carolina Regiment; Captain J. C. Baily, Company H, Lieutenant D. B. McLean, Company I, First Lieutenant A/M. Long, Company H, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment; First Lieuten- ant J. G. Jones, Company D, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieutenant R. D. Ormand, Company B, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Regiment; Colonel J. V. Jordan, Lieutenant J. H. Berry, Com- pany E, Thirty-first North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieutenant J". A. Smith,Company F, Thirty-second North Carolina Regiment; First Lieu- Unant John N. Anderson, Company I, First Lieutenant J. D. Fain, Com- pany C, Thirty-third North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieutenant E. A. Wright, Company I, Lieutenant M. L. Henley, Company G, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment; Major C. M. Stedm.an, Forty- fourth North Carolina Regiment; Captain W. H. Wharton, Company G, Lieutenant J. F. Erwin, Company K, Forty-fifth North Carolina Regi- ment; Captain T. 0. Jacobs, Company D, Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment; Lieutenant J. N. McNeill, Company H, Colonel W. S. Saunders, Forty-sixth North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieutenant J". W. Coleman, Company D, Forty-seventh Alabama Regiment; Lieutenant L. H. Elliott, Company F, Forty-ninth North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieutenant James A. Hill, Company E, Fifty-third North Carolina Regiment; Captain J. W. Maulterby [Saml. W. Maultsby,] Company H, Fifty-first North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant E. F. Story, Company C, Sixty-first North Carolina Regiment; Captain W. T. Robinson, Company D, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Regi- ment; Captain R. S. Cheshire, Company K, Lieutenant J. S. Cothran, Company D, Orr's South Carolina Rifles; Captain W. A. Kelly, Com- pany L, First South Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. C. Vance, Com- pany F, Second South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant W. E. Campbell, Company F, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant J". C. Kitchens, Company G, Second Lieutenant L. B. Kendrick, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant J. W. Pinson, Company E, Lieutenant W.J. Taylor, Company G, Captain T. A. Hudgins, Company B, lieutenant J. H. Huiett [Huiet,] Company M, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers ; Lieutenant W. E. James, Company F, Eighth South Carolina Volunteers ; Lieutenant W. B. White, Company B, Twelfth South Carolina Volun- teers; Captain J. Y. McFall, Company D, Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain E. Cowan, Company G, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Ensign C. B. Blair, Captain H. J. Bird, Company K, Fif- teenth South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant N. A. Easterling, Com- 340 pany F, Colonel R. A. Graham, Captain M. G. Tarrh, Company h Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant T.B. Qrooker • pany E, Major J. Abney, First Lieutenant J. G. Harris, Company t" Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Captain R. M. 1 VhUthnni Company E, Cobb's Legion; Second Lieutenant J. E. Sullivan, pany K, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant B. W. Am^ adjutant, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers; Captain J. F. Sullivan,ci,^ pany F, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant J. C. Reid, Company I, Eighth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant L. S. Crawford, Company K, Tenth Georgia Volunteers; Major R. Maltbie, First Lieutena^ J. R. Heard, adjutant, Thirteenth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant H. J. Thaxton, Company I, Lieutenant J. N. Eaves, Company Lieutenant J. M. Eaves, Company L, Fourteenth Georgia Volunteer Lieutenant J. T. Hammock, Company D, Twentieth Georgia Volunteer*- Colonel C. C. Sanders, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Captain N. Dixon, Company A, Major B. F. Grace, Lieutenant J. Hillman, Com. pany F, Lieutenant B. L. McLendon, Company K, Twenty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant C. A. Smith, Company A, Thirty-first Geor^ Volunteers; Second Lieutenant G. R. Wells, Company D,Thirty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant H. W. Cason, Company B Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers; Captain J. G. Bedingfield, Company g'( Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant E. J. Phillips, Company F First Alabama Battalion; Major R. H. Powell, Captain W. Phelan, Com- pany F, Third Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant!?. W. Leinbarger, Com- pany D, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers; Captain A. A. Breton, Com- pany A, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers; Captain J. D. Adrian, Cora- pany K, Forty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant E. H. Paw, Captain J. B. Payne, Company H, Captain E. F. Baker, Company E, Lieutenant N. R. Joiner, Company G, Sixty-first Alabama Volunteers; Captain D. L. Duke, Company F, Captain T. J. Arvighi [F. J. Arrighi,] Com- pany D, Lieutenant J. E. Griffith, Company H, Captain E. H. Gatlin, Com- pany A, Sixteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Lieutenant J". 0. Ramsour[Ram- saur,~\ Company B, Lieutenant T. J. Lockhart, 'Company, F, Seventeenth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain W. P. McNeely, Company E, Twenty- first Mississippi Volunteers; Captain R. M. Buchanan, Company I, Forty-second Mississippi Volunteers; Captain R. A. Pierson, Company C, Ninth Louisiana Volunteers; Lieutenant W. H. Noel, Company A, Second Louisiana Volunteers; Major T. N. Powell, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain W. C. Michie, Company G, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers; Lieutenant J. S. Meek, Company G, Third Arkansas Vol- unteers. III. The following-named officers, being inefficient, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be offi- cers of the C. S. Army: Captain E. T. Thompson, Company D, Thirty- first Alabama Volunteers; Captain John G. White, Company I, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; First Lieutenant F. Kohlheim, Company F, Eighth Confederate Regiment; First Lieutenant J. L' Leonard, Company E, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant L. R. McGuire, Company K, Forty-first Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant T. J. P> Atkinson, Company G, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieuten- ant G. S. Blanton, Company F, Thirty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant B. F. Hammock, Company K, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant C. A. Smith, Company B, First Lieuten- ant H. H. Shelton, Company D, Thirty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. G. Stewart, Company B, Fifty-ninth Alabama 341 YoU11^61"5* Lieutenant [R. II.'] Watson, Company H, Thirty-second Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant L. Q. Landrurri, Company C, <;jXth Battalion, Local Defense Troops; Captain J. K. Littleton, Company C Forty-second Virginia Battalion Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. S. ]\{lliams, Company F, Second Lieutenant A. L. Bratcher, Company H, jTyrty sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John W. Lyles, jjeskin's [Haskins'] battery. jV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from ifie rolls for desertion, and will from this day cease to be officers of the £ S. Army: Second Lieutenant James E. Hardman, Company E, Thirty- gi'xth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James A. Pratt, Company j Thirty-seventh Virginia Battalion Cavalry; Second Lieutenant H. H. tfolman, Company B, Thirtieth Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant James G. Samples, Company F, Thirty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers. V. The sentence of the military court pronounced October 20,1863, cashiering Captain J. P. Crawford, Company G, Fifty-first Georgia Regi- nient, is remitted by order of the President. Captain Crawford will be released from arrest and ordered to join his company. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain R. H. Reeves, Company B, Sixth Florida Volunteers ; Captain James Thornton, Company I, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Captain George B. May, Com- pany B, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; Captain Lewis Miller, Company G, Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain A. P. Osgathorpe\_Osgathorp,] Company F, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain R. G. John- tun, Company H, Twenty-ninth Mississippi Volunteers ; Captain James A. Doyle, Company C, Third Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. A. Johnston, Company G, Thirty:ninth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Thomas Moody, Company E, Thirty-second Mississippi Vol- unteers; First Lieutenant W. L. Montague, adjutant, Forty-eighth Ten- nessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant Frank W. Ross, Company I, TBird Florida Volunteers ; First Lieutenant/. C. Sanders, Company H, Thirty- eighth Tennessee Volunteers ; First Lieutenant G. M. R. Stark, Company B, Thirtieth Tennessee Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant T. D. Hill, Com- pany A, Twenty-third Tennessee Volunteers : Second Lieutenant J. W. Haley,* Company K, Forty-fifth. Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant /. C. Grant, Company D, Twenty-third Battalion Tennessee Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant F. A. Boyd, Company A, Fortieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant/. S. Worley, Company I, Thirty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. M. McCarty, Compan}' D, Fifty-third Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James M. McCall, Company H, Forty-first Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John F. Breedlove, Company B, Fifty-third Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Ed. H. Seuff, Company I, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant Joseph Smith, Company C, Thirty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. R. Tilghman, Company D, Thirty- eighth Tennessee Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant Jeff. Peyton, Company E, Forty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Jesse Crow, Company B, Thirty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant John W. Stewart, Company I, Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant & F. Thompson, Company D, Eighth Arkansas Volunteers ; Lieutenant John Swinford, Company E, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers ; Assistant Surgeon J. A. Stewart, Thirty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers. 86-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 342 VII. Private W. T. Sibley, Company I, Wirt Adams' old regiment 0f cavalry, is transferred to Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Confederate Cavalry, with the consent of the officers concerned, provided no ex. pense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. VIII. Until further orders Paragraph II, General Orders No. 25, cur. rent series, is suspended as far as it affects sick and wounded soldien in the general hospitals of Virginia. In the same hospitals sick and wounded officers found by the examining board unfit for duty for thirty days can proceed to their homes on leaves given by the boards, to await the action of commanding officers on application forwarded at at present required. IX. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain J. N. Shepperd [Isaac N. Sheppard,] assistant quartermaster, Forty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Shepperd [Sheppard] will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. X. Captain H. T. Baya, acting commissary of subsistence, will pro- ceed without delay to the headquarters Army of Northern Virginia and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major A. A. Canova, chief commissary, Finnegan's [Finegan'g] brigade. XI. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to-Admiral F. Buchanan, C. S. Navy, at Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty, to take effect March 26, i864: Private J. E. Morgan, engineer company; Private James Carrell, Company A, Sergeant John Cleary, Company B, Private A. J. Walden, Company C, Private James McCauley, Company D, Private Z. T. Davis, Company H, First Battalion Alabama Artillery; Private Edward Bosard, CompanyE, Second Battalion Alabama Artillery; Private A. J. Doriety, Company B, Private J. P. Williams, Company E, Private J. M. Johnson, Company II, Private Henry Fralich, Company K, First Alabama Regiment; Private II. J. Cochran, Company A, Private W. J. Pollard, Company D, Private Thomas Green, Company G, Twenty-first Alabama Regiment; Private S. Wolf, Company B, Private Thomas Sheehan, Company D, Private T. B. Robichaux, Company E, Private W. A. Maryman, Company G, Fourth Louisiana Regiment; Private P. Blessy, Company E, Thirtieth Loui- siana Regiment; Sergeant J. C. Byass, Company F, Corporal. J C. Fer- guson, Company H, Fourth Mississippi Regiment; Private W. Y. Seal, Company A, Private Robert Harrington, Company K, Thirty-fifth Mis- sissippi Regiment; Private H. F. Frater, Company E, Forty-second Tennessee Regiment; Private J. M. Tyson, Company G, Forty-ninth Tennessee Regiment; Private P. Holland, Company A, Private Jarrn Purnal, Company B, Fifty-fifth Tennessee Regiment; Private William Manuel, Company B, First Confederate Georgia Regiment; Private Cornelius Shea, Company F, Private Olis Franklin, Company G, Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 343 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 3,' 1864. Special Orders ") " No. 129. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Assistant Surgeon John Work, Provisional Army Confederate States ; Captain William B. Cox, Company E, Ninth Missouri Volunteers; Major A. W. De Bardeleben, Fifty-sixth Alabama Cavalry, [Partisan Rangers;] Assistant Surgeon H. Walker,Six.- ttenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Allen Johnson, Company D, Sixtieth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. L. Power, adjutant, First Mississippi Light Artillery; Colonel L. M. Allen, Sixty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant G. W. Campbell, Com- pnny K, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. J. Toutant, aid-de-camp, &c.; Major G. W. Lee, assistant adjutant- general, &c; Captain J. C. Hendrix, Company E, Lee's Rangers.. II. At his own request Lieutenant-Colonel T. G. Williams, commissary of subsistence, is relieved from duty in the office of the Commissary- General, and is temporarily assigned to duty with Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia. III. Private H. H. Raymond, of Company F, Twentieth South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed to attend the body of the late Colonel L. 3L Keitt to his home in South Carolina. Private Raymond will then report to General Ripley for assignment to such duty as his disabled condition will allow him to perform. IV. The resignation of Captain John W Beck, Company E, Sixtieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect March 10,1864. V. Private G. A. Cohen, of Captain Hart's battery, Hampton's cavalry division, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain [N. II.] Oliver, assistant quartermaster, at Augusta, Ga. He will forward to his company commander certificates of his condition every thirty davs. VI. Leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of disa- bility is granted Lieutenant H. Brown, Company C, Forty-third Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers. VII. Captain S. A. Shortbridge, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major James Hamilton, controlling quartermaster State of Mississippi, for assignment to duty in the Fourth Congressional District of that State. VIII. Captain J. M. Elliott, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Cap- tain T. L. Macon as assistant quartermaster for the collection of the tax in kind in the Tenth Congressional District of Georgia. Captain Macon on being relieved will report to Major William Bacon, controlling quar- termaster State of Georgia, at Atlanta, for assignment to duty as his assistant. IX. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private L. J. Salomon, Company E, Crescent Regiment, Louisiana volunteers, to Surgeon S. H. Stout, Atlanta, Ga.; Private H. T. Matthews, Company A, Forty-third Alabama Volun- teers, to Surgeon Ramsay IF. A. Ramsey,] medical director, &c., at Abingdon, Va. X. Two Louisiana regiments will be detached from the brigade com- manded by Brigadier-General Quarles and transferred to the brigade commanded by Brigadier-General [E. L.] Gibson. 344 XI. Private Abner Sessions, of Company F, First Florida Battalion will be discharged the service of the Confederate .States on account of his extreme youth. The Quartermaster's Department will give Private Sessions transportation to Madison County, Fla. XII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel William, B. Wadet Eighth Regiment Confederate Cavalry, is extended thirty days from' June 20, 1864. XIII. Colonel E. G. Lee, Provisional Army Confederate States, in ad. dition to the other duties to which he has recently been assigned, will assume temporary command of the post at Staunton, Va., and will do all in his power to' organize the local forces and to aid in the defense of the Valley. XIV. Sergeant John F. Mayer, Company A, Henley's battalion, will immediately report to Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Palfrey, assistant adju- tant-general, at this office, his services being absolutely necessary. XV. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private Joseph E. Jordan, Company C, Third Virginia Cavalry. XVI. Brigadier-General John H. Winder is assigned to the command of the post at Andersonville, Ga., to which he will proceed with the least practicable delay. XVII. Leave of absence for thirty days with permission to apply for an extension is granted Brigadier-General John Echols, Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 4,1864. Special Orders) No. 130. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers havebeen|accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant James B. L'd- lard, Company A, Moorhead's [Morehead's] Partisan Rangers; Surgeon John M. Baylis, Seventh Mississippi Battalion; First Lieutenant D. L. Sweetman, Company D, Fifteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Surgeon G. B. Heard, Second Georgia Cavalry; Captain Thomas Stokes, Company A, Fifth Confederate Regiment; Captain Thomas J. Orme, Orme's cavalry com- pany, Chandler's battalion; Second Lieutenant Joseph C. Boyeston, Com- pany F, Sixth Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant R. J. Crockett, Com- pany C, First Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant William Gant, Com- pany H, First Lieutenant John Tillery, Company L, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry. II. First Lieutenant William A. Hanger, Invalid Corps, will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty with Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts of Virginia. III. Private William F. Butler, jr., of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. IV. Private Charles C. Collier, of Company K, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major A. J. Goodwin, commissary of subsistence, at Selma, Ala. 345 V. Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, is hereby assigned to juty at Wilmington, N. C., and is specially charged with the receipt, care, and distribution of all stores arriving from foreign ports and the forwarding of all supplies received from the Southern States belonging to the Subsistence Department. The quartermaster at Wilmington will provide the necessary warehouses, and will render such assistance as trill facilitate the proper execution of this order. VI. Captain R. Ward, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain A. Rugenin [Huguenin] as post quartermaster at Green Pond, S. C. Captain Rugenin [Huguenin] on being relieved will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with the Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. VII. Captain Holmes Conrad, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report without delay to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General M. C. Butler's brigade. VIII. Captain John Scott, C. S. Army, will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, for temporary assignment. IX. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 250, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, October 25, 1862, as refers to Captain Eucli d Johnson, assistant quartermaster, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Johnson will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. X. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant P. G. Johnson, acting aid-de-camp, General Quarles' staff, is extended five days from June 12,1864. XI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain Henry B. Clay, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States. XII. Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 123, current series, convening court of inquiry in the case of Brigadier-General S. M. Barton, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked. XIII. Leaves of absence for thirty days, with permission to apply for > an extension, are granted Brigadier-General E. 31. Law, Provisional Army Confederate States, and Lieutenant T: 31. Samuels, aid-de-camp. XIV. Captain R. H. Catlett, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, for assignment to duty. XV. Private Charles Anderson, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for special service in the navy, and will report to Commander J. R. Tucker, C. S. Navy, at Charleston, S. C. XVI. Private Philip H. Pitts, of Captain T. B. Shockley's company, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty as designated: Sergeant William A. Smith to colonel Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers ; Private Frank White, Com- pany!C, First Georgia Volunteers, to commandant post Fort McAllister. XVIII. Private William H. Whitehead, of Company H, Eighth Con- federate Cavalry, is appointed hosital steward, and will report to Sur- geon S. H. Stout, medical director, &c., at Atlanta, Ga. XIX. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 119, current series, direct- ing Private J. L. Harlow, of Company H, Twenty-second Virginia Bat- tafion, to rejoin his command is temporarily suspended. 87—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 346 XX. The horses impressed by General [.Francis H.~\ Smith, superintend- ent Virginia Military Institute, from the farmers of Rockbridge County for the artillery attached to the corps of cadets will be immediately returned to their proper owners. XXI. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability for the time annexed to their respective names are granted the following, named officers : Captain E. Owens [Owen,] Washington Artillery,twelve days ; Lieutenant L. E. Veal, Company A, Forty-ninth Goorgia Volun. teers, twenty days; Surgeon L. H. Hill, Fifty-third North Carolina Volun. teers, fifteen days; Lieutenant A. B. Howard, Company C, Fifty-third North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days : Lieutenant L. 31. Pender, Com- pany I, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant C. Caughman, Company K, Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant Thomas E. Pullen, Company G, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, thirty days ; Captain A. H. Pickett, assistant adjutant-general, Battle's brigade, thirty days; Lieutenant A. T. Abbott, Company B, Fourteenth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days ; Captain T. T. Eason, Com- pany K, Forty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain J. IT, Kimbrough, Company K, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant G. W. Waggoner, Company E, Seventeenth Georgia Volun- teers, forty days; Lieutenant C. 0. S. Mallard, Company B, Twentieth Georgia Battalion, forty days; Lieutenant 0. L. Gibson, CompanyF, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Captain J. H. Pete, Com- pany A, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant E. P. Hanks, Company A, Fifty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, forty days ; Lieutenant H. K. Pritchard, Company A, Fifth Virginia Volun- teers, forty days; Lieutenant James A. Gleason, Company II, Sixty-first Virginia Volunteers, forty days ; Lieutenant J. W. Watts, Company G, Third South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant IP. D. O^Shields, Company F, Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant J. M. Tate, Company C, Third Alabama Volunteers, forty days ; Captain J. H. Vincent, Company I, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Ensign H. A. Hardy, Third Alabama Volun* teers, sixty days; Captain A. T. Paynier, Company F, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant J. H. Poston, Company A, Four- teenth Tennessee Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant 31. T. B. Riff, Company B, Tenth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days ; Captain A. C. Poul, Company A, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant William Boswell, Company K, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant D. B. Devier, Company H, First Virginia Cavalry, sixty days ; Captain A. E. Matthews, Company H, Eighth Virginia Vol- unteers, sixty days ; Captain W. B. Prichard, Company B, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, sixty days ; Captain Henry 3IcKeever, Company A, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, sixty days ; Captain G. W. Culbertton, Company C, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; First Lieutenant H. B. Olney, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Vol- unteers, sixty days; Major J. C. Webb, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant A. W. Green, adjutant, Second North Carolina Battalion, sixty days; Lieutenant H. H. Patterson,Com- pany I, First North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant H. J- McNeal, Company H, Colonel F. 31. Parker, Thirtieth North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant J. G. Bencher, Company K, Thirty- third North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Captain R. E. Petty, Com- pany D, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant E. H. Russell, Company I, Ninth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. 347 XXII. Colonel George B. Hodge will proceed to East Louisiana and make inspections and reports in accordance with instructions of this date. XXIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private J. A. Williams, Company K, Palmetto Sharpshooters. XXIV. Paragraph XXXIII, Special Orders No. 45,'current series, is hereby revoked, and Private R. Dougherty, of Company K, Third Regi- inent Georgia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXV. Second Lieutenant Charles McCally, Corps of Engineers, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, will proceed at once to Shreveport, La., and report to General E. Kirby Smithr commanding Trans-Missis- sippi Department, for assignment to duty with his chief engineer. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 6, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 131. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant J. M. Brownlee, Company E, Duff's Mississippi regiment; First Lieutenant P. H. Ward, Company C, Local Troops ; Second Lieutenant L. F. Choice, Company H, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant C. N. Brown- ing, Company F, Twenty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers ; Second Lieu- tenant R. F. Hall, Company A, Confederate States Zouaves; Captain N. If. Ganard, Company I, Sixty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Surgeon E. U. Johnston, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names : Captain Thomas Hardin, Company E, Second Lieu- tenant/. IF. Myers, Company H, Twentieth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, April 27, 1864; Captain W. H. Earp, Company H, Fourth Arkansas Volunteers, April 27, 1864 ; Captain John H. Bryan, assistant quarter- master, Fourteenth Texas Volunteers, April 27, 1864 ;. Second Lieuten- ant A. D. Cooper, Company B, Thirty-third Texas Cavalry, April 27, 1864; Second Lieutenant R. H. Fullbright, Company D, Twentieth Texas Volunteers, May 4, 1864; Second Lieutenant John M. Baker, Company D, Stone's battalion, May 4,1864; Captain R. D. Turner, Com- pany G, Third Texas Cavalry, May 4, 1864 ; Second Lieutenant B. D. Sessurn, Company.G, Seventh Texas Cavalry, May 4, 1864; First Lieu- tenant George Long, Company I, Seventeenth Texas Cavalry, May 4, i864. III. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: First Lieutenant T. C. Snow, Company I, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant T. K. Wiggins, Company B, Eighteenth North Carolina Volun- teers; First Lieutenant S. B. Pool, Company G, Thirty-first North Car- olina Volunteers; Lieutenant John E. Swinson, Company B, Fifty-first North Carolina, Volunteers; Captain Jesse L. Bryan, Second North Caro- lina Cavalry; Captain S. L. Bracey, assistant quartermaster, Second 848 Lieutenant R. T. Owen, Company K, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers- Second Lieutenant F. P. Olmstead, Company B, Second Florida Volu^ teers; Rev. John M. Carlisle, chaplain, Seventh South Carolina Volun. teers ; Captain Wat. Harris, Company I, Fourth Alabama Volunteers- Second Lieutenant Elijah A. Carraway, Company H, Forty-first Al*! bama Volunteers; Lieutenant G. P. D. Brice, Company C, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant John E. Plater, Fourth Maryland Battery. IV. The leave of absence herefore granted Major J. W. Sweeny, Thirty, sixth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is extended twenty days. V. Private A. J. Hollingsworth, of Company F, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, Fortieth North Caro- lina Volunteers, in order to receive promotion. VI. Private William Thompson, of Company E, Third Confederate Regiment Infantry, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. VII. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are granted the following-named officers for the time annexed to their re- spective names : Lieutenant E. T. Uranium, Thirteenth Virginia Volun- teers, twenty days; Captain R. H. Tuck, Company K, Third Virginia Vol- unteers, thirty days; Lieutenant James M. Rosser, Company K, Seventh Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant W. H. Woolfolk, Company I, Thirty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days ; Rev. T. J. Rutledge, Third Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. T. McLain,Com- pany E, Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant P. J. C. McCaghreen [P. J. G. McCaghren,'] Company I, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant W. E. Yelverton, Company D, Second North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant G. A. Andrews, Company C, Lieutenant E. Tripp, Company E, Lieutenant A. N. Wiseman, Company K, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. H. Miller, Company A, Twenty-first North Caro- lina Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant George M. Williams, Company F, Fourteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant A. X. McQully, Company C, Palmetto Sharpshooters, thirty days; Surgeon J. B. Oden, Provisional Army Confederate States, sixty days; Lieuten- ant C. A. Marshall, Company I, Second Virginia Volunteers, sixty days; Captain J. J. Nicholson, Company I, Twelfth Alabama Volunteers, sixty days; Captain B. S. Scriven, Company B, Major W. G. Thompson, Twen- tieth Georgia Battalion, sixty days ; Lieutenant M. Nelson, Company D, Fiftieth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days ; Lieutenant J.S. Stafford, Cora- pany H, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Captain J.R. Turnbull, Company H, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant W. A. Thompson, Company B, Twenty-third North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Captain J. C. McMillian [McMillan,] Company E, Thirtieth North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Captain R. W. Singletary, Company H, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Cap- tain J. G. Morrison, Company F, Fifty-seventh NQrth Carolina Volun- teers, sixty days. VIII. Private John E. Jackson, of Company C, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. Private Jackson will report to the commandant of the camp of instruc- tion at Decatur, Ga., in order that he may obtain the benefit of the act of Congress of February 17,1864. 849 IX. Cadet S. H. Parker, C. S. Army, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with Parker's battery light artillery. X. The chiefs of the military bureaus in Richmond will render monthly returns to this office on the last day of each month, setting forth the names and rank of the officers of their respective corps and their particular assignments and duties. XI. Private Zach. Owens, Company F, Second Florida Battalion, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on account of his extreme youth and feebleness. The Quartermaster's Department will give Private Owens transportation to his home in Florida. XII. So much of Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 97, current series, as relates to Assistant Surgeon G. W. LocJchart is so amended as to direct him to report to Surgeon J. M. Driver, Montgomery, Ala., to relieve Surgeon E. B. Johnston, the acceptance of whose resignation has been recommended. XIII. Lieutenant H. C. Hewitt, of Company C, First Battalion Vir- ginia Regulars, being an important witness in the case of Common- wealth against Irving, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond, on or before the 26th of the present month. XIV. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant E. R. Derry, Company A, Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is extended thirty days from June 4,1864. XV. The detail heretofore granteed Private William Hall, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended to June 15,1864, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. XVI. Private W. S.. Weeks, of Company E, Thirteenth Virginia Cav- airy, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department till July 1, 1864, and will report to Major [i2.] Tannahill, commissary of subsistence, at Petersburg, Va. XVII. Paragraph XXVIII, Special Orders No. 105, current series, detailing Private Samuel McClintock as a member of First Maryland Bat- tery, (Captain [ W. FJ] Dement,) having been improperly made, is hereby revoked, said McClintock being an unassigned conscript. XVIII. The following-named privates are for forty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, at Wilmington, N. C.: A. T. Lambeth, Com- pany D, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Nat. Allen, Company D, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers. XIX. Private J. G. Bain, of Lieutenant-Colonel McAnnerny's [Mc- Anerney's] battalion, will report without delay to E. C. Elmore, treasurer, &c., in this city, his services being absolutely necessary. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 88—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 350 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 7,1864. Special Orders) No. 132. J I. The resignations of the following-mamed officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon A. Chastant, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant C. Philippi, Company p Confederate States Zouaves; Rev. John C. Du Bose, chaplain, Second Florida Cavalry; First Lieutenant Thomas Williams, jr., Company bt Sixth Alabama Cavalry. II. The sentence pronounced by court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 178, of June 24,1863, Department of Henrico, against Pri- vate William Hall, of Captain Thornton's battery light artillery, is re- mitted by order of the President. The prisoner will be released from confinement and returned to his company. III. The detail heretofore granted. Private George Mellon, Third Vir- ginia Cavalry, is extended thirty days. IV. Corporal G. W. Montgomery, of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. V. Private St. Clair Nicely, of Company G, Twenty-sixth Virginia Bat- talion, having been improperly conscribed, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VI. Private Jacob Poe,jr., Company G, Second South Carolina Artil- lery, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VII. Lieutenant Robert Fitzpatrick, Invalid Corps, will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty with the com- mandant conscripts State of Georgia. VIII. A furlough for ninety days is granted Private J. M. Pace, Com- pany H, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers. IX. So much of Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 113, as refers to the Twenty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers is hereby revoked. Colonel [E. A.] O'Neal will report with his regiment to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding Army of Tennessee, at Marietta, Ga. X. Second Lieutenant Alfred S. Walt, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General S. D. Lee, at Demopolis, Ala., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General \J. R.] Chalmers. XI. Carlos Tracy is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, at Augusta, Ga. XII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to John S. Wright, agent, &c., at Quincy, Fla.: Privates Weld Hamlin, John G. Skipper, Gamble's artillery. XIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Rev. J. B. Hardwicke, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended three months from June 2,1864. XIV. Lieutenant W. Perrin Kemp, aid-de-camp, will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major-General Sam. Jones for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General W. B. Taliaferro. XV. Captain W. Call, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed without delay to Lake City, Fla., and report to Major-General Patton Anderson, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty in the District of Florida, under his command. 351 xvi. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. S. Jones, Co!nPany Forty-third Alabama Volunteers. xvii. Leave of absence for five days is granted Lieutenant H. Mercer Canard, aid-de-camp, at the expiration of which time he will report to Colonel J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, for temporary assignment. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private W. J. McDearman, Com- nany B, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days from June 1,1864. XIX. Captain R. Y. Brown, of Company H, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, is relieved from duty with his command, and will report at jjiis office for orders. XX. Second Lieutenant W. N. Boiling, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, com- panding Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assign- nient to duty with his chief engineer. XXL Private Thomas Ming, of Company D, Seventeenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, First Alabama Vol- unteers, being a citizen of the latter State. " XXII. Private A. C. Wells, of Company I, Twenty-third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty at the Soldier's Wayside Home, Charleston, S. C., and will report* accordingly. Certificates of his condition will be forwarded to his com- pany commander every thirty days. XXIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [A. i^.] Cone, quartermaster, &c., in this city. Cer- tificates of their condition will be forwarded to their company com- niander every thirty days: Privates Charles H. McCoy, William Yates, Company B, Sixtieth Virginia Volunteers. XXIV. Sergeant-Major J. B. Ostrander, Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major W. B. Jollee [Jolly,] quartermaster, &c., at Elyton, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be forwarded to his company commander monthty. • XXV. The resignation of Colonel W. H. Stiles, Sixtieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President to take effect April 30,1864. XXVI. Cadet M. H. Jones, C. S. Army, will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXVII. Major Francis Rawle, quartermaster, will relieve Major Clement Young, quartermaster of the Louisiana brigade, formed by the consol- idations of Hays'^and Stafford's brigades. Major Young on being re- lieved will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, for assignment to duty. XXVIII. The two hundred-pounder Parrott gun captured at Plymouth,' X. C., will be turned over to the Secretary of the Navy. XXIX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. W. White, Company H, Twenty-'sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 852 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond,, June 8,18(^ Special Orders) No. 133. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Charl^ ^ Boyd, Company B, Thirtieth Virginia Battalion; Chaplain Ridu^ Shane, Second North Carolina Cavalry; Captain Arthur Barnes, Co^ pany H, Fourth North Carolina Cavalry; First Lieutenant B. JW Company A, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers." •II. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are grants the following-named officers for the time annexed to their respecti^ names: Lieutenant P. P. Choice, Company I, Forty-eighth "Virgin^ Volunteers, twenty days; Lieutenant J. B. Boyd, Company E, Fount Texas Volunteers, twenty days; Captain J. F. Brabham, Company First South Carolina Volunteers, thirty" days ; Captain P. L. Breti,K Company E, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, thirty days; Lieutenan- H. J. Allison, Company F, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days Captain W. S. Dunlop, Company B, Twelfth South Carolina Volunteer?! thirty days; Captain M. N. Ferguson, Company E, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant W. D. Crook. CompanyP, Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain IF. R Hurt, Company F, Thirty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; First Lieutenant William B. Dunn, Company I, Forty-fourth Virgins Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. J. Bryant, Company B, Fifty, ninth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant John Burnes, Com. pany C, Fifth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Captain W. D. Lind, Company A, Seventh Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant T.R Daniel, Company D, Forty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, thirty davs, Lieutenant L. B. Henderson, Company A, Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain E. D. Foxhall, Company I, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant J. W. Badgett, Com- pany G, Thirtieth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant John D. Gatlin, Company G, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteer?, thirty days; Lieutenant B. F. Dixon, Company G, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. A. Fitzgerald, Company A, Fifty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain If. II Field, Company I, Third Virginia Cavalry, forty days; Lieutenant B. F. Cobb, Company H, Second North Carolina Volunteers, forty days; Cap- tain J. H. Brooke, Company H, Seventh South Carolina Battalion, forty days; Captain T. C. Campbell, Company A, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant J. T. Hester, Company G, Sixty-first Georgia Volunteers, sixty days; Captain James M. Carson, Company A, Twentv* fifth South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant J. 0. Hw*, Company F, Fifth Virginia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant IF.SI Lyon, Company E, Twenty-ninth Virginia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant G. S. Cannaday, Company C, Fifty-seventh Virginia Volun* teers, sixty days; Captain J. B. Brown, Company B, Third North Caro- lina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant H. H. Lanier, Company H, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant B. S. Howard, Company B, Major T. P. Alston, First South Carolina Volun* teers, sixty days; Lieutenant-Colonel E. F. Bookster [Bookter,] Twelfth South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant W. J. Altrnon, Com* pany I, Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant 853 G. S. Covert, Company C, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant H. G. Fernandez, Company G, Eleventh Mississippi Volun- teers, sixty days. III. Private Charles Abbott, of Company E, Henley's battalion, Local pefense Troops, is permanently detailed in the office of the Quarter- juaster-G.eneral, his services being absolutely necessary. IV. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Lieutenant W. Perrin Kemp, aid-de-camp, Provisional Army Confederate States. V. Sergeant J. F. Hudson, of Company I, Fifth Alabama Volunteers, is permitted to accompany Colonel [J. iff.] HaU, who is wounded, to JCottoway County, Va. Sergeant Hudson will return to his command as soon as Colonel Hall reaches his point of destination. VI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel Del. Kemper, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended ten days from June 10, 1864. VII. The detail heretofore granted Private James E. Crash, of Com- pnny G, Fourth Virginia Volunteers, is extended ninety days. VIII. George W. Stafford, late aid-de-camp to Brigadier-General Staff ford, will report to Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, Trans-Mississippi De- partment. IX. Captain James B. Parramore, Fourth Florida Volunteers, will report to General R. E. Lee for assignment to duty with Brigadier-Gen- eral Finnegan [ Joseph Finegan.~\ X. Colonel J. A. Gilmer, jr., Twenty-seventh North Carolina Regiment, is assigned to the command of the post and military prison at Salis- bury, N. C. He will proceed to that place with the least practicable delay and relieve Captain G. W. Alexander from duty at said post. XI. Private James B. Ruddell, of Company I, Twenty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, is detailed to attend to his agricultural interests until fur- tlier orders, and will report to the enrolling officer of Roanoke County, Va. XII. Sergeant Joseph Coke, of Company I, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, will report to Major Richard Richardson, enrolling officer Sixth Congressional District, at Enterprise, Miss., for assignment to duty. XIII. The cavalry companies commanded by Captains T. G. Barham and \V. B. Smith, respectively, are attached to the Forty-second Virginia* Battalion of Cavalry, (Lieutenant-Colonel [ W 2T] Robins,) thereby con- stituting a regiment to be known as the Twenty-fourth Regiment of Virginia Cavalry. Captains Barham and Smith will report with their companies to Lieutenant-Colonel Robins without delay. XIV. The following-named officers, now on detached duty in the De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will immediately rejoin their respective commands : Lieutenant [James A.] Ross, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Lie.utenant [ Wm.) Sinkler, Company B, Captain Walter, Company H, Lieutenants Hugenin [J". G. Huguenin,~\ [Middleton] Stuart, Company F, Lieutenant [J. W.] Axson, Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Captain Harrison, assistant quartermaster. XV. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps will report to the chief of the Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty as des- ignated: Captains D. W. Clark, J. A. Lusk to commandant conscripts Tennessee; Captain R. A. Peterson to commandant conscripts Alabama; Captain W. G. Bell to commandant conscripts Georgia, 89—s. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 354 XVI. Brigadier-General Gabriel J. Raines {Rains'] is assigned to the superintendency of all duties of torpedoes. All officers and agents em. ployed on those duties will report to and receive their instructions from him, and all applications for services in this department will be made to him through the proper channels of correspondence. XVII. The First Florida Battalion, (Lieutenant-Colonel [C. F.] Hop. kins,) six companies, and the companies of Captains [S. IF] Mays, [J. Q.] Stewart, [M. J.] Clarke, and {Geo. C.] Powers, of the Second Florida Bat. talion, (Brevard's), will constitute the Tenth Regiment Florida Volun. teers. XVIII. The Fourth Florida Battalion, (Lieutenant-Colonel McCleUani U.F. McClellan,~\) seven companies; the companies of Captains [IFJ.] Robinson and [A. A.] Ochus, of the Second Florida Battalion, and Captain Cullens' unattached company Florida volunteers, will constitute the Eleventh Regiment Florida Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, . Richmond, June 9,1864. Special Orders) No. 134. f I. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Lieutenant Commanding TF. G. Dozier, C. S. Navy, on board receiving ship " Indian Chief," for assignment to duty, to take effect April 29, 1864: Private J. A. Jones, Company E, Privates William Lavender, A. D. Carter, J. M. Day, Company K, Privates T. H. Pope, William Spivey, Sam. Scarborough, Company B, Private J. TF. Brown, Company A, Private H. T. Gray, Company F, Fifty-seventh Georgia In- fantry; Privates H. J. Moody, M. J. Grant, Company A, Private J. C. Robbins, Company F, Twenty-second Georgia Battalion Artillery; Pri- vates Pat. Conniham, T. Kirby, James Corbett, Company B, Privates Jamet Power, James O^Brien, Thomas Quinn, Company A, First Georgia Volun- teers; Privates J. M. Boyd, M. Ryan, Company B, Privates TF Swain, * James Vaughem, James TF. Coker, G. B. Cooper, Company D, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers; Privates G. A. Speer, J. C. Rigsby, J. A. Hall, Mercer Artillery; Privates II. A. Owen,. 0. P. Owen, J. H. Kierbow, Company K, Thirtieth Georgia Volunteers. II. Assistant Surgeon Robert Wilson is relieved from present duty, and will report to Medical Director [TF A.] Carrington, in this city. III. Surgeon S. TF. Carmichael will report without delay to Medical Director [ TF. A.] Carrington. IV. Surgeon James F. Faulkes [Foulkes] will report without delay to Medical Director [TF A.] Carrington for duty. V. Assistant Surgeon Joseph T. Dismukes will report without delay to Medical Director [R. L.] Brodie, General G. T. Beauregard's headquar- ters, near Petersburg, Va. VI. Surgeon James G. Thomas is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to commandant of conscripts, Macon, Ga.,'for assignment. VII. So much of Paragraph XXX, Special Orders No. 68, current series, as relates to Assistant Surgeon Charles Selden is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to Surgeon W.A. Carrington, medical director, forassignment to duty. 855 vin. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are Tranted the following-named officers for the time annexed to their Kgnective names: Captain S. W. McAliley, Company B, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers, forty days; Captain Robert Junkin, Company D, Firet South Carolina Rifles, sixty days; Lieutenant F. L. Mills, Com- liany Tenth Louisiana Volunteers, sixty days; Captain W. J. Taylor, Company C, Thirteenth Alabama Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant IP f. George, Company A, Poague's battalion artillery, sixty days; lieutenant S: 31. Jones, Company F, Sixty-third Tennessee Volunteers, i,ty days; Captain L. B. Edwards, Company E, Ninth Virginia Volun- te'ers, thirty days; Lieutenant II. C. Gill, Company E, First Louisiana Volunteers, thirty days; Captain P. P. Johnston, Stuart Horse Artillery, thirty days; Lieutenant S. 31. Kemmerlin, Company E, Twenty-seventh «*outh Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant James Ingram, Company H, Twentieth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. IX. Lieutenant-Colonel Archer Anderson, assistant adjutant and in- t.j>ector-general, will proceed to the State of North Carolina upon special inspection duty. He will report to General B. Bragg for instructions. X. The following-named privates are appointed hospital stewards, „nd will report for duty to the colonels of their regiments: Private B. II- Neale, Company B, Thirteenth Texas Volunteers; Private George Binglcton, Company H, Sixth Louisiana Volunteers. XI. Surgeon R. L. Brodie is relieved as medical director of the De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and assigned to duty as medical director of the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. XII. Surgeon Samuel Choppin is relieved as medical inspector of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and assigned to duty as medical inspector of the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. XIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant John C. Stephens, Company D, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion Cavalry; Captain A. Lisk, Company I, Fifty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; Captain J. 31. Linnon, Company G, Thirty-third Mississippi Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant John R. Robinson, Company D, Fifty-fifth Alabama Volun- teers. XIV. Leave of absence until June 15, 1864, is granted Lieutenant William D. Storke, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States. XV. Henry de Veuve is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermas- ter's Department, and will report to Captain R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster, at Andersonville, Ga., for assignment to duty. XVI. Brigadier-General Lawrence Baker, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to General G. T. Beauregard for assignment to duty in the Second District, Department of North Carolina and South- em Virginia, with headquarters at Goldsborough, N. C. XVII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current aeries, as refers to the following-named quartermasters is hereby re- voked, and they will continue to be officers of the C. S. Army : Captain Caleb Thomas, assistant quartermaster; Captain R. P. Hunter, assistant quartermaster, Seventeenth Tennessee Volunteers. 856 XVIII. Private John S. Lawson, of Martin's battery, being unfit f field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to geon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C., for assign* ment to duty. ' XIX. The detail heretofore granted Private W. P. Purcell, Compaq L, Sixth Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XX. Private E. J. Purse, of the Chatham Siege Artillery, is pernu. nently detailed to carry on the manufacturing of ink, &c., and to suj>tr. intend his printing and bindery, established at Savannah, Ga. XXI. Cadet J. L. Boatwright, C. S. Army, is relieved from duty in tht Ordnance Department, and will report to the general commanding fys partment South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida for assignment to duty XXII. Private A. M. McDonald, of Company K, Palmetto Sharp! shooters, is transferred to Company G, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XXIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 103, cur- rent series, as transfers Private John Warren, of Company H, Twenty, seventh South Carolina Volunteers, to the Maryland Line, is hereby revoked. XXIV. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant R. S. Rutledge, Hoi- combe Legion, is extended sixty days. , XX V. Captain Flemming Saunders, assistant quartermaster, is tempo- rarily assigned to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel Larkin Smith, assistant quartermaster-general, in this city, and will report accordingly. XXVI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Second Lieutenant T. L. Wood, Company E, Sixth Texas Cavalry, May 1,1864; First Lieutenant R. W. Hale, Company H, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers, May 22, 1864; Major S. G. Jamison, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, May 26, 1864. XXVII. Cadet T. F. Hallam, C. S. Army, will report to General R. K Lee for assignment to duty with Eachleman's [Eshleman's] battalion, Washington Artillery. XXVIII. Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 130, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain Holmes Conrad, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Brigadier-General J. D. Imboden for assign- ment to duty. XXIX. Captain Lewis E. Harvie, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report at once to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] for assignment to temporary duty with Brigadier-General G. W. C. Lee, commanding Local Defense Troops. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 357 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 10, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 135. J I. Private Charles Smith, Company E, Sixty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed tax collector of Rabun County, (ja., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. II. The following-named officers in the Quartermaster's Department, having failed to execute their bonds as required by law, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be offi- cers of the C. S. Army: Captain George Allen, Third Tennessee Volun- teers; Captain W. R. Beasley, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers ; Captain W. L. Cochran, Quartermaster-General; Captain M. H. Carthy, Sixty-second North Carolina Volunteers ; Captain George E. Cochrane, Sixty-third North Carolina Volunteers ; Captain Theo. Carter, Twentieth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain W. H. Edwards, Forty-ninth Alabama Volunteers; Captain Dennis Easby, Forty-second Tennessee Volunteers; Captain J, D. Folsom, Marion Station ; Captain Floyd Ford, Tenth Ark- ansas Regiment; Captain J. L. Gibbons, Eleventh Alabama Regiment; Captain S. R. Hacker, First Alabama Regiment; Captain J. A. Harwell, Twenty-sixth Tennessee Regiment; Captain G. R. Holmes, Second Ala- bama Cavalry; Captain J. Hodge, Nineteenth Kentucky Regiment; Captain William Hollman, Fifty-ninth North Carolina Regiment; Captain M. L. Jones, Thirty-first Arkansas Regiment; Captain T. A. Kerr, First Cherokee Regiment; Captain James A. Kyle, [Fourteenth Virginia Cav- airy;] Captain A. S. McKennie, Sixteenth Arkansas Regiment; Captain Eli#ha Mayfield, Eighteenth Arkansas Regiment; Captain J. A. Mont- gomery, Thirty-second Alabama Regiment; Captain H. W. McKinney, Kighth Kentucky Regiment; Captain W. C. Moore. Fifty-first Virginia Regiment; Captain D. M. McDonald, Sixth Missouri Cavalry Battalion; Captain H. W. McClure, Sixteenth Tennessee Cavalry Battalion ; Captain James L. Moore, Reserve Artillery; Captain E. J. Oliver, Fifty-seventh Georgia Regiment; Captain H. W. Pflager, Baldwin's Mississippi regi- nient; Captain W. J. Pugh, station not known; Captain James Rogers, Eighth Georgia Battalion; Captain David Rhine, Sixteenth Texas Caavlry; Captain J. M. Randall, Major Paxton's ; Captain G. P. Somers, Ninth Tennessee Regiment; Captain J. C. Wooten, Forty-eighth Ten- nessee Regiment; Captain John Whitehard [ Whitchard,] Tenth Georgia Battalion Infantry; Captain W. E. Clark, Eighth Virginia Battalion; Captain Josephus Dotson, General \_T. H.~\ Holmes. III. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department, their present duties and stations being unknown, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain E. J. Armstrong, [Virginia;] Captain J. A. Brown- ing, Thirty-fourth Virginia Militia ; Captain Peter C. Cox, Thirty-seventh Virginia Militia; Captain E. F. Cheatham, Quartermaster-General; Cap- tain Robert Grevy, General Buckner's ; Captain N. H. Keyser, Second Virginia Militia; Captain J. C. McClenahan, Eighth South Car- olina Regiment, (relieved;) Captains J. F. McCleise, J. M. Robat, James Taylor, James, W. Terrell, stations not known ; Captain J. L. West, Arizona; Captain A. M. Ward, Sixteenth Arkansas Regiment, (detailed.) 90—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 358 IV. The following-named privates are appointed hospital steward and will report for duty as designated: G. G. Hill, Company G, Twenty! first North Carolina Volunteers, to Major-General R. F. Hoke; CWfo, Kieruff, Company I, Forty-fifth Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon S. }j Stout, medical director, Atlanta; E. S. E. Bryan, Eufaula Light Artil- lery, Eldridge's battalion, to surgeon in charge Eufaula Hospital. V. Private Robert Braden, of Company E, Sixth Battalion Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Sub. sistence Department, and will report to Captain H, Timanus, acting commissary of subsistence, Lake City, Fla. Certificates of his condition will be forwarded to his company commander every thirty days. VI. Private J. T. Meitze, of Company K, Rutledge Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is for six months detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major M.,0. [If. A.] Pringl^ quartermaster, at Charleston, S. C. VII. Major G. 0. Dawson, Eighth Regiment Georgia V olunteers, will report to Major-General Samuel Jones, commanding Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, for assignment to duty as commandant post, Columbus, Ga. VIII. Captain G. D. White, Invalid Corps, will report to Brigadier- General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Virginia, in this city, for assignment to duty. IX. The finding of the examining board in the case of J. W. Reeder, elected junior second lieutenant Company K, Twenty-second South Car- olina Regiment, adverse to his promotion is approved and^confirmed, and he will resume his place in the ranks. X. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private Bennett II. Young, Company B, Eighth Kentucky Cavalry. XI. Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Garnett, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General Samuel Jones, command- ing Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, for assignment to duty. - XII. Major R. Y. Brown, Sixth Mississippi Cavalry, will proceed with- out delay to Demopolis, Ala., and report to Major-General S. D. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with his command. XIII. The following-named officers will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,~\ commanding Department of Richmond, for assign- ment to court-martial duty: Captain W. H. Harrison, Thirteenth Vir- ginia Volunteers; Captains A. V. Ashurst, J. D. Cureton, J. W. Daniels, Invalid Corps. XIV. Leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Second Lieutenant S. J. Keese, Company D, Second South Carolina Volunteers. XV. Colonel R. E. Withers, in addition to his duties as commandant post, Danville, Va., will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, com- manding reserve forces of Virginia, for the purpose of organizing, in- structing, and commanding the reserves at Danville, Va. XVI. Captain F. M. Ragsdale, of Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XVII. Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, jr., command- ing Department of Richmond, for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretarv of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 359 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 11, 1864. crECiAL Orders } ?r >'0.136. r j Leave absence for fifteen days is granted acting Assistant Surgeon P )l Brown. \l. The following-named men, having been citizens of Maryland at i e commencement of the war, are transferred to the Maryland Line, uler General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report to Major- .H'.neral Arnold Elzey, commanding Camp Maryland, Staunton, Va.: privates Samuel Reynolds, William Shelton, Company H, Twenty-seventh iouth Carolina Volunteers; Private John Lane, Company A, Privates ^Itftvukr Richardson, George W. Chrisall, David McClure, Company B, J ucas' battalion artillery ; Private John Kofelman, Company D, Private /W Worrick, Compan}' B, Private David O'Brien, Company K, Private p(ter Elsesser, Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers; Private William Kirk, Second Company, Washington Artillery ; Private William f. Bronaugh, Company B, First South Carolina Cavalry ; Private James If. McCardy, Company G, Twentieth Georgia Battalion; Private Luke C. IicCiiskcr, Company II, Third South Carolina Cavalry ; Private Joseph S. '[hares, Sergeant William S. King, Company B, Fourteenth Louisiana Vol- unteers; Private George Lotz, Company B, First South Carolina Volun- t«ers; Privates Francis R. Knott, John P. Bowie, Company G, Seventh Virginia Cavalry ; Private Charles Robinson, Stephens Light Artillery ; Private Thomas II. Levering, Ward's company Alabama light artillery. III. The following-named men, having been citizens of Maryland at the commencement of the war, are transferred to the Maryland Line under General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report to Colonel Bradley T.Johnson, commanding Camp Howard, Hanover Junction, Va.? Private C. J. Stewart, Company C, Fifth Virginia Cavalry ; Private Charles (lark, Stephens Light Artillery; Private B. T. Heckman, Purcell Bat- tery [Artillery ;] Private Martin L. Welch, Company E, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Private William James Tarr, Company K, Second Kentucky Regi- ment; Private J. J. Fenton, Company A, First South Carolina Artiller}'; Private C. W. Muhly, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Artillery; Pri- vate John W. McLaughlin, Company H, First Virginia Light Artillery.' IV. The sentence imposed in December, 1863, by a general court- martial convened by Major-General Pickett at Petersburg, Va., on Samuel J. Griffin, a private in Company H, Twenty-fourth Virginia Regiment Infantry, under the erroneous assumption that he was a member of Captain R. J. [R. G.] Pegram's artillery company, is annulled and set aside. Private Griffin will be at once released and returned to his regi- ment. V. Sergeant F. J. Wheaton, Company A, Second Battalion Florida Vol- unteers, having been elected judge of probate for county of Duval, Fla., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, to take effect December 8, 1863. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Second Lieutenant Samuel J^McGriffin, Company K, First Arkansas Rifles ; First Lieutenant J. B. Gwf, Company C, Fourth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant Calvin Mobley, Company G, Second Lieutenant A. T. F. Mann, Company D, First Lieutenant J. F. Loretz, Company C, Second Lieutenant J. H. Haw- Company B, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Volunteers; Second Lieutenant 360 W. J. Burrow, Company F, Second' Lieutenant A. J. Row, Company n First Lieutenant/. 0. Holden, Company A, Second Lieutenant/. W. ip„/j Company E, Second Lieutenant /. C. McAfee, Company H, Captain j] Hays, Company G, First Lieutenant/. G. Alexander, Company B,Thi^ first Arkansas Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant /. B. Corkern, Company).* First Lieutenant B. W. Clark, adjutant, Fourth Louisiana Voluntd^ Captain C. W. Merchant, Company H, First Lieutenant W. D. Hal), pany K, fourteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry; Captain Charkt ^ Rogers, Company K, First Missouri Cavalry ; Captain Frank M. Xi}^ Company E, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers ; Captain G. W.Staiuil. Company G, Twenty-second Mississippi Volunteers ; Lieutenant C. Winn, Company B, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers ; Second tenant L. T. Waller, Moses' cavalry company ; Second Lieutenant D. Hudson, Haskins' battery ; Lieutenant-Colonel /. B. Cording, Seco^ Lieutenant H. K. Camp, Company I, Forty-ninth Tennessee Volunt^r, Second Lieutenant John T. McCormick, Company C, Second Lieutenant M. M. Mullins, Company E, Fifty-third Tennessee Volunteers. VII. Private R. A. Dobbin, of Company A, Henley's battalion, Locjj Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Burea^ his services being absolutely indispensable, and will report to Lieuten. ant-Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, in this citv. VIII. Captain Shelby Read, Provisional Army Confederate States, u for thirty days assigned to duty with the commandant post, Anderson- ville, Ga., and will report accordingly. IX. The detail heretofore granted Private John Witcofsky, Companj G, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. X. The following-named officers being supernumeraries will have their names dropped, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Captain S. F. McQueen, assistant quartermaster; Major G. B. Booker, quartermaster. XI. Assistant Surgeon C. W. Timms, Eighth Regiment Virginia Cav- airy, will have his name dropped from the rolls for drunkenness, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XII. Captain T. OJIara, Confederate States infantry, will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XIII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 46, current series, as accepts the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Peril C. Haynes, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Haym will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General 361 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 13, 1864. Special Orders I " No. 137. f J. Private TP. B. Conway, Company H, Sixty-second Regiment Georgia Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will re- J,rt to Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Ouyler, in charge Confederate States arsenal at Macon, Ga. II. The following-named privates of Company F, Henley's battalion, I/»cal Defense Troops, are detailed until further orders, and will imme- diately report for duty to the Secretary of the Treasury, in this city, their services being indispensable: Robert Tyler, John Ott, S. O. Tinsley, £ S. Hutcheson, D. B. Weiseger, J. J. Wingfield, Robert Bain, Temple Ellett, 4 J. Clarke. III. The examining board in the case of Junior Second Lieutenant John Mitchell, Jeff. Davis Artillery, having found that he is unfit to per- form the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Mitchell will, by order of the President, from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army.- IV. The examining board in the case of First Lieutenant William R. Johnson, Company F, Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry, having found that he is unfit to perform the legitimate and proper duties of his position, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Johnson will, by order of the President, from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. V. Captain Miles C. Macon, of the Richmond Fayette Artillery, will rejoin his command immediately. VI. Private Lafayette Sinclair, of Company C, Thirteenth Virginia Cav- airy, is for thirty days detailed for duty with the Signal Corps, and will report to the chief of the Signal Corps, in this city. VII. Sergeant Junius L. Powell, of the Signal Corps, is relieved from duty in tne Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Vir- ginin, for assignment to duty with Major-General [C. TP.] Field. VIII. The soldier's discharge granted Private H. M. Howlett, of Com- pany A, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, dated Richmond, July 11, 1862, is hereby annulled, and" his name will be taken up and borne upon the rolls of his company from above date. IX. Brigadier-General [A.] Grade, [jr.,'] with his brigade, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, with the least possible delay. X. Surgeon A. P. HaU is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the commandant conscripts for Virginia to relieve Sur- geon 0. R. Early as member of the examining board for the Third Con- gressional District. XI. Assistant Surgeons John G. Led, Joseph II. Johnson, and William G. Freeman will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, in this city, for assignment to duty. XII. Assistant Surgeon Leander H. Tigner will report without delay to Surgeon A. J. Foard, medical director, Army of Tennessee, for assign- went to duty. XIII. Surgeon T. B. Memminger is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon R. A. Kinloch, acting medical director, for assignment to hospital duty in Charleston, S. C. 91—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 362 XIV. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 135, current series, j, hereby revoked, and Captain G. D. White, Invalid Corps, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Department of North Caroli^ and Southern Virginia, for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Lawrence [&] Baker. XV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant G. T. AUtn Company B,-Prison Guard. XVI. The following-named commands are hereby organized into and will constitute a brigade: Hampton's Legion, (mounted infantry,) Sev- 1 enth RegimentSouth Carolina Cavalry, Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XVII. Private Benjamin G. Hedgman, of the Fifteenth Virginia Vol. unteers, is transferred to Company A, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, and will immediately report for duty. XVIII. So much of Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 97, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant Isom L. Lee, Company C, Fifty-ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, his absence having been satisfactorily accounted for. XIX. Sergeant William Hood, of Company E, Third South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Charkt H. Rhett, assistant quartermaster, at Newberry, S. C. XX. Captain J. G. McRae, assistant adjutant-general, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Lawrence S. Baker, at Goldsborough, N. C. XXI. The detail heretofore granted Private John L. Dangdrill, of Cora- pany K, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days from this date. XXII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days, unless the work on the iron-clad gunboat should he completed at an earlier day: Privates J. B. Woodberry, J. G. Mar«h, Company A, Privates A. Lotzer, W. A. Smith, Company I, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private George Wheeler, Company D,Private Thomas Knight, Company G, Private J. R. Sweeney, Company D, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private James Barrett, Coin- panv I, Private Peter Quinn, Company A, First South Carolina Artillery; Private J. B. White, Company E, Palmetto Light Artillery; Private B. G. Frith, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. II. Huggins, Macbeth Light Artillery; Private A. R. Smith, Company E, Private J. S. W. Horn, Company C, Corporal T. F. Cooper, Company G, Privates W. Bowles, R. T. Gray, Company A, Twenty-fourth South Caro- lina Volunteers. XXIII. The resignation of Major Louis De Laigle, quartermaster, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XXIV. The examining board in the case of Lieutenant H. A. Davis, Company F, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Troops, (Scales' brigade,) having found that he is unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Sec- retary of War, Lieutenant Davis, by order of the President, will from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. 363 XXV. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant John D. piqgs, of Company G, Forty-second Virginia Infantry, having found that he is unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Secretary of War, lieutenant Biggs, by order of the President, will from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXVI. The resignation of Captain Matthew Alexander, of Company I Twenty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, has been'accepted by the President, to take effect July 1, 1862. XXVII. Major 1 A. Rose, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c. XXVIII. Captain W. T. Edwards, acting commissary of subsistence, at Demopolis, Ala., will tarn over all stores and property in his posses-- gion to Captain [«/. S.~\ Carpenter, acting commissary of subsistence at this post, and report to Major John J. Walker, chief commissary for Alabama, at Mobile. ' XIX. Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 119, current series, directing Captain Waller Thompson, of Company I, Thirty-second Regiment Ala- baina Volunteers, to rejoin his command is hereby revoked. It appear- in? that Captain Thompson is permanently disabled for field service, he will appear before a medical examing board with a view to being placed in the Invalid Corps. XXX. Major-General [Robert] Ransom, [jr.,] will proceed with least practicable delay to Department of Western Virginia and take com- mand of all the cavalry in that department, reporting to Major-General Brerkenridge [Breckinridge.] XXXI. William D. Cabell is appointed a bonded agent at the Commis- sary Department, and will report to Captain Charles S. Taylor, acting commissary of subsistence, at Charlottesville, Va. XXXII. Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell will relieve Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] in the command of the Department of Richmond, and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, June 14, 1864. No. 138. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Louis F. Sehram, Confederate States Zouave Battalion; Second Lieutenant E. M. Western, Daniell's light battery. II. Captain W. H. Kenan, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Major J. C. Denis, commanding conscripts, at Enterprise, Miss., for assignment to duty with his command. III. Captain George N. Clark, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Selma, Ala., will turn over all property and stores in his possession to Major R. V. Bonneau, post commissary at that post, and report for duty to Major J. J. Walker, chief commissary for Alabama, at Mobile. IV. John J. Stack is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Ed. McMahon, quartermaster, at Dublin Depot, Va. 364 V. Private C. II. Ilyde, Company I, Fourth Regiment Louisiana Vol unteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon j/ Pope, at Camp Dick Garnett, District of Southwestern Mississippi a0(j East Louisiana. VI. Quartermaster Sergeant B. H. Craig, Fort}7-second Regim^ Alabama Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be di*. charged the service of the Confederate States. VII. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private William Loon^ Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. VIII. The following-named officers will report to Major-Genera) Robert Ransom, [jr.,] commanding cavalry Department of Western \'ir. ginia, for assignment to duty : Major T. Rowland, Captains J. Y. Broim, Wi K. Martin, assistant adjutants-general; Lieutenant E. A. Thorot Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, ordnance officer. IX. Private John H. Clash, of Company A, Henley's battalion, Local Defense Troops, being unfit for field service, is detached from his com. pany, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [John] Withers, assistant adjutant-general, in this city. X. Private Francis R. Stone, of the Chatham Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon [N.S.]_ Crowell, medical director, &c., at Charleston, S. C. XI. Private Andrew Berryhill, of the Macon Light Artillery, is trans- ferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers con- cerned, to the Wise Guards, Siege Artillery, prqvided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred.* XII. The sentences of death against S. G. Palmer and William Godly, enrolled conscripts, pronounced by military court for the Department of Western Virginia, held at Newbern, Pulaski County, Va., are, upon the recommendation of Major-General Breckenridge [Breckinridge], re- mitted by order of the President. XIII. Private H. A. Richmond, of Company B, First Battalion Georgia Reserves, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report to Major Mellen [M. B. Millen,] commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga. XIV. Private George Carrington, of Company C, Third Virginia Cav- airy, having been conscribed since the 1st February, 1864, and being entitled to exemption under the terms of the military bill of February 17,1864, is hereby detailed for service as an agriculturist on the planta- tion of Mrs. J. A. Carrington, conformably to the act of Congress afore- said, and will report to the enrolling officer of Halifax County, Va., for the purpose of executing the bonds required by law. XV. Captain Marshall McDonald, C. S. Army, will report without delay to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major-General M. L. Smith, chief engineer Army of Northern Vir- ginia. XVI. Private Lysander J. Grey, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major [E. F] Bon- neau, commissary of subsistence, at Selma, Ala. XVII. Private Thomas P. Amis, of Company D, Philips' [Phillips'] Legion, Georgia cavalry, is for four months from July 8, 1864, detailed to superintend the working of a cotton factory in Carroll County, Ga., on the grounds of equity, justice, apd necessity, and will report to ' William Amis & Co., proprietors. 365 XVIII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Captain Isaac Shelby, jr., assistant commissary of subsistence, at the expiration of which time he will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, for assignment to duty with Major- General S. B. Buckner. XIX. Private B. F. Jordan, of Company B, Fourteenth Mississippi Volunteers, being a citizen of Georgia, is transferred to Company I, Thirty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and will report accord- ingly. XX. Leave of absence for ten days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Assistant Surgeon H. B. Mead, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted First Lieutenant WiU- iam Day Stork [Storke,] Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended to July 1, 1864. XXII. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be .thereby incurred: Lemuel Morris, Company F, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; William Dickerson, Company D, Thirty-fourth Virginia Volunteers. XXIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant C. R. Darracott, Sturdivant's battery, is extended thirty days. XXIV. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed to work in the machine shops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and will report to Superintendent [C. G.] Talcott, in this city: Private John Udlings, Ninth Battalion Georgia Artillery; Private W. E. Graves, Com- pany C, Second Georgia Battalion. XXV. Leaves of absence -for thirty days are granted the following- named officers on surgeon's certificate of disability: Captain J. A. W. Thomas, Company F, Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers; Lieu- tenant J. T. Fulford, Company G, Thirtieth North Carolina Volunteers. XXVI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the ma- chine shops of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, and will report to John Screven, president, &c., at Savannah, Ga.: Private Cormack Hopkins, Company C, Private J. F. Stone, Company B, Eighteenth Georgia Bat- tali on. XXVII. So much of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 179, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, August 2, 1862, as refers to Captain Lee M. Gardner, assistant commissary of subsistence, is hereby revoked, and Captain Gardner will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XXVIII. Lieutenant Edward Whitfield, Provisional Army Confederate States, artillery, for ordnance duty, will report to Major-General S. D. Lee, commanding Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Lou- isiana, at Meridian, Miss., for assignment to ordnance duty, in charge of field depot under Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Kernard [Kennard,] chief ordnance officer, &c., Demopolis, Ala. XXIX. The following-named officers will report to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] commanding cavalry Department of Western Vir- pinia, for assignment to duty on his staff: Lieutenants J. V. Jones, B. F. Taylor, aids-de-camp; By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 92—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 366 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond,, June 15,1864. Special Orders) No. 139. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Thomas Dudley, cavalry, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenants H. U. Foy, Henry S. Hammond, drill-masters, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant J. E. Drayton, aid-de-camp, &c.; Second Lieu- tenant James Mahoney, Company A, Naval Battalion; Second Lieutenant John B. Williamson, Company D, Second Battalion, Local Defense Troops; Rev. John J. Westbrook, chaplain, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. S. Heath, Company D, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volun- teers; Captain W. B. Baker, Company H, Fifty-third Georgia Volun- teers; Captain R. J. Martin, Company F, Eighteenth Mississippi Vol- unteers. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Rev. Joseph Peeler, chap- lain, First Lieutenant 0. S. Morgan, Company B, Second Lieutenant Samuel H. Smith, Company C, First Lieutenant W. J. Shaw, Second Lieu- tenant A. B. McConkey, Company K, Third Tennessee Cavalry; Lieu- tenant Charles A. Johnston, Company K, Fourteenth Mississippi Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant C. L. Field, Company C, Twenty-eighth Ten- nessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant L. B. Jennings, Company D, Thirty-ninth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. L. Pargason, Company I, Thirty-second Mississippi Volunteers; Assistant Surgeons W. R. Tompkins, A. R. Jones, B. F. Chears, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain John F. Ross, Second Lieutenant John D. Bryan, Com- pany D, Buster's battalion Arkansas cavalry; Major J. Grimshaw, quar- termaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. III. Second Lieutenant E. Prentiss Tucke, Company E, Second North Carolina Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for deser- tion, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. IV. Private Asa Rogers, of Hankins' battery Virginia artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. V. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended forty days from June 1, 1864: A. G. Wilson, Company D, Tenth Alabama Volunteers; J. J. Steele, Company C, Eleventh Alabama Vol- unteers; F. S. Horton, A. M. Wilmarth, Company K, Twenty-first Ala- bama Volunteers; F. C. Rogers, Company G, Twenty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; Edwin H. Hyde, M. C. McCarthy, Company D, Crescent Regiment, Louisiana volunteers; A. T. Torbert, Company G, One Hun- dred and Fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Volunteers; W. B. Milton, Gen- eral Johnston's escort. , f VI. Private Elisha Holden, of Company A, Orr's Rifles, South Caro- lina volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Major John D. Ashmore, commanding post, Greenville, S. C., for assignment to duty. VII. Private James Flynn, of Company .B, First Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as messenger at the office of Army Medical Board, in this city, to date from February 7, 1864, and will report accordingly. VIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. W. A. Wright, Company H, Thirty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers. 367 IX. The following-narrfed officers, being important witnesses in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas l\ Dudley, sergeant, &c., on or before the 22d day of the present month : Lieutenant James Pollard, Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry; Lieu- tenant R. C. Schriver, Second South Carolina Cavalry. X. Cadet Henry Chapman, C. S. Army, will report to General Joseph £. Johnston, commanding, &c., at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XI. Colonel D. G. Flemming, Twenty-second South Carolina Volun- teers, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, for assignment to duty with that regiment. XII. Major James M. Quinlan, commissary of subsistence, on duty as post commissary at Columbus, Miss., will turn over all stores and prop- erty in his possession to Major R. H. Cuney, (commissary of subsistence,) chief purchasing commissary at Columbus, Miss., and will report by letter to Major W. H. Dameron, chief commissary of subsistence for Mis- sissippi, for assignment to duty at Okalnona [Okolona,] Miss., to relieve Captain B. J. Martin, assistant commissary of subsistence. Captain Martin on being relieved will report to Major Dameron, at Meridian, for assignment to duty. XIII. Private Humphrey Colder, Company H, Henley's battalion, will report without delay to Superintendent [0. Cr.j Talcott, in this city, his services being absolutely necessary to keep the trains running on the Richmond and Danville Railroad. XIV. Private James Wilsm Moore, of Company H, Sixth Regiment Texas Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Sur- geon [P. P.] Scott, medical director, &c., at Meridian, Miss. XV. The detail heretofore granted Private [0.] Mahoney, of Com- pany A, South Carolina Siege Train, is extended sixty days. XVI. Private J. C. Bryan, of Company C, Fourteenth Virginia Cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to J. W. Barclay, collector Fifty-sixth Dis- trict of Virginia, at Lexington. XVII. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are granted the following-named officers for the time annexed to their re- gj>ective names: First Lieutenant J. M. Grimsley, Company K, Thirty- seventh North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days; First Lieutenant B. E. Ambstead, Company A, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, thirty days; Lieutenant George D. Burwell, Company H, Thirty-third Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain W. H. Holcomb, Company C, First South Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days; Lieutenant W. D. Wharton, Company K, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant S. W. Wood, Company A, Captain W. H. Ballard, Company E, Fifteenth North Carolina Volun- teers, thirty days; Lieutenant A. R. Johnston, Company G, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant W.J. Wilkins, Com- pany C, Thirty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant Charles J. Lewis, Company I, Forty-eighth Mississippi Volunteers, forty days; Lieutenant George Ashby, Company D, Forty-fourth Tennes- see Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant H. C. Woodhouse, Company H, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, sixty days. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Robert Heth, Company G, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, is extended until further orders, and he will report to Captain George C. Orgain, assistant quartermaster, in this city, for the purpose of assisting in the manufacture of harness oil. 368 XIX. The five companies of Napier's battalion and the five company of Cox's battalion Tennessee cavalry will constitute the Tenth Regime^ Tennessee Cavalry. XX. All officers exercising separate commands in the States of Vjr. ginia and North Carolina will report to and receive orders from General R. E.Lee. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 16,1864. Special Orders) No. 140. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-da y: Captain James N. Gannauay, acting commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant J. E. Burchard, Company C, Eighth Kentucky Cavalry; Second Lieutenant B. Braret, Company D, Sixth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant B. W. Dickson, _ Company B, Captain John Garrett, Company G, First Mississippi Partisans; First Lieutenant B. H. Dicky, Bates' company, Powers' cavalry regiment; Captain James Lewers, Com- pany B, Wood's cavalry regiment; First Lieutenant Alex. GiMon, Mat- thews [Matthewes] Artillery ; Second Lieutenant R. R. Rutherford, Com- pany l3, Twenty-seventh Battalion Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieuten- ant G. B. Mills, McElroy's company, Fifth Battalion Florida Cavalry; Captain C. Pannill, Company K, Fifth Virginia Cavalry. II. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are granted the following-named officers for the time annexed to their respective names: Colonel Y. M. Moody, Forty-third Alabama Volun- teers, sixty days; Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Feagin, Fifteenth Alabama 'Volunteers, sixty days; Captain J. E. Tyler, Company D, Twelfth Vir* ginia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant 0. H. Paxton, ©ompany A, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, sixty days; Lieutenant W. A. Smith, Company D, Fifty-ninth Alabama Volunteers, sixty days; Assistant Surgeon R. R. Murphy, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant W. J. Morrissett, Company F, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain R. F. Manly, Company I, Fifty-ninth Alabama Volunteers, thirty days; Major R. G. Mosby, Fifty-ninth Vir- ginia Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant Edward Rusher, Company D, Forty-second North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days;" Lieutenant- Colonel E. M. Field \_Feild,] Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; First Lieutenant B. Gunn, Company E, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volun- teers, thirty days. III. So much of Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 97, as relates to Assistant Surgeon G. W. Lockhart is amended to direct that he will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts, Tallahasee, Fla., for assignment to duty. IV. Assistant Surgeon J. T. Parker is hereby relieved from duty with the Eighth Georgia Regiment, and will report for duty to Surgeon W.A. Carrington, medical director, in this city. V. Assistant Surgeon Edward F. Raymond will report without delay to Surgeon John A. Hunter, medical director, &c., for assignment to duty. 369 VI. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 258, last series, is rescinded, and Surgeon M. M. Lewis will resume his position as chief surgeon of Pickett's division. VII. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 13, current series, is rescinded, alid Surgeon James N. McAlpine will resume his previous position with the Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment. VIII. Surgeon William Jennings will resume his position as chief sur- geon of the division under command of General Bushrod [12.] Johnson. IX. Assistant Surgeon J. T. Hussey, First Arkansas Regiment Counted Rifles, having declined an examination by an army medical board, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. X. Assistant Surgeon Robert M. Bostwick will report without delay to Surgeon A. J. Foard, medical director, Army of Tennessee, for assign- nient to duty. XI. Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 206, series for 1862, ap- pointing W. H. Parker hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report to the nearest enrolling officer. XII. Assistant Surgeon Jacob H. Taylor will report without delay to Surgeon J. M. Driver, Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to conscript service in Mississippi. XIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private J. R. Dunlap, Company C, Jeff. Davis Legion. XIV. A furlough for three days is granted Private T. T. Mayo, Third Company, Richmond Howitzers. XV. The following-named privates are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: John M. Stroup, Company II, Twenty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; James M. Walton, Company C, Fourteenth Battalion North Carolina Volunteers. XVI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended for the time annexed to their respective names : Captain D. B. McCallum, Company K, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days from June 6, 1864; Surgeon F. L. Frost, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, forty days. XVII. A furlough for forty days on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Sergeant R. W. Hudgins, Company D, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers. XVIII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private Charles F. Panknin, Washington Artillery, [South Carolina volunteers,] to Surgeon J. J. Chixholm [Chisolm,] medical purveyor, Columbia, S. C.; Private E. D. Richards, Company I, Forty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers, to Surgeon [S. IF] Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga.; Private E. G. Friend to Assistant Surgeon Hall, medical purveyor, Petersburg, Va. XIX. James Wheelless is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to the Quartermaster-General for assignment to duty at Kingsville, S. C.' XX. Private E. C. Jenkins, of Company A, Henley's battalion, Local Defense Troops, being unfit for field service, is detached from his com- pany, and will report to Major John W. Riely, assistant adjutant-general, m this city. ^ XXI. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private A. L. Tobias, Company I, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, 93-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 870 XXII. Major F. P. Beck, quartermaster, will proceed without dehT to Meridian, Miss., and report to Major-General S. D. Lee, commandite &c., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Wirt Adams'briga^ XXIII. Captain A. Cammack, assistant quartermaster, is relieved fr0Ql duty at McClellensville [McClellansville,] S. C., and will report to Majrjt R. J. Echols, quartermaster, at Charlotte, N. C. XXIV. Colonel J. C. Fiser, Invalid Corps, will proceed to Savannah, Ga., and report to Major-General L. McLaws for assignment to inspection duty. Transportation will be given for his horse to Savannah, Ga. XXV. Sergeant J. Z. Borum, of Company C, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's. Department, and will report to Captain James J. Waggoner, assistant quartermaster, at Burkesville, Ya. XXVI. Major L. R. Page, assistant adjutant-general, will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell for assignment to duty. XXVII. Captain B. F. Bruton, assistant quartermaster, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, will relieve Major J. Livingston as post quartermaster at Athens, Ga. Major Livingston on being relieved will report to General Joseph E. Johnston for assignment to duty with the cavalry brigade com. manded by Colonel Thomas Harrison, vice Major C. W. Gassett. quarter- master, who will be ordered elsewhere. XXVIII. Major W. F. Haines, quartermaster, will report to Brigadier- General L. S. Baker, commanding, at Goldsborough, N. C., for assignment to duty as chief quartermaster Second District, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. XXIX. Captain R. H. Hill, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty at Kingsville, S. C., and will report to Brigadier-General Jame* Chesnut, at Columbia, S. C., for assignment to duty with the reserve forces of South Carolina. XXX. Cadet Harris Barksdale, C. S. Army, will report to Major-Gen- eral S. D. Lee, commanding, &c., at Meridian, Miss., for assignment to duty with the cavalry brigade commanded by Brigadier-General Tfirt Adams. XXXI. Private George W. Brame, of Company B, Thirty-third Regi- ment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain T. Henry Quitman, post quartermaster, tax in kind, Third Congressional District, at Columbus, Miss., for assignment to duty. XXXII. Captain James W. Shield, assistant commissary of subsist- ence, will turn over all stores in his possession to William Horner, agent Subsistence Department, at Christiansburg, Va., and report without delay to Major-General Robert Ransom, [jr.,] commanding cavalry De- partment of Western Virginia, for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 371 Adjutant and' Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 17, 1864. cpecial Orders ") No. 141. ( I So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 100, current series, aS transfers Private John Ryan, Company B, First South Carolina Artil- lory,t0 Maryland Line is hereby revoked, and Private Ryan will ^niain on duty with his present company. II. The following-named privates of Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry, being unable to mount themselves, are exchanged as follows, „!! parties consenting: Anderson Waldrop, Company E, for A. D. Hynd- wan, Company B, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers; IF. H. Hender- t,n, Company F, for R. Dahson, Company H, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; [/. H] Satterfield, Company F, for J. F. Feins [J. T. Tims,'] Company D, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers ; Jacob Kennemore, Company D, for IF. J. Moore, Company D, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Irby Howard, Company D, for M. S. Murphy, Company D, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; William Davis, Company F, for James Nivens, Company H, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; J. M. Ihncard, Company D, for D. C. Kelley, Company D, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; II. M. Wise, Company,C, for W. H. McCall, Company I, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers ; P. Caulder, Company G, for S.R. Finkler, Company H, Twenty-third.South Carolina Volunteers; C. E. Ketchen, Company G, for E. P. Ellis, Company H, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; J. Mack, Company H, for G. W. Gurver, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Louis Webb, Company C, for J. T. Gurver, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volun- teers; J. A. W. Strange, Company E, for T. D. Ecken, Company K, Twenty- seventh-South Carolina Volunteers; S. T. Knight, Company D, for [J. B.] Orr, Company G, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; Johnston, Company D, for Milliken [F. M. Mullikin,] Company G, Twenty- second South Carolina Volunteers; Howard McCall, Company D,for P. P. Barten, Company H, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers. III. The examining board in the case of Captain W. H. McKey, Com- pany C, Thirteenth Georgia Regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, by reason of physical disa- oility, and the finding of the board having been approved by the Sec- retary of War, by command of the President Captain McKey is honor- ably retired from the service without pay or allowance, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the army. IV. Assistant Surgeon David Curry will report without delay to Sur- eeon IF. A. Carrington, medical director, in this city, for assignment to duty. V. Assistant Surgeon George S. Seymour will report without delay to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. \ I. Surgeon A. Monteiro will report without delay to Surgeon L. Guild, medical director Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty. VII. Colonel George William Brent, assistant adjutant-general, will report to General Robert E. Lee for assignment to duty on the staff of General G. T. Beauregard. VIII. Private James H. Taylor, of Captain Gamble's company Florida light artillery, having been elected sheriff of Jefferson County, Fla., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. 372 IX. Private J. L. Worsely, Company H, Sixty-fourth Regiment George Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. X. Private Thomas J. Yarborough, of Company L, Lee's Rangers, bei&. a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will^ discharged the service of the Confederate States. XI. The resignation of Second Lieutenant Norton K. Adams, of Com. pany K, First Regiment Alabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect May 6, 1864. XII. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 136, current serie^ as refers to Lieutenant L. T. Waller, of Captain Moses' company cavalry is hereby revoked, and he will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army' XIII. The detail heretofore granted Private William Hall, Company F, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days from June 15, 1864, on surgeon's certificate of disability. XIV. The detail heretofore granted Private J. Mason, Company A, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volunteers, is extended sixty days on surgeon's certificate of disability. XV. Corporal A. A. Dance, of Company I, Third Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders as commer- cial agent of Dinwiddie County, Va., without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said detail, and will report to the presiding justice of the county. XVI. Leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Lieutenant F. A. Timberlake, Company D, Seventh Tennessee Volunteers. XVII. Private F. M. Nix, Company G, Fortieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, &c., Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XVIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain E. H. Golighty [W. P. Golightly,'] assistant quar- termaster, Forty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby re- voked, and Captain Golighty \_Golightly] will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XIX. Leave of absence for thirty days from the twentieth instant in consequence of wounds received in battle, is granted Colonel C. Forsythe, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers. XX. Under the peculiar circumstances of the case a furlough for three days is granted Sergeant R. M. Glazebrook, Otey Battery, Virginia artillery. XXI. The detail heretofore granted Private J. M. Williams, Company B, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended forty days. XXII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days from this date, and will report to William H. Powers, agent Manchester Cotton and Wool Manufacturing Company, in this city: Privates William Bradley, Alfred Simmons, Company I, Sixth Vir- ginia Volunteers. XXIII. Major B. F. Jones, quartermaster, will proceed, under detailed instructions from General B. Bragg, to inspect and report on all depot and post quartermasters and commissaries and other officers and agents of those departments not serving with the armies in the field. XXIV. Private Robert P. Poore, of Company A, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company E, Eighth Confederate Cavalry, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby in- curred. 873 XXV. Captain P. T. Yeatman, assistant commissary of subsistence, Dow on duty at Chaffin's Bluff, is assigned to duty as post commissary Chaffin's Farm, and will issue to all troops in that vicinity. XXVI. Major-General A. Elzey will proceed without delay to Lynch- burg and report to the commanding general for assignment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 18, 1864. Special Orders") No. 142. 1 I. The resignation of Second Lieutenant G. M. Netherlands Company G, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect June 7, 1864. II. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Commissar}^ Department, and will report for duty to Major M. B. Millen, commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga.: Pri- rate I). L. Moses, Company F, Fifty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Private IP. II. McLeod, Company I, Fifth Georgia Cavalry. III. The detail heretofore granted Private Anderson B. Miller, of Com- pany C, Sixty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. IV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended forty days, and they will report to Major [C.] McClenaghan, commissary of subsistence, at Charleston, S. C.: Private W. N. Chandler, Company H, Private E. R. Patterson, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers. V. At his own request the detail heretofore granted Sergeant James C. Reed, Lee's battery, Huger's battalion of artillery, is hereby revoked, and Sergeant Reed will rejoin his company. VI. Leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Captain A. P. Zachary, Company F, Sixty-first Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers. VII. Leave of absence for six weeks from the 20th instant for the benefit of his health is granted Lieutenant-Colonel John Withers, assist- ant adjutant-general. VIII. Private H. A. Richmond, of Compaify B, Chatham Siege Artil- lery, is for forty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major M. B. Millen, commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga. IX. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days, and they will report to Surgeon J.J. Chisolm, medical purveyor, Columbia, S. C.: H. Stinton, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; S. W. Bachman, Bachman's battery. t X. Private H. J. Shirley, Company G, Fifty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers,' being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge general hos- Pita! at Eufaula, Ala. XI. Leave of absence to await the decision of the War Department °n his application for retirement is granted Captain J. W. Stott, Company F> Eighth Alabama Volunteers. 94—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 374 XII. The following-named privates, being important witnesses in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant, &c., on or before the 20th day of June, 18G4: Joseph Parker, Robert E. Clark, Company A, Tenth Virginia Cavalry. XIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for hospital duty, and will report to Assistant Surgeon C. B. Addison, in charge post hospital at Adams Run, S. C.: Private A. B. McGUoray, Company C, Private J. W. Parrott, Company D, Private Charles Simpson, Company E, Private J. W. Dansby, Company 0, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. XIV. Private D. W. Hicks, of Captain Faulkner's company, Clanton's brigade, is for six months detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Autaugo County, Ala. XV. Private Andrew Taylor, of Colonel Neil.y's [Neely's] regiment, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of his county for the purpose of executing the bonds required by law. XVI. Private J. B. Smith, Company B, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for special service, and will report to Captain E. Pliny Bryan, assistant adjutant-general, at Petersburg, Va. XVII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Vardell, quartermaster, at Mount Pleasant, near Charleston, S. C.: Pri- vate W. H. Bradley, Company B, Private S. Ford, Company H, Seven- teenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private John Harvey, Company C, Holcombe Legion; Private T. E. North, Company D, Private J. Flem- ming, Company K, Private T. F. Dent, Company F, Sergeant P. 0. Dew, Company B, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers. XVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended forty days, and they will report to Major M. B. Millen, com- missary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga.: Private E. F. T. Rowland, Company B, Eighteenth Georgia Battalion; Private John Schroeder, Company C, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; Privates James McCallum, John Churchwell, Company E, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; Private Shubel F. Wood, Company K, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers; Private C. P. Wilcox, Company C, Eighth Georgia Volunteers; Private R. IP. Campbell, McCarthy's artillery; Private J. H. Winslow, Company E, Private John Rothwell, Company B, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers; Private W. H. Joyce, Joe Thompson Artillery; Private Elijah Wade, Lewis' company, Twentieth Georgia Battalion Cavalry; Sergeant J. J. Crawford, Company G, Twenty-seventh Georgia Volunteers. XIX. Private V. M. White, of Company F, Twenty-fourth Texas Dis- mounted Cavalry, is transferred to Company C, Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, he being a citizen of the latter State. XX. Colonel William J. Hoke, Invalid Corps, will report to Lieutenant- General T. H. Holmes, commanding reserve forces of North Carolina, at Raleigh, for assignment to duty. XXI. Captain James Ker, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &C., for assignment to duty as chief ordnance officer of his department. XXII. Major B. F. Jones, quartermaster, will report to General R. Bragg for assignment to inspection duty, to date from May 24,1864. 375 XXIII- Major W. S.Barringer, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces ot Virginia, for assignment to duty. He will retain and exercise bis present command, and perform such additional duties as Brigadier- General Kemper may direct, who is on an understanding with General BeauregariI in providing for the defense of the Danville Railroad. Bv command of the Secretary of War: 3 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, June 20, 1864. No. 143. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant J. W. 31c- Michael, Company D, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. S. F. Halliday, chaplain, First Florida Battalion ; Captain W. H. Sutherland, Company C, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. 11. Walthall, Dance's battery, First Virginia Artillery. II. The sentence pronounced in February last by the military court for the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida of dis- missal from the service of Captain F. C. Schulz, Company F, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery, is remitted. The views expressed by the commanding general as to the third charge, and his disapproval thereof, are concurred in. The acts of Captain Schulz, upon which the^other charges with their specifications are based, do not justify a sentence of dismissal. The punishment already endured by Captain Schulz is a sufficient vindication of military discipline violated by some irregulari- ties committed by him. The prosecution does not appear to have been instituted for the good of the service, but in a spirit of personal enmity, which meets with grave disapprobation. Captain Schulz will be re- leased from arrest and return to duty. III. The detail heretofore granted Private John J. Vaughan, Company E, Sixty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. IV. Private Thomas S. Winn, of Captain Hope's company, Sixth Florida Battalion, having been elected clerk of Hernando County, Fla., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. V. Private W. T. Westwood, Invalid Corps, is assigned to clerical duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report accordingly. VI. Private Daniel H. Hendrickson, Company A, First Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is for forty days detailed for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report to Walker Reynolds, government contractor, at Alpine, Ala. VII. Captain R. H. Herbert, assistant commissary of subsistence,£will report to Major J. L. Locke, at Savannah, Ga., for assignment to duty. VIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cpase to be officers of the C. S. Army: Major M. K. Simons, commissary of subsistence, Stewart's brigade; Captain James 0. Farnell, Company G, Tenth Confederate Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Seth Bridgeman, Company I, Fortieth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant David F. Dedderick, Company F, Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant A. C. Bailey, adjutant, Eighth Vir- ginia Cavalry. • 376 . IX. Surgeon C. Duffy, jr., is relieved from duty with Fifty-fourth P^. iment North Carolina Volunteers, and will report without delay to th« Forty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. X. So fhuch of Paragraph II, ^pecial Orders No. 124, [current series,] as relates to Surgeon Robert Gibbon is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C for assignment to duty. 1 XI. Lieutenant J. A. Marks, Provisional Army Confederate States will have his name dropped from the rolls for conduct unbecoming an' officer and gentleman, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. • XIL The resignation of Second Lieutenant B. H. Raines, Company F, Fourth Tennessee Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect July 12,1862. XIII. Private Theo. J. Robertson, of Company D, First Virginia Vol. unteers, being unfit ff>r field service, is during his unfitness detailed for duty in this office, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel II' Melton, assistant adjutant-general. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain W. H. Whitner, assistant adjutant-general, is extended fifteen days. • XV. Under the peculiar circumstances of the case the furlough here- tofore granted Private E. S. Schermerheon [E. P. Schermerhorn,] Company . I, Tenth Virginia Cavalry, is extended seven days from June 20,18G4. XVI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Messrs. Rahm & Co., in this city, their services being absolutely necessary: Privates A. L. Morris, John A. Mann, Company H, Arsenal Battalion. XVII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to H. M._ Smith, in this city, their services being absolutely necessary : Privates F. M. Allen, S. P. Mundy, J. H. II tfA, Charles L. Holt, Company H, Arsenal Battalion. XVIII. Colonel William Butler, First South Carolina Infantry, will immediately rejoin his command. XIX. Colonel C. B. Harkie, Fifty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, commanding post, Ander- sonville, Ga., for assignment to duty. , XX. First Lieutenant T. L. Swinton, of Company B, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXI. Lieutenant James Carey, Signal Corps, will relieve Lieutenant George C. Bain, Signal Corps, now serving as chief signal officer Army of Tennessee. Lieutenant Bain on being relieved will report t'o Major- General W. H. C. Whiting for assignment to duty as chief signal officer District of Cape Fear. XXII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private George Boyd, Company F, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XXIII. Private J. M. Wilsm, of Company M, Twenty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [S. /?.] Chisman, quartermaster, at Greensborough, N. C. Certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXIV. Brigadier-General James Chesnut,jr., will take immediate com- mand of the reserve forces of the State of South Carolina. He will com- Elete their organization and place them at once in service. To this end e is authorized to employ all enrolling officers, who are hereby directed to obey his instructions. He will establish his headquarters at such 877 Soint as he may deem best. Officers of the Quartermaster's, Commissary, rdnance, and Medical Departments are required to furnish all neces- gary facilities. All officers from the State of South Carolina of the In - valid Corps, and such of the regular forces as are for any reason unas - gigned, will immediately report to General Chesnut, who is authorized to assign them temporarily to duty with the reserves. XXV. Captain J. K. Womack, Company I, Fourth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to temporary duty in the Conscript Bureau, and will report to Major E. Clark, comman- dant conscripts East Louisiana, at Mobile. XXVI. Captain J. W. Wallace, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty at James Island, S. C., and will report accordingly*. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 21, 1864. Special Orders') No. 144. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant-Colonel John Critcher, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Captain A. C. Peace, Company H, Twenty- second South Carolina Volunteers; Captain D. M. Buie, unattached company, Provisional Army Confederate States; Rev. W. P. Wilson, chaplain, Sixteenth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. M. Mid- which they have suffered. Privates Worrell and Turner will be release< from confinement and returned to duty. IV. The following-named officers will have their names droppei from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and wil from this da}7 cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederal States: Captain, Jacob Foster, Company A, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Vol- unteers; Major James Barnett, Ninth Texas Volunteers. V. First Lieutenant J. H. Baird, Company C, Thirty-third Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, being inefficient, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. VI. First Lieutenant Samuel Kinsey, Company F, Second Virginia Volunteers, having deserted his company, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. 893 VII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- (ailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, nledical director, in this city, for assignment: John G. Smith, Company p Sixty-first Alabama Volunteers; II. Z.Stokes, Company C, Love's battalion Alabama volunteers; S. S. Schools, Company F, Eighth Vir- ginia Volunteers. VIII. Private M. Richardson, Company A, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major E. B. Branch, quartermaster, at Petersburg, Va., for assignment. IX. Private W. W. Walker, Company B, Eighteenth Georgia Battalion Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Engi- neer Department, and will report to the chief of Engineer Bureau for assignment. Certificates of his condition will be forwarded to his com- pany commander monthly. X. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: W. H. Clayton, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Alexander Duncan, Company C, John Wittosky, Company G, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; John N. poorer, Company G, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry ; Edward Fosterling, Company C, Robert McCreary, Company K, Second South Carolina State Troops; N. E. Fry, Company I, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; II. H. Crovatt, J. D. Murphy, jr., Company B, R. S. Walker, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; J. J. Johnson, Company C, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery; E. J. Wharton, Lafayette Light Artillery; J. P. Germaine, Com- pany A, W. T. Ham, Company I, R. A. Chaplin, Company A, Twentyrsev- entli South Carolina Volunteers; J. D. Weatherby [Wetherly,] Company B, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers; J. H. Windham, Company G, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Andrew Buckhiester, Company A, C. A. Calvo, Company C, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Louis P. Spiesgger, Washington Artillery; W. H. Long, Marion Artillery ; William B. Wibber, Washington Artillery; J. M. Edwards, Company A, South Carolina Siege Train; H. P. Cook, Company K, Palmetto Bat- falion; F. M. Harper, Company A, W. H. Moore, Company B, Thomas F. V'Sullivan, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; C. A.D. jtfiurch, Lafayette Artillery; M. P. Lucas, Company G, Twentieth South Carolina Volunteers. I XI. Samuel II. Gordon is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- pilaster's Department, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quarter- master, &c., for assignment to duty. XII. Surgeon John Clopton, medical purveyor Longstreet's corps, will relieve Assistant Surgeon W. H. Hall as medical purveyor at Petersburg, Va. Assistant Surgeon Hall on being relieved will report to the Sur- geon-General, in this city, for assignment to duty. XIIJ. The following-named men are detailed until further orders to work on the transportation boats at Charleston, S. C., and will report to J. M. Eason, superintendent, &c.: B. F. Kraemer, B. Cox, Company H, Third South Carolina Cavalry; Theo. W. Tilton, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Fitzgerald, Company C, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; S. B. Woodberry, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers. XIV. Sergeant S. Preston, Company G, Second Regiment Louisiana .volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to the commandant of the post at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to light duty. Certificates of "is condition will be forwarded to his company commander monthly. 99—S. 0., A. & I. GU 0.—4 394 XV. Private William J. Russell, Company C, Third Georgia VoIuq. teers, heretofore detailed for duty in the quartermaster's departmental Lynchburg, Va., is transferred to Atlanta, Ga., and will report to the commandant of the post for assignment to some duty suitable to hU condition. XVI. The following-named members of the Signal Corps are relieved from duty in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report to Major-General W. H. C. Whiting, commanding, 4^ Wilmington, N. C., for assignment: Lieutenant [/. L.] Doggett,Sergeants Teft [A. W. Taft,] Hart [L. C. Heart.-] XVII. Private G. J. McRee, of Captain Brice's company, is for four months detailed, on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, under Section II of the Military Bill, as published in General Orders No. 26, current series, and will report to the enrolling officer of Mecklenburg County, N. C. XVIII. The resignation of Captain J. F. Siler, Company E, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, has been accepted Jby the President, to hike effect June 13, 1864. XIX. Private John T. Wilson, of Company H, Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 38, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, February 14, 1863, as appoints C. F. Calhoun hospital steward is hereby revoked, and C. F. Calhoun will report to Governor H. W. Allen for assignment to duty. XXI. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 117, current series, is hereby revoked, and Sergeant J. R. Baldry, Company H, Twelfth Vir- ginia Volunteers, will rejoin his command. XXII. So much of Paragraph XLIII, Special Orders No. 62, current series, as refers to [Private] Austin [ilf.] Emens, Company E, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry, is hereby revoked, and Private Emeus will be sent to his command. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, June 30,1864. Special Orders) No. 152. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Henry 11. Gill, Company G, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant H. A. Davis, Company F, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Adam B. Mcillonee \_Mallome,] Company G, Sixty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Assistant Surgeon D. R. Haynes, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry, February 20,1864; Captain A. V. Gracer, Company H, Eighth Texas Volunteers, February 20, 1864; Second Lieutenant A. D. Self, Eleventh Louisiana Battalion, February 20,1864; Captain E. Oreuzbaur, light battery, May 16, 1864; Captain William Woodson, Company C, Wood's battalion, May 16, 1864; Second Lieutenant W. W. Wilson 395 Company E, First Lieutenant W. R. Lawson, Company I, Sixteenth Arkansas Infantry, May 16,1864; Second Lieutenant A. J. Brown, Com- pany G, Madison's regiment, May 16, 1864; Surgeon J. H. Lyons, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, May 16, 1864; Captain W. H. Brown, Company A, Thirtieth Texas Cavalry, May 16, 1864; Captain J. R. Waller, Company D, Thirty-first Texas Dismounted Cavalry, May 16, lSf>4; Second Lieutenant G. A. Dickerman, Company C, Sixteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, May 16, 1864; Second Lieutenant R. R. Bradley, Company K, Twentieth Texas Infantry, May 16, 1864; Lieutenant-Col- onel J. R. Burns, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry, May 18, 1864; First Lieu- tenant J. D. G. Adrian, Company C, Fourteenth Texas Volunteers, May IS, 1864; Second Lieutenant L. Newson, Company F, Chisum's regiment, May 18,1864; Captain S. B. Callahan, Company K, First Creek Regi- inent, May 18, 1864; First Lieutenant James W. Heliums, Company K, Eighteenth Arkansas Volunteers, May 18,1864; Captain J. E. Moore, First Lieutenant J. A. Shamblin, Company I, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, May 18, 1864; Second Lieutenant George F. Parker, Company I, Twen- tieth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, May 18,1864; Captain A. R. K. North- rr>p, Company E, Nineteenth Texas Infantry, May 18, 1864; Captain II'. C. Walsh, Provisional Army Confederate States, May 23, 1864; First Lieutenant B. F. Johnson, Company E, Ninth Missouri Infantry, May 23,1864; Second Lieutenant James Dunaway, Company H, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, May 23,1864 ; Chaplain Edward Allen, Seventh Missouri Cavalry, May 23, 1864; Captain James Porter, Company F, Tenth Mis- souri Cavalry, May 23, 1864; Captain W. S. Poyner, Company E, Six- teenth Arkansas Infantry, May 23, 1864; Captain Jo. A. Daniel, Com- nnny B, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry, May 23, 1864; Captain R. S. Hichard, Company I, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Infantry, May 23,1864; Second Lieutenant William Norman, drill-master, May 23, 1864. III. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 250, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, October 25, 1862, as refers to Captain W. J. Stokes, assistant quartermaster, Fifty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Stokes will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. IV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current scries, as refers to Captain A. Stephens, assistant quartermaster, Fifty- fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Stephens will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confed- erate States. V. Captain John C. Rutherford, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gard- ner, commandant post, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. VI. Sergeant W. E. Fowler, Company H, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. VII. James H. Hays, agent of the Commissary Department, is trans- ferred to the field transportation, Quartermaster's Department, and will report to [Major] Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta., Ga. VIII. Second Lieutenant H. M. Parker, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, com- manding reserve forces State of Mississippi, for assignment to duty. IX. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription for assignment toduty as designated: Lieutenant C. M. Dickerson to commandant conscripts State of Georgia; Captain W. H. Stuckey to commandant conscripts State of Alabama. 396 X. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current serit, as refers to Major W. S. Harris, quartermaster, Provisional Army Co^ federate States, is hereby revoked, and Major Harris will continue to b* an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XI. First Lieutenant R. M. Dickinson, Company B, First Battalion Virginia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XII. Private W. H. Garland, of Company D, Twenty-seventh Re^. ment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the machine shops of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and wiR report to C. G. Talcott, superintendent, &c., in this city. XIII. A furlough ior thirty days is granted Private John T. Whilh.4 Company B, Forty-fourth Virginia Volunteers. ' XIV. Private Lamar Hollyday, of Company A, Second Maryland In. fantry, is Appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon A. Y. f. Garnett, in this city, for assignment to duty. XV. Sergeant Edward L. Henry, of Company D, Twenty-third ment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major C. H. Luber, quartermaster, Charleston, S. C. XVI. Private Alfred K. Wallace, of Company G, Fiftieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed, on the grounds of equity, justic^ and necessity, until further orders under Section II, Military Bill, as' published in General Orders No. 26, current series, and will report to the enrolling officer of Rutherford County, N. C. XVII. Private Benjamin C. Moore, of Captain James Steele's company mounted riflemen, is detailed until further orders, on. the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, under Section II of the Military Bill, as published in General Orders No. 26, current series, and will report to the enrolling officer of AV llliamsburg District, South Carolina. XVIII. Private W. T. Burwell, of Company C, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, will report to Brigadier- General W. M. Gardner, commandant post, Richmond, Va., for assign- ment to some duty suitable to his condition. XIX. Cadet Fred. W. Smith, C. S. Army, will report to the command- ing general Department of Western Virginia for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General G. C. Wharton. XX. Private E. B. Brunson, of the Purcell Battery [Artillery,] Virginia artillery, having been elected clerk of the court of common pleas and general sessions for Darlington District, South Carolina, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XXI. Serneant Edward A. Pippin, Company D, Forty-second Battalion Virginia Cavalry, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXII. The following-named privates being minors and having en- listed without the consent of their parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: J. M. Barrett, Company C, Third Rutledge Georgia Sharpshooters; William Henry Hall, Company C, T wenty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; George H. Dlan, Captain Walker's company, Lady's battalion; Julian Sawyer, Captain Shortridge's company,. Lockhart's battalion; M. W. Graham, Company B, Twenty-sixth Georgia Battalion. XXIII. Under the peculiar circumstances of the case, Private James C. Lovelace, Company H, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXIV. Private E. A. Shingler, of Company E, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for cavalry service, is transferred to Company F, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery, and will report ac- cordingly. 397 XXV. Private Joseph S. Tweedy, of the Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed from July 10th to November 1, 1864, on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, under Section II of the Military jjill, as published in General Orders No. 26, current series, and will re- port to the enrolling officer of Campbell County, Va. XXVI. Leave of absence for thirty days on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Lieutenant S. A. Ivey, Company C, Forty-fifth Reg- iment Georgia Volunteers. XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, and will report accordingly: Private Resin Jones, Company B, Colonel Dearing's cavalry regiment; Private J. H. Standi, Company A, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON. Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, July 1,1864. No. 153. 1 I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Surgeon William S. McChesney, Twenty-seventh Virginia Volunteers. II. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 124, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, directing Surgeon E. L. Anthony to report to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, Atlanta, Ga., is hereby revoked. III. Assistant Surgeon A. J. Beale is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, Ac., at Richmond, Va., for assignment. IV. So much of Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 151, current series, as refers to Sergeant A. W. Taft, Signal Corps, is hereby .amended, and he will report to Lieutenant J. L. Crittenden, signal officer, Army of Tennessee. V. Private E. D. Lacy, Company C, Fifth Regiment Alabama Volun- teers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. VI. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain D. Carmichael, assistant quartermaster, First Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Carmichael will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. VII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant William N. Chevalier, Company F, Twent}'- fifth Louisiana Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant F. M. Buxter, Company K,Third Confederate Cavalry; Captain E. C. Outhbert, assistant quar- tor master. VIII. Private Henry Williams, of Company K, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed as a miner, and will report to Commander [A. R.] Fairfax, in charge coal mines Catawba Valley, Botetourt County, Va. ^ IX. Sergeant M. D. Forgy, Company G, Twelfth Regiment Arkansas ^olunteers, is transferred to Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report for duty accordingly. 100—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 398 X. Private Martin Turk, of Company I, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being a foreigner and having never acquired domicile, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XI. Captain Robert B. Hughes, Company A, Twenty-second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to the chief of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty in South Carolina. XII. The parole of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Smith, Thirty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, having been declared null and void, he will at once rejoin his regiment for duty. XIII. Private Thomas J. Williams, of Company I, Fifty-eighth Rem- ment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain 0. S. Dewey, assistant quartermaster, at Goldsborough, N. C. XIV. Private William Aufern, of Company G, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion, being an important witness in the case of John Ford, charged with felony, will be sent to report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of this city, on or before the 6th day of July, 1864. XV. First Lieutenant G. Yniestra, adjutant, First Florida Volunteers, will report to the superintendent Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty in Florida. XVI. Private J. H. Rogers, of Company C, Prison Guard, Salisbury, N. C., is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company D, Tenth Regiment North Carolina, and will report accordingly# XVII. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department until further orders, and will report to Major H. M. Davenport, quartermaster, at Savannah, Ga.: Private R. 0. Guerard, Company F, Jeff. Davis Legion; Sergeant James M. Farr, Company A, Fifth Georgia Cavalry. XVIII. Leave of absence for thirty days from July 5, 1864, is granted Brigadier-General John S. Preston, superintendent, &c. XIX. Second Lieutenant Alex. W. Westmoreland,. Company D, Fifty- third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness assigned to conscript duty in the State of North Carolina, and will report to the commandant of conscripts at Raleigh, N. C. XX. Private M. Martin, of Company B, Second Regiment South Caro- lina Rifles, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, in this city, to relieve Private L. White, of Company E, Ninth Georgia Volunteers, who will be immediately sent to his company. XXI. A furlough for twelve days is granted Private William P. Ray- mond, Company A, Thirty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXII. Private Washington Powell, of Company B, Forty-ninth Regi* ment Georgia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confed- erate States, having been elected sheriff of Telfair County, Ga. XXIII. Captain W. K. Johnson, of Company I, Eighth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will immediately return to his company and re- sume his command, his absence having been satisfactorily accounted for. , XXIV. Private M. G. Rittenberry, Company E, Tenth Georgia Bat- talion, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon Green, in charge general hospitals [at] Macon, Ga., for assignment. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. 399 XXV. Private Edmund Lee, of Company K, Seventh itegiment Florida Volunteers, having been appointed chaplain Provisional Army Confederate States, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, to take effect December 18, 1863. XXVI. Private David Muhaley, of Company F, Fiftyrseventh Regi- nient Nortfl Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXVII. Corporal John A. Haskins, Company B, Forty-fourth Bat- talion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Captain J. T. [S. T.] Martin's company light artillery, and will report accordingly. XXVIII. The following-named privates of Company D, First Loui- siana Heavy Artillery, are transferred to Company D, Eighteenth Bat- talion Virginia Heavy Artillery, being citizens of Virginia: John P. Jenkins, James J. Jones. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, July 2, 1864. Special Orders) No. 154. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain William L. Maule, Com- pany E, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers. II. Surgeon Charles Bell Gibson is assigned to temporary duty as a member of the Army Medical Board, Richmond, Va. III. So much of Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 66, series 1863, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, appointing John Berry hospital steward is hereby revoked, he having passed a favorable examination as assistant surgeon. IV. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 34, series 1863, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, appointing A. Taylor Banks hospital steward is hereby revoked, he having passed an unfavorable examination, and Private Banks will report without delay to the nearest enrolling officer. V. So much of Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 303, series 1862, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, appointing W. H. Cocke hos- pital steward is hereby revoked, he having passed a favorable examina- tion as assistant surgeon. VI. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 100, series 1862, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, appointing George S. Seymour hospital steward is hereby revoked, he having passed a favorable exam- ination as assistant surgeon. VII. The following acting medical officers are dropped from the rolls, they having been rejected by an army medical board: Dr. William Hart- well Pierce, Gurley's Thirtieth Texas Cavalry; Dr. Putnam S. Fulkerson, Elliott's Missouri cavalry; Dr. Ro. Willis Collins, Shanks'Second [Twelfth] Missouri Cavalry. VIII. Assistant Surgeon W. Duncan is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [W. A.] Carrington, Rich- niond, for assignment. 400 IX. Sergeant J. B. Werts, Company H, Holcombe's Legion, infantry is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to the colonel of big' regiment for assignment to duty. X. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: James Wilson Moore to Surgeon [P. B.j Scott, medical director, Demopolis, Ala.; Private HareU D. Harris, Com. pany H, Sixth Tennessee Volunteers, to General N. B. Forrest; Private J. C. M. Lofiin, Company I, Sixty-second Georgia Cavalry, to surgeon in charge Fort Caswell, N. C.; Private C. W. HUliard, Fifty-seventh Ala- bama Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment. XI. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department being supernumeraries, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of-the C. S. Army: Captains R. F. Dennis, F. L. Gracer, assistant quartermasters. XII. Private Chap. L. Anderson, of Company I, Thirty-ninth Regi- ment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Captain R. A. Owens' company of cavalry, and will report accordingly. XIII. Private J. E. Harrelson, of Company B, First Regiment Engi- neer Troops, having been improperly conscribed, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XIV. Private Ernest Auke, of Company H, First Regiment Engineer Troops, being a foreigner and having never acquired a domicile, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XV; So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain J. W. Higgason, assistant quartermaster, Forty-second Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Higgason will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Array Confederate States. XVI. Lieutenant Tazewell S. Morton, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, com- manding reserve forces of Virginia, for assignment to duty with Colonel P. T. Moore. XVII. Private J. P. Strong, Company F, Forty-eighth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, detailed for duty .in the Engineer Department, is transferred to the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon John J. Gravatt, in charge Receiving and Wayside Hospital, in this city. XVIII. Private W. E. Thompson, of Company C, Fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Forty-second Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XIX. Private William Morgan, Company B, Second South Carolina Volunteers, is relieved from duty in the office of the Quartermaster- General, and will report to Major Rowland [Roland] Rhett, quartermaster, Columbia, S. C. XX. Captain W. S. Alsop, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Major R. W. N. Noland, commissary of subsistence, at Char- lottesville, Va., for assignment to duty as purchasing commissary in Hanover County, Va. » XXI. Private W. H. Cahill, of Company F, Seventh Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major [ W. L.~] Bailey, quartermaster, Richmond. XXII. Private W. A. Dameron, Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Surgeon ;— Cabell, in charge general hospitals at Char- lottesville, Va. 401 XXIII- The details heretofore granted the following-named privates ftre extended sixty da}Ts: J. J. Maiden, Company D, Cobb's Legion; J. King, Company E, Second North Carolina Volunteers; William S. Smith, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers. XXIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: F. Barnes, Company C, Fifty-first Alabama Vol- unteers; Daniel Kelly, Company F, First Confederate Battalion Infantry; j[ S. Allen, Company B, Fifty-third Alabama Volunteers; John Knight, jasee Mallory, T. J. McDaniel, James Turner, Aliek Turner, Gid. Nelson Xrt'illeryj Daniel Musgrove, Company E, Eleventh Tennessee Volun- tiers; T- G. Allen, M. Hudson, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry; W. R. Ddqnr, Company A, South Carolina Siege Train. XXV. The following-nafned men are detailed for duty in the Quar- terniaster's Department and will report to Major W. F. Haines, quarter- master, &c., Goldsborough, N. C.: Private B. V. L. Hutton, Second Com- nany, Washington Artillery; Private J. B. Woods, Company F, First Missouri Volunteers. XXVI. Private Benjamin F. Jordan, of Company B, Fourteenth Regi- ment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company I, Thirty-second Georgia Volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. XXVII. Private James H. Scott, of Major-General Bate's cavalry escort, Army of Tennessee, now on duty as clerk in the office of Major G. M. llillyer, commissary of subsistence, Lagrange, Ga., is detailed for clerical duty in the office of General Braxton Bragg, in this city, and will report accordingly. XXVIII. The following-named men, being members of the Society of Friends, and having paid the tax of $500, as required by law, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States : Privates F. D. Lindley, II". Jl'. Lindley, Company 1, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers. XXIX. In accordance with the provisions of act of Congress, as pub- lished in Paragraph VIII, General Orders No. 22, current series, a board of officers will be convened for the examination of Captain J. K. Litthton, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry, dropped in Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 128, current series. XXX. Private G. A. Miller, Company K, Eighth Virginia Volunteers, on duty in the Army Intelligence Office, will immediately rejoin his command. XXXI. The detail heretofore granted Private S. T. Hardy, Company D, Fifteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXXII. Captain W. H. Whitner, assistant adjutant-general, will re- port to General R. E. Lee, commanding Armies North Carolipa and Vir- ginia, for assignment to duty with Major-General B. R. Johnson. XXXIII. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Lieutenant Edward C. Stockton, C; S. Navy, for assignment to duty, to take effect May 30,1864: Private John Gatley, Company B, First South Carolina Artillery; Private W. Shentfeldt, Com- pany B, German Artillery; Private A. Mahen, Company- I, Privates [Martin] Hart, Fitzemorris [Patrick Fitzmorris,] Company B, Private [Charles E.] Nichols, Company G,. First Georgia Regulars. XXXIV. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Lieutenant Commanding W. D. G. [ Wm. G.] Dozier, C. S. Navy, on board the receiving ship " Indian Chief," for assign- nient to duty, to take effect May 8,1864: Privates T. M. Sikes, J. C. Speers, Company G, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers. 101-S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 402 tain J. H. Jones, assistant quartermaster, on duty at the Horse Infima£ Camp, Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Captain Jone« 0* being relieved will report to Major E. Willis, chief quartermaster ff General Beauregard's command, for assignment to duty. ' By command of the Secretary of War: I. The details heretofore granted the following-named men is ex. tended sixty days: Private 0. H. Andrews, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private 31. V. Arnan, Company E,Twenty, fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private E. P. Brown, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private 31. S. Boyce, Company K, Second South Carolina Artillery ;* Private J. Carmody, Company H, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; ' Privates R. E. Cox, G. IT. Qrovatt, John ft Cox, G. W. Cox, E. Deveaux, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry- Private J. E. Due, Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers' Private W. II. Dunnivan, Company A, Second South Carolina Artillery- Private Thomas Ford, Company C, Lucas' battalion; Private C. B. FiU. simons, Company D, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; Private R. F. Friend, Company B, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. J. Flynn, Company D, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery; Private Thomas Gleeson, Company H, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. P. Gaillard, Company B, Private J. GordotyfCora- pany E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private W. H. Green, Company H, Private D. Hurlbert, Company I, First South Carolina Artillery ; Private James D. Hunt, Company C, Holcombe Legion; Pri- vate J. R. Hair, Company A, Second South Carolina Artillery; Private G. B. King, Company D, First South Carolina Artillery; Private F. Kruse, Company B, German Artillery; Private H. L. Laughlin, Com- pany G, Twentieth South Carolina Volunteers; Private G. J. Lea, Com- pany B, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers ; Private E. A. Michel, Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private £ McCormick, Company D, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery; Private . 31. 3IcNeill, James 3IcNeill, Lafayette Artillery ; Private J. 3Ia.rchant, Cora- pany I, Second South Carolina Artillery; Private P. P. 3Iazyck, Marion Light Artillery; Private J. Nolan, Company D, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery ; Privates J". 0'3Iard [O'Mara,] W. 0 3Iard [O'Afara,] Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private W. J. 0'Conner, Com- pany C, Seventeenth Sou.th Carolina Volunteers; Private James Rosk Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private 0. M. Sexton, Company C, South Carolina Siege Train ; Private W. H. Shaffer, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers ; Private V. Saner, Company B, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private H. W- Wienges, Company C, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Pri- vate W. G. Fealy, Lafayette Light Artillery. SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, ■ Richmond, July 4,1864. Special Orders No. 155. 403 rp]ie details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- i. 1 sixty days : Private W. J. Bowick, Washington Artillery; Private Gordon, Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; te Staley> Company I, Second South Carolina Artillery; r>r- te Benjamin Pooser, Company I, First South Carolina Artillery; I^'jtes T. S. Webb, James B. Porter, Washington Artillery; Private r-rl/P Carroll, Company C, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers ; Pri- F- ft jf. Wiles, Company C, First South Carolina Artillery; Private ^r rae Thompson, Iveitt's Second South Carolina Artillery; Private j II Taylor, Company G,.Fifth South Carolina Cavalry. Ill The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and '11 report for duty as designated : Private E. W. Marsh, Company G, p.1 t Georgia Volunteers, to Assistant Surgeon R. T. Stacy, field medical irvevor, Savannah, Ga.; Private Thomas F. Butler, Chatham Artillery, {' Assisk',nt Surgeon R. T. Stacy, field medical purveyor, Savannah, Ga..; Private J- R- Armistead, Company C, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers, to «urreon in charge Forrest Hospital, Lauderdale, Miss.; Private T. M. *Barna, Company A, Eighth Georgia Volunteers, to Medical Director [& H.~\ ort to the enrolling officer of the county. XLI. Private C. W. Sappington, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment- Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as clerk of the Medical Examining Board, at Abingdon, Va., and will re- port to Surgeon Hugh A. Blair, in charge, &c., Abingdon, Va. XLII. Private P. M. Staiars, of the Hampden Battery [Artillery,] is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major B.F.Jones, commanding Confederate States armory in this city. XLIII. Private J. J. Cabiness, of Company I, Sixty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Be Lagniel [De Lagnel,] commanding Confederate States arsenal, Colum- hus, Ga. 432 XLIV. Sergeant W. S. Hunter, of Company I, Thirteenth Regime^ Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain AV^ assistant commissary of subsistence, at South Quay, Southampt,^ County, Va. XLV. The detail heretofore granted Private H. A. Richmond, of Co^ pany B, First Battalion Georgia Reserves, is extended until further orders. XLV1. Private Thomas A. Mclver, of the Terrell Artillery, is tran$. ferred to Captain Byrne's artillery company, of Brigadier-General J. y Morgan's command. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, July 16,18G4. Special Orders ) No. 167. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Assistant Surgeon K. G. 11atoon, Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Assistant Surgeon Ro. B. Harris, Seven- teenth and Twenty-third Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. J/. Young, Company E, First Confederate Cavalry; Captain G. If. Roberts, Company I, Sixtieth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant C. R. Warren, Company A, First Lieutenant H. G. Quin, Company K, Thirty- third Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant D. W. Johnston, Company B, Second Mississippi Cavalry; First Lieutenant F. Kendall, Company B, Twenty-sixth Georgia Battalion; First Lieutenant R. H. Wilkins, Com- pany E, Second Battalion Alabama Light Artillery; Captain Alcxamhr H. Bright, Company C, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; First Lieutenant John A. Outhbert, Citizen Guard, First Mobile Regiment. II. Hospital Steward W. P. Passmore will report without delay to Surgeon [ W. H:] Prioleau, medical purveyor, at Macon, Ga., for duty in laboratory. r III. Hospital Steward G. W. Emmons is relieved from present duty, .and will report without delay to Assistant Surgeon T. S. Latimer, Con- federate States dispensary Richmond, Va., for duty. IV. Surgeon J. B. Gaston is relieved from present duty, and will re- port without delay to Medical Director [IF. A.] Carrington for duty at Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond. V. Major J. E. McElrath, quartermaster, will relieve Major E. H. Ewing, quartermaster of Major-General Stevenson's division. Major Ewing on being relieved will report for duty to Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, in- spector-general field transportation. VI. Major E. W. Baylor, quartermaster, is relieved from duty with General Strahl's brigade, and is assigned to duty with the brigade com- manded by Brigadier-General [E. W.~\ Pettus. VII. Captain R. P. Hunter, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and is assigned to duty with the Seventeenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers. 433 VIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, current series, as refers to the following-named officers of the Quartermaster's popartment is hereby revoked, and they will continue to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Captain J. A. Hoioell, Twenty- fixth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain G. B. Holmes, Second Alabama Cavalry. IX. Lieutenant J. H. Wilson, of Company B, Second Regiment Mary- land Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty with Colonel C. Gibbs, in charge of prisons at Macon, Ga., and will report accordingly. X. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Lieutenant J. H. Brasseal, Company A, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant Jacob Bamberger, Company H, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers. XI. Captain William J. Hamlett, of Company H, Twenty-fourth Regi- nicnt Virginia Cavalry, being inefficient, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. XII. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 151, current series, is so modified as to assign the following-named members of the Signal Corps to duty with the Army of Tennessee, and they will report accordingly : Lieutenant John L. Doggelt, Sergeants A. W. Taft, L. 0. Hurt [Heart.~\ XIII. Private Richard P. Porter, of Companj' B, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended until further orders: Private W. 0. Geffroy, Company G, Tenth North Carolina Volunteers; Private L. A. Adams, Company A, Rut- ledge Mounted Rifles, Trenholm's squadron, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers. XV. The sentence of the military court for the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, cashiering Lieutenant James R. Bates, Com- pany C, Twelfth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is, upon the application of officers of his regiment and the approval of his commanders, remitted, and Lieutenant Bates is hereby restored to his rank and position in his company. XVI. Brigadier-General J. A. Walker, Provisional Army Confederate States, will assume the command of the line of railroad between Rich- mond and Danville, to take effect July 8, 1864. He will establish his headquarters at such point on the railroad as he may select. XVII. Lieutenant J. II. Brigham, adjutant, Third Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is relieved from court-martial duty in this city, and will rejoin his command. He will report to General E. K. Smith, command- ing Trans-Mississippi Department, at Shreveport, La. XVIII. Captain RobertSpe&r, 6f Companj' A, Third [Seventh] Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, will report to Brigadier-General Harry T. Hays, at Alexandria, La., to assist in collecting and causing to return to their com- tnands all officers and men in the Trans-Mississippi Department belong- ing to organizations east of the Mississippi River. XIX. Private T. J. Middlebrooks, of Company C, Eleventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. 109—S. 0., A. & I. Gr. 0.-4 434 XX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant-Colony Samuel W. Thompson, Tenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, pendin» his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. 5 XXI. Private James A. Raum, Company H, Fifty-first Alabama Vol. unteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in th» Medical Department as clerk, and will report to senior surgeon of medil cal examining board at Montgomery, Ala., for assignment. XXII. The detail heretofore granted Private Thomas W. Bryan, of Company G, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, is extended until further orders. Certificate of his condition will be furnished to his company commander monthly. XXIII. Private S. B. Rives, Company E, Forty-first Virginia Volun. teers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report for assignment to Major Robert Tannahill, commissary of subsistence, at Petersburg, Va. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. XXIV. Private Thomas L. Farrow, of Company A, First Confederate Georgia Regiment, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to chief ordnance officer at Mobile, Ala, for assignment. XXV. Private G. M. Maxwell, of Company G, Sixty-first Georgia Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to Colonel G. W Rains, command- ing Confederate States arsenal Augusta, Ga. XXVI. Private A. Brantley, Company B, Sixty-fourth Georgia Volun- teers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [R. J/.] Ouyler, Confederate States arsenal Macon, Ga. XXVII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major H. Mytrt, chief ordnance officer at Mobile, Ala.: Private James Lackey, Company A, First Confederate Georgia Regiment; Private J. F. Johnson, Company D, Seventeenth Alabama Regiment; Corporal J. J. Bowman, Winston s battery Tennessee volunteers. XXVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Samuel M. Eickok, of Company G, Fourth Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXIX. Private John W. Sadler, Company—, First Regiment Engineer Troops, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Fluvanna County, Va., for the purpose of perfecting his bonds as required by law. XXX. Sergeant B. E. Hunter, Company A, Thirteenth South Caro- lina Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for guard duty at the Confederate States armory Columbia, S. C., and will report to Captain C. C. McPhail, commanding, &c. XXXI. Private John Dorrot, of Company F, Fourth Mississippi Rezi- ment, is for six months detailed to practice his profession, under the eleventh section of the military act, upon the grounds of equity, jus- tice, and necessity. He will report to the enrolling officer of Calhoun County, Miss. XXXII. Private T. A. Johnson, of Company D, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty as chief butcher in the city of Charleston, and will report to Charles Mac- beth, mayor at Charleston, S. C. 435 XXXIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days : Private "Thomas Dixon, Company A, Private J. R. Covington, Company H, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers; private H. P. Shockly, Rice's battery Tennessee volunteers. XXXIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private J. M. Howell, Company E, Twelfth Georgia Battalion; Private J. T. McCallar, Company D, Fifty-seventh Georgia Regiment. XXXV. Private George W. Nelms, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty with the Southern Telegraph Company, and will report to W S. Morris, president, &c., in this city. XXXVI. Private J. E. Sonby, of Company E, Fifth Regiment Loui- siana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major L. 0. Bridewell, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga. XXXVII. First Lieutenant H. N. Ogden, Eighth Battalion Louisiana Volunteers,' is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Colonel P. Mallett, commandant conscripts State of North Carolina. XXXVIII. Sergeant-Major Douglas Bell, of the Invalid Corps, is as- signed to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Col- onel J. C. Shields, commandant conscripts State of Virginia. XXXIX. A furlough for ten days is granted Private Isaac H. Christian, of Company D, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XL. Leaves of absence for thirty days are granted the following-named officers upon surgeon's certificate of disability: Surgeon C. R. Kemper, Provisional Army Confederate States; Chaplain G. W. Hicks, Castle Thunder. XLI. The finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieu- tenant B. Herzog, Wilke's [Willke's] battery light artillery, having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Herzog is, by command of the President, honorably retired from the service without pay or allow- ance, and will from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XLII. The finding of the examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant J. P. Mason, Company D, Terrell's cavalry regiment, having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Mason is, by com- niand of the President, honorably retired from the service without pay or allowance, and will from this date cease to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XLIII. The examining board in the case of Captain J. W. Bennett, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, having found that he is unfit to perform his proper and legitimate duties, and the finding having heen approved by the Secretary of War, Captain Bennett will, by com- mand of the President, cease from this date to be an officer of the army. XLIV. The examining board in the case of First Lieutenant B. C. Sigler, Company H, Terrell's regiment, having found that he is unfit to perform his proper and legitimate duties, and the finding having been approved by the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Sigler will, by command of the President, cease from this date to be an officer of the army. XLV. Major James H. Alexander, assistant adjutant-general, will re- nmin on duty with Major-General J. F. Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau, in Richmond, until further orders. 486 XLVI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Hb'spital Department, and will report as designated: Private J. D. Hooker, Company B, Second Virginia Bat- talion Reserves, to Surgeon [J. B.~] McCaw, Chimborazo Hospital, Rich- mond; Private J. A. Weaver, Company F, Fifth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon W. T. Walker, Huguenot Springs, Va.; Private J. A. Johnson, Company E, Ninth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon W. T. Walker, Hugue- not Springs, Va.; Sergeant L. L. Davis, Company B, Coppens' battalion, to Senior Surgeon W. 0. Owen, Lynchburg, Va. XLVII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed until further orders for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private J. H. Barrett, Company D, Third Vir- ginia Volunteers, to Surgeon H. G. Davidson; Private Lewis B. Holleman, Company E, Phillips' Legion, cavalry, to Surgeon J. M. Green, Macon,Go. XLVIII. Private L. R. Chewning, of Company H, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Captain D. G. Campbell, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, at Charleston, S.C. XLIX. Private John Gilchrist, of Company G, Eighth Regiment Ala- bam a Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Admiral F. Buchanan, commanding, &c., Mobile, Ala. L. Private 0. H. Jenkins, of Company K, Fifty-eighth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Cora- pany A, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. LI. Private Daniel J. Driscoll, of Jordan's battery Virginia volunteers, is transferred to Second Company, Washington Light Artillery, Loui- siana volunteers, being a citizen of the latter State. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON. Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, July 18,1864. Special Orders) No. 168. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : First Lieutenant R. C. Hansen- burg, Company A, Ordnance Guard; Second Lieutenant J. E. Gandey [Gandry,] Company A, Second Lieutenant John Richardson, Company B, Symons' battalion; Captain Joshua Ward, Waccamaw Light Artillery j Captain L. H. Kenan, Company I, First Georgia Regular^; Captain )l. P. Redwine, Company I, Tenth Georgia Volunteers; Captain J. A. Scale, Company^E, Seventh Alabama Cavalry. II. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 121, current series, as refers to Fifljt Lieutenant G. Cook, of Bradford's battery, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Cook will continue to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. III. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Colonel John S. Hoffman, Thirty-first Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Major A. E. Lassalle, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, to August 26, 1864; Colonel D. Provence, Sixteenth Arkansas Volunteers, forty days; Major A. C. Avery, assistant adjutant-general, thirty days. 437 IV. Private T. 0. Jones, of Company A, Third Virginia Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant W. D. Bell, military storekeeper, Hanover June- tion, \ a. V. General Joseph E. Johnston, C. S. Army, is hereby relieved from the command of the Army and Department of Tennessee, and will turn over the same to General John B. Hood, Provisional Army Confederate States. ' . VI. Leaves of absence for thirty days are granted the following-named officers: Surgeon E. W. Higginbotham, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain 0. W. Edwards, military storekeeper; Chaplain S. F. Cameron, Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others company and regiment, all parties consenting, provided no ex- pense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private B. L. Kim- brougk, Company B, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers; Private Richard Warwick, Company E, Hood's cavalry battalion. VIII. The following-named privates, being minors and having enlisted without the consent of their parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, and will be furnished transportation to their homes in Florida: Daniel Grantham, Captain Pierson's company, (B,) Sixth Florida Battalion; William Day, Captain Stewart's company, (C,) Second Florida Battalion. IX. A furlough for ten days is granted Private S. D. Richardson, of Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. X. Bartle Smith is appointed hospital steward, and will report to the surgeon in charge St. Francis de Sales Hospital. XI. The following-named men, being important witnesses in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of this city, on Friday 22d July, 1864: Private John A. Albert, Company C, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers; Private William McCue, Company B, First Louisiana Volunteers; Joseph Summers, gunboat "Richmond." XII. Captain L. M. Perry, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty iu the Conscription Department, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for Virginia. XIII. Private John J. Griffin, of Company C, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is transferred to Captain Lassiter's squadron, Hood's cav- airy command, and will report accordingly. XIV. A leave of absence for thirt}' days, pending his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps, is granted Captain John H. Bryan, Com- pany B, Tenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers. XV. Private A. G. Stewart, of Company B, Fifty-ninth Regiment Ala- lama Volunteers, is transferred to Company H, Third Regiment Ala- lama Cavalry, all parties consenting, provided no expensef to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred. XVI. Leave of absence for forty days with permission to visit Bermuda for the benefit of his health is granted Lieutenant-Colonel T. G. Gordon, Thirty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XVII. Sergeant A. H. Payne, of Company C, Forty-second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Company A, Eighteenth Battalion Mississippi Cavalry, and will report accordingly. 110—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 438 XVIII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 121, curre series, as refers to Lieutenant J. B. Carty, of Company I, Ninth Regit^1 Texas Volunteers, is hereby revoked, Lieutenant Carty having fallen i the defense of his country on the 4th of June, 1864. 11 XIX. Conscript S. C. Flournoy, of Virginia, is detailed for thirty p's regiment, June 7, 1864; First Lieutenant B. W. Kay, Red Sharpshooters, June 7,1864. v Paragraph XXXII, Special Orders No. 140, current series, is •Vbv revoked, and Captain Jas. W. Shields, assistant commissary of sub- i^stence, will continue on duty as post commissary at Christiansburg, ^*XI Private John H. Ross, of Company A, Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to commanding officer of his battalion. XII. Second Lieutenant G. W. Price, of Company K, Seventeenth Raiment Mississippi Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this dav cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIII. Captain J. TP. Perrin, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duly with Major J. B. E. Sloan, controlling quartermaster of tax in kind in South Carolina, and will report accordingly. XIV. Private Clay North, of Company —, (Shoemaker's battery,) Stuart's [Stuart] Horse Artillery, being unfit for field service, is de- tailed until further orders for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Captain G. T. Getty, commanding, &c., Lynchburg, Va. XV. Private James M. Jennings, of Company C, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to MessrS. J. R. Anderson & Co., government contractors, in this city. * XVI. Private P. A. Bienvann, of Company D, Siege Train, South Car- olina volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain James L. Eames, assistant commissary of subsistence, Boykin's Depot,'Va. XVII. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates of tlig Thirtieth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers are extended sixty days: Edward Schremp, Company A; George T. Hall, Company B. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Thomas G. Elam, of Cap- tain Epes' company, (Drewry's Bluff,) is extended until further orders. XIX. Private Van Taliaferro, of Company G, Eleventh Regiment Vir- pinia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XX. The following-named men having been elected commissioned officers will be discharged his former service: Private M. H. Johnson, Company I, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers; Private J". L. Cody, Company G, Sixteenth Alabama Volunteers. XXI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain George 0. Janney, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Montgomery, Ala. Certificates of their condition will ® furnished monthly to their company commander: Private Jules E. J.wndais, Company F, Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteers; Private John H. Company H, Fifty-first Alabama Cavalry. \ 114~S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 454 XXII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men a extended until further orders: Privates J. W. B. Dodson, J. E. T. HardJ* Company C, Tenth Virginia Battalion. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted Private A. Apple, Company q Second Georgia Regiment, is extended sixty days from 29th Marck' 1864. ^ XXIV. The detail heretofore granted "the following-named men are extended sixty days from the expiration of last detail: Charles 31. Dar- Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion; W. 31. Smith, Company £ Sixth North Carolina Volunteers. XXV. Private J. C. Braithwait, Company B, Fourteenth Virgin;a Cavalry, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty ih tlie Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain R. Turk, assist, ant quartermaster, at Staunton, Va., for assignment. XXVI. The detail heretofore granted Private Thomas Crabtree, Com- pany H, Second South Carolina Cavalry is extended sixty days. XXVII. Private J. T. Edwards, Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Depart! ment, and will report to Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment XXVIII. Private E. 31. Dickinson, Company E, Seventh Arkansas Regiment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major L. 0. Bridewell, quar- termaster, at Augusta, Ga. XXIX. Private Eugene Hatrel, Rice's light artillery, General Forrest's command, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain F. Harry Quitman, assistant quartermaster, at Columbus, Miss. XXX. The detail heretofore granted Private John 31. Phelps, Wash- ington Mounted Artillery, is extended sixty days. XXXI. The detail heretofore granted Private James L. Rogers, Com- pany D, Sixtieth Virginia Volunteer^, is extended until further orders. XXXII. The detail heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days : Stephen D. Wilkerson, Drury's [Drewry's] battery, Drury's [Drewry's] Bluff; 3Ierrit Gamer, Company I, Third Virginia Volunteers. XXXIII. The following-named privates are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to superintendent Peters- burg Railroad for assignment: J. E. Stowe, C. 0. Belcher, Captain Wright's company, at Camp Lee. XXXIV.- The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Private S. S. Wise, Captain Kirkland's company, Third South Carolina Cavalry, to Superintendent H. T. Peake, South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, S. C.; Private Samuel Perry, Company A, Seventh Georgia Cavalry, to Superintendent H. T. Peake, South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, S. C-; Privates Robertson Tucker, W. A. Jones, and James Brochwell, of Captain Wright's company, at Camp Lee, to superintendent Petersburg Iron Works. XXXV. Private Duff Lewis, of Captain Hardy's company, Day's bat- talion, Rucker's Legion, is detailed for sixty days for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Captain A. L. assistant quartermaster. XXXVI. Lieutenant D. T. 3Iarable, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Conscription Depart- ment, and is assigned to duty with the reserves of Virginia. He wi" report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c. 455 YVII' Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are ^ d the following-named officers : Surgeon R. P. Page, Provisional grant p £e(^erate gtates, fifteen days; Lieutenant W. D. Starke [Storke,] ArI11/ r Corps, thirty days ; Captain E. M. HEngle, assistant quarter- £n?iue xuirty days; Major S. B. Brewer, commissary of subsistence, paster, vs Furloughs for the periods herein specified are granted ( flowing-named men: Sergeant J. C. Rogers, Company A, Forty- tb® , yirginia Volunteers, fifteen days ; Corporal George J. S. Walker, seC°n v C, Lewis' battalion, Thomas' cavalry regiment, ninety days; p°Yite "R- Dawson, Company E, Fourth Virginia Volunteers, six ^VXXIX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following- ed officers are extended as follows : Major R. J. Moses, commissary nrSubsistence, Longstreet's corps, ninety days; Lieutenant-Colonel F M. Field [Feild,~\ Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. XL Colonel T. M. R. Talcott, commanding First Regiment Engineer T oops will immediately proceed with his command from his present sition on the Richmond and Danville Railroad to headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, via Richmond, and report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c. XLI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tilled for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated : Private D. Hood, Company E, Fifth Regiment South Caro- lina Cavalry, to Captain W. A. Hayne, post quartermaster, tax in kind, Charleston, S. C.; Private Boykin Owens, Company A, Third Georgia Cavalry, to Captain H. C. Hart, post quartermaster at Eufaulaula, [Eufaula,] Ala.; Private John W. Fields, Company G, Sixth Alabama Volunteers, to Captain TP. M. Gillaspie, assistant quartermaster, Selma, Ala. XLII. The order of General Bragg bearing date May —, 1862, by which Captain E. F. Williams, Company D, Second Texas Infantry, was discharged from the service is hereby confirmed. XLIII. The proceedings and findings of the examining board in the cases of Senior First Lieutenant TP". Swain and Junior First Lieutenant A. P. Goodman, Company G, Thirty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Troops, adverse to their promotion are approved and confirmed. Lieu- tenants Swain and Goodman will therefore continue in their present position. XL1V. Lieutenant J. B. Whitehead, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the provost-marshal of Petersburg, Va., and will report accordingly. XLV. The following-named men are assigned to duty in the Con- scription Department, and will report to the chief of Bureau of Con- scription, in this city, for service in Virginia: First Lieutenants John T. Baughn, James May. XLVI. Lieutenant M. A. Foster, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to the chief of YiaU ^onscrlpfi°n) in this city, for service in Tennessee. . XLVII. Paragraph XXXVIII, Special Orders No. 167, current series, is revoked, and Sergeant-Major Douglas Bell, of the Invalid Corps, is as- feigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Ptam W. E. Pierce, assistant quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. 456 XLVIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 159, rent series, as refers to Private David Wells, of Company A, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Wells win remain on duty as at present detailed. . XLIX. Second Lieutenant H. A. Frederic, of Company B, Crescent Regiment, Louisiana volunteers, will proceed to rejoin his regiment in the Trans-Mississippi Department. While on his way he has leave to visit his home in Mississippi for twenty days. L. Private Felix W. Israel, of Company K, Twenty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be di». charged the service of the Confederate States. LI. L. W. Burwell, commissary sergeant, Twenty-third Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Colonel J. C. Shields, com- mandant of conscripts for Virginia, in this city. LII. Private Eugene Granberry, of Company B, Thirty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed as nurse to Brigadier-General C. Evans, Captain Pierce, and Lieutenant [Eugene C.] Gordon, aid-de- camp, who are wounded and on their way to Georgia. He will be fur- nished transportation to and from the destination of these officers. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, July 23,1864, Special Orders) No. 173. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Captain W. N. Smith, military storekeeper, &c.; Assistant Surgeon R. Wilson, Provisional Army Con- federate States; Captain B. W. Green, jr., Company A, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant C. A. Johnson, Company B, Fifth Battalion North Carolina Reserves; Captain H. A. Boone, Company B, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. B. Deane, Company K, Third Georgia Reserves; First Lieutenant Benjamin Green, adjutant, Twenty-first Georgia Battalion Cavalry. II. Private Edward T. Varner, of Company C, Third Alabama Regi- ment, is detailed for duty as overseer for his father, without pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of such detail, and will report to the enrolling officer of Macon County, Ala. III. Private Richard Williamson, of Company A, First Engineer Corps, is detailed for three months for duty as overseer for Mrs. Minerva A. Fowlkes, and will report to the enrolling officer of Amelia County, Va. IV. Private Thomas M. Walthall, of Selden's battery, (Gid. Nelson Artillery,) is detailed for six months as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Perry County, Ala.. V. Private Robert L. Sterle, of Company C, Hatch's battalion Alabama volunteers, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts of Alabama to perfect the bonds required by law. 457 VI. The sentence of death pronounced against A. J. Wilson, Com- pany A, Forty-second Virginia Regiment, tried January 19, 1864, by s general court-martial convened by command of Brigadier-General John H. Winder, Special Orders No. 178. Paragraph VII, is remitted by oriler of the President. He will be released and returned to duty. VII. A furlough for seven days is granted Private B. T. Jones, of Company B, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers. VIII. Captain W. B. Smith, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Fifty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the artillery ordnance train of Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. IX. Lieutenant W. H. Portlock, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty at the Confederate States arsenal Selma, Ala., and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. White, commanding. X. Private James H. Grant, of Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XI. Private R. E. Gregg, of Captain Brock's company, Miller's regi- pent Mississippi cavalry, is transferred to Captain Bradford's company of Mississippi artillery, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private [Edward] McOreary, Company D, Twenty-first Alabama Volunteers; Private M. M. Mahoney, Company B, Sixth Alabama Cavalry. XIII. Private Emberry Woodham, of Company H, Twenty-first Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of Alabama, is trans- ferred to Company G, First Regiment Alabama Volunteers. XIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense .to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private G. W. Winningham, Company E, Eleventh South jCarolina Volunteers; Private W. J. Win- ningham, Bachman's artillery company. XV. Private Thomas W Owens, of Company I, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, is transferred to the Thomas Legion, North Carolina volunteers, and will be allowed to select a company in said legion. XVI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant R. T. Owen, of Company K, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XVII. Private J. R. Denton, of Company A, Exchanged Battalion, (formerly of Compan}' F, Twenty-seventh Regiment Louisiana Volun- teers,) is transferred to Company F, Forty-sixth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. XVIII. Private George G. Cossett, of Company L, Thirteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Colonhl Powell's regiment, First Brigade, Roddy's [Roddey's] cavalry command. XIX. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 76, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, March 30, 1863, is hereby revoked, and Private W. S. Massey, of Company E, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Captain W. N. Barker, in charge Signal Bureau, in this city. XX. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private Jefferson Stokes, of Company G, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. 115—S. 0., A. & I* G. 0.—4 458 XXI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de. tailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Cap. tain V. M. Byrnes, assistant commissary of subsistence, Mobile, Ala.: Private George Spaulding, Company P, Second Battalion Alabama Artijl lery; Private Fred. A. TanJcersley, Company A, First Mobile Regiment Alabama Volunteers. XXII. Private W. A. Bryant, of Company H, Third Regiment Florida Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major H. R. Tmdale, quartermaster, at Lake City, Fla. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XXIII. Private Joseph R. Smith, of Company H, Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty at the Confederate States distillery Macon, Ga., and .will report to Surgeon W. H. Prioleau, in charge thereof. XXIV. Private A. Randal, Company B, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, commanding Confederate States arsenal Richmond, Va. XXV. The detail heretofore granted Private J. G. McVey, Company G, Fifty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXVI. Private William E. Marshall, of Company B, Twelfth Tennessee Battalion Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. B.Dennett, assistant quartermaster. XXVII. Private James M. Tomlinson, Company B, Fourth Georgia Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Captain L. P. Grant, engineer in charge Atlanta, Ga. XXVIII. Private William D. Seymour, Company A, Fourth Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as a teacher during such unfitness without pay or allowances from government as a soldier during continuance of such detail. He will report to enrolling officer of Hancock County, Ga. XXIX. Private Thomas S. Reese, Company B, First Tennessee Regi- ment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty on bridge of Richmond and Danville Railroad to relieve Private [James E.] Crow, Company D, Fifty-fifth Virginia Regiment, who will be returned to his command. XXX. Private John Lange, of Company C, Forty-third Alabama Reg- iment, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. White, commanding Confed- erate States arsenal Selma, Ala. Certificate of his unfitness for field duty will be furnished his company commander monthly. XXXI. Lieutenant-Colonel D. T. Chandler, assistant adjutant and in- spector-general, is assigned to general inspection duty, and will report to Colonel R. H. Chilton, inspector-general, in this city. XXXII. The superintendent of the Army Intelligence Office is authorized to send an agent to the Army of Tennessee to prepare a list of casualties occurring in said army. The agent will be governed by instructions received from the superintendent of the Army Intelligence Office. 459 XXXIII. Second Lieutenant M. F. Scarborough, drill-master, Provis- jonnl Army Confederate States, will have his name dropped from the rolls for conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and will frond this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXIV. Captain J. S. [T«/".] Thrasher, Third Arkansas Volunteers, detailed by Paragraph IX [XI,] Special Orders No. 48, current series, for the purpose of collecting the absentees from his brigade and enlist- ing recruits for the same, will immediately rejoin his command with such absentees and recruits as he may have collected. XXXV. Rev. G. W. Phelps, chaplain, Seventeenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to duty at the post of Petersburg, Va., and will report to G. S. West, surgeon in charge Con- federate States hospitals Petersburg, Va. XXXVI. Private William Wall, of Company D, Seventh Battalion South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company E, Seventeenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being a citizen of Alabama. XXXVII. Cadet Alfred A. Ayer, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty with the First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, Colonel [Alfred] Rhett com- uianding, and will report accordingly. XXXVIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following- named officers are extended as follows: Captain E. H. Martin, Company D, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days from April 30,1864; Captain G. K. Griggs, Company K, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant A. A. Hines, Company A, Thirty-eighth North Caro- lina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant H. H. Perry, Company B, Forty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. XXXIX. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private A. M. Aiken, of Company —, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, at the expira- tion of which time he will report to Colonel J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") Richmond, July 25, 1864. No. 174. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon William R. Vaughan, Provisional Army Confederate States ; Lieutenant R. P. Smith, Com- nany H, Third Georgia Reserves ; First Lieutenant M. H. Clark, Captain \V. H. Otey's company Local Defense Troops ; Second Lieutenant John L. Yarborough, Cobb Guards, Twenty-second Battalion Georgia Artillery; First Lieutenant Ro. M. Welborn, Company C, Sixth Battalion North Carolina Reserves; First Lieutenant WiUiam J. Wilkeson, Company I, Thirty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Major J. A. D. McKay, Thirty- first North Carolina Volunteers; Captain E. A. Curry, Company A, Fourth Florida Battalion; Second Lieutenant Elisha C. Burnett, Com- pany B, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers; Captain Joel S. Jones, Com- pany E, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers. II. Private E. N. McAulay, of Company I, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to the colonel of his regiment. 460 III. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are tended until further orders: T. H. Davis, Company D, J. K. Sturfa Company B, J. N. Hancock, Company A, Nineteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery; Jerdon [ Jordan] Miles, Company A, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery; Henry Calonna, Company B, Nineteenth Bat. talion Virginia Heavy Artillery. IV. The following-named men having been elected commissioned officers will be discharged their former service : Sergeant James R. Did. erson, Semple's battery, Hotchkiss' battalion artillery; Corporal V. ft Overton, Company E, Fifty-first Alabama Cavalry. V. Private J. N. McCall, of Company F, Fourth Regiment South Car. olina Cavalry, is transferred to Company B, German Artillery, South Carolina volunteers, and will report accordingly. VI. Private C. A. Wilson, of Selden's battery Alabama artillery, being unfit for field service, will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding Trans-Mississippi Department, who will order him to appropriate duty. VII. Private John M. Taylor, of the Second Battalion Kentucky Mounted Rifles, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VIII. J. H. Linebaugh, of the Alabama Reserves, having been found unfit for field duty by the Medical Examining Board, is detailed for clerical duty in this office, and will report accordingly. IX. The following-named men are transferred to the Third Missouri Battery, and will report accordingly: Private T. B. Dickey, Company A, Seventh Missouri Cavalry ; Private John A. Childers, Company F, Fifth Missouri Cavalry. X. Captain J. W. L. Daniel, of Company —, Twenty-third Battalion Alabama Sharpshooters, now on conscript service in Alabama, will im- mediately rejoin his command. XI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private T. J. Reamy, Caroline Light Artillery, Virginia volunteers; Private H. 0. Broaddus, Company B, Ninth Virginia Cavalry. XII. Leaves of absence for thirty days, pending their applications for retirement to the Invalid Corps, are granted the following-named officers: Captain J. F. Bargainer, Company D, Sixty-first Alabama Vol- unteers; Lieutenant W. T. Owen, Company A, Sixtieth Alabama Volun- teers. XIII. Private John Gibson, of Company I, First Regiment South Car- olina Artillery, is transferred to the Thomas Legion, North Carolina volunteers, and will be allowed to select a company in said command. XIV. The following-named privates of Company I, First Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, are transferred to the Fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Allen Thigpen, Bunyan Gayler. XV. Private John R. Davis, of the Virginia Reserves, Lieutenant-Col- onel J. J. Garnett's command, is transferred to Company D, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XVI. Private C. W. Anderson, of Captain R. H. Booker's company of Virginia Reserves, is transferred to Company K, Third Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XVII. Captain John Milledge, jr., of the Milledge Artillery, being unfit for field service, is temporarily assigned to duty with Colonel G. M- Rains, commanding, Augusta, Ga. He will report monthly by letter to his commanding general, inclosing medical certificates of his unfitness for active service. 461 T Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted X i ne^amed officers: First Lieutenant R. T. Sears, Company C, the f° fV1urth Virginia Cavalry, thirty days; Surgeon F. P. Porcher, fvventy-1® ^rmy Confederate States, twenty days. j>rovisioIh^e detail heretofore granted Private W. H. Abdell, of Company XyV j>errjraent Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. H, ir r IVai0r A. F. [& P.] Pierson, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate ' assigned to duty in the District of Texas, under the command enerai J, B. Magruder, and will report to General E. Kirby llowing-named men of Company F, Fifty-sixth Georgia • nt are during their unfitness for field service detailed for duty pkl.girae , ei^ Confederate States naval works at Atlanta, and will to Lieutenant D. P. McCorkle, C. S. Navy, commanding, &c. Cer- '■'^tes of their condition will be furnished monthly to their company l'tlC;!n'inder: Corporal/. M. Wilson, Private George Carmichael. c0'" h private W. Brown, Company L, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth T' nessee Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed f duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Commander C. Ap. R Jones, C. S. Navy, at Selma, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be Awarded monthly to his company commander. XXIII- Private Thomas N. Hopkins, of Walter's light artillery, being unfit for field service and heretofore detailed for duty in the ordnance department at Green Pond, S. C., is transferred to the Quartermaster's Department during such unfitness, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, at Augusta, Ga. XXIV. Private C. W. Berry, Company F, Third North Carolina In- fantry, will immediately rejoin his command. ' XXV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men (me- chanics) are extended until further orders: Private P. Sullivan, Com- puny K, Private T. J. Grotty, Company B, First Georgia Volunteers; Pri- vate /. Parish, Company B, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers; Privates jr. II. McGee, M. M. Thompson, Company F, Fifth Georgia Cavalry. XXVI. The detail heretofore granted Private J. C. Causey, Company B, Third Virginia Cavalr}7, is extended sixty days. XXVII. Private J. C. Abercrombie, Company F, First Alabama Cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Captain Joseph Farley, assistant quartermaster, at Auburn, Ala. . XXVIII. Private W. IL Dorrill, of Captain J. H. Tucker's independent company of cavalr}7, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Joseph M. Brmrn, assistant quartermaster, Georgetown, S. C. XXIX. Private John N. Puckett, of Company C, Eleventh Virginia »olunteers, being unfit for field service,*is for six months detailed to manage the farms of Mrs. Amanda V. Barber and Susan W. Bailey with- out pay or allowances from government as a soldier during continuance yy*1^' "*?e rePort to enrolling officer of Campbell County, Va. XXX. Private Thomas S. Wallace, Company A, Fourth Texas Volun- n° f°r field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermas- Bich enl'» an(l will report to Major /. H. Parkhill, quartermaster, HG-S. o., A. & I. G. 0.—4 462 XXXI. Private Mathew J. Perkins, of Company A, Eighth Vm,:.. Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for the manufactu of spinning-wheels without pay or allowances as a soldier during ^ tinuance of detail. He will report to enrolling officer of Lunenhi,11* County, Va. UrS XXXII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed f, duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga.: Private H. C. Ipji r Company'E, First Georgia Regiment; Private R. T. Adkins, Conipann' D, First Louisiana Regiment; Private E. M. Clayton, Company C, Tenth Confederate Regiment. * XXXIII. The detail heretofore granted Private A. P. Crumpton, Com. pany F, Hampton's Legion, is continued during his unfitness for field service. XXXIV. Private W. A. Brunson, Pee Dee Artillery, being unfit f<,r field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Captain James Sowers, assistant quartermaster, at Florence, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be fur. nished to his company commander monthly. XXXV. The furlough heretofore granted Private Bathurst Smith, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended three days. XXXVI. Furloughs for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named privates : George W. Tuck, Company B, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry, twenty days, at the expiration of which time he will report to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital; John N. Watson, Com- pany H, Fifty-seventh Virginia Volunteers, fifteen days. . XXXVII. John A. Stanley, esq., having been appointed by the Gov- ernor of North Carolina a commissioner to collect evidence and prose- cute the claims of the families of deceased soldiers to bounty money and arrearages of pay, will have the benefit of the act of congress ap- proved 16th February, 1864; will be entitled to receive passports and transportation to and from the several armies and departments in which North Carolina troops may be serving, and will be allowed to purchase supplies on the same terms as are allowed to commissioned officers of the grade of colonel in the Provisional Army in the field. XXXVIII. Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Saunders, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to general inspection duty, and will report to Colonel R. H. Chilton, inspector-general, in this city. XXXIX. Captain J. S. Hastings, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company D, Sixty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, XL. Paragraph XXIV, Special Orders No. 265, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, November 7, 1863, is hereby revoked, and Pri- vate T. 31. Healey., of Compan5T F, Seventh Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Corps, and will report to Captain J. F. [J". TP.] Gregorie, Engineer Corps, McPhersonville, S. C. XLI. Private 31ichael Kegley, of Company A, Eighth Regiment \ ir- Cavalry, having been elected to a civil office will be discharged the serv- ice of the Confederate States. XLII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 103, current series, as refers to the following-named privates of Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, is hereby revoked, and they will remain with their present command: John Harman, Stephen Taylor. 463 T private F. W Finch, of Company B, Twelfth Battalion Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- Georgia ^ Engineer Department, and will report to Captain VcCrady, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, at ^a^VrV^The following-named men are detailed until further orders for t the Savannah Gas Works, Savannah, Ga., and will report to esq., president, &c.: James R. Smedburg, Company G, francis Company B, First Georgia Volunteers; Patrick Gurry, ^ onv F, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers ; Thomas Sweat, Company T^T^urth Georgia Cavalry; Martin Dunagan, Company C, Twenty- Lmd Battalion Georgia Artillery. yt,V Major A. 0. Avery, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional ' Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the District of Western Vrth Carolina. He will report for orders to Lieutenant-General T. H. Mines Provisional Army Confederate States. XLVL Private J. L. Drennon, of Company G, Fourteenth Regiment *v>uth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain K. L. Simons, acting commissary of subsistence, Anderson Court-House, S. C. ^ XLVII, So much of Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 119, cur- rent series, as refers to Private J. L. -Harlow, of Company II, Twenty- heeond Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Harlow is detailed until further orders for duty in the Subsistence De- partment. He will report to Messrs. Haxall & Crenshaw, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON," Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, July 26, 1864. No. 175. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Ma jor C. H. Ford, First Battalion, bocal Defense Troops; Captain J. C. Matheny, Company E, Thirty-first \ irginia Volunteers; Captain J. 0. Finckled, Company E, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; Captain James D. Mclver, Company H, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant N. W. huha, Company A, Second Tennessee Cavalry; Captain Willis H. Whit- wll, Company C, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. T. Fnex, Company I, Twenty-seventh Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant- m p Sw°r, Fifth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant F. Leiper, Company I, Fourth Confederate Tennessee Regiment; First ^tenant [G.] De Rosset Lamar, aid-de-camp, &c. U- Surgeon J. M. Driver is relieved from the operation of Paragraph ^r(^ers No. 159,'Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, j(1S64, und will report without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, med- for assignment to hospital duty. 11 > Surgeon J. F. Davis will report without delay to Colonel IV^A .enansv|^e> N. C., for assignment, in \] , ls*ant Surgeon James B. Hinkle is relieved from conscript duty icni a- 1ama> and will report without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, med- Cal dlrector, Meridian, Miss. 464 V. Assistant Surgeon E. 0. Lyles is relieved from conscript Mississipppi, and will report without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott ^ ical director, Meridian, Miss. ' °le^ VI. The following-named persons are appointed bonded agents of Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major F. W. Bijjl quartermaster, &c., Columbus, Ga.: J. W. Burden, James Veniay rJ; ' Calhoun, W. H. Webb. ... C- VII. Rev. Frederick Fitzgerald, chaplain, Provisional Army Confed States, is assigned to duty with the Pettigrew Hospital and Gen^6 Hospital No. 7, Raleigh, N. C., and will report accordingly. eral VIII. The following-named men having been elected commis^io officers will be discharged their former service: Private George i/. V?- Company F, Fourteenth North Carolina Volunteers ; Private James u' Netherbon Company C, Twenty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers. IX. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, curre series, as refers to Captain Theophilus (alias Todd) Hall, assistant qua termaster, Third Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, is hereby revoked a/i Captain Hall [will] continue to be an officer of the Provisional Am Confederate States. '*v X. Captain S. M. Lanier, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the reserves of Alabama and will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., Monu gomery, Ala. XI. Captain G. W. Long, assistant commissary of subsistence, is as- signed to duty with the Fourth Regiment Georgia Cavalry, and will re- port accordingly. XII. Captain D. M. Wormack, assistant commissary of subsistence now on duty as post commissary at Blue Mountain, Ala., will turn over all stores in his possession to Captain G. W. Clarke, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Oxford, Ala. Captain Wormack is assigned to dut'v in Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and will report to Major G. B. Dyer, commissary of subsistence, Meridian, Miss. XIII. First Lieutenant C. F. Pardigon, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Major-General Kershaw's division, and will report accordingly. XIV. Major W. Caswell Hall, assistant adjutant-general, is temporarily assigned to inspection duty in the south and west, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel D. T. Chandler, assistant adjutant-general. XV. Second Lieutenant G. W. Berry, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superiu- tendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XVI. Assistant Surgeon W. A. C. Sayle, Second Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to beau officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Private J. W. Miles, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service, and will report for duty with his new command—Company B, Colonel Hatch's Eighth Regiment Alabama Cavalry. XVIII. Second Lieutenant R. H. Shelton, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, having been elected first lieutenant of Company B, Colonel Hatch's Eighth Regiment Alabama Cavalry, and having accepted the promotion, will report for duty with his new com- mand. 465 XIX. Major A. Gordon, brigade quartermaster Martin's brigade, is relieved from duty with the brigade, and assigned to duty with the com- ninnd of Brigadier-General [Jas. G.] Martin, in Western North Carolina, jje will report accordingly. XX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named oflicers are extended as follows : Colonel M. B. Harris, Twelfth Missis- sippiVolunteers,thirty days; Colonel T. C.Singletary [Singeltary,] Forty- fourth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Assistant Surgeon A. E. Wright, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days; Captain William, H. Smith, Company K, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days. XXI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Privates Ashbury [Albert Ashberry] and [John E.~\ Foster, Company F, Fifth Virginia Cavalry; Privates [Jl". T.] Hicks and [Alc%.~\ Davis, of Captain Omstead's [Armistead's] com- pany, Stark's battalion light artillery. XXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. J. Wren, Company D, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry ; Private H. L. Causey, Company A, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers. XXIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private Robert F. Craig, Com- pany H, Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment; Private Thomas E. Lane, Com- pany D, Forty-sixth Virginia Regiment. XXIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private T. M. Cox, Company I, Fortieth North Carolina Volunteers; Sergeant Jesse Scott, Company I, Fourtli North Carolina Volunteers. XXV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private J. W. Yarborough, Com- pany I, Sixty-seventh North Carolina Regiment; Private Matthew James, Company I, Forty-fourth North Carolina Regiment. XXVI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Robert H. Saddler, Company B, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Volunteers; Private James Y. Old, Company F, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry. XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private A. W. Lawson, Com- panyC, Thirteenth North Carolina Battalion; PrivateKedar WUloughby, gunboat" Neuse," C. S. Navy. XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private William T. Wilbourne, Company C, Third Virginia Cavalry; Private W. G. Morton, Company A, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers. 117—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0—4 466 XXIX. The following-named men are mutually transferred the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the• Confederate States be thereby incurred: Privates James E. Brou* Thomas Mallory, Thomas Sayers, James M. Hurst, Rufus F. Hurst, B. q Shaffer, W. 0. Jackson, Newton Morris, Company B, Fifty-first Virgin^ Infantry ; Privates John Dotson, Frank Swecker, Robert Bratton, Fdirorrf Rose, Calvin M. Folden, John Kelley, William Friend, Thomas Wallice, Com. pany G, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry. XXX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Champion Marabk Company F, First Regiment Engineer Troops; Private H. C. BriggJ Company K, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers. ' XXXI. Assistant Surgeon Emanuel M. Roberts will report without de- lay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for assignment XXXII. Assistant Surgeon William M. Burroughs will report without delay to Medical Director [A. J.] Foard, Army of Tennessee, for assignment XXXIII. Hospital Steward L. H. Matthews is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.] Stout, at Atlanta, Ga., for assignment. XXXIV. The following-named acting medical officers having been rejected by army medical boards will have their names dropped from the rolls: Dr. Thomas Baird Whitesides, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry; Dr. John Moffett Dunn, Third Missouri Cavalry. XXXV. Surgeon Richard P. Johnson will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for duty in General Hospital No. 3, at Lynchburg, Va. XXXVI. So mucn of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 123, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, May 29,1862, as appoints Benjamin F. Clarke [Clark] hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report to the nearest enrolling officer as a conscript. XXXVII. Assistant Surgeon C. T. Richardson will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for assign- ment to duty. XXXVIII. Surgeon C. S. Carter will report without delay to Colonel \J. C.] Shields, at Camp Lee, for duty. XXXIX. Surgeon- T. B. Ward, Sixth Virginia Infantry, Mahone's brigade, is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to commandant of conscripts, Columbia, S. C., for assignment. XL. Assistant Surgeon T. A. Berkely is relieved from conscript duty in South Carolina, and will report without delay to the medical director of the Army of Northern Virginia for assignment. f XLI. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 22, current series, is modified to include the hospitals of the Department of Southwestern Virginia in the inspections of Surgeon J. H. Morton. ' . XLII. Assistant Surgeon Richard Y. Dwight will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga. for duty. XLIII. Assistant Surgeon Adam G. Bradley will report without delay to Medical Director [E. L.] Brodie, Petersburg, Va., for duty. XLIV. Assistant Surgeon Malcolm J. Nicholson will report without delay to actin'g Medical Director [jR. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty. XLV. Assistant Surgeon Robert W. Foster will report without delay to Medical Director [& Hi] Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for duty. XLVI. Assistant Surgeon William H. Mitchell will report without delay to Medical Director [S. H.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for duty. 467 XLVH. Assistant Surgeon Pugh H. Brown will report without delay toMedieal Director [S. if.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for duty. XLVIII. Brigadier-General John H. Winder, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to the command of the military prisons in the States of Georgia and Alabama, and Brigadier-General W. 31. Gardner, provisional Army Confederate States, to the command of the military prjsons in the other States east of the Mississippi River. In reference j0 all matters relating to prisons and prisoners they will communicate directly with and receive orders from the Adjutant and Inspector- Qeneral. gy command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistan t A djutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, July 27,1864. " No. 176. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Rev. W. W Lord, chaplain, Pro- visional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant E. E, Saunders, Com- panyD, Ninth Kentucky Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant William Y.Watson, Company C, Second Battalion Kentucky Cavalry; Lieutenant T.P. Gantt, Company B, First Lieutenant R. E. Nelson, jr., Company D, First Bat- talion Virginia Reserves; Second Lieutenant James N. Haney, Company A, Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant G. W. Quarles, Company D, First Lieutenant D. McKinney, Company H, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; Second lieutenant R. Y. Dwight, First South Carolina Regulars; Second Lieutenant Thomas Carter, Company G, First Lieutenant John Parker, Company E, First Lieutenant A. B. Rhea, Com- pany B, Twenty-fifth and Forty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers. II. Major-General Jones M. Withers will take immediate command of the reserve forces of the State of Alabama. He will complete their or- panization and place them at once in service. To this end he is author- ized to employ all enrolling officers, who are hereby directed to obey his instructions. He will establish his headquarters at such point as he may deem best. Officers of the Quartermaster's, Commissary, Ord- nance, and Medical Departments are required to furnish all necessary facilities. All officers from the State of Alabama of the Invalid Corps, and such of the regular forces as are for any reason unassigned, will immediately report to General Withers, who is authorized to assign them temporarily to duty with the reserves. ^ III. So much of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 46,[?] current series, as refers to the following-named men is hereby revoked: Private G. W. Davis, Company F, First Battalion Alabama Artillery ; Private Michael McDermit, Company F, Twenty-first Alabama Regiment; Private J H. Smith, Company D, Forty-sixth Tennessee Regiment. IV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 57,[?] current series, as refers to the following-named men is hereby revoked : Private John Hughes, Company D, First Battalion Alabama Artillery; Private W. T. Monroe, Company B, Privates T. L. Hill, R. H. Dacus, Company H, Pri- Wes J. T. Shaw, R. 31. Johnson, Company I, Privates B. F. Egner, William Hnpson, Company K, First Arkansas Regiment; PrivateD. McDonald, V°mpany E, Fourth Arkansas Regiment; Privates James H. Cook, Will- 'am T^laughter, Company G, Twenty-seventh Arkansas Regiment. 468 V. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 69,[?] current series as refers to the following-named men is hereby revoked: Private J. 1|; Williams, Company H, First Alabama Regiment; Private B. H. Kelly Company D, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Private Thomas Ryan, Com! pany E, Twelfth Battalion Louisiana Artillery; Private James Kernat^ C, First Tennessee Heavy Artillery. VI. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 76,[?] current series, as refers to the following-named men is hereby revoked : Private John Mackey, Company —, First Confederate Georgia Regiment; Private John Bohn, Company K, Twenty-first Alabama Regiment. VII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 86,[?] current series, as refers to the following-named men is hereby revoked: Private Jam# McCauley, Company D, Private Z. T. Davis, Company H, First Battalion Alabama Artillery. VIII. Captain S. V. Sheats, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Nineteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Major Coit's battalion artillery, and will report accordingly. IX. Captain C. Wilson, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Sixtieth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Major Moseley's battalion of artillery, and will report ac- cordingly. X. Second Lieutenant H. M. Scales, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel Minor Meriwether, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, Demop- olis, Ala., and will report accordingly. XI. Captain J. A. McClung, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Fifty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report to the Qurtermaster-General, in this city, for a prompt set- tlement of his accounts. XII. Major E. Willis, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as chief quar- termaster of Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, and will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c. XIII. Major H. R. Teasdale, quartermaster, &c., will relieve Major E. O. Simpkins [Simkins] as chief quartermaster of the District of Florida. Major Simpkins [Simkins] on being relieved is assigned to duty as chief quartermaster of Sub-District No. 1, Florida, and will report to Colonel Carraway Smith, commanding, &c. XIV. Captain Thomas R. Trammell, assistant quartermaster, Pro vis- ional Army Confederate States, is assigned to the command of Company E, Eleventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XV. Paragraph XXVIII, Special Orders No. 137, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain W. T. Edwards, assistant comrhissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty with Major W. H. Dameron, chief com- missary of subsistence of Mississippi, at Meridian, Miss., and will report accordingly. XVI. Lieutenant Ro. M. Dickinson, of Company [B,] First Battalion Virginia Volunteers, will remain on duty with Captain J. J. Waggoner, assistant quartermaster, Burkesville, Va., until further orders. XVII. Lieutenant William Clarkson, of Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being an important witness in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report to Thomas V. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond, on the 9th day of August, 1864. 469 XVIII. Lieutenant A. K. Leake, on duty with the artillery battalion lately commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel [/. /.] Garnett, Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, being an important witness in a case now njing in the county court of Albemarle County, Va., will report to jj,e clerk of said court on the 31st day of July, 1864. XIX. Captain V L. Hopson, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty the Thirty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Richardson's artillery battalion, Army of Northern Vir- jnia, and will report accordingly. XX- The following-named officers will have their names dropped fr^tn the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate states: First Lieutenant Isaac Roberts, Company B, Sixteenth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain W. E. White, Company E, Seventeenth Alabama Volunteers; Captain Henry Cleveland, assistant quartermaster, Fifty- gcventh Georgia Volunteers. XXI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred: Private John Parks, Company K,Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment; Private Joseph C.Baker, Company B, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Regiment. XXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. Austin Weston, Fred- ericksburg Light Artillery; Private P. K. Armistead, Armistead's battery. XXIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Christopher Winfree, Company K, Fifth Virginia Cavalry; Private John B. Pugh, Company D, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers. XXIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Charles Herring, Com- pany F, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Private B. B. Black- veil. Company H, Fifty-sixth Virginia Infantry. XXV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private R. P. Layne, Company 0, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery; Private James A. Waskey, Company G, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry. XXVI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private James Saunders, Captain Buie's company; Private A. H. Morris, seaman, Confederate States steamer "Indian Chief." XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Harvey Lemon, Com- pany F, Hampton Legion, mounted infantry ; Private W. B. Cline, Com- pany E, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers. XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each b' the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to hie Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Jabez Huff, Com- pany K, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Sergeant Thomas Wilbourn, Company C, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers. 118—s. 0.. A. & I. G. 0.—4 470 XXIX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each tn the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense tj! the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private Luther A. J0n(t Company K, Third North Carolina Cavalry ; Private Bryan Buck, Co^' pany E, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers. XXX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private G. J. B. Orofton, Com. pany B, Third Virginia Cavalry; Private R. H. Wynne, Company ] Thirty-second Virginia Infantry. XXXI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Josiah R. Travit Company C, Fifth Virginia Cavalry; Private Grief Lampkin, Company A, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers. XXXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private T. J. Hutson, Com. pany L, First South Carolina Volunteers; Private Aarqn Bates, Company G, First South Carolina Artillery. XXXIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Charles 0. Crocker, Company A, Twenty-first Alabama Regiment; Private John B. Berry, Company F, Marine Corps. XXXIV. Private Jennings P. Orr, First Missouri Battery, is trans- ferred to Cobb's Kentucky artillery, he being a citizen of the latter State. XXXV. Captain T. T. Smith, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from further service with the Eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Richmond artillery defenses, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Pemherton, commanding, &c. XXXVI. R. E. Moore, of Mississippi, is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major W. H. Dameron, chief commissary of subsistence for Mississippi, at Meridian, Miss. XXXVII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Lieutenant-Colonel F. G. Rvffin, commissary of subsistence, to October 1, 1864; Brigadier-General E. A. Perry, Provisional Army Confederate States, forty days; Lieutenant- Colonel M. J. Henderson, Third Arkansas Cavalry, ninety days; Lieu- tenant M. C. Holmes, Company H, Fourth Texas Volunteers, thirty days. XXXVIII. Second Lieutenant C. F. Williamson, of Company G' Twenty-third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being incompetent, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXIX. Lieutenant W. Q. Graves, Provisional Army Confederate States, late enrolling officer of Lunenburg County, Va., will have his name dropped from the rolls for conduct highly unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. 471 XL- The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named • r jp Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, all parties con- to C?mParoVided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby in- gentingt P cur^ The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named ■ ' are extended as follows: Brigadier-General J. S. Preston, super- officers gureau of Conscription, twenty days from August 6, 1864; intenae ^ Provisional Army Confederate States, sixty days ; ^r°7°rvin't J. W- Brown, Company C, Second Mississippi Volunteers, k^days- Lieutenant M. T. Bass, adjutant, Fifty-ninth Georgia Vol- i'>rs' thirty days; Captain J. II. Marshall, Company G, Fifteenth r federate Cavalry, thirty days; Colonel William H. Cheek, Lieutenant WB Field, Company C, First North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days; ' tain D. S. Hudson, Company G, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Vol- uiiteers, thirty days. XVI. Private J. R. Wommack, of Company G, Sixty-third Regiment Xorth Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company D, Sixty-first ilc'iment North Carolina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVII. Rev. George H. Denny, chaplain, Fiftieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will relieve Rev. James Nelson, chaplain, Forty-fourth Regi- nient Virginia Volunteers. Chaplain Nelson on being relieved is as- si uied to duty with Fiftieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XVIII. Cadet John W. Houston, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty with the cavalry division of Major-General Wade Hampton, Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report accordingly. XIX. Private Henry M. Paine, of the Rockbridge Battery [Artillery,] Virginia artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty with Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, commanding reserves, ^owinS"name(l men are mutually transferred each to o others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the oniederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. D. Gladney, Com- pany E, Fifteenth South Carolina, Volunteers; Private Ross Davis, Com- Pai>y D, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry. V^-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 474 XXIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense ton Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private William B. Tarke Company B, Third North Carolina Battalion; Private Edward J. Company G, Tenth North Carolina Battalion. ^ XXIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each » the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to th° Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private John Price, Compan* F, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers; Private E. T. Guthrie, Compatl^ D, Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. * XXV. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private William IP. A(laiUt Company H, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers,; Private Joseph Butll Company D, Fourth Virginia Cavalry. XXVI. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private 31. J. Mills, Company ft Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers; Private John Branham Company C, Fifty-sixth Virginia Volunteers. XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all par. ties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred, and will report accordingly: Private James J. Finer Company I, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Amos E. Koaht gunboat "Albemarle." XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private William Cole, Company G, Sixth Virginia Cavalry; Private James White, Company II, Four- teenth Virginia Volunteers. XXIX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private B. P. Trammell, Com- pany K, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Private Nathan llenwn, Company H, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; Corporal T. B. Trammell, Company K, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Privates T. F. Barton, C. 3IcCuror, Company H, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers; Privates Robert Johns, Stark Johns, Company K, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Private Sahapley Barton, Company II, Pri- vate W. D. Edens, Company F, Twenty-second South Carolina Volun- teers; Private Henry Griffin, Company K, Private T. J. LaMotte, Com- pany B, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Private J. McGillan, Company C, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private William Holly, Company K, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry; Corporal C. F. Capps, Company H, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers. XXX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private John G. Pinson, Com- pany A, Twelfth Georgia Battalion Light Artillery; Private Meriwether Leigh, Company D, Phillips' Legion, Georgia cavalry. XXXI. The following-named medical officers will report for duty without delay to Medical Director [R. X.] Brodie, Petersburg, Va.: Sur- geons" William Green, A. 3Ionteiro, Assistant Surgeon Green B. WilUa)n*- XXXII. Assistant Surgeon Jones C. Abernethy will report without delay to Medical Director [A. J.] Foard, Atlanta, Ga., for assignment. 475 yVXIIL So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 164, Adju- tand Inspector-General's Office, July 11, 1863, as appoints M. M. nf ttheio TP-] Tr°y hospital steward is hereby revoked, and Private Troy U report without delay to officer commanding Company C,Forty- ^rhth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, for duty. 01^NXlV- Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Surgeon J. E. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- mt are relieved from present duty, and are assigned to duty with the Serves of Virginia. They will report to Major Clement Young, quar- T«rniaster, Richmond, Va.: Captain P. A. Sandy, forage assistant quar- t >rinaster; Captain F. E. Bridge, assistant quartermaster, Seventh Lou- iiinna Volunteers. XXXVI. Sergeant W. Robertson, of Company G, Twenty-eighth Regi- uient Virginia Volunteers, now on conscript service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Captain G. T. Getty, ordnance officer, &c., Lynchburg, Va. XXXVII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. G. fi'Jeii, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private John S. Roberts, of Company D, Twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is extended until November 1, 1864. XXXIX. Private G. Taylor Jenkins, jr., of the Marion Artillery, South Carolina volunteers, having been a citizen of Maryland at the commence- nient of the war, is transferred to Captain Dement's company of Mary- land artillery, and will report accordingly. XL. Private J. W. Faxon, of Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for ninety days for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain V. Q. Johnson, assistant quartermaster, in this city. XLI. Assistant Surgeon V. L. Perry will report without delay to Med- ical Director [& U.] Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for duty. XLII. [Paragraph XXXI,] Special Orders No. 126, current series, assigning additional duties to Surgeon H. L. Wilson is revoked. XLIII. So much of Special Orders No. 136, Paragraph XVII, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, June 8, 1863, as appoints Private Ftlix E. Charlton hospital steward is hereby revoked, and Private Charl- ton will report without delay for duty to officer in command of Company K, Twenty-fourth Regiment Georg^ Volunteers. XLIV. So much of Paragraph XLiX, Special Orders No. 176, current series, as refers to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols INicholls,'] Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and he will proceed to Trans- Mississippi Department and organize therein a bureau for conscript service, of which he is hereby constituted the superintendent. XLV. Leave of absence for thirty days from August 1,1864, is granted Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Persons, Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: [SAML. W. MELTON,] Assistan t Adjutant-General. 476 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, July 29,1864. Special Orders ) No. 178. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon John Brownrigg, pro. visional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant B. R. Penny, backer, Company H, Seventh Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant Charltt B. Cook, Company A, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Thomas D. Long, Company F, Orr's South Carolina Rifles; First Lien, tenant John Harris, Company D, Second Kentucky Battalion; Uev. A. B. Carrington, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States; Capl tain H. B. Roberts, Company C, Seventh Confederate Cavalry Battalion. II. The sentence of death in the case of Private J. G. Adams, Com- pany F, Twenty-fourth Virginia Regiment, tried October 19, 1863, by a general court-martial convened by command of Brigadier-General H. Winder, Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 178, is remitted by order of the President. Private Adams will be released from confinement and returned to duty. III. The sentence of the military court held at Charleston, S. C., pronounced in May, 1863, dismissing from the service Lieutenant John M. Ward, Company B, Aiken's regiment South Carolina cavalry, is re- mitted by order of the President. Lieutenant Ward will be released from arrest and return to duty. IV. Upon consideration of the facts set forth in a petition from Hon. David Outlaw and divers other citizens of Bertie County, N. C., and also in a letter to Hon. David Outlaw from Colonel George Wortham, commanding the post at Plymouth, N.. C., it is ordered that Joseph II' White, private in Captain Joseph B. Cherry's company, Ferebee's regi- ment, now imprisoned upon the charge of desertion, be discharged from confinement and returned to duty without trial for said offense. V. Assistant Surgeon George P. Coggeshall will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.~\ Stout, Atlanta, Ga., for assignment to duty. VI. Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 170, current series, is so modified as to read: Assistant Surgeon Alex. E. Wall, instead of Alex. E. Ward. VII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the super- intendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city: First Lieutenant A. M. Tubman, late of Company E, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant B. F. Bullock, late of Company I, Thirtieth Virginia Volun- teers; Captain W. E. Bool, late of Company H, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry; Captain T. 31. Jackson, late of Company A, Twenty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers ; Captain B. H. 3Iiller, late of Company D, Fifty- ninth Georgia Volunteers. VIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men of Company A, Third Virginia Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, are hereby revoked, and they will report for duty with their command: Sergeant J. F. 3Iayer, Corporal J. H. Henry, Privates N. R. Savage, G. F. Lloyd, R. L. Tucker, R. A. Dobbin. IX. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private Goodloe Yancey, of Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan's command, at the expiration of which time he will report for duty to Brigadier-General [/. H.] 3Iorgan. 477 ueh of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 63, current series, , So w u |.wenty-five men and three non-commissioned officers," as refers to gevj11>g cotnpany, United Artillery, Virginia volunteers, from UP ,.in force until further orders. jj-oontm" £0p0Wing-named men are detailed for six months for duty o artermaster's Department, and will report to Charles H. Locker, jn the Quartermaster's Department, Lynchburg, Va.: bondeo o Qompany —, E. F. Holt, Company —, L. F. Stratton, Com- T- "• ^ James E. Smith, Company —, John E. Powell, Company —, pany pattalion Virginia Heavy Artillery; John R. Lindsay, Com- Xwentie Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. *>:lvrT The°services of the following-named men of the Naval Battalion, s Local Defense, being absolutely necessary, they are detailed for F°rcc.n th'e Naval Ordnance Works, and will report to Commander rlf Brooke, C. S. Navy, in this city: William Parkman, G. Saunders, r C Barker David Crayton, T. J. Brooke, John 0. Rosyne, Mike Murphy, Fl Garrison, John Stokes, Charles Snead, William Fleming, F. Janinner, rh rles Valentine, William Anderson, J.J.McCue, J. W. Vaughan,J. Wooster, . a }\Take James Williams, Copeland Smith, John Burch, John Mahoney, Hmnan Woodward, Thomas Vennelson, Robert Pope, Lewis Taylor. XIII. Private H. E. Hayden, of Company A, Third Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, is detailed for clerical duty in the Surgeon-General's Office his services being absolutely indispensable. XIV- Captain E. G. Dill, of Company K, Third Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, is relieved from duty with his company whild"acting as superintendent of public printing, and will report to Hon. George Davis, Attorney-General, in this city. XV. "the detail heretofore granted Sergeant William F. Fletcher, of Company D, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days from August 1, 1864. XVI. The following-named men are detailed until further orders for duty in the Naval Department, and will report to H. F. Willink, govern- nn-nt contractor, &c., Savannah, Ga.: Thomas W. Cooney, Charles Sher- iilnn, Timothy Murry, Peter Lacy, Jerry Welch, Michael Copp, Company B, Francis Marquis, Company C, Perry Greaves, M. Geigor, William Richardson, Gmrge Weadon, Company F, First Georgia Regiment; Deigo Hernandez, Company F, Sixty-third Georgia Regiment; William H. Jones, Company I, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment; J. P. Comat, Company A, Twenty-sixth (ieorgia Regiment; B. F. Sims, Company F, Patrick Kehoe, Peter Dunn, Lawrence Doyle, Company C, Twenty-second Battalion Ge'orgia Artillery. XVII. Private A. Roane, of Company C, Third Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, his services being absolutely indispensable. He will report to the Secretary of the Treasury. > X\ III. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health pranted Assistant Surgeon Leonard Henley, Provisional Army Confed- "ate States. The following-named officers are assigned to duty with Brig- auier-General H. T. Hays, Provisional Army Confederate States, at Alex- aimna. La., and will report accordingly : Captain Samuel Flower, Com- ntf-c u Teve.n^ Louisiana Volunteers ; Captain Hank Moore, Company ) fifth Louisiana Volunteers. 120—s. 0., A. & I. G. O.—i 478 XX. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for (jut in the Treasury Department, and will report to Messrs. Evans & Cog^f. government contractors, &c., Columbia, S. C.: H. Cogswell, Chich^. Artillery, South Carolina volunteers; John F. Walker, Company J Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Ed. Shramp, Company J Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteers ; T. J. Lamott, mounted infantry, Han J ton's Legion; George Hall, Company B, Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteer XXI. Private John W. Hall, of Company F, Third Battalion, Fore^, for Local Defense, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, anj will report to Hon. George A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury. XXII. Major-General Arnold Elzey, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby relieved from the command of the Maryland Line,^ which he was assigned by Paragraph VII, General Orders No. 38, rent series. Major Charles Snowden, quartermaster, and Lieutenant^ McHenry Howard, ordnance officer, are relieved from duty with the Maryland Line, and will report to the chiefs of their respective depart- ments. XXIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major-General Arnold Elzey, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. In addition to his other duties Lieutenant-Colonel damn Howard, commanding Second Division, Inner Line [of Defenses,] will establish within the limits of his command a camp for the reception subsistence, and organization of such Marylanders as may have been or maybe transferred to or recruited for the Maryland Line, in accordance with General Orders No. 38, current series. Captain J. Louis Smith assistant adjutant-general, will report to Colonel Howard for assignment to the immediate command of the camp. Marylanders transferred as above will, upon their arrival in Richmond, report promptly to the camp to be established in pursuance of these orders. XXV. Private Beverly R. Wellford, jr., of Company A, Third Battalion, Forces for Local Defense, is detailed for duty as acting chief of the Bureau of War, and will report to honorable Secretary of War. XXVI. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 166, current series, as refers to Lieutenant P. T. Bowles, of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Bowks will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders J Richmond, July 30,1864. . No. 179. f I. In consideration of the meritorious conduct of the members of the battalion of soldiers lately released from the military prison in Lynch- burg, and their good conduct during the late operations of the enemy in the immediate vicinity of that city, the President directs that as soon as their present organization is broken up the men be returned to their respective commands without further investigation of or punishment for the offenses with which they are individually charged. II. The foliowing-named officers are assigned to duty with the cav- airy command of Major-General W. T. Martin, Provisional Army Con- federate States, and will report accordingly: Majors S. J. Shortt, R- Memminger, assistant adjutants-general. 479 q much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current III- refers to Captain L. D. Holloway, assistant quartermaster, Fifth series, as j£entucky Cavalry, is revoked, and Captain Holloway will Qt0 be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States, continue ^ ^ ^ £amar, acting commissary of subsistence, is ^ned to 'duty as post commissary at Fort Sumter, S. C., and will ^.port accon'^y ^ £ra&er, assistant quartermaster, Sixth Regiment ^ '•'■ina Volunteers, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General H. T. ^^Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report to him at *^\qlIMajor A. B. Garland, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to a t'' as post commissary at Liberty, Va., vice Major A.J. Vaughan, m'issary of subsistence, who is hereby relieved of all duty in the qubsistence Department. VII Captain W. J. Morris, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Con- f-derate States, is assigned to duty in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and will report accordingly. * VXII. Major J. H. F. Mayo, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as chief commissary of Major-General T. C. Hindman's division, and will report accordingly. IX. The following-named persons are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated : William Daniel to Captain J. J. Waggoner, assistant quartermaster, Burkeville, Va. * H. C.Shapard to Major Norman W. Smith, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga!' X. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, Salisbury, X. C.: Private J. Shuffler, Company B, Eleventh North Carolina Volun- teers; Private J. F. Eller, Company B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Privates J. Miller, S. L. Giles, Company D, Private John Dn/man, Company E, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers. XI. Private J. 0. Reeves, of Company F, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department during such unfitness, and will report to Captain J. M. Feriger, assistant quartermaster, Charlotte, N. C. XII. Private John Marston, of Alabama Mounted Rifles, Hagan's regiment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for six months for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major E. A. DcJonde, quartermaster, &c., Charleston, S. C. ^ XIII. Private F. M. Mclver, of Company A, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Roland Rhett, Quartermaster, &c., Columbia, S. C. XIV. Sergeant Charles Coleman, of Company G, Second Georgia »olunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfit- uess for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to H. D. Cothran, assistant quartermaster, Columbus, Ga. ■Kv. The detail heretofore granted Private Colin Buchanan, of Com- puny C, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is ex- k'nded sixty days. 480 XVI. Sergeant J. L. Sheppard, of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regi^ South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detai?*1^ during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department a will report to Captain C. C. Sims, assistant quartermaster, at AumJ,"* Ga. > XVII. Private S. B. Smith, of Company E, Sixth Florida Battalj Volunteers, being unfit to field service, is detailed during such ness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report u Captain R. R. Reid, assistant quartermaster, at Sanderson, Fla. XVIII. Private A. A. Newman, of Company B, Fourth Battali, Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during 8U(Il unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major E. C. Simkins, quartermaster, &c., Tallahassee. Fla. XIX. Private R. R. Lavender, of Company H, Forty-third RegimPnt Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J. Livingston, quartermaster, &c., at Athens, Ga. XX. Private W. H. Whitehead, of Company C, Phillips' Legion Georgia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, &c., Richmond, Va. XXI. Private William Elliott, of Company A, Trenholm's squadron South Carolina ^cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed durin* such unfitness for duty with Colonel A. J. Gonzales, chief of artillery, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report accordingly. Certificates of his condition will be forwarded to his com- pany commander monthly. XXII. Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department and take charge of and organize the bureau of conscription for that department, of which he is hereby constituted the superintendent. XXIII. Captain C. H. Elms, assistant commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty with Major E. M. Lowe, commissary' of subsistence, Charlotte, N. C., and will report accordingly. XXIV. Private Henry Hallam, of the Fredericksburg Artillery, Yir- ginia volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, to take effect July 5, 1864. XXV. Second Lieutenant Norborne G. Gray, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty with Major-General Wade Hanip- ton's cavalry division. He will report to General R. E. Lee,commanding. XXVI. The following-named officers are assigned to duty with Gen- eral J. B. Hood, Provisional Army Confederate States, commanding, &c., and will report accordingly: Major James Hamilton, Provisional Army Confederate States; Cadets C. B. Wade, T. H. Wigfall, C. S. Army. XXVII. Private Henry Curtis, of Company G, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XXVIII. Major J. D. Bradford, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, mid East Louisiana, and will report to Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee, com- manding, &c. XXIX. Colonel F. C. Wilkes, of the Invalid Corps, (late of the Twenty- fourth Regiment Texas Dismounted Cavalry,) is assigned to post duty in the District of Texas, and will report to Major-General J. B. Magrudcr, Provisional Army Confederate States. 481 ^ Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted Y^vin-named officers: Captain Elliott Johnston, assistant adjutant- tltf'0 / ,1-r^y days; Captain C. C. McPhail, Confederate States armory -'0liCl?ibia S. C., fifteen days. 1 "vXl ' The following-named men are until further orders detailed 1 tv in Engineer Department, and will report to Captain John ^ / n engineer in charge Fort Sumter, S. C.: Private 0. T. Davis, "* Company C, Twenty-second Battalion Georgia Artillery ; H. ^b'ton A. McAlpine, Company B, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Artil- . jp' ^4. McLaughlin, Company D, Second South Carolina Artillery ; > naji Company K, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry; E. McGran, v l^'mi Beaufort Volunteer Artillery; A. Huger, Marion Light Artillery ; L' p Mell Company F, Fifty-fourth Georgia Regiment; A. L. Slocum, ri ch Light Battery; John Fallan, Peter Lacy, Jerry Welsh, M. Copp, James p%\eu Company B, F. Marquis, Company C, Perry Grieves, M. Geiger, iv'iiimn Richardson, Company F, Edward Clifford, Company C, First ' 'or.ria Volunteer Regiment; G. T. Brook, A. W. Miller, M. Burke, 0. P. Law- lr ltfne, Company A, Chatham Siege Artillery; C. Brown, Company B, F'rst South Carolina Regiment; A. W. Kersey, Company A, Third Georgia Regiment • L. Holzendorf,, Company C, Fourth Georgia Cavalry; G. Phillips, Chatham Artillery; Thomas Wolfe, Company C, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; L. Goodwin, Company A, Seventh Georgia Cavalry; T. W. siivage, Company H, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; R. J. Tyner, S. C. Middle- brooks R. S. Grubbs, Company A, William Hays, George Smith, Company F Muses Canady, Solomon Canady, Company G, Thirty-second Georgia Volunteers; John Pyne, Company C, Eighteenth Georgia Battalion [Artillery;] F. W. Schwarzenback, Company C, Sixth Florida Regiment. * XIII. Private A. H. Bowen, of Gardner's batte^, Haskell's battalion of artillery, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the commanding officer of his battalion. XIV. T. Hagan is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major G. W. Cunningham, quartermaster, Eleventh Texas Cavalry. 485 XXXII. Private R. L. Pugh, of Captain Slocomb's Fifth Company, Washington Artillery, Louisiana volunteers, is detailed for duty with flrigadier-General F. T. Nichols \_Nicholls,] superintendent of bureau of conscription of the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to bim at Shreveport, La. XXXIII. Captain L. DuBos, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, being a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. XXXIV. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private W. M. Martin, of Company B, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XXXV. Captain H. Jackson, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to duty with Brig- adier-General Colquitt's brigade, and will report accordingly. XXXVI. The following schedule of prices for articles named therein, adopted by commissioners appointed pursuant to law for the State of Virginia, are announced for the information of all concerned, and the special attention of officers and agents of the government is directed thereto: Richmond, Va., August 1, 1864. Hon. James A. Sebdon. Sir: We were informed early in July that the demand for army supplies was so urgent that your department felt constrained to disregard our schedule prices then in force, and offer market rates to the farmers for their wheat if delivered in July. This policy was deemed indispensable to insure the early receipt of supplies. Concurring irith the War Department in the paramount importance of obtaining, at the earliest practicable period, a quantity of wheat for the support of the army, we apprehended go great a disparity existed between our former rates and the rates then offering in our leading cities, that unless we advanced prices our action might serious[ly] embarrass the government in their efforts to obtain immediate supplies. Under these circumstances, and owing to the very short crop of wheat and unpre- cedented demand for breadstuflfs, together with the depreciation in the currency, as well as to the further fact that the farmers were then securing the oat and hay crops, we proposed the advanced prices set forth in our July and August schedules. But now as the immediate wants of the army are being provided for, and vigorous efforts are initiated to reduce the currency and reinstate public credit, we are disposed to accept the recent manifestations of public opinion in regard to our prices as the strongest assurance that in future adequate supplies can be secured on very moderate terms. As the press, the public, and the farmers in part have all united in condemning our rates as too high, we therefore defet to what seems to be the general desire and pro- pose the following prices: Having readopted the schedules of May and June last, in accordance with the clearly manifested wishes of the people, we have thought it advisable and proper to stimulate the sale and delivery of small grain, &c., now so much needed as to be in- dispensable, by advancing the price of wheat, flour, corn and corn-meal, oats, and hay, delivered in the month of August. Therefore we place the price of wheat at $7.50 per bushel, and a corrresponding advance of 50 per cent, on all the grades of flour, mill offal, &c., and corn we assess at $6 per bushel, and corn-meal at $6.30 per bushel; oats and hay, per hundred pounds, unbaled, at $6, and at $7 per hundred pounds baled, east of the Blue Ridge, and de- livered during the month of August. Railroad iron not being included in the government contracts with the iron manu- factories should not have been advanced in our last schedules, so we readopt our old valuation for railroad iron, and put the price at $190 per ton. The foregoing are to be the prices of wheat, flour, mill offal, corn and corn-meal, oats, hay, and railroad iron, delivered during the month of August. In September we propose to adopt simply the former schedules for May and June, with the exception of the assessment upon railroad iron, which we wish to continue at $190 per ton during the month of September. We also readopt the revision of our February and March schedule in reference to the impressment of horses as published in our July schedule. 122—S. O., A. & I. G. O.—3 486 We trust that the people in those counties who have recently in public meetings pressed their views in favor of low prices will now, since all impediments have5 removed, as patriotical, lead out in tendering and selling, both to the government^ to the people, all they can spare at schedule rates. ^ Such an example voluntarily set before the people would exert a most salutary fluence. The public may be assured we will interpose no barrier to thwart either thej* benevolent intentions or generous contributions in behalf of their country. Identified with them in all respects, we are disposed to foster every praiseworthy ej0tt made in behalf of our common cause. richmond, va., May 4,1864. Hon. james a. seddon. sir: In reviewing the schedules of prices for May and June we invited the co-op^. ation and aid of Mr. William B. Harrison, and it is just to add the schedules receive the unanimous approval of the commissioners. We respectfully offer the accompanying Schedules A and B, with the understanding that the prices are to remain for the months of May and June, unless in the interval ^ should be deemed necessary to modify them. The following prices are to be the maximum rates to be paid for the articles i®. pressed in all cities and the usual places of sale, and when impressed on farms or elsewhere the same prices are to be paid. Under existing circumstances we deem it not only just, but most likely to favor in. creased production, that producers in future should not be required to transport their surplus productions when impressed, but that the agents of the government should employ or impress the neighborhood or county wagons and teams to haul all such articles, and so divide the work between the owners of wagons and teams as to be least prejudicial to those successfully engaged in agriculture. schedule a. Articles. Wheat Flour do •. do do Corn Unshelled corn Corn-meal Rye Cleaned oats Wheat bran Shorts Brown stuff Ship stuff. Bacon Pork, salt Pork, fresh «... Lard Horses and mules. Wool , do Peas Beans Potatoes do Onions Dried peaches.. do Dried apples.... Hay, baled do Hay, unbaled Sheaf oats, baled Sheaf oats, unbaled Blade fodder, baled Blade fodder, unbaled. Shucks, baled Shucks, unbaled Wheat straw, baled Wheat straw, unbaled.. Quality. Prime Good, fine Good, superfine. Good, ex. super. Good, family Prime do Good Prime do Good do do do do do Fat and good.... Good... First class Fair or merino. ... ..do Good Description. White or red.. White or yellow.. do Hog round.. Artillery. &c Washed.... Unwashed.. Irish.... Sweet Pealed Unpealed Pealed Timothy or clover. Orchard or herd grass. Quantity. Per bushel of 60 lbs. Per bbl. of 196 lbs do do do Per bushel, 56 lbs...., do Per bushel, 50 lbs Per bushel, 56 lbs..... Per bushel, 32 lbs Per bushel, 17 lbs Per bushel, 22 lbs.... Per bushel, 28 lbs.... Per bushel, 37 lbs Per lb., net weight.. Per pound Average price per head. Per pound do Per bushel do .... do do do do do do Per 100 pounds do .do, ..do, ,.do, ,.do. ..do. ,.do, ,.do, ..do ..do. s? 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 46 4" 43 49 SO 51 52 53 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 <1 62 63 61 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ffi 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Price. 3 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 15 00 6 00 25 00 1 00 8 00 15 00 1 00 350 00 314 00 278 00 716 00 1,030 00 425 00 5 30 5 00 5 60 30 00 40 00 50 00 2 00 50 00 11 00 22 00 1 47J 1 711 2 08 1 98 2 261 3 00 15 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 20 00 40 50 60 487 Schedule A.—Continued. Articles. Pasturage. -.do do do do do Salt Soap Candles.... Vinegar.... Whiskey... Sugar.. Rice Coffee Tea Vinegar Pig iron do do Bloom iron Smith's iron Railroad iron Leather ....—do do Beef cattle ........do do Salt beef. Sheep Army woolen cloth, 1 yds. Army woolen cloth, Army woolen cloth,6-4 yds Army woolen cloth Flannels,} yds Cotton sheeting, J yds .... Cotton sheeting, % yds... Cotton sheetings, 4-4 yds Cotton, Osnaburg, | yds. Cotton, Osnaburg, % yds. Cotton tent cloths On the above enumerated Army shoes Shoe thread Woolen socks, men's Corn-top fodder, baled.... Corn-top fodder, unbaled, Wheat chaff, baled Wheat chaff, unbaled 8orghum molasses Pasturage for sheep .........do „> .....do Quality. Superior.., First rate. Good Superior... First rate. Good do do do .....do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Superior... First rate.. Good .... do Fair Good .do., .do .do do do do do do do do cotton cloths pro Good do do do do do do do do Superior First rate Description. Interior do do Near cities, do do Tallow Cider Trade Brown New Orleans. Rio Trade Manufactured.. No. 1 quality.... No. 2 quality... No. 3 quality... Round plate & bar. Harness Sole Upper Gross weight. do do 10 oz. per yd. per greater or less width or weight. 20 oz. per yd. per greater or less width or weight. Quantity. Per head per mon th. , do do do do do Per bushel of 50 lbs, Per pound do Per gallon do Per pound Per gallon Per pound do do Per gallon Per ton do do do do do Per pound do do Per 100 pounds.. do do Net, per pound.. Per head Per yard 6 oz. per yard 4J yds. per pound 3$ yds. per pound 3 yds. per pound . 6 oz. per yard 8 oz. per yard 10 oz. per yard rata as to greater or Sorghum. Interior.. ...do.... ...do.... .do., do do do do do do do do do less width or weight Per pair Per pound Per pair Per 100 pounds do do do Per gallon Per head do do 488 In assessing the average value of first-class artillery and wagon horses and mules ^ $500, we designed that the term should be accepted and acted upon according to it, obvious common sense import. In other words, that they should be selected and the, impressed accordingly, as their working qualities and adoption [adaptation] to arm. service, together with their intrinsic value, would warrant a judicious purchaser in ctm. sidering them as coming within the contemplation of the commissioners when they ^ sessed the average value of such horses as the government need at $500. But cas^ might arise, however, when the public exigencies would be so urgent as to demand that all horses at hand should be impressed; yet, under ordinary circumstances, when family or extra blooded horses or brooa mares of admitted high value are impressed, we respect, fully suggest to the Secretary of War to have instructions forwarded to impressing oflj. cers to propose and allow the owners to substitute in their stead such strong, sound and serviceable horses or mules as shall be considered and valued by competent and disinterested parties as first-class artillery horses or first-class wagon mules. The term " average value per head " is in contradiction to a fixed and uniform price for each horse and mule. We suppose in impressing a number of horses or mulea, whether owned by several persons or one individual, that some might be estimated at $300, and others at different advanced rates, according to their worth, up as high aa $700, thus making an average value or price for a number of good, sound, and efficient horses or mules $500 each. In illustration of our views we will add, that a horse with only one eye sound might, in all other respects, be classed as a first-class artillery horse, yet the loss of one eye would justly and considerably curtail his value. So a horse from ten to eighteen yean of age might be deemed in all other particulars as a first-class artillery horse, but, of course, however efficient or able to render good service for a year or so, yet his ad- vanced age would justly and materially impair his value. Any horse, however he may approximate the standard of a first-class artillery [horse,] must, according to de- ficiencies, fall below the maximum price, and as few, comparatively, come up to the standard, are therefore entitled to the maximum price, as of course in all other in. stances the price should be proportionately reduced as imperfections place them below the standard of first class, &c. Schedule B.—Hire of labor, teams, wagons, and drivers. Labor. Quantity and time. Price; Bailing long forage Shelling and bagging corn, sacks furnished by government Hauling Hauling grain Hire of two-horse wagon, team, and driver, rations furnished by owner. Hire of same, rations furnished by government Hire of four-horse team, wagon, and driver„rations furnished by owner. Hire of same, rations furnished by government Hire of six-horse team, wagon, and driver, rations furnished by owner. Hire of same, rations furnished by government Hire of laborer, rations furnished by owner Hire of laborer, rations furnished by government Hire of same, rations and clothing furnished by owner. Hire of same, rations furnished by the government Hire of teamsters, rations furnished by the government Hire of laborer, clothing and rations furnished by government... Hire of same, rations only furnished by the government Hire of same, clothing and rations furnished by owner Hire of ox-cart, team, and driver, rations furnished by owner Hire of same, rations furnished by government . Per 100 pounds Per 56 pounds Per cwt. per mile.... Per bushel per mile. Per day .do. .do. .do. ..do. do do do Per month do do Per year do do .... Per day do I0S» (li (ft W 10 00 500 18 00 (50 16 (ft 850 250 1 50 5010 31) 10 40 10 800 00 4ui (0 550 00 10 00 600 489 jRevision of the Schedules of February and March last. Since the adoption of our schedules for the months of February and March the gnancial bills passed by Congress taxing the currency have seriously impaired the value 0f old issues of Confederate Treasury notes. At this juncture large numbers of horses and mules were impressed and paid for in a currency which in a few days hereafter was to be taxed 33 J per cent. The Board of State Commissioners having adjourned, and one of its members being out of the State, it could not be convened in time to review our schedule of prices. Cnder this state of facts we have rearranged and re-examined our tariff of prices, so far as we have been advised of recent impressments, proposing, in this mode, any diminution which may have resulted from the action of Congress upon the currency. Therefore we assess the average of artillery or wagon horses or mules impressed since the passage of the currency bill of the 17th February last at $600. This award will entitle each person to receive higher compensation accordingly as each horse or mule impressed may be considered as being a first, second, or third artillery or wagon horse or mule, whether the parties appeal to our board or not, and the impressing officers should forthwith call on all those persons of whom they impressed horses or mules and propose a settlement upon the foregoing basis ; but allowing to each person only such prices as first, second, or third-class artillery or wagon horses or mules may have been estimated at by the local or county appraisers, assuming our average appraisement of f'tOO as a fair medium valuation. This, then, would allow a maximum price of $800 end a minimum price of $400, making $600 the average price, thus allowing more for first-class horses and mules, and proportionately less for the inferior, as they may fall below the grade of first class, payment of whatever amount awarded to be made in the new issue of Treasury notes. The impressing officers in those instances where no arbitrators [arbitrations] or local nppraisements for horses or mules impressed [have been made] should in all such cases themselves re-estimate the value of horses or mules thus impressed, and allow in each case such additional compensation as would, within the limits of our schedule rates, appear just and proper. But if after this revaluation and settlement any person should not be satisfied, the party could then appeal to our board and have the case reconsidered. E. W. HUBBARD, ROBT. GIBBONEY, WM. B. HARRISON, Commissioners of Appraisements for the State of Virginia. By order: S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector• General. All appeals and communications for the Board of Commissioners should be addressed to D. Saunders Chilton, secretary of the board, Richmond, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. 123—S. O., A. &. I. G. O.—4 490 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 2,1864. Special Orders) No. 181. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant S. F. Topping Company C, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Surgeon France W. Potter, Fiftieth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John P. Burns, Company A, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Captain G. W. McKay, Company H, Orr's South Carolina Rifles; Second Lieu- tenant T. C. McSpadden, Company I, Sixtieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Irby II. Howard, Company F, Forty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant A. Peery, Company I, Twenty-ninth Vir- ginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant Edward Norris, Company K, Nine- teenth Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant-Colonel A. Y. Harper, Sixth Mis- sissippi Volunteers; Captain D. H. Williams, Company A, Armistead'g regiment cavalry. II. The examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant W. Y. F^ ford, Company D, Sixth Battalion North Carolina Reserves, havirlg found that he is incompetent to perform the duties of his position, ana the finding being approved by the Secretary of War, by command of the President, Lieutenant Fulford will cease from this date to be an officer. III. The organization known as Bonaud's battalion is hereby dis banded. The members liable to conscription will be at once assignei to companies of their selection from their State, in accordance with Gen eral Orders No. 7, current series. Companies F and H will be distributeo by the orders of General Lee. The remaining companies will b« distributed by Major-General Samuel Jones, who will take measures to insure the strict and prompt execution of these orders as to the com. panies in his department. IV. Captain Thomas R. Stewart, of Company G, Second Regiment Maryland Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit* ness assigned to enrolling duty, and will report for orders to the super intendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. V. Colonel William Miller, of the First Regiment Florida Volunteers is relieved from duty as commandant of conscripts in Florida, and wii report for duty with his command. VI. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to" Captain Alex. S. Jones, assistant quartermaster of Fortieth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Jona will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. Captain E. P. Williams, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the detachment of Third Regiment Engineer Troops near Liberty, Va., and will report to Captain R. C. McCalla, commanding, ic. VIII. Captain W. L. Cherry, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and is assigned to duty in Eastern North Carolina. He wjll report for orders to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, &c. IX. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private R. M. Davis, of Company D, First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, upon certificate that he has apprehended and returned a deserter to service. The quar- termaster will furnish transportation. 491 X. A furlough of twenty days is granted Dawson A. Blanchard, lately captain and assistant commissary of subsistence, Provisional 'Army Confederate States. The quartermaster will furnish transportation to Columbia and return. XI. Private J. W. Ancurm, of the Signal Corps, will report for duty to Captain George E. Browne, commanding steamer " Fox," Charleston, S. C. XII. Second Lieutenant William J. Holcombe, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-General J. A. Early, commanding, &c., and will report accordingly. XIII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Colonel W. C. Hodges, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant L. W. Mizell, Company D, Seventh Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain L. R. Shyrock, assist- ant commissary of subsistence, thirty days; Captain A. W. Lawrence, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days. XIV. Private T. 8. Stabler, of Company A, Eleventh Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Sur- geon IF. 0. Owen, Lynchburg, Va. XV. Private Mian E. Sawyer, of the Alabama Reserves, is detailed for six months for service on the plantation of Mrs. T. W. Crawford, Washington County, Ala. He will report to the enrolling officer. •XVI. The following-named men of Captain Baker's company of artillery are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Depart- ment, and will report to the president of the Rock Island Paper Mills Company, at Columbus, Ga.: John Mehaffey, S. H. Harper, J. H. Land. XVII. The following-named privates of Company G, Twelfth Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, are for sixty days detailed for duty in the State works of South Carolina, and will report to J. Ralph Smith, general superintendent, &c., at Greenville, S. C.: H. Y. Simpson, IF. R. Powell. XVIII. Major J. F. Milligan will select twenty experienced operators from his Independent Signal Corps and direct them to report at once to Captain IF. N. Barker, chief of Signal Corps, Richmond, Va. XIX. Lieutenant-Colonel Archer Anderson, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to the Army of Northern Virginia upon inspection duty in accordance with instructions of Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant inspector-general. XX. The detail heretofore granted Private Hobson Pinckney, of the Pee Dee Light Artillery, is extended ninety days. XXI. The following-named men are detailed until further orders for duty in the Savannah WatejQVorks, and will report to Abram Minis, chairman, &c., Savannah, Ga.: James Hoynes, Company D, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers; James McGowan, Company B, FirsfcJ*eorgia Volun- teers. XXII. Private E. Liebenstein, of Company F, First Battalion Alabama Artillery, is detailed as a butcher at the Wayside Hospital at Mont- ornery, Ala., for the time and upon the conditions to be prescribed by lajor-General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c. XXIII. Private Th. G. Peachey, of First Company, Richmond Howit- zers, being unfit for active field service, is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Captain IF. N. Barker, chief of Signal Corps, in this city. XXIV. Corporal IF. A. Hemphill, of Troup Artillery, Cabell's battalion, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Captain George Arnold, assistant superintendent, &c., Augusta, Ga. 492 XXV. The detail heretofore granted Private W. F. Butler, of Com. pany B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXVI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Conscription Department during such unfitness, and will report as designated: Sergeant D. T. Phillips, Company P, Ninth Alabama Volunteers, to take effect 2d April, 1864, to Major E. X. Falligant, commanding, &c., Tuscumbia, Ala.; Private H. 0. Lamar, Company F, Twelfth Alabama Volunteers, to take effect 8th April, 1864, to Lieutenant George Jones, enrolling officer, Tuskogee [TuskegeeJ Ala. By command of the Secretary of War: SAxML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders") Richmond,August3,1864. No. 182. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain A. P. Dargan, Company K, Twenty-first Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenants James A. Bowers, J. Frank Pate, Company H, Third Tennessee Cavalry; Colonel A. J. May, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. II. The sentence imposed by the military court attached to the Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, on Private Eli Lagle, of Company F, Thirty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is remitted by the President. III. A furlough for four months for tbe benefit of his health is granted Private Eli Lagle, of Company F, Thirty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. IV. Lieutenant-Colonel Leroy Napier, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General J. B. Hood, commanding, &c., for duty in the Army of Tennessee. V. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 128, current series, as refers to Captain J. K. Littleton, of Company C, Forty-second Bat- talion Virginia Cavalry, (now Twenty-fourth Regiment,) is hereby re- voked, and Captain Littleton will continue to be an officer of the Provis- ional Army Confederate States. VI. Assistant Surgeon 0. B. Stone will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington for duty at Jackson Hospital. VII. Surgeon Edward Rives is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [TP. A.~\ Carrington, Richmond. VIII. Assistant Surgeon Samuel E. Lewis will report without delay to Medical Director [TP. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for duty at Winder Hospital. IX. Major-General Patton Anderson, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and is assigned to duty with the Army of Ten- nessee. He will report to General John B. Hood, commanding, &c., Atlanta, Ga. X. Captain A. H. Polk, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with Colonel J. B. Palmer, commanding, &c., at Asheville, N. C., and will report accordingly. 493 XI. Private Jacob Marx, of Company A, Fourteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having never acquired domicile. XII. T. S. Mayo is appointed a bonded agent of the'Quartermaster's Pepartment, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel A. U. Cole, inspector- general, &c., Atlanta, Ga. XIII. Lieutenant John S. Purviance, of Company G, Tenth' Regiment Florida Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XIV. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private E. R. McPherson, Company II, Fifteenth Arkansas Volunteers, to Medical Director [S. H.~] Stout, Marietta, Ga.; Private A. B. Nelson, Company F, Twenty-fourth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment; Private L. J. Miller, Company G, First Georgia Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Pri- vate T. K. MiUer, Company A, Armistead's regiment cavalry, to the col- onel of his regiment. XV. Henry W. Murray is appointed clerk of the military court of the Third Army Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accord- inglv. XVI. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private William R. Bur- well, of Company B, Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, an exchanged prisoner. XVII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Captain 0. S. Kimbrough, Company A, Tenth Georgia Volunteers, sixty days; Rev. T. W. Hooper, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate "States, thirty days. XVIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant W. R. McGUl; Company K, Forty-sixth Ala- bama Volunteers; Lieutenant Simon B. Pool, Company G, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Captain C. P. Malone, Company A, Twenty- sixth Mississippi Volunteers. XIX. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private G. Allen Miller, of Company K, Eight Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XX. Captain R. B. Moorman, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is assigned to duty as com- mandant of post of Salem, Va., and will report accordingly. XXI. Private T. A. Kersey, of Company E, Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to the surgeon in charge at Griffin, Ga., for assignment. XXII. Private H. M. Shubert, of Company K, Nineteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is detailed for duty as hospital guard, and will report to surgeon in charge at Columbus, Miss., for assignment. XXIII. Private Andrew Moore, of Company G, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment. XXIV. Private D. H. Served, of Company K, Fifth Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Purveyor's Department, and will report to Surgeon James T. Johnson, at Charlotte, N. C. 124—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 494 XXV. Private W. H. Coulson, of Company F, First Florida Battalia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as hospital attendant, and will report to surgeon in charge at Lake City, Fla., for assignment. XXVI. Sergeant W. W. Treadway, of Company A, Twenty-six^ North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed f0f duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hhie. medical director, Raleigh, N. C. XXVII. Private H. K. Sandling, of Company I, Fifty-third Regime^ North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed f0r duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hi^ medical director, Raleigh, N. C. XXVIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Sur. geon [W. C.] Horlbeck, general hospital, Columbia, S. C.: Sergeant G. M. Auld, Company F, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Prj. vate E. H. Mashburn, Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina VoIuq. teers. XXIX. Private W. J. Aliens, of Company A, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon J. S. 1 Vhite, in charge general hospital, Columbus, Ga. XXX. Private William Gradeless, of Company C, Thirteenth Regi. ment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge Hos- pital No. 2, at Wilson, N. C. XXXI. Captain J. A. Fisher, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company F, First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders to the inspector- general of field transportation,-in this city. XXXII. The following-named officers of the InvalidJCorps are as- signed to enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription in this city : First Lieu- tenant Matthew Rice, late of Company G, Third Georgia Volunteers; Captain E. W. Martin, late of Company E, Thirty-eighth Alabama Vol- unteers. XXXIII. Private W. M. Wise, of Company A, Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as clerk in this office, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel S. W. MtUon, assistant adjutant-general. XXXIV. Private R. C. Griffin, of Captain Slocomb's Fifth Company, Washington Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the provost-marshal's office at Amite, La., and will report to Captain Bla.my Wadsh, provost-marshal, &c. XXXV. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 135, cur- rent series, as refers to Captain J. W. Daniels, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Captain Daniels, late of Company L, Palmetto Sharpshooters, is assigned to enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription. XXXVI. Captain G. E. Thurmond, of the Invalid Corps, late of Com- pany B, Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is assigned to enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. 495 XXXVII. Captain Thomas J. Mackey, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Trans-Mississippi pcpartment, and is assigned to duty under the chief engineer Depart- nient South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. He will report to the chief eDr assignment: Private G. P. Ross, Company K, Twenty-eighth North Car- olina Volunteers; Private J. S. Patton, Company H, Twelfth South Car- olina Volunteers; Private Andrew Moon, Company G, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers. XXIV. Sergeant Thomas M. Oredle, of Company H, Thirty-third Reg. iment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C., for as- signment. XXV. Private George E. Pritchett, of Company K, Fourth South Caro- lina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness de- tailed for -duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon H. F. Butt, Hospital No. 5, Wilmington, for assignment. XXVI. Private J. J. Postlethwate [Postlethwaite,~\ of Company G, Crescent Regiment, Louisiana volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major John W. Young, chief quartermaster at Meridian, Miss., for assignment. XXVII. The detail heretofore granted Private Joseph Tuck, Company G, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XXVIII. Private John McL. McRae, of Roberts' cavalry, Love's bat- talion, Phillips' Legion, being unfit for field service, is during such un- fitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the chief quartermaster at Eufaula, Ala., for assignment. XXIX. Private F. Daniel, First Company, [Richmond] Howitzers, Virginia artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Colonel J. C. Shields, com- mandant of conscripts of Virginia, at Camp Lee, near this city, for assignment. XXX. Private Eubanks Tompkins, .of Company D, Cobb's Legion, Georgia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Dougherty County, Ga., for the purpose of perfecting the bond required by law. XXXI. Private J. H. Davis, of Company K, Fifty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Albert Vamr mack, assistant quartermaster, at McClellansville, S. C., for assignment. XXXII. The detail heretofore granted Private Frank Baptiste, of Par- ker's battery Virginia artillery, is extended sixty days. XXXIII. Private J. A. Barker, of Company D, Third Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for clerical duty in this office, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel W. Mdlon, assistant adjutant-general, for assignment. 507 XXXIV. Private Jofin R. Scaife, of Macbeth Artillery, South Carolina volunteers, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the com- niiindant 0f conscripts of South Carolina, at Columbia, for the purpose ^'perfecting the bond required by law. ixxv. Private R. M. Haden, of Company G, First Regiment Arkan- Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the 'Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon John M. Haden, chief of medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department, at Marshall,'Tex., for assignment. XXXVI. Captain J. N. West is assigned to duty as provost-marshal 0f the military court of the Department of East Tennessee, and will re- port to President T. Ruffin, [jr.,] at Abingdon, Va. XXXVII. Private Samuel J. Rucker, of Company C, Forty-fifth Regi- pent Tennessee Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty as clerk of the military court of the Department of East Tennessee, and will report to President T. Ruffin, [jr.,] at Abingdon, Va. XXXVIII. Private W. J. Singletary, of Company C, South Carolina Siege Train, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to R. L. Singletary, superintendent, &c., Charleston, S. C., for as- signment. XXXIX. James Sclater is appointed sutler of the post at Fort Caswell, X. C., and will report to Colonel T. M. Jones, commanding, &c., for orders. XL. The following-named men of Ward's light artillery, South Caro- lina volunteers, are hereby transferred to Company K, Thirty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, (heavy artillery,) in accordance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864: Privates M. C. Long, W. C. Sauls, J. M. Long, J. J. Ward, J. D. Gore, John W. Long, J. Q. Long, S. Long, A. Ward, J. W. Jacob. XLI. Private Samuel C. Wall, of Company A, Twenty-third (North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby trans- ferred to Company E, Holcombe's Legion, (cavalry,) and will report accordingly. XLII. Private John H. O'Rork, of Captain J. H. McNeill's company Partisan Rangers, is hereby transferred to Chew's- battery, Army of Northern Virginia, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XLII1. Private T. J. Campbell, of Company B, Fifth Alabama Infantry, being unfit for infantry service because of wounds received in battle, is hereby transferred to Company E, Tenth Confederate Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XLIV. Private William Blum, of Company G, Eighteenth North Car- olina Volunteers, will be transferred from the army to the navy, pro- vided an able-bodied soldier be substituted in his stead, and will report to Commander IF. F. Lynch, C. S. Navy, for enlistment. t XLV. Private William Marshall, Company A, Sixtieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Captain R. M. Stribling's Pauquier Artillery, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XLVI. Private William P. Bethell, of Colonel Dobbin's regiment of cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company B, Thirty-ninth Battalion »hginia Volunteers, (General Lee's body guard,) and will report ac- cordingly. 508 XLVII. Private James B. Firebaugh, of Company H, Fourteenth Yir ginia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company E, First Virginia Cay* airy, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederal States be thereby incurred. XLVIII. Private Henry Sizemore, of Company K, First Regiment gineer Troops, is hereby transferred to Company F, Twentieth Sou^ Carolina Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XLIX. Private M. P. Patton, of Company C, Tenth Battalion Virgin^ Infantry, is hereby transferred from the army to the navy, and will re. port to Captain C. B. Poindexter, commanding ship "Arctic, C. S. Navy for enlistment. L. Private S. G. J. Dalton, of Company G, Twenty-first North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company F, Second North Carolina Cavalry, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. LI. The following-named officers of the Forty-sixth Regiment Ala. bama Volunteers will have their names dropped from the rolls f«,r having disgracefully deserted their commands while in the face of the enemy, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant G. W. Robinson, Company G J First Lieutenant A. Y. Vickers, Company D. LII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended thirty days: Brigadier-General S. 3IcGowan, Pro- visional Army Confederate States; Captain J. P. Moore, Company G, Fifty-eighth Virginia Volunteers. LIII. Leave of absence for fifteen days from August 8, 1864, is granted Captain James Dinwiddie, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States. LIV. The detail heretofore granted Private Charles Anderson, of Com- pany I, Eleventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. LV. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private A. McJones, of Company —, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry. LVI. Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 183, current series, is hereby revoked, it appearing that E. C. Stacey [Stacy] is not a member of any company in the Provisional Army Confederate States. •LVII. Major William Norris, chief of Signal Corps, will proceed to make a thorough inspection of the various signal corps stationed in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. LVIII. Major Charles A. Snowden, quartermaster, &c., is assigned to duty with Major-General R. Ransom's command, and will report ac- cordingly. LIX. Major B. L. Bryan, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, being a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. LX. Captain W. R. Edwards, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Thirty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Second Regiment North Carolina Cavalry. LXI. Private Ivey A. Finch, of Company F, Second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed a civil officer, will be discharged his former service. 509 LXII. Private R. W. Ashmore, of Company I, Fifth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major C. C. Young, quartermaster, &c., Tallahassee, Fla. LXIII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 168, current series, as refers to Private William Mann, Company E, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Mann will remain on duty with his company. LXIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Rev. R. B. Anderson, chaplain, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended thirty days, pending action upon his tender of resigrfation. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 8,1864. Special Orders) No. 186. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : First Lieutenant John W Deskins, Company H, Twenty-ninth Virginia Volunteers ; Lieutenant Wiley Lee, Colquitt Home Guards; Rev. C. H. Toy, chaplain, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers. II. The sentence of cashiering pronounced against Captain Edward Smith, Company D, Second North Carolina Battalion, by the military court of the Second Army Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is remitted by the President. Captain Smith will be released from arrest and re- stored to his command. III. Captain Charles F. Vanderford, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as chief ordnance officer of the corps commanded by Lieutenant-General A. P. Stewart, Provisional Army Con- federate States. IV. Lieutenant J. T. Garner, of the First Regiment Louisiana Volun- teers, will immediately report for duty with his command. V. Major-General Frank Gardner, Provisional Arm}7 Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the District of West Louisiana. He will report for orders to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States : First Lieutenant George H. Orofton, Company E, Tenth North Carolina Volunteers, ([First] Artillery;) First Lieutenant Joseph Cross, Company C, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers. VII. Private Banner Thomas, of Company K, Fifty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VIII. Private D. W. Dill, of Company H, Tenth Regiment North Car- olina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- went, and will report to the president of the Atlantic and North Car- olina Railroad Company, at Goldsborough, N. C. 128—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0— 3 510 IX. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended as follows: Private 0. J. Porcher, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers, until further orders ; Private A. Dill, jr., Company F, Twenty-first Virginia Volunteers, to June 1, 1864. X. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant E. Rutledge, of the Hoi- combe Legion, is extended six months. XI. Private Logan Turner, of Company K, Thirty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Company H, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XII. The following-named men are transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confed- erate States be thereby incurred : Private J. H. Stalcy, Company B, First South Carolina Cavalry; Private [C. A.] Gregorie, Company H, Hamp- ton's Legion, mounted infantry. XIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private F. Happerfield, Com- pany F, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private Noah Sapaugh, Company K, Hampton's Legion. XIV. Sergeant Felix T. Taliaferro, of Company D, Gilmer's [Gilmor's] battalion independent cavalry, [Second Battalion Maryland Cavalry,] is transferred to Company B, Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, under General Orders No. 38, current series, he having been a citizen of Virginia at the commencement of the war. XV. Private PL. H. Darracott, of Company B, Eighteenth Mississippi Battalion, having been a citizen of South Carolina at the commence- ment of the war, is transferred to Aiken's Rangers, Sixth South Car- olina Cavalry, under General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report accordingly. XVI. Private Willis Brawn, of Company C, Third Battalion North Carolina Heavy Artillery, having been a citizen of Virginia at the com- mencement of the war, is transferred to Company A, Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, under General Hrders No. 38, current series, and will report accordingly. XVII. Private John Porter, of Fourth Company, Washington Artillery, will be transferred to a company of his own selection from North Car- olina in the Army of Northern Virginia, and Private Koli,oi the Signal Corps, commanded by Major [ J'. F.] Milligan, will be returned to his former company. XVIII. Private J. E. Reavis, of Company A, Twentieth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, having been a citizen of North Carolina at the commencement of the war, is transferred to Company K, Sixty- second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, under General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report accordingly. XIX. Private Richard T. Jones, of Company H, First Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being a. citizen of South Carolina, is transferred to Company F, Seventh Battalion South Carolina Volunteers, under Gen- eral Orders No. 38, current series, and will report accordingly. XX. The following-named men are transferred each to the others com- mand, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Drummer H. C. FisJc, Company D, Nine- teenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery; Private L. B. Cabell, Com- pany E, Second Virginia Cavalry, 511 XXI. The following-named men of Captain John T. Coffee's com- puny, Burroughs' battalion Partisan Rangers, are transferred to Com- panv K, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry: Sergeant Virginius W. land, Privates George T. Brown, William R. Shipp. XXII. Sergeant H. C. Hook, of Company C, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Captain Macon's company, Second Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XXIII. Private J. T. Kern, of Company K, Fourth Regiment Missis- gippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, Twelfth Regiment Mis- gissippi Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXIV. The following-named men of Company B, Thirteenth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, are transferred to Company E, Seven- teenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, under the provisions of General Orders No. 26, current series: William Choat, R. H. Choat. XXV. Private Charles E. Taylor, of Company F, Tenth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for active field service, is transferred to the Signal Corps, and will report for duty to Captain W. N. Barker, in charge Signal Bureau. XXVI. Private William C. Gilliam, of Company E, Fifty-ninth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, Thirty-se.cond Regiment Virginia Volunteers, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXVII. Private C. C. Foster, of Company K, Fifth Regiment South Carolina, is transferred to Company F, Eighteenth Regiment South Car- olina Volunteers, being unable to provide himself with a horse. XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private G. W. Bozeman, Company F, Eighth South Carolina Volunteers; Private E. E. Rhodes, Company I, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers. XXIX. Private J. B. Calloway, of Company B, Second Battalion, Mor- gan's cavalry, being unfit for active field service, is transferred to the provost-guard at Atlanta, Ga., and will report accordingly. XXX. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: First Lieutenant B. W. Arnold, adju- tint, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days ^Lieutenant J. M. Ktlly, Company D, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers, thirty days. XXXI. A furlough for three days is granted Corporal E. G. Steane, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers. XXXII. Assistant Surgeon William F. Edmonds will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, for duty. XXXIII. Surgeon E. A. FleweUen is assigned to duty as inspector of hospitals of Army of Tennessee. XXXIV. Assistant Surgeon C. M. Rivers, at the expiration of the leave granted by Special Orders No. —, will report for duty to Colonel [Peter] Mallett, commandant of conscripts, Raleigh, N. C. XXXV. Assistant Surgeon James H. Gaskins will report without delay to Chief Surgeon [Benj. W.] Taylor, Hampton's cavalry, Army of North- em Virginia, for duty. XXXVI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Second Lieu- tenant John H. Jottey, of Company H, Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, pending action upon his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. 512 - XXXVII. The army medical board composed of Surgeons J. Tayl^ Gilmore, W. M. Post, T. A. Means, and J". F. Maury is hereby dissolved The members of the board will report to their respective commands f0j duty. XXXVIII. Assistant Surgeon S. H. Coffman is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Major Frank Clarke, comman. dant of conscripts for East Louisiana, at Mobile, for conscript service in Louisiana. XXXIX. Surgeon W. Jennings will report to General J. H. Morgan a* medical director in the field, Department Southwestern Virginia. XL. Private E. Adams, of Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers, is hereby transferred to the Pee Dee Artillery, Pegrani'g battalion, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XLI. Private Laurens W. Youmans, of Company F, Third South Car. olina Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company H, First South Car- olina Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XLII. Private George G. Cossitt, of Company L, Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment Infantry, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby transferred to Company C, Colonel Anderson's regiment of cavalry, General Forrest's command, and will report accordingly. XLIII. Private Jonathan G. Abbott, Company —, Forty-second Mis- sissippi Regiment, is hereby transferred to Company C, infantry, Hoi- combe Legion, South Carolina volunteers, in accordance with second section of military act approved February 17, 1864, and will report accordingly: XLIV. Private D. R. Houser, of Company G, Forty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Troops, is hereby transferred to Company F, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act approved February 17, 1864, and will report accordingly. XLV. Private G. S. McNeal, of Company C, Fourth Regiment Alabama Infantry, is hereby transferred to Company C, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, in accordance with second section of military act approved 17th February, [1864,] and will report accordingly. XLVI. Private H. P. Goforth, of Company K, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company G, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XLVII. Private J. W. McDaniel, of Company E, Fifty-third Virginia Regiment, is hereby transferred to the Fiftieth North Carolina Troops, under second section of the military act approved 17th February, 18G4, and will report accordingly. XLVIII. Private R. B. Fauntleroy, at present serving with Company D, Ninth Virginia Infantry, will be transferred to Company A, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly.- XLIX. Private R. J. Segars, of Company F, Thirteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, is hereby transferred to Company C, Second Mis- sissippi Cavalry, (formerly the Fourth,) he being unfit for infantry service, and will report accordingly. L. Private Benjamin F. Barber, of Company F, Fifth North Carolina Regiment, is hereby transferred to Company E, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, in accordance with second section of military act approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. 513 LI. Assistant Surgeon W. P. Hill 'will report to Medical Director [jr. A.] Carrington for temporary assignment to hospital duty. LI I. Assistant Surgeon H. M. Pinkard will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for duty. LIII. Assistant Surgeon J. H. Coxe will report without delay to Chief Surgeon [Benj. W.] Taylor, Hampton's cavalry division, Army of North- em Virginia, for assignment. LIV. Hospital Steward G. W. Emmons will report to Surgeon John Clopton, medical purveyor, Petersburg, Va., and relieve Hospital Steward I. A. Hanks, who on being so relieved will report for duty to Assistant Surgeon T. S. Latimer, Confederate States dispensary, Richmond, Va. LV. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Surgeon A. E. Petticolas, Provisional Army Confederate States. LVI. Private W. W. Wysor, of the provost-guard at Dublin, Va., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. LVII. Private John N. T. Jones, of Company E, Seventh Regiment Confederate Cavalry, is for sixty days detailed for special duty, and will report to Captain James Buragh [Benagh,] assistant adjutant-general, at Augusta, Ga. LVIII. Captain W. F. Holden, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty on tax in kind in Fifth Congressional District of Georgia. LIX. Captain John Milledge, jr., is relieved from present service, and will report for duty with his command—the Milledge Artillery, Georgia volunteers. LX. Captain A. H. Harris, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General Ed. Higgins, Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report accordingly. LXI. The military court of which Colonel C. E. Hooker, Provisional Army Confederate States, is the presiding judge, is temporarily assigned to duty with Lieutenant-General A. P. Stewart's corps, Army of Ten- nessee, and will report accordingly. LXII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 93, current series, as refers to Private George [&] Leitz, of Company K, Seventeenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Leitz will remain on duty with Company K, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers. LXIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Quartermaster Ser- geant J. M. Anderson, of Forty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended four days. LXIV. Captain James T. Jones, of the Fourth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, is temporarily assigned to duty in this office. He will report to Major W. S. Barton, assistant adjutant-general, in charge of the judge- advocate's office. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. 129—S. 0., A. &. I. Gr. 0.—4 514: Adjutant and. Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 9,1864. Special Orders) No. 187. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant George IF. Yon Company F, Sixty-third Tennessee Volunteers; Captain E. S. Jen.itonj Company G, First Texas Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. J. Thomas Company H, Cluke's regiment; Second Lieutenant E. A. Tucker, Com! pany G, Second Lieutenant R. W. Lindsay, Company C, First North Car. olina Reserves. II. The following-named men being skilled workmen are detailed until further orders for duty in the Confederate States naval workj Selma, Ala., provided their services in the army can be dispensed with without manifest and material injury to the service. They will be sent in charge of a non-commissioned officer of their respective commands to report to Commodore C.Ap. R. Jones, commanding, &c., Selma, Ala.: R. M. Brown, J. J. Camanade, J. Mc Outturn, J. J. Meray, W. P. Ryan, A. G. Porlay, Company A, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers; J. Burnt, James Collins, Frank Dixon, Frank Wiley, Memphis Mounted Rebels; James Booth, Company I, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers; J. R. Cox, Company I, Terry's Rangers; S. Coleman, Company —, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers; A. Childress, Wyatt's battery; Garrett Emerson, Company E, Fourth Kentucky Volunteers; C. Ferguson, Company D, Palmetto Battalion; F. Gerryott, Huger Battery; J. S. McLane, Company C, Thirty-first Alabama Volunteers; E. Moorman, B. T. Maney, Com pany B, Twentieth Alabama Volunteers; R. M. Hudgins, Company—, Forty- second Battalion Virginia Cavalry; E. Kerwin, Company K, Fifty-first Alabama Volunteers; John Hughes, Company B, First Battalion • Artillery; J. W. Jones, Company E, Tenth Mississippi Volunteers; P. I/cn- egan, Company E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers; J. P. Mason, Company I, Thirteenth Tennessee Volunteers; John Kennedy, F. Dickenson, Josh, Fitz-Gerald, Company I, First Confederate Cavalry; J. J. Ryan, Company C, First Louisiana Volunteers. III. Brigadier-General A. R. Wright, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the Army of Tennessee. He will report to General J. B. Hood, commanding, &c., Atlanta, Ga. IV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: Privates J. B. Woodberry, J. G. Marsh, Company A, Privates A. Setzer, W. A. Smith, Company I, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private George Wheeler, Company D, Private Thos. Knight, Company G, Private J. R. Sweeney, Company D, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private James Barrett, Company I, Private Ptlcr Quinn, Company A, First South Carolina Artillery; Private J. B. White, Company E, Palmetto Light Artillery; Private B. G. Kith, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. G. Huggins, Macbeth Light Artillery; Privates A. R. Smith, J. S. W. Horn, Company E, Privates If. Bowles, R. F. Gray, Company A, Corporal J. F. Cooper, Company G, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers. ' V. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: Private E. M. Poole, Company K, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private Lewis Beach, Company I, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. N. Raffield, Company I, Twenty- fifth South Carolina Volunteers. 515 VI. The detail heretofore granted Private C. H. Hopkins, of the Florida jjght Artillery Company, is extended sixty days. \TI. Private John Dixon, of Com pan y D, First Battalion Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. VIII. The following-named men, having been citizens of Maryland at the commencement of the war, are transferred to the Maryland Line, under General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report to Captain A louis Smith, at the Maryland Camp, near this city: Privates Thomas Hillary, R. Norris, jr., Company G, Seventh Virginia Cavalry; Private Q, H• Harrison, Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers. IX. The resignation of Rev. Daniel B. Ewing, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect August 1, 1864. X. Major-General Ed. Johnson, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the Army of Tennessee. He will report without delay to General John B. Hood, commanding, &c., Atlanta, Ga. XI. Captain R. M. Sims [Simms,] assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from service with Brigadier-General Bratton's brigade, and is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General Gary's cavalry brigade. He will report accordingly without delay. XII. Rev. Thomas N. Conrad, chaplain, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry, will report to Chaplain R. Gatewood, of the Army Intelligence Office, for temporary assignment to duty. XIII. Brigadier-General St. John R. Liddell, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty in the District of the Gulf, and will report for orders to Major-General Maury, commanding, &c. If no ap- propriate duty can be found there, General Liddell will proceed to the Army of Tennessee and report for orders to General J. B. Hood, com- manding, &c. XIV. Brigadier-General J. J. Archer, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the Army of Tennessee. He will report for orders to General John B. Hood, commanding, &c., Atlanta, Ga. XV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Order No. 150, current series, and of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 58,[?] current series, as refers to Lieutenant-Colonel V. A. Witcher, Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cav- airy, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Witcher is restored to duty with his command. XVI. Private Reuben Morrison, of Company K, Fifty-fifth Alabama Regiment, is transferred to Company H, Thirty-ninth Georgia Regi- merit, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XVII. Private C. J. H. Prince, of Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, is transferred to Company B, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Infantry, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XVIII. Private John ,M. Carson, of Company B, Tucker's cavalry South Carolina volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Third Regi- Bient North Carolina Cavalry, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XIX. Sergeant Jacob E. Anderson, Company A, Twenty-seventh Ten- nessee Volunteers, is transferred to Company I, Forty-ninth Tennessee »olunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confed- erute States be thereby incurred, and will report accordingly. 516 XX. The following-named privates of Company G, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers, are transferred to Company H, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly: J.q Davis, T. L. Davis. XXI. Private Gilbert T. Buford, of the Signal Corps, Army of Tea. nessee, is transferred to Company 0, First Regiment Engineer Troops, and will report accordingly. XXII. Private M. H. Stone, Company C, Prison Guard, is transferred to Company E, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, all parties con. senting, and will report accordingly. XXIII. Private John H. Brinson, of Company H, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company K, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XXIV. Thomas Foglesong, of Company B, Twenty-ninth Regiment Virginia Infantry, is transferred to Company G, Sixty-third Tennessee Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act, ap. proved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XXV. Private James Smith, of Company A, Lucas' battalion artillery, is transferred to Company C, First Georgia Artillery, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved February 17,1864, and will report accordingly. XXVI. Private James Loggins, of Company A, Lucas' battalion artil- lery, is transferred to Company C, First Georgia Artillery, in accordance with second section of military bill, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XXVII. Private N. H. Smith, of Company A, Lucas' battalion artil* lery, is transferred to Company C, First Georgia Artillery, in accord- ance with second section of the military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. XXVIII. Private A. Autry, of Company A, Lucas' battalion artillery, is transferred to Company C, First Georgia Artillery, in accordance with second section of the military act, approved February 17,1864, and will report accordingly. XXIX. Private Thomas Hamilton, of Company G, First South Carolina Infantry, (acting artillery,) is transferred to First Regiment Georgia Volunteers, in accordance with second section of the military act, ap- proved February 17, 1864, and will report accordingly. XXX. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 176, current series, assign- ing Captain S. V. Sheats, assistant quartermaster, to duty with Coit's ar- tillery battalion, is hereby revoked. XXXI. Captain C. M. Williams, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the Second Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXXII. Surgeon Edward Rives is relieved from present duty, and will report to Medical Director [W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for assignment. XXXIII. Assistant Surgeon Horace Drennan will report without delay to Medical Director [12. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for duty. XXXIV. Assistant Surgeon James W. Davis will report without delay to Surgeon [TP. A.] Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va., for as- signment. 517 XXXV. Chief surgeons to military districts in South Carolina not being deemed necessary, Surgeons 31. S. Moore and T. W. Hutson are re- lieved from present duty, and will return to their regiments. XXXVI. Surgeon G. S. West is relieved from present duty, and will jeport to Medical Director [S. H.~\ Stout, for assignment. XXXVII. Brigadier-General [if.] Jeff. Thompson, Missouri State Guards, ffill proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department and report to General £. K. Smith, commanding, &c. XXXVIII. Private James G. Cleveland, of Company G, Tenth Regi- pent Alabama Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confed- erate States. XXXIX. First Lieutenant B. F. Parker, late adjutant Fourth Bat- talion Florida Volunteers, is assigned to duty as adjutant of the Ninth Reciment Florida Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XL. Private D. 0. Ker, of Company B, Forty-fourth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to the Fredericksburg Artillery, Virginia vol- unteers, and will report accordingly. XLI. Private M. R. Elliott, of Company B, Ward's regiment, Morgan's cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the provost- marshal's office at Atlanta, Ga., and will report accordingly. XLII. A furlough of twenty days is granted Private William Richard- ton, of Captain Kincheloe's company, Mosby's battalion cavalry. XLIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private F. K. Gwynn, of Com- 5any B, Fifty-ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended fifteen ays. XLIV. Private J. J. McDonald, of Company —, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for sixty days for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major Sedgwick Simons, com- missary of subsistence, &c., Georgetown, S. C. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, August 10, 1864. No. 188. j" I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Captain A. F. Gibson, Company G, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant 31. H. Harrison, Com- pany E, Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain E. Young, Company I, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Rev. W. W. Berry, chaplain, Second Virginia Cavalry; Captain Hercules Scott, Com- pany G, Twenty-fourth Virginia Volunteers ; Rev. R. B. Beadles, chap- Lin, Fifty-fifth Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel A. M. Wadded, Third North Carolina Cavalry; Major Henry Harding, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Rev. William W. Houston, chaplain, Mcintosh's artillery battalion; Second Lieutenant John 3I:HarweU, Company A, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers; Colonel D. 31. Carter, presiding judge military court Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. II. Major J. J. Pope, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby relieved from duty in the Ordnance Department. III. Second Lieutenant W. J. Largan, of Company A, Bonauenis, commandant of conscripts, Macon, Miss., for assignment to con- script service. IV. Assistant Surgeon William R. Burgess will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.~\ Stout, at Macon, Ga., for duty. V. Assistant Surgeon Edward C. Hughes will report without delay to Medical Director [jR. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for duty. VI. Assistant Surgeon J. R. Westbrook will report without delay to Twentieth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry for duty. VII. Surgeon Thomas C. McNeill will- report without delay to Twen- tieth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry for duty. VIII. Captain G, A. Hill, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Twenty-eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and is as- signed to duty with Major [I?.] Willis, chief quartermaster, Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia. IX. The resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Forsyth, of the First Battalion Alabama Artillery, has been accepted by the President, to take effect July 13,1864. X. Private R. F. Breen, of Company C, First Battalion Alabama Artil- lery, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. White, commanding Confederate States arse- nal Selma, Ala. XI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as desig- nated: Private W. A. Bullock, Company B, First North Carolina Cavalry, to Surgeon [H. F.~] Butt, General Hospital No. 1, Kittrell Springs, N.C.; Private H. M. Heidt, Company A, Fifth Georgia Cavalry, to Medical Pur- veyor \_H. TP.] Prioleau, Macon, Ga. XII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated : Private B. Loftin, Company K, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, at Sahs* bury, N. C.; Private F. M. Alley, Company C, Twenty-sixth North Car- olina Volunteers, to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, at Salisbury, N. C.; Private B. Greig, Company A, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, to Major J. H. Screven, quartermaster, &c., at Pocotaligo, S. C 527 XIII. Private J. W. Chamberlain, of Company G, Sixteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Depart- pent, and will report to Captain A. H. Campbell, Engineer Corps, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, in this city. XIV. The furlough heretofore granted Private George W. Tuck, of Com- Sany B, Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended thirty ays. XV. Private Thomas E. Buchanan, of Company F, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, having been a citizen of Maryland at the commence- pent of the war, is transferred to Company B, Gilmore's [Gilmor's] cavalry battalion, and will report accordingly. XVI. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Rev. B. F. Evans, chaplain, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain T. B. Archer, Company A, Cobb's Cav- airy Legion, sixty days from June 27, 1864; Lieutenant-Colonel J". T. Kennedy, Sixteenth Battalion North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days. XVII. The following-named men are transferred from the army to the navy, and will report as designated : Private Joseph N. Fenet, Com- pany A, Forty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers, to Captain S. S. Leem C. S. Navy, Richmond; Private J. T. Layton, Company F, Ninth VirginLj Cavalry, to Commander [Murray] Mason, C. S. Navy, Richmond. XVIII. Leave of absence for twenty-five days, pending action upon" his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps, is granted Captain M. P. Parker, of Company K, First Regiment South Carolina Volun- teers. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain M. Latimer, of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is^extended thirty days. / XX. Private E. E. Maxey, of Company E, Fifth Regiment Texas Vol- unteers, is detailed for special duty, and .will report to ..General J. B. Hood, commanding, &c., Atlanta, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 15,1864. Special Orders ") No. 192. ( I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain W. H. Freeman, Wil- mington and Weldon Railroad Guard. II. Private James W. Verser, of Company G, Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to Major D. H. Wood, quartermaster, &c., in this citv. III. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to enrolling duty, and will report by letter for orders to the superin- tendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city: First Lieutenant B. T. Higginbotham, late of Company C, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant R. T. Owen, late of Company K, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain John C.Bonde, late of Company H, Twenty-seventh Virginia Volunteers. 528 IV. Captain James M. Lupo, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company E, Twenty-fifth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is assigned to enrolling service in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to Brig^ dier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] superintendent, &c. V. First Lieutenant J. C. Calhoun, ordnance, Provisional Army Con. federate States, is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel J. Jp Mallett, superintendent Confederate States laboratories Macon, Ga., to take effect July 11,1864. VI. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private Elias Green Jachoi^ of Company H, Thirty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. VII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. French, artillery, Trans-Mississippi Department, is extended thirty days. VIII. Private George W. Bice, of Company —, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of Lis parents. IX. Brigadier-General H. B. Lyon, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the command of Major-General N.B. VForrest, to whom he will report for orders. I 'X. Private J. E. Bailey, of the Jo. Thompson Artillery, being a citizen "of South Carolina, is transferred to the Brooks Light Artillery, South Carolina volunteers, and will report accordingly. XI. The furlough heretofore granted Corporal B. F. Choice, of Com* pany K, Thirty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten days. XII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Captain T. W. Harris, Company E, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, sixty days from June 11, 1864; Captain IF. A Edwards, assistant quartermaster, Second North Carolina Cavalry, seven days from August 16,1864; Captain W. R. Price, assistant quartermas- ter, Lynchburg, Va., ten days from August 20, 1864. XIII. The Department of Tennessee, commanded by General John B. Hood, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended to include all the State of Georgia north and west of the following line: Commencing at Augusta and running along the line of the Augusta and Savannah Railroad to Millen; thence along the western boundary lines of the counties of Bullock and Tatnall [Tattnall;] thence along the south bank of the Ockmulgee [Ocmulgee] River to the northeast corner of Irwin County; thence south to the Florida line; thence along the Florida line to the Apalachicolee [Appalachicola] River. The command will here- after be known as the Department of Tennessee and Georgia. XIV. A furlough of ten days for the purpose of procuring a horse is granted Private John G. Parrish, jr., of Company B, Ninth Virginia Cavalry. XV. Captain E. C. Arnold, of the Invalid Corps, will report to Major- General Howell Cobb, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty in accordance with instructions from this office of this date. XVI. Private T. J. La Mott, of Company C, Seventeenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for sixty days for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Messrs. Evans & Cogsioett, gov- ernment contractors, Columbia, S. C. XVII. Lieutenant-General Richard Taylor, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and is assigned to the command of the Department of Alabama, Mis- sissippi, and East Louisiana. 529 XVIII. Colonel M. Lewis Clarke [Clark,] artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to inspection duty in the Ordnance De- partment. He will report to and receive instructions from Colonel J. Uorgas, chief of ordnance, C. S. Army. XIX. The operation of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 181, cur- lent series, disbanding Bonaud's battalion Georgia volunteers, is hereby suspended until further orders. XX. Private Phillip Schaffer, of Company C, Twenty-second Battalion Georgia Volunteer Artillery, will immediately rejoin his command. XXI. Private J. W. Walling, of Company H, Hampton's Legion, cav- airy, is transferred to Company D, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Caro- lina Volunteers. XXII. Lieutenant-Colonel T. A. McDonnell [McDonell,'] of the First Regiment Florida Volunteers, is relieved from inspection duty in the Department of South Caralina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report for duty with his regiment. XXIII. Private J. M. Anderson, of Company I, Fourth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, commanding, &c., Rich- niond, Va. XXIV. Leave of absence until November 1, 1864, is granted Major IT. S. Barton, assistant adjutant-general. By command of the Secretary of War: SAML. W. MELTON, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 16, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 193. f I. Captain W. A. Pugh, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the Twelfth Battalion North Carolina Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. II. Major N. M. Tanner, quartermaster, is assigned to to duty with the division commanded by Major-General R. E. Rodes, Provisional Army Confederate States. III. Captain F. F. Forbes, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report without delay to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, Ac., to relieve Major Ch. Howard, commissary of subsistence, as chief commissary of the troops in the Department of Richmond. Captain Forbes will continue to superintend the subsistence of prisoners of war in this city. IV. Major Charles Howard, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to dutv in the cavalry command of Major-General L. L. Lomax. V. Lieutenant John H. Welborn, of the Invalid Corps, late adjutant Twenty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is assigned to en- rolling duty, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. VI. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieutenant William Shaw, Company K, Tenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of that company are approved and confirmed, and Lieutenant Shaw will retain ois present position. 133—S. 0., A. & L G. 0.—4 530 VII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended*as follows: Lieutenant C. J. Matthews, Company C, Fourteenth Tennessee Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant N. Martin, Company E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lien, tenant D. Dantzler, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers, thirty days ; Lieutenant J. W. Monroe, Company H, Eleventh Georgia Voli^. teers, thirty days. VIII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers : Captain J. T. Douglas, Company D, Fifty, South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days ; Captain A. Copeland, Company F, Thirteenth South Carolina Volunteers, sixty days; Captain IF. Old, aid-de-camp, ten days. IX. The resignation of First Lieutenant James T. Sparks, of Company C, Forty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect December 29, 1862. X. Private Simeon Cariedy, of Company B, Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being a citizen of North Carolina, is transferred to Company B, Tenth Battalion North Carolina Artillery. XI. Private W. T. Minton, of Company C, Twenty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit, for field service, is detailed for enrolling duty, and will report to Captain N. A. Pool, at Wilkeslon [Wilkesborough,] N. C. XII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private G. W. Hewitt, Company G, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, to T. A. Means, surgeon in charge Marshall Hospital, Columbus, Ga.; Pri- vate James Childress, Company D, Thirty-third North Carolina Volun- teers, to Surgeon J. T. Johnson, Charlotte, N. C. XIII. Furloughs for ten days for the purpose of procuring horses are granted the following-named privates of Company B, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry : Woodford Broaddus, Thomas Waller. XIV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated: Sergeant H. H. Long, Company A, Thirty-fourth North Car- olina Volunteers, to Captain W. A. Eliason, Statesville, N. C.; Corporal N. C. Nause, Company F, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Cap- tain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, Salisbury, N. C. XV. A furlough of thirty days from August 22,1864, is granted IIos- pital Steward J. Cary Jordan for the benefit of his health. XVI. Rev. George Kramer, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in the hospitals of Augusta, Ga., and will re- port accordingly. XVII. Private H. B. Joseph, of Company C, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to the superintendent of the Georgia Railroad, at Augusta, Ga. XVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: John H. Webb, M. Mclnnis, Company C, Fortieth North Carolina Volunteers; S. Van Amringe, Company G, Sixty-fin4 North Carolina Volunteers. XIX. Assistant Surgeon Irvin S. Vallandingham will report without delay to medical director Army Northern Virginia for assignment. XX. Assistant Surgeon Maurice A. Moore is relieved from present duty, and will report at the expiration of leave to the colonel of the Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers for duty. 531 XXI. Assistant Surgeon Hamilton M. Gamble is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to the colonel of the Fourth Ken- tucky Cavalry. XXII. A leave of absence of thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon IP. 1J. Hall for the benefit of his health. XXIII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 148, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, June 22, 1863, as refers to Assistant Surgeon C. B. HUliard is revoked, to take effect from the date on which the said order was issued. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon J. F. Cotton is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to Medical Director [S. H.] Stout, at Macon, Ga. XXV. Assistant Surgeon Joseph H. Johnson will report without delay to surgeon in charge prison hospital Andersonville, Ga., for dut}\ XXVI. Surgeons P. A. Holt and W. L. Hillard and Assistant Surgeon Williams are appointed a medical board to examine sick and wounded at Asheville, N. C. XXVII. Surgeon Paul F. Carrington is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Surgeon J. M. Haden, chief medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department, for duty. XXVIII. Surgeon 0. Metcalf is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.~\ Stout for hospital duty at Macon, Ga. XXIX. Surgeon James F. Reiser will report without delay to Colonel A. R. Johnston [,Johnson,] Tenth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry. XXX. Assistant Surgeon J. M. Westmoreland is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to Medical Director [W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va. XXXI. The following-named officers of the Tenth Regiment Ken- tucky Cavalry will report to Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, for such duty as he may assign them to; this assignment to continue for ninety days: Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Martin, Adjutant John W. Headley. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation. XXXII. Captain W. H. Fowle, of Company H, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness assigned to duty as provost-marshal at Liberty, Va., and will report accordingly. XXXIII. Brigadier-General G. W. C. Lee, commanding forces for local defense, will immediately report with his command to Lieutenant-Gen- eral [R. &] Ewell, commanding, &c. XXXIV. Private Thomas Canning, of Company A, Henly's [Henley's] battalion, Local Defense [Troops,] is detailed for duty in this office, his services being indispensably necessary. XXXV. Private Jules St. Martin, of Company K, Third Virginia Bat- talion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the office of the Attorney-General Confederate States, his services being indispensable, and will report accordingly. XXXVI. Captain George Cox, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major William H. Gibbons, acting inspector-general field transportation, for assignment to duty. XXXVII. The following-named men of Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Depart- ment, their services being indispensably necessary: Privates John W. Hall, 532 Ro. Macomb er, Company F; Private S. B. Jacobs, Company C; Private Ro. Tyler, C. F. Jones, Company F; Private Peter Wise, Company K; Prj. vate Joseph G. Bain, Company F; Private P. B. Law, Company D. XXXVIII. Private William H. Carlin, of Company E, Third Battalio^ Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in this office, his service being indispensable. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutantr General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 17,1864. Special Orders) No. 194. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain S. H. Oliver, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army-Confederate States; Lieutenant T. J. Beall, aid-de-camp, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lien, tenant D. 0. Parker, Company A, Fortieth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant H. B. H. Maclvor, drill-master, Provisional Army Confed- erate States; Second Lieutenant J. E. Raney, Company G, Armistead's cavalry regiment; Captain David Love, Company E, Fifth Mississippi Cavalry; Second Lieutenant G. 0. McGUl, Company D, First Lieutenant W. A. Morgan, Company A, First Lieutenant H. J. Ragland, Company H, i First Mississippi Partisan Rangers. II. The following-named men of Company A, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty in this office, their services being indispensable: Corporal J. H. Henry, Private N. R. Savage. III. Private T. J. Harkins, of the Sixtieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, having been elected a second lieutenant in the Fourteenth Battalion North Carolina Troops, will be discharged his former service. IV. Captain John L. Elkins, Twenty-third Regiment Tennessee Volun- teers, will report to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for duty. V. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: First Lieutenant H. G. Daniel, Com- pany F, Second Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain H. S. Reeves, Company F, Fifty-sixth Georgid Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant 0. Partrick, Company C, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, thirty days; Lieutenant B. W. Arnold, adjutant,, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers, fifteen days; Lieutenant S. S. Lilly, Company I, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Captain T. J. Canton, Company B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days. VI. Captain P. P. Barbour, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain W. P. Webb, assistant quartermaster, now on duty at Greensborough, N. C. Captain Webb on being relieved will report to Major C. S. Car' rington, quartermaster, for duty. VII. Captain J. R. Dunlap, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Twenty-third Virginia Battalion, and is as- signed to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report to Major C. Young, quartermaster. VIII. Captain Samuel Bard, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service as post quartermaster, Marion, Ala., and is assigned to duty with Major A. M. Paxton, quartermaster, Brandon, Miss. 533 IX. Private Charles C. Crouch, of Company B, Second and Sixth Mis- uri Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Qliartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain A. Danner, distant quartermaster, French's division. IU\ Major W. F. If awes, quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the «.j^de commanded by General Ross, and will report accordingly. XI. Private W. J. Bromwell, of Company F, Third Battalion, Local pefense Troops, is detailed for duty in the office of the Secretary of his services being indispensable. " XII- Private R. F. Nix, Company G, Fourth Regiment Alabama Vol- unteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged jj|s former service. XIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Sur- P. E. Ilines, medical director, &c., Raleigh, N. C. Surgeon's cer- uficate of their condition will be furnished their company commanders every thirty days: Private Edmund Love, Company D, Forty-ninth Xorth Carolina Volunteers; Private J. B. Goodwin, Company G, Fifth Xorth Carolina Cavalry. XIV. Private L. J. Rayhurn, Company B, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Con- frcription Department, and will report to Colonel [ W. M.] Browne, at Augusta, Ga. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company cammander every thirty days. XV. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Captain Fred. S. DeWolfe [De Wolf,'] assistant adjutant-general, provisional Army Confederate States. XVI. So much of Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 140, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, June 12, 1863, as refers to Lieutenant- Colonel B. F. Brown, Sixth Georgia Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Brown will continue to be an officer Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Private William Henry Grayson, of Captain Gay's company, is relieved from duty with his company on account of his delicate health and being a minor. XVIII. Private Charles E. Kirkman, of Company A, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Confederate States naval rope works, Petersburg, Va., and will report accordingly. XIX. Private Joseph II. Roy, Company E, Phillips' Legion, cavalry, having been elected clerk of the inferior court Twiggs County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain P.^ W. Bibb, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXI. Private Lawrence Pender, of Company G, Third North Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed as an agriculturist, and *dl report to the commandant conscripts of North Carolina to perfect thv bonds required b}7 law. XXII. The detail heretofore granted 0. H. P. Terrell, of Company'D, twentieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, as an agriculturist, is e*tended four months. XXIII. Private R.'P. Mayo, of the Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Vol- onteers, is detailed for sixty days to work on the Wilmington and eldon Railroad, and will report to L. L. [& L.] Fremont, superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. 134-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—3 534 XXIV. Captain Thomas Hayden, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Tenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and j» assigned to duty with Major G. W. Jones, controlling quartermaster ta» in kind State of Alabama, and will report accordingly. XXV. Captain John McGuire, assistant quartermaster, in addition ^ his duties as post quartermaster at Talledga [Talladega,] Ala., will r XXII.. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private W. H. Peed, Coin, pany A, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry. XXIII. Private George Ricamore, of Company D, Gilmor's battalion, is transferred to Company B, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being a citizen of Virginia. XXIV. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of J. R. Woodward, elected junior second lieutenant of Massenburg's battery, adverse to his promotion are confirmed, and Private Woodward will retain his position in the ranks. XXV. Private Charles E. Carr, of Company D, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the office of the assistant adjutant-general First Military District, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report accordingly. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be forwarded his company commander every thirty days. By command-of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 19,1864. Special Orders 1 No. 196. J ' I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. F. Melton, Company G, Faulkner's regiment Kentucky cavalry; First Lieutenant J. E. Leigh, Company A, Forty-fourth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant U. A. Brown, Company E, Twenty-eighth Mississippi Cavalry; Captain 0. C. Gray, Company A, Third Arkansas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant William L. Haynes, Company C, Twenty-fourth Arkansas Volunteers; Captain W. T. Armstrong, Company G, First Lieutenant J. B. Green, Company C, Sixth Alabama Cavalry ; First Lieutenant Benjamin S. Davis, Company D, Thirty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant William M. Borough, Company E, Twenty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; Chaplain JET. McHan, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Captain John Bradley, Company A, First Confederate States Regular Cavalrj^. II. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Floweri, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant J. D. Fain, Company C, Thirty-third North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant E. Dyal, Company H, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant B. F. Oraige, Company C, Thirty-third North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant S. D. Banks, Company A, Cobb's Legion, thirty days. 537 III. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and ill report for duty as designated: Private Robert H. Hyde, Company ^ Twenty-fifth Texas Volunteers, to General E. K. Smith; Conscript r ' /». Bailey to Brigadier-General [«/. L.~] Kemper; Conscript James C. Cminn to Surgeon Chisholm; Private E. S. Aswell, Company I, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment. jV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private William H. Disrnukes, Company D, Forty-fifth Ala- bain* Volunteers; Private James Pitts, Company B, Thirty-second Georgia Volunteers. V. The sentence of dismissal pronounced against Captain J. B. Garner, Company D, First Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters, by a general court-martial convened at headquarters of Brigadier-General [ W. &] ftalhmton March 26, 1864, is disapproved by the President because of manifest errors in the proceedings. It is not a light offense to use abusive and insulting language to a subordinate. There are few more universal rules than that which couples gallantry and capacity in an officer with kindness and gentleness to the men under his command, and nothing can do more to destroy discipline and suppress zeal than harshness and rude demeanor on the part of officers to privates. VI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant A. C. Williams, Company A, First Lieutenant limes Cook, Company D, Tenth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant Hr. R. Honeycutt, Company K, Forty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant T. F. Jones, Company D, Second Battalion, Local Defense Troops. VII. Upon the completion of the survey of Topsail Sound, First Lieu- b nant B. L. Blackford, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Captain A. H. Campbell, Provisional Engineers. VIII. Private Millan C. Williams, of Company G, Ninth Virginia Vol- unteers, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city. IX. The following-named men will be discharged the service of the Confederate States: Private William Gilbert, Company E, Twentieth Bat- talion Virginia Heavy Artillery; Private C. S. Enlow, Captain Sims' company. X. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted each of the following- named officers: Lieutenant-Colonel Sam. M. Thompson, Captain J. W. Rrynn, Company B, Tenth Tennessee Volunteers. XI. Lieutenant W. B. Chester, Company E, Fifty-first Tennessee Vol- unteers, is assigned to duty as provost-marshal of the military court of North Alabama during his unfitness for field service, and will report accordingly. XII. A. S. Lee is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's department, and will report to Major J. B. Harvie, quartermaster, in wis city. XIII. Private S. P. Floyd, of Company H, Fifth Regiment South Car- 0una Cavalry, is transferred to Company D, Twenty-sixth South Car- olina Volunteers, and will report accordingly. 135—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 538 XIV. Leave of absence for twenty days for the benefit of his health is granted Lieutenant James McHenry, artillery, Provisional Army Coq. federate States. XV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are hereby revoked, and they will immediately rejoin their respective com. mands: Private J. M. Williams, Company B, Fifty-third Virginia Vol. unteers ; Private W. T. Tannahill, Company E, Twelfth Virginia Volun. teers; Private W. S. Weeks, Company E, Thirteenth" Virginia Cavalry. Private E. W. Scott, Company C, Forty-first Virginia Volunteers; Privat^ G.' W. Johnston, J. E. Gregory, Company K, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, XVI. Private J. P. Ogletree, of the Sixtieth Regiment Alabama Vol! unteers, is for three months detailed as agriculturist without claim to pay and allowances as a soldier during continuance of said detail, and will report to the commandant conscripts State of Alabama to perfect the bonds required by law. XVII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Second Lieuten- ant Waldemar Alston, Company G, Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry. XVIII. The following-named men of Company B, Tredegar Bat- talion, will immediately report to Messrs. Sampson, Pae [Parr] & Co., in this city, their services being absolutely necessary: Benjamin J. Adk'u^ John A. Heick. XIX. Captain D. A. Parker, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, will relieve Captain II. 0. Fairfax, now serv- ing with pontoon train and engineer troops Army of Northern Virginia. XX. The following-named men of Company ,F, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Depart- ment, their services being absolutely necessary, and will report without delay to Ro. Tyler, register of the treasury, in this city: W. R. Tdlcr, J. J. Wingjield, S. G. Tinsley. XXI. Rev. L. 0. Vass, chaplain, Twenty-seventh Virginia Volun- teers, is temporarily assigned to duty at Petersburg, Va., and will report accordingly. XXII. Second Lieutenant John Bradley, Confederate States infantry, is assigned to duty with General E. K. Smith, commanding Trans-Mis- sissippi Department, ond will report accordingly. XXIII. Private A. B. Taliaferro, of Captain Whithead's company, Second Virginia Cavalry, is detailed until further orders as overseer for Mrs. Sarah A. Crews, of Nelson County, Va., and will report to the com- mandant conscripts State of Virginia to perfect the bonds required by law. XXIV. Captain George H. Eyster, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with the brigade commanded by Brigadier-General [John] McCausland, and will report accordingly. XXV. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Assistant Surgeon Sam. G. Compton, Provisional Army Con- federate States. XXVI. Private J. G. Bailey, of Company G, Seventeenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty during such unfitness, and will report to commandant of post at Americus Gr XXVII. Private E. B. Williams, of Company I, Fifty-fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed dur- ing such unfitness for guard duty, and will report to Colonel PeUr Mallett, commandant conscripts, &c., at Raleigh, N. C. 539 XXVIII; Private William Warnock, of Company A, Third Regiment r orfiia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness ^tailed for duty as clerk of the Soldiers' Wayside Home, at Millen, P and will report to the surgeon in charge. XXIX. Private B. F. Thompson, of Company C, Sixth Regiment couth Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed during h unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to 8 ,eon in charge of First Virginia Hospital, Charleston, S. C. 5 XXX. Private Joseph P. Stetler, of Smith's battery, Huger's battalion artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness r »r duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel W. L. Brown, commanding, &c., in this city. xxxi. Private R. T. Taliaferro, of Company A, Forty-second Regi- pent Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and trill report to Captain B. F. Jones, assistant quartermaster post at Car- rollton, Miss. XXXII. Private Joel T. Scott, of Company F, Seventeenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Sur- geon J. Lewis Woodville, at Montgomery Springs, Va. XXXIII. Private E. A. Brower, of Company F, Fifth Regiment Ken- tucky Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Medical Director [F7. A."] Ramsey, at Bristol, Tenn. XXXIV. Private Edmund G. Holmes, of Company K, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed for duty as Confederate States commis- sioner for Second Congressional District South Carolina, under provi- sions of act of Congress approved 14th June, 1864. XXXV. Private Samuel T. Gillespie, of Company G, Eighth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Major C. D. Melton, commandant conscripts, Columbia, S. C. XXXVI. Private Thomas. M. Choate, of Company A, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to A. F. Ravenel, president Northeastern Railroad, Charleston, S. C. XXXVII. Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 187, current series, is hereby revoked, and Brigadier-General J.'J. Archer, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the Army of Northern Vir- ginia, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 540 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 20,1864. Special Orders") No. 197. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Major B. F. Weeks, cavalry battalion, Waul's Texas Legion; Second Lieutenant D. H. Logan, Corn, pany I, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J.D.R^ inson, Company I, Forty-second Georgia Volunteers; Captain E. Tayl^ Company H, Forty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant B. p Kimbrough, Company G, Third Mississippi Volunteers; Major L. S. Terry Fifteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain B. S. Newman, Company l' Fifty-second Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Daniel Slay] Company I, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant LeuU Johnson, Company H, Fifty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant R. A. McConneU, Company I, Twenty-fourth Arkansas Volun. teers; Second Lieutenant A. J. Jerrigan, Company G, Sixth Texas Vol. unteers; Major J. L. Calhoun, quartermaster, C. S. Army. II. Lieutenant-Colonel John F. Terry, of the Thirty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty as commandant of the post of Bristol, Tenn. III. Captain Thomas C. Clopton, of Company D, Twenty-fourth Regi- ment Virginia Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for incompetency, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Pro- visional Army Confederate States. IV. Brigadier-General Edward Higgins will at once return to the med- ical purveyor at Mobile the tin which was turned over to the quarter- master at that place by order of General Higgins. V. Conscript L. T. Sillyman is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to Surgeon J. J. Chisolm, medical purveyor, &c., at Columbia, S. C. VI. Sergeant Felix T. Taliaferro, of Company D, Gilmor's cavalry bat- talion, being a citizen of Virginia, is transferred to Company B, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. VII. Private James H. Grant, of Company E, Sixteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. VIII. So much of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 171, current series, as refers to Private James Bumham [Samuel Burnham,~\ of Company A, Twenty-fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Pri- vate Bumham [Bumham] will immediately rejoin his command. IX. Corporal S. B. Steiton, of Company I, Fifteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the collection of the Confederate States war tax, and will report to Captain T. C. Hyman, Tarborough, N. C. X. Private W. A. Garner, of Company C, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Vol- unteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to the chief quartermaster Trans- Mississippi Department, at Shreveport, La. XI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, at Salis- bury, N. C.: Private J. P. Starns, Company A, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Private R. L. Green, Company K, Forty-eighth North Car- olina Volunteers. 541 XII. The detail heretofore granted Private J. H. Reed, of Company 'Fourth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is extended until further ortlersj aud he will report to Major J. G. Michaeloffaky, quartermaster, at Macon, Ga. 1 XIII. Private L. L. Wittich, of Company G, Cobb's Legion, infantry, Georgia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John H. Orump, quartermaster, &c., Madison, Ga. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will [be] furnished his company commander every thirty days. XIV. Private James M. Wray, of Company D, Second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. G. McKee, Assistant quartermaster, commanding post at Oconee, Ga. XV. Private F. M. Mclvor, of Company A, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is until further orders detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Roland Rhett, quartermaster, &c., Columbia, S. C. XVI. Private J. A. Spears, of Company H, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness detailed for dut}7 in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [James TP.] Tracy, at Raleigh, N. C. XVII. Private G. Harris, of Company I, Twenty-sixth Regiment Xorth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director, &c., at Raleigh, N. C. XVIII. Private A. G. Floyd, of Company G, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major T. B. Trout, commissary of subsistence, York District, S. C. XIX. Private William R. Clardy, of Company C, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XX. Quartermasters and commissaries will afford the necessary transportation and subsistence to John T. Lux, a clerk in the Treasury Department, en route to the agency of the treasury in the Trans-Missis- sippi Department. If necessary, he will be afforded military protec- tion by the commanding generals of the Departments of Alabama, Mis- sissippi, and East Louisiana and Trans-Mississippi. XXL The detail heretofore granted Private G. W. Gilmore, of Com- pany G, Sixteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended ninety uavs. He will report to the Governor of Mississippi. « XXII. Private J. A. Barker, of Company D, Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is relieved from the operation of Paragraph XXXIII, 8pe- cial Orders No. 185, current series, and during his unfitness for active field service will report for duty to Captain W. N. Barker, in charge Signal Corps. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXIII. Private T. H. Speed, of Company I, Fifty-fifth Regiment Xorth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will ft'port to Surgeon H. G. Leigh, at Raleigh, N. C. 136—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 542 XXIV. Major J.R. Brathwaite [Braithwaite,] quartermaster, Provision 1 Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-Gener?i J. A. Walker, commanding forces on line of Richmond and Danvi]] Railroad, and will report accordingly. e XXV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain George C. Sebastian, assistant quartermaster Wirt Adams' Mississippi Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Captain &1,^ tian will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXVI. Captain W. G. Allen, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and is assigned ty duty with the reserves of Virginia. He will report to Major C. Young quartermaster, &c. ' XXVII. Private Mark C. Latimer, of Company K, Seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as an agri- culturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts State of Georgia to perfect the bond required of him by law. XXVIII. Private Ed. Commings ICummings,'] of Company A, Fifty, ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being a citizen of Louisiana, "is transferred to Company B, Austin's battalion Louisiana sharpshooters. XXIX. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 185, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant J. T. Elmore, Engineer Corps, is hereby suspended, and Lieutenant Elmore will remain on duty at Mobile, Ala., until the present emergency shall have passed. XXX. Leave of absence for thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Major-General Robert Ransom, jr., Provisional Army Confed- erate States. XXXI. Private H. A. Davis, of Company F, Thirty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Captain S. S. Lee, C. S. Navy, in this city. XXXII. Major R. C. Morgan, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan's cavalry command, and will report accordingly. XXXIII. The commandant of the post at Columbia, S. C., will deliver to such agent as may be designated by the Secretary of the C. S. Navy Commander E. P. Williams, U. S. Navy, a prisoner of war. XXXIV. Assistant Surgeon C. H. Benton will report without delay to Medical Director [W.A.~] Carrvngton, Richmond, for assignment to duty. XXXV. Surgeon J. F. McRee is relieved from present duty, and will report for duty to Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts for Virginia. XXXVI. John Burgess Blantin, acting assistant surgeon of Monroe's ArkansaS cavalry, having been rejected by Army Medical Board, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXVII. Surgeon Joseph L. Pressly will report to Surgeon Ilwdrr McGuire, medical director, Ewell's corps, for assignment to duty. XXXVIII. Assistant Surgeon Charles McK. Burkhalter will report without delay to General Wade Hampton, commanding Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment. XXXIX. Assistant Surgeon Thomas D. Hall will report without delay to Medical Director [A. /.] Foard, Army of Tennessee, for assignment XL. Private F. W. Coff, of Company C, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field servicers detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Sur- geon J. W. Hall, at Salisbury, N. C. 543 VLI, Private A. L. Crouch, of Company K, Fourteenth Regiment .•^igsippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty • the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. H. Carry rfWiiryi] chief commissary, Columbus, Miss. 1 Private William E. Morgan, of Compan}'- A, Fifty-sixth Regi- >nt Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for yltv in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain E. A. u'jfiiams, acting commissary of subsistence, at Clarksville, Va. xliii. Private W. D. Leath, of Company E, Forty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in •^provost-Marshal's Department, and will report to Major William H. rT commandant post Petersburg, Va. XLIV. Private James Attaway, of Company A, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report (o Major IF. F. Hawes, quartermaster, at Decatur, Ga. XLV. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain M. K. Crenshaw, assistant quartermaster, at Magnolia, N. C.: Private W. H. Croon, Company D, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Private H. Boswell, Company B, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers. XLVI. The detail heretofore granted Private D. B. Hastleton, of Com- pany E, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended lour months. XLVII. Private Felix E. Charlton, of Company —, Twenty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Medical De- partment, and will report to Surgeon Pope, Athens, Ga. XLVIII. Surgeon 0. B. Knode is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director IS. H.] Stout for assign- ment. XLIX. Private Alonzo T. Logan, of Company D, Eighth Regiment Texas Cavalry, is detailed for duty as assistant clerk in state depart- ment of State of Texas without pay or allowances as a soldier, and will report to R. J. Tonney, secretary of state, Austin, Tex. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 22, 1864. Special Orders} No. 198. ( I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Second Lieutenant G. F. Nelson, Company D, Russell's regiment; First Lieutenant William McMurry, Company E, Tenth Texas Volunteers. II. Paragraph XLIV, Special Orders No. 176, current series, is hereby evoked, and Captain W. E. Warren, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as commissioner for the Third Congressional District of Virginia under the act of Congress ap- proved June 14, 1864, providing for the establishment and payment of c'"iics for a certain description of property taken or informally im- pressed for the use of the army. 5 44 III. Captain N. 0. Harris, Provisional Army Confederate States, no* on enrolling service in Greene County, Va., is assigned to the commas of Company G, Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and will repo^ accordingly. IV. In addition to his other duties Captain J. D. Brandon, assistant quartermaster, is assigned as post quartermaster at Camden, Ala. V. Captain Thomas Jones, assistant quartermaster, is relieved fry^ duty with the Fortieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report f„r orders to the Quartermaster-General C. S. Army. VI. Lieutenant-Colonel A. Gerard, of the Thirteenth Regiment Lou;, siana Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro. longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cta^ to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assign^ to enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city: Lieutenant W. W. Lewis, late adjutant Twenty-seventh Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant H. J|'# Chamblin, late Company F, Eighth Virginia Volunteers; Lieutenant H. C. Willis, late Company B, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers- Captain M. L. Barber, late Company C, Fourteenth Alabama Volun- teers; Lieutenant N. A. Jennings, late Company G, Lieutenant G. H'. Grayston, late Company A, Seventh Tennessee Volunteers. VIII. First Lieutenant P. W. Holley, of Company I, Twenty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, being unfit for field service, will report to the commanding general at Meridian, Miss., for assignment to duty with the reserves of Mississippi. IX. Sergeant J. J. Garrett, Jof Company G, Forty-fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment to date from June 23,18G3. X. Cadet J. T. Somers, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty with Brigadier- General F. M. Cockrell's brigade, and will report accordingly. XI. Taylor Berry is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence De- partment, and will report for duty to Major R. W. N. Noland, chief com- missary of subsistence Second District of Virginia. XII. Paragraph XXXII, Special Orders No. 196, current series, is revoked, and Private Joel T. Scott, of Company F, Seventeenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will report for duty during his unfitness for field service to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, in this city. XIII. Private George D. Miller, of Company D, Third Regiment Ala- bama Cavalry, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts of the State of Alabama to perfect the bond required by law. XIV. Captain T. R. Stewart, of Company G, Second Regiment Marv- land Volunteers, is relieved from duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, in charge, t of the Chattahoochee River. He will establish his office at Demopolis, Ala. LIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Joel Oroom, of Captain W. R. Bass' unattached com- pany, near Wilmington; Private Edward Sasser, Company I, Sixty- second Georgia Cavalry. i By command of the Secretary of War: \ JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office) Richmond, August 24,18G4. Special Orders) No. 200. J I. Surgeon A. Taylor will report without delay to commandant at Dublin Depot, Va., to relieve Surgeon H. G. Latham. Surgeon Latham on being relieved will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty at Lynchburg, Va. II. Surgeon D. L. McLaughlin will report to the commandant of con- scripts at Tallahassee, Fla., for assignment to duty. III. Lieutenant J. N. Turner, of Company B, Second Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is relieved from duty with Major-General Wilcox'? light division, and will report for duty with his command. IV. First Lieutenant S. H. Pendleton, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will re- port to the commandant of conscripts for Virginia. 551 V. Captain C. W. Green, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty ffith the Thirteenth Battalion Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, >lajor IF. II. Gibbs [Gibbes] commanding, &c. VI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: First Lieutenant R. K. Meade, [jr.,] Pro- visional Army Confederate States, to September 30, 1864; Lieutenant George F. Cole, Company C, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant E. J. Levy, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Volun- teers, five days. VII. A furlough of twenty-one days is granted Sergeant J. M. H. Ruff,\ of Company E, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. VIII. The furloughs heretofore granted the following-named men are extended as follows: Private H. L. Hill, Company H, Fifty-ninth Ala- bama Volunteers, thirty days; Private Wilton Phillips, Company F, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, thirty days. IX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon B.P. Wright, of the Fifty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, upon sur- geon's certificate of disability. X. Private James Neely, of Company K, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as overseer for Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, of Buckingham County, Va., and will report to superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city, to perfect the bond required by law. XI. Private George L. Oliver, of Company A, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfit- ness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain S. H. Oliver, assistant quartermaster, Augusta, Ga. XII. The detail heretofore granted Private W. P. Purcell, Company L, Sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days. XIII. The detail heretofore granted Private William Ahem, of Com- pany H, Thirty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended during his unfitness for field service. XIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private L. S. Conyers, Company A, Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteer Light Artillery; Private H. M. Mobley, Company D, Forty- first Georgia Volunteers. ^ XV. Private D. R. Bowling, of Santee Light Artillery, is transferred to Hawald's [Huwald's] battery light artillery, Tennessee volunteers, being a citizen of Tennessee. XVI. Sergeant H. W. Coyle, of Company K, Sixteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, being Unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Brigadier-General Thomas H. Taylor's cavalry brigade, and will report accordingly. XVII. Sergeant E. Clarke, of Company A, Eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city. XVIII. Private T. W. Brooks, of Company I, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city. XIX. The details heretofore granted the following-named privates of Company A, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, are extended Until further orders: Ben. Greigg, H. C. Powell. 552 XX. Private Matthew A. Davis, of Company K, Orr's Rifle Regiment South Carolina volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Anderson Dig. trict, S. C. XXI. Sergeant F. U. Burruss, of Company D, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Sims, quartermaster, in this city. XXII. The signal operations of the company lately commanded by Captain M. T. Davidson, of Signal Corps, will immediately report to him with Major-General Field's division, Army of Northern Virginia. XXIII. Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Walton [Walter,] assistant adjutant and inspector-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from inspection duty in Georgia and Alabama, and is assigned to similar duty in Mississippi. He will receive instructions from General Braxton Bragg, in this city. XXIV. Major J. L. Gross,assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and assigned to duty with Major-General R. F. Hoke's division. He will report to General G. T. Beauregard, com- manding, &c. XXV. The following-named men of the North Carolina Reserves are detailed for duty at the Leakesville manufactory, and will report to John M. Morehead, esq.. Rockingham County, N. C.: Eli Q. Rominqer, J. W. Emmett. XXVI. Private P. B. Wilson, of Captain C. Shaler Smith's company, Local Defense Troops, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Con- federate States laboratory at Augusta, Ga., and will report to N. A. Pratt, superintendent, &c. In case of an actual attack on the place Private Wilson will perform duty with the company. XXVII. Lieutenant-Colonel David Urquhart, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to the duty of inspecting the conscript de- partment in South Carolina as assistant to and under instructions of Colonel J. P. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXVIII. Major John H. Gee, of the Eleventh Regiment Florida Vol- unteers, is assigned to the command of the post of Salisbury, N. C., to relieve Colonel [J. A.] Gilmer, [jr.,"] North Carolina volunteers, who will rejoin his regiment. XXIX. Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. Hays, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed to North Alabama and make a critical inspection of the command of Brigadier-General P. D. Rodely [Roddey.] When he shall have completed that duty he will make a minute inspection of the conscript department in Alabama, making detailed reports to and re- ceiving instructions from General B. Bragg. XXX. Captain R. P. Hunter, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Seventeenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the regiment of Tennessee cavalry commanded by Colonel John F. Newsom. XXXI. A. H. McLaws is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major B. McKinnie [McKennie,] chief quartermaster, &c., Savannah, Ga., for assignment. XXXII. Private J. W. Guest, of provost-guard, Columbia, S. C., is transferred to Third Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, being a citizen of Kentucky, and will report accordingly. 553 XXXIII. Private 31. A. Propes, of Company G, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfit- Dess for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon p. E. Hines, medical director, at Raleigh, N. C. XXXIV. Private W. A. Coleman, of Company I, Fifteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty is school-teacher, and will report to the enrolling officer at New Pros- pect, Miss. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished bis company commander every thirty days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 25,1864. Special Orders) No. 201. f I. Captain T. E. Blanchard, of Company B, Thirty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is assigned to duty until 80th September, 1864, with Major G. 0. Dawson, commandant of post at Columbus, Ga., and will report accordingly. II. First Lieutenant R. K. Meade, [jr.,'] Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with Brigadier-General W. B. Taliaferro, Provisional Army Confederate States, and is assigned to duty with Col- onel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant-general, in this city. III. Assistant Surgeon Edward L. Burdwell will report without delay to Medical Director [S. H.] Stout, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. IV. Assistant Surgeon V. G. Wood-house, of the Eleventh Regiment Texas Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. V. Captain H. L. Ingraham, now on ordnance duty in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is assigned to duty with Major X. R. Chambliss, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Charleston, S.C. VI. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, current series, as refers to Captain R. E. Cochran [Cochrane,] assistant quartermaster, Sixty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Cochran [Cochrane] will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 113, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant George D. Nixon, of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Xixon will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confed- crate States. VIII. Major J. R. McCall, lately on ordnance duty at Atlanta arsenal, is assigned to duty in Mobile, Ala., to relieve Captain L. R. Evans, on ordnance duty. He will report to Major-General Gardner, command- ing, &c. IX. Captain L. R. Evans, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Colonel Phillip Stockton, Provisional Army Confederate States, commanding Confederate States arsenal at San Antonio, Tex., for assign- ment to duty. 139—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 554 X. Private J. W. Deel, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company A, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Medical Depart, ment, and will report to Surgeon T. M. Palmer, in charge of Howard's Grove Hospital, in this city. XI. Private Lorain Duke, of Starr's light battery artillery, will irame- diately rejoin his command. XII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 100, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private John 4. Lawson, Company C, First South Carolina Artillery, is hereby revoked* and Private Lawson will remain with his present command. ' XIII. Private J. W. Edwards, of Company K, Hood's battalion cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is detailed for sixty days for duty iQ the Ordnance Department, and will report to Messrs. Dickson, Nelson Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended gixty days. XXVI. Private Francis M. Dumartrait, of Gordy's battery Louisiana volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to General X K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La. XXVII. a V. Carrington is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report for duty to Major R. Rhett, quar- termaster, Columbia, S. C. XXVIII. A furlough of thirty days for the benefit of his health is granted Quartermaster-Sergeant Paul Romark, of the Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XXIX. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted First Lieutenant Frederick G. Foard, aid-de-camp to Brigadier-General Rufus Barring er, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXX. Archibald F. Roy is appointed a bonded agent of the Sub- sistence Department, and will report for duty to Major R. W.N. Noland, chief commissary of subsistence, Second District of Virginia. XXXI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city: Lieu- tenant W. J. Mathias, late adjutant of Eleventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers; Lieutenant Joseph L. Hill, late of Company D, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant G. W. Warwick, late adjutant Fortieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XXXII. Private F. M. Kirdock, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company B, Twenty-third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to post quar- termaster of Charleston, S. C. XXXIII. Corporal J. A. Powers, of the Invalid Corps, late of Com- pany C, Forty-fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon T. M. Palmer, in charge Howard's Grove Hospital, in this city. XXXIV. Captain Thomas Tabb, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty as paymaster of the reserve forces of Virginia. He will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c., in this city. XXXV. Major J. S. Sibley, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty with Major A. M. Paxten [.Paxton,] quar- termaster, &c., at Brandon, Miss., and will report accordingly. XXXVI. Leave of absence for fifteen days from 27th August, 1864, is granted Captain William Hawn, Provisional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 556 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, August 26,1864. Special Orders") No. 202. ( I. Private Daniel H. Smith, of Company I, Fifth Regiment Mississippi Cavalry, is transferred to Company C, Thirty-fifth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Come'orth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Lieutenant Bennette, enrolling officer Roberson [Robeson] County, N. C. VIII. Private Wilson R. Brown, of the Alabama Reserves, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department as tax collector in Twenty-seventh District of Alabama, and will report to A. Martin, State collector, at Montgomery, Ala. IX. Leave of absence for forty days on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Assistant Surgeon J. C. Wood, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry. X. The leave of absence heretofore granted Assistant Surgeon A. E. Wright, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended thirty days. XI. Second Lieutenant W. P. Hammond, of Company A, Thirty-second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for having shamefully deserted his command in the face of the enemy, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 150, current series, as refers to Captain A. S. [A. X.] Halsey, of the Twenty-first Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is hereby revoked, Captain Halsey having been killed inaction at Leetown, Va., July 3, 1864. XIII. Major J. D. Gross, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as commissary of the division lately commanded by Lieutenant- General A. P. Stewart, Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report accordingly. XIV. Captain G. D. Spurrier, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at Charlottesville, Va., to relieve Captain A. H. Irwin, assistant quartermaster. XV. Major W. J. Baker, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as post commissary at Raleigh, N. C., and will report to Major James Sloan, chief commissary of subsistence of North Carolina. XVI. Major John E. Bacon, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as commissary of the reserves of South Carolina to relieve Major E. L. Holcombe, commissary of subsistence, and will report to Brigadier- General J. C. [James} Chestnut, at Columbia, S. C. Major E. L. Holcombe, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to the duties now performed by Major J. E. Bacon, commissary of subsistence, and will report to Major H. C. Guerin, chief commissary of subsistence, at Charleston, S. C. XVII. The army medical board of which Surgeon W. 31. Brown is president will proceed without delay to Atlanta, Ga., and report to Surgeon A. J. Foard, medical director Army of Tennessee, for the exam- ination of medical officers in the Department of Tennessee. 564 XVIII. Surgeon J. S. White is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Meridian, Miss., for assignment. XIX. Surgeon L. Waddell is relieved from present duty, and will re- port to officer in command at Plymouth, N. C., for duty. XX. Surgeon James S. Herron will report without delay to Medical Director [.A. J.] Foard, Army of Tennessee, for assignment. XXI. Assistant Surgeon Samuel L. Lewis is assigned to duty in Way Hospital, Meridian, Miss., to take effect from March 10,1864. XXII. Surgeon B. C. Craig is relieved from present duty, and will report to Brigadier-General Kemper for duty with the reserve forces. XXIII. Leave of absence for fourteen days is granted Major Frank F. Jones, commanding Confederate States armory Richmond, Va. XXIV. The military court of which Colonel W. B. Rodman, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, is presiding judge is transferred to the Department of Southern Virginia and North Carolina, and until further orders will hold its sessions at Salisbury, N. C. XXV. First Lieutenant R. Thigpen, artillery, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty with the dismounted cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia, and will report to General R. E. Lee, com- manding, &c. XXVI. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 125, current series, as refers to Captain Ed. Orenshaw, of Company B, Fifty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is revoked, and Captain Orenshaw will report for duty with his command. XXVII. The following-named officers will immediately rejoin their respective commands: Lieutenant-Colonel L. Brooks, Fifteenth Ten- nessee Volunteers; Major S. O. Cooper, Forty-sixth Tennessee Volun- teers. XXVIII. Lieutenant M. L. Brown, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with Major Thomas J. Randolph, jr., quartermaster, Richmond, Va. XXIX. The resignation of Captain Taylor Beatty, of First Louisiana Volunteers, (enlisted men,) is accepted by the President, to take effect the 16th December, 1862. XXX. Sergeant Charles H. Melson, of Company I, Thirty-eighth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred from the army to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Captain S. S. Lee, C. S. Navy, in this city. XXXI. So much of Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 117,[?] Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as relates to Captain E. L. Hoffman, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Captain Hoffman will report to Colonel E. G. Lee, commanding, &c., for duty as adjutant of the post at Staunton, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General 565 Adjutant and Inspector-General's' Office, Richmond, August 30,1864. Special Orders) No. 205. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted bv the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant-Colonel A. D. Crudup, y'orty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. C. Borden, Com- i»any H, First North Carolina Cavalry; Second Lieutenant John C. Rus- #11, Company E, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant- Colonel B. F. Little, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers; Major If. H. Jones, Forty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain A. Deal, Company F, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Major D. W. Rurtt, Second North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant John P. McLean, Company H, Fiftieth North Carolina Volunteers; Chaplain R. B. Anderson, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain H. H. Corr, Company K, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant William C. Butler, Petersburg Light Artillery; Captain E. A. Curry, Company A, Fourth Florida Battalion; First Lieutenant W. J. Roll, Company B, Twenty-first Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant H". C. Roberts, Company I, Second Tennessee Cavalry; Surgeon J. W. Gray, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Private E. H. Mashburn, of Company B, Twenty-fourth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon N. C. Horlbeck, in charge General Hospital No. 1, Columbia, S. C. III. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: Private Hiram Walters, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry; Private W. H. Layne, Company B, Thirteenth Virginia Volunteers. IV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant J. S. Burruss, Company F, Thirtieth Virginia Volun- teens; Major T. Higham, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, to take effect March 16, 1864. V. Captain John P. Stevens, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with Faulkner's [Falkner's] regiment cavalry, and will report accordingly. VI. Captain J. C. Hightower, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Thirtieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel F. H. Robertson's battalion artillery, Army of Tennessee. VII. Captain J. C. Burgess, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company I, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the en- rolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. VIII. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant W. F. Fletcher, of Com- pany D, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended fifteen days. IX. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Second Lieutenant R. F. Nix, of Company B, Thirty-first Alabama Volunteers. X. Ordnance Sergeant F. R. Lawson is assigned to duty as ordnance 8ergeant of the Fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and will report accordingly. 142—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 566 XI. Sergeant D. M. Alvis, Company G, Twenty-fourth Regiment Vir. ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during unfitness for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Lieutenant A. B. Calfer, enrolling officer of Mercer County, Va. XII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private T. A. Hardy, 0f Company G, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XIII. A furlough for twenty days from 22d August, 1864, is grants Private B. R. Scott, Marion Light Artillery. XIV. Conscript William A. Madison being unfit for field service is ap. pointed hospital steward, and will report to Medical Purveyor ^ Stockdell, at Wilmington, N. C., for duty. . XV. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in theca^ of First Lieutenant J. A. Baldwin, of Captain Buie's unattached com. pany, adverse to his promotion are approved and confirmed, and Lieu, tenant Baldwin will retain his present position. XVI. First Lieutenant W. S. Pratt, of the Invalid Corps, late of Cotn. pany D, Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XVII. Quartermasters, commisssaries, and Government agents will afford all necessary facilities to A. J. Wagoner, special courier of War Department, to headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department, Shreve- port, La., and returning thence to this city. XVIII. Private J. C. Nichols, of Company G, Twenty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Bedford County, Va. XIX. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 195, Adjutant and Inspector-Generai's Office, current series, as refers to Captain Hugh F. [Hugh T.] Douglas, of Company F, First Regiment Engineer Troops, is hereby revoked, and Captain Douglas will continue on duty with his regiment. XX. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Surgeon B. F. Brown, Second South Carolina Rifles, thirty days; Assistant Surgeon J. R. Lewis, Forty-third North Carolina Volunteers, forty-five days. XXI. Sergeant William T. Black, of Company E, Twenty-eighth Rcei- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for .duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to the enrolling officer of Roanoke County, Va. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXII. No instructions having been given by this department, and some doubt existing as to the nature of the authority for the recent ex- pedition of Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan into Kentucky, and grave representations from different sources having been received concerning its events, and of excesses' and irregularities, amounting in many in- stances to depredations and spoliations, alleged to have been com- mitted by that command, not merely through the license of the soldiery, which of itself would have been discreditable to the command, but with the tolerance, if not connivance, of officers of different grades of authority therein, all of which reflects reproach and disgrace upon the character of our service, and demands investigation and correction, it is ordered that Brigadier-General J. H. Morgan be suspended from com- mand, and a court of inquiry, to consist of Major-General Robert Ranow*< [jr.,] Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, and 567 Colonel M. H. Coffer [Cofer,] Sixth Kentucky Volunteers, with Colonel William H. Payne, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, as recorder, be at once con- gtituted and convened to meet at Abingdon, in southwestern Virginia 0n the 10th day of September next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to make inquiry and report with the evidence their opinion on the nierits of the case—as to the source and extent of the authority upon which said expedition was undertaken; the organization and strength of the command at starting and the number brought back, distinguish- jng the number of those recruited and those who started with the com- niand; as likewise in regard to the general conduct of the expedition and the events marking it; also, especially whether the same was at- tended with undue license and marked by robberies, depredations, or unwarrantable injuries to the people or corporations of that State; whether and to what extent such outrages were tolerated by, or partici- pated in, by the officers of the command, and whether property or effects of any kind seized by military authority or undue license have been turned over or accounted for to the proper officers, or have been appropriated or wasted. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistan t Adjutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders"! Richmond, August 31, 1864. No. 206. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Major John H. Crump, quarter- master, Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieutenant William H. II. Branch, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieu- tenant Nathaniel G. Gayle, Company G, Ninth Virginia Volunteers; Cap- tain Reese M. Baldwin, Company E, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry ; Captain James W. Almond, Company C, Seventh Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant T. C. Spicer, Company B, Forty-sixth Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry; Captain William H. Burton, Nottoway Reserves, Farin- holt's regiment; First Lieutenant J. 0. Clark, Company G, Lowry's reg- iment cavalry; Captain William R. Shannon, Company C, Tenth Texas Volunteers; Captain James W. Terrill, Company E, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, (dismounted;) First Lieutenant F. Kendall, Company B, Twenty-sixth Georgia Battalion; Captain J. H. Craven, Company C, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Alfred Weaver, Com- pany II, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant 0. M. Stone, Company E, Sixty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. L. Mc- Gmvan, Company C, Ballentine's regiment cavalry. II. Privates John Herron, James L. Pruitt, Daniel Vines, James Prater, and Brewton Phillips, of Company L, Twenty-eighth Alabama Regiment, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by military court for Lieutenant-General Hood's corps, held March 26, 1864, are pardoned by the President, and will be released from confinement and returned to duty. III. Private William J. Sweeny, of Captain Carter's battery, Carter's battalion, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 31, of February, 1864, Depart- ment Northern Virginia, is pardoned by the President, and will be re- leased from confinement and returned to duty. 568 IV. The sentence of death against Private Clarkson Robbins, of Com- pany B, Fifty-second Regiment North Carolina Troops, pronounced by court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 72, of 14th March, 1864, Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, is remitted, by order of the President; but this pardon is not to have the effect of relieving the party from any forfeiture of pay7 and allowances incurred prior to 29th August, 1864 V. Private Marion F. Cave, of Company K, Second Virginia Regiment, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by court-martial con- vened by Special Orders No. 211, of August, 1863, Department of North- em Virginia, is pardoned by th"e President, and will be released from confinement and returned to duty. VI. The sentences of death against Privates Isaac Franklin, of Com- pany G, and Zachariah Fowler and William A. Bradshaw, of Company D, Thirteenth North Carolina Regiment, pronounced by court-martial con- vened by Special Orders No. 112, of 23d April, 1864, Department of Northern Virginia, are, by order of the President, commuted to one year's confinement at hard labor with ball and chain in Castle Thunder, or such other place as the commanding general may direct, and forfeiture of all but necessary allowances. VII. Private James Raines, of Company D, Thirteenth North Carolina Troops, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by court-mar- tial convened by Special Orders No. 112, of 23d April, 1864, Department Northern Virginia, is, for special reasons appearing good to the Presi- dent, pardoned by his order, and will be released from confinement and returned to duty. VIII. Captain P. W. Bibb is assigned to duty, as captain of artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report to commandant of post at Lynchburg, Va. IX. Second Lieutenant Thomas W. Crowder, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Twentieth Battalion Alabama Light Artillery,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. X. First Lieutenant R. H. Maxwell, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Cora- pany C, First North Carolina Cavalry,) is assigned to duty in the enroll- ing service, and will report by letter for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. » XI. Surgeon J. B. Newton is relieved from conscript duty in Georgia, and will relieve Surgeon J. B. Ficklin, Sixth District of Virginia, who will relieve Surgeon A. P. Hall, in the Third District of Virginia. XII. Lieutenant Frank Markoe,jr., is relieved from duty with Lieu- tenant-General S. D. Lee, and will report to General Robert E. Lee, com- manding, &c., Army of Northern Virginia, for duty with Major-General Edward Johnson's division. XIII. Paragraph XLII, Special Orders No. 183, current series, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant F. M. Conrad, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will continue on duty with Colonel E. G.Lee, commanding, &c., at Staunton, Va. XIV. Sergeant J. C. Eve, Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will report to Major-General W. H. C. Whiting, commanding, &c., Wilmington, N. C., for assignment. XV. Sergeant JD. P. Bester, Signal Corps, is relieved from service with Lieutenant-General J. A. Early, and will report to Major-General Frank Gardner for duty with Captain Thomas H. Claggett, chief signal officer Department of the Gulf, at Mobile, Ala. 569 XVI. Leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Assistant Surgeon W. R. Green, of Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, for forty days. XVII. Surgeon A. P. Hall will report to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, for assignment in general hospital Montgomery, Ala. XVIII. Assistant Surgeon J. M. Adams will report without delay to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director, at Macon, Ga., for assignment. XIX. Private Edward H. Myler, Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being found by a medical board unfit for field service, is detailed as hospital attendant, and will report for duty to Surgeon \_Benj.~] Blackford, general hospital Liberty, Va. • XX. Surgeon G. A. D. Gait is relieved from present assignment, and will report without delay to Chief Surgeon William Green, Army Northern Virginia. XXI. Assistant Surgeon T. H. W. Upshur is dropped from the rolls of the army, being a supernumerary officer. XXII. Hospital Steward W. L. Beckham will report to commandant artillery Army Northern Virginia, and relieve Hospital Steward G. W. Fleming. When relieved Hospital Steward G. W. Fleming will report to Medical Director [TV. A.] Carrington, Richmond, for assignment. XXIII. Surgeons W. L. Hilliard, R. D. Hamilton, and J. B. Murfree, will constitute a medical board to examine the medical officers of Gen- eral Morgan's command and applicants who may be authorized to ap- pear before it. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon T. B. [J?. F.~] Dunlap [or F. B. Dunlopl will be dropped from the rolls of the army, having been rejected by the Army Medical Board, to take effect from December 31,1861. XXV. A furlough for seven days is granted each of the following- named men: Privates W. B. Sublett, E. H. Sublett, Third Company, [Rich- mond] Howitzers, Virginia artillery. XXVI. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended until further orders : Private William H. Ambler, Company C, First Louisiana Volunteers; Private John Goodwin, Company I, Third Virginia Volunteers. XXVII. Surgeons James Huston, and Livingston Lindsay are relieved from present duty, and will report for assignment to Major J. C. Dennis [Denis,] commandant of conscripts, Enterprise, Miss. XXVIII. Surgeon Adolphus A. Lawrence will report without delay to Medical Director [A. /.] Foard, Army of Tennessee, for duty. XXIX. Surgeon Thomas B. Elkin is assigned to Fifty-sixth Regiment Alabama Cavalry, Army of Tennessee, to take effect 31st March, 1864. XXX. Assistant Surgeon M. A. Butler, of Forty-eighth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXI. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended for the periods annexed to their respective names: Surgeon W. M. Campbell, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Second Lieutenant J. H. Strain, Company H, Second Mississippi Volunteers, thirty days. 143—S. 0., A. & I. Gr. 0.—4 570 XXXII. The following-named officers will have their names dropp^ from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this dajr cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Captain W. B. Fonville, Company E, First Lieutenants. R. i/a>u oway [So. Hanaway,] Company D, First Lieutenant S. D. C. McMiUen Company A, Forty-first Tennessee Volunteers. XXXIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 203, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, August 30, 1862, as refers to Captain P. 0. Lemmons, assistant quartermaster, Eighteenth Regiment South Car- olina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Lemmons will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXIV. Private George W. Hobbs, of United Artillery, Captain Kevil'g [Kevill's] company, is detailed until further orders for duty as pilot in the C. S. Navy, and will report to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Secretary of Navy in this city. XXXV. Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 178,[?] Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, series of 1863, is hereby revoked, and Captain A. P. Gomer, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company F, Third Virginia Vol- unteers,) is assigned to duty as commandant of post at Buchanan, Va. XXXVI. First Lieutenant W. J. England, of the Invalid Corps, (Lite of Company D, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major 21 A. Burke, quartermaster, &c., Seventh Military District, at James Island, S.C. XXXVII. Major J. H. Carrington, provost-marshal of Richmond, Va., will take charge of all deserters from the enemy under General Orders No. 65, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, and will forward them without delay to Abingdon, Va., thence to be sent to Ken- tucky and Ohio. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, ' Richmond, September 1,18G4. Special Orders) No. 207. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon J. F. 31. Geddings, Pro- visional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant G. L. Brindley, Company I, Fifty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. B. Rivers, Company K, Forty-second Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant James Daniel, Company A, Fifty-fourth Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant E. A. Miller, Company D, Fifty-ninth Virginia Volun- teers; First Lieutenant John S. Gardner, Company H, Forty-fourth Ala- bama Volunteers J Second Lieutenant Thomas W. Powell, Davidson's battery, Thirteenth Battalion Virginia Artillery ; Major R. B. MacRa/, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Private 0. W. Berry, of Company F, Third Regiment North Cnro- lina Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain 0. F. Weisiger, assistant quartermaster, in this city. 571 III. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to superintendent of bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders: Second Lieutenant L. D. ffonroe, late of Company D, Forty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Thomas S. McLane, late of Company A, Fort3'-first Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John W. Burkett, late of Company D, >'inth Mississippi Volunteers. IV. Private E. M. Richeson, of Compaq G, Second Regiment Georgia Cavalry, Major-General Cheatham's escort, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Subsistence Depart- uient, and will report to Major B. J. Butler, commissary of subsistence. V. Private D. W. Corl, of Company K, Fourth Regiment North Caro- lina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Cap- tain A. G. Brenizer, at Salisbury, N. C. VI. Captain J. [O.] Landis, of Missouri artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the Virginia Reserves, and will report to Colonel W. R. Game, of Third Missouri Volunteers, in this city. VII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated. Surgeon's certificates of their condition will be furnished their company commanders every thirty days: Pri- vateB. W. Farmer, Company C, Forty-third North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain D. Pender, assistant quartermaster, Tarborough, N. C.; Private S. D. Poon [Poore,] Company A, Second North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, Salisbury, N. C. VIII. Sergeant E. Roach, of Company C, Thirty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field servicers detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to the enrolling officer in Henry County, Ala., to relieve B. B. Sappers, an able-bodied soldier. IX. Chaplain J. M. Grandin, of Thirty-third Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, is relieved from present service, and will report to Colonel Robert White, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Cavalry, for duty with said regiment. X. Private W. A. Bolick, of Company K,.First Regiment South Caro- lina Cavalry, is transferred to Company I, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Infantry, and will report accordingly. XI. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 178, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Edward Schrempp [Schremppe] and GeorgeS. Hall is hereby revoked, and they will continue on duty with Messrs. Gray & Valory, Mobile, Ala. XII. Private John E. Rodd, of First Company, Battalion Washington Artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as clerk in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XIII. So much of Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 161, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant E. E. Jefferson, of the Invalid Corps, late of Lambkin's [Lam- Lin's] battery Virginia artillery, is hereby revoked. XIV. The following-named men, being disabled for field service, are detailed for duty to accompany the remains of Colonel T. B. Lamar to bis residence in Florida. Transportation will be allowed to and from Florida: R. L. Bruce, W. F. Stewart, Fifth Florida Volunteers. 572 XV. All non-commissioned officers and privates of Arkansas re*j. ments now serving in the Trans-Mississippi Department who were captured at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and are now in the States of Mississippi and Alabama separated from their commands, will, if de. clared exchanged, proceed without delay to Atlanta and report to Brigadier-General D. H. Reynolds for assignment to such companies i^ his brigade as they may elect to join. Such as have been paroled and are not yet exchanged will, so soon as declared exchanged, likewi^ report for similar assignment. Correct returns will be forwarded t0 this office by Brigadier-General Reynolds showing the names and regi. ment of the men who may report under this order. XVI. The following-named officers are relieved from present service and will proceed without delay to Andersonville, Ga., and report for duty to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c.: Captain* W. G. Barth, W. B. Hundley, assistant adjutants-general, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Sub- sistence Department, and will report to Major Robert Tannahill, com- missary of subsistence, Petersburg, Va.: Private J. M. Williams, Com- pany B, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers; Private W. T. Tannahill, Com- pany E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. XVIII. Second Lieutenant J. P. Walker, infantry, C. S. Army, is re- lieved from present service, and will report without delay to Lieutenant- General Richard Taylor, commanding, &c., at Meridian, Miss., for orders. XIX. Lieutenant N. G. Gray, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with Brigadier- General G. B. Hodge in the Department of Mississippi, Alabama, and East Louisiana, and will report accordingly. XX. Captain A. W. Lawrence, of Confederate States ordnance, is as- signed to duty with the reserves of North Carolina, and will report to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding, &c.j Raleigh, N. C. XXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant H. C. Ba> nett, of Company F, Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is extended thirty days. XXII. Private W. L. Sheppard, of Company A, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Major-General J. F. Gilmer, chief of En- gineer Bureau. XXIII. Lieutenant 0. J. Matthews, of the Invalid Corps, late of Com- pany C, Fourteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in, this city. XXIV. Private H. H. Forrest, of Company C, Forty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department during such unfitness, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C. XXV. Private T. M. Swindle, of Company I, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon S. S. Satchwell, General Hospital No. 2, Wilson, N. C., to relieve Private C. B. Johnson, Company I, Thirtieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon E. Loyd [Lloyd] Howard, of Twenty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended three days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 573 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 2, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 208. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Second Lieutenant J. D. Kersh, Company D, Sixth Alabama Cavalry ; Rev. George W. Wilson, chaplain, Twenty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. W. Pearson, Com- pany B, Ninth Florida Volunteers; Rev. J. D. Mitchell, chaplain, Pro- visional Army Confederate States. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant E. Holland, Company B, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volun- teers; First Lieutenant L. Linton, Company C, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers; Captain 0. F. Parish, Company D, First Arkansas Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant David W Adkins, Company G, Twenty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. W. Plain, Company M, First Texas Legion, Jackson's cavalry; Brevet Second Lieutenant Hr. T. E. Butler, A Troop,- Fourth Georgia Cavalry; First Lieutenant Henry Hart, Company N, First Texas Legion, Jackson's cavalry ; Cap- tain John Johnson, Company A, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry; Second Lieu- tenant Benjamin N. Shropshire, Company A, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry. III. The Second and Sixth Battalions, Local Defense Troops, Rich- mond, Va., will constitute the Second Regiment, Local Defense Troops. Major John W. Carter, of the Second Battalion, Local Defense Troops, is assigned as major of the Second Regiment, Local Defense Troops. IV. The organization known as the First Regiment Virginia Artil- lery will be known hereafter as the First Battalion Virginia Light Artil- lery, to the command of which Lieutenant-Colonel E. F. Mosely \Moseley\ is hereby assigned. V. Lieutenant T. J. Hall, adjutant of Thirty-seventh Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VI. Sergeant H. H. Brogden, of the Signal Corps, is assigned to duty as adjutant of Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. VII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private R. 0. Crocker, Company B, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private G. Hodge, Captain Ficklin's [Fickling's] company, Brooks Artillery. VIII. Private R. F. Johnston, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company B, Poague's artillery battalion, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., in this city. IX. Surgeon M. E. Swinney is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director [S. JI.] Stout, Macon, Ga X. Assistant Surgeon William M. Swarm [Swann] will report without delay to medical director Army of Northern Virginia for assignment. XI. Assistant Surgeon T. W. Dandridge is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to Medical Director Kinlock [12. A. Kinloch,~] Charleston, S. C. 144—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 574 XII. Surgeon William H. Taylor will report without delay to Medical Director L. Guild, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment. XIII. Assistant Surgeon H. L. Hines is relieved from present duty and will report without delay to Webb's battery, near Weldon, N. C. ' XIV. Surgeon B. C. Harrison is assigned to duty with Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia. XV. Surgeon James Guild is relieved from present, duty, and report without delay to Chief Surgeon [[Edmund] Mason for duty with Nineteenth Virginia Battalion, Richmond defenses. XVI. The following-named officers are assigned to duty with Briga. dier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c., Andersonville, Ga.,aud will report accordingly: Captain W. H. Jenifer, Provisional Army Con. federate States, cavalry; Major C. L. Sayre, assistant inspector-general Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Boiidf. rant, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Captain A. B. Hardcastle, Confederate States infantry, is as- signed to duty in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and will report to Lieutenant-General Richard Taylor,'com. manding, &c., Meridian, Miss. XVIII. Captain J. A. Marks, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from duty in the Conscription Department of Provisional Army Confederate States. XIX. Private Stephen Bishop, of Company D, Sixty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge of Ladies' Hospital, Montgomery, Ala. • XX. Captain S. 0. Bains, of Vaiden Artillery, is assigned to duty in the Conscription* Department, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for Mississippi, at Meridian, Miss. XXI. First Lieutenant A. M. Haskell, Confederate States infantry, assigned to duty with Brigadier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c., at Andersonville, Ga., and will report accordingly. XXII. Private J. A. Sitgreaves, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Virt ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in th^ Treasury Department during such unfitness, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. Surgeon's certifi- cate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXIII. Private Milton G. Trent, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty as an agriculturist, and will report t6 the enrolling officer of Grayson County, Va. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXIV. Captain J. W. Wiggington, of Forty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is granted leave of absence for sixty days to proceed to Alabama for the purpose of arresting absentees without leave and de- serters from said regiment, under such special instructions as may be given by General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c. XXV. Private James A. Day, of Company C, Twelfth Battalion Ten- nessee Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to com- mandant of his battalion for orders. XXVI. Leave of absence with permission to visit Europe is granted Colonel F. Dumonteil, of Fourteenth Confederate Cavalry, for ninetyjjays from the 19th September, 1864. W . 575 XXVII. Captain W. B. Smith, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from gervice with the artillery ordnance train, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report for duty to the inspector-general field trans- portation, in this city. XXVIII. Private James Harvey, of Company A, Phillips Legion, Georgia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to chief quartermaster, flt Macon, Ga. XXIX. Private Frank Partuitt, of Company A, Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon G. Owen, in charge hospital Miller Spring Hall, Mobile, Ala. XXX. Private George B. Brackett, of Ferguson's battery artillery, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, is appointed hospital steward, and trill report to Medical Director [A. J.] Foard,, at Atlanta, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, . Richmond, September 3, 1864. Special Orders) No. 209. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to. take effect to-day: Captain R. H. Parks, Company G, First Lieutenant M. F. Linkons, Company C, Sixteenth Virginia Cav- airy/First Lieutenant Josiah W. Smith, Company I, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John W. Lingo, Company H, Third Virginia Volunteers; Colonel Wm. H. French, Seventeenth Vir- ginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant*#. C. Adkins, Company H, Sixteenth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. V. Duncan, Company C, Twenty- third Virginia Battalion; Second Lieutenant C. D. Little, Company L, Eleventh Florida Regiment; Colonel J. M. Wells, Twenty-third Missis- sippi Regiment ;• Lieutenant J. C. Steele, Company F, Ballentine's regi- mentcavalry; First Lieutenant R.'N.Harris, adjutant, Twenty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant James A. Fox, Company H, Fifty- eighth North Carolina Volunteer^; Captain Samuel B. Echols, Company H, Nineteenth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant Thomas R. Beavers, Company H, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant N. B. Powell, Company B, Eighteenth Alabama Volunteers; Rev. Charles H. Otken, chaplain, Third Mississippi Battalion; Assistant Surgeons Alfred Wallace, George H. Moore, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant William A. Williams, Company I, First Georgia Regulars; Second Lieutenant J. E. Routh, Company A, Ninth Virginia Volunteers. II. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby in- curred: Private James S. Terrell, Company G, Thirtieth Virginia Volun- teers; Private Cicero Darrett, Company F, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry. III. Private William L. Robinson, jr., of Company C, Consolidated Crescent Regiment, Louisiana volunteers, is transferred to Brigadier- General John H. Morgan's command, and will report accordingly. IV. The detail heretofore granted Private W. Q. Maultsby, of Company C, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is extended sixty d J. Jones, Company E, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon H. G. Leigh, Raleigh, N. C.; Pri- vate W. G. Carpenter, Company A, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, toJSur- geon H. G. Leigh, Raleigh, N. C.; Private W. G. Wooton, Company II, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon J. W. Hall, Salisbury, N. C.; Private S. L. Giles, Compafiy D, Eleventh North Carolina Volun- teers, to Surgeon P. E. Hines,' Raleigh, N. C.; Private H. T. Boling, Cora- pany K, Second North Carolina Cavalry, to Surgeon H. F. Butt, Gen- eral Hospital No. 1, Kettrell's [Kittrell] Springs, N. C. XVIII. Leave of absence for fifteen days on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Captain John J. Ancell, of Fluvanna Artillery, Vir- ginia volunteers. 591 XIX. Private Beverly Crostick, of Company F, Twenty-fifth Virginia (city) Battalion, is, in consideration of the peculiar circumstances of his case, pardoned by the President for the offense committed by him in leaving his company without permission, and will be released from con- finement and returned to duty without trial for the offense either of desertion or of absence without leave. XX. Private A. Rudd, of Company I, First Regiment Virginia Volun- teers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Messrs. Joseph R. Anderson & Co., government contractors, in this city. XXI. First Lieutenant R. F. Gilder, of the Invalid Corps, late of Com- pany H, Thirteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders to Major G. IP. Jones, at Marion, Ala. XXII. Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 195, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, current series, assigning Captain W. J. Hughes, as- 6istant quartermaster, to duty with Cabell's artillery battalion is hereby revoked.- XXIII. Captain F. M. Harney, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Array Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Eighth Reg- iment Louisiana Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Colonel A. DeBlanc, commanding reserve forces of Western Louisiana, and will report accordingly. XXIV. Brigadier-General William Miller, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will take immediate command of the reserve forces of the State of Florida. He will complete their organization and place them at once in service. To this end he is authorized to employ all enroll- ing officers, who are hereby directed to obey his instructions. He will establish his headquarters at such place as he may deem best. Officers of the Quartermaster's, Commissary, Ordnance, and Medical Depart- ments are required to furnish all necessary facilities. All officers from the State of Florida of the Invalid Corps, and such of the regular forces as are for any reason unassigned, will immediately report to General MiUcr, who is authorized to assign them temporarily to duty with the reserves. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant- General. Adjutant and Inspector-Genebal's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, September 9, 1864. No. 214. j I. The sentence of death against Private M. • N. Dak, Company A, Nineteenth Regiment Texas Infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, of January 5,1863, Trans- Mississippi Department, is remitted by order of the President. II. The sentence of death against Private Richard Clark, Company I, Colortel Shaver's regiment Arkansas infantry, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 32, of April 21, 1863, headquarters District of Arkansas, is remitted by order of the President. III. The sentence of death against Private I,F. W. Smithey, Company B, Fitzhugh's regiment, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, Department Trans-Mississippi, of January 5, 1303, is remitted by order of the President. Private Smithey will be re- leased from confinement and returned to duty. 592 IV. Captain J. W. Burney, Company K, Gause's regiment, againgi whom sentence of dismissal from the service was pronounced by general court-martial convened by general order of December 21, 1862, Tranj. Mississippi Department, is pardoned by the President. V. The sentence of death against Second Lieutenant J. P. Bowers, of Company G, Thirteenth Texas Cavalry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, of January 5,1863, is by order of the President commuted to dismissal as an officer from the service of the Confederate States. VI. The sentence of death against Private James Bennett, of Company F, McRae's regiment Arkansas infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by General Orders No. 1, of January 3,1863, First Corps, Trans-Mississippi Army, is remitted by order of the President VII. The sentences of death against Privates P. H. Marberry, J. H'. Costello, and A. J. Thomas, of Company L, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, pronounced by military court for Major-General Forrest's cavalry divi- sion, are remitted by order of the President. VIII. The sentence of death against Private Newton Cook, Company D, Eleventh Regiment Texas Infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, of January 5, 1863, Trans- Mississippi Department, is remitted by order of the President. IX. The sentence of death against Private W. B. Dewberry, Company E, Glenn's regiment Arkansas infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by special orders March 4, 1863, Trans-Mississippi Department, is remitted by order of the President. X. The sentence of death against Private Thomas W. Lather, Company F, McRae's regiment Arkansas infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by General Orders No. 1, of January 3,1863, Head- quarters First Corps, Trans-Mississippi Army, is remitted by order of the President. XI. The sentence of dismissal from the service against Captain John C. McKinny [McKinney,] Company F, Sterns' [Steen's] regiment Missouri infantry, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 60, of March 4, 1863, Trans-Mississippi Department, is com- muted by order of the President to a reprimand in orders from his divi- sion commander and one month's suspension of rank and pay. XII. The sentence of death against Private John Pharris, Company C, Gause's regiment Arkansas infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by General Orders No. 1, of January 3,1863, Head- quarters First Corps, Trans-Mississippi Army, is remitted by order of the President. XIII. The sentence of death against Private Henry J. Ross, Company H, Eleventh Regiment Texas Infantry, pronounced by general court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, Trans-Mississippi Department, of January 5, 1863, is remitted by order of the President. XIV. The sentence of death against Private T. W. Bowers, of Com- pany G, Thirteenth Texas Cavalry, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 5, of January 5,1863, Trans-Mississippi Department, is remitted by order of the President. XV. J. L. Wiggins is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence De- partment, and will report to Captain E. P. George, acting commissary of subsistence, at Pitch Landing, N. C. 593 XVI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private B. G. Neal, Company J!, Forty-second Georgia Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private lafayette Lanier, Company G, Seventh Alabama Cavalry, to senior sur- geon [of] Clan ton's brigade; Private M.L. Long, Company F, Sixth Ala- baraa Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment; F. M. Stubbs to colonel Fortieth Mississippi Volunteers ; Private R. J. Pierce, Company I, Fifty-second Georgia Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Sergeant J. J. Crawford, Company G, Twenty-seventh Georgia Volunteers, to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director. XVII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Surgeon W. G. Carter, Fifty-third Vir- ginia Volunteers, thirty days; Captain J. M. Gunn, Company G, Fif- teenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant P. C. Cailhn [Carlton,] Company A, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant A.McCallum, Company H, Eighteenth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant F. H. Perceval, Company H, Third South Carolina Battalion, thirty days; Captain Woodville Latham, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, sixty days. XVIII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Captain R. T. Hewell, Company F, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers, sixty days; Captain G. T. Getty, ordnance officer, Lynchburg, Va., thirty days. XIX. Second Lieutenant John Oscar, of Company C, Thirteenth Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XX. The detail heretofore granted Conscript John M. Pettill, from Camp of Instruction, near this city, is^extended to include the 26thjday of July, 1864. XXI. Hospital Steward F. J. Nash is relieved from present duty, and will report to the Surgeon-General for assignment. XXII. Hospital Steward W. B. Lamkin is relieved from"present duty, and will report to Medical Director [& IP] Stout, Macon, Ga., for assign- ment. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon Theogene Chachers \_Theodore Cachero] will report without delay to Medical Director [IF. A.] Carrington for duty at Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Va. XXIV. Assistant Surgeon Charles E. Dupont is relieved from field duty on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to officer in com- command at Weldon, N. C. XXV. Surgeon T. B. Wilkerson will report without delay to Medical Director [Hunter H.] McGuire, Valley of Virginia, for assignment. XXVI. Private IF J. Stone, of Company F, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the provost-marshal's office, and will report to Captain Hamilton, provost-marshal, Columbia, S. C. XXVII. Private S* B. Smith, of Company E, Sixth Florida Battalion, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain R. R. Reid, assistant quartermaster, at Saunderson [Sanderson,] Fla. XXVIII. First Lieutenant Robert T. Fouche, of Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is assigned to duty as acting aid-de-camp on the staff of Brigadier-General George T. Anderson, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, and will report accordingly. 149—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 594 XXIX. Private H. Bruhns, of Company H, Sixth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain T.S. Barton, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Buchanan, Va. XXX. Private Christopher V. Haile, of Company E, Thirtieth Regi. merit Louisiana Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XXXI. The following-named men are detailed for ninety days for duty in the Florida Card Factory, and will report to his excellency Governor John Milton, Tallahassee, Fla.: Privates G. W. Edmondson, John Hackett, W. S. Whistler, Dyke's battery Florida light artillery. XXXII. Private A. C. Reed, of Company K, Sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, having been elected captain of Company H, Fourteenth Ten- nessee Cavalry, will be discharged his former service. XXXIII. Captain D. C. Slith, C. S. Army, infantry, is relieved from service with the Maryland Line, and is assigned to duty with Major- General W. H. C. Whiting, commanding, &c., at Wilmington, N. C., and will report accordingly. XXXIV. Private James S. Thompson, of Company I, Thirty-ninth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is transferred to Fayette Light Artillery, Reid's [Read's] battalion, and will report accordingly. XXXV. Private J. W. Blount, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J. G. Michaeloffsky, quartermaster, &c., at Macon, Ga. XXXVI. Private C. Tubman, of Ramsey's [Tennessee] battery, having been a citizen of Maryland at the commencement of the war, is trans- ferred to the Maryland Line under provisions of General Orders No. 38, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, and will report to Captain J. Lewis [J". Louis] Smith, commanding Maryland Camp, near this city. XXXVII. Private L. West, of Company H,. Twentieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as shoemaker in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Brig- adier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, in this city, for orders. XXXVIII. Private S. J. Riley, of Company D, Sixth Regiment Loui- siana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as carpenter in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Brig- adier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, in this city, for orders. XXXIX. Private Joseph Campos, of Company F, Eighth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Captain Edward Gottheil, engineer, &c., at Savannah, Ga. XL. Private William P. Mount, of Captain Love's cavalry company Alabama volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for State of Alabama to perfect the bonds required by law. XLI. Private Milton B. Yong, of Cobb's Legion, cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Captain [C. Ap.] R. Jones, C. S. Navy, commanding naval works at Selma, Ala. XLII. Sergeant A. C. Wilkinson, of Company K, Sixth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to superintendent Rich- mond and Danville Railroad, in this city, for orders. 595 XLIII. Private James E. Varnes, of Company A, Seventh Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is until further orders detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Chief Quartermaster H. R. Teasdale, Lake City, Fla. XLIV. Private G. F. Crumbly, of Company F, Fifty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, his services being absolutely indispensable immediately, and will report to Hugh Rice, superintendent Manassas Gap Railroad, at Greens- borough, N. C. XLV. Captain A. Speir, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to conscrip- tion duty in Georgia, and will report to the commandant of conscripts of that State. XLVI. Captain William Timherlake, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Twenty-fourth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the First Regiment Kentucky Cavalry. XLVII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 179, current series, as refers to Major R. W. Memminger, assistant adjutant-general, is hereby revoked, and Major Memminger is assigned to duty in the Depart- ment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. He will report to Major- General S. Jones, commanding, &c. XLVIII. Captain Miller Turney, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Twenty-sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Sixteenth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry. XLIX. Captain W. R. ShacJclett, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with the Eleventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Fifteenth Regiment Tennessee Cavalry. L. Paragraph XXXVIII [XXXVII,] Special Orders No. 206, current series, is amended so as to read : Major J. H. Carrington, provost-marshal of Richmond, Va., will take charge of all deserters from the enemy, under General Orders No. 65, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current 6eries, and will forward such of them as he may designate, or such as may desire to go, to Abingdon, Va.; thence to be sent to Kentucky and Ohio. LI. Major G. M. Proctor, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as post commissary at Andersonville, Ga., to relieve Captain J. W. Armstrong, assistant commissary of subsistence. Captain Armstrong on being relieved will be assigned to duty at Columbus, Ga., and will report to Major A. 31. Allen, commissary of subsistence, at that place. LII. Rev. B. 31. Taylor, chaplain, is relieved from service with the Twenty-third Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and is assigned to duty' in the Army of Tennessee. He will report for orders to General J. B. Hood, commanding, &c. LIII. Captain H. S. Doggett, of Company B, Thirtieth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper for as- signment to the command of the reserves near Fredericksburg, Va. In addition to that service he will assume the duties of provost-marshal of Fredericksburg, Va. L1V. The resignation of Captain Joseph D. 3IcCann, of Company G, Twenty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect April 14, 1862. LV. Paragraph XXIV, gpecial Orders No. 204, current series, is so amended as to direct the military court of which Colonel W. B. Rodman, Provisional Army Confederate States, is presiding judge to report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c. 596 LVI. Captain Max. T. Davidson, of the Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with Major-General C. W. Field's division, and will report for orders to the chief of Signal Corps, in this city. LVII. Captain E. A. Thome, of Company [D,J Twenty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is relieved from duty as ordnance officer of the cavalry of the Valley District, and will report for duty with his regiment.. LVIII. Lieutenant J. P. Scales, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty as ordnance officer of the cavalry of the Valley District, and will report to Major-General L. L. Lomax, command- ing, &c.' LIX. Captain George H. Frost, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty on the staff of Lieutenant-General A. P. Stewart, and will report accordingly. LX. In addition to his other duties the general commanding the Dia- trict of East Louisiana is charged with the organization and command of the reserve forces in that district. LXI. Lieutenant William Sinkler, of Company B, Twenty-seventh Reg- iment South Carolina Volunteers, is assigned to duty as marshal of the military court of which Colonel D. F. Jamison, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is presiding judge, and will report accordingly. LXII. Private J. H. Bond, of the Gist Guard Artillery, South Carolina volunteers, is detailed for duty as clerk of the military court of which Colonel D. F. Jamison, Provisional Army Confederate States, is presiding judge, and will report accordingly. LXIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 136, current series, as refers to Private Peter Elsesser, of Company B, (Colonel Butler's,) First South Carolina Infantry, is herebj7" revoked, and Private Elsesser will remain on duty with the First South Carolina Infantry. LXIV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 100, current series, as refers to Musician N. Schmelz, First Regiment South Carolina Volun- teers, (Colonel [TFm.] Butler,) is hereby revoked, and Musician Schmelz will continue on duty with the First South Carolina Infantry. LXV. Private L. Brown, of Company A, Twentieth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being a citizen of North Carolina, is transferred to Company K, Sixty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and will report accordingly. LXVI. Sergeant J. C. Borum, of Company C, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. J. Wag- goner, assistant quartermaster, at Burkeville, Va. LXVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major Thomas L. Brown, quartermaster, &c., is extended thirty days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 597 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 10,1864. Special Orders) No. 215. I I. The sentence of death against Second Lieutenant James C. Otey, Davidson's battery, Thirteenth Virginia Battalion Artillery, pronounced by military court for Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is com- muted by order of the President to dismissal as an officer from the service of the Confederate States. II. John C. Passmore and Hospital Steward W. P. Passmore are detailed until further orders for duty with A. L. Maxwell and his associates in the manufacture of drugs and medicines at such point in the Confed- erate States as they may select. They will report monthly by letter to the Surgeon-General, in this city. III. Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, Provisional A?my Confederate States, will appoint a suitable commissioner to proceed to Salisbury, N. C., to examine prisoners and deserters in confinement, and upon his report to order the discharge, removal, or detention of such as may be entitled to it under the report, and to direct the removal of prisoners under General Order No. 65, current series, if any be found entitled to claim the benefit of said order. IV. Private R. A. Blake, of Company H, Thirty-fifth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. V. Private William D. Walton, of Company I, Eleventh Mississippi Regiment Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. VI. The following-named men "having been elected commissioned officers will be discharged their former service: Private B. V. Walding, Company E,Fifteenth Alabama Volunteers; Private J. G. E. Williams, Company E, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers. VII. Major J. M. Billups, quartermaster, &c., Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at Okolona, Miss. VIII. Private James Matthews, of Company I, Twelfth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. IX. Sergeant J. N. Taylor, of Company E, Tenth Louisiana Volun- teers, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist on condition that the sur- plus of the plantation of J. W. Haskew, of Marlborough District, S. C., is offered to the Confederate States government at schedule prices. He will report to the enrolling officer of Marlborough District, S. C., who will see that the conditions are complied with. X. So much of Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 205, current series, as refers to Colonel William H. Payne, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Captain J. T. Jones, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty as recorder of the court of inquiry ordered to convene at Abingdon, Va., on the 10th September, 1864. XI. Captain E. Barry, of the Maryland Line, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General John H. Winder, commanding, &c., at Andersonville, Ga., and will report accordingly. XII. The furlough heretofore granted Private John F. Graves, Com- pany D, Third Regiment Virginia Cavalry, from headquarters Lieuten- ant-General J. A. Early, is extended for ten days under the peculiar cij> cumstances of the case. 150—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 598 XII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 107, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, series of 1863, as refers to Hospital Steward Charles S. Pack is hereby revoked, and he is detailed until further orders as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Williamsburg District, S. C. XIV. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 146, current series, as refers to Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Neal, Sixteenth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Neal will he restored to his command. XV. Leave of absence for four months is granted Second Lieutenant Douglas C. Cannon, of First Company, Signal Corps, to enable him to attend the medical lectures in this city. XVI. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, current series, as refers to Captain Wm. L. Cochran, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, his resignation having been accepted in Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 264, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 12,1861. XVII. Assistant Surgeon E. T. McSwain is relieved from conscript duty and temporary duty under Surgeon [S. H.} Stout, medical director, and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, at Meridian, Miss., for assignment. XVIII. The company of Florida volunteers commanded by Captain Chisholm is hereby disbanded." The men of conscript age will be sent to the Camp of Instruction, State of Florida, for the purpose of being assigned to companies. XIX. Captain William H. Harrison, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report to Brigadier-General James L. Kemper, com- manding, &c., in this city. XX. Private W. R. Johnson, of the provost guard, Abingdon, Va., is detailed for duty in the Provost-Marshal's Office, and will report to the commandant of post at Marion, Va. XXI. The detail heretofore granted Private William M. George, of Cora- pany C, Palmetto Sharpshooters, South Carolina volunteers, is extended during his unfitness for field service. Surgeon's certificates of his con- dition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXII. Private David Bethune, of Company G, Twenty-fourth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, having been elected to a civil office, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, cur- rent series, as refers to Captain Denis [Dennis] Behen, [jr.,] assistant quar- termaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Behen will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. Private S. W. Brewer, of Company H, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medi- cal director, Raleigh, N. C. XXV. Leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Lieutenant William B. LLoyd, of Company C, Fifteenth Alabama Regiment Volunteers, for sixty days from July 22, 1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 599 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 12, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 216. f I. The sentence of death against Private M. Clayton, Company D, Eighth North Carolina Troops, pronounced by general court-martial convened by General Orders No. 4, of October 8, 1863, Department of North Carolina, is, by order of the President, commuted to hard labor and confinement for the term of the existing war. II. The sentence pronounced by the military court for the Depart- nient of Virginia and North Carolina cashiering First Lieutenant William H. Vernon, late acting ordnance officer of the Nineteenth Virginia Bat- tnlion Artillery, is, upon the recommendation of the court, remitted by order of the President. Lieutenant Vernon will be released from arrest and returned to duty. III. Wellington Moats, private, Company I, Sixty-second Regiment Virginia Infantry, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by general court-martial convened by General Orders No. 4, of September 13,1863, Valley District, is pardoned by the President, and will be re- leased from confinement and returned to duty. IV. The sentence of death against Private David H. Holmes, Company G, Tenth Regiment, ([First] Artillery,) North Carolina troops, pro- nounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 7, of 3d October, 1863, Department of North Carolina, is, by order of the President, commuted to confinement at hard labor during the war. V. The sentence of death against Private John Dobbins, of Company H, Tenth Regiment North Carolina Troops, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 7, of October 3, 1863, De- partment of North Carolina, is, by order of the President, commuted to confinement at hard labor during the existing war. VI. The sentence of death against Private James M. Pipkins, Company G, Tenth Regiment, ([First] Artillery,) North Carolina troops, pro- nounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 7, of 3d October, 1863, Department of North Carolina, is, on account of state- ments made since the trial, commuted, by order of the President, to confinement at hard labor for the term of the existing war. VII. The proceedings of the military court for the Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia in the trial of Brigadier-General E. L. Thomas, Provisional Army Confederate States, having been transmitted to the Secretary of War, and by him laid before the President, the sentence of reprimand pronounced by the court against him is, by order of the President, remitted. Brigadier-General E. L. •Thomas will be released from arrest and returned to duty. VIII. The offense of drunkenness by an officer when not on duty not being within the jurisdiction of a general court-martial at the time of the trial of First Lieutenant J. L. Jackson, of Third Missouri Artillery, the sentence of the general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 298, of November, 1863, Army of Tennessee, cashiering him is re- mitted by order of the President. Lieutenant Jackson will be restored to his command. IX. Private Benjamin E. Bently, Company H, Fifty-fifth Regiment North Carolina Troops, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by military court for Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is, upon the recommendation of the court, pardoned by the President, and will be released from confinement and returned to duty. 600 X. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superin- tendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city: First Lieutenant John R. Brewer, late of Company G, Ninth Alabama Volunteers; Cap. tain H. W. Abernethy, late of Thirty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant F. B. Ward, late of Company H, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry. XI. Second Lieutenant Morris J. Boland, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company E, Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to the superin. tendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XII. Captain James Franklin, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company E, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report for orders to Major ]V. S. Munday, at the bureau of subsistence for the State of Tennessee, at Columbus, Miss. XIII. First Lieutenant R. M. Dickinson, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, First Virginia Battalion,) is assigned to duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. J. Waggoner, as- sistant quartermaster, at Burkeville, Va. XIV. Private Benjamin L. Findley, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Confederate Cavalry, is detailed until the 1st of December, 1864, for duty as mail contractor, to fulfill contract with Confederate States govern- ment. XV. Major W. S. Barton, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, having returned, Paragraph XXIV, Special Orders No. 192, current series, is hereby revoked at his own request. XVI. Second Lieutenant James T. Dunlop, of Company I, Tenth Reg- iment Tennessee Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Lieutenant A. M. Bullard, of Company C, Lockhart's battalion Alabama cavalry, will have his name dropped from the rolls as being ineligible to election to office in Local Defense Troops, and will proceed without delay to his original command—the Fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers. XVIII. Lieutenant Georye W. Weaver, of Ward's battery light artillery, will have his name dropped from the rolls for incompetency to discharge the duties of an officer, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIX. The Jeave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant H. C. Ben- nett, of Company F, Third North Carolina Cavalry, is extended thirty days. XX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major J. M. Govldin, of Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. XXI. So much of the sentence of the general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 7, of October 3, 1863, Department of North Car- olina, in the case of Private George Hafner, Company K, Forty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Troops, as directs the branding of the pris- oner is remitted by order of the President. XXII. James Kelley, a British subject, now imprisoned at Salisbury, N. C., will be released from confinement and permitted to leave the Con- federate States for his home. 601 XXIII. First Lieutenant W. A. Obenchain, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report immediately to General Robert E. Lee, command- ing,&o., for assignment to duty with the chief engineer Army of Northern Virginia. XXIV. Captain J. D. Wade, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, and is as- 6igned to duty with the Second Regiment Mississippi Cavalry to relieve Captain C. M. Williams, assistant quartermaster, and Captain Williams on being relieved will report for duty to Major George Whitfield, quar- termaster, &c., in charge railroad transportation, &c., at Meridian, Miss. XXV. Colonel J. C. Fiser, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers,) will report to Major-General S. [L.] McLaws, commanding, &c., Savannah, Ga., to be assigned to such duty as he may deem proper. XXVI. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 186, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to First Lieu- tenant George H. Orofton, of Company E, Tenth Regiment North Carolina [Troops, (First] Artillery,) is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Orofton will be reinstated in his command. XXVII. Private John R. Gauley, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, in this city. XXVIII. Leave of absence for six days is granted Major John B. Brockenborough [Brockenbrough,] of the Slave Claims Board. XXIX. Sergeant B. Lowenthal, of Company E, Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical director, in this city, for orders. XXX. The detail heretofore granted Sergeant W. F. Fletcher, of Com- pany D, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended fifteen days from the 14th September, 1864. XXXI. Surgeon E. W. Thomason is relieved from field duty on ac- count of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director Kinlock [R. A. Kinbch,] Charleston, S. C. XXXII. Assistant Surgeon William S. Whaley will report without delay to Brigadier-General [M. W.] Gary, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment. XXXIII. Private James E. Fant, of Company C, Forty-eighth Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel G. W. Rains, commanding Confederate States arsenal Augusta, Ga. XXXIV. Private 0. 0. Perry, of Company G, Eleventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain W. Hutson Wigg, assistant commissary of subsistence, Charles- ton, S. C. XXXV. Private J. N. Harney, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company D, Thirteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XXXVI. Sergeant E. A. Poole, of Thirty-second Regiment Texas Cav- airy, being a citizen of the Indian Territory, is transferred to Colonel Folsom's regiment cavalry, Trsns-Mississippi Department, and will re- port accordingly. 151—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 602 XXXVII. Captain J. F. Clements, of Company I, Forty-fifth Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty as commis- sioner to take testimony relative to property informally impressed in the Sixth Congressional District State of Alabama, and will report ac- cordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 13,1864- Special Orders] No. 217. ( I. A general court-martial, to consist of the following-named officers, (a greater number cannot be convened without manifest injury to the service,) will assemble at Asheville, N. C., September 26,1864, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of offenses committed by officers and soldiers in the Western District of North Carolina. Should a less number than eight be present the court will nevertheless proceed to and continue the business before it, provided there are present not less than the minimum prescribed by law, (five.) The court will report to Lieutenant-General Th. H. Holmes, who will review the proceedings: Captain J. M. Berry, Company K, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Captain/. T. Cahill, Company D, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. 0. Clegg. Company F, Fourteenth Georgia Volunteers; Cap- tain C. E. Chichester, Grist [Gist] Guard Artillery, South Carolina volun- teers; Captain Henry Lumpkin, Company A, Eighth Georgia Battalion; Captain W. L. Thornberry, Company H, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. B. Ritter, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States; Second Lieutenant A. G. Haley, C. S. Army. The junior member will act as recorder. II. The sentence of dismissal from the service of the Confederate States against Surgeon Littleton W. Mayo, Provisional Army Confederate States, pronounced by military court for Major-General Samuel Jones' corps, having been suspended by Major-General•[&] Jones, and the record of the proceedings of the court laid before the President, the proceedings and sentence are approved by him, and Surgeon Littleton W. Mayo ceases from this date to be an officer of the Confederate States. III. The proceedings in the case of Private Jacob Nutter, of Captain Appleby's company, attached to Twenty-first Regiment Virginia Cav- airy, sentenced to death by general court-martial convened by General Orders No. 14, of February 17,1864, Department East Tennessee, having been disapproved by the reviewing officer, (Brigadier-General J. n. Morgan,) Private Nutter will be released from confinement and returned to duty. IV. Private L. A. Adam, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Third Company, Washington Artillery, Louisiana volunteers,) is detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. V. The following-named men of Lucas' battalion artillery being citi- zens of Georgia, are transferred to the First Regiment Georgia Heavy Artillery, and at the moment the exigencies of the service will permit they will report for duty with their new command: Privates J.M. Mull, John McGintry, Q. W. Fitts, Samson Hayes, G. W. Huntsinger, H. Colburn, F. Chapman, W. P. Loggins, William M. Lyles, Company B. 603 VI. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 187, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to A. Childress, of Wyatt's battery artillery, is hereby revoked, and Private Childress will rejoin his command, (Company I, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers.) VII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 135, Adjutant and. Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain J. C. Mc- Clanahan [McClenahan,~\ assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, Cap- tain McClanahan [McClenahari] having previously died. VIII. Assistant Surgeon E. C. Eppes will report without delay for duty at post hospital, Chiffin's Bluff, Va. IX. Assistant Surgeon James M. H. Ruff will report without delay for duty to Medical Director Hunter [73.] McGuire, Valley of Virginia. X. Surgeon John M. Lawing will report without delay for duty to Medical Director Hunter [33".] McGuire, Valley of Virginia, to date from April 14,1864. XI. Assistant Surgeon A. L. East will report without delay for duty to Medical Director P. B. Scott, Meridian, Miss., to date from 24th Feb- ruary, 1864. XII. Private A.J. Ferrell, of Company A, (Captain Hurtell's [Hurtel's] company,) garrison guard, Army of Tennessee, is transferred to Company F, Eighth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, having been originally a mem- ber of that company, and will report accordingly. XIII. Private James T. Charles, of Company H, Second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to Company C, First Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, he having been originally a member of said company and illegally transferred, and will report accordingly. XIV. Private Llewellen Keller, of Company K, Ninth Regiment Ken- tucky Cavalry, is detailed for sixty days for duty as distiller, and will report to Surgeon Richard Potts, medical purveyor, at Montgomery. Ala. XV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private H. V. Daniel, Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry; Private William P. Scruggs, Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery. XVI. First Lieutenant W. R. Chambliss, adjutant, Twenty-fifth Regi- ment Louisiana Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. First Lieutenant E. M. Bean, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company G, Fifth Regiment Texas Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XVIII. Second Lieutenant J. R. Adair, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company D, Thirtieth Virginia Battalion,) is assigned to duty in the en- rolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XIX. Captain James Houston, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Second Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, and will report for orders to Major Charles S: Carrington, quartermaster, Ac., in this city. XX. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Private J. W. Barnett, Company H, Eighteenth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Private F. M. Jowers, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. 904 XXI. Lieutenant J. D. Bryan, of Company A, Sixth Kentucky Cav- airy, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with Lieu* tenant-Colonel Thomas W. Napier, now on duty with Brigadier-General [A. JR.] Johnson in southwestern Kentucky, and will report accordingly. XXII. Private A. J. Bethea, of Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volun- teers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to. the colonel of the Twenty-fourth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XXIII. Private C. A. Spitz, of Company K, Fifty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for forty days for duty in the Navy De* partment as baker, and will report to the officer in command of that department, at Albany, Ga. XXIV. Private Berrier H. Brown, of Company C, Forty-third Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to the colonel of his regiment. XXV. The resignation of Captain Eugene R. Smith, Company B, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XXVI. Private H. B. Nicholas, of Company C, Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for clerical duty, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, com- manding, &c., in this city. XXVII. J. Marshall Caldwell is appointed hospital steward, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, and will report for duty to the Surgeon- General, in this city. XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private B. J. Massey, Company A, Sixth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Private R. W. Desher, Company E, Hampton's Legion, mounted infantry. XXIX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 187, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private T. D. Guyott, of Huger's battery, is hereby revoked, and Private Guyott will remain with his command. I XXX. Leave of absence for forty days from 19th August, 1864, is granted Lieutenant W. W. Rew, of Company H, Sixty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers. I XXXI. Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. Duff, of the Nineteenth Mississippi Battalion, is assigned to duty as lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth Regi- ment Mississippi Cavalry, and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-GeneraL 605 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 14,1864. Special Orders! No. 218. ( I. The proceedings of the examining board in the cases of the follow- ing-namea officers, finding them incompetent to perform the duties of the positions to which they have been severally elected, are approved and confirmed. They will therefore resume their positions in the ranks: Captain T. C. Rowland, Anderson's battalion North Carolina Reserves; First Lieutenant R. H. Crews, Company B, First Lieutenant J". T. Far- thing, Company I, First Regiment North Carolina Reserves; Lieutenant J. T. McAuley, Company B, Sixth Battalion North Carolina Reserves; Second Lieutenant J. N. D. Hopper, Company C, Second Battalion North Carolina Reserves; Second Lieutenant T. L. Daniel, Company B, First Regiment North Carolina Reserves. II. Major W. F. Hawes, quartermaster, &c., Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from service with Ross' cavalry brigade, Army of Tennessee, and will report for duty to Major A. H. Cole, inspector- general field transportation. III. Major E. K. Huger, Provisional Army Confederate States, artil- lery, is assigned to ordnance duty, and will report in person to Major- General Samuel Jones, commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C., as chief ord- nance officer of that department, and by letter to the chief of ordnance, Richmond, Va. IV. Captain C. L. C. Minor, Provisional Army Confederate States, ar- < tillery, chief ordnance officer Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is relieved from present duty, and will report in person to the chief of ordnance, Richmond, Va. V. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain R. Taylor, assist- ant adjutant-general, is extended thirty days. VI. Brigadier-General B. D. Fry, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty to relieve Brigadier-General A. R. Wright, at Augusta, Ga., and Brigadier-General Wright when relieved will, in accordance with a previous order, proceed to Headquarters Army of Tennessee and report to General J. B. Hood, commanding, &c. VII. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 198, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieutenant G. W. Grayston, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Grayston will retain his position as provost-marshal Charlotte, N. C. VIII. Major E. B. D. Riley, Provisional Army Confederate States, ord- nance, will report for ordnance duty to Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Ken- nard, chief of ordnance, Army of Tennessee. IX. The leave of absence granted Colonel B. S. Eioell, assistant adju- tant-general, from Headquarters Army of Tennessee, is extended thirty days from 20th September, 1864. X. Major H. Goldthwaite, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service in the District of Flolida, Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and is assigned to duty with Major-General Patton Anderson, Army of Tennessee, and will report accordingly. XI. Private James V. Chilton, of Brooke's Fauquier Battery Artillery, is transferred to the command of Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Mosby, being a citizen of Maryland, and will report accordingly. 152—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 606 XII. Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 130, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain S. F. Mo- Queen, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain R. Ward, assistant quartermaster, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. Captain Ward on being relieved will report for orders to Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, in this city. XIII. Private Nathan Sayers, of Company K, Forty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for forty days detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Messrs. Buford, Stanard & Co. XIV. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 217, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and First Lieutenant E. M. Bean, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report for orders to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La. XV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Kennedy, Sixteenth Battalion North Carolina Cavalry, is extended thirty days. XVI. Second Lieutenant Oscar L. Barbour, of Company G, Tenth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General A. R. Johnson, commanding, &c., southwestern Kentucky, and will xe- port accordingly. XVII. Captain John H. Christy, of Company I, Tenth Kentucky Reg- ular Cavalry, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General A. R. Johnson, commanding, &c., southwestern Kentucky, and will report accordingly. XVIII. A commission consisting of the following-named medical officers will proceed at once to make a thorough inspection of the hos- pitals in Virginia and North Carolina, with authority to return to the field all detailed men and patients fit for duty. They will also report on the men detailed on government work or in conscript camps, whether their places may not be supplied by men now disabled. Commanding generals will give all the necessary facilities for carrying out the object proposed: Surgeons R. J. Breckenridge [.Breckinridge,] Robert Coleman, S. W. Langdon, Provisional Army Confederate States. XIX. Private Charles V. Jordan, of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty with the South- ern Telegraph Company, and will report to W. S. Morris, president, &c., in this city. XX. Surgeon James A. Harrold will report without delay to Medical Director \_T. L.] Ogier, [jr.,] Charleston, S. C.,for duty at prison hospital. XXI. Surgeon William H. Amiss is relieved from present duty, and will report to Medical Director [W. A.~\ Carrington, Richmond, Va. XXII. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 194, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, August 20, 1862, appointing G. W. Emmons a hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and Private G. W. Emmons will report to his command, Company C, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, without delay. XXIII. Surgeon Jas. L. Thompson is relieved from the operation of Special Orders No. 195, Paragraph XVI, Adjutant and Inspector-Gen- eral's Office, and will report by letter to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director of hospitals, for assignment. 607 XXIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: First Lieutenant Jos. P. Gilliam, John- son's artillery [Johnston Artillery,] thirty days; Lieutenant W. E. faison, Company D, Thirtieth North Carolina Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant-Colonel K. Otey, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant F. T. Massie, Lamkin's battery, thirty days; Lieutenant E. Dyal, Company H, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieu- tenant John B. Latimer, Company I, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers, thirty days; Lieutenant G. W. Parker, Company D, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, twenty days. XXV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 159, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private James S. Orrell, Company F, Third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Orrell will be returned under guard to his command. XXVI. Private James Z. Allen, of Company I, Third North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as an agriculturist to assist his father, William Allen, and will report to the enrolling officer of Wake County, N. C. XXVII. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 185, current series, is hereby revoked, and the assignment of Colonel William J. Magill to the command of the post at Athens, Ga., is hereby approved. XXVIII. Private Owen Kilbride, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is transferred to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Captain S. S. Lee, commanding, &c., in this city. XXIX. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment. and will report to Major R. J. Echols, quartermaster, &c., at Char- lotte, N. C.: Private F. Dellinger, Company I, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers; Private W. J. Cook, Company I, Forty-eighth North Caro- lina Volunteers. XXX. Private T. M. Burnett, of Company K, Eleventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon W. S. Hilliard, at Ashborough, N. C. XXXI. A court of inquiry to consist of Major-General Robert Ransom, [FA Provisional Army Confederate States; Lieutenant-Colonel Robert H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, and Lieutenant- Colonel G. W. Conner, Fifth Kentucky Volunteers, will assemble at Abingdon, Southwestern Virginia, on the 20th instant, or as soon there- after as practicable, to examine into the abuses reported to have been Sracticed by the command recently in Kentucky under the late Briga- ier-General Morgan. The court will examine into the source and extent of the authority upon which said expedition was undertaken; the organi- zation and the strength of the command at starting and the number brought back, distinguishing the number of those recruited and those who started with the command; as likewise in regard to the general conduct of the expedition and the events marking it; also, especially whether the same was attended with undue license and marked by rob- beries, depredations, or unwarrantable injuries to the people or corpora- tions of that State; whether and to what extent such outrages were tolerated by or participated in by the officers of the command, and whether property or effects of an}' kind seized by military authority or under license have been turned over or accounted for to the proper offi- 608 cers, or have been appropriated or wasted. The court will report all the facts growing out of the investigation, together with their opinion on the merits of the case. Captain James T. Jones, Fourth Alabama Volunteers, is appointed the judge-advocate and recorder of the court. Paragraph XXII, of Special Orders No. 205, current series, from this office, is hereby revoked. By command of the Secretary of War: ED. A. PALFREY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, . Special Orders) Richmond,September 15,1864. No. 219. f I The several assistant quartermasters now on duty with regiments or battalions of infantry belonging to the First, Second, and Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia are relieved from duty with their re- 6pective commands, as contemplated in the second section of the act of Congress approved June 14,1864, (No. 14, General Orders No. 53, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series,) and the following- named officers now serving with said army are reassigned to duty as hereinafter indicated: ARMY HEADQUARTERS. Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. Corley, chief quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Major A. L. Land, assistant to chief quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Major John A. Harman, forage quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Captain A. M. Garber, assistant quartermaster, as- sistant to forage quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Captains John M. Allen, John Glaize, R. S. BeU, assistants to forage quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Major E. H. Janney, issuing quartermaster Army Northern Virginia; Captain W. M. Gary, assistant to issuing quarter- master Army Northern Virginia; Captain G. W. Shell, in charge of army supply train; Captain W. C. Marrow, paymaster; Captain S. M. Somen, in charge of army ordnance train; Captain J. T. Bernard, in charge of army ambulance train; Captains George G. Thompson, W. F. Thomas, depot quartermasters. CAVALRY HEADQUARTERS. Major N. R. Fitzhugh, quartermaster; Captain J. M. Hanger, in charge of property. FIRST CORPS HEADQUARTERS. Major E. Taylor, corps quartermaster; Captain F. Potts, corps pay- master; Captains J. C. Maben, James P. Phillips, assistants to corps quar- termaster ; Captain W. T. Meade, in charge of ordnance train; Captain R. B. Moon, Fifty-third Virginia Regiment, medical and ambulance train. "pickett's division headquarters. Captain A. W. Williams, assistant quartermaster, paymaster; Captain J. H. Holt, assistant to division quartermaster; Captain David Meads, division commissary train; Captain T. P. Wallace, Thirtieth Virginia Regiment, division ordnance train. '' 609 field's division headquarters. Major H. 0. Dashields [Deshields,] division quartermaster; Captain J. W. JlIcClure, Palmetto Sharpshooters, property quartermaster; Captain T. V. Sanford, Forty-seventh Virginia Regiment, paymaster; Captain J. N. Crockett, Fifth South Carolina Regiment, division commissary train; Cap- tain E. A. Wilcox, Eighth Georgia Regiment, division ordnance train. kershaw's division headquarters. Major W. D. Peck, division quartermaster; Captain G. T. McGehee, Twenty-first Mississippi Regiment, assistant to division quartermaster; Captain J. J. ViUipigue [ Villepigue,] Second South Carolina Regiment, paymaster; Captain 31. J. Atkins, Fifty-first Georgia Regiment, division ordnance train; Captain Frank Lumpkin, Cobb's Georgia Legion, division commissary train. SECOND CORPS HEADQUARTERS. Major John D. Rogers, corps quartermaster; Captain A. Jfartin, as- sistant quartermaster, Thirty-third Virginia Regiment, in charge of stores; Captain John Preston, Thirty-seventh Virginia Regiment, in charge of ambulance train; Captain A. Elliart [Elhart,] paymaster. gordon's division. Major G. D. 3fercer, division quartermaster; Captain J. D. Brooks, assistant quartermaster, Fifth Virginia Regiment, assistant division quartermaster; Captain C. White, assistant quartermaster, Forty-fourth Virginia Regiment, assistant division quartermaster; Captain C. G. Mer- rilt, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment, in charge commissary train; Captain A. S. Stonebreaker, Second Virginia Regiment, in charge ordnance train. Evans' Brigade. Major J. Bruce, brigade quartermaster; Captain Ker Boyce, assistant quartermaster, Twelfth Georgia Battalion, assistant to brigade quarter- master; Captain W. H. Stiles, assistant quartermaster, Sixtieth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Terry's Brigade. Captain R. L. Francisco, assistant quartermaster, Fourth Virginia Reg- iment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain G. B. Persinger, as- sistant quartermaster, Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. York's Brigade. Major Francis Rawle, brigade quartermaster; Captain James Buckner, assistant quartermaster, Tenth Louisiana Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain W. J. Hughes, assistant quartermaster, Ninth Louisiana Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. 153—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 610 rodes' division". Major N. M. Tanner, division quartermaster; Captain J. B. Burwell, Fifty-third North Carolina Regiment, assistant to division quartermas- ter; Captain B. F. Langdon, Third North Carolina Regiment, in charge ordnance train; Captain W. J. Neary, Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment, in charge commissary train. Doles' Brigade. Major H. K. Daniel, brigade quartermaster; Captain Howard Tinsley, Fourth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain A. S. Reid, Twelfth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Cox's Brigade. Major B. D. Williams, brigade quartermaster. Battle's Brigade. Major J. C. Bryan, brigade quartermaster; Captain H. .1. Haralson Sixth Alabama Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Grimes' Brigade. Captain J. L. Frensley, assistant quartermaster, Thirty-second North Carolina, acting brigade quartermaster; Captain J. B. Stafford, assistant quartermaster, Forty-third North Carolina, assistant to brigade quarter- master; Captain Pryor Reynolds, assistant quartermaster, Forty-fifth North Carolina, assistant to brigade quartermaster. ramseur's division. Major C. E. Snodgrass, division quartermaster; Captain Tr. E. Turner, Twenty-third North Carolina, assistant to division quartermaster; Cap- tain W. G. McNeely, Fifty-seventh North Carolina, assistant to division quartermaster; Captain J. R. Vogler, Twenty-first North Carolina, in charge commissary train. Johnston's Brigade. Major W. M. Payne, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. S. Harris, assistant quartermaster, Twentieth North Carolina, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. S. Northinton [Northington,] Twelfth North Carolina, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Pegram's Brigade. Major J. W. Bell, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. H. Baughu, Thir- teenth Virginia, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. IF. Cochran [Geo. M. Cochran, jr.,] Fifty-second [Virginia,] assistant to bri- gade quartermaster. Hoke's Brigade. Captain F. H. Brame, assistant to brigade quartermaster. 611 THIRD CORPS HEADQUARTERS. Major J. G. Field, corps quartermaster; Captain W. S. P. Mayo, pay- lUftster; Captain John Lightfoot, reserve ordnance train; Captain J. D. Wilder, Twenty-second North Carolina Regiment, assistant to corps quartermaster; Captain John Witchard [ Whitchard,~] Tenth Georgia Bat- talion, medical and ambulance train. heath's [heth's] division headquarters. Captain J. F. Cage, in charge commissary train; Captain R. P. yicClain, paymaster, Seventh Tennessee Regiment; Captain W. H. firannon, First Tennessee Regiment, assistant to division quartermaster; Captain J. J. Thomas, Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiment, assistant to division quartermaster. Anderson's division headquarters. Major J. A. Johnston, division quartermaster; Captain H. J. Stone, paymaster; Captain J. L. Briscoe, in charge commissary train; Captain 0. H. P. Corprew, Sixth Virginia Regiment, assistant to division quar- tcrmaster; Captain R. Q. Osborne, Twelfth Virginia Regiment, assistant to division quartermaster. wilcox's division headquarters. Major N. E. Scales, division quartermaster; Captain R. M. Oates, in charge of commissary train ; Captain C. D. Hill, Thirteenth North Caro- lina Rifles, paymaster; Captain R. W. Gallard[_Gaillard,~\ Twelfth South Carolina Regiment; Captain J. M. Tate, in charge of ordnance train. Hunton's Brigade. Major George T. Jones, brigade quartermaster; Captain S. C. Price, Nineteenth Virginia, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Barton's Brigade. Major B. S. Thompson, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. Compton, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Cap- tain J T. Averett, Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Kemper's Brigade. Major N. W. Orisler, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. C. Woods, Twenty-fourth Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain •Cameron L. Thompson, Fifty-second Georgia, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Corse's Brigade. Major R. H. Turner, brigade quartermaster; Captain W. C. N. Carr, * ifteenth Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Cap- Jain T. P. McCandlish, Thirty-second Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. 612 Anderson's Brigade. Major Josephus Guthrie, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. K. HoUidayt Seventh Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. W. Sutlive, Ninth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quarter- master. Benning's Brigade. Major W. E. Bird, brigade quartermaster; Captain A. C. Norton, Twentieth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Cap- tain H. W. Forbes, Fifteenth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Law's Brigade. Major W. H. Scruggs, brigade quartermaster; Captain Robert Lapsley, Forty-fourth Alabama, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. W. Hudson, Fourth Alabama, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Bratton's Brigade. Major W. H. Quincey [Quincy,~] brigade quartermaster; Captain/. L. Agurs, Sixth South Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermas- ter; Captain W. L. Shoup, Second South Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Gregg's Brigade. Major J. H. Littlefield, brigade quartermaster; Captain W. N. Norwood, Fifth Texas Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. A. Rust, Third Arkansas Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Wofford's Brigade. Captain A. S. Turner, Twenty-fourth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Kershaw's Brigade. Captain J. M. Henegan, Eighth South Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain F. W. Woodward, Twentieth South Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Bryan's Brigade. Major L. S. McGuire, brigade quartermaster; Captain W. H.^Briggt, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. M. Ponder, Fifty-third Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quar- termaster. Humphreys' Brigade. Major P. M. Doherty, brigade quartermaster; Captain Sam. Frank, Seventh Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Cap- tain J. H. Turner, Thirteenth Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. 613 Mahone's Brigade. Captain George J. Rogers, Forty-first Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster- Captain A. E. Etheridge, Sixty-first Virginia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Perrin's Brigade. Major J. G. Pierce, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. 0. Peabody, Sixty-fourth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. J. Harris, Fourteenth Alabama Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Wright's Brigade. Major R. L. McWhorter, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. L. Keith, Twenty-second Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain G. W. Evans, Forty-eighth Georgia Regiment, assistant to bri- gade quartermaster. Finegan's and Perry's Brigade. Major D. W. HinJcle, brigade quartermaster; Captain T. C. SoUie [F. C. Sollee,] First Florida Regiment [Battalion,] assistant to brigade quarter- master; Captain J. H. Johnson, Second Florida Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Scales' Brigade. Major A. H. Galloway, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. W. Clarke, Thirty-fourth North Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quarter- master; Captain J. S. McElroy, Sixteenth North Carolina Regiment, as- sistant to brigade quartermaster. I Thomas' Brigade. Major R. T. Taylor, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. T. Brown, Forty- fifth Georgia Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Harris' Brigade. Major H. J. Hearsay [Hearsey,] brigade quartermaster; Captain D. W. Ducie, Sixteenth Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermas- ter; Captain A. T. Owens, Nineteenth Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Lane's Brigade. Major E. W. Herndon, brigade quartermaster; Captain A. D. Cazeaux, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. R. Suddith [Sudderth,~] Thirty-third North Carolina, assistant to brigade quartermaster. McGowan's Brigade. Major H. Hammond, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. L. McCaughrin, Fourteenth South Carolina, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain R. E. B. Hewetson, First South Carolina, assistant to brigade quarter* master. 154—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 614 Kirkland's Brigade. Major G. P. Collins, brigade quartermaster; Captain J. J. Young, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quarter- maater; Captain John Gatling, Fifty-second North Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Cook's [Cooke's] Brigade. Major E. M. Braxton, brigade quartermaster; Captain C. H. Thomas, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain J. W. White, Twentv-sev- enth North Carolina Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Davis' Brigade. Major J. S. Reid, brigade quartermaster; Captain L. P. Cooper, Forty- second Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Cap- tain S. Owens, Eleventh Mississippi Regiment, assistant to brigade quar- termaster. . Archer's Brigade. Captain A. J. Allensworth, Fourteenth Tennessee, assistant to brigade quartermaster; Captain W. 0. Haggerty, Thirteenth Tennessee, assistant to brigade quartermaster. ■ Walker's Brigade. Major J. D. Keily [Keiley', jr.,] brigade quartermaster; Major J. L. Powers, Twenty-second Virginia Regiment. II. The sentence of death against Private Joseph Medlin, Company A, Forty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, pronounced by general court- martial convened by Special Orders No. 72, of 14th March, 1864, Army Northern Virginia, is, by order of the President, commuted to confine- ment at hard labor for one year. III. Privates James M. McClure and Jasper W. McClure, of Company G, First South Carolina Artillery, against whom sentences of death were pronounced by general court-martial convened by General Orders No. 26, of February 22, 1864, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, are pardoned by the President, and will be released from con- finement and returned to duty. IV. John Cornet, a private of Company G, First South Carolina Artil- lery, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by general court- martial convened by General Orders No. 26, of February 22,1864, De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is pardoned by the President, and will be released from confinement and returned to duty. V. J. M. McGee, a private of Company A, Tenth North Carolina Bat- talion Artillery, who was sentenced to hard labor with a ball and chain and forfeiture of pay for twelve months by general court-martial con- vened by Special Orders No. 58, of September 22, 1863, Department of North Carolina, being entitled to the pardon granted in the President's proclamation referred to in General Orders No. 109, of August 11,1863, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, the proceedings of the court- martial in his case are set aside, and he will be released from confine- ment and returned to duty 615 VI. Private _ Martin McOraw, of Company A, Thirty-sixth Georgia Regiment, against whom sentence of death was pronounced by military court held at Dalton, Ga., March 30,1864, is pardoned by the President, and will [be] released from confinement and returned to duty. VII. The sentence of death against Private George H. Hutton pro- nounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 176, of June 28,1864, Department of Richmond, is, by order of the Presi- dent, commuted to confinement at hard labor during the existing war. VIII. The proceedings of the general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 217, of September, 1863, Department Western Vir- ginia, in the case of Lieutenant P. D. Morgan, Company D, Thirty-sixth Virginia Regiment, being radically defective, the sentence against him of dismissal from the service is set aside by order of the President, and Lieutenant Morgan will be released from arrest and returned to duty. IX. Colonel A. B. Montgomery, Provisional Army Confederate States, now serving in District of Florida, is assigned to duty as commandant of prisons at Charleston, S. C., and will report accordingly. X. Captain Max. T. Davidson, of the Signal Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report with his corps to Lieutenant-General R, S. Ewett, commanding, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Pemberton, commanding city defenses. XI. Private Charles T.Sublett, of Company E, Reserve Forces of Virginia, is transferred to Third Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artil- lery, and will report accordingly. XII. Private William Lanier, of Reed's [Read's] battery artillery, Cabell's battalion, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Commander J. M. Brooke, in charge naval ordnance works in this city. XIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain H. W. Fowler, Company G, First Louisiana Artillery, from Headquarters District of the Gulf is extended thirty days from the 26th September, 1864. XIV. Private John J. McMahon, of Company D, Sixtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as provost-marshal to the military court of the Department of Southwestern Virginia, and will report for' orders to the president of the said court. XV. Paragraph XXIV, Special Orders No. 204, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, current series, is hereby amended, and the military court of which Colonel W. B. Rodman is president is placed under the control of General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, and will hold its sessions at such point as he may designate. XVI. So much of Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 103, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain Wm. D. Acton, of Company K, Fifth Kentucky Volunteers, is hereby revoked, the officers entitled to promotion having waived their claims. Captain Acton will be restored to duty with his company with former rank, and will report accordingly. XVII. The following-named persons are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department of the C. S. Army, and will report for orders to Major Charles IS. Carrington, quartermaster, &c., in this city: J- S. Ives, S. R. Markland, John W. Hambleton. 616 • XVIII. Authority is hereby granted Major W. S. Bassinger [Basinger,] commanding, &c., at Mattoax to impress one hundred slaves from the county of Amelia, Va., for labor on the works now in course of construe- tion at Flat Creek and Mattoax Stations. In making the impressments a care should be had that those who have heretofore furnished slaves should, as a general rule, be passed over, in order that the burden may fall on all alike. By command of the Secretary of War: [JNO. WITHERS,] . Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 16,1864. Special Orders] No. 220. I I.' First Lieutenant J. C. Hill, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company D, Ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the en- rolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. II. Second Lieutenant J. B. Hancock, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. III. At the request of Brigadier-General S. W. Ferguson, Provisional Army Confederate States, a court of inquiry, composed of the following- named officers, will be'convened at Headquarters Army of Tennessee on the 27th of September, 1864, to inquire into the differences existing between Brigadier-General S. W. Ferguson and Brigadier-General IF. N. [ W. H] Jackson, Provisional Army Confederate States. The court will report proceedings and their opinion to General John B. Hood: Brigadier- Generals Daniel Ruggles, 0. F. Strahl, A. J. Vaughan, [jr.,] Provisional Army Confederate States. IV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: James Franklin, Captain Randolph's company, (C;) R. J. Hix, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers; William Foster, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; Oliver Orossmore, Caskie's [Caskie] Rangers, Tenth Virginia Cavalry; G. F. Hix, Fayette Artillery, Virginia volunteers; William Bigham, Company K, Twelfth Georgia Volunteers ; John McCallan, Carter's battery Virginia volunteers. V. The detail heretofore granted Private James Evans, of Company A, Fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended for sixty days. VI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Brigadier-General J. P. Major, Provisional Army Confederate States, from the Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department is extended thirty days. VII. Captain Thomas Jones, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as commissioner for the Eighth Congressional District of Virginia under the act of Congress approved June 14, 1864, providing for the establishment and payment of claims for a certain description of property taken or informally impressed for the use of the army. VIII. Private W. M. Bruce, of Company A, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed, and will report to the commandant of post at Raleigh, N. C., to be assigned to such duty as he may be able to perform. 617 XX. Private J. T. Gambolt, of Company H, Thirty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is transferred to Company E, City Battalion, of Petersburg, Va.. and will report accordingly. X. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private John S. Miller, Company F, Twenty-sixth South Car- olina Volunteers; Private J. T. Timmons, Company D, Sixth South Car- olina Cavalry. XI. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 148, Adjutant and In- gpector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Sergeant- Major James N. Bell, of Sixth .Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Hr. E. Pierce, assistant quartermaster, at Raleigh, N. C. XII. A furlough for two weeks from 10th September, 1864, is granted Private Robert C. Bouldin, of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XIII. Colonel R. 0. Trigg, of Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volun- teers, will whilst orj furlough collect the deserters and absentees without leave from his command and employ them for the dispersion and arrest of deserters and disaffected persons said to be banded in his vicinity, and after such service to return his men to their command. XIV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private James N. Fowler, Company D, Fourteenth Georgia Volunteers; Private Washington Brann [/.IF. Brand,] Company D, Twenty-eighth Georgia Volunteers. XV. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain John B. Stanard, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVI. Captain James Boyd, of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will proceed to northwestern Virginia, within the enemy's lines, and recruit men to fill up his company, and also bring out any deserters and absentees to their proper commands, and recruit for any other companies in the field. XVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Robert DeBerry, Company C, Twenty-sixth South Car- olina Volunteers; Private D. McRae, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. XVIII. Private B. P. Marion, of Company K, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to Major J. B. E. Sloan, quartermaster, &c., at Charleston, S. C. XIX. First Lieutenant J. M. Sims, of Company F, Nineteenth Regi- ment Tennessee Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Department, and will report to Major J. O. Johnston, commandant con- scripts for Kentucky and Tennessee, at Bristol, Tenn. XX. Sergeant F. M. Stone, of Company C, Forty-first Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report for duty to Surgeon [5. H.~] Stout, medical director, at Macon, Ga. XXI. Colonel Robert TansiU, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as inspector-general in the District of Wilmington, Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, and will report to Major-General IF. H. C. Whiting, commanding, &C., Wilmington, N. C, 155—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 618 XXII. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 207, Adjutant and la. spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked. XXIII. The men composing'the foreign element in Companies C and F, of the Twenty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will be sent under guard to Headquarters Army of Tennessee, and report to General John B. Hood, commanding, &c., to be by him assigned to some Georgia regiment in his command. XXIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel T. C. Singh* tary [Singeltaryj is extended thirty days. XXV. Private H. C. Morehead, Company C, Forty-first Alabama Vol- unteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Con- federate States, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment XXVI. Major Samuel Cooper, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Major-General L. McClaws [McLaws,] Provisional Army Confederate States, commanding, &c., at Savannah, Ga., and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 17,1864. Special Orders 1 No. 221. J I. The following-named men are transferred to Company F, Second Engineer Regiment, and will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Clarke, chief engineer, &c., at Charleston, S. C.: Private P.V. Brown, Company —, Matthews [Matthewes] Artillery; Private J. Kimball, Com- pany K, First South Carolina Cavalry; Private TP. P. McCoy, —; Pri- vate J. II. Houston, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers Private C. T. Davis, Company A, Private J. C. Dougherty, Company H,» Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private A. W. Smith, Coin- pany B, Sixth Georgia Volunteers; Private J. Bussy, Company B, Private J. Rowe, Company C, First South Carolina Artillery; Private T.E. Hurst, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Private L. C. Kimberly, Coin- pany D, Twenty-eighth Georgia Volunteers; Private D. E. Badger, Com- pany I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers ; Privates M. Hassctt, M. Staunton, Company B, Privates TP. Conroy, Benjamin Sates, Company A, Lucas' battalion artillery; Private TP. J. Matthewes, Company —, Mat- thews [Matthewes] Artillery; Sergeant TP. TP. Stutts, Company D, Second South Carolina Cavalry ; Privates J. H. Lopez, C. A. Trouche, Company' A, South Carolina Siege Train; Private TP. D. Snell, Company F, Twenty- fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Privates L. B. Hassell, S. Butler, Com- pany K, Private C. F. Johnson, Company B, Privates T. Ryland, TP. S. Wood, Company K, Private E. C. Collins, Company H, Privates J. M. Brinkle, S. J. Fogle, Company I, Private A. S. Courtney, Company H, Pri- vate TP. L. Conelly, Company C, Private /. H. Henley, Company H, Pri- vate T. T. Epney, Company C, Second South Carolina Artillery; Private C. R. Richardson, Company I, First South Carolina Infantry; Private J. J. Henderson, Company D, First South Carolina Artillery; Private J. B. Rochelle, Orleans Guard Artillery; Private' C. P. Schaffer, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private E. M. Freer, Corn- pany I, Third South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. A. Malambre, Robin- 619 c0n'8 Partisan Rangers; Corporal John Traynor, Company D, Fifty-ninth Virginia Volunteers; Private E. M. Bowick, Company A, South Carolina giege Train; Private C. H. Rivers, Company A, Twenty-third South Car- olina Volunteers; Privates M. D. Blood, J. F. Beekman, Company H, uecond South Carolina Cavalry; Private E. J. W. Freeman, Company B, fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private W. H. Merce, Venning's company cavalry; Private G. C. Wharton, Company H, Third South Carolina Cav- airy; Privates C. J. Davis, Company B, Private J. M. Furgerson [Ferguson,] j E. Knotts, Company K, Private Ph. Pepper, Company B, Private J. M. freeman, Company F, Second South Carolina Cavalry; Private Joseph Bel- linger, Company A, South Carolina Siege Train; Private P. H. Hamlin, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; Private Hugh 0. Poor, Com- .(any A, First South Carolina Artillery; Private A. G. M. McClellan, Santee Light Artillery; Private J. Dent, Company H, Private Ph. Riley, Company A, Second South Carolina Cavalry; Private W. E. Brickie, Company C, Private W. R. Youmans, Company B, Second South Caro- lina Artillery; Private S. E. Miller, Company K, Second South Carolina Cavalry. II. The detail heretofore granted Private W. T. Ballow, of Company A, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. III. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred : Musician J. W. Ryan, Second Georgia Volunteers; Landsman Junes A. Pattrick, C. S. Navy. IV. Charles T. C. Crane, acting hospital steward Twelfth Virginia Battalion Light Artillery, is hereby apppointed hospital steward Pro- visional Army Confederate States, and will report to Medical Director 11'. A. Carrington, in this city, for orders. V. Leave of absence for fifteen days isgranted First Lieutenant W. G. Waller, C. S. Army. VI. Leave of absence for twenty days from the 10th September, 1864, is granted Colonel M. H. Wright, commanding Confederate States arsenal Columbus, Ga. VII. Major Theophilus Steale, of Seventh Kentucky Cavalry, is assigned to duty with Colonel R. J. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] Provisional Army Confederate States, for recruiting service in Kentucky, and will report accordingly. VIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Surgeon John W. King, Provisional Army Confederate States, on surgeon's certificate of disability. IX. Private W. J. Frazier, of Company H, Third North Carolina Cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty as shoemaker in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, &c., in this city, for orders. X. Corporal W. A. Ellis, of Company F, Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for sixty days from the 3d August, 1864, for guard duty, and will report to Lieutenant J. B. Jhnwn, commanding post at Fort Gaines, Ga. XI. Private P. P. Westmoreland, of Company I, Seventh Regiment Sorth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty as sawyer in the Quartermaster's Department, *nd will report to N. F. Hall, government contractor, at Salisbury, N. C. 620 XII. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are de. tailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private W. P. Covington, Company A, Forty, third North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon H. F. Butt, Kettrell's [Kittrell] Springs, N. C.; Private J. H. Fesperman, Company K, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon J. W. Hall, Salisbury, N. C. XIII. The following-named men, being unfit for field service, are detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart. ment,.and will report as designated : Sergeant T. B. Whitted, Company G, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain Samuel Kirk- land, assistant quartermaster, Hillsborough, N. C.; Private W. C. Gavin, Company B, Third North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain [Jf. X] Crenshaw, assistant quartermaster, Magnolia, N. C.; Private Jamtt Dunmon, Company H, Twenty-third Virginia Volunteers, to Captain J. M. Goodman, assistant quartermaster, Salisbury, N. C. XIV. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers are extended as follows: Lieutenant W. J. Hancock, Company G, Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days from 30th August, 1804; Captain G. B. Swift, Company C, Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days from 23d August, 1864; Captain John H. Gale, Company C, Six- teenth Virginia Volunteers, thirty days from 25th August, 1864. XV. Private F. M. Poland,, of Company A, Fifth Regiment Texas Volunteers, detailed for duty in the Medical Department, at Richmond, Va., is transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report for orders to the medical .director at Houston, Tex. XVI. Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] Provisional Army Confederate States, will forthwith proceed to the Department of Southwestern Virginia and resume that command to which he was assigned in Paragraph XXVIII, Special- Orders No. 46, current series. By command of the Secretary of War: I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain Samuel M. Stanford, Com- pany C, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Joseph 0. Chary, Company I, Fourth North Carolina Cavalry; Second Lieutenant William W. Cornetts [Cornett,] Company G, Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry. II. Second Lieutenant T. W. Martin, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company F, Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders. III. Private William 0. White, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Captain Moore's battery,) is assigned to duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, com- manding, &c., in this city. JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Special Orders No. 222. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 19,1864. 621 IV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Colonel V. S. Murphy [Murphey,] Seventeenth Alabama Volunteers; Lieu- tenant James P. Morris, Company C, Second Battalion Alabama Artillery ; Lieutenant JohnH. Oyler, Company D, Forty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry, to take effect from May 1,1864; First Lieutenant Amos McQuUoch, Company F, First Texas Legion, cavalry; First Lieutenant D. K. Byers, Company K, Sixty-third Tennessee Volunteers; Captain JohnL. Chapman; Company B, 'Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Surgeon Wilbur F. Hyer, Second Arkansas Volunteers; Lieutenant D. B. Sullivan, Com- nany D, Eighth Alabama Volunteers; Colonel Charles J. Turnbull, Twenty- fifth Arkansas Regiment; Major L. S. Terry, Fifteenth Mississippi Vol- unteers; Chaplain R. W. Thompson, Second Lieutenants W. W. Town- send, W. H. McLeroy, Company D, First Texas Legion, cavalry ; Second Lieutenant John Z. Underwood, Company G, Ninth Louisiana Volunteers; First Lieutenant James H. Smith, Company D, Ninth Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant Elias Skannal, Company D, Ninth Louisiana Volun- teers. V. Surgeon Daniel Shaw, Third Regiment Texas Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls as a supernumerary medical officer, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VI. Assistant Surgeon Harry Percy, will have his name dropped from the rolls, he having been rejected by an army medical board, and will from this day .cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President to take effect July 29, 1864: Chaplain J. T. Scurlock, Confederate Crescent Regiment; Captain Daniel Boone, Com- pany I, Sixteenth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant D. H. Rushing, Company I, Twenty-first Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. S. Pittan [Pittard,] Company C, Fifteenth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieu- tenant T. J. Lary, Company F, Nineteenth Arkansas Volunteers ; First Lieutenant F. M. Mason, Company B, Twenty-first Arkansas Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James M. Watkins, Company G, Fourteenth Arkansas Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Joseph Anderson, Company E, Second Lieutenant J. S. Young, Company H, Second Lieutenant D. A. Nation, Company E, Fifteenth Arkansas Volunteers. VIII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 121, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain S. N. Jackson, Company C, Twenty-fifth Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Jackson will be reinstated in his command. IX. So much of Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 115, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain Ben- jamin F. Patton, Company B, Sixtieth Regiment North Carolina Volun- teers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Patton will be reinstated in his command. X. Private J. H. McGinnis, of Company I, Second Regiment Florida Cavalry, is for sixty days detailed for duty as veterinary surgeon, and will report to Captain Samuel Fairbanks, inspector field transportation, &c., at Quincy, Fla. XI. The detail heretofore granted Private Hiram Walters, of the Four- teenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended for sixty days. 156—s. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 622 XII. Captain J. J. Hill, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Thirty-first Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the ordnance train of Major-General Ramseur's division. XIII. Corporal W. R. Fishburne, of Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, previously detailed on surgeon's certificate of dig- ability, is further detailed for sixty days for duty in the Subsistence Department to complete the business in which he is engaged, and will report to Colonel L. B. Northrop, commissary-general %of subsistence, in this city. XIV. Private Absalom Rickey, of Company A, Second Battalion, Waul's Legion, Texas volunteers, will rejoin his command. XV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 150, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant Samuel J. Turnbull, of Company A, Fifth Regiment Florida Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Turnbull will be reinstated in his com- mand. XVI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La., for orders: Lieutenant- Colonel S. M. Thompson, late of Tenth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain J. W. Bryan, late of Company B, Tenth Tennessee Volunteers. XVII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 121, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieutenant R. P. Tutwiler, of Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, is hereby re- voked, and Lieutenant Tutwiler will be restored to his command. XVIII. Private A. L. Boyle, of Captain Clarke's company, Second South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's De- partment, and will report to the superintendent of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, at Wilmington, N. C. XIX. Corporal P. M. Briggs, of Company D, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XX. Private J. W. Brinkley, Company H, Seventh Confederate Cav- airy, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail- road, Wilmington, N. C., and an able-bodied man will be sent to the field in his stead. XXI. Major R. H. Bigger, quartermaster, Provisional Army Con fed- erate States, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General James Dearing's brigade, and will report accordingly. XXII. Ensign G. W. Allen, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders. XXIII. First Lieutenant T. A. Pleasants, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Forty-second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers,) is as- signed to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XXIV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon W. L. Mayo, Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, on surgeon's certificate of disability. . XXV. Private John W. Ellis, of Company H, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel R. M. Ouyler, commanding Confederate States arsenal Macon, Ga. 623 XXVI. Private James H. Holmes, of Chapman's battery Virginia ar- tillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for guard duty, and will report to the provost-marshal of Alleghany County, Va. XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Privates John W. Striblin, Miles Hanelson, J. Mattox, Company Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Privates W. Campbell, D. Campbell, R. C. Sellers, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 20,1864. Special Orders') No. 223. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Brigadier-General Goode Bryan, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant John A. Edmundson, Company D, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry; Chap- lain A. B. Woodjin, Sixty-first Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. Chandler, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers; Captain T. E. Thompson, Company F, Captain. J". G. B. Grimes, assistant quartermaster, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant John N. McNeill, Company H, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain S. B. Paine, Company H, Sixty-first Alabama Volunteers; Major William N. Barman, Forty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Assistant Surgeon J. Jlr. Stalnaker, Sixteenth Virginia Cavalry. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant L. Miller, Company F, Seventh Virginia Vol- unteers; First Lieutenant James A. Tatum, Company I, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain A. W. Nickson, Company D, Captain J. D. ilrCann, Company G, Twenty-fifth Alabama Volunteers; Captain G. H. Pouncey, Company I, Fourteenth Louisiana Volunteers. III. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 142, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and the following- named men will continue in their previous positions: Private W. H. Bradley, Company B, Private S. Ford, Company H, Seventeenth South Carolina Volunteers ; Private John Harvey, Company C, Holcombe's Legion ; Private T. E. North, Company D, Private/. Flemming, Company K. Private T. F. Dent, Company F, Sergeant P. 0. Dena, Company B, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers. IV. The several assistant quartermasters now on duty with regiments or battalions of infantry belonging to General G. T. Beauregard's com- mand are relieved from their present service, as contemplated in the third section of the act of Congress approved June 14, 1864, (No. 14, General Orders No. 53, current series,) and the following-named officers now serving with said command are reassigned to duty as hereinafter indicated. 624 ARMY HEADQUARTERS. Major E. Willis, chief quartermaster; Major /. B. Hill, Elliott's brigade, corps paymaster; Captain R. C. McKinney, Twenty-third Georgia, re- serve ordnance train; Captain W. L. J. Reid, Twenty-sixth South Caro- lina, forage quartermaster; Captain G. W. Evans, Forty-eighth Georgia, army ambulances. hoke's division. Major /. Hughes, division quartermaster; Captain W. C. Jordon [Jordan,] Sixty-sixth North Carolina, division paymaster; Captain/. /. Cox, Thirty- first North Carolina, division ordnance train; Captain J.H. Gray, Sixth Georgia, division supply train. Johnson's division. Major 0. L. Randolph, division quartermaster; Captain A. 0. Houston, Forty-third Alabama, division paymaster; Captain A. J. Miller, Twenty- fifth North Carolina, division supply train; Captain W. Fellers, Thirty, fourth Virginia, division ordnance train. Wise's Brigade. Major H. 0. Watkins, brigade quartermaster; Captain N. J. Thomas, Forty-sixth Virginia, brigade assistant; Captain J. M. Nicholson, Twenty- sixth Virginia, brigade assistant. Elliott's Brigade. Major E. L. Horde [ZZord,] Gracie's brigade, brigade quartermaster; Captain P. 0. Lemmons, Eighteenth South Carolina, assistant brigade quartermaster; Captain J. V. McNamee, Twenty-second South Carolina, assistant brigade quartermaster. Gracie's Brigade. Captain J. J. Kaigler [Keigler,~\ Fifty-ninth Alabama, assistant brigade quartermaster; Captain J. A. Fitzpatrick, Twenty-third Alabama, assist- ant brigade quartermaster; , brigade quartermaster. Hagood's Brigade. Major G. B. Lartigue, brigade quartermaster; Captain R. P. Gantt, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers, brigade assistant; Captain/.F. Adger, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers, brigade assistant. Colquit's [Colquitt's] Brigade. Major R. V. Ely, brigade quartermaster; Captain S. V. Sheais, Nine- teenth Georgia, brigade assistant; Captain G. B. Buchanan, Twenty- seventh Georgia, assistant to brigade quartermaster. Clingman's Brigade. Major A. M. Erwin, brigade quartermaster; Captain 0. P. Meares, Sixty-first North Carolina, brigade assistant; Captain H. C. Rockwdl, Fifty-first North Carolina, brigade assistant. 625 Martin's Brigade. v Captain J. S. Dancy, Seventeenth North Carolina, acting brigade quar- termaster; Captain R. P. Bessent, Forty-second North Carolina, brigade assistant. V. Mr. Allen Washington is hereby appointed bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, C. S. Army, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, in this city. VI. The sentence of death against John B. Hodges, private of Com- !>any D, Sixty-first Virginia Regiment, pronounced by military court or "third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, is remitted by order of the President. Private Hodges will be released from confinement and re- turned to duty. VII. Private Jefferson L. Buford, of Company D, Fifty-ninth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist to assist Mrs. Rebecca White, of Macon County, Ala., on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, and will report accordingly. VIII. Second Lieutenant M. A. Foster, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from duty in the enrolling service of C. S. Army. IX. Assistant Surgeon Walter E. Bondurant will report without delay to Medical Director [i?. A.~] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for assignment. X. Assistant Surgeon William Morrow, medical purveyor, Marion, Va., is relieved from present duty, and will report without delay for duty as medical purveyor to Lieutenant-General ['A. P.] Stewart, Army of Ten- nessee. XI. Surgeon J". B. Tuft, Farmville, Va., is relieved from the operations of Paragraph XV [XIV,] Special Orders No. 199, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, [current series,] and Surgeon Richard H. Edwards will report for duty to the surgeon in charge of Montgomery White Sul- phur Springs Hospital. XII. Assistant Surgeon E. Dale will report without delay to Captain Harris H. Johnston, Independent Corps, in Mississippi, for duty. XIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain H. Fug ate, Company A, Sixty-third Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, pending his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. XIV. Second Lieutenant George A. Smith, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is assigned to duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., in this city. XV. Sergeant S. P. Willis, of the Invali^ Corps, (late of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the De- partment of Richmond, and will report to Lieutenant Benjamin Bates, commanding Confederate States barracks in this city. XVI. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 176, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain W. E. White, of Company E, Seventeenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain White will be restored to his command. XVII. Sergeant J. A. Qrocheson, of Company H, Third Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain W. Fowler, post quartermaster Montgomery, Ala. XVIII. A furlough for ten days is granted Sergeant R. W. Hudgins, of Company D, Fourth North Carolina Volunteers, on account of his having been captured by the enemy. 157—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 626 XIX. The detail heretofore granted Private John D. Davis,' of Com. pany E, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended sixty days. 1 XX. Captain J. Y. Leigle [Leigh,assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Thirtieth Bat. talion Virginia Sharpshooters, and is assigned to duty with the supply train of Major-General John C. Breckenridge's [Breckinridge's] com. mand, and will report accordingly. XXI. Private James McNeill, of Company K, First Regiment Florida Cavalry, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XXII. Lieutenant G. A. Hayward, aid-de-camp, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General John B. Hood, commanding &;c., Army of Tennessee, to be assigned to duty with Major-General C. L. Stevenson, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. Private G. Taylor Jenkins, of Maryland artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Major-General J. F. Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city. XXIV. Private C. T. Foster, of Company I, Fifty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, chief inspector, &c., Augusta, Ga. XXV. Captain John A. Simon, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Northwest Arkansas Volunteers, is assigned to duty at Charleston, S. C., and will report to Brigadier-General G. J. Rains, in charge of torpedo service. XXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain T. W. Tyler, of Company I, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is extended thirty days. ' XXVII. Lieutenant-Colonel R. A. Alston, Ninth Tennessee Cavalry, will report immediately in person to the president of the court of in- quiry now in session at Abingdon, Va. XXVIII. The following-named persons are hereby appointed bonded agents of the Subsistence Department C. S. Army, and will report to Colonel L. B. Northrop, commissary-general of subsistence, in this city, for orders: E. S. Cobb, William Wall. XXIX. Private J. B. Burkett, of Company E, Ninth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department as «wagon-master during such unfitness, and will report to Chief Quartermaster H. R. Teasdale, Lake City, Fla. XXX. Private J. A. Greenwetl, of the Baltimore Light Artillery, now on duty in the Engineer Bureau, will immediately rejoin his command. XXXI. Surgeon T. Braxton, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from operation of Paragraph XIX, Special Orders No. 212, current series, and will remain on present duty. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-Genera}. 627 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 21, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 224. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Captain B. Lane, Company E, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James M. Davis, Company G, Fifty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant John R. Latta, adjutant, Fifty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Major C. W. Mabry, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers; Captain J". G.Moore, Company C, Third North Carolina Battalion; First Lieutenant H. J. Hill, Company E, Staunton River Battalion, Virginia Reserves; First Lieutenant A. P. Newbille [Newbill,'] Company D, First Regiment Virginia Reserves; Major G. N. [G. M.~\ Femeyhough, Thirty-fifth Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant James F. Adrian, Company F, Forty- eighth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James G. Jones, Com- pany H, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry. II. Major R. S. Routte IRouth,'] quartermaster, now on duty at Lake City, Fla., is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at that post. HI. Captain A. Cammack, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major Charles S. Carrington, quarter- master, &c., in this city, to be assigned to duty in the collection and forwarding forage in South Carolina. IV. Captain M. S. Hanckel, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major Charles S. Carrington, quarter- master, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty in the collection and forwarding forage inNSouth Carolina. V. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department are relieved from present duty, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, &c., in this city, for assignment to duty in the collection and forwarding forage in the State of Georgia: Captain E. W. Davis, as- sistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain ' Charles J. White, assistant quartermaster, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers. VI. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department are relieved from present duty, and will report to Major Charles S. Car- rington, quartermaster, in this city, for assignment to duty in the col- lection and forwarding forage in the State of North Carolina: Captain J. M. Rodgers, assistant quartermaster, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Captain Thomas M. Robinson, assistant quartermaster, Sixty- seventh North Carolina Volunteers. ' VII. Private Noah Cox, Company G, Twenty-seventh Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry, being a citizen of Kentucky, is transferred to the First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel [EF.] Clay, and will report accordingly. VIII. The proceedings and report of the examining board in the case of Lieutenant J. M. Shiver, Company K, Fourth Georgia Regiment, ad- verse to his promotion to the captaincy of that company are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Shiver will retain his present position. IX. Major Maurice McCarthy, quartermaster, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as chief quartermaster of Major- General W. T. Martin's division, Army of Tennessee, and will report accordingly. 628 X. The residue of the sentence of twelve calendar months' hard labor in fortifications or other public works, as the general commanding may direct, pronounced against Private Wyatt Lanklord, Company A, Third North Carolina Battalion, by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 315, of 22d December, 1863, Department of Northern Virginia, is remitted by order of the President. Private Lanklord will be released from confinement and returned to duty. XI. The sentence of death against First Sergeant William J. Cook, of Company G, Twenty-second Regiment Virginia Infantry, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders of March 15,1864, Department West Virginia, is by order of the President commuted to confinement at hard labor and stoppage of pay during the continuance of the existing war. XII. The sentence of death against Private Caleb M. Cook, Company E, Fifty-sixth Georgia Regiment, pronounced by military court for Lieu- tenant-General Hardee's corps, held January 20, 1864, is remitted by order of the President. Private Cook will be released from confinement and returned to duty. XIII. The sentences of death against Privates W. P. Edenjield and A J. Edenjield, of Company H, Forty-eighth Georgia Regiment, pronounced by general court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 195, of 9th August, 1863, Department Northern Virginia, are remitted by order of the President. They will be released from confinement and returned to duty. XIV. The sentence of dismissal from the service against First Lieu- tenant J. W. Hunter, Company F, Twenty-second Regiment South Car- olina Volunteers, pronounced by military court held at Charleston, March 1, 1864, is by order of the President commuted to suspension from rank and command and stoppage of pay and allowances for the period of twelve months from March 24,1864. XV. The sentence of dismissal from the service pronounced against Captain J. R. Cross, of Company B, Forty-sixth Alabama Regiment, by military court for Lieutenant-General Hardee's corps, May 4,1864, is remitted by order of the President. Captain Cross will be released from arrest and restored to his rank and command. XVI. Jhe sentences of death against Privates Louis H. Blankenship, Company G, and David Bailey, Company H, Twenty-second Virginia Regiment Infantry, pronounced by general court-martial convened by special orders of March 15, 1864, Department of West Virginia, are re- mitted by order of the President. They will be released from confine- ment ana returned to dut}\ XVII. The resignation of Second Lieutenant Thomas Warren, of Com- pany K, Colonel Woods' regiment Texas cavalry, (dismounted,) is accepted by the President, to take effect May 14,1863. XVIII. The unexpired portion of the sentence to hard labor for six months with ball and chain pronounced against Private Charles Jones, of Company K, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Infantry, by military court for First Corps, Army Northern Virginia, 9th August, 1864, is remitted by order of the President. Private Jones will be released from confine- ment and returned to duty. XIX. So much of Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 91, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, series of 1862, as refers to Private C. G. New- man, of Company B, Thirty-ninth Virginia Militia, is hereby revoked, and Private Newman will report to Colonel J. C. Shields, commanding, &c., at Camp Lee, near this city. 629 XX. Surgeon 0. R. Early will report without delay to Medical Direc- tor Ozier [T. L. Ogier,jr.)~\ at Charleston, S. C., for duty at prison-hos- pital. XXI. Surgeon A. V Doak will report without delay to Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry for duty. XXII. Surgeon D. W. Bricknell is relieved from conscript duty, and trill report without delay to Medical Director IS. HJ] Stout. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon Henry Booth Malone is relieved from con- script duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [A. /.] foard, Army of Tennessee. XXIV. Surgeon L. Waddell is relieved from operation of Paragraph XIX, Special Orders No. 204, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, [current series,] and will resume his duties at Staunton. XXV. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas B. Finch, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Depart- nient, apd will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., at Shreveport, La. XXVI. Corporal James E. Osborne, Company I, First South Carolina Volunteers, having been a citizen of Maryland at the commencement of the war, is transferred to the Maryland Line under General Orders No. 38, current series, and will report to Captain J. Lewis [/. Louis] Smith, at Camp Maryland, near this city. XXVII. Private Jacob Burkheim, of Captain Livingston's company, Fourth Florida Battalion, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major E. C. Simkins, quartermaster, &c., at Tallahassee, Fla. XXVIII. Private T. L. Leath, of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit .for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, commanding, &c., in this city. XXIX. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain Travis G. Wright, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate Suites, is hereby revoked, Captain Wright having declined the appoint- ment of assistant quartermaster. XXX. Private T. W. Welden, of Company A, Twenty-second Georgia Battalion Artillery, is transferred to Company A, Thirteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, he being a citizen of Alabama, and will report accordingly. XXXI. Major S. B. French, commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States, will proceed without delay to Wilmington and such other points in North Carolina as he may deem advisable, for the purpose of regulating the distribution of subsistence stores under orders of the Commissary-General. Officers of the Quartermaster's De- partment will promptly provide the necessary transportation to the points indicated by Major" French for all stores requiring removal. XXXII. Private A. J. T. Wright, of Company F, Sixth Battalion Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for clerical duty, and will report to chief surgeon at Lake City, Fla. XXXIII. Colonel S. D. Lowe, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty M commandant of the post at Asheville, N. C., and will report accord- »Dgly. 158—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 630 XXXIV. The sentence of dismissal from the service against Major George W. Day, Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, pronounced by military court for Department of East Tennessee, is remitted by order of the President. Major Day will be released from arrest and return to duty. XXXV. Private R. G. Bland, of the Federal Army, a prisoner of war in this city, will be released from confinement on his parole of honor to go with his brother, B. F. Bland, of C. S. Army, to his home in King and Queen County, Va., there to remain until further orders, reporting every thirty days to the commandant of the Libby Prison, in this city. XXXVI. Captain Charles L. Ridgely, of Company B, Third Regiment Florida Volunteers, will report to superintendent of Bureau of Conscrip. tion, in this city, for assignment to duty in the District of Florida. XXXVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain W. A. Percy, assistant adjutant-general, artillery, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, at headquarters [of] Lieutenant-General J. A. Early, is ex- tended thirty days from the 17th October, 1864. XXXVIII. Private James S. Scogin, of Company C, Ninth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge of general hospital at Macon, Ga. XXXIX. Private R. J. Gibson, of Company G, Twelfth Alabama Vol- unteers, is transferred to the Third Regiment Georgia Cavalry, that being the command to which he legitimately belongs, and will report accordingly. XL. Captain W. G. Gray, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from service with First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Sims, quartermaster, &c., in this city, for orders. XLI. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain John Whitchard, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Whitchard will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confed- erate States. XLII. The general commanding the Army of Northern Virginia represents to this Department that there is an urgent necessity for the services of five thousand slaves with his army for the term of thirty days after their report for duty, and that the services of these are not attainable by contract nor by the employment or impressment of free negroes. The Bureau of Conscription through its officers will proceed to impress the slaves required according to the schedule hereto annexed, as furnished by the general commanding. Slaves under eighteen and over fifty years of age will not be impressed, nor slaves engaged in the family and domestic service as house servants, nor more than one slave out of five on any one farm or plantation, and when there are but three slaves of the age specified on a farm none shall be taken. The Quar- termaster-General will make the requisite provision for transportation, and the Commissary-General will provide subsistence for them, or when the masters supply food to their slaves will commute at the rates allowed to soldiers in the service. The officers placed in charge of the slaves will cause proper rolls to be made and direct the appraisement of the slaves, so as to secure to the master, in case of loss, the benefit of the act of Congress of the 17th February, 1864, relative to compensation. 631 A list of Counties upon which to base a call for five thousand Slaves for labor on the fortifications, to serve for thirty days. County. S3 a U U cu !§» O'O'eS >>2 ° ^ m c .■S'o « T3 ^ 2 Albemarle Amelia Amherst Appomattox Augusta Staunton Bedford Bottetourt [Botetourt] Brunswick Buckingham Campbell Lynchburg Charlotte Chesterfield Cumberland Dinwiddie Petersburg Fluvanna Franklin Goochland Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico City of Richmond Henry Louisa Lunenburg Mecklenburg Montgomery Nelson Nottoway Pittsylvania Town of Danville Powhatan Prince Edward Patrick Pulaskix Roanoke Rockbridge Russell Washington Wythe 253 143 117 85 88 14 182 57 148 130 180 30 178 149 127 130 80 74 117 115 79 295 172 131 158 85 183 118 326 42 90 102 247 20 105 120 37 32 54 yj 20 46 153 " 17 147 "*17 101 "*86 58 344 12 92 4,974 1,027 By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 632 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 22,1864. Special Orders) No. 225. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain John A. Bernard, Com- pany B, Twenty-fourth Virginia VolunteersSecond Lieutenant Hiram H. Miller, Company I, Tenth Virginia Volunteers; First Lieutenant John F. Baker, Company I, Ninth FJorida Volunteers; Captain J. F. Wihon, Company D, Cobb's Legion; Second Lieutenant R. W.Saunders, Company F, Second North Carolina Cavalry. II. Captain W. T. Scoville, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the pontoon train, Engineer Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. III. The ten companies composing the organization known as Pick- ett's regiment Alabama cavalry, Roddy's [Roddey's] command, will con- stitute the Tenth Regiment Alabama Cavalry, the field-officers of which will be appointed by the War Department. IV. So much of Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 219, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to J. S. Ives is hereby revoked, he having been dropped from the rolls as an officer of the Quartermaster's Department. V. Captain P. F. Keary, Eighth Louisiana Regiment, is assigned to duty as recruiting officer of that regiment, and will forthwith proceed to East Louisiana for the purpose of filling its ranks, now much reduced in numbers. Lieutenants [Geo. W.~] Stafford and Swasey [C. C. Swayze,] of the Eighth Louisiana, are also detailed for the same duty, and will pro- ceed to East Louisiana and report accordingly to Captain Keary. The enrolling officers in East Louisiana will cause to be turned over to Cap- tain Keary such conscripts as may under the rule governing the distri- bution be properly assigned to the Eighth Louisiana Regiment, and the commander of the reserve forces in that district will furnish the reqi|i- site aid to Captain Keary to enable him to arrest stragglers and deserters and to hold them until they can be sent to their proper commands. Captain Keary will report to Brigadier-General [Geo. P.] Hodge, cob- manding the district, for such facilities as may be afforded in carrying this order into effect. VI. Assistant Surgeon David P. Lagrone, of South Carolina, (Lotts Post Office, Edgefield District,) will report without delay to Medical Director Ozier [T. L. Ogier, jr.,] at Charleston, S. C., for assignment. VII. Assistant Surgeon Westwood W. James, ordered by Special Orders No. 170 to report to Surgeon-General, will report without delay to Med- ical Director [P. P.] Scott for duty with General Roddy's [Roddey's] command. VIII. Surgeon Benjamin S. Barnes, of Forty-sixth Tennessee Regiment, promoted 14th instant, will report without delay to Medical Director [A. J."] Foard, Army of Tennessee, for assignment. IX. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 156, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, [current series,] relative to Assistant Surgeon Will- iam H. Lipscomb, is hereby revoked, he having been tried in March last by general court-martial for the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, at Demopolis, Ala., and cashiered. 683 V The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- Vcd by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their CCP ctive names: Captain Asa King, Company K, Second Choctaw p!.riment, August 4, 1864; Captain William M. Rust, Company B, i ^ntv-fhst Texas Cavalry, August 4, 1864; Captain T. 0. Armstrong, r nuany Twenty-sixth Texas Cavalry, August 4, 1864; Second r'utenant E. S. Alexander, Comparly I, McNeill's Louisiana cavalry, a "ust 4,1864; Second Lieutenant Z. Howell, Company A, Twenty-fifth T uisiana Volunteers, August 4,1864; Second Lieutenant J. L. P. Shep- rd Company C, Twelfth Louisiana Volunteers, August 4, 1864; Col- {InA Frank A. Bartlett, Provisional Army Confederate States, August 8, • First Lieutenant J: W. Sowetts, Company I, Gordon's regiment, August 12> 1864: Second Lieutenant James T. Daniel, Company B, Fif- t t-nth Regiment Texas Volunt'eer Infantry, August 12, 1864; Lieutenant R Siting, Company D, Fourth Louisiana Cavalry, August 12,1864; Chap- 1-i'in f. F. Fancher, Captain Thomas F. Truett, Company G, Thirteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry,-August 15, 1864; First Lieutenant John 0. Oreathouse, Company C, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, August 15,1864; Second Lieutenant H. H. Blankens)iip, Company D, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry, August 15,1864; Second Lieutenant John 0. Clark, Company F, Third LouisianaVolunteers, August 15,1864; Captain JohnB. Bowles, Company P, Ninth Missouri Volunteers, August 15,1864; Second Lieutenant N. N. [jr. JL] Wilkerson, Company A, Hardy's regiment, August 15, 1864. XI. Private John H. McDaniel, of General Sterling Price's escort, will proceed to rejoin his command in the Trans-Mississippi Department. XII. Leave of absence for forty days is granted Lieutenant Charles J. Michachffsky, of Company B, Twenty-second Regiment Alabama Volun- t«t*rs, on surgeon's certificate of permanent disability. XIII. Sergeant W E. H. Claggett, of Company A, Seventeenth Regi- mcnt Virginia Volunteers, is discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disability. XIV. Major B. L. Wolffe [ Wolff,] commissary of subsistence, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. L. Knuner, commanding, &c., in this city. XV. Private William Coyne, of the reserve forces of Fluvanna County, Va., is detailed until further orders for clerical duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Hon. J. W. M. Harris, third auditor, Ac., in this city. XVI. Captain S. D. Robertson, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company I, Eighteenth Mississippi Regiment,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling fcerviee, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private R. J. Lightfoot, Company B, Second Georgia Battalion ; Private M. C. Holloway, Macon Light Artillery. XVIII. Sergeant H. S. Saunders, of Company B, Twenty-eighth Regi- roent Mississippi Cavalry, is hereby appointed hospital steward Pro- visional Army Confederate States, and will report for orders to com- landing officer of Major-General Loring's division, Army of Tennessee. AIX. Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 107, Adjutant and Inspec- ^r-Uneral's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain John J\&>van, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with Colonel E. G. ^'jh, commanding post at Staunton, Va., and will report accordingly, lo9—s. 0„ A, &. I. G. 0.—4 634 XX. A furlough of fifteen days is granted N. B. Barnwell, of Seventh South Carolina Cavalry (a paroled prisoner) to visit his home in South Carolina. XXI. Private James A. Miller, of Second Company, [Richmond] How. itzers, Virginia artillery, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report for orders to commanding officer Coit's battalion artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. * XXII. A furlough for four days is granted Private J. W. Wells, Com. pany G, Forty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted Private William T. McKendrie Company A, Second Georgia Battalion, is extended during unfitness for field service. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander every thirty days. XXIV. The resignation of Second Lieutenant C. S. Moreno, of Com. pany G, Sixtieth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is accepted by the President to take effect from this date, on condition that he imme- diately joins some other command in the Army of Tennessee. XXV. The following-named men, beipg important witnesses in cases now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, will report on Monday, the 26th September, 1864, to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond: Privates Theodore Kinner, William Griffin, Robert H. Jarvis, William L. Nuckols, David C. Mayo, Larkin L. Moore, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion ; Privates William H. Sizer, Egbert Schermerhorn, Company I, Tenth Virginia Cavalry; Private John H. Slack, Company B, Confederate States Marines; Privates William S. Kerr, Edmund W. Jones, Thirty-ninth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Private Henry Burnett, Company K, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers. XXVI. Captain William Clarkson, of Company K, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being an important witness in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, and will report to Thomas XJ. Dudley, sergeant of city of Richmond, on the 26th day of Sep- tember, 1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 23,1864. Special Orders) No. 226. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Captain A. G. Babcoclc, Company H, Third Battalion, Local Defense [Troops;] Captain Richard L. Skeen, Company D, Seventh Confederate Cavalry Battalion; Second Lieutenant W. Henry White, Company B, Local Defense Special Service; Major Sherridon R. [Sheridan i2.) Brown, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. P. Talley, adjutant, Twenty-third Georgia Volunteers; Captain William F. Law, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Con- federate States. II. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 201, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private J. Deel, of the Invalid Corps, will report to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for assignment to duty in Texas. 635 III. Lieutenant S. J. Bell, of Company A, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is assigned to duty at Camp Lawton, Ga., and will report to Captain D. W. Vowles, commanding, &c. jV. At the expiration of his leave of absence Captain A. P. Edmund acting commissary of subsistence, will report to Major H. 0. Guerin, chief commissary of subsistence for South Carolina, for assignment to dV Captain J. A. Howell, assistant quartermaster, Twenty-fifth Regi- nient Tennessee Volunteers, is relieved from present service, and is assigned to duty with Johnston's battalion artillery, Army of Tennesee. VI. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 136, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieutenant J. 0. ]Vinii, of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Winn will be reinstated in his com- niand in the Army of the Confederate States. VII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of the "Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders : Lieutenant W. C. CIoum, late of Company D, Sixth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant E* 0. Bostick, late of Company D, Fifty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant J. J. Hughes, late of Company F, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant S. Magi.ll, late of Company I, First South Caro- lina Volunteers; Captain J. W. McNeeley, late of Company F, Twefth Alabama Volunteers. VIII. Second Lieutenant J. N. Turner, of Engineer Corps, Provisional Array Confederate States, will report for duty to the officer command- ing Second Regiment North Carolina Cavalry to resume his former position in said regiment. IX. Lieutenant J. H. Hawks, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company C, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty at Peters- burg, Va., and will report for orders to the provost-marshal at that post. X. Sergeant James D. Poisson, of Company G, Eighteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain N. W. Schenck, post commissary' at Wilmington, N. C. XI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for duty as provost guards, and will report to Colonel J. A. Gilmer, [jr.,] commanding post at Salisbury, N. C.: Private D. Huffman, Company H, Forty-eighth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Private P. Bail, Company C, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers. XII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for duty as provost guards, and will report to Captain [J. A.] Fuqua, assistant commandant post at Salisbury, N. C.: Private G. W. Cross, Company G, Private W. Hill, Company H, Forty- eighth North Carolina Volunteers. XIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and *>11 report as designated: Private H. Dantzler, Company F, Twenty- fifth South Carolina Volunteers, -to Surgeon F. W Hancock, Jackson's Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private A. T. Enloe, Company A, Twenty- fisth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon [A. G.] Lane, Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private Jasper Cannon, Company K, Fifty- first Georgia Volunteers, to Surgeon [S. H.~\ Stout. Atlanta, Ga., for duty at hospital, Macon, Ga.; Private W. G. Murchison, Company G, Twenty- 636 sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon E. B. Haywood, Raleigh N. C.; Private W. J. Bookhart, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Vol! unteers, to Surgeon [Robert] Gibbon, Charlotte, N. C.; Private H. i McGehee, Company K, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, to Surgeon R. C. Curry, Salisbury, N. C. XIV. Private R. F. Marshy, of Company H, Fourteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major A. B. Garland, commissary of subsistence, at Liberty, Va. XV. Private A. B. Norris, of Company E, Twenty-eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as shoemaker in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major IF. W.~] Dillard, quartermaster, &c., at Columbus, Ga. XVI. Major H. M. Davenport, quartermaster, Provisional Array Con- ; federate State.s, will relieve Major W. E. Bird, quartermaster, of Ben- ning's brigade,fArmy of Northern Virginia, and Major Bird on being relieved is assigned to duty with the Board of Slave Claims, in this city and will report accordingly. , *' XVII. Sergeant Henry Pate, of Company F, Seventh South Carolina Battalion, is hereby appointed ordnance sergeant Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report for duty to the commanding officer of Seventh South Carolina Battalion. XVIII. First Lieutenant Gregory Yniestra, adjutant, First Regiment Florida Volunteers, will report fon duty to the commanding officer of his regiment. XIX. Private Alexander P. Wright, of Company H, Sixty-third Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, having been appointed acting third assistant engineer in the C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service, and will report to Flag-Officer [ Wm. W.~| Hunter, C. S. Navy, Savannah, Ga. XX. The resignation of Captain W. E. Warren, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is accepted by the President, to take effect the 1st November, 1864. XXI. Private John D. Whiteside, of Company C, Forty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report for orders to the commanding officer of his regiment. XXII. Private 8. Y. Tapper, of South Carolina reserve forces, is de- tailed for duty as agent for State commissioners for the removal of and providing for the non-combatants of Charleston, S. C., on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity. XXIII. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick [5.] Brand, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report for duty to Brigadier-General G. B. Hodge, commanding District of East Louisiana. XXIV. The Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, having been in- creased to ten companies, will from this day be known as the Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. XXV. Major W. H. Smith, commissary of subsistence, will proceed without delay to the States of South Carolina and Georgia under in- structions from the Commissary-General on business connected with his department. Quartermaster's .will furnish necessary transporta- tion. XXVI. Assistant Surgeon Daniel Flood is relieved from dutv at Chimborazo Hospital, and will report without delay to Surgeon [ f. L.] Ogier, [yV.,] medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for duty at prison hospital. 637 XXVII. Assistant Surgeon W. W. Marston is relieved from duty at Winder Hospital, and will report without delay to Brigadier-General JCemper for duty with reserve forces. XXVIII. Assistant Surgeon J. T. Parker is relieved from duty at Staunton Hospital, and will report without delay to Chief Surgeon Mason for duty with Nineteenth Battalion, Richmond Defenses. XXIX. Leave of absence for fifteen days from date of leaving post is granted Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, at Wilmington, X. C. XXX. S. W. Hampton having been appointed an agent of the Treasury Department for the Trans-Mississippi Department, with orders to report for duty as chief clerk for said department, generals commanding will afford all necessary facilities for his safe transit. XXXI. Paragraph XVIII [XXVIII,] Special Orders No. 209, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain J. B. Jett, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as assistant quartermaster to the acting quartermaster of Third Corps artillery, Army Northern Virginia. XXXII. Captain W. B. Hoyt, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Eighteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Second Regiment Florida Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXXIII. Captain Thomas Addison, assistant quartermaster, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Twenty- fourth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Fifth Battalion Florida Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXXIV. Captain B. L. Mclnnis, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with McLaugh- lin's battalion of artillery, and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders "I Richmond, September 24, 1864. No. 227. I I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant J. D. Kirk- land, Company I, Ninth Louisiana Cavalry; Major J. M. Taylor, First Louisiana Cavalry; Captain T. C. Edwards, Company G, Second Lieu- tenant John F. Cayce, Company E, Third Kentucky Cavalry, [Third Kentucky Infantry, mounted;] Captain E. D. Porter, Company B, Eight- eenth Mississippi Battalion Cavalry; Captain V. L. Terrell, Company B, Fourth Mississippi Cavalry; Second Lieutenant N. W. Thomas, -Com- pany E, First Mississippi Partisan Rangers; Second Lieutenant John Rdd, Company H, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant H. S. Cobb, enrolling officer, Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant William C. Curtis, Invalid Corps ; Second Lieutenant Charles M. Green, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. First Lieutenant A. Hipslier, Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Conscription Depart- jpcnt, and will report to Major J. C. Johnston, commanding conscripts for Kentucky and Tennessee, at Bristol, Tenn, leo-s. o., a. & I. G. 0.—4 638 III. Major H. W. King, commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as chief commissary for the De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report for orders to Major-General Samud Jones, commanding, &c., at Charleston. S. C. IV. Hospital Steward Muscoe Garnett, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Depart- ment, for duty at Camp Jackson Hospital, near this, city, and will re- port for orders to Colonel L. B. Northrop, commissary-general of subsist- ence, in this city. V. Captain C. F. Balenson [Bahnson,} assistant quartermaster, Pro vis- ional Army Confederate States, will report for duty to Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, in this city. VI. Private M.. L. Carter, of Company A, Twenty-second Regiment Texas Volunteers, is transferred to Company E, Forty-fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being a citizen of Georgia, and will report accord- ingly. VII. Private C. D. Little, late second lieutenant Company L, Eleventh Regiment Florida Volunteers, is transferred to the Fifth Florida Bat- talion Cavalry, and will report accordingly. VIII. Private Isaac Carlton, of Company H, Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected a civil officer, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. IX. Second Lieutenant George Marchbanks, C. S. Army, (infantry,) is relieved from service with Johnson's brigade, Army Northern Virginia, and will report to General John B. Hood, commanding Army [of] Ten- nessee, to be assigned to duty with Major-General J". Wheeler. X. Private W. S. Gregg, of Company C, Sixth Regiment North Car- olina Cavalry, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report for orders to the commanding officer of his regiment. XI. Lieutenant E. Hennington, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company K, Eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the en- rolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. XII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days : Private R. T. Walker, Washington Artillery, South Carolina volunteers; Private J. B. RocheUe, Louisiana Guard Artillery; Private C. P. Shaffer, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volun- teers; Private E. M. Freer, Company I, Third South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. A. Malambre, W. J. Robinson's company Florida volunteers; Private John Trayner, Company D, Fifty-ninth Virginia Volunteers; Private E. M. Bomck, Company A, Siege Train; Private C. H. Rivers, Company A, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; Privates M. D. Blood, J. F. Beckham, Company H, Second South Carolina Cavalry; Pri- vate E. J. W. Freeman, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Pri- vate W. H. Meree, Varning's [Venning's] company cavalry. XIII. The resignation of Captain C. H. Luzenburg, of Company K, Thirteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect 1st July, 1864. XIV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain IP. F. Moore, assistant quartermaster, Fifty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Moore will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. 639 XV. Private G. R. Cotton, Company A, Third Battalion, Morgan's com- rnand, is detailed during unfitness for field service for duty as carpenter, and will report to the Confederate States railroad shops at Abingdon, Va., for orders. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be fur- nished his company commander every thirty days. XVI. The operation of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 115, current series, so far as it relates to Second Lieutenant R. H. Thompson, Com- pany B, Forty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is suspended until a're-examination can be held in his case. XVII. Private Henry Rogers, of Kirkpatrick's battery, Amherst Artil- lery, is detailed as an agriculturist under the peculiar circumstances of his case, and will report to the enrolling officer of Amherst County, Va. XVIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private James M. Pace, of Company H, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion, is extended until the 15th Octooer, 1864, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his com- mand. XIX. Private Joseph R. Matthews, of Company D, First Regiment Mis- souri Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major James M. Quinlin, post and depot commissary at Okalona [Okolona,] Miss. XX. Private Levi Campbell, of Company D, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as provost-guard, and will report to Captain Hamilton, provost-mar- thai, Columbia, S. C. XXI. Private David Morralo, of Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for South Carolina in order to perfect the bonds required by law. XXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private T. B. McCarter, Company G, Eighteenth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Private J. M. Campbell, Company D, Sixth South Car- olina Cavalry. XXIII. Private Mitchall [Mitchell] Kegley, of Company A, Eighth Regi- ment Virginia Cavalry, having been elected to a civil office, is discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXIV. Captain John G. Clark, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the Fifty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and will report for duty to Lieutenant- Colonel A. H. Cole, inspector-general of field transportation. XXV. The resignation of First Lieutenant Alexander Cross, Company G, First Regiment Maryland Volunteers, is accepted by the President, to take effect from this date. XXVI. Sergeant Oliver H. C. Smith, of Fickling's battery, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to the commandant of Confederate States armory at Greenville, S. C. XXVII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all par- ties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private H. C. Frohberg, Company C, First South Car- olina Volunteers; Private Rufus W. Bonnett, Company G, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers. 640 XXVIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Moore, commanding $a! vannah Arsenal, at Savannah, Ga.: Private J. J. Tidwell, Company B Twentieth Georgia Battalion Cavalry; Private Philip Herman, Company G, First Georgia Volunteers. XXIX. Sergeant James M. Dixon, of Company A, First Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, having been elected to a civil office, is dig. charged the service of the Confederate States. XXX. Conscript Nathaniel Gray is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, anwill report to Medical Pur. veyor Johnson, at Charlotte, N. C. XXXI. Leave of absence for eight days is granted Brigadier-General John S. Preston, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXII. Major J. H. F. Mayo, commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with Major-General Hindman's division, and is assigned to duty with Major-General [C. I.j Stevenson as chief commissary of his division. XXXIII. Private John A. Beris, of Company A, Fifth Florida Bat- talion, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confed- erate States, and -will report for duty at post hospital Maiana [Mari- anna,] Fla. XXXIV. Private T. A. J. Holladay, of Owens' battery Arkansas light artillery, being a citizen of Mississippi, is transferred to Company A, Forty-third Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, and will report accord- ingly. XXXV. Lieutenant J. O. Sykes, of Lumsden's battery artillery, is re- lieved from duty with his present command, and will report foil orders to Brigadier-General E. P. Alexander, artillery, Army of Northern V ginia. XXXVI. Surgeon B. St. George Tucker is relieved from hospital du at Lynchburg, Va., and will report without delay to officer in command Tenth Regiment Florida Volunteers, Army of Northern Virginia, artd relieve Surgeon Henry S. Bacon. XXXVII. Surgeon Henry S. Bacon will when relieved report without delay to Surgeon [I?. A.] Kinloch, medical director, Charleston, S. C., for duty. XXXVIII. Private U. Brooks, of Company C, Twentieth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery, being an important witness in a case now pending in the county court of Henrico, will report to the sheriff of said county at the county court-house, in this city, on the 3d day October, 1864. XXXIX. Captain A. L. Hamilton, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report for duty to Colonel H. L. Lockhart, comman- dant conscripts for State of Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala. XL. Captain Felix Livingston, assistant commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as post commissary at Madison, Fla., and will report to Major A. B. Noyes, commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Con- federate States, at Tallahassee, Fla., for orders. XLI. The general commanding District of Florida and the comman- dant of conscripts for that State will make reasonable details for the fisheries upon the requisition of Major P. F. White> commissary of sub- sistence, Quincy, Fla. 641 XLII. Private T. B. Saunders, of Company I, First Engineer Troops, is detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report for orders to Commander John M. Brooke, C. S. Navy, in this city. XLIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted John H. O'Neill, account clerk, medical purveyor's office, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain Samuel Mays, Company G, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant R. J. Work, Com- pany H, Eleventh Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James H. Wdiiams, Company L, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Captain W. H. Brown. Company B, Second Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters; Chaplain George R. Talley, Sixth Florida Volunteers; Captain P. B. C. Smith, Company F, Second Regiment Senior North Carolina Reserves; First Lieutenant W. F. Morrison, Company D, [Fourth] Regiment Senior North Carolina Reserves; Second Lieutenant Jesse Everitt, Company K, First Lieutenant A. J. Alford, Company D, Second Lieutenant A. D. Markham, Company I, First Regiment North Carolina Reserves. II. So much of Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 211, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, as refers to Assistant Surgeon D. A. Vogt is so modified as to read: Assistant Surgeon D. A. Vogt will report for duty with the Eighteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, Army of Northern Virginia. III. Hospital Steward Thomas Glazier is relieved from hospital duty at Montgomery, Ala., and will report for duty without delay to Medical Purveyor William H. Anderson, Montgomery, Ala. IV. The workmen at arsenals and ordnance depots under charge of the Ordnance Bureau will not be called from their work for military purposes without the consent of the commanding officer of such arsenal or depot, except on orders from the War Department or from the gen- end commanding the department in which the arsenal or depot is sit- uated. When so called out the commanding officer of the arsenal or depot may retain at their work a number not to exceed one-third of his whole force of mechanics or skilled workmen on certificate that they are necessary to execution of work in hand. In all cases it is enjoined on- commanding generals to return workmen so withdrawn at the earliest moment, the continued operation of these establishments being of great importance at.all times. V. Surgeon J. T. Means, Glenn Springs, S. C., will report without delay to Medical Director [T. L.~\ Ogier, [yr.,] Charleston, S. C., for duty. VI. Assistant Surgeon E. M. Crews, on duty at Jackson Hospital, will report without delay to surgeon in charge general hospital Guyton, Ga. VII. Surgeon F. L. Frost, serving in General Hill's corps, Army of Northern Virginia, will report without delay to officer in command of Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry for duty. 161—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant ^and Inspector-General's Office, > Richmond, September 26,1864. 642 VIII. Assistant Surgeon W. H. Harris, on duty at Bell Hospital Greensborough, Ga., will report without delay to Medical Director [& if.] Stout for assignment. IX. Hospital Steward P. Z. Colsson is relieved from duty at Way Hos- pital, Demopolis, Ala., and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Meridian, Miss., for field duty. X. Assistant Surgeon T. D. Morse is relieved from duty with Nine- teenth Virginia Battalion by reason of ill-health, and will report Medi- cal Director [ W. A.~\ Carrington for hospital duty. XI. Assistant Surgeon G. W. Hunter is relieved from hospital duty at Danville, Va., and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. A.] Kiruoch, Charleston, S. C., for assignment. XII. Assistant Surgeon Junius O'Brien, Second Kentucky Cavalry, will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical direc- tor, Charleston, S. C., for duty at prison hospital. XIII. Assistant Surgeon R. H. Woodward is relieved from duty at Staunton, Va., and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for duty at the prison hos- pital. XIV. Brigadier-General H. B. Lyon, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to the command of the department lately created in the State of Kentucky, and will report accordingly. XV. Private F. 0. S. Curtis, of Company B, Second Regiment Florida Volunteers, having been appointed surgeon's steward in the C. S. Navy, will be discharged his former service. XVI. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments: Sergeant P. R. Malone, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Sergeant James Tapp, Forty-third Georgia Volunteers; Sergeant James Sutton, Company G, One Hundred and fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Volun- teers; Private V. M. Purdy, Company C, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers, to date from May 9, 1862. XVII. Private A. S. Marye, of the Fredericksburg Artillery, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for duty in this office, and will re- port to General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General. XVIII. John Q. Hill is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report for orders to Major W. H. Dameron, chief commissary of subsistence for Mississippi. XIX. Private Neill McN. Buie, of Company D, Third Regiment North Carolina, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant P. L. Dotson, Company D, Armistead's cav- airy regiment; Second Lieutenant John Reynolds, Company I, Powers' cavalry regiment; Captain A. C. Lincoln, Company I, Seventh Virginia Cavalry. XXI. Paragraph III, Sipecial Orders No. 227, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, current series, ordering Major H. W. King, commis- sary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States, to report to Major-General Samuel Jones to be assigned to duty as chief commissary of subsistence of Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is hereby revoked, Major King's commission having been vacated on June 14,1864. 643 XXII. Leave of absence for six months, with permission to visit Europe for the benefit of his health, is granted Lieutenant R. Soulier ISoulier,] of Company H, First Regiment Georgia Regulars. XXIII. U. M. Rose having been commissioned by the Governor of Arkansas as recorder of Arkansas forces serving during the existing war, commanding officers of armies in which Arkansas troops may be serving are requested to afford him such facilities in the discharge of his duties as may not conflict with the interests of the service. XXIV. U. M. Rose, recorder of Arkansas forces, will be allowed by commissaries of subsistence to purchase such rations as a colonel Pro- visional Army Confederate States in the field is entitled to. He will be allowed transportation to the various armies in the field in the discharge of his duties as recorder, &c. XXV. All men detailed from the army now serving in Virginia who are not pronounced unfit for field service by a medical examining board, and who are not certified by the various heads of departments and chiefs of bureaus are absolutely necessary for the continuance of the manufacture of munitions and other indispensable supplies for the army and navy, will be immediately returned to duty with their re- spective commands. XXVI. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Captain R. C. McCalla, Company A, Third Engineer Troops, forty days from October 5, 1864; Surgeon J. L. Wood- rHit. Provisional Army Confederate States, twenty days. XXVII. Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 218, current series, is so amended as to substitute Surgeons J. H. Millen, of Thirty-fourth Reg- iment North Carolina Volunteers, and G. T. Harrison, of Twenty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, for Surgeons R. J. Breckenridge [Breck- inridge] and S. W. Langdon. XXVIII. Colonel B. S. Ewell, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report for orders to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c. XXIX. First Lieutenant W. R. Beale, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General John Echols, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXX. The resignation of First Lieutenant B. H. Blanton, aid-de-camp, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect August 1, 1864. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, September 27,1864. No. 229. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Chaplain R. H. Whitehead, Twentieth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant William T. Wilson, Company D, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers; First Lieutenant P. S. Spar- row, Company F, First Florida Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. J. Swain, Company F, First Texas Legion; Second Lieutenant W. R. Cook, Company I, Thirty-second Alabama Volunteers. II. Captain W. E. Bone, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company H, Fifth Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is hereby relieved from further duty in the Conscription Department. 644 III. Captain W. F. Eaton, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company p Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report for orders to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c. IV. So much of Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 107, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant Frederick Linhoss, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked. V. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superin- tendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city : Lieutenant J. IP. Tullis, late of Hurt's battery, Mcintosh's battalion artillery ; Lieutenant D. L. Etheridge, late of Company F, Fifth Alabama Volunteers; Lieu- tenant H. S. Williams, late of First Company, Richmond Howitzers; Lieutenant R. C. Howell, late of Company G, Seventh Virginia Cavalry. VI. Sergeant W. D. DuBarry, of the "Signal Corps, is relieved from duty in the Army of Tennessee, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for duty with Major-General Gordon's division. VII. During the temporary absence of Brigadier-General G. W. C. Lee Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner will assume command of the brigade of Local Defense Troops. VIII. The following-named officers are relieved from I duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will immediately report for duty with their respective commands: First Lieutenant C. F. Stevens, Company B, Milton Artillery; First Lieutenant S. 0. Reddich, Company C, First Lieutenant G. W. Whetstone, Company F, First Lieutenant W. H. McCardle, Company H, Second Florida Cavalry. IX. Major J. C. Holmes, of the Invalid Corps, late of Thirtieth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, is assigned to duty as commandant of post at Greensborough, N. C., and will report accordingly. X. Captain W. Hutson Wigg, acting commissary of subsistence, will relieve Captain S. C. Means, acting commissary of subsistence, at Spar- tanburg, S. C. Captain Means on being relieved will report for orders to Major H. C. Guerin, chief commissary of subsistence for South Caro- lina. XI. First Lieutenant A. T. Cunningham, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to ordnance duty in the Army of Northern Virginia, and will report for orders to General R. E. Lee, commanding. XII. Lieutenant-Colonel W. A. Broadwell, commissary of subsistence, will immediately report for orders to the Commissary-General, in this city. XIII. In addition to his other duties Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge] will take immediate command of the reserve forces of East Tennessee. He will complete their organization and place them at once in service.' To this end he is authorized to employ all enrolling officers, who are hereby directed to obey his instructions. Officers of the Quarter- master's, Commissary, Ordnance, and Medical Departments are required to furnish all necessary facilities. All officers from the State of Tennes- see of the Invalid Corps and such of the regular forces as are for any reason unassigned will immediately report to General Breckenridge [Breckinridge,'] who is authorized to assign them temporarily to duty with the reserves of East Tennessee. XIV. Captain H. H. Sams, acting commissary of subsistence, will re- lieve Major W. S. Gary, commissary of subsistence, at Mount Pleasant. S. C. On being relieved Major Gary will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Department of Richmond, for duty with Briga- dier-General Gary's cavalry command. 645 XV. Sergeant K. Owen Norris, of the Signal Corps, is relieved from present duty, and will report for orders to Major-General J. 0. Brecken- ridge [Breckinridge,] commanding, &c., at Dublin, Va. XVI. Major 0. A. Lathrop, commissary of subsistence, will report without delay for orders to Major John J. Walker, chief commissary of subsistence for Alabama. XVII. Major P. F. Glass, commissary of subsistence, will report by letter for orders to the commissary-general of subsistence. XVIII. Brigadier-General J. S. Williams will immediately report with the force brought by him from Middle Tennessee to Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] commanding, &c., for duty in the Depart- ment of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee. XIX. Private Charles Whelan, of Company C, Thirty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XX. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department are assigned to duty as designated to superintend the collection and de- livery of army hides and the return of grain sacks, and to discharge such other duties as the chief quartermaster of the army can devolve upon them without prejudice to those with which they are specially charged: ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Captain C. C. Hammock to Lieutenant-General Hardee's corps; Cap- tain C. Reese to Lieutenant-General Lee's corps; Captain J. J. Flournoy to Lieutenant-General Stewart's corps; Captain J. S. Claghorn to the cavalry corps. ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Captain John T. Smith to the First Corps; Captain A. S. Byrd to the Second Corps; Captain J. M. Jones to the Third Corps; Captain W. P. Golightly to the cavalry command; Captain E. Harrison to General Beauregard's command. XXL Major-General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] Provisional Army Confederate States, will assume the command of the Department of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee. XXII. Private G. W. Shepperson, of Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, being an important witness in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, he will report to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of the city of Richmond, on the 2d day of October, 1864. XXIII. The resignation of Captain W. E. Frankland, assistant quar- termaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the President, to take effect September 18, 1864. XXIV. Rev. B. M. Taylor, chaplain, Twenty-third Regiment Tennes- see Volunteers, will report for orders to Major-General F. Gardner, com- manding, &c., Mobile, Ala. XXV. Captain T. P. Ochiltree, assistant adjutant-general, is tempo- rarily assigned to duty in the torpedo service, and will report to Briga- dier-General G. J. Rains, in charge. XXVI. Lieutenant-Colonel R, Stark Means, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Seventeenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers,) is assigned to the command of the military prisons at Charleston, S. C. XXVII. Private M. W. Sale, of Company —, Dobbin's cavalry regi- ment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as provost-mar- shal of the military court of Lieutenant-General S. D, Lee's corps, Army of Tennessee, and will report accordingly, 162—S, 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 646 XXVIII. Captain S. E. Rumble, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with Major A. M. Paxton, quartermaster and inspector of field transportation, and will report accordingly. XXIX. Captain W. J. March, of Company F, Twenty-ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of the bureau. XXX. The general court-martial convened by order from Lieutenant-, General J. A. Early of June 28, 1864, by which Lieutenant William R Morris, of Captain Stevenson's company Augusta Reserves, [Company B, Third Battalion, Valley Reserves,] was sentenced to be cashiered, having been illegally constituted in this, that Colonel William H. Harman and Lieutenant-Colonel H. H. Robertson, two members of the court, are not commissioned officers in the military service of the Confederate States, the proceedings, finding, and sentence of the said court are set aside, and Lieutenant Morris will be released from arrest and return to duty. XXXI. Captain Thomas C. Ferguson, of Company E, Forty-fourth Ala- bama Regiment, is detailed for forty days for the purpose of visiting Shelby County, Ala., to look up and arrest all absentees or deserters from his command. Transportation to Shelby County, Ala., and thence to his command will be allowed Captain Ferguson and such men as he may return to his regiment. XXXII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major [H.] Hammond, quartermaster Brigadier-Generai S. McGowan's brigade, to visit South Carolina for the purpose of collecting leather, blankets, and other necessary supplies for said brigade. XXXIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private E. F. Straney, Breathed's battery, Stuart Horse Artillery; Private Joseph Cole, Company K, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry. XXXIV. Private Daniel IAgon, of Davidson's battery, Thirteenth Vir- ginia Battalion Artillery, is detailed for sixty days for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to H. A. Vandergrift, chief en- gineer and general superintendent Orange and Alexandria Railroad, at Lynchburg, Va. XXXV. The following-named officers on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability are assigned to duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major M. B. Miller, commissary of subsistence, at Savannah, Ga.: Captain [/. A.~\ Coffee, Company H, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant H. A. Crane, Company A, First Battalion Georgia Sharp- shooters. XXXVI. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Privates Ro. S. Godsey, R. E. Jones, Company K, Privates A. A. Waugh, G. A. Thatford, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; Private R. H. Hobbs, Company B, Twelfth Virginia Volun- teers; Privates J. H. Topham, T. W. Bass, Petersburg Greys, Virginia volunteers; Private John T. Thraves, Company A, Lieutenant Richard- son's company; Private J. J. Hampton, Parker's battery. XXXVII. Private Martin Sweeney, of Company G, Twenty-fifth Bat- talion Virginia Volunteers, is detailed for %ixty days for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to James A. Semple, in charge office of provision and clothing, C. S. Navy, in this city. 647 XXXVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days : Private John Hellings, Ninth Battalion Georgia Artillery ; Private W. E. Grosse, Company C, Second Georgia Battalion; Private W. M. Smith, Company A, Sixth North Carolina Volunteers ; Private John II. Taylor, Company G, Sixth Virginia Volunteers; Private Charles M. Davis, Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion. XXXIX. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private N. E. Fry, Company I, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; Privates H. H. Crovatt, J. Q. Murphy, jr., Company B, Private R. S. Walker, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. J. Johnson, Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery; Private E. J. Wharton, La- fayette Light Artillery; Private J. P. Germain, Company A, Privates W. T. jlam, B. A. Chaplin, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volun- teers; Private J. D. Weatherby, Company B, Eleventh South Carolina Volunteers. XL. The detail heretofore granted Private G. M. Baker, Company H, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended sixty days on surgeon's certificate of disability, and he will report to Major & L. Lewis, at Staunton, Va. XLI. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private William Highsmith, Captain Miller's com- pany light artillery; Private Seth Coburn, Company F, Thirty-first North Carolina Volunteers; Private M. H. Ward, Company K, First Georgia Cavalry; Private E. A. Freeman, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cav- airy; Private W. 0. Daniel, Jennings battalion; Private W. J. Pigford, Cumming's battery light artillery; Private Thomas Garden, Company H, Seventh Confederate Cavalry. XLII. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, at Wilmington, N. C. XLIII. Sergeant-Major Robert Norris, Fifteenth Alabama Regiment, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XLIV. Brigadier-General H. B. Davidson, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to Lieutenant-General J. A. Early for assignment to duty under Major-General L. L. Lomax. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 28,1864. Special Orders} No. 230. ( I. Private J. W. Wilson, of Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is detailed for sixty days as a baker for the C. S. Navy, and will report to Nelson Tift, at Albany, Ga. II. Sergeant A. L. Millegan, of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, having b£en elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. ^ III. Private David Wells, of Company A, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Second Engineer Regiment. He will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Clarke, chief engineer, &c., Charleston, S. C. 648 IV. Private M. Dickerson, of Company K, Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina, Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service de- tailed for duty as hospital attendant, and will report to surgeon in charge of Kittrell's [Kittrell] Springs Hospital. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be forwarded to his company commander every thirty days. V. Private Benjamin F. Holland, of Captain Smith's company, Twen- tieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. O. Ferguson, quartermaster, &c., in this city. A surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. VI. Private Leroy Briscoe, of Company K, Sixty-third Regiment Ten* nessee Volunteers, is detailed for duty as tanner, and will report to the enrolling officer of his county at Bristol, Tenn. VII. Brigadier-General E. A. Perry, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama, for assignment to duty with that force. VIII. Captain J. G. Reynolds, Provisional Army Confederate States, artillery, for ordnance duty, recently on duty at the Confederate States arsenal Atlanta, Ga., will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Kennard, chief ordnance officer of General Hood's command, for assignment to ordnance duty. IX. Private John W. Pulley, of Company E, Forty-fourth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disability. X. Private William H. Harmon, of Company D, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is transferred to Com- pany A, Eighth Regiment Texas Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XI. The resignation of First Lieutenant Walter M. Robertson, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect October 15, 1864. XII. The detail heretofore granted Private J. J. Vaughan, Company E, Sixty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended during unfit- ness for field service. Surgeon's certificate of his condition'will be fur- nished his company commander every thirty days. XIII. Private Robert R. Hughes, of Company G, Nineteenth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain John M. Orr, commissary of subsistence, at Bristol, Tenn. XIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days, and they will report to Captain Isadc W. Smith, in charge pontoon yards in this city: Private John W. Wright, Company G, Tenth Alabama Volunteers; Private James Pearl, Company A, Elev- enth Alabama Volunteers. XV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private W. J. Jackson, Company H, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private C. Palmer, Company D, Sixth South CarolinaCav- airy; Private J. L. Jackson, Company H, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private W. A. Palmer, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. A. Campbell, Company H, Eighteenth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Private J. K. Bolt, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Private T. B. Barnett, Company H, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private C. F. Devenport, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. 649 XVI. Private Thomas Arledge, of Company C, Twelfth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company H, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private M. A. Boley, Company D, Eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Charles Clark, of Com- pany C, Eighteenth Georgia Battalion, is extended sixty days. XIX. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended for sixty days: Privates George Veitch, John Veitch, William Vcitch, P. H. Randolph, Selden's battery. XX. Private W. S. England, of Company K, Eighth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. L. White, commanding Confederate States arsenal Selma, Ala. XXI. Private William Wakeham,jr., of Third Company, [Richmond] Howitzers, Virginia artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Tren- holm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. M. Howard,* Company D, Eighteenth South Caro- lina Volunteers; Private J. W. Owens, Company I, First Regiment En- gineer Troops. XXIII. Corporal Thomas Harrington, of Phelan's battery artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Depart- ment, and will report to Colonel J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, in this city, to supply the place of an an able-bodied man. XXIV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Corporal S. M. Yost, Company G, Sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon P. E. Hines, Raleigh, N. C.; Pri- vate James Sparger, Company C, Twenty-first North Carolina Volun- tcers, to Surgeon P. E. Hines, Raleigh, N. C.; Private D. A. Cook, Com- fany L, Fifth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon H. F. Butt, Kittrell's Kittrell] Springs, N. C.; Private S. H. Williams, Company A, Eleventh North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon Ro. Gibbon, General Hospital No. 11, Charlotte, N. C. XXV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for guard duty, and will report as desig- nated: Private W. N. Harriss, Company G, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain G. B. Waters, provost-marshal, Raleigh, N. C.; Private A. Sloop, Company B, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Colonel J. A. Gilmer, [yV.,] commandant post at Salisbury, N. C. XXVI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report as designated : Private Frederick P. Clark, Com- pany G, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain C. R. Ring, assistant quartermaster, Graham, N. C.; Private G. W. Hugh, Company K, Fourteenth North Carolina Volunteers, to Major W. W. Pierce, quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. XXVII. Private Thomas C. Jones, of Company A, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report to Major-General James L. Kemper, commanding, &c., in this city. 163—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 650 XXVIII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. S. Johnson, Company E, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private L. S. Smith, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry ; Private J. F. Brown, Company E, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. F. White, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Private W. G. D. Estes, Company F, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private C. W. Muhly, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. XXIX. Sergeant 0. P. Ely, of Company H, Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being a citizen of Kentucky, is transferred to Com- pany A, First Kentucky Battalion Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXX. Second Lieutenant J. W. Jetton, C. S. Army, will report to Lieutenant-General Richard Taylor, commanding, &c., Meridian, Miss., to be assigned to duty with any unorganized or nearly organized com- pany in his department that may require such an officer. XXXI. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Captain Frederick Y. Dalney [Dabney,] Provisional Army Confederate States, engineers, at the expiration of which time, if exchanged,'he will report to Lieutenant- General R. Taylor, commanding, &c., at Meridian, Miss., for assignment to duty with Colonel [& if.] Lockett, chief engineer, &c., and if not ex- changed will report by letter to Major-General J. F. Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city./ XXXII. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private G. T P. Harris, Company K, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private W. B. Sellers, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Private Joseph H. Price, Company K, Eight- eenth South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. H. Pike, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. XXXIII. Private B. E. Daniel, of Company C, Thirty-eighth Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty as ward-master in the Third Georgia Hospital, Augusta, Ga., and will report to surgeon in charge. XXXIV. Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas H. Royall, Eighteenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, having been appointed lieutenant and drill- master, will be discharged his former service. XXXV. Private Hamlet Jeffries, of Company F, Fifteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. S. Coles, assistant quartermaster and inspector of field transportation in South Carolina. XXXVI. Private John Calhoun, of Company E, Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed [during] such unfitness in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [ W.A.] Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va., for orders. XXXVII. Private Charles C. Crawford, of Orleans Guards, Thirtieth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is for fifteen days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain A. Crawford, acting commissary of subsistence, at Tangipahoa, District of East Loui- siana. XXXVIII. Private R. E. Doggett, of the Signal Corps, is detailed during unfitness for field service for duty in the provost-marshal's office, and will report to the provost-marshal at Liberty, Va., for orders. Surgeon's certificate of his condition will be furnished to the chief of Signal Bureau, in this city, every month. 651 XXXIX. Captain W. J. Smith, of Company A, Holcombe Legion, will Jiave his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XL. The resignation of Captain H. T. Douglas, of Company F, First Regiment Engineer Troops, has been accepted by the President to take effect to-day. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, September 29,1864. No. 231. f I. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private [ Wm.~\ McCall, Company H, First South Carolina Ar- tillery; Private Thomas Arnold, Company D, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers. II. The Local Defense Troops under the command of Brigadier-Gen- eral W. M. Gardner, Provisional Army Confederate States, will imme: diately report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Dwell, commanding, &c. Such of the brigade as may be essential to the manufacture and continuance of current supplies to the army will remain on duty as heretofore. III. Private William J. Land, of Company A, Fifty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Joseph Le Conte, consulting chemist, &c., Columbia, S. C. IV. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private J. B. Lloyd, Company E, Twenty-third Alabama Bat- talion; Private J. E. Groswell, Company L, Fifteenth Alabama Volun- teers. V. All unemployed officers and soldiers of the C. S. Army now pres- ent in this city on leave or otherwise will report immediately to Major- General James L. Kemper, commanding, &c., for duty in the city defenses. VI. Private George L. Hicks, of Company B, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Artillery, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medi- cal director, at Raleigh, N. C., for orders. VII. Brigadier-General J. K. Jackson is relieved from the command of the District of Florida, and will report for duty to Major-General tximuel Jones, commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C. VIII. In addition to his other duties, Brigadier-General William Miller, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to the com- mand of the District of Florida, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. IX. Major S. LI. Reynolds, Provisional Army Confederate States, ord- nance, is relieved from duty in the Department of Southwestern Vir- ginia and East Tennessee. X. Major T. M. Bowyer, Provisional Army Confederate States, is as- signed to duty as chief ordnance officer in the Department of South- western Virginia and East Tennessee, and will report for orders to Brig- adier-General John Echols, commanding, &c., at Abingdon, Va. 652 XI. Captain B. F. Bomar, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major F. W. Dillard, quartermaster, &c., to be assigned to duty as paymaster at Columbus, Ga. XII. Private Milton Harris, of Company A, Thirty-second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is hereby appointed hospital steward Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report to commandant post Fort Sumter, S. C., for orders. \ XIII. Second Lieutenant J. C. Connolly, of Company C, First Corned- erate Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will have his name dropped frlun the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will frota this day cease to be an officer of-the Provisional Army Confederate States. v I XIV. Leave of absence for ten days is granted Colonel R. F. BeckhafL Confederate States artillery. Army of Tennessee, to visit his home anil friends in Fauquirer [Fauquier] and Culpepper [Culpeper] Counties, Va. XV. Major W. B. Stanard} commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty with Brigadier-General Terry's brigade, and will report to Brigadier-General W. B. Taliaferro, commanding, &c., at James Island, Charleston, S. C., for duty. XVI. J. E. Livandais is detailed for duty in the Treasury Depart- ment, and will report to the Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XVII. Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 224, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Surgeon 0. R. Early will resume his position as a member of the medical examining board of the Third Congressional District of Virginia. XVIII. So much of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 195, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieutenant- Colonel Horace Ready, Twenty-third Tennessee Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Ready will be reinstated in his com- mand. XIX. All men detailed from the command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Pemberton, artillery defenses of this city, will immediately rejoin their commands for. temporary duty in the city defenses. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, September 30,1864. Special Orders") No. 232. f I. Major R. J. Fletcher, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the reserves of Alabama, and will report to Major-General Withers, com- manding, &c. II. Major Towson Ellis, aid-de-camp, will proceed to headquarters com- manding general Trans-Mississippi Department under instructions from General Bragg. III. The services of Private Jules St. Martin, of Company K, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense [Troops,] being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the office of the Attorney-General, and will report accordingly. 653 IV The details heretofore granted the following-named men are ex- tended sixty days: Private W. G. Wilber, Washington Artillery, near Charleston • private J. M. Edwards, Company A, South Carolina Siege Train; Private J. A. Buckherster [A. Buckheister,] Company A, Twenty- seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private Thomas F. 0'Sullivan, Com- pany A, Private W. H. Moore, Company B, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Private 0. A. D. Church, Lafayette Artillery; Private L. Speisegger, Washington Artillery. V. Leave of absence is granted Major-General R. Ransom, jr., to visit Rockingham County, N. C., until he may be assigned to duty. VI. Captain E. T. D. Myers, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is hereby assigned with Colonel C. F. M. Garnett and Lieutenant-Colonel Minor Merriwether in the commission for the col- lection and distribution of railroad iron, and in addition to his duties as such will be charged from time to time, under the direction of the Engineer Bureau, with the duplication of railroad bridges and the re- pair and reconstruction of railroads injured or destroyed by the enemy and judged necessary for the transportation of troops and supplies. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, October 1,1864. No. 233. I I. The employes of tax in kind service are hereby excepted from the operation of Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 228, Adjutant and In- 6pector-General's Office, September 28 [26,] 1864. These employes under tne officers on this special duty are providing supplies for the army, and must not be molested by enrolling officers or by commandants of departments. II. Private W. M. Berkeley, of Company D, Twenty-fifth Virginia Vol- unteers, being a mute, is hereby discharged the service of the Confed- erate States. III. Major Henry Bryan, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed with- out delay to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major-General S. Jones for special duty. IV. Captain J. W. Brooks, of Nelson's battalion, Hagood's brigade, will proceed without delay. to Charleston, S. C., and report to Major- General S. Jones for special duty. V. In order to define the boundary between the Geographical Depart- partment of Tennessee, under General J. B. Hood, and the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, under Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, the following will govern, viz.: Commencing at the south- western boundary between Georgia and Florida, on the Appalachicola River; thence along the Chattahoochie [Chattahoochee] River north and following the boundary" line between Georgia and Alabama to the Ten- nessee River; all west of said line will be considered in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and east of the line from the northern boundary of Florida at its intersection by the Chattahoo- chie [Chattahoochee] River, in the Department of Tennessee. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 164—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 654 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 3,1864. Special Orders) No. 234. J I. Private Sidney H. Taylor, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company E, Third Virginia Infantry,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service in Florida, and will report to superintendent of Bureau of Conscription for orders. II. First Lieutenant W. L. S. Townshend, of the Invalid Corps, is as- signed to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. H. Bryan, assistant quartermaster, as agent for the collection of tax in kind for the county of Sampson, Third Congressional District, State of North Carolina. III. Captain W. P. Campbell, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report for orders to Gen- eral E. Kirby Smith, commanding, &c. IV. General G. T. Beauregard, C. S. Army, is hereby assigned to the command of the two military departments and the troops therein, known as the Department of Tennessee and Georgia and Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. He will, for the purpose of correspondence and reports, establish his headquarters at such place as in his judgment will best secure facilities for ready communication with the troops within the limits of his command, and repair in person to any part of said command whenever his presence may for the time be necessary or desirable. V. The services of the following-named men of the Naval Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, are detailed for duty in the naval ordnance works, and will report to Superintendent R. B. Wrighi, in this city: Privates E. Lienea, Thomas Tyrer, David Qreighton, William Johnston, Robert Ashby, Charles Butt, William Gammd, Charles Elliott, Will- iam Wakefield, William J. Rock, W. C. Ammons, Thomas Nicholas, H. B. Kinker, W. A. Bellups, George Lumpkin, N. G. Dickinson, John King. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 4,1864. Special Orders) No. 235. f I. The following-named officers are detached from their present duties, and will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Departments of Tennessee and Georgia and Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana: Colonel G. W. Brent, assistant adjutant-general; Major E. Willis, quar- termaster; Surgeon R. L. Brodie; Major Giles B. Cook [Cooke,] assistant adjutant-general; Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Otey, assistant adjutant-gen- eral; Major F. Molloy [.Malloy,] commissary of subsistence; Surgeon Choffin [Samuel Chopping Major Henry Bryan, assistant adjutant-general. II. The leave of absence herotofore granted Surgeon J. J. Simkint, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended fifteen days. III. The services of Charles B. Maury, at present serving in Danforth's militia regiment, being indispensable, he will be returned to duty in this office. ' 655 IV. The Ninth Battalion Georgia Artillery, Major A. Leyden command- ing, will proceed to Richmond for duty in the heavy batteries around the city. The major commanding will report for orders to Lieutenant- General Ewell. V. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain Mark Latimer, of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended thirty days. VI. The services of Private William J. Bromwell, of Company F, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the office of Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, and will report accordingly. VII. So much of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 213, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant S. N. Brazington, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and he will report to Captain L. C. Hanes, assistant quar- termaster, Salisbury, N. C., for duty in the Quartermaster's Department. VIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain R. C. Shorter, assistant quartermaster, for the purpose of perfecting his returns. IX. The services of the following-named men of the Naval Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the naval ordnance works, and will report to commander J. M. Brooke: William H. Fiske, D. M. O'Brien. X. Paragraph XIV. Spiecial Orders No. 204, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain G.D. Spurrier, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty at Charlotte, N. C., to assist Major JR. J. Echols, post quarter- master at that place. XI. The services of the following-named men being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report accordingly: Private A. Roane, Company C, Privates J. W. Hall, John Ott, E. S. Hutchinson, George L. Neville, Company F, Third Virginia Bat- talion, Local Defense Troops. XII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private J. M. Carter, Com- pany —, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, on account of dis- ability. XIII. Captain J. L. Smith, assistant adjutant-general, will report for duty to Brigadier-General William M. Gardner, commanding post and military prisons Richmond, Va. XIV. The resignation of Major J. R. Robertson, Twenty-fourth Regi- ment Virginia Cavalry, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 656 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 5,1864. Special Orders) No. 236. f I. Colonel W. A. Parham, Forty-first Virginia Infantry, will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, in this city, for assignment to duty on the line of the Blackwater, where he may be charged with the duties of a provost-marshal. II. The services of the following-named men of the Naval Battalion being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the navy-yard, and will report to William A. Graves, constructor, &c.: R. J. Morgan, J. R. Ripley, John Diggs, George A. White, William C. Thomas, Joel M. Hudgins, William L. Diggs, John W. Diggs, Edward S. Thomas, William G. Silly. Permission is hereby granted that after using those who are carpenters some days three or four of them may be returned and exchanged for three or four others who are caulkers. III. Private L. Q. Washington, of Company F, Third Virginia Bat- talion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the office of the Secretary of State, and will report accordingly. IV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major Calhoun Benham, assistant adjutant-general, is extended twenty days. V. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain J. A Lindsay, Company K, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, on certificate of medical examining board. VI. So much of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 195, current series, as refers to Surgeon C. B. Gamble is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to Medical Director [S. H.~\ Stout, at Columbus, Ga. VII. Assistant Surgeon R. G. Hollowag, serving with Army of Ten- nessee, will report to Thirty-eighth Regiment Georgia Infantry, Army Northern Virginia, and relieve Assistant Surgeon S. Price. When re- lieved Assistant Surgeon S. Price will report for duty to Thirtieth Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, Army of Tennessee. VIII. Private W. H. Stable, Company I, Third Virginia Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to Surgeon R. A. Lewis, in charge Stuart Hospital, in this city. IX. Captain C. Cameron, of Invalid Corps, (late of Company C, Seventh Louisiana Regiment,) is assigned to duty at Confederate States military prison, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, Anderson ville, Ga. X. Major William F. Mastin, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department and there inspect all troops, posts, and departments within General E. K. Smith's command. He will for- ward return embracing all officers and enlisted men in service in the department, giving full information respecting the different organiza- tions. In transmitting returns he will adopt such measures as will secure their safety en route. XI. The services of Private Paul Remark, Company A, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in this office, and will report accordingly. XII. The services of Private Samuel Holt, Company A, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in this office, and will report accordingly. 657 XIII. Mr, N. W. Pope, clerk, is detailed for duty in this office, he being physically unable to perform military service. XIV. Captain Lewis E. Harvie, assistant commissary of subsistence, will report to Major J. L. Locke, chief commissary of subsistence for Georgia, for duty as post commissary at Millen, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, October 6,1864. No. 237. j I. Captain James Mitchell, assistant adjutant-general, now on duty with Evans' brigade, Gordon's division, Army of Northern Virginia, will report without delay to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, for assignment to duty. II. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain Thomas H. irooos, Company C, Thirteenth Mississippi Volunteers, on certificate of medical examining board. III. Colonel Thomas S. Rhett, Provisional Army Confederate States, now on special service abroad, will without delay return to the Confed- erate States and report to Colonel [J".] Gorgas, chief of ordnance, C. S. Army. IV. The leave of absence for sixty days from the 6th September granted Assistant Surgeon C. M. Pope is hereby revoked, and he will at once resume his duties. V. Assistant Surgeon S. 0. Martin is relieved from field duty with the Army of Mississippi, Alabama, and East Louisiana, and will report to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Meridian, Miss., for hospital duty. VI. Assistant Surgeon William R. Richardson is relieved from duty with Thirty-second Regiment Louisiana Infantry, and will report with- out delay to Seventeenth Regiment Louisiana Infantry, Trans-Missis- sippi Department. \II. P. M. Thompson is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, quar- termaster, for duty at Greenville, S. C. VIII. A sick furlough for thirty days is granted Private A. Norcum, of Company D, Washington Artillery. IX. Major J. F. Edwards, commissary of subsistence, is hereby as- signed to duty as chief commissary of First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. X. Colonel W. R. Gause, Third Missouri Infantry, will proceed with least practicable delay to the State of Missouri and report to Major- General S. Price for the purpose of raising troops in that State, or such other assignment as may be directed by General Price. XI. A furlough for six months is hereby granted Sergeant-Major Henry B. Robinson, First Virginia Artillery, (retired,) with permission to leave the Confederate States. XII. The services of the following-named men of Company B, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Richmond postoffice, and will report accord- ingly to J. 0. Steger, postmaster: William B. Read, R. L. Nod, R. W. Grit- tenden. 165—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 658 XIII. Private Marcellus Dickerson, of Company —, Forty-fourth North Carolina Regiment, is detailed for hospital duty at Kittrell's [Kittrell] Springs, N. C., on surgeon's certificate of disability, and will report to the surgeon in charge at that place. XIV. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted V. H. Rodes, lato aid-de-camp to Major-General R. E. Rodes, with permission to go to Alabama with the family of the late General R. E. Rodes. XV. Captain S. Schooler, Provisional Army Confederate States, on ord- nance duty with Lieutenant-Colonel [B. G.] Baldwin, chief of ordnance, Army of Northern Virginia, is hereby relieved from that duty, and will report to Colonel [/.] Gorgas, chief of ordnance, C. S. Army. XVI. The services of the following-named men of G. W. Sewell's company, Third Virginia Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indis- pensable, they are detailed for duty in the shops of Messrs. Sampson, Pae & Co., and will report accordingly: John W. Cooper, George J. Hooper. XVII. Rev. A. C. Hopkins, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report without delay to Major-General [John B.] Gordon, Early's corps, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with his division. XVIII. The general court-martial convened at Camp Sumpter [Sum- ter,] Anderson County, Ga., by Special Orders No. 212, Paragraph XXXII, current series, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, will hereafter hold its sessions at Camp Lawton, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 7,1864. Special Orders) No. 238. J I. Hospital Steward George S. Barmesley is relieved from duty in the Surgeon-General's Office, and will report without delay to surgeon in charge of Chimborazo Hospital. II. Hospital Steward S. S. Keeling is relieved from duty in the Sur- geon-General's Office, and will report without delay to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital. III. The following-named officers, who were exchanged in Charleston Harbor August 3,1864, will report without delay to the general com- manding the armies to which they belong: Colonel James N. Brorn, Fourteenth South Carolina; Colonel H. M. Barbour, Thirty-seventh North Carolina; Colonel R. W. Carter, First Virginia Cavalry; Colonel Norvell Cobb, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry; Colonel B. E. Cauditt, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry; Colonel B. W. Duke, Second Kentucky Cav- airy; Colonel W. H. Finney [Forney,'] Tenth Alabama; Colonel W. J. Per- guson, Sixteenth Virginia Cavalry; Colonel J. M. Hanks, Kentucky cav- airy; Colonel R. C. Morgan, Kentucky; Colonel W. H. Peebles, Forty- fourth Georgia; Colonel James [A.] Pell, Forrest's cavalry; Colonel A. S. Vandaventer [ Vandeventer,] Fiftieth Virginia [Infantry;] Colonel IK. IF. Ward, [Ninth] Tennessee [Cavalry;] Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph T. Tucker, Kentucky cavalry; Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph T. Brewer, Forrest's cav- airy; Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. Davant, Thirty-eighth Georgia; Lieuten- ant-Colonel W. Lee Davidson, Seventh North Carolina; Lieutenant-Colonel 659 J. P. Fitzgerald, Twenty-third Virginia; Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Haynes, Twenty-seventh Virginia; Lieutenant- Colonel D. H. L. Martz, Tenth Vir- ginia; Lieutenant-Colonel W. M. Parsley, Third North Carolina; Lieu- tenant-Colonel H. L. Swingley, Newsom's cavalry; Lieutenant-Colonel )[. J. Smith, artillery; Lieutenant-Colonel 0. H. Patton, Patton's bat- talion; Major D. W. Anderson, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry; Major y jr. Caldwell, First Kentucky [Cavalry;] Major J. T. Carson, Twelfth Georgia; Major W. T. Emmett, Third North Carolina; Major J. E. Gross, assistant adjutant-general; Major E. M. Henry, Fourth Missouri; Major # A. Hegley, commissary subsistence; Major IV. H. Manning, Sixth Louisiana; Major E. A. Nash, Fourth Georgia; Major L. J. Perkins, Fiftieth Virginia; Major E. J. Sanders, Sanders' battalion; Major Thomas Sted[Theophilus Steele,] Third [Seventh] Kentucky [Cavalry;] Major T. E. Upshur, Thirteenth Virginia; Major F. F. Warley, Second South Carolina Artillery; Major Thomas B. Webber, Third [Second] Kentucky [Cavalry;] Major J. M. Wilson, Seventh Louisiana; Major G. H. Smith, assistant adjutant-general [to] General Wheeler; Lieutenants Aide Dufree [Alcie Dupre,] T. J. Jackson, Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Jacques [.Jaquess,] as- sistant adjutants-general [to] General [Frank] Gardner. IV. Captain J. M. Loughborough, assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from duty with Brigadier-General Alpheus Baker's brigade, Army of Tennessee, and will report tovBrigadier-General [John] Echols, south- western Virginia. V. Captain J. Compton, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from duty with Barton's brigade, and will report to the inspector-general field transportation for orders. VI. Colonel B. 0. Pickett, formerly captain Company H, Thirty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to the command of the Tenth Alabama Cavalry, Roddy's [Roddey's] division, and will report accord- ingly. VII. The following-named persons are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty as indicated: George J. Myers to Captain James Sowers, assistant quartermaster, Flor- ence, S. C.; Littleton T. Waller to Captain H. Robertson, assistant quarter- master, Danville, Va.; L. H. Whitfield to Major C. S. Carrington, quarter- master, in this city. • VIII. Captain W. W. Paine, assistant quartermaster, First Georgia Regulars, will relieve Captain J. W. Wallace, assistant quartermaster, as post quartermaster at Fort Johnson, S. C. IX. Major J". E. Klumph, quartermaster, is assigned to duty with Major C.McGiven [McGivern,] chief quartermaster District of the Gulf, and will report accordingly. X. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department are assigned to duty in the Army of Northern Virginia, and will report as indicated: Major A. W. Vick as quartermaster-general Heth's division; Captain H. S. Field, assistant quartermaster, assistant to corps quarter- master Third Corps; Captain F. M. Ironmonger, assistant quartermaster, as acting brigade quartermaster Mahone's brigade. XI. Major William H. MiUer, quartermaster, is assigned-to duty as brigade quartermaster Gracie's brigade, and will report accordingly. XII. Major C. L. Goodwin, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as pay- master Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report ac- cordingly. 660 XIII. The general commanding the Department of North Carolina having represented that there is an immediate and urgent necessity for the employment of two thousand slaves for service with the army at Wilmington, N. C., and it being impracticable to obtain them by con. tract, these slaves will be collected by impressment. There will be exempt from impressment all slaves under the age of eighteen year* and over the age of fifty years. Not more than one slave out of five on any one plantation of the ages specified will be taken, and when there is but one slave of the description mentioned belonging to an owner, he will not be taken; nor shall slaves employed in the domestic or family service exclusively be impressed. Efforts will be made to distribute the burden as equally as possible, and the general directions in General Orders No. 138, series 1863, and General Orders No. 32, current series, will be adhered to. The Bureau of Conscription is charged with the prompt execution of this order. XIV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Major H. Pendleton, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Major Pendleton will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XV. The furlough heretofore granted Private N. B. Barnwell, of the Seventh South Carolina Cavalry, is extended fifteen days. XVI. Assistant Surgeon T. S. Hemingway is relieved from duty with Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report to Surgeon Ozier, [T. L. Ogier,fr.,~\ medical director, Charleston, S. C. XVII. Captain D. C. Stith, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty with the command of Brigadier-GeneralS. M.Barton, pnd will report accordingly. XVIII. The services of Second Lieutenant H. St. George Offutt, of Company B, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispen- sable, he will report without delay to the Postmaster-General, in this city. XIX. The services of Private Jhhn L. Lancaster, of Company B, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report without delay to the Postmaster-General, in this city. XX. Lieutenant Henry N. Bibb, of Wyatt's battery, being an impor- tant witness in the case of Commonwealth against James L. Bibb, now pending in the circuit court of Albemarle County, will report to sheriff of said county on or before the 9th day of October, 1864. XXI. Hospital Steward John H. Crawford is relieved from duty at General Hospital No. 8, Raleigh, N. C., and will report without delay to the Surgeon-General, in this city. XXII. Hospital Steward J. Farmest is relieved from duty with the Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and will report to Surgeon- General, in this city. XXIII. Private Daniel T. Potter, Company A, First Florida Regiment, being unfit for field service, will report without delay to Surgeon [J. M.] Haden, chief of medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department. XXIV. Paragraph XII, Special Orders, No. 212, current series, is hereby revoked, and Surgeon T. Tyler will resume his duties at Winder Hospital, near this city. XXV. Hospital Steward J. M. Painter is relieved from hospital duty at Mount Jackson, and will report to Surgeon-General, in this city. XXVI. Assistant Surgeon J. W. Davis is relieved from hospital duty in this city, and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. A.] Broilie, medical director, for duty with the Forty-sixth Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers. 661 XXVII. Assistant Surgeon J. B. Kelly is relieved from conscript duty, and will report without delay to Medical Director [& H.~\ Stout, at Columbus, Ga. XXVIII. Hospital Steward James P. Monahan is relieved from hos- pital duty in Mississippi, and will report to Surgeon-General, Rich- niond, Va. XXIX. Hospital Steward George L. Nye is relieved from duty with the Forty-fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report to the Surgeon-General in person at Richmond. XXX. Hospital Steward James M. Moore is relieved from hospital duty in North Carolina, and will report in person to the Surgeon-Gen- eral. at Richmond. XXXI. Hospital Steward B. F. Gardner is relieved from duty in hospital, Georgia, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond. XXXII. Hospital Steward H. R. Dupuy is relieved from duty with Stark's light artillery battalion, and will report for duty to the Surgeon- General, Richmond. XXXIII. Hospital Steward J. A. Lipscombe is relieved from duty with the Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Infantry, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XXXIV. Hospital Steward W. J. H. Durham is relieved from duty with Thirteenth Battalion North Carolina Artillery, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XXXV. So much of Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 183, current series, as refers to Private A. S. Jeffreys, Company F, Seventeenth Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and he will im- mediately rejoin his command. ' XXXVI. Leave of absence for sixty days for the benefit of his health ia granted Surgeon Hugh A. Blair, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXVII. The detail heretofore granted Private William H. Foiloine, Company B, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is extended sixty days. XXXVIII. Rev. Paul C. Martin, chaplain, is relieved from duty with the Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, and will report to the commanding officer Gordonsville, Va., for assignment. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond,' October 8,1864. No. 239. f. I. Private H. C. Buford, Company F, Fifteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is transferred to the brigade commanded by Brigadier-Gen- eral A. Buford, and will report accordingly. II. Captain A. Richeson, Invalid Corps, (late of Company C, Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent Bureau of Conscription, in this city. III. Captain J/ M. [J. IF.] Bryan, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Tenth Tennessee Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders. 1C6-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 662 IV. First Lieutenant W. A. Obenchain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to engineer duty with Army of Northern Virginia, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding. V. Captain S. J. Andrews, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Second North Carolina Cavalry,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders. VI. Captain R. L. Bowden, Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Thir- teenth South Carolina Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscrip- tion, in this city, for orders. VII. Sergeant J. A. Barnes, of Company B, Fifth Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department until further orders, and will report to Major H. R. Teas- dale, chief quartermaster Middle District Florida, at Lake City. . VIII. The following-named men are during their unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, in this city: Private John Putt- ing, Company I, First Virginia Infantry; Private William L. Middlebrook, Company H, Fortieth Virginia Infantry. Certificates of their'condition will be furnished to their company commanders every thirty nays. IX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, ana will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant W. H. Green, Company G, Fifth Alabama Volunteers; Lieutenant W. J.Burnett,Company E, Twenty-ninth Georgia Battalion Cavalry. X. Surgeon R. H. Bush is relieved from duty at general hospital Staunton, Va., and will report without delay to the officer in command at Plymouth, N. C. XI. Assistant Surgeon A. N. Beelinger is relieved from hospital duty at Richmond, Va., on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to Surgeon Kimloch [J2. A. Kinloch,'] medical director, Charleston, S. C\, for hospital duty at Savannah, Ga. XII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private Francis M. Hereford, jr., First Louisiana Cavalry, to Surgeon [5. H.] Stout, medical director; Private J. H. Hilliard, Company A, Sixty-second North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon Stout, medical director. XIII. Surgeon 0. R. Early is relieved from conscript duty, and will report to Medical Director [T. L.~\ Ogier, [jr.,] Charleston, S. C. XIV. Leave of absence for six months for the benefit of his health is granted Captain A. M. Ashbridge, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers, with permission to visit Havana, West Indies. At the expiration of six months he will report for re-examination. XV. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 45, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant Milton Griffith, Company E, Thirty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Milton Griffith will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Con- federate States. XVI. Private John F. Beatty, Company D, Fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, is transferred, at his own request and with the consent of the officers concerned, to Company B, Fifth Regiment Kentucky Cav- airy, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. 663 XVII. Private Alexander Hall, jr., of Company F, Third Battalion, Eocal Defense Troops, will report without delay to the Secretary of the Treasury, in this city, his services being indispensable. XVIII. The resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. Edmundson, Twenty-fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, has been accepted by the Pres- ident, to take effect to-day. XIX. So much of Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 136, current series, as refers to Major George Booker, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Major Booker will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. Major Booker will appear before an examining board in this city as soon as practicable. XX. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as indicated. Certificates of their condition will be forwarded their company commanders monthly : Private J. J. Bullock, Company E, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain D. Pender, post quar- termaster, Tarborough, N. C,; Private W. H. Butler, Company H, Forty- eighth Alabama Volunteers, to Captain J. C. Graham, assistant quarter- Blaster, Selma, Ala. XXI. The following-named men during their unfitness for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as in- dicated. Certificates of their condition will be forwarded their company commanders every thirty days: Private John Aldens, Company A, Second South Carolina Rifles, to surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 4, Columbia, S. C.; Private William Rogers, Company B, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon P. E. Hines, Raleigh, N. C. XXII. Leave of absence for ten days is granted Major J. B. Brecken- bridge [Breckinridge,'] Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Smith, First Maryland Cavalry, is assigned to the command of the camp of the Maryland Line, near this city. XXIV. The leave of absence granted Major E. Griswold by Brigadier- General J. II. Winder for twenty days from September 14, 1864, is ex- tended ten days; that is, to October 14, 1864. XXV. Captain W. P. Harper, Invalid Corps, (late of Company H, Stventh Louisiana Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nrholh,] at Shreveport, La. XXVI. Second Lieutenant E. Gibson, Invalid Corps, (late Company II, Second Louisiana Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Xirholls,] Shreveport, La. XXVII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days, and they will report to commander D. N. Ingraham, C. S. Navy, Charleston, S. C.: Private J. G. Marsh, Company A, Privates A. Sitzer, W. A. Smith, Company I, Private A. G. Punot, Company E, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers; Private George Hludr, Company D, Private Thomas Knight, Company G, Private J. R. Smcrnj, Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volun- t'ers; Private James Bairett, Company I, Private Peter Quinn, Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery ; Private J. B. White, Com- p)nv E, Palmetto Light Artillery; Private B% G. Frith, Company B, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Private J. H. Huggins, Macbeth Light Artillery; Privates A. R. Siyith, J. S. W. Hern, Company E, Corporal T. F. Cooper, Company G, Privates W. Bowles, R. F. Gray, Company A, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers. 664 XXVIII. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Brigadier- General E. M. Law, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIX. Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Waddy, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty in the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, and will report to Lieutenant-General W. H. [W. J.] Hardee, commanding, &c., Charleston. XXX. Private J. T. Keesee, of Company G, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, having been appointed a commissioned officer, will be dis- charged his former service to take effect July 2,1863. XXXI. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 235, current series, as refers to Major Giles B. Cook [Cooke,~] assistant adjutant-general, is hereby revoked. Major Cook [Cooke] is assigned to duty at the head- quarters of General R. E. Lee, and will report accordingly. XXXII. The services of A. Morse, jr., Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will immediately report to the Secretary of the Treasury, in this city. XXXIII. Brigadier-General G. W. C. Lee will resume the command of his brigade Local Defense Troops. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 10,1864 Special Orders) No. 240. f I. Private C. A. Cook, of Company B, Seventh Regiment Georgia Cav- airy, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, in this city. Certificate of his condition will be forwarded his company commander every thirty days. II. Leave of absence for ninety days is granted Surgeon E. J. Eldridge with permission to visit Nassau. III. The services of First Lieutenant John J. Wright, Company E, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will im- mediately report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. IV. The services of Private John B. West, of Company E, Third Red- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will immediately report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. V. Lieutenant W. T. Blakemore, aid-de-camp, is temporarily assigned to duty as a member of the general court-martial Department of Rich- mond, and will report accordingly. VI. The following-named men are mutually transferred, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private W. H. Anderson, Company G, Hampton's Legion; Private J. H. Bracey, Company E, Seventh South Carolina Battalion. VII. Corporal R. F. Bennett, of Company K, Forty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company A, First Regi- ment Engineer Troops, and will report accordingly. VIII. Captain R. B. Johnston, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Sixty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and will report to Major A. Gordon, quartermaster, for as- signment to duty in the Mountain District of North Carolina. 665 IX. Major Thomas B. Beall, quartermaster, is assigned to duty with Major A. H. Cole, inspector-general field transportation, and will report accordingly. X. The resignation of Second Lieutenant H. C. Knight, Company E, Thirty-eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect September 1, 1864. XI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain R. Taylor, assist- ant adjutant-general, is extended thirty days. XII. The following-named privates of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty in the War Department until further orders: J. H. Hart, J. P. McGuire. XIII. Private John A. Hughes, of Company B, Fourteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Secretary of the Treasury, in this city. XIV. Lieutenant Skipwith Wilmer, Signal Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty in charge of all signal operators serving on board blockade vessels entering the ports of the Confederacy, headquarters Wilmington, N. C., with authority to visit any point that the exigencies of the service may require. XV. Private Edwin H. Hyde, of Company D, Crescent Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Sub- sistence Department, and will report to Major A. J. Goodwin, commis- sary of subsistence, at Selma, Ala. XVI. Captain E. C. Milner, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Thirty-third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Eighth Regiment Alabama Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XVII. Private Charles Abbott, of Company E, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is detailed until further orders, his services being ab- eolutely necessary, and will report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. XVIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private Catlett Conway, Company B, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XIX. A furlough for six months on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Private Savage D. Trenholm, Company B, Seventh South Caro- lina Cavalry, without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during the continuance of said furlough, with permission to take a voyage by sea for the restoration of his health. XX. Second Lieutenant Walter W. Blow, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, command- iug reserves, &c., for assignment to artillery service. . XXI. Leave of absence for sixty days from September 26,1864, is granted Major A. G. Sumner, commissary of subsistence, for the benefit of his health. XXII. Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 204, current series, re- voking the resignation of Captain E. Crenshaw, Company B, Fifty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and so much of Para- graph I, Special Orders No. 125, accepting his resignation, will remain in full force. XXIII. Assistant Surgeon W. R. Hodges is relieved from field duty in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana on account of ill-health, and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Selma, Ala. 167—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 666 XX1Y. Private John M. Rogers, Company H, Twelfth Regiment Vir. ginia Infantry, unable for field service from the loss of arm, will report to Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va., for assignment. XXV. Assistant Surgeon William C. Godwin, on duty with Fifth Mia. souri Infantry, Army of Tennessee, is relieved from present duty, and will report to Surgeon L. Guild, medical director, Army of Northern Virginia, for assignment to duty with Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment. XXVI. Assistant Surgeon John T. Melton is relieved from duty with Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment, Army Northern Virginia, and will report without delay to Medical Director A. J. Foard, Army [of] Tennessee, for assignment to duty with Fifth Missouri Regiment. XXVII. Surgeon John C. Maxwell, Army Northern Virginia, will re. port without delay to Second Regiment South Carolina Infantry, Con. ner's brigade, for duty. XXVIII. Surgeon J. S. Gilmore is relieved from duty with Army of Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director Kimloch [R. A. Kinloch,~\ at Charleston, for assignment. ' XXIX. Surgeon Robert S. Wendell is relieved from hospital duty in Georgia, and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. B.] Scott, Selma, Ala., for assignment. XXX. Surgeon Lee Shackleford is transferred from Department of Ala- bama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and will report without delay to Medical Director Scott, at Columbus, Ga. XXXI. Surgeon Samuel B. Morrison, of Army of Valley, is assigned to duty as medical director of said army. XXXII. Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, will relieve Captain 0. S. McKinney, assistant commissary of subsistence, of his duties as chief purchasing commissary Fourth District of North Caro- lina, and as chief commissary of the troops commanded by Major-Gen- eral [ W. H. C.] Whiting. Captain McKinney on being relieved will report to Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsistence, for duty. XXXIII. Captain J. B. Chisman, assistant commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as acting assistant quartermaster in addition to hia present duties. XXXIV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 30, Adjutant And Inspector-General's Office, February 5, 1863, and so much of Para- graph VIII, Special Orders No. 143, current series, as refers to Major M. K. Simons, commissary of subsistence, are hereby revoked, and Major Simons will continue to.be an officer of the Provisional Army Confed- erate States. XXXV. The services of Private S. M. Lewis, Company F, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, is detailed for duty in tlie Treasury Department, and. will report to tlie Secretary of the Treasuryj in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 667 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 11, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 241. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Colonel James D. Radcliffe, Sixty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Isaac Rimel, Company A, Third Missouri Cavalry; Second Lieutenant A. J. Best, Company D, Thirty-seventh- Regiment North Carolina Volun- leers; Captain Roscoe Riddick, Company B, Fifth Regiment North Caro- lina Volunteers; Rev. Samuel Sheppard, chaplain, Seventeenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry ; Captain John M. Nicholson, Company A, Stowe's bat- talion North Carolina reserves; Second Lieutenant C. T. Chamblin, Company H, Eighth Regiment Virginia Infantry; Rev. R..S. Hunter, chaplain, Third Regiment Kentucky Cavalry ; Captain J. G. Lockhart, Company E, Fifty-six Regiment North Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. A. Owens, Owens' battery; First Lieutenant Phillip J. Evans, Company C, Phillips' Legion, Georgia cavalry; First Lieutenant P. P. Peace, Com- pany G, Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiment. II. Private Thomas T. Saunders, Invalid Corps, will report for provost duty to Captain W. H. Fowle,jr., provost-marshal at Liberty, Va. III. By request of the Secretary of the Treasury, Private H. J. McCal- furrt, Company D, Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, employed as clerk in the second auditor's office, is permanently detailed as such until further orders. IV. The detail heretofore granted Private Jacob Wool, Company E, Forty-third Alabama Volunteers, as gunsmith is extended forty days, not renewable unless surgeon's certificate is previously furnished. V. Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 135, current series, assigning . Captain J. D. Careton [Qwreton,] Invalid Corps, to court-martial duty is hereby revoked. VI. The finding of the examining board in the case of Private W. H. Eddins, elected Second Lieutenant of the Purcell Battery [Artillery,] adverse to his promotion to that grade, is approved and confirmed. Private Eddins will resume his position in the ranks. ■ VII. The services of Privates G. W. Berry, Company C, Ninth Ala- bama Volunteers, and G. W. Messmore, Company C, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers, detailed blacksmiths, being no longer required in the Quartermaster's Department, they will .be immediately relieved and report for duty with their regiments. VIII. First Lieutenant J. A. Smith, Ordnance Department, will report without delay to Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. Brown, commanding Rich- mond Arsenal, for temporary duty with his command. IX. Captain B. F. Smith, assistant quartermaster, will report without delay to Major John W. Cameron, quartermaster, for duty at Fort Fisher, X. Private E. H. Chamberlayne, jr., Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in this office until further orders. XI. Captain Chalam, Nitre and Mining Corps, temporarily commanding Company H, Third Regiment, Barton's brigade, will be relieved from duty for three days, and report to Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, for duty. 668 XII. R. S. Denny, of the Signal Corps, will report without delay to Major-General J. C. Breckenbridge [Breckinridge] for duty with his com- mand. XIII. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 181, current series, disband- ing Bonaud's battalion is hereby revoked. XIV. Assistant Surgeon E. A. Drewry is relieved from duty in hos- pital at Petersburg, Va., and will report without delay to Medical Di- rector [P. P.] Hines, Raleigh, N. C. XV. Hospital Steward George W. Muse is relieved from hospital duty at Richmond, and will report without delay to Medical Director Kimloch [P. A. Kinloch] for hospital duty at Columbia, S. C. XVI. Hospital Steward James T. Hazlewood is relieved from1 hospital duty Macon, Ga., and will report in person to Surgeon-General, Rich- mond, Va. XVII. Hospital Steward James G. Hall is relieved from duty with Loring's division hospital, Army Tennessee, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XVIl^L Paragraph LI, Special Orders No. 186, adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, is revoked, and Surgeon W. P. Hill will rejoin his command. XIX. Assistant Surgeon N. B. Nevitt is relieved from duty with Array Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director [TP. A.~\ Carringion, Richmond, Va. XX. Assistant Surgeon David Steel is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to Thirty-eighth Battalion Vir- ginia Artillery, Army Northern Virginia. XXI. Lieutenant C. 0. Hope, of the Invalid Corps, (and late of Com- pany A, Twenty-fourth Regiment Texas Cavalry,) will report for duty to Brigadier-General Nichols [P. T. NichoUs] for duty in Department of XXII. Paragraph XXXVIII [XXVIII,] of Special Orders No. 208, current series, detailing Private James Harvey, Company A, Phillips' Legion-, Georgia volunteers, for duty in the Quartermaster's Department is hereby revoked, and he will be immediately relieved and report for duty with his regiment. XXIII. A furlough for three days to attend to important department business is granted Private J. L. Peak, Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. XXIV. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Captain J. C. Abrams, acting commissary of subsistence, Provisional Army Confed- erate States. XXV. The following-named men are detailed until further orders, and will report to Major J. O. Maynard, quartermaster, Richmond: Pri- vate G. B. West, Company —, Private T. C. Skinner, Company —, Pri- vate B. R. Lipscomb, Company —, Private J. T. Alney, Company —, Pri- vate S. W. Godsey, Company —, Private J. A. Puddy, Company —, Henly's [Henley's] battalion, Local Defense [Troops.] XXVI. The detail heretofore granted to Private J. M. Winslow, Cora- pany —, Sixty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is extended ten days. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 669 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 12, 1864. Special Orders") No. 242. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain Adam Clement, Company C, Eleventh Virginia Infantry; Captain R. W. Singletary [Singeltary,~] Com- pany H,Forty-fourth North Carolina Regiment; Lieutenant B. B. Ed- vwndson, adjutant, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Regiment; Second Lieu- tenant James Bryan, Company H, Third North Carolina Cavalry; First Lieutenant C. E. Stevenson, Company I, Sixtieth Virginia Infantry; Second Lieutenants. J. Burdett, Company A, First Lieutenant. .R. M. Ray, Company B, Thirty-sixth Virginia Battalion Cavalry; Captain D. D. Munro, Company H, Second North Carolina Infantry ; First Lieutenant R. W. Ballard, Company H, Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment; First Lieu- tenant Frank S. Fendiey [Findlay,] adjutant, Fifty-first Virginia Infantry ; Captain S. H. Campbell, Company K, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant M. J. Coughran, Company H, Fourth Arkansas Regiment; Second Lieutenant J. E. Noel, Company D, Twenty-seventh Mississippi Regiment; Captain Calvin Eller, Company L, Second Lieutenant A. D. Lingle, Company H, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment; First Lieu- tenant W. W. Wilkins, aid-de-camp, &c.; Second Lieutenant J. B. Purnell, Company B, Twenty-third Mississippi Regiment; Second Lieutenant D. H. M. Kerr, Company B, Twenty-seventh Tennessee Infantry; First Lieutenant Herman D. Miney IHemando DeSoto Money,] Company B, Twenty-eighth Mississippi Cavalry; Captain C. C. Marshall, Company D, First Mississippi Regiment Cavalry; First Lieutenant J. G. Farr,^ Company I, Twenty-fourth Arkansas Infantry; Second Lieutenant H. R.Linderman, Company H, Fifth Tennessee Regiment; Ensign Preston G. Price, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry. II. The commander of each company of the reserve forces of the State of Virginia will, under the direction of his battalion or regimental com- mander, immediately detail five of the most intelligent, active, and re- liable men of his company who are under the age of forty-five years and order them to report for conscript-guard duty to the enrolling officer of the county in which his company was raised. Duplicates of the orders making such details will in all cases be forwarded to the headquarters of the reserve forces of Virginia. The details will be for sixty days, subject to be renewed or substituted at the discretion of the general of reserves. III. The finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieuten- ant T. N. Able, Company D, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of said company is approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Able will retain his present position. IV. The finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieuten- ant A. E. Gleaton, Company I, Twenty-second South Carolina Regiment, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of said company is approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Gleaton will retain his present position. V. Captain William Fulton, Company B, Confederate Cavalry Battalion, is hereby dropped from the rolls, having deserted and joined the enemy, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. 168—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 670 VI. Privates George W. Johnston and James E. Gregory, Company K Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, are hereby detailed until further orders to collect supplies for the Commissary Department. VII. Sergeant William McGee, Louisiana Guard Artillery, having been recommended for promotion, is hereby transferred to the command of Major-General Forrest, and will report to him without delay. VIII. Privates Jessee Benton and J. R. Nichlin, of Company E, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are permanently detailed as clerks in the transportation office until further orders, and will report to Major D. H. Wood for duty. IX. Private William H. Stevens, Invalid Corps, (late of Company C, Twenty-sixth Mississippi Regiment Infantry,) will report to the com- mandant of the post of Okalona [Okolona,] Miss., for commissary-guard duty. On being assigned the commanding officer will furnish extract' of the order to this office. X. Major Mason Morfit, quartermaster, is assigned to duty at Salisbury, N. C., as prison quartermaster. XI. Privates D. H. Berry, William G. Valentine, and Richard F. Elder, of Parker's battery Virginia volunteers, are detailed for twenty days, till further inquiry can be made in their cases. XII. Captain Jessee L. Price, of Company B, Third and Fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, will report without delay to Major-General [/. J/.j Withers, commanding reserve forces State of Alabama, for assignment to duty. XIII. Private D. J. McRaven, Invalid Corps, (late of Company H, Forty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report without delay to Major J. C. Maynard, quartermaster, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 13,1864. Special Orders) No. 243. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain E. A. Watkins, Company I, Thirty-first Regiment Tennessee Cavalry [Infantry, mounted;] First Lieutenant C. W. Havenner, Company H, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cav- airy ; First Lieutenant George C. Tivoner [ Turner,'] Company G, Franklin Virginia Reserves, [Fifth Battalion Reserves ;] Captain Jacob C. Miller, Company F, Second Battalion, First Brigade, Virginia Reserves; Second Lieutenant Mitchell Smith, Company I, Twenty-second Louisiana Regi- ment; Captain H. H. Slatter, Company B, First Battalion Alabama Cavalry [Cadets;] Captain A. A. Griffin, Company F, Fifth Battalion Florida Cavalry; Second Lieutenant A. S. Moore, Company B, Thirty- sixth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain A. C. Earle, Company ft, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Hardy Cornett, Company B, Twentieth Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant W. H. Barton, Company C, Thirty-fourth Regiment Virginia Infantry; Major J. L. Calhoun, quartermaster. Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant R. N. Rochbourg [jRichbourg,'] post guard, [Columbia, 671 S. C.;] Second Lieutenant!/.P. Harbin, Company A, Fourteenth Tennes- gee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Samuel S. Brasher, Company E, Twenty- ninth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant R. B. Riddick, Company B, Uallentine's regiment cavalryFirst Lieutenant W. V [ W. F] Harper, Company E, Tenth Mississippi Infantry; Second Lieutenant J. R. Rockett, Company G, Eighteenth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant John A. Bryan, adjutant, Fourth Georgia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant R. S. Walker, Company A, Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant S. H. HaWie,Company G,Sixth Arkansas Regiment; First Lieutenant William f. Lawson, Company F, Forty-first Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant James White, Company A, Forty-sixth Mississippi Regiment; Second Lieutenant E. J. Walker, Company G, Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant W. W. Walch [Walshj] Company A, First Tennessee Infantry ; Second Lieutenant/. E. Underwood, Company H, Fifty-second Georgia Regiment; Captain B. R. Richbourg, Company E, Nineteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John T. Rust, Company G, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. H. Oakley, Company H, Twenty-ninth Alabama Volunteers. II. Lieutenant-Colonel James R. Branch, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, now absent on sick leave, will report on 19th October, 1864, to Hon. W. T. Joynes, circuit judge for city of Petersburg, at his residence in said city, as a witness in behalf of the Confederate States government in a case to be tried before said judge at that time and place. III. The resignation of Captain J. D. McCann, of Company G, Twenty- fifth Alabama Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect from 14th of April, 1862. IV. Paragraph XXIX, Special Orders No. 77, current series, of April 1st, is hereby amended. A board of officers to consist of Colonel J. D. Waddell, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers ; Major J. B. Brockenborough [Brockenbrough,'] Invalid Corps; Surgeon W. A. Spence, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby appointed to examine into and report upon the justice and the amount of the claims of parties who have lost negroes impressed or sent voluntarily to the Confederate authorities and accepted by them without other special contract for labor on the defenses or other public works, to include those who have escaped to the enemy, as well as those who have died from injuries received or diseases contracted whilst in the service. The board will assemble in this city at the earliest day practicable. V. Major R. S. Moses, commissary of subsistence, will immediately assume the duties of chief commissary of Georgia, vice Major J. L. Locke, deceased. VI. Mr. Albert'Day is hereby appointed bonded commissary agent in the Subsistence Department', and will report to Major [ W. W.] Morrison, commissary of subsistence, at Goldsborough, N. C., for orders. VII. The detail heretofore granted Paul H. Lavender, Company D, Fifth Alabama Volunteers, is extended until further orders. VIII. Privates W. H. Whistler, George W. Edmundson, and John W. Hackett, Florida light artillery, are detailed to word in the Florida Card Factory until further orders, and will report without delay to Ed. Bar- nard, quartermaster-general of Florida. - IX. Second Lieutenant F. L. Browssard [T. L. Broussard,] Invalid Corps, (late of Company C, Eighth Louisiana Volunteers,) will immedi- fltdy report for orders to Captain A. DeBlanc, commanding reserves, Western Louisiana, Department of Trans-Mississippi. 672 . .X. Major 0. McClenaghan, commissary of subsistence, will turn over all stores, funds, and propert}1- in his possession to Captain J. P. Chase assistant commissary of subsistence, and report by letter to [commis.* sary]-general of subsistence for assignment. XI. Sergeant F. D. Hunter, Company F, Nineteenth Mississippi Reg. iment, is granted a furlough for thirty days. At the expiration of that time he will report to his regiment for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish necessary transportation to Oxford, Miss. XII. Private Andrew Johnston, Company A, Colonel Danforth's regi. ment Virginia reserves, is detailed for duty in this office, and will report immediately. XIII. Private S. B. Jacobs, Company C, Third Regiment, Local Defense [Troops,] is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department until further orders. XIV. The finding of the examining board in the case of Sergeant George L. Corbin, Clutter's battery, Mcintosh's battalion, adverse to his promotion to junior second lieutenant is approved and confirmed, and he will be remanded to his former position. XV. The following-named officers of the Virginia Military Institute will report to Major-General Kemper, commanding reserves, for assign- ment to duty: Captains W. A. Wise, T. B. Robinson, F. C. Preston, A. J. Hill, Assistant Surgeon George Ross, Virginia Military Institute. XVI. Major J. B. Estor \_Eustis,] assistant adjutant-general, will proceed immediately to Cove Spring, Ga., and report for duty to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding. XVII. Lieutenant W. J. Mosby, Invalid Corps, is relieved from duty as enrolling officer in Mississippi, and will report to Captain J. Mv. Archer, at Canton, Miss., for asssgnment to duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, October 14,1864. No. 244. I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant S. K. Dendy, Company F, Orr's Regiment Rifles, South Carolina volunteers; Second Lieutenant Martin H. Davis, Company H, Forty-second Mississippi Regiment; First Lieutenant John V. Duncan, Company C, Twenty-third Virginia Battalion; Second Lieutenant W.K. Daniel, Company G,Third Mississippi Battalion; First Lieutenant W. W. Hewitt, Company K, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Regiment; Rev. S. 0. Heam [Hearn,] chaplain, Fifth Tennessee Infantry; Second Lieutenant Isaih [Josiah] Pewett, Com- pany A,Ninth Tennessee Regiment; Captain J. 0. Jackson, Company H, Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant N. 0. Graft, Com- pany G, Seventh Mississippi Battalion; Second Lieutenant W. L. Furr, Company H, Sixth Arkansas Infantry; Captain John T. Jordan, Companv A, Twelfth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John II. Lee, Company C, Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment; First Lieutenant T. H. Maney, Company B, First Tennessee Regiment Infantry; Second Lieutenant William Davidson, Company F, Eighth Alabama Cavalry; Rev. W. M. Davis, chaplain, Eleventh Georgia Battalion; Lieutenant J. W. Tullis, Invalid Corps. 673 II. Captain R. L. Blair, Invalid Corps, (late of Company G, Nine- teenth Tennessee Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the bureau, (conscript,) Richmond, Va. III. Private P. G. Shriver, Company A, Forty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiments, is detailed for duty in the Commissary Depart- nient until further orders, and will report for duty to Major [/. T.] Hamilton, chief of subsistence of Major-General B. R. Johnson's divi- sion, Army of Northern Virginia, on condition that a surgeon's certifi- cate of his condition be furnished to his company commander monthly. IV. Lieutenant A. F. Matthews, Invalid Corps, (late of Company I, Twenty-sixth Georgia Regiment,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent Conscript Bureau, Richmond, Va. V. Lieutenant Dinny Cummings, Invalid Corps, (late of Company I, Sixteenth Tennessee Regiment,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent Conscript Bureau, Richmond, Va. VI. Major C. A. Harding, quartermaster, is ordered to relieve Major G. W. Melton, quartermaster of General Butler's brigade, and Major Melton is assigned to duty as quartermaster of Hampton's cavalry divi- sion, Army Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. VII. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain John M. Brown, Company I, Second Lieutenant B. F.Faulkner, Company A, Second Lieutenant J. A. Goodgame, Company F, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, August 22,1864; Second Lieutenant S. W. Cbx, Company D, Twentieth Texas Infantry Regiment, August 22,1864; Second Lieutenant N. Yarborough, Company A, Thirty-third Arkansas Infantry Regiment, August 22, 1864; First Lieutenant J. M. Strong, Company B, Pindall's sharpshooters, August 22,1864; Captain John G. Ranale, Company D, Capers' regiment Louisiana cavalry, August 22, 1864; Second Lieutenant John Foster, Val verde Light Battery, August 22, 1864; Second Lieutenant Austin Morris, McCulloch Rangers, August 22, 1864; Captain W. W. Gahagan, Company E, Farrat's [Favrot's] battalion cavalry, [Second Battalion, Louisiana State Guards,] August 22, 1864; Second Lieutenant/.D. Moorer, Company H, Morgan's battalion, August 29,1864; First Lieutenant William M. Pierce, Company H, Second Ar- kansas Cavalry, August 29, 1864; First Lieutenant J. Rodgers, Com- pany K, Eighth Missouri Infantry, August 29, 1864; Second Lieutenant IF. S. Middlebrooks, Company C, Third Louisiana Infantry, August 29, 1S64; Captain W. S. Mcintosh, Company B, Twenty-seventh Louisiana Infantry, August 29, 1864; Captain J. Q. Dougherty, Second Lieutenant J. M. McFarland, First Lieutenant John W. Wood, Fifteenth Texas Cav- airy, August 29, 1864; Second Lieutenant T. W. Lynch, Company I, Jeffers' Missouri cavalry, August 29, 1864; Second Lieutenant A. D. Rattle, Company G, Third Louisiana Cavalry, August 29, 1864; First Lieutenant William Moore, Company G, Fifth Texas Cavalry, August 29, 1864; Captain F. A. Godley, Company B, Fourteenth Texas Dis- mounted Cavalry, August 29, 1864; Captain L. H. Kemp, Company F, Eleventh Arkansas Cavalry [Infantry, mounted,] August 29,1864; Sec- °nd Lieutenant D. Singer, Company B, Monroe's Arkansas cavalry, Au- gust 29, 1864; Captain I. S. [6'. &] Corzine, Company C, Twenty-second Texas Infantry, August 23, 1864; Captain E. W. Richards, Company D, *ifth Regiment Texas Mounted Volunteers, August 23, 1864; Captain 169 s. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 674 J. L. Graver,is, Company B, Six teenth Arkansas Infantry, September 2, 1864; First Lieutenant H. C. Thompson, Company D, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, September 2,1864; First Lieutenant R. M. Deen, Company A, Confederate Guards Response Battalion, September 2,1864. VIII. Private C. Letwinger, Company C, Sixteenth Mississippi Re?i- ment Infantry, detailed for duty in the auditor's office of the Post Office Department, is ordered to rejoin his command. IX. Private J. W. Browning, Invalid Corps, (late of Company H, Eleventh Georgia Regiment,) is detailed for duty in the government shoe shop, and will report to Captain [Stephen] Putney for orders, Rich- mond, Va. X. Private E. Greer, Invalid Corps, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report for orders to Surgeon Hancock, at Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Va. XI. Sergeant J. M. Jennings, Invalid Corps, (late of Company I, Six- tieth Alabama Volunteers.) is detailed for duty at Greensville, Ala., and will report for orders to the surgeon in charge of general hospital Greens- ville, Ala. XII. Captain A. M. Ruth, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Second South Carolina Regiment,) is assigned to duty at Confederate States military prison, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, Andersonville, Ga. XIII. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Ship, commanding cadets, is ordered to report without delay to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding re- serves, Richmond, Va., for duty. XIV. The furlough granted Private Samuel W. Goodson, Company C, Third Regiment, Local Defense [Troops,] is extended five days. XV. Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 202, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, 26th August, 1864, is hereby revoked, and First Lieutenant Samuel B. Cleghorn is assigned to duty as provost-marshal at Columbus, Ga., and will report accordingly to Major Dawson, commanding post. XVI. Second Lieutenant F. J. Tappey, drill-master, will report imme- diately to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Seth [M.~\ Barton, commanding. XVII. Privates W. L. Oury and T. H. Oury, Company K, Eleventh Mississippi Regiment, are ordered to appear before the medical exam- ining board of this city for retirement. XVIII. Lieutenant Louis Power, Company D, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to the command of company. XIX. Jasper W. Davis, an exempt clerk and master of the court of equity for Stokes County, N. C., having been seized in Richmond and sent to the field, will be released immediately. XX. Major C. L. Sayre, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report immediately to Brigadier-General B. D. Fry, commanding post at Augusta, Ga., for assignment to duty. v XXI. A. J. Clark, chief clerk of the office of the comptroller of the Confederate States Treasury Department, is permanently detailed for duty in that office. XXII. Paragraph XXVIII, Special Orders No. 200, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, August 24,1864, is amended so as to read: Will rejoin his regiment when sufficiently recovered from the effects of the wounds under which he is now suffering. 675 XXIII. Major A. L. Page, assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from his present duties with Lieutenant-General Euoell, and will report im- mediately to Major-General Kemper for assignment to duty as assistant inspector-general of conscription. XXIV. Mr. J. H. Avent, (a non-conscript,) of Nash County, N. C., is hereby appointed a bonded agent in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain D. Pender, assistant quartermaster, Tar- borough, N. C. XXV. Colonel D. 0. Glenn, president of the military court of Lieu- tenant-General A. P. Hill's corps, Army Northern Virginia, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., for temporary duty with Lieutenant-General R. Taylor. XXVI. Mr. J. E. IAvandias, light-duty man, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department until further orders, and will report imme- diately. XXVII. Captain Charles S. Shorter, of Company A, Thirty-first Regi- ment Georgia Volunteers, is relieved from duty with his company, and will report to Lieutenant-General J. A. Early for assignment to engineer duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 15, 1864. Special Orders") No. 245. J I. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superin- tendent Bureau of Conscription, Richmond, Va.: Second Lieutenant R. D. Holmes, late of Company B, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles; Cap- tain Albert Akers, late of Company E, Second Tennessee Volunteers; Second Lieutenant T. 0. Wilson, late of Company H, Twenty-fifth Texas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. Venable, late of Company A, Eighth Georgia Battalion; Second Lieutenant W. A. Luckey, late of Company B, Second North Carolina Regiment Cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. H. Jones, late of Company [A,] Eighth Texas Cavalry; Lieutenant F. Nixon, late of Company F, Twenty-seventh North Caro- lina Regiment; Captain J. S. Hughes, late of Company I, Thirteenth Arkansas Volunteers; Captain E. D. Oliver, late of Company [I,] Eight- eenth Virginia Regiment; Tlrst Lieutenant R. C. Sharpe, late of Com- pany H, Thirty-third Mississippi Volunteers; Captain T. H. Francis, late of Company A, Fourth Tennessee Regiment; Major J. Harleston Rend, late of Company [A,] Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers; Captain J. S. Sutplim [Sutphen,] late of Company K, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant Robert Reagin, late of Company B, Second Tennessee Volunteers; Captain J. M. Luck, late of Company A, First Virginia Cavalry. II. Private B. P. Berry, of Captain Gress' [Cress'] company, Eighth Georgia Cavalry, is detailed for duty as an agriculturist, and will report to the commandant of conscripts of Georgia to perfect the bonds required by law. 676 III. The furlough heretofore granted Private J. L. Peck, Company A Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is extended until the 17th Oc- tober, 1864. IV. Captain Cazeaux [A. D. Cazaux,'] assistant quartermaster of Law's brigade, is assigned to duty as assistant quartermaster, acting brigade quartermaster of Wilcox's division, and will report accordingly. V. The following mechanics are detailed for duty in the Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works, and will report for duty to R. E. Blankemhip, agent, Richmond, Va.: Spencer Kelly, Monroe Reynolds, Frederick Lamb, Company I, Second Regiment, Local Defense Troops. VI. Private S. M. G. Mount, of First Company, Battalion Washington Artillery, is relieved from duty with Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, and will report to his command forth- with at Petersburg, Va. VII. The following transfers have [having] been made by General E.K. Smith, commanding Trans-Mississippi Department, are hereby approved by the War Department, to take effect from the 1st day of September, 1864: Private J. M. Jones, Company A, Second Louisiana Infantry, to Company G, Third Louisiana Infantry; Private J. Davis, Company A, Twelfth Louisiana Infantry, to Company D, Third Louisiana Infantry; Private J. F. Owens, Company A, Twenty-third Louisiana Infantry, to Company G, Thirty-first Louisiana Infantry; Sergeant J. P. Clarkm, Company F, Nineteenth Louisiana Infantry, to Captain Jackson's [com- pany,] Crescent Regiment, Louisiana infantry ; Private W. J. Etheridge, Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment Louisiana Infantry, to Company F. Twentieth Texas Infantry ; Private J.Morrison, Company G,Thirty-sec- ond Texas Dismounted Cavalry, to Smith's company, Burnett's battalion: Private J. M. Jordan, Company E, Thirty-second Texas Dismounted Cavalry, to Smith's company, Burnett's battalion; Private E. Caplct, Company E, First Louisiana Heavy Artillery, to Company C, Crescent Regiment, Louisiana infantry; Private 0. Thomasson, Company I, First Louisiana Heavy Artillery, to Company G, Third Louisiana Infantry; Private James Burns, Company E, First Louisiana Heavy Artillery, to Company G, Third Louisiana Infantry; Private S. Wallett, Company D, First Louisiana Heavy Artillery, to Company D, Third Louisiana In- fantry; Private W. G. Evers, Company D, Fourth Arkansas Infantry, to Company F, Third Louisiana Infantry; Private J. N. Mann, Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, to [Company] H, Bradford's regiment Texas cavalry; Private J. C. K. Mallory, Company E, First Texas Infantry, to Company C, Gauld's [Gould's] battalion; Private J. M. Steel, Company K, Ninth Texas Infantry, to Company C, First Texas Sharpshooters; Private John Summers, Company F, Seventh Texas Infantry, to Mo- Daniel's company light artillery. * VIII. An election of company officers for Companies A, B, and C, First Foreign Battalion, are [is] ordered to be immediately held. IX. Military Storekeeper Charles Semple, Ordnance Department, is assigned to duty as chief ordnance officer for the Department of South- western Virginia and East Tennessee with the pay and allowance of captain, and will report for duty to Major-GeneraJ J. C. Breckenbridge [Breckinridge.] X. Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 244, current series, October 14, 1864, is hereby revoked. Private J. E. Livandias is ordered to report to Commissary-General for assignment to duty at Montgomery, Ala. 677 XI. Surgeon Samuel B. 'Fisher is relieved from hospital duty in Vir- iiiia, ant^ rePort without delay as chief surgeon of Major-General \\'liitm Captain W. A. James, First Lieutenant J. Thompson Quarles, gecond Lieutenant Fleming James, Junior Second Lieutenant Robert 'ffrockcnborough, Company C. VIII- Private IF. L. Shelton, of Company A, Twentieth Georgia Regi- pent, having been appointed ensign of the Fifth Georgia Reserves, will be discharged his former service. IX. Private P. V. Villipigue [ Villepigue,] of Company I, Twenty-seventh c0uth Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty at the headquarters of General Bragg, to date from June 7, 1864. X. The services of the following-named men of Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable in the Treasury Department, they will report without delay for duty in their respective bureaus: Lieu- tenant IP. P- Lawton, Privates Ro. Graeme, Thomas Graeme, J. A. Pleasants, Company D. XI. Lieutenant French Strange, adjutant, First North Carolina Regi- ment, will report to the superintendent Bureau of Conscription for as- cignnient to duty in the enrolling service. * XII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant R. C. Apple, Company I, First Missouri Infantry; First Lieutenant J. J. Bennett, Company I, First Lieutenant Thomas An- drrson, Company A, Fourth Missouri Infantry; Second Lieutenant John JC. Berryman, Company D, First Missouri Infantry. XIII. Captain D. S. Burch, Company E, Seventh Mississippi Regi- ment, will have his name dropped from the rolls for inefficiency, &c., and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIV. The following-named officers of the Engineer Corps will be re- lieved from their present duties, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with the chief engineer Army of Northern Virginia: Lieutenants H. M. Graves, W. 0. Koerner, 0. S. Diciffkt, Provisional Army Confederate States. XV. Private M. L. Blackleg, of Company A, Thirty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report for duty to the surgeon in charge general hospital Staunton, Va. XVI. Lieutenant R. B. Roane, drill-master reserve forces, will have liis name dropped from the rolls, and from this day will cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Officers and soldiers of the Confederate States will abstain carefully from damaging the grounds, buildings, and other property of the University of Mississippi, situated at Oxford. The college campus and the grounds immediately surrounding the buildings must not be used for places of encampment. The wood upon the grounds must not be cut or destroyed. The college buildings must not be used as bar- racks, guard-houses, or for any other purpose than as hospitals, and then only as a matter of necessity or by special permission, to be given M the case by some member of the board of trustees. The department commander, the commandant and provost-marshal of the post of Oxford, and all officers commanding troops in the field are instructed to give Ibis order special attention and to see to its enforcement. % command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 680 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 18,18G4. Special Orders | No. 247. I I. Private George W. Anderson, of Seventh Georgia Regiment, having been declared unfit for military duty, is discharged the service of the Confederate States. II. The following-named men being experts are detailed for duty the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major W. H. Damcron chief commissary of subsistence for Mississippi: Private W. G. Stevenson Company K, Forty-first Mississippi Volunteers; Private James Brogan Sixth Tennessee Cavalry. ' III. D. N. Barrows, of the Mississippi Reserves, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department as a depositary, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasury Confederate States. IV. Paragraph XXV, Special Orders No. 143, current series, from this office, assigning Captain J. K. Womack, Company I, Fourth Louisiana Volunteers, to duty in the conscript service is hereby revoked. V. Private Joseph E. Dancy, of Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for guard duty at Salisbury, N. C., and will report to Major Gee, commanding post. Surgeon's certificate of his con- dition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. VI. Private James M. Brown, of Company B, Seventh Virginia Infantry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the conscription service, and will report to enrolling officer Rappahannock County, Vn., to relieve Privat.e Montgomery Jasper, of the same regiment, now on that service. Private Jasper will be returned to his command. VII. The assignment of Albert J. Schmidt, of Donaldsville [Donald- sonville] Artillery, Richardson's battalion, for duty with Lieutenant- Colonel Thomas L. Bayne, from 16th August to the 8th October, 1804, is approved. He will at once rejoin his command. VIII. The following-named men, being experts and indispensably necessary, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, for assign- ment: J. M. Lumpkin, A. W. Gray, W. P. Hix, C. F. Hanckel, C. B. Glover, J. 0. Nelson. IX. The following-named men are mutually transferred each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Sergeant Thomas Goff, Company I, Twenty-fourth Alabama Infantry ; Private J. F. Keenum, of Captain L. Hutchinson's company engineer troops, at Mobile. , , X. Private N. M. Donella, of Ringgold Battery, light artillery, is trans- ferred to Company I, Fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, all parties con- senting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby in- curred. XI. Private C. L. McCormick, of Company B, Fourth Regiment North Carolina Infantry, will immediately rejoin his command. XII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant John S. Jones, aid-de-camp, is extended sixty days from the 10th September, 1864. XIII. The resignation of Second Lieutenant S. 31. Levin, Company B, First Foreign Battalion, is accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. 681 XlV. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned 'duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to superin- ♦-ndent of Bureau of Conscription: Second Lieutenant B. B. Bryan, late f Company K, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain P. IF VcKinW* iateof Company K, Fourth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieu- ».mint A. F. Johnson, late of Phillips' Georgia Legion; Captain F. M. Lpiqht, late of Company C, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. N. Barker, late of Company F, Sixtieth Alabama Volunteers. \V. Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 239, current series, assigning Captain J. IF. Bryan, of the Invalid Corps, to duty in the enrolling service is hereby revoked. XVI. Robert Rabe is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report for duty to Major R. J. Echols, quartermaster, Charlotte, N. C. XVII. D. H. Stephenson is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- Blaster's Department, and will report for duty to Captain W. E. Peirce [Pierce,'] assistant quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. By command of the Secretary of War: 3 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 19,1864. Special Orders) No. 248. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain George T. Atkins, Fourth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, (assistant quartermaster,) September 30,1864; Captain Abram Huguenin, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, Septem- ber 24,1864. II. Private IF. D. Wall, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company K, Sixteenth Mississippi Volunteers,) is detailed for duty, (hospital,) and will report for orders to surgeon in charge Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond, Va. III. Captain R. IF. Eubank, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report to Major-General [L L.] Kemper, commanding, &c., Richmond, Va. IV. Captain Robert Grant, assistant adjutant-general, will rep'ort to General G. T. Beauregard for assignment to duty with H. K. [H. R.] Jackson's (formerly Mercer's) brigade, to relieve Captain George A. Mercer, assistant adjutant-general. Captain Mercer on being relieved will report to Brigadier-General H. IF. Mercer for duty with the brigade of Georgia Reserves. V. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 226, current series, as refers to First Lieutenant IF. C. Clouse, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant Clouse will report Major-General J. M. Withers, ^mnianding reserves Alabama, for assignment to duty. ^ I. Second Lieutenant IF. A. Cobb, of Company K, Ninth Georgia Regiment, is relieved from conscript duty, having been elected captain °» Company E, Fifth Regiment Georgia Reserves, on surgeon's certifi- cate of disability for active service. He will report to Major-General Cobb, commanding, &c., for assignment. 171—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 682 VII. Surgeon James L. White is relieved from duty with Array of Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director [IF. A.~\ Carrington, Richmond, Va. VIII. Special Orders [No.] 216, Paragraph XXXII, September 1^ 1864, is revoked, and Assistant Surgeon William S. Whaley will report without delay to Medical Director [T. L.~\. Ogier, [jr.,~\ Charleston, S. C. IX. Assistant Surgeon Thomas Wells, of South Carolina, will report without delay to Medical Director [ W. A.~\ Carrington, Richmond, Va. X. Assistant Surgeon Moses Richard Denman, of Mississippi, will re- port to Surgeon J. M. Haden, chief medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department, for assignment to duty, to date from April 7,1864. XI. Assistant Surgeon Henry Morris Jones, of Maryland, will report to Surgeon J. M. Haden, chief medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Depart- ment, for assignment to duty, to date from April 14, 1864. XII. .Paragraph XXX, Special Orders [No.] 240, Adjutant and In. spector-General's Office, October 10,1864, is so modified that Surgeon Lee Shackleford will report without delay to Medical Director [8. H.] Stout, at Columbus, Ga. XIII. Paragraph XXXI, Special Orders [No.] 240, October 10,18G4, is altered [so] as to read as follows: Surgeon Samuel B. Morrison is as- signed to duty as medical inspector of the Army Valley of Virginia. XIV. Private Arthur Clayton, of Company B, Twenty-sixth Regiment, is hereby transferred to Captain Martin's [Morton's] company light artillery, General Forrest's command, and will report accordingly. XV. A furlough of six months is hereby granted Private Savage D. Trenholm, of Company B, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers, without pay or allowances during that time, and permission granted to take a voyage by sea for the restoration of his health. XVI. Private Dennis Hays, of Company F, Tenth Louisiana Volun- teers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty as nurse, and will report to Surgeon W. C. Nichols, in charge Louisiana Hospital, Richmond, Va. XVII. The following-named men are during their unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Medical Department as hospital attend- ants, and will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C., for assignment. Certificates of their condition will be forwarded monthly to their company commanders : Private G. W. McManus, Cor- poral L. L. Secrest, Company B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment XVIII. Authority is hereby granted to Brigadier-General J. A. Walker, commanding, &c., to impress from the counties of Pittsylvania, Frank- lin, Patrick, and Henry one hundred and fifty slaves for work on the fortifications at Danville. Care will be taken as nearly as practicable to conform to the directions contained in General Orders No. 32, cur- rent series, and General Orders No. 138, of series of 1863. XIX. Lieutenant Henry Sparnick, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being an expert and his service indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report at once to the commissioner of taxes, in this city. XX. Private Thomas H. Paschal, of Company A, Cobb's Legion, Georgia cavalry, is appointed a hospital steward, and will report for duty to surgeon in charge Louisiana Hospital, in this city. XXI. Second Lieutenant Walter W. Blow, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as adjutant of Major F. \V. Smith's battalion of artillery. 683 XXII. Assistant Surgeon R. T. Hurt will report without delay to Medical Director [W. A.] Carrington, at Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. XXIII. Captain H. T. Baya, assistant commissary of subsistence, now 0n duty with Finnegan's [Finegan's] brigade, Army Northern Virginia, trill report without delay to Major P. W. White, chief commissary for Florida, for duty in that State. XXIV. E. W, Henry, quartermaster, at Marianna, Fla., will assume the duties of assistant commissary. Lieutenant E. C.. Everett, acting assistant commissary of subsistence, will transfer to him all funds, stores, and property in his possession and immediately rejoin his regiment. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") • Richmond, October 20, 1864. No. 249. f I. Second Lieutenant John Taliaferro, C. S. Army, will report at once to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves of Virginia, for as- signment to duty. II. Captain R. T. Crouch, assistant quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty with the Fourteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. III. Private J. K. Miller, of Company G, Eleventh Georgia Regiment, is during his unfitness for -field service detailed for duty as nurse in First Arkansas Hospital, at Fort Gaines, Ga., and will report to the sur- geon in charge for assignment. Certificate of his condition will be fur- nished monthly to his company commander. IV. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 223, current series, as assigns Captain G. W. Evans, assistant quartermaster, to duty with the army ambulance train of General Beauregard's command, is hereby revoked, and Captain W. G. Toomer, assistant quartermaster, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with said train. V. F. G. Burrows, signal operator, will report to Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, commanding Department Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, for assignment to duty in his command. VI. 11. F. Rose, signal operator, will report to Lieutenant-General R. Taylw, commanding Department of Mississippi, Alabama, and East Lou- hiana, for assignment to duty in his command. VII. The following-named privates of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to superin- tondent Bureau of Conscription, Richmond, Va.: Private T. J. Massey, late of Company F, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers; Private C. E. »ingo, late of First Company, Richmond Howitzers. VIII. Corporal E. L. Haynie, Invalid Corps, (late of Company F, For- heth Virginia Volunteers,) is detailed for hospital duty, and will report for orders to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, in this city. IX. Sergeant Isaac W. Nanney, Invalid Corps, (late of Company D, Twenty-second Virginia Battalion,) is detailed for duty as messenger at Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va., and will report to surgeon in charge for assignment. 684- X. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report for orders as indicated: Private J. C. Rog^ late of Company A, Ninth Louisiana Regiment, to Brigadier-Generai IF. M. Gardner, commanding post Richmond, Va.; Sergeant F. j/ Williams, late of Company C, Fifth Texas Volunteers, to the command dant post at Jackson, Miss.; Private Henry Cunningham, late of Com. pany I, One Hundred and fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers, to Lieu. tenant-Colonel [ W. #.] Hunt, in charge of nitre and mining works, Selma Ala.; Private M. Stapleton, late of Company D, Tenth Louisiana VoIuq! teers, to the commandant of post Eufaula, Ala.; Private James Wiley late of Company B, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry, to D. A. Fason, in' charge of Confederate States depository Albany, Ga.; Private C. y Whitton, late of Company K, Fifteenth South Carolina Volunteers, to the commandant of post Augusta, Ga.; Private W. B. Crouch, late of Company E, Eighteenth Alabama Volunteers, to the commandant post Montgomery, Ala. XI. Private Joseph T. Perry, Invalid Corps, (late of Company K Second Georgia Volunteers,) is detailed for light duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report for assignment to Captain J. M Garnett, assistant quartermaster, Albany, Ga. XII. Private George H. Robbins, Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Fifth Texas Volunteers,) is detailed for duty in the Medical Depart- ment, and will report to Surgeon [J". if.] Ha'den, chief medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department. XIII. Private S. B. Whitledge, Invalid Corps, (late of Company E, First North Carolina Volunteers,) is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report for orders to Captain C. W. Styron, assistant quartermaster, Wilmington, N. C. XIV. Private H. W. Campbell, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Thirty-seventh Virginia Volunteers,) is detailed for duty in the enroll- ing service, and will report for orders to commandant post at Abingdon, Va. ,XV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 93, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, April 16, 1863, as refers to Captain IF B. Flowers, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Fhvrers will continue to be an officer of the C. S. Army. XVI. The resignation of Second Lieutenant Ira P. Croft, Company D, Twenty-eighth Georgia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XVII. Lieutenant James W. Patrick, of Company D, Sixtieth Alabama Regiment, will proceed without delay to Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee to collect and return all absentees from Brigadier-General Gracie's brigade who are improperly detached. XVIII. Private George B. Faulk, of Company G, Third Alabama In- fantry, having been on May 31, 1864, retired to the Invalid Corps, he will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Ala- bama, for assignment to duty. XIX. Captain R. P. Howell, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Sixty-second Georgia Cavalry, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, in this city, for assignment to forage duties in North Carolina. XX. Captain John Frizzell, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major C. M. Smith, quartermaster, for assignment to duty in connection with the settlement of railroad accounts. 685 vYT Captain George T. Duffy, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from ns commandant post at Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and duty. £0 Lieutenant-General Holmes, commanding reserves in * Carolina, for assignment to duty. * VXII Captain W. H. Jenifer, C. S. Army, will report to Colonel R. H. »rLn assistant adjutant and inspector-general, for temporary assign- nie'nt to inspection duty. mr command of the Secretary of War: C JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 21, 1864. Special Orders I No. 250. i I The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted l>y the President, to take effect to-day: Captain W. P. Golightly, assistant Quartermaster, late of Forty-eighth Alabama Regiment. II. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superin- tenilent Bureau of Conscription, in this city: First Lieutenant J. N. Montgomery, late of Company B, Twentieth Alabama Volunteers; Adju- tant J. T. Morehead, late of Fifth North Carolina Cavalry. ' III. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as.indicated below : Captain A. N. Gantt, late of Company B, Fifteenth Virginia Cav- airy, to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, Richmond, Va.; Second Lieutenant 0. D. [Owen B.~] Morisey, late cf Company D, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, to Lieutenant-General Holmes, commanding reserves, at Raleigh, N. C.; Captain F. A. Godley, late of Company B, Fourteenth Texas Volunteers, to Brigadier-General F. T. Xicholis [Nicholls,] at Shreveport, La.; Second Lieutenant Hugh Black, late of Company A, Sixth Florida Volunteers, to Brigadier-General William Miller, commanding Florida Reserves. IV. Private D. W. Prowell, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company D, Fourth Alabama Volunteers,) is detailed for clerical duty, and will re- port to Captain J. J. Carpenter, assistant commissary of subsistence, at Demopolis, Ala. V. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report for assignment as indicated below: Sergeant John Carroll, late of Company C, Second South Carolina Volunteers, to commandant post at Columbia, S. C.; Sergeant J. E. Tumbow, late of Company A, Third Arkansas Volunteers, to Colonel Brown, super- intendent of tax in kind, Marion, Ala.; Private J. H. McClintock, late of Company F, Twenty-third South Caralina Volunteers, to commandant post at Columbia, S. C.; Corporal J. T. Lewis, late of Company G, Thir- teeuth North Carolina Volunteers, to Brigadier-General [ W. M.] Gardner, commanding&c., Richmond Va.: Private G. Maynard, late of Company C, 1 hirty-third Alabama Volunteers, to the commandant post at Greens- . \e> Ala.; Private Joseph F. Page, late of Company D, Fifty-ninth Vir- Kjnia, to Brigadier-General Gardner, commanding post, at Richmond, *d-5 Sergeant A. M. Lopez, late of Company D, Eighth Florida Volun- "2-S. 0., A. & I. G. O.-U 686 teers,to the commandant of post at Lake City, Fla.; Private N. M. Win- ston, late of Company B, Thirty-sixth Alabama Volunteers, to the com- mandantof post at Selma, Ala.; Private W. M. Speights, late of Company H, Fourth Georgia Volunteers, to the enrolling officer at Milledgeville, Ga. VI. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 231, current series, is hereby revoked, and Major T. M. Bowyer, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Colonel [J.] Gorgas, chief of ordnance, for assignment to duty as ordnance officer with Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves of Virginia. VII. Captain W. B. Smith, assistant quartermaster, will report to Gen- eral R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as assistant to the quartermaster of General Stewart's brigade. VIII. Hospital Steward Samuel A. Kell, is relieved from duty with Palmetto Sharpshooters, and will report to Surgeon-General, at Rich- mond, Va. IX. Surgeon M. N. Fleming is relieved from duty in Army Northern Virginia, and will report to Medical Director [ W. A.~] Carrington for temporary duty at Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Va. X. Assistant Surgeon W.A. Washington is relieved from hospital duty in Richmond, Va., and will report to Medical Director Kimloch [R. A. Kinloch,'] Charleston, S. C. XI. Assistant Surgeon Thomas D. Hill is relieved from duty with Army of Tennessee, and will report for duty with Sixty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Army Northern Virginia. XII. Assistant Surgeon B. F. Claggett is relieved from hospital duty at Liberty, Va., and will report to Medical Director [Frank A.] Ramsey, at Bristol, Tenn., for temporary duty and special instructions. XIII. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 101, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, April 30,1864, is so modified as that the assignment of Hospital Steward Chauncey Porter Conerly shall be to the Thirty-third Regiment Mississippi Volunteers instead of the Thirty-seventh Missis- sippi Volunteers. XIV. Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 245, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, 1864, is revoked, and Surgeon Samuel B. Fisher will re- sume his duties. XV. Private F. M. Deems, of the Junior North Carolina Reserves, is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report to Lieutenant- General Thomas [Theophilus H.~\ Holmes, commanding reserves, Raleigh, N. C., for assignment. XVI. Rev. P. F. August, chaplain, Fifteenth Virginia Regiment, will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., for tempo- rary assignment to duty in the Confederate States barracks in this city, under command of Lieutenant Bates. XVII. Private G. W. Berry, Company C, Ninth Alabama Regiment, will immediately rejoin his command. XVIII. Private M. Rosenburg, of Company G, Sixth Virginia Regiment, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed for duty in the Medical Purveyor's Department, and will report to Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical purveyor, in this city. XIX. Private Robert Heth, of Company G, Twelfth Virginia Regiment, at present serving with Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being an expert and his services indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. H. Gibbons, quartermaster and acting inspector-general, in this city. 687 XX- Private R. W. Little, of Company K, Twenty-third North Car- Una Regiment, is hereby transferred to Company A, Eleventh North r,irolina Regiment, and will report accordingly. XXI- A furlough for six months with permission to visit Europe is ^nted Private J. Frankenthal, of Company D, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers, without pay payable [while] there. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's' Office, Richmond, October 22, 1864. gpecial Orders ) No. 251. ( I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Hiram A. B„jf, Company F, Fourth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. C.Mosdey, Company K, First Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieuten- ant jr. H. Qrabtree,-Company D, First Regiment North Carolina Reserves. II. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards^ and will report for duty as designated : Private Frank W. Vigus, Company D, One hundred and fifty-fourth Tennessee Regiment, to Medical Di- rector [8. H.] Stout; Private John W. Denton, Company B, Twenty-sixth Arkansas Infantry, to the colonel of his regiment. III. The following-named officers of the Sixteenth Battalion Ten- nessee Cavalry will have their names dropped from rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the C. S. Army: Lieutenant H. C. Collins, Company C; Lieu- tenant J. C. Vaughn, Captain R. F. Mastin, Company B. IV. First Lieutenant James Holly, Company G, Thirty-eighth Ala- lama Regiment, will have his name dropped from the rolls for ineflfi- ciency, &c., and will from this day cease to be an officer of Provisional Army Confederate States. V. Private E. P. Lane, Company H, Fourth Georgia Regiment, having been appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, will be discharged his former service. VI. The following-named officers will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., in this city, for temporary assignment to duty as members of a board for the retirement of disabled and incom- petent officers: Colonel Morton Mayre, of the Invalid Corps; Colonel R. L. ilaury Twenty-fourth Virginia Regiment; Colonel Archy [T.] Harrison, Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers. VII. Captain E. A. Heggie, assistant quartermaster, Fourteenth (ivnrgia Regiment, is assigned to duty as assistant to the quartermaster ofThoraas' brigade, Wilcox's division, Army of Northern Virginia. VIII. First Lieutenant C. Y. Steptoe, adjutant, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry, will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., « t temporary assignment to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel [&] Ship, commanding corps of cadets at Camp Lee, near this city. 688 IX. The Quartermaster-General will designate an officer of his ^ partment who shall be charged with the purchase of all currency of ^ United States which may be needed for the purpose of the Government In making purchases of currency said officer shall conform to the rate of exchange which shall be established from time to time by the QUar> term aster-General. The currency thus purchased shall be issued onjJ on the order of the Quartermaster-General, which shall prescribe the terms on which it is to be issued. It being expedient that there shall be but one purchaser of this currency, the wants of the other depart, ments of the Government will as far as practicable be supplied under the foregoing regulations. X. Lieutenant William M. Peyton, aid-de-camp, will report for tern- porary duty to Brigadier-[General] John Echols, at Dublin Depot, Va. XI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as indicate below': Captain A. II. Ravesies, late of Company E, Eighth Alabama Volunteers, to Major-General J. M. "Withers, commanding reserves of Ala- bama; Captain J. W. Stott, late of Company F, Eighth Alabama Volun- teers, to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama1 Second Lieutenant H. S. Armstrong, late of Company I, Fifty-sixth Ala- bama Volunteers, to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Captain J. Y. Wood, late of Company G, Eleventh Georgia Volunteers, to Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia; Second Lieutenant R. J. Wilson, late of Company D, Cobb's Georgia Legion, to Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia; Second Lieutenant A. B. Williams, late of Company I, Thirty- eighth Virginia Regiment, to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, Richmond, Va.; Captain M. 0. Davidson, late of Company C, First Battalion Arkansas Cavalry, to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nieholl*,] atShreveport,La.; Captain W.A. Cunningham, late of Company D, Second Louisiana Volunteers, to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] Shreve- port, La. XII. Captain W. W. Harrison, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty as commandant of post at Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va., and will report at once and enter upon the discharge of the duties of the post. XIII. The resignation of Major Calhoun Benham, assistant adjutant- general, is accepted by the President, to take effect 1st December, to which time a leave of absence is hereby granted. XIV. Private N. B. Curb, of the Invalid Corps, late of Company K, Eleventh Alabama Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major G. W. Jones, controlling quarter- master at Marion, Ala. XV. Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Martin, of the Invalid Corps, late of the Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., at Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty. § , XVI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Brigadier- General James Chesnutt [Chesnut,] jr., commanding reserves of Soutli Carolina: Captain J. H. Powe, late of Company D, First South Caroling Volunteers ; First Lieutenant R. B. Watson, late of Company B, Four- teenth South Carolina Volunteers. 689 XVII. Captain T. P. Arnold, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company U First Tennessee Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling serv- joe, and will report for orders by letter to the superintendent Bureau of Conscription, Richmond, Va. XVIII. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private 0. J. Conrad, Company K, First Maryland Cavalry, for the benefit of his health. XIX. Sergeant A. P. Burr, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Fifth Georgia Volunteers,) is detailed for hospital duty, and will report for orders to Surgeon S. H. Stout, medical director of hospitals Macon, Ga. XX. The military court for North Alabama of which L. P. Walker is the presiding judge will hold its sessions at Montgomery, Ala., or else- where in the department as General Beauregard may direct. XXI. Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 195, current series, trans- ferring Sergeant George W. Wolf, of Company I, First Georgia Regulars, to Company E, Seventeenth Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked. XXII. Paragraph XXXII, Special Orders No. 45, current series}, from this office, detailing Private D. K. Murchison, Company A, Third Bat- talion South Carolina Volunteers, for duty in the Quartermaster's De- partment is hereby revoked. XXIII. Private John M. Downs, of Troop C, Fourth Georgia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Flag-Ojfficer [/ttfiaA] Tatnall, at Savannah, Ga. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") Richmond, October 24, 1864. No. 253. f I. Private James T. Daughtrey, of Company G, Thirty-second Regiment Texas Cavalry, (dismounted,) is hereby transferred to Fulsom's [Fol- eom's] regiment, Choctaw Nation, Trans-Mississippi Department, under provision of second section military act, approved February 17,1864, and will report accordingly. II. Captain Lambert May, of Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama, for assignment to duty. III. Sergeant H. H. Powe, of Company B, Thirteenth Mississippi In- fan try, is hereby transferred to Company G, Twenty-third Alabama Regiment, under provisions of second section military act, approved 17th February, 1864, and will report accordingly. IV. Private Bartley Towery, of Company F, Thirty-fourth North Caro- linn Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department as local guard, and will report to Colonel Hoke, commanding post at Charlotte, N. C., for assign- nient to duty to relieve Private John Eaker, Company F, Thirty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers, an able-bodied man. V. Private Henry Spears, of Company G, Second Regiment/Kentucky Infantry, having been appointed treasurer of the State oj Kentucky, W'H be discharged the service of the Confederate States. / *1. The services of Sergeant L. W. Caldwell, of Company F, Third 'attalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable ija the Treasury jne|JVtn16nt, he will report for duty to the third auditor of the treasury, 173-S. O., A. & I. G. 0.—4 690 VII. The following-named men are during their unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated. Certificate of their condition will be furnished monthly to their company commander: Private W. H. MeeJcs, Company K, Forty- third North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon [P. E.~\ Hines, Raleigh, N. C., as hospital attendant; Private R. E. Moffitt, Company A. Third Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon E. B. Haywood, General Hospital No. 13, Raleigh, N. C.; Private W. T. Prevett, Company H, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, to Surgeon Robert Gibbon, Charlotte, N. CM for guard duty; Private T. B. N. Norvell, Company K, Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment, to Surgeon E. B. Haywood, Raleigh, N. C., as hos- pital nurse. VIII. All paroled or exchanged Missouri soldiers arriving at Rich- mond or Savannah will be turned over to Colonel R. S. Bevier, who will forward them as soon as possible to Brigadier-General Cockrell, com- manding Missouri brigade, who has authority to furlough those paroled until exchanged. IX. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Major W. E. Bird, quartermaster, &c., to enable him to arrange his official returns. t X. Major Thomas G. Peyton,' assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from his present duties, and is assigned to inspection duty. Hd will report to Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, for instructions'. XI. The services of the following-named persons having been certified as being indispensable in the Department of Justice, are detailed until further orders, and will report to Hon. George Davis, Attorney-General Confederate States: Captain E. G. Dill, Private Jules St. Martin, Com- pany K, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops; James M. Matthews, law clerk. XII. The detail heretofore granted Private William Gaines, of Com- pany I, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, as an agriculturist, is continued during his unfitness for field service without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during such detail. He will report to the en- rolling officer of Charlotte County, Va. XIII. The provost-marshal at Fredericksburg, Va., will turn over to Mr C. B. Thornton the hull of the schooner " Two Brothers " in place of a ferry boat belonging to him wrecked in removing guns from the "Satelite [Satellite."] XIV. Major Harold Borland, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding Trans-Mississippi De- partment, for assignment to duty. ,XV. Major E. Qrutchfield, quartermaster, will relieve Major J. H. Lacy of the duties of post quartermaster at Dublin Depot, Va. XVI. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain E. F. Pearson', assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Pearson will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Private Thomas Womack, of Company D, Sixteenth North Car- olina Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for guard duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major R. J. Echols, quartermaster, at Charlotte, N. C., for assignment. Certifi- cate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. 691 XVIII. Private W. H. Putney, of Company K, Fourteenth North Caro- lina Volunteers, is during his unfitness for duty in the field detailed for duty as provost-guard, and will report to Captain S. B. Waters, Raleigh, X. C., for assignment. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XIX. Private J. P. Williams, of Company D, Forty-eighth North Car- olfna Volunteers, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty as prison guard, and will report to Captain [J. A.] Fuqua, assist- ant commandant post Salisbury, N. C., for assignment to duty. Certifi- cate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company com- mander. XX. Private A. G. De Lisle, of the Orleans Guard Battery, is hereby transferred to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Flag-Officer W. W. Ilunter, commanding, &c., at Savannah, Ga. XXI. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 128, current series, is hereby rescinded, and Paragraph II, General Orders No. 25, current series, will be conformed to. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. •Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, October 25, 1864. No. 254. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain A. Wallace Pearson, Com- pany C, Seventh South Carolina Battalion; Second Lieutenant Miles H. Booker, Company B, Twenty-sixth Virginia Regiment Infantry; Captain John D. Bryan, Company A, Twenty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers; Captain B. F. Orowell, Company C, Thirty-eighth Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant N. S. Burnett, Company E, Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment; Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Broocks, First Texas Le- eion; Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Slaughter, Fifty-sixth Regiment Georgia Volunteers; Colonel John H. Crawford, Sixtieth Tennessee Regiment; Captain J. P. Chase, Company E, Seventh Confederate Cavalry Battalion ; Colonel Charles J. Harris, Third Regiment Georgia Reserves; First Lieu- tenant A. L. Caruthers, of Captain J. W. Johnson's company Florida Re- serves. ^ II. The leavQ of absence heretofore granted Brigadier-General J. W. Whitfield is extended ninety days. III. The finding'of the examining board in the case of Corporal W. H. Smith, elected junior, second lieutenant of Turner's battery, adverse to his assignment to duty as such is approved and confirmed. Corporal Smith will remain in his present position. IV. The finding 6f the examining board in the case of Private G. W. Lcitner, elected junior second lieutenant of Perry's battery, adverse to his alignment to duty as such is approved and confirmed. Private Leitr^r will remain in his present position. V? Lieutenant-Colonel J. P. Johnson, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed to the Army of Tennessee and Georgia for special service, in accordance with written instructions of this date. VI. Leave of absence during the session of the Georgia Legislature which convenes on the first Thursday of November next is hereby granted Brigadier-General [A. I?.] Wright. 692 VII. The organization of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Regiments of Georgia Reserves as constituted by the order of Major. General [Howell] Cobb, commanding, &c., is hereby confirmed and made the action of the War Department. The organization of each of these regiments will date from the day on which its tenth company was raus- tered into service. VIII. Surgeon 0. A. White is relieved from duty in North Carolina, and will report without delay to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, com. manding, &c., at Andersonville, Ga. IX. Hospital Steward George W. Smith is relieved from duty with Ninth Regiment Mississippi Infantry, and will report to the Surgeon- General, at Richmond, Va. IX [X.] Surgeon W. Jennings is relieved from duty in the Depart- ment of Southwestern Virginia, and is assigned as chief surgeon of the division under the command of General Bushrod [12.] Johnson. XI. Hospital Steward Isham W. Fennel is relieved from duty with Fifty-fifth Regiment Alabama Infantry, and will report to the Surgeon- General, at Richmond, Va. XII. Hospital Steward P. M. L. BurbanJc is relieved from duty at Augusta, Ga., and will report to the Surgeon-General, at Richmond, Va. XIII. Assistant Surgeon R. J. Perry is relieved from hospital duty in Mobile, Ala., and will report without delay to Medical Director [T. L] Ogier, [jr.,] Charleston, S. C. XIV. Hospital Steward Edward G. Colton is relieved from hospital duty at Mobile, Ala., and will report to Medical Director [}V. A.] Car- rington, Richmond, Va., for assignment. XV. Acting Hospital Steward A. P. Ryall is relieved from hospital duty at Macon, Ga., and will report in person to, the Surgeon-General, at Richmond, Va. XVI. Hospital Steward A. V. Henwicke is relieved from duty at hos- pital Eufaula, Ala., and will report to Surgeon [ W. A.] Carrington, med- ical director, Richmond, Va., for duty at Howard's Grove Hospital. XVII. Surgeon W. J. Barry, on conscript duty in East Tennessee, will report without delay to Captain L. B. Irwin, at Columbus, Miss. XVIII. Assistant Surgeon T. S. Hemmingway is relieved from duty with the Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report for duty to Medical Director [T. P.] Ogier, [jr.,] Charleston, S. C. XIX. Assistant Surgeon W. M. Taggart will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Ogier, [jr.,] Charleston, S. C. XX. The following hospital stewards are relieved from their present duties, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va.: Hospital Stewards N. McNutt, Q. R. Donoho, W. R. Duffhey, Emory Hospital, Va.; Hospital Steward G. W. Kyser, Forsyth Hospital,Ga.; Hospital Steward D. T. Price, Davis' brigade hospital. XXI. Captain John J. Ancell, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Major {J. IP] Carrington, provost-mar- shal, in this city. XXII. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 239, current series, as- signing Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Smith to the commapd of the camp of the Maryland Line, near this city, is hereby revoked, and Lieutenant- Colonel Smith will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, command- ing, &c., Richmond, Va., for assignment to the command of the military prison at Danville, Va. 693 XXIII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 176, current series, as relates to Captain W. E. White, Company E, Seventeenth Ala- batna Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain White will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon S. B. Simmons, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXV. Private D. Childress, Company A, First Maryland Cavalry, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXVI. The following-named officers will proceed at once to inspect the Department of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee, under special instructions from Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general: Colonel D. T. Chandler, Major W. C. Hall, assistant adjutants-general. aXVII. The services of Private James Langster, Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable in the Treasury Department, he will report at once to the Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XXVIII. First Lieutenant and Adjutant J. S. Williamson, of the In- valid Corps, (late of Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Major-General J. m. Withers, commanding reserves for Alabama. XXIX. The second and third paragraphs of Special Orders No. 161, current series, from this office, are amended so as to transfer Company B, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, to the Jeff. Davis Legion, in the place of Company D, Twentieth Battalion Georgia Cavalry, which is hereby transferred to the Eighth Georgia Cavalry, (Colonel [J". jK.] Griffin.) XXX. The ninth and eleventh paragraphs of Special Orders No. 161, current series, from this office, are amended so as to transfer the Sev- enth Georgia Cavalry to Gary's brigade, and the Phillips' Legion, Georgia cavalry, to Young's brigade. The commands will report accordingly promptly. XXXI. Private J. B. Baccas, of Company D, Second Texas Infantry, is hereby transferred to Company I, Fourth Texas Infantry, and will report accordingly. XXXII. Private Lewis M. White, of Company D, Fifty-first North Carolina Regiment, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in thq Medical Department as hospital attendant, and will report to Surgeon Robert Gibbon, in charge General Hospital No. 11, Charlotte, X. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his com- pany commander. XXXIII. Private Robinson L. King, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry, will report to George D.Pleasants, sheriff of Henrico County, to-morrow at 12 o'clock as a witness to testify in behalf of the Commonwealth against Clarke and Miller, a case now pending in the circuit court of this county. XXXIV. The following-named men will report on the 31st day of October, 1864, to Thomas U. Dudley, sergeant of this city, to testify as witnesses in behalf of the Commonwealth in certain cases pending in the Hustings Court of this city: Joseph Semmes, Confederate States Marines, at Drewry's Bluff; Private Henry Burnett, Company K, Fifth South Carolina Regiment; First Lieutenant William Clarkson, Company B, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General, 174—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 694 adjutant and inspector-general's office, Richmond, October 26,1864. Special Orders) No. 255. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant M. D. L. Hunt, Company D, Third Florida Regiment; First Lieutenant J. W. Hampto^ Company L, Twenty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. J. King, Company C, Eighth Battalion Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. W. Johnston, Company C, Twenty-fourth Regiment Ten- nessee Infantry ; Second Lieutenant S. J. Johnson, Company C, Eighth Arkansas Regiment; Captain James F. Nabers, Company A, Nineteenth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant William Mitchell, Company I, Thirty-fourth Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant Madison Murray, Company G, Perry's regiment cavalry; First Lieutenant Walter C. Moloney, Company K, Seventh Florida Volunteers; Second Lieutenant P. E. Lowe, Company K, Third Florida Regiment; Second Lieutenant Samuel P. Lather, Company 1, Sixtieth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. M. McNeill, Company D, Third North Carolina Cavalry; Second Lieutenant J. T. Harrison, Company D, Second South Carolina Rifles. II. Major A. L. Landis, quartermaster, will report to Major Norman W. Smith, chief field inspector transportation, for assignment to duty as inspector of field transportation Army of Tennessee, relieving Major E. H. Ewing, quartermaster. Major Ewing on being relieved is assigned as chief inspector of field transportation Third District, with his office at Selma, Ala., to report to the office of inspector-general field traiispor- tation, in this city. He will relieve Major A. M. Paxton; quartermaster. Major Paxton on being relieved will report to Major Ewing for duty as superintendent of the government wagon shops at Demopolis, Ala.l III. Captain Robert Johnson, Confederate States cavalry, will report to General R. E. Lee, for duty with dismounted cavalry of Major-Gen- eral Hampton's command. 1 IV. Leave of absence for sixty days from the 6th October, 1864, is granted Surgeon J. F. Moore, Twenty-third Mississippi Regiment. V. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 243, current series, from this office, as accepts the resignation of Major J. L. Calhoun, quar- termaster, is hereby revoked, his resignation having been accepted b^r Special Orders No. 197, Paragraph I, Adjutant and Inspector-Generals Office, August 20, 1864. VI. The appointment heretofore made of Isaac Widgun as agent of the Subsistence Department is revoked, to take effect April 1,1864. VII. Captain H. Bolton, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will report to Brigadier-General G. J. Rains for assignment to duty in the torpedo service. VIII. Captain S. A. Townsley, Invalid Corps, (late of Company G, Sixty-fourth Georgia Volunteers,) will report to Major-General llowcll Cobb, commanding, &c., Macon, Ga., for assignment to post duty. IX. Major John G. Barnwell, artillery, C. S. Army, will report to Col- onel G. W. Rains, commandihg Confederate States arsenal, &c., at Augusta, Ga., for assignment to ordnance duty. X. Captain E. L. Guerrard IGuerard,'] assistant quartermaster, is re- lieved from, duty with the Thirty-second Georgia Regiment, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, for duty in the collection of forage, &c. 695 XI. Rev. A. R. Wingjield, chaplain, Twelfth Arkansas Infantry, will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for temporary assign- ment to duty at Camden, Ark. His commission as chaplain of the reg- iment not to be vacated by this assignment. XII. Captain 0. P. McArthur, Company K, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIII. Surgeon J. P. Logan is assigned to duty in charge of the hos- pital at Augusta, Ga., to date from July 24, 1864. XIV. Assistant Surgeon N. Hart is relieved from duty because of dis- ability with the Fourteenth Georgia Regiment, Thomas' brigade, Wil- cox's division, and directed to report for assignment to Colonel [Peter] Mallett, commandant of conscripts in North Carolina. XV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon John L. Ancrum, at general hospital Macon, Ga. XVI. Assistant Surgeon John Poston Peterson, Fifty-first Regiment Ala- bama Cavalry, will report without delay to Martin's division, Forrest's corps. XVII. Acting Assistant Surgeon Robert M. Cochran is relieved from duty at hospital Montgomery, Ala., and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, at Richmond, Va. XVIII. First Lieutenant W. G. Waller, C. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Augusta Arsenal, and will report for duty to the commanding officer of the arsenal at Selma, Ala. XIX. Private C. C. Mooney, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers,) is detailed for duty in the en- rolling service, and will report to superintendent Bureau of Conscription, in this city, for orders. XX. Ordnance Sergeant Charles Kiddell will report for duty to the commanding officer of Fort Caswell. N. C. XXI. Leave of absence for four months with permission to go abroad is hereby granted Captain Eugene Carrington, assistant quartermaster, without pay or allowances from Confederate States government during continuance of leave. XXII. Captain J. J. Brown, assistant quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty with Walker's brigade, Third Corps, Army Northern,Virginia, as assistant to Major Keily [ John D. Keiley,jr.,'] quartermaster. XXIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private Valentine Brown, Purcell Battery [Artillery,] Pegram's battalion, is extended ten days. XXIV. Major W. K. Bennett, quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty as quartermaster of General Buford's command, Forrest's cavalry corps, and will report accordingly. XXV. The following-named officers will return to the Trans-Missis- sippi Department, and when exchanged report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty: First Lieutenant W. W. Chaney, Company B, Thirtieth Arkansas Regiment; First Lieutenant J. K. Milam, Company F, Seventeenth Arkansas Regiment. XXVI. Private W. L. Macey, of Company I, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers, is during his unfitness for .field service detailed for prison or post guard duty, and will report to Major J. H. Gee, com- manding post at Salisbury, N. C. .Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. 696 XXVII. A furlough for thirty days is granted the following-named privates of Company ,A, Second Kentucky Cavalry, that they may have an opportunity of remounting themselves: E. Tom Osborne, Frank F Anderson, Will. R. Cooper, Joe Benedict. XXVIII. The services of Conscript John Davis, jr., Twenty-eighth Virginia Regiment, being indispensable as assessor of tax in kind, he is hereby detailed until further orders, and will return to his duties as assessor, reporting to Major Ro. 0. Saunders, controlling quartermaster for Virginia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 27,1864. Special Orders) No. 256. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant W. M. Coch- ran, Company F, Thirty-sixth Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant M. V. England, Company C, Fifty-second Georgia Regiment; First Lieutenant James S. Hamilton, Company D, Fiftieth Alabama Regiment; Captain Thomas J. Dobbs, Company B, Forty-first Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant H. K. Easley, Company F, Fourteenth Confederate Cavalry; Second Lieutenant John H. Howie, Company D, Fiftieth Ala- bama Regiment; Second Lieutenant M. W. Lowe, Company B, Third Regiment Georgia Reserves ; Second Lieutenant R. E. Johnson, Company I, First Regiment Georgia Reserves; Second Lieutenant George MicheH, Company G, First Battalion Georgia Reserves; Second Lieutenant W. C. Lowe, Company C, First Lieutenant S. V. Laughinghouse, Company G, Anderson's battalion North Carolina reserves; Second Lieutenant Thomas T. McDaniel, Captain Bryan's company Florida reserves; Sur- geon James F. McRae, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain J. M. Powers, assistant quartermaster, Eighteenth Georgia Regiment; Captain J. W. Gidney, Company E, Twelfth North Carolina Regiment II. The sentence of death pronounced by military court of First Corps, Army Northern Virginia, against Private Robert Napier, Company C, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, October 11, 1864, is commuted by the President to hard labor for six months. The lieutenant-general com- manding the corps will see that the sentence thus commuted is ex- ecuted. III. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Gallington IF. Lee, Company D, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Infantry, by a court- martial assembled at Orange Court-House by virtue of Special Orders No. 72, Headquarters Army Northern Virginia, March 14, 1864, is re- mitted by the President. Private Gallington W. Lee will therefore be released from arrest and returned to duty. IV. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Leonard Hkh, Company F, Twenty-first North Carolina Infantry, by a court-martial convened at Kingston, [Kinston,] N. C., March 9,1864, by virtue of a special order, Department of North Carolina, March 9,1864, is remitted by the President. Private Leonard Hicks will be released from arrest and restored to duty. 697 V. The sentence of death pronounced against Private William Lindsay, Company C, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Infantry, by a court-martial con- venea at Orange Court-House by virtue of Special Orders No. 72, Army Northern Virginia, 14th March, 1864, is remitted by the President. Private Lindsay will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty. \ I. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Dilla Matheson, Company A, Seventh North Carolina Infantry, on 1st February, 1864, by the military court of Third Corps, Army Northern Virginia, is re- pitted by the President. Priyate Matheson will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty. VII. The sentence dismissing First Lieutenant W. M. Mullins, Com- pany A, Forty-third Georgia Infantry, from the service of the Confed- erate States, pronounced by a general court-martial convened at head- quarters of Hindman's division by virtue of Special Orders No. 5, Army Tennessee, January 18, 1864, is remitted by order of the President. First Lieutenant W. M. Muttins will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty with his command. VIII. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Thomas H. Tppett, Company L, Twenty-first North Carolina Infantry by a court- martial convened at Kington, [Kinston,] N. C., by virtue of Special Orders No. 39, Department of North Carolina, March 9,1864, having been remitted by the President, said Private Thomas H. Tippett, Com- pany L, Twenty-first North Carolina Infantry, will be released from arrest and returned to duty. IX. Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 226, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, September 23, 1864, is hereby revoked, and Assist- ant Surgeon W. W. Martson will report to Medical Director [ W. A.] Car- rington, Richmond, Va. X. Paragraph VI,' Special Orders No. 237, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, October 6, 1864, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Sur- eeon Jim. H. Richardson will report to Medical Director [J. P.] Hevstis, Mobile, Ala. XI. Assistant Surgeon J. 0. Fox is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will report without delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Meridian, Miss., for assignment. XII. Assistant Surgeon W. C. Fergusson [Ferguson] is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report to Medical Director Kimloch [12. A. Kinloch,] Charleston, S. C., for hospital duty in Florida. XIII. Hospital Steward Martin Kennedy is relieved from duty in hospital Cuthbert, Ga., and will report to the Surgeon-General, Rich- mond, Va. XIV. Assistant Surgeon A. Tinsley, of Virginia, will report to Medical Director [W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va. XV. Hospital Steward J. H. McCormick is relieved from duty at field infirmary, Wright's brigade, and will report to Surgeon-General, Rich- mond, Va. XVI. Hospital Steward E. M. Scruggs is relieved from duty at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va., and will report to Staunton Hill Artillery, near Wilmington, N. C.> for duty. Hospital Steward Edward L. Car- rington, of the Staunton Hill Artillery, on being relieved by Steward fagys will report to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, >a. 175—S. 0., A. & L G. 0.—4 698 XVII. A furlough for thirty days is hereby granted Private John T. Harrington, Company H, Colonel Clarke's [Cluke's] regiment, Morgan's command, to enable him to remount himself and return to his command, XVIII. Private Thomas M. Hiltzimer [Hiltzhimer,] Company E, Twen- tieth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, being unfit for field service, as shown by certificate of medical examing board, is detailed for special service, and will report to Robert B. Oraddock, esq., in this city, for assignment. XIX. Captain R. P. Doss, assistant quartermaster, Ninth Mississippi Regiment, is relieved from duty with tl^at regiment, and will report to Major Norman W. Smith, chief inspector field transportation, at Augusta, Ga., for assignment to duty. XX. Captain W. E. Duncan, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major J. C. Green, quartermaster, at Salem, Va., as assistant to him in collecting forage, &c., in Department of Southwest Virginia. XXI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major A. Crajt, quartermaster, to enable him to execute his official bond. XXII. Major E. A. Banks, quartermaster, will report to Major E. E. Ewing, chief inspector of field transportation Third District, at Selma, Ala., for duty as inspector of work shops in that district. XXIII. Private John C. Buchanan, of First Maryland Artillery [Bat- tery,] being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps until further orders, and will report to chief Signal Bureau, in this city, for assignment. XXIV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as indi- cated: Private J. W. Ezell, late Company D, Eighth Alabama Regiment, to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private W. H. Carlile, late of Company G, Twenty-first North Carolina Volun- teers, to surgeon in charge general hospital, Salisbury, N. C.; Private B. Capps, late of Company F, Sixth Virginia Volunteers, to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private J. S. Collum, late of Company G, Twenty-first Mississippi Volunteers, to Surgeon Palmer, in charge general hospital Howard's Grove, Richmond, Va.; Private D. Nolton, late of Company I, Nineteenth Mississippi Regiment, to surgeon in charge of general hospital Howard's Grove, Richmond, Va.; Private J. E. Fridge, late of Company H, Fifth Texas Volunteers, to Surgeon W. S. Lawton, in charge general hospital Gray ton, Ga. XXV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for clerical duty, and will report for orders as indicated: Private George W. Crone, late of Company K, Thirty-fourth Virginia Volunteers, to Major-General J. C. Breckenbridge [Breckinridge,] commanding Depart- partment Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee for assignment to duty as clerk of military court, Dublin, Va.; Private Charles Rossiirr, late of the Washington Artillery, First Company, to Colonel R. B. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, Richmond, Va., to take effect from September 22, 1864, from which time he has been on duty ; Corporal R. W. Murray, late of Company F, Fourth Texas Vol- unteers, to commandant post San Antonio, Tex. XXVI. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report for orders as indicated: Private Henry Calloway, late of Company E, Third Arkansas Volunteers, to comrnan- dant post at Jackson, Miss.; Private John Ryan, late of Company F, Sixth Louisiana Regiment, to commandant post at Mobile, Ala. 699 XXVII. Private Louis Attain, Invalid Corps, (late of Company E, Fourth Louisiana Regiment,) is detailed for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report for orders to Captain G. 0. Janney, post commissary at Montgomery, Ala. XXVIII. Surgeon Thomas F. Maury is relieved from duty with Army Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va. XXIX. Assistant Surgeon J. M. Warren is relieved from duty at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va., and will report to Colonel W. M. Brovm, commandant of conscripts, Augusta, Ga., for assignment. XXX. A furlough for thirty days is granted the following-named men of Company D, Second Kentucky Cavalry, to enable them to re- mount themselves and return to their command: W. F. Bishop, C. D. Kirk, J. M. McNabb. XXXI. Sergeant Charles Comer, Invalid Corps, (late of Company F, Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry,) is detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Major-General J. L. Kemper, com- manding, &c., Richmond, Va. XXXII. Private John W. Curtis, of Company I, Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed as tinner in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel [J".] Gorgas, chief of ordnance, for assignment to duty with Lieutenant-Colonel L. [Kr. Leroy] Brovm. XXXIII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are as- signed to post duty, and will report for orders as indicated below: Cap- tain C. P. Crawford, late of Company C, Bonaud's Georgia battalion, to Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves, at Macon, Ga.; Cap- tain JF. IF. Harrison, late of Company C, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion Volunteers, to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c., Richmond, Va.; Captain TF. H. Beltin, late of Company E, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers, to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, commanding reserves of Mississippi. XXXIV. First Lieutenant A. 0. Banks, of Invalid Corps," (late of Company F, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. Qhemut, commanding reserves, Columbia, S. C. XXXV. Captain W. S. Davis, Invalid Corps, (late of Company B, Tenth Georgia Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report by letter to Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia, for further orders. XXXVI. First Lieutenant H. B. Barbor [Barber,] of the Invalid Corps, (late of Seventeenth Virginia Cavalry,) will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, for assignment to duty. XXXVII. The Tredegar Battalion will report immediately to Lieu- tenant-Colonel [J. 0.] Pefaberton, commanding the military [artillery] defenses this city. XXXVIII. The corps of cadets commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel [*$'.] Ship will report immediately to Lieutenant-Colonel [J. C.] Pemberton, commanding artillery defenses of this cit}7. XXXIX. The services of Private William M. Sheppard, Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable in the Engineer Bureau, he will report at once for duty to the chief of said bureau. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 700 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 28,1864. Special Orders) No. 257. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : First Lieutenant W. V. Findley, Company C, Eighth Battalion Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. L. Farnsworth, Company I, Twenty-ninth Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant J. H. Fox, Company F, Ballentine's regiment Mississippi cavalry; Rev. W. W. Graham, chaplain, Twenty-eighth Alabama In- fantry; Second Lieutenant N. F. Harrison, Company C, Thirteenth Ten- nessee Regiment; First Lieutenant James Holley, Company G, Thirty, eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. G. Hardin, Company E, Ninth Arkansas Volunteers; First Lieutenant W. E. IP. Estes, Company I, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Regiment; Second Lieuten- ant T. A. Deaton, Company B, First Mississippi Cavalry; Rev. W. J. Davis, chaplain, First Arkansas Regiment Infantry ; Second Lieutenant G. W. Durham, Company H, Fifth Confederate Regiment; Rev. Buckner Harris, chaplain, Sixth Texas Infantry; Rev. N. A. Ducket, chaplain, Third Texas Cavalry; Captain W. 0. Gambill, Company K, Seventh Mississippi Cavalry; Second Lieutenant Joseph M. Holloway, Company D, Fifty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant Mathew Kenne- day [Kennedy,] Company B, Twenty-second Louisiana Regiment; First Lieutenant B. W. McClure, Company E, Twelfth Regiment Kentucky Cav- airy ; Captain M. Manney, Company C, Seventh Mississippi Cavalry. II. Private W. G. Griffin, of Company E, Tenth Alabama Volunteers, at present detailed as clerk in the Commissary-General's Office, is hereby transferred to the Ordnance Departmeut, and will report to Colonel [/.] Gorgas, chief of ordnance, for assignment to duty with Captain Aubrey, military storekeeper, he having been pronounced by medical examining board unfit for field service. III. W. W. Madra is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Major George W. Grice, quar- termaster, at Columbia, S. C., for assignment to duty. IV. Each department will furnish a list of the men who are indis- pensable as experts for permanent employment by the several bureaus, who will be exempt under all calls for military service except in the extreme emergency of an attack upon the city. V. Whenever men of the local defense organizations are called out from the several bureaus in Richmond for temporary service in the field, the officers in charge of these bureaus will furnish a list of such persons in their employ as may be absolutely required as experts, &c., so that the practice of recalling such from the field after they have been sent there may be avoided. VI. Leave of absence for forty days is granted Captain Z. A. Fowler, Company E, Sixth Georgia Regiment, to attend the meeting of general assembly of the State of Georgia. VII. The detail heretofore granted Private A. P. Orumpton, Company F, Hampton's Legion, is extended during his unfitness for field service. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. VIII. Second Lieutenant John J. Norwood, of Company E, First En- gineer Regiment, is relieved from duty with said company, and will report to the colonel commanding for assignment to duty with Com- pany K, of the same regiment. 701 IX. Private Drury Miller, of Company C, Forty-first Alabama Infan- try, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to Lieutenant William Hume, com- nianding Confederate States ordnance department at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. X. Private C. C. Chance, Company G, Second Texas Infantry, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected sheriff of Burleson County, Tex. XI. Private Isaac Carlton, of Company H, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected ordinary for Colquitt County, .Ga. XII. Lieutenant-General Hardee is relieved from duty in the Army of Tennessee, and will assume command of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, to take effect from the time of his as- euming command. XIII. H. M. Mitchell, at present serving with Captain Gay's company, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is detailed until further orders as a cadet of the Virginia Military Institute, and will" report to Lieuten- ant-Colonel [&] Ship, commanding corps. XIV. Second Lieutenant Alf. H. Peyton, Company H, Twenty-eighth Tennessee Regiment, will report to Brigadier-General Lyons [ H'. B. Lyon,] commanding Department Western Kentucky, for assignment to duty. XV. Lieutenant S. B. Davis, aid-de-camp, will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, for assignment to duty during the imprisonment of Major-General [Isaac J?.] Trimble. XVI. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- nient will report to Major H R. Teasdale, chief quartermaster, for service in Florida: Captains W. H. Jernigan, R. C. Shorter, assistant quarter- musters. XVII. Leave of absence for fifteen days from 3d November, 1864, is granted Captain C. K. Mallory, assistant quartermaster. XVIII. The services of Private William A. Rind, Company E, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, is until further orders detailed for duty in the Quartermaster-General's Office, and will report accordingly. XIX. Authority is hereby granted Messrs. Heck, Brodie & Co., govern- ment contractors, to select from the military prisons at Salisbury, N. C., and Danville, Va., sixty prisoners who may volunteer to work in their bayonet factory on Deep River, N. C., provided, first, that Captain W. L. Brodie and Lieutenant Reese W. Butler, of said firm, who are command- ing Company A, City Battalion, North Carolina Reserves, file with the officers commanding prisons duplicate certificates on honor that said prisoners shall be actually and sufficiently guarded both day and night; and secondly, that the prisoners before leaving said prison camp ehall in presence of the officers commanding sign a written statement, to be left with said officers, to the effect that they have volunteered to labor for Messrs. Heck, Brodie & Co. at their factory. XX. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain T. S. Barton, acting commissary of subsistence. XXI. The services of Private A. F. Pendleton, Company C, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being certified to as indispensable to the Treasury Department, is detailed for duty in that department, and will report accordingly. 176—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—i 702 XXII. The two unattached companies commanded, respectively, by Captains H. P. Allen and E. D. Snead will when their places are supplied at Salisbury, N. C., proceed to Wilmington and report to General Bragg for temporary duty at that point. XXIII. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 218, current series, from this office, ordering Major H. Goldthwaite, assistant adjutant and inspec- tor-general, to report to Major-General P. Anderson, is hereby revoked. XXIV. Private W. Q. Nails, of Company —, Thirteenth Virginia In- fantry, recently assigned to that regiment, is detailed as a miller until further orders, and will report to enrolling officer of Culpepper [Cul- peper] County, Va. XXV. Major-General/. L. Kemper will assign an [assistant] adjutant and inspector-general to inspect the companies of Captain McDanid and Captain Williams, organized for secret service, and ascertain if their authority has been observed in the recruitment of men and their employment. A report will he made to General Kemper, to be submitted to this department. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders 1 Richmond, October 29,1864. No. 258. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Major C. D. Rowell, Twenty- sixth South Carolina Volunteers ;' Second Lieutenant F. Yarborough, Company K, Sixtieth Alabama Regiment; Reverend J. J. D. Renfroe, chaplain, Tenth Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant D. B. Smith, Company H, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain W.M. Inzer, Company D, Fifty-eighth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant Joshua Stafford, Company E, Third Florida Regiment; Second Lieu- tenant J. Y. Strayhorn, Company D, Fifty-first Tennessee Regiment; Second Lieutenant J. J. Simmons, Company G, Fifth Tennessee Volun- teers; First Lieutenant John Y. Stewart, Company C, Fifteenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry; First Lieutenant H. H. Richardson, Dent's battery, Courtney's battalion ; First Lieutenant E. P. Price, Company G, Thirtieth Georgia Battalion ; First Lieutenant J. T. Thompson, Company D, Eight- eenth Alabama Infantry ; Second Lieutenant William Young, Company C, Ninth Tennessee Regiment; First Lieutenant Thomas Winterton, acting adjutant, Fourth Mississippi Infantry. II. The following-named-officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report as indicated: Second Lieutenant R. B. Thrasher, late of Twelfth Battalion Arkansas Volun- teers, (sharpshooters,) to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] at Shreveport, La.; First Lieutenant and Adjutant P. R. OEourke, late of First Louisiana Volunteers, to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] superintendent, &c., Shreveport, La. III. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned as follows : Captain James N. Craddock, late of Company K, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers, to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Captain J. M. Tarbutton, late of Company H, Sixtieth Alabama Volun- teers, to post duty, and will report for orders to Major-General J. M- Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama. 703 IV. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned as follows, and will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves, for orders: Second Lieutenant J. B. Finch, late of Company E, Fourteenth Virginia Volunteers, to post duty; Lieutenant-Colonel 0. S. Peyton, late of Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, to duty in'the enrolling service; Captain Robert Mayo, late of Company G, Twelfth Virginia Vol- unteers, to duty with the Reserve Corps. V. First Lieutenant Charles L. Huger, First Louisiana Regulars, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., for assignment to temporary duty with Brigadier-General B. W. [B. M.] Thomas as ordnance officer of the reserve forces of Alabama. VI. First Lieutenant W. A. Wright, of the Invalid Corps, late of Wright's brigade, is assigned to duty as ordnance officer with Brigadier- General [A. R.~\ Wright, at Augusta, Ga., and will report accordingly. VII. Major H. K. Daniel, quartermaster, is relieved from further service with Doles' brigade, and will report to Major C. S. Carrington, quartermaster, in this city, for duty in collecting forage, &cM in Georgia. VIII. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment will report to Major A. L. Landis, inspector field transportation, Army of Tennessee, as inspector for that army: Major G. V. Young, Quartermaster; Captain A. D. Abrahams, assistant quartermaster, Forty- rst Georgia Regiment; Captain Thomas Berry, assistant quartermaster, Thirty-first Alabama Regiment; Captain James Russell, assistant quar- termaster, Forty-seventh Tennessee Regiment. IX. Captain J. M. Pickens, assistant quartermaster, recently relieved from duty with Twelfth Alabama Regiment, is assigned to duty with the Seventh Battalion Confederate Cavalry, and will report accordingly. X. Private George V. Perrie, First Maryland Artillery [Battery,] is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report tp Medical Director W. A. Carrington, in this city, for assignment to duty. XI. Captain S. R. Proctor, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service at Charleston, S. C., and is assigned to duty as paymaster at Augusta, Ga. XII. The detail heretofore granted Private S. T. Milstead, Company D, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is continued, he being indis- pensable and one of those retained under General Orders No. 82, cur- rent series, from this office, certificate having been made in his case by the chief of ordnance. XIII. Captain W. T. Faircloth, assistant quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty with the Sixty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Vol- unteers, and will report accordingly. XIV. Major James L. McCluer, quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty as quartermaster of the Fourth Brigade, Second Division, Forrest's cavalry, and will report accordingly to the commanding officer. XV. Captain James W. Mangum, assistant adjutant-general, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding Departments of Tennessee and Georgia [and] Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, for assignment to duty with the brigade of Brigadier-General Alpheus Baker, General Hood's army. XVI. Captain Samuel Bard, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Cap- tain John Maguire, assistant quartermaster, of the duties connected with the post and camp of instruction at Talladega, Ala. XVII. Captain John Decker, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major E. H. Harris, post quartermaster, for assignment to pay duty at Montgomery, Ala. 704 XVIII. First Lieutenant James G. Blanchard, C. S. Army, will report to chief [of] Signal Bureau, in this city, for assignment to duty in the signal service for the next ninety days at Rodney, Miss. XIX. Colonel J. P. Jones, Provisional Army Confedera te States, is re. lieved from assignment under Special Orders No. 76, [Paragraph XVIII,] current series, from this office, and is assigned to general inspection duty in Arkansas and Texas under orders of the War Department. He wijj observe in his inspection the instructions heretofore received from Gen- eral Bragg during past inspections. Quartermasters will furnish all re- quisite transportation, and commanding officers all facilities to Colonel Jones, his assistant, and clerk. XX. Captain L. M. Davis, Fifth North Carolina Regiment, is assigned to duty as assistant to Colonel J. P. Jones in his inspection duties in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to him accordingly. XXI. John H. Brazeal, at present engaged in weighing forage for Steward's [Steuart's] brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, is detailed until further orders as a miller at Clement Town Mills, and will report accordingly. XXII. Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 258, of this date, is revoked. XXIII. Leave of absence for sixty days from the 26th September, 1864, is granted Captain F. R. Blake, of General Clingman's staff, on sur- geon's certificate of disability. XXIV. J. L. Peck, of Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, will return at once to his duties as requisition clerk in the War Department, to remain until further orders. XXV. Brigadier-General W. S. Walker, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to General L. S. Baker for assignment to duty in com- mand of the post at Weldon, N. C. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, October 31,1864. Special Orders) No. 259. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Rev. George T. Embry, chaplain, Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment; First Lieutenant D. M. Edwards, Gregg's battery, Pegram's battalion; Second Lieutenant Leroy W. Dam, Company K, First Lieutenant John Odom, Company C, Twentieth Georgia Infantry; Rev. C. C. Dodson, chaplain, Forty-sixth North Carolina Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenants Benjamin F. Floyd, James R. Parker, Com- pany C, Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Hand, Company A, Third Regi- ment Georgia Reserves; Second Lieutenant W. H. Edenjield, Company D, Seymour's battalion Georgia reserves; Second Lieutenant Isaac Easlcy, Company E, Third Georgia Reserves; Second Lieutenant Samuel H. Gibson, Company B, Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry; Captain J. W. Backman, Company G, Sixtieth Tennessee Regiment. 705 XI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain J. B. Turney, Company G, Harrell's battalion, july 23,1864; First Lieutenant G. W. Bennett, Compan}' D, Hobby's raiment Texas infantry, July 23, 1864; First Lieutenant E. Patrick Ward, Company E, Twenty-fourth Regiment Texas Cavalry, July 23, jg04 ; Second Lieutenant George S. Luther, Company C, Thirty-fifth Reg- inient Texas Cavalry, July 23, 1864; Second Lieutenant W. G. Taylor, p0nipany B, Hill's regiment Arkansas infantry, July 23,1864 ; Colonel ft f, P. AUen, Seventeenth Texas Infantry, July 27, 1864; Major Will- idm Quesenbury, quartermaster, C. S. Army, July 27, 1864; Captain Horace Cone, assistant adjutant-general, July 27, 1864; Second Lieuten- ant Sterling Fisher, Company B, Second Texas Infantry, July 27, 1864; gecond Lieutenant E. H. Serff, Company I, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Vol- unteers, July 27,1864; Captain S. L. Moore, First Lieutenant R. D. Fallis, gecond Lieutenant John W. Hendley, Company C, Tenth Missouri Cav- alry, July 21,1864; First Lieutenant M. McKinney, Second Lieutenant Jessee Woodward, Company H, Fourteenth Texas Infantry, July 27,1864 ; Captain R. M. Gaines, jr., assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Con- federate States, September 20, 1864; Lieutenant J. F. Lee, Company G, Crescent Regiment, July 23, 1864. III. Second Lieutenant John G. White, now serving as private in Com- pany D, First Virginia Cavalry, will immediately rejoin his proper com- mand—Company D, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry. IV. Private H. A. Bristow, Twelfth Mississippi Volunteers, is for thirty days detailed for duty with C. K. Marshall, agent for Mississippi, to enable him to wind up and settle his accounts, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. V. Permission is hereby granted Private Landon B. Edwards, of the South Side Artillery, being unfit for field service, to attend medical lec- tures in this city from the 1st November, 1864, to 1st March, 1865. He will report to Surgeon-General for further orders. VI. The services of the following-named men being experts and in- dispensable in the manufacture of telegraph instruments, they will re- turn at once to work reporting to president of the Union Manufacturing Company, in this city: Privates William Keesee, D. Brannon, M. C. Hawes, Company G, Arsenal Battalion, Local Defense Troops; Private W. A. Spotts, cavalry, Local Defense Troops. VII. Private A. Eastwood, of Company D, Twenty-fourth Virginia Cav- airy, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States on surgeon's certificate of disabilit}\ VIII. A furlough for thirty days hereby granted Private Samuel H. Noitlin, Company D, Fifth Virginia Cavalry. IX. Captain W. B. Flowers, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as assistant to Major J. R. Braithwaite, quartermaster, with the forces on the line of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and will re- port accordingly without delay. X. Second Lieutenant J. P. Halligan, of a secret service company, will report for temporary duty with Flag-Officer E. Farrand, C. S. Navy, at Mobile, Ala. XI. Second Lieutenant C. B. St. John, Invalid Corps, (late of Forty- eighth Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty with the reserve forces °f Alabama, and will report for orders to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., at Montgomery, Ala. 177—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 706 XII. Conscript D. 31 Robinson is hereby transferred to the C. S. Navy and will report to Commander Frederick Chatard, C. S. Navy, in this city' XIII. Captain W. T. Faircloth, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as assistant to the quartermaster of Cox's brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly without delay. XIV. Surgeon S. W. Caldwell is relieved from field duty with Army of Tennessee on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Direc. tor [S. H.] Stout, at Columbus, Ga. XV. Assistant Surgeon J. 31. Weekly, of Third South Carolina Cavalry will report without delay to Medical Director [I7. L.] Ogier, [jr.,] a{ Charleston, S. C., for assignment to duty with Third South Carolina Cavalry. XVI. Captain B. J. Hawthorne, Company G, Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry, now on conscript service in Henry County, Va., will imnie- diately rejoin his command. XVII. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private K. 31 Urquhart, Company E, Ninth Virginia Infantry, to enable him to bring off his negroes and other property in Southampton County, Va. XVIII. Major J. C. Sexton, commissary of subsistence, of the Old Stonewall Brigade, will without delay relieve Major Thomas E. Ballard as commissary of Gordon's division, Second Corps, Army of Northern , Virginia. Major Ballard on being relieved will report immediately to General R. E. Lee, commanding, for assignment to duty as chief com- missary of Anderson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. XIX. Private Ulysses Brooks, Company C, Twentieth Battalion Vir- ginia Heavy Artillery, will be sent to report to George D. Pleasants, sheriff of Henrico County, on Monday, the 7th November, 1864, at 11 o'clock, to attend as witness for the Commonwealth in a prosecution against Wilson, a slave, charged with felony. XX. First Lieutenant J. Thompson Brown, of Parker's battery, being unfit for field service, will report to Colonel [J.] Gorgas, chief of ord- nance, for temporary assignment to duty at the Confederate States arse- nal in this city. XXI. Private A. G. Thompson, Company G, One Hundred and fifty- fourth Tennessee Regiment, is during his unfitness for field service de- tailed for duty in the Selma Iron Works, and will report to H. H. Ware, president, at Selma, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XXII. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment are assigned to duty as assistants to the brigade quartermaster of General Ransom's brigade, and will report accordingly: Captains G. B. Barnes, John Farrell, assistant quartermasters. XXIII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, current series, as refers to Captain W. F. Erskine, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Erskine will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. Colonel [Jno. B.~\ Danforth will return to this city with his regi- ment, [First Regiment Virginia State Reserve Forces,] and report to Brigadier-General W. 31 Gardner, commanding, &c., for guard duty. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General- 707 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 1, 1864. Special Orders ) " No. 260. f J. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Z. F. Rush, Company F, First Regiment North Carolina Reserves; Captain C. H. Irving, Buckingham Reserves, [Company C, Third Virginia Reserves;] Assistant Surgeon Samuel T. Dickinson, Twelfth Virginia Regiment; second Lieutenant J. T. Peacock, Jo. Thompson's [Thompson] Artil- jt>ry; First Lieutenant W. W. Shedd, Company B, Second Florida Cav- „lry; First Lieutenant James T. Shannon, Company A, Fourth Missis- gjppi Infantry; First Lieutenant A. W. Robertson, Company E, Seventh Arkansas Regiment; Second Lieutenant H. E. Munroe, Company H, geventh Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. B. Trice, Company F Fifty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant H. S. Palmer, Company G, Willis' battalion Texas cavalry; Captain Samuel E. Hope, Company C, Ninth Florida Regiment. II. The sentence of death against Private John Coats, Company H, Twenty-third South Carolina Infantry, by a court-martial convened by Special Orders No. 64, Department North Carolina and Southern Vir- pinia, August 3, 1864, is remitted by the President. Private Coats will be released from arrest and returned to duty. III. The sentence of death pronounced against Private F. M. Pearce, Company C, Nineteenth Georgia Infantry, by a court convened under Special Orders No. 64, Department North Carolina and Southern Vir- ginia, August 25,1864. is remitted by the President. Private Pearce will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty. IV. The sentence of death pronounced against Private W. T. Coleman, Company F, Fifty-fourth Georgia Regiment, by a court convened under Special Orders No. 7, Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, January 26, 1864, is remitted by the President. Private Coleman will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty. V. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Andrew Irvine, Company C, Twenty-second Georgia Battalion, by a court-martial con- vened by virtue of General Orders No. 43, Department of South Caro- lina, Georgia, and Florida, April 13, 1864, is remitted by the President. Private Irvine will be released from arrest and returned to duty. VI. The sentence of death pronounced against Private James C. Fowler, Company C, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Infantry, by a court-martial convened at Petersburg by virtue of special order from Headquarters of Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia August 15, 1S64, is commuted by the President to confinement at hard labor for twelve months. The sentence thus commuted will be carried into exe- cution as directed by his commanding general. VII. The sentence of death pronounced against Private John A. Hawley, of the Hampden- Artillery, by a court-martial convened by virtue of General Orders No. 4, Department of North Carolina, Decern- 1k.t 11,1863, is commuted by the President to confinement at hard labor for one year. The sentence thus commuted will be carried into effect as the commanding general of the prisoner may direct. 708 VIII. The sentence of death pronounced against Private John ft Renfrew, Company C, Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, by a court-martia{ convened under Special Orders No. 64, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, August 25, 1864, is remitted by the President, Private Renfrexo will therefore be released from arrest and restored to duty. IX. The sentence of death pronounced against Private D. W. Bain, water, Company C, Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, by a court convened under Special Orders No. 64, Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, August 4, 1864, is remitted by the President. Private Rain. water will therefore be released from arrest and returnfed] to duty. X. The sentence of death pronounced against Private G. W. Workman Company I, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Troops, by a court con' vened under Special Orders No. 52, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, August 5, 1864, is remitted by the President. Pri- vate Workman will therefore be released from arrest and return[ed] to duty. XI. The sentences of death pronounced against Privates T. McKinney and Thomas Carver, Company B, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Infantry, by a court convened by virtue of Special Orders No. 64, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, September 6,1864, are commuted by the President to hard labor for the period of twelve months, which sentences thus commuted may be carried out in such manner as their commanding general may direct. XII. The sentence of a general court-martial convened at Tallahassee, Fla., by virtue of General Orders No. 121, Department of South Caro- lina, Georgia, and Florida, by which Captain John T. McClusky, of Sixty- fourth Georgia Infantry, was cashiered, by order of the President is commuted to suspension from rank, pay, and command for the period of ten months from the 4th day of January, 1864—the date of the sen- tence. XIII. The sentence of death pronounced against Private Obadiah Jarratt, Company I, Sixth North Carolina Infantry, by a court-martial convened by virtue of Special Orders No. 61, Department of North Car- olina and Southern Virginia, August 1, 1864, is remitted by the Presi- dent. Private Jarratt will be released from arrest and returned to duty. XIV. The finding of the examining board in the case of Corporal E. B. Falls, elected second lieutenant of Phelan's battery, adverse to his assignment to duty as such is approved and confirmed. He will remain in his present position. XV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and [will] report to Surgeon Palmer, in charge general hospital Howard's Grove, Richmond, Va.: Sergeant H. D. McCollum, Privates J. B. Knight, John Morris, M. Mote, A. M. Hancock, Invalid Corps. XVI. So much of Paragragh IV, Special Orders No. 126, current series, from this office, as relates to Captain H. B. Landis [Landers,] Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and he will report to Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia, for assignment to duty. XVII. Private Jvlian T. Edwards, of Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, heretofore detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, is transferred to the Medical Department to enable him to attend medical lectures this winter. He will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for orders. 700 XVIII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for guard duty, and will report as indicated: Privates W. H. Hurst and jf. D. Minton, late of Company IC, Thirty-second Georgia, to Major- general Howell Cobb, commanding reserves, Macon, Ga.; Private T. A. Patrick, late of Company I, Tenth Alabama Volunteers, to surgeon in charge general hospital, Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond, Va.; private John Pickett, late of Company —, Fourth Texas Volunteers, to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding post, Richmond, Va. XIX. Colonel W. J. Clarke, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment, js during his unfitness for field service assigned to duty as commander of the post at Raleigh, N. C., and will report accordingly. XX. Private D. S. Doggett, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Company F, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry,) is detailed for duty in the Army Intelligence Office, in this city, and will report to Rev. R: Gate- ipood, superintendent. XXI. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders as indicated: Private Adam Schmidt, late of Rockbridge Artillery, to Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty as shoemaker; Corporal J. D. Jackson, late of Company B, First Louisiana Infantry, to Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty as shoe- maker; Private J. A. Newton, late of Company F, Thirty-fourth North Carolina, to Captain W. E. Peirce [Pierce,] assistant quartermaster, Raleigh, X.C.; Private D. G.Lindsay, late of Company—, Second Arkansas Regi- ment, to Captain D. Pender, post quartermaster, Tarborough, N. C. XXII. Private R. J. Madison, of Captain Hutchinson's company, Thirtieth Virginia Infantry, is for thirty days detailed for duty as mill- wright to enable him to complete a mili destroyed by the enemy when passing through the country between the Mattaponi and Rappahannock, and will report at once to Hon. R. M. T. Hunter. XXIII. Major [E.] Griswold, assistant adjutant-general, will report to Lieutenant-General [ Wm. «/.] Hardee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty'. XXIV. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Scottsville Manufacturing Company to enable them to com- plete a contract with the Government, and will report to John S. Martin, secretary and agent, at Scottsville, Va.: Conscript J". L. Dawson, Twenty- first Virginia Infantry ; Conscript W. D. Clements, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry ; Conscript J. W. Thompson, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. XXV. Major S. H. Reynolds, Provisional Army Confederate States, lately on duty as chief ordnance officer Department of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee, is hereby relieved from duty in the Ord- nance Department. XXVI. The following-named men are until further orders detailed for duty as printers, and will report to Messrs. Smith, Bailey & Co., of this city: Privates J. M. Garrard, T. J. Laprade, S. V. Fairbanks, Leroy Molair, J. McG. Fisher, H. S. Reynolds, James Haner, Company K, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops ; Private T. J. Puckett, Fourth Battalion, Local Defense Troops. XXVII. Lieutenant C. R. Goodwin, aid-de-camp, will report to Briga- dier-General E. P. Alexander, commanding artillery in the outer defenses of Richmond, for tern porary and special service. After having performed the duty assigned him he will report in person to Major-General \J. F.'] Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city. 178—S. O.. A. & I. G. O.—4 710 XXVIII. Dr. Gaston F. Cobb is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major S. R. Chesman [Chisman], quartermaster, Greensborough, N. C., for assignment to duty. XXIX. A furlough until exchanged is granted Private N. Barnwell t Seventh South Carolina Cavalry. XXX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Brigadier-General E. M. Law is extended ten days. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 2,1864. Special Orders) No. 261. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Joseph G. Younger, Company F, Fifty-third Virginia Regiment; Major Thomas M. Barbour, Forty-third Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant James R. Sterling, Company H, Fortieth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieu- tenant George T. Redd, Company G, Eleventh Florida Regiment; Second Lieutenant J. H. Parker, Company I, Sixty-second Georgia Cavalry* Captain E. P. Melvin, Company K, Eleventh Florida Regiment; Second Lieutenant E. Dyal, Company H, Twentieth Regiment Georgia Volun- teers ; Captain D. R. Hoyle, Company F, Thirty-fourth North Carolina Regiment; Captain J. P. Knight, Company E, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; Captain Wilson L. Brewster, Company A, Tenth Alabama Regi- ment. II. Private Chandler W. Hill, Company G, Sixth Virginia Regiment, a disabled soldier, is detailed for duty in the Army Intelligence Office, and will report to Rev. Robert Gatewood, superintendent, &c., in this city. III. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Captain John P. White, Company E, Captain JET. E. Bradfordt Company F, Sixth Texas Infantry. IV. Special Orders No. 123, Paragraph IX, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, May 23, 1863, is revoked, and Private Thomas N. Lewis will report to his regiment (Company I, Fourth. Regiment Alabama Volunteers) without delay. t V. Assistant Surgeon John Ligon, of Nineteenth Virginia Regiment of Cavalry, will report without delay to Medical Director [Hunter II.] McGwire for duty with cavalry corps. VI. Hospital Steward W. A. Hurt is relieved from hospital duty in Cahaba, Ala., and will, report in person to the Surgeon-General, at Richmond, Va. VII. Assistant Surgeon Henry S. Orm, of Georgia, will report without delay to Florence, S. C., for duty at prison hospital. VIII. First Lieutenant George M. Taylor, Company C, Fifty-fourth Virginia Infantry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty since the 17th June, 1863, without reporting to his commanding officer, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. 711 IX. Private A. Melton, Company F, Twenty-third Tennessee Regi- plCnt, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty at post, flnd will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., at Montgomery, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be furnished Monthly to his company commander. X. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed in the service 0f the Lockville Mining and Manufacturing Company, and will report t0 jr. J. Hawkins, president, at Raleigh, N. C.: Privates John H. Webb, \l Mclnnis, Company C, Fortieth Regiment North Carolina Troops; private S. Vanamringe, Sixty-first Regiment North Carolina Troops. XI. So much of General Orders No. 58, current series, from this office, and preceding special orders as drop' the following-named officers are hereby revoked, and the officers named will have their commissions restored to them in the position indicated, respectively: Colonel George //. Nixon, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas R. Hughes, Captain Lewis Miller, Lieutenants A. 0. Montague, J. R. Foss, George W. Pryor, John W. Stewart, Forty-eighth Tennessee Infantry; and authority is hereby given to Colonel Nixon, with the officers herein named, to complete the organiza- tion of a battalion or regiment of Tennessee cavalry within the enemy's lines upon special condition, that deserters and men belonging to other organizations will not be received by them. XII. So much of Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 256, current series, as refers to Private John Ryan, of the Invalid Corps, is hereoy revoked, and Private Ryan will be permitted to remain in Richmond. XIII. Rev. IF. W. Duncan, chaplain of the Twentieth South Carolina Volunteers, is relieved from duty with that regiment, and will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment as chaplain of the Thirteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XIV. The detail heretofore granted the following-named men are extended twenty days, so that further inquiry can be made in their cases: Privates D. H. Berry, Richard F. Eldee, Parker's battery Virginia volunteers. XV. The following-named officers will proceed to the points indi- cited, viz., Mobile, Mandanville, and Madisonville, and other points situated on the gulf between Mobile and New Orleans, for the purpose of recruiting for the brigade of Brigadier-General Z. York, Army of Northern Virginia. They will apply to the commandant of conscripts or enrolling officers in the district for all proper facilities in obtaining recruits to the brigade named. They will report every fifteen days to Brigadier-General York, or brigade commander, their progress in re- cruiting, &c.: Captain Thomas A. McDonald, Company H, Fourteenth Louisiana Volunteers ; Captain E. S. Willett, First Louisiana Regiment; Lieutenant Paul Gusman, Company F, Tenth Louisiana Regiment. XVI. Private William Munford, Otey Light Battery, Thirteenth Bat- talion Virginia Artillery, will report for duty to Rev. K. Steward, chap- Lin, Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. The company of artillery attached to the command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel John S. Mosby and organized under the authority of the Secretary of War is hereby disbanded. The men will be incorporated into the other companies of the command or be forwarded to Camp Lee for general assignment as conscripts. XVIII. Private William Lovenstein, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Infantry, is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report to Medical Purveyor E. IF St. Johns [Johns,] in this city, for assignment to duty. 712 XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major Julian Mitcheft is extended ten days, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin h'u command. XX. Hospital Steward J, K. Day is relieved from duty with Twelfth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, East Tennessee, will report to the Surgeon. General, at Richmond, Va. XXI. Surgeon Archibald Taylor is relieved from duty at Dublin, Va and will report without delay to Surgeon W. A. Canrington, medical di! rector, at Richmond, Va., for assignment. XXII. Hospital Steward J. A. Hamilton is relieved from duty with Army of Southwestern Virginia, and will report without delay to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XXIII. Surgeon John D. Patton, of the Army Northerm Virginia, will report without delay to officer in command Fiftieth Regiment North Carolina Troops [for] reassignment after promotion. XXIV. The services of P. P. Winston having been certified as being indispensable by the Secretary of the Treasury, is detailed for service in the Treasury Department, and will report to the-Hon. George [A.] Tren- holm, Secretary of the Treasury, for assignment. XXV. Assistant Surgeon William H. Hall, awaiting orders, will report without delay to officer in command of arsenal Fayetteville, N. C., for duty in the hospital at that post. XXVI. Surgeon 0. M. Doyle is relieved from conscript duty in Ala- bama, and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, for duty in General Hospital No. IB, Raleigh, N. C. XXVII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report for orders as indicated: Private W. R. Thornton, late of Company C, Second Louisiana Volunteers, to com- mandant post Montgomery, Ala.; Private D. Lee, late of CompanylA, Second Louisiana Volunteers, to Colonel [P. P.] Burke, confmanding post Mansfield, La.; Private John Gallagher, late of Company C, Fitt Louisiana Volunteers, to the commandant of post Mobile, Ala.; Privite Joseph Jacobs, late of Company F, Second Louisiana Volunteers, to Bri adier-General P. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] Shreveport, La.; Private WiUiu n Carey to commandant post Mobile, Ala. By command of the Secretary of War: , JOHN W^RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office. Special Orders ) Richmond, November 3,1864. No. 262. [ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant William B. Run- yan, Company A, First Florida Regiment; First Lieutenant W. T. Charles, adjutant, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant H. Rabby, Com- pany H, Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry Regiment; Rev. T. J. Donnelly, chaplain, First Missouri Brigade; First Lieutenant William F. Hurd, Company K, Tenth Kentucky Mounted Infantry; Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Wynn, Company C, Thirty-fourth Virginia Battalion Cavalry; Surgeon James A. Harrold, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain Isaac Laws, Orange County (N. C.) Reserves; Second Lieutenant Thomas P. Lucas, Company A, Lucas' battalion South Carolina artillery. 713 II. The following-named men will immediately rejoin their com- oiands: Private Charles TimberlaJce, Tanner's battery; Private A. Green, Company A, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion. III. The leave of absence granted Surgeon N. S. Orowell on account of ill-health is extended thirty days. IV. The following-named medical officers will report at Florence, S. C., for duty in prison hospital at that place : Assistant Surgeon Edwin L. fdlinghast, of Third South Carolina Cavalry ; Assistant Surgeon A. J. Burroughs. V. Assistant Surgeon G. McD. Brumby is relieved from duty at hos- pital Gordonsville, Va., and will report to Medical Director [Frank A.] Barney, Bristol, Tenn., for duty at Asheville, N. C. VI. Assistant Surgeon P. S. Kirk will report at Florence, S. C., for duty in prison hospital at that place. VII. Assistant Surgeon Thomas McCoy will report at Florence, S. C., for duty in prison hospital at that place. VIII. Surgeon P. J. McCormiek is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will report to General [IF. H. C.] Whiting, Wilmington, X. C., for assignment. IX. Major A. H. Mason, commissary of subsistence, will report with- out delay to Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, commanding Department Mississippi and East Louisiana, for assignment to duty as chief com- missary of his army, relieving Major G. B. Dyer,v commissary of sub- gistence. X. Private Thomas Silke, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for light duty, and will report to commandant post Mobile, Ala., for assignment. XI. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department will report to Major L. Mims, chief post and purchasing quartermaster for Mississippi, for assignment to duty as designated: Captain G. P. Theobald, assistant quartermaster, to post and other duties at Enterprise, Miss.; Captain S. F. Pennington, assistant quartermaster, to post and other duties at. Meridian, Miss.; Captain W. B. Lucas, assistant quar- termaster, to post and other duties at Macon, Miss.; Major IF. J. Ander- m, quartermaster, to post and other duties at Columbus, Miss.; Captain B. Mickle, assistant quartermaster, to post and other duties at Grenada, Miss.; Captain F.-Ingate, assistant quartermaster, for special duty in purchasing supplies in West Tennessee, &c.; Major A. G. Quaite [Qaaites,] quartermaster, to superintendent collection and transportation of sup- plies, &c. XII. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c.,for assignment to duty as indicated: Captain. T. P. Brawn, assistant quartermaster Third Alabama, with ordnance train Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia; Captain A. J. Whitlock, assistant quartermaster Twenty-first Georgia, as paymaster of Rodes' division, Army Northern Virginia; Captain A. S. Byrd, assistant quartermaster Tenth Virginia, as assistant to brigade quartermaster of Battle's brigade ; Captain J. B. Whited, as- sistant quartermaster Fiftieth Virginia, to ordnance train artillery Second Corps, Army Northern Virginia. XIII. Major L.Mims, quartermaster, will relieve Major R. W. Saunders [Sanders,'] quartermaster, to the duties of supervision of exchanges of cotton for army supplies, &c. Major Saunders [Sanders] on being relieved will report to the Quartermaster-General for orders. — XIV. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles L. Haynes, Twenty-seventh Virginia Infantry, will immediately rejoin his command. 179—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 714: XV. Private W. R. Ramsey, Company A, Thirty-sixth Alabama Reg. iment, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major G. W. Jones, quar. termaster, at Marion, Ala., for assignment to duty in tax service. CeN tificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company com. mander. XVI. Sergeant E. R. Morris is detailed for duty in the Engineer De. partment, and will report to Captain Walter J. Morris, acting chief engi. neer Department Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. XVII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as indi- cated: Private W. L. James, late of Company H, Eighth Missouri Vol. unteers, to commandant of post at Fort Smith, Ark.; Private H. Gutman to surgeon in charge general hospital at Jacksonville, Ala.; Sergeant George T. Malone to Surgeon [& H.] Stout, medical director of hospitals Columbus, Ga., for assignment as dentist; Private John Hargrove to senior surgeon of post at Petersburg, Va.; Sergeant H. B. Oneal, late of Company G, Seventh Alabama Volunteers, to the surgeon in charge general hospital at Greensville, Ala. XVIII. Private W. H. Branham is relieved from duty in the Signal Corps, and will without delay return to his command—the Orleans Light Horse, Army of Tennessee. XIX. Adjutant J". T. Morehead, of the Invalid Corps, is relieved from his present duties, and will report to Lieutenant-General Holmes, com- manding North Carolina Reserves, for assignment to duty at post of Greensborough, N. C. XX. Private J. S. Berry, of Fredericksburg Artillery, Pegram's bat- talion, having been pronounced by medical board at Camp Lee as being permanently disabled for field service, is detailed for duty in the Sub- sistence Department, and will report to Captain W. S. Alsop, Provisional Army Confederate States, for assignment. XXI. Private R. E. 31acomber, of Company F,-Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is for twenty days detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, his services being indispensable, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XXII. Private Wiley Edson, of Company B, Fourth Alabama Volun- teers, will be discharged from service in that regiment and turned over to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama. XXIII. Adjutant R. E. Lester, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Twenty- fifth Georgia Regiment,) is assigned to duty as adjutant of the First Regiment Local Troops, Augusta, Ga., and will report to Major J. P. Girardey, commanding regiment. XXIV. Private G. T. Burch, of Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders to Captain Joseph Farley, post quartermaster Depot No. 4, Montgomery and West [Point] Railroad. XXV. Private James D. Williams, of Invalid Corps, is detailed for post duty, and will report for assignment to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama. XXVI. Private J. H. Williams, of Invalid Corps, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report to surgeon in charge of Stonewall Hospital, Mont- gomery, Ala., for assignment. XXVII. Private W. J. Keblinger, Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Post Office Department, and will report for assignment to the postmaster at Charlottesville, Va. 715 vXVTII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain W. H. j^ifer, C. S. Army. 'xxix. Leave of absence for twenty days is granted Major S. L. Lewis, uartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. ^ XXX. Private 0. M. Price, First [Company,] Richmond Howitzers, is hereby appointed an ordnance sergeant, and will report to Colonel [P. C.] Q„illard, commanding post at Weldon, N. C., for assignment to duty. XXXI. The chief commissaries of armies are hereby authorized to appropriate the assistants to brigade commissaries and assign them to cavalry regiments or other duties when needed. By command of the Secretary of War: J JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, special Orders ) Richmond, November 4, 1864. " No. 263. j I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain W. T. Lesesne, Company C Hampton Legion; First Lieutenant W. B. King, Company D, Twenty- ^Jcond Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant B. F. Mitchell, Company F, Fifteenth Mississippi Regiment. II. Hospital Steward T. P. Edwards is relieved from duty at General Hospital No. 1, Savannah, Ga., and will report without delay to Surgeon jr. A. Carrington, medical director, at Richmond, Va., for assignment. III. The following-named medical officers are relieved from hospital duty in the Department of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, [Ala- Luna, Mississippi, and East Louisiana,] and will report without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, medical director, Selma, Ala., for assignment to duty in the field: Assistant Surgeons John E. Pugh, John L. Moore, S. P. Kennedy, R. H. Kilpatrick, D. W. Johnston, John R. Little, W. D. Somers, II'. C. Silliman, G. W. Pearce, Samuel L. Lewis, George W. Howard. IV. Assistant Surgeon Charles Selden is relieved from duty at Howard's Grove Hospital, and will report without delay to officer in command of the First Foreign Battalion, at Columbia, S. C. V. A general court martial to be composed of the following-named officers of the Invalid Corps will assemble at such time and place as may be indicated by Major-General Howell Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia, to whom the said officers will report for said duty forthwith : Major M. Lynch, late of the Twenty-first Georgia Volunteers; Captain E. P. Bowore [Boudre,] late of the First [Georgia] Regulars ; Captain J. R. [7. R.] Duval, late of the Sixty-second [Georgia] Cavalry; Captain Charles Knmlton, late of the Tenth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain E. H. Buck, late of the Forty-third Alabama Volunteers ; Captain G. A. Roberts, late of the Fourth Battalion Cavalry; Captain R. J. Andrews, late of the Thirtieth Georgia Volunteers; Captain H. L. Leon, late of the Tenth Georgia Volun- t'yrs; Captain S. Dickson, late of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina; First Lieutenant W. Thurmon, late of the Sixteenth Georgia. Major-General Gib will designate one of the above-mentioned officers to act as judge- Advocate. Should any of the officers named above be prevented from Mending as ordered, the court will nevertheless continue and try such wses as may be sent to it by General Cobb, provided the number of Members present be not less than five. The above detail is as large as be made without manifest injury to the service. 716 VI. The following-named conscripts, recently taken by error and as. signed to the Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment, and who were retained under General Orders No. 82, current series, by the Nitre and Mining Bureau, will be immediately returned to their work. They will report to Captain R. C. Morton, at Fincastle, Va.: Thomas L. Howard, George ]}- Olinger, Albert Willis. VII. Captain H. R. ShacJcett, assistant quartermaster, will report to Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Pickett's regiment, of General Roddy's [Roddey's] cavalry division. VIII. Conscript R. R. Howison having been found [fit] for light duty by medical examining board at Camp Lee, is detailed for duty in the office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General, and will report to Lieu. tenant-Colonel S. W. Melton for assignment. IX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant F. A. Timber, lake, of Company B, Seventh Tennessee Volunteers, is extended sixty days pending his application for retirement. X. First Lieutenant John T. Price, of Company B, Fourth Texas Vol. unteers, will report to Lieutenant-General Th. [A] Holmes, commanding reserves for North Carolina, for assignment to duty during his unfitness for field service. XI. Major W. F. Ayer, quartermaster, will relieve Major M. B. Me. Micken as chief quartermaster of the Army of Tennessee, to take effect from 8th of September, 1864. Major McMicken will report to the Quar- termaster-General for orders. XII. Major L. N. Webb, quartermaster, and Captain J. F. West, assist- ant quartermaster, are assigned to duty in connection with the following hospitals in and around the city of Richmond, to-wit: Winder, Chim- borazo, Hospitals Nos. 21 and 24. Major J. B. Gary, quartermaster, and Captain W. S. Kemper, assistant quartermaster, are assigned to duty in connection with all other hospitals in and around Richmond. XIII. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 251, current series, from this office, assigning First Lieutenant 0. Y. Steptoe, adjutant, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry, to temporary duty with Lieutenant-Colonel [S.] Ship, commanding corps of cadets, is hereby revoked. XIV. Private John T. Walthall, of Company F, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Infantry, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department in accordance with Paragraph IV, General Orders No. 59, current series, and will report to post quartermaster at Danville, Va., for assignment to duty as shoemaker to relieve an able-bodied man. XV. Private C. D. Rogers, Company K, First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty in the navy store at Savannah, Ga., as clerk, and will report to James E. Godfrey, naval storekeeper. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XVI. Cadet P. 0. Miller, C. S. Army, is relieved from duty with the Tenth Regiment Florida Infantry, and will report to General R. E. Lee for assignment to duty with the Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers. XVII. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain James B. Morris, Company A, Thirtieth Georgia Regiment, to carry home a wounded brother unable to travel without assistance. XVIII. The following-named assistant adjutants-general are assigned to duty as below under the provisions of Paragraph VI, General Orders No. 44, and will report immediately: 717 ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. (General R. E. Lee.) Lieutenant-Colonels W. H. Taylor, Charles Marshall, Charles S. Venable, E. Murray, Majors H. E. Peyton, H. E. Young, G. B. Cooke. FIRST CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA. (Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet.) Majors John W. Fairfax, Osman Latrohe. SECOND CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Lieutenant-General J. A. Early.) Majors J. H. New, R. W. Hunter. THIRD CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA. (Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill.) Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Palmer, Majors W. N. Starke, R. J. Wingate. CAVALRY CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA. (Major-General W. Hampton.) Majors A. R. Venable, George Freanor, H. B. McClelland {McClellan."] pickett's division. Majors Charles Pickett, Walter Harrison. kershaw's division. Majors E. L. Costin, James M. Goggin. wilcox's division. Majors J. A. Englehard [Engelhard,] L. H. Hunt. early's division. Majors R. R. Hutchinson, J. W. Daniel. field's division. Major L. Masters. Anderson's division. (Now under [William] Mahone.) Majors Thomas S. Mills, R. P. Duncan. heth's division. Majors R. W. Finney, H. H. Harrison. Gordon's division. (Formerly Ed. Johnson's.) Majors E. L. Moore, H. Kyd Douglas. rodes' division. Majors W. A. Whiting, Greene Peyton. hoke's division. Majors J. L. Cross, J. M. Adams. 180—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 m. c. butler's division. (Formerly Hampton's.) Majors T. J. Barker, John Preston. lomax's division. (Formerly R. Ransom, jr.'s.) Major Thomas Rowland, Captain J. T. Brown. b. r. Johnson's division. Captains R. E. Foote, W. H. Whitner. fitz. lee's division. Majors J. D. Ferguson, Thomas F. Bowie. w. h. f. lee's division. Captain John M. Lee. Steuart's Brigade. (Formerly Barton's.) Captain J. D. Darden. Uunton's Brigade. Captain E. C. Fitzugh [[FitzhughJ] G. T. Anderson's Brigade. Captain C. C. Hardwicke. Echols' Brigade. Captain W. R. Preston. Gregg's Brigade. Captain John W. Kerr. Grade's Brigade. Captain H. E. Jones. Benning's Brigade. Captain S. J. Benning. Clingman's Brigade. Captain Edward White. M. W. Ransom's Brigade. Captain S. H. Lee. Colquitt's Brigade. Captain G. G. Grattan. Martin's Brigade. Captain C. G. Elliott. Law's Brigade. Captain T. L. Christian. Wofford's Brigade. Captain A. F. Woolley. 719 Bryan's Brigade. Captain James Walker. Saunders' Brigade. Captain W. E. Winn. Harris' Brigade. Captain James Hays. Finnegan's [Finegan's] Brigade. Captain J. G. Spann. Scales' Brigade. Captain W. B. Henderson. Archer's Brigade. Captain R. M. Grinnell. Corse's Brigade. Captain P. B. Hooe. Bratton's Brigade. Captain A. C. Sorrel. Humphreys' Brigade. Captain John H. Hobart. Kershaw's Brigade. Captain Charles R. Holmes. Weisiger's Brigade. Captain W. E. Cameron. B. R. Johnson's Old Brigade. Captain J. M. Pace. Lane's Brigade. Captain E. G. Hale. J. R. Cook's [Cooke's] Brigade. Captain H. A. Butter. Pegram's Brigade. (Now under Lilly [Lilley.]) Captain. R. T. Daniel. Godwin's Brigade. (Formerly Hoke's.) Captain J. M. Richardson. Bryan Grimes' Brigade. Captain W. L. Loudon. R. D. Johnston's Brigade. Captain D. P. Halsey. Young's Brigade. Captains W. L. Church, Boyd Edelin. McCausland's Brigade. Captains N. Fitzugh [Fitzhugh,] George Eyster. Ramseur's Brigade. (Now W. R. Cox's.) Captain Seaton Gates. Wickham's Brigade. Captains Peter Fontaine, E. J. Harvie. Barring er's Brigade. Captains J. E. Gaines, Chiswell Dabney. Imboden's Brigade. Captains C. S. Morgan, F. B. Berkley [Berkeley.] Wright's Brigade. (Now under General [G. M.] Sorrel.) Captain W. H. Perry. Thomas' Brigade. Captain William Norwood. J. R. Davis' Brigade. Captain J. J. Evans. McGowan's Brigade. Captain J. C. Haskell. MacRae's Brigade. Captain Lewis G. Young. York's Brigade. (Formerly Hays' and Stafford's.) Captain W. J. Seymour. C. A. Evans' Brigade. Captain Edward Hull. William Terry's Brigade. Captain R. J. Barton. Battle's Brigade. Captain A. H. Pickett. Phil. Cook's Brigade. (Formerly Doles' Brigade.) Captain F. T. Snead. Wise's Brigade. Captain J. H. Pearce. 721 Rosser's Brigade. Captains John W. Emmett, R. B. Kennon. Butler's Brigade. Captains R. Lowndes, J. N. Lipscombe. Lomax's Brigade. Captains C. P. Grady, W. F. Mullihan. Chambliss' Brigade. Captain J. V. Nash. B. T. Johnson's Brigade. Captains W. K. Martin, 0. R. W. Radford. Wharton's Brigade. Captain C. A. DeRussey. FIRST CORPS ARTILLERY. (General [E. P.] Alexander.) Captains S. Winthrop, J. C. Haskell. THIRD CORPS ARTILLERY. (Colonel R. L. Walker.) Captains W. W. Qhamberlaine, Richard Walke. ARTILLERY CORPS, ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA. (General [W. N.] Pendleton.) Captain D. D. Pendleton. SECOND CORPS ARTILLERY. (General [A. L.] Long.) Captain W. A. Percy. XIX. Private C. S. Ball, of Company B, Seventh South Carolina Cav- airy, is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report to Medical Director [S. H.~) Stout, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. XX. The following-named men are detailed for the time annexed to their respective names for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city: Ord- nance Sergeant H. C. Burnett, Scruggs' battalion, for thirty days; Pri- vate B. H. West, Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, for thirty days; Private John Bowles, Company H, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, for twelve days. XXI. The services of Mr. [Private] John Skinner, Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being certified as indispensable and an expert, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to G. A. Trenholm, Secretary Treasury, in this city. XXII. Private Thomas R. Hines,jr., of Chatham Artillery, is detailed to pursue his studies as a cadet of the Alabama Military Institute, and *ill report accordingly. XXIII. Colonel A. G. Taliaferro will relieve Captain W. B. Mallory in toe duties of commandant of post at Charlottesville, Va. 181—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 722 XXIV. Captain W. H. Hatch, assistant adjutant-general and assistant agent of exchange, will proceed forthwith to Savannah and superintend and control the receipt and delivery of prisoners and stores. The mili- tary authorities will extend to him whatever facilities and corporation [co-operation] may be necessary to the execution of this order. Captain Hatch will report his proceedings directly to the agent of exchange at Richmond. The quartermasters will furnish the necessary transporta- tion upon the requisition of Captain Hatch, assistant adjutant-general. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 5,1864. Special Orders) No. 264. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take- effect to-day: Colonel J. V. Jordan, Thirty-first North Carolina Regiment; Captain G. H. Hunter, Company E, Ninth Florida Regiment; Colonel Charles J. Harris, Third Georgia Reserves; Lieutenant S. H. Pope, adjutant, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Regiment. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names; Major M. K. Simons, commissary of subsistence, Cap- tain J. A. Settle, assistant commissary of subsistence, Assistant Surgeon R. P. Sweatt, Provisional Army Confederate States, September 28,1864; Captain R. A. Reeves, Company E, Thirty-fourth Regiment Texas Cav- airy, September 28, 1864; Captain A. Bradshaw, Company D, Fourth Regiment Arizona Brigade, September 28,1864; Captain John A. White, Company I, Thirty-first Louisiana Infantry, September 28,1864; First Lieutenant J. N."Perite, Company B, First Battalion Texas Sharp- shooters, September 28,1864; First Lieutenant Z. W. Matthews, Company F, Sixteenth Regiment Texas Infantry, September 28,1864; Second Lieu- tenant Henry Holtzcraw \Holizclaw,] Company A, Eighth Regiment Texas Infantry, September 28, 1864; First Lieutenant L. B. Hosmer, Company E, Timmons' regiment Texas infantry, September 28,1864; Second Lieu- tenant John T. Welch, Company I, Bradford's regiment cavalry, Septera- ber 28, 1864; Second Lieutenant John Whealin, Company H, Simmons' [Timmons'] regiment infantry, September 28,1864; Second Lieutenant R. J. Pennall, Company A, First Battalion Trans-Mississippi Cavalry, September 28,1864; Second Lieutenant S. W. Farris, Company D, Eighth Regiment Texas Infantry, September 28,1864; Seoond Lieutenant C. C. Cook, Company C, Timmons' regiment Texas infantry, September 23, 1864; First Lieutenant T. Garinne, Company G, Third Louisiana In- fantry, September 28,1864; Second Lieutenant J. H. Haltom, Company A, Seventeenth Texas Dismounted Cavalry, September 28, 1864; Cap- tain William Snell, Twenty-fourth Texas Cavalry, September 29,1864; Captain M. M. Martin, Compgjiy D, Fifteenth, Texas Cavalry, October 3, 1864. III. The following-named men are hereby appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major S. R. Chi* man, quartermaster, Greensboro ugh, N. C., for assignment to duty: E.A. Vogler, L. W. Anderson. 723 t IV. I. L. Brower is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major S. R. Chisman, quarter- paster, for assignment to duty. V. Private Robert C. Dudley, Company G, Sixty-first Regiment North Carolina Troops, a disabled soldier, is hereby appointed a bonded agent 0f the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major George W. (jrice, quartermaster, for assignment to duty. VI. Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 245, current series, from this office, referring to Captain Cazeaux [A. D. Cazaux,] assistant quarter- paster, is hereby revoked. VII. S. H. Pope (late adjutant Thirty-fifth Mississippi Infantry) is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major W. H. Dameron, chief commissary of subsistence for Mississippi, at Meridian, for assignment to duty. VIII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report as designated for assignment to duty : Acting Hospital Stew- ard Joseph Henry Knox* Twenty-third Mississippi Regiment, to Surgeon- General, Richmond, Va.; Private D, B. Mandel, Captain McElroy's company, Fifth Florida Cavalry, to. Medical Director [JE. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C. IX. Private J. F. Leivering, Company F, First Texas Cavalry, having been elected clerk of district court county of Live Oak, Tex., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. X. Rev. George Patterson, chaplain of Third North Carolina Regiment, is relieved from duty with his regiment, and will report to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, in this city, for assignment to duty at that hospital. XI. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Assistant Surgeon John T. Melton, C. S. Army. " XII. E. IF. De Treville is hereby appointed a hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to duty. XIII. The following-named men of Company H, Arsenal Battalion, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty at the Eagle Machine Works, Richmond, Va., and will report at once to Mr. IF. J. Rahm, their services being indispensable: George Duckett, J. J. Martin, James Payant, Chris- tu}>her Boltz. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major-General Fitzhugh Lee, Provisional Army Confederate States, is "extended twenty days. XV. Major-General Robert Ransom, {jr.,'] Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is hereby assigned to duty in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, -and Florida.-- He will proceed to Charleston and re- port to Lieutenant-General Hardee, commanding, &c., for assignment to the First District in South Carolina. XVI. Colonel J. C. G. Key, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Fourth Texas Infantry,) is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Mississippi, and will report for orders as soon [as] his health will admit of it to Brigadier- General IF. L. Brandon, commanding, &c. XVII. The services- of Private Peter B. Law, of Company D, Third Regiment,- Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, as certified to by the Secretary of Treasury, h'e is hereby detailed for duty in the Treasury htpartment, and will report' fo Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasury. XVIII. So much of Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 195, Adjutant *n9 XXVIII. Captain H. S.. Crawford, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major A. H: Cole, inspector-general field transportation, for assign- nient to duty. XXIX. Colonel C. C. Henderson, -of Fifth Confederate Regiment, is hereby relieved from duty in the conscription service. % command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General, 184—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 734 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office Special Orders ) Richmond, November 11 10^ No. 269. I ' I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accei t a by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant Robertjp Gray, Com pan}'- B, Forty-third Battalion Virginia Partisan Pan" Captain Charles J. Jenkins, Company B, Tenth Florida Second Lieutenant A. J. Cox, Company A, Second Regiment Mississin ' Cavalry ; Captain W. J. Smith, Company F, Fifty-fourth Alabama Rd to continue in that service as a member of the Signal Corps. XIV. Private E. Fairfax, of the Signal Corps, is hereby appointed /creant in the Signal Corps, vice Sergeant Joseph K. Irving, deceased, f11,! will report accordingly to chief of Signal Bureau, in this city. an\V The detail heretofore granted Private Phil. L. Harrison, of Ches- ^peake Light Artillery, is continued sixty days on surgeon's certificate 0t\VL Leave of absence for forty days is granted Lieutenant W Lewis, Coin pan v F, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, on surgeon's certificate of dis- '^XVIL Private C. W. Perkins, of Parker's battery, is detailed during his unfitness for field service in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major William G. Bentley, quartermaster, in this city, for j^iffninent to duty. A certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XVlil. Colonel J. II. Connelly [J. K. Connollyf] Fifty-fifth North Car- olina Regiment, will report without delay to General B. Bragg, at Wil- winjrton, N. C., for assignment to duty to command the reserves. XIX. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 222, current »t.ries, from this office, as refers to Colonel V. S. Murphy \_Murphey,~\ Seven- teenth Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Colonel Murphy [Murphey] will continue to be an officer of the Provisional'Army Confed- erate States. XX. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for .uard duty, and will report for orders to commandant 6f post at Jack- «»n. Miss.: Privates II. Morey, IF. N. Brashwell, A. H. Hanes, A. Miles. XXI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the enroll- iiiZ service, and will report for orders as indicated below: Privates John H'xif, A. M. McMullen to Brigadier-General J. Chestnut, commanding re- "rves of South Carolina; Private W. E.Spinks to Major-General II. Cobb, •uimanding reserves, Macon, Ga.; Corporal Jones Smith to Major-Gen- ^l J M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Privates S. L. uurh, TF. A. Campbell to Major Pry or, enrolling officer Eighth tWrict North Carolina. XXII. The furlough heretofore granted Private John B. Cocke, of Yy an ^rooP' extended to the 30th instant. ^ furl°ugh f°r sixty days with transportation to his home 1° Butler County, Ala., is granted Private IF. B. Traweek, Reese's bat- "\\P«Re's battalion artillery. »!r State of North Carolina east of the Blue Ridge Mount- 'In ^^uted a military department, to the command of which I .fV^Bwxton Bragg is assigned. It will continue a part of the com- I of General R. E. Lee. y command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 736 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 12,1864. Special Orders) No. 270. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day: Colonel Wm. Gibson, Forty-eight jj Georgia Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon Thomas Turner, Forty-first XI sissippi Regiment; Surgeon George J. Colgin, Baker's brigade; First Lieutenant William Thurmond, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Paragraph XXXV, [Special Orders No. 57,] Adjutant and Inspec. tor-General's Office, March 9,1863, appointing Private Jas. T. Yates,Third Virginia Regiment, hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay for duty with his regiment. III. Private H. W. Flournoy, of Company G, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, is transferred to the Third Company, Richmond Howitzers, and will report accordingly. IV. Major Samuel B. Myers, Seventh Virginia Cavalry, is detailed for special duty till the 1st January, 1865, and will report by letter to Col- onel [7. M.] St. John, chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, in this city, f()r further orders. V. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, ami will report to Medical Director [5. 77] Stout, Columbus, Ga., for assign- ment to duty: Private A. F. Samuels, Company L, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Regiment; John J. W. Ford. VI. J. R. Cato, recently assigned to the Twelfth Virginia Regiment, is detailed for sixty days as a wheelwright at his home in Greenville County, Va., as a public necessity, and will report to enrolling officer of said county. VII. A. W. Strange, of Fluvanna County, Va., is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major B. P. Noland, chief commissary of subsistence for Virginia, for assign- ment to duty. VIII. The following-named officers are assigned to duty with Lieuten- ant-General Hardee, commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C., and will report accordingly without delay : Lieutenant-Colonel A. Roman, Captain A. Ferry, assistant adjutants-general. IX. Private R. L. Loyd, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for guard- duty, and will report to Medical Director W. A. Carrington, Richmond, Va., for assignment. X. Corporal W. W. Norvell, of Company F, Forty-ninth Virginia Reg- iment, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will rei>ort to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, in this city, for assignment. XI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Major F. G. Humphrey*, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. XII. Lieutenant Collier 77 Minge, drill-master, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama, for assignment to duty. XIII. Private Channing M. Smith, of Company H, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, is transferred to Company E, Lieutenant-Colonel Mosby's bat- talion Partisan Rangers, and will report accordingly. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major James C. Bryan, quartermaster, is extended to the 20th instant. 737 XV. Captain A. F. Pagnier, Invalid Corps, is assigned to post duty, nd will report for orders to commandant post Eufaula, Ala. ®XVI. Second Lieutenant Fleming^ James, Company C, First Foreign battalion, is hereby announced as first lieutenant of said company, to nk'aS suc^ fr°ra October 19, 1864, vice First Lieutenant J. Thompson partes, appointed adjutant. XVII- John T. Trezevant, having been elected second lieutenant Com- Ay B, First Foreign Battalion, is hereby assigned to dtfty as such, to rank fr°m October 26, 1864, and will be obeyed and respected accord- ;nirlv. "XVIIL Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 249, current series, from this office, is hereby revoked, and Private IF. H. Campbell, of the Invalid CorpS) is detailed for guard duty, and will report for orders to the en- jolling officer of Washington County, Va. XIX. Private F. L. Williford, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Colonel [(7. IF.] Rains, commanding, -S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 738 XXIX. The following officers, having been elected to the positions indicated in the First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Confederate States, are hereby assigned to duty in their respective grades, to rank from November 7,1864, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Julius G. Tucker, commanding: Captain B. A. Colonna, First Lieutenant B. 11', Barton, Company D; Captain D. M. Cleary, Second Lieutenant II. S. Kennedy, Company E. XXX. Leave of absence for ninety days from October 11,1864, is granted Smith P. Bankhead, late colonel of artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Rev. H. P. R. McCoy, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXII. Assistant Surgeon John R. Wood is relieved from duty with Army Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report with- out delay to Medical Director [P. P.] Uines, at Raleigh, N. C., for assign- ment. XXXIII. Lieutenant J. B. Johnson, of Invalid Corps, will report to Lieutenant-General Hardee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty to command of post at Fort Gaines, Ga. XXXIV. Captain W. C. Wood, of Invalid Corps, (late of Twenty- second Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to post duty, and will report for orders to Major-General H. Cobb, commanding reserves, Macon, Ga. XXXV. Private Patrick McGinnis, of Company D, Forty-seventh Vir- ginia Infantry, is hereby transferred to Company A, First Maryland Cavalry, he being a citizen of Maryland. XXXVI. Conscript James Stewart is hereby appointed hospital stew- ard, and will report to Surgeon W. H. Prioleau, medical purveyor, at Macon, Ga., for assignment to duty. . XXXVII. Private R. H: Crooks, of Company D, Armory Battalion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the Ax Manufacturing Company, and will be returned to his duties there immediately, his services being indispensable. He will report to Mr. A. T. Haney, agent, &c., in this city. By command of the Secretary of War I. Second Lieutenant John S. Shumate, Company D, Fifth Battalion, Valley Reserves, will be permitted to remain in the discharge of his present duties. II. The Thirtieth Georgia Battalion, (Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Young I) with the addition of the four companies raised under authority of the War Department where the conscript act could not enforced, will constitute the Eleventh Regiment Georgia Cavalry. III. The following officers are assigned to general inspection duty, and will report to Colonel R. H. Chilton, assistant adjutant and inspec- tor-general, for instructions: Majors J. G. Devereux, J. L. Gerault [J. F. Giraultj] assistant adjutants-general. JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 14,1864. Special Orders No. 271. 739 following-named officers will have their names dropped from JV". proionged absence from duty without leave, and will from this tj,e roll3 officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Cap- d.iy ceaS® Newport, Company G, Fourth Missouri Infantry ; Lieutenant- t.iin R- p gWearengen [P. H. Swearingen,~\ Twenty-fourth Texas Cavalry; Colo"?1 y g Norman, Company I, Fourth Missouri Infantry; First Lieu- CaMarks, Company B, Sixth Texas Infantry; First Lieutenant pntterson, Company C, First Lieutenant G. B. Williamson, Company II - /*' j Lieutenant T. B. Moore, Company B, Twenty-fourth South Car- ^Volunteers; First Lieutenant R. W. Martin, Company F, Twenty- 0'inifl Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant D. B. Strouse, Company ^THrty-sfxth Battalion Virginia Cavalry; Captain J. L. Singleton, inv D Forty-seventh Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant J. B. Company D, Second North Carolina Cavalry. X° Captain Joseph Selden, of Selden's battery, Preston's battalion ar- Ml >rv will have his name dropped from the rolls for inefficiency, in cord'ance' with General Orders No. 22, current series, from this office, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VI. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 128, current series, from this office, as drops Captain R. H. Reeves, Company B, Sixth Florida Regiment, from the rolls is hereby revoked, and he will continue to be aDr0flicer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. Captain H. J. Oattis, assistant quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty as acting brigade quartermaster of Evans' brigade, Second Corps, Armv Northern Virginia, relieving Major J. Bruce, quartermaster. Major Bruce on being relieved will report for duty as quartermaster of Terry's brigade. VIII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 219, current series, as assigns-Captain W. T. Meade, assistant quartermaster, to duty with ordnance train First Corps is hereby revoked, and Captain Meade is hereby assigned to duty with ordnance train of artillery First Corps, Annj of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. IX. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Department are assigned to duty as hereinafter designated, and will report accord- inglv: Captain John Mason, assistant quartermaster, with Cutshaw's ar- tillery battalion, Army Northern Virginia; Captain W. N. Smith, assist- ant quartermaster, with Nelson's artillery battalion, Army Northern Virginia; Captain J. H. Forbes, assistant quartermaster, with Braxton's artillery battalion, Army Northern Virginia. ^ X. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Lieutenant J. H. Hall, Company C, Third Virginia Cavalry, on certificate of medical examin- ing board. XI. Quartermasters, commissaries, and government agents will afford all necessary facilities to A. J. Wagner, special courier of "War Depart- went, to Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department, Shreveport, Lk., and returning thence to this city. XII. Leave of absence for sixty days from the 29th October, 1864, is Panted Captain N. B. Feagin, Company B, Fifteenth Alabama Regi- DltYTT0U cer^^cal'e °f medical examining board. XIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant R. M. htiinedy, Company C, Eleventh Alabama Regiment, on certificate of Vr^l ex.amining board, y • Private A. W. Masters, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina j; unteers, liaying been appointed a master in the C. S. Navy, will be ^charged his former service. 740 XV. Private W. W. Grant, Company A, Second Georgia BattaV being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermast^^' Department, and will report to Captain H. D. Cothran, assistant termaster, Columbus, Ga. ^ aN XVI. Private Edward P. Evans, recently assigned to Fifty-sixth V ginia Regiment, is detailed for thirty days to enable him to save t! i leather in his tannery7 and arrange his business. XVII. Assistant Surgeon L. A. Woodson is relieved from duty w:.. Army Northern Virginia on account of ill-health, and will report t/ surgeon in charge of Chimborazo Hospital, in this city. | r i XVIII. Assistant Surgeon J. G. Lea is relieved from duty aj; Chim. borazo Hospital, and will report without delay to AndersoUville, Ga." for duty at prison hospital. ' XIX. Surgeon Lafayette Jackson (awaiting orders) will report without delay for duty with the Seventeenth and Twenty-third Tennessee ments, Johnson's brigade. XX. Captain H. St. Paul, assistant quartermaster, is relieved fr0ta further service at Mobile, Ala., and is hereby assigned to duty as po^ quartefmaster at Cahawba [Cahaba,] Ala. He will report according. • XXI. Leave of absence for twenty-five days from the 24th instant li granted Major H. S. Routh, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confed- erate States. XXII. Lieutenant Robert 0. Irvine, of Company I, Boneaud's (Bo- naud's] Georgia battalion siege artillery, is assigned to temporary dutv as aid-de-camp to Brigadier-General Lucius J. Gartrell, commanding Second Brigade, Georgia Reserves, and will report accordingly. XXIII. Captain F. M. Charles, Company B, Seventeenth North Cur- olina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Lieutenant* General T. H. Holmes, commanding reserves of North Carolina, for assign, ment to duty in the enrolling service. XXIV. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, cur rent series, from this office, as refers to Captain James B. White, assist- ant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain White will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate State. j XXV. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewanjf, and will report for duty as designated: Private A. K. Wilson, Company H, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, to the colonel of bis regiment: Ser- geant Peterson Thorpe, Company K, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Volun- teers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private Robert A. Roper, Company I, Tenth Virginia Cavalry, to the colonel of his regiment; PrivateM.R. Cassaday, Company K, Sixth Alabama Infantry, to the colonel of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry; Private R. M. Tucker, Company A, Four- teenth Alabama Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Sergeant J. R. Wilkinson, Company K, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, to surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 12, Greensborough, N. C. XXVI. Conscript A. M. Lawson is detailed for duty in the Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, being found [fit] for light duty by medical examining board Camp Lee, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [Samuel WJ] Melton, assistant adjutant-general. ' XXVII. Conscript J. M. Brown, found [fit] for light duty by medical examining board Camp Lee, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General 741 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 15, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 272. f I. Lieutenant W. C. Schley, of the Signal Corps, being unfit for active field service, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, command- ing, &c., for temporary assignment to duty. II. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as desig- nuted: Sergeant E. Tomlinson to senior surgeon of post Charlottesville, Va.; Corporal W. B. Calfee to surgeon in charge general hospital Mont- gomery Springs, Va.; Private T. Simms to surgeon in charge Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private J. P. Hassell to surgeon in chage Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private Marion Button to senior surgeon in charge post Griffin, Ga.; Private C. M. Wright to senior sur- geon in charge post Marion, Ala.; Private W. T. Bush to Surgeon J. V. Chiklers, Fort Gaines, Ga.; Private R. B. Harrison to surgeon in charge Lee Hospital, Lauderdale, Miss. III. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report for orders as designated below : Sergeant B. M. 'Nicholas, Private J. J. Ogle to Major [CI] Boyle, provost-marshal, Gordonsville, Va.; Privates M. A. Claywell, C. II. Wynn, D. R. Knight, Julius Casey to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, Richmond, Va.; Ser- gent T. M. Williams, to commandant of post Bristol, Tenn.; Corporal 0. M. Hendricks to commandant of post Liberty, Va.; Private T. H. Quinn to commandant of post Augusta, Ga.; Private G. L. Anthony to com- mandant of post Mobile, Ala.; Private R. Finney to commandant of post Columbus, Ga. IV. Private LeGrand Guerry, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to the chief of ordnance Columbus, Ga., for assignment. V. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders as designated below: Sergeant J. E. Gilbert, Corporal James Barnett to post quartermaster Columbia, S. C.; Corporal J. J. Brown to post quarter- master Georgetown, S. C.; Private W. Faircloth to post quartermaster "Luthbert [Cuthbert,] Ga.; Private W. D. Walker to Captain R. A. Mills, assistant quartermaster, Dawson, Ga.; Private G. A. Little to post quar- termaster Wilson, N. C. VI. The following-nanjed men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as designated below: Private W. S. Hays, formerly Company D, forty-sixth Georgia Regiment, to enrolling officer Randolph County, Ga.; Private T. M. Lewis, formerly Company A, Fifty-seventh Georgia Volunteers, to enrolling offi- cerThomasville, Ga.; Private W.J. Branson, formerly Company I, Forty- eighth Virginia Volunteers, to enrolling officer Washington County, Va.; Sergeant J. T. Pugh, formerly Company D, Fiftieth Virginia Infantry, to enrolling officer Grayson County, Va.; Sergeant II. C. Taylor, formerly Company A, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers, to enrolling officer Bibb County,Ga.; Private B. F. Brown to Major-General Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Private D. W. Mitchell, formerly Company II, Thirty-eighth Virginia Volunteers, to Major Williams, enrolling officer Danville, Va.; Sergeant W. A. J. McCallum, formerly Company B, Fifth South Carolina Volunteers, to enrolling officer Yorkville, S. C, 186—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 742 VII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments: Pri- vate Bailey Buie, Company E, Fifty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Private R. W. Cain, Company B, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers, to take effect May 10, 1863; Private J. H. Witherspoon, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Infantry. VIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private William K. Chapman, Company D, Eleventh Virginia Cavalry, (courier,) is extended eight days from this date. IX. The following-named .men are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty as designated: J. H. Avent, of Washington County, N. C., to Captain D. Pender, assistant quartermaster, Tarborough, N. C.; Conscript A. J. Hamilton, of Rock- bridge County, Va., to Major James G. Paxton, quartermaster, Lynch- burg, Va.; Lewis D. Means to Major [W. B.~\ Richards, quartermaster, Gor- donsville, Va.; T. W. Howard to Quartermaster-General. X. Mr. S. B. Hormblow is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major W. W. Morrison, com- missary of subsistence, Goldsborough, N. C., for assignment to duty. XI. J. C. Marquis, now commanding Company D, Fifth Battalion, Valley Reserves, will remain in the discharge of his present duties until further orders. XII. Captain Frederick Nash, jr., assistant adjutant-general, will report to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with Brigadier-General Seth N. [Seth M.] Barton. XIII. Leave of absence for forty days from 31st October, 1864, is granted Second Lieutenant R. F. Thornton, Company A, Tenth Georgia Cavalry, on certificate of medical examining board Hospital^No. 4, Rich- mond, Va. XIV. Sergeant A. W. Taft, of Signal Corps, is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will report to Lieutenant S. Wilmer, com- manding marine signals, Wilmington, N. C., for assignment. XV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted First Lieutenant/. B. Murphy, Company E, Third Tennessee Infantry, an escaped prisoner. XVI. Private J. T. Budd, of Captain Dyke's company Florida light artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected sheriff of Jefferson County, Fla. XVII. Leave of absence for forty days from 31st October, 1864, is granted the following-named officers on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital No. 4, Richmond, Va.: First Lieutenant /. U. Cumbea, ensign Twent}'-first Virginia Infantry; Second Lieutenant N. M. Scruggs, Company D, Twenty-fourth Georgia Volunteers. XVIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private William J. Estill, Com- pany B, Fifth Alabama Regiment, is extended sixty days. XIX. Leave of absence for thirty days from 29th October, 1864,',i3 granted Second Lieutenant H. G. Fuller, Company 0, Third South Car- olina Battalion Infantry, on certificate of medical examining board Jackson Hospital. XX. Private A. N. Vaughan, of Company F, Fifth Texas Regiment, being unfit for field service, is detailed to take charge of the Fifth Texas Depot, in this city, and will report accordingly. XXI. Leave of absence for sixty days from the 12th instant is granted the following-named officers on certificate of medical examining board: Captain D. J. Barlow, Company G, Thirteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain W. H. Lewis, Company E, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers. 743 XXII. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Captain V. L. Pitts, Company K, Fifteenth Virginia* Cavalry, to await action of papers in case of retirement. XXIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Smiley J. Brown, of Com- pany I, Seventh North Carolina Infantry, on the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, will be continued until further orders. He will jcport to enrolling officer of Iredell County, N. C. XXIV. Lieutenant T. D. Davis, drill-master, Provisional Army Con- federate States, will report to Brigadier-General Q. Lee, commanding, 4c., Staunton, Va., for temporary duty as aid-de-camp. XXV. Private Duff Green, recently assigned to the Tenth Virginia Cavalry, is detailed until further orders to attend to the support and protection of the various families dependent on him. He will report to the enrolling officer of Stafford County, Va. XXVI. Private Bentivoglio Middleton, of Marion Artillery, how on signal duty, is hereby transferred to the First Regiment South Carolina Volun- teers, A rmy of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. XXVII. The following-named officers and privates will proceed with- out delay to this city to attend the military court for the Department of Richmond, as witnesses in the case of Colonel J. M. Hughes [Hughs,] and will report to judge-advocate of the court: Captain J. H Bibbrey, Com- panyF,Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment; Major W.S. Bledsoe, Eighth Ten- nessee Cavalry; Captain Mounts Gore, Company G, Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Lieutenant John Riley, Brown Rangers, Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private Samuel H. McBride, Company D, Second Kentucky Cavalry; First Lieutenant James Fitzjpatrick, Seventeenth Tennessee Reg- iment; Private J. M. Richardson, Company B, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiment. XXVIII. Captain James Hunter, of Company E, Seventh Georgia Vol- nnteers, now in hospital in Augusta, Ga., will proceed without delay to De Kalb County, Ga., to arrest and return to the Army of Northern Virginia all men of his regiment absent without leave. XXIX. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private R. H. Tongue, of Company K, First Maryland Cavalry, to visit his father in Georgia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHER^, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 17,1864. Special Orders) No. 273. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain M. A. Knight, Company H, Ninth Florida Regiment; Rev. Peter Nicholson, chaplain, Norty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. D. McCldlem [Mc- Cldlan,] Company F, Forty-eighth Mississippi Regiment; Captain M. W. Clu*key, assistant adjutant-general, Vaughan's brigade. II. Surgeon Thomas Hill is relieved from duty with Fortieth Regi- ttent North Carolina, General Whiting's command, and will report with- out delay to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, Raleigh, N. C., for duty chief surgeon of reserves. 744 III. Paragraph IV [V,] Special Orders No. 143, Adjutant and Inspector. General's Office, June 16,1863, appointing W. P. Brewer hospital ste»l ard is hereby revoked, he having received a favorable report from atl army medical board for appointment as assistant surgeon. He will re. port without delay to Chief Surgeon W. H. Cummings, Savannah, Ga. for temporary duty with the sick and wounded prisoners. ' IV. Assistant Surgeon Pleasant Wilson will report without delay to Chief Surgeon W. H. Cummings, Savannah, Ga., for temporary duty with the exchanged sick and wounded prisoners. I V. Private B. H. Davenport, of Company C, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is hereby appointed mess steward in General Hos. pital No. 1, Savannah, Ga., to continue during his disability for field service. He will report to the surgeon in charge for assignment to duty. VI. Private William A. Keeble, Second Maryland Artillery [Battery,] is hereby appointed hospital steward, and will report to senior surgeon Johnson's cavalry brigade for assignment to duty. VII. Sergeant S. D. King, Company H, Nineteenth Mississippi Red. »ment, is hereby appointed an ordnancfe sergeant, and will report to the colonel of his regiment for assignment to duty. VIII. Rev. J. W, Miller, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty at Bristol, Tenn., and will report to Major- General J. C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge] for assignment to duty at Abingdon, Va. IX. Sergeant J. D. Collins, a retired soldier, late of Company A, Sev- eventeenth South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for duty as guard for baggage of Elliott's .brigade to relieve Sergeant J. Hyatt, of the same company, an able-bodied man. X. Lucien M. Sykes, of Captain Moore's unattached company, is de- tailed provost-marshal of the military court of Major-General Forrest's cavalry division under the act approved June 14, 1864, and will report accordingly. XI. Surgeon Bushrod Taylor is assigned to duty as medical purveyor of Early's corps, to date from July 25, 1864. XII. The appointment of S. R. Bradley as hospital steward is hereby revoked, to date from October 18, 1864, he having received a commis- sion in the Provisional Army Confederate States. Xlllf Assistant Surgeon W. S. Easley, of Virginia, will report without delay to Florence, S. C., for duty at prison hospital. ' XIV. Surgeon W. C. Horlbeck is relieved from hospital duty in South Carolina, and will report to Medical Director [Li] Guild, Army Northern Virginia, to relieve Surgeon W. C. Ravenel. When relieved Surgeon Ravenel will report to Medical Director [12. A.] Kinloch, at Charleston, S. C. XV. Assistant Surgeon Milleage B. Johnson, of Second South Carolina Cavalry, will report wjthout delay to prison hospital Florence, S. C. XVI. Special Orders No. 228, Paragraph X, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, September 26, 1864, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Surgeon T. D. Morse will report to Medical Director [72. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for such hospital duty as he can perform. XVII. Surgeon John Minor is relieved from hospital duty at Lynch- burg, Va., and will report without delay to prison hospital at Florence, S. C. XVIII. Hospital Steward G. M. Hoke is relieved from duty with Hoke's division on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Di- rector [12. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C., for hospital duty in Florida. 745 XIX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 93, Adjutant and ingpector-General's Office, April 16, 1863, as refers to Captain R. M. 1fason, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Mason ' ill continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XX. The following-named men of Colonel O'Neal's command, now at Augusta, Ga., are detailed as glass blowers, and will report to H. T. greenwood for duty: P. PL. Anderson, William Stanley, Patrick E. Murphy. XXI. Surgeon Wyatt M. Brown, on detached duty, is granted a leave 0f absence for thirty days. XXII. Assistant Surgeon W. J. Davidson is relieved from duty in hospital at Staunton, Va., and will report to Surgeon [12. A.] Kinloch, medical director, at Charleston, S. C. XXIII. Hospital Steward W. P. Sneed is relieved from hospital duty at Auburn, Ala., and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XXIV. The following-named medical officers (awaiting orders) will report without delay to surgeon in charge of hospitals Andersonville, Ga.: Assistant Surgeons W. J. Reeves, A. S. James. XXV. Rev. E. Smulders, chaplain, Eighth Louisiana Regiment will report with the least practicable delay to this office. XXVI. Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 270, current series, assign- ing Private R. L. Loyd, of the Invalid Corps, to the Medical Depart- ment, is hereby revoked, and he will report to the commandant of post Houston, Tex., for assignment to duty. XXVII. Leave of absence for sixty days from the dates annexed to their respective names is granted the following-named officers on cer- tificate of medical examining board from Howard's Grove Hospital: Captain R. H. Cooper, Company I, Seventeenth Mississippi Volunteer Regiment, from, October 27, .1864; Captain W. F. Karsner, Company H, Fourth Alabama Regiment, from November 12, 1864. XXVIII. Private John Young, a machinist, at present engaged with the Danville Railroad Company, is for thirty days detailed with said company to allow regular application. XXIX. Private C. H. West, of Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for service in the field, is transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Flag-Officer J. R. Tucker, afloat, Charleston, S. C. XXX. Leave of absence for sixty days from 25th October, 1864, is panted First Lieutenant W. F. Smith, Company A, Sixty-first North Carolina Regiment, on certificate of medical examining board from General Hospital No. 24. XXXI. Leave of absence for sixty days from November 1, 1864, is franted Captain W. 0. Baldwin, Company K, Twentieth North Carolina Regiment, on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital No. 24. XXXII. John M. Thomas, a tanner of Louisa County, Va., is for twenty days detailed to enable him to assort and deliver his leather flnd arrange his business. XXXIII. Major G. R. Dunn, quartermaster, will relieve Major E. Richfield as post and hospital quartermaster for Dublin Depot and Montgomery Springs, Va. Major Orutchfield on being relieved will report duty as post quartermaster at Abingdon, Va, 187—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 746 XXXIV. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Captain M. f Bonham, Company G, Third Alabama Regiment, on certificate of medicaj examining board. XXXV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel W. B. Wood president military court First Corps, Army Northern Virginia, from' Headquarters Army Northern Virginia, November 12,1864, is extended thirty days. XXXVI. The order on the face of the commission of First Lieutenant R. A. Stiles, First Engineer Regiment, directing him to report to Colonel [T. M. R.~\ Talcott, commanding the regiment, is so modified as to require him to report by letter instead of in person, in order that he may remain as the adjutant of Colonel Cabell's battalion of artillery. XXXVII. A furlough until the 1st of December, 1864, is granted the following-named cadets of Virginia Military Institute : Cadets J. Irving Dickinson, Emmett Knight, J. V. Baylor. XXXVIII. A furlough from the 20th November to the 10th of Jan- uary next is granted Private John T. Sloan, of Captain Trenholm's com- pany, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry, for the purpose of attending to his duties as assistant clerk in the house of representatives of the State of South Carolina. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WiTHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 18,18G4. Special Orders) No. 274. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant James D. Russ, Company I, Thirty-second Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant E. Moore, Company G, Symons' regiment Georgia reserves ; First Lieu- tenant D. B. DeSaussure, First South Carolina Infantry ; Second Lieu- tenant D. G. Anthony, Company E, Second Mississippi Cavalry. II. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this daj7 cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant W. G. Williams, Company G, Sixty-sixth North Caro- lina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant John A. Kirkland, Company 0, Fifth Alabama Infantry; First Lieutenant J. T. Sutton, Company G, Forty-eighth Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant James L. Davis, Company G, Twenty-eighth Georgia Regiment; Captain DudUy A. Walsh, Company A, First Missouri Infantry; Second Lieutenant A. S. Bledsoe, Eighteenth Alabama Battalion. III. Captain Thomas J. Thrasher, of Company F, Third Regiment Arkansas Infantry, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States, to take effect from the 27th July, 1864. IV. Second Lieutenant George A. Winn, Company K, Forty-first Georgia Regiment, will have his name dropped from the rolls for de- sertion to the enemy, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. 747. V. Leave of absence for forty days is granted Second Lieutenant T. M. Bryant, Company A, Tenth Georgia Cavalry, from 7th November, 1864, 0n certificate of medical examining board General Hospital No. 4. VI. Surgeon W. R. Capeheart, First Confederate Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will relieve Surgeon William A. Green, chief surgeon artil- jcry Third Corps, Army Northern Virginia. Surgeon Green on being relieved will report for duty with First Confederate Regiment Georgia Volunteers, Army of Tennessee. VII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and trill report for duty as designated: Private W. C. Wilkinson, Company K, Eighteenth Virginia Regiment, to surgeon in charge General Hospital jCo. 4, Richmond, Va.; Private J. F. Thaxton, Company I, Fifty-third Georgia Regiment, to the colonel of his regiment; Private W. K. Tomp- ytns, Company A, Thirteenth Virginia Battalion Artillery, to the com- pending officer of his battalion; Private John William Miller, Company R, Seventh Regiment Texas Cavalry, to the colonel of his regiment. VIII. Leave of absence for ninety days is granted Second Lieutenant ]T. S. Goodin, Company K, Fifteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, on certificate of medical examining board Louisiana Hospital. IX. The following-named men are detailed for ninety days in the employ of Messrs. Matthews, Ewell & Co., contractors for transporting government funds and the mails, and will report accordingly: F. W. J|7,se, Treasury Department; W. S.Alston, Beauregard's army; T. E. Muse, J. T. Muse, Sixteenth Louisiana Regiment; R. D. R. Matthews, Company F, Twenty-second Georgia Battalion. X. Second Lieutenant John F. Taliaferro, C. S. Army, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [John S.~\ Moshyi commanding Partisan Rangers, for assignment to duty with his command. XI. Leave of absence for sixty days is granted Captain Thomas B. Bed, Company I, Fourteenth North Carolina Volunteers, on certificate of medical examining board from General Hospital No. 4, Richmond, Va. XII. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty as machinists in the Navy Department, and will report to Lieutenant [Jim. if.] Parker, commanding, &c.: Privates David A. Williams, Luther Williams, Company K, Ninth Virginia Infantry. XIII. Private Edward Hogan, of Company A, Twenty-fifth Georgia Regiment, is detailed for duty as night watchman, and will report to Captain Edward Gatshiel IGottheil,'] engineer in charge of iron works, Savannah, Ga. XIV. Private G. M. Mott, Company B, Eighteenth Mississippi Regi- nient,will report to the Surgeon-General for assignment to such duty in this city as will allow his attendance to the medical lectures. XV. Conscript Edward Townes will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to duty. XVI. Lieutenant T. Triplett, of Company C, Third Virginia Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, his services being indispensable, and will report to B. Baker, first auditor, in this city. XVII. Major Boiling Baker, Third Battalion, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, to take effect from 27th September, 1864, his services being indispensable. XVIII. Private C' F. McCarthy, of Company B, Fourteenth Louisiana Regiment, is detailed for duty as baker at Howard's Grove Hospital, his services being indispensable. He will report to the surgeon in charge for assignment. 748 XIX. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Treasurf Department, their services being indispensable, and will report to H0q George Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasury, in this city: Privates 3f. jj Quarles, John Branham, A. S. Watts, M. F. Govan, Company I, Third IW iment, Local Defense Troops. XX. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 203, Adjutant an on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital \o * Leave of absence for thirty days from 10th November, 1864, is ranted Captain II. W. Humphrey, Company F, Thirty-fifth North Caro- fiiia Troops, on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital ^°XXI. Leave of absence for sixty days from 14th November, 1864, is rented Second Lieutenant S. C. Thornton, Company D, Eighth Georgia Cavalry, on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital So. 4. * XXII- A furlough until the 1st December, 1864, is granted Cadet jlf T. Summerson, Virginia Military Institute. XXIII. The sentence of imprisonment against Conscript J. W. Griffin, alias Tim, Morris, pronounced by general court-martial convened at Headquarters Department of Henrico, February 6, 1864, is remitted by order of the President. Conscript J. W. Griffin, alias Tim Morris, is hereby transferred to the navy, and will be sent under guard to report to Commander [Murray] Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city. XXIV. Private W. W. Langhorne, of Company C, Sixth Virginia In- fantry, is her,eby transferred from the army to the navy, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in this city. XXV. Leave of absence for six weeks from the 27th instant is hereby granted Captain P. H. Langdon, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXVI. Private W. A. Bolick, of Company I, Sixth South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed as a machinist with South Caro- lina Railroad, and will report to General Superintendent H. T. Peake, Charleston, S. C. XXVII. Private Charles B. Hovey, of Company D, Twelfth Alabama Regiment, is for sixty days detailed as a machinist on the South and Xorth Alabama Railroad, his services being indispensable. He will report to Assistant Superintendent R. H. Kelly, Selma, Ala. XXVIII. The following-named persons, having been certified as ex- nerts and indispensable, are hereby detailed as clerks in the Treasury Department until further orders, and will report to William, J. Leitch, assistant treasurer, in Charleston, S. C.: W. E. Walpole, Private II. T. Thompson, Captain Walpole's company South Carolina cavalry; Private J. F. IP. Walter, Washington Artillery; Private G. N. Leitch, Company A, Siege Train. XXIX. Surgeon R. P. Page, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from hospital duty, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Shidds, commandant of conscripts Virginia, for.assignment to duty. XXX. Second Lieutenant James McKee, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Company C, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and wiil report accordingly. XXXI. The detail of Private Thomas B. Gresham, of Company B, 1 econd Georgia Battalion, heretofore employed on engineer duty, is continued until further orders. He will report to Lieutenant-Colonel I#. JJ".] Frobel, in charge works, Macon, Ga. % command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 752 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 21,1864. Special Orders) No. 276. j I. The services of the following-named men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detail^ for duty herein, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph IV Special Orders No. 257, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series: Privates S. W. Holt, F. W. Pleasants, C. B. Tebbs, N. R. Savag R. L. Tucker, J. F. Lennon. II. Private Henry Copeland, of Fenner's battery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States and allowed to visit Europe on the following conditions, to wit: That he will furnish to take his place an able-bodied soldier, and that he will engage one or more skillful machin. ists or workers on iron, who will be forwarded by Confederate Agent Major [Caleb] Huse, in England, on a fair contract for wages, with the stipulation that they shall be free from military service. III. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed fof duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the Alabama, Mobile, and Ohio Railroad: E. H. Day, Lookout Bat- tery; E. M. Betts, Company D, Fifty-first Tennessee Volunteers; J. B. Stevenson, Company C, Ninth Tennessee Volunteers; John Mathews, Com- pany D, Forty-first Mississippi Volunteers; John A. Moris, Company B, Forty-second Georgia Volunteers; M. D. Fisher, Company E, Forty-first Georgia Volunteers; E. C. Carlin, Company E, Fourth Tennessee Vol- unteers; J. A. McMillan, Company I, Thirty-eighth Tennessee Volun- teers. IV. The following-named men being skilled mechanics are detailed for sixty days for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C.: Anthony Barbot, Company D, Alexander Duncan, Company C, John Wittosky, Company G, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; John L. Root, George M. Keckly, Company C, W. Milligan, Company B, First South Carolina Volunteers; Frederick Copes, Company- B, W.H.Clayton, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers; Simon Eatt*, Company B, G. B. Welder, Company C, Second South Carolina Artil- lery; L. R. Phillips, Company K, Second South Carolina Volunteers; W. A. Bolick, Company I, Sixth South Carolina Volunteers; T. Crakhet, Company H, Second South Carolina Cavalry ; Samuel Green, Company G, Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volunteers; W. IC Evans, Company D, Third South Carolina Battalion; Richard Arnold, Company II, Third South Carolina Cavalry; E. W. Ehney, Company D, Fifth South Caro- lina Cavalry. V. The seven Louisiana companies now serving in the organization known as Powers' regiment of cavalry are hereby organized into a bat- talion, to be known as the Eighteenth Louisiana Battalion Cavalry. VI. The three Mississippi companies now serving in the organization known as Powers' regiment of cavalry are hereby organized into a bat- talion, to be known as the Twenty-third Mississippi Battalion Cavalry VII. The services of Lieutenant J. T. Keesee, adjutant, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable to this office, he will report for duty herein, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 257, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series. 753 VIII. The following-named men, heretofore detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, will immediately rejoin their commands: Shirley King, Company F, Twenty-first Virginia Volunteers; J. B. Roach, Company C, Fifth Florida Volunteers; J. R. Lynn, Company I, Twelfth gouth Carolina Volunteers; Charles Timberlake, Tanney's [Tanner's] battery. IX. Lieutenant-Colonel G. T. Gordon, of Thirty-fourth Regiment Xorth Carolina Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. X. Rev. W. B. Jones, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty with the Sixth Regiment North Carolina Volun- teers, and is assigned to duty at General Hospital No. 2, Wilson, N. C., and will report accordingly. XI. Surgeon D. W. Brickell is transferred from Montgomery, Ala., to Shelby Springs Hospital, to relieve Surgeon B. H. Thomas, who will report when relieved without delay to Surgeon [A. J.~\ Foard, medical director Army of Tennessee. XII. Assistant Surgeon R. E. Moore is relieved from duty at Wythe- ville, Va., and will report without delay to officer in command of the prison hospital at Florence, S. C. XIII. Surgeon William Hughes is hereby granted a leave of absence for forty clays. XIV. Surgeon Jam.es M. Meggett is relieved from conscript duty in Georgia, and will report without delay to Surgeon [T. L.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, Charleston, S. C., for duty with Second Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XV. Hospital Steward G. B. Poulson is relieved from hospital duty at Salisbury, N, C., and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XVI. Assistant Surgeon W. H. Murray is relieved from duty with General Earley's [Early's] command by reason of ill-health, and will report to officer in command prison hospital Florence, S. C. XVII. Assistant Surgeon Charles L. Dunhley upon being relieved from duty at Staunton (Va.) River Bridge with the reserves, on account of ill-health, will report without delay to Surgeon [W. A.] Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va., for assignment. XVIII. Hospital Steward A. G. Donoho is relieved from duty with Second Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, Army of Tennessee, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XIX. Hospital Steward William M. Cravens is relieved from duty with Sixteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Army of Tennessee, and will report without delay in person to Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. XX. Assistant Surgeon J. 0. Fox is relieved from present duty in Army of Tennessee, and will report without delay to Medical Director [?. B.] Scott, Meridian, Miss., for assignment. XXI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Rev. J. D. Pickett, chap- lain to Lewis' brigade, Kentucky, is extended until January 3, 1865. XXII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as hereinafter indicated: H. D. Newton to Medi- cal Director [A. A.] Kinloch, Charleston, S. C.; Private W. S. Wills, Car- rington's battery, Cutshaw's battalion, to the commanding officer of his battalion; Private J. R. Pearson, Company C, Forty-sixth Virginia In- fantry, to the . colonel of his regiment; Sergeant W. T. Woodley, Com- pany K, Third North Carolina Cavalry, to Surgeon Geddings, in charge general hospital Tallahassee, Fla.; Private T. C. Smith, Fiftieth North 189—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 751 Carolina Volunteers, to Medical Director [P. E.~] Hines, Raleigh, N. C.- Private R. Saunders Bartlett, Company E, Third Mississippi Regiment,' to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, at Selma, Ala. XXIII. Lieutenant E. C. Everett, Company L, Eleventh Florida Regi. ment, now performing the duties of acting assistant quartermaster and assistant commissary at Marianna, Fla., will immediately rejoin hU command in Army of Northern Virginia. XXIV. Conscript A. Thomas will remain on duty in this office until the papers in his case can be referred to his late regimental commander. XXV. Dr. A. J. Baird is hereby appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the Quartermaster. General for assignment to duty. i XXVI. The following-named men are for twenty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department to await action on papers sub. mitted. They will report to Major S. V. Reid, commissary of subsist- ence, Wilmington, N. C.: Matt. Allen, Company D, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment; G. W. Dillon, Company F, Jeff. Davis Legion; A. T. Lambeth, Company D, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment. XXVII. A furlough for thirty days is hereby granted Private A. F. Oreswell, Company D, Eighteenth Mississippi Regiment Infantry, at the expiration of which time he will rejoin his command. XXVIII. Leave of absence is hereby granted Brigadier-General E. If. Law with permission to repair to South Carolina and await orders. XXIX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant W. R. McKinley, Company F, Thirteenth Mississippi Regiment, to await action on application for retirement recommended by medical board. XXX. Major John Claiborne, quartermaster, will relieve Major A. B. Cooke, quartermaster, of the duties of paymaster for the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. Major Cooke on being re- lieved will report to Brigadier-General John S. Preston for assignment to duty with the Conscript Bureau. XXXI. Leaves of absence upon surgeon's certificate of disability for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Major W. H. Caskie, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, five months; Lieutenant Ro. Wayne, acting assistant adjutant-general, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, ninety days; Cololonel G. C. Gibbs, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days. XXXII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States : Lieutenant-Colonel P. H. Swearingen, Twenty-fourth Texas Cav- airy, (dismounted;) Second Lieutenant John F. Hillhouse, Company B, Thirty-fourth Georgia Volunteers. XXXIII. Second Lieutenant J. R. Shuler, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, being a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXIV. Paragraph XIV, Special Orders No. 107, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain John W. Rowan, of Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Second Virginia Infantry,) will remain on duty at Staunton, Va. XXXV. The resignation of First Lieutenant Harper Carroll, aid-de- camp, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. 755 XXXVI. Paragraph XXII, Special Orders No. 199, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain J. A. Fuqua, Provisional Army Confederate States, will remain on duty at Salisbury, N. C. XXXVII. Second Lieutenant W. K. Bradford, C. S.Army, is relieved from duty as provost-marshal of Augusta, Ga. XXXVIII. Private John Tonhey, of Company G, Third Regiment )forth Carolina Cavalry, being a skilled mechanic, is detailed for ninety days for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Commander [James IT.] Cooke, C. S. Navy. XXXIX. Private W. Van Gieson, of Company B, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Cap- tain John McOrady, chief engineer,- &c., Savannah, Ga. XL. Private Jasper Wells, of Company A, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfit- ness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the South Side Railroad, at Petersburg, Va. XLI. Private John Red, of Company F, Sixty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel John C. Moore, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Savan- nah, Ga. XLII. Private James K. Stephens, of Company K, Newsom's Tennessee cavalry regiment, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as clerk to the military court of which Captain J. M. Scruggs is judge- advocate, and will report accordingly. XLIII. Private William Ottens, of Company I, First Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfit- ness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to the surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 2, Savannah, Ga. XLIV. The following-named men are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city: W. H. Tyler, Purcell Battery [Artillery,] Virginia artillery; Ed. C. Minor, Company G, Second Regiment Virginia Reserves. XLV. The following-named chaplains will report to Brigadier-Gen- eral [Zebulon] York for temporary service : Rev. E. Smulders, Eighth Loui- siana Regiment; Rev. James Sheenan, Fourteenth Louisiana Regiment. XLVI. Captain T. S. Hays, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Cap- tain H. Kenneworth, assistant quartermaster, of the duties connected with the post hospitals at Marion, Va. Captain Kenneworth on being relieved will report to Major-General J. M. Withers for assignment to duty with the reserve forces of Alabama. , XLVII. Captain W. E. Duncan, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain J. J. Allen, assistant quartermaster, of post and forage duties at Buchanan, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 756 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 22,1864. Special Orders) No. 277. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant E. D. Fome, Company B, Cobb's Legion, infantry; Captain James M. Blair, Com- pany C, Thirty-first Virginia Regiment Infantry; Captain Lambert T. Baynes, Company B, Thirty-sixth Virginia Battalion Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. P. Scott, Craig's company, Buckingham Reserves; First Lieutenant William McClenahan, Company G, Fifth North Carolina Regi- ment Cavalry; Captain E. S. Percival, Company PI, Third South Carolina Battalion Infantry; Assistant Surgeon John Y. Du Pre, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers; Captain James P. Burgess, Company F, Sec- ond Virginia Infantry; • Second Lieutenant J. J. Stewart, Forty-Bixth North Carolina Volunteers, (Company B;) Captain Joseph A. Pacetty, Company D, Eighth Florida Regiment; First Lieutenant A. M. G. Wig- gins, Company H, Sixty-second Georgia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant William Glenn, Company D, First Regiment Engineer Troops; Second Lieutenant G. Somerville Herbert, Company F, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant C. M. Dickerson, Company I, Forty- fifth Georgia Regiment; Captain J. A. Cook, Company G, Twenty-second Virginia Infantry; Second Lieutenant Silas Booth, Company D, Fifty- eighth Virginia Infantry; Lieutenant II. C. Larrabee, adjutant, Forty- seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant E. S. Matthews, Company D, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry; Major B. F. Wingfield [ I17n- field,] Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant-Colonel Dudley Evans, Twentieth Regiment Virginia Cavalry; Rev. A. M. Jones, chaplain. Fifty-fifth Georgia Regiment; First Lieutenant James D. Clay, Invalid Corps, (late of Company A, Fifty-third Virginia Infantry;) Captain M. B. Tate, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. Company D, Thirty-fifth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, is hereby disbanded. The members of this company are permitted to join such other companies of the battalion as they may select; but failing to make such selection, they will be promptly distributed among the other com- panies of the battalion by the brigade general commanding. III. The First Battalion North Carolina Reserves, with the unattached company commanded by Captain W. R. Williams, which is hereby added thereto, will constitute the Second Regiment North Carolina Reserves. IV. The ten companies comprising the Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth Battalions of North Carolina Reserves, as organized under the orders of Lieutenant-General Holmes, will constitute the Third Regiment North Carolina Reserves. V. The organization of the Eighth Battalion of North Carolina Re- serves, (Willard's) consisting of three companies, is hereby reorganized [recognized] and made the action of the War Department. It will here- after be designated as the First Battalion North Carolina Reserves. VI. The First, Second, and Third Regiments, with the First Battalion North Carolina Reserves, will constitute a brigade. VII. The decision of the examining board in the case of Private W. E. Dickinson, elected second lieutenant of Chew's battery, adverse to his assignment to duty as such, are [is] approved and confirmed. 757 VIII. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant James A. Lampley, Company E, Twenty-third Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters, adverse to his promotion to first lieutenant, are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Lampley will re- main in his present position. IX. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the case of First Lieutenant Joshua A. Yount, Company F, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, adverse to his promotion to captaincy of that com- pany, are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Yount will remain in his present position. X. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the case of Sergeant A. H. Finney, elected lieutenant Company E, Third Georgia Regiment, adverse to his assignment to duty as such, are approved and confirmed. Sergeant Finney is remanded to his former position. XI. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of Second Lieutenant W. W. McRacken, Company G, Thirty-sixth North Carolina Troops, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of that com- pany, are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant McRacken will remain in his present position. XII. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieutenant D. H. Newton, Company C, Eleventh Florida In- fantry, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of that company, are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Newton will remain in his present position. XIII. The proceedings and finding of the examining Board in the case of First Lieutenant D. Wi. Rast, Company G, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of that company, are approved and confirmed. Lieutenant Rast will remain in his present position. XIV. Lieutenant R. T. Fouche, of Company A, Eighth"- Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will during his unfitness for field service report to Major Garnett Andrews, assistant adjutant-general,.in this city, for the purpose of aiding him in recruiting a "foreign battalion," now being enlisted under authority from this office. Monthly certificates of his condition will be forwarded to his company commander. XV. Major John F. Andrews, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major Garnett Andrews, assistant adjutant-general, in this city, for the purpose of aiding him in recruiting a " foreign battalion," being enlisted under authority from this office. XVI. Private G. W. Wicker, of Company E, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, now detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's De- partment, will immediately rejoin his command. XVII. The following-named acting assistant surgeons will have their names dropped from the rolls, they having been rejected by an army medical board: Dr. L. L. Gregory, Fourth Kentucky Cavalry; Dr. J. W. ilallicote, Sixty-fourth Virginia Regiment; Dr. Joseph K. Clarkson, Sixth Confederate Battalion; Dr. James M. Poyntz, Jenkins' Kentucky squadron cavalry. XVIII. Dr. Robert Lightfoot, acting assistant surgeon, First Kentucky Battalion Mounted Rifles, will have his name dropped from the rolls, be having refused to sign the health certificate required previous to ex- amination by medical board, (the army.) XIX. Dr. J. C. C. Garner, acting assistant surgeon, Sixty-second Reg- iment Tennessee Cavalry, being an under-graduate, will have his name dropped from the rolls. 190—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 758 XX. S Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Tucker, commanding, &c., Aiken, S. C. aL. Captain McPherson Wright, of Company K, Twenty-second Regi- nient South Carolina Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to duty in the Engineer Department, and will report for orders to Major-General J. F. Gilmer, in this city. XLI. Captain J. Louis Smith, assistant adjutant-general, will proceed at once to make a thorough inspection of the condition and operations of the Signal Corps and report therein to this Department. XLII. The sentence pronounced against Private A. J. Alford, Com- pany D, First North Carolina Junior Reserves, by a general court-mar- tial assembled at Goldsborough, N. C., October 14, 1864, by virtue of Special Orders No. 61, Headquarters Department North Carolina and Southern Virginia, is remitted. Private Alford will be released from arrest and restored to duty. XLIII. The resignation of Second Lieutenant J. R. Baker, Company C, Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry, has been accepted by the President, to take effect September 1, 1864. XLIV. Leave of absence for sixty days from the 8th November, 1SG4, is granted First Lieutenant Henry C. Rounce, Company K, Sixty- first North Carolina Regiment, on certificate of medical examining board General Hospital No. 24, Richmond, Va. XLV. A furlough for thirty days is granted Private William J. Christ- mas, Company—, Fifty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, on grounds of public necessity, to enable him to finish up and distribute the leather he now has under process of preparation. XLVI. Private J. G. Cason, Company D, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Infantry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for light duty, and will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper for assignment. XLVII. The detail heretofore granted Private H. Cessar, Company K, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers, is extended until further orders. XLVIII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private R. M. McSherry, Company K, First Maryland Cavalry, on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability. XLIX. First Lieutenant Will. Marriner, adjutant, Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, is relieved from duty with that command, and will report to Brigadier-General Cosby for assignment to duty as adjutant of Sixth Confederate Battalion of Cavalry. L. Leave of absence for thirty days is gfanted First Lieutenant W. T. Faber, of Company D, Seventeenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, pending his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. LI. Corporal C. D. White, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain R. V. Gaines, inspector of field transportation, in this city. 760 LII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for . sixty days detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to the Commissary-General, in this city: Private E. M. Roomy, Company C, Thirtieth Tennessee Volunteers; Private W. P. PurceU, Company L, Sixth Alabama Volunteers.' LIII. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain John G. Wallace, of Company C, Sixty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers, pend- ing his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. LIV. Private S. H. Bowman, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, being an important witness in a case now pending in the Hustings Court of this city, he will report to Sergeant T. TJ. Dudley oil the 28th day of November, 1864. LV. Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Clarke, chief engineer Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is allowed to retain the following prisoners of war on their parole as mechanics in the engineer workshops at Savannah, Ga.: A. Bruidel, Company M, Second Illinois Light Artil- lery; Daniel Boyce, Company A, Second New York; John Coleman, Com- pany D, One Hundredth New York; J. P. Donnelly, Company G, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York; William Greed, Company F, Third New York; Sergeant Terry Gormley, Company E, Nineteenth Mas- sachusetts; Private Henry Hayes, Company E, One Hundred and Sev- enty-sixth New York; Private Frank Hill, Company I, Eighth New York; Private J. W. Kelly, Company D, Eleventh New Jersey Cavalry; Private William Lord, Company L, Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry; Pri- vate Peter Miller, Company K, Seventh Indiana; Private John McManut, Company C, Seventy-first New York; Private John Myer, Company A, Tenth New York Cavalry; Private Richard Peterman, Company G, Sev- enth New Hampshire; Private Hermann Platte, Company H, Forty- second New York; Private William Smith, Company K, Forty-ninth New York; Private Fritz Schivelein, Company I, Nineteenth Massachu- setts; Private T. E. Schmidt, Company M, Third New Jersey Chvalrv; Private Augustus Salinstein, Company F, Eighteenth Massachusetts; Pri- vate Abram Sulay, Company A, Second Rhode Island; Private Robert Verner, Company K, Sixth New York; Private Peter Walter, Company A, Fourth New York; Private Rudolph Blatter, Company M, Seventh Pennsylvania; Private Lewis Blake, Company I, Sixth New Hampshire; Private George Deuat, Company B, Nineteenth Massachusetts; Private Abram Goldsmith,Company I, Forty-seventh New York; Private George Golison, Company D, Fourteenth U. S. Infantry; Private Henry Leicti, Company G, Twentieth Massachusetts; Private John McCall, Company C, Twelfth U. S. Infantry; Private Peter Noff, Company L, Fifth Illi- nois; Private H. Rusenburg, Company H, Twentieth Massachusetts; Private John Singer, Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Penn- sylvania; Private Theo. Schneider, Company F, Fifteenth New York Cavalry; Private Adolph Stein, Company K, Sixty-fifth New York; Private Samuel Wood', Company H, Thirteenth Massachusetts; Private S. Warthburg, Company D, Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania; Private G. IP. Beach, Company H, Fifth Ik S. Cavalry; Private W. McDonally, Com- pany C, Twelfth U. S. Infantry; Private Alexander Anderson, Company E, One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania. LVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted First Lieutenant A. TP Buckner, of Company C, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended thirty days; this extension to expire January 19,1865. 761 LVII. The transfer of Captain W. P. Curlee's company Mississippi cavalry from the regiment heretofore known as the Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry to Ham's Mississippi regiment is hereby confirmed, to take effect the 5th May, 1864. » By command of the Secretary of War: I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant Samuel H. Mall, Company B, First Louisiana Cavalry; Second Lieutenant George F. rerrenot, Company E, Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry ; First Lieutenant Younger Pitts, Company F, Ashcraft's regiment Mississippi cavalry; Second Lieutenant W. H. Pen, Company H, Fifty-fourth Alabama Regi- merit; Second Lieutenant V. R. Williams, Company D, Fortieth Regi- ment Alabama Infantry; Second Lieutenant A. S. Gregory, Company D, Willis' Texas battalion; Major J. H. Harris, Twentieth Alabama Regiment; Colonel E. R. Hawkins, First Texas Legion; Second Lieu- tenant William Hester, Company G, Fiftieth Alabama Regiment; First Lieutenant Robert E. (Grant, Company I, Thirty-sixth Georgia Regiment; Captain H. C.-Oulbreath, Company K, Second South Carolina Artillery; Captain Jordan Witcher, Company D, Bonaud's battalion Georgia vol- unteers; Captain James H. Morris, Company D, Twelfth Battalion Ten- nessee Cavalry; First Lieutenant Her. B. Henderson, Company K, Thirty- •first Tennessee Cavalry, [Infantry, mounted; ] Second Lieutenant W. A. Thompson, Company B, Twenty-third North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant James Rawlings, Company D, Virginia Reserves ; First Lieu- tenant John W. Deen, Captain McQuiflf's company, Mississippi Reserves; Rev. J. Desha Pickett, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States. II. The army medical board. instituted by Special Orders No. 226, Paragraph XXIII, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, for General Morgan's command, having completed its duty is hereby dissolved, and the medical officers that composed it will resume their respective duties. III. Assistant Surgeon Leonard Henley (on sick leave) will report without delay to Surgeon [S. H.] Stout, medical director, Columbus, Ga., for hospital duty in Montgomery, Ala. IV. Assistant Surgeon W. H. Ford (awaiting orders) will report with- out delay to officer in command prison Florence, S. C., for duty. V. Assistant Surgeon James A. Fogle, formerly hospital steward, will report without delay to Surgeon [S. //.] Stout, medical director, at Col- umbus, Ga. VI. Hospital Attendant D. F. Oraddock is relieved from duty in gen- eral hospital Danville, V., and will report without delay for duty to surgeon in charge Second North Carolina Hospital, in South Carolina. VII. Surgeon Martin P. Scott is relieved from hospital duty in Vir- ginia, and will report to Colonel [/. (7.] Shields for conscript duty. VIII. Surgeon H. D. Schmidt (awaiting orders) will report without delay to the enrolling officer at Raleigh, N. C., for assignment to duty. IX. F. E. Daniel is relieved from hospital duty in Georgia, and will report to Surgeon P. B. Scott, medical director, Selma, Ala. 191—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Special Orders 1 No. 278. I Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 23, 1864. 762 X. Assistant Surgeon William A. Shelby is relieved from conscript eery, ice in Virginia, and will report for duty to the commandant of camp 0f instruction at Notasulga, Ala. XI. Rev. Thomas J. Rutledge, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty with the Third Regiment Alabama Volun. teers, being unfit for active service, and is assigned to duty in the hog. pitals at Columbus, Ga. He will report to the senior surgeon of the post. XII. So much of Paragraph XIV [VIII,] Special Orders, No. 115, Ad- jutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as drops Major K.}[, Van Zandt, of the Seventh Regiment Texas Volunteers, from the rolls ig hereby revoked, and so much of Paragraph IX, Special Orders No.,172, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current sjeries, as accepts Major Van Zandt's resignation is hereby continued in force. XIII. Major R. P. Duncan, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-General R. H. Anderson's corps, and Will report immediately. XIV. Under the directions of Brigadier-General G. T. Anderson, Lieu- tenant 0. T. Blassingame, of the Eleventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will proceed to Georgia for the purpose of procuring supplies of clothing for General Anderson's brigade. Quartermasters will furnish transpor- tation to Lieutenant Blassingame to and from Georgia; also such sup. plies as he may collect for his brigade. For the performance of this duty he is allowed twenty-five days. XV. Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 215, Adjutant and In* spector-General's Office, current series, disbanding Captain Chisolm's cavalry company Florida volunteers, is hereby suspended. XVI. Lieutenant-Colonel Means, commanding Federal pris- oners at Columbia, S. C., will hereafter report to and receive orders from Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding. XVII. The company of Partisan Rangers commanded by Captain J. C. Kincheloe having refused to obey an order attaching it to the Fif- teenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is hereby disbanded with disgrace. The officers and men composing the company will be enrolled in the general service. XVIII. The officer in charge of the Signal Corps on the Potomac River is hereby authorized to arrest and forward to the provost-marshal in this city all persons found near the river who fail to exhibit proper papers showing their loyalty and satisfactorily accounting for their presence in that vicinity. XIX. Paragraph II, Special Orders (field) No. 90, Headquarters Armv of Tennessee, August 27, 1864, is hereby revoked, and Private George L Davis, of Company F, Ninth Regiment Texas Volunteers, will imme- diately rejoin his command. XX. The following-named men, having been appointed by the Gov- ernor of South Carolina cadets of the South Carolina Military Institute, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, to take effect December 1,1864: Sergeant [J. 0.] Mangum, Company F, Twenty-sixth South Carolina Volunteers; Private B. II. Owens, Pee Dee Light Artil- lery; Private F. 0. Ward, Company D, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteers. XXI. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Captain J. D. With#' spoon, assistant commissary of subsistence. 766 XXII. Leaves of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability are granted each of the following-named officers for the time annexed to their respective names: Surgeon E. S. Drew, twenty days; Second Lieu- tenant A. C. Trippe, artillery, Provisional Arm y Confederate States, sixty days. XXIII. Leave of absence for ten days is granted Rev. J. E. McSparran, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Assistant Surgeon R. M. Muldrow, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended thirty davs. XXV. The following-named officers of the Quartermaster's Depart- pent are assigned to duty with Brigadier-General M. W. Ransom^ bri- gade: Major C. Drewry as brigade quartermaster; Captains G. B. Barnes, J. Farrell, as assistant brigade quartermasters. XXVI. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain E. J. McGavocic, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain JIcGavock will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Con- federate States. XXVII. The following-named quartermasters are assigned to duty with Major L. Mims, chief purchasing quartermaster of Mississippi, at Panola, Miss.: Majors A. G. Qiiaile \jQ,uaites,~\ J. F. Simmons. XXVIII. Captain D. H. Llewellyn, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the Second Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXIX. In addition to his duties as purchasing quartermaster, Captain G. P. Theobald, assistant quartermaster, -is assigned as post quartermas- wx at Enterprise Miss. XXX. The following-named persons are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private Henry C. Lowe, Com- Sany C, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers, to Medical Director [S. H.] lout, Columbus, Ga.; Private John T. Gillespie, First Battalion Ken- tucky Cavalry, to the commanding officer of his battalion; Private Malcolm J. McNeil, Company I, Nineteenth Mississippi Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private G. E. Pritchett, Company K, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, to Medical Director [P. E.~\ Hines. Raleigh, N. C.; Private Whitfield Brooks, Company A, Sixteenth South Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private W. L. Withers, Com- pany C, Eleventh Virginia Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private M. A. Ish, Company I, First Virginia Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private M. E. Daughtry, Company E, Fourteenth Vir- ginia Infantry, to the colonel of his regiment; Private J. M. Young, Com- pany D, Twenty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private John A. Wynn, Twenty-third Virginia Battalion, to the commanding officer of his battalion ; Private P. D. Lassiter, Company D, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private Woodlief S. Marshall, Seventeenth Georgia Volunteers, to the col- onel of his regiment; J. Blair to Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical purveyor, Richmond, Va.; J. Howard Wayt to Surgeon R. F. Baldwin, in charge Virginia House Hospital, Staunton, Va. XXXI. Major J. F. Arnold, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quartermaster of Lowry's brigade to relieve Major M. Walt, quartermas- trr. Major Walt on being relieved is assigned to duty as quartermaster Major-General Cleburne's division, and will report accordingly. 764 XXXII. Captain T. S. Hays, assistant quartermaster, will report to Brigadier-General J. C. Vaughan [ Vaughn] for assignment to duty with a regiment in his brigade. XXXIII. Captain Samuel Bard, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Captain John Maguire, assistant quartermaster, of the duties connected with the post and camp of instruction at Talladega, Ala. XXXIV". C. S. Harris is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel William Allen, chief ordnance officer of the Valley District. XXXV. Major W. H. Weems, of the Sixty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will immediately rejoin his command. XXXVI. Captain S. P. Ravenel, assistant commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as post commissary at Charleston, S. C. He will report to Major H. C. Guerin, chief commissary of subsistence for South Carolina. XXXVII. Second Lieutenant J". H. Webb, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to duty with Cora- pany G, Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and will report accordingly. XXXVIII. Private John D. Easter, chaplain, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as chaplain of post at Savannah, Ga., and will report accordingly. XXXIX. Major J". F. Hamilton, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty as chief commissary of General Bushrod [R.] Johnson's division, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. XL. Captain William Wren, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the reserves of Mis- sissippi, and will report to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, command- ing, &c., Enterprise, Miss. XLI. Captain J. R. Balfour, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to duty with Briga- dier-General J. R. Davis' brigade. "When Captain J. J. Evans, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, reports for duty with Davis' brigade Captain Balfour will report by letter to this office. XLII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 131, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain Bat- kins Harris, of Company I, Fourth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Harris will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XLIII. The services of Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Tanner, Second Reg- iment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable in the Ordnance De- partment, he will report for duty to Messrs. J. R. Anderson & Co., gov- ernment contractors, in this city. XLIV. Second Lieutenant D. F. Bradley, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Brigadier- General W. Miller, commanding reserve forces of Florida. XLV. Private T. W. Scott, of Company A, Fifty-third Regiment Vir- , ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. TannahUl, com- missary of subsistence, Petersburg, Va., to relieve Private J. M. William*, of Company B, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, who will ira- mediately rejoin his regiment. XLVI. Second Lieutenant Thomas S. Wayne, of Company B, First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, is assigned to duty with Major A. L Hartridge, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, at Rosedew Post, Ga., and will report accordingly. 765 XLVII. Major W. E. Demille, commissary of subsistence, is tempo- rarily assigned to duty with Major James Sloan, chief commissary of sub- gistence for North Carolina, and will report accordingly for duty at Washington, N. C. XLVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private Thompson Robinson, of Company —, Fifty-second Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is ex- tended until further orders. XLIX. The services of Captain Ro. A. Tompkins, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report for duty to the second auditor of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city. L. The following-named officers have [having] been elected to the positions indicated in the First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Confederate States, are hereby assigned to duty in their respective erodes, to rank from November 18r 1864, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel J. G. Tucker, commanding battalion : Captain G. H. Minge, Com- pany F; Captain W. T. Duncan, Company G; Captain Charles H. Byrne, Company H; First Lieutenant S. 0. Kirk, Company [F;] Second Lieuten- ant H. H. Dinwiddie, Company K. LI. Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Cox, of the Fortieth Regiment Virginia Infantry, will immediately rejoin his command. LII. Leave of absence for thirty days, pending his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps, is granted Captain T. N. Jordan, of Com- pany F, Fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. LIII. The services of First Sergeant E. A. Cowan, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is de- tailed for duty in the Bureau of War, and will report to R. G. H. Kean, chief of the bureau. LIV. Brigadier-General A. E. Jackson, Provisional Army Confederate States, being unfit for active service in the field, will temporarily report to Major-General John C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] commanding, &c., for such light duty as General Jackson may be able to perform. LV. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Lieutenant-Colonel , A. F. Cone, acting assistant quartermaster-general, Provisional Army Confederate States. LVI. Rev. F. A. Kimbell, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from further service with the Sixteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, and is assigned to duty as post chaplain at Cahaba, Ala., and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel S. Jones, commanding the post. LVII. Paragraph XIX, Special Orders No. 258, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby temporarily suspended, and Colonel J. P. Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States, will im- mediately proceed to Raleigh, N. C., and report to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding, &c., for inspection service in North Carolina. LVIII. Captain F. W. Keyes, Provisional Army Confederate States, being unfit for field service, is assigned to enrolling service, and will report for orders to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription. LIX. Cadet C. P, Porcher, C. S. Army, is relieved from further service *ith the Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with the Hampton Legion, South Carolina cavalry, General Gary's brigade, and will report accordingly. LX. The resignation of J. M. Dyer, commissioner of impressment claims for Mississippi, has been accepted by the President, to take effect from this date. 192—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 766 LXI. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Lieutenant F. Darley, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, September 1, 1864; Major S. P. McConneU, Twenty, fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, August 8, 1864.. LXI1. Sergeant J. H. Hook, Company G, Twenty-fifth South Carolina, is during his unfitness for field service detailed for duty as provost* guard, and will report to Captain Hamilton, provost-marshal, Columbia, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his com- pany commander monthly. LXIII. Private F. J. Sloan, of Company E, Third South Carolina Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Commissary Department, and will report to Captain J. C. Meant, assistant commissary of subsistence, Newberry, S. C., (district.) Certifi. cate of condition to be furnished his company commander monthly. LXIV. Private J. H. Dugas, Company A, Fifth Georgia, is during un- fitness (or field service detailed for hospital duty, and will report to surgeon in charge Third Georgia Hospital, Augusta, Ga. LXV. Private Elias W. Chambers, of Company K, Thirty-fifth Georgia Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to surgeon in charge Marshall Hospital, Columbus, Ga. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company com- mander monthly. LXVI. Private John H. Claywell, Company E, Forty-ninth North Car- olina Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty as druggist in the prison hospital at Salisbury, N. C., and will report to the surgeon in charge. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. LXVII. Private William F. Snider, of Company A, Second Georgia Battalion, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty at Confederate States naval works, (iron,) Columbus, Ga., and will report to commanding officer in charge. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. LXVIII. Private L. J. Carter, Company H, Thirteenth Georgia Hegi- ment, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, at-Richmond, Va., to re- lieve an able-bodied soldier of the Army of Northern Virginia, now de- tailed at the government shops under his control. LXIX. Private W. J. Markley, of Company G, Eleventh South Caro- lina Volunteers, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty at the Confederate States arsenal Charleston, S. C., and will report to Major H. R. [iV. i?.] Chambliss, commanding. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. LXX. Private T. C. Owens, of Company D, Sixty-first Alabama Regi- ment, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Com- missary Department, and will report to Captain F. J. Winkler, Mont- gomery Springs, Va. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. LXXI. Sergeant R. Williams, Company K, Fourth North Carolina Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the nitre and mining service, and will report for assignment to chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau, in this city. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. 767 LXXII. First Lieutenant John B. Reid, of Company E, Forty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is relieved from duty at Lagrange, Ga., and will immediately rejoin his command. LXXIII. In accordance with Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 257, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, the following- named officers and men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are for sixty days detailed as experts. They will report to the Surgeon-General C. S. Army, in this city: Lieutenants H. C. Morris, G. C. Wedderburne, Corporal J. T. Newberry, Privates A. S. Thompson, M. Clarke, J. F. Snipes. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 24,1864. Special Orders) No. 279. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant B. F. Howard, Company H, Sixty-first Alabama Regiment; Second Lieutenant John Hester, Company K, Forty-fifth North Carolina Regiment; Rev. J. Powell Garland, chaplain, Captain Wellington .Eastham, Company E, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry; Rev. J. B. Fitzpatrick, chaplain, Thirty- Feventh Virginia Infantry; Rev. William Banks, chaplain, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry; Captain John E. Bailey, Company I, Fifth North Car- olina Volunteers j Rev. H. D. Moore, chaplain, Twelfth Alabama Regi- ment; Second Lieutenant W. H. Hinty, jr., Company E, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry; Captain J. W. Gedney, Company E, Twelfth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. B. Fields, Company C, First North Carolina Cavalry; Captain W. D. Graham, Company I, Second Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant L. R. Gunn, Company A, Seventeenth Mississippi Regiment; Second Lieutenant A. L. Frazier, Company A, Tenth Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant Charles B. Brooh, Company E, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. II. Private C. P. Jones, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local De- fense Troops, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon certificate of medical examining board. III. The services of First Lieutenant Thornton Tripled, of Company C, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report to the first auditor of the Confederate States Treasury. IV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Bdo, of the Fifty-fifth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended twelve days. V. A furlough for thirty days with permission to work in Confed- erate States arsenal at Columbus, Ga., is granted J. G. Boswell, of the Favetteville Arsenal and Armory. VI. Paragraph XXXIX, Special Orders No. 197, current series, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Surgeon Thomas D. Hall will report without delay to Colonel [/.] W. A. Sanford, commanding Sixtieth Ala- bama Regiment, Grade's brigade, Army Northern Virginia. 768 VII. Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 244, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, October 14,1863, appointing Private Jesse T. Hancock, Company D, Forty-second Alabama Regiment, hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to officer in command Forty-second Regiment (Alabama) for duty. VIII. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 134, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain J. M. Tinnon, of Company G, Thirty-third Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Captain Tinnon will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. IX. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Major Thomas T. [Thomas &] Smith, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Major Smith will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. X. Private J. D. Walker, of Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, having been elected second lieutenant in Com- Eany C, Twenty-first Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, will be discharged is former service. XI. Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 250, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is suspended until certain charges against Private R. W. Little, of Company K, Twenty-third Regiment North Car- olina Volunteers, shall have been investigated. XII. Private Thomas Bell, of Company C, Tenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon certificate of medical examining board. XIII. Private John Shumate, of Company G, Eleventh Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, having been elected second lieutenant Company E, Forty- sixth Battalion Virginia Cavalry, will be discharged his former service. XIV. Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 275, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, November 19,1863, is hereby revoked, and Private George C. Harvey will remain a member of Company E, First Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. XV. Sergeant William Mitchell, of Company —, Ninth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, having been appointed adjutant Thirty-fifth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will be discharged his former service. XVI. Captain J. T. Bussey, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill for assignment to command of a company of the Second Maryland Infantry. XVII. Second Lieutenant T. H. Percival, of Company F, Third Bat- talion South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for active field service, is during such unfitness assigned to duty with Captain J. S. Richardson assistant quartermaster of Confederate States prison Columbia, S. C. He will forward medical certificates to his company commander every thirty days. XVIII. Captain J. W. Wallace, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at Green Pond, S. C., to relieve Captain A. Huguenin, assistant quartermaster. On being relieved Captain Huguenin is allowed thirty days to close his accounts. XIX. Captain J. R. Kidd, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the Fifty-fourth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, and will report for orders to Major T. J. Noble, quartermaster, &c., Mont- gomery, Ala. 769 XX. Captain F. A. Malone, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as paymaster of General Wheeler's cavalry corps to relieve Major V. C. Jones, quartermaster. Major Jones on being relieved will reassume the duties of quartermaster of General Armstrong's cavalry brigade. XXI. Captain J. Q. Wall, of Company B, light artillery, Waul's Texas legion, will report for duty with his command. XXII. Captain J. A. Campbell, assistant commissary of subsistence, ifill have his name dropped from the rolls for disobedience and ineffi- ciency, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. First Lieutenant R. F. Carter, of Company L, Tenth Regi- pent Virginia Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. The following-named persons are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private Anderson Miller, Com- pany C, Sixty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers, to Surgeon — ilobley, Kinston, N. C.; Private J. G. Boundar to Medical Purveyor E. W. Johns, Richmond, Va.; Private D. T, Cooper, Company D, Thirty-eighth Korth Carolina Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private W. T. Small, Company I, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment. XXV. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Surgeon Hugh StocJcdell, Provisional Army Confederate States, twenty days on surgeon's certificate of disability; Captain P. H. Langdon, assistant quartermaster, six weeks from Novem- ber 28,1864; Surgeon James Dunn, army medical hoard, twenty days; Assistant Surgeon W. C. Goodwin, Provisional Army Confederate States, twenty days. XXVI. Sergeant C. C. Bier, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel jr. Leroy Brown, commanding Confederate States arsenal in this city. XXVII. Colonel Young L. Royston, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with Lieutenant-General R. Taylor, and will report accordingly. XXVIII. Assistant Surgeon David Curry is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to commandant of prison at Camp Lawton, Ga. XXIX. The following-named assistant surgeons are relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to comman- dant prison camp at Florence, S. C.: T. T. Tebbs, G. E. Carleton. XXX. Major A. J. Dade, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty with the cavalry division of Major-General W. H. F. Lee, and will report accordingly. _ XXXI. Captain T. C. Cone, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c. XXXII. First Lieutenant R. C. Sims, of Company K, Twenty-fifth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, having been appointed an assistant quartermaster, will have his name dropped from the rolls, to take effect November 12, 1863. XXXIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Con- federate States : Lieutenant J. Dooley, Company A, Captain B. Avegno, First Lieutenant S. L. Destez, Company D, Captain J. Fremaux, Lieutenr 193—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.— 4 770 ant R. Tannuse, Company E, Captain A. Cassard, Lieutenants V. C. Richart, Company F, Captain J. C. Murphy, Company G, Lieutenant F. Hampson, Company H, Captain A. Dumaitrait, Company I, Lieute^. ants G. Cammack, J. Farrell, Company K, Thirteenth Louisiana Volujj. teers ; Major W. H. Toler, Captain G..H. Pouncey, Company I, Captain John Hood, Company B, Fourteenth Louisiana Volunteers; Captain J. A. Farmer, Company H, Twenty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Evans, Second Lieutenant J. H. Howell, Cot^! pany H, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. L. Guerot^ Company K, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers ; First Lieutenant S. H. Ware, Company C, Third Battalion Georgia Volunteers; Captain J. B. Hubbard. Company K, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Captain A. P. Wiggs, First Lieutenant 0. T. Gates, Second Lieutenant W. L. HuW>n Company G, Captain D. Neff, First Lieutenant J. F. Coursey, Second Lien! tenant W. W. Cowan, Company H, First Lieutenant James Games, Company I, First Tennessee Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant B. T. Ward, Company B Forty-first Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant T. B. Bailey, Company b' Armistead's cavalry regiment; Second Lieutenant T. P. Garrison, Com.' pany E, Second Lieutenant D. W. George, Company I, Thirty-second Tennessee Volunteers; First Lieutenant H. G. Haynes, Company I Ninth Texas Cavalry. ' XXXIV. First Lieutenant W. W. Wight, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, being inefficient and a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXV. The moulders and machinists employed at the foundry of Messrs. T. B. Deane, jr., & Son, Lynchburg, Va., will be relieved from all military duty except in the case of an attack upon the city. XXXVI. Signal-Sergeant E. S. Gregory will report to Major-General W. H. C. Whiting for assignment to duty with Lieutenant George C. Bain, chief signal officer Department of Cape Fear. XXXVII. Sergeant James R. Hills, of Company G, First Confederate Georgia Regiment, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XXXVIII. Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 187, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private N. H. Smith will remain a member of Company A, Lucas' battalion of artillery. XXXIX. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are as- signed to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as designated: First Lieutenant T. N. Renjroe, Captain W. Welborn to Major- General Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Second Lieutenants J. R. LumpJcin, R. 0. Allen, First Lieutenant G. P. Haw to Major-Gen- eral Kemper, commanding reserves, Richmond, Va.; Second Lieutenant J.R.Farr to Brigadier-General Chesnutt [Chesnut,] commanding reserves of South Carolina; Captain D. T. Merrick to Brigadier-General NichoU [F. T. Nicholls,'] Shreveport, La.; Captain T. C. Williams to Major-Gencral H. Cobb, Macon, Ga. XL. Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 27, Headquarters Georgia Re- serves, issued by Major-General Howell Cobb, 21st May, 1864, disbanding the Twenty-seventh Georgia Battalion, (Major T. B. Harwood [Hornrd, jr.,J) is hereby confirmed, and the battalion is disbanded, to take effect from that date. XLI. Brigadier-General A. R. Wright, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the forces operating against General [ W. T.J Sherman, commanding United States forces in Georgia. 771 XLII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Privates J. A. Gaines, John Stroud, Corporal M. H. Warren, Private James Murphy to medical director Richmond, Va.; Private J. F. Allen to Sur- geon Semple, prison hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private G. P. Burns to senior surgeon of post Milledgevilie, Ga.; Private T. F. Nixon to Sur- geon-General Warren, Raleigh, N. C.; Sergeant T. J. Jeter to sur- geon in charge general hospital Lake City, Fla.; Private P. McCarthy to senior surgeon of post Macon, Ga.; Private J. Ray to Surgeon [ John J.J Gravatt, General Hospital No. 9, Richmond. XLIII. Edward Cohen, having been elected second lieutenant Com- pnny II, First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby assigned to duty as such, to rank from November 17,1864, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [/. G.] Tucker, commanding. XLIV. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 128, Adjutant and Inspector-GeneraJ's Office, June 2, 1864, as accepts the resignation of Captain W. H. Brazier, of Company K, Tenth Regiment Confederate Cavalry, is hereby revoked, (all the officers to be affected thereby con- senting and petitioning therefor,) and Captain Brazier will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XLV. The services of Private R. E. Macomber, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, his detail is ex- tended sixty days, and he will report to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, in this city. XLVI. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as desig- nated: Private M. W. Merill to the post quartermaster at Camden, Ala.; Private G. H. Rea to post quartermaster at Mobile, Ala.; Private W. R. Bishop to Captain Woods [T. W. Wood,] assistant quartermaster, at Char- lottesville, Va. XLVII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the enrolling officer of Prince Edward County, Va.: Privates J. W. Gilliam, R. W. Dalby. XLVIII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty, (post,) and will report as designated: Privates J. D. Clayton, T. H. Bracken, Sergeants J. W. Brown, L. J. Adams, Private J. W. Peebles to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, Richmond, Va.; Private J. A. Clarke to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Private J. H. Harper to Major [C.] Boyle, Gordonsville, Va.; Private N. J. Allwright to commandant post Selma, Ala. XLIX. Private P. R. Saunders, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major 0. M. Smith, quartermaster, Richmond, Va. L. Private Solomon P. Reamer, of Company C, Thirty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for thirty days detailed for duty as jailor of Rockingham County, Va. During the time mentioned his ability for active service in the field will be determined by an examination by his regimental surgeon or a board of examining surgeons. The result of this examination will be forwarded to this office for further action. LI. Private Eugene Wolfe, of Company D, Fifteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain F. C. Fuller, asfistant quartermaster, Lynchburg, Va. LII. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private James W. Crawford, of Company B, Sixth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, an escaped prisoner. 772 LIII. The detail heretofore granted Private L. Bowles, of Company Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is extended twelve days, this .extension ending December 2, 1864. LIV. Sergeant W. J. Phillips, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty as wagon-master, and will report to the post quartermaster at Kinston N. C. _ ' LV. Private W. T. Ballow, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty as a farmer. He will report to the enrolling officer of Halifax County, Va. LVI. Private Martin Hallman, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. Chesnm, commanding reserve forces South Carolina. LVII. The following-named men being indispensable are for six months detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain R. C. Macmurdo, assistant quartermaster, in charge Confederate States ambulance shops in this city: Private A. A. Rudd, Company K, Private W. S. Smith, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volun- teers; Privates T. Heath, L. T. Carroll, Company C, Fifty-third North Carolina Volunteers; Private J. J. Maiden, Company D, Cobb's Legion, cavalry; Private A. King, Company E, Second North Carolina Volun- teers; Private W. A. Scronce, Company K, Twenty-third North Carolina Volunteers. LVIII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty on trial in the tax in kind department, and will report for orders to the chief controlling quartermaster for North Carolina: Captain Walton Bell, First Lieutenant R. James. LIX. The following-named privates of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty on trial in the tax in kind department, and will report as desig- nated: John W. Hall to Major Q. C. Yonge, controlling quartermaster, Tallahassee, Fla.; M. Malone to Major S. M. Finger, controlling quar- termaster, Charlotte, N. CL LX. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain W. Z. Leitner, Company E, Second South Carolina Regiment, August 13, 1864; Captain R. A. Harkey, Company H, Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment, August 20,1864. LXI. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 139, current series, from this office, as refers to Assistant Surgeon B. [F1.] Chears, Forty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, is hereby revoked, and his resignation has been accepted by the President, to take effect June 15, 1864. LXII. The detail heretofore granted Private W. J. Vincent, Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended forty days. LXIII. Private G. T. Webster, Fourth Company, Washington Artil- lery, during his unfitness for field service is detailed as acting adjutant of post at Auburn, Ala., and will report to Captain T. H. Francis, coin* manding post. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his com- pany commander monthly. LXIV. Private J. H. Woods, Company G, Twenty-seventh North Car- olina Regiment, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Samuel Kirkland, assistant quartermaster, Hillsborough, N. C. Certificate of his condition to be furnished his company commander monthly. LXV. Private William Hassett, Company F, Fifty-fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, during unfitness for field service is detailed fof clerical duty, and will report to Brigadier-General II. W. Mercer, com- manding reserve forces, Savannah, Ga. 773 LXVI. Private Ludwell Temple, Company B, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed to return home to attend to affairs there until May next. LXV1I. Sergeant James L. Paxton, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, to take effect from November jO, lS64,and will report to Captain Frank W. Henderson, assistant com- niissary of subsistence, Lexington, Va. LXVIII. Private J. A. Burgason, Company C, Thirteenth South Car- olina Volunteers, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the enrolling bureau, and will report to the enrolling officer of Spar- tansburg, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his com- pany commander monthly. LXIX. Private Henry Browning, of Fickling's battery, during unfit- pess for field service is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain C. B. Graybill, assistant commissary of sub- gistence, Fort Gaines, Ga. Certificate of his condition will be furnished bis company commander monthly. LXX. Private Thomas Smith, Company E, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers, during unfitness for field service is detailed for guard-duty at First Georgia Hospital, Charleston, S. C., and will report to the sur- geon in charge. LXXI. Private James Kennedy, Company K, Sixty-third Georgia Vol- unteers, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Herman Hirsch, quartermaster, for assignment. ' LXXII. Private D. J. Hair, Company I, Fifth South Carolina Cav- airy, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major W. F. Harris, quarter- niaster, Augusta, Ga. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. LXXIII. Private J". H. Crenshaw, of the Crenshaw Battery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Bureau of Foreign Supplies until further orders, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas L. Bayne, in charge Confederate States steamers, &c. LXXIV. Leave of absence for sixty days upon certificate of disability is granted A. D. Smith, senior surgeon Dearing's cavalry brigade. LXXV. The services of Private W. N. Brown, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John C. Maynard, quartermaster, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JOHN W. RIELY, Assistant Adjutant-General, 194—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 774 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 25,180^ Special Orders) No. 280. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain W. T. TherreU, Comp^ B, Eighth Mississippi Regiment Cavalry; Second Lieutenant D. / Brown, Company A, Second Georgia Cavalry; First Lieutenant £ jy Bryan, Company H, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry; Captain R. IT. Qj,' Company F, Third Alabama Cavalry; Second Lieutenant John R. wards, Company I, Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment; Captain J. If. patrick, Company C, First Alabama Regiment Cavalry; Captain j; j Gaines, Company K, Fifth Kentucky Regiment Mounted Infantry; k,:T Neil Gfillis, chaplain, Fifty-seventh Alabama Regiment; Captain «L ^ M. Hill, Company H, Third Alabama Cavalry; Captain M. V. Grn* Company F, First Confederate Cavalry; Captain H. M. Neeley, Comply I, Thirty-eighth Tennessee Regiment; Captain A. W. Patterson, Couj. pany H, Moreland's battalion; Second Lieutenant D. Carmichael, Com. pany E, Twenty-third South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenax,; Jacob Smith, Company D, Holcombe Legion. II. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the of Private L. 0. Baker, elected junior second lieutenant of Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry, adverse to his assignment as such, are approved and confirmed. Private Baker is remanded to the ranks. III. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the cu^ of the following-named officers, adverse to their promotion, are approval and confirmed. They will remain in their present positions: Captain S. P. Lanier, Company B, Twenty-fifth Virginia Cavalry; Major F. G. [JF. /.] Paine, Sixteenth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry. IV. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the ca>e of First Sergeant James M. Hallowell, elected junior second lieutenautof Company F, Tenth Regiment North Carolina Troops, adverse to his as- signment to duty as such, are approved and confirmed. Sergeant lid• lowed is remanded to his present position. V. The following-named officers having been pronounced incomj*- tent by an examining board, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Lieutenant H. Miller, Company H, Fifth South Car- olina Cavalry; Captain Basset [G. W. Bassett,]] Company H, Eleventh Florida Volunteers; Captain James P. Knight, Company E, Sixth Vir- ginia Cavalry. VI. Lieutenant D. A. Hinton, adjutant, Forty-fourth Virginia Lit- talion, Forces Local Defense, is temporarily assigned to duty as aid-de- camp to Brigadier-General D. A. Weisiger, and will report accordingly. VII. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 130, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, June 30,1863, as refers to Ordnance 8er- geant B. M. Temple, Purcell Battery [Artillery,] is hereby revoked, anJ Private Temple will immediately report for duty with his former com* mand. VIII. Private J. L. May, formerly Company C, Forty-fifth North Carolina Volunteers, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Captain Barnett, enrolling officer Sixth Congressional District North Carolina. IX. Major E. G. Wall, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty a5 provost-marshal of Lynchburg, Va., and will report to Brigadier-Gtn* eral R. E. Colston, commanding post. 775 X. Captain G. H. Fulkerson, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty ^'r0V°st-marshal of Columbus, Ga., and will report to the comman- J:,,!t of the post. XI. Captain G. W. Anderson, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty, ost) and will report for orders to Major-General Howell Cobb, com- jLuling, &c., Macon, Ga. XII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned t0 post duty, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, commanding reserve forces of Mississippi: Captain T. H. Woods, Second Lieutenant J. C. Kuykendall. XIII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report as designated: First Lieutenant L. E. Hamlin, Second Lieutenant Walton Harkins to Major- General/. M. Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; First Lieu- tenant T. G. Leath, Second Lieutenant W. B. Miller (by letter) to super- jntendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city; First Lieutenant IH. Hoge to Major-General [/. X.] Kemper, commanding reserves, in this city; Captain W. H. Perronneau to Brigadier-General J. Chesnut, jr., 0f South Carolina. , XIV. Paragraph XXVIII, Special Orders No. 224, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private f. L. Leath, of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is Retailed for such light duty as\he may be able to perform, and will re- port to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., in this city. XV. Lieutenant Martin Mahoney, of Company C, Fourth Battalion, Local Defense Troops, having deserted his command in the face of the enemy, will have his name dropped.from the rolls, and will from this ,Liy cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVI. A furlough during the present session of the University of Vir- ginia is granted Sergeant J. E. Gibson, of the provost-guard, Charlottes- ville, Va., that he may complete his education. XVII. Private James P. Golightly, of Company B, First Regiment South Carolina Artillery, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to the colonel of his regiment. XVIII. The following-named officers of Company K, Farinholt's regiment of Virginia reserves, will remain on duty with their company until further orders: First Lieutenant W. H. Stokes, Second Lieutenant R. H. Wilson. XIX. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report as designated: Privates J. P. Shumate, E. M. II"mrnan, W. H. Gorman to commandant of post at Staunton, Va.; Pri- rate J. P. Bernard to commandant of post Selma, Ala.; Private C. C. Onier to commandant of post Fort Gaines, Ga.; Private S. A. Gaines to commandant of post Raleigh, N. C.; Private R. C. Smith to commandant of post Covington, Ga. XX. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report as designated: Privates G. W. Spier, J. L. Tingle to Major-General H. Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia ; Pri- rates P. C. Haley, J. J. Alplin to commandant post Lynchburg, Va.; Privates W. A. Harney, J. W. Wade to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; forporal E. Smith, Private J. A. Walker to commandant post Richmond, »a.; Private J. R. Waterson to commandant post Moulton, Ala.; Pri- yate E. Overcash to commandant post Statesville, N. C.; Private J. H. to commandant post Selma, Ala.; Private J. S. Love to comman- airy, and will report for orders to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director Raleigh, N. C. ' V. Surgeon S. W. Caldwell is relieved from field duty with the Army 0f Tennessee on account of ill-health, and will report to Medical Director IS. H.~] Stout, Columbus, Ga. VI. Hospital Steward Joseph A. Terry is relieved from duty in tht Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to Medical Director [P. Scott, Alabama. VII. Hospital Steward E. H. Parsons is relieved from hospital duty in Georgia, and will report in person to the Surgeon-General, in thU city. VIII. So much of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 273, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, November 17, 1864, as appoints S. B. Bradley a hospital steward is hereby revoked, he having received an appointment as lieutenant in the Provisional Army Confederate Statei IX. Permission is granted Captain J. Ravenel Macbeth, artillery, Pro- visional Army Confederate States, a paroled prisoner, to remain in Charleston, S. C., until his exchange is effected. X. Private J. M. Austin, of Company D, Twelfth Battalion Louisiana Heavy Artillery, is transferred to the Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, and will be allowed to select a company therein. XI. So much of Paragraph XXXV, Special Orders No. 210, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, September 5, 1864, as drops from the rolls Captain C. F. Campbell, Company G, Tenth Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, is hereby revoked, Captain Campbell having been killed while nobly discharging his duty as an officer at the battle of Winchester, September 19, 1864. XII. First Lieutenant Irving Williams, Alabama corps of cadets, will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to duty in the enrolling service. XIII. Leave of absence for sixty days upon certificate of medical ex- amining board is granted Assistant Surgeon W. H. Peebles, Provisional Army Confederate States. XIV. Captain R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as chief quartermaster of the military prisons under control of Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, Provisional Army Confederate Stahs. XV. Second Lieutenant G. Burson, Company H, Sixth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, will have'his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVI. Private H. Cogswell, of the Gist Guard Artillery, Fort Moultrie, being indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury. XVII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private W. B. Yarborough, Com- pany F, Twelfth South Carolina Volunteers, to Medical Director [IF A] Carrington, Richmond, Va., for assignment to duty at Jackson Hospital; Private D. B. Williams, Company D, camp of instruction at Talladega, Ala., to Medical Director [P. P.] Scott, Selma, Ala. 781 XVIII. Private J. R. Marker, of Company B, Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as cation-master on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and will report jccordingly. XIX. Major A. S. Dearing, commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty with Major-General French's division, Army of Tennessee, and trill report accordingly. XX. Paragraph XLII, Special Orders No. 197, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, surrent series, is hereby revoked, and Private Win. E. JJorgan, of Company A, Fifty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will jvmain on duty as assessor of taxes in Mecklenburg, Va. XXI. Private N. B. Rodelin, of Company B, Fifty-third Regiment >"orth Carolina Volunteers, now on duty as hospital guard in Lynch- burg, Va., is detailed for duty in Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [ James T.~\ Johnson, medical purveyor, Charlotte, N. C. XXII. Private James H. Gatlin, of Captain Charles E. Dyke's com- pany of Florida artillery, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed as clerk in the office of the general produce loan agent Talla- bassee, Fla., and will report accordingly. XXIII. Private R. P. Gully, of Company F, Thirty-eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, now serving as nurse in Jackson Hospital No. 2, in this city, and being unfit to endure the severity of this climate, is detailed for duty (hospital) at Anderson Court-House, S. C., and will report accordingly. XXIV. Private J. T. Hawkins, of the Invalid Corps, now on duty in Howard's Grove Hospital, is detailed as an agriculturist, and will report to T. H. Hawkins, Sumter County, Ala., provided that T. H. Hawkins shall dispose of his supplies to soldiers' families and the government at schedule prices, according to the terms of the military act. XXV. Captain B. W. Webb, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report for orders to Gen- eral E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La. XXVI. Corporal R. B. Hughes, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c. XXVII. Private Archibald Jones, of ContPpany —, Forty-sixth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed upon the grounds of equity, justice, and necessity, and will report to the enrolling officer of Rich- mond, N. C. XXVIII. Private M. H. Snow, of Company I, Eighteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed for guard-duty, and will report to Major J. H\Gee, command- ing Confederate States military prison Salisbury, N. C. XXIX. Private W. W. Read, of Company F, Second Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days de- tailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon Horlbeck, College Hospital No. 1, Columbia, S. C. XXX. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, an'd will report as designated. Monthly certificates of their condition will be forwarded to their company commanders: Private J. W. Ferguson, Company G, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, to Surgeon Hinkley, Demopolis, Ala.; Private Duncan Laing, Company B, Second Mississippi Cavalry, to Surgeon Carter, in charge hospitals Jack- son, Miss. 196—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 782 XXXI. Leave of absence for thirty days, pending action upon his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps, is granted Captain R. r Crawford, of Company D, Forty-second Regiment North Carolina Vol. unteers. XXXII. Private Luther Lee Martin, of Company B, Orr's Regiment Rifles, South Carolina volunteers, being unable to perform infantry service, is transferred to Company A, First Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. XXXIII. Leave of absence for ninety days with permission to visit Canada is granted Colonel R. Tansell [Tansill,] Provisional Army Con. federate States. XXXIV. Leave of absence for fourteen days is granted Captain R. R Fitzhugh, Engineer Corps,'Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXV. Private N. H. Forbes, of Company F, First Regiment Virginia Reserves, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will re. port to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury. XXXVI. Sergeant J. B. McAllister, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as clerk of the military court of which Captain Austin Pollard, Provis- ional Army Confederate States, is judge-advocate, and will report ac- cordingly. XXXVII. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Private James Willingham, Pee Dee Light Artillery, to commander Palmetto Battalion Artillery; Pri- vate W. L. Williams, Company D, Nineteenth Georgia Volunteers, to col- onel Twenty-seventh Georgia Volunteers; Private G. M. Vaughn, Com- pany H, Eighth Missouri Infantry, to colonel of his regiment. XXXVIII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance ser- geants, andjwill report for duty to the colonels of their respective reg- iments: Sergeant John D. Primrose, Company E, Twenty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Private A. H. Morris, Company D, Eighth Ten- nessee Volunteers; Private Th&masM. White, Company—, Second South Carolina Rifles; Private J. W. Albright, Company D, Twelfth Virginia Battalion Light Artillery. XXXIX. Captain B. J. Ffawthorne, of Company G, Thirty-eighth Reg- iment Virginia Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to enrolling service, and will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c. XL. The services of Private William J. Taylor, Macon Light Artillery, certified to as being indispensable, he is hereby detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to James H. Burton, superin- tendent Confederate States armories Macon, Ga. XLI. The detail heretofore granted Private H. G. Kellogg, Company B, Twenty-seventh North Carolina Infantry, is continued so long as the he is physically unfit for field service in the service of the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Captain A. G. Benizer, Salisbury, N. C. XLII. Private G. W. Meadows, Company IC, Eighteenth North Caro- lina Regimen,, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the enrolling department, and will report to Captain A. H. Tolar for assignment in Hornett [Harnett] County, N. C. Certificate of his con- dition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XLIII. Private Benjamin S. Woodcock, Company K, Third Alabama Regiment Infantry, during unfitness for field service is detailed for hos- pital duty, and will report to Surgeon S. L. Niddet, in charge General Hospital Ross, Mobile, Ala. Certificate of his condition will be furnished to his company commander monthly. 783 XLIV. Private J. T. Humphries, Company C, Thirteenth Alabama flcgiment, is detailed for duty in the medical department (purveying) Gake City, Fla., his services being indispensable, and will'report to As- gistant Surgeon Z. B. Herndon, in charge, &c. XLV. Private John T. Thomas, Company A, Reserve Chatham Artil- ]cry, is detailed for duty in the medical purveying depot at Savannah, Ga., his services being indispensable, and will report to Assistant Sur- peon R- Q• Stacy, in charge. XLVI. Private John P. West, Company K, Third Regiment Alabama Reserves, is detailed to command a militia company of Alabama cav- ft]ry. While in service he will report for further orders to his Excel- lency T. H. Watts, Governor of Alabama. XLVII. Private W. H. Nance, of Captain Hardy's cavalry company, Alabama Reserves, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major N. R. Chambliss, commanding Confederate States arsenal Charleston, S. C., to relieve an able-bodied soldier for field service. XLVIII. Private Labon Price, Company F, Ninth Florida Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Lieutenant A. J. Stedman, commanding District East Florida. XLIX. Private Antoine Rhode, Company D, Fourth Louisiana Regi- pent, during unfitness for field service is detailed for duty as baker's attendant in Louisiana Hospital, in this city, and will report to the sur- geon in charge. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. L. Private H. B. Nutt, Company I, Fifty-seventh North Carolina Reg- iment, is detailed until further orders in the Subsistence Department on certificate of medical examining board. He will report to Captain W. D. Reynolds, assistant commissary of subsistence, Raleigh, N. C., for as- fignment at the Hard River Mills, N. C. LI. A furlough for twenty days is granted Private Ed. F. Pinchback, of Company G, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. LII. The leaves of absence heretofore granted the following-named officers (upon surgeon's certificate of disability) are extended thirty days: Lieutenant J. W. Gainer, Company A, Eleventh Florida Volun- leers, ending January 29,1865; Lieutenant R. Tinnin, Company C, First Texas Volunteers, ending January 28, 1865. LIII. The detail heretofore granted Private John W. Gates, of Com- pany E, Sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended sixty days. LIV. A furlough for twenty days for the benefit of his health is granted Private St. George Bryan, Second ^Company, Richmond Ho wit- ters, Virginia artillery. LV. So much of Paragraph XXXI, Special Orders No. 278, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Major J. F. Arnold, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, Major Arnold's nomination not having been confirmed by the Confederate States senate. LVI. Private B. H. Owens, Pee Dee Light Artillery, is detailed while attending the State Military Academy of South Carolina, to which insti- tution he has been appointed a cadet. LVII. Captain Thomas W. .Hall, assistant adjutant-general, will re- port without delay to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., W assignment to duty with the brigade commanded by Colonel Clarke, near Fort Harrison. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 784 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, November 28,1864 No. 282. • f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accept^ by the President, to take effect to-day : Second Lieutenant/. W. Arrant» Company K, Seventh South Carolina Cavalry ; First Lieutenant P. U Gross, Company A, Ervin's battalion North Carolina Reserves: Captain' Elijah Phepps, Company C, Stowe's battalion North Caroling Reserves • Captain B. F. Toomer, Company F, Twenty-fourth Mississippi Regiment- Second Lieutenant James Roddey, Company K, First Confederate Regj! ment Cavalry ; Rev. L. H. Milliken, chaplain, Thirteenth Regiment Ten. nessee Infantry; Major John R. Kennard. Tenth Regiment Texas In. fantry; First Lieutenant W. C. Neill, Company D, Sixth Tennessee Regiment; Captain S. Charpenter [Charpentier,] Charpenter's [Charpen- tier's] battery light artillery; Captain James B. Farmer, CompanyG, Tenth Alabama Regiment; Ensign A. P. Irby, Seventh South Carolina Battalion; Lieutenant-Colonel P. Sheffield, Fiftieth Georgia Regiment; Second Lieutenant W. E. Barry, Company G, Fourth Regiment \Texas; Surgeon James A. Bizzell, Twentieth North Carolina Regiment. * II. The details heretofore granted the following-named men of the Seventeenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers are extended until further orders: Privates J. F. Lynch, W. Burroughs, R. Staton. • III. The detail heretofore granted Private J. W. Mitchell, of Company A, Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is continued during his unfiu ness for field service. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished to his company commander. IV. The detail heretofore granted Private S. T. Meeds, of Company C, Fifty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is extended until further orders. V. Private L. T. Noyes, of Third Company, Washington Artillery, (light,) is for ninety days detailed [for] duty at the naval ordnance works in this city, and will report to Commander [ John M.~\ Brooke, C. S. Navy. VI. The services of Paul Romare, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is hereby detailed under the provisions of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 257, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, and will report for duty in this office. VII. The detail heretofore granted Private H. S. Neufville, of Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is continued during his unfitness for field service. Monthly certificate of his condi- tion will be forwarded to his company commander. VIII. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 21, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, appointing S. B. Hendrick [5. R. HcndriiJ a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department is hereby revoked. IX. A furlough for forty days is granted Private /. L. Hartin, of Com- pany G, Palmetto Sharpshooters. X. Private John C. Wright, of Company C, Second Battalion Ken- tucky Cavalry, now detailed in quartermaster's department at Dublin, Va., is detailed for duty with Captain W. T. Holden, assistant quarter- master, Thompson, Ga. XI. Private E. Jennings, of Company H, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster'* Department, and will report,to the general superintendent of Virginia Central Railroad, in this city. 785 XII- Private Henry J: Williams, of Company I, Eleventh Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in jj,e Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel rj Oladowski, commanding Confederate States arsenal Columbus, Ga. Monthly certificate of his condition will be forwarded to his company commander. XIII- Private E. E. Sell, of Company A, South Carolina Siege Train, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [IF. Hi] Prioleau, in charge General Hospital No. 2, Columbia, S. C. XIV. The following-named men, of Company G, Fifth South Caro- lina Cavalry, are transferred from the army to the navy, all parties con- genting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred, and will report to Commander Murray Mason, C. S. Navy, in tb is city: Privates P. Williams, Thomas Stokes, C. Heinsohn. XV. Private M. B. Pringle, of Company K, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, (cavalry,) being unfit for field service, is during sUch unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Hutson Lee, chief quartermaster Charleston, g. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be forwarded his com- pany commander. XVI. The following-named men, (foreigners,) considered disaffected, are transferred fom Company C, Twenty-second Battalion Georgia Artil- lory, will be forwarded under guard to Headquarters Army Northern Virginia, there to be distributed each to a separate Georgia infantry or- ganization at the discretion of the general commanding: Michael Clowny, Patrick McGowan, David McNeil, Michael Quinn, Jeremiah Shuhan, Thomas Btnnan, John Fl/ynn, Patrick Dunn, Martin Donegan; Michael Hayden, Andrew Irwin, Patrick Kehoe, John O'Donnell. XVII. The following-named men, (foreigners,) considered disaffected, are transferred from Twenty-second Battalion Georgia Artillery, and will be forwarded under guard to Headquarters Army of Tennessee, .there to be distributed each to a separate Georgia infantry organization at the discretion of the general commanding: Thomas M. Pryor, Com- pany C; John Dillon, Company F; James Breman, Company C; Pat. I'ogarty, Company F; William Williamson, M. Manning, M. Rooney, Com- pany E; P. Daley, E. Slatterly, Company F; Andrew Collins, Company E : R. Grant, M. Lacy, J. Martha, M. McCabe, T. Welsh, Company F. XVIII. Thd*follo wing-named mep are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments : Sergeant J. D. Taylor, Company E, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Sergeant J. M. Reinnardt, Company G, Sixteenth Georgia Volunteers. XIX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant D. IF. Stokes, Company B, Forty-first Alabama Volunteers; Captain 0. F. Parrish, Company D, First Arkansas Volun- leers; Captain C. W. Pruett, Company D, Twenty-fifth Arkansas Volun- H'rs; Second Lieutenant E. P. McCarty, Company F, Eighth Mississippi Volunteers * Captain G. M. Massingale, Company E, Thirty-seventh Mis- ri'sippi Volunteers; Captain D. IF. Nicks, Company B, Fourth Missouri Volunteers; Second Lieutenant M. Russell, Company G, Ninth Texas Cavalry; Captain S. IF. McAllister, First Lieutenant "Henry Burns, Com- 137—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 . - 786 pany K, First Lieutenant G. Stuart, Company D, Captain J. P. First Lieutenant W. Tom, Second Lieutenant W. Edlin, Company F Sixth Texas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant J. L. McBrittain, Company £ Sixty-third Tennessee Cavalry [Infantry.] XX. Second Lieutenant M. R. McClellan, of Company E, Thirty, eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being incompetent and deficient in energy, zeal, and courage, will have his name dropped from the ro||]g and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional ArtaJ Confederate States. XXI. Lieutenant W. H. Holmes, formerly of First Louisiana Artillery subsequently commanding a howitzer battery, First Regiment Louisiana Cavalry, (Colonel Scott's,) being a supernumerary officer, will have hi$ name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXII. Major James Nocquet, Corps of Engineers, Provisional Army Confederate States, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. So much of Paragraph XXllI, Special Orders No. 84, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Major Sackfield Macklin, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and Major Macklin will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. The services of Lieutenant T. W. Anderson, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable to the Treasury Department, he will report to the Secretary of the Treasury for assignment to clerical duty. XXV. The services of the following-named men of Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty • in the Treasury Department, and they will report to the honorable Sec- retary of the Treasury, in this city: Privates E. II. Skinker, S. H. Boykin, Company D; Private W. L. Corbin, Company K. XXVI. Brigadier-General E. G. Lee, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from duty as commander of reserve forces of the Valley District, and a leave of absence for six months is granted Briga- dier-General Lee for the benefit of his health. XXVII. Lieutenant Thomas D. Davis, drill-master, Provisional Array Confederate States, is assigned to duty as aid-de-camp to Brigadier-Gen- eral E. G. Lee, to serve with and accompany Brigadier-General Lee as aid during his leave of absence. XXVIII. Brigadier-General R. D. Lilly [Lilley,] Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty to the command of the reserve forces of the Valley District, lately serving under Brigadier-General E. G. Ex. XXIX. Colonel Angus McDonald, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as commandant of post of Staunton, Va., and will report accordingly. XXX. Surgeon A. H. Snead is relieved from hospital duty Depart- ment of Tennessee, and will report without delay to Surgeon [R A] Kinloch, medical director, Charleston, S. C., for assignment. XXXI. Surgeon Isaiah H. White, at Cjjmp Lawton, Ga., is assigned to duty as chief surgeon of hospitals attached to military prisons east of the Mississippi River. He will receive his instructions from the Sur- geon-General's Office. 787 XXXII. Brigadier-General Bradley T. Johnson is temporarily assigned jo the command of the post at Salisbury, N. C., and of the prisoners of confined at that place. He will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c. XXXIII. The corps of cadets under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel [8.] Ship are relieved from duty in the defenses around Rich- pond, and will be turned over to the State authorities for the purpose 0f resuming their studies on the 1st of December, 1864. XXXIV. Leave of absentee for sixty days upon medical certificate of disability is granted Second Lieutenant G. W. Parker, of Company D, forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. XXXV. Second Lieutenant E. Kingsmore, of Company F, Twentieth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for active field service, js assigned to light duty in -the enrolling service, and will report to commandant of conscripts for South Carolina through General J. S. Preston, chief of the Bureau of Conscription. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXXVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain A. T. Bowie, acting assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, js extended twenty days, ending December 20, 1864. XXXVII. Second Lieutenant James Barrett, of Company C, Fifth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will report to Major G. Andrews, assistant adjutant-general, to assist in recruiting a foreign battalion being enlisted by authority of the War Department. XXXVIII. The services of Private T. 0. Walsh, of Company C, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Sec- retary of the Treasury, in this city. XXXIX. Private Humphreys Castleman, of Company D, Second Regi- ment Kentucky Cavalry, will be allowed the same liberty to the town of Abingdon on his parole of honor as has been extended to the officers who are charged with a similar offense—bank robbery. XL. Private Chesly Wilkinson, of Colonel Lay's regiment, (Twentieth Confederate Cavalry,) is hereby detailed as an overseer for Mrs. Collings- vorth and Mrs. McCoy, of the parish of East Feliciana, La., under the military act approved 17th February, 1864. He will report to the en- rolling officer of said parish for the purpose of executing the bonds re- quired by law. XLI. Private Robert S. Moore, Company G, Fifty-ninth Georgia Regi- ment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major F. F. Jones, commanding Confederate States armory Richmond, Va. Certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander monthly. XLII. Sergeant W. F. Pearsall, Company A, Twenty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for guard duty at Confederate States barracks in this city, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding post, &c. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XLIII. Private John G. Parker, Muldrow's company, Perrin's regi- ©ent cavalry, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty as wheelwright in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain Owen [B. F. Owem,'] assistant quartermaster, Lauderdale, Miss. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. 788 XLIV. Private John Anderson, Company A, Seventh South Caroling Battalion, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty ^ the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain O.F.Simpm assistant quartermaster, Greensville, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XLY. Private W. A. Hudson, Company F, Hampton Legion, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain 0. F. Simpson, assistant quarter- master, Greensville, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XLVI. Sergeant Thomas B. O'Brien, Company D, Fifth Louisiana Regiment, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J.W. [F. H'l Dillard, quartermaster, Columbus, Ga. Certificate of his condition will be monthly furnished his company commander. XLVII. Private J. C. Stanley, Company H, Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, during his unfitness for field service is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. L. C/d, assistant quartermaster, Columbia, S. C. Certificate of his condition will be furnished monthly to his company commander. XLVIII. The following-named men are mutually exchanged each to the others command, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred: Private Andrew Wood, Com- pany B, Commissary Battalion, Florida volunteers; Sergeant William Allen, Company K, Eighth Florida Regiment. XLIX. Private John F. Snyder, First Company, Independent Signal Corps, is hereby transferred to the First Virginia Infantry, and will re- port without delay to the colonel commanding for duty. L. Paragraph IX, Special Orders No. 247, current series, from this office, transferring the following-named men is hereby revoked: Sergeant Thomas Gaff, Company I, Twenty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Private J. F. Keernum, of Captain Hutchinson's company engineer troops, at Mobile. LI. Private S. J. Hunt, of Company K, Third Virginia Cavalry, is hereby transferred to Company D, Eighteenth Virginia Infantry, he being unable to keep himself mounted. LII. Corporal A. F. Parrott, Company H, Fourteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is hereby trans- ferred to Company E, Second Regiment South Carolina Artillery, and will report accordingly. LIII. Sergeant Louis Reasser, Company G, Fifth Louisiana Infantry, now in confinement in the military prison at Lynchburg, will be re- leased from arrest and restored to duty with his command. LIV. Private R. H. Hudson, Company E, Fourth Alabama Infantry, being unfit for infantry service, as shown by surgeon's certificate, is transferred to Company D, Gordon's regiment of Missouri cavalry. LV. Major James Glover, quartermaster, will relieve Captain George X. EaJcin, assistant- quartermaster, of post duties at Bristol, Tenn., until further orders. LVI. Captain George N. EaJcin on being relieved from his present duties will report to General R. E. Lee for assignment to duty with First Regiment Engineer Troops, Army of Northern Virginia. LVII. Hospital Steward R. H. Leonard, Fourth Texas Regiment, will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to some ajv propriate duty to enable him to attend the medical lectures in this city during the winter. 789 LVIII. Major W. M. Payne, quartermaster, is hereby assigned to duty #s quartermaster of General Ramseur's division, Army of Northern Vir- einia. and will report accordingly without delay. LIX. The resignation of Captain D. A. Parker' assistant quartermas- ttf. First Regiment Engineer Troops, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect to-day. LX. The services of Corporal T. C. Hays, of Company C, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city. LXI. The services of Private M. Lynch, of Company C, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is hereby detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city. LXII. Private J. B. Greenwood, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders to the Sur- geon-General, in this city. LXIII. Captain T. W. Hall, assistant adjutant and inspector-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to general inspection duty, and will report for orders to Colonel R. H. Chilton, who is charged with the direction and supervision of those duties. LXIV. Private Skipwith Ross, of Company G, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, having been appointed a sergeant in the Signal Corps, will report for assignment to the officer in charge of the Signal Bureau, in this city. LXV. The services of Private C. S. Keech, of Company D, Third Reg- iment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, in this city. LXVI. Leave of absence for forty days is granted Lieutenant N. E. Prutt, of Company H, First Regiment Alabama Volunteers. LXVII. The operation of Paragraph XXXIII, Special Orders No. 2S2, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, is suspended until further orders. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 29, 1864. Special Orders ) No. 283. f I. Major A. E. Lassalle, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty [as] quartermaster of the brigade commanded by Brigadier-General J. C. Tappan, Provisional Army Confederate States, Major-General T. J. Churchill's division, Trans-Mississippi Department. II. Major J. C. Green, quartermaster, is assigned to the duty of collect- ing stores and shipping grain and long forage in such portions of south- western Virginia as may be ordered by the Quartermaster-General. He will establish at such points depots as may be designated by the Quar- termaster-General. III. In addition to his present duties Captain V. G. De Lisle, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major J. <7. Green, quartermaster, for service in the collection of forage and other supplies, 198—S. 0„ A. & I. G. 0.—4 790 IV. Private J. T. Atkinson, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for ligfy duty, and will report to commandant of post at Goldsborough, N. Q and will report accordingly. ^ V. Private Alexander Robinson, of Company D, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major C. McClenaghan, commissary of subsistence, Charleston, S. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. VI. Private John A. Wynn, of Company B, Cutts' artillery battalion being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Lieutenant E. H. Wynn, enrolling officer, Albany, Ga. VII. Private A. M. McAulay, of Company E, Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for thirty days detailed for guard duty, and will report to Major John H. Gee, com- mander Confederate States prison Salisbury, N. C. VIII. Private D. E. Miller, of Company C, Twenty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for guard duty, and will report to Major J. H. Gee, commanding Confederate States prison at Salisbury, N. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. IX. Private N. Parker, of Company F, Waul's Texas Legion, being unfit for field service, is during his unfitness detailed for post duty, and will report to commandant of post at Selma, Ala. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. X. Private G. W. Osmond, of Company B, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty with Jessee Osmond, government contractor, Augusta, Ga.,and will report accordingly. XI. Private Thomas E. White, of Company C, Twelfth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the hospital of the Army of the Valley District, and will report accord- ingly. XII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty as hospital attendants, and will report to Surgeon F. W. Hancock, in charge Jackson Hospital, in this city: Pri- vate H. J. Wheeler, Company G, Twenty-third Georgia Volunteers; Pri- vate James Malone, Company H, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Vol- unteers. XIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed during such unfitness for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated. Monthly certificates of their condition will be furnished their company commanders: Private J. H. Stout, Company H, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon Leigh, Raleigh, N. C.; Private Wright Brady, Company A, Cutts' artillery battalion, to Surgeon Joshua Gro, Americus, Ga. XIV. Private Alexander Matthews, of Company B, Forty-fourth Rcgi- ment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed durine such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Virgil Powers, engineer and superintendent of the Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. 791 XV. Private 0. H. Doucin, of Captain Walter's battery, of Washing- Artillery, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to jlajor E. Powell, quartermaster, Adams' Run, S. C. Monthly certificate 0f his condition will be furnished his company commander. XVI. Private John Keivle, of Company G, Eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service; is for forty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major Borne' V(U [ IF. Barnwall, jr.,] quartermaster, Mobile, Ala. XVII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and trill report as designated: Private M. G. White, Company E, Fifty-fifth Xorth Carolina Volunteers, to Captain D. Pender'assistant quartermas- tor, Tarborough, N. C.; Private Thomas Whiley, Company G, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, to officer in charge clothing bureau Charleston, S. C. XVIII. The detail heretofore granted Private H. M. Ewing, of Com- pany B, Cutts' artillery battalion, is continued during his disability for field service. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XIX. The detail heretofore granted Private A. Smythe, of Company A, Eighteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is continued during his disability for field service. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XX. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report as designated : Captain B. H. Simmons, Lieutenant F. M. Palmer to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, commanding reserves of Mississippi; Second Lieutenant A. K. Ha/t, Captains J. B. Deleach, B. A. Hudgins to Major-General [/. A/.] Withers, commanding reserves of Alabama; Second Lieutenant S. S. Berrero, Adjutant W. P. Clark, Second Lieutenant W. C. Harris to Brig- adier-General Nichols [P. T. Nicholls,'] Shreveport, La.; Captain A. H. Moore, First Lieutenant B. G. Coone to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding reserves North Carolina; First Lieutenant H. D. Floyd, Captain J. A. Hinnant to Brigadier-General J". Chesnut, [jr.,] command- ing reserves of South Carolina; Lieutenant C. Y. Steptoe, Second Lieu- tenants C. Hawkins, 0. K. Pate, Captain J. B. Bransfora to Major-General [J. L] Kemper, commanding reserves of Virginia ; Captain M. Latimer, First Lieutenant and Adjutant W. T. Shellman to Major-General \_HoweW\ Cobb, commanding reserves of Georgia. XXI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to post duty, and will report as designated: Lieutenant A. Crews to commandant of post at Gordonsville, Va.; Lieutenant E. Collier to com- niandant of post at Columbus, Tex.; Ensign J. 'Larkin to provost- marshal, Columbus, S. C.; Captain J. H. Marshall to commandant post Greensville, Ala. XXII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant Elias Skannal, Company D, Ninth Louisiana \olunteers; Second Lieutenant H. R. Brinkley, Company I, Forty-first Virginia Volunteers; Captain H. E. Bradford, First Lieutenant B. F. Church, Second Lieutenant L. T. Methvin, Company F, Sixth Texas Vol- onteers; Second Lieutenant S. T. Page, Company A, Fourth Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters. 792 . XXIII. Captain E. B. Christian [Christian,] of Company C, Forty-fi^ Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the roll, for cowardice and voluntarily surrendering himself to the enemy durin» the battle on the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad on the 19th Augu^ 1864, and will from this day cease to be. an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIV. Surgeon Samuel Logan, Provisional Army Confederate States is assigned to duty as chief surgeon of Major-General W. H. C. Whiting'j command, (headquarters at Wilmington, N. C.,) and will report accord, inglv. XXV. Cadet R. Moore, C. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Confed. erate States arsenal Selma, Ala., and will report for assignment to Gen. eral R. E. Lee, commanding, &c. XXVI. Captain A. F. Pagnier, of Company F, Tenth Regiment Lou. isiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness assigned to duty in the District, of the Gulf, and will report to Major. General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c., Mobile, Ala. Monthly certifi. cate of his condition will be forwarded his regimental commander. XXVII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants, and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments: Sergeant P. T. Lames, Company K, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; Sergeant H. C. Norman, Company C, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; Sergeant B. M. Jackson, Company B, Fortieth Tennessee Volunteers. XXVIII. Private John R. Eldridge, of Company A, Fifty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed until March 15,1865, for duty as a miller. He will report to the enrolling officer of Buckingham County, Va. XXIX. Private J. E. Rodd, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report for orders to Colonel Thompson Allen, commissioner of taxes, Richmond, Va. XXX. The furlough heretofore granted Private R. C. Carpenter, of Company A, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty days, at the expiration of which time he will promptly rejoin his regiment. XXXI. Private C. C. Baker, of Company F, Sixtieth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to the colonel of his regiment. XXXII. The services of the following-named men of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city: Sergeant L. F. Bossieux, Private J. W. O'Connor. XXXIII. Hospital Steward J. T. Brown is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to the surgeon in charge Howard's Grove Hospital. XXXIV. Private E. L. Hackett, of Chatham Artillery, is appointed a bonded agent in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty to Major Hermann Hirsch, quartermaster, Savannah, Ga. XXXV. Private J. A. Jones, of Company C, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being unfit-for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary Confederate States Treasury, in this' city. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. 793 XXXVI. Private Fox Hewitt, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local pefense Troops, being unfit for field service, is during such, unfitness detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. Q. /I. Trenholm, Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his com- i>any commander. XXXVII. So much of Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 245, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain John )[. Locke [Lock,] of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Captain {ficke [Lock] is assigned to duty as commandant of post at Harrisonburg, Va. XXXVIII. The services of the following-named men of Third Regi- nient, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Tren' holm, Secretary Confederate States Treasury, in this city: Privates Robert Tyler, Charles T. Jones, Company F; Privates H. J. Corbell, S. S. JJowison, Company C. XXXIX. Private W. J. Mayo, of Company E, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is for one week detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department while awaiting return of his application for a more per- mnnent detail, and will report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. XL. Military Storekeeper W. W. Tyler, now on duty at Bellona Arsenal, will report to Captain Charles Semple, chief ordnance officer, Department of Southwestern Virginia and East Tennessee, to relieve Captain J. M. Boyd, in charge field ordnance depot of that department. XLI. Leave of absence for sixty days upon medical certificate of dis- ability is granted Colonel D. W. Moody, Twenty-first Regiment Missis-. gippi Volunteers. XLII. Emanuel Plaza, a conscript, who once enlisted in Company E, Forty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, as a substitute, and dis- charged therefrom by reason of disability, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XLIII. Private Reuben W. Norman, of Company A, Thirteenth Regi- ment Virginia Cavalry, is detailed for duty with Brigadier-General G. H. Stcuart, pending his application for appointment as aid-de-camp to General Steuart. XLIV. Rev. J. 0. A. Cook, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate Shites, is relieved from duty with Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers, and will report to Surgeon [& H.] Stout, medical director, at Columbus, Ga. XLV. First Lieutenant J. C. Mills, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as drill-master of Brigadier-Gen- eral M. \V. Gary's cavalry brigade, and will report accordingly. XLVI. Assistant Surgean A. E. Slaughter is relieved from duty with General Early's command by reason of ill-health, and will report with- out delay to Surgeon [ W. A.] Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va. XLVII. Hospital Steward J. A. McElhenny is relieved from duty at Gamble Hospital, Ga., and will report without delay to the Surgeon- General, Richmond, Va. XLVIII. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 48, Adjutant and Jnspector-General's Office, February 26,1863, as relates to appoint- ment of Private John C. Kyle, Company E, Fourth Virginia Regiment, as hospital stewart [steward,] is hereby revoked, and he will report with- out delay to officer commanding Fourth Virginia Regiment for duty, 199—S. 0., A, & I. G. 0,-4 794 XLIX. So much of Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 28, Adjutant and Inspactor-General's Office, February 3,1863, as relates to the ap. pointment of Private A. P. Champlin. Company B, Norman's [Fourth Mississippi] Cavalry, as hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to officer in command of Norman's cavalry for duty. L. Surgeon W. M. Fuqua (awaiting orders) will report to Surgeon [Lafayette] Guild, medical director Army Northern Virginia, for duty with Eleventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, and relieve Snr- geon Wilson, who when relieved will report without delay to Surgeon P. E. Hines, medical director at Raleigh, N. C. LI. Private William Blanks, of Company G, Sixty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers being indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the collector for the port of Wilmington, N. C. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, November 30,1804. Special Orders) No. 284. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant D. C. Tally, Company H, First Tennessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenant S. H. Wilson, Company A, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry; Colonel T. M. Griffin, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Chaplain R. B. Anderson, Fourth North Caro- lina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant F. W. Yager, Forty-third Virginia Battalion Partisan Rangers; Second Lieutenant H. W. Hatcher, Thirty- fourth Virginia Volunteers ; J. H. Kerr, commissioner for Eighth Con- gressional District of North Carolina; Second Lieutenant T. A. Chimp, Company G, Farinholt's Virginia Reserves; Captain H. L. Mitchell, Com- pany K, Fourth Florida Volunteers; Rev. Ro. McCoy, chaplain, Sixth Texas Volunteers; Captain C. W.Brewton, Company I, Tenth Alabama Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant T. M. Bryant, Company A, Tenth Georgia ■Cavalry; First" Lieutenant W. M. Goode, Company B, Twenty-eighth Virginia Volunteers ; Captain J. M. Ferguson, Company K, Eighth Vir- ginia Cavalry; Captain J. G. Davidson, Davidson's battery; Captain R. L. McCaughrin, assistant quartermaster, McGowan's brigade. , II. Private R. A. Sneed, of Company C, Eighteenth Regiment Missis- sippi, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report to the colonel of his regiment. III. Captain John F. Bentley, of Company E, Thirty-ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having disgracefully abondoned his regiment in the face of the enemy, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confed- erate States. IV. Second Lieutenant W. G. Reed, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report for assignment to Major-General H. Cof®. commanding reserves of Georgia, at Macon, Ga. • * V. Major C. S. Severson, quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the division commanded by Major-General B. F. Cheatham, Provisional Army Confederate States, and will report accordingly. 795 VI. Lieutenant E. P. Harman, adjutant, Thirteenth Regiment Missis- •ppi Volunteers, is for ninety days assigned to post duty, and will re- irt to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, commanding reserves of Mis- •jssippi. Monthly certificate of his condition will be forwarded to his Jrgiinental commander. VII. The following-named men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local pefense Troops, are detailed for twelve days from November 27, 1864, and will report to chief of Nitre and Mining Bureau: Privates R. A. Qohbin, W. E. Clarke. VIII. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, gnd will report to Major M. B. Miller, commissary of subsistence, Sa- vannah, Ga. Monthly certificate of their condition will be furnished to their company commanders: Private S. F. Wood, Company K, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers; Private John Schroeder, Company C, Fifth Georgia Cavalry; Private J. W.Smith, Company H,Twenty-fifth Georgia Volun- teers; Private J. H. Winslow, Company F, Sixty-third Georgia Volun- teers. IX. The services of Private John Churchwell, of Company E, Fifty- geventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being indispensable, he is de- tailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major J/. B. Miller, commissary of subsistence, Savannah, Ga. X. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for duty as designated : Private William Lovenstein, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, to Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical pur- veyor, Richmond, Va.; Sergeant Arno Keplek, Company E, Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, to Surgeon : Horlbeck, General Hospital No. 1, Columbia, S. C.; Private Pierre Bandoin, Company D, First Louisiana Heavy Artillery, to Surgeon Hinkley, Demopolis, Ala. XI. Private J. H. Penny, of Company K, Eighteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for light duty, and will report to commandant of post at Danville, Va. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company com- mander. XII. The following-named men of Company K, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, are detailed until further orders for duty in Signal Corps, and will report to Lieutenant C. G. Memminger, jr., in charge signal corps Charleston, S. C.: Privates W. S. Lance, E. W. Morton. XIII. Private T. L. Hertzer, of Company E, First Regiment South Car- olina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such u&fitness detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Major N. R. Chambliss, commanding Confederate States arsenal at Charleston, S. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XIV. Private D. W. Austin, of. Company G, Seventeenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being a skilled mechanic, is detailed for duty in die Navy Department, and will report to Flag-Officer [A1.] Farrand,, Mobile, Ala. XV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are during *uch#unfitnesS detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and *ill report as designated. Monthly certificates of their condition will oe furnished their company commanders: Private W. L. W. Riley, Com- l^uy C, Second South Carolina Heavy Artillery, to Major E. Powell, 796 quartermaster, Adams' Run; Private G. W. Berry, Company F, Thirj North Carolina Volunteers, to Captain 0. F. Weisiger, assistant quarter, master, Richmond, Va.; Private R. Molina, Company B, Sixty-third Georgia Volunteers, to Captain 0. J. White, assistant quartermaster Savannah, Ga.; Private James Grotty, Company B, First Volunteer Reg! iment of Georgia, to Captain R. P. Doss, assistant quartermaster, Macon Ga.; Private J. G. Boykin, Company A, Sixth Florida Volunteers, to Captain E. M. N. Engle, post quartermaster Quincy, Fla. XVI. Private John B. Phares, of Company E, Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States of America. XVII. First Lieutenant T. J. Duggan, of Fenner's battery, is tempo- rarily assigned to duty with Bartow's battery, and will report accord- ingly. XVIII. Captain S. L. Lowe, assistant commissary of subsistence, is as- signed to duty with the Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XIX. Captain Charles McMurdo [Macmurdo,] assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the fotces serving under Brigadier-GeneralS. Jf Barton, and will report accordingly. XX. Captain J. B. White, assistant 'quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the artillery ordnance train Second Corps, Army Northern Vir- ginia, and will report accordingly. XXI. Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foard (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon [12. X.] Kinloch, medical director, Charleston. S. C. XXII. Hospital Steward W. A. Williams (awaiting orders) will re- port without delay to Surgeon P. B. Scott, medical director, Selma, Ala., for assignment. XXIII. The finding of the examining board in the case of First Lieu- tenant M. D. Gooding, Company D, Eleventh South Carolina Regiment, adverse to his promotion to the captaincy of that company is approved and confirmed. This officer will remain in his present position. XXIV. Captain J. M. Boyd, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, (for ordnance duty,) will report to Major R. Milton Gary for duty at Salisbury, N. C. While en route to that place he will report to chief of ordnance, in this city. XXV. The brigade known as H. H. Walker's (Virginia) brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, is hereby disbanded, and the regiment* which composed it will be assigned to other Virginia brigades in that army under the direction of the general commanding. XXVI. The brigade (Army of Northern Virginia) known as John- son's old Tennessee brigade is hereby united with Archer's brigade, of Heth's division. The necessary additional orders will be issued from Headquarters Army Northern Virginia. XXVII. Leaves of absence for the periods herein specified are granted the following-named officers: Assistant Surgeons W. W. Frayser, J. J■ Roy, Provisional Army Confederate States, thirty days ; Captain Jama T. Rodgers, Company D, Tenth Kentucky Mounted Rifles, twenty days. XXVIII. James McLeod is appointed bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report by letter to Major A. H. Cole, in- spector-general field transportation, for orders. XXIX. Private Samuel P. Hamilton, of Company H, Twenty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty as a miller, and will report to the en- rolling officer of Monroe County, Va. 797 XXX. The organization of the First Trans-Mississippi Cavalry Bat- tiilion, effected under the order of General E. K. Smith, is hereby recog- nizedand confirmed by the War Department. XXXI. A furlough for ten days is granted Private W. J. Turner, of Company K, Twenty-fifth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, at the expi- ration of which time he will rejoin his command if exchanged. XXXII. Private C. H. Davidson, of Company B, Twenty-second Reg- iment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will re- port to the post commissary at Lexington, Va., for such duty as he may be able to perform. Monthly certificate of his condition will be fur- nished his company commander. XXXIII. Private G. W. Martin, of Company —, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is granted a furlough for twenty days for the pur- pose of delivering the leather now in his tannery. XXXIV. The services of Private S. S. Dawes, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Tren- holm, Secretary of Treasury Confederate States, in this city. XXXV. Private [John L.~\ Savage, of Company G, Third Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, is for thirty days detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Captain J. B. Granger, assistant quartermaster, Washington, N. C. XXXVI. The following-named medical officers are relieved from duty with General Hospital No. 21 and Receiving and Way Hospitals, Richmond, Va., respectively, and will report without delay to Surgeon [F. A.] Ramsey, medical director, at Bristol, Tenn., for assignment: As- gistant Surgeons William Marston, J. C. Bragg. XXXVII. Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 166, Adjutant and In- gpector-General's Office, July 14, 1863, appointing Richard F. Sams hos- pital steward is hereby revoked. He will report without delay as assistant surgeon (having received a favorable report for appointment) to General B. Bragg, Augusta, Ga., for duty with the reserve forces. XXXVIII. The following-named medical officers (awaiting orders) will report without delay to General B. Bragg, at Augusta, Ga., for duty with the reserve forces: Assistant Surgeons Thomas S. Laffitte, Joseph M. Dulin, W. S. Stevens. XXXIX. Hospital Steward F. M. 0^ Daniel is relieved from duty at Stout Hospital, Ga., and will report without delay to Surgeon-General, Richmond. XL. Private William Coyne, of the reserve forces of Fluvanna County, Va., is detailed until further orders for clerical duty, and will report to the auditor of the General Post Office Department. XLI. Sergeant-Major Douglas Bell, of the Invalid Corps, is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain W. E. Pierce, assistant quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. XLII. Robert D. Parish, of Woodville, Miss., is appointed ordnance sergeant of post at Demopolis, Ala., and will report to Military Store- keeper J. Brice, at that place. XLIII. Private J. N. Bell, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. W. Paul, quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C. 200—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 798 XLIV. In addition to the duties prescribed in Paragraph I, Special Orders No. 236, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series Colonel W. A. Parham, Forty-first Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is as! signed as commandant of post at Hicksford, Va., to relieve Lieutenant. Colonel J. J. Garnett, who on being relieved will proceed without delay [to] Headquarters Army of Tennessee and report to the general com- manding for assignment to artillery duty. XLV. Private George T. Hill, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Vir. ginia Volunteers, is detailed until January 1, 1865, for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to R. S. Field, Confederate States collector, Petersburg, Va. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, December 1,1864. No. 285. • f I. The resignation of Second Lieutenant W. T. Long, of Company D, Twenty-third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. II. First Lieutenant W. N. M. Otey, of the Signal Corps, will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., for duty with the Army of Tennessee. III. The detail heretofore granted Private James Evans, (Paragraph XXIX,[?] Special Orders No. 269,[?] current series,) of Company A, Fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended until further orders. IV. The detail heretofore granted Private Nathan Sayers, Company K, Forty-fifth Virginia Volunteers, by Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 218, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, is extended until further orders. V. Private Z. M. Estes, of Company A, Second Battalion Georgia Vol- unteers, having been elected a commissioned officer in the Second Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, willf be discharged his former service, to take effect September 1, 1864. j VI. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 160, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private IE & Dogan, of Company H, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Dogan will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner for assignment to such duty as he may be able to per- form. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished to his company commander. VII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Lieutenant J. W. Glenn, Engineer Corps, at Macon, Ga.: Private J. L. Tucker, Company B, Sixth Kentucky Vol- unteers; Private A. P. Vigers, Company D, One Hundred and fiitv- fourth Senior Tennessee ; Private Charles Graver, Breckenridge's [Breck- inridge's] escort; Sergeant W. G. Ashley, Private L. H. Matthews, Com- pany C, Corporal J. H. Grimsley, Company B, Third Engineer Regiment; Private J. F. Ezzard, Company C, Thirty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Private J. B. Surprise, Company E, Sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Pri- vate Frank Miller, Company E, Nineteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Pri- vate W. V. Allen, Stanford's battery, Army of Tennessee; Private IP. L Booth, Kolb's battery, Army of Tennessee. 799 \ III. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and trill report as designated: Conscripts Z H. Jones, W. H. Walthall to jjediciu Director [ W. A.] Carrington, Richmond, Va.; Private Ro. H. finper, Company I, Tenth Virginia Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment; private N. P. Evans, Company F, Forty-first Tennessee Volunteers, to gurgeon in charge Concert Hall Hospital, Montgomery, Ala.; Private John K. Hord, Company F, Nineteenth Louisiana Volunteers, to sur- eeon in charge Way Hospital, Meridian, Miss.; Private R. A. McBryde, Company A, Twenty-sixth Arkansas Volunteers, to Surgeon [Z If.] Raden, chief of medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department; Private p. M. Legg, Cowan's battery, to surgeon in charge Fort Valley, Ga.; private H. G. Bean, Company K, Fifty-third Georgia Volunteers, to gurireon W. Webb, in charge Hardee Hospital, Forsythe, Ga. IX. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty withopt leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional 4rmy Confederate States:'CaptainD. B. Fichling, Company B, Bonaud's battalion ; Second Lieutenant E. P. Carter, Company F, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Captain W. P. O'Brien, Company H, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry; Second Lieutenant/. T. Bobbit, Company C, Thirty-sixth Bat- talion Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant William D. Antignac, Com- pany K, First Lieutenant Z P. Hughil, Company E, Tenth Georgia Vol- unteers; Second Lieutenant G. W. Pattern, Company F, Seventh Missis- sippi Battalion; Captain Z M. Randal, Company I, Thirty-ninth Mis- sissippi Volunteers; Captain John W. Ward, Company E, Thirty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant F. J. Fontaine, Company I, First Missouri Volunteers. X Lieutenant W. J. Faulk, of Company F, Thirty-sixth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for in- efficiency and absence without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XI. Major G. W. T. Kearsly \_Kearsley,'] commissary of subsistence, is assigned to duty with General Dearing's cavalry brigade, and will report accordingly. XII. Captain Z G. Hawthorne, of Company [B,] Fourth Battalion South Carolina Infantry, is assigned to duty with General M. W. Gary's cavalry brigade, and will report accordingly. XIII. Captain Z S. Panchen, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with Thirty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, and is assigned to duty with Major J. D. Myrick's battalion of artillery, Army of Tennessee. XI'V. Private IF. H. Crannage, of Compan}' E, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Signal Corps, and will report to Lieutenant Charles H. Cawood, in charge of "Secret Line." ' , XV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for light duty, and will report as designated : Privates Ben. Browning, John liiglow to pommandant post Fort Gaines, Ga.; Private A. J. Stake, Ser- gyant J. R. Williams, Private G. D. Lone to commandant post Gordons- ville, Va.; Privates B. M. Wells, T. Toohey to commandant post Col- utiibia, S. C.; Privates R. E. Lynn, F. M. Miller, B. A. Brown to com- toandant post Lynchburg, Va.; Private Z W. Balman to commandant post Anderson Court-House, S. C.; Sergeant Z C. Taliaferro to com- toandant post Richmond, Va.; Private M. Hart to commandant post 800 Columbus, Miss.; Private J. T. Hagerman to commandant post Sava^. nah, Ga.; Sergeant J. H. Payne to commandant post Liberty, Va.; Pfj. ate J. A. Brown to commandant post Graham, N. C. XVI. The sentence of death pronounced against the following, named persons has been remitted by the President, and they will be released from arrest and restored to duty : Private James R. Miles, Com. pany G, Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion; Private William Poe, McClung'j battery; Private M. A. Ussery, Company E, Thirty-eighth North Caro. lina Troops ; Private William M. Owens, Company F, Sixty-third Virginia Infantry; Private John Moore, Company C,. Sixty-fourth Georgia In. fantry; Privates M. E. Williams, W. A. Williams, S. B. Williams, 0. G. Williams, Franklin Lambert, Company F, Twenty-second North Carolina Infantry ; Private John R. Turner, Company G, Thirty-fourth Alabama Regiment; Private Jonathan Brown, Company G, Thirty-eighth North Carolina Infantry; Private T. S. Hansby, Company H, Fortieth North Carolina Infantry; Private J. W. Osborne, Company A, Eleventh Vir- ginia Infantry; Private Jessee B. H. Parish, Company E, Second Bat- talion, Alabama Legion; Corporal Jacob F. Sikes, Company A, Twenty, sixth Georgia Infantry; Private M. H. Pettis, Company E, Thirty-first Ala- bama Regiment Infantry; Private D. D. Gate, Company I, First Engi- neer Regiment; Private Daniel Roundtree, Sullivan's battery, Reid's [Read's] battalion; Private H. W. Sills, Company K, Fifty-first North Carolina Infantry. XVII. The sentence of hard labor pronounced against the following- named persons has been remitted by the President. They will be re- leased and restored to duty: Private William Winston, Reserve Infirm- ary Corps, Army Northern Virginia; Private P. Morris, Company K, First South Carolina Infantry. XVIII. The sentence of death pronounced against the following- named persons has been commuted by the President to confinement at hard labor during the war. The sentence thus commuted will be car- ried into effect b}7 their commanding generals: Private Alvis Pickard, Company F, Fifty-third North Carolina Infantry. XIX. The sentence of death pronounced against the following-named persons has been commuted by the President to confinement at hard labor for twelve months with a forfeiture of all but necessary allow- ances for that period. The sentence thus commuted will be carried into effect by their commanding generals: Private Mathias Mannin, Company E, First Virginia Battalion; Privates L. P. Fore, John If. Fletcher, Company A, First Engineer Regiment; Private Henry A. Davit, Company A, Forty-first Alabama Regiment; Private Andrew Johmm, Company B, Fourth Virginia Infantry; Private G. W. Johnson, Com- pany F, Twenty-seventh Virginia Infantry; Private A. Shelton, Com- pany B, Fourth Virginia Infantry ; Private Z. Dennaway, Company K, Third Virginia Infantry. XX. The sentence dismissing the following-named officers from the service of the Confederate States has been remitted by the President They will therefore be released from arrest and resume their swords and return to duty with their commands: First Lieutenant J. R. Ru*hing, Company C, Eighth Arkansas Infantry; First Lieutenant J. W. BaUu, Company C, Fiftieth Alabama Infantry. XXI. The sentence pronounced against Captain C. P. Townscnd, of Eighth South Carolina Infantry, by the military court of the Second Corps, Army Northern Virginia, by which he was dismissed the service is remitted by the President. The delay in bringing the charges is a 801 circumstance unfavorable to the prosecution and should have been ex- plained; the evidence is conflicting, and the testimony as to his general character and conduct show zeal and personal worth. He will be re- leased from arrest and resume his sword and be restored to duty with his command. XXII. The following-named persons confined at hard labor in the military prison at Salisbury, N. C., under sentence from various court- martials, will be released from confinement and restored to duty with their respective commands, the residue of their sentences having been remitted by the President. The commandant of the post at Salisbury vrill see that the men are duly restored to their proper posts of duty : Private R. M. Alley, Company C, Forty-second Virginia Infantry ; Pri- vates Jefferson Adams, Adam Adams, Company C, Twenty-second Vir- einia Infantry; Private Pinckney Andrews, Company E, Sixty-second North Carolina Infantry; Private J. F. Allman, Company K, Fifty- seventh Virginia Infantry ; Private James Beck, Company H, Twenty- sixth North Carolina Infantry; Private E. Bellamy, Company I, Fifth Virginia Cavalry; Private William Burgess, Company I, Thirty-fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private N. G. Baker, Company D, Fifth North Carolina Infantry; Private P hilo Benfield, Company H, Fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private Thomas Brown, Letcher Artillery ; Private William Bias, Company F, Private Raleigh Bowman, Company K, Fiftieth Virginia Infantry; Private D. C. Bell, Company I, Twenty- first Virginia Infantry ; Corporal R. W. Beck, Company I, Twenty-second Georgia Infantry; Private W. T. Bohannan, Company I, Seventh Georgia Infantry; Private Samuel S. Bryant, Company K, Private David Bryant, Company B, Private Lewis Blankenship, Company G, Fifty-seventh Vir- einia Infantry; Private Sanders Carroll, Company F, Fifty-second North Carolina Infantry; Private James Carroll, Company B, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private James Clark, Company I, First South Carolina Cavalry; Private James G. Cooke, Company D, Forty-ninth Vir- ginia Infantry; Private William Carroll, Company D, First North Car- olina Cavalry; Private David T. Cole, Company C, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry; Private William R. Chapman, Company F, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Infantry; Private James Cassetts, Company B, Seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private G. P. Craddock, Company A, Forty-fifth North Carolina Infantry; Private Lessee B. Clay, Johnson's battery; Private John Corneille, Letcher Battery [Artillery ;] Private John W. Casey, Com- pany E, Fifty-seventh Virginia Infantry; Private L. M. Carter, Courtney Artillery; Private Stephen E. Clements, Company E, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry; Private G. D. Cosby, Company G, Seventh Georgia Infantry; Private J. B. Crump, Company G, Fifty-first Virginia Infantry ; Private IP. C. Davis, Company F, Fiftieth Georgia Infantry ; Private H. Dolla- Aide, Company C, Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry; Private Samuel Denson, Company F, Second North Carolina Infantry ; Private F. Delaney, Letcher Artillery; Private John Dillard, Company K, Fifth Louisiana Infantry ; Private R. Diggs, Company I, Fifty-seventh Georgia Infantry ; Private John Epps, Company G, Forty-first Virginia Infantry ; Private James B. Cush, Company E, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry; Private Jam.es A. Fitzgerald, Company F, Fifteenth Virginia Infantry; Private William Dans, Company D, First Virginia Battalion ; Private L. L. Dangerhart, Company F, Twenty-second North Carolina Infantry; Private Thomas b. Elliott, Company C, Forty-eighth North Carolina Infantry; Private Mm Prick, regiment not known; Private W. Ford, Company E, Forty- tinth Virginia Infantry; Private J. Flinchum, Company B, Second 201—S. 0.. A. &. I. G. 0.—4 802 North Carolina Battalion; Private George W. Fitzgerald, Company P Fiftieth Virginia ; Private M. B. Glover, Company E, First Virginia Bat! talion; Private Edward German, Company K, Seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private Edward Grouse, Company E, Fifty-third North Car. olina Infantry; Private R. P. Fitzgerald, Johnson's battery, Mcintosh1® battalion; Private H. Gabbot, Company F, Fourth Texas Infantry; Pri- vate R. Hobbs, Company H, First Engineers, Army Northern Virginia; Private A. M. Grant, Company B, Thirtieth Virginia Battalion Sharp, shooters; Private Marvey [Harvey] Gray, Company B, Forty-second Vir. ginia Infantry; Private Jas. E. Hall, Company D, Eighteenth North Caro. lina Infantry; Private Thos. Holhrook, Company B, Fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private M. ■ Hodse, Hart's company engineers; Private J. C. Neuson, Company G, Fifth Virginia Infantry ; Private F. Hicks, Letcher Artillery; Private P. R. B. Hall, Company B, Fifty-seventh Virginia In. fantry ; Private J. A. Hall, Company I, Seventh Georgia Infantry; Pri- vate J. W. Harris, Company B, Twenty-ninth North Carolina Infantry; Private James Job, Company H, First North Carolina Infantry; Private C. Jenkins, Company C, Thirty-ninth Battalion (Virginia,) Lee's Scouts, Guides, and Couriers; Private H. C. Jenkins, Company H, Thirty-third Virginia Infantry; Private J. W. Jenkins, Company C, First Virginia Battalion; Private Thomas J. Jenkins, Company C, Forty-second Virginia Infantry ; Private Moses Hoffman, Company H, Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry; Private I?. M. Kitts, Company G, Thirty-sixth Virginia In- fantry; Private Hugh Ingram, Company H, Fifty-seventh Virginia In- fantry; Private Richard Evans, (for Enes,) Company G, Private W. IP. Lane, Company I, Forty-second Virginia Infantry; Private Thaddeut Johnson, Company C, Sixty-third North Carolina Infantry; Private Wilson Ledwell, Company F, Second North Carolina Battalion; Private Elijah Luck, Company I, Forty-sixth North Carolina Infantry; Private George Lowe, Company C, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry ; Private John T. Luddy, Third Company, Washington Artillery ; Private L. Lambert, Company H, Fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private James H. Moid• gomery, Company H, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry; Private Preshm Meadows, Company B, Thirty-sixth Virginia Infantry; Private HI Mooney, Company C, Private R. Mooney, Company A, Fifty-second Vir- ginia Infantry; Private Benjamin Moore, Company K, Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry; Private Daniel Moss, Company E, Fifty-fifth North Carolina Infantry; Private D. L. Mitchell, Company A, Twelfth North Carolina Infantry; Private S. Moore, Company A, Forty-fifth North Car- olina Infantry; Private Jacob Miller, Company E, First Maryland In- fantry; Private M. Manning, Letcher Artillery; Private M. M. Majfit, Company E, Forty-fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private D. McDanul, Company G, Fourth Alabama Infantry; Private John Morrisey, Letcher Artillery; Private G. W. Meeks, Company K, Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry; Private James Speck, Company B, Forty-seventh North Car- olina Infantry; Private R. L. Moon, Company F, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry; Private B. Ryan, Jeff. Davis Artillery; Private G. W. HW- ward, Company K, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry ; Private J. II. B. Tate, Company F, Fifty-sixth Virginia Infantry ; Private John H. Hodge, Cora- pany G, Second North Carolina Battalion; Private N. T. Parrish, Company D, Second North Carolina Infantry ; Privates William Packingham, Gorge Barnes, Company F, Fifteenth Louisiana Infantry ; Private M. Sczton, Company A, Thirty-seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private J. F. Shepperson, Tanner's battery; Private Frank Smitz, (for Smithey,) Cora- pany C, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry; Private F. South, Company 803 H, Thirty-seventh Virginia Infantry; Private Eli Stanley, Company H, Second North Carolina Infantry; Private Peter Solomans, Company A, Sixty-first North Carolina Infantry; Private Calvin Testerman, Company A,Thirty-seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private Joseph Thomas, Com- pany I,Twenty-second Virginia Infantry ; Private C. W. Jones, Company B, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry; Private Samuel W. Ramsey, Company I, Fifty-sixth Virginia Infantry; Private B. Shumate, Company I, Twenty- seventh Virginia Battalion; Private G. L. Roach, Company D, Sixty- third North Carolina Infantry; Private M. W. Roland, Company K; Fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private John Jones, Company E, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Infantry; Private John Osborne, Company A; Twenty-second North Carolina Infantry; Private Frank Smith, Letcher Artillery; Private J. H. Scribner, Company C, Forty-first Virginia Cav- airy; Private J. H. Redford, Company G, Twenty-fifth Virginia Bat- tali'on; Private Joseph E. Lamson, Company B, Fifty-second Virginia In- fantry; Private W. H. Reeves, Company E, Twenty-second North Caro- Una Infantry; Private John W. Sutton, Company H, Twelfth North Car- olina Infantry; Private George Redheffer, [Company —,] Fifty-third Alabama Infantry ; Private J. P. Rives, Company C, First Tennessee In- fantry; Private A. Reno, Company A, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry; Private Jackson Rely, Company I, Twenty-first Virginia Infantry ; Pri- vateJ. R. Wilson, Company A, Forty-second Virginia Infantry ; Private Theo. Venable, Crenshaw's battery, Pegram's battalion; Private Wilson Vernon, Company C, Fifth Virginia Infantry ; Private Benj. Wray, Com- pany K, Forty-second Virginia Infantry ; Private John Trent, Company F, Thirty-seventh Virginia Infantry ; Private John A. Roberts, Company F, Sixty-second Georgia Infantry; Private Thos. Weaver, Company G, Fifth South Carolina Infantry; Private A. G. Wilson, Letcher Artillery ; Private IT. Vonberger, Brandon's [Brander's] battery, Pegram's battalion; Private W. W. Williams,Company F, Fifty-third North Carolina Infantry; Private W. W. Winston, Infirmary Corps, Army Northern Virginia; Pri- vate J. B. Thomas, Company A, Twelfth Georgia Battalion ; Private H. Taylor, Company F, Sixteenth Mississippi Infantry ; Private W. Robbin, Wyatt's battery, Poague's battalion; Private M. A. Rose, Company H, First Virginia Battalion; Private A. J. Thompson, Company I, Twenty- sixth Virginia Infantry; Private Isaac Webster, Company B, Twenty- fourth Virginia Battalion ; Private J. B. Withered, Company G, Twenty- sixth Alabama Infantry ; Private D. C. Orrell, Company D, Sixty-third North Carolina Infantry ; Privates J. Mansfield, William Leary, Company K, Forty-eighth North Carolina Infantry ; Private Alfred Morrison, Com- pany H, Fifty-fourth North Carolina Infantry; Private Stephen Moss, Company D, Fifty-fifth Virginia/ Infantry; Private A. Chenault, Com- I«nyH, Forty-seventh Virginia Infantry ; Private Z. R. Staten, Company I, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry; Private George Emmerson, regiment not known; Private Willis Warren, Company C, Fifty-ninth Georgia; Private J. W. Burton, Company C, First North Carolina Infantry. XXIII. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their re- 'pective names : Captain T. J. Williams, Company K, Seventeenth Mis- sissippi Volunteers, August T, 1863 ; Captain G. W. Alexander, assistant adjutant-general, December 31, 1864. XXIV. Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Cunningham, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is during his disability for field service assigned to court-martial duty in Department of Richmond, and will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c. 804 XXV. Major E. L. Moore, assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as assistant adjutant and inspe©. ter-general of Second Corps, Array of Northern Virginia, (Army of Vaj. ley District,) and will report to Lieutenant-General J. A. Early, com. manding, &c. XXVI. The general supply store in Richmond will not fill requhj. tions for the supply of troops in the field. All such requisitions win go as heretofore to the Confederate States arsenal, and will be filled there. XXVII. Ordnance stores needed at the arsenal for the supply 0f troops in the field will be drawn from the supply store on requisition approved by the general commanding officer of the arsenal. XXVIII. All issues to officers will be made at the supply store, and stores at the arsenal or any of its departments are not to be issued nor sold, but held subject to requisitions, except one complete set of arms and equipments as provided in Paragraph 60, Ordnance Regulations. XXIX. Captain J. W. Dennett, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the Second Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, and will re- port accordingly. XXX. Captain George C. Reid, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service at Petersburg, Va., and isass gned to duty with the Eighth Regiment Georgia Cavalry. XXXI. Captain J. A. McClung, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Battalions Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. XXXII. The resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel W. B. Lowry, of Elev- enth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect to-day. XXXIII. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 135, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain E. F. Cheatham, assistant quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States, is hereby revoked, and Captain Cheatham will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. He will report to the Quartermaster-General for assignment. XXXIV. Captain A. H. Raviesies, of Company E, Eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, being unfit for field service is assigned to duty as clerk of the military court of which Colonel L. P. Walker is presiding judge, and will report accordingly. XXXV. Hospital Steward R. H. Leonard, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, will report to the Surgeon-General for assignment to such duty as will permit his attendance on medical lectures. XXXVI. Leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Assistant Surgeon H. Sauve, of Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. XXXVII. All officers and men who have been lately exchanged by Exchange Notices Nos. 12 and 13 will report for duty with their re- spective commands on the 5th day of December, 1864. Furloughs until that time are hereby granted them. XXXVIII. The detail for signal service heretofore granted Private R. W. Maury, of the Otey Battery, Virginia artillery, is extended until further orders. He will continue to report to Major-General John C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,] commanding, &c., Wytheville, Va. XXXIX. Captain J. P. Bridger, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty at the camp of instruction near Greensborough, N. C., and will report to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding, Raleigh, N. C. 805 XL. Major R. R. Wood, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quarter- master of General Holtzclaw's brigade to relieve Major F. N. Wood, quar- termaster, who on being relieved is assigned as quartermaster of Major- General Clayton's division. By command of the Secretary of War: 17 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ") Richmond, December 2, 1864. No. 286. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. F. Hoge, Company A, Third Confederate Cavalry Regiment; Captain W. N. Hammack, Com- pany B, Seventh Alabama Cavalry; Captain J. S. Reid, Company G, Twentieth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant H. Knapp, Com- pany E, Third Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant P. T. Patton, Company C, First Mississippi Cavalry ; Captain J. W. Douglas, Company H, Twenty-third Mississippi Volunteers. II. Private H. C. Dasher, of Company C, Second Regiment Georgia Cavalry, having been elected ordinary of Mitchell County, Ga., will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. ^ III. The assignment of Conscript Terrell G. Hall to Company B, Nine- teenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers is set aside, and he is allowed to volunteer in Captain J. Hatley Norton's company, Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. IV. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect the 10th of October, 1864: Captain C. IF. Hodge, Company G, Thirty-first Louisiana Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. J. Sims, Company H, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volun- teers; Second Lieutenant J. T. McLaughlin, Company E, Polk's regi- ment; Second Lieutenant J. W. Chenoweth, Company C, Thirty-fifth Texas Cavalry; Second Lieutenant A. B. Dilliard, Company C, Thirty- second Texas Cavalry; Assistant Surgeon J. L. Cornish, Thirteenth Texas Cavalry; First Lieutenant W. P. Douglass, Barton's [Benton's] battery; Second Lieutenant J. A. McMillin, Com pan}7 K, Fifteenth Texas Volun- teers; Captain J. Rosenheimer, Company F, Third Texas Volunteers. V. Major John A. Lauderdale, quartermaster, Provisional Army Con- federate States, is assigned to duty as quartermaster of the corps com- manded by Lieutenant-General A. P. Stewart, Army of Tennessee, and will report accordingly. VI. Company B, Second Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, (Captain J. J. Calloway commanding,) is hereby transferred to the Army of Tennessee, and will report to General John B. Hood, commanding. VII. Private Thomas Dunn, of Captain Talley's company, Goochland Light Artillery, is transferred to Captain John Dorman's company Vir- ginia reserves, all parties consenting, provided no expense to the Con- federate States be thereby incurred. VIII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 135, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain H. U. McKinney, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Mc- Kinney will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. 202—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 806 IX. Hospital Steward J. C. Calhoun, of the Thirteenth Regiment Mis- sissippi Volunteers, will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city, for assignment to such duties as will permit his attendance to medical lee- tures. X. The services of the following-named men of Company C, Navy [Naval] Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to the Sec- retary of the Navy, in this city : A. J. Addington, F. Peppercorn, A. Tulain, Gerhard Ross, H. T. Sharp, Ed. Rudd, Ed. Jones, W. Dunn, W. Taylor, J. i, Parker, Evan Snead. XI. The services of Corporal John G. Williamson, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy, in this city. XII. The services of the following-named men of Company B, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Post Office Department, and will report to Hon. J. R Reagan, Postmaster-General, in this city: Sergeant S. Y. McNair, Cor- poral A. G. Caulley, Private J.T. Taylor. XIII. The services of Captain B. Fuller, of Company B, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report to Hon. J. H. Reagan, Postmaster-General, for assignment to clerical duty. XIV. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private D. A. Hinkel, Rice's battery, Mcintosh's battalion, to Surgeon W. A. Greene, artillery Third Corps, Army Northern Virginia; Private William Bell, Company K, Twenty- fourth North Carolina Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment. XV. Captain George M. Hood, of Company F, Twelfth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for pro- longed absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVI. Second Lieutenant W. G. Fields, of Company A, Thirty-ninth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having disgracefully deserted his com- mand while in the face of the enemy, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. The detail on ordnance duty with Messrs. P. Rahm & Co., in this city, heretofore granted Private Thomas J. Vest, of Company D, Eighteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is extended until fur- ther orders. XVIII. Private B. L. Jones, of Company J—, Sixteenth Regiment Ten- nessee Cavalry, will immediately report for duty with his command. XIX. Private J. L. Harlow, of Company H, Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Sub- sistence Department, and will report to Messrs. Haxall, Crenshaw & Co., government contractors, in this city. XX. Private J. P. Cullen, of Company B, Twentieth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days de- tailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Lieutenant W. B. Bell, enrolling officer of Orangeburg, S. C. XXI. Private B. C. Nelson, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty as a farmer, and will report to the enrolling officer of King William County, Va. 807 XXII. Private Jessee F. Cleveland, of Company D, Sixth Regiment (jporgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- Dess detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. * XXIII. Private G. A. Branch, of Company —, Twelfth Regiment >*orth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will jeport to Captain S. W. Venable, assistant quartermaster, Weldon, N. C. XXIV. Colonel M. J. White, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major Caleb Huse, London, England, for assignment to duty. He will receive the pay and allowances of a first lieutenant of artillery, C. S. Army. XXV. Captain Southall B. Shelton, of Company B, Twenty-sixth Regi- pent Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service in Virginia, and will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding, Ac. XXVI. Private W. B. Goolrich, of Company —, First Regiment En- gineer Troops, is detailed without claim to pay or allowances as a sol- dier during the continuance of such detail for the purpose of attending the Virginia Military Institute as a cadet. XXVII. Leave of absence for four days is granted Surgeon F. T. Fry, member of Slave Claim Board. XXVIII. Private Charles Moss, of Company A, Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, will accompany Brigadier-General Z. York on his visits to military prisons for the purpose of recruiting his (General York's) brigade from the foreigners among the prisoners of war. XXIX. Major W. S. Harris, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, will proceed to the Trans-Mississippi Department, and if necessary into the borders of Mexico, on special service under the direc- tion of the inspector-general of field transportation, Provisional Army of the Confederate States. XXX. Second Lieutenant Cass Ottenburg, of the Invalid Corps, is as- signed to post duty, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General H'. M. Gardner, Richmond, Va. XXXI. Private Oscar Barr, of Company A, Fifth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for infantry service, is trknsferred to Captain John Adams' company, Twenty-third Regiment Virginia Cavalry, and will report accordingly. ^ XXXII. The following-named men of Company H, Ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, are for thirty days detailed for duty at the military prison Danville, Va., and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Smith, commanding. At the expiration of this detail they will promptly rejoin their command : Privates John P. Tucker, J. 0. Perkins. XXXIII. Lieutenant W. M. Chaplain, of the Invalid Corps, is as- ugned to court-martial duty, and }viil report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., in this city. XXXIV. Assistant Surgeon Edwin S. Ray, Provisional Army Confed- *rate States, now on duty in the purveying depot at Augusta, Ga., will relieve Surgeon George S. Blackie, medical purveyor, Augusta, Ga. On being relieved Surgeon Blackie will report by letter to the Surgeon-Gen- end for assignment to duty. XXXV. The following-named men are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain S. W. Venable, distent quartermaster, Weldon, N. C.: S. H. Brickell, J. M. Grizzard. 808 XXXVI. Conscript E. H. Chamberlayne is detailed for duty in thi8 office, being found [fit] for light duty by medical examining board, Cauju of Instruction, near this city, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel S. jJ» Melton, assistant adjutant-general. XXXVII. The following-named men are detailed until further ordei* for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Captain F. D. Li- C. S. Navy, Charleston, S. C.: Private R. T. Walker, South Caroli^ Washington Artillery; Private J. F. Beckham, Company H, Second South Carolina Cavalry. XXXVIII. Cadet R. H. Knox, C. S. Army, is assigned to ordnance duty, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General J. Gorgas, chief 0f ordnance, in this city. . XXXIX. Private R. Carter, of Company G, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed as a farmer, and wi]j report to the enrolling officer of Pittsylvania County, Va. XL. Private Robert Cummings, of Chapman's battery, is detailed for the purpose of accompanying the remains of the late Captain Chapman to Monroe County, Va., after which he will promptly rejoin his command. XLI. Private T. C. Childress, of Company B, Forty-sixth Virginia In. fantry, is detailed until March 1, 1865, for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major W. G. Ferguson, quartermaster, in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 3,1864. Special Orders) No. 287. J I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accented by the President, to take effect to-day: Colonel D. C. Glenn, presiding judge military court/Third Corps, Army Northern Virginia. II. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Brigadier-Gfeneral W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c. III. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed far post duty, and will report as designated: Privates Daniel Doby, J"o. 285, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, relating to the general supply store, Confederate States arsenal, supplying troops in the field, and issues to officers are hereby revoked. . XXX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain L. Strampley, of Company B, Twelfth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended twenty days, to expire January 26,* 1865. He is entitled to transporta- tion to his home and thence to his regiment. XXXI. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted E. F. Cheatham, assistant quartermaster. XXXII. Leave of absence for thirty days upon certificate of disability is granted Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Mclvor, of Twenty-first Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. XXXIII. Leave of absence during his father's stay in this city is granted Lieutenant-Colonel C. J. Prentice, Provisional Army Confederate states. XXXIV. A furlough for ten days is granted Private James T. Gray, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artillery. XXXV. J. G. Penn having been duly elected second lieutenant Com- pany G, First Foreign Battalion, is hereby assigned to duty in said company, to rank from November 28,1864, and will report to Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. G. Tucker, commanding battalion, Aiken, S. C. XXXVI. The following-named officers will immediately report for duty with their respective commands c Lieutenant J. M. Games, Eighth Tennessee Cavalry; Lieutenant R. C. Bine [Rone,] Fourth Tennessee Cavalry. XXXVII. Major G. H. Smith, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report for assignment to Major-General H. Cobb, commanding, &c., Macon, Ga. XXXVIII. Private L. D. Shanks, of Company B, Twenty-second Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as a farmer, and will report to the enrolling officer of Bath County, Va. XXXIX. The services of Captain John P. Manico, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report to Brigadier-General J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, in this city, for alignment to clerical duty for thirty days. XL. Private J. R. P. Chapman, of the Signal Corps, will report for dutjr to Lieutenant S. Wilmer, in charge of marine signals, Wilmington, XLI. Private John Flynn, of Captain Keivil's [Kevill's] company, Pnited Artillery,) is detailed for duty in the naval ordnance works, and will report to Lieutenant R. D. Minor, C. S. Navy, commanding, &c., in this city. 816 XLII. Private H. G. Hudgins, of Company I, Fifty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as a farmer subject to the bond which he has already rendered to the Bureau of Conscription. He will report through said bureau to the enrolling officer of Montgomery County, Va. XLIII. Private W. C. Lumsden, of Company A, Ninth Regiment Vir. ginia Volunteers, is for forty days detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Messrs. Tappey, Lumsden & Co., govern, ment contractors. XLIV. Captain J. W. Riddick, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with General McGowan's brigade to relieve Captain L. C. Haskell, assistant adjutant-general, who on being relieved will report for duty with Lieutenant-General R. H.Anderson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. XLV. First Lieutenant W. J. Coleman, of the Invalid Corps, will re- port to Captain H. S. Deggett, commanding post at Fredericksburg, Va., for assignment to duty as provost-marshal of Port Royal, Va. XLVI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Wilmington, N. C.: Private C. R. Whidbee, Company B, Private R. H. Walters, Company H, Seven, teentli North Carolina Volunteers. XLVII. A furlough for thirty days, with permission to visit his home in Princess Anne County, Va., is granted Private G. H. Keeling, Com- pany K, Fifth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XLVIII. The following-named men are appointed bonded agents of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major R. TannahiR, com- missary of subsistence, at Petersburg, Va.: Private J. M. Williams, Com- pany B, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers; Private W. T. TannahiR, Com- pany E, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers. . By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, December 6,1864. No. 289. \ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Lieutenant-Colonel G. B. Block, Fifty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers; Major W. J. Boggan, Forty-third North Carolina Volunteers. II. The proceedings and findings of the examining board in the case of Sergeant J. H. Dukes, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, ad- verse to his assignment as junior second lieutenant of that company are approved and confirmed, and he is remanded to his position as sergeant. III. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 273, current series, is hereby revoked, and Surgeon John Minor will obey previous order— Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 268, Adjutant and Inspector-Gen- eral's Office, current series—relieving him from Lynchburg, Va., and ordering him to Tallahassee, Fla. IV. Captain J. H. Russell, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Sixth Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report by letter for orders to superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. 817 V. Captain S. 0. Cotton, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report for orders to Briga- dier-General F T. Nichols [Nicholls,'] Shreveport, La. VI. First Lieutenant and Adjutant M. M. McGee, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to post duty, and will report for orders to commandant of post at Washington, Ark. VII. Captain W. A. Middleton, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report for orders to Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee, commanding, ic., Charleston, S. C. VIII. Captain W. A. Blow, of the Invalid Corps, will report for assign- nient to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserve forces of Vir- ginia. IX. Leave of absence for twenty days upon medical certificate of dis- ability is granted Captain W. J. Seymour, assistant adjutant-general. X. Brigadier-General J. D. Imboden, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from service in the Valley District, and will report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, at Camp Lawton, near Millen, Ga., for assignment to duty with the prisoners. XI. Private W. F. Butler, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will immediately report foryduty with his command. XII. Major H. F. Massingale, quartermaster, will report to Brigadier- General S. R. Anderson for duty with the reserves of Tennessee. XIII. Captain John C. Burch, assistant adjutant-general, will report to Brigadier-General S. R. Anderson, commanding reserves of Tennessee. XIV. Second Lieutenant S. F. Adams, C. S. Army, will report to Major-General John C. Breckenridge [Breckinridge,commanding, &c., Wytheville, Va., for assignment to duty. XV. The following-named men of Company A, Secret Service, will report to George B. Thompson, of the secret service at Mobile, Ala. : D. G. Dillinghurst, W. Leonard, S. W. Williams. XVI. Paragraph VIII [VII,] Special Orders No. 103, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, April 28, 1863, accepting the resignation of Colonel James D. White, of the Twelfth Regiment Missouri Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Colonel White will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XVII. Private D. B. Smith, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Ar- kansas Volunteers, is appointed^ hospital steward, and will report for duty to Surgeon [& iT.] Stout, medical director, &c., Columbus, Ga. XVIII. Private J. B. Shriver, of Company B, Twelfth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed for the purpose of conveying to his home Private C. C. Calvert, of Company E, Thirteenth Regiment South Caro- lina Volunteers, he being unable to travel alone. After the performance of this duty Private Shriver will report for duty in Jackson Hospital, in this city. XIX. Private A. B. Gregory, of Company A, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness de- tailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to surgeon in charge general hospital Cuthbert, Ga. Monthly certificate of his con- dition will be forwarded his company commander. XX. Private B. G. Frith, of Company G, Fifth Regiment South Caro- lina Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will re- put to Captain D. N. Ingraham, C. S. Navy. 205—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 818 XXI. Private J. Van Born, of Company A, Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to the chief of ordnance, in this city. XXII. The detail heretofore granted Private W. Bingham, of Com- pany K, Twelfth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, for duty with Old Do. minion Iron and Nail Works is extended ninety days. XXIII. Captain T. J. Burke, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Virginia, and will report for orders to Major- General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c., Richmond, Va. XXIV. Private John M. McNah, of Company B, Second Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, is transferred to Major-General N. B. Forrest's cav- airy command, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. On reporting to General Forrest he will be allowed to select a company and regiment. XXV. The following-named privates of the Twenty-third Battalion Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, are for sixty days de- tailed to complete their tanning operations in Tazewell County, Va. They will report to the enrolling officer of said county: J. M. Freeman, Company C; James Allen, Company D. XXVI. Colonel James H. Skinner, of the Fifty-second Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is temporarily assigned to duty as commandant of post at Staunton, Va., and will report accordingly. XXVII.* Private C. H. Campor, of Company I, Thirty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty during such unfitness, without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier, to take charge of his wagon shop in Montgomery County, Va. He will report to the enrolling officer of said county. XXVIII. First Lieutenant 0. K. Pate, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, com- manding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXIX. Private Spencer Ford, of Company B, cavalry battalion, Waul's Legion, having been elected to a civil office will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXX. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private Daniel H. Rm, of Company C, Eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. XXXI. A furlough for sixty days upon certificate of physical disa- bility is granted Private Charles E. Hudson, of Company G, One Hun- dred and Fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Volunteers. XXXII. The detail for duty in the Quartermaster's Department here- tofore granted Thomas B. Keesee, of the Otey Battery, Virginia artillery, is extended until further orders on certificate of medical examining board. XXXIII. Private John N. Warwick, of Company G, Cobb's Legion, of cavalry, Georgia volunteers, will immediately report to Brigadier-Gen- eral [P. M. P.] Young, commanding the dismounted men of Young's brigade in Augusta, Ga., for duty with his company. XXXIV. Private G. W. Johnson, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty as messenger in the Department of State, and will report to the Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, in this city. XXXV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, ana will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First Lieutenant G. A. Donvillier, Company H, Fifteenth Loui- siana Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. A. Kelly, Company D, Eleventh Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant M. L. Green, Company 0, 819 philips' Georgia Legion; Captain J. C. Gent, Company B, Captain R. H Taylor, Company F, Lieutenant Lafayette Samuels, Company K, Six- tfenth Virginia Cavalry; Lieutenant A. G. Riddle, Company F, Seven- teenth Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant Jere Gibson, Second Lieu- tenant B. Qrompton, Company B, Second Lieutenant J. W. Ball, Com- i>any D, Second Lieutenant James Williams, Company E, Second Lieu- tenant L. Q. Samples, Company I, Second Lieutenant A. J. Lowder, Com- pany K, Twenty-second Virginia Cavalry; Captain F. J. Barrett, Company 3 Captain M. M. Martin, Company D, Captain M. D. Kennedy, Company E' Captain A. Faulkner, Company G, Captain J. M. McCown, Company H, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry ; Captain J. W. Bass, Company D, Second Lieutenant S. H. Byars, Company B, Murray's Tennessee cavalry. XXXVI. Private M. Gompf, of Company K, Second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Ordnance Pepartment, to take effect from August 1, 1864, and will report to Brig- jidier-General J. Gorgas, chief of ordnance, in this city. XXXVII. Captain Joel A. Anderson, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to enrolling duty in South Carolina, and will report for orders to Brig- adier-General J. Chesnut, [jr.,] commanding reserves of South Carolina, at Columbia, S. C. XXXVIII. Private A. M. Ballard, of the Invalid Corps, is .detailed for post duty, and will report to the commandant of the post at Selma, Ala. XXXIX. The resignation of First Lieutenant M. J. Murphy, of Com- pany A, Tenth Regiment Florida Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. XL. Private 0. E. Collins, of Company I, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of the bureau, in this city. XLI. Private W. D. Middlekauff, of Captain W. S. Wood's cavalry company, Local Defense Troops, is detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, his services being indispensable, and will report to Major J. C. Maynard, quartermaster, &c., in this city. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, December 7, 1864. No. 290. ( I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted Ly the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. Q. Arnold, Company B, Twelfth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry ; Second Lieutenant C. J. Botts, Company G, Forty-ninth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. W. Brown, Company C, Second Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant <1. S. Martin, Company K, Booker's reserve regiment; Captain A. A. Mitchell, Caswell County Reserves, N. C.; First Lieutenant J. M. Black- *W, Company G, Willis' cavalry battalion; Rev. A. M. Fikes, chaplain, Twenty-third Alabama Volunteers; Captain B. J. Roberts, Company A, Thirty-first Tennessee Volunteers. II. Private George W. Sewell, of Crenshaw's battery, Pegram's artillery battalion, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. 820 III. Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 187, current series, tranj. ferring Private 0. J. H. Prince, of Company B, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, to Company [B,] Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Private Prince will remain a member of Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry. IV. Private A. H. Butt, of Lowry's battery, McLaughlin's artillery battalion, is appointed hospital steward, and will report [to] the office, commanding his battalion. V. The services of Private Otey Gwatkins, of Company G, Third Regj. ment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable as a page to the house of representatives, Confederate States Congress, he is detailed during the present session of Congress, and will report to A. R. Lamar clerk to the house. ' VI. Sergeant-Major G. B. Maclellan, of Wood's cavalry regiment, j8 detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Col. onel S. H. Lockett, chief engineer Department Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana. VII. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Clarke, chief engineer Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida: Fred. Aman, Company A, Milton Artillery; R. Barrow, M. Horn, Captain Dyke's artillery; D. A. Dunham, [Company —,] G. A. Kindon, Company D, W. R. Starling, Company C, Second Florida Battalion. VIII. The following-named men are detailed until further orders for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. [J. Z.] White, commanding Confederate States arsenal Selma, Ala.: Robert Adams, Company E, Fifth Missouri Infantry; H. Broohhire, Company B, Third Confederate Battalion ; W. C. Brown, Company L, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; W. S. Clark, Com- pany B, Thirty-fifth Mississippi Volunteers; S. Curtis, Company G, First Missouri Volunteers; E. W. Delbriage, Company F, F. Durham, Company D, Second Tennessee Volunteers; M. Eagan, Company I, Forty-second Alabama Volunteers; W. R. Ethridge, Company I,Second Alabama Cavalry; E. C. Greeley, Guibor's Missouri battery; W. Farm, Company L, Thirteenth Tennessee Volunteers; J. A. Farley, Company C, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers; J. W. Fountain, Company H, Thirty- seventh Mississippi Volunteers; C. T. Foster, Company D, Lynches Mississippi battalion ; R. L. Forrester, Company F, Thirty-first Alabama Volunteers; Fountain Gaines, Company C, Second Alabama Cavalry; W. M. Green, Company I, Forty-third Mississippi Volunteers; LouU Hannack, Company E, Tenth Texas Cavalry; John Hall, Company B, First Alabama Volunteers; George Hammal, Emanuel's battery; S. H. Hicks, Company I, Fiftieth Tennessee Volunteers; W. If'. Hill, Dupree's company, Sixth Alabama Cavalry; R. F. Huckaby, Company B, Twenty-ninth 'Tennessee Volunteers; T. L. Isbell, Company D, Fin-t Alabama Volunteers ; E. E, Jones, Company B, Eighth Arkansas Vol- unteers; Martin Joyce, Company B, Thirteenth and Twentieth Loui- siana Volunteers ; E. F. Kimball, Company H, One Hundred and Fifty- fourth Senior Tennessee Volunteers ; J. J. Keubler, Company D, Thirty- seventh Alabama Volunteers; C. F. Landis, Company H, Twelfth Ten- nessee Volunteers ; A. G. Lamar, Company D, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; S. C. Lamb, Company E, Third Missouri Volunteers;D. Lanos, Company I, Fifteenth Tennessee Volunteers; J. H. Lawrcncf, Company E, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; J. B. Lester, Company F, Fifth Alabama Volunteers; W. F. Lefils, Company 821 F, First Arkansas Battalion ; G. W. McCarly, Company E, Eighteenth Tennessee Volunteers; William McCormick, Company C, Twenty-second Mississippi Volunteers; T. W. Mallory, T. S. Mallory, Company L, One Jlundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; William Millinski, Company I, Nineteenth Mississippi Volunteers ; L.D. Montgomery, Com- pany A, First Battalion Alabama Partizan Rangers; J. L. Morse, Com- F, Forty-second Alabama Volunteers; William Naylor, Company D, Twenty-second Mississippi Volunteers; N. S. Piggott, Company E, Second Alabama Cavalry; D. D. L. Quinn, Company H, Fourth Ten- nessee Volunteers; W. A. Ricketts, Thirteenth Tennessee Volunteers; John W. Richey, Company C, Thirtieth Alabama Volunteers ; John E. C. Scarff,Company K, Fortieth Alabama Volunteers; D. Shilling, Company I, First Missouri Volunteers; Thomas Silk, Company D, Eleventh Loui- giana Volunteers; Josiah Tarpley, Company I, Fourth Mississippi Vol- unteers; F. G. Traynham, Company I, Forty-second Mississippi Cav- alrv; J. M. Timmerman, Company F, Twentieth Alabama Volunteers ; ir.'j/. Vaughan, Company K, First Alabama Volunteers; W.R. Walker, Company D, Thirty-seventh Alabama Volunteers; J. C. Wright, Com- pany C, Fifty-fourth Alabama Volunteers ; M. V. B. Capps, Company B, Stephen Cooke, Company H, J. C. Dobbs, Company G, Eighth Tennes- gee Volunteers; W. P. Smith, Company A, Saunders' battalion ; T. G. Impleton, Company A, Blythe's Mississippi regiment; R. L. Wilson, Company E, Third Tennessee Volunteers; P. Ryser, Company B, Seven- teenth Alabama Volunteers. IX. The services of the following-named men being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for duty as designated: Private C. G. Van Volkenburg, Company B, Sec- ond Georgia Battalion, to Surgeon R. Potts, medical purveyor, Mont- gomery, Ala.; Private C. G. Ilutton, First Kentucky Battery, to Surgeon R. Potts, medical purveyor, Montgomery, Ala.; Private J. Collins, Com- pany F, Private J. T. Sheppard, Company G, Seventeenth Alabama Vol- unteers, to Surgeon W. H. Anderson, medical purveyor, M ontgomery, Ala.; Private IV. D. Perryman, Leight's [Leigh's] company, Fifteenth Confed- erate Cavalry, to Surgeon W. II. Anderson, medical purveyor, Montgomery, Ala.; Private J. V. Saner, Sappers and Miners, to Surgeon W. H. Ander- m, medical purveyor, Montgomery, Ala.; Sergeant F. B. Dancy, Com- pany L, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers, to Sur- geon E. H. C. Bailey, medical purveyor, Demopolis, Ala.; Private J. B.. Childress, Company E, Forty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers, to Surgeon E. H. C. Bailey, medical purveyor, Demopolis, Ala.; Private J. B. Morris, Company G, Second Missouri Volunteers, to Surgeon E. H. C. Bailey, medical purveyor, Demopolis, Ala.; Private W. P. Morris, Company I, Thirty-ninth Mississippi Volunteers, to Surgeon E. H. C. Bailey, medical purveyor, Demopolis, Ala.; Privates John Watt, G. H. Bassett, Company A, Twenty-first Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon R. Miller, medical purr veyor, Mobile, Ala.; Private W. Watt, Company E, Battalion Artil- Fry, to Surgeon R. Miller, medical purveyor, Mobile, Ala.; Private R. H. Venable, Company A, Twenty-ninth Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon R. Miller, medical purveyor, Mobile, Ala.; Private D. E. Plyme, Company A, Twenty-first Alabama Volunteers, to Surgeon R. Miller, medical pur- ^eyor, Mobile, Ala.; Private Paul Argoz, Company I, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers, to Surgeon R. Miller, medical purveyor, Mobile, Ala.; Pri- fate C. L. Turner, Company A, Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry, to Sur- geon R. Miller, medical purveyor, Mobile, Ala. 206—S. 0., A. &I. G. 0.—4 822 X. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States; Second Lieutenant J. M. CantweU,, Company H, Captain R. E. Evan* Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry; First Lieutenant S. W. G>^ Company B, Second Lieutenaht S. Taylor, Company E, First Lieutenant J. T. Sutton, Company G, Forty-eighth Alabama Volunteers; Captain J. R. Oliver, Company K, Forty-fourth Tennessee Volunteers; Captain G. H. Swoope, Company H, Captain W. H. Fleming, Companv D, Second Lieutenant Hays Smith, Company A, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Volunteers* Second Lieutenant J. J. Wilburn, Company C, Forty-second Mississippi Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. A. Arnold, Company B, Thirtieth Georgia Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. T. Gleason, Company A, Captain J. S. Gribble, First Lieutenant S. R. Mitchell, Company B, Second Lieutenant F. C. Moore, Captain J. M. Freily, Company C, First Lieutenant G. B. Johnson, Second Lieutenant W. JB. Grifone, Company E, Murray's Ten- nessee battalion. XI. Private Henry Grant, of Company G, Third Regiment, Local De- fense Troops, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XII. The following officers having been elected to the positions indi- cated in the First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Confederate States, are hereby assigned to duty to their respective grades, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly: First Lieutenant John L. Boat- wright, Company G, to rank from November 28,1864; First Lieutenant Carey Weston, Company H, to rank from November 18,1864; Second Lieutenant W. H. Heyward, Company F, to rank from November 18, 1864; Second Lieutenant William Clark, Company H, to rank from November 28, 1864. XIII. Paragraph VIII, Special Orders No. 266, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, Lieutenant- Colonel William Martin, of First Regiment Georgia Regulars, having died previous to the issuing of the paragraph, viz., on the 24th day of October, 1864. XIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant J. Slither• land, of Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is extended until the 6th day of February, 1865, upon surgeon's certificate of disability. XV. Captain J. M. Loughborough, assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from further service with General Echols' brigade, and is assigned to duty with General Cockrell's Missouri brigade, Army of Tennessee. XVI. Captain J. M. Flanagan, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with General John Echols' brigade, and will report accordingly. XVII. A furlough for fifteen days for the purpose of consummating a matrimonial engagement is granted Private J. H. Rampey, of Company K, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. At the expiration of the furlough he will promptly rejoin his command. XVIII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant John Stephenson, of Company H, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, upon sur- geon's certificate of disability is extended thirty days, to expire February 6,1865. XIX. Private J. A. Walker, of Company C, Third Regiment Arkansas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for light duty, and will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, Ia, for assignment to such service as he may be able to perform. 823 XX. The services of Private J. H. Tompkins, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Sec- retary of the Treasury, in this city. XXI. Lieutenant John H. AUison, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXII. Private W. L. Davis, of Company I, Forty-eighth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, being liable to duty in the reserves of Georgia. He will report to the enrolling officer of his county for assignment to the reserves. XXIII. Rev. H. B. McCallum, chaplain, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from duty with the Fifteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, and will report to Medical Director \_R. A.] Kinloch, Columbia, S. C., for assignment to the hospitals at that place. XXIV. Private C. W. McGee, of Company F, Thirty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for four months de- tailed as a farmer without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier. He will report through the Bureau of Conscription to the enrolling officer of Franklin County, Va. XXV. First Lieutenant R. G. Meade, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Major-General [ JL.] Kemper, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty. XXVI. The following-named men are appointed bonded agents of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for duty to Captain George H. Brown, assistant quartermaster, Tarborough, N. C.: John Peebles, J. V. Perkins. XXVII. Captain J. W. L. Daniel, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Com- tuny E, Twenty-third Battalion Alabama Volunteers,) is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription for assignment in Alabama. XXVIII. Private J. R. Brown, of Company K, Fifteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report to the commandant of post at Lagrange, Ga. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXIX. Private James A. White, of Company H, Ninth Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed as a farmer, pro- vided he shall dispose of all his surplus productions to the government at schedule prices. He will report to the enrolling officer of King Will- iam County, Va. XXX. Captain W. L. RiddicJc, assistant adjutant-general, now serving at Camp of Instruction, near this city, is temporarily assigned to duty with the brigade commanded by Colonel M. L. Clarke, and will report accordingly. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 824 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 8,1864. Special Orders ") No. 291. [ I. Surgeon T. R. Memminger is relieved from hospital duty in South Carolina, and will report without delay to Surgeon [T. L.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, Charleston, S. C. II. Surgeon Fleming Carter is relieved from field duty in South Caro- lina by reason of disability, and will report without delay to Surgeon [R. A.j Kinloch, medical director, at Charleston, S. C., for assignment III. Assistant Surgeon John L. Ancrum (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon J. A. Hunter, medical director, Wytheville, Va., for assignment. IV. Assistant Surgeon J. Q. Harrison is relieved from hospital duty in North Carolina, and will report without delay to Surgeon John A. Hunter, medical director, Wytheville, Va. V. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Assistant Surgeon E. A. Drewry, on duty at General Hospital No. 8, Raleigh, N. C. VI. So much of Paragraph VII, Special Orders No. 274, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as appoints Private Hr. C. Wilkinson, Company K, Eighteenth Virginia Regiment, hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to officer command- ing Eighteenth Virginia Regiment for duty. VII. Assistant Surgeon E. Stradwick is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to officer in command at Florence, S. C., for assignment. VIII. A leave of absence for thirty days is hereby granted Surgeon W. D. Tucker, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. IX. Assistant Surgeon W. A. B. Norcum is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to Surgeon [P. E.] Hinu, medical director, Raleigh, N. C. X. Assistant Surgeon J. H. Hicks is relieved from hospital duty with General Early's command on surgeon's certificate of disability, and will report to surgeon in charge prison hospital Salisbury, N. C., for assign- ment. XI. Assistant Surgeon J. M. Larkin (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon [John A.~\ Hunter, medical director, at Wythe- ville, Va. XII. Surgeon Edward McDonald and Assistant Surgeon Walter Saun- ders are relieved from conscript service in South Carolina, and will re- port without delay to General [J. if.] Winder, at Augusta, Ga., for assign* ment. XIII. The following-named medical officers are relieved from duty [in] general hospitals at Savannah, Ga., and Lake City, Fla., respect- ively, and will report without delay to Major [C. Z).] Melton, comman- danit of conscripts South Carolina: Surgeon W. R. Warring, Assistant Surgeon W. J. Nicholson. XIV. Assistant Surgeon J. M. Pelot is relieved from duty [in] Gen- eral Hospital No. 1, Savannah, Ga., and will report to Colonel P. MoM, commandant of conscripts North Carolina, at Raleigh. XV. Assistant Surgeon J. H. De Votre is relieved from conscript serv- ice in North Carolina, and will report without delay to Lieutenant-Col* onel =— Lockhart, commandant of conscripts for Alabama, at Mout- gomery, Ala., for assignment. 825 XVI. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report as designated: Private John Brogden to com- quindant post Columbia, S. C.; Private Peter Coury to commandant post gelma, Ala.; Privates J. F. Patton, W. J. Archer to commandant post Augusta, Ga.; Private T. Bagby to Captain Gresham, assistant quartermaster, Newtown, Va.; Private John Martin to commanding officer Elliott's brigade; Sergeant L. L. Davis to Colonel A. De Blanc, commanding reserves Western Louisiana. XVII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report as designated: Private I. u. Bodiford to Surgeon G. Owen, General Hospital Miller, Greensville, Ala.; Private A. L. Hines to post surgeon Augusta, Ga.; Private N. B. Barfield to Surgeon W. A. Holt, General Hospital No. 3, Goldsborough, X. C. XVIII. Private R. C. Brown, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Lewis Cruger, comptrol- ler, Confederate States Treasury, in this city. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain W. L. McNeel, of Company F, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, from Headquar- ters Army of Northern Virginia, is extended during the present session of the Virginia Legislature. XX. Peter Tinsley is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence De-* partment, and will report for orders to the Commissary-General of Sub- gistence, in this city. XXI. Private A. G. Dorsey, of Company —, Twenty-seventh Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having been elected a commissioned officer, will be discharged his former service. XXII. Private J. B. Lambert, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artillery, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty with the Southern Express Company, in this city, and will report accordingly. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXIII. Major W. G. Wingfield, commissary of subsistence, being a supernumerary officer, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Con- federate States. XXIV. Sergeant R. J. Powell, of ^Company B, Forty-fourth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XXV. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private J. W. Thompson, Com- pany D, Eighteenth Mississippi Volunteers, to Medical Director [If. A.] Gvrrington, Richmond, Va.; W. H. H. Denboraw to surgeon in charge general hospital, Richmond, Va. XXVI. W. H. Pearce is appointed a bonded agent of the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to Major S. R. Chisman, quarter- master, &c., Greensborough, N. C. XXVII. Sergeant George T, Strouach, of Company K, Fourteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XXVIII. Major George Booker, quartermaster, will relieve Major G. R. R. Dunn, quartermaster, of the duties connected with the post and hospital at Montgomery Springs, Va. * ' 207—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 826 XXIX. Private Ralph D. Hubbard, of Company A, (Hood's escort,) Dreux's cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed as provost-mar- shal of the military court of which Colonel T. J. Judge, Provisional Army Confederate States, is presiding judge, and will report accord- ingly. XXX. Private Howard Jackson, of Garden's battery, Haskell's bat- talion, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to chief surgeon of the artillery of the First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. XXXI. Surgeon C. H. Ladd is relieved from duty with Fifty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Troops, Army Northern Virginia, on account of ill-health, and will relieve Surgeon M. J. DeRossett [De Rosset,] on hospital duty in North Carolina. When relieved Surgeon DeRossett \_De Rosset] will report without delay to Surgeon [A.] Guild, medical director, Army Northern Virginia, for duty with the Fifty-sixth North Carolina Regiment. XXXII. Assistant Surgeon J. R. MiUen (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon [A.] Guild, medical director, Army Northern Virginia, and relieve Assistant Surgeon B. A. Bobo from duty with Twenty-ninth Virginia Regiment, Army Northern Virginia. XXXIII. So much of Paragraph XIII, Special Orders No. 280, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain W. H. Perronneau, of the Invalid Corps, is revoked, and Captain Perron- neau will report for orders to Brigadier-General James Chesnut, [jr.,] com- manding reserves of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. XXXIV. Sergeant R. J. Powell, of Company B, Forty-fourth North Carolina Regiment Volunteers, is appointed ordnance sergeant, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XXXV. The following-named officers, being incompetent and ineffi- cient, will have their names dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Captain W. D. Boyd, Company H, Anderson's battalion North Carolina reserves; First Lieutenant J. P. Bryant, Wiggins' battery; First Lieu- tenant M. M. Peyton, Company K, Second Lieutenant M. C. McNair, Captain W. A. Kelly, Company C, Third Mississippi Volunteers. XXXVI. The foilowing-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant W. Smith, Company D, Forty-seventh Bat- talion Virginia Cavalry; First Lieutenant P. P. Porter, Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant A. D. Smith, Com- pany H, First Lieutenant A. G. Weddington, Company C, Thirtieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant E. M. Smith, Company A, Twenty-third Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant S. E. Carnes, Company C, Captain M. B. Wood, Company E, Murray's Tennessee bat- talion. XXXVII. Private Andrew Green, of Company A, Robins' regiment, Gary's cavalry brigade, being a skilled mechanic, is detailed for six months for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major John C. Maynard, quartermaster, Richmond, Va. XXXVIII. Sergeant F. N. Burruss, of Company D, Nineteenth Bat- talion Virginia Heavy Artillery, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel F. IF. Louis, quartermaster, &c., in this city. 827 XXXIX. Private A. M. Lappington, of First Company, Battalion Washington Artillery, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- „ess detailed for duty in quartermaster-general's office State of Alabama. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company com- Juander. XL. Private C. S. Anderson, of Griffin's battery, First Battalion Yir- cinia Artillery, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the torpedo service, and will report to Brigadier-General G. J. Rains, superintendent, &c., in this city. XLI. Private A. A. Waugh, of Company I, Sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being a skilled mechanic, is for ninety days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to superin- tendent of Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city. XLII. Private James M. Stewart, of Company F, Tenth Regiment Florida Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major H. R. Teasdale, chief quartermaster, &c., Lake City, Fla. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XLIII. Private James Jones, of Shea's battalion heavy artillery, ([stationed on] Texas coast,) now on duty in Engineer Department, trill immediately rejoin his command. XLIV. Private Howell C. Williams, of Captain Pope's company, First Regiment Louisiana Cavalry, is detailed as an agriculturist under sec- tion ten of military act approved February 17, 1864. He will report to the commandant of conscripts of Louisiana for compliance with the terms of said act. XLV. Private H A. Wise, of Company A, Fifty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness, without claims to pay or allowances as a soldier, and will report to N. F. Hall, government contractor, Salisbury, N. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished to his company commander. XLVI. Private W. H. Jarvis, of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders as a telegraph operator, and will report to W. S. Morris, president Confederate States Military Telegraph Line, in this city. XLVII. Private M. D. Rlanton, of Company G, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being unfit for field service, is detailed for clerical duty, and will report to Major J. H. Carrington, provost-marshal, Richmond, Va., to take effect August 14, 1864. XLVIII. The detail heretofore granted Ordnance Sergeant H. C. Burnett, of Second Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is extended thirty days, and he will continue to report to the Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury, in this city. XLIX. Private E. W. South, of Company C, Hampton Legion, cavalry, is detailed until March 1, 1865, as a manufacturer of cloth. He will report to the enrolling officer of Abbeville, S. C. L. So much of Paragraph XVIII, Special Orders No. 263, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as assigns Captain R. l>ntmdes, assistant adjutant-general, to duty with Butler's cavalry bri- Me is hereby revoked, and Captain Lowndes is assigned to duty with Major-General Wade Hampton, commanding Cavalry Corps, Army North- ern Virginia. 828 LI. The services of the following-named men being indispensable they are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and wilj report to Captain V. G. De Lisle, post quartermaster, Narrows, New River Va.; Private J. F. Burks, Company B, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry! Private Thomas Shoemaker, Company G, Seventeenth Virginia Cavalry! Private B. Greenwood, Company D, Thirty-seventh Virginia Cavalry Battalion; Private A. H. Nestor, Company B, Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry Battalion; Private Marshall Rice, Company C, Private Dan. ^ Oroy, Company F, Private Anthony Meadows, Company C, Private IP. jj Parsed, Company B, Private John Carr, Company I, Thirty-sixth Vir. ginia Volunteers; Private Samuel Lepes, Company I, Twenty-second Virginia Volunteers. ' LII. Private R. H. Duesberry, of Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Lieutenant- Colonel F. W. Sims, quartermaster, &c. LIII. So much of Paragraph VI [XVI,] Special Orders No. 222, cnr- rent series, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, as refers to Lien- tenant-Colonel S. M. Thompson, of the Invalid Corps, (late of Tenth Rogi. ment Tennessee Volunteers,) is hereby revoked. LIV. The following-named men of Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are for thirty days detailed for duty in the Treasury Depart- ment, and will report to the third auditor of the treasury, in this city: Lieutenant W. C. Grady, Company F ; Ordnance Sergeant J. W. Thomat, Color-Corporal T. G. McKensie, Commissary-Sergeant E. W. Wade; Ser- geant R. E. Pegram, Company C; Corporal W. Whitehead, Privates D. IP. Archer, H. W. Dennison, J. Talman, jr., J. P. Fuller, Corporals J. II. Moort, W. J. Bigger, Privates S. W. Harwood, W. F. Farrar, J. C. Spaulding, M. A. Hunt, C. G. Addison, E. C. Caldwell, G. J. Thomas, jr., G. M. Dreary, Company F. LV. A furlough until Monday, December 12,1864, is granted Sergeant J. H. Henry, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. LVI. Hospital Steward W. J. Sneed is relieved from hospital duty in Alabama, and will report to Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. LVII. Assistant. Surgeon Hume Field, on hospital duty in Virginia, will proceed without delay to the Headquarters Thirteenth Congres- sional District Virginia and relieve Surgeon E. R. Walker, member of the examining board, who when relieved will report to Lieutenant- Colonel [/. C.] Shields, commandant of conscripts for Virginia, ai member of select examining board at Camp Lee. LVIII. Surgeon George W. Carrington will report without delay to officer in command of the Second and Third Regiments, Local Defenv Troops, for duty with their respective commands, (reassignment aft. M. L. Ross is hereby revoked. XIV. Private James Lewis, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for light duty, and will report to the commandant of post at Columbia, S. C. XV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Colonel R. C. Trigg, of the Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended forty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability. XVI. Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall J. Smith, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewdl, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty under Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Pemberton, commanding Richmond defenses. XVII. Private J. A. McLean, of Company E, Sixty-first Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, is detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Leroy Brown, commanding Con- , federate States arsenal in this city. This detail to take effect August 16, 1864. XVIII. Captain J. A. Akers, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the reserves of Georgia, and will report to Major-General H. Cobb, commanding, &c., Macon, Ga., for such duty as he may be able to perform. XIX. Private J. W. Peebles, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty ■ in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., Shreveport, La. XX. The following-named men are for thirty days detailed with A. Morris, government contractor, in this city, their services being abso- lutely necessary for the completion of important government work: Private W. H. Stewart, Company D, First Virginia Volunteers; Private W. L. Baker, Company B, First Battalion Cavalry, Local Defense Troops; Private W. E. Shilley, Company K, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. XXI. Private William Chasson, of Company A, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Colonel J. J. Clarke, chief engineer, at Charleston, S. C. XXII. Private C. R. Barker, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for clcr- ical duty, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, coin- manding, &c., in this city. 831 £XIII. Captain George C. Norton, assistant commissary of subsistence, .. aligned to duty with Cobb's Georgia Legion, General Young's bri- £,de of cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia, and will report accordingly. XXIV. Captain II. D. D. Twiggs, of Company [G,] First Regiment GeWa Kogufars> is relieved from conscript duty in Georgia, and will Inert for duty with his command. XXV. First Lieutenant B. J. Foster, of Company E, Sixty-first Regi- ^ent Alabama Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Subsistence De- yjvrtment, and will report to Major J. Oummings, Macon, Ga. XXVI. The detail heretofore granted Private Benjamin H. West, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, is extended thirty da vs. XXVII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adju- j^nt and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain £ H. Allen, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain 0en will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate gtatcs. XXVIII. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Assistant Surgeon J. J. W. Glenn, Provisional Army Confederate States; Captain J. D. Hearne, Company I, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. H. Lowry, Company D, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry. XXIX. Private Dudley Selph, of Captain [B.] Hudnall's company mounted men, [independent company Mississippi cavalry,] now at Forest, Miss., is transferred to the Second Company, Washington Artill- pry, Army Northern Virginia, provided no expense to the Confederate States be thereby incurred. XXX. Private Joseph Ehlan, of Company C, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Ord- nance Department, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Moore, commanding Savannah Arsenal. XXXI. Major H. R. Hooper, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confed- erate States, is relieved from further service with General Cockrell's Mis- souri brigade, and is assigned to duty with the reserves of North Caro- lina. He will report to Lieutenant-General T. H. Holmes, commanding, Ac., Raleigh, N. C. XXXII. Surgeon H. M. D. Martin (awaiting orders) will report with- out delay to Surgeon John A. Hunter, medical director, at Wytheville, Va., for assignment. XXXIII. Private J. D. Lott, of Company I, Fourteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- ness detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Confederate States Treasury. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXXIV. Private J. M. Newson, of Company E, Sixteenth Battalion North Carolina Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed during buch unfitness for duty in the tax in kind department, and will report# to chief (tax in kind) quartermaster of North Carolina. Monthly cer- tificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. 832 XXXV. Private Thomas M. Garner, of Company A, Fifty-sixth Regj. ment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed upon the grounds of equity justice, and necessity, and will report to the enrolling officer of Mecklen! burg County, N. C. XXXVI. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private Herbert T. Gait, of Company D, Lieutenant-Colonel Mosby's command. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 10,1864. Special Orders") No. 293. J I. Private R. D. Selden, of Company E, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cav- airy, being unfit for field service, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Bureau of Conscription, and will report to General J. S. Preston, super, intendent, &c., in this city. II. Private Henry Caskin, of Brooks Artillery, Alexander's battalion, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Surgeon [ W. H.] Prioleau, in charge General Hospital No. 2, Columbia, S. C. III. Private Daniel A. Munn, of Company D, Seventh Battalion South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty as a cooper at the Confederate States distillery at Columbia, S. C., and will report to Surgeon J. J. Chisolm, medical purveyor at that place. IV. Private Horace Harding, of Company E, Twentieth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for duty as superin- tendent of Mobile and Ohio Railroad at Mobile, Ala., and will report accordingly. V. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Quarter- master's Department, and will report to superintendent of Virginia Cen- tral Railroad, in this city: D. P. Mitchell, Company D, Twelfth Louisiana Battalion; Isaac Burchett, W. D. Joiner, Company A, Fifty-second North Carolina Volunteers; J. D. Steele, Company A, Fifth North Carolina Volunteers. VI. Private J. F. Hunter, of Company G, Fourteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain A. R. IVn- able, assistant quartermaster, Abbeville, S. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. VII. Private James W. Lee, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department, and will report to Captain S. W. Venable, assistant quartermaster, Weldon, N. C. VIII. Private J. Lucas, of Company D, Fourth Regiment South Cam- lina Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, in 'Charleston, S. C., and will report accordingly. IX. The following-named men are detailed for duty with Lieutenant C. W. -Temple, chief ordnance officer Second District North Carolina and Southern Virginia, at Goldsborough: J. Nelson, W.E. Charlotte, A. B.Jom, Company B, Tenth North Carolina Troops, ([First] Heavy Artillery.) 833 a furlough for thirty days is granted Private John E. Pettus, of q lpany E, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers, an escaped pris- ^ furlough for thirty days is granted Private R. A. Jordan, of Iany F, Fifty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, to enable him ^retribute the leather in his tannery, in Goochland County, Va., and t0 arrange his business. xll T^e servi°es °f following-named men having been certified "being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Medical De- a3rtment, and will report to Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical purveyor, in pan city: Private H. G. Benson, Company A, Eleventh Virginia Volun- . private J. E. Benson, Company E, Fourteenth Virginia Volun- t-ers' Private W. B. Boyd, Company A, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers; Private J- A. Delphy, Company E, Seventeenth Virginia Volunteers; Private John Gillion, Company A, Tenth Louisiana Volunteers; Ser- cant E. T. Keefe, Company H, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers ; Private M. Kennedy, Company C, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers; Private B. M. La- tourandais, Company A, Forty-ninth Virginia Volunteers ; Private II. D. McCabe, Company H, First Virginia Volunteers ; Corporal E. F. McNair, Company F, Eighteenth North Carolina Volunteers; Private G. H. T. 1 IcArea, Company F, Sixth Virginia Cavalry; Private S. B. Nolner, Com- pany B, Twelfth Virginia Volunteers; Private William, Maddon, Com- p'any A, Fifth Louisiana, Volunteers; Private M. Rosenburg, Company G Sixth Virginia Volunteers ; Private J. W. Smithers, Company D, First Virginia Volunteers; Sergeant J. J. Terrill, Company F, Nineteenth Mis- bissippi Volunteers ; Private S. B. Tyler, Otey Battery, light artillery. XI1L Leave of absence for ten days is granted Lieutenant H. Puissan, adjutant, Tenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers. XIV. A furlough for thirty days from December 15, 1864, is granted Private George K. Stuart, of Company —, Thirtieth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XV. The detail granted Private Edward P. Evans, of Company —, Fifty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, by Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 271, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, is extended fifteen days, ending December 30, 1864. XVI. Hospital Steward J. F. Bethea, of the Fiftieth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, will report to the Surgeon-General C. S. Army for assign- ment to such duty as will permit his attendance upon medical lectures at the medical college in this city. XVII. Leave of absence for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Assistant Surgeon E. C. Shell, Cobb's Legion, Georgia volunteers. XVIII. The resignation of Rev. S. W. Howerton, chaplain, Fifteenth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, has been accepted by the Presi- dent, to take effect to-day. XIX. Paragraph XXX, Special Orders No. 290, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office,.current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain Reuben Cleary, assistant adjutant-general, is temporarily assigned to duty with the brigade commanded by Colonel M. R. [M. LJ] Clarice, and will report accordingly. XX. Private Franklin Bowman, of Company —, Third Battalion Vir- Pnia Reserves, is transferred to Company H, Twelfth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. 209—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 834: XXI. Private C. M. Sterne, of Company A, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. XXII. Sergeant W. A. Pollard, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major C. J/# Smith, quartermaster, &c., Richmond, Va. XXIII. The corps of cadets under the command of Lieutenant-Col. onel Shipp IS. Ship] are relieved from duty in the trenches around Rich- mond, and will be turned over to the State authorities to resume their studies. XXIV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report as designated: Sergeant J. C. Bass to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; Private Allen Johnson to commandant post Wytheville, Va.; Private W. M. Durell to commandant post Gor- donsville, Va.; Privates J. B. Fanning, B. C. Glover, Sergeant E. C. Neal to commandant post Richmond, Va.; Privates Lewis McDanicl, L. Whitener, Corporal R. T. Hardy to commandant post Danville, Va.; Corporal Isaac Perry to commandant post Salem, Va.; Private W. B. Taliaferro to commandant post Staunton, Va.; Private E. Warren to commandant post Liberty, Va.; Sergeant D. MarTcey to commandant post Macon, Ga.; Private A. O'Connell to commandant post Albany, Ga.; Private K. Wilson, Sergeant J. B. Suddath to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Private W. H. West to commandant post McPherson- ville, S. C.; Private H. V. Scullen to Colonel [A.] De Blanc, command- ing reserves, Western Georgia; Private II. M. Miller to Captain Brawn, commanding Richmond Arsenal. XXV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for duty as desig- nated: Sergeant W. B. March to surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 9, Richmond; Private W. J. Melson to surgeon in charge General Hos- pital No. 2, Wilson, N. C.; Corporal E. Smith to Surgeon W. 0. Owen, Lynchburg, Va.; Private R. S. Rush to post surgeon Farm ville, Va.; Corporal H. D. Carter to post surgeon Montgomery Springs, Va. XXVI. The sentence of the general court-martial in the case of Col- onel Charles Forsyth, of the Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, assembled at the camp of Rodes' division, Army Northern Virginia, October 24, 1864, is hereby remitted. In remitting this sentence the President has taken into consideration the gallantry and efficiency dis- played by Colonel Forsyth on many fields of battle, as well as the sue- cessful attack and rout of the enemy on the morning of the 19th Octo- ber, and was thus assured of his future usefulness and the propriety of his prompt restoration to duty. Colonel Forsyth will resume the com- mand of his regiment. XXVII. The furlough heretofore granted Private William Goodloe, of General Roddy's [Roddey's] escort, is extended thirty days. XXVIII. The following-named privates of the Sixty-first Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, are detailed until further orders in the Navy Department, and will report to Chief Constructor J. L. Porter, C. S. Navy, Wilmington, N. C.: S. Hawkins, N. Robinson. XXIX. Private James C. Rasor, of Company D, Hampton Legion, cavalry, is detailed as lime-maker and tanner until March 1,1865, with the privilege of applying for a renewal, and will report to the com- mandant of conscripts of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. XXX. Private Charles B. Payne, of Captain R. B. Winston's company of Virginia Reserves, is transferred to the Goochland Artillery, (Captain IJonathan] Talley,) and will report accordingly. 835 * rv-r The following-named officers will have their names dropped 'r0ps for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will frofl1 J.. Jav cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate from .0aptain W.'II. Partridge, of Company C, Tenth Confederate ^tatef 'r* Second Lieutenant H. B. Smith, of Company B, Thirteenth favahy^ y0iunteers ; Lieutenant J. Kirkland, of Company G, Fifth Ala- ^labam< eers . Lieutenant & x GerocJc, of Company K, Sixty-first Kb Carolina Volunteers, o , .nmmand of the Secretary of War: tycomu JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and* Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 12, ,1864. <;fecial orders j No. 294. f I The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted « the President, to take effect to-day: Second Lieutenant S. A. Bar- i,hl Company C, Seventh Battalion North Carolina Junior Reserves; 4cond Lieutenant G. W. Jamieson, Company D, Archer's battalion re- Serves; Second Lieutenant II. L. Wyson, provost-guard of Wytheville; Second Lieutenant S. H. Gibson, Company B, Twelfth Battalion Ten- nessee Cavalry; Second Lieutenants. C. Blake, Company H, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers; Captain 0. Williams, Company G, Second North Carolina Volunteers; First Lieutenant D. W. Rast, Company G, Twenty- sixth South Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant P. F. Vaughan, Company C, Fourth Alabama Volunteers; Rev. James 31. Stokes, chap- lain, Third Georgia Volunteers. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been ac- cepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain W. A. Livingston, Company G, Eleventh Florida Volunteers, August 12, 1864; Lieutenant S. C. Thompson, adju- tant, Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, July 20,1862; Rev. J. B. HardwicJce, chap- lain, Provisional Army Confederate States, January 1, 1865. III. Captain Henry Edmunds, of Company —, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will report to this office on Tuesday, December 13, 1S04, on special business. IV. A furlough for fifteen days is granted Private R. II. T. Yarrington, of Company G, Twenty-sixth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. V. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report for orders as designated : Private L. Labane to Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Palfrey, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond; Corporal G. A. Garter, Privates W. F. Leak, P. L. I-mrsim, Sergeant C. M. Butts to commandant post Richmond, Va.; Pri- ^te J. S. Semone to commandant post Danville, Va.; Privates J. M. bni/iam, T. H. McMahon to commandant post Augusta, Ga.; Private • bating to commandant post Albany, Ga.; Sergeant W. D. Willcins ^ commandant post Spartansburg, S. C.; Sergeant G. M. Langston, Pri- I J- Howell to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Private J. Gillen ^commandant post Jackson, Miss.; Sergeant II. G. Price to chief quarter- ter B. [R.] Johnson's division, Army Northern Virginia; Private E. G. '' y to Captain R. Irby, assistant quartermaster, Fifth Congressional 'strict Virginia; Sergeant G. 31. Casby to C. G. Talcott, superintendent ' mond ar*d Danville Railroad. 836 VI. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detail^ f duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as designatJ,)r Private D. T. Bell, late of Johnston's artillery, Private T. W. Scott, ]a|' of Thirty-fourth Virginia Infantry, to superintendent Bureau of scription. n* VII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed f( ..duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as d<±siJ irated : Private N. N. Clark to surgeon in charge Winder Hospital, mond, Va.; Private J. S.A. Frazier to Surgeon W.A. Carrington, nicdica] director, Richmond, Va.; Privates R. J. Pollard, G. W. Norman to surg^- in charge General Hospital No. 9, Richmond, Va.; Private W. D. to surgeon in charge general hospital Farmville, Va.; Corporal Jt jp Tyler to surgeon in charge general hospital Charlottesville, Va.; Private D. Stafford to Surgeon Geddings, medical director, Army Northern Virginia; Private J. R. Whitted to surgeon in charge General Hospim No. 13, Greensborough, N. C. VIII. Captain S. W. Morgan, having failed to forward his acceptance of the appointment of assistant quartermaster, will have his name dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. IX. Captain J. K. Ingram, assistant commissary of subsistence, will have his name dropped from the rolls for frequent absence from duty' without'leave and for general inefficiency, and will from this day cea*e to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. X. A furlough until the 15th day of December, 1864, is granted Pri- vate W. H. Crew, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. XI. Private L. B. Pettigrew, of Company C, Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in the Quar- termaster's Department. XII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty, (post,) and will report as designated: Major W. II. Hairmn, assistant adjutant-general, to Brigadier-General W. Miller, commanding reserves of Florida; First Lieutenant E. G. Russell to Lieutenant-Gen- eral T. II. Holmes, commanding reserves of North Carolina; First Lieu- tenant C. E. Stephens to Brigadier-General W. L. Brandon, commanding reserves of Mississippi; First Lieutenant C. L. Graves to Major-General J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves of Virginia; Second Lieutenant J. II. Holliday to Brigadier-General S. R. Anderson, commanding reserves of Tennessee; Captains A. J. Thompson, W. A. Blankinship, J. G. Wallace, Second Lieutenant M. P. Vaughan, Captain R. H. Wright to Major-Gen- eral J. L. Kemper, commanding reserves of Virginia. XIII. A furlough for sixty days is granted Private Josephus Strickland, of Company I, Twenty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers, pending action upon his application for a detail as a light-duty man. XIV. Lieutenant C. A. Walsh, Provisional Army Confederate States will proceed without delay to Shreveport, La., and report to Gener.il E. K. Smith, commanding, &c. XV. The sentence of death pronounced by a general court-martial against Private B. B. Knight, Company D, Forty-second North Carolina Infantry, is remitted. He will be relieved from confinement and re- stored to duty. XVI. Private P. M. Tabb, jr., of Company B, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitn'^ detailed for duty with T. T. Giles, receiver, &c., Richmond, Va. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. 837 VII. Lieutenant Edward Napier, of Company [C,] Sixtieth Regiment 'Via'Volunteer®, will report to Major Garnett Andrews, assistant ad- ^t°nt-°'eneral, ^or assignmen^ f° duty with the foreign battalion now ju. Unlisted under authority from the War Department. vVIII- First Lieutenant S. W Nelson, of the Invalid Corps, (late ad- i nt of Seventh Battalion South Carolina Volunteers,) is assigned to Y tv i*1 enr°Ling service, and will report for orders to the superin- dent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. t^lX. The furlough heretofore granted Bugler B. P. Henderson, of r'cbardson's battery, Poague's artillery battalion, is extended ten days, lot he may procure his horse from Charlotte, N. C.; this extension to 1 ire on 29th day of December, 1864. e \% Sergeant W. G. W. Farthing, of the Invalid Corps, is transferred the'post at Charlottesville, Va., that he may attend the lectures at the University of Virginia. XXI- Surgeon B. F. Kilgore is relieved from duty as member of the xamining board Third Congressional District Louisiana, and will re- nort without delay to Surgeon [R. A] Kinloch, medical director of hos- F.itals Charleston, S. C., for assignment. XXII- So much of Paragraph XXXV, Special Orders No. 284, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as relates to Dr. J. C. Bragg is so modified as to read: acting assistant surgeon instead of as- sistant surgeon. XXIII- Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 48, Adjutant and Inspec- tor-General's Office, March 1,1862, appointing W. D. Sale hospital stew- ard is hereby revoked, he having been appointed an assistant surgeon C. S. Navy. XXIV. Private Warren Stone, jr., of Fifth Company, Washington Ar- tillery, will report to the Surgeon-General, in this city/for such duty as will permit his attendance upon medical lectures. XXV. Leave of absence for thirty days from December 15,1864, is granted First Lieutenant B. L. Blackford, Engineer Corps,.Pro visional Army Confederate States. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's* Office, Richmond, December 13, 1864. Special Orders") No. 295. „ 1 I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Surgeon S. Secord, Twentieth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant M. Watts, Company B, Archer's battalion Virginia reserves; Lieutenant W. Nelson, drill-master, Provis- tonal Army Confederate States; Captain N. L. Brooks, Alabama De- fenders, (reserves;) Captain J. B. Todd, Company C, State Artillery, hocal Defense Troops; Second Lieutenant 0. C. Smoot, Selden's battery Alabama artillery; Rev. J. G. Richards, Tenth South Carolina Volun- teers; First Lieutenant George Harlam, Company E, Fortieth Georgia *r unteers 5 First Lieutenant W. N. Chunn, adjutant, First Tennessee Heavy Artillery. 210—S. 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 838 II. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report for orders as designated : Corporal A. Weber Privates B. H. Dodd, J. S. Stacy, John Murphy, Corporal J. F. Haigler to commandant post Richmond, Ya.; Private D. Moyer to Quartermaster. General, Richmond, Ya.; Private J. F. Fore to G. R. Wilson, commissary agent, Richmond, Va.; Private D. J. Green to commandant post Greens, borough, N. C.; Private L. W. Walker to commandant post Charlotte N. C.; Private N. A. Fry to commandant post Staunton, Va.; Privates' G. W. Brooks, W. J. Frazer, W. M. Tanner to commandant post Lynch, burg, Va.; Private Wright Brady to commandant post Americus, Ga.; Private J. W. Cathey to commandant post Montgomery, Ala.; Private H. H. Geiger to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Sergeant J. S. Holland to commandant post Athens, Ga.; Sergeant-Major J. A. Bonnett, Private F. W. Chinn to commandant post Richmond, Va.; Sergeant J. E. BaiU, Private B. B. Cornelson to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; Private T. Cavanaugh to commandant post Selma, Ala.; Private W. H. H. Broun to Major [J. J.~] Lafferty, commissary of subsistence, Imboden's brigade. III. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as desig- nated : Private W. V. Yates to post surgeon Montgomery, Ala.; Privates E. H. Bunn, A. C. Green to Medical Director [ W. A.~\ Oarrington, Rich- mond; Private W. Barlow to surgeon in charge general hospital Raleigh, N. C.; Private W. H. Bailey to surgeon in charge Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va. IV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as designated: Private John Knight, late of Braxton's battalion artillery, to the super- intendent Bureau of Conscription. V. Private Richard A. Williams, of Company F, Third Regiment Vir- ginia Cavalry, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness de- tailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Major- General J. F. Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau, in this city. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. VI. A furlough for thirty days from December 15, 1864, is granted Hospital Steward A. S. Thomson, Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. Private C. C. Baker, of Company F, Sixtieth Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report for duty to the colonel of his regiment. VIII. Private H. J. Shurley, of Company G, Fifty-first Regiment Georgia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for hospital duty, and will report to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, 'commanding, &c., iri this city. IX. Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Lieutenant E. Hank, jr., drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, at the expiration of which time he will report to General G. T. Beauregard, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty with the Army of Tennessee, under General John B. Hood, Provisional Army Confederate States. X. Leave of absence for twelve months, with permission to visit Europe, is granted Captain Charles Knowlton, of the Invalid Corps. Payment in foreign exchange or coin cannot be allowed him during his absence. XI. Sergeant W H. Nance, of Company A, Hardie's battalion cavalry, Alabama Reserves, is detailed for six months to complete a contract with the State of Alabama, and will report to his excellency the Governor of Alabama. 839 XII. Lieutenant S. Q. Granberry, of Company E, Eighteenth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, having deserted his command, will have his pftine dropped from the rolls, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIII. Second Lieutenant T. R. Goodson, of the Invalid Corps, is as- signed to duty with the reserves of Tennessee, and will report to Briga- jicr-General S. R. Anderson, commanding, &c. XIV. Captain George F. Robinson, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to ,juty with the reserves of Georgia, and will report to Major-General jjovdl Cobb, commanding, &c., Macon, Ga. XV. The services of the following-named men of Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Engineer Bureau under the provisions of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 257, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, and will report to Major-General J. F. Gilmer, chief of Engineer Bureau: R Mc Henry. J. W. Williams, R. L. Williams, W. L. Sheppard, G. T. Jenkins. XVI. Private T. W. Pairo, of Company D, Twenty-fifth Battalion Vir- ginia Volunteers, is transferred to the C. S. Navy, and will report to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Secretary, &c., in this city. XVII. Private J. H. Windham, of Company G, Hampton Legion, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to the president of the Northeastern Railroad, Charleston, S. C. XVIII. Private George Reid, of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, now. detailed for duty in Treasury Depart- ment, will immediately rejoin his command. XIX. Sergeant George McLasen, of Company D, First Virginia Bat- talion, will be discharged his present service that he may receive an appointment in the C. S. Navy. XX. IF. H. Dorrill is appointed a bonded agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and will report for orders to Captain James Maurice, assist- ant quartermaster, Georgetown, S. C. XXI. Private John A. McCall, of Company —, Twenty-third Battalion Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as an agri- culturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Tazewell County, Va. XXII. The services of Sergeant Robert Gilliam, jr., of Company K, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is de- tailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. U. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XXIII. The following-named men being skilled mechanics are de- tailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, anil will report as designated: Private John C. Soger, Company C, Forty- fourth Alabama Volunteers, to superintendent East Tennessee and Vir- jrinia Railroad, Bristol, Tenn.; Private T. K. Armstrong, Company F, Sixtieth Alabama Volunteers, to superintendent Montgomery and West Point Railroad, Montgomery, Ala.; Private John M. Phillips, Mounted Washington Artillery, to superintendent South Carolina Railroad, S. C.; Private J. C. Crigler, Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Volunteers, to superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, Richmond, Va.; Pri- vate J. F. Wingjield, Company B, Fifth Battalion, Local Defense Troops, superintendent Ricehmond and Danville Railroad, Richmond, Va.; J'rivate Robert Lufsey, Company I, Sixth Virginia Volunteers, to super- Jutendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, Richmond, Va.; Private C d. Peck, Company A, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Artillery, to su- 840 perintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, Richmond, Va.; Privai 31. Belanz, Company I, Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers, to superintend* Richmond and Danville Railroad, Richmond, Va. 11 XXIV. Leave of absence until December 16th is granted Captai Henry Edmunds, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Infantry. 11 By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 14,1864. Special Orders ) No. 296. f I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: Captain J. 31. Higgins, Companv A, Forty-ninth North Carolina Volunteers; Second Lieutenant /) Bailey, Company G, Seventh North Carolina Reserves; Captain J, j|* Jarratt, Company B, Erwin's battalion North Carolina reserves; Second Lieutenant W. G. Young,, Company I, First Lieutenant W. A. Robert,,, Company H, Twenty-third Mississippi Volunteers; Captain J. F. T»\rn. send, Company B, Fifteenth Mississippi Volunteers; Captain J. J/ Benefield, Company B, Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles; Captain Pri« Williams, assistant adjutant-general. II. Hospital Steward W. D. Berry is relieved from duty at Winder Hospital, and will report without delay to surgeon in charge Fifty, seventh North Carolina Regiment. III. Assistant Surgeon Edwin C. Lyles is hereby granted a leave of absence for sixty days on surgeon's certificate of disability. IV. Surgeon George W. Carrington is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report to Second Regiment North Carolina Volur.- teers, Cox's brigade, Army Northern Virginia, and relieve Surgeon Gamjf S. Kirby, who when relieved will report without delay to Surgeon [F.A.] Ramsey, medical director, Bristol, Tenn. ' V. So much of Paragraph IV, Special Orders No. 293, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, [series 1863,] as appoints Private J. C.Flinch- bein, Company B, South Carolina Siege Train, hospital steward is hereby revoked, and he will report without delay to officer commanding his company for duty. VI. So much of Paragraph III, Special Orders No. 263, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Assistant Surgeon John E. Pugh is hereby revoked, and he will return to his former duties. VII. Surgeon Samuel 31. Welch (awaiting orders) will report to Sur- geon John M. Haden, chief of medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Depart- ment, for hospital duty. VIII. Captain Samuel H. Bowman, of Company C, Thirty-third Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, will have his name dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. IX. Private George W. Nelms, of Company E, Twelfth Regiment Vir- ginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in th* office of the Southern Express Company at Petersburg, Va., and will report to H. J. Haynsworth, agent, &c. 841 X. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of disa- jjility is granted Captain Henry B. Clay, assistant adjutant-general. XI. Private Samuel J. Minick, of Company D, Forty-fifth Regiment >*orth Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety fiavs detailed as a wagon and plough-maker, and will report to the en- rolling officer of Montgomery County, Va. XII. So much of Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 267, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private J. A. Darr [Dorr,] of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Private Darr [Dorr] trill remain on duty at Howard's Grove Hospital, in this city. XIII. The following-named men are appointed ordnance-sergeants and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments: Sergeant B. F. Brown, Company L, First South Carolina Volunteers, (Colonel McCreary's;) Sergeant Aubrey Wilson, Company B, Eleventh Tennessee Volunteers. XIV. The following-named men of Company B, Fourth Battalion, Local Defense Troops, are detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to Lieutenant J. H. Parker, C. S. Navy, at Rockett's, near this city: George Sinely, John R. Poplington, William Kesterson. XV. Private John Cooke, of Company I, Forty-third Regiment Missis- gippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain T. R. Dashiell, assistant quartermaster, Columbus, Miss. XVI. Private Thomas R. Wilson, of Company H, Eleventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfit- uess detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will re- port to Captain J. T. Coit, post quartermaster Columbia, S. C. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XVII. The following-named men, being experts and indispensable, they are for six months detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Major A. H. Campbell, topographical engineer, &c., Richmond, Va.: Private H. B. Eaches, Company A, Seventeenth Vir- ginia Volunteers; Private J. W. Chamberlayne, Company G, Sixteenth Mississippi Volunteers. XVIII. Private W. L. Sims, of Company E, Twenty-sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Engineer Department, and will report to Colonel J. J. Clarke, chief engineer, &c., Charleston, S. C. XIX. A furlough for sixty days from November 28, 1864, upon sur- geon's certificate of disability is granted Private W. H. Brown, of Com- pany K, Second Regiment Kentucky Cavalry. XX. Sergeant William Hood, of Company E, Third Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States upon medical certificate of disability. XXI. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Major J. D. Ferguson, assistant adjutant-general. XXII. A furlough for thirty days from December 13, 1864, on sur- peon's certificate of disability is granted Private F. M. Andress, of Third Company, Washington Artillery Battalion. XXIII. Leave of absence for twenty days with permission to visit North Carolina is granted Major R. [C.] Wintersmith, commissary of sub- fcistence. At the expiration of this leave Major Wintersmith will report in person to this office. 211—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 842 XXIV. A furlough for thirty days, to allow him to distribute the leather in his tannery and arrange his business, is granted Private John S. Huff, of Company B, Twenty-eighth Regiment Virginia. XXV. Private S. D. Boyd, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local De. fense Troops, is for thirty days detailed for duty in the Treasury De- partment, and will report to the Secretary of Confederate States Treasury, in this city. XXVI. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability -is granted First Lieutenant James E. Webb, ordnance officer, Dearing's brigade. XXVII. The services of Captain John C. Bronaugh, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury, for assignment s clerical duty. XXVIII. The services of the following-named privates of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, they are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, in this city: W. M. Brown, A. N. Dunnavant, L. L. Lincoln, A. J. Sheppard, M. W. Jones, J. T. Saunders, J. B. Walters, W. T. Bobbins, 0. G. Thornton, Samuel Earle, R. H.] Wood- ward, Ro. Randolph. XXIX. The following-named officers are temporarily assigned to duty with Brigadier-General Z. York, charged with recruiting service: Major J. M. Wilson, Seventh Louisiana Volunteers ; Lieutenant-Colonel J. Nd- ligan, Captain A. Boarman, First Louisiana Volunteers; Lieutenant R. D. Cobb, Second Louisiana Volunteers ; Captain J". Garrity, Fifth Louisiana Volunteers; Lieutenant-ColonelM. [A.] Groganj Second Louisiana Volun- teers; Captain Leigh Watkins, assistant commissary of subsistence; Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. B. Hodges, Seventh Louisiana Volunteers; Adjutant H. Piussin [.Puissan,'] Tenth Louisiana Volunteers; Adjutant G. Connor, Lieutenant J. Fitzpatrick, Second Louisiana Volunteers; Lieutenant R. B. Joice [Joyce,] First Louisiana Volunteers; Captain W. II. Hughes,assistant quartermaster; Surgeon W. C. Dixon. XXX. Major-General J. B. Gordon, Provisional Army Confederate States, is authorized to detach such men as he may deem expedient for, recruiting service with Brigadier-General Z. York. XXXI. A furlough for ten days is granted Sergeant James C. Luck, of Company I, Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXXII. The furlough heretofore granted Private G. W. Martin, of Company —, Fifty-third Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended ten •days, to expire on the 10th day of January, 1865. XXXIII. Private B. G. Dickinson, jr., of Company I, Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed to carry on his business as wheelwright in Charlotffe County, Va., with- out claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during such detail. XXXIV. Lieutenant S. G. Leach, of Company F, Nineteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is assigned to duty in the Torpedo Bureau, and will report to Brigadier-General G. J. Rains, in charge of bureau. XXXV. The following-named men are detailed for six months as as- sesso-rs of taxes, and will report to T. C. Green, State collector of Virgifiia: Private W. G. Clayton, Huger Artillery ; Private N. B. Kean, Company —, Fifteenth Virginia Volunteers. XXXVI. Lieutenant F. S. Spiller, of Company B, Thirtieth Battalion Virginia Sharpshooters, is assigned to duty until further orders as com- mandant of post at Marion, Smythe County, Va., and will report ac- cordingly. 843 XXXVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant-Colonel n V. 0. Ferrall [Charles T. 0:Ferrall,~\ of Twenty-third Regiment Virginia riivflhy, is extended thirty days on surgeon's certificate of disability, to ,xpire on the 6th day of February, 1865. 4XXXVIII. A furlough for thirty days, pending action upon applica- don for retirement to the Invalid Corps, is granted Private F. W. Chinn, 0f Company D, Eighth Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXXIX. Captain R. M. Sims, assistant adjutant-general, now serving ffith General Gary's cavalry brigade, is assigned to duty with the army ^rps under Lieutenant-General J. Longstreet, and will report accordingly. th. Private D. S. Silcox, of Company B, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is for ninety days de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain K. L. Simons, assistant commissary of subsistence and acting assistant quartermaster, Anderson Court-House, S. C. - ~ By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office. Special Orders 1 Richmond, December 15,1864. No. 297. I I. Assistant Surgeon B. F. Few is relieved from duty at Charleston, g. C., and will report to Thirty-first North Carolina Regiment, Army Northern Virginia, and relieve Assistant Surgeon W, E. Pool, who when relieved will report without delay to Surgeon [A. A.] Kinloch, medical director, Charleston, S. C. II. Assistant Surgeon James Leffers is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to Surgeon [T. X.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, Charleston, S. C. III. Hospital Steward Thomaf Black is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee, and will report without delay t(*fhe Surgeon-Gen- eral, Richmond, Va. IV. Surgeon George B. Douglas is hereby granted a leave of absence for thirty days from general hospital Columbus, Ga. V. Surgeon R. 0. Carlisle (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon [X.] Guild, medical director Army Northern Virginia, for assignment, orders to date from October 22, 1864. VI. Assistant Surgeon F. Preston Wellford is relieved from hospital duty at Gainesville, Ala., and will report without delay to general hos- pital Charlottesville, Va., for duty. VII. Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 256, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, curjpnt series, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Sur- peon W. C. Fergusson. [Ferguson] will resume his former duties. VIII. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to post duty, and will report as designated: First Lieutenant P. W. •S[ropier to Major-General [X X.] Kemper, commanding reserves of Vir-' pinia; First Lieutenants J. D. Copeland, J. W. Harllee to Brigadier-Gen- end J. Chesnut, [jr.,] commanding reserves of South Carolina; Second hicuteqant C. D. McCormack, Captain C. R. Millard to* Brigadier-General £ R. Andmon, commanding reserves of Tennessee; Second Lieutenant Hr. G. Wilbern to Brigadier-General W. M. Gardner, commanding, Rich- m«»nd, for duty with Major J. H. Carrington; First Lieutenant E. T. McKdhan to Major Holmes, commanding post Greensborough, 844 IX. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed fur post duty, and will report as designated: Private A. F. Spears to com. mandant post Madison, Ga.; Private W. A. Henderson to commandant post Salem, Va.; Sergeant H. S. Royall to Major S. M. Finger, quarter- master, Charlotte, N. C.; Corporal F. M. Allen to commandant post Montgomery, Ala.: Private G. W. Hudspeth to commandant post Raleigh N. C. X.-f'The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as desig. nated: Private J. W. Pollard to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, medical di- rector, Richmond; Privates R. E. Adams, P. McGrail to Surgeon [J. B.] McCaw, Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond ; Corporal TP. Traffinstead to Surgeon J. W. Wall, Salisbury, N. C.; Private W. A. Garrett to surgeon in charge of post Greensville, Ala. XI. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated: Private T. D. Price, Company —f Twenty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers, to the colonel of his regiment; Private L. W. Lambeth, provost-gaurd Lynchburg, Va., to Surgeon IT. 0. Owen, Lynchburg, Va. XII. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Major C. V. Cosby, quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Major Cosby will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XIII. Leave of absence for twenty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Captain J. B. Johnson, of Company A, First Foreign Battalion. XIV. Captain R. M. Mason, assistant quartermaster, will report to Major-General N. B. Forrest, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as acting chief quartermaster of General Forrest's command. XV. First Lieutenant J. B. Whitehead, of the Invalid Corps, is re- lieved from further service with provost-marshal of Petersburg, Va.,and will report to superintendent of Bureau of Conscription for assignment to duty with comipandant of conscripts of South Carolina. XVI. The company commanded by Captain W. E. Hinton, now serf- ing as provost-guard of General Dearing's brigade, is accepted by the War Department with its present organization. It is hereby transferred to and will form a part of the Tenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XVII. The clerks and employes of the Treasury Note Bureau at Co- lumbia, S. C., will not be called upon to perform such military service in connection with the Local Defense Troops as will conflict with their clerical duties. XVIII. First Sergeant J. C. Mangum, of Company F, Twenty-sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, having been appointed by his ex- cellency the Governor of South Carolina a cadet the South Carolina Military Institute, is detailed for the purpose of attending said institute, and will report accordingly. XIX. Private J. W. Griffith, of Company F, Twenty-fourth Regiment x North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed during such unfitness for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major R. J. Echols, quartermaster, Charlotte, N. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XX. Corporal L. Beverly, of Company I, First Regiment North Caro- lina Reserves, is transferred to Company H, Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. 845 XXI. Paragraph I, of Special Orders No. 217, current series, from this office, is hereby revoked. A general court-martial, to consist of the following-named officers, (a greater number cannot be convened with- out manifest injury to the service,) will assemble at Asheville, N. C., December 19,1864, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of all prisoners ordered before it for trial by the commandant of the West- em District of North Carolina or by the commandant of reserves in that State. Should a less number than nine be present the court will never- theless proceed to and continue the business before it, provided there are present not less than the minimum prescribed by law, (five.) The proceedings will be forwarded to this Department for review: Cap- tain W. B. Bitter, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States ; Cap- tain T. 0. Cahill, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers; Captain Henry Lumpkin, Eighth Georgia Battalion; Captain W. L. Thornburg, Thirty- eighth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain A. H. Polk, assistant adju- tant-general; Captain J". H. Bailey, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Volun- tvers; Captain A. B. Cowan, Sixty-second North Carolina Volunteers; Captain H. L. Smith, Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant James Davis, Sixty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Lieutenant A. G. Haley, C. S. Army, (cavalry,) judge-advocate. XXII. A furlough for twenty-five days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Private L. W. Muse, of Company F, Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry. XXIII. Leave of absence for forty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Captain J. C. Calhoun, of Company C, Fourth Reg- iment South Carolina Cavalry. XXIV. The furlough heretofore granted Private James T. Gray, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended fifteen days upon surgeon's certificate of disability. XXV. So much of Paragraph XVII, Special Orders No. 266, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to J. F. Manker (improperly designated private) is hereby revoked, and Private G. L. Johnston, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the Quartermas- tor's Department, and will report to post quartermaster at Tarborough, X.C. XXVI. A court of inquiry to consist of the following-named officers will assemble at Richmond, Va., on Monday, the 19th day of December, 1SG4, to investigate certain accusations against Surgeon W. C. Nichols, Provisional Army Confederate States, brought by Mrs. W. A. Henning- rnn: Colonel Morton Marye, Invalid Corps; Colonel R. L. Maury, Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry; Surgeon J. G. Cabell, Provisional Army Confederate States j Captain J. T. Jones, Fourth Alabama Infan- try, iudge-advocate and recorder. The court will report the facts devel- oped by their investigation with an opinion. XXVII. Leave of absence for ten days is granted Captain Thomas H. Martin, of Company D, Sixteenth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry. XXVIII. The details heretofore granted the following-named men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are extended twelve days from December 9,1864 : Privates R. A. Dobbin, W. E. Clarke. XXIX. Captain E. A. Semple, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to court-martial duty in the Department of Richmond, and will report to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., in this city. 212-S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 846 XXX. Private George Orosby, of Semple's battery, Army of Tennessee being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major E. Harris, quartermaster, &c., Montgomery, Ala. XXXI. Private W. A. Fitts, of Company D, Twenty-ninth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain T. H. Quitman, post quartermaster Columbus, Miss. XXXII. Private Percival Elliott, of Company B, Eighteenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is at his own request relieved from further service with the Signal Corps, and will report for duty with his command. XXXIII. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Major T. Higham, quartermaster, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXIV. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Brigadier-General 0. A. Battle, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXV. To facilitate missionary operations in the army, post quar- termasters and commissaries are allowed to receive from any religious denomination such aihount of forage and subsistence as may be offered by the denomination, and to receipt for the same, to be returned in kind in rations to be issued in the field to properly accredited mission- aries, under such regulations as will hereafter be prescribed by each department. XXXVI. Leave of absence for thirty days from December 16,1864, is granted Captain Isaac H. Smith, Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXVII. The following-named men of the Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being experts and indispensable, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary Confederate States Treasury, in this city: C. D. Mclndoe, M. P. Andrews, Company D. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 16,1864. Special Orders") No. 298. i I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day : Second Lieutenant W. F. Oirens, Company I, Second Lieutenant J. F. Eldridge, Company F, Thirty- seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry ; Captain A. G. Branscom, Company G, Twenty-first Virginia Cavalryj Captain J. A. Clements, Company P, Sixteenth Battalion North Carolina Cavalry.; Second Lieutenant S. II. Allman, Company H, Sixteenth North Carolina Volunteers. II. The following-named men, now detailed for duty in the Ordnance Department, are transferred from Bellona Arsenal, Va., to the Confed- erate States workshops at Salisbury, N. C., and will report to Major R. MUton Cary, commanding, &c., Salisbury, N. C.: Private John Perry, Company —, Forty-first Virginia Infantry; Private G. W. Sturgeon, Com- pany D, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery; Private R. A• 847 /yyjiijo, Company E, Twentieth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery ; Pri- £ te William Leary, Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery; Private T. H. Webb, Company D, Twentieth Virginia Bat- Ljion Heavy Artillery; Private D. W. Heath, Company E, Eighteenth Vir- _jnia Battalion Heavy Artillery; Sergeant M. Urban,Company —, Four- ffcnth Louisiana Infantry;. Private W. H. Furloine, Company B, Fourth Virginia Cavalry; Private JR. E. Parrish, Company E. Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry; Private W. T. Rawlings, Company E, Twentieth Virginia Bat- jalion Heavy Artillery; Private John McNally, Company C, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery; Private T. D. Barrett, Company F, pifty-sixth Virginia Infantry; Private Charles Smith, Company C, Twenty- ^venth North Carolina Infantry; Private Isaac [A".] Alley, Courtney Artillery; Private N. Hennan, Company C, Thirty-third North Carolina Infantry; Private C. Schmidt, Company B, First Louisiana Zouaves ; Pri-- rate J. P< Dawson, Company H, Fifty-first Georgia Infantry; Private James (ileason, Company D, Seventh North Carolina Infantry; Private F. H. Hardy, Company —, Nineteenth Mississippi Infantry. III. The resignation of Rev. R. W. Thompson, chaplain, Seventeenth Regiment Texas (dismounted) Cavalry, has bean accepted by the Pres- ident, to take effect 27th day of October, 1864. IV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major R. C. Badger, com- niissarv of subsistence, is extended during the present session of the >'orth Carolina Legislature. V. Captain C. M. Collier, ordnance officer artillery of Lee's corps, Army of Tennessee, is assigned to duty in the ordnance department at Colum- bus, Ga., and will report accordingly. VI. Captain C. B. Buchner, of Company C, Twenty-eighth Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders to the commandant of conscripts for Mississippi. VII. Major Joseph Abney, of the Twenty-seventh Regiment South Car- olina Volunteers, will immediately report for duty with his command. VIII. Major G. B. Dyer, commissary of subsistence, on being relieved as chief commissary of subsistence of the forces commanded by Lieu- tenant-General R. Taylor, is assigned to duty with General Wirt Adams' brigade, and will report accordingly. IX. Colonel R. C. Trigg, of the Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volun- tcers, will proceed with the men now under his command to this city and report for duty to Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c. He will pass through the counties of Rockbridge and Botetourt, and should there be any deserters there he will use every endeavor to cap- ture or disperse them. X. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will, from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: S-cond Lieutenant James Harper, Company C, Second Lieutenant Thomas (iriinlin, Company A, Sbcond Lieutenant A. M. Depriest, Company D, S cond Lieutenant D. M. Duckworth, Company G, Captain D. W. Hayes,. Company C, Fourth Missouri Volunteers. XI. Assistant Surgeon C. L. Dunkley (awaiting orders) will report w'thout delay to the commandant of conscripts for South Carolina. XII. Assistant Surgeon E. J. Oliveras is relieved from conscript duty in South Carolina, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel [J. C] Shields, c°uiniandant of conscripts for Virginia. 848 XIII. Surgeon W. A. Martin (awaiting orders) will report without delay to the commandant of conscripts for Virginia. XIV. So much of Paragraph LVII, Special Orders No. 291, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as relates to Assistant Surgeon Hume Field is hereby revoked. XV. The following-named men are detailed until further orders for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the super, intendent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city, to take effect from December 3,1864: Private J. T. Thrains, Company A, (Lieu. tenant Richardson commanding, Camp Lee;) Private T. IFej^ Company A, Twenty-sixth Georgia Battalion. ' XVI. So much of Paragraph XXV,[?] Special Orders No. 287,[?] A 'an XXXVI. Assistant Surgeon TP. A. B. Norcum, on hospital dut • North Carolina, is granted a sick leave of thirty days upon sur« ^ ^ certificate of disability. °eon s XXXVII. Assistant Surgeon F. 0. Hober is relieved from field d Army of Tennessee on certificate of disability, and will report witl delay to Surgeon [ eant j Clarke to Major [C. L.~\ Randolph, chief quartermas- riiiia;division, Army Northern Virginia; Private A. G. Fussell tor J°h,n^n K.) Crenshaw, Magnolia, Duplin County, N. C. to following named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for ^ '• the Medicai Department, and will report for orders as desig- dut)VD Private W. F. Grigg to surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 113 I mond, Va.; Private J. E. Gay to surgeon in charge general hos- ^lWake Forest, N. C.; Private Thomas Slocum to surgeon in charge £ a Hospital, Lauderdale, Miss. v^Tlie leave of absence heretofore granted Major W. D. Peck, quar- ter &c., from Headquarters ValJey District is extended thirty V'^npon surgeon's certificate of disability. vT Leave of absence for fifteen days is granted Lieutenant John M. plm'e ordnance officer, Wilmington, N. C. VII The following-named officers of Company A, Ashcraft's regi- t Mississippi cavalry,' will have their names dropped from the rolls f11'prolonged absence, from duty without leave, and will from this day -ise to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: First reutenant 0. E. Carpenter, Second Lieutenant E. J. Wallace. ViH x. AT. Fleming, ordnance sergeant of First Regiment Engineer Troops' will report for duty to Lieutenant-Colonel William Allen, chief ordnance officer of Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. IX. Cadet E. C. Mitchell, C. S. Army, will report to Brigadier-General f£l McNrir for assignment to duty. Brigadier-General McNair will afford Cadet Mitchell the opportunity of serving in the various branches of the service. X. Captain W. B. Smith, assistant quartermaster, is relieved from further service with the inspector-general field transportation, and is uuth Carolina Volunteers; Private J. W. Carter, Company A, Twenty- Sfth South Carolina Volunteers. 216—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 862 XXXVIII. Private W. N. Chandler, of Company H, Twenty-seventh Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed until January 1,18G5 for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major C. J/c' Clenaghan, commissary of subsistence, at Charleston, S. C. XXXIX. A furlough for. twenty days from 15th December, 1864, is granted Private Lewis E. Mason, of Company G, Third Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XL. Private John Pippin, of the Purcell Battery [Artillery,] Virginia volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Major J. G. Paxton, quartermaster, Lynchburg, Va. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished to his company commander. XLI. The following-named men being unfit for field service are de- tailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department during such unfit- ness, and will report to Captain R. R. Reid, assistant quartermaster, Madison, Fla. Monthly certificates of their condition will be furnished their company commander: Private R. N. Jeffreys, Company —, Private S. B. Smith, Company —, Tenth Florida Volunteers. XLII. Rev. W. A. Carter, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, will report to Surgeon J. F. Heustis, medical director, &c., Mobile, Ala., for assignment to duty in the hospitals at that place. XLIII. The furlough heretofore granted Private Wallace Washington, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artillery, is extended ten days, expiring on the 4th day of January, 1865. XLIV. Captain T. A. Baber, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the reserve forces of Texas, and will report to the general cotamand- ing, Houston, Tex. XLV. Paragraph XLIV, Special Orders No. 299, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is amended so as to read: Sur- geon Monroe Banister [Bannister,] Provisional Army Confederate Stabs, is granted a leave of absence for sixty days with permission to sail from the port of Wilmington, N. C. XLVI. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major E. D. Brails- ford, First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is extended ten days, to expire January 20,1865. XLVII. The furlough heretofore granted Private St. George Bryan, of Second Company, Richmond Howitzers, is extended ten days upon sur- geon's certificate of disability. XLVIII. A furlough for thirty days is granted Sergeant John S. lloll, of Company H, First Regiment Mississippi Artillery. XLIX. The furlough heretofore granted Private N. Barnwell, of Com- pany —, Seventh Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is extended ten days. L. Private C. A. Davis, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty in the hospital at Charlotte. N. C., and will report to the senior surgeon of the post. LI. Major C. A. Snowden, quartermaster, is relieved from further service with Ransom's division, and is assigned to duty as quartermaster of Cosby's cavalry brigade. LII. Captain J. B. Bransford, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to dutv in the Ordnance Department, and will report to Captain James Dintrut- die, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, in charge of contrary, for the purpose of taking charge of the tannery of Mrs. M. J. Snyder, at Salem, Va. 863 LIII. A furlough for fifteen day s is gran ted Sergeant James W. Twyman of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops. LIV. Private E. A. Tompkies, of the Invalid Corps, is detailed for duty jn the Medical Purveying Department, at Richmond, and will report to Surgeon E. W. Johns, medical purveyor, &c., to take effect November 6, 1S64. • LV. Leave of absence for sixty days upon surgeon's certificate of dis- ability is granted Lieutenant H. B. Roper, of Company I, Fourth Regi- xiient Alabama Volunteers. LVI. Captain E. W. Adams, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the Sixty-seventh Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, to relieve Captain Thomas M. Robinson, assistant quartermaster. •LVII. So much of Paragraph XXXIII [XXXII,] Special Orders No. 300, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 19, 1864, as refers to Private Green Baker, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Private Baker will report to Brigadier-General \_F. T.~] Nicholls, Shreve- port, La. LVIII. Paragraph X, Special Orders No. 299, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain W. B. Smith, assistant quartermaster, will remain on duty as assistant to the quartermaster of brigade commanded by Brigadier-General G. H. Steuart, Army Northern Virginia. LIX. A furlough until 10th day of February, 1865, is granted Smith P. Bankhead, late colonel of artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. LX So much of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 284, current series^' as refers to Private E. H. Martin, of Company K, Fourth Regi- ment, South Carolina Cavalry, is hereby revoked, and Private Martin will report to the chief signal officer at Wilmington, N. C. LXI. First Lieutenant C. A. Conrad, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States, is temporarily assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Brigadier-General J. S. Preston, superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, in this city. LXII. The furlough heretofore granted Private James P. Tate, of Com- pany—, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, is extended thirty aaya expiring January 23, 1865. Br command of the Secretary of War: 1 JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 21, 1864. Special Orders ") No. 302. 1 I. The following-named men are appointed hospital stewards, and will report for duty as designated : Conscript J. P. F. Crump, of South Caro- lina, to commandant conscripts Columbia, S. C.; Private Harrison Fish, Company—, Fourth Texas Mounted Volunteers, to chief of medical bureau Trans-Mississippi Department; Private A. C. Jones, Company 6, First Virginia Cavalry, to colonel Twenty-fifth Virginia Cavalry ; Private J. W. Mills, Company E, Cobb's Legion, cavalry, to colonel of bis regiment; Private A. Monk, Company C, Twenty-second North Car- olina Volunteers, to colonel of his regiment; Private P. F. M. Geere, Company F, Tenth Georgia Cavalry, to colonel of his regiment. 861 II. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 248, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, it appearing that H. T. Bay a is not in commission as an assistant commissary of subsistence. III. The appointment of drill-master with pay and allowances as second lieutenant heretofore conferred upon J. Watkins Young is re- voked, that he may be detailed for duty in the Treasury Department. IV. So much of Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 222, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieutenant- Colonel S. M. Thompson, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked. V. So much of Paragraph XXI, Special Orders No. 260, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private D. G. IMdsey [Lindsay,] of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked. VI. So much of Paragraph XXXIII, Special Orders No. 279, Adju- tant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Lieuten- ant-Colonel S. B. Evans, Fifth Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, ia hereby revoked, and Lieutenant-Colonel Evans will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. VII. A furlough for forty days is granted Private T. A. Kersey, of Company E, Tenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers. VIII. Private Irwin Lipscombe, of Company D, Twenty-first Regiment Virginia Cavalry, being a minor and having enlisted without the con- sent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. IX. Private J. J. Carroll, of Company B, South Carolina Siege Train, will be dischargecl the service of the Confederate States. X. Private Samuel A. McCook, of Company C, Fifth Battalion Florida Cavalry, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States, having been elected to a civil office. XI. Private T. W. Slocumb, of Company H, First Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, having been appointed ah assistant adjutant-general by his excellency the Governor of North Carolina, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XII. Captain M. Oormley, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Major J. M. Thompson, quartermaster, of the duties connected with the hos- pitals Cuthbert, Ga. XIII. Major J. M. Thompson, quartermaster, &c., will relieve Major J. L. McCluer, quartermaster, of the duties of district quartermaster of Northern Alabama. XIV. Major J. L. McCluer, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quar- termaster of the Military District of Mississippi, and will report to Major-General Frank Gardner, commanding, &c. XV. Major Thomas M. L. Barron, quartermaster, in charge of settle- ment of railroad accounts, will establish his headquarters at Mont- gomery, Ala. XVI. Private John T. Hagerman, of Company K, Eighteenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed as clerk of the medical examining board of Fifth Congressional District of Virginia,'to take effect from April 26,1864, and will report to the senior surgeon of the board. XVII. The leave of absence heretofore granted Major-General Fitz. Lee, Provisional Army Confederate States, is extended twenty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability. 865 XVIII. Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 272, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private Smiley J- Brown, of Company I, Seventh Regiment North Carolina Vol- nnteers, will be immediately returned to his regiment under strict guard. The enrolling officer of Iredell County, N. C., will cause this order to be promptly executed. XIX. Captain W. W. Mobley, of Company A, Twentieth Battalion Mississippi Sharpshooters, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the enrolling service, and will report to Major C. D. Melton, commandant of conscripts for South Carolina. XX. So much of Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 267, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private C. H. Pattis- hall, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Private Pattishall will report to Superintendent W. S. Downer, Lockville Mining and Manu- facturing Company. XXL Private David Barr, of First Company, Richmond Howitzers, Virginia artillery, having been appointed quartermaster sergeant, is hereby transferred to Barr's battery, and will report to Captain John W. Barr, commanding. XXII. Captain John W. Moore, of Company E, Ninth Regiment Texas Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to duty in the en- rolling service, in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report accordingly. XXIII. The seven companies composing the organization known as Steed's [Steede's] battalion and Saunders' [Sanders'] battalion, (Seven- teenth Mississippi and Seventeenth Tennessee Battalions,) with the three unattached companies commanded, respectively, by Captains S. A. Moses and W. T. Smith and Charles A. Jennings, will constitute the Ninth Regi- ment Mississippi Cavalry, to the command of which Colonel H. H. Miller is hereby assigned. ' XXIV. The following officers having been duly elected to the posi- tions indicated in the First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Con- federate States, are hereby assigned to duty, will be obeyed and respected accordingly, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Tucker, com- mnnding battalion : Captain C. B. Day, Company I, to rank from De- cember 1,1864; First Lieutenant John L. IAgon, jr., Company I, to rank from December 12,1864; Second Lieutenant Julius Cohen, Company I, to rank from December 1, 1864; Second Lieutenant Ludlow Cohen, Com- pany B, to rank from December 15,, 1864. XXV. The following-named officers having been duly elected junior second lieutenants in the First Foreign Battalion, Provisional Army Confederate States, are hereby assigned to duty, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Tucker, commanding battalion: Junior Second Lieutenant A. N. Powers, Company C, First Foreign Battalion, to rank from October 26, 1864; Junior Second Lieutenant J. A. Crawford, Company E, First Foreign Battalion, to rank from November 7, 1864. XXVI. The following non-commissioned officers having been elected junior second lieutenants in the First Foreign Battalion are discharged their former service, to take effect from dates opposite their names : Sergeant-Major A. N. Powers, First Louisiana Regiment, (York's bri- ptde,) October 26, 1864; Sergeant-Major J". A. Crawford, Second South Carolina Regiment, (Kershaw's brigade,) November 7, 1864. 217—S. 0., A. & L G. 0.—4 866 XXVII. The following-named assistant adjutants-general are assign^ to duty with the designated commands in the Army of Tennessee accordance with Paragraph VI, General Orders No. 44, and will report accordingly. They will not change their assignment except on orders from this office: ARMY OF TENNESSEE. (General J. B. Hood commanding.) Colonel E. J. Harvie, Lieutenant-Colonels G. A. Henry, [jr.,] A. p Mason, Majors Pollock B. Lee, William Clare, Kinloch Falconer. HARDEE'S CORPS. (Major-General B. F. Cheatham commanding.) Majors John Ingraham [Ingram], E. S. Burford, Captain T. W. Hunt. S. D. LEE'S CORPS, Lieutenant-Colonels W. H. Sellers, E. H. Cunningham, Majors J. Jr. Ratchford, William EUiott. STEWART'S CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel T. F. Sevier, Major R. A. Hatcher, Captain W. D. Gale. CAVALRY CORPS. (Major-General J. Wheeler commanding.) Major D. C. Jenkins, Captain G. W. McOrawley [McCawley.] cheatham's division. Majors James D. Porter, Joseph Vaulx,jr. cleburne's division. Major J. K. Dixon, Captain Irving A. Buck. bate's division. Major James T. Wilson, Captain C. J. Maston [_Mastin.~\ loring's division. Major Henry Robinson, Captain L. R. Marshall. i , French's division. Majors D. W. Saunders, J. A. Shingleur. walthall's division. Majors H. S. Bradford, J. G. Devereux. Johnson's division. Majors J. P. Wilson, W. T. Walthall. stevenson's division. Majors John J. Reeve, Howell Webb. Clayton's division. Majors J. C. Thompson, J. B. Gumming. 867 martin's division. Major S. J. Shortt, Captain D. Walworth. kklly's division. Major /. F. Girault, Captain B. A. Terrett. humes' division. Majors J.\ H. Alexander, R. C. Morgan. jackson's cavalry dvision. Captains T. B. Sykes, E. T. Sykes, George Moorman. Gut's Brigade. Captain Edward Hull. Wright's Baigade. Captain J. G. Martin. Brown's Brigade. Captain H. J. Cheney. Lowry's [Lowrey's] Brigade. Captain 0. S. Palmer. Stovall's Brigade. Captain J. P. C. Whitehead. Mercer's Brigade. (Now under H. R. Jackson.) Captain Robert Grant. Finley's Brigade. Captain John R. Ely. Brantley's [Brandy's] Brigade. Captain J. W. Benoit. Quarks' Brigade. Captain G. T. Cox. Featherston's Brigade. Captain W. R. Barksdale. Jjewis' Brigade. Captain S. H. Buchanan. Tyler's Brigade. Captain W. C. Yancy [Yancey]. Cumming's Brigade. Captain C. H. Phinizy. Vaughan's Brigade. Captain F. S. De Wolf. Peltus' Brigade. Captain John S. Smith. 868 Granberry's [Gr anbury's] Brigade. Captain Fayette Hunt. Manigault's Brigade. Captain Charles Wood. Ector's Brigade. Captain L. Todhunter. John Adams' Brigade. Captain E. H. Gregory. D. H. Reynolds' Brigade. Captain Henry Waldrop. Maney's Brigade. Captain A. J. Porter. Strahl's Brigade. Captain J. W. Johnston. A. W. Reynolds' Brigade. Captain J. W. Mathews. Govan's Brigade. Captain G. A. WiUiams. Gibson's Brigade. Captain H. H. Bein. Holtzclaw's Brigade. Captain J. M. Macon. Deas' Brigade. Captain E. F. Travis. Tucker's Brigade. Captain W. G. Barth. Cantey's Brigade. Captain J. P. Duncan. T. M. Scott's Brigade. Captain T. J. Portis. CAVALRY BRIGADES. Allen's Brigade. Captains R. A. Chambers, Clifton Walker. Williams' Brigade. Captains T. W. Hall, E. 0. Guerrant. Iverson's Brigade. Captains B. F. Phillips, J. R. Troupe {Troup.'] 869 Armstrong's Brigade. Captain A. Burwell. Ferguson's Brigade. Captain IF. L. Nugent. Harrison's Brigade. Captain John Vidmer. Ross' Brigade. Captain D. R. Gurley. Dibrell's Brigade. Captain R. S. Maupin. ARTILLERY CORPS, ARMY TENNESSEE. (Major-General [A.] Elzey commanding.) Captain William Palfrey. XXVIII. Leave of absence for seven days from December 3, 1864, is granted Joseph Denegre, military storekeeper of ordnance. XXIX. Private Frank Preuffer, of the Fluvanna Artillery, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XXX. Private Henry Loeb, of the Donaldville [Donaldsonville] Artil- lery, Louisiana volunteers, being unfit for field service, will report to Brigadier-General Z. York, on recruiting service at Salisbury, N. C. XXXI. Private Alfred A. Brown, of Company E, Twenty-eighth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days detailed for duty as shoe- maker, and will report to the enrolling officer, of Bedford County, Va. XXXII. Private T. J. Oulbertson, of Company F, Third Battalion South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed as a miller until February 15,1865, and will report to the enrolling officer of Laurens District, S. C. XXXIII. Captain T. R. Blake, assistant adjutant-genera], is relieved from duty with Clingman's brigade, Army Northern Virginia, and will report to Brigadier-General Louis Herbert \_Hebert,~\ District of Cape Fear, X. C., for assignment to duty with brigade. He will not change his assignment except on orders from this office. XXXIV. The following-named men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, are detailed until further orders for duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and will report to Colonel I. M. St. John, chief of the bureau : R. A. Dobbin, W. E. Clarke. XXXV. Captain W. D. Hardeman, assistant quartermaster, now on duty with Brigadier-General L. Herbert's [Hubert's] brigade as acting assistant adjutant-general, is relieved from such duty, and will report to the Quartermaster-General, in this city. t XXXVI. Captain C. S. Morgan, assistant adjutant-general, is assigned to duty with the cavalry division under command of Major-General L- L. I/max. XXXVII. Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Sands, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to post duty, and will report to Major-General D. H. Maury, commanding, &c., Mobile, Ala. XXXVIII. Private S. P. Reamer, of Company C, Thirty-third Regi- •went Virginia Volunteers, is for sixty days from December 24, 1864, detailed for duty as jailor of Rockingham County, Va., and will report accordingly. 218—S. 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 870 XXXIX. The services of Private J. E. Guy, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for clerical duty, and will-report to the Secretary of Treasury, in this city. XL. Private Felix Muldoon, of Company A, Fourth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to surgeon in charge of General Hospital No. 3, Lynchburg, Va. By command of the Secretary of War JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 22,18G4. Special Orders"! No. 303. 1 I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: First Lieutenant S. 0. Talley, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieutenant William Sarvis, Company A, Fourth Georgia Cavalry; Captain M. J. J. Wright, Company H, Fifty-fourth Alabama Volunteers ; First Lieutenant W. H. Joines, Company I, Sixty-first North Carolina Volunteers ; Second Lieutenant J. E. Sullivan, Company K, Fourth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. E.Middleton, Company I, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers ; First Lieutenant J. R. Lemons, Company I, Thirty-seventh Battalion Virginia Cavalry ; Captain B. W. Belcher, Company [A, Fourth Battalion] Virginia Reserves. II. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect from the dates annexed to their respective names: Captain E. D. McKeever, Hardiman's [Hardeman'spregiment, October 1,1864; Captain B. Hargraves, Company H, Tenth Texas Volun- teers, September 19, 1864. III. The artisans and employes of the ordnance department at Dan- ville, Va., will not be required to perform military duty except in cases of the greatest emergency, and then only after due notice is given to the officer in charge, and to the Ordnance Bureau, in this city. IV. Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee, commanding, &c., will at the earliest practical moment return [to their] duties in the Quartermaster's Department the detailed men who are serving under Major F. W.Dillard, quartermaster, &c., Columbus, Ga. V. The Twenty-second Battalion Virginia Volunteers is hereby dis- banded. The men composing it will be distributed among the depleted Virginia organizations under the direction of the commanding general. The commissions of the officers of the battalion are vacated, to take effect from this date. VI. Assistant Surgeon E. T. Parker is relieved from duty with the Army of Tennessee by reason of disability, and will report without delay to Surgeon [S. H.] Stout, medical director, Montgomery, Ala. VII. Hospital Steward TF. J. Lawrence is relieved from duty with raed- ical purveyor at Danville, Va., and will report to Surgeon [P. E.] Hint*, medical director, Raleigh, N. C. VIII. Assistant Surgeon F. L. Bronaugh is relieved from duty at gen- eral hospital Charlottesville, Va., and will report to Surgeon {James H".] Hines, medical purveyor, Army Northern Virginia, at Richmond, Va., for duty. 871 IX. Private Jefferson Frederick, of Company F, Thirty-third Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, now in confinement at Selma, Ala., under sen- tence pronounced by general court-martial, will be released from con- gneraent and returned to duty. X. Neal Ilendry is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence De- ,,artment, and will report to Captain J. D. Westcott, assistant commissary yf subsistence, Tallahassee, Fla. XI. Assistant Surgeon C. B. Stone is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to Surgeon [isl. A.] Kinloch, med- jcal director, Charleston, S. C. XII- Surgeon L. A. Slater is relieved from duty with the Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Cavalry, General Early's command, and will report without delay to Surgeon [R. A.] Kinloch, medical director, Charleston. S. C. XIII. Assistant Surgeon J. S. Martin is relieved from duty with Mc- Laughlin's artillery battalion, Army of Northern Virginia, and will re- port without delay to Surgeon IF. A.] Ramsey, medical director, Bristol, Tenn. XIV. Leave of absence for thirty days, while awaiting return of appli- cation for sixty, are granted the following-named officers: Captain G. If. Montgomery, Company F, Forty-fourth North Carolina Volunteers; Captain M. S. Austin, Company E, Fifty-second North Carolina Volun- U*ers. XV. Private Alfred D. Oliphant, of Company —, First Regiment Texas Volunteers, being a minor and having enlisted without the consent of his parents, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XVI. Private Joseph E. Waring, of Company K, Fourth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, having been elected to a civil office, will be dis- charged the service of the Confederate States. XVII. Private Neill McCarty, of Captain T. Kevill's company (United Artillery) Virginia volunteers, will lie discharged from the army, that he may receive an appointment in the navy of the Confederate States. XVill. First Lieutenant John McRae, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty as adjutant Thirteenth Battalion North Car- olina Artillery, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Starr, com- manding. XIX. Captain R. G. Fleming, of Company B, Twenty-second Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness assigned to duty under Major C. D. Melton, commandant of conscripts of South Carolina, and will report accordingly. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XX. First Lieutenant C. R. Miller, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General James Chmut, [jr.,] commanding reserves of South Carolina, at Columbia, & C., and will report accordingly. XXI. First Lieutenant A. T. Stennis, adjutant, Fifth Regiment Missis- sippi Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is assigned to enrolling f,Tvice, and will report to the superintendent of Bureau of Conscription duty in Mississippi. XXII. Major J. W. Jones, quartermaster, will relieve Major Thomas Mcfruire of the duties of quartermaster of Scott's brigade. XXIII. On being relieved from Scott's brigade Major Thomas McGuire, 'Fartermaster, is assigned to duty as quartermaster of Major-General "• \V. Loring's division. 872 XXIV. Major J. C. Elliston, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quar- termaster of General Churchill's division, Trans-Mississippi Department, and will report accordingly. ' XXV. Rev. J. E. McSparran, chaplain, Provisional Army Confederate States, is relieved from further service at Liberty, Va., and is assigned to duty with the Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers. XXVI. Cadet W. H. Barnett, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty as pro- vost-marshal of Brigadier-General Butler's cavalry brigade, and will report accordingly. XXVII. Private J. II. Fell, of Company D, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed until further orders to pursue his studies at the Arsenal Academy, Columbia, S. C., and will report to J. P. Thomas, superintendent. XXVIII. The services of Private D. R. Semmes, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being indispensable, he is detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Secretary of the Treasury, in this city. XXIX. Private George Crismond, of Company D, Richardson's artil- lery battalion, Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to W. H. Williams, at ship-joiners' depot. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company com- mander. XXX. The following-named men of Fourth Battalion, Local Defense Troops, being experts and indispensable, are detailed for duty in the Navy Department, and will report to James A. Farmer, superintendent, &c., C. S. Navy, at Rocketts, near this city: J. W. Cuthrell, Company D; S. Davenport, Company E. XXXI. Private D. H. Carroll, of Company G, Palmetto Regiment Sharpshooters, being unfit for field service, is during such unfitness de- tailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report to the superin- tendent of the Bureau of Conscription, in this city. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXXII. Private G. W. Wilkinson, of Captain Hurt's battery Alabama artillery, being unfit for field service, is detailed for duty in Messrs. Micon & Barnett's factory, at Tallassee, Tallapoosa County, Ala., and will report accordingly. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. • XXXIII. Private John Johnson, of Company E, Second Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for post duty, and will report for orders to commandant of post Auburn, Ala. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. XXXIV. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are •extended sixty days, at the expiration of which time they will promptly rejoin their commands: J. S. Esler, R. S. Sheridan, Company A, Second Battalion Georgia Volunteers; J. L. Boswith, Company D, Eighth Ala- bama Volunteers; J. F. Williams, Company K, Sixtieth Alabama Vol- unteers. XXXV. The following-named men being unfit for field service are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report to Sur- geon [Benj. F.~\ Fessenden, at Fayetteville, N. C. Monthly certificates of their condition will be furnished their company commanders: Private Allen Autrey, Company I, Forty-sixth North Carolina Volunteers; Pri- vate Alexander Ballard, Company F, Fifteenth North Carolina Volun- teers. 873 XXX^T* So much of Paragraph XII, Special Orders No. 283, Adju- t and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private t* souri Battery, to Captain J. T. Panes [Purvis,] assistant quartermaster and inspector-general of field transportation, Mobile, Ala.; Private If. j Norris, Company I, Sixth South Carolina Cavalry, to Captain J. Soweri assistant quartermaster, Florence, S. C. 1 XVI. The resignation of Major John S. Mellon, commissary of subsist, ence, has been accepted by the President, to take effect March 31,1^5 XVII. Leave of absence for twenty days from December 21, 1864, ^ gtanted J. S. Dawson, late colonel of the Forty-sixth Tennessee Infantry and now acting assistant quartermaster Forty-sixth and Fifty-fifth Ten! HGSSG6 VoluntGGrs. XVIII. So much of Paragraph XXVIII, Special Orders No. 296, Ad- jutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Private W. B. Robhins, of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops is amended so as to read: Private IF. B. Robbins, of Company C, Fir->t Virginia Battalion Cavalry, Local Defense Troops. XIX. Corporal A. C. Landstreet, of Company D, Third Regiment Local Defense Troops, being an expert and indispensable, is detailed' for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenhohn, Secretary of the Treasury. XX. Leave of absence for thirty days is granted Captain James [C.] Buckner, of Company [B, Fourteenth] Regiment [Battalion] Missouri Cavalry. At the expiration of this leave, or when fully recovered from the effects of his wound, Captain Buckner will report to General E. K. Smith, commanding, &c., for duty, with his command. XXI. Leave of absence for two weeks from December 25, 1864, upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Major IF. C. Fergus, Forty- second Regiment Alabama Volunteers, at the expiration of which time he will report to the commandant of the post at Florence, S. C., for as- signment during unfitness for field service to duty at that post. XXII. Colonel J. E. Harrison, Fifteenth Texas Regiment Infantry, will proceed to the headquarters of Trans-Mississippi Department and deliver the dispatches intrusted to his care. All officers on his route will aid in furnishing such facilities as will enable him to accomplish liis journey with the least practicable delay. XXIII. Lieutenant J. Marshall Archer, of the Fauquier Artillery, if for sixty days from December 25, 1864, assigned to duty with Major J. H. Carrington, provost-marshal of this city, and will report accord- ingly. XXIV. The following-named men of Compan3r D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being experts and indispensable, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Secretary Con- federate States Treasury, in this city: J.. IF. Burson, John Dunn. XXV. Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 304, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Captain S. F Pennington, assistant quartermaster, will remain on duty in Mississippi XXVI. The clerks in this office are relieved from the operation ot the late order requiring a moiety of the detailed men of the Local Defense Troops to rejoin their commands. By command of the Secretarx^ of War • JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Ad.iutant-Gcncrnl. 883 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 27, 1864. cpecial Orders ) b No. 306. i I. Paragraph XVI, Special Orders No. 305, Adjutant and Inspector- general's Office, current series, accepting the resignation of Major John t? )Iellon, commissary subsistence, is hereby revoked, and Major Mellon continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. The following-named men of Company A, Third Regiment, Local petense Troops, are detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, all/ each negro before appraisement. The members of the board and- burgeon Crenshaw will report to Brigadier-General W. II. Stevens, chief engineer Army Northern Virginia, who will designate the time and: place the assembling of the board. % command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, A ssistant Adjutant- General. 884 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 28,18G4. Special Orders ) No. 307. f I. When the occasion shall demand it, Mr. John Enders, president 0f the Ambulance Committee, will proceed with as many of his associates as he may deem necessary, not exceeding twenty, to Wilmington, N. C. and report to Major-General [W. H. 0.] Whiting, commanding, &c., assist in removing the sick and wounded soldiers of the C. S. Army The Quartermaster-General will furnish the necessary transportation to carry out the purposes designed. Quartermasters and commissaries will furnish the usual facilities required by a detachment of the Ambu. lance Committee on such duty. Commanding officers will give such countenance and aid as may be necessary. • II. Private J. PI. Hart, of Company A, Third Regiment, Local Do- fense Troops, is permanently detailed for duty in the War Office, auj will report to R. G.,H. Kean, chief of the Bureau of War. III. Private C. A. Volkmam, of Company D, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being an expert and indispensable, is detailed for duty in the Department of State, and will report to Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Sec- retary of State, in this city. IV. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 295, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as relates to Private J. L. Stacey [/. S. Stacy,] of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Private Stacy will report for duty to Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [NichoUs,] at Shreveport, La. V. The following-named privates of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty with Brigadier-General F. T. Nichols [Nicholls,] at Shreveport, La., and will report accordingly: W. C. Hood, W. Leach. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and InspEctor-General's Office. Richmond, December 29,1864. Special Orders) No. 308. [ I. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of Sergeant W. H. Russ, elected junior second lieutenant Company A, Thirty-sixth Regiment North Carolina Troops, adverse to his assign- ment to duty as such, are approved and confirmed. Sergeant Iluss is remanded to his present position. II. The sentences of courts-martial pronounced against the following- named soldiers, now in confinement in the District of the Gulf, in con- sideration of their good conduct upon the occasion of the recent attack by the enemy near the city of Mobile, have been remitted by the Pre&i- dent. They will be released from arrest and restored to duty: Privates L. Woods, R. Spires, J. J. Patterson, R. Patterson, Company E, Fifty-fifth Tennessee Infantry; Private D. C. Newton, Company E, Fourteenth Ten- nessee Cavalry; Privates M. J. Moore, L. B. Black, Higgs' scouts; Pri- vate C. S. Brady, Company I, Twentieth Mississippi Infantry ; Private W. J. Crosnoe, Company N, Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry ; Private John Crawford, Thrall's battery; Private T. J. Garrett, Company A, Fifteenth 885 Tennessee Cavalry ; Privates W. Kilpatrick, H. 0. Lewis, Company G, Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private James McElyea, Company B,' Seventh Kentucky Cavalry; Private H. C. Nail, Company I, Twelfth Tennessee Cavalry ; Private M. Pipkin, Company H, Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private J. E. Payne, Lee's escort; Private W. Sant, Company E, Forty-ninth Alabama Infantry ; Private W. N. Sparkman, Company E, Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private G. W. White, Company H, Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private W. T. Wellons, Higgs' scouts; Private S. H. Linsey, Company G, Forty-third Mississippi Regiment; Private W. Brazeale, Company C, Private W. S. Brown, Company E, Sev- enth Mississippi Battalion ; "Private W. Bendthall, Company A, Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private Dennis Crane, Hoskins' battery; Private IP. Cupit, Company D, Thirty-third Mississippi Infantry; Privates R, A. Haley, T. J. Haley, Company A, Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry; Private G. W. Nelson, Company D, Thirty-ninth Mississippi Infantry; Private A. M. (Simpson,,Company A, Seventh Mississippi Battalion. III. Surgeon T. W. Hudson, jr., is relieved from duty with the Third Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, and will report to Surgeon [T1 A.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, at Charleston, for assignment to duty as chief surgeon of division of South Carolina. IV. Surgeon George G. Fernandas is relieved from duty in Trans-Mis- sissippi Department, and will report to Surgeon [ W. A."} Carrington, med- ical director, Richmond, Va., for assignment. V. Hospital Steward J. H. Jones is relieved from hospital duty in Vir- ginia, and will report to surgeon in charge prison hospital Salisbury, N. C. VI. Paragraph VI, Special Orders No. 274, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Surgeons W. R. Capehart and Wm. A. Green will resume their former duties. VII. Paragraph XI, Special Orders No. 291, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, Dr. J. M. Larkin de- dining the appointment of assistant surgeon Provisional Army Confed- eratc States. VIII. Hospital Steward A. M. Angle is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report to Surgeon [R. A.] Kinloch, medical director, for duty at Way Hospital, Columbia, S. C., to relieve Hospital Steward C. P. Machinhimer, who when relieved will report to Surgeon [ W. A.] Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va. IX. Paragraph V, Special Orders No. 300, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Assistant Sur- geon A. Tinsley will resume his former duties. will report to Major-General J. L. Kemper for duty with Colonel Henry's X. Assistant Surgeon N. B. Nivitt is relieved from hospital duty, and regiment of reserves. XI. So much of Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 302, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as assigns Major J. H. Alexander, assistant adjutant-general, to duty with Humes' cavalry division, Army of Tennessee, is hereby revoked, and Major Alexander will remain on duty with the chief of the Engineer Bureau. XII. So much of Paragraph XXVII, Special Orders No. 302, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as assigns Captain Thos. W. Hall, assistant adjutant-general, to duty with Williams' cavalry bri- Fide, Army of Tennessee, is hereby revoked, and Captain Hall will ftmain on duty as previously assigned, 222—S, 0., A. & I. G. O.—4 886 XIII. Major W. M. Payne, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quar- termaster of the division now commanded by Brigadier-General John Pegram, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, XIV. Captain Eli Harrison, assistant quartermaster, will relieve Cap. tain J. W. Wallace, assistant quartermaster, as post quartermaster at Green Pond, S. C. Captain Wallace on being relieved is assigned to the duty of collecting hides with the corps commanded by Lieutenant-Gen- eral R. H. Anderson, Army of Northern Virginia. XV. Major Richard Orme, quartermaster, will relieve F. A. Strocky} acting quartermaster, of the duties heretofore performed by him in con- nection with the hospitals at Albany, Ga. XVI. Major J. P. Horback, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as quar- termaster of General Chalmers' division, Army of Tennessee, to relieve Major W. Barnewell [Barnewall,] jr., quartermaster. XVII. On being relieved Major W. Barnewell [Barnewall,] jr., quar- termaster, is assigned to the control of the manufacturing depot at Columbus, Ga. XVIII. Major R. W. Saunders, quartermaster, will report to Brigadier- General G. B. Hodge, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty as quar- termaster of the District of East Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi. XIX. Captain A. D. Taylor, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the post hospitals at Union Springs, Ala., to relieve Captain John Tatum, assistant quartermaster. XX. Captain John Tatum, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty with the First Regiment Arkansas Mounted Riflemen. XXI. Leave of absence for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Lieutenant J". M. Berrien, Confederate States infantry. XXII. So much of Paragraph XX, Special Orders No. 283, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as relates to Adjutant W. P. Clarke [Clark,] of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Lieu- tenant Clarke [Clark] will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, com- manding reserve forces of Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to duty. XXIII. E. S. Parker, of Wayne County, N. C., is appointed a bonded agent of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain J. E. Moore, assistant commissary subsistence, Goldsborough, N. C. XXIV. Private S. A. Saunders, of Company I, Twenty-seventh Regi- ment South Carolina Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to Surgeon [T. L.] Ogier, [jr.,] medical director, &c., Charles- ton, S. C. XXV. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: .Second Lieutenant W. D. Root, Company B, Twenty-third Vir- gihia Cavalry; First Lieutenant H. G. Sampson, Company H, Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry ; First Lieutenant 0. R. Strickland, Company G, Fifty- sixth Georgia Volunteers; Captain H. P. Green, Company H, Fourth Missouri Volunteers ; First Lieutenant G. G. Powell, Company K, Eighth Mississippi Volunteers. . XXVI. Private Robert McElroy, of Company G, Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is detailed until May 1, 1865, as a tailor, and will report to the commandant of conscripts for South Carolina. XXVII. Private B. F. Strange, of Company A, Tenth Regiment A a- bama Volunteers, being unfit for field service, is detailed for post dun, cTnd will report to the commandant of post at Talladega, Ala. Mont i J certificate of his condition will be furnished his company comman t . 887 XX VIII. Private W. T. Shields, of Company G, Twenty-seventh Reg- jment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for light duty, and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Shields, commandant of conscripts for Virginia.' XXIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Lieutenant J. W. Barrett, of Company F, Third Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, is ex- tended thirty days pending action upon his application for retirement to the Invalid Corps. XXX. Private William Ridgeway, of Company I, Seventh Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, is detailed during his unfitness for field service as a glass blower, and will report to W. S. Morris, president Richmond Glass Manufacturing Company. Certificate of his condition will be fur- nished his company commander every thirty days. XXXI. Leave of absence for thirty days upon surgeon's certificate of disability is granted Major S. P. Hamilton, artillery, Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXII. Private Richard O'Brien, of Company F, Seventeenth Regi- ment Alabama Volunteers, being an expert, is for sixty days detailed for duty in the Confederate States naval powder works, and will report to P. B. Garesche, superintendent, &c., Columbia, S. C. XXXIII. Private Alfred Setzer, of Company I, Twenty-fifth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, is transferred to Company F, Second Regi-- ment Engineer Troops, and will report accordingly. XXXIV. Private Charles Peychard, of First Company, Washington Artillery, is relieved from further service in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and will report to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, in this city, for duty in the hospital unless found fit for active field service. XXXV. Private M. A. Fowler, of Company H, Fourth Regiment Georgia Volunteers, now at Winder Hospital, near this city, will report to the commandant of post at Macon, Ga., for assignment to light duty. XXXVI. Private H. C. King, of Company C, Tenth Battalion Georgia Volunteers, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for duty in prison hospital at Andersonville, Ga., and will report to the surgeon in charge. Monthly certificates of his condition will be furnished his company commander. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Special Orders ) Richmond, December 30, 1864. No. 309. I ■ I. The resignations of the following-named officers have been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day: J. M. Dyer, commissioner Fifth District Mississippi; First Lieutenant R. C. Howell, Invalid Corps; Sur- peon J. M. Greene, Provisional Army Confederate States; First Lieu- tenant J. S. Kellam, Company E, Nineteenth Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery; Second Lieutenant Samuel Taylor, Company G, Third Regi- ment, Local Defense Troops; First Lieutenant J. M. Oliphant, Company 0, Thirty-eighth Tennessee Volunteers ; Surgeon W. Hughes, senior sur- peon Williams' brigade, A rmy Tennessee ; First Lieutenant S. C. Welte First Company, Independent Signal Corps; Second Lieutenant J. I . 11 ik>, PYimninv K Twentv-first Mississippi Volunteers; Rev. A. Or. S, c°hapPS Fourteenth Alabama Volunteers; Second Lreutenant II'. 11 Eley, Company D, Sixteenth Virginia Volunteers. 888 II. So much of Paragraph XXIII, Special Orders No. 84, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, as refers to Captain A. J Wolf, assistant quartermaster, is hereby revoked, and Captain Wolf will continue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. III. Paragraph XXXIV, Special Orders No. 279, Adjutant and In. spector-General's Office, current series, dropping Lieutenant IF. If; Wight, drill-master, Provisional Army Confederate States, from the rolls is suspended until further orders. IV. Private S. H. Kingman, of Company D, Fifth Regiment South Carolina Cavalry, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, in this city, for duty with the collector of the post of Charleston, S. C. Monthly certificate of his condition will be furnished his company commander. V. The following-named men being experts and indispensable are detailed for duty in the Savannah Arsenal, and will report to Major W. V. Taylor, commanding, &c.: Private John Red, Company F, Sixty, third Georgia Volunteers; Private Charles Clarke, Company C, Eight- eenth Georgia Battalion; Private A. J. Lynn, Company H, Fourth Georgia Cavalry; Private E. L. Segier, Company G, First Georgia Vol- unteers; Private Christ Dalton, Company F, Twenty-second Georgia Volunteers; Private Joseph Gallie, Company I, First Georgia Volunteers. VI. Private H. B. Simmonds, of Company E, Second Regiment Florida Cavalry, is detailed for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Captain J. D. Westcott, assistant commissary subsistence, Talla- hassee, Fla. VII. The following-named men are detailed during their unfitness for field service for duty in the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major W. A. Shepard, commissary subsistence, Weldon, N. C.: Private T. R. White, First Company, Independent Signal Corps; Sergeant G. IF. Gardner, Company K, Fifteenth North Carolina Volunteers. VIII. Private W. A. Wiley, of Company D, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteers, is detailed during his unfitness for field service for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to Captain J. A. Ander- son, assistant quartermaster, Macon, Ga. Monthly certificate of his con- dition will be furnished his company commander. IX. Paragraph XV, Special Orders No. 277, Adjutant and Inspector- General's Office, current series, is hereby suspended, and Major John F. Andrews will remain on conscript duty in Georgia until further orders. X. Captain George H. Fitzwilson, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as assistant to the quartermaster of General Hoke's division, Army of Northern Virginia. XI. Assistant Surgeon H. B. Christian is relieved from hospital duty in Virginia, and will report without delay to Andrews' [Second] Foreign Battalion, Florence, S. C. XII. Surgeon R. F. Coleman (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Surgeon [ W. A.~\ Carrington, medical director, Richmond, Va. XIII. A court of inquiry having been convened at Richmond on the 19th of December, 1864, pursuant to Paragraph XXVI, Special Orders No. 297, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, current series, to in- vestigate certain accusations against Surgeon W. C. Nichols, Provisional Army Confederate States, and having made the required examination, the report of the court therein is published for the information of all concerned. 889 FINDING OF THE COURT. First. It appears from the evidence that Dr. Nichols, the accused, did request Paschal, acting steward of the Louisiana Hospital, to sign receipts for the weekly expenditures on account of the Louisiana Hospital from May 7 to June 1, 1864, for Mrs. Henningsen, and that he signed these receipts without receiving the money or paying it over to Mrs. Henningsen, by whom the purchases were made. It appears, how- ever, from Mrs. Henningsen's account of the moneys received from Dr. Kichols that Dr. Nichols had paid Mrs. Henningsen on account of the Confederate States an amount sufficient to cover all purchases made by her for the Confederate States account, for which she had given him receipts, including these receipts signed by Paschal. The court also finds that Dr. Nichols was unable to procure receipts from Mrs. Henningsen for expenditures for the time referred to, and requested Paschal to sign the receipts, in order that he might comply with the order of the Sur- geon-General requiring weekly expenditures to be sent to the-Surgeon- General promptly. It is the opinion of the court that while this course was not altogether regular, still, inasmuch as no injury has or could have resulted, the matter calls for no further action. Second. In regard to the charge that Dr. Nichols failed to credit the Confederate States with the sum of $1,364.00, the amount of a donation,' a memorandum of which was made by Mrs. Henningsen upon her ac- counts of weekly expenditures for the time referred to in the first charge, the court finds that he did purposely omit to credit the Confederate States with the amount of the aforesaid donation, but did place this amount to the credit of the fund appropriated by the State of Louisiana and contributed by citizens of Louisiana for the benefit of the Louisiana Hospital, which, in the opinion of the court, was the proper disposition to be made of this donation. Third. The court finds that Nichols did not make a false statement in regard to his knowledge of the donation referred to. In course of this investigation evidence was adduced of purchases to a large amount made in the name of the Louisiana Hospital by Mrs. Henningsen, many of which are still unpaid, and that Dr. Nichols ex- pressed a willingness to pay from the fund appropriated by the State of Louisiana such of these purchases as may after investigation by Major Sully, the authorized agent of the State of Louisiana for the dis- tribution of this fund, be approved by him. It is considered by the court that the investigation and adjustment of these accounts do not come within its province. The court of inquiry of which Colonel M. Marye, Invalid Corps, was president is hereby dissolved. XIV. The proceedings and finding of the examining board in the case of Sergeant E. F. Vaughan, elected junior second lieutenant Com- pany B, Eighteenth South Carolina Volunteers, adverse to his assign- ment to duty as such, are approved and confirmed, Sergeant Vaughan is remanded to his former position. XV. Major M. B. McMicTcen, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as chief quartermaster Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and will report for orders to Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee, commanding, &c., Charleston, S. C. .XVI. Captain W. A. Courtney, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as post, quartermaster at Branchville, S. C. 223—S, 0., A. & I. G. 0.—4 890 XVII. Captain A. H. Keller, assistant quartermaster, is assigned to duty as paymaster of Brigadier-General P. D. Roddy's [Roddey's] cav. airy command, and will report accordingly. XVIII. Captain Joseph Manigault, assistant adjutant-general, is re- lieved from duty with the Signal Corps. XIX. The following-named men are appointed ordnance sergeants and will report for duty to the colonels of their respective regiments- Sergeant A. G. Howard, Company F,Twelfth Alabama Volunteers; Ser. geant P. F. Lawes, Company K, Forty-seventh Alabama Volunteers. XX. Corporal William B. Lane, of Company H, First Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, having been elected a civil officer, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XXI. The following-named officers will have their names dropped from the rolls for prolonged absence from duty without leave, and will from this day cease to be officers of the Provisional Army Confederate States: Second Lieutenant G. A. JenJcs, Company I, Sixty-third Tennes- see Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. P. Morgan, Company C, Eight- eenth Georgia Volunteers; Second Lieutenant W. D. Kettle, Company F, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles; First Lieutenant T. J. Huff, Company C, Seventh Mississippi Battalion; Captain J. J. Ernbry, Company A, Thirty-sixth Mississippi Volunteers; Second Lieutenant J. C. Lee,Com- pany C, Fifty-sixth Georgia Volunteers; Lieutenant A. J. McCurdy, Com- pany F, First Confederate Georgia Volunteers; Major Josiah [f?.] Ilubbard, formerly of Company [B,] First Lieutenant W. J. McAlpine, Company D, Forty-second Tennessee Volunteers. XXII. Second Lieutenant A. G. M. Combee, of Company G, Twenty- second Regiment Georgia Volunteers, having taken the oath of allegiance to the United States of America while a prisoner of war, will have his name dropped from the rolls in disgrace, and will from this day cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXIII. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report for orders as designated : Privates J. F. Wilson, E. H. Cotton, F. L. Berrier, John Glover, Corporal S. B. Roe, to com- mandant post Richmond, Va.; Private R. T. Mattocks, to commandant post Gordonsville, Va.; Private W. R. Buchanan, to commandant post Lynchburg, Va.; Privates W. Hughens. D. A. Orosson, L. H. Garland, to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Privates W. R. Green, Joseph Ktlly, H. G. Daniels, Corporal J. Barefoot, to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; Private John Taylor to commandant post Mobile, Ala.; Private J. P. Strong to commandant post Jackson, Miss.; Private W. A. Bass to com- mandant post Goldsborough, N. C.; Private A. A. Stallings to Lieutenant- General Holmes, commanding reserves of North Carolina; Private PaL Flannegan to Colonel Moore, commanding arsenal Selma, Ala.; Private J F. Webb to Captain [Z>.] Pender, post quartermaster Tarborough, N. C.; Private J. M. Roland to Captain H. A. Dowd, State quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C.; Private P. Whelan to Major [W. J/.] Strickland, commis- sary of subsistence, Canton, Miss.; Private J. Boozer to Major G. W. Junes, quartermaster, Marion, Ala.; Private John Johnson to Captain [Jin/uv] Goodman, post quartermaster Salisbury, N. C. XXIV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as desig- nated: Private H. H. Sheen to Surgeon Gildings [Geldings,] medical purveyor Army Northern Virginia; Private George Kessell to surgeon in charge Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private J. Kearney to sur- geon in charge Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va.; Private A. B. HuWJ 891 to Surgeon [A. If.] Fauntleroy, general hospital Staunton, Va.; Privates / Jf. Clements, A. Tysinger, J. A. Baker to Surgeon P. E. Hines, Raleigh, >T. C.; Sergeant A. DeLaine to surgeon in charge General Hospital No. 8, Raleigh, N. C.; Private R. L. MeUer, Corporal T. Collins to post surgeon Lauderdale, Miss.; Private R. S. Carrott to surgeon in charge Wayside Hospital, Selma, Ala.; Private J. L. Owen to surgeon of Holcombe's Le- gion, Army Northern Virginia. XXV. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the enrolling service, and will report for orders as desig- nated: Private J. F. Jackson, late of Third Virginia Cavalry, to superin- tendent Bureau of Conscription; Private G. A. Rhodes, late of Four- teenth Virginia Cavalry, to superintendent Bureau of Conscription; Sergeant IF. J. Black, late of Twenty-eighth Virginia Infantry, to super- intendent Bureau of Conscription; Private L. P. Covar, late of Four- teenth South Carolina Infantry, to superintendent Bureau of Conscrip- tion. XXVI. The sentence of dismissal from the service of the Confederate States pronounced by a general court-martial in February, 1864, against Captain Daniel L. Russell, of Company G, Thirty-sixth North Carolina Infantry, has been remitted by the President. He will be restored to duty with his command. XXVII. Private E. W. Hamilton, of Company C, Seventeenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, is detailed until further orders, without claim to pay or allowances as a soldier during such detail, to take charge of the three families in Fauquier County, Va., dependent upon him for support. He will report to the enrolling officer of the county. XXVIII. Cadet N. B. Barnwell, C. S. Army, is assigned to duty in the artillery service, and will report for orders to Brigadier-General W. N. Pendleton, chief of.artillery Army of Northern Virginia. XXIX. Second Lieutenant James P. Adams, of the Invalid Corps, is assigned to duty with the provost-marshal of this city, and will report accordingly. XXX. So much of Paragraphs XIV, Special Orders "No. 250, and II, Special orders No. 272, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, series of 1863, as refers to Colonel J. S. Dawson, of the Forty-sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, is hereby revoked, and Colonel Dawson will con- tinue to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXXI. Colonel W. W. White, of the Invalid Corps, will report to the commandant of reserves of Texas for assignment to enrolling service, or such other duty as he may be competent to perform. XXXII. As it has been represented to this Department, and the fact appears, that the Piedmont Railroad, running from Danville, in the State of Virginia, to Greensborough, in the State of North Carolina, has unreasonably failed to comply with the requisition of this Department for the transportation of freights, supplies, materials, and men of the Confederate States, thereby injuriously affecting their military opera- tions. Major S. R. Chrisman [C/w'smaw,] of the Quartermaster's Depart- nient,on behalf of the Confederate States, will seize and impress such road with all of its depots, cars, locomotives, running stock, machinery, and implements, and turn the same over to the Quartermaster-General, who is invested with all the powers and will perform all the duties provided for by the act of Congress approved May 1, 1863, entitled "An act to facilitate transportation for the government." 892 XXXIII. The following schedules of prices for articles named therein adopted by commissioners appointed pursuant to law for the State of Virginia, are published for the information of all concerned, and the special attention of officers and agents of the government is directed thereto: Richmond, Va., December 30, 1864, Hon. James A. Sebdon. Sir : Upon consultation we have concluded to readopt for December and Janu^ our last schedules for October and November, thus continuing the same rates, with« few exceptions, relative to the prices to be paid for hired negro laborers. These change will be found in Schedule B. The policy you proposed for impressing from producers only one-half of their surpln, produdtions is eminently proper, and all impressing officers should scrupulously observe the rule, and never go beyond it. If this rule is strictly adhered to by impressing offi. cers it would greatly benefit the non-producers and tend to reconcile the producing classes to whatever appeared harsh in our system of impressments, for they would hav# one-half of their surplus productions to dispose of at neighborhood market rates. As requested by your department, we conferred with commissioners of North Caro- lina, and had the good fortune to adjust prices upon a basis calculated to harmonize the leading interest of both States. The just and enlightened views entertained by the North Carolina commissioners were practically illustrated by the liberal spirit and wise terms upon which they agreed to co-operate with us. In this revolutionary crisis we should all agree to aid each other and the government; to rescue the country and save the people from the dangers that environ both, is clearly the duty of all. Oar honor, rights, and independence are at stake. Let us bend all our energies to defend and secure them. To attain this invaluable end the people must be fed and clothed. Our producers, manufacturers, and tradesmen certainly can afford to work for moderate compensation while our gallant soldiers dare to confront our savage adversaries in their defense. Certainly, if our brave men throw their protecting arms around our family altars and gallantly defend their country for a sum too insignificant to mention, those who remain at home enjoying the benefit of their valor can afford to feed them and their families on the most moderate terms. The question should be, How little will you ask or take for your productions ? Fidelity to all the best interests of our country points to the observance of this maxim as the best test of our charity and patriotism. Let the watchword be, everything for our country, and away with money-making. In this final and desperate struggle for liberty beware lest in hoarding up money and neg- lecting the cause of the people you exchange your birthright for a mess of pottage. Believing that our cause appeals to all parties and interests alike, we trust the people will unite and act in concert in achieving our independence. What we will to do we can accomplish. United, we are invincible ; triumphant, what a glorious destiny opene to our view ; conquered, how abject and forlorn our condition ? Who under existing circumstances is not willing to sacrifice a few paper dollars to gain the most enviable victory that civilization ever witnessed. Entertaining the conviction that the popular mind is favorable to every effort calcu- lated to advance the success of our cause, we venture to place before you the annexed schedules of prices for the months of December and January, which, though imperfect, because there are so many and such variant views and interests to harmonize, yet we indulge the hope may be properly received by the people. The following prices are to be the tnaximum rates to be paid for the articles ira- pressed in all cities and the usual place of sale, and when impressed on the farms or elsewhere the same prices are to be paid. Under existing circumstances we deem it not only just, but most likely to favor in- creased production, that producers in future should not be required to transport their surplus productions when impressed, but that the agents of the government should impress or employ the neighborhood or county wagons and teams to haul such articles, and so divide the work between the owners of wagons and teams as to be least pre- judicial to those successfully engaged in agriculture. 1 2 2 2 2 $ 4 & 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 IS 14 IS 16 17 18 19 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 90 SI S2 33 34 SS 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 SO SI 52 S3 54 SS 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 'rice. 87 50 33 00 37 50 39 75 42 00 5 00 5 20 5 00 4 00 75 1 05 1 35 2 10 2 75 2 30 1 82 2 75 BOO 00 8 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 00 4 50 5 00 8 90 3 90 3 00 5 25 4 75 3 90 3 00 2 60 1 70 2 20 1 30 3 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 5 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 10 00 3 00 25 00 50 3 00 7 00 1 00 550 00 514 00 >78 00 ?10 00 )30 00 100 00 3 00 3 60 4 20 30 00 35 00 40 00 1 50 35 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 1 11 893 Schedule A. Articles. Wheat Flour. do do do Corn Corn-meal Bye Cleaned oats. Wheat bran Shorts Brown stuff. Ship stuff. Bacon Pork,salt Pork, fresh, fat Lard Horses and mules*. Wool do Pease Beans Potatoes ....do Onions Dried peaches.. ....do Dried apples..., Hay, baled ....do Hay, unbaled Sheaf oat^, baled Sheaf oats, unbaled Blade fodder, baled Blade fodder, unbaled, Shucks, baled Shucks, unbaled Wheat straw, baled Wheat straw, unbaled., Pasturage do do do do do Salt Soap Candles Vinegar Whiskey Sugar. Molasses Rice Coffee Tea Vinegar Pig iron do do Bloom iron Smith's iron Railroad iron Leather ....do ...do Beef cattle ...do ...do Salt beef1 Sheep Army woolen cloth, 3 yds .do., •do.. ••do Flannels, | yards 224—S. 0., A. &I. Quality. Prime Fine Superfine Extra superfine. Family Prime Good Prime do Good do do do do do do do First-class Fair or merino. do Good do do do do do do do do do do do do do .....do do do do do do Superior First-rate Good Superior First-rate Good do do do Trade Brown New Orleans., Rio Trade Manufactured., No. 1 quality.... No. 2 quality No. 3 quality Good Serviceable.. Good do do do Superior First-rate Good Fair Good .do. .do. do do G. 0.-4 Description. White or red.. White or yellew., Hog round.. Artillery, &c., Washed Unwashed.. Irish... Sweet.. Peeled Unpeeled Peeled Timothy or clover.., Orchard or herd grass. do Interior do do Near cities., .....do do Tallow.. Cider.... Good..... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... Round plate and bar Harness Sole Upper Gross weight.. do do 10 oz. per yard pro rata as to greater or less weight or width 6 oz. per yd. pro rata as to greater or less weight or width. 6 oz. per yard., Quantity. Per bushel of 60 lbs., Per bbl. of 196 lbs do do do Per bushel of 56 lbs., Per bushel of 50 lbs., Per bushel of 56 lbs., Per bushel of 32 lbs., Per bushel of 17 lbs., Per bushel of 22 lbs., Per bushel of 28 lbs.. Per bushel of 37 lbs.. Per pound do Per lb., net weight.., do Average price per head. Per pound do Per bushel do do do do do do do Per 100 pounds do do do do do do do do do do Per head per month do do do do do Per bushel of 50 lbs.. Per pound do Per gallon do Per pound Per gallon Per pound do do Per gallon Per ton do do do do do Per pound do do Per 100 pounds do do Net, per pound Per head Per yard .do. .do. .do. .do. 894 Schedule A—(Continued.) Articles. Cotton sheeting, f yards... do Cotton sheetings, 4-4 yds.. Cotton, Osnaburg, | yds... do Cotton tent cloths On the above enumerated Army shoes Shoe thread Wool sacks for men Corn-top fodder, baled Corn-top fodder, unbaled Wheat chaff, baled Wheat chaff, unbaled.. Sorghum molassesf Pasturage for sheep do do Apple brandy Peach brandy Quality. Good. do do do do do cotton cloths pro Good, .do .do do do do do First quality. Good Superior First-rate Good do Description. 4]4 yards to pound.. 3% yards to pound. 3 yards to pound.... 6 oz. per yard 8 oz. per yard 10 oz. per yard rata as to greater or Quantity. Per yard do do do do do less width or weight. Per pair Per pound Per pair Per 100 pounds... do do do Per gallon Per head do do Per gallon do * In assessing the average value of first-class artillery and wagon horses and mules at $800, we designed that the term should be accepted and acted upon according to it* common sense import. In other words, that they should be selected and impressed accordingly, as their working qualities and adaption [adaptation] to army service, together with their intrinsic value, would warrant a judicious purchaser in consider- ing them as coming in the contemplation of the commissioners when they assessed the average value of such horses as the government need at $800. But cases may arise, however, when the public exigencies would be so urgent as to demand that ail horses at hand should be impressed; yet, under ordinary circumstances, when family or extra blooded horses or brood mares of admitted high value are impressed, we respect", fully suggest to the Secretary of War to have instructions forwarded to impressing officers to propose and allow the owners to substitute in their stead such strong and serviceable horses or mules as shall be considered and valued by competent and aisin- terested parties as first-class artillery horses or first-class wagon mules. The term " average value per head " is in contradiction to a fixed and uniform price for each horse or mule. We suppose in impressing a number of horses or mules whether owned by several persons or one individual, that some might be estimated at $600, and others at different advanced rates, according to their worth, up as high as $1,000, thus making an average value or price for a number of good, sound, and effi- cient horses or mules $800 each. In illustration of our views we will add, that a horse with only one eye sound might, in all other respects, be classed as a first-class artillery horse, yet the loss of one eye would justly and considerably impair his value. So a horse from ten to eighteen years of age might, be deemed in all other particulars as a first-class artillery horse, but, of course, however efficient or able to render good service for a year or two, yet his ad- vanced age would justly and materially impair his value. Any horse, however he nun approximate the standard of a first-class artillery horse, must, according to drfi- ciencies, fall below the maximum price, and as few, comparatively, come up to the standard, and therefore are entitled to the maximum price, so, of course, in all other instances the price should be proportionately reduced as imperfections place them belo* the standard of first-class, &e. fThe first-class sorghum molasses is of the consistency of honey and free from all acidity to the taste. But second and inferior qualities of molasses should be reduced in price from 10 to 20 per cent., acccordingly as they fall below the standard of fir^t quality. 895 Schedule B.—Hire of labor, teams, toagons, and drivers. Labor. 1 Bailing long forage 2 Shelling and bagging corn, sacks furnished by government.... j Hauling 4 Hauling grain 5 Hire of two-horse team, wagon, and driver, rations furnished by owner. 6 Hire of same, rations furnished by government 7 Hire of four-horse team, wagon, and driver, rations furnished by owner. 8 Hire of same, rations furnished by the government 9 Hire of six-horse team, wagon, and driver, rations furnished by owner. 10 Hire of same, rations furnished by owner U Hire of laborer, rations furnished by owner 12 Hire of same, rations and clothing furnished by government... 1J Hire of same, rations and clothing furnished by owner 14 Hire of same, rations furnished by the government 11 Hire of teamsters, rations furnished by the government 16 Hire of laborer, clothing and rations furnished and taxes paid by government. 17 Hire of ox-cart, team and driver, rations furnished by owner.... is Hire of same, rations furnished by government Quantity and time. Per 100 pounds Per 56 pounds Per cwt. per mile., Per busheL Per day .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do Per month. , do do Per year Per day.. do Revision of the Schedules of February and March last. Since the adoption of our schedules for the months of February and March last the financial bills passed by Congress taxing the currency had seriously impaired the value of the old issue of Confederate Treasury notes. At this juncture large numbers of horses and mules were impressed and paid for in a currency which was a few days thereafter to be taxed 33 J per cent. The Board of State Commissioners having adjourned, and one of its members being out of the State, it could not be convened in time to review our schedules of prices. Under this state of facts we have re-examined and rearranged our tariff" of prices, so far as we have been advised of recent impressments, proposing, in this mode, to remedy any diminu- tion of valuation which may have resulted from the action of Congress upon the currency. Therefore we assess the average value of artillery or wagon horses or mules impressed rince the passage of the currency bill of the 17th February last at $600. This award will entitle each person to receive higher compensation accordingly as each horse or mule recently impressed may be considered as a first, second, or third-class artillery or wagon horse or mule, whether the parties appeal to our board or not, and the impressing agents and officers should forthwith call on all those persons of whom they impressed horses or mules and propose a settlement on the foregoing basis ; but allowing to each person only such prices as first, second, or third-class artillery or wagon horses or mules may have been estimated at by the county or local appraisers, assuming our average appraisement of $600 as a fair medium valuation. This, then, would allow a maximum price of $800 and a minimum price of $400, making $600 the average price, thus allow- ing more for first-class horses or mules, and proportionately less for the inferior, as they may fall below the grade of first-class. The county appraisements will be the guide in making these settlements, but within the limits of our maximum price of $800 and (ur minimum price of $400. This plan would, perhaps, be most satisfactory to the people. For whatever prices the county appraisers agreed upon should be deemed fair within the range of our minimum [price] of $400 and our maximum price of $800, javment of whatever amount awarded to be made in the new issue of Treasury notes. 'lhe impressing officers in those instances where there were no arbitrators or local appraisements for horses or. mules impressed should in all such cases themselves re-esti- mate the value of horses or mules thus impressed, and allow in each case such addi- tonal compensation as would, within the limits of our schedule rates, appear just and proper. But if after this revaluation and settlement any person should not be satisfied, the party could then appeal to our board and have the case reconsidered. All appeals and communications for the Board of Commissioners should be addressed, p t-tpaid, W. D. K. White, secretary of the board, box No. 925, Richmond, Ya. The next meeting of the board will be held on Tuesday, the 31st day of January next, in the city of Richmond. E. W. HUBBARD, ROBT. GIBBONEY, Copimissioners of Appraisements for the State of Virginia. By command of the Secretary of War: JNO. WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. 896 Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, December 31,18G4. Special Orders") No. 310. J I. The resignation of Colonel J. S. Dawson, of the Forty-sixth Regi- ment Tennessee Volunteers, has been accepted by the President, to take effect to-day. II. The following-named men. of the Invalid Corps are detailed for post duty, and will report for orders as designated: Private J. T. Whit- tingion to commandant post Enterprise, Miss.; Sergeant E. J. Phillip Privates Q. Andrews, Isaac Fisher, Sergeant W. H. Brown to commandant post Richmond, Va.; Private John Frederick to commandant post Jack- son, Miss.; Privates J. H. Neagle, A. J. Hunt to Major [ W. W.] Pierce, quartermaster, Raleigh, N. C.; Privates Jessee Miller, B. F. Harris to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; Sergeant M. F. Harper to Major William Bacon, quartermaster, Augusta, Ga.; Private E. J. Lake to commandant post Columbia, S. C.; Privates J. A. Bull, W. M. Alewander to comman- dant post Griffin, Ga.; Private S. J. B. Fair to commandant post Macon, Ga.; Private C. J. Ogburn to commandant post Salem, N. C.; Private J. H. Smith to commandant post Mobile, Ala.; Private J. A. McClure to commandant post Raleigh, N. C.; Sergeant-Major J. W. Fooshe to Briga- dier-General [J".] Chesnut, |jr.,] commanding reserves of South Carolina. III. The following-named men of the Invalid Corps are detailed for duty in the Medical Department, and will report for orders as desig- nated: Private B. W. Lanier to Surgeon P. E. Hines, Raleigh, N. C.; Private A. F. Maloch to Surgeon E. B. Haywood, General Hospital No. 13, Raleigh, N. C.; Private W. H. Oliver to surgeon Twenty-second Vir- ginia Battalion, Army Northern Virginia. IV. Assistant Surgeon M. L. Mayo is relieved from field duty Army Northern Virginia on account of disability, and will report to Surgeon [P. P.] Hines, medical director, Raleigh, N. C., for assignment. V. Assistant Surgeon W. E. Link (awaiting orders) will report without delay to Major-General [TP. H. C.] Whiting, at Wilmington, N. C., for duty. VI. The following-named officers of the Invalid Corps are assigned to duty with the reserves of Alabama, and will report to Major-General J. M. Withers, commanding, &c., Montgomery, Ala.: Captain J. McGralh, Second Lieutenant M. D. McDonald. VII. Captain H. Bolton, of the Engineer Corps, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to duty with the Army of Northern Vir- ginia, and will report for orders to General R. E. Lee, commanding, &c. VIII. Private J. D. McNeely, of Company D, Fourth Regiment Texas Volunteers, is appointed hospital steward, and will report to surgeon in charge Hospital No. 9, Salisbury, N. C. IX. The sentence pronounced aga'inst Private S. P. Weisiger, Parker's battery, Huger's battalion, by the military court of the First Corps has been remitted by the President. He will be released and restored to duty. X. The following-named persons are appointed bonded agents of the Subsistence Department, and will report to Major E. M. Toad, commie- sary subsistence, at Hickory Tavern, N. C.: E. 0. Lindsay, A. S. Martin. 897 XI. The following-named men are detailed for duty in the Treasury pepartment, and will report to Messrs. Evans & Cogswell, Columbia, S. C.: private Andrew Buckheister, Company A, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Volunteers; Private J. M. Edwards, Company A, South Carolina• Siege Train; Private W. G. Wilber, (South Carolina,) Washington Artillery; private C. A. D. Church, (Lafayette, S. C.,) Washington Artillery; Pri- vflte M. B. Lucas, Company G, Twentieth South Carolina Volunteers; private W. H. Moore, Company B, Private T. F. C Sullivan, Company A, Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volunteers. XII. The following-named men of Company F, Third Regiment, Local Defense Troops, being experts and indispensable, are detailed for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary Treasury, in this city: Sergeant William R. Teller, Privates ji L. D. Walford, James J. Wingfield, C. E. Redford. XIII. Paragraph XLII, Special Orders No. 282, Adjutant and In- spector-General's Office, current series, is hereby revoked, and Private [Sergeant] W. F. Pearsall, of Company A, Thirty-eighth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, is detailed until further orders for clerical duty, aDd will report to Major-General C. M. Wilcox, commanding, &c. XIV. Under the peculiar circumstances of the case Private Henry Rogers, of the Kirkpatrick battery, (Amherst Artillery,) Virginia volun- teers, is detailed until further orders as an agriculturist, and will report to the enrolling officer of Amherst County, Va. XV. The detail heretofore granted Private J. W. Starnes, of Company B, Thirty-first Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended until further orders. XVI. The details heretofore granted the following-named men are extended sixty days: Private N. E. Fry, Company F, Fifth Georgia Cav- airy; Private E. J. Wharton, Lafayette Light Artillery; Privates H. H. Croralt, J. D. Murphy, jr., Company B, Private R. S. Walker, Company A, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry; Privates W. T. Hain, B. A. Chaplin, Company I, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Cavalry ; Private J. J. John- stm, Company C, Palmetto Batttalion Light Artillery. XVII. The detail heretofore granted Private W. M. Dickinson, of Com- pany D, Cobb's Legion, Georgia volunteers, is extended sixty days. XVIII. Sergeant John W. Latham, of Company G, Seventeenth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers, having been elected a civil officer, will be discharged the service of the Confederate States. XIX. The leave of absence heretofore granted Captain N. A. Sturdivant, ofSturdivant's battery Virginia artillery, is extended seven days. XX. The following-named men are detailed during their unfitness for field service for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report as designated. Monthly certificates of their condition will be furnished their company commanders: Private Jacob Reynolds, Company G, Tenth Alabama Volunteers, to Major A. H. Cole, quartermaster, for duty in Alabama; Private J. M. Anderson, Company I, Fourth Virginia Volunteers, to Major B. E. Crane, quartermaster, Savannah, Ga. XXI. The furlough heretofore granted Sergeant N. V. Clopton, of Com- pany D, Sixty-first Regiment Alabama Volunteers, is extended thirty days from January 16, 1865, upon surgeon's certificate of disability. XXII. So much of Paragraph II, Special Orders No. 295, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, December 13, 1864, as refers to Private J-F. Haigler, of the Invalid Corps, is hereby revoked, and Private Haigler will report to Major-General Withers, commanding, &c., Montgomery, Ala., for assignment to duty. 225—S. 0., A. &. I. G. 0.—4 898 XXIII. Private W. C. Crenshaw, of Company F, Third Regiment Local Defense Troops, being an expert and indispensable, is detail^' for duty in the Treasury Department, and will report to the Secretary of Confederate States Treasury, in this city. XXIV. The leave of absence heretofore granted Surgeon Joseph J Holt, Second Regiment Mississippi Volunteers, is extended fifteen dayj from January 15, 1865. XXV. In addition to his duties as assistant quartermaster of Twenty, fifth Battalion Virginia Volunteers, Captain T. B. Starke, assistant quar- termaster, is assigned to duty with Brigadier-General S. M- Barton's brigade to relieve Captain Charles Macmurdo, assistant quartermaster. XXVI. The commanding officer of Barr's battery will proceed with his battery (now at Saltville, Va.) to this city and report to Lieutenant- General R. S. Ewell, commanding, &c., for assignment to duty to relieve King's battery. On being relieved the commanding officer of King's battery will proceed without delay to Saltville, Va. The officer in com- mand will report for orders to Major-General Breckenridge [Breckinridye,] commanding, Wytheville, Va. XXVII. The finding and proceedings of the examining board in the case of Colonel T. P. August, Fifteenth Regiment Virginia Infantry, recommending his retirement by reason of physical disability, having been approved and confirmed, Colonel August is honorably retired from service without pay or allowance, and from this day will cease to be an officer of the Provisional Army Confederate States. XXVIII. Major-General Samuel Jones, Provisional Army Confederate States, is assigned to the command of the District of Florida, in the De- partment of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. XXIX. Major [J". JEf.] Screven, quartermaster, is assigned to duty as post quartermaster at Pocotaligo, S. C., and will report to the comman- dant of the post. XXX. The following-named men of Company A, Ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, being skilled mechanics, are detailed for duty in the Quartermaster's Department, and will report to the superintendent Richmond and Danville Railroad, in this city: W. F. Fowlkes, W. E. Slywatt. XXXI. Captain George G. Garrison, assistant adjutant-general, is re- lieved from further service with Major W. H. Ker, commandant po*t Petersburg, Va., and will report without delay to Brigadier-General B. H. Robertson, commanding Fourth Sub-District, Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, to relieve Captain P. Haxall, assistant adjutant-general, who on being relieved is assigned to duty with Major- General J. L. Kemper, commanding, &c., Richmond, Va., and will report accordingly. XXXII. The detailed employes engaged in factories under contracts with Major G. W. Cunningham, quartermaster, who is charged with the superintendence of that interest in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, will be returned to their work upon the receipt of this order. Detailed men of mechanical skill employed on government contracts in the factories referred to will not be taken from their work to perform military duty, except to meet local enier- gencies, and then only upon an order emanating from the War Depart- ment or from the general commanding the military department. When such calls shall be made the skilled mechanics, not exceeding one-third of those employed, may be retained upon the certificate of Major ningham, or in his absence of the superintendent of the factory, that they 899 .. 4,-cnfmsable to the complete are • dispensable to the completion of work on hand, in responding to \i Major Cunningham, will be allowed to apportion between the a one-third retained as may best serve the public interest. kct<17 Arnold, B oq.. Arnold, B. W 340,511,^ Arnold, D. S Arnold, E. C Arnold, Frank Arnold, George Arnold, J. A Arnold, James M. (Sergeant). Arnold, J: M. (Lieutenant). Arnold, J. F Arnold, J. Q Arnold, Richard Arnold, Rufus E Arnold, Thomas (Private, S. C.). Arnold, Thomas, (Private, Ky) 160 Arnold, Thomas L K13 Arnold, T. P 689 Arnold, W. M 179 Arrants, J. W 734 Arrighi, F. J 340 Arrington, A. W 32 Arrington, W. T 809 Arsenal Battalion (5th Va. Batt'n Local Defense Troops)... 26,66,95,144, 177, 224, 305, 837,376,620,705,723 .. 268 .. 424 .. 169 .. 465 275,662 .. 748 .. 867 813 111 654 662 848 151 278 798 810 Armour, J. E 417 Armstrong, Elias J. (Sergeant) 46 Armstrong, E. J. (Captain) 357 Armstrong, Francis C 131 Armstrong, George (Private) 30 Armstrong, George (Asst. Surg.) 44 Armstrong, G. W 62 Armstrong, H. S 688 Armstrong, James W 320,695 Armstrong, J. B..... 312 Armstrong, J. M 388 Armstrong, M. T 208 Armstrong, T. C 633 Armstrong, T. K 839 Armstrong, W. E 451 Armstrong, W. J. (Hosp. Stew.) 482 Arthur, William M Asberry, W. B Asbury, Thomas W Ashberry, Albert..., Ashbridge, A. M..„ Ashburn, B. F.. Ashby, George Ash by, J. H Ashby, John W Ashby, Robert Ashcroft, T. C Ashcroft, T. E Ashe, S. S Ashford, J. A Ashley, W. G Ashley, G. H. Ash more, John D..; 154,866 Ashmore, R. W 609 Ashton, W. H.... 227 Ashurst, A. V 858 Ashurst, J. V 59,650 Askins, R. H 177,260 Aswell, E. S Atkins, George T. Atkins, J. J Atkins, J. W Atkins, M. J Atkins, R. G.i Atkins, S. A Atkinson, C. Robert., Atkinson, G. B Atkinson, J. T Atkinson, J. W. Atkinson, T. H Atkinson, Thomas Atkinson, T. J. P 637 681 284 3 609 208 620 678 728 790 809 391 99 840 5 Page. . nn W". R 809 A«k,"Sa°v'James 543 VKy\\\ L 449 A^V Charles H 205 C'ffilliain 535 fS'William 398 Aufer"' p F 686 A«gusf' rp P; 898 fS» Reserves (Co. B, 3d Batt'n Valley Reserves) 646 . irgrMt 258,400,427 Anld C. M 494 i£'Vw & Austin', ^'etcher 213 JS 17| Austin, J. L--- 8g5 Austin, J- M 780 Austin, J. S.. 284 Austin, M. S 8/1 Austin, S. 1 - ooo Auten,R.M 156 Autrey, A. J 183 Autrey, Allen 872 Autry, A 516 Avault, James B 185 Avegno, B 769 Avent, J. H 675, 742 A vent, JohnS 501 Averett, J. T 611 Avery, A. C 436,463 Avery, Isaac W 104 Avery, W. F . 334 Avis, James L 733 Avis, John 733 Axson, J. W 353 Axson, R 853 Ayer, Alfred A 459 Ayer, J. S. M 243 Ayer, W. F 315,716 Aymett, H. H 319 Ayres, James E 228 Babb, Lewis H 589 Babcock, A. G 634 Babcock, Sidney E 142 Buber, E. F. 301 Baber, T. A 23,118,814,862 Baber, W. H... 809, 829 Baccas, J. B 693 Bachman, S. W 373 Bachus, W. W 246 Backman, J. W 704 Bacon, Albert S 127 Bacon, Henry S 640 Bacon, John E 563 ™con, William 343, 382, 896 Ken'J- A 92 317 Bger>£E 481618 W-.R. C '847 ^gett, J. W 352 1m*.J.H 5; I' £' H 176 T> * 825 2- 1864 Page. Baggott, John T 582 Bagnall, R. D 292 Bahnson, C. F 638 Bail, William E 447 Bailey, A. C 375 Bailey, A. H 5 Bailey, A. W 859 Bailey, D. (Lieutenant! 840 Bailey, David (Private) 628 Bailey, Edward S 750 Bailey, E. H. C 821 Bailey, George M 60 Bailey, Henry 267 Bailey, J. G 538 Bailey, J. H 845 Bailey, John ' 811 Bailey, John E 767 Bailey, Joseph E 504,528 Bailey, L. P 537 Bailey, R. (Private) 237 Bailey, Riohard (Private) 228 Bailey, S. P 16 Bailey, Susan W 461 Bailey, Theodore F 194 Bailey, W. A 96 Bailey, W. H 838 Bailey, W. L 400 Bailey, W. M 96 Bailey, W. W 855 Baily, J. C 339 Bain, Daniel 258 Bain, G. C 287,376,582,770 Bain, James 677 Bain, Joseph G 349,532 Bain, Robert 361, 677 Bain, S. P 581 Bains, S. C 574 Baird, A. J 754 Baird, Henry C 21,500 Baird, J. H 392 Baird, N. H 878 Baird, W 335 Baker, Alpheus 703 Baker, B. (Auditor) 54, 747 Baker, Boiling (Major) 677, 747 Baker, C. C 792,838 Baker, E. F 340 Baker, Eugene 213 Baker, G. M 647 Baker, Green 863, 858 Baker, H 140 Baker, Isaiah G '. 138 Baker, J. A. (Private) 891 Baker, John A. (Colonel) 251,305 Baker, J. B. L 189 Baker, J. C 304 Baker, J. H 293 Baker, J. J 177 Baker, John 547 Baker, John F 632 Baker, John M ' 347 Baker, Joseph C 469 Baker, Josiah 268 Baker, J. R 759 6 Page. Baker, L 336 Baker, Lawrence S 70,117, 355,362,370, 704 Baker, L. C 774 Baker, L. H 12 Baker, N. G 801 Baker, Nicholas 419 Baker, P 808 Baker, Paul DeS 4 Baker, T. H 583 Baker, W. A. (Private) 178 Baker, W. A. (Lieutenant) 415 Baker, W. B 366 Baker, W. J 28,563 Baker, W. L. (Lieutenant) 878 Baker, W. L. (Private) 830 Baldree, Frederick 181 Baldry, J. R 73,308,394 Baldwin, B. G, (Colonel)..-... 32,159,201, 204,275,285,293,658,852 Baldwin, Briscoe G. (Lieut.-Col.)... 136 Baldwin, D. B 521 Baldwin, E. E 94 Baldwin, E. F 246,409 Baldwin, J. A 566 Baldwin, Reese M 567 Baldwin, R. F 763 Baldwin, R. J 874 Baldwin, W. G 745 Balfour, J. R 764 Ball, C. S 721 Ball, D. S 229 Ball, Fenn D , 291 Ball, John W. (Private) 11 Ball, J. W. (Lieutenant) 819 Ball, R. C 42 Ball, W. B 64 Ball, William L 11 Ballance, T 17 Ballard, Alexander 872 Ballard, A. M 819 Ballard, R. W 669 Ballard, Thomas E 706 Ballard, W. H 367 Ballenger, J. D 252 Ballentyne, Thomas 23 Ballinger, H 12 Ballone, P. H 748 Ballow, William T 332,619, 772 Balman, J. W 799 Balthrope, G. R 588 Baltimore, David 'N 7,430 Baltimore Light Artillery (2d Mary- land Battery) 151,227,423,626 Bamberger, Jacob 433 Bandoin, Pierre 796 Bane, J. H 859 Bane, William 149 Banett, William H 267 Bangs, F. C 849 Banker, William 270 Bankhead, G. J 443 Bankhead, Smith P 738, 863 Banks, A. C 17 Banks, A. 0 699 page. Banks, A. Taylor 3^ Banks, D. E 334 Banks, E. A 333 Banks, Ed. G 220 Banks', James 32 Banks, John W 93,142 Banks, R. M 502 Banks, S. D 633 Banks, William 767 Bankston, G. J 93 Bankston, H 433 Bannister, Monroe 853,862 Bannon, A 275 Bannon, B. 0 856 Baptist, W. H m Baptiste, Frank 39, 187,506 Barbee, Orson 505 Barber, Amanda V 461 Barber, Benjamin F 512 Barber, H. B 699 Barber, John E 39 Barber, Joseph 119,232 Barber, M. L 117,178,544 Barber, William H 392 Barbiere, Joseph 38 Barbot, Anthony 519,752 Barbour, Alfred M 124 Barbour, H. M 658 Barbour, Oscar L 606 Barbour, P. P 632 Barbour, Thomas M 710 Barclay, J. W 867 Bard, Samuel 170,532,703,764 Barden, J. W 51,464 Bardwell. E. L 142 Barefoot, J 890 Barfield, John T 407 Barfield, N. B 825 Barfield, S. A 835 Barfoot, John 806 Bargamer, J. F 460 Barger, Allen 230 Barger, D 174 Barham, T. G 853 Barker, C. R 830 Barker, J. A.... 606,541,581 Barker, J. N 681 Barker, Thomas M 823 Barker, T. J 718 Barker, W. C 126 Barker, W. E 62 Barker, William D 9 Barker, W.N 190,457,491,611,541 Barkley, E. H 856 Barksdale, Harris 86,870,876 Barksdale, James P - 227 Barksdale, R. B 2"4 Barksdale, W. R 867 Barlow, D. J 742 Barlow, W.., 838 Barmesley, (or Barnesley,) Geo. S. 185,608 Barn, R. L 96 Barna, T. M 232,403 Barnard, Ed 9il Barnard, Jonathan ^ 7 Pate. *1 William H 290 na« 184 Arthur 852 a' Benjamin S 632 Barnes, £e J 401 Biirnes, 706; 768 ^"1' George 802 ^ T A 662 P«rne!' m (Private) 66 ^"2'Thomas (Private) 30 Bar"!,'William (Private) 227 Kes' William (Private) 30 gSj££=z:«:g Bar»e7f A 521,774 Kelt! James (Major) 392 Barnett, James (Corporal) 741 K James (Private) 110 llamett, James E 23 Barnett, J- F ^°7 SSett J. W. (Surgeon) 25 Cnett, J. W. (Private) 603 Bar,lPtt' w FT 872 Bamett, \\. H 872 Barnett, W. J--— Barney, Samuel A 96 Barnham, Benjamin F 38 Barnsley, G 184,157, 174 Barnsley, L 134 Barnweil, C. H..... 748 Barnwell, E. H 324 Barnwell, J. G. (Private) 412 Barnwell, John G. (Major) 694 Barnwell, N 710,862 Barnwell, N. B 634, 660, 891 Barnwell, R. H 812 Barnwell, William, jr 558, 791, 886 Barr, David 865 Btrr, George J 68 Barr, H. W 61 Barr, John W. (Captain) 865 Barr, J. W. (Pri vate) 811 Barr, Oscar , 807 Barr, W. H 78 Barrett, Charles T 861 Barrett, E. A 189 Barrett, F. J. (Lieutenant) 505 Barrett, F. J. (Captain) 819 Barrett, James (Private)..362, 514, 663, 861 Barrett, James (Lieutenant) .. 787 Barrett, J. H 436 T 854 Barrett'T r> 777)887 narrettr.D 847 Barrett, limothy 758 5arr?tti William G 277 Barrjck, William 246 Eger' 5rufus 46> 555> 730 tfrw. Battle, C. A 846 Beaufort District Troop (C0 r> Battle, J. W 800 cavalry batt'n, Hampton Le«6«' Battle, L. F 269 S. C. volunteers; afterward pn' Battle, Samuel G 439 B, 22 S. C. Cavalry) 0< Batts, J. E 838 Beaumer, Joseph Inj Baugh, J. B 589 Beauregard, G. T ""V*'" 27t; Baughn, J. H 610 Baughn, John T 455 Baughn, W. P 213 Bautzman, R. H 258 Baxley, M 122 Baxter, H 335 Baxter, J. J 178 Baxter, Joseph 262 Baxter, 0. F 43,333 "w.mo, -lu^u.m Baxter. William F 147,282 Beck, Benjamin " ,1* Baya, H. T 342,683,864 Beck, Christopher Bayless, W. N 94,285 Beck, F. P ?> Baylis, John M 344 Beck, James tl!l 7;:2 Baylor, E. W 7,432 Beck, J. H Baylor, J. V 746 Beck, J. J Bayly, S. T 409 Beck, John W Bayne, Thomas L 88,145, Beck, J oseph "" 159,586,589,680,773 Beck, R. W """ J*' Baynes, Lambert T 756 Beck, William J " !{j. Bays, John 24 Becker, Otho Beach, G. W 760 Beckham, J. F 449,619,63^808 8-_xj Beach, Lewis 514 Beckham, John '.J"r Beadles, R. B 617 Beckham, R. F Beal, Thomas B 747 Beckman, W. L Beale, A. J 397 Beckwith, H. C 218 Beale, W. R ; 643 Bedell, R. B ^ Beall, George.. 52, 74,140,201 Bedford, J. M 1:;k Beall, John B 66 Bedingfield, J. G.. 310 Beall, Lloyd 503 Beecher, G. B 25 Beall, Thomas 198,382 Beegles, A. W pw Beall, ^Thomas B 665 Beery, W. R inn Beall, T. J ,.. 116,532 Begley, Jacob 2ni Bealle, Warren H 228 Behen, Dennis, jr 213,608 Beamguard, J. W 518 Bein, David C 27 Bean, Anderson K 319 Bein, H. H s»;s Bean, E. M 603,606 Beirne, J. W 101 Bean, Henry G 382,416,799 Belanz, M M0 Bean, M. L 339 Belcher, B. W 870 Bean, Ro 484 Belcher, C. 0 4'*^ Bean, Samuel . 92 Belcher, David 8">0 Beane, John R 76 Bell, B. T 208 Beard, J. H 319 Bell, D. C «»> Beard, W. K 407 Bell, Douglas 435,455, «0< Beard, W. W 319 Bell, D. *•/*; Bearden, W. H 335 Bell, Henry Beasley, John 88 Bell, H, P r,„ Beasley, Wf C 308 Bell, James N. (Major) 337,38i,«»i« Beasley, W. R 357 Bell, J. N. (Private) ' t Beaton, G. E 330 Bell, J. H „J Beatty, James 429 Bell, Joseph . Beatty, John F 662 Bell, J. f.„ Beatty, Taylor 564 Bell, J. Beatty, W. H 325,390 Bell, L. jj»,u Beaty, Joseph 581 Bell, Lewis.... -.14 Beaty, Patrick M 233 Bell, Beaucliamp, A. H 141 Bell, R. S.. 4j Beauchamp, George 144 Bell, S. J ' 7,a* Beaufort Artilley, or Beaufort Vol- Bell, Thomas o.jg r)(,o unteer Artillery (—■— S. C. Art.).. 142, Bell, Thomas L " *772 278,446,483,497,545 Bell, Walton 9 Page. Page. . «7 3 806 Bently, Isaac 45 Be > Jj* D; 191,201,437,580 Benton, C. H 542 ®eli W 853 Benton, Jessee 670 oil William v- 806 Beraud, D. 17 ! ' ffm, T. (Assistant Surgeon).. 547 Bergen, Michael 421 ii W T. (Private) 813,439 Berger, J. H 730 Be ih W P 53 Berkeley, F.B 720 KKV E 801 Berkeley, N. M 653 r!i eveaux, L. H 236 Berkeley, William N 202 linger, A.N 133,662 Berkely, T. A 184,466 Kneer, Joseph 619 Bernard, John A ; 8, 632 Sfer William 245 Bernard, J. P 775 ll lune, John F 83 Bernard, J. T 63, 608 SVW.A - 654 Berrey, J. C 45 p , A. H ^67 Berrien, J. Hunter 291 Roltnn W. H 699 Berrien, J. M 886 Ess', Cyrus T 213 Berrier, F; L 890 Benagh, James 6,513 Berrong, J. P 417 Render, Lewis 166,408 Berry, A. C 174 Bendleman. Tobias L 271 Berry, A. J 299 Bendthall, W 885 Berry, B. P 675 Benedict, Joe ; 696 Berry, C. C 110,174 Benefield, J. M 840 Berry, C. W 413,461,570,796 Benery, (or Bevens ?) W. C 429 Berry, D. F 66 Benfield, Philo 801 Berry, D. H 670,711 Benham, Calhoun 656, 688 Berry, E. M 129 Ben Hill Artillery (formerly McLeod Berry, G. W. (Lieutenant) 464 Artillery ; Co. C, 38th Ga. Art.).. 282 Berry, G. W. (Private) 667, 686 Benjamin, C. A 232 Berry, J. H 339 Benjamin, Judah 223,379, Berry, J. M 602 531,655,818,858, 884 Berry, John 153,310,399 Benn, Charles C 254 Berry, John B 470 Bennan, Thomas 785 Berry, John S 252,306,714 Bennett, A. T 117 Berry, L. D 154 Bennett, E. A 856 Berry, Taylor... 544 Bennett, F 339 Berry, Thomas 703 Bennett, G. W 705 Berry, William' R 241 Bennett, H. C 572, 600 Berry, W. T 814 Bennett, James 592 Berry, W. W 517 Bennett, James W 52 Berryhill, Andrew 364 Bennett, J. J 679 Berryhill, W 503 Bennett, John R 70 Berryman, John W 679 Beunett, Jordan W 435 Berwick, David B 236 Bennett, L. Orrick 266,472 Bessent, R. P 625 Bennett, R. F 664 Besson, W. E 62 Bennett, W. A 497 Best, A. J 667 Bennett, William L 656 Best, M. W. A 562 Bennett, W. K 695 Bester, D. P 253,568 Bennette, (Lieutenant) 563 Bethea, A. J 604 Benning, Henry L 19 Bethea, J. F 833 Benning, S. J 718 Bethell, J. A 297 Benoit, J. W 867 Bethell, William P 507 Bensaden, J 174 Bethune, David 598 Bensedon, Joseph 4 Bethune, Samuel B 86 Benson. H. G 833 Bethune, W. J 31, 725 Benson, J. E 833 Bettersworth, A. J 425 Benson, W. H 139 Betts, E. M 752 p thai, W. A 127 Bevens, (or Benery?) W. C 429 Benthall, J. C 91- Beverly, L 844 genthall, John 236 Bevier, R. S 94,116,690 gent ey, J. G 286 Bevill, A. J 194 entley, JohnF ... 794 Bevis, John A 640 Bent ey, Wm. G. (Major) 78,127, 735 Bew, W. E 266 Bent ey, William G. (Private) 223 Bherend, Ed 275 ent'y, Benjamin 599 Bias, Noah ) 226 3 1864 10 Page. Page. Bias, William 801 Black, H. (Surgeon) Bibb, Henry N 660 Black, Hugh (Lieutenant) 635 Bibb, James L 660 Black, H. N 28o Bibb, Martin 189 Black, James E 3a Bibb, P. W 483,633,668 Black, John L 74,164 Bickers, William J 4 Black, J. R 32y Biddle, S. S 335 Black, J. W ,43 Bienvenue, P. A 453 Black, L. B. (Lieut.-Col.) 214 Bier, C. C 442, 769 Black, L. B. (Private) 884 Bierkamp, F 813 Black, M. W 37 Bigger, K. H 55,622 Black, N I03 Bigger, W. J 828 Black, R. W 837 Biggs, John D 363 Black, S. L . 880 Bigham, John 413 Black; Thos. (Hospital Steward).. 140,843 Bigham, William 35,200,419, 616 Black, Thomas (Private) 660 Biglow, John 779 Black, William T 566,891 Bilbrey, J. H 743 Blackburn, E. B 33 Bilisoly, Joseph L 265 Blackburn, B. F 60S Bilkins, P 230 Blackburn, D. A 419 Billings, H. C 192,426 Blackburn, E. W 184 Billings, Martin .\ 225 Blackburn, J. C. S 164 Billingsley, C. F 678,497 Blackburn, R. W I94 Billup, R, W 249 Blackburn, T. A 428 Billups, J. M 597 Blackeney, Julius C 126 Billups, John 414 Blackford, Benjamin 669 Billups, L. W 876 Blackford, B. L 537,837 Billups, T. C 63 Blackford, W. W 36,392 Binford, J. A., jr 165 Blackie, George S 58,280,748,807 Binford, James E 120 Blackley, M. L 679 Binford, C. T 123 Blackman, G. W 237 Binford, William H 43' Blackmer, E. G 681 Bingham, C. 0 263 Blackmore, J. W 681 Bingham, S. R 168 Blackshear, David 866 Bingham, W 818 Blackshear, J. A 626 Bingley, J. J 129 Blackshear, J. M 819 Birch, James H 146,496 Blackstock, J. E 63 Birch, J. Douglas 266,587 Blackstone, J. H 276 Birchett, George K 22 Blackwelder, C. A 546 Bird, E. L 66 Blackwell, B. B 469 Bird, G. F 85 Blackwell, J. L 32 Bird, H. D 300 Blackwell, John 386 Bird, H. J 339 Bldckwell, L. F 748 Bird, James M '224 Blackwell, R 209 Bird, P. B 320 Blackwell, T. G 824 Bird, P. J 235 Blair, A. A 284 Bird, Stephen T 251 Blair, C. B 339 Bird, W. E 612,636,690 Blair, Hugh A 68,431,661 Bird, W. S 98 Blair, J 763 Bishop, A. (Private) 269 Blair, James M 756 Bishop, Amos (Private) 227 Blair, J. E 602 Bishop, B. F 484 Blair, J. J 183 _ Bishop, Charles E 87 Blair, J. W 673 Bishop, G. L 218 Blair, R. L 673 Bishop, J. M 90 Blair, William T 13 Bishop, L. T 500 Blake, A. C : 835 Bishop, Stephen 674 Blake, A, L 818 Bishop, W. F 699 Blake, B. F 888 Bishop, William 310 Blake, F. R 704 Bishop, W. R 771 Blake, Lewis '60 Biscoe, Thomas H 176 Blake, N. C 186 Biter, Alexander 729 Blake, R. A 697 Bivins, Daniel B 7 Blake, Thomas 777 Bizzell, James A 784 Blake, T. R 869 Blabaker, Isaac 266 Blakemore, W. T Black, G. B 816 Blamore, E. B 8- 11 Page. fi W 218 0l8°L Joseph A 30 S. W. 208 0|#n Jard, A. G 323 hard, Dawson A 491 B Jbard, James G 704 «rt£d,T.E 553 K&'T.S 624 B #D j R F 630 Ed' R. C 630 Ed', W. J 161 fcftSXE:::::::::::..::::::: £ Rlankenship, Lewis 801 BlankenshjP, Louis W 628 RlankonshiP) R. 1^.. 676 Ekinsbip. Elisha W 304 B ankinship, T. B 168,206 Ekinship, W. A 836 Blanks, Joseph 38 Blanks, William 794 Blantin, John Burgess 542 Blaot°n» B- H 643 Blanton, G. o 34U Blanton, James W 417 Blanton, L. M 99 Blanton, M. D 827 Blassingame, G. T 762 Blatter, Rudolph 760 Bledsoe, A. S 746 Bledsoe, F. M 648,578 Bledsoe, J 85 Bledsoe, Robert P 209 Bledsoe, W. S 743 Blessy, P 342 Blevins, Alfred Carter 334 Blevins, Samuel 224 Blichenton, William ; 83 Bliss, H 749 Bliss, James M 213 Blitch, T. L 236 Block, Julius 269 Block, W. S 505 Blocker, John R 63,150 Blocker, S. B 166 Blood, M. D 449,619,638 Blount, John T 734 Blount, J. W 31, 594 Blount, W. B 442 Blount, W. H 7 Blount, William A. (Surgeon) 248,274 Blount, William A. (Private) 124 Blow, W. A 817 Blow, Walter W 665,682 Blum, William 507 Blunt, C. P ; 226 Blythe, M. M .' 303 Board, J. G 48 Board, Thomas B 388 Boarman, A 842,875 Boatright, George T 117 fright, John L 356, 758,822 jjoatwright, Thomas H 86 {j°bb, W. H 473 Bobbit, J. T 799 Page. Bobbitt, F. D 275 Boblett. J. A 175 Bobo, B. A 254, 826 Bobo, C. G 423 Bodgett, Daniel W 451 Bodiford, A. G 825 Bogan, H. S 505 Bogard, P. P 239 Bogg, Charles H 179 Boggan, W. J 816 Boggess, R. 0 748 Boggs, A. P 521 Boggs, F. T 78 Boggs, Josiah N 15,24,62 Bohannan, George A 37 Bohannan, W. T 801 Boisseau, R. H 559 Bolan, M. J 421,428 Boland, G. H 35 Boland, Morris J 600 Bolen, J. P 404 Bolen, Thaddeus 382 Bolick, W. A 90,211,571,751,752 Boley, M. A 189, 382, 649, 810 Boling, H. T 590 Boiling, Arch 5 Boiling, William N 87,351,379 Boiling, Stewart 226 Bollman, Jacob M 266 Bolton, H 694, 896 Bolton, W. M 748 Bolt, J. K 648 Bolt, John 154 Boltz, Christopher.. 723 Bomar, B. F 652 Bomar, T. H ...., 282 Bond, Abel / 150 Bond, Burke 41 Bond, F. A 471 Bond, Francis W 66 Bond, J. B 178 Bond, J. D 260,322 Bond, J. H 596 Bond, R. C 124 Bond, S. L 53 Bond, Thomas 589 Bonde, John C 527 Bondit, C. S 157,180,217 Bondurant, H 213 Bondurant, J. W 255,574 Bondurant, Walter E 625 Bone, H. P 6 Bone, Jonathan 83 Bone, R. C 815 Bone, W. E 643 Bonford, P. E 278 Bonham, M. T 746 Boniface, Louis 289 Bonneau, R. V 363,264,426 Bonner, B. F 162,307 Bonner, B. P ; 314 Bonner, G. W 162,307 Bonner, J. M 97,232 Bonnett, J. A 838 Bonnett, J. F 178 12 Bonnett, RufusW ..: 639 Bonney, John H 851 Booker, George 360,663,825,853 Booker, G. Y 50 Booker, Miles H 691 Bookhart, W. J 636 Bookter, E, F 352 Bool, W. E 476 Boone, A. R..-. 235 Boone, Benjamin 43 Boone, Daniel 621 Boone, G. W 87 Boone, H. A 456 Booth, Henry 143 Booth, James 514 Booth, R. Y 283 Booth, Silas 334, 756 Booth, W. Y 798 Boozer, J 890 Borcke, Heros von 328 Borden, J. C 565 Border, George F 261 Boring, J 18 Boring, J. C 297 690 536 Borland, Harold Borough, William M Borum, J. C 596 Borum, J. W. W. 294 Borum, J, Z 370 Bosard, Edward 342 Bossieux, L. F 792 Bost, L. S 809 Bostick, Edward 36 Bostick, E. 0 635 Bostwick, Robert M 369 Boswell, H 643 Boswell, J.- G 767 Boswell, William 346 Bosworth, J. L 188,413, 872 Boteler, A. R., jr 159 Boteler, A. R 814 Botetourt Artillery (Company —, Virginia Artillery) 57 Botts, A. B 117 Botts, C. J 819 Bouchelle, E. P 144 Bouchelle, J. N 589 Boucher, T. W .... 425 715 Boudre, E. P.. Boughan, John T 560 Boundar, J. G 769 Boulden, Robert C 617 Bounds, J. A 220 Bounds, Thomas J 53 Bove, Jacob 59 Bowchier, T. W., 309 Bowden, E. L 424 Bowden, John R 196 Bowden, Joseph J 35 Bowden, R. L 152,662 Bowden, R. N 122 Bowdoin, John W 70,277 Bowe, Henry C 63 Bo wen, A. H 483 Bowen, E. J 5 Bowen, E. O . Bowen, R. H Bowen, Robert R Bowen, W. L. L Bowen, W. M Bower, A. B. Bowers, Henry Bowers, James A Bowers, J. P. Bowers, T. W.. Bowers, W Bowick, E. M- 449,1 Bowick, W. J Bowie, A. T Bowie, H. C Bowie, John N . Bowie, John P Bowie, John R Bowie, Thomas F Bowie, Walter Bowland, J. C Bowles, A. M Bowles, George S Bowles, George W Bowles, H Bowles, John Bowles, John B Bowles, L Bowles, P. T Bowles, W 362,514,1 Bowles, William ^H Bowling, D. R Bowman, Franklin Bowman, J. J Bowman, Raleigh Bowman, Samuel H. (Captain) Bowman, S. H. (Private) Bowman, W. A. D Bowman, W. S Bowyer, T. M 256,378,1 Box, Hiram A Box, W. J Boxley, Edward Boyce, C. M Boyce, Daniel Boyce, John Boyce, Ker Boyce, M. S Boyd, A Boyd, Charles R ! Boyd, F. A Boyd, George Boyd, James Boyd, James M. (Captain)... 199,' Boyd, J. M. (Private) Boyd, J. B : Boyd, McD Boyd, R. W Boyd, S. D Boyd, Thomas A Boyd, W. B Boyd, W. D Boyden, J. J Boydston, W Boyer, W. G 13 Page. Boyeston, Joseph C 844 Boykin, A. R 813 Boykin, E. M 164 Boykin, J. C..... 796 Boykin, S. H 786 Boykin, Thomas J 103 Boylan, John S 118 Boyle, A. L f 622,874 Boyle, C. H 424 Bovle, Cornelius 107, 741, 771, 776 Bovle, E 880 Boyle, J. P 243 Boyle, Lawrence 30 Bovles, J. R 848 Boynton, W. N 441 Boyt, J 748 Bozeman, G. W 611 Brabham, J. F 352 Bracewell, J. P 199 Bracey, J. H 664 Bracey, John R 240 Bracey, S. L : 347 Bracken, R 730 Bracken, T. H ; 771 Brackett, George B 675 Bradbury, David 382 Braden, M. L 30 Braden, 0. S 588 Braden, Robert 358 Bradfield, George W., 414,729 Bradford, H. E, 710,791 Bradford, H. S 866 Bradford, James 386 Bradford, J. D 480 Bradford, W. A 26,327 Bradford, W.K 219,755 Bradley, Adam G 466 Bradley, D. F 764 Bradley, H. G 153 Bradley, John (Lieutenant) 638 Bradley, John (Captain)...: 536 Bradley, John N 208 Bradley, J. T 334 Bradley, J. W. (Lieutenant) 197 Bradley, J. W. (Private) 269 Bradley, R. R 395 Bradley, S. B 780 Bradley, S R 744 Bradley, T. C....;... 482 Bradley, T. W 321 Bradley, W. H.'(Captain) 623 Bradley, W. H. (Private) 374 Bradley, William 372,749,876 Bradshaw, A..: 722 Bradshaw, A. H 177 Bradshaw, William A; 668 y, C. S 884 y, James 190 V, J. T ; 204 y, Wright 790,838 Braxton 114,171,192, 203,212,304,324,337, 355,872, 374,401,414,444,454,552,561, • 652, 679, 702,704, 735, 797,810 agg, Charles P i 429 4 1864 • Page. Bragg, H. C . ; 188 Bragg, Irvine 849 Bragg, J. C 797,837 Bragg, John A 237 Bragg, R. M .*. 453 Bragg, Walter...;. 75 Bragg's Escort (Guy Dreux's inde- pendent co. La. cav.) 47,135,441 Brahan, H.. .. 118 Brailsford, E. D 22,335,862 Braithwait, J. C 454 Braithwaite, J. R 642,582, 705 Bralley, S- S....i 859 Braman, J. D 382 Brame, F. H 610 Brame," George W 370 Brame, W. H. (Private) . 418 Brame, William H. (Asst. Surg.).... 60 Branch Artillery (Company H, 3d North Carolina Artillery) 56 Branch, B 368 Branch, C. M 388 Branch, E. B 393, 779,853,883 Branch, Ephraim 99 Branch, G. A 807 Branch, James G 89 Branch, James R 671 Branch, J. C 182 Branch, J. L 860 Branch, T. P 299 Branch, William H. H 567 Brand, A..; 279 Brand, A. R 230 Brand, Frederick B 636 Brand, J. W 617 Brand, W. A 135 Brand, W. S 404 Brandon, J. D 644 Brandon, V. M...: 16 Brandon, W. L 388,395, 699,723, 764,775,777, 791,795,830,836,848 Brandt, R 128 Branham, John (Private! 474 Branhara, John (Private) 748 Branham, John R 282 Branham, W. H 714 Brannen, Daniel 808 Brannon, B 422,481 Brannon, D 705 Brannon, Jasper 304 Brannon, J. L.. 275 Brannon, M 235 Brannon, W. B ..;... 581 Brannon, W. H 611 Brannon, William J. 80 Branscom, A. G 846 Bransford, J. B 791,862 Branson, W. J 741 Brantley, A 434 Brantley, Benjamin D 43 Brantly, F. W : 169 Brasher, Samuel S 671 Brashwell, W. N. ; 735 Brasington, S. W 291,327,589,655 Brass, William £67 14 Page. Brassard, T. L 83 Brasseale, J. H 417,433 Bratcher, A. L 238,341 Bratton, Robert 466 Brawer, J. E « 266 Braxton, E. M 614 Braxton, Tomlin Ill, 587,626 Bray, A. W 166,256 Brazeal, John H 704 Brazeale, W 885 Brazier, W. H 338,771 Brazier, S. S 559 Breashear, R. H 67 Breat, George W 236 Breazeale, W. W 91 Breckinridge, J. B 663 Breckinridge, J. C— Assigned to command Ill Mentioned 67, 111, 142,223,229,256,257,268,272,273, 283,295,312, 363,364,444,546,620, 621,644,645,668,676,698,731, 735, 744,765,776, 778,804, 817,849,898 Breckinridge, R. J. (Colonel) 619 Breckinridge, R. J. (Surg.).. 104,606,643 Breckinridge, S. P 153 Breckinridge, W. C. P 31,50 Breeden, P. L 852 Breed en, William 233,858 Breedon, H. S 221 Breedlove, J. A 836 Breedlove, John F. 441 Breedlove, J. W 873 Breen, R. F 1 526 Breland, O. F 878 Breman, James 785 Brenizer, Addison G 385, 1 501,571,730,782 Brennen, Andrew 483 Brent, George W 114,203,371,654 Bretle, William P. 278 Breton, A. A 340 Brevard, E. A 270 Brevard, John G 26 Brewer, Andrew J 227 Brewer, Floyd 175 Brewer, Jesse . 71 Brewer, John R. (Lieutenant) 600 Brewer, J. R. (Private, 227 Brewer, Joseph T 658 Brewer, R. H 219 Brewer, S. B 455,809,812 Brewer, S. W 598 Brewer, William P 152,744 Brewin, W. H 18 Brewis, T. A 212 Brewster, S. A 140 Brewster, Wilson L 710 Brewton, C. W 794 Breysacker, H. L 256 Briant, L. P 278 Brice, A. J 419 Brice, G. P. D 348 Brice, J. (Military Storekeeper) 797 Brice, James (Private) 522 Brice, J. F 197 Brickell, D. W 174,629,75a Brickell, S. H. (Captain) 214 Brickell, S. H. (Agent) 897 Brickie, W. E gig Bridewell, L. O. 258,435,448,454,810,87g Bridge, F. E 475 Bridgeford, D. B 292 Bridger, J. P 95,379,804 Bridges, B. L . 472 Bridges, James 99 Bridges, William U 534 Bridgman, Seth 19,260,875 Brien, William 0 439 Briggs, H. C. 466 Briggs, J. S 269 Briggs, P. M 622 Briggs, W. H 612 Briggs, Z. Taylor.....' 724 Brigham, J. H 433 Bright, Alexander H 432 Bright, R. A 416 Brigman, John J 46 Brimm, W. L 67 Brinckley, R 748 Brinkley, G. L 670 Bringier, M. D 80 Brinkle, J. M 618 Brinkley, H. R 791 Brinkley, J. W 622,874 Brinsmade, A. A 277 Brinson, John H 616 Brinson, W. A 18 Briscoe, Henry 6 Briscoe, J. L 611 Briscoe, Leroy; 648 Briscoe, P. T 276 Briscoe, Richard C 267 Bristow, H. A 705 Britain, James S 87 Brittain, J. M 418 Brittain, T. D 14 Brittin, A 12 Britton, F 811 Britton, Oska 119 Broaddus, H. 0 460 Broaddus, Woodford 530 Broadwell, W. A 644 Brock, B. D 472 Brock, B. F 176 Brock, David W 534 Brock, H. C 268 Brock, J. D 427 Brock, J. J 776 Brock, Joseph B 411,724 Brock, M. K &>4 Brocke, H 231 Brockenborough, Austin 587 Brockenborough, Robert 8*® Brockenbrough, A. S 852 Brockenbrough, John B 162» 196,442,601,671 Brockenbrough, John M 9»^ Brockington, B. F 431 Brockinton, B. P 15 Page Brockman, 6. T 107 Brown Brockwell, Alex. W 228 Brown Brockwell, James 454 Brown Brockwell, J. M 119 Brown Brodie, J. B 810 Brown Brodie, R. L 5,46,96, Brown 247,256,288,325,328, 333, Brown 355,409,466,474,654, 660 Brown Brodie, W. L 701 Brown Brodnax, John G 499 Brown Brognn, James 680 Brown Brogden, H. H 573 Brown Brogden, John 825 Brown Brogden, T. M 123 Brown Bromwell, William J 379,533,655 Brown Bronaugh, F. L 870 Brown Bronaugh, John C 842 Brown Bronaugh, William T, 359 Brown Broocke, P. M 876 Brown Broocks, J. H . 691 Brown Brook, G. T.... : 483 Brown Brooke, J. H.. 352 Brown Brooke, John M 317,477, Brown 615,641,655,784 Brown Brooke, Samuel S 813 Brown Brooke, T. J 477 Brown Brookes, John V 96 Brown Brookes, Ro 266 Brown Brooks, A. F 677 Brown Brooks Artillery (Co. —, S. C. Brown Art.) 108,244,504,528,573,811,832 Brown Brooks, Charles B 767 Brown Brooks & Gainer. 165 Brown Brooks, G. W 838 Brown Brooks, J. B 546 Brown Brooks, J. D 609 Brown Brooks, John H. (Corporal), 258,427 Brown Brooks, J. H. (Lieutenant) 813 Brown Brooks, J. J 233 Brown Brooks, J. W 653 Brown Brooks, L. (Lieutenant) 564 Brown Brooks, L. (Colonel) 322 Brown Brooks, L. D 418 Brown Brooks, N. L 837 Brown Brooks, Robert 276 Brown Brooks, S. H...t 413 Brown Brooks, T. W 551 Brown Brooks, Ulysses 640, 706 Brown Brooks, W. (Private)., 559 Brown Brooks, Whitfield (Hosp. Stew.).... 763 Brown Brcokshire, H 820 Brown Broom, S. A 413 Brown Broom, Samuel W 208 Brown Broussard, T. L 671 Brown Broussart, J. A. 482 Brown Browder, H. W 3 Brown Brower, E. A 539 Brown Brower, I. L 723 Brown Brown, A. G..., 21 Brown Brown, A. J 395 Brown Brown, Alfred A 869 Brown Brown, Andrew M 275 Brown Brown, B. A 799 Brown Brown, Bemamin F. (Surgeon)..,... 666 Brown Brown, B. F. (Private) 258 Brown Page. B. F. (Private) „..., 741 B. F. (Ord. Sergt.) 841 B. F. (Lieut.-Col.) 533 Berrier H 604 C. (Private) 483 Charles (Private).. 230 C. H 257 C. S 10 C. T 275 Daniel F 79 D. C 497 D. S 774 E. L 228 E. P 402 G. Campbell., 406,880 George H 823 George T 511 George W, 33 H. (Lieutenant)....,, 343 Henry (Sergeant), 150 Henry M 861 H. V 81 James 684 J. A. (Private) 800 James A. (Lieutenant) 443 James E 466 James M. (Private) 680 J. M. (Conscript)..., 740 J. M. (Lieutenant) 142 James J 124 James N. 658 James S.,, 301 J. B 352 J. F 650 J. H., 484 J. J. (Captain) 695 J. J. (Corporal) 741 Jonathan, (Private)..... 800 J. (Lieutenant) 85 John (Private) 115 John A...... 94 John E 167 John M 673 John N, 280 John R. (Surgeon) 523 J.' R, (Private) 823 John S., 253 John T. (Captaiu) 429,613 J. T. (Agent) 792 J. T. (Captain) 299,337,718 J. Thompson (Lieut.) 706,860 Joseph M 8,461 Joshua M 443 J. Wilcox (Captain) 557 J. W. (Captain) 732 J. W. (Lieutenant)... 212,473,819 J. W. (Sergeant) <. 771 J. W. (Private)..., 354' L. (Lieutenant) 189 L. (Private) 596 Lewis V,. ,...., 579 M 417 M. L 564 N. A 334 N. B... 232 16 Page. N. H , 53 P. A. H 71 Pugh H 359,467 P. V.i.i 618 R.. 36 R. A.... 536 R. Gv. .825 R* F. (Private) . 776 R. F. (Corporal) 200 R. M 514 Robt. Y. (Capt.)..158,241,310,351 R. Y. (Major) 358 R. W . 583 Samuel Y 32 S. C : 119 S. D 329 S. E 30 Sheridan R 634 S. L . 157 Smiley J...» 424,743,865 S. R 425 T. B . 854 T. H 634 Thomas (Lieutenant) 197 Thomas (Private) 280 Thomas (Private) 801 Thomas C 88 Thomas J 135 Thomas L. (Major) 24,32, 451,596,858 Thomas L. (Private) 148 T. P 713 Valentine... . 695 Van 848 W. C. (Private) • 269 W. C. (Private) 820 W. H. (Captain) 641 W. H. (Captain) 395 W. H. (Private) 246 W. H. (Private) ■ 841 W.H. (Sergeant) 896 William H. (Private) 187 W. H. H..... 838 William... 269 William A 138 William G 14 William J 387 Willis, (Private) '510 W. (Private) 461 Wilson R.- (Private) 663 W. R. (Lieutenant) 286 W. Leroy 127,139, 181,211,305,320,419,428,441,458, 491,600,506,520,539,579, 580, 629, 662, 664,667, 699,769,814, 830,834 Brown, W. M. (Colonel) 699 Brown, W. M. (Private) 842 Brown, Wyatt M. (Surgeon) 563,745 Brown, W. N .-. 773 Brown, W. S • 885 Brown, W. W ■ 12 Brown, (Surgeon) 170 Brown, (Colonel).-. 685 Browne, B. B 246 Browne, George E 491 Browne, G. H Browne, John W., jr Browne, J. Y. Browne, P. F 410 Browne, Ro. A 246 Browne, Samuel Y 152 Browne, S. M 277 Browne, William M 204,210,216, # 219,224,245,257,282,443,533,857 Browning, Ben 799 Browning, C. N 347 Browning, Henry 778 Browning, J. A 357 Browning, J. H 225 Browning, J. W ., 674 Browning, W. H 662 Brownlee, J. M 347 Brownlow, J. L 148 Brownrigg, John 476 Broyles, A. T 173 .Brua, J. A. Bruce, A. F.. Bruce, George M. Bruce, G. J Bruce, J. Bruce, J. D ; 878 Bruce, J. • L ( 545 Bruce, R. L '. 571 Bruce, Wilkins 191 Bruce, William S 210,406 Bruce, W. M 616 Bruffey, Pat. W 235 Bruger, Joel '.. 177 Bruhns, H 694 Bruidel, A 760 Brumby, George McD 126,713 Brumell, William.. Bruning, Henry Brunson, E. B Brunson, Josiah..., Brunson, Robert S Brunson, W. A Brusl6, C. A 688 Bruton, B. F. 870 Bruton, Jonathan B 87 Bruton, Thomas J 192 Bryan, B. B......,..i 681 Bryan, B. L 508 Bryan, C. A 749 Bryan, E. H 171,206 Bryan, E. Pling... 314,374 Bryan, E. S. E 358 Bryan, E. W......... 774 Bryan, Goode.. 623 Bryan, Henry 653,654- Bryan, James (Lieutenant) 669 Bryan, James (Private) 281 Bryan, James C. (Major) 610,736 Bryan, J. C. (Private).. 867 Bryan, Jesse L 847 Bryan, John A 671 Bryan, John H. (Quartermaster) 847 Bryan, John H. (Captain) 437 Bryan, J. H. (Lieutenant) 27 Bryan, John D. (Captain) 691 17 Page. Tohn D- (Lieutenant) 366 Bryan't T) (Lieutenant) 604 Johnson H 654 Br?8"'j R.,jr 307 Bryan' T' W 637,622, 661,681 Bry»n'£ ' 545,875 Br-van' tTf 109 Bry»n' % 335 Bryan) £-••• 301 '83.862 B^„n Thomas N 43 K£' Thomas W : 434 fry8"} j H 877 M8" ' j j : 352 Sry8nt' J* P. 826,859 k :j!b '218 Kt Samuel A... 31 K SamuelS..: 801 tjryiu'n ,. Br)^ . T-M- <47>^ Bryant, W. A Bryman, J ohn 479 Bryson, R. M Ill Bryson, S. L....... 878 Buchanan, Albert 181 Buchanan, Colen 258,479 Buchanan, Franklin 29,30 32, 42, 61, 81, 97, 99, 105,118, 1191,218,237, 342,436,498, 502 Buchanan, G. B 624 Buchanan, G. R 299 Buchanan, Jacob B 17 Buchanan, James 10 Buchanan, John C 698 Buchanan, J. T. 525 Buchanan, Martin 236 Buchanan, R. M ' 340 Buchanan, R. H 867 Buchanan, Thomas E 527 Buchanan, W. R.. .- 890 Buck, Bryan 470 Buck, E. H 715 Buck, Irving A ; 866 Buck, J. G 579 Buck, S. S ; 291 Buckalew, S. B 156 Buckheister, Andrew 393, 653, 897 Buckingham Reserves (3d Va. Res.) 756 Buckingham, W. W 52 Buckner, A. W 61, 760 Buckner, C. B 847 Buckner, f). F 144 Buckner, F. P 125 Buckner, James 609 Buckner, James C 882 Buckner, N 417 Buckner, Simon B 11,50,160, D , 167,265, 283,296,365 Bai«a,j. L : : '270 ®udV-R 338 °uHl, James 390 ^uffington, Thomas C...; 261 r [orf. A 661, 880 BnW' k' S 560 Baf°rd, Gilbert T... 516 5 1864 Page. Buford, H. C 661 Buford, James W 144 Buford, Jefferson L 625 Buford, Stanard & Co 606 Buice, D 54 Buie, Bailey 742 Buie, D. M 377 Buie, Neil McN 642 Bulger, M. J 590 Bulkley, H. D 212 Bull, J. A 896 Bull, S. K 29 Bullard, Alfred.....' 562 Bullard, A. M 600 Bullard, W. R 221,383 Bullock, B. F 476 Bullock, H. A 228 Bullock, J. B 163 Bullock, J. J 663 Bullock, M. L 189 Bullock, W. A 526 Bunch, J. W ; 186 Bungle, L. D 525 Bunn, D, E 207 Bunn, E. H 838 Bunn, W .\ 297 Bunting, Thomas *6 Burbanks, P. McL 126,692 Burch, D. S 679 Burch, G. T 714 Burch, John 477 Burch, John C 817 Burch, Joseph S 327 Burch, Robert C 4 Burchard, J. E 368 Burcher, J. G 42 Burchett, Isaac 832 Burchett, Samuel 242 Burck, John 584 Burdet, C. S 134 Burdett, George W 233 Burdett, L. J 669 Burdwell, Edward L 553 Burford, E. S 866 Burford, N. M 453 Burgard, T. H 809 Burgason, J. A 773 Burgess, James P 756 Burgess, J. B 279 Burgess, J. C 565 Burgess, William 801 Burgess, William R 526 Burk, W. H 241 Burke, Augustus 135 Burke, B. E 16 Burke, Ed 534 Burke, F. E 115 Burke, Hugh'. 266,554 Burke, J. B 38 Burke, Jessee 473 Burke, J. M 273 Burke, John (Private) 160 Burke, John (Lieutenant) 498 Burke, M 483 Burke, P. H ; 677 18 Burke, R. E Burke, S Burke, T. A Burke, T. J Burke, W. L Burkett, J. B Burkett, John W Burkett, T. M Burkhalter, Charles McK Burkheim, Jacob Burks, George W Burks, G. G Burks, J. F Burks, W. P Burleson, A. A Burn, J. T Burnes, John Burnes, R. A Burnett, C. C Burnett, Elisha C Burnett, G. W Burnett, H Burnett, H. C. (Lieutenant)., Burnett, H. C. (Sergeant) Burnett, Henry Burnett, John H /. Burnett, John W Burnett, Joseph Burnett, N. S .' Burnett, R, B Burnett, Thomas Burnett, Thomas 0 Burnett, T. M Burnett, W. L Burney, E Burney, J. W Burnham, Samuel Burnley, R. H Burns, Arthur P Burns, B Burns, Chris Burns, G. P Burns, Henry Burns, H. F Burns, J. (Private) Burns, James (Private) Burns, John P Burns, J. R Burns, Ro. R Burnsed, R. T Burnside, A. E Burnside, T. R Burr, A. P Burr, H. D Burress, L. R Burrett, J. M Burroughs, A. J Burroughs, E. B Burroughs, R. A Burroughs, W Burroughs, William M Burrow, W. J Burrows, F. G, Burruss, F. N Burruss, J. S Page. 307,471,712 174 570 818 240 626 571 277 542 620 119 194 828 114 160,577 280 ........ 352 213 438 T 459 855 235 43 74,827 634,693 332 497 586 691 407 423 83 607 287 235 592 449,540 146 520 211 231 77 785 495 514 676 490 395 495 203 I. 559 187 689 857 91 396 713 23 . 413 . 784 . 466 . 360 . 683 652,826 565 Burson, J. G ^ Burson, J. W ggj Burt, J. C gg Burtlam, J. S 269 Burton, James H.... 61,200,215,782 Burton, Joseph "5^ Burton, J. T. 74# Burton, J. W 803 Burton, Robert C 74 Burton, W.. H. (Private)..... 400 Burton, William H. (Captain) 6(37 Burton, W. Leigh 95,268 Burts, W. T 281 Burwell, A 869 Burwell, Blair 43,1&2 Burwell, George D 367 Burwell, J; B 610 Burwell, L. W : 450 Burwell,'P. L. (Lieutenant) 244 Burwell, P. L. (Captain) 177 Burwell, William R. 493 Burwell, W. T ! 393 Bush, A. B 734 Bush, Edward 180 Bush, Ed. C 228 Bush, John M 181 Bush, R. H 662 Bush, W. N : 49,60 Bush, W. T 741 Bussey, J. T 768 Bussey, James 237 Bussick, J. B 780 Bussy, J 618 Bastamante, G. D 407 Butler, A. J 292 Butler, B. J 571 Butler, H. A.. 719 Butler, J. H 819 Butler, J. R 143 Butler, J. T 4 Butler, Laurence 243 Butler, M. A 569 Butler, M.C 164,321 Butler, Moses M 227 Butler, Reese W 701 Butler, R. L 381 Butler, S 618 Butler, Thomas (Captain) 207,804 Butler, Thomas (Private) 144 Butler, Thomas (Private) 22 Butler, Thomas F 297,403 Butler, W. H 663 Butler. William 283,311,876,696 Butler, William C 565 Butler, William F., jr 844,492,817 Butler, W. T. E 678 Butler, W. W 264 Butleworth, John 185 Butt, A. H 820 Butt, Charles 654 Butt, H. F 606,526,590,620,649 Butt, Richard L 482 Butt, W. G. L 336 Butts, C. M Butts, Joseph 474 19 Page. Butts, S. F 252 Buxter, F. M 397 Buxterf, F 52 Buzzard, William 235 Byars, J. C 342 Bvars, S. H 819 B'vars, T. C 85 Byers, D. R 621 Byuum, A. J 24 Bynum, J. M 24 Byuum, William 777 Bvram, George W 312 Byrd. A. S 645f713 Bvrd, H. L 119 Byrd, W. A 336 Byrne, Charles H 765 Byrne, Thomas 519 Byrnes, A, J 150 Byrnes, V. M 458,809 Byrum, George F 8 Cabaniss, J. A 86 Cabbage, John 48 Cabell, C 47 Cabell, David S. G 198 Cabell, J. G. (Surgeon) 845 Cabell, John G. (Private) 102 Cabell, J. L 400,410 Cabell, L. B 510 Cabell, William D 363 Cabiuess, J. J 431 Cabiness, M. S 140 Cachero, Theodore 693 Cacy, P 140 Cade, Edward W 482 Cadle, J. D 150 Cady, D. C 94,333 Cage, J. F 611 Cabill, Jimothy J 602, 845 Caliill, W. H 400 Cain, G. C 242 Cain, J. B 140 Cain, P. H 270 Cain, R. W 742 Cain, W. P... 496 Cake, Jeremiah 851 Calcote, W. H 312 Caldwell, A. W 39 Caldwell, Charles P. (Private) 407 Caldwell, C. P. (Private) 243 Caldwell, E. C 828 Caldwell, J. A 227 Caldwell, J. D 174 Caldwell, J. M. (Private) 499 Caldwell, J. Marshall (Hosp. Stew).. 604 Caldwell, J. W. (Asst. Surg.) 194 Caldwell, J. W. (Major) 659 Caldwell, J. T. G 578 Caldwell, Joseph E 96 Caldwell, L. W. 689 Caldwell, 0. P 225 Caldwell, S. W 706, 780 Caldwell, W. N 559 Calfee, A. B 407,566 Calfee, W. B 741 Calhoun, A. P 561 Page. Calhoun, B. A .151 Calhoun, C. A 859 Calhoun, C. F 394 Calhoun, James 270 Calhoun, James M 132 Calhoun, J. C. (Lieutenant) 528 Calhoun, J. C. (Captain) 845 Calhoun, J. C. (Hospital Steward).. 806 Calhoun, John C. (Agent) 464 Calhoun, John 650 Calhoun, J, L.. 121,144,154, 540,670, 694 Calhoun, W, B..... 213 Call, Wilkinson. 350,880 Callaghan, John T 246,266 Callagy, Paul 42 Callahan, S. B 395 Callan, C. C 37 Callaway, J. J. S 186 Callimen, Dennis 29 Calloway, Henry 698 Calloway, J. B 511 Calloway, J. J 805 Calvert, C. C 817 Calvert, E. S 815 Calvert, J. M 96 Calvert, Willis F 430 Calvin, John P 304 Calvins, A. W 239 Calvo, C. A 393 Calyo, John A 380 Camanade, J. J 514 Cameron, A. S 5 Cameron, C 656 Cameron, James M 332 Cameron, John F 521 Cameron, John W 7,315,523, 667 Cameron, S. F 167,206,437 Cameron, William E 28,719 Cammack, Albert 370,412,506, 627 Cammack, G 770 Cammack, L. C .77^418 Cammack, R. C *4^ Camp, David M 18?\ Camp, H. K 360 Camp, J. H 498 Campbell, A. H 527,537,549,550,841 Campbell, Alex. (Private) 269 Campbell, Alexander (Lieutenant).. 20 Campbell, C. C 253 Campbell, C. F :.... 681, 780 Campbell, C. H. B 307,447 Campbell, D 623 Campbell, D.G. 436 Campbell, Edwin 61 Campbell, G. B 236 Campbell, G. W 343 Campbell, J. A. (Private) 648 Campbell, J. A. (Captain) 769 Campbell, J. A. (Asst. Surg.) 195 Campbell, J. A. (Asst. Sec. War)... 300 Campbell, J. C. (Lieutenant) 85 Campbell, J. C. (Private) 495 Campbell, J. C. (Private) 855 Campbell, John C. (Private) 861 Campbell, J. F 287 20 Page. Campbell, J. M. (Captain) 30 Campbell, J. M. (Private) 638 Campbell, Jobn 278 Campbell, John P 290 Campbell, J. W 730 Campbell, L. A 17 Campbell, Levi 639 Campbell, P. (Major) 145 Campbell, Parke, (Captain) 175 Campbell, Robert E 206 Campbell, R. W 374 Campbell, S. A 732 Campbell, S. H ' 669 Campbell, T. F 287 Campbell, Thos. C. (Captain) 352 Campbell, Thos. C. (Hosp. Stew.)... 140 Campbell, T. J 507 Campbell, W. A 735 Campbell, W. E 339 Campbell, W. H 684, 737 Campbell, William (Captain) 123 Campbell, W. (Private) 623 Campbell, William D 450 Campbell, W. M 569 Campbell, W. N 281 Campbell, W. P 654 Campor, C. H 818 Campos, Joseph 594 Camus, T. E 26 Canady, Moses 483 Canady, Solomon 483 Canden, Thomas. 412,647 Canedy, Simeon 530 Canfield, C 519 Caniere, Louis 501 Cannady, G. S 352 Cannady, N. W 809 Cannady, Isaac G 581 Cannady, W. H 77 Canney, John 188 Canning, Thomas ; 54,212,325,531 Cannon, Douglas C 598 CannOn, H. G 849 Cannon, H. M 243 Cannon, J. A. M 546 Cannon, Jasper 635 Cannon, J. G 246 Cannon, J. J 235 Cannon, L 15,873 Canova, A. A 342 Canova, G. B 216 Canton, T. J 532 Cantwell, J. M..., 822 Cantwell, P. H 449,829 Capehart, W. R 37,747,885 Capers, James H. (Lieutenant)..14,76,292 Capers, J. H. (Lieut.-Col.) 482 Caples, E 976 Capps, B 698 Capps, C. F 474 Capps, M. V B 821 Cardell, W. H 421 Carden, Robert A 202,244 Carder, J. F 246 Cardinal, George 280 Cardwell, J. H. (Private) 9 " Cardwell, John H. (Sergeant) -jj Carey, James g.. Carey, Samuel Carey, William 7^., Carey, Wilson M 213,2^ Carlands, L 4^ Carleton, G. E... 7^ Carleton, H. H Carleton, Thomas 684 Carlin, E. C 7^ Carlim William H (j:>2 Cartile, J. M 5^9 Carlisle, B. F 187 Carlisle, Etheldred 175 Carlisle, James C 620 Carlisle, John M 343 Carlisle, R. C 813 Carlisle, T. P 407 Carlisle, W. H 698 Carlock, W. Y 3'.K) Carlton, F. D 330 Carlton, Isaac 638,7(il Carlton, P. C 190,320,523,593 Carlton, P. D 331 Carmack, D. C - 226 Carmey, John ; 499 Carmical, J. A 218 Carmichael, D. (Captain) 213,397 Carmichael, D. (Lieutenant) 774 Carmichael, George 461 Carmichael, S. W 291,354 Carmody, J 402 Carneal, J 877 Carnes, Charles E 67 Carnes, C. W , 4^2 Carnes, James 770 Carnes, J, M 813 Carnes, John 17 Carnes, S. E 826 Carnes, W. W 269,280 Caroline Light Artillery (Co. A, Lightfoot's batt'n Va. art.) 169,400 Caroline Reserves (Company G, 2d Battalion Virginia Reserves) 878 Carpenter, J. J 685 Carpenter, John 120 Carpenter, John J 230 Carpenter, J. S 363 Carpenter, Matthew 142 Carpenter, O. E 851 Carpenter, R. C 792 Carpenter, Thomas 281 Carpenter, T. J 421 Carpenter, W. C 240 Carpenter, W. G 590 Carr, Charles E 636 Carr, D. J..; 188 Carr, F. E. G 687 Carr, Henry 2*>2 Carr, James A 310 Carr, John 828 Carr, John C 202,244 Carr, Joseph 20'2 Carr, Joseph B 244 21 Page Page. T 87 Carter, A. B 338 C»rr» -.y c. N 611 Carter, A. D • 354 C»rr' William 60 Carter, A. J 334 C»rr';V" Elijah A 260,348 Carter, A. L 53 Cl i AleXanderS 189 Carter, B. S 855 C» li fames 342 Carter, C. C 775 St". A. B 476 Carter, C. B 262 <-'»'ri"8S'241 615,627, , j---j ••-J — ' —: 1"—J--. • -ton C. V 555 Carter, Edward A 59 ra2ton Edward L 136,697 Carter, E. P 799 £arrimrton. Eugene 695 Carter, Fleming 824 Partington, George 364 Carter, Frank 156 Kfton George W 828, 840 Carter, G, A 835 K® on, H. E 17 Carter, H. D 834 Partington, J. A 364 Carter, Henry 143 Partington, J. H 484,496,554, Carter, H. M 279 559,570,595,692,779,827,843,882 Carter, James, jr 120 Partington, John W 141 Carter, James H 116 Partington, Paul F 531 Carter, James W 131 Partington, P. R '• 273 Carter, J. L 781,849,857 Carrington, W. C 30 Carter, J. M 655 Parrington, William A 4-6, Carter, Johrf B. (Private) 190 8 14,18, 21, 29, 30, 40, 43, 52, 65, Carter, J. B. (Lieutenant) 734 71, 96, 99, 107, 111, 117, 153, 165", Carter, John W. (Lieutenant) 84 183,215,241,254, 256, 259, 262,284, . Carter, John W. (Major) 573 292,317,321,322,325,326,328,329, Carter, J. W. (Private) 861 354,361, 368, 371, 377, 381, 383-385, Carter, J. W. C 829 393,397,399,403,408,411,423,425, Carter, L. D 4 432,441, 444,452, 466, 482,492, 511, Carter, L. J 766 513,516, 520, 523, 531, 542, 547, 550, Carter, L. M 801 669,584,593, 601,606,519, 642,650, Carter, M. L 638 668, 682, 683, 686, 692, 697, 699, 703, Carter, R 808 712,715, 727, 728, 730, 736, 753, 758, Carter. R. F 769 776, 779, 780, 793, 799, 809, 810, 825, Carter, R. H. (Major) 97,132 836,838, 844, 856, 859, 885, 887, 889 Carter, R. H. (Assistant.Surgeon).. 523 Carrington, W. W 242 Carter, R. K < 732 Carroll, D. H 872 Carter, R. L 47 Carroll, E. P 236 Carter, Robert E 275 Carroll, F. F 403 Carter, R. W 658 Carroll, Harper 754 Carter, S. H 230 Carroll, James (Private) ,814 Carter, Theo 357 Carroll, James (Private) 801 Carter, Thomas 467 Carroll, J. C 246 Carter, Thomas A 199 Carroll, Jesse 334 Carter, Thomas J. (Private) 52 Carroll, J. G 100 Carter, T. J. (Private) ' 67 Carroll, J. J 864 Carter,!1 M 248 Carroll, J. L 779 Carter, W. A 733,862 Carroll, John : 685 Carter, W. G 255,593 Carroll, L. T 772 Carter, Wilson M 190 Carroll, Newton A 390 Carthy, M. H 357 Carroll, P..... 230 Cartledge, J 335 Carroll, R. S 891 Cartwright, D. T 75 Carroll,Sanders 801 Carty, J. B 319,438 Carroll, S. H 18 Carty, Thomas 48,105 Carroll, William 801 Caruthers, A. L. 691 Carroll, William H 91 Carver, Frank 503 Carson, James M 352 Carver, Thomas 708 Carson, John 140 Carwile, Jacob 9 Carson, John M 515 Cary, J. B ;.... 716 parson, Joseph P 61,336 Cary, R. Milton 42,210,584,796,846 pSon, J. T 580, 659 Cary, W. M 238, 608 Wn, Robert 266,276 Cary, W. R 121 Carswell, W. A 51 Casby, G. M 835 6 1864 22 Page. Case, Daniel •••»•»»»•••«« 46 Case, (Hospital Steward)..... .. 153 Casey, John W«. 801 741 Cash, James B .. 801 Caskey, S. K .. 230 Caskie, James A.. ...... ....... .. 139 Caskie Rangers (Company A, 10th Virginia Cavalry)...... MM 200,419 Caskie, Robert A.... .. 285 Caskie, W. H......... .. 754 Caskin, Henry .. 832 Cason, H. W .. 340 Cason, Isaac............... • ••••••• MM .. 812 Cason, J. G ••••••••«•••• .. 759 Cason, J. H • MtlMMM* 75 Cassaday, M. R ............. ,.. 740 Cassard, A ...... ....... .. 770 Cassell, R. R ............. ... 120 Cassetts, James ............. .. 801 Castell, W. J ............. .. 874 Castleberry, D MMM ••••••« 17 Castleberry, W. D 260,429 Castleman, Humphreys.. 787 Caswell County Reserves ( North Carolina volunteers) ... 819 Cate, D. D...... ......... .... ... 800 Cates, C. T.... .......... ... 770 Cates, J. J Cathey, J. W,.., ............. 874 ... 838 Catlett, R. H ............. ... 345 Catlett, R. M ......... .... 40 Catlett, S ... 473 Catlett, W. F ......... .... .. 878 Cato, J. R 736 Caudill, B. E ... 658 Caughman, C... ... 346 Caulder, P ... 371 Caulley, A. C MMtMMM.. ... 806 Causey, H. L MM, ... 465 Causey, J. C , ... 461 Cauthorn, R.... 1 ««««••*•• .... ... 442 Cavanaugh, John ... 186 Cavanaugh, T ,» MM ... 838 Cave, Marion F ... 668 Cavett, Emmett D .............. ... 876 Cawood, Charles H ............. 587,799 Cayce, John F ... 637 Cazaux, A. D Cecil, G. S , . 238 Cecil, Thomas W ....... ....... ... 333 ■Cerre, Vincent Cersley, Thomas B ... 135 64 Cessar, H Chaddick, Luke D ... 759 IMM.MMMM 85 Chadwick, James .............. ... 287 Chaffe, W. T ............. ... 852 Chaffie, O. P .............. 64 Chalam, (Captain). Chalaron, Stephen MM* ... 667 151,578 Chalmers, H. C .............. ... 727 Chalmers, James K ... 441 Chalmers, J. R . 350,504,658,879 Chalmers, Thomas 50 ' Chamberlain. B. S .. .. 53 Chamberlain, J. W 527,841 Chamberlain, L. W 174,271 Chamberlain, 0. L 17 Chamberlaine, W. W 721 Chamberlayne, E. H.,jr 667,808 Chamberlin, D. C 472 Chambers, Elias W 7^ Chambers, F . ioq Chambers', James W? igj Chambers, John E 267 Chambers, R. A 868 Chambers, W. B 335 Chamble, W. H 235 Chamblin, C. T 667 Chamblin, H. W 544 Chambliss, J 473 Chambliss, J. R., jr 159 Chambliss. N. R..13,524,553,766,783,795 Chambliss, W. R 603 Champlain, E. A 522 Champlin, A. P 794 Chance, C. C 701 Chance, R. L. G 240 Chandler, D. T 330,458,464,693 Chandler, J. B 102 Chandler, J. C 417 Chandler, Jesse 28 Chandler, J. L 880 Chandler, J. N 653 Chandler, John M 241 Chandler, J. W : 440 Chandler, Thomas C 429 Chandler, Thomas J 25 Chandler, William W 86 Chandler, W. N 373,497,549,802 Chaney, W. W 695 Channey, R. E .814 Chapaux, Ernst 211 Chapin, T. P 780 Chaplain, W. M 590,807 Chaplin, B. A 393,647,897 Chapman, B. B 14 Chapman, Charles - Ill Chapman, C. W 151 Chapman, D. JI 35 Chapman, F 602 Chapman, George B.... 808 Chapman, Henry - 222. 367 Chapman, J. F Ill Chapman, J. N . 85 Chapman, John L 621 Chapman, J. R. P ... 815 Chapman, W. H 77 Chapman, William K 93,742 Chapman, William R ; 801 Chappell, A. M 126,518 Chappell, Benjamin F 95 Chappell, P. W 849 Charles, F. M - 740 Charles, James T 603 Charles, J. B 422 Charles, W. T - 712 Charleston Light Dragoons, (Co. K, _ 4th Regt. S. C. Cavalry) 603 Charley, C. B 409 23 Page. rtwlotte, W. E 832 rt,9rlton, Felix E 47-5,543 Charlton, J. J 128,404 Charlton, W. W 45 Cbarny, E. P 473 fbarpentier, S ^ 784 rharson, William 578,678 Chase, James P. (Captain) 672, 873 Chase, J. P. (Captain)..... 691 Chase, Jerome P. (Agent) 82 Chase, William T 286 Cbasson, William , 830 Chastain, W. H... 292 Chastant, A 100,256,350 Cbatard, Frederick 227,230, 235,252, 268, 308, 310, 811, 706 Chatham Artillery (Company —, Georgia Art.)...62,298,364,483, 721, 792 Chatham Siege Artillery ( Georgia Volunteers) 356, 373,483 Chauncy, T. A . 72 Cheairs, William H 309 Chears, B. F 366, 772 Cheatham, C. A 200 Cheatham, B. F 794,866 Cheatham, E. F 357,804,815 Cheatham, M ; 146 Cbeavers, Henry M 727 Cheek,. William H 339,473 Cheer, John C 235 Chenault, A 803 Chtnault, H 32 Chenevert, T 17 Cheney, H. J 867 Cheney, John F 729 Chenoweth, J. W «... 805 Cherry, J. J 175 Cherry, John K Ill Cherry, Joseph 0 - - 620 Cherry, W. L 490 Cherry, W. T . 56 Chesapeake Light Artillery (Co. —, Maryland Artillery) 71,101 Cheshire, R. S 339,848 Chesnut, John A 109 Chester, W. B 537,581 Chesterfield Light Artillery, (battery S. C. artillery attached to Coit's battalion Artillery) ..- 231 Chesterman, W. D 730 Chestney, T. 0 299,880 Chestnut, James, jr 270, 292,324,370, 376, 416,472, 563, 688, 699,735,737, 770, 772, 775, 791,809, 813, 819, 826,830,843,848,871,896 Chevalier, William N 68,319,397 Cheves, W. A... 336 Chewning, L. R ~ 436 Chichester, C. E 602 Chicora Rifles (Co. B, 23d S. C. Vols)- .. 80 Childers, J 748 Childers, John A 460 Childers, J. V - 741 Childress, Andrew....... 294,514, 603 Childress, D 693 Childress, James 630 Childress, James F 679 Childress, J. B 824 Childress, S. E 334 Childress, T. C 808 Childs, F. L 55,186, 210 Childs, J. H 426 Childs, Joseph C 444 Chiles, L. T 274 Chiles, Samuel L 204 Chiles, T. J 183 Chilton, James V 605 Chilton, Robert H 201,205,311,325, 452,458,462, 491, 504, 553, 566, 607, 676,685,690,693,698,738, 789, 811 Chinn, F. W 838,843 Chisholm, C. A 236 Chisholm, (Captain) 598 Chisholm, ', (Surgeon) 537 Chisolm, J. J 80,116,187,262, 299,322,328,369,373,540,832 Chisolm, R. G 262 Chisman, J. B 666 Chisman, Samuel R 327,376,387, 710,722, 723, 750,825, 891 Chiswell, G. W 39,232 Chitwood, J. A 304 Choat, R. H 511 Choat, William....... .'. - 511 Choate, Thomas M 539 Choice, L. F. 338, 347 Choice, P. P 352 Choppin, Samuel 355, 654 Chnsall, George W, 359 Christian, A. J 336 Christian, E. B 792 Christian, H. B 888 Christian, Isaac H... 96,435 Christian, J. G 473,554 Christian, T. L 718 Christmas, N. C 808 Christmas, William J 759 Christopher, H. C. 237,387 Christy, John H 606 Chunn, W. N 837 Church, B. F '791 Church, C. A. D 393, 653,897 Church, W. L 720 Churchwell, John 338,374, 795 Cission, Charles 46 Citizens Guard (1st Mobile (Ala.) Volunteers).. 331,432 pity Battalion (25th Battalion Vir- ~ ginia Infantry) 617 Clack, F. H 7 Clack, John R 52 Clagett, Thomas H 218, 568 Clagett, (Surgeon) : 325 Claggett, B. F - 686 Claggett, H. 0 59 Claggett, W. E. H 162,633 Claghorn, H. S 218 Claiborne, James H 256 Claghorn, J. S...... 645 24 Page. Claiborne, J. M 244 Claiborne, John 80,93,155,754 Claiborne, John H 428,883 Claiborne, T. D 415 Claiborne, Thomas 285 Claiton, George 253 Clanton, E. W 308 Clanton, James H..... 333 Clanton, William P 319 Clapp, Anderson 230 253 308 866 Clapp Clapps, J. C. Isaac William. Clare Clardy. William R 541 Clark '' ' Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark A. J 674 B. F. (Private) 503 Benj. F. (Hosp. Stew)..255,466,523 B. W 360 C. C 308 Charles [(Private)....- 359 Charles (Private) 649,888 C.'J 12,118 David B 15 D. M. (Lieutenant) 267 D. M. (Assistant Surgeon)... 582 D. W. 353 E 377 E. B 582 Frank (Captain; 144 Frank (Major) 337, 403,404, 512, 535 Frederick P 649 GeorgeN 363,464 German 202,258 James 801 James F 142 John G 639 J. O 567 John (Lieutenant) 256 John (Private) 267 J. P 558 Lewis R 98 M 535 M. H 459 M. Lewis 529,783, 823,833 M. R 330 N. N 836 O. H 310 Richard 591 R. L 37 Robert E 374 S. E 235 V. 1 431 W 197,271,332 W. E 357 W. H :. 79 William 822 W.J 267 W. P. (Lieutenant) 389 W. P. (Adjutant) 791,886 W. S... 820 Clarke, A. J 361 Clarke, Charles (Private) 16 Clarke, Charles (Private) 30 Clarke, E 551,811 Fage_ Clarke, H. N 84» Clarke, J. A. (Sergeant) goj Clarke, J. A. (Private) 77, Clarke, J. H . 414 Clarke, J. 878 Clarke, John A igj Clarke, John D. (Private) 275 Clarke, John D. (Captain) 44. Clarke, John J 288,383,483,561,678 618,647,678, 760, 820,830,841,8«{ Clarke,. John 0 6.33 Clarke, John W. (Private) 423 Clarke, J. W. (Captain) 613 Clarke, M "67 Clarke, M. J 354 Clarke, P. M 873 Clarke, T. C 873 Clarke, W. E 795,845,869 Clarke, W. F 832 Clarke, William Henry "32 Clarke, W. J. (Colonel) "09 Clarke, W. J. (Private) 273 Clarke, (Mr.) 693 Clarkson, J. J 2(1.3 Clarkson, Joseph K 7.37 Clarkson, J. P 670 Clarkson, William (Lieutenant)... 468,693 Clarkson, William (Captain) 196,634 Clarkston, J. M 85 Cary, J. H 72 Clash, John H 364,471 Clay, E. F 627 Clay, Henry B 15,345,841 Clay, H. L 112 Clay, James D 216,750 Clay, Jessee B 801 Clay, J. M 320 Clay, Paris 149,203 Clay, R. A 497 Clay, W. L 8-72 Clayton & Co 209 Clayton, Arthur 682 Clayton, E. M 211,462 Clayton, H. C 811 Clayton, W. G 842 Clayton, Henry 115 Clayton, James C 237 Clayton, J. D 771 Clayton, M 699 Clayton, Wash. Greene 240 Clayton, W. H 393,752 Claywell, John H 760 Claywell, M. A 741 Cleary, D. M. (Lieutenant) 194 Cleary, D. M. (Captain) 73H Cleary, James H 758 Cleary, John 812 Cleary, Reuben 833 Cleaveland, B. F 11® Cleaveland, J. H 601 Cleburne, P. R -r,2 Clegg, B. F Clegg, W. C 602 Cleghorn, Samuel B 557,6<4 Cleland, James 246 25 Page. mens, Jacob A 132,192 C ^ns William 332 Cleffl n?' Adam 669 Clem2rts B. N 414,729 8S* w- SSSSw* 168'188'^ &S £nz:::::::::::::::::::::: ill »S^^DhenE ?09 Clendening,_W- T. B 857 202 Cleveland, Henry... 469 Cleveland, James G 517 Pleveland, Jessee r 807 Cleveland. J. H 23 Cleveland, J. S 64 Cleveland, J. T 447 Cliatt, Peter 6 Click. H. C 18 Click, P. L 728 Clifford, B... 299 Clifford, B. G 78 Clifford, Edward 483 Clifton, B. F 217 Clifton, J 422 Clifton, James B 523 Clifton, R. R 175 Cline, C. P 146 Cline, J. C 18 Ciine, W. B.. 469 Clines, Levi W 101 Clinton, H. Dewitt 181 Clisby, John H... 453 Clonel, Henry W 183 Clopton, J. 0 559 Clopton, John 893, 428, 513 Clopton, N. V 897 Clopton, Thomas C 540 Clouse, W. C 635,681 Clontz, Isharn 229 Clowe, Henry W 293 Clowny, Michael 785 Goyd, Joseph ; . 558 Cluskey, M. W 91, 743 Clute, Giles 778 Clyde, Joseph B 777 Coakley, F. A ' 208 Coates, Thcmas.... 62 Coats, John 707 £"!$« B. W 98,352 rtt'®-8 626 Cobb, Gaston D 10 Cobb, Gaston F 710 rX'£eorSeC 48 b. Guards (Company G, 22d Bat- n ?'10" Georgia Artillery) 186, 459 Cobb, Howell 189, 205, 263, 379,384, 391, 520, 528, 681, 688, 692, 694,699, 708, 709, 715, 735, 738, 770, 7'5,778, 791, 794,815, 830, 839, 880 7- 1864 Cobb, H. S 637 Cobb, James A 227 Cobb, Lamar 880 Cobb, M. H 179 Cobb, Nicholas S 287 Cobb, Norvell 658 Cobb, R. D 842 Cobb, W. A 681 Cobb, W. E 60 Cobb, Willis B 89 Cobbe, James 228 Cobbler, Robert 230 Cobbs, JohnL 443 Cobb's Legion (Georgia vols) 12, 21, 26, 81, 39, 52, 96,109,110,124,148, 179,187,240, 310, 340,401,415, 506, 527,536,541,577,609, 632, 682, 688, 749, 756, 772,810,831,833, 863, 897 Coburn, Seth 412,647 Cochran, H. J 342 Cochran, Jerome 174 Cochran, Robert M 695 Cochran, R. T 208 Cochran, W. A 64 Cochran, William L. (Captain)... 357,598 Cochran, W, L. (Major) 141 Cochran, W. M '. 696 Cochran, George M., jr 610 Cochrane, R. E 357,553 Cocke, Albert 856 Cocke, E. R 861 Cocke, John B 735 Cocke, W. H 284,399 Cockrell, Francis M 690 Cody, James ." 16 Cody, J. L 453 Cody, J. V. B 237 Coe, William H 310 Cofer, M. H .....; 567 Coff, F. W 542 Coffee, E. McD 174 Coffee, Holland T 49 Coffee, J. A...*- 646 Coffey, R. W 855 Coffield, S. T 10 Cofifman, J. R 174 Coflfman, S. H •. 512 Cofortb, Thomas 269 - Coger, Asa 98 Coggeshall, George P 476 Cogswell, H 4<8, 780 Cohen, Edward 771 Cohen, G. A 343 Cohen, Joseph 545 Cohen, Julius 865 Cohen, Ludlow 865 Cohen, P 810 Coil, John 46 Coit, James C 522 Coit! John T. (Lieut.-Coi.j 23,332 Coit, J. T. (Captain) 841 Coke, John A 268,326, 389 Coke, Joseph 353 Coker, F. M 2ol 26 Page.. Coker, James W. (Private) 354 Coker, J. W. (Captain) 145 Coker, L. F- 319 Coker, N. M :... 260,411 Cokes, J. L 218 Colbert, William 236 Colburn, H 602 Colelough, Alex 327 Colcock, C. J., jr 70 Colder, Humphrey 367 Coldwell, James E 139 Cole, A. H 8,44,54,77, 78, 132, 147,170,174,213,214, 245, 302, 315, 323,404,432,493, 605, 639, 665,733,796, 853, 897 Cole, David T 801 Cole, E. A 10 Cole, G. A 606 Cole, George F 651 Cole, Joseph 114,171,309,646,778 Cole, J. W. 441 Cole, R. G 209 Cole, R. W 774 Cole, William 474 Coleman, C. G., jr 423 Coleman, Chapman..^ 167 Coleman, Charles 145,479 Coleman, Henry A 255 Coleman, H. T 127 Coleman, J. A 230,246 Coleman, James 281 Coleman, John 760 Coleman, John C 560 Coleman, John H 252 Coleman, J. W 339 Coleman, L. P. (Hosp. Stew.) 25,317 Coleman, L. P. (Captain) 335 Coleman, Robert 606 Coleman, R. T 92,104,888 Coleman, S 514 Coleman, W. A 553 Coleman, W. J 589,816 Coleman, W. T... 707 Coles, J. S 650,726 Coles, Walter, jr 74 Coleson, Joseph 290 Colgin, George J 736 Colin, Lewis G ' 127 Collier, Charles 233 Collier, Charles C - 344 Collier, Charles E 104 Collier, C. M 291,847 Collier, E 791 Collier, N. M 199 Collier, Ro 779 Collier, T. B 197 Collingsworth,- (Mrs.) 787 Collins, Andrew 785 Collins, C. E 819 Collins, E. C 618 Collins, G. P 614 Collins, G. W 237 Collins, H. C 687 Collins, J. (Private) 821 Collins, James (Private). 514 Collins, J. D Collins, J. J 22» Collins, John 7-0 Collins, John E Collins, J. P jir Collins, N. M Collins, Ro. Willis gun Collins, T 8!)j Collins, T. B. (Captain) 457 Collins, Thomas B. (Hosp. Stew.).. 46,4^2 Collins, William .' 29 Collum, J. H 829 Collum, J. S 418,698 Colly, Jasper 260 Colomb, Louis 203 tColona, Henry '9,400 Colonna, B. A 738,759 Colquitt Home Guards ( Ga. Volunteers) 609 Colson, John W 077 Colsson, Peter Z 642 Colston, R, E 234,407,730,774,881 Colston, W, B. (Captain! 28 Colston, W. B. (Captain) 263 Colt on, Edward G 129,692,758 Colvin, P. C 60 Comar, M 421 Comat, J. P 477 Combee, A. G. M 890 Combs, David 38 Comer, Charles 699 Compton, C. M 836 Compton, J 611,659 Compton, Samuel G 638,584 Compton, W. H 140 Compton, William M 65,442 Comron, R. R 253 Con del, R. W 269 Conden, Peter S 817 Cone, A. F 24,107, 141, 180,207,351,428,765 Cone, Horace 705 Cone, J. G 161 Cone, T. C 19, 170,769 Cone, W. H 837 Conelly, W. L 618 Conely, John 30 Couerly, Chauncey Porter 271,686 Confederate Guard (unattached co. Va. inf.; assigned Feb., 1864, as Co. A, 9th Virginia Infantry)... 87,183, 331,420,427,450 Confederate States Zouave Battalion (Louisiana volunteers)..- 14,84,847,368 Conley, W. P 266 Conn, W. T 835 Connally, E. L —... 208 Connally, J. C 652 Connally, John K 335,581,735 Connell, Jerry 602 Conner, C. C 268 Conner, F. M 246 Conner, G. W 607 Conner, James 26 Conner, John W 285 27 Page. fonnihain, Patrick 854 fonolly, E. L 247 Connor, David E 589 Connor, George 336,842 Connor, L, E 830 Conrad, C. A 863 Conrad, C. J 689 Conrad, F. M 499, 568 Conrad, Holmes 345,356 Conrad, J. C .* 15,24 Conrad, Paul 47 Conrad, Thomas N 515 Couroy, James 256 Conroy, Michael..... 233 Conroy, W 618 Consar, W. T. D 320 Consolidated Crescent Regiment ( La. Vols.) 575,621 Constantine, Daniel 135 Constantine, F. L 423 Contee, Charles 379 Conway, Catlett (Private) 665 Conway, Catlett (Sergeant) 413 Conway, George William 271 Conway, V. Y 153,547 Conway, W. B 361 Conyers, L. S 551 Coode, D 266 Coogler, A. C 79 Cook, B. C. (Assistant Surgeon) 5 Cook, B. C. (Private) 734 Cook & Bro 22,135 Cook, C. A 664 Cook, Caleb M 628 Cook, C. C 722 Cook, Charles B... .\ 476 Cook, D. A 649 Cook, Girard 429 Cook, Greenville 320,436, 732 Cook, H. F 57 Cook, H. P 893 Cook, J. A. (Captain).. 50 Cook, James A. (Captain) 756 Cook, James 537 Cook, James B 200 Cook, James H 467 Cook, J. 0. A 798 Cook, J. P 558 Cook. N. (Lieutenant) 386 Cook, Newton (Private) 592 Cook, N. B 5 Cook, N. M f 263,289 Cook, P. Henry 248 Cook, S. S 309 Cook, William 498 Cook, William J. (Sergeant). 628 Cook, W. J. (Private) 607 Cook, W. R. (Lieutenant, Ala.).... 643 Cook, W. R. (Lieutenant, Ark.).... 558 Cooke, A. B 754 Cooke, B. F v 528 Cooke, Giles B 83,654,664, 717 Cooke, James G 801 Cooke, James W 755 Cooke, John K 558 Page. Cooke, John S 298 Cooke, J. R 132 Cooke, 0. H 103 Cooke, Stephen 821 Cookson, John 281 Cooley, Benjamin C 272 Cooley, Samuel 269 Coon, John A 855 Coon, Washington J 500 Coone, B. G 791 Cooney, Thomas W 477 Cooper, A. D 847 Cooper, Charles 414 Cooper, David T. (Asst. Surg.) 86 Cooper, D. T. (Hosp. Stew.) 769 Cooper, Douglas H 15,441,451 Cooper, F. M 56 Cooper, G. B '. 354 Cooper, G. F 878 Cooper, James C 318 Cooper, J. B 503 Cooper, J. F 362,514,663,861 Cooper, J. M 274 Cooper, John 421 Cooper, John W...., 658 Cooper, J. R 227 Cooper, L. P 101,257,614 Cooper, N. B 210 Cooper, R. H 745 Cooper, R. J 184,410 Cooper, Samuel (General) 489,642 Cooper, Samuel (Major) 618 Cooper, S. C 822,564 Cooper, Will. R 696 Coor, H. H 565 Cope, J. E 200,281 Copeland, A 530 Copeland, Henry 752 Copeland, J 235 Copeland, J. D 843 Copeland, John W 293 Copeland, M. M., 451 Copeland, Stephen P 194 Copes, Frederick 519,762 Copp, Michael 477,483 Corbeil, H. J 793 Corbett, James .• 354 Corbin, George L 672 Corbin, W. L 786 Corbine, W. H. N .226 Cordes, Jphn F 121,449 Cordes, Tneo 381 Cording, J. B 360 Corkern, J. B 360 Corl, D. W 571 Corl, Jacob 562 Corley, H. B...... 312 Corley, J. L 61,179,292,608 Corley, Lewis C 310 Cormick, J. S 590 Cormier, E. T 260 Corneille, John 801 Cornelius, George 148 Cornell, L. M 421 Cornelson, B. B 838 28 Page- Page Cornet, John 614 Cowperthwait, H jJg Cornett, Hardy 670 Cox, A. J *o, Cornett, William W.. ; 620 Cox, B g<^ Cornish, J. L 805 Cox, Daniel L 4. Cornwell, J. M 379 Cox, 2*i» Corprew, 0. H. P : 611 Cox, F. W 7gr Correll, A. A 419 Cox, George 402,531 Corren, Thomas 280 Cox, G. H 4.- Corser, John W 278 Cox, G. T 837 Corzine, S. S....1. 673 Cox, G. W. (Private) 400 Cosby, Charles V 213,844 Cox, G. W. (Private) 8.^4 Cosby, G. D 801 Cox, J. B. (Lieutenant) Cosby, George B 520,759 Cox, J. B. (Lieutenant) 27 Cosgrave, J. W 266 Cox, John B. (Private) 4d2 Cossitt, George G . 457,512 Cox, J. J 624 Costello, James 252 Cox, J. R 614 Costello, John 61 Cox, Noah 627 Costello, J. W : 592 Cox, Peter C 357 Costin, E. L 717 Cox, R. E 402 Cothran, H. D 145,195,479,740 Cox, R. L 327 Cothran, J. S 339 Cox, S "5 Cottingham, H. M •. 115 Cox, S. W. (Lieutenant) 673 Cotton, B. J. F 69 Cox, S. W. (Lieutenant) 822 Cotton, E. H 890 Cox, T. M 4»'»5 Cotton, G. R 639 Cox, W. B. (Captain) 4H7 Cotton, J. F 531 Cox, William B. (Captain) 283,343 Cotton, S. 0 817 Cox, William 250 Couch, Origen W 163 Coxe, Jere 298 Coughran, M. J 669 Coxe, J. H 40,513 Coulan, John 810 Coyle, H. W 651 Coulson, P. G.. 119 Coyle, Thomas 149 Coulson, Thomas W 521 Coyne, William : 633,797 Coulson, W. H 494 Crabtree, Thomas 177,454,752 Council, M. B 205 Crabtree, W. H 687 Coursey, J. F 770 Craddock, D. F...: 701 Courtney Artillery (attached to Craddock, G. P .• 8('l Jones', afterward Cutshaw's, bat- Craddock, James N 7i>2 talion Virginia artillery).... 801,811,847 Craddock, P. 0 446 Courtney, A. S 618 Craddock, Robert B 698 Courtney, W. A 889 Craft, A 098 Coury, Peter 825 Craft, N. 0 672 Cousins, (Private) 119 Crafton, P. D 812 Counts, E. K 260 Crafts, G.J 443,729 Covar, L. P 891 Craig, B. C 564,587 Covert, G. S 353 Craig, B. H.. 364 Covington, J. R 107,294,435 Craig, D, W 91 Covington, W. P 620 Craig, J. M 278 Cowan, A. B 845 Craig, John A 92 Cowan, A. G 148 Craig, L. C !•>" Cowan, E ... 178,339 Craig, Robert F 4<"»5 Cowan, E. A 765 Craige, B. F 536 Cowan, J. A 339 Crane, B. E 546,897 Cowan, J. B 129 Crane, Charles T. C 019 Cowan, J. J 777 Crane, Dennis 8^5 Cowan, W. W 770 Crane, G. W 403,404 Coward, A 335 Crane, H. A 040 Cowart, A. W 560 Crane, Pat... 270 Cowart, B. F 269 Crane, R. P 857 Cowart, H 269 Crane, W. A 779 Cowart, J. S 294 Crank, W. H 32 Flynn, John (Private) 280 Flynn, John (Private) 815 Flynn, John (Private) 270 Flynn, John (Private) 785 Flynn, Thomas 235 Flynn, V. H 257 Flynt, James W 445 Foalden, William R 197 Foard, A. J 88,96,100,103,116 142,160,247,256,277,315,361,369 405,411,466,474,482,542,557,663' 564,569,575,629,632,666, 753, 796 Foard, J. F 60 Fogarty, Pat 785 Fogle, James A 153,761 Fogle, S. J 618 Fogle, William 181 Foglesong, Thomas 516 Folden, Calvin M 466 Fold, A. L 426 Folk, G.N 105,282,382,416 Folk, R 876 Folkes, T. M 413 Folkes, W. A 121 Follen, James 728 Folsom, J. G 357,499 Fonse, E. D 756 Fonshee, R. T 291 Fontaigne, F. J 799 Fontaine, J. B...., 13,255,267,272,274 Fontaine, Peter 720 Fontaine, P. H 750 Fontaine, S. C 103 Fonville, W. B 570 Fooshe, J. W 896 Foote, H. S , jr 160 Foote, John D. S 214 Foote, J. S 425 Foote, R. E ' 718 Footman, H. M 645 Footman, R. H 682 Forbes, Elijah B 228 Forbes, F. T 160,178,188,529 Forbes, H. W 612 Forbes, J. H Forbes, J. J Forbes, N. H Forbes, Virginius Ford, Abner S Ford, C. H .' Ford, E. A Ford, E. B Ford, Floyd Ford, H 739 733 782 210 73 463 124 390 :::::::::::::: il 43 Page. Page. A James M 43 Foster, M. A 455,625 vd John (Lieutenant) 236,318 Foster, M. D 277 * J I QjJIl I JJlcUlcllcbll^ £Q\J) O A0 A UBICI j 1»1 • U •••«•••••••••»••••••••••••••«• 4t I # K John (Mr.) 398 Foster, N 168 *° '' John J. W 'JohnP. (P J. P. (Cap £orCl! J. W 64 Foster, W. F , 325 • j j0hn J. W 736 Foster, Robert W 466 ¥°[j' j0hn P. (Private) 194 Foster, T. J 330 J. P. (Captain) 213 Foster, W. D 836 £ td' Miles 500 Foster, William 200,419, 616 trd' M- W 208 Fouche, Robert T 593, 757 J,® j'S. (Private) 374,623 Foulkes, James F 354 i, d' Spencer (Private) 271,818 Fountain, J. W 820 Ford Stephen H 503 Fourgureau, Daniel 298 pnrd' Thomas 402 Foutch, James W 71 Kid' Thomas E 103,178 Fowke, R. C 519 Fnrd' W 801 Fowle, James H 284 Vnrdi W. C..t 483 Fowle, W. H., jr 53J,667 Pnrd W. E 855 Fowler, Gilbert 7 F°rd' W. H 761 Fowler, H. W 615, 725 Pore' J. F 838 Fowler, James C. (Private) 707 Fore'L. P 179,800 Fowler, J. C. (Assistant Surgeon)... 63 pore' V. L 406 Fowler, James M 34 pore, W. R , 179 Fowler, James N 617 Forehand, Nathan 442 Fowler, L. B 729 Foreman, J. M 848 Fowler, M. A 887 Foryy, M. D 397 Fowler, Richard 180 Forkner, William 524 Fowler, Robert 266 Forloine, William H 210,661,847 Fowler, Thomas 187 Forman, John 246 Fowler, W 625 Forney, G. H 181 Fowler, W. E 157,395 Forney, John H 86,285,315 Fowler, W. H 12,56,220,221,321 Forney, Meredith 89 Fowler, Z. A 700 Forney, W. H...., 658 Fowler, Zachariah 568 Fcrno, Henry 382 Fowlkes, Lee 779 Forrer & Cosby 874 Fowlkes, Minerva 456 Forrest Artillery (Company —, Fowlkes, W. T 811,898 Georgia State Guards) 16 Fox, A. C 267,385 Forrest, H. H 572 Fox, James A 575 Forrest John 83 Fox, James O. (Private) 851 Forrest, Nathan B 39,62, 87,94,180, Fox, J. 0. (Assistant Surgeon)... 697, 753 201,400,451,528,670, 733, 818, 844 Fox, J. H 700 Forrest, T. F 808 Fox, J. W 779 Forrest, W. S 105 Fox, Samuel J 334 Forrester, R. L 820 Foxhall, E. D 352 Forsyth, Charles 372,733,834 Foy, H. H 366 Forsyth, J. J 228 Foye, George H 556 Forsyth, Martin 220 Frailen, William J 231* Forsyth, R. C 526 Fralich, Henry 342 Fort, James C~ 221 France, R. Lee 503 Fortune, G. W. L 80 Francis, A. K 97 Foster, Benjamin J. (Lieutenant)... 166 Francis, John 201 Foster, B. J. (Lieutenant) 831 Francis, J. R 80 Foster, C. C 511 Erancis, M. W 100 Foster, C. T. (Private) 626 Francis, T. H 675, 772 Foster, C. T. (Private) 820 Francisco, George W 85 Foster, C. W 71 Francisco John 310 Foster, D. P 303, 874 Francisco, R. L .#. 609 Foster, E. M 809 Frank, Sam 612 Foster, G. V 47 Frankenthal, J 687 Foster, H. L 144 Frankland, W. E 645 Foster, Jacob ! 312,392 Franklin, B. J 118 loster, James 66,200 Franklin, Isaac 568 poster, John 673 Franklin, James (Private)..66,200,419, 616 poster, John E 465 Franklin, James (Captain) 600 poster, J. Y 445 Franklin, Marion 224 foster, Larkin 546 Franklin, M. H 157 4A Franklin, Olis 342 Franklin, R. B 854 Franklin Virginia Reserves (5th Bat- talionl Virginia Reserves) 670 Franklin, W. H 111 Franks, R. H 335 Frary, C. E 382 Fraser, D 140 Frater, H. F 342 Frayser, R. D 303 Frayser, W. W 383, 796 Frazer, B. F 218 Frazer, W. J t 838. Frazer, W. W 329 Frazier, A. L 767 Frazier, J. S. A., 836 Frazier, L. W 779 Frazier, R 878 Frazier, W. J 619 Freanor, George 717 Frear, Henry H 221 Frederic, H. A 456 Frederick,- J. (Private) 280 Frederick, Jefferson (Private) 871 Frederick, John (Private) .896 Frederick, Peter C 197 Fredericksburg Artillery (Co. C, Walker's, afterward Pegram's, battalion Virginia artillery) 151, 158,469,480,517, 642, 714 Freeman, E. A 412,647 Freeman, E. B 425 Freeman, E.'G 307 Freeman, E. J. W 121,449,619, 638 Freeman, F 860 Freeman, G. W. (Private) 228 Freeman, G. W. (Private)..... 110 Freeman, H. G 249 Freeman, H. O 194 Freeman, J. L 156 Freeman, J. M. (Private) 619 Freeman, J. M. (Private).... 818 Freeman, M. M 39 Freeman, Robert 120 Freeman, R. W 335 Freeman, W. H 527 Freeman, William G 361 Freeman, Z 52 Freer, E. M 449,618,638 Freidlander, Gustavus 576 Freily, J. M 822 Fremaux, J 769 Fremont, S. L 72,233,258,533 Frence, N. C 237 French, J. C 452 French, S. B 117,629 French, S. G 155 French, T. B 528 French, William H 575 Frensley, J. L 610 Friar, J. H 453 Frick, Moses 801 Fridge, J. E 698 Friend, E. G 369.416,428 Friend, N 731 Friend, R. F 4(12 Friend, William 4^ Fripp, F 4^0 Frith. B. G 362,514,663,817,861 Frizzell, H. E 745 Frizzell, John 684 Frobel, B. W 499,7.5^ Frohberg, H. C 639 Frost, A. C 835 Frost, A. J 2lo Frost, D. M 294 Frost, F. L 328,369,64} Frost, George H 596 Frost, T. C 138 Fry, A. S v 208 Fry, B. D 605,674,750 Fry, F. T 43,281,442,807 Fry, N. A 838 Fry, N. E 393,647,897 Fry, Robert C 586 Fry, W. T 300 Frye, Preston C 524 Fugate, H 625 Fugate, J. J 7o Fulbright, F. M 299 Fulford, J. T 365 Fulford, W. Y 490 Fulkerson, G. H 775 Fulkerson, Putnam S 399 Fullbright, R. H 347 Fuller, A. J 439 Fuller, B 806 Fuller, E. C 280 Fuller, F. C 771 Fuller, H. G 742 Fuller, J. P 828 Fulton, William 669 Fulton, William P 6 Funk, Charles D 246 Fuquat, John A..8,110,518,548,635,691,755 Fuqua, W. M 794 Furcron, A. S 413 Furhi, H. C. A 10 Furr, W. L..- 672 Fussell, A. G 851 Futch, J. M 737 Gabbett, William 446 Gabbott, H 8o2 Gabel, J 281 Gadd, Robert 534 Gafford, Ben. W. S 554 Gahagan, W. W 673 Gaillard, J. P 402 Gaillard, P. C 715 Gaillard, R. W 611 Gaines,' Fountain 820 Gaines, Henry C 190 Gaines, J. A 771 Gaines, Jackson Gaines, J. E 720 Gaines, J. T 774 Gaines," R. M., jr 70a Gaines, R. V 7->9 Gaines, S. A 775 Gaines, Samuel M.... 63 45 Page. r,aines,W-F 221 K nes William 90,3^0,690 rSner J- W 783 Lnor, Franklin 181 SUjwnes 125,203 He John 285 Gale! John H 620 Ga e T. C 734 Gale! W.D 866 fiallagher, John... 712 Sllaher, Patrick 228 Gallaspy. W. J 151 Gallie, Joseph 888 Gallman, W. B. 66 Galloway, A. H 613 Galloway, J-. 524 Gallowuy, J. E 178 Galloway, J. P 525 Galloway, J. S.. 243 Galloway, M.P 242 Galloway, S . 496,583 Gait, G. A. D 163,569 Gait, Herbert T 832 Gambill, W. C 700 Gamble, C. B 193,482,535,656,723 Gamble, Hamilton M 531 Gamble, J. P 860 Gamble, J. T 127 Gamble, Ro. H 243 Gamblin, E. D 131 Gambling, William G 38 Gambolt, J. T 617 Gambrell, J. M 426 Game, William H 176 Gammel, William 654 Gammill, George W 385 Gamm<5n, William G 626 Ganahl, Joseph 859 Gandry, J. E 436 Gannaway, James N 368 Gant, R. C 856 Gant, William 344 Gantt, A. N 685 Gantt, R. P 624 Gantt, T. P 467 Gapin, J. G 157 Garawood, L. B 503 Garber, A. M 179,192,278,608 Garber, G 425 Garber, W. H 234 Garden, H. D 140 Garden, T. J 431 Gardener, R. Dk 268 Gardin, B. R 407 Gardiner, L. de Brath 286 Gardner, A. C 413 Gardner, A. V 330 Gardner, B. F 523,661 Gardner, David 197 Gardner, Fleming 274 Gardner, Frank 509,568,659,864,879 Gardner, G. W 888 Gardner, J. B 231 Garduer, J. M 588 Gardner, John D 31 12 1864 Page. Gardner, John S 670 Gardner, John W 266 Gardner, Lee M 365 Gardner, P. M 684 Gardner, T. J 328 Gardner, Wm. M..12,29,46,83.315,323,358, 379, 389,395, 396,467, 495, 518, 522,544,553,556, 573,581,597, 604,620,625, 645, 651, 655, 678, 684, 685,688, 692, 706, 709, 728, 730, 737, 741, 750, 758, 762, 771, 775,776,787, 798,807,808, 809, 818, 823, 830, 838, 843, 858, 880 Gardner, W. P 262 Garesche, P. B 887 Garinne, T 722 Garland, A. B 251,286,479,636 Garland, II. A 94,"116 Garland, J. Powell 767 Garland, L. C 243 Garland, L. H 890 Garland, W. H 396 Garlington, William H 163 Garner, G. G 879 Garner, J. B 288,537 Garner, J. C. C 677, 757 Garner, John 159 Garner, J. T 509 Garner, Merrit T 177,454 Garner, Thomas M 832 Garner, W. A 540 Garner, W. L 159 Garnett, A. Y. P .396,405 Garnett, C. F. M 653 Garnett, C. L 411 Garnett, James M 73 Garnett, John J...29,195,206,358,469, 798 Garnett, John M 58,99,576,684 Garnett, Muscoe 638 Garnett, W. J 170 Garnette, L. B.; 236 Garrard, J. C 232 Garrard, J. M 709 Garrard, N. W 347 Garrett, Bird 7 Garrett, B. M 177,505 Garrett, Elizabeth 551 Garrett, E. N 271 Garrett, H. C 881 Garrett, J. J 544 Garrett, John 368 Garrett, T. J 884 Garrett, W. A... a. 844 Garrighty, John 206 Garrison, Ed 477 Garrison, F. H 298 Garrison, George G 898 Garrison, T. P 770 Garrison, Robert 300 Garrity, J 842 Gartrell, John 0 50 Gartrell, Lucius J 740 Garvin, John F 23 Gary, M. W 164,305,416,601 Gary, William T 189 46 Page. Gary, W. S . 644 Gash, J. H....' 237 Gaskins, James H 245,511,732 Gassett, C. W 160, 370 Gaston, J. B 432 Gates, B. G 294 Gates, John 391 Gates, John W 783 Gates, Seaton 720 Gates, S. H 336 Gates, T. Frank 266 Gatewood, R.... 239,281,423,515,709,710 Gatley, John 401 Gatlin, E. H 340 Gatlin, James H...., 781 Gatlin, John. D 352 Gatlin, T. H 386 Gatling, John 614 Gauley, John R 601 Gault, Cyrus, jr 266 Gault, William T 95 Gause, W. R 429,571,657 Gavigan, Michael 266 Gavin, W. C 620 Gavitt, Sandford 157,195 Gay, Hiram 260 Gay, J. E 851 Gay, J. M 855 Gay, Stephen V 171 Gayhardin, A 448 Gayle, F. P 36 Gayle, J. P, 874 Gayle, Nathaniel G 567 Gaylor, Bunyan 460 Geddings, J. F. M 670 Geddings, W. H. (Surg.)..117,291,836,890 Geddings, (Surgeon) 763 Gedney, J. W 767 Gee, B. H 336 Gee, John H 552,680,695,781,790 Geere, P. F. M 863 Geffroy, W. 0 433 Gegan, J. J 228 Gegan, W. H 246 Geiger, H. H 838 Geigor, M 477,483 Gelting, George B 172 Gent, J. C 819 Gentry, Joseph R 25 Gentry, William 236 Gentry, W. M 314 George, C. D 299 George, D. W 770 George, E. P 37,115,270,692 George, James B 92, 328 George, James H «... 303 George, J. J 850 George, John R 728 George, W. F 355 George, William M 121, 598 Georgia Huzzars (Company D, 2d Battalion Georgia Cavalry ; after- ward Company F, Jeff Davis Legion, Mississippi volunteers)... 132 Geragano, A. J • 312 Gerard, A ." 272,544 Gerdyie, Joseph H. L 22 Germain, J. P 393,647 German Artillery (attached to 1st S. C. Militia; afterward independ- ent battrn S. C. artillery) 309,402 German, Edward 802 Gerock, S. L 835 Getty, G. T 442,453,475,593 Gevin, J. J ljg Ghent, H. C 153 Gholson, C. L 875 Gibbert, J. R 168 Gibbert. Ro. J 174 Gibbes, G. C 422 Gibbes, J. B 848 Gibbes, Wade H 192,551 Gibbes, William G 451 Gibbon, Israel 337 Gibbon, Robert 82,185, 326, 376, 636, 649,*586, 690,693,875 Gibboney, Robert 489,895 Gibbons, J. L 357 Gibbons, William H...... 286,531,853,860 Gibbs, E. S 430,861 Gibbs, George C..10,261,320,433,557,754 Gibbs, J. H 246 Gibbs, J. R 232 Gibbs, J. S 521 Gibbs, O. T 72 Gibbin, Charles ►. 126 Gibson, A. C 283 Gibson, A. F 517 Gibson, A. W 335 Gibson, C. C 209 Gibson, Charles Bell 6,399 Gibson, C. L 346,525 Gibson, D : 81 Gibson, D. P » 16 Gibson, E. (Lieutenant) 663 Gibson, E. (Captain) 625,853 Gibson, F 266 Gibson, H. C 260 Gibson, James..... 688 Gibson, J. E 775 Gibson, J ere 819 Gibson, J. F 174 Gibson, J. M 45 Gibson, John 460 Gibson, J. P 13 Gibson, L. H 249 Gibson, L. R 75 Gibson, R. J 630 Gibson, R. L 343 Gibson, Samuel H 704,835 Gibson, T. S 289 Gibson, William 736 Gibson, W. T. C 413 Giddens, J. T 175 Giddings, W. H 156 Gidire, J. J 497 Gid Nelson Artillery (Co. A, M^jor D, Truehart's batt'n Ala. vols. )..136,456 Gidney, J. W.. 696 Gilbert, George 276 47 Page. Page. rilbert) J- .E 741 Glasgow, W. F 85 a lbert, William 537 Glass, John V 21 rilbreath, L. W 297 Glass, Peter 266,503 r lchrist, D. E 237 Glass, P. T 177,324,645,733 rilchrist, John 436 Glass, W. L 91 r;lday> Martin 237 Glazebrook, R. M 372 gilder, R. F 54,291,591 Glazier, Thomas W..; 232,641 Pildersleeve, J. R 42 Gleason, James 847 riles. S. L 479,590 Gleason, James A 346,852 Piles, T. T 836 Gleason, J. T 822 Gilford, E- J 72 Gleutorij A. E 669 Pilham, Thomas A 21,141 Gleeson, Thomas '. 402 Pill E. H 107 Gleghorn, S. C ; 319 pill H- C 355 Glenn, B. L... 275 Gill! Henry H ! • 394 Glenn, D. C 78,185,675, 808 Gillain) Francis 215 Glenn, John J. \V 48,831 gjllaspie, W. M 150,330,445,455 Glenn, John T 21 Gillen, J 835 Glenn, J. W 798 Gillespie? Adolphus W 778 Glenn, R. M 850 Gillespie, H. C 8 Glenn, W. F...: 43,134 Gillespie, John T.« 763 Glenn, William 756 Gillespie, Samuel T 539 Glenn, W. J 853 Gilliam, A. D 779 Glocker, A. C 276 Gilliam, G. W 345 Glover, B. C 834 Gilliam, Joseph P ". 607 Glover, C. B 680 Gilltflm. J. W 771 Glover, Colleton 63 Gilliam, M. M 162 Glover, George F 96 Gilliam, Robert, jr.... 839 Glover, H. F, 153 Gilliam, William C 511 Glover, J. A 562 Gilliland, W. A 21 Glover, James 126,788 Giilins'iy, W. P 312 Glover, J. L 228 Gillion, John 833 Glover, John.. 890 Gillis, Neil 774 Glover, Joseph T 126 Gillon, Alex 368 Glover, Laurens H 874 Gilmer, C. G '. 266 Glover, L. T 250 Gilmer, J. F 90,104,138,197,198, 379, Glover, M. B 802 435,572,576,578, 626,649,650, 709 Glover, S. A 218 Gilmer, John A., jr..353,519, 552,635,649 Glover, W 244 Gilmer, John C 274 Glover, W. B 109,331 Gilmor, H. W 282 Glynn, John B.; 74 Gilmore, G. W 541 Goad, James ; 224 Gilmore, J. S 666* Gobble, Thomas M 98 Gilmore, J. Taylor 45, 512 Gober, D 450 Gilpin, P. A 577 Godby, W. S 558 Gilreath, Leander 50 • Godfrey, James E 716 Giltner, H. L 877 Godfry, T. N 579 Ginn, J. C 259 Godley, F. A 673, 685 Girardey, J. P 221,233,535, 714 Godly, William 364 Girardey, V. J. B 203,311 Godsey, Robert L 114,448,646,811 Girault, J. F 738,867 Godsey, S. W 668 Girtman, J. D 91 Godwin, Blackmore 861 Gist Guard Artillery (Co. —, Godwin, H 811 S. C. Artillery).... 276,451,596, 602,780 Godwin, William C 666 %t, J. B 359 Goethe, James H 76,96 Gist, Joseph F. 6 Golf, Justin 235 Givens, Alonzo 51 Goff, Thomas... 680, 788 Givens, James 281 Goforth, H. P i 512 Gladdin, J i.. 311 Goggin, E. J 335 Gladney, J. D 473 Goggin, James M 717 G adney, John 876 Goldsburg, Charles 86 Gadson, Edward 0 156 Goldsby, Miles W 131 G adson, John W....» 156 Goldsmith, Abram 760 G aize, John 608 Goldthwaite, H 188,605,702,879 G'ascock, John Edwin. 118 Goldthwaite, John.. 53 Glasgow, L. R '. 94,107 Goligl^tly, James P 775 48 Page Golightly, W. P 213,372,645,685,726 Golison, George 760 Gomer, A. P ; 570 Gomert, Adolphe 32,114 Gompf, M 819 Gonsales, Silver 228 Gonzales, A. J 480 Gonzales, M. F 257 Gooch, A. F .*. 577 Goochland Artillery, or Goochland Light Artillery (Company—, Virginia Artillery) 805,834 Good. J. B 482 Goodall, J. R 335 Goode, Benton 4 Goode, J. T. (Private) 438 Goode, J. Thomas (Colonel) 136 Goode, T. A , 328 Goode, W. M 794 Goodgame, J. A 673 Goodhand, G Wf 276 Goodin, V. S 747 Gooding, McD 242, 796 Gooding, W. B 588 Goodlett, Martin L. (Asst. Surg.).. 255,408 Goodlett, M. L. (Private) 67 Goodlett, S. D 384 Goodloe, D. S 498 Goodloe, H. H 858 Goodloe, J. Camp 94 Goodloe, M. F 748 Goodloe, William 834 Goodman, A. V 455 Goodman, B . 546 Goodman, C. R 194 Goodman, James M 49, 95,479,496, 502, 524, 526, 530, 540,549, 562,571,579, 620, 890 Goodman, John C 165 Goodman, R 311 Goodman, W. A 879 Goodman, W. P 249 Goodman, W. R 125 Goodnight, G. S 180 Goodson, Samuel W 674, 737 Goodson, T. R 839 Goodwin, A. J... 99,326,344,441,665,849 Goodwin, A. T 76,147 Goodwin, C. L 659 Goodwin, C. R Goodwin, J. B Goodwin, John Goodwin, J. W Goodwin, L Goodwin, W. C Goodwin, W. H Goodwin, W. M Goodwin, W. R Goodwyn, J. J Goodwyn, John H Goodwyn, J. W Goodwyn, Thomas J Goolrich, W. B Goolrick, Charles T ♦Goolrick, Ro. E 709 533,579 569 558 483 769 484 505 325,482 813 126 102 247 807 103 149,588 Goolsby, A 7^ Goolsby, Jefferson W 2(ta Goolsby, R 657,811 Goolsly, P. R jg Goolsly, Thomas 4->i Gore, G. VV 187,424 Gore, James 4jq Gore, J. D 6(17 Gore, Mounts 74.3 Gordon, A 405,6^ Gordon, A. F 247 Gordon, C. C 266 Gordon, C. M 5*52 Gordon, E. C. (Lieutenant) 212 Gordon, Eugene C. (Lieutenant)... 4.73 Gordon, George A 234,264 Gordon, George T 437,753,777 Gordon, J 4<>2 Gordon, James R 606 Gordon, John B 80,658,842 Gordon, J. W 82(i Gordon, M. C 297 Gordon, Robert V 253 Gordon, Samuel H 893 Gordon, T. C 178 Gordon, W. Alexander 134 Gordon, W. C 403 Gordon, W. M 169 Gordon, W. W 661 Gorgas, J 67,143, 238, 265, 351,413,459, 529,649,657, 658, 686,699,700,706,808, 815, 819 Gorham, D. B 319 Gorman, C. H 271 Gorman, Ro. B..*. 199 Gorman, W. H 775 Gormley, M 159,238,268,854 Gormley, Terry 760 Gosee, H 331 Goss, John 83 Goss. N. J 662 Goswick, John 336 Gottheil, Edward 694,747,852 Gould, Horatio W 145 Gouldin, J. M 600 Govan, M. F u 748 Gowen, J. F 448 Gower, J. W 837 Gracer, A. V 894 Grace, B. F 840 Grace, John H 91 Grace, Thomas A 415 Grace, Virgil 690 Grace, W. G 191 Grace, William F 621 Gracer, F. L 400 Gracie, Archibald, jr... 213,299,264,861 Gradeless, William 494 Grady, C. P •. 721 Grady, W. C 828 Grady, William 855 Graeme, Ro 679 Graeme, Thomas 679 Graeser, John G 749 Graffenreid, E. F. de.. 170 49 Page. Graffcnreid, J. C. de 217 Gragg, H. M;. 17 Graham, Benjamin G 729 Graham, C. M . 118 Graham, D 441 Graham, D. P 252 Graham, Edward 419 Graham, George 140 Graham, H. W 431,448 Graham, Israel 246 Graham, J. A 334 Graham, J. C 7,23,144,441,663,875 Graham, J. H 307 Graham, J. M 835 Graham, Joseph 60 Graham, M. D 102 Graham, M. W -396 Graham, B. A 340 Graham Rangers (independent com- pany Texas cavalry) 278 Graham, W. D 767 Graham, William A., j'r 135 Graham, W. W 700 Grainger, George 280 Gramling, K 331 Granberry, Eugene 456 Granberry, S. C 839 Grandin, J. M 571 Grandy, C. W 622 Granger, J. B 797 Granger, J. W 202 Grant, A. M 802 Grant, Henry 822 Grant, James H 457,540 Grant, J. C 341 Grant, John 235 Grant, John H 724 Grant, L. P 285,458 Grant, M. J 354 Grant, P. J 157 Grant, R. Private) 785 Grant, Robert (Captain) 681,867 Grant, Robert E 761 Grant, W. W 740 Grantham, Daniel 437 Grasty, Samuel G 180 Grattan, G. G 718 Grattan, James F 127 Gravatt, John J 400,410,771 Gravely, Thomas M * 242 Graver, Charles 798 Graves, A. L 174 Graves, C. L 836 Graves, George A 728 Graves, G. W. (Landsman) 28 Graves, G. W. (Surgeon) 116,194,813 Graves, H. C 72 Graves, H. M 679 Graves, John F. (Private) 230 Graves, John F. (Private) 697 Graves, P. W 482 Graves, W. C 470 Graves, William A 656 Gray, A. W 680 Gray, H. A 29 13 1864 Page. Gray, Harvey 802 Gray, Howard 450 Gray, H. T 854 Gray, James T. (Private) 162 Gray, James T. (Private) 815,845 Gray, J. H 624 Gray, J. J 157 Gray, John 280 Gray, John T 209 Gray, John W. (Surgeon) 174 Gray, J. W. (Surgeon) 665 Gray, L. B 28 Gray, M. V 774 Gray, Nathaniel 640 Gray, Norborne G 480,572 Gray, 0. C 536 Gray, R. F. (Private)... 362,614,663,861 Gray, Robert F. (Lieutenant) 734 Gray& Valory 671 Gray, W. G. (Captain) 630 Gray, W. Granville (Lieutenant).... 179 Gray, William F 99 Gray, William P 241 Gray, W.J 221,500 Graybill, C. B 773 Graybill, J. H 451 Grayer, W. M 751 Grayham, John T 157 Grayson, C. C 386 Grayson, T. T 166 Grayson, W. H. (Private) 850 Grayson, William Henry (Private).. 633 Grayston, G. W 544, 605 Greathouse, John C 633 Greaves, E. B ' 536 Greaves, Perry 477 Greed, William 760 Green, A. C 838 Green, A. (Private) 713 Green, Albert (Captain) 520 Green, Alex.'(Private).... 266,276 Green, Andrew (Private).. 826 Green, A. R 74 Green, A. W 346 Green, Bpnjamin..., 456 Green, B. W., jr 456 Green, Charles 59 Green, Charles M 637 Green, C. W.. .' 651 Green, D. J 838 Green, Duff. 182,217, 743 Green, E 501 Green, George N 34 Green, G. K 779 Green, G. W 150 Green, H. K 82 Green, H. P 886 Green, James 310 Green, James Mercer 64, 79, 109,115,116,127,209, 215, 398, 436,495,887 Green, James W 79 Green, J. B 536 Green, J. C. (Major). 698, 789 Green, J. C. (Assistant Surgeon).... 40 50 Page. Green, John 43 Green, John J 289 Green, J. W. (Private) 292 Green, J. W. (Major) 156 Green, M. L. 818 Green, M. M 503 Green, N. A 526 Green, P 518 Green, R. L 540 Green, Samuel 36,177,752 Green, S. P 161 1 Green, Thomas 342 Green, Thomas C 750,842 Green, Thomas J 240 Green, Thomas M 257 Green, W. C 329 Grean, W. H. (Lieutenant) 662 Green, W. H, (Private) 402 Green, William (Lieutenant) 386 Green, William (Surgeon) 474,569 Green, William A 747,885 Green, William R. (Private) 427 Green, W. R. (Private) 890 Green, W. R. (Assistant Surgeon).. 569 Green, W. J 588 Green, W. M 820 Green, W. N 809 Greene, Julius A 189 Greene, W. A 806 Greenlee, W 7 299 Greenway, Benjamin 750 Greenway, J. M 830 Greenwell, J. A 151,423,626 Greenwood, A. G • 268 Greenwood, B 228 Greenwood, H. T 745 Greenwood, J. R 789 Greer. E. )Private) 674 Greer, Elkanah (Brig.-Gen.) 878 Greer, H. L 199 Gregg, John 19 Gregg, Joseph C 93 Gregg, R. E 457 Gregg, Thomas E 282 Gregg, W. S 638 Greggory, J. C 409 Gregorie, C. A 510 Gregorie, J. W 462,750 Gregory, A. B 817 Gregory, A. S 761 Gregory, E. H 868 Gregory, E. J 232 Gregory, E. S 424,770 Gregory, James E 426,538,670 Gregory, J. C 272 Gregory, L. L 757 Gregory, Richard 286 Gregory, T. D 335 Gregory, W. T 317 Greig, Ben 526,551 Greiner, James 421 Grenfel, G. St. Leger.' 39 Gresham, J. A 241 Gresham, Thomas B 751 Gresham, (Captain) 825 428 Gretter, F. P Gretter, William B Grevy, Robert 357 Grey, Hugh A 83,110, iy9 Grey, Lysander J 3^ Greyson, J. A 553 Gribble, J. S 822 Gribble, R. D .'. 471 Grice, G. W 63,83,186, 700,723,733 Grice, Isaac W 268 Grice, W. L 159 Grieves, Perry 433 Griffin, A. A 337,670 Griffin, G. G. icq Griffin, Henry 474 Griffin, James B 202 Griffin, Joel R 282,415,416,693 Griffin, John J 437 Griffin, J. W., alias Tim Morris 751 Griffin, P. H 859 Griffin, R. C 494 Griffin, Samuel J 359 Griffin, S. H 776 Griffin, T. H 422 Griffin, T. M 794 Griffin, W. C 7oo Griffin, W. H 36 Griffin, William 634 Griffin, Wingfield 734 Griffin, W. L 521 Griffin, W. N 16 Grifone, W. B 822 Griffith, A. E 267 Griffith, George R 635 Griffith, J. E 340 Griffith, John 305 Griffith, J. W. (Lieut.-Col.) 483 Griffith, J. W. (Private) 844 Griffith, Milton 106,662 Griffiths, John 217 Grigg, A. A 194,851 Grigg, W. F 851 Griggs, E. y 81 Griggs, G. K 336,459 Griggs, G. T 9 Griggs, W. H 154 Grigsby, J. Warren 119,234 Grimes, George W 236 Grimes, G. M.. 336 Grimes, J. G. B 623 Grimes, William T 240 Grimlin, Thomas 847 Grimshaw, J 366 Grimsley, J. H 798 Grimsley, J. M 867 Grimsley, L 103 Grinnell, R. M 719 Grinsted, G. W 776 Grissom, J. C 12 Grissom, S. W 890 Griswold, D. B 161 Griswold, E 121,663,709 Grizzard, J. M 807 Gro, Joshua 790 Grogan, M. A 842,850 51 Page. rfroner, V. D 214 rroom, Joseph W 118 gloss, J. E 659 fiross, John 236 gross, P. H 784 Soose, W. E 365,647,811 yrovensteen, H..C 230 f,rover, H. L 775 Grubbs, A. C 232,406 Grubbs, Daniel A 730 Grubbs, R. S 483 Grubbs, William 497 Gruber, John F ; 479 Grundy, James Pi 225 Gualtney, J. K . 49 Gudger, J. M 101 Qudger, John W 580 Guerard, E. L . 694 Guerard, R. C 398 Guerin, H. C... 149,497,563, 635,644, 764 Guerock, S. L... ... 770 Guerrant, Edward 0 86, 868 Guerrin, John 814 Guerry, Le Grand 741 Guest, J. W 552 Guibet, Alphonse 327 Guild, James..24, 73,102,134,574,586,859 Guild, Lafayette 40,73,76, 152,161,255,272,326,371,409,554, 574,666,744, 794,826,843, 859, 881 Guilmartin, L. J 292 Guin, Amaziah 424 Guinn, J. N. B 16,19 Gullett, Thomas F 182 Gully, R. P 781 Gumbea, J. H 742 Gunly, P. J 300 Gunn, B 368 Gunn, J. M 593 Gunn, L. R 767 Gunter, F. A - 332 Gurley, D. R.i 869 Gurver, G. W 371 Gurver, J. T 371 Gasman, Paul < 711 Guss, William 236 Guthrie, E. T 474 Guthrie, Josephus * 612 Guthrie, L 41 Gutman, H 714 Guy, F 286 Guy, J. E ... 870 Guy, John W 123 Guy, W. W 430,449 Guyott, T. D 514, 604 Guzzle, J. P 335 Gwathmey, C. B 175 Gwathmey, J. B 300 Gwathmey, J. R 291 Gwathmey, R. R. 136 Gwathmey. T. F 189 Gwatkins, Otey 820 Gwin, J. W 445 Gwinn, J. R. P 230 Gwinn, T. D 88 Page. Gwyn, Hugh G 26 Gwynn, B. B 103 Gwynn, F. K 403,484,617,550 Hacker, S. R 357 Hackett, E. L 792 Haekett, John 594 Hackett, John W 671 Hadden, John 307 Haden. John M.... 69, 312, 317, 328, 482, 507,531, 584, 660, 682, 684, 799, 840 Haden, R. M 507 Hafner, George 600 Hafry, John 503 Hagan, James 296 Hagan, T 483 Hagar, John E 499 Hager, George W 268 Hagerman, J 800 Hagerman, John T.t 864 Hagerty, Jere 750 Hagey, John 118 Haggerty, P 8-50 Haggerty, W. 0 614 Hagin, H. N 78 Hagood, J 264, 268 Hagood, W. H 125 Haig, D 732 Haigler, J. F .' 838, 897 Haile, Christopher V 594 Haines, A. A 143 Haines, W. G 110, 370,401 Hair, D. J . 773 Hair, J. R 402 Halbert, John 281 Hale, E. G 719 Hale, Ellis 404, 418 Hale, H. H 29 Hale, R. W 356 Halew, R. T 266 Haley, A. G 602, 845 Haley, G. M 427 Haley, James 91 Haley, J. W 341 Haley, P. C 775 Haley, R. A 885 Haley, Thomas R 203, 749 Haley, T. J 885 Haley, W. P 848 Hall, Alexander, jr ;.. 663 Hall, A. P 118,326, 361, 568, 569 Hall. C. G 589 HalLC.J ' 388 Hall, D. H 312 Hall, E. M 391 Hall, F. M 291 Hall, Francis S 165 Hall, Frederick S 247 Hall, George S 453, 478, 571 Hall, Harrison 734 Hall, Irwin 61 Hall, Isaac 267 Hall, J 318 Hall, J. A. (Private) 354 Hall, J. A. (Private) 802 Hall, James E. (Private) 802 52 Page. Hall, J. E. (Surgeon) 174, 238, 731 Hatnbrick, J. M. Hall, James G 668 Hamill, E Hall, Jeremiah L 225 Hamill, John P.. Hall, J. H 739 Hamilton, A. D., Hall, J. M 353 Hamilton, A. G.. Hall, John 820 Hamilton, A. J. (Hosp. Stew.)... Hall, John W. (Private)...478,531,655,772 Hamilton, A. J. (Captain). Hall, J. W. (Surgeon) 419, Hamilton, A. J. (Agent).... 422, 495, 542,590, 620 Hamilton, A. L Hall, J. T; 495 Hamilton, A. VV Hall, N. F 619, 827 Hamilton, C. H Hall, P. R. B 802 Hamilcon, D. H. (Lieutenant).., Hall, R. F 347 Hamilton, D. H. (Colonel) Hall, Roland B 207 Hamilton, E. W Hall, R. W '242 Hamilton, Henry W. Hall, Samuel H 761 Hamilton, J. A Hall, S. P 228 Hamilton, James 343,413,480,800 Hall, Terrell G 805 Hamilton, James S 696 Hall, Theophilus, alias Todd 213,464 Hamilton, James T 673,764 Hall, Thomas D 542, 767 Hamilton, John, jr Hall, Thomas W 55, 783, 789, 868, 885 Hamilton, J Hall, T. J 429, 573 Hamilton, O. C Hall, W. Caswell 464, 693 Hamilton, R. D Hall, W. D 360, 558 Hamilton, Robert J Hall, Wesley 186 Hamilton, Samuel P. (Private). Hall, William (Private) 350 Hamilton, S. P. (Major) Hall, William (Private) 180,349,372 Hamilton, Thomas (Private), Hall, William B 103 Hamilton, Thomas (Captain).. Hall, William H. (Asst. Surg.).. 247,277, Hamilton, (Captain) 496,600, 326, 369, 393, 531, 712 593,639,766 Hall, William H. (Private) 228 Hamlett, William J 433 Hall, William Henry (Private) 896 Hamlin, H. Hall, W. L 855 Hamlin, L. E. Hall, W. S 180 Hamlin, P. H. Hall, W. W 89 Hamlin, Weld., Hallam, Henry 151,480 Hamlin, (Private). Hallam, T. F 356 Hammack, J. T. Haller, Uriah H 266, 554 Hammack, W. N Hallet, R. J 880 Hammal, George Hallett, E. M 30 Hammett, A. C Halliday, S. F 375 Hammett, B. F Halligan, J 228 Hammett, R. K. B Halligan, J. P 705 Hammett, W. A Hallihan, Walter C 5 Hammock, B. F Hallis, J. H 85 Hammock, C. C... Hallman, Martin 772 Hammond, George W. Hallonquist, R. L 853 Hammond, H. Halloway, J 17 Hammond, Henry S.. Halloway, William 810 Hammond, J. H.. Hallowell, James M 774 Hammond, Lewis L 217 Halpin, T. P 266 Hammond, Paul F. (Sig. Sergt.).... 71 Halsey, A. L 890,563 Hammond, P. F. (Captain) 779 Halsey, D. P 19,719,875 Hammond, William M... 122,198,661,880 Halsey, John H 218 Hammond, W. P 563 Halsey, R. S 385 Hampden Artillery (Co- C, 38th Halstead, Charles '. 267,275 Batt'n Va. Art.) 184,431,707 Halstead, G. N 96 Hampden, H. H 416 Halstead, R. W 46,96 Hampson, F 770 Halterman, A. J 686 Hampton Artillery (Company A, Halton, J. H 722 1st Virginia Light Artillery) 221 Halton, Thomas C 428 Hampton, B. F 417 Ham, F. B.... : 120 Hampton, George 172 Ham, Marion 168 Hampton, J. J 20,177,431,448,646,811 Ham, W. T 393,647,897 Hampton, J. W. (Clerk) 257 Hambleton, John W 615,851 Hampton, J. W. (Lieutenant) 694 53 Page. Hampton Legion (S. C. vols.) 87, 120,127,133,154,164,172,181,192, 304,305,362,371,381,382,393,412, 402,469,474,484,498,499,510,523, 529,604,664, 715, 765, 788, 827, 836 Hampton, Marcus F 226 Hampton, N. B 581 Hampton, S. W 637 Hampton, Wade 131,164,167, 201,207,419,473,542, 717, 718,827 Hanaway, Ro 570 Hanckel, C. F 680 Hancock, A. M 708 Hancock, C. J .. 472 Hancock, F. W 635,674, 790 Hancock, J. B 447,616 Hancock, Jesse T 768 Hancock, J. M 67 Hancock, J. N 79,460 Hancock, N. A 121 Hancock, Philip S 325 Hancock, W. J 620 Hand, Thomas J 704 Handy, T. H 279 Hauer, James 709 Hanes, A. H 735 Hanes, Lewis (J 19„ 497,655 Haney, A. T 738 Haney, James N. (Lieutenant) 467 Haney, J. N. (Private) 601 Hanger, J. Marshall 608 Hanger, William A 344 Hankie, M. S 147, 260, 627 Hanks, E. P 346 Hanks, G. L 299 Hanks, J. M 658 Hanks, L. A 513,810 Haulon, Joseph 44,117,144,327 Hanlon, J. P 157 Hanna, R. A.... 737 Hannack, Louis 820 Hanney, Thomas 281 Hannon, J. B 336 Haunon, M. W 4 Hanover Guard (Company I, 15th Virginia Infantry) 193 Hansby, T. S 800 Hansdaffer, John 267 Hansell, W. A 285 Hanson, A. J 69 Hanson, J. H 85 Happerfield, F 610 Happolt, J. H 545 Hardaway, D. H 404,425 Hardcastle, A. B 674 Hardcastle, William 312 Hardee, Charles 103 Hardee, Wm. J.. 443,664,701,709.723,727, 736,738,809,817,870,880, 889, 899 Hardeman, W. D 869 Hardester, J. W 556 Hardgrove, Thomas J 99 Hardie, J. A 855 Hardie, Robert 732 Hardin, Arthur W 225,292,319 14—1864 Page. Hardin, J. M 854 Hardin, John 230 Hardin, R. G 700 Hardin, Thomas 347 Harding, C. A... 155,253 Harding, Cyrus 338. Harding, Henry 517 Harding, Horace 832 Harding, J. E. T 454 Harding, Joseph F 91 Harding, R. J 525 Hardison, E. J 99 Hardman, James E 341 Hardman, J. B 228 Hardwicke, C. C 718 Hardwicke, J. B 81,89,124, 350,835 Hardwicke Mounted Rifles (Co. H, 7th Georgia Cavalry) 87 Hardwicke, W. M 417 Hardwicke, W. P 419 Hardy, A. B.. 390 Hardy, C. W 452 Hardy, F. H 847 Hardy, H. A 346 Hardy, J. A 429 Hardy, James D 310 Hardy, Joseph 230 Hardy, R T 834 Hardy, S. T , ... 144, 401 Hardy, T. A 566 Hardy, T. B 297 Hardy, T. J 390 Hardy, W, F 635 Haralson, H. A 610 Harbin, M.P 671 Harden, John J 18 .Harding, C. A 673 Harell, James 122 Hargrove Blues (Company I, 12th Virginia Infantry) 221 Hargraves, B 870 Hargrove, H. H 554 Hargrove, John 714 Hargrove, Lemuel., 82 Hargroves, S. B 168 Harkey, R. A 772 Harkic, C. B 250,376,578 Harkins, T. J....'. 632 Harkins, Walter 775 Harkreader, W. M 174 Harlam, George 837 Harlan, J. G 590 Harlan, T. G 728 Harley, Ed. L 281 Harllee, Edward P 80 Harllee, J. W 843 Harlow, J. L 313,345,463,806 Harman, D. H 424 Harman, E. P 523, 795 Harman, F. L 161 Harman, John 275,462 Harman, John A 179,278,608 Harman, John T 278 Harman, William 877 Harman, William H :. 64Q 51 Page. Harman, William N 185,623 Harmon, William H 648 Harmon, W. S 848 Harney, F. M 591 Harney, Henry 286 Harney, W. A . 775 Harper, A. Y 490 Harper, F. M 393 Harper, H. H..... 335 Harper, James 847 Harper, J. D 851 Harper, J. H 771 Harper, J. J 204 Harper, J. M 334 Harper, John 275 Harper, M. F 896 Harper, R. F 213,322 Harper, R. G 418 Harped, S. H 491,856 Harper, T. J .' 125 Harper, Wade H. (Lieutenant) 534 Harper, W. H. (Hosp. Stew.) 139 Harper, W. F 671 Harper, W. P. 663 Harrell, E. R 442 Harrell, P. B 27 Harrelson, J. E 400 Harrelson, Miles 623 Harrington, Charles A 484 Harrington, John T 698 Harrington Light Artillery (Co. A, 13th Batt'n N. C. Artillery) 38 Harrington, Robert 342 Harrington, Thomas 649 Harris, A. H. (Lieutenant) 279 Harris, A. H. (Captain) 513 ^ Harris, Alex 58* Harris, A, T 561 Harris, A. W 257 Harris, B. F 896 Harris, Buckner 700 Harris, Charles J. (Colonel) 691,722 Harris, Charles J. (Major).. 22,79,150,210 Harris, C. R 443 Harris, C. S 764 Harris, D. B 291,306 Harris, D. H 236 Harris, E. H 703,846 Harris, E. P 82 Harris, F. W 384,426 Harris, G 541 Harris, George W 34 Harris, G. T. P 650 Harris, Harell D 400 Harris, H. H 117 Harris, J. C 495 Harris, J. G 340 Harris, J. H. (Major) 761 Harris, J. H. (Private) 409 Harris, J. H. (Private) 779 Harris, J. J 613 Harris, John 476 Harris, J. W 802 Harris, J. W. M 633 Harris, M. B 465 Harris, Milton 659 Harris, N. C 5^ Harris, Raymond B. (Asst. Surg.).. 2(>i Harris, R. B. (Private) 222 Harris, Ro. B. (Asst. Surg.) 43., Harris, R. Y 675 Harris, R. S 6lo Harris, R. T 289 Harris, Samuel S. (Lieutenant) 7^ Harris, Samuel S. (Captain) 114 Harris, S. H 69 Harris, S. T 386 Harris, S. W 192 Harris, Thomas log Harris, T. M 298,412 Harris, T. W 628 Harris, Watkins 348,764 Harris, W. C. (Private) '. 125 Harris, William C. (Lieutenant).. 206,791 Harris, W. F 773 Harris, W. G 165 Harris, W. H, (Asst. (Surg.) 642 Harris, W. H. (Private) 603 Harris, W. H. (Private) 298 Harris, William 284 Harris, W. L 321 Harris, W. S 213,396,807 Harrison, Archy T 687 Harrison, B. C. (Surgeon) 574 Harrison, B. C. (Private) 227 Harrison, C. H 615 Harrison, E. (Cadet) 645 Harrison, Eli (Captain) 886 Harrison, E. J 267 Harrison, F. E 292 Harrison, George E 61,74,89,201,207 Harrison, G. T 643 Harrison, H. H 717,836 Harrison, J. C 281,824 Harrison, J. E 882 Harrison, John T. (Private) 205 Harrison, J. T. (Lieutenant) 694 Harrison, J. P 15,23,24,42 Harrison, Julian 126 Harrison, M. H 617 Harrison, N. F 700 Harrison, Phil. L 735 Harrison, R. B 741 Harrison, S. (Captain) 161 Harrison, S. (Lieutenant) 279 Harrison, Thomas (Colonel) 97,160,370 Hurrison, Thomas (Private) 80 Harrison, Thomas J 159 Harrison, Trezevant 88 Harrison, Walter 717 Harrison, W. E 504 Harrison, William 730 Harrison, William B 489 Harrison, William H..142,216,358,505,598 Harrison, W. W 688,699,724 Harrison, (Captain) 353 Harriss, T. W 184 Harriss, W. N 649 Harrold, H 181 Harrold, J ames A 606,712 55 Page. Page. . .-Id* William 181 Hatcher, T. J 233 KS 'T. A 422 Hatly, E 290 (ja v A 276 Hatrel, Eugene 454 rtt Alexander 21 Hatton, R. W 117 Ha, n C 299 Hatton, T. C 388 Salt' Henry 673 Haupt, S 246 K Henry G 11,141,418,455 Hauser, William 71 ' James A 148 Havener, C. W 670 0art'j."H 665,884 Haviland, G. B 323 gart) John 421 Havis, J. L. 34 0art> Louis M. (Private) 799 Hawes, M. C Il®r ' :i /u_.„ \ /im XT ur X.1 237 Havis, William F 145 705 Hart Martin (Private) 401 Hawes, W. B1 166,533,543,605 if 335,695 Hawkins, C 334, 544, 791 a-.f' Samuel 189 Hawkins, C. J 326 flart' W. W 535 Hawkins, E. R 761 flurtin, J- L 784 Hawkins, H 64 Hartley, Joseph A 107 Hawkins, H. T 562 flartnett, William 445 Hawkins, J. E 417 Hartridge, A. L 764 Hawkins, J.'H 359 Hartsell, Jacob 554 Hawkins, John D 99 Hartsfield, W. R 829 Hawkins, John P 228 Harvey, George C 768 Hawkins, Josiah 5 Harvey, George W 269,319,409 Hawkins, J. T 678,781 236,297 Hawkins, S 834 " ' ~ 34 781 Harvey, J esse T 182 Hawkins, W. J 711 Harvey, John 374,623 Hawks, J. H 635 Harvey, John R . 813 Hawley, John A 707 Harvey, W 218 Hawn, William 655 Harvie, E.,jr . 838 Haws, A. W 45 Harvie, E. J 720, 866 Hawthorne, B. J 706, 782 Harvie, Lewis E. (President) 388 Hawthorne, J. G 799 Harvie, Lewis E. (Captain)....356,405, 657 Hawthorne, Peter W 241 Harvie, William W 8,11,28 Haw, G. P 770 Harville, J. G 121 Haw, John H 240 Harwell, A. C 390 Hay, R. G .. 125 Harwell, John M 617 Hayden, A. W...., 31 Harwood, S. W... 828 Hayden, H. E 477 Harworth,jJ. A 228 Hayden, Michael ..... 785 Hayden, Thomas 534 Hayes, D. W 847 narvejr, .. Harvey, Henry B. Harvey, James 575,668 Hawkins, T Harvey, J. B 537,779 Hawkins, T. H. Haselton, D. B 115; 430,543 Hash. Jackson 231 Haskell, A. M. (Lieutenant) 574 Hayes, Henry 760 Haskell, A. M. (Major) 378 Hayes, J. G 299 Haskell, Joseph C 720,721 Hayes, John H 421 Haskell, Johu C 159 Hayes, Samson ;. 602 Haskell, L. G 816 Haymond, M. P 44 Haskew, J. W •. 597 Haymond, William P 398 Haskins, D. C 93 Hayne, L. C 873 Haskins, John A 399 Hayne, T. B 183 Haslett, H. C 452 Hayne, William Alston 455, 750 Hass, William 105 Hayner, R 873 Hassell, J. P 741 Haynes, Charles L 713 Hassell, L. B 618 Haynes. C. L 659 Hassett, M 618 Haynes, D. R 394 Hassett, William 772 Haynes, H. G 770 Hastings, J. G 260,429 Haynes, James 491 Hastings, J. S 462 Haynes, James A 107 , L. W. 73 157 aatawav, T g«ch, T. A. Hatch, W. H 722, 724 Hatcher, H. W 794 Haynes, J. N 240 Haynes, Peril C 109,360 8 Haynes, W. D. (Captain) 54 Hatch Haynes, W. D. (Lieutenant) 259 Haynes, William 19 er, R. A -...725,866 Haynes, William L 536 56 Page. Havnie, E. L 683 Haynie, J. T 200 Haynsworth, H. J 840 Hayre, J. E 856 Hays, A. B 87,162 Hays, A. J. (Lieutenant) 197 Hays, A. J. (Lieut.-Col.) 264,552 Hays, Dennis 682 Hays, Harry T.. 414,415,433,477,479,504 Hays, H. H 286 Hays, Horatio 37 Hays, James 66, 719 Hays, James H 395 Hays, J. L. (Private) 127 Hays, J. L. (Captain)..v 360 Hays, John 83 Hays, J. R 558 Hays, N. W 580 Hays, P. (Private) 135 Hays, Patrick (Sergeant) .'. 84 Hays, "Samuel K 283 Hays, T. C 789 3, Thomas 584 3, Thomas H 215 _ 3, T. S 755,764 Hays, William (Private) 483 Hays, William (Surgeon) 26,138 Hays, W. S 741 Hayward, 6. A 626 Haywood, C. R 247 Haywood, E. B 307,419, 636, 690, 776, 779, 896 Haywood, Edward G 212,253,417 Haxall, Crenshaw & Co 313,331, 463,806, 857, 878 Haxall, P 898 Hazard, L 228 Hazlewood, James T 332,668 Head, J. C 316 Head, William 126 Headley, John W 631 Healey, Thomas M 462, 750 Healy, H 444 Heard, G. B 344 Heard, Henry J 677 Heard, J. B 143,270 Heard, J. R 340 Heard, J. T 748 Heard, T. B..... 848 Hearn, Benjamin C 276 Hearn, S. C 672 Hearne, J. D 831 Hearrie, Joel 808 Hearny, B. L 814 Hearsey, H. J ) 613 Heart, L. C 394,433 Heath, D. W 847 Heath, Horace M 193 Heath, J. S 366 Heath, N. F 85 Heath, S 129 Heath, T 772 Heath, William M 315 H6bert, Louis 869 Heck, Brodie & C ' 701 Heckman, B. T 35^ Hedges, John 3^3 Hedgmau, Benjamin 3^ Hedinger, Peter 105,855 Hedrick, J. B 855 Hedrick, Thomas 228 Heffter, H. 0 413 Heflin, J. R 143 Heggie, E. A 687 Hegley, H. A 659 Heick, John A 533 Heidle, John B 600 Heidt, H. M 426,526 Heiman, Samuel 266 Heine, F 559 Heinsohn, C 785 Heiskell, H. L 106,176 Heiskell, Joseph B 731 Hellings, John 365,647,811,848 Heliums, James W 395 Hellyer, J. L 186 Helm, George W 72 Helm, R. H 157 Helme, George W 412 Helmick, Daniel G 110 Helms, G. M 678 Helms, J. W 120 Helms, L. D 235 Helton, Thomas 209 Helvenston, A. H 182 Hemingway, T. S 660,692,758 Hemingway, William D 23 Hemmingway, D. M • 208 Hemphill, W. A 491 Hemsley, William 267 Henderson, A. F 439 B. P 837 C. C 733 Daniel 171 F. M 15,24,61,153 Frank W 773 G 24 G.T 114 Her. B 761 James 335 J. C 390 John E 812 John J. (Sergeant) 69 J. J. (Lieutenant) 149 J. J. (Private) 618 John M 197 John Y 734 Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Heuderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson J. S 235 L. B 352 L. M 677 L. T 266 M. J 470 R. M 859 S. T 659 W. A 844 W. B 710 W. H 371 William (Lieutenant)— 0' William (Asst. Surg.).. 82 Hendley, John W 705 57 Page. Hendon, T. W. S 162 Hendren, E. H 20 Hendrex, B 177 Hendrick, John W 211 Hendricks, 0. M 741 Hendrickson, Daniel H 375 Hendrix, J. C 343 Hendrix, S. R 49, 784 Hendry, Neal 871 Henegan, J. M 612 Henegan, P 514 Henley, George Westley 254 Henley, J. H 618 Henley, John A 186 Henley, J. T 585 Henley, Leonard 477, 761 Henley, M. L 339 Henliae, Charles 305 Henline, John 305 Hennan, N 847 Hennicke, A. V 165,692, 758 Henningsen, W. A 845,889 Hennington, E 638 Henon, D. B 390 Henrico Dragoons (10th Va. Cav.).. 498 Henry, B. C 327 Henry, Edward L 396 Henry, E. M 659 Henry, E. T 403 Henry, E. W., jr 46,683 Henry, F. T 880 Henry, G. A., jr 866 Henry, J 70 Henry, J. H 303,378,471,476,532,828 Henry, Joel C 78 Henry, John 329 Henry, M. W 147 Henry, P. L 858 Henry, R. M.. '. 331 Henry, William . 106 Henson, John M 97 Henson, Nathan 474 Henson, T. G 381 Herbert, G. Somerville 756 Herbert, Joseph T 520 Herbert, J. R 36 Herbert, R. H 375 Herbert, W. W 35 Herd, J. L 319 Hereford, Francis M., jr * 662 Hereford, J. B 16 Heriot, Henry T 56 Herman, Joseph 584 Herman, J. P : 125 Herman, Philip 640 Hernandez, Deigo 477,483 Hernden, J. B '. 32 Herndon, Brodie S., jr 504 Herndon, E. W 561,613 Herndon, J. C . 859 Herndon, John 176 Herndon, W. T 199 Herndon, Z. B 119,134,136, 783 Herrero, S. S 791 Herriford, J. S 17 15 1864 Page. Herring, C. H 809 Herring, Charles 469 Herring, G. B 179 Herring, W. F 283 Herron, James S 564 Herron, John I... 567 Herron, John E 226 Hertzer, T. L 795 Herzog, B 435 Heslep, A. J 263 Hester, John 767 Hester, J. T 352 Hester, R. H 280 Hester, William 761 Hestin, Charles H 135 Heth, Henry 67 Heth, Robert 367,686 Heustis, J. F 129,247, 256,411,697, 727,813,862 Heuston, C. C 749 Hewell, R. T 593 Hewetson, R. E. B 613 Hewett, T. S 309 Hewitt, Fox 793 Hewitt, G. W 530 Hewitt, H. C 9,140,279,349 Hewitt, T. M. (Captain) 223 Hewitt, T, M. (Lieutenant) 155 Hewitt, W. W 672 Hewlett, W. A 91 Heyward, W. H 822 Hibarts, John 106 Hibberd, S. C 108,811 Hibbetts, J. B 85 Hickerson, F 260 Hickle, W. T 590 Hickman, John S 50 Hickman, M. V 166 Hickman, T. S 854 Hickok, Samuel M 286,434 Hicks, C. B 169 Hicks, D. W 374 Hicks, F 802 Hicks, George L 651 Hicks, G. W 435 Hicks, J. H 824 Hicks, Leonard 696 Hicks, Robert 239 Hicks, S. H 820 Hicks, Thomas 20 Hicks, W. A 588 Hicks, W. T 465 Hiden, J. C..... 421 Higdon, Francis L 204 Higdon, James B 381 Higdon, John B 282 High, C. C 855 Higham, T 565,829,846 Highfield, A. J 309 Highsmith, Isaac H 157 Highsmith, William N 412, 647,874 Hightower, J. A 187 Hightower, J. C 565 Hightower, T. P 85 Higgason, J. W 213,400 58 Page . Page. gginbotham, B. T 527 Hillhouse, John F 754 Tinbotham, E. G 383 Hilliard, B. F §73 Tinbotham, E. W 437 Hilliard, Camillus B 97,631 Tins, Ed. (Brig.-Gen.) 512,540 Hilliard, C. H 850 ^ns, Edward (Private)..22,156,211,387 Hilliard, C. W 400 Tins, Henry A 266 Hilliard, J. H 662 Tins, James R 266 Hilliard, L 683 Tins, J. L 266,554 Hilliard, S. R 175 Tins, J. M 840 Hilliard, W. L 52,531,569,607 Tins, John C 260 Hillman, J 346 Tins, J. P 290 Hills, James R 770 Tins, Pat...... 814 Hillsman, James E 423 Tins, Walter 561 Hillyer, Eben 40,859 Tinson, Cyrus H 12 Hillyer, George 20 ts, William 545 Hillyer, G. M 401 mrne, L. J 814 Hillyer, S 584,857 A. J. 672 Hilton, W. B 20,43 Alexander P. (Private) 73 Hiltzhimer, Thomas M 698 A. P. (General) 717,768,804 Himmelwright, Thomas T 236 Andrew F 235 Hindman, T. C 56,557 C.*G 217 Hines, A. L 825 Chandler W 710 Hines, Alfred A 205,387,459 Charles D 23,611 Hines, B. W 519 Charles E 291 Hines, George Si 328 D. H 881 Hines, H. L 674 E. H 778 Hines, J. C 222 Frank 760 Hines, John 60 F. S 153 Hines, John H 439 G. A 626 Hines, John W. (Private) 267 George T 798 Hines, J. W. (Surgeon) 119,185,870 G. G I 358 Hines, L 228 H.J 627 Hines, P. E 7,40,71,75,100,111, H. L 551 116,126,127, 135,152,153,161,173, J. C 471 185,245,254, 267,272,274,277,281, Jameh 334 315,326,356,376,388,405,423,426, James A. (Lieutenant) 319 473,493,494,496,501,506,521,625, James A. (Lieutenant) 339 633,534,541,546,548,553,654,656, James M 774 558,561,562,572,690,698,649,651, J. B 624 663,668,682,690, 712,730, 732,754, J. C. (Lieutenant) 874 763, 780,794,808, 824, 870, 891, 896 J. C. (Surgeon) 809 Hines, R. K 127 J. C. (Lieutenant) 616 Hines, T. H 858 John C. (Agent) 642 Hines, Thomas R., jr 721 J. H 880 Hines, W. B 657 J, J 622 Hinkel, D. A 806 John R. (Lieutenant) 145 Hinkle, Charles 422 J. R. (Lieutenant) 197 Hinkle, D. W... 613 Joseph L i 555 Hinkle, James B 174,463 L. Hi 346 Hinkle, L 280 R. H 152,370 Hinkley, Ha 244,781,795 R, L 269 Hinnant, J. A 791 Robert 179 Hinnant, W. G 737 Samuel W 32,209,430 Hinsdale, John W 881 T. A 64,131 Hinson, W. T 312 T. E 16 Hinton, D. A......... 774 Thomas 55,152, 743 Hinton, W. E 844 Thomas D. (Asst. Surg.) 686 Hinty, W. H 408,767 T. D. (Lieutenant). 341 Hipp, John 749 T. L 467 Hipsher, A 637 W 635 Hirsch, Hermann... 382,385,576,773,792 W. E 15 Hitchcock, W. J 445 W. P 513,668 Hite, H. F 7 W. T 855 Hite, J. W 430 W. W 820 Hitzelberger, S. V 246 ary, Thomas 515 Hix, George F 35,200,419,616 59 Page. R. J 95,200,419,616 K'W. P 284,680 d.vter, George 228 Sobart, Edward '. 145 gJrt,JohnH 719,856 s°¥'jeogeW Ill ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: »> Robday, A.. 758 Sober, F. C... 255,850 Rocker, E- T 225 Rode, A. P.. 128 Rodge, C. W 805 Rodge, G 5/3 George B 347,499, 504,520,572,632,636,812, 886 ... 9,J 357 Hodge, John H 802 "fc s, H. L..... 218 s, J. B. (Lieutenant-Colonel) 842 _. o s, John B. (Private) 625 Hodges, John W 443 Hodges, S. K 69 Hodges, W. C 491 Hodges, W-P 148 Hodges, W. R 665 Hodnett, George A 183 Hodnett, W. H 103 Hodse, M 802 Hoeucke, E 269 HofFar, Daniel 267 Hoffman, E. L 289,564 Hoffman, John R 4, 30 Hoffman, John S 436 Hoffman, L. J 125 Hoffman, Moses 802 Hogan, Edward.... 747 Hogan, James ,... 252 Hogan, Mathew 421 Hogan, William 211 Hogans, Stephen W 873 Hoge, A. H 775 Hoge, J. F 805 Hoge, John Blair....22,145,224,253,255,849 Hoge, Samuel 501 Hogg, A. M 157 Hogge, Leroy R 226 Hoke, G, M. (Lieutenant) 8 Hoke, G. M. (Hosp. Stew.) 28,204,744 Hoke, R, F 74,298.334, 358 Hoke, William J 374,48lj 689,873 Holamon, J. M. C 202 Holbrook, J. E 7 475 Holbrook, Thomas 802 Holcomb, W. H 367 Holcombe, E. L 416,563 Holcombe, E. W 853 Holcombe Legion (S. C. vols) 28,31, 164,172,208,226,325,329, 356,374,400,402, 507,510, 512,. 519, 545, 559, 651, 774 Holcombe, William J 491 Holden, A. J 855 Page. Holden, Elisha 366 Holden, G. W 179 Holden, J. C 360 Holden, W. F 513, 784 Holder, W. D 83 Holensback, Alex 230 Holet, John 29 Hollace, C. T 169 Holladay, E. W 483 Holladay, T. A. J 640 Holladay, (Surgeon) 737 Holland, A 246 Holland, B 172 Holland, Benjamin F 648 Holland, E 573 Holland, G. W. L.. 41 Holland, J. F 267 Holland, John L 185 Holland, J. S 838 Holland, N. W 197 Holland, P ' 342 Holland, S. L 18 Holland, T. R 336 Holland, William R 243 Holland, W. P 812 Holleman, Lewis B 436 Holleman, William D 357,427 Holler, A. D 189 Holley, A. D 204 Holley, James 700 Holley, P. W 644 Holl"" Holl Holl Holl Holl Holl Holl Holl Holl Holl day, E. S 8, L day, J. H 836 day, R. K 612 day, W. L 814 ngsworth, A. J 348 ngsworth, B. F 403 ngsworth, J 210 ngsworth, 0. N 16 ngsworth, 0. R 230 s, E. Tompkins 734 Holloman, Josiah 172 Holloway, A. W 861 Holloway, D. P 194 Holloway, James M 272 Holloway, John E „ 46 Holloway, Joseph M 700' Holloway, J. W 830 Holloway, L. D 479 Holloway, M. C 633 Holloway, R. G 656 Holly, James (Private) 46 Holly, James (Lieutenant) 687 Holly, J. H 218 HolJy, T. F 235 Holly, William 474 Hollyday, Lamar 396 Holm, Peter 281 Holman, A. 0 497 Holman, H. H 341 Holman, N 108 Holman, R. D i 299 Holman, Rufus M 245 Holmead, Charles H 276 Holmes, A. T 125 60 Page Holmes, C. E 48 Holmes, Charles R 525, *719 Holmes, David H 599 Holmes, E. A 100 Holmes, Edmund G 431,503,539 Holmes, Eugene 121 Holmes, G. B 357,411,433 Holmes, Green 445 Holmes, G. W 243 Holmes, James H 623 Holmes, J. C 117,644, 848 Holmes, Josiah 657 Holmes, J. P 748 Holmes, M. C 7 470 Holmes, R. D 675 Holmes, Thomas F 71 Holmes, Theophilus H 238,248,327, 328,357,374,447,463,572,602, 685, 686,714,716, 728,737,740,743, 756, , 765, 791, 804,831,836,848,881, 890 Holmes, W. H ! ■ 786 Holston, L. G 235 Holt, Charles L 376 Holt, E. F 149,477 Holt, George W..., 213,322 Holt, G. M. P 409 Holt, J. H 608 Holt, John S. (Sergeant) 862 Holt, J. S. (Lieutenant) 421 Holt, Joseph J 136, 898 Holt, P. A 35,104,405,531 Holt, Samuel 656 Holt, S. W 752 Holt, W. A 825 Holt, W. H 811 Holt, Will. N 208 Holt, W. J 565 Holt, W. S 850 Holtzclaw, Henry 722 Holtzclaw, Thomas A 196 Holtzman, W 246 Holyfield, Willis 233 Holzendors, L 483 Homer, J. A '230 Honeycutt, W. R 637 Hood, D 455 'Hood, George M. (Captain) 446,806 Hood, G. M. (Lieutenant) 335 Hood, James A 35 Hood, J. N 161 Hood, John 770 Hood, John B 71,74, 76,83,248,321, 437,448,480,492,495, 499,514, 515, 627,528,536,560,690,595,605,616, 618, 626, 638,653,805,838,866,,881 Hood, N. A 233 Hood, W. C 884 Hood, William 362,841 Hooe, J. B 875 Hooe, P. B 719 Hooe, R. M 879 Hooff, J. L 268 Hook, H. C 511 Hook, J. H 766 Hooker, C. E 513 Hooker, D. S Hooker, J. D Hooker, GeorgeJ...., Hooper, H. R Hooper, John T Hooper, M. M Hooper, R. M Hooper, T. W Hooper, W. D Hoover, J. F Hope, C. C Hope, J. B Hope, JohnS Hope, Samuel E Hopkins, A. C Hopkins, C. F Hopkins, C. H Hopkins, Cormack... Hopkins, D. W Hopkins, H. D Hopkins, H. H Hopkins, James Hopkins, O. C Hopkins, Solomon... Hopkins, Thomas N. Hopkins, William F Hopper, J. N. D Hopson, V. L Hopson, William G. Hopwood, W. M Horan, G. P Horback, J. P Hord, E. L Hord, John K Horen, David D Horlbeck, Wm. C... Hormblow, S. B Horn, E. L Horn, J. H Horn, J. S. W Horn, M Horn, Peter L Horner, David Horner, J. W Horner, William Hornlines, James T Horshal, D. W Horton, C. E Horton, F. S Horton, Henry E..., Horton, H. F Horton, R. F Horton, Thomas F.. Horton, W. C Horton, Willianfl.... Horton, W. W Hosmer, L. B Hoss, J. A '.. Hostetter, William.. Hottel, J. M -Hough, Joseph H... Hough, Warwick.... House, John W House, M. D. L.... Houser, D. R 235 456 1658 831 63 412 .... 154,163 493 21,153,165 814 668 446 381 707 658 854 ■ 615 865 809 686 266 730 >....... 37 327 461 266 605 ... 69,469 467 236 .... 120 213,291,624 799 121 494,565,744,781,796 742 836 *362,'614,'663,861 820 682 .. 156 809 370,558 .. 315 .. 658 .. 161 412 90 412 178 90 151 859 722 779 41 195 878 879 168 562 612 61 Page. f&ge. flouser, John A 316 Hubard, William J '. 777 Houston, A. M 147 Hubbard, E. W 489,895 Houston, A. 0....'. 624 Hubbard, H. H 60 Houston, H. H 562 Hubbard, J. B 770 Houston, James 603 Hubbard, Josiah R 890 Houston, J. H 422,481,618 Hubbard, Ralph D 778,826 • Houston, John W 411,473 Hubbard, William W 18,40,70,125 Houston, William W 517 Hubbell, Step 384 Hovey, Charles B 751 Hubert, Darius 74,172 Howard, A. B 346 Hubert, John P 271 Howard, A. G 890 Huchez, Caesar 15 Howard, Benjamin F 767 Huckaby, R, F 820 Howard, B. S. (Lieutenant) 335,352 "Hucks, S. L , 735 Howard, B. S. (Private) 414 Huckstep, C. C 379 Howard, Charles 529 Huckstep, C. T 317 Howard, E. Lloyd 572 Huckstep, J. E 379 Howard, Fred. G 297 Hudgins, B. A 791 Howard, George C 12 Hudgins, H. G 815 Howard, George W 715 Hudgins, J. F 28, 748 Howard, H. H 175 Hudgins, Joel M 656 Howard, Irby 371 Hudgins, R. M 514 Howard, Irby H t 490 Hudgins, Robert 118 Howard, James 478,587 Hudgins, Ro. E 159 Howard, James H 258 Hudgins, R. W 369,625 Howard, J. M 371,649 Hudgins, T. A 339 Howard, John H 289 Hudson, A. B 85 Howard, John McHenry 270, Hudson, A. J 240 275,313,478,557 Hudson, Burton 426 Howard, John T 180,186 Hudson, C. H 430 Howard, Joseph D 96 Hudson, Charles E 777, 818 Howard, Joshua 181 Hudson, Daniel L 336,473 Howard, Lee 242,419 Hudson, J. F ; 353 Howard, Martin 281 Hudson, Joseph D 360 Howard, N . 860 Hudson, J. W 612 Howard, S. T 243 Hudson, M 401 Howard, T. B.,jr 770 Hudson, R. H 788 Howard, Thomas L 716 Hudson, R, M 855 Howard, T. W 742 Hudson, T. W., jr 885 Howard, William (Private) 83 Hudson, W. A 788 Howard, William (Private) 230 Hudspeth, G. W 844 Howard, William (Private) 276 Huestis, J. F 10,82 Howe, Francis M 427 Huett, John 405 Howe, W. D 758 Huey, W. H 312 Howell, G. W 421 Huff, B. E 422 Howell, J. A 357,483,635 Huff, Jabez 469 Howell, J. B 855 Huff. John S 842 Howell, J. G 748 Huff, T. J 890 Howell, J. H 770 Huffman, B. F 199 Howell, J. M 435 Huffman, D 635 Howell, R. C 644,887 Huffman, Guy D 143 Howell, R. P 684 Huffman, Mills 444 Howell, \V. J 835 Huffman, Thomas » 230 Howell, W. W 281 Hufford, Joseph., 451 Howell, Zack '.... 272,290,633 Huffsteter, S. C 272 Howerton, S. W 178,833 Hufft, B 239 Howington, William M 174 Huger, A 483 Howison, R. R 716 Huger, Charles L 708 Howison, S. S 793 Huger, C. K 601,605 Howland, James L ... 31 Huger, D. E 880 Howie, John H 696 Huger, William E 54,427 Howie, R. N 524 Huggins, G. B 162 Howie, William R 41 Huggins, George W 45 Howlett, H. M 361 Huggins, James H. (Colonel) 526 Hoyle, D. R 1 710 Huggins, J. H. (Private)... 362,514,663,861 Hoyt, W. B 637 Huggins, Jasper. 430 16 1864 62 Page. Page, Huggins, John 93 Hunt, M. D. L 694 Hugh, G. W 649 Hunt, M. F 339 Hughens, W 890 Hunt, S. J 788 Hughes, E 776 Hunt, T. W 866 Hughes, Edward C 626 Hunt, William Richardson 66, 95, Hughes, James A 422 136, 173, 240, 411,684 Hughes, J. D 391 Hunter, B. E 434 Hughes, J. J 635 Hunter, B. W 203 Hughes, John (Private) 467,514 Hunter, F. D 672 Hughes, J. (Major) 624 Hunter, G. H 722 Hughes, J. (Lieutenant) 336 Hunter, G. W 642 Hughes, John A.. 665 Hunter, Hardy H 331 Hughes, John F 521 Hunter, James 534, 743 Hughes, J. S 675 Hunter, James D. (Captain) 18 Hughes, L. J 241 Hunter, James D. (Cadet) 382 Hughes, Robert B.(Captain) 398,809 Hunter, James, & Son 217 Hughes, R. B. (Corporal) 781 Hunter, J. F .*. 832 Hughes, Robert R 648 Hunter, John A 255,368, Hughes, Ro. J 449 813, 824, 831, 859, 881 Hughes, S. R 390 Hunter, John G. (Private) 200 Hughes, Thomas R 711 Hunter, John G. (Private) 305 Hughes, W. H 842 Hunter, John H 253 Hughes, W. J 184 Hunter, John W. (Private.) 506 Hughes, William 753,887 Hunter, J. W. (Lieutenant) 628 Hughes, W. J. (Captain) 535,591,609 Hunter, J. P... 28 Hughes, W. J. (Lieutenant) 734 Hunter, R. P 213, 355,432, 552 Hughil, J. P * 799 Hunter, R. M. T 709 Hughlett, P. M 297 Hunter, R. S 667 Hughs, Erasmus F 100 Hunter, R. W 717 Hughs, J. M 743 Hunter, Samuel 174 Huguenin, Abram 345,681,768 Hunter, William 283 Huguenin, J. G <. 353 Hunter, William W..~ 111,498,518,636,691 Huiet, J. H 339 Hunter, W. L 155 Hull, Edward 720, 734,867 Hunter, W. S 432 Hull, George G 22 Hunton, Eppa 185 Hull, James M 423 Hunton, Silas B 212 Hullihen, W. Q 875 Huntsinger, G. W 602 Hume, J. R. F 126 Hupp, C. F 129 Hume, William 117,449, 701 Hurlbert, D 402 Humes, Frank A 185 Hurley, A. F 8 Humphrey. H. W 751 Hurley, J. H 404 Humphreys, B. G 50 Hurley, S. M 170 Humphreys, F. C 154, 183, Hurst, D. W 6 188, 200, 234, 445, 736 Hurst, F. E 422 Humphreys, H. H 545 Hurst, James M 466 Humphreys, James T 80 Hurst, Rufus F 466 Humphreys, N. H 748 Hurst, T. E . 618 Humphries, John A 125,203,420 Hurst, W. H 709 Humphries, J. T 783 Hurst, William F 712 Humphries, S. J 177 Hurt, C. G 299 Humphries, S. W 85 Hurt, C. S 8 Humsey, H. J 241 Hurt, Milton B 237 Hundley, A. W 67 Hurt, R. T 683, 758, 856 Hundley, Edward 447 Hurt, W. A 710 Hundley, J. B 67 Hurt, W. H 352 Hundley, W. B 572 Hurtt, D. W 97,565 Hunnicutt, E. T 331 Hurtt, W. J 22 Hunnicutt, William M 171, 448 Hurxthall, John W 69 Hunt, A. J • 896 Huse, Caleb. 752,807,815 Hunt, Fayette 868 Hussey, A. B 890 Hunt, F. M 44 Hussey, J. T 369 Hunt, James D 402 Huston, James 669 Hunt, L. H 717 Hutcheson, E. S 361 Hunt, L. W 157 Hutchins, A. J 186 Hunt, M. A 828 Hutchins, A. W 91 63 Page. |Su-»-£-f .s feK::::::: fS g;;chison,G.A 230 B»'b.M,,chC Hutson, J. C v 413 Hatson' S- V : J5o Hutson, T. J.. 470 gut-son, T. W oil hS?! f." c! V"//.!!!"!'.""!!"!!!!"' 273,427 h:«o».b. V- l ; no, 401 Eton! George H 615 Earns! ^aa.^S*".V* 101, 322 HU^-A' 744 Hyatt, John b b hUt.C. 731 Hyde, C. H»»v 364 Hyde, Edwin H 336, 665 Hyde, J. J 243 Hyde, R. F 169 Hyde, Robert H 537 Hyer, Wilbur F , 621 Hyland, John Gr...... 15} 33j 391 Hyman, T. C 540 Hyudman, A. D 371 Hynson, Joseph H 337 Hynson, N 563 I'Anson, R. W 25 Iglehart, William T 93 ller, T. H 200 Iraboden, J. D 82, 222,356,817 Inabnit, J. A 177 Independent Guards (— Ala. Res.).. 732 Ingate, F 713 Ingle, Augustus 29 Ingraham, D. N 663,817,852* Ingraham, H. L 553 Ingram, Hugh 802 Ingram, James (Private) 235 Ingram, James (Lieutenant) 355 Ingram, J. K 836 Ingram, John (Private) 235 Ingram, John (Major) 866 Ingram, T. D 169 Iugram, William 9 Insley, S. P 118 Inzer, W. M 702 Irby, A. P 784 jrby, R 835 Iredell, C. J ; 336 Ironmonger, F. M 659 {rvine, Andrew 707, 785 Irving, ASmilius 518 Irving, C. H 707 ^ng, John B 518 Jrving, Joseph K 735 Irving, Thomas J 501 Irving, 349 Page. Irwin, A. H 563 Irwin, J. D 339 Irwin, L. B 692, 758 Irwin, Robert C 740 Isbell, D. D 748 Isbell, T. L 820 Isenbart, S. F 151 Ish, M. A F; 763 Isom, John 224 Isom, N. A 88 Isom, Thomas D 266 Israel, Felix W 456 Israel, G. T 246 Iverson, Alfred 122 Ives, J. C 100 Ives, J. S 615,632 Ivey, G. W. F 240 Ivey, J. W 7 Ivey, S. A 828,397,498 Ivie, M. E 299 Ivy, J. H 472 Jack, John 876 Jack, Thomas M 380 Jackson, A. E 765 Jackson, B. H 119 Jackson, B. M 792 xJackson, C. M 155,301 Jackson, D. C 117 Jackson, E. H 448 Jackson, Elias Green 528 Jackson, G. (Private) 178 Jackson, Gaston (Private) 547 Jackson, George (Hosp. Stew.) 244 Jackson, Henry R 205,867 Jackson, H. G. (Corporal) 9 Jackson, H. G. (Asst. Surg.)...". 261 Jackson, H. H .. 4 Jackson, Howard (Private) 826 Jackson, H. (Captain) 485 Jackson, J. B 281 Jackson, J. C 672 Jackson, J. D 709 Jackson, J. F 891 Jackson, J. F. B 266 Jackson, J. L. (Private) 648 Jackson, J. L. (Lieutenant) 599 Jackson, John E 348 Jackson, John K 213,234,-651 Jackson, Joseph, jr 242 Jackson, Joshua 191 Jackson, J. R 312 Jackson, Lafeyette 740 Jackson, Levi 162 Jackson, S. N 319,621 Jackson, T. J 659 Jackson, T. M 476 Jackson, W. C 466 Jackson, William H 13,472,616 Jackson, W. J 648 Jackson, W. L 90 Jackson, W. T 230 Jackson, (Colonel) 312,463 Jacob, J. W 507 Jacobs, B. R 1'7 Jacobs, J. L 260 64 Page. Jacobs, Joseph . 712 Jacobs, S. B .• 532,672 Jacobs, T. A 874 Jacobs, T. 0 . 339 Jacobson, Martin L 521 Jacocks, H. H 524 James, A. S 745 James, Bryan 3,48 James, Charles 281 James, Fleming (Private) 272 James, Fleming (Lieutenant) 679,737 James, F. .W 678 James, James R 427 James, Joseph S 237 James, L 280 James, M. (Private) 235 James, Matthew (Private) 465 James, Noal , 503 James, Peter, jr ; 390 James, Robert 301,772 'James, Spencer 811 James, S. W 496 James, T. C 334,848 James, Thomas 18 James, W. A 679, 860 James, W. E 339 James, Westwood W 443,632 James, W. H 158 James, William H. H 267 James, W. L t 714 Jameson, William 82 Jamieson, G. W... 835 Jamieson, W. W. 138 Jamison, D. F '. 250,596 Jamison, James M 195,316 Jamison, P. G 182 Jamison, S. G •• 356 Jamison, S. N 748 Jandon, J. R. C 38 Jandron, Thomas 312 Janes, Thomas A 114 Janinner, F ,. 477 Janney, E. H ." 608 Janney, George 0 453,699 J aquess, J ohn A 659 Jarratt, J. W 840 Jarratt, Obadiah 708 Jarrett, J, M 262 Jarvis, F. B 235 Jarvis, J. M 409 Jarvis, Robert H 634 Jarvis, W. H 827 Jasper, J. W.... 859 Jasper, Montgomery 680 Jayne, Joseph M 190 Jeff Davis Artillery (Company —, Alabama Artillery) 33,143,361,802 Jeff Davis Legion (Miss. vols.)... 23,159, 192,208, 310, 322,369, 398,415,416, 693, 754 Jefferies, J. T 181 Jefferson, E. E 149,417,483,571 Jefferson, Thomas 270 Jefferson, Samuel L ,. 127 Jeffreys, A. F 497 Jeffreys, A. S..... Jeffreys, J. G ,. Jeffreys, R. M Jeffreys, R. W Jeffries, Hamlet Jeffries, James Jeffries, W. B Jeffrey, W. V Jemison, E. H Jemison, E. S Jemison, J. J Jenifer, W. H...; Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins a. g C Charles J d. c :... E .\ E. B E. C ra8e. 661 336 862 679 650 18 8lo 182 .'*63,118,5i' 734 574,685,715 ...... 161,241 802 734 : 0n 866 2M38 218 183,369 G.. Taylor, jr 475,626'839 H. C 802 James E 248 James P 286 James T 221 Jeff. 855 John P. (Private) 399 J. P. (Assistant Surgeon).. 103 J. S 235 J. W 802 M 50 O. H 430 Seabrook 15 Thomas J 802 W. Kennedy 734 Jenks, G. A 890 Jennings, A. R 182 Jennings, Charles A 865 Jennings, D. R 190 Jennings, E 162,784,810 Jennings, Henry C 78 Jennings, James M.' (Private) 453 Jennings, J. M. (Sergeant) 674 Jennings, John T 31 Jennings, Lafayette 22,83 Jennings, L. B 27,366 Jennings, L. T 126 Jennings, N. A 544 Jennings, T. C 199 Jennings, W 60,369,512,692,731 Jennings, W. H Jenny, F. W Jenson, J. A Jernigan, A. J Jernigan, James H Jernigan, W. H Jerrell, E. H Jerry, J. P Jervis, James A Jessee, G. M Jessie, James Jester, S. M Jeter, B. A Jeter, L. H Jeter, Thomas B Jeter, ,T. J 289 854 281 540 65 701 809 442 831 13,44 210 17 280 175 603 771 65 Page. Jett, Benjamin P 170 Johnson Jett, J. B 577,637 Johnson Jetton, J. W 650 Johnson Jewell, W. H 76,131 Johnson Job, James 802 Johnson Jobe, William R 390 Johnson Johns, A. B 171 Johnson Johns, E. W ; 147,219, Johnson 421,686,711, 763,769,795,833,863 Johnson Johns, John 78,302 Johnson Johns, Kensey 174,324,422 Johnson Johns, R. D 336 Johnson Johns, Robert 474 Johnson Johns, Stark 474 Johnson Johns, William (Private! 281 Johnson Johns, William (Private).... 601 Johnson Johnson, A. B 427 Johnson Johnson, A. F 484, 681 Johnson Johnson, Allen (Private) 834 Johnson Johnson, Allen (Lieutenant) 343 Johnson Johnson, Andrew 800 Johnson Johnson, Anthony 267 Johnson Johnson, A. R 267,531,585,604, 606 Johnson Johnson, A. W 281 Johnson Johnson, Bart 5 Johnson Johnson, B. F 395 Johnson Johnson, Bradley T 36,155,246, Johnson 253,276, 285,286,300,308,359, 787 Johnson Johnson, Bushrod R 869,401,497,692 Johnson Johnson, C. A 456 Johnson Johnson, C. B., (Hosp. Stew.) 161 Johnson Johnson, C. B. (Private) 209,572 Johnson Johnson, C. F 618. Johnson Johnson, David (Private) 181 Johnson Johnson, David (Lieutenant) 407 Johnson Johnson, E. C 119 Johnson Johnson, Edward (Maj.-Gen.) 206, Johnson 515,660, 717 Johnson Johnson, E. (Captain) 183 Johnson Johnson, Euclid (Captain) 345 Johnson Johnson, F. J 449 Johnson Johnson, G. B 822 Johnson Johnson, George I... 725 Johnson Johnson, G. W. (Private) 426 Johnson Johnson, G. W. (Private) 800 Johnson Johnson, G. W. (Private) 818 Johnson Johnson, Herschell V., jr 32,134 Johnson Johnson, H. H 1 522 Johnson Johnson, J. A 410,436 Johnson Johnson, James H. (Hosp. Stew.).. 323 Johnson Johnson, J. H. (Captain) .'.... 613 Johnson Johnson, J. H. (Private) 235 Johnson Johnson, J. H. (Lieutenant) 75 Johnson Johnson, J. F 434 Johnson Johnson, James P. (Surgeon) 27 Johnson Johnson, J. P. (Lieut.-Col,).. 271,504,691 Johnson Johnson, James T 24,110, Johnson 111, 138,145,148,163,262,280, Johnson 304,337,493,530,640, 748, 781 Johnson Johnson, James W. (Private) 228 Johnson Johnson, J. W. (Private) 281 Johnson Johnson, J. W. (Major) 21 Johnson Johnson, J. J. (Private) 519 Johnson Johnson, J. J. (Private) 393,647 Johnson Johnson, John (Captain) 573 Johnson 17 1864 Page. John (Private) 890 John (Private) 872 J. (Private) 545 John B. (Private) 240 J. B. (Lieutenant).. 583,619, 738 J. B. (Captain).;., 678,844 John G 154 John H 286,425 John L. (Private) 851 John L. (Private) 67 John M. (Surgeon) 32 J. M. (Private) 342 John R. (Captain) 301,497 J. R. (Lieutenant) 243 John T. (Lieutenant) 306 J. T. (Private) 170 Joseph .' 230 Joseph H 361,531 J. S 650 J. W ; 69 Lewis 640 M. H. (Private)..'. 557 M. H. (Private) 453 Milleage B 744 M. M. (Private) 405 M. M. (Asst. Surg.) 145 N. T 336 P. G 345 R. E 696 R. G 225,275,341 R. H 338 Richard P 466 R. M 467 R. N..... 91 Robert... 84, 694 Robert Y 150 Rowan 150 Rufus M 186 Silas 254 S. J 694 S. P 413 T. D 157 Thaddeus 802 Thomas 102,165 Thomas A. (Hosp. Stew.) 244 T. A. (Private) 434 Thomas C 239 Thomas F. (Private) 237 T. F. (Private) 337 Thomas P. (Captain) 416 T. P. (Private) 814 V. Q 475 V. T 309 W. B 165 W. C 325 W. D 9 W. G 220 W. H 620 Wilbur F 561 William R. "(Lieutenant)..236,361 William R. (Asst. Surg.).. 317 W. R. (Private) 110,598 W.J 8 W. K : 33,398 W. P 69 66 Page. Johnson, W. S 281 Jones Johnson, W. W 217 Jones Johnson, Z. B 235 Jones Johnston, Andrew 672 Jones Johnston, A. R...., 367 Jcnes Johnston Artillery (Company —, Jones Virginia Artillery) 46,309,607 Jones Johnston, Charles A 366 Jones Johnston, D. W. (Lieutenant) 432 Jones Johnston, D. W. (Asst. Surg.) 715 Jones Johnston, E. B 174, 347, 349 Jones Johnston, Elliott 481 Jones Johnston, Gabriel 221 Jones Johnston, George W., 538,670 Jones Johnston, G. L 845 Jones Johnston, Harris H... 11,164,167,191,625 Jones Johnston, James A 274,326 Jones Johnston, James T 65,244,441 Jones Johnston, J. C.. 253-255,272,611,617,637 Jones Johnston, J. J. (Private) 897 Jones Johnston, J. J. (Lieutenant) 208 Jones Johnston, John 481 Jones Johnston, John H 66,326,329 Jones Johnston, John M 328 Jones Johnston, John W. (Private) 202,258 Jones Johnston, J. W. (Lieutenant) 694 Jones Johnston, J. W. (Captain) 868 Jones Johnston, Jos. E.. 7,24,28,35,52,54,64,65, Jones . 74,76,86,88,90,92,97,104,119,122, Jones 136,140,142,147,167,181,186,190, Jones 198,207,212,213,222,234,238,243, 248, 253,257,264, 265,274, 275,277, J ones 283,285,287,288,290,291,300,303, Jones 307,310,311,314,321,330, 350,351, Jones 360,367,370,381,383, 386, 404, 437 Jones Johnston, Joseph P 202,258 Jones Johnston, J. R 127,271 Jones Johnston, J. Stoddard 67,877 Jones Johnston, M. A 881 Jones Johnston, P. P 355 Johnston, R. A 341 Jones Johnston, R. B ...! 664 Jones Johnston, R. F 573 Jones Johnston, R. L 326 Jones Johnston, Robert S 734 Jones Johnston, Silas 261 Jones Johnston, William 654 Jones Johnston, William B... 242 Jones Johnston, (Private) 371 Jones Joiner, N. R 340 Jones Joiner, W. D 832 Jones Joines, John W ; 161 Jones Joines, W. H 870 Jones Jolly, E. G 835 Jones Jolly, John H 511,809 Jones Jolly, J. W 484 Jones Jolly, W. B 351,577 Jones Jones, A. (Surgeon) 85 Jones Jones, Alex. (Lieutenant) 30 Jones Jones, A. B. (Lieutenant) v.. 18 Jones Jones, A. B. (Private) 832 Jones Jones, A. C. (Hospital Steward) 863 Jones Jones, A. C. (Captain) 335 Jones Jones, A. E 407 Jones Jones, Alex. S 214,490 Jones A. M Anderson W $ A' Archibald 7gj Arthur i92 B. B..... 97 Benjamin F. (Private) 241 B. F. (Captain) 23,539 B. F. (Major) 372,374,562 B. L 806 B. T 457 Catesby Ap. R..308,450,461,514,594 C. C 39i C. F. (Lieutenant) 260,429 C. F. (Private) 532 Charles 628 Charles G 21 Charles T 793 C. P 767 C. W 803 David H 42 D. F 312 E. (Surgeon) 177 Ed. (Private) 806 Edmund W 634 Eicon 65 E. E 820 E. P 18 F. C 194 Frank F 215, 453, 428,431,564, 787,861 Gabriel 168 G. C 412 George (Private) 84 George (Lieutenant) 492 George F 114 George S 586 George T 611 George W 110,443, 534, 582,691,688,714,890 Griffith W 135 H. B 445 H. E 718 Henry Morris 682 Hinton 175 H. J 58 H. P. (Lieutenant) 14 H. P. (Colonel) '288,404 J. A. (Private) 792,857 J. A. (Private) 354 Jackson M 42 James 382,827 James G. (Lieutenant) 627 James G. (Lieutenant) 339 James J. (Private) 399 J. J. (Private) 590 J. J. (Sergeant) 809 James T. (Capt.).. 513,597,608,845 J. T. (Surgeon) 684 James W.,jr 60 J. D 197,236 J. H. (Captain) 38,49,402 J. H. (Private) 312 J. H. (Hosp. Stew.) 799,885 J. L.... !. 224 67 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Ass Joel S 351,459 John (Private) 127 John (Private! 803 J. (Lieutenant) 417 J. (Lieutenant) 177 John E 429 John G 387 John J 446 John M. (Private) 409 J. M. (Private) 676 J. M. (Captain) 645 J. M- (Lieutenant)." 589 J. M. (Lieutenant) 224 JohnN. T 513 John R 5,43 John S. (Lieutenant) 680 J. S. (Lieutenant) 577 John W. (Chaplain) 500 J. \V. (Assistant Surgeon)... 122 J. W. (Lieutenant) 236 J. W. (Private) 514 J. W. (Major) 871 Joseph 339 Joseph H 321, 331 J. P. (Colonel) 114, 192,198,282,552,704,765 J. P. (Lieutenant) 235 J. Paul (Surgeon) 856 ~ " 365 203 299 381 40 357 470 18 388 J. V. Lewellen.... L. F L. H L. J L. M Luther A. .. & Markham. Marvel M..., M. H 41,351 M. W 842 N. C 769 P. C 178,749 R. E 20,166,448,646,81.1 Resin 397 R. F 278 Richard T 510 R. M 558 R..S.. 243 S. (Lieutenant-Colonel! 765 Samuel (Major-General)— gned to command 198 Mentioned 15,56, 78 84, 90, 111, 132, 198,207, 274,282, 296, 297, 303, 326,333, 350, 358,383, 389, 481,483, 484, 490, 557, 578, 595, 602, 605, 638, 642,651,653,878,895 Jones, Samuel G 171' Jones, Seaborn 129,193 Jones, S. M 355 Jones, S. T 463 Jones, S. W. (Captain) 484,554 Jones, S. W. (Lieutenant) 559 Jones, T. F 537' Jones, T. H 448 Jones, Thomas (Private) 179 , Thomas (Captain). 544,616- Jones, Thomas C 437,649 Jones, Thomas E 44 Jones, Timothy J 9 Jones, T. M. (Captain) 289,418 Jones, T. M..(Colonel) 507 Jones, Toliver . 181 Jones, T. R. (Captain) 518 Jones, T. R. (Private) 406 Jones, W.. A 454 Jones, W. B. (Captain) 73 Jones, W. B. (Chaplain) 753 Jones, W. D 589 Jones, W. E. (Chaplain) 15 Jones, W. E. (Assistant Surgeon)... 50 Jones, W. E. (Brigadier-General)— Assigned temporarily to command 312 Mentioned 48,158,312,325,328 Jones, W. H. (Lieutenant! 675 Jones, William H. (Major).... 241,392,565 Jones, William H. (Private) 477 Jones, William 294 Jones, William M 42,175, 313,386,406 Jones, William R. (Lieutenant) 446 Jones, W. R. (Hospital Steward)... 30 Jones, W. R. (Surgeon) 174,238 Jones, Willis F 121 Jones, Witcher 778 Jones, W. L 814 Joplin, Alfred 180 Joplin, Dorsey 180 Joplin, J. C 284 Joplin, S 231 Jordan, Benjamin F 365,401 Jordan, Charles V 239,606 Jordan, Fleming... 560 Jordan, G 545 Jordan, H. A 814 Jordan, James 181 Jordan, J. B 581 Jordan, J. Cary 530 Jordan, J. M 676 Jordan, John T 672 Jordan, Joseph E 344 Jordan, Julian St. J 333 Jordan, J. V 339,722 Jordan, Marcus D. L 62 Jordan, R. A 833 Jordan, R. D: 69 Jordan, S. F 545 Jordan, Solomon A 46 Jordan, Thomas 280 Jordan, T. N 765 Jordan, W. C 624 Jordan, W. W 80 Joseph, H. B 530 Josey, L 203 Jo Thompson Artillery ( , Ga. Artillery) 338,374,504,528, 707 Joumot, J 443 Jourdan, G. A 166,408 Journegan, L. M 441 Jowers, F. M 603 Joyce. Martin 820 Joyce, W. H 338,3/4 Joyce, R. B 842 68 Page. Joyner, J. A 9 Joynes, W. T 671 Judge, Peter 230 Judge, Thomas J 778, 826 Junker, W. A 85 Junkin, Robert 355 Justice, A. S 449 Justice, Levi H 330 Kngey, D. F 190 Kahn, Karl, 497 Kaine, William 270 Kampmann, J. H ' 453 Kane, James C 266 Kane, John (Captain) 91,776,852 Kane, J. (Private) 230 Kane, Thomas 267 Kappel, B. F 3 Karnes, J. J 496 Karr, William H 187 Karsner, W. F 745 Katon, M 228 Kay, B. W 453 Kay, John 421 Kean, N. B 842 Kean, R. G. H.. 205,263,337,584, 765,884 Kearney, George W 151 Kearney, J .. 890 Kearney, J. K 29 Kearney, S 445 Kearsley, G. W. T 799 Keary, P. F 32,196,632 Keating, D 835 Keating, J. H 166,408 Keats, W. C 55 Keblinger, W. J , 106,714 Keckley, George M 310,446,752 Keeble, William A 744 Keech, C. S 789 Keefe, E. T 833 Keeling, G, H ' 816 Keeling, S. S 658 Keen, W. E. G 217 Keene, Joseph 483 Keener, D 748 Keenon, J. A 227 Keenum, J. F 680, 788 Keese, S. J 358 Keesee, George F 883 Keesee, J. T. (Lieutenant) 311,752 Keesee, J. T. (Private) 664 Keesee, R. H 776 Keesee, Thomas B * 818 Keesee, William 705 Keeter, James 502 Kegley, Michael 462,639 Keha, James 218 Kehoe, Patrick 477,785 Keigler, J. J 624 Keiley, John D., jr.... 160,614,695 Keiningham, R 559 Keirn, Walter L 526 Keirnan, Thomas 280 Keirolf, S. E 213 Keiser, James F 531 Keister, H. J 269 Keith, H. S 412 Keith, J. L 613 Keith, Reuben R 399 Keith, W. A 412 Keith, W. C 10 Keitt, E. S 859 Keitt, L. M 298,330,343 Keivle, John 794 Kelbaugh, H 267 Kelchberger, A 266 Kell, Samuel A 686 Kellam, E. E 859 Kellam, J. S 887 Keller, A. H.,.. 890 Keller, J. M 25 Keller, Llewellen 603 Keller, William H 93 Keiley, David 409 Keiley, D. C. (Private) 371 Keiley, D. C. (Lieut.-Col.) 440 Keiley, James 600 Keiley, John 466 Keiley, Peter 603 Keiley, R. J 856 Kellogg, H. G 782 Kellum, James 11,15,24,65 Kelly, B, H 218,468 Kelly, Daniel 173,401 Kelly, Edward F 132 Kelly, Isaac N 83 Kelly, J. A 818 Kelly, J. B 661 Kelly, J. H 269 Kelly, J. M 471,511 Kelly,. Joseph 890 Kelly, J. W 760 Kelly, Michael 267 Kelly, Patrick (Private) 68 Kelly, Patrick (Private) 227 Kelly, R. H 751 Kelly, S. A 339 Kelly, Spencer 676 Kelly, Tackett & Ford 97 Kelly, T. M... 45 Kelly, W. A. (Private) 145 Kelly, W. A. (Captain) 826 Kelly, W. Aiken (Captain) a. 143,339 Kelly, W. 0 449 Kemble, W. E 201 Kemmerlin, S. M 355 Kemp, L. H 673 Kemp, W. Perrin 350,353 Kemper, Del 853 Kemper, C. R 435 Kemper, Jas. L.. 16,50,270,289,296,297, 300,302,307,311,313,329, 343,345, 351, 358, 375,400,429,448,449,454, 473,525,529,537,547,555,561,564, 587,595,598,633,637,644,649,651, 656,657,665,672,674,675,681,683, 685,686,688,699,701-703,724,730, 733,759,770,775,781,782,791,807, 817,818,823,836,843, 858, 885, 898 Kemper, John S 80 Kemper, Mathew T 64 69 gemPer' ^ gefl)peri WgS" KeD-i R. C. K. (or R. C. Kuy- Page. 808 716 436 363 247 Ke„dal, F 419,432,667 Kdrick, L. B 339 Enaird J. R. (or J. A.) 4 fennard, J. M 365,495,561,605,648 Sard, John R 784 Kennard, W. K 182 Sn;;;;;z:=-,SS bii: I:::::::::::::::::::::-;.:: BS Kennedy, J. A. (Adjutant) 334 Kennedy, J. A. (Private) 236 Kennedy, James (Lieutenant) 191 Kennedy, James (Private) 773 Kennedy, J. B. 749 Kennedy, J. B. G 143 Kennedy, J. C 236 Kennedy, J. D 545 Kennedy, John (Private) 514 Kennedy, John (Private) 83 Kennedy, John H 335 Kennedy, John T .♦.. 416, 527, 606 Kennedy, M. (Private) 421,833 Kennedy, Martin (Hosp. Stew.) 697 Kennedy, Mathew (Lieutenant) 700 Kennedy, M. D 819 Kennedy, M. W 1 217 Kennedy, P. H 281 Kennedy, R. M 739 Kennedy, S. P 715 Kennedy, Thomas F 230 Kennedy, W. J 213 Kennemore, Jacob 371 Kennerlv, W. C 483 Kennett, A. S 230 Kenneworth, H 481,755 Kennon, Phillip 417 Kennon, R. B 721 Kenny, John 267 Kent, D. M 278 Kentucky, Dept. of Western— Johnson, A. R., assigned to command of. 585 Kepler, Arno 795 Ker, D. C.... 517 Ker, James 374 Ker, William H ....... 643,898 Kerby, John A 122,134 Kerker, W. H 183 Kern, J. T 511 Kernan, James 218,468 Kerr, Corbin 119 Kerr, D. H. M 669 Kerr, J. H 794 Kerr, John T 71,96 Kerr, John W 718 Kerr, T. A 357 Kerr, William 132 Kerr, William S 634 18 1864 Page Kerrigan, T. A. (or T. W.) 450,505 Kersey, A. W..., 483 Kersey, T. A 122,493,864 Kersh, J. D.. 673 Kershaw, J. B 80,213 Kerwin, E 614 Kessell, George 890 Kesterson, William 841 Ketchen, C. E 371 Ketchie, M. M 172 Ketchum, C. 0 90 Ketchum, Charles T 734 Kettle, W. D 890 Keubler, J. J 820 ' Kevan, Walter .' 163 Kevill, Thomas 53 Key, J. C. G 723 Key, T. J 30 Keyes, F. W 765 Keyser, George W 732 Keyser, N. H 537 Kibler, L. C 68 Kidd, J. R 768 Kiddell, Charles 430, 695 Kiddoo, William D 176 Kidwell, C. W 230 Kidwell, Robert P 84 Kierbow, J. H 354 Kieruff, Charles 358 Kiesur, D 441 Kieth, L. M 848 Kilbride, Owen 607 Kilby, JohnT 184, 259 Kile, J 452 Kilgore, B. F 403, 837 Kilgore, Ira..... 299 Killebrew, A. J '. 184 Killett, L. D ;.. 335 Kilpatrick, A 266, 301 Kilpatrick, R. H 715 Kilpatrick, W 885 Kilpatrick, W. L 31 Kimball, E. F 820 Kimball, J 618 Kimbell, F. A 765 Kimberly, L. C 481, 618 Kimbril, James 180 Kimbrough, B. F 540 Kimbrough, B. L 437 Kimbrough, John J 16 Kimbrough, J. W 346 Kimbrough, O. S 493, 619 Kimby, Robert H 749 Kincaid, B. F 14 Kincaid, Warwick C 242 Kincheloe, J. C 762 Kindall, James B J 100 Kinden, Thomas D 66 Kindon, C. A 820 Kindred, E. T 44 King, A. (Private) 39,179, 401, 772 King, Asa (Captain) 633 Kiug, A. H 267 King, A., J 694 King, A. W 105, 124,284 70 Page. King, B. S 31 King, Charles ; 67 King, Cleveland 137 King, C. R... 649, 857 King, F. (Lieutenant) 51 King, Felix (Private) 730 King, Frank (Private) 97 King, G. B 402 King, G. W 93 King, H. C J 887 King, H. G 45 King, H. H 308 King, Hugh M 26, 213, 322, 638, 642 King, J. Floyd .. 283 King, J. M. D 202 King, John 654 King, John W 619 King, J. R 287 King, Mallory 417 King, M. P ; 879 King, M. W.......:..... 17 King, P. F ; ; 564 King, P. 0 129 King, Robinson L 693 . King, S. D 744 King, S. H 888 King, Shirley 753 King, W. B.' 715 King, W. H 443 King, William 123 King, William S : 359 King, W. R 290 King,—- (Assistant Surgeon) 730 Kinsmore, E... 787 Kinker, H. H 654 Kinloeh, R. A 332,361,466,516, 520,526,547,557,573,582,601, 625,640,642, 662,666, 668, 686, 697, 723, 732,744, 745,753,786, 796, 823, 824, 837, 843, 871, 885 Kinlock, F. M 555 Kinner, Theodore 634 Kinney, A 79 Kinney, Edward 55 Kinney, J. M 291 Kinney, William, 79 Kensey, C. S 232 Kinsey, Howard H 267 Kinsey, Samuel 392 Kinzer, John C 69 Kirby, C 855 Kirby, D. B 380 Kirby, George S 840 Kirby, Henry 848 Kirby, James H 408 Kirby, J. P 849 Kirby, T 354 Kirk, A. S 34 Kirk, C. D 699 Kirk, M. J 859 Kirk, P. S 713 Kirk, S. O. 35, 765 Kirk, William 359 Kirkbride, John 125,252 Kirkland, A. M 214 Page. Kirkland, E. S 447 Kirkland, J. D 63- Kirkland, John_ (Captain) 75Q Kirkland, J. (Lieutenant) * 835 Kirkland, John A. (Lieutenant) 238 Kirkland, John A. (Lieutenant) ~ 743 Kirkland, Samuel S 171,414,620,772 Kirkland, W. W l9 Kirkman, Charles E 633 Kirkmeyer, G. C 228 Kirkpatrick, John 65 Kirksey, James 79 Kirtly, C. J. S 260 Kiser, J. F 634 Kitchell, N. A 142 Kitchen, A. D 237,874 Kitchens, J. C 339 Kitchens, S 851 Kitts, R. M 802 Klank, W 335 Klien, Frank 209 Klinger, William 326 Kloman, W. C 163 Klumph, J. E 659 Knapp, H 8<)5 Knauff, George F 203 Knauff, George W 246 Knight, B. B..! 836 Knight, C. J 280 Knight, D. R 741 Knight, E. H 17 Knight, Emmett 746 Knight, H. C 605 Knight, James 212 Knight, James P 710,774 Knight, J. B 708,857 Knight, John 136,401,838 Knight, John G 25 Knight, J. W 279 Knight, L. W 246 Knight, M 197 Knight, M. A 743 Knight, R. C 657 Knight, S. T 371 Knight, Thomas (Private) 235 Knight Thomas (Private)..362,514,663,80l Knode, O. B 174,411,643 Knott, Francis R 359 Knott, James J 623 Knotts, J. E * 619 Knowles, Barney 851 Knowltown, Charles 715,838 Knox, John k 281 Knox, Joseph Henry 723 Knox, R. H 898 Knox, Robert L 623 Knox, T. S 167, 219 Knox, (Captain) 432 Koerner, W. 0 679 Kofelman, John 266, 359 Kohler, J. H 181 Kohlheim, F 840 Kohn, John........ 468 Kolt, (Private) 810 Kopps, L. H ® 71 Page. ifraemer, ^ Cramer, George 530 Kratz, 0..» J74 Jirebs, J. 1 810 Krouse, Henry 227 grouse, John E 420 Kuffm'an, Carl 246 tfiibn, Lawrence 547 Khn, N. W 463 Kusling, G. W. B 260 guykendal, R. C. (or R. C. K. Ken- dal) 247 Kuvkendall, J. C 775 Cvle,JohnC 793 Kyser, G. W 692 Kvser, John H 259 Labane, L 835 Lachlison, J. E 157 Lackey, James v 434 Lackey, Samuel 502 Lackey, T. F 502 Lacy, C. C . 137,554 Lacy, E. D 397 Lacy, J- H 690 Lacy, John F 143,498 Lacy, M 785 Lacy, Pat 281 Lacy, Peter 477,483 Lacy, W. P 855 Ladd, C. H 826 Ladd, T. M 274 Lafayette Light Artillery (Co. —, S. C. Art.).. 393, 402, 647,653,897 Lafferty, John J 265, 838 Laffey, Patrick 852 Laffitte, Thomas S 797 Lafong, E. 0 42 Lagle, Eli 492 Lagrone, David P 632 Laidley, Richard '. 300 Lail, P 635 Lain, John 267 Laing, Duncan 781 Lair, T. J 61 Lake, E. J 896 Lake, Peter T 284 Lakeman, A..... 202,244 Lakin, Edward 53,156, 392 Lakins, Charles H 266 Lalor, James F 108 Lamar, A. G 820 Lamar, A. R 820 Lamar, G. De Rosset. 463 Lamar, G. W 479 Lamar, H. G 492 Lamar, John H 51 Lamar, L. L 104 Lamar, T. B ....; 10, 335,571 Lamb, A. P 51 Lamb, Frederick.... 676 Lamb, J. J 814 Lamb, John 1 581 Lamb, S. C 20 Lamb, Wesley ,.. 391 Lambeth, A. T 349, 425, 754, 876 Lambeth, H. W 737 Lambeth, J. H 80 Lambeth, L. W 844 Lambert, Allen 181 Lambert, Franklin 800 Lambert, Jasper 181 Lambert, J. B 825 Lambert, L 802 Lambson, J. R 809 Lames, P. T 792 Lamkin, W. B 593 Lamkin, William A 136 Lamina, J. M 413 La Motte, T. J 474,478,528 Lamp, P. F 778 Lampkin, Grief. 470 Lampkin, William L 138, 174 Lampkin, W. P 438 Lampley, James A 757 Lamson, Joseph E 803 Lancaster, G. W 197 Lancaster, James W 677 Lancaster, John L 660 Lancaster, William G 31 Lance, W. S 795 Land, A. L 608 Land, J. H 491, 856 Land, Virginius W 511 Land, William J 651 Lander, Thomas... 577 Landers, H. B 332, 708 Landis, A. L 694, 703 Landis, C. F 820 Landis, John C 69, 571 Landrum, B. F 187, 525 Landrum, L. Q 341 Landry, J. O 322 Landry, John T 419 Lands, James 172 Landstreet, A. C 882 Landvoight, Ed 225 Lane, A. G... .- 635 Lane, B 627 Lane, E. D 100 Lane, E. H 404 Lane, E. P 83, 414, 687 Lane, H. E 331 Lane, John 359 Lane, Joseph B 241 Lane, J. T 332,417,419 Lane, Luke A 197, 246 Lane, Thomas E 465 Lane, Thomas P 428 Lane, W. B. (Hosp. Stew.) 135 Lane, William B. (Corporal) 890 Lane, William 874 Lanej William A 48 Lane, W. K 420 Lane, W. W 802 Laneau, W. S 420 Lang, R. S. Y 259 Langdon, J. J...' , 211 Langdon, P. H 751' 769 Langdon, R. F 139,610 72 Page. Langdon, S. W 104, 606, 643 Langdon, T. H 481 Lange, John 4-58 Langford, Thomas 812 Langhorne, M 201 Langhorne, Maurice S 156, 300 Langhorne, W. W 751 Langley, L 308 Langster, James 693 Langston, A. J 729 Langston, G. M 835 Langstroth, E. F. B 107 Lanier, B. W 896 Lanier, H. 5 352 Lanier, Lafayette 593 Lanier, L. L 211 Lanier, R. W 114 Lanier, S. M 464 Lanier, S. P 774 Lanier, W. M 57, 171, 615 Lanier, W. T 34 Lanissey, Moses 421 Lankford, Rufus B 182 Lanklord, Wyatt 628 Lanneau. J. F 119,416 Lanos, D 820 Lansford, James 244 Lansing, J 849 Lappard, H 187 Lappington, A. M 182, 827 Laprade, T. J ." 709 Lapsley, Robert 612 Lardinois, F 280 Largan, W. J 517 Larkin, J 791 Larkin, J. M 824,885 Larmer, J. A 770 Larpentear, A. B 584 Larrabee, H. C 756 Lartigue, G. B 624 Larus, T. P 263 Lary, T. J 621 Lasley, J. 0 429 Lasselle, A. E 436, 587, 789 Lassalle, P 304 Lassere, A 776 Lassere, James 235 Lassiter, F. A 88 Lassiter, P. D ...; 763 Laswell, George S 152 Latham, Edward 182 Latham, Ephraim 223 Latham, George H 255 Latham, G. W 74, 881 Latham, H. G 550 Latham, John»W 897 Latham, L. C 336 Latham, T. J . 327 Latham, Woodville 593 Lathrop, Charles A 133, 221, 383, 645 Latimer, E. W 142,153 Latimer, John B 607 Latimer, Mark 419,527,655,791 Latimer, Mark C 542 Latimer, Thomas S 416, 432, 513, 810 fa«e. Latourandais, B. M 833 Latrobe, Osman 717 Latta, John R 627 Latta, J, W 424 Lauchlin, M. McR 9i Lauderdale, B, W 20i Lauderdale, John A _ 8115 Laudershine, C. P '* 483 Laughinghouse, S. V 69(5 Laughlin, G. L . 402 Laurence, J. H 820 Laurence, P. F 855 Lavender, Paul H ... 321,67l Lavender, R. R 480 Lavender, William •.. 354 Law, E. M 44, 89,122, 128,184, 345, 664,710, 734, 754 Law, Peter B 532, 723 Law, William 211 Law, William F 275,634 Lawhon, L. S 304 Lawhorne, William 214 Lawing, John M 603 Lawing, William 525 Lawler, William 16 Lawnes, John H 267 Lawrence, A. C 472 Lawrence, Adolphus A 569 Lawrence, A. W 257,392,491,572 Lawrence, Jerry 48 Lawrence, R. R. L 590 Lawrence, S. D 56 Lawrence, W. J 870 Lawes, P. F 890 Laws, Isaac 712 Lawshee, L. M 213,259 Lawson, A. M 704 Lawson, A. W . 225,465 Lawson, F. R 565 Lawson, John A 267,554 Lawson, John L 452 Lawson, John S 356 Lawson, P. L 835 Lawson, W 107,160 Lawson, William T 671 Lawson, W. R 395 Lawton, A. C 729 Lawton, A. R.. 521, 594, 606, 625, 638, 709 Lawton, W. P «. 679 Lawton, W. S 698,737 Lay, George W , 584 Layne, B. F 166,408 Layne, James 34 Layne, J. P 278 Layne, R. P 469 Layne, W. H 565 Layton, J. T 527 Lea, G. J 402 Lea, J. G 740 Lea, Willis M 97,339 Lea, Zachariah "... 91 Leach, Nathan W 281 Leach, S. G 842 Leach, W. (Private) 884 Leach, Wilson (Private) 146 73 Page. Leachman, William T 107 Leak, Francis T 126 Leak, W. F 835 Leake, A. K 206,469 Leake, J. H 231 Leake, S. J 502 Leake, William C 23 Leary, William (Private) 847 Leary, William (Private) 803 Leath, T. G 775 Leath, T. L ,. 629, 775 Leath, W. D 543 Le Barron, L 729 Le Barron, Thomas M 550 Le Conte, Joseph 651 Led, John G...., - 361 Ledbetter, Isaac 88 Ledbetter, Stephen G 7 Ledwell, Wilson 802 Ledyard, Edwin ' 14 Lee, A. M 126 Lee, A. S 537 Lee Battery (P. B. Anderson's Va. bat'y, Andrews' batt'n art.) 138,171 Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee C. H 112,243 Columbus 338 D 712 Edmund 399 E. G 300, 344,564, 568, 743,786 Eugene 280 Fitzhugh 305, 308, 723, 864 Francis D 54,121, 808, 829 Gallington W 969 George (Captain) 265 George (Private) 750 George W. (Corporal) 522 Geo. W. (Lt. Col.).... 99,110,343,384 G. W. C..290,297,356,471,531,644,664 H. D 50 H. L 557 , Hutson 412,427, 431, 785 , Isom L 260, 362 , James A 319 , James W 832 , J. C 890 , J. F ' 705 , Jobn H. (Private) 109,149 , John H. (Captain) 213 , John H. (Lieutenant) 672 , John M 718 , Pollock B 866 , R. H Ill , Robert E 12,21,49,94,97,102, 128,131,138,139,157,159,160,170, 180,181,183,193,196, 200-206, 216, 219, 222, 234, 238, 244, 248,251, 253, 261, 264, 265, 273-275, 282, 283, 285, 287, 291, 293, 313, 315, 318, 320, 321, 324,325, 327, 330, 332,334, 342, 345, 349, 353, 356, 361, 364, 368, 371, 386, 401,403,424,455,480, 490, 499, 504, 522, 539,546, 556, 557.564, 668,574, 601,644, 662, 664, 679^682, 683,686, 694, 706, 711,713, 716, 717,726, 731, 733, 736, 742, 788, 792, 814, 828, 896 19- 1864 Page. Lee, S. H 718 Lee, S. S 527,542, 546, 564, 607 Lee, Stephen D 15,41,53, 104,119, 213,219,287,324,350,358, 365, 370, 381,414, 444, 450, 480, 568 Lee, Thomas E 260 Lee, W. (Captain) 251 Lee, Wiley (Lieutenant) 509 Lee, W. F 187 Lee, William H. F 769 Lee, W. W 231 Lee's Rangers (Company H, 9th Virginia Cavalry) 37,331, 343, 372 Lee'8 Scouts, Guides, and Couriers (39th Batt. Va. Cav.) 802 Lefevre, A. J 11 Leffers, James 843 Lefils, W. F 820 Leforce, S. M 730 Leftwich, John W 292 Leftwich, J. R 157 Leftwich, L. C 261 Legare, S. E 473 Legg, D. M 799 Legg, J. E 276 Legg, Joseph 115 Leggett, A. J 10 Legion, E 329 Le Grand, J 230 Leidy, Samuel 287 Leigh, E. G 633 Leigh, H. G 116,641,590,790 Leigh, J. E 536 Leigh, John H 18 Leigh. John R 274 Leigh, J. Y 626 Leigh, Meriwether 474 Leinbarger, B. W 340 Leiper, W. F 463 Leitch, G. N 751 Leitch, William J 751 Leitner, G. W 691 Leitner, W. Z 772 Leitz, George S 246,513 Leivering, J. F 723 Lemmons, P. 0 570,624 Lemon, Harvey 469 Lemons, J. R.. 870 Lengen, John 280 L'Engle, E. M 105,455 Lengsfield, J. J 178 Lennard, Patrick 30 Lennon, J. F 752 Leon, H. L 715 Leonard, James 124 Leonard, J. L 340 Leonard, R. H. (Captain) 35 Leonard, R. H. (Lieutenant) 445 Leonard, R. H. (Hosp. Stew.)... 788, 804 Leonard, W 817 Leopard, George 83 Lepes, Samuel.'. 828 Lesesne, Charles 881 Lesesne, W. T 715 Lessell, Edward J. K 556 74 Page. Lester, Granville B 245,256 Lester, J. B 820 Lester, L. B 387 Lester, R. B 714 Letcher Artillery (Co. D, Walker's, afterward Pegram's, battalion Vir- ginia artillery) 33,441,801-803 Le Tellier, J. H 471 Letwinger, C 674 Leventhorpe, Collett 261 Leverett, M. M 278 Levering, Thomas H 359 Leveritt, G. D 814 Levin, E 679 Levin, S 680 Levin, S. M 391 Levy, D. C 325 Levy, E. J 26,39,551 Levy, Isaac J 26 Levy, W. M 879 Lewers, James 368 Lewis, B. H 39 Lewis, B. C 560 Lewis, Charles E 450,472 Lewis, Charles J 367 Lewis, C. W 183 Lewis, Duff. 454 Lewis, Elijah F 545 Lewis, Exum.... 504 Lewis, G. N 589 Lewis, H. C 885 Lewis, Henry 760 Lewis, James 809,830 Lewis, James G 450 Lewis, J. J 859 Lewis, J. H. (Lieutenant) 335 Lewis, J. H. (Brig.-Gen.) 40 Lewis, J. N 414 Lewis, John (Cadet) 101 Lewis, John (Lieutenant) 156,392 Lewis, John W 438 Lewis, J. R 566 Lewis, J. R. C 3 Lewis, J. T 685 Lewis, M 122,289 Lewis, M. M 126,152, 153,215,255,265, 292, 369 Lewis, R 385 Lewis, R. A 438, 656 Lewis, R..S 277 Lewis, Samuel E 492 Lewis, Samuel L.(Asst. Surg.)..274,564,715 Lewis, S. L. (Major)... 647,715 Lewis, Searles M. (Asst. Surg.) 88 Lewis, S. M. (Private) 666 Lewis, Thomas N 710 Lewis, T. M 741 Lewis, W. C 319 Lewis, W. G..... 299 Lewis, W. H...„ 742 Lewis, William (Cadet) 41 Lewis, W. (Lieutenant) 735 Lewis, W. R 156 Lewis, W. W 120,544 Leyden,.A 655 Libby, G. W Lichlyter, Aaron D Liddell, St. John R Liebenstein, E Lienea, E Light, William.. rage. 254 25 499.5l5 491 654 39 Lightfoot, J. N 193,3:>5 Lightfoot, John 611 Lightfoot, Robert 757 Lightfoot, Robert J 11-5, H33 Lightfoot, W. E i. 252 Ligon, Daniel 646 Ligon, George K 21 Ligon, John 7l0 Ligon, John L 233 Ligon, John L., jr..... 679,865 Lillard, James B 344 Lilley, R. D 719,786 Lilly. H. J 262 Lilly, S. S 532,590 Lilly, W. H 828 Linch, W. D 352 Lincoln, A. C 642 Lincoln, L. L 842 Linderman, H. R 669 Lindler, S. P 545 Lindley, F, D 401 Lindley, W. W..„ J 401 Lindsay, D. G 709,864 Lindsay, E. 0 896 Lindsay, J. A. (Captain) 656,809 Lindsay, John A. (Lieutenant) 140 Lindsay, John R 149,477 Lindsay, Livingston 669 Lindsay, 0. L 419 Lindsay, R. W 614 Lindsay, William (Private) 697 Lindsay, William (Agent) 750 Lindsley, Waldemar S 86 Linebaugh, J. H 460 Lineberry, W. S 688 Lingle, A. D 669 Lingo, John W 676 Linhoss, Frederick 289,644 Link, J. B 380 Link, W. E 896 Linkons, B. R 189 Linkous, M. F 675 Linsey, S. H 885 ^Linton, L 440,573 Lipscomb, B. R 668 Lipscomb, John W 58 Lipscomb, T. J 164 Lipscomb, William H 405,632 Lipscombe, C 677 Lipscombe, Irwin 864 Lipscombe, J. A 661 Lipscombe, J. N 721 Lipscombe, S 779 Lipscombe, William H9 Lipsey, W. L 56° Lisle, A 355 Little, B. F i 275,429,565 Little, C. D 575,638 Little, G. A 741 75 Page. ,;ttle, John R 715 fl LoftinM 65,748 H W 687,768 UUlefeld. George W 338 j.ittlefield, J. H j^ttleford, J. H jjittleford, W. L..... Littleton, Edward J Littleton, J. K. 612 226 226 474 844,401,492 Tittieton, W. S 62 1 ivandais, Jules E 453, 652, 675,676 Lively, George P. 211 Llv, William E 315 Livesay, William J 46 Livingston, Daniel 165 livingston, Felix 640 Livingston, J 54,251,370,480 Livingston, T. C 143 Livingston, W. A 835 Llewellyn, D. H 763 Lloyd, B. S 34 Lloyd, G. F 476 Lloyd, J. B 651 Lloyd, T. B 319 Lloyd, W.H 134 Llovd, William B 598 Locker, G. H 162 Lock, John M 675, 793 Locke, J. L 84, 273, 302, 375, 657, 671 Locker, Charles H 477 Lockett, Samuel H... 150,250,327,650,820 Lockhart, G. W 261,349,368 Lockhart, H. C 101,313,472 Lockhart, H. L 640 Lockhart, J. C ' 75, 731,824 Lockhart, J. G 667 Lockhart, J. W 279 Lockhart, T. J 340 Lockhart, W. T 861 Lockwood, W. M 77,148 Loeb, Henry 869 Loeser, Isaac 407 Loflin, J 422 Loftin, B 526 Loftin, J. C. M 400 Loftin, J. J 218 Logan, Alonzo T 543 Logan, D. H 540 Loggins, Janies (Private) 516 Logan, James (Lieutenant) 219 Logan, John L 251 Logan, J. P 695 Logan, L. R 848. Logan, Samuel 328, 792 Logan, S. F 413 Logan, T. M 151 Loggins, W. P 602 Lornan, Frank C 115 Lomax, L. L...' 520,529,595,647,869 Lomax, Warren G 255,523 Lombard. John M 271 Lone, G. D....7 799 Lone, George W 237 Long, A. L 139, 721 Long, A. M 339 Page.' Long, B. M 329 Long, George 347 Long, George W 84, 406,427,464,472 Long, Griffin 409 Long, H. (Lieutenant) 544 Long, Henry (Lieutenant) 187 Long, Henry C 126 Long, H. H 530 Long, Ira: ... 482 Long, James 255,581 Long, Jaines A 177 Long, J. II 299 Long, J. M '. 507 Long, John 86 Long, John W . 507 Long, J. Q 507 Long, Mark 75 Long, M. C 507 Long, M. L 593 Long, R. L. Y 3 Long, S 1 507 Long, S. A 57 Long, T. G 281 Long, Thomas D 476 Long, Thomas T 316 Long, Wash 46 Long, W. H 393 Long, William 287 Long, William C 81 Long, William W 439 Long, W. T 798 Longmire, John J 45 Longstreet, Jas..5,18,19,24,36,42,43,45,48, 50, 51, 55, 78, 80, 83, 84,119,123,142, 155,158,160,167,170, 173,180,183, 188,192,193,222, 299, 444, 717, 843 Lookout Battery (Company—, Tennessee Artillery) 752 Loornis, J. J 16 Looney, William 364 Loop, A. J 32 Lopey, A. E 421 Lopez, A. M 685 Lopez, J. H 618 Loreh, Jacob.. 209 Lord, Samuel, jr 48 Lord, William 760 Lord, W. W 467 Loretz, J. F 359 Lorentz, Joseph 219,306 Loring, W. W 82 Lorman, J. W 445 Lotspeich, D v 213 Lott, J. D 83l Lott, William H 260 Lotz, George 359 Loudenslager, T. D 266 Loudermilk, G. N 197 Loudon, W. L 719 Loughborough, J. H 285 Loughborough, J. M 659,822 Loughbridge, A. E 482 Louis, F. W 826 Louisiana Guard Artillery (Co. —, r La. Art.) 107, 203,418, 638, 670 76 Lounge, Joseph Louvern, J. W Love, C. C Love, David Love, Edmund Love, James R Love, J. S Love, M. J Love, W. A Loveday, Charles L Loveday, John H Lovelace, James C........ Lovelace, J. G Lovelace, William 0 Lovenstein, William Lovett, G. W Lovett, Jacob Loving, H. M Loving, N. P Loving, R. E Lowder, A. J Lowder, G. W Lowder, Linsey Lowe, Alfred Lowe, E. M Lo\ve, George ., Lowe, H. B Lowe, Henry C Lowe, J. A Lowe, James M Lowe, J. C Lowe, John T Lowe, M. W Lowe, P. E Lowe, Schuyler Lowe, S. D Lowe, S. L...,. Lowe, W. C Lowe, W. F Lowe, William E Lowenthal, B Lowndes, R Lowry, A. M Lowry, J. H Lowry, M. H Lowry, Thomas G... Lowry, W. B..I Lowry, W. E Lowther, A. A Loyall, B. P Loyd, Lewis A Loyd, R. L Loyless, James E... Luber, C. H Lucas, Charles T... Lucas, J Lucas, M. B Lucas, R. H Lucas, Sherod Lucas, Thomas E Lucas, W. B Luck, Elijah Luck, James C Luck, Monroe R Luck, S. A Page. 280 .. 202,258 855 532 ..i 533 284,731 775 328 848 266 266 396 292 501 711,795 319 251 316 69,420 418 819 473 252 Ill 480 802 67 763 66 309 150 Ill 694 416 279,417,629 796 696 336 Ill 601 721,827 855 831 2i3 584 523,804 855 128 175 119 736,745 30 .. 396 .. 131 .. 832 393,897 .. 379 .. 228 .. 712 .. 713 .. 802 .. 842 .. 319 .. 105 T Trt Page- Luckade, 251 Luckett, R. L * 482 Luckette, G 246 Luckey, W. A 588,590,075 Luckie, L. F 92 Lucy, Jeremiah 281 . Luddington» W. A 157 Luddy, John T 802 Ludlow, J. R log Lufsey, Robert 83a Luke, D. P 12 Luke, George W 230 Luke, James C 115 Luke, J. M. C 120 Luke, J. P 822 Lumpkin, E. P I41 Lumpkin, Frank 609 Lumpkin, George (Private) 654 Lumpkin, George (Surgeon) 179 Lumpkin, Henry 578, 602,845 Lumpkin, James T 226,246 Lumpkin, J. M 680 Lumpkin, J. R 273,770 Lumpkin, W. J 748 Lurnsden, C. L 7 Lumsden, Henry C..... 252 Lurnsden, W. G 183,816 Lumsford, James 735 Lunday, R. W 269 Lundey, W. L 100 Lundy, William L 116 Lunenburg Heavy Artillery (Co. —, Virginia Artillery 155,241 Lunsfbrd, William R 129 Lupo, James M 528 Lurkhauer, W 60 Lusby, James 246 Lusk, J. A 353 Luther, George S 705 Luther, Jesse M 127 Luther, Samuel P 694 Luther, Thomas W 592 Luther, W. F 224 Luttrell, H. W 183 Luttrell, P. C 197 Lux, John T 641 Luzenburg, C. H 638 Lybrand", Levi 439 Lybrock, W. G 328 Lyell, J. W 858 Lyle, James A 357 Lyles, Edwin C 464,840 .Lyles, John W 841 Lyles, William M 602 Lyman, W. R 64 Lynah, E 483 Lynch, Daniel 503 Lynch, E. O 310 Lynch, J. F 784 Lynch, M. (Private) 789 Lynch, M. (Major) 715 Lynch, T. W 673 Lynch, W. F 261,607 Lynes, Thomas B 816 Lynham, J. A 66 77 Page.. Lynhara, W. J., jr 248 Lynn, A. J 888 Lynn, B. W 417 Lynn, J. R 753 Lynn, JR. E 799 Lynne, Robert 32,176 Lyon, H. B 528,642,701 Lyon, L. N..... 413 Lyon, Theodoric C. 133,188 Lyon, W. S 352 Lyons, J. H 395 Lyons, J. L 337 Lyons, William 43 Jlaben, J. C. (Captain) 608 Maben, J. C. (Private) 75 Mabry, C. W 627 Mabry, Samuel W 64 Mabry, William W 418 McAdory, C 848 McAfee, A. L 36 McAfee, J. C 360 McAfee, John 877 McAfee, Lee M 387 McAfee, N. S 332 McAfee, W. H 109 McAleer, F 483 McAliley, S. W 855 McAlley, R. L 809 McAllister, Alex 230 McAllister, C. P 141 McAllister, J. B 783 McAllister, S. W 785 McAllister, W. A ; 213 McAlpine, A 483 McAlpine, James N 30,369 McAlpine, W. J 890 McArea, G. H. T 833 Macarthy, C. E 587 McArthy, Timothy 421 McArthur, 0. P _ 695 McAulay, A. M 790 McAulay, E. N .. 459 McAuley, J. T 605 McBee, G. C 155 Macbeth, Charles 434 Macbeth, J. Ravenel 780 Macbeth Light Artillery (Co. —, — S. C. Art. )..280,305,362,380,507,663,861 McBlair, D 503. McBride, C 85 McBride, J. K 335 McBride, Samuel H 743 McBright, J.. 118 McBrittain, J. L 786 McBrvde, R. A 799 McCabe, Gordon 137 McCabe, H. D 833 McCabe, J. G 297 McCabe, John W 76 McCabe, M „ 785 McCabe, W. Gordon 285 McCaghren, P. J. G 348 McCahan, J. H....1 503 McCain, A, P...". 813 McCain, R. H 69 20 1864 Page. McCaine, M. W 73 McCall, C. K 421 McCall, G. W 525,545 McCall, Howard 371 McCall, James M 341,388 McCall, J. H 809 McCall, J. N 460 McCall, John A. (Private) 839 McCall, J. A, (Lieutenant) 318 McCall, John 760 McCall, J. R ! 553 McCall, M.E 388 McCall, Wellington 535 McCall, W. H 371 McCall, William 651 McCalla, J. R / 132 McCalla, R. C 490,643 McCallan, John 146,200,419,616 McCallar, J. T 435 McCallum, A 593 McCallum, D. B 369 McCallum, H. B 823 McCallum, H. J 667 McCallum, James 338,374,853 McCallum, J. N. 414 McCallum, W. A. J..... 741 McCally, Charles 347 McCandlish, T. P 611 McCann, J. B 230 McCann, J. D 595,623,671 McCants, R. P 168 McCardle, W. H. (Lieutenant) 29,644 McCardle, W. H. (Captain) 264 McCardy, James W 359 McCarly, G. W 821 McCarly, J 85 McCarter, T. B 639 McCarthy, J 230 McCarthy, Joseph J 132 McCarthy, Maurice 627 McCarthy, M. C 366 McCarthy, P 771 McCarthy, T. J 267 McCarty, C. F 747 McCarty, E. P 785 McCarty, J. L 329 McCarty, J. M 260,341 McCarty, J. T 93 McCarty, Neill 871 McCaskey, T. H 56 McCaskill, A. P 72 McCaughrin, R. L 613, 794 McCauley, C. M. T 812 McCauley, J. (Lieutenant) 538 McCauley, James (Private! 419 McCauley, James (Private) 342,468 McCauley, James (Surgeon) 859 McCauley, R 728 McCaull, J. A 267 McCausland, John 84,316,538 McCave, G. E 266 McCaw, J. B 26,410,414, 419,421,431,436,438,442,549, 844 McCawley, G. W 40,866 McChesney, William S 165,397 78 Page McClain, J. H 57 McClain, R. P 611 McClanahan, Charles W 9 McCleise, J. F 357 McCleish, A.- H 40,136 McClellan, A. G. M 619 McClellan, C 122 McClellan, H. B 717 McClellan, James B 211 McClellan, J. F 354 McClellan, M. R 786 McClellan, S. D 12 McClellan, W. D 336, 743 McClelland, Samuel 390 McClenaghan, C 238,373, 449,549,672, 790,862 McClenahan, J. B 589 McClenahan, J. C 357,603 McClenahan, William 756 McClenden, W. W 275 McClendon, J. B 726 McClery, J. F. J ; 4 McCleveland, J 204 McClintock, J. H 685 McClintock, Samuel 283,349 McCloskey, Thomas . 246 McCloud, D 584 McCluer, James L 272,703,864 McClung, J. A 468,804 McClung, J. W ' 260,388 McClure, A. T 579 McClure, B. M 776 McClure, B. W 700 McClure, David 276,359,446 McClure, H. W 357 McClure, J. A 896 McClure, James M 614 McClure, J. W. (Captain) 609 McClure, Jasper W. (Private) 614 McClure, R. G 381 McClure, T 140 McClure, W. A 582 McClurg, J. F 429 McClusky, John T 708 McCollum, H. D 708 McCollum, J. W 749 McCommon, C. W 151 McConkey, A. B 366 McConnel, J 335 McConnell, E., jr 874 McConnell, R. A ;.... 540 McConnell, S. P 766 McConnico, G. M 589 McCook, Joshua (Private) 97 McCook, Joshua (Lieutenant) 166 McCook, Samuel A 864 McCord, George E 263 McCord, John E 204 McCorkle, D. P 132,461 McCorkle, E. A 860 McCorkle, W. 0 809 McCormack, C. D 843 McCormack, Edward 312 McCormick, E. (Private) 402 McCormick, Ed. (Captain).. 16 McCormick, C. L eftn McCormick, J. H 097 McCormick, John T 399 McCormick, Peter 266 McCormick, P. J 71 q McCormick, W. B 499 McCormick, William 821 McCourt, C. A Hq McCown, James S 19 McCown, J. M 819 McCown, John P 323 McCoy, Charles H 351 McCoy, H 53,292,331 McCoy, H. P. R 738 McCoy, John S 193 McCoy, Ro 794 McCoy, Thomas 713 McCoy, W. P 618 McCoy, (Mrs.)_ 787 McCrady, Edward, jr 6,70,159 McCrady, John 463,755 McCravey, D. S 165 McCravey, J. H 237 McCravey, W. A 380 McCraw, Martin 615 McCray, J. G 37 McCreary, E. (Assistant Surgeon).. 73 McCreary, Edward (Private) 457 McCreary, Robert 393 McCreary, J. H 194 McCrory, E 71,99,267 McCroskey, S. A 855 McCue, J. J 477 McCue, William 437 McCulley, A. J 259,749 McCulloch, John P 213 McCullock, Amos 621 McCulloh, W. D 48 McCullough, James • 749,874 McCullum,J|J 514 McCullum, J. E 281 McCully, A. N 848 McCune, Henscn T 93 McCurdy, Anglish J 727,890 McCurdy, Archibald 97 McCuror, C 474 McCurry, J. W 726,851 McCurry, M. S 60 McCusker, Luke C 359 McCutchen, C. D 204 McCutcheon, David 312 McCutcheon, G. H 813 McCutcheon, R. G .' 484 McDade, J. H 301,319 McDade, John 779 McDaniel, C. S 861 McDaniel, D 802 McDaniel, E. A 226 McDaniel,' E. B 226 McDaniel, J.- J 146 McDaniel, Jolin H 633 McDaniel, J. W 512 McDaniel, Lewis 834 McDaniel, Thomas T 696 McDaniel, T. J 136,401 79 Page. ifcDaniel, (Captain) 702 McDavid, J. A 198,33o, 390 SpDeannan, W.J 133,190,351,576 upDermit, Michael 467 McDermot, T 311 McDonald, A. M ; 356 McDonald, Angus 786 McDonald, A. W 560 McDonald, B. M 100 McDonald, D 467 McDonald, D. M 357 McDonald, Edward 377,824 McDonald, H 140 McDonald, James L . 303 McDonald, J. E 103 McDonald, J. J 517 McDonald, John (Lieutenant) 440 McDonald, J. (Private) 281 McDonald, John (Hosp. Attendt.).. 30 McDonald, John A 29 McDonald, Marshall 364 McDonald, M. D 896 McDonald, M. L 39 McDonald, Thomas A 711 McDonald, T, S 132,212 McDonald, Z 91 McDonally, W 760 McDonell, T. A 114,193,303,529 McDonnall, Daniel 89 McDonough, Angus 61 McDougal, 0 450 McDougal, Walter , 100,378 McDowell, S. R 28 McDuffie, N. H 484 McEachen, A. B 46 McElhenny, J. A .. 793 McElrath, J. E 432 McElroy, J. S ." 613 McElroy, Robt 886 McElroy, W. W 683 McElyea, Charles C 473 McElyea, James 885 McEnry, J. E. C 119 McEntire, W. T 334 McEroy, Hugh 421 McEster, J 266 Macey, W. L 695 McFall.J. Y... 339,484 McFarland, C. C 814 McFarland, J. M 673 McFarland, Robert 52 McFarland, William H 63 McGahee, J. T 302 McGalliard, W. M : 829 McGaughy, W. L 172 McGavock. E. J 213, 763 McGee, C. W 823 McGee, J. M 614 McGee, John B 446 McGee, J. R 53 McGee, M. M 817 McGee, W. H 461 McGee, William 670 McGee, W. Z.... 545 McGehee, Charles G 297 Page. McGehee, F. J 413 McGehee, G. T 609 McGehee, H. L 636 McGehee, Thomas J... 154 McGhee, A 46 McGhee, F. C 203, 735 McGhee, J. B 874 McGill, G. C 532 McGill, John 64 McGill, S 231 McGill, Thomas 496 McGill, W. R 493 McGillan, J 474 McGillway, A 281 McGiloray, A. B 374 McGinnis, Claude 186,191 McGinnis, Frank S 46 McGinnis, J. H 621 McGinnis, Patrick... 738 McGintry, John 602 McGiVern, C 659 McGlashan, Andrew 207 McGlothan, H. T 749 McGlothlin, W. T 123 McGovern, Pat 106 McGowan, H. L !. 154 McGowan, James 491 McGowan, J. L 567 McGowan, Patrick 785 McGowan, Samuel 66,300,484,508 McGowen, W. R 217 McGrail, P .. 844 McGran, E 483 McGrath, J 498, 896 McGraw, James P 210 McGregor, Andrew... 338 McGregor, John A 191 McGriffin, Samuel J 359 McGruder, William M \ ■ 176 McGuire, D. P 255 McGuire, Hunter 542,593,603,710,877 McGuire,%J. M. G.. 74,117 McGuire, John 534 McGuire, J. P 665 McGuire, L. R 340 McGuire, L. S 612 McGuire, Thomas 871 McHan, II 536 Machen, James P 212 McHenry, H 839 McHenry, J. (Captain) 852 McHenry, James (Lieutenant) 538 Machinhimer, C. P.... 885 McHugh, Dennis 269 Mcllhany, H. M 121 Mclndoe, C. D 846 Mclnnis, B. L 677, 637 Mclnnis, M 530,711 Mclntire, G. W 759 Mclntire, T. J 67 Mcintosh, J. E • 18 Mcintosh, W. S." 673 Mclntyre, George A 246 Mclver, F. M 451,479,541 Mclver, James D 463 80 Page. Mclver, John 230 Mclver, Thomas A 432 Mclvor, G. W 815 Maclvor, H. B. H 532 McJones, A 508 Mack, F 442 Mack, J 371 Mackall, L 778 Mackall, Ro. M.. 266 McKay, G. W 490 McKay, J. A. D 459 McKay, James 682 McKay, J. M 246,294 McKay, Patrick 228 McKay, William 134 McKee, Charles W 267 McKee, James 751 McKee, J. F 257 McKee, J. G 123,144,430,439,541 McKeever, E. D 870 McKeever, G. W 730 McKeever, Henry 846 Macken, P. W 378 McKendree, W. T 187,637 McKenna, Patrick 267,440 McKennie, A, S 357 McKennie, B 134,552 McKensie, T. G 828 McKenzie, E. G , McKenzie, J. R McKenzie, William McKethan, E. T Mackey, J. G Mackey, John Mackey, L. W Mackey, Thomas J McKey, W. H McKie, Thomas J. Mackin, Peter McKinley, C. A McKinley, W. R McKinnerly, W. R McKinney, D McKinney, H. U McKinney, John C McKinney, M McKinney, P. W McKinney, R. C McKinney, T McKinnie, T. H McKissock, William McKithron, J. C. B Macklin, Sackfield McKnight, Frederick W McKnight, J. G McKnight, Samuel K McKorkle, John L McLain, J. T McLane, J. S McLane, Thomas S McLary, W. D McLasen, George McLaughlin, D. L McLaughlin, J. M....... McLaughlin, John (Captain) Page. McLaughlin, J. (Private) 269 ... 359 ... 805 ... 267 ... 410 ... 483 ... 298 ... 172 ... 552 ,. 122 37 .. 285 ;. 843 .. 204 .. 468 .. 589 .. 495 .. 371 .. 211 .. 737 .. 174 .. 754 .. 320 .. 467 357,805 .. 692 .. 705 .. 681 .. 624 .. 708 333,381 .. 306 .. 181 213,786 129 17 422 382 348 614 571 68 839 650 231 61,136 McLaughlin, John W.. McLaughlin, J. T McLaughlin, Thomas McLaughlin, W McLaughlin, W. A McLaurin, C McLaurin, J. C McLaws, A. H McLaws, Lafayette 60,288, 303,370,416,601,618,879 McLean, D. B 339 McLean, Francis 267 McLean, J A 830 McLean, J. H 1 21 McLean, John P 565 McLean, J. T 855 Maclellan, G. B 820 M cLellan, Joh n 545 McLemore, J. 562 McLemore, William 61 McLendon, B. L- 340 McLendon, J. J 140 McLendon, J. M 334 McLeod, Daniel (Private) 281 McLeod, Daniel (Lieutenant) 854 McLeod, Daniel J 106 McLeod, James 796 McLeod, W. H 338,373 Macleroy, J. W 218 McLeroy, W. H... 621 McMahan, Frances T 503 McMahan, J. D. S 39 McMahan, Ed 244,363 McMahon, J. H 378 McMahon, J. J. (Colonel) 199 McMahon, John J. (Private) 615 McMahon, T. H 835 McMahon, W. E 800 McManus, G. W 682 McManus, John 760 McManus, J. R 58 McManus, S. V 27 McManus, W. A 208 McMeekin, F. M 29,520 McMeely, W. P 840 McMichael, J. W 876 McMicken, M. B 316,716,889 McMillan, A 175 McMillan, C 431 McMillan, Duncan 852 McMillan, G .'. 505 McMillan, Hugh 214 McMillan, J. A 752 McMillan, J. C 848 McMillan, M. M 218 McMillan, Neill 138 McMillan, Robert 14 McMillan, John T 322,519 McMillen, R. D. C 570 McMillin, J. A 805 McMillin, John P 138,381,406 McMullan, Charles 246 McMullen, A. M 735 McMullen, Charles 230 81 Page. Page. RfcMullen, David 44 McRee, George R 285 McMullin, Lambert 266 McRee, G. J 394 Macmurdo, Charles 796,898 McSherry, R. M 759 Macmurdo, C. J 136,320 McSpadden, T. C 490 Mactnurdo, R. C 39,275,297, 772,813 McSparran, J. E 763,872 McMurray, F 168 McSwain, E. T 598 McMurry, William 543 McSween, W 335 McNabb, John M 699,818 McSwein, M, I... 387 McNair, E 41,851 McTaggart, William 281 McNair, E. F 833 McVeigh, T. J 264 McNair, M. C 826 McVey, C 15 McNair, Robert 874 McVey, J. G 458 McNair, S. Y 806 McVoy, A. D 203 McNally, John 847 McWhorter, J 58 McNamar, II 35 McWhorter, R. L 613 McNamee, James V 389,624 Madden, James M 161 McNeal, G. S 512 Maddon, William 833 McNeal, H. J 346 Maddox, M. A. E 522 McNeel, W. L 825 Maddox, R. W 498 McNeeley, J. W 635 Maddux, Moses W... 134 McNeeley, N. R 334 Madison, C. Payne 482 McNeely, Abel C 89 Madison Light Artillery (Co. —, McNeely, J. D 78,896 Louisiana Art.; attached to McNeely, W. G 610 Poague's battalion) 269 McNeer, VV. R 289 Madison, O. M 91 McNeil, David 785 Madison, R, J 709,852 McNeil, Malcolm J 763 Madison, W. H 431 McNeill, J. (Captain) 264 Madison, William 278 McNeill, James (Private) 626 Madison, William A 566 McNeill, James (Private) 402 Madra, W, W 700 McNeill, J. N. (Lieutenant) 339 Maffit, M. M 802 McNeill, John N. (Lieutenant) 623 Magee, G. G 92 McNeill, M 402 Magee, J. J 164 McNeill, Thomas C 626 Magee, WTilliam 260 McNeill, W. M 694 Magellan, B 170 McNeills, A 335 Magenis, Arthur J 102,116 McNulty, W. E 654^-Magill, S 635 McNutt, N Magill, William J .505, 607 Macomber, Ro. E 5^27714,771 Magner, John 280 Macon, Henry J.. 152 Magruder, John B 63,64,213,461,480 Macon, J. M '. 868 Maguire, John 703,764 Macon Light Artillery (Co. —, Mahaffey, O. C..-. 498 Ga. Art.)... 57,215,221,364,500,633,782 Mahen, A 401 Macon, Miles C 361, 384 Mahone, James H 446 Macon, P. W 777 Mahone, William 139,717 Macon, T. L 343 Mahoney, C. (Private) 269 McPhail,.C. C 31,183, Mahoney, C. (Private) ; 367 384,410,434,481, 750 Mahoney, James (Lieutenant) „ 866 McPherson, B. F 779 Mahoney, James (Private) 412 McPherson, E. K 493 Mahoney, John 477 McPherson, John 732 Mahoney, Martin 775 McQueen, Archibald 107 Mahoney, M. M 457 McQueen, S. F 360,558,606 Mahood, Thomas A 267 McQuiston, W. C 34 Major, J. P 616 McRacken, W. W 757 Malain, F. C 213 McRae, D 617 Malambre, J. A 449, 618, 638 McRae, James F 78,185,326,542,696 Maiden, J. J 39,179,401, 772 McRae, J. B 298 Malenski, W 851 McRae, J. C 362 Mallard, C. O. S 346. McRae, J. J 107 Mallery, L. T 220 McRae, John 871 Mallett, A. F 68 McRae, John McL 606 Mallett, J. W 501,528 McRae, L 109,331 Mallett, Peter 46,47,58,60, 75, 79, McRae, R. B 427,535,570,577,584 103,118,215, 239, 247,271, 272,330, McRaven, D. J 670 404,428, 435, 511, 538, 695, 732, 824 21 1864 82 Page. Pat?e Mallicote, J. W 757 Mann, J. F 412 Mallome, Adam B 394 Mann, J. N. Mallory, C. K 701 Mann, John A Mallory Ed 231 Mann, William 438,509 Mallory, George J 725 Manney, M 7qq Mallory, J. C. K 676 Mannin, Mathias 800 Mallory, Jessee 136,401 Manning, E 230 Mallory John 421 Manning, M. (Private) 802 Mallory, John W 332 Manning, M. (Private) 78g Mallory, O. A 851 Manning, P. T 142 Mallory, O. P 809 Manning, W. H. (Major) 65a Mallory, S. R... 194,570,698,726,806,839 Manning, William H. (Private) 33 Mallory, T. E 404 Mansell, Addison » 281 Mallory, Thomas 466 Mansfield, J 803 Mallory, T. S 821 Manuel, William 342 Mallory, T. W . 821 Manus, P. M 230 Mallory, W. B. (Captain) 162,170,721 Maples, J. C 151 Mallory, W. B, (Lieutenant) 214 Maples, John L 482 Malloy, C. A 524 Marable, Champion 466 Malloy, F 304,320,405,654 Marable, D. T 454 Malloy, T. P 336 Marable, J. T 98 Malms, T 676 Marable, W. B >450 Maloch, A. F 896 Marberry, Jacob N 65 M alone, C. P 493 Marberry, P. H 592 Malone, Ed. 270 Marble, T. E 94 Malone, F. A... 726, 769 Marburger, J. A 17 Malone, George T 714 March, W. J 648 Malone, Hallowy B 452 Marchall, N. A 281 Malone, Henry B......... 102,452,629,731 Marchant, A. C 256,287 Malone, James 790, 873 Marchant, J 402 Malone, James C., jr 580 Marchbanks, George 638 Malone, J. W 91 Marck, W. B 834 Malone, M 772 Mariey, G. W 135 Malone, N. J 81 Marion Artillery (E. L. Parker's Malone, T. R 642 battery S. C. art.) 28,171, Malone, W. G 129 242,305,393,419,475,743 Malone, Y. J 777 Marion, B. P 379,617 Maloney, Walter C 694 Marion Light Artillery ( —, Maloy, John W. 181 Florida Artillery) 107,483,566 Maloy, William C 277 Marker, J. R 781 Maltbie, R 340 Markey, D 834 Maltby, W. H 16 Markham, A. D 641 Maltsby, W. L 211 Markland, A. W 644 Mancil, E. J 20 Markland, S. R 615 Mandel, D. B .' 723 Markley, W. J 766 Manders, Alexander 758 Markoe, Frank, jr 104,287,568 Maner, W. J 500 Marks, E 739 Manes, Edward 678 Marks, John A 376,452,574 Maney, B. T 614 Marks, L. L 108 Maney, T. H 672 Marlow, James E 266 Manget, S. H 336 Marquis, Francis 477,483 Manghan, John H 179 Marquis, J. C 742 Mangum, James W 703 Marriner, Will 759 Mangum, J. C 762,844 Marrow, D. G 289 Manico, John P 815 Marrow, J. A 447 Manigault, James, jr 305 Marrow, W. C 608 Manigault, Joseph 890 Marschalk, Francis 281 Manker, J. F 728,845 Marsh, E. W 403 Manley, Caleb A 422 Marsh, J. A Manlove, C. A 57,161 Marsh, James G 362,514,663,861 Manly, James S 329,541 Marshall, A. M P* ' Manly, R. F 368 Marshall, B. T 28,21 Mann, A. T. F 359 Marshall, C. A °4Q Mann, Charles J 304 Marshall, C. C Mann, J. D 335 Marshall, Charles 669 717 83 Page. Marshall, James 204 Marshall, J. H. (Captain) 473, 791 Marshall, J. H. (Lieutenant,) 148 Marshall, L. R 866 Marshall' R. 8 197 Marshall, T. H 881 Marshall, Thomas 181 Marshall, W. C 338 Marshall, William.... 67,209,430,507 Marshall, William E 458 Marshall, Woodlief S 763 Marsland, W. H 421 Marston, John 479 Marston, William W 153,270, 292, 637,697, 797, 856 Martha, J 785 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin A. (Collector) 563 A. (Captain) 609 Amzi (Surgeon) 329 A. H 733 A. S 896 B. F 118 Cary 407 E. H. (Private) 795, 863 E. H. (Captain) : 122,459 E. W 494 G. W. (Private) 157 G. W. (Private) 797,842 H. C . 172 H. M. D 5, lljf, 831 James B 191 James H. (Private) 281 J. H. (Private) 265 J. E 256 Jessee :.. 64 J. G. (Captain) 867 J. G. (Brig.-Gen....421,447,465,731 J. J 723 J. N 235 John (Private) 280 John (Private) 825 John M 264 John S. (Secretary) 709 J. S. (Lieutenant) 819 J. S. (Assistant Surgeon).... 871 L. H. 169 Luther Lee 782 M. (Private) 398 Micajah (Lieutenant) 272 M. A., jr 62 M. M 722,819 N. M 530 Paul C 661 P. T 503 R. J 366,367 R. M 531 Robert L 53 R. W. (Lieut.-Col.)....'. 688 R. W. (Lieutenant) 739 S. C 657,877 Thomas H 845 T. W 620,678 W 140 Page. Martin, W. A. (Surgeon) ■ 848 Martin, William A. (Lieutenant)... 32 Martin, W. B. (Captain) 165 Martin, W. B, (Lieutenant) 278 Martin, W. H 59, 61,118 Martin, William 577, 727, 822 Martin, William T. (Maj.-Gen.) .. 265,478 Martin, W, T. (Major) 314 Martin, W. K 364,721 Martin, W. M 485 Martin, W. N 879 Martin, W. 0 122 Martz, D. H. L ' 659 Marx, Jacob 493 Marye, A. S...f 642 Marye, C. B 587 Marye, Lawrence S 323, 557 Marye, L. V 449 Marye, Morton 687. 845,889 Marye, R. B 10L 127, 873 Maryland Line (1st Maryland Infan- try; afterAugust.il, 1862, com- posed of companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments of all arms) 37, 68,199, 222,266,270, 276, 282, 286, 356, 359, 378, 379, 478, 503, 515, 522,594, 663 Maryman, W. A 342 Mash, E. A 122 Mashburn, E. H.... 494, 565 Mashburn, James H 25 Mason, A. H 713 Mason, A. L 859 Mason, A. P 35, 866 Mason, C. T 446 Mason, D. Murray.. 586 Mason, Edmund....! 574,586,637 Mason, E. E 416 Mason, F. M 621 Mason, H. M 414 Mason, J. M 156,293 Mason, John (Private) Ill Mason, J. (Private) 372 Mason, John (Captain) 13,739 Mason, J. P. (Private) 165,514 Mason, J. P. (Lieutenant)., 435,452 Mason, Julien J 123 Mason, Lewis E 862, 874 Mason, Mursay 37, 70,131,154, 156,187,268,501,527, 537, 751, 785 Mason, R. M. (Major) b86 Mason, R. M. (Captain) 745,844 Mason, S. H 292 Mason, W. T 176 Massenburg, A. C 152 Massenburg, R. C 436 Massey, A. J 482 Massey, B. J 604 Massey, James R 77, 87 Massey, J. H 177 Massey, S. H. B . 65 Massey, T. J 683 Massey, W. E 126 Massey, W. S 457 Massie, E. B 261 84 Massie, F. T 607 Massie, J. H 118 Massingale, G. M 785 Massingale, H. F 817 Mast, W. P 390,440 Masters, A. W 739 Masters, L 173, 717 Masters, L. A 269 Masters, Mark 421 Masterson, T. W 42 Mastin, C. J 866 Mastin, R. F 687 Mastin, William F 656 Mathas, D ;... . 239 Matheny, J. C 463 Matheson, Dilla 697 Mathews, B. T 98 Mathews, Henry K 28 Mathews, J. L 830 Mathews, John 752 Mathews, John Russell 83 Mathews, J. W 868 Mathews, L. S 260 Mathias, W. J 655 Mathis, J. S ; 562 Matthewes Artillery (Co. —, S. C. Artillery) 368,443,618 Matthewes, W. J, 618 Matthews, A. E. 346,386 Matthews, A. F 673 Matthews, Alexander 790 Matthews, Charles A 210 Matthews, C. J 61,530,572 Matthews, E. F 334 Matthews, E. S 756 Matthews, E. T - 20 Matthews, Ewell & Co. 747 Matthews, Henry H 266 Matthews, H. M 216 Matthews, H. T 343 Matthews, James 407,697 Matthews, James M. (Clerk) 690 Matthews, J. M. (Lieutenant) 728 Matthews, Joseph G 198 Matthews, Joseph R 639 Matthews, L. H. (Private) 798 Matthews, L. H. (Hosp. Stew.) 466 Matthews, R. D. R 747 Matthews, Robert A 252 Matthews, S. A 274 Matthews, Thomas L. (Asst. Surg.) 557 Matthews, T. L. (Sergeant) 323 Matthews, Z. W 722 Matthis, Hiram 472 Mattock, R 280 Mattocks, R. T 890 Mattox, Elihu 813 Mattox, J 623 Mattox, W. A 329 Maule, William L 399 Maultsby, Samuel W 339 Maultsby, W. Q 575 Maupin, R. S 869 Maurice, James 7,8,431,578,839 Maury, Charles B 654 page.* Maury, Dabney H 11,14,15 go 94, 104, 119,124,195,206,2.32 249, 255,283, 310, 386,483,49/ 515, 581, 728, 730, 792, 869,879 Maury, J. F 5] 2 Maury, M 729 Maury, M. F 206 Maury, R. B 779 Maury, R. L 687,845 Maury, R. W 804 Maury, Spencer 228 Maury,1 Thomas F 45,204,699 Maury, T. L 24 Maxey, A. B 174 Maxey, Bennett 812 Maxey, E. E 627 Maxey, E. H 232 Maxwell, A. L 597 Maxwell, G. M 434 Maxwell, John C 666 Maxwell, Pinckney J 10 Maxwell, P. P 25,576 Maxwell, R. H 126,392,484,568 May, A. J 492 May, George B 341 May, Henry 725 May, James 455 May, J. L 774 May, Lambert 689 May, M. G 297 May, S. M 104 May, W. H 336 Mayer, A. R 262 Mayer, John F 307,344,471,476 Mayes, B. R 66 Mayes, D. G 244 Mayfield, Elisha 357 Mayfield, W. A 37 Maynard, G 685 Maynard, John C 243,668, 670,773,819,826,873 Maynick, L 235 Mayo, David C 634 Mayo, George R 388 Mayo, J. H. F 34,479,640 Mayo, John G 211 Mayo, John P 873 Mayo, Littleton W... 602 Mayo, M. L 896 Mayo, Reuben 80 Mayo, Robert 703 Mayo, R. P 172,252,533 Mayo, Thomas M 252 Mayo, T. S 493 Mayo, T. T 369 Mayo, W. J.. 793 Mayo, W. L 622 Mayo, W. S. P 611 Mays, G. A 855 Mays, H. C 268 Mays, M. H 855 Mays, R. J '25 Mays, Samuel 641 Mays, S. W 364 Mazyck, P. P 402 85 Page. Meachani) W. B 262 Echum, W G 286 Meade, David 608 Meade, D. G 258 Meade, H. B 328,365 J eade, R. G 823 Meade, R. K., jr 551,553 Meade, W. T 608,739 Meador, Elias B 34 Mead or, J. C 853 Meador, W. Y 86 Meadows, Anthony 202,244, 844 Meadows, B. F 88 Meadows, G. W 782 Meadows, Henderson W 202,258 Meadows, Preston 444,802 Meaney, John 126 Means, J. C. 766 Means, Isaac H 43 Means, J. T 641 Means, Lewis D 742 Means, R. Stark 645,762 Means, S. C 210,644,729. Means, T. A 30,45,163,512,530 Means, T. S 727 Means, W. J 589 Meares, O. P 624 Meares, William H 20 Meddows, James 304 Medkiff, J. J : 730 Medlin, Joseph 614 Meeds, S. T 784 Meehan, P 231 Meek, George H 337 Meek, J. S 340 Meeker, S. F 504 Meeks, G. W 802 Meeks, L. C 727 Meeks, T. R 579 Meeks, W. H 690 Meem, A. R 325 Meetze, George W 286,503 Meggett, James M 753 Meglathery, N, B 252 Mehaffey, John 491, 856 Meitze, J. T 358 Meldrim, T. J 506 Melichamp, S 812 Mell, G. F 483 Mellard, T. H 34 Mell en, William F 548 Meller, R. L 891 Mellon, George 350 Mellon, John S 882,883 Melson, Charles H '. 564 Melson, W.J 834 Melton, A 711 Melton, C. D 29,51,134, 193,247,539, 824, 871 Melton, D. F. K 336 Melton, F 162 Melton, George W 321,323, 673 Melton, J. F 636 Melton, John '. 809 Melton, John T 666,723 22 1864 Melton, Samuel W 112,114, 376-378,381,382,385, 387,389,392, 394,397,399,402,404,406,408,410, 412,415,418,420,424,428,432, 436, 439,443,445,448,452,456,459,463, 467,471,475,478,481,489,492,494, 495,499,504,506, 509,513, 517,620, 524,525,527,529, 716, 724, 740, 808 Melvin, E. P 710 Memminger, C. G. (Lieut.)... 205,254,795 Memminger, C. G. (Sec. Treas'y)... 127 139, 187, 315, 378, 387, 413 Memminger, R. W 264, 478, 595, 878 Memminger, T. B 70, 143, 361, 824 Memphis Mounted Rifles (Co. I, 6th Confederate Cavalry) 614 Menees, G. W 80 Menniece, W. R :... 76 Mentagh, Joseph 267 Mentzel, Samuel 266 Meray, J. J 514 Mercer Artillery (Company K, 28th Battalion Georgia Artillery) 587 Mercer, G. D 609 Mercer, George A 681 Mercer, Hugh W 234, 519, 520, 561, 584, 681, 772 Merchant, C. W 360 Merchant, Henry 132 Meredith, H. T 336 Meredith, J. M 140 Meredith, J. T 26,160 Meree, W. H 449, 619, 638 Merill, M. W .^. 771 Meriwether, W. C 42 Meroney, Z. T 147 Merrick, D. T 327, 770 Merrill, John C 99,249 Merrin, Michael 160 Merritt, C. G 609 Merritt, D 236 Merritt, James 750 Merritt, Samuel 268 Merriwether, John S • 731 Merriwether, Minor 468,653 Merryman, J. R 7,133 Merryman, R. S 276 Mershon, E. B 303 Merwin, William F 678 Messick, M. 0 421 Messick, William J 228 Messmore, G. W '. 667 Metcalf, Orrick 48,531 Metcalfe, George W 20 Methvin, L. T 791 Mettaner, H. A 317 Mey, F. C 576 MichaelofFsky, Charles J 633 Michaeloffsky, J. G..31,258,429,541,594,728 Michaels, W. D 180 Michel, E. A 402 Michel, R. F 174 Michie, W. C 340 Mickell, George 696 Mickle, B 713 86 Micks, T. R 138,441 Micon, Edgar R 67 Middlebrook, William L 662 Middlebrooks, S. C 483 Middlebrooks, T. J 433 Middlebrooks, W. S 673 Middlekauff, W. D 819 Middleton, Bentivoglio 743 Middleton, J 311 Middleton, J. M 377 Middleton, John J '. 315 Middleton, R. M 65,320 Middleton, W. A 817 Middleton, W. E 870 Midyette, John S 291 Miens, W. J 494 Mikell, W. L...'. 20 Milam, J. B 316 Milam, J. K 695 Miles, A..... 735 Miles, C. Richardson 124 Miles, Francis T. (Surgeon) 254 Miles, F. T. (Captain) 235 Miles, James R 70,800 Miles, John P 545 Miles, Jordan 79,460 Miles, J. W 464 Miles, L . 431 Miles Legion (Louisiana vols.)"- 204,428 Miles, Michael J 225 Miles, O. H 119 Millard, C. R 843 Millard, D. T 60 Millard, George 199 Milled, T. Johnson 426 Milledge Artillery (Company —, Georgia Artillery) 460,513 Milledge, Johu,jr 460,513 Millegan, A. L 647 Millen, J. H 643 Millen, John M 164,318 Millen, J. R 826 Millen, M. B 47, 55, 364, 373,374, 451 Millena, James 27 Miller, A 234 Miller, Anderson B -373,769 Miller, A. J. (Lieutenant).. 304 Miller, A. J. (Lieutenant)..! 588 Miller, A. J. (Captain) 624 Miller, A. W 483 Miller, B. H 476 Miller, C. E 810 Miller, C. R 871 Miller, D. B 812 Miller, D. E 790 Miller, D.H.... 545 Miller, Drury 701 Miller, E. A 670 Miller, Edwin 34 Miller, E. W 65 Miller, F. M 799 Miller, Frank 798- Miller, G. Allen 401,493 Miller, George 34 Miller, George D 544 Miller, H. (Lieutenant) 7^ Miller, Hiram (Private) 230 Miller, H. H. (Colonel) 865,876 Miller, Hiram H. (Lieutenant) 632 Miller, Henry E 880 Miller, H. M 834 Miller, H. McD 335 Miller, Jacob 802 Miller, Jacob C 670 Miller, James A 634 Miller, James T 605 Miller, Jessee 896 Miller, J. F 133 Miller, J. H 348 Miller, J. K 683 Miller, J. L < 240 Miller, Joel (Agent) • 725 Miller, J. (Private) 479 Miller, John (Private) 181 Miller, John N. (Private) 83 Miller, J. N. (Private) 118 Miller, John P. (Private) 304 Miller, J. P. (Sergeant) 168 Miller, John S 617 Miller, John William (Private) 747 Miller, J. W. (Private) 288 Miller, J. W. (Chaplain) 744' Miller, J. R 389,852 Miller, L. (Lieutenant) 623 Miller, Lewis (Captain) 341,711 Miller, L. C 413 Miller, L. J 493 Miller, M. A 175 Miller, M. B 154,646,795,853 Miller, P. A 319 Miller, Peter 760 Miller, P. 0 33,716 Miller, R. (Private) 776 Miller, R. (Surgeon) 256,821 Miller, R. A 830 Miller, Ro. C 314 Miller, S. E 619 Miller, Thomas H 136 Miller, T. K 493 Miller, W 419 Miller, W. B. (Lieutenant) 775 Miller, W. B. (Private) 812 Miller, W. D 244 Miller, William 62, 75,313,490,591, 651,686, 727,764,836,848,879,880 Miller, William A 315 Miller, William C 426 Miller, William G. (Sergeant)..22,333,535 Miller, W. G. (Chaplain) 145 Miller, William H 659 Miller, W. T 12 Miller (Mr.) 693 Millett, S. M 860 Millhouse, C. H 83 Milligan, J. F 491,510 Milligan, William 446,752 Milliard, Elkanah A 98 Milliken, L. H 784 Millingen, Ed 269 Millinski, William 821 87 Page. Bill". C. !BlM 626 Mi"8' ?• r ?SS MillS> i' vv o«q Mills, J- W 863 Mills, H. J 474 5 Us, P. B 39 lis R. A 58,741' lis R. H 199 Mills Thomas L 257,355,420,484 Mills, Thomas S. 717 Millsaps, John F 117 Milner, E. C 327,665 jlilstead, S. T 703 Milton Artillery ( Battalion Florida Artillery) 29,423, 644, 820 Milton, H. Oliver 201 Milton, John 594 Milton, W. B 366 Minis, Abram 491 Micas, D. A 230 Mims, L 265,321,590,713,763 Minchiner, James 310 jlinge, Collier H 736j 765 Minn, James W 172 Minor, C. L. C 296,484,605 Minor, Ed. C 755 Minor, F. W 91,118 Minor, John 732, 744, 816 Minor, P. B 102 Minor, R. D. (Major) 85 Minor, R. D. (Lieutenant)... 240,678,815 Minor, Thomas J 306 Minson, D 855 Minter, J. A 26 M inter, T. J 308 Minton, W. D 709 Minton, W. T 530 Minard, A. A... 232 Minetree, L. M 500 Ming, Thomas 351 Minged, 0. F 410 Minick, Samuel J 841' Minshew, J. E 45 Miskelly, T. A 61 Mitcham, J. M 335 Mitchell, Thomas S 242 Mitchell, A. A 819 Mitchell, B. B 81 Mitchell, B. F 715 Mitchell, Charles A 215 Mitchell, Daniel R 19 Mitchell, D. L 802 Mitchell, D. P 832 Mitchell, D. W 194, 741 Mitchell, E. C 851 Mitchell, G. D 873 Mitchell, H. L 794 MitcheH, H. M 701 Mitchell, James 657 Mitchell, J. C. B 154 Mitchell, J. D 573 Mitchell, J. H....'. 12 Mitchell, J. M 500 Mitchell,'John 361 Mitchell, John R 61 Page. Mitchell, John W. (Captain) 66 Mitchell, J. W. (Private) 266 Mitchell, J. W. (Private) 784 Mitchell, Julian 712 Mitchell, L 878 Mitchell, L. B 3 Mitchell, L. R 809 Mitchell, R. J 41 Mitchell, S. R 822 Mitchell, Thomas 421 Mitchell, T. J 855 Mitchell, William (Lieutenant) 694' Mitchell, William (Sergeant) 768 Mitchell, William H 466 Mitchell, W. S 809 Mitchell, W. W 556 Mitchum, T. G 522 Mix, F. S 829 Mix, J. P 83 Mixon, C. M 444 Mixon, J. C 149 Mixon, L 235 Mizell, A 335 Mizeil, L. W 491 Mizell, Robert A 734 Moats, Wellington 599 Mobley, Calvin 359 Mobley, H. M 551 Mobley, J. C 769, 859 Mobley, Murill.... 227 Mobley, W. W 865 Moffit, William..., 267 Moffitt, R. E .'..... 690 Mohan, Pat 266 Moir, Robert L 40 Moise, H. C 385 Molair, Leroy 709 Molair, Luther 388 Molina, R 796 Molini, P 235 Molloy, F 238 Moltier, C. L 302 Monahan, James P 403,661 Money, Hernando De Soto 669 Monk, A 863 Monroe, H. A 707 Monroe, J. W 630 Monroe, L. D 571 Monroe, William 0 1 37 Monroe, W. T 467 Montague, A. 0 319,711 Montague, E 386 Montague, Thomas 267 Montague, W. L 341 Monteiro, Aristides 371,474,828 Montford, William G 523 Montfort, Warren... 860 Montgomery, A. B 615 Montgomery, D. F 576 Montgomery, F. F 520 Montgomery, Geo. W. (Captain)... 871 Montgomery, G. W. (Corporal) 350 Montgemory, Henry M 46 Montgomery, J. A 357 Montgomery, James H 802 88 Page. Montgomery, J. G 558,578 Moore Montgomery, J. N 685 Moore Montgomery, John 188 Moore Montgomery, John W 69 Moore Montgomery, L. D 821 Moore Montgomery, Samuel 813 Moore Montgomery, S. S 161 Moore Montgomery True Blues (Co. G, Moore 3d Alabama Infl.) 9,47,115,119 Moore Montgomery, W. L 140 Moore Mood, W. G.,jr 861 Moore Moody, D. W 793 Moore Moody, George 269 Moore Moody, H. J 354 Moore Moody, J. M 66 Moore Moody, John S 83 Moore Moody, John W. (Private) 777 Moore Moody, J. W. (Lieutenant) 85 Moore Moody, M. D. L 442 Moore Moody, M. L 689 Moody, Thomas 341 Moore Moody, W. T 309 Moore Moody, Y. M 368 Moore Moon, Andrew 506 Moore Moon, R. B 608 Moore Moon, R. L 802 Moore Moon, W. J 305 Moore Mooney, C. C 38,84,695 Moore Mooney, E. D 848 Moore Mooney, R 802 Moore Mooney, W 802 Moore Mooney, William D 132 Moore Moore, A." H 791 Moore Moore, A. J. (Private) 583 Moore Moore, A. J. (Captain) 286 Moore Moore, Alexander 227 Moore Moore, Alexander D 171 Moore Moore, Andrew . 493 Moore Moore, Andrew McD 254 Moore Moore, A. S 670 Moore Moore, A. W. (Private) 134 Moore Moore, A. W. (Chaplain) 31 Moore Moore," B. (Lieutenant) 352 Moore Moore, Benjamin (Private) 802 Moore Moore, Benjamin C 396 Moore Moore, C. C. (Lieutenant) 727 Moore Moore, Clem. C. (Lieutenant) 25 Moore Moore, E. (Private) 107 Moore Moore, E. (Lieutenant) 746 Moore Moore, E. L ; 717,804 Moore Moore, E. M. T 195 Moore Moore, E. S 339 Moore Moore, F. C 822 Moore Moore, Frank 477 Moore Moore, George H 575 Moore Moore, G. G 779 Moore Moore, G. W 390 Moore Moore, H. D 767 Moore Moore, Henry 310 Moore Moore, J. A 9 Moore Moore, James 577 Moore Moore, James L 69,357,411 Moore Moore, James M. (Hosp. Stew.).. 315,661 Moore Moore, J. M. (Captain) 848 Moore Moore, James P. (Sergeant) 115 Moore J. P. (Capt.).. 414,505,508,535, James Wilson ^67,409 J. B. (Lieutenant) J. B. (Captain) 33c J. B. (Major) 213,327,339 J. E. (Captain) 395 J. E. (Captain) 327 J. E. (Captain) &0,886 Joseph E. (Private)™ 179 Jesse S 263 J. F. (Surgeon) 261,694,731 J. F. (Private) 77c J. G 627 J. H. (Corporal) 828 J. H. (Lieutenant).". 86 John (Private) 800 John (Private) 810 John C. (Captain) 89 John C. (Lieut.-Col.).. 124,165,203 245,438,580,640, 755,831,849,890 John C. (Bng.-Gen.)..24,56,64,2l3 John Jay 197 John L. (Private) 20 John L. (Asst. Surg.) 715 John S 107 John W 865 J. R 209 J. W. R 229 Larkin L 634 L. J 418 Martin V 213,305 Maurice 530 Miles F 85 M. J 884 M? O 208 M. S 617 N. H 243 N. W 228 P. T 302,400,733 R. (Cadet) 792 Ransom, (Lieutenant) 299 R. C 314 R. E. (Assistant Surgeon).. 763 R. E. (Agent) 470 Robert E. (Surgeon) 148 Robert S 787 S 802 S. C 85 S. L 705 S. P 660 S. S 96 T. B 739 T. D 339 Thomas 275 T. J. (Private) 310 T.J. (Lieutenant) 224,484 W. E 80 W. F 357,638 W. H. (Private) 393,653,897 W. H. (Private) 235 W; H. (Surgeon) 71,99,405 William (Private) 30 William (Lieutenant) 673 William W. (Surgeon).. .".... 91 W. W. (Private) 235 89 Page Jloore, W. J 371 Moore, W. R 328 JJoorehead, L. F 526 Moorer, J. D 673 Moorer, John N 393 jlloores, Newton • 213 Moorhead, W 53 Moorman, E 514 Moorman, George 867 Moorman, R. B 493 Moorman, Thomas E " 184 Moran, Charles 47 Morecock, J. E 449 Morehead, H. C 618 Morehead, J.*H 318 Morehead, John M 552 Morehead, J. T 685,714 Morel, J. S..." 71 Moreland, W. W 230 Moreland, L. E 190 Morelock, W. C 439. Moreno, C. S 634 Morey, D. B 294 Morey, H ... 735 Morey, J. B 294 Morfit, Mason 670 Morgan, Ben 159,214 Morgan, B. F 499 Morgan, B/ G 248 Morgan, C. S 720,869 Morgan, Elijah C 57 Morgan, Hampton 100 Morgan, J. E 342 Morgan, Job M 213,305 Morgan, John.. 21 Morgan, John H. (Private) 154 Morgan, John H. (Brig.-Gen.) 26,40, 44,55,92,119, 123, 272, 293, 389,476,612,520,566,602,607 Morgan, John T 32 Morgan, J. P 890 Morgan, 0. S 366 Morgan, P. D 615 Morgan, R. C 542,658, 867 Morgan, R. J 656 Morgan, S. W 292,388,836 Morgan, T. C 209 Morgan, Thomas.../ 319 Morgan, T. J 482 Morgan, Van R 68 Morgan, W. A 532 Morgan, William 400 Morgan, William E 543, 781 Morgan, William T 860 Morgan, W. L 333 Moris, John A 752 Morisey, Owen B...« 685 Morralo, David 639 Morris, A. (Contractor) 830 Morris, Austin (Lieutenant) 673 Morris, A. H. (Captain) 45 Morris, A. H. (Private) 469 Morris, A. H. (Private) 782 Morris, A. L 376 Morris, Benjamin 577 9.Q 1BR4 Page Morris, Charles 471 Morris, C. J 263 Morris, E. R 714 Morris, George 684 Morris, H. C. (Private) 422 Morris, H. C. (Lieutenant) 767 Morris, James B. (Captain) 716 Morris, J. B. (Private) 821 Morris, J. B. (Private) 312 Morris, James H 761 Morris, James P 621 Morris, J. C 231 Morris, J. J 809 Morris, John 708 Morris, Junius A 123 Morris, L. (Private) 94 Morris, Lemuel (Private) 365 Morris, M....~ 280 Morris, Newton ; 466 Morris, N. M 98 Morris, P 800 Morris, Tim., alias J. W. Griffin 751 Morris, Walter J 63,714 Morris, William 49 Morris, William R 646 Morris, Wm. S.. 239,306,435,606, 827,887 Morris, W. J. (Captain) 479,561 Morris, W. J. (Private) 583 Morris, W. M 62 Morris, W. P 821 Morrison, Alfred 803 Morrison, D. H ,... 138 Morrison, J 676 Morrison, J. G 348 Morrison, J. J 104,224 Morrison, Reuben 515 Morrison, Samuel B 666,682 Morrison, W. F 641 Morrison, W. W 286,445,671,742,850 Morrisey, John 802 Morriss, J. J 122 Morrissett, W. J 368 Morrissey, M 312 Morrow, J. W 336 Morrow, Thomas L 418 Morrow, William 625 Morse, A., jr 664 Morse, Charles N 204 Morse, J. L 821 Morse, T. D 642, 744 Morse, Thomas H 228 Morson, John S 133 Morton, B. W 286 Morton, Douglas 107 Morton, G. W 222,428 Morton, James Q 278 Morton, J. H 51,466 Morton, Paul C 33,322 Morton, R. C 716 Morton, Tazewell S - 400 Morton, Thomas H 100 Morton, Thomas L 383 Morton, W. G 465 Morton, W„ H 141 Mosby, John S 605,711,747,828 90 Mosby, R. G Mosby, Samuel S Mosby, W. J Moseley, A. C Moseley, E. F Moseley, E. S Mosely, E. B Mosely, E. J Moses, D. L Moses, F. J,, jr... Moses, J. P Moses, R. J Moses, R. S Moses, S. A Moses, Samuel D Moses, Z. P Mosley, B. J Mosley, Joseph... Moss, B. L. Moss, Charles Moss, Daniel Moss, H Moss, JosephusH Moss, J. P Moss, Mack Moss, P. M:, Moss, Stephen Mossy, V Mote, E , Mote, M Motes, C. W Motley, A. J Mott, A. R Mott, George W Mott, G. M Moulder, Singleton. Mount, A. J Mount, S. M. G Mountain, M Moyer, D Muhaley, David. Muhly, aw..... Muir, David Muirhead, R. J Muldoon, Felix Muldor, J. M... Muldrow, R. M Mulford, James Mull, J. M Mulally, W. T Mullany, Pat Mullendore, W. W.. Muller, H Mullihan, W. F ...» Mullikin, B. W... Mullikin, F. M ... Mullin, Andrew... Mullins, J. H Mullins, John Mullins, M. M» Mullins, S. A Mullins, W. M.... Mullis, A. J Munday, W. S Mundin, John rage.. .. 602 330,672 .. 687 .. 573 .. 168 .. 830 284,732 373 142 410 .:... 148,252,455,588 671 865 256 678 174,238 399 359,650 230 860 870 678 384,581, 763 859 602 335 267 122,259 .. 728 Munds, George oj Mundy, J. F 40, Mundy, S. P 375 Munford, John D ug Munford, M 743 Munford, Thomas T $2 Munford, William 7n Munn, Daniel A 832 Munn, T. J 558 Munnerlyn, Charles T 390 Munro, D. D 669 Munroe, T. A 320 Mansey, F. 0 390 Murchison, Alex 830 Murchison, B. K : 108,689 Murchison, D. R 635 Murchison, R 249 Murchison, W. G 635 Murdoch, Russell 586 Murdough, L. B 284 Murfree, J. B 52,569 Murgotten, Charles 267 Murilac, Augustus Ill Murphey, V. S 621,735 Murphree, J 849 Murphree, James A 334 Murphy, Edward F 140 Murphy, Frank 208 Murphy, Hugh 388 Murphy, J. (Private) ; 312 Murphy, Jacob (Private) 678 Murphy, James (Private) 270 Murphy, James (Private) 771 Murphy, James (Private) 230 Murphy, James (Private) 269 Murphy, James F 336 Murphy, J. B 742 Murphy, J. B. F 124 Murphy, J. C 770 Murphy, J. D., jr 383,393,647,897 Murphy, John (Private) 30 Murphy, John (Private) 838 Murphy, Joseph P' 14 Murphy, M. (Private) 162 Murphy, Mike (Private) 477 Murphy, M. J 819 Murphy, M. S 371 Murphy, P. (Private)... 231 Murphy, Pat. (Private) 280 Murphy, Patrick E 745 Murphy, R. D 74 Murphy, R. F 636 Murphy, R. R 368 Murphy, Samuel B 91 Murphy, Z.. T 102 Murray, Boston W 250 Murray, C 809 Murray, Ed 717,811 Murray, Henry W 493 Murray, J. B 390 Murray, John 281 Murray, Madison 694 Murray, M. M... 257 Murray, R. H 735 Murray, Robert 244 91 Page. Th<^s A:::::::::::::::::::::: & gay, William B 683 William M. (Lieutenant)... 409 8S5:W-"- (Private) 168 Murray, W. W 383 Kill, Robert C 127,232 Murry,Tunothy 477 Murry, W 68 K? George W 668 S-k S? Mnsgrove, Daniel 401 Musgrove, David 95 Musgrove, M. J. C 388 Musgrove, P. M 864 Mushat, J. P 39,419 Musser, Daniel 422 Muzzall, W. N 271 Myer, John 760 Myers, Charles D 197 Myers, D. E*. 731,733 Myers, D. H 279 Myers, E. T. D 653 Myers, George J » 659 Myers, Henry 263,283,434,588,857,861 Myers, J. W 347 Myers, L. 0 495 Myers, N. P 590 Myers, Samuel B '736 Myers, S. C 286 Myers, W. B 877 Myers, W. W 22 Myler, Edward H 669 Myrick, J. S 737 Nabers, Frank M 360 Nabers, James F 694 Nadenbousch, J. Q. A.. 214 Nadway, John 228 Nagle, Joseph A 678 Naide, James 267 Kail, H. C ' 885 Nail, M. R 199 Nail, R. C 17 Nail, William R 453 Nails, W. C 702 Nance. W. F :. 879 .Nance,' W. H 783,838 Nance, Samuel A 33 Nanney, Isaac W 683 Napier, Edward 837 Napier, John R 198 Napier, Leroy 492,604 Napier, Robert 696 Napier, Thomas W. (Lieut.-Col,)... 604 Napier, T. W. (Captain) 213 Naramore, B. F 577 Nash, E. A 659 Nash, F. J 270, 593 Nash, Frederick, jr 742 Page. Nash, John J 197 Nash, J. V 721 Nash, L. A 85 Nash, Miles H 57 Nash, S. J 259 Nash, Sylvester 280 Nash, Thomas 333 Nash, T. Y 725 Nathwood, J. C 881 Natipn, D. A 621 Nause, N. C 530 Naval Battalion (Local Defense, Vir- ginia artillery).... 174, 385,477,656, 806 Nave, G. S 848 Nay lor, J. M 332 Naylor, William 821 Neagle, J. H 896 Neaglin, Charles 304 Neal, A. F 189 Neal, B. G 593 Neal, E. C 834 Neal, F. M 94 Neal, Frank 266 Neal, G. A 730 Neal, Henry 266 Neal, James 231 Neal, James G 12 Neal, J. R 381,598 Neale, B. H 355 Neary, W. J 610 Neathery, J. K. P 14 Needy, J. A 442 Neel, C. F 203 Neel, S. G 182 Neeley, H. M 774 Neely, E. M 289 Neely, James 551 Neely, T. W 379,448 Nees, G. T 118 Nees, John D 118 Neese, James L 264 Neff, Andrew M _ 27 Neff, D ^70 Neill, S. S 191 Neill, W. C 784 Nelligan, James 842 Nelms, George W 435,840 Nelson, A. B 493 Nelson, A. H 106 Nelson, B. C. (Private) 198 Nelson, B. C. (Private) 806 Nelson, F. H 377 Nelson, G. F 543 Nelson, G. W 885 Nelson, Henry 60 Nelson, J. (Private) 832 Nelson, James (Chaplain) 473 Nelson, James M 98, 390 Nelson, J. O 680 Nelson, Joseph G 315 Nelson Light Artillery (Company —, Virginia Artillery) 149, 855 Nelson, M 348 Nelson, R. E., jr 467 Nelson, R. M. (Ligutenant) 385 92 Page Page Nelson, R. M. (Captain) 471 Nichols, W. A Nelson, Robert (Private) 246,267 Nichols, W, C 682,845,888,889 Nelson, R. (Private) 40 Nicholson, Andrew J ]q Nelson, S 311 Nicholson, J. J . 348,86a Nelson, S. K 45 Nicholson, John M. (Captain) 667 Nelson, S. W 837 Nicholson, J. M. (Captain) * 624 Nelson, W 837 Nicholson, Malcolm J.... 46ij Nelson, W. B 110,197 Nicholson, Peter 743 Nelson, W. C -51 Nicholson, William A 8-31 Nelson, W. R 146 Nicholson, W. J. (Captain) 644 Nesbitt, N 117 Nicholson, W. J. (Surgeon) 824 Nestor, A. H 828 Nickoles, Thomas 503 Netherbon, James M 464 Nicks, D. W 785 Netherland, G. M 373 Nickson, A. W 678,623 Neufville, H. S 784 Nidelet, J. C 315 Neuson, J. C 802 Nidelet, S. L 33,99,782 Neville, George L 655 Niemann, A . 497 Neville, W. J 758 Nimmo, R. M 428 Nevitt, N. B 668,885 Nisbet, R. B 50a New, John H 80,414,535,717 Nisbit, William M 727 Newberry, J. T 767 Nivens, James 371 Newbill, A. P 627 Nix, F. M 372 Newcombe, A 313 Nix, R. F 533,548 665 Newell, Luke 30 Nixon, Edward 28 Newell, W. H 44 Nixon, F 675 Newman, A. A 480 Nixon, George D....J 297,653 Newman, B. S 540 Nixon, George H 424,711 Newman, G. G 628 Nixon, G. N 777 Newman, Henry 497 Nixon, John 176 Newman, R. E 228 Nixon, T. F. 771 Ne\yman, W. T 811 Noahe, Amos E 474 Newport, R. C. (Captain) 739 Noble, T. J 768 Newport, Richard C. (Captain) 279 Noblin, C. H 8 Newsom, W. S 182 Nocquet, James 786 Newsom, John E 69 Noe, J. Loraine 443 Newsom, John F.. 439,552 Noel, J. E 669 Newson, J. M. (Sergeant) 211 Noel, R. L 657 Newson, J. M. (Private) 831 Noel, W. F 153 Newson, L 395 Noel, W. H 340 Newton, Augustus F 119 Noff, Peter 760 Newton, D. C 884 Nolan, J 402 Newton, D. H 757 Noland, B. P 248,587,736 Newton, H. D 753 Noland, R. W. N 8,199,400,544,555 Newton, J. A 709 Nolner, S. B 833 Newton, J. B 110,134,568 Nolting, A. W 452 Newton, John 412 Nolton, D 698 Newton, Robert T 251 Noonan, Michael 267 Neyland, William L.. 96 Norcum, Albert 657,728 Niblett, John 418 Norcum, W. A. B 15,824,850 Nicely, St. Clair 350 Norfolk Light Artillery Blues (Co. Nichlin, J. R., 670 —, Virginia Artillery) 877 Nicholas, B. M :..n 741 Norman, G. W 836 Nicholas, H. B 243, 604 Norman, H. C 792 . Nicholas, J 280 Norman, M. G 739 Nicholas, Thomas.. 654 Norman, Reuben W 793 Nicholls, Francis T 50,289, Norman, R. L 304 300,391,407,471,475,480,484,485, Norman, William 395 527,548,663, 668,685, 688, 702, 712, Norment, J. R 94,260 770, 791,817,856,863, 875, 878, 884 Norred, R. T.. 734 Nichols, Charles E 401 Norris, A. B 636 Nichols, E 410 Norris, Edward 490 Nichols, H 16 Norris, Joseph L 138 Nichols, Henry C 28,100 Norris, K. Owen 223,645 Nichols, J. C« 566 Norris, R.,jr 515 93 Page. Norris, Robert 647 Norris, William 62,65,71, 105,111, 142,190,205,231,253,508 Norris, William L 150 Norris, W. J 882 Norris, W. W 312 Norris, Z. C 291 North, Clay t 453 North, R. A 6 North, T. E 374, 623 Northington, J. S 610 Northrop, A. R. K 395 Northrop, L. B 165,622,626,638,876 Norton, A. C 612 Norton, George C 831 Norvell, T. B. N 690 Norvell, W. W 736 Norwood, John J 700 Norwood, William 720 Norwood, W. N 612 Nott, Henry J 27 Nott, Thomas E 116 Nottoway Reserves (1st Ya. Res.).. 567 Nowlen, E. H 233 Nowlin, Samuel H 705 Nowlin, S. W 410 Noyes, A. B 378, 640 Noyes, L. T 784 Nuckols, William L 634 Nugent, Richard 337,391 Nugent, W. L 869 Null, J. M....... 292 Nungeyer, G. T 335 Nunn, A. S 328 Nunn, H 305 Nunnally, R. C ,.. 17 Nunnelee, W. A 172 Nunnery, Joseph ■ 589 Nurbon, F 135 Nutt, H. B 783 Nuttall, C. A 776 Nutter, Jacob 602 Nye, George L., 661 Oakes, J. H 392,409, 728 Oakley, David H 55 Oakley, R. H 577,671 Oakman, R. H 526 Oates, D. D : 520 Oates, R. M 611 Oats, Lawrence 269 Oattis, H. J 739 0'Bannon, H. J 54 Obenchain, W, A 601,662 Ober, F 230 O'Brien, David 359 O'Brien, D. K 211,242 O'Brien, D. M 655 O'Brien, Edward H 266 O'Brien, Edwin 293 O'Brien, E. J 272 O'Brien, James 354 O'Brien, John 218 O'Brien, Junius 642 O'Brien, Michael 321 O'Brien, Richard 109,887 24 1864 Page. O'Brien, S. M 85 O'Brien, Thomas B 788 1 O'Brien, W. B 286 O'Brien, W. P 799 O'Brien, William 264,390 O'Bryan, G. G 283 O'Bryan, John F 86, 878 O'Bryant, D. A 257 O'Callaghan, H. S 776 Ochus, A. A 354 Ochiltree, T. P 645 O'Connell, A 834 O'Connell, D. J , 267 O'Connell, Edward 267 O'Connell, James 48 O'Conner, W. J 402 O'Connor, J 253 O'Connor, John H 107 O'Connor, J. W 792 O'Connor, Michael 162 O'Daniel, F. M 797 Odeem, Joseph 129 Odell, J. M 278 Oden, J. B 73, 348 Odom, John 704 O'Dono, Jack 312 O'Donnell, John 785 Odum, S. W 854 O'Ferrall, Charles T 843 Offutt, H. St. George 660 Offutt, Thomas Z 37 Ogburn, C. J 896 Ogburn, D. W 145 Ogden, Frank , 177 Ogden, H. N 435,472 Ogier, T. L., jr 377,383, 444,576,589,606, 629, 632, 636, 641,642,660, 662, 682,692, 706, 753, 758,824,843, 859, 885, 886 Ogle, J. J. 741 Oglesby, R. H 421 Ogletree, J. P 172, 538 O'Hagan, James 239 O'Hara, M 237 O'Hara, T 360 O'Harra, P. H 579 O'Keefe, P. (Private) 380 O'Keefe, Patrick (Private) 227 Oladowski, Hypolite 248,253, 283,291,303,582, 785 Old, F. Y 259 Old, James Y 465 Old, William W 30,530,560 Oldham, W. E 418 Olinger, George W 716 Oliphant, Alfred D ' 871 Oliphant, J. M 887 Oliver, C. C 227 Oliver, C. J 218 Oliver, E. D 675 Oliver, E. J 357 Oliver, George L 551 Oliver, H. F 270 Oliver, James W 131 Oliver, J. B 31$ 94 Page. Oliver, J. R 822 Oliver, Martin 195 Oliver, M. M 169 Oliver, S. H 343,532,551 Oliver, W. H. (Agent) 286 Oliver, W. H. (Private) 896 Oliveras, E. J 847 Oliveras, J. B 589 Oliviera, W. D 408 Olmstead, C. H 314 Olmstead, F. Pv 348 Olney, H. B 346 O'Mara, J 402 O'Mara, W 402 O'Neal, Christopher 230 O'Neal, E. A 50,265,298,350 Oneal, H. B 714 O'Neal, H. F 417 O'Neal, John W 41 O'Neil, William ' Ill O'Neill, B 750 O'Neill, John H 641 O'Neill, Michael 198 Oney, Robert T 108,207,521 Oram, William 250 Orange Artillery (Co. —, 4th Va. Art. ; also called Peyton Art.).... 9 Ordnance Guard (Local Defense Ga. volunteers, Macon, Ga.) 436 Orear, G. W 197 Orem, William 267 Orgain, George C 367 Orison, Townsend 503 Orleans Guard Artillery (Co. —, Louisiana Art.).. 9,327,449,618,691 Orleans Light Horse (independent company Louisiana cavalry) 714 Orm, Henry S 710 Ormand, R. D 339 Orme, Richard 291,886 Orme, Thomas J 344 Ormsby, G. M 834 O'Rork, John H 607 O'Rourke, P. R 702 Orr, J. A 142 Orr, J.B 371 Orr, Jennings P 470 Orr, J. H 379 Orr, JohnM 195,451,648 Orr, S 228 Orr, T. C 20 Orrell, A. L 228 Orrell, D. C 803 Orrell, James S 412,607 Orr's Rifles (1st S. C. Rifles) 230,261, 284, 335, 336, 339, 366, 476,490, 552, 672, 782 Orton, B. M 1 319 Osborn, C 776 Osborn, D. H : 280 Osborne, E. Tom 696 Osborne, James E 629 Osborne, J. M 16 Osborne, John 803 Osborne, J. W 800 Osborne, L.i 149 Osborne, R. C gji Osborne, T. H 297 Oscar, John 693 Osgathorp, A. P ' 341 O'Shields, W. D 152,343 Oslin, A. L 94 Oslin, William W 218 Osmond, G. W. 799 Osmond, Jessee 790 Ostrander, J. B 354 Ostrander, Will 39.5 O'Sullivan, Thomas F 393,653,897 Oswalt, James 385 Otey Battery (Company —, 13th Battalion Virginia Artillery)... 9,22,50, 74,123, 240,333,372,418 535,561, 735,804,818, 833 Otey, James C 597 Otey, J. M 654 Otey, K 334,607 Otey, Van R... 77 Otey, William F 6 Otey, W. N. M 798 Otlcen, Charles H 575 Ott, John 361,655 Ott, L. M 881 Ott, William A 534 Ottenburg, Cass 807 Ottens, William 755 Otto, William 29 Ould, Robert 22,223 Oury, J. F 589 Oury, T. H 60,125,674 Oury, Thomas F 60,125 Oury, William L 49,125,674 Outer, G. W 141 Outlaw, David 476 Outlaw, David C 137 Outlaw, N. B -. 748 Outterbridge, S. W..., 688 Overcash, E 775 Overman, W. H 407 Overton, Charles N 228 Overton, V. B 460 Owen, D. J 98 Owen, E 337,346 Owen, G 675,825 Owen, H. A 354 Owen, J. F 676 Owen, J. L 891 Owen, L. S 414 Owen, O. P 354 Owen, Robert L 102,550 Owen, R. T 348,423,457,527 Owen, Thomas H 338 Owen, Uriah 208 Owen, W. A 729 Owen, William M 78 Owen, W. 0 127,138, 436,482,491,732,834,844 Owen, W, T 460 Owens, A. T 613 Owens, B. F 446,787 Owens, B. H 762,783 95 Page. Page. nwens, Boykin 455 Palmer, John T 16 Owens, D. C 308 Palmer, M. L . 134 rtwens, J. A 667 Palmer, 0. S 867 Owens, J. H 162 Palmer, S. G 364 Owens, Joseph C 848 Palmer, Thomas M 410,414,422, Lens, J. R 195 451,554, 555,698, 708, 730, 858 Owens, J. W 649 Palmer, T. J 159 Owens, Richard 333 Palmer, T. N 678 Owens, Rufus H 138 Palmer, W. A 648 Owens, S 614 Palmer, W. H 717 Owens, T. C 766 Palmer, W. P 26,259 Owens, Thomas W 457 Palmetto Battalion Light Artillery Owens, W. A 836 (S. C. art.).... 23,183,275,362,393,396, Owens, W. F 846 473,496,514,518,647,663,861,897 Owens, William H 267 Palmetto Sharpshooters, or Pal- Owens, William M 800 metto Regiment, (Jenkins' South Owens, W. W 140 Carolina sharpshooters; the Pal- Owens, Zach 349 metto Sharpshooters early in 1862 Oyler, John H 621 was made up of transfers from the pace, James M. (Private) 350, 639 2d, 6th and 9th South Carolina Pace, Jesse M. (Private) 413 Infantry) 162, 227,237,249,302, 307, pace, J. M. (Captain) 719, 734, 812 327,347,348,356,393,496, 730, 872 Pace, John 165 Panchen, J. S 799 Pace, William A 103 Pankey, P. P 214 Pacetty, Joseph A 756 Panknin, Charles F 369 Pack, Charles S 598 Pannill, C 368 Packingham, William 802 Papy, J. C .' 281 Padgett, John 80 Pardigon, C. F 464 Padrick, Thomas 319 Parey, Levi 243 Page, A. L 675 Pargason, J. L 366 Page, Carter P 215 Parham, J. T 98 Page, Charles 497 Parham, W. A 656, 798 Page, G. F 338 Parish, F. M 44 Page, James J 481 Parish, J 461 Page, J. L 39 Parish, Jessee B. H..... .800 Page, Joseph F 685 Park, B. F 776 Page J. R 226 Park, C. F 776 Page, J. W 226 Park, Eli 118 Page, L. R 41,132,137,316,323,370 Park, H. S 65 Page, P. N 879 Park, Robert W 102 Page, R. L...., 195 Park, W. K 875 Page, R. P 306,403,455, 751 Parker, Abner , 227 Page, S. T 791 Parker, B 135 Page, Tilman 562 Parker, B. F 517 Page, T.J.,jr 183 Parker, D. A 538,789 Pagnier, A. F 346,737,792 Parker, D. C 532 Paine, Charles 266 Parker, E. S 886 Paine, E. H 340 Parker, E. T 870 Paine, F. G '. 774 Parker, E. W 213,322 Paine, Henry M 473 Parker, F. M 346 Paine, S. B 623. Parker, G. C 477 Paine, W. W 659 Parker, George I' 395 Painter, J. M 660 Parker, G. W 607, 787 Pairo, T. W 839 Parker, H. M 395 Padjett, J. A. C 732 Parker, James R 704 Palfrey, Alfred C 778 Parker, J. L. (Private) 228 Palfrey, E.A..112,162,293,313,344,608,835 Parker, J. L. (Private) 806 Palfrey, William 222,869 Parker, John 467 Palmer, A. J 246 Parker, John G 787 Palmer, C 648 Parker, John H. (Lt.)..57,210,814,841,851 Palmer, F. M 577,791 Parker, John H. (Lieutenant) 710 Palmer, H. S .v 707 Parker, J. H. (Lieutenant) 194 Palmer, J. J 163 Parker, John M. (Lieutenant) 241 Palmer, John B 180,264, Parker-, J. M. (Lieutenant) 69 279,284,337,382,447,492 Parker, Joseph 374 96 Page Page Parker, J. T 368,637 Pate, Otho K 180,338,791,8i» Parker, Moses 328 Pate, R. H 2«n Parker, M. P 173,527,728 Pate, W. H Parker, N 790 PUte, W. U 523 Parker, Pembroke 38 Patrick, Alfred S 75q Parker, Robert 4 Patrick, James W 332,684 Parker, S. H 349 Patrick, John 876 Parker, Theodore 88,116 Patrick, John H 246 Parker, W. H. (Hosp. Stew.) 369 Patrick, T. A 709,853 Parker, W. H. (Private) 447 Patterson, A I4j Parker, William H. (Lieut.). ..... 139,747 Patterson, A. W 77^ Parker, William P 121 Patterson, E 235 Parker, Willis 10 Patterson, E. R 373,549,829,861,873 Parker, W. L 135 Patterson, George *23 Parker, W. M 82 Patterson, H. A 421 Parkhill, John H 200,461,848 Patterson, H. H 346 Parkison, G. W 377 Patterson, J. J 884 Parkman, S. E 106 Patterson, J. M 333 Parkman, William 477 Patterson, John R 76 Parks, A. L . 76 Patterson, Josiah 403 Parks, John. 469 Patterson, M 12 Parks, R. H 575 Patterson, R 884 Parks, Richard S 109 Patterson, R. M 245 Parks, W. C 230 Patterson, S. B 177 Parks, W. F 191 Patterson, W. C I 63 Parnell, John R 83 Patterson, W. H. (Private) 235 Parr, David, & Sons 158 Patterson, W. H. (Lieutenant) 7:19 Parr, S. P 560 Patterson, William D 217 Parramore, Henry J 523 Patterson, W. M 304 Parramore, James B 353 Pattillo, G. M. T * 198,382 Parrish, J. E 534 Pattishal, C. H 730,865 Parrish, J. J 197 Patton, Benjamin F 802,621 Parrish, John G., jr 628 Patton, G. W..: 799 Parrish, J. T 880 Patton, J. F 825 Parrish, N. T.v 802 Patton, John 218 Parrish, O. F 673,785 Patton, John D 712 Parrish, R. E 847 Patton, J. S 506 Parrish, W. B 319 Patton, M. P 508,524 Parrish, William 194 Patton, O. H 659 Parrott, A. B 17 Patton, P. T 805 Parrott, A. F 788 Patton, R. H 688 Parrott, J. R 48 Patton, R. J - 278 Parrott, J. W 374 Patton, T. J 51 Parsell, W. B 828 Patton, William S 48 Parshall, James G 254 Pattrick, James A 619 Parsley, W. M 669 Patty, W. F 809 Parsons, E. H 193,780 Paul, James A. 61 Parsons, F. C 220,301 Paul, Samuel 50 Partain, C 17 Paul, Thomas H...« 93 Partain, L. M 215 Paul, W. J 246 Partin, JohnW 450,534 Paul, W. W 797 Partlow, David Y 83 Pauley, W. J 62 Parton, J. G 730 Paulson, T. G J 63 Partrick, C 339,532 Paxton, A. M ...81,403,532,655,646,694 Partridge, Isaac M 5,330 Paxton, C. H 368 Partridge, W. H 835 Paxton, James G 74,149, Partuitt, Frank 676 184,211,414,742,814,862 Paschal, James J 82 Paxton, James L 773 Paschal, Thomas H 62,682,889 Payant, James 723 Passmore, John C 697 Payne, A. H 385,437 Passmore, William P 51,432,597 Payne, C. H 230 Pate, Antony C 68 Payne, Charles B 834 Pate, Henry 636 Payne, J. B....'. 340 Pate, J. Frank 492 Payne, J. E 885 Pate, John H 103 Payne, J. H 800 97 Page. pavne, John A 164 Payne, John M 272,851 payne, John R 168 Payne, L. C 110 Payne, L. P 889 Payne, N. H 92 Payne, 0. F 115 Payne, Thomas S 230 Payne, William H 567,597 Payne, W. M 610, 789, 886 peabody, R. C 613 Peace, A. C 377 Peace, P. P 65, 667 Peachey, Th. G 491 Peacock, Mike 160 Peacock, J. T 707 Peacocke, T. G 386 Peak, J. L 668 Peake, H. T 36, 72,90, 125,177,310,454, 546,751 Peal, William 228 Pearce, F. M 707 Pearce, G. W 715 Pearce, James 323 Pearce, James P 239 Pearce, J. H 720 Pearce, W. H 825 Pearl, James 648 Pearsall, W. F 787, 897 Pearson, A. Wallace 691 Pearson, B. H. 215 Pearson, C 422 Pearson, E. F 213, 690, 829 Pearson, Joel E 256 Pearson, J. R » 753 Pearson, J. W 573 Peary, Joseph.... 205 Peaster, Henry.! 276 Peay, John C 213,322 Peay, L R 311 Peck, A. H 106 Peck, C. A 839 Peck, J. L .' 676,704 Peck, John 277 Peck, W. D 213,259, 609, 851 Peck, William M 137 Peck, William R 34 Peddigord, C. L 308 Peden, J. W 218 Peebles, E. J 75 Peebles, John 823 Peebles, John H 415 Peebles, J. W 771,830 Peebles, W. H, (Colonel) 658 Peebles, W. H. (Asst. Surg.) 780 Peed, W. H 536 Pee Dee Artillery (S. C. artillery; after May, 1864, formed Company • F, Pegram's battalion) 282,383, 462,512,523, 762, 782, 783 Peedin, J. M 331 Peel, George Harris 315 Peel, John 506 Peel, John J 583 Peel, Owen 141 25 1864 Peeler, John 386 Peeler, Joseph 366 Peelle, Joseph J 227 Peery, Archibald 490 Peete, R. S. F 58,179 Pegram, John 886 Pegram, J. W 880 Pegram, M. P 589 Pegram, R. E 828 Pegram, W. G 151 Pegues, C. J 51 Pell, James A : 658 Pellicer, A. D 878 Pelot, J. M 824 Pemberton, J. C 195,295,301, 323,470,615, 652,699,830 Pen, W. H 761 Pender, D 671,663, 675, 709,742,791,808,890 Pender, Lawrence :... 533 Pender, L. M 346 Pender, William A 138 Pendleton, A. F 701 Pendergrass, J. M 335 Pendleton, A. S 49 Pendleton, Edmund 75 Pendleton, D. D 721 Pendleton, H 213,660 Pendleton, Ro. L . 316 Pendleton, S. H.; 650 Pendleton, W. A 47 Pendleton, W. N 35,207,721,891 Penn, J. G 815 Penn, Thomas 235 Penn, W. B 161 Pennal, R. E 501 Pennall, R. J 722 Pennington, D 231 Pennington, L. P. E 874 Pennington, S. F 713,875,882 Pennington, W. P 25 Penny, G. A 247 Penny, J. H 795 Pennybacker, B. R 476 Pennybacker, James 131 Penrose, Joseph B 115 Pepper, Ph *619 Pepper, W. T 660 Peppercorn, F L 806 Percival, E. S 756 Percival, F. H 693, 768 Percy, Harry 621 Percy, W. A 94,630, 721,812 Perite, J. N 722 Perkins, A N 17 Perkins, C. W 735 Perkins, Frederick H 287,296,302 Perkins, Jacob 502 Perkins, J. J 230 Perkins, J. 0 807 Perking, J. V 823 Perkins, L. J 659 Perkins, Matthew J 462 Perkins, N. J 419 Perkinson, R 309 98 Page. Fernitt, James E 191 Perrenot, George F 761 Perret, Victor 14 Perrett, James E 522 Perrie, G. V 703,840 Perrin, J. W 453 Perrin, R 217 Perrine, William 386 Perritt, Solomon 749 Perronneau, W. H 775,826 Perrow, S. C 534 Perry, A. C 155 Perry, A. S 447 Perry, B. F 93 Perry, C. C..... 601 Perry, E. A 61,219,416,470,648 Perry, G. W .s 272 Perry, H. D 236 Perry, H. H 152,262,459 Perry, Isaac 834 Perry, John 42,846 Perry, John J 101 Perry, John T 32 Perry, Joseph T 684 Perry, L. M 437,450 Perry, N. S 145 Perry, R. J 692, 758 Perry, Samuel 454 Perry, V. L 475 Perry, W. H. (Captain) 720 Perry, William H. (Private) 730 Perryman, W. D 821 Perrymore, W. R 13 Persinger, G. B 609 Person, B. F 120 Person, J. B 739 Persons, A. W 116,121,475 Pete, J. H 346 Peterman, Richard 760 Peterman, T. E 150 Peters, A. C 202, 258 Peters, Johru 269 Peters, Ro. H 329 Peters, Thomas 191,444 Peters, Thomas M 32 Peters, W. H. H 208 Peters, William H 78 Peters, W. R 217 Petersburg Grays (Company B, 12th Virginia Infantry) 448, 646 Petersburg Light Artillery(Company —, Virginia Artillery);.... 419,565 Peterson, C. J...^ 269 Peterson, Elijah 310 Peterson, E. N 246 Peterson, John L 100 Peterson, John Poston 695 Peterson, R. A 353 Petterson, J. R 162 Petti colas, A. E 513 Pettigrew, John L 298 Pettigrew, L. B 836 Pettijohn, A 273 Pettill, John M 593 Pettis, M. H 800 Page. Pettit, H. M 153,274 Pettus, E. W 432 Pettus, John E 833 Pettus, Tom F 426 Petty, R. E... 345 Pew, Benjamin F I80 Pewett, Josiah 872 Peyton, Alf. H 7oi Peychard, Charles 887 Peyton Artillery—See Orange Art. Peyton, C I7j Peyton, O. S 703 Peyton, Greene 717 Peyton, H.E 717 Peyton, Jeff. 341 Peyton, J. T 288,316 Peyton, J. W 288 Peyton, M. M ; 826 Peyton, Thomas G 690 Peyton, William M 688 Peyton, (Major) 499 Pflager, H. W 357,386 Pforr, Benjamin 522 Phares, John B 796 Pharris, John 592 Phelan. W 340 Phelps, G. W 459,860 Phelps, John M 125,454,546 Phelps, W. H. H 390 Phelps, W. H. M 253 Phepps, Elijah 784 Philippi, C 350 Philips, Alexander 557 Philips, Andrew 445 Philips, J. R 186 Phillips, B. F 868 Phillips, Brewton 567 Phillips, C .'. 483 Phillips, C. R 17 Phillips, D. T 492 Phillips, E. J. (Lieutenant) 340 Phillips, E. J. (Sergeant) 896 Phillips, F. (Private) 269 Phillips, Fred. (Captain) 195 Phillips, George W 166 Phillips, James P 608 Phillips, James Thomas 422 Phillips, J. B 20 Phillips, J. E 412 Phillips, J. F 829 Phillips, John Lott '. 189,214 Phillips, J. M. (Private) 250 Phillips, J. M. (Captain) 319 Phillips, John M. (Lieutenant) 14 Phillips, John M. (Private) 839,858 Phillips' Legion (Ga. volunteers)... 37,79, 106,124,135,154, 259,310,391, 416,436,474,480,484,506,518, 553, 575, 667,668,681,693,819 Phillips, L. M 549 Phillips, L. R 72,752 Phillips, Samuel W 236 Phillips, W. F. (Private) 883 Phillips, William F. (Private) 120 Phillips, William H 106 99 Page. Page. pjjjllips, Wilton 551 Pipkin, M...f 885 Phillips, W. J 772 Pipkins, James M 599 Phillips, VY. N 381 Pippin, A. C 319 phinizy, C. H 867 Pippin, Edward A 396 Pickard, Alvis 800 Pippin, John 862 pickel, F. S 500,562 Pirtle, A. N 261 Pickens, J. H 21 Pithon, A. M 4 pickens, J. M 703 Pitman, W. E 14 pickett, A. H 346, 720 Pitmann, D 562 Pickett, Charles 717 Pitner, T. H 168 Pickett, George E 88,97,105, Pitt, F. C 225 107,132,136,139,143,152, Pittard, R. S 621 305,359,386,387,416,444 Pittman, James 100 pickett, J. Desha 753, 761 Pittman, J. D 495 pickett, J. H 6 Pittman, J. M 218 Pickett, John 709 Pittman, Thomas H 302 pickett, R. 0 659 Pittman, W. B 879 Pickett, Thomas 310 Pittman, William N 732 pickett, W. D 880 Pittman, W. R 18 Pierce, A. M T. 170,518 Pitts, F. E 89,132,278 Pierce, C. W 232 Pitts, James 537 Pierce, D. B i. 192 Pitts, J. W 60 Pierce, H. C 222 Pitts, M. M 71 Pierce, J. C 1 118,137 Pitts, Philip H 345 Pierce, J. G 613 Pitts, Thomas H 155 Pierce, John 228 Pitts, V. L 743 Pierce, John A 267 Pitts, Younger 761 Pierce, J. W 452 Place, George 678 Pierce, R. J 593 Plaster, D. L 110 Pierce, Thomas F 16 Platen, C. G 421 Pierce, Thomas W 204,218 Platers, John E 101,348 Pierce, W. E..455,617,681,709,776,779,797 Platte, Mermann 760 Pierce, William H. (Private) 101 Player, G. C 269 Pierce, William Hartwell, (Dr.) 399 Player, S. T 177 Pierce, William J 100,215 Plaza, Emanuel 793 Pierce, William M 673 Pleasants, Charles M 811 Pierce, W. W 258,309,649,896 Pleasants, Fred. W 303,389,752 Pierce, (Captain) 456 Pleasants, George D 693, 706 Pierson, Elijah 519 Pleasants, J. A. (Surgeon) 520 Pierson, R. A 340 Pleasants, J. A. (Private) 679 Pierson, S. F 54,448,461 Pleasants, James 104 Pigford, W. J 412,647,874 Pleasants, R B 59 Piggott, N. S 821 Pleasants, T. A 622 Piggott, W. McClung 523 Plemons, S. A 855 Pigman, Campbell 177 Plummer, C. T 854 Pike, J. H 650 Plummer, F. E 41 Pilcher, Charles M 36 Plyler, F. P 431 Pilcher, M. B 207 Plyme. D. E 821 Piles, Joseph 97 Poats, J. W 450 Pillow, Gideon J 11,75 Podewils, Th 16 Pilson,J 813 Poe, Harper 230 Pirn, L. T 314,482 Poe, Jacob, jr 277,350 Pinchback, Ed. F 783 Poe, Washington, jr 200,383 Pinckney, C. C 13 Poe, William 800 Pickney, Charles 184 Point Coup6e Artillery (Company Pinckey, Hobson 491 —, Louisiana Artillery) 548 Pinckney, R. Q 213,430,503,554 Poindexter, Alfred 451 Pinckney, S. G 430 Poindexter, C 811 Piner, G. N 311 Poindexter, C. B 508, 524 Pinkhard, H. M 513 Poindexter, J. H 8<>9 Pinkerton, S. T 581 Pointer, Thomas S 325 Pinson, G. W 849 Poisson, James D 635 Pinson, John G 474 Poland, Charles 230 Pinson., J. W., 339 Poland, F. M 620 Pinson, William B 136 Poland, W. C 314 100 Pa&e. Page Poland, William 230 Porter, John L 203,442,834 Polignac, C. J 213 Porter, Joseph 497 Polk, A. H 492, 845 Porter, J. P 7, Polk, E. D 319,390 Porter, M. T , 252 Polk, J. A 66 Porter, P. P 825 Polk, Leonidas 13,15,19,35,47,53, Porter, Richard P 430 63, 82, 83, 87.89,102,104,131, Porter, S. G 2l3 155,180,181, i92,198,201, 203, Porter, William H l2 218,219,223,254, 265, 271, 380 Portis, E. A 33i Pollard, Austin 782 Portis, Thomas J 13,8(58 Pollard, Byrd G 48 Portlock, W. H 457 Pollard, Charles T., jr 238 Posey, Ben Lane 296,330 Pollard, James 176,279,367 Posey, Stanhope 879 Pollard, J. W 844 Post, VV. M 45,512 Pollard, R. J .... 836 Postlethwaite, J. J 50o Pollard, Samuel W 525 Poston, D. H 852 Pollard, T. G 388 Poston, J. H 340 Pollard, W. A 834 Potter, Daniel T 660 Pollard, William L 308 Potter, Francis W 247,490 Pollard, W. J. (Agent) 327 Pottinger, J. H 161 Pollard, W. J. (Private) 342 Potts, D. T 577 Pomeroy, Edward 422 Potts, F 183,608 Ponce, D. R 37 Potts, J. B 297 Ponder, J. M 612 Potts, J. R 56 Pool, A. C 346 Potts, Richard 44,603,821 Pool, A. J 12 Poulson, G. B 135,753 Pool, N. A 630 Poulson, James 140 Pool, Simon B. 347,493 Pouncey, G. H 623,770 Pool, W. E 843 Powe, H. H 689 Pool, William 220 Powe, J. H 688 Poole, D. 880 Powell, Delaware 63 Poole, E. A.... 601 Powell, E 791, 795 Poole, E. H 280 Powell, George W 124 Poole, E. M 514 Powell,' G. G 886 Poole, W. G 727 Powell, H. C 426,551 Poor, Hugh C 619 Powell, James H 883 Poore, Robert P 372 Powell, J. M 481,525 Poore, S. D 571 Powell, John E 149,477 Pooser, Benjamin 403 Powell, Junius L 47,361 Pope, A. F 21 Powell, J. W ;. 153 Pope, Boiling A 185, 543 Powell, N. B 575 Pope, C. M 408,583,657 Powell, N. T 524 Pope, D. H 727 Powell, R. H 340 Pope, J. J 617 Powell, R. J 825,826 Pope, Josiah 419 Powell, Thomas W 570 Pope, M 364 Powell, T. N 340 Pope, N. W 657 Powell, Washington 163,398 Pope, R. C 430 Powell, W. R 491 Pope, Robert 477 Power, James 354 Pope, S. H 722,723 Power, J. L.. (Lieutenant) 343 Pope, T. H 354 Power, J. L. (Major) 471 Poplington, John R 841 Power, Louis 674 Poppenheim, John S 499 Power, S. F 7,428 Porcher, C. P 131, 765 Powers, A. F 286 Porcher, F. P 461 Powers, A. N 865 Porcher, C. J 610 Powers, E. B 211 Porlay, A. G 514 Powers, George C 354 Porter, A. B 52 Powers, Horace 24 Porter, A. J 868 Powers, J. A 655 Porter, E. D 637 Powers, James L 614 Porter, H 545 Powers, J. M 696 Porter, James 395 Powers, Louis 678 Porter, James B 403 Powers, N 829 Porter, James D 866 Powers, Virgil 790 Porter, John 510 Powers, W. H. (Private).'. 228 101 Page. Powers, William H. (Agerit) 372 Powhatan Artillery (Co. —, 1st Batt'n Virginia Artillery) 858 powledge, G 809 Poyner, W, S 395 Poynter, J. P 191 Poyntz, James M 757 Prater, James 567 Prater, Robert .,... 120 Prather, W. J. A 164 Pratt, James A 341 Pratt, Nathaniel A 66,552 Pratt, N. E 789 Pratt, William 261 Pratt, W. S 566 Preddy, Alex 230 prendergrast, H. D 32 Prentice, C. J 815 Presley, P. S 26 Pressler, J. M 225,440 Pressly, Joseph L i. 542,554 Preston, F. C 672 Preston, John, jr 718 Preston, John 609 Preston, John S 11,62,97, 98,134, 146,185,216,277,397,406,420,473, 640, 724, 754,787,811,832,854,863 Preston, S 393 Preston, William 11,15 Preston, W. R 718 Pretlow, Robert H 262 Preuffer, Frank 869 Prevett, W. T ' 690 Prewit, S. W 141 Prewitt, D. M 23 Price, B. (Private) 226 Price, B. (Chaplain) 583 Price, B. H 725 Price, Crockett 202 Price, Daniel 253 Price, D. T 692 Price, E. P 702 Price, G. W 453 Price, H. G 835 Price, James G 115 Price, Jessee L 670 Price, John 474 Price, John T 716 Price, Joseph H. (Private) 650 Price, Joseph H. (Lieutenant) 278 Price, J. H. (Private) 814 Price, J. S 549 Price, Labon 783 Price, Michael M 228 Price, O. M 715 Price, Preston G 669 Price, R. P 68 Price, S 656 Price, S. C 611 Price, S. M 809 Price, Sterling 74, 657 Price, S. W 304 Price, T. D 844 Price, Thomas H 69,219 Price, T. J 725 26 1864 Page. Price, T. R., jr 223 Price, W 134 Price, William C 448 Price, W. R 528 Prichard, W. B 346 Pride, A. J 226 Pride, R. T 335 Primrose, John D 782 Prince, C. J. H 515,820 Pringle, M. A 358,443,448 Pringle, M. B 785 Printer, J. M 32 Prioleau, J. M 576, 749 Prioleau, William H 148,156,178, 195, 203, 215, 232, 259,430, 432, 458, 526, 545, 576,738,749,785,829, 832 Prior, George W 312 Prisock, George S 407 Pritchard, H. K 346 Pritchett, Asa 228 Pritchett, E. H 85 Pritchett, George E 506,763 Pritzman, W. W 276 Privett, Richard 45 Proctor, D. C 482 Proctor, G. M 595 Proctor, James T 288 Proctor, J, C . 808 Proctor, S. R 703 Proctor, T 312 Proctor, T. H 501 Proffitt, W. W 22 Propes, M. A 553 Prouty, W. H 421 Provence, D 436 Provost Guard (battalion infantry at . Atlanta) 100 Provost, J. B ( 810 Prowell, D. W 685 Prudhomme, Joseph 483 Pruett, C. W 785 Pruitt, Isaac F 309 Pruitt, James L 567 Pruitt, W. C 852 Pruyn, R. L 319,404 Pryor, George W '. 711 Pryer, S. G 78 Pryor, Thomas M 785 Pryor, (Major) 735 Puckett, J. (Private) 858 Puckett, John (Private) 99 Puckett, John N 461 Puckett, T. J 709 Puddy, J. A 668 Pue, William H 42 Pugesly, G. W 323 Pugh, D. R 497 Pugh, J 235 Pugh, John B 469 Pugh, John E 715,840 Pugh, J. T 741 Pugh, R. L 485 Pugh, Thomas G 11 Pugh, W. A 529 Pugh, W. J 357 102 Page. Pugh, William T 79 Puissan, H 833, 842 Pullen, R 857 Pullen, Thomas E 346 Pulley, John W . 648 Pulliam, R. P 312 Pulling, John 662 Pultick, James A 235 Pundle, A. G 852 Pundt, A. G... 447,663,861 Purcell Artillery (Co. A, Pegram's battalion Virginia artillery) 22,246, 266,359,396, 667,695,755,774,862 Purcell, B. S 559 Purcell, J. W 730 Purcell, W. P 182,356,551, 760,809 Purdy, V. M 642 Purnal, James 342 Purnell, J. B 669 Purse, E. J 366 Pursley, S. Caruthers 163 Purvey, James H 270 Purviance, John S 493 Purvis, John T 404,882 Putney, Stephen 414,674,854 Putney, W. H 691 Pyle, W. H 405 Pyles, L. G 300 Pyne, John 483 Quaite, A. G 15,213,382, 713, 763 Quantock, Henry, J 157,303 Quarles, A. G 17,19 Quarles, G. W 467 Quarles, J. Thompson 679, 737 Quarles, M. D 748 Quarles, William A 19 Quesenbury, V., jr 856 Quesenbury, William 705 Quigley, John 231 Quill, P 109, 331 Quillian, W. H.... 301,319 Quin, H. G 432 Quincey, George R 412 Quincy, W. H 612 Quinlan, James M 258,367,639 Quinley, James 230 Quinn, Alex. 0 749 Quinn, D. D. L 821 Quinn, Johni 30 Quinn, J. P 235 Quinn, Michael (Private) 785 Quinn, Michael (Private) 266 Quinn, P. (Lieutenant) 854 Quinn, Peter (Private).. 362,514,663,861 Quinn, T. H 741 Quinn, Thomas 354 Quinn, T. R 149 Quinn, Z. H .'. 855 Quitman, F. Harry 370,454,846 Rabby, H 712 Rabe, Robert 681, 733 Rabon, B. J 449 Raby, Henry H 382 Rachaels, P. H 518 Radcliff, W. H 809 Page. Radcliffe, George T 440 Radcliffe, James D 667 Radcliffe, J. W 124 Radcliffe, Roberts 194 Radford, C. R. W 721 Raffield, J. N 514 Ragan, A. B 202 Ragland, E. J 55 Ragland, F. A..* 249 Ragland, H. J.. 532 Ragland, O. S 312 Ragland, W. B 85 Ragsdale, F. M 358 Ragsdale, S. J 188 Rahm, A. J...'. 625 Rahm & Co 376,806 Rahm, W. J 723 Raine, John R 197 Raines, A. G 887 Raines, B. H 376 Raines, James 568 Rainey, Charles W 390 Rainey, William 41 Rains, Gabriel J....89,141,354,412,505,626, 645,694, 778, 813,827,842,856,860 Rains, George W 25,47,89, 101,157,240,245, 285,425,429,434, 442,460,505, 554,601, 694, 737, 814 Rains, G. P 197,272 Rains, T. B 217,677 Rainwater, D. W 708 Raleigh, R 280 Ralston, S. M 312 Ramey, David 129 Ramey, J. W 9 Ramey, L. D 274 • Rampey, J. A 57 Rampey, J. H ; 822 Ramsaur, J. 0 340 Ramsay, A. H 284 Ramsay, J. A..... 339 Ramseur, D. P 254 Ramseur, S. D 257 Ramsey, A. P 125 Ramsey, Frank Aj 4,27,30,61,63,96, 103,122,126,153,248,274,323,343, 539,686, 713,797,830, 840, 856, 871 Ramsey, H. A 576 Ramsey, J. M 725 Ramsey, J. T. (Lieutenant) 98 Ramsey, J. T. (Private) 314 Ramsey, N. A 87 Ramsey, Samuel W 803 Ramsey, Thomas 278 Ramsey, W. R 714 Randal, A 458 Randall, E.-Troup 61,124,301 Randall, John 218,233 Ran del, James M 81, 357,405, 799 Randle, H. A 154 Randle, John G 873 Randolph, A. W 220 Randolph, Beverley 291,417 Randolph, C. L.....' 445,624,851 Randolph, C. M 291 103 Page. Randolph, J. E 228 Randolph, L. C 40 Randolph, P. H 649 Randolph, Ro i 842 Randolph, R. R 57 Randolph, Thomas J., jr 188,211,564 Randolph, W. B 91 Raney, J. E 562 Rankin, D. (Agent) 286,873 Rankin, D. (Adjutant) 377 Rankin, George A 93 'Rankin, G. T 558 Ransom, L. C 3 Ransom, Robert, jr 31,32, 39, 70, 83, 84, 219, 258, 264, 283, 295, 299, 300, 305, 307, 310, 318, 323, 324,337, 356 358,363-365, 370, 520,542,566,607, 653, 723, 878 Ranson, A. R. H 23 Raphael, H. J... 51 Rapier, Thomas G 726 Rasor, James C 834 Rast, D. W 757, 835 Rast, M. J. D 851 Ratchford, J. W 866 Ratcliffe, A. P. R 60 Ratigan, John 127 Ratliff, William 107 Rattigan, Peter 584 Rattin, Merrill E 251 Raum, James A 434 Raval, Alfred 134 Ravenal, Edmund, jr 10 Ravenel, A. F 133,539 Ravenel, S. P 764 Ravenel, W. C 1 744 Ravesies, A. H 688, 804 Rawle, Francis 351,609 Rawle, John 180 Rawlings, James 761 Rawlings, W. T 847 Ray, David H 46 Ray, Edwin S 807, 857 Ray, J 771 Ray, J, H. Z.. 730 Ray, J. P...., 301 Ray, R. M 669 Ray, W. H 662 Rayburn, J. B 145 Rayburn, L. J 533 Raymon, George E 244 Raymond, Edward F 255,368 Raj'mond, H. H 343 Rayson, P. A 748 Raysor, J. M 851 Ray so r, John C 83 Rea, Franklin 579 Rea, G. H 771 Rea, R. B 67 Read, Asa 230 Read, C. A 381 Read, George 649 Read, James B. (Surgeon) 422 Read, J. B. (Quartermaster) 809 Page. Read, James C 108,373 Read, J. Harleston 675 Read, Matthew 30 Read, N. M 405 Read, Shelby 360 Read, Thomas J 313 Read, William B 657 Read, W. W 781 Ready, Horace 634,652 Reagan, J. H. (Private) 134,137,157 Reagau, J. H. (Hon.) 140,414,806 Reagan, John (Private) 280 Reagan, John (Private) » 34 Reagin, H.T 148,749 Reagin, Robert 675 Reamer, Solomon P 771, 809 Reamey, S 308 Reamy, T. J 460 Reasser, Louis 788 Reavis, J. E *.. 610 Reavis, T. C 65 Record, Adam 133 Recter, E 235 Red, John 755,888 Redd, George T 710 Redd, J.J 583 Reddick, R. H 47 Reddick, S. C 29,644 Redding, A. B 249 Redding, W. R 336 Reddington, T 223,534 Redfern,John 157 Redford, C. E 897 Redford, J. H 803 Redheffer, George 803 Red River Sharpshooters (battalion steamboat men, Louisiana vols.). 453 Redwine, W. P 436 Redwood, R. H 37 Reece, J. S 472 Reed, A. C 594 Reed, George 235 Reed, J. A 93 Reed, James M 580 Reed, J, H. (Private) 258,541 Reed, J. H. (Captain) 505 Reed, T. J 521 Reed, W. G 794 Reed, W. M 94 Reeder, D. S 413 Reeder, Joseph W. (Captain) 41 Reeder, J. W. (Lieutenant) 358 Reeder, L. T 836 Rees, H. C 385 Reese, C 645 Reese, D. A 446 Reese, Thomas S 458 Reese, W. B '. 877 Reese, W. H 328 Reeve, John J 866 Reeves, H. S 293,532 Reeves, J. C 804,479 Reeves, R. A 722 Reeves, R. H 341, 739 101 Page. Reeves, W. H. (Lieutenant) 484 Reeves, W. H. (Private) 808 Reeves, W. J 745 Register, A. G . 333 Rehoa, Thomas 426 Reid, A. H 217 Reid, A. R 332 Reid, A. S 610 Reid, George 839 Reid, George C 239,804 Reid, J. C , 340 Reid, John 637 Reid, John B 767 Reid, J. S. (Major) 614 Reid, J. S. (Captain) 805 Reid, R. R 480,579,593, 862 Reid, S. Y..31,345,349,637,647,666,754,876 Reid, T. J., jr 19 Reid, W. L. J . 624 Reiley, John D., jr 31 Reilley, James 483 Reilly, James 249 Reily, T. H 266 Reimer, A 331 Reinhard, (or Rhinehart,) Charles.. 45 Reinhardt, J. M 785 Reinhart, A. M 12 Reinhart, H. W 588 Remington, A. H 230 Rencher, John G 82,131,346 Renfrew, John M 708 Renfroe, E. E .'. 157 Renfroe, J. J. D 702 Renfroe, J. P 225 Renfroe, T. N 770 Reno, A 803 Renshaw, R. H 259 Reserve Chatham Artillery (Ga. artillery) 783 Reveley, Thomas C,, jr 381 Rew, W. W 604 Reynard, A 280 Reynes, E. H 245 Reynolds, A. E 181 Reynolds, A. J 809 Reynolds, B. L 264 Reynolds, D. H 572 Reynolds, E. F 728 Reynolds, Henry S. (Private) 205 Reynolds, H. S. (Private) 709 Reynolds, Jacob 897 Reynolds, George W 148 Reynolds, J. G 648 Reynlds, John 642 Reynolds, J. H 562 Reynolds, Johnson 198 Reynolds, Joseph A 424 Reynolds, J. W 21 Reynolds, Monroe / 676 Reynolds, Pryor 610 Reynolds, Samuel 359 Reynolds, S. F 385 Reynolds, S. H 142,651,709 Reynolds, W. (Private) 858 Reynolds, Walter (Contractor) 375 Reynolds, W. D 66,326,783 Reynolds, William C... 218 Reynolds, William S 249 Rhea, A. B 497 Rhett, Alfred 459 Rhett, Charles H 862,759 Rhett, Roland 124,125 400,431,451,479,541,555 Rhett, Thomas S 20,657 Rhine, David 357 Rhinehart, (or Reinhard,) Charles.. 45 Rhoades, Warwick F.. 227» Rhode, Antoine 783 Rhodes, E. E 5n Rhodes, G. A .. 891 Rhodes, James S 55,525 Rhodes, L. E 334 Ricamore, George 536 Ricard. John 106 Rice, A. A 229 Rice, C. D 43,70 Rice, George W 528 Rice, G. R 281 "Rice, Hugh., 294,450,545,595,778 Rice, James 57 Rice, Marshall 828 Rice, Matthew 94,494 Rice, W. G 409 Rich, E 776 Rich, H. H 89 Rich, J 523 Rich, William 81 Rich, William H 161 Richard, R. S 395 Richards, Daniel 181 Richards, E. D 323,369 Richards, E. W 673 Richards, G. D 623 Richards, J. G 837 Richards, T. J 162 Richards, W. (Private) 497 Richards, Washington (Private) 181 Richards, W. B 79,525,742 Richardson, Alex 267,359 Richardson, C. H 10 Richardson, Charles 243 Richardson, Charles V...: 154 Richardson, C. R 618 Richardson, C. T 466 Richardson, D. A 110 Richardson, D. K.t jr 123 Richardson, George L 71 Richardson, H 496 Richardson, H. H 702 Richardson, H. L 502 Richardson, J. A 848 Richardson, John (Lieutenant) 436 Richardson, John (Private) 778 Richardson, John. Adolphus 442 Richardson, John L 66 Richardson, JohnM. (Captain)... 719,812 Richardson, J. M. (Private) 743 Richardson, J. S. (Hosp. Stew.) 658 Richardson, J. S. (Captain) 768 Richardson, M 393 105 Page. Richardson, P. D 329 Richardson, Richard 353 Richardson, Robert E 137 Richardson, R. V 384 Richardson, S. D 437 Richardson, S. M 196 Richardson, T. G 114 Richardson, V. V 589 Richardson, Webster 241 Richardson, William (Private)... 477,483 Richardson, William (Private) 517 Richardson, Wm. H. (Asst. Surg.).. 697 Richardson, W. H. (Private) 266 Richardson, W. L 264 Richart, C . 770 Richbourg, R. B 322,671 Richbourg, R. N 670 Richerson, F. B. 71,119 Richeson, A 661 Richeson, E. M 571 Richey, Absalom 622 Richey, John W 821 Richey, W. J 85 Richie, J 808 Richie, J. F 319 Richmond, Daniel 27,171 Richmond, Department of— Ewell, R. S., assigned to com- mand of. 363 Ransom, Robert, jr, assigned to command of. 258 Richmond Fayette Artillery—Also called Fayette Artillery (Co. H, 1st Va. Art.; afterward Co. B, 38th Va. Batt'n) 200,419,594,616 Richmond, H. A. (Private) 364,432 Richmond, H. A. (Private) 373 Richmond Howitzers (battalion Vir- ginia artillery).... 15, 35, 48, 59, 66, 67, 88, 106, 120, 136,209,215,233,236, 246,314, 378, 428,430,475,484,491, 511,522,560,569,615, 634, 644, 645, 649,683,715,730, 736, 760, 783,811, 815,825,845, 856, 858,862, 865, 873 Richter, W, G. J.. 302 Ricketts, E. D 156 Ricketts, John R 299 Ricketts, W. A 821 Rickles, J. R.. 814 Ricks, R. F 303 Ridd, Robert 253 Riddick, J. W 816 Riddick, R. B 671 Riddick, R. E 391,449 Riddick, Roscoe 320,667 Riddick, W. L 823 Ridding, A. B 152 Riddle, A. G 819 Riddle, H. Y 293 Riddle, Mortimer 154 Riddock, James D ; 82 Ridge, A. J 299 Ridgeley, Thomas A 300 Ridgely, Charles L 630 Ridgeway, William 887 27 1864 Page. Ridley, C. M 230 Riely, John W... 112,212,369,389,446,693, 702, 704, 706, 710, 712, 715, 767, 773 Riemer, A 109 Riggan, Jonathan H 450,555 Riggs, Benjamin H 267 Riggs, J. D. E 319 Riggs, Myron C 260 Rigsby, J: C 354 Rigsby, J. W 502 Riley, H. T 148, 749 Riley, E. B. D 605 Riley, Emanuel 304 Riley, E. 0 144 Riley, E. W 135 Riley, F. M 266 Riley, Jackson » 803 Riley, James 850 Riley, J. E 776 Riley, J. G 143,475 Riley, John (Private) 99 Riley, John (Lieutenant) 743 Riley, John F 850 Riley, Ph 619 Riley, S. J 594 Riley, W. L. W 795 Rimel, Isaac.... 667 Riftd, William A 701 Rine, Ed 145 Rinehart, Joseph 64 Ring, G. P •. 144,728 Ringgold Battery (Company —, — Virginia Light Artillery) 680 Riordan, E 482 Ripley, J. R 656 Ripley, J. W 875 Ripley, R. S 343,879 Riser, W. E 167 Risley, L. W 270 Ritchie & Dunnavant 406 Ritenour, M 173 Rittenberry, M. G 215,398 Ritter, W. B 157.427,602,845 Rivers, C. H 449,619, 638 Rivers, C. M 511 Rivers, D. J. 155 Rivers, R. B 570 Rives, A. L 223,261,579 Rives, Alexander 99 Rives, Edward 492,516 Rives, Frank M 118 Rives, J. P 803 Rives, S. B 434 Roach, E 571 Roach, G. L , 803 Roach, J. B 753 Roach, R.J 162,209,263,811 Roach, W. L 322 Roane, A.'. 387,477,655 Roane, A. A 814 Roane, Preston 201 Roane, R. B 679 Roane, W. H 588 Robard, W. J 51 Robards, H. C 213 106 Page. Robat, J. M 357 Robb, E. L 138 Robb, R. G 809 Robb, R. L 415 Robbin, W 803 Robbins, Clarkson 568 Robbins, George H 684 Robbins, George W 101 Robbins, J. C 354 Robbins, Thomas A 338 Robbins, W. B 842, 882 Robbins, W. M 335 Roberds, Charles M 174 Roberson, Archibald M 184 Robert, A 74 Roberts, A. S 125 Roberts, B. J 819 Roberts, Bright 214 Roberts, D. C 48,202,271,588 Roberts, E. B 339 Roberts, Emanuel M 466 Roberts, G. A 715 Roberts, G. M 432 Roberts, H. B 476 Roberts, Isaac 388,469 Roberts, James 411 Roberts, James W. (Private! 583 Roberts, J. W. (Lieutenant) ■ 319 Roberts, J. C 279 Roberts, J. F 496 Roberts, J. H 281 Roberts, J. J 199 Roberts, J. M 43 Roberts, John A 803 Roberts, John E 849 Roberts, John J 523 Roberts, John S 93, 307, 475, 733 Roberts, J, R 151 Roberts, P. D. T 328 Roberts, R 809 Roberts, Samuel ; 179 Roberts, W. C 565 Roberts, W. H 850 Roberts, William L 246 Roberts, W. J 417 Robertson, Alfred G 79 Robertson, A. W 707 Robertson, Beverly H 8, 28, 321, 519, 878, 898 Robertson, Box 749 Robertson, C. (Private) 171 Robertson, Charles (Private) 779 Robertson, F. S 232 Robertson, Geo., jr... 273,302,384,519,899 Robertson, H 50, 137, 221, 659, 873 Robertson, H. G 276 Robertson, H. H 646 Robertson, J. C 162 Robertson, Jerome B.... 50, 201, 384, 878 Robertson, John R. (Private) 262 Robertson, John R. (Major) 655 Robertson, J. R. (Private) 814 Robertson, J. Righton (Major) 382 Robertson, J. W 808 Robertson, M 98 page. Robertson, N. J 109,337 Robertson, S. D 441,633 Robertson, Sledge M 106 Robertson, Theo. J 376 Robertson, W 438,475 Robertson, W. A. (Lieutenant) 840 Robertson, W. A. (Surgeon) 93,586 Robertson, Walter M 648 Robertson, W. B 249 Robertson, W. F 312 Robertson, W. H. (Lieutenant) 155 Robertson, Wm. H. (Asst. Surg.)... 247 Robertson, W. J 188 Robertson, W. L..- 411 Robichaux, T. B 342 Robinett, James T 188 Robins, W. T 353 Robinson, A. (Private) 209 Robinson, Alex. (Private).. 442, 549, 790 Robinson, A. J 560 Robinson, A. J. B 472 Robinson, B. E 281 Robinson, Benjamin 64 Robinson, Charles 359 Robinson, D. M 706 Robinson, E. R 776 Robinson, George 29 Robinson, George F 839 Robinson, G. R 115 Robinson, G. T. L 135 Robinson, G. W 508 Robinson, Henry 866 Robinson, Henry B 657 Robinson, James 266 Robinson, J. B 135 Robinson, J. C 319 Robinson, J. D. (Private) 448 Robinson, J. D. (Lieutenant) 540 Robinson, J. M 295 Robinson, John L 576 Robinson, John R..' ' 355 Robinson, J. W 312 Robinson, L. B 71 Robinson, Leigh 35 Robinson, L. W 215 Robinson, M. D 23 Robinson, N 834 Robinson, N. P 98 Robinson, R 114 Robinson, R. H. P 734 Robinson, Samuel W 312,523 Robinson, T. B 672 Robinson, Thomas 849 Robinson, Thomas M 627,863 Robinson, Thomas V 314 Robinson, Thompson.; 765 Robinson, T. P 315 Robinson, William G 318 Robinson, Wm. L.,jr 575 Robinson, W. L 79 Robinson, W. J 354 Robinson, W. T 339 Robinson, W. W. (Lieutenant) 260 Robinson, W. W. (Private) 206 Robson, William 390 107 Page. Page. Robson, W. J 312 Rogers, J. D 278 Roby, H. A 246 Rogers, J. E 213 Roche, Joseph 181 Rogers, J. H 398 Roche, N 181 Rogers, J. Murray (Asst. Surg.) 727 Rochelle, J. B 449,618,638 Rogers, John M. (Private) 666 Rochester, W 176 Rogers, Joseph A 3 Rock, T 315,438 Rogers, Joseph F 521 Rock, William J 654 Rogers, Lewis M 7 Rockbridge Artillery (Company D, Rogers, N. H 83 1st Virginia Artillery) 473,709 Rogers, R. D 305 Rockbridge Artillery No. 2 (Com- Rogers, S. H .' 855 pany B, Mcintosh's battallion Va. Rogers, T. L 83 artillery) .". 408 Rogers, W. C 227 Rockett, J. R 671 Rogers, William 663 Rockwell, H. C 624 Rogers, William R 724 Rockwell, W. S 577 Rogers, Williamson 732 Rodil, J- E. (Private) 792 Roland, J. M 890 Rodd, John E. (Private) 571 Roland, M. W 803 Roddey, James 784 Rollins, A. J ' 59 Roddey, Philip D 94,175,198,552,561 Rolston, James P 286,561 Roddy, F. W 43,93 Roman, A 288,736,880 Roddy, Perry 83 Romar6, Paul 308,378,471,555,656,784 Rodefer, William 53,383 Romer, W. B; 123 Rodelin, N. B 781 Romine, James D 114 Rodes, G. W. N 310 Rominger, Eli C 552 Rodes, R. E 529,658 Roney, J. C 266,276 Rodes, V. H 658 Roof, John 735 Rodes, Wiley 426 Rook, Benjamin S 504 Rodgers, Amos... 54 Rook, Henry 250 Rodgers, George J 613 Rook, Joseph H 504 Rodgers, J 673 .Rooks, J. E 157 Rodgers, James T .' 796 Rooks, Nathaniel 225 Rodgers, J. M 627 Rooney, E. M 760,809 Rodgers, John D 609 Rooney, M 785 Rodgers, M 26 Root, John L 172,230,752 Rodgers, Phillip 523 Root, W. D 886 Rodgers, W. S 383 Rootes, John R 243 Rodley, E. S 267 Roper, Benjamin 854 Rodman, W. B 564,595,615,814 Roper, E. C 71 Roe, S. B 890 Roper, H. B.....*. 863 Roesch, Lewis 12 Roper, J. R 71 Roff, M. T. B 346 Roper, Robert A 740, 799 Rogan, R. C 289 Rosan, Sterling L 275 Rogers, A. L 8,34,77 Rosborough, S. Y 830 Rogers, A. S 727 Rose, A 303 Rogers, Asa 366 Rose, Charles A 852 Rogers, B 140 Rose, Edward 466 Rogers, C. D..... 716 Rose, H. F 683 Rogers, Charles A 360 Rose, Jesse 266 Rogers, Charles P 90,278 Rose, M. A 803 Rogers, D. T , 6 Rose, U. M 643 Rogers, Edward S 34 Rose, W. H 297,388 Rogers, E. T. 809 Rosenberger, J. H ' 338 Rogers, F. C 366 Rosenburg, M 580,686,833,883 Rogers, F. L 378 Iiosenheimer, J 805 Rogers, F. M 408 Rosis, James 402 Rogers, George T 117 Ross, Albert B 284 Rogers, H. A .' 278 Ross, Alex. (Private) 267 Rogers, Henry 639, 897 Ross, Alexander (Sailor) 503 Rogers, Henry J 261,504 Ross, Charles........ 267 Rogers, H. H 10 Ross, Daniel H 818 Rogers, James 357 Ross, D. M. L 830 Rogers, James L...... 454 Ross, E. W 385 Regers, J. C. (Private) 684 Ross, Frank W 341 Ro gers, J. C. (Sergeant) 455 Ross, George 5,672 108 Page . Ross, Gerhard 806 Ross, G. P 506 Ross, G. W 324 Ross, Henry J •. 502 Ross, James A 353 Ross, J. N 430 Ross, John 29 Ross, John F 366 Ross, John H 453 Ross, L. S 533 Ross, R. M 241 Ross, Skipwith 789 Ross, W. H 854 Ross, William C 382 Rosseau, F. L 203 Rosser, G. G - 779 Rosser, James H 447 Rosser, James M 348 Rosser, James W 239 Rosser, Thomas L 12 Rosser, T. W 236 Rossiter, Charles 698 Rosson, C. F 855 Rost, John G . 329 Rosyne, John 0 477 Rotahacker, Jacob 218 Roth, Charles 319 Roth, Jacob 388 Rotherock, W 254 Rothrock, W 382 Rothwell, John 374 Rothwell, R '. 813 Rough, John W 53 Rounce, Henry C 759 Roundtree, Daniel 800 Roundtree, James S 83 Roundtree, J. R 319,416 Rourke,T. A 443 Rouse, William 855 Rousselot, C. A v 140,379 Routh, H. S 627, 740 Routh, J. E 336,575 Row, A. J 360 Rowan, John W 288,633,754 Rowan, S. W 139 Rowden, Thomas J 656 Rowe, Andrew J 251 Rowe, A. W: 259 Rowe, David 218 Rowe, G. B •. 294 Rowe, J 618 Rowe, James C 7 Rowell, C. D 702 Rowell, J. D 166,408 Rowland, E. F. T 338,374 Rowland, James R. (Sergt, Maj.)... 11 Rowland, James R. (Private) 44 Rowland, T. C 605 Rowland, Thomas 299,337,364, 718 Rowland, (Major-General) 730 Rowlett, Calvin W 242 Rowzie, A. P 140, 547 Roy, Archibald F 555 Roy, James C 321 Roy, J. J 796 Page Roy, Joseph H 533 Roy, T. B 880 Royal, J. G 292,333 Royall, H. S 844 Royall, Thomas H 650 Royston, Young L 725,709 Ruby, D. M 106 Rucker, E. W 181 Rucker, J. G '. 144 Rucker, Samuel J 78,507 Rucker, Winston 335 Rudd, A 591 Rudd, Ed 806 Rudd, Robert 125,203,420 Rudd, Sidney 83 Ruddell, James B 353 Rudisill, B. F 135 Rudy, James H * 26 Ruff, James M. H. (Asst. Surg.).... 603 Ruff, J. M. H. (Sergeant) 551 Ruff, J. R 328 Ruffin, F. G 265,470 Ruffiu, John K 271 Ruffin, T., jr 507 Ruffin, Thomas 190,224 Ruggles, Daniel 254,297,616 Ruhl, Peter 168 Rumble, S. E 646,814 Rumbly, J. W 730 Runyan, William B 712 Rusenburg, H 760 Rush, George W 323 Rush, M 556 Rush, R. S 834 Rush, Z. F 707 Rusher, Edward 368 Rushing, D. H 621 Rushing, J. R 800 Ruskill, W 202 Russ, James D 746 Russ, Robert S 67 Russ, W. H 884 Russell, Daniel L 891 Russell, D. S 117 Russell, E. F 266 Russell, E. G 836 Russell, E. H 346 Russell, E. W 235 Russell, Francis 170 Russell, G. W 809 Russell, James 703 Russell, J. H 816 Russell, John (Lieutenant) 330 Russell, John (Private) 269 Russell, John C 565 Russell, John T. (Private) 147 Russell, J. T. (Private) 730 Russell, J. T. (Captain) 12 Russell, J. R 562 Russell, K. P 299 Russell, M : 785 Russell. T. A 266 Russell, W. G 32 Russell, William 236 Russell, William J 394 109 Page. Russell, W. W 419 Russora, 0. M 249 Rust, A 102 Rust, J. A 612 Rust, John T 671 Rust, William M 633 Ruth, A. M 674 Rutherford, John C 395,495.880 Rutherford, R. R. (Lieutenant) 368 Rutherford, R. R. (Private) 810 Rutland, G 270 Rutledge, B, H 164,318 Rutledge Cavalry (4th'S. C. Cav.).. 358 Rutledge, Charles A 321 Rutledge, E. B 814 Rutledge, J.J 228 Rutledge Mounted Rifles, or Rifle- fiaen and Horse Artillery (Com- pany B, Trenholm's squadron S. C. cavalry) 231,433, 545 Rutledge, R 510 Rutledge, Robert M 559 Rutledge, R. S 356 Rutledge, T. J 348, 762 Ryall, A. P 692, 758 Ryan, B .' 802 Ryan, James (Private) 218 Ryan, James (Private) 87 Ryan, James A 266,554 Ryan, J. B 727 Ryan, J. J 514 Ryan, John (Private) 267, 371 Ryan, John (Private) 698,711 Ryan, John T 391,557,811 Ryan, J. W 619 Ryan, M 354 Ryan, Thomas 218,468 Ryan, Wv P 514 Ryders, Charles 218 Rye, William H 166,408 Rylan, J. H 482 Ryland, T 618 Rylander, J. E 234 Ryser, P 821 Sabal, A. T : 330 Sabal, E. T 130,257,409 Sabal ot, J. M 414 Sackett, Charles H, 261 Saddler, Robert H 465 Sadler, E. A 778 Sadler, John W 434 Sadler, R. S 336 Sadler, Samuel R 231 Sadler, S. C 227 Saine, N. B 142 St. Clair, Francis '.. 230 St. John, C. B 705 St. John, Isaac M 13, 35 40,66, 72, 95,137,146,151,217, 360, 380,646,667, 736,'819, 869 St. Louis Battery (Emmett Mac- Donald's battery; afterward W. E. Dawson's Missouri artillery).... 9 St. Martin, Jules 381,531,652,690 28 1864 Page. St. Paul, H 211,740 Sale, James 420 Sale, John B 19i Sale, John H 19,48,301 Sale, M. W..' 645 Sale, W. D • 837 Salinstein, Augustus 760 Sally, H. H 505 Salmon, John H 211 Salmond, T. W 246 Salomon, J 873 Salomon, L. J 343 Salyer, L. H. N 588 Samples, James G 841 Samples, Larkin 11 Samples, L. C 819 Sampson, H. G 886 Sams, Calhoun 255 Sams, H. H 644 Sams, Richard F 797 Samsen, Pae & Co 538,658 Samson, M 18 Samuel, C. G 202 Samuels, A. F...: 736 Samuels, Lafayette 39, 819 Samuels, T. M 345 Sandels, J 417 Sanderford, John 314 Sanders, C. C 340 Sanders, C. W 292 Sanders, E. J 659 Sanders, J. C 341 Sanders, J. G 56 Sanders, L 500 Sanders, Marcus L 155 Sanders, N. R 175,294 Sanders, R. W 713, 886 Sanders, William 124 Sandford, E. D 148 Sandford, John L 877 Sandifer, L. J 427 Sandiford, James W 83 Sandlin, H. L 137 Sandling, H. K 494 Sands, J. H 484 Sands, Robert M 109,331,869 Sandusky, G. C 168 Sandy, P. A 475 Saner, J. V 821 Saner, V 402 Sanford, B. F 483 Sanford, C. 0 7 Sanford, James A 99 Sanford, J. W. A 46, 767 Sanford, L. E 334 Sanford, T. V 213,247,327, 609 Sanford, William 119 Sansing, Z. B 231 Sansom, John .' 93 Sant, W 885 Santee Light Artillery (C. Gaillard's battery S. C. art.) 551, 619, 830 Sanxay, R. S 97,114 Sapaugh, Noah 610 110 Page Sappers, B. B 671 Sappers and Miners (Carroll's com- pany Virginia volunteers) 821 Sappington, C. W . 431 Saques, Charles 849 Sarner, J 876 Sarvey, W. G 240 Sarvis, William 870 Sasser, Edward 550 Satcher, Perry H 76 Satchwell, S. S 672 Sates, Benjamin 618 Satterfield, J. H 371 Sauls, J. B 412 Sauls, W. C 507 Sauls, William 120 Saulsbury, J. L 877 Saunders, A. C 728 Saunders, D. W 866 Saunders, E. E 467 Saunders, F. J 154 Saunders, Flemming 356 Saunders, G 477 Saunders, G. W 583 Saunders, H. F 854 Saunders, H. S 633 Saunders, Hunter 92 Saunders, James 469 Saunders, James M 683 Saunders, J. B 68 Saunders, Jeremiah 294 Saunders, John S 59,462 Saunders, J. T 842 Saunders, J. W 106 Saunders, P. R 771 Saunders, Ro. C 452,535,696 Saunders, R. W 339,632 Saunders, S. A 886 Saunders, S. H 228 Saunders, T. B 641 Saunders, Thomas M 727 Saunders, Thomas T 667 Saunders, Walter 247, 824 Saunders, W. H. H 227 • Saunders, William 424 Saunders, William S 56 Saunders, W. L 44,339 Saunders, Wren 522 Sauv6, George 208 Sauv6, H 7 232,804 Savage, John L 797 Savage, Laurence 498 Savage, Lewis T 168 Savage, N. R... 303,389,471,476,532,752 Savage, Thomas B 481 Savage, Timothy 241 Savage, T. W 483 Savannah, Defenses of— Jones, Samuel, assigned to command of. 198 Sawyer, Julian E 396,491 Sawyer, William 338 Sawyer, W. W 308 Sawyers, H 143 Saye, E. T 14] Savers, Nathan 606,798 Sayers, Thomas 466 Sayle, W. A. C 464 Sayre, C. L 574,674 Scaife, John R 507 Scales, H. M 468 Scales, J. H 335 Scales, J. P 696 Scales, N. E 611 Scarborough, Allen 399 Scarborough, M. F .459 Scarborough, Sam.; 354 Scarff, John E. C 821 Schaffer, Phillip 384,529 Schaller, Frank 338 Schar, W. R 81 Scheling, Henry 260,390 Schembie, J 231 Schenck, N. W....- 635 Scherffins, John A 41 Schermerhorn, Egbert 376,634 Schivelein, Fritz 760 Schlein, F 157 • Schley, Tench 102,726 Schley, W. C... 142,201,223,257,741,778 Schmelz, N 266,596 Schmidt, Adam 709 Schmidt, Albert J 680 Schmidt, C 847 Schmidt, H. D 761 Schmidt, T. E 760 Schnall, George 228 Schneider, Theo 760 Schnell, John 165 Schofield, W. H 80 Schofill, John 149 Schooler, Samuel 32,668 Schoolfield, W. D 185 Schools, S. S 393 Schram, Louis F v 363 Schramm, P 141 Schreiner, F 279 Schremppe, Edward 453, 478,571 Schriver, R. C...' 367 Schroeder, John 374, 795 Schulter, John 267 Schulz, F, C...> 375 Schuricht, Herman 41 Schirlitz, Augustus C. 62 Schwartz, J i 384 Schwarzenback, F. W 483 Schweder, G 688 Sclater, James 507 Scogin, James S 630 Scott, A. A 589 Scott, Benjamin 149 Scott, B. R 566 Scott, Charles A 81 * Scott, E. W 538 Scott, F. E 151 Scott, F. L 2'8 Scott, George W. (Private) 1-jO Scott, G. W. (Private) 8a0 Ill Page. Scott, Hercules 49,135,517 Scott, James F 386 Scott, James H. (Private) 401 gcott, J. H. (Private) 775 gcott, J. B 418 Scott, Jesse 465 Scott, Joel T . (>39,544 Scott, John (Captainl 51, 97,345 Scott, John (Private) 522 Scott, John D 310 Scott, John E 246 Scott, John G 123 Scott, J. R 157 Scott, J. S I... 47,498 Scott, Martin P 761 Scott, Milton J 227 Scott, N. J 279 Scott,- P. F 737 Scott, P. G 106,155 Scott, Preston B 5,37,48,76,153, 174,202,204,241,248,261,274,367, 400,403.463,464,482, 564, 598, 603, 632,657", 665,677,697, 715, 725, 731, 753, 754, 780, 796,809, 850, 861, 877 Scott, R. G .79 Scott, S. P 756 Scott, T, W. (Private) 764 Scott, T. W. (Private) 836 Scott, Warren F 521 Scott, W. H 260 Scott, William L 158 Scott, W. R 117 Scott, W. W 231 Scoville, W. T 632 Screven, J. H 526, 898 Screven, John 365 Scribner, J. H ' 803 Scriven, B. S 348 Scroggins, Edward S 250 Scronce, W. A 772 Scruggs, E. G 10 Scruggs, E. M 697, 758 Scruggs, F. J 269 Scruggs, J. A 18 Scruggs, J. M 755 Scruggs, N. M 742 Scruggs, W. H 612 Scruggs, William P. 603 Scullen. H. V 834 Scurlock, J. F 621 Scurr, John W 309 Scurry, J. R 854 Seaberry, Pileg * 68 Seaborn, J 134 Seal, W. Y 342 Seale, J. A 436 Seals, Archibald B 141 Sealy, Albert H . 307 Searcy, T. G 86 Sears, R. T 461 Seat, B. B 453 Seaton, J. W 443 Seator,, M. V 258,427 Seawell, S. N 814 Sebastian, George C 218,542 Page. Second District, Dept. of North Carolina and Southern Virginia— Winder, John H., assigned to command of. 320 Secord, Solomon 5,837 Secrest, L. L 682 Seddon, James A 485,486,892 Segar, A. S...., 519,853 Segars, R. J 512 Segier, E. L 888 Segler, T. F 403 Segurs, G. D 483 Sehon, Henry 190 Siege Train (S. C. artillery) 169, 282, 325, 364,367,378,401,402,449, 453, 545, 619, 638, 653, 785, 810, 864 Seigler, G. H 730 Seixas, J. M 189,242 Selden, Charles 173, 354, 715 Selden, Charles, jr 307 Selden, Joseph 789, 849 Selden, Miles 49, 156, 175 Selden, R. D 832 Selden, W. A 557 Self, A. D 394 Sell, E. E 785 Sellers, D. G 430 Sellers, J. S 214, 322 Sellers, R. C 623. Sellers, W. B 650 Sellers, W. H 866 Sellers, W. W 580 Sellivan, L 269 Selph, C. McRae 325 Selph, Dudley 831 Semmes, D. R 872 Semmes, Joseph.... 693 Semone, J. S 835 Semple, Charles 248, 256, 676, 793 Semple, E. A 577,845 Semple, E. A., jr 66 Semple, G. W 771 Semple, Henry C 386 Semple, James A.... 646 Semple, John 235 Sentor, R J 253 Sephton, John 444 Serff, E. H 705 Servell, D. H 493 Sessions, Abner 344 Sessum, J. H. L 526 Sessums, B. D 347 Sessums, J. D 216 Settle, George W 27 Settle, J. A 722 Setzer, Alfred 362,514,663,861,887 Seuff, E. H 272,341 Severson, C. S 794 Sevier, T. F 866 Seward, George W 267 Sewell, George W 819 Sewell, Thomas 187 Sexton, E. G 27 Sexton, J. A. (Private) 166, 408 Sexton, James A. (Private)... 133 112 Page. Sexton, J.. C 706 Sexton, M 802 Sexton, 0. M 378,402 Sexton, R. B 293 Seymour, George S 153,193,371,399 Seymour, John 280 Seymour, W. B 453 Seymour, "William D 458 Seymour, W. J 519,7.20,817 Shackelford, H. H 377 Shackleford, F. R..; 187 Shackleford, Lee 666,682 Shacklett, H. R 595, 716 Shafer, Ferdinand ■ 380 Shaffer, C. P 449, 618,638 Shaffer, H. C 466 Shaffer, W. H 402 Shaler, James R 102,116 Shall, D. F 418 Shamblin, J. A 395 Shands, W. A.... 778 Shane, Richard 352 Shaner, Jacob 93 Shanklin, J 419 Shanks, L. D . 815 Shannon, James T 707 Shannon, S. D 3 Shannon, William R 667 Shapard, EL C. (Hosp. Stew.) 403 Shapard, H. C. (Agent) 479 Sharit, Benjamin R 269 Sbarit, Henry J 584 Sharp, Edward 417 Sharp, H. T 806 Sharp, Thomas H 9 Sharp, T. J 473,496 Sharp, William M 449 Sharpe, James P 55 Sharpe, J. B 320 Sharpe, R. C 675 Sharpless, R. H 312 Sharpless, S. J 312 Shaw, Daniel „ '621 Shaw, G. W 240 Shaw, J 41 Shaw, J. A 855 Shaw, J. T 467- Shaw, W. H 323 Shaw, William 629 Shaw, W. J 366 Shay, George C 185,587 Shea, Cornelius 342 Shea, John 143 Shea, William 30 Sheats, S. V 468,516,624 Sheban, John 483 Shedd, W. W....» 707 Sheehan, Thomas 342 Sheen, H. H 890 Sheenan, James 755 Sheeon, Michael H 267 Sheffield, Jesse 482 Sheffield, J. L 95,331 Sheffield, L. C 535 Sheffield, P : 577,784 Sheffield, W. F. (Private) 317 Sheffield, W. F. (Private)... 814 Shehau, Jeremiah "85 Shelby, Isaac, jr 335 Shelby, J. O 85 Shelby, William A 762 Sheldon, S. H 556 Sheliha, V 499 Shell, E. C 833 Shell, G. W 608 Shell, H. D... 194 Shell, John 149,263 Shell, O. P J 850 Shell, R. C '.. 874 Shelley, James E 47 Shellman, W. T 791 Shelton, A 800 Shelton, H. H 340 Shelton, J. W 114 Shelton, R. E 73 Shelton, R. H 464 Shelton, Southall B 807 Shelton, William 359 Shelton, William C 123,252 Shelton, W. L 679 Shdntfeldt, W 401 Shepard, Hosea 90 Shepard, J. W 134 Shepard, T. E 156 Shepard, W. A 888 Shepherd, D. T 262 Shepherd, George W 42,548 Shepherd, Leven W 547 Shepherd, W. H 677 Sheppard, A. J... 842 Sheppard, Alex 227 Sheppard, E 174 Sheppard, Isaac N 213,342 Sheppard, J. L 448,480 Sheppard, J. L. P 633 Sheppard, John H 41 Sheppard, J. T 821 Sheppard, R. M 312 Sheppard, Samuel 667 Sheppard, William H , 153 Sheppard, William M 699 Sheppard, W. L 672,839 Shepperson, G. W...„ 645 Shepperson, J. F 802 Sherard, W. Y 335 Sheridan, Charles 477 Sheridan, Robert 187,234,413,872 Sherman, John F 267 Sherman, R. T 246 Sherman, William Tecumseh 770 Sherrill, Jacob 103 Sherrill, M. C 230 Sherwood, J. E 559 Shewell, D. W 748 Shields, James W 370,453 Shields, David F 851 Shields, J. C... 97, 103,130, 143,165, 201. 215,229, 247, 272, 294, 387, 344; 435, 456,466, 506, 542,628, 751, 761, 828, 847, 887 113 Shields, W. T 887 Shiflett, C. B 891 Shiflett, H. A 729 Shiflett, John F 391 Shilley, W. E 830 Shilling, D 821 Shimpoch, R. A 215 Shingleur, J. A 866 Shingler, E. A 396 Shingler, W. P 164,307,325, 329 Shinn, J. W 109, 381 Shinn, S. E 163 Ship, S 674,687,699,701,716,787,834 Ship, William R 511 Shirley, A. J 287 Shirley & De Haven 115 Shirley, H. J 373 Shiver, E. A 677 Shiver, J. M 627 Shiver, R. C 279 Shivers, William R 547 Shockly, H. P 435 Shoemaker, Thomas 828 Sholl, E. H 5 Sholly, Julius 506 Shook, John R 299 Shooks, Oh W 484 Short, J. T 17 Shorter, Charles S 675 Shorter, Henry R 727 Shorter, R. C 655, 701 Shortridge, S. A 292, 343 Shortt, 8. J 478,867 Shotwell John 118 Shoup, l\ A 167,222 Shoup, W- L 612 Showalt^f, J. C 810 Shrewsbury* Joel 726 Shriver, J. B 817 Shriver, R. G 673 Shropshire, Benjamin N 573 Shryock, J. F 246 Shubartk, Julius 236 Shubert, H* M 493 Shuffler, J 479,549 Shugart, Jsaac L 240 Shuler, J, R 754 Shull, C. W....v 444 Shumate B 803 Shumate, E 33 Shumate John 768 Shumate John S 738 Shumate, J, P 775 Shumate, William S 100 Shupe, Abraham 20 Shupe, \yilliam 20 Shurley, ji- ^ Shuttles, John 268 Shyrock, ^ 491 Sibert, J$hn A :.... . 231 Sibley, George R 521 Sibley, B H 170,173 Sibley, J0hnT 213,322,555 Sibley, YV, T 342 Siddon, ^ndrew J .' 46 29.^—1864 Page. Sides, J .• .... 619 Sieber, Charles 74 Siebert, F 213 Siemering, A ,... 278 Sifford, M. L 855 Sigler, B. C 435 Sikes, Jacob F 800 Sikes, J. H 415 Sikes, T. M 401 Silcox, D. S.... 843 Siler, Julius T 382, 394 Silk, Thomas 821 Silke, Thomas 713 Silkett, T. H 149,477 Sillers, James 234,388 Silliman, W. C 174,715 Sills, H. W 800 Silly, William G 656 Sillyman, L. T 540 Simkins, E. C 257, 468, 480, 629 Simkins, J. J 88,654 Simmerly, Thomas L 305 Simmonds, H. B 888 Simmons, A. C 498 Simmons, A.J. (Lieutenant) 392 Simmons, A. J. (Private) 749, 876 Simmons, Alfred 372 Simmons, A. S 390 Simmons, Ashwill 189 Simmons, B, F 25 Simmons, H 203 Simmons, H. H 581, 791 Simmons, J. F 763 Simmons, J. J. (Private) 413 Simmons, J. J. (Lieutenant) 702 Simmons, J. M 3,518 Simmons, S. B 245,693 Simmons, W C 854 Simmons, William G 482 Simmons, William S 217 Simms, John C 262 Simms, R. M 515,843 Simms, T.~ 741 Simms, W. L 380,841 Simon, John A 445,626 Simons, A. J 85 Simons, J. J 318 Simons, K. L 463, 843 Simons, M. K.. 375,666,722 Simons, Sedgwick 517 Simpkins, R. P 310 Simpson, A. M 885 Simpson, Charles 374 Simpson, E. M 148,749 Simpson, H. Y 491 Simpson, J. B 30,43' Simpson, O. F 788 Sims, B. F 477 Sims, C. C 411,448,480 Sims, F. W.. 26,72,79,104,322,552,630,828 Sims, G. W 730 Sims, J. M 617 Sims, O. T 169 Sims, R. C 769 Sims, W. E 325 114 Page. Sims, W. J 805 Sinclair, A. G 313 Sinclair, C. L 873 Sinclair, J). F 776 Sinclair, Lafayette 361 Sinely, George 841 Singeltary, R. W 348,669 Singeltary, T. C 128, 465,618 Singeltary, W. H 154 Singer, D .-. 673 Singer, E. C 382 Singer, John 760 Singletary, B. B 104 Singletary, R. L....' 607 Singletary, W. J 607 Singletary, W. R 211 Singleton, George; 355 Singleton, J. L. (Captain) 739 Singleton, John L. (Sergeant) 169 Singleton, John S 194 Sinkler, William 353,596 Sinnott, John 684 Sinton, Samuel 387, 724, 779, 883 Sisemore, John F 43 Sisson, C. R 266 Sitgreaves, J. A 574 Siting, R 633 Sitman, C. M 160 Sitton, J. J 813 Sizemore, Henry 508 Sizer, William H 634 Skaggs, H. 34 Skannal, Elias 621, 791 Skeen, Richard L 634 Skelton, G. B 854 Skelton, J. M 137 Skinker, E. H 786 Skinner, George 406 Skinner, James H. (Colonel) 818 Skinner, James H. (Private) 497 Skinner, J. H. (Private) 145 Skinner, John 721 Skinner, T. C 668 Skipper, John G 350 Slack, A 30 Slack, John H 634 Slack, S. A 266, 654 Slagle, Adolphus D 46 Slagle, D. H 16,210 Slater, L. A 852, 871 Slatter, H. H 670,732 Slatterly, E '. 785 S lattery, Thomas C 292 Slaughter, A. E 793 Slaughter, A. S 248 Slaughter, B. H 17 Slaughter, James C 200 Slaughter, John N 329 Slaughter, J. T 691 Slaughter, P. M *..... 75 Slaughter, P. P 300 Slaughter, R. C 294 Slaughter, William 205,223 Slaughter, William T 467 Slay, Daniel 640 Slayback, A. W 289 Sled, David 15 Sledge, C. C 749 Slemaker, Junius 97 Sligh, John S 417,519 Sloan, F. J 7gg Sloan, James (Private) 227 Sloan, James (Major) 182,563,765 Sloan, J. B. E 429,453,617 Sloan, John ' 177 Sloan, John T 745 Sloan, Paul H. E 444 Slocum, A. L 483,518 Slocum, Thomas 851 Slocumb, T. W 864 Sloman, J. F 61 Sloop, A 649 Sludor, A. L 153 Slusser, William P. 38 Sluyter, B 246 Small, A. B 21 Small, W. T 769 Smart, Thomas F 230 Smedburg, James R 463 Smedes, Bennett 107, 249' Smiley, M. L 42 Smith, A. B 861 Smith, A. C. (Captain) 51 Smith, Archibald C. (Captain) 585 Smith, A. D. 773 Smith, A. J 202 Smith, A. Meade 28 Smith, A. P. (Private) 198 Smith, A. P. (Chaplain) 73 Smith, A. R. (Lieutenant) 249 Smith, A. R. (Private) 362, 514, 663 Smith, Arthur C 7 Smith, A. S 37 Smith, Austin A.... 733 Smith, A. W. (Private) ..... 118 Smith, A. W. (Private) 422, 481, 618 Smith, Bailey & Co 709 Smith, Bartle 437 Smith, Bathurst 462 Smith, Benjamin 519 Smith, B. F 667 Smith, B.H 815 Smith, B. W 209 Smith, C. A. (Lieutenant, Ga.) 340 Smith, C. A (Lieutenant, Tenn.)... 340 Smith, Caleb 152 Smith, Carraway 408 Smith, C. B 215 Smith, C. F. (Lieutenant) 338 Smith, Charles F. (Hosp. Stew.)... 377 Smith, Charles (Private) 26^ Smith, Charles (Private) 357 Smith, Charles (Sergeant) 501 Smith, Charles (Private) 347 Smith, Chauning M, (Private) 102 Smith, Channiug M. (Private) 730 Smith, C. M. (Major) 684,771,834 Smith, Copeland ^7< Smith, Daniel H £50 Smith, David 203 115 Page. Smith, D. B. (Private) 817 Smith, D. B. (Lieutenant) 702 ■ Smith, D. C 417 Smith, D. E 162 Smith, D. H 10 Smith,-E. A 315 Smith, Edward (Captain) 509 Smith, Edward (Captain).. 8,88, 134, 175 Smith, E. (Corporal) 775,834 Smith," E. (Private) 258 Smith, E. (Private) 445 Smith, E." D 6, 73, 116 Smith, E. H 576 Smith, E. Kirby... 11,19,26,62,63, 68, 71, 73,74,92,102,116,118,143,152,157, 186, 201, 205, 207, 213,217, 251,261, 265, 285, 289, 291, 296, 302, 316,322, 347, 363, 365, 380, 412, 433, 441,460, 461, 471, 500, 509, 517, 518, 537, 538, 555, 606, 622, 629, 654, 676, 690, 695, 777, 781, 797,822, 829, 830, 836, 882 Smith, E. M 826 Smith, Eugene R 604 Smith, F. H. (Captain) 442 Smith, Francis H. (General) 78, 346 Smith, F. L 408 Smith, Frank 803 Smith, Frederick W 325, 391, 396 Smith, Gabriel (Private) 33 Smith, .Gabriel (Private) 304 Smith, George (Private) ; 483 Smith, George (Private) 252 Smith, George A. (Lieutenant)..65,523,625 Smith, George A. (Colonel) 178 Smith, George H 659,815 Smith, George W. (Private) 101 Smith, George W. (Hosp. Stew.)... 692 Smith, G. F 236 Smith, G. L 236 Smith, H. A 134,157 Smith, Hays * 822 Smith, H. B. (Captain) 297 Smith, H. B. (Lieutenant) : 835 Smith, Henry J . 5 Smith, Herman S 132 Smith, H. J 385 Smith, H. L 845 . Smith, H. M 166,376 Smith, Ira E 876 Smith, Isaac W 648, 846 Smith, J. A. (Asst. Surg.) 102 Smith, J. A. (Lieutenant) 339 Smith, J. Austin (Lieutenant) 296,667 Smith, Jacob 774 Smith, Jacob L 259, 749 Smith, James 516 Smith, James E 149, 477 Smith, J. C. (Private) 855 Smith, James C. (Sergeant) 215 Smith, James H. (Lieutenant) 621 Smith, J. H. (Private) 896 Smith, J. H. (Private) 467 Smith, J. H. (Lieutenant) 260 Smith, J. Henley (Private) , 52 Smith, James M. (Captain) 264 Page. Smith, J. R^aclin (Lieutenant).... 143,286 Smith, James P. (Lieutenant) 37 Smith, J. P. (Corporal) 808 Smith, J. P. (Captain) 875 Smith, Jasper N 45 Smith, J. B. (Private) 374 Smith, J. B. (Lieutenant) 85 Smith, J. D. (Lieutenant) 14 Smith, J. D. (Lieutenant) 297 Smith, J. D. (Private) 583 Smith, J. D. (Lieutenant) 728 Smith, J. D. (Captain) 106 Smith, J. E. (Assistant Surgeon).... 15 Smith, John E. (Lieutenant) 482 Smith, J. J 227 Smith, J. Louis 270,478 503, 515, 522, 594, 629, 655, 759 Smith, Joel A 13 Smith, John 218 Smith, John F 151 Smith, John G • 393 Smith, John 0 472 Smith, John R. (Lieutenant) 38,147 Smith, John R. (Major) 138 Smith, John S 321,867 Smith, John T. (Captain) 645 Smith, J. T. (Lieutenant) 19,118 Smith, John T. (Lieutenant) 234 Smith, Jones 735 Smith, Joseph (Private) 237 Smiih, Joseph (Lieutenant) 341 Smith, Joseph R. (Private) 158 Smith, J. Ralph (Superintendent) 491,653 Smith, Josiah W. (Lieutenant) 575 Smith, J. VV. (Lieutenant) 562 Smith, J. \V. (Private) 118 Smith, J. W. (Private) 280 Smite, J. W. (Private) 795 Smith, J. W. C 498 Smith, J. W. G 313 Smith, J. \V. S 122 Smith, K. S 239 Smith, Larkin 6, 72,108,144, 356 Smith, L, D 826 Smith, Leonidas 24 Smith, Lewis H 167 Smith, L. S 650 Smith, Luke W. (Asst. Surg.) 405 Smith, L. W. (Hosp. Attend't.) 173 Smith, Marshall J 659,830,876 Smith, Milton 839 Smith, Mitchell 670 Smith, M. L 138, 205, 269, 364, 448 Smith, Montgomery 118 Smith, N. H 516, 770 Smith, N. M 850 Smith, Norman W 141,144, 149,162,177,192, 201, 211, 239, 305, 323, 327, 350, 395, 451,461, 46p, 479, 519, 626, 657, 694, 698 Smith, Oliver H. C 639 Smith, Otterson (Lieutenant) 88 Smith, O. (Captain) 496 Smith, O. (Private) 549 Smith, Onan R 186 116 Smitl Smitl Smitl Smitl Smith Smitl Smitl Smitl Smitl Smith Smitl Smitl Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Page. P. B. C . 641 Peter (Private) 227 Peter (Lieutenant) 330 P. (Private) 230 Phillip (Lieutenant) 128 R. B 200 R. C. (Private) 775 R. C. (Lieut.-Col.).... 663,692,807 Reuben 210 R. M 730 Robert 88,229 R. P. (Lieutenant) 60 R. P. (Lieutenant) 459 R. P. (Captain) 588 R. Y 276 Samuel 853 Samuel H. (Chaplain) 8,38 Samuel H. (Lieutenant) 366 Sandford A 101 S. B . 480,593,862 Simon B. (Lieutenant) 732 S. J 99 Sydney 876 T. C. (Private) 230 T. C. (Hospital Steward) 753 T. H 289 Thomas (Private) 262 Thomas (Colonel) 398,849 Thomas (Asst. Surg.) 584 Thomas (Private) 773 Thomas (Private) 421 Thomas S 213,768 Thomas W 94 T. T 470 W. A. (Private) 362,514, 663 W. A. (Lieutenant) 368 W. A. (Private) 545 William A. (Sergeant) 345 Walter George 266, 554 W. B. (Sergeant) 173 W. B. (Private) 254 W. B. (Captain) 353 W. B. (Captain) 456,523, 575,686, 851, 863 W. (Lieutenant) , 826 William (Maj.-Gen.) 3 William (Private) 65 William (Private) 228 William (Private) 256 William (Private) 442 William (Private) 482 William (Private) 760 W. F 745 W. G. (Captain) 151 William G. (Lieutenant) 174 William G. (Lieutenant) 148 W. H. (Corporal) 691 W. H. (Major) 27,109,182,636 W. H. (Lieutenant) 144 William H. (Captain) 338,465 William S 39,179,401, 772 W. J. (Private) 150 W. J. (Captain) 651 W. J. (Captain) 734 W. J. (Captain) 85 Page. Smith, W. Lewis 84!) Smith, W. M 115,454,647,811 Smith, W. N (Captain) 426,45# Smith, W. N. (Captain) 739 Smith, W. P 821 Smith, W. T. (Drillmaster)... log Smjth, W. T. (Captain) 865 Smith, (Lieutenant) 730 Smithers, C. G 152 Smithers, J. W 833 Smithey, Frank (for Smitz) 802 Smithey, J 302 Smithey, W. W 591 Smithje, Julius 269 Smook, Morgan T 309 Smoot, C. C 837 Smoot, Samuel 777 Smulders, E 745,755 Smythe, A .' 791 Snead, A. H 786 Snead, Andrew W '. 389 Snead, Charles 477 Snead, E. D 702 Snead. Edwin B 132 Snead, Evan 8<:6 Snead, F. T 720 Snead, George H * 241 Snead, John H 729 Snead, Thomas L 381 Snead, William D 851 Sneath, George 258,427 Sneed, Newton S 860 Sneed, R. A 794 Sneed, W. J 828 Sneed, W. P 745 Sneker, Archimedes 322 Snell, W. D 618 Snell, William 722 Sneltz, Franklin 874 Snider, William F 766 Snipes, J. F 767 Snodgrass, C, E 610, 728, 731 Snow, M. H 781 Snow, T. C 347 Snowden, Charles A.... 316, 478, 508, 862 Snowden, Harold 173 Snowden, P. G 220 Snyder, G. H 748 Snyder, John F 788 Snyder, M. J .. 862 Snyder, W. F 320 Soger, John C 839 Sokers, Samuel 276 Solari, A 855 Sollee, F. C 613 Solomans, Peter 803 Somers, G. P : 357 Somers, J. T 544 Somers, S. M 608 Somers, W. D 715 Somerville, R. H 42 Sonby, J. E 435 Soper, Peter 281 Sorey, W. F 280 Sorrel, A. C 289,587,719- 117 Page. Sorrel. G. M 74,720 Sorrelle, W. R 227 Sosnowski, T. C 420 Sothoron, Marshall J 122 SoulS, Neville 879 Souls, W. E 198 Southern, Jasper N 83 South, E. W 827 South, F 802 Soutter, R 643 South Side Artillery (J. W. Drewry's battery Virginia artillery) 155, 705 Southwestern Virginia, Dept. of— Jones, W. R., assigned to com- mand of. 312 Southwick, W. C 129 Southworth, Hugh 198 Sowell, Thomas F 34,146 Sowells, J. W 633 Sowers, D. W 303 Sowers, James.. 33,82,327,462,659,750,882 Sowers, Levi 56 Sowers, Solomon 33 Sowers, W. H 213 Sownsbrough, Thomas 228 Soyars, Joseph 418 Spann, James C 537 Spann, J. G 175,219,416,719 Spann, P. M. 814 Sparger, James 649 Sparkman, W. N 885 Sparks, Abner G 33,62 Sparks, A. D 859 Sparks, A. M 221 Sparks, B. W 750 Sparks, J 648 Sparks, James T 53, 530 Sparnick, Henry 682 Sparrow, Leonard K 88,105 Sparrow, P. S 643 Spaulding, George 458 Spaulding, J. C 828 Spaulding, Thomas B 74 Spear, C. H 157 Spear, H 132 Spear, W. T.. 67 Spearman, J. H 545 Spears, Alfonso F 239,844 Spears, Allison 257 Spears, Henry 689 Spears, J. A 541 Speck, James 802 Speed, D. S '. 588 Speed, T. H 541 Speer, Ale*. M 35 Speer, D. H 7 Speer, G. A 354 Speer, John A 7 Speer, Robert 433 Speers, J. C 401 Speight, J. W 299 Speights, W. M 686 Speir, A..-..., 417,595 Speisegger, Louis P 393, 653 Spell, Jerry v 413 30-—-1864 Page. Spellers, W. Y 157 Spence, Alexander 154,168,206 Spence, Edward E 82 Spence, G. B 204 Spence, Joseph S 263 Spence, W. A 196,281,292,671, 724 Spencer, Frank 523 Spencer, G. H 257 Spencer, John M 3,38 Spencer, M 556 Spencer, S. B 62 Spencer, T 15,24 Spengler, Joseph H 14 Spicer, J. B 153 Spicer, T. C 567 Spier, G. W 775 Spiller & Burr 61, 79 Spiller, E. N ; 737 Spiller, F. S 842 Spillman, Joseph 728 Spindle, B. T 589 Spinks, W. E 735 Spires, R 884 Spitz, C. A 604 Spivey, William . 354 Spotswood, John E 208 S potts, John G., & Co 811 Spotts, W. A 705 Spover, W. B 9 Sprigg, John M ; 266 Spriggs, George 30 Spright, Joseph W 576 Springer, R 441 Springer, H. F 134 Springs, G. W 881 Spurgeon, Thomas C 548 Spurrier, G. D. 563,655 Stable, W. H 656 Stabler, T. S 491 Stack, John J 363 Stacy, E. C 498,508 Stacy, J. S 838, 884 Stacy, R. Q 403, 783 Stacy, T. B 166 Stafford, D 836 Stafford, Geo. W, (Aid-de-Camp)... 853 Stafford, George W. (Lieutenant).. 32,632 Stafford, J. B 610 Stafford, John G.... 227,499 Stafford, Joseph E 202, 258 Stafford, Joshua. 702 Stafford, J. S 348 Stafford, Leroy A 353 Stafford, S 550 Staiars, P. M 431 Stainback, W. W 119 Stainey, E. F 57 Stair, John F 293 Stake, A. J 799 Stalcy, J. H 510 Staley, R. M 335,557 Staley, W. W 403 Stalker, Alex. Y 325 Stallings, A. A 890 ^Stallings, Joseph 519 118 Page . Page Stallings, T. J 163 Staunton Hill Artillery (Company Stailings, W. S 56 —, Virginia Artillery) 13q 697 Stalls, G. W 306 Staunton, James N 'l0q Stalnaker, J. W 623 Staunton, M 61g Stamper, M. D 228 Staunton River Battalion (Virginia Stamper, W. T 107 reserves) 627 Stanard, H. Mercer 186,351,585 Steadman, G. E 443 Stanard, John B 617 Steane, E. G 511 522 Stanard, P. B 75 Stedman, A. J ' ,7g3 Stanard, Robert T 139 Stedman, C. M goo Stanard, W. B 117,652 Steel, David 24,42,60 668 Stancel, J. W 190 Steel, F. H !....'. 'JJS Stancil, J. H 397 Steel, J. M...... g7(- Standley, G. W 360 Steel, M. D Igg Stanfill, James 181 Steel, S. S 44c Stanford, F. A i 116 Steele, B. F 10g Stanford, J, M 438 Steele, Charles 355 Stanford, Samuel M 620 Steele, F. K 58 Stanford, W. L 562 Steele, J. C. (Lieutenant) 575 Stanley, C. P. 280 Steele, John C. (Private) 250 Stanley, Eli 803 Steele, J. D 832 Stanley, J. A. (Sergeant) 776 Steele, J. J. (Private) 30q Stanley, John A. (Commissioner).. 462 Steele, J. J. (Captain) 859 Stanley, J. C 788 Steele, Oliver B 261 Stanley, J.,T 310 Steele, R. George 409 Stanley, William i 745 Steele, Robert E 526 Stanley, Zephaniah P 411 Steele, Theophilus 619,659 Stansberry, J. M 31 Steele, William 15(92 Stansberry, R. A 328 Steger, D. W 307 Stansbury, Jt W 85 Steger, John 0 198, 316, 657, 854 Stansbury, Norwood 157 Stein, Adolph 760 Stansel, W. E 172 Steiner, Roland 163, 317, 582 Stansell, John S 260 Stennet, P. P 380 Stant, Charles D 156 Stennis, A. T 871 Stant, John H 156 Stennis, W. K 302 Stanton, H. T 877 Stephens, Absalom 214,395 Stanton, John 728 Stephens, Caleb G 204 Stanton, Patrick 425 Stephens, C. E 836 Stanton, W. U 854 Stephens, James E 200,576 Staples, W. C 218 Stephens, James K 755 Stapleton, James F 197 Stephens, J. G 262 Stapleton, M 684 Stephens, John C 355 Stark, A. W 44,502 Stephens Light Artillery (reorgan- Stark, G. M. R 341 izedas Ga. art.; prior to Novem- Stark; L. R ! 88 ber, 1863, 3d Maryland Bactery).. 359 Starke, E. F..... 496 Stephens, W. G 392 Starke, T. B 898 Stephenson, D. H 681 Starke, W. N 717 Stephenson, John 822 Starkey, A. C 218 Stephenson, John M 101 Starling, W. R 820 Stephenson, J. R 64 Starnes, J. W 20,897 Stephenson, W. H. H 51 Starns, J. P 640 Steptoe, C. Y 78, 687, 716, 791 Starr, J. B 871 Sterle, Robert L 456 Starr, W. G 421 Sterling, James R 710 Starratt, Harrison 522 Stern, Michael 305 Staten, John M 250 Sterne, C. M 334 Staten, Z. R 803 Stetler, Joseph P 501,539 Statham, C. W 138 Steuart, George H 522, 793, 863 Statham, W. H 550 Stevens, Charles F 29,644 Staton, J. H ! 145 Stevens, H. W 298 Staton, R 784 Stevens, J. H 223 Staton, S. B 540 Stevens, John P ......... 565, 860 Staunton Artillery (Company —, Stevens,Walter H..259,416,504,545,557,883 Virginia Artillery) 522 Stevens, William 445 119 Page. gtivens, William H . 670 gtevens, W. S 797 gtevenson, Carter L 626, 640 gtevenson, C. E... 669 gtevenson, J. A 778 gtevenson, J. B 752 gtevenson, W. G 680 gteward, K . 711 gtewart, A. A 10 gtewart, A. G. (Lieutenant) 340 gtewart, A. G. (Private) 437 gtewart, A. J. (Lieutenant) 859 gtewart, A. J. (Lieutenant) 109 gtewart, A. P 509, 563, 595, 625, 805 gtewart, A. W 302 gtewart, C. E 143 gtewart, C. J 359 gtewart, C. W 779 gtewart, Daniel 430 Stewart, C. L 786 Stewart, J. A. (Major) 8 Stewart, J. A. (Captain) 214 Stewart, J. A. (Assistant Surgeon).. 341 Stewart, James 738 Stewart, James M 827 Stewart, James R. (Lieutenant) 302 Stewart, J. R. (Lieutenant) 204 Stewart, J. F 65 Stewart, J. H 142,379 Stewart, J. J....f 756 Stewart, John A 276 Stewart, John W 341, 711 Stewart, John Y 702 Stewart, J. Q 354 Stewart, J. T 275 Stewart, Thomas R 490,544 Stewart, W. F 571 Stewart, W. H 830 Sthreshley, W. H 319,440,856 Stick, Samuel 260 Stickney, George W 229, 244 Stiles, E. W 560 Stiles, Ro i 162,746 Stiles, W. H.,jr 609 Stiles, W. H 351 Still, W. E 13 Still, W. M 92,140,159 Stilley, B 874 Stimpson, Z 227 Stine, Joseph A 266 Stinson, J. B 51 Stinson, J. F 157 Stinson, W. B 285, 286 Stinton, * 373 Stith, D. C 74,199,483,594,660 Stitley, William R 523 Stock, Samuel 155 Stockdell, Hugh 125,140,566, 748, 769 Stocker, Frank 36 Stockman, D. D 410 Stockton, Edward C 401 Stockton, Phillip 534, 553 Stoddard, W. R 136, 326 Stokes, D. W 785 Stokes, Henry C 38 Page. Stokes, H. Z 393 Stokes, James M 835 Stokes, Jefferson 457 Stokes, John 477 Stokes, Thomas (Private) 785 Stokes, Thomas (Captain) 344 Stokes, W. H 775 Stokes, W. J 395 Stolsworth, John 224 Stone, A 388 Stone, B. F 228 Stone, B. Warren 138 Stone, C. B 492,871 Stone, F. M 617 Stone, Francis R 18, 62,364 Stone, H. C 261 Stone, H. H 73 Stone, H. J 611,779 Stone, J. F 365 Stone, J. M- 241 Stone, John H 324 Stone, L. B 204,232 Stone, Marshal 293 Stone, M. H 515 Stone, O. M 567 Stone, S. C 145 Stone, S. H 141 Stone, S. J 166,408 Stone, Warren, jr 10,96,255,837 Stone, W. J 593 Stonebreaker, A. S 609 Stonewall (Old) Brigade (1st Brig- ade Virginia Volunteers) 706 Stoney, John S 523 " Stono Scouts " (also known as S. C. independent riflemen) 473 Storke, William Day 355, 365,403,455 Storment, J. D 81 Storrs, J 410 Story, E. F 339 Stott, IraW 82,373,688 Stoub, G. W 377 Stougli, W. F 549 Stout, S. H 5,18, 30, 42, 56, 58, 70, 93, 97, 100, 110, 118,129,139,142,143,152,153,160, 161,163,165,173,185,193,198, 215, 232, 247, 291, 312, 315, 323, 325, 326, 332,337.343,345, 358, 369, 271, 372, 397,403,405,411, 416, 425, 427, 428, 441, 444,466,467,475, 476,482,493, 517,523,526,531,543, 547, 553, 569, 573,581,582,593,598, 606, 617, 629, 635, 642, 656, 661, 662, 677,682, 687, 689,706,714, 721, 725, 731, 736, 761, 763, 780, 790, 793, 817, 850, 859,870 Stout, S. V. D 64 Stovall, J. M 548 Stovall, T. P 472 Stover, W. J 336 Stowe, J. E 454 Stowe, J. H 17 Stowe,' S. N 117, 257 Stracey, T. B 408 Strachan, J. B 20 120 Strader, Josiah 202,244 Strahl, 0. F 616 Strain, J. H 337,569 Strainey, E. F 22,114,171,309,646 Straith, J. A 163,809 Straley, G. P 302 Strampley, L 815 Strange, A. W 736 Strange, B. F 886 Strange, French 583,679 Strange, J. A. W 371 Strange, J. W.. 189 Strange, Robert 324 Stratton, L. F 149,477 Stratton, William 390 Strawbridge, George E 337 Strayhorn, J. Y 702 Street, N. C. B 391 Street, W. J 339 Streetman, J. M 372 Striblin, John W 623 Strickland, G. B 318 Strickland, H. H 336 Strickland, Jacob H 55 Strickland, Josephus 836 Strickland, O. R 886 Strickland, W. H. (Major) 497 Strickland, William H. (Private).... 199 Strickland, W. M 890 Stringfellow, Charles S 326, 878 Stringfellow, James 247 Stringfellow, J. W 578 Stroble, C 281 Strocky, F. A 886 Strode, J. S : 281 Stroman, C. J 850 Strong, J. M 673 Strong, J. P 400,890 Strong, (Dr.) 333 Strother, P. W 843 Strother, William A 256 Strothers, J. R 157 Strouach, George T 825 Stroud, H. L. W 392 Stroud, J. L 326 Strqud, John 771 Stroud, W. A 232 Stroup, John M 369 Strouse, D. B 739 Strudwick, Edmund 284,824 Stuart, C. E. L 726 Stuart, George K 833 Stuart Horse Artillery (battalion Va. artillery) 22,40,57,176,246,266, 309, 355, 380,453,472,503,654, 646 Stuart, J. E. B 183 Stuart, John D . 32 Stuart, Middleton 353,404 Stuart, N. A 131,159 Stuart, S. T 80,212 Stuart, W. D 313 Stuart, William 136 Stubbs, F. M 593 Stubbs, Frank P 269 Stubbs, George W. (Lieutenant).... 75 Page. Stubbs, G. W. (Lieutenant) iq. Stubbs, T. B 400 Stuckey, W. H 395 Sturdivant, J. H ggg Sturdivant, J. W 390 Sturdivant, N. A 811, 850, 897 Sturgeon, G. W g46 Sturges, W §54 Sturgis, J. K 79, 460 Stutts, W. W '6lg Styron, C. W 684 Styron, David C 10, 135 Sty water, W. E 811 898 Sublett, Charles T 615 Sublett, E. H 569 Sublett, T. J 505 Sublett, W. B 569 Suddath, J. B 884 Sudderth, C. M 152 Sudderth, J. R 613 Suddon, W. R 17 Suggs, John W 5 Sulay, Abram 760 Sullivan, Daniel A .' 39 Sullivan, D. B '. 621 Sullivan, F. (Private) 141 Sullivan, Fred. (Private) 874 Sullivan, J. A 501 Sullivan, J. D 246 Sullivan, J. E 65, 340, 870 Sullivan, J. F 340 Sullivan, J. H 246 Sullivan, Martin 51 Sullivan, Patrick 382, 461 Sullivan, R. J 269 Sullivan, T. G 562 Sully, (Major) 889 Summers, Jacob 181 Summers, Jacob W 750 Summers, John 676 Summers, Joseph 437 Summers, Wesley 181 Summerson, W. T 751 Summerville, Thomas 11 Sumner, A. G 665 Sumner, George W 207 Sumner, J 147 Sumner, M. L 503 Sumner, Thomas. 33 Sumter Light Artillery (11th Batt'n Georgia Artillery) 251 Suratt, S. B 13 Surface, John 59 Surface, S. D 148, 749 Surge, A. L 34,446 Surget, E 879 Surprise, J. B T'98 Suter, A. R 418 Sutherland, J 822 Sutherland, Thomas A 43 Sutherland, L. M 246, 276 Sutherland, W. H 875 Sutherlin, W. T 268,519 Sutlive, John W 583,612 Sutphen, J. S 670 121 Page. Sutton, A. DeR Sutton, James 556 642 Sutton, Joel 223 Sutton, John W Sutton, J. T, Sutton, William T 272 Sutton, W. P 165 Swaffer, Sanders 53 Swain, B. F Swain, J. W Swain, W. (Private) 354 Swain, W. (Lieutenant) 455 Swain, W. J 643 Swan, J. N Swan, M. S 166, 408 Swancoat, William 266,-554 Swaney, A. M Swann, William M 573 Swayze, C. C 632 Swearingen, P. H 739,754 Sweat, James E 232 Sweat, Thomas 463 Sweatt, R. P Swecker, Frank Sweeney, John Sweeney, J. R 362, 514, 663, 861 Sweeney. Martin Sweeny, J. W Sweeny, William J 567 Sweet, E. L '. 417 Sweet, Thomas Sweetman, D. L 344 Swett, Charles Swicord, M Swift, G. B Swilling, J. M 99 Swimm, A. M Swindle, T. M 572 Swinebrood, A. J 94 Swinford, John A , 260,302,341 Swingley, H. L Swinney, M. E Swinson, Johu E Swint, M. T Swinton, James Swinton, T. L Switley, John W 376,483 Swoope, G. H Swor, W. C Swygert, G. S Sydnor, A. J Sydnor, J. L Sydnor, W. F Sykes, A. J Sykes, E. T Sykes, J. C Sykes, J. J Sykes, Josiah P. R Sykes, Lucien M 744 Sykes, Thomas B Sylva, Charles 496 Syme, R. J Symes, G. W Tabb, James Tabb, John P . 31 1864 Page. Tabb, Phillip M., jr 380,386 Tabb, Thomas 555 Tabb, VV. K 814 Taber, C. R 833,425 Tabor, Thomas 168 Tadgett, C. E 411 Taft, A. W 394, 397,433, 742 Tail, J. B 547 Taggart, R. L , 272,850 Taggart, William M 692,758 Talbott, L. F 267 Talby, D. C 794 Talcott, Charles G... 20, 24, 89, 107, 108, 114,116. 140, 177, 365,367,396,835 Talcott, T. M. R..36,88,98,133,216,455,746 Taliaferro, A 292 Taliaferro, A. B 538 Taliaferro, A. G 721 Taliaferro, D. M 116 Taliaferro, E 328 Taliaferro, Felix T 510,540 Taliaferro, H. D 883 Taliaferro, James L 521 Taliaferro, J. C 799 Taliaferro, John 683, 747 Taliaferro, R. H 497 Taliaferro, R. T 539 Taliaferro, Van 138,453 Taliaferro, V. H 282,415,416 Taliaferro, W. B. (Private) 834 Taliaferro, W. B. (Brig.-Gen.) 350, 416,553,652,879 Taliaferro, William T 387 Taliaferro, W. R 170 Talley, George R 641 Talley, Jonathan 834 Talley, R. P 415,634 Talley, S. 0 870 Tally, J. M 141 Tally, John 214 Talman, J., jr 828 Tames, Logan 259 Taney, Frank L 859 Tank, Charles 95 Tankersley, Fred. A 458 Tankersly, H 385 Tannahill, Robt..4,136,154,159,167,212,258 265, 286, 349,434,450, 572, 764, 816 Tannahill, W. T.. 154,212,419,538,572,816 Tanner, Nathan 281 Tanner, N. M 529, 610 Tanner, S 814 Tanner, W. E 764 Tanner; W. M 838 Tannuse, R 770 Tansill, Robert 617,782 Tapp, James 642 Tappan, J. C 789 Tappe, W. 0 814 Tappey, F. J 674 Tappey, W. H 183,735 Tappy & Lumsden 203, 244, 736, 816 Tarant, James T 228 Tarbutton, J. M 702 • Tardy, George H 78 122 Page. Tardy, Henry C 172 Taring, James 267 Tarkenton, William B 474 Tarpley, Josiah : 821 Tarr, William James 359 Tarrh, M. G 340 Tarver, J.'A 536 Tarver, W. H 46 Tate, James P 863 Tate, J. H. B 802 Tate, J. M, (Lieutenant) 346 Tate, J. M. (Captain) 611 Tate, John M. (Captain) 13,48,412 Tate, J. 0.... 138 Tate, Madison.. 181 Tate, M. B 8,53,55,386,422,756 Tate, M. W 855 Tate, R. A 110,142 Tate, Ro 151 Tate, William H 239,245 Tatem, T. W 170 Tattnall, Josiah 689 Tatum, James A 623 Tatum, John 886 Tatum, Seth 325 Tatum, W. E 43 Tatum, William 149,263 Taunton, Newsom 185 Tavean, Augustine L 481 Tavenner, William C 86,136 Tayloe, E. P 97,338 Tayloe, George E 87,156 Taylor, A. D. 886 Taylor, Andrew 374 Taylor, Archibald 99,550,712 Taylor, A. W 403 Taylor, B. F 365 Taylor, B. M 595,645 Taylor, Bushrod 744 Taylor, Benjamin W. (Surg.).. 511,513,731 Taylor, B. W. (Captain) 214,322 Taylor, C. C. 236 Taylor, C. G ; 810 Taylor, Charles E 511 Taylor, Charles S 363 Taylor, E. (Captain) 540 Taylor, E. (Major) 183,608 Taylor, Edward R 252,275 Taylor, George 269 Taylor, George M 710 Taylor, George W 535 Taylor, Gordon S 195 Taylor, H 803 Taylor, H. C 741 Taylor, H. E 500 Taylor, H. J 18 Taylor, Holbrook 93 Taylor, H. W 319 Taylor, Jacob H 369 Taylor, James (Captain) 357 Taylor, James (Private) 270 Taylor, JamesH 371,378 Taylor, J. B., jr '. 289 Taylor, J. B ! 253 Taylor, J. C 195 Taylor, J. D. (Sergeant) 785 Taylor, J. D. (Private) 882 Taylor, Jefferson W 194 Taylor, J. N 597 Taylor, John (Captain) 284 Taylor, John (Private) 890 Taylor, John H 448,647 Taylor, John M. (Private) 409 Taylor, J. M.. (Captain! 339 Taylor, J. M. (Surgeon) 875 Taylor, J. M. (Major) 637 Taylor, John P 134 Taylor, Joseph H 279 Taylor, Joseph W. (Private) 25 Taylor, J. W. (Private) 814 Taylor, J. T 806 Taylor, L. B 876 Taylor, Matthew P 110 Taylor, O. P 422 Taylor, Peter 52 Taylor, R. B 281 Taylor, R. C 77 Taylor, R. H. (Surgeon^ 377 Taylor, R. H. (Captain) 819 Taylor, Richard.. 302,353,528,572,574,650, 653,675,683,713,716,769,847,879 Taylor, R. J 325,484 Taylor, R. M 62 Taylor, Robert 84 Taylor, Robert F ." 749 Taylor, Robertson 452, 605, 665 Taylor, R. T 613 Taylor, S. (Lieutenant) 822 Taylor, Samuel (Lieutenant) 887 Taylor, Samuel C 299 Taylor, Sidney H 654 Taylor, Stephen 275,462 Taylor, T 17 Taylor, T. H 581 Taylor, Thomas C 190 Taylor, Thomas E 303 Taylor, Thomas J. 152 Taylor, T. V.... 262 Taylor, W 806 Taylor, W. A. S '. 119 Taylor, W. G.; 705 Taylor, W. H. S 38 Taylor, Walter H. (Lieut.-Col.) 717 Taylor, W. H. (Private) 423 Taylor, William H. (Colonel) 166 Taylor, William H. (Surgeon) 574 Taylor, William J. (Private) 782 Taylor, W. J. (Captain) 355 Taylor, W. J. (Lieutenant). 339 Taylor, William M 331 Taylor, W. T 860 Taylor, W» V 580,888 Teague, J. A 680 Teague, J. N 231 Teague, W. P 48 Teah, B 86 Teasdale, H. R 29, 458, 468, 471, 595, f>26, ,662, 7.01, 733, 827 Tebbs, C. B ! 380,752 Tebbs, Thomas F 123, 317, 769 123 Page. Teller, William R 538, 897 Temple, B. M 774 Temple, C. W 832 Temple, Ludwell..... 773 Temple, T. P 253 Templeton, J. A 677 Templeton, J. Y 98 Templeton, T. G 821 Tench, James R , 728 Tench, J. W , 104 Tennant, Samuel 30 Tenney, 0. S 155 Tenney, Samuel F 28 Tennille, W. A 583 Tennison, W. C 81 Terral, James E 121 Terrell Artillery (Company —, Georgia Artillery) 432 Terrell, J 230 Terrell, James S 575 Terrell, James T 239 Terrell, James W ; 214,357 Terrell, L. F 47 Terrell, 0. H 219 Terrell, 0. H. P 533 Terrell, Thomas 236 Terrell, Y. L .• 637 Terrett, B. A 867 Terrill, E. T 37 Terrill, James W 567 Terrill, J.J 833 Terrv, B. D ! :.... 14 Terry, C 247 Terry, John F 540, 776 Terry, Joseph A 780 Terry, L, S 540, 621 Terry, T.J 312, 319 Terry, William R 299 Terry, William S 524 Terry's Rangers (8th Texas Cav.)... 514 Testerman, Calvin 803 Tetterton, Nathan W 168 Thatford, George A 154,448, 646, 811 Thaxton, H. J 340 Thaxton, J. F 747 Thayer, M. G 7«2 Tharin, M. R 335 Thelwall, W. H < 150,442 Theobald, G. P 163,175, 713, 763 Therrell, W. T 774 Thibodeaux, V 278 Thigpen, Allen 460 Thigpen, R 564 Thorn, A. C 554 Thorn, W. A 133,582 Thomas, A 754 Thomas, A. J 592 Thomas, Banner...: 509 Thomas, B. H 753 Thomas, B. M 703 Thomas, Bruce P 441' Thomas, C. A ■,* 103 Thomas, Caleb 214,355 Thomas, C. H. (Private) 249 Thomas, C. H. (Lieutenant) 105 Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Page. C. H. (Captain) 614 Charles 548 Charles W 727 D. H 175,265 Edward S 656 E. L 599 F. M 13 G. J., jr 828 G. R 242 J. A 858 James B. (Private) 814 J. B. (Private) 803 James D 185 James E 246 James G 354 J. A. W 365 J. H. (Captain) 275,379 J. H. (Private) ...:.. 780 J. Henry (Private) 266 J.J 611 John M. (Lieutenant) 246 John M. (Tanner) 745 JohnT 783 Joseph 803 J P - 872 J. W. (Private) 231 J. W. (Ord. Sergt.) 828 Legion (Ga. vols.) 106,110. 174, 197, 259, 457, 460, 731 Morris 6 N. J 624 N. W 637 R. B. (Colonel) 521 R. B. (Lieutenant) 521 R. W 221 S. E 377 T. C 443 W. A : 417 W. F 608 W. H 334 William 272 William C 656 William S..., 275 W. J 514 W. 0 852 W. T 27 Thomason, E. W 601 Thomason, H. C 68 Thomason, James S 390 Thomason, L : 269 Thomasson, M. D 32 Thomasson, 0 676 Thomasson, Z 580 Thompson, Adams F 244 Thompson, A. G. (Private)..... 445 Thompson, A. G. (Private) 706 Thompson, A. H 278 Thompson, A.J. (Private) 803 Thompson, A. J. (Hosp. Stew.) 328 Thompson, A. J. (Captain) 836 Thompson, A. N 109 Thompson, A. S 98,767,838 Thompson, B. F. (Private) 539 Thompson, B. F; (Lieutenant)..:...., 341 Thompson, B. S 611 124 Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson •Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Page. Camerbn L 611 Charles C. S... 22, 69, 84, 147 E. T..;. 840 Fleming 504 Frank 240 George 403 George B 817 George G 608 G. H 56 G. 0 561 G. S 733 H. B 171 H. C 674 Henry A 806 H. T 751 Hugh 109,331 J. A 61 J. (Major) 71 James (Private) 81 James L. (Surgeon)... 535,606 J. L. (Lieutenant) 299 James N 278 James S 594 J. C 866 J. J 59 J. M 127,864 John B 64 JohnS 385 J. T 702 J. W. (Conscript) 709 J. W. (Private) 748 J. W. (Private) 231 J. W. (Hosp. Stew.) 825 Lewis A 250 L. R 100 M. Jeff. 517 M. W 385,461 Morris 285 N. J 563 P. M 657 R. H. (Lieutenant)... 301,639 R. H. (Captain 558 R. W. (Chaplain) 621,847 R. W. (Lieutenant) 122 Samuel M..43,537,622,828,864 S. C 835 T. E 97, 623 Thomas H 277 W. A..: 348, 761 Waller 312, 363 W. C 309 W. E 400 W. G. (Lieutenant) 162 W. G. (Major) 348 W. H 390 William (Private) 348 288 289 William (Private) W. W. (Captain) W. W. (Captain) 151 Thomson, J. D Ill Thorn, I. J 243 Thorn, James A., 260 Thorn, James R 202, 258 Thorn, Renbin 179 Thornburgh, William L 845 ^age. Thorne, E. A 323, 364, 5% Thornley, William 163, 215, 286 Thornton, C. B 690 Thornton, C. G 842 Thornton, Charles S 412 Thornton, Frank A 266 Thornton, James 301, 841 Thornton, James B lifl Thornton, Joseph P 727 Thornton, P. H 211 Thornton, Richard W 266 Thornton, Robert F. (Lieutenant).. 148 Thornton, R. F. (Lieutenant) 742 Thornton, S. A 199 Thornton, S. C 751 Thornton, Thomas R 169 Thornton, W. R 712 Thorpe, Henry R 326 Thorpe, J. H 10, 162 Thorpe, Peterson 740 Thrasher, R. B. 702 Thrasher, Thomas J 118, 459, 746 Thrasher, W. W 403 Thraves, John T.... 19, 166, 448, 646, 848 Thrift, A. E 203, 735 Thrift, G. N 588 Throner, William C 235 Thurman, R. E 319 Thurmon, W 715 Thurmond, G. E 285, 494 Thurmond, William 51, 283, 736 Thurston, E. N 149 Tice, A 157 Tidwell, J. J 640 Tiddy, J. F 583 Tidmarsh, T. H 191 Tift, Nelson 647 Tigner, Leauder H 361 Tilden, Norwood 312 Tilford, John '. 876 Tilghman, E. R 341 Tilghman, Lloyd 214 Tillery, John 344 Tilley, W. A 730 Tillinghast, Edwin L 713 Tillotson, F. L 230 Tilman, Aaron E 214 Tilton, N. O 582 Tilton, Theodore W 393 Timaus, H 358 Timberlake, Charles 713, 753 Timberlake, F. A 372, 587, 716, 750 Timberlake, William 595 Timberry, John S 266 Timmerman, J. M.., 821 Timmons, J. T 617 Timmons, M. V 289 Timms, C. W 360 Timms, William L 66 Tims, J. T 371 Tingle, J. L 775 Tinley, John A 197 Tinnin, R 837,783 Tinnon, J. M 855,768 Tiusley, A 697,856,885 125 Page. Tinsley, Howard 610 Tinsley, P 779,825 Tinsley, S. G . 361, 538, 776 Tinsley, William 145 Tippett, Thomas H 697 Tipton, John S 249 Tisinger, D. F 195, 430 Tobias, A. L 369 Tobias, J. N 522 Tobias, W. M 522 Tobin, Richard 30 Todd, Charles H 134 Todd, E. M 556, 896 Todd, James M 390 Todd, J. B 837 Todd, Robinson A 4 Todhunter, L 868 Toland, E 584 Tolar, A. H 782 Toler, W. H 770 Tolson, A 153 Tom, W 786 Tomeny, Patrick ' 29 Tomlin, Corbin B 76, 812 Tomlin, J. G 522 Tomlinson, E 741 Tomlinson, Jajnes M 458 Tomlinson, L. D 445 Tomme, R. S 291 Tompkies, E. A 863 Tompkins, Eubanks 506 Tompkins, F. A 35 Tompkins, J. H 823 Tompkins, Ro. A 765 Tompkins, Wilson 378 Tompkins, W. K 747. Tompkins, W. R 366 Toms, Zachariah 38 Toney, M. B 67 Toney, Robert J 498 Tongue, Richard H 266, 743 Tonhey, John 755 Tonnage, W. H 235 Tonney, R. J 543 Tonsley, Charles B 241 Toohey, T 799 Toole, E 85 Toole, John A 249 Toole, John E 74 Tooley, John M 280 Toomer, B. F 784 Toomer, W. G • 683 Toon, William H 380 Topham, J. H 24, 146, 448, 646, 811 Topping, S. F 490 Torbert, A. T 366 Torbert, J. M 814 Torrence, William A 66 Torrington, John 267 Totten, S. S 386 Totty, Eli 7 Touchstone, P. S 388 Tounnell, D. R 138 Tourtarel, John B 57 Toutant, A. J 343 32 1864 Page. Toutenot, Q 279 Towers, D. R 335 Towers, John H 733 Towery, Bartley ,, 689 Towles, John C - 276 Townes, Edward 747 Townes, L. H 241 Townley, R 60 Townsend, C. P... 800 Townsend, H. G..f 117,497 Townsend, J. F, 840 Townsend, Matthew 237 Townsend, R. A 730 Townsend, W. W 621 Townshend, W. L. S 654 Townsley, S. A '. 694 Toy, C. H 509 Tracy, Carlos 350,406 Tracy, James A. 106 Tracy, James W 254, 326, 541 Traffinstead, W 844 Trainer, T. C... 135 Trainham, David C., 55 Trammell, Alex 381 Trammell, B. P ,,... 47^ Trammell, T. B 474 Trammel], Thomas R 468 Tranium, E. T 348 Trans-Alleghany, or Western De- partment of Virginia— Breckinridge, John C., assigned to command of. Ill Trapier, James H 213,879 Travis, Charles 270 Travis, E. F 868 Travis, Josiah R 470 Travers, John M 266 Traweek, W. B 735 Traylor, A. H 410 Traylor, J. M 228 Traynham, F. G 821 Traynor, John 449, 619, 638 Treadway, W. W 494 Treadwell, H. B 98 Tredegar Battalion (6th Battalioq Local Defense Troops, Virginia volunteers) 205,260,699 Tredway, W. M „ 215 TrefFenstedt, Peter 128 Trenholm, George A..447,452,478,549,571, 574,587,649,652,677, 680,693, 712, 714,621, 723, 748, 776, 780,792,793, 797,814,839, 842,852, 858, 882, 897 Trenholm, Savage D... 665, 682 Trenholm, W. L 164 Trent, George W.f 190 Trent, John 803 Trent, Milton G 674 Trent, William E ...... ... 550 Trewitt, P. P 27 Trexter, J 308 Trezevant, G. S 30,62 Trezevant, JohnT. (Lieutenant).... 737 Trezevant, J. T. (Major).,, .124 Trice, A. J 26, 160 126 Page. Page. Trice, T. S 520 Tupper, James 778 Trice. W. B 707 Tupper, S. Y 636 Trigg, R. C 617, 830, 847 Turk, Martin 398 Trimble, Isaac R 213, 701 Turk, R 454 Trimble, J 256 Turnbow, J. E 685 Triplett, George W 271 Turnbull, Charles J 621 Triplett, Thornton 747, 767 Turnbull, J. R 348 Tripp, E 348 Turnbull, Samuel J •. 390, 622 Trippe, A. C 138, 763 Turnbull, William 883 Trotter, W. W 181 Turner, Admire . 222 Troublefield, A, D 172 Turner, Aleck '. 136,401 Trouche, C. A 618 Turner, Alfred 855 Troup Artillery (Co. A, Cobb's Turner, A. S 612 Legion, Ga. vols.)..22, 63, 178, 334, 491 Turner, Charles 235 Troup, J. R 868 Turner, C. L , 821 Trout, L '. 139 Turner, C. M 779 Trout, T. B 541, 590 Turner, David 372 Trout, W, W 139 Tnrner, De Lamar 549 Troutman, H. A 391 Turner, P. G.. 263,288 Trousdale, L 224 Turner, George C 670 Troy, Matthew W 153,475 Turner, James .. 401 Trueheart, Charles W 193, 253 Turner, J. H 612 Trueheart, D 386 Turner, J. L 730 Trueheart, W. A 129 Turner, J. N 293,550,635 Truett, Thomas F i 633 Turner, John F 439 Truitt, James M 256 Turner, John R... 800 Truslow, James 855 Turner, Joseph 136 Trust, George 266 Turner, Logan 510 Tubman, A. M 476 Turner, M 306 Tubman, C 594 Turner, M. V 228 Tuck, E. A 338, 519 Turner, R. D 347 Tuck, George W 462, 527 Turner, R. H 403,611 Tuck, Joseph 137, 506 Turner, Ro. J 146 Tuck, R. H 348 Turner, Thomas (Private) 281 Tucke, E. Prentiss ,.... 366 Turner, Thos. (Assistant Surgeon).. 736 Tucker, B. St. George 640 Turner, V. E 610 Tucker, C. H.. 294 Turner, William 123 Tucker, Daniel 247, 732 Turner, William R 294 Tucker, E. A 514 Turner, William T 677 Tucker, H.T 55 Turner, W. J 797 Tucker, J 404 Turner, W. W 12 Tucker, James P 221 Turney, J. B ; 705 Tucker, Jesse D 71 Turney, Miller 595 Tucker, J. H 164 Turney, Peter 66, 291, 418, 481 Tucker, J. L 798 Turpin, A. P 171 Tucker, John P 807 Tuttle, R. M 13 Tucker, Joseph T 658 Tutwiler, R. P 318, 622 Tucker, J. R 345, 745 Tweedy, Joseph S 397 Tucker, Julius, G 738, 758, Twiggs, H. D. D 443,831 759, 765, 771, 777, 815, 865 Twiggs, J. D 5 Tucker, J. W 447 Twining, Isaac .' 30 Tucker, Richard 93 Twymhn, JamesW 863 Tucker, R. L 471, 476, 752 Tyler, George P 103, 178 Tucker, R. M 740 Tyler, James P 103 Tucker, Robertson 454 Tyler, J