I9£3 MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS OF ALABAMA IN EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 1923 EMORY UNIVERSITY iiiiiiiiiinflHiii 11399390 Brown Printing Company State Printers and Binders Montgomery, Ala. SCHEDULE OF LICENSE FEES The Private licenses are to be issued the same as heretofore without change of class or price. Class A—Less than twenty-five horse power $11.25 Class B—Twenty-five horse power and less than thirty 18.75 Class C—Thirty and less than forty horse power 26.25 Class D. Forty horse power or more 30.00 Electric automobile, other 'than trucks 20.00 Automobile propelled by steam 25.00 All Drive-It-Yourself cars operate under Private license. The Truck licenses have changed in price and also provision is made for hearses, ambulances, tractors and trailers. Class A—Less than one ton $15.00 Class B—One ton and less than two tons 22.50 Class C—Two tons and less than three tons 50.00 Class D. Three tons and less than four tons 100.00 Four tons and less than five tons 200.00 Five tons and less than six tons 400.00 Six tons and less than seven tons 750.00 Seven tons and over 1,000.00 Class E. Hearses, Ambulances and Tractors, In cities of less than 10,000 inhabitants $10.00 In cities of 10,000 inhabitants and less than 35,000 inhabitants 20.00 In cities of 35,000 inhabitants and less than 100,000 30.00 In cities of 100,000 inhabitants and more 50.00 All tractors 100.00 TRAILERS—One-half of amount of license of vehicle draw- ing the trailer. 4 AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE—TAXI Class A. Seating capacity 5 persons or less $37.50 All five passenger Jitney busses, price of li- cense based on population. Class B. More than 5 persons and less than 10 persons 50.00 Ten persons or more, except where running only between cities and towns ten miles or more apart 90.00 Ten persons or more when running ONLY be- tween cities and towns ten miles or more apart 60.00 All Jitney busses of more than 5 passengers, price of license based on population. MOTORCYCLE $ 5.00 Motorcycle with side car 7.50 CHAUFFEUR $5.00. No renewals. All above licenses half price after April first. Probate Judge issuance fee on each license $0.50. 5 LAWS OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA WITH RESPECT TO LICENSE UPON MOTOR YE- HICLES, CHAUFFEURS, GARAGES, FILL- ING STATIONS AND DEALERS IN AUTO- MOBILES AND ACCESSORIES, AND LAWS PERTAINING TO THE CONDUCT OF CHAUFFEURS UPON THE PUBLIC HIGH- WAYS. ACTS To Protect the Title of Motor Vehicles. Imposing Gasoline Excise Tax. LICENSE SCHEDULE. Section 303. That every person, firm, com- pany, corporations, or association engaged in any business, vocation, occupation, calling or profes- sion hereinfater enumerated, or who shall exer- cise any privilege hereinafter described for which a license or privilege tax is required, shall first procure a license, and shall pay for the same, or shall pay for the exercise of such privilege the amounts hereinafter provided and comply with all other provisions of this act. ALABAMA GENERAL LAWS REGULAR SESSION 1923. No. 290.) (H. 321. Tunstall AN ACT Relating to and to further provide for the revenue of the State of Alabama by providing for the registration and identification of motor vehicles, motor tractors, jitney busses, trailers used on the public highway of Ala- bama, and for the registration or license fee therefor, and to further provide for the revenue of the State of Alabama. G Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama: Section 1. The following words and phrases used in this Act shall have the meanings herein ascribed to them: Section 2. "MOTOR VEHICLE." Every ve- hide, as herein defined, which is self-propelled. Section 3. "AUTOMOBILE." Every motor ve- hide, as herein defined, except motorcycles. Section 4. "MOTORCYCLES." Every motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground and not ex- ceeding ten horse power and not exceeding the weight of five hundred pounds unloaded. Section 5. "TRAILER." Every vehicle with- out motive power designed for carrying property or passengers, wholly or partially on its own struc- ture and for being drawn by a motor vehicle. Section 6. "ESTABLISHED PLACE OF BUS- INESS." The place actually occupied either con- tinually or at regular periods, by a manufacturer or dealer in motor vehicles, or automobile acces- sories where the books and records of such manu- facturer or dealer are kept and at which a large share of business of such manufacturer or dealer is transacted. Setcion 7. "PERSON." Every natural per- son, firm or copartnership association or corpora- tion. Section 8. "OPERATOR." Every person who drives, operates or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon the public highway. Section 9. "CHAUFFEUR." An operator who directly or indirectly receives compensation for operating a motor vehicle on the public highways. This definition shall not be deemed to include man- ufacturer's agents, proprietors of garages, and dealers, salesmen, mechanics or demonstrators of motor vehicles when driving vehicles in any such capacity. Section 10. "JITNEY BUS." A motor vehicle not operated on tracks, engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire over, along and upon a definite or substantially fixed route, or routes, or between definite or substantially fixed terminal points, not including hotel or sight see- ing buses. Section 11. "PUBLIC HIGHWAY." Every highway, road, street, alley, lane, court, place, trail, drive, bridge, viaduct or trestle laid out or erected as such by the public or dedicated or aban- doned to the public, or intended or used by or for the general public, except such portions thereof as are used or prepared for use by pedestrians as sidewalks. The term "public Highway" shall ap- ply to and include driveways upon the ground of unversities, colleges, schools and institutions. The term "public highway" shall not be deemed to in- elude private driveways, roads, or places used by the owner, his guests and those having business with the owner and not intended to be otherwise used or otherwise used by the general public. Section 111/2. All licenses under this Act shall become due on October 1st of each year and de- linquent on November 15th, thereafter. Section 12. "Automobiles." The following li- cense tax or registration fee shall be charged on automobiles and motor cars kept for private use: For each automobile having a rating of less than twenty-five horse power, eleven dollars and twen- ty-five cents; on each automobile having a rating of twenty-five horse power and less than thirty horse power, eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents; on each automobile having a rating of thir- ty horse power and less than forty horse power, Cars twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents; on each automobile having a rating of forty horse power or more, thirty dollars. And such license shall be based on the insurable horse power of the car. For each electric automobile other than trucks, twenty dollars; for each automobile propelled by steam, twenty-five dollars. For each motorcycle, five dollars; for each motorcycle with side car at- tachment, seven dollars and fifty cents. Persons paying an automobile license may have the same 8 transferred to any other person, or to any other Prfvater incenses car> Proyided the same is not of a greater horse power, by applying to the probate judge who is- sued the same, and it shall be his duty to make a record of the transfer, which shall be in writing, "provided however, That the license in this act required to be paid shall not become delinquent until after the expiration of three (3) days from the date of the purchase of any new motor ve- hide." Section 13. For each automobile or motor car used for transportation of passengers paying fare Automobile except a jitney bus, and having a seating capacity For Hire. of five persons or less, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents; for each automobile or motor car used for transportation of passengers paying fare, and having a seating capacity of more than five and less than ten persons, fifty dollars; for each automobile or motor car used for transportation of passengers paying fare and having a seating capacity of ten persons or more, .ninety dollars; provided that automobiles or motor cars running between towns and cities ten miles or more apart, shall pay a license tax of sixty dollars in lieu of ninety dollars provided in this section. Each per- son desiring to take out a license to operate a mo- tor vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire, except taxicabs and touring cars hired by the hour or for special trips on terms agreed upon between the passenger and the carrier at the time of entering upon such service, shall at the time he applies for such license make out in writing a statement describing the route over which such motor vehicle shall be operated and naming the terminal points thereof, and such route shall be plainly indicated on the motor ve- hide in letters of sufficient size to be read at a dis- tance of fifty feet. Section 14 (a) The following license tax or reg- istration fee shall be charged for operating a jitney bus on the public highway of this State. Each jitney bus operating wholly within the corporate 9 limits of a city of one hundred thousand inhabi- tants or more; or between a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants and another city of fifteen thousand inhabitants or more and not more than fifteen miles distant therefrom; or between a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants or more and an adjoining municipality or connecting munici- plities, unless such bus operates regularly for at least five consecutive miles in unincorporated ter- ritory; three hundred dollars per annum when the seating capacity of the vehicle does not ex- ceed five, and twenty dollars per annum for each additional seating capacity in excess of five, (b) Each jitney bus operating wholly within the cor-jjtney Bugeg porate limits of a city of less than one hundred thousand and not more than thirty thousand in- habitants; or between a city of less than one hun- dred thousand but not less than thirty thousand inhabitants, and any other city or town of not less than one thousand inhabitants nor more than ten miles distant; one hundred and fifty dollars per annum when the seating capacity of the vehicle does not exceed five, and ten dollars per annum for each seating capacity in excess of five, (c) Each jitney bus operating wholly within a city of less than thirty thousand but not less than five thousand inhabitants or between a city of less than thirty thousand but not less than five thousand inhabitants and any other city or town of not less than five hundred inhabitants and not more than ten miles distant; one hundred dollars per annum when the seating capacity of the ve- hide does not exceed five; and ten dollars per an- num for each additional seating capacity in ex- cess of five. Under all other circumstances than as herein provided, the license for a jitney bus shall be the same as is provided in this act for au- tomobiles for transportation of passengers paying fare. Provided that should any jitney bus at any time carry a greater number of passengers than its rated seating capacity, the owner shall be re- 10 quired to immediately pay the license herein pro- vided for the higher seating capacity. Any per- son violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Jitney buses shall carry taxi license tags. Section 15. Automobile Hearses or Ambulances: For each automobile hearse or ambulance operated on the highways of this State, the following li- cense tax shall be charged: In cities of one hun- dred thousand inhabitants or more, fifty dollars; in cities or towns of less than one hundred thous- and and more than thirty-five thousand inhabi- tants, thirty dollars ;in cities and towns of less than thirty-five thousand, and more than ten thousand inhabitants, twenty dollars; all other places, ten dollars. Provided, however, that where no charge is made for the service of a motor ve- hide used exclusively as an ambulance, a license tax shall not be required for the operation of such motor vehicle. Provided further that any person who operates an ambulance for which no charge is made for service shall apply to the State Tax Commission for a tag, which tag shall be issued upon the payment of a fee of one dollar. Automo- bile hearses and ambulances shall carry commer- cial tags. Section 16. "Motor Trucks." For each motor truck the following license tax shall be charged: Trucks less than one ton, fifteen dollars; trucks of one ton and less than two tons, twenty-two dol- lars and fifty cents; trucks of two tons and less than three tons, fifty dollars; trucks of three tons and less than four tons, one hundred dollars; trucks of four tons and less than five tons, two hundred dollars; trucks of five tons and less than six tons, four hundred dollars; truck of six tons and less than seven tons, seven hundred and fifty dollars; trucks of seven tons and over, one thous- and dollars. Provided that it shall be unlawful to operate over any of the public roads of this State any vehicle whose aggregate weight, including load, is more than ten tons, and any person vio- 11 lating this provision shall be guilty of a misde- , , , , Exemption. meanor; provided this section does not apply to Trucks Used automobile trucks used exclusively for transfer- schoolchildren, ring children to and from school. Motor trucks or motor vehicles used by the State or county or any municipality of this State shall not be liable for the payment of this tax, but shall carry tags. Section 17. "Trailers." The following regis- tration fee shall be collected for operating trailers to motor vehicles on the highways of this State. For each trailer drawn by a motor vehicle, one- half of the license required for the motor vehicle drawing such trailer. Section 18. "Motor Tractors." For each motor tractor used on the highways of this State, shall be paid a license or privilege tax of one hundred dollars. Provided, however, that this license shall not be collected for a tractor when run on a high- way to be transferred from one point to another for use on a farm, or when used on the highway for transferring what is commonly known as a "portable saw mill" or a "well-boring outfit." Section 19. (a) To prevent motor vehicles with- in the meaning of this Act from escaping taxation and to provide for the more efficient assessment and collection of taxes due on same, on and after the first day of October, 1923, no license shall be issued to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways of this State, nor shall any transfer be made by the probate judge as provided under this Ad Valorem Act, until the ad valorem tax on such vehicleTax" shall have been paid in the county for the preced- ing year, as evidenced by a receipt of the tax col- lector where the owner of said vehicle resides, if the vehicle is owned by an individual, and if the motor vehicle is owned by a firm, corporation or association, then as evidenced by the receipt of the tax collector in the county in which such mo- tor vehicle is used or operated; provided that this section shall not apply to motor vehicles owned by dealers, the State, counties and municipalities. On and after the first day of October, 1923, every 12 person, firm, or corporation who desires to oper- ate a motor vehicle on the public highways of Ala- bama shall first return such motor vehicle for ad valorem taxation to the tax assessor of the coun- ty in which he resides, for the preceding tax year, and the tax assessor of such county shall deliver to such person who makes the return as herein required a certificate of assessment on a form pre- scribed by the State Tax Commission and such cer- tificate shall be the warrant of the tax collector to collect the tax as shown thereon, (b) If any mo- tor veihcle has already been returned for the fiscal year beginning October 1st, 1922, and ending Sep- tember 30th, 1923, the tax assessor shall issue a certificate showing the valuation of such motor vehicle, and the tax collector shall collect the taxes according to such valuation, and credit same upon the collector's abstract as part payment, (c) Af- ter the first day of October, 1923, motor vehicles within the meaning of this Act, shall not be in- eluded in any assessment made by any person, firm or corporation as of the first day of October, 1923, or subsequent years; and such motor ve- hides shall not be considered as escaped property by reason of failure to include same in any tax re- return as of the first day of October, 1923, or any subsequent year, but shall be assessed as herein provided, (d) The judge of probate upon issuing a license as herein provided shall require the appli- cant to surrender the receipt of the tax collector and keep same on file in his office. The license tag shall be evidence of the payment of the li- cense and ad valorem tax due as provided under this Act. Valuation for ad valorem assessment shall be sixty percent of the fair and reasonable value of same, (e) Motor vehicles brought into this State after the first day of October and be- fore the tax assessor has completed his assess- ment shall be subject to taxation the same as if it had been held or owned in the State on the first day of October, (el). The probate judge is au- thorized to issue a motor vehicle license upon a certificate of the tax assessor certifying that there 13 is no advalorem taxes on said motor vehicle for the preceding year, (f) The tax assessors and collectors of the several counties in this State, inA<3 valorem Tax addition to assessing and collecting the ad valo- rem taxes due the State and counties on motor vehicles, shall collect the ad valorem taxes on mo- tor vehicles due all cities in this State which now have, or which may hereafter have a population of not less than thirty-five thousand people and not more than fifty thousand people according to the last Federal census or any such census which may hereafter be taken. The tax collectors shall re- port and pay over the money collected for said cities at the same time and in the same manner as State and county taxes are reported and paid over by him. Said tax assessors and collectors shall each receive a commission of two and one-half percent of the amount of city taxes collected; and the tax collectors shall deduct said commission from the amount collected before paying into the city treasury, and at the same time pay over to- the tax assessor commissions due him under this- Act. The judge of probate shall not issue a license to operate a motor vehicle on the highways of this. State until all ad valorem taxes due the said State, counties and cities are paid for the preceding year as shown by a receipt of the tax collector. Section 20. One-half of the license herein pro- vided for shall be paid where the motor vehicle is acquired after April first of any year, or is not used or operated between the period from October 0ne.halr first to April first. The payment of the registra- License tion fee or license tax on motor vehicles shall be P" evidenced by the delivery to the party paying the same of a numbered license tag which shall be placed in a conspicuous place on the rear of the automobile or motor vehicle. It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not exceed- ing twenty-five dollars for each offense to display the tag on any place other than the rear of the motor vehicle, or for operating a motor vehicle on the public highways of the State without a li- 14 cense tag displayed as herein provided. The State Tax Commission shall provide tags for all motor Tag on Rear of vehicles, and shall also provide receipts in tripli- cate, one of which shall be retained by the pro- bate judge, and one shall be delivered to the per- son paying the license fee, and the third shall be mailed by the probate judge to the State Tax Com- mission on the day the license was issued. Every part of each receipt shall bear the same number as the tag delivered to the licensee. These receipts shall be prepared in the form to be determined by the State Tax Commission and delivered to the several probate judges along with the tags upon the requisition of the probate judge, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the State Tax Commission; and the State Tax Commission shall have power to prescribe rules and regulations concerning the application for and delivery to the licensee of the tag and receipt required by this Act. Provided, however, that the automobile licensee shall be required to state in his application whether he proposes to use his automobile for private use or for commercial pur- poses. The tag furnished for commercial vehicles shall be of different shape and design from those used for private or pleasure cars. Section 21. Demonstration tags:—Dealers in motor vehicles demonstrating their cars shall not be required to procure license tags from the pro- bate judge, but before any dealer shall be permit- ted to operate upon the roads and streets in this State any motor vehicle for demonstration pur- poses, he shall apply to the State Tax Commission for dealers tags, which shall be issued, for the sum of one dollar each. Provided, however, that no more than twenty tags shall be issued to any one 'ioiauon£or dealer for demonstration purposes, and such tags shall not be used on service cars, and such tags shall not be used except for the purpose of dem- onstrating his own cars for sale. Should any dealer violate the provisions of this section relat- ing to the use of demonstration tags he shall be 15 required to pay a fine in the sum of fifty dollars for each time he makes improper use of such tag, or permits such improper use by any other person, and the State Tax Commission shall recall the tags issued to any such dealer who violates the provisions of this section. For failure to return any tags upon demand of the State Tax Commis- sion, the dealer to whom such tags are issued shall pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each tag issued to him, which amount may be collected by suit brought in the name of the State of Alabama. License Inspectors are authorized to arrest any dealer making use of a demonstration tag except as provided in this section, and such inspector shall be allowed a fee of ten per cent of any fine or penalty imposed for violating this section by such dealer, which fee shall be paid by the dealer in addition to the fine or penalty. Section 22. The registration fee or license tax herein required to be paid on motor vehicles shall be in lieu of all other privilege or license taxes which the State, or any county or municipality thereof might impose, where the motor vehicle is used by the owner. Provided that any county may levy and collect for the purpose of maintain- ing the public roads, bridges and ferries of the county a license tax not to exceed one-half of the State license tax on motor vehicles used for haul- ing timber, lumber or minerals over the roads of said county. Provided further that only one such license tax can be levied and collected on one and the same motor vehicle for one and the same pe- riod of time, provided further that incorporated cities and towns are hereby authorized to collect a reasonable license or privilege tax on motor ve- hides used for carrying passengers or freight for hire. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to impose a license tax on motor vehicles _ . . Exemption, owned and used by any municipal corporation or Vehicles Used by county in this State, but all such vehicles shall coUrporafiLs. bear a numbered tag, which the probate judge is authorized to deliver without the payment of any 16 Cars Owned by State. fee or charge, except the sum of fifty cents to cover the cost of each tag delivered by him to such municipal corporation or county, and the proceeds of such payments shall be made to the State Treasurer without any deduction for com- mission by the probate judge. Cars owned by the State shall also be required to bear a numbered tag, application for which shall be made to the pro- bate judge of Montgomery County, and said pro- bate judge is hereby authorized and required to deliver without cost such tag and receipt upon .application of the proper official. Section 23. The money collected as motor ve- bicle license taxes, less all the expenses necessary •or incident to the collection of such taxes includ- ing the printing and distribution of assessment blanks, blank receipts and license blanks, shall be distributed as follows: Eighty per cent (80%) to the State and twenty per cent (20%) to the incorporated city or town in which the owner of the motor vehicle resides, and twenty per cent (20%) to the county, if the owner of the motor vehicle resides outside of an incorporated city or town. The money collected as motor vehicle li- cense taxes by the State, less expenses, shall be used exclusively to create a sinking fund for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest on good road bonds and for construction, maintenance and improvements of public high- ways, roads and bridges, as required under pro- visions of article XX of the Constitution of Ala- bama. Section 24. It shall be unlawful for any person to mutilate or alter for the purpose of deception any motor vehicle tag provided by this act. It shall also be unlawful for any person to use upon his car any tag in imitation of or substitution for real tags lawfully used. It shall be the duty of all Duplicating° Tags, sheriffs, police officers and license inspectors to arrest persons violating these two preceding pro- visions, and a fine not exceeding fifty dollars may be imposed for each offense. In case the tag be- Distribution of Funds. $50 Pine for Mutilating or 17 comes mutilated beyond recognition the owner of the motor vehicle may file with the State Tax Commission an affidavit setting forth the fact that the tag has been lost, mutilated or destroy- ed, and upon the payment of one dollar, there shall be issued to him by said Comission a new tag. In case of a mutilated tag same shall be for- Replacement warded with the affidavit to the State Tax Com-jrnagCase Losl mission and should the lost tag reappear and come into his possession, it shall be the duty of the person obtaining the new tag to immediately forward the old tag or replaced tag to the State Tax Commission. Should he or anyone else use upon any motor vehicle the old or replaced tag, he shall be fined twice the amount of the license required for motor vehicles upon which the tag is used and shall also be required to procure a li- cense for said motor vehicle. Anyone who makes any false affidavit in obtaining a tag from the State Tax Commission shall be guilty of perjury. Section 25. License of Chauffers. Application for license to operate motor vehicles as a chauf- feur must be made by him to the Judge of Pro- bate of the county of his residence upon blanks prepared under the authority of the State Tax Commission . Such application shall be accom- panied by a written recommendation or endorse- Required.16111 ment of (3) reputable motor vehicle owners of the county from which the application is made, and when so accompanied it shall be the duty of the judge of probate to issue a license to such chauf- feur upon the payment by such chauffeur of a fee hereinafter provided for in this section. No chauffeur license shall be issued to any person un- der the age of eighteen years. To each person shall be assigned some distinguishing number or mark and the license issued shall be in such form as the State Tax Commission shall determine. It shall contain the distinguishing number or mark assigned to the licensee, his name, place of resi- dence and address, a brief description of the li- censee for the purpose of identification. Such 18 distinctive number or mark shall be of a distinct- ly different color each year and in any year shall be of the same color as that of the number plates issued for that year. The judge of probate shall License and furnish to every chauffeur so licensed a suitable probate sjuSeby metal badge with the distinguishing number or mark assigned to him thereon without extra charge therefor. This badge shall thereafter be worn by such chauffeur pinned upon his clothing in a conspicuous place at all times while he is operating or driving a motor vehicle upon the public highway. Said badge shall be valid only during the term of the license of the chauffeur to whom it is issued as aforesaid. Every person li- censed to operate motor vehicles as aforesaid shall endorse his usual signature upon the margin of the license in the space provided for the purpose, immediately upon the receipt of said license, and the application for chauffeur's license filed under the provisions of this section shall be sworn to and shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars, which amount shall be remitted to the State Fee .o.oo Treasurer by the probate judge as other license money is remitted, and such license shall be re- newed annually upon the payment of a fee of five dollars, such renewal to take effect on the first day of October of each year, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to an owner of a motor vehicle for private use or any member of his family or other person authorized by him and otherwise qualified under the provis- ions of this act; provided that such owner shall be liable for any negligent or wilful injury inflict- ed by any such person authorized by him, but the same shall apply to the owner of the motor vehicle for public use. It shall be the duty of the State Tax Commission to procure and distribute to the several probate judges of the State all chauffeur licenses and badges in the same manner as auto- mobile licenses and tags are procured and distrib- uted, and it shall be the duty of the several pro- bate judges to issue and account for chauffeur li- 19 censes as motor vehicle licenses are issued and ac- counted for, under rules and regulations prescribed by the State Tax Commission. For performing Fees of Probate his duties under this act the judge of probate u se shall be allowed the same fees and commissions as he is allowed for issuing licenses for operating motor vehicles and to be paid in the same man- ner. Section 25-A. The State Tax Commission is here- by authorized and empowered, when it deems it necessary to do so in order that all taxable proper- ty shall be listed for taxation, to appoint a deputy tax assessor whose duty it shall be to list for as- sessment and taxation any personal property sub- ject to taxation in Alabama and which property is not entered on any tax return made to the county tax assessor or to the State Tax Commis- sion. (a) Such deputy tax assessor shall hold office only at the will of and shall be governed by rules and regulations prescribed by the State Tax Commission and shall have the same power and au- thority as county tax assessors in the performance of their duties in the assessment of personal prop- erty which has escaped taxation, (b) The com- pensation of deputy tax assessors appointed un- der this section shall not exceed twenty per cent of the actual amount of money collected by the county tax collector on the escaped personal prop- erty listed and assessed by said deputy assessors, which compensation shall be paid by the county tax collector, upon certificate of the State Tax Commission, out of the moneys collected by such tax collector on such escaped personal property as- sessments, the collector shall take a receipt there- for and such receipts shall be filed with the State Auditor at the time the tax collector makes his an- nual settlement and the amount shown thereon shall be a credit against such escape tax as as- sessments charged against the collector, (c) Dep- uty tax assessors appointed under this section shall be required to execute a bond, payable to the State of Alabama in an amount prescribed by 20 the State Tax Commission, which bond shall be tiled with and approved by said Commission, and conditioned to faithfully perform the duties of deputy assessor. Section 25-b. The State Tax Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a License license inspector for each county, provided that inspector. game person may ke appointed for more than one county. It shall be the duty of the license in- spector to scrutinize the records and stubs kept in the office of the probate judge, and if it shall be reported to any license inspector or come to his knowledge that any person, persons, firms or cor- porations have failed or refused to take out li- censes required by law, the license inspector shall forthwith cite such delinquent to appear before him at the courthouse of the county in which such citation is issued and show cause why the license or privilege tax required by law has not been paid and if such license is due, then the license inspec- tor shall cause the deliquent to appear before the probate judge of the county and take out the same but such probate judge shall not have the au- thority to determine the liability of such delin- quent for such license, and shall in each case issue a license to the applicant therefor upon the pay- ment by him of the amount or amounts prescribed in this Act. If such delinquent shall fail or refuse to take out license, the license inspector shall in- stitute or cause to be instituted criminal proceed- ings against such delinquent, before any court having jurisdiction of such offense. In case of emergency the license inspector must commence the criminal proceedings in the first place. For performing the duties required by this section, the Fee. license inspectors are entitled to be paid by the delinquent, in addition to the license, fifteen per cent of the amount of the license so collected from each delinquent, which must be paid in all cases if report has been made to the judge of probate of such delinquency, and if a criminal prosecution shall be commenced either by affidavit and war- 21 rant, or information or indictment, the license in- spector shall be paid fifteen per cent of the penalty thereafter prescribed in such case, all cost and penalty to be paid in money, but in all proceedings under this Act, the license due October 1st shall not be delinquent before the first day of November of each year. Provided that such license inspec- tor shall before entering upon his duties be re-Bond, quired to enter into a bond in a sum to be fixed by the State Tax Commission, payable to the State of Alabama, conditioned as bonds of other State officers. License inspectors are authorized to appoint deputies, and the acts of such depu- Deputies, ties shall be recognized as his acts, and he shall be responsible for the same. Such deputies shall receive no compensation for their services out of the State or county revenue, except in cases as otherwise provided in this Act. All citations to delinquents shall be served by any lawful officer, or by the license inspector, or his deputy, who shall be allowed as a fee one dol- lar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each cita- tion served, to be taxed against the delin- quent. From penalties collected the license in- spector shall be paid all fees due him for services, as provided in this Act. The residue shall be paid two-thirds to the State and one-third to the county. License inspectors shall have the same power to arrest persons violating the revenue laws of the State as is now vested in the sheriffs of the State and shall receive the same fees for such service. Section 26. Appropriation for tags: There is hereby appropriated annually out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated such sum of money as may be necessary for the pur- chase and delivery of the automobile tags required by this Act. All bills for the purchase and deliv- ery of said tags shall be approved by the Chair- man or two members of the State Tax Commis- sion, and the auditor may draw his warrant against the appropriation in such sums, and from 22 time to time as may be required, which shall be taken out of the automobile fund hereby created. Section 27. All licenses or privilege taxes col- lectible by the license inspector may be recovered by suit brought by him in the name of the State, The taxes and penalties due the State and county and all fees, penalties and costs due the licenseun- spector may be recovered in one and the same suit. Section 28. If any section, clause, provision or portion of this Act shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent juris- diction such holding shall not affect any other sec- tion, clause, provision or portion of this Act which is not within itself unconstitutional. Approved Sept. 13, 1923. Schedule 7. AGENTS OR DEALERS IN AU- TOMOBILES.—Upon each and every agent of or dealer in, and upon every person soliciting or- ders for the sale or purchase of automobiles, mo- tor cars, or other self-propelling vehicles, except motor cycles, and except any person regularly em- ployed by a said agent of or dealer in which said agent of and dealer in has paid the privilege tax or license herein provided for, the following priv- ilege tax or license shall be collected to-wit: In each county having a population of twenty thous- sand people or less, twenty-five dollars; in each county having a population of more than twenty thousand and less than forty thousand inhabi- tants, fifty dollars; in each county having a popu- lation of forty thousand and less than sixty thou- sand inhabitants, seventy-five dollars; in each county having a population of sixty thousand and less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, one hundred dollars; in each county having a popula- tion of one hundred thousand inhabitants or more, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; but such li- cense shall not authorize such agent or dealer to do business in any other county than that in License Act 1919. Sec. 361, Sch. 10. License for Dealers or Agents. 23 which the license is issued. Provided, however, that if such agent or dealer shall do business in any other county than that in which is located his principal place of business, he shall pay one-half of the license required of such dealers in such county in addition. Schedule 8. GARAGE (STORAGE).—For eachn>. sch. n. garage where a charge is made for storage of mo-Llcense Act 1919- tor vehicles: In cities and towns of one hundred thousand inhabitants and over, seventy-five dol-Licenge for lars; in cities and towns of less than one hundred Garage Storage thousand and not less than thirty-five thousand inhabitants, fifty dollars; in cities and towns of less than twenty-five thousand and not less than seven thousand inhabitants, twenty-five dollars; in all other places, ten dallars. SCHEDULE 9. GARAGE (REPAIRING).— For each garage for the repair of motor vehicles: ^bicenssceh- ^a'1M9 In cities and towns of one hundred thousand in- habitants and over, one hundred dollars; in cities and towns of less than one hundred thousand and not less than thirty-five thousand inhabitants, seventy-five dollars; in cities and towns of lessLicense for than thirty-five thousand inhabitants and not less Garage Repairing, than seven thousand inhabitants, twenty-five dol- lars; in all other places, ten dollars. Provided that this schedule shall not apply to repair shops owned and operated by one person and in which the repair work is done wholly by the owner or proprietor. Schedule 10. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STA-ib. sch. nb. TIONS.—Each person operating a gasoline filling Gasoline Filling station or other motor power oil, in any munici-station- pality or police jurisdiction thereof, shall pay to the State a license fee of five dollars for each sta- T. . , inio License Act 1919. tion where only one pump or filler is operated or used for the purpose of retailing gasoline or simi- lar motor power oils, where more than one pump or filler is used, twenty dollars for each additional pump or filler used. Schedule 12. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. •—Each dealer in automobile accessories, including 24 Accessory01" automobile tires: In cities and towns of one liun- Dealers. dred thousand inhabitants and more, sixty dol- lars; in cities and towns of less than one hundred thousand and not less than thirty-five thousand License Act 1919. •-i-i-ii -in • • -i , sch. 13. inhabitants, torty dollars; m cities and towns of less than thirty-five thousand inhabitants and not less than seven thousand inhabitants, twenty-five dollars; in all other places, ten dollars. Sec. 16. Exemption of non-resident owners: Exemption of The provisions of the foregoing sections relative Non-Resident , . , , . -iti r- • ± owners. to registration and display of registration num- bers shall not apply to a motor vehicle owned by a non-resident of this State and not used for hire in this State, provided that the owner thereof shall have complied with the provisions of the Acts i9ii. jaw 0f the foreign country, state, territory, or federal district of his residence relative to regis- tration of motor vehicles and the display of reg- istration numbers theron, and shall conspicuously display his registration number as required there- by. The provisions of this section shall apply as to a motor vehicle owned by a non-resident of this State only to the extent that under the laws of the foreign country, state, territory or federal dis- trict of his residence like exemptions and privi- leges are granted to motor vehicles duly regis- tered under the laws of and owned by residents of this State, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to permit the use of motor vehicles for hire by non-residents without complying with the provisions of this act. Sec. 18. Brakes, horns and lamps, signalling at crossings: Every motor vehicle, operated or driven upon the highway of this State shall be Brakes, Horns, provided with adequate brakes in good working Lamps, signal- order and sufficient to control such vehicle at all ing- at Crossings, .. • ■ , i i Etc. times when the same is m use and a suitable and adequate bell horn or other device for signaling, and shall, during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise dis- play at least two lighted lamps on the front and one on the rear of such vehicle which shall also Revenue 1911. 25 display a red light visible from the rear. The rays of such rear lamp shall shine upon the num- ber plate carried on the rear of such vehicle in such manner as to render the numerals thereon visible at least fifty feet in the direction in which the motor vehicle is proceeding. Provided that the lamps on such vehicle need not be lighted when the vehicle is standing under the rays of a light and can be plainly seen. Every person operating or driving a motor vehicle on the public highways of this State, shall also, when approaching a cross road outside the limits of a city or incorporated village, slow down the speed of the same, and shall sound his bell, horn or other devise for sig- naling in such a manner as to give notice and warning of his approach. Sec. 19. Stopping on signal, and other regula- stopping on sig. tions: A person operating or driving a motor ve-nal and other hide shall, on signal by raising the hand, fromRP8Ulat'°ns' a person, riding, leading or driving a horse or horses or other draft animals bring such motor vehicle immediately to a stop, and, if traveling in the opposite direction remain stationary so long as may be reasonable to allow such horse or animal to pass, and if traveling in the same direc- „ , . in„ r > e> Revenue Act 1911, tion, use reasonable caution in thereafter passing such horse or animal, provided that, in case such horse or animal appears badly frightened, or the person operating such motor vehcle is so sig- nailed to do, such person shall cause the motor of such vehicle to cease running so long as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent accident and in- sure the safety of others. In approaching or pass- ing a car of a street railway which has been stopped to allow passengers to alight or embark, the operator of every motor vehicle shall slow down and if it be necessary for the safety of the public he shall bring said vehicle to a full stop. Upon approaching a pedestrian who is upon the traveled part of any highway and not upon a5iLenue Act sidewalk and upon approaching an intersecting highway or a curve or a corner in a highway 26 where the operator's view is obstructed, every person operating a motor vehicle shall slow down and give a timely signal with his bell, horn or other device for signalling. Sec. 20. Rules of the road: Whenever a per- son operating a motor vehicle shall meet on a Ruks of Road, public highway any other person riding or driv- ing a horse or horses or other draft animals, or any other vehicle, the person so operating such motor vehicles shall seasonably turn the same to the right of the center of such highway so as to Revenue Act pass without interference. Any person so oper- ating a motor vehicle shall, on overtaking any such horse, draft animal or other vehicle pass on the left side thereof and the rider or driver of such horse, draft animal or other vehicle shall, as soon as practicable, turn to the right so as to allow free passage on the left. Any such per- son so operating a motor vehicle shall, at the in- tersection of public highway keep to the right of the intersection of the center of such high- way when turning to the right and pass to the right of such intersection when turning to the left. Sec. 21. Speed permitted: No person shall op- speed permitted. era£e a motor vehicle upon the public highways of the State recklessly, or at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the width, traffic and use of the highway, or so Revenue Act ' ° J ' tan as to endanger property, or the life or limb of any person; provided that a rate of *speed in excess of thirty miles per hour for a di«ance of a quarter of a mile shall be presumed evMence of traveling at a rate of speed which is nd| careful and pru- 'dent. ; Sec. 22. Minimum age of-Mauffeurs or other ^inj,™u™Age authorized drivers of motor Chicles: No person of Chauffeurs, t , , Etc. either the owner, chauffeur, or other authorized driver of any motor vehicles, shall operate any such vehicle upon the public highways of this State who is under the age of sixteen years, unless accompanied by an adult person and any person 27 allowing any such vehicle to be operated by any*e™nue Act person under the age of sixteen years unless ac- companied by such adult shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars. License of Chauffeur. (See Page 17, Sec. 25, H. B. 321.) Section 24. Chauffeurs licensed registration book: Upon the receipt of such application theRegistration Book Judge of Probate shall therupon file the same in chrau«eeunied his office and register the applicant in a book or index which shall be kept in the same manner as the book or index for the registration of motor vehicles and when the applicant shall have re- Revenue Act ceived the endorsement provided for in the pre-1911 ceding section, the number of mark assigned to such applicant together with the fact that such applicant has received the endorsement shall be be noted in said book or index. License Sec. 25. Authorized possession or use of li- Badges, cense badges: No chauffeur having been licensed as herein provided shall voluntarily permit any other person to possess or use his license or badge, nor shall any person while operating or driving a 5irnue Aut motor vehicle use or possess any license or badge belonging to another person, or a fictitious license or badge. Sec. 26. Unlicensed chauffeurs cannot drive motor vehicles: Except as otherwise provided in Chauffeurs not ii . i i ii . . ii Licensed shall not this act, no person shall operate or drive a motor Drive Motor vehicle as a chauffeur upon a public highway inVehicle this State after the first day of October, 1911, un- less such person Aall have complied in all respects with the requireiBsnts of this act; provided, how- ever, that a non-fpsident chauffeur, who has reg- r istered under the provisions of law.-of the foreigifi§iFrtu Ac " country, state, tw^flbr^' or., his residence, shjJPBfT'exempFfromUicense under this section; and provided, further, he shall wear the badge, if any, assigned to him in the foreign country, state, territory or Federal district of his residence in the manner provided in this section. Section 28. Punishment for operating motor Revenue Act vehicles while ii? an intoxicated condition and1919' 28 for going away without stopping after accident and making himself known: Whoever operates a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated condition shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person pertaining- operating a motor vehicle, who, knowing that in- chauffeur^. °f jury has been caused to a person or property, due to the culpability of the said operator, or to acci- dent leaves the place of said injury or accident without stopping and giving his name and resi- dence, and operators' license number, to the in- jured party or to some officer or to some person in the vicinity thereof shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A con- viction of a violation of this section shall be re- ported forthwith by the trial court or the clerk thereof to the State Tax Commission who shall upon recommendation of such trial court suspend the license of the person so convicted, or if he be an owner the certificate of registration of his motor vehicle, and if no appeal therefrom be taken, or if an appeal duly taken is dismissed, or the judgment affirmed and upon notice thereof by said clerk, the State Tax Commission may re- voke such license or in the case of an owner the certificate of registration of his motor vehicle, and if revoked shall order the license or certificate of registration delivered to the State Tax Com- mission and the Judge of Probate shall not reissue unless the State Tax Commission in its discretion, after an investigation or upon a hearing decides that the Judge of Probate re-issue such license or certificates. Any chauffeur operating a motor ve- hide while his license is suspended or revoked shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who operates any motor vehicle while a certificate of registration of motor vehicle issued to him is sus- pended or revoked shall be guilty of a misdemean- License may he Or. Upon a third or subsequent conviction of a Tlx0kcommisSstione chauffeur for a violation of the provisions of an or- 29 dinanee, rule or regulation, regulating the speed of motor vehicles the State Tax Commission upon the recommendation of the trial court shall forth- with revoke the license of the person so convict- ed and no new license shall be issued to such per- son so convicted for at least six months after the date of such conviction and not thereafter except in the discretion of the said State Tax Commission. Any person knowingly making a false statement in the verified application forFine for Viola_ registration shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pun- "ons °f A?y of, =•■=>«' r the provlslons of ishable by a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars. this Act. Any person violating any of the provisions of any section of this Act for which violation no punish- ment has been specified, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, punishable by fine of not exceeding twenty-five dollars for the first offense and not in excess of five hundred dollars for any subse- quent offense. Section 29. Certifying conviction to the State Tax Commission: Upon the conviction of any Convictions j* .... p nji •• /• Certified to State person for violation of any of the provisions of Tax Commission. this Act, the trial court or the clerk thereof shall immediately certify the facts of the case, includ- ing the name and address of the offender, the judgment of the court and the sentence imposed to the State Tax Commission who shall enter the same either in the book or index of registered mo- tor vehicles or in the book or index of registered chauffeurs, as the case may be, opposite the name of the person so convicted and in the case of any other person in any book or index of offenders to be kept for such purpose. If any such conviction shall be reversed upon appeal therefrom, the per- son whose conviction has been so reversed may serve on the State Tax Commission a certified copy of the order of reversal, whereupon the State Tax Commission shall enter the same in the proper book or index in connection with the record of such conviction. Sec. 30. Release from custody, bail, etc.: In case any person shall be taken into custody 30 Revenue 1911. Return of Bail, etc. custody B°an etc c^arSed with violation of any of the provisions of this act, he shall be forthwith taken before the nearest magistrate or other judicial officer who shall have the power of a magistrate, and be en- titled to an immediate hearing or admission to bail. Before being admitted to bail he shall give bond or undertaking executed by a fidelity or surety company authorized to do business in this State, or by a deposit of a sum of money equal to the amount of the bond, or other bail provided by law, or may be released by such judicial offi- cer upon his own cognizance, such bond or under- taking to be in an amount not exceeding one hun- dred dollars if the charge be for a misdemeanor, and one thousand dollars if the charge be for a felony. Sec. 31. Disposition and return of bail: Such bail as may be deposited as herein provided shall be held by the officer accepting the same or by the clerk of the court. Upon the person who has been taken into custody and given security or bail for his appearance surrendering himself for trial and upon the conclusion of such trial the court shall issue to the defendant an order upon the magistrate or clerk of the court or other officer authorized to accept bail to return or deliver back any money or property deposited as bail. Sec. 32. Local ordinances prohibited: Except as herein otherwise provided ,local authorities shall have no power to pass, enforce or maintain any ordinance, rule or regulation requiring from KL?errances any owner or chauffeur or other authorized driver to whom this act is applicable, any additional li- cense or permit for the use of the public highways, or excluding any such onwer, chauffeur or other authorized driver from the free use of such public highways nor to pass, enforce or maintain any ordinance, rule or regulation regulating motor vehicles or their speed contrary to the provisions of this act, nor shall any such law now in force or hereafter enacted have any effect; provided, however, that the powers given to local authori- Revenue 1911. Revenue 1911. 31 ties to regulate vehicles offered to the public for , . . , i i . Local Authorities hire and processions, assemblages, or parades m Regulate the streets or public places and all ordinances,Parades' etc rules and regulations which may have been orRevenue Act which may be enacted in pursuance of such pow-1911- ers shall remain in full force and effect; and, pro- vided further, that local authorities may set aside Hi„h a set for a given time a specified public highway for aside for Speed speed contests or races, to be conducted underContests' etc' proper restrictions for the safety of the public, and provided further, that local authorities may exclude motor vehicles from any cemetery or grounds used for the burial of the dead; provided, Speed at Ciogs further, that suitable ordinances, rules and regu-ings, etc. lations may be passed regulating speed to a rea- sonable slowness at crossings or in turning curves or in congested highways and streets. Section 33. Certifying convictions to the State ^enue Act Tax Commission: Upon the conviction of any person for a violation of the provisions of this Act the magistrate or other judicial officer before whom the proceedings are held shall immediately certifying con. i * j* it n i j. , i t ii victions to State certify the facts of the case, including the name Tax Commission. and address of the offender, the character of the punishment and the amount of any fine imposed and paid, to the State Tax Commission who shall enter the same either in the book or index of reg- istered motor vehicles as the case may be oppo- site the name of the person so convicted, and in the case of any other person in alphabetical order. The State Tax Commission shall send notice of all convictions for violations of this Act, with the names and addresses of the persons convicted and the amount of fines legally imposed on such con- victions, to the Judge of Probate who shall enter the same on the lists of registered motor vehicles opposite the name of the person so convicted or on a list of other offenders which he shall main- tain in his office as public records and which shall be furnished him by the State Tax Commission in the same manner as the lists of regular motor vehicles and on application the State Tax Commis- 32 sion shall furnish copies of such lists to the magis- trates or other judicial officers of any county before whom violations of the provisions of this act are triable. If any such convictions shall be reversed upon appeal therefrom the person whose conviction has been reversed may serve on the State Tax Commission a certified copy of the order of reversal, whereupon the State Tax Commission shall enter the same in the proper book or index in connection with the record of such conviction and shall also notify each probate judge of the same. Approved September 30, 1919. Contributory Negligence. Revenue Act 1911. Penalty for use of Vehicle with- out Consent of Owner, etc. Revenue Act 1911. Sec. 34. The contributory negligence of the person operating or driving any motor vehicle in this State shall be imputed to every occupant of said motor vehicle at the time of such negli- gence in actions brought by such occupant or his personal representatives for the recovery of dam- ages for death or personal injury whether the relation of principal and agent exists between such person operating or driving such motor ve- hide and such occupant or not, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to pas- sengers paying fare and riding in a motor vehicle regularly used for public hire. Sec. 35. Any person who without the knowl- edg or consent, expressed or implied of the owner, uses the motor vehicle of such owner on any pub- lie highway or elsewhere in this State shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and may also be sen- tenced to hard labor for not more than twelve months; and if be shown on the trial of said cause that the motor vehicle so unlawfully used has been damaged in whole or in part by such person, then the fine imposed shall not be less than the damage shown and one-half of such fine shall be paid to the owner of such motor vehicle provided 33 said fine shall in no event exceed one thousand dollars. Section 362. There is also hereby levied for the use of each county in the State a license orLlcense Act 1919' privilege tax upon each person, firm, or corpora- tion engaged in or who shall carry on any of the County License occupations, business, professions, or callings, orFlfty per cent shall exercise any privilege or do any act for which a license is charged by the State, of fifty per cent of the State license or privilege tax, ex- cept as herein otherwise provided. Section 363. Before any person, firm, or cor- poration shall engage in or carry on any business , , j, -i • i t it • License to be or do any act for which a license by law is re- taken out before quired, he, they, or it, except as otherwise pro-F"^Tsg 111 vided, shall pay to the judge of probate of the county in which it is proposed to engage in or carry on such business or do such act, the amount required for such license, and shall comply with all the other requirements of this Act; and upon the payment of such amount and a fee of fifty Probate cents to the probate judge for the issuance of such license, and all costs and fees and penalties which shall have accrued, or for which such person, firm or corporation shall have become liable in any proceedings commenced for the collection of such license, or to enforce payment thereof, and upon compliance with all other provisions of this Act by the applicant, such judge shall issue the license counter-signed by him, in the form and on the blank to be furnished to him by the State Auditor, which shall set forth and specify the name of the person, firm, or corporation applying therefor, the business or act which it is proposed to carry on or do thereunder, the name of the street or lo- cation where it is proposed to carry on the same, if such location shall be in a city or town and have a street number, and if not, then the location and amount paid for such license, and the time for which it is issued; and if the license is for a ped- dler it shall state whether he proposes to travel on foot or on horseback or on wagon or motor 34 Licenses Non- vehicle; and such license shall not be transfer- Transferable. in . able, nor shall it entitle the holder thereof to carry on any other business or do any other act than that named therein nor at any other loca- tion than that therein specified. Provided, that in case it should become necessary to remove any business for which a license is required by this Transfer of place section, from one location to another location in of Business m the same city or town, and such business be con- same town under same License. tinued as the same kind and character and by the same person or firm as that carried on at the for- mer location, another license shall not be required for such business for the same license year. Section 365. Any person who shall knowingly ^afikin&.+Ffse make any false affidavit or certificate in connec- Affidavit to . _ ^ Procure License, tion with the ordering or procuring of a license and Penalty. . . . , .. . . .. . to carry on any business or do anything m this State for which a license is required, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction when the offense is not otherwise specifically pro- vided for, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, and at the discretion of the court, may be sentenced to hard labor for the county not to exceed six months, as additional punishment. Appointment of License Inspectors: (See page 20, Sec. 25-b. H. B. 321.) Section 309. It shall be unlawful for any. per- License Act 1923. sonj firm or corporation to engage in or carry on any business, or do any act for which a license is required by law, without having first paid for and taken out a license therefor in the manner in this Act provided. Any person who is convicted of failing to take out and pay for the license re- quired shall be fined not less than the amounts of all licenses required of him, and if convicted for refusing to take out the license shall on convic- tion, be fined not less than the amount of the State and county license due by him and not more than one hundred dollars in addition thereto, and may be sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months; all fines to be paid in 35 money, and when collected, two-thirds shall be paid to the State and one-third to the county. Section 310. The State and counties shall have a lien superior to all other liens upon all the goods, License Act 1923. wares, and merchandise of any person liable for the payment of license taxes due to the State or county, and all costs, which said lien may be en- forced by attachment in one and the same suit and in the name of the State. Section 317. Any person who through a mis- take or error on the part of the judge of probate License Act ms- has paid to the probate judge money that was not due from him for such license, or by such mistake has paid to the judge of probate for such license an amount in excess of that required by law for the business to be carried on by such per- son under the license, such person shall be en- titled to have refunded to him the amount in Erro^'/pay- either event so erroneously collected by the judge ment of Licenses, of probate, and the provision of this section shall apply to cases where money has heretofore been erroneously paid within two years before the ap- proval of this Act. Section 318. On the application of any such person, his executor, administrator, or assigns, the judge of probate for the county in which suchLicense Act 192X license was taken out shall proceed to ascertain the amount due such applicant under the provi- sions of the preceding section, and shall grant such certificate as will enable the State Auditor and the court of county commissioners to draw h's warrant, or their order, respectively, and such warrant or order shall be paid out of any moneys in the State Treasury, or the county treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Section 319. If any business licensed by this Act shall commence after the first day of April one-haif License _ 1 _. -. n, after Apri. 1st. m any year, the amount of the license shall be one- half of the year's license. In all other cases the license shall be taken out for the full term of one year, unless a shorter term is fixed by the provis- License Act 1923 ions of this Act. In all cases where the amount 36 of license is rated according to the population of the town, city, or county, the population of such town, city or county as fixed by the last preceding United States Census shall govern. Section 320. Except as otherwise provided, all License Due licenses shall be due on October first of each year, °ct lst and shall be for one year ending September thir- tieth following. Section 321. Where the word "person" is used License Act 1923 *n Act, ^ sliaU held to include firms, com- panies, associations, and corporations. ALABAMA GENERAL LAWS REGULAR SESSION, 1923. No. 302.) (H. 582. Poole. AN ACT To protect the title of motor vehicles within this State; to provide for the issuance of certificates of title and evidence of registration thereof; to regulate purchase and sale or other transfer of ownership; to facili- tate the recovery of motor vehicles stolen or otherwise unlawfully taken; to provide for the regulation and licensing of certain dealers in used and second-hand vehicles as herein defined; to provide for sale of vehicle with engine number altered or changed; to prescribe the powers and duties of the State Tax Commission and Probate Judges hereunder; and to provide penalties for violation of the provisions hereof: Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama. Section 1. DEFINITIONS. The words and phrases used in this act shall be construed as follows, unless the context may otherwise require: (a) The term "motor vehicle" shall include all vehicles propelled by power other than muscular power except motorcycles operated by policemen or firemen when on official business and excepting all other motor vehicles, including trucks owned and operated by municipalities, or by the State, or any political subdivision thereof, or by any State institution, or by the Federal Government. The term "motor vehicle" as used in this act shall not include traction engines, road rollers, fire wagons, fire engines, police patrol wagons and also such vehicles that run only upon rails or tracks; provided, that such excepted motor vehicles shall be designated by proper signs or legible markings showing the department of the municipality, State institution, or Federal Government in which said vehicles are employed, (b) The term "State" as used in this act, except where otherwise expressly provided, shall also include the terri- tories and the Federal districts of the United States, (c) The term "owner" shall also include any person, firm, association or corporation renting a motor vehicle or having the exclusive use thereof, under a lease or otherwise, for a period greater than thirty days. As between contract vendor and contract vendee, the term "owner" shall refer to the contract vendee, unless the 38 contrary shall clearly appear from the context of this act. (d) The term "manufacturer" shall include a person, firm, corpora- tion or association engaged in the manufacture of new motor vehicles, as a regular business, (e) The term "Used vehicle" covers a motor vehicle which has been sold, bargained, ex- changed, given away or title transferred from, the person who first took out title to it from the manufacturer or importer, and so used as to have become what is commonly known as "second hand" within the ordinary meaning thereof, (f) The term "dealer" shall embrace any person, firm, corporation or associa- tion engaged in the purchase and sale of motor vehicles, or in the leasing of the same for a period of thirty or more successive days. Section 2. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR MOTOR VE- HICLES. After October first, nineteen hundred twenty-three, no certificate of the registration of any vehicle or number plates therefor, whether original issues or duplicates, shall be issued or furnished by the Probate Judges, or any other officer with such duty, unless the applicant therefor shall at the same time make application for and be granted an official certificate of title of such motor vehicle, or shall present satisfactory evi- dence that such a certificate covering such motor vehicle has been previously issued to the applicant. Said application shall be upon a blank form, to be furnished by the State Tax Com- mission and shall contain a full description of the motor vehicle, which said description shall contain the manufacturer's number, the motor number, and any distiguishing marks, together with a statement of the applicant's title and of any liens or encum- brances upon said motor vehicle, and such other information as the State Tax Commission may require. The Probate Judge, if satisfied that the applicant is the owner of such motor vehicle, or otherwise entitled to have the same registered in his name, shall thereupon issue to the applicant an appropriate certificate of title over his signature, authenticated by a seal to be procured and used for such purpose. Said certificates shall be numbered consecutively, and shall contain such description and other evi- dence of identfication of said motor vehicle as the State Tax Commission or Probate Judge may deem proper, together with a statement of any liens or encumbrances which the application may show to be thereon. The charge for each original certifi- cate of title so issued shall be one dollar, which charge shall be in addition to the charge for the registration of such motor ve- 39 hide. Said certificate sail be good for the life of the car so long as the same is owned or held by the original holder of such certificate, and need not to be renewed annually, or at any other time except as herein provided. Within thirty days after the passage of this act it shall be the duty of the State Tax Commis- sion to cause to be printed copies of this act, and to mail to every person to whom the State Tax Commission or other officer having the duty of registration of motor vehicles, has issued a certificate of registration for the year nineteen hundred twenty- three, one of such printed copies accompanied by a blank form of application for a certificate of title. Section 3. NEW CERTIFICATE REQUIRED AFTER SALE OR TRANSFER. In the event of the sale or other transfer in this State after October first, nineteen hundred twenty-three of the ownership of a motor vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued as aforesaid, the holder of such certificate shall endorse on the back of the same an assignment thereof with warranty of title in form printed thereon, with a statement of all liens or encumbrances on said motor vehicle, and deliver the same to the purchaser or transferee at the time of the deliv- ery to him of such motor vehicle. The purchaser or transferee shall within ten days thereafter, present such certificate, as- signed as aforesaid, to the Probate Judge accompanied by a fee of one dollar, whereupon a new certificate of title shall be issued to the assignee. Said certificate, when so assigned and returned to the Probate Judge, together with any subsequent assignments or re-issues thereof shall be forwarded within ten days to the State Tax Commission at Montgomery, Alabama, and shall be retained by the State Tax Commission and appropriately filed and indexed, so that at all times it will be practicable to trace title to the motor vehicle designated therein. The Prottate Judge shall be allowed to retain a fee of ten cents for each cer- tificate of title, to be deducted by him from the certificate of title fee. Section 4. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE REQUIRED TO OPER- ATE MOTOR VEHICLES. The owner or any person, without the consent of the owner being first obtained, who shall operate a motor vehicle in this State under a registration number of this State after October first, nineteen hundred twenty-three without first securing a certificate of title, as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, 40 nor more than one thousand dollars, and from and after October first, nineteen hundred twenty-three any person who sells a motor vehicle without complying with the requirements of sec- tion three thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $500 and may also be sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than twelve months. Section 5. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION FOR MO- TOR VEHICLES. The Probate Judge shall furnish with each number plate for motorcycles and with each pair of number plates for motor vehicles, a receipt of registration, which shall contain upon the face thereof the following data: The name of the registered owner of the motorcycle or motor vehicle, the owner's post-office address, the make of the vehicle, the year of model, the model or letter designated by the manufac- turer, manufacturer's serial number, if any, the engine number, the registered horse power, the registration or license number and date of issue of the receipt of registration. In case of mo- torcycles, the manufacturer's serial number shall be stated in lieu of the engine number. Such receipt of registration shall contain a blank space for the signature of the registered owner and shall be signed with ink by such owner immediately upon receipt. Such receipt of registration shall contain the registra- tion number denoted on the number plate or plates, in connec- tion with which such receipt of registration is issued. Said receipt of registration shall also contain the engine number of the motor vehicle for which said receipt of registration is issued as denoted by certificate of title issued for said motor vehicle by the Probate Judge. The State Tax Commission through the Probate Judges shall furnish with each certificate or registra- tion of title a suitable container or frame so arranged and cov- ered as to be easily inspected. The receipt of registration re- ferred to herein shall be subject to inspection by any peace of- ficer at any time. Said receipt of registration shall, at all times while the motor vehicle for which it was issued is being operated within this State, be in possession of the operator thereof. Section 6. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FILE TO BE KEPT BY STATE TAX COMMISSION. TRANSFEREE OF TITLE REQUIRED TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR NEW CERTIFICATE. Upon receipt of such old certificate, it shall be the duty of the State Tax Commission to file such receipt of registration in a file to be known as "The Transfer of Ownership 41 File." Unless the Transferee as shown by endorsement on the back of the receipt of registration, applies by mail, or otherwise, within ten days after the date of transfer of the motor vehicle for certificate of registration and title, he shall be considered to be driving a motor vehicle without registration, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. Section 7. PROBATE JUDGE MAY REFUSE TO ISSUE CERTIFICATE OR REVOKE SAME IF ISSUED. If the Pro- bate Judge shall determine at any time that an applicant for a certificate of title of a motor vehicle is not entitled thereto, he may refuse to issue such certificate or to register such vehicle, and the State Tax Commission or Probate Judge may for a like reason, and after notice and hearing, revoke registration already acquired, on any outstanding certificate of title. Section 8. PENALTY FOR FALSE STATEMENT IN AP- PLICATION AND POSSESSION OF STOLEN MOTOR VE- HICLES, ETC. Any person who shall knowingly make any false statement of a material fact, either in his application for the certificate of title herein provided for, or in any assignment thereof, or who, with intent to procure or pass title to a motor vehicle which he knows, or has reason to believe has been stolen, shall receive or transfer possession of the same from or to an- other, or who shall have in his possession any motor vehicle which he knows, or has reason to believe, has been stolen, and who is not an officer of the law engaged at the time in the per- formance of his duty as such officer, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand dol- lars, or by imprisonment in any penal - institution within this State for not less than one year, nor more than five years or both, in the discretion of the court. This provision shall not be exclusive of any other penalties prescribed by any existing or future laws for the larceny or unauthorized taking of motor vehicles, but shall be deemed supplementary thereto. Section 9. CERTIFICATES FOR DEALERS AND MANU- FACTURERS. In the case of dealers in motor vehicles, mo- torcycles, including manufacturers who sell to others than deal- ers, all of whom are intended to be covered by this and all other provisions of this section, a separate certificate of title, either of such dealer's immediate vendor, or of the dealer himself, shall be required in the case of each motor vehicle in his pos- 42 session, and the State Tax Commission shall determine the form in which application for such certificates of title and as- signments thereof shall be made: Provided, however, That no such certificate shall be required in the case of new motor ve- hides sold by manufacturers to dealers as the term "dealers" is defined in section one of this act. Section 10. DUPLICATE CERTIFICATES WHERE ORIGI- NAL IS LOST. In the case of lost certificates of title or registra- tion, the loss of which is accounted for to the satisfaction of the State Tax Commission or Probate Judge duplicates may be issued, the charge therefor to be fifty cents each. Section 11. ALTERATION OR FORGERY OF CERTIFI- CATE OF TITLE AND PENALTY THEREOF. Any person who shall alter or forge, or cause to be altered or forged, any certificate of title issued by the Probate Judge pursuant to the provisions of this section, or any assignment thereof, or who shall hold or use any such certificate or assignment knowing the same to have been altered or forged, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars, or to imprisonment in any penal institution in this State for a period of not less than one year, nor more than five years, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Section 12. REPORT OF STOLEN AND RECOVERED MO- TOR VEHICLES. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of every county of the State and of the chief of police or commissioner of police of every city having a population of more than ten thousand to make immediate report to the State Tax Commis-1 sion of all motor vehicles reported to him as stolen or recov- ered, upon forms provided by the State Tax Commission. Upon receipt of such information, the State Tax Commission shall file the same in an index to be known as the "Stolen and Recovered Motor Vehicle Index." It shall also be the duty of the State Tax Commission to file reports of stolen and recovered motor vehicles reported to it from other states. The State Tax Com- mission shall publish once a month a list of all motor vehicles stolen or recovered during the previous month and forward a copy of the same to every sheriff, and all police departments in cities with over ten thousand inhabitants. Such list shall also be forwarded to the Secretary of State or other proper official, in each State of the United States. Before issuing a certificate of title, as heretofore provided, the State Tax Commission shall 43 check the motor and serial number on the Motor vehicle as shown by the reports of the Probate Judges to the State Tax Commission against the "Stolen and Recovered Motor Vehicle Index." Section 13. LICENSES REQUIRED OF SECOND HAND DEALERS. That after the first day of January, Nineteen hun- dred twenty-four, it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on or conduct in this State the business of buying, selling or deal- ing in used vehicles, unless and until he shall have received a li- cense from the Probate Judge or other proper officer, authoriz- ing the carrying on or condutcing of such business; Provided, however, that any manufacturer or importer of vehicles or his subsidiaries or selling agents, may buy or take in trade and sell any used vehicle of his own make without such license. Such license shall be furnished annually by the Probate Judge and shall run from the first day of January, nineteen hundred twen- ty-four and annually thereafter for each year, beginning on the first day of January. The application for said license shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the said State Tax Com- mission and subject to such rules and regulations with respect thereto as may be so prescribed by it. Such application shall be verified by oath or affirmation and shall contain a full state- ment of the name or names of the person or persons applying therefor, the name of the firm or co-partnership with the names and places of residence of all the members thereof, if such appli- cant be a firm or co-partnership, the name and residence, the principal officers, if the applicant be a body corporate or other artificial body, the name of the state under whose laws the corpo- ration is organized, the location of the place or places at which such business is to be carried on and conducted and said appli- cation shall contain such other relevant information as may be required by the State Tax Commission. It shall be accompanied by a sworn statement of two reputable persons of the community in which the principal place of business is to be located, certify- ing to the good moral character of the person or persons ap- plying for such license. Upon making such application the per- son applying therefor shall pay to the Probate Judge a fee of $5.00 in addition to any other fees now required by law. A li- cense certificate shall be issued by the Probate Judge in accord- ance with such application when the same shall be regular in form and in compliance with the provisions of this section, and such license, when so issued shall entitle the licensee to carry 44 on and conduct the business of buying and selling and dealing in used vehicles for a period of one year from the first day of January of the current year. The Probate Judge shall be al- lowed to deduct a fee of fifty cents from the foregoing license fee of ($5.00) for his services. The State Tax Commission shall have the power to make suitable rules and regulations for the is- suance of such licenses to expire upon the first day of January of the succeeding year, when the application therefor shall be made during the current year, and upon payment of a license fee of three dollars ($3.00) provided application is made after July first, of any year. The Probate Judge shall be allowed to de- duct a fee of twenty-five cents for his services where the license fee is ($3.00). Any person conducting the business of buying, selling or dealing in used vehicles and having received a license therefor, shall, before removing any one or more of his places of business, or shall before opening any additional places of bus- iness, apply to the Probate Judge for, and obtain, a supplemental license, for which no fee shall be charged. Every such licensee shall keep a book or record in such form as may be prescribed or approved by the State Tax Commission in which he shall keep a record of the purchase, sale or exchange or receipt for the purpose of sale or any second-hand vehicle, a description of such vehicles, together with the name and address of the seller, of the purchaser, and of the alleged owner or other per- son from whom such vehicle was purchased, or received, or to whom it was sold or delivered, as the case may be. Such de- scription shall also include the engine number, if any, the maker's number, if any, chassis number, if any, and such other numbers or identification marks as may be thereon and shall also include a statement that a number has been obliterated, defaced or changed, if such is the fact. He shall also have in his possession a duly assigned certificate of title from the owner of said mo- tor vehicle in accordance with provisions of another section of this act, from the time when the motor vehicle is delivered to him until it has been disposed of by him. Any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 and may also be sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than twelve months. Section 14. PENALTY FOR SALE OF VEHICLE WITH ENGINE NUMBER ALTERED OR CHANGED; APPLICA- TION FOR SPECIAL NUMBER. Any person or persons, firm 45 or corporation who thirty days after the taking effect of this act, shall sell or offer for sale in this State, a motor vehicle, the original engine number of which has been destroyed, re- moved, altered, covered or defaced, with the exception of elec- trically propelled motor vehicles shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than f500 and may be sentenced to hard labor for the County for not more than 12 months, and upon a second or subsequent conviction, under this section, the punishment shall be imprisonment in the State prison for a term of not less than one year nor more than five years; provided, however, that any person or persons, firm or corporation, being the owner or custodian of or having possession of a motor vehicle at the time of the taking effect of this act, the original engine number of which has been previously destroyed, removed, altered or de- faced, shall before the expiration of thirty days after the taking effect of this act apply to the Probate Judge on a blank to be prepared and furnished by the State Tax Commission upon re- quest, for permission to make or stamp or cause to be made or stamped on the engine of such motor vehicle a special engine number. The application for permission to make or stamp a special engine number on the engine of a motor vehicle under the provisions of this act shall contain, a description of such motor vehicle including the make, style and year of model of the same, as complete a description of the original engine number, if any part of the same remain, as is possible to give, any distin- guishing marks that may be on the engine or body of such mo- tor vehicle and the name and post-office address of the appli- cant, the date on which he purchased or procured possession of the same. The name and post-office address of the person or persons from whom he purchased such motor vehicle, and such information as the Probate Judge may require, all of which de- scription and facts shall be sworn to by said applicant. Upon receipt of such application together with a fee of one dollar, the Probate Judge shall issue to said applicant written permis- sion to make or stamp on the engine of such motor vehicle, a special engine number to be designated by the Probate Judge, and when such special engine number so designated has been stamped or otherwise placed on the engine of such motor ve- hide it shall become and thereafter be the lawful engine number of such motor vehicle, for the purpose of identification and reg- istration and for all other purposes under the provisions of this 4:5 act and the owner thereof may sell and transfer the same under said special engine number so designated by the Probate Judge; and any person or persons who shall destroy, remove, cover, alter or deface any special engine number so designated by the Probate Judge shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the State prison for a term of not less than two years nor more than ten years. In designating special engine numbers for motor ve- hides under the provisions of this act the Probate Judge shall designate and number the same consecutively, preceded by the letters "Ala." and followed by the letters for each and every make of motor vehicle for which application for a special engine number shall be made, and in the order of the filing of application there- for; provided, that from and after the taking effect of this act, the Probate Judge shall not register any motor vehicle without an engine number or issue a license for the operation of the same except as specifically provided for herein; and further, before is- suing said license the Probate Judge shall require of the appli- cant a statement that the special number assigned to be placed on that particular motor vehicle in question has been put on in a workmanlike manner, and this statement shall be certified to by the Sheriff, chief of police, or other convenient peace officer, that he has inspected said motor vehicle and found said number to be in said motor vehicle as required by the Probate Judge. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any manufacturer or importer or his agents, other than dealers, from doing his own numbering on motor vehicles or parts removed or changed and replacing the numbered parts. The Probate Judge shall be allowed a fee of ten cents for each special engine number design- ed under this section, to be deducted by him from the fee of (f 1.00) provided herein. Section 15. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTIES, THEIR DU- TIES, ETC. The State Tax Commission with the approval in writing of the Governor, is hereby given power to appoint all necessary deputies, in addition to the present officers of the law, to carry out the provisions of this act and to incur any ad- ditional expense in the enforcement of this act, as may be first approved by the Governor in writing, and the State Tax Com- mission together with such deputies, employees and existing officers of the law are hereby given police power and authority throughout the State, to arrest without writ, rule, order or pro- cess any person in the act of violating or attempting to violate 47 in his presence any of the provisions of this act, and are hereby made peace officers of this State for that purpose. With the permission and consent of the sheriff of any county, or the chief of police of any city, the State Tax Commission is hereby au- thorized to employ temporarly and deputize any deputy sheriff or police officer to investigate any auto theft matters or other violations of this act and any such officers so employed or depu- tized, shall have all the authority of peace officers as heretofore provided. Any officer, or deputy of the State Tax Commission, or of the Probate Judges shall have the authority and is hereby required to use reasonable diligence in ascertaining whether the owners and operators of motor vehicles are complying with the provisions of this act. All expenditures under the provisions of this section shall be paid for from the fund hereafter designated as the "Auto Theft Fund." Section 16. AUTO THEFT FUND, HOW USED. All moneys received by the Probate Judge under this act shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission at Montgomery, Alabama, on or before the first and fifteenth day of each month, less the fees al- lowed by this act to such Probate Judges for services hereunder; such remittances shall be accompanied by such detailed reports as may be required by the State Tax Commission, and shall be of such a character as to furnish the State Tax Commission with the necessary data to properly keep the index files required in sections six and twelve of this act. All moneys received by the State Tax Commission under the provisions of this act shall be set aside and shall be known as the "Auto Theft Fund" and shall be held and retained in the State Treasury as a separate fund and shall be used first to meet the necessary additional ex- penses incurred by the State Tax Commission in the perform- ance of duties required by this act, and in the enforcement of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of this State. If at the end of any fiscal year there be a balance in said fund, which has not been previously obligated by the State Tax Commission said unobli- gated balance shall revert to the general fund in the State Treas- ury. All expenses which may be incurred by the State Tax Commission in printing this act and in the preparation and printing of the prescribed forms, together with the cost of post- age and mailing and the necessary clerical assistance, shall be paid in the first instance out of the fund accruing from motor vehicle license fees and as soon as sufficient funds are available from the fees and collections provided for in this act, the license fund shall be reimbursed for the amount so paid. 48 Section 17. FALSE STATEMENTS SHALL CONSTITUTE PERJURY. Any person who shall knowingly make any false af- fidavit, or shall knowingly swear or affirm falsely, to any mat- ter or thing required by the terms of this act to be sworn or af- firmed to shall be guilty of perjury, and upon conviction, shall be punishable by a fine and imprisonment as other persons com- mitting perjury are punishable. Section 18. ANY PART DECLARED UNCONSTITUTION- AL SHALL NOT RENDER REMAINDER OF ACT INVALID. If any provision of this act shall be held by any court of compe- tent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional such provision so de- clared to be unconstitutional shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the act, but shall only affect the clause or pro- vision so held to be unconstitutional and the remainder of the act shall be valid. Section 19. DATE EFFECTIVE. That this act shall take effect and be enforced on the first day of October nineteen hun- dred twenty-three. Section 20. That in all counties where the Probate Judge is on a salary all fees shown in this act shall be deposited in the County Treasury for the County. Approved Sept. 14, 1923. ALABAMA GENERAL LAWS REGULAR SESSION, 1923. No. 62.) (H. 163. Joint Conference Committee AN ACT Imposing an Excise Tax on Persons, Corporations, Co-Partnerships, Com- panies, Agencies or Associations Engaged In the Business of Selling or Distributing Gasoline or Other Liquid Motor Fuels In This State— providing For The Collection and Payment of Such Tax and The Dis- tribution of The Funds Derived Therefrom and Fixing The Penalties For the Violation of any of The Provisions of This Act. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama, That: Section 1. As used in this Act the term "gasoline" shall in- elude gasolne, naptha and other liquod motor fuels commonly used in internal combustion engines, provided that nothing con- tained in this Act shall apply to those products commercially 49 known as "kerosene oil," "distillates," "gas oil," "fuel oil" or "crude oil." The word "person" means and includes every per- son, corporation, co-partnership, company, agency or associa- tion. The term "distributor" shall include any person who shall engage in the selling of gasoline as herein defined in this State by wholesale in domestic trade, but shall not apply to any trans- action by such distributor in interstate commerce. The term "retail dealer" shall include any person herein defined as "dis- tributor" who is also engaged in the sale of gasoline as herein defined, at any place in this State, in broken quantities. Section 2. Every "distributor" and "retail dealer" in gasoline shall pay an excise tax of two cents (2c) per gallon upon the sale of gasoline in this State, provided that in no event shall any gasoline sold in interstate commerce be taxed, and provided fur- ther the excise tax of two cents (2c) per gallon upon the sale of gasoline shall be paid only once. Section 3. On or before the 20th day of each month after this Act shall take effect, every distributor of gasoline and every retail dealer of gasoline shall render to the State Tax Com- mission on forms prescribed by said Commission a true and cor- rect statement of all gasoline sold by such distributor or retail dealer during the next preceding month liable for the payment of the excise tax herein prescribed, and shall furnish to said Commission such additional information as said Commission may require on blanks to be furnished by said Commission, and at the time of making such report shall pay to the State Tax Commission an amount of money equal to the excise tax herein laid. The statement herein required to be made by the distribu- tor or retail dealer shall be sworn to before some officer author- ized to administer oaths and the making of any false or fraudu- lent statement shall constitute perjury, upon the conviction of which the person so convicted shall be punished as provided by law for the crime of perjury. Section 4. All distributors and retail dealers shall keep in Alabama at some certain place or office such books, documents or papers as will show clearly the amount of sales of gasoline made in this State covered by this Act. Section 5. Within thirty days after the passage of this Act every distributor and retail dealer engaged in the sale of gaso- line shall make a report on blanks furnished by the State Tax Commission to the State Tax Commission showing the place and post office address at which he is engaged in the business of dis- 50 tributor or retail dealer of gasoline, which information shall be entered by the State Tax Commission on a book kept for that purpose. After this Act becomes effective, no person shall en- gage in selling as a distributor or retail dealer any gasoline cov- ered by the provisions of this Act in this State until he shall have made such report to the State Tax Commission. Section 6. If any distributor or retail dealer in gasoline in this State covered by the provisions of this Act shall fail to make any report to the State Tax Commission as required herein, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Section 7. It shall be the duty of the State Tax Commission to enforce the provisions of this Act and the said Commission shall have the right itself or by any of its members or agents to examine the books of every such distributor or retail dealer of gasoline covered by this Act. Section 8. The State Auditor shall at the end of each month after the said funds are so certified to him draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer payable to the County Treasurer or the County Depositary of each of the several Counties for the several amounts so due each county; and each of the County Treasurers or County Depositaries of the several Counties so receiving such warrants shall place such warrants or the pro- ceeds thereof to the credit of the road and bridge fund of the particular county. And such fund so placed to the credit of the road and bridge fund in each County shall be used for the con- struction and maintenance of the public highways and bridges in such Counties and for no other purpose. Section 9. The acceptance of any amount paid for the excise tax provided for in this Act shall not preclude the collection of the amount actually due. However, the amount actually paid shall constitute a credit against the amount actually due. Section 10. The forms of all statements and reports required herein shall be prescribed and furnished by the State Tax Com- mission. All costs of the enforcement of this Act shall be paid out of the State's share of the funds derived from the excise tax herein prescribed, upon the warrant of the State Auditor drawn upon the voucher of the Chairman of the State Tax Commission and approved by the Governor. Section 11. If any distributor or retail dealer of gasoline covered by this Act fail to make the prescribed monthly return, 51 the State Tax Commission shall make a return for such delin- quent upon such information as may be reasonably obtained, as- sess the tax thereon, and add a penalty of 25% of the tax to the amount as assessed. The State Tax Commission shall as soon as practicable and before the thirtieth day of each month certify to the State Treasurer the names of all persons liable to pay the tax herein provided, together with the post office address and the amount of the tax and if any such taxes shall not have been paid, the Chairman of the State Tax Commission shall issue executions for the collection of such taxes directed to any Sheriff of the State, who shall proceed to collect the same in the man- ner now prescribed by law for the collection of delinquent taxes by County Tax Collectors and make return of such executions to the State Tax Commission. The taxes and all penalties herein provided for shall be held as a debt payable to the State by the person against whom the same shall be charged, and all such taxes, penalties and assessments shall be a lien upon all prop- erty in this State of the party charged therewith. Section 12. Any distributor or retail dealer who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act may be restrained by proper proceedings instituted in the name of the State of Alabama by the Attorney General or any Circuit Solicitor from either dis- tributing or selling gasoline, the sale of which is taxable in this State, until such person shall have complied with the pro- visions of this Act. Section 13 All other State excise and inspection taxes on the sale of gasoline imposed before the passage of this Act shall be and the same are hereby repealed, and all State laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are here- by repealed. Section 14. Should any Section or any part of this Act be de- clared unconstitutional it shall not invalidate the remainder thereof. Section 15. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the month next succeeding its passage. Approved Feb. 10, 1923. Section 83. That the net proceeds of the excise tax on gasoline or other liquid motor fuels in this State prescribed by an act of the Legislature of Alabama, en- titled, "An Act imposing an excise tax on persons, corporations, co-partnerships, companies or associations 52 engaged in the business of selling or distributing gasoline, or other liquid motor fuels in this State providing for the collec- tion and payment of such tax and the distribution of the funds derived therefrom and fixing the penalties for the violation of any of the provisions of this Act" approved February 10th, 1923, after payment of all costs and expense of administration and collection which amount shall not exceed twelve thousand dollars per annum, shall from and after the first day of October, 1923, next after the passage of this act be divided and distrib- uted equally among the sixty-seven counties of this State to be collected and paid to each of the several counties as provided by the provisions of that act. Provided that all the funds derived by the several counties from said tax shall be expended exclu- sively for maintenance and repair of roads, highways and bridges in said counties. The use or expenditure of any of said funds in any other manner or for any other purpose than as provided herein, by the governing body of any county or any individual member of said body shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and by imprisonment in the county jail or at hard labor for the county for not less than one nor more than twelve months. The Chief Examiner of Public Accounts is hereby especially charged with the duty of examining into and determining each year whether or not said funds have been used or expended as herein provided. Whenever said Examiner of Public Accounts discovers a violation of any provision of this section he shall forthwith report same to the Attorney General whose duty it shall be to direct the prosecution of said offense. Approved August 22, 1923.