AF OKDIFAFCE Offered by Mr. B. F. Dunkin. Be it ordained by the People of South Carolina, by their delegates in Convention assembled, That, until otherwise provided, the Governor shall be authorized to appoint Collectors and other officers connected with the customs for the several ports within the State of South Carolina, and also all Post Masters within the said State; and that until such appointment shall have been made, the persons now charged with the duties of the said several offices shall continue to discharge the same, keeping an account of the moneys received and disbursed bv them respectively. A- AMENDMENT Ottered by Mr. John Izard Middleton, as an additional */ ' clause to the Ordinance proposed by Mr. B. F. Dunkin. And the Collectors of the Customs are hereby instructed to levy and collect duties on all goods, wares and merchan- dize at half the rates heretofore exacted by operation of the last Tariff Act of the United States government, until otherwise directed bv law.