HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, March 4, 1865.— table and ordered to be printed. Laid on the [By Mr. J. M. Leach. RESOLUTION In favor of abolishing Provost Guards. Whereas, This General Assembly believes that there are a iram- ber of Troops in this State, with their officers, assigned to duty as provost guards at various points on the railroads, annoying our people, creating useless expense and withholding men who could per- form service in the field; therefore Resolved, That our Senators and Repftsentatives in Congress be requested to use their influence to have the system of provost guards abolished in North Carolina. Ratified 1st day of February, A. I)., 1865. R. J. DONNELL, S. H. C. GILES ME BANE, S. S. State of North Carolina, | Office of Secretary of State. \ I, C. R, Thomas, Secretary of State in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution of the General Assembly of North Carolina, is a true copy of the original resolution on file in this office. Given under my hand this 25th day of February, 1865. C. R. THOMAS, Secretary of State.