EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PRESENTED IN MEMORY OF Julian LaRose Harris BY Mrs. Julia Collier Harris ^iBaasis DRAWN SEJ ©ma oinssosaa a&sis s®s?5?sssr0 07 The 1st and 23 Quality, aad of ths 3d having improvements; WITH TEE DRAT7i:r.»3 KA3I3 ATH> RESIDENCE. Compiled f.om the ICninerical Eocks, ifburacarefnl ezamination of them by t^ic ComialsfdaBer*. MILLEDOEVILLE : PRINTE» AT THE TIMES OFFICE, BY M. D. J. SLABS> 1833. is© tmsmcgo Tlie interest which is manifested throughout the State, Uj tie possessed of information relating to the interesting sec¬ tion known as the Cherokee country, and the importance of all information that can be (btained in regard to its geo¬ graphical position—the quality of its land—its boundaries, water courses, roads, &c. has induced the publishers hereof, at the entreaties of many persons, by industrious application, and at considerable expense, to undertake the publication of this little volume. They are flattered with the hope, that its usefulness will be appreciated by all who are, interested in the acquirement of this important portion of our State. The publishers feel assured that they do not over estimate the information it imparts, and thegfeat convenience and facility, by wThich it can be acquired; and, altho' there may be inaccuracies in its descriptive character, (from thu possi¬ bility that entirely correct returns were not always made by the District Surveyors) yet, as it is the most correct that can be obtained, without apersonal knowledge of every lot, it must be considered the best information the nature of the case admits of. Of one fact, the reader is guaranteed, that this Book wears a correct and official stamp—as it was copied with accuracy from the Numerical J3ooks, now of file, in the Executive Department of the State, after those Books were thoroughly examined by the late L"md Lottery Commission¬ ers. The accuracy and fidelity of the quality of ?aeh lot, was ascertained, by especial reference to the field nott.s of the District Surveyors, and their detached plats Tot these desiderata, maybe stated, thalfRhe No. of each Int, in its district and section, by whom drawn, in whose captains dis¬ trict, and in whatcounty, are equally, and entirely authentic. It must be a desirable object to both the drawer, and the pmvh'JOTj fo ha«e a Book of the kind we herewith submit t'6 4 the public i as it embodies in a compressed and in a portabJ# form, «U the m^mor inda information which both purchaser and "seller coull h3ve, witlout occular knowied.*-* ot fro» information tie irly purchased, if pr >cured otherwise. The publishers forbear any further exordium of this, their "little effort"—prefpring that its merit and usefulness shall speak more audibly its own praise. Such as it is, (and it it hoped, it will be pronounced good) is respectmlly dedicated to Hie people of Georgia, by THE PUBLISHERS, Em~20i:AISB>A. This vn'ume contains a Numerical list of all tire lots drawn in the different sections oftiie Land Lottery, excepting such as are returned third quality ; and if any of the third quality has any improvement on it, such lot is also hen in embraced. To each lot, we have aAixed a letter a, b, or c, which desig¬ nates the quality; a fir ihpjin-t, b for the second, and c for the third; and have also attached the Nrs. of acres improved —the drawer's name, the dibtrict in which he jrave in as fortunate drawer, and the county in which he reader, and lb© No. of his lot, and the district and section in which it is loca¬ ted. Whenever a district is not represented particularly, the reader will learn that all the lots in said district, (as in the 5th and other districts,) are returned third quality—To each district its boundary^ stated, witlissme brief, but appli¬ cable remarks. "S3» First Section. DISTRICTS 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19 Second Section. Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, . 26, 27. Third Section. DISTRICTS 5, 6, 7, 8, -9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Fourtb Section. Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 9 Talle shewing the Counties in the State; the white Population of each, and the number of Lots of La d drawn bij the citizens of each Connty in »4he late Land Lottery, March 11th, 1833. f~Coii ties. White P P uraws C unties. White Pop. Draws Appling 1227 97 Greene 4865 290 Baldwin 3123 186 Gwinnett 10751 693 Bibb 4475 386 Habersham 10262 645 Bulloch 1847 98 Hall 11177 589 Butts 3387 224 Hancock 5022 248 Baker 977 56 Harris 4182 243 Bryail 723 56 Henry 8387 484 Burke 5193 304 Heard 1481 95 Camden 1441 89 Houston 5601 272 Chatham 5004 462 Irwin 1066 52 Columbia 4317 209 Jasper 6531 396 ^Coweta 4146 241 Jackson 6734 364 Ccflnpbell 3398 187 Jefferson 3514 148 Crawford 2764 ICS Joaes 6196 374 Carroll 3067. 208 Laurens 3005 122 CI firk 5134 285 Lee 1773 48 Cherokee 114 Liberty 1578 " 82 BeDalb 9020 518 Lincoln 2785 150 . Pecatur 2750 127 Lowndes 2155 111 Doolv 1805 74 Madison S561 160 Early 1460 91 Marion 1729 113 JEffingham 1711 79 Mcintosh 1077 110 Elbert 6389 U66 Merriwethr 3603 258 Emanuel 2155 108 Monroe 9723 459 Fayette 45S9 316 Montgomery 946 76 Franklin 7517 395 Morgan 5093 327 Glynn 622 38 Muscogee 3106 177 Counties. White Pop. Newton 8101 Oglethorpe 5313 Pike 4713 Pulaski 2990 Putnam 5294 Rabun 2982 Randolph 691 Richmond 5559 Scriven 2216 Stewart ±371 Sumpter Talbot 4475 Telfeir 1487 Counties, White Pop. nraws Twiggs 4584 272> Thomas 2399 143 Troup 5026 281 Tatnall 1821 79 Taliafrerro 3105 113 Upson 3921 264 Walton 7078 449 Ware 1063 57 Warren 5043 278 Washington 58 J 2 318 W avne 667 48 Wilkes 5210 287 Wilkjiisofl 4785 Draws 414 353 301 219 335 165 77 323 156 110 57 224 . 88 0 Lots.Qu.Im GlSi ©istrict, l*>t Scclioai. 2 Wi.liam Durham, 138, Greene. 4 Joseph Itiley's orph Martins, Stewart. 4 Joseph Holden, Brocks, Habersham. Ezekiel E. Park, 320, Baldwin. Joshua Spence, Jonfcs, Thomas. The balance of this district, 3rd quality. The district well watered—two large creeks with numerous tributary branches running through it. It is bounded on the East by district No. 11, and on the South by district No. 4, both gold districts. 7t2i Dis2ric£. Ist Seclioa. Hugh S. Irw.n, Bartons, Houston. William Harmon, Halls, Butts. Gj William B. Glenn, Robinsons, Wash'ton. Benj. Maddox's orps G03, Taliafferro. 5 John Ilitchcoeks, sol Smiths, Campbell. 2 Wm. C. Wortham, Paynes, Merriwether. Vincent F. Preeman, Youngs, Jefferson. 15 Mary Crawley, wid Smiths, Henry. 10i Lit. Broach's orps Colleys, Madison. 6 John McCord, s 1 w Halls Butts. 10 Jemima Lovejoy, w r s Maddins, Pike. 10 Wm. Mullins, jr Stanfields, Campbell. ,15 Wm, Downs, r s 10th, Effingham. 6 Benj. P. Parker, McCullers, Newton. 4 Walles Brown, rs Wilsons, Pike. Joshua Burroughs, Mobleys, DsKalb. JO iWillise Maynor, 72d Burke. 6 Thos. B. Wilson, Footes, DeKalb. 4 Jane McMinn, wr s Stephens, Hab'smy 10 John JVorman, jr Hintons, Wilkes. 16 Ulyses Lewis, Fews, Muscogee. 5Chas. Jordan, Youngs, Jefferson. Wm. Wells, Ft Perry, Watsons, Marion Thos. A. Hay, Fulks, Wilkes. James M. Daniel, Hills, Monroe. Susan Parker, blind, Camps, Warrei). Robt. Jeter, Perrymans, Warren. John C. Griffin, Parhams, do John M. Bond, 2d, Cherokee. Bounded East by 10th, in 1st sec. JYortft by 8th, in 1st sec., West by 7th in 2d sec., and South by 6 h in 1st sec. This district is very mountainous, having Toccoy river running through it. Stli District 1st Section. Riley Allen, Martins, Newton. Henry Brewer, s Brewers, Mpnroe. Wm. H. Wood, Currys, Merriyethsy.. Henry Long, 114, Hanoock. Colin A. Hall, Dixons, Irwin. John M. Copeland, Caswells, Jeffersoir. Thos. Pinckard's orps 466, Monroe. James Wheeler, sr Lays, Jackson. James Hardaway, 293, Jasper. Robert Houston, Towers, Gwinnett? .Samuel May, Adams, Columbia. JJohn Norri^ Millers, Jackson. n James M. Howze, 761, Heard. John Lamb, Groces, Bibb. Geo. Singleton, Gorleys, Putnam. Annanias McDugal, Griffins, Merriwether, John Stewart, Valleaus, Chatham. < John Hedgecock's orps Vinings, Putnam* Church well's orps 124, Richmond. Sampson Gibbs, Stones, Irwin. Felix D. Woodyard, ii79, Morgan. Wilborne Davis, Graves, Lincoln. Smith Craudal, Millers, Jackson. Wiley E. Wood, Whelchels, Hall. ■Wm. M. Penn, Hodges, Newton. John S. Raiford, s 11, Emanuel. Jeremiah Baker, Morr's, Crawford. Jas. G. Dobbs, 1st sec. Cherokee. Samuel Loggins,jr Hamiltons, Hall. John Thomas, r s Stewarts, Troup. Isaac Evans, Covingtons, Pike. Thos. Howard, s Jordans, Bibb. Daniel Goodman, Whitakers, Crawford.* Margaret Wilborn, w Derricks, Henry.. Robert H. Woolfolk, Grubbs, Columbia. John Blackburn, 177, Wilkes. Robt. Douglass, Culbreths, Columbia. Rutha Stewart, w Bushes, Burke. Henry Rhodes, Streetmans, Twiggs. Solomon W. Otwell, Barkers, Gwinnejtt John Pickins, Says, DeKalb. John Stephens, Currys, Wilkinson. Isaac Ramsey, Grubbs, Columbia. Moriah Pavton, "W Morgans, Madisbft. 46 b 47 b 48 b *49 b 59 b '51 b 52 b 53 b 54 b 55 b 56 b 57 b 58 b 59 b GO b 61 b 62 b 63 b 64 b 65 b 66 b 67 b 68 b 69 b 70 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 75 b 76 b 77 B 12 Hoses Heath, s Griffins, Burke. Martin K. Callaway, 373, Jasper. kVm. Bryant, (>87, Sumpter. fames M. Putnam, Kendricks, Monroe* ^ewis Ivey, Buiks, Houston. rames Perry, Hendons, Carroll. IndrewH. Beall, 295,Jasper. Willis J. Smith, Svvinnevs, Laurens. Andrew Roberts, Suttons, Habersham, fessa Mcf. urren, Nesbetts, Newton, fohn Easco, Colleys, Oglethorpe. )rps of P. Whittemore, Browns, Camden. Nm. VVorley, ni, Hughes, Habersham. 5amuel Crow's orps 470, Upson. Mary Ward, w Devours, Habersham, laba Rountree, Comptons, Fayette, rhos. Brooks, 142, Greene, saac A. Haiston, Griffins, Fayette. 5arah Simmons, w r s 555, Upson. \.mey Kilcrease, w Hearns, Butts. Foel B. Mabry, Hamptons, Newton, rhos. Lovelady, McClures, Rabun. Ibel A. Tumblin, Harris, DeKalb. (oseph Parmer, idiot, 510, Eariy. rhos. Hudman, Mizells, Talbot. Elobt Harris' orps sol 84—97' 174, Wilkes. Vines H. Owens, Houses, Henry. \nn E. Wilson, w 7, Chatham. Etheldred Silas, Pates, Warren. David R. Barlow, Perrys, Habersham, Martha Braziel, w 245, Jacson. Isaac Lambr sr 494,Upeon. 13 John W. Scott, ViningP, Tutnam. Elizabeth Cobb, w Towers, Gwinnett VVm. Morris, Covingtons, 1 il;e. John McBryde, jr 309, Richmond. Henry Campbell, Towers, Gwinnett John R. Wo^re, Wills, Twiggs. Matthew II. Iieeth, I'arhams, Warren. Joseph Turner, Thompsons, Ilenry. Gabriel Morgan, Smiths, Liberty. Slius Thomas, Harrisons, Decatur. Edmond Hancock, Blounts, Wilkinson. Dawson B. Lane, Lanes, Morgan Leonard Wills, Chambers, Gwinnett. Za^heus Exlev, 11th, Effingham. Timothy Robey's orps Phillips, Jasper. Thos. Barnett, Seays, Hall. Elijah Bagsdale, Hudsons, Newton. Z. Jackson, Wilkes co. Stokes, Lincoln. Win. Sayc, s d, Seays, Hall. Giles Weeb's orps Masons, Washington. Joseph Lyndsey, Ilarralsons, Troup. Frederick Huntington,Clelands, Chatham. Win. Brown, s i w Thomasons, Elbert' Samuel H. Beman, 138, Greene. John W. WTatson, Roysters, Franklin. Jonathan Tate, Hughes, Habersham. Wc-stley Baccus, Johnsons, DeKalb. Joseph Osborn, Clelands, Chatham. 'Needham Parker, G3S, Dooly. Briee McEver, Cleghorns, Madison. Wm. Barley, Butts, Monroe. Benj. T. Russell, Griders,. Morgan. 14 110 B 111 B 112 B 113 B 114 B 115 B 116 B 117 B 118 B 119 B 120 B 121 B 122 B 123 B 121 B 125 B 126 B 127 B 128 B 129 B .130 B 131 B 132 B 133 B 134 B 135 B 136 B 137 B 138 B 139 B 140 B r YU B Lucy Crawford, w Taylors, Elberfi Solomon Walker, 123, Richmond. Lewis J. Ramsey, Iversons, Houston. Elizabeth Kcnnon, w Jordans, Harris. Matilda A. Harden, w s I w 20, Bryan, Samuel Sturge's orps Roes, Burke. Andrew McCullers, Stewarts, Troup. Margaret McDaniel, h a Ivillens, Decatur. Joseph Henry's orps 106, Hancock. Minors of J Taylor, ab. Sparks, Wash'ton. Wm. H. Howard, 122, Richmond. Francis Miras' orps 3d, Chatham. Mary Keepers, w Grays, Henry. Eliz. Lowry, w Jones, Thomas. Henry Culpepper's orps Mar ins, Laurens John Gammill, Alsobrooks, Jones. Edmond Collins, Ross, Monroe. James Macleland, s 142, Greene. Seaborn Bradford, Blairs, Lowndes. James Vann, Masons, Washington. Pearce Ogletree, Griffins, Fayette. John Bunkley, s 1 w 588, Upson. Matthew Hall, Buckbranch, Clark. David A. Barnwell, Burgess, CarrolL Thos. Heery, 3d, Chatham.. Samuel Tranum, Aliens, Campbell. Andrew Flowers, Griffins, DeKalb, Doctor Bird, 177, Wilkes. Henry Darnell, s i w 320. Baldwin. John L. Cope, Sanderlins, Chalhaijiv Presley Jones, Hamptons, jNTewforjs. Samuel Tallant, Bai!e}7s, Butts. 15 James B. Norris, 7th, Chatham. Thos. Perdu, s 1 w Graves, Putnam. James Waters, sr Prices, Hall. Archibald Roberts, Purges, Carroll. Pay ton Partridge, Williams, Washington- John A. Farrar, Lovens. Henry. Claiborne Vaughn, Loveless, Gwinnett. Sarah Commins, w r s 143, Greene. James Spiers, Marshalls, Crawford. L. & H. Miller, orps Greens, Oglethorpe: Lewis Wilhite, r s Wilhites, Elbert. Wm. K. Osburn, Gittens, Fayette. Wiley Phillins, Edwards, Franklin. Jesse Land, of Twiggs, Groces, Bibb. Wiley Q. Anderson, Andersons, WilkSs? James H. Duke, Harralsons, Troup. Inbal E. Watts, s Curreys, Merriwether. Margaret Crew, w Sapps, Muscogee. James Armstrong, Hobbs, Laurens. Ann Densler, wValleaus, Chatham. Mitchell C. Wallis, 417, Walton. Jas. W. Seals, Stewarts, "Warren. Richard Yarborrough, Harris, Crawford Theophilus Hill, Barwicks, Washington. Oliver Crawford, Smiths, Elbert. Seaborn Cowart, 49, Emanuel. Dawson Heath, Hearings, Butts. Wm. Snelgrove, Rutlands, Bibb. John Baker, Clelands, Chatham. John R. Green, Johnsons, Jasper. Kinchen Carr, Hughes, Habersham. George Slater, Hughes, Ilabcrsfyaui. 13 Thos. S. P. Jones, Del'?, Coli inl-ia. Reuben Stapleton, 3d see Cherokee, fhos. Childress, gr /lbrrsons, Walton. Win. Fov/cll, idiot, Wiights, Tatnall. Aobt Jackson, W hippies, Wilkinson. Owen Cook, Jones, Thomas. .inihony jMetcali's orps t nccrr, Fayette. Josliu'i B\rnes, Thames, Crawford. j?oo. Y. Lowe, Groses,BiLb. .Jeo. Powell, 48S, Upson. .Samuel Wilson, Mr.shbmn"-?, FUaski. Jas. P.I. Crow, Barkers, Gwinnett. Thos. rJaddox, Ilattons, Baker. AnJjrsoa Sturdivanf, 454, Walton. Mancy Lewis, wrs Kines, Coweta. 3cverly Justice,Burks, Stewart. Hugh Crooks, Prices, HalJ.- David Proctor, s Phillips, Monroe. Midiieton Brawner, Cannings, Elbert. Pierce B. Pendergast, Olelupds, Chatham. Ephrairn S. Hopping, ICS, Wilkes. J^hn Murray, s JJearings, Henry. Eli Bradley, s Bakers, Liberty. Nathaniel J. Patterson, Ogdons, Camden.. John Wcstbrook, Aliens, Henry. Thos. Johnson's orps Hodges, Newton. James Alford, Gittens, Fayette. Catharine Pvieredi.h, w Blounts, Wilkinson. Allen Craige, 600, Richmond. Elisha Harwell, Currys, Merriwether. 17 Wm. H. IIufF, Tompkins, Putnam. Jordan R. Smith, Whitiiclds, Washington. Matthew Turner, "i?, Glynn. Thos. Guest's orps C.IM, Taliaferro. ' Buckner Gritiin, s 1 w 55!), Walton. Uajert Hill, s (>7C, Harris. Levi Wilkinson, Garners, Coweta. Aurehus Franklin, Athtns, Clark. John .1.Glover, Wilsons, Jasper. zekiel Daniel s 1 w Woods,-Morgan. Leroy K Craw'ord, Tay.'c-is, Elbert. M A & J Stephens, orps Dilmuns, Pulaski. John Harris' orps Wolfskins, Oglethorpe,, Gbediah Copeland, "1 C><,Greene. Thos. II. J^ary, Bull, Monroe. James B. Morris, Footos, Dekalb. Benj. G. McCIesky, Daniels, Hall. Jane Streeiman, vv Streetmans, Twiggs,- James Modesset, Bivins, Jones. Uriah Maxwell, Be sticks, Twiggs. Hugh Brown, Devours,Habersham. John Snider, Woollens, Telfair., Wm. Worthy, jr Rhodes, DcKalb. Sugars Bynam, r s Chambers, Houston,. Benj. Pope, Elsworths, Bibb. Wm. Donalson, i:d, Chatham. Sarah Cheshire, w r s, Brewers, James Bryan, 10*2, Greene. Arch. Perkin's orps. Nights. Joseph J. Dean, 279, Morgan. James Sapp, Hicks, Decatur. Wiley Clark, Chandlers, Franklin. 18 John Smith, Chambers, Gwinnett. Wm. White's orps Colliers, Monroe, James Higginbotham, 334, Wayne. Reddick Arrant, 5G1, Upson. Aaron White, 373, Jasper. Louis N. Falligant, Sanderlin*, Chatham, Matthew Jackson, Childs, Marion. 8 Celia Austin, h a, 1st sec. Cherokee. 6 Daniel Lynch, 2d, Chatham. Griffin {Smith, Walkers, Harris. Henry V. Vanbibler, Wilsons, Pike. Obediah Adams, llaneys, T wiggs. Benj. Tidwell, Hines, Coweta. James F. iShepperd, Blounts, Wilkinson, Wm. Donaldson, Hensons, Rabun. Garland Jenk's orps Woodruffs, Campbell. M. H. Rudulph, s 'c-1 '97, Hobkirks Camden Isaac IIorton,r s Barkers, Gwinnett. Geo. W. Culpepper, Adams, Columbia. Thos. Pace's orps 120, Richmond. G. G. Tankersley, Huchinsons, Columbia. Jane Joiner, w Walkers, Houston. Ulyses Crutchfield, Dilmans. Pulaski. Edwin Mitchell, Edwards, Talbot. Amos Bulla d, 120, Richmond. Alexander Smith, Paynes, Merriwether. 'ames Crovf, 1st sec., Cherokee. Wm. H. Smith, Mull ins, Carroll. Patrick Smith, 248, Jackson. James Cotnev, 672, Harris. T. T. Cureton's orps Hamptons, Newton. iTos. Bachellor's orps 374, Putnam. 19 K. McLennan, Morrisons, Montgomery. Rioh'd. M. Park's orps Dyers, Habarshara. Brittin S. Osbarn, Aliens, Henry. Harrison McCoy's orps Trouts, Half. Geo. C. Dunham, s 1 vv, Ogdens, Camden. Mary Rooks, w £35, Wayne, Edward A. Denney, s Neilums, Elbert, DaviJ II. Wood, Pounds, Twiggs, lames Bradshaw, Mashburns, Pulaski. ICirby Goolsby, 362, Jasper. Solomon Barnes, Chastains, Habersham. Jeremiah Miller, Braddys, Jones. Robert Lightfoot, Williams, Washington. Bennett Youngblood, Lambeths, Fayette. James R. Kenny, Wynns, Gwinnett. Ambrose Brown, sr. r s, Jones, Habersham Merrada Alobley, Hardmans, Oglethorpe. Anderson Hicks, Mullins, Carroll. Jefferson Smith, 249, Walton. Richard Jones, 1C7, Wilkes. Eli H. Brinkley, Camps, Warren. John Conn, Hamiltons, Hall. Joseph Price, Walkers, Columbia. Joseph C. Harris, 112, Hancock. Wm. Meneely, Currys, Merri wether. James L. Manning, Candlers, Bibb. Jas. E. Wells'orps Lamps, Jeffersoa. Hugh Goen, Hearns, Butts. Jane McGaha, w 373, Jasper. Samuel Johnson, s Howells, Troup. Jesse Horn, Hamiltons, Gwinnett. Wm. Payne's orps Baileys, Butts, 20 Burgess Jester, Aliens,, I]ei'ny.r Francis Bates,-^Smiths. Habersham. Richard Anderson, Givins, DeKalb. James H.,Bellew, lioysters, Franklin# Archibald Shelly,, Walkers, Iloiston* Milner Echols, s 1 \v, J arks*. Walton. Elijah Sisk, Dyers, Habersham. David Mann's rorpg Smiths, Wilkinson, H. Cammel's orjs Higginbothams, Rabun. Sarah Fell?, ,\v ^li^ejs, 1 altot. Wiley JTisoru Mci'ltjands, Irwirl. Joel/Kin#, s 1 w, Williams, 'Washirgton. Zachariah 1 hemfson* Allisons, 1 ike. Eliajs,Davis, Sayp, Hall. -x „ J Geot G^Smiih* Rewsorr.s, Warrrn. Matthew Merit, L'ixoris, h win.'* Zadhariah White, r s 1 pth, EfEnghara. Joh^i Alien, Claris, Morgan. . John H. Stanford, Perr} mans,'Warren. t Thos. Bell's ,orps H'arts, Jon'es. John Turner, 734,;Lce.' Aseaniai'l'witty^tvLdyg, Jackson. Calving Hagan's -prps1 Hjintls, Appling Bounded Eastby dis>ict y.th, hi lstss Wynns, Gwinnett. • J\:tur ILidsoi, Nesbets; Newton. 7)avid Bray, tSowers, Eiburt. Isiiaii Save 11, Bauglis, Jackson. t 3>Mij. Yarbrough, blind, Douglass,iTelfair. -laini'S R. Line, Taylors, Putnam. t N. W. Haines, Sinqnefields, Washington. • /'has. Lcn, McMilloiis, Lincoln. \lary A. Bostiek, w El is. Pulaski. **\van I{. Skellon, Stow rs, Elbert. D ivid Smith, r s Bushes, Burke. II-.'Z ;ki.i!i Woo l, Dilm nis, Pulaski. Griffi.i, Mubloys, DeKalb. ".Vm. Hughes, fierndoris, Hall. •larion Capo, CoXes, FranUin. Joan Oliver, Duprees, Washington. Sarin R'dtiv, w Waisons, Mar.on. Wjj. II. Tis ! e 11, 69, Burke. Joseph AluSCinney,sr. sol Rutlands, Bibb. iYlia Morris, w r s, Sims, Troup. ••Vrji.Grnfin, Ivillens, D:ca:ur. ■Sturmel Owens, Mashbtirns. Pulaski. Joseph W. Ilardy, 21*2, Jackson. Jam s Holz udoif. Halls, Camden. John Iloustoa, G72, Harris. vVtn. Hornshv. '271, Mcintosh. JilJard Burgess, 535, Dooly. 122 Warren Taylor, Griers, Warren. Samuel R. Weems, Deal ings, Henry. Rich. Howell, Hattons, Baker. .John McVay, s 1 w, 535, Dooly. Ashley Nelson, Lanes, Morgan. Andrew Truluck, Marshes, Thomas. John H. Dent, Stanfields, Campbell. Reuben Jordan, Devours, Habersham. Geo. W. Clack, *249, Walton. Geo. B. McColIom, Wheelers, Pulaski. Jas. C. Sullivan, Parhams, Harris. - Elbert IJarnton, Hamptons, Newton. Absalom Bidell, G1Q, Harris. S. Massey's orps Williams, Washington. Wm.vT. Pullen, 141, Greene. James Love, 25)3, Jasper. U. H. Moore, Whitfields, Washington. John Wise's orps Barwicks, do Robt. D. Moon, Howard, Oglethorpe. Nimrod E. Ducker, Smith, Houston. David D. Foldes, 36*2, Jasper. Hiram Hamilton, Pcrrys, Butts. Andrew MclNiath, Newmans, Thomas. Thos. Slaughter, Paces, Putnam. Margaret Lindsey, orp 72, Burke. Sheriff Brewster, sCalhouns, Harris. John C. Digbey, Varners, Merriwether. Geo. W. Cannon's orps Colliers, Monroe* Henry Anderson, Gxoovers, Thomas. Henry Vincent, jr Rooks, Putnam. John Brock, McDaniels, Pulaski. Obediah Smith, Bushes, Burke, 14 b 12 b 14 b 15 a 19 b 20 b 23 b 25 b 35 b 36 b 37 B 38 b 48 b 54 b 60 b 61 b 69 b 70 b 71 b 72 b 83 b 84 b 66 B 23 (Dolison Prichard, Marshalls, Putnam. The balance of district 9th, 1st section, 3d quality. Bounded East by district 17th in 1st section, North by North-Carolina, West by district 8th, in 1st section, and South by district 10th, in 1st section— somewhat mountainous, but well watered and Notlev river running through it. IWIII I llll !■!!■ I ■ IIIIIWMIMIHWI.I imakWMWAJU JJ 10t5i District, 1st Section. Robt. Hamilton, Hamiltons, Hall. Edmond Rains, r s Jones, Morgan. Wm. Griffin, Camps, Baker. Wra. L. Burke, Talleys, Troup. Frances Mart n, wi-U', Jackson. Lawrence Holt, Baismores, Jones. Nelson Garnett, Huchisons, Columbia. David V. T. Pool, Martins, Newton, i John S. Thompson, Newmans, Thomas. jAbrahan Houseworth, Moretons, DeKalb. tJones Wynn'sorps Vii ings, Putnam. Wm. Howard, Youngs, Jeflersons. Geo-ge W. Odam's orps Monks, Crawford. John N. Fry, Sanderlins, Chatham. Leonard Steed, sen. Bells, Columbia. George W. Stewart, 574, Early. Peterson G. Brogden, Dearings, Butts. Mary King, w Rooks,' Putnam. Peggy Garner, w Barnetts, Clark, James Perkins, Thomsons, Henry. [John Grubbs, Bridges, Gwinnett* |Thos. Hobbs, Newsoms, Warren* 24 87 B 94 b 95 b 9ft b 97 b 516 b 317 b 322 b 324 b | A1 x. Scott, McGills, Lincofri. | Wiley F. Bishop, Dyers, Habersham, IJohn Thompson, s249, Walton. 'Zealous Miller, Terry, Baldwin. Wm. Norris, Reids, Gwinnett. Shadrack Travwick, 118, Hancock, James Helton, Yorks, Stewart, Reuben S. Hatcher, Smiths, Wilkinson. Lewis Sholars, Willingham, Harris. The 10th district, 1st section, is bound¬ ed East by district l(5th, in 1st section, North by district 9th, in 1st section, West by district 7th, in 1st secii n and South by ! Ith district in 1st section, the last a gold district—well watered and mountainous* with Not lev river running through it.. ISth District. 1st Section. 7 b 101 Mary Goolsby, w r s, Greens, Oglethorpe* 8 b 10 Spire A. Langston, Johnsons, Delvalb, 16 b 18 Chas. Bradford's orps Bridges, GvvinnetL 39 b 10 A- Moody, w r s, Elatchetts, Oglethorpe. 43 b 20 Abraham Gorden, Houses, Henry., 46 b 6 L. P. Ilairston* Shearers, Coweta. 55 b 1 John Clark, Sanderlins, Chatham. 56 b 12 Anderson Nawlan, Jones, Morgan* 59 a Moses Ham, 20, Bryan. 60 b 30 Isaac Morrison, Alexanders, Jefferson* 61 b 45l)avson Weaver, Blounts, Wilkinson. 77 b 10 Martha Akins, w Folsoms, Lowndes. 78 b 12 Thos. Florence, Leveretts, Lincoln. 79 b 7 D. Whiddon'sorps Barwicks, Washingtoa 25 81 b 50 John T. Cox, Norris, Monroe. 82 b (3 Reas >n Burnett, Bowers, Elbert. 98 b 10 Martha ilobuck, w Bryans, Pulaski. 127 a SO Stroud Melton, Parks, Walton. 130 b 15j.lerc,riia!i Winter, 124, Richmond. 148 b 20ps!iam 1 itman, Thames, Crawford. 151 c 1") Josej)!) Bryan's orps Hicks, Decatur. 157 b b Mary Bolton, wr s, Parhams, Warren. 161 b 6|.l(i!;n McrJlu;;"i, McClures, Rabun. 162 b 5!Israel Martin, Martins, Pike. 164 b f)|L. WiUins, idiot, Woodruffs, Campbell. 165 b lOjiiobt. E. McCarthy, Sulivans. Jcnes. 166 b KUanies A' urray, Catlets, I' ranklin. 182 b sj.'olm Boman, Lawrences, like. 183 b 12 Charles L. Matthews, i 46, Greene. 184 b 15 !.oJ; ilo^ae, 469, Monroe, 221 b 15 M;;rk J Vssabaye, 71, Burke. 234 b J olles.-e Brown, r s 430, Early. 254 b 15jTim.> h •• T. Gnann, 9, Eliin^ham. I Th'3 balance of the above district 3d quuliiy. Bounded East bv district 19th> |lsi Sioiion, North by district ilth, 1st sec- '.tiuu, West by district !0ih, 1st section and h by district l^th, 1st section, the last a i district. Very well watered and Notley river running through it. 26 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 10 b 11 b 12 b 13 b £ 14 b f 15 b 2 16 b 17 b 8 18 b 6 19 b 20 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 33 b 34 b 85 b •6 b 37 b 38 b M b 17th Distict, 1st Section. Reuben Taylor, Tuggles, Merriwether. Bressie O. Brien, 601, Taliaferro. Wm. Davis, Higginbothams, Rabun. Gabriel G. Coley, Daniels, Hall. Eli Crews, Browns, Camden. Wm. Moore, s '84—'97, Fenns, Clark. Geo. Brown, Balls, Monroe. Wm. Mix, Mizellti, Talbot. Wm- S. Booth, Parhams, Harris. J. N. Fuller's orps Greers, Merri wether. Wm. Ray, Thompsons, Henry. Wm. W. Russel, 105, Baldwin. Jos F. Mulbay, orp 22, Mcintosh. Wilborn Parks, Kellys, Elbert. Jos. Davis, Stones, Irwin J as. A. Nunnely, 415, Walton. Pleasant C. Jenluns, 149, Greenfe. Paschal A. Sanford, 415, Walton. William G. Thornton,. 466, Monroe. Henry Holland, Olivers, Twiggs. Mary Fittz, v r s Nellums, Elbert. John W. Haynes, Baughs, Jackson. John Pike, Paynes, Merriwether. Elisha Free, Suttons, Habersham. Joseph Marshall, Woods, Jefferson. Alx. P. Crawford, Bovntons, Twiggs. Jos. B. Andrew, S. Streetmans, Twiggy John Pence, Welch, Habersham. John G. Edwards, Heads, Butts. Nicey Chambers, w 1 XT, Hancock. 49 b 41 b 42 b 43 u 44 b 45 b 45 b 47 b 48 b 49 b 52 b 54 b 55 b 58 b 59 b 60 b 61 b 62 b 63 b 64 b 65 b 66 B 67 b 68 b 73 b 74 b 75 b 76 b 77 b 78 » 79 » 80 a 27 Thomas W. Pearse, Stantons, Newton. Drury M. Allen, 147, Gieene. llichard C. Spann, sol 430, Early. Isaiah Kelly, Strickland, Merriwelher. Jesse Fincher, Barkers, Gwinnett. Alexander Bailey, 731, Lee. George H. Brvan, C7'J, Harris. Benj. Selman s orps Garner, Coweta. Hugh M. I). King, Mays, Monroe. Meredith rloneyc.ut's orps Bostiek,Twiggs. Moses Lewis, Jones, Morgan.' Bryan Beddingfield, Burks, Stewart. John T. Acre, GO J, Taliiaferro. Jas. Cartledge, sr r s Iluchins, Columbia. Riley Johnson, 789 Sumter. Jane Evans, w r s Evans," Fayette. William A. Hicks, Clinton, Campbell. Margaret A. Brown,w Crawford,Franklin. Alsa Mullins, (idiot) 10J Hancock. Bennet H.McLane, Hatchets, Oglethorpe. William Estes, Mines, Coweta. Benson's children, Underwoods» Putnam. Abner Bishop, Daniels, Hall. Robert Higginbotham, Nichols, Fayette. Jesse Whitley, Albersons, Walton, Susan L. Stacy, orp 1 ft Liberty, Ira Britt, Hitchcocks, Muscogee. Naome Prevatt, w Durrences, Tatnall. Stephen II. Renfroe, r s Comers, Jones, Daniel Powell, 559, Walton. Charles It. Glazier, Davids, Franklin, Peter Caster, Kellums, Talbot, 28 Aaron Merritt, Staters, Tulloch. Levi Polk, II i.^ginbotharns, Madison. ALirtjuis Ambrose, Chambers, Gwinnett. JohnS. Hi^don's, orps Stewarts, Warret* 'ilobert Barrow, Burke. Jesse Ol^meirls, iPrices^ Hall. T J. William Ilairi sontf> Troup, rtial *in, Justices, Bibb, iiob^rt (' irter, Wvnns, Gwinnett, lohn Joia^r, orp Watsonsf Marion, lames B. Smith, Richmond. ^Gojr-je W. kelson, Morrisons, Appling. jZ;uio<:h I'onn^nrlliginbothams, Carroll. 3jJohn .sh ".'iiifiJ, 4&>, Early. 3-Joseph Uerwr, 4">8, Early. ' fesse IJuntor, ,3(», Scriven. ^Ym. Frank's orps 00^, Taliaferro. John T. Goldsmith, Tarhams, Harris. Jeremiah Whit^ Brooks, Habersham." Vldi^ Gri^s, w IO-\UUnaoclt. Lurldn Pane;, Towers, Gwinnett. Svivos',r>r Narriniore, Gavs, Harris. ii)d»vard Daniel, Daniels, Hall. Samjel ^rilliains, McDanicls, Pulaski. Meters Flowers, Hughes, Habersham. Sterling T, Davis, Millers, Jackson. JohnG. Williams, Jones, Bulloch. Joshua Miers, Youngs, Wilkinson. Milton Ueviere, 494, Upson. Wm. Dillard, 24Ui Walton. Jas. Eihridge, Peaces, Wilkinson. E. Jackson, sr r s Yalleaus, Chatham, 2:1 Rhoda Reeves, w s'Cr»—'97, ICR, Wilkes,. T. Eperson^r s augnufifs, Fr.aiLlin. Archibald 1'uv I -aids, Ap} li ^g. Wm._McCelb ik, ! nubs, Campbell. Mart C. Peek, 14 Ciieene. Zacheus Hud^ i iMerLs, Ilnll- Turner H M; ii!, s Kntlamjs, Bibb, Luke White, li>ts,, llale.sLatVu Andrew Hunt* i, liuus Gwinnett. Wm. L. Sturl a, 1 ( uiifoys, Hcnrv. T. Ac. J. Nels( n, ci [ s llearns, Butts. Richard Dean, r a U ambers, Houston. Thos. P. Jacfturi, laces, Putnam. Andrew Nicoi c, o ji 7-j, Burke. M. Harrell, Ea hols, Houston. John Webb, C a'innett. . James Van Fl^uns, Muscogee. Harris Brantlv', bjui^s, Washington- Dial Peavy, ra I ambenthfs, Tayette. James Prince, IWi; s, Habersham. Matthew Norton, Hueys, Harris. James Adams, Robersons? Fayette. T, H. Conner, Houstons„ Chatham. Burwell Eaves, Stanfields, Campbell. Usry AlmancTs orps Cannjngs, Elbert. Henry Barton, Boyntons, Twiggs. Milton Cooper, Higginbothams, Carroll. E„ Strickland, sr ^tantons, Newton. ElijaJi.Poss, 177, Wilkes. 8. Payne, daughter, s d I w, 26, Glynft. Tbos4 Yoyng^s #7f, Mcjntosh. S. B. Westbrook, Burkes,Gwinnett. * so James Lawless, Seas, Madison. Malacha Mercer, Sumerlins, Bullock. Thos. C. Murrah, Woods, Morgan. Joh-n S. Bradley, Bakers, Liberty. John R. Greenlee, Deans, DeKalb. Tames A. Parker, Gunns, Jefferson. Agnes Lawless, w r s, Seas, Madison. Robt. Cugle, Grays, Henry. Elish i Matliis, s r s, Rooks, Putnam. John Brown, 3^4, Wayne. Nath'l. Handy, r s Stephens, Habershain* Matthew Cofer, Loveless, Gwinnett. Jeptha Robinson, sr Griffins, Fayette. 11. Highfill, jr M. Browns, Habersham. Sarah Aaron, w McKorkles, Jasj>er. J ames Roberts, Simmons, Crawford. Elizabeth Talbot, w r s, Morgans, Clark. Abner B. Pollard, 1st, Chatham. Stephen Fennell, Goodwins, Houston. Dexter N. Gibson, Walkers, Columbia. Wm. Cook, 118, Hancock. J. H. Bedingfield, Williams, Washington* Elijah Smith, j\ellutns, Franklin. Isaac Hayrgroves, Candlers, Bibb. Thos. L. Lurry, Hargroves, Newton. Joseph Tynar, Britts, Randolph. Wm. McFarlan, Suttons, Habersham. Edward Harp, Gittens, Fayette. Joseph W. Walker, Deans, DeKalb. John Counel, r s Petersons, Montgomery. Alary Kensey, w Jones, Habersham. Zach. I^eatherwood, Smiths, Campbell 31 George Slatin, rs Lays, Jackson. Geo. L. Hudgins, Blackstocks, Hall. John M. Lambert, "72, Burke. Wm. Kennadv's orps Whites, Franklin. Silas Cross, Roberts, Hall. Edmond Palmer, Prices, Hall. T H. D. Vanlandingham, I 20, Baldwin* John S. Jackson, 470, Upson. Jason H. Mackey, Smiths, Henry. ALner Lovelady, Burnetts, Habersham. Samuel Holton,jr Barrons, Houston. James Shannon,'Athens, Clark. M. Mitchell, h a Says, DcKalb. John Butler, sr 20, Bryan. Lit. Jackson, Daniels, Hall. Seaborn Downs, 10, Effingham. Elijah Bentley, 415, Walton. B. Yarboroughs, orps Walkers, Columbia* John Woods, Ellis, Rabun. Azariah Bradley, Nesbets, Newton. B. B. Hodges, Slaters, Bulloch. S. G. Jones, 190, Elbert. Simeon Russel. Lee. James Bigham, Gunns, Jeflerson. John M. James, lunatic, 23, Richmond. E. Funderburk's orps. Muscogee. John B. Barley, Griffins, Burke. Neal Kennedy, Shows, Muscogee. t Deliah Raper, h a Stephens, Habersham. Oliver Axen, orp 15, Liberty. ^usan A. Beall, w McMillons, Lincoln. Deskin Ilolcomb, Parks, Walton. 203 b 281 6 282 b 285 b 296 b 290 b i I b 3 b 4 b 7 6 8 b 83 & 36 b 39 b 43 b 7t> 77 & 78 6 70 6 139 b 148 6 157 6 153 b 32 leo. Perdee, SaJem, Baldwin, ^hos. Rogers, Albersons, Walton. Littleton Tedder, Wi Laurens, ilias Mimms, Martins, June's, lipson Slatin, Lays, Jackson, ohn Cook, Daniels, Hall. The balance of the Lois 3rd quality.— iounded East by lfrtli, in 1st section* *Jorth by North-Carolina, West by 9th a 1st section and So^th by ! 0th in 1st sec- ion. Brass town Creek, with numerous ributaries running through the district— oad leadings Ilighwassee 1815a Distract, Sit Secliosa. ames Marry, Lovens, H°nry. tester Branch, w r s, .So wth wells, Tatnali, Seaborn Jenes, Covin^tons, l ike. Cinchen Ha1 rison, s Newsoms, Warren, iames Harrell, 5.5 i, Upson. [ames Hatcher, orp Lamps, Jefferson. ?. N. Fordham, Bucks, Houston, [ohn McCray'sorps Ellis, Pulaski. 3. M. G. Wilkinson, Georges, Appling, rlenry Buckannon, 2JK5, lasper. Facob Johnson, Camps. Baker. 2. Nelson, Deans. DeKalb. Wm. Mitchell, s Edwards, Pranklin. fas Satterwhite, Hills, Harris. Lewis Whitley, 537, Upson. John Parks, Johnsons, Bibb. I ames C. Pemberton, Hills* Baldwin. 33 104 b 5 160 b 8 188 b 6 182 b 8 184 b 234 b 10 254 b 15 267 b 15 283 b 15 293 b 10 297 b 15 311 b IS David Rmith's orps Martins, Newton. Susannah Wheeler, w r s, Walton. Win. Wilkins, jr Robinsons, Futnam. Wm. Mitchell, sr Willis, Franklin. Thos. S. N. King-, Woods, Morgan. Alex. Langston, Hollers, Franklin. Alex. Johnson, Maguires, Gwinnett. Samuel Brown, 21"), Jackson. Jas. E. Cosby, Pollards, Wilkes. 10j3avid Harmon, 7, (Chatham. Wm. 11. Mallory, Whisenhunts, Carroll. John F. Fin'ev, .Smiths, ('ampbeli. Bounded East by. Rabun county, North by North Carolina, West by 17th district, in ! st-section and South by 10th, in 1st section. Highwassa river and Highwassa road running through it. 1911a ©'strict; 1st §ecli©aa. 3jWm. A. Guardner, Bearings, Butts. 10 Alex. Stringer, Roes, Barke. \2 Lucy Walling, w Mercks, Hall. Covington Brooks, Tankersleys, Columbia. Bounded East and South by the "Blue- ridge, North by 1 Nth, in 1st section, West by Kith, in 1st section. Highwassa river land Highwassa road runs through this dis¬ trict. 34 s:> ei 82 83 64 815 19 105 10ft 109 120 121 125 128 1415 147 15S 15D 274 290 4 4 2(> 15 12 £d f eeffeta. Chas. lienry. s Bowers, Elbcit. Dudley Groce, 5&7, IJpson. Wro. Ganett, Cum s XV iikin?rn. Tho3 S. Walton, Eensons, Lincoln. Thos. J. McMjUin, 4U1, Vpsr.n. i >alvin liav nes, AJillcrs, Cj.nule:>.. XV. l*avis, Nichols, Fayette. 205:!3cnj. Alford, v haws, M uscn^ee. O^ll'yent E. Jackson. Gunns, lienrv. 43iWm. Townsend, Blackstock, [Jail. M. Bark's orps Sparls, Washington. Silas Kendrick, Grubbs, Columbia. fsaac Frasier, Williams, Walton. Ilukin Tompkins, s Williams, Washington. Thos. Millican,- r s Johnsons, DcKalb. James A. Fawn, VaHcai s, Chatham. Sarah Wamack, w Maysorss Washington. Ijohn E^r^erson, Manguirs, Franklin. [Martha Hinds* w r s.Chatham. Jacob Clark, jr Halls, Csmdt n. The balance of t3ie lots 3d quality.— Bounded East by 4th, a gold district in 1st jsection, North by 5th, in 2d section, West 'by mth, in 2d section and f?outh by Sd, a gold district, 2d section. Mountain creek |and Long Swamp creek, runs through the [district and is otherwise well watered.— Tennessee or Federal road passes also ■through the district. 21 1J 15 5 10; blOD b it; 10 35 iobhexncwm 5tSa District, 2d Section. 15 Asa Ayrcs' orps Smiths, Franklin. 10 T. Wilcox, jr son oi' T. Fryers, Telfair. 25jHoiuee A. Lati er, Flynns, Muscogee. \lex. Mai tin. Harj s, {Stewart. Henry Clark, IlamiUons, Hall. .fames Rawls, Fevej s, Bulloch. Wrn M. Hill, 4G0, Monroe. John Ward, Comptons, Fayette. Bounded by 5th, in 1st section, a gold district, North by G'di, in 2d sec., West by 12ih, in 2d section and {South by 4th, in -'d sec.ion. This district is well watered. Gl':i E>i>C5*:c3, 2i3 §allv Carroll, w Jones, Half, ames Hoyet, Sinclairs, Houston. Slias Pollard, Shows, Muscogee. Vm. Gibson, 107, Wilkes, lenry Idlian, Chamber?, Gwinnett. lary IJallman, orp Jones, Bulloch. Jartin Hathaway, Valleaus, Challiam. jliz. Cain, Fields, Habersham. J. F. Walthall, s Williams, Jasper, foung Carr, orp Taylor, Putnam, ohn Peck, Ballards. Morgan. Vm. Thrower,'-id, Chatham. Snoch Cobb, 4V6, Gwinnett. (Vm. Autrey, Cle^es, Walton, rhns. BartlettvRobinsons, Washington. Jenj. Barron, Alsobrooks, Jones. Farechild, w r s, Whipples, Wilkinson. Samuel B.Baldwin, Hills,Monroe, ames Coekran, Fields, Habersham. Foley's orps 574, Early. Edward Wilson, 510, Early. L E. Holleday. Lockharts, Bulloch, rhos. S. Luther's orps Valleaus, Chatham. ,arkin Wilson, s McEwens, Monroe. rViley B. Jones, Foli es, Wilkes, saac Polts, Jones,.Habersham, ^eo. S. Beed, Se wells, Franklin. Surrell Rabon'sorps Winters, Jones. B. Thompson, Jordans, Bibb. [ohn S Bobo, JMullins, Carroll. John Starnes, Griffins, Hall. Wm. Flynt's orps Brewers, Walton. S7 Jacob Cochron, sr Ilerndons, Hall Gilmer's orps Allisons, Pike. VVm. Lewis, llendons, Carroll. Gilbert Sweat, 415, Walton. Robt. G. Brawn, Morgans, Madison. Anin Bia -g, w Youngs, Wilkinson. jD.tniel larrott, v7, plynn. .John Peoples, Chambers,Gwinnett. lYutv Bo wen, Milkrs, Jackson. -harles Moore, jr Wolfskins, Oglethorpe. Joseph Kind's orps Hills, Monroe. Wm. Patterson, Stewarts, Troup. John \Vhiteacre, jr Culoreaths, Columbia. A. Gibson, orp Whiteheads, Habersham. Shadrach Green, 417, Walton. Wm. S. Ilo^k .ve'l, 3i0, Bald win. W. Y. H'bridge's orps Robinsons, Putnam. Tims. Barnes, Givins, DeKalb. vVm. G, Porter's orps 11, Eiiingham. :I. J Parish, 40, Emanuel. 'ohn F.cGraw, 470, Upson. S. F«)lscme"s orps SwinneA s. Laurens. i\. II. Turner, Thompsons, Henry. TCathan Jordan, ("amps, Baker. M;:rlha Barnett. w Seas, Madron. Smith, \v r s, Morrisons, Montgomery. "Fhos. Matthews, i i Wvnns, Gwinnett. ■>. Iviteken's orps Cox's Fmnkiin. Thomas Nelson. Moblys, DeKalb, Thomas Quails, Il.vniltons, Hall. James M. llimle::. Hinisons, Decatur. Taos. Wiley, sr ofElfingham, Chatham* 81 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 b 86 b 87 b 88 b 89 b 90 -b 91 b 92 b 93 b 91 b 95 b 96 b 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 104 b 105 b 106 b 107 b 108 b 109 b 110 b 111 b J12 b 28 fos, Y.Gardner, McMillens,Lincoln* Charles D. Davis, 419, *Walton. Eliz. McEwin, h a, 243, Jacks >n. \lfred Shivers, Dilmans, Pulaski. Fohn Mason, Dobbs, Hall, foseph Heard", Millers, Jackson. Jeni. Garner, s Nesbitts, Newton, tames Wjmberlv, Winters, Jones, foseph Calahan, Robinsons, Fayette. Jraer Bishop, Rooks, Putnam. Jeter Bovle, Liddles, Jackson. \Tancy McGoucrh, w Norris, Monroe. Jenry M. Stevens, 15, Liberty. Sib:* W. Couch, Crawfords, Franklin, ohn Lamb's orps Camps, Baker ilarv Myers, w 271. Mcintosh, iobert C. flings, 15, Liberty. 'eter Jon^sjn, CIcl&nds, Chatham. Jope Branaon. s 37, Scrivcn. ohn Robert, Kitties. -">7, Scrivcn. L Stiohcomb, s i w, Lunsiords, Elbert. fopson Dewberry,-Phillips, Monroe, ^evvis W. Vininir, Smiths, Campbell. )aniel Scott, s 1 vv, McClains, Newton, jcmuel Dorsey, (>04, Taliaflr'rb, Uex. Johnsons, Groccs, Bibb, *inkev Tarber's orps Smiths, Houston, lideon Watson, Taylors, Houston. >enj. Faircloth, Hattons, Baker. Catharine Hill, w Wilsons, Jasper. ordonC. Brooks, Tompkins, Putnam, rVm. Freeny, Groces, Bibb, 3D 113 b 1U b ' 115 116 117 118 111* b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 120 121 122 123 124 125 123 127 128 120 b 130 b 131 b 132 133 134 135 130 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 b b b b b b b b b b b b 144 b Sarah Stalling, w Ross, Monroe. ThomasF. Bethel, 561, Upson. Geo. VV. Tureniine, 61)3, Heard. Alfrc4 Jonson, iMartins, Pike. John A. Allen, M.iGehees, Troup. Wm. Griffith, LMdles, Jacfcson. James i\I. Nettles, 406, Gwinnett. James Curry,Carpenters, Tatnall. Alfred M. Morton, 102, Hancock. Jesse Watson, Adams, Columbia. Qnintin Everett, -'45, Jackson. J. Dean's or ps Jfacjuircs. Gwinnett. Aiutin Winder, Gibsons, Decatur. B. Smith, s VU—'37, Tompkins, Putnam, -.j/erett Pa ram ore, Groovers, Thomas. .Vlier's orps Yo.n^s, Wilkinson. Mary Cannon, w r s, Jones, BJ'och. Inane Din\ia:r, r s, Latin ers, f le&alb. 'JU.brd I'riuihet, io'hllis, Burke. John L. Pn\;ner, Frasicrs, Monroe. Jonathan A. Poll;, Lid dies, Jackson. John Vinson, jr ifo.volis, Croup. B"nj. II. Uilinan, Tones, /Jordan. Joseph Kill, Kin J ricks, Monroe. Win. Jackson, Reids, Gwinnett, Win. Morell, Johnsons, Bibb. N. Nicholson, s Aderhoids, Campbell. Sidney Forons, Dobbs, Hal!. S. M. Williams, Allisons, Pike. William Matthews, Parhams, Harris. Joseph Wilson, Jordans, Bibb. Bailey Beaver, Brocks, Habersham. 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 151 155 153 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 J71 172 173 174 i 175 1 176 I 40 Simeon Bishop, Mitchells, Pulaski. ^eter A vent, Edwards, Talbot. kViley Murphy, Edwards, Talbot, ieo. Hurst. 'Griffins, Burke, tf. II. Owens, s 1 w, 761, Heard. Samuel Newell, Willis, Franklin, leo. Elliott, s McGinnis,- Jackson. ?hom;is Edwards, Swains, Thomas, amuel Pedeir, 404, Gwinnett. ^lomas J. Williams, 470, Upson, ornelius Kitchens, Gunns, Jones. ohnD. Moss, Hargrove?, Oglethorpe. Vm IT. Watson, Watsons, Marion, ames W. Latimer, Scroggins, Oglethorpe ams Maokieroy, Mackleroys, Clark, leasant Leinm.>t>s, Harraisons, Troup, ewis Goodwin, r s Bosticl.s, Twiggs. }!m A. Born, Markers, Gwimvlt. Ivan De;m, Ilammons, Franklin. Am. G. Oliver, Marlins, Pike. >hn Mc' ■oy, Ta'lev, Trowp. owell Moselev, Evans, Fayette, imes Bradshaw. .loniais", 'i^nis. atthevv F. Moselev, 167, Wilkes, sse K. Sumner, Emanuel, ijah Tarvers orps -if '■>, Upson, lom is Proas', Says, Hall. Ifred G. Thompson, Whelchels, Hall, "m. Pittard, Buckbranch, Clark, hn Timmons, 2d sec., Cherokee, atthew U. Wright, Shatioxs Coweta, illen McDonald, Dawsons, Jasper. 177 b 178 b 179 b 180 b 181 b 182 b 183 b 184 b 185 b 180 b 187 b 1S8 b 189 b IsO b 191 b 102 b 393 b 194 b 105 b 39G b 197 b 198 b 199 b 200 b 201 b 202 b 203 b 204 b 205 b 206 b 207 b 5.08 b 41 'ohn S. Fmith,242, Jackson. "hos. Ilailey, idiot, Taylors, Elbert, lanibal Allen, Espys, Clark. V"m. Bastian's orps Grubbs. Columbia, lartin Preast, Says, Ilall. Libert Simonton, 144, Greene. Alexander Bean, 250, Wilkes, tfarv Mopp, w 1(>0, Greene, illijah E. Jones, Christies, Jefferson, vennedy Dennard, s Martins, Stewart. 3arbarcv llav, w Griffins, Merriweiher, -.ittleberry Iluchins, -1st sec. Cherokee, fohn Ilarriss, Johnsons, DeKa'ib. fames Sturdcvant, 5^9, Upson. Susannah Johnson, w Pounds, Twiggs, riiomas iSharp, Nesbets, Newton, arred Ilennington, Bushes, Pulaski, closes IXole.omb, r s 3d sec. Cherokee. >ilas Plunkelt, 108, Hancock. Sphraim Lee, Loveless, Gwinnett. ^ esse Mill's orps Whitakei s, Crawford, lobt. W.Sliipp, Shearers, Coweta, fames Abney, Tuggies, Merriwciher. Veal Barnes, 7'-.Q, Decatur. Elizabeth Gardner, 12'J, Richmond, fohn Nobles, Kellun-s, Talbct. Leonard PLiines, Barwicks, Washington. John Underwood, s Pounds, Twiggs. IVm Gentry, Phillips, 1 albot. Jatdori Rountree, Evnns, Faxeile. Louisa Durkee, prp ClelanJs, Chalham. Ihornton Mead, Maguircs, Gwjunett. 209 b 210 b 211 b 212 b 213 b 214 b 215 b 216 b 217 b 218 b 219 b 220 b 221 b 222 b 2 "-23 b 224 b 225 b 226 b 227 b 228 b 229 b 233 b 231 b 232 b 233 b 234 b 235 b 230 b 237 b 238 b 239 b 240 42 Vm Roughton, Sinquefields, Washington fardy Beimefield, Martins, Newton. Vmney D. Davis, Loveless, Gwinnett. Iharles Muggridge, 3d, Scriven. )aniel Mobley. Hicks, Decatur. Lifted M. Echols, Shearers, Coweta, ones' orps Bryants, Burke, ohn Clayton, Heards, DeKalb. feasant Shipp. 417, \Valton. I. Crawford, w Keeners, Rabun. . & E. Hornsby, orps 24, Mcintosh, es-ie Pven-lall, sr Stephens, Habersham. Yin McMurrin, s Peaces, Wilkinson. II. A. Ooutteau, orp GriiTins, Uurle. rho.nas Coker, Blackstocks, Ilall. ^lias Bagert Palmer's orps Stewarts, Warren. .Vm II. Shuman, 19, Bryan. 'arnes Thompson, Mc Vlillins. Lincoln. _i« f\ Clark's orps Murpheys, Columbia. rcremiah Brown, Smiths. Wilkinson. 2eo. Danner, Stokes, Lincoln. 3. A. Soullard, jr 120, Richmond, peasant Drake, s 1 w, Halls, Butts'. Mary Bostick, w r s, Jones, Morgan, fohn S. Blalock, Currys, Merriwether, Wm Bullock, 516, Dooly. 43 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 2G0 2C1 26S 263 264 265 266 267 268 26# 270 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b John White, s Espys, Clark. \V. Belcher's orps Bishops, Henry. Wm S. Tallev's orps 1(33, Greene. Tyri S Harris, Stantons, Newton. Arthur Peacock, Taylors, Houston. .!anics Brown, Loveless, Gwinnett. Abel Stephens, Barieys, Twiggs. Solomon Broom, s 1 \v, C03, Taliafierro. Wm M. I orion, s Barnetts, Clark. J. C. Smith. s 1 \v, Maxhbunis, l u! a ski. Manning's minors, fa, Fryers, Ttllair. Jaim s Walker, 122, Piehinond. antes 31. Shcppard, Petersons, Burke. Uriah Dumas, 406, Monroe. &. Davis, Merci.s, Hall, irive? llardman, ofCkerokee, PeKalb. John IV 271 b 372 b J. T. Wii^ht. Jenkins, Ggleihorpe. Dernus Mc'Jlendon, IvIcCovs, Houston, jjohn G. Smith, orp Cleghorns, Madison- David i\ Brows, Stewarts, Jones. Robert P. Burto-i, Ilopi ins. ("amden. iiitatn Meadows, Peaces, Wili.inson. ■loues Douglass, s Barkers, Gwhiuett. Eiiz. Jenkins, h a Wall ers, Pulnam. George Hallman, SoutheJIs, Tattnall. Liichavd H. Caldwell. Athens, Clark. John Lee, Prescotts, Twiggs. Craddock Gober, Davids, Franklin. xMadison Baker, Cannings, Elbert, Win. Stacks, Alle is, Campbell. James Jackson, Catlets, Franklin, J one's orps 119, Richmond, 44 Levi .Tester1, r s Thixtons, Butts# Levi C. Bxstick, Killens, Decatui4. Alex. G. T\'lor, 3Go, Jasper. Sarah Dubos^, wrs, 60, Burke. Joseph Anderson, Herndons, Hall. J. Blount's orps ArringtonSj Merri wether. -W. W. Bond, Hughes, Habersham. Hezekiah Walker, Wilcoxs, Telfair. Rachael Heard, w Millers, Jackson. Bryant S. Rutledge.Savs, DeKalb. Isvvc Turner, Summerlins, Bulloch." Jp'in Karr, Roberts, IlalJ. Win. Wilson, Walkers, Houston. John H. Ken-idy, s Harfs, Jones. Joseph Griffin, r s Harralsons, Troup. The remaining lots, 3d qualry. Bound- e l Eist by (ith, in 1st section, North by ?th, in i.'d, West by I Ith, in yd section and South by 5th, in 2d section. Carticary creek runs through the district. Ytli 1>1 strict, 2d Section. John Hughes, Habersham. Alt--ia3 13. Oliver, Martins, Washington, w ard Hudson, Griees, Oglethorpe. John L'iton. s 1 w, Peacocks, Washington. Simon C. Vieh, Georges, Appling. vViri 4'entecost, r s Lays, Jackson. J. Wcstbrooks orp Mangums, Franklin, lames Statham, s Jenaings, Clark. Elijah Henderson, San 'erl:ns, Chatham .diles G. Dobbins, Peurifoys, Henry, 45 CjOsburn R. Oneal, 3CG, Jasper. iONoah Adams, Woods, Jtfieison. 2 Seaborn Elhridge, Youngs, Wilkinson. Edmund Smithwiek, s 1 w, Hines, Cowetai John Nichols,Nichols, Fayette. Kiur.hcsi Carr, Ilughcs, llabeisham. Richard S. Flake, .'it?, Semen Jeremiah Gentry, Edwards, Fr: nklin. Win Williamson orp Taylors, Houston. Ezekicl Miller, Hills, Baldwin. Thomas H. Turnet, Martins, Tike. Sarai.el Studdavd, Cleggs, Walton. McAlister's orps 400, Gwinnett. I1 lea sail t Mooreman, Btstins, like. George W. Young, Houres, Ik mv. Washington William?, Slaters, Bulloch. Stephen Garner. 3JS4, Jasper. Judkins Hunt, s Bit:tin?, 1 ike. Robert Chandler, Wynns, Gwinnett. Marv H. Cobb, w 601. Taliaferro. W m. Jones, Mitchelis, Marion. Wm D, Murphev, Alexanders, Jefferson Isham Nelson, Ilearns, Butts. John Neely, 537, Upson. John Newby, s '84—'97, 873, Jasper. Nancv Tiller, w Colleys, Oglethorpe. Wm llamby, sr Ilensoiis, Rabun. Chapman Baref.eld, Ross, Monroe. Michael Albright, Rhodes, DeKalb. .Charles A. Marlin, Trices, Hall. John D. Kerr's orps 141, Greene. ,Joshua Milner, Parks, \Valton. 57 b 58 b 59 b 60 b 61 b 62 b 6(5 b 67 b 68 b 69 b~ 70 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 75 b 78 b 80 b 81 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 b 86 b 87 b 88 b 89 b 90 b 95 b 96 b 97 b 96 b 46 Wm E 1 ward =t, orp Herring, Twiggs, ii-jajimin Taekwj:!, Espy?, Clark, areen McDonald, Rullanis, Bibb. [esse Whitley, Albersons, Walton. Ienry Glover, Cand'ers, Bibb. LI >.vari, Fharr, 415, Waliou. rjhn Casner, 110, Richmond. r^ss3 Elebee, Peavcys, B a!loch. Ienry Poppers, 2 ti>, Walton. Jan'bcd hi^ins, Reids,Gwiaaett. ames Welcii, Vills, Twiggs. Javid Garrison, Latimers, DeXalb. )aniel Birrifi^cr, :>J0. Baldwin. Seaborn AleSlarvae, 555, Upv>n. Vra Nichols, Morions DeKalb. ames Craws, fJ05, Talmfarro. ffiomas .Smith, Gunns, Henry. >enjimin '?ice, s ILtsons, Newton, olm C. Helvenston, s E'sworths, Bibb, ^hos. Gardner's orps Boslicks, Twiggs. Jornelius Gordon, Nesbits, Newton, 'zel-iel Strickland, sr Stantons, Newton. ). F. Hampton, w Doners, Columbia, larah Parker, w 103, Hancock. »enj. Ca:n, I Lushes, Habersham, lod'.rev Luther, Blackstoeks, Hall. )avid Thompson, Nesbetts, Newton, lary [I. Whitworth, w, Reid's, Gwinnett ohnNeeves, 458, Early. Jliz. Lee, \v, Harrison's, Decatur. )aniel D. Baker, Johnson's, DeKalb* ames Huckaby, s. '84—'07,687, Lee. 47 09 10 3 103 104 105 10i> 107 103 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 b b b b 1) b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ICharles Knolcs, so!. Gittenp, Fayette. |Wm Wood, Johnson's DeKa'b. I Waters Dunn, Tankerslex s, Columbia. Alexander Berrvhill, s Wheelers, Pulaski Lipsoy Deadvvild^'s orps, Bi..siin's, Pike. Robert Church, Millers, Camden. Win A. llendon, Staniic-lds, Campbell. John Skinner, sen. s, 1ID, Richmond. Thomas Wills, Athens, Clink. Moses Caraker, 5S7, Uf. son. Joseph Nobles,785, Scrnpter. Alfred L. Boren, Mosele^s, Wilkes. Isham Huskette, Neshetts, Newton. I James Leak, sen. Belchers, Jas[ er. Z. L. Zachn , Martins. Newtot.s. Young Gresham's orps, Echo's, Clark. Barshaba White, w, Williams, Jasper. Win H. Deupree, Bragaws, Oglethorpe. Wm A. Dawson, llendon's, Rabun. Ahashabv Johnsto.:, Blacksiock's, HalL Hiram Sharp, sol. Hendoirs, Carroll. Benj W. i lasengane, 788, Heard. Henry G. Moseley, Keeners, Rabun. M. E. Alexander, w, Alexanders, JefTersce lames H. Finny, Stewart's, Jones. Hugh Goen, Hcarn's, Butts. \dam Spooner, Killens, Decatur. Charles Bradley, Williams, Washington, lames J. Smith, Moore's, Randolph. David Johnson, Watson's, Marion. Seth i rms, 205, Jasper. Mary Hayes, w, Whitehead's, Habersham 133 b 334 b 135 b 140 b 141 b 142 b 143 b 144 b 145 b 146 b 147 b 148 b 149 b 150 b 151 b 152 b 153 b. 151 b 155 b 156 b 157 b 15S b 150 b I GO b 161 b 182 b 103 b 184 b 185 b 166 b 267 b 168 b 48 fames Kilgore, 248, Jackson, iebasc-i Mann^w, Gitten's Fayette. Fohn Chalmers, sol. Cox's, Franklin. )onaldson ColevrHerrings, Twiggs. )aniel Boatwright, Kelly's, Elbert. •Vm C- Hudson, Loveless, Gwinnett, ames Havman, Bryant's, Burke. iCvin H. Ellis, 102, Hancock. Elizabeth Moore, w, Campbell's. WVkcs. Iary Sanders, w, Fleming's, .lc fTerson. Slisha Sandrum, Say's, DeKalb. Libert P. Torrance, Brooks, Muscogee. Lonith Daniel, Everctts, Washington. Villis Thurmond's orps. Trout's, Hall. William Thomas, 55i>, Walton, ohn Molesbee, Candler's. Bibb, ames E. Todd, sol 672, Harris, □da Garlick, w, Roe's, Burke. 'ho. Br idy, orpsi \v, Mavo's, Wilkinsoa ^m Fielder, of Cher. Harris, DeKalb. [enrv Jrbv, Dean's, DeKalb. aseph L. Hea'-groves, 8, Chatham, leasant Baugh, sol, 144. Greene. :>hn Landrum, r s, Hinton's, Wilkes, homas Hicks, Walker's Fpn's. enry Martin, Robinsons, Washington. E. Cornwell, Tavlors, Elbert. >siah iMcCulley, Houses, Henry, tmes Rahn, 9, Effingham. . T. Terrell, orp Paces, Putnam, hos. Rutherford, jr Loveless, Gvvinnett me Kinneyhorn, w Brooks, Miseogee, 169 b 170 b 171 b 172 b 173 b 174 b 175 b 176 b 177 b 178 a 179 a 180 a 182 b 183 b 184 b 185 b 186 b 187 b 188 b 189 b 190 b 191 b 19£ b 193 b 194 b 195 b 196 b 197 b 198 b 199 b 200 b 201 b 49 Matthew Mizell, Willcoxs, Telfair. )avid Howell, Martins, Pike. Fackson Ingram, Williams, Decatur, ^.mey Castleton, w 364, Jasper, fohn Williams, Garners, Coweta. 3. Pope, s 1 w, Wolfskins, Oglethorpe. F. A. Meigs, blind orp 600, Richmond V. Ranfroe, Everetts, Washington, lenry Davis, Mimms, Fayette. Leonard Peek, idiot, 148, Greene. ^ewis Jenkins, Loveless, Gwinnett. ■ Fames Duncan, 555, Upson. Vlary Williams, h a 34, Scriven. >elia Williams, w Crows, Merriwether. Wm T. Cain, orp Duprees, Washington, oel English, Pates, Warren, ohn Bickers, s 143, Greene. )aniel W. Webb, Mitchells. Pulaski, lenry Watkins, 4orps Givens, DeKalb. i'L S. Watkins, orps 165, Wilkes, ohn Thomas, Harrisons, Decatur, ames B. Johnsons, Jordans, Bibb, ohn Pearson, Butts, Monroe, ilartha Mitchell, h a Gorleys, Putnam. Thomas Nevil, Jones, Bulloch, ames Kivlin, Fews, Muscogee. ^hos. M. Foster, Frasiers, Monroe, llijah P. Allen, Comptons, Fayette, laderson Veels, Jordans, Bibb. Vm M. Parsons, minor, f a 105, Baldwin. Vm J. Owen, Lovens, rlenry. Elizabeth Lon<*, w Griffins, Burke. 202 b 203 b 204 b 205 b 206 b 207 b 208 b 209 b 210 b 230 b 231 b 232 b 233 b 234 b 235 b 236 b 337 b 238 b 239 b 240 b 245 b 246 b 247 b 248 b 249 b 250 b 251 b 252 b 267 b 268 b 269 b $70 b 50 Wm Thomas, s Adams, Columbia^ John Dailey, jr Peurifoys, Ilenry. Robert Armor, Hamiltons, Hall. James Jones' orps Jones, Thomas. Wm Walker, Seays, Hall. Wm M. Jones, Prescotts, Twiggs. John L. Burke, Coxs, Morgan. Drury Boatwright, Edwards, Franklin. Francis W. King, Cannings, Elbert. James B. Ellis, 114, Hancock. John Franklin, Moffetts, Muscogee. Vincent Nay ell, Valleaus, Chatham. C.iWeatherford, w Mortons, DeKal b- Roger McGrath, Moffets, Muscogee. Levi Jester, Heads, Butts. Wm Tillman, orp 113, Hancock. Elijah Garrett, SZanfields, Campbell. Jane Holder, w Browns, Camden. Isaac Downs, Harralsons "Troup. John Farrar, Roysters, Franklin. James Studdard's orps Cleggs, Walton. Horace B. Gould, 25, Glynn. James Norris, jr Pates, Warren, Daniel McNal, Lambenths, Fayette. Michael Kirkham, 248, Jackson. Simeon Hedgecock, Mashburns, Pulaski. E. C Kirkpatrick, Hodges, Newton. John Cheeves' orps Yinings, Putnam. B. A. Moye, Sinquefields, Washington. B. Furney, Bryans, Pulaski. Elenry Smith, Fryers, Telfair. WmH. Brown, 788, Heard. 271 b 272 b 273 b 274 b 275 b 276 b 277 b 287 b 288 b 289 b 290 b 293 b 294 b 295 b 299 b 300 b 301 b 302 b 305 b 300 a 307 b 308 b 319 b 320 b 321 b 51 Thomas Dunman, Mercks, Hall. Tonathan Johnson, jr Wynns, Gwinnett. Jacob Shuffield, s Waltzes, Morgan. Moses Harris, Newbys, Jones. David Chapman, Stowers, Elbert. James T. Jones, Cliftons, Tatnall. Newsom Owen, Kendricks, Monroe. E. Dizmukes' orps Gunns, Jones. Robt. Northeut's orps Hannahs, JefFerso*. Hiram B. Purkins, Dyers, Habersham. C. S. Collier, Howards, Oglethorpe. Jehu King, Youngs, Wilkinson. John G. Clark, Smiths, Houston. Harmon Sanders, Arringtons,Merriwether H.' H. Hannon, orp 120, Richmond. Charles Jenkins, s 117, Hancock. Wm Gardner, Parhams, Harris. James Duncan, G08, Taliaferro. C. B. Williams, Perrys, Habersham.' Aaron Smith, Carpenters, Tatnall. Thomas Home, Butts, Monroe. E. McClendon's orps 295, Jasper. L. B. Bowles, 141, Greene. Bazil Miller, Stones, Irwin. Jacob Moore, Harts, Jones. Bounded East by 7th, in 1st section,, North by 8th, in 2d section, West by 10ih, in 2d saction and South by 0th, in 2c? sec¬ tion. Toccoy runs through this district which is otherwise well watered. 52 5 b 15 b 21 b 3 42 b 7 44 b 12 51 b 8 66 b 5 67 b 10 85 b 10 86 b 6 92 b 10 93 b 1 99 b 10 100 b 115 b 15 116 b 6 153 b 3 154 b 1" 181 b 10 194 b 10 195 b 8 198 b 199 b 204 b 205 b 214 b 216 b 21V b 218 b 219 b §tli District, 2d Section. John Boswell, s Luncefords, Wilkes. James Moore, Harps, Stewart. S. Ellington, s 1 w, Blackshears, Laurens. Horace Rhodes, Raineys, Twiggs. WmY, Moore, 415, Walton. C. Hudson's orps McClains, Newton. James B. Smith, 122, Richmond. Jeremiah Durham, 138,. Greene. Ira Christian, Howells, Elbert. Peter Smith's orps Alsobrooks, Jones. Wm Powell, Gittens, Fayette. Wm CaJdwelJ, Newbys, Jones- James N. Taylor, Taylors, Houston. A. H. McDowell, Valleaus, Chatham. Abraham Horton, Jones, Habersham. Joseph Ware, 124, Richmond. John R. Medlock, 406, Gwinnett. John Glaze, Chastains, Habersham. £r Hudman, \v Aliens, Henry. Joshua Gay,jr 574, Early. Richard Stokes, 7, Chatham. Phillip Chesher; Holts, Talbot. John Ebberhart's orps Mereks, ifoH. Hannah Swindell, vv 415, Walton, Barton Rice's orps Jones, Hall. Ephraim M. Poole, Mobleys, DeKalb. James Gordon, Edwards, Talbot. Wiley L. Clements, Phillips, Monroe. James Powell, Shattoxs, Coweta. Wm. Jackson, jr 160, Greene. 53 10 James Driggers, Nesbetts, Newton. 5S. Hill,.Mizells, Talbot. 20 John Poll, Herrings, Twiggs. 29 John A. Smith, Siins, Troup. 11 Wm Walraven, Gillis, DeKalb. 9 Samuel Rowland, Mullins, Carroll. 7 Lucinda Turman, w Brewers, "Walton. 5 Shadrach McGinty, s Brewers, Monroe. John A. Casey's orps Flemings, Jefferson. 10 Horatio Brewer's orps 190, Elbert. 1 John P. Durham, Butts, Monroe. Bounded East by 8th, in 1st section, North by North Carolina, West by 9th, in 2d,section and South by 7th, in 2d section. Toccoy river and Fighting-town creek runs through this district. 9th IMsti'ict, 2d Section. Wm Cray, Sanderlins, Chatham. P. Brown, s i w, Petersons, Montgomery. Sarah Johnson, wsiw, 693, Heard. Sarah Smith, w r s, 277, Morgan. Jason Brinson, 73, Burke. Benj. McDonald, Cuibreths, Columbia. WmBurgamy, Garners, Washington. David Moody, Georges, Appling. Benj. Akins, 602, Taliaferro. John N. Ilightower,'Gittens, Fayette. G. Goodgame, orp Sinquefields, Wash'ton. JohnLyle,s Orrs, Jackson. Thos. \\r. Jones, Chisholms, Morgan. Henry Rousseau, Kindricks, Putnam, 15 b 16 b 17 b 18 b 19 b 20 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 25 b 27 b 28 b 29 b 30 b 31 b 32 b 33 b 34 b 35 b 30 b 37 b 38 b 89 b 40 b 41 b 42 b 43 b 44 b 45 b 40 b 54 Inoch Bramlet, jr Chastains, Habersham, 'arnell Vines, Moseleys, Coweta, iliz. Miller, idiot, 1st, Chatham, ames M. Street, Ridens, Jackson, oseph H. Hudson, Gunns, Jefferson, lenry Curbow, Smiths, Campbell, ohn Wood's orps Brocks, Habersham. Vm Mitchell, sr r s, Willis, Franklin. Sarah McDugall, w McClures, Rabun. I. J. Middeton, s. Koustons, Chatham, L G. Ledbetter, Espys, Clark, ielina Elkins, w 10, Effingham. • acob Smith, Butts, Monroe, acob Leavens, Wilsons, Pike, ilija Clark, McCullors, Newton. Thomas Wilson, Cobbs, Muscogee, ames Driggers, Nesbetts, Newton. I. Kent's orps Jennings, Clark, oseph Robertson, Dobbs, Hall. ^ancy Mecks, Coxs, Franklin. Ienry Dickerson, r s Everetts, Wash'ton. ohn Morris, Fields, Dabersham. /Vm P. Moore, jr Adersons, Rabun. J. Smith, s Dyers, Habersham, jucy Drinkard, w Prophets, Newton, ane Wiley, w r s, Crows, Pike. Matthew G. Ellis, 141, Greene. ,Vm Harris, Lynns, Warren. .'hillip A. Mc Daniel, Footes, DeKalb, jit. Clark, 640, Dooly. N. S. Breazeal, Oneals, Laurens. David P. Simmons, Smiths, Madisoiu 55 Isaac Tostor, .McClures, Rabun. Elisha Cloud, Hudsons, Marion. Wm B. Dennis, Cravens, Coweta. Harrison Anthony, Baughs, Jackson. Wm C. Jolly, Holleys, Franklin. John McGraw, 470, Upson. M. Higinbotham, m fa, Morgans,Madiso® Robert Right's orp McLendons, Putnam. J. H. Baynes, Phillips, Jasper. E. Pattershall, Youngs, Wilkinson. John Cato's orps Walkers, Houston. John Landers, Griffins, DeKalb. Wm Jeter's orps Fews, Muscogee. Zachariah Adkinson, 121, Richmond. John P. Carr, Griffins, DeKalb. Sally Wells, h a, Browns, Habersham. Henry W. Bruce, 102, Hancock. Mary Barksdale, w Browns, Habersham. Thomas B. Shaw, s Clelands, Chatham. D. Floyd, sFrasiers, Monroe. Henry Raper, Stephens, Habersham. John Ivens, Suttons, Habersham J. J. Cotton's orps Norris, Monroe. Benton Walton, Shearers, Coweta. Hezekiah Finley, Hughes, Habersham. G. A. Thrash, s '84—'97, Howells, Troup. I. M. Harris, G07, Taliaferro. Allen B. Denton, 113, Hancock. Benj. Phillips, r s, Browns, Camden. Heary K. Carter, Groces, Bibb. Jos. C. ArnoW, Hobkirks, Camden. F. H. Wellman, s Valleaus, Chatham. 56 Andrews Galey, Dyers, Habersham. G. Moseley, Whiteheads, Habersham. Sumner's orps Bryants, Burke. Kilby Brown, s 1 w, Simmons, Crawford. Aaron Merritt's orps Thames, Crawford. Jos. W. Slaughter, 294, Jasper. Wm W. Tilly, Carswells, Jefferson. Wm Hamet, 600, Richmond. Wm B. Tindal, Petersons, Burke. John C. Gray, Griffiths, Harris. L. Champion's orps Hills, Monroe. John Humphries, Swains, Thomas. E. Wamack, w Bryans, Pulaski. Wm H. Joyner's orps Valleaus, Chatham. J. Willingham, w r s, Oolleys, Oglethorpe. W. P. Allen, 419, Walton. J. T. Penn, s 1 w, Beasleys, Oglethorpe. John McVicker, r s, Smiths, Henry. Sarah Batchellor, w 454, Walton. James C. McGinty, Camppells, Wilkes. John Raper's orps Whisenhunts, Carroll. James Cody, Tilleys, Rabun. Wm. Rankin, Clelands, Chatham. Turner Drake, Griffins, DeKalb. Reuben Boatright, 57, Emanuel. Seth D. Threadcraft, s 4, Chatham. Thos. Bowman, sr 249, Walton. J. G. Mingledoff, s 11, Effingham. Needham Chesnut, Pearces, Houston. Warthen'sm f a, Hoods, Henry. Emily Hill, w Guices, Oglethorpe. Richard M. Burt, 374, Putnam. Ill b 112 b 113 b 414 b 115 b 116 b 117 b 118 b 119 b 120 b 131 b J 22 b 123 b 124 b 125 b 126 b 127 b 128 b 129 b 530 b 131 b 132 b 133 b 134 b 135 b 136 b 137 b 138 b 139 b 140 b 141 b 142 b 57 Wm Haddon, Carswells, Jeflerson, John C. Henderson, Aliens, Henry. Wm L. Green, 320, Baldwin. Green Bell, Howells, Elbert. Sarah Bradford, w Bridges, Gwinnett. Green Clay, Suttons, Habersham. Allen Estes, Dearings, Henry. Susannah Hicks, w r s, 589, Upson. Frances Herndon, w 788, Heard. W. Thomas, McKorkles, Jasper. Caswell Burke, 3, Cherokee. M. McKinney, 417, Walton. Corod Angley, blind, Hicks, Decatur, Henry Martin, Flynns, Muscogee. J.,.Bledsoe's orps Robinsons, Putnam. Edmund Baxley, 364, Jasper. Ann E. Stewart, w Clelands, Chatham. J. H. Witherspoon, 243, Jackson. Isaac Buzbin, Hargroves, Oglethorpe. Willis Pitt, Justices, Bibb. Joseph James' orps 122, Richmond. Lawrence W. Hilton, Butts. Monroe. Alex. H. Cooper, Fews, Muscogee. Geo. W. Evans, 606, Taliaferio. Robert Carithers, r s Seas, Madison. R. Wilder's orps Chambers, Gwinnett. Robt, Glasgow, Bracketts, Newton. John D. Copeland, 160, Greene. J. Wiley, s i w, Higginbothams, Madison. J. M. Strength, 373, Jasper. Bright B. Harris, 22, Mcintosh. Absalom Perkins, 601, Taliaferro. 143 b 144 b 145 b 146 b 147 b 148 b 149 b 150 b 151 b 152 b 153 b 154 b 155 b 156 b 157 b 15a b 159 b 2 GO b 161 b 162 b 163 b 164 b 165 b 166 b 167 b 168 b 169 b 170 b 171 b 172 b 173 b 174 b 58 . P. Benford, Hammocks, Jasper* ilas Kay, Brewers, Walton. 'ilman Hawk, Aliens, Monroe. melia Mixen, h a 24, Mcintosh. eo. Morgan, s 1 w, Rooks, Putnam, , M. Morgan, Clintons, Campbell 3hn leickman, 120, Richmond )hn Pelpy, Suttons, Habersham . Norman, orp Flemmings, Franklin ewis Wilcox, Wilcoxs, Telfair shn Slaughter, Edwards, Talbot 'homas Gordon, Taylors, Jones ohn Rigdon, Morrisons, Appling ames Turner, sr wr, Carpenters, Tatnall . Hickman, s Blackstocks, Hall L Murphree, idiot, 74, Burke . B. Smith, Swireys, Laurens ames L. Willis, Coxes, Talbot idward Johnson, s 1 w, 454, Walton \ Pollard, Lambenths, Fayette 1. McCollum, w r s, Crawfords, Franklin a^e Vern, w 3d, Chatham )aniel Bowen, Wilcoxs, Telfair >enj. F. High. 279, Morgan Ym Bacon, Elsworths, Bibb Smith Deen, Morrisons, Appling . C Wallis, Liddells, Jackson r. Singleton, s Aliens, Campbell ■V. B. Clark,,Barions, Houston Vngns Johnson, Seals, Elbert Ufred Howell, Newsoms, Warren Susan Winkler, w 1st, Chatham 175 b 176 b 177 b 178 b 179 b 180 b 181 b 182 b 183 b 184 b 185 b 186 b 187 b 188 b 189 b 190 b 191 b 192 b 193 b 194 b 195 b 196 b 197 b 198 b 199 b 200 b 201 b 202 b 203 b 204 b 205 b $06 b 59 D. W. Brown, Bragaws, Oglethorpe Stephen D. Debusk, orp 271, Mcintosh Nancy Watkins, w Givins, DeKalb Wm H. Walden, s Collins, Henry Jordan Spivey, 417, Walton David Holly, Towers, Gwinnett Wm A. Hunter, 140, Greene James Y. Thompson, Nesbits, Newton C. Burnam, Folsoms, Lowndes E. Johnson, jr Morgans, Appling A. McDonald's orps Georges, Appling S. A. Breedlove, Shearers, Coweta Hillery Smith, Wilcoxs, Telfair Lemuel Dodd, M. Browns, Habersham Geo. Grumbias, r s Bushes, Burke Lydia Eislands, w 271, Mcintosh Tillman Kelly,Newsoms, Warren Elisha Harrell, Hicks, Decotur Zedekiah Pope, Mitchells, Pulaski Crispin Davis, sr Thaxtous, Butts Wm Collins, 108, Hancock Arthur J. Butts, 104, Hancock Friend O. Shockley, P.oss, Monroe Cyan L. Boykin, ?/3, Scriven Kiinmy Smith, 120, Richmond James Stafford, McCraneys, Wayne George W. Jennings, 320, Baldwin Eliz. Wilcher, w r s, Chesnuts, Newton Wm Vaughan, Roberts, IJall Robert Smith, jr Halls, Butts John C. Phillips, Wynns, Gwinnett J. & W. Bryan-, orps Bryants, Burke S07 b 208 b 209 b 210 b 21*1 b 312 b 213 b 214 b 215 b 216 b 217 b 213 b 819 b 220 b 221 b 322 b 223 b 224 b 225 b 226 b 227 b 228 b 229 b 230 b 231 b 232 b 233 b 234 b 235 b 23G b ft37 b 238 b CO Bryan W. Collier, Mashburns, Pulaski Elijah Boswell, Tompkins, Putnam James M. Strong, Jacks, Clark Sher\vood Stroud, Halls, Oglethorpe Jefferson Bazemore, Comers, Jones Tatum Menefec, Robinsons, Fayette Albert B. Harris, McMillons, Lincoln Bryan J. Roberts, Folsoms, Lowndes Wra Driskill, Dawsons, Jasper Elizabeth Pence, w Smiths, Habersham James Akridge, Swains, Thomas Nathan Thompson, 140, Greene Martin T. Cash, Taylors, Elbert VVm A.Hammonds, 279, Morgan Charles Richardson, 561, Upson Ephraim D. Spinks, Lynns, Warren PelegR. IV cCrary, 319, Baldwin Henry Childs, 364, Jasper Hardy Johnson, r s, 55, Emanuel Ruth Weaver, w Hensons, Rabun Joseph Pool's orps Crows, Pike Thomas N. Heard, 600, Richmond Wm Bates, 143, Greene Mary Carady, w 19, Bryan Waldrupe Warren, Martins, Pike Henry Ball, (miller) 510, Early Eliz. Higgins, w Reids, Gwinnett Samuel Burdine, Gillis, DeKalb Wm Graham, Russels, Henry Jesse M. Simmons, 604, Taliaferro James E. Pane, Raineys, Twiggs Thomas M. Turner, 1st, Chatham 239 b 840 b 241 b 242 b 243 b 244 b 245 b 246 b 247 b 248 b 249 b 250 b 251 b 252 b 253 b 254 b 255 b 25& b 257 b 258 b 259 b 260 b 261 b 262 b 263 b 264 b 265 b £,66 b b 2C8 b &G9 b b 61 Tm D. Scoggin, 318, Baldwin icob Dreggors, 24, Mcintosh .J. C. Jones, orp ofC.419. Walton jhn Wilder, Campbells, Wilkes hesley B. Moore, Harts, Jones eter Bloe's orps 4, Chatham ollin Wood, Salem, Baldwin ohn Callaham, r s Jenkins, Oglethorpe oseph Gouge, sr Barkers, Gwinnett [ugh McLin, Elsworths, Bibb Vm Blount, Herrings, Twiggs Vm Yates, Swains, Thomas Vm Nash, Wynns, Gwinnett )udley Bonds, Reids, Gwinnett ohn Alliston, Guices, Oglethorpe Vm White, Rhodes, DeKalb )awson Davis' orps Loveless. Gwinnett oseph Crumpton, 404, Gwinnett 'harles Staples, Brackets, Newton ?hos. J. Smith, Parks, Walton itephen Hayman, r s Bryants, Burke esse E. Smith, Camps, Warren )aniel Morrison, Morrisons, Montgomery )avid Holeman, Davis, Gwinnett Vm M. Ross, Youpgs, Wilkinson Vrn Hudson's orps Luncefords, Elbert fcVm F. Hendon, Mobleys, DeKalb ?orgus Russell, Grays, Henry rilman Harrison, s Liddles, Jackson iVm Jones, Taylors, Jones Carlton Nun, Justices, Bibb Robinson, w Bostieks, Twiggs 271 b 272 b 273 b 274 b 275 b 276 b 277 b 278 Jb 279 b 280 b 281 b 282 b 283 b 284 b 285 b 28(» b 287 b 288 b S89 b 290 b 291 b 292 b 293 b 294 b 295 b 2i)6 b 897 b 298 b 299 b 300 b 301 b 302 b 62 Bylis Donaldson, 404, Gwinnett Peter Free, Paynes, Merriwether Tliomas Black, Suttons, Habersham Henry S. Autry, Coxes, Morgan T. S. Madding s orps Gillls, DeKalb Prancis S. Taylor, Graves, Lincoln 3. Walton, w Yinings, Putnam 3zekiel Sikes, Wrights, Tatnall Alicia Felane, orp Clelands, Chatham iValter A. Jenkins, Folks, Wilies ¥m W. Davis, Roes, Burke ames W. JNIcCIeskey, Orrs, Jackson.. 5enj. Little, Mobleys, DeKalb' rreen Cambron, Griffins, DeKalb ohn L. Phillips, Clelands, Chatham ^mG. Tyus, 108, Hancock . L. Mordecai, w 1st, Chatham eo. W. Jones, Peeks, Columbia Lary Robbins, h a, 34, Scriven Willingham, Tankersley, Columbia )hn W. Taylor, Thomasons, Elbert [oses Wily, s i w, 102, Hancock >hn Bro\v», s Willis, Franklin )rnelius Geiger, s 333, Wayne .mes W. Cato, Calhoun, Harris rhitfield Lindsey, Gunns, Jones hn G. Bethunc, Griers, Merriwe'thcr ilph Bozeman, r s Swains, Thomas tmuel S. D. Burddett, Sanders, Jonea hn Brown, Sinquefields, Washingtoa ary Nash, w'Sanders, Jones >.ovze Thomas, Mashburns, Pulaeki 303 b 304 b 805 b 206 b 307 b 308 b 30i> b 310 b 311 b 312 b 313 b 314 b 315 b 31 6b 317 b 318 b 319 b 320 b 321 b 322 b 323 b 324 b 63 M. P. Davis'orps Harris, Columbia Thomas Chesser, Smiths, Liberty 11. Jenkins, w r s, Bragaws, Oglethorpe Nancy Tye, w Wolfskins, Oglethorpe Lazarus Jones, Wynns, Gwinnett Jonathan Thompson, McClures, Rabun James Smith, s Salem, Baldwin John Ellis, Fryers, Telfair Edmund T. Penn, Ilodges, Newton S. McElhannon, Lays, Jackson Jacob Tarver's orps 117, Hancock Patsy Vernon, w r s, Colleys, Oglethorpe Wm Hook's orps 51G, Dooly Robert Wood, Monks, Crawford Nancy McDuffie. h a, 406, Gwinnett Nancy Moore, w Frasiers, Monroe. Berry Nobles, Nichols, Fayette Peter Gill, Taylors, Jones Basdel Pratt, s 1 w, 605, Taliaferro James M. Turman, 559, Walton Edison Reese, Nichols, Fayette David Weaver, Woods, Morgan Bounded East by 8th, in 2d section North by North-Carolina, West by 27th, in 2d section and South by 10th, in 2d sec¬ tion. Fighting-town creek and numerous branches water this district. 90 c j46 c j64 c j 65 C 2 66 c j95^ c j98 c j99 c o33 c 253 <; 254 c 266 c 267 c 273 c 274 c 275 c 287 c 288 c 289 c 290 c 301 c 302 c 303 c 304 c 310 c 312 c 313 c 64 lOtti District, 2d Section. Barbara Whittimore, w JBrowns, Camden Henry Rogers, g Talleys, Troup Sikes Saunder's orps 535, Dooly Thos. P. Wilkins, Hendons, Carroll Thos, W. Brandon, 404, Gwinnett Teany Chapman, h a, Seays, Hall, Nicholas Minor's orps Towers, Gwinnett John Edwards, s i w, Talleys, Troup YVm CJubb, s 1 w, Halls, Camden Jokn Poulk's orps Whipples', Wilkinson Ilosea Holtzclaw, 175, Wilkes Joel Dean's orps Robinsons, Washington Jesse Gideons, Olivers, Decatur Hichard Fortson, Walkers, Harris John Connell, Camps, Warren [J. R. Burroughs, Milledgeville, Baldwin WmF. Dean, 494,. Upson Fohn Smith, Cravens, Coweta Vlary Holiman, w s d w, Williams, Jasper rohn Irby's 3 orps Deans, DeKalb Vlary A. Sharp, wsiw,75,Burke Lewis Day, 559, Walton 3erry Sims, Martins, Stewart jindsey Killibrew, Camps, Warren I art well II, Lawrence, 142, Greene Berkley Perry; s Balls, Monroe fohn Wilson, 430, Early Bounded East-by 7th, in 2d section, Sforth by 9th, in 2d section, West by 26th, n 2d section and South by llth,m 2d sec- 65 tion. Eilejay river and Mountain river runs through this district which is other¬ wise well watered. 11 12 26 47 61 62 82 b b b b b b b 83 blOO J02 b 15 b b b b b b b 117 118 126 128 133 136 183 25 30 10 75 60 11th District, 2d Section. John S. Story, Shearers, Coweta Daniel D. Born, Barkers, Gwinnett James Remington, Dobbs, Hall John Huff, Youngs, Carroll S.D. Habersham, w Fitzpatricks, Chatham Martin Calf, M. Browns, Habersham Walker Duncan, 320, Baldwin Adam Carson, r s Alsobrooks, Jon£s Joseph Walker, M. Browns, Habersham Abi Bradford, w 293, Jasper Mary Nash, w r s, Sanders, Jones Yard Little, Perrvs, Habersham Rebecca Nix, w r s, Mizclls, Talbot John Kelly, Crarens, Coweta Isham Caswell, s Hitchcocks, Muscogee. Henry W. Todd, 161, Greene Bounded East by 6th, in 2d section. North by lOih, in 2d section, West by 25th, in 2d section and South by 12th, ie id section. Eilejay and Mountain rivers mite in this district and form CooMwatee 'river. 65 12iii Biiirict, Sd Section. John Ra'nkins, Gibsons, Decatur Wm 1). Roe, 22, Mcintosh Simeon Weldon, 838, Jasper S. B. Williams, Johnsons, DeKalb James Davis, & Lamps, Jefferson Anna Russell, h a,Says, Hall * Baton Hattaway, s Downs, barren Daniel Garrard, Liddells, Jackson John H. Lowe, Groces, Bibb George R. Edwards, Reids, Gwinnett Marcus B Swinney, Cokers, Troup Jesse Lewis, Youngs, Jefferson Hillard Emanuel, Gibsons, Decatur Wm Flewellen, Sullivatis, J ones Sherod Jones, Ferry mans, Warren Wm M. Myhand, '<£?{),' Morgan Garland Jones, s Brcoks, Mi scogce ,Anne Bennett, h a Clietls, Columbia Wm Allen, rs Smiths, Franklin jB. Bagwell, Kellums, Talbot * .Alfred Dockins, Smiths, Habersham *j?rancisM. Durrence, Brew ons, TatnaH * Denotes Indian Improvement, where the num« ber of acres are not stated by the surveyor. 67 2'EIizabcth Evans, idiot, Ilarralsoir, Troup Jo'.tn :\T. Alexander, Roberts, Hall * Cornelius Gobble, Masons, Rabun * Nincy M. Cox, w Bells, Columbia Alien B. Chastain, Iversons, Houston Ishani Watson, r s Folsoms, Lowndes Allen Spears, sr Jones, Thomas * R. Ha! ersham,jr Fltzpatricks, Chathami John Garvcn, s Taylors, Elbert John Moreland,jr Underwoods, Putnam Jonathan Willis' orps Belchers, Jasper Backnsr McDaniel, Olivers, Decatur George Witaon, Owens, Habersham Thoaias Marshall, Newbvs, Jones Peter F. Butler, sr Howeilg,'Elbert >o!om Segraves, Lawrences, Pike Thomas T. Langley, Loveless, Gwinnett Abner Anglin, Willis, Twiggs Susannah Hix, w ! 5i, Upson Dennis Peacetty, Ilobkirks, Camden Susannah Yates, w Lambenths, Fayette Bounded East by rth» in 2d section, Xorth by 11 th, in 2d section, West by 24 th,. in 2d section and South by 13th, in 2d section. This district is well watered by Talking rock creek and numerous branch¬ es. The Federal road leading to Tennes- jee passes through tHis district. 1 b 14 b 20 b 35 b 33 b 55 b 60 b 86 b 87 b 122 b 131 b 161 b 163 b 164 b 165 b 191 b 198 b 201 b 271 b 291 b 292 b 301 b 318 b 321 b 68 13th Distict, 2d Section. )llins Spivey, Stricklands, Merriwether rthur, Mangums, Liddclls, Jackson aac Tomlin, Brocks, Habersham lijah Smith, Petersons, Montgomery arrell Veal, Prescotts, Twiggs rinney Huff, w Greens, Oglethorpe ventE. Jackson, Gunns, Henry ^m Cash, Johnsons,DeKalb enjamin Gachett's orps Covingtons, Pika enj. Cason, Parks, VValton 5hn Stephens, McLins, Butts enj. Mashburn, idiot, 756, Sumpter rantley Thompson, Lid Jells, Jackson Dhn Graham, Hands, Appling ideon Smith, Robinsons, Washington W. Johnson's orps Hargroves,Ogleth'e ,ucv J. Capps, orp Marshalls, Putnam V. F. Smith's orps Rinquefields, Wash'tom Vm C. Watson, C i tens, Favette lharles Jordan, sr Crows, Merriwether 'atrick Gray, 1| I, Chatham Lobert Dearing, >65, Wilkes lobt. A. Holt, Parks, Walton Vm B. Hopkins, 494, ITpson Bounded East by 4th, in 2d sectioa, 'forth by 12th, in 2d section, West by (3d. in 2d section and South by 14th, in fd section. This district is well watered >y Salicoc and Mountain creeks and nu» jjerous branches. 15 pine 17 c 18 c 35 b 37 b 38 b 68 b 77 a 78 b 66 b 87 b 102 b 103 a 104 a 169 b 112 b 113 b 114 a gl5 b 122 b J23 b 124 b 126 b )27 b 130 b m b 69 - 14til District, 2d Section. lijah B. Moseley, Smiths, Campbell trred Dennard, Jortians, Harris ao. N. Graves, Chesnuts, Newton /in P. Johnson, McGuires, Morgan [atthew Wicker, Peaces, Wilkinson aron Mattox, Southwells, Tatnall amcs II. Oberrv, 24, Mcintosh .ulston Bunch's orps 137, Greene . Haladay's orps Moseleys, Wilkes .ittletcn joy, s 34, Scriven IPjah Miles, Gays, Harris tol>L S. Hardman, Greens, Oglethorpe sane C. Griggs, Hoes, Burke fatthew Ingram, 561, Upson Lachael Heard, w Millers, Jackson oseph Robertson, 67*, Harris J. J. Bridges, s i w, Hardmans, Ogletherpe tfancy Holland, w Trouts, Hall ohnson Burks, Dearings, Henry Mm A. Crombia, Aliens, Henry Jeorge Foster, Tillys, Rabun >arah Canter, \v Garners, Washington iichard Ragsdale, Suttons, Habersham Charlotte Heardon, w Martins, Wash'ton Sleasar Hamilton, Lays, Jackson I esse Hodges, Williams, Jasper 137 b "139 b 140 b 141 b 144 b 145 b 146 b 149 b 150 b ]57 b 158 b 159 b 165 b 160 b 167 a 175 b 177 b 180 b. 19} b 193 b 194 "b 196 a 199 b 202 b 204 b 205 b 216 b 217 b 222 b £23 b 223 a 70 \bfaham S. Allen, Bustins, Fike iohn Martin's orps Says, Hall fhbs. T.ruitt, s 604, Talialcrro ossph Smith, Cravens, Coweta nines AL Miliner, Harps, Stewart Slizjiteth Wvatt, Russell?, Henry Cancy P. Brimberry, w Monks, Crawford ohu II. RupscII, Whiteheads, Habersham ames Parker, 672, Harris •Iiehael Howard, Martins, Pike llizabelh Kenebrew, Jones, Lincoln Sryant Keen, Cooks, Teliair ames Veal, Tompkins, Putnam 'homas Miles' orps Philips, Monroe III Jon M. Ham, Iversons, Houston V'm II. Smith, 494, (Jpson lachael Evenson, iv s i w, Seals, Elbejrt h:tries D. Finley, 365, Jasper 'eddy, Bennington, r-s Sullivans, Jonas uhn Robert?, r s Towers, Gwinnett harks Dean, Edwards, Franklin i'm T. Pike, 320, Baldwin >r. A. Childers, 510, Early ohn White, Petersons, Montgomery ebecca Brock, Brocks, Habersham irury Clark, Walkers, Houston ackson Ballard,orp Bridges, G,vinnett Dseph Wortham, Harralson.-, Troup jhn M. Lucas, s 12, Effingham eorge Prothro, Kellys, Elbeit eaborn Woodcock, Jones, Bulloch 235 b 236 b 238 a 240 b 241 b 261 b 264 a 265 b 268 b 269 b 270 b 271 b 272 b 273 b 280 b 201 b 292 b 296 b 297 b 298 b 299 b 300 b 305 b 306 b 309 b 314 b 315 b 316 b 317 b 321 ,b 322 b 71 hos. J. Beck, 161, Wilkes eorge Cashaw, orp Ilensons,Ral?un evton H. Colbert, Seas, Madison oho L'owman, Whitakers, Crawford rincent Hamilton, Dyers, Habersham Vm. A. Rhymes, s 056, Troup [. & J. Beard, orps 119, Richmond oseph Leonard, Salem, Baldwin 0. Paris' orps Stewarts, Warren dldrtdge Jackson, 274, Morgan arnes Blount's orps Sullivans, Jones •harles Wp'singham, 9, Effingham ames Gray, Brewers, Monroe iarnuel Elrod, sr, sol, Jones, Habersham Vm Frasier, Sparks, Washington Vilev Alford, 140, Greene )nvid Lawson's orps Hammocks, Jasper Via Hare, Watsons, Marion leorge Tisinger, 561, Upson iamacl Hemphill, Hitchcocks, Muscogee ["hos. Lasseter, 755, Troup L Simmons' orps Hardmans, Oglethorpe ). Holzclavv, Flynns, Muscogee id ward Mansel; Williams, VVare Jarah Harvey, wis, Bosticks, Twiggs? vev Smith, r s Georges, Appling >enj. Newbury, orp Jordans, Bibb Veal Wilkinson, Georges, Appling VTark M. Spipp, 417, \Valton smith Turner, Wallis, Irwm ilex. B. Stephens, Hargroves, Oglethorpe 4 b 5 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 27 b 28 b 29 b S2 1) 33 b 34 b 35 b 41 b 42 b 43 b 44 b 45 b 46 b 47 b 43 b 49 b 51 b 52 b 72 Pounded East by 3d in 2d* section, * gold district, Nortli by 13th, in 2d .section. West by 22d, in 2d section—and S »uth by 15th, in*2d section a gold district. I Et >wak river and Choustiniulla creek rinj through this district. 90th I>i«trict, 2d Section. S. McCarty, w Comptons, Fayette Nancy Christian, w Jones, Madison Jolm'B. Martin, Ballards, Morgan John Beasley, jr Hughes, Habersham Absalom Weaver, Morrisons, Randolph Thomas Dowell, Sanderlins, Chatham James Shannon1, Athens, Clark Edward M. Lovejoy, Dearings, Henry Berry Jones' orps Peavys, Bulloch Enoch Night's orps 120, Richmond John Ayres, Salem, Baldwin Andrew J. Wilson. Jones, Hall Denson Crow, Crows, Pike Wm White, Davis, Gwinnett Jeremiah Farr, Hines, Coweta Solomon Baker, Winters, Jones Yearly Martin, Freeman", Jasper Michael Cody's orps Perrymans, War rem Jeptha Robinson, jr Gittens, Fayette Sion Gamblin, Says, Hall Major Hillard, 535, Dooly John G. Mitchell, 140, Greene Labaa Moore, Carswells, Jefilrsqa. 73 Abner Taylor, M. Brpwns, Habersham J esset Padget, Dobbs, H all 1 Dennis N. Touchstone, Bustins, Pike Jesse G.Carr, 250, Walton Benj. Morris. Sparks, Washington George S. Bradford, 2d sec., Cherokee fames Adams, blind, Seals, Elbert Wni Goble, Hensons, Rabun Eady Carroll, w I st sec. Cherokee- Enoch Spinks, Nights, Morgan * Nancy Cunningham, w rs, 172, Elbert Joseph Gar sell, 177, Wilkes James P. Pinson. Hargroves, Oglethorp* *|George Harris, s Cravens, Coweta * James Spratlin, 166, Wilkes Henry Watkins' orps Givins, DeKalb Absalom Payne's orps Oneals, Laurens JohnR. Hays, Philips, Talbot Penny Pruit, w r s, Martins, Newton James J. Summerlin, Jones, Morgan Wm Bentley, Brewers, Walton John C-Adderhold, Roysters, Franklin Thomas Cannup, r s Hughe?, Habeisham Benjamin Bond, Bosticks, Twiggs Seaborne, Jones, Wares, Coweta Pleasant Roberts, 374, Putnam Louisa S. Hays, w Campbells, Wilkes Thornton Burk. s Allisons, Pike lohn McElvy, Holleys. Franklin John Sander, Cobts, Muscogee Hen-y Hardy, Roysters, Franklia James Beard, Davis, Jones 91 b 100 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 104 b 105 b 10G b 107 b 108 b 109 b 110 b 111 b 112 b 116 b 117 b 11S b 119 b 120 b 121 b 122 b 123 b 124 b 125 b 126 b 127 b 130 b l&l b 132 b 135 b 136 b. 137 b 74 iluniin'Ttod, orp 11), Richmond fhos. G. Wood, 419, Walton 138 b 143 b 145 b 146 b 147 b 148 b 149 b 150 b 151 b 152 b 153 b 154 b 155 b 153 b 15? b 158 b 159 b 160 b 162 b 164 b 167 b 168 b 169 b 170 b 174 b 175 b 176 b 179 b 180 b 181 b 185 b 186 b 75 ?. Bailey's orps 176, Wilkes ?. H. Williams' orps 137, Greene % Stuart, son of J no. Bracketts, Newton Daniel Harley, Elsworths, Bibb Samuel Belfluwer, Baileys, Laurens saac Hill, Currys, Mcrmvethu- llurdock Gi'lis, orp 39;", Emonuel foseph Yardiman. s Grei.rs, Merriwether Vilen Waters* 033, Dooly \.bner Stanly, 588, Upson ichn MeCall, Stones, Irwin \1. H. Guest, Chemkee, Laiimers, DeKalb Vincent Davis, Downs, W arren tVm Glozier, Hamptons* Newton ili:ry Levar, w r s, Wills, Twiggs r. P. Reynolds, Briits, Randolph ohn Struraes, orps C'ietfs, Columbia iimon Robeit's prps, Doners, Columbia ohn Cook, Gunns, Jefiersoi IcCalvesSpence, Towers, Gwinnett ^arkin Bagwell, 40U, Gwinnett ). C. McLauchlin, Greens, Oglethorpe ohn Chapman, s Watsons, Marion ohn McDaniel, Hills, Monroe Senj. Williams, 672, Harris ohn Porter, 430, Early Izekiel Calhoun, Baismores, Jones liram Meritt, Coxes, Talbot i. B. Hamright, Smiilis, Habersham !. f. Nicholson, orp 143, Greene 'hineas L. Moore, Deans, CI leasant B. Patterson, New by s, Jones 187 h 188 b 189 b 190 b 391 b 192 b 191 b 196 b 198 b 200 b 201 b 305 b 306 b 207 b 111b 313 b 313 b 314 b 317 b 318 b 221 b 222 b 223 b 224 b £32 b 233 b 234 b 23* b 336 b 339 b 340 b 141 b 16 1.1). Svnith, Harris, Crawfordf L'hos. M, Chandler, 6th, Chatham Solomon Land, Neals, Campbell ohn M. Hammock, Hamptons, Newtopf tobert Jerkins, YVhipples, Wilkinson ). M. Stewart's orps Houses, Henry )sborn Peek, 144, Greene *1. Connell's orps 107, Hancock S lison Cobb, Hami'ton», Gwinnett Vm Green, 417, Walton ames TVIurray, Muliins, Carroll I olin WHlis, Ivalneys, Twiggs W. Lord, Higginbothams, Madisonc Jh is. Davenport, Barkers, Gwinnett 5. Gray, jr Greers, Merriwether ,arkin Brantly* Jordans, Harris rhos. Holder, Currvg, Wilkinson rhos. W. Bledsoe^ Stantons, Newton iliz. Lawrence, w Bells, Columbia Frederick H. Herring, 295, Jasper Jerry Jones, Johnsons, Bibb j. T.Lanair, Lockharts, Bulloch I ohn Collins, sr, s, Blackstocks* Hall ohn Cox, 633, Dooly '(iter Tatum's orps 6f»6, Troup iamuel Dunn, 406, Gwipnett fames King, Clelands. Chatham Uargsl Drake, 117, Hancock rheophilus Flowers, Howells, Troup ohn Crossle % 1 i4, Greene facob Earlv, Grices, Oglethorpe rhos. J. Hines, 375, Jasper 243 b 244 b S45 b 250 b 253 b 262 b 263 b 270 b 274 b 278 b. 270 b 292 b 203 b 204 b 207 b 290 b 310 b 311 b 312 b 315 b 316 b 317 b 328 b 329 b 330 b 331 b 333 Pii 334 Pii 337 b 77 m Handle, Clarks, Morgan lin Mathis, Barrows, Houston A. Thompson, orp 374, Putnam organ Brown, Wocds, Morgan . C. Daniel, Morgans, Madison imes Russell, sr Purifoys, Henry ephen Stovall, 245, Jackson ' homas Bonner, jr Nights, Morgan barren Andrews, 60J, Taliaferro Jm Turner, 50, Emanuel lexander Wells, 374, Putnam 7. Fhilips, s Crawfords, Franklin .lijah Hogan, Martins, Hall [iram Proctor, 2d sec., Cherokee I. A. Turner's orps Grtffins, Fayette hloe Collier, w 143, Greene ohn Sanders, 470, Upson l. Register, Thomas, Ware Vm Shaw, Higginbothams, Rabun [enj. Fannin, Thomasons, Elbert oseph J. Pinson, Hargroves, Oglethorp# ohn M. Mason, 112,- Hancock ,Vm C. Hope, Jones, Hall George Hinkle, Chastains, Haberskara rhos. P. Fielder, Parks, Walton Sfath. Vincent, Rooks. Putnam rhos. Olenn. r s Baismores, Jones 3. Rutherford, 4th sec., Cherokee B. Tilley's orps Whiteheads, Haberskui 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 b 11 b 12 b 13 b 14, b 15 b 18 b 17 b 18 b 19 b 20 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 b SO b 78 District 2d Scclioa. 3sburn Arrant, 501, Upson f. rl\ Horton, Bowers, Elbert leuben Fassct, jr Dobbs, Hall ilvander Qiiick, Gittens", Fayette 'antes Prather, Collins, ilenry ilolycr Bumgarner, 400, Gwinnett t leuben Hemp s orps Marlins, Wash'toi* Lllen Arrant, o(i I, Upson mn Martin, w Andersons, Rabun ames Griffith, Jordan*, Bibb ohn A. Beas!ey,'Hoj dem, Carroll 'ilman Pullen, McCJain?, Newton eorge Dudley's orps 37, Striven lizabeth Ciineh, w Hobbs, Laurens /m Ale Waters,'77, Randolph - rm Lawliss'orps Hargrovcs, Oglethorpe? hn T. Chapman, Winters, Jones jrrell White, Roys'ers, Franklin thn R. C„ Waller, 1 hilips, Monroe organ Brown, T. son Garner.1;, Wash'ton hn Taylor, Monroe ;orge Mitchell, Harris, DeKalb jraham leathers, J)ukes, Carroll m M. W. Maxwell, 15, Liberty iza J. Coppedge,"orp Taylors, Putnam ?nry Pope's orps Justices, Bibb Bowden. Sam. Strefetpiq fls.Jwiggs SI b 32 b 33 b 34 b 35 b 36 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41 b 42 b 43 b 44 b 45 b 46 b 47 b 48 b 49 b 50 b 51 l> 52 b 53 b 54 b 55 b 56 b 57 b 58 b 58 b 60 b 61 b 62 b ,79 ancy D. Lewis, w Perrrs, Baldwin obsrt Kenned,ly, RoLiusruS, Washington imuel Handy, Blairs, L > vndos ' avid Argo, Givins, DeXalb linton Alford, Mizells, Talbot awson Wright, Par hums, Warren sau Davis, s Martins, Jones ohn Gallasj y, 419, Walton as. Howard, Herndons, Hall Vm Hubliard, Daniels, Hall olornon Shcftall, jr*7, Chatham Izekiel Bonds,Griffin?, Hall' tenj. Milton, Sweats, Ware Jemps^r .T. Carr, Justices, Bilb ohn H. Strange,3, Burke "hos. Story's orpsOrrs, Jackson ►.Christopher, Wills, Twiggs Vrn II. Morrow's orps Stantons, Newtcu Jenj. Thomas, 735, Troup Lrthur C. Foil, Alexanders, Jefferson lolomon Williams, 7S5, Troup Inna IM.Cotton,orp Hills, Harris 5. L. Jordan, McClendons, Putnam sham Spalding, Millers, CUmdep onn Wallis, 3d, Cherokee Sampson Vickerv, jr Fields, Ilaberahans fames P. Allen, 120, Richmond fames Osburn, Nesbets, Newton Solomon Collum, Neals, Campbell •'arah Smith, w Wills, Twiggs iVm Brooker, Hands, Appling VI. E.Berthelot, orp Fitzpatricks, Chatham «4 b •6 b 67 b 73 b 74 b 75 b 78 b 79 b 81 b 82 b 69 b 90 b 91 b 92 b 95 b 99 b 103 b 104 b 113 b 114 b 124 b 125 b 126 b l2i b 129 b 160 b 161 b 196 b 19T b 198 b 199 b SOI b 80 Wm Willis, jr s I w, 588, Upson ksey, 417, Walton ✓lark Brewer, Clarks, Morgan 'ohn Moses, Aliens, Campbell acob Setzer, r s Edwards, Franklin Simpson Fulton's orps Shattox, Cowct* Vm Fraley, 113, Hancock 'oily Butler, m, f a, Co'.leys, Oglethorpe oseph Huie, jr Evans, Fayette tense Barber, Buckbranch, Chark Vm H. Neyland, Roes, Burke ohn Mach, Cleggs, Walton 1. A. Buckhanon, f a, Philips Jasper ohn Arnett, r s Groovers, Thomas . Jones, Higginbotharns, Rabun ohn P. Tiller, Collys, Oglethorpe }eo. C. Branch, Perrys, Habersham saac D. Braswell. 417, Walton ?homos Story, s Haeys, Harris isa Adams, 398, Richmond Lichard Wages, 119, Richmond * Hilary Hooks, Whipples, Wilkinson )aniel Chandler, Chandlers, Franklin os. D. Brooks, Tompkins, Putnam Vm Beard, 34, Scriven ohn L» Brock, Brocks, Habersham 21i*ha Sterling, G^oces, Bibb ames Rylee. sr, r », Blackstocks, Hall Slisha Holland, Jacks. Clark ames Stephens, Sanderlms, Chatham £32 b 233 b 351 b 253 b 268 b 269 b 273 b 279, bt 280 b 28Le^ 232 b 283 b 285 b 286 b 287 b 288 b 289 b 290 b 291 ix 292 b 293 b 294 b 295 b 296 b 297 h 304 b 305 b 306 b 306 b 316 h &17 b 318 h 81 ames' It tCiMian# Iversons, Houston iilcs Estes, Reids* Gwinnett Ijrtholomevv Porto rt Jones,, MadiSon «scph McKtn!eyT Harris, €fawford Ven W?Ctts,(Calhoun^ Harris 21 iz. Sumner^ w ^f valis. Barke Q. iiatin. Barker*, "Gwinnett uhn Ot, Ipnipjw* X»iillcrs«Jackson [oel I^onrii* {Seals?, Elterir t i Lai-ofo-1 T Jitoxr M«ttaxs*Lowndes [ju Bphiijin&ra, w i\s, Morgnirs, Appling )r^r\T Dunrf, 403, Gwinrl^tt >ar&eri Bynsi/BumeVlijis. Bulloch )a\id W..Calhoun, Few$» Muscogee rhoinasrR^i^rter, Beaslfeys, Oglethorpe !©rdan Jones, 3 t9(VElbett tVm. R. Kingi, Uerndohs, Hall fames1 Bedin^ctd, Wrights, Laurens vl^r^aret Janes, w MoLendons} Putnam rhos. H. Mrynn,(>7tf, Harris SUsha Sterling, JS roces, Bibb. W„ Matthews, Martins, Newton Donald Eraser's* orpS J 5, Liberty )aoiel Stagner's orps 37»3, Jasper 3 S. Tomliuson, 419,, Walton fud^e B. Loper, IjO, Effingham John Floyd, s i w, Woods, Morgan lugh MoGinley, 123, Richmond Lewis Shifletgr Stowers, Elbert # tVm W, HoIt|I\IeDapiels, Pulaski Gabriel P. ll^Faircloth's Lynams, Pulaski fames Ilagins, Slaters, Bulloch 82 E. Ilerren's 3 orps Mobleys, EeKalb Jame's Bottoms, Bu-tins, Pike MarvJLan b, w Roes, Burke Anna Datf s, orp Cowards, Lowndes Wm M. ("arr, Hughes, Habersham John Hughes,s Mashburns, Fulaski Bounded East by 14th, in Id section. North bv 23d, in td section, West by 5th, in 3d section and South by 521st,, in 2d sec¬ tion a gold district. Lime and Chouste- Jnala creeks run through this district, and 'is otherwise well watered. 23d District* 2d Section. Frec/oijs C. Edward, w GOC, Taliaferro Josiah /erriI, 141, Greene Cain Evans, Peaces, Hall .Mark George, Coxes, Talfcot Xlbert Pitman* Elsworths. Bibb Alev Haghes, Olivers, Twiggs James I). Head, <94, Jasper John Ilidleberg, s 033, Dooly Ezra Stacy, 15, Liberty Samuel Lee, Woodruffs, Campbell Leyi Ht Turner, Collins, Henry Isaac Daniel, s Mackleroys, Ciark David Bolton, 40<», Gwinnett Peter M. Curry, Johnsons, Bibb Charles Dowdy, 1st sec. Cherokee Wiley Tinner, Youngs, Carroll Rowland Williams, McDaniels, Pulaski jWm (/. Crawford, Baker 23 b 25 b 28 b 29 b SO b 31 b 33 b 34 b 35 b 35 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 43 b 44 b 45 b 51 b 53 b 54 b 56 b 59 b 63 b 64 b 68 b 69 b 70 b 71 b 74 b 75 b 76 b 80 b. 81 b 83 James McGill, Chambers, Gwinnett Robert W. Richards m, 1 -17, Greene Tabitha Watson, w Sullivans, Jones David Falsom, Morris, Crawford Robt.G. McA(W>, Crows, Pike David Smith, s ^Vill is, Franklin Hugh Mi'!*, Liu'ch'ss,Gwinnett John Payu2, 'lobsters, Franklin lohnS. Wul^or, s Brnsons, Lincoln Wm SjUsrs, r s Kd wards, Franklin Jesse Mbon. v(k\ Scriven VItitt!i3vv C. Rogers, Seays, Hall Harris Sanders, .Baughs, Jackson Archibald Smith, Gittens, Fayette Jos3ph Boyd, Varners, Merriwether J. Iv. \I. Charlton's orps Moseleys, Wilkes 0 Whitman, Evans. Fayette Elijah Shiver, Dilmans, Pulaski Levicv Dunn, w G')0, Richmond H. C. McElhenny,. '-78, Jasper Wm FI. Dill, 1^0, Richmond Bsnj. Had Tens, Woodruffs, Campbell ]. S. Worsham, Whiteheads, Habersham Barker Ayres, r s Whiteheads. Habersham Robert Broo'-s, r s Taylors, Houston Thos. Tayloio ps' Maguires, Gwinnett Jonathan Howard, sr 1st see. Cherokee John Worthv, Edwards, Franklin Asa Brown's orps Woods, Jefferson Julia A. Thompson, orp Youngs, Jefferson Robert Little, Colqjhouris, Henry John Cook* Currvs, Wilkinson 84 82 b 83 b 99 b 100 b 101 b 8 105 a 70 306 b 14 111 b 4 112 alOO 114 b 115 b 316 b 118 b 119 b 131 b 135 b 137 b 13i> b 140 b 10 141 a 53 143 b 150 b 1.51 b 152 b 153 b 154 b 155 b 158 b 157 b 1§3 b* 159 b m b Thos, Bond's orps Stokes", Lincoln John Whitlock, Deans, DeKalb Henry Rhodes, IS-., Greene Benj. E. Spencer, J 43, Greene Mary Harper, w Harris, Crawford Wra Nfcely, Merks, Hall James Matthies, H.ihnns, Baker Edmund Niblett, < >< >vvs, J erriwether M.O. Andrew, w Barm. Us, Clark Geo. W. Langford, 67'.', 11 arris Benj. II Jones, (Tiftons, Tatnall P. Folsom, Burnetts, Lov/ivis Tabitba "lains, yv Peaces, W Tkinson Fielding Lewis, Hills, Baldwin Wm H. Crans, Jasper Peter W. Smith, Thimpsjnh, Henry Eden Dudley, s Bavwicks, Washington Jordan Jackson, Lambenlhs, Fayette- John Wood, Butts, Monroe John Harrell, Butts, Monroe Ellas Drake's orps , Hancock jRufusK. Walters, Roysters, Franklin- Uobn Chancy, St. 21airs> Houston. 166 b 1ST b 168 b 169 b 170 b 171 b 172 b 173 b 174 b 178 b 183 b 184 b* 190 b 191 b 192 b 193 b 194 b 195 b 196 b 201 b 202 b 203 b 204 b 212 b 213 b 214 b 216 b 217 b 219 b 220 b 248 b 249 b 85 Holla vay, Hills, Monroe ewis Morgan, Barnes, 101, Hancock ebeeca Wilson, w r s, 13^, Greene if in Donaldson, Kellums, Talbot cremiah Grey, William's, Walton atrh.el Iiojlcman, r sDoziers, Columbia nrah Jones, w I'-M, Richmond brahnm B Ragan, Currys, Merri wether V7m II. E Lv.trds, Claris, Elberi ViU'i Tt tK/er, f 0, Scrive-i am* s I atiilo, Houses, Henry !il us Worlev, MeClains, Rabun nlm Arnold, jr 116, Hancock . S. Littlefiold's orp ? Barrens, Houston Jiram Potts, Jones, Habersham lichael Hincl>v, 7G1, Heard ohn >yliaddix, Selmans, Pike saac Dixon, Sanders, Jones onathan Jewett, 308, Richmond rhomas Cook, sr, s, Grays, Henry T. J. Gignilliatt, 281, Mcintosh ames Holmes, s Johnsons, Bibb esse Crummy, Hands, Appling ams;s Wadsworth, r s Davis, Jones tfoah H. (*rifrin, Blairs, Lowndes Sdmand: Brown, Aliens, Henry lohn Bledsoe, 146, Greene '•Jury Daniel, w r s, Masons, Washington Vlary Daniel, w Masons, Washington lames Pace, Harps, Stewart Szekiel S. Candler, ASP,.Upson \sh!ey W. Street, Edwards, T$lbot 250 b 355 b 255 b 257 b 288 b 273 b 274 b 284 b 285 a 236 b 237 b 238 b 230 lb 291 b 292 b 293 b 395 b 298 b 332 b 303 b 304 b 305 b 308 b 307 b 308 b 309 b 310 b 311 b 312 b 314 b 317 b 320 b S6 ilobt. Adams' orps Robinsons, Putnam fohn VV Almand, Howells, Elbert lames Brown, Walkers* Houston *eo. K. Chatham, Robinsons, Harris Samuel Densmore, Brocks, Habersham iezekiah Cochran, Chastains, Habersham esse l'lyatt, CJpson ohn A. Mattox, Brew tons, Tatnall osepb Scott, Aflibons, Pike rhomas Farrow, McE wins, Monroe »ray Harrel), Rutiands, Bibb ohn G. Barnett, Derricks, Henry Mantis Nunn, Newsoms, Warren ohn Bates, sr Whelchels, Hall avid H. Culberson, Stewarls.Troup ordan Adams, Howards, Oglethorpe "abitha Stewart, wr s, 34, Scriven lebuloa Howard, Graves, Lincoln ohn Spann, Williams, Decatur onath JSeckenger, 10, Efiingham 'ranees Huggins, w 122, Richmond [enry Wimberly, Rutiands, Bibb amuel Blray, r s. Watsons Marion >ani^I Freeman, s 289, Jasper ohn i{. Green, Grays, Henry VTm C. Githam, Howards, Oglethorpe ames Ilaston, Blounts, Wilkinson ohn A. Wallis, Maguires, Gwinnett rilliam Preston's orps Hearns, Butts P. Mac key's orps Hamptons, Newtotl 11 iz.. Thropshire, w Coxfis, Talbot - oseph Allen, Chandlers, Franklin 321 b 322 b 323 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 32 b 33 b 34 b 35 b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41' b 68 b 69 b 70 b 71 b 74 b 75 b 76 b 77 b J 04 b 87 [illory Atkins, Chambers, Gwinntt amuelNfinn, Walkers, liarris lIvIs Stafford, 58t<, U pgon Mounded East bv I th, in 2d section, Jorth by 24th, in 2d section, West by (5th, l 3d section and South by 22d, in 2d see- on. Salocoe caek runs through, this istnet—through which also a road lead- lgto Com<'\v,attee town passes.' 52til Disirael, 2d Section, larlin Wells'orps Newmans, Thomas ■Vt ti. Brooking, l IN, Hancock ' , Lit E. Gaul ding, orps Ho we lis, Elbert >.■veil W. Owen, SOI,Putnam u-ia Buckner's orps Bryans, Monroe eptha V. Reynolds, Kindricks, Monroe tint s W.Coleman, Hattons, &aker i*ho nas Maxwell, Seas, Madison b*a Litich, Parhams, Harris Phoinas Simson, Wallis, Irwin llirv Carroll, w r s, J07, Wilkes Emanuel H. Moomacgh, 245, Jackson loshua Uriffin, Chiles, Marion lames Griffith, Jordans, Bibb (ohn Y. Allgood, 3, Cherokee ; Margaret YVoofey, w Daniels, Hall (esse Fowler, VYoods, Jefferson io'ui Mi Secresf,' orp MagL.ii es, Morgan vVrrif lloberds, Maddens, 1 ike Wilde/, s '84—'i/7, l'avhams, Warren vichard Kennon, sr Hamptons, Newton, 88 151 "oaanah "Sbeerouse, w 9, Effingham I2iSherrod Brown, Evans, Fayette 'Hugh Porter, Daniels, felu.ll j fienry Ilr -i nock, Sullivans, Jones Archibald ,»i:Eaehin,Cand!ers, Eibb Rebecca Ingram, w Jones, Madison JaneGant, w Uob'iirks, Carrion George Wyche, s Petersons, Montgomery 1 Dan'el Grant, 73, T.irkc 1 Wrn Ho! lev, Parks 1 r: Hon .John JWc jlilvary, She h rs, fotfeta E'isV K. Davis, Rte^.li » c. Ilal c-rsham Jane Cannon, fa, Davis, Gwinnett Leonard Walker, U'?, Kicijni *iui David Compton'sorps Hovntcii . Twiggs Edmund Heard, OHO, Ricbnt. i 1 Charissa C. Boyd, w " rri, J.i j lt 8 Wm Scroggin, 140, i *fne Matilda Cannon, h a, Lavir, Gwinnett Stephen Hammock, Hamptons* Newton 5eo. S. Butler, Smiths. Elbert Slizl Jourdan, w r s, Camps, Warren .Vm Magouirk, s Crows, Merriwether Thomas Hodnet, Hodges, Newton Drury Glover. Ilicl s. Decatur Nancy Gilbert, 374, Putnam Martin F. Fordham, Hobbs, Laurens George Elrod, Welchels, Hall Esau Brooks., Towers, Gwinnett Wm Tucker, Hutsons, Newton Benj. F. Ljles, Grubbs, Columbia Thomas Adcock, Footer. DeKalb 249 br 250 b 251 b* 254 b 255 b 25G b 257 b 284 b '285 b 286 b ] 287.b 290 b 291 b 292 b 293 b 350 b 321 b 322 b 323 b* 89 ornelius Collins, s Grubbs, Columbia oh n Bledsoe, i4t>,Gieene Lardy Jurnagin, Hattousp Babei* ilijah Bradsha w, Wolfskins, Oglethorpe arah Jackson, w Collins, Hertry V"m F. Beaslev, i'62, Jasper Vm Atkins, Bakys, Butts aid re w Jilirtck, Newmans Thomas )avid Wri/jhi^ 7 6rps Gillis, DeKalb Jordy Btci» llor, W^Grdene U:sUm Vtl fges, Shearers, Coweta Uiif hrd Nfewburn, s Mattes, Lowndes oltn Lewis'' orps Purhams, Warren 'or.arl's pfrps. Harirroves, Newton Uajle, Elders Clark Mary Ft Scott, *»rp 27, Glynn Pho*. J. Payiie, Trouts, Ball ^icimelObait, sr Griffins, Hull e Win Kent. lialUrds, Morgan •Silas Grubbs, 3 7/, Jasper Abda VVaite, Thompsons, Henry Sarah Bos worth, w IV kV*. Muscogee James Harrison, Halls, Bints James Headson, Thomasons Elbert Isaac Stanford, YVhita!;ers, Crawford John F. ."•tie wart, Musgrovt s, Newton Margaret Hunns, w^d, CJ»ulham Benj. Biandey a orpsHoLbs, Laurens Anselin E/a.is, s Flynns, Muscogee Jesse Brown, Thames, Crawford vVm v» . \oun^,15fi, feumnter Newbury Elrod, Jones, Hajhersham M.uthew Duncan, Shattox, Coweta David Lau.'St'jn, Harris, Columbia Nancy l ulver, wrs, 111, Hancock Joshua Lee, Blounts, Wilkinson David Waluer, I ()o, Hancock James G. Parks, Hitchcocks, Muscogee i'houias Simmons, Williams, Ware Bounded East by 11th, in xd section, North jjy *2hth, in id section, West by 8th, in c5rd and South by 24th, in 2d section,—. 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b II b 18 a 22 a 34 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 43 b 44 b 45 b 53 a 76 b 77 b 80 b 81 b 88 b 111 b 112 b 113 b 114 b 115 b 116 b 01 This district is watered by Coosewatee iver, Rocky creek and numerous branch¬ es. The Federal road also, passes through this district. IMstrtct, 2d Section. John W. A. Sanl'ord, 320, Baldwin Alex. S. Green, i* 14, Taliaferro Thos. H. M irlor, 175, Wilkes David Co!! *y«s, s 1 w, Oglethorpe Is;uah T Sparks, Washington Isa>c VV. ''Iiesnut, orp Marshalls, Putnam Alary 3Icl'ov, vv Prices, Hall Ludson's orps Clelands, Chatham Jesse It. Christian, Lunceford, Elbert John Arnold's orps Guices, Oglethorpe Thomas li'u ,jr Maguires, Gwinnett John J Gl'jjrer, Barkers. Gwinnett lichard Freeman, Marshs, Thomas. Julian K. Proctor. Kelloms, Talbot C. Mallow, w Whisenhunts, Carroll James Lewis, Jones, Morgan Alex. Brannon, m s, Sanderlins, Bulloch Wm Moore, Peaces, Wilkinson S. \V. II. Walton, i'a M ivs, Monroe Nathan Harris, Guiccs, Oglethorpe Asa Halston, Siricklands, Merriwether Lewis Livingston, 308, Richmond John Garess, Whitfields, Washington A. B. Bnekett's orps Towers, Gwinnett John Stilwell, s 735, Troup Sliz. S. Doyal, h a, Reids, Gwinnett 29 a 92 b 20 b 105 a 1 b 12, b 3 b 4 b £ b 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 b 11 b 12 b 14 b 15 b 16 b 17 b 18 b 28 b 27 b 28 b 29 a 30 a 86 b 37 b m Jamesf Morgan, Wills* Twiggs* •ym May^jr parks, Washington Ainas O.iiir ^ » I w, Mirtisis, Washington J;anot*C- J?.j w. b?, "J42, Jackson -BiMtniii J East by I O h, \n 2d secliorvNorth hy 27th, iin '■! I 0- ctiot|r West by 9 th, in 3rd section anliS t.it i by «J5th, id aaJ is well irmrU s. !27Vi i>ivtr|ci» 2;18eeti<$a> Ro'.icrl J. Jhic s^S's vorrhs^ iiibh ii irmluii, Vlr i^hor M«uiraoft Tiioiu is w eM,, rvufp ^s, Carroll .Vin Tait, 2 si% J a taori •V.loy Ilil', Fr«siers, Monroe "ohv r( Fii 1 •), .VoCaJler? Nt wrtori fSiiza BjvI>0 nis II. f»orJ:>n, O.irgwells, Jefferson Eiiz.ilxith i'arks, w Johnsons, Bibb •lid.lleto.i J icksoa Hl.z ibeth ^liw Clelaads, Chatham vViu i)j iiel, Daniels, Hall ilt>berl; Moon's orpsOrra, Jackson b 89 h 41 b 43 b 45 b* 43 b 47 b 43 b 49 b 63 b 65 b' 79 b 104'b 106 b 107 a 108 b 109 a : 110 b 112 b 143 a 144 a 145 b 147 b 161 b 180 b ,< 18'1 b 194 b 195 b 203 b 210 b S3 eazer Simpson, Cobbf, Muscogee dtttuiw |Smitii, 3^0, Baldwin .nine! Jamison, Blouub, \VjikinsoiT iniel W. UowciU Hj» lis, Troup nicy We Men, t«un;iN, Ifenryjf udrew BriiwDints Joti sons, DeKalb houiiis Dic^?o i's ^r{M itideiiS, Jackson >hn ¥• Jeffcrs orp V.tlk<»rs, (Columbia >h» PiHiiulg, Wvims, Uwiwiett ■•nil Veal, a Crtmiis, DtJvalb itftlan MeCoJlwin, itussh« s, Burke f&atli'y PiickeU, JWaguirrs, Uwinnett loncliHl orrtf Anclrtwsf, Stj warts, Warrett Web Uillman,, P.rh.-unss Warren, Uviy 26th. in 2d sec. Tnis distriotis well watered »y Concosaugee river and other smaller streantf u 15 b 10 16 b 40 20 b 21 b 22 b "4 •23 b "24 h \0 45 b 4G b 47 b 48 b •49 b 15 .50 b 5 51 b •52 b 6.» •53 b 54 b -56 b 57 b 35 58 b 59 b 60 b 10 61 b 62 b 6 63 b 6 64 b 78 b 79 b 80 b 61 b 63 b 84 b 5th District^ 3rd Section.. Benj. Tison, Newmans, Tiioinas tiiciijahiSfinnKiiMs, Montgomery Win T. Howard, Brajjaws, Oglethorpe J'iio.iius Hitr^uis, st Re id*, Gwinnett M< fry Mori is, w H.ir;$r, Jones Tuo »,is Matt jeW3ri i W'yrins, Gwinnett 3ryari Wadsworth* Gi ffi .s, iWemwether ifl/iu Clements, AlexaMlHrs, Joffi rson \lo«'s C. Fondrefi, Gcocfs, Bilib Levi Tolhcrt. Morgans, Madison 3raslims RiulilK sperwellf^ Fnnklin illy Middlebrooks, Santons, Nfiwlon John Duncan, Loven?, Henry Jonathan Nutt, Shat»oxs, Coweta i^tfiac Woodall, 3IS, B.lduin John McLelion, Southwells, Tattnall 85 86 b 87 b 88 b 89 b 90 b £6 b 97 b 102 b 103 b 118 b H9 *b 122 b 125% 130 b 134 b 135 b 141 b 152 b 155 b 172 b 173 u 114 b 182 b 185 b 189 b 190 b 191 b •192 b 194 b 195 b 196 b 197 b «•- u 95 uliusRobuck, Wheel<*rs,Pufaski iifiies McBnd«v260, Scrivtn laraway *f*alt»r„ 122, Richuirnd olui L. Norman, Am trsoiis, Wilkes ^m Bird's orps, 69, Em muol Vu$ S. tlurigi rt'ord, Br.igfuvs, Oglethorpe .lizabttli Eviv^ards, » * i w, Oglethorpe Itaniel G. Rp/rers, Yorks, Stewart antes L* t'fl i ptoti, *494, Jasper Vmi Euk soil's orps V\ inters, Jones Vui II. P iintr, Orrs, Jackson . linm.is fr.w li#, Griffins, Burke o!m II*,Norris, Monroe ['l.Omug Hattou, Robinsons, Putnam ►IdtUif« Al. MoxU y, 71, Burke \ ui J. Wrtahf, Sanders, Jones 'arati Uuinna, cwrp Qirs wells, Jefferson Win Hi nc'rick, 788, Heard linos Ziibus, Candlers, Bibb it dry! VV. Wuoatvford Hopper, Greens, Oglethorpe [ohn LawHon, Coxs, Talbot Calvin Br-atman, Nesbets, Newton SadOok Barrett, Says, DeKalb 5ach. Ilopson, SrMarsheS, Thomas Phomas J. Slu-ppdrd, Maguircs, Morgaa fiiuif #Spraberry, Givins, DeKalb 'rrm IX. Martin, Frasiers, Monro® 203 b 201 b 26-2 b 203 I) 205 b 206 b 207 b. 209 b 213 a 215 b 216 b 220 *b 221 b 222 b 22* b 224 b 2:29 b 232 b 233 b 24'.) b 245 b 246 b 247 b 248 b 251 b 252 b 25.3 b 2 >4 b 255 b 258 b 259 b 261 b 264 b 277 b 96 I Iward Montgomery, Streetmans, Twiggs Vm II. C.dbnne, Justices, Bibb (;iron Knight, Mobleys, D.fvalb Vn T. Pike, 320, B tld win , S liHilnfl S-irker-, 655, Troup •# I mhn Roberts, jr Roberts, ILjII ohn Howell,'Wnipnlca, Wilkinson iiliis Waisoii, s Baiisy.^ Liurens unes Tu!l, v, Ad.h r loids. Camj bell linyto'-i Cn-dilie, Ilus^lls, Henry Brown, jr ami mi vid Palmer, 243, J.fkson irod MiUs, Mi Dow»lls, Lincoln Vm Dniiiiiiioiid, sr 515. VVulton Johnson, orp Jordan*, Bibb Oexanrier Martins, ft^is 15, Liberty o!m Unguis, 22. Mcintosh '* !;t<-ah Dobhs, w r s, I)obbs?, Flail Vm .l;l"kso!),Dani< Is, Hall ':wi s Clayton, ar Heads, Butts )aviJ S. Gieen, Orr3, Jackson lames.TJ.'ijigs, Hatlo s, Baker * E. Lnyd, jr Coxes, T.ilhot .Vtn K. Wilson, Gravrs, P'Unam V'm R. Brantly, 250, Walton tfark McEIvvrcath, Clintons,Campbell ■Mtt ar l and J.nnfs Wilson, orpa Chatham 'Vm Taylor, Car idlers, Bibb rhomas S. MaTtin, Flynns, Musedges Vhrnham Williams, Ridens, Jackson Fohn Balingvr, sr Bowers, Elbert fbhn W. Black, Cannings, Elbert 97 13 Aiigu's Mclnnis, Wootens, Telfair Edward Harrison, G02, Taliaferro James Richardson, Bracketts Newton Joseph Stone, sr Hoards* DeKalb '' Qreenberry Whaley, IlUrratsoiis, Trowp Lunceftfpd Upchurch, 108* Hancock Henry H. Greeve, 147, Greene Robert Barber, Athens, Clark Joseph R. Sl'ip]?>, Jr 417", Walton HenriT J f r Mofletts, Muscogee Wm * T» rris, F6otes, DeKalb Wi i C. JBlliott's orps Hammocks, Jasper Asa Douglas, Tompkins, Putnam Leim f?ord®rs, Bus tins, Pike BuiJjdcd North by district 6th, in 3d Section, East Jby district 22d in 2d section, vSouth by district 4th in 3d section and West b/ district 16th,in 3d section, j Wa- tered "by Two Run a"nd Petits creeks, with four roacls passing through it. 6tk District* 3d Section.* Thomas H. Jeffers, 118, Wilkes Roger Bell, 559, Walton Joseph B. Williams, Williams, Telfair Abner F. Jaylar, Welchs, Habersham Geo. W. Waller, Wallers, Ptitnam John Sanders, Baughs, Jackson Caleb Wood, M^Ginnis, Jackson Lewis D. Ford, 397, Richmond Wm Hayes, Barkes, Gwinnett Mathias Peirin, Smiths, Elbert 125 b 39 b 40 b 41 a 42 b 55 b 56 b 57 b <31 b 66 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 87 b -88 b 89 b 94 b 95 b 96 b 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 104 b -118 b 119 b 120 b 121 b 126 b 127 b 128 b 98 John R. Wb ohn W. Strother, Brewers, Monroe esse Bowles, 605, Taliaferro ohn Saxon, 3d sw., Cherokee Vm S. Crafi'ord,734, Lee towlin Di\< ui, Newmans, Thomas Vm Turn* r, N.tlcm, Baldwin [jirliar'l St urges, w Roes, Burke warn 1 Ji. Smith, s Andersons, Wilkes rim illiv Harris, Browns, Camden Lui'ci ( lancey, St. Clairs, Houston tobert Jj. Inzer, Johnsons, DeKalb tlcuilyivnce Williams, Winters, Jones I. T. Eubanks, w Graves, Lincoln Szekiel S. Miller, Millers, Ware ■Jeorge W. McCallister, s 20, Bryan ohn Franklin* jr 26, Glynn ¥m McKinney, Collins, Henry fames Eastwood, Everetts, Washington fas. Harris, 103, Hancock Frances Wynn, w Johnson, Warren Nathaniel Smith, Comptons, Fayette Uarvin H. Weisley, Martins, Newton Nathan Bowles, r s McGinnis, Jackson 'endleton T. Bedell, 672, Harris :Ienry Boykin, Hendons, Carroll rhos. S. jDensler, 318, Baldwin las. R. Lancaster, Chastains, Habershara George W. Dunston, McGinnis, Jackson 172 I 182 1 163 1 184 1 185 1 ISO I 187 ; 183 189 190 191 193 194 195 19G 197 201 201 205 2t)6 207 210 211 212 217 221 222 223 224 225 223 227 100 euben Butler, Nights, Morgan an Dickson, 101, Hancock frm Willis, Edwards, Talbot osep'i Ratehford, 245, Jackson Vni Davis, orp Comptons, Fayette usaunah Grant, w Morris, Crawford ohn Bachelor, Millers, Jackson eter Twitty's orps 417, Walton iinors of I. Fuller,its, Everetts, Wash'ton Vm Mason, Forms, Clark Vrm Ivey, Fiobinsons, Fayftte Lugustus Haygood, iY'v^s, Houston iridger Sanders, s Woods, Morgan^ Vm Wadsworth, Alhun, Eil b Sylvester A. Edward \ 12, Effingham. Vm OncaFsorps Jone:j, Lincoln ames L. Sewel, Nights, Morgan Sarah E. Poyfrtiss, oi p 34, ycrivcn' lenry P. Gribbon, 2d, Chatlrun foshua Echols, Willis, Franklin rames Cheves, s s Cleggs,. Walton, lenry Colton, 138, Greene Guilford R. Otwell, Aliens, Henry Vlary Worsham, w r s, Parks, Waltoii rhos. Dickey, Lovens, Henry [esse; White, 656, Troup Hoonrod Weaver, Hensons, Rabun Elizabeth Way, 15, Liberty James H. Bird, 516, Dooly Abel Butler, Coxes, Talbot Richard S. Mason, Heads, Butts Robert Brooks, Barkers, Gwinnett 101 jFanny Marks, w 12, Effingham i» L* B. Ham right, Smiths* Habersham t James B. Lewis, 1Q8, ll?ittcock Wm James, Davis% Gwinnett ' Dprrel Doby, McKorklcs, X^sper Derrel Doby, McKoifkles, Jasper James H. Bussed, LlcCrarys, Y/ayne John Q'Bryant's orpj $43, Jasper Judge It. ilod^'s, go, Scriven Charity CnL *};' I v.*««691\ Taliaferro 10 John K< o, l/~» Mcintosh Turm ki. Godij'ey, juggles, Merriwether John FuJiiney,277, Morgan Jordtm Hopper, Greeny Oglethorpe W. Jordan,*w Sinqaefields, Washington David E. Garrison, Jones, Hall Bounded North by district 7th, in. 3rd section, East by 23d district, in 2d section, South by district 5th, ;in 3d section and West by district 15th, in 3d section. This district is watered by Pine-log'creek and numerous branches and.a large road passes through it. b 4 b 10 b J* b I b 4 b * b b 10 b b 4 b 6 b 10 b 30 b b 5 a 12 b b b b 20 b 20 b 20 b b b b 3 b 20 b 10 b 20 b * 102 * 7til District, 3d Section. Hamilton W. Thomas, 271, Mcintosh Arthur "Youngblood, 113, Hancock Wm Loshley, Covingtons, Pike Henry Smith, Moores, Randolph James Seals, Youngs, Wilkinson B. G. G. A. Lucas, Flynns, Muscogee John H. Barksdale, M. Browns, Hab'sham Wm A. Taylor, Jcrdans, Harris Benj. Williamson, s 2DO, Scriven Jas, H. Williamson, Ni< hols, Fayette J. Furlow, s '84—'97, Tuggles, Merriw'r John Lard, Waltzes, Morgan George M. Taylor, Jordans, Harris Eli Taunton, Mitchells, Marion Ambrose Sanders, jr Bosticks, Twiggs Benj. Burch, Cannings, Elbert John Fountain, Davis, Gwinnett W. & H, Byram, fa, 779, Heard Giles Widner, Lays, Jackson Elisha Lowry, s Crawfords, Franklin Sapthey Cagle, Houses, Henry Jos. Palmer's orps Oirrs, Jackson Lewis Coffee, Barkers, Gwinnett Wm Hardaman's orps Colleys, Oglethorpe Obe Thomas, Winters, Jones Wiley Glover, Taylors, Jones John Wynn, Currys, Wilkinson John Baker, Clelands, Chatham Hardy Hughes, Hattons, Baker Samuel Cpok's orps Johnsons, Warrca 103 10 8 # 20 Robert Welch, 295, Jaspor Archibald Stokes, s 192, LiLert Thomas Htekson, 3C>2, Jisper Thomas Hanson, 454, Walton Larkin Satterfiell, Jones Habersham Bounded Nor h bv distr'ct 8th, in 3d section, East ly il M net 24th, in 2d section,. South by 0th, iu option and West by 14th, in Sd.xethn. Watered by Pine-log and r ilicn,' rr< 1.with one road passing thrwitth i+ _t l Eistict, 3A Section. Jnd'th A vie !, w Roysters, Franklin Win J. Wall is, Ogdens, Camden Hardy Cowart, Chesnuts, Newton Henry Bradshaw, Edwards, Talbot Thomas S. Burke, Roes, Burke Ezekiel Bogg s orps Hills, J3aldwin Loyd Bett's orps Carswells, Jefferson John McClendon, Harps, Stewart Daniel Brown, s Streetmans, Twiggs Winney Hamlet, idiot, Dearings, Butts- Wm Hide, McClains, Newton Denton Williams' orps Trouts, Hall James Stanley, Cliftons, Tatnall Claiborn Upchurch, 303, Hancock Little B. Jenkins' orps 146, Greene John Rowan, Maddens, Pike John Wheeler, M. Browns, Habersham Mary A. Cook, orp Bushes, Burke John W. Heard, 122, Richmond 104 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b *5 b 26 b 27, b 28 b 29 b 30 b $2 b 33 b 5 S4 b 35 b 36 b 12 37 b 38 b 38 b 40 b 41 b 42 b 43 b 48 b 49 b 55 a •v 58 b 2 59 b 5 60 b 61 b * i>2 b 60 b 70 b James 0'Kelly,?417, Walton Jaq< >b Wiley, 510, Early Lucibert Easorij'w Comptons, Fayette Ira Riclnrds, Fews, Muscogee Andrew II. Thompson, JVIarshs, Thomas Thoni \ ? Wool's orps Griffins, DeKalb Wm Br/s >n, 398, Richmond Presly G. Divenport, Thomas, Clark Mary Hug^ins, trp Gillis, DeKalb George H. fe lilli, 31, fc'criven Wm Willian -i, ^ fLClen Ions, Putnam Everett Wells, Woud:<, J ffrrscn Samuel Knox, srLidiL 1 , Jiu-Twn J. & R. A. Elliott, oryr 1 -M, Richmond Alex. Wells' orps 3tfi, Meriven Nathaniel D. Stanford, R-chs Putnam Francis E. Thomas, d d, Athens, Clark Michael McEIwreath, Clintons, Campbell- Herry fkitt, s Whitfields, Washington Hannah Tait, w Rhodes, DeKalb Allen Camron, Cliftons, Tatnall M. Middlebrook, w r s, Stan tons, Newtoi\ Elijah Swan, s McGillis, Lincoln Daniel Clay, McMillons, Lincoln Wm Chitwood, Browns, Habersham John Strickland, Hudsons, Marion Noah Wtitter's orps McDowels, Lincoln F. Brunson, w r s, St. Clairs, Houston Frederick Temple, jr 510, Early Elijah Holtzclaw, s 148, Greene Amos Morgan's 5 orps Heards, DeK&lk Wm R. Richey, Taylors, Jones 71 b 72 b 75 l> 76 b 77 b 79 b 84 b 85 b *87 b 88 b 89 b 94 b 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 102 b 103 b 104 b 108 b 109 b 114 b 115 b 116 b 117 b 118 b 119 b 120 b 152 b 153 b 162 b 103 b 10$ lobert Smith, jr Hands, Butts cptha Robinson, sr Griffins, Fayette 4 !eo. W. Wright, Loveless, Gwinnett ett Wright's orps Halls, Oglethorpe ,eonard Sparks, Shattan^orps 404, Gwinnett jpieey Rushcornj w r s, Sweats, Ware Drury Gilbert, 555, Upson J lirani Cape, Martins, Hall )avid Lee, 34, tscriven ^ k Vlurdoe Cammel, Blackstocks, Hall rhos. W. VVatt6y, s Hatjnans* Jefferson -oshua J\l. S&fll, Lovens, Henry W m Gober, fiutsons, Newton Fohn Greer, Mays, Monroe Fonathan Gunn, 602, Taliaferro Charles Powell, 417, Walton rhomas Colley's orps Echols, Clark, jeo. W. Levett, 162, Greene lohn Smith,,Hattons, Baker Richard Chancy, 394, Montgomery Wm Mayes, s McGinnis, Jackson iVm Mill well Edwards, Franklin Wm Lockey,s Williams, Walton 164 b 197 b 199 b 200 b 214 b 215 b 218 b 219 b 232 b 233 b 334 b 235 b -236 b -237 b 238 b 239 b 240 b 241 b £50 b 251 b 264 b 265 b 260 b 267 b 268'b 269 b 276 b 288 b 300 b 301 b 302 b. 311 k 306 Jones Daw&on, Keeners, Rabun Polly A. Spraggins, h a, Davis, Gwinnett rolm F. Glatigney, 3d, Chatham Benj. Lnprad, 466, Monroe John 1). ijtair, Garners, Washington JoeJ I; m llt, r s, Hargroves, Oglethorpe Mary %YI *L\ w Kellys, Elbert Hiram Li r */s orps 3d, Cherokee Fa cob Collins, Griifins, Burke jeorge P. Ci oper Raineys, Twiggs Jharles tL Porter, Coxes, Tnlbot David Hudgit/s orf s T. } 1 ors, Putnam rohn Morgan, HilL\ P. rris rohn Forest, Hart s, £ I .nvart lames A. Edwrtrds, L:rricks, Henry Fesse Hood, Garners, Coweta rames Williams* Stephens, Habersham llary Reynolds, w Prescotts, Twiggs 3enj» Burgess, Willis, Franklin Simpsorl's orpsHobkirks, Camden Elizabeth Barr, w r s, St. Clairs, Houston Fames Redew, Barnetts, Habersham Jeorge W, Jones, Wynns, Gwinnett leuben Wall, Watsons, Marion Olmstead's orps Valleaus, Chatham lobertH. Lysle, Albersons, Walton Stephen H. Sanders, 119, Richmond Nicholas Albright, Footes, DeKalb Closes Jones, Robisons, Harris Andrew Huff, Parhams, Harris Fohn Parker, Gunns, Henry Fames P. Ellis, 466, Monroe 107 * Charles Whiting, BaHards, M» rgan Nancy Rives, \v Estes, Putir t i ►Bounded North by Qth disu'iot, 3d sec¬ tion ; East by 25th district, in 2d section % South by 7th district, in 3 I Ruction ; and West by 13th district, in T I 1 *3tion. Cona- sauga rj,ver, Holly cvet k, ltd Federal road run through this dislrVl. tlOalAl trirt, 8 J Section. Jacob V. Gou ddov.ii, Philips, Talbot Jame.s Luke, son of R. Peeks, Columbia. Andr^v Young, Tug^les, Merriwether E. A. £ufi we ton, orp Browns, Habersham Beuj. Thurmond, 289, Jasper Lucretia Martin, w 417, Walton Michael Stapleton, Sanderlins, Chatham Thos. Blackburn, 537, Upson I James Simmons, 604, Taliaferro ■ M. M. Langston, orp Brooks, Muscogee John Goble, Hensons, Rabun 30 Joseph Wilson, 362, Jasper 10 Joseph P. Wiggins, Deans, Clark E. J. W. Giddy, Tuggles, Merriwether Henry Champion's orp 2d, Chatham Elbert Lewis, Roes, Burke Phiny Wheeler, Doziers, Columbia Robert Warren, Justices, Bibb Thomas W. Davis, s Parks, Walton Jeremiah £lark, s Robinsons, Putnam David Touchstone's orps Bustins, Pike Jacob Helton, Fields, Habersham 103 57 a 68 a 79 a 75 a 77 b 82 a 85 a 87 a 88 a 90 a 94 a 95 a 98 a 90 a 101 a 105 a 100 a 112 a 113 a 111 a 115 a 116 a 118 a 119 a 120 a 121 a 122 a 131 b 132 a ' 133 a 134 a 135 ft 30 20 30 James A* Stoddard, Els worths, Bibb Win S. Glaze, 400, Gwinnett Jab as II. Carroll, Hamptons, Newto» Wm South, Hardmans, Oglethorpe Jesse M. Thornton, 140, Greene Ale^ i '^cr W. Stephens, 20, Bryan CharL* Tltdsey, Ilamiltons, Ilall Valentin;1 Ilorsley, 470, lf|)son James "Htnlth, Griffins, Merriwether Anderson's ofps Seals, Madison John Tillman, s £88, Upson Robet S. Hooks, Camps, Baker inn Lowe, \v 22, Molar Ji h Aaron Smith, Laurences, Pike Wm Rhodes' orps Ilutsnns, Newton Wm Appleby, s Orrs, Jackson Wm Allen, Woodruffs, Campbell Absalom Hancock, Greens, Gglethorpe Daniel Davis, Woods, Jefferson Samuel C. Atkinson, Baismores, Jones Ephraim Morgan, s 335, Wayne Chas. E. Taylor, Bushes, Pulaski Charles R, Glazier, Davids, Franklin John Allgood, sr Parks, Walton Daniel F. Sullivan, orp Smiths, Liberty Dr. W. iDial, m, f a, Smith, Madison Wm Patterson, Morrison, Appling 20jjames Ellis, a Dawson, Jasper James Donaldson, Jones, Bulloch Alexander Curner, Childs, Marion Seaborn Coy, Bushes, Burke f Daniel McCook*. Johnsons^ BibU 109 m a 187 ix 138 a 139 b -148 b 14D b 150 b 151 b 152 a John T. Taylor, 308, Richrni ni George Wheeler, Lays, JL < 1 ■ nn Daniel Kirkland, Bucks, 11 us ton jBridgar Webb, s V^ilhite^, JGIbert Milly Stewart, orp WVli I -V, Habershan# jEdwatd A. Brodas, 2' rt Jumper t Hr Sillivanfs orf " irris, Crawford rGeo. W.-MilIironsr!' i aicks, Putnam jGeorge McDuffie, £ irons, Irwin 153 a 00!John M. Forber\ Cvaus, Fayette 20 354 a 40 155 b 150 a 157 a 160 a 165 b 170 a 171 a 60 172 b 173 b 175- a 177. b 178 179 180 181 182 188 189 a 190 a 195 A g07 a Wm Rhodes* 7 "-J, Dooly All"'ii B. Strong Ca idlers, Bibb Br a lis Harper, JMullins, Carroll Janies Failess, s Houston B :n/ inin Adams, T s, Pates, Warren 5 Mary Brantly, w r s, Gorleys, Putnaim Tompkin's orps Baileys, Camden < C« Barnes, Robinsons, Washington' Thos. Lesley, 250, Walton John Lockalier. orp 260, Seriven Dorothy Randolph, w r s, Mosleys, Wilkes. Wm B. Brewster, Harralsons, Troup James Carlton, Bines, Coweta David Si'asmore, Petersons, Montgomery Wm T. Willbanks, Edwards, Franklin, 10 Jeremiah Green, w 245, Jackson James C. Wood, Davis, Jones Chesley A. Yann, 535, Doofy Robert M..Johnson, Davis, Gwinnett Jane Park, wRidens, Jackson Dorothy Randolph, w r s, Mosleys, Wikes- Wm Long, Edwards,, Talbot •208 a 209 a 210 a 214 a 215 a 218 a ■219 b S23 b 224 a] 225 a 226 a 227 a 231 a 243 b 244 al 245 a 246 a 249 b 250 b 253 a 255 a 256 a 258 b 260 a 261 a 274 b 280 a 281 a 284 b 285 a 286 a 287 a 110 Fames K. Russell, Daniels, Hall Pleasant Worley, Hughes, Habersham fumes Jackson, s 454, Walton folin Jones' orps Groces, Bibb Vm Blanchard, Raineys, Twiggs >ara.h Sutton, wrs, Vinings, Putnam tfirholas Osburn, Barnetts, Clark >amuel Davis, jr Peavys, Bulloch rhomas Turley, Griers, Warren )avid S. Terrell, s 143, Greene ames Grindle, Chastains, Habersham Jreen Atkinron, Griers, Warren Thomas Turner, Birwirks, Washington ohn N. Simpson's orps ^ 75, Wilkes ames Nix, Houses, Henry llizabeth Clarke, w 24, Mcintosh fan S. Pearce, Martins, Stewart 'rm L. Connally, Jones, Madison amuel Hodges, s 36, Scriven .mster Denham, Robinsons, Fayette latthew Col son's orps 36, Scriven atharine Garr, wrs, Woods, Morgan ohn P. Greiner, 122, Richmond ahn Nicholson, Martins, Pike, ^m Prewett, Aliens, Campbell ael Gammon, s Lesters, Monroe lien Loveless, Latimers, DeKalb ug. M. Sanders, Murphey, Columbia oble Timmans, s 2d, Cherokee jhn McClain, r s, Thomas, Ware bdalah Swanson, 295, Jasper [udson H. Nash, Smiths, Elbert .111 28& z 290 a 5291 a 292 308 310 311 321 322 323 a *324 a 8 a 9 a 12 a 14 a 15 22 24 28 32 32 a 36 b 44 a 56 a A. H. Mudpck's ojrps Hughes, Hab'sham 10 V. R. Tomme, Prophets, Newton Thomas Hannah, 25, Scriven Lewellfin Robinson's orps Riclimond 25 Shadrack Smith, r s Edwards, Franklin, Moses Fillingine, s Britts, Randolph Orange Tickner, orp Sudivaus, Jones 20 Eugenibs A. Nesbit, Ballardb, Morgan: JohnR. Plammer, 417, Walton JJohn Grimes, Martins, Stewart 3.E. Payton's orris Morgans, Madison Bounded North by 10th district, 3d sec¬ tion; East by 26th district, 24 sectiofl; South by 8th district, 3d section, and West by 12th district,, 3d section. Watered by Conasauga river, Holly creek and Federal rood «ilso goes through it 10til District, 3d Section. Wm Gilleland, jr Evans, Fayette Wm Harrison, Heads, Butts John Bee Roberson, 1st, Chatham Presley Holley's orps Baleys, Laurence Sarn'l Singleton, Allisons, Pike Annabella Barnett, orp Martins, Wash'toi} Silas Reeve, 119, Richmond Harriet S* Vickers, w 320, Baldwin Smith Wells, 415, Walton Abraham Stow, 103, Hancock Jesse J. Jones, La timers, DeKalb Jeptha P. Parke% Butts, Monroe Alex. Hewatt, Johnsons, DeKall) 112 *Philip Vanhorn, JVI. Browns, Habersham Henry Byne, 69, Burke Tesse Jenkins, Chandlers, Franklin Albert Johnson, Rutlands, Bibb Thrmas Ray, Whites, Franklin Tobn A. Wel!», Neals, Campbell 4D uiiel McLean, Groovers, Thomas George W. Snow, Wagnons, Carroll James Mikell, r s, Slaters, Bulloch Joseph H. Conningham, Gittens," Fayette Michael Buff, r s, Smith, Madison t Tsaac Miller, 271, Mcintosh Jeptha West, Stephen*, Habersham Rebecca Tomlin, w Cowor'* Lowndes Simeon Pattillo, Fews, < T,e W® McElhenny, jr 37?, [ „r John Heard, Martins, II I1 18 Henry C* -Spicer, 406, JUoiiru Matthew Smith, s 1 w, Martins, Laurens Charles Walden, Wrights, Laurens Travis Nichols, si w, Nichols, Fayett# Ranson Dees, Davis, Jones ' 22 David G. Rogers, Yerks, Stewart George Long, 373, Jasper Robert N. Brookin, s 113, Hancock Dempsey Fennel, Newmans, Thomas- .Tames Bell, Coses, Franklin George L. Alexander, 293, .Tasper Pleasant A. Lawson, Robinsons, Putns-s* " m IV. Perry, McGinnis, Jackson James Vogles, sr Martins, Ha!I , Francis O. Black, Holton, ftmannel 113 Matt. Higginbotham^ Morgans, Madiso* Whitson Jarrett, Ridens, Jackson David Blackwell, 404, Gwinnett 2 Patrick D. Bond, Gittens, Fayette 60 Blewford McHight, Bridges* Gwinnett 2 Jacob Lewis1 drps 38, Scriven Jesse Attaway, Rogers, Burke 40 Wm Liindy, 113, Hancock Edward Black, s Campbell, "Wilke^ Job Tye, Wolfskins, Oglethorpe Samuel Player, 1 22^ Richmond Daniel Boatright, KellyB, Elbert Wm T. Blnrkshear, Blackshears, "Laurens Dexter F. Ricliards, Kindricks, Putnam ' Wm C. Alley, Dyers, Habersham Joliu Cooksey, r s, McCullers, Newton - Aaron Dodd, Andersons, Wilkes' LitJe B, Jackson, 147, Greene Daniel McDaniel, s Iversons, Houston WAi P. Denison, "Williams, Ware Jonathan P. Cordrey,Barwicks, Wash'toa Madison Carter, 589, Upson ' Wm B. Roberts, 117, Hancock Nicholas Berry, 34, Scriven Andrew Defopr, Smiths, Habersham Seaborn J« Gwyn, 250, Walton David Weaver, Woods, Morgan Isaac Grayj Leveretts, Lincoln Bounded .North by Tennessee, East by 27th district, in 2d section, South by 9th district, in 3d section and West by 11 tk 'aatwmafB 1 a G a 7 a 8 a J4 b 15 b 16 b 17 b 18 b 20 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 31 h 32 b 33 b 34 b •35 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41 b 42 *b 43 b 50 b 51 b 114 district, in 3d section—Conasauga river I'asscs'trnrriecliately fhrotigh the district. JfWflWWI JMUptW—a—B—B—BBBEIgirtlUinHTI, WUWI ■ 11 IB IIIIII III III I'll 11IIIII lltla District, 3d Section. j-enrge King, Hammons, Franklin Ta if? Askew's orps 107r Hancock r -nry Zilatthews' orps Wynns, Gwinnett Mli -'T Rhodes, Martins, Newton 3. Coilis, of Randolph, Swains, Thomas ' Abraham Wright, Currys, Merriwetjief Zachariah Jordan, Uostickfi, Twiggs Wrct KeelU, Whclchels, Ilall Robert Hodge*, Frrg: iJj, Twi^ r_rg roseph 3. Collins, Cm ^ Harris Wm Leverilt's orps \ Thipj li , T7iHanson SlizabethBraden,orp'12I^i T" r uui Sachariah Kitchens^Mori t 1. lib Vllen Gunter, Stowers, Elbbu fohn Cason, Pailks, Walton r. M. Garden, s \ w, Moores, JIandolph hooper B. Tate, Edwards, Franklin 3. Yarborough, w Brocks, Habersham lobt. Burk, jrs Colliers, Monroe» .vey W. Gregory, Gunns, Jefferson Ambrose Jones, 116, Hancock kYm Jones, sr, r s, Williams, Jasper fohn Allen, s Salem, Baldwin 3enj. Tompkins,. Martins, Stewart 3rvin Brown, 295, Jasper Foshua Hennington, pushes, Pulaski Mary Jeter, w Pfcrhams, Warren 3ve Boggs, w r s, 242, Jackson 52 -b ' 56 b 57 b 58 b 59 b 60 b 65 b 66tb 6? b 70 b 78 b 79 fc 80 b 81 b 55 b 86 b 87 b 95 b 96 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 116 b 1 117 b 118 b 119 b 120 b 121 b 122 b 123 b 124*b«t 125 b *• .i 115 Powers" orp*s271, Melntosh lohn Sutherland's orps Fields, Habersham foseph Stiles, s 5 w, 1st, Chatham Fohn FitzpatricJifWills, Twiggs iiramEvans, .Dobbs, Halls Jernj. Collins' 2 orps Mortons, DcKalb, ames Kennedy, Fitzpatrickr, Chatham as. Logan's orps \Vynns,t*ui inctt Vm Harris,, Hoards, DeKalb 238 b 23n, North by Tennessee, \ Test by district rd, in 3rd section, South by district 12th, Crd section. Watered by numerous inches and Cooy Hullec creek, run.-; ough the dist/ict. The Federal road 1 the road leading from *New Echota to thoun in Tennessee, pass through the trict. 2 b 6 b 23 b 25 b 33 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 53 b 54 "b Gt h GO b 7t> h *73 h <6'4 b 01 b 92 b 99 b 107 k> 109 b 120 b 122 b 130 b 136 b 137 b 145 b 147 a 148 a 149 a ,355 b 119 12til District) 3d Section. HcCuller£ Springer, Stewarts, Warrcg 21i Holley, Polliills, Burkd lichard W. Wood, jr Martins, Newton fatties Cochran, r s, 249, Jackson vVm Elliott, Lesters, Monroe )bediencc Rass, w Parhams, Wurren Dixon Cureton, Coxes, Talbot Foseph S. Johnson, s C >mpluus, Fayette FoluiC. Fry, Atkinsons, Coweta rohnT. Uyd, Kellums, Talbot Mm Pays, Latlmers, Dclvalb Foha UT. H. fiercer, Clelands, Chatham jf John W. Osbum, 118, Hancock [lichard Hughes, Thomas, Claris Ambrose Baber, s Elsworths, Bibb % Watkrns, srFlynns, Muscogee 3eo. W. Johnson, Valleaus, Chatham 1. H. Edingfield, orp Fryers, Telfair Samuel Howard, Howards, Oglethorpe Cortis Hudspeth, Guices, Oglethorpe Thomas Overtun, 602, Taliaferro - J, Owdonis' orps Dyers, Habersham Isaiah Dodson, Houses, Henry James Boyd, Cooks, Telfair Robert Meek, Hoods, Henry , Prescott's orps Griffins, Burke Jas. W. M. Berrien, 112, Hancock Milly Coleman, w Rooks, Putnam 120 # Wm Smith, Aliens, Bibb 6 James Gammage, Taylors, Jones Jonathan Hill, Clelands, Chatham David B. White, 588, Upson Hamilton M. Cook, Johnsons, Bibb J icme Frihay, Clelands, Chatham *J!en Night, Harralsons, Newton ') Y.iL ? T. M'Canl's orps Wlntakers, Craw'd * Kftmond Atwaler, 47 7, Upson John Chirk, Wallis, Irwin Win C II* id's orps Brnddys, Jones Michu kilerhold, Gitt^ns, Fajette Margar 'I J.trrplI, w 3*20, Baldwin Benj. Allen, 5, Chatham Wm C. Slater, Tews, jVTuscogce Noah Goode, Perrys, H'ibcrshnm Isaac Hughes, Mobley, DcKalb J. & N. Culler*, orps 124, Richmond Richard Hill, 249, Walton John Camron's orps McClains, Newton Aug. H. Ferrell, Alsobrooks, Jones Sarah K. Horton, 248, Jackson Jas. Ruffin's orps 537, Upson Starkey Baysmore, 34, Scriven Eli J. Martin, Bosticks, Twiggs David Fudge, Adams, Columbia James Williamson, 589, Upson Joel I-Iarrell, Rutlands, Bibb George M. Finger, Justices, Bibb Thomas Brown, Loveless, Gwinnett Martha Hill, w Ross, Monroe Matchet Johnson, Brooks, Muscogee *34 b 237 st 238 b 246 b 246 b 249 b 250' b 253 b 258 b 261 'b 264 b 265 b 268 b 269 b 575 b 276 b 283 b 284 b 287 b 293 b 296 b 299 b 303 b 303 b 305 b 306 a 310 b 315 b .317 b 332 b 333 b 337 b 121 fohn L. Smith, Whitakers, Crawford Martha Simmons, w Newbvs, Jones Nathaniel Smith, 417? Walton Frederick Backley* tl, Effingham Fhomas Moblev, Moores* Randolph W.,M. J. Elder, Elders, Clark , SVra E. Jones, 245, Jackson Wm Luttreford, s McCluins. Ifabiui Fames Northcut, Mays, Moinoe rohn Dickson, 192, filbert Enoch Dawsou, Keener^, Rabun riiomas Robinson, sr, ^ ITalls, Butts folin Hudgens, Martins, Newton Win B. Starkey, COO, Richmond Stephen Godbey, Griffins, Burke John P. Hardy, Brewers, Monroe Nathan Lowry, s Chastains, Habersham George Dolton, Browns, Habersham Henry Hateley, Halls, Butts Elihu Woodall, Elsworths, Bibb Loyal Scranton, Valleaus, Chatham John Spiers, Morrisons, Montgomery Edmund W, Anderson, Fulks, Wilkes Wm G. Perdue, Graves, Putnam James R* Blackburn,, 35, Scriven John MafFett, Davis, Gwinnett Elizabeth Fuller, w r s, 148, Greene Elijah B. Hqad, Lambenths, Fayette M. & D. Bennett, orps 404, Gwinnett John W« Selman, 559, Walton Daniel Walker, jr 119, Richmond Margaret Todd, w Sullivans, Jqncs 122 Hezekiah Thorne, Hueys, Habersham Phineas M. Nightingale, Millers, Camden Enoch Herpdon, Woodruffs, Campbell Isaac Wimberly's orps 37, Burke Uriah C. Morris, Sims, Trpup David K. Collins, Wrights, Tatnall « Bounded North by 11th district, in 3rd "3tion, East by 9th district, in 3rd section, . V»uth by 13th district, in 3rd section and tVest by 27th district in 3rd section. This distn I well waterrd with creeks and LruuJ < ■» und crossed by a largr roacL 151*1 !?tl A. Bradley, N< .-bets, Newton Alexander McCluin, MoCJuin.s Newton John Sims, 400, Gwinnett George Davis, 119, Richmond John Taylor's orps Thomasons, Elbert Peter Graham, Walkers, Harris Mary E. Whitley, orp Bridges, Gwinnett Thompson Banks, Guices, Oglethorpe James Webb, Burks, Stewart Perry G. Sinquefield, Hannahs, Jefferson George Taylor, Russels, Henry Wm H. Kelly, Hines, Coweta Geo. W. Justiss, Waltzs, Morgan David F. Riley, Johnsons, Bibb Samuel M. Callaway, Albersons, Walton John E. Wamack, Rooks, Putnam Claiborn Da J ton, Hatchets, Oglethorpe Alexander Scott, Griffins, DeKalb 123 ' 52 b iGeo^G C.Shivfers, Hitchcocks, Muscog«« <$3 b 2 Benj/Conner, Downs, Warren ( 64 I? 2 Pencent Tanner, 27 ],*McIntos^ C>G *b Jeremiah Boggas, s Coxes, Morgan 72 '*bs Sarnuel*Jeter, s Leveretts, Lincoln 179 ft ' Benj. Scroggms, sr Millers, Jackson 80 *b - Eli Glaze, Bivins, Jones ■j81 b Andrew Bowfen, sr Brocks, Hafersham 82 b Sarah Davis^v Perry s, Bald "vri i 84 b Samuel J! Lazenby, Jlarris Columbia b ' Berry J laxvoll, 168, Wilkcs b John S. Culi;uitte, Ilmmuhs, Campbell b Tignal It. Jones, Maiigums, Franklin b Chains P. Efuckaby, 087, Lee b Robinson's children, f a,, Washiaglon. b 1 Joseph Sensabaugh, Ellis, Pulaski 90 b 23 Robert Allen, s Bustins, Pike y J. Ki M. Charlton's o^>s IMoseleys, Wilkes 2 Samuol Knox, jr s Liddles, J ackson i Robert Lemojxl, Lanes, Morgan 5 Harris Brantley, Peacocks, Washington Edmond H. Warrill, Cannings, Elbert Tfcomas.Tuggle, 294, Jasper John A^dams, 249, Walton 4 Reuben Wheelus, Woods, Morgan Stephen Swann, Aliens, Monroe M. B. Starnes; Griffins, DeKalb Benj.' Matthews, s Blouifts, Wilkinson Bryant Pace, s Iversons, Houston John K. Slaughter, Paces, Putnam Joseph Scott's orps Wilsons, Pike Van Degary, Stowers, Elbert11 * IS 102 115 116 117 118 121 b 122 b 151 b 136 b 138 bt 150 b 153 b 158 b 159 b 160 b 171 b 172 h 174 b 189 b J 90 b 20:2 b 207 b 208 b 223 b 225 b 220 b 230 b . 239 b 613 b 244 b 261 b 202 b 269 b 271 b 272 b 273 b 274 b 276 b 278 b 279 b 280 b 281 b 588 b ' 2S9 b 290 b 124 las. Gates, sr, r s, 400, Gwinnett ios. Conn's 5 orps Deans, DeKalb Worley, Higginbotharns,Rabun rm M. Story, Shearers, Coweta rm Powell, Davis,-Jones 'ary Nichols, w r s, Bosticks, Twiggs ith. Abbott, wNesls, Campbell .shua Bradley, sJLawrence, Pike ".zurus Dempsey, Johnsons, DeKalb urn 1. Wlls, Bragaws, Oglethorpe enr^ -on, Heads, Butts iinQ i f ver, s I vers ins, Houston my Hu uphries, HiuLuis, Newton )hn Watkiuw, rbaritigs, Ilenry An Jordan, r • IlcClaius, Newton homas Blitch, sr 12, Effingham ilijah Hammonds, jr Hannahs, Campbell harod Edwards, Groovers, Thomas saac Justice, s Norri?, Monroe ames King, s 1 w, Halls, Butts ames Barnett, Wills, Franklin ames Gore, jr Hudsons, Marion ames P. Glover, Williams, Jasper Chomas Wood, 693, Heard ames McBride, Barkers, Gwinnett ^ranees M. Patterson, orp Prices, Hall fames H. Burnett, 102, Hancock lonathan Peacock, sr Philips, Talbot Stewart Lee, McLinns,' Butts [saac Gibson, Walkers, Columbia Wm Ewing, Reids, Gwinnett Jeremiah Dean, Prices, Hall 125 "295 S96 b Martin Rouse* Carets, Franklin John Wynftjs orps Marshalls, Putnam Charles Wheeler^ s Smiths, Habersham F. A. Alexander, Clarks, Elbert Wm Brassell, sr, s 1 w, Nichols, Fayette Newsom Taunton, sr, s Mitchells, Marion Fred. Ft Doney, Gittens, Fayette John Mclntire, sr Dyers, Habershani Wm B. Shocldey, 5i/7, Ujron David Monroe, sr, s i 7II, Burke John Sutherland's oips ra1kers, Columbia A. Halliday, Bourqoint., Chatham TemperanceBrndy,w Iversons, Houston- 2 Orps. of Peter JSangster, J3ucks, Houston Joseph P. McCuIloch, 104, Hancock James K. Lewis, 105, Baldwin RichM Helton, s 1 w, Sparks, Washington Wm Hinnard, s lw, Nichols, Fayette Bounded North by 12th district, in 3yd section, East by 8th" district, in 3rd sec¬ tion, South by 14th district, in 3rd section and West by 26th district, in 3rd section.' Connasauga river runs through this dis¬ trict. 126 1 a 10 3 h i, b 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 a , 9 a * 10 a 11 a 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 b 1G b 17 b * IS b 19 b 20 b 21 b 22 b * 23 a 30 24 b 25 b 26 b ,27 b 28 b ll(!i District, 3rd Section. Enoch M. Finchcr/blswortlis, Bibb Alfred Pogue, Parhams, Warren Edmund Butts, s374, Putnam I/irhael Martin, \v 145, Greene Tacob Davis, s BrewtonS, Tatnalf Win IL Wiley, Albersons, Walton E. W. Sobmons, Sanderlins* Chatham Luke A Ti!Iiams, 430, Early Daniel Drm nmond, Wynns, Gwinnett Thomas Huson, s I'lcULiins, Nekton John Slappy, G87, Lee Joshua R. Brovrnii g, Crawfords, Morgan John Huff, s Youngs, Carroll Alfred Gannon, Ilerndons, Hall Henry Talley, sr, r s, McCullers, Newton Neadham Bryan', Durhams, Talbot John S. Heard, s 761, Heard Phillips' orps Brewtons, Tatnall Shem Butler's orps 15, Liberty Cornelius Gentry, Browns, Habersham IWm I)avis, r $, Nichols, Fayette 127 SI b 32 b 33 a 10 84 a 35 a1 36 a 37 b 88 a l) b b tf b b b b b b b b b b Bailey Harris* orps Jordaqs, Bibb Wm L. Conner, 36, ScriVen Ellis "Hawking W Fiedlers, Pulaski Martin Defurr, Whites, Franklin Elizabeth-Trafnum,'w 278, Morgan David Holland," Smithy Houston Mucfdock McCaskill, 417, Walton Wta Simrrions,' Mizclls, T&lbot Henry Turner, Hughes, Habersham John MattoJi, r s, 404, Gwinnett Wm,Hansen,iVcks, Columbia John K. Ilearne, lline^, Coweta Silas Browil, Bearings, Henry Thomas Cobbj 732, Dooly Osburn Manning, Daniels, Hall Mary Harden, n a, Bowers, Elbert Joseph Wall, s S. Streetm'ans, Twiggs Wm Lvnn, s Martins, Pike p Josiah Spivey, Harris, Columbia John Tillman, Clietts, Columbia Wm Brantley, sr Peacocks, Washington JamesrDean, I,verspnss Houston Wm Whilden, Barwicks, Washington Marcus Smallwood, Collins, Henry Howell Home, s Barefields, Jones George Wilson, r s,#454, Walton Joshua Ivennett, Johnsons, DeKalb Wm P. Freeman, Davids, Franklia John B. Grumpier, 585, Dooly F. Moody, 307, Putnam Jonathan \yalker, Athens, Clark 10 Hillory Anderson, Youngs, Jefferso* 64 b 65 b C6 b 67 b <>8 b 69 a 70 a 71 a 72 b 73 b 74 b 77 b 78 a 79 a 80 b 61 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 86 b 88 b 89 b SO b 91 b 92 b 93 b 95 b 96 b 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 123 Thomas Murray, r s, Murpheys, Columbia Wm W. Elliott, Dyers, Habersham ' Seaborn Jackson, Luncefords, Wilkes Fasper McCrary, Camps, Warren jriffin Marcer, Griffins, Emanuel Garret M. Beasley, Jones, Morgan »Vm Johnson's orjjs Mor is, Crawford Fames Robertson, Paynes, Merriwether rhos. Durham, Latimers, DeKalb Elijah Mills, Baileys, Laurens iYm Garrett, Albersont, Walton I. E. W. Clark, Hohkirks, Camden Siancy Humphiies, w Winters, Jones Ufred Henstey, Dearings, Henry fohn Bowdon, s464, iJonroe Samuel Lightborn, Clelands, Chatham rhomas Hatchetts, Hatchetts, Oglethorpe Solomon Jennings, s Greens, Oglethorpe -.ewis Davis' orps Barwicks, Washington Ubert Tatum, Aliens, Henry George Radin, 148, Greene lohn Wilsons, Roberts, Hall !sham Fielding, Dobbs, Hall lenry S. Turner, 293. Jasper lichard B. Coleman, Hueys, Harris Fohn Lyle, Dearings, Henry lezekiah Singleton's orps Smiths, Henry 3d win Oneal, Woods, Morgan Christopher Brack's orps Givins, DeKalU Thomas J. Bowen, 779, Heard Bird Martin, Robinsons, Washington Wm WillioHl, d d, Lanes, Morgan Idi a 102 a 103 b 104 b 108 b J 09 b 110 a 111 b 113 b 114 b 115 b UG a 117 b 118 b •119 b 120 b 121 b 124 b 125 b 12(5 b 127 b 128 b 129 c 133 b 134 b 135 b 136 b 137 b 138 b 139 b 140 b 141 b 129 rawford Harte, Prescotts, Twiggs >hn H. Garrett, Woods, Twiggs homas W, Rawlins, Mashburns, Pulaski )hn Askey, Smiths, Henry )hn Morris, s Harralsons, Troup braham Dannel, 175, Wilkes imes Leverick, 120, Richmond >hn Willis, Baughs, Jackson lpheus Beall, \\ ilkinson enj. Morris, Higginbothams, Madison :>hn Hinnard, jr Nichols, Fayette rancis Wilson, 35, fcriven foody Bailey, Phillips, Jasper rm Brownings, Blackshears, Thomas emuel Black's orps Colleys, Oglethorpe 3S. Maning, s 334, Wayne harles R. Green, Cleggs, Walton ohn Meadows, McCulIers, Newton restley Yarbrough's orps Groces, Bibb "m Shaw, Johnsons, DeKalb ames Neal, s Wilsons, Pike barren Aiken, Clarks, Elbert Lbner Hammond, 320, Baldwin Vm Smith, Wynns, Gwinnett inn McCoy, w r s, 602, Taliaferro 'hampion Allen, 175, Wilkes, ohn W. Carlton, 138, Greene ienry Turner's orps Petersons, Mont'ry jeverett's orps Griffins, Burke I ames Rogers, Hamiltons, Gwinnett fohn Tire, s Morgans, Appling Pierce Costley, McCulIers, Newton 142 b 143 b 144 b 146 b 147 b 148 b 149 b 150 a 151 b 152 b 3 53 b 151 b 155 b i;»a b 163 b 165 b 169 b 170 b 171 b 172 b 173 b 174 b 175 b 176 b 177 b 178 b 183 b 184 b 185 b 186 b 187 b 188 b 13 0 hadrach Floyd, Ricks, Laurens? ,uke Gibson, s Bishops, Henry V"m J. Willis, 588, Upson ohn P. Sykes, s 102, Hancock 'enelopv Finch, w Aliens, Bibb larcus Smallwood, Collins, Henry . F. Montgomery, Gillis, DeKalb irch. VVillingham, Willinhams, Harris fancy Yaughan, w 404, Gwinnett ireh. McPhearson, Hudsons, Marion doses Thompson, 245, Jackson ilex. Smith, Smiths, Houston ohn A.IVIcBrayer, Mullias, Carroll tobert Farrar, orp Gunns, Jones Vm Bohler, 110, Richmond ohn Dryden, Bakers, Liberty Hark Morgan, Garners, Coweta fabitha Bateman, w Smiths, Houston Ym J. Winn, Marshalls, Putnam Phos. Jordan, Crows, Merri wether lobert Lyons, McGehees, Troup ^eal McLeod, Martins, Stewart fohn Collens, Sumerlins, Bulloch. Ym Vincent, Rooks, Putnam Perry G. Russell, Devours, Habersham. Wm Tooley's orps Stewarts, Jones Demsey C. Bennett, Pollards, "Wilkes Wm Davis, Braddys, Jones John A. Moore, Stricklands, Merriwelhet Thomas Ware, s Tuggles, Merriwether M. W. Youngblood, Liddells, Jacksoa Thomas Hodnett, Hodges, Newton 131 189 ,b 190 c # 191 b 22 192 b 15 198 b 206 b 207 b 208 b 209 b 210 b 211 b 212 b 16 213 b 214 b 219 b 220 b 221 a 21 222 b 223 b 224 b 225 b 226 b 40 227 b 20 229 b 230 b 234 b 238 b 239 a 240 a 241 a * 242 a 10 243 b 5 Fred. L. Howell, Martins, Pike Samuel J, Power, Howards, Oglethorjt* Jam6s P; Cox, Kindricks, Monroe D. Castteberry's minors, Rhodes, DeKalfe Edward Story, s Liddells, Jackson John T. Floyd, 143, Greene Martin Moss, Stowers,Elbert' Wm Wamack, Peacocks, Washington Geo. W. Parham, Wilhites, Elbert John R. Shad, Willingtons, idiot, Chatham T. W. Thompson, Peavys, Bulloch Aaron Daniel's orps Brewtons, Tatnall Thomas Robinson, jr Halls, Butts Erasmus Camp, Camps, Baker Isham Parham, jr Wilhites, Elbert Caleb Simmons, Griffins, Fayette Rowland Dixon, Newmans, Thomas Gideon Smith, Robinsons, W ashington Hamilton Germany, 404, Gwinnett Mary Day, h a* Stricklaads, Merriwether Wm H. Lucas, 102, Hancock Larkin Bayles, Aliens, Campbell Sidney M. Pardue, Britts, Randolph Legrand S, Wright, Nights, Morgaa Thomas L. Brown, Blairs, Lowndes Lewis Wooten, Frasiers, Monroe James Smith, Sanderlins, Chatham Wm L. Todd's orps Bare fields, Jones John W.Hoskins, Manns, Crawford James I. Bruce, idiot, 120, Richmond Lindsey Holland, Mimms, Fyette- James Johnson, 118, Hancock 244 b 245 b 246 b 247 a 248 a 249 b 250 b 255 b 256 b 257 b 258 b 259 b 260 b 261 b 262 b 263 b 264 a 265 a 266 a 237 b 274 b 275 b 276 a 277 a 278 b 879 b 284 b 281 b 282 b 283 a 280 b 285 b 132 o. M. Head, Heads, Butts [ward Henderson, Augusta, Richmond n Bond, Philips, Talbot ithony Johnson, 293, Jasper ter Ball, Rhodes, DeKalb iderson Owens, 406, Gwinnett hn T. Caudle, Wills, Twiggs Imund Clay, Durhams, Talbot inchen Newsom, s Sparks, Washington ijah D. Vaughn, Aliens, Henry el Dearing's orps Robinsons, Wash'ton, ,mes V. Hogg, Halls, Butts M. Oliver, Smith, Elbert jtnes Rossef, s Graves, Putnam ►hn Bolton, 406, Gwinnett m McKinzie, Chambers, Houston Tm Jameson, Bosticks, Twiggs )hn Y. Smith, 271, Mcintosh 'enry Kight, Williams, Jasper ames Jones, orp Groces, Bibb sssc Stephens, Wilhites, Elbert os. G. Booth, Wilhites, Elbert -ich'4 H. Etjibry, Allisons, Pike jabeler Easters, "w McClendons, Putnam ohn T. Morrow, Walton Lobert Handerson, sr, r s, Jones, Hall lilton Blalock, 785, Sumpter tleshack McGinty, Martins, Jones ^sher Lane, Hintons, Wilkes r. Y. Weatherington, Clintons, Campbell lames Bryan, Martins, Hall Alexander Camron, Cliftons, Tatnall 2S6 a 291 b 292 b 293 b 294 a 295 b 296 b 297 b 298 b 299 b 300 b .301 a 302 a 303 a 308 b 309 b 310 b 311 b 312 b 313 b 314 b 133 ibam Oliver, 'Turners, Crawford iliz. Whitehead, w 672, Harris olomon Peck, Bowers, Elbert harles Muggridge, 38, Scriven Suttles, r s Moblevs, DeKalb iathan Harris' orps Newsoms, Warren ^homas Caples, Elsworths, Bibb ames 0. V/ilkinson, Youngs, Jefferson Vm Brown, 4th, Chatham "fancy Bowles, orp Cleggs, Walton . Hamilton, w Toggles, Merriwether oanna 3raves, w Stantons, Newton ohn Folsom, Folsoms, Lowndes fames Gann, jr Linnings, Clark Davis B. Reid, Rhodes, DeKalb Insel Watson, Dobbs,Hall inn Williams, ha, Haygoods, Washington J. G. Tankersly, Hutchensons, Columbia Eliz. Weaver, h a, Pounds, Twiggs Elijah Ogden, Georges, Appling John Dowd, r s, Newsoms, Warren Bounded North by 13th, in 3d section, East by 7th, in 3d sec., South by 15th, in- 3d and We.st by 25th in 3d sec. This dis¬ trict is finely watered with Oostanalau river, several creeks and many branches. 134 1 b ? b $ b 6 b 7 b 8 b b 10 b 11 a 12 a 13 b 14 b 18 b in b yo b 21 a 2 22 b 23 b 1 24 b 2 25 b 2 56 b 3 27 b 2 30 b 31 b 32 b 33 b 34 a 35 a a 3 15th District, 3d Section. John D. Floyd, Marks, Hall Jeramiah H. Moore, 143, Gi een Gabriel M. Clements, Wootens, Telfair Asa Adams. Petersons, Montgomery Eliz. Popwell, w 24, Mcintosh Hiram Turner, Whisenhunts, Carroll Robert Creamer, Crows, Pike Wilkes T. Leonard, Barnetts, Habersham George Loving, Elsworths, Bibb Daniel Duncan, Andersons, Rabun TFrn Hollis, 466, Monroe Stephen Whitenire, jr Liddells, Jackson Jonathan Hennin^, s Morgans, Madison Nancy Miller, orp Hills, Baldwin Richard H. Pitman, 4th, Chatham Anderson W. Bell, Hamiltons, Hall John Hames, sr, r s, Seals, Elbert Hannah Ward, w Daw sons, Jasper James Adams, r s, Seals, Elbert Wm Grant, 10G, Hancock James Tollison, Maguires, Gwinnett James S. Holmes, 174, 'r;,kes John Middleton, 404, Gwinnett James Socraft, 138, Greene Mary Loyd, w r s, 404, Gwinnett Charles L. Hays, Brocks, Muscogee Wm Ward, Newmans, Thomas Thomas Douglass, s Fulks, Wilkes Bridges W. Hopson, 779, Heard iO' Wm McKinney, orjp Fields, Habershana. 38 a 39 b 49 b 50 b 51 b 53 b '54 a 55 a 56 a 57 a 58 a 59 b *60 b 61 b 62 a 63 b 6*4 a 65 a 66 b 70 b 78 b 79 a 80 b 81 b 82 b 87 a .88 b -89 b 00 b 91 b 1)2 b #3 b 135 ^azarus Tilly, r s, Keeners, Rabun 'acob Buffington's orps Aliens, Monroe iltheldred Futral, Smiths, Henry }ase Turner, orp Dobbs, Hall ?. Humf)hey's orps Howards, Oglethorpe Sidney Bart, Dyers, Habersham ^ittleberry Mathews, Martins, Pike [saiah Hancock, Walkers, Columbia Samuel Williams, Williams, Decatur Fennell H. Wilson, McGinnis, Jackson Sarah A. Carson, orp Clelands, Chatham lohn Jordan, Harts, Tones Wm Tyler, Stricklands, Marriwether James Lewis, 38, Scriven John Bruee, Belchers, Jasper Brinkley Gandy, Newmans, Thomas Jane Ward, w r s, 190, Elbert James B. Morris, Martins, DeKalb Jordan D. Ransom, Lynns, Warren Loftin Reeves, Griffin s, DeKalb John Osburn Watson, McCoys', Houston Emery B. Hughes, 559, Walton Wm McMullen, Liddells, Jackson John Owens, s 70, Burke James Smith's orps Talleys, Troup Henry G. Glass, Flynns, Muscogee Robert N. McLin, McLinjs, Butts David Kennamore, Jones, Habershapi Robert Curtis, Harris, Crawford Lewis Brown, Candlers, Bibb. Lemuel Canada, Lambenths, Fayette Alex. Gunn, Covingtons, Pike 100 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 107 a 108 b 119 b 120 b 121 b 122 b 123 b 134 b 126 b 127 b 128 b 129 b 130 b 131 b 132 b 133 b 134 b 135 b 136 b 137 b 138 b 139. a 140 a 141 a J42 a 143 a 144 a 145 a 136 I. Mullinax's orps Jones, Hab'sl an [ames L. Newton, 600, Richmond Simeon Mote, Kellums, Talbot Y. Allen, Chambers, Gwinnett oseph Buckannon, 168, Wilkes )bediah Smith, 640, Dooly tohn Peddy, Barrons, Houston Hordica Alexander, Hattons, Baker fames M. White, Martins, Newton 3aSchal Angle, Lambenths, Fayette fames Massey's orps 165, Wilkes iVm Fagan, Jones, Morgan rhomas J. Smith, Luncefords, Elbert 31ijah Milloun, Taylors, Jones rilman J. Turner, Collins, Henry John Anderson, Dilmans, Pulaski John Brown, Sinquefields, Washington James Ryley's minors, Greene W m Ferrell, Seays, DeKalb flobert S. Gordon's orps Echols, Clarke James W. Carter, Robinsons, Fayette David Malcom, s 659, Walton J. Renfroe's oj-ps Haygoods, Washington James Mathison, Baileys," Laurens Washington Coleman, 102, Hancock Thomas Denson, 415, Walton A. F. Temples, Watsons, Marion ' Wm H. Carter, Olivers, Decatur Oswell B. Langldy, Reids, Gwinnett Silas Monk's orps Kindricks, Putnam Abraham Joiners orpsBarwicks, Washton & Ramey's orps 279, Morgan 187 KG b 147 b 148 a 149 a 150 a 151 a 152 a 153 a 155 a 155 a 156 a 457 a 158 a 159 a 160 a 161 a 162 a 163 a 164 a 165 a 166 a 167 a 168 a 169 a 170 a 171 a 172 a 373 a 174 a 275 a 176 a 177 a Bird Packet, Maguires, Gwinnett John S. Prather, 'fullys, Troup James G. Perryman, Thompsons, Henry* S. S. Johnson, Yorks, Stewart JOjJohn Brunt, 162, Greene F. C. Catonnet, Valleaus, Chatham Milton Hudson, Flemings, Franklin Wm Tennell, Litghfoots, Washington iCanty Taylor, s Mayos, Wilkinson Littleton G. Hilliard, Baileys, Laurens John Payne, 102, ^Hancock David Baldwin, s Sanders, Jones John W. Dobbs, Houstons, Chatham WmHulmes' orps Thomasons, Elbert Samuel Young, Loves, Henry [George Greer, Jordans, Bibb Rice Mathis, Folsoms, Lowndes 14jJames Gray, Hendons, Carroll ~ W. Tomlinson, r s, Everetts, W ashing tori Willis P. Sanders, Watsons, Marion David Rosser's orps 307, Putnam Moses Benton, of Bryan, 49, Chatham Hubbard Williams, Hearns, Butts Jane A. Bruen, 2d, Chatham Samuel McCray, Daniels, Hall Geo. Young, sr, r s, Howards, Oglethorpe John Ingram, Lesters, Monroe Elizabeth Hudson, h a, Lamps, Jeffersoa Jeremiah Mathews, s Martins, Newton M. Cummins, w Griffins, Fayette M. Corly, Griffins, DeKalb Ethel Tucker, jy 190, Elbert 9 138 2 25 10 178 a 179 a 130 b 181 a 182 a 183 a 15 184 a 30 185 a * 186 b 187 a 183 a 189 a 30 190 a 25 191 a * 192 a 193 a 194 a 195 a 19G a 197 a J 98 a 199 a 200 a 25 202 b 203 a £07 a 203 a 210 b 212 b 213 b 214 b Wm Spines, Graves, Lincoln F. D. Brown, Pounds, Twiggs Berrian Henderson, Sweats, Ware Alfred Wyche, Braddvs, Jones HughG. Johnson, s Wilsons, Pike Patrick Butler, sr, r s, "Smiths, Elbert Nancy Gaulding, w Howells, Elbert Zoung B. Jenkins, 146, Greene Willis Kirbu, 162, Greene Wm Williams, Bosticks, Twiggs John Manders, Bridges, Gwinnett Abraham Mallet, McGills, Lincoln John Eubanks, Crows, Pike James D. Eubanks, Monks, Crawford Charles Hudson's orps McClains, JMewtoa Wm Russell's orps Barkers, Gwinnett Thomas W. Roe, Smiths, Habersham James M. Davidson, Howards, Oglethorpe Wm F. Harrison, 419, Walton Rich'd W. Watson, Watsons, Marion Wm B. Terrell, Taylors, Elbert Tames Stovall, Willis, Franklin Thomas J. Tingle, Griffins, DeKalb Henry T. Woodall, Selmans, Pike Aug. M. Honeycut, Harris, Columbia Jesse Swinney, Mortons, DeKalb Elias Thomas, McCoys, Houston Henry Houze's orp Morgans, Clark Sarah Ferrell, w 190, Elbert David P. Rogers, Coxes, Morgan Shadracn Ballard, Hughes, Habersham Sil^s J. Worley, Fields, Habersham 223 b 224 b 22® b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 b 10 b 11 a 12 a 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 b 17 a 13 a 19 a 20 a 21 b 22 b V3 b. 139 Thomas Coates, Iversons, Houston S. Whitehead, Morgans, Clark Edward Hatchett, Hatchetts, Oglethorpe Bounded North by 14th district, in 3rd. section, East by 6th district, in 3rd section, South by 16th district, in 3rd section, and West by 24th district, in 3rd section. This district is watered by Oostanalau river and is crossed by several large roads. 10Hi IMstict, 3d Section. Elisha Stevens, Shattoxs, Coweta Eldad McCIendon's orps Bensons, Lincoln Charles G. Johnson, Olivers, Twiggs Thomas Johnson, Griffins, DeKalb John Floyd, Morgans, Madison G.Cunningham's orps Fayette Nathan Halliday, Crows, Pike John Fulbright, Sewells, Franklin Benj. Lokey, Mizells, Talbot Samuel Wicks, Davis, Clarke Wm J. Shurnian, 19th, Bryan 7/m Barringtine, Bar wicks, Washington ChristopherRiden, jr Chastains, Hab'sham Harley Phaw, 2d sec., Cherokee Jasper Jones, 279, Moi'gan Shadrach Doggett, 561, Upson George It. Braziell, 245, Jackson John Chappell, 249, Walton Robt. B. McCord, 559, Walton Wm Jackson Crow, Woodruff's, Campbell James Hill's orps Valleaus, Chatham sti b 125 b 26 1> 27 b 28 b 29 b 31 b 34 b $3 b 34 b 35 b 36 b 37. b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41 b 42 a 48 a 44 a 45 a 46 b 47 a 48 a 49 a f»0 a 51 a 52 b $3 b . 55 b 56 b S7 b 140 lavid Bishop, s Nesbetts, Newton restley Stowe, 320, Baldwin evi Jackson, Hughes, Habersham tiles Garrett, jr 561, Upson athan N. Lester, Lesters, Pulaski [. McLauckland, w Waltons, Telfair enjamin Bryan, jr St. Clairs, Houstore ames Johnson, s 120, Richmond harles Spiller, Deans, Clark imes Bailey, Reids, Gwinnett tester T. Hines, s 4C6, Monroe lary E. Gaskin, orps Merks, Hall leorge Macell, s Mashburns, Pulaski ?m Wyatt, Ross, Monroe Elizabeth Gilstrap, h a, Pulaski 1. W. Brown, Browns, Elbert lenry H. Langford, s Manns Crawford Vilkins Smith, 101, Hancock )ickson Thomas, Jones, Bulloch ?hos. W. S. Lewis, Bruces, Greene >arah Spears, w Thames, Crawford ohn Barnes, Hamptons, Newton Sadock Moore, Underwoods. Putnam rhomas McCall, r s, Hobbs, Laurens ohn R. Reins, Peaces, Wilkinson Elijah G. Hearn, 561, Upson Elijah Cleckler, Comptons, Fayette )aniel Brewer, Coxs, Talbot fohn Adams, Dericks, Henry Michael Dunn, s Merks, Hall 3earson Duncan, jr Nellums, Elbert Francis J. Pinckard, 466, Monroe 58 b 59 b 60 b 61 b 62 b 63 b 62 b «5 b 66 b 67 b 68 b 69 b 70 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 77 b 78 b 79 b 80 a 81 a 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 b 8tr b 87 b 88 b 89 'b 90 b 91 b 141 iniel Reidling, Ridens, Jackson m Carroll, Newsoms, Warren )uisa Howard, 687, Lee James, Taylors, Jones anford Merritt, Thames, Crawforcf )hn Bowen, r s, Barkers, Gwinnett ach. Johns, sr 712, Heard imes Highsaw, Loveless, Gwinnett >hn S. Randle, Robinsons, Putnam, imes Clayton, Burgess, Carroll emuel G. Dawson, 588, Upson eaborn Jones. Jones, Lincoln 'avis Cooper, Aliens, Henry [arris Tomlinson, Williams, Washington oho B. Wick, Candlers, Bibb Vm F. Bond, Mayos, Wilkinson esse Tomlin, Martins, Newton ohn Farmer's orps 277, Morgan onathan Rhan, r s, 11, Effingham lebecca Drake, w Nichols, Fayette 3orcas Carter, w Fitzpatricks, Chatham Andrew McEver, s Cleghorns, Madison Peyton Lawrence, Allisons, Pike Heuben Boyett, orp Aliens, Henry Wm R. Wright, Whisenhunts, Carroll Anne Bryan, w r s, 73, Burke James Cochran, Wynns, Gwinnett Silas Ranev, Vinings, Putnam Henry C. Morgan, Currys, Merriwether Jesse Johnson, s 693, Heard Gilbert Pettis, Manns, Crawford James Herndon, Ricks, Laurens t)2 b 05 b 96 b 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 a 101 a 102 a 103 b 109 b 110 b 111 b 112 b 113 b 114 b 115 a 116 a 117 b 118 b 119 b 120 b 121 b 122 b 123 b 124 b 128 b 129 b 130 b 131 b 140 b 141 a 142 Rebecca Kirk, w Parhams, Hams James John, Clintons, Campbell W. G. McBride's orps Alexanders, JefFson Amy Blake, w 11, Effingham Adam Crotwell, 404, Gwinnett 3wen Bryan, Olivers, Twiggs Benj. P. Shepherd, Jordans, Harris Sally Rawls, w 103, Greene Wm Broadwell, Merks, Hall Fesse C. Wall, Clarke, Elbert iYm McCoy, Everetts, Washington Smith Lewis,.Sanderlins, Chatham Leroy Pollard, Shaws, Muscogee inslem Efoigg, Fields, Habersham VTeckins Huff, Currys, Merriwether lohn R. Bostick, Alexanders,Jefferson. Ufred Beates, Williams, Walton rohn Gilbert, r s, 343, Jackson Nathan W. lsler, Cannons, Wilkinson Fhomas Evans, Howells, Troup rhomas W.Jarrad, Brocks, Habersham tobert Barnwell, r s, Griffins, Hall ames Davis, 190, Elbert ibel Barns, s Tompkins, Putnam Jfred Furguson, Hearns, Butts onathan Bullard, Suttons, Habersham, iadock Parker, s Hargroves, JVewtoa ohn Thompson's orps Davis, Jones ohn Taylor, Sparks, Washington lussell Fish, Hammocks, Jasper fm Buffington, Taylors, Elbert eter Eldridge, Moores, Randolph 142 a 143, b 144 b 145 b 146 b 147 b 148 b 149 b 150 b 151 b 152 b 153 b 154 b 155 b 156 b 157 a' 158 b 159 a 160 b 161 b 162 b 164 b 165 b 171 b 172 a 173 a 174 b 175 b 176 b 177 b 178 b 179 b 143 avid \V\ Garrison, Deans, Clark imes Turner, Gittens, Fayette m Smith, s Iligginbothams, Madisow nthony Olive, Jenkins, Oglethorpe mily J. Edmondson, Morgans, Clarke- !enry Cobb's orps Towers, Gwinnett 'ugh Harrison, Chandlers, Franklin sburn Wiggins, Smiths, Houston fm Hollis, 466, Monroe ahrt S: Ray, Thompsons, Henry ames Lambert, Gibsons, Decatur ohn McDaniel, Hargroves, Newton .rchibald Bruce, 561, Upson f. Montgomery, Streetmans, Twiggs [enry N. Pope,Lovens, Henry Vm Bridges, Greens, Oglethorpe 'incent C. Vicker's orps 320, Baldwin lichard M. Head, Moseleys, Wilkes ohn M. Smith, McClains, Newton amuel B. Wilie. Nesbets, Newton Luth Smith, w Blounts, Wilkinson ames A. Berthelot, Flynns, Muscogee 2. J. S. Easter, 320, Baldwin Jenj. Folsom, s Crows, Merriwether ylicajah Dickson, Whitakers, Crawford iohn Paulin'sorps Clelands, Chatham^ Vm O^venhy's orp, Phillips,, Jasper Anderson Howe, Mannas, Crawford Justus Bradshaw, 143, Greene lohn H irdv, Vtnings, Putnam lohn Hill, 10!), Hancock Robert Smith, jr. Hall's, Butts Charles Steuart, s, 34, Scriven '^amuel Brady, r s, Watson's, Marion George M. Williams, Linams, Pulaski James Kanada's orps, Duprees, Washington John Cooper, Ciiett's, Columbia Wrn Clay, Ilayyood's, Washington John Coleman, 73, Burke Mary*Arin E. Ford, m,Gray's, TTenry Thomas Butler, Fitznatrick's, Chatham Noah Slay, Jo' n o i's, DeKalh Stephen H. Tucker, CI: rks, Elbert Isaac Hopkins, r s. Normans, Wilkes Wm B. BidII, 589, Upson Jool Johnson, jr 249, Walton John P. Ilutchins, Chambers, Gwinnett James Chambers, Lrsters, Monroe Wm Jones, M. Browns, Habersham Wright M. Beasly, 58, Etnanuel Arthur Ginn, Butts, Monroe John M. Smith, Williams, Ware David Hutchins, Mobleys, DeKalb Leonard Cagle, Houses, Henry Robrrtsob's orps Martins. Pike Charles McLemore, Troup Tonah Warren's orps Griffir.s, Emanuel. Duncan Merkerson, Burgess, Carroli 145 Bt«rre!I While, Royefcrs, Franklin Polly Snow, w Fens, Clark Bounded North by 15th district, in 3rd section, East by 5th district, in 3rd section South by a gold district, and West by 23d district, in ?rd section. Watered by •Howah river and several creeks and cross- led by two large roads. I! Q2d IMstrlct, Sd Section. Sarab Coleman, w 174, Wilkes Wjn *K. Patton, Gittens, Fayette James W. Plummcr, Loveless, Gwinnett 80! Walter W. Wills, orp Philips, Talbot Capal Garrison, Ca-t'etts, Franklin Reuben Adams, jr 454, W alien Joshua Clark, sr -/S4, Lee f atthew Sigler, McKorkles, Jasper Wiley G. Marehman, Gittens, Fayetta Martin White, Luncefords, Elbert 30 Wm B. Hardison, Edwards, Talbot 30 Benj. W. Hays. 21)4, Jasper Richard Holmes, Hines, Coweta Wm Tindall's orps Harris, Columbia i hos. Carlton Newmans, Thomas Thos. Ingram, 555, Upson Wm Culpepper's orps Lynns, Warrea Alex. Patterson, Kellums, Talbot Jesse Moses, Robinsons, Fayette Caleb Hearndon, s Hearndons,Hall George B. Wright, Nichols, Fayette Jame& B. Walker, 120, Richmond 147 288 a 35 289 a 290 a 824 a 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 a 11 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 b 30 b 31 a 32 a 41 b 48 a 49 b 50 b 52 a 63 b Wm Weisley, Martins, Newton Sol. Pa^c,jr Barwicks, Washington JamesLindsey, jr Fulks, Wilkes C. Deadwilder, s 373, Jasper Bounded North by "23rd district, in 3rd section, East by 17th district, in 3rd sec- Itioa, South by 21 st district, in 3rd section land vVest by 3rd district, 'Jd section.— lAlabama road passes through it. 23rd C«2 f: cc I'tJi. \lox. Means, sr Luncefords, Elbert Thomas K. Slaughter, 11!), Ilichmond Theoph. T. II arse lev, Suttons, Ilab'shair llenry S. Milton, Pearces, Houston Alex. Thompson, Ilainoys, Twiggs M. E. 'Ivlandcr, Elsworths. Bibb John Hatcher, s BloatV.s, Wilkinson Reuben 11. Darden, Kellums, Talbot Jesse Crawford, s 305, Jasper Benj. Taylor, Kelleys, Jasper Columbus M. Park, 101, Greene Helm Hunt, sChastains, Habersham "Sarah Stiles, w Millers, Jackson W in Wa terer, Olivers, Twiggs Seymour S. Pool, orp Williams, Walton John B. Elkins, 10, Effingham Jane Mountain, w Gunns, Jdlerson Bethany Knight, w r s, 57, Emanuel Wm Hoi ton, 57, Emanuel Wm C. Harris, 093, Heard Josiali Hatcher, r s, Allisons,Tika. 5i b 55 b 5 6 b 57 b 65 b 63 a 67 a 63 a 69 b 71 b 73 b 84 b 89 b 90 b 93 a 91 b 95 b SO b 108 a 109 b 110 b 111 b 112 b 126 b 127 b 128 b 129 b 131 b 132 a 133 b 149 b 150 b 143 Wm Duke, Albersons, Walirn Vathan Johnson, 59, Eirmm tl Ubert M. Spalding, I9-.», Elbert jamuel Moore, 68 7, Lre Vm Bone, jr f a, Candlers, Bibb rhos. Jones, s Willin#hams, Harris iriffin Mathis, 1<>8, Wilkes . saiah Cheek, s Stantons, Newton oseph B liley, Chandlers, Franklin )rary Flowers, 375, Jasper rounjG. Malone, 146, Greene llijah Duncan, Baughs, Jackson [iram Mahaffy, Hendons, Carroll Kiwsan Satterwhite, s Williams, Jasper oseph Jonson, 31, Scrivea Iary Curlee, \v Albersons, Walton obert Greer, Halls, Butts lines Brannon, 1st ?ec. Cherokee idoey Holland's orps Murphevs, Colum'a bsalom Terrell, Hoods, Henry lichael Kelly, Allisons, Pike •lrney West, Dobbs, Hall Tm Lawhorn, 470, .CJpson heresa Farnell, h a, Petersons, Burke Tm Chesnut, Pearces, Houston lizabeth Glenn, w r s, McGehees, Troup firon Hyman's orps Lynns, Warren >hn Dunn, sr Coffees, Rabun ary Yates, w Garners, W ashington >hn A. Howard, Norris, Monroe las Cason, Folsoms, Lowryies itch Pentigrass, Sanderlins, Chatham 151 b 152 b 153 b ]54 b 155 b 156 b 157 b 158 b 162 b 163 b .164 b 165 b 166 b 163 b 169 b 170 b 171 b 191 b 192 b 193 b 193 b 397 b 198 b 199 b 200 b 201 b 202 b 203 b 204 b 205 b 207 b 224 a 149 Charles J. Simmons, 807, Putnam Hamilton Cole, 55, Emanuel >Vm Overstreet's orps 1st, Chatham John G. Furdets, 175, Wilkes An Jerson Itobinson, Coxes, Talbot Fountain Wood, Hardmans, Oglethorpe • s:ibel!;i Bones, w Richmond Zachariah Daniel, Martins, Washington John Franklin, Crawfipr. s, Morgan Edward S. Ralston, Browns, Habersham Thomas Morgan, Smiths, Elbert 'o>ej)h 'AMiier, Monks, Crawford John Il'tmikon, sr ^ bites, Franklin Wilev Wamack, Whipplts, Wilkinson "Crastjs Humphrey, 144, Greene Wiilia Carlisle, Candlers, Bibb James Mc L'urpfiy, 3>0, Baldwin ' Isev Le.r-iet, w Thompsons. Ilenry Diannt'h Trav, w r s, Willis, Franklin tohn . Ivto, -J4\ Jackson Ticha'J Fargason, \v s, 1 !0, Richmond John ijdeknor s^orps Bryans, Monroe , fames h . Roberts, Graves, Putnam lohn 'vV. Jon-!s, Selinans, Pike 'T.igh Spu.'hn, Jones, Habcr&bam rteubcn Bennett's orps 157, Gjeen -ViJ.no H T. Whatley, Harps, Stewart Mitchell G. Hudson, Robinsons, Harris 'olin Cox, Dyers, Habersham ■Jain 111 ays, Ch a ibers, Houston »!yrack Ivey, Colliers, Monroe Davii Lladaway's orps Gunns, Jones 150 232 b 5 233 b O O 234 b 235 b 23G b 237 b 5 238 b ' 239 b 240 b 241 b 242 b 243 b 0 254 b 50 245 b 24G. a 247 b 248 b 14 249 b 250 b 267 b 248 b #71 b 872 b 273 b 274 b 275 b 276 a 277 a 278 b 279 b 281 b 232 b Jacob Eberhan, sOolleys, Oglethorpe George W. Morgan, flmniltons, Newton vVm Gilliland, Millers, Jackson Walter Jones,s 320, Baldwin James Nelson, of Franklin, 147, Greene Hugh Brown, Devours, Habersham Julia Swindell, idiot, 415, Walton Nathaniel G. Pace, Duprees, Washington Sarah M Sheftall, w 2d, Chatham VVm Eidson, 5(51, Upson Stephen Garrett, Willis, Franklin Devercw Juge, Campbells, V»ilkes Stephen Carter, Robinsons, Fayette Major Pearce, s 113, Hancock . JohnT. Ransom, Bishops, Henry Margaret Reid, w Scroggins, Oglethorpe Hugh Walton, Bryants, Burke David M. Steward, Morris, Crawford . Thos. M. Kirkpatrick, Latimers, DeKalb Wm Clements, Aliens, Bibb Joseph Foster, "Barkers,Gwinnett White's orps, Rhodes, DeKalb Daniel D. Baker* Johnsons, DeKalb Garrett Huduuui, Gunns, Henry Harris Dennard, Boyntons, Twiggs Patrick M. Reynolds,fa, Thomas, ClarjiQ Ambrose Saunders, jr Bosticks, Twiggs Win R. Williamson, Cravens, Coweta James Dilpost, Holleys, Franklin Adam Blair, Philips, Monroe Tabitha Bateman, Smiths, Houston Malt C. Butts, 113, Hancock 151 283 2S1 285 295- 288 2S9 ^90 291 29:1 293 291 298 300 a 301 302 303 304 305 30« •308 b- £09 b 310 311 312 313 315 316 317 818 319 321 322 4C 30 Pheriby Freeman, w 31, Scriven Stephen C. Brown, Jordans, Bibb Naacy Young, w Latimers, DeKalb Nicholas Jenkins, Heltons, Emanuel filisha Turner, Dobbs, Hall Abrajn II. Green, 050, Troup ioseph Brantley, Peacocks, Washington fsham Iluskett', Nesbeits, Newton ijasther Dyson, w r s, 734, Lee \llen Clarke, Bridges, Gwinnett Am Hamilton, Peacocks, Waskington Edward B. Stafford, Blairs, Lowndes • m XV, Allen, 1st, Chatham • Alfred Weatherford, Pounds, Twiggs James Germany, ClieUs, Columbia Sarah F. Ilubband, orp Stewarts, Trouj^ iiobert Young's orps 398, Richmond Mary Jones, w Jones, Hall Stephen Bar ran, 7f>t5, Sumpter John Moony, VVilcox-s, Telfair Win McCrary's orps Edwards, Talbot Reese M. Braiden, UJ>, Richmond Wm A. Henderson, Belchers, Jasper Oenj. Jester,. Thaxtons, Butts Obedience Price, w Blounts, Wilkinson George.Spann, 4^0, Early Drury Peeples, Chambers, Gwinnett Aaron Cross, 73, Burke Samuel Barber, 3*'>\!, Jasper Robert Stafford, 834, Wayne v inse Sheffield, -130. Early John Hill, Bushes, Burke 152 323 b 324 b ?25 b 306 b 831 b ' o32 b 333 b 336 a 337 a 338 b 341 a 343 a 344 a 345 a 349 b 357 b 353 b 40 10 15 John Williams, Cooks, Telfair James E. Gonder, lri, Hancock John Burse, St. Clairs, Houston James P. Thompson, 3(5, Scrivcn Joseph H. Burks, Hintons, Wilkes Thomas Terry, Taylors, Elbert Jacob Fulton, of Bulloch, Estes, Putnam Susannah Holt, w Barvvicks, V; ashington 30jWm Zenn, 56 F, Upson 10 Isaac VV. Mullen, Oarswells, JefTcrson Hilliard B. Mabrv, Mizells, TalLot Ann Glenn, w r s, I hilips, Jasper Benj. Posey's orp Lesleis, Pi kiski C. H. Garrison, Stricklands, Merrivvether Benjamin Smi.h, r s, Cravens, Coweta Joseph P. Simmons, Williarrs, Wash'ton Joseph R. Nicks, 67?, Harris > Bounded North bv ii4th district, in 3rd section, East by 16th district, in J'rcT sec- tion, South by a gold district, and West by 4th district, in 4th section. Etowah ancf Oostanalauh rivers runs through this dis¬ trict—and is crossed by several public toads. 10 153 3 24£Ei District, 3d Section. Benj. Ralne, Wilcoxs, Telfair Thos. Ray, Whites, Franklin Oliver JS. Bart, Brocks, Habersham 3 i'.in J^Tirk, 318, Baldwin Wni Hester, JO, of Effingham, Chatham Levi Noble's orps Hobbs, Lawrence . Win H. Rigglns, Chambeis, Houston John Saxon, 1M5, Jackson George \V. Martin, Hatchetts, Oglethorpe ,Alichael Oliver, Ellis, Rabui ■David PJ. Fcott, Brvans, Monroe Eliz. f:mi(h, d d, Ridens. Jackson Wm Grift"n, Rutlands. Pit b Wm Carroll, Parhams, Warren Sarah Jehnson, w r s, CftJ'. Heard Gecrg? uccd, s YVhisenhijnJs, Carroll l-V jJuv 'i iner, Youngs, Carroll Jaines Bio: nt, Stroemans, Twiggs Rapha Childs, Footes, DcKalb John M. Dowdy, Merks, Hall Artemus Oglieve, Oglethorpe ,'csse hoy's orps 10tf, Hancock Geo. W. AicCalister, •<»(:, Bryan v', vn Ilicks. Walkers, Harris Jethre Taker, Mobleys, LeKalb Adam Beasley. 1 hilips, Pvlonrce Jacob Fmifh, s Oliver, Twiggs Charles Col ion, 200, Scriven John B. Tindill, CulLreibs, Columbia* 3iMillington Conner, Lesters, Pulaski $5 b 4)6 b 97 b 99 b 108 b 109 b 120 b 121 b 122 b 132 b 133 b 134 b 144 b 145 b 14Gb 147 b 148 b 159 b 1G0 b 161 b 162 b 173 b 174 b 175 b 187 b 188 b 198 b 199 b *209 b 203 b £08 b 207 b 154 )hn W. Strolher, Brewers, Monroe )ab McCoIlu-.n, Brocks, Habersham ogan Wad worth, Graves, Lincoln avid Chapman, Stowers, Elbeft >h$ Cheshire, Justices, Bibb rtn Johnston,Groces, EilJb rm Mills, Mashburns, Pulaski ster Kean, orp Dilmans,' Pulaski rehibald Vvimpv, Willis, Franklin s»hn Compton's orps Carroll oseph P. Manly, Gunns, Henry 'Scott, Olivers, Twiggs oseph Miller, 401, Gwinnett 'hos. J. Lassiter, 470, Upson Washington Moore, 105, Baldwin "houias Lee, Hills, Baldwin ohn Ilil!, Griffins, Merriwelher iiij ih Crittentun, Lunsfords,EJbert J"!en Spears, Jones, Thotnad Iclah Pullen, 141, Greene Vm Cash, Johnsons, DeKalb Jenj. Dunnngajn, Prices, Ilall lenrv Godbey, srGriilins, Burke ohn B. Williams, Crows, Merriwether iliza llagans, orp Co.rrys, Mervi wether ames Wood, r s, Colliers, Monroe leuben Philips, Berrys, Butts ohn M. C. Miller, Chesnuts, Newton ohn A. White, 470, Upson a'-iet P. Moody, Daniels, Hall Samuel C. Stark, 192, Elbert Nm Ck Pitta, Salem, Baldwin 155 10 208 1) jnobert Diekerson, Sweats, Wore o. C. Mitchell, Mclvorkles, Jtisper George Huie, Evans* Fayette James Vaughn, Q.ivers, Twiggs Tii ct ilcre Tuik, Fkn mir^s, Franklin John McDonald, s Di.rrene.es, Tatnall Aleyander Hodges, Folsoms, Lowndes Mariha Walker, w Normans, Wilkes ui.n C. Autin, Clelanus, Chatham Joan Magruder's orps Bells, Colombia Win M. Corum, 777, Randolph Harmon Thonutson, h'uys, Hall John 1\C. Iliehters, s ^.">9, Scrivcn Ej A. Fuller, orp iM8, Jackson ?atrick Hart, Clclands, Chatham ■■ m G. Jones, d Gunns, Jefferson .-'arah Mires, w Youngs, Wilkinson John II. iloldige, Houses, Ilc-nry At D. Smith, Hamptons, Newton Wm Nash, Wyuus, Gwinnett Andrew Floyd, Bakers, Liberty Thomas Ivenman's orps Yinings, Putnam ETenry McConneil, ^'d hec. Cherokee Margary Hobbs, w'r s, Ilughes, Hab'sham. \V. Caison, rs, Greens, Ware Elijah Fraser, McMii'.ons, Lincoln Irwin Jackson, 160, Wilkes lpMusan Wright, wr s, 104, Hancock 2.0 John R. Jeter, s 144, Green K> Joseph W. Dennan, Colleys, Madison. 7 Elijah Yanoy, 40*, Gwinnett lijUohn Roberts, Rcids, Gwinnett 158 281 262 263 265 268 270 271 272 273 374 £75 283 289 290 291 296 297 'D Binks, s 373, Jasp?r 16 fho*. II. Bond, Martins, Pike L E:iz. Cunningham, vv Liddles, .fackson 2 Franklin Taylor, Lavs, Jackson Bonj. IS. Sheats, Morgans, Clark Michael D. Henigan, Philips, Monroe 10 Branson BinJen, Mitchells, Marion Thomas Mitchell, Dearings, Henry oshua Smilh, srDobbs, Hall lj'ane Ijraz°el, w 168, Wilkes >Y oi Carroll,. Newsoms, Warren rh >;ms W. Cravan, Brocks, Habersham lobeoci Russell, Grubbs, Columbia 5'Ellj ih Rogers. Gunns, Henry Elizabeth Davis, blind, Stones, Irvtfin 12 flow U'a^k. Jones, Habersham 5jlch ibod Davis, 5S0, Upson B;»an ieJ NortH by *>5th district, in 3rd s'iciio i, E ist by 15th district, in 3rd sec- lion, Soufhby 23d district, in 3rd section v> 1 by 5ui district, in 4th section.— Chis district is well watered by Oostana- iiu river. several Urge creeks, and cross¬ ed by a public road. 14 c 23 c 28 c 29 c 30 c 42 c 45 c 50 g 51 c 55 c 53 c 59 c 67 c 88 c 89 c 92 b 93 c 95 c 124 c 125 c 157 25121 IHsticS, 3, Richmond. A m Wallace, -!48, Jackson fohn Jackson, Fenn's, Clarke M. Bridges orps. Cnndiers, Bibb Fames Kiley, sol, 7K9, SSi.mf Ifir fames Hollis, s, W alker's, li juris James Duke, Alberson's, Walton DaVid Coleman, McCullerV, Newton Kindred Carter's orps, Garner's, V/ashV Reuben VljJkes, S66, -Jasper Moses Edson, Morgan's, Applirg Fames ^IcGill, Chambers, Gwinnett John Smith, s, 143, Greene . vharjes Rogers, Chambers, Gwinnett Marfy pamper, w r s, I*arham's Warren; Joseph Deloach's orps, Davis, Jones ' Elizabeth Smith, w, Crow's, l ike Bounded North by 2(>th district, 3d sec¬ tion ; East by 14th diji'ricl, 3d sectim;: South by 24th district, 3d sectionand West by 6th district, 4 th section. Tjhif district is well watered, but very mouxk- tainous, ' 1 Tfe*£0£!Zlh 3 a 5 a 3*0 b 12 b Hi a 25 b 26 a 27 b 29 b 31 a 35 b 37 b 33 b 48 b 49 b 57 b 63 b 71 b 76 b 77 b 60 b 8i b 63 b 87 b 83 b 92 b 03 b 03 b OS b 99 b 155 26tSa District? Sd Sectioau "m Rappr, Prices, Hall leasanf.F. Epperson, Coxes, FfanL'in oha F. Bjwen, Foote's, De'ialb Lichard M. Whitehead, Morgan's, Clark amesKii iichard Shipp> 41r, alton atnes E. Stewart,'ptewarts, Troup Jancy Kesterson, W$s, liut'a.iis, Bibb 'ranees M. Gatewood, w 307, Putnam, tfemisis C. C."Gordon,^ a, Kellys, Talbot iol. Seabolt, H aghesr Habar^jirri idvvin Franklin, CollierS^Mo.uoe Vm Andrews, s VV his^&ums, Carroll j. Uass'orps 559, Walton1 -.ouisa AJcSiane, idiot, Mitchells, Marioi ames Golightly, Williams, Washington ohn Waites, s 40i>, Gwmnptt ^evicy Ilollomon, w r s, Mitchells, Pulaski arret Thomas^ Wilsons, Jasper Charles McCoy, McCoys, Houston Samuel Swilley's orps Walkers,*Houston lohn A. Daniel's orps Joi'dans, Bibb fohn McLain, Iveraons, Houston lames II. Reed, Shearers,. Coweta 100 I .101 1 105 I 108, 1 410 1 in 1 112 i 113 115 116 117 IIS 119 121 132 133 >33 136 143 143 146 157 148 153 154 155 156 167 168 * 169 • 171 159 lm It, Gtyson's orps CfeTands, Chatham irtis PjMi, Colleys, Oglethorpe imael L'earson, Reids, Gwinnett B:umbelow, idiot, Philips, Monroe1 isoph Turner, 119, Richmond imes Rylee, jr s Martins, Hall lisha Hunter..s i w, 140, Greeno >ha Nates, s Currys, Wilkinson .nknev Person^', 533, Upson )ol Babb. Dcms, Deivalb enry Tulgum, Sapps, Musc?o£eer ster Royniham, Collins, Henry r fin E. Walker, orp 1-0, Richmond lien Sunfwerall4 (Carpenters, Tatnalf • m BriiWe *, Watsons, Marion kyre Stvi 't, s Edwards, Franklin dwa^J Kernel, ^4, Mcintosh brafr im* Simmons, s Cleghorns, Madison enj. Stiles, '20, Bryan oSp Uig^s rs, Ed vYirds, Montgomery [enry Lodkh.'irt, Stewarts, Warren Iifgh Abercrombie, Cieggs, Walton )avid T. White, Robinsons, Putn,am Matthew Rawlings, Cooks, Telfair *. L. Brook's or[>s Edwards, Talbot Thomas Si road's orps 5.">, Emanuel JeorgeSL Street, Jones, Morgan Austin Parker. Graves, Putnam ilary A. Davis, w r s, Rhodes, DeKatb ibsalom Scotts, orps Mays, Monroa >Vin Camp, Maguires, Gwinnett 5. J. Thompson, ofj> 4U7, Richmond 170 b ■ 177 b 178 b 179 b 183 a 184 a 190 a 214 a 219 b 223 a 226 a 550 b 251 b 256 b 275 a 280 a 288 b 318 b 319 b , 160 r. Jackson, Chastains, Habersham David Thompson, s I w, Parks, Walton 31izabeth Blair, orp Girnsn., VVashington foshua Vickers, Masons, Washington lichirdN. Wood, Bryan's, Pulaski Closes P. Bailey, Evans, Fayette Ilex Smith, sen. Smith's, Haborsham Christian H. Dasher, s, 9, Effingham Matthew Ozburn, McKorkle's, Jasper esse Dennis's orps, Mqpoy's, Housion rhomas Y. Lee, Valleau's, Chatham liekman Lewis, jr. Down's, H arren Jabriel Morris, Hughes, Habersham Vm Thompson, Shattox's, Coweta t Jenry Thompson, Efatton's Em'a"nuel Ulizabeth Conaway, rs,Hendon's, Ha]l Stephen Coxe's orps Coxes, Morgan ohn Richards, Whisehunts, Carroll, ricter EJ. Booth, Nellums> Elbert Bounded North by 27th district, m 3rd sction, East by 13th district, in 3rd see- on; South, by 25th district, in 3rd section nd West by 7th district, in 4th section.—. Vatered by two creeks & a few branches.* 1G1 1 3 8 14 15 21 22 23 30 36 37 43 51 L52 .57 58 <57 78 79 82 87 93 94 96 m 4)9 102 *03 113 114 27th District, 3rd Section. James Ford, 72, Burke James L. Doyt, Reids, Gwinnett Young F. Tigner, Paynes, Merriwether Wmu Todd, Pates, Warren Stephen Gibbous, sr 121, Richponcf Thomas Smith, Cannings, Elbert Gobey's orps Griffins, Burke Thomas Mealer, Gunns, Jones Wra Wilson, Jones, Hall Sarah Blalock, W Martins, Hall T. G. Kent, Bosticks, Twiggs T. A. Norwood, Hendons, Carroll Thomas M. Dillard, Howells, Elbert 25 Solomon Ward, Perrys, Habersham Wm H. Boggs, Stowers, Elbert Isaac Carter, Morrisons, Appling . Martin Hathaway, Yalleaus, Chatham .Stephen T. Philips, s Doziers, Columbia Andrew Mitchell, Flynns, Muscogee John H. Hubbard, Johnsons, DeKalb .2 \V"m Dunn, Colliers, Henry 1 25 Henrv Robinson's orps 242, Jackson John IE. Fowler, 1st, Chatham , w Archibald McMillon's orps 374; Putnam? Alson M. Greathouse, Manns, Cravfordt Isaac Br^Wri, Butts, Monroe " y ♦ Robert W. Tarpley, Halls, Oglethorpe James N. Mobley, Smiths, Liberty Richard'Clark, Halls, Camden Drury Fpwler, Latimers, DaKalb 115 b 118 \> 120 b 121 b 121 b 123 (> 12,4 b 130 b 131 b 133 b 135 b 139 b 140 b 148 b 150 b 153 b 156 b 158 b 167 b 168 b 169 b 175 b' 185 b 186 b 195 b 197, b, 204 b 205 b 211 b 212 fc 221 b 229 b 16; IVm Webb, Hardmans, Oglethorpe 3enj. Hastings, Brooks, Muscogee Indew G. Griffins, s Flynns, Muscogee f. & S. Spivey, orps Paynes, Merri wether sah Oliver, Me rtins, AVashington ohn Cold well, Hammocbs, Jackson Slkanah Sawyer, Morris, Crawford tfoah Meredith, Williams, Walton )rury Smith, s 1 w, Nichols, Fayette ohn L. Dorrough, Woods, Morgan saaC Frazeur, \V hippies, Wilkinson ohn J. Geiger, Philips, Jasper iamuel Mil%an,4th sec., Cherokee J obeys orps Griffins, Burke ohn Olive, Adams, Adams, Columbia Valter Been, ts, Belchers, Jasper ason Champion, Hills, Monroe Jillip Lumpkin, Rogers, Burke )ickson Nnylor, s 404, Gwinnett Jynum Howell, 278, Morgan ohn F. Cannon, v7l, Mcintosh, lalph Smith, s 1st sec., Cherokee Jordy Bachellor,*16^, Greene Matthew Arthur, s Hughes, Habersham Slender Golden, w r s, 417, Walton £indr.ed Boyd, Bryansk Monroe . /ullen Dorman's orps I 'rescotts, Twigg* >amuejT Pepper, Mulling Carrpll iugh Montgomery, Chastains, HaVsnam Martin R. M alone, Taylors, Jones, Jieorge Iseley, 404, Gwinnett [am"e$ JUaughamrs orps 537, Upson, 163 "230 b 239 b 241 b 245 b 259 b 260 262 264 265 277 322 Bfenj., prana, A darns, Columbia John Snow, Stanfields, Campbell lohn B. Stewart, Ogdens, Camden Samuel Batriit, Moseleys, CoWeta VVm C. Hill, jr Newsoms, Warden John Taylor, s Youngs, Wilkinson Julius Cook, s Vinings, Putnam Jacob Alford, s 107, Hancock^—— W'm M. Russell", Whisenliunts| Carroll John M. Mcintosh, 22, Mcintosh Elijah Griffin, Willis, Franklin Bounded North bv 28th district, in 3rdi section, East by 12th district, in rd sec¬ tion, South by £0th district, in 3rd section and West by 8th district, In, 4th section.— v\ ell watered with creeks and branches, but mountainous. 2§th District, Sd Section. Charles Avera's orps Griffins, Fayette Lucindn Cochran's orps 4th, Cherokee ■ Jacob Sistrunk, McGills, LincoJn John Barr, Gunns, Henry fames Trimble's orps Youngs, Jefferson Henry Hardin. Hearns, Butts J W'm Barker, VVillingham, Harris Wrfr.Leatherwood, Aliens, Campbell Andr&y G. Watkins, Seays, Hall Dqnnis iRuark, jr Thomas, Clark Arin Wilsbij, w 12, Effingham SlRoIlinOsbor^fCokers,Troup ' J Wm McClennys orps Lambenths, Fayette 3 4 6 11 t12 25 26 31 '32 53 39 40 b» 45 b 47 b 48 b <51 b 6& "b •69 b 70 b 76 £ 98« b 99 b J 05 b 106 D 111 b 112 b 118 b 119 b 120 b 135 b 136 b 142 b 147 b 155 b 169 b 170 b 171 b 172 b 179 b 181 b 182 b 189 b 3190 b 191. b 164 Dickson "Brewster, Coxes, Morgan Samuel Oliver, Hutsons, Newtoir Hillory Hooks, 734, Lee John W. Strozier, Currys, Merriwether Fred, hi Bowman, Williams, Decatuf Juries H. Winchel, Tuggles, Merriwether |ihe Barkley, w Halls, Butts Gedtge- VV. Holifield, 295, Jasper Renlaen Herndon, 788, Heard Wta Palmer, r s, Rhodes, JDeKalb Wm Pearson, Pounds, Twiggs Thomas Hamby's orps Martins, Newton Johnson Weems, Hammons, Franklin Ebenezer Weir, Nesbets, Newton Jonathan Van Waggenen, Candlers, Bibb Jesse Statum, s '84—'97, Jennings, Clark John Bivins' orps Perrys, Baldwin - Renne Fitzpatrick, s i w, 779, Heard Wm Fowler, Lesters, Monroe Benega Morris, 271, Mcintosh Sarah Bird, w 1st, Chatham Wm Morgan, Seays, Hall Wm Henderson, 516, Dooly Adolphus Dauvergne, Pricey, Hall James Holmes, Cannings^"Elbert John Spradlie, Towers, Gwinnett. Jordan Tapley, Aliens, Bibb John Crutchfield, 140, Greene Henry Mills, 122, Richmond ■ J^sse George, Coffees, Rabun Matthew L. Hughes, Aliens, Bibb Levi Mays, 138, Greene 192 b, 193 b 194 ft* 204 b 215 b m b 217 b 218 b 223 br 224 b 225 b 220 b 244 b 251 b 252 b 5253 b 254 b 261 b 280 b 287 b 288 b 289 b 290 b 297 b 165 Whitamore, orp 25,Glynri i oseph Sessions, Williams, Washington George W. Merks, jr Prices, Hall rhomas h. Thotnas, Heards, DeKaRk Richmond Sampson Black, Burhetts, Habersham Elizabeth Green, w Baileys, Laurens Jesse Snelgrove, s 3?4, E'arly Elizabeth Wood, h a, Woodruffs, Campbel Robert Thompson, Holtons, Emanuel Andrew Nelson, Prices, Hall Thomas Bowman, sr 249, Walton Wm White, Givinsi DeKalh 1 b 2 a 3 b 8 "a 9 a 13 b 14 b 23 "b 24 b 34 a 35 1 36 a 37 b 38 a 39 a 48 b 49 b 50 b 61 b 83. b 115 a 115 a 117 b 118 b 169 Bounded North by 5th district, in 4th section,East by23rd district, in 3rd sec- , tion, South by a gold district and West : by 15th district, in 4th section. Coosa river and a public road pass through this. districts!* , 5th District) 4th Section. Thornton Sims, Mobleys, DeKalb Wm E. Akin, Colliers, Monroe Michael Huggens, Footes, DeKalb 4 Whitlock Arnold, Fields, Habersham; James S. Kings, Colquhouns, Henry Heddyls orps Ellis, Rabun llobert R. Holland, Hueys, Harris John Thweat, 494, Upson Thomas F. McGehee, Greers, Mcrriw'r Albert M. Wingfield, 143, Greene Leroy M. Wilson, Wilsons, Jasper . F. T, ^Villiams, Lawrences, Pike Tucker Maulden, Olivers, Twiggs - Joseph Watson, Candlers, Bibb Elmore Carter, Edwasdsr Montgomery ' Eliz. Johnson, w Latimers, DeKalb James Griffin, Griffins, Emanuel Richard Banks, Clarks, Elbert Rich'd P. Sasnett, 118, Hancock John B. Bussev, Colliers, Monroe Charles Haddock, Barrows, Houston, Robert Biggins, Footes, DeKalb John Harrell,Bosticks, Twiggs Thomas Fplk, Blackshears, Laurens 170 119 .137 138 139 147 148 149 150 151 152 158 a 1G7 a 173 b 174 b 175 b 176 a 177 a 178 b 181 a 182 a 183 a 184 a 135 b 186 b 187 a 188 b 193 a 194 b S00 b £01 a 202 a 20Q a Eliza. Albritton, w Williams, Wash'ttfn Thomas Hampton, Petersons, Montgom'y. Seaborn Pare, Griffins, Fayette Anderson Dabney's orps Johnson, DeKalb ft. amuel H. Watson's orps 454, Walton. )avid Pursell, Bragaws, Oglethorpe Thomas, Snow, 406, Gwinnett esse Williams, s Fulks, Wilkes !hilip Lanier, 516, Dooly t elia Lewis, w 40(5, Gwinnett lenj, Harrison Ila* ndons, Butts 172 10 WmD. Whitehead, Bucks, Houston . Sampson Wiggins' orps Mortons, DeKalb- John Richards, sr Whisenhunts, Carroll Edwin Dasher, 11, Effingham John Phelan, 120, Richmond Jonathan Brook, Beasleys, Oglethorpe Zebulon P. Gathright, Ridens, Jack soft Nathan Moore, Andersons, Rabun Benj. H. Guine, Kellys, Jasper James Calhoun's orps Braddys, Jones Reuben Newcomb, 3rd, Chatham John Morgan, Morgans, Madison John Crouch, jr Dawsons, Jasper Nathan Bird, Prices, Hall John Hickman, s Ivendricks, Monroe John Lay, 2d.sec., Cherokee Josiah Jackson, Streetmans, Twiggs Henry VV. Anderson, Waldens, Pulaski Peter Brown's orps McClendoris, Putnan* Jesse M. Roberts, Gamps, Warren Margaret Morell,w Valleaus, Chatham. Wm Atkins, Wynns, Gwinnett James Sharpe, Hearns, Chatham R. H- W. Swann, Butts, Moni*oe Bounded North by 6th district, in 4th. section, East by 24th district, in 3rd sec¬ tion, South by 4th district, in 4th section and West by 14th district, in 4th section. This district is well watered by Ivmnev a.nd Heath creeks, and numerous branches.. 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b G b 7 b 0 b 10 b 11 b 12 b 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 b 17 a 18 a 19 a 20 a 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 b 30 b 31 b 173 6th District, 4th Section. oel Edwards, 373, Jasper Vm Burgamy, sr Garners, Washington ohn Little, Cliftons, Tatnall ilex. Freeman, Hills, Monroe Bedford B. Giles, 279, Morgan "harles Smith, 3rd sec., Cherokee seaborn J. Herron, Chastains, Habersham >tognor Harris, Hands, Appling lohn Bachelor, Millers, Jackson iVm Wiggins, McCullers, Newton Seaborn Summons, Macleroys, Clarke 3enj. C. Wafford, minor, Suttons, Haber'm [saac H. Johns, Iiutsons, Newton A.aron T. Field's orp Browns, Hab'sham David E. Twiggs, s 123, Richmond A.rch. Geddis, sr Chastains, Habersham Malcom Brice's orps Killins, Decatur Rachael Leavell, orp Johnsons, DeKalb Middleton Thompson, Morgans, Clark Wm Cooper, Petersons, Burke John Bennett, Sanderiins, Chatham Hamilton Raiford, 600, Richmond Christopher Franklin, 271, Mcintosh Larkin G. Hubbard, Beasleys, Oglethorpe Barrett's orps 119, Richmond Wm Pearce's orps Harris, Columbia James Morgan,"Davids, Franklin ^ '* Josiah H. Duke, Griers, Merriwether Beverly L. Culbreth, s Sealys, Talbot Isham Moore, Monks, Crawford 32 b 33 b 35 b 36 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41 a 42 b 44 b 45 b 46 b 47 b 43 b 49 a 50 b 51 a 52 b 53 b 54 a 55 b 58 b 57 b 59 b 60 b 61 b 62 b 63 b 64 b 05 b 66 b iVm Bates, Griffins, Fa Vet to iVjh S. Johnson, 279, Morgan Pbo.Tias Doj-jett, Aliens, Campbell 3harles Strozier, s Ross, Monroe Vm Edmonson, 133, Greene oin Henderson, Chambers, Houston oh.) Kirk, s Reids, Gwinnett 1. & L. Williams, orps 271. Mcintosh Itephen Tarver, Williams, Washingtor lanry Graham, Morgans, Madison arnes Linton, Wills, Twiggs im Fears, 291. Upson lobert Howe, 334, Wayne harles Evans, 35, Striven oily Oxford, fa, Stewart, Treup ohn Mo Dade, rs, Ileids, Gwinnett lainpton Liles, Bjsticks, Twiggs 'homas Stubbs,Aliens, Henry [. Blois, Clelands, Chatham abra Agerton, w Roberts, Hall ?nj, Marshall, Mi^ells, Talbot sseph Gouge, sr Barkers, Gwinnett ;aac Bronson's orps Gunns, Jefferson iaac Welden, Gunns, Henry obert Tait, Andersons, Hall himmy Black, 374, Putnam [. Buller's orps Welchels, Habersham afnes White, Varners, Merriwether >hn P.. Puke's orps Coxes, Morgan i tanton Porter's orps Doziers, Columbia her rod Peacock, Currvs, Wilkinsons tijah Pittard, Buckbranch, Clarke 6» b 70 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 75 b •36 a 77 b SO b 81 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 a 80 a 87 a 88 b 89 b 90 b 91 b 94 b 96 b 99 b 100 b 101 b 102 b 103 a 104 b 105 b 106 b 107 b 175 lamuel Carruthers, 71, Burke Lasia Henry, w 072, Harris reo. M. Payne, 1 OS, HancOck leo. Montzingo,.Goodwins, Houston ohn Rcb'nson, Coxs, Talbot' ames P. Thompson, 36, Scriven larah Woodcock, w Poavys, Bulloch Jarland Caldwell, Merks, Hall oseph E. Davis, 14V, Greene Jhilo Smith, Mullins, Carroll Jryan Newell, Currys, Merriwether Christopher Vickey, Herndons, Hali 'ohn Kimball, «!d sec., Cherokee Fohn S. Taylor, Johnsons, Bibb v m Pace, s Collens, Henry Javid Langley, 404, Gwinnett Samuel C. Bennett, Barkers, Gwinnett Mien Tarver= Polhills, Burke \.mos Rhan, Holtons, Emanuel Slias Bryan, s Goodwins, Houston Hark Anthony, s Bensons, Lincoln Stanley Jones' orpsClarks, Elbert Simeon Whatley. [lodges, Newton Francis Smith, 510, Early I. Johnson's orps Thaxtons, Butts Emanuel Riberon, w Clelands, Chatham 'ohn S. Collins, Bracketts, Newton ^odwick P. Alford, Talleys, Troup I oseph A. Eve, 39H, Richmond Wm Slaughter, 537, Upson rhom'as Jones, Wynns, Gwinnett Samuel Morris' orps Hargrove?, Oglcth'e 176 110 b 111 b 112 a 114 a 115 a 117 b 11S 119 120 123 129 134 135 b *136 a 137 a 138 a 139 a 140 a 141 a 142 143 144 145 146 347 148 a 151 b 152 a J70 b 176 b 178 b 160 b 15 16 Philip Johnson* Seays, Hall Elias G. Gower, Williams, Decatur Jonn J. Fox. Sims, Troup Wm Graham, Neal's son, Wilcoxs, Telfair Bennett Caudle, Suttons, Habersham M. Philips, wrs, S. Streetmans, Twiggs Hannah Curry, w Smiths, Madison Richard King, Kindricks, Monroe David Smith, Lynns, Warren Phereba Newman, w Stewarts, Warren Wm Dee, 320, Baldwin Dennis Durden, 59, Emanuel John W. Jackson, Stewarts, Warren Ezekiel O. Guna, Walkers, Houston Reece Watkins, Whites, Franklin Annaorna Hill, w 249, Walton Solomon Williams, r s, Ricks, Laurens Wiley Hood, Hay goods, Washington Thomas Dyall, Williams, Ware John Brutenbough, 600, Richmond Wiley P. Burks, Griers, Merriwether James N. Bethune, 320, Baldwin - Shem Thompson, Allisons, Pike Nicholas Sewell, Edwards, Franklin Alfred Franklin, McClendons, Putnam ' Thomas Turner, Morrisons, Appling Abel Barge, s Aliens, Henry George M. Lewis, 320, Baldwin Judith McFail, w Gauldings, Lowndes Joseph M. Crows, s Hopkins, Camden George D. Rice, 3rd sec., Cherokee Henry Mitchell, Colliers, Monroe 181 1 182 ! 183 : 184 185 186 187 189 190 197 J 98 199 200 SOI 202 210 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 222 229 239 231 23 i 231 177 ;o. W. ChishoJm, s Afbersons, Walton m Hawthorn, St. CI airs, Houston mathan Tyner, 12, Eiiingham ex. B. Stephens, Hargroves, Oglethorpe ary Pope, w Stewarts, Jones >hn Clark, Gays, Harris ary McCoy, w 588, Upson enry Durham's orps Elders, Clark irratt Tarple's orps Hills, Monroe eorge Lang, Hopkins, Camden liz. Mewborn, w Hutsons, Newton >hn Chissom's orps 3H, Scriven indrick Kinmon, Robinsons, Wash'tQji lisha Hearndon, s s, Cleggs, Walton ashua Mercer, s 734, Lee ITm Dunnawav, Lynns, Warren [ary Hicks, w Rlackshears, Laurens tarling Sisson, Rhodes, DeKalb nn B. Mead's orps Mackleroys, CJark ames Carlisle, Liddles, Jackson k m Aired, Chesnuts, Newton 1. Braceweli, Baileys, Laurens m Lord, McGinnis, Jackson esse Mercer's orps Lynams, Pulaski Seaborn K. Turner, Kellys, Jasper Abraham Bruce, Stephens, Habersham fames E. Williams, Britts, Randolph [. M. Parks, Higginbothams, Madison fohn Keen, Houses, Henry Loddowick M. Thompson, 137, Greene Littleton Daniel, r s,('93f Heard John Meachane, s McGehees, Troup , 229 b 240 b *241 b 250 b 252 b 253 b 255 b 261 b 262 b 263 b 264 a 266 b 267 b 269 b 270 b 271 b 27* b 274 b 275 b 27G b 278 b 279 b 280 b 281 b 2S8 b 289 b 292 b 293 a 294 a . 295 b 296 b 297 b 178 Vlary Deason, w Cfleggs, Walton il. Southerland, w Chastains, Habersham 'ohn Matlev, 702, Heard" Jarah Brooks, w Edwards, Talbot 3d ward R. Harden. Athens, Clark Sliz. Barham, w Clietts, Columbia rempy Farmer, w Givins, DeKslb eremiah Smith's orps Cleggs, Walton jewis Griffin's orps Downs, Warren Vm D. Harrison, Garners, Washington rhomas Kersey, jr 59, Emanuel Niomas B. Morton, De^ns, Clark loses Stailings, 161, Greene larnabas Pace, Martins, Newton Lichard Freeman, Marshes, Thomas Jlen Highsmith, 335, V ayne ' 'ranees Moreland, w r s, Rooks, Putnam ohn S. Harris. Butts, Monroe ohn Jones, Taylors, Houston lichael Buff, Smiths, Madison ulia'M. Truman, h a, 145, Wilkes 'm Hopkins, Hueys, Harris liz. Elton, w Sinquefields, Washington aron Goolsbee, s 510, Early ancy Langston, wMullens,Carroll enry Jones, 565, Wilkes tmes R. Starr, Cokers, Troup homns W. Burford, Jones, Hall dvvard Neufville, Valleaus, Chatham m Mackay, Oatland I&land, Chatham K: Hardridge, Walkers, Harris m Holliman, Sapps, Muscogee 298 b 299 b 300 b 301 b 302 b 305 b 311 b 312 b 31S b 314 b 315 b 316 b 317 b 313 b 324 b 179 ffm R. Grimes, Chambers, Houston H. Newrein's orps Tones, Morgan John Farrar, Roysiers, Franklin N. Summerlin, Loveless, (^winnett Albert G. Beaty, Millers, Jackson lames A. Wright, 368, Putnam jeorge L. Hudgens, Blackstocks, Hall Albert Rose, Candlers, Bibb Abel Palmer's orps 57, Emanuel ^ewis Wold, Gillis, DeKalb ledding Jones, Mitchells, Marion rhomas Veascy's 318, Baldwin rohn Sergeant, Burnetts, Habersham Bradford Brooks, Brewers, Walton ienry Merk, Millers, Jackson Bounded North by 7th distirct, in 4th cction, East by 25th district, in 3rd sec- ion, South by 5th district in 4th section nd West by 13th district, in 4th section* Chattooga river, with numerous tributa- ies water this district, through which also i road leading from Alabama to Tennessee )asses. 3 a 4 a 8 a 10 b 11 a 2i» b 27 b 3 :i a 48 a 47 a 63 b 64 a 80 a 31 a 82 a 99 b 100 a 101 a 118 a 137 b 133 b 142 b 151 b 152 b 173 b 1?4 b 178 b .186 b 187 b 2 88 b 180 7tb District, 4 th Section. Daniel Sanders, McG;nnis, Jackson David Elmore, Herndons, Hall Jesse Brown,- 59, Emanuel Wm Good, .Mangums, Franklin Joel A. Wilson, 470. Upson Wm Blanset, Candlers,.Bibb Temple Moms, Devours, Habersham Daniel McCollum, Burnetts, Habersham Alar tin Dickinson, Devours, Habersham Daniel P. Swit>iall, 163, Greene Patrick Fennell, s Swineys, Laurens John J. Perkins' orps 162, Greene Joseph Smith, Hammocks, Jasper Isaac Wheaton, Mullens, Carroll Austin Martin, Rhodes, DeKalb James Dickins1 oips Baileys, Butts John Evers, Smiths, Wilkinson Thomas P. Godfrey, Reids, Gwinnett John E. Blair, Ellis,'Rabun Abijah Overton, Martins, Newton Ferris Green, 417, Walton John Finley, 72, Burke Asa Griffin, Hudsons, Marion ' 'harles Keys, Nesbets, Newton Mary Trammel), 555, Upson John Miers, s Kindricks, Monroe Rebecca Moore, w Ballards, Morgan Beverly C. Cook, 190, Elbert John F. Archord, Duprees, Washington Wm Rogers' 1 orp Footes, DeKalb 181 210 b Jamas Henderson, Thomasons, Elbert 211 b Richmond Underwood, Camps, Warren , 231 b 12 Robert Brown, Hamiltons. Gwinnett 242 b * Benj. Snider, Fitzpatricks, Chatham - 243 b * Robinson's chidren, Robinsons, Wash'ton 248 b Benj. Stovall, Thames, Crawford 249 b Charles N. Simpson, 175, Wilkes 25G a Alex. Murphey, Bushes, Burke 257 b Paschal Taylor, 69^, Heard 237 b *iZachariah Thompson, Burgess, Carroll • b 25 Jarr.rs L. Perry, La timers, DeKalb Bounded North by 8th district, in 4th section, (East by 20th district, in'3rd sec¬ tion, South by Oth district, in 4th section and West by 12th district, in 4th section. This district is finely watered by Chat¬ tooga river, and road from Alabama to Tennesse. several large creeks— 10 b 11 b 8 12 b 14 18 b 20 19 b 20 24 b 25 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 40 b 41 b Stla 3S>is"irie$, 4 ill Section. Mary Kelly, w 398, Richmond John F. Huckaby, Colliers, Monroe Levi Richardson, Bracketts, Newton Joseph Coe, Wrights, Tatnall John Crow, PerryS, Habersham Archibald McGrudcr, jr Adams, Columbia Nicholas Buny, 34, Scriven Richard W. Armor, Walkers, Harris Mmsel Garrett, Stanfields, Campbell J acob Roger, 19, Bryan [Robert Cox, Towers, Gwinnett IBpdibrd. Duke. Grfprc Meriwether 162 43 b 51 b 51 b 55 b 58 b 59 b 15 14 Thomas Penton, orp 26, Glynn Josiah Freeman's orps Wilsons, Jasper Abner Nolen, Heads, Butts Recy H. Maynor, Manns, Crawford Daniel Evans, Talleys, Troup * " John Thomas, Millers, Ware » Jeptha Pickett, Jones, Madison Robert Culpepper's orps Harris, Columbia John Lanier, s 295, Jasper Benj. Jones, Reids, Gwinnett Jeremiah Spencc, Lays, Jackson George Cowen, s '84—'97, Grrs, Jackson Elijah Smith, M. Browns, Habersham Thomas S. Dunbar, &1 w, Barefields, Jone* Miles G. Askew. Ballards, Morgan Gasham Stewart's orps Parks, Walton Jesse Warmack, M elehs, Habersham Benj. Davis, s Kindricks, Monroe John McElrov,4I5, Walton David Young,* Masons, Washington Jethro Hudson, Stantons, Newton Hardy Burrell, 404, Gwinnett ' George Nolen, Russells, Henry Uriah Burket, r s, 535, Dooly Susannah Monks, w Kindricks, Putnam John Hudson, r s, Colquhouns, Henry I ohn T. Cox, 3d sec., Cherokee ►Vm Harris, s Reids, Gwinnett Gabriel H arrison, Garners, N ashington Wm Mullins, Browns, Habersham Wm Cooper, ^ aldens, Pulaski fillip Dillard's orps Odems, Pulaski 113 b 119 b 129 b 123 a 124 a 125 b 126 b 128 b 129 b 130 a 131 b 133 b 138 b 139 a 142 b 143 b 144 t> 150 b 154 b 156 b 158 b 159 b 160 a 161 b 162 b 165 b 166 b 167 b 169 b 171 b 176 b 177 b 183 rm McCollum, Jones, Habersham ames Covington, Givins DeKalb ire on Posey, Harralsons, Troup rlatthew Colson's orps 36, Scriven )ade Wall, 190, Elbert ames M. Riddle, Aliens, Monroe Lugustus H. Black, Hills, Baldwin Nathan Mathis, Smiths, Houston ,eonard T. Warner, s Newmans, Thomas ohn C. Baldwin, 466, Monroe ohn Dismukes, Bryans, Monroe Jartin Thomas, Martins, Newton ohn B. Lesueur, Smiths, Elbert Windsor Graham, Dearings, Henry Ireen English, Aliens, Monroe ohn Haper's orps Whisenhunts, Carroll ames Rogers, jr Johnsons, Warren /Vm B. Dpnnis, jr Parhams, Warren leader Parker's orps Parhams, Harris Vm Burger, Barnetts, Clark ohn W. Fowler, Latimers, DeKalk klatfhew-T. Caldwell, Aliens, Monroe ..ewis Maddox, s i w, Hobbs, Laurens \.lex. Nelson, Hills, Stewart Daniel R. Waller, s 1 w, Wallers, Putnam -.tephen Terry, Footes, DeKalb /has. F. Mills, Fitzpalricks, Chatham vVm Legraves, Iligginbothams, Madison '.Vm B. Wimberrv's orps 470, Upson Wm Harris, Robinsons, Favette Lewis Mullins, s Mizells, Talbot Willis Boon, s 1 w, Morris, Crawford 184 John Lester, jr Seas, Madison John Steward, Gri'fins, DeKalfo ^ Henry Vaughn, Davis' Gwinnett John Rowell, Millers, Ware Charity Harris, blind, :>d sec., Cherokee Eliza. P. Kinall, vv r s, Brooks, Muscogee Dr. R. C. McConnell's orps 15, Liberty James Brewer, Brewers, Monroe Milly Brown, Hutsons, Newton Reuben Jackson, 007, Taliaferro James Loggins, jr Hamiltons, Hall Ezekiah Smith's orps Morrisons, Mont'ry Oscar F. Leverett, Currys, Merriwether Philip Tyson, 510, Early Green Merkison, Martins, Washington Henry Ivnigh't, Footes, DeKalb Moses Pitman, Martins, Pike Thomas Cowfield, 735, Troup Jas. Dorrough, s ] w, Seroggins, Ogleth'e Oliver Stephens, McKorkles, Jasper Gabriel W. Davis, Jordans, Harris " Rich'd Osmer's orps Chisholms, Morgan. James Carte lyh off, Iversons, Houstorr Simeon Gray, Whipples, W ilkinson Watson Couch, Justices, Bibb Dawson Heath, Dearings, Butts \llen Geiger, Bakers, Liberty pleasant R. Reynolds, Luncefords, Wilke* D. Campbell, s 1 w, YVhitakers, Crawford, Pearson B. Monk, Perrymans, Warren Henry McLendon's orps Heads, Butts J, JJ, Land, Lambenths, Fayette *31 b 238 b 239 b 240 b 241 b 242 b 251 b 200 b 261 b 202 b 263 b 264 b 265 b 266 b 267 b 275 b 27 b S97 a 278 a 279 b 280 b 281 a 285 b 297 b 298 b 299 b 300 a 301 b 302 b 311 b 312 b 313 b 185 ewis Pitch, Elswortlis, Bibb anathari Toole, 122, Richmond unes Dillard, Ilowells, Elbert 'aniel Sherman, 271, Mcintosh aseph R. Culpepper, Crows, Pike obert Harrison, 143,Greene eorge S. Wilber, Valleaus, Chatham umes Reynolds, Shattox, Coweta Savis Seaborn, Davis, Jones A. Tolbert, Higginbotfiams, Madison Christopher Day, orp 2d, Chatham \ S. & O. Hopkins, orps 22, Mcintosh lenry Rvals. jr s 24, Mcintosh oseph Floyd, Coxes, Talbot )uike Wiiliams, 404, Upson ohn Dryden, Bakers, Liberty aines Whittle, Morris, Crawford Elijah h. Bryant, Sullivans, Jones ames Hasty, Cravens, Coweta ames W. Castor's orps Elsworths, Bibb, acob Zinn, Dawsons, Jasper saac Baldaree, r s, Wrights, Tatnall; Charles Kersey. Gunns, Ilenry 'eyton Clement's orps 293, Jasper /V. Bailey, Clarks, Morgan ?ymeon Adams, Peaces, Wilkinson: Absalom B. King, Mullers, Can oil' vJiles Bramblet, \< hitrs, Franklin Nm Presley's orps Griffins, Hall 3noch B. Wallace, Manns, Craw ford Javid M. Stepart's orps Houses, Henry saac Mayficld, Bakers, Gwinnett 186 John Kennedy, s 1 w, Whitakers, Crawford W'm A. Hunter, 140, Greene Iray Browning, 391, Montgomery Ambrose H. Perry, s 574, Early Thomas Waters'orps 454, Walton Henry Thomas, 555, Upson Bounded North by 9th district, in 4th section, East by 27th district, in 3rd sec¬ tion, South by 7th dis^ict, in 4th section and VV.est by 11th district, in 4th section.— This district is well watered but mountain¬ ous—road from Alabama to Tennesse passes through this district. 9£h District, 4tk §ectiojsa. 14 James Jones, Ricks, Laurens 10 18 10 3 Thomas Wood, Peacocks, Washington John Brooks, s Whisenhunts, Carroll John G. Powell, s 1 w, Dearings, Butts Wi n Davis, Prices, Hall Ephraim Simpson, Hamptons, Newton Wni Bush, Lesters, Pulaski John L. Elder, Robinsons, Fayette Ann Cannon, w r s, 117, Walton W m Morris, jr Gittens, Fayette Win A. Baldwin, 559, Walton Ann Vickers, w Masons, Washington Josiah H. Titus, Ballards, Morgan Silas Grubbs, 373, Jasj)er Edward Wilson, 510, Early Levina Miles, w Youngs, Wilkinson I James Autrey, Aliens, Monroe 02 b 106 b 107 b 110 111 b 124 b 125 b 126 b 128 b 142 b 143 b 144 b 145 a 146 b 160 b 164 b 165 b 179 b 180 b 181 b 182 b 195 b 196 b 202 b 215 b 216 b 217 b 218 b 229 b 230 b 231 b $32 b 187 Benj. Candley, Catlets, Franklin John Mock, 640, Dooly James S. Hogue, s i w, 779, Heard Jason Fain, Barkers, Gwinnett Snos N. B. Hill, Greers, Warren < James Mc.YIabb, Carpenters, Tatnall Edmond Bugg's orps Fews, Muscogee James Buys, 574, Early Colson Heath, Bryans, Monroe John Winn's 15, Liberty 4 Caswell Cook, Manns, Crawford Tesse II. Lively, Griffins, Burke -S. Gremmet, w s '84 '97, McClains, Ncw'ft Wm Childs, Sewells, Franklin Nath. Burks, Wynns, Gwinnett Slijah Miller, Mullins, Carroll Benj. E. Gilstrap, Roes, Burke Lewis Coffee, Dyers, Habersham John J. Weaver, s l2d, Chatham Stephen Do ;son, Evans, Fayette Wilmouth Fox, w 332, Jasper Wm Beavert, Keeners, Kahun Richard Knight, Hoods, Henry Wm Chambers, 458, Early Nathaniel Martin, s Bakers, Libe rty James Blanks, 245, Jackson James L. Taylor, 34, Scriven C. B. Williams, Fulks, Wilkes vf. A. M. Stinson, orp Marshalls, Putnam Erastus Bard well, I £2, Richmoni- Seaborn Hearn, Estes, Putnam „ Hand, s '84—'97, Iversons, Houston 237 b 239 b 241 b i42 b 252 b 253 b 2t>4 b 279 b 280 b 299 b 300 b 803 b 304 b 805 b 188 Nathaniel Austin, jr Chambers, Gvinnett John Gould, Island, Chatham Stephen Griffin, Bryants. Burke E. Palmer's child'n f a, 470, Upson ^imeon vi\ Yancy, Edwards, Talbot Abraham Barge, Martins, Washington James Tavlor,jr Morrison, Appling Stephen Tvson, Peacocks, Washington Thomas Giddens, Mattox, Lowndes A McDagal, McClures, Rabun Anderson Mize, s 1 w, Cravens, Coweta lames o. Chick, s s. Cleggs, Walton Jolin B.irnwell, r s, Dearings, Henry John J. Comer, Comers, Jones Bounded North by Tennessee, East by 28th d:strict, in 3rd section, South by 8th district, in 4th section and West, by 10th in 4th section. Chichamau^a river and Chattaiura creek runs through this district, iload roiri Alabama to Tennessee, pass through the district. 13 b 14 b 15 b 16 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 44 b 45 b 46 b 47 b 48 b 49 b 50 b 51 b 59 b f>9 b 61 b 62 b 63 b 64 b G5 b 78 b 79 b 60 b 189 19th District, 4th Section. alter Shropshire's orps "JU5, Jasper & W. Hawthorn, orps Nesbets, Newto* ius Turner, Hughes, Habersham L'rah Mercer, w Lovens, Henry hn Hollingsworth, Candlers, Bibb McCook, Johnsons, Bibb imuel Wilkinson, s I w, Dearings, Butts )hn Fort, jr 334, Wayne imes Horton, Vinings, Putnam irm Furgerson, Watsons, .Varion ary Lewis, will, Hancock ndrew Derrick, Derricks. Henry [>hn Cash, r s, Pcurifovs, Henry * 'homas Clinton, Houstons, Chatham lary Wence, w r s, 1st, Chatham Vestley H. Pattillo, Houses, Henry lenj. Culpepper, s Edwards, Talbot ohn R. Robertson, Harps, Stewart ohn Crim, Bells, Columbia jewis Smith, Mayos, Wilkinson ,arkin C. Wimpy, Griffins, Fayette ohn Cliet, s Cliets, Columbia Sivy Langston's orps urplieys, Columbia, ohn Quigly, Smiths, Houston ames v'cFarlin, 45£, Early iVm Waterer, Oliver, Twiggs Mary Wilkinson, w Chastains, Habersham 'ames Billingslea's orps Sullivans, Jones \.lmeda Hill, orp of Isaac, 419, Walton Spear's orps Griffins, Burke 81 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 b 86 b . 97 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 104 b 105 b 116 b 117 b 118 b 119 b 135 b 130 b l3i b 138 b 139 b 140 b 141 b 142 b 148 b 149 b 150 b 151 b 152 b 190 Mansfield Hinton, Lays, Jackson George Reed's orps Fenns, Clarke fohn W. Wade, Herrings, Twiggs Jenj. Dunaway, Norman, Wilkes I. O. Clinton, Elsworths, Bibb Jibson West, Bells, Burke lenj. Hopkins, Hobkirks, Camden ohn Pounds, Wynns, Gwinnett Vade Chapman, 245, Jac.ksoa enj. Sv.ke, 0"p BUis, Pulaski Jien Bridges, Chambers, Houston 'homas B. Evans, Arringtons, MerriWV o .n Powell, jr Martirs, Washingtou [enry Futch, Jones, Bulloch 'homas Baisden, 318, Baldwin, lex. Parker's orps Cooks, Telfair anqy Hill, w Woodruffs, Campbell bram Rowan, Rooks, Putnam liza Jenks, w VYoodruffs, Campbell latthew M. Moxley, 71, Burke oah V\ alker, s 1 w, Martin, Laurens enry Cosnard, 120, Richmond imuel Qjinton, sr 2d, Cherokee m Williams, 103,Greene imuel B. Gaston, Clelands, Cha:ham swisW. hiteheads, Hcrndon, all :sse McNeill, r s, Johnsons, Bibb , rgin Parham, w Ross, onroe ajor Johnson, Hudson, Marion lex. Jones, Guices, Oglethorpe nn Mitchell, w Varshs, Thomas m Bonds, Griffins, DeKalb. • 153 b 154 b 172 b 173 b 174 b 175 b 176 b 177 1) 184 b 185 b 186 b 187 b 188 b 209 b 210 b 211 b 212 b 213 b 214 b 219 b 220 b 221 b 222 b 248 b 249 b 250 b 251 b 254 b 255 b 256 b 257 b 287 b 191 Edmond Samuel, Graves, Lincoln Dr. R. M alone, 14(5, Greene David Bell, Mattoxs, Lowndes Nancy Hiner, w rs. Lavs, Jackson L. Hartfield, orp s'84—'97. Aliens, Monroe John J. Taylor, N' heelers, Pulaski lames White, Masiah W. Pope's orps 166, Wilkes inchen Greer, Brooks, Muscogee Ifred iVl. Wilson, Chambers, Gwinnett filey-W«bb, s 1 w, - onks, Crawford ancy Jones, w r s, Griffins, Fayette lary McDonald, w Mercks, Hall eorge VIcClendon, 365, Jasper illory Allegood, jr Evans, Laurens ichard J. VVinn, 419, W akon 'ilman Bamatt. Haygoods, Washington ally Baogs, w Hills, Baldwin 'arply Turvalyvill, Dukes, Carroll >bediah Garrot, s Browns, Camden Villis Cason, sr, r s, Lesters, Pulaski ieorge Dudley's orps 37, Scriven Jiles Jennings, Jennings, Clark VmC. Hanson, 1st, Cherokee 'rior Edwards, 056, Troup ohn Iiardiman, s 1 w, Shearers, Covret* Fhos* H. Chi vers, 604, Taliaferro Samuel State, Moores, Randolph 193 Harmon Howard's orps 687, Lee Drury Strickland, s Chambers, Gwinnett James T. Burtdh, 559, Walton Wra Roebuck, Thomasons, Elbert Robert S. Langford, d d, Wynns,Gwin'U Bounded North by 10th district, in 4th section. East by 8th district, in 4th section, South by 12& district, in 4th section, and West by 18th district, in •1th section.—Lookout mountain. 8 15 10 0 12 tli IMstict, 4th Section. Abel Griffin, lunatic, 114, Hancock Bird L. Newton, Groovers, Thomas John C. Crump, 59, Emanuel Thomas Ramy, r s, Coffee, Rabun Benj. G. Smith, Smiths, Houston Washington Pierce, Smiths, Madison Eliz. Philips, w Maddens, Pike Powel Vincent, Williams, Washington M. Singleterry, w r s, Harrisons, Decatur Jethro Norris, jr Brewers, Walton Wm Taunton, Garners, Washington Isaiah Gibson, s Gittens, Fayette Dr. James B.Stevens, 15,Liberty Stewart McElhanon, Lays, Jacksoiv Robert Marks, Parhame, Warren Dunoon McSwain's orps Covingtons, Pike Jeptha Gilbert, s Killens, Decatur 3eo. Head, 294, Jasper Thos. R. Duprce, Mizells, Talbot Charles A. Grant's orps Morris, Crawford Bounded North by 11th district, in 4th section, East by 7th district, in 4th section. 6 b 7 b 8 b 15 b 18 b 19 b 20 b 21 b 22' b 23 b 31 b 32 b 33 b 34 b 38 b 39 b 41 b. 48* b 49 b 50 b 52 h S3 b 57 b 58 b 59 b 60 b 61 b 62 b 194 South by 13th district, in 4th section and West by 18th in 4th section. Nearly all of this district is mountainous. (Lookout.) 13tii District, 4tb Section. Isaac Mitchell, s Seays, Hall Daniel Wagnon, 141, Greene IVtoses W« Way's orps 15, Liberty Joseph Weldon, Gays, Harris ^uinton Hay, s Johnsons, Bibb Loick P. Hodnett, 650, Troup Elizabeth Miles, w Evans, Laurens iVm Neal, 149, Greene rhos. C. Kindrick, Robinsons, Putnam Elizabeth Swearingen, w 516, L>ooly Beverly A. Freeman, Peurifoys, Henry Elizabeth McK.ee, w Seas, Madison )rsimus Spraggims, sr Moseleys, Cowel* lichard Garner, Mitchells, Pulaski Bryant White, Baismores, Jones George Hunt, s 1 w, Mattoxs, Cow«ta_ )onald McDonald, Maddens, Pike Elizabeth Ball, w Mitchells, Pulaski Nm Branham, 404, Gwinnett vfary Nichols, w Bosticks, Twiggs Simeon Humphrey, olcSge, Walton fames B. Holcomb, 466, Monroe Daniel McMillan, Robertsons, Telfair Elizabeth Holland, w 604, Taliaferro lenry Bush, Bryans, Pulaski Sliza. Jennings, h d 1 w, Heads, DeKalb ^oah Mercer, Braddys, Jones furner Hunt, jr s, Morris, Monro« 39 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 b 31 b 82 b 83 b 84 b 85 b 86 b 87 b' 88 b 89 b 94 b 05 b 96 b 87 b 98 b 99 b 100 b 115 b '.16 b 117 b 118 b 119 b 135 b 136 b 137 b .(38 b 139 b 149 b 195 Thomas Bell, Martins, Hall Robert Owen, 365, Jasper*" Nathan C. Munroe, Elsworths, Bibb John E. Disheroon, Edwards, Talbot Lee R. Miller, Duprees' Washington David Lowry, s m, Seays, Hall Joshua McEntyre, Edwards, Franklin Joseph Thrower, Mays, Wilkinson Nathan Dobbs, r s, Hamiltons, Gwinnett Edmond Swint, Haygoods, Washington Josiah Watson, s 245, Jackson Benj. Richardson, m s, ICO, Greene James B. Allen, Covingtons, Pike Benj. Orear, s Kindricks, Monroe J araes Cooper, Harps, Stewart Robert Bond, Everetts, Washington James D. Jarret, 318, Baldwin James Stephens, 5G1, Upson Lewis Day, 559, Walton James B. Rouse, Hudsons, Marion Lewis Bagley, 318, Baldwin Gideon Powledge, Edwards, Talbot Jacob Reid, s Beasleys, Oglethorpe Alston B. Cox, 398, Richmond Wiley Anders, Welch, Habersham Wm Winslow, Williams, Decatur Jesse Pitts, 3(^4, Jasper Elias Fincher, Barkers, Gwinnett Wm McLeroy, Scroggins, Oglethorpe James Armstrong, 320, Baldwin Ganaway Malcombe, Goxes, Morgan Robert L. Harris, Jones, Morgan 150 b 151 b 152 b 153 b 155 b 171 b 173 b 174 b 175 b 17G b 177 b 184 b 185 b 186 b 187 b 212 b 213 b 214 b 215 b 216 b 217 b 218 b 21& b 220 b 221 b 222 b 223 b 246 b 247 b 251 b 252 o 353 b 106 John Walker, Hearns, Butts Charles Underwood, Browns, Camdeit Mary E. Peebles, orps, 318, Baldwin Henry H. Baker, Valleaus, Chatham James Stone 250, Walton James Carpenter, s S towers, Elbert Midas L. Greybill, Elsworths, Bibb VVyatt Williams, s Beasleys, Oglethorpe Eliza. Haney, w VVynns, Gwinnett Wm Guess, Gillis, DeKalb McGregor Baisden, 25, Glynn Martin Stedham, McClains, Newton Joseph C. Higginbotham, Houses, Henry Evan Davis, Doziers, Columbia Elisha Delong's orps Reids, Gwinnett Luke Johnson, Collins, Henry Wm Edge, Whiteheads, Habersham Yancy It. McVey, Dilmans, Pulaski Geo. W* Roberts, Folsoms, Lowndes Lewis Pecker, 555, Upson Thomas B. Johnson, s Marshs, Thoma» Conaway's orps Hargroves, Newton Charles T. Power, Smiths, Madison Robert G. Gilmer, Howards Oglethorpe Claborn Osborn, Loveless, Gwinnett David Thompson, sr, s, 259, Walton Philip Cook, s McGehecs, Troup Henry Matthews, Parhams, Harris Samuel Hall, Hills, Baldwin Edward Brown, Groces, Bibb David Carter, Morrisons, Appling Elijah Pirtle, Trouts, Hall 197 Jones Powell, Candlers, Bibb Bounded North by 12th district, in 4th section, East by 6th district, in 4th sec¬ tion, South by 14th district, in 4th section and West by Alabama. 14tli District, 4tSi Section- Jesse Liptrop, 74, Burke John Higgs, Daniels, Hall Moses Wilson, Espys, Clark Rich. Hutchinson, 417, Walton Thompson Ilellock, Hutsons, Newton Littleton R. Brewer, Echols, Clark John Oliver, sr, Thomas, Clark Silas JVIisser, Linarns, Pulaski John Grizzle, Chastains, Habersham Elizabeth Cochran, w r s, Taliaferro Wiley Rhodes, 601, Taliaferro Tho. L. Shatterwhite, Simmons, Crawford Thomas Shearley, Johnsons, Lowndes Seth Arms, 295, Jasper Wm Neal, 149, Greene Luke McLaughen, Carswells, Taliaferro Nancy Wilkins, w r s, Howells, Elbert Littleton Baker, 400, Gwinnett Robert Cooper, Whisenhunts, Carroll Isaac Bowen, Walkers, Columbia Ed.nund Gross, orps 34, Scriven Rebecca Moony ham, orp Taylors, Putnanc David Brown, Ogdens, Camden John Sparrow, Wheelers, Pulaski Absoiora Kenedy, sLesters, Monroe 2 a 3 b 4 4 b 5 b 9 b 10 b 11 a 12 b 13 b 1 16 b 17 b 18 b 19 b i>0 b 21 a 30 22 b S3 b 24 b 25 b 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 b i2 b £3 b S7 a 38 a 39 b 40 a 42 a 43 a 44 b 45 b 40 b 47 b 52 b 53 b 54 b 55 b 56 b 57 b 58 b 59 b 63 b 64 b 65 b 66 b 87 b 68 b 69 b 71 b 72 b 73 b 74 a 75 b 76 b 77 b 198 Samuel Sellers, Hattens, Baker John Springer, s Candlers, Bibb ^ John Buckner, Catletts, Franklin John Temples, Roystera, Franklin Joseph Austin, 15, Liberty James Hardwick, Roes, Burk Chas. C. Whitehead, Streetmans, Twiggs Coleman C. Gibbs, Albersons, Walton VVm Hamilton, s Prescoits, Twiggs Wjn Johnston, Robinsons, Harris James Belli, sr, 604, Taliaferro Thomas A. Gordan's orps Gunns, Jones Thomas Davis, Welchs, Habersham Hiram"Holston, Stricklands. Merriwether Rebecca Hood, orp Norris, Monroe Jenkins'orps 119, Richmond John Spencer, s 192, Elbert Edmnnd Rix, Woodruffs, Campbell Elizabeth Henry, w r s, 103, Hancock Uriah Sumner, 'Harts, Jones Isaac Perdue, s Ivindricks, Monroe F. D. Woodyard, 277, Morgan Wnn Andrews, Whisenhunts, Carroll James Fleming's orps 138, Greene Jeptha V. Davis, 13S, Greene John M. Rayford, Clarks, Elbert Wm Stone, Higginbothams, Rabun Asa McCluskey, Norris, Monroe W. »/illiams, Chiles, Marion Martin Mixon, Hands, Appling Wm Lunsford, Seals, Elbert ° Jane Henderson, Lunsfords, Wilkea 199 Jonatham Williams, Coffees, Rabun John Fusscll, Dicksons, Irwin Uriah Skinner, jr Roes, Burke Rui'us Ray, Adams, Columbia Julius Clark, 5G1, Upson Joshua Morris, Morgans, Clarke Benj. Couger, Barkers, Gwinnett Win Skinner, Roes, Burke Sheldon Swift, Hitchcocks, Muscogee James Cooper, Harps, Stewart Fred. Nance's orps 138, Greene Richard Iley, s Sewells, Franklin lames Stephens, 501, Upson B.'nj. II. Cameron, Talleys, Troup B. Yriewett, Sinclairs, Houston . Jary W. Patterson, idiot, Harts, Jones Edward Rhyner, 56, Emanuel j;«hn B. Turner, V» hisenhunts, Carroll 6 N. Bridges' orps Candlers, Bibb 2 Delila Davidson, w Martins, Jones Alex. J. II uie, Evans, Fayette Joel Matthews, Whitakers, Crawford 'ohn Harmon, r s, Luncefords, Elbert Sarah Jackson, w 109, Hancock Gideon Powledge, Edwards, Talbot Henry H. Lowe, 672, Harris Ashton B. Cox, 398, Richmond Josiah Hamilton, Petersons, Montgomery Lemuel Cobb, Footes, DeKalb Thomas Whitehead, G72, Harris .James A. Jordan, (J5G, Troup Dunham Singeterry, Johnsons, Bibb 200 James T. Robertson, s 143, Greene 20 George James, orp Towers, Gwinnett ' 10 Joseph B. Anthony, Braddys, Jones Aug. H. Finley, Frasiers, Monroe George Barr, Cannings, Elbert Thomas Wilson, orp 398, Richmond Wm Massengale, Bucks, Houston Leven Clifton, s Footes, DeKalb James Lawrence, s Loveless, Gwinnett Jesse Pitts, 364, Jasper Elias Fincher, Barkers, Gwinnett Ezekiel Gilbert, s Calhouns, Harris 8 Benj. Granger, 120. Richmond 4 Wm Brock, s Moselevs, Coweta Mary Penn, Nelums, Elbert Josiah Watson, 245, Jackson J o'nn Robinson, Vinings, Putnam John F. Preston, Scams, Butts 10 David Presley, Hamiltons, Hall 2 Seaborn Slaton, Dobbs, Hall Arthur Fort's orpsBoyntons, Twiggs Toliver Wheatington, 537, L^pson Thomas H. Swift, Edwards, Franklin Wm Pay ton, Nell urns, Elbert • Jordan Hancock, AlcCrarys, Lowndes Jesse M. Calliway, 4S6, Monroe Joseph Beavers, orp Aderholds, Campbel 40 Mary Parish, w Blounis, Wilkinson Thos. Bigg's orps Barnetts, Clark John S. Linton, Athens, Clark 20 Charles S. Sorrels, 419, Walton Edward Hawkins, 374, Putnam SOI Reuben Woodruff, Nesbetts, Ncvrton VVm Whitehead, 672, Harris Isaiah Barrer, Bryants, Burke Jeremiah Inman, 74, Burke N. H. Rhodes, 454, Walton Hardyman Holmes, Trouts, Hall Wm R. Busby, Rutlands, Bibb 6 C. Wheeler's orps Loveless, Gwinnett JohnC. Price, Whisenhunts, Carroll Elijah S. Boynton, s Russells, Henry Lucretia Buckner, w Bryans, Monroe 60 Philip F. Combs, 174, V'ilkes 6 A. Gilliam, Chambers, Gwinnett * Asa Lewis' orps Derricks, Henry Caleb Oliver's orps CI arks, Elbert John Johnson, Coxes, Franklin Hillory II. Corley, orp 406, Gwinnett ■Fuquay Holladay, Harts, Jo»e« David Andress, s nannatis, Uampbeli John F. L. Cain, Hamiltons, Gwinnett R. & P. Hill, orps 123, Richmond Frederick Pope, Martins, Laurens Ignatius Scott, s 601, Taliaferro Charles Hook's orps Vinings, Putnam, Isaiah Golding, 74th, Burke Reading Rass, Latimers, DeKalb Bounded North by 13th di'stirct, in 4th section, East by 5th district, in 4th sec¬ tion, South by 15th district in 4th section and West by Alabama. Chattooga river, and road leading to Brainard, pass through Hhe.district, 20 30 20 9 202 r IStSa. SMstrict, 4£3a. Section. John Dicker, Lunsfords, Elbert L. D. Posey, Whisenhunts, Carroll John M. Johnson, Youngs, Wilkinson B. Abcrnathey, Hughes, Habersham David M. Elliott, Candlers, Bibb Jeremiah Cloud, 3d sec., Cherokee Thos. Coston, Williams, Washington Edward A. Ballard, Moores, Randolph Jacob W. Eberhart, Colleys, Oglethorpe Nelson Gunn's orps Prescotts, Twiggs Sterling Adams, Higginbothams, Carroll Valentine Bleazewell, JMullins, Carroll Richard Smith, Iversons, Houston Sarah Beavers, w Adernolds, Campbell George W. McCall, Comptons, Fayette John Hogg, Harralsons, Trouo ^ ■ramcs C"ooperT MuIIins, Carroll Sardis E. Cross, 73, Burke Daniel McGehee, Stricklands, Merriw'r Reuben Bankston, Martins, 1'ike Reuben Ale wine, Belchers, Jasper Isaac D. Read, Fenns, Clark Wm Freeman, Jones, Hall Wm Wallace, sr Herndons, Hall James A. Lancaster, Williams, Wash'ton Mary Pettis, w 393, Richmond James Spence, orp Wvnns, Gwinnett John T. Thomas, Hearings, Henry Polly Owens, orp 406, Gwinnett James Anderson, Brocks, Habersham 2 OS (John Barnes, Chastains, Habersham Wm Wilson, Ellis, Rabua John H.Moore, Luncefords, Wilkes Ralph Ressegine, s 3d, Chatham James Taylor, sr Morrisons, Appling Elizabeth Allen, w Covingtons, Pike Riddle Spurger's orps Hills, Harris John Hill, Jones, Wilkes Benj. Oliver, 72, Burke Collins Waters, orp Trouts, Hall Richard Williamson, Orrs, Jackson Jas. Luke, son of R. G. Peeks, Columbia James A. Bush, Peaces, Wilkinson James B. Griffin, Morgans, Madison George Baldwin's orps Burks, Stewart James M. J^esueur, Ross, Monroe Wm F. Sweat, Peavys, Bulloch Benj. Fannin, Latimers, DeKalb Wm Grimes, Alexanders, Jefierson John B. Smith, s Smiths, Henry Daniel Huff. Arringtons, Merriwether Augustus- B. Longstreet, 110, Richmond Bounded North by 14th district, in 4th section, East by 4th district, in 4th sec¬ tion, South by 19th district, in 4 th section and ^ est by Alabama. Chattooga river and Village and Coosa river, are in thus district. 1 b e b 9 b 10 b 20 b 21 b 23 b .533 b 34 b 35 b 37 b 38 b 39 b 4J b 42 b 43 b "»•* J 45 b 48 b 50 b 51 b 5% b 56 b 57 b 58 b 62 b 63 b 67 b 68 b C-9 b 204 IStli District, 4(U Section. ohn Spairs, rs, Nesbetts, Newton Vm Hobbs, Coxes, Talbot ohn T. Webb, 687, Lee Robert Woods, s i w, Colleys, Madison ohn Epperson, s Mangums, Franklin !ath. Patten, w s i w, Co!leys, Madison 'rancis McWalters, McCuilers, Newton ohn Gray's orps Russeils, Henry acob Beck, McGeheos, Troup Vm Pitts, Kellums, Talbot lilas S. Baker, Dyers, Habersham !enj. Long, Herndons, IIa.il oseph McCrayer, Mullens, Carroll ames Gilmore, sr, r s, Martins, Hall "yrus W. Cotton, Aliens, Bibb iiomas C. BroWn, J 05', Hancock ;°tib'Jrn aCoweta indrew Barrett, 249, Walton Stotsberry, orp, Valieaus, Chatham Gaines' orps 365, Jasper Vrm Gibson's orps 58S, Upson lardy Pace, s Harris, Deivalb ob Bird, Morgans, Madison ane Jones, w Youngs, Wilkinson ohn A. Bacheller, orp of Eli, 454, Walton rhos. C. Weekly, Edwards, Talbot H. Rice, of Houston, Candlers, Bibb Hilly Coleman, 73, Burke Dwen F. Jackson, 672, Harris rhornas Brice, Daniels, Ilail 1 70 b 72 b 73 b 74 b ao b 81 b S2 b 83 b 00 b 92 b 93 b 99 b 1*0 b 101 b 102 b 103 b 104 b 108 b 109 b 110 b 112 b 115 b 116 b 133 a 205 \omcm Byrdwall, 310, Baldwin lomas Smith's orps Philips, Talbot mes Mulkey's orps Ballards, Morgan m S. Bell, 271, Mcintosh ilev K.Jones' orps Tuggles, Mernw'r >hn Rainey, Deans, DeKalb avid B. Butler, Candlers, Bibb hos. H. Baker, Sparks, Washington ^shua Barnes, Thomas, Crawford ames Walker, McClains, Newton esse Ammons, Copelands, Houston ohn Brewster, 406, Gwinnett -lariah Smith, w Newbys, Jones )esier Stewart, Bosticks, Twiggs ohn M. Lynn, Bishops, Henry