[House Biil No. 02.—Secret.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, December 31st, 1S63.— Read first and second times. January lb', 1861.—Engrossed, read a third time and passed. A. R. LAMAR, Clerk. SENATE, January 18, 1864.—Read first and second times, re- ferred to the Committee on Finance, arid ordered to be printed in con- fidence for the use of the Senate. January 25, 1864 —Fifty addi.ionai copies ordered to be printed. Biil considered, and postponed to, and made special order for, Wednesday next, at I o'clock. January 27, 1864 —Pending at adjournment. January 28, 1864.—Pending at adjournment. January 29, 1864.—Pending at adjournal rit Jan- uary 3u, 1864 —Pending at adjournment. Feb. I, 1864.—Pending at adjournment. Feb. 2, 1864.—Bill and amendment, proposed by Mr. llaynes, recommitted to sehct committee of five members. Feb. 4, 1864 —Reported with amendments. Amendments agreed to, and bill read third time and passed. Ordered to be printed as am tided. J.'. MES II. NAcdl, Screlury. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. February 5, 1864.—Taken up and amendments refered to special Committee on the Currency and ordered to be printed. A. BILL To tax, fund, and limit the currency. 1 - Section 1. The Congress w 3 4 5 fi 7 9 That this section shall not be construed to apply to eight per cent, convertible bonds. Sec. 4. That any holder of treasury notes depositing said notes for the purpose of funding them, in compliance with the provis- sion of this act, shall be allowed to receive one-tenth of the amount so deposited in the new issue of exchequer notes herein- before provided for, and the residue, or nine-tenths, in said four per cent, bonds, as aforesaid. Sec. 5. That if any bank of deposit shall give its depositors the said four per cent, bonds in exchange for their deposits, and specify the same on the bonds by some distinctive mark or token, to be agreed upon with the Secretary of the Treasury, then the said depositors shall be entitled to receive the amount of said bonds in treasury notes bearing no interest, and outstanding at the passage of this act: Provided, That the said bonds are pre- sented before the privilege of funding said notes shall cease, as hereinbefore prescribed. Sec. t>. That after the passage of this act all authority hereto- fore given to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue treasury notes shall be, and is hereby, revoked; and all acts and parts of acts arc hereby repealed, so far as they may conflict with the provisions of this act: Provided, however, That the Secretary of the Treasury may reissue treasury notes until the first day of May, 1864, but no longer. And provided, further, That nothing 8 9 10 1 % 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 v o 3 7 10 contained in this act shall be construed to apply to treasury notes of a denomination less than five dollars, which have been or may be issued according to law. Sep. 7. That all treasury notes, heretofore issued, of the de- nomination of five dollars, shall continue to be receivable in pay- ment of the public dues, as now provided by law, and fundable under the provisions of this act until the first day of July, 1864, east of the Mississippi river, and until the first day of Oc- tober, 1864, west of the Mississippi river, but after that time they shall not be receivable or fundable. Sec. 8. That any State of the Confederacy which may hold treasury notes, shall have the privilege of funding the same un- der the provisions of this act, until the first day of July, 1864, east of the Mississippi river, and until the first day of October, 1864, west of the Mississippi river, and shall, until the periods aforesaid, be entitled to the one-tenth of exchequer notes, as provided in the fourth section of this act. Sec. 9. That treasury notes, heretofore issued, bearing inter- est at the rate of seven dollars and thirty cents on the hundred dollars per annum, shall no longer be receivable in payment o the public dues, but shall be deemed and considered bonds of the Confederate States, payable two years after the ratification of a treaty of peace with the United States, bearing the rate of in- teregt specified on their face, payable on the first day of January tl 8 of each and every year: Provided, That the holder of said notes 9 shall be allowed at any time to exchange the same for the four 10 per cent, bonds mentioned in the first section of this act. 1 Sec. 10. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is 2 hereby, authorized, in case the exigencies of the Government 3 should require it, to pay the demand of any public creditor whose 4 debt may be contracted after the passage of this act, willing to 5 receive the same in a certificate of indebtedness, to be issued by 6 said Secretary in such form as he may deem proper, payable two 7 years after the ratification of a treaty of peace with the United 8 States, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, 9 payable semi-annually, and transferable only by special endorse- 10 ment, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the 11 Treasury, and said certificate shall be exempt from taxation in 12 principal and interest. % 1 Sec. 11. That all payments, on account of contracts with the * 2 Government, made prior to the passage of this act, and to be ex- 3 ecuted in the Confederate States, and payable in money, shall be •4 paid until the first day of May, 1864, east of the Mississippi 5 river, and until first day of August, 1864, west of the Missis- 6 sippi river, in treasury notes, or nine-tenths thereof, in the four 7 per cent, bonds mentioned in the first section of this act, and S the remaining one-tenth in exchequer notes, at the option of the 9 creditor; but, after the periods and at the places above prescribed, 12 10 such payments shall he made exclusively in said four per cent. 11 bonds and exchequer notes,in the proportions above described: 12 Provided, That instalments, on account of contracts for carrying 18 the mails, which may become due after the first day of May next, 14 shall be paid in exchequer notes only : And, provided further, 15 That the interest on all public securities, the pay of officers of 16 the army and navy, and of soldiers and seamen, and the salaries 17 and compensation of all officers and employees of the Govern- 18 ment, in all its departments, shall be paid in exchequer notes. 1 Sec. 12. To defray the expenses of the Government, not other- 2 wise provided for, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby au- 3 thorized to issue six per cent, bonds to an amount not exceeding 4 fi ve hundred millions of dollars, the principal and interest whereof 5 shall be free from taxation during the war; and, for the payment 6 of the interst thereon, the entire nett receipts of any export'duty 7 hereafter laid on the value of all cotton, tobacco and naval stores, 8 which shall be exported from the Confederate States, and the nett 9 proceeds of the import duties now laid, or so much thereof as 10 may bo necessary to pay annually the interest, are hereby spe- 11 cially pledged: Provided, That the duties now laid upon imports 12 and hereby pledged, shall hereafter be paid in specie or sterling 18 exchange, or in thq coupons of said bonds: And provided, Said 14 duties may be paid in exchequer notes until the Secretary of the 1o o 15 Treasury shall publish that fifteen millions of said bonds have 16 been sold. 1 Sr.c. 16. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized 2 to sell or hypothecate, from time to time, for exchequer notes, 3 so many of the bonds, specified in the twelfth section of this act, 1 as may be necessary to meet the wants of the Treasury. II. Strike out all of the tenth section of the bill after the word u date," in the thirteenth line. III. Strike out the eleventh section. IY. Strike out, in section fourteen, lines one and two, the words, " the issue of the treasury notes, except as herein provided for, is hereby prohibited, and." V. Amend the title so as to read, " An Act to provide for the issue of exchequer notes, and for funding all treasury notes now outstand- ing."