"v .f \. •; / ;' ■• J ^ r* & ♦ f ' "v.;A>* ! ; *- i; V .-' V / f. ■? / ) •■"'*>** .%«r53ra*r*tr , *, * , • .. ./ / **, HOUSE OF RE PRE S * %%. J - . "J M i. :*■ V ' ' \ f v v: ••.' .1' \ $ I 1 a/. . V* v . > v.- V £ -tl. f t / f- /! \ * & ^ y y $pd second times, placed cm the 'ca ' '•%' ' \ [By Mr. Perkins.] itj*tt^&ST-—Read first P ofderred to be printed. A. , * To prevent the running of the blockade, except on Government account , 1 1 2 for articles necessary to the prosecution of the war. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do J 1 enact, That the export of cotton, tobaccos/military and naval t 9 9 3 stores, sugar, molasses and rice, from the Confederate States, 4 4 and from all places in the occupation of their troops is prohibited, 5 except under such regulations as shall be made by a bureau,of'- 6 foreign supplies to be hereafter established, or it may bo by the 7 President of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall put, place or load on hoard any ship, steamboat, vessel, or any other water craft, * 3 or into any wagon, cart, carriage, or other vehicle, for con- 4 veyance or transportation beyond the Confederate States, any of / 5 the articles mentioned in, the first section of this act, or shall 6 collect the simo for the purpose of be: 11 g conveyed or trans- 7 ported, contrary to the prohibition aforesaid, within the Confede- 9 I 8 rate States, the said articles and the ship or other water craft, I t ' / 9 wagon, cart, carriage, or other vehicle, with the slaves or ani- 10 mals that may be employed or collected for the purpose of aiding 11 therein shall be foifoiled, and all persons, their aiders and abet- 12 tors, on conviction of being interested or concerned in the enter- 7 ' o * i ♦ 18 prise, shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and be ! 4 punishable by such fine as the court may impose. i 1 Sec. 3. That it shall not he lawful to put on board any ship, 2 steamboat, vessel, or other water-craft, or upon any wagon, cart, / t t 3" carriage, or other vehicle, for transportation or conveyance, * 4 4 as aforesaid, any of the articles aforesaid, unless a permit he t 4 * 4 5 previously obtained from some officer of the Confederate States V « ♦ < f , ♦ 6 specially authorized to grant the same, particularly describing 7 the articles thus to he laden, and the ship, boat, vessel, water- 8 craft, or wagon, carriage, or other vehicle, on which the same is ♦ , 9 to be transported, and until bond shall be given that the same 10 shall be conveyed and transported to the place of destination $ 11 under such conditions and regulations, and for such objects as v 12 shall he prescribed by the President under the first section of 13 this act. 1 Sec. 4. That the collectors of all the districts, upon applica- * ♦ i 2 tion of any officer or agent of the Bureau of Foreign Sup- 3 plies hereinbefore mentioned, and any other officer of the 4 Confederate States shall have power and authority to 3 f 5 take into their custody any of the articles before mentioned, 6 found in any ship, steamboat, or other water-craft, when there is * f 7 reason to believe they are intended for exportation, or when in 4 8 vessels, carts, wagons, or any other carriage or vehicle whatsoever, ✓ > 9 or any manner apparently on their way towards the territories of % 10 a foreign nation, or territory in the occupancy of the United 11 States, or the vicinity thereof, or towards a pla'ce whence such ✓ 1 s 12 articles are intended to be exported; and not to permit the 13 same to be removed until bonds shall be given, and satisfactory 14 sureties that no violation of this act, and the regulations under 15 the same, be intended, 1 Sec. 5. That the po vers granted by this act to the revenue or 2 other officers of the Confederate States, under this act, to allow, • 1 3 or to refuse exportation of the articles before mentioned, or for 4 the seizure and detention of any of the said articles shall be 5 exercised in conformitv with such instructions as the President G may give through the Department of War, or of the Treasury, 7 which instructions may impose conditions as to the destination 8 and sale of the same, and the investment of the proceeds of the 4 9 same, or a portion thereof, in military or other supplies for the 4 10 public service, whieh instructions such officers shall be bound to 11 obey; and if any action or suit shall be brought against any 12 such officer or officers, or their agents, he or they may plead the 13 general issue, and upon proof of a compliance with the provis- 14 ions of this act, or of the regulations and instructions of the 15 President, he or they shall be absolved from all responsibility 16 therefor ; and any person aggrieved by any of the acts of any 0f 17 the officers or agents aforesaid, may file his petition before the * 18 district court of the district in which such officer or agent resides, 4 19 And after due notice to him, and to the district attorney, the said court may proceed summarily to hear and determine thereupon 21 as law and justice may require, and the judgment of the said • » 22 court, and the reasons, therefor shall be hied among the records ♦ 4 ♦ * W / » ' 23 of the court, and in case any release shall' be granted, the judge * 4 24 may impose such conditions as to giving bonds as sureties as V 25 may, in his opinion, be necessary to secure this act from viola- * tion, and in case of refusal may impose double or treble costs ■ -v . :n=r ' - • V • * , 2,7 up^n the petitioner, if circumstances warrant it, I ♦ * 1 Pec. 6. That exclusive jurisdiction is conferred upon the dis- * <• * 2 'triet courts of the Confederate States, and all suits or actions * ^ "t! -v- . * r ^ ♦ 3 thaVmav arise under this act, whether in behalf of the Confede- + * 4 rate;Stat€ss,'its effic^rSvand Agents for the recovery of all fines for f ' i t -;v . '•V y forfeitures' and pen .allies Imposed on the same by indictment, in- ' • -'A j> formation or, action according to the practice of the court, and « ♦ of all suits against them for acts done or. committed under, the 8 same, and the distribution of the penalties and fines shall be 9 made under and according to the lawns now in. force for violation % 10 of the revenue acts, .and all laws for the mitigation and remit- s 11 tance of penalties., and forfeitures, shall be applied as in similar 12 cases. 1 Sec. 7. That it. shall be lawful for the President, or such '2 officers as he may designate, to employ any portion of the military 3 or naval forces of the Confederate States, or of the militia, to 4 prevent the illegal departure of any ship, vessel, or other water- 5 craft, or for detaining, taking possession of, and keeping in « 6 custody the same, or any wagon, cart, or other vehicle heretofore 7 mentioned, their teams and drivers, and their products aforesaid, ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ 8 and to suppress any armed or riotous assemblage of persons, who 9 may resist the execution of the act, or oppose the fulfillment, by 10 the officers, of the duties imposed by the same.