Rules For the Society of Negroes, 1693 By COTTON MATHER NEW YORK 1888 Rules For the Society of Negroes, 1693 By COTTON MATHER NEW YORK 1888 The original publication of the "Rules," etc., now reproduced, was a broadside sheet, which, so far as I know, has been entirely unknown to Mather Collectors and others interested in Americana for many years past. I now print a few copies in order to preserve so interesting a memorial of Cotton Mather's work—in which, it will be observed, there is no touch of antislavery sentiment, which was indeed almost unknown at that period, anywhere. I have found in one of the author's manuscript diaries, October, 1693, preserved in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the following account of this production: "Besides ye other praying and pious meetings, which I have been continually serving, in or Neigh- borhood, a little after this Period, a company of poor Negroes, of their own Accord, addressed mee, for my Countenance to a Design wch they had, of erect- ing such a Meeting for y' Welfare of their miserable Nation, that were Servants among us. I allowed their design and went one Evening & prayed &■ preached [on Ps. 68, 31], wth them: and gave them the following orders, wch I insert duly for y' curio- sitie ofye occasion." GEORGE H. MOORE. Lenox Library: July: 1888. RULES For the Society of NEGROES. 1693. WE the Miferable Children of Adam, and of Noah, thankfully Admiring and Accepting the Free-Grace of GOD, that Offers to Save us from our Miferies, by the Lord Jesus Chrift, freely Refolve, with His Help, to be- come the Servants of that Glorious LORD. And that we may be Affisted in the Service of our Heavenly Mafter, we now Join together in a SOCIETY, wherein the fallowing RULES are to be obferved. I. It fhall be our Endeavour, to Meet in the Evening after the Sabbath ' and Pray together by Turns, one to Be- 6 Rules for the Society of gin, and another to Conclude the Meeting ; And between the two Prayers, a Pfalm shall be Sung, and a Sermon Repeated. II. Our coming to the Meeting, fhall never be without the Leave of fuch as have Power over us : And we will be Care- ful, that our Meeting may Begin and Conclude between the Hours of Seven and Nine; and that we may not be unfeafonably'Abfent from the Fami- lies whereto we pertain. III. As we will, with the Help of God, at all Times avoid all Wicked Company, fo we will Receive none into our Meet- ing, but fuch as have fenlibly Reformed their Lives from all manner of Wick- ednefs. And therefore, None fhall be Admitted, without the Knowledge and Confent of the Minifter of God in this Place; unto whom we will alfo carry every Perfon, that feeks for Admijfion among us; to be by Him Examined, Inftructed and Exhorted. Negroes. 1693. 7 IV. We will, as often as may be, Obtain fome Wife and Good Man, of the Fnglijh in the Neighbourhoud, and efpecially the Officers of the Church, to look in upon us, and by their Pref- ence and Counfil, do what they think fitting for us. V. If any of our Number, fall into the Sin of Drunkenefs, or Swearing, or Curf- ing, or Lying, or Stealing, or noto- rious Difobedience or Unfaithfulnefs unto their Mailers, we will Admonijh him of his Mifcarriage, and Forbid his coming to the Meeting, for at leaft one Fortnight • And except he then come with great Signs and Hopes of his Re- pentance, we will utterly Exclude him, with Blotting his Name out of our Lift. VI. If any of our Society Defile himfelf with Fornication, we will give him our Admonition / and fo, debar him from the Meeting, at leaft half a Year : Nor lhall he Return to it, ever anv 8 Rules for the Society of more, without Exemplary Teftimonies of his becoming a New Creature. VII. We will, as we have Opportunity, fet our felves to do all the Good we can, to the other Negro-Servants in the Town ; And if any of them fhould, at unfit Hours, be Abroad, much more, if any of them fhould Run away from their Mafters, we will afford them no Shelter: But we will do what in us lies, that they may be difcovered, and puniftied. And if any of us, are found Faulty, in this Matter, they fhall be no longer of us. VIII. None of our Society fhall be Abfent from our Meeting, without giving a Reafon of the Abfence; and if it be found, that any have pretended unto their Owners, that they came unto the Meeting, when they were otherwife and elfewhere Employ'd, we will faithfully Inform their Owners, and alfo do what we can to Reclaim fuch Perfon from all fuch Evil Courfes for the Future. Negroes. 1693. 9 IX. It fhall be expected from every one in the Society, that he learn the Cate- chifm • And therefore, it fhall be one of our ufual Exercifes, for one of us, to ask the Queftions, and for all the reft in their Order, to say the Anfwers in the Catechifm / Either, The New- Englijh Catechifm, or the Affemblies Catechifm, or the Catechifm in the Negro Chrijlianized.