EIR FEED ¢< << AND sk THEIR FEET 4 i i A MANUAL OF : LC HORSE HYGIENE. FOWLER & WELLS, PUDLISHERS, FRE OER OAT ACA This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Cornell University Libraries, 2007. You may use and print this copy in limited quantity for your personal purposes, but may not distribute or provide access to it (or modified or partial versions of it) for revenue-generating or other commercial purposes. Digitized by Microsoft® 3 1924 104 225 531 Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® HORSES: THEIR FEED AND THEIR FEET. A MANUAL OF HORSE HYGIENE, INVALUABLE FOR THE VETERAN OR THE NOVICE: POINTING OUT THE TRUE SOURCE OF ‘“‘ MALARIA,” ‘DISEASE WAVES,” INFLUENZA, GLANDERS, ‘'PINK-EYE,” ETC., AND HOW TO PREVENT AND COUNTERACT THEM. BY pp clk. PAGE, M.D., Author of ‘How to Feed the Baby,” ‘Natural Cure of Consumption,” ete. WITH TREATISE AND NOTES ON SHOEING, BY SIR GEORGE COX AND COL. M. C. WELD. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, NEW YORK: FOWLER & WELLS, PUBLISHERS, 753 BROADWAY. Digitized by Microsoft® “CORNELL UNIVERSITY, M LIBRARY 7 COPYRIGHT, 1883, BY FOWLER & WELLS. EDWARD 0. JENKINS, Printer and Stereotyper, 20 North William Street, New York, Digitized by Microsoft® TO THE “MERCIFUL MAN” WHO WOULD SACRIFICE EVEN HIS PREJUDICES FOR HIS HORSE’S GOOD AND HIS OWN. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® CONTENTS. PRES 1 Object of the Book......... 0... cece eee cece ree eeeee 5 Request to Readers............ 0. ccc cece cee eee eens 6 “ Five-dollar Jockeys” sometimes Slandered........... 10 Why Horses are not Fed on Mince-Pie and Pickles....11-12 Foul Air and Disease in Stable and Home.......... 12-13, 29 Mistaken kindness to immediately Blanket a Steaming Hlorsevisa sie acca seas an adadies gen atats wa dsenay 13-14 Instinct vs. Reason........ ccc cece cece eee ee eees 15 Cruel Kindness): si c005csenceaea ec aed saa and oe 16-38-48 How to transform a “Seedy” Horse............... 17-24-25 “Condition” in Horses 1c0 0322s asd oe aeaw ac dave nee ex 18 Why they go Lame suddenly ; Importance of Work.19, 74, 77 Blésh Ws. (Fats igatecatsiien ae seas aa wes pened daw ss ene 5 20 A Soft Horse—Fatty Degeneration................ 21-22, 61 Hint to would-be Race-Winners......... Dae ctein ahee's 23 Letter to Turf, Feld, and Farm...cccc cece eens 24 Two-meal System................... ieee 6 24-31-34-35-85-86 Extra Feed—When Injurious................. 20 ee eee 26 Dyspepsia or Indigestion—Symptoms and Cause....... 28-29 Importance of Rest before Eating, and Leisure after... 29 Wihiat © Kick ig silks deans nee ware eeaeldoadeees 30 Cause and Cure of “ Pulling” ; The Human “ Puller.”. .31-32 Popular Prejudice against Innovations..............-. 35 “Colds ’”—What this Disorder really Is, and How Gaised spec cis sia asccsteicinecds Butea cree Dara eantac eens 37-38 Digitized by Microsoft® 4 CONTENTS. Prevention of the “ Distemper ’—Its Cure.......... 39-40-41 Cold Air not necessarily Pure............0.eeeeeeeeee 42 Hand-Rubbing ws. Drugs......... 0.20. e cece cee eee 42 Danger of Medication. ......... 0c. cee cece eee e eee nee ‘42 Concerning the Use of the Blanket.............. rrr 43 The Natural Coat the best.......... 0.0 cece eee nee eeee 44-45 Clipping =A. (Hints ic. scsiencece ates tate tee ae ieee 45 Eating and Digesting—The Difference; Kind Treatment. 46 Over-driving—Overwork. ........ 0.0.0 cece e nee eees 47 A Safe REMC Ys tases cscs a selec plea es Oaidw. «whan ais nena ne 48 Chest Founders evne vevcies ocigs seeens Mere taiele settee 48 Chronic Disease—Cause............cc cece cece ee ee eees 50 Hints relating to Food and Drink..................... 51 Ste Backii cee. dees Mss ei ee ae ae eee ee TESTE TASS es 54 Serofulas: ouiee + eet ate Towa ee sams tees etawtan 264 56 Glanderss suis sine os de aed eee x older clog 6 SERGE RES sees 57 Kidney Complaints; Relation of “ Condition” to Re- served Force or Staying Power...........-.05-005 58 Quantity of Food................. is areeaeees oa Bs 63 One’s Meat another’s Poison......... ccc cceeeeeeeees 67 The best Feed..3 accntar cress sa seauwneuns Heads sas 70. Corn on the Cob; Flatulence; Cribbing............... 71 “Enough is Better than a Feast”; The Horse-of-all- Work: wissiie ated aed baa eileen ee oo noa x oa hess Sak 76 From the Dump-cart to the Track...............020005 76 Grassing Out gsc ise syaaies Seshs seaweed caisesee 77 About: the Appetite... vsccesaw heels vias ssmoecadieees 80 Feeding of Road Horses; What a _ Father-in-law Leathe vigiad wide nenieg agra etd Sas oc upes tees oclectie es 81 How a Truckman avoided Lost Time, and Improved the Condition of his Horses..................000. 83 Horsé=Car LOVe ssc ices neue bene saavee sets bo Dai ateeiubcty 84 Trying to “ Make a Horse Laugh!”................005 87 Mr, Planit’s: Testimony 2.00.0; S00 sainns eS ive een os 87 First-class Stables; The Eternal “Mash!” Digitized by Microsoft® CONTENTS. Digitized by Microsoft® 5 Veterinary Practice; Founder; “Counter-irritation”’ With @ Vengeance :..iciedessie se sig ces ve veda weees 92 Eating the Bedding; Rules that may be Safely Tried.. 96 Check Reingc.cw aie hesseiw caine taeda newman geews 99-125 Blind etsiss ccciicaeatoasscaciesag ds ames see asm ates ues 100 PART II. ed SHOEING. ~Ignorance — not Cruelty—to Blame for the Horses Prémature Decayes sic vsiecsisdhy ss ghesutaegereue sea 103 Value of Horse Property. ............... eee eee eee 104 Normal Age of the Horse......... 02... cece eee eee eee 105 Lord Pembroke’s Opinion of Grooms.................. 106 Chief Source of the Horse’s Suffering................. 107 - One Cause and Cure of Swelled Legs...........:...... 107 Unnecessary Work; Value of Brakes.................. 108 A Common .Fallacyiiu ios s ies case sseneysaeevscees sae 109 Man forestalled by Nature............. 0. cece eee cece IIo Effect:of Shoe Nailsisccets sae im senses ed deals wee aes III “Inconceivable Cruelty,” as defined by Mr. Mayhew.... 113 Sir George Cox’s Logical Deduction.................. 114 Specious Arguments......... 0.20 cece cece ee pen eeeee II4-115 Not Theory, not Book, not Hobby, but Extended PRactiCe.. cia sa vice eevee es dae ss see tomew ses 115-116 IMProveMent poccus cy ois wae vee ees vane Ves Bee aH 119 Running Barefoot over Rocky Hills in Wales, etc...... 120 Direct and Indirect Benefit of Reform; Everybody but the Blacksmith Benefited; A Count’s Experience. 120-121 Is Judgment Based on Knowledge to Settle the Ques- tion? The Opinion of the Lancet................ 122-123 Adequacy of the Natural Foot for all Demands; Inde- pendence of the Unshod Horse.................44. 124 26 ‘CONTENTS. Xenophon’s Experience Coincides with Lord Pem- broke’s ; Modern Writers Shirking.......... 125-126-127 French and English and Mexican Army Experience.... 128 Humanity and Self-interest Going to Prevent Human Ignorance and Conceit from continuing to Mar the Work of Godisccccekd sens otecixe esa teres ang 130 The Zrzbune and Mark Lane’s Express on Other En- lish, EXPETIEN CEs wei lodee