4-24 ii vr OSTRAND’S SCIENCE STLEIES. Ao. jc Cts. THT1 )F Moi AI„EX. B. W. KENNEDY.C.E. VSTX3 'T INTRODUCTIO* BY Prof. R. H. fHURSTON, A.M.C E, -______ REPRUITED FROM VAN HCSTRAND’S MAGAZINE. 1881. ZATION. By Prof. W. H. Corfield, M. A., of the University College, Lon- don. No. 19.-STRENGTH OF BEAMS UNDER TRANSVERSE LOADS. By Prof. W. Allen, Author of “ Theory of Arches.” With Illustrations. No. 20.—BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CENTRES. ByJoim B. McMasters, C. E. With Illustrations. No. 21.—SAFETY VALVES. By Richard H. Buel, C. E. With Illustrations. No. 22 —HIGH MASONRY DAMS. By John B. McMasters, C. E. With Illustrations. No. 23.—THE FATIGUE OF METALS UNDER REPEATED STRAINS, with various . Tables of Results of Experiments. From the German of Prof. Ludwig Spangen- berg. With a Preface by S. H. Shreve, A. M. With Illustrations. No. 24.—A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE TEETH OF VVHEELS, with tlieTheo- r.y of the Use of Robinson*s Odonto» graph. By S. W. Robinson, Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. Illinois In- dustrial University. No. 25,—THEORY AND CALCULATIONS OF CONTINUOUS BRIDGES. By Mans- field Meuriman, C. E. With Illustra- tions. No. 26.—PR \ CTIOAL TREATISE ON THE PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS BRIDGES. By Charles Bender, C. E. No. 27,—ON BOILER INCRUSTATION AND CORROSION. By F. J. Rowan.TUE TWO LECTURES RELATING TO REULEAUX METHODS, Deliyered at Soatb Kea$iH2toa Ksseiffl, BY Prof. ALEX. B. W. KENNEDY,C.E. WITH AN INTKODUCTION BY Prof. R. H. THURSTON, A. M.C.E. REPRINTED FROM VAN N08TRAND’S HAGAZINE. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 Mdb«a» ani. 27 Wabrkn Street. 1881.A. /63/ £l- /mmA> UIMIVERSITY ^.LIBRARVV COPYRIGHT—D. VAN NOSTRAND—1881.INTRODUCTION. The following reprint of Professor Kennedy’s lectures illustrating Eeu- leaux’s new methods of treatment of the study of the kinematics of machinery, and the Science of pure mechanism, as it has been termed by Professor Willis, is published at the request of the writer, for the purpose of placing in the hands of every mechanical engineer an exhibit of the methods devised by one of the most distinguished engineers and men of Science in Europe for the study of the motions of connected parts of machinery. It is hoped that these short and well-considered lectures may assist the student in the effort to compre- hend those new methods, and to make use of them in professional work, and especially that they may have a wider range of influence, and may lead to a1Y more general introdaction of Reuleaux’s treatise*—Theoretische Kinematik—the publication of which will probably come to be admitted to be the most important event in the history of kinematics. In fact, the Science of related motions, as the writer has called it, has never before as- sumed that definite, logical and thor- oughly complete form which should dis- tinguish every tme Science. The defects of the usual method of studying a simple machine as a whole, and without reference to general elementary principies; the acknowledged want of a defined system of study and of a fixed nomenclature, and a natural and logical method of expression of principies and facts, and the difficulty met with in securing a general comprehension, among teachers, of the radical distinction be- tween the two Sciences relating to mo- tion and to forces, have been serious obstacles to the advance of the former. ♦The Kinematics of Machinery. Outlines of a Theory of Machines. By F. Reuleaux. Translated and edited by A. B. W. Kennedy, C. E. London: 1876Reuleaux has done much to ciear away these obstacles, and has made a splendid effort to place the Science of the kinematics of machinery in its proper relations to the older branches of dynam- ics. He first outlines the theory of ma- chines, studying their various forms and determining what conditions are common to ali, and therefore essential. The machine is studied as a useful and practi- cally yaluable apparatus in the light of a Science thus founded. The distinction between the theoretical and the practical departments of the study is recognized— or rather as the able author says, between theory and empiricism—and the en- deavor is made to aid in the substitution of practically applicable exact methods for the empirical and “ rule of thumb *’ determinatione, which, although un- avoidably adopted in the absence of precise scientific knowledge, are glad- ly abandoned by every intelhgent engineer when precise and logically correct methods become practically available.vi The methods of treatment of the phil- osophy of mechanism have hitherto been the algebraic or geometric solution of detached problems, and the study of un- related sets of elements. The origin of the Science and the basis upon which it stands have been hardly perceived, and no attempt had previously been made to reveal foundation, framework and cov- ering, and to exhibit their relation to the architectural whole, when Reuleaux be- gan his work of analyzing mechanisms, detecting elements, studying their com- binations and discovering those laws of their operation which constitute the new Science. The resuit has been the pro- duction of a work which contains both a general theory of machines and a scien- tific treatment of their movements; if not absolutely complete in itself, this is, at least, more complete than the earlier treatises. The work will, in some re- spects, pro ve disappointing to the engi- neer familiar with every-day practice, but the fact gives him the opportuni ty to do a great work, by building into the frameYU erected by the great German engineer the detached members to be found in Willis and in Rankine and otber less well-known works, and thus making the structure more complete and more valua- ble. Reuleaux has led the way, and has pointed out a path in which ali are at liberty to walk as far as their ability and their strength may permit. Those whose time and inclination may lead them to the examination of the Work, to which attention is here called, will find that the author is as systematic in his methods, and as logical in his statements and conclusions as Euclid, himself, could have desired. He first delines a machine: “ A machine is a combination of resisting pieces arranged in such manner that the mechanical forces of nature may be caused to do Work with certain determinate motions.” Practical mechanics has been subdi- vided into: The Study of Machinery in General. The Theory of Machines. Machine Design.vm The Science of Pure Mechanisms. Keuleaux would construet a single homogeneous philosophy of the Science of machinery ; the manner in which this is done will be comprehended after the reader has become acquainted with the illustrations of his method, given by Professor Kennedy. The basis of all is found in the following definition : “A mechanism is a closed kinematic chain, which is compound or simple, and consists of pairs of elements; these carry the envelopes for the motion which the parts in contact must be given, and by these envelopes all other motions are prevented.” When an effort is applied to this combination, work is done, and done in a fixed and definite way, the re sistance being overcome through a cer- tain predetermined path; this mechan- ism so operated, constitutes a machine; and, the combination existing, it remains a machine whether actually put in motion or not; many machines do not necessa- rily move, although, assuming motion to take place, the relations of effort to re-IX sistance and of motions of parts are as definite as if the machine were in con- tinuous operation doing work. The treatise of Beuleaux begins with the study of the various motions which oceur in mechanism, and the conclusion is promptly reached that all relative mo- tions of parts in any given plane—con- plane movements as he calls them—may be considered as rolling motions, and that they become determinable by the study of their “ centroids,” i. e., of the pairs of curves which, rolling together, would produce the motion. This treatment is evidently very closely related to that made so familiar by Bankine and earlier writers, in whose methods instantaneous axes are taken as the centers of such revolution. As stated by Beuleaux: “ Every relative motion of two con-plane bodies may be considered a cylindrical rolling, and the motions of any points in them may be determined so soon as their cylinders of instantaneous axes are known.” Each line of coincidence, or of contact of the elements, of these roll-X ing curved surfaces is an “ instantaneons axis of rotation.” Only one pair of these centroids can exist for any one rel- ative mofcion. Seeking these curves for cases of mo- tion not confined to one plane, it is found that motion about a point may always be considered as a “ conic rolling,” the cones being generated by the instantane- ous axes determined by the given motion. Proceeding stili further, a more general —the most general—case is studied and it is found that “ all relative motions of two bodies may be considered as twist- ing or rolling of ruled surfaces, or “ ax- oids.” Pairs of ruled Surfaces may be made to exhibit allpossible motions. Where the ratio of twist to transla- tion becomes indefinitely small, the mo- tion becomes that of sliding; when in- finitely great, it becomes simple revo- lution. The detection and study of these axoidal surfaces is as attractive and interesting as it is useful, and the student becomes quickly familiar with this method of representation of a mech-XI anism, and soon learns to see the ma- chine as a set of pieces playing their rel- ative parts in the whole, in direct rela- tion with the invisible geometrical, and always graceful, forms of the “ axoids ” which—and not the frame and solid portions of the structure—really consti- tute with them the real machine. The laying out of the common teeth of wheels is an example of the determina- tion of plane centroids; hyperboloidal’ ■wheels have axoids. Elements of mechanisms become now capable of ready classifieation,* and their combinations are easily made known and classified, and it becomes almost self-evi- dent that, in the machine, the office of the several parts is to secure the rela- tive motions appropriate to each pair of elements and perfect restraint against all other movements. The laws of such restraint are simple, and are easily dis- covered and readily enunciated. Thus, * ^luids and flexible and elastic bodies are, as a mat- ter of course, elements of any machine in which tbey fcppear.xii the study of mechanism becomes truly scientific, and the examination of de- tached and special problems, illustrated by the methods of Willis, and more markedly by Rankine, becomes seconda- ry to this primary general treatment. As remarked in the beginning, a sys- tematic notation and the development of a system of scientific expression of* the laws of machine movement, in which feuch a notation is used, constitutes a grand feature of this work. Earlier attempts, by Babbage and others, have been barren of valuable results, simply because the scientific foundation was not first laid down; and, in less degree, because of their imperfect nature. It is wonderful that this later system, once developed, should be found so simple. A dozen primary symbols designate all the parts used in machinery; four sym- bols indicate forms, and two identify liquid and gaseous elements, while some thing more than a dozen of the familiar algebraic symbols find appropriate ap- plication in exhibiting relation of parts.Xlll These symbols are simply and relatively combined to represent any machine, and a number of convenient contractione render their use more convenient in the more frequently occurring cases. The special formulas thus constructed as rep- resentative of particular machines, and the general formulas representing classes, are constantly used in analysis, and in synthesis as well, and the identity of visibly differing machines, or the radical differences between mechanisms seeming to the eye almost- identical, become at once evident when the material disguise, in which they appear to the untaught mind, is stripped off, and they become known only through their kinematic, or true mechanical, relations. This last point is best exemplified by the analysis of “slide crank-trains,” in- cluding “ quick-return motions ” of crank trains generally, and especially and most beautifully in the study of “ rotary engines,” in which familiar motions take a peculiar disguise while retaining all their original kinematic characteris-XIV tics. For example: Galloway’s rotary steam engine is shown to be simply an awkward combination of steam “ cylin- der ” with Watt’s planet-wheel rotation. An analysis of complete machines, and an historical retrospect brings ont very strongly the fact wliich every engineer must have remarked: that attempts to follow the kinematics of Nature have almost invariably been misleading to the machine designer, and that the most rapid progress has usuallv followed when the inventor has broken away from this seductive but fettering idea, and has boldly and independently sought to at- tain a definitely known object, by the most direct and simplest of familiar mechanical devices. Reuleaux’s work concludes with a treatise upon the most important and highest—and naturally least developed —part of the newly constructed Science: that of scientific kinematic synthesis, or the building up of a machine designed to do a specified work, and to have cer- tain required motions. Reuleaux wouldXY substitute this for that blindly groping for, or guessing at, results which so gen- erally leads to invention. He would make the process of invention a scientific one, and would thus raise the inventor to a higher plane, and give him the in- creased distinction which is due a higher order of intellectual work. This may be illustrated thus: In the design of a cotton-combing machine, which once feli into the hands of the writer, certain objects were to be accom- plished, and certain means were availa- ble. The uncarded cotton was to be re- ceived upon an apron, carried forward to a point wbere it could be seized by the mechanical fingers, which were to pre- sent it to the combs, holding it while one end of the mass of fibers was operated upon; this operation completed, another set of fingers were to seize the combed ends of the fibers, now released by the first set, and were to present the un- combed ends to the combs. Both ends of the fiber being finally combed, the cotton was to be deposited carefully andXVI undisturbed upon the apron, to form the lap, which was then removed from the machine. In designing this machine, each opera- tion was studied with a view to deter- mine what “ kinematic chain ” was best adapted to do that work, with the exact motion demanded, and this chain being obtained, it was located properly, and the next similarly worked out. When these combinations of motions were final- ly grouped in snch manner that each succeeded its leader in correct order and in proper relation, the form of each piece or “element” was worked out; when ali the elements had been given shape, and found to admit of the re- quired cycle of kinematic changes with- out interference, the “ centroids ” of their motions were studied to obtain the best means of connecting ali to a com- mon fixed “link ”—the frame of the ma- chine. The aprons were sliding pieces ; the feeding rollers were rotating ele- ments ; the mechanical fingers were vibrat- ing pieces carried by parts themselves vi-XVII brating, and the combs were simple “ slid- ing elemenfcs.” The centroids determined by the motions of the nippers or fingers, gave the form of the cams needed to produce those motions; the cams actuat- ing the other intermittently or irregu- larly moving pieces were laid out in the same manner. The machine now con- sisted of one extended kinematic chain, operated from one end. The fixed points in the chain, and those centroids which were themselves fixed in space, now gave location to parts of the frame of the machine adapted to their support, and the shape and proportion of the frame became readily determinable as soon as the lines of effort at these resistant points were laid down. The last part of this problem in machine design was solved when a frame had been fitted to the set of fixed points, having proper form and size to sustain all stresses Corn- ing upon them, and so arranged as to permit every motion to take place with- out bringing moving parts into collision with its own members. The frame wasXVI11 laid out in skeleton form, and when found suitable in all respects, was drawn in full and all details worked in. Such a process of “ kinematic synthe- sis ” Reuleaux would adopt in all cases, and the construction of kinematic for- mulas would be the first steps to be taken in his method of “ scientific inven- tion.” The other steps would follow as just indicated; the selection of the needed elements would be facilitated by that reduction to simplest terms of every proposed machine, which would become so easy when thus presented to the mind, uncomplicated by conceptions of conventional form. The synthesis of a kinematic Science, which we have been able to follow, must, in the opinion of the writer, ultimately prove of real Service to the profession. Nearly all great advances of this charac- ter, like nearly all great mechanical in- ventions, are a generation, at least, in taking their place in the world; it is to behoped that this may prove an exception to the rule. It will become evident atXIX the first glance that the method of Reu-' leaux does not render valueless the work of Willis, of Rankine or of Redten- bacher. The former should be studied as a basis for the detailed work of the others; it is a general Science of machinery, which, once rendered familiar to the stu- dent, makes his later work easier and more fruitful of practical resuit. He should become familiar with this scien- tific basis, and should then study the relation of parts and of motions in de- tail with Willis and Rankine, and should finally make himself familiar with the complete machine, which he is likely to find useful in his professional work, and endeavor to become capable of design- ing them, and of synthetically produc- ing new forms of mechanism.THE K1NEHATICS OF MACHINERY. Most of tbe models used to illustrate this and the following lecture belong to the Kinematic Collection of the Gew- erbe-Akademie in Berlin, and have been designed by Professor Reuleaux, who is the Director of the Academy and a Pro- fessor in it. The rest were sent to the Loan Collection by Messrs. Hoff and Voigt of Berlin, and Messrs. Bock and Handrick of Dresden. In essentials there is no difference between the Berlin and the Dresden models. Both have been designed specially for use in instruc- tion in the Kinematics of machinery. I must first try to explain briefly, but exactly, what I mean by the phrase “Kinematics of machinery.” Professor Reuleaux, whose models are before us, delines a machine as “a combination of resistant bodies so arranged that by their means the mechanical forces of nature22 can be compelled to do work aecompa- nied by certain determinate motions.” The complete course of machine instruc- tion followed in some of the Continental teehnieal schools covers something like the following ground: First, there is the perfeetly general study of machinery, technologically and teleologically. Then there comes what we may call the study of prime movers, which in terms of our definition would be the study of the arrangements by means of which the natural forces can be best compelled to do the required work. Then comes the study of what may be called “direct actors,” or the direct-act- ing parts of machinery; in the terms of our definition, the arrangement of the parts of a machine in such a way as best to obtain the required resuit. Next comes what we call machine design; the giving to the bodies forming the machine the requisite quality of resistance. Machine design is based principally on a study of the strength of materials. One clause of the definition stili re-23 mains untouched. The machine, we said, does work accompanied by certain determinate motions. Corresponding to this we have in machine instruction the study of those arrangements in the ma- chine by which the mutual motions of its parts, considered as changes of position only, are determined. The limitation here must be remembered; motion is considered only as a change of position, not taking into account either force or velocity. This is what Professor Willis long ago called the “science of pure mechanism,” what Rankine has called the “ geometry of machinery,” what Reuleaux calls “kinematics,” and what I mean now by the “ kinematics of machinery.” Ths results of many years’ work of Reuleaux in connection with this subject are embodied in his book Die Theoret- ische Kinematik, which I recently had the pleasure of translating, and I shall endeavor to give you an outline of his treatment of the subject. It cannot be more than an outline, as you will readily24 understand. The subject is a very large one, and I have had to choose between taking up many branches of it and merely mentioning each, and confining myself to a few points, and going more into de- tail about them. I have chosen the lat- ter plan, believing that the former would be of little benefit to anybody. It will be easy for those who are sufficiently in- terested in the matter to follow it up, and to study those parts whieh I omit, by the aid of the book I have just men- tioned. My lecture to-day will be prin- cipally theoretical, and to-morrow I shall go more into practical apphcations. So far as possible, as I have Professor Reu- leauxs models before me, I shall endeav- or to follow his own order in treating the subjeci I presume you are acquainted, to a certain extent, with the ordinary method of studying “ pure mechanism; ” the method originated by Monge (1806), de- veloped in Willis’ well-known Principies of Mechanism (1841), and made popu- lar, to a great extent, by Prof. Goodeve’s25 capital little text book and others. Each mechanism is studied for and by itself, in general, by the aid of simple alge- braic or trigonometric methods, and is spoken of in reference to a certain “ con- version” of motion which occurs in it. Thus, we have the conversion of circular into reciprocating motion, the conver- sion of reciprocating into circular, &c., and simple formulae express certain rela- tions between the motions of two or more moving points. In this way we know something important about a great number of mechanisms, and arrive at many results which are both useful and interesting. Some things are stili left wanting, however; and these things may be summed up in this way: (1.) We notice at once that we have taken the mechanism as a whole. We do not analyze it in any way whatever, and therefore, (2) We have scarcely any knowledge of its relations with other mechanisms, or (what is quite as important) of the various forms which one and the same26 mechanism may take. We shall see pre- sently how extraordinarily various these forms are, We have never a general case with special cases derived from it; each case is treated by itself as a special one. Then (3) The mechanism is studied in gen- eral from a point of view which gives ns only the eonditions of the motion of two points in it, or two portions of it, and is then left. The kinematic eonditions of the mechanism as a whole remain abso- lutely untouched. In such a mechanism as that of an or- dinary steam engine, for instance, we study the relative motions of the guide block and the crank, or, I ought, per- haps, to say of the axes of the cross head and of the crank pin. We thus know the motions of two points in the rod which connects those axes, the “eon- necting rod,” but we leave the motions of its other points untouched. It may, of course, be said that these others are of much less practical importance. This is true to some extent, although their practi-27 cal importance is greater than might be supposed at first. But in any case these motions must certainly be studied if we are to obtain a complete knowledge of the mechanism to which tbey belong. Any method of study, therefore, which covers all the kinematie conditions of the mechanism, instead of the mechanical conditions of two or three points only, possesses in that respect very great ad vantages. The treatment of mechanisms which I shall sketch to you, is intended to rem- edy some of the defects which I haye enumerated. Those of yon who have studied modem geometry, side by side with the old methods, will recognize that these defects are somewhat analogous to those of Euclidean geometry. The at- tempt to remedy thenl proceeds in lines similar to those of modem geometry, and will eventually, I believe, when more fully worked out, take the same position in its own subject. Let us, then, look first at the analysis of mechanisms. This is none the less28 important a matter that its results are so very simple in many cases. A ciear understanding of those elementary mat- ters is of great assistance in clearing up difficulties which occur in the more ad- vaneed parts of the subject. In a machine or a mechanism of any kind the motion of every piece must he absolutely determinate at every instant. It will be remembered that we are at present considering motion as change of position only, not in reference to velocity. The motion of change of position may be determined by the direction and mag- nitude of all the extemal forces which act on the body; the motion is then said to be free, but it is obviously impossible to arrange such a condition of things in a machine. The motions may, however, be made absolutely determinate inde- pendently of the direction and magni- tude of external forces; and in order that this may be the case, the moving bodies, or the moving and fixed bodies as the case may be, must be connected by suit- ahle geometric forms. Motion, under29 these cireumstances, is called constrained motion.* If I allow a prismatic block to slide down the surface of an inclined plane its motion will be free; it is determined by the combination of external forces which act upon the block. If the block be pressed on one side as it slides, it at once moves sideways, and can only be kept in a straight path if directly the pressure is exerted on the one side an equal and opposite force (or a force which has a resultant with the first in the direction of motion) be caused to act upon it on the other. If, on the other hand, the block be made to slide between accurately-fitting grooves (like a guide block in a machine), inclined at the same angle as the plane, and like it fixed, the block may be pressed sideways or in any other direction, but no altera- tion in its motion can take place; the motion is “constrained,” it can occur ♦Essentiallyitdoes not differ from free motion ; the differenee really lies in the snbstitntion of stresses or molecular forces, which are under our complete con- trol, for external forces.30 only in the one direction permitted by the guiding grooves. In the one case the extemal force has to be balanced by another extemal force; in the other the balancing force is molecnlar, i. e., is a stress and not an extemal force, and comes at once into play the instant the disturbing force is exerted. The geo- metric forms whieh are used in this way to constrain or render determinate the paotions in machines are very various, and are chosen in reference to the particular motion required. If every point in a body be required to move in a circle about some fixed axis, a portion of the body is made in the form of a solid of revolution about that axis, and this is caused to “ work in ” another similar solid; the two forming the familiar pin and eye. If ali points of a body be re- quired to move in parallel straight lines we get, similarly for guiding forms, a pair of prisms of arbitrary cross section; a slot and block. If every point of a body be required to move in a helix of the same pitch we use a pair of screws31 of that pitch, one solid and one open, for constrainingthe motion—a screw andnut. The general condition common to these yery simple forms is that, in each case, the path of every point in the mov- ing body is absolulely determined at every instant, that is to say, the change of position of the moving body is abso- lutely determinate. The geometric name for these mutu- ally constraining bodies is envelopes, and each one is said to envelope the other. We shall call them (kinematic) elements, and the combination of two of them we shall call a pair of elements. Those we ha ve mentioned are special and very familiar and important cases of pairs of elements, which are of great simplicity. They have the common property of surface contact, the one en- closing the other, and are therefore called closed or lower pairs of elements. They are, moreover, the only closed pairs which exist. They are, further, the only pairs in which all points of the moving element have similar pairs.32 Every point of an eyer for instance, moves in a circle about the same axis. If there were attached to it a body of any size or form whatever, all its points would move about the same axis. The “ point paths ” would all be coneentric circles. Again, whatever the extemal size or shape of a nut, every point in it moves in a helix of the same pitch about the axis of the screw; the point paths, that is, would be similar. The genera! condition of determinate- ness of motion can, however, be fulfilled by an immense number of other pairs of elements. The theory of these is too large a subject to be entered into just now, I must merely direct your attention to the existence of such combinations. Fig. 1 represents one of the simplest that can be used. Here one of the ele- ments is an equilateral triangle, ABC, the other is the u duangle ” RPSQ* The latter moves within the former, touching it always in three points, or rather along three lines. Its motion is just as absolutely determinate as the33 motion of a pin in an eye. It is free to move at any instant only about the point in which the three normals to the tri- angle at the points of contact intersect (as Q in the Fig.). The models before you show a few of the many forms taken by such pairs of elements. It is worth A while noticing a few points in which the motions determined by them differ from the motions of the closed pairs. First, as we have already seen, the con- tact of the elements determining the motion was surface contact in the former34 case, while here it takes place only along a finite number of lines. Then the mo- tions of all points in the first case were similar; in these pairs the motions of the points are not similar, but entirely dissimilar, the motion of each point de- pending entirely upon its position. Fig. 2 shows a few of the point paths of the pair of elements shown in Fig. 1. The strikingly different curves obtained from one pair of elements, according to the choice of the describing point, is too obvious to need further notice.* These pairs of elements are called higher pairs. They have only a few applications in practice, their interest being chiefly theoretical. From our present point of view their theoretic in- terest is considerable, because of their exact analogy with the lower pairs. There is another difference between the two kinds of pairs which deserves notice, for reasons which will be better * The triangle UTQ and the three curve» wlthin it, which have Mi for their center, are point paths. The curve triangle and the duangle shown in thicker lines will be explained further on.I Fig.235 understood afterwards. The pair of elements determine the relative motion of the two bodies connected by them. If one body be stationary on the floor or the earth, the moving body has the same motion relatively to the floor or earth that it has to the other element. If I move about both bodies in my hand, both have motion relatively to the earth, but the relative motion of the one to the other remains unchanged. It is of course only a case differing in degree from the former one, for in the former one both bodies had the motion of the earth itself, while one had the addi- tional motion which I gave it. We may, however, not to be pedantic, speak of anything as “ fixed,” or “ stationary ” which has the same motion as the earth. Now, (in this sense) we may fix either element of a pair, and with the lower pairs the relative motion taking place remains the same whichever element be fixed. With the higher pairs, on the other hand, the relative motion is altered, and the point paths become en-86 tirely different. The point paths of the duangle relatively to the triangle are, for instanee, quite different from those of the triangle relatively to the duangle. This change of the fixed element is called the in ver sion of a pair. The ultimate resuit of our analysis of mechanisms is then pairs of elements; we cannot go below this. The pairs we have noticed are of two kinds. each hav- ing their own definite characteristics. If, now, two or more elements of as many different pairs be joined together we get a combination whieh is ealled a (kinematic) UnJc. It is obvious that the form of sueh a link is, kinematically, ab- solutely indifferent. The choice of its form and material belongs to machine design. It may be brick and mortar, cast iron, timber, as we shall see after- wards, but the fact that this is indiffer- ent, kinematically, cannot be too dis- tinctly kept in mind. We can make combinations of links by pairing the elements whieh each con- tain to partner elements in other links, and37 such combinations are called kinematic chains. Thus, if we denote similar ele- ments by similar letters, aa, bb> ec, &c., and the link connection by a line, we may indicate some of the chains obtain- able from four pairs and four links, thus: a----bb------cc---cici----a (we suppose the “ chain ” to return on itself and the two elements a to be paired, the whole forming a closed chain); or, a----cc------bb-----dd----a or a----dd------cc-----bb----a &c. For the sake of illustration we give in Fig.3 Fig. 3 a sketch of a familiar chain con- taining four links, each connected to the adjacent link by a cylinder pair of ele-38 ments. The axes of the four pairs of elements are parallel. We have, then, in the kinematic chain, a eombination so constructed that ali its parts have determinate motions, motions absolutely fixed by the form of the ele- ments earried by its links, and independ- ent (considered as changes of position) of the application of external foree. To converfc the chain into a mechanism we have only to do what we have already done in connection with pairs of ele- ments, fix one element—or, as each ele- ment is rigidly connected with a link, we may say preferably fix one link. Any link may be fixed, the chain, therefore, gives us as many mechanisms as it has links. In general these are different, in special cases only two or more of them are the same. We shall be able to enter into this part of our subject at some length in the next lecture; at present it wiU suffice to note two or three of the leading characteristics of chains and mechanisms which we can now easily recognize. These are,39 (i.) That the motion of any link rela- tive to either adjacent link is determined by the pair of elements connecting them. (ii.) That the motion of any link rela- tive to any other than its adjacent links depends on ali the elements of the chain. (iii.) That no link of a mechanism can be moved without moving all the other hnks exeept the fixed one, and (iv.) That there can be only one fixed link in a mechanism. The two last propositions require a few words of explanation. Suppose that in any combination of, say, four links, two can be moved without moving the other two, the combination is actually one of three links only, for clearly the two im- movable links may be made into one, and are two only in name. This is very often the case in machinery, where special me- chanisme are frequently used for the express purpose of connecting rigidly two or more links, and making them act as one, at certain intervals.40 If, however, in tlie combination sup- posed, one link be fixed, while two can be moved and tliefourth can either move or be stationary, the combination no longer comes under our definition of constrainment, for the motions are at a certain point indeterminate, at the point, namely, when it is possible for the fourth link either to move or to stand. Chains often occur in which this would be the case, were it not that mechanicians take means, either by adding other chains or in other ways, to constrain the motion which would otherwise be useless to them. We ha ve now obtained some idea of the way in which mechanisms are formed, of the elements of which they consist. Before applying the knowledge we have thus acquired I must direct your atten- tion to some geometric propositions which will greatly facilitate the theoretic dealing with these mechanisms. In order that I may not enter into too wide a subject, I shall confine myself here to the eonsideration only of “ con-41 plane ” motions, or motions in which ali points of tlie moving body move in the same plane or in parallel planes. The limitation is a large one, but the cases included under conplane motion cover the greater part of those which occur in practice. The method which I have to describe is equally applicable to general motion in space as to simple constrained conplane motions of which I shall speak. Let me remind you that the motion of any figure moving in a plane is known if the motion of any two points (i. e. of a line) in it be known. The motion of any body having conplane motion is known if the motion of a plane section of it, parallel to the plane of motion, be known. Such a plane section ,of it is, of course, simply a plane figure moving in its own plane. The motion of any body having conplane motion (as in nine cases out of ten in machinery) can, therefore, be deter- mined by the determination of the mo- tion of two points. In speaking now, therefore, of the motion of a Une for shortness’ sake, it must be remembered1 42 that we are really covering all eases of conplane motion of solicl bodies. In Fig. 4 PQ and P^ are two posi- tions of the same plane figure, or plane seetion of a body having conplane mo- tion. If now we have two positions (in the same plane) of any plane figure, we know that the figure can always be moved from the one to the other by tum- ing about some point in the plane. The position of the point O, about which the figure can be turned from the position PQ to the position P^Qj can be found at once by the intersection of the normal bisectors to PP, and QQt. The motion of PQ in the plane is, of course, its mo- tion relatively to the plane, and there- fore relatively to any figure (as A B) in the plane. Such a point O as we have found here is called a temporary center, because the tuming or motion takes place about it for some finite interval of time. It will be remembered that not only the two points and PQof the figure, but every other point of it, must have a movement about* this same point O at the43 same time. Now suppose we have some further position of the same figure, as for example at the position marked P„Qa, we can find in the same way the center about which the figure must be turned to move from P1Q1 to P,Q3. We may indi- cate this point as Oj. Similarly taking other positions of this figure PSQ3 and so on, we can find other points, OaOa, &c. By joining the points OOjOjOj, we obtain a polygon, and if the figure in its motion come back to its original position the polygon also comes back on itself, and passes again through the point O. Such a polygon, whether it be closed m this way or not, is called a Central poly- gon; its comers are the temporary cen- ters of the motion of the figure. I have pointed out that ali the points in the figure PQ move round O during the motion from PQ to PxQt. They move round O necessarily through some particular angle, the angle POP,, and every point moves through the same angle, which we may call (px. As the figure may have any form we choose, let44 us suppose it so extended as to contain a line which is the same length as 001? and which makes with 001 the angle cpx, that is to say, the angle through which the figure moves about O. 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