Mi ckasee a} a Ly ah: in Pend =n aoe, Druk ot toot Spee oll. 8s? BCTL MU wn CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WAV 3 1924 090 302 161 THE NATURALIST’S LIBRARY. CONTAINING Scientific and Popular Descriptions OF MAN, QUADRUPEDS, BIRDS, FISHES, REPTILES, AND INSECTS, COMPILED FROM THE WORKS OF 3sROFFROY, LACEPEp a. & 5 * Bry, 930" pwis AND CLARKR, Any Bip ee NATUL Duy 0, chon: gs ON RAL py By 0 _ Saat STOR M4 Soy So "Oo 2s, , Ss % &s Xe" = % a> ey g 2 é ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF STARK. EDITED BY A. A. GOULD, M.A. WITH 400 ENGRAVINGS. BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON AND COMPANY. 1859. Entered according tc the Act of Congiess, mn the year 1833, BY CARTER, HENDEE, & CO. im the Cleri’s Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. . ADVERTISEMENT Tue study of Natural History has become so extensive as to cail for a great multiplication of books upon the subject. A few years ago, the translation of Buffon, which appeared under the title of ** Goldsmith’s Animated Nature,’’ was almost the only work in popular use. Even when its utter want of accuracy and adaptation to the improved state of science, was generally known, it still con- tinued to be reprinted, and was probably the instrument of dissemi- nating nearly as touch error as truth, But within a short period, several excellent works have appeared in Europe, combining in a good degree, popular and pleasing descriptions of animals, with scientific accuracy. In the present volume, an attempt has been made to compile from these a more complete and comprehensive body of popular and scientific Zoology than has heretofore appeared, in any form accessible to common ceaders. This work is arranged according to the classification of Stark, which is based upon that of Cuvier. Although it embraces scientific names and descriptions, yet these are made to occupy as little compass as possible, and are placed at the foot of the pages in the form of notes. The subject of Zoology is one of great utility, and should be extensively read. The grand object has been to render the work acceptable to general readers, by devoting a large portion of it to lively and entertaining sketches’ of the habits and instincts sf animals; and a large number of books of travels, have becn urned over in search of their illustrative traits. The original compiler having made arrangements to depart for Europe, the manuscript was submitted to the present Editor, wh is responsible for the accuracy of the press, forthe correctness of the facts selected, and for their arrangement according to the system proposed. The work is now submitted to the public, and though as a systematic work it may not be entirely such as might be ADVERTISEMENT. desired, yet the editor is confident that the abundance of authentie facts, and of useful and entertaining matter contained in its pages, will amply repay the reader for the time spent in its perusal. It has been remarked by an elegant writer, that ‘ the pursuit of Natural History in almost any way, as a study or an amusement, is both indicative and productive of gentleness, refinement and virtue.’ This we believe to be strictly true, and if the present volume shal be instrumental in diffusing a taste for knowledge, the influence of which is so salutary, we shall deem the labor bestowed upon the compilation as abundantly rewarded. THE EDITOR. DIFFERENT RACES OF MEN. ‘* Naturalists,” says Dr. Good, ‘‘ reckon five races of men” Fhese ditfer in many features of person and character, as well as 3omplexion, and we will point out the most striking distinctions. Fwst. The Evrorran, or wuts rack, is fair, having the cheeks more or less red; the head globular; the face straight and oval; the forehead slightly flattened; the nose narrow, and slightiy aquiline; the mouth usually small; the chin full and rounded; the eyes blue or gray, oftener than dark; and the hair, yellow or brown, of different shades, and flowing. The most perfect of this race may be found in Asia Minor The Circassians and others who live south of the Caucasian moun- tains, are the most beautiful persons in the world; and it should be remembered, that in this spot of the globe, man was first created This circumstance is of some weight in the conjecture -hat tho original color was white. Second. The Asiatic, or BRown man, is yellowish brown or olive; the head is nearly square; the cheek bones wide, and the face flat; the eyes are small and black; the chin rather prominent, and the hair blackish and thin. Third. The American, or. RED MAN, is of a copper color; the head is less square, the cheek bones less expanded, and the face less flattened than in the Asiatic; the eyes are deeply seated, and the hair is black, straight and thick DIFFERENT RACES OF MEN. Fourth The Arrican, or BLacK MAN, varies from a deep tawny to a perfect jet. The head is narrow; the face projecting towards the lower part; the forehead arched; the eyes projecting; the nose thick and flat; the lips, particularly the upper one, very thick; the jaws prominent; the chin retracted; the hair black, frizzled and woolly, The countenance of the negro is more unlike the European and more like the monkey, than that of any other variety. Fifth. The Ausrra.ian, or TawNY MAN, is of a mahogany color; the head is narrowed at the upper part; the forehead somewhat expanded; the upper jaws slightly prominent; the nose broad, but distinct; and the hair harsh, coarse, long and curly. This variety inhabits New Holland, and seems to form a middle point between the European and the African. In this general classification of mankind, two circumstances must be remembered. First, the distinctive characters will not apply to every individual of the particular division to which they belong; swarthy or copper colored persons are often found among the genuine white race; and European features, and sometimes even a fair skin are to be mct with in the black and tawny tribes. In the second place, we must recollect that the frequent migra- tions among some of the divisions, particularly the Europeans, would cause this race to be widely scattered, and often prominently intermixed with the other races in their own particular divisions of the globe. “Consequently, we' are more likely to meet with Asiatics and Africans possessing European features, than to find among the white race the wide cheek bones and flat face of the brown manand the flat nose and thick lips of the negro. PARTS OF A BIRD. The external parts of a bird, which require to be noticed and distin- guished by the naturalist, are the head, neck, body, wings, tail and legs; which parts again are subdivided more or less minutely, according to the taste of various writers on the subject. The above outline engraving is to assist young naturalists in naming these. 1, Maxriia Superior, the upper mandible of the bill. 2. Maxityia Inrertor, the lower mandible of the bill. 3. CuLmen, the ridge of the bill. 4. Gonys, the angle or point of the under mandible. 5. Dertrom, the hook of the bill. 6, Nargs, the nostrils. 7. Mesorurntom, the upper ridge of the bill. 8. Lorom, the bone, a naked space at the base of the bill. 9. Mento, the chin. 10. Frons, the forehead. 1]. Vertex, the crown of the head. 12. Stncirur, the, hinder part of the head. 13. Capistroum, the face, 14, Suprrctiioum, the eyebrow. 15. Recro Orntuamica, the ree gion of the eye. 16. Tempora, the temples, 17. Gena; the cheek. , 18. Reero Parorica, the pares above the ear. 19. Cotium, the neck. 20. Crrorx, the hinder part of tbe neck. PARTS JF A BiRD. 21. Nucaa, the nape of the neck. 22. Aucnenium, the under nape ot the neck. 23. Gurr, the throat. 24. Gua, the gullet. 25. Jueu.om, the lower throat. 26. Pecrus, the breast. » Ericastrum, the stomach. 28. ABDOMEN. 29. Hypocuonpria, the sides of || the abdomen. 30. Venter, the belly. 31. Crissum, the vent. 32. Dorsum, the back. 33. InrERscaPruLuw, the space be- tween the shoulders. 34. Teneum, the middle of the | back. J 35. Urnoryerom, the rump. 36. Humeni, the shoulders. 37. Fiexoura, the bend of the wing. 38. Axrura, the arm-pit. 39. Axa, the wing 40. Tecrrices, the wing coverta. 41. Tecrraices Masorgs, the larg est wing coverts. 42. Tecrrices Mrnores, smallest wing coverts. 43. Tectrices Mepiz, the mid dle wing coverts, 44, Remieers, the rowers. 45. Primarte, the quills. 46. Secunpar x, secondaries, 47. Caupa, the tail. 48. Rectrices, the tail feathers, the | divided into, 49, InrermEDIAEz, the middle, and, 50. LaTeraes, the side feathers. | 51. Trsta, the thigh answering to the leg in quadrupeds. 52. Prana, or Pes, foot, divided into 53. Tarsus, the shank, answering to the heel in quadrupeds. 54, Acrorarsium, the shin. ‘55. Hauux, the grea we, 56. Diarri, the toes ELEMENTS oF NATURAL HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. Tue stject of Natural History is the material world, and the various classes of organized and inorganic bodies which form its component parts. To examine and arrange these in connection with the laws by which they are governed, to investigate their structure, their history, and their uses, is the province of the Naturalist. In its most extended sense, Natural History embraces all the visible ereation, and includes every object in that creation, from the most magnificent of the celestial bodies, to the smallest ‘insect or particle of dust, which is found in the globe inhabited by men. A field so extensive, compared with the limited powers of the human faculties, is too vast for the subject of mdividual research ; and in detail its objects are so numerous, that to possess a knowledge of even a small portion of these, has been considered a competent task for a life spent in investigation. For this reason it has become matter of necessity to subdivide and arrange the objects of the material world into portions, suitable to the powers and the intelligence of those whose province and interest it is to investigate the wonders of creation. One great branch, termed Natura. Puttosopxy, has thus been divided into numerous depart- ments, of which Dynamics, or the doctrine of the laws of motion and its effects, and its subsidiary divisions, Statics, Hydrostatics, &c., ofler a wide field to investigation. The observation of the positions and revolutions of the heavenly bodies has become the province of that branch of Natural Science denominated Astronomy: the nature, mo- tion, and qualities of light, form the science of Orrics: the changes that take place in the atmosphere, as they are perceived by the senses, or indicated by instruments, is the object of MeTEorotocy: and it is the province.of Curmistry, another great branch of Physical Science, 2 x INTRODUCTION. to investigate the mutual agencies of the elementary principles of mate ‘ter upon one another, their composition, and the laws by which they are reculated. These divisions of the great field of Natural Science have, from the universality of their influence, been called General Physics ; while Natural History, in its limited sense, and as confined to the examination of what have been called the three kingdoms of Nature, viz: the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral, has received the name of Particular Physics. Natural History, besides, is distinguished from the other branches of science now named in this, that while Dy- ramies is a science chiefly of calculation, and Chemistry of experi- ment, the basis of this science rests chiefly un observation. In the limited sense in which Natural History is thus to be under- stood, as confined to the three great divisions of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, a System of Nature is a grand catalogue of the objects in these kingdoms, in which each individual has a distinctive charac- ter and an appropriate name. These individuals, for the sake of ar- rangement, are collected into groups, which have something in com- mon, and which are termed Genera; genera are further combined into other groups, which form in systems what are called Orders; and or- ders are finally arranged under one great head, which is termed a Class. This scale of divisions, of which the highest contains the least, is, as Baron Cuvier remarks, a kind of dictionary, where the prozerties of things are investigated to discover their names, and which rv veases the usual order of such works, where the names are indicated us de- sailing the qualities of the things named. But though method and arrangement form the first step to th. ruow- ledge of the numerous objects which claim the attention of t.v. ‘atu- ralist, Natura] History is by no means confined to a list of ne ves. If the method be a good one, and the subdivisions arranged cor ornably to the fundamental and natural connections of bodies, the very arranze- ment and classification of names of beings which have som thing in common, leads to the knowledge of their connection and dk xendence upon one another, and to their comparative importance in th: scale of existence. Were it possible to arrange all the classes of organized and inorganized existence in such a manner that the individuals of the same genus should be more nearly connected with that genus than with any other—the genera of the same order more nearly connectea with that order than with ali the other orders, and so on,—little more would be necessary to make the method, so far as depends on arrange- ment, complete. But it has not hitherto been found in practice, that * INTRODUCTION. xl characters sufficiently uniform, and, at the same time, easily cognizas ble, can be found for arranging all the groups of individuals into closely connected families. Aware of this, Linneus, in his Systema Nature, employed one system of organs in his division of its various objects; while those whe attempt to class individual species according to what is called the natural method, take the whole structure of the objects into consideration. The last of these methods, it is evident, could it be carried into effect, would be the most philosophical ; but either system followed exclusively, is found to produce the most heterogeneous combinations. That system, then, is to be considered the best, which, in addition to short and clear diagnostic characters, affords the greatest facility in investigating the productions of Nature. The term Nature, it may be remarked, bears various significations. It is sometimes used to signify the properties which a being derives from original conformation, in opposition to those which it has acquir- ed from art; sometimes to express the whole objects which, compose she universe ; at other times, the laws which regulate this universe ; and these laws being, in point of fact, the will of that beneficent and omnipotent Being, who formed all this “gay creation,” the word Nature is frequently employed, by a figure of speech, to designate its Great Author. The first great division of natural objects, is into oRGANIZED and rorsanic bodies; the first, including animals and plants—the second, minerals. These distinctions are easily understood, and have been universally acknowledged to be conformable to nature. Vitality dis- tinguishes the one——the want of vitality characterizes the other. The objects of Natural History are further arranged into three great divisions, which have appropriately enough been called king- doms, viz: the AnimaL—the VecETasLeE—and the Minerat kingdoms. These divisions are not less proper than convenient; and although some writers believe it possible to trace a continuous but progressive connection, from the most perfect animal in the scale to the inert and lifeless rock, yet there seems no good reason for supposing that suck a chain exists, or, if existing, that all the links shall ever be discovered. The works of the- Author of Nature are, indeed, all in consistent harmony with one another, and there is a mutual dependence, a:dvan- tageous to all, among the various classes of organized beings: but between the lowest form of vegetable or animal life, and the most symmetrically disposed crystal in the mineral kingdom—between a living body and inert matter—there is an immeasurable distance; and xH INTRODUCTION. between the highest of the lower animals and Man, of all be:ngs, alone endowed with the power of reason and the faculty of speech, a dis tance still more incalculable. Animals have been defined to be organized bodies, which have life and sensation, and are capable of voluntary motion ;—Vegetadles, organized bodies, endowed with a vital principle, but wanting seuss tior. ;—and Minerals, unorganized bodies, without life, and, of course, ~vithout sensation. It has been found impossible to give a satisfactory definition of Life; and physiological writers have therefore limited their efforts to com- municate some idea of the vital: principle, by remarking its effects. Life, where its effects are most easily recognized, seems to consist in the faculty with which certain corporeal combinations are endowed, of existing for a certain period under a determinate form, and assimi- lating to their substance a part of the surrounding bodies; at the same time restoring to the elements part of their own substance. This vital principle, which, when allied to matter, controls its affinities and directs its forms, is not palpable to the senseg in an uncombined shape; and it is only from its effects on material substances, that its exi.tence is demonstrated. Baron Cuvier compares the mechanical action of life on matter to a vortex, more or less rapid, more or less complicated where the supply and the waste of particles occasion a constant move- ment. While this movement subsists, the ‘body which exercises it sives; when the movement is stopped beyond recall, the body dies. After death, the elements which composed it, delivered tg the ordi-~ nary chemical affinities, soon separate, to form other and new com- binations. All living bodies die, after a period, of which the limit is determi- nate for each species; and death, indeed, appears to be a necessary result of vital action, which insensibly alters the organic structure. The living body, which derives its mysterious birth from another living body which has preceded it, at first enlarges in dimensions, according to certain proportions and limits fixed for each species, and for each of its parts; these parts gradually increase in density; the fibres and vessels which compose them, imperceptibly acquire a rigid- ity, which unfits them for the discharge of their functions ; the vital impulse ceases, and the body naturally dies. In short, absorption, assimilation, exhalation, developement, and generation, are functions common to all living beings; their birth and their death, the universal terms of their existence. INTRODUCTION. ‘ xm Organization pre-supposes life, and the organization of each being. yaplies the life proper to that being. Life, indeed, is never seen, but in connection with an organized body; and all the ingenuity of the materialist has failed to show, that particles of matter can organize themselves, or be organized by any combination known in chemistry In fact, vitality exercises upon the elements, which form at each instant part of the living body, an action contrary to what the ordi- nary chemical] affinities can produce, without this master agent; and no puwer in Nature is known, capable of reuniting again, in the same manner, the atoms which have been disjoined by death. Animal life is distinguished from vegetadle life, by the power of lucomotfon and sensation ; the first is active—the other passive. The nourishment of plants is derived through the medium of their roots ; that of animals, through a central organ of digestion, destined to receive the food. The organization of this cavity and its appur- tenances, varies according to the nature of the aliments, and the alte- rations which they undergo, before furnishing fluids proper to be absorbed ; while the atmosphere and the earth supply vegetables with juices, ready for absorption. Anirnal bodies, besides, at least those , classes higher in the scale of existence, possess a circulating system, muscles for voluntary movements, and nerves for sensation. Respira- tion is another essential function in the animal constitution ; and in proportion as the respiratory system is complete, the animal functions are more fully exercised. In addition, also, to the chemical elements, which enter into the composition of vegetables—oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon—a fourth substance, azote, seems almost peculiar to the animal constitution. ‘To complete the distinction between anima] and vegetable life, Hedwig has ingeniously remarked, that in vegetables, the sexual organs fall each year, or at each production, while animals preserve them through the whole course of their existence. As nutrition is the most general function of living bodies, under the name of organs of nutrition, are comprehended all the parts of the body by which alimentary matters are introduced for its support; or which are employed in preparing the food for that purpnse. The materials of nutrition penetrate, by various means, into organized bodies. They may either be introduced under the form of elastic fluids, by the pores, or imperceptible interstices, in all living bodies, or they may be conveyed by a particular organization for this purpose, mto an internal organ of digestion. Sometimes this internal canai, or aigesiive cavity, has the form of a tube with two orifices the one for XIv INTRODUCTION, the entran:e of food, the other for the exit of matters unfit for the purposes of life; others have only a single opening, destined to this double use; and a few which are found in water, absorb their nourish- ment in the manner of vegetables, with this difference, that the canals which run from their numerous mouths, end in a common cavity. The solid matters introduced into the digestive cavity, or stomach, are converted by an internal process, first, into a pulpy mass, named chyme, and afterwards, into a semi-fluid substance, denominated chyle, which is finally taken up, or absorbed, by appropriate vessels, and conveyed to the great centre of circulation, the heart. . The movement communicated by the action of the heart to the - nternal fluids, tow mixed with other animal liquids, and termed blood, by which they are impelled through the body, is known by the name of circulation. The vessels which conduct the blood or chyle to the heart, are called veins; those which conduct it from the heart to the other parts of the body, are called arteries; and the alternate dilatation and contraction of this important organ, is the mechanism by which this object is accomplished. In certain classes of animals, in which the circulation is simple, the venous blood terminates in a kind of reservoir, or appendage to the heart, named azricle. A muscular apparatus, attached to this sinus, propels the blood, which it receives through an orifice, into the cavity of the heart. The ventricle, com- posed of thicker and stronger muscular walls, is furnished with move able valves, which prevent the blood from returning into the auricle, while it is impelled by the contraction of the ventricle, into the artery. This arrangement varies much, both in the mechanism and in the number of auricles and cavities in the heart, in different classes, and. éven in families of the same class of animals. The liquid, prepared by the process of digestion, requiring to be submitted to the action of the atmosphere, or water containing air, to absorb the oxygen and deprive it of certain principles, the function hy which this is accomplished is called respiration. The organ which performs this service is the Zwugs, through which the blood is forced by the action of the keart. In animals doomed by their organization to live constantly in water, respiration is eflected by means of mem- branous lamine, called gills, (branchie,) which separate the air from the water, as it passes over their multiplied surface. Among animals which appear to have ne true circulation, there exists another mode of respiration, by trachez, or air-vessels, by which the air is conveyed through the body in elastic canals; and in these INTRUDUCTION, xv animals. it is through their integuments, which are soft and easily permeable, or on their surface, that the respiratory function is exercis- ed, as in vegetables. In many animals, the mode of generation is not known. Of others, fixed to solid bodies, like vegetables by their roots, the power of re- production seems to be by buds, or gemme, or by means of a separas tion, which operates naturally or accidentally, of some parts of their bodies, in which are ultimately developed the organs which at first were wanting. In all other animals, there are organs specially des- tined to generauon. These organs distinguish the males froin the females. In the greater part of animals, the sexes are distinct and se}'arate, in two different individuals of the same species; but in some classes, the individuals are at once males and females. In this case, these beings are termed androgynous. Sometimes, the individuals possess both sexes, like the greater number of vegetables, and they are then called hermaphrodites. The animals which have the sexes separate, differ, also, among themselves. Those are termed oviparous, in which the germ of the young individual is separated from the parent for a time before birth, under the form of an egg. Viviparous animals, on the contrary, are those in which the young are ‘nourished in an organ, termed the uterus, and are not excluded from the mother till they have taken the form which they afterwards preserve. Other modifications are noticed among the oviparous animals, or those which deposit eggs. In some, the egg is impregnated within the animal, and then the shell, or covering, is generally solid or corne- ous. In others, such as fishes, frogs. sume insects, and many mol- lusca, the impregnation of the ovum does not take place till after extrusion. Two remarkable circumstances have been further observ ed, among oviparous animals. The one is, that in some species the ova are not truly excluded, but hatched in the parent animal, who thus preserves the imperfect beings, till they have acquired the requi- site solidity for beang deposited in a place adapted to their further deve- lopement. These species, which are met with in very different classes are termed ovo-viviparous. The other singular fact to be noticed in regard to oviparous animals is, that in a very great number of species, the young, when hatched, have neither the form, the structure, nor the manners of the parent animal; and many live in altogether a different mediuin. These animals undergo, in the course of their limited ex- istence, many organic transformations, or successive metainorphoses. xvi INTRODUCTION. Such, in particular, are the frogs, and connected genera, and the whole class of insects. The moving power is another characteristic of animal organization. It is seated in the muscular Jibre, which is formed of filaments of ex- Jessive tenuity, capable of contraction, and of moving the parts upou which they are fixed. These fibres are distributed over the body, and produce all its exterior and interior motions. When they are unites in a bundle, of which the mass co-operates in the same action, this bundle 1s termed a muscle. In animal bodies, there are as many different muscles as there are simple movements; and besides, there are generally, for the purpose of bringing back the parts to their original position, other bundles of fibres, destined to produce a con- trary effect, and which have been accordingly termed antagonist muscles. The element of the muscular fibre, chemically considered, appears to reside in a matter called fibrine. : The other organs destined to the purposes of movement, are alto gether passive. Sometimes they are disposed outwardly, under the appearance of membranes, or integuments, more or 'ess solid; some- {imes under the form of crusts or sheaths, in the in erior of which the ruscles are placed. The solidity of these parts, their structure, their articulation, and movements, correspond to the animal’s mode of life; and these crusts, shells, scales, or sheaths, are of a calcareous or horny nature, and adapted to the efforts they are destined to sustain,—the more soft coverings of this kind, as may be conceived, being only calculated for motion in fluids. In the higher classes of animals, the solid articulated parts which form the frame-work of the body and modify its form, are almost always placed internally, and serve the purpose of jointed levers, and asa fulcram for their muscular coverings. These parts are the ones of animals, and when arranged as a whole, they are termed the bony skeleton. All these bones meet in a central stalk, or hollow and moveable column, called the spzne, of which the pieces, more or less solid and numerous, are termed vertebre. Among those which are, ox. this account, named Vertebrated Animals, the column is terminated at one end by the cranium, a bony cavity, inclosing the mass of zere- bral matter which gives sensation, and is the seat, generally, of four ergans of sense. In the head is also placed the mouth, an instru- mont capable of prehension, and provided with organs for mechanical- ly‘dividing the aliment; and often, also, in this important part of animals, the organs are placed which produce or facilitate the actiog * INTRODUCTION. xvil of respiration. The spine is generally prolonged behind, and forms the tail in many animals. The mechanical apparatus by which animals acquire the know- ledge of what is around them, are termed organs of sense ; and the impressions made on these by external objects, sensations. The medium by which these sensations are conveyed to the brain, the great centre of nervous energy, is through nerves; and the whole apparatus of sensation is termed the nervous system. In animals not possessed of a brain, or spinal column, cords, or threads of nervous matter, with thickenings, or ganglions, at certain distances, form their medium of sensation; and although in some groups of animals, com- posed of soft parts, or of extreme tenuity, the presence of nerves has not been satisfactorily traced, yet there seems little reason to doubt the existence, in a greater or less degree, of the faculty of sensation, in even the lowest of the animal races. The material substance of animal bodies, in an anatomical view, may be divided into solids and fluids. The solid portions are named tissues, and are united, or combined in various degrees, in the animal organs. These tissues have been distinguished by anatomists by their forms, or by the chemical elements which enter into their compo- sition. They are chiefly the following: 1. The cellular tissue, form- ing in the greater number of animals the connecting medium of all their organs, and enveloping and penetrating them by a reticulation, of a spongy nature, which takes the form of ceils, capable of disten- sion by the fluids which it includes. 2. The fibro-gelatinous tissue is a collection of solid, tenacious, and resisting fibres, in their longitudi- nal direction, flexible and elastic across, whose use seems to be to com- municate movement, and resist the efforts of exterior force. It is so named, from dissolving in boiling water, to the consistence of a jelly. 3. The membranous tissue is a disposition of thin, membranous, flexible laminw, extended like a web, and various in structure and uses. The eutaneous membrane envelopes the superficies of the body, and per- mits absorption and exhalation. It is formed of many layers, and prodaces the hair feathers, nails, scales, &c., of the animal body. Other membranes are called mucous, or folliculous, because they secrete a viscid fluid, which lubricates their internal surface; and serous membranes are those so named from their internal smooth and polished surface, exhaling a very liquid humor. They form thin and transparent sacs, without openings, which facilitate the reciprocal movements of the organs. 4. The vascular tissue is formed of con- 3 xVIL . INTRODUCTION, tinuous, membranous, branched tubes, to receive, contain, and direct the nutritive juices, from the organs where they are preyared, till they are required for the purposes of nutrition, respiration, ur the secretions 5. The glandular tissue includes those secreting o.gans which pro- duce fluids for internal use, or to transmit them out cf the body, by means of excretory canals. These organs have a granular or lobated form. 6. The bony tissue, or cartilaginous, calcareous, and corneous, is formed by the mucous, or gelatinous parenchyma, in which are deposited the hardest and most resisting parts, which protect the body and contribute to its motion. 7%. The fibrinous or muscular tissue is composed of filaments disposed in bundles, which, from their power of contraction, produce all the movements which characterize animals. 8. The xervous tissue is a net-work of filaments and tubes, in the interior of which are found prolongations of the cerebral matter. This tissue, extending from the centre to the circumference, like radii from a centre, is the medium of sensation,—actuates every member through the medium of volition, and connects all the parts of the body by a mutual sympathy. The animal fluids are found in the body under the form of gases, o1 liquids, of various consistence. The first being absorbed, or exhaled, are but momentarily under this form. The fluids are the chyme, the chyle, the lymph, the blood, and the serous, albuminous, mucous, saline, and other humors, peculiar to different parts of the body. The simple chemical elements which are found in the animal struc- ture, are among the imponderable agents, caloric, light, and the electric fluids. Among the simple gases, azote, which enters into the composition of many of the tissues; hydrogen, which is one of the elements of lymph, bile, &c.; oxygen, which all animals absorb in the act of respiration; carbon, lime, sulphur, iron, &c., which serve as the base of many salts, formed by carbonic and phosphoric acid. The instincts and habits of the different classes of animals will be nereafter detailed, in the descriptions of the individual species, whose manners have been most accurately observed. It {s sufficient, in tnis place, to state, that all their motives to action, their migrations, and their instincts, may be traced to the desire of self-preservation, and the impulse of reproduction. The Vecetaste Kincpom is sufficiently distinguished from the animal, as before remarked, by its passive character, by the want or spontaneous motion, and of sensation. Vegetable life is. theretore, supported by absorption ; and its functions, like those of animals. are # iNTRODUCTIGR. ¥ix exercised in nutrition, developement, and reproduction. The principal part of the nourishment of plants, is derived from their roots; and their texture is composed of tissues and vessels formed for absorbing, retaining, and elaborating the nutritive juices, drawn from the soil and atmosphere. The vegetable kingdom, likewise, has this analogy among others, with the animal; that the function of 1eproduction is performed through the medium of sexual organs. These organs are protected. by the cerolla, or flower; and all the display of color and form in this essential part of vegetables, is, like the notes of many birds, connected with the important purpose of the continuation of the species. The number, form, and situation of these organs, has afford- ed to Linneus the chief characters in his simple, though artificial arrangement of the classes and orders of plants, in consequence termed the sexwal system; while what is called the natural system, proposed by Jussien, is founded chiefly upon the presence or absence, and the nature of the seed, or germ—the relative position of the stamina— and upon the absence or presence, and form, of the corolla. The Miverat Kinepom is distinguished from the other two great divisions, by the absence of vitality and organic structure. Forming the solid crust of the globe, the mineral kingdom, in its various com- pounds, affords support and sustenance to the organized beings existing on its surface. The constitution and arrangement of the mineral strata have given rise to various theories, to account for their present appearance ; but facts have not yet been sufficiently multiplied to afford a satisfactory solution. One. great line, however, is drawn be- tween those mineral strata which have been termed primitive, in which no organized remains occur, and those of posterior formation, in which the remains of plants and animals are discovered. The principal external characters of the mineral kingdom are taken from their specific gravity, as compared with water,—hardness,—crystalli- zation, when it exists, —and cleavage, or the direction of the lamella, which, in many minerals, is regulated by the relation of the external surfaces to the primary crystal, or form. Of a less constant kind are color, degree of transparency, fracture, and the streak which many minerals show, when scratched. The physical characters are fusibi- lity, solubility, phosphorescence, electricity, magnetism, and refraction. Linneus, in his Systema Nature, arranged the Animal kingdom into six classes, the Vegetable kingdosa into twenty-four, and the Mineral kingdom into three. As this arrangement, though now modified and extended in many of its parts, as will be detailed elsee XxX INTRODUCTION. where, forms the basis of modern classification, and was the first sue- cessful attempt at arranging in intelligible order, the various objects of Natural History, its principal divisions are subjoined.* CLASS FIRST—MAMMALIA. CLASS FOURTH — PISCES. Orpre_ I. Primates, Orver I. Apodes, - II. Bruta, Ke Il. Jugulares, « Til Ferz, “TI. Thoracici, «IV. Glires, « TV. Abdominales. « _V. Pecora, « VL Bellue, CLASS FIFTH—INSECTA. “VIL. Cete. Orver I. Coleoptera, ‘ us II. Hemiptera, CLASS SECOND— AVES. mK THE, Lepldomers, Orver I. Accipitres, «IV. Neuropiera, ce Il. Pice, ee V. Hymenoptera, « JI. Anseres, «VI. Diptera, “IV. Gralle, «VIL. Aptera. “e V. Galline, a RO Feces CLASS SIXTH—VERMES. Orver I. Intestina, CLASS THIRD— AMPHIBIA. “ Il. Mollusca, Orver I. Reptilia, « III. Testacea, s II. Serpentes, «TV. Lithophyta, « III. Nantes. _ V. Zoophyta. THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM is divided into twenty-four classes, according to the number and post tion cf tha stamens; the greater part of the orders, from the number of pistils mn tue flower; others, by the situation of the seeds, and form of the seed-vessels ; in compound flowers, from the arrangement of the florets; and the great cles of cryptogamic plants, or plants without conspicuvus flowers, form four orders, divided into Filices, Musci, Alge, and Fungi. THE MINERAL KINGDOM is divided ints three classes, viz: J. Petra; II. Miners; IIT. Fosstz1a; and numerous subdivisions. But, as the mineral] kingdom had attract ed but little of the attention of Linneus, and the progress of chemistry * Systema Nature ed. 12. Holmie ~765. INTRODUCTION. XX1 has since changed the whole science of mineralogy, it is not necessary here, to give the inferior details. Such is the “field of realities,’ as M. Lamarck terms it, which the study of Nature offers to the intelligent mind. Life, in all its aspects, is exhibited in countless forms, and the regular succession of organized beings, present the creation in the attractive features of perennial youth. Without herbivorous races, the vegetable kingdom would soon encumber the surface of the globe; without carnivorous animals, the others would multiply beyond their means of support; and provi- sion is made in those tribes, whose food is decomposing substances, to free the earth from dead animal remains. By no conceivable means, could the same amount of existence and happiness be attained , and the whole system is so wonderfully arranged, that among the oe less existences which people the earth, the air, and the waters, there is a constant harmony between the means of existence and the existing bemgs. While animals, useful to others, are produced in amazing numbers, the fecundity of others, whose physical powers might other- wise give them a superiority, are limited, and species apparently the most defenceless, are provided with means of protection, which insure their perpetuity. To Man alone, as the intelligent head of the whole, is given the dominion over the inferior creatures; his reason has enabled him to apply to his use the whole of the organized and inorganic bodies around him, and left him, within certain limits, the accountable Master of the creation. ~ On the utility of a knowledge of the objects of Nature, to a being depending on her productions for the supply of all-his conveniences and wants, it is scarcely necessary to insist. No species of human learning is so well calculated to form habits of attention and correct observation, as the study of the different branches of Natural History ; and none is more admirably adapted to the feelings and capacities of the young. Besides the improvement of the intellectual powers, which the examination of the structure and habits of any class of organized beings is calculated to produce, and the associations likely to be thereby awakened, there is something in the study of Nature which anrroaches to philosophy of a higher kind—something that, while it teaches man his place in this Creation of Wonders, infallibly leads him to admire the wisdom, and power, and goodness, displayed by us Great Author. FIRST—THE ANIMAL KINGDOM: Accorp:ng to Cuvier, there are four principal forms, after which all living neings seem to have been modelled. The basis of these distinctions is laid in the organization of the creatures themselves. Sensation and move- ment are the characteristics of animals. ‘The heart and the organs of circulation, seem a kind of centre for those functions which may be called vegetative, while the brain and the nervous system, form the principal source of the functions more exclusively animal. Descending from the higher to the lower races of animals, both these systems are found gradually to become more imperfect, and finally to disappear altogether. In the lowest tribes in the scale, where nerves are no longer visible, the muscular fibre also ceases to be distinct, and the organs of digestion are reduced to a simple cavity in the homogeneous mass. In insects, the vascular system disappears, even before the nervous system; but in general, the dispersion of the medullary masses is connected with the agents of muscular motion: a spinal marrow, upon which knots, or ganglia, represent as many brains, or seats of sensation, corresponding to the structure of a body divided into numerous rings, and supported by pairs of limbs, distributed along these annulations. This relative proportion in the structure of general furms, which results from the arrangement of the organs of motion, from the dis- tiibution of the nervous masses, and from the energy of the circulating system constitutes the ‘basis upon which M. Cuvier has founded the princi- pal divisions of the Animal Kingdom. In the first of these general forms, which is that of Man, and the animals which resemble him most nearly, the brain and the principal trunk of the nervous system.are inclosed in bony cases; the first called the cranium, the second the vertebra. To the sides of the vertebral column, as to a centre, are attached the ribs, and the bones of the members which form the frame- work of the body. The muscles, in general, cover the bones, which they put into actior, and the viscera are inclosed in the head and trunk. Animals of this form are calicd VerTEBRATED ANIMALS, (Anzmalia Vertebrata.) They have all red blood, a muscular heart, a mouth with two horizontal Jaws, distinct organs of vision, hearing, smell, and taste, situated in cavities of the head, and never more than four limbs. The sexes are always separate and the distribution of the medullary masses and the principal branches of the nervous system, is nearly the same in all. On a close examination of any of the characters of this leading division, some analoey of conformation is always found, even in the species the most 24 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. remote from each other; and the gradation of the same general plan is to be traced from Man down to the lowest of the fishes. ‘In the second conformation, peculiar to animals, there is no nternal frame- work, or skeleton. The muscles are simply attached to the skin, which forms a soft and contractile covering, from which proceed, in many species, stony plates or envelopes, denominated shells, of which the position and produc- tion are analogous to that of the mucous body. The nervous system is, with the viscera, included im this general covering, and is composed of many scattered masses, united by nervous threads. The principal of these, placed upon the cwsophagus, is denominated the brain. Of the senses, nroperly so zalled, the organs of taste and sight are alone to be distinguished, and even these are sometimes wanting. One family alone exhibits the organs of hearing. This division, however, is always characterized by a complete circulating system, and particular organs for respiration; and the organs of digestion and secretion are little less complicated than those of the verte- brated animals. Though the general plan of their organization be not so uniform in regard to external configuration, as the preceding division, yet even between these parts, there is always an analogous resemblance in structure and functions. This division is termed Motiuscovs ANIMALS, (Animalia Mollusca.) The third general form is that which is observed in insects, worms, &c. Their nervous system consists of éwo long cords, extending along the belly, swelled out at intervals, and uniting into knots, or ganglia. The first of these, placed upon the esophagus, though held analogous to the brain, is but little larger than the others. The covering of the body is divided by trans- verse folds, into a certain number of rings, of which the teguments are in some hard, in others soft, but to the interior of which the muscles are always attached. Articulated limbs are often attached to the sides of the annulated portions of the trunk, but it is also frequently destitute of those organs of movements. To these animals, Cuvier has given the name of Articu- LATED ANIMALS, (Animalia Articulata.) In this division is observed the transition from the circulating system in closed vessels, to a nutritive process, by simple imbibition; and also a cor- responding transition from respiration, by circumscribed organs, to respiras tion performed through the medium of trachee, or air-vessels, disjersed througi: the body. The organs of taste and sight, are very evident in the animals of this division. Their jaws, when they have any, are invariably lateral. One family alone possesses the organ of hearing. The animals comprehended under the fourth general form, are nsually known by the name of Zoopuytes. They approach, in structure, to the homogeneous character of plants. Neither a distinct nervous system, nor particular organs of sense, are perceptible, and but obscure vestiges of cir- culation. Their respiratory organs are almost always on the surface of their bolies The intestines of the greater number consist merely in a VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. 25 tavity, without an outlet. The lowest in the series, which are also the last of the animal tribes, exhibit nothing but a homogeneous pulp, possessed of motion and sensibility. In the preceding divisiuns, the organs of move- ment and sense are disposed symmetrically, on both sides of an axis; but in this, they have a circular arrangement, around a common centre. This form of existence Cuvier arranges under the head of RapiaTED ANIMALS, (Animalia Radiata.) a) The term Zoology, includes the whole of the Animal kingdom ; hesides wnico, different departments have received particular names; such as Orni- thology, for the birds; Ichthyology, for the fishes; Entomology, for insects; and Conchology, for the testaceous Mollusca. FIRST DIVISION. VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. Tue body of vertebrated animals is sustained by a skeleton, composed of many pieces, connected together and moveable upon one another. The body is composed of a head, a trunk, and limbs. The head is formed of the eranium, which incloses the brain, and of the face, composed of two jaws. In the face are the organs of sense. The trunk is sustained by the spine and ribs. The spine is composed of vertebra which move upon one another, all of which have a cylindrical opening in the centre, forming together, a ca- nal, containing the portion of nervous matter called the spinal marrow. The ribs are semicircular, and protect the sides of the cavity of the trunk. They are generally articulated, by one extremity, to the vertebral column, and by the other, to the sternum. In some species, they are scarcely perceptible. The vertebrated animals have never more than two pair of limbs; some- times, indeed, one or other of these pairs is deficient, and sometimes both. According to the motions to which these limbs are destined to be subser- vient, the anterior ones assume the form of hands, feet, wings, <1 fius; the posterior, of feet or fins. * s The blood of the vertebrated animals is always red, and seems, by its composition, adapted to sustain energy of sensation anc muscular vigor. The correspondence of the blood with the respiration, necessary to the several species of these animals, has suggested their division into classes. The external organs of sense, in all vertebrated animals, are two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the teguments of the tongue, and the teguments of the whole body. The nerves unite with the nervous matter in the vertebra, end terminate in two medullary masses, in the cranium, the volume of which is generally proporticned to the extent of the intellectual eapicity. There are always two jaws, an upper and under one. The principal motion exists in the lower, which bas the power of elevanon or depression. 4 26 VEKRTEBRATED ANIMALS. In the greater number, the upper jaw is completely fixed and motionless, Both are generally provided with teeth, excrescences of a peculiar nature, similar in chemical composition to bone, but which grow from the jaws by a process or secretion. The jaws of one entire class, however, (that of birds,) and tae genus Testudo, in that of reptiles, are invested with a horny substance. The intestinal canal extends from the mouth to the anus, in various degrees of expansion or contraction. It possesses certain appendices, and receives liquids of a solvent nature, viz: saliva, from the mouth, the secre- tion of the gland denominated pancreas, and the bile, which is produced by another large gland, the liver. In the passage of the food through the alimentary canal, the part of it adapted to the purposes of uutrition, and termed the chyle, is absorbed by the lacteal vessels, and conveyed into the pulmonary artery, where, in combination with the blood, it undergoes a certain change; and after each portion of the body has received its proper supply, the remainder is carried back into the veins, by a set of vessels analogous to the lacteals, and which, together, form what is usually called the lymphatic system. The veins carry back to the heart the blood which has served the purposes of nutrition. This blood, however, must pass either wholly or partially into the organ of respiration, for the purpose of resuming its arteria) character, before it is carried back by the arteries, to the different parts of the body. In the three first classes of vertebrated animals, the organ of respiration consists of lungs, an assemblage of small cells, permeable by the external air. In fishes alone, respiration is performed by gills, or branchie—a series of lamine, between which the water passes. In all vertebrated animals, the blood which furnishes to the liver the materials of the bile, is supplied from the venous blood which has circulat- ed in the intestines, and which, after being reunited in a trunk called the vena porte, is again divided at the liver, and distributed in ramifications through its suhstance. The sexes in this division are always in separate individuals; but the mode in which fecundation is performed, is different in the various classes. Though, in all these points, the vertebrated animals have a general resems blance, yet the various beings of which this division is composed, present peculiarities, which are the foundation of their arrangement into classes. These differences depend upon the nature and energy of their movements, which again are always proportioned to the quantunvof respiration; for upon the perfection of this function, in a great measure, depend the irritability of the muscular fibre, and the energy of the muscular action. The quantity of respiration depends upon the relative portion of blood, contained at every given instant of time, in the lungs, and the amount of oxygen which enters into the composition of the fluid. The quantity of blood is altogether determined, by the peculiar disposition of the organs of respiration and circulation. = MAMMALIA. Q7 The organs of circu.ation may be double, so that all the blood conveyed 4y the veins from the different parts, must undergo a process of circulation, befor. 1t can be returned by the arteries; or they may be simple, in which case, valy a portion of the blood which returns to the body, passes through the lungs. This last is the case with reptiles. The quantity of their respiration, and the qualities depending on it, vary with the relative propor- aon of blued, returned at each pulsation, into the lungs. Fishes have a double circulation; but as they respire through the medinm er water, and their blood only receives the portion of oxygen in that meuium, their quantity of respiration is, perhaps, less than that of reptiles. ina ue Mammalia, the circulation is double, and the respiratory process simp. ‘the quantity of their respiration is superior to that of reytiles and “fisues. Rut the quantity of respiration in birds is sti!l greater than that of quaa.uyeds, because they also respire by various other cavities, as well as the lung.. The air penetrates through their whole body, and acts upon the branches of the aorta, with the same efficiency as upon those of the pulmonary artery. From these «circumstances result four different kinds of motion, among vertebrated animals. Quadrupeds, in whom the quantity of respiration is moderate, are nrmed for walking and running, and their predominant characteristic is vigor. Birds, whose respiratory system is more extensive, possess the lightness and strength of muscles necessary to support them in their flight. Repules, which respire more feebly, creep non the earth, and many of them puss more or less of their existence in a state of torpor. And fishes, which move in a fluid almost as specifically heavy as themselves, are enabled to execute their movements, by an arrangement altogether different from the others. Every peculiarity of organization proper to each of these classes, and especially such as belong to motion and external sensation, have a close and necessary relation with the characters now enumerated. » CLASS FIRST—MAMMALIA. Vertebrate? Animals, with red and warm blood, breathing through lungs, vive parous, and suckling their young with milk formed in their breasts, or mamme. Tue class Mammalia is placed at the head of the Animal kingdom, not only because it is the class to which Man, considered in his animal structure, belongs, but also bec use the Mammalia enjoy the most numerous faculties, the must delicate sensations, and the most varied powers of motion. As the quantity of respiration is in mammiferous animals moderate, tney are generally formed for walking, and, in consequence, all the articulations of the:r frame have defined forms, which determine their motions. 28 MAMMALIA. Some 9f the Mammalia, however, can raise themselves in the air, by means of elongated limbs connected by extensible membranes; others have their limbs so much sho~tened, that they can move with facility only in water; but these cireums ances by no means exclude them from the cluss to which they are allied, by other essential characters. All the Mammalia have the upper jaw fixed to the craaium; the ‘ower us composed of two pieces, articulated by-a projecting condyle to a iixed temporal bone. The neck is composed of seven, and, in one specirs, cf nine vertebre. The anterior ribs are attached to a sternum, fornied of a uumber of pieces, placed vertically. Their anterior extremity conumences at the scapula, which is not articulated to any other bone, but simply suspended in the muscular attachments, and often resting on the sternum, by an interme- diate bone, denominated the clavicle. This extremity is ccntinued by an arm, a fore-arm, and a hand, which last is formed of two rows of little bones, called the carpus, of another row named the metacarpus, and of fingers, each composed of two or three bones, called phalanges. ’ With the exception of the Cetacea, all this class have the first part of the posterior extremity fixed to the spine. This part, in the form of a girdle, or basin, is named the pelvis. In youth, it is divided into three pairs of bones,—the os ilium, which is attached to the vertebral column; the os pubis, which forms the anterior part; and the ischiwm, which forms the posterior portion. At the junction of these three bones, is the cavity where the bone of the thigh is articulated, to which again is joined the leg, com- posed of two bones, the zia and the fibula. This extremity is terminated by the foot, which is composed of parts analogous to the hand, viz; a tarsus, metutarsus, and toes. The head, in the Mammalia, is always articulated by two condyles. "pon the atlas, or first vertebra. The brain is composed of two hemispneres, united by a medullary lamina, called the corpus callosum, and contains two ventricles, inclosing four pairs of tubercles, called corpora striata, the thalami optici, nates, and testes. Between the thalami optic: is a third ventricle, com- municating with the fourth, situated beneath the cerebellum. The crura of the cerebellum form always under the medulla oblongata, a transverse prominence, called pons Varola. The eye, always lodged in its orbit, is protected by two eyelids, and a vestige of a third. Its crystalline lens is fixed by the ciliary processes, and its cellular sclerotic coat. In the ear there is always found a cavity, shut up by a membrane, called the tympanum, with four little bones; a vestibule, at the entrance of which ne of these bones is placed, and which communicates with three semicir- cular canals; finally, a spiral canal, termed the cochlea, which terminates by one of its canals in the tympanal cavity, and by the other into the vesti- bule. ‘Fhe cranium is divided into three compartments. The antcrior part is formed of the two frontal bones and the ethinoid; the intermediate, by the parietal anJ the sphenoid bones; and the posterior, by the occipital bone. MAMMALIA 29 Between the occipital, the parietal, and the sphenoid, are inserted the tem- poral vones, which, to a certain extent, belong to the faze. In the fcetus the occiput is divided into four parts, the body of the sphenoid into two, and three of its pairs of ale are separate; the temporal bone into three, of which one serves to complete the cranium, another to enclose the labyrinth of the ear, the third to form the walls of its cavity, &c. These portions of the cranium unite more or less quickly, according to the species, and end by perfect union in the adult. ; The face is formed by the two maxillary bones, between which the nasal canal passes. Before these, are two intermaxillary, behind two palate bones, and between them descends the single plate of the ethmoid bone, named the vomer. At the entrance of the nasal canal are the bones which form the nose. The molar or cheek bone of each side, unites the maxillary to the temporal, and often to the frontal bone; and finally, the lachrymal cavity occupies thé internal angle of the orbit, and sometimes part of the cheek. The tongue, in the Mammalia, is always fleshy, and attached to the hyoid bone, which bone is suspended by ligaments to the cranium. Their lungs, two in number, are composed of a mass of small cells, inclosed without adhesion in a cavity formed by the sides of the diaphragm, and lined by the pleura. Their organ of voice is at the upper extremity of the trachea or windpipe; and a fleshy continuation, named velum palati, establishes a direct communication between their larynx and the back part of their ‘nostrils. Living on the earth’s surface, as do the greater part of the Mammalia, they are exposed to alternations of heat and cold, and their bodies have, in consequence, a covering of hair, which is thicker in the colder, and more scanty in the warmer regions. The Cetacea, which inhabit the sea, are, however, totally destitute of this covering. The intestinal canal of the mammiferous animals, is suspended by a fold of the peritoneum, called the mesentery, which contains numerous con- globate glands for the lacteal vessels. Another production of the perito- num, named the epiploon, hangs before and beneath the intestines. The generation of the Mammalia 1s essentially viviparous. The foetus, after conception, descends into the uterus, to the inner surface cf which it és attached by means of an arrangement of vessels, termed the placerta, through the medium of which, nourishment is derived. The young. for some time after birth, are nourished by a particular secretion of the mother, 4milk,) produced in the mammiferous animals, after parturition, and drawn oy the young from mamma, or teats. It is from this last character that the term Mammalia has been applied to this class—a character exclusively proper to them, and by which they are more easily recognized than by any other external distinction. The essential characters of the Mammalia are taken from the organs of touch, and the organs of mastication. On the first, depend the power and dexterity of the animal; and from the second 30 MAMMALIA. may be deduced the nature of its food, and the ccasequent structure cf its digestive apparatus. On these characters are founded the division of mam- miferous animals, into orders. The degree of perfection of the organs of touch, may be estimated accord- ing to the number and mobility of the fingers, and according to the greater or less depth with which their extremities are covered by the nail or hoof. A hoof, for instance, which envelopes that part of the extremity which would otherwise touch the ground, blunts the feeling, and renders the foot incapable of seizing. The opposite extreme is, when only a single lamina covers the upper surface of the end of the finger or toe, leaving to the other all its sensibility. The nature of the food may be judged of by the appears ance of the molar teeth, to the form of which the articulation of the jaws always corresponds. For cutting flesh, the teeth require to be edged hke a saw, and the jaws to close vertically, like scissors. To bruise grains or roots, it is requisite that the molars have a flat crown; that the jaws should move horizontally, as well as vertically ; and that the teeth should be composed of parts of unequal hardness, to give them the necessary inequalities for this operation. The hoofed animals are all necessarily herbivorous, and possess teeth of this description, since the structure of their feet precludes them from seizing living prey. Animals with unguiculated toes or fingers, on the contrary, are suscepti-. ble of more variety in their modes of subsistence; for, besides the form of the molar teeth, they differ materially among themselves in the mobility and delicacy of their toes or fingers. There is one characteristic, however, which exercises a mighty influence on the dexterity of the animals possess- ed of it, and which multiplies or greatly varies their modes of action. This is the faculty of opposing a thumb to the other fingers, and of thus being enabled to seize with facility the most minute objeets. This opposition of a fifth member to the other four, constitutes what is properly called the hand, an organ which is carried to the highest degree of perfection in man, in whom alone the anterior extremities are free. These various combinations strictly determine the nature of the different mammiferous animals, and afford the characteristics from which orders are formed. In the following pages, the Mammalia will be arranged under the following orders: , Orver I. BIMANA, Orver VI. GLIRES, «TI, QUADRUMANA, “VII. EDENTATA, “. JII, CHEIROPTERA, “« VIII. PACHYDERMA. “ IV. FERZ, s IX. RUMINANTIA “ V. MARSUPIALIA, «s X. CETACEA. The total number of mammiferous animals described, according to Des- marest, is about eight hundred and fifty, including, however, many species imperfectly ascertained, and the fossil Mammalia; of which, belonging tw the oder Quadrumana, are one hundred forty-one,—Cheiroptera, ninety e MAMMALIA—MAN. 31 seven,—Fere, one hundred seventy-six,— Marsupialia, forty-seven, — Glires, one hundred forty-nine,—Edentata, twenty-four, —Pachyderma, fifty-five,— Ruminantia, ninety-seven, —Cetacea, sixty-two. Of these about three hundred and thirty are frugivorous, or herbivorous; eighty omnivo- rous one hundred and fifty, insectivorous, and two hundred and forty, carni- vorous, in a greater or lesser degree. The number of terrestrial species domesticated by man, (but perhaps including all that are really useful,) amount only to thirteen. ORDER FIRST—BIMANA.! Man stands alone in the order and genus to which Naturalists have eferred his species. Differing widely in physical conformation from al. 1 The order Bimana embraces animals with teeth of three kinds; the posterior extre- nities proper for walking; the anterior furnished with hands; nails flat; body vertical, exo peciura] mamme ; stomach simple; orbital and temporal fosse distinct. 2 Homo supiens. The genus Homo has four upper and four lower incisor teeth; two pper and two lower canines, one on each side; molars, five above and five below, or ach side. The whole number of his teeth, thirty-two. 32 MAMMALIA—MAN other classes of animated beings, and distinguished by reason and the power of steech, this wonderfully constructed being seems the bond of connection between the material and immaterial worlds. Possessed of mental powers which raise him beyond the level of the surrounding creation, and connect him with higher orders of existences, man is the only being who looks forward to futurity, and intuitively perceives his connection with and depen- dence upon the great Source of Intelligence. While the inferior animals enjoy uaalloyed the blessings of life and present enjoyment, man combines the past, the present, and the future in his calculations of happiness; and while some parts of his organization connect him with creatures around him, and sober his rule over beings with animal feelings of pleasure and pain as acute as his own, his intellectual powers, unfettered by the material organs which are their instruments, trace the Divinity in ail the parts of creation. Hence has arisen the religious feeling among every tribe of human beings, however rude; and man alone, seems to connect himself with the Great Author of his being, through the medium of intellectual homage and worship, according to his conceptions of that Almighty Being, the Creator and Preserver of all. While reason places man at such an infinite distance from the inferior animals, the faculty of articulate speech, and an artificial language, widen the barrier still further ; for although some of the animals possess the power of articulation ina constlendble degree, and can communicate by natural signs, significant to those of their own species, they totally fail in those powers which enable man to classify objects, and to employ sounds or signs as an instrument of thought. Brutes possess, indeed, the powers of sensation, perception, and memory, and seem to be capable of intellectual operations to a certain extent; but their action is extremely limited, and bounded to the supply of their bodily wants; and, though susceptible of a species of education, their imitative powers are neither subservient to the improvement of the individual nor his species. The faculty which seems to direct the inferior animals, in most of their operations, essentially different from any thing like human intelligence, is called instenct. This wonderful faculty, surer in its limited aims than rea- son, bears, however, no propertion to the general intelligence of the animals which exercise it; for it has been remarked, that those in whom the mn- #tinctive propensity displays the greatest seeming wisdom and contrivance, upon. some occasions, are upon others, remarkably deficient in sagacity. The physical structure of man, also, widely separates him from the otner portions of the mammiferous class. But these variations, in form and pro- portion, are neitver so prominent, nor so totally different in character, from the ott.er animal structures, as to account for the superiority which he enjoys. ‘Destined to be nourished on substances used in common with other animals, the mechanism of his frame must so far correspond with theirs, as to be MAMMALIA—MAN. oo able, like them, to convert these substances to the fluids which support his animal life; and his organs of sensation must necessarily be analogous, in some degree, to those of beings on whom. the material world is destined to niake similar impressions. But no material organs which man possesses, abstracted from the mind of which they are but the instruments, can account for this intellectual supremacy; and those hypotheses which would trace man’s intellectual and moral powers to the absolute or relative size of the brain or other material organs, have miserably failed in connecting. min! with matter, or thought with organic structure. The structure of the human frame, however, is wonderfully adapted te the various purposes for which it is destined ; and even physically consider- ed, seems the worthy habitation of a being placed at the head, and with the contro] of animated nature. Man, indeed, considered as an animal, is the only one which walks erect in a vertical position; the only one with hands at the anterior extremity, distinct from the organs of locomotion, and free for executing his purposes. Contrary to what is found in any other mam- miferous animal, the structure of his body demonstrates that man is destin- ed to walk erect. The foot is entirely different from the posterior hand of apes, and furnishes a larger and firmer base than that of any other animal. It would be impos- sible for man, even if he desired it, to walk on the four extremities, his feet being almost inflexible, and the great length of his thigh would bring his knee to the ground. His shoulders, also, being too much separated, and his arms too far extended from the central line, would produce a very ineffectual support for the upper part of the body. The arteries which supply the human brain, not being subdivided, as in most: quadrupeds, the blood necessary for an organ of such volume, would be poured in toc copiously and rapidly, if he should assume the horizontal position. According to Cuvier, no quadruped is comparable to man, for the magni- tude of the hemispheres of the brain in proportion to the size of the face. Though the external senses of man are less energetic than in some otlcr animals, they are, however, extremely delicate. His eyes are directed forwards, and thus, though he does not see to both sides of him at once, like most quadrupeds, there is a greater unity in the result ot the visual opera- tion. Of all animals, he can best distinguish the various degrees of sound, and he appears to be the only creature whose sense of smell is sufficiently delicate to be affected by unpleasant odors. Fruits, roots, an¢ succulent vegetables, appear to be the natural food of man. His hands afford him facility in procuring these, and his short and comparatively weak jaws, his canine teeth, scarcely projecting beyond the ine of the others, and his tuberculous molar teeth, are little calculated to feed on herbage, or devour flesh, unless those aliments are previously pre- pared by fire. The organs of digestion in man, are in conformity with 5 . 34 MAMMALIA—MAN. those of mastication. The stomach is simple, the intestiral canal of mode- rate length, and the large intestines well marked. The vertebral column, or spine, is e: nposed of thirty-two vertebra, sever of which are denominated cervical, tw lve dorsal, five lumbar, five sacral and three eoccygeal. Of the ribs, seven pairs are attached to the sternum, or breast bone, by cartilaginous pzoductions, and are called true ribs. The other five pairs are called false ribs. The male of the human species seldom exceeds six feet in height; the female is generally a few inches less. At his birth, the mvranr is exposed to a new element, the air. What the sensations are on the admission of this element into the lungs, it is impossi- ble to guess; but from the cries of the infant, we may conjecture that it 1s attended with pain. The eyes of an infant are indeed open, but they are dull, and appear to be unfitted for the performance of any office whatever; and their outward coat is wrinkled. The same reasoning will apply te most of the other senses. It is not till after forty days that it begins to smile; nor,is it till then that it begins to weep: its former sensations of pain are unaccompanied with tears. The length of an infant, at birth, is twenty-one inches, though some do not exceed fourteen; and it generally weighs eight, and sometimes fourteen pounds. The form of the body and limbs of a new-born infant, are by no means perfect. Formerly, infants as soon as born, were injudiciously and unnaturally laced with bandages ; so that they were not able to move a single joint. Nations which we call barbarous, act more rationally and more humanely in this respect. The Siamese, the Indians, the Japanese, the negroes, the savages of Ame- rica, lay their infants naked in hanging beds of cotton, or in cradles lined with fur. The eyes of children always seek the light, and if only one eye be direct.d to it, the other wil. probably become weak; both eyes ought, therefore, to be equally shaded or equally exposed. Squinting is commonly the effect of injudicious treatment in this respect. In teething, the cutting of the first set generally commences about the sixth or seventh month, and ends between the second and third year. The order of cutting is generally as follows :— First, the two middle incisors, or cutting teeth of the lower jaw; then, after an interval of three or four weeks, ‘the upper corresponding incisors follow. The two canine, or stomach teeth ‘below, one or. each side, next declare themselves ; and these are followed by the eye teeth, in the upper jaw. Soon after, the two first molars, or grind- ers, one on each side, succeed to the canine, in the lower jaw; those above them follow. After the lapse of from four to six years, four more grinders are added in each jaw; these are permanent. At the age of puberty or ‘ater, the dentes sapientie, or wisdom teeth appear. The hair of most infants is exceedingly light, almost white. The body, during infancy, is said (perhaps erroneously) to be less sensible of cald than MAMMALIA—MAN. 35 during any other season of life. The pulse‘is certainly strong, and it is therefore fair to conclude, that the internal heat is considerabie. Till the age of three years, the life of infants is extremely precarious ; in the course of the ensuing second and third years, it becomes more certain, and at six or seven, a child has a greater probability of living than at any other period of life. It is remarked, that of a certain number of children born at the same time, above a fourth die in the first year, above a third in two years, and at least one half in three years. By other calculations, it appears that ove half of the children born at the same time, are not extinct in less than seven or eight years. At twelve or fifteen months, infants begin to lisp. The broad soind of A, is the first sound which they articulate with most ease. Of the consonants, B. M, P, T, are most easy. In every language, therefore, éaba, mama, papa, ar- the first words that children learn. Some children pronounce distinctly in .wo years, though the generality do not talk for two years and a half, an.. frequently not so early. »yome persons cease growing at fourteen or fifteen, while others continue their growth to twenty-two or twenty-three. In men, the body attains its perfect proportion at the age of thirty, and in women sooner. The persons of women are, indeed, generally complete at twenty. The distance between the eyes is less in man than in any other animal; in some creatures, in fact, the eyes are at so great a distance, that it is impossible they should ever view the same object with both eyes at once. Men and apes are the only animals that have eyelashes on the lower eyelid. Other animals have them on the upper, but want them on the lower lid. The upper lid rises and falls, the lower has scarcely any motion. The ancients erroneously considered the hair as a kind of excretion, and believed that, like the nails, it increased by the lower part putting out the extremity ; but the moderns have discovered that every hair is a tube, which fills and receives nutriment, like the other parts of the body. The roots, they observe, do not turn gray sooner than the extremities, but the whole changes color at once. Instances have been known, of persons who have grown gray in one night. There is uttle known exactly with regard to the proportions of the human figure ; and che beauty of the best statues is better conceived by observation than by measurement. Some, who have studied after the ancient masters, divide the b dy mto ten times the length of the face, and others into eicht They tell us that there is a similitude of proportion in different parts of tna body: thus, that the hand is the length of the face; that the thumb is tne length of the nose; that the space between the eyes is the breadth of tne eye; that the breadth of the thickest part of the thigh is double that of tre thickest part of the leg, and treble the smahest; that the arms extends ure as long as the figure is high. 36 MAMMALIA-MAN The strength of man is very considerable, whcn matured by practice. We are assured that the porters of Constantinople carry burthens of not less weight than nine hundred pounds; and Mr Desaguliers tells us of a mau, who by distributing a certain number of weights, in such a manner that every part of his body bore its share, was able to support a weight of two thousand pounds, in an upright posture. The strength of a man may te still farther estimated by the continuance of his labor, and by the agility of his motions. Men who are exercised 10 roaning, outstrip horses, or at least continue their speed for a greater length of time. Ina journey, also, a man will walk down a horse; and after they have. proceeded together for several days, the horse will be quite ured, and the man will be as fresh as at the beginning. The royal messengers of Ispahan, who are runners by profession, go thirty-six leagues in fourteen or fifteen hours. Travellers assure us that the Hottentots outrun lions in the chase; and that the savages who hunt the elk, pursue with such speed this animal, which is as fleet asa stag, that they at last tire it down and take it. When the constitution of the body is sound, it is probably possible, by moderation in the passions, temperance, and sobriety, to lengthen out the period of tire for a few years. But even of this there seems an uncertainty. Men no doubt there are, who have passed the usual period of human exist- ence; and, not to mention Parr, who lived to the age of one hundred and fifty-two, and Jenkins, to that of one hundred and sixty-nine, as recorded in the Philosophical Transactions, we have many instances of the prolongation of life to one hundred and ten, and even to one hundred and twenty years * Yet this longevity was occasioned by no peculiar art or management. On the contrary, it appears that the generality of such long livers were peasants, accustomed to the greatest fatigues, huntsmen, or laborers; men, in fact, who had employed their whole bodily strength, and even abused it, ‘f to abuse it be possible, otherwise than by continual idleness and debauchery. If, in the duration of life, there is any difference to be found, it ought seemingly to be ascribed to the quality of the air. In elevated situations, it has been observed, there are commonly found more old people than in such as are low. The mountains of Scotland and Wales, of Auvergne and Switze land, have furnished more instances of extreme longevity, than the plains of Holland or Flanders, of Germany or Poland. In general, however, the period of human existence may be said to be the same in every country. MAMMALIA—OTTER 129 shining biown as its back. It is a much larger animal, and has, in propor- tion, a shorter tail than the European one. In the winter season it fre- quents rapids and falls, to have the advantage of open water, and when its usual haunts are frozen over, it will travel to a great distance, through the snow, in search of a rapid which has resisted the severity of the weather. If it is seen, it throws itself on its belly, and slides through the snow for several yards, leaving a deep furrow behind it. This movement is made with great rapidity, When closely pressed, it will turn and defend itself with great cosunacy. It inhabits the Mackenzie and other rivers nearly to the Arctic Sea, and the western parts of the United States. THE SOUTH AMERICAN OTTER) Tue color of the South American otter is different from that of the Curopean: the latter 1s much darker; and the male is still darker than the ‘emale, who generally gets brown while suckling her puppies; Abbé Ricardo says that they change coats. The skin is now more valuable than formerly. and is used for pistol covers, and foraging regimental caps are made of them. The skins of otters are also used for segar cases, and the Indians eat their flesh. In destroying fish, the otter reiects the head, and will not use it, although pressed by hunger. in Buenos Ayres there is one quite domesticated, which wiil invariably bring home what it gets in the river but tame habits make it lazy and indolent; it is vicious during the breeding season, and is obliged to be chained. The sport of otter hunting in South America is thus described by a recent traveller :—In the monvh of May, the parties assemble by previous arrange- ment, composed principally of the chief inhabitants and their relatives or clans, and visiters, male sluves, muleteers, &c. Having ascended the waterfalls, they encamp near those clear and transparent rivers in which otters abound. After the business of physicing the bloodhounds and a spe- cies of blueish cur without any hair, they make their hunting dispositions, and appomt their land and water captains to head each party; the duty of the latter is to stand in the prow of the canoe, and cheer the dogs to the prey. The huntsman, in fact, is mostly an Indian, as those dogs will not hunt to any other tongue; what this is owing to, whether custom or saga- city, I know not, but it is certainly tne case; however, the young Spaniards and Creoles have latterly remedied this defect, and are now as well qualified to hunt a bloodhound in the Indian tongue as an Indian himself. Both parties having armed themselves with otter spears, barbed like harpoons, and with handles made of rough, light wood, about ten feet in length, they cheer on the bloodhounds, who no sooner wind the prey than they join ‘ fautra Braziliensis, GMEx 17 130 MAMMALIA—OTTER. chorus with their huntsman, until they arrive near the Calle Pero, or ofter city, when the land party divides into three; one watches; another ascends the ford; while the other pokes the banks, in order to eject the creature. As soon as he is started, the hounds are again in full ery, and the curs, are leosed to dive after him, and will relieve each other in this task: as soon as one is up, down goes the other, while the hounds keep up the cry in the water at a slow pace, until they eventually force the creature to the head of the stream into shallow water, where these curs either snap him up, or he is speared by the hunters; after this the hounds are allowed the gratification of mouthing him witil satisfied, when they again return to depopalate this little commonwealth of otters. In their abode the heads, tails, fins, and fragments, of several species of fish will be seen. Ashe seldom eats more than a mouthful of each fish, he must cause a frightful destruction among the finny race, and his de- predations cause his haunts to be found out at low water, when the hounds would otherwise pass him. THE SEA OTTER. ART ap ere = == Eimaarut ‘lus harmless, playful, and interesting animal is generally about four feet long, thirteen inches of which are occupied by the tail. The fur is of great value, it being soft and of a deep glossy black. It has long been ex- ported in great quantities by the Russians, who received eighty or a hun- dred rubles from the Chinese for each skin until the market was overstock - ed. The sea otter is to be found only within a very few degrees of latitude in the North Pacific ; its range being mostly confined to the coast of Kamt- schatka, the adjoining islands, and the opposite American shore. Sea otters are perfectly inoffensive, and so sportive that much of their time seems tu be passed in playing diverting tricks. They live in pairs, and are very constant to each other. Such is their fondness for their young, that they will never abandon them; on being robbed of them they will starve themselves to death, and will endeavor to breathe their last on the spor where their offspring were destroyed. 1 Lutra marina, Des. MAMMAL!IA—DOUG. 131 THE DOG. Uarcentss of the frame, elegance of the form, strength of the bady, free- dsm of the motions, and all the exterior qualities, are not the noblest pro- perties in an animated being; and, as in mankind, understanding is ; referred to figure, courage to strength, and sentiment to beauty, so the interior qualities are those which we esteem most in animals; for it is in these that they differ from the automaton; itis by these they are raised above the vegetable, and made to approach nearer to ourselves; it is their sense which ennobles their being, which regulates, which enlivens it, which com- mands the organs, makes the members active, gives birth to desire, and gives to matter progressive motion, will, and life. The dog, independently of his beauty, vivacity, strength, and swiftness, has all the interior qualities which can attract the regard of man. The -tame dog comes to lay at his master’s feet his courage, strength, and talents, and waits-his orders to use them; he consults, interrogates, and beseeches ; the glance of his eye is sufficient; he understands the signs of his will. Without the vices of man, he has all his ardor of sentiment; and, what is more, he has fidelity and constancy in his affections; no ambition, no inte- rest, no desire of revenge, no fear but that of displeasing him, he is all zeal, all warmth, and all obedience; more sensible tv the remembrance of benefits than of wrongs, he soon forgets, or only remembers them to make his attachment the stronger; far from irritating, or running away, he even exposes himself to new proofs; he licks the hand which is the cause of his pain, he only opposes it by his cries, and at length entirely disarms it by his patience and submission. In deserts, and depopulated countries, there are wild dogs, which in their manners differ only from wolves, by the facility with which they are tained; they unite also in large troops, to hunt and attack by force wild boars and bulls, and even lions and tigers. Dogs which have been abandoned in the deserts of America, and have lived wild for a hundred and fifty, or two hundred years, though changed from their original breed, since they are sprung from domestic dogs, have, ootwithstanding this long space of time, retained, at least in part, their primitive form, and travellers report that they resemble our greyhound * 1 Canis familiaris, Lix. The genus Canis has six upper and six lower incisors; vwe upper and two lower canines; twelve upper and fourteen lower molars. ‘Fhe three firs; molars in the upper jaw, and the four in the lower, small edged ; the great carnivorous tooth. ahove hicuspid, orth a tubercle on the inner side; two tuberculous teeth hehind each of the large carnivorous ones; muzzle elongated; tongue soft; ears erect; fore feet penta- dactylous ; hind feet tetradactylous; teats inguinal and ventral. . *It must not be understood that the dog is not an original inhabitant of America. Godman remarks “iat the people of the northern parts of America and Asia, have, for ages heyond the memory of man, employed dogs as heasts of burden, or for draught. The dogs of the Esquimaux, and other aborigines of this continent, differ much in size and color, yet they are all of a b-eed apparently intermediate to the wolf and fox. 132 MAMMALIa- DOG. These wild dogs, however, are extremely thin and light; .nd as the grey hound does not differ much from the cur, or from tle dog which we will call the shepherd’s dog, it is natural to think, that these wild dogs are rather of this species, than real greyhounds; since on the other side, ancient travellers have said, that the dogs of Canada had the ears straight like foxes, and resembled the middle sized mastiff, that is, our shepherd’s dog, and that those of the deserts of the Antilles isles, had also the head and ears very long, and in appearance very much resemble foxes. Dogs are commonly born with their eyes shut: the two eyelids are not only closed, but adhere by a membrane, which breaks away as soon as the muscle of the superior eyelid is become strong enough to raise it and to overcome this obstacle; and the greater number of dogs have not their eyes open till the tenth or twelfth day. They attain their growth in two years. The dog is old at fifteen years, and seldom lives beyond twenty. THE GREYHOUND. Tuts elegantly formed animal was once held in such estimation, that y was the peculiar companion of a gentleman, who was anciently known by his horse, his hawk, and his greyhound. In such repute was it, that Canute enacted a law that it should not even be kept by any one who was under the rank of a gentleman. It has a long body, a neat and elongated head, full eye, long meuth, sharp and very white teeth, little ears, with thin gristles in them, a straight neck and full breast; his fore and hind legs are” long and straight; his ribs round, strong, and full of sinews, and taper about the belly. It is the swiftest of the dog kind, and’ easily trained for the chase when twelve months old. It courses by sight and not by scent, as other hounds do; and is supposed to outlive all the dog tribe. Buffor ' Canis familiaris graius. \MAMMALIA—DOG. 133 imagines it to be descended from the Irish greyhound, only rendered more thin and delicate by the influence of climate. There isa variety of this species, which is called the Highland greyhound. It is very large, strong, deep-chested, covered with long rough hair, and has the scent and sagacity of the bloodhound. This kind has become exceedingly scarce. THE SPANIEL. ‘Tuis beautiful animal is of Spanish extraction, whence it derives :1s name, and the silky softness of its coat. Itis elegant in form, with long pendent ears, and hair gracefully curled or waved. Its scent is keen, and it possesses in the fullest perfection the good qualities of sagacity, docility, and attachment. So strong is the latter, that instances have been known in which the animal has died of grief for the loss of its master. Dash, a spaniel belonging to the gamekeeper of the Rev. Mr Corsellis, would not quit his master’s bed after his death; being taken away, he perpetually re- turned to the room, and daily visited the grave; and, in spite of all the kindness that was shown him, he died at the end of fourteen days. The land spaniel may be taught a variety of tricks, such as fetching, carrying, and diving. He is employed in setting for partridges, quails, &c., and his steadiness and patience, in the perfurmance of this task, are worthy of admiration. THE WATER SPANIEL? Or all the dog «ind, th.s anima. seems to be the sost docile, and the most attached to man. Many other species are impatient of correction; but the water spaniel, though fierce to strangers, bears blows and ill usage from his master with undiminished affection. This creature is well calculated for hunting of otters, ducks, &c. Watching the stroke of the piece and per- ceiving the game that is shot, he instantly swims after it, and brings it te Canis fam. ex‘rari 1s, 2 C. f. aquaticus, 134 MAMMALIA—DOG his master. He will fetch and carry at command, and will dive to the bottum of deep water in search of a piece of money, which he will bring out, and deposit at the feet of the person by whom he was sent. Cowper has recorded, in a pleasing poem, an instance of sagacity and of a desire to gratify a master, which was displayed by his spaniel, Beau. As he was walking by the Ouse, he was desirous to obtain one of the water-lilies, which grew in the river, but was unable to reach it. Beau seemed disposed to assist him, but the poet called him off, and pursued his ramble. On his return, however, Beau rushed into the stream, cropped a lily, and laid it at his master’s feet. THE HARRIER! Is closely allied to the beagle, though larger, more swift, and vigorous. Lt is ardent in the chase, and frequently outstrips the Heetest sportsman. A mixed breed, between this and the large terrier, forms a strong, active, and hardy hound, which is used in hunting the otter. It is rough, wire-haired, thick-quartered, long-eared, and thin-shouldered. THE SPANISH POINTE R? Is derived, as its name implies, from Spain, but has long been naturalized in England, where great attention has been paid to preserve the breed in all its purity. It is remarkable for the aptness and facility with wiich it receives instruction, and may be said to be almost self-taught; whilst the English pointer requires the greatest care and attention in breaking and training for the sport. But on the ‘other hand, it is less capable chan the English pointer of enduring fatigue. It is chiefly empluyed in finding partridges, pheasants, &c. 1C. Gallicu:. 2 C. avicwaris. fe MAMMALIA—DOG, 135 THE ESQUIMAUX DOG! Wes — — . SS SiRe RE Ro ae ee thd END fa T rs animal is one of those varieties of the dog, from which man receives obedience and affection. To the Esquimaux Indians his services are invalu- able. He assists them to hunt the bear, the rein-deer, and the seal; in summer, while attending his master in the chase, he carries a weight of thirty pounds; in winter he is yoked to a sledge, and conveys his master over the trackless snows. Several of them drawing together, will convey five or six persons, at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour, and will travel sixty miles in a day. In winter he is scantily fed, and roughly treat- ed, yet his fidelity remains unshaken. The Esquimaux dog does not bark. In appearance, he comes nearest to the shepherd’s dog, and the wolf dog. His ears are short and erect, and his bushy tail curves elegantly over his back. His average stature is one foot ten inches, and the length of his body, from the back of the bead to the commencement of the tail, is two feet three inches. His coat is long and furry, aud is sometimes brindled, sometimes of a dingy red, sometimes black and white, and sometimes almost wholly black. The manner in which the sledge is drawn by these animals, is described with much accuracy and spirit, by Captain Parry, in the Journal of his Second Voyage. “When drawing a sledge,” says he, “the dogs have a simple harness, (annoo,) of deer or sea) skin, going round the neck hy one bight, and another for each of the fore legs, with a single thong leading over 'C. Borealis, This animal is a native of America, and is considered hy Godman, as descended from the wolf and the fox. He observes, that they retain so much of the ex- ternal appearance, and general carriage of the wild animal, as to leave no question of their descem from the same stock of the wolf, residing in the vicinity, and do not appear to he distinctly removed from that species, however long they may have been in the service of man. 136 MAMMALIA—DOG. the back, and attached to the sledge as a trace. Though they appear at first sight, to be huddled together without regard to regularity, there is, in fact, considerable attention paid to their arrangement, particularly in the selec- tion of a dog of peculiar spirit and sagacity, who is allowed, by a longer trace, to precede the rest as leader, and to whom, in turning to the right or left, the driver usually addresses himself. This choice is made without regard to age or sex, and the rest of the dogs take precedency according to their training or sagacity, the least effective being put nearest the sledge. The leader is usually from eighteen to twenty feet from the fore part of the sledge, and the hindmost dog about half that distance ; so that when ten or twelve are running together, several are nearly abreast of each other. The driver sits quite low, on the fore part of the sledge, with his feet overhang- ing the snow on one side, and having in his hand a whip, of which the handle is plaited a little way down to stiffen it, and give it a spring, on which much of its use depends ; and that which composes the lash is‘chew- ed by the women, to make it flexible in frosty weather. The men acquire © from their youth considerable expertness in the use of this whip, the lask of which is left to trail along the ground by the side of the sledge, and with which they can inflict a very severe blow on any dog at pleasure. Though the dogs are kept in training entirely by fear of the whip, and, indeed, with- out it, would soon have their own way, its immediate effect is always detrimental to the draught of the sledge; for not only does the individual that is struck draw back, and slacken his trace, but generally turns upon his next neighbor, and this passing on to the next, occasions a general divergency, accompanied by the usual yelping and showing of the teeth: The dogs then come together again by degrees, and the draught of the sledge is accelerated ; but even at the best of times, by his rude mode of draught, the traces of one third of the dogs form an angle of thirty or forty degrees on each side of the direction in which the sledge is advancing. Another great inconvenience attending the Esquimaux method of putting the dogs to, besides that of not employing their strength to the best advan- tage, is the constant entanglement of the traces, by the dogs repeatedly doubling under from side to side, to avoid the whip ; so that, after running a few miles, the traces always require to be taken off and cleaned. “Tn directing the sledge, the whip acts no very essential part, the driver for this purpose using certain words, as the carters do with us. to make the dogs turn more to the right or left. To these a good leader attends with admirable precision, especially if his own name be repeated at the same time, looking behind over his shoulder with great earnestness, as if listening to the directions of the driver. On a beaten track, or even where a single foot or sledge mark is occasionally discernible, there is net the slightesy trouble in guiding the dogs: for even in the darkest night, and in the heaviest snow-dri(t, there is little or no danger of their losing the road, the leader keeping his nose near the ground, and directing the rest with won MAMMALIA—DOG 137 derful sagacity. Where, however, there is no beaten track, the best driver among them makes a terrible circuitous course, as all the Esquimaux roads plainly show ; these generally occupying an extent of six miles, when, with a horse and sledge, the journey would scarcely have amounted to five. On rough ground, as among hummocks of ice, the sledge would be frequently overturned, or altogether stupped, if the driver did not repeatedly get off, and by lifting or drawing it on one side, steer clear of those accidents. At all times, indeed, except on a smooth and well made road, he is pretty con- stantly employed thus with his feet, which, together with his never-ceasing vociferations, and frequent use of the whip, renders the driving of one of these vehicles by no means a pleasant or easy task. When the driver wishes to stop the sledge, he calls out, ‘ Wo, woa,’ exactly as our carters do, but the attention paid to this command depends aitogether on his ability to enforce it. If the weight is small and the journey homeward, the dogs are not to be thus delayed; the driver is therefore obliged to dig his heels into the snow to obstruct their progress, and having thus succeeded in stopping tnem, he stands up with one leg before the foremost cross-piece of the sledge, till, by means of laying the whip gently over each dog’s head, he has made them all lie down. He then takes care not to quit his position, so that, should the dogs set off, he is thrown upon the sledge instead of being ieft behind by tham. “With heavy loads, the dogs draw best with one cf their own people, especially a woman, walking a little way ahead; and in this case, they are sometimes enticed to mend their pace by holding a mitten to the mcuth, and then making the motion of cutting it with a knife and throwing it cn the snow, when the dogs, mistaking it for meat, hasten forward to pick it up. The women also entice them from the huts in a similar manner. The rate at which they travel depends, of course, on the weight they have to draw, and the road on which their journey is performed. When the latter is level, and very hard and smooth, constituting what, in other parts of North America, is called ‘good sleighing,’ six or seven dogs will draw from eight to ten hundred weight, at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour, for several hours together; and will easily, under these circumstances, per- form a journey of fifty or sixty miles a day. On untrodden snow, five-and- twenty, or thirty miles, would be a good day’s journey. The same number of well fed dogs, with a weight of five or six hundred, (that of the sledge in- cluded,) are almost unmanageable, and will, on a smooth rord, run any way they please, at the rate of ten miles an hour. The work performed by a greater number of dogs, is, however, by no means in a proportion to this, owing to the imperfect mode already described of employing the strength of these sturdy creatures, and to the more frequent snarling and fighting occasioned by an increase of numbers.” 18 138 MAMMALIA—DOG. THE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG! Twis animal, which came originally from the island whence it derives its name, has a remarkably pleasing countenance, is exceedingly docile, and of great size and sagacity. In their native country, they are extremely useful to the settlers on the coast, who employ them to bring woud from the interior. Three or four of them, yoked to a sledge, will draw three hundred weight of wood for several miles. In the performance of this task they are sv expert as to need no driver. After having delivered their load, they will return to the woods with the empty sledge, and are then rewarded by being fed with dried fish. The feet of this dog are more palmated than usual; which structure enables it to swim very fast, to dive easily, and to bring up any thing from the bottom of the water. It is, indeed, almost as fond of the water as if it were an amphibious animal. So sagacious is it, and so prompt in lending assistance, that it has saved the lives of numberless persons, who were on the point of drowning; and this circumstance, together with its uniform goud temper, has justly rendered it a universal favorite. THE MASTIFF?# Tuts species of dog is peculiar to England. It is nearly of the size of a Newfoundland dog, strong and active, possessing great sagavity, and is commonly employed as a watch dog. The mastiff is said seldom to use violence against intruders, unless resisted, and even then he will sometimes only throw down the person, and hold him for hours, without doing him further injury, till he is relieved. He has a large head, with short pendent ears, and thick lips hanging down on each side. In the reign of James I., a contest was exhibited between three mastilfs and a lion, ia which the king of beasts was compelled to seek for safety in flight. THE TERRIER? raion SS One ES {s a small, thick-set hound, of which there are two varieties; the one with short legs, long back, and commonly of a black or yellowish color, mingled 1C./f. extrarius. Sub-variety. 2C. Anglicus. 3 C. Britannicus. MAMMALIA—DOG, 139 with white; the other more sprightly in appearance, with a shorter body, and the color reddish brown or black. It has a most acute sense of smell+ ing, and an inveterate enmity to all kinds of vermin. "or is it excelled by any dog in the quality of courage. It will encounter e-en the badger with the utmost bravery, though it often receives severe wounds in the contest, which, however, it bears with unshrinking fortitude. As it is very expert in forcing foxes and other game out of their coverts, and is particularly hostile to the fox, it is generally an attendant on every pack of hounds in which case the choice of the huntsman is not directed by the size of the animal, but by its strength and power of endurance. THE AUSTRALIAN DOG.! * Tus dog, which is also called the Australasian and New Holland dog, and by the natives, the dingo, is about equal in size, and similar in its pro- portions, to the common house dog, or lurcher. It is two feet five inches in length, muscular legged, agile, and courageous, with a bushy tail, and long, straight hair, of a deep fawn color on the upper parts, and almost white on the under surface. He is exceedingly voracious and fierce. One of them has bera known to leap on the back of an ass, which was not saved from it withe: + considerable difficulty. : THE BULL-DOG#? ‘faausa much less in size than the mastiff, the bull-dog is nearly equal tw “ep ya streogth, and superior to him in fierceness. Those of the brindled «ind are accounted the best. No natural antipathy can exceed that of this suimal epamst the bull. Without barking, he will naturally fly at and seize t} » fiercest bull; running directly at his head, and sometimes catching uuld of Gis nose, he will pin the bull to the ground; nor can he, without C. f. Australasia. 2 C. Molossus. 140 MAMMALIA—DOG. great difficulty, be made to quit his hold. Such is his rage, that at a bull fight in the north of England, a brute in the shape of a man, wagered, that he would successively cut off the feet of his dog, and that the animal should return to the attack after each amputation. The horrible experiment was tried, and the wager was won. ‘Two of these dogs, let loose, at once, are a match for a bull, three for a bear, and four for a lion. : THE SHEPHERD’S DOG.! Tus dog is distinguished by his upright ears and sharp muzzle. His hody is long, and covered with thick, woolly-like hair; his legs are rather short. All of his feet have one, and some of them two superfluous toes, which appear destitute of muscles, and hang dangling at the hind part of the leg. When properly trained, this dog becomes perfectly well acquaint- ed with every individual sheep of his master’s flock, and is of the greatest service to the pastoral inhabitants of the northern parts of Great Britain. THE BLOOD-HOUND Leth Nat Isa tall, beautifully formed animal, usually of a reddish or brown color which was anciently in high esteem in England. His employ was to recover any game that had escaped wounded from the hunter, or had been stolen out of the forest; but he was still more serviceable in hunting thieves and robbers by their footsteps. For the latter purpose they are now almost disused in that country; but they are still sometimes employed in the royal forests to track deer stealers, and on such occasions they display an extraordinary sagacity anc acuteness of scent. In the Spanish West India islands, however, they are constantly used in the pursuit of criminals, and are accompanied by officers called chasseurs. oo 1 C. domesticus, ‘ MAMMALIA—DOG. 141 THE AFRICAN BLOOD-HOUND. Two males and a female of this species—a species which is remarka2le for its elegance and its sagacity, were brought to England, from Africa, by Major Denham. While he was in that country he frequently employed them in hunting the gazelle; in performing which they displayed infinite skill. After a lapse of an hour and a half, or even two hours, they would follow the scent; and they would often quit the line of it, to cut off a double, or, in other words, to shorten the distance, and would recover it with the greatest ease. This dog is used in Africa to track a flying foe to his retreat. Captivity has rendered the female surly, and has deprived the whole of them of the desire to perpetuate their race. THE HY ZENA DOG. 2 Tuts dog is a native of Southern Africa, and is a serious nuisance to the frontier settlements at the Cape. It hunts in packs, generally at night, and is exceedingly fierce, swift, and active. Sheep, it unhesitatingly attacks, hut it is less daring with respect to the horse and the ox, and, accordingly 1 Canis pictus, Desm, 142 MAMMALIA--WOLF. “t waits till the animal is asleep. The injuries which it inflicts are usually mortal. To bite off the tail of the ox seems to be its delight. The hyena dog is smaller and slenderer than the hyena, or the wolf. In color it is of a reddish or yellowish brown, variously mottled, along the sides of the hody and on the legs, in large patches of intermingled black and white. From 1ts completely black nose and muzzle, a strong black line passes up the’ centre of the forehead to between the ears, which are very large, black on both surfaces, and furnished with a broad and expanded tuft of long, whitish hairs, filling a considerable part of their concavity. Its tail, of moderate length, is covered with long bushy hair, divided in the middle by a ring of black. Its ferocity seems to be untamable. Mr Burchell, who first carried it to England, kept one for twelve months, at the end of which period even its feeder did not dare to lay his hand upon it. THE WOLF. f Tue wolf, as well externally as internally, so nearly resembles the dog, {hat he seems modelled upon the same plan; and yet he only offers the reverse of the image. If his form be similar, his nature is different; ana indeed they are so unlike in their dispositions, that no two animals can ‘have a more perfect antipathy to each other. A young dog shudders at the g sight of a wolf; a dog who is stronger, and who knows his strength, bristles up at the sight, testifies his animosity, attacks him with courage, endeavors to put him to flight, and does all in his power to rid himself of a presence that is hateful to him. They never meet without either flying from or fighting with each other. If the wolf is the stronger, he tears and deveiars his prey; the dog, on the contrary, is more generous, and cox-tents himself with his victory. The dog, evgn in his savage state, is not cruel ; he is easily tamed, and continues finnly attached to his master. The wolf, when taken young, becomes tame, but never has an attachment. Nature is stronger in him than education ; he resumes, with age, his natural dispositions, and returns, as soon as he can, to the woods whence he was taken. Cuvier, however ' Canis lupus, Lin MAMMALIA—WOLP. 143 gives a remarsable_instance, in which a wolf manifested for his master all the devoted attachment of a dog. The gentleman whu brought hin up from a puppy, and who was going to travel, presented him to the Paris menagerie when he was full grown. For several weeks the wolf was inconsolable; but at length he contracted new attachments with those about him, and seemed to have forgotten his former owner. At the end of eigh- teen months, however, that owner returned, and, as soon as the wolf heard the well known voice in the gardens of the menagerie, he displayed ‘he most violent joy, and, on being set at liberty, he hastened tohis friend. An absence of three years next tovk place, and the wolf was again discunsolate. The master once more returned, and ,though, it being evening, the wolf's den was shut up, yet the moment the tones of his friend met his ear, he uttered the most anxious cries. On the door being opened, he darted towards the long absent person, leaped upon his shoulders, licked his face, and threatened to bite the keepers when they attempted to separate them, When the man left him, he fell sick, rejected all food, was long on the verge of death, and would thenceforth never suffer a stranger to approach him. Dogs, even of the dullest kinds, seek the company of other animals; they are naturally disposed to follow and accompany other creatures; the wolf, on the contrary, is the enemy of all society; he does not even keep much company with those of his kind. When they“are seen in packs together, it is not to be considered as a peaceful society, but a combination for war: they testify their hostile intentions by their loud howlings, and by their fierceness -liscover a project for attacking some great aniwal, such as a stag or a bull, or for destroying some formidable dog. The instant their military expedi- tion is completed, their society is at an end; they then part, and each returns in silence to his solitary retreat. There is not even any strong attachment between the male and female; they seek each other only once a year, and remain but a few days together. ‘ The difference in the duration of the pregnancy of the she wolf, who goes with young above a hundred days, and the bitch, who dues not go above sixty, proves, that the wolf and the dog, so different in disposition, are still more so in one of the principal functions of the animal economy. The wolf generally brings forth five or six, and sometimes even nire, a a litter. The cubs are brought forth, like those of the bitch, with the eyes closed. The dam suckles them for some weeks, and teaches them betimes to eat flesh, which she prepares for them, by chewing it first herself. Thay do not leave the den where they have been littered, till they are six weeks or two months old. It is not, however, till they are about ten or twelve months old, and till they have shed their first teeth and completed the. new, that the dam thinks them in a capacity to shift for themselves. Then, when they have acquired arms from nature, and have learned industry and sourage from her example, she declines all future care of them, heing again magaged in bringing up a new progeny. These animals require two ot 144 MAMMALIA—WOLF. three years for their growth, and live to the age of fifteen or twenty years The body of the wolf is about three and a half feet long. The wolf grows gray as he grows old, and his teeth wear, like those of most other animals, by using. He sleeps when his belly is full, or when he is fatigued, rather by day than night, and is always very easily waked. He drinks frequently ; and in times of drought, when there is no water to be found in the trunks of trees, or in pools about the forest, he comes often, in the day, down to brooks or lakes in the plain. Although very voracious, he yet supports hunger for a long time, and often lives four or five days without food, provided he is supplied with water. The wolf has great strength, particularly in his fore parts, in the muscles of his neck and jaws. He carries off a sheep in his mouth, without Jetting it. touch the ground, and runs with it much swifter than the shepherds who pursue him, so that nothing but the dogs can overtake him, or oblige him tu ,uite his prey. He bites cruelly, and always with greater vehemence in proportion as he is less resisted; for he uses precautions with such animals as attempt to stand upon the defensive. He is cowardly, and never fights but when under the necessity of satisfying his hunger, or of making good his retreat. When he is wounded by a bullet, he is heard to cry out; and yet, when surrounded by the peasants, and attacked with clubs, he never howls, but defends himself in silence, and dies as bard as he lived. If he happens to be caught in a pit-fall, he is for some time so frightened and astonished, that he may be killed without offering to resist, or taken alive without much danger. At that instant, one may clap a collar round his neck,. muzzle him, and drag him along, without his even giving the least signs of anger or resentment. At all other times, he has his senses in great perfection. He smells a carcass at the distance of more thana league; he also perceives living animals a great way off, and follows them a long time upon the scent. Whenever he leaves the wood, he always takes care to go out against the wind. When just come to its extremity, he stops to examine, by its smell, on all sides, the emanations that may come either from his enemy or his prey, which he very nicely distinguishes. He prefers those animals which he himself kills to those he finds dead; and yet he does not disdain these, though ever so much infected, when no better are to be had. He is particularly fond of human flesh ; and, perhaps, if he were sufficiently powerful, he would eat no other. Wolves have been seen following armies, and arriving in numbers upon the field cf battle, where they devoured such dead bodies as were left upon the field, or but negligently interred. These, when once accustomed to human flesh, ever after seek particularly to attack mankind, choose to fall upon the shepherd rather than his flock, and devour women, carry off their children, &c. “The color of this animal differs according to the different climates in which he is bred, and often changes even in the same country. Besides the common wolves which are found in France and Germany, there are others 1 MAMMALIA—WOLF, 145 with thicker hair, inclining to yellow. In the northern climates, some are found quite black, and some white all over. The former are larger and stronger than those of any other kind. ¢ THE CLOUDED BLACK WOLE.. Tuts animal is a native of the extreme northern regions ud America. It isa mich nobler looking creature than the common svecies, and is also much arger and more robust. The ears are remarkably short, and the tail is shorter in proportion than that of the wolf. The hair is mottled with various shades of black, gray, and white, and is of considerable length, par- ticularly along the middle of the back and shoulders, where it forms a sort of ill defined mane. On the sides the coloring is somewhat lighter, and is of a still lighter shade beneath. From the top of the nose to the origin of the tail, this animal measures about four feet and a quarter. Its ferocity remains undiminished by protracted confinement. THE AMERICAN WOLF. Tue common wolf of America is considered to be the same species as the wolf of Europe, and, in regard to habitp and manners, gives every eviden:e of such an identity.* 1 Canis Lycaon, Lin. * Richardson remarks that he has travelled over thirty degrees of latitude in America, and has never seen there any wolves which had the gaunt appearance, the supe at long jaw and tapering nose, the high ears, long legs, slender loins, and narrow feet of the Pyrenean wolf. He adds, that the American animal has a more robust form than the European wolf. Its muzzle is thicker and more obtuse, its head larger and rounder, and there is a sensible depression at the union of the nose and forehead. He notices six varie- ties of the wolf in North Ainerica :—common pray wolf, white, pied, dusky, black, and praine. ‘Lhere is little reason to doubt that all the wolves of America are of one species ; and .he variations of size, coior, and habits, are to he referred to diversities rf climate which have been gradually impressed upon these animals. 19 146 MAMMALIA—-WOLF. Like all the wild animals of the dog kind, they unite in packs to hunt jown animals which individually they could not master, and, during their sexual season, engage in the most furious combats with each other for the possession of the females. In the regions west of Hudson’s Bay, wolves are often seen, both in the woods and on the plains, though their numbers are inconsiderable, and it is not common to see more than three or four ina pack. They appear to be very fearful of the human race, but are destructive to the Indian dogs, and frequently succeed in killing such as are heavily laden, and unable to keep up with the rest. The males are not so swift as the females; and they seem to lead a forlorn life during the winter, being seldom seen in pairs until the commencement of spring. They bring forth their young in bur- rows, and though it might well be inferred that they are fiercer at those times, than under ordinary circumstances, yet Hearne states that he has frequently seen the Indians take the young ones from the dens and pla} with them. They never hurt the young wolves, but always replace them in their dens, sometimes painting the faces of these whelps with vermilion or red ochre. At the highest northern latitudes which have yet been explored, tle wolves are very numerous and very audacious. They are generally to be found at no great distance from the huts of the Esquimaux, and follow these people from place to place, being apparently very much dependent upon them for food, during the coldest season of the year. They are frequently seen in packs of twelve or more, prowling about at a short distance from the huts of the Esquimaux, lying in wait for the Esquimaux dog, which they are successful in killing, if he wanders so far as to be out of reach of assistance from his master. When the aboriginal Americans first gave place to European adventurers, and the forests, which had flourished for ages undisturbed, began to fall be- fore the unsparing axe, the vicinity of the settler’s lonely cabin resounded with the nightly howling of wolves, attracted by the refuse provision usually to be found there, or by a disposition to prey upon domestic animals. During winter, when food was most difficult to be procured, packs of these famished and ferocious creatures were ever at hand, to run down and destroy any domestic animal found wandering beyond the enclosures, which their individual or combined efforts could overcome, and the boldest housedog could not venture far from the door of his master without incurring the risk of being killed and aevoured. The common wolf was then to be found in considerable numbers throughout a great extent, if not the whole of North America ; at present, it is only known as a resident of the remote wooded and mountainous districts. MAMMALIA—WOLF. 147 THE PRAIRIE, OR BARKING WOLF. Tis wolf frequents the prairies or natural meadows of the west, where troops or packs, containmg a considerable number of individuals, are fre- quently seen following in the train of a herd of buffalo or deer, for the purpose of preying on such as may die from disease, or in consequence of wounds inflicted by the hunters. At night they also approach’ the en- campment of travellers, whom they sometimes follow for the sake of the carcasses of animals which are relinquished, and, by their discordant howlings close to the tents, effectually banish sleep from those who are unaccustomed to their noise. According to Say’s observation, they are more numerous than any of the other wolves which are found in North America. The barking wolf closely resembles the domestic deg of the Indians in appearance, and is remarkably active and intelligent. Like the common wolf, the individuals of this species frequently unite to run down deer, or a buffalo calf which has been separated from the herd, though it requires the fullest exercise of all their speed, sagacity, and strength to succeed in this chase. They are very often exposed to great distress from want of food, and in this state of famine are under the necessity of filling their stomachs with wild plums, or other fruits no less indigestible, in order to allay in some degree the inordinate sensations of hunger. In confirmation of the sagacity of this wolf, we shall quote from Say, to whom we owe all that has yet been made known on this species some anecdotes respecting it. ‘Mr Peale constructed and tried various krids of traps to take them, one of which was of the description called a ‘live trap," a shallow box reversed and supported at one end by the well known kind of trap-sticks usually called the ‘ figure four,’ which elevated the front of the trap upwards of three feet above its slab flooring; the trap was about six feet long, and nearly the same in breadth, and was plentifully baited with offal. Notwithstanding this arrangement, a wolf actually burrowed under the flooring, and pulled down the bait through the crevices of the floor - 1 Canis latrans, Say. 148 MAMMALIA—JACKAL. tracks of different size were observed about the trap. This procedure w ould seem to be the result of a faculty beyond mere instinct. “ This trap proving useless, another was constructed in a different part of the country, formed like a large cage, through which the animals might enter, but not return; this was equally unsuccessful; the wolves attempted in vain to get at the bait, as they would not enter by the route prepared for them. A large double ‘steel trap’ was next tried; this was profusely baited, and the whole, with the exception of the bait, was carefully concealed beneath the fallen leaves. This was also unsuccessful. Tracks of the anticipated victims were next day observed to be impressed in numbers on the earth near the spot, but still the trap with its seductive charge remained untouched. The bait was then removed from the trap, and suspended over it from the branch of a tree; several pieces of meat were also suspended in a similar manner from trees in the vicinity. The following morning the bait over the trap alone remained. Supposing that their exquisite sense of smell warned them of the position of the trap, it was removed and then covered with leaves, and the baits being disposed as before, the leaves to a considerable distance around were burned ; and the trap remained perfectly concealed by ashes ; still the bait over the trap was avoided. It was not until a log trap was used that an individual of this species was caught. This log trap is made by raising one log above another at one end by means of an upright stick, which rests upon a rounded horizontal trigger on the lower log.”— Godman. THE JACKAL! ee 7 = — Is one of the commanest wild animals in the east, yet there is scarcely any one less known m Europe, or more confusedly described by naturalists. It 1C. aureus Lin. MAMMALIA—JACKAL. 149 -nhabits the warmer parts of the old continent, and seems to occupy the place of the wolf, which is nui there so common. “In size,” says Mr Ben- nett, ‘he is about equal to the common fox, but he differs from that equally troublesome animal in the form of the pupils of his eyes, which correspond with those of the dog and of the wolf; in the comparative shortness of lus legs and muzzle; in his less tufted and bushy tail; and in the peculiar marking of his coat. The coloring of his back and sides consists of a mixture of gray and black, which is abruptly and strikingly distinguished from the deep and uniform tawny of his shoulders, haunches, and legs ; bis head is nearly of the same mixed shade with the upper surface of his body, as is also the greater part of his tail, which latter, however, becomes black towards its extremity; his neck and throat are whitish, and the under surface of his body is distinguished by a paler hue.” The yellow which 1s about him is the reason why many authors have called the jackal the golden wolf. As the species of the wolf approaches that of the dog, so the jackal finds a place between them both. The jackal, or adil, as Belon says, is a beast between the wolf and the dog. To the ferocity of the wolf, it joins, in fact, a little of the familiarity of the dog. Its voice is a kind of a howl, mixed with barking and groaning; it is more noisy than the dog, and more vora- cious than the wolf; it never stirs out alone, but always m packs, of twenty, thirty or forty ; they collect together every day, to go in search of their prey ; they make themselves formidable to the most powerful animals, by their number; they attack every kind of beasts or birds, almost in the presence of the human species; they abruptly enter stables, sheepfolds, and other places, without any sign of fear; and when they cannot meet with any other thing, they will devour boots, shoes, harnesses, &c., and what leather they have not time to consume they take away with them. When they cannot meet with any live prey, they dig up the dead carcasg@s of men and animals. The natives are obliged to cover the graves of the deal with larg? thorns, and other things, to prevent them from scratching and digging up the dead bodies. ‘The dead are buried very deep in the earth; for it is not a little trouble that discourages them. Numbers of them work together, and accompany their labor with a doleful cry; and, when thry are once accustomed to feed on dead bodies, they run from country to cor atry, follew armies, and keep close to the caravans. This animal may be styled the crow of quadrupeds ; for they will eat the most putrid or infectious flesh; their appetite is so cons;ant and so vehement, that the driest leather is sa: vory to them; and ski- flesh, fat, excrement, or the most putrefied animal is alike to their taste. (50. MAMMALIA—FOX THE FOX) Is one of the most widely distributed animals, and is found in all the tempe- rate and northern regions of the old and new world. With one exception, the structure of the eye, the organization of the fox and dog are similar. Hence the fox preys by night. He has always been famous for his cunning; he generally fixes his residence at the edge of a wood, and yet not far re- moved from some cottage or some hamlet. He listens to the crowing of the cock, and the cackling of other domestic fowls: even at a considerable distance he scents them, and seizes his opportunity. If he be able to get into the yard, he begins by levelling all the poultry without remorse. This done, hegcarries off a part of the spoil, hides it at some convenient distance, and again returns to the charge. Taking off another fowl in the same manner, he hides that also, though not in the same place; and this method he practises for several times together, till warned by the approach of day, or the noise of the family, he finally retires. The same, arts are observed when he finds birds entangled in springs laid for them by the fowler; with whom the fox, taking care to be beforehand, very expertly snatches the birds out of the snare, conceals them in different places, leaves them there some- times for two or three days, and is never at a loss to recover his hidden treasure. He is equally alert in seizing the young hares and rubbits, before they have strength enough to escape him; and when the old ones are wounded and fatigued, he is sure to come upon them in the moments of distress, and to show them no mercy. In the same manner he finds out the nests of the pastridge and the quail, and seizes the mother whiie silling. *C. vupes, Lars. MAMMALIA—FOX. 151 The fox is so voracious, that, when deficient of better food, he devours rats, mice, lizards, toads, and serpents. Insects and shell-fish he is lixe- wise sometimes known to eat. In vain does me hedgehog roll itself up into a ball to oppose him: this determined glutton teases it till it is obliged to appear uncovered, and then devours it. The wasp and the wild bee are attacked by him with equal success. Though at first they fly out upon their invader, and actually oblige him to retire, yet this repulse is but for a few minutes, till he has rolled himself upon the ground, and thus crushed such as may have stvzk to his skin: he then returns to the chaige, and at length, by dint of perseverance, obliges them to abandon their combs, which he greedily devours, both wax and honey. The young foxes are born blind, like dogs; like them, too, they are eighteen months or two years in coming to perfection, and live about thirteen or fourteen years. They are nursed with great affection by the mother, who has been known to run with them in her mouth several miles when hunted. The senses of the fox are as good as those of the wolf; his scent 1s more acute, and the organ of his voice is more supple and more perfect. The wolf is never heard but by dreadful howls, while the fox only yelps, barks, and sends forth a mournful sound, resembling the cry of the peacovk. His tones, too, are different, according to the different sentiments with which he is affected. He has one sound expressive of desire, another of murmur, another of sorrow, and another of pain: the latter is never heard from him, unless in the instant that he is wounded by shot, and has lost the use of some member; for, like the wolf, when attacked with cudgels alone, he never murmurs, but will defend himself with obstinacy, and fight in silence to the last gasp. He bites dangerously, and with such deter- mined fury, that, in order to make him relinquish his hold, ponderous wooden and even iron bars are necessary to be forced between his jaws. The flesh of the fox is not so bad as the flesh of the wolf. Dogs, and even men, eat it in autumn, especially if the animal has fed on grapes; und, in winter, good furs are made of his skin. He sleeps so sound, that, however closely approached, there is no great danger of awaking him. When he only means to rest himself, he stretches out his hind legs, and remains flat on his belly. In this posture he watches for the birds as they perch on the hedges; who no sooner perceive him, than they give each other warning of their approaching danger. The jackdaw and the magpie, in particular, often follow him along to the distance of some hundred paces, still towering beyond his reach, and, with their cries and notes of hostility, apprise other animals to beware. Of all wild animals, the fox 1s most subjected to the influence of climate, and there are found nearly as many varieties in this species, as in that of any domestic animal. The generality of foxes in Europe are red ; of some, however, the hair is of a grayish cast; and, of all, the tip of the ta, is white. In the northern countries foxes of all colors are found. 152 MAMMALIA—FOX THE ARCTIC FOX, In its full winter dress, is entirely of a pure white color, except at the tip of the tail, where there are a few black hairs intermixed. Before the eyes, and on the lower jaw, the hair is short and sleek ; on the posterior part of the cheeks, and on the forehead, it becomes longer, and on the occiput and neck it equals the ears in length, and is intermixed with soft wool. There is so much wool on the body, that it gives the fur the character of that of the American hare. In the months of April and May, when the snow begins to disappear, the long white fur falls off, and is replaced by shorter hair, more or less colored. The head and chin are then brown, having some fine white hairs scattered through the fur. A similar brown color ex- tends along the back to the tail, and down the outside of all the legs; the under parts of the body being of a dingy white. The perfect similarity of habits, and the series of variations in their fur, may lead us to conclude that the arctic foxes of the New and Old World are of the same species. They are inhabitants of the most northern lands hitherto discovered, and in North America they are numerous, on the shores of Hudson’s Bay, north of Churchill, and exist also in Bhering’s Straits. The brown’* variety of the Arctic fox breeds on the sea-coast, within the Arctic circle. They form burrows in sandy spots in little villages, twenty or thirty burrows being constructed adjoining each other. Towards the middle of winter they retire to the southward, evidently in search of food, keeping as much as possible on the coast. Captain Lyon, who has studied the manners of the Arctic fox with atten- tion, says, “that it bears a great resemblance to the European species, though it is considerably smaller. The general time of rest is during the daylight, in which they appear listless and inactive, but the night no sooner sets in, than all their faculties are awakened: they commence their gain- bols, and continue in unceasing and rapid motion till morning. Their bark is so modulated, as to give you an idea that the animal is at a distance, although at the very moment he lies at your feet. They feed on eggs, young birds, blubber, and carrion of any kind; but their principal food seems to be lemmings of different species. A confinement of a few hours often sufficed to quiet one of them; and some instances have occurred of their being perfectly tame although timid, from the first moment of their captivity. Their fur is‘of small value in commerce.” 1 C. lagopus, Lin. MAMMALIA—FOX. 153 THE SILVERY FOX.) Tuts animal is very rare, a greater number than four or five being seldom taken in a season in the fur countries. The fur is six times the value of any other fur produced in North America. It is sou%etimes found of a shin- ing black, the tip of the tail being white. It is commonly found of a black color, intermixed with hairs tipped with white. It inhabits the same districts with the red fox. It is not yet clearly proved that it is of the same species as the black fox of Europe, though it bears a strong resem- lance to it. THE AMERICAN FOX. THe common fox of America is supposed by Cuvier to be a distinct species from the red fox of Europe. It inhabits all parts of the United States. It Oo regentatus, Desm. 8 Alig, Drm. 20 154 MAMMALIA-—FENNEC. is of a bright red color on the head, back, and sides; on the throat and neck of adark gray; and pale red on the under parts of the body. It bearsa strong resemblance to the common European fox, but differs from it in the breadth and capacity of its feet for running on the snow; and the quantity of long hair, clothing the back part of the cheeks, with the shorter ears and nose, give the head a more compact appearance. It has a much finer brush ‘han the European one, and is altogether a finer animal. It is very plenti- ful in the wooded district of the fur countries, about eight thousand being annually imported into England from thence. Red foxes prey much on the smaller animals of the rat family, but they are fond of fish, and reject no kind of animal food that comes in their way. They hunt their food chiefly in the night, though they are frequently seen in the daytime. They are taken in steel traps, but much nicety is required in setting them, as the animal is very suspicious. THE FENNEC. Tus beautiful and extraordinary animal, or at least one of this genus, was first made known to European naturalists by Bruce, who received it from his dragoman, whilst consul genera] at Algiers. Bruce kept it alive for several months. Its favorite food was dates, or anv other sweet fruit, it was also very fond of eggs; when hungry it would eat bread, especially with honey or sugar. His attention was immediately attracted if a bird flew near him, and he would watch it with an eagerness that could hardly be diverted frora its object: but he was dreadfully afraid of a cat, and endeavored to hide himself, the moment he saw an animal of that species, though he shdwed no symptoms of preparing for any defence. Bruce never 'C. Brucei, Burr, MAMMAL A—CIVET. 155 neard that he had any voice. During the day he was inclined to sleep, but became restless and exceedingly unquiet as night came on. Bruce describes his fennec as about ten inches long, and of a dirty white color; the hair on the belly being softer, whiter, and longer than on the res! of the body. There has been great diversity of opinion among naturalists concerning this animal. Cuvier treats Bruce’s account as scarcely worthy of credit tut Denham and Clapperton, on their return from Central Africa, brought ski: of the animal, and thus placed its existence beyond doubt. THE CIVET! {s from two to three feet in length, stands from ten to twelve inches'high, and has a tail half the length of its body. The hair is long, and the ground color of it is a brownish gray, interspersed with numerous transverse, inter- rupted bands or irregular spots of black. Along the centre of the back, from between the shoulders to the end’of the tail, is a kind of mane, which ean be erected or depressed as the animal pleases, and which is formed of black hairs, longer than those of the body. The sides of the neck and the upper lip are nearly white. The legs, and the greater part of the tail, 1 Viverra civetta, L's. The genus Viverra has six upper and six lower incisors; twe upper and two lowe, canines; twelve upper and twelve lower molars. Three false molars in the uyper jaw, conical and compressed, a large carnivorous bicuspid tooth, and wo tuberculous ones; in the lower, four false molars, one bicuspid and one tuberculous ; read long; muzzle pointed; feet pentadactyle; claws semiretractile; ai:al pouch more ar iess deep. 156 MAMMALIA—CIVET. are perfectly black; there is a large, black patch round each eye which passes thence to the corner of the mouth; and two or three bands of the same color stretch obliquely from the base of the ears towards the shvulders and neck, the latter of which is marked with a black patch. The perfume of the civet is very strong ; and though the odor is so strong, it is yet agreeable, even when it issues from the body of the animal. The perfuine of the civet we must not confound with musk, which is a sanguine- ous humor, obtained from an animal altogether different from either the tivet or the zibet. The civets, though natives of the hottest climates of Africa and of Asia, are yet capable of living in temperate, and even in cold countries, provided they are carefully defended from the injuries of the air, and provided with deli- cate and esculent food. In Holland, where no smal] emolument is derived from their perfume, they are frequently reared. The perfume of Amster- dam is esteemed preferable to that which is brought from the Levant, or the Indies, which is generally less genuine. ‘That which is imported from Guinea, would be the best of any, were it not that the negroes, as well as the Indians and the people of the Levant, adulterate it with mixtures of laudanum, storax, and other balsamic and odorous drugs. Those who breed these animals for the sake of their perfume, put them into a long and narrow sort of box, in which they cannot turn. This box the person who is empluyed to collect the perfume, opens behind, for this purpose, twice or thrice a week; and, dragging the animal which is con- fined in it, backward by the tail, he keeps it in this position by a bar before. This done, he takes out the civet with a small spoon, carefully scraping with it, all the while, the interior coats of the pouch under the tail, which secretes and contains it. The perfume thus of. aired, is put into a vessel, and every care is taken to keep it closely shut. The quantity which a single animai wll «Tord, depends greatly upon tts appetite, and the quality of its nourisiim srt. 7+ yields more in proportion as it is more delicately and abundantly ied Raw flesh hashed small, eggs, rice, small animals, birds, young fowis, ane vu>rticularly fish, are the food in which the civet most delights. As to the rest, the civet is 2 wild, nerce auin.1, and, though sometimes tamed, is yet never thoroughly familiar. Its teet. are streng and sharp; out its claws are feeble and blunt. It is sight and »c1 ve and lives by prey, pursuing birds, and other small aninias, which it is ab. te overcome. It generally attacks at night, and by surprise. They a.e sometimes seen stealing into yards and out-houses, like tne fox, in order 10 -#rv off poultry. Their eyes shine in the night; and it is very provaule that 1 ‘ev see better by night than by day. When they fail of animal ivoa, wey «re ford to subsist upon roots and fruits. They very seldom diina; nor ck the ever inhabit humid ground; but in burnirg sands, and in aziu noun vi ts they cheerfully remain. There is another animal called MAMMAu1A—CIVET. 157 THE ZIBET Wan arirers from the civet, in having a body longer and less thick, a snout fla. 1, more -Iender, and somewhat concave at the upper part; its hair is muc.a sherte and softer; it has no mane, no black under the eyes, or upon the cleexs. ll these characteristics are peculiar to, and very remarkable in, the cive: THE JAVANESE CIVET? DrrFEeRs considerably from the common civet. The body, narrow, corn- pressed, and higher behind than before, is from fifteen to eighteen inches long. The back is strongly arched. The muzzle is narrow and tapering; the ears short and rounded; the profile forms a perfectly straight line; the tail, tapering gradually to the tip, is as long as the body, and is marked with eight or nine broad, black rings, which alternate with as many of a grayish hue. A much lighter gray than that of the civet composes the ground color; there isa broad, longitudinal dorsal line of black, and on each side two or three narrower black lines, consisting of confluent spots. Over the rest of the body these spots are thickly but rather irregularly scat- tered, so as to constitute a series of flexuous, dotted lines. The side of the aeck above is occupied by a deep, longitudinal black line, and, below, there ts a second, which is more obliquely placed. The head is grayish, and has no spots; and the legs are externally black. 1 V. zibetha, Lin, V. Rasse Honsr. 158 MAMMALIA—GENET...ICHNEUMON THE GENET! is an animal smaller than the civets. It has a long body, short legs, a sharp snout, anda slender head. Its fur, which is exceedingly smooth and soft, is of an ash color, glossy, and marked with black stripes, which are separate upon the sides, but which unite upon the back. It has, also, upon the neck, a kind of mane, or longish hair, which forms a black streak, from the head to the tail, which last is as long as the body, and is marked with seven or eight rings, from the insertion to the tip, which are alternately black and white. The genet has under the tail, and in the very same place with the civets, an opening, or pouch, in which is separated a kind of perfume resembling civet, but less strong, and apt sooner to evaporate. It is an animal some- what larger than the marten, which it strongly resembles, not only in the form of the body, but also in disposition and habit, and from which it seems chiefly to differ in being more easily tayned. It is a native of Spain, Africa, and the south of Asia. THE ICHNEUMON,? From the tip of the nose to the end of the tail, is from twenty-four to forty- two inches in length; nearly half of which is occupied by the tail. At the pase, the tail is véry thick; 1t tapers gradually towards the point, which is 1 V. Genetta, Lin. * Herpestes Pharaonis. The genus Herpestes has six upper and six lower incisors: two upper and two lower canines; ten upper and ten lower molars. Body elongated; anal pouch large; feet pentadactyle, semi-palmated, with nails partly retractile. MAMMALIA—ICHNEUMON. 159 slightly tufted. The eyes are of a bright red; the ears almost naked, smal! and rounded ; the nose is long and slender. The legs are short. The hair is hard and coarse, and of a pale reddish gray, each hair being mottfd with brown or mouse color. This animal is domestic in Egypt, like our cat; and, like that, is service- able in destroying rats and mice ; but its inclination for prey and its instinc are much stronger and more extensive tham the cat’s; for it hunts alike, birds, quadrupeds, serpents, lizards, and insects. It attacks every living creature in general, and feeds entirely on animal flesh: its courage is equal to the sharpness of its appetite; it is neither frightened at the anger of the dog, nor the malice of the cat, nor even dreads the bite of the serpent. It pursues them with eagerness, and seizes on them, however venomous they may be. As soon as it begins to feel the impressions of their venom, it immediately goes in search of antidotes, and particularly a root that the Indians call by its name, and which, they say, is one of the most powerful remedies in nature against the bite of the viper. It sucks the eggs of the crocodile, as well as those of fowls and birds; it also kills and feeds on young crocodiles, when they are scarcely come out of their shell; and, as fable commonly accompanies truth, it has been currently reported, that, by virtue of this antipathy, the ichneumon enters the body of the crocodile, when it is asleep, and never quits it till he has:devoured its entrails. Jt was formerly deified by the Egyptians, for its serviceable qualities. It lives commonly by the sides of rivers, inundations, and other waters, and is reported to swim and dive occasionally, like an otter, and to remain for a considerable time beneath the liquid element. It quits its habitation to seek its prey near habitable places. It sometimes carries its head erect, fore-shortens its body, and raises itself upon its hind legs; at other times, it,creeps and lengthens itself like a serpent: it often sits upon its hind feet, and often springs upon its prey: its eyes are lively and full of fire. Its aspect is beautiful, the body very active, the legs short, the tail thick and very long, and the hair rough and bristly. Both male and female have a remarkable orifice, independent of the natural passages. It isa kind of pocket, into which an odoriferous liquor filters. They pretend that it opens this bag, or pocket, to refresh itself when too hot. Its nose is very sharp, and its mouth narrow, which prevents it from seizing and biting any thing very large; but this defect is amply supplied by its agility, courage, and by its power. It very easy strangles a cat, although much larger and stronger than itself; it often fights with dogs, and, of whatever size they are, it com- monly gets the better of them. It may easily be domesticated, and is then foore tame, obedient, and affectionate than a cat. e 166 MAMMALIA—HY ENA. THE STRIPED HYENA.l So striking, and even so singular, are the characteristics of the hyana, that it is hardly possible to be deceived by them. It is, perhaps, the only quadruped which has but four toes to either the fore or hind feet: ike the badger, it has an aperture under the tail, which does not penetrate into the interior parts of the body ; its ears are long, straight, and nearly bare; its head is more square and shorter than that of the wolf; its legs, the hind ones especially, are longer; its eyes are placed like those of the dog; the hair and mane of a brownish gray, with transverse dark brown or blackish bands on the body, which stripes become oblique on the flanks and the legs. The coat is of two sorts; fur or wool, in small quantity, and long, stiff, and silky hair. Its height varies from nineteen to twenty-five inches, and its usual length, from the muzzle to the tail, is three feet three inches. The striped hyena is a native of Barbary, Egypt, Abyssinia, Nubia, Syria, Persia, and the East Indies. It generally resides in the caverns of mountains, in the clefts of rocks, or in dens, which it has formed for itself under the earth. It lives by depredation, like the wolf; but it is a stronger animal, and seemingly more daring. It sometimes attacks man, carries off cattle, follows the flocks, breaks open the sheepcotes by night, and ravages with a ferocity insatiable. By night also its eyes shine; and it is main tained that it sees better than in the day. If we may credit all the natural ists who have treated of this animal, its cry is very peculiar, beginning with something like the moaning of a human being, and ending in a sound which resembles the sobs or reachings of a man in a violent fit of vomiting; 1 Hyena vulgaris. The genus Hyena has six upper and six lower incisors; two upper and two lower canines ; ten upper and eight lower molars. Feet tetradactyle; nails not retractile; legs long; eves projectine; ears large ; a glandular pouch at the anus. MAMMALIA—HYAENA 16) but, according to Kempfer, wo was an ear-witness of the fact, it sounds like the lowing of a calf. When at a loss for other prey, it scrapes up the earth with its feet, and devours the carcasses both of animals and men, which, in the countries that it inhabits, are interred promiscuously in the fields, / THE SPOTTED HY ENA|! Tus animal is a native of Southern Africa, and abounds in the neighbor- aood of the Cape of Good Hope, where it is called the tiger wolf. It is somewhat inferior in size to the striped hyena, but, in its wild state, has the same manners and propensities. Its short muzzle is less abruptly truncated, and its ears, short and broad in form, are of a nearly quadrilateral figure. The general color of the hide is a dirty yellow, or yellowish brown, and the whole body is covered with spots of a blackish brown, excepting the under part of the belly and of the breast, the inner surface of the limbs and the head. The muzzle is black, and the tail covered with long bushy hair of a blackish brown. Like the striped hyena, the spotted species has jaws of enormous strength, with which it easily breaks to pieces the hurd- est bones. ‘It isa common but erroneous idea, that the hyana is wholly savage anc untamable. Both species have been tamed, and instances are recorded of individuals having manifested all the attachment of a dog. The striped | hyena has recently been domesticated in the Cape territory, and is consider- ed one of the best hunters after game, and as faithful and diligent as any of the common domestic dogs. The truth is, that the hyena has a very 1 Hi. capensis, Dram. 21 162 MAMMALIA—HYANA. natural aversion to close confinement, and when exhioited, as he gcuerally is, in a narrow cage, he is miserable, and consequently irritable. In a man, similarly situated, the expression of anger would be praised as a generous ‘hatred of slavery. The hyzna was undcubtedly once an inhabitant not only of the European continent, but also of the British islands. His bones have been found in various parts of England and Wales, and particularly in a cave at Kirby Moorside, in Yorkshire. The depredations of the hyena are not confined to the remains of the dead. There are periods when they become bold from extreme hunger, and will carry off very large animals, and even human beings, with the most daring ferocity. Major Denham says, ‘tat this season of the year,” (August,) “there are other reasons, besides the falls of rain, which induce people to remain in their habitations. When the great lake overflows the immense district which, in the dry season, affords cover and food, by its coarse grass and jungle, to the numerous savage animals with which Bornou abounds, they are driven from these wilds, and take refuge in the standing corn, and sometimes in the immediate neighborhood of the towns. Ele- phants had already been seen at Dowergoo, scarcely six miles from Kouka, and a female slave, while she was returning heme, from weeding the corn, to Kowa, not more than ten miles distant, had been carried off by a lioness The hyenas, which are every where in legions, grew now so extremelt ravenous, that a good large village, where I sometimes procured a draught of sour milk on my duck-shooting excursions, had been attacked the night before my last visit, the town absolutely carried hy storm, notwithstanding defences nearly six feet high of branches of the prickly tulloh, and two donkies, whose flesh these animals are particularly fond of, carried off, in spite of the efforts of the people. We constantly heard them close to the walls of our town at night; and ona gate being left partly open, they would enter and carr~ off any unfortunate animal that. they could find in the streets.” With this strong desire for food, approaching to the loldness of the most desperate craving, the hyzna, although generally fearful of the presence of man, is an object of natural terror to the African traveller. Bruce relates, that,one night in Maibsha in Abyssinia, he heard a noise in his ‘ent, una, getting up from his bed, saw two large blue eyes glaring upon him. Is was a powerful hyena, who had been attracted to the tent by a quantity of candles, which he had seized upon, and was bearing off in his mouth. He had a desperate encounter with the beast, but succeeded in killing him. In she neighborhood of the ruins of those cities on the northern coast of Africa, which, in ancient times, were the abodes of wealth and splendor, and witnessed the power of the Ptolemies and Caesars, the hyena is a constant tesident, and increases the sense of desolation by the gloominess of his habits. At Ptolemeta, where there are many remains of former architectural MAMMALIA—LION, 1635 magnificence, the fountains which were constructed for the accommodation of an enormous population are now useless, except to the wandering Arab, and to the jackal and hyena, who stray amongst these ruins after sunset, to search for water at the deserted reservoirs. Seldom does the hyana molest the traveller in these solitudes; but his howl, or the encounter of his fierce and sullen eye, is always alarming. Captain Beechey says, ‘although we had very frequently been disturbed by hyenas, we neve found that familiarity with their howl, or their presence, could render their near approach an unimportant occurrence ; and the hand would instinctively find its way to the pistol, before we were aware of the action, whenever either of these interruptions obtruded themselves closely upon us, either by night or by day.” Such encounters are generally without any fatal results, if the man does not commence the attack. The hyzna sets up a howl, and doggedly walks away, with his peculiar limping motion, which gives him an appearance of lameness, but when he is attacked, his resistance is a: fierce as it is obstinate. THE LION. 1H=E outward form of the lion seems to speak the superiority of his m- ternal qualities. His figure is striking, his look confident and bold, his gait proud, and his voice terrible. His stature is not overgrown, like that of the elephant, or the rhinoceros; nor is the shape clumsy, like that of the hippopotamus, or the ox. He is in every respect compact and well-propor- tioned, a perfect model of strength joined with agility. 1 Felis eo, Lin. The genus Felis has six upper and six lower incisors; two upper ana two lower canines; eight or six upper and six lower molars; five toes on the fore feet hind feet tetradactyle ; nails retractile; head short; four molars on each side of the uppet ‘aw (the lust tuberculous and very sinall; three in the lower jaw; ears puited. 164 MAMMALIA—LION. His force and muscular power he manifests outwardly by his prodigious leaps and bounds; by the strong and quick agitation of his tail, which alone is sufficient to throw a man on the ground; by the facility with which he moves the skin of his face, and particularly that of his forehead, which adds greatly to his physiognomy, or rather to the expression of fury in his counte nance; and Jastly, by the facility he has of shaking his mane, which is not only bristled up, but moved and agitated on all sides, when he is enraged. The largest lions are about eight or nine feet in length, from the snout to the Insertion of the tail, which is of itself four feet long; and these large lions are about four or five feet in height. Those of the small size are about five feet and a half in length, and three anda half in height. In all her dimensions, the lioness is about one fourth less than the lion. The lion is furnished with a mane, which becomes longer in proportion as he advances in age. The lioness, however, is without this appendage at every age. Both the ancients and the moderns allow that the lion, when newly born, is in size hardly superior to a weasel ; in other words, that he is not more than six or seven inches long; and if so, some years at least must necessa- rily elapse before he can increase to eight or nine feet. They likewise mention, that he is not in a condition to walk till two months afier he is brought forth ; but, without giving entire credit to these assertions, we may, with great appearance of truth, conclude that the lion, from the largeness of ais size, is at least three or four years in growing, and that, consequently, be mast live seven times three or four years, that is, about twenty-five years T: is usually supposed that the lion is not possessed of the sense of smell inz n such perfection as most other animals of prey. Itis also remarked that too strong a light incommodes him ; that he seldom goes abroad in the middle of the day; that he commits all his ravages in the night; and that when he sees a fire kindled near a herd or flock, he will not venture near it; that though his sight is bad, it is not, however, so faulty as his smell ; and that, unlike the dog or the wolf, he rather hunts by the former than by the latter. The lion, when hungry, boldly attacks all animals that come in his way; but, as he is very formidable, and as they all seek to avoid him, he is often obliged to hide, in order to take them by surprise: For this purpose he crouches upon his belly, in some thicket, or among the long grass, which is found in many parts of the forest. In this retreat he continues, with patien: expectation, until his prey comes within a proper distance; and he ther springs after it with such force, that he often seizes it at the first bound. J ne misses the effort, and in two or three reiterated springs cannoi seize ht prey, he continues motionless for a time, seems to be very sensible of hus disappointment, and waits for a more favorable opportunity. He devours a great deal at a time, and generally fills himself for two or three days to come. His teeth are so strong that he very easily breaks the bones, and swallows them with the rest of the body. It is reported that he sustains MAMMALIA—LION. 165 hanger a very long time; but thirst he cannot support in an equal degee, his temperament being extremely hot. He drinks as often as he meets @ith water, lapping like a dog. He generally requires about fifteen pounds af raw flesh in a day ; and seldom devours the bodies of animals when they begin to putrefy ; but he chooses rather to hunt for fresh spoil than return to that which he had half devoured before. While young and active, the lion subsists on what he can obtain by the chase, and seldom quits his native deserts and forests ; but when he becomes old, heavy, and less qualified for sxercise, he approaches the habitations of man, to whom, and to domestie animals, he then becomes a more dangerous enemy. It is observed, how ever, that when he sees men and animals together, itis always on the latter ever on the former, that he vents his fury; unless indeed he should be struck, and then, at no loss to know whence the blow came, he instaniy deserts his prey, in order to obtain revenge for the injury. The flesh of the camel he is said to prefer to that of any other animal. He is likewise exceedingly fond of that of young elephants, which, from their inability to resist him till they have received the assistance of their tusks, he easily dispatches, when unprotected by the dam; nor are there any animals able to oppose the lion, but the elephant, the rhinoceros, the tiger, and the hip- popotamus. : However terrible this animal may be, it is not uncommon, with dogs of a large size, and well supported with a proper number of men on horseback, to chase him, dislodge him, and force him to retire. But for this enterprise it is necessary that the dogs, and even the horses, should be previously disciplined ; since almost all animals tremble and fly at the very smell of the lion. ‘ Though the skin of the lion is firm and compact, it is not, however, proof against a musket ball, nor even a javelin; but he is seldom known to be dispatched with one blow. Like the wolf, he is frequently taken by strata- gem; and for this purpose a deep hole is dug in the earth, over which, when slightly covered with earth and sticks, some living animal is fastenel asa bait. When thus entrapped, all his fury subsides; and if advantage is taken of the first moments of his surprise, or his disgrace, he nay zasily be chained, muzzled, and conducted to a place of security. The flesh of the lion is of a strong and disagreeable flavor: yet the negroes and the Indians do not dislike it, and it frequently forms a part of their food. The good qualities, and particularly the courage and magnanimity uf the lion, have been the theme of panegyric to Buffon, and other writers on natural history.- Later naturalists, however, are disposed to estimate his merits at a lower rate. “The ‘lordly lion,’” says Godman, “conceals himself near the places where deer and other animals come to drink, and springs upor them from his ambush, like the veriest torn-cat; having feeble sight; and being unfit for the chase, he follows the wild dogs and chacals, {66 , MAMMALIA—LION. which rim down buffaloes, antelopes, &c., and when they have succeeded,’ drives them off and gorges to repletion; as he relinquishes the carcass when’ satiated, he is called generous; as he does not attack and devour men, when not hungry, he is considered magnanimous ; he retires slowly, facing his enemies, being unable to run with speed, and is celebrated for his noble spirit; and, as he does not kill the wild dogs and other small aniinals, be- vattse it 1s not in his power to catch them, he is then called clement ; while in virtue of his great strength, dreadful claws, horrid teeth, and aw/ul roar, he is considered as altogether royal. Yet this ring of quadruveds bas not half the moral excellence of a poodle dog, nor a thousandth part of the dignity of character possessed by the elephant. He is, moreover, nc match for the great tiger of Asia, which, in ferocity, savage daring, audacicus de- structiveness, unconquerable and unappeasable hatred to mankind, is infi- nitely more royal, and a more consistent emblem of a great number of human ‘ings, who have aided, in various ages and countries, to retard the progress of improvement and the march of miftd.” “At the time when men first adopted the lion as the emblem of courage,” says that intelligent traveller, Mr Burchell, ‘it would seem that they regard- ed great size and strength as indicating it; but they were greatly mistaken in the character they have given to this indolent, skulking animal, and have overlooked a much better example of courage, and of other virtues also, in the bold and faithful dog.” Myr Barrow also brands him with the character ef cowardly and treacherous. “His forbearance and generosity,” says Mr Bennett, “if the facts be cares: fully investigated, will be found to resolve themselves into no more than this: that in his wild state he destroys only to satiate his hunger or revenge, and never, like the ‘gaunt wolves,’ and the ‘sullen tigers,’ of whom the poet has composed his train, in the wantonness of his power and the malignity of his disposition; and that, when tamed, his hunger being satis- fied, and his feelings being free from irritation, he suffers smaller animals to remain in his den uninjured, is familiar with, and sometimes fond of, the keeper, by whom he is attended and fed, and will even, when under con- plete control, submit to the caresses of strangers. “But even this limited degree of amiability, which, in an animal of less formidable powers, would be considered as indicating no peculiar mildness of temper, is modified by the calls of hunger, by the feelings of revenge, which he frequently cherishes for a considerable length of time; and by various other circumstances, which render it dangerous to approach him * gnguardedly, even in his tamest and most domesticated state, without pre viously ascertaining his immediate state of mind. On such occasions, no Keeper possessed of common prudence, would be rash enough to venture on confronting him. He knows too well, that it is no boy’s play to ———— seek the lion in his den, And fight him there, and make bim tremble there: MAMMALIA—LION. 1by for in this state of irritation, from whatever cause it ma, have arisen ke gives free scope to his natural ferocity, unrestrained by that control tu which, at other times, he submits with meek and unresisting patience.” It appears, however, to be a well authenticated fact, that neither the lior nor the tiger can bear the steady gaze of the human eye, but are completely cowed by it. A writer in the South African Journal, says, “the Bechuanc thief, old Peyshow, now in Cape Town, conversing with me a few days ago, said that the lion very seldom attacks man if unprovoked; but he will frequently approach within a few paces and survey him steadily; and some- times he will attempt to get behind him, as if he could not stand his look, gut was yet desirous of springing upon him unawares. If a person, in such tircumstances, attempts either to fight or to fly, he incurs the most immi- vent peril; but if ne have sufficient presence of mind coolly to confront aim, without appearance of either terror or aggression, the anima} will, in almost every instance, after a little space, retire. The overmastering effect of the human eye upon the lion has been frequently mentioned, though much doubted by travellers; but, from my own inquiries among lion hunters, I am perfectly satistied of the fact; and an anecdote related to me afew days ago, by Major Mackintosh, proves that this fascinating effect is not restricted to the lion. An officer in India, well known to my infor- mant, having chanced to ramble into a jungle, suddenly encountered a royal tiger. The rencontre appeared equally unexpected on both sides, and both parties made a dead halt, earnestly gazing on each other. The gentleman had no firearms, and was aware that a sword would be no effective defence in a struggle for life with such an antagonist! But he had heard that even the Bengal tiger might be sometimes check- ed by looking him firmly in the face. He did so: in a few minutes, the tiger, which appeared prepared to make his final spring, grew dis- turbed—slunk aside—and attempted to creep round upon hiin behind The officer turned constanuy upon the tiger, which still continued to shrink from his glance; but darting into the thicket, and again issuing forth at a different quarter, it persevered for above half an hour in this attempt ta satch him by surprise; till at last it fairly yielded to the contest, and left he gentleman to pursue his pleasure walk, The direction he aow took, ax may te easily believed, was straight to the tents, at double quick time.” 168 MAMMALIA—LION. THE BENGAL LION. Tue uniformity of his color is one characteristic which distinguishes tne -ton from his congeners of the feline race. Except in his young state, when there is an appearance of stripes, he is of a pale tawny above, which be- comes somewhat lighter beneath. A second mark is, the long and flowing mane of the full grown male, which, commencing nearly at the root of his nose, extends backwards over his shoulders, and gracefully undulates on each side’of his face and neck. A third is,.a long and blackish tuft of hairs which terminates his tail. In size, the Asiatic lion rarely equals the south- ern African. He is of a more uniform and pale yellow, and has a peculiar appendage in the long hairs which begin beneath the neck, and occupy the whole of the middle line of the body below. The lioness has no mane, is of smaller size than the lion, more slenderly and delicately made, and more graceful and agile in her movements. The head of the lion is almost uniformly elevated ; that of the lioness is almost uniformly carried on a !evel with the line of her back, which gives her a sullen and downcast luok. The period of gestation is a hundred and eigist days. Th: young are born with the eyes open; but the ear does not vee come ev apletely erect for two months, The lion arrives at marurity m five years, and is then nearly eight feet long. MAMMALIA—LION, 16 THE CAPE LION, ‘Tuere are two varieties of this species, which, from their color, particu. larly of the manes, are designated by the settlers, as the pale and the bluck lun. The latter of these is the larger ard more ferocious of the two, and is occasionally found of the enormous length of eight feet from the tip of the nose to the origin of the tail. The tail is usually about half the length of the body. The pale variety is the more common. The colonists at the Cape bear the lion a deadly hatred for the mischief which he does to them, particularly in the destruction of their horses, for the flesh of which he seems to have an especial liking. Being excellent marksmen, they will almost attack him singly; but the more common mode of attacking him is by hunting parties. The hunting of an African lion is described with infinite spirit by Mr Pringle, who was a settler on the eastern frontier of tne Vape colony. “One night,” says he, ‘a lion, that had previously purloined a few sueep out of my kraal, came down and killed my riding horse, about a hundred yards from the door of my cabin. Knowing that the ion, waen he does not carry off his prey, usually conceals himself in the vicinity, and is very apt to be dangerous by prowling about the place in search of more game, I resolved to have him destroyed or dislodged without delay. i therefore sent a mes- senger round the location, to invite all who were willing to assist in the enterprise, to repair to the place of rendezvous as specdily as possible. In an hour, every man of the party, (with the exceptisn of two pluckless fel- lows, who were kept at home by the women,) appeared, ready mounted and armed. We were also reinforced by about a dozen of the ‘Bastuard’ or mulatto Hottentots, who resided at that time upon our territory as tenants vr herdsmen,—an active and enterprising, though rather an unsteady, race 22 170 MAMMALIA—LION. of men. Our friends, the Tarkaboors, many of whom are excellent lion qunters, were all too far distant to assist us, our nearest neig hbors residing at least twenty miles frum the location. We were, therefore, on account of our own inexperience, obliged to make our Hottentots the leaders of the chase. “The first point was to track the lion to his covert. This was effected oy a few of the Hottentots, on feot. Commencing from the spot where the oorse was killed, they followed the spoor, (track,) through grass, and gravel, and brushwood, with astonishing ease and dexterity, where an inexperieuce ed eye could discern neither foot print nor mark of any kind,—unt. at length we fairly tracked him into a large bosch, or straggling thicke: of brushwood and evergreens, about a mile distant. “The next object was to drive him out of this retreat, in order to attack dim in close phalanx, and with more safety and effect. The approved mode, in such cases, is to torment him with dogs till he abandons his covert, and stands at bay in the open plain. The whole band of hunters then march forward together, and fire deliberately one by one. If he does not speedily fall, but grows angry and turns upon his enemies, they must then stand close in a circle, and turn their horses, rear outward; some holding them fast by the bridles, while the others kneel to take a steady aim at the lion as he approaches, sometimes up to the very horses’ heels, couching every now and then, as if to measure the distance and strength of his enemies. This is the moment to shoot him fairly in the forehead, or some other mor tal part. If they continue to wound him ineffectually till he waxes furious and desperate, or if the horses, startled by his terrific roar, grow frantic with terror, and burst loose, the business becomes rather serious, and may end in mischief; especially if al] the party are not men of courage, coolness, and experience. The frontier boors are, however, generally such exceilent marksmen, and, withal, so cod] and deliberate, that they seldom fail to shoot nim dead as soon as they get within a fair distance. “Tn the present instance, we did not manage matters quite so scientifically. The Bastuards, after recounting to us all these and other sage laws of lion hunting, were themselves the first to depart from them. Finding that the few indifferent hounds which we had, made little impression on the enemy, they divided themselves into two or three parties, and rode round the jungle, firing into the spot where the dogs were barking round hiin, but without effect. At length, after some hours spent in thus beating about the bush, the Scottish blood of some of my cuuntrymen began to get impatient; and three of them announced their determination to march in and beard the lion in his den, provided three of the Bastuards, (who were superior marksmen,) would support them and follow up their fire, should the enemy venture to give battle. Accordingly, in they went, (in spite of the warnings of some more prudent men among us,) to within fifteen or twenty paces of the spot where the animal lay concealed. He was couched among the rvots of a MAMMALIA—LION. 1721 large evergreen bush, with a small space of open ground on one side of it+ and they fancied, un approaching, that they saw him distinctly lying glaring at them from beneath the foliage. Charging the Bastuards to stand firm and level fair, should they miss, the Scottish champions let fly together, and struck, not the lion, as it afterwards proved, but a great bluck of red stone, beyond which he was actually lying. Whether any of the shot grazed him is uncertain, but, with no other warning than a furious growl, forth he bolted from the bush. The pusillanimous Bastuards, in place of now pouring a their volley upon him, instantly turned and fled helter-skelter, leaving him to do his picasure upon the defenceless Scots ; who, with empty guns, were tumbling over each other, m their hurry to escape the clutch of the ranipant savage. Ina twinkling he was upen them, and with one stroke of his paw dashed the nearest to the ground. The scene was terrific! There stood the lion with his paw upon his prostrate foe, looking round, in conscious power and pride upon the bands of his assailants, and with a port the most aoble and imposing that can be conceived. It was the most magnificent hing I ever witnessed. The danger of our friends, however, rendered it at the moment too terrible to enjoy either the grand or the ludicrous part of the picture. We expected every instant to see one or more of them torn in pieces ; nor, though the rest of the party were standing within fifty paces with their guns cocked and levelled, durst we fire for their assistance. One was lying under the lion’s paw, and the others scrambling towards us in such a way as to intercept our aim at him. All this passed far more rapid- ly than I have described it. But luckily, the lion, after steadily surveying us for a few seconds, seemed willing to be quits with us on fair, terms; and with a fortunate forbearance, (for which he met but an ungrateful recom- pense,) turned calinly away, and driving the snarling dogs like rats from among his heels, bounded over the adjoining thicket, like a cat over a foot- stool, clearing brakes and bushes twelve or fifteen feet high, as readily as if they had been turts of grass, and, abandoning the jungle, retreated towards the mountains. “After ascertaining the state of our rescued comrade, (who fortunately nad sustained no other injury than a slight scratch on the back, and a severe bruise in the ribs, from the force with which the animal bad dashed him to the ground,) we renewed the chase with Hottentots and hounds in full y, In a short time we again came up with the enemy, and found him standing at bay under an ald mimosa tree, by the side of a mountain stream, which we had distinguished by the name of Douglas water. The dogs were bark: ing round, but afraid to approach him, for he was now beginning to growl fiercely, and to brandish his tail in a manner that showed he was meditating mischief. The Hottentots, by teking a circuit between him and the nioun- tain, crossed the stream, and took a position on the top of a precipice overlooking the spot where be stood. Another party of us occupied a posi- ion on the other side of the glen; and placing the poor fellow thus between 172 MAMMALIA—LION, two fires, which confused his attention and prevented his retreat, we rept battering away at him till he fell, unable again to grapple with us, pierced with many wounds. “He proved to be a full grown lion of the yellow variety, about five or six years of age. He measured nearly twelve feet from the nose to the tip of the tail. His fore leg, below the knee, was so thick that I could not span it with both hinds; and bis neck, breast, and limbs appeared, when the skin was taken uff, a complete cengeries of sinews.” Major Denham furnishes us with the following anecdote: “The skin ofa noble lion was sent me by the sheikh, which had been taken near Kabshary, measuring from the tail to the nose fourteen feet two inches. He had devour- ed {vur slaves, and was at last taken by the following stratagem ; the inha- bitants assembled together, and, with loud cries and noises, drove him from the place where he had last feasted; they then dug a very deep blaque, or circular hole, armed with sharp pointed stakes; this they most cunningly covered over with stalks of the gussub; a bundle of straw, enveloped ina robe, was laid over the spot, to which a gentle motion, like that of a man turning in sleep, was occasionally given by means of a line carried to some distance. On their quitting the spot, and the noise ceasing, the lion returned to his haunt, and was observed watching his trap for seven or eight nours— by degrees approaching closer and closer,—and at length he made a dreadful spring on his supposed prey, and was precipitated to the bottom of the pit. The Kabsharians now rushed to the spot, and before he could recover himself, despatched him with their spears.” It has been remarked of the lion, by the Bushmen, that he generally kills and devours his prey in the morning at sunrise, or sunset. On this account, hen they intend to kill lions, they generally notice where the spring-buckg MAMMALIA--LION. 173 ar’gnazing at the rising of the sun; and by observing, at the same time, if they appear frightened and run off, they conclude that they have been attacked by the lion. Marking accurately the spot where the alarm took place, about eleven o’clock in the day, when the sun is powertul, and the enemy they seek is supposed to be fast asleep, they carefully examine the ground, and finding him in a state of unguarded security, they lodge a poisoned arrow in his breast. The moment the lion is thus struck he springs from his lair, and bounds off as helpless as the stricken deer. The work is done ; the arrow of death has pierced his heart, without even break- ing the slumbers of the lioness which may have been lying beside him; and the Bushman knows where, in the course of a few hours, or even in less time, he will find him dead, or in the agonies of death. Mr Eurchell furnishes us with the following lively description :—“The day was exceedingly pleasant, and not a cloud was to be seen. Fora mile or two we travelled along the banks of the river, which in this part abound- ed in tall mat-rushes. The dogs seemed much to enjoy prowling about and examining every bushy place, and at last met with some object among tne rushes which caused them to set up a most vehement and determined bark- ing. We explored the spot with caution, as we suspected, from the peculiar tone of their bark, that it was, what it proved to be, lions. Having encour- aged the dogs to drive them out, a task which they performed with great willingness, we had a full view of an enormous black maned lion, anda lioness. The’ latter was seen only for a minute, as she made her escape up the river, under concealment of the rushes; but ¢he lion came steadily for- ward and stood still to look at us. At this moment we felt our situation not free from danger, as the animal seemed preparing to spring upon us, and we were standing on the bank at the distance of only a few yards from him, most of us being on foot and unarmed, without any visible possibility of escaping. I had given up my horse to the hunters, and was on foot myself, but there was no time for fear, and it was useless to attempt avoid- ing him. I stood weil upon my guard, holding my pistols in my hand, with my finger upon the trigger, and those who. had muskets kept them- selves prepared in the same manner. But at this instant, the dogs boldly flew in between us and the lion, and surrounding him, kept him at bay Ly their violent and resolute barking. The courage of these faithful animais was most admirable; they advanced up to the side of the huge beast, and stood making the greatest clamor in his face, without the least appearance of fear. The lion, conscious of his strength, remained unmoved at their anisy attempts, and kept his head turned towards us. At one mornent, the dogs perceiving his eyes thus engaged, had advanced close to his feet, and seemed as if they would actually seize hold of him, but they paid dearly for their prudence, for, without discomposing the majestic and steady attitude in which he stood fixed, he merely moved his paw, and at the next instant { beheld two lying dead. ‘n doing this, he made so litule exertion, that it 4 MAMMALIA—LION. was scarcely perceptible by what means they had been killed. Of tne time which we had gained by the interference of the dogs, nota moment was lost; we fired upon-him; one of the balls went through his side jus’ be- tween the short ribs, and the blood immediately began to Jow, but the animal still remained standing in the same position. We aad now no doubt that he would spring upon us; every gun was instantly reluaded; but happily we were mistaken, and were not sorry to see him move quietly away; though J had hoped in a few minutes to have been enabled to take hold of his paw without danger. “ This was considered, by our party, to be a lion of the largest size, and seemed, as I measured him by comparison with the dogs, tu be as large as an ox. He was certainly as long in body, though lower in stature; and his copious mane gave him truly a formidable appearance. He was of that variety which the Hottentots and boors distinguish by the name of the slack on, on account of the blacker color of the mane, and which is said to be always larger and more dangerous than the other, which they call the pale ton. Of the courage of a lion I have no very high opinion, but of his majestic air and movements, as exhibited by this animal, while at liberty in his native plains, I can bear testimony. Notwithstanding the pain of a wound, of which he must soon afterwards have died, he moved slowly away witha stately and measured step. : “The lion, as we have seen, principally lives in the plains, and is always found where there are large herds of wild antelopes and other animals feeding together, in that fellowship which is characteristic of each species. To all these animals he is an object of unceasing dread. It is supposed by the agitation which oxen display when a lion is near them, that they can scent him at a considerable distance. Whatever may be his physical strength, therefore, and we know that it is prodigious, it is evident he could not accomplish his purposes by strength alone. The instinctive fear of the creatures upon which he preys would be constantly called into actiun, by their keen sight and acute scent; and they would remove to some distant part befure the destroyer could reach them. The lion, too, as well as the tiger, and others of the same species, seldom runs. He either walks, or creeps, or, for a short distance, advances rapidly by great bounds. It is evident, therefore, that he must seize his prey by stealth; that he is not fitted for an open attack ; and that his character is necessarily that of great power united to considerable wariness in its exercise. “Every one, almost, is familiar with the roar of the lion. It is a sound of terror, and produces an appalling effect. It is said by travellers that it sometimes resembles the sound which is heard at the moment of an earth- quake ; and that he produces this extraordinary effect by laying his head upon the ground, 2nd uttering a half stifled growl, by which means the nuise is conveyed along the earth. The instant this roar is heard by the animals who are reposing in the plains, they start up with alarm; they Aly. MAMMALIA—LION. 175 in al] directions ; they rush into the very danger which they seek to avoid This fearful sound, which, the lion utters, is produced hy the great compara+ tive size of the larynx, the principal organ of voice in all animals * He utters it to excite that fear which is necessary to his easy selection of an individual victim. “The lion, as well as all of the cat tribe, takes his prey at night; and it 1s necessary, therefore, that he should have peculiar organs of vision. Jn all those animals which seek their food in the dark, the eye is usually of a large size, to admit a great number of rays; and that part which is called the choroides reflects, instead of absorbing, the light. The power of seeing in the dark, which the cat tribe pacnetees. has always appeared a subject of mystery ; and it is natura] that it should be so, for man himself sees with more difficulty in the dark than any other animal; he has a compensation in his ability to produce artificial light. This peculiar kind of eye, there- fore, is necessary to the lion to perceive his prey; and he creeps towards it with a certainty which nothing but this distinct nocturnal vision could give “Every one must have observed what are usually called the whiskers on a cat’s upper lip. The use of these ina state of nature is very important. They are organs of touch. The slightest contact of these whiskers with any surrounding object is felt most distinctly by the animal, although the hairs are themselves insensible. They stand out on each side, in the lion, as well as in the common cat, so that, from point to point, they are equal to the width of the animal’s body. “If we imagine, therefore, a lion stealing through a cogent of wood in an imperfect light, we shall at once see the use of these long hairs. They in- dicate to him, through the nicest feeling, any obstacle which may present itself to the passage of his body; they prevent the rustle of boughs and leaves, which would give warning to his prey if he were to attempt to pass through too close a bush ;—and thus, in conjunction with the soft cushions of his feet, they enable him to move towards his victim with a stillness greater even than that of the snake, who creeps along the grass, and is not perceived till he has coiled round his prey.” *“The size of the larynx is proportionate to the strength of the sounds which ani- mals utter. The aliscalute size of the larynx of the whale and the elephant is the largest; but relatively the larynx of the lion has a still greater circumference. "—Noies ta Blimenbach’s Comp. Anatomy, by Lawrence and Coulson, 1827. 176 MAMMALIA- COUGAR. THE PUMA, OR COUGAR. Tur puma, cougar, or American lion, is from four to five feet long, but more commonly of the former size, and has a tail of half that length, which has not, like that of the lion, a terminating brush of hair; neither has the puma a mane. Indeed, his name of lion could only have been given to him by careless or unscientific observers, as his uniform sameness of color is the sole point of resemblance which he has to the king of beasts. He hasa smal} rounded head, a broad and rather obtuse muzzle, and a body which, in proportion, is slender and less elevated than that of his more dignified namesake. ‘The upper parts of his body,” says Mr Bennett, ‘are of a bright silvery fawn, the tawny hairs being terminated by whitish tips: be- neath and on the inside of the limbs he is nearly white, and more com pletely so on the throat, chin, and upper lip. The head aas an irregular mixture of black and gray; the outside of the ears, especially at the base, the sides of the ‘muzzle from which the whiskers take their origin, and the extremity of the tail, are black.” The fur of the cubs has spots of a darker hue, which are visible only in certain lights, and disappear when the animal is full grown. Both the sexes are of the same color. The puma* was once spread over the whole wide extent of the new world, from Canada to Patagonia. The progress of civilization has, how- ever, circumscribed his range, and has rooted him out in many places. Notwithstanding his size and strength, he is cowardly ; and, like almost al! cowards, he is sanguinary. Ifhe find a flock of sheep unprotected, he will 1 Felis concolor, Lin. * It is not now common, in any part of the United States, except the unsettled districts, {t is usttally called the panther, or painter, ly the common people. It is also called the calamouut. MAMMALIA—COUGAR. 177 destroy the whole, merely that he may enjoy the luxury o, sucking their blood. Ashe possesses much timidity and little swiftness, and in South America frequents the open plains, he generally falls a victim when the hunter pursues him with the unerring lasso. In seizing its prey, the puma crawls softly on his belly through the shrubs and byshes, conceals itselfin ditches, or assumes a fawning appearanee. As soon, however, as it can reach its victim, it leaps on its back by one bound, and soon rends it to pieces. Molina tells us, that, in Chili, where the husbandmen tether their horses in the fields by pairs, the puma kills and drags one away, and compels the other to follow by occasionally strik- ing it with his paw. All animals are not thus easily vanquished. Asses defend themselves with their heels, and are often victorious ; and cows form themselves into a circle round their calves, turn their horns towards the assailant, and not unfrequently destroy him. Even a woman ora child can put him to flight. When hunted with dogs, however, and cut off from his retreat to a rock or a tree, he places himself under the trunk of a large tree, and fights furiously. The puma is easily tamed, and in captivity becomes tractable, and even attached. It loves to be noticed and caressed, expresses ils pleasure by purring, will follow its owner about like a dog, and has been known to suffer children to ride upon its back. The following anecdotes are from Godman :— “Two hunters, accompanied by two dogs, went out in quest of game near the Catskiil mountains. At the foot of a large hill, they agreed to go round it in opposite directions, and when either discharged his rifle, the other was to hasten towards him to aid in securing the game. Soon after parting, the report ofa rifle-;was heard by one of them, who, hastening towards the spot, after some search, found nothing but the dog, dreadfully lacerated and dead. He now became much alarmed for the fate of his companion, and while anxiously looking around, was horror-struck by the harsh growl of a cougar, which he perceived on a large limb of a tree, ‘crouching upon the hody of his friend, and apparently meditating an attack on himself. Instantly he levelled his rifle at the beast, and was so fortu- nate as to wound it mortally, when it fell to the ground along with the body of his slaughtered companion. His dog then rushed upon the wounded cougar, which with one blow of its paw laid the poor animal dead by its side. The surviving huater now left the spot, and quickly returned With several other persons, when they found the lifeless cougar extended near the dead bodies of the hunter and the faithful dogs.” “ About the close of the late war, a merchant of Piqua, named Herse, received a considerable sum of money in small bills, which made it appear of still greater magnitude to several suspicious looking persons who were resent when it was received. Mr Herse being unarmed, was apprehen- wwe that an attempt would be made tatrob nim at the camping ground, and 23 178 MAMMALIA—COUGAR. expressed his apprehensions to a single fellow-traveller, who was also un- provided with arms. In-consequence, they resolved not to go to the camp- ing ground, but to pass the night in the woods without fire; there, turning their horses loose, they lay down in their blankets on the leaves. I:. the night they were aroused by hearing the horses snort, as they are apt to do on the approach of Indians, and shortly after they were heard to make several bounds through the woods, as if some one had unsuccessfully attempted to catch them. After some time had elapsed, they both distinctly heard, what they supposed to be, a man crawling towards them on his hands and feet, as they could hear first one hand cautiously extended and pressed very gently on the leaves, to avoid making a noise, then the other, and finally the other limbs in like manner and with equal care. When they believed that this felonious visitor was within about ten feet of them, they touched each other, sprang up simultaneously, and rushed to some distance through the woods, where they crouched and remained without further dis- turbance. A short time after, they heard the horses snorting and bounding furiously through the woods, but they did not venture to arise until broad daylight, being still ignorant of the character of their enemy. “When sufficiently light to see, by climbing a sapling, they discovered the horses at a considerable distance on the prairie. On approaching them, it was at once evident that their disturber had been nothing less than a cougar. It had sprung upon the horses, and so lacerated with its claws and teeth their flanks and buttocks, that with the greatest difficulty were they able to drive the poor creatures before them to Shane’s. Several other instances of annoyance to travellers had happened at the same place, and Shane believed by the same cougar.” MAMMALIA-TIGER, -° 179 THE TiGER? ay Ge Se Ry, In the class of carnivorous animals, the lion is the foremost. Immediately after him, follows the tiger ; which, while he possesses all the bad qualities of the former, seems to be a stranger to his good ones. To pride, to courage, to strength, the lion adds greatness, and sometimes, perhaps, clemency; while the tiger, without provocation, is fierce; without neces- sity, is cruel. Thus it is throughout all the classes of nature, in which the superiority of rank proceeds from the superiority of strength. The first class, sole masters of all, are less tyrannical than the inferior classes, which, denied sv full an exertion of authority, abuse the powers entrusted to them. More, therefore, than even the lion, the tiger is an object of terror. THe is the scourge of every country which he inhabits. Of the appearance of man, and of all his hostile weapons, he is fearless; wild animals, as well as tame ones, fall sacrifices before him; the young elephant and rhinoceros he sometimes attacks; and sometimes, with an increased audacity, he braves the lion himself. The form of the body usually corresponds with the nature and disposition of the animal. The tiger, with a body too long, with Jimbs too short, with a head uncovered, and with eyes ghastly and haggard, has no characteristics *but those of the basest and most insatiable cruelty. For instinct, he has nothing but a uniform rage, a blind fury; so blind, indeed, so undistinguish- ed, that he frequently devours his own progeny, and, if she offers to defend them, tears in pieces the dam herself. 1 Felis tigris, Lin 180 MAMMALIA—TIGER. Happy is it for the rest of nature, that this animal is not common, and that the species is chiefly confined to the: warmest provinces of the East Tke tiger is found in Malabar, in Siam, and in Bengal. . When he has killed a large animal, such as a horse or a buffalo, he does not choose to devour it on the spot, fearing to be disturbed ; and, in order to feast at his ease, he carries off his prey to the forest, dragging it along with such ease, that the swiftness of his motion seems scarcely retarded by the enormous load he sustains. To give a still more complete idea of the strength of this terrible creature, we shall quote a passage from Father Tachard, who was an eye-witness af a combat of one tiger against two, and even three, elephants, at Siam. For this purpose, the king ordered a lofty palisade to be built, of bamboo cane, about a hundred feet square; and in the midst of this were three elephants, appointed for combating the tiger. Their heads, and part of their trunks, were covered with a kind of armor like a mask, which defend- ed that part from the assaults of the fierce animal with which they were to engage. As soon, (says this author,) as we were arrived at the place, a tiger was brought forth from his den, of a size much larger than we had ever seen before. He was not at first let loose, but held with cords, so that one of the elephants approaching, gave him three or four blows with his trunk on the back, with such force that the tiger was for some time stunned, and lay without m. tion, as if he had been dead. As soon, however, as he was let loose, and at full liberty, although the first blows had greatly, abated his fury, he made at the elephant with a loud shriek, and aimed at seizing nis trunk. But the elephant, wrinkling it up with great dexterity. received the tiger on his great teeth, and tossed him up into the air. This so dis- couraged the furious animal, that he no more ventured to approach the elephant, but made several circuits round the palisade, often attempting to fly at the spectators. Shortly after, a second, and then a third elephant, were sent against him, and they continued to strike him so terribly with their trunks, that he once more lay for dead; and they would certainly have killed him, had not a stop been put to the combat. The tiger, of which Father Gouie has communicated to the Academy of Sciences an anatomical description, composed by the Jesuit Fathers at China, seems to belong to the true species, as does also that which the Por- tuguese have distinguished by the name of royal tiger. Dellon expressly says, in his ‘Travels,’ that there is no country of India in which tigers so much abound, as Malabar; that there the species are numerous, but that the largest of all is that which the Portuguese call the royal tiger, which is very rare, and is as large as a horse. The species of the tiger has always been much rarer, ana much less general- y diffused, than that of the lion. Like the lioness, nevertheless, the tigress roduces four or five young ones at a birth. From her nature she is fierce all times; but when surrounded with her infant progeny, and in the MAMMALIA—TIGER. {8} sinallest danger of losing them, her rage, her fury, becomes extravagant To oppose the daring invaders of her den, she braves every danger. On such occasions, she pursues the spoiler with an enmity the most inveterate ; and he, contented to lose a part in order to save a part, is frequently obliged to drop one of her cubs. With this she immediately returns to her den, and again pursues him: he then drops another; and, by the time she has returned with that, he generally escapes with the remainder. Should her young be torn from her entirely, with hideous cries she expresses her agony and her despair, and follows the captor to the very town, or ship, in which ae may have taken refuge, and dares him, as it were, to come forth. The skins of these animals are much esteemed all over the East, particu- larly in China; the mandarins cover their seats of justice in the public ‘places with them, and convert them into coverings for cushions in winter. The Indians eat the flesh of the tiger, and find it neither disagreeable nor unwholesome. Such is the character which Buffon and many other naturalists have given to the tiger, and it certainly is not calculated to prejudice us in his favor. More recent writers have, however, and apparently with justice, endeavor- ed to remove a part of the odium which has been thrown upon him. Mr Bennett, the scientific and acute author of the description of the animals in the Tower Menagerie and the Zoological Gardens, has labored with much eloquence to raise the tiger in the scale of estimation. “Closely allied to the lion,” says he, ‘‘whom he resembles in powér, in external form, in internal structure, in zoological character, in his prowling habits, and in his sanguinary propensities, the tiger is at once distinguished from that king of beasts, and from every other of their common genus, by the peculiar marking of his coat. Ona ground which exhibits in different individuals various shades of yellow, he is elegantly striped by a series of transverse black bands or bars, which occupy the sides of his head, neck, and body, and are.continued upon his tail, in the form of rings, the last of the series uniformly occupying the extremity of that organ, and giving to it a black tip of greater or less extent. The under parts of his body and the inner sides of his legs are almost entirely white: he has no mane, and his while frame, though less elevated than that of the lion, is of a slenderer and more graceful make. His head is also shorter, and more rounded. . “ Almost in the same degree that the lion has been exalted and magn fied, at the expense of his fellow brutes, has the tiger been degraded and depress- ed below his natural level. While the one has been held up to admiration, as the type and standard of heroic perfection, the other has, with equal capriciousness and disregard of the close and intimate relationship subsisting setween them, been looked upon by mankind in general, with those feelings of unmingled horror and detestation, which his character for untamable ferocity and insatiable thirst of blood, was so well calculated to inspire. It tequires, however, but little consideration to teach us that the broad cistine- ‘ \ 182 MAMMALIA—TIGER. tion which has been drawn, cannot by possibility exist, and the recorded observations of naturalists and travellers, beth at home and abroad, will be found amply sufficient to prove that the difference in their characters and habits, on which so much stress has been laid, is in reality as slight and unessential as that which exists in their corporeal structure. “Unquestionably, the tiger has not the majesty of the lion; for he is desti- tute of the mane, in which that majesty chiefly resides. Neither has he the same calm and dignified air of imperturbable gravity which is at once su striking and so prepossessing in the aspect of the lion. But, on the cther hand, it will readily be granted, that in the superior lightness of his fiame, which allows his natural agility its free and unrestricted scope, and in the graceful ease and spirited activity of his medions, to say not' from being good, and therefore they do not pursue animals which taey n- .onger see; they do not hunt, but wait and attack them by surprise. The most immediate physical cause of this inclination which they have to spy out, and surprise other animals, comes from the advantage which they receive from the particular conformation of their eyes. The pupil, in man, as well as in the greater part of animals, is capable of a certain degree of contraction and dilatation ; it enlarges a little when there is no light, anu contracts when it becomes too strong. In the eye of the cat, and of nocturnal birds, this contraction and dilata tion are so considerable, that the pupil, which in obscurity is large ano round, becomes, in broad day, long and narrow like a line; and for .hs reason, these animals see better during the night than during the day_ tne form of the pupil being always round when it is not constrained. During the day, there is a continual contraction in the eyes of the cat, and it is only by effort, as it were, that he sees in a strong light; whereas, at twilight, the pupil resuming its natural form, he sees perfectly, and profits from this advantage, to know, attack, and surprise other animals. The whiskers, too, appear to aid him in the chase, by possessing qualities analoze:s to those of the antenne of insects. 1 Felis catus, Lin. MAMMALIA—CAT. 201 Cats seem to have a natural dread of water, cold, and oad smells. They are very fond of perfumes, and giadly suer temse.ves to be taken and caressed hy persons who use them. The scent of valerian has so powerful, and so delicious an effect on them, that they appear transported with plea- sure by it; and, in order to preserve this plant in gardens, it is common to suriound it with a close fence. Cats will smell it from afar, will run and rub themselves against it, and will pass and repass so often over it, as to destroy it in a short time. One of the most remarkable properties of the domestic cat is, the anxiety with which it makes itself acquainted, not only with every part of its usual habitation, but with the dimensions and external qualities of every ob- ject by which it is surrounded. Cats do not very readily adapt themsel\es to a change of houses; but we have watched the process by which one, whose attachment to a family is considerable, reconciles itself to such a change. He surveys every room in the house, from the garret to the cellar; if a door is shut, he waits till it be opened to complete the survey ; he ascertains the relative size and position of every article of furniture ; and when he has acquired this knowledge, he sits down contented with his new situation. It appears necessary toa cat, that he should be intimately acquainted with every circumstance of his position, in the same way that a general first examines the face of the country in which he is to conduct his operations. If a new piece of furniture, if even a large book or portfolio, is newly placed in a room which a cat frequents, he walks round it, smells it, takes note of its size and appearance, and then never troubles himself further about the matter. This is, probably, an instinctive quality; and the wild cat may, in the same way, take a survey of every tree or stone, every gap in a brake, every path in a thicket, within the ordinary range of its operations. The whiskers of the cat, as we have mentioned in the case of the lion, enable it to ascertain the,space through which its body may pass, without the inconve- nience er vainly attempting such a passage. : The memory of a cat must be very strong, to enable it to understund this great variety of local circumstances, after a single observation. The same power of memory leads this animai, much as its affection may be doubted, to know the faces of individuals. We have seen a cat exhibit manifest delight upon the return of its master, or of a person from whom it had received peculiar kindness. There are several instances of strong attach- ment to the human race, in cats, though, in number and intensity, they fall short of the attachment of the dog. Cats appear to possess, in some degree, the power ot fascination. “There was at my house, a little while ago, a cat, seen watching a bird upon the top of a tree, and for some time they mutually fixed their eyes upon each other. At length, the bird let he self fall resistless into the cat’s claws 26 * 202 MAMMALIA—CAT. either dazzled and astonished by the force of imagination, or drawn by some attractive power in the cat.” As they are exceedingly clean, and as their coat is always dry and shin- ing, their hair easily electrifies; and sparks are seen to come from it, when rubbed with the hand, in any dark place. Their eyes shine in the dark almost like diamonds, and reflect outwardly, during the night, the light which they may be said to have imbibed during the day. Cats may be taught to perform tricks, such as leaping over a stick, but they always do such feats unwillingly. There was an exhibition of cats, in Regent-street, London, where the animals, at the bidding of their mas er, (an Italian,) turned a wheel, drew up a bucket, rang a bell, and, in doing these things, begin, continue, and stop, as they were commanded. But the commencez, continuez, arretez of their keeper, was always enforced with a threatening eye, and often with a severe blow; and the poor creatures ex- hibited the greatest reluctance to proceed with their unnatural employments. They had a subdued and piteous look; but the scratches upon their master’s arms, showed that Azs task was not always an easy one. “At Elford, near Litchfield, in England, the Rev. Mr Sawley had taken the young ones from a hare which had been shot. His cat, which had just ost her own kittens, carried them away, as it was supposed, to eat them; out it presently appeared that it was affection, not hunger, which incited ner, as she suckled them and brought them up as their mother.” Wild cats, from whence all the domestic varieties have been derived, have veen seen in several parts of Africa, as in Guinea, at the Gold Coast; at Madagascar, where the original inhabitants had even domestic cats; at the Cape of Good Hope, where, Kolben says, “there are also, though in a small number, wild cats of a blue color ;” and these blue, or rather slate colored cats, are found again in Asia. In Europe, but one species of wild cat is known, and seems tv be but little varied by climate. ; In England, the wild, or wood cat, is the fiercest and most destructive of predatory animals, and may not improperly be denominated the British tiger. At its full growth, it stands a foot anda half in height, measures nearly two feet round the body, and, including the tail, which is half a yard long, itis about four feet in lengta. A larger head, more vividly sparkling eyes, and a more agile and daring demeanor, distinguish it from the dumes- tic species. Its color is of a yellowish brown; the head, back, sides, and tail, being marked transversely with bars of deep brown and black. It isa very solitary animal. Merely to wound them is dangerous, as they will turn furiously on their assailant, and they have strength enough to render themselves formidable. In spite, however, of their strength and agility, they are often vanquished by a much smaller enemy. That enemy is the pine marten. The combat between the two animals is well described by the author of a recent valuable work, The British Naturalist. “The onset,” says he, “is one of some skill on both sides. The aim of the cat is ta MAMMALIA—SEAL. 203 pounce with her paws upon the head of the marten, in such a way that the claws may destroy or wound its eyes, while her teeth.are embedded in its neck; and if she can accomplish that, the fate of the marten is decided. That, however, if done at all, must be done in a moment; and if it be lost, there is no repairing the mistake. The spring of the wood cat is larger than that of her opponent, and the cat takes up her position so that she shall, if possible, alight upon his head with her full spring and impetus. To dis- tract her attention, he keeps moving his head from side to side, and if he succeeds in his object, he rushes to close quarters by a side movement If the spring of the cat takes proper effect, there is a struggle, but not ct _ long duration; and it is the same with the opposite result, if the cat miss and the marten fasten, during the short pause of exhaustion after the spring.” A singular animal has recently been discovered in the island of Java, which seems the connecting link between the cat and ferret tribes. It has the lengthened muzzle, and slender body of the latter, with the sheathed and retractile claws of the former. Dr Horsfield denominates it Prionodon gracilis. FAMILY IJTI—-AMPHIBIA. Turse animals have the feet short, enveloped in the skin, in form of fins; the posterior in- the direction of the body; number of incisurs variable, often six, and sometimes four above, more generally four, and sometimes two below. THE SEAL|! Its animal has its head round, like that of the human species; its snout 1s broad, like the otter’s; the eyes, large and elevated ; little, or no external 1 Phoca vitulina, Lyx.’ The genus Phoca has six or four upper and two or fonr lower incisors; two upper aid two lower canines; ten ov twelve upper and ten or twelve lower molars. Molars all cutting or conical; five toes on all the fects tail short; eyes large nostrils closing at the will of the animal; head round; exterual ears wanting; four ab- Jominal mainme. 204 MAMMALIA—SEAL. signs of ears, only two auditory passages in the sides of the nead; it has whiskers about its mouth, and its teeth somewhat resemble uinse of the wolf; the tongue is sloped at the point; the body, hands, and feet, covered with a short and bristly hair; it has no legs, but two feet, or memlLranes, like hands, with five ‘toes, terminated by as many claws. These mem- branes. wvhich have the appearance of hands, are only larger and turned backwards, as if designed to unite with its very short tail, which they atcompany on both sides. The body is thickest where the neck is joined iv it, whence the animal tapers down to the tail like a fish. This amphibi- ous creature, though of a very different nature from that of our domestic animals, yet seems susceptible of a kind of education. It.is taught to salute persons with its head and its voice; it is accustomed to obey the call of its keeper, and gives many other signs of intelligence and docility. The sensations of the seal are as perfect, and its sagacity as ready, as those of any other quadruped; both the one and the other are strongly marked by its docility, its social qualities, its strong instinct for its female, its great attention towards its young, and by its voice, which is more expres- sive and mare modulated than in other animals. Its body is likewise firm and large. Itis also strong, and armed with very sharp teeth and claws, and has many particular and singular advantages over any other animals we can compare with it. It endures both heat and cold, and feeds indiffe- rently on grass, flesh, or fish. It can equally live on ice, land, or in the water. On account of their remaining so long a time under water, it was supposed that the foramen ovale remained open, as in the human feetus, but it is not so. But these advantages, which are very great, are counterbalanced by im- perfections still greater: they may be said to be deprived of the use of theit fore legs, or membranes; they are almost entirely shut up within its body, while nothing appears but the extremities of them, which are furnished with five toes, scarcely moveable, being united together by a very strong mem- brane, so that they might more properly be called fins than feet, as they are more adapted for the purpose of swimming than walking; the hind feet, indeed, being turned backwards, are entirely useless upon land; so that when the animal is obliged to move, it drags itself forward like a reptile, and with an effort more painful; for it cannot twist itself about like a ser- vent, but lies like a lump on the earth, and by grasping whatever it finds ‘n its reach, drags itself up the steepest shores, rocks, and shoals of ice: by this method, it moves with such a degree of swiftness, that a man cannot overtake it. It makes its way towards the sea, and often, though wounded, escapes the pursuit of the hunter. Seals are social animals, and are generally found in great numbers in the places they frequent: their natural climate is the northern, but they are also met with, in the temperate, and even hot countries; for they are seen on the shores of almost all the seas in the universe. The species alone MAMMALIA-SEAL. 205 seem to vary ; and, according to the difference of climates, its color cnanges, and even its shape. The females: of these animals bring forth in winter, and rear their young upon some sand bank, rock, or small island, at some distance {rom the continent. When they suckle their young, they.sit upon their hinder fegs, and they continue with their dam for twelve or fifteen days; after which, she brings them down to the water, accustoms them to swim, and get their food by their own industry. As each litter never exceeds above three or four, so the animal’s cares are not much divided, and the education of her little ones is soon completed. The young, particularly, distinguish their mother’s voice among the numerous bleatings of the old ones, and are perfectly obedient to her call. The time that intervenes, from their birth till they attain their full growth, being many years, the length of their lives must also be very long. Buffon is of the opinion, that these animals live upwards of a hundred years. The voice of the seal may be compared to the barking of an angry dog. When young, they have a shrill note, somewhat like the mewing of a cat. Those that are taken early from their dams mew continually, and very often die, sooner than take the food that is offered them. These animals, in general, are of a courageous nature. It is remarked, that, instead of being terrified at thunder and lightning, they are rather delighted, generally come on shore in tempests and storms, and even quit their icy abodes to avoid the shock of the tempestuous waves: at such times, they sport in great numn- bers along the shore; the tremendous conflict seems to divert them, and the heavy rains that fall, appear to enliven them. They have naturally a disagreeable scent, and when there are great numbers together, it is per- ceived at a great distance. As they have a prodigious quantity of blood, and are also greatly overloaded with fat, they are consequently of a very dull and heavy nature ; they usually sleep soundly, and are fond of taking their repose on flakes of ice, or on the sides of rocks, at which time the hunters approach very near without disturbing them, and this is the usual method of taking them. They are very seldom killed with firearms ; for, as they do not irnmediately die, even‘if they are shot in the head, they plunge into the sea, and are entirely lost to the hunter. The general method, therefore, is to surprise them when asleep, and knock them on tne head. 206 MAMMALIA—SEAL THE GREENLAND SEAL Turse animals differ considerably in size, being found from four to nine feet long. They also vary in their colors; some being black, others white, some spotted, and many yellow. Their chief food consists of fish, which they are remarkably expert in pursuing and catching. In those places where herrings are seen in shoals, the seals destroy them by thousands: and when these retire, they are obliged to hunt after fish that are stronger and more capable of evading pursuit. They are taken for the sake of their skins and the oil their fat yields. The seal is capable of being tamed, and is said to be fond of music. The Icelanders believe them to be the offspring of Pharaoh, and his host, who were converted into seals on their being over- whelmed in the Red Sea. Were the race of this creature to cease to exist, the Greenlander would be rendered almost unable to inhabit his rigid clime, as it is principally from them that he derives the necessaries of life. There is searcely a part of them which is not of the highest utility to him. The manner in which a Greenlander catches a seal, is as follows: The instant a seal is seen, he whispers, pussee ! (seal,) along the surface of the water, to the nearest of his companions, who telegraphs the signal till all ‘the boats are engaged in the chase; and it is seldom possible for their prey to escape. The seal is impetuous in disposition, and having once discover- ed his pursuers, he dives repeatedly, and in different directions, to confound them; but becomes at length so short breathed by his hurry, that he cannot remain long out of sight; and, as the wskees are around at various points watching the favorable moment, one of them paddles silently in his rear, using the paddle with one hand, while with the other he is getting his ‘tackle in order; and having advanced near enough, for he is sure to measure 1 Phoca Groenlandica, Muti. MAMMALIA—SEAL. 207 th. listance with accuracy, he flings the dart, and never fails to strike. The seal, terrified and wounded, dives in the greatest terror; buta float being attached to the dart by a leathern line, he is soon forced up again aud despatched. European and American ships are sent to the high northern latitudes to procure the oil and skins of seals, which are of extensive importance in commerce and manufactures. One mode of killing the seal, is to go to the caves on shore, into which herds of seals occasionally enter. When the sealers are properly pla-ed, they raise a simultaneous shout, at which the affrighte. animals rush out in great confusion, and are dispatched with wonderful quickness, by a single blow on the nose, struck with a club. They are very tenacious of life when struck or wounded on any other part of the body. The best situation for sealing in the Arctic seas, is stated by Scoresby, to be in the vicinity of Jan Mayen’s Island; and the best season, the months of March and April. When the boats arrive at the ice, the sealers imme- diately attack the animals with clubs, and stun them by a single blow over the nose, which mode enables one person to destroy a large number of seals; when they are seen on pieces of drift ice they are hunted by means of boats, each boat pursuing a different herd; should the seals attempt to leave the ice before the arrival of the boat, the sealers shout as loudly as possible, and produce such amazement in the seals by this uproar, as to delay their flight till the boat arrives and the work of destruction is begun. Where the seals are very numerous, the sealers stop not to flay those they have killed, but set off to another ice field to kill more, merely leaving one man behind to take off the skins and fat. When the condition of the ice forbids the use of boats, the hunter is obliged to pursue the seals over it, jumping from piece to piece, until they succeed in taking-one, which he then stops to flay and flense, or to remove the skin and fat. This sometimes is a horrible busi- ness, since many of the seals are merely stunned, and occasionally recover after they have been flayed and fleased. Inthis condition, too shockingly mangled for description, they have been seen to make battle and even to swim off. The number of seals destroyed in a single season, by the regular sea ers, may well excite surprise. One ship has been known to obtain a cargo of four or five thousand skins, and upwards of a hundred tons of oil. Whale ships have accidently fallen in with and secured two or three thousand of these animals during the month of April. The sealing business is, how- ever, very hazardous when conducted on the borders of the Spitzbergen ice. Many ships, with all their crews, are lost by the sudden and, tremendous storms occurring in those seas, where the dangers are vastly multiplied by the driving of immense bodies of ice. In one storm that occurred in the year 1774, no less than five seal ships were destroyed in a few hours, and six hundred valuable s+ men perished © 208 MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT SEAL. THE FETID SEAL|l Tas seal, when full grown, is about four feet and a half long, and its skin is covered with a dingy white hair, composed of stiff bristles and soft hair. The old animals are remarkably fetid, and this nauseous odor taints their flesh and fat equally. The fetid seal frequents the fixed ice near frozen lands, and never relinquishes its haunts when old. It has holes in the ice for the purpose of fishing, and is solitary in its habits, pairs being rarely seen together. It is not a timid animal, and is occasionally preyed upon by the eagle, being taken while asleep upon the surface. THE SEA LION, OR ELEPHANT SEAL- To the species of seals, as above described, we may, with great propriety, add another animal, described in Anson’s Voyages, by the name of the sea lion. Itis found in great numbers on the coasts of the South Sea. The sea lion resembles the sea calf, which is very common in the same latitude; but they are much larger than any of the former, being from eleven to eighteen feet long, and from eight to eleven in circumference. It is so fat, that when the skin is taken off, the blubber is about a foot thick allround the body. About ninety gallons of oil is drawn from one of these animals; they are at the same time very full of blood, and when deeply wounded in many parts of the body, the blood spouts out with amazing power ; the throat of one of these animals being cut, it afforded two barrels of blood, besides what then remained in its body. Its skin is covered with a short hair of a brownish color, but blackish on the tail and feet: their toes are united by a membrane which does not reach to their extremity ; each of the toes is known by a claw. The sea lion differs from the seal, not only in its size and bulk, but also in some other characters; the male has a kind of thick comb or trunk hanging from the end of the upper jaw, about five or six inches long, which becomes inflated when the animal is angry. This character is not seen in the female. The strongest males collect together a flock of females, and hinder the others from approaching them. These animals are truly amphibious; they remain all the summer wm the sea, and go on shore in the winter, at which season the females bring forth their young, but never above one or two at a litter, which they suckle, like the seal. The sea lions, while they are on shore, feed on the grass by the side of the sea; they are of a very heavy and drowsy nature, and delight to sleep in the mire; but they are very wary, and at those times commonly fix some as sentinels near the place where they sleep; and it is said, that these sentt- 1 Phoca fotida, Mowe. 2 Phoca ansonii, Desm. MAMMALIA—SEA BEAR. 209 nels are very careful to awake them when any danger is near. Their voices are very shrill, and of various tones; sometimes grunting like hogs, and sometimes neighing like horses. The males often fight with each other, when they wound one another desperately with their teeth. The flesh of these animals is not disagreeable to eat, particularly the tongue, which is as good as that of the ox. They are very easily Killed, as they cannot defend themselves, nor fly from their enemies; they are so exceed- ingly heavy, that they move with great difficulty, and turn themselves about with still greater. Those that hunt them have only to guard against their teeth, which are very strong, and which they make use of with powerfw effect on those who approach within their reach. THE HOODED SEAL Tue hooded seal is most commonly found on the shores of Greenland, of Davis’ Straits, and occasionally of Newfoundland. It is distinguished by the singular appendage it has on its head, formed by an extension of the skin of the front which communicates with the nostrils, and can he inflated, or elevated and depressed, at the pleasure of the animal. Jt is covered with short black hairs. The use of this hood has not been ascertained.— Godmon THE URSINE SEAL, OR SEA BEAR #2 Tue males of this species are, in general, about eight feet long, but the females are much smaller. Their bodies are very thick, and the color of the hair is commonly black, but that of the old ones is tipped with gray. The females are of an ash colored hue. The nose projects like that of a pug dog, and the eyes are large and prominent. Their voice varies on dif- ferent occasions; thus, when sporting on their native rocks, they low like a cow; when engaged in battle, they growl hideously; after a defeat or re- ceiving a wound, they mew like a cat; and the note of triumph after a 1’ Phoca cristata, Gu. 2 Phoca ursina, Lin. 27 210 MAMMALIA—MORSE. victory somewhat resembles the chirping of a cricket. Theze animuls are chiefly found on the islands in the vicinity of Kamtschatka, from June to September ; after which they remove, some to the Asiatic, and some to the American coast. On Behring’s Island they are so numerous as almost to cover the whole shore; but it is a singular fact, that they uly frequent that part of it which lies towards Kamtschatka. Ursine seals live in families, each male being surrounded vy from eight to fifty females, whom he watches with the most vigilant jealousy, and treats in the most tyrannical manner. They are of an irritable disposition, and have frequent battles. So tenacious are they of life, that they will live a fortnight after receiving wounds which would be speedily mortal to other animals. THE WALRUS, OR MORSE. ‘ THE name of sea cow, or sea horse, by which the walrus is most genes rally known, has been very wrongly applied; since the -animal which it denotes has not the least resemblance to the land animals of that name. the denomination of sea elephant, which others have given it, is much bet- ter imagined, as it is founded on a singular and very apparent character. The walrus, like the elephant, has two large ivory tusks, weighing from ten to thirty pounds each, which shoot from the upper jaw; its head also is formed, or rather deformed, like that of the elephant, and would entirely resemble it in that part if it had a trunk; but the walrus is deprived of that instrument, which serves the elephant in the place of an arm and hand, and has real arms to make use of. These mewbers, like those of the seal, are shut up within the skin, so that nothing appears outwardly but its hands and feet: its body is long and tapering, thickest towards the neck: the ! Trichecus rosmarus, GME. The genus Trichecus has two upper and no lower inci- sors; two upper and no lower canines; ten upper and ten lower molars; incisors small, deciduvus ; superior canines or tusks large, longer than the head, compressed laterally ; molars cylindrical, crown truncated obliquely ; body elongated ; head round ; muzzle large; no external ears; tail very short; fore be like fins, with five toes; hind feet horizontal ; toes ente oped in the skin. MAMMALIA—MORSE. O11 whole hody is clothed with a short hair; the toes, and the hands, or feet, are covered with a membrane, and terminated by short and sharp pointed claws. On each side of the mouth are large bristles in the form of whiskers: its tongue is hollowed, the concha of the ears are wanting, &c. ; so that, excepting the two great tusks, and the cutting teeth, which it is deficient in above and below, the walrus in every other particular perfectly resembies the seal: it is only much larger and stronger, being commonly from twelve to sixteen feet in length, and eight or nine in circumference, and sometimes reaching eighteen feet in length, with a proportiouable girth ; whereas the largest seals are no more than seven oreight feet. The walrus, also, is generally seen to frequent the same places as the seals are known to reside in, and are almost always found together. They have the same habitudes in every respect, excepting that there are fewer varie- ties of the morse than of the seal: they likewise are more attached to one particular climate, and are rarely found except in the northern seas. “There was formerly,” says Zordrager, ‘great plenty of morses and seals in the bays of Horisont and Klock, but at present there are very few. Both these animals quit the water in the summer, and resort to the neigh- poring plains, where there are flocks of them from eighty to two hundred, particularly morses, which will remain there several days together, till hunger obliges them to return to the sea. This animal externally resein- bles the seal, but it is stronger and much larger: like that, it has five toes to each paw, but its claws are shorter, and its head thicker and rounder; its skin is thick, wrinkled, and covered with very short hair of different colors; its upper jaw is armed with two teeth about half an ell or an ell mo length; these tusks, which-are hollow at the root, become larger as the animal grows older. Some of them are found to have but one, the other being torn out in fighting, or perhaps fallen out through age. This ivory generally brings a greater price than that of the elephant, as it is of a more zompact and harder substance. The mouth of this animal is like that ot the ox, and furnished with hairs which are hollow, pointed, and about the thickness of a straw. Above the mouth are two nostrils, through which the animal spouts the water like a whale. There are a great number or morses towards Spitzbergen, and the profit that is derived from their tecth and fat fully repays the trouble of taking them, for the oil is almost as much valued as that produced from the whale. When the hunter is near one of these animals in the water, or on the ice, he darts a very strong harpoon at it, which, though made expressly for the purpose, often slips over its hard and thick skin; but if it has penetrated into it, they haul the animal towards the boat, and kill it with a sharp and strong lance. The morse is generally heavier than the ox, and as difficult to pursue as the whale, the skin of which is more easily pierced. For this reason, they always endea- vor to wound it in the most tender part, and aim at its eves: the animal, ebliged by this motion to turn its head, exposes its breast to the hunter, Q12 MAMMALIA—MORSE. who immediately strikes very forcibly in that part, and draws the lance out again as quick as possible, for fear it should seize the Innce with its teeth, and wound those that attack it. Formerly, before these animals were so greatly persecuted, they advanced so far on shore, that when it was high water, they were at a great distance from the sea; and at low water, being at a still greater, the hunters easily approached them and killed great num- bers. The hunters, in order to cut off their retreat to the sea, and after they had killed several, made a kind of barrier of their dead bodies, and in this manner often killed three or four hundred in a season. The prodigious quantity of bones spread over the shores, sufficiently proves how numerous these animals were in former times. When they are wounded, they be- come extremely furious, often biting the lances in pieces with their teeth, or tearing them out of the hands of their enemies; and when at last they are strongly engaged, they put their head betwixt their paws, or fins, and in this manner roll into the sea. When there is a great number together, they are so bold as to attack the boats that pursue them, bite them with their tee:h, and exert all their strength to overturn them.” Captain Cook saw a herd of them floating on an ice island off the north- ern coasts of the American continent. “They lie,” says he, “in herds of many hundreds, upon the ice, huddling over one another like swine; and roar or bray so loud, that in the night, or in foggy weather, they gave us notice of the vicinity of the ice before we could see it. We never found the whole herd asleep, some being always on the watch. These, at the ap- proach of the boat, would wake those next to them; and the alarm being thus gradually communicated, the whole herd would be awaked. Butthey were seldom in a hurry to get away, till after they had been once fired at. They then would tumble over one another into the sea, in the utmost con- fusion. And if we did not, on the first discharge, kill those we fired at, we generally lost them, though mortally wounded. Vast numbers of these ani- mals woul? follow and come close up to, the boats; but the flash of a musket in the pan, even the pointing of a musket at them, would send them down in an instant. The female walrus will defend her offspring to the very last, and at the expense of her own life, whether in the water or upon the ice. Nor will the young one quit the dam, though she be dead; so that, if one be killed, the other is a certain prey.” We find the walrus can live, at least for some time, in a temperate cli- mate. We do not know how long it goes with young, but if we judge by the time of its growth and size, ve must suppose it to be upwards of nine months, It cannot continue in the water fora long time together, and is obliged ta go on shore to suckle its young, and for other occasions. When they meet with a steep shore, or pieces of ice to climb up, they make use of their tusks to hold by, and-their feet to drag along the heavy mass ot their body. They are said to feed upon the shell-fish which are at the rottom of the sea, and to grub them up with their strong tusks. Others MAMMALIA—OPOSSUM. 2138 vay, that they live on the broad leaves of a certain vegetable which grows in the sea, and that they eat neither flesh nor fish. But I imagine all these opinions have but a weak foundation; and there is reason to think, that, the walrus, like the seal, lives on prey, especially herrings and other fish; for it does not eat at all when upon land, and it is chiefly hunger which obliges it to return to the sea. The fat of the walrus furnishes from one to two barrels of cil and the skin is capable of being manufactured into a strong and elastic leather. ORDER FIVE—MARSUPIALIA. Antmats of this order have teeth different in the different genera. The young are brought forth prematurely, often into a pouch formed by a fold o. the skin of the abdomen of the females, inclosing the mamme; marsupial bones in both sexes ; thumb of the hind feet sometimes wanting, sometimes very distinct, without nail, opposable to the other toes. THE VIRGINIAN OPOSSUM. Tue vpossum is found in Brazil, Guiana, Mexico, Florila, Virginia, and other temperate regions of this continent. The female has under the belly a large cavity, where she receives and suckles her young; she produces often, and a great number of young each time, most authors say, four or five, others six or seven. 1 Didelphis Virginiana, Pexx. The genus D'delphis has ten upper and eight lower inci- sors ; two upper and two lower canines ; twelve or fourteen upper and fourteen lower molars. Two superior intermediate incisors larger than the others; lower incisors equal; canines strong, coinpressed molars, the three first in the upper jaw triangular; the others crown- ed with points ; head long and conical; muzzle pointed, mouth much cleft; ears large, ro.nded and almost naked; five toes on all the feet; nails long eud beut; hind feet plant. grade with the thumbs opposable, but destitute of nails; tail long, scaly, miost y de prived of hair. 214 MAMMALIA—OPOSSUM. The yuung opossums stick to the paps of the mother till they have acyuir- ed strength enough, and a sufficient growth to move easily. _ The latest and ful’est account of the manners and habits of the opossum, is given by Dr Godman. “The opossum,” says he, “is very remarkable from other peculiarities, besides those which relate to the continuation of its kind. In the first place, it has a very large number of teeth, (no less than fifty,) and its hind feet are actually rendered hands, by short, fleshy, and oppozable thumbs; which, together with the prominences in the palms of these posterior hands, enable the animal to take firm hold of ébjects which no one would think could be thus grasped. An opossum can cling by these feet hands, to a smooth silk handkerchief, or a silk dress, with great securi- ty, and climb up by the same. In Jike manner, he can ascend by a skein of sil, or even a few threads. ‘The slightest projection, or doubling, of any material, affords him a certain mean of climbing to any desired height. Another curious and amusing peculiarity, is his prehensile tail; by simply curving this at the extremity, the opossum sustains his weight, and depends from the limb of a tree, or other projecting body, and hanging in full securi- ty, gathers fruit, or seizes any prey within his reach; to regain his position on the limb, it is only necessary to make a little stronger effort with the tail, and throw his body upward ac the same time. “Tn speaking of the more obvicus peculiarities of the opossum, we may advert to the thinness ana membranous character of the externa] ears, whic> may remind us, in some degree, or what has been heretofore said relative to the perfection of the sense or toucn possessed by the bat, in consequence of the delicacy of the extended integumeni forming the ears and wings. The extremity of the nose of our animal is also covered with a soft, moist, and delicate integument, which is, no dount, very sensitive. On the sides of the nose, or rather on the upper hp, there are numerous long and strong divergent whiskers, or bristles, projecting to the distance of nearly three inches ; over each eye, there are two long, black bristles, rather softer than the others, somewhat crisped, or undulated, and slightly decurved ; while, on the posterior part of the cheek, and about an inch below and in front of the ear, there is a bunch of long, straight bristles, (very similar to those of a hog,) six or eight in number, projecting laterally, so as to form a right angie with the head. When the elongated conical form of the opossum’s head is recollected, together with its nocturnal habits, we cannot avoid re- mark ng, that all these arrangements appear to have immediate reference to the sa‘ety of the animal, furnishing the means of directing its course, and warning iv of the presence of bodies which otherwise might not be discovei- ed until too late. «Tile mouth of the opossum is very wide when open, yet the animal does aot drink by lapping, but by suction. ‘The wideness of the mouth is ren- dered very remarkable, when tne female is approached, while in company wita sr young. She then silentiy drops the lower jaw to the greatest dis« MAMMALLA—OPOSSUM. 215 tance .t is capable of moving, retracts the angles of the .ips, and shows the whole ef her teeth, which thus present a formidable array. She then utters @ muttering kind or snarl, but does not snap, until the hand, or other object, bo brovght very close. If this be a stick, or any hard or insensible body “Ne seldom closes her mouth on it after the first or second time, but main rains the same gaping and snarling appearance, even when it is thrust into ver mouth. At the same time; the young, if they have attained any size either exhibit their signs of defiance, take refuge in the pouch of the mother, or, clinging to various parts of her body, hide their faces amidst her long hair. “The general color of the opossum, is a whitish gray. From the top of the head, along the back, and upper part of the sides, the gray is darkest ; and this color is produced by the intermixture of coarse white hairs, upwards of three inches long, with a shorter, closer, and softer hair, which is white at base, and black for about half an inch at tip. The whole pelage (fur,) is of a woolly softness, and the long white hairs, diverging considerably, allow the back parts to be seen, so as to give the general gray color already men- tioned. On the face the wool is short, and of a smoky white color; that on the belly is of the same character, but is longer on the fore and hind legs; the color is nearly black from the body to the digits, which are naked beneath. The tail is thick and black, for upwards of three inches at base, and is covered by small hexagonal scales, having short rigid hairs inter- spersed throughout its length, which are but slightly perceptible at a little distance. The opossum is generally killed for the sake of its flesh and fat. Its wool is of considerable length and fineness, during the winter season, and we should suppose, that in manufactures it would be equal to the sheep’s. woo) which is wrought into coarse hats. “The opossum is a nocturnal and timid animal, depending for his safety more on cunning than strength. His mutions are slow, and his walk when 216 MAMMALIA—OPOSSUM. on the ground, entirely plantigrade, which gives an appearance of clumsi ness to his movements. When on the branches of trees, he moves with much greater ease, and with perfect security from sudden gusts of wind, even were his weight sufficient to break the limb on which he rests, there is no danger of his falling to the earth, unless when on the lowest branch, as he can certainly catch, and securely cling, to the smallest intervening twigs, eitler with the hands or the extremity of the tail. Ths organ is always employed by the animal, while on the smaller branches of trees, as if to guard against such an occurrence, and it is very useful in aiding the epessum to collect his food, by enabling him to suspend himself from a branch above, while rifling a bird’s ‘nest of its eggs, or gathering fruits. “The food of the opossum varies very much, according*to circumstances. Jt preys upon birds, various small:-quadrupeds, eggs, and, no doubt, occasion- ully upon insects. The poultry yards are sometimes visited, and much havoc committed by the opossum, as, like the weasel, this animal is fonder of cutting the throats and sucking the blood of a number of individuals, than of satisfying his hunger by eating the flesh of one. Among the wild fruits, ‘the persimon, (Diospyros Virginiana,) is a great favorite, and it is generally after this fruit is in perfection, that the opossum is killed by the country people for the market. At that season it is very fat, and but little difference is to be perceived between this fat and that of a young pig. ‘The flavor of the flesh is compared to that of a roasted pig: we have, in several instances, seen it refused by dogs and cats, although the opossum was in fine order, and but recently killed. This may have been owing to some accidental circumstante, but it was uniformly rejected by these animals, usually not very nice when raw flesh is offered. “The hunting of the opossum is a favorite sport with the country people, who frequently go out with their dogs at night, after the autumnal frosts have begun, and the persimon fruit is in its most delicious state. The opossum, as soon as he discovers the approach of his enemies, lies perfectly close to the branch, or places himself snugly in the angle where two limbs separate from each other. The dogs, however, soon announce tle fact of his presence, by their baying, and the hunter, ascending the tree, discovers the branch upon which the animal is seated, and begins to shake it with great violence, to alarm, and cause him to relax his hold. This is soon effected, and the opossum, attempting to escape to another limb, is pursued immediately, and the shaking is renewed with greater violence, until at length the terrified quadruped allows himself to drop to the ground, where hunters, or dogs, are prepared to dispatch him. , “Should the hunter, as frequently happens, be unaccompanied by dogs when the opossum falls to the ground, it does not immediately make its escape, but steals slowly and quietly toa little distance, and then gather- ing itself into as small a compass as possible, remains as still as if dead. Should there be any quantity of grass or underwood aear the tree, tus MAMMAL1A—OPOSSUM. 217 apparently simple artifice is frequently sufficient to secure the animal’s escape, as it is difficult by moonlight, or in the shadow of the tree, to dis- tinguish it: and if the hunter has not carefuily observed the spot where it fell, his labor 1s often in vain. This circumstance, however, is generally attended to, and the opossum derives but little benetit from his instinctive artifice. “ After remaining in this apparently lifeless condition for a considerable time, or so long as any noise indicative of danger can he heard, the opcssum slowly unfolds himself, and creeping as closely as possible upon the ground would fain sneak off unperceived. Upon a shout, or outcry, in any tone, from his persecutor, he immediately renews his deathlike attitude and still- ness. If then approached, moved, or handled, he is still seemingly dead, and might deceive any one not accustomed to his actions. This feigning is repeated as frequently as opportunity is allowed him of attempting to escape, and is known so well to the country folks, as to have long since passed into a proverb: ‘He is playing possum,’ is applied with great readiness by them, to any one who is thought to act deceitfully, or wishes to appear what he is not. ‘ “The usua] haunts of the opossum, are thick forests, and their dens are generally in hollows of decayed trees, where they pass the day asleep, and sally forth, mostly after nightfall, to seek food. They are occasionally seen out during daylight, especially when they have young ones of cunsiderable size, too large to be carried in the maternal pouch. The female then offers a very singular appearance, as she toils along with twelve or sixteen cubs, nearly of the size of rats, each with a turn of his tail round the 1vot of the mother’s, and clinging to her back and sides with paws, hands, and mouth. This circumstance was thought distinctive of another species, hence called dorsigera, but is equally true of the common or Virginian opossum. It is exceedingly curious and interesting to see the young, when the mother is at rest, take refuge in the pouch, whence one or two-of them may be seen peeping out, with an air of great comfort and satisfaction. The mother in this condition, or at any time in defence of her young, will make battle, biting with much keenness and severity, for which her long canine teeth are wel] suited. “If taken young, the opossum is generally tamed, and becomes very fond : of human society, in a great degree relinquishes its nocturnal habits, and grows troublesome from its familiarity. We have had one thus tamed, which would follow the inmates of the house with great assiduity, and com- vlain with a whining noise when left alone. As it grew older, it became mischievous, from its restless curiosity, and there seemed to be no possibility of devising any contrivance effectually to secure it. The same circumstance is frequently remarked by persons who have attempted to detain them iu saptivity ; and of the instances which have come to our knowledge, where even a great number were apparently well secured, they have all in a short 23 218 MAMMALIA—OPOSSUM. time enlarged themselves, and been no more heard of. In some such in stances these animals have escaped in the city, and for a long time have taken up their quarters in cellars, where their presence has never been sus- pected, as during the day they remained concealed. In this way it is very probable that many are still living in the city of Philadelphia obtaining a plentiful food by their nightly labors.” THE CAYOPOLLIN, OR MEXICAN OPOSSUM) Is a small animal, a little larger than a rat, very much resemoung the opos- sum in the snout, the ears, and the tail, which is thicker and stronger than that of a rat; he makes use of it as we do our hands; he has thin transpase rent ears; the belly, the legs, and feet white. ‘The young, when they are frightened, embrace the mother, who lifts them up on the ees. This spe- cies has been found on the mountains of New Spain. THE MARMOSE, OR MURINE OPOSSUM/? REsEMBLES, in most respects, the Virginian; they are natives of the same climate, in the same continent, and are very much alike by the form of the body, the conformation of the feet, and the tail, a part of which is covered with scales, the upper part only being hairy. But the marmose 1s smaller than the common opossum, his snout is still sharper; the female has no bag under the belly, she has only two loose skins near the thighs, between which the young place themselves to stick to the paps. When the young are brought forth, they are not so large as small beans; they then stick to the paps. The brood of the marmose is very numerous; we have seen ten small marmoses, each sticking to a pap, and the mother had stil] fouir nore paps. It is probable that these aniinals bring forth a few days after concep- tion. The young are then fatuses only, which are not come to the fourth part of their growth. 1 Didely his cayopollin, Lin. 2 Didelphis murina, Lin, to MAMMALIA—KANGUROO. THE KANGUROOW Trene exists several species of the kanguroo, all of which are natives of New Holland. ‘the principal of these, is the great kanguroo, which was first discovered in 1770, by some of the persons who accompanied Captain Cook. It often measures nine feet in length, from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail; and, when full grown, weighs two hundred pounds. The bead and neck are very small, while the lower pags gradually dilate toa very great size; the fore legs are hardly nineteen inches long, while the hind- er ones, which are perfectly bare, and callous beneath, measure three feet seven inches. The head bears some resemblance to that of the deer, having a mild and placid visage; the ears are moderately large and erect, the eyes full, and the mouth rather small. The general color is a pale brown, inclin- ing to white underneath. From the great difference in length of the fore and hind legs, the pace of this animal consists in vast springs, or bounds, which are said at times to exceed twenty feet in length. It can with ease leap over an obstacle above nine feet high. In its state of rest, it sits ere t on the whole length of the hind feet, supporting itself by the base of the tail; which is occasionally used as a v,eapon of defence, and is of such prodigious strength as to be able to brea: the leg of a man ata single blow. The female seldom produces more than one young one ata birth, which, when first brought forth, is not ahove an inch long, and is received into an 1 Kangurvs labiatus,Georr. The genus Kangurus has six upper and two lower in- ecisors ; NO canines; ten upper and ten lower ios. Ears large, pointed; eyes large ; fore legs very short, with Tee toes, and strong nails; hind legs long, robust, with four toes; the two internal, united and stall; the central large, with a strong claw, like a hapf, plantigrade ; tail very strong, with powerful muscles, uot preheusile, but serving fof locomotion; an abdominai pouch, 220 MAMMALIA—KANGUROO. abdominal pouch, that the female is furnished with, wnich conceals the teats, and serves as a receptacle to secure the young in time of danger. The habits of the kanguroo have been recently described, with equal ani. mation and fidelity, by Mr Cunningham, in his amusing and yaluable ac« count of his Two Years’ Residence in New South Wales. “Our largest animals,” he says, “are kanguroos; all of which are fine eating, being clear of fat except about the tail, tasting much like venison, and riaking most delicious stews and steaks, the favorite dish being what is called a s‘eamer, composed of steals, and chopped tail, with a few slices of salt pork, stewed with a very small quantity of water. for a couple of hours in a close vessel. We have the forest kanguroo, of a gray color, with a longish fur, inhabiting the forests; the wallaroo, of a blackish color, with a coarse shaggy fur, inhabiting the hills; and the red kanguroo, with smooth, short, closé fur, of a reddish color (resembling considerably in fine- ness and texture the fur of the sea otter,) inhabiting the open forests; and all of these varieties attain the weight of two hundred pounds and upwards when full grown. The wallabee and paddymalla grow to about sixty pounds each, and inhabit the bushes and broken hilly country. The rock kanguroo is very small, living among the rockiest portions of the mountains; while the kanguroo rat, or, more properly, rabbit, is about the size of the smallest of the latter kind of animal, and lodges in hollow trees, hopping along, like the other kanguroos, with great speed, and affording good sport in the chase. The kanguroos make no use of their short fore legs except in grazing, when they rise upon them and their tail, bring their hind legs forward, and go nibbling upon all four@ppulling up occasionally some favorite plant with their fore paw, and sitting up bold and erect upon their hind houghs and tail, while they slowly bite and nibble it, shifting it from paw to paw, like a boy protracting his repast on a juicy apple. When chased, they hop upon their hind legs, bounding onwards at a most amazing rate, the tail wagging as they leap, and serving them for a balance. They will bound over gul- lies, and down declivities, the distance of thirty yards, and fly right over the tops of low brushwood; so that, in such places, dogs stand very little chance with them ; but in a clear open country soon tire iuem out. The dogs seize them generally by the hip, and throw them over; then fasten upon their throats and finish them. But few dogs will attack a large kanguroo singly, some of the two hundred weight size often hopping off with three or four assailants hanging about them; anc I was informed of one that actually carried a man to some distance. When a dog gets up close to a large kan- guroo, it will often sit upon its tail and haunches, and fight the dog, turning adroitly round and round, so as always to face him, and pushing him off with the ‘ore paws ; or it will seize and hug him like a bear, ripping him up with the long sharp claw on its powerful hind leg. They are constantly indeed cutting, and often killing, dogs with this terrible weapon, which wil tear out the bowels ata single kick; anda large kangurvo is on this a& MAMMALIA—KANGUROO. 22) eount, very dangerous even for a man to approach, when set at bay. The kanguico hunters immediately hamstring them when thrown, to prevent mjury to themselves or the dogs; while the black natives give them a heavy blow over the loins with their waddie, which completely paralyzes their hind legs, as all the Jarge nerves supplying these parts pass out there. The kanguroo has en)y ope young at a time, which you may see attached by the mouth to the nipple inside the mother’s pouch, from the period it is the size of your thumb top, and as bare and unshapen as a new-born mouse, until it attains the size of a poodle dog, with a fine glossy coat of hair, ready to leap out and hop along after the mother. The young are attached to the nipple in somewhat the same way as the placenta of other animals is attached to the uterus, the mouth being contracted round the nipple, which swells out like a cherry inside it, nourishing the foetus by means of absorp- tion through this indirect channel, the mouth and nipple adhering sc strongly that it requires considerable force to separate them. When the foetus arrives at sufficient age to suck, it drops off the nipple, and may then. ve said to be Jorn, yet still continuing inside of the pouch, and sucking milk now through the ducts of that same nipple from the external surface of which it formerly derived a very different species of nourishment. The manner in which the young reach this pouch from the ovary, and attach themselves to the nipple, is still, I believe, a mystery, as no communicative duct has yet been found; but the natives assert they are born in the usual way, and that the mother places them there. It is amazing to see the young kanguroo pop its head out of the pouch when the mother is grazing, and nibble too at the tender herbage which she is passing over. When hard hunted, the mother will stop suddenly, thrust her fore paws into her pouch, drag out the young one and throw it away, that she may hop lighter along. They are always very hard pressed, however, before they thus sacrifice the life of their offspring to save their own; and itis pitiful to see the tender sympathetic looks they will sometimes cast back at the poor little helpless creatures they have been forced to desert. J'rom this singular mode of gestation, you may handle the fetus en utero, and pull it about by the tail like a kitten, from the first moment of its appearance there, up to the very day of its birth, without causing either pain or annoyance to it or its mother. Such is the very singular manner in which nearly all our Australian quadrupeds are generated and brought forth. When the young kanguroo has attained a considerable size, it will craw] cut, feed about, and creep in again to warm itself, or in case any danger approaches. The kanguroos feed early in the morning, when the dew is on the grass, which is the best time to hunt them. Ifthere is no dog in your pack that will show the game, you must keep sight of the dogs at full gallop to secure it, or else take out a little short-legged terrier, that will run the,foot, and that youcan eadily keep sight of till it reaches the others, otherwise you may lose all our sport, as few of our dogs ,sive tongue either in the chase or at the 229 MAMMALIA—WOMBACH. death If there is a river or pond near, the kangureos are sure to retreat thither when hard pressed, and in this way readily baffle the natives’ dogs, by shoving under water and drowning such as may venture in beside them. From the great length of their hind legs and tail, they are enabled ty stand on the firm bottom, while the dogs are obliged to swim; and in this way a fight between a large kanguroo and a pack of dogs affords a most amusing spectacle. The kanguroo stands gravely upright, with his fore paws spread out before him, wheeling round and round to ward off his assailants; and whenever one arrives within his reach, he pounces his paws upon him, and sousing him suddenly under, holds him fast in this position, gazing all the while around with the most solemn, simpleton sort of aspect, heedless of the kicking and sprawling of his victizn, whom he quickly puts an end to, if some courageous colleague does not in good time advance to its aid, and force the kanguroo to let his half drowned antagonist bob above water agam; the dog paddles forthwith towards shore, shaking his ears and looking most piteously, with no inclination to venture in a second time, not. hstanding all the halloos and cheerings with which you urge him.” The wunguroo may be domesticated. “One of the largest tame kangu roos I have seen in this country,” says Mr Cunningham, “ is domesticated, and a mi..hievous wag he is, creeping and snuffing cautiously towards a stranger, .ith such an innocently expressive countenance, that roguery could neve. be surmised to exist under it; when, having obtained, as he thinks, a sufficient introduction, he claps his fore paws on your shoulders, as if to caress you, and, raising himself suddenly upon his tail, administers such a well jut push with his hind legs, that it is two to one but he drives you heels ov.r head! This is all done in what he considers facetious play, with a view f giving you a hint toexamine your pockets, and see what bon bons you have got for him, as he munches cakes and comfits with epicurean gotit; and if ue door is a-jar, he will gravely take his station behind your chair at meal .a.te, like a tackey, giving you an admonitory kick every now and then, if ye fail to heip him as well as yourself.” THE WOMBACH.1 Tuis animal is a native of New South Wales, and was discovered in me year 1798. It is about the size of a badger, a species of which it was sup- posed to be, from its dextvrity in burrowing in the earth by means of its fore paws ; but, in its general motions, it appeared to have much of the habits and manners of a bear. It hasa large head, a broad forehead, a 1 Phascolomys wombat. This animal is the only one of the genus. It has two upper and two lower incisors; no canines; ten upper and ten lower molars. Incisors strong and thick; molars with ‘oval crown divide: a furrow; body thick; head large, flat; ears short; eyes much separated ; feet with five toes, the anterior armed with crooke and robust nails for digging; thumb of hind feet very small, nailless; tail scarcely appa- rent; netrate into gardens, they wil] eat melons, potatoes, pulse and routs. Though used originally to the hot climates of America, they live in temperate regions. They walk quickly, but they can neither leap, run, nor climb up trees ; so they cannot escape by flight; they have then no other resource but to hide them- selves in their holes, or, if they are at too great a distance from their subterra- neous habitations, they contrive to dig one before they are overcome; for the mole is not more expert in digging the ground. They are sometimes caught before they are out of sight, and they then make such a resistance, that the tail is broken without bringing out the body; in order to take them without mutilation, the burrow must be opened; they are then caught without making any resistance. When they find themselves in the hands of their pursuers, they roll themselves up into a ball, and are placed near the fire, to force them to stretch out their coat of mail; which, hard as it is, as soun as it is touched with the finger, the animal receives so quick an impression, that he contracts instantaneously. When they are in deep burrows, the method of forcing them out is to smoke them, or to let water run down the hole; the former process, however, is not always successful, as while his pursuer digs, the animal digs also, and so effectually closes up the hole, by throwing up the earth backwards, that the smoke is excluded. Some pre- tend they remain under ground above three months without venturing out: it is true, that they remain in their holes in the daytime, and never go out but in the night to seek for their subsistence. The armadillo is hunted with small dogs, who soon overtake him; but he stops before they have reached him, and contracts himself; in this condition he is taken and carried off. Ifhe finds himself on the brink of 4 precipice, he escapes the dogs and the hunters, by rolling himself up, and letting himself fall down like a ball, without injury or prejudice to his scales. “The armadillo,” says Mr Waterton, “is very common in these (the South American) forests; he burrows in the sand hills like a rabbit. As it often takes a considerable time to dig him out of his hole, it would be a long and laborious business 10 attack each hole indiscriminately, without knowing whether the animal were there or not. To prevent disappointment, the Indians carefully mine the mouth of the hole, and puta short stick down it, Now if, on introducing the stick, a number of musquitoes come out, the MAMMALIA—ANT EATER. 27) Indians know to a certainty that the armadillo is in it; whenever there are no musquitoes in the hole, there is no armadillo.” These animals are fat, and very prolific; the female brings forth, as it 1s reported, four young ones every month, which makes their species very numerous. They are good to eat, and are easily taken with snares laid for them on the banks of the rivers, and in the marshy grounds, which they inhahit in preference. It is pretended, that they are not afraid of the bite of the rattlesnake; it is likewise pretended, that they live in peace with these reptiles, which are often found in their holes. The savages apply their scales to different purposes, and make of them baskets, boxes, and other small vessels light and solid. The armadillo is only found in South America. THE TAMANOTIR, THE TAMANDUA, AND THE FOURMILLIER, OR ANT-EATER. Soutn AMERICA produces three species of animals, with a long snout, a small mouth, and no teeth; their tongues, ofa round form, are remarkably long; with which they catch the ants, which are their principal food. On coming to an ant hill, the animal scratches it up with his claws, and then protrudes his slender tongue, which has the appearance of an exceedingly long earth-worm. It is covered with a viscous saliva. To this the ants adhere, and, by retracting it, he swallows thousands of them. He also- tears up the nests of woodlice, and often climbs the trees in pursuit of them, and of the wild bees and their honey.’ The first of these ant-eaters is that which the Brazilians call tamandua guacu, or great tamandua, to whom the French settled in America have given the name of tamanoir. The English call] it THE GREAT ANT-EATER.! Tuts animal is about four feet in length from the extremity of the snout to the origin of the tail; his head is fourteen or fiften inches long, his snout stretches out to a great length; his tail, two feet and a half long, is covered with rough hair, which is more than a foot in length; his neck is short; his head narrow; his eyes black and small; his ears round; his tongue thin, more than two feet long, which he folds again in his mouth, after he draws it entirely out. His legs are but one foot high;. the fore legs are a little higher and more slender than those behind; he has round feet; the 1 Myrmecophaga jubata, Lin, Animals of the genus Myrmecophaga are utterly tooth- less ;' they have the head elongated; muzzle tapering toa point; tongue long, protractile; tues united, four before and five behind, or two before and four behind, arnual with strong nails ; two pectoral and twe ventral mamma; tail long; sometimes prehensile, 272 MAMMALIA—ANT-EATER. fore feet are acmed with four claws, the two middle ones are tle longest. those behind have five claws. The hair of his head and body is black and white; this animal turns his tail up on his back, and cuvers with it his whole body, when he is inclined to sleep, or wants to shelter himself from the rain or the heat of the sun. The long hair of his tail and of his bodv is not round in all its extent; it is flat towards the end, and feels like dry grass. He waves his tail frequently and hastily when he is irritated, but if hanzs down when he is composed, and he sweeps the way with it as he goes. The tamanoir walks slowly; a man can easily overtake him in running; his Teet seem less calculated to walk than to climb, and to fasten round bodies; and he holds so fast a branch or a stick, that it is not possible to snatch either from him. ‘The second of these animals is that which the Americans call THE TAMANDUA.! He is much smaller than the tamanoir; he is not above eighteen inches from the extremities of the snout to the rump; his head is five inches long, his snout crooked, and underneath flat and long; he has a tail ten inches long, without hair at the end; tis ears are erect, and about an inch in jength; his tongue is round, eight inches long, and placed in a sort of gutter or hollow canal within the’ lower jaw; his legs are not above four inches in height, his feet are of the same form, and have the same number of claws as the tamanoir. He climbs up and holds fast a branch, or a stick, like the tamanoir, and his march is equally slow. He does not cover him- self with his tail, which cannot shelter him, being almost bare; the hair of. the fore part is shorter than that of the tamanoir; when he sleeps he hides his head under his neck and his fore legs, The third of these animals 1s that which the naturalists of Guiana call 1 Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Lin. ¥ MAMMALIA—ANT-EATER, 273 THE WATIRIWAOU,! Anp the French fourmillier, or ant-eater. He is still much smaller than the tamandua, being not above six or seven inches in length from the extre- mity of the snout to the tail; his head is two inches long; the snout is not near so long as that of the tamanoir, or the tamandua; his tail is seven inches in length, is bent underneath, and bare at the end; his tongue i3 nar- row, long, and flat; his neck is almost bare; the head is large in proportion to the body; his eyes placed low, at @ little distance from the corners of the mouth; his ears are small and hidden by the hair; his legs are but three inches in height; the fore feet have no more than two claws, the outward is much longer than the inward one; the hind feet have four claws; the hair of the body is about nine inches long; he feels smooth; his color is shining, diversified with red and yellow ; his feet are not made to walk, but to climb up, and to take hold of branches of trees, on which he hangs hina: self by the extremity of his tail. These three animals, sc different in the size and proportions of the body, have, nevertheless, many things in common, as to conformation and their natural instinct. All three feed upon ants, and suck honey and other liquid and viscous substances; they gather quickly crumbs of bread and small pieces of meat; they are tamed and domesticated easily ; they can subsist a long while without food; they do not swallow all the liquor which they keep in their mouth —one part of it issues out of their nostrils; they commonly sleep in the daytime, and change their station in the night; they go so slowly, that a man may overtake them easily whilst running in open ground. The savages eat their flesh, which has, however, an unsavory taste. The tamanoir looks ata distance like a great fox, and for that reason 3ome travellers call him the American fox; he is strong enough to defend himself against a large dog, and even a jaguar; when he is attacked he fights standing on his hind legs, like the bear, and makes use of his fore claws, which are murdering weapons, for his protection; afterwards he lics on his back to use his hind legs, and in this situation he is almost invinci- ole; he fights with obstinacy to the last extremity, and even after he has put his adversary to death, he keeps hold of him a long while. He is covered with long bushy hair, and a very thick skin; besides, his tlesh is remarkably hard, and he seldom loses his life in these engagements. The tamanoir, the tamandua, and the fourmillier, are natives of the hottest climates only of America; they are found in Brazil, in Guiana, and in the country of the Amazons, &c.; they do not breed in Canada, nor in the other frozen regions of the New World, and do not belong consequently to the Ancient Continent. We copy the following from “‘ Waterton’s Wanderings.” “The ants have their enemies, as well as the rest of animated nature 1 Myrmecophaga didactyla, Lux. 35 274 MAMMALIA—ANT-EATER. Amongst the foremost of these stand the three species of ant-bears. Thu smallest 13 not much larger than a rat; the next is nearly the size of a fox; and the third, a stout and powerful animal, measuring about six feet from the snout to the end of the tail. He is the most inoffensive of all animals, and never injures the property of man. He is chiefly found in the inmost recesses of the forest, and seems partial to the low and swampy parts near creeks, where the Troely tree grows. There he goes up and down in quest of ants, of which there is never the least scarcity; so that he soon obtains a sufficient supply of food with very little trouble. He cannot travel fast; man is superior to him in speed. Without swiftness to enable him to escape from his enemies, without teeth, the possession of which would assist him in self-defence, and without the power of burrowing in the ground, by which he might conceal himself from his pursuers, he is still capable of ranging through these wilds in perfect safety; nor does he fear the fatul pressure of the serpent’s fold, nor the teeth of the famished jaguar. Nature has formed his fore legs wonderfully thick, strong and muscular, and armed his feet with three tremendous sharp and crooked claws. Whenever he seizes an anima] with these formidable weapons, he hugs it close to his body, and keeps it there till it dies through pressure, or want of food. Nor does the ant-bear, in the mean time, suffer from want of aliment, as itis a well known fact, that he can go longer without food than perhaps any other animal, except the land tortoise. His skin is of a texture that perfectly resists the bite of a dog: his hinder parts are protected by thick and shaggy hair, while his immense tail is large enough to cover his whole body. “The Indians have a great dread of coming in contact with the ant-bear; and after disabling him in the chase, they never think of approaching him till he is quite dead. It is perhaps on account of this caution, that natural- ists have never yet given to the world a true and correct drawing of this singular animal, or described the peculiar position of his fore feet when he walks or stands. If, in taking a drawing from a dead ant-bear, you judge of the position in which he stands from that of all other terrestrial animals, the sloth excepted, you will be in error. Examine only a figure of this animal, in books of natural history, or inspect a stuffed specimen in the best museums, and you will see that the fore claws are just in the same forward attitude as those of a dog, or a common bear, when he walks or stands. But this would be an intolerable attitude for the ant-tear. The length and curve of his claws canuot admit of such a position. When he walks or stands, his feet have somewhat the appearance of clubhands. He goes entirely on the outer side of his fore feet, which are quite bent inwards, the claws collected into a point, and going under the foot. In th’s position he is quite at ease; while his long claws are disposed of in a manner to render them harmless to him, and are prevented from becoming dull and worn, like those of the fog, which would inevitably te the case, did their points come im actual contact with the ground: for his claws have not the A MAMMALIA—MANIS. 275 retractil: pow2r which enables animals of the feline species tc preserve the sharpness of their claws on the most flinty path. A slight inspection of the fore feet of the ant-bear will easily convince you of the mistakes that artists and naturalists have fallen into; for you will perceive that the whole outer side of his foot is not only deprived of hair, but is hard and callous; proof positive of its being in perpetual contact with theground. On the contrary the inner side of the bottom of his foot is soft and rather hairy. “Tere is another singularity in the anatomy of the ant-bear. He has uve sery large glands situated below the roof of the tongue. From these is emitted a glutinous liquid, with which his long tongue is lubricated when le puts it inte the ants’ nests. These glands are of the same substance aa those found in the lower jaw of the woodpecker. The secretion from them, when wet, is very clammy and adhesive; but on being dried, it loses those qualities, and you can pulverize it betwixt your finger and thumb; so that in dissection, if any of it has got upon the fur of the animal, allow it to dry there, and then it may be removed, without leaving any stain behind. The ant-bear isa pacific animal. As his habits and haunts differ materially from those of any other animal in the forest, he might live to a good old age, and die in peace at last, were it not that his flesh is good food. On this account the Indian wages perpetual war with him, and as he cannot escape by flight, he falls an easy prey to the poisoned arrow. If he be ever closely attacked by a dog, he throws himself on his back, and if he can ‘catch hold of his enemy with his tremendous claws, the invader is sure to pay for his rashness with the loss of life.” THE PANGOLIN! AND PHATAGIN;? OR, THE SHORT AND LONG-TAILED MANTIS. THEsE animals are commonly known under the name of scaly lizards; but they are not only of another genus, but even of another class than the lizards, which are oviparous reptiles, while the pangolin and rhe phatagin gre viviparous quadrupeds. 1 Manis crassicaudata, Georr. = Manis longicaudatd§iGrorr. The genus Manis is entirely toothless; the body is elongated, covered with strong, corneous, triangular, and imbricated scales, and capable of rolling into a ball; muzzle loug; tongue prutractile; feet with five toes, formed for digging ; tail long. 7 276 MAMMALIA—MANIS. * All the lizards are wholly covered, even under the belly, with a sleck speckled skin, resembling scales; but the pangolin and the phatagin have no scales under their throat, on the breast, or the belly; the phatagin, like vhe other quadrupeds, has hair on all these under parts of the body; the pangolin has nothing but a smooth skin without hair. The scales with which al] the other parts of the body of these two animals are clothed and covered, do not stick to the skin; they are only fixed and inherent to it . underneath ; they are moveable, like the prickles of the porcupine. These scales are so large, so hard, and so sharp, that they frighten and discourage all animals of prey; on collision they will strike fire like flint; 1t is an offensive armor which wounds while it resists. The most cruel and the most voracious animals, such as the tiger and the panther, make but useless efforts to devgur these armed animals ; they tread upon them, roll them; but when they attempt to seize them, they are grievously wounded; they can neither terrify them by violence, nor bruise nor smother them with their weight. When the pangolin and the phatagin contract themselves, they do not take, as the hedgehog, a globular and uniform figure; they form an oblong coat of armor; but their thick and long tail remains outward, and encircles their bodies. This exterior part, by which it seems these animals might otherwise be seized, carries its own defence; it is covered with scales equally hard and sharp with those with which the body is clothed, and as it is convex above, and flat below, in the form of half a pyramid, the sides are covered with square scales folded in a right angle, as thick and as sharp as the others ; so that the tail seems to be still more strongly armed than the nody, the under parts of which are unprovided with scales. The pangolin, or short tailed manis, is larger than the phatagin, or long tailed kind; his fore feet are covered with scales, but the phatagin’s feet and part of his fore legs have none, being only clothed with hair. The pangolin has also larger scales, thicker, more convex, and not so close as those of the phatagin, which are armed with three sharp points; on the contrary, the scales of the pangolin are without points, and uniformly sharp. ‘The phatagin is hairy upon the belly; and the pangolin has no hair on that part of lis body, but between those scales which cover his back some thick and long hair issues like the bristles of a hog, which are not found on the ‘back of the phatagin. The pangolin is from six to eight feet in length, including his tail; the tail 1s very near as long as the body, though it appears shorter when young the scales are not then so large nor so thick, and of a pale color, which is deeper when the animal is adult; they acquire such a hardness, that they resist a musket ball. Like the ant-eaters, the pangolin and the pha:agir . live chiefly upon ants; they have also a very Jong tongue, a narrow mouth and without apparent tecth ; their body and their tail are also very long, anc ine claws of their feet very near of the same length and the same form, bu MAMMALIA—CHLAMYPHORUS. Q77 equal m number. Like the ant-eater, the pangolin is alio toothless, and has a long cylindrical tongue, which it uses in the same manner as that animal to procure the insects on which it subsists. When the pangolin approaches an ant hill, it lies down near it, concealing as much as possible the place of its retreat, and stretching out its long tongue among the ants, keeping it for some time immovable. These little creatures, allured by its shining appearance, and the unctuous substance with which it is smeared, instantly gather upon it in great numbers; and when the pangolin supposes that it has a sufficiency, it quickly withdraws the tongue, and swallows them at once. This operation it repeats till it is satisfied, or till the ants, grown more cautious, will be no longer allured to their destruction. The ant-eaters are found in America; the pangolin and the phatagin, in the East Indies, and in Africa, where the negroes call them quugelo. They eat their flesh, which they reckon a delicate, wholesome food; they also use their scales for different purposes. Their mode of killing it is by beating it with clubs. The pangolin and the phatagin have nothing forbidding but their figure; they are gentle, harmiess, and innocent; they feed upon insects only ; they never run fast, and can only escape the pursuit of men by hiding themselves in hollow rocks, or in holes which they dig for themselves; they are two extraordinary species, not numerous, nor very useful; their odd form seems to place them as an intermediate class betwixt the quadrupeds and the reptiles. THE CHLAMYPHORUS! Has been discovered only within the last five years. From the tip of the nose to the root of the tail, 11 measures but five inches and a quarter ; its 1 Chlamyphorus truncatus, Haran. This animal, which is the only one of the genus, has sixteen upper and as many lower teeth, all molars; the two first in each jaw pointed, the rest flat and cylindrical ; shell composed of a series of transverse plates; toes five before and beb_od. with compressed nails ; tail short, turned downward. 2738 MAMMALIA—PLATYPUS. neight at the shoulder is only one inch and three quarters, and the lengtn of its tail is one inch. This is rather less than half the size of the three banded armadillo. It is a native of South America. THE DUCK-BIDULED PLATYPUS)1! New Horzanp is the country that produces this anomalous animal, ons of the strangest sports of nature, as it combines the bili of a bird with the usual characteristics of a quadruped. So singular is this union, that 1t was at first supposed to be the trick of some person, for the purpose of imyosir Z on collectors. When the creature was first discovered, it received the allu- sive name of ornithorynchus paradoxicus ; but it has since been denom, ated the platypus anatinus, or duck-billed platypus. It has a depressed body, somewhat resembling that of an otter in miniature, which is covered witha soft fur, dark brown above, and of a ferruginous white beneath. The head is flattish, and the snout so exactly resembles that of some broad billed species of duck, that it might easily be mistaken for such. The tail is flat, furry, and of the same color as the body. ‘The length of the whole animal, from the tip of the beak to'that of the tail, is thirteen inches; of the beak, an inch anda half. The legs are very short, and terminate ia a broad web, which on the fore feet extends to a considerable distance beyond the claws, nut on the hind feet reaches no further than the roots of the claws. On the. upper part of the head, on each side, a little beyond the beak, are situated two oval white spots, in the lower part of each of which the eyes are em- bedded. From the general form of this animal, and particularly its bill and webbed feet, it may naturally be concluded, that it resides in watery situations; that it has the habit of digging or burrowing in the banks of rivers, or under ground; and that its food consists of aquatic plants and animals ORDER EIGHTH.—PACHYDERMATA. Antmats of this order have three or two kinds of teeth; four extremities, with the toes variable in number, and furnished with strong nails or hoofs; ne clavicles; organs of digestion not disposed for ruminating. This order commences the series of hoofed quadrupeds. 1 Platypus anatinus. This genus, which comprises only two individuals yet knowa, has four upper and four lower molars, the teeth are fibrous, and fixed only in the gum; ahomy heak resembling a duck’s hill; nostrils contiguous, opening at the end af the upper mandible ; cheek pouches; feet webbed, pentadactyle; with a spur on tha and ones in the male; tail short, broad at the base. es MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. 279 FAMILY I.--PROBOSGIDEA,. In this family the individuals have their upper incisors in the form of elongated tusks; molars compound and in small number; five toes on all the feet; nose prolonged into a proboscis. THE ELEPHANT. Txe human race excepted, the elephant is the most respectable of ani- mals. In size, he surpasses all other terrestrial creatures, and in undere standing he is inferior only to man. Of all the brute creation, the elephant, the dog, the ape, and the beaver, are most admirable for their sagacity ; but the genius of the dog is only borrowed, being instructed by man in almost every thing he knows. The monkey has only the appearance of wisdorn, and the beaver is only sensible with regard to himself, and those of his species. The elephant is superior to them all three: he unites all their most eminent qualities. The hand is the principal organ of the monkey’s dexterity ; the elephant with his trunk which serves him instead of arms and hands, with which he can lift up, and seize the smallest, as well as the largest objects, carry them to his mouth, place them on his back, hold them, or throw them far off, has the same dexterity as the monkey, and at the same time the tractableness of the dog. He is, like him, susceptible of gratitude, capable of a strong attachment. He uses himself to man with- out reluctance, and submits to him, not so much by force, as by good treat- ment; he serves him with zeal, intelligence, and fidelity. In fine, the elephant, like the heaver, loves the society of his equals, and makes them understand him. They are often seen to assemble together, disperse, act in concert, and if they do not erect buildings, and do nut work in common, it 1s, perhaps, for want of room only, and tranquillity; for men have very anciently multiplied in all the regions inhabited by the elephant; he consequently lives in fear and anxiety, and is no where a peaceful possessor of a space large and secure enough to establish his habitation on a settled spot. Every being in nature has his real price, and relative value; to judge of both in the elephant, we must allow him at least the judgment of the beaver, the dexterity of the monkey, the sentiment of the dog, and, to add to these qualifications, the peculiar advantages of strength, size, and lor ge- vity. We must not forget his arms, or his defence, with which he can pierce wnrough and conquer the lion. We must observe, that he shakes the ground at every step; that with his trunk he roots up trees; that with the strength 1The genus E/ephas, of which there are only two species, has two upper incisors or tusks ; four upper and four lower molars. Tusks slightly arched towards their extremity, composed of ivory cased in a crust of enamel; molars composed of vertical and trars- verse lamin covered by enamel ; five toes on all the feet; nose elongated into a cylinari- cal proboscis, moveable in all directions, with a moveable appendix at the termination, serving the purpose of a finger; head very large; neck short; eyes small, lateral; ears extremely flat and very large; Lodv large ard :aassive; tail short, tufted at the end; two nun, 280 MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT, of his body he makes a breach in a wall; that being terrible by Ls force he is invincible by the resistance only of his enormous mass, and by the thickness of the leather which covers it; that he can carry on his back a tower armed in war, with a number of men; that he alone moves machines, and carries burthens, which six horses cannot move. To this prodigious strength he joins courage, prudence, coolness, and an exact obedience. He preserves moderation even in his most violent passion; he is more con- stant than impetuous in love; in anger he does not forget his friends; he never attacks any but those who have given him offence; he remembers favors as long as injuries. Having no taste for flesh, and feeding chiefly upon vegetables, he is not naturally an enemy to other aniinals; he is belov- ed hy them all, since all of them respect him, and have no cause to fear him. For these reasons, men have had at all times a veneration for this great, this first of animals. The ancients considered the elephant as a prodigy, a miracle of nature; they have much exaggerated his natural faculties; they attribute to him, without hesitation, not only intellectual qualities, but moral virtues. In a wild state, the elephant is neither bloody nor ferocious; his manners are social; he seldom wanders alone; he commonly walks in company, the oldest leads the herd, the next in age drives them, and forms the rear; the young and the weak are in the middle. The females carry their young, and hold them close with their trunks. They only observe this order, however, in perilous marches, when they go to feed on cultivated lands. They walk or travel with less precaution in furests and solitary places, but stil] keeping at such a moderate distance from each other, as to be able to give m«tual assistance, and seasonable warnings of danger. Some, however, straggle, and remain behind the others; none but these are attacked by hunters, for a small army would be requisite to assail the whole herd, and they could not conquer without a great loss of men. It is even dangerous to do them the least injury; they go straight to the offender, and, notwithstanding the weight of their body, they walk so fast that they easily overtake the lightest man in running; they pierce him through with their tusks, or seize him with their trunks, throw him against a stone, and tread him nder their feet; but it is only when they have been provoked, that they become so furious and so implacable. It is said, that when they have been once attack ed by men, or have fallen into a snare, they never forget it, and seek for revenge on al: occasions. As they have an exquisite sense of smell, perhaps more perfect than any other animal, owing to the large extent of their nose, they smell a man ata great distance, and could easily follow nim by the track. These animals are fond of the banks of rivers, deep valleys, shady places, and marshy grounds; they cannot subsist a long while without water, and they make it thick and muddy before they drink. They often fill their trunks with it, either to convey it to their mouth, or only to cool their nose, and to amuse themselves in sprinkling it around XN MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. oR) them. They cannot support cold, and suffer equally from excessive heat: fur, to avoid the burning rays of the sun, they penetrate into the thickest forests. They also bathe often in the water; the enormous size of their body is rather an advantage to them in swimming, and they do not swim so deep in the water as other animals; besides, the length of their trunk, which they erect, and through which-they breathe, takes from them all fear of being drowned. Their common food is roots, herbs, leaves, and young branches; they also eat fruit and corn, but they have a dislike to flesh and fish. When one cf them finds abundant pasture, he calls the others, and invites them to come arc feed with him. As they want a great quantity of fodder, they often change their place, and when they find cultivated lands, they make a prodigious waste; their bodies being of an enormous weight, they destroy ten times more with their feet, than they consume for their food, which may be reckoned at the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds of grass daily. As they never feed but in great numbers, they waste a large territory in about an hour's time; for this reason, the Indians and the negroes take great pains to prevent their visits, and to drive them away, by making a great noise, and great fires; not- withstanding these precautions, however, the elephants often take possession of them, drive away the cattle and men, and sometimes pull down their cottages. It is difficult to frighten them, as they are little susceptible ef fear; nothing can stop them but fireworks, and crackers, thrown amongst them, the sudden effect of which, often repeated, forces them sometimes to turn back. It is very difficult to part them, for they commonly attack their enemies all together, proceed unconcerned, or turh back. The female elephant. goes two years with young; she only brings fort one at a time, which has teeth as soon as brought forth. He is then larger than a boar; yet his tusks are not visible, they appear soon after, and at six months old are some inches in length; at that age, the elephant is larger than an ox, and the tusks continue to increase till he is advanced in years. It is very easy to tame the elephant. But there is no domestic elephant that has not been wild before. The manner of taking, taming, and bring- ing them into submission, deserves particular attention. In the middle of forests, and in the vicinity of the places which they frequent, a large space is chosen, and encircled with palisadoes; the strongest trees of the forest serve instead of stakes, to which cross pieces of timber are fustened, which support the other stakes; a man may easily pass through this palisado; there is another great opening, through which the elephant may go in, with a trap hanging over it, or a gate whicn ts snut behind him. To bring nim to that inclosure, he must be enticed by a tame female, ready to take the tale; and when her leader thinks she is near enough to be heard, he obliges her to indicate by her cries the condition she is in. The wild male answers uvmediately, and begins his march to join her: she repeats her call now 36 282 MA MMALIA—ELEPHANT. ‘ . tad ther, and arrives first to the first inclosure, where the male, following ser track, enters through the same gate. As soon as he perceives himselt shut up, his ardor vanishes, and when he discovers the hunters, he becomes furious. They throw at him ropes with a running Knot to stop nim; tney fetter his legs ana his trunk, they bring two or three tame elephamis, led by dexterous men, and try to tie them with the wild elephant, and at last, by dint of dexterity, strength, terrcr, and caresses, they succeed in taming him in a few days. : The elephant, once tamed, becomes the most tractable and the most sub- missive of al] animals; he conceives an affection for his leader, he caresses him, and seems to guess whatever can please him. Ina lite time he understands the signs, and even the expression of sounds; he distinguishes the tone of command, that of anger or good nature, and acts accordingly. He never mistakes the words of his master. He receives his orders with attention, executes them with prudence and eagerness, without precipita- tion ; for his motions are always measured, and his character seems to participate of the gravity of his body. He is easily taught to bend the knee to assist those who will ride on his back. He caresses his friends with his trunk, and salutes with it the persons he is directed to take notice of. He makes use of it.to lift burdens, and helps to load himself. He has no aver- sion to being clothed, and seems to delight in a golden harness or magnifi- cent trappings. He is easily. put to the traces of carts, and draws ships upon occasion. He draws evenly, without stopping, or any marks o. dis- like, provided he is not insulted by unseasonable correction ; and provided ‘is driver seems to be thankful for the spontaneous exertion of his strength. Fis leader is mounted on his neck, and makes use of an iron rod, crooked at the end, with which he strikes him gently on the head to make him turn or increase his pace. But often a word is sufficient, especially if he has had time to make himself well acquainted with his leader, and has a confidence in him. His attachment is sometimes so strong and so lasting, and his affection so great, that commonly he refuses to serve under any other per- son; and he is known to have died of grief for having in anger killed his vovernor. If it is true, as has been affirmed, that the elephant lives two hundred years, and that he begets when he is one hundred and twenty years .dd, each couple brings forth forty young in that space of time. Besides, having nothing to fear from other animals, and litle even from men, who take them with great difficulty, the species has not decreased, and is generally dispersed in all the southern parts of Africa and Asia. From time immemorial, the Indians made use of elephants in war. Amongst those nations unacquainted with the European military discipline, they were the best troops of their armies; and as long as battles were decided by mere weapons, they commonly vanquished. Yet, we see in history, that the Greeks and Romans used themselves sovn to thuse mone MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. 283 sters of war; they opened their ranks to let them gc though; they did not attempt to wound them, but threw all their darts against their leaders, who were forced tv surrender, and to calm the elephants when separated from their troops; and now that fire is become the element of war, and the prin- cipal instrument of death, the elephants, who are afraid of the noise and the fire of the artillery, would be rather an incumbrance in battle, and more dangerous than useful, In those regions, however, where our cannons and murdering arts are yet scarcely known, they fight still with elephants. At Cochin, and in parts of Malabar, they do not make use of horses, and all those who do not fight on foot are mounted upon elephants. In Tonquin, Siam, and Pegu, the king, and all the grandees, never ride but upon elephants. On festivai days they are preceded and followed by a great number of these animals richly 284 MAMMALIA ELEPHANT. caparisoned, and covered with the richest stuffs. On comparing the rela- uions of travellers and historians, it appears that elephants are more numerous in Africa than in Asia; they are there also less mistrustful, not so wild, and, as if they knew the unskilfulness and the. little power of the men with whom they have to deal in this part of the world, come every day without fear to their habitations. The following extracts are furnished by Major Denham: ‘While I was thus employed, Maramy came galloping up, saying that he had found three very large elephants, grazing to the south-east, close to the water ; when he came within a few hundred yards of them, all the persons un foot, and my servant on a mule, were ordered to halt, while four of us, who were mount- ed, rode up to these stupendous animals. “The Shiekh’s people began screeching violently ; and although, at first, the elephants appeared to treat our approach with contempt, yet they soon moved off, erecting their ears, and giving a roar that shook the ground under us. One was an immense fellow, I should suppose sixteen feet high; the other two were females, and moved away ratuer quickly, while the male kept in the rear, as if to guard their retreat. We wheeled swiftly round him; and Maramy casting a spear at him, which struck him just un- der the tail, and seemed to give him about as much pain as when we prick our finger with a pin the huge beast threw up his pruboscis in the air with a loud roar, and from it cast such a volume of sand, that, unprepared as J was for such an event, nearly blinded me. The elephant will sometimes rush upon a man and horse, and after choking them with dust, will destru, them in an instant. “As we had cut him off from following his companions, he took the direction leading to where we had left the mule and the footmen; they quickly fled in al] directions, and my man Columbus was so alarmed, that Le did not get the better of it for the whole day. We pressed the elephant now very close, riding before, behind, and on each side of him; and hia look sometimes, as he turned his head, had the effect of instantly checking the speed of my horse; his pace never exceeded a clumsy rolling walk, but was sufficient to keep our horses in a short gallop. I gave him a ball from each barrel of my gun, at about fifty yards distance; but the first, which struck him on the body, failed in making the least impression. After giving himn another spear, which flew off his tough hide without exciting the least sensation, we left him to his fate. “News was soon brought us that eight elephants were at no great dis- tance, and coming towards us; it was thought prudent to chase them away, and we all mounted for that purpose. They appearec unwilling to go, and did not even turn their backs till we were quite close, and had thrown several spears at them; the flashes from the pan of the gun, however, seem- ed to alarm them more than any thing; they retreated very majestically, first throwing out as before, a quantity of sand. A number of the birds here ~ MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. 285 called ¢uda, were perched ‘1pon the backs of the elephants; these resemble a thrush in shape and note, ana were represented tu me, as being extremely useful to the elephant in picking off the vermin from those parts which it is not in his power to reach.’ THE ASIATIC ELEPHANT. a OG HY) i) ‘ i AH Oe i a i Hiss cae a a HB fi Wy i} yp } fw general, the elephants of Asia are of a larger size, and superior in mivength to those of Africa; in particular, those of Ceylon, who exceed in nourage and sagacity all those of Asia. Probably they owe these qualifica- tions to their education, more improved in Ceylon than any where else. They differ also in other particulars, so as to constitute them a different species. “His head,” says Mr Bennett, ‘‘is more oblong, and his forehead presents in the centre a deep concavity between two lateral and rounded elevations; that of the African being round and convex in all its parts. The teeth of the former are composed of transverse vertical lamine of equal breadth, while those of the latter form rhomboidal or lozenge shaped divi- stons. The ears of the Asiatic are also smaller, and descend no lower than his neck, and he exhibits four distinct toes on his hind feet. The African on the contrary, is furnished with ears of much greater size, descending t: his legs, and no more than three toes are visible on his posterior extrem. ties.” The individual, which is the subject of the wood cut, is believed : be little more than three years old. The elephants of the Indies easily carry burdens of three or four thousan: weight ; the smallest, that is, those of Africa, lift up freely with their trunks 1 Elephas Indicus, Cuv. 286 MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. burdens of two hundred pounds weight, and place them on their shoulders they take in this trunk a great quantity of water, which they throw out around them at seven or eight feet distance ; they can carry burdens of more than a thousand weight upon their tusks; with their trunk they break branches of trees, and with their tusks they root out the trees. One may judge of heir strength by their agility, considering at the same time the bulk of their body; they walk as fastas a small horse on the trot, and when they run, they can keep up witha horse on full gallop, which seldom happens in their wild state, except when they are provoked by anger, or frightened. The tame elephants travel easily, and without fatigue, fifteen or twenty leagues a day; and when they are hurried, they may travel thirty-five or forty leagues. They are heard at a great distance, and may be followed very near on the track, for the traces which they leave on the ground are not equivocal; and on the ground where the steps of their feet are marked they are fifteen or eighteen inches in diameter. When the elephant is taken care of, he lives a long while even in capti- vity. Some authors have written, that he lives four or five hundred years; others, two or three hundred; and the most credible, one hundred and twenty, thirty, and even one hundred and fifty years. Whatever care, how- ever, is taken of the elephant, he does not live long in temperate countries, and still less in cold climates. The elephant which the king of Portugal sent to Louis XIV., in 1668, and which was then but four years old, died in his seventeenth, in January, 1681, and lived only thirteen years in the menagerie of Versailles, where he was treated with care and tenderness, and fed with profusion. He had every day four pounds of bread, twelve pints of wine, two buckets of porridge, with four or five pounds of bread, two buckets of rive boiled in water, without reckoning what was given to him by visitors ; he had, besides, every day one sheaf of corn to amuse him- self; for, after he had eaten the corn ears, he made akind of whip of straw, and used it to drive away the flies; he delighted in breaking the straw in small bits, which he did with great dexterity with his trunk; and, as he was led to walk daily, he plucked the grass and eat it. The common color of the elephant is ash gray, or blackish. The white are extremely scarce; some have been seen at different times in the Indies, where also some are found of a reddish color. ‘ The elephant has very small eyes, compared with his enormous size, but they are sensible and lively; and what distinguishes then from all other animals, is their pathetic, sentimental expression. He seems to reflect, to think, and to deliberate ; and never acts sill he has examined and observed several times, without passion or precipitation, the signs which he is to obey. Dogs, the eyes of which have much expression, are animals too lively to distinguish their successive sensations; but as the elephant is naturally grave and sedate, one may read in his eyes the order and outward | appearang? of his interior affections. 4 MAMMALILA—ELEPHANT. 28 He has a quick ear, and this organ is outwardly, like that of smell- ug, more marked in the elephant than in any other animal; lis ears are very large, even in proportion to his body; they are flat, and close to the head, like those of a man; they commonly hang down, but he raises them up, and moves them with great facility ; he makes use of them to wipe his eyes, and to cover them against the inconveniency of dust and flies. {le delights in the sound of instruments, and seems to like music; he soon learns to beat time, and to move accordingly ; he seems animated by the beat of the drum and the sound of trumpets; he has an exquisite smell, and 1s passionately fond of perfumes of all sorts, and of fragrant flowers; he selects them one after another, and makes nosegays, which he smells with eagerness, and then carries them to his mouth as if he incended to taste them. His sense of feeling centres in his trunk; but it is as delicate and as distinct in that sort of hand as in that of man; this trunk, composed of membranes, nerves, and muscles, is, at the same time, a member capatle of motion, and an organ of sense; the animal can not only move and bend it, but he can shorten, lengthen, and turn it all-ways. The extremity of this trunk terminates by an edge, which projects above like a finger; it 1s with this sort of finger that the elephant does whatever we do with ours, he picks up from the ground the smallest pieces of money ; he gathers nuts and flowers, choosing them one after another; he unties knots, opens and shuts doors, turning the keys, and bolts them; he learns to draw regular characters with an instrument as small as a pen. % 288 M \MMALIA—ELEPHANT. Although the elephant has a more retentive memory, and more intelli. gence than any other animal, he has the brain smaller than most of them; he is, at the same time, a miracle of intelligence and a monster of matter, his body is very thick, without any suppleness; the neck is short and very stiff; the head small and deformed ; the ears of an excessive diameter ; and the nose is of a still more disproportionate length; the eyes are too small as well as the mouth; his legs are like massive pillars, straight and stiff the feet so short and so small, that he seems to have none; the skin is hard thick, and callous. All these deformities are remarkable, as all of them are exhibited on a large scale; and they are more disagreeable to the eye, as most of them have no other example .n the creation; no other anima having either the head, the feet, the nose, the ears, or the tusks, made 01 placed like those of the elephant. The elephant is yet singular in the conformation of the feet and the texture of the skin. He is not clothed with hair like other quadrupeds ; his skin is bare; some bristles issue out of the chops; they are very thin on the body, and thicker on the eyelids, on the back part of the head, within the ears, the thighs, and the legs. The epidermis, or outside skin, bard and callous, has two sorts of wrinkles, some hollow, others prominent. In man, and other animals, the epidermis sticks every where close to the skin. In the ele thant, it is only fastened by some points, like two quilted stuffs one ahove tic other. This epidermis is naturally dry, and soon acquires three or four lines of thickness, by the crusts which are generated one above the other drying up. It is this thickness of the epidermis which produces the elephantiasis, or dry leprosy, to which man, whose skin is bare, like that of the elephant, is sometimes subject. This distemper is very common to elephants; and, to prevent it, the Indians take care to rub them often with oil, and to preserve the skin supple by frequent bathing. It is rather tender where itis not callous; and the elephant is so fearful of the sting of the flies. that he not only employs hisenatural motions, but even the resources of his intelligence, to get rid of them ; he makes use of his tail, of his ears, of his trunk, to strike them; he contracts his skin wherever he can, and squeezes them to death betwixt the wrinkles. Ife cleans his skin by rubbing it with pumice stones, and afterwards pours on it perfumed oil and colors. The conformation of the feet and legs is also singular, and different in the elephant from that of other ae i the fore legs seem to be higher than those behind, yet the hind legs are the lo. gest; they are not bent like the hind legs of a horse or an ox, the thighs of which seem to be of the same piece with the buttocks; their knee is very near the belly, and the foot so high and so long, that it seems to make a great part of the leg. In the elephant, on the contrary, this part is very short, and touches the gronnd> he has the knee, like man, in the middle of the leg, not near the belly. This foot, so short and so small, is divided into five toes, which are all co- vered with a skin, none appearing outwardly ; one sees only a sort of claws. MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. 289 tne uniber of which varies, though that of the toes is constant; for he has always five to each foot, and commonly also five claws; but sometimes he has no :nore than four, or eveg three; and, in this case, they do not cor respond exactly with the extremity of the fingers. The ears of the elephant are very long; his tail is not longer than the ear; it is commonly near three feet in length; it is rather thin, sharp and garnished at the extremity with a tuft of large, black, shining, and solid bristles, which are as large aud as strong as wire; and a man cannot break them with his hands, as they are elastic and pliant. This tuft of hair is ap ornament which the negro women are particularly fond of; and they attra bute to it some particular virtue, according to their superstitious notions ; an elephant’s tail is sometimes sold for two or three s:aves ; and the negroes often hazard their lives to cut and snatch it from ine living animal. The largest elephants of the Indies, and the eastern coasts of Africa, are fourteen feet high; the smallest, which are found in Senegal, and in the other western parts of Africa, are not above ten or eleven feet; and those which have been brought young into Europe, were not so high. That at the menagerie at Versailles, which came from Congo, was but seven feet and a half high in his seventeenth year. During thirteen years that he lived in France, he did not grow above a foot; so that at the age of four, when he was sent, he was only six feet and a half high. in order to give a complete idea of the nature and intelligence of this singular animal, we shall insert here some particulars communicated by the Marquis of Montmirail. The Indians make use of the elephant to carry artillery over mountains; and it is then that he gives the greatest proofs of his intelligence. He acts in the following manner :— When the oxen, yoked two and two, endeavor to draw up the mountain the piece of artillery the elephant pushes the breech of the gun with his forehead; and at every effort that he makes, he supports the carriage with his knee, which he places near the wheel; and it seems as if he understands what is said to him. When his leader employs him in some hard labor, he explains what is his work, and the reasons which ought to engage him to obey. If the elephant shows an aversion to comply, the cornac (so his leader is called) promises to give him arrack, or something he likes; then the anirnal agrees to every thing proposed ; but it is dangerous to forfeit his word; more than one cornac has been the victim of his deception. An instance of this hap- pened in the Deccan, which deserves to be recorded ; and, however incredi- ble it may appear, it is exactly true. An elephant had been revenged cf Lis cornac by killing him. His wife, witness of this vatastrophe, took her two children and threw them to the feet of the animal, still furious; telling him, Since thou hast killed my husband, take uso my life, and that of my children The elephant stopped short, grew calm, and, as if be had been moved with re- gret and compassion, took with his trunk the largest of the two children, placed it on his neck, adopted him for his cornac, and would have no other leader 37 290 MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. If the elephant is vindictive, he is no less grateful. A soldier of Pondi- eherry, who commonly carried to one of these animals a certain measure of arrack every time that he received his pay having one day drank more than common, and seeing himself pursued by the guard, who threatened to conduct him to prison, took refuge under the elephant, and slept there. It was in vain that the guard attempted to draw him out from this asylum; the elephant defended him with his trunk. The next day the soldier, he» come sober, was struck with terror to lie under an animal of this enormous bulk. The elephant, who, no doubt, perceived his consternation, careszed him with his trunk, to remove his fears, and made him understand that he might depart freely. The elephant falls sometimes into a sort of a frenzy, which deprives htm of his tractableness, and makes him extremely formidable. This commonly happens in the spring season. He is commonly killed on the first symptoms of madness, for fear of mischief. Sometimes he is tied with heavy chains in hopes that he will come to himself; but when he is in his natural state, the most acute pains cannot engage him to do any harm to persons who have not offended him. An elephant, furious with the wounds which he had received in battle at Hambour, ran through the fields, and cried out in the most hideous manner. A soldier, who, notwithstanding the warning of his companions, could not fly, perhaps, because he was wounded, remained in his way ; the elephant was afraid to trample him under his feet, took him with his trunk, placed hirh gently on one side of the road, and continued his march. The gentlemen of the Academy of Sciences have also communicated to us some facts which they have learned from those who governed the ele- phant at the menagerie of Versailles; and these facts seem to deserve a place. “The elephant seemed to discern when any person made a fool of him; and he remembered the affront to be revenged of it the first opportunity. Having been balked by a man, who feigned to throw something into his mouth, he struck him with his trunk, and broke two of his ribs; afterwards he trampled him under his feet, and broke one of his legs; and having kneeled down, he tried to thrust his tusks into the man’s belly, which, how- ever, went into the ground on both sides of the thigh, which was not wound- ed. He bruised another man, by squeezing him against the wall for a similar mockery. A painter was desirous to draw him in an extraordinary attitude, which was, to keep his trunk erect, and the mouth open. The servant of the painter, to make him remain in that attitude, threw fruits into his mouth; but afterwards he deceived him, which provoked his indigna- ton; aud, as if he had known, that the cause of this deception was the painter’s desire of having him drawn, he was revenged on his master, by throwing with his trunk a great quantity of water, which spoiled the paper mtended for his design ” He made less use of his strength than of his dexterity, whicn was such, that he untied, with great facility, a double leather suring which fastened his MAMMALIA—ELEPHANT. 29. leg, with his mouth untying it from the buckle’s tongue, and after this buckle had a small string twisted around it, with divers knots, he untied them all, without breaking any thing. One night, that he had thus disentangled himself from his leather strings, he broke open so dexterously the d>or of his lodge, that his governor was not waked by the noise. He went tience into divers yards of the menagerie, breaking open doors that were shut, and pulling down the stone work, when the passage was too narrow fur him aud thus he went into the lodges of other animals, terrifying them to such a uicgree, that they ran away to hide themselves in the most remote part of the park. In fine, to omit nothing of what may contribute to make all the natural faculties of this animal perfectly known, as well ‘as his acquired knowledge, we shall add scme facts, extracted from the most credible auth crs. “Of five elephants,” says Tavernier, ‘which huntcrs had taken, three escaped, although their bodies and their legs were fastened with chains and ropes. ‘These men told us a very surprising circumstance, if we can believe it, which is, that when once these elephants have been caught, and eluded the snares of their adversaries, if they are compelled to go into the woods, they are mistrustful, and break with their trunk a large branch, with which they sound the ground before they put their foot upon it, to discover if there are any holes on their passage, not to be caught a second time; which made the hunters, who related this singularity, despair of catching again the three elephants who had escaped. Wesaw the other two which they had caught; each of them was betwixt two tame elephants; and around the wild elephants were six men, holding spears. They spoke to these animals in presenting them something to eat, and telling them, in their language, Take ths aud eat it. They had small bundles of hay, bits of black sugar, or tice boiled in water, with pepper. When the wild elephant refused to da what he was ordered, the men commanded the tame elephants to beat him, which they did immediately; one striking his forehead with his ; and when he seemed to aim at revenge against his aggressor, another struck him; so that the poor wild elephant perceived he had nothing to do but to obey.” “T have observed several times,” says Edward Terry, “ that the elephant does many things which are rather an indication of human reasoning, than a simple, natural instinct. He dues whatever his master commands him. If he orders him to frighten any person, he advances towards him with the same fury as if he would tear him to pieces; and when he comes near him, he stops short, without doing him any harm. If the master wishes to affront another, he speaks to the elephant, who takes with his trunk dirty water, and throws it at his face. The Mogul has elephants for the execu- tion of criminals condemned to death. If their leader bids them to dispatcl, these wretches svon, they tear them to pieces in a moment with their feet- on the contrary, if he commands them to make these criminals languish, they break their bones one after another and make them sulle torments as cruel as those of the wheel ” 292 MAMMALIA- ELEPHANT. The celebrated white elephant, which is the only one in the possessicn of the king of Ava, is of a cream volor,.and has no appearance of disease or ‘debility. It was taken in 1806, when young, in the forests of Pegu, and 1s about twenty-seven years old. Both the court and people consider it pecue “ hharly inauspicious to want a white elephant; hence the repute in whicn ‘they are held, and the anxiety to obtain them. The capture of a white ‘elephant is consequently highly rewarded. It has been asserted by Builon and others, that the young elephant sucks MAMMALIA—HIPPOPOTAMUS. 293 with its trunk. It is now ascertained that it sucks with its mouth like otha animals. Mr Cross says, “in sucking, the young elephant always. grasps the nipple, which projects horizontally from the breast, with the side of his mouth. I have very often observed this; and so sensible are the attendants of it, that with them it is a common practice to raise a smull mound of earth, about six or eight inches high, for the young one to stand on, and tus save the mother the trouble of bending her body every time she gives suck, which she cannot readily do when tied to her picket.” _M. Foucher d’Obson- ville, who had also observed the young elephant playing with the teat of the mother with his trunk, attributes the prevalent error to this circumstance. THE HIPPOPOTAMUS.) Attnoven this animal has been celebrated from the earliest ages, it was, notwithstanding, but imperfectly known to the an:zients. It was only towards the sixteenth century that we had some precise indications on the subject. In comparing the descriptions which we have observed in different travel- lers, the hippopotamus appears to be an animal whose body is longer and thicker than that of the rhinoceros; but his fore legs are much shorter. lis head is short, and thick in proportion to the body. He has no horns, neither on the nose, like the rhinoceros, nor on the head, like ruminating animals. His cry, when hurt, approaches as near to the neighing of the hurse, as the 1 Hinpopotamus amphibius, Lin. The genus Hippopotamus has four upper and four Lower incisors; two upper and two lower canines: fourteen upper and fourteen lower molars. Lower canines much developed. forming strong tusks curved upwards ; hard, thick, and square; muzzle very large and gibbous; bone very thick and heavy; legs ehort, wih four toes on the feet; eyes and ears small; tail short; two ventral mamma skin verv thick, almost without hair. 294 MAMMALIA—HIPPOPOTAMUS bellowing of the buffalo; but his usual voice resembles the neighing of a horse, from which, however, he differs in every other respect; and this fact, we may presume, has been the sole reason for giving him the naine of hippopotamus or river horse, as the howling of the lynx, which resembles that of the wolf, has occasioned him to be called the stag-hke wolf. The incisive teeth of the hippopotamus, and especially the two canine eeth of the lower jaw, are very long, very strong, and of so hard a substaace, that they strike fire with a piece of iron. This is probably what has given rite fo the fable of the ancients, who have reported that the hippaputamus vomited fire. These canine teeth of this animal are white, so clear and so hard that they are preferable to ivory, for making artificial teeth. The molars are square, or rather longer on one side than the other, nearly like the grinders of a man, and so thick, that a single one weighs more \han three pounds. The largest of the incisive, or the canine teeth, are twelve, and even sixteen inches in length, and sometimes weigh twelve or thirteen pounds each. The skin is in some parts two inches thick ; and the Africans cut it into whip thongs, which, in consequence of their softness and pliability, they prefer to those procured from the rhineceros’s hide. The male hippopotamus is about six feet nine inches long, from the extremity of the muzzle to the beginning of the tail; fifteen feet in cireum- ference, and six feet and a half in height. His legs are about two feet ten inches long; the length of the head three feet and a half, and eight feet and a half in circumference ; and the width of the mouth, two feet four inches. It, however, sometimes acquires much greater magnitude. In the south of Africa, M. le Vaillant killed one which measured ten feet seven inches in length, and about nine feet in circumference. Thus powerfully armed, with a prodigious strength of body, he might render himself formidable to every animal; but he is naturally gentle, and appears never to be the aggressor, except when annoyed or wounded. It has been erroneously stated, that he curnmonly moves slowly on the land, but, on the contrary, when he has been injured, he has been known t pure sue persons for several hours, who escaped with great difficulty. [le swims quicker than he runs, pursues the fish, and makes them his prey. Tiree or, tour of them are often seen at the bottom of a river, near some cataract forming a kind of line, and seizing upon such fish as are forced down by tha violence of the stream. He delights much in the water, and stays there as willingly as upon land; notwithstanding which, he has no membranes; be- tween his toes, like the beaver and otter; and it is plain, that the great ease with which he swims, is only owing to the great capacity of his body, which only makes bulk for bulk, and is nearly of an equal weight with the water. Besides, he remains a long time under water, and walks at the bottum as well. as he does in the open air. When he quits 1t to graze upon land, he eats sugar -canes, rushes, millet, rice, roots, &c., of which he consumes and destroys a great quantity, and does much injury to cultivated lands; but, ag MAMMALIA—HIPPOPOTAMUS. 295 he is more tim! upon earth than in the water, he is very easily driven away; and, 23 his legs are short, he cannot save himself wall by flight, if he is far from any water. Tis resource, when he finds himself in danger, is to plunge hi.aself into the water, and go a great distance before he reappears. He commonly retreats from his pursuers; but if he is wounded, he becomes irritated, and immediately facing about w.th great fury, rushes against the boats, seizes them with his teeth, often tears pieces out of them, and sor ie- times sinks them under water. ‘I have seen,” says a traveller, “an hippopotamus open his mouth, fix one tooth on the side of a boat and another to the second plank under the keel; that is, four feet distant from each other, pierce the side through and through, and in this manner sink the boat to the bottom, I have seen another lying by the side of the sea-shore, upon which the waves had driven a shallop heavily laden, which remained upon luis back dry, and which was again washed back by another wave, without the animal appearing to have received the least injury. When the negroes go a fishing in their canoes, and meet with an hippopotamus, they throw fish to him; and then he passes on, without disturbing their fishery any more. He injures most when he can rest himself against the earth; but when he floats in the water, he canenly bite. Once, when our shallop was near shore, I saw one of them get underneath it, lift it above water upon his hack, and overset it with six men who were in it; but fortunately they received no hurt.” “ We dare not,” says ancther traveller, “irritate the hippopotamus in the water, since an adventure happened, which was near proving fetal to three men. They were going in a small canog, to kill one in a river where there was about eight or ten feet water. After they had discovered him walking at the bottom, according to his custoin, they wounded him with a long lance, which so greatly enraged him, that he rose immediately to the surface of the water, regirded them with a terrible look, opened his mouth, and, at one bite, took a great piece out of the side of the canoe, and had very nearly overturned it; but he replunged, almost directly, to the bottom of the water.” These animals are only numerous in some parts of the world; it even appears, that the species is confined to particular climates, and seldom to he met with, but in the rivers of Africa. Dutch travellers say that they bear three or four young ones; but this appears very suspicious, as the hippopota~ mus is of an enormous bulk; he is in the class of the elephant, the rhinoce- ros, the whale, and all other great animals, who bring forth but one; and this analugy appears more certain than ail the testimonies that they have exhibited. The female brings forth her young upon land, and the calf, at the instant when it comes into the world, will fly to the water for shelter if pursued; a circumstance which Thunherg notices as a remarkable instance of pure instinct. Major Denham furnishes us with the following amusing account ; — “It was intended this evening to have killed an hippopotamus, an animal 296 MAMMALIA—HIPPOPOTAMUS. which exists in great numbers in the lake, on the border of which we were encamped; but a violent thunder storm, to our great disappointment, pre- vented our witnessing so novel a species of sport. The flesh is considered agreat delicacy. On the morrow we had a full opportunity of convincing ourselves that these uncouth and stupendous animals are very sens bly attracted by musical sounds, even though they should not be of the softest kind; as we passed along the burders of Lake Muggaby at sunrise, they tollowed the drums of the different chiefs the whole length of the water, sometimes approaching so close to the shore, that the water they spouted from their mouths reached the persons who were passing along the banks. I counted fifteen at one time sporting on the surface; and my servant Columbus shot one of them in the head, when he gave so loud a roar, as he buried himself in the lake, that all the others disappeared in an insvant.” The preceding cut is copied from Thompson’s Travels in Southern Africa, from which we make the following extract. ‘ The hippopotami are nume- rous in many parts of this river, (the Gariep,) and are occasionally caugl t by the natives, by means of huge pitfalls dug in the paths frequented by u era when they issue from the floods, to browse on the wooded banks. The capiwe of one of those enormous animals must be an event of rejoicing « a whele horde of half starved Bushmen or Koranas, sufficient to banish hanger and neaviness for months tocome. The hippopotamus, thougt timid on shore, is sometimes a dangerous antagonist in the water. Mr Mcffat mn- formed me, that once when he was passing Read’s Drift, a Hottentot of his party was bit in two by one of these monstrous animals.” It appears from the accounts of travellers, that the numbers of this animal are very great in nearly all the lakes and rivers of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to 15° north latitude. MAMMALIA—HOG. Q97 THE HOG! OF all quadrupeds, the hog appears the most rough and unpolished. Hus voraciousness apparently depends on the continual necessity which he has ww fill the vast capaciousness of his stomach. It is the roughness of the hair, the hardness of the skin. and the thickness of the fat, which render these animals so insensible t. blows. Mice have been known to lowe in their backs, an& eat their fit and their siin, without their seeming seusiole of \t Their other senses are good; and the hunitsmen know that wild boars both sve, hear, aud smell. at a great distance; since, in order to sur- prise them, they wuit in silence during the night, and place themselves under the wind, to prevent the boars perceiving their smell, of which they are sensible ata great distance, and which always immediately makes them change their read. Their imperfection in the sense of touch is still more augmented bya distemper which 1» called the meast!es, and which renders them almost abso- lutely insensible. This disorder proceeds in general from the coarseness of their food; for che wild boar, which usually lives on corn, fruits, acorns, and roots, is not subject to this distemper, any more than the young pig whilst it sucks. This is only to be prevented by keeping the domestic hog in a clean stable, and giving him plenty of wholesome food; by this means his flesh will become excellent to the taste, and the lard firm and brittle, especially, if he be kept for a fortnight or three weeks before he is killed, in a clean stable, without litter, giving him no other food than dry corn; for this purpose we should choose a swine of about a year old, full of flesh and fat. Voracious and uncleanly as he is, the hog has some good qualities. If one of his own kind utters a cry of distress, every hog within hearing in- stantly hurries to his assistance. When teased by a dog, they have Leen known to hem him round, and kill him. Ifa male and female are brought up together when young, and the latter loses her companion, she begins immediately to decline, and probably dies of a broken heart. Nor is che hog wholly useless while living. In Minorca, he is frequently yoked to the plough in conjunction with an ass, and he performs his task in a workmanlike manner. In some parts of Italy and F.ance, swine are used to discover truffles, which grow a few inches under the surface of the soil. A cord is tied round the animal’s hind leg, he is conveyed to the field, and wherever he stops to root with his nose, there the truffle is invariably 1 Sus serafa, Lis. The genus Sus has four or six upper and six lower incisors; two upper and two lower canines; fourteen upper and fourteen lower molars, Caaimtes heat upwards and laterally; molars tuberculons: lower incisors bent forward: for toes on all the feet, he two middie ones only touching the ground, armed with strong outs; aose elongated, cartilacinous ; body covered with bristles; twelve teats. 7 38 2938 MAMMALIA—HOG found. A recent French writer on the noble science of gastronomy luda crously denominates the hog, ‘ the Christopher Columbus of the truffle.” That hogs are not destitute of sagacity, is proved by the long succession of learned pigs which, for so many years, have been trained to astonish the multitude at fairs, and other places, where numbers of persons are con~ gregated. The wild boar is hunted by dogs, or else taken by surprise in the nignt by the light of the moon. As he runs but slowly, leaves a strong odor behind him, defends himself against the dogs, and wounds them dangerously, so he should not be hunted by dugs designed for the stag and the goat; for this hunting spoils their scent, and teaches them to go slowly. The oldest only should be attacked, and these are easily known by their traces; a young wild boar, of three years old, is difficult to take, because he runs a great way without stopping; instead of which, a wild boar that ts older does not run far, suffers himself to be closely hunted, and has no great fear of the dogs. In the day, he usually hides himself in the thiekest and most unfre- quented part of the wood; and in the evening, and at night, he goes out to seek for food. In summer, when the corn is ripe, it is easy to surprise him ; but mostly soamong oats, where he frequents every night. As-soon as he is killed, the hunters immediately cut out the testes, the smell of which is so strong, that if five or six hours were to elapse without eu.s1z them out, al) the flesh would be infected ; and in an old wild boar tne aeau only is good to eat; instead of which, the Hesh of the young wild bear is extremely delicate. No person that has lived in the country ever so little, is ignorant of the profits arising from the hog; his flesh sells for more than that of the ox; the lard is valuable; the bluod, the bowels, the viscera, the feet, and he tongue, when properly prepared, are all fit to eat. The dung of the hog is much colder than that of other animals, and should not be used for-any but hot and dry lands. The skin has its use, for saddles are made of it; and brooms, brushes, and pencil brushes are made of the hair. The flesh of this animal takes salt and saltpetre better than any other, and will keep longer salted. This species, though abundant, and greatly spread in Europe, in Afiica, and in Asia, was not, however, found on the continent of the New World. Tt was transported by the Spaniards, who have carried black hogs to the continent, and to almost all the large islands of America; they are multiplis MAMMALIA—BABIROUSSA. 299 ed, and becomne wild in many places; and resemble European wild boars, with this difference, that the body is shorter, the head larger, and the skin thicker; and domestic hogs, in warm climates, are al) black like wild boars. The fecundity of the hog is very great; instances are known of individuals producing three hundred and twenty-five young in twenty liuers, and two hundred and five in twelve litters. The English variety of the hog come- times weighs twelve hundred pounds. There are many other varieties. THE BABIROUSSA, OR INDIAN IIOG.2 ALL naturalists have regarded this animal as a kind of hog, though it has naither the head, stape, bristles, nor tail of a hog. Its legs are longer and its muzzle shorter. Itis covered with soft and short hair like wool; and its tail, which tapers to a fine point, is terminated by a tuft of the same; its body is likewise not so thick and clumsy as that of the hog; its ears are short and pointed; its skin is black, and furrowed with wrinkles and creases ; but the most remarkable character, and what distinguishes it from all other animals, are four enormous tusks, or canine teeth; the teeth, the two shortest of which shoot out of the lower jaw, like those of the boar; the two others, which come from the upper jaw, pierce the cheeks, or rather the upper part of the lips, and rise crooked almost to the eyes. These tusks are of a very beautiful ivory, much smoother and finer, but not so hard as that of the elephant. These quadrunle and enormous tusks give these animals a very formidas ble appearance; they are, however, less dangerous than our wild boars, They go, like them, in herds; they havea very strong smell, by which they are easily discovered, and hunted with good success. They grunt terribly, defend themselves, and wound their enemy with their under tusks; for the upper are rather of disservice than of use to them. Although wild and fero- cious as the boar, they are tamed with much ease; but their Hesh, which is very good food, putrefies ina very short time, As their hair is fine, and their skin delicate, it is soon penetrated by the teeth of the dogs, who hunt ~ 1 Sus bubyrussa, Lin, 300 MAMMALIA—MEXICAN HOG. them in preference to wild boars, and sooner accomplish their purpose, ‘Tne babiroussa stiikes its upper tusks into the branches of trees, to rest its head, or to sleep standing. ‘This habit it has in commoa with the elephant, who, in order to sleep in an erect posture, supports his head by fixing the end of his tusks in the holes which he makes in his lodging. The babiroussa differs still more from the wild boar by its natural appe- tites. It feeds upon grass and leaves of trees, and does not endeavor to enter gardens, to feed on beans, peas, and other vegetables: while the wild puar, who lives in the same country, feeds upon wild fruits, roots, and often on the depredations it makes in gardens. These animals, who go alike in herds, never mix; the wild boars keep on one side, and the babiroussas 9n the other; these walk quicker, and have a very fine scent. They often fix themselves against a tree, to keep uff the hunters and their dogs. When they are pursued fora long time, they make towards the sea, and, swimming with great dexterity, very often escape their pursters; for they swim fora very long time, and often to very great distances, and from one island to another. The babiroussa is found not only in the island of Bourou, near Amboyna, but also in many parts of Southern Asia and Africa. THE PECCARY, OR MEXICAN HOG, Dirrers from the common hog in a number of characteristics, both external and internal. Its head is sherter and broader; it has only four incisor teeth in the upper jaw, instead of six; it has only three instead of six toes on the hind feet; its legs are slenderer; in the stomach and intestines there 1 Picotyles torquatus, Lin. The genus Dicotyles has four upper and six lower incisors two upper and two lower canines ; twelve upper and twelve lower molars; tusks not proyect= ing from the mouth, the other teeth like ihe of the hog; four toes before, three Naiad: only two of which lean upon the ground; a glandular opening on the back, from whick exiides a foetid humor ; no tail. MAMMALIA MEXICAN HOG. " 30) 1s a difference of conformation; the tail is extremely short, remarkably flat, and completely pendulous ; and its bristles are much stronger than those of the wild boar; and, lastly, it has, upon that part of the back which borders apon the buttocks, an opening from which there is discharged an ichorous humor of a very disagreeable smell. The peccary is the only animal which has an opening in this region of the body. In the civets, the badger, and the genet, the reservoir for the perfume is situated beneath the parts of generation ; and in the musk animals we find it under the belly. The peccary may be rendered a domestic animal, like the hog, and \as pretty nearly the same habits and natural inclinations. It feeds upon .he same aliments; and its flesh, though more dry and lean than that of a hog, is not unpalatable. The female, however, breeds only ounce a year, and has but two young ones at a birth. These animals are extremely numerous in all the parts of South America ‘There are two species ; ; THE COLLARED PECCARY,! AND THE WHITE- LIPPED PECCARY2 Tue former is not a migratory animal, but usually lives in the forest where it is produced, and is generally met with in pairs or in small families. Tt is the smallest of the two species, seldom measuring three feet in lengt, or weighing more than fifty pounds. Its genera] color is a yellowish gray, with the exception of the legs, which are nearly black; and it has a some- what erectile mane on the back of the neck, composed of a row of long black bristles. The white-lipped peccary is much larger than the other species, as it not unfrequer:tly reaches a length of three feet and a half, anda weight of a hundred pounds. It is thicker and stouter in its propertions, has a longer and thicker mane, and has less of the grayish tinge. ‘Unlike the former species, the white-lipped peccaries,” says the author of The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Suciety, “congregate in numerous bandas, sometimes amounting, it is said, to more than a thousand individuals of all ages. Thus united, they frequently traverse extensive districts, the whole troop occupying an extent of a league in length, and directed in their march, if the accounts of the natives are to be credited, by a leader, who takes his station at the head of the foremostrank. Should they be impeded in their progress by a river, the chief stops for a moment, and then plunges boldly into the stream, and is followed by all the rest of the troop. The breadth of the river or the rapidity of the current appear to be but trifling obstacles in their way, and to be overcome with the greatest facility. On reaching the opposite bank, they proceed directly on their course, and continue their march even through the plantations which, unfortunately for the owners, 1 Dicotyles torquatus, Cuv. 2 Dicotyles tabiatus Cuv. 302 MAMMALIA—MEXICAN HOG. may happen to lie in their way; and which they sometimes completely devastate by rooting in the ground for their favorite food, or devouring such fruits as they find there. If they meet with any thing unusual on their way, they make a terrific clattering with their teeth, and stop and examine the object of their alarm. When they have ascertained that there is no danger, they continue their route without further delay; but if a huntsman should venture to attack them when they are thus assembled in large numbers, he is sure to be surrounded by multitudes and torn to pieces by their tusks, if us is so unwise as to neglect his only chance of escape, which consists ip climbing a tree, and thus getting fairly out of their reach. The smaller ounds aré by no means equally courageous, and always take to flight at the first attack. “M. Sonnini relates that he was often, in the course of his travels ip Guiana, surrounded by a troop of peccaries infuriated with the havoc made Ly the muskets of himself and his companions. Mounted upon a tree, he was enabled to observe their motions, and to notice the manner in which they encouraged, by their grunts and by the rubbing of their snouts together, those among them who were injured by the shots which were poured on them from above. With erected bristles, and eyes sparkling with rage, they still maintained their ground; and it was sometimes only after two or three hours’ incessant firing that they were at last compelled to quit the field of battle, and to leave the bodies of the dead to the mercy of the conquerars These days of victury over the peccaries, he adds, are always cave 3f abundance for the traveller in those immense forests, who has *9 ucner re- source except the chase. An enormous gridirun is ic..wlia.ely constructed with sticks fixed in the earth, and three feet i: neigh, over which a quantity of small branches are placed iu a transverse direction. On these the pecca- cies are deposited, after heing at ‘n pieces, and are cooked by a slow fire, which is kept up cuzine *he whole night.” In its tates country, the peccary is rather fond of the mountainous parts, rnen of the low and level grounds; itseems to delight neither in the marshes nor the mud, like our hogs; it keeps among the woods, where it subsists upon wild fruits, roots, and vegetables; it is also an unceasing enemy to the lizard, the toad, and al] the serpent kinds with which the uncultivated forests of the New Continentabound. As soon as it perceives a serpent ora viper, it at once seizes it with its fore hoofs and teeth, skins it in an instant, and devours the flesh. They commit great havoc among the sugar-canes, maize, manihot, and potato crops. The young ones follow the dam, and do not separate from her till they have come to perfection. If taken at first, they are very easily tained, and soon lose all their natural ferocity; they, however, never display any re markable signs of docility. They only continue to do no mischief; and they may be permitted to run tame, without apprehending any dangerous conse quences. They seldom stray far from home; they return of themselves to MAMMALIA—RUINOCEROS. 303 the sty, and do not quarrel among each other, except when they happen to ve fed in common. When enraged, they draw their breath with great force, and their bristles point upward; nor, on such occasions, can these be said so much to resemble the bristles of the wild boar as the sharp armor of the hedgehog. Captain Waterton, who made several excursions into the forests ot Guiana, tells us that the Macoushi Indians are accustomed to kill birds and other game, with arrows dipped in poison called wowrali. This is made from a plant of that name, mixed with several other ingredients, and pre- pared with magical ceremonies and incantations. A large portion of the food of the natives consists of peccaries slain by the poisoned arrows. The bow is commonly used, and the animal seldom runs two hundred paces after being struck before he dies by the effect of the subtle poisun. It is remarkable that the flesh of credtures killed in this manner, is perfectly wholesome. Besides the bow, the Indians often use a tube made of a reed eleven or twelve feet in length, through which the arrow is sent by the ‘breath with great precision and considerable force. Birds are generally kill- ed in this way, and sometimes larger animals. THE RHINOCEROS. Arrer the elephant, the rhinoceros is the most powerful of all quadrupeds. He 1s at least twelve feet in length, from the extremity of the snout to the } Rhinoceros of India, Rhinoceros Indicus, Sumatra Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros Sondaicus and Rhinoceros Sumatrensis, (two species.) Two horned Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros A fri« canus and Rhinoceros Camus, (two species.) The genus Rhinoceros has scmetimes none, sometimes two, and sometimes four upper and the same number of lower inctsors 5 no canines; twelve or fourteen upper and the same number of lower molars. Incisors unequal among themselves when they exist; anterior molars small, the posterior increas- ing progressively ; eyes emall, lateral; ears long, narrow; three toes on all the feet, one or two horns pe on the nose, ahove the nasal cavity; skin very thick, naked and rugous ; tail short, laterally compressed. 304 MAMMALIA—RHINOCEROS. tail; six or seven feet in height; and the circumference of his body is very nearly equal to his length; he is therefore like the elephant in bulk ; and if he appears inuch smaller, it is because his legs are much shorter in propor- tion to those of the elephant; but he differs widely from that sagacious animal, in his natura! faculties, and his intelligence; having received from nature merely what she grants in common to all animals, deprived of all feeling in the skin, having no organ answering the purpose of hands, nor distinct for the sense of feeling, he has nothing instead of a trunk, but a moveable upper lip, in which centres cll his dexterity. He is superior to other animals only in strength, size, and the offensive weapon which he carries upon his nose, and which is peculiar tu im. This weapon is a very hard horn, solid throughout, and placed more advantageously than the horns of ruminating animals; these only protect the superior parts of the head and neck, whilst the horn of the rhinuceros defends all the exterior parts of the snout, and preserves the muzzle, the mouth, and the face from insult; so that the tiger attacks more readily the elephant, in seizing his trunk, than the rhinoceros, which he cannot attack in front, without running the danger of being killed; for the body and limbs are covered with an impenetrable skin; and this animal fears neither the claws of the tiger nor the lion, nor even the fire and weapons of the huntsman; his skin is a dark leather, of © the same color, but thicker and harder than that of, the elephant; he dues not feel the sting of flies; he cannot contract his skin; it is only folded by targe wrinkles on the neck, the shoulders, and the buttocks, to facilitate the motions of the legs, which are massive, and terminate in large feet, armed with three great claws. The skin of the two horned rhinoceros is much more easily penetrable than that of the single horned. It not only ap- pears that the skin is thinner than that of the one horned rhinoceros, but it seems that it has not the same folds. Mr Burchell says that there are two distinct species of the two horned rhinoceros in South Africa. He has the head larger in proportion than the elephant; but the eye still smaller, which he never opens entirely, and they are so situated that the animal can see anly what is in a direct line before him. The upper jaw projects above the lower; and the upper lip has a motion, and may be /engthened six or seven inches ; it is terminated by a sharp edge, which enables this animal, with more facility than other quadrupeds, to gather branches ond grass, and divide them into handfuls, as the elephant does with his trunk. This muscular and flexible lip is a sort of trunk very incomplete, but which is equally calculated for strength and dexterity. Instead of those long ivory teeth which form the tusks of the elephant, the rhinoceros has his powerful horn, and two strong incisive teeth in each jaw. These incisive teeth, which the elephant has not, are placed at a great distance from each other in the jaws of the rhinoceros. He has, besides these, twenty-four smaller teeth, six on each side of each jaw. His ears are always erect; they‘are, for the form like those of a hog, only they are larger in proportion to his MAMMALIA—RHINOCEROS J05 body ; they are the only hairy parts of it. The end of tne tail is, like that of the elephant, furnished with a tuft of large bristles, very hard and very solid. Huge and seemingly unwieldy as the rhinoceros is, he has the power of running with very great swiftness. The rhinoceros which arrived in London in 1739, had been sent from Bengal. Although he was young, (being but two years old,) the expens- es of his food, and his voyage, amounted to near one thousand pounds sterling ; he was fed with rice, sugar, and hay. They gave him daily seven pounds of rice, mixed with three pounds of sugar; which they divided into three parts. He had, also, a great quantity of hay and green grass, to which he gave the preference. His drink was nothing but water, of which he drank a great quantity at once. He was of a quiet disposition, and let his manager touch him on all the parts of his body. He grew unruly when he was struck, or was hungry; and in both cases he could not be appeased without giving him something to eat. When he was angry, he leaped forward with impetuosity to a great height, beating furiously the walls with his head; ; which he did with a prodigious quickness, notwithstanding his heavy appearance. This rhinoceros, when he was two years old, was not much higher than a young cow who has not yet borne young; but his body was very long and very thick. The tongue of this young rhinoceros was soft, like that of a ealf; his eyes had no vivacity; they are like those of a hog in form, and were placed very low; that is, nearer the opening of the nostrils. Mr Parsons says, that he has observed a very particular quality in this animal; he hearkened with a sort of continual attention to any noise; so that, if he even was sleepy, employed in eating, or in satisfying other urgent wants, he started instantly, raised vp his head, and gave attention till the noise had ceased. It is certain that scme rhinceeroses have but one horn on the nose, and others two. In the two-horned rhinsceros, one of the horns is smaller than the other, and is situated above »*. When the animal is quiescent these horns are laose, but they become fixed when it is irritated. There are single horns of three feet and a half, and perhaps of more than four feet in length, by six or seven inches in diamete, at the base; there are also double horns which are but two feet in length. Ccmmonly, these horns are brown, or olive color; yet some are gray and even white. They have only a small concavity, in form of a cup, at their basis, by which they are fastened to the skin of the nose; the remaining part of the horn is solid, and very hard. It is with this weapon that the rhinoceros is said to attack, and sometinies to wound mortally the largest elephants, whose long legs give the rhinoceros who has them much shorter, an opportunity of striking them with his horn under the belly, where the skin is tender, and more penetrable; but if he misses the first blow, the elephant throws him on the ground, and kills him. The horn of the rhinoceros’ is more valued by the Indians, than the ivory 39 306 MAMMALIA—RHINOCEROS. of the elephant; not so much on account of the matter, of which they make several works with the chisel, but for its substance, to which they attribute divers virtues, and medicinal properties. ‘The white ones, as the most rare, are also those which they value most. Cups made of this horn are used to drink out of by many of the Indian princes, under the erroneous idea that when any poisonous fluid is put into them, the liquor will terment and run over the top. si The rhinoceros, without being ferocious or carnivorous, or even very wild, is nevertheless untamable. He is of the nature of a ‘hog, blunt and grunting, without intellect, without sentiment, and without tractableness. These animals are also, like the hog, very much inclined to wallow in the mire; they like damp and marshy places, and seldom leave the banks of tivers. They are found in Asia, and Africa, in Bengal, Siam, Laos, in the Mogul dominions, in Sumatra, in Java, in Abyssinia, and about the Cape of Good Hope. The two-horned rhinoceros is only found in Africa. But, in general, the species is not so numerous, or so universally spread, as that of the elephant. The female brings forth but one young, and at a great distance of time. In the first month the rhinoceros is not much bigger than a large dog; he has not, when first brought forth, the horn on the nose, although the rudiment of it is seen in the fotus. When he is two years ‘old, this horn is only an inch long; and in his sixth year it is about ten inches. And as some of these horns have’ been seen very near four feet long, it seems they grow till his middle age, and perhaps during the whole life of the animal, which must Le long, since the rhinoceros described by Mr Parsons was not come to half his growth when he was two years old; which makes it probable, that this animal lives, like a man, seventy or eighty years. Without being useful, as the elephant, the rhinoceros is very hurtful, by the prodigious devastation which he makes in the fields. The skin is the most valuable part of this animal. His flesh is excellent, according to the taste of Indians and negroes. Kolben says, he has often eaten it with great pleasure. His skin makes the best and hardest leather in the world; and not only his horn, but all the other parts of his body, and even his blood, his urine, and his excrements, are esteemed as antidotes against poison, cr a remedy against several chet probably, however, all those virtues are imaginary. The rhinoceros feeds upon herbs, thistles, prickles, and shrubs; and he prefers this wild food to the sweet pasture of the verdant meadows: he is very fond of sugar-canes, and eats all sorts of corn. Having no taste what- ever for flesh, he does not molest small animals, neither fears the large ones, living generally in peace with them all, even with the tiger, who often accompanies him, without daring to attack him. The rhinoceroses do not herd together, nor march in troops, like the elephant; they are wilder, and more solitosy, and perhaps more diffiewlt MAMMALIA--RHINOCEROS. 307 to be hunted and subdued. They never attack men unless provoked; but then they become furious, and are very formidable. The steel uf Damascus, the cimeters of Japan, cannot make an incision in his skin; the darts and lances cannot pierce him through. His skin even resists the balls of a musket; those of lead become fat upon lis leather, and the iron ingots cannot penetrate through it. The only places absolutely penetrable in this body, armed with a cuirass, are the belly, the eyes, and round the ears; se that huntsmen, instead of attacking this animal standing, follow him ata distance by his track, and wait to approach him at the time that he sleeps or rests himself. There is, in the king of France’s cabinet, the feetus of a r..inoceros, which was sent from the island of Java, and extracted from the Lody of the mother. It was said, in a memorial which accompanied this present, that twenty-eight huntsmen had assembled to attack inis rhinoce- ros. They had followed her far off for some days, one or two men watking now and then before, to reconnoitre the position of the animal. By these means, they surprised her when she was asleep, and came so near in silence, that they discharged, all at once, their twenty-eight guns into the lower parts of her belly. A rhinoceros, about a year old, recently brought from Calcutta, was lately exhibited in Boston. The engraving furnishes a very exact represen- tation of this animal. Its length, from the nose to the insertion of the tail, was six feet; its height, three feet four inches. The length of its head, eighteen inches; that of its tail, thirteen inches. The horn had not made its appearance upon the nose, but there was a large protuberance, which indicated the place where it was growing, and seemed to form the root or basis of it. The animal, when disturbed, made a noise like a young calf, It bad very much the air anc manners of a hog. It betrayed no feas 308 MAMMALIA—RHINOCEROS. or shyness, but seemed constantly intent upon getting something to eat. Tt fed upon hay, potatoes, and grain, and so greedy was its appetite, that no‘1ing came amiss. Another recently arrived at Boston, and died in the harbor. It was about a third larger than the one above mentioned. Its skeleton, beautifully prepared, is now in the Cabinet of the Boston Society of Natural History. We have seen that this animal has a good ear; it is also affirmed, that he has the sense of smeliing in perfection ; but it is pretended he has nota rool eye, and sees only before him. His eyes are so sinall, and placed so low, and so obliquely, they have so little vivacity and motion, that this fact needs no other confirmation. His voice, when he is calm, resembles the grunting of a hog; and when he is angry, his sharp cries are heard at a great distance. Though he lives upon vegetables, he does not ruminate ; thus, it is probable, that, like the elephant, he has but one stomach, and very large bowels, which supply the office of the paunch. His consumption, though very great, is not comparable to that of the elephant; and it ap- pears, by the thickness of his skin, that he loses less than the elephant his perspiration. Two species of the two horned rhinoceros are found in South Africa. The following figare was drawn from life, by Mr Melville, and conveys ap , accurate representation of the species, whick abounds most in the Bechuana N A « \ : oo Na \ ANN A oO AN PA tore = ERE = —— 2OD\ Ex SS = country. The horn of the female is, however, much longer and more slender than that of the male, being three and a half feet long. Being a strong, ponderous, and elastic substance, it is much prized by the natives, for handles to their battle-axes. The secondary horn is, in many instances, so smal] as to be scarcely perceptible at a little distance. MAMMALIA—TAPIR. 309 THE TAPIR, OR THE ANTA.! Tue tapir is of the size of a small cow, but without horns, and with a short, naked tail; the legs are short and thick, and the feet have.small black hoofs. The body is thick and clumsy, and the back somewhat arched, and the hair is of a dusky or brownish color. On the short thick neck is a kind of bristly mane, which, near the head, is an inch and a half in length, Tlis head is of’ a tolerable size, with. roundish erect ears, and smal! eyes, and the muzzle terminates in a kind of proboscis, which can be ex- tended or contracted, at the will of the animal. The latter it uses in feed- ing, to grasp its food and convey it to the mouth, in the same way that the rhinoceros applies its upper lip; and in this are also contained the organs of smell. He has ten incisive teeth, and ten grinders, in each jaw; a character which separates him entirely from the ox, and other ruminating animals. His skin is so thick and hard as to be almost impenetrable to a bullet; for which reason the Indians make shields of it. The tapir seldom stirs out but in the night, and delights in the water, where he oftener lives than upon land. He is chiefly to be found in marshes, 1 Tapirus Americanus. The genus Tapirus has six upper and six lower incisors; two upper and two lower canines; fourteen upper and fourteen lower molars. Interme- diate mcisors shorter than the exterior ; nose terminating in a moveable little proboscis, but not by a kind of fiuger, like the elephant; eyes small; ears long and moveahle; fore feet with four toes, the hind ones with three, with short, round hoofs; tail very short; two inguinal mamme. B10 MAMMALIA—EORSE. and seldom goes iar from the borders of rivers or lakes. He swims and dives with singular facility. When he is threatened, pursued, or wounded, he plunges into the water, and remains there ull he has got toa great dis’ance, before he re-appears. These customs, which he has in common with the hippopotamus, have made some naturalists imagine him to be _ of the same species; but he differs as much from him in nature. as he is dis- tant from him in climate. Tao be assured of this, there needs no more than to compare the description we have now recited, with that of the hippopotas mus. Although the tapir inhabits the water, he does not feed upon fish, and, although his mouth is armed with twenty sharp incisive teeth, he is not carnivorous. He lives upon sugar-canes, grasses, the leaves of shrubs, and various kinds of fruit; and does not make use of what nace has armed iim with against other animals. He is of a mild and timid nature, and flies from every attack or danger: when, however, he is cut off from retreat, he makes a vigorous defence against dogs and men. His usual attitude is that of sitting on his rump like a dog+ and his voice is a kind of whistle. The flesh is wholesome food. He may be tamed, and is then very gentle and docile. Thiz animal is commonly found in Brazil, Para- guay, Guiana, and in all the extent of South America, from the extremity of Chili to Columbia. . A species of tapir, which has recently been discovered, is very common in the island of Sumatra and the forests of Malacca. Its body is of a dirty white, while the head, legs, and tail are of a deep black. This species has no mane, and its pruboscis is from seven to eight inches long. | Among the numerous fossil remains of a former world, are found frag- ments of tapirs of enormous size. One of these extinct species, the gigantic Yapir, must have been more than equal tu the elephant in magnitude. THE HORSE. Tue horse is not known in its pristine state. The natural dispositisa of these animals is not ferocious, they are only high spirited and wild; and though superior in strength to the greatest part of animals, yet they never attack them; and if they are attacked by others, either disdain them or trample thein under their feet. They go also in bodies, and unite them- selves into troops, merely for the pleasure of being together; for they are 1 Emus caballus, Lin. The genus Aqiuus has six upper and six lower incisors; two upper and two lower canines, or sometimes noue in the females; twelve upper and twelve sower molars. Molars furrowed on each side, with flat crowns and several ridges of enamel; a void space between the canines an] molars; upper lip capable of considerable mouon 3 eyes large ; ears rather liurge, pointed, erect, and moveable; feet termi i hod; tail with long hair, cr a tuft at its extremity; two inguinal mammu. MAMMALILA—HORSE. sli not feartul of, bat have an attachment to, each other. As herbs and vegeta- bles are sufficient for their nourishment, they have quite enough to satisfy their appetite; and as they have no relish for the flesh of animals, they uever make war with them, nor with each other. They never quarrel about their rood, they have no occasion to ravish the prey o1 another, the ordinary source ol’ contentions and quarrels. SS CLARUWN. a nS Pa ne The astonishment aud fear which the inhabitants of Mexico and Peru expressed at the sight of horses and, their riders, convinced the Spaniards that this animal was eutirely unknown in those countries. They therefore earried thither a great. number, as weil for service and their particular atility, as to propngare the breed. M. de la Salle, in 1685, saw in the northern parts of America,near the bay of St. Louis, whole troops of these wild horses, feeding in the pastures, which were so fierce that no one dared to approach them. The author of the History of the Adventures .f the Buccaneers, says, that, in the island of St Domingo, horses may sometimes be seen in troops of upwards of five hundred, al] running together; and that as s00n a3 they see a man, they will all stop. That one of them will appreach toa certain distance, snort, take flight, and then all the rest will follow aim. To eatch them, they make use of nooses made of ropes, which they spread and hang in places which they know they frequent. But if they are caught by the neck they strangle themselves, unless the hunter comes in ume to their assistance, who instantly secures them by the body and legs, and fastens them to trees, where they are left for two days without either food or drink. This experiment is sufficient to begin to mage them tracta- ble, and in time they become as much so as if they had never been wild. And even if by chance they ever regain their liberty, they never becothe se again. but koow treir masters, and suffer them to catch them again with- out uvuble. 312 MAMMALIA—HORSE. Of those which have returned to the wild state, such as the numerous herds of South America, the appearance is not prepossessing, according to the ‘deas which have been formed of the symmetry of the domestic varieties. The different races of the horse are numerous, most of the principal coun- tries in the world possessing breeds peculiar to themselves. But the ‘Arabian race has long been considered as the noblest of the species, and as combining the qualities of endurance, vigor, and temper, in a higher degree than any of the other varieties. As breeders of horses have ascertained that the qualities of the Arabian horse may be perpetuated in his descende ants, in the countries of Europe, where attention is paid to the raising of this valuable animal, for various purposes, the deterioration which a north ern climate induces in a native of warmer latitudes, is counteracted by crossing with the original breed. From the importation of the pure breed of Arabia into Europe, and the different crossings of these and their de- scendants with the native breeds, has arisen all that variety of appearance and qualities of the horse, which fits them for heavy draughts, the plough, or the sadcle. Jt is in Eng!and chiefly, hcwever, that the cultivation and education of the lorse has been curried to its greatest refinement, and in France are Leal races, admirably adapted to the different purposes which agriculture, or cotumer ‘e, or luaury inay demand. The first is the race horse, immedi- ately proceeding from an Arabian or Barbary stallion, with an English mare already crossed with a Barb or Arab, in the first degree, or the result of two crossings in the same degree. This breed is termed first: blood, or the nearest possible to the original e:uck; and in the quality of speed it is not probable that it can ever be exceeded. The vext is the hunter, the result of crossing a stallion of the first blood with a mare of a degree less near the original source. The third, is the cross between the hunter and the more common mares, which, uniting the stronger limbs and heavier bodies of the indigenous races to the qualities of the Arabian, produce the British car- riage horses; and the great dray horse, whose gigantic proportions and immense power of draught can scarcely be surpassed, are the prodice of this last with the strongest mares of the country breed. And it is a curious circumstance that, in the mixture of all these races, the influence of the Arar blood is observable, either in the conformation of some peculiar parts, or the preservation of some peculiar qualities. The Persian, Barbary, and Turkish horses are those which come nearest to the Arabian in conforma- tion and qualities, and the Spanish horses long enjoyed a high character in Europe, probably from the breed being kept up by the intermixture of the horses of Barbary. In France are numerous varieties, and most of them very serviceable animals. The other European races, it would be impossi- ble to enumerate here. MAMMALIA—HORSE, ' 813 The Arabs divide their horses into two races. The firs , which they call hechlani, or kailhan, are those whose genealogy is known for two thousand years, and which has, they say, originated from the stud of Solomon. The other race, appropriated to servile uses, they name kaduscha, or horses of an unknown race, and they are peculiarly careful, by certificates and other means, to preserve the principal races pure. The mares enjoy the exclusive privilege of transmitting the purity of the race to their descendants, and the genealogies are alivays reckoned from the mothers. Herds of wild horses, the offspring of those which have escaped from the Spanish possessions in Mexico, are not uncommon in the extensive prairies that lie to the west of the Mississippi. They were once numerous on the Kootannie Lands, near the northern sources of the Columbia, on the east- ern side of the Rocky Mountain ridge; but of late years, they have een almost eradicated in that quarter. They are not known to exist in a wil state, to the northward of the fifty-second or fifty-third parallel of latitude. The young stallions live in separate, herds, being driven away by the old ones, and are easily ensnared, by using domestic mares asa decoy. The Kootannies are acquainted with the Spanish-American mode of taking ther: with the lasso. 40 314 MAMMALIA—ZEBRA. THE DZHIGGTAI, OR WILD ASS) Exnieits in its natural, or wild state, an appearance very far superior, both in point of beanty and vivacity, to the horse. Lt is a native of Asia, living, like the rest uf this genus, in a gregarious manner. It chiefly occurs in the dry and mountainous deserts of Tartary, and in the southern parts of india and Persia. It is frequently spoken of as being met with, by travellers in Africa; but the quagga, which abounds in Southern Africa, and is somes dimes calJed the wild ass, has been no doubt confounded with this animal, The colo: of the wild ass is gray, or brownish yellow, with a brown dorsa. stripe, and one or two bands across the shoulders. The food of this animal consists chiefly of saline or bitter plants. 1t 1s also fond of salt or brackish water. The manners of the wild ass resemble those of the wild horse. They assemble in troops, under the conduct of a leader or sentinel, and are extremely shy and vigilant; and, like the former animals, dart uff with the utmost rapidity on the sight of mankimd. ‘They have been at all times celebrated for their swiftness. Their voice resembles that of the domestic ass, but is somewhat shriller. From this animal, the domestic ass has been gradually derived. THE ZEBRA? Ts, perhaps, the handsomest and most elegantly clothed of all quadrupeds. He has the shape and graces of the horse, the swiftness of the stag, and 1 Equus hemionus, Desm. 8 Equus zebra, Lin. MAMMALIA—ZEBRA. 315 a striped roke of black and white alternately disposed with so much regula- mtv and symmetry, chat it seems as if nature had made use of the rule and vompass to paint it. These alternate bands of black and white are so much the more singular, as they are straight, parallel, and very exactly divided, like a striped stu; and as they, in other parts, extend themselves not only over the body, but over the head, the thighs, the legs, and even the ears and the tail; so that, ata distance, this animal appears as if he were sur rounded with little fillets, which some person had disposed, in a regular manner, over every part of the body. In the females, these bands are alter. nate's Slack and white. In the male, they are brown and yellow, but always of a lively and brilliant mixture, upon a short, fine, and thick hair ; the lustre of which still more increases the beauty of the colors. The zebra is, in general, Jess than the horse, and larger than the ass; and, although it has often been compared to those two animels, and called the weld horse and the s/riped ass, itis a copy neither of the one nor the other; and might tather be called their model, if al! was not equally original in nature, and if every species had not an equal right to creation. The zebra is not the animal the ancients have indicated under the name onagra. There exists in the Levant, the eastern parts of Asia, and in the northern parts of Africa, a beautiful race of asses, who, like the finest horses, are natives of Arabia, This race differs from the common, by the size of the body, the slenderness of the legs, and the lustre of the hair. They are of a uniform, but commonly of a tine mouse color, with a black gross upon the back and the shoulders; and sometimes they are of a bright gray color, with a flaxen cross. The zebra is also of a different climate from the onagra, and ix only to be met with in the most eastern and the most south- ern parts of Africa, from Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope, and thence to Congo. [t exists neither in Europe, Asia, nor America, nor even in all the northern parts of Africa. Those which some travellers tell us they have seen at the Brazils, have been iransported thither from Afriea ; those which others are recounted ‘to have seen in Persia, and in Turkey, have been brought from Ethiopia; and, in short, those that we have seen in Europe are almost all frou the Cape of Good Hope. This point of Africa is their trie climate, their native country, and where the Dutch have e:n- ployed all their care to subject them and to render them tame, without having been hitherte able to succeed. That which has served for the subje t of our deser pion, was very wild when he arrived at the royal menagerie in France; and he was never entirely tamed. Nevertheless, he was broken for the saddle; but there were precautions necessary ; two mer held the bridle, while a third was upon him. His mouth is very hard; his ears so sensille, that he winees whenever any person goes to touch them. He is restive, like a vicious horse, and obstinate asa mule; but, perhaps, the wild horse and the onagra are not Jess intractable ; aud there is reason to believe, that if the zebra was accustuned to obediynce 316 MAMMALIA—ZEBRA. und tameness from his earliest years, he would become as mild as the ass and the horse, and might be substituted in their room. The zebra is chiefly found in the southern parts of Africa; often seen near the Cape of Good Hope, and a penalty of fifty rix dollars is inflicted on-any person who shoots one of them. Such of them as are caught alive, are presented to the governor. Several have been brought to England; but except in one instance, they have all displayed great wildness, and even ferocity. The exception was in that which was burnt some years ago at Ex‘er Change. It would allow young children to be put upon its back, an was once ridden from the Lyceum to Pimlico; but it was bred and reared iu Portugal, from parents half reclaimed. In several other cases, zebras have attempted to injure spectators, and have not even spared their keepers. The voice of this creature is thought to have a distant resem- blance to the sound of a post horn. THE ZEBRA OF THE PLAINS.: Tue zebra which we have just described, is confined to tae mountains the subject of the present article inhabits the flat parts near the Cape. Till very recently, the difference between them was not accurately understood. “The ground color of its whole body,” says Mr Bennett, ‘is white, inter- rupted by a regular series of broad black stripes extending from the back across the sides, with narrower and fainter ones intervening between each. Over the launches aud shoulders, these stripes form a kind of bifurcation, between the divisions of which there are a few transverse lines of the same color; but these suddenly and abruptly cease, and are net continued on the legs, which are perfectly white. Along the back there is a narrow, longitudi- nal line, bordered on each side with white. The mane is throughout broadly and deeply tipped with black, and is marked by a continuation of the trans- verse bands of the neck. ‘The lines of the face are narrow and beautifully regular; from the centre of the forehead they radiate downwards over the eyes; along the front of the muzzle they are longitudinal, the outer ones having a curve outwards; and on the sides they form broader transverse Lands. From the confluence of these bands on the extremity of the muz- zle, the nose, and the lower lip, those parts become of a nearly uniform blackish brown. The tail is white: there is no longitudinal ventral line and a large black patch occupies the posterior part of the ear, near the tip The hoofs are moderately large, deep in front, shallow behind, and much expanded at their margin.” ; The subject of the present article, which has now been about two years in the menagerie, will suffer a boy to ride her about the yard; and is — | Equus montanus, BurcHe.. MAMMALIA—QUAGGA...ASS. 317 frequently allowed to run loose through the Tower, with a man by her side, whem she does not attempt to quit, except to run to the canteen, where she ts occasionally indulged with a draught of ale, of which she is particularly “nd, THE QUAGGA\1 THE quagga, which till lately has been confounded with the zebra, 1s now acknowledged as a distinct species, much allied to the former, but marked with fewer and larger bands, which are of a browner color than in the zebra, and are chiefly disposed on the fore parts of the animal; while the hind parts are rather spotted than striped. The ground color also of the quagga is of a ferruginovs tinge, especially on the thighs and back. It is of a milder nature than the zebra, and is said to have been successfully used by some of the Dutch colonists at the Cape, in the manner of a horse, for draught, &c. It inhabits the same parts of Africa as the zebra, but is found in separate herds, never associating with that species. THE DOMESTIC ASS? Is naturally as humble, patient, and quiet, as the horse is proud, ardent, and impetuous. He suffers with constancy, and perhaps with courage, chastise- ment and blows. He is moderate, both as 10 the quantity and quality of his food. He is contented with the hardest and most disagreeable herbs, which the horse, and other animals, will leave with disdain. He is very delicate, with respect to his water, for he will drink none but the clearest, and from rivulets which he is acquainted with. He drinks as moderately as ne eats, and does not put his nose in the water, through fear, as some 1 Equus cowgga, GMEL. 2 Equus asinus, Lux 318 MAMMALIA—ASS. say, of the shadow of his ears; as care is not taken to currycomb him, he frequently rolls himself on the grass, thistles, and in the dust; and, without regarding his load, he lays himself down to roll about as often as he can and by this seems to reproach his master for the little care ne takes of him. For he does not paddle about in the mud and in the water ; he even feare to wet his feet, and will turn out of his road to avoid the mud. His legs are aJso drier and cleaner than the horse; he is susceptible of educaticiz, and come have been seen sufficiently disciplined to be made a show of, In their earliest youth they are sprightly, and even hendsome. They -are light and genteel ; but either from age or bad treatment. they soon lose their beauty, and become slow, indocile, and headstrong. Plinv assures us, that, when they scparate the mother from the young eve, she wiil go through fire to recover it. The ass is also strongly attacned to lis master, notwithstanding he is usually ill treated; he will smell nim afar off, and can distinguish him from all other men. He also knows the places where he has lived, and the ways which he has frequented. His eyes are good, and his smell acute; his ears are excelient, which has also contributed to his being numbered ameng timid animals, all of which, it is pretended, have the hearing extremely delicate, and the ears long. When he is overioaded, he shows it by lowering his head and bending down his ears. When he is greatly abused, he opens his mouth, and draws back his lips in a most dise agreeable manner, which gives him an-air of derision and scorn. If his eyes are covered over, he remains motionless; and when he is laid duwn on his side, and his head is fixed in such a manner that one eye rests on the ground, and that the other is covered with a piece of wood or stick, he will remain in this situation without any motion or endeavor to get up. He walks, trots, and gallops like the hcrse; but all his motions are smaller and much slower: notwithstanding ke can run with tolerable swiftness, he can gallop but a little way, and only for a small space of time, and, what- ever pace he uses, if he is hi rd pressed, he is soon tatigued. MAMMALIA—ASS. 319 The ass is three or four years in growing, and lives twenty-five or th rty years, They sleep less than the horse, and do not lie down to sleep unless when quite tired. There are among asses different races, as among horses; but they are much less known, because they have not been taken the same care of, o1 fol- lowed with the same attention; but we cannot doubt that they came all ori- ginally from warm climates. Aristotle assures us, that there were none in his time in Scythia, nor in the other neighboring countries of Scythia, nor even m Gaul, which, he says, is a cold climate; and he adds, that a cold climate either prevents them from procreating their species, or causes them to de- generate ; and that this last cireumstance is the reason thai :hey are small and weak in Illyria, Thrace, and Epirus. They appear to have come origi- nally from Arabia, and to have passed from Arabia into Egypt, from Egypt into Greece, from Greece into Italy, from Italy into France, and afterwards mto Germany, England, and lastly into Sweden, é&c.; for they are, in fact, weak and small in proportion to the coldness of the climate. They are said ‘o have been introcuced-into England subsequently to the reign of Elizabeth. Of all the various breeds of asses, the Spanish breed is by far the finest. They are often found of the height of fifteen hands, and the value of a hundred guineas. In the northern parts of the United States, the ass is little used ; in the middle and southern States they are common; m the West Indies, Mexico, and South America, they are the chief beasts of burden. In travelling over the Andes they are of the utmost utility. The ass is, perhaps, with respect to himself, the animal which can carry the greatest weight; and as it costs but little to feed him, and he scarcely cequires any care, he is of great use in the country, at the mill, &c.; he also serves to ride on, as all his paces are gentle, and he stumbles less than ihe horse; he is frequently put to the plough, in countries where the earth is light, and his dung is an excellent manure to enrich hard moist lands. Nothing is more common in Europe than to see men in humble cireum- stances ri¢ing on asses and mules. In New England a man would almost as soon be seen mounted on a cow, as on one of these creatures. The ass, lite some other animals, and some birds, possesses in great pere fection the power of finding his way home, when lost ata great distance. An instance of this is recorded by Kirby and Spence, in their exce tent Intros duction to Entomology. In March, 1816, an ass, the property of Capiain Dundas, R. N. then at Malta, was shipped on board the Isier frigate, Captain Forrest, bound from Gibraltar for that island. The vesse! having struck on some sands off the Point de Gat, at some distance from the snore, the ass was thrown overboard, to give it a chance of swimming to land,— a poor one, for the sea was running so high, that a boat which ‘eft the ship was lost. A few days afterwards, however, when the gates of Gibral- tar were opened in the morning, the ass presented himeelf for admittance, and proceeded to the stable of Mr Weeks, a merchant which he had former- 320 MAMMALIA—MULE. ly occupied, to the no small surprise of this gentleman, who imagined that. from some accident, the animal-had never been shipped on board the Ister. On the return of this vessel to repair, the mystery -was explained; and it “turned out, that Valiante (as the ass was called,) had not only swam safely to shore, but, without guide, compass, or travelling map, had found lus way from Point de Gat to Gibraltar, a distance of more than two hundred miles, thro igh a mountainous and intricate country, intersected by strenms, which he had never traversed before, and in so short a period, that he could not have made one false turn. His not having been stopped on the road was attributed to the circumstance of his having formerly been used to whip criminals upon, which was indicated to the peasants, who have a superstitious horror of such asses, by the holes in his ears, tc which the persons flogged were tied. THE MULE 4s an intermediate creature, springing from the union of the male ass with the mare, or of the horse with the female ass, (the former being the best,) and it accordingly inherits the small legs and handsome shape of the horse and the long ears, and cross on the back, which characterize its more hum- ble parent. In obstinacy it surpasses the latter; but it is valuable for its sureness of foot, which enables it to pass with safety along the most tremen- dous precipices, if left to the guidance of its own instinct. The mule is fond of handsome trappings, and is longer lived than either the horse or the ass. This animal is much used in the southern states, in the West Indies, and in South America. ORDER IX.—RUMINANTIA.* Anmats of this order have no incisors in the upper jaw; in the lower jaw usually eight; a vacant space between the incisors and the molars, but ‘nm which one or two canines are found in some genera. Molars, twelve in each jaw, the crown marked with two double crescents of enamel, of which the convexity is outwards in the lower jaw, and inwards in the upper. No clavicles; extremities disposed for walking; two toes furnished with hoofs; metacarpal and metatarsal bones united; four stomachs ; intestines long; two or four inguinal mamme; horns in the males, and often in the females _ of most species. * The term ruminantia, indicates the singular faculty of masticating the food twice. The first three of the stomachs of these animals are disposed in such a manner that their toud may enter into either of them. Their food is invariably vegetable, and they are widely distribut:d over both continents. MAMMALIA—CAMEL. 32 THE CAMEL! AND DROUMEDARY# THE principal, and, as may be said, the only perceptible character by which these animals differ, consists in the camel’s bearing two bunches, or protuberances, and the dromedary only one. The latter is also much less, and not so strong as the camel; but both of them herd and procreate toge- ther; and the production from this cross-breed is more vigorous, and of greater value, than the others. This mongrel issue from the dromedary and the camel forms a secondary breed, which also mix and multiply with the first; so that in this species, as well as in that of other domestic animals, there is to be found a great variety, according to the difference of the climates they are produced in. Aristotle has judiciously marked the two principal breeds; the first, (whic. has two bunches,) under the name of -the Bactrian camel; and the second, under that of the Arabian camel. ‘The first are called Turcoman, and the others, Arabian camels. This division still subsists, with this difference only, that it appears, since the discovery of those parts of Africa and Asia which were unknown to the ancients, that the dromedary is, without com- parison, more numerous and more universal than the camel. The last 1 Camelus Bactrianus, Lin, 2 Camelus dromedarius, Lin. The genus Camelus, of which these two are tec only individuals, has two upper and six lower incisors ; two upper and two lower canines; twa upper and two lower fhlse molars; ten upper and ten lower true molars —_ Inferior incisors in the form of cutting wedges ; the superior, Jateral ; canines conical, erect and strong; false molars on each side in the interdentary space ; toes united helow; head long; nec4 ve long; upper lip cleft; nostrils slit obliquely; eyes projecting; ears smat ; pacs with fatty bunches ; callosities on the breast and flexures of the extremities; four ¥21:ra. mom me ; hair wooly; tail of medium length. 4l 322 MAMMAL1IA—CAMEL. being seldom found in any other place than in Turkey, and in some othea parts of the Levant; while the dromedary, more common than any other beast of his size, is to be found in all the northern parts of Africa, in Egypt, in Persia, in South Tartary, and in all the northern parts of India. The dromedary, therefore, occupies an immense tract of land, while the camel is confined to a small spot of ground; the first inhabits hot and parched regions; the second a more moist and temperate soil. The camel appears to be a native of Arabia; for it is not only the country where there as the greatest number, but it is also best accommodated to their nature. Arabia is the driest country in the world; and the camel is the least thirsty of all animals, and can pass seven days without any drink. The feet of the camel are formed to travel in sand; while, on the contrary, he cannot sup- port himself in moist and slippery ground. Herbage and pasture are want- ing to this country, as is the ox, whose place is supplied by the camel. The Arabs regard the camel as a present from heaven, a sacred animal, without whose aid they could neither subsist, trade, nor travel. It has been emphatically called the ship of the desert. Its milk is their common nourishment ; they likewise eat its flesh, especially that of the young ones which they reckon very good. ‘The hair of these animals, which is fine ano soft, is renewed every year, and serves them to make stuff for their clothing and thew furniture. Blessed with their camels, they not only want for nothing, but they even fear nothing. With them, they can, in a single day, place a tract of desert, of fifty miles, between them and their enemies, and ail the armies n the world would perish in the pursuit of a troop of Arabs. Let any one figure to himself a ccuntry without verdure, and without water, a burning sun, a sky always clear, plairs rovered with sand, and mountains stil] more parched, over which the eye extends, and the sight is lost, with MAMMALIA—CAMEL. 323 aut being stopped by a-single living object. A dead earth, flayed (if we may be allowed the expression,) by the winds, which presents nothing but bones of dead bodies, flints scattered here and there, rocks standing upright or overthrown ; a desert entirely naked, where the traveller never drew his breath under the friendly shade; where he has nothing to accompany hiin, and where nothing reminds him of living nature; an absolute void a thou- sand times more frightful than that of the forest, whose verdure, in some measure, diminishes the horrors of solitude ;-an immensity which he in vain attempts to overrun; for hunger, thirst, and burning heat, press on him every weary moment that remains between despair and death. Nevertheless, the Arab has found means to surmount these difficulties, and even to appropriate to himself these gaps of nature. They serve ‘him for an asylum ; they secure his repose, and maintain him in his inde- pendence. An Arab who destines himself to this business of land piracy, early har- dens himself to the fatigues of travelling. He accustoms himself to pass many days without sleep; to suffer hunger, thirst, and heat.’ At the same time he instructs his camels, he brings them up, and exercises them in the same method. A few days after they are born, he bends their legs under their bellies, and constrains them to remain on the earth, and loads them, in this situation, with a weight as heavy as they usually carry, which he only relieves them from, to give them a heavier. Instead of suffering them to feed every hour, and drink even when they are thirsty, he regulates their repasts, and, by degrees, increases them to greater distances between each meal; diminishing, also, at the same time, the quantity of their food. When they are a little stronger, he exercises them to the course; he excites them by the example of horses, and endeavors to tender them also as swift, and more robust. At length, when he is assured of the strength and swiftness of his camels, and that they can endure hunger and thirst, he then loads them with whatever is necessary for his and their subsistence. He dey arts with them, arrives unexpectedly at the borders of the desert, stops the first ae he sees, pillages the straggling habitations, and loads his camels ith his booty. If he is pursued he is obliged to expedite his retreat, aud then he displays all his own and his. animals’ talents. Mounted on one of his swiftest camels, he conducts the troop, makes them travel day and night, almost without stopping either to eat or drink. In this manner, he easily passes over three hundred miles in eight days; and, during all that time of fatigue and travel, he never unloads his camels, and only allows them an hour of repose and a ball of paste each day. They uften run in this manner for eight or nine days, without meeting with any water, during which time they never drink; and when by chance they find a pool at some distance from their route, they smell the water at more tnan half a mile before they come to it. Thirst now makes them redouble their pace; and then tn>y drink enough for all the time past, and for as long to come, for 324 MAMMALIA—CAMEL. often they are many weeks in travelling; and their time of abstinence en dures as long as they are upon their journey. In Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Arabia, Barbary, &c., they use no other | care riage for their merchandise, than camels, which is, of all their conveyances, the most ready, and the cheapest. Merchants, and other travellers, assem- ble themselves in caravans, to avoid the insults and piracies of the Arabs, These caravans are often very numerous, and often composed of more eamels than men. Every one of these camels is loaded according to his strength; and he is so sensible of it himself, that when a heavier load than usual is put upon him, he refuses it, by constantly remaining in his resting posture, till he is lightened of some of his burden. Large and strong camels generally carry a thousand, and even twelve hundred weight; the smaller only six or seven hundred. 1n these commer- cial journeys they do not travel quick; and as the route is often seven or eight hundred miles, they regulate their stages. They only walk, and go every day ten or twelve miles; they are disburthened every evening, and are suffered to feed at liberty. If they are in a part of the country where there is pasture, they eat enough in one hour to serve them twenty-four, and to ruminate on, during the whole night; but they seldom meet with pastures, and this delicate food is not necessary for them. They even seem to prefer wormwood, thistles, nettles, furze, and other thorny vegetables, to the milder herbs; and so long as they can find plants to browse on, they very easily live without any drink. When a caravan arrives at a wadey, or watering place, in the desert, it usually halts for some days. Nothing can exceeil the delight with which both men and beasts reach one of these pools. The facility with which they abstain so long from drinking, is not pure habit, but rather an efféct of their formation. Independent of the four stomachs, which are commonly found in ruminating animals, the camel is possessed of a fifth bag, which serves him as a reservoir to retain the water. This fifth stomach is peculiar to the camel. It is of so vast a capacity, as ‘o contain a great quantity of liquor, where it remains without corruption, or ~vithout the other aliments being able to mix with it. When the animal is p-essed with thirst, or has occasion to dilute the dry food, and to mace- rate it for rumination, he causes a part of, this water to reascend into the stomach, and even to the throat, by a simple contraction of the muscles. This animal bears about him all the marks of slavery and pain; below the breast, upon the sternum, is a thick and large callosity, as tough as horn; tne like substance appears upon the joints of the legs. And, although these callosities are to be met with in every animal, yet they plainly prove that they are not natural, but produced by an excessive constraint ana pain, as appears from their being often found filled with pus. It is there- fore evident, that this deformity proceeds from the custom to which these animals are constrained, of forcing them, when quite young, to lie upon .their stomach with their legs bent under then, and in that ere mped posture MAMMALIA—CAMEL. 825 to bear not only the weight of their body, but also the burdens with which they are laden. These poor animals must suffer a great deal, as they make lamentable cries, especially when they are overloaded ; and, notwithstand- ing they are continually abused, they have as much spirit as docility. At the first sign they bend their legs under thei: bodies, and kneeling upon the ground, they are loaded, without the trouble of lifting the load a great height, which must happen, were they to stand upright. As soon as they are loaded, they raise themselves up again without any assistance or sup- port; and the conductor, mounted on one of them, precedes the whole troop, who follow him at the same pace as he leads. They have need of neither whip or spur, to excite them; but, when they begin to be fatigued, their conductors support their spirits, or rather charm their weariness, by a song, or the sound of some instrument. When they want to prolong the route, or double the day’s journey, they give them an hour’s rest; after which, renewing their song, they again proceed on their way for many hours more; and the singing continues unti] they stop. Then the camels again kneel down on the earth, to be relieved from the burden. They remain in this cramped posture, with their belly crouched upon the earth, and sleep in the midst of ‘their baggage, which is tied on again the next morning, with as much readiness and facility as it was untied before they went to rest. They havea great plenty of milk, which is thick, and nourishing even for tne human. species, if it is mixed with more than an equal quantity of water. The females seldom do any labor while they are with young, but are suffered to bring forth at liberty. The profit which arises from their produce, and from their milk, perhaps surpasses that which is got from their labor., In general, the fatter the camels are, the more capable they are of enduring great fatigues. Their hunches appear to be formed only from the superabundance of nourishment; for, in long journeys, where they are obliged to stint them in their food, and where they suffer both hunger and thirst, these hunches gradually dimirish, and are reduced almost even, and the eminences are only discovered by the height ofthe hair, which is al vays much longer upon these parts than upon any other part of the back. The young camel sucks its mother a year; and when they want ¢ ‘ring him up so as to make him strong and robust, they leave him at Lerty te suck or graze for a longer time, nor begin to load him, or put him to labor, till he has attained the age of four years. The camel commonly lives forty or fifty years. The camel is not only of greater value tnan the elephant, but perhaps not of less than the horse, the ass, and the ox, al] united together. He alone carries as much as two mules. He not only eats less, but likewise feeds on herbs as coarse as the ass. The female furnishes milk a longer time than the cow. The flesh of the young camels is good and wholesome, like veal; their hair is finer, and more sought after than the finest wool ; there is neta part of them, even to their excrements, from which some 326 MAMMALIA—CAMEL. profit is not drawn; for sal ammoniac is made from their urine. Their dung, when drie1 and powdered, serves them for litter, as it does for horses, with whom they often travel into countries where neither straw nor hay is known. In fine, a kind of turf is also made of this dung, which burns freely, and gives a flame as clear, and almost as lively, as that of dry wood. Even this is another great use, especially in deserts, where not a tree is to be seen, and where, from the deficiency of combustible matters, fire is almost as scarce as water. At particular seasons of the year, camel fights are common at Smyrna, and at Aleppo. Such exhibitions are the disgrace of the vulgar (le ihey the high or the low vulgar,) of all countries; and the liea fighis of the savage Romans, the bull fights of Spain, the bull and badger baitings and sock fights of England, and the camel fights of Asia Minor, are equally dications of a barbarian spirit, which can only be eradicated by knowledge and true religion. Of these, however, the camel fights appear the least objectionable. Mr Mac Farlane thus describes to us this curious scene:—“Qne of the favorite holiday amusements of the Turks of Asia Minor, is furnished by the camel combats. An inclosure is made, and two camels, previously muzzled, so that they cannot hurt each other much, are driven in, and incit- ed to fight with each other. Their mode of combat is curious; they knock their heads together, (laterally,) twist their long necks, wrestle with their fore legs, almost like bipeds, and seem to direct their principal atiextion to the throwing down of the adversary. During this combat, the Turks, deep- ly interested, will back some one camel and: some the other; and they will clap their hands and cry out the names of their respective favorites, just as our amateurs do with their dogs, or as the Spaniards, at their more splendid and more bloody bull fights, will echo the name of the hardy bull, or the gallant matador. “T once, however, chanced to see a less innocent contest, which I have noticed in my volume of'travels. This was on the plain between Mounts Sipylus and Tartalee, and the town of Smyrna. It was a fight in down- aight earnest. Two huge rivals broke away from the string, and set to in spite of their drivers. They bit each otner furiously, and it was with great difficulty the devidgis succeeded in separating these, at other times, affecs tionate and docile animals. The popular amusements which the camel affords in other parts of the East are of a less ferocious nature. Ata parti« cular season of the year, the Mahomedans in the neighborhood of Mount Sinai have camel races, and this festival is a time of great rejoicing.” Burckhardt relates an interesting story, which beautifully illustrates the surprising instinct of the camel. It was told to him by a man who had binself suffered all the pangs of death :— “In the month of August, a small caravan prepared to set out from Bers ber to Daraou. It consisted of five merchants and about thirty slaves, with MAMMALIA—CAMEL. 327 4 proportiouate number of camels. Afraid of the robber Naym, who at that time was in the habit of waylaying travellers about the well of Nedjeym, and who had constant intelligence of the departure of every caravan from Berber, they determined to take a more eastern road, by the well Owareyk. They had hired an Ababde guide, who conducted them in safety to that place, but who lost his way from thence northward, the route being very unfrequented. After five days’ march in the mountains, their stock cf water was exhausted, nor did they know where they were. They resolved, there- fore, to direct their course toward the setting sun, hoping thus to reach the Nile. After two days’ thirst, fifteen slaves and one of the merchants died ; another of them, an Ababde, who had ten camels with him, thinking that the camels might know better than their masters where water was to be found, desired his comrades to tie him fast upon the saddle of his strongest camel, that he might not fall down from weakness. And thus he parted from them, permitting his camels to take their own way ; but neither the man nor his camel were ever heard of afterwards. On the eighth day after leaving Owareyk, the survivors came in sight of the mountains of Shigre, which they immediately recognised ; but their strength was quite exhaust- ed, and neither men nor beasts were able to move any farther. Lying down under a rock, they sent two of their servants, with the two strongest re- maining camels, in search of water. Before these two men could reach the mountain, one of them dropped off his camel, deprived of speech, and able only to move his hands to his comrade as a signa} that he desired to be left to his fate. The survivor then continued his route; but suc}. was the effect of thirst upon him, that .is eyes grew dim, and he lost the road, though he had often travelled over it before, and had been perfectly acquainted with it. Having wandered about for a long time, he alighted under the shade of a tree, and tied the camel to one of its branches. The beast, however, smelt the water, (as the Arabs express it,) and, wearied as it was, broke its halter, and set off galloping furiously, in the direction of the spring, which, as it afterwards appeared, was at half an hour’s distance. The man well under- standing the camel’s action, endeavored to follow its footsteps, but could only move a few yards. He fell exhausted on the ground, and was about -) breathe his last, when Providence led that way, from a neighboring en- campment, Bisharye Bedouin, who, by throwing water upon the man’s face, restored him to his senses. They then went hestily together to the water, filled the skins, and returning to the caravan, had the good fortune to find the sufferers still alive. The Bisharye received a slave for his trouLle. My informer, a native of Yembo, in Arabia, was the man whose came} discover- ed the spring ; and he added the remarkable circumstance, that the youngest slaves bore the thirst beter than the rest, and that, while the. grown ug boys all died, the children reached Egypt in safety.” 328 MAMMALIA—LLAMA. THE LLAMA. Tis height of this animal is about four feet; its body, comprehending the neck aad head, is five or six feet iong; its neck alone is near three fect. The head is small and well proportioned, the eyes large, the n3se somewhat long, the lips uhick, the upper divided, and the lower a little depending: it wants the incisive and canine teeth in the upper jaw. The ears are four inches long, and move with great agility. The tail is seldom above eight mches long, small, straight, and a little turned up at the end. It is cloven tuoted, like the ox ; but the hoof has a kind of spear-like appendage behind, which assists the animal to move and support itself over precipices and tugged ways. The back is clothed with a short wool, as is the crupper and tail; but it is very long on the belly and sides. These animals differ in color; sore are white, others black, but most of them brown. The engrav- tag was drawn from a white llama, in the Zoological Gardens. The growth of the lama is very quick ; and its life is but of short dura- tion. This auimal couples so early as at three years of age, and remains strong and vigorous till twelve; after which it begins to decline, aad 1 Auchenia glama, Lin. The genus Auchenia has two upper and six lower incisors; two upper and uo lower canines; two upper false molars; ten upper and ten lower true molars. Teeth resembling these of the camel; muzzle little erin Teretat upper lip cleft; neck slender; eyes large; ears long, pointed, and moveable; feet terminated bv twe toeg furnished with tale crooked nails, with a cailous sole; call.sities on the hreast and knees; tail short; »wo mamme MAMMALIA—LLAMA. 320 tomes entirely ubless at fifteen. They are gentle and phlegmatic, and do every thing with the greatest leisure and caution. When they stop on their journeys, they bend their knees very cautiously, in order to lower their bodies without disordering their load. As soon as they hear their driver whistle, they rise up again with the same precaution, and proceed on their journey. They feed, as they go along, on the grass they meet with in their way, but never eat in the night, making use of that time to ruminate. The Nama sleeps, like the camel, with its feet folded under its belly, and rnmi- nates in that posture. When overloaded or fatigued, it falls cn its te ly and will not rise, though its driver strikes it with his utmost force. 3 i ZA NY DKK i Hy Wf) A AYN HAI AY Peru, according to Gregory de Bolivar, is the true and native country of the lamas; they are conducied into other provinces, as New Spain, &c. But this is rather for curiosity than utility. But in Peru, from Powosi to Caraccas, these animals are in great numbers, and make the chief riches of the Indians and Spaniards, who rear them. Their flesh is excellent food; their hair, or rather wool, may be spun into beautiful clothing; and tney are capable of carrying heavy Joads in the most rugged and dangerous ways. The strongest of them wil] travel with two hundred or two hundred and fifty pounds weight on their backs. Their pace is but slow, and the:r journey is seldom above fifteen miles a day; but then they are sure, and descend precipices, and find footing among the most craggy rocks, where even men can scarcely accompany them. -They commonly travel for five days together, when they are obliged to rest, which thev do, of their own accord, for two or three days. They are chiefly employed in carrying the riches of the mines of Potosi. Bolivar affirms, that in his time above three hundred thousand of these animals were in actual employ. 42 330 MAMMALIA--PACO. a These useful, and even necessary animals, are attended with no expense to their masters. For, as they are cloven footed, they do not require to be shod, nor do they require to be housed, as their woo! supplies then with a warm covering. Satisfied with a small portion of vegetables and grass, they want neither corn nor hay to subsist upon. They are still more moderate in what tley drink; as their mouths are contirually moistened with saliva, which they have in a greater quantity than any other animal, The nauives hunt the guanaco, which is the llama in a wild state, for the sake of its fleece. The dogs have much trouble to follow them; and, if they do not come up with them before they gain the rocks, both the hunters and cugs are obliged to desist in their pursuit. The llama is in general a timid and docile animal. If teased, or ill treated, however, it becomes spiteful. Their mode of manifesting their anger is singular; it consists in darting their saliva in considerable quantity upon the person who offends them. They will cover with it a surface of three or four yards in extent. In the wood cut, one of the animals is represented in the act of thus showing his displeasure. It has been assert- ed that the saliva is venomous, but this is an error. THE PACO! Sranps in much the same relation to the llama, that the ass does to the horse. He is smaller, and not so serviceable ; but his fleece is more useful. His wool is fine and long, and is a sort of merchandise 1s valuable as silk. The natural color of the paco is that of a dried rose-leaf, which is so fixed that it undergoes no alteration under the hands of the manufacturers. They not only make good gloves and stockings of this woo, but also form it into quilts and carpets, which bring a higher price, and exceed those of the Levant. The pacos also resemble the Hamas in their form, excepting that their legs are shorter, and their muzzle thicker and closer. They inhabit and climb‘ over the highest. parts of the mountains. The snow and ice seem rather agreeable than inconvenient to them. When wild, they keep together in flucks, and run very swift; and as svon as they perceive a stranger, thev take flight, driving their young before them. The ancient raonarchs of Peru rigorously prohibited the hunting of them, as they inulti- ply but slowly. But since the arrival of the Spaniards in these parts, their number is greatly decreased, so that at present there are very few remain- ing. The flesh of these animals is not so good as that of the guanacos; and they are only sought after for their fleece, and the bezoar they produce. 1 Auchenia vicunna, Lin. MAMMALIA—THIBET MUSK. 30] The method of taking them, proves their extreme timidity, or rather their weakness. The hunters having driven the flock into a narrow passage, across which they have stretched a rope about four feet from the ground, with a number of pieces of linen or cloth hanging on it, the animals ave so intimidated at these rags agitated by the wind, that they stop, and, ere wd- ing together in a heap, the hunters kill great numbers of them with the greatest ease. But if there are any guanacos among the flock, wich are less timid than the pacos, they leap over the rope with great agility. Te example is immediately followed by the whole flock, und they esc: pe te stratagem of their pursuers. With respect to the domestic ,pacos, they are used to carry burdens, like the llamas; but, being smaller and weaker, they carry much less weight. They are likewise of a more stubborn nature; and, when once they rest with their load, they will suffer themselves to be cut to pieces sooner than rise. The Indians have never made use of the milk of these animals, as they have scarcely enough to supply their own young. The great profit derived froin their wool has induced the Spaniards to endeavor to naturalize them in Europe. They have transported them into Spain, in hopes to raise the breed in that country; but, the climate not agreeing with their nature, not one of them lived. We are, nevertheless, persuaded that these animals, which are more valuable than the llamas, might thrive upon the European mountains, especially upon the Pyrenean. Those who brought them into Spain, did not consider that they can exist, even in Peru, only in the cold regions ; that is, on the top of the highest mountains; that they are never to be found in the valleys, and die if brought into hot countries ; that, consequently, in order to preserve them, they should be landed, not in Spain, but in Scotland, and even in Norway, and with greater certainty at the foot of the Pyrenean, Alpine, or other mountains, where they migh climb and attain to the region that most agrees with their nature é THE THIBET MUSK! Tne size and general appearance of this animal resembles, in sme degree, that of the roebuck. It is about three feet four inches in length, and abvut two feet eight inches in neight, from the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the fore feet; the ears are long and narrow, of a pale yellow in the inside, and deep brewn outside. The general color of the body isa deep iron gray. The female is not so large as the male, has two teats, but is destitute of tusks. 1’ Moschus moschiferus, Lin. The genus Voschus has eight lower incisors, no upper ones ; vo upper canines, no le wer ues; twelve upper and twelve lower molars. Canines wanting altogether in the few ales; superior canines targe in the inales ; ears long, pomt- ed; hod y slender; feet with boofs, separated and envelup.ng the last phalanges; tail very short; two inguinal mamme. 3832 MAMMALIA—ELK. These animals are found in the Alpine mountains of zsia, Torqnin, anu Siberia, and about lake Baikal. In their habits and manners, they are very like the chamois and other mountain goats, leaping with great celerity, and when pursued, taking refuge among the highest and most inaccessible summits. Indeed, their favorite haunts are the tops of mountains cuvered with pines, where they delight to wander in places the mest difficult of access. The flesh of the males is much infected with the taste of muslr but it is eaten by the Russians and Tartars. They are hunted for the sake of their well known perfume, which is con tained in an oval bag, about the size of a small hen’s egg, hanging from the abdomen, and peculiar to the male only. This receptacle is found constant- ly filled with a soft, unctuous, brownish substance, of the most powerfuw and penetrating scent, and which is. the perfume in its natural state. When close, and in large quantities, the smell is very powerful and injurious. 11 has been known to force the blood from the nose, eyes, and ears, of those who have imprudently or accidentally inhaled its vapors; but at a distance, the scent is usually considered agreeable. A grain of musk is sufficient to perfume an apartment fora considerable time; but in larger quantities it continues to give out its scent for many years, and seems scarcely wasted in its weight, although it has during that time filled the atmosphere to a great distance with its particles. It is employed in medicine, particularly in nervous and hysteric disorders; and in those cases is found to be oue of the most powerful remedies in use. The quantity produced from each animal is about a quarter of an ounce, and is found at all seasons of the year ; but not in those that are young. Many thousands of these bags are sent over annually to Europe, besides the great consumption which exists in different parts of the East; for Tavernier says, that he bought, in one journey, seven thousand six hundred and seventy-three musk bags. To account for which, it is supposed that the musk is frequently mixed and adulterated with the blood of the animal THE ELK, OR MOOSE) Is a much larger, and a much stronger anima: than the stag and the rein- deer. It is usually larger, both in height and bulk, than the horse. His hair 1s so rough, and his hide so hard, that.a musket ball cannot penetrate it. His legs are very firm, with so much motion and strength, especially 1 Cervus alves, Lis. The genus Cervus has eight incisors helow; canines none, or two above; molars twelve above and twelve below, Canines compressed and bem back + head long, terrainated hy a muzzle; eyes large. pupils elongated transversely sa lachry- mal simis in most; ears large and pointed; tongue soft; hody slender; four inguinal mamnue ; horns solid, deciduous, palmated, branched, ur simple in the males; femates, with one exception, withov’ horns, MAMMALIA—MOOSE. odd in the fore feet, that he can kill a man by one single stroke of his foot; nevertheless, he is hunted nearly as we hunt the stag; that is, with men and dogs. It is affirmed, that waen he is touched with the lance, or pur- sued, it happens that he often falls down all at once, without either being pulled down or wounded. From this circumstance, some have presumed he was subject to the epilepsy; and on this presumption, which is not well founded, (since fear alone might be able to produce the same effect,) this absurd conclusion has been drawn, that his hoof is a remedy for the ey ilep- sy, and even preserves persons from it. His pace, when disturbed, is a rapid kind of trot. In walking, he lifts his feet very high, and can, without difficulty, step over a gate that is five feet high. Naturalists have generally considered the moose deer to be the same species with the elk of the northern parts of the Old World; but the fact that few of te American quadrupeds have been found precisely similar to their Europsan representatives, ought to excite doubts of the identity of the moose and Scandinavian elk. The moose exists in considerable numbers, near the Bay of Fundy; and frequents the woody tracts in the fur countries to their most northern limit, and on the Mackenzie and Coppermine rivers, where they feed on the willows and aspen. They are rarely, if ever, found west of the Rocky Mountains. In the more northern parts, the moose is qvite a solitary animal. It has the sense of hearing in very great perfection, ad is the most shy and wary of all the deer species, and on this account moose hunting is looked upon as the greatest of an Indian’s acquirements. The skill of a mecse hunter is most tried in the early part of the winter, as the animal is tracked by its foot marks on the snow; and it is necessary that he should k+:p constantly to leeward and use the utmost caution, for the rustling of a leaf is sufficient to alarm the watchful beast. In this man- ner, he tracks tue animal, till by the marks on the snow he discovers that he is very nea’ to him. He then breaks a twig, which, alarming the moose, it springs up apJ prepares to start. The hunter now fires, and seldom fails a killing him. {n the spripz, when the snow is very deep, the hunters frequently chase stem on snow shoes. Notwitlistanding the Jengthened chase which tae 334 MAMMALIA—STAG. moose can sustain on the snow, Hearne remarks that it is both tender foot- ed and short-winded ; though instances are recorded of its eluding pursuit for six successive days. ‘lhe same author says, that, in summer, moose deer are often killed in the water by the Indians, as when they are crossing the riverg or lakes, they never make any resistance. They are the easiest to domesticate of any of the deer kind. The flesh of the moose is more relished by the Indians, and residents in the fur countries, than that of any other animal, principally, on account of its soft fat. It bears a greater resemblance to beef in its flavor, than to venison. The nose is considered most excellent food. The moose acquires a large size, occasionally weighing eleven or twelve hundred pounds. Its skin, when properly dressed, makes a soft, thick, pliable leather, excellently adapted for moccasins, or other articles of winter clothing. Its movements are very heavy; it shuffles or ambles along, its joints cracking at every step, with a sound heard to some distance. During its progress, it holds up its nose so as to lay the horns back horizontally. Although its figure is uncouth, yet when seen in a wilderness, in all the glory of its full , grown horns, ne animal could appear more majestic or im nosing. THE STAG! Is one of those mild, tranquil, innocent animals, which seem as if they were created solely to adorn and animate the solitude of the forests, and tu occupy re 1 Cervus elaphus; Lin. MAMMALIA—STAG. 835 remote from man, the peaceful retreats of nature. [lis light and elegant form ; his flexible, yet nervous limbs; his head rathe: adorned, than armea, with a living substance, like the branch of a tree, which is every year renewed ; his size, his swiftness, his strength, sufficiently distinguish him from the r2st of the inhabitants of the forest. The old stags shed their horns first, which happens about the end of Feb- ruary, or the beginning of March. Stags in their seventh year do not undergo this change till the middle or the end of March; nor do those in their sixth year, till the month of April. After they have shed their horns, they separate from each other; the very young ones, alone, associating together. They remain no longer im covert; they seek the beautiful parts of the country, the groves, and the open cop- pices, where they remain all the summer, till they recover the antlers which Were wont to adorn their brows. And, during this season, they carry their heads low, for fear of striking them against the branches; for tkiey ‘are exceedingly tender till they arrive at perfection. The horns of the oldest stags are scarcely half repaired by the month of May; nor do they attain their full length and hardness till about the end of July. The horns of the young stag are very late shed, and very late recovered; but when these are completely lengthened, and are become quite hard, they rub them 836 MAMMALIA -STAG. against the trees, in order to clear ther fium the scurf with which they are covered. The hinds, or females, carry their young eight mnths, and a few days. They are not all prolific; and one sort there is m particular, which is always barren. The fawn retains this appellation no longer than till it is six months old; then the knobs begin to appear, and it takes the name of a knobber, which it bears till these knobs are lengthened to so many points, whence they are termed prickets, or brockets. It does not quit its mother early, though it grows fast, but follows her all the summer. In winter, the hinds, the knobbers, the prickets, and the young stags resort to the herd, forming troops, which are more numerous in proportion as the season is more severe. In spring, they divide, the hinds retiring to bring forth their young; and at this time there are scarcely any but the prickets and the young stags, which go together. In general, the stags are inclined to remain with each other, and to roam abroad in companies; it is only from fear or necessity that they are ever found dispersed or separated. The growth of the horns appears to depend on the redundancy of the fluids ; and the beauty of this, as indeed of every part, depends much upon their food. The stag passes his whole life in the alternatives of .plenitude and want, of corpulence and leanness, of health and sickness, without having his con- stitution much affected by the violence of the change; nor is the duration of his life inferior to that of other animals’ which are not subject to such vicissitudes. As he is five or six years in growing, so he generally lives seven times that number of years; that is, thirty-five or forty years. What nas been reported, therefore, concerning the prodigious longevity of the stag, is without any good foundation, though supported by the story of one which was taken by Charles VI. in the forest of Senlis, with a collar round his neck, whereon was inscribed, ‘“Czsar hoc me donavit;” and people chose rather to believe that this animal had lived a thousand years, and had received this collar from a Roman emperor, than to conclude that he might come from Germany, where the emperors have always ~ssumed the title of Cesar. The horns of the stag continue to increase in bulk and height, from the second year to the eighth. They remain beautiful, and much thé same, during their vigor of life; but as their body declines with age, so do their horns decline also. It is but seldom that the stags of Europe have more than twenty or twenty-two antlers, even when their head is in its most beautiful state; and, as the size of the stag’s head depends on the quantity of his food, so the quality of his horns is found also to depend on the kind of nourishment he receives. It is like the wood of the forest, large, soft, and light, in moist and fertile countries ; and, on the contrary, short, hard, and heavy, in such as are dry and barren. MAMMALIA—STAG. 337 The most common color of the stag is yellow, though there are many found of a brown, and many of a red color. White stags are much more uncommon, and seem to be stags become domestic. Th2 color of the horns, like that of the hair, seems in particular to depend on the nature and age of the animal. The horns of the young stags are whiter than those of the old ones. Of those stags, also, whose hair is of a light yellow, the horns are often of a sallow hue, and disagreeable to the eye. This animal seems to have good eyes, an exquisite smell, and an excek lent ear. When he would hearken to any thing, he raises his head, pricks up his ears, and then he hears from a great distance. When he issues from a little coppice, or some other spot half covered, he stops, in order to take @ full view around him, and then snuffs up the wind, in order to try whether fie can discover the scent of aught that may give him disturbance. -Though naturally rather simple, he is yet far from being destitute of curiosity and cunning. If any one whistles, or calls aloud to him from a great distance, he instantly stops short, and gazes with fixed attention, with even a kind of admiration ; and if he sees neither arms nor dogs, he passes along quietly, and without altering his pace. With equal tranquillity and pleasure he seems also to listen tc the shepherd’s pipe, or flageolet; and the huuters, in order to embolden him, sometimes use these instruments. In general, he fears men much less than he does dogs, and entertains neither distrust nor artifice, but in proportion as he is disturbed. He eats slowly, chooses his food, and seeks afterwards to repose himself, that he may ruminate at Seisure, though the act of rumination lie does not seem to perform with the same ease as the ox; nor is it without undergoing much violence that the stag can throw up the food contained in his first stomach. He seldom jrinks in the winter, and seldomer still in the spring. In England, the number of red deer is diminishing. This has, no doubt, arisen, from the grazing of sheep and cattle, by which the seclusion the red deer are so fond of, has been broken in upon, both in the mountains and in the valleys. As the more lucrative occupation of the soil extends into the remoter districts, the race must further and further decrease; nor is the period at which they will be wholly extinct, in all probability, very distant. Now, unless by a person, whom long observation has rendered familiar with their haunts, the country may be traversed without seeing even one. From their fleetuess, and the nature of the ground on which they are found, horses and hounds are of no direct use in the chase of them as the steed would be required to leap precipices of fifty feet, instead of gates of five bars; and the dogs would be constantly tumbling into gullies and ravines, which are cleared by the deer at one bound. They cannot be driven “with hound and horn,” as was the case in the days of “the barons bold;” neither ean they be collected and hemmed in, after the somewhat similar manner in which the Highland chiefs conducted their sports. Still, there are a few places where a person who has been habituated to the occupation, and who 43 338 MAMMALIA-—STAG. does not fear to ground himself in a morass, and will submit to the other pleasures of “stalking,” may occasionally find a roe. The most certain time is, when the state of the weather is such as to iorce the herds to the well-heads, where there is brushwood near to cover the marksman. “The largest forest set apart for red deer which exists in Scotland, is the forest of Atholl, where a hundred thousand English acres are given up to tnem; and upon this large tract neither man, woman child, sheep, oor oxen are allowed to trespass, with the exception of those parties who are vermitted to partake of the mysteries of deer stalking. “The sportsmen, seldom more than two in each party, set forth, accom: panied by a keeper who acts as general; and they are followed by two or three Highlay ders, carrying spare rifles, and leading the deer huunds. The putty is prec:ded by the keeper, who is about twenty or thirty yards in advance, attentively examining the face of every hill with his telescope, to discover the deer that may be grazing upon it. Upon detecting a herd, a council of war is held, and the plan of operations determined upon. It is necessary to proceed with much caution, as, independent of the strong sense of smelling, seeing, and Learing, which these animals are endued with, there is always one of the herd, generally a hind, or female deer, stationed as sentinel ; and, upon the least suspicion being excited, the signal is given, and they are off. Great care is therefore taken, in the approach, to ad- vance up the wind, and to conceal the party by taking advantage of the mequalities of the ground, preserving the strictest silence. It frequently happens, that the sportsmen are cbliged to make a circuit of some miles, to get near them undetected—at other times they may find that they are in a situation, from which they cannot extricate themselves unseen. In that case, they must lie down till the herd move into a more favorable position for their purpose. Having arrived as near to them as is possible without detection, the sportsmen, after a careful examination of their rifles, still keeping themselves as much concealed a= possible, fire, and continue firing and loading, as long as they remain within practicable distance. Eleven out of a herd of fifteen have-been known to be killed by one person. fhe accidental circumstance of an echo, the sound being heard on one side and the flash appearing on the other, so puzzled the deer, that they stood still, till the four last gathered courage and made off. When wounded, large hounds, of a breed between the greyhound and the bloodhound, are let loose upon the track of their blood, and they never leave it till they have brought. the animal to bay; generally, in some stream, where they keep him till the sportsman comes up and dispatches him by shooting him through the head. It is necessary for the huiter to be very cautious in approaching him when at bay, and always to keep him down the stream, from where he stands ; for if ne breaks his bay, he is very likely tu attack his pursuer, gore him with his horns, or trample him to pieces with his feet.” MAMMALIA—DEER. 839 THE MALAYAN RUSA DEER! Is a native of India, and of the Indian islands. | “He is,” says Mr Bennett, “dark cinereous brown above, nearly black on the throat and breast, and ight fawn, intermixed with dirty white, on the inside of the limbs. Tis eyes are surrounded by a fawn colored disc, and patches of the same color occupy the fore knees, and a space above each of the hoofs in f*cnt. His nose, Which is black, is enveloped in an extensive muzzle; his ears are nearly ft Uf, flat y oN AN x \} Fis \ SS 0 NSS Ss x aR iy cay ae fy S \ \ OSS naked on che mside, and marked by a patch of ditty white at the base externally ; and his mane, which spreads downwards over the neck and throat, is remarkably thick and heavy. His tail is black above, and light fawn beneath; and a disc of the latter color occupies the posterior part of the buttocks, having on each side a blackish line which separates it from the lighter tinge of the inside of the thighs. His horns, when properly grown, consist of a broac burr, from which the pointed basal antler rises almost perpendicularly to the extent of nine or ten inchés ; of a stem, which is first directed outwards, and then forms a bold curve inwards; and of a snag, or second antler of smaller size, arising from the stem near its extre- mity on the posterior and internal side, and forming with it a terminal fork. the brunch, however, being shorter than the stem, and not exceeding fir or six inches in length. The entire length of the horns is about two feet they are of a dark colour, very strong, and decply furrowed throughout. 4 Cervus equinus. Cuv. ve 340 MAMMALIA—DEER THE INDIAN STAG.) T'sr axis, or Indian stag, is of the sma'l number of ruminating animals ‘who wear horns, like the stag. He has the shape and swiftness of ihe fallow deer ; but what distinguishes him from the stag and fallow deer 1s, that his ‘body is marked with white spots, elegautly disposed, and separated one rom another, and that he is a native of not countries, Hiadostan, and parti- cularly Bengal; while the stag and deer nave their coat of a uniform color, .and are to be met with in greater numbers, it: cold countries aud temperate ssegions, than in hot climates. The axis appears to be an intermediate mixture between the deer and the wag. He resembles the deer in the size of his body, the lenyth of his tail, and his coat, which is the same during his whole life. He only essentially differs from that animal in his horns, which uearly resemble those of the stag. The axis, therefore, may possibly be only a variety depending on the climate, and not a different species from the deer; for, although he is a ‘native-of the hottest countries of Asia, he supports, and easily multiplies in that of Europe. He is a very mild and timid animal. ' Cervus aris, Lin, MAMMALIA—DEER. 34) THE FALLOW DEER. No two animals can be more nearly allied than the stag and the fallow deer; and yet no two animals keep more distinct, or avoid each other with more fixed animosity. They are never seen to herd in the same place; it is even rare, unless they have been transported thither, to find fallow deer in a country where stags are numerous. They seem to be of a nature less ro- bust and less savage than the stag. They are found but rarely wild in the forests, and are bred up in parks, where they are, as it were, half domestic. England is the country of Europe where they most abound; and there, their flesh, which dogs are observed to prefer to that of all other animals, is held in no smal] estimation. It seems to be an animal formed for a tempe~ rate climate; for it is never found in Russia, and very rarely in the forcsts of Sweden, or in any other northern country; and as the fallow deer is an animal less savage, more delicate, and, indeed, it may be added, more domestic than the stag, it is likewise subject to a greater number of varieties. ay The horns of the buck, like those of the stag, are shed every year, an? take nearly the same time for repairing. It fiequently-bappens, that a herd of fallow deer is seen to divide into parties, and to engage each other with great ardor. Each seems desirous of gaining some favorite spot of the park for pasture, and of driving the vauquished party inte the coarser and more disagreeable parts. Each 1 Corvus dama, Lr. 342 MAMMALIA—ROEBUCK. of these factions has its particular chief, namely, the oldest and the strongest of each herd. These lead on to the engagement ; and the rest follow under their direction. Their combats are singular enough, from the disposition and conduct by which their mutual efforts seem to be regulated. The~ attack with order, and support and assault with courage; they come to the assistance of each other ; they retire, they rally, and never yield the victory upon a single defeat. The combat is renewed: every day, till at length the most feeble side is obliged to give way, and is content to escape to the most disagreeable part of the park, where alone they can find safety and protection. The fallow deer may easily be brought to live in stables and seems to acquire an affection for the horse. One which was kept at Newmarket, in England, used to delight in galloping round the course with the racers while the jockeys were exercising them. ‘From the age of two years, till that of fifteen or sixteen, the fallow deer is in a condition to produce, and, in fine, resembling the stag in all its natural habits, the greatest difference we find between these two animals isin the duration of their lives. From the testimony of hunters, it has. been mentioned, that the stag lives to the age of thirty-five or forty; and, on the same authority, it is asserted, that the fallow deer lives but about twenty years; and as in size the latter is snaller than the stag, so it is probable that in growth he is somewhat quicker. Besides the nostrils, the fallow deer is furnished with two spiracula, o1 breathing places, one at the inner corner of each eye, communicating with the nose. By this means it continues to breathe while drinking, which it could not otherwise do, as it plunges its nose deep under water, and retains it there for a considerable time. These spiracles, it is probable, may also be useful to the animal when chased, by enabling it to respire more fully and, easily. THE ROEBUCK.! Tue stag, as being the most noble among the tenants of the woods, inha bits the most secret parts of the forest, where the spreading branches form a lofty coyert. While the roebuck, as being of an inferior species, conter. himself with a more lowly residence, and is seldom found but among the thick foliage of young trees and shrubs. But, if this animal is less noble Jess strong, and less elevated in stature, he is, however, possessed of more grace, more vivacity, and even, more courage, than the stag. Though but. a very small] animal, yet, when his young are attacked, he faces, even the stag himself, and not unfrequently comes off victorious, 1 Cervus capreolus, Lin. MAMMALIA—ROEBUCK. 343 So tleet is the roebuck, that it is nearly impossible to hunt him down; and such are his strength and wind, that he can run unexhausted for several hours. Shvuld he, however, be at length pressed too closely, he resorts ta artifice. He retraces his footsteps, backwards and forwards, till fs turns ings and windings have confused the scent; and, when this is accomplished, he springs aside at one vast bound, and lies flat on his belly among the grass and bushes, till the dogs have gone by; nor does he make the least motion, even should they pass close to his nose. The roebuck differs from the stag, not only in superior cunning, but alsa in his natural appetites, his inclinations, and his whole habits of living. Instead of herding together like the latter, the species of the former live im separate families. The sire, the dam, and the young ones, form of them- selves a little community, nor do they ever admit a stranger into it. All other animals of the deer kind are inconstant in their affection. The roebuck never forsakes his mate; and, as they have been generally bred up together, the male and female furm for each other the strongest attachment. . The female of this species goes with young five months and a half, and brings forth about the end of April, or the beginning of May. The hind goes tnure than eight months; and this is a circumstance which alone suffi- ces to prove, thet these animals are of a species so different, that they can never intermix, nor produce together an intermediate race. The female separates herself from the male, when she is about to bring forth, retiring into the thickest part of the woods, in order to avoid the wolf, which is her most dangerous enemy. At the expiration of about ten or twelve days, the fawns, of which there are generally two at a birth, attain strength enough to follow her. When she is threatened with any peril, she hides them in some deep thicket, offers herself to the danger, and allows herself to be chased in their stead. :The fawns continue to foliow the buck and the doe eight or nine months in all; and, upon separating, their horns begin to. appear, as these of the stag, the first year, simple, and without antlers. These they shed at the latter end of autumn, and renew during the winter. In the stag, the fallow deer, and the roebuck, there are two bony eminen- ces, on which their horas grow, which begin to shoot at the end of five or six months, and which, in a little time longer, arrive at their full growth; and, far from enlarging themselves as the animal advances in age, they diniinish, and are even the most certain index for discovering, every year, the advanced age of ail the species. As the female goes only five months and a half with young, and as the growth of the young roebuck is quicker than that of the young stag, so his life is shorter, and does not appear to extend beyond twelve or fifteen years, at the farthest. The reebucks remain in winter in the thickest coppices, and live on briars, broom, heath, &c. In spring, they repair to the more 344 MAMMALIA—FALLOW DEER. open groves, ard browse upon the buds and young fresh leaves of almost every tree; and this warm food, fermenting in their stomachs, inebriates them in such a manner, that they are then easily surprised. The roebuck is the smallest of che British deer. The species is now nearly extinct in England. They are somewhat more plentiful in the highlands of Scotland. THE VIRGINIA,OR AMERICAN FALLOW DEER: Tuts is the smallest species known in America. It is found throughout tbe country, from Canada in tLe north, and the banks of the Oronoco in South America. It is remarkab‘e for the slenderness and delicacy: of its form. Its long and slim neck, small body, and almost pointed head, give the animal an air of feebleness, the impression of which is only to be coun- teraclud by observing the animated eye, the playful movements, and admi- rable celerity of its course when at full speed. The Virginia deer is of great importance as an abundant source of food and raiment. Vast numbers are annually destroyed for the sake of theit flesh, hide, and horns. The flesh is justly considered an excellent article of fuod, when killed in the proper season. The Indians and hunters feed apon it at all seasons. The stomach of the deer, with its half digested a sel ' Cervus Virginianus, Desm MAMMALIA—AMERICAN ELK. 345 contents, is a very favorite dish with almost all the savages, especially toward the north, where deer feed in a great degree on mosses and buds. This species of deer has very, keen senses, especially of hearing and smelling, upon which its safety particularly depends. [tis a very shy and timid animal, and the slightest noise excites his attention, and if the cause of alarm be continued, he exerts his strength, and dashes off in his swiftest career. Itis said by hunters to evince a strong degree of animusity towards serpents, and especially to the rattlesnake, of which it has an instinctive horror. In order to destroy one of these creatures, the deer makes a bound into the air, and alights upon the snake with all four feet brought together in a square, and these violent blows are repeated till the hated reptile is destroyed. The skins of this deer continue to form a very valuable article of commerce, and furnish a material better adapted for the manufacture of gloves and other articles, than the skin of any other animal with which We are acquainted. THE AMERICAN ELK, CANADA STAG, OR WAPITI. Tuts species is second in size to the moose alone. The size and appear- ance of the elk are imposing; his air denotes confidence of great strength, while his towering horns exhibit weapons capable of doing much injury when offensively employed. It is not uncommon to see them four or five feet in height, and it is said they are sometimes still higher. The elk has atone period ranged over the greater part, if not the whole, of this conti- aent. Hearne leaves no doubt of its existence as far north as fifty-three 1 Cervus major, Onp. 44 346 MAMMALIA—REINDEER. degrees. They are occasionally found in the remote and thinly settled parts of Pennsylvania, but the number is small. They are found in great num- bers in the western wilds, where the forests supply them with an abundance of buds and tender twigs. The elk is shy and retiring, and has very acute senses. The moment the air is tainted by the odor of his enemy, his head is erected with spirit, his ears rapidly thrown in every direction to eatch the sounds, and his dark glistening eye expresses the most eager attention. As soon as he discovers the hunter, he bounds along for a few paces, stops, turns half round, and scans his pursuer with a steady gaze, then throwing back his lofty horns, and projecting his taper nose forwards, he springs from the ground and advances with a velocity which soon leaves the object of his dread far out of sight. ‘ The flesh of the elk is highly esteemed by the Indians and hunters as food, and the horns, while in a soft state, are also considered a deticacy ; of their hides a great variety of articles of dress and usefulness are prepared. The Indians form bows of the perfect horn, which are highly serviceable, from their elasticity. These animals have been toa certain degree domes- ticated, and might possibly be rendered as useful as the reindeer. The caribon or American reindeer, and the barren ground caribon, inhabit the northern parts of the continent; but are supposed to be only varieties of the Lapland reindeer. THE REINDEER. Ir appears by positive testimonies, that the reindeer formerly existed in Frayze, at. least in the high mountains, such as the Pyrenean; and, since that time, has been. destroyed, like the stags, who were heretofure common. ” in that country. It is certain, that the reindeer is now actually to be found. only in the mosi northern countries. We also know, that the clinate of France was formerly mueh more damp and cold, vecasioned by the number MAMMAL1A—REINDEER. 347 of woods and moriasses, which are no longer to be seen. Gaul, under the same latitude as Canada, was, two thousand years ago, what Canada is at the present time; that is, a climate cold enough for these animals to live in. We find him in America, in the highest latitudes, because the cold is greater there than in Europe. The reindeer can bear even the most exces- sive cold. He is found in Spitsbergen ; he is common in Greenland, avd in the most northern parts of Lapland. : The reindeer is shurter and more squat than the stag; his legs are shorter and thicker, and his feet wider; the hair very thickly furnished, and his antlers much longer, and divided into a greater number of branches, with flat terminations. The reindeer is become domestic among the enlightened part of mankind. The Laplanders have no other beast. In this icy climate, which only receives the oblique rays of the sun— where there is a season of night as well as day —where the snow covers the earth from the begin- ning of autumn, as well as spring, and where the verdure of the summer consists in thebramble, juniper, and moss, could man form any idea but of famine? The horse, the ox, the sheep, all our useful animals, find no sub- sistence there, nor can they resist the rigor of the cold. He has been obliged to search among the inhabitants of the forest, for the least wild and most profitable animals. The Laplanders have done what ourselves should do: if we were to luse our cattle, we should then be obliged to tame the stag and ruebucks of forests, to supply their place; and I am persuaded we should gain our point, and we should presently learn to draw as much utility from ther, as the Laplanders do from the reindeer. We ought to be sensi- ble, by this example, how far nature has extended her liberality towards us. We do not make use of all the riches, which she offers. us; the fund is much more immense than we imagine. She has bestowed on us the horse, the ox, the sheep, and all our other domestic animals, to serve us, to feed us, and to clothe us; and she has, hesides, species in reserve which would be able to supply this defect, and which would only require us to subject them, and to make them useful to our wants. Man doves not sufficiently know what nature can do, nor what can be done with her. Instead of seeking for what he does nut know, he likes better to abuse her in what he does know. In comparing the advantages. which the Laplanders derive from the tame reindeer, with those which we derive from our domestic animals, we shall see thal this animal is worth two or three of them. He is used as horses are, to draw sledges and other carriages; he travels with great speed and swift- ness; he easily goes a hundred miles a day, and runs with as mueli certain- ty upon the frozen snow as upon. the mossy down. The female affords milk, more substantial and more nourishing than. the cow; the fesh is very. good to eat, the coat makes an excellent fur, and his dressed hide becomes: a very supple and a very durable leather. Spoons are also made of his: bones, buwstrings and thread of his tendons, and glue is manufactured trom. 8 318 MAMMALIA—REINDEER. his horns. Thus, the reindeer alone, affords all that we desire from the horse, the ox, and the sheep. With from three to five hundred deer, a Laplander can live with tolerable comfort; with two hundred, he may, by management, contrive to get on; but with a hundred, his subsistence is precarious; and with onvy filly, he must be content to be the partner, or rather servant, of some imore fortunate individual. His food, in the winter season, is a white moss, (lichen ran giferinus,\ which he finds under the snow, and whieh he ploughs up with his horns, o digs up with his feet. When the snow is too deep for them to ol tain this article, they resort to another lichen that hangs on pine trees; and in severe seasons the boors often cut dawn some thousands of these trees, tu furnish subsistence to their herds. In summer, he lives upon the buds and leaves of trees, rather than herbs, which his forward spreading anders will not permit him to browse on, with facility. They lead them to pasture, and relead them to the stable, or shut them up in packs during the night,.to shelter them fron the outrages of the wolves. Many fruitless attempts have been made to introduce t:em into England. There is at present, however, in the Zoological Gardens, one specimen, which was placed there in 1828, and appears to be still in a thriving condition. ‘The following figure represents this animal. Paty, Nang sate The reindeers have, outwardly, many things in common with the stags3 and the formation of the interfor pasts is the same. The reindeer sheds his antlers every year, like the stag; and, like him, is good venison. The females, both of the one and the other species, go eight months with young, and produce but one ata birth. The young reindeer follows its mother during the first two or three years, and dues not attain his growth till about MAMMALIA—REINDEER 349 ? the age of four or five. It is at this age that they begin to dress and exercise them for labor. There are both wild and tame reindeer in Lap- land; the wild males are more robust and stronger than the tame. The issues of this mixture are preferred for the harness. These reindeer are not so gentle as the others ; for they not only sometimes refuse to obey those who guide them, but they often turn furiously upon them, and attack them with their feet, so-that there is no other resource, than to cover themselves from their rage by their sledge until the fury of the beast is subsided. This sledge is su light that they can easily manage it, and cover themselves with it. The bottom of itis lined with the skins of young reindeers; the hairy side is turned against the snow, so that the sledge glides easily forward, and recoils less on the mountains. The harness of the reindeer is only a thong of the hide, with the hairs remaining on it attached to the head, whence it descends towards the breast, passes under the belly, between the legs, and is fastened toa hole which is-in the fore part of the sledge. ‘The Laplander has only a single cord by which to guide the animal, and which he throws in- differently upon the back of the beast, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, according as he would direct him, to the right or left. They can travel ten miles a’; hew; and it is not uncommon for them to make jour- neys of a hundred and fifty miles in nineteen hours. At their utmost speed, and for a short time, they can accomplish near twenty miles in the hour; but the quicker the method of travelling is, the more it is inconvenient; a person must be weil accustomed to it, and travel often, to be able to direct the sledge and prevent it from turning over. They can draw three hundred pounds, but the Laplanders usually limit the burthen to two hundred and forty pounds. The reindeers are all very spiritea, and very difficult to manage; they choose the liveliest and the swiftest to draw their sledges, and the more heavy, to travel with their provision and. baggage, at a slower pace. These animals are treubled with an insect called the gadfly, during the summer season, which burrowing under their skins the preceding summer, deposit their eggs ; so that the skin of the reindeer is often so filled with small holes, that an incurable disorder is brought on. So formidable are the attacks of these insects, that in June, July, and August, the Laplancer is compelled to migrate with his deer from the forests to the mountains; with- aut which precaution, he would run the risk of losing the major part of bis nerd. The reindeer are subject to elope, and voluntarily renew their natural liberty; they must be closely attended, and narrowly watched ; they cannot lead them to pasture, but in open places; and in case the herd are nume- tous, they have need of many persons to guard them, to recall them, and to run ufter them if they stray. They are all marked, that they may be known again; for it often happens that they stray in the woods, or mix among another herd. In short, the Laplanders are continually occupied in the ere of their reindeer, which constitute all their wealth. 350 + MAMMALIA—REINDEER. The reindeer is the only animal of this species the fernale of which has horns like the male. Another singularity which we must not omit, and which is common to the reindeer, and the elk, is, that when these animals run or quicken their pace, their hoofs at every step make a crackling noise, as if all the joints of their legs were disjointing. It is this noise, or perhaps the scent, which informs the wolves of their approach, who run out to meet and seize them; and, if the wolves are many in number, they very often conjuer. The reindeer is able to defend himself against a single wolf, not, as may be imagined with his horns, (for they are rather of a disservice to him, than of use,) but with his fore feet, which are very strong; and with which he strikes with such force, as to stun the wolf and drive him away ; after which he flies with such speed, as ¢o be no ‘onger in any danger of being overtaken. But he finds a more dangerous, though a less frequent and less numerous enemy than the wolf, in the rosomas, or. glutton. A tame reindeer lives only to the age of fifteen or sixteen years; but it is to be presumed, that the life of the wild reindeer is of much longer dura- tion. This animal, being four years before he arrives at his full growth, must live twenty-eight or thirty years when he is in his natural state. The mode in which the Dog-rib Indians kill the American reindeer, 1s curious. The hunters go in pairs, the foremost carrying in one hand the horns and part of the skin of the head of a deer, and in the other a small bundle of twigs, against which he, from time to time, rubs the horns, imitating the gestures peculiar to that animal. His comrade follows, tread- ing exactly in his footsteps, and holding the guns of both in a horizontal position, so that the muzzles project under the arms of him who carries the head. Both hunters have a fillet of white skin round their foreheads, and the foremost has a strip of the same round his wrists. They approach the herd by degrees, raising their legs very slowly, but setting them Jown somewhat suddenly, after the manner of deer, and always taking care to lift their right or left foot simultaneously. If any of the herd leave off feeding to gaze at this extraordinary phenomenon, it instantly stops and plays its part, by licking its shoulders, and performing other necessary movements. In this way the hunters attain the very centre of the herd without exciting suspicion, and have leisure to single out the fattcst. The hindmost man then pushes forward his comrade’s gun, the head is Jropped, and they fire at nearly the same instant. The deer scamper off, the hunters trot after them; in a short time the poor animals halt, to ascertain the cause of their terror; their foes stop at the same moment, and having loaded as they ran, greet the gazers with a second fatal discharge. The consterna- tion of the deer increases, they run to and fro, in the utmost confusion, and -gometimes a great part of the herd is destroyed in the space of a few hhun- dred y ards MAMMALIA—CAMELUPARD. 351 {HE GIRAFFE, OR CAMELOPARD®# as one of tne tallest, most beautiful, and most harmless animals its satuce. The enornous disproportion of its legs, (the fore legs being as long agaun as the hinder ones,) is a great obstacle to the use of its strength. Its motion is waddling and stiff; it can neither fly from its enemies in its free state, nor serve its master in a domestic one. The species is not very numcrous, and has always been confined to the central and southern parts of Africa. M. le Vaillant, the first naturalist who had an opportunity of closely examining the giraffe, gives a full and accurate description of it in his Travels. ‘The giraffe chews the cud, as all horned animals with cloven feetado. Like them, too, itcrops the grass; though seldom, because pas- ture is scarce in the country which it inhabits. Its ordinary food is the leaf of a sort of mimosa, called by the natives kaneap, and by the planters kamel doorn. The tree being peculiar to the canton, and growing only there, this may be the reason why it takes up its abode in it, and why it is not seen in those regions of the south of Africa where the tree does not grow. This, however, is but a vague conjecture, and which the reports of the ancienta seem to contradict. “Tis bead is unquestionably the most beautiful part of its body. Its mouth ws small; its eyes large and animated. Between the eyes,.and above the nuse, it has a very distinct and prominent tubercle. This is not a fleshy ' Camelopardalis giraffa, Desm. This is the only animal of the genus. It has eight tower and no upper incisor: ; no canines; six upper and six lower molars on each side. Head very long, with a bony tubercle on the forehead, and two osseous peduncles covered with skin, and hairy, terminated by a tuft of bristles; upper lip entire; no lachrymal sinuses; ears pointed; tongue rough, with corneous paptlle; eyes large; neck extremely ‘cng; w thers much elevated; legs slender; a callosity on ‘he sternum: four mammes. 352 MAMMALIA—CAMELOPARD, excrescence, hut an enlargement of the bony part, the same as the two htttle bosses, or protuberances, with which its occiput is armed, and which rise as large as a hen’s egg, one on each side of the mane, at its commencement. Its tongue is rough and terminates in a point. Each jaw has six grinders on each side, but the lower jaw only, has eight cutting teeth in front, while the upper jaw has none. “The hoof is cloven, has no heel, and much resembles that of the ox. It may be observed however, at the first sight, that the hoof of the fore foot is larger than that of the hind foot. The leg is very slender; but the knee is swelled like that of a stumbling horse, because the animal kneels down to sleep. It has also a large callosity in the middle of the sternum, owing to its usually reposing on it. “Tf Il had never killed a giraffe, I should have thought, wich many other naturalists, that its hind legs were much shorter than the fore ones. This is a mistake; they bear the same proportion to each other as is usual in quadrupeds. I say the same proportion as is usual, because in this respect there are variations, even in unimals of the same species. Every one knows, for mstance, that mares are lower before than stallions. What deceives ug m the giraffe, and occasions this apparent difference between the legs, is the height of the withers, which may exceed that of the crupper from sixteen te twenty inches, according to the age of the animal; and which, when it is seen at a distance in motion, gives the appearance of much greater length to the fore legs. ; “If the giraffe stand still, and you view it in the front, the effect is very different. As the fore part of its body is much larger than the hind part, i completely conceals the latter. “Tts gait, when it walks, is neither awkward nor unpleasing; but it is ridiculous enough when it trots; for you would then take it for a limping beast, seeing its head perched at the extremity of a long neck which yever bends, swaying backwards and forwards, the neck and head playing m ene piece between the shoulders as on an axis. However, as the length of the neck exceeds that of the legs at least four inches, it is evident that the length of the head too taken into the account, it can feed without difficulty, and of course is not obliged either to knee] down or to straddle with his feet, as some authors have asserted. It is, besides, unnecessary for the animal to kneel, as it feeds principally on the boughs of a species of acacia, which it draws down to its mouth with its long and flexible tongue. “Its mode of defence, like that of the horse and other solidungulous animals, consists in kicking with the heels. But its hind parts are so light, and its jerks so rapid, that the eye cannot follow them. They are even sufficient to defend it against the lion, though they are unable to protect it from the impetuous attack of the tiger. f “Tts horns are never emplcyed in fight. I did not perceive it to use them against my dogs; and these weak and useless weapons would seem but an MAMMALIA—CAMELOPARD. 353 error of nuture, if nature could ever commit error, or fail im her designs. In their youth, the male and female giraffes :ewurse cach cther in their exterior, A knot of long hair then terminates their votuse horns; this peculiarity the female preserves for some time, but at the age of three years the male loses it. At first, the hide is of a light red, but it deepens 1p color as the animal advances in age, and, at length, it is of a yellow brown in the “e:rnale, and of a brown bordering on black in the male. The male may, even at a distance, be distinguished from the female by this difference ofcolor. As to the arrangement and form of the spots, the skin varies in both sexes. The female does hot stand so high as the maie, and the frontal prominence is less marked. She has four teats; and, according to the account given by the natives, she has one young one ata birth, with which she goes twelve months.” Several have been carried to Europe. One was sent asa preseut to the King of England by the Pacha of Egypt, and arrived there in 1827. It died recently. J “In one point all the observers of the European giraffes agree — that they never make any noise whatever. Further, they appear to consider that the auimal would be useless to man in a state of domestication. M. Acerbi hag an aneciote illustrative of this point :— “*When at Alexandria, I had one day ordered the two giraffes (a maie and female) taken at Darfur, to be led up and down the square in front of my house; among the crowd collected on the occasion were some Bedouins of tue Desert. On inquiring of one of them whether he had ever seen similar animals before—he replied that he had not; and J then asked him in Arabic, ‘Taih di? Do they please you?’ To which he rejoined, ‘ Mustaib,’ or, ‘I do not like them.’ Having desired my interpreter to inquire the gre'a.ds of his disapproval, he answered, ‘that it did not carry like a horse, it did net serve for field labors like an ox, did not yield hair like a camel, nor flesh and mitk like a goat ; and on this account it was not to his liking.’ * This animal; though unknown to the Greeks, is described by Pliny anc Oppian, and Julius Casar brought one to Europe in the year of Rome 708, after which they were frequently used in the circus or triumphal proces- sions. Its ancient denomination was zurapha, from which the modem aamie of ciraffe is derived. THE COMMON ANTELOPE) In size 1t is rather smaller than the fallow deer. Its color is a dusky trown, inixed with red; the belly, breast, and inside of the limbs, are white ; } Antilope cervicupra, Desm. The genus Antil pe tas eight lower and no upper, inci- sors; no canines; twelve upper and twelve lower molars. Horns in both sexes or in tie tones only, covering a solid Jong core, round, compressed, variously influted, and oftes, marked by transverse annulations, or a projecting spiral ridge, sometimes bifurcated muzzie parlly naked in the greater number; uiten lacirymal sinuses; ears large: legs slender; two or four sera > 354 MAMMALIA—ANTELOPE. and on the head, back, and outside of the limbs, the hair is darker than on any other part ; the orbits of the eyes are white, and there is a small patch of the same color on each side of the forehead; the tail isshort.. The horns, which are about sixteen inches long, are black, distinctly annulated almost tu the top, and have three curves; the drachia, or sides of the lyre, were fre- queotiy made of these horns, as appears from ancient gems. The female 19 destituta of horns, and may also be known by a white stripe on the flanks. ‘The race of antelopes is famous for the concretion known by the name ot bezoar. This word is supposed to be derived from the Arabic language, where it signifies antidote or courter-poison. It is found in the stomach and mtestines of many animals, and brought over principally from the East ‘Indies. Like all other animal concretions, it is found to have a kind of ‘nucleus, or hard substance ‘within, upon which the external coatings are formed; for, upon being sawn through, it seems to have layer over layer, as an onion. This nucleus is of various kinds; sometimes the buds of a shrub, some- times pieces of flint, stones of plums, tamarinds, seeds of cassia, and some- times a marcasite. The stone itself varies from the size of an acorn to that of a pigeon’s egg; and the larger it.is, the more valuable it is reckoned -~ its price increasing like that of a diamond. There was atime when a stone of this kind, weighing four ounces, sold in Europe for above two hundred pounds; but at present the price is greatly fallen, and they are in very little esteem. The bezoar is of various colors, sometimes of a blood color, some- times of a.pale yellow, and of all the shades between these two. It is generally glossy, smooth, and has a fragrant smell, like that of amber. gris. It has been given in vertigoes, epilepsies, palpitations of tle heart, eolic, and jaundice; and in those places where the dearness, ard riot tne value of medicines, is consulted, in almost every disorder incident to man. {n all cases it is perhaps equally efficacious, acting only as an absorbent i MAMMALIA—SAIGA, 355 power, and possessing virtues not superior to common chalk, or crabs’ ciaws. Judicious physicians have, therefore, discarded it:-and this cele- nyated medicine is now chiefly consumed in countries where the know.edzge ot nature has been but little advanced. When this medicine was in ite highest reputation, many arts were used to adulterate it; and many coun- tries endeavored to find out a bezoar of their own. THE SAIGA ‘Tne Scythian antelope, or saiga, is the only one of the species that is found im Europe. The general form of its body very much resembles that of the domestic goat; and, like that animal, it has a strong scent, and is fond of salt; butits horns are those of the antelope, being marked by very promi- tent rings, with furrows between; they area foot in length, the tips smooth of a pale yellow color, and semi-transparent. During summer the hair is very short, and of a gray hue, mixed with yellow; the cheeks whitish, fore- nead and crown hoary, covered with long hairs; the under side of the neck and body white. The winter coat is long and rough; the tail about four inches long, ending with a tuft. It is equal in size to the fallow deer, and the female is destitute of horns. These animals inhabit all the deserts from the Danube and Dnieper to the river Irtish, but not beyond; they are, therefore, found in Poland, Moldavia, about Mount Caucasus and the Caspian Sea, and in Siberia, in the dreary open deseris, where salt springs abound, feeding cn the salt, and the acrid and aromatic plants of those countries. The females are in a state of gesta- tion during the winter, and bring forth in May, in the northern deserts. They have but one ata time; and the young are covered with a soft fleece like a newly dropped lamb. They are regularly migratory; late in autumn, in the rutting seascn, they collect in flocks of thousands, and retire into the southern deserts ; in spring they separate into little flocks, and return north- ward. They rarely all lie down at the same time, but by a providential instinct, some are always kecping: watch; and when they are tired, they seemingly give notice to those which have taken their rest, who instantly arise and relieve the sentinels of the preceding hours; and thus they often preserve themselves from the attacks of wolves and huntsmen. They are exceedingly swift, and will outrun the fleetest horse or greyhound; yet, partly through timidity, and partly on areount of the shortness of their breath, they very soon become the prey of the hunter. If they are but bit- ten by a dog, they instantly fall ‘down; nor will they even offer to rise again. They are sometimes shot by the hunter; and are also taken by the 1 Antilope saiga, Desm. 356 MAMMALIA—GAZELLE black eagle, which is trained for that purpose. In summer they are alnost - parblind, which is another cause cf their destruction. This is occasioned by the heat of the sun, and the splendor of the yellow deserts, where they live in a wild state. They seem to have no voice, — yet when brought up tame, the young utter a short kind of bleating, like the sheep. THE GAZELLE Or all the animals in the world, the gazelle has the most beautiful eye extremely brilliant, and yet so meek, that all the eastern poets compare the eyes of their mistresses to those of this animal. The epithet of gazelle- eyed is considered the highest compliment that a lover can pay; and, in- deed, the Greeks themselves thought it no inelegant piece of flattery to compare the eyes of a beautiful woman to those of a cow. The gazelle is, for the most part, more delicately and finely limbed than even the roebuck; its hair is as short, but finer and more glossy. The hinder legs of some of the species are longer than the fore ones, as in the hare, which gives it greater security in ascending and descending steep places. In swiftness it equals, if not surpasses, the roe, running and springing with vast bounds, and leaping with surprising elasticity. It fre- quently stops for a moment in the midst of its course to gaze at its pursuers, and then resumes its flight. ‘Ihe fleetness of the antelope, indeed, was pros verbial in the country it inhabited, even in the earliest times; hence the - speed of Ashuel (2 Sam. ii. 18) is Deauuifully compared to the tzebi; and the Gradites were said to be as swift as the antelopes (translated roes) upon the mountains. Most of these animals are brown on the back and white under the belly, with a black stripe separating those colors. Their tail is of various !enzths, but in al) is covered with rather long hair; and their ears are beantifyl, well placed, and terminativg ina point. They all have cloven hoofs, hike the * Antilope dorcas, Lin. MAMMALIA—GAZELLE. 357 sheep; horns (as before observed) hollow, curiously curved, aunulated with prominent rings or spirals, and not deciduous. Thev bound with such swiftness, and are generally so very shv, that dogs or men vainly attempt to pursue them. With ease and safety they traverse those precipices which, to every other quadruped, are quite impracticable; nor can some of them be overtaken by any animals but those of the winged kind. Accordingly, in those countries where the fleetest are chiefly found, they are pursued by falcons; and this admirable manner uf hunting furms one cf the principal] amusements of the higher ranks of people all over the East. The Arabians, Persians, and Turks, employ for this purpose that kind of hawk called the falcon gentle, with which, when properly trained, they go forth on horseback among the forests and the mountains, the falcon perehing upon the hand of the hunter. Their expedition is conducted with profound silence ; their dogs are taught to keep behind, while the men, on the Heetest coursers, look round for the game. Whenever they spy a gazelle at the proper distance, they point it out to the falcon, and encourage the bird to pursue it. With the swiftness of an ariew the falcon flies to the animal, which, conscious of its danger, endeavors, but too late, to escape. The falcon soon coming up with its prey, fixes its talons, one into the animal’s cheek and the ot:er in its throat, and deeply wounds it. On the other hand, the gazelle attempts to escape, but is generally wounded toc deeply to run far. The falcon clings with the utmost perseverance, nor ever leaves its prey till it falls; upon which the hunters from behind approach- jug wake up both, and reward the falcon with the blood ¢f the spoil. They alsu acu the young birds, by applying them to the dead animal’s throat, and accustoining them betimes to fix upon that particular part; for if it should happen that the falcon fixed upon any other part of the gazelle, either its hack or its haunehes, the animal would easily escape among the moun- tains, and the hunter would also lose his falcon. They sometimes hunt these animals with the ounce. This carnivorous and fierce creature, having heen tamed and domesticated, generally sits on horseback behind the hunter, and remains there with the utmost composure, until the gazelle is shown, It is then that it exerts all its arts and fierce- ness; st does not at once fly at its prey, but approaches slily, turning and winding about until it comes within a proper distance, when all at once it bounds upon the animal, and iustanily kills it and sucks its blood. If, on the other hand, it misses its aim, it rests in its place without attempting te pursue it any farther, seemingly ashamed of its own inability. There is still another way of taking the gazelle, which seems not so cer- tain nor so amusing as either of the former. A tame gazelle is trained for this purpose, which is taught to join those of its kind wherever it perceives then. When the hunter, therefore, sees a herd of these animals together, he fixes a noose round the horns of the tame gazelle in such a manner, that if the rest but touch it they are entangled; and thus prepared, he sends his 358° MAMMALIA—SPRINGBOCK~ gazelle among the rest. No sooner does the tame animal approach, than the males of the herd instantly sally forth to oppose him; and in butting with their horns, are caught in the noose, when both struggling for some time, fall together to the ground; till at last the hunter comes up, disenga- ges the one, and kills the other. Upon the whole, however, these animals, whatever be the arts used to pursue them, are very difficult to be taken; for, as they are continually subject to alarms from carnivorous beasts, or from man, they keep chiefly in the most solitary and inaccessible places, and find their only protection from the dangerousness of the spot whither they retreat. THE SPRINGBOK. Tue predominant color of this animal is a pale yellowish brown; the belly preast, and inside of the limbs, are white; as is also the head, excepting a dark brown list, which passes from each corner of the mouth, over the eyes, .o the base of the horns. From the tail, half way up the back, is a stripe of white, bounded on each side by a dark brown list, and a stripe of the same color extends on each side, from the shoulders to the haunches, form ing a contrasting boundary between the snowy whiteness of the belly, and the rusty color of the sides. The tail is very slender, not being thicker than a goose quill at the lower part, which reaches to nearly the first joint of the leg; the ears are of an ash color, tipped on the edges with fine light gray hairs. The hair in general is short and fine; but the dark line which borders the white consists of longer hairs, which the animal is able ta ev. pand at pleasure, to the breadth of eight or nine inches, particularly when | Antilope euchore, Desm. MAMMALIA—HART-BEEST. 359 taking alieap. The height of this animal is about two teet and a hai, the length of the horns, measuring them along the curvature, is nine inches; théir distance at the base, where they are nearly three inches thick, is not more than one inch; and they gradually widen from thence to the distance of five inches, when they turn inwards, and nearly approach each other at the tips. They are of a deep black color, annulated above half way up, are smooth towards the top, and terminate in a sharp point. This animal inhabits the Cape of Good Hope, and is there calied the springbock, from the prodigious ‘vaps it takes when any person suddenly appears. When pursued, it is pleasing and curious to see the whole herd leaping to a considerable height over each cther’s heads; and they will sometimes take three or four leaps successively. In this situation, they seem suspended in the air, looking over their shoulders at their pursuers. They are extremely swift, and it must be a good horse that can overtake them. They migrate annually from the intericr of the country, in small herds, and continue near the Cape for two or three months, and then retreat towards the nortn in herds ut any tnousauus, covering the great plains for several hours in their passage. They are attended im these migrduons, by numbers of lions, hyenas, and other wild beasts of prey, winch conimut great devastation among them. They also make periodicai migrations, in seven or eight years, in herds of many thousanas, trom the north, being probably co.npelled to leave their haunts in tne Tera de Natal, by the excessive drought of that region, where it sometimes happens that not a drop of rain falls for two or three years. In these migrations, they spread over the whole country of Caffraria, which they desolate, not leaving a blade of grass. Their flesh is excellent: and, with other antelopes, they futnish the venison of the Cape. THE HART-BEEST, OR CAPE STAG. Tus animal is supposed to be the Bubalus of the ancients, and is the» most common of all the larger gazelles known in Africa. Its height to the top of the shoulders, is about four feet; the form of the body is a mixture of the stag and heifer. The tail is rather more than a foot long, asinine, and terminated by a tuft of hair; the horns are very strong, black, and embossed with rings of an irregular form: they are almost close at the base diverging upwards, and at the top bending backwards in a horizontal direction, almost to the tips, which are distant from each other. Some of these horns are eighteen inches long, and above ten inches in girth at 1 Antilope esama, Des. 3860 MAMMALIA—NYL-GHAU, the base. The head is rataer large, resembling that of an ox; and ‘ne eyes are placed very high. The general color of this animal] is a dark chinamon except the rump and inner part of the thighs, which are white. The front of the head is marked with black, as is likewise the fore part of the legs. There isa pore about an inch below each eye, from which a matter is Gistilled; this the Hottentots preserve as a rare and valuable medicine The large head and nigh forehead, together with the asinine ears and tau of this animal, reader it less handsome than many of the cribe of antelupes. They associate in great herds; aad aithough they seemingly gallop with a heavy pace, yet they run as iust as any ol’ the larger kinds; and when they have once got ahead of their pursuers, hey are very apt to turn round and gaze at them. Like the wood antelope and nyl-ghau, this animal drops on ics knees to fight. ‘I'he fiesn is fine, anu ur au agreeable flavor, but dry. THE NYL-GHAU.! Most of these interesting animals, which have been brought to England, have been obtained from Surat or Bombay ; and it is conjectured that they are indigenous in the province of Guzerat. The nyl-ghau is larger than any ruminant of that country, except the ox, it being of greater size than tne decr, and rather smaller than the black cattle; and in its form there is a very evident mixture of both. Its horns are seven inches long, six inches round ae the tvots, tapering by degrees, and terminating ina blunt poinr, the ears are large and beautiful, and spread to a considerable breadth: they MAniilope puta, Desm. Ny. ghau, the Persian name of this animal, signines olue cow. MAMMALIA—NYL-GHAU 36 are white on the edge and on the inside, except where two black hands mark the hollow of the ear with a zebra-like variety, The genera! color of the animal is ash or gray, from a mixture of black hairs and white, most ot which are half white towards the root, and half black. Al og the ridge of tne neck and the back, the hairs form a short and thin upright mane, at the throat’ is a shield-like mark of beautiful hair; and lower down, on the beginning of the convexity of the neck, there 1s.a remarkable tuft of long black hair. The height of the animal is about fuur feet one inch at the shouk cr. The female differs from the male both in height and thick- ness, she being much smaller, and in shape more resembling the deer, and having no horns. , The nyl-ghau has six grinders in eacn jaw, and eight cutting teeth in the ow-rone, It eats oats, is fond of grass and hay, and still fonder of wheaten breav : when thirsty, it will drink two gallons of water. [1 is vicious and fierce 14 the rutting season, but tame and gentle at other times; and should it prove docile enough to de easily trained to labor, its great swiftness and considerahle strength mioht be applied to valuable purposes, as it is evident from evnerjence that span! breed in rhic eapetey Who phe males Soht, mey prepare tor the attack ata distance frum each uther, oy lung down 46 % 362 MAMMALIA—GNU. naon their knees: and in this artitnde they apnrnach. and wnen thev are safticievtly near, spring and dart at each other with great violence. In a state of confinement they often fall into that posture without doing any mischief. They wiil, notwithstanding, attack mankind unprovoked. A laborer, who was looking over some paies which inclosed several of them, was alarmed by one of them flying at him with the quickness of lightning ; but the wood-work which separated him from the animal, was the means of his safety, as it dashed it to pieces and broke off one of its horns close to the root. The death of the animal, which happened soon after, was suppose ed to be owing to the injury it received from the blow. In the days of Aurungzebe, they abounded between Delhi and Lahore, on the way to Cachemir; and they were once objects of chase with thai mighty prince, during his journey. They were inclosed in nets by his army of hunters, which, being drawn closer and closer, at length formed a small space ; into this the king, his omrahs, and hunters, entered, and killed the animals with arrows, spears, or muskets; and sometimes in such numbers, that Aurungzebe used to send quarters as presents to all his great people, which proves that they are esteemed as enad ani delicious feo" THE GNU. Tue gnu is one of the swiftest beasts that ranges the plains of Africa, Mr Barrows ‘says, “ The various descriptions that have been given of it, all differing from each other, should seem to have been taken from report rather than from nature, notwithstanding that one of them was for some time in 1 Antilope gnu, GEL. MAMMALIA—GNU. 363 the menagerie of the Prince of Orange, at the Hague. Nature, though regular and systematic in all her works, often puzzles and perplexes human systems, of which this animal affords an instance. In the shape of its body it evidently partakes of the horse, the ox, the stag, and the antelope. “Tts head is about eighteen inches long, the upper part completely guard- ed by the rugged roots of the horns, that spread across the forehead, leaving only a narrow channel between them, that wears out with age, as in the instance of the buffalo; the horns project forward twelve inches, then turn m a short curve, backwards, ten inches: the space from the root to the point is only nine inches. Down the middle of the face grows a sort of black hai four inches in length; and from the under lip to the thruat another ridge somewhat longer. The orbit of the eye is round, and sur- rounded by long white hairs, that, like so many radii, diverge and forma kind of star; this radiated eye gives to the animal a fierce and uncommon look. The same sort of viprisse is thinly dispersed over the lips. The neck is little more than a foot long: on the upper part is a mane extending beyond the shoulders, erect, and five inches in length; the hair like bristles, black in the middle, and white on each side. This mane appears as if it had been cut and trimmed with nice attention. A ridge of black hair, from six inclies to a foot in length, extends from the fore part of the chest, under the fore legs, to the beginning of the abdomen. The body is about three feet two inches long. The joints of the hip bones project high, and form on the haunches a pair of hemispheres. The tail is two feet long, flat near the root, where the hair grows only at the sides; this is white, bristly, and bushy. The entire length, from the point of the nose to the end of the tail, 1s seven feet ten inches; and the height three feet six inches. The color is that of a mouse, «" h a few ferruginous straggling hairs on the sides. Like the mare, it has oly two teats; and all its motions and habits‘are equine. Though a small animal, it appears of considerable size when prancing over the plains. The gnu might be considered as an emblem of unbounded freedom, with the means of suprorting it. It possesses, in an eminent degree, strength, swiftness, weapons of defence, acute scent, and a quick sight. When they happen to be disturbed, the whole herd begin to draw together, and to butt each other with their horns, to bound, and play their various gambols, after which they gallop off toa distance. Their motions are extremely free, varied, and always elegant. Fierce and vicious as this animal certainly is in its wild state, yet it probably might nut be very difficult of domestication. No successful attempts, however, have yet been made to tame it. The flesh is so like that of an ox, both in appearance and taste, that it is not to be distinguished from it.” There is another variety of the gnu, a male and female of which were exhibited at Cross’s menagerie, in Pall-Mall East; and in their appear- ance, partook rather more of the‘antelope tribe than the preceding. Me Pringle, who had seen this variety in its native regions, observes, “that f= 364 MAMMALIA—CHAMOIS. the gnu forms a graceful link between the buffalo and the a1 telope ; pose sessing the distinet features which, according to naturalists, are peculiar to the latter tribe. The gnu exhibits at the same time, in his general aspect, figure, mations, and even the texture and taste of his flesh, qualities which partake very strongly of the bovine character. Among other peculiarities, I observed, that, like the buifalo or the ox, he is strangely affected by the sight of scarlet; and it was one of our amusements, when approaching these animals, to hoist a red handkerchief on a pole and to observe them taper about, lashing their flanks with their long tails, and tearing up the groun" with their hoofs, as if they were violently excited, and ready to rush down apon us; and then, all at once, when we were about to fire upor them, to see them bound away, and again go prancing round ata safer distance. When wounded, they are reported to be sometimes tather dan- gerous to the huntsman ; but though we shot several at different times, I never witnessed any instance of this. On one occasion, a young one, appa- rently only a week or two old, whose mother had been shot, folluwed the huntsmen home, and I attempted to rear it on cow’s milk. ina few days it appeared quite as tame as a conimon eaif, and seermed to be thriving; but afterwards, from some unknown cause, it sickened and died. I heard, how- ever, of tore than one instance in that part of the colony, where the gnu, thus caught young, had been reared with domestic cattle, and had become so time as te go regularly out to pasture with the herds, without exhibiting any inelinaticn to resume its natural treedam; but, in consequence of a tendency whieh the farmers sav they evinced to eatch, and to communicate to the cattle a dangerans infection, the practice of rearing them as curiosi- ties has been abandoned,” ‘ THE CHAMOIS}! Is of a fawn color in summer and brown in winter; a dark line passes through each eye. Its horns are seven or eight inches long,.and hooked at } Antilope ruficapra, MAMMALIA—CHAMOIS. 865 tne end; the tail is short. This animal inhabits the mountains of Switzer- land. It is about the size of a domestic goat, and resembles oue in many respects. It is most agreeably lively, and active beyond expression. Its hair is short, like that of the doe. The young follows the dam for about five months, and sometimes longer if the hunters or the wolves do not separate them. It is asserted that they live between twenty and thirty years. The flesh of the chamois .s good ta eat; and some of the fattest afford ten or twelve pounds of suet, which far surpasses that of the goat in solidity and goodness. The cry of the chamois is not distinctly known; if it has any, it is hut faint, and resembling that of a hoarse goat. When they are frightened, or are in danger of any enemy, or some other object not perfectly known to chem, they warn the rest of the flock by a kind of hissing nvise. It is observable, that the chamois has a very penetrating eye, and its hearing and smell are not less distinguishing. When it finds an enemy near, it stops for a moment, and then in an instant flies off with the utmost speed. When the wind is in its favor, it can smell a human creature for more than half a mile distance. When this happens, therefore, and it cannot see its enemy, but only discovers his approach by the scent, it begins the hissing noise with such force, that the rocks and the forests re-echo with the sound. This hissing continues as long as the breath will permit. In the beginning it is very shrill, and deeper towards the close. This animal then rests a moment, after this alarm, to inspect further into its danger; and, hav- ing confirmed the reality of its suspicion, it commences to hiss by inter- vals, till it has spread the alarm to a great distance. During this time, it is in the most violent agitation, strikes the ground forcibly with its fore foot, and sometimes with both. It bounds from rock w rock; it turns, and lodks round; it turns to the edge of the precipice, and when it has obtained a sight of the enemy, flies from it with all its speed. The hissipg of the male is much more acute than that of the female; tt is performed through the nostrils, and is, properly, no more than a very strong breath, forced through the nostrils by fixing the tongue to the palate, keepmg the teeth nearly shut, the lips open, and a little lengthened. Their agility is wonderful, as they will throw themselves down, across a rock, which is:nearly perpendicular, and twenty or thirty feet in height, without a single prop to support their feet. Their motion has, indeed, rather the appearance of flying than of leaping.. The chamois feeds upon the best herbage, and chovseg*the most delicate parts of plants, Huwers, and the most tender buds. It is not less delicate with regard to several aromatic herbs, which grow upon the sides of the Alps. It drinks but very little while it feeds upon the succulens herbage, and rumimates, aike the goat, in the intervals of feeding. Tonal is crowned with two sma]! horns, of about half a foot long, of a Leautiful black, and rising from the forehead, almost betwixt the eyes.. ‘Phese horns are often made use é De . 366 MAMMALIA—CHAMOIS. of frr the heads of canes. The hides of these animals are very strong and supple, and good warm waistcoats and gloves are made of them. The hunting of the chamois is very laborious, and extremely difficult and perilous. It is thus admirably described by Saussure: —“ The chamois hunter seis out upon his ‘expedition of fatigue and danger generally in the night. His object is to find himself, at the break of day, in the most elevat- ed pastures, where the chamois comes to feed before the flocks shall have arrived there. The chamois feeds only at morning and at evening. When the hunter has nearly reached the spot where he expects to find his prey, he yeconnoitres with a telescope. If he find not the chamois, he mounts still higher; but if he discovers him, he endeavors to climb above him and to get nearer, by passing round some ravine, or gliding behind some eminence or rock. When he is near enough to distinguish the horns of the animal, “(which are small, round, pointed, and bent backward like a hook, as in the wood cut,) he rests his rifle upon a rock, and takes his aim with great coolness. He rarely misses. This rifle is often double-barrelled. If the chamois falls, the hunter runs to his prey—makes sure of him by cutting the hamstrings—and applies himself to consider by what way he may best regain his village. If the route is very difficult, he contents him- self with skinning the chamois; but if the way is at all practicable with a load, he throws the animal over his shoulder, and bears it home to his family, undaunted by the distance he has to go, and the precipices he has to cross. . “But when, as is more frequently the case, the vigilant animal perceives the hunter, he flies with the greatest swiftness into the glaciers, leaping with incredible speed over the frozen snows and pointed rocks. It is parti- cularly difficult to approach the chamois when there are many together. The sentinel, who is placed on the point of some rock which commands all the avenues of their pasturage, makes the sharp hissing sound already mentioned; at the sound of which all the rest run towards him, to judge for themselves of the nature of the danger. If they discover a beast of prey or a hunter, the most experienced puts himself at their head, and they bound along, one after the other, into the most inaccessible places. “Tt is then that the labors of the hunter commence; for then, carned away by the excitement, he knows no danger. He crosses the snows, with- out thinking of the abysses which they may cover; he plunges into the mest dangerous passes of the mountains; he climbs up; he leaps from rock to ruck, without: considering how he can return. ¢The night often finds him in the heat of the pursuit; but he does not give it up for this obstacle. He considers that the chamois will stop during the darkness, as well as him- self, and that on the morrow he may again reach them. He passes, then, the night-—not at the foot of a tree, nor in a cave covered with verdure, as does the hunter of the plain—but upon a naked rock, or upon a heap of rough stones, without any sort of shelter. He is alone, without fire, without MAMMALIA—IBEX. 367 aght. But he takes from his bag a bit uf cheese and some of the burlev vread, which 1s his ordinary tood— bread so hard that he 1s obliged to break It betveen two stones, or to cleave it with the axe, which he always carries with him to cut steps which shall serve for his ladder up the rocks of ice His frugal meal being soon ended, he puts a stone under his head, and is presently asleep, dreaming of the way the chamois has taken. He is awakened by the freshness of the morning air; he rises, pierced through with cold; he measures with his eye the precipices he must yct climb tc teach the chamois; he drinks a little brandy, (of which he always carries a small provision,) throws his bag across his shoulder, and again rushes furward to encounter new dangers. These daring and persevering hunters often remain whole days in the dreariest solitudes of the glaciers of Cha- mouni; and, during this time, their families, and, above all, their unhappy wives, feel the keenest alarm for their safety. “And yet, with the full knowledge of the dangers to be encountered, the chase of the chamois is the object of an insurmountable passion. Saussure knew a handsome young man, of the district of Chamouni, who was about to be married; and the adventurous hunter thus addressed the naturalist: — ‘My grandfather was killed in the chase of the chamois; my father was killed also; and I am so certain that i shall be killed myself, that I call this bag, which I always carry hunting, my winding-sheet. I am sure thatI shall have no other; and yet, if you were to offer to make my fortune, upon the condition that I should renounce the chase of the chamois, J should refuse your kindness.’ Saussure adds, that he went several journeys in the Alps with this young man; that he possessed astonishing ski]! and strength, but that his temerity was greater than either; and that, two years after- wards, he met the fate which he had anticipated, by h's foot failing on the brink of a precipice to which he had leaped. “The very few individuals of those who grow old in this trade, bear on their countenances the traces of the life which they have led. They have a wild, and somewhat haggard and desperate air, by which they may be recognized in the midst of a crowd. Many of the superstitious peasants believe that they are sorcerers; that they have commerce with the evil spirit; and that it is he that throws them over the precipices ” THE IBEX! Or wild goat, exactly resembles the domestic goat, in the conformation, the organization, and the natural and physical habits. It only varies by ' Capra ther, Lin. The genus Capra has eight lower and no upper incssors: no canines ; twelve appt and twelve lower molars. Horns common to both sexes, directed upwards and backwards, striated transversely ; no muzzle; interva) between the nos- trils naked; no lachrymal smus or inguinal pores ; ears pointed ; legs robust; tail short chin bearrled. 368 MAMMALIA—IBEX. wo slight differences, the one externally, and the other internally. The horns of the ibex are longer than those of the he-goat; they have two longi- tudinal ridges, those of the goat have but one. They have also thick knots, or transverse tubercles, which mark the number of years of their growth; while those of the goats are only marked with transverse strokes. The ibex runs as fast as the stag, and leaps lighter than the roebuck. They are liable to vertigos, which are common *. them with the chamois, as well as the inclination to climb up rocks, 2nd still another custom, which is that af continually licking the stenes, especially these which are strongly im- pregnated with salt-petre, or common salt. In the Alps, there are rocks which have been hollowed by the tongue of the chamois. These are com- monly soft and calcinable stones, in which, as is well known, there is always a certain quantity of nitre. The male ibex differs from the chamois, by the length, the thickness, and the form of the horns; itis also much more bulky, vigorous, and strong. ‘The female ibex has horns different from the male; they are also much smaller, and nearly resembling those of the chamois. In other respects, these two animals have the same customs, the same manners, and the same country ; only the ibex, as he is endowed with more agility, and is stronger than the chamois, climbs to the summit of the highest mountains, while the chamois only lives in the second stage; but neither the one nor the other is to be found in the plains. Both make their way on the snow; both ascend precipices by hounding trom rock to rock; both are covered with a firm anda solid skin, and ciothed, m winter. with a double tur, with very rough hair outwardly, and a finer and thicker hair underneatu. Butn of MAMMALIA—GOAT, 3869 then have a black stripe on the back, and hoth, likewise, have a tail nearly of the same size, The number cf exterior reserblances is so great, in com- parison with the differences, and the conformity of the exterior parts is so complete, that if we reason in consequence of these accounts, we might be led to believe, that these two animals are not really of a different species, but that they are simply only constant varieties of one and the same species. The ibex, as well as the, chamois, when taken young and brought up‘ with domestic goats, is easily tamed; and, accustomed to domesticity, imbibe the same manners, and herd together. The animal is five feet in length, and inhabits the Alps, Pyrenees, and other mountains in Europe. : THE DOMESTIC GOAT. AxtHoucH the goat is a distinct species, and perhavs more distart from that of the sheep than the species of tne ass 1s from that of the horse, yet goats will willingly-couple with sheep, as the ass with the mare, and are sometimes prolific; but they have never introduced any intermediate species between the goat and the sheep. These two species are distinct, remaining constantly separated, and always at the same distance from each other, and have never been changed by this mixture, or produced any new stock, or new breed.of intermediate anirmmais; for they have, at most, only produced different individuals, which has no influence on the unity of each primitive species, and which, on the contrary, confirms the reality of their different characteristics. The goat has naturally more understanding, and can shitt better for her- self than the sheep; she comes voluntarily, and is easily familiarized ; she is sensible of caresses, and capable of attachment; she is also stronger, lighter, more agile, and less timid than the sheep; she is lively, capricious, and lascivious. ; Goats are fond of straying in solitary places, are fond of climbing up steep piaces, sleeping on the tops of rocks, and on the brink of precipices. They leav with ease and security among the most dreadful precipices; aau Cupid nircue, In, Aq 870 MAMMAL/JA—GOAT. even when two of them are «used wether, chey. will leap in such perfect concert as to reach in safety thé desired spot. Lhe meonstancy of this animal’s nature is shown py the iregulanty of her actions. She walks, stops short, runs, jumps, advances, retreats, shows, then hides herself, or flies; and this all from caprice, or without any other determinate cause than her whimsical vivacity. And all the suppleness of the organs, all the nerves of the body, are scarcely suffi- cient for the petulance and rapidity of these motions, which are all natural to her. That these animals are naturally fond of mankind, and that in uninhabit- ed places they do not become wild, the following anecdote serves to contirm. Tn 1698, an English vessel having put into harbor at the island of Bonavista, two negroes presented themselves on board, and offered the English as many goats as they chose to carry away. On the captain manifesting a degree of surprise at this offer, the negroes observed there were but twelve persons in all the island; that the goats multiplied so fast, that they became troublesome; and that, far from having any difficulty in taking them, they followed them with a kind of obstinacy, like domestic animals. Goats go five months with young, aud bring forth at the beginning of the sixth month; they suckle the voung ones tor abour a month or five weeks ; so that it may be reckoned about six-and-twenty weeks trom the tune otf heir coupling till the time that the young kid hezins.te -at. The goat generally produces one kid, sometimes two, very :arely three, and never more than four; and she brings forth young, from a year or eighteen months, to seven years. The knobs in the horns, and their teeth, ascertain their age. The number of teeth is not always the same in female goats; but they have usually fewer than the male goat, which has also the hair rougher, and the beard and the horns louger. These animals, like oxen and sheep, have four stomachs, and chew the cud. This species is more diffused than the sheep, and goats, like the European, are found in several parts of the world; only in Guinea and other warm countries they are smaller, but in Muscovy and other cold climates they are larger. : ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAT.I Tus animal inhabits the most lofty peaks of the Rocky Mountains, se dom descending so near the low country as the Rocky Mountain sheep Their manners are said to resemble greatly those of the domestic goat. The exact limits of the range of this animal have not been ascertained, but it probably extends from the fortieth to the sixty-fourth, or sixty-fifth * Capra montana, Orv. MAMMALIA—GOAT. 871 degree of latitude. It is common on the elevated part of the range that gives origin to the Mackenzie, Columbia, Nelson, and Missouri rivers. The fine wool which the animal produces, grows principally on the baci and hips, and is intermixed with long coarse hair. From the circumstance of its bearing wool, it has occasionally been termed a sheep by the voyagers, anj even by naturalists. Some little confusion has, therefore, crept into the accounts of its habits, which have been published from the reports of traders. Its flesh is hard and dry, and is little esteemed. The Indians make caps and saddles of its skin. The Hudson’s Bay company have very lately presented a perfect specirnen of the goat to the Zoological Society. This animal is of the size of the domestic sheep, and is totally white, except the horns, hoofs, lips, and margins of the nostrils. The horns are black and shining. ‘THE ANGORA GOAT \s found in Natolia in Asia Minor. It is distinguished from the European goat, by the greater size of its ears, though it is only a variety of the same species; they mix and produce together, even in our climate. The males have horns almost as long as the common goat, but the circumference and directions are very diderent, and they are of a dazzling white color; they pre extended horizontally on each side of the head, and form spirals, some- S72 MAMMALIA—SHEEP. what likea worm The horns of the female are short, and first turn round backwards, then oend down, and turn round before, so much, that they end near the eyes: and in some their circumference and direction vary. The male and female goat of Angora, which we have seen, are such as we have described. These goats, like all the animals of Syria, have the hair very long and thick, and so fine that stuffs have been made of it, almost as handsome and glossy as our silks. It is, in fact, what is commonly termed mohair. The stuffs made from the hair of this goat are known by the name of camlet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SHEEP! Innrapit the lofty chain of mountains from whence they derive their name ; from its northern termination in latitude sixty-eight, to about latitude forty degrees, and most likely still further south. They also frequent the elevated end craggy ridges with which the country between the great mountain range ani the Pacific is intersected; but they do not appear to have advauced further to the eastward than to the declivity of the Rocky Mountains, nor are they found in any of the hilly tracts nearer to Hudson’s, Bay. They collect in flocks, consisting of from three to thirty, the young rams and females herding together during the winter and spring, while the old rams form separate flocks. The ewes bring forth in June or July, and then retire with ¥ Ovis montana, Gzrorr, The genus Ovis has eight lower incisors; no canines; twelve upper and twelve lower molars. Horns common to both sexes; sometimes want- sng m the female, thick, angular, wrinkled transversely, pale colored, turned laterally in a spiral form; ears smal) legs slender; hair of two kinds; tail more or less short; two mamme. : MAMMALIA—SHEEP, 873 their lambs to the most inaccessible heights. Mr Drummond informs us, that in the retired parts of the mountains, where the hunters had seldom penetrated, he found no difficulty in approaching the Rocky Mountain sheep, which there exhibited the simplicity of characte: so remarkable in the domestic species; but that where they had been often fired at, they were exceedingly wild, alarmed their companions on the approach of Janger by a hissing noise, and scaled the rocks with a speed and agility that baffled pursuit. He lost several that he had mortally wounded, by their retiring to die amongst the secluded precipices. Their favorite feeding places, are grassy knolls, skirted by craggy rocks to which they can retreat, when pursued by dogs or wolves. They are accustomed to pay daily visits to certain caves in the mountains, that are encrusted with a saline efflorescence, of which they are fond. These caves are situated in slaty rocks. Mr Drummond says, that the horns of the old fams altain a size so enormous, and curve so much forwards and down- wards, that they effectually prevent the animal from feeding on level ground. Its flesh is said by those who have fed on it, to be quite delicious when it is in season, far superior to that of any of the deer species which frequent the same quarter, and even exceeding in flavor the finest English mutton. The missionaries who first discovered the Rocky Mountain sheep, describe it correctly as possessing the hair and the horns of the ram; and M. Geoffroy bas alsv briefly characterized it as having the head of sheep, with the body 374 MAMMALIA- SHEEP. of adeer. Several naturalists of eminence have considered it as forrning but one species with the argali; and Cuvier supposes that it may have crossed Bhering’s Straits on the ice. It resembles the argali indeed, per- fectly in its manners, in the form of its bodv. and in the nature and colos of its hairy coat; but it seems to be a larger animal, and to present 4 constant difference in the form of curvature in its horns. THE ARGALI, OR WILD SHEEP, is an inhabitant of rocky and mountainous regions, and is principally found in the Alpine parts of Asia. Dr Pallas observed this species existing throughout the vast chain of mountains extending through the middle of that continent to the-Eastern Sea. These animals have large horns, arched semicirculariy backward, and di- vergent at their tips, wrinkled on their upper surface, and flattened beneath; on the neck are two pendant hairy dewlaps. This creature is about the size of the fallow deer. It is of a gray ferruginous brown color above, and whitish beneath. The face is also of a whitish hue; and behind each of the shoulders a dusky patch or spot is often discovered. In the European variety, the legs are generally white. The head exhibits much resemblance to the ram; but the ears are considerably smaller in proportion to its size. The hody is large; but the neck and legs are slender, and ihe latter are very strong. ‘The tail is very short, being seldom more that three inches in length. The horns in the adult, or full grown animal, have muca the appearance of those of the common ram. This animal has hair instead » of wool, thus greatly differing from the general aspect of the sheep; but the - tave, in winter, and especially that part about the tip of the nose, becomes whiter; the back is of a more ferruginous cast: and the hair, which is close 1 Ovis ammon, Lin. MAM MALILA~SHEEP. 375 in summer, like the deer, becomes somewhat wavy, a little curled, ana rough, consisting of a kind of wool intermixed with hair, and its roots con- cealed hy a fine woolly down. About the neck and shoulders, as well as under the throat, the hair is considerably longer than elsewhere. The female is much less than the male, and her horns neither so much -vrved nor so large as those of the ram. From spring to autumn the argalis feed in the little valleys among the upper regions of the mountains, on the young shoots of the Alpine plauts, and are said to grow very fat. As winter apprvaches, they descend lower, and eat grass and other vegetables. They are fond of frequenting spots of a saline nature, and will excavate the ground ‘in such places i in order to get at the salt. ‘In Siberia, the argali is chiefly found on the summits of the highest mountains, exposed to the sun, and free from woods. They generally travel in small flocks; and seldom produce more than one, or sometimes two, at a birth. The young lamb, when first born, is covered with a soft, gray, curl- ing fleece, which graduaily changes into hair towards the end of summer. These animals are very timid; and when closely pursued, they turn and double like a hare, and do not run in a progressive course. They ascend rocky mountains with great agility, passing over the narrowest and most dangerous places with perfect safety, like the wild goat. The males are said to fight frequently, and often precipitate each other down the rocks in their contests. The chase of these creatures 1s extremely dangerous and difficult, but isa most important object with some of the ’Asiatics, as this sheep supplies them with a great number of valuable and necessary articles; the skin being used for clothing, and the flesh as food. Pallas informs us, that “the flesh of the lamb is excellent; that of the old animals is good; but more particularly when roasted.” : The horns of ‘the argali grow to a vast size, and some have been found to measure in their convolutions above two ells in length, and‘ to weigh fifteen pounds each. Sometimes they are found broken off in such a man- ner that the small animals of the forest creep into the cavity for shelter THE CORSICAN ARGALI, Or Moujlon of Buffon, is of a much darker color than the Asiatic. It is so extremely wild, as to be seldom taken alive. Llowever, it is shot by the hunters, who lie in ambush for it among the recesses in the mountains, Like many other animals, the young ones, which are often taken when the parent has been destroyed, are very easily tamed The various kinds of domestic sheep aie ili Supposed io have sprung originaily from the argali. 1 Ovis musimon, Pair. 376 MAMMALIA—SHEEP, THE DOMESTIC SHEEP. Our domestic sheep is only to be met with in Europe, and some of' the most temperate provinces of Asia and America, and if transported into Guinea, loses its wool, and is covered with hair. It increases there but little, and its flesh has no longer the same taste; it cannot also subsist in cold countries. In Iceland, a breed of sheep is to be found, who have many horns, short tails, harsh and thick wool, under which, as in almost every animal in the north, is a second lining of a softer, finer, and thicker wool. These * animals are sometimes wintered in stables, but are generally left tc provide for themselves in the open plains. Caves are their retreats in stormy weather; but when they cannot reach such places of shelter, and are involved in falls of snow, they place their heads near each other, with their muzzles downward towards the ground. In this situation, they will remain for several days, and hunger will sometimes compel them to gnaw each other’s wool. They sield from two to six quarts of milk a day. Their wool is not shorn, but loosens of itself, about the end of May, and is then stripped off at once, like a skin. In warm climates, some are covered with wool, others with hair, anda third kind with hair mixed with wool. The first kind of sheep of those tountrivs, is that commonly called the Barbary or Arabian sheep, which entirely resembles the tame kind, excepting in the tail, which is very much loaded with fat, is often more than a foot broad, and weighs upwards of twenty pounds. As for external appearance, this sheep has nothing remark- able but the tail, which he carries as if a pidow was fastened to his hinder parts. Among this kind of broad tailed sheep, there are some whose tails are so long and heavy, that the shepherds are obliged to fasten a small hoard with wheels, in order to support them as they walk along. This tail, which ts a substance between marrow and fat, is considered a great delicacy. In the Levant, these sheep are clothed witha very fine wool. In the hottet —— ee ' Ovis aries, Dem, MAMMALIA—SHEEP, 3717 4 antries. as Madagascar and Tndia. they are clothed with Fair, The superabundance of fat, which in our sheep fixes upon the reins, in these sheep descends under the vertebra of the tail; the other parts of the body are less charged with it than in our fat sheep. This variety is to be attributed to the climate, the food, and the care of mankind; for these broad, or long tailed sheep, are tame, like those of our country, and they even demand much more care and management. This breed is much more dispersed than ours; they are commonly met with in Tartary, ThiLet, Tur- key, Persia, Syria, Egypt, Barbary, Ethiopia, and Madagascar ; and even as far as the Cape of Good Hope. In Thibet, their fleeces, which are very fine, are manufactured into shawls. In the islands of the Archipelago, and chiefly in the island of Candia, there is a breed of sheep, of which Belon has given the figure and descrip- tion, under the name of strepsiceros. This sheep is of the make of our common sheep. It is like that, clothed with wool; and only differs from it by the horns, which are larger and rise upwards, but are twisted into spirals. The distance between the horns of the ewe enlarges towards their tops; those of the ram are parallel. This animal, which is commonly salled the Wallachian sheep, is frequent in Austria and Hungary, where its same is zackl. In the hottest covntries of Africa and India, there is a breed of large sheep, which has rough hair, short horns, hanging ears, and a kind of tuft ander the tail. Leo Africanus, and Marmol, call it adamain; and it is known to the naturalists by the name of the Senegal ram, the Guinea rain, and the Angula sheep, &c. He is tame, like ours; and, like him, subject to variety. These, though different in themselves by particular characters, resemble each other so much in other respects, that we can scarcely doubt that they are of the same kind. A specimen of the male African sheen, is now in the Tower menagerie, to which it was presented by Lord Liverpool. In temper, it is extremely mild: bat itis an uncouth looking creature. Ttis high on the legs, narrow in the loins, and its coat is rough and shaggy. Its horns are remarkably 48 378 MAMMALIA—SHEEP. smail. and within their curve the ears are inclosed. Whenever the ears escape from this seeming confinement, the animal exhibits much uneasi- ness; and difficult as it is for him to replace them, he never rests till it is accomplished. On his back and sides he is nearly black ; the shoulders ar ot areddish brewn; th. ,22+.tior part of the body, the haunches, the hind legs, the tail, the nose, au:! alse the ears, which are rather large, are white. There is likewise a white spot ver each eye. One of the curious modifications produced by cultivation, in the domestic sheep, consists in the augmentation of the number of its horns; two, three, or even four supplementary appendages of this description, boing occasion ally procured in addition to the usual nuinber. Unier these circumstances, the additional horns usually occupy the upper and fore part of the head, and are of a more slender shape, and take a more upright direction than the others; thus approaching in character to those of the goats, while the true norns retain more or less of the spiral curve that distinguishes those of the sheep. ‘There exists a strong tendency to the hereditary propagation of this monstrosity, which is extremely fre went in the Asiatic races, but is also met with in a breed that is common in the north of Europe, and is said to have been originally derived from Iceland, and the Feroe islands. In the latter case, it is unconnected with any other anomaly; but in the flocks of the nomad hordes of Tartary, it is usually combined with an enlargement of the tail and adjacent parts, by the deposition of fat, frequently to an enormous) extent. Specimens of both varieties, separate and combined, have formed part of the Society’s collection .a1 the farm on Kingston Hill, to which most of the domesticated animals were removed during the sum mer of 1829. ¢ MAMMALIA—BUFFALO. 379 The specimen figured beiow, is remarkable only for the number of its horns. ‘Lhe lateral, or true homs, rise trom their usual poimt of attach- went, ana describe a spiral curve round the animal’s ears. ‘i‘ne accessory SSN SHIM horns, two in number, take their origin more internally, and between the others, and pass almost directly upwards, inclining, as they advance, mm a direction forwards and outwards. THE CAPE BUFFALO.1 Tars animal is called by the Hottentots, guaraho. It has dark and rugous horns, spreading horizontally over the summit of the heud, in the shape of a scalp, with the heams bent down laterally, and the points turned up. The animal is about nine feet in length, with a deep brown fur. They live in smal] herds in brushwood, and open forests, in Catfraria, occasionally uniting in droves upon the plains. They are excited to madness by the sight of red colors, and swim with great force. Since the settlement 2f the Cape of Goud Hope, they have become scarce in that neighborinuod. --+-—- oO - ! Bos caffer, Desm. The genus Ros has eight tower incisors; no canines; twelve upper and twelve lower molars =o: 0 ymom_e:. tre pg, head large; forehead straight; muzzle square; eyes large; ears generally funnel shaped; a fold of the skin or dewla on the under side of the neck ; four mammee; tail long and tufted ; horns simple Sone, round, with different inflections, but often directed laterally, aud the pomts raised. “ Ff 380 MAMMALIA—ARNEE...BUFFALO. : TLE ARNEL _ Tats animai, which is an inhabitant of various parts of India, north of Bengal, far exceeds in size any of the cattle tribe that has huherw been dis covered ; it oeing from twelve to fifleeen feet in height. The Yorns, wnich are full two feet in length, are erect and semilunar, flattened, and annularly wiitkled, with smooth, round, approaching points. The arnee is seldom secn within the European settlements; but a very young one was picked up alive, in the Ganges, some years ago, which was as big as an immensely large bullock, and weighed nearly three quarters of a ton, A British officer, who found one in the woods in the country above Bengal, describes it as a bold and daring animal, and its form as seeming to partake of the horse, the bull, and the deer. Some of the native princes are said to keep arnees for parade, under the name of fighting bu!lucks. THE DOMESTIC BUFFALU2 HE bullalo and the ox, although greatly resembling each other, votn «ame, and often living under tue same roof, and fed in the same meadows; vat, when brought together, and even excited by their keepers, have ever refused to unite and couple together. Their nature is more distant than that of the ass is from the horse; there even appears to be a strong antipa- thy between them: for it is affirmed, that cows, will not suckle the young buffalos; and the female buffalo refuses the same kindness to the other’s calves. The buffalo is of a more obstinate nature, and less tractable than the ox; he obeys wi:h great reluctance, and his temper is more coarse and brutal. Like the hog. he is one of the filthiest of the tame animals, as he shows by his .unwillingness to be cleaned and dressed: his figure is verv tugmsy, aud torpidding ; his looks stupidly wild; he carmes lis tai in aa 2 Bus arnee, SHAW. % Bus oubstus, win. MAMMALIA—BUFFALO. 38! renoble manner, and his head m a very bad posture, almost always inclinea towards the ground. His voice is a hideous bellowing, with atone much stronger and more hoarse than that of the bull; his legs are thin. his tail bare, and his physiognomy dark, like his hair and skin. He diflers exter- ually from the ox, chiefly in the color of his hide; and this is easily per- ceived under the hair, with which he is. but sparingly furnished. His body is likewise thicker and shorter than that of the ox; his legs are longer, and proportionably much less. The horns not so roynd, black, and partly compressed, with a tuft of hair frizzled over his forehead; his hide is like- wise thicker and harder than that of the ox; his flesh is black and hard, and not only disagreeable to the taste, but to the smell; the milk cf the female is not so good as that of the cow; nevertheless she yields a greater quantity. In the hot countries of the eastern continent, almost all the cheese is made of buffalo’s milk. The flesh of the young buffalo, though killed during the suckling time, is not good. ‘The hide alone, is of more value than all the rest of the beast, whose tongue is the only part that is fit to eat. This hide is firm, light, and almost impenetrable. As these animals, in general, are larger and stronger than the oxen, they are very serviceable in the plough; they draw well, but do not carry bur- dens; they are led by the means of a ring passed through their nose. Two buffalos, harnessed, or rather chained, to a wagon, will draw as much as four strong horses. ; The form and thickness of the buffalo, alone, are sufficient to indicate that he isa native of the hottest countries. The largest quadrupeds belong to the torrid zone in the Old Continent; and the buffalo, for his size and thickness, ought to be classed with the elephant, the rhinoceros, and the hippopotamus. The camel is more elevated, but slenderer, and is also an inhabitant of the southern countries of Africa and Asia; nevertheless, the buffalos live and multiply ia Italy, in France, and in other temperate pro- vinces. Those that are in the French king’s menagerie, have brought forth two or three times. The female has but one ata time, and goes about twelve months; which is another proof of the ditferenag between this species and that of the cow, who only goes nine months. Mt appears, also, that these animals are gentler and less brutal in their native country; and. the hotter the climate is, the more tractable is their nature. In Egypt they are more so than in Italy; and in India they are more so than in Egypt. Those of Italy have also more hair than those of Egypt, and those of Egypt more than those of India. Their coat is never entirely covered, because they are natives of hot countries; and, in general, large animals of this climate have either no hair, or else very little. There are a great number of wild buffalos in the countries of Africa and India, which are watered with many rivers, and furnished with large mea- dows. These wild buffalos go in droves, and make great havoc in cultivat- ed lands; but they never attack the human species, and will not run at 882 MAMMALIA—BISON. them, unless they are wounded, when they are very dangerous; for they make directly at their enemy, throw him down, and trample him to death under their feet; nevertheless, they are greatly terrified at the sight of fire, and are displeased at a red color. The buffalo, like all other animals of southern climates, is fond of bath- ing, and even of remaining in the water; he swims very well, and holdly traverses the most rapid floods’ As his legs are longer thun those of the ox, -he runs also quicker upon land. The negroes in Guinea, and the Indians in Malabar, where the wild buffalos are very numervus, otten hunt them They neither pursue them nor attack them openly, but, clirnbing up the trees, or hiding themselves in the woods, they wait tor them and kin them; the buffalos not being able, without much trouble, to penetrate these forests, on account of the thickness of their bodies, and the impediment of their horns, which are apt to entangle in the branches of the trees. These people are fond of the flesh of the buffalo, and gain great profit by vending their hides and their horns, which are harder and better than those of the ox. Although the buffalo is, at this present time, common in Greece, and *tame in Italy, it was neither known by the Greeks nor Romans; for it never had a name in the language of these people. The word duffalo, even indicates a strange origin, not to be derived either from the Greek or Latin tongues. In effect, this animal is originally a native of the hottest coun- tries of Africa and India, and was not transported and naturalized in Italy ull towards the seventh century. It is true, the ancients have spoken of an animal, as of a different species from the ox, under the name of dubalus ¢ and Aristotle has mentioned the wild ox of Paonia, which he has called bunasus, THE AMERICAN BISON. One of the earliest accounts we have of this animal, is by Hernandez, and Recchus’ edition of his observations, or rather commentary upon them, is illustrated by an engraving which seems to have been made from a rude sketch of the bison, altered by the European artists to a closer resemblance with the European ox. Hennepin, in the narrative of his discovery of Louisiana, and his travels through that country, between the years 1660 and 1682, gives a very good description of the bison, together with a figure, which is apparently a copy of that of Recchus. It does not appear to have excited much attention in Europe until lately; when several specimens, naving been imported into England, were exhibited under the attractive tile of donasws, which, though described by the ancients, was asserted to * bos Amerwanus, GMEL. MAMMALIA—BISON. 863 have been lost to the moderns, until recognised in the American animal. The American bison, has, in fact, much resemblance to the auruchs of the Germans, (Bos urus, BoppzRt,), identified by Cuvier, with the dunasus of Aristotle, the dison of Pausanias and Pliny, and the urus of Cesar; and which, down to the reign of Charlemagne, was not rare in Germany, but 1s now nearly confined to the hilly country lying between the Caspian and Black seas. The bison wanders constantly from place to place, either from being fisturbed by hunters or in quest of food. They are much attracted by the soft tender grass, which springs up after a fire has spread over the prairie. In winter they scrape.away the snow with their feet to reach the grass. The bulls and cows live in separate herds, for the greater part of the year, but at all seasons, one or two old bulls generally accompany a large herd of cows. In the rutting season, the males fight against each other with great fury, and, at that period it is very dangerous to approach them. The bison is, however, in general, a shy animal, and takes to flight instantly on winding an enemy, which the acuteness of its sense of smell enables it to do, from a great distance. They are less wary when they are assembled together in numbers, and will then often blindly follow their leaders, regard- less, of, or trampling down, the hunters posted in their way. It is dange- rous for the hunter to show himself after having wounded one; for it will pursue him, and although its gait may appear heavy and awkward, it will have no great difficulty in overtaking the fleetest runner. ‘Mr Finnan M’Donald, of the Hadson’s Bay Company’s clerks, was de- ascending the Saskatchewan in a boat, and oneevewing having pitched hia 384 MAMMALIA—BISON tent for the night, he went out in the dusk to look for game. It had become nearly dark, when he fired at a bison bull, which was gatluping over a small eminence, and as he was hastening forward to see if his shot had taken effect, the wounded beast made a rush at him. He had the presence of mind to seize the animal by the long hair on its forehead, as it struck him on the side with its horn, and being a remarkably tall and powerful man, a strug- gle ensued, which continued until his wrist was severely sprained, and his arm was rendered powerless; he then fell, and after receiving two or three blows became senseless. Shortly afterwards, he was found by his compa- n.ons lying bathed in blood, being gored in several places; and the bison was couched beside him, apparently waiting to renew the attack had he showa any signs of life. Mr M’Donald recovered from the immediate effects of the injuries he received, but died a few months afterwards. When it contends with a dog, it strikes violently with its fore fect, and in that way, proves more than a match for any Engush bull-dog. +. The favorite Indian method of killing the bison is, by riding up to the fattest of the herd on horseback, and shooting it. When a large party of hunters are engaged in this way, on an extensive plain, the spectacle 1s ery imposing, and the young men have many opportunities of displaying seir skill and agility. The horses appear to enjoy the sport as much as eir riders, and are very active in eluding the shock cf the animal, should turn on its pursuer. The most generally practised plan, however, of hooting the bison, is by crawling towards them from to leeward; and in favorable places, great numbers are taken in pounds. When the bisor runs, it leans very muca first to one side for a short space of time and then to the other, and so on alternately. The flesh of a bison, in good condition, is very juicy and well flavored; much resembling that of well fed beef. The tongue is considered a deli- cacy, and may be cured so as to surpass in flavor the tongue of an English Vy MAMMALIA-—BISON. : 3e5 vow. The hump of flesh covering the long spinous processes of the dursat vertebra, is much esteerned. It is named des by the Canadian voyages, and wig by the Orkney men, in the service of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The wig has a fine grain, and when salted and cut transversely, it is almost as rich and tender as the tongue. The fine wool which clothes the bison, renders its skin, when properly dressed, an excellent blanket. The wool has been manufactured in England into a remarkably fine and beavt» ful cloth; and in the colony of Osnaboyna, on the Red river, a warm and durable coarse cloth is made of it. Much of the pemmican used by, the voyagers attached to the fur companies, is made of bison meat, procured at their posts.on the Red river and Saskatchewan. One bison cow in good cundition, furnishes dried meat and fat enough to make a bag of pemmicar weighing winety pounds. The herds of bisons wander over the country in search of food, usually led by a bull, most remarkable for strength and fierceness. While feeding, they are often scattered over a great extent of country, but when they move in mass, they form a dense and almost impenetrable column, which, once in notion, is scarcely to be impeded. Their line of march is seldom interrupt- ed, even by considerable rivers; across which they swim without fear ox nesitation, nearly in the order that they traverse the plains. When flying before their pursuers, it would be in vain for the foremost to halt, or attempt to obstruct the progress of the main body; as the throng in the rear still rushing onward, the leaders must advance, although destruction awaits the movement. The Indians take advantage of this circumstance, to destrov great quactities of this favorite game; and, certainly, no mode could be resorted to, more effectively destructive, nor could a more terrible devasta- tion be produced, than that of forcing a numerous |erd of these large 49 386 MAMMALIA—BISON. animals, to leap together from the brink of a dreadful precipice, upon a rocky and broken surface, a hundred feet below. , When the Indians determine to destroy bisons in this way, one of their- swiftest footed and most active young men is selected, who is disguised in a bison skin, having the head, ears, and horns adjusted on his own head, so as to make the deception very complete; and thus accoutred, he stations himself between the bison herd and some of the precipices, that often extend for several miles along the rivers. The Indians surround the herd as nearly as possible, when, at a given signal, they show themselves and rush forward with loud yells. The animals being alarmed, and seeing no way open but in the direction of the disguised Indian, run towards him, and he, taking to flight, dashes on to the precipice, where he suddenly secures himself in some previously ascertained crevice. The foremost of the herd arrives at the brink — there is no possibility of retreat, no chance of escape; _the foremost may for an instant shrink with terror, but the crowd behind, who are terrified by the approaching hunters, rush forward with increasing impetuosity, and the agzregated force hurls them successively into the gulf, where certain death awaits them. The Indians make a bison pound, by fencing a circular space of about a hundred yards in diameter. The entrance is banked up with snow sufficiently high to prevent the animals from retreating after they have ‘once entered. For about a mile on each side of the road leading to the pound, stakes are driven into the ground at nearly equal distances, of about twenty vards, which are intended to look like men, and to deter the animals from endeavoring to break through the fence. Within fifty or sixty yards of the pound, branches of trees are placed between the stakes, to screen the Indians, who lie down behind them, to wait for the approach of the bison. The mounted hunters display the greatest dexterity in this sort of chase, as they are obliged to manwuvre around the herd in the plains so as to urge them into the road-way, which is about a quarter of a mile broad, When MAMMALIA—YAK...GAUR...GAYAL. 387 tnis is effected, the Indians raise loud shouts, and pressing closely on the animals, terrify them so much, that they rush heedlessly forwards towards the snare. When they have advanced as far as the men who are lying n ambush, they also show themselves, increasing the consternation of the bisons by shouting violently and firing their guns. The affrighted animals nave vo aliernative but to rush directly into the pound, where they are quick}y dispatched by guns or arrows. In the centre of one of these pounds, there was a tree on which the Indians had hung stripes of bison flesh, and pieces of cloth, as tributary or grateful offerings to the Great Master of life. They occasionally place a man in the tree to sing to the presiding spirit, as the bisons advance. He is obliged to remain there untu all the animals that have entered the pound are killed. The bison is about eight feet in length. The head, shoulders, and upper part of the anterior extremities, are covered with a long, brownish, woolly hair. ‘The tail is tufted with black. The horns are black, and turned laterally and upwards. ¢ THE YAK. Taxis animal has some resemblance to a buffalo in the shape of his head. His size is various; and the tail of one in the British Museum, is six feet long. The color is generally black, but many have white tails. They are fond of mountainous countries, and keep on the southern declivities in winter, and ‘the northern in summer. The species is hoth wild and domes- ticated. The wild yaks abound in the mountains of Boot and Thibet. THE GAUR? 1s a species of bison, which appears to be one of the largest now living. Tt is six feet high at the shoulders, and twelve feet long. ‘Its head resembles that of the common ox. Its most remarkable characteristic is a spinous elevated process, on the neck and shoulders. They live in families of ten or twenty. They are found in India. THE GAYAL3 Is nearly the shape and size of a common bull. It has a sharp ridge over the ‘shoulders. The general color is brown, and the tail is tufted. It inhabits the forests east of the Burrampooter. ~ 1 Bos g -unniens, Lin. 2 Bos gauras, SMITH. 3 Bos gaveus, SMITH, 388 MAMMALIA—OX. ‘ THE DOMESTIC ‘OX. Turorcnour the different regions. of the world, the breed of oxen differs in all external appearances, according to the nature of the climate, or other circumstances. But the most remarkable difference is that which divides them into two classes; viz. the aurecks, or ox without a hunch on its back, and the dison, or hunched ox. All the tame oxen without hunches, have _ proceeded from the aurochs, and all with hunches are issues of the bison. In order to give a just idea of the varieties, we shall make a short enumera- tion of these animals, such as they are actually found to be, in different parts of the earth. To begin with the north of Europe, the few oxen and cows which subsist in Iceland, are without horns, although they are of the same kind as our oxen. The size of these animals is rather relative to the plenty and quality of pasture, than to the nature of the climate. The Dutch have often brought lean cows from Denmark, which fatten prodigiously in their meadows, and which give plenty of milk.. These Danish cows are longer than ours. The oxen ana cows of Ukraine, where there is excellent pasture, are said to be the largest in Europe; they are also of the saine kind as our oxen. The breed of the bison, or hunched ox, fills al] the southern provinces, at this present time. In the whole continent of India; the islands of the South Seas; in all Africa, from Mount Atlas to the Cape of Good Hope, we find, nothing but hunched oxen. And it even appears, that this breed, which has prevailed in all the hot countries, has many advantages over the others. These hunched oxen, like the bison, of which they'are the issue, have the hair much softer and more glossy than our oxen; who, like the aurochs, are furnished with but little hair, which is of a harsh nature. These hunched oxen are also swifter, and more proper to supply the place of a horse; at the same time that they havea less brutal nature, and are not so clumsy and stupid as our oxen, they are more tractable, and sensible which way you would lead them. The regard the Indians have for these animals is so great, as to have almost degenerated into superstition., The ox, as the most useful animal, has appeared to them the most worthy of being revered ; for this purpose, they have made an idol of the object of their veneration, a kind of beneficent and powerful divinity ; for we are desirous of rendering all we respect, great, and capable of doing much good, or much harm. These hunched oxen, perhaps, vary again more than ours, in the colors of the hair, and the figure of the horns. The handsomest are all white, like the oxen of Lombardy. There are also some that are without horns; there are others, who have them very much elevated, and others so bent ' Bos taurus, Lin. : MAMMALIA—OX. 389 down, that they are almost pendent. It even appears, that we must divide this first kind of bisons, or hunched oxen, into two secondary kinds; the one very large, and the other very small. Both have soft hair, and a hunch on the oack. This hunch does not depend on the conformation of the spine, nor on the bones of the shoulder; it is nothing but an excrescence, a kind of wen, a piece of tender flesh, as good to eat as the tongue of an ox. ‘The wens of some oxen weigh about forty or fifty pounds; others have them much smaller. Some of these oxen have also prodigious horns for their size. There is one in the French king's eabinet, which is three feet and a half in length, and seven inches in diameter at the base. Many travellers affirm, they have seen them of a capacity sufficient to contain fifteen and even twenty pints of water. On the contrary, all the northern countries of Africa and Asia, and Europe entirely, comprehending even the adjacent islands, to the Azores, are only inhabited by oxen without a hunch, who derive their origin from the aurochs. Every part of South America is inhabited by oxen without hunches, which the Spaniards, and other Europeans, have successively transported. These oxen are multiplied, and are only become smaller in these countries. Thus the wild and the tame ox, the European, the Asian, the American, and the African ox, the bonasus, the aurochs, the bison, and the zebu, are al] animals of one and the same species; who, according to the climates, food, and different usage they have met with, have undergone all the varia- tions we have before explained. The ox, as the most useful animal, is also the most universally dispersed. He appears ancient in every‘climate, tame among civilized nations, and wild in desert or unpolished countries. He supports himself by his own strength when ina state of nature, and has never lost the qualities which sre useful to the service of man. The young wild calves, which are taken from their mothers in India and Africa, have, ina short time, become as tractable as those which are the issue cf the tame kind, and this natural conformity is another strikiug proof of the Sdentity of the species. The characters by which the strongly marked group of animals thus associated together, are distinguished from the neigihering tribes, are, like . most of those which serve to subdivide the great family of the ruminants, of a very subordinate description. Their horns are common to both sexes, simple in their form, curved outwards at the base and upwards towards the point; and supported internally, by long processes arising from the skull, having cavities within them corsmunicating with the frontal sinuses, which are largely developed. Their muzzle is of large size;. the skin along the middle of the neck and chest forms a pendulous dewlap of greater or ‘ess extent; and the general robustness of their make is strikingly con- trasted with the lightness and elegance of form of some of the nearly related groups. , 890 MAMMALIA—OX. * There can be little doubt that the zebu, or Indian ox, is merely a rariety of the cummon ox, although it is difficult to ascertain the causes by which the distinctive characters of the two races have been in the process of time gradually produced. But whatever the causes may have been, their effects rapidly disappear by the intermixture ‘of the breeds, and are entirely lost at the end of a few generations. This intermixture and its :esulis wou'd 4 DN ee B Mapepys « a o\ Neg CR. Petr fA be MN RARA alone furnish a sufficient proof of identity of origin; which consequently scarcely requires the confirmation to be derived from the perfect agreement of their ternal structure, and of all the more essential particulars of their external conformation. These, however, are not wanting; not only is their anatomical structure the same, but the form of their heads, which e‘ords the only zertain means of ‘distinguish'ag the actual species of this genus from each other, presents no difference whatever. In both the fore- head is flat, or more properly slightly depressed ; nearly square in its outlines, its height being equal to its breadth; and bounded above by a prominent line, forming an angular protuberance, passing directly across the skul] between the basis of the horns. The only circumstances, in fact, in which the two animals differ, consist in a fatty hump of the snoulders of the zebu, and in the somewhat mure slender and delicate make of its legs. Nurnerous breeds of this humped variety, varying in size from that of a large mastiff dog, to that of a full grown buffalo, are spread, more or less extensively, over the whove of southern Asia, the ‘islands of the Indian Archipelago, and the eastern coast of Africa, from Abyssinia to the Cane nf Good Hope. In all these countries, the zebu supplies the place of the MAMMALIA—OX, 39) ox, ooth as a beast of burthen and as an articie of food and domestic econo- “my. In some parts of India, it executes the duties of the horse also; being either saddled and ridden, or harnessed in a carriage, and performing in this manner journeys of considerable length with tolerable celerity. Some z Dy A Vip: or the older writers speak of fifty or sixty miles a day, as its usual rate of travelling; but the more moderate computation of recent authors doeg not exceed from twenty to thirty. Its beef is considered by no means despicable, although far from equalling that of the European ox. The hump, which is chiefly composed of fut, is reckoned the most delicate part. As might naturally be expected from its perfect domestication and wide dif- fusion, the zebu is subject to as great a variety of colors as those which affect the European racé: Its most common bue isa light ashy gray, passing into a cream color or milk white; but it is not unfrequently marked with various shades of red or brown, and occasionally it becomes perfectly black. Its hump is sometimes elevated in a remarkable degree, and usually retains its upright position ; but sometimes it becomes half pendulous, and hanys partly over towards one side. Instances are cited, in which it bad atlained the enormous weight of fifty pounds. A distinct breed is spoken of ag common in Surat, which is furnished with a second hump. Among the other breeds, there are some which are entirely destitute of horns; and others, which have only the semblance of them, the external covering being unsupported by bony processes, and being consequently flexible and pendulous. The whole of the breeds are treated with great veneration by the Hindoos, who hold it sinful to deprive them of Life under any pretext whatever. But they do not, in general, scruple to make the animals Jabor for their benefit . 392 MAMMALIA—MANAT!, although they consider it the height of impiety to eat of their flesh, A select number are, however, exempted from all services, and have the priv’ lege of straying about the towns and villages, and of taking their foou wheresoever they please, if not sufficiently supplied by the pinus contribu ions of the devotces who impose‘on themselves this charitable offire. ORDER X.—CETACEA. Turse animals have a pisciform body, terminated hy a caudal appendage, cartilaginous and horizontal; two anterior extremities formed like fins, having the bones which form them, flattened and very. short; head joined to the body by a very short, thick neck ; two pectoral or abdominal mam- me ; ears with very small external openings ; brain large; pelvis and bones of the pesterior extremities represented by two rudimentary venes lost in the flesh. THE MANATI1.! Tats animal may be indiscrfminately called the last of beasts, or first o1 fishes. It cannot be called a quadruped; nor ‘can it entirely be termed a fish. It partakes of the nature of the fish by its two feet or hands; but the hind legs, which are almost wholly concealed, in the bodies of the seal and morse, are entirely wanting in the manati. Instead of two short feet and a small narrow tail, which is placed ina horizontal direction in the morse, the manati has only a thick tail, spread out broad like a fan. Oviedo seems to be the first author who has given any sort of history or description of the manati; he says, “it is a very clumsy and misshapen animal, the head ‘f° which is thicker than that of an ox; the eyes small, afd the twa feet or hands are placed near the head, for the purpose of swimming. It has no scales, but is covered with a skin, or rather a thick hide, with a few hairs or bristles. It isa peaceable animal, and feeds upon the herbage by the river sides, without entirely leaving the water, swimming on the surface of it to seek its food. The hunters practise the following method to take the manati; they row themselves in a boat or raft as near the animal as possible, and dart a very strong lance into it, to the end ef which a very long cord is fastened. The manati feeling itself wounded, instantly swims ty } Manatus Americanus, Desm. The gerus Vanatus has two upper incisors : no canines; eighteea upper and eighteen lower molars. The incisors exists only in the foetus. and the adults have ont> thirty-two teeth. feur of the inolars falling out in early age; molars with two transverse cushions on their vrown; head not distinet from the body ¢ eyes: ver small; tongue oval; vesuges of uaits on the margin of the pectoral fins; AG et sertebra ; sixteen prir of thick ribs; mustaches composed ar a bundle of very strong hairs, direrted downw-rds, and forming on each side a kind of corneous tsk, MAMMALIA—MANATIL 393 away, or plunges to the bottum ; but the cord which holds the lance, has a. cork or piece of wood fastened to the end of it, to serve as a buoy. When the animal begins to grow faint and weak through the loss of blood, he swims to shore; the cord is then wound up, and the animal drawn within arm’s length of the boat, where they dispatch it in the water by strokes of the oar or lance. It is so very heavy, as to be a sufficient load for two oxen to draw; its flesh is excellent eating, and is eaten rather as beef tnan as fish. Some of these animals measure more than fifteen feet in length, by six feet in breadth. The body becomes narrower towards the tail, and then spreads gradually broader towards the end. As the Spaniards give the appellation of hands to the feet of quadrupeds; and as this animal has only fore feet, they have given it the name of manatz, that is, an animal with hands. The female has breasts placed forward, like those of a woman; und she generally brings forth two young ones at a time, which she suckles.” “The flesh and fat of this animal,” says M. de Condamine, “have a great — reseinblance to veal. It is not, properly speaking, amphibious, since 1t never entirely leaves the water; having only two flat fins, close to the head, about sixteen inches long, and which serves the animal instead of arms and hands. It only raises its head out of the water to feed on the herbage by. the sea-side. The eyes of this animal have no proportion to the size of its body ; the orifice of its ears is still less, and ‘only seems like a hole made byapin. The manati is not peculiar to the Amazonian river; fur it is not less common in the Oronoko. It is found, also, though less frequently, in the Oyapoc, and many other rivers in the environs of Cayenne, and the coast of Guiana, and probably in other parts.” The female of this animal, from the position of the breasts, prohably gave rise among mariners, to the fable of the mermaid. Columbus, when he first saw these animals in the West Indies, called them sirens, THE ROUND-TAILED MANATI1.1 Tuts animal frequents most of the great African rivers, fram Senegal to the Cape of Good Hope, and also many cf the rivers on the eastern shore of South America. Tt is often seen in the Amazons, nearly a thousand leagues from its mouth. It prefers shallow waters near low land, and is a froliesome creature, frequently leaping into the air to great heights. : The natives of America are said frequently to tame it, and we are told that it delights in music. The female, when struck by the harpoon, seems inseusi- ble to her own sufferings, and only anxious to protect her young one, by taking it under her fins or feet. The round-tailed manati is about six feet 1 Manatus Senegralensis, Desm. 50 394 MAMMALIA~DOLPHIN. in length, and three or four in circumference. Its flesh is a white, well tasted, and salubrious food. When the thicker parts of the skin are cul into slices and dried, they become exceedingly tough, and form guod whips, Of the thinner parts, which have more pliability, the Indians make thongs to fasten tugether the sides of their canoes. THE DOLPHIN! Tis isa distinct animal from the small fish which sailors call by the same name; and though so often painted as being of the shape of the letter S, the dolphin is almost straighi, the back being very slightly incurvated, and the body slender. The nose is long, narrow, and pointed, with a broad transverse band, or projection of the skin on its upper part. From the shape of the nose, the animal has been called the sea-goose. The mouth is very wide, and has twenty-one teeth in the upper, and nineteen in the lower jaw, somewhat above an inch long, conic at the upper end, sharp pointed, and bending a lite in. They are placed ata small distance from each other; so that when the mouth is shut, the teeth of both jaws lock into each other. ‘fhe spout hole is placed in the middle of the head; the tail’is semi lunar; the skin is smooth; the color of the back and sides dusky; the belly whitish. It swims w’th great swiftness, and its prey is fish, but particularly cod, herrings, and flat fish. The dolphin is longer and more: slender than the porpoise, measuring nine or ten feet in length, and two in diameter. All this species have fins on the back; and resemble each other in their appetites, their manners, and conforrnation, being equally voracious, acuve, and roving. No fish could escape them, but from the awkward position of their mouth, which is placed in a manner under the head. Their own agility is so great, as to prevent them from being often taken; and they seldom remain a moment above water. Their too eager pursuit after prey occasionally, however, exposes them to danger; as they will sometimes follow the object of their pursuit even into the nets of the fishermen, 1 Delphinus delphis, Lin. The genus Delphinus has teeth vanable in neanber, ofa canine form. sometimes compressed asd dentated on their cutting margips. from twe nuns dred te none aval: jaws more or less advanced tn form of a heal sprfacles woth a rege cent shaped aperture; an adipose, dorsal fin, er a lougitudinal fuld of the skin ; tail flate tened horizontally, and bifurcated MAMMALIA—PORPOISE, 395 A shoal of dolphins will frequently attend the course of a ship, for the scraps that are thrown overboard, or the barnacles adhering to tneir sides. A shoal of them followed the ships of Sir Richard Hawkins, upwards of a thousand leagues. Their gambols and evolutions on the surface of the water are often very amusing. A dolphin has been known to spring forward more than twenty feet at a single bound. They inhabit the Auartice and Pacific oceans. , - The flesh, though tolerably well tasted, is dry and insipid; the best parts are near the head. It is seldom eaten but when young ang tender. Dols phins are said to change their color befure they die, and again alter they are dead. THE PORPOISE. In its general form, the porpoise, or porpus, very much resembles the dolphin. It is, however, somewhat less in size, and has a snout much broader and shorter. It is’ generally from six to seven feet in length; its oody is thick towards the head, but grows slender towards the tail, forming the figure of acone. In each jaw are forty-four to fifty teeth, small, sharp pointed, and moveable; and so placed that the teeth of one jaw lock into those of the other. The eyes are small, as is the spout-hole at the top of the head. In colors the back is black, and the belly whitish, but they sometimes vary. Porpoises are very numerous in the river St Lawrence, whee there ts a white kind. They are seldom seen, except in, troops of six or seven to thirty and upwards; and, like the dolphin, they are very agile and sportive. In the most tempestuous weather, they can surmount the waves, and pursue their course, without injury. Seamen have a superstitious detesta- tion af them, because they believe their appearance to be ominous cf ap- proaching storms. These animals live chiefly on the smaller fish. At the season when mackerel, herrings, pilehards, and salmon appear, the purpuise swarms, 4 Delphinus phocena, Lin. 396 MAMMALIA—GRAMPUS...SEA-UNICORN. an suet. is its violence in pursuit of its prey, that it will follow » shoa, of small fish upa fresh water river, fram whence it finds a difliva ty to return. These creatures have been often taken in the river Thames, both above and below London bridge; and it is curious to observe with what dexterity they avoid their pursuers, and how momentarily they recover their breath above the water. It is usual to spread four or five boats over the part of the river where they are seen, and to fire at them the instant they rise. One porpoise yields about a hogshead of oil, and therefore renders its capture an object of consideration. - Iv is said that, whenever a porpoise happens to be wounded, all the rest of its companicns will immediately fall upon and devour it. THE GRAMPUS! Is about twenty-four feet in length. It is a clumsy, unsightly fish, dare on the upper part, but very white below. The lower jaw is considerably wider than the upper. The back fin sometimes measures six feet. The grampus is an exevedingly voracious animal, which does not always spare even its own kind. Packs of them are said to attack the Greenland whale, like bull dogs, and tear off his flesh in masses. It, however, displays ‘the utmost solicitude and affection for its young. Little oil is afforded by the grampus. Jt floats deep in the water, and would seldom be caught, did not its eagere ness for prey prompt it to rush into shailow waters, where it is killed, but not ull it has made a desperate and formidable resistance. THE NARWHAL, OR SEA-UNICORN, Srtnom exceeds twenty-two feet in length. Its body is slenderer than that of the whale, and its fat not so abuudant. But this great animal is sufficiently distinguished from all others of the deep, by its tooth or teeth, which stand pointing directly forward from the upper jaw, and are from nine to ten feet long. In all the variety of weapons with which nature has armed her various tribes, there is not one so large or so formidable as this. This terrible weapon is generally fuund single; and some are of opinion that the annual is furnished with but one by nature: but there is at present the skull of a narwhal, at the Stadthouse at Amsterdam, with two teeth, The tooth, or as sume are pleased to call it, the horn of the narwhal, is as 1 Delphinis grampus, Desm. 2 Monodan monoeeros. This is the only ane of the genus. The characteristics are one of two large tusks im the upper jaw; general far analogous to the dulphin’s; orifice of She spiracles umted on the top of the head; a lougitudimal dorsal crest. MAMMALIA—WHALE. 397 straight as an arruw, about the thickness of the small of a man’s lec, wreathed tH vt. + manner we sometimes see twisted bars of iron, It tapers to a sharp poii and is whiter, heavier, and harder than ivory. It is generally seen toring from the left side of the head, directly forward, in a straight line with the body; and its root enters into the socket above a foot and a half. Notwitli tanding its appointments for combat, this long and pointed tusk, amazing strength, and matchless celerity, the narwhal is one of the most harmless und peaceful inhabitants of the ocean. It is seen constantly and inoffensiv :ly sporting among the other great monsters of the deep, no way attempting, to injure them, but pleased in their company. The Greenland- ers call th? narwha] the forerunner-of the whale; for wherever it is seen, the whale is shortly after sure to follow. This may arise as well from the natural passion for society in these animals, as from both living upon the same food. The narwhal is much swifter than the whale, and would never be taken ly the fishermen, but for those very tusks, which at first appear to be its principal defence. These animals are always seen in herds of several ata time; and whenever they are attacked, they crowd together in such a manner, that they are mutually embarrassed by their tusks. By these, they are often locked together, and are prevented from sitiking to the bottom. Is seldom happens therefore, but the fishermen make sure of one or two of th: hindmost, which very well reward their trouble. é ‘ THE GREAT HEADED CACHALOT, OR SPERMACETI WIIALE.! ims tribe to not of such enormous size as the whale, properly so called, net being above sixty feet long and sixteen feet high. In consequence of their being more slender, they are much more active than the common whale; ! Physeter macrocephalus, Desm. The genus Physeter has eighteen to twenty tnree inferior teeth on each side of the jaw; upper jaw broad, elevated, without teeth, or with these short and concealed in the gum; lower jaw elongated, narrow, corresponding toa furrow of the upper, and armed with thick and conical teeth, entering into corresponding ‘eavities of the upper jaw; spiracular orifices amited at the upper part of the snout; a dorsa fin in some species, a simple emumence on others; cartUaginous cev lies in the superior region of the bead, filled with oily mutter. 398 MAMMALIA—WHALE. they remain a longer time at the bottom, and afford a smaller quantity of oil. Asin the common whale, the head makes a third part of its bulk, so in this species the head is so large as to make one half of the whole Their throats are much wider than those of the common whale, as may be judged from the fact, that the remains of sharks more than twelve feet long have been found in their stomachs. The cachalot is as destructive among the lesser fishes as the whale is harmless; and can at une gulp swallow a shoal of fishes down its enormous gullet. Linnans tells us that this fish pursues and terrifies the dolphins and porpoises so much, as often to drive ‘them on shore. o But, how formidable soever this fish may be to its fellows of the deep, it 1s by far the most valuable, and the most sought afver by man; as it con- tains two very valuable drugs, spermaceti and ambergris. The whole oil of this fish is very easily convertible into spermaceti. This is performed by boiling it with a ley of potash, and- hardening it in the manner of soap. Candles are now made of it, which are substituted for wax, and sold much cheaper. As to the ambergris, which is sometimes found in this whale, it was long considered’as a substance found floating on the surface of the sea; but time, that reveals the secrets of the mercenary, has discovered that it chiefly belongs to this animal. The name, which has been improperly given to the former substance, seems more justly to belong to this; for the ambergris is found in the place where the seminal vessels are usually situated in other animals. It is found in a bag of three or four feet long, in round lumps, from one to twenty pounds weight, floating in a fluid rather thinner than oil, and of a yellowish color. There are never seen more than four at a time in one of these bags; and. that which weighed twenty pounds, and which was the largest ever seen, was found single. These balls of ambergris are not found in all fishes of this kind, but chiefly in the oldest and strongest. The blunt headed cachalot is fifty-fuur feet in length. Its greatest cir+ cumference is just beyond the eyes, and is thirty feet. The upper jaw is five feet longer than the lower, which is ten feet. The head is abové one third the size of the fish. The end of the upper jaw is blunt, and near nine feet high; the spout-hole placed near the end of it. The teeth are placed in the lower jaw, twenty-three on each side, all pointing outwards ; and, in the upper jaw, opposite, are a number of holes to receive them when tne mouth is closed. They are about eighteen inches long. The spermaceti cachalot is found in greatest abundance in the Pacific ocean, where large numbers of them are annually killed by the American and other whalers, for the sake of their oi] and spermaceti. The spermaceti cachalot is gregarious, and herds are frequently seen con- taining two hundred or more individuals. The mode of attacking these animals, is as follows: Whenever a number of them are seen, four boats, each provided with two or three lines and MAMMALIA—WHALE. 399 narprons, four lances, ard a crew of six men, proceed n pureuit, and, if possible, each boat strikes or “fastens to,” a distinct animal and each crew kills their own. When engaged in distant pursuit, the harpocuer generally steers the boat, and in such cases the proper boat steezer occasionally strikes, but.the harpooner mostly kills it. If one cachalot of a herd is struck, it commonly takes the lead and is followed by the rest. The one which is struck, sela>m descends far under water, but generally swims off with great rapidity, stopping after a short course, so that the boat can be drawn up to it by the line, or be rowed sufficiently near to Jance it. In the agonies of death, the struggles of the animal are truly tremendous, and the gurface of the ocean is lashed into foam bv the motions of the fins and tail. Tall jets of bleod are discharged from the blow-holes, which show that the wounds have taken mortal effect, and seeing this, the boats are kept aloof, lest they should be dashed to pieces by the violent efforts of the victim. When a herd is attacked in this way, ten or twelve of the number are killed. Those which are only wounded are rarely captured. After the cachalot is killed; the boats tuw it to the side of the ship, and if the weathei# ve fine, and other objects of chase in view, they are again sent to the attack. About three tons of oil are commonly obtained from a large cachalot; from one to two tons are procured from a small one. A cargo, produced from one hundred cachalots, may be from one hundred and fifty to two hua- red tons of oil, besides the spermaceti, &c. THE SMALL EYED, OR BLACK HEADED SPERMACETI WHALE,)! Is one of the most formidable monsters of the deep. It has an enormous dark colored head, armed with twenty-one projecting teeth on each side of the jaw. In a full grown specimen, these teeth are nine inches in length. This whale is often more than fifty feet in length, and is uncommonly active. Sharks, dolphins, and porpoises fall an easy prey to it. THE COMMON WHALE? Is the largest of all animals, being sometimes one hundred feet in lengtn. It is commonly met with from sixty to severity feet. The head makes a } Physeter microps, Lacrp. 2 Balena mysticetus, Lin. The venue Balena has no teeth; upper jaw keel-formed, furnished on cach side with whalebone, or transverse horny lamin, slender, serrated, and attenuated at the edges; orifices of the spiracles separated, and placed towards the middle of the upper part of the head; a dorsal fin in some species ; nodos dies on the back in others, 400 MAMMALIA—WHALE. third of its bulk. The fins on each side are from five to eight feet, composed of bones and muscles, and sufficiently strong to give speed and activity to the great mass of body which they move. The tail is about twenty-four feet broad; and, when the fish lies on one side, its blow is tremendous. It is a curious piece of mechanism, consisting of two lobes wholly made up of strong, tendinous fibres, connected with the major part of the muscular structure of the body. Of those fibres there are three distinct layers, of which the two external are in the direction of the obes, and the internal in an opposite direction. This structure renders the tail of the whale one of the most flexible of animal organs. It can move all ways with equal ease; every part has its own individual motion. The skin is smooth and black, and in some places marbled with white and yellow; which, running over the surface, has a very beautiful effect. The outward, or scarf skin of the whale, is no thicker than parchment; but this removed, the real skin appears, of about an inch thick, and covering he fat or blubber that lies beneath. This‘is from eight to twelve inches in hickness ; and is, when the fish is in health, of a beautiful yellow. The muscles lie beneath; and these, like the flesh of quadrupeds, are very red and tough. ‘ The cleft of the mouth is above twenty feet long, which is near one third of the animal’s whole length; and the upper jaw is furnished with barbs, that lie, like the pipes of an organ, the greatest in the middle, and the smallest on the sides. These compose the whalebone, absurdly called fins, the longest spars of which are found to be not less than eighteen feet. The tongue is almost immoyeably fixed to the lower jaw, seeming one great luinp of fat; and, io fact, it fills several hogsheads with blubber. The eyes are not larger than those ef an ox; and when the crystalline humor is dried, it does not appear larger than a pea. They are placed towards the back of the head, being the most convenient situation for enabling them to see both befure and behind; as also to see over them, where their food is prine cipally found. They are guarded by eyelids and eyelashes, as in quadru- peds ; and they seem to be very sharp-sighted. ‘Nor is their sense of hearing in less perfection; for they are warned, at great distances, of any danger preparing against them. We have already observed, that the substance, called whalebone, is taken from the upper jaw of the animal, and is very different from the real bones of the whale. The real bones are hard, like those of great land animals, are very porous, and filled with marrow. Two great, strong bones sustain the under lip, lying against each other in the shape of a half-moon; some of these are twenty feet long. They are often seen in gardens, set up against each other, and are usually mistaken for the ribs. The fidelity of these animals to each other, exceeds whatever we are told of even the constancy of birds. Some fishers, as Anderson informs us, aaving struck one of two whales, a male and a female, that were in com- MAMMAL.A--WHALE, 4U1 pany together, the wounded fish made a long and terrible resistance; 1 struck down a boat with three men in it, with a single blow of the tail, by which all went to the bottom. The other still attended its companion, snd lent it every assistance; till, at last, the fish that was struck sunk under the number of its wounds: while its faithful associate, disdaining to survive the loss, with great bellowing, stretched itself upon the dead fish, and shared his fate. The whale goes with young nine or ten months, and is then fatter than usual, particularly when near the time of bringing forth. The-young ones continue at the breast fra year; during which time they are called by the sailors, short heads. They are then extremely fat, and yield above fifty barrels of blubber. Tue mother, at the sane time, is equally lean and emaciated. At tue age of two years, they eze called stunts, as they do uot thrive much ivamediately after quitting the breast; they then yield scarce above twenty or twenty-four barrels of blubber. From that time forward they are called skull fish, and their age is wholly unknown. The food of the whale, isa small insect, which is seen floating in those seas, and which Linneus terms the medusa. These insects are black, and of the size of a small bean, and are sometimes seen floating in clusters on-the surface of the water. They are of a round form like snails in a box, but they have wings, which are so tender that it is scarce possible to touch them without breaking. These, however, serve rather for swimming than flying. They have the taste of raw muscles, and have ‘ve smell of burnt sugar. Inoffen- sive as the whale is, it is not withoxzc enemies. There is a small animal. of the sheil-fish kind, called the whale louse, that sticks to its body, as we sce shells sticking to the foul bottom of a ship. This insinuates itself chiefly under the fms; and whatever efforts the great animal makes, it still Keeps its hold, and lives upon the fat, which it is provided with instru- ments to arrive at. The sword-fish, however, is the whale’s most terrible enemy. “At the sight of this little anima!,” says Anderson, “the whale seems agitated in an extraordinary manner, leaping from the water as if with affright; wher- cver it appears, the whale perceives it at a distance, and flies from it in the opposite direction. I have been myself, a spectator of their terrible encoun- ter, The whale has no instrument of defence except the tail; with that it endeavors to strike the enemy; anda single blow taking place, would effectually destroy its adversary. But the sword-fish is as active as the other is strong, and easily avoids the stroke; then bounding into the air, it falls upon its enemy, and endeavors not to pierce with its pointed beak, but to cut with its toothed edges. The sea all about is soon dyed with blood, proceeding from the wounds of the whale; while the enormous animal vainly endeavors to reach its invade™ and strikes with its tail against the surface of the water, making us" at each blow Inuder than the noise of a cannon.” 51 . 402 MAMMA.s.A1-WHALE. There is sull anotner and more powerful enemy, called by tne fisherinea of New England, the Aller. This is itself supposed to be a cetaceous animal, armed with strong and powerful teeth. A number of these are said to surround the whale, in the same manner as dogs get round a bull. Some attack it with their teeth, behind; others attempt it before; until, at rast, the great animal is torn down; and its tongue is said to be the only part they devour when they have made it their prey. They are said to be of such great strength, that one of them alone was known to stop a dead whale, that several boats were towing along, and drag it from among them to the bottom. But of all the enemies of these enormous fishes; man is the greatest; he alone, destroys more in a year, than the rest in an age, and actually has thinned their number in that part of the world where they are chiefly sought. At the first discovery of Greenland, whales not being used to be disturbed, frequently came into the very bays, and were accordingly killed almost close to the shore ; so that the blubber being cut off was immediately boiled into oil on the spot. The ships in those times, took in nothing but the pure oil and the whalebone, and all the business was executed in the country; by which means, a ship could bring home the product of many more whales, than she can, according to the present method of conducting this trade. The fishery also was then so plentiful, that they were oblige: sometimes to send other ships to fetch off the oil they had made, the quan- tity being more than the fishing ships could bring away. But time and change of circumstances, have shifted the situation ot this trade. The snips coming in such numbers from Holland, Denmark, Hamburg, and other northern countries, all intruders upon the English, who were the first dis- coverers of Greenland, the whales were disturbed, and gradually, as other fish often do, forsaking the place, were not to be killed so near the shore as before; but are now found, and have been so ever since, in the openings and space among the ice, where they have deep water, and where they ge sometimes a great many leagues from the shore. The whale fishery begins in May, and continues all June and July; but whether the ships have good or bad success, they must come away, and get clear of the ice, by the end of August; so that in the month of September at farthest, they may be expected home. But a ship that meets witha fortunate and early fishery in May, may return in June or July. The manner of taking the Greenland whales is as follows: — Every ship is provided with six boats, to each of which belongs six men for rowing the boat, and a harpooner, whose business it is to strike the whale with his harpoon. Two of these boats are kept constantly on the watch, at some distance from the ship, fastened to pieces of ice, and are relieved bv others every four hours. As soon as a whale is perceived, both the boats set out in pursuit of it, and if either of them can come up before the whale finally aescends, which is known by his throwing up his tail, the harpooner dis« MAMMALIA—WHALE. 4023 eharges his harpoon at him. There is no difficulty in choosing the place where the whale is to be struck, as some have asserted; for these creatures only come up to the surface in order to spout up the water, or dlow, as the fishermen term it, and therefore always keep the soft and vulnerable part of their bodies above water. As soon as the whale is struck, the men set up one of their oars in the middle of the boat, as a signal to those in the ship. On perceiving this, the watchman alarms all the rest, witn the cry of fall! fall! upon which all the other boats are immediately sent out to the asviscance of the first. The whale finding himself wounded, runs off with prodigious violence Sumetimes he descends perpendicularly ; at others goes off horizontally at a smail depth below the surface. The rope which is fastened to the harpoon is about two hundred fathoms long, and properly coiled up, that it may be freely given out as there is a demand for it. At first, the vesocity with which this line runs over the side of the boat is so great, that it is wetted to prevent its taking fire; but ina short time the strength of the whale begins to fail, and the fishermen, instead of letting out more rope, strive as much as possible to pull back what is given out already, though they always find themselves necessitated to yield at last to the efforts of the animal, to prevent his sinking their boat. If he runs out the two hundred fathoms of line contamed in one boat, that belonging to another is immediately fastened to the end of the first, and so on; and there have been iustances, where all the rope belonging to the six boats has been necessary, though half that quantity is seldom required. The whale cannot stay long below water, but again comes up to blow; and Leing now much fatigued and w unded, stays longer above water than usual. This gives another toat lim. fo come up with him, and he is again struck with aharpoon. He “A04 MAMMALIA—W HALE. again descends. but with less force than before; and wnen he comes up again, 1s generally incapable of descending, but suffers himself to be wound. ed and killea with long lances, with which the men are provided for the purpose. He is known to be near death when he spouts up the water deep- ly tinged with blood. The whale beingedead, is lashed along side the ship. They then lay it on one side, and put two ropes, one at the head, and the other in the place of the tail, which, together with the fins, is struck off as soon as he is taken, 9 keep these extremities above water. On the off side of the whale are vo boats, to receive the pieces of fat, utensils, and men, that might other- wise fall into the water on that side. These precautions teiig taken, three or four men with irons at their feet, to prevent slipping, get on the whale, and Legin to cut out pieces of about three feet thick and eight long, which are hauled up at the capstan or windlass. When the fat is all got off, they ent off the whiskers of the upper jaw, with an axe. Before they are cut, they are all lashed to keep them firm; which also facilitates the cutting, and prevents them-from falling into the sea. When on board, five or six of them are bundled together, and properly stowed; and after all is got off, the carcass is turned adrift, and devoured by the bears, who are very fond of it. In proportion as the large pieces of fat are cut off, the rest of the crew are employed in slicing them smaller, and picking out all the lean. When this is prepared, they stow it under the deck, where it lies til the fat of all the whales is on board; then cutting it still smaller, they put it up in casks in the hold, cramming them very full and close. Nothing now -emains but te sajl homewards, where the fat is to be boiled and mesied dCwN mW train vu. MAMMALIA--WHALE, 405 A late iinprovement has been made in the method of discharging the harpoon, namely, by shooting it ou. of a kind of swivel or musquetoon; but it does not appear that since this improvement was made, the whale fishing ships aave had better success than before. The flesh of this animal is a dainty to some nations; and the savages af Greenland, as well as those near the south pole, are fond of it to distrac- tron. They eat the flesh, and drink the oil, which isa first-rate delicacy ™ xe nnding a dead whale is an adventure considered among the fortunate circumstances of their lives. They make their abode beside it; and seldom remove wili they have left nothing but the bones. CLASS SECOND—BIRDS. ertebrated anumals with red and warm blood, respiring by lungs, and the young of which are produced from eggs. Body covered with feathers, and general conformation organized for flying. Tue arrangement of birds into orders, has for its basis the conformation of the bill and feet; which are adapted to their different modes of living aud food. Birds of prey are characterized by a hooked bill, and feet armed with strong and crooked nails. Climbers are those, the structure of whose feet is calculated for motion on an inclined or vertical surface; and web- footed birds are evidently adapted for swimming. Others, again, have the legs very long and naked, for wading; and a large number, with the claws short and feeble, live chiefly on insects. But though it be thus easy to separate the more strongly marked groups into extended families, yet it has been found extremely difficult to distribute them in subordinate groups, su as to facilitate the knowledge of species in a class so widely extended. In adopting the arrangement of Temminck, therefore, though his orders are more numerous, than those proposed by Cuvier and Vieillot, yet the families of the latter are in much greater number; and in an elementary work, it has been judged proper to follow that system which involves the east change of the established nomenclature, as likely to be most gene- rally useful. Birds support themselves, and direct their flight in the air, nearly in the same manner as fishes do in the water. But they are also calculated for motion on the ground; some families for motion on the surface of the water, or even, to a certain degree, through a mass of the same element: and their structure is varied to suit these different kinds of motion. The part of the spine in birds which corresponds to the back, is immovs able, and the only portions of the vertebral column capable of motion, are the vertebre of the neck, and those of the tail. Their pectoral members, or arms, are elongated to wings, proper only for flight. These members, or wings, composed of one long finger and the vestiges of two others, are furnished with long, stiff, but elastic feathers, disposed like a fan, which follow the movement of the bone, and, when extended, occupy = large surface. The wings are attached by a double clavicle, and are supported by a broad sternum, carinated in front like the keel of a ship. This sternum is formed of five pieces firmly joined together; and the greater or less ossification of these. pieces, is always relative to the powers of the bird for AVES 407 ‘ flight. The long feathers attached to what may be termed the hand, gene- rally to the number of ten, are termed primaries ; the secondaries, variable in number, are those attached to the fore-arm; and the scapulars, are the smaller feathers, which are attached to the humerus. In describing birds, the terin remiges is also used, to denote the feathers of the wings, which serve as oars; and rectrices, those of the tail, which have been considered to act asarudder. The smaller feathers, which cover the base of the wing and tail, are termed tectrices. The anterior extremities, desuined to support them in flight, can neither be used for prehension nor support, and birds thus take objects from the ground by their mouth. The neck is elongated, and the body thrown forward, that the bill may easily reach the ground. The pelvis is lengthened, to furnish an attachment for the muscles, which support the trunk upon the thighs; and there is an arrangement of muscles going from the pelvis to the toes, in such a manner that the weight of the animal] bends the toes, and enables it to sleep perched upon one foot. The bony part of the tail is short, but it carries a row of strong feathers, which. spreading, contribute to support the bird. The number of these feathers is generally twelve, sometimes fourteen, and in the galling eigh- teen. The legs have a fermur, and a tibia, and the tarsus and metatarsus are represented by a single bone. The toes are attached to the tarsus, and are generally three before and a kind of thumb behind; which, however, is sometimes wanting. In the swallow it is directed Rorwarde:, In the climb- ers, on the contrary, the external toe and thumb are directed backwards. The number of joints increases in each toe, counting from the thumb, which has two, to the external toe, which has five. Birds with toes entirely free, are adapted to walk or hop on a horizontal surface, such as the domestic fowl. Others with two toes behind and two before, such as the parrot, walk with difficulty, but climb with facility; and others again, such as ducks and swans, with the toes united by a membrane, are chiefly calculat- ed for motion in the water. The bill in birds is covered with a corneous substance, and as these animals swallow their food without mastication, they are not furnished with teeth. The upper mandible is formed chiefly of the intermaxillary bones, prolonged behind into two arches, of which the internal is composed of the palate bones, and the external of the maxillary and jugal bones; and this mandible is united to the cranium by elastic Jamine. The bill is constructed less for bruising the food than for seizing and dividing it; and thus from the greater solidity and length of this organ, the nature of the food may be inferred. The bill, or beak, is sometimes furnished at its origin, with a fleshy or membranous caruncle, which is called the cere; and sometimes the beak is prolonged upon the forehead into a kind of horn or helmet, as in the calao. The two mandibles move- able upon one another, through the medium of an intermediate bone, placed at the articulation, is a distinguishing anatomical character, in the structure of the jaws of birds. The quills and feathers are composed of a bearded or 408 AVES. webbed stem, hollowed at its base; these webs or horizontal feathers are again themselves webbed by still smaller ones; and the texture, strength, lustre, and general forrn of these feathers are infinitely varied. The feathera fall off twice a year, and this change of plumage is terined moultang. In some species, the winter plumage differs from that of the suinmer; and in the greater number the female differs from the male, in her colors being less bright. The young generally resemble the female. The brain of birds nas the same general characters as that of the other oviparous vertel:rated auimals, but 1s distinguished by its proportionally greater volume, which often exceeds that of the Mammalia. But this apparent magnitude is caused by tubercles analogous to the corpora striata, and not by the hemis+ pheres, which are very small and without circumvolutions. The cerebel« lum is of considerable size, without lateral lobes, and almost cumpletely formed by the vermiform process. The trachea or windpipe, in birds, is formed of complete rings. At its bifurcation, is a glottis, provided with muscles, termed the inferior lerynx. This is the organ which produces the voice of birds; and it is afterwards modified by the length, breadth, and elasticity of the trachea, and its orifice in the throat. The upper larynx is simple. The cavity of the thorax is not in birds separated by a fleshy partition from the abdomen. The lungs adhere to the spine, and com- municate with many membranous sacs, situate in the abdomen, under tne axilla, and even in the cavities of the larger bones, the substance of the bill, and in the fistulous portions of the quills. The great quantity of air which birds respire, appears to have effect upon all their motions. They respire, it may be said, as wel] by the branches of the aorta, as by those of the pulmonary artery. Jt is believed that the temperature to which the bodies of birds is raised in hatching, and the great muscular force which they exert in almost continued flight for many days, depends upon the action of the air upon the blood. Birds, like all the vertebrated animals, possess five senses; but in this class, that of touch is least perfect. Their feathers prevent them from receiving, by immediate contact, the impressions of the object which they touch; and their feet are enveloped in corneous lamin, or scales, which materially blunt sensation. All enjoy the organ of sight, and bv a particular mechanism in the structure of the eye, they are enabled to peiceive objects at a distance with the same facility as when near the body. Besides the two ordinary eyelids, there is always a third semi-trans- parent one placed at the internal angle of the eye, which, by the assistanze of aremarkable muscular apparatus, may be drawn before the eye like a curtain. The cornea is very convex. Although birds have no external cartilaginous ear, all appear to enjoy the faculty of feeling. Some of the nocturnal birds have the anditory opening surrounded by feathers. The organs of smell are concealed in the base of the bill, and the breadth of the nasal openings determine their form. The sense of smell in the vulture and raven, is said to be so very acute, that they can smell carrion at a very AVES. 409 great distan:e; but this, from recent observation, seems doubtful. The tongue in birds, is supported by a production of the hyoid bone. The taste is not very delicate. Digestion in birds is in proportion to the activity of their life, and the quantity of their respiration. The stomach is composed first of the crop, which is a dilatation of the w@sophagus at the base of the neck. The food remains in this duct for some time, an! there imbibes a fluid analogous to the saliva, which is secreted from the inside of the canal. When softened by the action of heat and moisture, it passes little by little into a muscular bag, called the gizzard, where the food is triturated the more easily, that many species swallow little stones tu ine creas2 the effect. The gizzard, it has been remarked, is strengest in we birds which have slender bills, and which are of course unable to break down tlieir food ; in those which feed on fish or flesh, the muscles are much weaker, and the stomach is almost membranous. By the outlet of this stomach, thé food, reduced to a species of chyme, flows through the remain- der of the intestinal canal, where the nutritious parts are absorbed, and the remainder expelled by a cloaca, an orifice common to the urinary and genital organs. Birds, such as the partridge and common fowl, whose young are able to walk and feed themselves on their departure from the egg, do not generally live in pairs. One male serves many females, and the young are eatirely trusted to the maternal care. The greater part of birds, however, are blind and helpless at their birth, and their parents are therefore under the necessity of providing for their subsistence. Pigeons disgorge half digested grains, to feed their young; and linnets bring them larve of insects, or the soft parts of other animals. These live always in pairs, construct their nest with great care, and constantly in the same manner; and each species appropriates for this purpose certain materials. All possess a kind of instinct which leads them to choose the most convenient places for their nests, such as best afford concealment, or which render them mazcessible to their enemies. In birds the ova exist already formed in the mother before fecundation; and it is nota rare occurrence to see eggs laid without impregnation, similar in every respect to those which produce young. Fecundatior, in most of the species, is accomplished by mere juxta- position. The eggs of birds differ much in the color of their calcareous covering. They have generally the form of an elongated ball, and one of their extremities is thicker than the other. The fecundated eggs require a certain heat, to be hatched; and the observation of this fact has led to the practice in Egypt, and elsewhere, of hatehing large broods of chickens by artificial heat. The class of birds, though not apparently so useful to man as Mammalia, serve important purposes in the general economy of nature. Those whose food is chiefly insects, check the excessive reproduc- tion of insect races, and for this purpose migrate at certain seasons .o places where their food abounds. The indiscriminate destruction of crows and sparrows, in some districts, has accordingly been found to give rise to an 52 410 AVES. infimtely mor. prejudicial multiplication of creatures, still more destructive. Some families of birds destroy field mice, snakes, frogs, and lizards; and others again, a-e led by choice to feed on carrion, or dead animal matter. Birds, besides, tre extensive agents in the spread of vegetables and even animals. It is well ascertained that wild ducks, in their emigrations, carry impreguated spawn into remote ponds, and thus stock them with fish; and many by swallowing seeds whole, and subsequently expelling them, are the means of spreading vegetation over an extent of surface which scarcely any other means could accomplish. A great portion of tlis class and their eggs may be used as food; and the feathers of many, form an object of commerce. Nothing is more singular in the history of birds, than their periodical migrations, That these are connected in some measure with the necessity of a supply of food, and the impulse of reproduction, is almost demonstrated, but the instinctive feeling which guides them, without compass,across seas and continents, and enables them to migrate at certain periods, correspond: ing with the production of their food in distant countries, can only be referred 10 one Great Source. Who bade the stork, Columhus-like, explore Heavens not his own, and worlds unknown hefore ? Who calls the council, states the certain day ? Who forms the phalanx, and who points the way? The flights of migratory birds have been noticed from the earliest periods; “the stork in the heaven knoweth her aypointed times, and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow observe the time of their coming.” And, as if their passage through the air, or the structure of their bodies made them sooner perceive the incipient changes of the weather, the appearance and cries of birds have long been considered to afford presages of the coming storm, or the cessation of the tempest. The institution of a college of Augurs, at Rome, may therefore be conceived to have reference to something better than mere superstition; and though the flight of particular species might, in the hands of interested individuals, be made to presage the wished for result of a battle, or direct a march already determined on, yet, in the absence of the harometer and thermometer, the appearance or disappearance and cries of birds, were the signals for the husbandman to sow his fields or secure his crop. Jam veris prenuncia venit hirundo. — Ovid. Now comes the swallow, harbinger of spring. Tum cornix plena plurium vocat improha voce.—Virg. The crow with clamerous cries the shower demands. — Dryd. In this country, the great migrations of birds take place in spring and autumao. Those which arrive in spring, come from warmer climates, and, AVES. 4ll after incubation, leave us im autumn; and another host, chiefly palmipedes, from the arctic regions, arrive in autumn, pass the winter on our lakes and sheres, and depart again in spring. Each species has a particular mode of flight, in these annual journeys, and a certain period of arrival and departure. Assembled in large flocks, the cranes cleave the air in the form ef a long triangle; wild geese fly in angular lines; and the smaller birds associate in less numerous families, and reach their destination in Jess con- tinued flights. One of the most curious particulars connected with the annual migrations of birds, is the circumstance of individuals returning for a series of years to the same nestling places. Spallanzani having tied a thread o1 red silk round the leg of a swallow, which built its nest in his window, saw for three seasons the same stranger, with its progeny, annually appear. Ekmark remarked a lame starling, which occupied the same nest in the hole of an old alder, for a period of eight years; and similar instances are on record, concerning many other species of migratory birds. This wonderful direction of instinct, which divides the innumerable flocks of birds in their progress northward, and leads particular families to seek the protection of the same roof, or the same chimney top, which formerly sheltered them, affords a subject not the least worthy of contemplation, among the thousand instances of wisdom and beneficence which arrest the student of nature, at every step of his progress. The flight of birds is very rapid. Birds of pre. have been observed to fly at the rate of about twenty leagues in an hour. A falcon belonging to Henry II. of France, escaping from Fontainbleau, was found next day at Malta, a distance of thirteen hundred and. fifty miles, and recognized from the ring on its leg Sir Hans Sloane mentions that, at Barbadoes, the gulls came to feed, and returned two-hundred miles the sarne day. And Mr Audubon relates of the migra- tory pigeons of America, that they have been killed in the neighboihood of New York with rice in their crops, collected in the fields of Georgia and Carolina, the nearest points at which this supply could have been obtained. Reasoning from the fact, that the food of pigeons is entirely digested in twelve hours, Mr Audubon concludes that they must have travelled between three and four hundred miles in six hours. Birds in general live long, considering how early they arrive’ at maturity. Swans are said to live for a hundred years; and the pelican arrives at a similar age. Carnivorous birds, particularly the eagle, live to a very great age, perhaps beyond a century: the raven fora still longer period: and parrots have been known. to live trom sixty to eighty years. The life of gallinaceous birds, such as the domestic fowl, the :pheasant, and the partridge, seldom exceed: twelve or twenty years. 412 AVES—GRIFFON VULTURE. ORDEP I.—RAPAUVES. Birps of this order have the bill short and strong; upper mandible cover ed at its base by a membrane or cere, compressed on the sifles and no ued towards its extremity; nostrils open; legs strong, muscuir, sl.ort or riedium length, feathered to the knee or toes; toes three before aud one ‘oehind divided, or united at the base by a membrane, rough below, armed with powerful claws, sharp, retractile, and hooked. Nearly all these birds live on an)mal food; the females are always larger than the males. The number of their eggs seldom exceeds four. THE FULVOUS, OR GRIFFON VULTURE Tus noble species of vulture, which is one of the largest birds of prey of the Old Continent, measuring from three feet and a half to four feet in length, and more than twice as much in the expanse of its wings, is found on thedofty mountain chains of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is not uncom- mon during the summer, in the Alps and Pyrenees; but it is said to retreat in winter, to the north of Africa, extending itself, according to Le Vaillant, to the Cape of Good Hope. The nest of the griffon vulture, is formed in the clefts of rocks. It lays from two to four eggs, which are of a grayish white, with numerous spots 1 Vultur fulvus, Lin. The genus Vultur has the bill thick and short, deeper than broad ; its base covered hy a cere; upper mandible straight, bent towards the point; un- der mandible straight, rounded, and inclined at the point; head naked, or covered with & short down; nostrils naked, latera!, opening diagonally tewards the edge of the cere; legs strong, furnished with slightly bent claws ; the middle toe largest, aud united with the exterior one at the hase. Of the characters the most obvious, 1s the absence of feathers to a greater or less extent on the head and neck, a mark of distinction which, like all the rest, is closely connected with the habits of the birds. Thus a falling off, or thinning of the feathers, is the frequent result of feeding upon flesh, especially when in a state of decay. The harrenness of these parts in tae vultures, enables them, moreover, to burrow in the putrid carcasses on which aA prey. without risk of soiling their plumage. heir largely exiended nostrils, and the great internal developement of these organs, would seem to be of manifest use in guiding the vultures to their prey, wnich they are generally helieved to scent from a great distance. It has, however, been lately main- tained by a most acute observer of the habits of birds, Mr Audubon, that this belief, which has heen entertained from the earliest antiquity, is founded in error, and that the vultures are directed to their prey by sight alone; the lofty pitch at which they fly, ana the surpassing excellence of thelr vision, enabling them to detect it at an almost incon- ceivable distance. Several of the experiments brought forward by that gentleman, in support of his hypothesis, appear at first sight almost decisive of the question. But we cannot consent to abandon the received opinion, corroborated as it is to the fullest extent, oy the anatuinical structure of the organs of smell, until repeated experiments shall have placed the fact heyond the possibility of doubt. It is almost unnecessary to point out the great utility of the strong, deep curved bill ct most of the vultures in tearing to pieces the carcasses on which they feed and consign ing them in large masses to their maws. The nakedness of their legs may ve regurded as cevensient cn the sume causes, and serving the same purposes as that of then heads an! secks. AVES—GRIFFON VULTURE. 413 of a very ight and diluted red. Like all the other birds of its tribe, it feeds principally upon dead carcasses, to which it is frequently attracted in very considerable numbers. When it has once made a lodgment upon its prey, it rarely quits the banquet while a morsel of flesh remains ; so that it is not uacommon to see it perched upon a putrefying corpse for several siiccessive days It neverattempts to carry off a portion, even to satisfy its young; but feeds thein by discharging the half digested morsel from its maw. Sometimes, but very rarely, it makes its prey of living victims; and even then of such only as are incapable of offering the smallest resistance; for n a contest for superiority, it has not that advantage which is possessed by the falcon tribes, of lacerating its enemy with its talons, and must therefore rely upon the force of its beak alone. It is only, however, when no other mode of fatiating its appetite presents itself, that it has recourse to the destruction of other animals for its subsisience. hen i a my Th After feeding, it is seen fixed for hours in one unvaried posture, patiently waiting until the work of digestion is completed, and the stimulus of hunger is renewed, to enable and to urge it to mount again into the upper regions uf the air, and fly abroad in quest of its necessary food. If violently dis- turbed after a full meal, it is incapable of flight until it has disgorged tne contents of its stomach; lightened of which, and freed from their debilitat 414 AVES—CONDOK. wg effects, u 1s immediately in a condition to soar to such a pitch as, m spite of its magnitude, to become invisible to human sight. In captivity, it appears to have no other desire, than that of obtairwag its regular supply of food. So long as that is afforded it, it manifests a perfect indifference to the circumstances in which it is placed. THE CONDOR.! Tuat the vulgar opinion of the immense size and ferocity of this, the largest of the American birds of prey, should have extended its influence over the minds even of scientific zoologists, can scarcely be regarded as affording 1 Cathartes gryphus, TemMinck, The genus Cathartes has the beak long, compress- ed, straight, bent towards the point; cere naked, covering more than half the beak; upper mandible turned towards the ps head oblong, naked, as well as the upper part of the neck; nostrils in the middle of the bili, near the ridge of the upper map le, longitndi nally cleft, broad, sometimes surmounted by fleshy appendages; legs with tarsus naked. more or less slender; middle toe long, and united to the exterior one at the base. AVES—CONDOR. 415 just grounds of surprise, when we consider how very imperfectly the condos was known to naturalists down to the commencement of the present cen. tary. Twenty years ago, one or two mutilated specimens formed the only memorials of its existence, in the cabinets of Europe; and all our knowledge of the living bird was derived from the relations of travellers, fer the most part but little conversant with natural history, many of whom merely repeated, without examination, such stories as they found current; while others, less scrupulous or more fanciful, drew on their invention for those additional traits which they considered necessary to render the imaginary likeness perfect. Thus, the condor of the Andes was compared to the febled roc, of Eastern mythology; and this monstrous fabrication of ignorant credulity was declared to be fully equalled, if not surpassed, by the stupen- dous native of the western hemisphere. But it was reserved for one of the most scientific of modern travellers, the learned Baron Von Humboldt, completely to dispel the mist of prejudice, which had so long enveloped the history of the condor, and to describe that bird such as it really exists; to reduce its dimensions, its powers, and its propensities, within their just and natural limits, and to exhibit a faithful and highly interesting portrait in the place of an extravagant and grossly exaggerated caricature. The condor forms the type of a genus, a second species of which is the king of the vultures, of British writers. They are both peculiar to the New World, but approach, in their most essential characters, very closely to the vultures of the Old Continent, differing from the latter principally in the sarge fleshy, or rather cartilaginous caruncle, which surmounts their beaks; in the large size of their oval and longitudinal nostrils, placed almost at the very extremity of the cere; and in the comparative length-of their quill feathers, the third being the longest of the series. The most important of these differences, the size and position of their nostrils, appears to be well calculated to add to the already highly powerful sense of smell possess- ed by the typical vultures, and fur which these birds have been almost proverbially celebrated from the earliest ages. There is also a third species, the Californian vulture, rivalling the condor in bulk, and agreeing, in every respect, with the generic characters of the group, except in the existence of the caruncle, of which they are entirely destitute. In size the condor is little, if at all, superior to the bearded griffin, the lammergeyer of the Alps, with which Buffon was disposed conjecturally to confound it, but to which it bears at most but a distant relation. The greatest authentic measurement scarcely carries the extent of its wings beyond fourteen feet, and it appears rarely to attain so gigantic a size. M. Humboldt met with none that exceeded nine feet, and was assured by many credible inhabitants of the province of Quito, that they had never shot any that measured more than eleven. The length of a male specimen, somewhat less than nine feet in expanse, was three feet three inches from 416 AVES-—-CONDOR. the tip of the beak to the cxtremity of the tail; and its height, when perching, with the neck partiy withdrawn, two feet eight inches. Its beak was two inches and three quarters in length, and an inch and a quarter in depth, when closed. The beak of the condor is straight at the base, but the upper mandible becomes arched towards the point, and terminates in a strong and well curved hook. The basal half is of an ash brown, and the remaining por- tion towards the point is nearly white. The head and neck’ are bare of feathers, and covered with a hard, wrinkled, dusky reddish skin, on which are scattered some short brown or blackish hairs. On the top of the head, which is much flattened above, and extending some distance along the beak, is attached an oblong, firm caruncle, or comb covered by a continua+ tion of the skin which invests the head. This organ is peculiar to the male. It is connected to the beak only in its anterior part, and is separated from it at the base m sucn a manner as to allow of a free passage of the air to the large oval nostrils, which are situated beneath it at that part. Behind the eyes, which are somewhat elongated, and not sunk beneath the general suiface of the head, the skin of the neck is, as it were, gathered intoa series of descending folds, extending obliquely from the back of the head, over the temples, to the under side of the neck, and there connected an- teriorly with a lax membrane or wattle, capable of being dilated at plea- sure, like that of the common turkey. The neck is marked by numerous, deep parailel folds, produced by the habit of retracting the head, in which the vird indulges when at rest. In this position scarcely any part of the neck 4s visible. Round the lower part of the neck, both sexes, the female as well as the male, are furnished with a broad white ruff, of downy feathers, which forms the line of separation between the naked skin above and the true feathers covering the body below it. All the other feathers, with the exception. of the wing coverts and the secondary quill feathers, are of a bright black, generally mingled with a grayish tinge of greater or less intensity. In the female, the wing coverts are blackish gray; but the male has their points, and frequently as much as half their length, white. The wings of the latter are consequently distinguished from those of the female by their large white patches. The secondary quill feathers of both sexes are white on the outer side. The tail is short and wedge-shaped. The legs are exces- sively thick and powerful, and are colored of a bluish gray, intermingled with whitisn streaks. Their elongated toes are united at the base bya loose but very apparent membrane, and are términated by long, black talons, of considerable thickness, but very little curved. The hinder toe is much shorter than the rest; and its talon, although more distinctly curved, jis equally wanting in strength ; a deficiency which renders the foot much less powerful as an organ of prehension than that of any other of the large virds of the raptorial order. AVES—CONDOR. AL7 The condor has been observed throughout the whole range of that im- mense chain of mountains which traverses the continent of South America, from the Straits of Magellan to the seventh degree of north latitude. It appears, however, to be much more common in Peru and Chili, than in any other part of the chain, and is most frequently met with at an elevatiun of from ten to fifteen tnousand feet above the level of the ocean. Here, in the regions of perpetual snow, they may be seen grouped together to the number of three or four, but never in the large troops in which the true vultures sometimes assemble, on the bold points of the jutting rocks, many of the most remarkable of which are designated by the natives with names derived from the bird that haunts their pinnacles. It is only when driven by hunger, that it descends into the plains, which it quits as soon as its appetite is satiated, unable, as it would seem, to support for any great length of time the increased weight of the atmosphere and the warmer tem ature of the lower world. On such occasions, it rarely perches on tne branches of the trees, but generally takes up a position on the ground, for resting on which its comparatively straight talons are peculiarly fitted. It is said that the female bird builds no nest, but deposits its eggs upon the bare rock without protection of any kind. These eggs are stated to be perfegtly white, and three or four inches in length. The female is also said to remain with her young for a whole year. The habits of the condor partake of the, bold ferocity of the eagle, and of the disgusting filthiness of the vulture. Although, like the latter, it ap- pears to prefer the dead carcass, it frequently makes war upon a living prey; but the gripe of its talons is not sufficiently firm to enable it to carry off its victim through the air. Two of these birds, acting in concert, will frequently attack a puma, a llama, a calf, or even a full grown cow. They will pursue the poor animal with unwearied pertinacity, lacerating it inces- santly with their beaks and talons, until it falls exhausted with fatigue and loss of blood. Then, having first seized upon its tongue, they proceed to tear out its eyes, and commence their feast with these favorite morsels. The intestines form the second course of their banquet, which is usualy continued until the birds have gorged themselves so fully as to render them- selves incapable of using their wings in flight. The Indians, who are well acquainted with this effect of their voracity, are in the habit of turning :t tu account for their amusement in the chase. For this purpose tney expose the dead’ body of a horse or a cow, by which some of the condors, wnich are generally hovering in the air in search of food, are speedily attracted. As soon as the birds have glutted themselves on the carcass, the Indians make their appearance, armed with the lasso, and the condors, being unable to escape by flight, are pursued and caught by means of these singular ‘weapons with the greatest certainty. This sport is a peculiar favorite in the country, where it is held in a degree of estimation second to that of a bull-tight alone. a3 / 418 AVES—VULTURE. In tenacity of life the condor exceeds almost every other bird. M. Hum. boldt relates that during his stay at Riobamba, he was present at some experiments which were made on one by the Indians who had taken it alive. They first strangled it with a lasso and hanged it on a tree, pulling it forcibly by the feet for several minutes; but scarcely was the lasso re- moved, when the bird ardse and walked about as though nothing had occurred to affect it. It was then shot with three balls, discharged from a pistol, at less than four paces, all of which entered its body, and wounded it in the neck, chest, and abdomen; it still, however, kept its legs. Anotier ball struck its thigh, and it fell to the ground. This was preserved by M. Bonpland, for a considerable time, as a memorial of the circumstance. Ulloa had previously asserted, that in the colder parts of Peru, the skin of the condor was so closely covered with feathers, that eight or ten balls might be heard to strike it without penetrating its body. M. Humboldt’s bira did not die of its wounds until after an interval of half an hour. The stories which have long been current, on the authority of cre ..ous travellers, imputing to the condor a propensity to carry off young children, and even to attack men and women, appear to have originated solely in that common feeling which delights in regarding mere possibilities in the light of positive facts. M. Humboldt declares that he never heardeof an instance in which a child was carried off; although the children of th Indians who collect the snow on the mountains for sale, are constantly lef sleeping in the open air in the midst of these birds, and offer, of course, a temptation which would be irresistible if not counteracted by some peculiar instinct. With respect to the risk incurred by men, while he confesses that two of these birds would be dangerous enemies for a single man to encoun- ter, he states that he has frequently approached them within ten or twelve feet, as they sat three or four together perched upon the rocks, and that they showed no disposition to attack him. The Indians of Quito, moreover, unanimously assured him that men have nothing to apprehend frum the condors. THE SOCIABLE VULTURE! {s a bird of extreme rarity. It was first described by Le Vaillen in nus “Travels in the Interior of Africa,” under the name of oricou ; {ancifully derived from the folding of the skin around its ears, and along its neck. A more detailed account of it was afterwards furnished by the same distin- guished ornithologist, in his Oiseavx d’Afrique, where a full grown male is very accurately figured. We do not find that it has since been observed by 1 Vultur auricularis, Daun. AVES.-VULTURE. 419 any zoologist ; for all the accounts of it with which we havé met; are cupiea from Le Vaillant. In size, this gigantic bird is-fully equal to the condor; thé larger specimen measuring, according to Le Vaillant, upwards of ten feet in the expanse of cheii wings. The head, and greater part of the neck are of the color a :dw jlzsh, and exhibit in their adult state no appearance of down ar leathers, out only a few scarcely perceptible, scattered hairs. ‘I'he throat is @overed with blackish hairs, and the lower part of the neck behind, wits a kind of ruff of crisped and curled feathers of the same color ;, within which, the bird withdraws its head while in a state of repose, especially after feed- mg; an attitude which is common to most of the vultures. As Le Vaillant is the only writer who has observed these birds in tneir native state, our account of their manners must necessarily be derived frons his work, which contains more detailed and authentic information relative to the habits of birds, than any other publication with which we are acquainted, excepting only Wilson’s admirable Ornithology. We shall. therefore, make no apology for abstracting his history of the present specivs, with which he has combined many particulars equally applicable to Wie whole family. Like all the other vultures, he says, this is a bird of the mountains, the sheltered retreats formed by their caves and fissures con- -Mituting its proper habitation. In them it passes the right. and reposey 120 AVES -VULTURE. after it has sated its appetite, during the day. At sunrise, large bands are seen perched on the rocks at the entrance of their abodes, and sometimes a continued chain of mountains exhibits them dispersed throughout the greater part of its extent. Their tails are always worn down by friction against the stones between which they thrust themselves, or on which they perch- while the eagles, seldom walking and frequently perching upon trees, pre- serve theirs more entire. Those of the vultures are moreover injured by the soil of the plains, inasmuch as they cannot raise themselves into the air at once, but only after running several paces forwards and by a forced con- traction of the limbs. The flight of the vulture is nevertheless no less powerful and lofty; they raise themselves to a prodigious height, and disap- pear entirely from the sight. It is scarcely to be conceived how these birds, which often cannot be dis- tinguished in the air, can themselves perceive what is going on, on the surface of the earth, discover the animals on which they feed, and fall upon them the moment they are overtaken by death. When a hunter kills a large animal which he cannot immediately remove, if he abandon it for an instant, he finds on his return a band of vultures, where a quarter of an hour before not one was to beseen. Our author gives the particulars of several adventures of this kind that had befallen himself; and offers an explanation of the manner in which the vultures are enabled to detect their prey, strictly tm accordance with the theory of Mr Audubon, to which we have before ad- verted. We quote this explanation at length, without, however, adopting the hypotheses which it involves. “Desirous of observing,” he says, “how so great a number of vultures could congregate together in so short a space of time, I concealed myself one day in a thicket, after having killed a large gazelle, which I left upon the spot. In an instant a number ofravens made their appearance, fluttering about the animal, and making a great croaking. In less than half a quarter of an hour these birds were reinforced by the arrival of kites and buzzards, and immediately afterwards I perceived on raismg my head, a flight of birds at a prodigious height, wheeling round and round in their descent. These I soon recognised to be vultures, which seemed, if I may so éxpress myself, to escape from a cavern in the sky. The first comers fell immediately upon the gazelle, but I did not allow them time to tear it in pieces. I left my concealment, and they betook themselves slowly and heavily to flight, ree joining their comrades, whose numbers continued to increase. They seemed almost to precipitate themselves from the clouds to share the spoil but my presence caused them speedily to disappear. Thus it is then, that the vul- tures are ca'led upon to participate in their prey; the first carnivorous birds that discover a carcass rouse the others which may happen to be in the environs by their cries and motions. If the nearest vulture does not spy che prey from the lofty region of the air in which he swims, by means of his wide spread wings, he perceives the subaltern and more terrestrial birds of AVES—VULTURE. 42) ‘ prey, preparing to take possession of it; but perhaps he has himseif a suffi- cient power of vision to enable him to discover it. He descends hastily and with a wheeling flight, and his fall directs the other vultures who witness his evolutions, and who no doubt have their instinct sharpened with regard to every thing that concerns their food. A concourse of carnivoruus birds speedily takes place in the neighborhood of the carcass, sufficient to attract the vultures of the whole district, nearly in the same manner as the dis- turbance created by a number of men running along the streets of a crowded town, attracts the whole population to follow in their train.” The present species is not met within the vicinity of the Cape; but is very common in the interior, especially in the country of Manaquas. It builds its nest in the fissures of the rocks, and the female lays two or rarely three eggs. During the time of incubation the male keeps watch at the entrance of tne cavern, and thus renders their retreat easy of detection ; but on the other hand it is always very difficult of access. The interior offers a most disgusting spectacle, and is infected by an insupportable stench. Le Vaillant had eaten of their eggs, which, to use his own expression, are good enough to be made use of. As they live in formidable bands, a single mountain sométimes conceals as many nests as there are cavities fit for their reception. They appear to agree together exceedingly well, for two or three nests are sometimes seen placed side by side in the same cavern. KING OF THE VULTURES.! Tuts is unquestionably one of the handsomest, although among the smaller species of the vulture family. ‘The only other American vultures, the turkey buzzard, and a second closely allied species, (the black vulture) forin a distinct genus nearly related to this, but differing essentially in several important points. It is no doubt in comparison with the two last mentioned birds, that the present has obtained, in the language of all the native tribes to which it is known, the appellation of king of the vultures; for it is far inferior, both in size and strength, to the gigantic species which are generically associated with it. When fully grown, the king of the vultures measures about two feet and a half in total length, and more than twice as much in the expanse of its wings. The hues of its plumage are right, sharply circumscribed, and strongly contrasting with each other. Round the base of the neck passes a bread ruff of soft downy feathers of a deep ashy gray; the whole under surtace is white, with an occasiunal tinge of flesh color; the back and tail eoverts are of a bright fawn, which becomes lighter and lighter as the bire we tee 1 Cuthartes Papa, Lin. 422 AVES—VULTUORE. advances in ug ; aud the quill feathers of the wings and tail, together with the larger coverts of the former, are glossy black. The young bird of the first year, according to M. D’Azara, is entirely of a dvep bluish tint, excepting the abdomen and lateral tail coverts, which are white. In the second year it assumes a dusky hue, marked by long white spots. Up to this peric!, the greater part of the head and neck is blackisb violet. In the third year it assumes its adult coloring, with the exception ofa few black feathers among the upper wing coverts. pave! AY 7 Renu The sange of this fine species of vulture is rather extensive. M. Bona pa:te enumerates it among the birds of the United States, and we believe it is occasionally met with in Florida, which is prebally its northern limit. Towards the south, M. D’Azara describes it as common in Paraguay, but says that it does not pass the thirty-second degree of latitude. In the inter- mediate countries it would seem to be extremely abundant. Many travel- lers mention it as congregating in large flocks in various parts of Mexico, where it appears to have been first noticed by Navarrete, and was .von after uescribed by Hernandez under the native name of cozcaquaubtli. its more usual name, however, in that country, seems to be tzopilotl, literally king of the vultures. In Guiana it bears, according to Sonnini, a title exactly synonymous ; and in Paraguay, according to D’Azara, that of iriburubicha, signifying the same thing. This uniformity of appellation is evidently derived from the universality of the belief, that the other vultures pay a particular respect to this species, abandoning their prey to it, whenever it makes its aymearance among them. But such a concession, as D’Azara AVES -TURKEY BUZZARD. 124 justly remarks, 1m plies neither respect nor consideration ; butis the natura. effect of its superiority in size and strength. Like the other vultures, these birds perform a most important office in the economy of nature, by the removing of dead, and putrefying carrion. heir sight is wide and piercing, their sense of smell highly developed, and their strength of wing sufficient to enable them to reach an extremely high pitch, and to continue their flight for hours together. They endure the pangs of hunger with extraordinary patience; and never attack the smallest bird or the most feeble quadruped while it has life. In walking, their gait is slow and heavy, and their body is maintained in a horizontal position. When about to mount into the air, they are compelled to take several leaps before they can accomplisn their purpose, and quit the ground with some little difficuity. The-odor of their flesh is precisely the same with that of the carrion on which they feed, and even the skins retain it fur many years. Contrary to the habits of their family in general, they perch on the tallest trees, l'ving solitary or in pairs, building their nests, as it is said, in the hollows of the trunks, and laying only two eggs. They are little inclined to become familiar with man, but on the contrary avoid his habitations, and betake themszlves every where to the interior and unfrequented parts of the country. In a deficiency of carrion they feed upon snakes and lizards, and during the summer subsist, in a great measure, upon the putrid fish of the lakes thut are dried up by the parching heat of the sun. THE AMERICAN CARRION VULTURE, OR TURKEY BUZZARD) 4 COMPO TT CRT TL Ter mre rater nce eene vee 2 1s found in vast flocks in parts of America, where it 1s of great utility i destioying snakes and vermin, and in devouring dead and putrid :arcasses 1 Cathartes Aura, Lin. 424 AVES—TURKEY BUZZARD. This bird is about the size of a turkey. The head and neck are bare of feathers, and of a reddish color, and the sides of the head warted like those of the turkey. The whole plumage is a brownish black, with a purple and greenish gloss in different directions. This species is well known throughont the United States, but is most numerous in the southern section of the Union. In the northern and mid- dle states, it is partially migratory, the greater part retiring to the south on the approach of cold weather. But numbers remain all the winter in Mary- land, Delaware, and New Jersey; particularly in the vicinity of the large rivers and the ocean, which afford a supply of food at all seasons. The female lays from two to four eggs in an old hollow tree or stump. If any one approach the young, and attempt to handle them, they will immedi- ately vomit such offensive matter as to compel the intruder to a precipitate retreat. The turkey buzzards are gregarious, peaceable, and harmless; never offer- ing any violence to a living animal, nor depriving the husbandman of his stock. Hence, though in consequence of their filthy habits they are not be- loved, yet they are respected for their usefulness ; and in the southern states where they are most needed, they, as well as the black vultures, are protected by a law, which imposes a fine on those who wilfully deprive them of lite. They generally roost in flocks on the limbs of large trees; and they may be seen on a summer’s morning, spreading out their wings to the rising sun, and remaining in that posture for a considerable time. The sense of smell in the turkey buzzard is astonishingly exquisite, and they never fail to discover carrion, even when at the distance of several miles. When once they have found a carcass, if not molested, they will remain in the place till the whole is devoured. At such times, they eat so immoderately that frequently they are incapuble of rising, and may be caught without difficulty ; but few that are acquainted with them, will have the temerity to undertake the task. A man in the state of Delaware some years since, observing some turkey buzzards regaling themselves upon the carcass of a horse, which was ina highly putrid state, conceived the design of making a captive of one, to take home for the amusement of his children. He cautiously approached, and springing upon the unsuspecting group, grasped a fine plump fellow in his arms, and was bearing off his prize in triumph; when lo! the indignant vulture disgorged such a torrent of filth in the face of our hero, that it produced all the effects of the most p< wertw emetic, and forever cured him of his inclination for turkey buzzards. On tie continent of America this species inhabits a vast range of te tritory. running it 1s said from Nova Scotia to Terra de! Fuege, though it is cera paratively rare in the northern states of the Union. They are numero is the West Inilia islands, AVES—VULTURE. 425 THE BLACK VULTURE! Tis bird has sometimes been confounded with the turkey buz ard. But taev are much darker in their plumage than the latter, and neve associate with them. ‘Their mode of flight also diffe: from that of the turkey buz- zard. The latter, though found in the vicinity of towns, rarely ventures within them. It is not so impatient of cold as the former, and is likewise less lazy. Unless pressed by hunger, it will not eat of a carcass until it becomes putrid. The black vulture is not so fastidious, but devours animal food without distinction. They are very indolent, and may be seen loitering for hours together in one place. It is said that they sometimes attack young pigs, and eat off their ears and tails; but those instances are rare. é In the towns and villages of the southern states, they may be seen saunter- ing about the streets; sunning themselves on the roofs of the houses and the fences; or, if the weather be cold, cowering around the tops of the chimneys to enjoy tie benefit of the heat, which to them is a peculiar grati- fication. They are rrotected by law or usage; and may be said to be com- pletely domesticated, being as common as the domestic poultry, and equally faniliar. The inhabitants generally are disgusted with their filthy habits; but notwithstanding, being viewed as contributing to the removal of the dead animal matter, which, if permitted to putrefy during the hot season, would render the atmosphere impure, they have a respect paid thein as sca- vengers, whose labors are subservient to the public good. It sometimes happens that after having gorged themselves, these birds vomit duwn the chimneys, which must be intolerably disgusting, and must provote the ilk will of those whose hospitality is thus requited. 1 Cathartes Vulturinus, Temm 54 426 AVES—VULTURE The black vulture is seldom found on the Atlantic, to the northward of Newbern, North Carolina; but inhabits the whole continent tu the southe ward as far as Cape Horn. THE LAMMERGEYER, OR BEARDED VULTURE! In its a\titudes this bird resembles the eagles more than the vultures, its confident and sprightly bearing strongly contrasting with the crouching and suspicious postures of the latter. Like these, however, it generally retains its wings in a state of half expansion when at rest, and its neck more oi less retracted within its shoulders. Its food, as we shall presently see, is more frequently sought in a living prey than on a putrefying carcass; and for this reason it is not often found, like the vultures, assernbling in con- sidera>le troops. The increased curvature of its talons also contributes to the same object, by enabling it to carry off its prey, whether living or dead. A careful comparison of their characters, or. what is far better, of the animals themselves, as they exist side by side in tne menagerie, wil: show how nearly this bird holds the middle station between the two large groups ts which it is almost equally related. Several nominal species were created by the naturalists on the clise ot the last century, which appear now, by common consent, to have been merged into one, the bearded vulture of ornithologists, or lammergeyer of the Swiss and German Alps. Its range extends to most of the principal mountain chains of the Old Continent, as it is found, with rnore or less fre 1 Gynatus barbatus, Cuv. The genus Gypetus has a Jong bill; upper mandible arched Siri the point, and bent like a hook; nostrils oval, covered with suff ha.rs directed forward; feet short; four toes, the three anterior united by a short membrane, the muddle one very loug; nails slightly crooked ; wings long. AVES—VULTURE. 427 quency, dut never in great abundance, in the Pyrenees, the Alps from Pied- mont to Dalmatia, the mountains of Ghilan and Siberia, and those of E&ypt and Abyssinia; occupying every where the loftiest and most inaccessible cliffs, and frequently committing dreadful ravages in the neizhhoring plains. In size it 1s the largest of European birds of prey, measuring, when fully grown, upwards of four feet from beak to tail, and in the expanse of its wings uo less than nine or ten. M. Fortis indeed asserts that he had seen an individual in Dalmatia, the expanded wings of which measured twelve feet. The general color of the upper part of this remarkable bird isa dull brown with a mixture of gray; its wings and tail are of a grayish ash colur; the upper part of its head is a dirty white; a black band extends back vurds from the base of the beak across the eye, and joins a narrower stripe of tne same that passes upwards to unite with its fellow on the back of the head and the neck, breast, and under parts are white with a shade of redd.sh brown or orange, which is deeper on the breast and throat, and gradually becomes less distinct on the abdomen and legs. For the first two years, the young birds are distinguished by the dusky brown of the head and neck; the mottled gray of their under surfaces, the large white spots, or spots of a lighter shade, ‘scattered over their back and wings; and the dusky black of their quill feathers. Their iris is at first brown, and their toes of a livid color ; but as they advance in age the former becomes of a bright red, and the latter assume a leaden hue. At all times the beak, which attains a length of four inches, is of an ashy gray with a flesh colored tinge; and t' e bristles at its hase are deep black, as are also the talons. In its habits this bird combines the audacity and cruelty of the eagles, with the appetite for carrion which distinguishes the vultures. It seizes by preference jiving victims, chiefly quadrupec 3, and especially those which are incapable of making an effectual resistance, such as rabbits, hares, sheep and lambs, or even young goats and calves; and thus proves an extremely dangerous neighbor to the peaceful Hocks which graze on the declivities of the mountains inhabited by it, or in the intervening valleys. Sometimes, when rendered desperate by a long fast, it is said to attack the chamois, or even man himself, choosing for the scene of its exploits the brink of a previ- pice, and descending upon its victim with such an irresistible impetus as ¢3 precipitate him headlong into the abyss below. But such bold attempts as this, although spoken of by many writers, are foreign to its usual habits, and may rat.er be regarded as traditions handed down from generation to generation, than as common or every day occurrences. In the same manner it is probable that the stories current in the Alps, of children carried off by vultures to be devoured, are rather the expression of a natural dread of what might happen, than a relation of actual events. Weare not aware of any authentic testimony in proof of the fact, which may therefore be classed with the narratives of the same description with reference tu the condor 428 AVES—VULTURE. It is from the character in which it is best known to t3em, as the spoiler of the fold, that this bird has received from the natives of the German Alps its title of lammergeyer, the lamb vulture. But although this 1s its food of choice, it feeds also upon carrion; and as when in pursuit of a living prey, it emulates the eayles by soaring alone or in company only with its imate, so in its attack upon an unburied carcass it imitates the vultures by congre- gating in bands upon the spoil. In such circumstances it dees not usually descend from aloft, but sweeps slowly along the ground towards its expected banquet. Bruce relates, in his Abyssinian Travels, a remarkable instance, allustrative at once of its buldness and voracity. His servants were prepar- mg for dinner on the summit of a Jofty mountain, when a bearded vulture, attracted by the smell of the goat’s flesh, which they were cooking, slowly made his advances towards the party, and at length fairly seated himself within the ring which they had formed. The alfrighted natives started up and ran for their lances and shields; and the bird, after an ineffectual attempt to extract a portion of their meat from the boiling water, seized a large piece in each of his talons from a platter that stood by, and carried it off slowly along the ground as he came. After an interval of a few minutes, the vulture returned for a second freight, but was shot by the traveller before it could carry its purpose into effect. The manner of its flight in this instance, as well as in many others, may be taken as an indication that this., species does not usually make its prey of birds, which it is rarely if ever haown to attack. Bruce remarks that on taking hold of this bird he was not a little surprised to find his hands covered with a yellow powder, which appeared to be produced from the breast feathers ; while those of the back and wings threw off a similar dust, excepting that on them it was brown. He imagined that this powder was contained in the tubes of the feathers, from which it was emitted upon pressure; and that it was a peculiar provision of nature to enable the birds of those Alpine regions to withstand the rigors of the cli- mate. It is more probable, however, that this appearance, which has not been noticed by any other writer, was merely the result of the change of plumage which the vulture had just undergone; the pewder in question being in reality nothing more than the original pellicle of the feathers sepa- rating from them in minute particles, as is usual when they have oc a‘ned their perfect growth. » AVES—VULTURE. 42 THE SECRETARY VULTURE) Tus curious bird resembles the common falcon in its head, bill, and claws, but its legs are so long that, when it stands upr@zht, it is not much unlike the crane. After much hesitation, modern naturalists have arranged it in the vulture order. When standing erect, it measures about three feet from che top of the head to the ground., Itis a native of the interior of Africa, Asia, and the Philippine Islands. The general color of the plumage isa . bluish ash; the tips of the wings, the thighs, and the vent inclining to black. On the back of the head are several long dark colored feathers, hanging down behind, and capable of being erected at pleasure. This crest induced the Dutch colonists at the Cape to give it the name of the secretary; the Hottentots, however, style it the serpent eater, from the avidity with which it catches and devours those noxious reptiles. The manner in which it seizes them, displays great intelligence. On approaching them, it carries forward the point of one of its wings, in order to parry their venomous bites, and waits till it finds an opportunity of spurning or treading on its adversary, or taking him on his pinions, and throwing him into the air. When he has at last thus wearied him out, he kills and devours him at his leisure. 1 Gypogeranus serpentarius, Temm. This is the only individual of the genus. | Its characteristics are—bill shorter than the head, thick, strong, hooked, bent from its origin, furnished with a cere at its base, a little arched, compressed at the point; nostrils a little separated at the base, lateral, pierced in the cere, diagonal, oblong, open; legs very long, ‘slender; tibia feathered; tarsus long, slenderer at its base than at its upper part; toes short, warty below, the anterior united at the base; thumb articulated on the tarsus wings long the first five wing feathers longest and almost equal; wings armed with blurt spur. 430 AVES—FALCON. M. le Vaillant witnesse] one of these combats. Finding itself inferior in strength, the serpent endeavored to regain his hole, but the falcon, by a single leap, got before him and cut off his retreat. On whatever side the reptile stiove to escape, the enemy still faced him. The serpent then erect- ed himself to intimidate the bird, and hissing dreadfully, displayed his me- nacing throat, inflamed eyes, and ahead swoln with raye and venom. Sometimes this produced a momentary suspension of hostilities; but the hird soon returned to the charge, and, covering her body with one of her wings as a buckler, struck her enemy with the bony protuberance of the other. The serpent at last dropped, and the bird laid open his skull with one stroke of her beak. : This singular bird may be easily tamed, and it becomes very domestic and familiar. Though, if severely pinched with hunger, it will devour ducklings and chickens; yet, if well fed, it will live with the poultry on amicable terms, and when it sees any of them quarrelling, will run to part the combatants. Unlike ali the rest of the feathered race, these birds always strike forward with their legs when they fight. THE JER FALCON! Ln size exceeds al] other falcons, for he approaches nearly to the magnitude of the eagle. The top of the head is flat, and of an ash color, witha strong, thick, short, and blue beak. The feathers of the beak and wings are marked with black spots, in the shape of a heart. He is a courageous and fierce bird, nor fears even the eagle himself; but he chiefly flies at the stork, the heron, and the crane. He is mostly found in the colder regions of the north, in Iceland, Denmark, and the north of Germany, but loses neither his strength nor his courage when brought into the milder climates. Falconry, which is now so much disused, was the principal amusement of our European ancestors. A person of rank scarcely stirred out without his hawk on his hand, which in old paintings is the criterion of nobitity. The expense which attended this sport was very great; among the old Welsh princes, the king’s falconer was the fourth officer in the state; Lut, notwithstanding all his honors, he was forbidden to take more than three draughts of beer from his horn, lest he should get drunk and neglect his duty. In the reign of James the First, Sir Thomas Monson is said to aave given a thousand pounds for a cast of hawks; and such was their value in 1 Falco Islandicus, Gmey. The genus Falco has the head covered with feathers; hill nooked, generaliy bent from its origin ; a colored cere, more or less hairy at its hase; maniibles sometimes notched ; 3 nostrils lateral, rounded or oval, pierced in the cere, open; tegs with tarsi covered with feathers or scales; three toes hefore, one behind, the exterior generally uniter at its base to the micdle toe ; ‘claws sharp, much hooked, retractile. AVES—FALCON 43) general, that it was made felony in the reign of Edward the Third to steal a hawk. To take its eggs, even in a person’s own ground, was punishable with imprisonment for a year and a day, together with a fine at the king's pleasure. Of many of the ancient falcons used for this purpose, we at this tire know only the names. Of those in use at present, both in England and in other countries, are the jer falcon, the falcon, the lanner, the sacre, the hobby; the kestril, and the merlin. These are called the long winged hawks, to distinguish them from the goshawk, the sparrow-hawk, the kite, and the buzzard, that are of shorter wing, and either too slow, too cowardly, too indolen’, or too obstinate, to be serviceable in contributing to the plea« svve of th: field. THE PEREGRINE FALCON, in different stages of its growth the peregrine falcon has been known by various English names. Its proper appellation among the falconers is the slight falcon, the term falcon gentle being equally applicable .o all the spe- cies when rendered manageable. The young bird of the year is called an eyess, not, as has been imagined, from the German ey, an egg, but from the French nias, which has the same signification as eyess, most of the terms of falconry having been adopted from the French. Several other instances 1 Falco Peregrints, Lin 432 AVES—MERLIN. occur in our fanguage, in which the initial n has detached itself from tos substantive, and become permanently attached to the indefinite article. D, the immature state this falcon is also called a red hawk, from the prevailing color of its plumage. When full grown and in a wild state it is called + haggard or passage falcon. The male is called a tierce, or terscl, to dis tinguish it from the female, which, among birds of prey, is most commonly one third larger than the male. Many of these terms are equally applicable to the other species used in hawking, and are only employed by the profes- sors of that art, which is now fast going to decay. The following passage from Sir J. Sebright’s Observations on hawking, published in 1826, will best illustrate its present condition. “The village of Falconswaerd, near Bois le Duc, in Holland, has for many years furnished falconers to the rest of Europe. I have known many falcon- ers in England, and in the service of different persons on tlie continent ; but [ never met with one of them who was not a native Falconswaerd. It has been the practice of these industrious and sober men, to stay with their em- ployers during the season for hawking, and to pass the remainder of the year with their families at home.” ; What is known in the United States by the name of the great footed on duck hawk, is probably the same species known in Europe by the name ot the peregrine falcon. It is said to attack ducks, and wild geese, striking them down with the projecting bone of its breast. According to Mr Audu bon, it is more common in this country than formerly. It flies with aston tshing rapidity ; its nests are built in cedar swainps. THE MERLIN} Is in size little larger than the European blackbird, and is consequently the smallest of the hawk kind. Its bill is blue; the cere and irides are yellow; the head is of a rust color, streaked with black, and edged with ‘rust color; the quill feathers are dark, tipped and margined in the inner webs with 1 Falco esalon, Tem AVES—MERLIN. A33 reddish white ; the’ breast and belly are of a yellowish white, with streaks of rusty brown pointing downwards; the tail is long, and marked with alternate dusky and pale bars; the wings, when closed, do not reach quite to the end of the tail; the legs are yellow, and claws black. Small as it is, this bird is not inferior in courage to any of the falcon tribe. It was formerly used for taking larks, partridges, and quails, which it would frequently kill by a single blow, striking them on the breast, head, or neck. It differs from the falcons, and all the rapacious kind, in the male and femace being of the same size. The courage of these creatures in general was such, that no bird, not very much above their own size, could terrify them; their swiftness so great, that scarce any bird could escape them; and their docility so remarkable, that they obeyed not only the commands, but the signs, of their master. They remained quietly perched upon his hand till their game was flushed, or else kept hovering round his head without ever leaving him but when he gave permission. The common falcon is a bird of such spirit, that, lixe a conqueror in a country, he keeps al! birds in awe and in subjection to his prowess. Where he is seen flying wild, the birds of every kind, that seem- ed entirely to disregard the kite or the sparrow-hawk, fly with screams at his most distant appearance. Tn order to train up a falcon, the master begins by clapping straps upon his legs, which are called jesses, to which is fastened a ring with the owner’s name, by which, in vase he should be lost, the finder may know where to bring him back. To these also are added little bells, which serve to mark the place where he is seen, if lost in the chase. He is always carried on the hand, and is obliged to be kept without sleeping. If he be stubborn, and attennts to bite, his head is plunged in water. Thus, by hunger, watching and fatigue, he is constrained to submit to having his head cover- ed by a hood or cowl, which covers his eyes. This troublesome employ- ment continues often for three days and nights without ceasing. Jt rarely happens but at the end of this, his necessities and the privation cf light make him lose all idea of liberty, and bring down his natural wildness. His master judges of his being tamed when he permits his head to 4e covere ed without resistance, and when uncovered he seizes the meat before him contentedly. The repetition of these lessons by degrees insures success. His wants being the chief principle of his dependence, it is endeavored to increase his appetite by giving him little balls of flannel, which he greedily swallows. Having thus excited the appetite, care is taken to satisfy it; anu thus gratitude attaches the bird to the man who but just before had been his tormenter. When the first lessons have succeeded, and the bird shows signs of doci- lity, he is carried out on some green, the head is uncovered, and, by flatter- ing him with food at different times, he is taught to jump on the hand, and to continue there. When confirmed in this habit, it is then thought time to : 55 ’ 434 AVES—EAGLE. make him acquainted with thelure. This lure is only a thing stuffed like the bird the falcon is designed to pursue, such as a heron, a pigeon, or a quail, and un this lure hey always take care to give him his food. It is quite neces- sary that the bird should not only be acquainted with this, but fond of it, and delicate in his food when shown it. The use of this lure is to flatter him back when he has flown in the air, which he sometimes fails to do; and it is always requisite to assist it by the voice and the signs of the mas- ter.” When the familiarity and the docility of the bird are sufficiently :on- firmed on the green, he is then carried into the open fields, but still kept fast by a string which is about twenty yards long. He is then uncovered ag before ; and the falconer calling him, at some paces distance, till he comes at last to fly to it. The next day the lure is shown him at a greater distance, till he comes at last to fly to it at the utmost length of his string. He is then to be shown the game itself alive, but disabled or tame, which he js designed to pursue. After having seized this several times with his string, he is then left entirely at liberty, and carried into the field for the purposes of pursuing that which is wild. At that he flies with avidity; and when he has seized it or killed it, he is brought back by the voice and the lure. By this method of instruction, a hawk may be taught to fly at any game whatsoever; but falconers have chiefly confined their pursuit only to such animals as yield them profit by the capture, or pleasure in the pursuit. The hare, the partridge, and the quail, repay the trouble of taking them ; but the most delightful sport is the falcon’s pursuit of the heron, the kite, or the woodlark. Instead of flying directly forward, as some other birds do, these, when they see themselves threatened by the approach of the hawk, immedi- ately take to the skies. They fly almost perpendicularly upward, while their ardent pursuer keeps pace with their flight, and tries to rise above them. Thus both diminish by degrees from the gazing spectator below, till they are quite lost in the clouds; but they are soon seen descending, . struggling together, and using every effort on both sides; the one of rapa- cious insult, the other of desperate defence. The unequal combat is soon at an end; the falcon comes off victorious, and the other, killed or disabled, is made a prey either to the bird or the sportsman. THE GOLDEN EAGLE! {s one of the largest and noblest of all those virds that have received tne name of eagle. The length of the female is three feet anda half ; the extent of its wings, eight and a half; it weighs from sixteen to eighteen pounds but the male seldom weighs more than twelve pounds. Its bill is th ' Falco fiulvus, Gmer, AVES—EAGLE. “ASH inches long, and of a deep blue; and the eye of a very brilliant hazel color. “The sight and sense of smelling are very acute. The head and neck are elothed with na.row, sharp-pointed feathers, of a deep brown color bordered with tawny; but those on the crown of the head, in very old birds, turn gray. The whole body, above as well as beneath, is of a dark brown; and the feathers of the back are finely clouded with a deeper shade of the same. The wings when clothed reach to the end of the tail. The quill feathers are of a chocolate color, the shafts white. The tail is of a deep brown, irregularly barred and blotched with an obscure ash color, ond usually white ‘at the roots of the feathers. The legs are yellow, short, and very strong, being three inches in circumference, and feathered to the very feet. The toes are covered with large scales, and armed with the most tormidable el ws, the middle of which are two inches long. ee AG De ; " i This eagle inhabits the highest mountains of the north of Europe anu America, and preys on fawns, lambs, hares, and large birds. It soars to » prodigious height. An individual was kept at Vienna, which lived one ‘hundred and four years. Jn general all eagles are found in the mountainous and ill peepled countries. and breed among the loftiest cliffs. They choose those places which are remotest from man, upon whose possessions they but seldom make their depredations, being contented rather to follow the wild game in the forest, -han to risk their safety to satisfy their hunger. It requires great patience and much art to tame an eagle; and even though taken young, and brought under by long assiduity, yet still it isa daugerous domestic, and often turns its force against its master. When brought into tue field for the purposes of fowling, the falconer is never sure 436 AVES—EAGLF. of its attachment; tle innate pride, and love of liberty, still prompt it to regain its native solitudes; and the moment the falconer sees it, when let loose, first stoop towards the ground, and then rise perpendicularly into the clouds, he gives up all his former labor for lost; quite sure of never beholding his late prisoner more. Sometimes, however, they are brought to have an attachment for their feeder ; they are then highly serviceable, and liberally pro- vide for his pleasures and support. When the falconer lets them go from his hand, they play about and hover round him till their game presents which they see at an immense distance, and pursue with certain destruction. They have, however, never been used in European falconry. It is only in the east that they have been so employed. Of all animals the eagle flies highest, and on this account he was called vy the ancients the Bird of Jove. When M. Ramond ascended Mont Perdu, in the Pyrenees, nearly three miles above the Jevel of the sea, he sawa golden eagle far above h'm, dashing rapidly to windward against a strong gale. Ofall birds, also, the eagle has the quickest eye; but his sense of smelling is far inferior to that of the vulture. He never pursues, therefore, but in sight; and when he has seized his prey, he stoops from his height, as if to examine its weight, always laying it on the ground before he carries it off. As his wing is very powerful, yet, as he has but little suppleness in the joints of the leg, ke finds it difficult to rise when down ; however, if not instantly pursued, he finds no difficulty in carrying off geese and cranes. He also carries away hares, lambs, and kids; and ofte1 destroys fawns and calves, to drink their blood, and carries a part of their flesh to his retreat. Infants themselves, when left unattended, have been destroyed by these rapacious creatures ; which probably gave rise to the fable of Ganymede’s being snatched up by an eagle to heaven. An instance is recorded in Scotland of two children being carried off by eagles; but fortunately they received no hurt by the way; and, the eagles being pursued, the children were restored unhurt out of the nests to the .affrighted parents. The eagle is thus at all times a formidable neighbor; but peculiarly so avhen bringing up its young. Jtis then that the female, as well as the male. exert all their force and industry to supply their young. Smith, in his ‘History of Kerry, relates, that a poor man in that country got a comfortable subsistence for his family, during a summer of famine, out of an eagle’s nest, by robbinz the eaglets of food, which were plentifully supplied by the ald ones. He protracted their assiduity beyond the usual time, by clipping the wings, and retarding the flight of the young. It happened some time ago, in the same country, that a peasant resolved «rob the nest of an eagle, that had built in a small island, in the beautiful rake of Killamey. Heaccordingly stripped and swam in upon the island, snue tle old ones were away; and, robbing the nest of its young, he was yseparing to swim back, with the eaglets tied ina string; but, while he was AVES—EAULE. 437 yet up to his chin in the water, the old eagles returned, and, missing their young, quickly fell upon the plunderer, and, in spite of all his resistance dispatched him with their beaks and talons. In order to extirpate these pernicious birds, titere is a law in the Orgney Islands, which entitles any person that kills an eagle, to a hen out of every house in the parish in which the plunderer is killed. The nest of the eagle is usually built in the most inaccessible cliff of the rock, and often shielded from the weather by some jutting crag that hangs cver it. Sometimes, however, it is wholly exposed to the wituls, as well sideways as above ; for the nest is flat, though built with great labor. It is said that the same nest serves the eagie during life; and indeed, the pains bestowed in forming it, seem to argue as much. It is asserted, that as soon as the young ones are somewhat grown, the mother kills the most feeble or the most voracious. If this happens, it must proceed only from the necessities of the parent, who is incapable of providing for their support, and is content to sacrifice a part to the welfare of the majority. After a male and female have paired, they remain together for life, and never change their place of abode. The plumage of the eaglets is not so strongly marked as when they come to be adult. They are at first white; then inclined to yellow; and at last light brown. Age, hunger, long captivity, and diseases, make them whiter. It is said that they live above a hunured years; and that they at last die, not of old age, but from the beak turniug inward upon the under mandible, and thus preventing their taking any food. They are indeed equally remarkable for their longevity, and for their power of sustaining a long absence from fuod. One of this species, which was lately nine years in the possession of Mr Owen Holland, of Conway, lived thirty-two years with the gentleman who made him a present of it; but what its age was when the latter received it from Ireland is unknown. The same bird also furnishes a proof of the truth of the other remarks ; having once, through the neglect of servants, endured hunger for twenty-one days, without any sustenance wiiatever. But this is sti:] less extraordinary than an instance recorded by Buffon, whe was assured, by a person of veracity, that one of these birds being caught in a fox trap, existed for five entire weeks without aliment. It showed no appearance of languor till the tast cight days, and it was killed at length in order to deliver it from its sufferings. The eagle seldum drinks, as its principal aliment is raw flesh, which contains in itself a sufficient quantity of moisture. 138 AVES—EAGLE. THE RING-TAILED EAGLE {is probably the young of the golden eagle, though formerly considered a distinct species. When young, the body is of a lighter color than that bird, but deepens into a blackish brown as the eagle advances in age. The tail feathers of this bird are highly valued by the various tribes of American Indians, for ornamenting their calumets or pipes of peace. The ring-tailed eagle is characterized as a generous spirited and docile bird. Its solitary habits, the vast inaccessible cliffs to which it usually retires, united with the scarcity of the species in those regions inhabited by man, all com- bine to render a particular knowledge of its aabits very difficult to be ct tained. ~, THE OSPREY EAGLE:! Tins bird and the sea eagle have often been confounded with eacn other. They are, however, very different. The osprey, both male and-female, is much smaller than the sea eagle; the ¢arst vf the osprey are scaly and naked, while those of the sea eagle are feachered part of the way; the osprey may be trained to catch fish for its keeper, but the sea eagle will not serve a master. ( 4 Falco halietus, 3 in. AVES—EAGLE. 439 This eagle is common in Europe, and is probably the same with the ind- vidual known in the United States, by the name of the AMERICAN FISHHAWK. We sh7il therefore introduce in this place, the description which our natu- ralists have given of the latter bird. This is a formidable, vigorous winged, and we!l known bird, vhich sub- sists altngether on the finny tribes that swarm in our bays, creeks, and rivers; procuring his prey by his own skill and industry. It is doubtless the vost numerous of all its genus within the United States. It penetrates for unite the interior of the country, up our iarge rivers, and their head waters, Ji wiry pe said to line the seacoast from Georgia to Canada. The first appearance of the fish-hawk in spring is welcomed by the fishers men, as the happy signal of the approach of those vast shoals of herring, shad, &c., that enter our rivers in such prodigious multitudes. They see it active and industrious like themselves; inoffensive tu the productions of their farms; building with corfidence, and without the least disposition to concealment, in the middle of their fields, and along their fences; and returning regularly year after year to their former abode. ‘heir nests are built of large sticks, corn-stalks, sea- weed, pieces of wet turf, and muller stalks, lined with dry grass; the whole forming a mass very observable at halfa mile’s distance, and large enough to fill a cart, and torm no incon- siderable a load for a horse. These materials are all put strongly together. During the time the female is sitting, the male frequently supplies her with fish. On the appearance of the young, the zeal and watchfulness of the parents are extreme. They stand guard, and go off to fish alternately ; one parent being always within a short distance of the nest. On the near appruaca of any person, the hawk utters a plaintive whistling note, which 440 AVES—EAGLE. becomes snriller as she takes to wing and sails around, sometiraes making a rapid descent, as if aiming directly for you, but checking her course, and sweeping past at a short distance over head, her wings making a loud whizzing in the air. The flight of the fish-hawk, his manceuvres while in search of fish, and. his manner of seizing his prey, are deserving of particular notice. In leav- ing the nest, he usually flies direct till he comes to the sea, then sails around in easy curving lines, turning sometimes in the air as on a pivot, apparently without the least exertion, rarely moving the wings; his legs extended in a straignt line behind, and his remarkable length and curvature or bend of wing, distinguishing him from all other hawks. The height at whic: he thus elegantly glides is various, from one to two hundred feet, sometimes: much higher, all the while calmly reconnoitering the deep below. Suddenly he is seen to check his course, as if struck by a particular object, which he seems to survey for a few moinents with such steadiness, that he appears fixed in air, flapping his wings. This object, however, he abandons, and he ts again seen sailing around as before. Now his attention is again arrested, and he descends with great rapidity; but ere he reaches the surface, shoots off on another course, as if asha-ned that a second victim had escaped him. He now sails at a short height above the surface, and by a zigzag descent; and without seeming to dip his feet in the water, seizes a fish, which, after earrying a short distance, he probably drops or yields up to the bald eagle, and again ascends by easy spiral circles, to the higher regions of the air, where he glides abcut in all the ease and majesty of his species. At once from this sublime erial flight he descends like a perpendicular torrent, plunging into the sea with a loud rushing sound, and with the cer- tainty ofa rifle. In afew moments he emerges; bearing in his claws his struggling prey, which he always carrics head foremost; and having risen a few feet above the surface, shakes himself asa water spaniel would do, and directs his heavy, laborious course directly for land. A shad was once taken from a fish-hawk near Great Egg harbor, on which he had begun to regale himself, the remainder of which weighed six pounds. Another hawk at the same place was seen with a flounder in his grasp, which struggled. and shook him so that he dropped it on the shore. The dounder was picked up, and served a whole family for dinner. It is sirgular that the hawk never descends to pick up a fish which he happens to drop either on the Jand or on tle water. AVES—EAGLE, 44) THE GREAT SEA EAGLE, JaL~ gD the erne in Scotland, is usually above three fect in lensth, and the wings, when expanded, measure seven or eight feet. The bill, yellow at the base, is generally of a bluish black color towards the extremity. A» blackish brown, deeper above than beneath, is the common hue of the bird which is relieved by numerous white spots on the breast and under parts Of his wings the larger feathers are nearly black, but those of the tail have aless-deep tinge. It is found in the northern regions of both continents, even to the very margin of the polar ice, and in Asia as far to the south as the Caspian Sea. Fishing is the sea eagle’s regular means of subsistence, but, on occasion, it will pick up dead fish on the beach, and attack seals and land animals. ‘ Few exhibitions in nature,” says the author of the British - Naturalist, “are finer than the fishing of this powerful bird. Not adapted for walking into the shallow water for prey like the heron, the sea eagle courses over the surface. From her unapproachable haunt in the trees or the crags, —the latter is, when she can obtain it, her most admired resi- dence — she darts forth with the straightness and fleetness of an arrow, and as she glides high in the air, scanning the expanse of miles with her clear and unerring vision, one or two motions of her wings are sufficient to elevate her almost above the reach of human eyes, or bring her down close to the 1 Falco albivilla, L ux 56 442. AVES -EAGLE. surface cf the water. When her prey appears within her reach, she piuses not an instant, but raising her broad wings upwards against the air, and thus taking advantage of the elasticity of both, shoots down as if discha ‘gee from a bow or an air-gun, makes the cliff echo to her cherup, and da: hes upon the water with the same thunder and spray, as if a lightning-ent fragment had been precipitated from the height. For an instant the colu nn of spray conceals her, but she soon asvends, bearing the prey in her talo.ts, and a brief space elapses before she is lost in the distance.” As this eagle will eat carrion, it is used as a bait to catch him in Suther- landshire. A minature house, or at least the wall part of it, is built on ground frequented by-the eagle, and an opening left at the foot of the wall sufficient for the egress of the bird. To the outside of this opening a bit of strong cord is fixed, with a noose formed on one end, and the other end returning through the noose. After al! this operation is finished, a piece of carrion is thrown into the house, which the eagle finds out and perches upen. It eats voraciously; and when it is fully satiated, it never thinks of taking its flight immediately upwards, unless disturbed, provided it can find an easier way to get out of the house; for it appears that it is not easy for it to begin its Hight but in an oblique direction ; consequently it walks delibe- rately out at the opening left for it, and the noose catches hold of and fairly strangles it. THE WASHINGTON EAGLE:! Tue discovery of this noble American bird, we owe to Mr J. J. Audubon, who considers it a new species, never before described by naturalists. There are many, however, who regard it as the sea eagle of Europe just described. Mr Audubon’s discovery is thus related in his own words. “Tt was on a winter’s evening, in the month of February, 1814, that, for the first time in my life, I had an opportunity of seeing this rare and noble bird ; and never shall I forget the delight it gave me. Not even Hersenel, when he discovered the famous planet which bears his name, could have experienced more happy feelings. To have something new to relate, te become yourself a contributor to science, niust excite the proudest emotions of the human heart. “We were on a trading voyage, ascending the Upper Mississippi, —the “keen winter blasts whistled over our heads, and the cold from whieh I suffered had, ina great degree, extinguished the deep interest which, at other seasons, this river has been wont to awake in me. I lay stretched beside our patroon ; the safety of the cargo was furgotten, and the only thing that 1 Falco Washingtonianus, Aupubon, AVES—EAGLE. 443 zalled forth my attention was the multitude of ducks, of different species, accompanied ty vast flocks of swans, which froin time to time would \ass us. My patroon, a Canadian, had been engaged many years in the fur crade ; he was a man of much intelligence, who, perceiving, that birds had engaged my curiosity, seemed only anxious to find some new object to divert me. The sea eagle flew over us. ‘How fortunate!’ he exclaimed ; ‘ this is what I could have wished. “Look, Sir' the great sea eagle. and the on'y one 1 have seen since | left the Jakes.’ I was instantly on my feet, aad, havag observed it attentively, concluded, as I lost it in the distance, that it was @ species quite new tome. My patroon assured me that such biras wera indeed rare; that they sometimes followed the hunters, to feed on the entrails of animals they had killed, when the lakes were closed by the ice, but, when open, they would dive in the daytime after fish, and snatch them up in the manner of the fishing hawk; that they roosted generally on the shelves of the rocks, where they built their nests, of which he had discovered several by the quantity of white exuvie scattered below. His account will be found to accord with the observations which I had afterwards an opportunity of making myself. Being convinced that the bird was unknown to naturalists, I felt particularly anxious to learn its habits, and in what particulars it 444 AVES—EAGLE. differed from the rest of its genus. Mr Wilson had confounded it with the pald or white headed eagle, one of the young of which he has given the figme of, to represent it. But Iam strongly inclined to believe, that he never saw this bird; for it must be acknowledged that he was a very close and accurate observer, and, had he met with it, could hardly have fallen into so great an error, unless he was deceived by the near resemblance which the young of these two species bear to each other in plumage, although their difference in size is very great; but, in the old birds, the likeness ceases to exist; both in habits and appearance they are totally dissimilar. “The sea eagle of America is full one fourth larger in size, than any female specimen of the other kind I ever met with, old or young. In the United States, from Massachusetts to Louisiana on the seaboard, or as high as the mouth of the Missouri to the north-west, (I speak only of the extent of country I have visited, and where I have seen them,) these birds are very tare. This will appear to all, when I say that during my many long peregrinations, more than eight or nine I never found, and only one nest. The sea eagle of European naturalists, of which Mr Bewick has given a description, and also a figure, in a smal] wood cut, is more like the species in question, as to form and plumage, than any other. In mentioning this gentleman, I cannot forbear expres sing the high estimation in which I hold his splendid productions; [ have no hesitation in pronouncing him a most elegant and faithful copier of nature, and the very best illustrator of English ornithology. Mr Wilson’s figure is not so well done; it seems to be taken from a stuffed specimen. “My next meeting with this bird was afew years afterwards, whilst engaged in collecting cray-fish, in one of those flats which border and divide Green River, in Kentucky, near its junction with the Ohio, from the range of high cliffs which, for some distance, follow the meanders of the stream. I observed on the rocks, which, at that place, are nearly perpendicular, a quantity of white ordure. — Thinking that owls resorted thither, I mentioned it to my companions, when one of them, who lived within a mile and a half of the place, told me that it was from the nest of the brown eagle; meaning the young of the white-headed eagle, with which he was acquainted. I assured him this could not be; and remarked that the old, as well as young, of that species never built in such places, but always in trees. Although he coald not answer my objection, he stoutly maintained that a brown eagle of some kind, above the usual size, had built there; he udded that he had discovered the nest some days before, and had seen one of the old birds dive and catch a fish. This he thought strange, having, till then, always observ- ed that brown and bald eagles provured this kind of food by robbing the fish- aawks; but if I felt particularly anxious to know what nest it-was, I might soon satisfy myself, as the old birds would come and feed their young with fish; he had seen them do so before, In high expectation { seated myself AVES—EAGLE. 445 ‘ about ahundred yards from the foot of the rock. Never did time pass more slowly; I could not help betraying the most impatient curios. ty, for my hopes whispered it was a sea eagle’s nest. Two long hours had elapsed before the old bird made his appearance, which was announced to us py ihe loud hissings of the two young ones, who crawled to the extremity of the hole to receive a fine fish. I had a perfect view of this noble bird as he held hiim- self to the edging rock, his tail spread, and his wings partly so, and hanging something like the barn, bank, or social swallow. I trembled lest a word shouid escape from my companions; the slightest murmur had been treason -from them; they entered'into my feelings, and, although little interested, gazed with me. Ina few minutes the other parent joined her mate, wuich, from the difference in size (the female being much larger,) we knew to be the mother bird. She, also, had brought a fish; but, more cautious than her mate, ere she alighted, she glanced her quick and piercing eye around, and instantly perceived her procreant bed had been discovered; she dropped her prey, with a loud shriek communicated the alarm to the mate, and, hovering with him over our heads, kept up a growling, threatening cry, to mtimidate us from our suspected design. This watchful solicitude I have ever found peculiar to the female. “The young having hid themse] ves, we went and picked up the fish which the mother had let fall; it was a white perch, weighing about five and a half pounds; the upper part of the head was broken in, and the back torn by the talons of the eagle. We had plainly seen her bearing it in the man- ner of the fish-hawk. “This day’s sport being at an end, as we journeyed homewards we agreed to return the next morning, being most anxious to procure both the old and young birds; but rainy and tempestuous weather setting in, our expedition was obliged to be postponed till the third day following, when, with guns and men all in readiness, we reached the rock. Some posted themselves at the foot, others upon it, but in vain. We passed the entire day, without either seeing or hearing an eagle; the sagacious birds, no doubt, having anticipated an invasion, had removed their young to fresh quarters. “T come at last to the day I had so often and so ardently desired. Two years had gone by since the discovery of the nex « ‘ruitless excurs.ons; but my wishes were no longer to remain ungratitied. In returning ‘rom the little village of Henderson, to the house of Dr R * * * * *, about a mile distant, I saw one rise from a small inclosure nota hundred yards before me, where the doctor had a few days before slaughtered some hogs, and alight upon a low tree branching over the road. I prepared my double- barrelled piece, which I constantly carry, and went slowly and cautiously towards him; quite fearless he awaited my approach, looking upon me with an undaunted eye. I fired, and he fell; before I reached him he was dead. With what delight I surveyed this magnificent bird! Had the finestealnion ever pleased him as he did me?—Never. Iran and presented him to my 446 AVES—EAGLE. friend, with a pride which those only can feel, who, like me, have devoted their earliest childl .0d to such pursuits, and have derived from them their first of pleasures; to others, I must seem ‘to prattle out of fashion.’ The doctor, who was an experienced hunter, examined the bird with much satisfaction, and frankly acknowledged he had never before seen or hearé of it. The name I chose for this new species of eagle, ‘ The Bird of Wash- ington,’ may, by some, be considered as preposterous ahd unfit; but, teing indisputably the ndblest of the genus known to naturalists, 1 trust it will be allowed to retain it. To those, however, who may be curious to know my teasons, I can only say, that, as the new world gave me birth and liberty, the great man who insured its independence is next to. my heart; he had such true nobility of mind, and honest generous feeling, as is seldom pos- sessed ; he was brave, so was the eagle; and his name, extending from pole to pule, resembles the majestic soarings of the mightiest of the feathered tribe. | “ During the month of January following, I saw a pair of sea eagles flying over the Falls of the Ohio, one in chase of the other. The next day I saw them again; the female had relaxed in her severity, had laid aside her coy- ness, and to a favored tree they continually resorted. I pursued them unsuccessfully for several days, when they forsook the place. “The flight of this bird is very different from that of the white-headed eagle, encircling more diameter than the latter; whilst sailing, keeping nearer to the land and the surface of the water; and when about to dive for fish, falling in acircuitous spiral manner, as if with an intention of checking all retreating movement which its prey might attempt, and only when within a few yaras darting upon it. The fish-hawk often does the same. When rising with a fish they fly to a considerable distance, forming, in their line of course and that of the water, a very acute angle, sometimes not exceeding thirty degrees, when several hundred yards distant from the spot emerged from. My last opportunity of seeing the sea eagle, was on the 15th of November, 1821, a few miles above the mouth of the Ohio; two passed over our boat, moving down in easy flappings. In a letter froma kind relation, Mr * **, dated ‘ Falls of the Ohio, July, 1819,’ containing particulars relative to the swallow-tailed hawk (Falco furcatus,) he also says, ‘ Yes« terday, for the first time, [had an opportunity of viewing one of those magnificent birds, which you call the sea eagle, as it passed low over me, whilst fishing ; I shall be really glad when I can again have the pleasure of seeing your dra-ving of it.” The glands containing the oil, us:d for the purpose of lubricating the surface of the plumage, were, in the specimen here represented, extremely large ; the contents had the appearance o} hog’s fat which had been melted and become rancid. This bird makes mora cupious use of that substance than the white-headed eagle, or any of the Falco genus, except the fish-hawk ; the whole plumage looking, upon close exaniination, as if it had received a general coating of a thin clear dilution of AVES—EAGLE. 447 gum arabic, and presenting less of the downy gloss exhibited on the vppef part of the bald-headed eagle’s plumage. The male bird weighs fourteen and a nalt pounds avoirdupois, measures three feet seven inches in length, and ten feet two inches in extent. ‘““From the above account it will be seen that the bird nere described, and faithfully figured from a fresh killed specir.en, is a very scarce species, cven in those parts where it is a native; and that it is rarely met with, the few opportunities I have had of seeing it, the dates of which I have generally given, are a sufficient proof.” WHITE-HEADED, OR BALD EAGLE. Turis distinguished bird has been long known to naturalists, beng ~ommon ‘to both continents, and occasionally met with from a very high northern latitude, to the borders of the torrid zone, but chiefly in the vicinity of the sea, and along the shores and cliffs of our lakes, and large rivers. Formed by nature for braving the severest cold; feeding equally upon the produce of the sea and of the land; possessing powers of flight capable of outstrippiug even the tempests themselves; unawed by any thing but man; and from the ethereal heights to which he soars, looking abroad, at one glance, on an immeasurable expanse of forests, fields, lakes, and ocean deep below him, he appears indifferent to the little localities of change of seasons; as ina few minutes he can pass from summer to winter, from the lower to the higher regions of the atmosphere, the abode of eternal cold; and thence \ Falco leurocephatus, Lin. 448 AVES—EAGLE descend at will to the torrid or the arctic regions of the earth. He 1s there- fore found at all seasons in the countries he inhabits, but prefers such places as have been mentioned above, from the great partiality he has for fisn. In procuring these he displays, in a very singular manner, the genius and energy of his character, which is fierce, contemplative, daring, and tyranni- eal; attributes not exerted but on particular occasions; but when put forth, overpowering all oppesition. Elevated on the high dead limb of some gigantic tree, that commands a wide view of the neighboring shore and ocean, he seems calmly to contemplate the motions of the various feathered tribes that pursue their busy avocations below; the snow white gulls slowly winnowing the air; the busy tring coursing along the sands; trains of ducks streaming over the surface; silent and watchful cranes intent and wading ; clamorous crows, and all the winged multitudes that subsist by the bounty of this vast liquid magazine of nature. High over all these hovers one, whose action instantly arrests ail his attention. By his wide curvature of wing, and sudden suspension in air, he knows him to be the jish-hawk, settling over some devoted victim of the deep. His eye kindles at the sight, and balancing himself with half opened wings, on the branch, ne watches the result. Down, rapid as an arrow from heaven, descends the distant object of his attention, the roar of its wings reaching the ear as it disappears in the deep, making the surges foam around! At this moment the eager looks of the eagle are a‘l ardor, and levelling his reck for flight, he sees the fish-hawk once more emerge, struggling with his prey, and mounting in the air, with screams of exultation. ‘These are the signals for our hero, who, launching into the air, instantly gives chase, soon gains on the fish-hawk, each exerts himself to the utmost to mount above the other, displaying in these rencontres the most elegant and sublime evolutions. - The unencumbered eagle rapidly advances, and is just on the point of reach- ing his, opponent, when, with a sudden scream, probably of despair and honest execration, the latter drops his fish; the eagle, poising himself for a moment, as if to take a more certain aim, descends like a whirlwind, snatches it in his grasp ere it reaches the water, and bears his ill-gotten booty silently away to the woods. The predatory attacks and defensive manceuvres of the eagle and the fish- hawk, are matters of daily observation along the whole of our seaboard, from Georgia to New England, and frequently excite great interest in the spectators. Syinpathy,,however, on this as on most other occasions, gene- rally sides with the honest and laborious sufferer, in opposition to the attacks of power, wnjustice, and rapacity; qualities for which our hero is so generally notorious, and which, in his superior man, are certainly detesta- ble.- As for the feelings of the poor fish, they seem altogether out of the question. z When driven, as he sometimes is, by the combined courage and perse- verance of the fish-hawks, from their neighborhood, and forced to hunt for AVES—EAGLE. 449 himself, he retires, more inland, in search of young pigs, of which he destroys great numbers. In the lower parts of Virginia and North Carolina, where the nbabitants raise vast herds of those animals, complaints of this kind are very general against him. He also destroys young lambs in the early part of spring ; and will sometimes attack old sickly sheep, aiming furiously at their eyes. HARPY EAGLE. Tus noble bird, the most magnificent of the eagle tribe, is dist. guished irom the other eagles, by the shortness of its wings, the extreme robustness of its legs, and the more than ordinary curvature of its beak and talons. Its upper mandible is remarkably thick at the base, from whence it is con- tinued for some distance m a straight line, but suddenly curves downwards, with a streng arch toward the point, which is extremely sharp; the lower mandible is straight, short, and obtuse; the nostrils are transverse and oval ; the wings do not reach when closed beyond the middle of the tail, which is rounded at the extremity; the legs are only partially feathered, on the upper part of their anterior surface, the remaining portion being naked and reticu- lated ; and the talons are excessively powerful, the internal and the posterior in particular attaining an almost disproportionable length. 1 Harpyia destructor, Cuvies 57 450 AVES—EAGLE. , i The harpy is so bold, according to Hernandez, that it does not scrupte te attack the most ferocious beasts, and even man himself; but this attribute is probably as much exaggerated as its docility, when he adds, that he may be tamed and trained to hawk as readily as the rest of the accipitrine tribe He states also that it is quarrelsome, sullen, and fierce, and preys not merely upon birds, but upon hares, and other similar animals. Linaeus adds to this account, probatly on the repurt of the keepers of the Spanish Menagerie that it is capable of splitting a man’s skull with a single blow of its beak. Mauduit states that he had been informed by travellers, that it commonly feeds upon the two species of sloth which are found in the forests of Guiana, and carries off in its talons fawns and other young quadrupeds. These details are confirmed by Sonnini, who describes it as living perfectly solitary in the depth and darkness of the thickest forests, where of course it is seldom disturbed by the prying eye of curiosity. He himself observed it perched on a lofty tree, on the banks of the Orassu, where it seemed altogether motion less, and uttered no cry. His shot having only broken his wing, he fastened it by one leg to his boat, in which position it remained for several days, displaying no symptoms of mischievousness, but constantly refusing all kinds of food. This was the specimen called by him aigle destructeur. These scattered notices comprise all that is known of its history in its natural state. In captivity there is little to distinguish its manners from those of the other birds of its trive. An individual taken from the nest, in possession of the elder Jacquin, became so tame as to suffer its head to be handled and scratched ; but unfortunately this specimen was found dead on its passage to Europe, having fallen a victim, as was supposed, to the vengeance of the sailors, whose monkeys it had destroyed. These animals, in their gambols, unconsciously approached too near its cage, and were seized by its powerful talons; it devoured them with almost al] their bones, but not without skinning them, an operation which it uniformly performed previously to consigning them to its maw. THE CHILIAN SEA EAGLE. Tue beautiful species which we are about to describe, measures about two feet in length, from the point of the beak to the extremity of “he tail, and from four to five in the expanse of its wings. No other individual, except that which is now in the Zoological Society’s Collection, has, we believe ever been in Europe; and even in cabinets, the stuffed skin appears to be of considerable rarity. It was first made known to science by M. D’Azara, to whom we are indebted for the earliest descriptions of so many South ' Holietus aguia, Tomo. AVES—EAGLE. 451 American animals, as well as for the most authentic details with respect to their native habits. In the present instance he has unfortunately given uv no such particulars ; and as no other zoologist has seen the living bird in a state of nature, we can but judge from analogy that its manners are the same with those of the best known species of its genus. A figure taken from a preserved specimen, has been lately published by M. Temminck, in, his splendid Planches Coloriées; and the description which accompanies it, is the only original notice of the bird subsequent to that of M. D’Azara. The latter author, or rather his French translator, names it Daigle noiratre et blanc. He states, that it is found, but not frequently, in Para- guay, and that it is generally seen in pairs. The feathers of the head, neck, and upper part of the body, are, according to his description, of a blackish blue, and, with the exception of those of the back, terminated by dirty white. The tail is blackish, with small whitish spots scattered over its surface the upper wing-coverts ash colored, with blackish stems and transverse lines of the same ; and the large coverts, as will as the quill-feathers, of a deeper ash, variegated with narrow black bands. The whole under surface is beautifully white, with transverse blackish lines on the under tail-coverts, and larger wing-coverts alone; the smaller wing-coverts having no other part but their stems of this sombre tinge. The naked part of the leg is of a hght yellow, with large fiat scales botn before and behind; tre cere is pale yellow ; the beak black at its point, and blue at the base; and the iris of 8 very light hazel. 452 AVES—EAGLE. THE WEDGE-TAILED EAGLE. Tue shape of the tail of this bird is peculiar to the continent of New Hol+ land, to which country the wedge-tailed eagle appears exclusively to belong. Its general color is of a deep dusky brown or dull black. It is said to prey upon the emeus, and other large birds, and also on the young kanguroos. There is a living individual now in the possession of the Zoological Society, the only one that has been brought to Europe. THE BRAZILIAN CARACARA EAGLE? So named from its hoarse and peculiar cry, is of a blackish brown color, with a light brownish gray neck, and the top of the head black. Accnrding to D’Azara, the full grown bird is twenty-one and a half inches in length, od 1 Falco fuscosus, Cuv. 3 Falco Braziliensis GmEu. AVES—HAWK. 453 and fifty im the expanse of the wings. Its range extends over a great part of South America, from Venezuela to Paraguay. It builds generally oa tne tops of trees, but sometimes ina bushy thicket. It feeds on almost every sort of living creature. THE GOSHAWK.1 Tas bird 1s somewhat longer than the buzzard, but more slender and beautiful, and is one foot ten inches in length. Its bill is blue, tipped with black; the cere green; the eyes yellow; over each eye there is a whitish line; the head and all the upper parts of the body are of a deep brown color, aud each side of the neck is irregularly marked with white; the breast and T 1 Falco palumbarius, Lin. 454 AVES--HAWK. belly are white, with a number of wavy lines or bars of black; the tails long, of an ash color, and crossed with four or five dusky bars; the legs are yellow, and the claws black; the wings are much shorter than the tail. — It feeds on mice and small birds, and eagerly devours raw flesh ; it plucks the birds very neatly, and tears them into pieces before it eats them, but swal- lows the pieces entire; and frequently disgorges the hair rolled up in small pellets. The goshawk is found in France and Germany; it is not very nunierous in England, but is more frequent in Scotland, where it breeds in lofty trees, and destroys large quantities of game. It is also common in Russia, and Siberia. There is in Chinese. Tartary a variety which is mottled with brown and yellow, and is used for sporting by the nobility. THE SPARROW-HAWK.a Tuts bird is somewhat larger than a common pigeon, the male being abo - twelve inches in length, and the female fifteen. It has a short hooked blue bill, with yellow cere, slender reddish legs, and rather a long tail. The color of the eye is a bright orange. The plumage on the wings and upper parts of the body is brown, spotted with yellowish dun; the lower parts in some are whitish ; in others of a russet color. The sparrowhawk is very numerous in various parts of the world, from Russia to the Cape of Good Hope. The female builds in high rocks, lofty ruins, or hollow trees, but will sometimes condescend to take up with the old nest of a crow. Four or five is the number of eggs which she lays, and they are marked with reddish spots at the longer end. The sparrowhawk is more easily trained and made docile than most of the rapacious tribes, and when domesticated it is susceptible of great attachment to its owner. In its wild state it commits enormous havoc among the smaller race of birds. and it is an object of particular dislike to the farmer, as it sometimes makes destructive visits to the poultry yard, and is so daring that it is not to he intimidated from the pursuit of its prey even by the presence of mankind. 1 Falco nisus, Lin. AVES—HAWK. 455 Of tne puzzard, kite, and falcon kind, above seventy differeny species, foreign and domestic, have been enumerated. Of all these the ne ure and Properties are nearly the same, and the description we have given of the jer-falcon, will apply to most of the hawk species, only differing in size and other minuter particulars; and that of the buzzard to the kites in general, with the same allowance.. Of the foreign birds of these species, some are crested, and others have plumage differing from those of Europe. THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWEK! = oe »S a constant resident in almost every vart of the United States, particularly fn the states north of Maryland. The habits and manners of this bird are well known. It flies rather irregularly. It perches on the top of a dead tree or pole'in the middle of a field; and sits there in an almost perpendicu- lar position, sometimes for an hour at a time, frequently jerking its tail, and reconnoitering the ground below, in every direction, for mice and lizards, &c. It approaches the farmhouse particularly in the morning, skulking about the barn-yard for mice or young chickens. It frequently plunges into a thicket after small birds, as if at random, but always witha particular and generally a fatal aim. Though small snakes, mice, and lizards, be favorite morsels with this active bird, yet we are not to suppose it altogether destitute of delicacy in feeding. It will seldom or never eat of any thing that it has not itself killed; and even that, if. not in good eating order, is sometimes rejected. A verv respectable friend informs me, says Wilson, that one morning he observed 1 Falco sparverius, Lin. 456 AVES—HAWK. one of these hawks dart down on thé ground, and seize a mouse, which he carried to a fence post; where, after examining it for some titne, he lett it; and a little while after pounced upon another mouse, which he instantly varried off to his nest in the hollow of a tree hard by. The gentleman, anxious to know why the hawk had rejected the first mouse, went up to it, and found it to be almost covered with lice, and greatly emaciated! Here was not only delicacy of taste, but sound and prudent reasoning. — “If I carry this to my nest,” thought he, “ it will fill it with vermin; and hardly be worth eating.” Many writers have spoken of this bird as inhabiting the West India is’ands, and especially Hispaniola, whence the species has been commonly known by the name of Saint Domingo hawks. Cayenne is given as its habitat by Brisson and Buffon; Paraguay, by D’Azara; and the Straits of Magellan, by Captain King. In the United States it usually builds in a hollow tree, and generally at a considerable distance from the ground, but in the south it is said to be more sociable, and D’Azara asserts that it will even take up its abode in churches and other old buildings. It lays from two to four or five eggs; and the young when hatched are fed with small birds, grasshoppers, and mice, the usual food of the parent birds. The note of this bird is so exactly imitated by the blue jay, as to deceive even those acquainted with them both; and, whether through fear or fascina- tion, no sooner does he.make his appearance in their neighborhood, than the jays swarm around him and commence insulting him with their imitative cries. In return for this, as might naturally be expected, they fall frequent victims to his appetite. THE BLACK HAWK! Is a native of North America alone. It is a remarkably shy and wary bird, fo ud ost frequently along the marshy shores of large rivers; feeds on mice, fiugs, aad moles; sails much and sometimes ata great height; has been seen to kill a duck on the wing; sits by the side of the marshes ona stake for half an hour ata time, as if dozing; flies with great ease, ana occasionally with great swiftness, seldom flapping nis wings; is most numerous with us in winter, and but rarely seen in summer; is remarkable for the great size of its eye, length of its wings, and shortness of its toes. The breadth of its head is likewise uncommon. We have no account of its place or manner of breeding. F. niger, Wiuson. AVES—HAWK. 457 THE PIGEON HAWK! : PossEssks great spirit and rapidity of flight. He is generally migratory mn the middle and northern states, arriving in Pennsylvania eaily in spring, and extending his migrations as far north as Hudson’s Bay. After building, and rearing his young, he returns to the south early in November. Small birds and mice are his principal food. When the reed birds, grak es, and rell-winged black birds congregate in large flights, he is often obse: ved fol« lowing in their rear, picking up the weak, the wounded, or the stragglers; and frequently making a sudden and fatal sweep into the very midst of their multitudes. The flocks of robins and pigeons are honored with the same attentions from this marauder, whose daily excursions are entirely regulated by the movements of the great body, on whose unfortunate members he fattens. Sometimes, when shot at and not hurt, he will fly in circles over the sportsman’s head, shrieking out with great violence, as if highly irritated. He frequently flies low, skimming a little above the field. THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK? Is a very elegant species, which inhabits the southern districts of the United States in summer. It is very abundant in South Carolina and Georgia, and still more so in West Florida, and the extensive prairies of Ohio and {[ndiana 1F’, columbarius, Lin. 2, furcatus, Lin, 53 39 458 AVES—BUZZARD. They feed on locusts, and on a species of lizard which is very numerous in that part of the country —and are said also to devour small green snakes. The flight of this bird is easy and graceful, with sometimes occasional sweeps among the trees. THE COMMON BUZZARD, Wutcu 1s one of the most widely known kinds of hawk in England, is about twenty inches in length, and four feet and a half in breadth, when measured across the expansion of the wings. The lower parts of the body are pale, varied with brown; on the upper parts dusky bars of a darker hue, mark the wings and tail, the latter of which is grayish beneath, and tipped with dusky white. The legs are yellow, the claws black, and the bill lead- colored, short, and hooked. ‘ Though strong and active, the buzzard is so cowardly that he will fly even trom the sparrow-hawk, and, when he 1s overtaken, will allow himself to be beaten, and cast to the ground, without making any resistance. His indolence is equal to his cowardice, as he will sit perched on the same bough during the greatest part of the day. Such is his laziness that he seldom constructs a nest, but contents himself witn repairing the old nest of a crcw, and lining it with wool and other soft materials. Rats, mice, and often all sorts of carrion, are his articles of subsistence. It is but fair, however, that justice shold be done to the good qualities of the buzzard. He may be tamed ; and, in his domestic state, he manifests a, very strong attachment to his owner. Buffon has given a highly amusing account of one which was reclaimed from the wild state by the Rector of St Pierre de St Belesme, and which displayed much of the sagacity and affection of a dog. “ After having shut it up about six weeks,” says he, “I segan to allow it a little liberty, taking the precaution, however, to tie both the pinions of its wings. In this condition it walked out in my garden, and 1 Falco buteo, Lin. AVES—RBUZZARD. 459 returned when I called it to feed After some time, when I judged that I could trust to its fidelity, I removed the ligatures; and fastened a small bell, an inch anda half in diameter, above its talon, and also attached to its breast a bit of copper, having my name engraved on it. I then gave it entire liberty, which it soon abused ; for it took wing, and flew as far as the forest of Belestne. I gave it up for lost; but four hours afterwards, I saw i rush into my hall, pursued by four or five other buzzards, which had con strained it to seek again its asylum. Alter this adventure, it preserved its fidelity to me, coming every night to sleep on my window.” It would also sit by and caress him at dinner, and follow him when he was on horseback. This bird had a remarkable antipathy to wigs, and particularly to red caps, which it never failed to snatch from the wearers, and deposit in a very high tree, that served as a store-house for its plunder. It is still more to the credit of the buzzard, that it is a most kind and assiduous parent; and Ray affirms that, should the female chance to be killed, the male will take charge of the young ones, and rear them till they can provide for themselves. The eggs of this bird are whitish, spotted with yellow. THE MOOR BUZZARD. Tuis bird is about twenty-one inches in length, with a black bill, and yellow cere and eyes. The whole crown of the head is ofa yellowish white, lightly tinged with brown; the throat is of a light rust color; the rest of the plumage is of a reddish brown, with pale edges; the greater wing-coverts are tipped with white; the legs are yellow; and claws black. Rabbits, young wild ducks, and other waterfowl, are the prey of this bird, which will likewise feed on fish, frogs, reptiles, andeven insects. Its haunts are in hedges and bushes, near pools, marshes, and rivers that abound with fish. It builds its nest a little above the surface of the ground, or in hillocks 1F rufus, Lin. 460 AVES—KITE. covered with thick herbage; the female lays three or four eggs of a whitish color, irregularly sprinkled with dusky spots. Though smaller, it is more active and bold than the common buzzard, and when pursued, it faces its antagonist, and makes a vigorous defence. Birds of this kind differ much; in some the crown and back part of the head being yellow; while some are uniformly of a chocolate brown, with a tinge of rust color. THE KITE! Is distinguished by his forked tail, and slow sailing flight, in which he seems perpetually on the wing. He is larger than the common buzzard. He has large eyes, yellow legs and feet, and black talons. The head and back are. of a pale ash hue, which is varied across the shafts of the feathers by longi- tudinal lines. His neck is reddish ; the feathers covering the inside of the wings are red, with black spots in the centre; and the lesser rows of the wing feathers are party-colored black, red, and white. He lives only upon accidental carnage, as almost every bird in the air is able to make good his retreat against him. He may be, therefore, considered as an insidious thief, who only prowls about, and, when he finds a small bird wounded, ora young chicken strayed too far from the mother, instantly seizes the hour of ealamity, and, like a famished glutton, is sure to show no mercy. His hunger, indeed, often urges him to acts of seeming desperation. We have seen one of them fly round and round for a while to mark a clutch of chickens, and then ona sudden dart like lightning upon the unresisting litle animal, and carry it off, the ken in vain crying out, and the boys hooting and casting stones to scare it from its plunder. For this reason, of all birds, the kite is the good housewife’s greatest tormenter and aversion. 4 Fulco milous, Lin AVES—FALCON...KITE. 461 THE ROUGH-LEGGED FALCON, Notwitustanpine its formidable size and appearance, spends the chief part of the winter among our low swamps and meadows, watching for mice, frogs, lame ducks, and other inglorious game. Twenty or thirty individuals of this fumily have regularly taken up their winter quarters for several years past in the meadows below Philadelphia, between the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, where they spend their time watching the banks like cats; or sailing low and slowly over the surfaces of the ditches. Though rendered shy by any attempt made to shoot them, they seldom fly far, usually from one tree to another at no great distance, making a loud squealing as they rise, something resembling the neighing of a young colt, though in a more shrill and savage tone. This bird is common during winter in the lower parts of Maryland, and aumerous in the extensive meadows below Newark, New Jersey; and are frequent along the Connecticut river. Their flight is slow and heavy. They take their station at daybreak near a ditch, bank, or haystack, for hours together, watching with patient vigilance for the first unlucky frog, mouse, or lizard, to make its iippearance. The instant one of these is de- scried, the hawk, sliding into the air, sweeps over the spot, and in an instant has his prey grappled and sprawling in the air. THE MISSISSIPPI KITE? 1 rinst observed, says Wilson, a few miles below Natchez, where I found them in company with the turkey buzzard, whose flight it so exactly imitates as to seem the same species, in miniature. It sails about in easy circles, and at an immense height in the air. I observed numbers of this lLawk sweeping about among the trees like swallows, in pursuit of the locusts that were in swarms on the trees, so that insects, it would appear, are the principal food of this species; but I do not doubt that mice, lizards, snakes, and small birds, furnish him with an occasional repast. This hawk is fourteen inches in length, and three feet in extent of wing. It is of an ash color, with a white neck and head. - — 3 —_— 1 BF, lagopus, Lin. 3, piundcus, UMEL, 39* 462 AVES—HAWK...BUZZARD. THE MARSH HAWK! Is, no doubt, the same species as the ring-tailed nawk of Kurope. They are very common in New Jersey, where they are known by the name of mouse hawk. Itis said, by Bonaparte, to be the young hen-harrier. They are most numerous in extensive meadows and salt marshes, over which they sail very low, making frequent circuitous sweeps over the ground, in search of a species of mouse, very abundant in such situations. It is said by European writers to build on the ground, or on the low limbs of trees. It is found at Hudson’s Bay. Itis particularly serviceable to the tice fields of the southern states, by the havoc it makes among the clouds of rice buntings that spread so much devastation among that grain. The planters consider one hawk to be equal to severa: negroes for alarming the rice birds. THE RED-TAILED HAWK, OR BUZZARD? ’ Iynapits the whole of the United States. Among the extensive meadows that border the Schuylkill and Delaware rivers below Philadelphia, where flocks of larks, and where mice and moles are in great abundance, many individuais of this hawk spend the greater part of the winter. Others prowl about the plantations, looking for vagrant chickens; their method of seizing which, is by sweeping swiftly over the spot; and then, grappling them with their talons, they bear them away to the woods. THE AMERICAN BUZZARD3 ReEsEMBLFs the red-tailed hawk, in size and general aspect, but differs some- what in color. It may perhaps on investigation be found to be the same. It is more numerous than the latter, but frequents the same situationy in the winter. One, which was shot on the wing, lived several weels, but refused to eat. It amused itself by frequently hopping from one end of the room to the other, and sitting for hours at the window, looking down on the passengers below. At first, when approached by any one, he drew back; but after some time, he became quite familiar, permitting himself to be handled, and shutting h's eyes as if quite passive. Though he lived so 1ong without food, he was found on dissection to be exceedingly fat. ‘FE, cyaneus, Lin. 2 F. borealis, GMEL. 3 F’, buteoides, Norra AVES—OWL. 463 THE EUROPEAN HORNED OWL, OR EAGLE OWL,! Ar first view appears as large as an eagle, though when he comes to be observed more closely, he will be found much less, being but two feet in length. His eyes are large and transparent, encircled with an orange colored iris; his ears are large and deep; his plumage is of reddish brown, . narked on the back with black and yellow spots, and yellow only upor the belly. To its offspring it is very affectionate, and if they are taken from the nest and confined, it will assiduously supply them with food. This, how« ever, it accomplishes with such secrecy and sagacity, that it is almost impossible to detect it in the act. This bird has been seen in Scotland, and in Yorkshire, but is notcommon in England. All birds of the owl kind have one common mark, by which they are listinguished from others; their eyes, like those of tigers and cats, are formed for seeing better in the dusk, than in the broad glare of sunshine. The pupil, in fact, is capable of opening very wide, or shutting very close; and, by contracting it, the brighter light of the day, which would act too Strix bubo, Linx, The gents Strix has the bill bent from its origin; base sarrounaed by a cere, covered wholly or in part by stifl’ hairs; head large, much feathered; nostrils lateral, pierced in the anterior margin of the cere, rounded, open, concealed by hairs directed forwards; eyes very large, orbits surrounded by feathers; legs feathered, often to the claws ; three toes before and one behind, separate, the exterior reversible; the first wing feathers dentated on their exterior burder, the third the longest. 464 AVES—OWL. powerfully upon the sensibility of tae eye, is excluded; while, by dilating the pupil, the animal takes in the more faint rays of the night, and thereby is enabled to spy its prey, and catch it with greater facility in the dark. But though owls are dazzled by too bright a daylight, yet they do not see best in the darkest nights, as some have been apt to imagine. The nights when the moon shines are the times of their most successful plunder; for when it is wholly dark, they are less qualified for seeing and pursuing their prey; except, therefore, by moonlight, they contract the hours of their chase ; and if they come out at the approach of dusk in the evening they return before it is totally dark, and then rise by twilight the next morning, to pursue their game, and to return, in like manner, before the broad daylight begins to dazzle them with its splendor. Yet the faculty of seeing in the night, or of being entirely dazzled by day, is not alike in every species of these nocturnal birds. The common white or barn owl, for instance, sees with-such exquisite acuteness in the dark, though the barn has been shut at night, and the light thus totally excluded, that it perceives the smallest mouse that peeps from its hole; on the con- trary, the brown horned owl is often scen to prowl along the hedges by day, like the sparrow-hawk ; and sometimes with good success. The note of the ow] is not unpleasant. “A friend,” says Mr White, “remarks that most of his owls hoot in B flat; but that one went almost half a note below A. — A neighbor of mine, who is said to have a nice ear, remarks that the owls about this village hoot in three different keys, in G flat, or F sharp, in B flat and A flat. He heard two hooting to each other, the one in A flat, and the other in B flat.” THE AMERICAN HORNED OWL}! Tne great horned owl is fuund in almost every quarter of the United States. ‘His favorite residence, however, is in the dark solitudes of deep swainps, covered with a growth of gigantic timber; and here, as soon as evening draws or, and mankind retire to rest, he sends forth such sounds, as seem scarcely to belong to this world. Along the mountainous shores of the Ohio, and amidst the deep forests of Indiana, alone and reposing in the woods, this ghostly watchman has frequently warned me of the approach of morning, and amused me by his singular exclamations; sometimes sweep- ing down and around my fire, uttering a sudden Waugh O! Waugh O! sufficient to have alarmed a whole garrison. He has other nocturnal solos, no less no Jious, one of which very strikingly resembles the half suppress- 1 Strir Virginiana, Witson. AVES—OWL. 465 ed screams of a person suffocated or throttled, and cannot fail of being exceedingly entertaining to a lonely benighted traveller, in the midst of an Indian wilderness.” This species inhabits the country round Hudson's Bay; and according to Pennant, (who considers it a mere variety of the eagle owl of [urope,) is found in Kamtschatka, extends even to the Arctic regions, where it is found white; and occurs as low as Astrachan. It has also been seen white in the United States, but this has been owing doubtless to disease. It preys on young rabbits, squirrels, rats, miee, partridges, and small birds of various kinds. It has been often known to prowl about a farmhouse, and carry off chickens from roost. The great horned owl is not migratory, but remains with us the whole year. He is.very rarely seen abroad by day, and never but when disturbed. The nest is generally placed in the fork of a tall tree and is constructed of sticks piled in considerable quantity, lined with dry -eaves and a few feathers. The female lays four white eggs, nearly as large as those of a hen. THE SNOWY OWL!‘ Is a native of the most northern regions of both continents, passing south- ward in the old as far as the latitude of Astracan, and in the new to, that of 1 Strix nyctea, Lin, 59 466 AVES—OWL. Pennsylvania, or more rarely even to the borders of Florida. Itis very seldom, however, met with in Europe to the south of Sweden; while in America it appears to oe most frequent in the latitude of Hudson’s Bay. Bechstein mentions one or two instances of its appearance in the neighbor- hood of Leipsic and of Dresden; and it has obtained a place in the British Fauna, as an inhabitant of the islands of Orkney and Shetland, where it was first detected by Mr Edmonstone, about eighteen or twenty years ago. It seems probable, from that gentleman’s observations, that it is stationary in the last mentioned locality throughout the year; but Wilson believes it to be only an occasional visitant in the United States, except perhaps in some of the more northern and inland parts, when it may remain during the summer to breed: In the early part of the present year, (1832,) one of them was shot onan island in Boston harbor, where he had been noticed lurking for several days previous, feeding on clams, muscles, and other shellfish along the shore. The comparative length of wing and strength of the quill feathers, in this eautiful owl, enable him to fly with much more swiftness, and to remain suspended in the air for a much greater length of time, than any other bird of the family, It flies avroad also in the daytime, as well as in the twilight, aud in all these particulars, as well as in the nature of its food, evinces a striking approach to some of the more strictly diurnal birds of prey. It feeds almost indiscriminately on birds, quadrupeds, fishes, and even carrion; and is stated by. Hearne to be extremely troublesome to the hunter, whom it will follow for a whole-day, perching itself on the highest tree, and skimming down, when a bird has been shot with such rapidity as to carry off the prize / AVES—OWL. 46? before the sportsman can get within reach of it. ‘They are,” he adds, “so great a hindrance to these employed in the hunting service, that the same prenium is given for one of their heads as for that of the hawk.” Wilson describes this bird as being particularly fond of frequenting the shores and banks of shallow rivers, sailing slowly over the surface, or sitting on a rock a little raised above the water, watching for fish, which it seizes with a sudden and instantaneous stroke of the foot, seldom missing its aim. It is capable of swallowing entire animals of considerable size, such as grouse, and partridges, young hares, and rabbits. Mr Bullock mentions an instance that came within his knowledge, in which a wounded individual disgorged a whole rabbit. According to Hearne, the female makes her nest upon the ground, and generally lays from three to four eggs, but seldom hatches more than two. The young are unable to fly before September ; and the parents never migrate in search of a more temperate climate, but brave the coldest winters, even on the barren grounds, far from any shelter that might be derived from the woods. In such situations they perch on high rocks and stones, watching for their prey, their snowy plumage render- ing them almost undistinguishable. Their voice is so dismal; that, as Pen- nant observes, it adds horror even to a Greenland winter. THE WHITE, OR BARN OWL|, THouGH so common in Europe, is much rarer in the United States than the preceding; and is only found here during very severe win- ters. This may possibly be owing to the want of those favorite recesses in this part of the world, which it so much affects in the Eastern Continent. The multitudes of old ruined towers, castles, uunasteries, and cathedrals, that every where rise to view in those countries, are the’ chesen haunts of this well. known species. Its savage cries at night give, with vulgar minds, a cast of supernatural horror to those ‘venerable mouldering files of anti quity. This species being common to both continents, doubtless extends to the arctic regions. Tey feed eagerly upon the meadow mouse, which is found in the mea- dows below Philadelphia, and on the marshes along the seashore. Another tavorite prey of this owl 1s the hat. \striz flammea, Lin. 468 AVES—OWL. THE HAWK OWL! ls a connecting link between the hawk and owl tribes. It has one strong trait of the hawk tribe in flying and preying by day, contrary to the general habit of owls. It is characterized asa po.d and active species, following the fowler and carrying off his game as soon as shot. It is said to prey un partridges and birds, and is very common in Hudson’s Bay. It is rare in the soutmern parts of the United States. Its favorite range seems to he along the borders of the arctic regions. Of their nest and manner of breed- ing we have no account. It is an inhabitant of both continents. It is worthy of remark, that in all owls that fly by night, the exterior edges and sides of the wing quills are slightly recurved, and end in fine hairs or points; by which means the bird is enabled to pass through the air with the greatest silence, a provision necessary for enabling them the better to securé'their prey. In the hawk owl, which dies by day, and to whom this contrivance would be of no consequence, it is accordingly omitted, or at least is scarcely observable. : THE RED OWL® 5 : Is well hnown by its common name of the little screech owl ; and noted for its melancholy quivering kind of wailing in the evening, particularly towards the latter part of summer and autumn, near the farmhouse. -On clear moon .ight nights they answer each other from various parts of the fields o zrchards; roost during the day in thick evergreens, such as cedar, pine, o 1 Strix funerea, Gmuev. 2S. asio, Lin. AVES—OWL. 46S juniper trees, and are rarely seen abroad during the sunshine. They con- struct their nests in the hollow of a tree, often in the orchard in an old apple tree. I kept one of these birds, says Wilson, in a room for several weeks. It was caught in a barn, and being unhurt, I had an opportunity of remarking its manners. At first it struck itself so forcibly against the window as fre- quently to deprive it, seemingly, of all sensation for several minutes; this was done so repeatedly that I began io fear that either the glass, or the owl’s skull must give way. Ina few days, however, it cither began to compre- hend the matter, or to take disgust at the glass; for it never repeated its attempts, and soon became quite tame and familiar. Those who have seen this bird only in the day, can form but an imperfect idea of its activity and even sprightliness in its proper season of exercise. Throughout the day it was al] stillness and gravity ; its eyelids half shut, its neck contracted, and its head shrunk seemingly into its body. But scarcely was the sun set and twilight began to approach, when its eyes became full aad sparkling like two living globes of fire; it crouched on its perch; reconnoitered every object round with looks of eager fierceness; alighted and fed; stood on the meat with clenched talons, while it tore it in morsels with its bill; flew round the room with the silence of thought, and perching, moaned out its melancholy notes with many lively gesticulations, not at all accordant with the pitiful tone of its ditty, which reminded one of the shivering moaning of a half frozen puppy. THE LITTLE OWL} Ts one of the least of its whole genus, 5ut, like many other little folks, maxes up in neatness of general form and appearance for deficiency of size, and is perhaps the most shapely of all our owls. It also possesses an eye fully equal in spirit and brilliancy to the best of them. This species is a general and constant inhabitant of the middle and north- ern states; but is found most numerous in the neighborhood of the sea+ shore, and among woods and swamps of pinetrees. It rarely rambles mucn during the day ; but if disturbed, flies a short way, and again takes shelter from the light; at the approach of twilight it is all life and activity, being a noted and dexterous mouse catcher. It is found as far north as Nova Scotia, and even Hudson’s Bay, and is frequent in Russia. It builds its nest in a pine tree. The melancholy and gloomy umbrage of those solitary evergreens forms its favorite haunts, where it sits dozing and slumbering all day. lulied by the roar of the neighboring ocean. ae See 1S. passerina, WiLson. 40 470 AVES—OWL. THE BURROWING OWL- Dirrers essentially from all others in his habits and manners. Instead of hiding his head in the daylight, he fearlessly flies abroad in search of rrey, in the broadest glare of the sun; and far from seeking abodes of solitude and silence, he lives in company with animals in the recesses of the earth, where they all enjoy the pleasures of fellowship and good harmony. The mounds of the prairie dog or marmot, which are thrown up in such numbers near the Rocky Mountains, are about eighteen inches in height. The entrai.ce is by a passage two feet in length, which terminates in a comfortable cell composed of dry grass, where the marmot takes up his winter abode. Around these villages, the burrowing owls may he seen moving briskly about, singly or in small flocks. They seem to have very little fear of man, either soaring to a distance when alarmed, or descending into the burrows, where it is very difficult to come at them. In countries where the marmot 1s not found, this owl is said to dig a hole for himself. Their food appears to consist entirely of insects. Its note is similar to the cry of the marmot, which sounds like chef, cheh, pronounced in rapid succession. The burrowing owl is nine inches and a half long. The general color ot the plumage is a light burnt umber, spotted with whitish. The under parts are white, banded with brown. All this tribe of animals, Lowever they may differ in their size and plumage, agree in their general characteristics of preying by-night; their bodies are strong and muscular ; their feet and claws made for tearing their prey; and their stomachs for digesting it. It must be remarked, however, that the digestion of all birds that live upon mice, lizards, or such like food, is not very perfect ; for though they swallow them whole, yet they are always seen some time after to disgorge the skin and bones rolled up in a pellet, as being indigestible. As they are incapable of supporting the light of the day, or at least of then seeing and readily avoiding their danger, they keep all this time concealed in some obscure retreat, suited to their gloomy appetites, and there continug in solitude and silence. The cavern of a rock, the darkest part of a hullow tree, the battlements of a ruined, unfrequented castle, or some obscure hole in a farmer’s outhouse, are the places where they are usually found; if they be seen out of these retreats in the daytime, they may be considered as having lost their way; as having by some accident been thrown into the midst of their enemies, and surrounded with danger. In this distress “hey are obliged to take shelter in the first tree or hedge hat offers, there to continue concealed all day, till the returning durknes 1 Strix cunicularia, Bonap. AVES_—OWL. 471 one more supplies them with a better plan of the country But it too ofter happens, that, with all their precaution to concea) themselves, they are spied out Sy the other birds of the place, and are sure to receive no mercy. The blackbird, the thrush, the jay, the bunting, and the redbreast, all come in file, and employ their little arts of insult and abuse. The smallest, the feeblest, and the most contemptible of this unfortunate bird’s enemies, are then the foremost to injure and torment him. ‘They increase their cries and turbulence round him, flap him with their wings, and are ready to show tl:eir courage to be great, as they are sensible that their danger is but small. The unfortunate owl, not knowing where to attack, or whither to fly, patiently sits and suffers all their insults. Astonished and dizzy, he only rephes to their mockeries by awkward and ridiculous gestures, by turning his head, and rolling his eyes with an air of stupidity. It is enough that an owl] appears by day to set the whole grove intoa kind of an uproar. Either the aversion all the small birds have to this animal, or the consciousness of their own security, makes them pursue him without ceasing, while they encourage each other by their mutual cries to lend assistance in their lauda- ble undertaking. ‘ It sometimes happens, however, that the little birds pursue their insults with the same imprudent zeal with which the owl himself had pursued his depredations. They hunt him the whole day until evening returns; which restoring him his faculties of sight once more, he makes the foremost of his pursuers pay dear for their former sport; nor is man always an unconcerned spectator here. The bird catchers have got an art of counterfeiting the cry of an owl exactly; and, having before limed the branches of a hedge, they sit unseen, and give the call. At this, all the little birds flock to the place where they expect to find their well known enemy; but, instead of finding their stupid antagonist, they are stuck fast to the hedge themselves. This sport must be put in practice an hour before nightfall, in order to be success- ful; for if it is put off till later, those birds which but a few minutes sooner came to provoke their enemy, will then fly from him with as much terror a3 they just before showed insolence. It is not unpleasant to see one stupid bird made in some sort a decoy to deceive another. The great horned owl is sometimes made use of for this purpose, to lure the kite, when the falconer desires to catch him for the purpose of training the falcon. Upon this occasion, they clap the tail of a fox to the great owl, to render his figure extraordinary; in which trim he sails slowly along, flying low, which is his usual manner. The kite, either curious o observe this odd kind of animal, or perhaps inquisitive to se: whether it may not be proper for food, flies after, and comes nearer ar® nearer. In this manner he continues to hover, and sometimes to desvend, till the falconer, setting a strong winged hawk against him, seizes him ft the purnose of training his young ones at home. 472 AVES—HORNBILL. The usual place where the great horned owl breeds is in the cavern of a rock, the hollow of a tree, or the turret of seme ruined castle. Its nest ig near three feet in diameter, and composed of sticzs, bound together by the fibrous roots of trees, and lined with leaves on the inside. It lays about . three eggs, which are larger than those of a hen, and of a color somewhat resembling the bird itself. The lesser owl of this kind never makes a nest for itself, but always takes up with the old nest of some other bird, which it aas often been forced to abandon. It lays four or five eggs; and the young are all white at first, but change color in about a fortnight. The other owls in general build near the place where they chiefly prey; that which feeds upon birds, in some neighboring grove; that which preys chiefly upon mice, near some farmer’s yard, where the proprietor of the place takes care to give it perfect security. In fact, whatever mischief one species of ow] may do in the woods, the barn owl makes a sufficient recompense for, by heing equally active in destroying mice nearer home; so that a single ow] is said to be more serviceable than half a dozen cats in ridding the barn of its domestic vermin. “In the year 1580,” savs an old writer, “at Hallontide, an army of mice so overrun the marshes near Southminster, that they ate up the grass to the very roots. But at length a great number of strange painted owls came and devoured all the mice. The like happened again in Essex about sixty years after.” ORDER II.—OMNIVOROUS BIRDS. brrps of this order have the bill middle sized, robust, sharp on the edges; the upper mandible more or less convex, and notched at the point; feet with four toes, three before and one behind; wings of medium size, with the quill feathers terminating in a point. THE HORNBILL.! Tne rhinoceros hornbill, or rhinoceros bird, is nearly as large as the turkey; the bil] is ten inches long, and two and a half thick at the base. On the upper part is an appendage as large as the bill itself, and turning upwards, which measures eight inches in height. There is nothing else remarkable in the bird, as the general color of the plumage is black. This bird is found in most parts of the East Indies, where (like the raven) it feeds 1 Buceros rhinoceros, Linx. The genus Buceros has the hill convex, curved, sharp- edged, of large dimensions, serrated at the margin, with a horny protuberance near the hase of the upper mandible rising into a crest ; nostrils behind the hase of the bill cavered by a membrane ; legs short, muscular; lateral toes equal, the external one united to the second wivt: the first three wing feathers graduated, the fourth or filth longest. AVES—HORNBILL...RAVEN. A73 upon carriun. It is said to chase rats and mice, and, after pressing them flat with its Lill in a peculiar manner, toss them up in the air, and swajlew them whole on their descent. THE HELMET HORNBILL} Is remarkable for having the same prominence of a conical form; and im the Philippine Isles there is a species, the horn of which reaches backwards beyond the eyes, ending in two angular points, which produce the effect of a bird with two horns. THE PIED HORNBILL, OR CALAO OF MALABAR. Tue circumstance which distinguishes it from the rest of its kind, is, that the breast, belly, and a part of the wings are white; the remainder of the nody is, like the rest of these animals, black. There are about twelve species of the hornbill in all, one of which is white. THE RAVEN2 Tre raven is a bird found in every region of the world; strong and hardy, he is uninfluenced by the change of the weather ; and when other birds seem numbed with cold, or pining with famine, the raven is active and healthy, busily employed in prowling for prey, or sporting in the coldest atmosphere. As the heats at the line do not oppress him, so he bears the cold of the polar countri2s with indifference. He is sometimes indeed seen milk-white, and this may probably be the effect of the rigorous climates of the north. A raven may be reclaimed to almost every purpose to which birds can be con- verted. Te may be crained up for fowling like a hawk; he may be taught to fetch and carry like a spaniel; he may be taught to speak like a parrot; put the most extraordinary of all is, that 1e can be taught to sing like a man. I have heard (says a modern writer) a raven sing the black joke wth grect distinctness, truth, and humor. andeed, when the raven is taken as a domestic, he has many qualities chat render him extremely amusing. Busy, inquisitive, and impudent, ne 1 Buceros galeatus, LATHAM. 2 Corpus coraz, Lin. The genus Corvus has the hill straight at its origin, thie, eom- ressed un the sides, bent towards the point, and edged; nostrils covered hy reflected Bustle feathers ; legs and feet plaited ; toes three before and one betond, divided ; tarsus longer than the middle toe ; wings acuminated, the fcurth feather longest. 60 Au* y 474 AVES—RAVEN. goes every where, affronts and drives off the dogs, plays his pranks on the poultry, and is particularly assiduous in cultivating the good-will of the cook maid, who seems to be the favorite of the family. But then, with the amusing qualities of a favorite, he often also has the vices and defects. He is a glutton by nature, and a thief by habit. He does not confine himself to petty depredations on the pantry or the larder; he soars at more magnificent plunder ; at spoils which he can neither exhibit nor enjoy ; but which, like a miser, he rests satisfied with having the satisfaction of sometimes visiting and contemplating in secret. A piece.of money, a tea-spoon, or a ring, are always tempting baits to his avarice; these he will slily seize upon, aud, if not watched, will carry to his favorite hole. In his wild state, the raven is an active and greedy plunderer. Nothing somes amiss to him. If in his flights he perceives no hope of carrion, (and ais scent is so exquisite, that he can’smell it a vast distance,) he then con- tents himself with more unsavory food, fruits, insects, and the accidental desserts of a dunghill. This bird chiefly builds its nest in trees, and lays five or six eggs of a pale green color, marked with small brownish spots. Notwithstanding the injury these birds do in picking out the eyes of sheep and lambs, when they find them sick and helpless, a vulgar respect is paid for them as being the birds that fed the prophet Elijah in the wilderness. This prepossession in favor of the raven is of very ancient date, as the Romans themselves, who thought the bird ominous, paid it, from motives of fear, the most profound veneration. One of these that had been kept in the temple of Castor, as Pliny informs us, flew down into the shop of a lailur, wuu took much delight in the visits of his new acquaintance. He AVES—CROW. A735 taught the bird several tricks ; but particularly to pronounce the name of the Emperor Tiberius and the whole royal family. The tailor was beginning to grow rich by those who came to see this wonderful raven, till an envious neighbor, displeased at the tailor’s success, killed the bird, and deprived the tailor of his future hopes of fortune. The Romans, however, took the poor tailor’s part; they punished the man who offered the injury, and gave the raven al] the honors of a magnificent interment. Birds in general live longer thun quadrupeds ; and the raven is said to be one of the most long lived of the number. Some of them have Leen known to live near a hundred years. This animal, indeed, seems possessed of those qualities that generally produce longevity, namely, a good appetite, and great exercise. The raven is about two feet in length, and four in breadth of wing. Its bill 1s strong, and very thick at the base; it measures somewhat more than two inches anda half in length, and is covered with strong hairs or bristles, which extend above half its length, covering the nostrils; the general color of the upper parts is a fine glossy black, reflecting a blue tint in particular lights; the under parts are duller, and of a dusky hue. ‘ The raven is a general inhabitant of the United States, but is more com- mon in the interior. It is a remarkable fact, that where they abound, the eommon crow seldom makes his appearance. THE CARRION CROW.1 2S taNe foe =n Tuts bird is about eighteen inches in length; its breadth above tw: feet. Crows are more numerous th in ravens, and as widely spread. They live mostly in woods, chiefly in pai 3, and build their nests on trees: the female lays five or six eggs much lke those of a raven. They remain ip England all the year. They feed on putrid flesh of all sorts; likewise on eggs, worms, insects, and various sorts of grain. Even pigeons, rabbits ehickens, cud young ducks are not safe from their attacks. ‘Tne crowasa 1 Corvus corone, Lin. 476 AVES—ROOK. bold bird; neither the kite, buzzard nor raven can approach its nest without being driven away; and when it has young, 1t will even fall upon the peregrine falcon, and bring it to the ground by a single stroke of the bill 11 is a very common bird in the United States, and is more familiar ip ite habits in this country than in Europe. THE ROOK! Is about the size of the carrion crow, and, excepting its more glossy pto- mage, very much resembles it. The base of the bill and nostrils, as far as the eyes, is naked, in which it differs from all the rest, occasioned, it is said, by thrusting its bill into the earth in search of worms: but as the same appear« ance has been observed in such as have been breught up tame and unaceus- tomed to that mode of subsistence, we are inclined to consider it an original peculiarity. Rooks are useful in preventing a too great increase of that destructive insect the chafer or dor-beetle, and thereby make large recoms pense for the depredations they may occasionally commit on the corn-fields. They are gregarious, and fly in immense flocks at morning and evening to and from their roosting places in quest of food. During the breeding time they live together in large societies, and build their nests on the tallest trees close to each other, frequently in the midst of large and populous towns. These rookeries, however, are often the scenes of bitter contests; the new comers are frequently driven away by the old inhabitants, their half-built nests torn in pieces, and the unfortunate couple forced to begin their work ancw in 1 Corvus frugilegus, Lin. AVES—JACKDAW. AT? some more undisturbed situation. But though bad neighbors, the males are good husbands, as they begin to feed the hens before the latter commence laying, and continue to do so through the whole season of incubation. The rook is a bird of great sagacity. Dr Darwin remarks, that rooks are obvi- ously more conscious of danger from mankind than most other birds are. Whoever has paid the least attention to them, may perceive that they are quite sensible of the danger being greater when a man is armed with a gun, than when he has no weapon with him. If, in the spring of the year, a person with a gun walk under a rookery, the inhabitants of the trees rise on their wings, and scream to the unfledged young to cower into their nests from the sight of the enemy. This uniformly occurs, and hence the country people assert that rooks can smell gunpowder. This bird is not a native of America. THE JACKDAW. Tus bird is considerably less than the rook, being only thirteen inches m length. The head is iarge, and the bill long, in proportion to the body. The eyes are white, and the hinder part of the head and neck are of a hoary gray color; the rest of the plumage is of a fine glossy black ahove; beneath it has a dusky hue: the legs are black. It remains in England the whole -year, and in great flocks frequents churches, old towers, and ruins, and some+ times, though rarely, even chimneys, hollow trees, and rabbit burrows, where it builds its nest: the female lays five or six eggs, paler than those of the crow, and smaller. Jackdaws are easily tamed, and may be taught to pro- nounce several words: they will conceal part of their food, and with it small pieces of money or toys. They feed on insects, grain, fruit, and small pieces of flesh, and are said to be fond of partridges’ eggs. They have also been seen to catch fish. ‘ VCorvus monedula, Lin. 478 A VES—MAGPIE. ‘ There is a variety of this bird in Switzeriand, which has a white cottar round its neck ; and in Norway and other cold. countries, they have been found perfectly white. They are not found in America. THE MAGPIE? xs about eighteen inches in length. The head, neck, and breast are ofa deep black, finely contrasting with the snowy whiteness of the under parts; tne neck feathers are very long, and extend down the back, leaving only a small space, of a grayish ash color, between them and the tail coverts, which are black ; the plumage in general is glossed with green, purple, and blue, which, catch the eye in different lights; the tail is very long and wedge- shaped; the under tail-coverts, thighs, and legs, are black :-on the throat and part of the neck, there is a kind of feathers, mixed with the others, re- sembling strong whitish hairs. - Indeed, were its other accomplishments equal to its beauty, few birds could be put in competition. Its black, its white, its green, and purple, with the rich and gilded combination of the ' Corvus pica, Lin. AVES—MAGPIE. 479 g-osses on its tail, are as fine as any that adorn the most beautiful of the feathered tribe. But it has too many of the qualities of a beau, to depre- ciate these natural perfections: vain, restless, loud, and quarrelsome, it isan unwelcome intruder every where; and never misses an opportunity, when it finds one, of doing mischief. It is a common bird in Europe and Asia, and in the western territories of the United States. It is remarkable that at the point where these birds are first encountered, in proceeding west, the blue jays disappear. The magpie bears a great resemblance to the butcherbird in its bill, which has a sharp process near the end of the upper chap, as well as in the short- ness of its wings, and the form of the tail, each feather shortening from the two middlemost. But it agrees still more in its food, living not only upon worms and insects, but also upon small birds, when they can be seized. A wounded lark, or a young chicken separated from the hen, are sure plunder; and the magpie will even sometimes set upon and strike a blackbird. The same insolence prompts it to seize the largest animals when its insults can be offered with security. They are often seen perched upon the back of an ox or a sheep, picking up the insects to be found there, chattering and tormenting the poor animal at the same time, and stretch out their necks for combat, if the beast turns its head backward to apprehend them. They seek out also the nests of birds; and, if the parent escapes, the eggs make up for the deficiency. The thrush and the blackbird are but too frequently robbed by this assassin, and this in some measure causes their scarcity. No food seems to come dmiss to this bird; it shares with ravens in their carrion, with rooks in their grain, and with the cuckoo in their eggs: but it seems possessed of a providence seldom usual with gluttons; for when it is satisfied for the present, it lays up the remainder of the feast for another occasion. It will even in a tame state hide its food when it has done eat- ing, and after a time return to the secret hoard with renewed appetite and vociferation. In all its habits it discovers a degree of instinct unusual to other birds, its nest is not less remarkable for the manner in which it is composed, than for the place the magpie takes to build itin. The nest is usually placed conspicu- ous enough, either in the middle of some hawthorn bush, or on the top of some high tree. The place, however, is always found difficult of access; for the tree pitched upon usually grows in some thick hedgerow, fenced by brambles at the root; or sometimes one of the higher bushes is fixed upon for the purpose. When the place is thus chosen as inaccessible as possible to men, the next care is to fence the nest above, so as to defend it from all the various enemies of the air. The kite, the crow, and the sparrow-hawk are to be guarded against: as their nests have been sometimes plunderec by the magpie, so it is reasonably feared that they will take the first oppor tunity to retaliate. To prevent this, the magpie’s nest is built: with surpris mg labor and ingenuity. 480 AVES—JAY. The body of the nest is composed of hawthorn branches; the thcrns sticking ,outward, but well united together by their mutual insertions Within, it is lined with fibrous roots, wool and long grass, and then nicely plastered all round with mud and clay. The body of the nest being thus made firm and commodious, the next work is to make the canopy, which is to defend it above. This is composed of the sharpest thorns, woven togeth er in such a manner, as to deny all entrance except at the door, which is just large enough to permit egress and regress t. the owners. In this fortress the male and female hatch and bring up their brood with security, sheltered from all attacks but those of the climbing schoolboy, who often finds his torn and bloody hands too dear a price for the eggs or the young ones. The magpie lays six or seven eggs, of a pale green color, spotted with brown. This bird, in its domestic state, preserves its natural character with stric propriety. The same noisy, mischievous habits attend it to the cage that marked it in the woods; and being more cunning, so it is a more docile biré than any other taken into keeping. Those who are desirous of teaching i to speak, have a foolish custom of cutting ‘ts tongue, which only puts tha poor animal to pain, without improving its speech in the smallest degree. Its speaking is sometimes very distinct; but its sounds are too thin an{ sharp to be an exact imitation of the human voice, which the hoarse rave and parrot can counterfeit more exactly. THE EUROPEAN JAY! Is one of the most beautiful of the British birds. The forehead is white, streaked with black ; the head is covered with very long feathers, which it can erect into a crest at pleasure; the whole neck, back, breast, and belly, are of a faint purple, dashed with gray; the wings are most beautifully barred with a lovely blue, black and white; the tail is black, and ihe feet of a pale brown. Like the magpie it feeds upon fruits, will kill small birds, and is extremely docile. The voice of the jay is harsh, grating, and un- pleasant. Upon seeing the sportsman, he gives, by his cries, the alarm of danger, and thereby defeats his aim. The jay builds in woods, and makes an artless nest of sticks, fibres, and tender twigs; the female lays five or six eggs, of a grayish asn color, mixed with green, and faintly spotted with brown. ; Like the magpie, the jay is talkative, and ready to imitate sounds. One of them has been known to mimic so exactly the noise made by the action of a saw, as to induce passengers to believe that a carpenter was at 1 Corvus glandarius. Lin. AVES—JAY. 481 work in the house. Another had learned, when cattle approached, to set a eur dog on them, hy whistling and calling him by name. The.poor jay, however, at last paid dearly {oz his mischievous tricks. Having set his quadruped associate upon a cow which was big with calf, the cow was much burt, he was complained of as a nuisance, and his owner was obliged te destroy him. THE AMERICAN BLUE JaYua Tis elegant bird is peculiar to North America, and is distinguished as & find of beau among the feathered tenants of our woods by the brilliancy of his dress; and, like most other coxcombs, makes himself still more cunspicu- ous by his loquacity and the oddness of his tones and gestures. Ile is al- most a universal inhabitant of the woods, frequenting the thickest settle- ments as well as the deepest recesses of the forest, where his squalling voice often alarms the deer, to the disappointment of the hunter. In the charming season of spring, when every thicket pours forth harmony, the part performed by the jay always catches the ear. He appears to be among his fellow musicians, what the trumpeter is tn a band, some of hi; notes ‘ Corvus cristatus, Lim. 61 4} 482 AVES—JAY. bearing no distant resemblance to the tones of that instrument. These ne has the faculty of changing through a great variety of modulations. When disposed for ridicule, there is scarcely a bird whose peculiarities of song he cannot tune his notes to. When engaged in the blandishments of love, they resemble the soft chatterings of a duck, and are scarce heard at some paces distant; but no sooner does he discover your approach, than he sets upa sudden and vehement outcry, flying off and screaming with all his might. His notes, a stranger might readily mistake for the repeated creakings of an ungreased wheelbarrow. All these he accompanies with various nods, jerks, and other gesticulations, for which the whole tribe of jays are so remarka- ble. The blue jay builds a large nest on a cedar or apple tree. His favorite food is chesnuts, acorns, and Indian corn. He sometimes feeds on bugs and caterpillars, and often plunders orc. rds, cherry’ rows, and potato patches, He spreads alarm and sorrow around him, by robbing the nests of other ‘birds; sucking the eggs, and frequently devouring the young. In times of great extremity, he will devour any animal substance that comes in his way. Of all birds, he is the most bitter enemy to theowl. No sooner has he discovered the retreat of one of these, than he summons the whole feathered fraternity to his assistance; who surround the glimmering solitaire, and attaclr him from alJl sides, raising such a shout as may be heard half a mile off: the ow] meanwhile returning every compliment with a broad goggling stare, The war becomes louder and louder, and the owl, at length forced to betake himself to flight, is followed by the whole train of his impudent persecutors, until driven beyond their jurisdiction. The jayis not only bold and vocife- rous, but possesses considerable talent for mimicry, and seems to enjoy great satisfaction in mocking and teazing other birds, particularly the sparrow- hawk, imitating his cry whenever he sees him, and squealing out as if caught. This soon brings a number of his tribe around him, who all join in the frolic, darting about the hawk, and feigning the cries of a bird sorely wounded ; but this ludicrous farce often ends tragically. The hawk sing- ling out one of the most insolent and provoking, sweeps upon him in an unguarded moment, and offers hira up a sacrifice to his hunger and resent- ment. In an instant the tune is changed; all their buffoonry vanishes, and loud and incessant screams proclaim their disaster. A blue jay which was brought up in the family of a gentleman in South Carolina, had all the tricks and loquacity of a parrot; pilfered every tning he could conveniently carry off, and hid them in holes and crevices ; answered ‘to his name with great sociability when called on, could articulate a numver of words pretty distinctly: and when he heard any uncommon noise or loud talking, seemed impatient to contribute to the general festivity, by a display ‘of all the oratorical powers he was possessed of. AVES—JAY. 483 This tird ts eleven inches in length: his head is ornamented with a cres* of light blue or purple feathers, which he can elevate or depress at pleasure. Whole upper parts light blue or purple, a collar of black passes down each side of the neck, and forms a crescent on the upper part of the breast, The under parts are white. The tail is long, and light blue, tipped with black. CANADA JAY. Tats species inhabits the country from Hudson’s Bay to the river St. Law- rence; also in winter,’the inland parts of the state of Maine, and northern parts of the states of Vermont and New York. When the season is very severe with deep snow, they sometimes advance farther south ; but generally return purthward as the weather becomes mild. The didrecter of this bird by the people of those parts of the country it inhabits, is, that it feeds on black moss, worms, and even flesh; when near habitations or tents, it pilfers every thing it can come at — is very bold, and comes even to the tents to eat meat out of the dishes ;— watches the hunters while baiting their traps for martens, and devours the bait as soon as their backs are turned; that they breed early in the spring, building their nests on pine trees, forming them of sticks and grass; that they fly in pairs; lay up hoards of berries in hol- low trees; are a kind of mock-bird; and when caught, pine away though their appetite never fails them. They are, we are informed, detested by the natives. The Canada jay is eleven inches long, of a dull leaden gray color; the under parts are brownish white. The whole plumage on the back is lnng oose, and in great abundance. STELLER’S JAY. Turs elegant bird is more than twelve inches long. The head, neck, ana crest, and part of the back, are of a brownish black,’the throat grayish, and the rest of the plumage of a beautiful blue. The feathers on the front of the head are tipped with blue. One specimen of this bird was shot near Columbia River, and another of more brilliant plumage, in Mexico. Of its habits little or nothing is known. It inhabits the western territories of the United States, beyond the Rocky Mountains; and is known on the coast of America, from California to Nootka Sound. 1 Corvus Canadensis, Lin. 2 Corvus Stelleri, GmEn. AS4 AVES—JAY...NUTCRACKER. FLORIDA JAY! Tuis bird is eleven inches anda half long. The‘head, neck, wings, and tail are bright azure; the front bluish white, the back yellowish brown. The lower parts are yellowish gray. The Florida jay is not confined to that country, but is found in Louisiana, and extends northward to Kentucky. It is very abundant in East Florida, where it is found at all seasons in low bushes. Their notes are varied greatly, and resemble those of the thrush and blue jay. M. Ord, who has studied this species, says that they are quarrelsome, active, and noisy, and construct their nests in thickets. Their eggs he has not seen. THE COLUMBIA JAY Tuis is the most splendid of the whole tribe of jays. It is thirty-one inches long, and twenty-six in the extent of wings. Its general culor is bright blue, with purple reflections. The fore neck and anterior rart of the neck are black, and the rest of the under parts white. The tail is very long, and the feathers of the head elongated intoa crest. The individual from which Mr Audubon’s drawing was made, was taken on the Oregon river. Nothing is known of its habits. Many of the foreign birds of the jay kind are exceedingly beautiful. The Chinese jay is of two kinds, the red billed and that with a bluish bill. They are both elegant birds, their plumage being finely varied with patches of a fine velvet black, particularly about the head and throat. The Peruvian jay is of a tender green, which, by insensible shades, assumes a bluish cast in different parts of the body. The brown jay of Canada, and the Siberian jay are less remarkable. At Cayenne there are two other remarkable species, one of which has three white spots on each side of the head; and the other, which is called the yellow bellied jay, is further distinguished by a gulden streak upon the crown of the head. THE NUTCRACKERS fs by some naturalists considered as of a distinct genus, by others it is classed with the crow; though in its manners it most resembles the jay, 1 Corvus Floridanus, Avpuson. 2 Corvus Bullockit, AUDUBON. 3 Nucifraga Caryocatactes, Lin. This is the only individual of the genus; tt is charac- teriged by abil long, straight, narrowed at the point, upper mandible rounded, longer than the under, both terminated in an obtuse and depressed point; nostrils basal, round, open, couvealed hy hairs directed forward; three toes hefore and one behind; tarsus wnger than the middle toe ; wings acuminated; fourth quill feather the longest. AVES—CHOUGH...ROLLER. 485 laying up a store of nuts and acorns, and inhabiting the pine forests like that bird. It is of the size of a magpie, and the general color of its plumage is a rusty trown, marked with triangular white spots. They are very plenty in Germany, and are rarely seen in England. THE RED-LEGGED CROW, OR CORNISH CHOUGH) Is like a jackdaw, but larger, and almost the size of a crow. The feet and iegs are long, like those of a jackdaw, but of a red color; and the plumage is of a purplish black all over. It frequents rocks, old castles, and churcnes, by the seaside, like the daw, and with the same noisy assiduity. It is only seen along the western coasts of England. It is attracted by glittering objects, and has been known to take lighted pieces of wood from the dre. By tearing holes in the straw with its long’bill, it does much injury to thatched houses. THE ROLLER# Tue garrulous roller, so called from its chattering noise, is the only species with which the inhabitants of Europe are acquainted. It is of the size of a jay, and is exceedingly beautiful. The head, neck, and breast are of a light bluish green ; the upper part of the body of a reddish biown; the tail is forked, and of a light blue; tlie legs are remarkably short. Itisa bird of passage, common in Germany, but it seldom visits England. 1 Pyrrhocoraz graculus, Temm. The genus Pyrrhocorax has the hill of medium size, slender, compressed, hent, slightly nite ied or smooth; nostrils basal, lateral, ovoid, entirely concealed ; legs strong; tarsus Jonger than the middle toe; toes almost wholly separated ; claws strong and bent; cuneated ; the fourth and fifth feathers longest. 2 Coracias garrula, Lix. The genus Coracias has the bill compressed, higher than broad, straight; the upper ands hent wowards the point; nostrils linear, lateral; le short, stout, and formed for walking; three toes before and one behind, entirely divided > wings long, with the first q1ill somewhat shorter than the second. . 41* 486 AVES—URIULE. The Chinese, the Cayenne, and the Abyssinian rollers, are all distingu: sheu by the brilliancy of their plumage, but differ little in any material respect “om the preceding. THE ORIOLE. OF the oriole there appears to be only one species known in Europe, tnat 1s by some termed the Golden Oriole.'! It is the size of a thrush, and has been called the golden thrush and the witwal. The head and whole body of the male is of a rich yellow; the bill red; from that to the eye a black line; the wings black, marked with a bar of yellow, as are the ends of the feathers. The tail is black, with the end yellow. The body of the female is a dull green, with dusky wings and tail. The nest of this bird is of the shape of a purse, and rests upon the outermost twigs of tall trees. It is common in France, but has very rarely visited England. THE BALTIMORE ORIOLE? From the singularity of the nest of this species, from its bridiant colo, and its preferring the apple trees, weeping willows, walnut, and tulip trees 1 Oriolus galbula, Lis. The genus Orwrus has a bill in the form or a lengthened cone, horizontally compressed at the hase, and edged; che "pper ma.dible surmounted -y a ridge notched at the point; nostrils hasal, lateral, pated, and horizontally pierced ina large membrane; tarsus shorter than, or of the san. length as the middle toe, which is ‘oined to the exterior one; wings with the first quill». short, tue third the longest. 2 Oriolus Baltimore, W11s0n. AVES—ORIOLE. 4387 to build on, it is generally known; and is as usual honored with a variety of names, such as hang-nest, hanging-bird, golden robin, fire-bird, é&c., but more generally the Baltimore bird. Few of the American orioles equal this in the construction of their nests; he gives them, in a superior degree, warmth, convenience, and security. He generally fixes on the high bending extremities of the branches, fastening strong strings of hemp or flax roun( two forked twigs; with the same materials he fabricates a strong, firm kind of cloth, not unlike the substance of a hat in its raw state, forms it into & pouch six or eight inches in depth, lining it substantially with soft sub- stances well interwoven with the outward netting, and lastly finishes with a layer of horse hair; the whole being shaded from the sun and rain by a natural pent-house, or canopy of leaves. : The birds of this species have all a common form of building, but they. do not build in exactly the same manner. Great difference will be found in the style, neatness, and finishing of the nest. Some are far superior work- men to others. So sulicitous is the Baltimore to procure proper mate- rials for his nest, that the women in the country must narrowly watch the thread that may be bleaching ; and the farmer must secure his young grafts, as this bird will carry off the former, and the strings that tie the latter, to serve his purposes in building. The principal food of the Baltimore consists of beetles, caterpillars, and bugs, particularly one of a brilliant glossy green. His song is a clear mellow whistle, repeated at short intervals, as he gleans among the branches. There is in it a certain wild playfumess and naiveté extremely interesting. It is not uttered with the rapidity of our eminent songsters, but with the pleasing tranquillity of a careless ploughboy, whistling merely for his own amusement. When alarmed by an approach to his nest, he makes a kind of rapid chirruping very different from his usual note. He inhabits North America, from Canada to Mexico, and is found as far south as Brazil. It is seven inches long; the head, throat, upper part of the back and wings are black ; lower part of the back, and whole under parts are bright orange, deepening into vermilion on the breast; the back is also divided by a band of orange, the tail is black and orange. The plumage of the female is lighter and deer than that of tae male. These birds are several years completing t.eir plumage. 488 AVES—CROW BLACKBIRD. ORCHARD ORIOLE. Tus bird has been described under a variety of names; as the spurious oriole, bastard oriole. It is a distinct species from the preceding, and Jiffers from it in size, being less and more slender; in its colors, which are differ- eut; in the form of its bill and tail; in its notes, which are neither so full nor so mellow, and uttered with much more rapidity ; in its mode of build- ing, and the materials which it uses; and, lastly, in the shape and color of the eggs. Many mistakes have been occasioned by the change of color which these birds undergo, as they do not receive their full and perfect plumage till the fourth year. The young birds are easily raised from the nest, and soon become agreeable domestics. One which I reared and kept through the winter, whistled with great clearness and vivacity at two months old. It had an odd manner of moving its head and neck slowly, regularly, and in various directions, when intent on observing any thing, without stir- ring its body. This motion was as slow as that of asnake. When, at night, a candle was placed near its cage, it seemed extremely well pleased, fed and drank, drest, shook and arranged its plumage, sat as close to the light as possible, and sometimes chanted a few irregular notes, as I sat read- ing or writing beside it. é CROW BLACKBIRD? Tus noted depredator is well known to every farmer of the northern and middle states. In March, these birds come from the south; fly in loose flocks, frequent swamps and meadows, and follow in the furrows after the plough ; their food at this season consists of worms, grubs, and caterpillars, of which they destroy prodigious numbers as if to recompense the husband- man beforehand for the havoc they intend to make in his crops of Indiaa corn. They build on tall cedar and pine trees in company ; sometimes ten ar fifteen nests being on the same tree. These are five inches in diameter; composed outwardly of mud, with long stalks and roots of grass, and lined with horse-hair. The trees in which they build are near the farmhouses and plantations. From them they issue over the neighboring fields, and make their depreda- 1 Griolus mentatus, Witson. 2 Icterus versicolor, Aupuson. The genus Icterus has the bil] longer than the head, or as long, straight, like an elongated cone, pointed, sharp, a little compressed, without distinct ridge or notch, the base covered by feathers; margin of the mandibles more ot less hent inwards; nostrils hasal, lateral, and covered bya hairy rudiment; tarsus as long as, or longer than the middle toe; wings long; third and fourth feathers longest. AVES—CROW BLACKBIRD. 489 nons, As soon as the blade of corn begins to make its appearance, the trow blackbirds hail it with screams of satisfaction, and descend on the fields, and begin to pull up and regale themselves on the seeds, scattering the green blades around. While thus eagerly employed, the vengeance of ine gun sometimes overtakes them; but those ** __who live to get away, Return to steal another day.” In the early times of New England, it was customary, in some towns, to fequire each inhabitant to kill a certain number of these birds year y, a fine being imposed upon such as did not destroy and exhibit the . equisite aumber. { When the young ears are in a milky state, they are attacked with redoubled eagerness by the grakles and red-wings. They descend on the corn like e blackening and sweeping tempest; dig off the external covering of the teaves, and having laid bare the ear, leave little behind to the farmer but the cobs and shrivelled skins. Whole acres of corn have been thus more than nalf ruined. During these depredations, the gun makes great havoc among them, which has no other effect than to send the survivors to another field. This system of plunder and retaliation continues till November, when they sheer off to the south, where they collect and darken the air with their numbers, which sometimes amount to a hundred thousand. They rise from the fields with a noise like thunder, and descend on the roads and fences; and when they rise and cover the high timbered trees, then destitute of leaves, they produce a most singular and striking effect; the whole trees seeming as if hung in mourning, their notes and screams, meanwhile, re- sembling the sound of a distant cataract, but in more musical cadence, swelling and dying away on the ear, according to the fluctuation of the breeze. 2 These birds are called by the farmers crow blackbirds, and are universally droaded and detested. But if they do destroy the corn, they do nearly as much good as evil, by devouring numbers of noxious worms, grubs, and caterpillars, that infest the fields, which would, if not destroyed, desolate the country! The purple grakle is easily tamed, and sings in confinement. They have been taught to articulate several words. These birds are allowed by the fish-hawks to build in the interstices of his nest, where they all hatch their young, and live together in perfect harmony. It is twelve inches long; on a slight view, it appears wholly black, but placed near, it appears of a rich, glossy steel blue, violet and green. The bill 1s more than an inch long, the upper mandible Leing very sharp. The female is of a sooty brown color. 62 490 AVES—STARLING...BIRD OF PARADISE. THE STARE, OR STARLING. Tuene are few birds better known in Europe, than that unler our coasis deration. It has a nearer relation with the European blackbird than with any other; but it is as distinguished from that genus by the glossy green of its feathers, in some lights, and the purple in others. It breeds in hollow trees, the eaves of houses, towers, ruins, cliffs, often in high rocks over the sea. It lays four or five eggs, of a pale greenish ash color, and makes its nest of straw, small fibres of roots, &c. Its voice is rough; but what it wants in the melody of note, it compensates by the facility with which it is taught to speak. So fond is it of society, that it will join not only its own kind, but will also associate with redwings and fieldfares, and even with owls, jackdaws, and pigeons. In the winter season these birds fly in large flocks, and may be known at a great distance by their whirling mode of flight. M. de Buffon compares it to a sort of vortex, in which the whole collective body performs a uniformly circular revolution, yet progressively advances at the same time. The principal food of starlings is snails, worms, and insects; but ‘hey will eat grain, seeds, and fruit, and are said to be exceedingly fond of oer ries. When confined, they will eat raw flesh cut small, or bread soaked in water. They are accused, we know not-how truly, of getting into pigso. houses, to suck the eggs, and it is certain that they do great damage ta Lincolnshire, by roosting in myriads on the reeds, which are used for th ss he Ing in that country, and which they break down by their weight. THE BIRD OF PARADISE. Tuts bird has been more celebrated for the false and imaginary qailives which are attributed to it, than for its real and truly remarkable prop.rces, 1t has been reported of it, that the egg is produced in the air by the s-male, and hatched by the male in an oritice of its body; that it never tou .tes the ground; that it has no legs; that it hangs itself by the two long fe:.thers to a tree when sleeping; and that it is naturally without legs, and subsists entirely upon vapors and dew; with a variety of other assertions, equally false and ejually ridiculous. There are about eight different species of ' Sturnus vulgaris, Lin. The genus Sturnus has the bill straight, in the form of an elongated cone, depressed, slightly obtuse; hase of the upper mandible projectine on the forehead; the pomt much depressed, and without a notch; nostrils basal, lneral, ‘half clgsed by an arched membrane; wings long, the first quill very short, the second and third ongest; three toes before, and one behind, the exterior Jomed at its base ty tne middle one, AVES—BIRD OF PARADISE. A491 mese birds ; hut tlat which is best known is the greater paradise bird,! which appears to the eye of the size nearly of a pigeon, though in reality the body is not much larger thar that of a thrush. The tail, which is about six inches, is as long as the body ; the wings are large compared with the bird’s other dimensions. The head, the throat, and the ueck, are of a pale gold erlor The base of the bill issurrounded by black feathers, as also the side of the head and threat, are as soft as velvet, and changeable like those of the neck of a mallard. The hinder part of the head is of a shining green, mixed with gold. The body and wings are chiefly covered with beautiful brown, purple, and gold feathers. The uppermost part of the tail feathers is of a pale yellow, and those beneath are white and longer than the former; for which reason the hinder part of the tail appears to be all white. But what chiefly excites curiosity are two long naked feathers, which spring from the upper art of the rump above the tail, and which are usually about two feet lung « Thesc are bearded only at the beginning and the end; the whole shaft, fo abou: one foot nine inches, being ef a decp biack, while the feathered ex. tremity is of a changeable color, like the mallard’s neck. This bird is a native of the Molucca Islands, but found in greatest num- vers in thatof Arou. The inhabitants are not insensible of the pleasure they afford, and give them the name of Gou’s birds, as being superior to a_ that he has made. They live in large flocks, and at night generally perch upon the same tree. They are called by some, the swallows of Ternate from their rapid flight, and from their being continually on tie wing in pur suit of insects, their usual prey. 1 Paradisea apoda, Las. The genus Paradisea has the bill of medium size, straight, quadrangular, pointed, a little convex above, compressed: ridge hetween the feathers of ihe forehead , nostrils basal, marginal, open, hut entirely concealed by the featl ers; legs short; tarsus longer than tae middle toe; lateral oe unequal, the internal one united to the second jomt; back toe longer than the others, robust; wings with the five long veathers staged ; the sixth or seventh Jongest. 492 AVES—BIRD OF PARADISE. As the country where they are bred has its tempestuous seasoa,. wher rains and thunders continually disturb the atmosphere, these birds are then but seldom seen. The natives, who make a trade of killing and selling these birds to the Europeans, generally conceal themselves in the trees where they resort, and having covered themselves up from sight in a bower made of the branches, they shoot at the birds with reedy arrows; and, as they assert, if they happen to kill the king, they then have a good chance for killing the greatest part of the flock. The chief mark by which they know the king is by the ends of the feathers in his tail, which have eyes like those of a peacock. When they have taken a number of these birds, their usual method is to gut them, and cut of their legs. This has given rise to the fable above quoted; and the reason of this operation is, that the birds are used in that country as aigrettes, and for other ornaments of dress; and that being the case, it is usual to cut off the useless and less brilliant parts. They then run a hot iron into the body, which dries up the internal moisture; and filling the cavity with salts and spices, they sell them to the Europeans fora perfect trifle. THE KING BIRD OF PARADISE! Is about the size of a lark. The upper parts of the plumage are of a bright red, and the breast is a blood red color, with a broad green bar. The wing feathers are a little mottled with white and green, and the whole plu- mage has a fine gloss like satin. The tail is remarkably short, and from it spring two naked feathers, like those in the former species, except that they coil ina spiral manner at the end. It is supposed to breed in New Guinea, where there is also a species, the predominant color of which is Iwack, THE MAGNIFICENT BIRD OF PARADISE?® Is superior to all the preceding in the beauty of its plumage. It is the size of a blackbird. The crown of the head is a deep chesnut. At the back part of the neck a tuft of yellowish feathers arises, each of which is marked near the tip with a black spot; beneath these, springs another tuft 1 Paradisea regia, Lin. ‘ 2 Paradisea magnifica, SHAW AVES—MISSEL THRUSH. 493 still larger and of a straw color. The back and tail are of a bright red brown. Down the middle of the throat, neck, and breast, the color is blue green, which is encircled by a gorget (as it were) of black with a green shade. The long feathers from the tail are without tufts at the end, but are fur- nished with very short green webs on one side. Besides these, there is the gurget bird of paradise, and some other species of less note. ORDER III.INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS. Brrps of this order have the bill middle sized, or short, straight, rounded, slightly edged or awl-shaped; upper mandible curved and notched at the point, most frequently furnished at the base with some coarse hair, pointing forward; feet with three toes, before and behind, articulated on the same level, the exterior united at its base, or to the first joint of the middle toe. THE MISSEL THRUSH} 1s eleven inches in length, and weighing near five ounces. It differs scarcely in any other respect from the throstle, except that the spots on the breast are larger. It builds its nest in bushes, or on the side of some tree, as all of this kind are found to do, and lays four or five eggs in a season. Its song, which it begins in spring, sitting on the summit of a high tree, is not, however, so fine as that of the throstle. It is the largest bird of all the feathered tribe that has music in its voice; the note of all greater birds being either screaming, chattering, or croaking. It feeds on insects, holly, and misseltoe berries; and sometimes sends forth a very disagreeable scream when frightened or disturbed. It is very common in England, but is not found in America. While breeding, it is fierce and pugnacious, driving with great fury to a distance all birds that approach its nest. No jay, magpie, or blackbird, must enter the gar'en which is his haunt. 1 Turdus viscivorus, Lis. The genus Turdus has the bill middle sized, sharp edged, tip compressed, and recurved; upper mandible notched near the point; detached hain at the opening of the mandibles; nostrils basal, ovoid, lateral, half concealed by a naked membraue ; tarsus longer than the middle toe, to which last the outer is united at the bas-. 491 AVES--FIELDFARE. ' THE FIELDFARE! Is known by his yellowish bill, by the dark color of his legs, and ly hs head being ash color, spotted with black. In the south of Europe they are insipid, tuneless birds, flying in flocks, and excessively watchful to preserve the general safety. All their season of music and pleasure is employed in the more northern climates, where they sing most delightfully, perched among the forests of maples, with which those countries abound. The fieldfare is only a visitant in England, making its appearance about the beginning of October, in order to avoid the rigorous winters of the north, whence it sometimes comes in great flocks, according to the severity of the season, and leaves England about the latter end of February, or the begin- ning of March, and retires to Russia, Sweden, Norway, and as far as Siberia and Kamtschatka. They breed in Sweden and Norway. They build their nests in high trees, and sit on trees during the day, but always roost on the ground. During the winter they feed on haws and other berries; they like- wise eat worms, snails, and slugs. Fieldfares are sometimes seen singly, but, in general, form very numerous flocks, and fly in a body; and though they often spread themselves through the fields in search of food, they seldom lose sight of each other, but, when alarmed, fly off, and collect together upon the same tree. There is reason, says Mr Bingley, to suppose that the flocks of these rds keep a kind of watch to remark and announce the appearance of danger. On any person approaching a tree that is covered with them, they continue fearlcss, till one, at the extremity of the bush, rising on its wings gives a loud and peculiar note of alarm. They will then fly away, except one other, which continues till the person approaches still nearer, to certify as it were the reality of the danger, and afterwards he also flies off, repeating the note of alarm. ; The Roman epicures held these birds in such esteem, that they fattened them with crumbs of bread mixed with minced figs, and their flesh is still esteemed a delicacy. 1 Turdus pilaris, Tan. AVES—THRUSH. ‘ A95 THE THROSTLE, OR LONG THRUSH! Is about eleven inches in length. . The bill is dusky, the base of the lower bill yellow; the eyes are hazel; the head, back, and lesser coverts of the wings are of a deep olive brown, the latter tipped with white; the lower part of the back and rump are tinged with yellow; the cheeks are of a yele lowish white, spotted with brown, as are also the breast and belly, which are marked with larger spots of a dark brown color; the quills are brown with pale edges; the tail feathers the sanve, the three outermost tipped with white; the legs are yellow; the claws biack. It begins to sing very early, often on the turn of the year, in blowing, showery weather, whence in some places it is called the storm cock, and its song is heard during nine months. Its note of anger is very loud and harsh, between a chatter and a shriek, which accounts for some of its names. Its usual strain, however, is among the sweetest of the grove, and is often kept up for hours without cessation. When brought up from the nest with the woodlark or the nightingale, it will adopt their song. It subsists on various sorts of berries, and likewise on caterpillars and several kinds of insects, with which it also feeds its young. This bird is found in various parts of Europe, and is said to be migratory in some places, but continues in England the whole year, and frequently has two broods. It builds in woods or orchards, and not seldom in thick hedges - ‘near the ground. Fine and soft moss, interwoven with dried grass or hay, forms the outside of the nest, and the inside is curiously plastered with cow dung. In some districts of Poland, thrushes are caught in such numbers that the inhabitants export them in ship loads. THE THRASHER, OR BROWN THRUSH. .: the largest of all the American thrushes, and is a well known and distinguished songster, and from the tops of hedge-rows, apple or cherry trees, be salutes the opening morning with his charming song, which is loud, emphatical, and full of variety. At that serene hour, you may plaiasly dis- tinguish his voice at half a mile’s distance. These notes are not imitative, but solely his own. Early in May, he builds his nest, choosing a thorn-bush, low cedar, thicket of briers, or cluster of vines for his situation. It is con- structed of small sticks, dry leaves, and fine fibrous roots. He often attacks the black snake in defence of his young, and with success, as his bill 1s strong and powerful. His food consists of worms, caterpillars, beetles, and berries, 1 Turdus musicus. Lin, 2 Turdus rufus, Lin, 496 " AVES—MOCKING-BIRD. He also destroys vast quantities of grubs, which he scratches from the ground. He is an active and vigorous bird, flying generally low from one thicket to another, with his long broad tail spread out like a fan; he has a single note or chuck when you approach his nest. He inhabits North America, from Canada to Florida. They are easily reared, and become very familar ‘r confinement. The thrasher is eleven inches and a half long; the whole upper parts are of a bright reddish brown; lower parts yellowish white; the breast and sides are marked with pointed black spots, running in chains. The wings are crossed with two white bars. THE MOCKING-BIRD.1 Tuts extraordinary bird is peculiar to the new world, inhabiting a consi- derable portion of both North and South America. A warm climate and low country seem most congenial to their nature; they are therefore much more numerous in the southern than the northern states. The berries of the red cedar, myrtle, holly, gum berries, gall berries, and a profusion of others, with which the luxuriant swampy thickets of those regions abound, furnish 1 Turdus polygizttus, Lin. AVES—MOCKING-BIRD. 497 them with a perpetual feast. Winged insects, also, which abound there even in winter, form a favorite part of their food. The mocking-bird builds his nest in different places, according to the lati- tude in which he resides. A solitary thorn bush; an almost impenetrable thicket; an orange tree, cedar, or holly bush, are favorite spots. Always ready to defend, but never over anxious to conceal his nest, he very often builds within a small distance of a house; and not unfrequently in a pea: or apple tree, rarely higher than six or seven feet from the ground. The nest is composed of dry twigs, weeds, straw, wool, and tow, ingeniously put together, and lined with fine fibrousroots. During the time when the femaie is sitting, neither cat, dog, animal, or man, can approach the nest without being attacked. But the whole vengeance of the bird is directed against his morta! enemy, the black snake. Whenever this reptile is discovered, the male darts upon it with the rapidity of an arrow, dexterously eluding its Lite, and striking it violently and incessantly against the head, where tt ta very vu'nerable. The snake soon becomes sensible of his danger, and secks to escape; but the intrepid bird redoubles his exertions, and as the snake’s strength begins to flag, he seizes and lifts it up from the ground, beating it with his wings, and when the business is completed, he returns to his nest, mounts the summit of the bush, and pours out a torrent of song in token of victory. The plumage of the mocking-bird has nothing gaudy or brilliant in it; but that which so strongly recommends him is his full, strong, and musical 63 40% 498 AVES—MOCKING-BIRD. voice, capable of almost every modulation, from the mellow tones of the wood thrush, to the savage screams of the bald eagle. Inhis native groves, mounted on the top of a tall bush, in the dawn of a dewy morning, while the woods are already vocal with a multitude of warbles, his admirable song rises pre-eminent over every competitor. The ear cari listen w iis music alone. Nor is the strain altogether imitative. His own native notes are bold and full, and varied seemingly beyond all limits. They consist of short expressions of two, three, or five and six syllables, generally .nterspersed with imitations, all of them uttered with great emphasis and rapidity; and continued for an hour at a time with undiminished ardor. His expanded wings and tail, glistening with white, and the buoyant gaiety of his action, arresting the eye, as his song most irresistibly does the ear. He sweeps round with enthusiastic ecstasy,—he mounts and descends as his song swells or dies away —and as Mr Bartram has beautifully expressed it, “He bounds aloft with the celerity of an arrow, as if to recover or recall his very soul, expired in the last elevated strain.” While thus exerting himself, a bystander would sugpose that the whole feathered tribes had assembled together on a trial for skill—so perfect are his imitations. The mocking-bird loses little of the power and energy of his song by con- finement. In his domesticated state, when he commences his career of song, it is impossible to stand by uninterested. He whistles for the dog, Cesar starts up, wags his tail, and 1uns to meet his master. Hesqueaks out like a hurt chicken, and the hen hurries about with hanging wings and bris- tling feathers, clucking to protect her injured brood. The barking of the dog, the mewing of the cat, the creaking of the passing wheelbarrow, follow with great truth and rapidity. He repeats the tune taught him by his mas- ter, though of considerable length, fully and faithfully. He runs over the quiverings of the canary, and the clear whistlings of the Virginia nightin- gale, or red-bird, with such superior execution and effect, that the mortified songsters feel their own inferiority, and become silent, while he seems to triumph in their defeat by redoubling his exertions. This excessive fondness for variety, however, in the opinion of some, injures his song. His elevated imitations of the brown thrush, are frequent- ly interrupted by the crowing of cocks; and the warblings of the blue-bird, which he exquisitely manages, are mingled with the screaming of swallows, cor the cackling of hens; amidst the simple melody of the robin, we are suddenly surprised by the reiterations of the whippoorwill; while the notes of the kildeer, blue jay, martin, Baltimore, and twenty others, succeed with ‘such imposing reality, that we look round for the originals, and discover, witn astonishment, that the sole performer in this singular concert is the admurable bird before us. Both in his native and domesticated state, during the soieran stillness of night, as soon as the moon rises in silent majesty, he begins his delightful solo, and serenades us the livelong night with a full AVES—ROBIN. 499 display of his vocal powers, making the whole neighborhood ring with his inimitable medley. The mocking-bird is nine and a half inches long. The upper parts ef the head, neck, and back, are a dark brownish ash; the uncer parts are of » brownish white. His figure is well proportioned, and handsome. THE ROBIN.! Tuts well known bird is familiar to almost every body. Innumerable thousands of them are seen in the lower parts of the whole Atlantic states, from New Hampshire to Carolina. They migrate to avoid the deep snows, from north to south and from west to east. The robin builds a large nest on an apple tree, plasters it with mud, and lines it wich fine grass. His principal food is worms, berries, and ceterpillars. When berries fail, they disperse themselves over the fields, and along the fences, in search of worms and other insects. The robin is one of our earliest songsters; even in March, while snow yet dapples the field, some few will mount a post or stake of the fence, and make short and frequent attempts at a song. His notes, in spring, are uni- versally known, and as universally beloved. They are, as it were, the pre- lude to the grand general concert that is about to burst upon us, {rom woods, fields, and thickets, whitened with blossoms, and breathing fragrance. By the usual association of ideas, we therefore listen with more pleasure to this vheerful bird, than to many others of far superior powers, and much greater variety. Even his nest is held more sacred among school-boys than that of some others; and while they will exult in plundering a jay’s or a cat-bird’s, 1 Turdus migratorius, Lux. 500 AVES—THRUSH. a general sentiment of respect prevails on the discovery of a rcbin’s. He possesses much suavity of manners; and almost always seeks shelter for his young in summer, and subsistence for himself in the extremes of winter near the habitations of man. The robin goes by several names at Hudson’s Bay; some people calling him the red-bird ; some the black-bird; and others the American fieldfare. They inhabit the whole of North America, from Hudson’s Ray to Nootka Sound, and as far south as Georgia. ‘They are too well known to require further description. THE WOOD THRUSH.! - Tuts sweet and solitary songster inhabits the whole of North America, from Hudson’s Bay to Florida. With the dawn of morning, mounting to the top of some tall tree that rises from a thick shaded part of the woods, he pipes his few, but clear and musical notes in a kind of ecstasy, the prelude to which strongly resembles the double-tonguing of a German flute, and sometimes the tinkling of a small bell; the whole song consists of five or six parts, the last note of which is in such a tone as to leave the conclusion evidently suspended ; the finale is finely managed, and with such charming effect, as to soothe and tranquillize the mind, and to seem sweeter and mel- lower at each successive repetition. ‘Those who visit our woods, will be at no loss to recognize, from the above description, this pleasing musician. Even-in dark, wet, and gloomy weather, when scarcely a single chirp is heard from any other bird, the clear notes of the wood thrush thrill through the dropping woods, from morning till night; and it may be truly said, that the sadder the day, the sweeter the song. The favorite haunts of this bird are low, thick shaded hollows, through which a small brook or rill meanders, overhung with alder bushes that are mantled with wild vines. Near such a scene he generally builds his rest, in a laurel or alder bush, composed of dry leaves, grass, roots, and mud. Berries, beetles, and caterpillars are his principal food. The wood thrush measures eight inches in length. The whole upper parts are of a bright fulvous color, brightening into_reddisl un the head; the throat and breast are white en | 'Turdus mustelinus, GMEt. AVES—CAT-BIRD. 501 THE CAT-BIRDJ Tms 1s a very common and numerous species in the United States: and one as well known to all classes of people, as his favorite bicars, or black- berry bushes. In spring or autumn, on approaching thickets of brambles, the first salutation you receive is from the cat-bird; and a stranger, unac- guainted with his note, would instantly conclude that some vagrant orphan kitten had got bewildered among the briers, and wanted assistance, so exactly ‘does the call of the bird resemble the voice of that animal. He is unsuspi- cious, and extremely familiar; for whether in the woods or in the garden, where he frequently builds his nest, he seldom allows you to pass without paying his respects to yon in the usual way. The nest is composed of dry leaves, weeds, small twigs, and fine dry grass, lined with fibrous roots. The birds show no great solicitude for concealment, though few are more interested for the safety of their nest and young. The eggs are four or five of a bluish green color. The cat-bird is one of our earliest songsters, beginning generally before break of day, and hovering fromi bush to bush with great sprightliness, when there is scarcely light enough to distinguish him. His notes are more remarkable for singularity than melody. They consist of short imitations of other birds, and other sounds ; but his pipe being rather deficient in clear- ness and strength of tone, his imitations fail where these are requisite; yet he is not discouraged, but seems to study certain passages with great perse- verance, uttering them at first low, and as he succeeds, higher, and more free ; no ways embarrassed by the presence of a spectator, even within a few yards of him. On attentively listening to him for some time, you can per- ceive that he introduces into his performance al] the odd sounds, and quaint passages he has been able tv collect. Upon the whole, he merits a place among the most agreeable of our general performers. ’ Few people in the country respect the cat-bird. On the contrary, it 13 generally the object of dislike; and the boys of the United States entertain 1 Turdus lividus, Wi.son. 502 AVES—THRUSH. great.prejudice and contempt for this bird, its nest, and young. The princrs pal cause of this dislike, seems to be some similarity of taste, and clashing of interest, between the bird and the farmer. The cat-bird is fond of large ripe garden strawberries; so is the farmer, for the good price they bring in’ market. The cat-bird loves the best and richest early cherries; so dues the farmer, for they are sometimes the most profitable of his early fruit. The cat-bird has a particular partiality for the finest ripe mellow pears; and these are also particular favorites of the farmer. But the cat-bird has frequently the advai.tage of the farmer, by snatching off the first fruits of these deli- cious productions; and the farmer takes revenge, by shooting him down with his gun, as he finds old hats and scare-crows are no impediments in his way to these forbidden fruits, and nothing but this resource can restrain his visits. The boys are now set to watch thecherry trees with guns; and thus couimences a train of prejudices and antipathies, that commonly continue through life. The cat-bird measures nine inches in length; at a small distance he appears nearly black; but it is of a deep slate color, and the tail-coverts ara deep red. The female differs little from the male. WATER THRUSH. Tuts bird is remarkable for its partiality to brooks, rivers, shores, ponds, and streams of water; wading in the shallows in search of aquatic insects, wagging the tail almost continually, chattering as it flies. It is exceedingly shy, darting away on the least attempt to approach it, and uttering a sharp chirp, as if exceedingly alarmed. The cane-brakes, swampy river shores and deep watery sulitudes of Louisiana, Tennessee, and the Mississippi terri- tory, possess them in abundance; there they are eminently distinguivhed by the loudness, sweetness, and expressive vivacity of their notes, which begin very high and clear, and at last are hardly articulate. At these times, the musician is perched on the middle branches of a tree over the brook or river bank, pouring out his charming melody, that may be distinctly heard for nearly half a mile. The voices ou this little bird is exquisitery sweet and expressive. —-— «ee - Turdus aquaticus, Witsum. AVES—MENURA...SHRIKE. 503 THE SUPERB MENURAAM T:ug singular bird is a native of New Holland. It is about the sie of the hen-pheasant; its length is three feet and a half from the point of the beak to the longest tail feather; the genera] color is brown; the tail consists of sixteen feathers, twelve of which are very curiously webbed. ¢ TITE SHRIKE, OR BUTCHER-BIRD2 Tne habits of the butcher-bird seem to correspond with its confer- mation, and it lives as well upon flesh as upon insects, and thus partakes in some measure of a double nature. Its appetite for flesh, however, is the most prevalent; and it never takes up with the former when it can cbtain the latter. This bird, therefore, leads a life of continual combat and oppo- sition. As from its size it does not much terrify the smaller birds of the forest, so it very frequently meets birds willing to try its strength, and it never declines the engagement. In Russia it is trained for catching small birds, like a falcon. ‘ It is wonderful to see with what intrepidity this little creature goes to war with the pie, the crow, and the kestril, all above four times larger than itself, It not only fights upon the defensive, but often comes to the attack, and always with advantage, particularly when the male and female unite to protect their young, and to drive away the more powerful birds of rapine At that season, they do not wait the approach of their invader; it is suffi- cient that they see him preparing for the assault ata distance. It is then that they sally forth with loud cries, wound him on every side, and drive him off with such fury, that he seldom ventures to return to the charge. In these disputes they generally come off with the victory; though some- times happens that they fall to the ground with the bird they have su tiercely 1 Menura superba. This is the only one of the genus. It is characterized hy a hill at its base broader than deep, straight, and somewhat slender, inclined at the point, which is notched, and furnished at the base with setaceous plumes, pointing forwards lower mandible shortest; nostrils oval, large, covered with a membrane, and situated ir the middle of the bill; claws as long as the toes, broad, convex above, obtuse; wings short, concave. : 2 Lanius excubitor, Lx. The genus Lanius has the bill middle sized, robust, straight from its origin, and much compressed; upper mandible strongly hent towards the tp, which ts hooked, the hase destitute of a cere, and furnished with rough hairs pointin, forwards ; nostrils basal, lateral, almost round, half closed by an arched membrane, and often partly concealed by hairs; tarsus longer than the middle toe; three toes betore and one behind, separate ; the third and fourth wing feathers longest. 504 AVES—SHRIKE. fixed upon, and .. e combat ends with the destruction of the assailant as well as of the defender. For this reason, the most redoubtable birds of prey respect them; while the kite, the buzzard, and the crow, seem rather to fear than seck the en- gagement. Nothing in nature better displavs the respect paid to the claims of courage, than to see tnis little bird, apparently so contemptible, fly in company with the lanner, the falcon, and all tne tyrants of the air, without feaving their power or avoiding their resentment. As for smal] birds, they are his usual food. He seizes them by the throat, and strangles them 'n an instant. His name of nine-killer he derives from the popular belief that he catches small birds to the number of nine, and tmpales them on a thorn,before he begins to tear them to pieces to satisfy his hunger. The fact is, that he pays no such attention to the regularity of number, but, being a bold bird, capable of killing much bigger birds than himself, he hangs his prey on a thorn, asa butcher does a beast on a hook, that he may dissever it with more convenience to himself. Durzing summer, such of them as constantly reside here, (for the smaller red butcher-bird migrates,) remain among the mountainous parts of the country; but in winter they descend into plains and nearer human habita- tions. The larger kind make their. nests on the highest trees, while the lesser build in bushes in the fields and hedge-rows.. They both lay about six eggs, of a white color, but encircled at the larger end with a ring of brownish red. The nest on the outside is composed of white moss, imter- woven with long grass; within, it is well lined with wool, and it is usually fixed among the forking branches of a tree. The female feeds her young with caterpillars and other insects while very young; but soon after accus- toms them to flesh, which the male procures with surprising industry. ‘Taeir nature also is very different from other birds of prey in their parental care ; sor, so far fromdriving out their young from the nest to shift for themselves, -hey keep them with care; and even when adult, they do not forsake then., but the whole brood live in one family together. Each family lives apar', and is generally composed of the male, female, and five or six young ones; these al] maintain peace and subordination among each other, and hunt in cone«rt. itis easy wv listinguish these birds at a distance, not only from their going m companies, but also from their manner of flying, which is always up and down, seldom direct or sideways. Ur these birds there are above forty different kinds, foreign and domestic, but the great cinereous butcher-bird is the least known in Europe. The little butcher-bird, or red-backed shrike,! which is caJled a flusher, is abou the size of a iavk, and has a large head. The back and upper side of his v .ag3 are of a rusty color; the throat and breast white, with red spots, ana .he head and rump ci: e.0°s. ‘\ Lanius collurio, GMEL. AVES—SHRIKE. 505 The woodchat resembles the former, except in the color cf the back which is brown, and not red, as in the other THE GREAT AMERICAN SHRIKE. Tue form and countenance of this bird bespeak him full of courage and energy ; and his true character does not belie his appearance, for he possesses these qualities in an eminent degree *tis not yet decided whether it be the same as the cinereous shrike of Linnwus; its habits and manners appear te be the same. This bird frequents the, deepest forests » builds a large, compact nest, of dry grass and moss, in the upright fork of 1 small tree. In his manners he has more resemblance to the pies than to birds of prey, particularly in the habit of carrying off his surplus food, as if to hoard it for future exigencies; with this difference, that the pies conceal theirs at random in holes and crevices, where perhaps it is forgotten ; while the shrike sticks lis un thorns and bushes, where it shrivels in the sun, and soon becomes useless to the hoarder. One of these birds had once the temerity tv pursue a snow-bird into an open cage which stood in a garden ; and, befure any one could arrive to its assistance, had already strangled and scalped it, though he lost his liberty by the exploit. In confinement, he sticks up not only insects, but flesh, and the bodies of such birds as are thrown to him, on nails and sticks fixed up fur the purpose. The character of the butcher-bird is entitled to no small degree of respect. His activity is visible in all his motions; his courage and intrepidity beyond every other bird of his size, (the king-bird excepted,) and in affection for bis young, he is surpassed by no other. He assuciates with them, the whula family hunting in company. He attacks the largest hawk or eagle in then 64 43 506 AVES—FLYCATCHER. defence, witn a resolution truly astonishing, so that all of them respect him, and on every occasion decline the contest. As the snows of winter approach, he descends from the mountainous forests and from the regions of the north to the more cultivated parts of the country, hovering about vur hedge-rows. orchards, and meadows, and disappears again early in April. THE SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Tue tribes of flycatchers are so named from living on insects. The spotteg flycatcher, however, eats fruit, and is on that account called, in some parts of England, the cherry sucker. It is, in general, of a mouse colur, the head spotted with black, and the wings and tail edged with white. Of all the European summer birds it is the most mute and the most familiar; it also appears the last of any. It builds in a vine or a sweet-brier, against the wall of a house, or in the hole of a wall, or on the end of a beam or plate, and often close to the post of a door where people are going in and out all day long. This bird does not make the least pretensions to song; but uzes a little inward, wauing ncte, when it thinks its young in danger from cats or other annoyances. It takes its stand on the top of some stake or post, from whence it springs forth on its prey, catching a fly in the air, and hardly ever touching the gruund, but returning still to the same stand, for many times together. THE PIED FLYCATCHER2 Tus bird is about five inches long. It hasa black beak, hazel eyes, aad white {urehead; the top of the head, the back, tail, and legs, are black ; the camp is deshed with ash color; the wing-coverts are dusky, and the greater coverts are tipped with white; the exterior sides of the secondary quill, are white, as are also the outer feathers of the tail, and all the under parts, frou - the bill to the tail. The female is much smaller than the male, but has a 1 Mussicapa grisola, Lin. The genus Musricapa has a hill strong, angular, denressed 5 ch> base, compressed towards the port, whieh is curved and much notched 5 base furs aisued with Jong and stiff hairs; nostrils basal, lateral, ovoid, partly covered by haus tarsus as long as the nuddle tue; lateral toes almost equal. % Musvicapa albicollis, Tam AVES—#LiCATCHER, 507 ‘longer tail; is brown where he is black; and has not the white spot on the forehead. They are most plentiful in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Derby- shire “Their nests are built in holes of trees. The parent birds incessantly feed their young with small flies, which they catch very expertly. THE KING-BIRD, OR TYRANT FLYCATCHEB,! Sometimes called the field marten, is a well known bird m the Unitea States. The name king, as well as tyrant, has been bestowed on this vird fer its extraordinary behavior in breeding time, and for the authority it assumes over all other birds. His extreme affection for his mate, nest, and young, makes him suspicious of every bird that comes near his residence, so that he attacks every intruder without discrimination ; his life at this season is one continued sceneof broils and battles; in which, however, he generally comes off conqueror, Hawks and crows, the bald eagle, and the great black eagle, al equally dread a rencontre with this merciless champion, who, as svon as he perceives one of these last approachiag, launches into the air tu meet 1 Muscicapa tyrannus, Bonar. 508 AVES—FLYCATCHER. him, mounts to a considerable height above him, and darts down on his back, sometimes fixing there to the great annoyance of his sovereign, who, if no convenient retreat be near, endeavors, by various evolutions, to rid himself of his merciless adversary, but the king-bird is not so easily dis- mounted. He teazes the eagle incessantly, sweeps upon him, and remounts, that he may descend on his back with greater violence; al! the while keep- ing up a shril] and rapid twittering. The purple marten, however, is some- times more than a match for him; and the red-headed wood-pecker is seen ‘ec amuse himself with the violence of the king-bird, and play bo-peep with liri round a rail, while the latter, highly irritated, makes every attenipt to strixe him, but m vain. He annoys the farmer very much by his partiality to bees. He plants himself on a post of the fence near the hives, and makes great havoc among these industrious insects. But the cultivator may be assured that this bird is greatly his friend, in destroying multitudes of insects and their larvee, which prey on the harvests of his fields. He often takes his stand in fields of pasture, on the tops ef mullen and other rank weeds, near the cattle, and makes sweeps after passing insects, particularly the large black gadflies, so terrifying to horses and cattle. His eye moves restlessly about him, traces the flight of an insect, then that of a second, and even a third, till he sees one to his liking, when with a shrill sweep he pursues it, seizes it and re- turns to the same spot, to look out for more. He hovers over the river for a considerable time, darting after insects, snatching them from the surface of the water, and diving about in the air like a swallow; for he possesses, at will, great powers of wing. His flight is much like that of a hawk. Beside insects, he feeds on various sorts of berries, particularly blackberries, of which he is extremely fond. The general color of this bird is a dark slaty ash; the throat and lower parts are pure white ; the plumage on the head, though not forming a crest, is frequently erected, and discovers a rich bed of orange color, called by the country people his crown; when the feathers lie close, this is cuncealed. THE GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER! Is not so well known as the preceding, being chiefly confined to the woous There, his harsh syueak, (for he has no song,) is heard above most others He also visits the orchard, is equally fond of bees, but wants the courage ond magnanimity of the king-bird. He builds his nest in a hollow tree jeserted by the blue-bird or woodpecker. The materials of which this is 1 Muscicapa crinita, Lin, AVES—FLYUATCHER. 508 tormed, are somewhat scantier. It is formed of a little loose hay, featners of the Guinea fowls, hogs’ bristles, pieces of cast snake skins, and dogs’ hair Whether he surrounds his nest with the snake skin by way of terrorem, ta prevent other birds or animals from entering, or whether it be that he finds its silky softness suitable for his young, is uncertain; the fact, however, is notorious. It feeds on whortleberries, while they last. It is eight inches and a half long; the upper parts are dull greenish olive, the feathers on the head are pointed, and form a sort of cist; the throat and breast ash color; the rest of the lower parts a sulphur yellow. THE PEWIT FLYCATCHER! {s one of our earliest spring visitants. Its notes, like those of the blue- bird, are pleasing, not for any melody they contain, but for the ideas of spring and returning verdure, with all the sweets of this lovely season, which are associated with his simple but lively ditty, which is nothing but pewée, pewittitee, pewée, for a whole morning. It begins to build in March, on some projecting part uuder a bridge, in a cave, in a well, often under a shed in the low eaves of a cottage, and in such places. The nest is composed of mud mixed with moss, lined with flax ard horse-hair, and is generally large and solid. This bird is six inches anda half in length; the upper parts are dusky olive; whole lower parts a pale delicate yellow; the plu- mage of the head is loose and crested. THE SMALL BLUE-GRAY FLYCATCHER? lr it were not for the length of the tail, would rank next to the humming- bird in magnitude. It is four inches and a half long; the plumage atove is of a light bluish gray; below, bluish white; the wings brownish black. [ts motions are quick ; he seems always on the look-out for insects; darts about from one part of the tree to another with hanging wings, and erected tail, making a feeble chirping ¢tsee, tsee, no louder than a mouse. ‘Though so small, it is ambitious of hunting on the highest branches, and is seldom seen among the humbler thickets. It fixes its nest among the twigs on the top of a high tree; this is formed of the stems of old leaves, the husks of buds, the withered blossoms of weeds, coated with dry lichen, and lined with horse-hair. Yet in this frail receptacle does the female cow-bird venture to deposit her egg; and to the management of these pigmy nurses, leaves the fate of her helpless young. \ Muscicapa phebe, Latu. 2 Muscicapa coerulea, WiLson : 43%* 510 AVES—FLYCATCHER. THE RED-EYED FLYCATCHER! Is the inost distinguishable of all the warblers of our forests; it has a loud, lively, and energetic song; which it continues sometimes for an hour without intermission, as it hunts among the thick foliage. Its notes are in short emphatical hars, of two, three, or four syllables. In Jamaica, where this bird winters, it is called whip-tom-kelly, from an imagined resemblance of its notes to these words. This bird builds a neat, pensile nest, between two twigs of a young dog- wood, or other young sapling. It is hung by the two upper edges, and formed of pieces of hornets’ nests, some flax, fragments of withered leaves, slips of pine bark, and bits of paper, all glued together by the saliva of the bird and the silk of caterpillars; lined with fibrous bark, grass, and hair. These nests are very durable, and selected by the cow-bird as one of the numerous receptacles for her egg ; the red-eyed flycatcher showing as much solicitude for the young foundling as if it were her own. This bird is five inches and a half long; the plumage is yelluw olive above; the under parts are white; the crown is ash, bordered with black. The iris of the eye is red. The red-eyed flycatcher is common throughout the United States, and is an inhabitant of the city as well as the forest. On a fine summer’s day, his lively notes may be heard among the branches of the elms on Boston common. THE YELLOW-THROATED FLYCATCHER? Ys found chiefly in the woods, hunting among the high branches; and has an indolent and plaintive note, which it repeats with some little variation every ten or twelve seconds, like preeo, preea, &c. It is often heard in com- pany with the preceding; the loud, energetic notes of the latter, mingling with the soft, languid warble of the former, producing an agreeable effect, particularly during the burning heat of noon, when almost every other sungster but these two is silent. Its nest is built on a tree, and comyosed o* strips of bark, of grape-vines, moss, lichens, &c., and lined with fibres, Winged insects are its principal food. This bird is five inches and a half long; the head and back of a fine yellow olive; the throat and breast a fine lemon color; the under parts are silky white; wings almost black, crossed with two white bars. 1 Muscicapu olivacea, Lin. 2 Muscicapa sylvicola, WiLs0N. = AVES—FLYCATCHER...REDSTART., 511 THE WHITE-EYED FLYCATCHER! (s another of the cow-bird’s adopted nurses; a lively, active, and sociable little bird, possessing a strong voice for its size, and a great variety of notes, and sings during the whole summer. It probably winters in Mexico and the West Indies. It builds a very neat little nest in the igure of an inverted cone ; it is suspended by the upper edge of the two sides on the circular bend of a prickly vine that generally grows in low thickets. It is constructed ot : bits of rotten wood, fibres of weeds, and pieces of paper, commonly news- papers. Fron this circumstance it is sometimes called the Politician. It makes a great ado when any one comes near the nest; looking down and scolding with great vehemence. It is five inches and a quarter long; the upper parts are fine yellow olive; those below white, exceat the sides of the breast, which are yellow. THE SWALLLOW-TAILED FLYCATCHER? Is a very rare and beautiful bird, a specimen of which was shot, on the Ar- kansas river, by the exploring party under Major Long. It is as audacious as the king-bird, attacking with unhesitating intrepidity, and turving the flight of the most powerful of the feathered tribe. Its notes consist of a chirping something like ésch, tsch, much resembling that of the prairie dog, by which it deceived the members of Long's party into a belief that they were ap- proaching one of the villages of this animal. To the above may be added the Arkansas, Say’s, Bonaparte’s, Selby’s, and Traill’s Flycatchers, all of which belong to the United States. THE AMERICAN REDSTART3 Has been classed among the warblers, yet it has all the characteristics of the flycatchers, and is in fact one of the most expert of its tribe. It will pursue a party of flies from the tops of the tallest trees, in an almost yer- pendicular, but zigzag direction, to the ground, while the clicking of its ‘ill is distinctly heard; and 1 drubt not but it often secures tena or twelve of these in three or four seconds. Its notes or twitter, though animated and sprightly are not deserving the name of song; sometimes they are wéese, wéese, wéese, repeated every quarter of a minute, as it skips among the branches ; at other times this twitter varies to several other chants, which we 1 Muscicapa cantatriz, Wi.son. 2 Muscicapa forficata, GMEL. 3 Muscicapa ruticilla, Lin. 512 AVES—FLYCATCHER...NIGHTINGALE. ean instantly distinguish in the woods. It is sure to be seen in the interio af forests, the borders of swamps, and meadows, and in deep glens covered with wood, and wherever flying insects abound. It is very generally found in the United States. The name redstart has been given to it from its supposed resemblance to the redstart of Europe. It builds in low bushes; the nest is built of flax moistened with saliva, and lined with soft down. The male is extremely anxious for its preservation, and on any one’s approaching the place, will flit about within a few feet, seeming greatly distressed. ; This bird is five inches long; the general color above is black, glossed with blue; the sides of the breast, part of the wings and tail, of a fine orange, and the under parts white. THE NIGHTINGALE! Vistrs England in the beginning of April, and leaves it in September. Itis found but in some of the southern parts of that country, being totally un- known in Scotland, Ireland, or North Wales. They frequent thick hedges and low coppices, and generally keep in the middle of the bush, so that they are rarely seen. It is not by the beauty of his plumage that this universally admired bird has become a general favorite, and the theme of almust every poet; for he is one of those warblers which are the most humbly attired. He is about six inches long, and the upper part of his body is of a rusty 1 Sylvia luscinia, Latu. The genus Sylvia has the hill straight, slender, awl-shaped, the base deeper than broad ; au of the upper mandible frequently notched, the under one straight; nostrils basal, lateral, ovoid, partly covered by a membrane; tarsus longer than the middle toe; the exterior toe joined at its hase to the middle one; first quill fextner very short, or none ; second scarcely exceeding the third ; great wing-coverts much shorter than the quill feathers. 5 ! AVES—BLAUK-CAP. 513 brown, tinged with olive; the under parts are of a pale ash color, almos wate at the throat and belly. But in his song he surpasses all the choristers of the air, his notes being exquisitely varied, soft, and harmonious, and ren- dered still more pleasing by..their being poured forth in the night, when the other warblers are all silent. They begin their song in the evening, and generally continue for the whole night. For weeks together, if undisturbed, they sit upon the same tree; and Shakspeare rigntly describes the nightin gale, sitting nightly in the same place. In a calm evening, he may be hearst to the distance of more than half a mile. In the beginning of May, the nightingale prepares to make its nest, which 1s formed of the leaves of trees, straw, and moss. The nest, heing very eagerly sought after, is as cunningly secreted ; so that but very few of them are found by the boys when they go upon these pursuits. It is built at the. bottom of hedges, where the bushes are thickest and best covered. While the female continues sitting, the male, at a good distance, but always within. aearing, cheers the patient hour with his voice, and, by the short interruptior of his song, often gives her warning of approaching danger. She lays tour or five eggs; of which but a part, in England, come to maturity. The delicacy, or rather the fame, of this bird’s music, has induced many to abridge its liberty, to secure its harmony. Its song, however, in captivity, is not so very alluring; and the tyranny of taking it from these helges, where only it is most pleasing, still more depreciates its imprisoned eflurts. Gesner assures us, that it is not only the most agreeable songster in a cage but that it is possessed of a most admirable faculty of talking. THE BLACK-CAP.! Tuis bird is rather more than five inches in length, and is of the titmou-e. kind. The upper mandible is of a dark horn color, the under one light blue, and the edges of both whitish ; the top of the head is black, from whieh circumstance it derives its name; the sides of the head and back of the neck are ash color; the back and wings of an olive gray ; the throat and breast. of a silvery gray; the belly white; the legs are of a bluish color, inclining © prown; the claws black. The head of the female is of a dull rust coler 1 Sylvia atricapilla, Latu. 65 a 614 AVES—REDBREAST. The black-cap visits England about the middle of April, and retires ir September; it is common in Italy, but in England it is rather a rare bird it fr: zaents gardens, and its nest, which it builds near the ground, is com pose. of dried grass, moss, and wool, and lined with hair and feathers. The female lays five eggs, of a pale reddish brown, sprinkled with darker colored spots. During the time of incubation the male attends the female, and sits by turps ; he likewise procures her food, such as flies, worms and insects. ‘This bird sings sweetly, and so like the nightingale, that in Norfolk it is talled the mock-nightingale. Black-caps feed chiefly on flies and insects, and not unfrequently on ivy, and other berries. THE REDBREAST.!} Tuovcn the redt:reast 1s generally admired for his song, he is still more ad- mired for his attachment to, and confidence in, mankind. In_-all cuuntries, he is a favorite, and has what may be called a pet name. The inhabitants of Bornholm call him Tommi Liden, the Norwegians, Peter Ronsmed, the Germans, Thomas Gierdet, and in England he is known as Robin Redbreast - or by the still more familiar appellation of Bob. Buffon describes, with his usual elegance, the winter manners of this bird. “In that season,” says he, “ they visit our dwellings, and seek the warmest and most sheltered situa- tions ; and if any one happens stil] to continue in the woods, it becomes the eompanion of the faggot maker, cherishes itself at his fire, pecks at his bread, and flutters the whole day round him, chirping its slender pip. But when the cold grows more severe, and thick snow covers the ground, it ap- proaches our houses, and taps at the windows with its bill, as if to entreat an asylum, which is cheerfully granted; and it repays the favor by the mos amiable familiarity, gathering the crumbs from the table, distinguishing affectionately the people of the house, and assuming a warble, not indeed so ‘rich as that in the spring, but more delicate. This it retains through all the ‘rigors of the season, to hail each day the kindness of its host, and the ‘sweetness of its retreat.” The bill of the robin is slénder and delicate; its -eyes are large, dark, and expressive, and its aspect mild ; its head and all the wpper parts of its body are brown, tinged with a greenish olive; the neck and breast are of a fine deep reddish orange ; a spot of the same color marks its forehead ; its belly is whitish, and the legs and feet of a dusky black. It ‘is near six inches in length, from the tip of the bill to the end of the tail; the former being about half an inch, and the latter two inches and a half. This bird, m England, has the sweetest song of all the feathered tr’ke: the notes of other birds are, indeed, louder, and their inflections more ca- pricious , but the redbreast’s voice is soft, tender, and well suppurted; and the more to be valued, as we enjoy it the greatest part of the winter. 1 Sylvia rubecola Latu. AVES—REDSTART. 515 During the spring, the robin haunts the wood, the grove, and the garden- and retires to the thickest and shadiest hedge-rows to breed in, where its nest is usually placed among the roots of trees, in some concealed spot near .e ground. In winter it endeavors to support itself, by chirping round the wurm habitations of mankind, and by coming into those shelters where the tiger of the season is artificially expelled, and where insects are found in the greatest numoeis, attracted by the same cause. The female lays from five to seven eggs, of a dull white color, diversified with reddish streaks. In- sects and worms are the principal food of the redbreast. The latter it very dexterously renders fit to be eaten, by taking hold of the extremity of ore in its beak, and beating it against the ground till the inside comes away, and then repeating the operation with the other end, till the outer part is entirely cleansed. 3 THE REDSTART.! Tuts bird measures rather more than five inches in length. Its bill and eyes are black; its forehead is white; the cheeks, throat, fore part, and sides -of the neck, are black, which color extends over each eye; the crown of the ‘head, hinder part of the neck, and the back, are of a.deep blue gray ; insome subjects, probably old ones, this gray is almost black; its breast, ramp, and sides are of a fine glowing red, inclining tu orange color, which extends to -all the feathers of the tail, excepting the twe middle ones, which are brown, the belly is white; the feet and claws are biack. The female difftrs consi- derably from the male; her colors are not so vivid; the top of her head and back are of a gray ash color, and the chin is white. The redstart is migratory’; it appears about the middle of April, and de- parts in the latter end of September, or beginning of October; to what country it retires is not known ; it frequents old walls and ruinous edifices, where it makes its nest, composed chiefly oi moss, lined with hair and feathers. lt is distinguished by a peculiar quick shake of its tail from side to side, on its alighting on a wall or other place. Though a wild and timo- rous bird, it is frequently found in the midst of cities, always choosing the 1 Sylvia phenicurus, Laru. 4 616 AVES—BLUE-BIRD. most difficult and inaccessible places for its residence; it likewise builds in forests, in holes of trees, or in high and dangerous precipices. The femaie iays four or five eggs, not much unlike those of the hedge-sparrow, but somewhat longer. Should she discover that they ‘have been touched, she immediately forsakes them. These birds feed on flies, spiders, the eggs of ants, small berries, soft fruits, and such like. If taken when old, it is im- possible to tame the redstart, but if caught young, and kept warm during the winter, it may be domesticated, and will pour forth its song, by night as well as by day, with great sweetness and freedom. THE BLUE-BIRD.1 Tue blue-bird is one of the first messengers of spring, and meets with a vearty welcome from every body. He appears as early as February, and 1s seen with his mate reconnoitering the leaf in the garden, and the hule in the apple tree, the cradles of some generations of his ancestors. They then begin to clear out the old nest, and to prepare for the reception of their future offspring. Soon after this, another sociable little pilgrim arrives from the south, and finding such a snug birth pre-occupied, shows his spite bv watching a convenient opportunity, and, in the absence of the owner, pops in and pulls out the sticks; but takes especial care to make off as fast as possible. ‘Their principal food is insects and beetles, and sometimes spiders. In the tall they feed on berries, fruits, and seeds. The usual spring and summer song of this bird, is a soft, agreeable and oft-repeated warble, uttered with open quivering wings, and is extremely pleasing. In his motions and charac- ter he resembles the redbreast of Pritain, and like him he is known to almost every child. He is of a mild and peaceful disposition, seldom quar- telling with other birds. His society is courted in the country, and few farmers neglect to provide for him, in some suitable place, a snug litthe summer-house, ready fitted and rent free. For this he more than sufficiently cepays them by the cheerfulness of his song and the multitude of injurious insects which he destroys. Towards fal], his song changes to a single plain- tive note, as he passes over the yellow and many-colored woods; and its melancholy air recalls to our minds the approaching decay of the face of nature. Even after the trees are stripped of their leaves, he still lingers ever his native fields, as if loth to leave them. Indeed he appears scarcely ever totally to forsake us, as with every return of mild and open weather, we hear his plaintive note amidst the fields, or in the air, seeming to deplore te devastation of winter. The blue-bird is six inches and three quarters long; the wings are remar- ' Sylvia sialis, Wits0n. AVES--WARBLER. 517 Kably full and broaa, and dusky black at the tips; the whole upper parts are rich sky-blue, with purple reflections; under parts chesnut culor and white THE BLUE-WINGED YELLOW WARBLER! Vistrs us from the south; haunts thickets and shrubberies, searching the branches for insects ; is fond of visiting gardens, orchards, and willow trees, of gleanmg amung blossoms and currant bushes; and is frequently found in very sequestered woods, where it generally builds its nest. It is in the form of an inverted cone, the bottom thickly bedded with dry beach leaves; the sides formed of the dry bark of weeds, and lined with grass. This species is five inches and a half long; back is rich green olive; crown and front orange yellow; whole lower parts yellow. THE BLUE-EYED YELLOW WARBLER? Js a very common bird, and appears almost always actively employed among the leaves and blossoms of the willows, snowballs and poplars, searching after smali green caterpillars, which are its principal food. It has a few shrill emphatic notes, not deserving the name of song. It is a very sprightly, unsuspicious, and familiar bird; is often seen in and about gardens, among the blossoms and fruit trees; and, on account of its color, is very no- ticeahle. Its nest-is built with great neatness in the fork of a smal] shrub. It is composed of flax or tow, strongly twisted round the twigs, and lined with hair and the down of fern. This interesting little bird will feign lare- ness to draw you from its nest, fluttering feebly along, and looking hack to see if you follow him. It is five inches long. The upper parts are greenish yellow; crown, front, and whole lower parts, rich golden yellow ; breast aud sides streaked with dark red. THE GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER? Is another spring passenger through the United States. Its habits rartake very much of those of the titmouse, and in their language and actir as very much resemble them. It darts actively among the young leaves and opening buds, and is rather a scarce species. It is five inches long; the crown is golden yellow; the wings yellow; the rest of the upper parts asb or olate color. 1 Syma solitarva, WiL80N. 2 Sylvia cestiva, LaTH. 3 Sylvia chrysoptera, Latn. 44 518 AVES—WREN. THE GOLDEN CRESTED WREN.! Tuts is the smallest of all British birds, is very beautiful, and has an extremely delicate and pleasing note, somewhat Jess loud than that of the common wren. In winter it may be distinguished by its shrill squeak, which somewhat resembles the cricking of a grasshopper. It is very agile, and is almost constantiy in motion, either fluttering from branch to branch, creeping on all sides of the trees, clinging to them in all ways, and often hanging with its back downward, like a titmouse. Insects and their eggs, small worms, and various kinds uf seeds, constitute its food. The female lays from ten to eighteen eggs, which are scarcely larger than peas; and the nest is frequently formed amongst the leaves at the top of the branch of a fir tree, where, in high winds, it swings like a pendulum. Of this wren the head and upper part are of a deep reddish brown; the oack, and the coverts of the wings and tail, are marked with slender trans- verse black lines; the quill feathers are barred with black and red; the belly and sides are crossed with narrow, dusky and pale reddish brown lines; the tail is crossed with dusky bars; the throat is a yellowish white; and there is a stroke of white above each eye. THE EUROPEAN WREN2 Tus illiputian songster is a native of every part of Europe. It weighs only three drachms, is but four inches in length, from the point of the bill te the end of the tail, and is admired for the loudness of its note, compared with the little body whence it issues. It will carol forth its strains uncon- cerned during a fall of snow. Even when confined in a cage, it has some- times been known to sing as strong as when in its native fields, and with equal freedom and meliowness of song. It commonly creeps about hedges or trees, in the vicinity of farmyards, and sings very late in the evening, though not, like the nightingale, after the landscape is enveloped with darkness.—The female lays from ten to eighteen eggs, which are very small, white, and sprinkled with red spots. The wren constructs its nest in a very curious manner. Unlike other. birds, it does not begin first at the bottom, If the nest be placed against a _bank, it commences the fabric at the top; .f against a tree, it at the outset 1 Regulus auricapillus, Sersy. The genus Regulis has the bill straight. slender, deeper than broad, compressed, the edges heuding inwards; nostrils basal, with bristles directed forwards; wings with the first quill short, the second shorter than the turd, . which is tne longest ; tarsus longer than the middle toe. £ Trogiodytes Furopeus, Cov. The genus Troglodytes has the bill slender, ana ughtly compressed. curved, emanginated ; nostrils basal, half covered by a naked mers. rane; wings short and rounded ; fourth and fifth feathers of equal length aud longest ; ail shont, rounded, erect; tarsus the length of the middle toe. AVES—WREN, 519 ‘races the outline on the bark, and closes the sides and top in succession. When it builds against a hayrick, the exterior of the nest is of that material; when it is on the side of a tree covered with white lichen, or green moss, the tabric 1s of one or.other of those substances ; but the interior is uniform= ly lined with feathers. THE AMERICAN HOUSE WREN:} Tue house wren is a well known and familiar bird, who builds his nest, sometinies under the eaves, or in a hollow cherry tree; but most commonty in smal] boxes fixed on a pole, for its accommodation. He will even put up with an old hat, and if even this is denied him, he will find some hole or crevice, about the house or barn, rather than abandon the dwellings of man. A mower once hung up his cvat, under a shed near a barn; two or three days elapsed before he had occasion to put it on; thrusting his arm up the sleeve he found it completely filied with some rubbish as he expressed it, and on extracting the whole mass, found it tc be the nest of a wren, com- pletely finished and lined with a large quantity of feathers. In his retreat he was followed by the forlorn little proprietors, who scolded him with great vehemence, for thus ruining the whole’ economy of their domestic affairs. The immense number of insects which this sociable little bird removes from the garden and fruit trees ought to endear him to every cultivator ; and his notes, loud, sprightly, and tremulous, are extremely agreeable. Its food is insects and caterpillars, and while supplying the wants of its young, it destroys, on an average, manv hundreds a day. It is a bold and insolent bird against those that venture to build within its jurisdiction ; attacking them without hesitation, though twice its size, and compelling them to decamp. I have known him to drive a pair of swallows from their newly formed nest, and take immediate possession of the premises. Even the blue-bird, when attacked by this little impertinent, soon relinyuishes the contest ; with those of his own species, also, he has frequent squabbles. The aouse wren inhabits the whole of the United States. It is four mehes and a half long; the whole upper parts are a deep brown; the m7 throat, breast, and cheeks, clay color; the under parts mottled. 1 Troglodytes fulvus, Bonar. 520 AVES—WREN...WHEAT-EAR THE MARSH WREN! 18 verv numerous along the tide-water of the'rivers in. Pennsy.vamua, wnere they frequent the reeds and splatter docks, to search for flying insects, and green grasshoppers, which are its principal food. To such places it limits its excursions As to its notes, it would be mere burlesque to call them song. It builds a durable and warm nest of rushes and mud, which it suspends among the reeds. Its size, color, and habit of erecting its tail, give it some- thmg the appearance of the house wren. It is five inches long, and of a dark brown color. s THE GREAT CAROLINA WREN?2 Woutp at first sight be called a wren, but this and the preceding are de- cidedly creepers. It is found only in the southern states, where it is at- tached to cypress swamps, deep hollows, among decaying timber, and coves near rivers and creeks. It has all the jerking manner of the wren, skipping about with great nimbleness, hopping into caves, and disappearing into holes and crevices like a rat, for several minutes, and then reappearing ia anof’ er yuarter. It occasionally utters a loud, strong, and singular twitter, resem- ‘bling the word chirrup, dwelling long and strongly on the first syllable. It has also another chant, rather more musical, like * Sweet William, Sweet William,” much softer than the former. Its food seems to consist of those insects and their larve that frequent low damp caves, piles of dead timbei pld roots, projecting banks of creeks, &c. It is five inches and a quartes long, and of a reddish brown color. THE WHEAT-EAR. Tuts bird weighs upwards of an ounce, and has a slender blacs bill, avout half an inch long; the tongue is cloven or slit, and the inside of the mouth ’ black; the eyes are of a hazel color, above which there is a white line pass- ing towards the hinder part of the head ; and below them, a large black one, which cxtends itself from the corners of the mouth to the ears. The head and back appear of a cinereous color, with a mixture of red. The -ump ia 1 Troglodytes palustris, Bon ap. 2 Troglodytes ludovicianus, Rosar. 4 Saricola enanthe, Becnat, The genus Saricola has the bill straight, slender, shyhtly vannated, and advancing upon the forelead ; the top of the under mandible a litue bent and emarginated ; nostrils basal, lateral, ovoid, partly concealed by 8 membrane; tarsus considerally longer than the middle toe; the outer toc joined at its base to the nuadle me; third and fourth quill feuthers the longest, AVES—WHEAT EAR. 52. generally white, from whence, by some, it has the name of white-tail; the velly is white, tinged with yellow, dashed faintly with red; the breast and throat are more deep; the coverts and quills are black, with their extreme edges white, tinctured with a dusky red: the tail is sometiung more than two inches Jong, and the upper half of it is black, the lower, white. The female wants the black mark across the eyes; the bar of white across the tail is narrower thao that of the male; and the general colors are more dull. The wheat-ear visits England annually in the middle of March, and leaves tn September. The females come first, about a fortnight before the males; and they continue to come till the middle of May. In some parts of Eng- land they are found in vast plenty, and are much esteemed. About East- bourne, in Sussex, they are taken in snares made of horse-hair, placed beneath a long turf. As they are very timid birds, the motion even of a cloud, or the appearance of a hawk, will immediately drive them int the traps. These traps are first set every year on St. James’s day, (July 25°; ) soon after which, they are caught in astonishing numpers, considering that they are not gregarious, and that more than two or three are searc ely ever seen flying together. The numbers annually ensnared in the district of Eastbourne alone is said to amount to nearly two thousand dozen, One shepherd has caught eighty-four dozen of them in a day. The birds caught are chiefly young ones, and they are invariably found in the greatest number when an easterly wind prevails ; as they always confe against the wind, It is:supposed, that the immense swarms of these birds which are found on the downs about Eastbourne, are occasioned by a species of fly, their fa- vorite food, that feeds on the wild thyme, and abounds in the adjacent hills. In England they are held in as much estimation as the ortolaa is on the eon- tinent. A few of these birds breed in the old rabbit-burrows there. The nest is large, and made of dry grass, ralhit’s down, a few feathers, an¢ horse- nar The eggs are from six t> sight, and are of 2 hg’ t color. «6 ah # 522 AVES—WAGTAILL. THE WHITE WAGTAILe Tis is an elezant, slender-hodied bird, and, next to the rohin and the sparrow, is the most.familiar with man. It weighs about six drachms, and is about seven incnes and a half from the tip of the bill to the end of the tail, and about eleven between the point of each wing, when extended. {t has a slender, straight, sharp bill, of a black or dusky color, upwards of an inch Jong; the circles of the eyes are brown, or hazle colored, with a large white spot encirclingjeach eye, and another or two underneath it, on each side of the throat; the top of the head, and the fore part of the neck, or throat, and the upper part of the back, are all black. Some of the tips of the quill feathers are white, which form a small white line upon the wing, and another is also formed by the white edges of some of the rows of the covert feathers; the lower parts of the breast and belly are both white. The tail is about three inches long, and is almost continually in motion, wagging up and down, from whence it is supposed to derive the name of wagtail; the cuter feathers are chiefly white, the rest black. This motion is supposed to be intended to make the tai) act as a kind of lever or counters poise, to balance the body on the legs. The claws are sharp poirted, aad pretty long, of a dusky or blackish color. These birds are frequently seen about the brinks of rivers, ponds, and small pools of water, and also amongst the low grass in dewy mernings, where they feed upon flies, worms, beetles,,and other small insects. They particularly haunt streams where women come to wash their linen, the insects being attracted thither by the froth of the soap. From this cireums stance the French call them davandiéres. They build under the eaves of houses, and in holes in the walls of old buildings; laying four or five eggs. 1 Motacilla alba, Lin. The genus Motacilla has the bill slender, straight, sul ulate, engular between the nostrils ; edges of the lower mandible compressed; nostrils hesaly Jateral, oval, partly concealed hy a naked membrane: tarsus cousiderably lonzes han the middle toe; exterior toe joined to the middle one at the base: hind claws strong aed somctimes long; tail very long, equal, horizontal; one of the larger coverts 4s long as tne wing feathers. AVES—SKYLARK. 523 YRDER IV.—GRANIVOROUS BIRDS. Bus of this order have the bill more or less conical, short, and strong; tidge nure or less flattened, advaneing upon the forehead; mandibles generis without notches; three toes before and one behind, the anterior ones ca.acly divided; wings of medium length, THE SKYLARK! ts one of the most esteemed of the European song birds. It is found throughout the whole of Europe, many parts of Asia, and the north of Africa. [ts song is begun early in the spring, and continued during the greater part of summer. Jtrises perpendicularly iaa spiral flight, singing as it rises, till it frequently soars heyond the reach of vision. On the approach of winter, the larks begin to collect in immense flocks, quitting the more elevated parts of the country, and resorting to the coasts; at this period they are fat, and vast numbers are taken for the table. The lark is six inches in length ; its color is reddish, with the under parts yellowish white. The lark builds its nest upon the ground, beneath some turf, that serves to hide and shelter it. The female lays four or five eggs, of a dusky hue, io color somewhat like those of a plover. [tis while she is sitting, that the male usually entertains her with his singing; and while he is risen to an imperceptible height, yet he still has his loved partner in h.s eye, nor once loses sight of the nest, either while he ascends or is descending. This Y Alanda arvensis, Lis, The genus Alauda has the bill subeonic, short, with the mandibles of eqnal length. and the upper one slightly convex; nostrils basal, lateral partly concealed by refle-ted feathers; claw of the hind toe much produced. and aearly straight: wings wich tn first quill short or wanting, the third the longeyt; coronal teath. ers general y produced, 524 AVES—TITMOUSE. harmony continues several months, beginning early m the sp:ig, on pairing, In winter they assemble in flocks, when their song forsakes them, anJ the bird-catchers destroy them in great numbers, for the tables of the luxurious. The common food of the young larks is worms aad insects; butafter they are grown up they live chiefly on seeds, herbage, and most other vegetable substances * There are many other larks found in Europe, the most noted cf which, next to the skylark, is the woodlark, which surpasses the skylark in rch ness, though not in variety of song THE BEARDED TITMOUSE! 1s ahout six inches long, and distinguished by a tuft of black feathers under each eye, resembling a mustachio. It is common in the marshes near London, and has erroneously been classed among the butcher-birds. The titmouse, which is also called the tomtit, bluecap, and nun, is about four inches and a half in length, and has a straight black bill, about half an inch long, pretty thick. The crown of the head‘is of a fine blue color; from the bill to the eyes there is a black line; and the forehead and chceks are white. The latter color descends as low as the shoulders and middle part of the back, where it appears more shaded with a glossy green; the rump is ofa fine blue. The quill feathers have some of their tips white, some blue, others green ; the covert feathers by their white tips make a small trans- verse white line upon each wing. The breast, belly, and thighs are yellow, with a broad black line passing from the throat down the midWe of the breast to the vent. The tail is about two inches and a half long, of a black color, except the outward edges of some of the feathers, which are blue. The legs and feet are a sort of lead color. These birds feed on insects, seeds, and fruit. They often excite alarm mm the owners of gardens, under the idea that they are destroying the buds, while, in fact, they are engaged in the beneficial opezation of seeking for the caterpillars that infest them. They are very prolific, laying from fourteen to twenty eggs ata time. If tke eggs be touched, the female forsakes her nest, and. builds again. Titmice will venture to assault birds that are twice or thrice their own bulk, and in this case they direct their aim chiefly at the eyes. They often seize upon birds that are weaker than themselves; which they kill, and having picked a hole in their skull, eat out their brains. 1 Parus biarmicus, Lin. The genus Parus has the hill short, straight, strong, coneal, com: ressed terminating in a point, base with simalk hairs; nostrils basal, rounded, concealed be projecting feathers ; legs stout; toes divided to their origin, nail of the hind one strongest and gost bent; wing feathers the first of medium .ength, or almost deficient, the fourth and fifth the longest. ‘ AVES—TITMOUSE 525 They are very fond of flesh, vast admirers of suet, and frequently pick bones from durghills and other places. This bird is distinguished above the rest of its kind, by its rancor against the owl. There are many European varieties of this bird; the greater titmouse is about five inches in length. The nests of almost every kind are constructed with the must exquisite art, and with materials of the utmost delicacy; such as inoss, hair, and the web of spiders, with which the whole is strongly tied together. BLACK-CAPT TITMOUSE.! Turs is one of our American birds, active, noisy, and restless, hardy beyond any of his size, braving the severest cold of our continent, as far north as the country around Hudson’s Bay, and always appearing most lively in the coldest weather. The males have a variety of very sprightly notes, which cannot indeed be called a song, but rather a lively, frequently repeated, and often varied, twitter. They are most usually seen during the fall and winter, when they approach nearer to the scenes of cultivation. They begin to build in April, choosing the deserted hole of a squirrel or woodpecker, and sometimes, with incredible labor, digging one out for themselves. They tra- verse the woods from tree to tree, tumbling, chatting, and hanging from the extreinities of the branches, examining about the roots of the leaves, buds, and cievices of the bark, for insects and their larve. They also visit the orchards, the sides of the barn, and barn-yard, in the same pursuit. These birds sometimes fight violently with each other, and are known to attack young and sickly birds that are incapable of resistance, always direct- ing their olows against the skull. , The crested titmouse is also an inhabitant of the United States, but 1s More common in the northern parts. 1 Parus bicolor, Lin. § 526 AVES—-yELLUW-HAMMER...ORTOLAN...BOB-O-LINK. THE EUROPEAN YELLOW-HAMMER| Tr is larger than the sparrow. A greenish yellow, spotted with brown, is the hue of its head; the throat and belly are yellow; the breast and sides, under the wings, are mingled with red; and the tail is of a flesh color. It builds on the ground, feeds on insects and seeds; and has a soft note, not unlike that of the linnet. ‘ THE ORTOLAN? Ts somewhat Jess than the yellow-hammer. The plumage on the upper parts is brownish chesnut, mixed with black ; the under parts are pale rufous. These birds are common in France and Italy, but are not found in England They are caught in numbers to fatten for the table. This is done by includ ing them in a dark room, and feeding them with oats and millet. By this process they become so fat that they would die from that cause alone, were they not killed for sale. In this state they will sometimes weigh three oun- ces, and are accounted the most luxurious repast of the epicure, being, as it were, one lump of exquisite fat. THE BOB-O-LINK, OR RICE BUNTING,3 CaLLep also reed bird in some of the southern states, and hutter bird in Jamaica. He is seven anda half inches long. This is one of the most common birds in the United States, and is familiar to every schoolboy from the lively jingle of his note. The plumage of the male is an odd mixture of white and black in the spring and early part of the summer—he changes to a yellowish brown late in the season. The female is of a dusky brown. In the eastern states the arrival of this bird is welcomed with pleasure, as he is highly esteemed and his habits are comparatively harmless to the crops. In the southern states he is more annoying to the husbandman and the sportsmen of those parts, who show the rice birds no mercy, as his flesa is excellent. They do great damage to the early wheat and barley in Virginia, and eagerly devour young ears of Indian corn. They feed also on grubs, ! EXmberiza citrinella, Lin. The genus Hmberiza, or Bunting, has the hill short, coni- cal, compressed, sharp edged: the upper mandible narrower than the under, the edges of both bent inwards; nostrils, basal, rounded, surmounted and partly corered hy the feath- ers of the forehead ; toes divided, the posterior with a short aud bent claw; tail forked or slightly rounded. 4 Eimberiza hortulana, Lx. 3 Emberiza oryzivora, Witson. AVES—COW-BUNTING. 527 flies, and caterpillars. They pour down upon the oat fields in a torrent, and resort to the shores of the Delaware and Schuylkill in immense numbers, to feed upon the reeds or wild oats. Atthis time they are extremely fat. Their 1ote is a single chink, and is heard overhead with little intercession from inorning to night. These are halcyon days for our gunners, and many a lame and rusty gun-barrel is put in requisition for the sport. The report of musketry along the reedy shores of the river is almost incessant, resembling arunning fire. The markets of Philadelphia at this season exhibit proofs-of the prodigious havoc made a:ong the birds. In the fall, they swarm in the tice fields, and devour great quantities of that grain. 4 THE COW-BUNTING. Tye cow-bunting has a most remarkable character, which is the unace countable practice it has of dropping its eggs into the nests of other birds, instead of building and hatching for itself; and thus entirely abandons its ‘amily to the care and mercy of strangers. I have often found the young cow-bunting in the nests of small birds; and have seen these last followed by the young foundling, calling out clamorously for food; and I once took a very tine one trom the nest or the Maryland yellow throat, where it was fostered with great care. , \ Emberiza pecoris, WiLs0n. 528 AVES—COW-BUNTING. The migrations of these birds extend very iar north. On ter way they frequently stop in June, and are observed loitering singly, among thickets, reconnoitering no doubt for proper nurses, to whose care they may commit the hatching of their eggs, and the rearing of their helpless orphans Among the birds selected for this duty are the red-eyed and white-eyed fly catchers, the chipping sparrow, the golden-crowned thrush, the blue-bird, the small blue gray flycatcher and and the yellow throat. The yellow throat and the red-eyed flycatcher, appear to be particular favorites; and the kindness and affectionate attention which those two little birds pay to their nurslings, fully justifies the partiality of the parents. What reason nature may have for this extraordinary deviation from her general practice, is beyond my comprehension. These birds often frequent corn and rice-fields; but are more commonly found accompanying the cattle, feeding on the seeds and worms, &c., which they pick up amongst the fudder, &c. Hence they are called cow-birds, zowpen birds, and crow black-birds. They are generally found associated with the red-winged black-birds, which they in many respects resemble. In the month of July, says Wilson, I took from the nest of a Maryland yellow thrvat, a young male cow-bunting, which filled and occupied the whole nest. I took the bird home with me, and placed it in the same cage with a red-bird, who at first and for several minutes after examined it closely and seemingly with great curiosity. It soon became clamorous for food, and from that moment the red-bird seemed to adopt it as his own, feeding it wita all the assiduity and tenderness of the most affectionate nurse. When he found that the grasshopper he had brought it, was too large for it to swal- low, he took the insect, broke it into sniall pieces, chewed them a little to soften them, and then with all the delicacy and gentleness imaginable, put them separately in his mouth. He often sper.t several minutes looking at and examining it all over, and in picking off any particles of dirt that he found on its plumage. In six months the cow-bird was in complete plu mage, and repaid the affectionate services of his foster-parent, with ¢ frequent display of his musical talents; these it must be confessed are far from ravishing, yet for their singularity are worthy of notice. He spreads his wings, swells his body into a globular form, bristling every feather in the manner of a turkey-cock, and with great seeming difficulty utters a few low sputtering notes; always on these occasions strutting in front of the spectator with great consequential affectation. To see the red-bird, who is himself so ex- cellent a performer, silently listening to all this guttural sputter, reminds one of the great Handel, contemplating a wretched violin scraper! The cow-bunting is seven inches long; the head and neck is a silky drab. the upper part of the breast a deep changeable violet; the rest of the bird is black, glossed with green. ; AVES—BUNTING...GRUUND ROBIN. 529 TITE PAINTED BUNTING Ts found n Lower Louisiana, where it is universally known among the Frenci inhabitants, and called by them “ Le Rapei,” and by the Americans the Nonpareil. Its gay dress andsdocility of manners have procured it many admirers; for these qualities are highly attractive, and always carry their own recommendation along with them. The low countries of the southern states, in the vicinity of the sea and along the borders of our large rivers, narticularly among the rice plantations, are the favorite haunts of this ele- gant little bird. A few are seen in North Carolina; they are more numerous in South Carolina, and still more so in Georgia. Their notes very much resemble those of the indigo bird, but want their strength and energy. These birds are domesticated at New Orleans, and is the most common cage bird they have. Six of these birds, says Wilson, which I brought with. me from New Orleans by sea, soon became reconciled to the cage. In good weather, the males sung with great sprightliness. They were greedily fond of flies, which accompanied us in great numbers during the whole voyage; and many of the passengers amused themselves with catching them, and giving them to the nonpareils; till at length, the birds became so well ac- quainted with the amusement, that as soon as they saw any of the people attempting to catch flies, they assembled at the front of the cage, stretching out their heads evidently much interested in the issue of their success. They build their nests in orange trees, and sometimes in blackberry bushes. They are formed of dry grass, and the silk of caterpillars, and lined with hair and fine rvots. The plumage undergoes great changes, not being per- fect till the fourth:season. The head and neck of the male is of a rich purplish hue, the chin and lower parts are vermilion; back glossy yellow, stained with green and sometimes with red; wings red, edged with green. Itis seven inches and three fourths long. The female is of a green oliy e; the lower parts are light yellow. It is five inches and a half long. The food of the painted bunting consists of rice, insects, and various kinds of seeds, among which are the seeds of ripe figs. They frequent gardens, and chant occasionally during the whole summer. In the fall they retire tu the south. ; THE TOWHEE-BUNTING, OR GROUND ROBIN Tuus bird is also called chewink and swamp robin. , It generally keeps close to the ground, and frequents thickets and sheltered spots, scratching among 1 Emberiza erythrophthalma, Witson. 67 530 AVES—TANAGER. the leaves for worms and larve. It is quite a familiar bird, and will suffer a person to walk round the bush or thicket, where it s at work, without betraying any signs of alarm, and when disturbed, uttering the notes ¢ou-he, repeatedly. Attimes, the male mounts a small tree, and chants his few simple notes for an hour ata time. They are loud, but not unmusical. He is fond of thickets near streams of water, and is found generally over the United States. The nest is placed on the ground among the dry leaves, and is large and substantial. He shows great affection fur his young, and is remarkable for the cunning with which he conceals his nest, sometimes nearly covering it with dry grass. In Virginia he is called the bulfinch. This bird is eight inches and a half long; of a black color above, and white below. The eye changes in color; the iris being sometimes white, aad often red. There are various others of the bunting genus, natives of the United States, as the white-crowned bunting, the bay-winged bunting, the black- throated bunting, Henslow’s buntitg. THE SCARLET TANAGER! Is one of the most beautiful of American birds, having a plumage of tne richest scarlet, with wings of jet black. He is spread over the United States, and is tuund even in Canada, and South America. He rarely approaches VLunagra rubra, Lis, The genus Tanagra has the hill short, strong, trianguiar at the base, carinated,’much compressed at the point, which is hent; upper mandible longer than the under, anc notched; edges of tne mandibles hent inwards; under mandible straight, and somewhat gihlous toward the middle; nostrils basal, lateral, rounded, partly soncealed by projecting feathers; tarsus the length of the middle toe; the external tue toined +t its base; the internal free; wings with the second and third quills longest. AVES—REv-BIRD. 531 the habiiations of man, unless perhaps to the orchard, where he sometimes builds; o1 to the cherry trees in search of fruit. The depths of the woods are his favorite abode. There, among the thick foliage of the tallest trees, his simplc, and almost monotonous notes of chip, churr, repeated at intervals in a pensive tone, may be oceasiunally heard, which appear to proceed from a considerable distance, though the bird be immediately above you ; a faculty bestowed upon him by the beneficent Author of nature, no doubt for his protection, to compensate in a degree for the danger to which his glowing color would often expose him. Besides this usua! note, he has, at times, a more musical chant. His food consists of large winged insects, such as wasps, hornets, and humble bees, and also of fruit. His nest is built on the horizontal branch of a tree, sometimes an apple tree, and is but slightly put together ; stalks of broken flax, and dry grass, so thinly woven together, that the light is easily perceivable through it, from the repository of his young. His manners are modest, easy, and inoffensive. He commits no depreda- tions on the property of the husbandmam; but rather benefits him by the daily destruction of many noxious insects; and when winter approaches, he is no plundering dependant, but seeks in a distant country that sustenance which the severity of the season denies to his industry in this. He isa striking ornament to our rural scenery, and none of the meanest of our rural songsters. Such being the true craits of his character, we shall always with pleasure welcome this beautiful stranger to our orchards, groves, and forests. Wha you approach the nest, the male keeps cautiously at a distance, as if feae’ul of being seen; while the female hovers round in the greatest _agita'.on and distress. When the young leave the nest, the male parent take- a most active part in feeding and attending them, and is then altogether in? (rent of concealment. THE SUMMER RED-BIRD.! 1 5r. changes of color which this bird is subject to, during the first year, “eve deceived European naturalists so much, that four different species of tanay., have been formed out of this one. The female differs much m color from t's: male. The food of this bird consists of various kinds of bugs, and large ick beetles. During the season of whortleberries they seem to live um». mtirely upon them. In Pennsylvania they are rare, but in New lere»s hey may he generally found. The note of the male is a strong and ou ».s whistle, resembling a loose trill or shake on the notes of a fife, \Tanagra estiva, WiLson. 532 AVES—CROSSBILL. frequently repeated; that of the female is rather a kind of chatterng, approaching nearly to the rapid pronunciation of chicky-tucky-tuck, when she sees any person approaching the neighborhood of her nest. She is, how- ever, rarely seen, and usually mute, and scarcely to be distinguished from the color of the foliage at a distance; while the loquacity and brilliant red of the male make him very conspicuous; and when seen among the green leaves, he has a most beautiful and elegant appearance. = The summer red-bird delights in a flat sandy country covered with wood, and interspersed with pine trees, and is more numerous on the shores of the Atlantic than in the interior. In both the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida they are numerous; in the northern states they are very rare. THE AMERICAN CROSSBILL.|! Tuis species is a regular inhabitant of almost all our pine forests situated norta of forty degrees, from September to April. The Great Pine Swamp in Pennsylvania appears to be their favorite rendezvous. They then appear in large flocks, feeding on the s-eds of the hemlock and white pine; have a loud, sharp, and not unmusical note; chatter as they fly; alight during the prevalence of the deep snows before the door of the hunter, and around the aouse, picking off the clay with which the logs are plastered, and searching in corners where any substance of a saline nature had been thrown. At such times they are so tame, as only to settle on the roof of the cabin when disturbed, and a moment after, descend ‘vu feed as before. They are then easily caught in traps. When kept in a cage they have many of the habits of the parrot, often climbing along the wires, and using their feet to grasp the cones in, while taking out the seeds. This bird has hitherto been considered a mere variety of the European species, but it differs in several respects. I have therefore separated it from the grosbeaks. Itis subject to many changes of color. The male is five inches and three fourths long. The general color of the plumage, when perfect, is a red-lead color ; the tail is forked and edged with yellow. The female is less than the male; the plumage is of an olive yellow. 1 Loxia curmrostra, Lin. The genus Lovwia has the bill rather long, strong, much cora- pressed, the two mandibles equally convex, and crossing each other at the points when ag Test; nostrils round, basal, and lateral, concealed hy reflected bristly feathers; the anterior toes entirely divided; wings with the first quill feathers longest; tail forked. AVES—GROSBEAK. 533 THE CARDINAL GROSBEAK'! Tue cardinal grosbeak is one of our most common cage birds, and 1s very genera.ly known both in America and Europe. Numbers of these have been carried over to France and England, in which last country they are ealled Virginia nightingales. They have great clearness and variety of tones; many of them resemble the clear notes of a fife, and are nearly as loud. They begin in the spring at the first appearance of dawn, and repeat a favorite stanza or passage, twenty or thirty times. His sprightly figure and gaudy plumage, his vivacity, strength of voice, and the little expense with which he is kept, will always make him a favorite. This species inhabits America from New England to Carthagena. In the southein states they are the most numerous. They love to reside in the vicinity of fields of corn, a grain that constitutes their chief and favorite food. The seeds of apples, cherries, and many other sorts of fruit, are eaten by them ; and they are accused of destroying bees. They build their nests in a holly, cedar, or laurel bush. It is constructed of twigs and weeds. They are hardy birds, easily kept, sing six or eight months in a year, and are most lively in wet weather. They are known by the names of red-bird, Virginia ved-bird, Virginia nightingale, and crested red-bird. 1 Loxia cardinalis, Lin. 45* 534 AVES—BULFINCH...LINNET, The others of this genus in the United States are the pine grosheak, the biue grosnbeak, the rose-breasted grosbeak, the evening grusbeak, and tne spuiled grosovak. THE BULFINCH}! 48 one of the most common of European birds. When at its full growth it measures, from the point of the bill to the end of the tail, six incles, of which the tail is two. It has a short black bill, very strong and crooked, the upper part hanging over the under side, like that of a hawk ; the tongue — is short, and the eyes of a hazel color; the head and neck in proportion to the body are larger than in the generality of small birds, from which, most probably, they derived their name. In some places they are called ropes; in others, thick-bills, and in some red-hoops, or tony-hoops, probably froin their wild hooping kind of note. The bulfinch makes its nest of an ordinary mean fabric, in bushes, in which the female lays four or five eggs of a bluish color, with dark browa and reddish spots. The nest so closely resembles the surrounding foliage in color, that it is not easily to be discovered. In the summer it mostly fre- quents woods, and the more retired places; but in winter it approaches gardens and orchards, where in spring it makes great havoc among the budg of trees. It is probable, however, that it attacks the buds for the sake of ‘the included insects. The cock ts in size equal to the hen, but has a flatter crown, and excels ner in the beauty of his colors. Jn a state of nature, this bird has but three cries, all of which are unpleasant; but if man designs to instruct it metho- dically, and accustoms it to fine, mellower, and more lengthened strains, it will listen with attention, and the docile bird, whether male or female, without relinquishing its native airs, will imitate exactly, and sometimes even surpass, its master. It also learns to articulate words and sentences. THE EUROPEAN LINNET#2 Tris favorite bird, which is universally admired for the melody of ity voice, is in length, from the point of the bill to the end of the tail, five 1 Loria vulgaris, Lin. 2 Fringilla cannabina, Lin. The genus Fringilla has the hill short, stont, straint, and conical; apoer meindble gibbous, depressed above. a litte iacned at the point nostrils basal, roan lL, placed sear the forehead. and paruially concealed by the feathers ia front; tarsus shorter than the middle toe, and the fore tues ‘entirely divided; wings short, the third aud fourth quills the longest; tail of varied form. AVES—CANARY FINCH. 533 mches snd a half: the bill is a bluish gray; the eyes are hazel; the upper parts of the heac, neck, and back, are of a dark reddish brown, the edges. of the feathers pale; the under parts are of a dirty reddish white; the breis: is deeper than the rest, and in spring becomes a very beautiful crimson except in the female, whose breast is marked with only stripes of brown; the sides are spotted with brown likewise; the tail is brown, with white edges, except the two middle feathers, which have reddish margins; it is somewhat forked; the legs are brown. The linnet is so much esteemed for the sweetness of his singing, that, by ‘many persons, he is thought to excel ali small birds. He has certainly a curivus fine note of his own, little inferior to the most celebrated birds, and may he taught likewise to pipe or whistle the song of any other bird; but, as his own is so good, that trouble is unnecessary. He is, however, very apt in learning, and if brought up from the nest, will take the woodlark’s or canary bird’s song to perfection. In some instances he has been said te pronounce words with great distinctness. The cock linnet may be known, either old or young, by two marks; first, the feathers on his back are much browner than those of the hen ; secondly, by the white on the three or four longest feathers of the wing; if it appear clear, bright, and broad, and reach up to the’ quills, it is a true sign of a cock hird, for the white in the wing of the hen is much less, fainter, and- narrower. In spring, too, as we have already mentioncd, the breast of the cock is crimson. These birds commonly build in a thick bush or hedge, and sometimes among furze, bushes, &c., making a small, pretty nest ; the outside of bents, dried weeds, and straw, and the bottom all matted together; the inside of fine soft wool, mixed with down stuff, gathered from dried plants, with a few horse-hairs, made exceedingly neat and warm; on which she lavs four, -and sometimes five, white eggs. with fine red specks, especially atthe blunt end; and has young ones by the middle of April or beginning of May. They are particularly fond of linseed, from which, it is supposed, they denve their name. THE CANARY FINCH. Tus well known bird came origmally from the Canary Islands, where they are stiil found in a wild state, as well as at the Cape Verd and Madeira Islands. In its native islands, a region equally noted for the beauty of its landscapes and the harmony of its groves, the canary bird is of a dusky: gray color, an] so different from those usually seen in Europe, that some 1 Fyingilla Canaria, Lin 536 . AVES—LINNET. have even doulted whether it be of the same species. With us, they have that variety of coloring usual in all domestic fowls ; some white, some mc t- ded, some beautifully shaded with green; but they are more esteemed for their note than their beauty, having a high, piercing pipe, as indeed all those of the finch tribe have, continuing it for some time in one breath without mtermission, then raising it higher and higher by degrees, with great variety The canary will breed freely with the goldfinch and linnet, and the produce is a beautiful bird, called a Mule. The .canary finch is a social and familiar bird, and is capable of con tracting an attachment for the person to whom it belongs. It will perch or the shoulder of its mistress, and peck its food from her hand or her mouth It is also capable of being taught still more extraordinary feats. In 1820, a Frenchman exhibited four and twenty Canary Birds in London, many of which, he said, were trom eighteen to twenty-five years of age. Some of these balanced themselves, head downward, on their shoulders, having their legs and tails in the air. One of them, taking a slender stick in its claws, passed its head between its legs, and suffered itself to be turned round, as if in-the act of being roasted. Another balanced itself, and was slung back- ward and forward on a kind of slack rope. A third was dressed in military uniform, having a cap on its head, wearing asword and pouch, and carrying: a firelock in one claw; after some time sitting upright, this bird, at the word of command, freed itself from its dress, and flew away to the cage. A fourth suffered itself to be shot at, and falling down, as if dead, to be put intoa little wheelbarrow, and wheeled away by one of its comrades; and several of the birds were at the same time placed upon a little firework, and con- tinued there quietiy, and without alarm, till it was discharged. THE AMERICAN LINNET, OR PURPLE FINCH. Tuts bird, owing to its change of color, has been described frequently as a different species. It is six inches in length. All the upper parts of the male are dark crimson. The femule is of a brown olive color, streaked with black and white. The young are of the same color with the female, but the males gradually attain their full crimson plumage. These birds come 9 us in large flocks from the north, and feed on the seeds of poplar, but‘on- woud, juniper, and cedar trees. When the season is very severe, they pro- eced to the south as far as Georgia. In the spring they feed on apple and therry blossoms. The song of the purple finch is uncommonly sweet and voluble, sur- passing even that of the European linnet. It is remarkable that the nest 1 Fringilla purpurea, GmEL. AVES—SPARROW. 537 of this oird has never yet been seen by any naturalist, although they breed in the United States. Mr Audubon saw them feeding their young, who could not have Leen more than a few days old. The same author informs us that they frequently associate with the common crossbills. THE SONG SPARROW.! THE song sparrow is the most generally diffused over the United States, and is the most numerous of all our sparrows; and. it is far the earliest, sweetest, and most lasting songster. Many of them remain during the whole winter in close sheltered meadows and swamps. It is the first singing hird in spring. Its song continues through the sumer and fall, and is sometiines heard even in the depths cf winter. The notes or chant are short but very sweet, and frequently repeated, from a small bush or tree, where it sits chapt- ing for an hour together. It is fond of frequenting the borders of rivers, meadows and swamps; and if wounded and unable to fly, will readily take to the water, and swim with considerable rapidity. The song sparrow builds in the ground under a tuft of grass; the nest is ‘ormed of dry grass and horse-hair. It sometimes also builds in a cedar free, five or six feet from the ground. It is six inches and a half long, and ‘s of a chesnut color, marked and streaked with dirty white; the breast is spotted with pointed spots of chesnut. THE CHIPPING SPARROW? Is, perhaps, more generally known, and more familiar and domestic even, than the preceding species. He inhabits the city in summer, building in the branches of the trees in the streets and gardens, and gleaning v.» crumbs from the yard and door. This sociable habit, which continues chi-fly during summer, is a singular characteristic. Towards the end of the summer, he takes to the fields and ledges, unti] the weather becomes severe, when he departs for the south. The chipping bird builds his nest most commonly in a bush, and lines it with cow hair. This little bird is five inches and a quarter long, the frontlet is black, crown chesnut, the upper parts are varie- gated with black and chesnut, and the under parts pale ash, 4 Fring ia melodia, W sun. 9 Fringulu sociais, Wits0N. 48 538 AVES—SPARROW...GOLDFINCH. i THE FIELD SPARROW! Is the smallest of all our sparrows, and frequents dry fields covered with long giacs bunds a sinal, nest on the ground at the foot of a vush, and lines it with harse-hair. Tt has no song, but a kind of chirruping not much diffe. rent from the chirpings of a cricket. There are multitudes of these litte birds in North and South Carolina and Georgia. When disturbed, they tuke to the bushes, clustering so close together that a dozen may be shot ata cime. This bird is five inches and a quarter in length ; the upper parts are chesaut and black. THE INDIGO EIRD? fs numerous in the middle and eastern states, and in the Carolinas and Georgia. [It is also known in Mexico and Nova Scotia. — Its favorite haunts are about gardens, fields of clover, borders of woods, and roadsides, where it is frequently seen perched on fences. In its manners it is extreinely neat and active, and a vigorous and pretty good songster. It mounts to the tops of the highest trees, and chants for half an hour ata time. — [ts song is not one continued strain, but a repetition of short notes, commencing loud and rapid, and falling by slow gradations till they seem hardly articulate, as if the little minstrel were quite exhausted ; but after a pause of half a minute, it commences again as before. He sings with as much animation under the meridian sun in July as in the month of May, and continues his song till August. His usdal nute when alarmed, is a sharp chip. It feeds on insects and seeds. Notwithstanding the beauty of his plumage, the vivacity of his song, the indigo bird is seldom seen domesticated. Tts nest is built in a low bush, among ra ‘k grass, grain, or clover; suspended by two twigs, one passing up each side, . nd is composed of flax, and lined with grass. This bird is five inches long, the whole body of a rich sky biue, deepening in color toward the head, and sometimes varying to green. THE YELLOW-BIRD, OR GOLDFINCH3 Bears a great resemblance to the canary, and tn song is like tne goldfinch of Britain, but it is in general so weak as to appear to proceed trom a diss - Pringilla pusilla, Wirson, 2 Fring illa cyanea, Wiraon, 3 Fringilla tristis, Lin. AVES—GOLDFINCH...HONEY GUIDE. 539 tance, when perhaps the bird is perched ona tree over your head. T have however heard them sing in cages with great animation and energy. In the spring, they associate in Hucks, to bask and dress themselves in the morning sun, singing in concert for half an hour tugether ; the confused mingling of their notes forming a kind of harmony not at all unpleasant. Their fight is not direct, but in alternate risings and sinkings, twittering as they fly at each successive impulse of the wings. They search the gardens in nume ers, in quest of seeds, and pass by various names, such as letuce-bird, sallad-hird, thistle-bird, yellow-bird, &e. They are very easily tamed. The yellow-bird is four inches and a half in length: the male is of a tich lemon color. The wings and tail are black, edged with white. In the fall, this color changes to a brown olive, which is the constant color of the fe male. They build a nest in the twigs uf an apple tree, neatiy formed of lichen and soft downy substances. : The other individuals of the tinch or sparrow tribe, which inhabit the United States, are too numerous for us here w particularize. THE EUROPEAN GOLDFINCHEH! Is the most beautiful bird which inhabits Europe, and is also one of the most docile and harmonious. It is of a gentle nature; soon becomes reconciled to the loss of freedom; and, as few birds are more intelligent and obe-tient, it may be taught a variety of entertaining tricks. When confinea, it delights to view itself in a mirror, Fromcits fondness for thistle seeds, it 1s some- times called the thisuefinch. The female builds an admirably ccnstructed and warm nest, generally in fruit trees, and lays five eggs. ‘ ORDER V.—ZYGODACTYLOUS BIRDS Birns of this order have the bill of various forms, more or less curved, of much hooked, and often straight and angular; feet always with two tces before, and two behind, and the exterior hind toe frequently reversible. THE HONEY GUIDE# Tus remarkable bird is a native of Southern Africa, and has the facuity of pointing out to man, and to the quadruped called ratel, the nests of the » Fringilla carduelia, Lan. * Indicator major. The genus Indicator has the bill short, eee, diluted on the aides, a lide bent and notched at the pont: rule distiner; nasal furrow herge , nostals tasal.a litle tubalars tarsus shorter than the ex ernal tue; the aulerior ues uniled at the Gast jot; wings with the third feather tne louge +t. 640 AVES—CUCKOO. wild bees. It is exceedingly fond of honey and of the bee magguts, and its services are generally rewarded by leaving it asmal! portion of the spoil. In its external appearance it differs not much from the common sparrow, except in being somewhat larger, and of a lighter color. It hasalso a wa tz spot on each shoulder, and its tail feathers are dashed with white. The morning and evening are its principal meal times; at least, it is then that it shows the greatest inclination to come forth, and with a grating cry of cherr, cherr, cherr, to excite the attention of the ratel, as well as of the Hottentots and tolcnists. Somebody then generally repairs to the place whence the sound proceeds; when the bird, continually repeating its cry of cherr, cherr, cherr, flies on slowly, and by degrees, towards the quarter where the bees have taken up their abode. The persons thus invited,accordingly follow; taking care at the same time not to frighten their guide by any unusual noise, but rather to answer it now and then with a soft and gentle whistle, by way of letting the bird know that its call is attended to. When the bees’ nest is at some distance, the bird often makes long stages of flight, waiting for its sporting companions between each flight, and calling to them again to come on; but flies to shorter distances, and repeats its cry more frequently and with more earnestness, as they approach nearer to thenest. When the bird has sometimes, through its impatience, got too far ahead of its followers, but particularly when, from the unevenness of the ground, they have not been able to keep pace with it, it has flown back to meet them, and with redoubled cries has denoted still greater impatience, as though reproaching them for being su tardy. When it comes to the bees’ nest, whether in the cleft of a rock, the hollow of a tree, or a cavity in the earth, it hovers over the spot for a few seconds; after which it sits in silence, and for the must part concealed, in some neighboring tree or bush, in expectation of what may happen, and with a view of receiving its share of the booty. THE EUROPEAN CUCKOO. Ts singular bird is about fourteen inches in length, shaped somewhat hike a mag ie, and distinguished from all other birds by its round pro- minent nostrils. The head, neck, back, and wing-ccverts are of a dove color; the throat is a pale gray; the breast and belly are white, crossed with wavy lines of black; the tail consists of ten feathers; the two middle ones olack, with white tips; the others dusky, and marked with alternate spots ot white on each side of the shaft. The legs are of a yellow color, and the 1 Cuculus canorus, Lix. The genus Cueu/us has the hill as long as the head, com pressed, and slightly curved ; nostrils basal, pera inthe margin of the mandible, and surrounded by a naked and prominent membrane; legs feathered below the knee- fore toes united al the hase; hind toes divided, the exterior reversible ; tail long, more or less graduated ; the third quul feather the longest. % AVES—CUCKOO. BAT claws white. The plumage of the young birds is chiefly brown, mixed wita a ferruginous ive and black. Having disappeared all the autumn and win- ter, it discovers itself in our country, early in the spring, by its well known cau Its note is heard earlier or later, as the season seems to be more or less torward, and the weather more or less inviting. From the cheerful voice of this bird, the farmer may be instructed in the real advancement of the year. His note is pleasant, though uniform; and, from an association ot ideas, seldom occurs to the memory without reminding us of the sweets of summer. There is a popular superstition, that he who hears the cuckoo before he has heard the nightingale, will be unsuccessful in love. To this idea Milton elegantly alludes in his Sonnet to the Nightingale. It was once doubted, whether these birds were carnivorous; but Reaumur was at the pains of breeding up several, and found that they would feed upon bread or corn; but flesh and insects were their favorite nourishment. Their gluttony is not to be wondered at, when we consider the capacity of their stomach, which is enormous, and reaches from the breast-bone to the vent. The female cuckoo, in general, makes no nest of her own. She has, however, been known to rear her own young. But, usually, she repairs for that purpose to the nest of some other bird, generally the water-wagtail or hedge-sparrow, and having devoured the eggs of the owner, lays her egg in the place. She usually lays but one, which is speckled, and of the size of a blackbird’s. This the fond, foolish bird hatches with great assiduity, and when excluded, finds no difference in the great ill looking changeling from aer own. To supply this voracious creature, the credulous nurse toils with uausual labor, no way sensible that she is feeding up an enemy to her race, aud one of the most destructive robbers of her future progeny. This intrusion often occasions some disorder, for the hedge-sparrow, at intervals, while she is sitting, not only throws out some of her own eggs, but sometimes injures them in such a manner that they become addled ; so that it frequently happens that not more than two or three of the parent bird’s eggs are hatched; but it has never been observed that the egg of the cuckoo has either been thrown out or injured. The newly hatched cuckoo itselt, also contrives to raise up the young, and throw them out of the nest, and nature seems to have provided for its doing so, by giving to it a broad 46 ~ ‘B42 AVES—CUCKOO. 4 back, with a considerable di pression in the middle; which shane it loses as soon as it has no longer any use for it. When the hedge-sparrow has set her usua] time, and disengaged the young cuckoo and some of her own offspring from the shell, her own young ones, and any of her eggs that re- main unhatched, are turned out of the nest. The young bird generally con- tinues three weeks in the nest before it fies; and the foster parent-feeds it more than five weeks after this period. és All the little birds of the grove seem to consider the young cuckoo as an enemy, and revenge the cause of their kind by their repeated insults. They pursue it whenever it flies, and oblige it to take shelter in the thickest branches of some neighboring tree. Al] the smaller birds form the train of its pur- suers ; but the wryneck, in particular, is found the most active in the chase; and thence it has been called, by many, the cuckoo’s attendant and provider. But it is very far from following with a friendly intention; it only pursues as an insulter, or a spy, to warn all its little companions of the cuckoo’s depredations. Such are the manners of this bird while it continues to reside, or to be seen amongst us. But in the first week in July, the old ones quit this coun- try, and the young ones follow in succession; and as its new abode is not known, there are conflicting opinions on the subject. Some suppuse that it lies hid in hollow trees; and others that it passes into warmer climates. Which of these opinions is true is uncertain, as there are no facts related on either side that can be totally relied on. To support the opinion that they remain torpid during the winter, at home, Willoughby mtroduces the following story, which he delivers upon the credit of anotner :—“‘ The ser- vants of a gentleman in rhe country, having stocked up, in one of their meadows, some old dry rotten willows. thought proper, on a certain occa- sion, to carry them home. In heating a steve, two logs of this timber were put into the furnace beneath, and fire applied as usual. But soon, to the great surprise of the family, was heard the voice of a cuckoo, singing three times from under the stove. Wondering at so extraordinary a cry in winter time, the servants ran and arew the willow logs from the furnace, and in tne midst, one of them saw something move; wherefore, taking an axe, they opened the hole, and thrusting in their hands, first they plucked out nothing tut feathers; afterwards they got hold of a itving animal; and this was the cuckoo that had waked so very opportunely for its own safety. ‘It was, indeed,” continues our historian, “brisk and lively, but wholly naked and bare of feathers, aud without any winter provisiun in iitshole. This cuckoo the boys kept two years afterwards, alive in the stuve; but whether it re- paid them with u second song, tke author of the tale has not thought fit to inform us.” The most probable opinion on this subject is, that as quails and wood- cocks shift their habitation in winter, so also does the cackoo; but to what AVES—CUCKOO...TOUCAN. 543 country it retires, or whether it has been ever seen on its journey, are ques tions that we are wholly incapable o1 resolving. Or this bird there are many kinds in various parts of the world, not onty differing in their colors but their size. Latham make no less than forty species. There is a large spotted cuckoo in the south of Spain; and at the Cape of Good Hope there is a black-crested species. Only the common and spotted cuckoo have been seen in Europe. THE AMERICAN CUCKOO! Is sometimes called the cow-bird, from its note; and it is also catiet -o Virginia, the rain crow, from being most clamorous just before rain. A traveller in our woods, in May or June, will sometimes hear, as he traverses the borders of deep, retired, high timbered hollows, an uncouth guttural sound or note, resembling the words kowe, kowe, howe, howe, kowe, beginning slowly, but ending so rapidly that the notes seem to run into each other, and vice versa. He will hear this frequently, without being able to discover the bird or animal from which it proceeds; as this bird is shy and solitary, seeking always the thickest foliage for concealment. It breeds all over the United States, from Boston to the Mississippi, preferring the borders of soli- tary swamps and apple orchards. The nest is usually fixed in an apple tree, and sometimes on a thorn in the woods. It is almost flat, and composed of twigs and weeds. When you approach the nest, the female throws herself on the ground, and feigns lameness to draw you off. They feed on caterpil- lars and insects. They are accused also of sucking the eggs of other birds, and sometimes eat berries. This bird is thirteen inches long; the whole ypper parts are drab, or quaker celor, with greenish reflections. The under parts are pure white. The bill ts vellow, and the legs and feet light blue. THE TOUCAN. ®r this extraordinary bird there are about fifteen species. We shall only deszribe the red-beaked toucan.2 It is about the size of, and shaped like a jackdaw, with a large head to support its monstrous bill; this bill, from 1 Cuculus Carolinensis, Witson. 2 Ramphastos toco, LatH. The genus Ramphastos has the hill cellular, thin, transpa- rent, hroader than the head at the hase, convex above, serrated at the edges. and a little incurvated at the tip; nostrils vertical, concealed behind the corneous maw, surrounded by a membrane ; tarsus as long as the external toe; the two anterior toes united at the second joint ; tail short : 544 AVES—TOUCAN. the angles of the mouth to its point, is six inches and a half; and its breadta in the thickest part is a little more than two. Its thickness near the head is one inch and a quarter; and it is a little rounded along the upper chap, the - under side being rounded also; the whole of the bill extremely slight, and a little thicker than parchment. The upper chap is of a bright yellow, except on each side, which is of a fine scarlet color; as is also the lower chap, except at the base, which is purple. Between the head and the bil] there is a black line of separation all round the base of the bill; in the upper part of which the nostrils are placed, and are almost covered with feathers, which has occasioned some writers to say, that the toucan has no nostrils. Round the eyes, on each side of the head, is a space of bluish skin, void of feathers, above which the head is black, except a white spot on each side joining to SS ( mi) Oh Die 4 SY ZY, a WN N ww Qe the base of the upper chap. The hinder part of the neck, the back, wings tail, belly, and thighs, are black. The under side of the head, throat, and the beginning of the breast, are white. Between the white on the breast, and the black on the belly, is a space of red feathers, in the form of a new moon, with its horns upwards. The legs, feet, and claws, are of an ash color; and the toes stand like those of parrots, two before, and two behind. This bird is easily tamed, and will become very familiar, and eat almost any thing offered to it; in general it feeds on fruits. In its wild state, it isa noisy bird, and is perpetually moving from place to place, in quest of food, going northward or southward, as the fruits ripen. Grapes, however, seem to be one of its most favorite articles of food. If these are plucked from the stalk, one by one, and thrown to it, the toucan will catch them with great flextertty before they fall to the ground. AVuS—PARROT. 545 These birds when in flocks, on retiring to rest, generally appoint one tc watch during the night. While they are asleep, he sits perched at the top of a tree, above them, and makes a continual noise, resembling ill aiticulat- ed sounds, moving also his head, during the whole time, to the right and left. For this reason the South Americans give to the toucan the name of preacher toucan. The toucan builds its nest in the holes of trees, that are either formed by itself, or that from accident it meets with, and lays two eggs; and no Lird better secures its young from external injury. It has not only birds. mea, and serpents to guard against, but a numerous train of monkeys, still more prying, mischievous, and hungry, than all the rest. The toucan, however. sits in its hole, defending the entrance with its great beak; cad if the nion- key venture to‘offer a visit of curiosity, the toucan gives him sucha welcome that he is svon glad to make his escape. This bird is a native of Guiana and Brazil, and is said to be in great re- quest in South America; both from the delicacy of its flesh, and on account of the beauty of its plumage, particularly the feathers of the breast. The skin of this part the Indians pluck off, and, when dry, glue to their cheeks, and this they consider as an irresistible addition to their beauty. THE PARROT.) Tuts bird is said to have been first introduced into Europe, by Alexander the Great. It is equally remarkable for its beauty and its docility. But its chief attraction is to be found in its ability to utter articulate sounds, a gift which it possesses in far greater perfection than any other bird. Its voice also is more like a man’s than any other; the raven is too hoarse, and the jay and magpie too shrill, to resemble the truth; but the parrot’s note is of the true pitch, and capable of a variety of modulations. For this it is indebted to the form of its bill, tongue, and head. ‘Its bill, round on the outside and hollow within, has in some degree the capacity of a mouth, and allows the tongue to play freely; and the sound, striking against the circular border of the lower mandible, is there modified as on a row of teeth, while the concavity of the upper mandible reflects it like a palate; hence the animal does not utter a whistling sound, but a full articulation. The tongue, which modulates all sounds, is proportionably larger than in man, and would be more voluble, were it not harder than flesh, and invested with » The genus Psittacus, which includes parrots, maccaws, cockatoos, &c., has the bili short, thick, gibbous, very strong, convex aliove and below, much bent and hooked at the pent; lower mandible short, obtuse ; base of the bill within a cere; head large, nostrils orbicular, pierced in the cere, open; legs short, rolust; tarsus shorter than the external tne ; the interior tues united at their base ; tail of varred form. 69 46* 546 AVES—PARROT a strong horny membrane.” In addition to the talent of speech, the parrot 1s endowed with a strong memory and a high degree of sagacity. The bill is fashioned with peculiarities; for the upper chap, as well as the lower, are both movable. Ia most other birds the upper chap is connected, and makes but one piece with the skull; but in these, and in one or two species of the feathered tribe more, the npper chap is connected to the bone of the head by a strong membrane, placed on each side, that lifts and de- presses it at pleasure. By. this contrivance they can open their bills the wider; which is not a little useful, as the upper chap is so hooked and so overhanging, that, if the lower chap only had motion, they could scarce.y gape sufficiently to take any thing in for their nourishment. The parrot, though common enough in Europe, will not, however, breed ‘there. The climate is too cold for its warm constitution; and though: it bears our winter when arrived at maturity, yet it always seems sensible of its rigor, and loses both its spirits and appetite during the colder part of ine geason. The sagacity which parrots show in a domestic state, seems also natural to them in their native residence among the woods. They live together in flocks, and mutually assist each other against other animals, either by their courage or their notes of warning. They gencrally breed in hollow trees, where they make a round hole, and do not line their nest within. If they find any part of a tree beginning to rot from the breaking off of a branch, or any such accident, this they take care to scoop, and to make the hole suffi- ciently wide and convenient; but it sometimes happens that they are content with the hole which a woodpecker has wrought out with greater ease before them ; and in this they prepare to hatch and bring up their young. The female lays two or three eggs, about the size of those of a pigzon, and ‘marked with little specks. The natives are very assiduous in seeking their nests, and usually take them by cutting down the tree. By this ineaus, ‘indeed, the young parrots are liable to be killed ; but if one of them survive, it is considered as a sufficient recompense. The old ones are shot with heavy arrows headed with cotton, which knock them down without killing them. The food commonly given to these birds consists of hemp-seed, nuts, fruits of every kind, and bread soaked in wine; they would prefer meat, but that kind of aliment has been found to make them dull and heavy, and tc cause their feathers to drop off after some time. It has been observed that they keep their food in a kind of pouch, from which they afterwards throw ‘t up, in the same manner as ruminating animals. AVES—PARROT. GAT ‘ THE CAROLINA PARROTY.I Tuis is the only species found native within the territory of the United States. The vast luxuriant tracts lying within the torrid zone, seem to be the favorite residence of those noisy, numerous, and richly plumaged tribes The Carolina parrot innabits the interior of Louisiana, and the shores of the Mississippi, and Ohio, east of the Alleghan.es. It1is se.dom seen north of Maryland. Their private places of resort are low, rich alluvial bottoms along the borders of creeks; deep and almost impenetrable swamps filled with sycamore and cypress trees, and those singular salznes or licks, so interspersed over the western country Here, too, is a great abundance of their favori.e fruits. The seeds of the cypress tree and beech nuts, are eagerly sought after by these birds, The flight of the Carolina parrot is very much like that of the wild pigeon, in close compact bodies, moving with great rapidity, making a loud and outrageous screaming, like that of the red-headed woodpecker. Their flight is sometimes in a direct line, but most usually circuitous, making a. 1 Psittacus Carolinensis, Lin. 548 AVES—COCKATOO. great variety of elegant and easy serpentine meanders, as if for pleasure. They generally roost in the hollow trunks of old sycamores, in parties of thirty or forty together. Here they cling fast to the sides of the tree, hold- ing by their claws and bills. They appear to be fond of sleep, and often retire to their holes during the day, probably to take their regular siesta. They are extremely social and friendly towards each other. They build in companies in hollow trees. This bird is thirteen inches long; the forehead and cheeks are orange red; down and round the neck a rich and pure yellow; the shoulder and bend of the wings also edged with tich orange red. The general color of the rest of the plumage is a tright yellowish silky green. with light blue reflections. It is altogether supe- rior in elegance of figure, and beauty of plumage, to many of the foreign parrots. It is docile and sociable, and soon becomes perfectly familiar, but vannot be taught to speak. These birds are rapidly diminishing. Accord» ing to Mr Audubon, very few of them are to be found north of Cincinnati and there are not, at present, half the number along tle Mississippi, that existed there fifteen years ago. THE COCKATOO! 1s distinguished from the parrot, by its head >eing adorned with a crest os Joug feathers, which is capable of being erected and lowered at will, and gives the bird a strikingly fine appearance. It isa native of the Molucca [:lands, and other parts of the East Indies, where it is frequently known to tuild on the tops of houses. Like the rest of the parrot kind, it is capable of uttering sea phrases and sentences, with equa] propriety of tone and volubility. It derives its name from its frequent ‘epetition of the syllables cock-a-too. It delights‘in damp and marshy situations, and usually dwells near rivers or brooks, where it indulges in frequent bathing. In bathing, medeed, it feels a particular pleasure, even when a captive. Vegetable sub- | Psittacus cristatus, Lin AVES—MACCAW. 54S stances, chiefly seeds, supply its food, in the wild state. When domesti cated, it lives on hemp-seed, the outer covering of which it detaches with much dexterity Of pastry and sweetmeats it is very fond. THE MACCAW.1 Tre maccaws are characterized by their very broad and powerful beaks; “ie nakedness of the face, sometitnes quite bare, at other times partially wvered with lines of short and scattered feathers; and the tail, which sur- peases the body in length, is regularly graduated and terminates in an acute opea. All of them are natives of America, inhabit the tropical regions, and ai+a-markable for their vivid coloring. They subsist on fruits and seeds. Of i'.- latter, they prefer such as have a hard and shelly covering, and from these chey extract the contents very skilfully. THE BLUE MACCAW Innasrts Brazil. It is entirely of a deep and brilliant blue color; with black back, legs, and claws. Round each of the eyes isa naked circle of bright yellow, and the cere is of the same hue. A specimen in the Tower, measirestwo feet four inches, from the top of the head to the extremity of the tail. Its upper mandible is five inches long; its lower is two. 1 Psittacus macao, Lin. 7 55) AVUS—PARROQUET...WOODPECKER. THE PARROQUET. Tans bird has a longer tail than the common parrot, and is less in size It also speaks with less facility, and is even more easily tamed. The handsomest species is the ring paroquet, which has a red circle encompassing the back of the neck, and ending under the lower chap of the bill. Its head and body are green, but of a fainter hue on the neck, breast, and whole of the under side; the belly being of so slight a green as to seem almost yellow. The parroquet tribe in Brazil are most beautiful in their plumage, and the most talkative birds in nature. THE WOODPECKER! Brros of this tribe subsist for the most part upon worms and insects, con- tained in the trunks and branches of trees. For this purpose they are fur- nished with a straight, hard, strong, angular, and sharp bill, made for piercing and boring. They have a tongue of a very great length; round, ending in a sharp, stiff, bony thorn, dentated on each side, to strike ants and insects when dislodged from their cells. Their legs are short and strong, for the purposes of climbing. Their toes stand two forward, and two backward; which is particularly serviceable in holding by branches of trees. They have hard stiff tails, to lean upon when climbing. They feed only upon insects, and want that intestine which anatomists call the ccecum; a cir- eumstance peculiar to this tribe only. Of this bird there are more than fifty species, with many varieties. They form large colonies in the forests of every part of the world. They are found from the size of a jackdaw to that of a wren, and differ greatly in color and appearaficé; and agreeing only in the marks above-mentioned, or m those habits which result from so peculiar a conformation. All these species feed upon insects, and particularly on. taose which are found io decaving trees. When a woodpecker, by its natural sagacity, finds a hollow or decayed tree where there are worms, ants’ eggs, or insects, it immediately prepares for its operations. Resting by its strong claws, and leaning on the ten hard, stiff, and sharp-pointed feathers of its tail, it begins to bore with its powerful beak, until it'discloses the whole internal habitation. It then ''The genus Picus, which embraces the family of woodpeckers, has the hill long ot med um size, straight, angular, wedge-shaped at the tip; nostrils hasal, open, covered by seta eous feathers; tongue ,round, vermiform; legs stroug; two toes belore and two be hind, rarely one behind ; anterior toes joined at their base, the posterior divided ; tail of twelve feathers, the lateral very short. AVES—WOODPECKER. 561 sends forth a Youd cry, upon which the whole insect tribe are thrown mw sonfusion, and run hither and thither seeking for safety; while the invader luxuriously feasts upon them at leisure, darting in its long tongue, a.id de- vouring the whole brood. The woodpecker, however, does not confine its depredations solely to trees, but sometimes alights upon the ground, to try its fortuae at an ant-hill. It first goes to their hills, which it pecks, in order to call them abroad; it then thrusts out its long red tongue, which being like a worm, and resembling their usual prey, the ants come out to settle upon it in great numbers; ho v- ever, the bird, watching the properest opportunity, withdraws its tongue at a jerk, and devours the devourers. This stretagem it continues, till it has alarmed their fears, or till it is quite satisfied. As the woodpecker is obliged to make holes in trees to procure food, so it 1s also to make cavities still larger to form its nest and to lay in. This is performed, as usual, with the bill; although some have affirmed that the animal uses its tongue asa gimlet, to bore with. But this is a mistake; and those that are curious, may often hear the noise of the bill making its way in large woods and forests. The woodpecker chooses, however, for this purpose, trees that are decayed, or wood that is soft, like beech, elm, and poplar. In these, with very little trouble, it can make holes as exactly round as a mathematician could with compasses. One of these holes the bird generally chooses for its own use, to nestle and bring up its young in; but as they are easily made, it is delicate in its choice, and often makes twenty before one is found fit to give entire satisfaction. The woodpecker takes no care to line its nest with feathers or straw; its eggs are deposited in the hole, without any thing to keep them warm, except the heat of the parent’s body. Their number is generally five or six ; always white, oblong, and of a middle size. When the young are excluded, and before they leave the nest, they are adorned with a scarlet plumage under the throat, which adds to their beauty. THE RED-HEADED WOODPECKERI! Is one of the most remarkable of American birds. Its tri-colored plumage, red, white, and black, is so striking and characteristic, and his predatory habits in the orchards and corn-fields, added to his numbers and fondness for hovering along the fences, so very notorious, that almost every child is ac- quainted with the red-headed woodpecker. Towards the mountains, par- ticularly in the vicinity of creeks and rivers, these birds are extremely nbundant, especially in the latter part of the summer. Wherefer vou travel 1 Picus erythrocephalus, Lin. 652 AVES—WOODPECKER. wn the interior at that season, you hear them screaming from the adjoining. woods, rattling on the dead limbs of trees, or on the fences, where they are perpetually seen flitting from stake to stake on the roadside before you. Wherever there are trees of the wild cherry, covered with ripe fruit, there you see tnem busy among the branches; and in passing orchards, you may easily know where to find the earliest, sweetest apples, by observing those trees on or near which this bird is skulking; for he is so excellent a con- noisseur in fruit, that wherever an apple or pear is found broached by him, it is sure to be among the ripest and best favored. When alarmed, he seizes a capital one by sticking his open bill deep into it, and bears it off to the woods. When the Indian corn is in its ripe, succulent, and milky state, he attacks it with great eagerness, opening a passage through the numerous folds of the husk, and {ceding on it with voracity. The girdled or deadened timber, so common among the corn-fields in the back settlements, are his favorite retreats, whence he sallies out to make his depredations. He is for.d of the ripe berries of the sour gum, and pays regular visits to the cherry trees, when loaded with fruit. Towards fall, he often approaches the barn or farmhouse, and raps on the shingles and weather-boards. He is of a gay and frolicsome disposition ; and half a dozen of the fraternity are frequently sern diving and vociferating round the high dead limbs of some tree, pure suing and playing with each other, amusing the passenger with their gam bols. Their note or cry is shrill and lively, and so much resembles that of. a species of tree-frog, which frequents the same tree, that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the one from the other. Thovgh this bird occasionally regales himself on fruit, yet hie natura AVES—WOODPEUKER, 553 and most useful food is insects, particularly those numerous and destructive species that penetrate the bark and body of the tree, to deposit their eggs and larve, the latter of which are well known to make iinmense havoc. [n fact, insect: form at least two thirds of his subsistence. He searches for them with a dexterity and intelligence, | may sately say, more than hunian; he perceives by the exterior surface of the bark where they lurk below ; when h: is dubious, he rattles vehemently on the outside with his bill, and his acute ear distinguishes the terrified vermin skrinking within to their inmost retreats, where his pointed and barbed tongue soon reaches them. ‘Tne masses of bugs, caterpillars, and other larva which I have taken from the stomachs of these birds have often surprised me. These larve, it should be remembered, feed not only on the buds, leaves and blossoms, but on the very vegetable life of the tree,—the newly forming bark and wood; the conse- quence is, that whole branches and trees decay under the sileut ravages of these destructive vermin. It must therefore be allowed, that the services of this useful bird more than compensate for his petty thefts on apple and cherrv trees. These birds build their nests in the body or large limbs of trees, taking in no materials, but smoothing it within to the proper shape and size. The female lays six eggs. Notwithstanding the care which this bird takes to place its young beyond the reach of enemies, yet there is one deadly foe against whose depredations there is no security. This is the black snake, who frequently giides up the trunk of the tree, and, like a skulking savage, enters the woodpecker’s peaceful apartment, devours the eggs or helpless young, in spite of the cries and flutterings of the parents; and if the place be large enough, cvils himself up in the spot they occupied, where he will sometimes remain several davs; and often terrifies the eager schoulboy, who thrusts his arm into the cavity after the callow brood. Several adven- tures of this kind have come to my knowledge. This bird is nine inches and a half long; the head and neck are deep scare Jet; the back, wing-coverts, and tail, black; the lower part of the back, and whole under parts are white. THE IVORY-BILLED WOODPECKE?RN.! In strength an magnitude, stands at the head of the whole class of woud- peckers hitherto discovered. He may be called the king or chief of his tribe and nature seems to have designed him a distinguished characteristic, in the superb carmine crest and bill of polished ivory with which she has orna- mented him. His eye is brilliant and daring, and his whole frame adinira- bly adapted for his mode of life. His manners have also a dignity in thern 1 Picus principalis, Lux. 70 47 554 AVES—WOODPECKER. superhir to the common herd of woodpeckers. The royal nunter befcre us, scorns the humility of searching for prey in trees, shrubbery, orchards, rails and old prostrate logs, and seeks the most towering trees of the forest; seem- ing particularly attached to those prodigious cypress swamps, whose crowdea giant sons stretch their bare and blasted, or moss-hung arms midway to the skies. In these almost impenetrable recesses, amid ruinous piles of Je- caying timber, his trumpet-like note and loud strokes resound throngb the solitary savage wilds, of which he seems the sole lord and inhabitant Wherever he frequents, he leaves numerous monuments of his industry behind him. We there see enormous pine trees with cart-loads of bark lying around their roots, and chips of the trunk itself in such quantities as to suggest the idea that half a dozen axe-men had been at work there Ue whole morning. But examine the tree clusely where he has been at work, and you will soon perceive, that it is neither for amusement nor mischief that he slices off the bark, or digs his way into the trunk. The sound and healthy tree is not the least object of his attention. The diseased, infested with insects and hastening to putrefaction, are his favorites ; there the deadly crawling enemy have formed a lodgment between the bark and tender wood, to drink up the very vital part of the tree. : This bird is not migratory: it breeds in the Carolinas, and builds a large ' and capacious nest in a cypress tree. It is called by the natives the large Logeock. Its food consists entirely of insects and larve. Its common note, repeated every three or four seconds, very much resembles the tone of a trumpet, seeming to be near at hand, though perhaps one hundred yards off. This it utters while mounting along the trunk, or digging into it. At these times it has a stately and novel appearance, and his note instantly attracts the notice of a stranger. The ivory-billed woodpecker is twenty inches long; the general color is black, glussed with green; fure part of the head black ; the rest of the crest of a most splendid red, spotted at the bottom with white; the beak is of the color and cunsistence of ivory, prodigiously strong, and elegantly Huted. at ——_ THE PILEATED WOODPECKER! Is the next in size, and may be styled the great northern chief, though hs range extends from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, over the whule cange of the Unit-d States. In Pennsylvania and the northern states he is called the black woodcock; in the southern states, the lesser loycock. He is very numerous in all the tracts of high timbered forests, in the neighborhood of large rivers, where he is noted for making a loud and incessant cackling be wa 1 Picus pileatus, Lin, AVES—WOODPECKER. . 556 fore wet weather, making the woods echo to his outcry. Almost cvery trunk in the forests bears the marks of his chisel. Whether engaged in digging, flying, or climbing, he seems perpetually ina hurry. He is extremely hard to kill, clinging close to the tree alter he has received his mortal wound ; nor yielding up his hold but with his expiring breath. He can rarely be recon- ciled wo confinement. This bird is nét migratory, but hears the extremes of both the arctic and torrid regions. Neither is he gregarious, for itis rare to see more than one or two in company. Their nest is built in the hole of a tree, dug out by themselves: it is eighteen inches long; the general color is a dusky brown- ish black ; the head is ornamented with a conical cap of bright scarlet; the chin is white, with two scarlet mustaches; the upper part of the wings is white, the lower part black, but the white is never seen except when the bird is flying. THE YELLOW-BELLIED WOODPECKER! Is one of our resident birds. It visits our orchards in the fall in great num bers, and is occasionally seen during the whole winter and spring; but seems to seek the depths of the forest to rear its young in; for during the summer it is rarely seen. [1 inhabits the continent from Cayenne to Virginia. They are common in Kentucky and Ohio, ard have been seen near St. Louis. The only nest of this bird which I have met with was in the body of an old pear tree. The hole was almost exactly circular, smal! for the size of the bird, so that he crept in and out with difficulty; but suddenly widened by a small angle, and then running downwards about fifteen inches. On the smovth solid woud were four eggs. The principal food of these birds is insects; and they seem particularly fond of frequenting orchards, boring the trunks of the apple trees in their eager search for them. In the morning they are extremely active. Their cry cannot be described by words. THE HAIRY WOODPECKER#2 Is, like the former, a haunter of orchards, and borer of apple trees, an eager hunter of insects in old stumps and rails, and rotten branches and crevices of the bark. In the spring, he retires into the wuods and seeks out a branch already hollow, or cuts out an opening for himself. In the latter case he digs horizontally first, and then downwards, carrying up the chips witn his bul,and seraping them out with his feet. They sometimes breed in an 3 Picus varius, Wirson. # Picus villosus, Lin, 556 AVES—WOCDPECKER. orchard, or dig a hole in an old stake of a fence. They frequently approach the farmhouses and skirts of the town. In Philadelphia, they frequent the old willow and poplar trees. Their ery is strong, shrill, aud wemulous they have alse a single note or chuck, which they often repeat in ap cager manner as they hop about and dig in the crevices of the trees. They inhabit the continent from Hudson’s Bay to Carolina and Georgia. This bird is Bine inches long; the hind head is scarlet mixed with black ; under the bill £re long hairs thrown forwards and upwards. The back is blark, divided by a strip of white, the feathers of which resemble hairs; wings black, spotted with white, the under parts are pure white. The great mass of hairs that caver the nostril appears to be designed as a protection to the lront of the nead, when the bird is engaged in digging holes in the woud. In Might thesa birds sink and rise alternately, uttering a loud tremulous scream as Liey set off and alight. They are hard to kill. THE DOWNY WOODPECKER! Ts the smallest of all, and exactly resembles the former in tints and mark ings, and in alimost every thing but its diminutive size. Its principal characteristics are diligence, familiarity, anda strength and energy in the head and neck, which are traly astonishing. Mounted on the infected branch of an old apple tree, where insects have lodged between the bark and the wood. he labors sometimes for half an hour incessantly at the same spot, ull he has succeeded in dislodging them. At these times you may walk pretty close to the tree without in the least embarrassing him: the strokes of his bill are distinctly heard several hundred yards off; and [ have known him to work for two hours together on one tree. He has a single note or chink, which he frequently repeats: and when he flies off, he utters a rather shriller cry, quickly reiterated. Of all our woodpeckers, none rid the apple- trees of so many vermin as this; digging off the moss, and probing every srevice. His industry is unequalled, and almost incessant. TIS PED-BELLIED WOODPECKER? Possesses all the restless and noisy habits of its tribe. Tt is more shy than the red-headed one. It is also more solitary. It prefers the largest, highs dimbered woods and tallest decayed timbers of the furest; seldom Appearing near the ground, on the fences, or in orchards; yet where the trees have been deadened in fields of Indian corn, it is pretty numerous, and it feeds } Picus pubescens, Lin. ; 3 Picus Carolinus, Lan. AVES—WOODPECKER. 557 eagerly on that grain. Its voice is hoarser than any of the others and its usual note, chow, has often reminded me of the barking of a litle lap- dog. It is a most expert climber, possessing extraordinary strength in the muscles of its feet and claws, and moves about the body and hori- zontal limbs of the treesy with equal facility in all directions. It rattles like the rest of its tribe on the dead limbs with such violence, as to be heard in still weather for more than half a mile; and listens to hear the insects it has alarmed. It digs its nest in the lower side of some lofty branch, the male aud female working together. This bird is ten inches in iength. The upper part of the head, neck, and vack are of a brilliant, golden, glossy red; the breast is ash, and the belly bloody red. The back is black, crossed with bars of white. It eee a large extent of country. THE GOLDEN-WINGED WOODPECKER! 1s wel cnown to our farmers and junior sportsmen, who take every oppors tunity o¢ destroying him; the former, for the supposed trespasses he commits on vheir Indian corn, or the trifle he will bring in market; and the latter, for the mere pleasure of destruction, and perhaps for the flavor of his flesh, which isin general esteem. Early in April these elegant birds begin to prepare their nests, which is built in the hollow body of branch of a tree, sometimes in an old apple tree. The male and female work together, and encourage each other by mutual caresses. They employ themselves in hol- owing vhe tree for several days, and may even be heard late in the evening . 1 Picus auratus, Lin 47* 558 AVES—NUTHATCA. thumying like carpenters. They carry in no materials for their nest. Their food varies with the season. As the common cherries, wild cherries, and berries of the sour gum ripen, he regales plentifully on them ; but his chief food is wood-lice and the young and larve of ants. He is very fund of cora, and visits the farmer’s grounds too frequently to,remain unpunished, as the farmer destroys him on every opportunity. This bird has the back and wings of a burnt umber, marked with streaks of black ; the breast is ornamented with a broad crescent of deep black ; the belly is light yellow, spotted with innumerable round spots of black; the avner side of the wings and tail are of a beautiful golden yellow. They inhabit America from Hudson’s Bay to Georgia, and have been found on the ‘North-West coast. They arrive at Hudson’s Bay in the spring: ORDER VI.—ANISODACTYLI. Birps of this order have the bill more or less arched, often straight, always subulate and slender; feet with three toes before and one behind, the exte- rior united at the base to that in the middle, the hinder one generally long, and all provided with long and bent claws. THE NUTHATCH! Weicms near an ounce, and is five inches and three quarters in length. The bill is strong and straight, and three fourths of an inch long. The ipper part of the plumage is of a fine bluish gray; a black stroke runs frem the mouth to the eye. The cheeks are white, and the breast and belly of aduli orange color. This bird runs up and down the bodies of trees like the wood- pecker. It feeds on insects and nuts, which it stores in the hollow parts of the tree. It is a pretty sight, says Willoughby, to see her fetch a nut out ' Sitta Europea, Lis. The genus Sitta has the bill straight, cylindrical, slightly com- pressed, tip acuminated, nostrils basal, rounded, partly concealed hy reflected bristles » tongue short, horny ; three toes before, the exterior jomed at its base to the muddle ones tind tue very long, with a long huused claw; tail composed of twelve feathers. AVES—NUTILATCH. 559 ot her hoard, place it in a chink, and then, standing above it, striking it with all its force till it breaks the shell and catches up the kernel. Doctor Plot says, that this bird, by putting its bill into the crack of a tree, can produce a violent sound, as if it was rending asunder, which may be heard, at least one hundred and twenty yards. In some countries this bird, from the noise which it produces in the manner above stated, is called the logger- head. . -WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH.! Tne white-breasted nuthatch is common almost everywhere in.the woods of North America; and may be known ata distance by the notes quank, quank, frequently repeated, as he moves up and down in spiral circles around the body and branches of the tree, shelling off pieces of bark in searcn of spi ders, ants, insects, and their larve. He rests and roosts with his head downwards, and appears to possess a curiosity not common to birds; fre- quently descending very slily within a few feet of the root of a tree where you happen to stand, stopping head downwards, stretching out his neck in a horizontal position, as if to reconnoitre your appearance, and, after several minutes of silent observation, wheeling round, he again mounts with fresh activity, piping his orisonsas before. Strongly attached to his native forests, he seldom forsakes them, and in the rigor of the severest winter, his note is still heard in the bleak and leafless woods. This bird builds its nest in the hole of a tree, in the hollow rail of a fence, and sometimes in the wooden crevice under the eaves. The male is ex- tremely attentive to the female while sitting, and supplies her regularly with sustenance, calling her and offering her whatever he has brought, with the most endearing tenderness. Sometimes he stops merely to inquire how she is, and to lighten the tedious moments with his soothing chatter. When both are feeding on the same tree, he is perpetually calling to her; and from the momentary pause he makes, it is evident that he feels pleased to hear her reply. There are two or three species of the nuthatch besides the above, found in America. 2 1 Sitta Carolinensis, W ason, 560 AVES—CREEPER...HUMMING-BIRD THE CREEPER! Is the smallest of European « 1s, if we except the crested wren, and weighs only five drachins. The bi 3 aooked like a sickle. The upper part of the body is variegated with bros: 2+? Slack, and the breast and belly are of a silver white. This bird is v-ry soumnoa in England, though, from its extreme agility in eluding the eye of the spectator, it is less frequently seen than other common birds. It feeds upon insects, and builds in the holes of trees. ‘The nest is formed of grass, lined with feathers. Along the stems of trees it runs readily in every direction. ; Nearly eighty species, foreign and domestic, have been enumerated of this bird. The color of the foreign species is in general olive green. It inhabits the Sandwich Islands, and is one of the birds, whose plumage the natives ~~ka vce of for their feathered garments. THE HUMMING-BIRD? Or this chirming little animal there are not less than sixty species, trom the size of a small wren down to that of a bee. An European could never have supposed a bird existing so very small, and yet completely furnished with a hill, feathers, wings, and intestines, exactly resembling those of the largest kind. A bird not so big as the end of one’s little finger, would pro- bably be supposed but a creature of imagination, were it not seen in infinite numbers, and as frequent as butterflies ina summer’s day, sporting in the fields of America, from flower to flower, and extracting their sweets with its litle bill. 1 Certhia familiaris, Lin. The genus Certhia has the hill long, or of medium length, more or less curved, triangular, compressed, slender; nostrils basal, naked, pierced hori- zontally, and half’ closed hy a membrane ; three toes hefore, the outer united at its hase to the intermediate one; claws much hooked, that on the hind toe longest; tail graduated with stiff pomted shafts fourth quill feather longest. 2The genus Trochilu« -*1ich embraces the humming-hird, has the bill long, straight, or arcuated, tubular, very s. «7der, base depressed, acuminated ; upper mandible alinost con- cealing the lower; tongre long, extensible, bifid, and tubular ; nostrils open before, covered hy a broad memlrane; legs very short; tarsus shorter thun the middle toe the hree anterior tues nearly divided; wings graduated, the first feather longest. AVES—HUMMING-BIRD. 561 The smallest humming-bird is about the size of a bee, and weighs no more than twenty grains. The feathers on its wings and tail are violet brown, but those on its body and under its wings are of a greenish brown; with a fine red cast or gloss, which no silk or velvet can imitate. T)e Lil) is black, straight, slender, and of the length of three lines and a half. There are almost all colors of these beautiful animals, crimson, green, emerald, white breasted, and spotted. Some of them with and some without crests. The eyes of most of them are very small, and as black as jet. It is inconceivable how much these add to the high finishing and beauty of a rich luxurious western landscape. As soon as the sun is risen, the humming-birds of different kinds are seen fluttering about the flowers, with- out even lighting upon them. Their wings are in such rapid motion, that it is impossible to discern their colors, except by their glittering. They are never still, but continually in motion, visiting flower after flower, and ex- tracting its honey. For this purpose they are furnished with a forked tongue, that enters the cup of the Hower, and extracts its nectared tribute. Upon this alone they subsist. The rapid motion of their wings brings out a hum- ming sound, whence thev have their name. The nests of these birds are not less curious than the rest; they are su pended in the air, at the point of the twigs of an orange, a pomegranate, or &@ citron ree; sometimes, even in houses, if they find a small] and convenient twig for the purpose. The female is the architect, while the male gues in quest of materials, such as cotton, finc muss, and the fibres of vegetavies. The test is about the size of a hen’s egg cutin two. They lay twe eggs et a time, and never more, about the size of small peas, and as white as snow. with here and there a yellow speck. ‘The time of incubation con- linnes twelve days; at the end of which, the young ones appear, and are wuch about the size of a bluebottle Gv. It is a doubt whether or not these birds have a continued note in singing. All travellers agree that, beside the humming noise produced by their wings, they have a little interrupted chirrup; but Labat asserts, that they have a most pleasing melancholy melody in their voices, though small and propor- tioned to the organs which produce it. It is very probable that, in dilferent places, their notes are also different; and as there are some that continue torpid all the winter, there may likewise be some with agreeable voiccs, thougn tne rest may in general be silent. Small as the humming-bird is, it has great courage and violent passions, If it find that a flower has been deprived of its honey, it will pluck it off, throw it on the ground, and sometimes tear it to pieces; and it often fighta with a desperate fury which is astonishing in a creature of such diminutive size. It will even allow a man to come within two yards of it, before it will take to flight. Humming-birds are caught by blowing water on them from a tube, or shooting at them with sand, 71 562 AVES—HUMMING-BIRD. THE HUMMING-BIRD OF THE UNITED STATES. Turs little bird is remarkable for its beauty, minuteness, want of song, and manner of feeding. There are upwards of seventy species in America and te ailjacent islands, one only of which is found in the United States, This is found in Canada in great numbers, where it arrives from the south, [tas wonderfui how such a little creature ean make its way over such exe tensive regions of lakes and forests. But its very minuteness, the rapidity of its flight, and its admirable instinct and courage, are its guides and pros tectors. The nest of this little bird is fixed on the upper side of the branch of a tree. Instances have been known of its building on an old moss-grown trunk, or on a strong weed in the garden; but these cases are rare. This nest is about an inch in diameter, an inch deep, formed of lichen, wings of certain flying seeds, and of a downy substance from the great mullein. The eggs are two, of a pure white. If any one approaches the nest, the little proprietors dart around with a humming sound, frequently passing within a few inches of your head. His only note isa single chirp, not louder than that of a cricket or grasshopper. The humining-bird is extremely fond of tubular flowers, particularly of the blossoms of the trumpet flower. When arrived before a thicket of these, that are full blown, he suspends himself on wing for the space of two or three seconds, so steadily, that his wings become invisible, or only likea mist; the glossy goldeh green of his back, and fire of his throat, dazzling in the sun, form altogether an interesting spectacle. When he alights, he prefers the small dead twigs of a bush where he dresses and arranges his plumage with great dexterity. He is one of the few birds that is universally beloved. His flight from flower to flower greatly resembles that of a bee, but is infinitely more rapid. He poises himself on the wing, while he thrusts his long slender tongue into the flowers in search of food. He sometimes enters a room by the window, examines the bouquets of flowers, and passes out by the opposite door or window. It has hitherto been supposed to subs sist entirely on the honey which it extracts from flowers. But they are &nown t) feed on insects, being seen for half an hour ata time, darting at little greups of insects with the dexterity of the flycatcher. The humming-bird is three inches anda half in length, aud of a rich golden green color, while the feathers round his throat are black, crimson, and orange, mingled together, giving him a very brilliant appearan ‘e. ——_—_——- ’ Trochilus colubris, Lin. AVES—HOOPOE,. 563 THE HOOPOE. Or this bird there are only two species known to Europeans, one of which 1s, however, dilfused over the whole of the Old Continent. It weighs about twelve ounces, and is twelve inches in length, the extent of its wings being nineteen incHes across. The bill is long, black, and somewhat curved. The neck is pale reddish brown; the breast and belly white; the lesser coverts of the wing light brown; the back, scapulars, and wings crossed with black and white, the rump white, and the tail white, marked with black in the form of a crescent. But the distinguishing character is a beau- tiful crest of about two inches high, which is of a pale orange tipped with black, and which the bird can erect at pleasure. The food of this bird is insects. It is a solitary bird, two of them being seldom found together. In some places it is accounted good eating. ORDER VII.—ALCYONES. Birps of this order have the bill middle sized or long, pointed, almost quadrangular, and either slightly arched or straight; tarsus very short three tues before, united, and one behind. These birds Hy with great ce-erity. Their movements are quick and abrupt, and they neither walk nor climb They seize their food on the wing, and often fror: the surface of the water, and nestle in holes on the banks of rivers. They moult only once a year, and the females and young are not very dissimilar from the males and mature birds. ’ Upupa epops, Lin. The genus Upupa tas the bill very long, slightly arched, slender iangular, compressed ; nostrifs basal, fateral, overd, open, and surmounted with feathers: ‘n front; taree toes before, the exterior uutted to che middle one to Use first jot; one be- rind ; tail square, of ten feuthers, 564 AVES —BEE-EATER...EUROPEAN KINGFISHER. THE BEE-EATER! ¥s well known on the continent of Europe, though it has never been seen in England. It is about ten inchesinlength. The forehead is of a blue green ; the top of the head, and upper part of the back, chesnut and green; the throat is yellow ; and the under parts of the body blue green. Flocks of these birds are seen in Germany. It feeds chiefly upon insects, and is good food. There are about twenty different species, foreign and domestic. The Indian bee-eater is about the size of a common blackbird. Its bill is nearly two inches long, and its eyes are of a fine red; on each side of the head extends a black stroke, which begins at the corners of the mouth, and passes beyond the eyes. The base of the upper chap, and under the chin, is covered with bright pale blue feathers; the upper and back part of the head are of a dusky yellow; the back and wings of the same color, only shaded pretty strongly with a green; the tips of the quill feathers brown, the breast and belly green; the thighs and under part near the vent, of a pale yellow, with a small green mixture. The tail consists of about twelve feathers; the outermost on each side are of a green and yellow mixture, about three inches in length, the two middlemost twice that length, ending in sharp points, of a brown or dusky color; the legs and feet black. They principally feed on bees, beetles, grasshoppers, and other insects. They build in hollow places or caverns five or six feet deep, and lay six or seven eggs. THE EUROPEAN KINGFISHER? Tis kingfisher is not much larger than a swallow; its shape is compact; the legs, however, are disproportionably small, and the bill disproportionably long; it is two inches from the base to the tip; the upper chap black, and the lower yellow; but the colors of this bird atone for whatever is inelegant in its form; the crown of the head, and the coverts of the wings, are of a deep blackish green, spotted with bright azure; the back and tail are of the most respiendent azure; the whole under side of the body is orarge c.lored; 4 broad mark of the same passes from the bill beyond the eyes; beyond thar is a large white spot; the tail is short, and consists of twelve feathers of a ) Merops apiaster, Lis. The genus Merops has the bill sharp edged, pointed, shghtly curved; nostrils basal, lateral, ovoid, concealed by hairs directed forwards; tarsus short three front toes united, the exterior to the secoud joint, the interior to the first joint of the midd]: toe; hind toe broud at its base ; the second wing feather the longest. 2 Alcedo ispida, Lin. The genus Alcedo has the bill long, straight, quadrangular, pointed, edged, and very rarely depressed; nostrils basa, lateral, pierced obliquely, almust wholly closed by a naked membrane; legs short, naked above the knee; exteriur we united to the second joint and the interior to the first josnt of the middle toe. AVES—BELTED KINGFISHER. 565 nch deep blue; the feet are of a reddish yellow, and the three joints of the utmost toe adhere to the middle toe, while the inner toe adheres only by one. From the diminutive size, the slender short legs, and the beautiful colors of this bird, no person would supposé it one of the most rapacious little animals that skims the deep. Yet it is forever on the wing, and feeds on fish, which it takes in surprising quantities, when we consider its size and figure. It chiefly frequents the banks of rivers. There it preys on the smaller fish, and sits frequently on a branch projecting over the current; there it remains motionless, and often watches whole hours to catch the moment when a little fish springs under its station ; itdives perpendicularly into the water, where it continues several seconds, and then brings up the fish, which it carries to land, beats to death, and then swallows; but it afterwards throws up the undigestible parts. When this bird cannot find a projecting hough, it sits on sume stone near the brink, cr even on the gravel; but the moment it perceives the fish, it takes a spricg upward, of twelve or fifteen feet, and drops perpendicularly from thatheight. Often it is observed to stop short in its rapid course, and remain stationary, hovering like a hawk, over the same spot for several seconds. Such is its mode in winter, when the muddy swell of the stream, or the thickness of the ice, constrains: it to leave the rivers, and ply along the sides of the unfrozen brooks. In this way it traverses many leagues. While it remains suspended in the air, ina bright day, the plumage exhibits a beautiful variety of the most dazzling and brilliant colors. The kingfisher builds its nest by the river-side, in a hole which it burrows out itself, or in the deserted hole of a rat. In these holes, which, from the remains of fish brought there, are very foctid, the kingfisher is often found with from five eggs to nine. There the female continues to hatch, even though disturbed ; and though the nest be robbed, she will again return and lay there. The male, whose fidelity exceeds even that of the turtle, brings her large provisions of fish while she is ihus employed ; and she, contrary te most uther birds, is found plump and fat at that season. THE BELTED KINGFISHER! Tims is a general inhabitant of the banks and shores of all uur fresh water rivers from Hudson's Bay to Mexico, and is the only species of its tribe found within the United States. This last circumstance, and its characte~ ristic appearance, make it universally known here. Like the love-lorn swains, of whom poets tell us, he delights in murmuring streamsand falling waters; not however merely that they may svoth his ear, but for a gratificae — : ' Aleedo alcyon, Lin. 43 566 AVES—BELTED KINGFISHER. tion somewhat more substantial. Amidst the roar of a catavact. or over tne foam of a torrent, he sits perched upon an overhanging buugh, glancing his piercing eye in every direction below for his scaly prey, wnich, with a sudden circular plunge, he sweeps from their native elemcat and swallows in an instant. His voice, which is not unlike the twirling of a watchman's rattle, is naturally loud, harsh, and sudden, but is softened by the sound of the brawling streams, and cascades, among which he generaily rambles. Ve courses along the windings of the brook, or river, ata small height above the surface. Sometimes suspending himself by the rapid acto. o” lus wings, ready to pounce on the prey below; now and then settling on an ola dead overhanging limb to reconnoiwe. Mill-dams are particularly visited by this feathered fisher ; and the sound of his pipe is as well known to the miller, as the rattling of his own hopper. Rapid streams, with high perpendicular banks, particularly if they be of a hard clayey or sandy nature, are also favorite places of resort for this birt; not only because in such places the fish are more exposed to view, but because those steep and high banks are the chosen situations for his nest. Into these he digs with his bill horizontally, sometimes four or five feet. The nest is built of few materials. They are very tenacious of their haunts. breeding for several successive years in the same hole, and do not readily forsake it, even though it be visited. Many fabulous stories have been related by the ancients, of the nest and manner of hatching of the kingfisher AVES—SWALLOW. . 667 This bird is twelve inches and a half long; the whole upper parts are a bluish slate color, round thy uech ts a collar of pure white; the head is large, and crested; the feathers are long, and generally erect; the breast is blue and brown, the under parts white. 7 ‘ ORDER VIII.—_CHELIDONES. Brrns of this order have the bill very short, much depressed, and very wide at the base ; the upper mandible curved at the point; legs short, three ‘oes before, either entirely divided, or connected at the base by a short mem- brane, the hinder often reversible; claws much hooked; wings long. The flight of these birds is rapid and abrupt, their sight piercing; neck short; throat wide, bill broad, and often gaping for the reception of insects, which constitute their only food. THE SWALLOW. Tue swallow tribe is very numerous. These birds have a peculiar twit- tering voice, fly with extreme rapidity, scarcely ever walk, and perform all their functions while they are on the wing er sitting. Their plumage is glossed with a rich purple. To the martens, and other small birds, the swallow announces the ap- proach of birds of prey. By a shrill alarming note, he summons around him all his own species and the martens, as soon as an owl or hawk appears. The whole band then pursue and strike their enemy till they expel him from the place; darting down on his back, and rising in a perpendicular line with perfect security. The swallow will also strike at cats while they are climbs ing the roofs of houses. Early in the spring, when the solar beams begin to rouse the insect trihes from their annual state of torpidity, the swallow is seen returning from its long migrations beyond the ocean ; and in proportion as the weather grows warmer, and its insect supply increases, it gathers strength and activity. The breed of the swallow ought to be cherished, as the bird is of infinite service to mankind, by destroying myriads of vermin which would prove fatally prejudicial to the labors of the husbandman. Of the swallow tribe, all the birds have been observed to drink while in their flight, sipping the surface of the water. It is, however, generally 1The genus Hirando, which embraces most of the swallows, has the bill short. triangu- far, broad at the base, depressed, cleft near to the eyes: upper mandible slightly hooked atthe tips nostrils basal, oblong, partly closed by a membrane, surmounted by feathers in front; legs short. with slender toes and claws; three toes before, the exterior united to the first jount of the middle one: one Lehind ; wings long; the first quill the longest; taal of twelve feathers, mostly forked. 568 AVES—MARTEN. speaking, only the swallow that washes on the wing, ly making many suc cessive dips into a pond. Swallows will attend horsemen for miles, over wide downs, to collect such insects as are aruused- by the trampling of the horses’ feet. THE PURPLE MARTEN! Is a general inhabitant of the United States, and a particular favorite wher ever he takes up his abode. This bird, like the rest of his tribe, is migratory. His summer residence is universally among the habitations of man, who, having no interest in his destruction, is generally his friend and protector. Whenever he comes, he finds some hospitable retreat fitted up for his accommodation. Some people have large conveniences formed for the martens, with many apartments, which are fully tenanted, and occupied regularly every spring. Even the solitary Indian seems to have a particular respect for this bird. The Choes taws and Chickasaws cut off all the top branches of a sapling near their cabins, leaving the prongs a fout or two long, on each side of which they hang a gourd or calabash, hollowed out for their convenience. On the Mississippi the negroes stick up !ong canes, with the same species of aparte ment, in which the martens regularly breed. They begin their nest about the middle of April. It is formed of a quantity of willows, slender straws, feathers, and hay. When the female is sitting, she is frequently visited by the male, who occupies her place while she takes a short recreation abroad He sits on the outside of the apartment where she is, dressing and arranging his plumage, occasionally passing to the door, as if to inquire how she is. His notes at this time seem to have a peculiar softness, and his gratulations are expressive of much tenderness. Conjugal fidelity seems to be faithfully preserved by these birds. A male and femaie marten once took possession of a box in Mr Bartram’s garden. A day or two after, a second female made her appearance, but from the cold reception she met with, being frequently beat off by the male, she finally abandoned the place, and set off no doubt to seek a more sociable cum- vanion. The flight of the purple marten unites in it all the swiftness, ease, rapidity of turning. and gracefulness of notion of its tribe. His usual note peo, peun, peuy, 1s loud and musical; but is frequently succeeded by others that — ——— afd ands purpured, Lin, AVES—SWALLOW 569 are low and guttural. Wasps, bees, and large beetles, seem to he his favo- rite food. He is eight inches long, and of a rich deep purplish blue, except the wings and tail, which are brownish black. THE BARN SWALLOW, TocetTHer with its whole tribe, are distinguished fern the rest of small birds, by their sweeping rapidity of flight, their peceiiar aerial evciutions of wing over our fields and rivers, and through eur streets frem morning to night. The light of heaven itself, the sky, ine trees, or any other common objects of nature, are not better knowa than the swallows. The wonderful activity displayed by these birds, forms a striking contrast to the slow habits of other animals. Let a person take bis stand on a summer evening by a field, meadow, or river shore, fix nis eye on one of these birds, and follow for a wh..... all its circuitous windings ; its extensive sweeps; its sudden, rapidly Teiterated zigzag excursions, Jive inferier to the lightning itself —and then attempt to calculate the length of the various lines it describes. ‘On the east side of the great range of the Alleghany, they are dispersed very generally over the country. Early in May they begin to build, and it takes nearly a week to complete the nest. It is in the form of an inverted cone, and placed up against a rafier ina barn. It is formed of mud, mixed with hay; itis then stuffed with fine hay, anda handful of downy geese feathers. It is not uncommon for twenty or thirty pair to build in the same barn, and some nests are within a few inches of each other; yet the most perfect harmony prevails in this peaceful and affectionate community. When the young are able to leave the nest, the old enes entice them out by fluuering backwards and forwards, twittering and calling te them cone stantly. As soon as they leave the barn, they are conducted to the trees and bushes, by the pond or river shore, where their proper food is abundant, In August they all prepare for departure. They assemble en the roofs io great numbers, dressing and arranging their plumage, and making occae 1 Hirundo Americana, Wi.s0Nn. 72 48* 670 AVES—SWALLOW...MARTEN. ‘sional essays, twittering with great cheerfulness. Their song is a sprightly warble, sometimes continued for a considerable time. They then pass along to the south in great numbers; sumetimes severa} hundreds pass within sight in a quarter of an hour. Itis highly probable that they winter in Mexico and South America. They are easily tamed, and soon become gen- tle and familiar. ; The barn swallow is seven inches long; the upper parts are stcel blue; the front, chin, and under parts are chesnut; the wings and tail are black, the latter greatly forked. THE BANK SWALLOW, OR SAND MARTEN: Arpgars to be the most sociable with its kind, and the least intimate with man of all our swallows, living together in conimunities of three or four hundred. On the high sandy banks of a river, they scratch out holes for their nests, running them in a horizontal direction to the depth of two or three feet. At the extremity of this hole, a little fine dry grass, with a few large downy feathers, form the nest. The voice of this speries is a low mutter. ‘They are particularly fond of the shores of rivers; they likewise visit the seashore in great nuinbers, previous to their departure. It is the same species as the European. The bank swallow is five inches long; the nyper parts are mouse colored; tne lower are white, with a band of brown across the upper part of the breast. THE REPUBLICAN, OR CLIFF SWALLOW? Js found in the western states. These birds build their nests in clusters, or associations, and deferd them with spirit and pertinacity. They generally build on the sides of perpendicular clufs, but sometimes under the eaves of houses. There are several others of the swallow tribe inhabiting the United States. THE EUROPEAN MARTEN. Tuts bird, “ the temple-haunting martlet,”as it is denominated by Shaks ’ > y peare, is inferior in size to the swallow, and its tall is much less forked. The plumage, however, is nearly the same; the upper part of the hody, 1 Mirunde rivarva Lin 2 Hirundo fulva, Bonar. 3 Hirundo urbica, Lin. AVES—SWIFT. 571 wings, and tail being black, glossed with purple; and the under parts white. They are much less agile than the chimney swallow, and have a placid, easy motion. These birds sometimes build against the sides of cliffs that over- hang the sea; but more frequently under the eaves, in the corners of win. dows, or under cornices. The materials of the nest are earth, tempered and mixed with straw, and lined with small straws, grasses, and feathers. The little architect builds only during the morning, and allows the fabric to harden during the rest of the day. The same nest is often inhabited for several years. THE SWIFT. ‘Tats is the largest of the swallow kind known in England, being often eighteen inches long, though the entire weight of the bird is not more than one ounce. The whole plumage is of a sooty black, except the throat, which is white. The feet, which are so smal] that the actions of walking and rising from the ground seem very difficult, are of a particular structure, al} the toes standing forward. For this reason, the swift never settles on the ground, unless by accident. They have, however, a strong grasp with their feet, which enables them to clingfto walls. It spends more of its time on the wing than any other swallow, and its flight is more rapid. In summer it keeps on the wing at least sixteen hours out of the twenty-four. It breeds under the eaves of houses, in steeples, and other lofty buildings; ‘and makes its nest uf grass and feathers. 11 has but one brood in the summer, and never more than two young ones at a time. The voice of the swift is a harsh scream; yet there are few ears to which itis not pleasing, from an agreeable assesiation of ideas, since it is never heard but in the most lovely summer weat er. These birds visit England the latest, and retite the earliest, of rll their tribes; as they withdraw from that country before the middle of A gust, generally by the tenth, and nota single straggler is to be seen Ly tLe twentieth. This early retreat is totally unaccountable, as that time is often the most delightful in the year. But, what is yet more extraordinary, they begin to retire still earlier in the most southerly parts of Andalusia ; where they can by no means he influenced by any defect of heat, or even of food, 1 Cypselus murarius, Temm, The genus Cypselus has ‘the bill very short. triangular, bend at the bise. inconspienous, depressed ; gape as far as under the eyes, epperdandis ble hooked atthe tip; nostrils cleft longitudinally. at the upper part of the ball, Ga and the raised margias furmshed with small feabhers; legs very shert. wath the fore toes directed forwards, and quit’ divided ; three tues, aud claws short aud thick ; wings very long, tail with ten feathers. 6572 AVES—SWALLOW...GOATSUCKER. THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW! Is strongly distinguished from the other American swallows, by its figure, flight and manners. It is dispersed all over the country wherever there are vacant chimneys, that are convenient for their accommodation. In_ the western forests they build in the hollows of large trees. ‘The nest is of sine gular construction, being formed of small twigs, fastened together by a sort of glue from two glands in the head. With this glue, which becomes hard, the nest is thickly besmeared. It is attached to the side of the wall, and is destitute of any soft lining. The young are fed at intervals during the night. The noise which the old ones make in passing up and down the funnel, has some resemblance to distant thunder. When there are long and heavy rains, the nest is sometimes precipitated to the bottom; but the young sometimes scramble up the chinmeys, clinging like squirrels to the side. In this situation they are fed for a week or more. This bird is four inches and a half in length, of asooty brown color. When it flies, it utters the sounds érip, (rip, trip, tree, tree, in a hurried manner When roosting, the thorny extremities with which its tail is furnished are thrown in for its support. Ttis mever seen to alight but in hollow trees or chimneys; and is always most gay and active in wet and gloomy weather. THE GOATSUCKER®? Is nearly allied to the swallow, both in form and manners. Like the swallow, it is remarkable for the wideness of itsgape; like it, it feeds upon insects ; like it, collects its food upon the wing; indeed, by some authors, it has been termed the nocturnal swallow, for it preys entirely in the night, or rather in the dusk of the evening, when the other swalluws are retired to rest. There is only one species known in Europe,3and this is considerably larger than the swallow, being ten inches and a half in length, and in weight two ounces and a half. The ground of the plumage is almost black, but it is beauutully diversified with ash color and white in different parts; and it 1 Cypselus pelasgicus, Tem. 2The genus Caprimulgus, or goatsuckers, so named, from the erraneous notion that they sucked the teats of goats, has the bill slightly curved, very suiall, and depressed at the hase ; mouth extremely wide, nostrils basal. wade, closed by a iemlinnie surneanted by feathers; tail round, or forked, af ten feathers | legs short, the anterior toes autted: te the first yoint; middle claw long, aud serrated on the edge, but simuvt! in sume of the species ; hind toe reversible. 3 Cuprimulgus Europeus, Lin. AVES—GOATSUCKER. 573 has, like ul the kind, a uumber of bristles ‘about the bill. It makes nonest, but lays ats eggs on the bare ground, or some loose crag, without any seem- ing care whatever. It is a great destroyer of cockchatfers and beetles; and’ its note resembles the noise of a spinning wheel. From its nocturnal habits it has been called the night hawk, and the churn owl. It visits Englanu about May, and returns in August. There appears to be no other ground for the ridiculous story of its sucking the goats, but the width of its mouth which is to be accounted for on much more rational principles. “The country people (says Mr White) have a notion that the fern owl, or :hurn owl, or eve jar, which they call a puckeridge, is very injurious to wi ani g calves, by inflicting, as it strikes at them, a fatal distemper, known to cow- leeches by the name of puckeridge. Thus does this harmless, ill-fated bird, fall under a double imputation, which it by no means deserves —in Italy, of sucking the teats of goats, whence it is called caprimulgus, and with us, of communicating a deadly disorder to cattle. The least observation and attention would convince men that these birds neither injure the goatherd nor the grazier.” Mr Waterton, also, has pointed out, that the “striking at the cattle,” as the sapient rustics call it, is, in fact, the leap which the bird makes at the nocturnal flies which are tormenting the herd ; and that, with more good sense than their masters possess, the cattle are aware of, and grateful for, the service which the bird thus renders to them. 574 AVES—NIGHT HAWKE THE NIGHT HAWK.} Tnis bird is called a bat in some of the southern states. It is ty many supposed to be the same bird as the whip-poor-will; but on comparing the two birds, the difference between them will be easily observed, and their manners also are strikingly dissimilar. The night hawk lays its eggs on the bare ground, in an open space in the woods, or in the corner of a field, where the color of the leaves and ground may resemble the general tint of the eggs. The male and female are constantly near the nest during the day. They sit lengthwise on the branch of a tree, instead of crosswise, like most other birds, their legs and feet being too slender to grasp the branch firmly. While the female is sitting, the male keeps a most vigilant watch around. He plays about in the air, mounting by several quick vibrations of the wing, uttering all the while a sharp harsh squeal, till, having gained the highest point, he suddenly precipitates himself head foremost, and with great rapidity, down sixty or seventy feet, wheeling up as suddenly; at which instant is heard a booming sound, resembling that produced by blowing strongly into the bunghole of an empty hogshead; and which is doubtless produced by the sudden expansion of his capacious mouth, while he passes through the air. This singular habit belongs only to the male. The female never descends in the manner of the male. When she is approached, she mores in such a fluttering tumbling manner, and appearance of a lame and wou.ided bird, as nine times in ten to deceive the person, and induce him to pursue her. When the young are first hatched, it is difficult to distinguish them from the surface of the ground; they sit so fixed and squat as to be mistaken fur a slight moulding on the earth. These birds are seen abroad at all] times of the day; but their most favo- rite time is from twu hours before sunset till dusk. They are very numerous Caprimulgus Americanus, W1Ls0N AVES—WHIP-POOR-WILL 675 gear salt-marshes, skimming over the meadows in the manner of swallows. Their chief food seems to be insects. When wounded and taken, they at- tempt to intimidate you by opening their mouth to its utmost stretch, throw- mg the head forward, and uttering a kind of guttural whizzing sound, striking violently with their wings, which seem to be their only offensive weapons. In August they steer for the south in vast multitudes, darting after insects as they advance. They are often accompanied by twice their number of swallows. The night hawk is nine inches and a half long; the upper parts are deep brown; the whole body is spotted and sanded with cream color and red- dish.- The tail is handsomely forked, and there are no bristles about the sill. THE WHIP-POOR-WILL.! Tis 1s a very singular and celebrated species, universally known over the United States, for its favorite call in spring; yet, personally, he is little nown. The notes of this solitary bird, seem like the voice of an old friend, and are listened to by almost all with great interest. At first they issue from sorte retired part of the woods, the glen, or mountain; in a few eve- aings, perhaps, we hear them from the adjoining coppice—the garden fence — the road before the door, and even from the roof of the dwelling- house, long after the family have retired to rest. He is now a regular ac- quaintance. Every mo.omg and evening his shrill repetitiuns are heard § Caprimulg-us vociferus, WiLs0N, 576 AVES—CHUCK WILL’S WIDOW. from the adjoining woods, and when two or more are calling at the same time, the noise, mingling with the echoes of the mountains, ts really sur- prising. These notes serve pretty plainly to articulate the words, whip- poor-wilJ, the first and last syllables being uttered with great emphasis When near, you often hear an introductory cluck between the notes. Tos wards midnight they generally become silent, unless in clear moonlight. During the day, they sit in the most retired, solitary, and deep shaded parts of the woods, where they repose in silence. Their food appears to be large moths, grasshoppers, and such insects as frequent the bark of old rotten and decaying timber. The nest is built like that of the night hawk, on the ground; the young have very much the same appearance, though the eggs are much darker. When disturbed, the whip-poor-will rises and sails low and slowly, through the woods, for thirty or forty yards, and generally settles on a low branch or on the ground. Their favorite places of resort are on high and dry situa- tions; in low marshy tracts of country they are seldom heard; in this they - differ from the night hawk, which delights in extensive sea marshes. Their flight also is vert dissimilar. The whip-poor-will has ranges of long and strong bristles on each side of the mouth; the night hawk is entirely desti- tute of them. The bill of tae whip-poor-will is twice the length of that of ‘he night hawk. The wings of the whip-poor-will are shorter by mure than two inches than those of the night hawk. The tail of the latter is forked, that of ihe former is rounded. The two species differ also in size and color. THE CHUCK WILL’S WIDOW. nts solitary bird is rarely found north of Virginia and Tennessee. 1t has sometimes been confounded with the whip-poor-w.!l. It has derived its T Caprimulgus Carolinensis, Witson. AVES—PIGEON. 577 name fro.a its notes, which seem exactly to articulate those words. It commences its singular call generally in the evening, soon after sunset, and continues it with short occasional interruptions for several hours. Towards morning these repetitions are renewed. This note instantly attracts the attention of a stranger, and is strikingly different from that of the whip- poor-will. In sound and articulation it seems plainly to express the words which have been applied to it, pronouncing every syllable leisurely, and distinctly, putting the principal emphasis on the last word. In a sill evening it may be heard at the distance of nearly a mile; the tones of its voice being stronger, and more full, than those of the whip-poor-will, whe atters his with much greater rapidity. 3 The flight of this bird is slow, skimming about the surface of the ground, frequently settling on old logs, or on the fences, and from thence sweeping around in pursuit of various insects, that fly in the night. Like the whip- poor-will, it prefers the declivities of glens, and other deeply shaded places,. making the mountains resound with echoes the whole evening. ORDER IX.—COLUMBE. Brros of this order have the till of moderate dimensions, compressed ; base of the upper mandible ce ered with a soft skin, in which the nostrils, are perforated, the tip more or lvss curved; feet with three toes in front, quite divided, and one behind. This order contains but one genus, but is uumerous in species, and these are very widely dispersed over the world THE AMERICAN WILD PIGEON, Catep also the passenger pigeon, is the most remarkable of this whole order of birds. It is about the size of the common domestic pigeon. The head, throat, and upper parts of the body are ash colored; the sides of the neck are of a glossy variable purple; the fore part of the neck and kreast are vinaceous; the under parts of a similar color, but paler; and there is a erimson mark round the eyes. These Lirds visit the different parts of North America, in such immense flocks, that we may justly apply to them Miltcn’s expression of “numbers numberless.” Their habits and migrations, and the manner in which they are pursued by man and beast, are thus described by Mr Audubon. ‘ The most important facts connected with the habits of these birds, relate to their extraordinary associations and migrations. No 1 Columba migratoria, Lis. The characteristics of the genus Columba, are, bill of mediums size, straight, compressed, arched, tip curved ; base of the upper mandible covered with u soft skin, more or less inflated; nostrils in the middle of the membrane; legs generally red; three toes before, entirely divided, one hehind, articulated on the heel s, wings with the second quill feather longest. 73 49 678 AVES—PIGEON. other species known to naturalists, is more calculated to attract the atten tion of either the citizen or the stranger, as he has opportunity of viewing both of these characteristic habits, while they are passing from north tc south, east and west, and, wee versa, over and across the whole extent of the United States of Arnerica. “The remarkable migrations are owing entirely to the dire necessity of providing food, and not merely to escape the severity of a northern lati- tude, or seek a southern one for the purpose of breeding. They, conse quently, do not take place at any fixed period or season of the year. Indeed it happens sometimes that a continuance of a sufficient supply of food it one district will keep these birds absent from another for years. EN “1 know, at least, toa certainty, that in Kentucky they remained for several years constantly, and were no where else to be found. They all disappeared one season suddenly when the mast was exhausted, and thus did not return fora long period. The same facts have been observed in other states. “Their great power of flight enables them, when in need, to survey and pass over an astonishing extent of country ina very short tinie. This is proved. by, facts known to the greater number of observers in America. Pigeons, for example, have been killed in the neighborhood of New York, with their crops still filled with rice, collected by them in the fields of Geor- gia-and Carolina, the nearest point at which this supply could possibly have been obtained; and, as it is well ascertained, that owing to their great power af digestion, they will decompose food entirely in twelve hours, they must AVES—PIGEON. 579 nave travelled between tree and four hundred miles ‘n six hours, making their speed at an average about one mile in a minute, and this would enable one of these birds, if so inclined, to visit the European continent, as swal- lows are undoubtedly able to do, in a couple cf days. “This great power of flight is seconded by as great a power of vision, which enables them, as they travel at that swift rate, to view objects below, to discover their food with facility, and thus put an immediate end to their journey. This I also have proved to be the case, by having observed the pigeons, when passing over a destitute part of the country, keep high in air, and in such an extensive front, as to enable them to survey hundreds of acres at once. But if, on the contrary, the land is richly covered with food, or the trees with mast, they will fly low, in order to discover the portion most plentifully supplied, and upon these they alight progressively. “The form of the bodies of these swift travellers is an elongated oval, steered by a long well-plumed tail, furnished with extremely well set and very muscular wings for the size of the individual. If a single bird is seen gliding through the woods and close by, it passes apparently like a thought; and on trying to see him again, the eye searches in vain — the bird is gone! “Their multitudes in our woods are astonishing ; and, indeed, after hav- ing viewed them so often, and under so many circumstances, for years, and, I may add, in many different climates, I even now feel inclined to pause, and assure myself afresh that what Iam going to relate is fact. ThatT have seen it is most certain; and I have seen it all in the company of bun- dreds of other persons looking on, like myself, amazed, and wondering if what we saw was really true. “Tn the autumn of 1813, I left my house at Henderson, on the banks ot the Ohio, on my way to Louisville. Having met the pigeons flying from north-east to south-west, in the barrens of natural wastes, a few miles be- yond Hardensburgh, in greater apparent numbers than I thought I had ever seen them before, I felt an inclination to enumerate the flocks that would pass within the reach of my eye in one hour. I dismounted, and, seating myself on a tolerable eminence, took my pencil to mark down what I saw going by and over me, and made a dot for every flock which passed. “Finding, however, that it was next to impossible, and feeling unable ‘o record the flocks, as they multiplied constantly, I rose, and, counting the dots then put down, discovered that one hundred and sixty-three had been made in twenty-one minutes. I travelled on, and still met more the farther I went. The air was literally~filled with pigeons; the light of noonday became dim, as during an eclipse; the pigeon’s dung fell in spots, not unlike melting flakes of snow; and the continued buzz of their wings over me had a tendency to incline my senses to repuse. “ Whilst waiting for my dinner at Young's inn, at the confluence of Salt river with the Ohio, I saw, at my leisure, 1mmense legions still going by. with a f-ont reaching far beyond the Ohio on the west, and the beech-woud 5SU AVES—PIGEON. forests directly on the east of me. Yet nota single bird would alhghit; for not a nut or acorn was that year to be seen in the neighborhood. They consequently flew so high, that different trials to reach them with a capital rifle proved ineffectual, and not even the report disturbed them in the least. But I cannot describe how beautiful their aerial evolutions were, if a black hawk appeared in their rear. At once, like a torrent, and with a thunder- like noise, they formed themselves into almost a solid compact mass, press- ing each on each towards the centre; and when, in such solid bodies, they xigzagged to escape the murderous falcon, now down close over the earth sweeping with inconceivable velocity, then ascending perpendicularly, like a vast monument; and, when high, were seen wheeling and twisting within their continued lines, resembling the coils of a gigantic serpent. “ Before sunset I reached Louisville, distant from Hardenburgh fifty-five miles, where the pigeons were still passing, and this continued for three days in succession. “The people were indeed all up in arms, and shouting on all sides at the passing flocks. The banks of the river were crowned with men and chil. dren, for here the pigeons flew rather low as they passed the Ohio. This gave a fair opportunity to destroy them in great numbers. For a week or more, the population spoke of nothing but pigeons, and fed on no other flesh but that of pigeons. The whole atmosphere during this time was strongly impregnated with the smell appertaining to their species. “Tt is extremely curious to see flocks after flocks follow exactly the very evolutions performed by a preceding one, when they arrive at the place where these mancuvres were displayed. If a hawk, for instance, has chanc- ed to charge on a portion at a certain spot, no matter what the zigzags, curved lines, or undulations of lines might have been during the affray, all the following birds always keep the same track; so that if the traveller hap- pens to see one of those attacks, and feels a wish to have it repeated, he may do so by waiting for a short time. “Tt may not, perhaps, be out of place to attempt an estimate of the num- ber of pigeons contained in those mighty flocks, and the quantity of food consumed by its members. The inquiry will show the astonishing bounty af the Creator in his works, and how universally this bounty has been granted to every living thing on the vast continent of America. “ We shall take, for example, a column of one mile in breadth, which is iar below the averaye size, and suppose it passing over us without interruptivn fur three hours, at the rate mentioned above, of one mile per minute. This will give us a parallelogram of one hundred and eighty miles by one, covering one hundred and eighty square miles, and allowing two pigeons to the square yard, we have one billion one hundred and fifteen million one hundred and thirty-six thousand pigeons in one flock; and as every pigeon consumes fully half a pint of food per day, the quantity must be eight million seven hundred and twelve thousand bushels per day, which is required to feed such a flock AVES—PIGEON. 581 “ As soon as these birds discover a sufficiency of food to entice them to alight, they fly round in circles, reviewing the country below, and at this time exhibit their phalanx in all‘ the beauties of their plumage; now displaying a large glistening sheet of bright azure, by exposing their hacks to view, and suddenly veering, exhibit a imass of rich deep pur- yle. They then pass lower, over the woods, and are lost among the foliage for a moment, but they reappear as suddenly above; after whic. they alight, and, as if affrighted, the whole again take to wing, with a :oar equal to loud thunder, and wander swiftly through the forest to see if danyer is near. Impelling hunger, however, soon brings them all to the ground, and then they are seen industriously throwing up the fallen leaves to seek for the last beech-nut or acorn; the rear ranks continually rising, passing over, and alighting in front, in such quick succéssion, that the whole still bears the appearance of being on the wing. The quantity of ground thus swept up, or, to use a French expression, mozssonnée, is astonishing, and so clean is this work, that gleaners never find it worth their while to follow where the pigeons have been. On such occasions, when the woods are thus filled with them, they are killed in immense numbers, yet without any apparent diminution. During the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, the whole settle on the trees to enjoy rest, and digest their food ; bu: as the sun sinks in the horizon, they depart en masse for the roosting place, not unfrequently hundreds of miles off, as has been ascertained by persons keeping account of their arrival and of their departure from their curious roosting places, to which I must now conduct the reader. “To one of those general nightly rendezvous, not far from the banks of Green River, in Kentucky, I paid repeated visits. It was, as is almost al- ways the case, pitched in a portion of the forest where the trees were of great magnitude of growth, but with little underwood. I rode through it lengthwise upwards of forty miles, and crossed it in different parts, ascer- taining its average width to be rather more than three miles. My first view of it was about a fortnight subsequent to the period when they had chosen this spot, and I arrived there nearly two hours before the setting of the sun. Few pigeons were then to be seen, buta great number of persons, with Lorses and wagons, guns and ammunition, had already established different camps on the borders. Two farmers from the vicinity of Russelsville, distant more than a hundred mi'es, had driven upwards of three hundred hogs to be fat- tened on pigeon-meat, and here and there the people, employed in pick'ng anJ salting what had already been procured, were seen sitting in tne centre of large piles of these birds, all proving to me that the number resorting there at night must be immense, and probably consisting of all those then feeding in Indiana, some distance beyond Jeffersonville, not less than one hundred and fifty miles off. ‘he dung of the birds was several inches deep, covering the whole extent of the roosting place like a bed of snow. Many 49* 582 AVES—PIGEON. trees, two feet in diameter, I observed, were broken at no great distance from the ground, and the branches of many of the largest and taliest so mucu 80, that the desolations already exhibited, equalled that performed by a furious tornado, As the time elapsed, I saw each of the anxious persons about to prepare for action; some with sulphur in iron pots, others with torches of pine knots, many with poles, and tle rest with guns, double and treble charged. The sun was lost to our view, and nota pigeon had yet arrived; but, all of 2 sudden, I heard a genera! ery of ‘ Here they come!’ The nuise which they made, though distant, reminded me of a hard gale at sea. passe ing through the rigging of a close-reefed vessel. As the birds arrived, and passed over me, I felt a current of air that surprised me. Thousands were soon knocked down by the polemen. The current of birds, however, kept increasing. The fires were lighted, and a most tnagnificent as well as won- derful and terrifying sight was before me. The pigeons, coming in by mil- lions, alighted every where, one on the top of another, until masses of them, resembling hanging swarms of bees as large as hogsheads, were formed on every tree in all directions. These heavy clusters were seen to give way, as the supporting branches, breaking down with a crash, came to the ground, killing hundreds of those which obstructed their fall, forcing down other equally large and heavy groups, and rendering the whole a scene of woroar and of distressing confusion. I found it quite useless to speak, or even to shout to those persons nearest me. The reports even of the different guns were seldom heard, and I knew only of their going off by seeing the owners reload them. “No person dared venture within the line of devastation, and the hogs had been penned up in due time, the picking of the dead and wounded suf- ferers being left for the next morning’s operation. Still the pigeons were constantly coming, and it was past midnight before I perceived a decrease in the number of those that arrived. The uproar continued, however, the whole night; and, as I was anxious to know to what distance the sound reached, | sent off a man, who, by his habits in the woods, was able to tell me, two hours afterwards, that at three miles he heard itdistinetly. Towards the approach of day, the noise rather subsided; but, long ere the objects were all distinguishable, the pigeons began to muve off in a direction quite (ifs ferent from that in which they had arrived the day before, and at sunrise none that were able to fly remained. The howling of the wolves now reached our ears, and the foxes, the lynxes, the cougars, bears, racoons, opossums, and polecats, were seen sneaking off the spot, whilst the eagles and hawks of different species, supported by a horde of buzzards and care rion crows, came to supplant them, and reap the benefits of this night of destruction. “It was then that I, and all those present, began our entry amongst the dead aid wounded sufferers. They were picked up in great numbers, unti. AVES—PIGEON. 58% each had as many as could possibly be disposed of; and afterwards the hogs and dogs were let loose to feed on the remainder. “ Persons unacyuainted with these birds must naturally conclude, that such dreadful havoc must soon put an end to the species; but this is very far from being the case, for by long observation | have satisfied tnyself. that, as they not unfrequently quadruple their numbers yearly, always, at least, duuble it, nothing but the gradual diminution of our {orests can accomplish their de- crease. In 1805, I have seen schooners loaded in bulk with pigeons caught up the Hudson River, cuming into the wharf at New York, and those birda sold for a cent a piece. I knewa man in Pennsyly na «ho caught and killed upwards of" five hundred dozen in a clap-net in a day, sweeping some- times twenty dozen or more at one haul. “T have also seen the negroes at the United States’ Salines, or salt- works, of Shawnee Town, wearied with killing pigeons, as they alighted to drink water issuing from the.leading pipes, for weeks at times; and yet, in 1826, in Louisiana, I saw congregated tlucks of those birds as numerous as ever I had seen them before, during a residence of nearly thirty years in the United States. “The breeding of the wild pigeons, and the places chosen for that pur- pose, are points of great interest. As 1 have said before, the time set apart for this is not influeuced by climate or season, but generally takes place where an when food is most plentiful and most attainable, and always at a convenient distance from the water, and in high timbered forests. The spot generally chosen is not, like that above described, a scene of confusion and death, but one where, it is no exaggeration to say, the tenderest affection seems to prevail. To this place these countless myriads of pigeons fly and settle to coo, and, with parental care, begin their nests in general peace and harmony. On the same tree, from fifty to one hundred nests may be seen, formed of slizht materials, being only composed of a few dried twigs, cross- ed in different ways, supported by suitahie forks in the branches from the lowest to the highest, and each mate partakes in the task of incubation. The females lay two white eggs each, proportioned to the size of the bird, and, as they sit the greater portion of tnis precious time, the males feed them from bill to bill, with amorous tenderness and care. “The young are hatched, and would grow and leave tne nest in course of tim3, diJ not man discover the place, and commence his work of devasta- tion. Atmed with axes, their enemies reach the spot, to seize and destroy all they can. The trees are felled, and are made to full in such a way, that the cutting of one causes the fall of one ur two more, er shakes others a such a manner, that the squabs, or young pigeons, are violently hurried te the ground.” 584 AVES—PIGEON. THE CAROLINA PIGEON, Caren also the turtle-dove, is a general inhabitant, in the summer, of tne United States, from Canada to Florida, and from the seacoast te the Missis« sippi, and far to the westward. ‘They pass the winter in great numbers at North and South Carolina. It is a favorite bird with all those who love to wander among the woods in spring, and listen to their varied harmony They will hear many a singular and striking performance, but none so mournful as this. Its notes are four; the first is somewhat the highest and preparatory, seeming to be uttered with an inspiration of the breath, as if the afflicted creature were just recovering its voice from the last convulsive notes of distress ; this is followed by three long, deep, and mournful moanings, that no one can listen to without sympathy. A pause of a few minutes ensues, and then again the solemn voice of sorrow is renewed as before. There is, however, nothing of real distress in all this; quite the reverse. The bird who utters it, wantons by the side of his beloved partner, or invites her, by his call, to some favorite, retired, and shady retreat. It is the voice of love, of faithful connubial affection, for which the whole family of doves are so celebrated; and among them all, none more deservedly so, than the species now before us. The flight of this bird is quick, vigorous, and always accompanied by a peculiar whistling of the wings. They fly with great swiftness, alight on trees, fences, or on the ground, indiscriminately; are exceedingly fond of buck-wheat, hemp-seed, and Indian com; feed on several kinds of berries and small acorns, They devour large quantities of gravel, and have a great regard for peas. The nest is very rudely constructed, generally in an evergreen, among the thick foliage of a vine, tn an orchard on an apple tree, and sometimes on the ' Columba Curctinensis, Lin. AVES—PIGEON, 585 ground. It is composed of trees and rvots, making an almost flat nest. The flesh of this bird is considered superior to that of the wild pigeon. Jt 1g twelve inches long; it has a.beautiful glossy black eye. The general color is a fine slate blue, reflecting in some part the most vivid tints of green, gold, and crimson. The legs and feet are red, seamed with white. THE GROUND DOVE! Is one of the least of the pigeon tribe, and has a very timid and innocent appearanee. It is a native of North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and the West Indies. They are numerous on the seacoasts of Carolina and Georgia, fy in Hocks of fifteen or twenty, seldom visit the woods, and are almost constantly on the ground. They feed on rice, seeds, and berries. It is six inches and a quarter long. The upper partsare of a cinereous brown; the throat and breast of a pale purple; the iris of the eye orange red, and the legs and feet yellow. In the United States are found, also, the white-crowned pigeon, the band- tailed pigeon, and the zenaida dove. THE DOMESTIC PIGEON, e Wirt all its heautiful varieties, is said to derive its origin from the stock- dove,” the English name, implying its being the stock, or stem, whence the other domestic kinds have been propagated. This bird, in its natural state, is of a deep bluish ash color; the breast dashed with a fine changeable green and purple; its wings marked with two black bars; and the tail barred near the end with black. These are the colors of the pigeon in a state of nature; and trom these simple tints, has man, by art, propagated a vat ety, that words cannot describe, nor even fancy suggest. However, nature still per- severes in her great outline; and though the form, color, and even the feeundity of these birds may be altered by art, yet their natural manners and inclinations continue still the same. The stockdove usually builds in holes of rocks, or in excavated trees. Its murmuring note at morning, and dusk, is highly pleasing. The dovehouse pigeon, as is well known, breeds every month; it lays twe white eggs, which, most usually, produce young ones of different sexes, From three or four o’cluck in the evening, till nine the next day, the female sits on the eggs; she is then relieved hy the male, who takes his place from ten ull three, while his mate is feeding abroad. In this manner they sit 1 Columba passerina, Witson. 2 Columba enus, Lin. 74 586 AVES—PIGEON. alternately till the young are excluded, which is from eighteen to twenty days, according to the warmth of the season.. If, during this term, the female delays to return at the expected hour, the male follows, and drives her to the nest; and should he in lis turn be dilatory, she retaliates with equal severity. The hen pigeon is, however, so constant to her eggs, that one, whose legs were frozen and dropped off, continued to sit, notwithstanding the pain which she endured with the loss of her limbs, till her young were hatchel. Eler legs were frozen by the nest being too near the entrance of ue duvecote, and consequently exposed to the cold air. The young ones, when hatched, require no food for the three first days, only wanting to be kept warm, which is an employment the female takes entirely upon herself. During this period shé never stirs out, except fora few minutes, to take a little food. From this they are fed for eight or ten days, with corn, or grain, of different kinds, which the old ones gather ia the fields, and keep treasured up in their crops, whence they throw it up again into the mouths of their young ones, who very greedily demand it. So great is the produce of this bird in its domestic state, that near fifteen thousand may, io the space of four years, be produced from a single pair. Most birds drink by sipping at intervals; the pigeon takes a long continued draught, like a quadruped. Those pigeons which‘are called carriers, and are used to convey letters, are easily distinguished from all others, by thetr eyes, which are compassed about with a broad circle of naked white skin, and by being of a dark blue or blackish color. It is from their attachment to their native place, and particularly where they have brought up their young, that these birds are emploved in several countries as the most expeditious carriers. They are first brought trom the place where they were bred, and whither itis intended to send them back with information. The letter is tied under the bird’s wing, and, after feeding it well, iest it should stop by the way to eat, it is let loose to return. The little animal uo sooner finds itself at liberty, than its passion for its native spot directs all its motions. Itis seen, upon these occasions, flying directly into the clouds to an amazing height; and then, with the greatest certainty end exactness, directing itself by some surprising instinet towards home, which lies sometimes at many miles distance. [t is said, that, in the space of an hour and a half, they sometimes perform a journey of forty miles. The varieties of the tame pigeon are so numerous, that it would be a vain attempt to mention them all. f AVES—PEACOCK. 58” ORDER X.—GALLINEA. Binns of this order have the bill short, convex, in some genera covered by Q cere; upper mandible bending from its base, or only at the point; nostis lateral, covered by a membrane, naked or feathered ; tarsus long, three toes before, united at their base by a membrane; bind toe articulated on the tarsus above the junction of the anterior toes. 1.HE PEACOCK! Came originally fram the East Indies; and we are assured that tney are still found in vast flocks, in a wild state, in the islands of Java and Ceylon. 1 Paro eristatus, Lin. The genus Pavo has the bill naked at the hase, convex above, thickened. bent down towards the tip: nostrils open: cheeks partially denuded ; tay coverts very long; tail of eighteen feathers. elongated, broad. capable of hemg expanded like a e aud ocellaied; tarsus longer than the middle toe, with a comcal spur; head creste 588 AVES—PEACOCK. To describe, in adequate terms, the dazzling beauties of this elegant bird would be a task of no small difficulty. [ts head is adorned with a tuft, consisting uf twenty-four feathers, whose slender shafts are furnished with webs only at the ends, painted with the most exquisite green, mixed with gold; the head, throat, neck, and breast, are of a deep blue, glossed with green and gold; the greater coverts and bastard wings are of a reddish biown, as are also the quills, some of which are variegated with black and green; the belly and vent are biack, with a greenish hue: but the distin- gnishing character of this singular bird is its train, which rises just above the tail, and, when erected, forms a fan of the most resplendent hues; the two iaiiddle feathers are sometimes four feet and a haif long, the others gradually diminishing un each side; the shafts, white, and furnished from their origin nearly to the end with parted filaments of varying colors, ending in a flat vane, which is decorated with what is called the eye. The real tail consists of short, stilf, brown feathers, which serve as a support to the train. When pleased or delighted, and in sight of his females, the peacock erects his train, and displays all the majesty of his beauty: all his movements are full of dignity; his head and neck bend nobly back; his pace is slow and solemn, and he frequently turns sluwly and gracefully round, as if to catch the sun- beams in every directien, and produce new colors of inconceivable richness and beauty. accompanied at the same tine With a hollow murmuring voice expressive of desire. The cry of the peacock, at other times, is often repeat- ed, and very disagreeable. The plumes are shed every year, and, while moulting them, the bird, as if humiliated, retires from view. The peacock has, in some countries, been esteemed as an article of luxu- ry; but whatever there may be of delicacy in the flesh of a young peacock, it is certain an old one is very indifferent eating. Its fame for delicacy, how- ever, did not continue very lung; for we find, im the time of Francis the First, that it was a custom to serve up peacocks to the tables of the great, with an intention not to be eaten, but only to be seen. Their manner was to strip olf the skin; and then preparing the body with the warmest spices, they covered it up again in its former skin, with all its plumage in full dis- play, and nu way injured by the preparation. The bird, thus prepared, was often preserved fur many years without corrupting ; and it is asserted of the peacock’s flesh, that it keeps longer unputretied than that of any other ani mal. To givea higher zest to these entertainments, on wedding particularly, they filled the bird’s beak and throat with cottun and camphor, which they set on fire to amuse and delight the company. Peacocks were high!y esteemed by the Romans, and the Bible mentions them among Solomon’s importations from the East. In the days of chivalry, also, they were in such great repute as to be the subject of a knightly oath, Like other birds of the poultry kind, the peacuck feeds upon corn; but its chief predilection is for barley. There is, however, searevly any food that it will not at times covet and pursue. In the indulgence of these capricious AVES—COCK. 58¢ pursuits, walls cannot easily confine it; it strips the tops of houses of thei tiles or thatch, it lays waste the labors of the gardener, roots up his choicest seeds, and nips his favorite flowers in the bud. Thus its beauty ill recom- penses for the mischief it occasions ; and many of the more homely looking fowls are very deservedly preferred before it. The peahen seldom lays above five or six eggs in this climate before she sits. Aristotle describes her as laying twelve; and it is probable, in her native climate, she may be thus prolific: for it is certain, that, in the forests where they b eed naturally, they are numerous beyond expression. The bird lives about twenty years; and not till its third year has it that beautiful variegated plumage that adorns its tail. THE DOMESTIC COCK. Or all birds, the cock seems to be the oldest companion of mankind, to have Leen first reclaimed from the forest, and taken to supply the accidental failure of the luxuries or necessaries of life. Ashe is thus longest under the care of man, so perhaps he exhibits the greatest number of varieties, there being scarcely two birds of this species that exactly resemble each other in plumage and form. It-is not well ascertained when the cock was first made domestic in Europe; but it is generally agreed that it was first brought there from the kingdom of Persia. It came to America with the early European settlers. The cock is found wild in the island of Tinian, in many others of the Indian ocean, and in the woods on the coasts of Malabar; his plumage is black and yellow, and his comb and wattles are yellow and purple. There is another peculiarity also in those of the Indian woods; their bones, which, when 1 Gallus domesticus, Temm. This genus has the bill of medium size, strong, bise naked ; upper mandille arched, convex, bent towards the pomt; head surmounted by a crest or pluie; ears uaked 5 three toes before, uted to the first yoint; the hind toe raised from the ground; tarsus with a loug and bentspur; nuiddle feathers of the wil urched> wings . 50 590 AVES—COUCK. boiled with us, aie white, as every body knows, in those are black as ebony, Whether this tincture proceeds from their food, as the bones are tinctured red by feeding upon madder, we leave to the discussion of others: satisfied with the fact, let us decline speculation. In their first propagation in Europe, there were distinctions then that now subsist no longer. The ancients esteemed those fowls whose plumage was reddish, as invaluable ; but as for the white, it was considered as atierly unfit for domestic purposes. These they regarded as subject to become a prey to rapacious birds; and less fruitful than the former. No animal in the world has greater courage than the cock, when opposed to one of his own species and in every part of the world, where refinement and polished manners have not entirely taken place, cock-fighting is a principal diversion. Jn China, India, the Philippine islands, and all over the East, cock-fighting is the sport and amusement even of kings and princes. In England it is déclining every day; and it is to be hoped it will, in time, become only the pastime of the lowest vulgar. It is the opinion of many persons there, that they have a bolder and more valiant breed than is to be found elsewhere; but the truth is, they have cocks in China as bold, if not bolder than the English cocks. Nor is it against his own species alone that the cock displays courage. , One, of less than a year old, has been known to dart on a sparrowhawk, throw him down, and detain hit till a person came to secure the plunderer. To his females the cock is assiduously attentive. He keeps them always in his sight, prevehts them from straggling, and defends them from aggres- sion. Whatever strange cock appears within his bounds is instantly attack- ed. His jealousy is as strong as his gallantry, and has been said to prompt him to take vengeance on the female. Dr Percival relates an instance, in which some patridges’ egg» having been hatched under a hen, the cock, as soon as he saw the brood, fell turiously upon the unfortunate foster-mother, and killed her before any help could be afforded to her. The hen seldom clutches a brood of chickens above once a season, though instances have been known in which they have produced two. The number of eggs a domestic hen will lay in the year is above two hundred, provided she be well fed, and supplied with water and liberty. It matters not inuch «hether she be trodden by the cock or not; she will continue to lay, although all the eggs of this kind «an never by hatching be brought to prolce a hving animal. As soo: as an egg is laid, it begins to transpire, and loses, in a little time, sont grains of its weight. If it continues exposed to the air, the inside hardens, and contracts a bad flavor; but, to prevent this effect, it is only necessary to cover the outside of the shell with a varnish, or with oily matter, which shields it from the air. It is obvious, however, that the varnish must be removed if the eggs are designed for hatching. The hen makes her nest without any care, if left to herself; a hole scratched in the ground, among a few bushes, is the only preparation she AVES—COCK. 591 makes for this season of patient expectation. Nature, almost exhausted by its own fecundity, seems to inform her of the proper time for hatching, which ske herself testifies by a clucking note, and by discontinuing to Jay Tf left entirely to herself, the hen would, seldom lay above twenty eggs in the same nest, without attempting to hatch them. While she sits, she carefully turns her eggs, and even removes them to different situations ; till at length, in about three weeks, the young brood begin to give signs of a de- sire to burst their confinement. The formation of the embryo is curious. During the first day’s incubation and even when the egg has Leen under the hen a few hours, the heal of the ehicken may he seen gradualiy uniting itself to the spine of the back. On the second day the first process of the vertebra may be discerned, like so many small globules disposed on each side of the spine. The first com- mencement of the wings and the umbilical vessels may also be distinguish- ed by their dark color.’ The neck and breast also show themselves, and the head continues toincrease in size. The third day, the whole is more distinct and enlarged; and the heart, which is suspended at the opening of the breast, is observed to beat; veins and arteries may also be perceived about the brains, and the spinal marrow begins to extend itself through the spine. The eyes are considerably formed on the fourth day. The pupil and the crystalline and vitreous humors may be distinctly seen. The wings increase, the thighs appear, and the whole body begins in some degree to be covered with Hesh. The fifth day, the body is covered with a glutinous, or unctuous flesh, the heart is retained within a very fine membrane, which also extends itself all over the breast. The sixth day, the spinal marrow, in two divisions, continues to advance along the trunk; the liver, which at first was whitish, becomes of a darker hue; both ventricles of the heart beat, and the body of the chicken is covered with skin, in which may be already discerned the points of the feathers. The beak may be discovered on the seventh day, and the brain, the wings, the thighs and even the feet, have acquired a perfect form. The lungs appear at the end of the ninth day; their color is whitish, On the tenth, the muscles of the wings begin to form, the feathers continue to shoot out. It is not till the eleventh day that the arteries, which before were separate, unite to the heart. The rest of the process consists only in an increase and more perfect development of the several parts, till they acquire sufficient vigor to break the shell. The strongest and best chickens generally are the first candidates for liberty; the weakest come behind, and some even die in the shell. When all are produced, the hen leads them forth to provide for themselves. Her affection and her pride seem then to alter her very nature, and correct her imperfections. No longer voracious or cowardly, she abstains from all] food that her young can swallow, and flies boldly at every creature that she thinks is likely to do them mischief. Ten or twelve chickens are the greatest number that a good hen can rear 592 AVES—PHEASANT. and clutch at a time; but as this bears no proportion to the number of her eggs, schemes have been imagined to clutch all the eggs of an hen, and thus turn her produce to the greatest advantage. The contrivance we mean is the artificial method of hatching chickens in stoves, as is practised at Grand Cairo; or in a chemical laboratory, property graduated, as has been effected by Mr Reaumur. At Grand Cairo, they thus produce six or seven thousand enickens at a time; where, as they are brought forth in their mild spring, which is warmer than our summer, the young ones thrive without clutching. But it is otherwise in our colder and unequal climate; the little animals may, without much difficulty, be hatched from the shell; but they almost | all perish when excluded. Recent attempts have been made to apply steam to the purpose of hatching fowls. The cock is a short-lived animal; but how long these birds live, if left to themselves, is not yet well ascertained by any historian. « THE PHEASANT. Tue pheasant is the bird of Phasis,a river of Colchis, in Asia Minor whence they were first introduced into Europe. Next to the peacock they are the most beautiful of birds, as well for the vivid color of their plumes as for their happy mixtures and varieties. It is far beyond the power of the pencil to draw any thing so glossy, so bright, or points so finely blending into each other. We are told that when Croesus, king of Lydia, was seated on his throne, adorned with royal magnificence, and all the barbarous pomp of eastern splendor, he asked Solon if he had ever beheld any thing so fine? The Greek philosupher, no way moved by the objects befure him, or taking a pride in his native simplicity, replied, that after having seen the beautiful plumage of the pheasant, he could be astonished at no other finery. In fact, nothing can satisfy the eye with a greater variety and richness of ornament than this beautiful creature. The iris of the eyes is yellow; and the eyes themselves are surrounded with a scarlet color, sprinkled with small specks of black. On the fore part of the head there are blackish feathers mixed with a shining purple. The top of the head and the vpper part of the neck are tinged with a darkish green that shines like silk. In some, the top of the head is a shining blue, and the head itself, as well as the upper part of the neck, appears sometimes blue and sometimes green, as it is diffe- 1 Phasianus Colchicus,Lrx. The genus /hasianus has the bill short, thickened, naked at the hase; hent towards the tip; nostrils basal, lateral; cheeks naked, warty; ears covered ; three toes before, united to the first joint, and one benind; tarsi furnished with apr in the males + tail elongated cuneiform, aud composed of eighteen feathers ; wings short. AVES PHEASANT. 593 rently placed ro the eye of the spectator. The feathers of the breast, the shoulders, the middle cf the back, and the sides under the wings, have a dlackish grouad, with edges tinged of an exquisite color, which appears, sometimes black and sometimes purple, according to the different lights it ig placed in; under the purple there is a transverse streak of gold color. The tail, from the middle feathers to the root, is about eighteen inches long, ; the legs, the feet, and the toes are of the color of horn. There are black spurs on the legs, shorter than those of a cock; there is a membrane that connects two of the toes together; and the male is much more beautiful than the female, The wings of the pheasant are short, and not calculated for a protracted flight. On this account, the pheasants on the island called Isola Madre, in the Lago Maggiore, in Italy, as they cannot fly across the lake, are impri- soned. Those which attempt to cross are almost always drowned. This bird, though so beautiful to the eye, is not less delicate when served up to the table. Its flesh is considered as the greatest dainty; and when the old physicians spoke of the wholesomeness of any viands, they made their comparison with the flesh of the pheasant. In the woods the hen pheasant lays from eighteen to twenty eggs in a season; but in a domestie state she seldom lays above ten. Its fecundity when wild is sufficient to stock the forest; its beautiful plumage adorns it; and its flesh retains a higher flavor from its unlimited freedom. The pheasant, when full grown, seems to feed indifferently upon every thing that offers. Jt 1s said by a French writer, that one of the king’s gportsmen shuvling ata paieel ol crows that were gathered round a dead carcass, to his great surprise, upon coming up, found that he had killed as many pheasants ascrowz. It is even asserted by some, that such is the carnivorous. disposition vf this bird, that when several of them are put together in the same yard, if one of them happens to fall sick, or seems to be pining, all the rest will fall upon, kill, and devour it. THESGOLDEN PHEASANT! Or al! the species of pheasants which are met with in our preserves ana im our aviaries, the golden pheasant is the rarest and the most beautiful, The male bird, when in perfect plumage, measures nearly three feet in length, of which the tail alone forms abvut two thirds. The feathers of the fore part of the head are very long, silky, and of a bright yellow; and con- siderably overhang those of the hinder part, which are of a brilliant orange, marked with transverse black rays. These last are elongated and extended 1 Phasianus pi-tus, Lin. 7 , 50% 594 AVES—WILD TURKEY. backwards over the sides of the neck, and may be raised or depressed at will, A few minute hairs are scattered over the cheeks, which are of a livid come plexion. The feathers of the back of the neck are tinged with a mixture of green and gold and bordered with black, those of the back and the upper tail- coverts are bright yellow, the latter terminating in a crimson border. These magnificent birds are natives of China; and it was warmly main tained by Buffon, in accordance with his theory of the degeneration of ani- mals, that they were merely a variety of the common pheasant, which has assumed a more splendid plumage, in consequence of the superior fineness of the climate in which they dwelt. Unfortunately for this hypothesis, the common pheasant is also widely spread throughout the same region, in which it preserves all the characters by which it is distinguished in Europe, and never produces in its wild state a mixed breed with its supposed variety. No naturalist since Buffon has imagined such a transformation possible. TUE WILD TURKEY. Tnis elegant bird is the original stock from which all the common domes- tic turkeys have been produced. It is a native of America, and is found ip all the western parts of the United States and North America, from Lake Superior to the Isthmus of Panama. They abound in the forests and uns \Meleagris gallopavo, Lin. The genus Meleagris has the bill short and thick, hase covered with a naked skin: head and upper part of the ueck invested with a naked, tuber culated skin; a louse caruncle on the upper part of the bill; throat with a longividina’ vendulous, and carunculated wattle; tarsi of the mele with an obtuse and weak spur wings short; tail of eighteen feathers spreading int. «ircle. AVES—WILD TURKEY. 595 settied parts of the Union, but are not numerous in Florida, Georgia, or the Caronas. They are very rare in the northern and eastern parts of the United States. They were formerly abundant in Canada, but as their places of resort become settled and thickly peopled, they retire and seek refuge in the remotest recesses of the interior. In New England it appears to have been destroyed many vears ago, but they are still found in the eastern parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. i These birds do not confine themselves te any particular food, but eat corn. berries, grapes, barley, tadpoles, young frogs, and lizards. Their favozita luod, however, is the pecan nut, and acorn. Where there is an abundant crop of acorns, there numerous flocks of turkeys may be expected. In the fall, they direct their courses in vast numbers to the rich lands on the bor- ders of the Ohio and Mississippi. The males and females travel separately, lut all in the same direction, Before crossing a river, they assemble on the highest eminences, and remain there as if in consultation for a day or twa, At length, after due preparation, the leader gives a signal note, and they al! wing their way to the opposite shore. Some of the young and weak fall nto the water, and are obliged to swim for their lives, using all the means in their power, and the most vivleny exertion, to reach the shore. Many, 596 AVES—WILD TURKEY. ‘however, perish in the attempt. It 1s observed that, after these journeys, tne turkeys are so familiar, that they fearlessly enter the plantations in search af food. Great numbers are killed at this time, and kept in a frozen state ay be sent to distant markets. They begin to build in April; the nest is very simple in construction, being only composed of a few dried leaves. The female lays sometimes twenty out more usually nine or fifteen eggs, which are white, spotted with brown. Wild turkeys are very tenacious of their feeding grounds, as well as of the trees on which they have once roosted. Flocks have been known to resort {o ore spot for a succession of years, and to return after a distant emigration in search of food. They roost on a point of land jutting inio a river where there are large trees in great numbers. When they are all quiet for the night, they are very easily shot; and an experienced hunter may secure near- ly the whole Hock, as the turkeys, fancying themselves secure when at ‘raost, are not alarmed by either the sportsman or his gun. The flesh of the wild turkey is of excellent flavor, being move delicate and juicy than that of the domestic turkey; the Indians value it so highly, that dey term it, when roasted, “the white man’s dish.” The male of the wild turkey is nearly four feet in length; the female is ly three feet and a quarter long. The plumage of the male is very bril- Yiant, and of a variety of hues; that of the female is not as beautiful. When ‘strutting abroad and displaying himself, this bird has a very stately and handsome appearance, and appears to be quite sensible of the admiration he uxcites. A new species, called the ocellated turkey, has been discovered in Hondu- ras, which is of a smaller size and of more brilliant plumage than the turkey of the Waited States. ¥ It has smal! ocellated spots on the tail. * AVES—GUINEA HEN. 697 THE PINTADO, OR GUINEA HEN, Is aoout the size of a common hen, but, as it is supported on Jonger legs, 11 locks much larger. It has a round back, with a tail turned downwards like apartridge. The head is covered with a kind of casque; and the whole plu- mage is black or dark Grey, speckled with white spots. It has wattles under the bill, which do not proceed from the lower chap, as in cocks, but from the upper, which gives it a very peculiar air; while its restless gait, and odd chuckling sound, distinguish it sufficiently from all ether birds what- ever. It is well known al! over Europe and America, and we find it in different countries called by different names, from the place whence they had it. We. chave given it the name of that part of-Africa from whence probably it was first brought, and where it is still found in a wild state. Among the Ro mans they were in high repute for the table, and, being scarce, were sold at a great price. In many parts of their native country they are seen in vast flocks together, feeding their young, and leading them in quest of food. All their habits are. like those of the poultry kind, and they agree in every other respect, except that the male and female are so much alike, that they can hardly be distin- guished asunder. The principal distinction is in the wattles; those of the cock being of a bluish cast, while those of the fmale incline to red. Their eggs, like their bodies, are speckled; in our climate they lay but five or six in a season ; but they are far more prolific in their sultry regions at home. ‘There is a species of this bird with a very beautiful crest. There are also sume other varieties, which it would be tedious to describe. i T Numida meleagris, Lis. The genus Numida has the bill short, thick, arched, the base covered with a warted membrane, and a carwieulated wattle hanging from the under mandible ; sostrils situated in the cere, divided by a cartilage, head naked or feathered, the crown with a callous horn or crest; tarsus smooth; the three fore toes united by mem branes; inud toe joined on the tarsus ; tail short; bent down, | « 398 AVES—WOOD GROUSE. THE WOOD GRCUSE! i . v v i at x ca . SALE “ CRN : AW AN AN ANN aN RANA ‘ Si wy PERU ah, oh Sant iS AS A {fe about the size of a turkey, and frequently weighs near fourteen pounls, but the female is much smaller. The head and neck are ash color, crossed with black lines; the body and wings chesnut brown, and the breast of a very glossy blackish green. The legs are strong, and covered with brown teathers. The plumage of the female differs from this description, it being ved about the throat, and having the head, neck, and back, crossed with red and black bars; the belly barred with orange and black, with the tips of’ the feathers white, as are also the tips of the shoulders. : The cock of the wood, when in the forest, attaches hirnself principally to the oak and the pine tree; the cones of the latter serving for his food, ana the thick boughs fora habitation. He feeds also on ants’ egos; which seem 'Tetrao urogallus, Lin. -The genus fefrao has the bill short, thick, arched ahove convex, hent downwards towards the tip, base naked ; nostrils basal. half closed, with an arched scale anove, and connected hy small feathers ; eyebrows naked, with scarlet warts - tarsi feathered ; three toes’ before and one behind, united to the first jut; one toe bebink niargined with asperities. AVES—WOOD GROUSE. 599 a high delicacy to all birds of the poultry kind; cranherrics are likewise often found in his crop. The female is much less than her mate, and en- urely unlike him in plumage, so that she might be mistaken for a bird of another species. She seldom lays more than six or seven eggs, which are white, marked with yellew, of the size of a common hen’s egg. She gene- rally lays them in a dry place and mossy ground; and when she is obliged, during the time of incubation, tw leave ‘her nest in quest of food, she covers them up so artfully with moss or dry leaves, that it is extremely difficult to discover them As soon as the young ones are hatched, they are seen running with ex- treme agility after the mother, though sometimes they are not entirely dis- engaged from the shell. They soon come to perfection; they are a hardy bird; their food lies every where before them, and it would seem that they should increase in great abundance. But this is not the case; their nums bers are thinned by rapacious birds and beasts of every kind, and still more by their own salacious contests. At sunrise and setting, during this season, the male may be seen extremely active upon one of the largest branches of a pine tree; his tail saised and expanded like a fan, his wings drooping, his neck streiched out, and his head swoln and red. His cry upon this occasion is a kind of loud explosion, followed by a noise like the whetting of a scythe. While under this induence, they fight each other like game-cocks; and are so inattentive to their own safety, that it often happens that two or three of them are killed ata shot. It is proiable that, in these contests, the bird which comes off victurious takes possession of the female scraglio, as it is certain they kave no faithful attachments. This species was once not un- common in the Highlands of Scotland. It is now extinct in England, as wellas in Ireland. The last Scotch specimen is said to have been killed al out fifty years ago; and Ireland had previously ceased to possess the cock of the wacd. 600 AVES—BLACK GROUSE. THE BLACK GROUSE, OR BLACK COCK,! Is much more common. It is found in many parts of Europe, and 10 most, of the moors in the north of England, Wales, and Scotland. Its name almost furnishes its description, since the whole body is black, which, how- ever, is iridescent, and in some positions of the light, it shows a beautiful purple; but it has another remarkable characteristic, which is, that its tail is forked. It is rather larger than a cominon fowl, and is in length from twenty-four to twenty-eight inches. -At the breeding season their cuntests are so furious, that in Courland, Livonia, &c., it is a common method of taking them, to assemble them together, by irsitating the crowing of a black ock, and by having a figure prepared to imitate that animal in all its mo- nons. The grouse, being collected in vast numbers from all parts, enter into, a-bloody contest; when the combatants are so intent upon each other's destruction, that they fall an easy prey to their pursuers, and may even be knocked down with a stick. There isa variety of this species with a plain tail. * 1 Tetruo tetriz, Lin. AVES—RED GROUSE...RUFFED GROUSE. 601 YAHE RED GROUSE, OR MOOR COCK, {ls also abundant in Great Britain, where are also found the plarmagan, ot white grouse. The Aazel and pintatled grouse are found in different parts of Eurupe. THE RUFFED GROUSE. Tums well known American bird is called partridge, in the New England states, and pheasant at the south, a'though neither the partridge nor phease eee tere ban — ' Tetrao umbellus, Lin. 76 ol* 602 AVES—RUFFED GROUSE. ant is found in America. The ruffed grouse is known in almost every quai ter of the United States, and appears to inhabit a very extensive range of country. Its favorite places of resort are high mountains covered with the balsam, pine, hemlock, and such like evergreens. Unlike the pinnated grouse, it always prefers the woods ; is seldom or never found in open plains; but loves the pine sheltered declivities of mountains near streams of waiter, In the lower parts of Georgia, Carolina, and Florida, they are very seldom observed ; but as we advance iniand to the mountains, they again make their appearance. The manners of the ruffed grouse are solitary; they are seldom found in coveys of inore than four or five together, and more usually in pairs or singly. They leave the woods early in the morning, and seek the path or road, to pick up gravel, and glean among the droppings of the horses. If the weather be foggy or lowering. they are sure of being found in such situations. They generally move along with great stateiiness, their broad fan-like tail spread out. The drumming, as it is generally called, of the pheasant, is another singularity of this species. This is performed by the inale alone. Itisa kind of thump, like that produced by two full blown ox bladders being struck together; the strokes at first are low and distinct, but gradually increase in rapidity ull they ran into each other. This may be heard half a mile off, and is produced in the following manner.—The bird standing on an old pros- trace log, lowers his wings, erects his tail, contracts his throat. elevates the two tufts of feathers on his neck, and inflates his,whole body somewhat in the manner of the turkey cock, strutting and wheeling about with great stateliness. After a few manceuvres of this kind, he begins to strike with his stiffened wings in short and quick strokes, which become more and more rapid as has been described. This is most common in the morning and evening; and by this means the gunner is led to the place of his re- treat. The bird springs within a few yards, with a loud whizzing sound, and flies with great vigor through the woods beyond reach of view before it alights. They are exceedingly fond of the seeds of grapes, and eat chesnuts, blackberries, and ants. In the fall they feed on whortleberries and partridge herries, the lazt of which give their flesh a peculiar and delicate flavor. During winter they eat the buds of the alder and laurel. At this time their fiesh is unwholesome. The ruffed grouse is eighteen inches long. The upper parts of the nody are of a bright rust color, marked with spots of white. The under parts are white, and the tail beautifully marked with black. «There is a tuft of large black feathers on eavh side of the neck, which it vccasional'y raises. AVES--PINNATED GROUSE. 603 VHUR PLNNATED GROUSH, OR HEATH HEN? f Ts the ind:v.!ual known by the general name of grouse in New England. Open dry plains, thinly interspersed with trees, or partially sveryiown with shrub oaks, are his favorite haunts. Accordingly he is fousda on tne plains in New Jersey, in the barrens of Kentucky, on the bushy plams of Long Island, and in similar situations in Pennsylvania, Indixna territury, and Upper Louisiana ; and, according to the late Governor Lewis, on the vast plains of the Columbia. They dislike marshes and watery places. Their great inducement in frequenting these plains, is probably t.e small acorn of the shrub oak, the strawberries, whortleberries, and partridge berries, with which they abound, and which constitute their principal ivod. The most remarkable circumstance relative to these Lirds, is the two extraordinary bags of skin which mark the neck of the male, and which no writer has yet described. These appear to be formed hy an expansion of the callet, and the outer skin of the neck, which hang loose when the bird ‘sul rest or Bying. But whe. these are inflated, they very much resemble afully ripe orange. By means of these, he is enabled to produce a booming sound, which consists of three notes, similar to those pruduced by the night hawk. While uttering these, the bird exhibits all the gesticulations of the turkey cock; erecting and fluttering his neck wings, wheeling and pasting before the fernales, and close before his fellows, as. in defiance. Now and then are heard some rapid cackling notes, not unlike that of some person tickled to excessive laughter; in short, no one can listen to them without feeling disposed to laugh. Fresh ploughed fields are sure to be visited by these birds everv morning. On one of these, says Wilson, I counted seventeen males, niaking such a 1 Tetrao cupido, Lin. 604 AVES—DUSKY- GROUSE. continusd noise, as might have been heard a mile off. When snow cones, they become half domesticated, visit the barns, and farmhouses, and mix with the poultry. Great numbers are then taken in traps. ‘Their nests are built on the ground, formed with little art, and few materials. The pinnated grouse is nineteen inches long, and, when in good order, weighs three pounds and a half. There are sinall wings on each side of the neck, whose upper parts are mottled transversely, with black, brown, and vvhite. Over the eye isa semicircular cemb of rich orange. The breast ind belly are white, marked with brown. . THE DUSKY GROUSE! In size and color, may he compared with the black grouse of Europe. A specimen was killed by an exploring party under Major Long, in 1820, on a mountain of the chain which divides the Mississippi from the waters which flow toward the Pacific. When the bird flew, it uttered a cackling note, somewhat like that of the domestic fowl. The general color of the plumage in the female is blackish brown ; that of the male is entirely blaek. ’ THE SHARP-TAILED GROUSE? Was first met with by the lamented Governor Lewis, on the upper waters of tne Misseuri. [tis said to be the inhabitant of the great plains of the Columbia, The expedition under Major Long brought a specimen, now ia the museum at Philadelphia, This bird is never seen in any of the Atlantie 1 Tetrao obscurus, Say. 2 Tetrao phusianel/us, Lin. AVES—PARTRIDGE. 605 states, though nt.merous in high northern latitudes. It inhabits the unculti- vated lands. near the southern parts of Hudson’s Bay. It is sometimes found near Lake Superior in the spring, The sharp-tailed grouse is very shy and solitary in summer, but lives in flucks during winter. Their favorite places of resort are the juniper plains, where the buds of juniper bushes constitute their favorite food. Tee fre- quent the woods as well as the plains; sometimes feeding 2a Jermies, and sometimes on the tops of evergreen, poplar, and birch trees. They brced on the ground, near low bushes; the nest is composed of grass and lined with feathers. Their flesh is excellent eating. One of these birds will some- umes weigh upwards of two pounds. The general color of the plumage is a mixture of white and rusty on a glossy blackish ground; the feathers of the head and neck are tipped with white. ‘The other American birds of this family are, the spotted grouse, and the sock of the plains. THE PARTRIDGE. Tus bird is about thirteen inches in length. The general color ef its vlumage is brown and ash, elegantly mixed with black; each feather is streaked down the middle with. buff color; the sides of the head are tawny: ‘the eyes are hazel, and under each eye there is a small saffron-colored spot, ) Perdizx cinerea, Latn. The genus perdiz, has the hill short, compressed, stout, hase aaked ; upper mandible arched, convex, strongly curved towards the tip; nostrils hasal, lateral, half closed by an arched and naked membrane; the three anterior toes united by membranes to the first joint ;-tail composed of eightcen, or of fourteen feathers, short, rounded and slanting downwards; wings short. ol* 606 AVES—EUROPEAN QUAIL. which has a granulated appearance, and between the eye and the sar isa naked sk.n of a bright scarlet, which is not very conspicuous but in old birds; un the breast there is a crescent of a deep chesnut color; the tail is short; the legs are of a greenish white, and are furnished with a smal] knob behind. The bill is of a light brown. The female has no crescent on the breast, and her colors in general are not so distinct and bright as those of the male. There are generally froim ten to fifteen in a covey; and if .nmo- tested, they live from fifteen to seventeen years. This bird is found in nearly every part of Europe. The manners of the partridge, in most circumstances, resemble all those of poultry in general; but their cunning and instinct seem superior to those of the larger kinds. Perhaps, as they live in the very neighborhoed of their enemies, they have more frequent occasion to put their little arts in practice, and*learn, by habit, the means of evasion or safety. The affection of the female for her young is peculiarly strong and lively; she is greatly assisted in the care of rearing them by her mate; they lead them out in common, call them together, point out to them their proper food, and assist them in finding it, by scratching the ground with their feet. ‘They frequently sit close by each other, covering their young with their wings, like the hen; in this siiuation they are not easily flushed ; but when, at length, they are compelled tc move, the male employs many interesting stratagems, such as fluttering along the ground, hanging his wings, and feigning to be weunded, in order to attract the pursuit of the enemy, and afford to the female an opportunity to escape ~With her infant brood. Partridges, though tamed when young, will almost invariably return'to the wild state. THE EUROPEAN QUAIL! Ts about half the size of a partridge. Its flesh is a great delicacy. The feathers of the head are black. edged with rusty brown; the breast is of a pale yellowish red, spotted with black; the feathers on the back are marked with lines of pale yellow, and tne legs are of a pale hue. The quail is by all known to be a bird of passage ; and yet, if we ecnsider its heavy manner of flying, and its dearth of plumage, with respect to its corpulence, we shall be surprised how a bird so apparently ill quaiified for migration should tuke such extensive journeys. Nothing, howev :r, is more certain. ‘When we sailed from Rhodes to Alexandria,” says Bellonius, “about autumn, many quails, flying from the north to the south, were taken in our ship; and sailing at spring time the contrary way, from the south ta the north, | observed them on their return, when many of them were taken wm the same manner.” This account is confirmed by many others; who \ Perdix coturnis, LATH. AVES—AMERICAN QUAIL. 607 aver, that they choose a north wind for these adventures; the south being very unfavorable, as it retards their fight, by moistening their pluinage. They then fly two by two; continuing, when their way lies over land, to go faster by night than by day ;-and to fly very high, to avoid being surprised, or set upon by birds of prey. On the western coasts of the kingdom of Naples, and on the shores of Provence, such prodigious flights have appear- ed that a hundred thousand have been taken in a day wi.hin the space of four or five miles. It is now, however, asserted by some, tuat the quail only migrates from one province of a country to another. For instance, that in England they fly from the inland counties to those bordering on the sea, and continue there all the winter. These birds are much less prolific than the partridge; seldom laying more than six or seven whitish eggs; marked with ragged, rust-colored spots. Quail fighting was a favorite amusement among the Athenians; they ab- stained from the flesh of this bird, deeming it unwhoiesome, as supposing that it fed upon the white hellebore; but they reared great numbers of them, for the pleasure of seeing them fight; and staked sums of money upon them as we do with cocks, upon the successof the combat. Thesame practice is at this day carried on in China and in some parts of Italy. . THE AMERICAN QUAIL,;! CaLLeD partridge in the southern states, is an inhabitant of North America, from Canada and Nova Scotia to Florida, and it has been seen in the interior of Louisiana. These birds rarely frequent the forest, and are most nutne- rous in the vicinity of well cultivated plantations, where there is plenty ot grain. They however occasionally seek shelter in the woods, perching on the branches, or secreting among the brushwuod; but are’ found most usually in open fields or along fences sheltered by thickets of brier. In winter, they approach the barns and sometimes mix with the poultrv. At this time great numbers of them are shot and taken in traps. The quail builds its nest on the ground, at the bottom of a thick *ift of grass that shelters and conceals it. The materials are leaves and fine dry grass. Itis well eovered above, and an opening left for entramce. The young are guided by their mother’s voice, which resembles that of a young chicken, and sheltered by her wings in the same manner as those of the domestic fowl. In this situation, should the timid little family be. unexpect- edly surprised, the utmost alarm and consternation instantly prevail. The mother throws herself in the path, fluttering along and beating the ground ' Perdiz Virginiana, Latu 608 AVES—AMERICAN QUAIL. with her wings, as if sorely wounded ; using every artifice she is mistress of, to entice the passenger in pursuit of herself, uttering at the same time peculiar notes of alarm well understood by the young, who dive separatels among the grass, and secrete themselves til] the danger is over;-and the parent, having decoyed the pursuer to a safe distance, returns bya circuitous route to collect and lead them off. In the fall, the quails associate in flocks or coveys, of four or five and thirty. At this time the notes of the male are frequent, loud, and distinct. Jlis common call consists of two notes, and is similar to the sound produced oy pronouncing the words “Bob White.” This call may be imitated by whistling, so as to deeeive the bird itself, and bring it near. While uttering this, the bird is usually perched on the rail of a fence or 6n a low limb of an apple tree, where he will sometimes sit, repeating, at short intervals, “ Bob White,” for half an hour at a time. The food of the partridge consists of grain, seeds, insects, and berries of various kinds. Buckwheat and Indian corn are particular favorites. They roost at nigh. in the middle of a field on high ground. They fly witha loud whizzing sound, occasioned by the shortness, concavity, and rapid mo- tion of their wings, and the comparative weight of their bodies. The flesh is peculiarly white, tender, and delicate. . The quail is nine inches long. It is of a red brown color, sprinkled with black. The under parts are white, spotted with black, and the sides of the neck spotted with white AVES—QUAIL...SCREAMER. 609 THE CALIFORNIAN QUAIL. Tue general color of the upper part of the body and wings in the Califor- nian quail, is of a dusky brown, assuming a leaden or slaty tinge on the tail, and on the fore part of the breast, upon which it advances in the form. of a broad band. The fore part of the head is of a mixed ash gray, and the hinder part blackish brown. . , ORDER XI.-ALECTORIDES. Bixps of this order have the bill shorter than the head, or the same lengtn, strong, robust, upper mandible convex, and often hooked at the point; tarsus long and slender; three toes before and one behind; the hind toe articulated’ higher up than those before. . THE HORNED SCREAMER? Ig a native of Brazil. This is a water-fowl ef the rapacious kind, and lig- ger than a swan. The head, which is small for the size of the body, bears Perdix californica, Latu. 2 Palamedea cornuta, LatH. The genus palamedea has the bill short, comico-convex much curved at the pgint, compressed throughout its length; nasal furrow large; head — small, covered with dent! and around with a slender flexible horn; nostrils remote from the base of the bill, lateral, oval, open; legs short, thick ; toes very long, the lateral con- portal with the intermediate by a short membrane; wirgs ample, and spurs op the winglets. : v7 , 616 AVES—OSTRICH. a black bill, which 1s not above two inches long; but what distinguishes it in particular isa horn growing from the forehead as lony as the bill, and bending forward like that of the fabuluus unicorn of the ancients. This horn is net much thicker than a crow-quill, as round as if turned in a lathe, and of an ivory color. But this is not the only instrument of battle this formidable bird carries ; it seems to be armed at all points; for at the fore- part of each wing, at the second joint, spring two straight triangular spurs, about as thick as one’s little finger; the foremost of these goads or spurs is above an inch long; the hinder is shorter, and both of a dusky color. The claws also are long and sharp; the color is a mixed black, gray, and white, with’a little yellow in some plares; and they make a very loud noise, often repeating the notes wyhu, wyhu. 'Ihey are never found alone, but always in pairs; the cock and hen prow] t-gether ; and their fidelity is said to be such, that when one dies, the other never departs from the carcass, but dies with its companion, It makes its nest of clay, near the bodies of trees, upon the ground, of the 'shape of an oven. There is another species of screamer, which is crested and without the horn. : ORDER XII.—CURSORES. Brrns of this order have the bill middle sized, or short; legs iong, naked above the knee; and with only two or three tues, directed forward. These birds live always in the fields, and most frequently in desart places remote from woods. THE OSTRICH! Is generally considered as the largest of birds, but its size serves to deprive it of the principal excellence of this class of animals, the power of flying. The medium weight of this bird may be estimated at seventy-five or eighty pounds, a weight which would require an immense power of wing to elevate into the atmosphere ; and hence all those of the feathered kind which ap- ‘proach to the size of the ostrich, such as the touyou, the cassowary, the dode, neither possess, nor can possess, the faculty of fight. The head and bill of the ostrich somewhat resemble those of the duck ; and the neck may be compared to that of a swan, but that it is much longer; the legs and thighs resemble those of a hen; though the whole appearance at a distance ‘Dears a strong resemblance to that of a camel; it is usually seven feet high 1 Struthio camelus, Lin. This is the only one of the genus. Its characteristics are—- a bili obtuse, straight. depressed at the tip, which is rounded and unguiculated ; mandi- ‘bles equal and flexible; nostrils near the middle of the hill; legs very long, robust, and muscular, with ouly two strong toes directed forward, but the inner much shorter than the outer; the former provided with a large and blunt claw, the latter eluwiess; tia very fleshy to the knee ; wings unfit for flight, being composed of long, soft, and flexible fea- ‘hers ard armed with a do ble spur. AVES—OSTRICH. 61) trom th? top of the head to the ground; but from the back it is only four; so that the head and neck are above three feet long. Some reach the height ot nine feet. From the top of the head to the rump, when the neck is siretched out in a right line, it is six feet long, and the tail is about a foot more. One of the wings, without the feathers, is a foot and a half; and living stretched out, with the feathers, is three feet. ‘he plumage is much alike ia all; that is, generally black and white, though some of them are said to be gray. The greatest feathers are at the extremities of the wings and tail, and the largest are generally white. ‘The next row is black and“white; and of the small feathers on the back and belly, some are white and others black. There are no feathers on the sides, nor yet on the thighs, nor under the wings. The lower part of the neck, about half way, is covered with still smaller feathers than those on the belly 612 AVES—OSTRICAH. and back ; and those, like the former, also are of different colors. ‘The heaa and upper part of the neck are covered with hair. At the end of each wing there is a kind of spur, almost like the quill ofa porcupine. It is an inch long, being hollow, and of a horny substance. There are two of these on each wing; the largest of which is at the ex- tremity of the bone of the wing, and the other a foot lower. The neck seems to be more slender in proportion to that of other birds, from ‘ts not being furnished with feathers. The thighs are very fleshy and large, being covered with a white skin, inclining to redness, and wrinkled in the manner of a net, whose meshes will admit the end of a finger. Some have very small feathers here and there on the thighs; and others again have neither feathers nor wrinkles. The legs are covered before with scales. The end of the foot is cloven, and has two very large toes, which, like the leg, are covered with scales. These toes ure of equal sizes. The largest, which is on the inside, is seven inches long, including the claw, which is near three fourths of an inch in length, and almost as broad. The other toe is but four inches long, and is without a claw. Be The ostrich is a native only of the torrid regions of Africa and Arabia, and has never bred out of those countries which first produced it. Though, however, the climate of France be much less warm than that of Barbary, yet some ostriches have been known to lay in the royal menagerie at Ver- sailles ; but the gentlemen of the Academy have in vain attempted to make these eggs produce by an artificial process. This bird, so disqualified for society with man, inhabits, from preference, the most solitary and. horrid deserts, where there are few vegetables to clothe the surface of the earth, and where the rain never comes to refresh it. The Arabians assert that the ostrich never drinks; and the place of its habitation seems to confirm the assertion. In these formidable regions ostriches are seen in large flocks, which to the distant spectator appear like a regiment of cavalry, and have often alarmed a whole caravan. There is no desert, how barren soever, but is capable of supplying these animals with provision; they eat almost every thing; and these barren tracts are thus doubly grateful, as they afford both food and security. In Southern Africa they are exceedingly injurious to the farmers, as they will destroy a field of wheat so effectually as not to leave a single ear behind; and this operation they perform without danger to themselves, as they are so vigilant and so swift, that it is almost impossible to geta shot atthem. The ostrich is of all animals the most voracious. It will devour leather, grass, hair, iron, stones, or any thing that is given. Nor are its powers of digestion less in such things as are digestible. Those substances which the coats of the stomach cannot soften, pass whole; so that glass, stones, or iron, are excluded in the form in which they are de- -voured. All metals, indeed, which are swallowed by any animal, lose a ‘part of their weight, and often the extremities of their figure, frem the AVES—OSTRICH: 613 action of the juices uf the stomach upon their surface. A quartei pistole, which was swallowed by a duck, lost seven grains of its weight in the gizzard before it was voided ; and it is probable that a still greater diminu- tion of weight would happen in the stomach of an ostrich. Considered in this light, therefore, this anirhal may be said to digest iron; but such sub- stances seldom remain long enough in the stomach of any animal to undergo so tedious a dissolution. The ostrich lays very large eggs, some of them being above five inches in diameter, and weighing above five pounds. These eggs have a very hard shell, somewhat resembling those of the crocodile, except that those of the latter are less and rounder. It is a curi+ ous fact, that these eggs often contain a number of small, exceedingly hard oval-shaped pebbles, about the. size of a marrowfat pea, and of a yellow color. They are sometimes set, and used as buttons. : The season for laying depends upon the climate; in the northern parts of Africa it is about the beginning of July; in the south, it is about the latter end of December. These birds are very prolific, and lay generally from- thirty to forty eggs in a season, and about twelve at one clutch. It has been commonly reported that the female deposits them in the sand; and, covering them up, leaves them to be hatched by the heat of the climate, and then permits the young to shift for themselves. Very little of this however is. true; no bird has a stronger affection for her young than the ostrich, and none watches her eggs with greater assiduity. It happens, indeed, in those hot climates, that there is less necessity for the continual incubation of the female; and she more frequently leaves her eggs, which are in no fear of keing chilled by the weather: but though she sometimes forsakes them by day, she always carefully broods over them by night; nor is it more true that they forsake their young after they are excluded from theshell. On the contrary, the young ones are not evenable to walk for several days after they are hatched. During this time, the old ones are very assiduous in supplying them with grass, and very careful to defend them from danger; nay, they encounter every danger in their defence. : The strength and size of the ostrich has suggested to men the experiment of using them as animals of burthen. The tyrant Firmius, who reigned in Egypt about the end of the third century, was frequently carried by large ostriches. Moore, an English traveller, relates that he had seen at Joar, in Africa, a man travelling on an ostrich. And Vallisnieri speaks of a young man, who exhibited himself upon one of these birds at Venice. In fine, M. Adanson saw, at the factory at Podor, two ostriches, which were yet young, of which the stronger went at apace which would have distanced the fleetest English racehorse, with two negroes on its back.: Whether this bird could be broken and tamed so as to carry its rider with. the same safety and docility as a horse, is a different question; and, let it be: rerrembered that, though tite ostriches above-mentioned ran fo1 a short time 52 614 AVES—OSTRICH. faster than a tacehorse, there is no reason to believe they could hold out suv long, From ancient writers we learn, that whole nations have acquired the name of Struthiophagi (ostrich-eaters) from the preference which they had manifest ed for the flesh of this kird. Apicius has recofnmended a peculiar sauce fot the ostrich, which shows at Jeast that it was eaten among the Romans, aid ata single feast the emperor Heliogabalus was served with the brains of siz Aundred of these animals. Even at this period, some of the savage nitions of Africa hunt them not only for their plumage, but for their flesh also, whch they consider asa dainty. They semetimes also breed these birds tame vo eat the young ones, of whith ine female is said to be the greatest delicacy. The skin of the ostrich is so thick, that it is used for leather by the Arabiaus; and of the eggs drinking cups are made. The value of the plumage is well known in most countries of Europe. As the spoils of the ostrich are thus valuable, it is not to be wondered at that man has become their most assiduous pursuer. For this purpose, the Arabians train up their best and fleetest horses, and hunt the ostrich still in view. Perhaps, of all varieties of the chase, though the most laborious, it is yet the most entertaining. As soon as the huntercomes within sight of his prey, he puts his horse to a gentle gallop, so as to keep the ostrich still in sight; yet not so as to terrify him from the plain into the mountains. Upon observing himself, therefore, pursued at a distance, the bird begins to run at first, bot gently, either insensible of his danger, or sure of escaping. In this situae tion he somewhat resembles a man at full speed; his wings, like two arms, keep working with a motion correspondent to that of his legs; and his speed would very soon snatch him from the view of his pursuers, but, unfors tunately for the silly creature, instead of going o.f ina direct line, he takes his course in circles; while the hunters still make a small course within, relieve each other, meet hin at unexpected turns, and keep hisn thus still ermployed, still followed, for two or three days together. At last, spent with fatigue and famine, and finding all power of escape impossible, he endeavors to hide himself from those enemies he cannot avoid, and covers his head in the sand, or the first thicket he meets. So-netiines, however, he attempts to fice his pursuers; and, though in general, the most gentle animal in nature when driven to desperation, he defends himself with his beak his wings, and his feet. Such is the force of his motion, that a man wou.d be utterly unable to withstand him in the shock. The Struthiophagi had another mode ot capturing these animals. They disguised themselves in the skin of an ostrich, and putting one of their arms through the neck, they imitated all its motions, By this means they are said to have enabled themselves to approach and take them at pleasure.+ Ls the same mamer the savages of America disguise themselves as a reebuck, in oder to surprise that animal. AVES—AMERICAN OSTRICH. 615 “Ostriches are sometimes bred in flocks, for they are easily tamed. In this domesticated state they play and frisk about with vivacity, and are tractable and familiar towards those who are acquainted with them. ‘To strangers, however, they are often fierce, and will attack them with fury, making an angry hissing noise, and having their throats inflated, and their mouths open. During the night they frequently utter a discordant ery. whien nears a resemblance to the distant roaring of a lion, or the hoarse tone of a bear cr an ox when in great agony. THE TOUYOU, OR AMERICAN OSTRICH. It is chiefly found in Guiana, along the banks of the Oreonoko, in the mland provinces of Brazil and Chili, and the vast forests tha: border on “he mouth of the river Plata. Many other parts of South America were knuwo to have them; but as man multiplied, these large and timorous birds either fell beneath their superior power, or fled from their vicinity. It is said to be found in Patagonia, and the n tives are represented as chasing it on horse- back, and killing it with clubs when they approach sufficiently near. The touyou, though not so large as the ostrich, is only second to it in magnitude. It is by much the largest bird in the New Continént, and is genera!ly found to be six feet high, measuring frorn its head to the ground. lus !egs are three feet long. Its body is of an oval form, and appears entirely round. It is covered fron the bach and rump with long feathers; these feathers are gray upon the back, and white on the belly, and it has no other tail. It goes very swiftly, and seems assisted in its motion by a kind of tubercle behind, like a heel, upon which, on plain ground, it treads very securely ; in its course it uses a very odd kind of action, lifling up one wing, which it keeps elevated for a time; till letting it drop, it lifts up the other; it runs with such swiftness, that the fleetest dogs ure sometimes thrown out in the pursuit. One of them, finding itself surrounded by the hunters, darts ed among the dogs with such fury, that they made way to avoid its rage, and it eseaped, by its amazing velocity, in safety to the mountains. {t de» fends itself with its feet, and calls its young by a kind of hiss. Nieremberg relateg, that, during incubation, they generally make a-false nest at some distance from the true one; in this they lay two eggs, which are afterwards broken by the old bird, and by attracting a number of flies, 1 Rhea Americana, Temm — This is the only one o” the genus. Its characteristice ara a bill strarght, short, soft. depressed at the base, a little compressed at the tip which as obtuse; lower mandible much depressed, flexible, and rounded at the tip; nostrils on the Jateral surface of the ill, large, ongitudinally cleft and open; legs Jong, with three toea betore and a callosity Lehind; wings short, with feathers more or less strong, and term: nasng ina sour, 616 AVES—AMERICAN OSTRICH. beetles, &c., afford a rneans of sustenance to the young. This, however may he considered as apocryphal. When first hatched, the young ones are familiar, and follow the first per- son they meet. I have been followed myself, says Wafer, by many of these young ostriches, which at first are extremely harmless and simple; but, as they srow older, they become more cunning and distrustful; and run so swift, tuat a greyhound can scarcely overtake them. Their flesh, in general, fit hal WN " 4 AN Neal Ze Ys vee tans Sth Sau is good to be eaten, especially if they be young. It would be no difficult matter to rear up flocks of these animals tame, particularly as they are naturally so familiar; and they might be found to answer domestic purposes, tike the hen or the turkey. Their maintenance could not be expensive, 1f, a» Narbogough says, they live entirely upon grass. Like the ostrich, the touyou is indiscriminately voracious; swallowing stones, iron, and other hard substances. AVES—EMEU. 617 VTHE NEW HOLLAND EMuua Turs bird has been so scientifically described by Mr Bennett, from spec:= raens in the Tower, that we cannot do better than to adopt his description. “The distinctive generic characters of the New Holland emeu, which forms part of the ostrich family, and is, with the sole exception of the ostrich, the largest bird known to exist, consist in the flattening of its bill from above downwards, instead of from side tg side; in the absence of the bony process which crests the head of the cassowary, of the watiles which depend from his neck, and of the long spurlike shafts which arm his wings; and in the equal, or nearly equal, length of all his claws. The emeus, however, agree with the cassowaries in the number of their toes, three on each foot, all of them directed forwards, and extremely thick and short, the posterior toe, which is common in most of the order, being in them entirely wanting; in the excessive shortness of their wings, which do not even, as is the case with the ostriches, assist them in running, much less in flight, of which, in common with the latter, they are absolutely incapable; and in the structure of their feathers, which are for the most part double, each tube being divid- ed near its origin into two shafts, the barbs of which are soft, downy, and dis- “tinct from each other, and assume at a distance rather the appearance of a silky covering of hair, than that of the common plumage of birds. ““The New Holland bird has the head and upper part of the neck thinly covered with slender black feathers; the space around the ears being alone left bare, and exhibiting, as well as the neck and throat, which are but 1 Dromaius Nove Hollandia, Suaw. This is the only individnal of the genus. Ttw characteristics are, bill straight, the edges greatly depressed, tp rounded ; bead ieathered throat nalred ; feet three-toed, the toes placed before ; wings very short, , 78 62* 618 AVES—BUSTARD. partially concealed by the scattered plumage with which they are provided, the blue tinge of the skin. The general color of the skin is grayish brown above, with a more plentiful intermixture of the gray, and a consequently lighter tinge beneath. The young are striped longitudinally with brown and gray. ‘Their bill is black, and their legs are remarkably thick and of a dull brown. The great length of the latter and of the neck, and the erect attitude and quiet demeanor of these birds, which sometimes attain as much as seven feet in height, give thei altogether a noble and imposing appear: ance. They were formerly common in the neighborhood of Botany Bay subsisting, like the rest of their tribe, upon vegetable substances, chiefly fruits. They are extremely wild, and run with great swiftness when pure sued; outstripping, it is said, the Heetness of che greyhound. Like the kanguroos, they are sometimes hunted by the colonists as articles of food; and their Hesh is stated to have much of the flavor of beef. The quantity af provision supplied by one of these birds is by no means inconsiderable.” THE GREAT BUSTARDI Is the larg~st land bird that is a native of Surope. It was once much more oumesoas than it is at present; but the increased cultivation of the country, and the extreme delicacy of its Hesh, have greatly thinned the species; so that the time may come when it may be doubted whether so large a bird was ever bred there. It is probable that, long before this, the bustard would have been extirpated, but for its peculiar manner of feeding. [t inhabits only the open and extensive plain, where its food lies in abun- dance, and where every invader may be seen at a distance. The weight of this bird varies considerably ; some have been found of not more than ten pounds, others have been found of twenty-seven and even thirty. The fe:nale is not more than half the size of the male. The bustard is distinguished from the ostrich, the touyou, the cassowary, and the dodo, by its wings, which, although disproportioned to the size of its body, yet serve wo elevate itin the air, and enable it to fly, though with sore difficulty; they are generally at out four feet from the tip of one to the other. The neck is a foot long, and the legs a footand a half. The head and neck of the male are ash colored ; the back is barred transversely with black, and oright rust color, The greater quill feathers are black, the belly white, and the tail, which consists of twenty feathers, is marked with broad black bars. VOnis tardacvas. Phe genus Offs has the bil straight. coneal compressed ¢ up of the upper manditle slightly arched: nostrils open, oval, approxumated, hat cenwde athe base: legs long. nnked above the knees three toes before, short. united at their hase, and bordered by a membrane + wings of medium leugth ; third quill feather lougest. AVES—BUSTARD. 619 The bustard (according to Plutarch) was found in Libya, m the environs of A.exandria, in Syria, in Greece, in Spain, in France, in the plains of Puitou and Champngne; they are now and then seen in England, on the extensive downs of Salisbury Plain, in the heaths of Sussex and Caimbrilgeshire, the Dorsetshire uplands, and as far as East Lothian, in Scotland. In thos extensive plains, where there are nov woods to screen the sportsman, no hedges w ercep along, the bustards enjoy an indolent security. Their fove 18 composed of the berries that grow among the heath, and the large earth- worms that appear in great quantities on the downs before suprising in summer. They also eat green corn, the tops of turnips, and other vegetas bles; and have even been known to devour frogs, mice, and young birds. [It is in vain that the fowler creeps forward to approach them; they have always sentinels placed at proper eminences, which are ever on the watch, and warn the flock of the smallest appearance of danger. All therelore that 620 AVES—BUSTARD. is left the sportsman, is the comforuess view of their distant security. He may wish, but they are im safety. It sometimes happens thai these birds, though they are seldom shot by the gun, are run down by greyhounds. As they are voracious and greedy, they often sacrifice their safety to their appetite, and feed themselves so very fat, that they are unable to fly without great preparation. When the greyhound, therefore, comes within a certain distance, the bustard runs off, flapping its wings, and endeavoring to gather air enough under them to rise; in the mean time the enemy approaches nearer, till it is too late for the bird even to think of obtaining safety by flight; for just at the rise there is always time lost, and of this the bird is sensible; it continues, therefore, on the foot until it is taken. As there are few places where they can at once find proper food and secu- rity, so they generally continue near their old haunts, seldom wandering above twenty or thirty miles from home. As their food is replete with moisture, it enables them to live upon these dry plains, where there are scarcely any springs of water, a long time without drinking. Besides this, nature has given the males an admirable magazine for their security against thirst. This is a pouch, the entrance of which lies immediately under the tongue, and capable of holding near seven quarts of water. This is proba- bly filled upon proper occasions, to supply the hen when sitting, or the voung before they can fly.. The bustard also makes use of its reservoir to defend itself against birds of prey; which it effects by ejecting the water with such violence as often to arrest the progress of its enemy. They form no nest, but only scrape a hole in the earth, and sometimes line it with a little long grass or straw. They lay two eggs only, almost of the size of a goose egg, of a pale olive brown, marked with spots of a darker color. They hatch for about thirty days, and the young ones run about as soon as they are out of the shell. It is said that when the persecuted mother is apprehensive of the hunters, and is disturbed from her nest, she takes her eggs under her wing, and transports them to a place of safety. The fact is, however, that following the instinct of all other birds of this kind, they generally make their nests in the corn, where they are almost certain of remaining undisturbed. The bustard isnot known in America. Besides the delicacy of their flesh, the quills are valuable, as they make excellent pens, but they are stil] more esteemed bv anglers, who use them as fluats; for, as they are spotted with black, tne notion is, that these black spots appear as flies to the fish, which they rather allure than drive away by their appearance, AVES—BUSTARD....PLOVER. 621 THE LITTLE BUSTARD! DirFrers only from the preceding in being of a smaller size, being not .arger than a pheasant, or about seventeen inches in length. This species is found in many parts of Europe. It is, however, by no means common in France and has only been met with three or four times in England. : | ORDER XIII.—GRALLATORES. Bins of this order have the bill of various forms, but most frequently straight, in the form of an elongated cone, and compressed, more rarely de- pressed or flat; legs slender, long, more or less naked above the knee, three toes before and one behind, the posterior one jointed at the level of those be- fore, or more elevated. These birds frequent the margin of the sea, or the banks of lakes and rivers, feeding on fish, worms, or insects. They are almost all semi nocturnal. {1K LONG-LEGGED PLOVER2 furs sv.gvits bird, we might perhaps justly say, most singular of wiras, whabit, “ue «rath of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, but very rarely visits Engis .i.. Chance alone seems to drive it to that country. It hasa slender, blz sill, two inches and a half in length; the irides are red; the forehead, revad the eye, and all the under parts, are white; the back, the crown of the s ead, and the wings, are glossy black ; the hind part of the neck is ma’r-d with dusky spots; the rump is white; the tail the same, inclining t. s.. y; the outer feathers are quite white, the legs -ed; and the outer and ww.ile toes connected at the hase. 1 Ofis tel av, Lin, ® Himantopus melanopterus, Mever. ‘The genus Himantopus .as the bill long, slen- der, cylindrical, flattened at the base, compressed at the pains mundibles laterally chan- nelled to the half of their length ; nostrils waterel, linear, long; legs very long and slender, with three toes hefore, of which the intermediate is united to the outer hy a broad mem bran, and to the inner by a rucimentary one; claws very small and flat; wings very Jong; the first feathers much longer than the others. 6:22 AVES—PLOVER. But the circumstance which rakes this bird differ from all others, is une astonishing and seemingly preposterous length of its legs. Mr White has given a very pleasing description of this natural curiosity. “ These birds might with propriety be called the stilt plovers. My speci- men, when drawn and stuffed with pepper, weighed only four ounces and a quarter, though the naked part of the thigh measured three inches and a hat. Heuce we may safely assert, that these birds exhibit weight fur inches, and have incomparably the greatest length of legs of any known bird. The fla- mir go, for instance, is one of the most long-legged birds, and yet it bears no manner of proportion to the himantupus, as this bird is denominated by naturali.ts; for a cock flarzningo weighs, at an average, about four pounds avoirdupvis; and his legs and thighs measure usually about twenty inches. But four pounds are fifteen and a fraction times more than four ounces and a quarter; and if four ounces and a quarter have eight inches of legs, four pounds must have one hundred and twenty inches and a fraction of legs, or somewhat more than ten feet; such a monstrous disproportion as the world never saw. ‘f we try the experiment in still larger birds, the disparity will increase. “It must be matter of great curiosity to see the stilt plover move; to ob- serve how it can wield such a length of lever with such feeble muscles as the thighs seem to be furnished with. At best, one would expect it to bea bad walker ;’ but what adds to the wonder is, that it has no back toe ” THE GOLDEN PLOVER|:! Tue golden, or green plover, is a well known Dir, and is found in small flocks, in the winter time, on all our moors, heaths, &c., where it feeds chief- ly on worms. It is remarkable for the whole of its plumage being elegantly variegated with a fine, yellowish green. From its spots somewhat resem- bling those of a leopard, the ancients called it pardalis. It may be enticed within gunshot, by a skilful imitator of their voice, and is esteemed asa delicacy. It is eleven inches in length, weighs nine ounces, and is found in France, Switzerland, Italy, and most parts of England. 1 Charadrius pluvialis, Lis. The genus Charadrius has the bill shorter than the head, slender, straight, compressed ; mandibles gihbous toward the tip; nostrils longitu dinally cleft. in the large membrane which covers the nasal furrow; legs slender, with three tes before. the outer connected with the middle one by a short membrane, and the inner divided ; tail slightly rounded or even; wings middle sized the second quill fearber ongest. AVES—DOTTEREL....PLOVER....LAPWING, 623 THE DOTTEREL! ' {s about ten inches in length, and weighs four ounces. The bill is shorter than that of the majority of this genus, being only an inch long. The head is black, spotted with white, and a white stroke runs over each eye, meeting behind. The upper parts of the plumage are grayish brown, margined with a dull, deep yellow. The breast is a dull orange, and across it is a streak of white, margined above with black. The colors of the female are less vivid. It is esteemed a very fuolish bir’ ; and was believed to mimic the actions of the fowler, to stretch out a wing when he stretched out an arm, &c., regard- less of the net which was spreading for it. They appear in England in smal] flocks, from April to September. THE RINGED PLOVER.2 Tue ringed plover is seven inches and a half long, though it weighs but two ounces; the bill is half an inch long, and from it to the eyes runs a black line. The upper part of the neck is encircled with a white collar, the lower part with a black one. The back and wings are light brown, the breast and belly are white, the legs yellow. They frequent the shores of England in summer, and are sometimes known by the name of the sea lark. They are also common in America. THE LAPWING.3 Tue lapwing, or bastard plover, is about the size of a common pigeon, and 1s covered with very thick plumes, which are black at the roots, but of diffe- 1 Charadrius morinellus, Lin. « *Charadrius hiaticula, Lix. 3 Vanellus cristatus, Mever. The genus Vanellus has the bill short, slender, straight, compressed, tip gibhous; nostrils lateral, longitudinally cleft; legs slender, with threa toes before and one behind; the middle one connected with the outer hy a short membrane and the hinder one almost obliterated, or very short, not touching the ground; wings elongated. 624 AVES—LAPWING. rent color on the outward part. The feathers on the belly, thighs, and uns der the wings, are most of them white as snow; and the under part on the outside of the wings white, but black lower. The back is ofa dark green, glossed with blue shades. The head and crest are black, and the latter, which is composed of unwebbed feathers, is almost four inches in length, It has a great liver, divided into two parts, and, as some authors affirm, no gall. ; Lapwings-are found in most parts of Europe, as far northward as Iceland, In the winter they are met with in Persia and Egypt. Their chief food is worms; and sometimes they may be seen in flocks nearly covering the low marshy grounds in search of these, which they draw with great dexterity from their holes. When the bird meets with one of those little clusters of pellets, or rolls of earth that are thrown out by the worm’s perforations, it first gently removes the mould from the mouth of the hole, then strikes the ground at the side with its foot, and attentively waits the issue; alarmed by he shock, the reptile emerges from its retreat, and is instantly seized. In the evening they adopt ancther mode. They then run along the grass, and feel with their feet the worms which the dampness of the atmosphere has hrought forth These birds make a great noise with their wings in flying, and are called peewits, or tewits, in the north of England, from their particular cry. They remain there the whole year. ‘Phe female lays two eggs on the dry ground, near some marsh, upon a little bed which she prepares of dry grass. ‘T'hese are olive-colored, and spotted with black. She sits about three weeks; and the young, who are covered with a thick down, are able to run within two or three days after they are hatched. .The parent displays the fondest attachment to them, and employs innumerable interesting stratagems to avert approaching danger from them. ‘She does not wait the arrival of” her enemies to the nest, but boldly pushes out to meet them. When she has approached as near as she dare venture, she rises from the ground with a loud screaming voice, as if just flushed from hatching, though probably she is not at the time within a hundred yards of her nest. She now flies with great clamor and apparent anxiety; winding and screaming round the inva- ders, striking at them with her wings, and sometimes fluttering as if she was wounded. To complete the deception, she becomes still more clamo- AVES—URANE 626 rous as she retires from the nest. If very near, she appears altogether unconcerneu ; and her cries cease in proportion as her fears are augmented. When approached by dogs, she flies heavily, at a litule distance before tnem, as if maimed; still vociferous, and still bold, but never offering to move towards the quarter where her young ones are stationed. The dogs pursue, m) expectation every moment of seizing the parent, and by this means actu. ally lose the offspring ; for the cunning bird, having thus drawn them off to a proper distance, exerts her powers, and leaves her astonished pursuers to gaze at the rapidity of her flight.” The lapwing may be domesticated, and it then becomes uncommonly familiar and confiding. THE CRANE! fi Is a tall, slender bird, with a long neck and long legs. The top of the read is covered with black bristles, and the back of it is bald and red, which sitf ficiently distinguishes this bird from the stork, to which it is very nearly allied in size and figure. The plumage, in general, is ash colored; and there are two large tufts of feathers that spring from the pinion of each wing. 1 Grus cinerea, Becust. The genus Grus has the bill as long as, or longer than the head, strong, straight, compressed, oltuse towards the tip; lateral base of the mandible deeply suleated ; ridge elevated; nostrils in the middle of the bill closed hehind by a membrane; region of the eyes and base of the bill naked and papillons, or covered with feathers; legs long, with a large naked space ahve the knees; the middle fore toe united to the outer by a rudimentary membrane, the inner divided ; hind toe articulated higher on the tarsus, 79 53 626 AVES—CRANE. These, which bear a resemblance to hair, and are finely curled at the ends the bird has a power of erecting and depressing at pleasure. Gesner says that these feathers, in his time, used to be set in gold, and worn as ornas ments in caps. The crane is a very social bird, and they are seldom seen alone. ‘heir usual mode of flying or sitting is in flocks of fifty or sixty together; and wnile a part feed, the rest stand lixe sentinels upon duty. It for the most part subsists upon vegetables, and is known in every country of “Europe, except England. As they are birds of passage, they are seen to depart and return regularly at those seasons when their provision invites or repels them. They generally leave Europe about the latter end vf autumn, and return in the beginning of summer. In the inland parts of the continent, they are seen crossing the country, in flocks of fifty or a hundred, making from the northern regions towards the south. In these migrations, however, they are not so resolutely bent upon going forward, but that, if a field of corn offers in their way, they will stop a while to regale upon it; on such occasions they do incredible damage, chiefly in the night; and the husbandman, who lies down in joyful expectation, rises in the morning to see his fields laid entirely waste, by an enemy whose march is too swift for his vengeance to overtake. The cold arctic region seems to be this bird’s favorite abode. They come down into the more southern parts of Europe, rawer as visitants than inhabitants. In their journeys, it is amazing to conceive the heights to which they ascend when they fly. Their note is the loudest of all birds; and is often heard in the clouds, when the bird itself is entirely unseen. As it is light for its size, and spreads a large expanse of wing, it is capable of floating, at the greatest heights, where the air is lightest; and as it secures its safety, and is entirely out of the reach of man, it flies in tracks which would be too fatiguing for any other birds to move forward in. In these aerial journeys, though unseen themselves, they have the distinct- est vision of every object below. They govern and direct their flight by their cries; and exhort each other to proceed or descend, when a fit opportu- nity offers for depredation. As they rise but heavily, they are very shy birds, and seldom let the fowler approach them. Corn is their favorite food; but there is scarcely any other that comes amiss to them. Redi, wl o opened several, found the stomach of one full of the herb called dandelion; that of another was filled with beans; a third had a great quantity of clover in its stomach; while those of two others were filled with earth-worms and bee- tles; in some he found lizards and sea-fish; in others, snails, grass, and pebbles, swallowed perhaps for medicinal purposes. In general, it is a peaceful bird, both in its own society, and with respect to those of the forest. It 1s an animal easily tamed. AVES—CRANE. 627 THE BALEARIC CRANE, for a long time continued unknown, till we became acquainted with che birds cf tropical climates, when one of the crane kind with a topping was brought into Europe, and described by Aldrovandus as Pliny’s balearic crane. It is remarkable for the lightness and elegance of its proportions, and the gracefulness and variety of its attitudes. Its forehead is covered by a thick tuft of short velvety feathers of a soft and brilliant black. The bill and legs are of the same hue. The long, slender feathers, descending on the neck, and the broader ones with which the upper and under surface of its body are clothed, are black, with a slight tinge of lead color; the primary wing feathers are black; the secondary, reddish brown; the wing-coverts white. The naked cheeks and temples are of a delicate rose color; and the yellow filaments of its crest terminate in blackish pencils. This bird comes from the coast of Africa and the Cape de Verd Islands. It grows to the height of four feet. As it runs, it stretches out its wings, and goes very swiftly, otherwise its usual motion is very slow. In their domestic state, they walk very deliberately among other poultry, and suffer themselves to be approached by every spectator. They never roost in houses; but about night, when they are disposed to go to rest, they search out some high wall, on which they perch in the manner of a peacock. Indeed, they so much re- semble that bird in manners and disposition, that some have described them by the name of the sea peacock. But though their voice and roosting be simiiar, their food, which is ee greens, vegetables, and barley, seems tu make some difference! 'Grus pavonina, Trem. 628 AVES—HERON. THE HERON. Tae common heron is remarkably light in proportion to its bulk, searce y weighing three pounds and a half, yet it expands a breadth of wing which s five feet from tip to tip. Its bill is very long, being five inches from the point to the base; its claws are long, sharp, and the middlemost toothed like a saw. Yet, thus armed as it appears for war, it is indolent and cowardly, and flies even at the approach of a sparrow-hawk. When driven to ex- tremity, however, it shakes off its timidity, and displays both courage and skill. When its antagonist succeeds in rising above it, which is not easily done, the hero doubles his neck backward under his wing, and turns his ‘bill upward, like a bayonet. In this manner, ‘he sometimes contrives to transfix even the powerful seu eagle. Of all birds, this commits the greatest devastation in fresh water; and Ahere is scarcely a fish, though ever so large, that he will not strike at and wound, though unable to carry itaway. But the smaller fry are his chief subsistence; these, pursued by their larger fellows of the deep, are obliged +o take refuge in shallow waters, where they find the heron a still more for- midable enemy. His method is to wade as far as he can go into the water, and there patiently wait the approach of his prey, which, when it comes ! Ardea cinerea, Lata. The genus Ardea has the bill as long as, or longer, than the head, strong, straight compressed, pointed ; upper mandible slightly sulcated, ridge round- ec; nostrils lateral, placed almost at the base of the hill, longitudinally cleft in a groove nd half closed by 1 membrane; orbits and lores naked; legs long and slender, with a naked space above che knee; the middle toe connected with the outer by a: hort mem- hrane ; claws long, compressed. that of the middle toe dentated interiorly. AVES—HERON. 628 within sight, he darts upon with an inevitable aim. In this manner he is found to destroy more in a week than an otter in three months. “I have seen a heron,” says Willoughby, “that had been ‘shot, which had seventeen carps in his belly at once, which he will digest in six or seven hours. I have seen a carp,” continues he, “taken out of a heron’s belly, nine inches and a half long. Several gentlemen who kept tame herons, to try wnat quantity one of them would eat ina day, have put several smaller roach and dace in a tub; and they have found him eat fifty in a duy, one day with another.. In this manner a single heron will destroy fifteen thousand carp in * single half vear.” But though in seasons of fine weather the heron can always find a plent ful supply, in cold or stormy seasons his prey is no longer within reach; the fish that before came into shalluw water now keep in the deep, as they find it to be the warmest situatiun. l'rogs and lizards, also, seldom venture from their lurking places; and the heron is obliged to support himself upon, his long habits of patience, and even to take up the weeds that grow upon the water. At those times he contracts a consumptive disposition, which succeeding plenty is not able to remove; so that the meagre glutton spends his time between want and riot, and feels alternately the extremes of famine and excess. Hence, notwithstanding the ease with which he takes his prey, and the amazing quantity he devours, the heron is always lean and emaciated ; and though his crop be usually found full, yet his flesh is scarce sufficient to cover the bones. Though this bird lives chiefly among pools and marshes, yet its nest is Euilt on the top of the highe:* trees, and sometimes on cliffs hanging over the sea. They are never in flocks when they fish, committing their depre- dations in solitude and silence; but in making their nests they love each other’s society ; and they are seen, like rooks, building in company with flocks of their kind. Their nests are made of sticks, and lined with wool: and the female lays four large eggs, of a pale color. The observable indo- lence of their nature, however, is not less seen in their nestling than in their habits of depredation. Nothing is more certain, and we have seen it a hundred times, than that they will not be at the trouble of building a nest when they can get one made by the rook, or deserted by the owl, already provided for them. ‘This they usually enlarge and line within, driving off the original possessors, should they happen to renew their fruitless claims. The heron is said to be a very long-lived bird ; by Mr Keysler's account, it may exceed sixty years; and by a recent instance of one that was taken in Holland, by a hawk belonging to the Stadtholder, its longevity is again con- firmed, the bird having a silver plate fastened to one leg, with an inscription, importing that it had heen struck by the elector of Cologne’s hawxs thirty- five years before. 53* 630 AVES. -EGRET...HERON THE LITTLE EGRET! Is the size of a fowl. The hind head is crested, and two of the feathers, which are five inches in length, hang gracefully behind. The whole plu- mage is cf a beautiful white, and the ele zance of the bird is much increased hy the long, loose feathers which cover and hang over the rump; their flesa is said to be excellent. It is conjectured that both the crane and egret were formerly inhabitants of Great Britain; but this can hardly be said of them at present, notwithstanding a solitary instance or two of thir having been shot there In America tere are egrets found of a reddish, anu some of a black color; but they differ in no other respect from the European. THE NIGHT HERON? Is found in Europe and America. In the United States it is known by the name of qua bird, and breeds usually in the most solitary and deeply shaded parts of a cedar swamp. The males regularly direct their course every evening at twilight towards the marshes, uttermg ina hoarse and hollow tone, the sound gua. At this hour, also, all the nurseries in the swamps are 3 Ardea garzetta, Lin. ? Ardea nycticorax, Lin. AVES—HERON. 631 emptied of their inhabitants, who disperse in quest of food. On entering one of these swamps, the noise of the old and young would almost lead one to suppose that two or three hundred Indians were choking each other. The instant an intruder is discovered, the whole rise in the air in silence, and remove to the tops of the trees, in another part of the woods; while par- ties of from eight to ten make occasional circuits over the spot to see what is going on. : The food of the night heron, or qua bird, is chiefly composed of small fish, which it takes at night. THE GREAT EGRET HERON! ls often seen in summer in our low marshes and inundated meadows; yet, on account of its extreme vigilance, it is very difficult to be procured. It is found from Guiana, and probably beyond the line, to New York. It enters the territories of the United States late in February. The high inland parts of the country it rarely or never visits. Its favorite haunts are vast inun- dated swamps, rice fields, the low marshy shores of rivers, and such like places; where, from its size and color, it is very conspicuous even at a dis-- tance. The food consists of frogs, lizards, small fish, insects, and small water snakes, &c. They will also devour mice and moles. The plumage of this elegant bird is of a snowy whiteness; the bill of a rich orange yel- low; and the legs black. THE GREAT HERON? e Is a constant inhabitant of the Atlantic coast, from New York to Florida, They breed in the Carolinas and New Jersey, in the gloomy solitudes of cedar swamps, where, if unmolested, they will annually breed for many years. Their nests are constructed on the tallest trees. These are large, formed of sticks; each occupies the top of a single tree. The principal food of this bird is fish, for which he watches with unwearied patience, and seizes them with surprising dexterity. At the edge of a river, pond, or sea- shore, he stands fixed and motionless. But his stroke is as sure as fate to the first fish that comes in his way. He is also an excellent mouser, and feeds eagerly on grasshoppers and various winged insects. Tke heron has great powers of wing, flying sometimes very high, and to;a drdea egretta, WiLson. 8 Arcea Herodias, Lin. : 632 AVES—HERON...BITTERN. great distance; his neck doubled, his head drawn in, and his long legs stretched vut in a long line behind him, appearing like a tail, and probably serving the same rudder-like office. THE BLUE HERON! Is properly a native of the warmer climates of the United States, migrating thence in winter to the tropical regions; being found in Cayenne, Jamaica, and Mexico. On the muddy shores of the Mississippi, these birds are free quently met with. Though in the northern states they are found chiefly in the neighborhood of the ocean, they are yet particularly fond of fresh water bogs on the edges of the salt marsh. Thése ‘it often frequents, wading about in search of tadpoles, lizards, various larva of winged insects, and mud worms. It moves actively about in search of these, sometimes making a run at its prey, and is often seen in company with the little white heron. There are also found in the United States, the little white heron, the green heron, the Louisiana heron, and the yellow-crowned heron. THE BITTERN2 I'nost who have walked in an evening, by the sedgy sides of unfrequented rivers, must remember a variety of notes from different waterfowls. But of, all those sounds, there is none so dismally hollow as the booming of the 1 Ardea ceerulea, Lux. 2 Ardea stellaris, Lin. AVES—BITTERN. 633 bittern. It is impossible for words to give those who have not heard this evening call, an adequate idea of its solemnity. Ttis like the interrupted bellowing uf a bull, but hollower and louder, and is heard ata mile’s dis- tance, as if issuing from some formidable being that resided at the bottom of the waters. The bird, however, that produces this terrifying sound is not su hig as a heron, with a weaker bill, and not above four inches long. It differs trom the heron chiefly in its color, which is, in general, of a palish yellow, spote ced and barred with black. Its windpipe is fitted to produce the sound for whicn it is remarkable; the lower part of it dividing into the Inngs, is sup. plied with a thin loose membrane, that can be filled with a large buuy of air, and expluued at pieasure. These bellowing explosions are chiefly heard from the begiuning of spring to the end of autumn; and, however awful they may Seer to us, are tue calls to courtship, or connubial felicity. This bird, though of the neron kind, is yet neither so destructive, nor so voracious. It is a retired, timorous animal, concealing itself in the midst of reeds and marshy places, and living upon frogs, insects,- and vegetables ; and though so nearly resembling the heron in figure, yet differing much in maimers and appetites. It lays its eggs in a sedgy margin, or amidst a tuft ~ of rushes, and composes its simple habitation of sedges, the leaves of water- plants, and dry rushes. It lays generally seven or eight eggs of an ash- green color, and in three days leads its little ones to their food. The bitterns defend their young with such courage, that even the hawk does not often venture to attack their nest. At the latter end of autumn, however, in the evening, the wonted indo- lence of the bittern appears to forsake it. It is seen rising in a spiral ascent till it is quite lost from the view, and makes at the same time a singular noise, very different from its former hoomings. The flesh of the bittern is greatly in esteem among the luxurious. For this reason, it is as eagerly sought after by the fowler as it is shunned by the peasant ; and as it is a heavy rising, slow-winged bird, it does not often escape him. Indeed, it seldom rises but when almost trod upon; and seems to seek protection rather from concealment than flight. When wounded by a sportsman, this bird often makes severe resistance. It does not retire; but waits the onset, and gives such vigorous pushes with its bill, as to wound the leg through the boot. Sometimes it turus oa its pack, like the rapacious birds, and fights with both its billand claws. When surprised by a dog, it is said always to throw itself into this pusture and defend itself so vigorously, as to compel th? assailant to retire. The eyes of its antago ist are the object at which it chiefly suikes. 80 634 AVES—BITTERN...STORK. THE AMERICAN BITTERN! Is common tv all our sea and river marshes, though no where numerous; it rests all day among the reeds and rushes, and, unless disturbed, feeds and flies only during the night. In some places it is called the Indian nen. On the seacuast of New Jersey, it is known by the name of dunkadoo, a word probably imitative of its note. It utters sometimes a hollow guttural note, among the reeds; but has nothing of that long booming sound for which the European bittern is so remarkable. When disturbed, they rise with a hollow éwa, and are then easily shot down, as they fly heavily. Like most other night birds, their sight is most acute during the evening twilight; but their hearing is at all times exquisite. They make their nests in swamps, laying four eggs in the long grass. THE LEAST BITTERN? 1s the smallest known species of the whole tribe. It is commonly found in fresh water meadows, and rarely visits the salt marshes. In the meadows of Schuylkill and Delaware below Philadelphia, a few of these birds breed every year; making their nests in the thick tussocks of grass in swampy places. When alarmed they seldora fly far, but take shelter among the reeds or long grass. They are scarcely ever seen exposed, but skulk during the whole day; and, like the preceding species, feed chiefly at night. This little creature measures but, twelve inches in length. ° 4 ao THE STORK. Tse most remarkable of this tribe is the white eek, the length of which is about three feet. The bill is nearly eight inches long, and of a fine red color. The plumage is wholly white, except the orbits of the eyes, which are bare and blackish ; some of the feathers on the side of the back and on the wings are black. The skin, the legs, and the bare parts of the thighs are red. The white stork.is semi-domestic; haunting towns and cities, and m many places stalking unconcernedly about the streets, in search of offal and 1 Ardea minor, Wiison. 2 Ardea exilis, GME. 3 Ciconia alba, Bettow. The genus Ciconia has the hill long, straight, stout, eylindr . me . 1 7 ¢ . BP ge wee HD Se a teed wey palit” salen bi ieee AVES—STORK. 635 other food. They remove the noxious filth, and clear the fields of serpents and reptiles. On this account they are protected in Holland, held in high veneration by the Mahometans; and so greatly were they respected in times of old by the Thessalonians, that to kill one of these birds was a crime expiable only by death. The ancients, indeed, ascribed to it the virtues of temperance, conjugal fidelity, and filial and paternal piety. The disposition of this bird is mild, neither shy nor savage; it is 2asily tamed, and may be trained to reside in gardens, which it will clear of imsetts and reptiles. It has a grave air and a mournful visage; yet when roused by example, it shows a certain degree of gaiety; for it joins in the frolics of children, by imitating them. Dr Herman tells us, that he saw & same one in a garden, where the children were playing at hide and seek, ant that it run its turn when touched, and so well distinguished the chile whose turn it was to pursue the rest, as to be perfectly on its guard. Nor do they lightly feel or inadequately revenge an injury. A wild stork, having been beaten by a tame one, has been known, after an interval of four months, to come back with three other storks, and kill the former victor. Storks are birds of passage, fand obser ze ‘great exactness in the time of their autumnal departure from Europe to more favorite climates. ' They are seldom seen farther north than Sweden; and though they have scarcely ever been met with in England, they are so common m Holland as to build every where on the tops of the houses, where the inhabitants provide boxes for them to make their nests in, and are careful that the birds suffer no injurv 636 AVES—STORK always resenting this as an offence committed against themselves. Storks are also common at Aleppo, and in plenty at Seville, in Spain. At Bagdad, hundreds are said to be seen about the houses, walls, and trees; and av Per- sepolis, or Chilmanar, in Persia, the remains of the pillars serve them to build on, every pillar having a nest on it. This bird bestows much time and care on the education of its young, and does not leave them till they have strength sufficient for defence and support. When they begin to flutter out of the nest, the mother bears them on her wings; she protects them from danger, and will sometimes perish rather than forsake them. : In autumn they retire into Egypt, and the marshes of Barbary, where they enjoy a second summer, and bring up a second brood. Their migra- tion is performed in immense companies. Dr Shaw saw passing over Mount Carmel three flocks of them, each of which was half a mile in width, and they were three hours in going by. Bellonius informs us, that storks visit Egypt in such abundance, that the fields and meadows are white with them, and that the natives are pleased with their arrival, as the birds deliver them from innumerable swarms of frogs, and also devour serpents. Between Belbeis and Gaza, in Palestine, they perform a similar service, by destroying innumerable rats and mice. . In the northern countries of Europe there are storks, of which the plu- mage is black. 7 MARABOU STORK. Tue marabou stork appears to inhabit nearly the whole of tropical Africa. extending southward, according to M. Temmick, to the neighborhood of the Cape of Good Hope, where, however, it is hy no means common. M. Rippel observed it on the banks of the Nile, Major Denham in the neigh- borhood of the large towns in the interior, and Smeathman on the western coast. The plumes imported into Europe are bruught chiefly from Senegal. In its habits this bird bears a close resemblance to the white stork of Evrope, but becomes stil) more familiar, and, in consequence of its larger size, renders more essential service in the removal of carrion, offal, and other nuisances. This important office, like the adjutants of Calcutta, it shares with the vultures ; and both birds are universally privileged frora all annoy- ance, in return for so meritorious exertion of their natural propensities. They seem to be constantly attracted by the heaps of offensive substances collected in the villages and towns, which they devour without scruple, and in immense quantities.. The mode in which the Indian bird performs the 1 Ciconia marabou, Temm. AVES—STORK. 637 tanctions of a scavenger has been repeatedly described by travellers and Major Denham mentions his having frequently been a witness of the vora- cious and omnivorous habits of the African. Nothing seems to cume amiss to its voracious appetite, for when carrion is scarce, it attacks reptiles, smal! birds, and even the lesser quadrupeds, which it usually swallows entire. These birds are so peaceable in their manners, and so inclined to became familiar, that there is little difficulty in taming them. Dr Lathan: gives.an amusing account, derived from Smeathman, of the behavior of a young in li viduai, which had been brought up in a state of domestication in the part of Africa where that traveller resided. This bird always took its place ac _linne* time, in the great hall, behind its master’s chair, where it remainec \ in expectation of its usual share in the meal. The servants had some Iifh- culty in protecting the dishes from its attacks previously to the arrival of the guests; they carried switches for the purpose, but it would frequently watch its opportunity and snatch some favorite morsel before they were aware of it. In this way it had been known to swallow an entire boiled fowl ata single mouthful. It was permitted to fly at large about the island, and roosted very high among the silk-cotton trees, from the tops of which, even o4 638 AVES—FLAMINGO. at the distance of two or three miles, it would espy the servants carrying the dishes across the yard, and dash down among them as they entered the hall. The attitudes of these birds are particularly curious, and frequently not a little ludicrous. At rest, they either stand upon one leg, with the neck withdrawn and the bill brought forwards towards the breast, or sit upon the ground with one or both legs directed straight before them. But when excited, they elongate their necks, and stand at their full height, menacing with their large bills, which are, however, toc light to inflict any serious injury, even had the birds courage enough to attempt it. THE FLAMINGO? Is, perhaps, the most remarkable of water-fowl ; it is one of the tallest and the most beautiful. The body, which is of a beautiful scarlet, is no bigger than that of a swan; but its legs and neck are of such an extraordinary length, that when it stands erect, it is six feet six,incheshigh. Its wings, extendec are five feet six inches from tip to tip; and it is four feet eight inches trem tip to tail. The head is round and small, with a large bill, seven inches long, partly red, partly black, and crooked like a bow. The legs and thichs, which are not much thicker than a man’s finger, are about twa feet eight inches high; and its neck near three feet long. The feet are feeble, and united by membranes, as in those of the goose. Of what use these mem- branes are does not appear, as the bird is never seen swimming, its legs and thighs being sufficient to bear it into those depths where it seeks for prey. | This extraordinary bird is now chiefly found in America, but was once Known on all the coasts of Europe. It is still uecasiunally met with on the shores of the Mediterranean. Its beauty, its size, and the peculiar delicacy of its flesh, have been such temptations to destroy cr take it, that it has long since deserted the shores frequented by nan, and taken refuge in countries that are as yet but thinly peopled. When the Europeans first came to America, aud coasted down along the African shores, they found the flarringos on several shores on either conti- nent gentle, and no way distrustful of mankind. When the fowler had killed one, the rest of the flock, far from att :mpting to fly, only regarded the fall of their companion in a kind of fixed astonishment; another and another shot was discharged; and thus the fowle- often levelled the whole flock, before one of them began to think of escaping. 1-Phenicopterus ruber, Lin. This is the orly one of the genus. Its characteristics are a bill thick, strong, deeper than broad, denta-ed, naked at the base; upper mandible bent over the under at the tip; the under broader than the upper; nostrils longitudinal in the middle of the hill, covered by a membrane; l:gs very long, with three toes hefore, und a very short one articulated high on the tarsus behind; the fore toes connected with the claws; wings middle sized. AVES—FLAMINGO 639 But at present it is very different in that part of the world; and the fla- mingo is not only one of the scarcest, but one of the shyest birds in the world, and the most difficult of approach. They chiefly keep near the most deserted and inhospitble shores; near salt water lakes and swanpy islands. When seen by mari’ ers in the day, they always appear drawn up in a long t.ose line of two or three hundred together ; and, as Dampier tells us, nresent at the distance of half a mile, the exact representation of a long brick wall. This line, however, is broken when they seek for food; but they alwavs appoint one of the number as a watch, whose only employment is to observe and give notice of danger while the rest are feeding. As soon as this trusty sentinel perceives the remotest appearance of danger, he gives a loud scream, with a voice as shrill as a trumpet, and instantly the whole cohort are upon the wing. The flesh of the old ones is black and hard, though, Dampier says, well tasted; that of the young ones is better. But, of all delicacies, the flamingo’s tongue is the most celebrated. In fact, the Roman emperors considered them asthe highest: luxury; and we have an accountof one of them, who procured fifteen hundred flamingos’ tongues to be served up in asingle dish The tongue of this bird, which was so 640 AVES—AVOSET. much sought after, is a good deal larger than that of any other bird what ever. The bill of the flamingo is like a large black box of an irregular figure, and filled with a tongue which is black and gristly. Their time of breeding is according to the climate in which they reside, in North America they breed in summer; on the other side of the line, they take the most favorable season of the year. They build their nests in exten- sive marshes, and where they are in no danger of a surprise. The nest is not less curious than the animal that builds it: it is raised from the surface of the pool ahout a foot and a half, formed of mud scraped up together, and hardened by the sun, or the heat of the bird’s body: it resembles a truncated cone, or one of the pots which we see placed on chimneys; on the top it is Lollowed out to the shape of the bird, and in that cavity the female lavs her eggs, without any lining but the well cemented mud that forms the sides of the building. She always lays two eggs, and no more; and, as her legs are immoderately long, she straddies on the nest, while her legs hang down, one on each side, into the water. The young ones are a long while before they are able to fly; but they run with amazing swiftness. They are sometimes caught; and, very different from old ones, suffer themselves to be carried home, and are tamed very easily. THE AVOSET! Is easily distinguished from all other birds by the form of its bill, which 1s very thin, slender, and bends considerably upwards. The scooping avoset is about the size of the lapwing, or eighteen inches long; the bill is three inches and a half in length. The top of the head is black, the rest of the head, neck, and all the other parts of the body white, except the inner sca- pulars, the middle of the wing-coverts and outer webs, and ends of the quills, which again are black. The legs are long, and of a bluish gray, and the toes have a connecting membrane It weighs about thirteen ounces, and is frequent, in the winter, on most of the seacoasts of Europe, as well as in the fens of Lincolnshire, Cambridge, &c in England. It feeds cn worms and insects, which it scoops out of the sand with its bill. 1 Recurvirostra avocetta, Lin. The genus Recurvirostra has the hill very long, slen- der, feeble. depressed throughout its length, flexible and turned up at the ooint, the u per mandible channelled on its surface, the under I:wterally; nostrils linear anc long ; legs long and slender; the three fore toes united as far as the second joint hy a nembrane ; tha tund toe placed high up und very short; wings acuminate, (ne first quill k age st. AVES—AV OSET....SPOONDILL. 641 AMERICAN AVOSETA Tuts species, from its perpetual clamor and flippancy of tongue, is caiied by the inhahitants of Cape May, the lawyer. Wilson found these birds, as well as the long-legged avost, in the salt marshes of New Jersey on the 20th of May. The; flew around the shallow pools, uttering the sharp note of click, click, alighting on the marsh, or in the water, fluttering their louse wings, and shaking their half-bent legs, as if ready to tumble over, keeping up a continual yelping note. The nest was built among the thick tufts oa grass, of sea-weed, dry grass, and twigs, and raised to the height of seve= tal inches. THE ROSEATE SPOONBILL? Tins stately and elegant bird inhabits the seashores of America from Brazil to Georgia. It also appears to wander up the Mississippi sometimes 1 Recurvirostra Americana, LATH. 2 Platalea ajaja, Lys. The genus Platalea has the hill very long, much flattened, dilat- ed towards the extremity, and rounded like a spoon or spatula ; upper mandible channeled and transversely sulcated at the base ; nostrils approximated. oblong, open, bordered with meibrane; face and head wholly or partially naked ; legs long ; the three antector toes conzected to the second joint by deeply cut membranes ; the hinder one long, aud beariug on the ground. 81 54* 642 AVES-—IBIS. an summer. It is however rarely seen to the northward of Altamaha river, and even along the peninsula of Florida is a rare bird; in Jamaica and several other of the West India islands, Mexico, and Guiana, it is more com- mon, but confines itself chiefly to the seashore and the mouths of rivers. it wadés about in quest of shell-fish, marine insects, small crabs, and fish. In pursuit of these, it occasionally swims and dives. This bird is of a beautiful pink color, with a mixture of black at the lower part of the neck. The most common species, however, is that which bears the name of the white spoonbill,! from its plumage, save that in some rare exceptions it is entirely white. This bird is about the size of a heron, but somewhat shorter in the neck and legs. The bill is more than half a foct long. and has the shape of a spoon. THE IBIS2 Tue Egyptian ibis, so famous in history and mythology, is larger than the stoik, measnring from thirty to forty inches in length. The bill is seven 1 Platalea nivea, Cuv. 2 Ibis religiose, Cuv. The gems Ibis has the bill long, slender, arched, broad at the base, tip depressed, obtuse, and rounded; upper mandible deeply furrowed in its whole -engsth; nostrils near the hase at the upper part of the bill, oblong, straight and performed 4n the sembrane which covers the furrow ; the face, and fre uently a part of tne hcad and neck, naked; legs naked ahove the knee; the fore toes uuited as far as the first joint; te toe long, and reaching the ground. AVES—IB18 643 inches long, is slightly curved, and ends in a blunt point. The plumage is a reddish whites most inclining to red on the back and wings. Itis found m great numbers in Lower Egypt, in places just freed from the inundations of the Nile, where it is of signal service in destroying insects, reptiles, &c. This bird is frequently found in the sepulchres along with the mummies, and was formerly held sacred by the Egyptians. WoopD IBIS.! Tuts bird is found in the southern parts of the United States, and also extends as far as Cayenne, Brazil, and various parts of South America. Its favorite haunts are watery savannahs, and inland swamps, where it feeds on fish and reptiles. The French inhabitants of Louisiana esteem it good eating. | The following account is given by Mr William Bartram. “This solitary bird does not associate in flocks; but is generally seen alone, commonly near the banks,of great rivers, in marshes or meadows, especially such as are covered by inundations, and also in vast deserted rice plantations. He stands alone, on the topmost limb of tall, dead cypress trees, his neck con- tracted or drawn in upon his shoulders, and his beak resting like a tong scythe upon his breast; in this pensive posture and solitary situation, they look extremely grave, sorrowful, and melancholy, as if in the deepest thought. They are never seen on the seacoast, and yet are never found at a great distance from it. They feed on serpents, young alligators, frogs, and other reptiles.” The whole body, neck, and lower parts of this bird, are white; the bill is nearly nine inches long. THE SCARLET IBIS2 Tins beautiful bird is said to be eommon in most parts of America within the tropics, and in almost all the West India islands. Of its manners, litue more has been collected, than that it frequents the borders of the sea, and shores of the neighboring rivers, feeding on small fry, shell-fish, sea-worms and crabs. It is said frequently to perch on trees, sometimes in large Hocks put to lay its eggs on the ground, or a bed of leaves. The young whe ' Jbis loculator, Lin. 2 Ibis rubra, VigiLL. 644 AVES—CURLEW...SANDPIPER. hatched are black, soon after gray, then white, and gradually assume thei red color; at the third year, their plumage is complete. They have tres aently been domesticated. THE CURLEW'! Is a well known bird, which in winter frequents seacoasts and marshes, feeding chiefly on frogs and marine insects. In summer they retire to the mountainous and unfrequented parts to breed. Their flesh is rank and fishy. Curlews differ much in size, some weighing thirty-seven ounces, and some not twenty-two; the length of the largest is twenty-five inches. Its bill is long, black, and much curved. The upper parts of the plumage are of a pale orown; the breast and belly white, marked with dark oblong spots. The female is somewhat Jarger than the male, which is commonly called the jack curlew, and the spots with which she is covered almost all over are more inclining toa red. Latham enumerates about eleven species, foreign and domestic. THE SANDPIPER2 Gr the sandpiper, properly so called, there are about twelve species known w Europe, from the size of a thrush to that of a hedge-sparrow. The coms - Numenius arquata, Latu. The genus Numenius has the hill long, slender, arched, compressed, point hard, and see obtuse ; upper mandihle projecting wyond the lower, rounded at the bud, and channelled through three fourths of its length; nostrils lateral, linear and pierced in the furrow; face feathered; legs slender; naked ahove the knee; the three fore toes united hy a membrane to the first Joint; the hinder articulated to the tarsus, and touching the ground, ; 2The genus Tringa or sandpiper, has the bill middle-sized or long, very slightly arched, carved or straight at the tip, soft and flexible through its whole length, compressed at the base, depressed, dilated, and obtuse at the point; both mandibles channelled to near their extremities ; nostrils lateral, conical in the membrane which covers the ansal Carrow; legs slender, naked above the knee; the three fore toes quite divided; but ina few species the middle and outer toe are connected by a membrane; the hinder articulated tv the tarsus, AVES—SANDPIPER. 645 mon sandpiper, which is a solitary bird, is in weight about twe ounces; the head is brown, streaked with black, the back and coverts brown, mixed with glussv green; the breast and belly pure white. Its note is louder and more piping than others of this genus. It frequents rivers, lakes, and meres, and is never found near the sea. THE RED-BACKED SANDPIPER! Iynazirs both the old and new continents, being known in England by the name of Dunlin; and in the United States, along the shores of New Jersey, by the name of red-back. They frequent the muddy flats and shores of the salt marshes a1 low water, feeding on small worms and other insects which abound in such places. It has not till now beer recognized by naturalists ds inhabiting this part of North America. THE SOLITARY SANDPIPER? Innanrts the watery solitudes of our highest mountains during the summer, from Kentucky to New York, but is nowhere numerous, seldom more than one or two being seen together. It takes low, short flights; runs nimbly about among the mossy margins of mountain springs, brooks, and pools, occasionally stopping, looking at you, and perpetually nodding the head. It is so unsuspicious as to permit one tou approach within a few yards of it, without appearing to take notice, or to be the least alarmed. THE RED-BREASTED SANDPIPER Is commonly called the gray back, or brown back. on our seacoasts. It isa particular favorite aincng gunners, being generally a very plump, tender, and excellent bird for the table. They usually keep in small flocks, alight on the sand-flats in a close body, where they search for small bivalve shells. On the approach of the sportsman, they frequently stand fixed and silent for some time; do not appear to be easily alarmed, neither do they run about m the water as much as some others, or with the same rapidity, but appear more tranquil and deliberate. They retire to the south in November. The other indiviluals of this family, both American and foreign, are toa numerous to be particularized. cs ; 1Tringa alpina, (uN. 2T'ringa solitaria, Witson. — T'ringa rufa, WiLsom, 1 646 AVES—WOODCOCK. THE WOODCOCK.! Tue woodcock of the old continent inhabits and breeds in the northern tgions during summer; but on the commencement of the frost, ‘t begins to migrate southward. The greater part of them leave England at the cluse of February, or the beginning of March, after having paired; but they ara sometimes detained for a while longer by the wind being adverse. The woodcock is about as large as a pigeon, with a bill three inches long. The crown of the head and back of the neck are barred with black, and a black streak runs from the bill to the eyes. It flaps its wings with somy noise when it rises, and its fligut is pretty rapid, but neither high nor long. and its descent is so sudden that it seems to fall like a stone. It flies very straight in a wood of tall trees, but in a copse it is often obliged to wind. and frequently drops behind bushes, to conceal itself from the eye of the fowler. It principally feeds on worms and insects, which it draws out ot the mud with its long bill; and its flesh is universally admired. The female builds a rude nest on the ground, and generally lays four or five eggs. Sl.e is remarkably tame during incubation. THE AMERICAN WOODCOCK, In its general figure and habits, greatly resembles the woodcock «{ Europe, bul is considerably less, and very differently marked. This bird is univer § Scolopax rusticola, Lix. The genus Srofopar has the bill long, straight, compressed slender, soft, with the tip turned; hoth mandibles channelled the half of their leugta, the tip of the upper, pro elie heyond that of fhe under, and the turned portion beg hook ; nostrils lateral, basal, longitudinally cleft near the edges of the mandible, and covered by a membrane; legs slender, with a very small naked space above the knee; tle three fore toes quite divided, or rarely the outer and middle united. 8 ® Scolopar minor, WitsoN. AVES-—SNIPE, 647 sally known to ou. sportsmen. During the day they keep to the woods and thickets, and at the approach of evening seek the springs and open watery places to feed in. They soon disperse themselves over the country, to breed. In the hot weather, they descend to the marshy shores of our rivers, their favorite springs and watery recesses inland, being chiefly dried up. ‘To the former of these retreats they are pursued by the merciless sportsmen, flush- ed by dogs, and shet down in great numbers. ‘Lie woodcock is properly a nocturnal bird, feeding chiefly at night, and seldom stirring about till after sunset; at such times he rises by a kind of spiral course to a considerable height in the air, uttering at times, a sudden quack, till having gained his utmost height, he hovers round in a wild, irregular manner, making a sort of murmuring sound, then descends with rapidity as he rose. When utter- ing his note on the ground, he seems to do it with difficulty, throwing his head towards the earth, and frequently jetting up his tail. Their food con- sists of larvae and other aquatic worms, for which, during the evening, they are almost continually turning over the leaves with their bill, or searching in the bogs. Their flesh is reckoned delicious and prized highly. The head of the woodcock is of singular conformation, and the eye is fixed ata remarkable distance from the bill, and high in the iiead. This construction was necessary to give a greater range of vision, and to secure the eve from injury, while the owner is searching in the mire. The flight of this bird is slow. THE SNIPE. Swipes are migratory lirds, which are supposed to breed chiefly in the lower lands of Germany and Switzerland. They visit England in autumn, and retire in the spring. Many, however, remain there the whole year, and make their nests of dried grass and feathers, in the most inaccessible parts of marshes. Our common snipe, usually called the English snipe, cif- fers but little, if at all, from the European snipe. They are most difficult to shoot, of all our birds, as they fly very rapidly, in zigzag lines. ‘They 1 Scolopar gallinago, Lin. 648 AVES—SNIPE. are very eagerly suught after by our gunners. Their food consists of small wornis, slugs, and the larve of insects. During the breeding season, while it plays over the moors, this bird makes a pleasing, humming, and pip.og sound. Their flesh is justly reckoned among feathered dainues. From the point of the bill, to the end of the tail, the snipe measures about twelve inches, and from the point of each wing, when extended, about fif- teen or sixteen; the head is divided longwise by a pale red line, parallel to which on each side, is a black line, and over the eyes there runs another line pretty much of the same color as that on the middle of the head. The feathers that spring from the shoulders reach almost as far as the end of the tail, the outward half from the shaft being of a pale red. THE WILLET, OR SEMIPALMATED SNIPE) Is peculiar to America, and is one of the most noisy and noted birds that inhabit our salt marshes in summer. Its common food is willet. It arrives from the south on the shores of the middle states, about the beginning of May; and from that time till the last of July, its loud and shrill reiterations of pill-will-willet, pill-will-willet, resound almost incessantly along the marshes, and may be distinctly heard at the distance of more than a mi'e Their nests are bui't on the ground among the grass of the marshes, and are voniposed of wet rushes and coarse grass. The anxiety and affection manifested by this bird fori its eggs and young, ure truly interesting. A person no sooner enters the marshes, than he is beset by the willets flying around and skimming over his head, vuciferating with great violence their common cry of pill-will-willet ; and uttering at times a loud clicking note as he approaches nearer to their nest. As they occasionally alight, and slowly shut their long white wings speckled with black, they have a mournful note, expressive of great tenderness. They chiefly subsist on smal] shell-fish, marine worms, and aquatic insects. They have a summer and also a winter dress, in its colors differing so much in these seasons, as scarcely to be known as the same species. There are other individuals of this tribe, common in the United States, which we have not room to describe. 1 Scolopur semipaimata, Wi.gon. 5 AVES—OUZEL. 649 in THE WATER RAIL, OR OUZEL,) Is a bird well known in the British islands. It is a large slender bird, with a i‘ack bill, one inch and three quarters long. Its weight is four ounces ane a half. The upper parts of the plumage are black, edged with olive brown, the lower parts ash colored. This bird frequents the banks of springs or brooks, which it never leaves; preferring the limpid streams, whose fall is rapid, and whose bed is broken with stones and fragments of rocks. The habits of the water ouzel are very singular. Aquatic birds, with palmated feet, swim or dive; those which inhabit the shores, without wetting their body, wade with their tall legs; but the water ouzel, which, it must be re- membered, is neither a wader nora diver, but one of the passerine birds, walks quite into the flood, following the declivity of the ground. It is ob- served to enter by degrees, till the water reaches its neck; and it still advan- ces, holding its head not higher tnan usual, though completely immersed. It continues to walk under the water; and even descends to the bottom, where it saunters as on dry land. M. Herbert, who watched one immersing itself in the lake of Nantua, and who communicated the fact to M. de Buffon, says, ‘‘I perceived several tines, that as often as it waded deeper than the knee, it displayed its wings, and allowed them to hang to the ground. I remarked, too, that, when I could discern it at the bottom of the water, it appeared enveloped with air, which gave it a brilliant surface, like that on some scrts of beetles, which in water are always inclosed in a bubble of air. Its view, in dropping its wings on entering the water, might be to confine this air, it was certainly never withuut some, and it seemed to quiver.” It is a curious fact, that even the young ones, before they are quite feathered, are able wo make their way under water, the same as the older birds. These birds are tound in many parts of Europe. The female makes her nest on the ground, in some mossy bank near the water, of hay and dried Sbres, lining it with dry oak leaves, and forming to it a portico or entrance 1 Rallus aquatieus, Lin. The genus Pallus has the bill longer than the head, slender shghily arched, or straight, compressed at the base, eylindrieal at the la ad mandi- ble channelled ; nostrils Ar eaylciucantabilly cleft inthe furrow, half closed by as iemt brane; legs long and stout. with a small naked spur above the Knee; the three anterior toes divided ; the posterior articulated on the tarsus; wings rounded, the third and towth feathers longest. a 82 55 650 AVES—RAIL. of moss. The nest is in its color so closely similar to that of the surround: ing objects, that it is almost impossible to discover it except when the bird is entermg. The eggs are five in number; white, tinged with a fine blush of red. It will sometimes pick up insects at the edge of the water. When disturbed, it usually flirts up its tail, and makes a chirping noise. Its song in spring is said to be very pretty. In some places it is supposed tu be migratury. THE AMERICAN RAIL} Arrorps the sportsman a most agreeable amusement, anda delicious repast In Virginia, it is called sora, and in South Carolina, the coot. Its history is mvolved in profound mystery. No one can detect the first moment of arri- val; yet, all at once, the reedy shores, and grassy marshes of our large rivers, swarm with them, thousands of them being sometimes found within the space of a few acres. These, when they do venture on the wing, seen: to fly so feebly, and in such short Huttering flights among the reeds, as to render it highly improbable to most people that they could possibly make their way over an extensive country. Yet on the first smart frost that occurs, the whole suddenly disappear, as if they had never been. When the reeds along the shores of the Delaware have attained their full growih, the rail resort to them in great numbers to feed on the seeds of this plant, of which they are immoderately fund. As you walk along the em. 1 Rallus carolinus, Lin. AVES—COOT, 651 bankment of the river at this season, you hear them squeaking in every direction like young puppies; if a stone be thrown among the reeds, there is a general outcry, and a reiterated Auk, kuk, kuk, something like that of a guinea fowl. Any sudden noise, or the discharge of a gun, produces the same effect. In the mean time, none are to be seen, unless it be at high water; for whea the tide is low, they universally secrete themselves among the reeds, and you may walk past and even over them, without seeing a single individual. Their flight through the reeds is exceedingly low; and shelter being abundant, is rarely extended far. They swim and dive with great rapidity, and sometimes when wounded, they dive, and rising under the gunwale of the boat, secrete themselves there, moving round as the boat moves, until they have an opportunity of escaping unnoticed. They are feeble and de- licate in every thing but the legs, which seem t possess great vigor and energy, and their bodies being so remarkably thin, as to be less than an inch anda nuarter through transversely, they are enabled to pass between the reeds like rats. When seen, they are almost constantly getting up the tail. These birds are also numerous near Detroit, in the lagoons, where another species of reed grows of which they are fond. In New Jersey, where there are no reeds, they are never to be found; but wherever the reeds are, there the rails are sure to be in great numbers. In the United States are also found, the Virginian rail and the clapper rail. ORDER XIV.—PINNATIPEDES. Binos of this order have the bill middle-sized and straight ; upper mandi- ble slightly curved at the tip; legs of medium size; tarsi slender or com- pressed; three toes before and one behind, with rudiments of webs along the tues; hind toe articulated interiorly on the tarsus. THE COOT! Is a well known bird. It weighs from twenty-four to twenty-eight ounces Wilson is inclined to believe that the American coot is a different species from the European, trom the circumstance that the membrane in the former is of a chesnut color, instead of white; though in other respects they seem to be the same. In Pennsylvania it is called the mud-hen. The bald part 1 Fulica'atra, Lin, The genus Fidicu has the bill middle-sized, strong, eomeal, broad at the base; the ridge projecting in front. and dilated inte a naked plate; both mandibles of the sane length, the upper slightly curved, and reduced at the hae the lower form. ing an angle; nostrils lateral, in the middle of the bill, longuudinally cleft, hall closed by a tembrane ; legs long, slender, naked above the knee, all the toes very long, connected at heir base, and furnished along their sides with scalloped membranes. 652 AVES—CRESTED GREBE of the head, which in the water-hen is red, in the coot is white. The upper parts of its plumage are black, the breast and belly white. As the cout isa larger bird than the water-hen, which it much resembles, it is always seen in larger streams, and more remote from mankind. It there makes a nest of such weeus as the stream supplies, and lays them among the reeds, float- ing on the surface, and rising and falling with the water. The reeds among which it is ouilt keep it fast, so that it is seldom washed into the middle of the stream. But if this happens, which is sometimes the case, the bird sits in her nest, like a mariner in his boat, and steers, with her legs. her cargu into the nearest harbor; there, having attained her port, she contnues to sit in great tranquillity, regardless of the impetuosity of the current; and, though the water penetrates her nest, she hatches her eggs in that wet condition. The coot is by no means a rare bird in Britain, where it resides permanently, though with the seasons it changes its residence. It is rather a timid bird, very inert, and feeds in the evening, upon fishes, insects, seeds, and herbage. In Madagascar there is a cout with a red comb likea cock. THE CRESTED GREBE.! Tuts bird is about the size of a duck. Its bill, that part especially tewards the head, is of a reddish color, and is somewhat more than two inches in length. On the top of the head and neck is a beautiful crest of feathers, those on the neck appearing likea collar or ruff, and seeming a good deal bigger than they really are; those on the top of the head are black, those on the sides of the neck are of a reddish or cinereous color; the baek 1 Podi eps cristatus, Latn. The genus Podiceps has the bill middle size, straight, hard, compressed, in the form of an elongated and pomted cone ; tpoof the npper mandi- ble shghtly melined; nostrils lateral, concave, oblong, closed hehind hy a Tanne open in front ane pervions; jegs long, placed far backwards; tarsi much compressed ; hid toes mich depressed, connected at their base, and furnished with a simple lobe; hind toe compressed and scalluped; claws broad, much depressed ; no tail; wings short. AVES—CUTWATER, 653 and wings are of a darkish brown, pretty much inclining to black, except some of the exterior elges of the, wing feathers, which are white. The oreast and belly are of alight ash color; it has no tail; the legs and toes are broad and flat. It has an unpleasant cry, and will occasionally, when angered cr pleased, raise or fail the feathers of its crest. PALMIPEDES. ORDER XV. Brrns of this order have the bill of various forms; legs short, placed more or less backwards; the anterior toes partially or wholly connected by webs, and in some families all the four toes united by one membrane; the hinder toe interiorly articulated to the tarsus, or, in some genera, wanting. THE SKIMMER, OR CUTWATER, Ts twenty inches in length, and in breadth three feet seven inches. The bill is‘of a very singular structure, the upper chap, or mandible, being above an inch shorter than the under, and the upper shuts into it, as a razor into fts handle. The base of the bill is red, the rest black; and on the sides are several furrows. The forehead, chin, and all the under parts, are white; tne upper parts of the plumage black, with a bar of white across each wing. 1 Rhynchops nigra Lax. The genus Phynehops has the bill long, straight, flattened inte a. blade, fncoed al the apex; upper mandible niuch sherter than the under; nostrils lateral, marginal, remote from the hase; legs slender, tarscs larger than the uddle toes the fore toes united by a membrane; hind wwe jomed on the tarsus; tail furked, ana shorter than the wings. 53% 654 AVES—TERN. The tail is short and forked. It inhabits all America; is common y or the wing, and skims along the surface to catch the small fish on which it teeds, it is frequently known by the name of the razur-bill. THE GREAT TERN! = an “au aa. AAA MANY SO Is about fourteen inches long, and weighs four ounces and a quarter. The bill and feet are a fine crimson; the former is tipped with black, and very slender. The back of the head is black; the upper part of the body a pale gray, and the under part white. These birds have been called sea swallows, as they appear to have all the same actions at sea that the swallow has at land, seizing every insect which appears on the surface, and darting down upon the smaller fishes, which they seize with incredible rapidity. THE LESSER TERN? Wercus only two ounces and five grains. The bill is yellow; and frem tae eyes to the Ill is a black line. In other respects, it almost exactly resemn- bles the preceding. j 1 Sterna hirundo, Lin. The genus Sterna has the hill as long as, or longer than the head, almost straight, compressed, slender, edged, and_poiuted; inandihles of equaa length, the upper slightly sloping towards the tip; nostrils in the middle of the bill longi- tudinally cleft and pervious; legs small, naked above the knee; tarsus very short, the three auterior toes connected hy a membrane, the hindvr detached; tail more or less forked ; wings very long, and pointed. ‘ ; 2 Sterna minita, Lin. AVES—NODDY...GULL. 655 Among the foreign birds of the tern genus, there are some found of a snowy white; but the most singular bird of this kind is the striated tern, Se which is found at New Zealand. It is thirteen incnes in length. The hill 1s black, and the body in general mottled, or rather striped with black and white. THR NODDY! Is about fifteen inches long. ‘The bill is black, and two inches !ong, and the whole plumage a sooty brown, except the top of the head, which 1s white. It is a very common bird in the tropical seas, where it is known frequently to fly on board ships, and istaken with the hand. But though it be thus stupid, it bites the fingers severely, so as to make it unsafe to hold it. It is said to breed in the Bahama Islands. THE GULL, Anp al] its varieties, is well known to most readers. It is seen with slow sailing flight hovering over r:vers, to prey upon the smaller kinds of fish; it is seen following the ploughman in fallow fields to pick up insects; and 1 Sterna stolida, Lat. 2The genus Larus, which comprises most of the gulls has the hill long, or middle sized, strong, hard, compressed, e ped, bent toward the tip; lower mandible angulated gear the point; nostrils lateral, in the middle of the bill, longituanaily cleft, straight, and servious ; legs slender, naked above the knee; tarsus long; three fore tues quite webbed, the hinder free, short, piaced high on the tarsus; tail feathers of equal lengih; wings .ong. 656 AVES—GU u1. when living animal food is not to be found, it has even been known to eai carrion, and whatever else offers of the kind. Of the gull there are about nineteen species. The largest with which we are acquainted is, the black and white or black-backed gull.! It generally weighs upwards of four pounds, and is twenty-five or twenty-six inches from the point of the bill to the end of the tail; and from the tip of each wing, when extended, five feet and several inches. The bill appears compressed sideways, being more than three inches lang, and hooked towards the end, fixe the rest of this kind, of a sort of orange color; the nostrils are of an oblung form ; the mouth is wide, with a long tongue, and very open gullet. The irides of the eyes are of a delightful red. The wings and the middle ot the back are black; only the tips of the covert and quill feathers are white. The head, breast, tail, and other parts of the body, are likewise white. The tail is near six inehes long, the legs and feet are flesh-colored, and the claws black. There are about twenty varieties of this tribe, which are all dis- tinguished by an angular knob on the chap. Gulls are found in great plenty in every place; but it is chiefly round the tockiest shores, that they are seen in the greatest abundance; itis there that the gull breeds and brings upits young; ‘it is there that millions of tnem are heard screaming with discurdant nutes for months together. 1 Larus marinus, Lin. iG AVES—PETREL. 657 THE PETREL Tue whole genus of petrels are known by having, instead of a back toe, only a sharp spur or nail; they have also a faculty of spouting from their bills, to a considerable distance, a large quantity of pure oil, which they do, by way of defence, into the face of any person who attempts to take them. THE FULMAR PETREL! Is the largest of the kind which is known in Europe. It is superior to the size of the common gull, being about fifteen inches in length, and in weight seventeen ounces. The bill is very strong, yellow, and hooked at the end. The head, neck, and all the under parts of the body, are white; the back and wings ash-colored, the quills dusky, and the tail white. It feeds on the blubber of whales, which supplies the reservoir, whence it spouts, with a constant stock of ammunition. This oil is esteemed by the inhabitants of the north, as a sovereign remedy in many complaints, both external ani internal. The flesh is also considered by them as a delicacy, and the bird is therefore in great request at St Kilda. When a whale is taken, these birds will, in defiance of all endeavors, light upon it, and pick out large lumps of fat, even while it is alive. ! Procellaria glacialis, Lis, The genus Procellaria has the hil] as long as, or longer than the head, very hard, edged, depressed, and dilated at the base; the tsp compressed, and arched, both mandibles channelled, and abruptly inflected towards the extremity ; nostrils prominent at the surface of the bill, united, and concealed in a tube which either forins a single opening, or exhibits two distinct openings; legs middle sized, often long, slender; the tarsi compressed; the three front toes entirely webbed and long, and the hinder represented hy a pointed claw; wings long. > 658 AVES—MANKS PUFFIN...FETREL THE SHEARWATER, OR MANKS PUFFIN, As itis called by Willoughby, is something emaller than the preceding The head and all the upper part of the hody are of a sooty blackness; ano the under part, and inner coverts of the wigs, white. These oirds are found in the Isle of Man, and the Scilly isles. In February, they take a short possession of the rabbit burrows, and theu disappear ull April; they lay one egg, and in a short time the young are fit to be taken. They are then salted and barrelled. During the day, they keep at sea, fishing, and towards evening return to their young, whom they feed, by discharging the contents of the stomach into their mouths. THE STORMY PETREL? is about the size of a house swallow. The general color of the piumag is black, except about the rump, which 1s white. They are always to be found on the shores of Britain, and seem to be diffused all over the world. They soiuetimes hover over the water like swallows, and sometimes appear to 'Procellaria Anglorum, Tem. ® Procellaria pelagica, Lin. AVES—~ALBATROSS., 659 run on the top of it, they are also excellent divers. It skims along the hollows of the waves, and through’ the spray upon their tops, at the astonish- ing rate of sixty miles in anhour. They are very clamorous, and are called by the sailors Mother Cary’s Chickens, who observe they never settle or sit upon the water but when stormy weather is to be expected. They are found in most parts of the world; and in the Feroe islands, the inhabitants draw a wick through the body of the bird, from the mouth to the rump, which serves them as a candle, being fed by the vast proportion of oil which this little animal contains. Wilson supposed the American stormy petrel to be the same as that of Eurcpe; but Charles Bonaparte has shown that it is a distinct species. It breeds in great numbers on the shores of the Bahama and Bermuda isles, and on the coast of East Florida and Cuba. This author enumerates four species of the stormy petrel. \ THE ALBATROSS [s one of the largest and most formidable birds of Africa and South America. The largest, which is called the wandering albatross,! is rather iarger than 1 Diomedea exulans, Lin. The genus Diomedea has the bill very long, stout, edged, compressed, straight, suddenly curved ; upper mandible channelled on the sides, and much hooked at the point, the under smooth, and truncated at the extremity; nostrils lateral, remote from the base, tubular, covered on the sides, and open in front; legs short, with only three very long toes entirely webbed ; the lateral one margined ; wings very long and narro ¥, with the primary quills short, and the secondaries long. 660 AVES—WILD GOOSE. a swan, und its wings, when extended, ten feet from tip to tip. The bili which is six inches long, is yellowish, and terminates in a crooked point. The top of the head is of a bright brown; the back is of a dirty, deep spotted brown ; and the belly, and under the wings, is white. The toes, which are webbed, are of a flesh color. This bird is an inhabitant of the tropical -limates, and also beyond them, as far as the Straits of Magellan, in the South seas. It not only eats fish, but also such small water-fowl as it can take by surprise. It preys, as the gull kind do, upon the wing, and chiefly pursues the flying fish that are forced from the sea by the dolphins. , The albatross seems to have a peculiar affection for the penguin, and a pleasure in its society. They are always seen to choose the same places of breeding ; some distant, uninhabited island, where the ground slants to the sea, as the penguin is not formed either for flying or climbing. In such ’ places their nests are seen together, as if they stood in need.of mutual assist- ance and protection. In the middle, on high, the albatross raises its nest on heath, sticks, and long grass, about two feet above the surface; and round this the penguins make their lower settlements, rather in holes in the ground; and most usually eight penguins to one albatross. There are about three other species of albatross, all of them smaller than the preceding. The upper parts of the plumage are a dusky blue black, and the rump and under parts white ; but what peculiarly distinguishes it is, that the bill, which is four inches long, is black, all but the upper ridge, which is yellow quite to the tip. It inhabits the South seas within the tropics. THE AMERICAN WILD GOOSEJ Tuis is a bird universally known over the whole country, and whose regu lar periodical migrations are the sure signals of returning spring, or approaching winter. I have never yet visited, says Wilson, any quarter of the country, where the inhabitants are not familiarly acquainted with the passing and repassing of the wild geese. The general opinion here is, that they are on their way to the lakes to breed; but the rus itente on the con- l Anas canadensis, Lin. The genus Anas has the bill middle-sized, robust, straight, more or less depressed, covered by a thin skin, often deeper than broad at the hase, which as furnished with a fleshy tubercle, or smooth; always depressed towards the tip, which ts obtuse and furnished with a nail; edges of both mandibles divided into conical or flat Inmellated teeth; nostrils almost at the surface of the bill, at some distance from the hase ovoid half closed by the flat membrane that covers the nasal furrow; legs short, feathered two the knee, and placed near the abdomen; the three fore toes webbed ; the hinder detach- ed, and either destitute of a web, or having only a rudimentary one. & . © AVES—WILD GOOSE. 601 fines of the great lakes are.equally ignorant with ourselves of the particular breedinz places of these birds. There, their journey north is but commenc- ing, and how far it extends it is impossible for us at present: to ascertain. They were seen by Hearne in large flocks within the arctic circle, and were then pursuing their way still: farther north. They have been seen, also, on the dreary coast of pitsbergen, feeding on the water’s edge. It is highly probable that they extend their migrations under the very pole itself, amid the silent desolation of unknown countries, shut out from the eye of man by everlasting barriers of ice. That such places abound with suitable food, we cannot for a momer.t doubt. ee The flight of the wild geese is heavy and laborious, generally in a straight hne, or in two lines approximating to a point. In both cases, the van is led by an old gander, who every now and then pipes his well known hows, as if to ask how they come on; and the houk of ‘“all’s well,” is generally returned by some of the party. When bewildered in foggy weather, they appear sometimes to be in great distress, flying abuut in an irregular man- ner, making a great clamor. On these occasions, should they alight on the earth, as they sometimes do, they meet with speedy death and destruction. The autumnal flight lasts from the middle of August to the middle of Octo- ber; the vernal flight from the middle of April to the middle of May. Wounded geese have frequently been domesticated, and readily pair with tame geese. On the approach of spring, however, they discover symptoms of great uneasiness, frequently looking up into the air, and attempting to go aff. Some, whose wings have heen closely cut, have travelled on foot in a northerly direction and have been found at a distance of several miles trom 56 662 AVES—WILD GOOSE. ! * nome. They hail every flock that passes overhead, and the sa ute ts sure te be returned by the voyagers, who are only prevented from alighting among them, by the presence and habitations of man. The gunners sometimes take one or two of these domesticated geese with them to those places over which the wild ones are accustomed to fly; and concealing themselves, wait for a flight, which is no sooner perceived by ihe decoy geese, than they %e- gin calling aloud, until the flock approaches so near, that the gunners ue enabled to make great havec among them with their musket shot. The English at Hudson’s Bay depend greatly on geese, and in favorable seasons kill three or four thousand, and barrel them up for use. They send out their servants, as well as Indians, to kill them on their passage. They mimic the cackle of geese so well, that many of them are allured to the spot where they are concealed, and are thus easily shot. When in good order, the wild goose weighs from ten to fourteen pounds, and is estimated to yield half a pound of feathers. It is domesticated in numerous quarters of the country, and is remarked for being extremely watchful, and more sensible of approaching changes in the atmosphere than the common gray goose. In England, France and Gerinany, they have been long ago domesticated. Mr Platt, a respectable farmer on Long Island, being out shooting in one of the bays which in that part of the country abound in water-fowl, wounded | a wild goose. Being unable to fly, he caught it and brought it home alive. It proved to be a female, and turning it into his yard with a flock of tame geese, it soon became quite familiar, and in a little time its wounded wing entirely healed. In the following spring, when the wild geese migrate to the northward, a flock passed over Mr Platt’s barn-yard, and just at that moment, their leader happening to sound the bugle note, our goose, in whom its new habits and enjoyments had not quite extinguished the love ot liberty, and remembering the well-known sound, spread its wings, mounted into the air, joined the travellers, and soon disappeared. In the succeeding autumn, the wild geese, as usual, returned from the northward in great numbers, to pass the winter in our bays and rivers. Mr Platt happened to be standing in his yard, when a flock passed directly over his barn. At that instant, he observed three geese detach themselves from the rest, and. after wheeling round several times, alizht in the middle of the yard. Imagine his surprise and pleasure, when, by certain well remembered signs, he recognised in one oi the three his long-lost fugitive. It was she indeed! She had travelled many hundred miles to the lakes; had there hatched and reared her offs spring ; and had now returned with her little family, to share with them the nweets of civilized life. AVES—WILD GOOSE...SWAN. 663 THE EUROPEAN WILD GOOSE? Tue wild goose, or gray lag, always retains the same marks: the whole upper part is ash colored; the breast and belly are of a dirty white; the bill is narrow at the base, and at the tip it is black; the legs are of a saffron color, and the claws black. It frequently weighs about ten pounds. The wild goose is supposed to breed in the northern parts of Europe, and, in the beginning of winter, to descend into more temperate regions. If they come to the ground by day, they range themselves in a line, like cranes ; and seem rather to have descended for rest, than for other refreshment. ‘When they have sat in this manner for an hour or two, we have heard one of them, with a loud, long note, sound a kind of charge, to which the rest punctually attended, and they pursued their journey with renewed alacrity. Their flight is very regularly arranged; they either go in a line abreast, or in two lines, joining in an angle in the middle. The common tame goose is nothing more than this goose in a state of domestication. The tame goose is sometimes white, and generally varies between white and gray. There are also the barnacle goose,? the brant goose,’ the bear goose 4 and a variety of others. ‘ THE SWANS ‘ So much difference is there between this bird, when on land and in the water, that it isthardly to be supposed the same, for in the latter, no bird can possibly exceed it for beauty and majestic appearance. Wuen it ascends from its favorite element, its motions are awkward, and its neck is stretched forward with an air of stupidity; it has, indeed, the air of being only a larger sort of goose ; but when seen smoothly gliding along the water, dis- plays a thousand graceful attitudes, and moving at pleasure without the smallest apparent effort, there is not a more beautiful figure in all nature. Tn its form, we find no broken or harsh lines; in its motions, nothing con- strained or abrupt, but the roundest contours, and the easiest transitions; the eye wanders over the whole with unalloyed pleasure, and, with every change of position, every part assumes a new grace. It will swim faster than a man can walk. ‘this bird has long been rendered domestic; and it is now doubttu: whe- her there be any of the tame kind in a state of nature. The color of the tame swan is entirely white, and it generally weighs full twenty pounds. Under 1 Anas anser, Lin. 2 Anas lew.opsis, TemM. 3 Anas ber nicla, Lun. * Anas segetum, GMEL. 6 Anas olor, Lan. ‘ 664 AVES—SWAN. the feathers is a very thick, soft down, which is made an artic’e of com merce, for purposes of both use and ornament. The windpipe sinks down into the lungs in the ordinary manner; and it is the most silent of all the feathered tribe ; it cando nothing more than hiss, which it does on receiving any provocation. In these respects, it is very different from the wild or whistling swan. : aa Wir — we, rete This beautiful bird is as delicate in its appetites as it is elegant in its form. Its chief food is corn, bread, herbs growing in the water, and roots and seeds, which are found near the margin. At the time of incubation, it prepares a nest in some retired part of the bank, and chiefly where there is an islet in ihe stream. This is composed of water plants, long grass, and sticks; and the male and female assist in forming it with great assiduity. ‘The swan lays seven or eight white eggs, one every other day, much larger than those of a goose, with a hard, and sometimes a tuberous shell. It sits six weeks before its young are excluded; which are ash colored when they first leave the shell, and for some months after. It is not a little dangerous to ap- proach the old ones, when their little family are feeding around them. Their fears as well as their pride, seem to take the alarm, and, when in danger, the old birds carry off the young ones 6n their back. A female has been known to attack and drown a fox, which was swimming towards her nest; toey are able to throw down and trample on youths of fifteen or sixteen; and an old swan can break the leg of a man with a single stroke of its wing. Swans were formerly held in such great esteem in England, that, by an act of Edward the Fourth, none, except the son of the king, was permitted to keep a swan, unless possessed of a freehold to the value of five marks a year. By a subsequent act, the punishment for taking their eggs was im- prisonment for a year and a day, and a fine at the king’s will. At present, they are not valued for the delicacy of their flesh ; but numbers are stil! pr AVES- SWAN. 665 served for their beauty. Many may be seen on the Thames, where they are esteemed royal property, and it is accounteu felony to steal their eggs. On this river, as far as the conservancy of it belongs to the city of London, they are under the care of the corporation ; and at certain times the lord mayor, alcermen, &c. proceed up the Thames, to what is commonly called the swan hopping, to mark the young birds. The swan is a long-lived bird, and sometimes attains the age of more than a hundred years. THE WILD OR WHISTLING SWAN, TnoveH so strongly resembling the tame swan in color and form, is yet a lifferent bird; for it is very differently formed within. The wild swan is ‘ess than the tame, almost a fourth; for as the one weighs twenty pounds, the other only weighs sixteen pounds and three quarters,, The color of the tame swan is all over white; that of the wild bird is along the back and the tips of the wings of an ash color; the tame swan is mute, the wild one has a sharp loud cry, particularly while flying. But these are slight differences, com- pared to whai are found upon dissection. The wild species is found m mcst of the northern regions, in America, and probably in the East Indies. THE BLACK SWAN. New Holland, that country of animal wonders, presents us with a bira wnizh the ancients imagined could not possibly have existence. The black + Anas cygnus, Lin. 84 " 56% 666 AVES—EIDER DUCK. ‘ swan is exactly siinilar in its form to the swan of the old world, but is sore- what smaller in size. Every part of its plumage is perfectly black, with the exception of the primary and a few of the secondary quill feathers, which are white. The bill is of a bright red above, is crossed at the anterior part by a whitish band; is of a grayish white on the under part; and, in the male, is surmounted at the bdse by a slight protuberance. The legs and feet are of a duli ash color. Black swans, in their wild state, are extremely shy. They are found in Van Dieman’s Land, New South Wales, anid on the western coast of New Holland; and are generally seen swimming on a lake, in flocks consisting of eight or nine individuals. On being disturbed, they nly off in a direct line one after the other, like wild geese. THE EIDER DUCK! Has a black, cylindrical bill, and the feathers or the forehead and cheeks 2d- vance far into the base. In the male, the feathers of part of the head, -he lower part of the breast, the belly and the tail, are black, as are also the quili feathers of the wings; and nearly all the rest of the body ts waite. The legs are green. The female issof a reddish brown, variously marked with black and dusky streaks. It is principally found in the western isles of Scotland, on the coasts of Norway, Iceland and Greenland, and in many parts of North America. The female lays from three to five eggs, (sometimes as many as eight,‘ which are large, smooth, glossy, and of a pale olive color. She generally 1 Anas mollisima, Lin AVES—EIDER DUCK. 667 lays among stones, or plaats, near the sea, but in a soft bed of down, which she plucks trom her own breast. Sometimes two females will lay thei eggs in the same nest, in which case they always agree remarkably well. As long as the female is sitting, the male continues on watch near the shore, but as soon as the young are hatched, he leaves them. The mother, how- ever, reniains with them a considerable time afterwards. It is curious te observe her manner of leading them out of the nest, almust as soon as they creep from the eggs. Going before them to the shore, they trip after her; and, when she comes to the water-side, she takes them on her back, and swims a few yurds with them, when she dives; and the young ones are !eft floating on the surface, obliged to take care of themselves. They are sel- drm seen afterwards on land. Tn Iceland, the eider ducks generally build their nests on small islands, not far from the shore; and sometimes even near the dwellings of the na- tives, who treat them with so much attention and kindness as to render them nearly tame. From these birds is produced the soft down, so well known by the name of the eider, or edder down, which is so light and expan- sive that a couple of handfuls will fill a down quilt, which, in cold countries, is used instead of a quilt or blanket. In the breeding season, the birds pluck it from their breasts tu tine their nests, and make a soft bed for the young ones. When the natives come to the nests, they carefully remove the fe- male and take away the superfluous down and eggs; after this, they replace the female; she then begins to lay afresh, and covers her eggs with new down, which she also plucks from her body; when this is scarce, or she has no more left, the male comes to her assistance, and covers the eggs with his down, which is white, and easily distinguished from that of the female. When the young ones leave the nest, which is about an hour after they are hatched, it is once more plundered. The most eggs and best down are got during the first three weeks of their laying; and it has generally been ob- served, that they lay the greatest number of eggs in rainy weather. One female, during the time of laying, generally gives half a pound of down; which, however, is reduced one half after it is cleaned. The Iceland com- pany at Copenhagen generally export from Iceland about one thousand five hun Ired or two thousand pounds weight of this down, besides what is p.i- vately purchased by foreigners. The Greenlanders kill these birds with darts; pursuing them in their lit- ue buats, watching their course by’ the air bubbles when they dive, and always striking them when they rise to the surface wearied. The flesh is valued as food, aud their skins are made into warm and comfortable under Barmeute, 668 AVES—TEAL....WIDGEUN, THE TEAL2 Tuts 1s the smallest bird of the duck kind; it 1s common in England in the winter months; and some imagine that it breeds there ‘as well as it does in France. It does not usually weigh more than twelve ounces; and it measures about sixteen inches from the point of the bill to the tip of the tail, and from the extremity of each wing, when extended, nearly two feet. The bill is of a dark brown color, the head is. considerably lighter, inclining to a bay, with a large white stripe over each eye, bending downwards, to- wards the back part of the head; the back and sides under the wings are curiously varied with lines of white and black. ‘The breast is of a dirty colored yellow, interspersed with dusky transverse lines; the belly more 4 bright, with yellowish brown spots; the quill feathers of the wings are of a dusky brown, with white edges; the covert feathers appear of a fine shining green, with their tips white; the scapular feathers are more inclining to an ash color; the legs and feet are brown, the claws black. These birds feed on cresses, chervil, and other weeds, and also on seeds and some kinds of water insects. The flesh is a great delicacy, and has a tess fishy taste than any other of the wild duck tribe. Thc female constructs her nests of reeds interwoven with grass, and is said to make it among rushes, that it may rise or fall with the varying height of the water. THE WIDGEON.2 Tus bird weighs about twenty-two ounces; it has a black nail at the end of the upper mandible of the bill, the other part of which *, of a lead color; the structure of the head and mouth very much resemb .s .he com- mony witd duck, only the head does nct seein to be quite so lar. * + propore 1 Anas crecca, Lin. 2 Anas Penelope, Ly AVES- WIDGEON. 669 tion to the body, which also appears of a finer'shape, and the wings longer. The crown of the head towards the base of the bill is of a pale pink color, inclining to a reddish white; the other parts of the head and neck are red; the sides of the body and the upper part of the breast are tinctured with a very fair, glossy, and beautiful claret color, with a few small transverse iines of black. The feathers on the back are brown, the edges more pale or ash colored; the scapular feathers, and those under the fore part of the wings, are finely variegated with small transverse black and white lines, beautifully dispersed like waves; the quill feathers are some of them brown, with white tips, others have their outward webs of a blackish purple; cther yarts, especially those beyond the covert feathers, of a lovely fine blue; some of the exterior feathers have their outward webs inclining to black, with a fine purple gloss upon the borders, on which there are a number of small light colored spots; the rest of the wing feathers are of a beautifui party-colered brown and white. The upper part of the tail is ash colured; the under part, behind the vent, black. The legs and feet are of a dark lead color, and the claws black. The youngf both sexes are gray, and this hue they retain till February, when the plumage of the male begins to assume its variegated tints. He is said to retain his bright colors till the end of July, and then to becume dark and gray, so as scarcely to be distinguished from the female. ‘ Widgeons are common in Cambridgeshire, England, the Isle of Ely, &c., where the male is called the Widgeon, and the female the Whewer. They feed upon wild periwinkles, grass, weeds, &c., which grow at the bottom of rivers and lakes Their flesh has a fine taste. 670 AVES—DUCK. THE CANVASS-BACK DUCK! Ts a very celebrated species, unknown in Europe. They appear in the Unit. ed States about the middle of October, and great numbers of them are found on the rivers near Chesapeake Bay. ‘he canvass-back, in the rich juicy tenderness of its flesh, and its delicacy and flavor, stands unrivalled by the whole of its tribe in, perhaps, any other part of the world. They sometimes sell from one to three dollars a pair. Its length is about two feet, and its weight two pounds. The most obvious distinction between wild and tame ducks is in the colo. of their feet; those of the tame duck being black; those of the wild duck yellow. The difference between wild ducks among each other, arises as well from their size, as the nature of the place they feed in. Sea ducks, which feed in the salt water, and dive much, have a broad bill, bending upwards, a large hind toe, anda long blunt tail. Pond ducks, which feed in plashes, have a straight and narrow bill, a small hind toe, and a sharp pointed train. The former are called in England, by the decoy-men, foreign ducks; the latter are supposed to be natives of England. In this tribe, we may rank, as natives of America, the velvet duck,? not so large, and with a vellow bill; the scoter duck, or black diver,? with a knob at the base of a yellow bill; the tufted duck," adorned with a thick crest; the scaup duck,3 less than the common duck, with the bill of a grayish blue color; the gol- den eye,® with a large white spot at the corners of the mouth, resembling an eye; the sheldrake,’ with the bill of a bright red, and swelling intoa knob; the mallard,8 which is the stock whence the tame breed has probably 1 ‘nas valisneria, WiLs0n. 2 Anos fusca, Lin. 3 Anas nigra, Lin. 4Anas fuligula, Witson * Anas marila, Lix. 6 Anas clangula, Lin. T Anas tadorna Iw 8 Anas boschas, Lin, AVES—GOOSANDER...MERGANSER. 671 been produced; the shoveller,! which has a bill three inches long 2nd re- markably broad at the end; the pintail,? with the two middle feathers of the tail three inches longer than the rest; the long-tailed? duck, the general color of whose plumage is deep chocolate, and the outer feathers of the tail, which are white, four inches longer than the rest. THE GOOSANDER* Wersus about four pounds. The bill is red; the head very full of feathers on the top and back part. The plumage is various and beautiful. The head and upper parts are fine glossy black, the rump and tail ash color, and the under parts of the neck and body a fine pale yellow. Its manners and appetites entirely resemble those of the diver. It feeds upon fish, for which it dives; it is said to build its nest upon trees, lil2 the heron and the cor- vorant. THE RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS Is smaller, weighing only twopounds. The head and neck are black, gloss- ed with green ; the rest of the neck and the belly white ; the upper part of the back is glossy black: tle lower parts and the rump are striated with brown and pale gray; on the wings there are white bars tipped with black, and 1 Anas clypeata, Lun. 2 Anas Labradora, GMEL. 3 Anas glacialis. ‘ Mergzus merganser, Lin. The genus Mergus has the hill middle-sized or long, slen- . der, in the form of an elongated cone, and almost cylindrical; bas2 broad; tip of the up- per mandible much hooked, and furnished with a nail; edges of hoth mandibles serrated in a backward direction; nostrils lateral towards the middle of the hill; legs short, placed beglewacns on the abdomen, the three fore tues completely webbed, the hind toe articulated am the tarsus, Mer gus serrator, Lin. 672 AVES—GOOSANDER. the breast 1s reddish, mixed with black and white. The plumage of the female is less splendid; and they differ in another respect, viz. that the male has a very full and large crest, the female only the rudiment of one It is common on the shores of the United States as well as in Europe. THE SMEW, OR WHITE-HEADED GOOSANDER! Mrasures eighteen inches from the point of the bill to the extremity. I has a fine crest upon the head, which falls down towards the back part of it, under which, gn each side of the head, is a black spot; the rest of the nead and neck, and the under parts of the body, are white; the back and the wings are a pleasing mixture of black and white. The tail is about three 4 Mergus albellus, Lin. + AVES—MERGANSER...PELICAN, 673 inches long, of a kizd of dusky ash color, the feathers on each side shortens mg gradually. The female has no crest; the sides of the head red; the wings of a dusky ash color; the throat is white. In other respects itagrees with the male. THE HOODED MERGANSER! Is a native of North America, and peculiar to that country. It is common on the coasts of New England, and breeds in the arctic regions. It is about the size of a widgeon. The head and neck are dark brown; the former sui- rounded with a large rcund crest, the middle of which is white. The back and quills are black, the tail dusky ; and the breast and belly white, undu- lated with black. The female is fainter in the color of her plumage, and has a smaller crest. THE PELICAN? THE great white pelican of Africa? is much larger than aswan. Its four toes are all welsbed together; and its neck, in some measure, resembles that of a swan; but that singularity in which it differs trom all other birds, is in the bill, and the great pouch underneath, which are wonderful, and demand a distinct description. This enormous bill is fifteen inches from the point to the opening of the mouth, which is a geod way back behind the eyes. The base of the bill is somewhat greenish ; but it varies towards the end, being of a reddish blue. ‘To the lower edges of the under chap hangs a bag, reaching the whole length of the bill to the neck, which is said to be capable of con- taining fifteen quarts of water. This bag the bird has a power of wrinkling up into the hollow of the under chap; but, by opening the bill, and putting one’s hand down into the bag, it may be distended at pleasure. It is nv.. covered with feathers, but a short downy substance, as smooth and soft as satin. Tertre affirms, that this pouch will hold as many fish as will serve sixty hungry men for a meal. Such is the formation of this extraordinary bird, which isa native of Africa and America. It was once also known ' Mergus eucullatus, Lix. 2The genus Pelicanus has the hill long, straight, broad, much depressed ; upper man- dible fattened, terminated by a nail, or very strong hook; the lower formed by two long branches, which are depressed. flexible, and united at the tip; from these hranches is sus- ended a naked skin, in form of a pouch; face and throat naked; nostrils basal, in the form of a narrow longitudinal slit; legs short and stout; all the four tocs connected b7 a web. 3 Pelicanus onocrotalus, Lyx. 8 57 674 AVES—PELICAN. m Europe, particularly in Russia; but it seems to have deserted those coasts. In the island of Manilla, the pelicans are of a rose color, and in America they are brown. They are all torpid and inactive to the last degree, so that nothing can exceed their indolence but their gluttony. It is only from the stimulations of hunger that they are excited to labor; for otherwise they would-continue always in fixed repose. When they have raised themselves about thirty or forty feet above the surface of the sea, thev turn their head, with one eye downwards, and continue to fly in that posture. As soon as Gee LE Ze oa ELE hag Wy ye “yh Ml Wy Ly they perceive a fish sufficiently near the surface, they dart down %,on it with the swiftness of an arrow, seize it with unerring certainty, and store it up in their pouch. They then rise again, though not without great labor, and continue hovering and fishing, with their head on one side, as before. This work they continue, with great effort and indusiry, till cheir bag is full; and then they fly to land to devour and digest, at leisure, the fruits of their industry. This, however, it would appear, they are not long perform- g; for, towards night, they have another hungry call; and they again, reluctantly, go to labor. Sometimes, they are said to assemble in large numbers, to act in concert, and to manceuvre with great skill, for the purpose of securing an abundant prey. This they accomplish by formmg a circular line, and gradualiy uar- AVES—CORMORANT. 675 N rowing tie included space, till the fishes.are driven within a narrow com- pass, ‘They then all plunge into the water at once, on a given signal, fill their pouches with the spoil, and then return to the land, to enjoy themselves at leisure. Their life is spent between sleeping and eating. The female makes no preparation for her nest, nor seems to choose any place in preference to lay in, but drops her eggs on the bare ground, to the number of five or six, and there continues to hatch them. Her little progeny, however, seem to call forth some maternal affections ; for its young have been taken and tied by the leg to a post, and the parent bird has been observed for several days to come and feed them ; remaining'with them the greater part of the day, and spend- ing the night on a branch of a tree that hung over them. By these means they become so familiar that they suffered themselves to be handled; and they very readily accepted whatever fish was given to them. These they always put first into their pouch, and then swallowed them at leisure. THE CORMORANT, OR CORVORANT,- Is about the size of a large Muscovy duck. The head and neck of this bird are of a sooty blackness, and the body thick and heavy, more inclining in figure to that of the goose, than the gull. As soon as the winter approaches, they are seen dispersed along the seashore, and ascending up the mouths of fresh “water rivers, carrying destruction to all the finny tribe. They are most remarkably voracious, and have a most sudden digestion. Their appe- tite is forever craving, and never satisfied. This gnawing sensation may probably be increased by the great quantity of small worms that fill their intestines, and which their increasing gluttony contributes to engender. This bird has the most rank and disagreeable smell, and is more foetid than even carrion, when in ifs most healthful state. Itis seen as well by land as sea; it fishes in fresh water lakes as well as in the depths of the ocean ; it builds in the cliffs of rocks, as well as on trees; and preys not only in the daytime, but by night. lts indefatigable nature, and its great power in catching fish, were, proba- bly, the motives that induced some nations to breed this bird up tame, for the purpose of fishing. The description of their manner of fishing is thus enlivened by Faber: “When they carry them out of the rooms where they are kept, to the fish 1 Carbo cormoranus, Mever. The genus Carbo has the hill middle-sized, or long, straight, cmpressed ; upper mandible much bent at the tip, the lower compressed ; base of the bill involved ina membrane which extends to the throat ; face and thront naked nostrils basal, linear and concealed ; legs strong, short, situated far behind; al] the toes mceiuded in a’ web, and the middle claw serrated. 676 AVES—CORMORANT. pools. they hoodwink them, that they may not be frightened by the way When they are come to the rivers, they take off their hoods; and having ued a leather thong round the lower part of their necks, that they may notswal- low down the fish they catch, they throw them into the river. They pre- sently dive under water; and there, for a long time, with wonderful swift. ness, pursue the fish; and, when they have caught them, rise to the top of the water, and, pressing the fish lightly with their bills, swallow them; till each bird has, after this manner, devoured five or six fishes. Then thir X 0 Ne keepers call them to the fist, to which they readily fly; and, one after another, vomit up all their fish, a little bruised with the first nip given in catching them. When they have done fishing, setting the birds on sorne high place, they loose the string from their necks, leaving the passage to the stomach free and open; and, for their reward, they throw them part of their prey; to each one or two fishes, which they will catch most dexterously, as they are falling in the air.” At present, the cormorant is trained up in every part of China for the same purpose. “It is very pleasant to behold with what sagacity they por- ton out the lake or the canal where they are upon duty. When they have AVES—GANNET, 677 found their prey, they seize it with their beak by the middle, and carry it witnout fai! to their master. When the fish is too large, they then give each other mutual assistance; one seizes it by the head, the other by the tail, and in this manner carry it to the boat together. They have always while they fish, a string fastened round their throats, to prevent them from devouring their prey.” Such was formerly the practice in England; and as late as the reign of Charles I., there was an officer of the household who pore the tile of Master of the Cormorants. THE GANNET, OR SOLAN GOOSE,} Is of the size of a tame goose, but its wings much longer, being six feet over. The bil] is six inches long, straight almost to the point. It differs from the corvorant in size, being iarger; in its color, which is chiefly dirty white, with a cinereous tinge; and by its having no nostrils, but in their place a long furrow that reaches almost to the end of the bill. From the corner of the mouth is a narrow slip of black bare skin, that extends to the hind part of the head; beneath the skin is another that, like the pouch of the pelican, is dilatable, and of size sufficient to contain five or six entire herrings, which in the breeding season it carries at once to its mate or its young. 3 These birds, which subsist entirely upon fish, chiefly resort to those unin- habited islands where their food is found in plenty, and men seldom come to disturb them. The islands to the north of Scotland, the Skelig islands off the coasts of Kerry, in Ireland, and those that lie in the North sea off Norway, abound with them. But it is on the Bass island, in the firth of 1 Sula alba, Mever. The genus Su/a has the bill long, stout, in the frm of an elon- gated coue, very thick at the base, compressed towards the tip. which is obliquely curved ; cleft beyond the eyes; edges of both mandibles serrated ; face and throat naked ; rostrils basal, linear. and concealed ; legs short, stout, placed far behind ; all the toes connected Jy a web; claw of the middle toe serrated ; wings long; tail conical, and composed of twelve featners. 57% ao 678 AVES—TROPIC BIRD...DIVER. Edinburgh. where they are seen in the greatest abundance. “It is searcee ly possible to walk there without treading on them; the flocks of birds upon the wing are so numerous as to darken the air like a cloud; and their nvise is such, that one cannot, without difficulty, be heard by the person next to him.” THE TROPIC BIRD! Inciuves only three known species, which are all distinguished bya vedgee like tail, the two middle feathers extending a vast length beyond the others , THE COMMON TROPIC BIRD? Is about the size of a widgeon. The length to the tip of the two long fea- thers is nearly three feet. The bill is three inches long, and red; the head, neck, and under parts of the body, are quite white; the upper parts of the plumage white also, but marked with black lines. The two middle feathers of the tail measure twenty inches, and project fifteen inches beyond the rest. It takes its name from being chiefly found within the tropics. It frequently flies very high, but generally attends upon the flying-fishes in their escape from their watery enemies; and they have now and then been found in calm weather, supinely floating on the backs of the drowsy tortoises. Their flesh is not good, but is sometimes eaten by the hungry sailors. THE,GREAT NORTHERN DIVER? Is a very large bird, weighing sixteen pounds, and measuring three feet six inches in length. The bill is strong, black, and above four inches in length, 1The genus Phaeton has the hill as long as the head, thick, stout, hard, sharp-edged much compressed, pointed, slightly sloped from the hase; edges of the mandibles widen: ed at the hase, compressed aud serrated in the rest of their length; nostrils basal, lateral, covered above and near the base, by a naked membrane, and pervious; legs very short, placed far hack, all the toes connected by a web; wings long; tail short, but the two filamentous middle feathers very long. 2 Phaéton phenicirus, Lin. 3 Colymbus glaciclis, ix. The genus Colymbus has the hill of medium size, straight, very pointed, compr ssed ; uostrils basal, lateral concave, oblong. half closed by a mem- brane; legs placed far hehind; tarsi compressed ; the three fore toes very long and webbed ; the hinder short, with a lnose rudimentary wel; wings short; tail very short and rounded. AVES—PUFFIN. 679 The head and neck are ve.vet olac, with a white crescent immediately under tne tnroa*, and another behind. The upper parts of the plumage are also black, spotted with white, and the breast and belly perfectly white. Tunis bird is found in all the northern parts of Europe, and feeds on fish. It breeds on the inaccessible rocks and steep cliffs in the Isle of Man, and likewise in Cornwall, and several other places in England. The northern diver lays exceedingly large eggs ; being full three inches long, blunt at one end, and sharp at the other, of a sort ot bluish color, generally spotted with some black spots or sirokes. It flies high and well. It is found on tle coast of the United States, where it is known by the name of the don. THE PUFFIN! - S oe = SE SS cS Js the size of the teal, weighs about twelve ounces, and is twelve inches in length. The bitl is much compressed ; the half next the poin: is red, that next the base is blue gray. It has three furrows or grooves impressed in it; one in the livid part, two in the red. The eves are fenced with a protube- rant skin, of a livid color; and they are gray or ash colored. The puffin, like all the rest of this kind, has its legs thrown so far sack, that it can hardly move without tumbling. This makes it rise with diffi- culty, and subject to many falls before it gets upon the wing; but as it is a small bird, when it once rises, it can continue its flight with great celerity. All the winter these birds are absent, visiting regions too remote for discovery. At the latter end of March, or the beginning of April, a troop of their spies, or harbingers, come and stay two or three days, as it were, to 1 Mormon fratercula, Temm. The genus Mormon has the bill shorter than the head, deeper than long, and much compressed ; hoth mandibles arched transversely, furrowed, and notched towards the tip; a e of the upper mandible elevated above the level of the skull; uostris lateral, marginal, Jinear, naked. almost wholly concealed by a large naked membrane; legs short, placed fir behind, furnished with only three toes all directed forwards, and webbed ; claws much hovked ; wings short. 680 AVES—GREAT AUK. view and search out their former situations, and see whether all be well This done, they once more depart; and, about the beginning of May, return again with the whole army of their companions. But if the season happens to be stormy and tempestuous, and the sea troubled, the unfortunate voyagers undergo incredible hardships; and they are found, by hundreds, east away upon the shores, lean, and perished with famine. The puffin, when it prepares for breeding, which always happens a few days after its arrival, begins to scrape out a hole in the ground, not far from the shore; and when it has penetrated some way into the earth, it then throws itself upon its back, and with its bill and claws thus burrows inward, ull it has dug a hole with several windings and turnings, fron eight to ten feet deep. It particularly seeks to dig under a stone, where it expects the greatest security. In this fortified retreat it lays one egg, which, though the bird be not much bigger than a pigeon, is the size of a hen’s. Few birds or beasts will venture to attack them in their retreats. When the great sea raven comes to take away their young, the puffin boldly op- poses him. Their meetings afford a most singular combat. As soon as the raven approacees, the puffin catches him under the throat with its beak, and sticks its claws into its breast, which makes the raven, with a loud screams ing, attempt to get away; but the little bird still holds fast to the invader, zor lets him go till they both come to the sea, when they drop down together, and the raven is drowned; yet the raven is but too often successful, and, nvading the puffin at the bottom of its hole, devours both the parent and “ts family. THE GREAT AUK! fs distinguished peculiarly by the form of the bill, which is strong, convex, compressed at the sides, in general crossed with several furrows, and in some degree resembling the coulter of a plough. lt is the size of a goose; its bill is black, about four inches and a quarter in length, and covered at the base with short, velvet-like feathers. The upper parts of the plumage are black, and the lower parts white, witha spot of white between the bill and the eyes, and an oblong stripe of the same on the wings, which are too short for flight. The bird is alsoa very bad walker, but swims and dives well. It is, however, observed by seamen 1 Alea impenuis, Lin. The genus Alca has the bill straight, broad, compresseu, mneb bent towards the tip, both mandibles half covered with feathers, and grooved near the point, the upper hooked, the lower forming a salient angle; nostrils Tateral, marginal, siear, situated near the middle of the hill. almost entirely closed by a membrane, ano tovered with feathers; legs short, placed Jar behind, with three toes directed lurwaads, end palinated; wings short. : AVES--RAZORBILL...PENGUIN. 681 that it is never seen out of soundings, so that its appearance serves as an infallible direction to land. It feeds on the lump fish, and others of tne same size, andis frequent on the coasts of Norway, Greenland, Newfoundland &ec. It lays its eggs close to the sea-mark. THE RAZORBILLI ts not above half the size of the preceding, which it resembles both in form and plumage, except that it has the use of its wings, and lays its egg (for each of these species lays but one) on the bare top of a precipice, and fastens it by a cement, so as to prevent its rolling off. It is pretty common on the coasts of England during the summer season. THE PENGUIN. Tre penguins seem to hold the same place in tne southern parts of the world, as the auks do in the north, neither of them having ever been observed within the tropics. The wings of the larger species do not enable them to rise out cf the water, but serve them rather as paddles, to help them forward when they attempt to move swiftly, and in a manner walk along the surface of the water. Even the smaller kinds seldom fly by choice: they flutter their wings with the swiftest efforts, without making way ;.and though they have but a small weight of body to sustain, yet they seldom venture to quit the water, where they are provided with food and protection, 4 Alca torda, Lin. 96 682 AVES—PENGUIN. As the wings of the penguin tribe are unfitted for flight, the legs are stil] more awkwardly adapted for walking. This whole tribe have all above the knee hia within the belly; and nothing appears but two short legs, or feet, as some would cai] them, that seem stuck under the rump, and upon which the anima] is very awkwardly supported. They seem, when sitting, oz attempt‘ng to walk, like a dog that has been taught to sit up, or to movea minuet. Their short legs drive the body in progression from side to side; and were they not assisted by their wings, they could scarcely move faster than. a tortoise. This awkward position of ‘the legs, which so disqualifies them for living upon land, adapts them admirably for a residence in water; in that, the legs, placed behind the moving body, push it forward with greater velocity ; and these birds, like Indian canoes, are the swiftest in the water, by having their paddles in the rear. They are also covered more warmly all over the body with feathers, than any other birds whatever; so that the sea seems entirely their element. THE PATAGONIAN PENGUIN'! Wercus about forty pounds, and is four feet three inches in length. The bill measures four inches and a half, but is slender. The head, throat, and hind part of the neck, are brown; the back of a deep ash color; and all the under parts white. The Magellanic penguin is about the size of a guose; the upper parts of the plumage are black, and the under white. These birds walk erect, with their heads on high, their fin-like wings hanging down like arms; so that to see them at a distance, they look like so many children with white aprons. Hence they are said to unite in themselves the qualities of men, fowls, and fishes. Like men, they are upright; like fowls, they are feathered; and, like fishes, they have fin-like instruments, that beat the water before, and serve for all the purposes of swimming rather than flying. ORDER XVI.—INERTES. Brnos of this order have the bill¢of different forms; body probably thick, covered with down, and feathers with distant webs; legs placed much behind; tarsus short; three toes before, divided to the base; hind we short 'Aptenodytes Patachonica, LatH. The genus Aptenodytes has the hill longer than the head, slender, straight, inflected at the tip; upper mandible furrowed throughout its whole length, the under wider at the base, and covered with a naked and smooth skin; nostrils an the upper part of the Mull concealed by the feathers of the forehead. .egs ver Short, thick, placed fee behind ; four toes directed forward, three of which are webbed, and the fu arth very short; wings incapable of flight. AVES—DODO. 683 articulated exteriorly, claws thick and sharp; wings improper for flight. There are only two birds known of this order; the apteryx, a bird inhabiting New Zealand, and the dodo THE DODO. Swir-ness is generally considered as the peculiar attribute of birds; tut the dodo, instead of exciting that idea by its appearance, seems to strike the imagination as a thing the most unwieldy and inactive of all nature. Its body is massive, almost cubical, und covered with gray feathers; it is just barely supported upon two short thick legs like pillars. ‘lhe neck, thick and pursy, is joined to the head, which consists of two great chaps, that open far behind the eyes, which are large, black, and prominent; so that the animal, when it gapes, seems to be all mouth. The bill, therefore, is ranchial sacs for respiration, and with six to eight eyes. Second, Those destitute of antennz, with branched trachea for respiration, and with two or four smooth eyes. Third, Those with antenne and gangliated tra chia for respiration; while Latreille arranges the class :nto two orders, ac- cording to the characters of their branchial apparatus. Order I. PutmMonariz.—With pulmonary sacs for respiration; a hears “ and distinct vessels. Order II. TracnEart#.—Respiring by trachee, and the organs of cir culation indistinct. THE SCORPIONAI There are four principal parts distinguishable in this animal; the head, the breast, the belly, and the tail. The scorpion’s head seems, as it were, joined to the breast; im the middle of which are seen two eyes; and a little more forward, two eyes more, placed in the fore part of the head; these eyes are so small, that they are scarcely perceivable; and it is probable the animal has but little occasion for seeing. The mouth is furnished with two jaws; the undermost is divided into two, and the parts notched ‘nto each } The genus Scorpio has two large palpi in the form of arms, the ast joint thickest, and in the form of fakes: mandibles short, narrow, and didactyle ; Jaws short, rounded ; eyes six or eight; body oblong, divided into many segments, with a long, knotty, tail ter- munated in an arched’ sting; two pectinated and moveable plates under the belly at the base of the abdomen ; four spiracles on each side; eight feet. . ARACHNIDES~SCORPION. 793 other, which serves the animal as teeth, and with which it breaks its food, Pina thrusts it into its mouth; these the scorpion can at pleasure pull back into its mouth, so that no part of them can be seen. On each side of the nead are two arms, each composed of four joints; the last of which s large, with strong muscles, and made in the manner of a lobster’s claw. Below the breast arc eight articulated legs, each divided into six joints; the two hindmost of which are each provided with two crooked claws, and here and there covered with hair. The belly is divided into seven little rings; from the lowest of which is appended a tail, composed of six joints, which are aristly, and formed like littie globes, the last being armed with a crooked sting. This is that fatal instrument which renders the insect so formida- ble; it is long, pointed, hard, and hollow ; it is pierced near the base by 1wo small holes, through which, when the animal stings, it ejects a 4rcp of poison, which is white, caustic, and fatal. The reservoir in which this poison is kept, is a smal] bladder near the tail, into which the venom is dis- tilled by a peculiar apparatus. If this bladder be gently pressed, the venom will be seen issuing out through the two holes above mentioned; so that it appears, that when the animal stings, the bladder is p-essed, and the venom issues through the two apertures into the wound. There are few animals more formidable, or more truly mischievous, than the scorpion. As it takes refuge in a small place, and is generally found sheltering in houses, so itcannot be otherwise than that it must frequently sting those among whom it resides. In some of the towns of Italy, and in France, in the province of Languedoc, it is one of the greatest pests that torment mankind; but its malignity in Europe is trifling, when compared to what the natives of Africa and the East are known to experience. In Batavia, where they grow twelve inches long, there is no removing any piece of furniture, without the utniost danger of being stung by them. Bosman assures us that, along the Gold Ccast, they are often found larger than a lobster; and that thei sting is inevitably fatal. In Europe, the general size of this animal does not exceed two or three inches; and its sting is very seldom found to be fatal. Maupertuis, who made several experiments on the scorpion of Languedoc, found it by no means so invaria- bly dangerous as it had till then been represented. From his experiments, indeed, it appears that many circumstances, which are utterly unknown, must contribute to give efficacy to the scorpion’s venom; but whether its food, long fasting, the season, the nature of the vessels it wounds, or its state of maturity, contribute to or retard its malig- nity, is yet to be ascertained by succeeding observers. The scorpion of the tropical climates being much larger than the former, is probably much more venomous. Helhbigius, however, who resided many years in the East, assures us, that he was often stung by the scorpion, and never received any material injury from the wound ; a painful tumor genes tally ensued; but he always cured it by rubbing the part with a piece of iron 100 67 ‘ 794 ARACHNIDES—SPIDER. or stone, as he had seen the Indians practise before nim, unt the flesh be» caine insensible. Seba, Moore, ana Bosman, however, give a very differ- ent account of the scorpion’s malignity; and assert that, unless speedily relieved, the wound becomes fatal. It is certain that nu animal in the creation seems endued with such an irascible nature THE SPIDER! Has two divisions in its body. The fore part, containing the head ana breast, ix separated from the hinder part or belly by a very slender thread, through which, however, there is a communication from one part to the: other. The fore part is covered with a hard shell, as well as the legs, which adhere to the breast. The hinder partis clothed with a supple skin, beset” al! over with hair. They have several eyes all round the head, brilliant and acute; these are sometimes eight in number, sometimes but six; two behind, two before, and the rest on each side. Like all other insects, their eyes are immoveable; and they want eyelids; but this organ is fortified with a transparent horny substance, whieh at once secures and assists their vision. As the animal procures its subsistence by the most watchful atten- tion, so large a number of eyes was necessary to give it the earliest informa- tion of the capture of its prey. They have two pincers on the fore part of the head, rough, with strong points, twothed like a saw, and terminating m claws like those ofa cat. A little below the point of the claw there is a small hole, through which the animal emits a poison, which, though harm less to us, is sufficiently capable of instantly destroying its prey. This is the most powerful weapon they have against their enemtes, thev can open or extent these pincers as occasion may require; and when they are undis« turbed, they suffer them to lie one upon the other, never opening them but when there is a necessity for their exertion. They have all erght legs, joined like those of lobsters, and similar also in another respect; for if a leg IT he order of Araveides or spiders has pape tn the torm of small feet, terminated by 6 little hook. the last jomnt bearing (Qe sexual ergs i. ue male; four tu siz web-spiuning momille situate near the anus, aud im Luth sexes. ARACHNIDES—SPIDER. 795 be torn away, or a joint cut off, a new one will quickly grow in its place, and the aniinal will tind itself fitted for combat as before. At the end of each leg there are three crooked maveable claws; namely, a small one, placed higher up, like a cock’s spur, by the assistance of which it adheres to the threads of its web, There are two others larger, wh’ch meet together like a lobster’s claw, by which they can catch hold of the smallest depres- sions, walking up or down very polished surfaces, on which they cau tind inequalities that are imperceptible to.our grousser sight. ,But when they walk upon such budies as are perfectly smouth, as looking glass or polished marble, they squeeze a little sponge, which grows near the extremity of their claws, and thus diffusing a glutinous sunstance, adhere to the surface until they make a second step. Besides the eight legs just mentioned, these animals have two others, which may more properly be called arms, as they do not serve to assist motion, but are used in holding and managing their prey. ‘ . The spider, though thus formidably equipped, would seldom prove suc- cessful in the capture, were it not equally furnished with other instruments to assist its depredations. [1 is a most experienved hunter, and spreads. its nets to catch such animals as it is unable to pursue. The spider’s web is generaliy laid in those places where fies are most apt to shelter. There the litle animal remains (or days, nay, weeks together, in patient expecta- tion, seldom changing its situation though ever so unsuccessful. For the purposes of making this web, nature has supplied this animal with a large quantity of glutinous matter, and tive dugs or teats for spinning it into thread. This substance is contained in a little bag, and at first sight resembles soft glue; but when examined more accurately, it will be found twisted into many coils of an agate color, and upon breaking it, the contents may easily be drawn out into threads, from the tenacity of the substance, not from those threads being already formed. Those who have seen the machine by which wire is spun, will have an idea of the manner in whick this animal formns the threads of its little net, the orifices of the five teats above mentioned, through which the thread is drawn, contracting or dilating at pleasure. The threads which we see, and appear so fine, are, notwith- standing, compused of five jained together, and these are many uiues doubled when the web is in formation. When a house spider proposes to begin a web, it first makes chewe ai some commudious spot, where there is an appearance of plunder anw secue rity. The animal then distils one litte drop of its glutinous liquor, which is very tenacious, and then creeping up the wall, and joining its threads as It proceeds, it darts itself in a very surprising manner to the opposite place, where the other end of the web is to be fastened. The first thread thas formed, drawn tight, and fixed at each end, the spider then runs upon it backward and forward, still assiduvusly employed in doubling and strengthens ing it, as upun its force depend the strength and stability of the whule. The 796 ARACHNIDES—SPIDER. scaffolding thus completed, the spider makes a number of threads parallel to the first, in the same manner, and then crosses them with others; the clammy substance of which they are formed serving to bind them, when newly made, to each other. The insect, after this operation, doubles and trebles the thread that bor- ders its web, by opening all its teats at once, and secures the edges, so as to prevent the wind from blowing the work away. The edges being thus for- tified, the retreat is next to be attended to; and this is formed like a funnel at the bottom of the web, where the little creature lies concealed. To this are two passages or outlets, one above and the other below, very artfaly contrived, to give it an opportunity of making excursions at proper seasons, of prying into every corner, and cleaning those parts which are observed to be clogged or encumbered. Still attentive to its web, the spider, from time to time, cleans away the dust that gathers round it, which might otherwise clog and incommode it; for this purpose, it gives the whole a shake with its paws; still, however, proportioning the blow so as not to endanger the fabric. It often happens also, that from the main web there are several threads extended at some distance on every side; these are, in some mea- sure, the outworks of the fortification, which, whenever touched from with- out, the spider prepares for attack or self-defence. If the insect impinging be a fly, it springs forward with great agility; if, on the contrary, it be the assault of an enemy stronger than itself, it keeps within its fortress, and never ventures out till the danger be over. Another advantage which the spider reaps from the contrivance of a cell, or retreat behind the web, is, that it serves for a place where the creature can feast upon its game with all safety, and conceal the fragments of those carcasses which it has picked, without exposing to public view the least trace of barbarity, that might create a suspicion in any insects that their enemy was near. The female generally lays from nine hundred to a thousand eggs ina season. These eggs are large or small in proportion to the size of the animal that produces them. In some they are as large as a grain of mustard secd; in others, they are scarcely visible. The female never begins to lay till she is two years old. When the number of eggs which the spider has brought forth have teiained for an hour or two to dry after exclusion, the little animal then prepaies to make them a bag, where they are to be hatched, until they leave the shell. For this purpose. she spins a web four or five times stronger than that made for catching flies; and, besides, lines it withinside with down, which she plucks from her own breast. This bag, when completed, is as thick as paper, is smooth withinside, but rougher without. Within this they deposit their eggs; and it is almost incredible to relate the concern and industry which they bestow in the preservation of it. They stick it by means of their glutinous fluid to the end of their body; so that the animal, when thus loaded, appears “s if she had one hody placed behind ano:her. ARACHNIDES—TARANTULA. 797 If this bag be separated from her by any accident, she employs all her assi- duity to stick it again in its former situation, and seldom abandons her treasure but with her life. When the young ones'are excluded from their shells, within the Lag, they remain for some time in their confinement, until the female, instinctively knowing their maturity, bites open their prison, and sets them free.. But her parental care does not terminate with their exclusion ; she receives them upon her back for some time, until they have: strength to provide for themselves, when they leave her, never to return, and each begins a separate manufactory of itsown. The young ones begin to epin when they can scarcely be discerned ; and prepare for a life of plunder before they have strength to overcome. Of this animal there are several kinds, slightly differing from each other either in habits or conformation. The water spider! is the most remarka- ble of the number. This insect resembles the common spider in its appear- ance, except that its hinder part is made rather in the shape-of a ninepin than a ball. They differ in being able to live as well by land as water, and in being capable of spinning as well in one element as the other. Their appearan:e under water is very remarkable; for, though they inhabit the bottom, yet they are never touched by the element in which they reside, but are enclosed in a bubble of air, that, like a box, surrounds them on every side. This bubble lias the bright appearance, at the bottom, of quicksilver ; and within this they perform their several functions of eating, spinning, and sleeping, without its ever bursting, or in the least disturbing their operations. \ THE TARANTULA? Is a native of Apulia, in Italy. Its body is three quarters of an inch long, and about as thick as a man’s little finger; the color is generally an «live pruwn, variegated with one that is more dusky; it has eight legs and erght 1 Argyroneta aquatica, Lat. * Lycosa tarentula, Lat. 67* 798 ARACHNIDES—SPIDEK. eyes, tike the rest, and nippers, which are sharp and serrated; between these and the fore legs there are two little norns, or feelers, which it is observed to move very briskly when it approaches its prey. It is covered all over the body with a soft down; and propagates, as other spiders, by laying eggs. In the summer months, particularly in the dog-days, the tarantula, creeping among the corn, bites the mowers and passengers; but in wiuter it lurks in holes, and is seldom seen. Thus fur is true; but now the fable begins; for though the bite is attend- ed with no dangerous symptoms, and will easily cure of itself, wonderful stories are reported concerning its virulence. At first, the pain is scarcely felt; but a few hours after, a violent sickness is said to come on, with diffi- culty of breathing, fainting, and sometimes trembling. The person bit, after this, does nothing but laugh, dance, and skip about, putting himself into the most extravagant postures; and sometimes also is seized witha most frightful melancholy. At the return of the season in which he was bit, his madness begins again; and the patient always talks of the same things. Sometimes he fancies himself a shepherd, sometimes a king; these troublesome symptoms sometimes return for severa] years successively, and at last terminate in death. But so dreadful a disorder has, it seems, not been left without a remedy, which is no other than a well-played fiddle. For this purpose the medical physician plays a particular tune, famous for the cure, which he begins slow, and increases in quickness as he sees the patient affected. The patient no sooner hears the music than he begins to dance ; and continues so doing till he is all over in a sweat, which forces ont the venom that appeared sodangerous. Such are the symptoms related of the tarantula poison; but the truth is, that the whole is an imposition of the peasants upon travellers who happen to pass through that part of the country, and who procure a trifle for suffering themselves to be bitten by the tarantula. Whenever they find a traveller willing to try the experiment, they readily offer themselves ; and are sure to counterfeit the whole train uf symptoms which music is said to remove. THE GREAT AMERICAN SPIDER. ats is one of the largest species of the tribe. Its back is covered with a hard, thick. brown coat, hullowed at the sides, and cleft transversely across the middle, as if it had a hole in that place. The head is small, and with difficulty distinguishec from the corslet. The mouth is furnished with hrown, hard, crooked teeth; the body is large and round, growing out into — - Mygale avicularia, Lar. MYRIAPODA. 799 two parts. Except the hack, the whole hody and the feet are covered wrth long bushy hair. The extremities of the feet are smouth and large, like the toes of a dug. This hideous»species of the spider tribe preys principally on small birds: in doing of which, it tears them to pieces to get at their bloud, and after wards sucks their eggs. CLASS VIIIL.—MYRIAPODA. Head distinct, with two antenna ; mandibles simple, incisive ; feet on ail or most of the segments of the body. Tue animals of this class were arranged among the apterous insects by Linnezus, under the generic appellations of Scolupendra and Julus. Fabricius placed them asa division of his class Arachnides; and Dr Leach, in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, fixed their characters as a distinct class, in which he-has been followed by Latreille and the later writers. The Myriapoda, allied to the two preceding classes in their general structure, approach the insects in the organization of their respiratory appa- ratus. This consists of two principal trachea or air tubes, extending longi- tudinally and parallel to one another, the whole length of the budy, which receive the air hy numerous lateral spiracles. Their sexual organs are also, as in these, single. The feet, indefinite in number, but always more than: six, are inserted by single cr double pairs on the segments of the body, and increase in number as the bedy is elongated from age. From their great number of feet, the animals of this class have been designated by the term Millepedes. The Myriapoda, in general, have the form of small serpents or worms, with an elongated body of numerous segments, and of the same thickness, and crowded with feet along its whole length. Their head is fur- nished with two short antenna, composed of seven joints. They have two granulated eyes, formed by the junction of numerous and smaller smooth ones; two dentated mandibles, proper for bruising or cutting their food, and divided transversely by a suture; and a labium or lip without palpi, formed of united portions. The two or four anterior feet, joined at their base, are analogous to the pedipalpi of the crustacea. The stigmata or air vessels are often very small, and exceed in number those of insects. The nervous system in the Myriapoda is composed of a series of ganglia, one in each segment of the body, communicating by a longitudinal chord. The animals ai this class are found under stones, the bark of trees, &c., and feed on 800 MYRIAPODA-SCOLOPENDRA...GALLY-WORM. vegetable or animal substances. Laitreille divides the class of Myriapoda inte two orders, viz. " Order I. CurtocnatHa.—Antenne filiform, of seven joints; mouth com posed of two mandibles, and a lip divided by sutures; two or four anterior feet united at the base. Order [I]. CuiLopopa.—Antenne setaceous, of fourteen joints and up. wards ; mouth composed of two mandibles, a multifid tip, two palpiform feet, and a second pair of feet united at their base, with a perforated hook. THE SCOLOPENDRA,! AND GALLY-WORM. Or these hideous and angry insects we know little, except the figure and the noxious qualities. Though with us there are insects somewhat resem- bling them in form, we are placed at a happy distance from such as are really formidable. With us they seldom grow above an inch long; in the tropical climates they are often found above a quarter of a yard. The scolopendra is otherwise called the centipes, from the number of its feet; and it is very commion in many parts of the world, especially between the tropics. Those of the East Indies, where they grow to the largest size, and are sometimes more than a foot in length, are of a ruddy color, and as thick as a man’s finger; they consist of many joints, and from each joint is a leg on each side; they are covered with hair, and seem to have no eyes but there are two feelers on' the head, which they make use of to find out the way they are to pass; the head is very round, with two small, sharp teeth, with which they inflict wounds that are very painful and dangerous. A sailor that was bit by one on board a ship, felt an excessive pain, and hia life was supposed to be in danger; however, he recovered by the application of three roasted onions to the part, and was soon quite well. Of this anima] there are different kinds; some living, like worms, in holes in the earth; others under stones, and among rotten wood; so that nothing is more dan- gerous than removing those substances in the places where they breed. The gally-worm? differs from the scolopendra, in having double the number of feet; there being two on each side, to every joint of the body. Some of these are smooth, and others hairy ; some are yellow, some black, and some brown. They are found among decayed trees, between the wood and the bark; as also among stones that are covered with moss. They all, when touched, contract themselves, rolling themselves up into a circle. Whatever may be their qualities in the tropical parts of the world, in » Europe they are perfectly harmless ; having been often handled and uritated without any vindictive consequences. 1 Scolopendra morsitans, Lin. 3 Julus. INSECTA. 8v1 All these as well as the scorpion, are produced perfect from the parent, or the egg; and to undergo no changes after their first expulsion They are seen of all sizes; and this isa sufficient inducement to suppose that they preserve their first appearance through their whole existence. It 4s probable, however, that, like most of this class, they often change their skins; but of this we have no certain information. CLASS [X.—INSECTA. Articulated animals with six legs, respiring by means of trachea; head distinet from the thorax ; two antenne. Tuis branch of science named Entomology, (from evtouoy, an insect, and Joyos, discourse,) including the most numerous class of organized beings, has but lately risen into merited consequence. The use of insects, indeed, in the economy of nature, was not likely to be estimated by men in the in- fancy of society, to whos¢ wants or conveniences they were apparently little calculated to afford any addition. To some tribes, however, attention must have been early directed, « . account of the ravages their united myriads enabled them to perpetrate ; and others were early noticed as the industrious collectors of a species of food which man has long converted to his use. The term Insecta is derived from the Latin zn, into, and seco, I cut, from the body having the appearance of being cut or divided into segments; and a term of the same meaning, evtoua, (ev and te“yw,) was used by the Greeks. Linnaus, whose powerful genius enabled him, in this, as in other branches of natural history, laid the foundation or arrangements, from which all that has since been done has emanated. The characters upon which Linneus founded his arrangement, were chiefly the wings, and hence his system has been called the alary system The class Insecta, of Linneus, however, as it stands in the twelfth edition of his Systema Nature, included the crustacea and arachnides. He div dos the whole into seven orders, viz. I. Coteoprera, (from xodeds, a sheath, and xregdv,a wing.) Wings four, the upper ones crustaceous, with,a straight suture. ’ Il. Hemiptera, (from %uov, half, and mtegdv.) Wings four, semicrusta- ceous, incumbent. LI. Lerwortera, (from Aes, a scale, and mtegdv.) Wings covered with imbricated scales. ‘V. Nevrorrera, (from vévgor, a chord or string, and mregd.) Wings membranous, with ribs or nerves: anus unarmed. 101 a2 INSECTA. V. Hymenorrera, (from iuyy, a membrane, and ategovy ) Wings mem- branous; anus aculeate. VI. Dirrera, (from duw, two, and ategdv.. Wings two, with pcisers in place of the posterior pair. VII. Aprena, (from «, without, and mtegdv.) Destitute of .wings or elytra. Fabricius, a pupil of Linneus, proposed an arrangement of insects, found- ed on their instruments of manducation. De Geer had, indeed, in the majority. of his classes, added the characters derived from the mouth, te those afforded hy the wings; but Fabricius carried the principle much fare ther, and made the Trophi, or Instrumenta Cibraria, as he termed them, the basis of al] his divisions. To the labors of Fabricius, entomology is deeply indebted ; for independently altogether of the merit of his arrangement, as an artificial system, it had the effect of directing the attention of his suce cessors to parts indicating a corresponding difference in the character and structure of the animals. Subsequent writers have proposed various sys- tems, combining the characters of Linneus and Fabricius. The most pro- minent of these is that by P. A. Latreille, who, in 1796, in his Précis des earactéres génériques des Insectes, limited the definition of the class, and whose object in his subsequent writings has been to divide his orders into natural groups. Cuvier; Lamarck, and others have also done much to in- crease the anatomica] and general knowledge of insects, and to facilitate their study by appropriate arrangements; and Mr Macleay has suggested a very ingenious classification, founded on the quinary system, by which it appears that the groups, when arranged in circles of five, seem mutually connected together. Latreille divides the class of insects, as now restricted, into eleven orders. J.—APTERA. Order 1, Trysanoura. Order III. Sypuonaprera. “ TI. Parasira. II.—ALATA. Order TV. CoLEoPpTEerRa. Order VIII. Hymenoprera. st V. OrrHopTera. be IX. Lepiworrera. § VI. Hemrrtera. X. Ruirrerera. 6 VIL Nevroprera. fe XI. Dirrera. Ihe ody of insects is divided into three principal parts, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head, of which the surface bears many names, a:cording to the position of its parts, such as the vertex, the fores head, the nose, the hood, and the cheeks, supports the antenne, the eyes, and the mouth. The antenne vary much in théir composition and form. The apterous insects, wnicn form the first three orders, and the coleoptera, have INSECTA. 803 never more than one kind of eyes; but many of the other orders, besides their compound eyes in facets, possess minute smcoth ones (ocelli) in the form of brilliant points, sometimes to the number of two, generally three, disposed in a triangular form, on the top of the head. These organs are always immoveable. The mouth is composed of six principal pieces, of which four are ]iteral, disposed in pairs, and moving transversely ; two other parts, opposed to one another, and filling up the space between these, being placed, the one above the upper pair, and the other under the lower Tn insects-which feed on solid substances, the four lateral pieces are cone sidered as jaws, and the other two pieces as lips. The two upper jaws, generally horny, or scaly, similar to strong teeth, and withvut an articulated appendage, have been distinguished by Fabricius under the name of mandi- bles, (mandibule,) the two lower only preserving the name of jaws; (mazille), On the back of these are one or two jointed fiiarnents, called antennule, but oftener palpi —a character which distinguishes them from the mandibles. They are’ generally narrow, elongated, compressed, horny or scaly, till near the origin of the palpi, with the upper extremity membranous or coriaceous, in the form of a reversed triaugle, ciliated or hairy, and accompanied often on the internal side, by a smaller piece, named the internal jobe or division. The part or lobe forming the upper extremity of the jaw, sometimes appears in the form of a small palpus, of two joints, which is termed the internal maxillary palpus ; in others it forms a vesicular, naked, vaulted appendage, ealled by Fabricius, from its form, galea. In both these cases, the extremity of the jaw, or the portion covered by the internal palpus or galea, is always horny, pointed, in the form of a hook or tooth, or armed with dentations o spines. These insects are always carnivorous or gnawers. When the jaws have neither internal palpus, or galea, are entirely horny, and armed with teeth, the insects may be considered as very voracious. The number of the exterior maxillary palpi varies from two to six. The two pieces opposite to these lateral parts have been terined lips; the upper one being generally termed labrum (labium superius). The under one, termed the ladium, or labium inferius, is formed of twe parts; one inferior, generally horny or coriaceous, is the chin, (mentum,) the other membranous, sometimes entire, sometimes notched, or trifid, and bearing the palpi, is termed ligula. Taese palpi have from two to four joints, and are called labial. They are generale ly shorter than the exterior maxillary palpi. The piarynz is situate »etween the jaws and the lip. The interior of the mouth in the Orthoptera, and some other insects, has a fleshy caruncle in the forth of a tongue, or epigiot- tis. In the Hymenoptera, the pharynx is formed by a triangular process, named epipharynx or epiglossus, by Savigny. In this order, also, the jaws form small, compressed valves, and the chin becomes a kind of cylindrical or conical tube. All these parts, as well as the labium, are often much elongated, and com puse tugether a species of trunk or proboscis, which LIlliger names pr«musets, 804 INSECTA, and wai-h Latreille calls a spurious proboscis ; and in regard to this organ Lamarck considers the Hymenoptera as intermediate between the gnawers and suckers. Among the insects which feed on fluics, or which extract their: food by suction, the organs of manducation appear under two modifications In the first, the mandibles and jaws are replaced by minute laming, in the form of sete, composing by their union, a kind of sucker (haustedlum) which ts received into a sheath, the substitute for a lip, either cylindrical, conical}, or jointed, termed the rostrum or beak in the Hemiptera, or membranous and fleshy, terminated by two lips, termed the trunk or proboscis, in the Diptera. The labium is triangular or conical, and covers the base of the sucker. In the second modification, the mandibles are excessively small, and in the form of a tubercle, more or less triangular, furnished with ciliz on the internal margin; the lip is only distinguished by the presence of palpi; the jaws acquire an extraordinary length, and unite to form a probos- cis or tongue, (Zingua,) rolled up in a spiral form. Interiorly, this tongue is provided with three canals, of which the intermediate is the conduit of the nutritive juices; and at the base of the filaments isa minute palpus. The mouth of the Lepidoptera is an instance of this construction. The trunk or thorax is that part of the body which unites the head to the abdomen, and to which ave attached the organs of locomotion. It is form: ed of three segments, each with a pair of feet; but in the winged insects the apper sides of the last two segments also, form points of attachmens for the wings. The term thorax has been given to the upper surface of thu trunk, and that of breast, to the opposite face below. The middle part of the breast between the feet, is the sternum, and the portion between the at- tachment of the wings, generally triangular, and sometimes very large, is named the shield, or scu¢ellum. The anterior segment of the thorax, ina yreat many winged insects, is much larger than the other segments, and separated from the second, by a very marked articulation; in others it is extremely short, and has the appearance of a collar, while the two follow- ing segments, of greater size, are internally united, and form a rounded mass, distinct fram the abdomen. In both these cases, the large naked portion receives the name of therag. The insects of the first three orders have but one species of locomouve organs, and only proper for walking; others have, also, wings to the number of four; and the posterior extrenyity of the thorax is furnished, in those which have only two wings. with two appendages, one on each side, termed poisers or balancers, (Adéteres,) and often other appendages in the form of spoonlike scales, (sguamule,) or winglets. The wings (ale) are membranous, elastic, gererally transparent, and attached to the upper sides uf the thorax. The ribs or nerves, more or less numerous, which run through them, form sometimes a net-work, sometimes anastomosing veins. In wasps and bees, these wings, four im number, are naked and transparent; in butterflies, they are cover ed with minute scales, resembling fine powder, and embellished with INSECTA. 805 the liveliest colors. The scales are, imbricated, each has a peuuncle, and they form in conjunction, a kind of mosaic work, exhibiting the charac- teristic figures and colorings of this part. In the large class of Coleoptera, in place of upper or anterior wings, two large scales or plates, opaque, more or less thick and solid, and which open and shut longitudinally, forms for the membranous wings, coverings which are called wing-cases, or elytra, (involucra). In the greater part of the Orthoptera, these wing-cases, or upper ‘wings, become thick and solid, and are furnished with ribs; in the Hemip- tera, they are in a great part membranous; and the gradual transition from erusticeous coverings, to membranous and transparent organs, indicate that the wing-cases in the Coleoptera, though scarcely contributing to the action of flight, are modified wings. The form and disposition of the wings is much varied. In some they are straight and extended, or folded longitu- dinally like a fan, in repose; in others, they are folded transversely, as-in the Coleoptera; and in others again, as the earwig, while one portion of the wings is folded transversely, the other takes the fan-like fold. The wings vary also in their place of position. In some insects, they are found inclined or sloped like a roof; in others they are placed horizontally, lying or crossed over one another, or sometimes separated; some, as the butterflies, raise their wings vertically in repose; and small hooked sete placed along the side of the upper wings, serve to retain the lower ones in their position. In the nocturnal Lepidoptera, this is effected by a stiff, scaly, and pointed bristle. Among: the insects with four wings, the form and relative size of these wings vary much. By their rapid motion, they often produce a hum- ming sound ; and among the males of some Orthoptera, a stridulous noise, which has been called their syng. This sound is produced by the friction of the margins of their elytra upon one another, or by the rubbing of the posterior feet against the wings, and is conceived to be produced for the pur- pose of calling their females. ; The feet in insects are composed of the hip or coxa, of two joints; the thigh, (femur,) the leg, (¢idza,) and the toe, (¢arsus,) divided into many phalanges. The number of joints in the tarsi is constantly five in some orders; but in others it varies from one to five, and sometimes even the pos terior tarsi have a joint less than the anterior ones. Upon the difference in these members the principal divisions of the Coleoptera are established. ‘The last joint of the tarsi is simple, or divided into two lobes, almost always terminated by two claws or hooks, between which, in many, are remarked trom one to three membranous cushions or suckers. In the form of the feet, and particularly the tarsi, there are certain modificativns, correspond- ing to the habits of the insects. The two anterior ones have sometimes the under part of the thighs grooved, and armed with slight dentations; and their legs or tarsi, in this case, terminated by a strong spine, fold with facility on the side of the thighs, and form an organ of prehension. The insects which have the anterior feet disposed in this manner, us? them for 68 806 INSECTA. seizing their prey, and are termed raptoriz. Others have the tarsi com- pressed and ciliated or even hairy, demonstrating their aptitude to be usea as oars, or for swimming, and these are called natatorii. In the family of bees, the legs and the first joint of the tarsi are formed in such a manner as to brush off and carry away the pollen or dust from the stamina of flowers, and the tarsi and anterior legs in other species are sometimes broad, fur- nished with dentations or small spines, and calculated for digging in the earth (pedes fossorit.) These feet also in some are not subservient *: io-° tion, as in many Papilionides, and they differ in others according to the sexes, The abdomen, forming the third and last part of the body, includes the viscera and the sexual organs. It is composed of from six to nine seg- menis, each divided into two semicircles or plates united laterally, the under portion being termed the belly. The organs of generation are situ- ated at the posterior extremity; and hooks or forceps of different forms accompany these parts in the male. The oviduct of many females is pro- longed beyond the termination of the abdomen, sometimes in form of an articulated tube; sometimes as an ovipositor or auger (terebra,) composed of plates or filaments often dentated at the end. This oviduct terminates in a sting (aculews) in the females and neuters of many hymenoptera. The exte- rior envelope of insects, which is more or less solid, serves the double pur- pose of outward protection and internal support. Less complicated than the skin of higher classes, it seems to consist of but two layers, the epidermis or outer skin, and the mucous tissue. Detached from the mucous tissue, the epidermis of insects is almost peliucid, or semi-transparent, and colorless. From its manner of growth, and the great proportion of gelatine in its com- position, the substance of the outer envelope is of a horny consistence, more flexible than the coverings of the crustacea, when the phosphate of lime pre- dominates over the animal matter. The body of a caterpillar, deprived of the epidermis, presents the same colors as before; and it is conceived that the growth of the epidermis, being stopped by the layers which grow successively below, destroy the functions of the envelope, and occasion the change of covering observed to take place in the animals at this stage. The appendages of the skin consist of spines, hairs, and scales; the first two being merely prolongations of the epidermis. The solid soft parts of insects are of two kinds. The first, termed muscles, are formed of soft fibres, disposed in bundles, capable of producing motion by their contraction in the parts to which they are affixed. These muscles are always attached to the harder parts by a tendon of a horny consistence. The other soft parts, formed also of muscular fibre, constitute the interior organs, which, with the fluids, perform the necessary functions of vitality. There are generally two muscles concerned in the motion of each part. The muscles which move the head are situate within the thorax, and the principal ones serve to raise or lower it. Within the thorax likewise are placed the muscles whicn move the wings and feet; and besides these are INSECTA. 807 sone strong muscles approaching the dorsal or ventral portions, which appear intended to give to the breast a movement of compression or dilatation. ‘Tne abdomen in insects is composed of many imbricated rings, of which the one nearest the breast passes over the second, the second over the third, &c The muscles which move these parts extend along the anterior margin of one segment, to the posterior margin of that which precedes it, and give more or less motion upwards or downwards, according to the structure and junction of the séparate parts. The feet are provided with flexor and exten- sor muscles at every articulation. When the thigh is slender and cylindri- cal, the motion is confined to walking; when thick and tnmid, to give room for the requisite muscles, the motions indicated are leaping and swimming. The muscles of insects in general are extremely numerous, very irritable, and many of them extremely minute. In the caterpillar of one species, (Cossus ligrniperda) Lyonnet reckoned upwards of four thousand different mus- cles, while those of the human body do not exceed five hundred and twenty- nine; and the strength of these muscles is such, that some caterpillars are able to suspend themseives horizontally in the air for hours, supported by their posterior feet on a vertical surface. a The nervous system of insects is the same as in the anneilides, the crusta- cea and arachnides. From the brain, or what is considered equivalent tu the brain, the nervous matter in the head, originate threads, which extend to tne eyes, to the antenna, and to the mouth. From its posterior extremi- ty arise two chords or one pair of nerves, which, forming a collar, embrace the esophagus, and, uniting below in a ganglion, give off filaments to the surrounding parts. Two chords more or less approximated, often united, are prolonged from thence along the under part of the body, forming at in- tervals other ganglions, varying in number, till the filaments reach the anal extremity. What is called the brain differs but little from the other ganglia, and is distinguished by this appellation, only because the nervous threads of the head seem to be derived fromit. Many consider these ganglia ‘or knots, as so many little centres of nervous energy, and thus explain why, when an insect is cut into small portions, it displays for some time marks of sensation. In insects, two kinds of eyes occur, the first compound, or composed of facets, the others simple and smooth. These eyes are immoveable, and destitute of ciliz, or eyelids. The optic nerve, at some distance from its origin, is extended to form the retina, and divided into a number of hexagonal threads, which, passing through the network of a circular trachea, go to a mem- brane, generally cellular, called the choroid coat, and after having traversed the posterior part of the cornea, are applied against the facets 01 multiplied fares of the external eye, take their figure and become individual retine. Tnose species which shun the light are destitute of the choroid coat. The pigment which covers the upper surface, and that which covers the opposite ride of the cornea iz opaque, slightly fluid, and adheres strongly. The cornea 1s composed of a rard elastic membrane, with the surface reticulated or 808 INSECTA. divided by small hollow lines, often furnished with hairs. and a numter of hexagonal facets. Lewenhveck has counted three thousand one hundred and eighty-one in the cornea of a beetle, and eight thousand in wat of a moth. ° The butterfly has seventeen thousand two hundred and thirty-five. Each facet may be considered as a crystalline lens, concave within anil con- vex without. The organ of hearing is not manifest in insects, although most of them possess this faculty to a certain extent; for in the coupling season, inanv males have the power of producing a noise to call the females, as in the grasshopper and cricket. The sense of smell is more evidently manifest- ed both in their larva and perfect state, frem their instantly discovering and crowding to places where their food is to be found, or to substances proper for the deposition of their ova; and where they were not previously scen. The seat of this faculty some naturalists are inclined to believe ig in the antenne, while others, as M. Dumeril, suppose it to be at che entrance of the trachee or stigmata. On the other hand, Brunnich, Olivier, and Marcel je Serres are of opinion that the sense of smell resides in the palpi; and experiments on bees have rendered it probable that the chief sensations are communicated by the mouth. From the proboscis being more or less de- veloped, as the palpi are minute or wanting, M. Lamarck considers this supposition the correct one. The organs of touch have been generally cun- sidered to be those named antennae or feelers; and insects destitute of them use their palpi and the tarsi of the anterior feet for the same purpose. The covering of the body being generally corneous, can communicate but feebly the sense of touch. In insects, distinct absorbing or circulating vessels have not hitherto beeu discovered. A dorsal vessel, or long transparent canal, reaches indeed frora the head to the posterior extremity of the body; and this has been conceived to be equivalent to the heart and blood-vessels of the higher classes. But this vessel, though nariowed at intervals, corresponding to the segments of the body, and having an undulatory contraction and dilatation from the head to the posterior extremity, possesses none of the characters of a true heart or circulating system ; and it is considered to be the only chief reservoir of the principal fluid in insects, filling and emptyingitself by absorption and exuda- ton. M. Carus, however, has discovered in the caudal laine of some jJarve, and in the rudimentary wings, an excurrent and incurrent motion of fluid in distinct tubes, which he conceives tobe a true circulation ; a circuras stance which has escaped the penetration of Lyonnet, who always found the undulatory motion of the dorsal vessel to proceed invariably from the head to the tail. As this circulation, or double motion, however, has only beeu observed in one stage of existence, it is rather to be regarded as a phenome- non connected with the passage of the animal into a different state, than as a circulation analogous to that of animals, with two distinct sets of vessels Respiration in insects is effected hy means of two tubes, one un each side of INSECTA. , 805 the hody. and running along its whole length, named !rachee@. From these tracheal vessels are derived a great many ramifications or bronchi, the num- ber of whic. 1s more or less considerable, as they belong to parts enjoying more or less vital energy. The trachea communicate with the external air by means of openings called stzgmata, of which the number varies, placed on each side of the body. In caterpillars, the number of stigmata is gencrally eighteen. These stigmata are marked in the skin of the insect hy a small scaly j-late, open in the centre, and furnished with membranes or filaments to protect the entrance. The larve of many species which live in water have on the sides of their body, filaments or appendages in the form of lamina, upon which are spread vessels communicating with the bronchi ana trachee. Though insects have no lungs, and are destitute of voice properly so called, yet they possess the means of producing sounds. Thus the male grasshopper makes a noise to attract the female. The males of the cicade. and the crickets nossess the same faculty. In all these insects, however, the means by which the sound is produced, is similar to that by which a stringed instrument or drum is sounded. The males of the locust and ‘grasshoppers have a portion of the internal margin of their elytra formed of an elastic, transparent membrane, like talc, provided with strong projecting ribs, separated by large hollow spaces. Itis a kind of violin, of which the ribs represent the strings; and the sharp, disagreeable sound by which these insects are distinguished ata distance, is produced by rubbing the elytra over one another. In the cricket, the thigh, furnished with projecting lines, serves as the bow, and the longitudinal ribs of the elytra the strings. In the cicade, the organ which produces the sound is more complicated. It is a species of drum, and is peculiar to themale. The abdomen, which is coni- cal, is provided below and near the base, with two large semicircular scales, whicl: cover an empty space, in which is a delicate, tense membrane, equiva- lent to the skin of the drum, and below this membrane, at the bottom of the cavity, are other parts, which, striking against it, produce the sound. The stridul »us noise which is heard when the SpAinz atropos is touched, is occa- sioned by the air escaping rapidly by the trachee at the sides of the base of the abdomen, and which is closed in the state of repose by a bundle of stellat- ed hairs. Many coleoptera produce a plaintive and interrupted sound by subbing the peduncle of the base of the abdomen against the interior walls of the thorax ; and the extremity of the head in others produces a cimilar sound. The rapid vibration of the wings is the chief cause of the humming noise which most insects produce when flying. Insects feed on all kinds of matters, vegetable and animal; and there is scarcely any production in these two divisions of nature, which does not serve as the food of some insect. Each insect, besides, has a particular food upon which 1t lives in preference, and which it is endowed with the puwer of dis. cevering and procuring. Many in their perfect state live on fuod quite dif 102 68* 810 INSECTA. ferent from that upon which they subsisted when im the state of larve ; and yet, notwithstanding of this, they instinctively deposit their ova upou the peculiar matters necessary for the food of the young. Thus the lepidoptera, svhich in the perfect state, suck the honey of flowers, never fail to place tneir tained, a connection between the vegetable productions of the soil, and the animals, might be traced; and a clue might be thence procured for ascer+ taining from their- insect inhabitants, to what portions of the newest con- tinents the multitude of islands in the Asiatic ocean originally belonged. There is no data for ascertaining with any degree of accuracy the actuar number of insects distributed over the surface of the globe. In reference to 820 INSECTA. the plants upon which they feed, Decandolle conjectures, that sixty thousand species being already known, the total number of plants may extend from one hundied and ten thousand to one hundred and twenty thousand. And Messrs K rby and Spence, reasoning on this calculation, and that several insect inhabitants are often found upon the same_plant, conjecture that four hundred thousand insect species may exist on the surface of the globe 1nd, proceeiling on the same data with regard to the plants of that country, that the insects indigenous to Great Britain may be estimated at ten thousand. In- cluding the Arachnides and Crustacea, one hundred thousand species arc computed already to have a place in cabinets. The slew progress of the science of entomology has left to be discovered ‘by ruture inquirers, many of the uses of insects in the economy of nature. From what is known, however, of certain races, the analogical inference, regarding the whole, may be deduced, as equally proofs of Divine wisdom and beneficence. Myriads of these small and incessant workers, by their feeding on dead, decayed, or excrementitious matters, not only preserve the atmosphere in purity, but themselves enjoy the blessings of existence. Some furnish an agreeable food, and others are employed in medicine and the arts. Many form the chief or only subsistence of quadrupeds, birds, and reptiles, and the silk-worm furnishes one of the most beautiful materials of dress. It has been remarked that from the study of entomology, many use- ful arts might have been derived. Thus the hornets composed their dwell- ing of a species of paper, long before the manufacture of that invaluable article was stumbled on by human ingenuity; the Tenthredines or saw-flies, cut the branches of trees with their serrated instruments, long before the use of the saw was discovered in the arts; and their small but powerful instru- ment has still this advantage over the mechanic’s tool, that it combines the properties of a rasp and file, along with that of a saw. The wood-boring bee and the ichneumons are possessed of an apparatus for boring, from which even human ingenuity may improve their implements destined for similar purposes. A small animal of the size of the common ant, (the termes,) builds in an incredibly short space of time, in Africa and Asia, a dwelling of fifteen or sixteen feet in height, upon which the pick-axe makes no impression ; and finally, the organs with which the butterflies, the cuiices, and the common flivs pump up the juices upon which they feed, might pos- silly afford hints for miprovement in instruments used for a similar purpose in the arts. ‘ These animals,” says Latreille, “are often.so minute, that one cannot eveu discover their forms without ‘the aid of the microscope; but to the eye of the philosopher, the mass or volume of an object is a matter of ittle consequence. The wisdom of the Creator never appears with more effect than in the structure of those minute beings, which seem to conceal them- selves from observation, and Almighty power is never more strikingly exe hibited than in the concentration of organs in such an atom. On giving life to this atom, and constructing in dimensions so minute, so many organs, \ INSECTA—LOUSE. 821 susceptible of different sensations, my admiration of the Supreme Intelli- Bence is much more heightened than by the contemplation of the structure of the most gigantic animals.” “ We attach, and wit! reason,” says Reau- ‘mur, “a kind of consequence to the knowledge of the faults and perfections of the productions in the fine arts, such as poetry, music, painting, sculp- ture, and architecture; but of the works of the Lord of nature, of this Master of masters, we scarcely think, or that there is any thing wonderful in their structure. There can indeed be no room for criticism, where there is nothing but what is admirable, and where the most perfect finite intelli- gences, the more they study such objects, the more they discover of their wonders. Yet this knowledge, so well calculated to elevate the mind, and lead it to the contemplation of the source frony which all these wonders pro- ceed, is regarded by many as frivolous, or of little importance. But he who looks upon an insect as merely a particle of moving wood, or putrid matter, and who has no idea of the marvellous organs of these minute animals, is in a state of ignorance far more gross and blameable, than the man who should confound the most finished productions in the fine arts, with the most rude and shapeless masses.” THE LOUSE. ~N examining the human louse with the microscope, its external deformity first strikes us with disgust ; the shape of the fore part of the head is some- what oblong; that of the hind part somewhat round; the skin is hard, and, being stretched, transparent, with here and there several bristly hais; in the fore part is a proboscis or sucker, which is seldom visible; on each side of the head are antennz or horns, each divided into five joints, covered with | bristly hair; and several white vessels are seen through these horns; behind these are the eyes, which seem to want those divisions observable in other msects, and appear encompassed with some few hairs; the neck is very short, and the breast is divided into three parts; on each side of which are placed six legs, consisting of six joints covered also with bristly .airs; the ends 9. the legs are armed with two smaller and larger ruddy claws, serving those insects as a finger and thumb, by which they catch hold of such ob- jects as they approach; the end of the body terminates in a cloven tail, while the sides are all over hairy; the whole resembling clear archmeat, and, when roughly pressed, cracking with a noise. When we ‘ake a closer view, its white veins, and other i.ternal parts, appear; as likewise a most wonderful motion in its intestines, from the ’ Pediculus humanus, Lis. The order Parasita, under which this genus comes, has six feet and no wings; abdomen destitute of articulated and moveable appendages ; twu or four small eyes; mouth in a great many, interior, presenting externally, either a snout or nipper, inclosing a retractile sucker, or two membranous lips wits lisaked mun‘lihles f 822 INSECTA—FLEA. transparency of its external covering. When the louse feeds, the blood 1s seen to rush, like a torrent, into the stomach; and its greediness is so great, that the excrements contained in the intestines are ejected at the same ume, to make room for this new supply. The louse has neither beak, teeth, nor any kind of mouth. In the place of all these, it has a proboscis or trunk: or, as it may be otherwise called, a pointed hollow sucker, with which it pierces the skin, and sucks the human blood, taking that for food only. The stomach is Judged partly in the breast and back; but the greatest portion of it is in the abdomen. When it is enipty, it is-colorless; but when filled, it is plainly discernible, and its mo- tion seems very extraordinary. It then appears working with very strong agitations, and somewhat resembles an animal within an animal. Superf- cial observers are apt to take this for the pulsation of the heart ; but ifthe ani- mal be observed when it issucking, it will be found that the food takes a direet passage from the trunk to the stomach, where the remainder of the old aliment will be seen mixing with the new, and agitated up and down on every side. There is scarcely any animal that multiplies so fast as this unwelcome intruder. It has been pleasantly said, that a louse becomes a grandfather in the space of twenty-four hours. This fact cannot be ascertained ; but nothing is more true than, that the moment the nit, which is no other than the egg of the louse, gets rid of its superfluous moisture, and throws off its shell, it then begins to breed in its turn. Nothing so much prevents the in- erease of this nauseous animal, as cold and want of humidity; the nits must be laid in a place that is warm, and moderately moist to produce any thing. That is the reason that many nits laid on the hairs in the night time, are destroyed by the cold of the succeeding day, and so stick for severa] months, till they at last come to lose even their external form. So numerous were the disgusting vermin in Mexico, that the ancient monarchs of that country endeavored to rid the subjects of them by imposing an annual tribute of a certain quantity. Bags full of lice were found in Montezuma’s palace, by the Spanish invaders THE FLEA.! Ir the flea be examined with a microscope, it will be observed to have a sma!) head, large eyes, and a roundish body. It has two feelers, or horns which are short, and composed of four joints; and between these lies its Pulex irritans, Lis. The order Syphonaptera, under which this genus comes, hus the body cumpressed mouth with a sucker of two pieces, inclosed between two articulated lamin, which united, form a rostrum or proboscis either cylindrical or conicai, and which the hase is covered with scales. ‘ INSECTA—GLOW WORM...BEETLE. 823 wink, which it buries in the skin, and through which it sucks the blond in large quantities. The body appears to be all over curiously adored witha suit of polished sable. armor, neatly joined, and beset with multitudes of sparp pins, almost like the quills of a porcupine. It has six legs, the juints ot which are so adapted, that it can, as it were, fold them up one within aa- other; and when it leaps, they all spring out at once, whereby its whole strength is exerted, and the body raised above. two hundred times its own diameter. THE GLOW WORM. No two insects can differ more than the male and the female of this species from each other. The male is in every respect a beetle, having cases to its wings, and rising in the air at pleasure; the female, on the con- tary, has none, but is entirely a creeping insect, and is obliged to wait the approaches of her capricious companion. The body of the female has eleven joints, with a shield breast-plate, the shape of which is oval; the head is placed over this, and is very small, and the three last joints of her body are “of a yellowish color; but what distinguishes it from all other animals, is the shining light which it emits by night, and which is supposed by some philosophers to be an emanation which she sends fourth to allure the male to her company. THE BEETLE? Or the beetle there are various kinds; all, however, concurring in one common formation of having cases to their wings, which are the more 1 Lampyris noctiluca, Lin. * The order Coleoptera has four wings, of which the two up er ones are in the form of sases; micudihles and jaws for mastication; under wings folded across ; elytra crustace vus ard the suture straight. S824 INSECTA—CUOCKCHAFER. necessary to those insects, as they often live under the surface of the earch in holes which they.dig out by their own industry. These cases prevent the various injuries their real wings might sustain by rubbing or crushing against the sides of their abode. These, though they do not assist in flight, yet keep the internal wings clean and even, and produce a loud buzzing noise when the animal rises in the air. If we examine the formation of all animals of the beetle kind, we +hall find, as in shell-fish, that their bones are-placed externally, and their muse eg within. These muscies are formed very much like those of quadrupeds, and are endued with such surprising strength, that, bulk for bulk, they area thousand times stronger than those of a man. The strength of these muscles is of use in digging the animal’s subterraneous abude, where it is most usually hatched, and to which it most frequently returns, even after it becomes a winged insect capable of flying. Besides the difference which results from the shape and color of these animals, the size also makes a considerable one; some beetles being not la-ger than the head of the pin, while others, such as the elephant beetle, are as big as one’s fist. But the greatest difference among tiem is, that some are produced ina month, and ina single season go through all the stages of their existence, while others take near four years to their produc- tion, and live as winged insects a year or more. To give the history of all these animals, that are bred pretty much in the same way, would be in- sipid and endless ; it will suffice to select a few from the number, the origin of which may serve as specimens of the rest. We will therefore begin by offering the history of the may-bug to the reader’s attention; premising, that most other beetles, though not so long lived, are bied in the same manner. THE COCKCHAFER,I May-sus, or dor beetle, as some call it, has, like all the rest, a pair » cases to 1s wings, which are of a reddish brown color, sprinkled with o whitish _: ) Melolortha vulgaris, Lin, INSECTA—COC KCHAFER. 8235 dust, wich easily comes off. In some years their necks are seen covered with a red plate, and in others with a black; these, however, are distinet sorts, and their difference is by no means accidental. The fore legs are ‘very short, and the better calculated for burrowing in the ground, were this insect makes its retreat. It is well known wo children by its evening buzz; but still more formidakly introduced to the acquaintanre of hus- bandmen and gardeners; for in some seasons it has been found to swarm in such num y:s as to eat up every vegetable production. Thic two sexes in the cockchafer are easily distinguished from each ather by the superior length of the tufts, at the end of the horns, in the male. In about three months after the eggs have been deposited in the earth, tne contained insect begins to break its shell, and a small grub or maggot crawls forth, and feeds upon the roots of whatever vegetable it happens to be near- est. All substances of this kind seem equally grateful; yet it is probable the mother insect has a choice among what kind of vegetables she shall deposit ber young. In this manner these voracious creatures continue in the worm state for more than three years, devouring the roots of every plant they approach, and making their way under ground in quest of food with great despatch and facility. They thus become one of the greatest nuisances of the farmer; as, when numerous, they will destroy whole fields of grass Atlength, they grow to above the size of a walnut, being a great, thick, white maggot with a red head, which is seen most frequenly in new turned earth, and which is so eagerly sought after by birds of every species. When largest, they are found an inch and a half long, of a whitish yellow color, with a body consisting of twelve segments or joins, on each side of which there are nine breathing holes, and three red feet. The head is large in proportion to the body, of a reddish color, with a pincer before, anda semicircular lip, with which it cuts the roots of plants, and sucks out their moisture. As this insect lives entirely under ground, it has no occa sion for eyes, and accordingly it is found to have none, but is furnishea with two feelers, which, like the crutch of a blind man, serve to direct its motions. Such is the form of this animal, that lives for years in the worm state under ground, still voracious, and every year changing its skin. 1t is not till the end of the fourth year that this extraordinary insect pre- pares to emerge from its subterraneous abode; and even this is not eflictea but by a tedious preparation. Wherever an attentive observer then walks abroad, he wil, see them bursting up before him in his pathway, like ghosts on a theatre. He will see every part of the earth, that had its surface beaten into hardness, perfo- rated by their egression. When the season is favorable for them, they arc seen by thousands, buzzing along, hitting against every object that inter- cepts their dight. The mid-day sun, however, seems too powerful for thet constitutions; they then lurk under the leaves and branches of some shady tree ; but the willow seems particularly their most favorite fuod; there they 104 R26. INSECTA—CANTHARIS...TUMBLEDUNG. lurk iu cfusters, and seldom quit the tree till they have devoured all ita verdure. Their duration, however, is but short, as they never survive the season. Of all the beetle kind this is the most numerous, and therefure deserves the chief attention of history. Like them, all other beetles are bred from the egg, which is deposited in the ground, or sometimes, though seldom, in the barks of trees; they change into a worm; they subsist in that state by living upon the roots of vegetables, or the succulent parts of the baik around them. THE CANTHARIS! Is of the beetle kind, whence come cantharides, well known in the shops by the name of Spanish flies, and for their use in blisters. They have feelezs like bristles, Hexible cases to the wings, a breast pretty plain, and the sides of the belly wrinkled. Cantharides differ from each other in their size, shape, and color; those used in the shops also do the same. The largest in these parts are about an inch long, andas much in circumference ; but others are not above three quarters of an inch. Some are of a pure azure color, others of pure gold, and others again have a mixture of pure go!d and azure colors; but they are all very brilliant, and extremely beautiful. These: insects, as is wel] known, are of the greatest benefit to mankiad, making a part in various medicines conducive to human preservation. They are chiefly natives of Spain, Italy, and Portugal; but they are to be met'with also about Paris in the suinmer time, upon the leaves of the ash, the poplar, and the rose-trees, and also among wheat, and in meadows. THE TUMBLEDUNG! Particu.arLy demands our attention; it is all over of a dusky black, rounder than those animals are generally found tobe, and so strong, though pot much larger than the common black beetle, that if one of them be put onder a brass candlestick, it will cause it to move backwards and forwards, as if 1. were by an invisible hand, to the admiration of those who are not accustomed to the sight; but this strength is given it for much more useful purposes than those of exciting human curiosity, for there is no creature more laborwwus, either in seeking subsistence, or in providing a proper retreat § Cantharis vesicatoria, Lan. 3 Aleuchus volvens, Lim, v INSECTA—ELEPHANT BEETLE. 827 for its young. They are endowed with sagacity to discover subsistence by their excellent smelling, which directs them in flight to excrements just fallen from man or beast, on which they instantly drop, and fall unanimously to work in forming round balls or pellets thereof, in the middle of which they lay an egg. ‘hese pellets, in September, they convey three feet deep tn ine earth, where they lie till the approach of spring; when the eggs aie hatched, the nest bursts, and the insects find their way out of the earth. They assist each other, with indefatigable industry, in rolling these globular pellets to the place where they are to be buried. This they perform with the tail foremost, by raising up their hinder part, and shoving along the ball. with their hind feet. They are always accompanied with other beetles of a larger size, and of a more elegant structure and color. The breast of this is covered with a shield of a crimson color, and shining like metal; the head is of the like color, mixed with green, and on the crown of the head stands a shining black horn, bended backwards. These are called the kings of: the beetles; but for what reason is uncertain, since they partake of the same dirty drudgery with the rest. THE ELEPHANT BEETLE! Is the largest of this kind hitherto known, and is found in South America, particularly Guiana and Surinam, as well as about the river Oroonoko. It is of a black color, and the whole body is covered with a very hard shell, full as thick and as strong as that of a small crab. Its length, from the hinder part of the eyes, is almost four inches, and from the same part to the end of the proboscis, or trunk, four inches and three quarters. The trans- verse diameter of the body is two inches and a quarter, and the breadth of each elytron, or case for the wings, is an inch andthree tenths. The anten- ne, or feelers, are quite horny; for which reason the proboscis, or trunk, is moveable at its insertion into the head, and seems to supply the place of feelers. The horas are eight tenths of an inch long, and terminate in points. The proboscis isan mech and a quarter long, and turns upwards, making a crooked line, terminating in two horns, each of which is near a quarter of an inch long; but they are not perforated at the end like the proboscis of other insects. About four tenths of an inch above the head, or that side next the body, is a prominence, or small horn, which, if the rest of the trunk were away, would cause this part to resemble the horn of a rhinoreros. There is indeed a beetle so called; but then the horn or trunk has nu fork at the end, though the lower horns resemble this. The feet are all forked at the end, but not like the lobsters claws. — 1 Scarubaus Hercules Lin. INSECTA—COCKROACH. THE GIGANTIC COCKROACH - Tu above insect is the largest of its species, and is almost the si7e ot a hen’s egg. It isa native and plague of the warm parts cf Asia, Alrica, and South America. This, and indeed all the other species of cocn:oaches, are a race of pestiferous, beings, equally noisome and mischievous w natives or strangers. These filthy and voracious insects fly out in the everiug, plunder and defile all kinds of victuals, dressed and undiessed, and damage all sorts of clothing, every thing made of leather, books, paper, and various other articles. They fly into the flame ef candles, and sometimes into the dishes; and they are very fond of ink and of oil, into which they are apt to fall and perish. In this case, they soon turn most offensively putrid, so that a man might as well sit over the putrid body of a large animal, as write with the ink in which they have died. They often fly into the faces or bosoms of per- sons, and their legs being armed with sharp spines, the pricking excites a sudden horror not easily repressed. In olc houses they swarm by myria's, making indeseribably nasty every part where they harbor, which in the day time is in dark corners, behind all sorts of clothes, in trunks, boxes, and in short every place where they can lie concealed. In old timber and deal houses, when the family is retired at nizht to sleep, this insect, among its other disagreeable properties, has the power of making a noise which very much resembles a pretty smart knocking with the knuckle upon wainscote ing; in the West Indies, it is therefore frequently known by the name of the drummer. 1 Blatta gigantea. The order Orfhaptera, to which this genus belongs, has elytra coriaceous, the nvargin of the one covering the margm of the otter; mouth wih mandi bles; wings folded longitudinally, and sometimes behind transversely ; meta srpuosis vemucomplete, t INSECTA—GRASSHOPPER 829 THE GRASSHOPPER. Trar animal which is called the grasshopper with us, differs greatry trom the cicada of antiquity; for, as our insect is active enough in hopping through the long grass, whence it has taken its name, the cicada had not this power, but either walked or flew. The little hissing note also of our grasshopper is very different from the song of the cicada, which was louder and far more musical. Of this variegated tribe, the little grasshopper! that breeds in such plenty in every meadow, and that continues his chirping through the summer, is oest known to us; and, by having its history, we shall be possessed of that of all the rest. This aniqal is of the color of green leaves, except a line of brown which streaks the back, and two pale lines under the belly, and behind the legs. It may be divided into the head, the corselet, and the velly. The head is oblong, regarding the earth, and bearing some resemblance to that of a horse. Its mouth is covered by a kind of round buckler jutting over it, and armed with teeth of a brown color, hooked at the points Within the mouth is perceivable a large reddish tongue, fixed to the lower’ jaw. The feelers, or horns, are very long, tapering on to a point, and the eyes are like two black specks, a little prominent. The corselet is elevated. narrow, armed above and below by two serrated spines. The back isarmea with a strong buckler, to which the muscles of the legs are firmly bound and round these muscles are seen the vessels by which the animal breathes, as white as snow. The last pair of legs are much longer and stronger than the first two pair, fortified by thick muscles, and very well formed for leap» img. It has four wings; the anterior ones springing from the second pair of legs, the posterior from the third pair. The hinder wings are niuch finer and more expansive than the foremost, and are the principal instruments of its flight. The belly is considerably large, composed of eight rings, and terminated by a forky tail, covered with down, like the tail of a rat. When examined internally, besides the gullet, we discuver a small stomach; and behind that a very large one, wrinkled and furrowed withinside; lower down there is still a third; so that it is not without reasun that al! the § Acridium. 7 830 INSECTA—GRASSHOPPER. \ animals of this order are said to chew the cud, as tiey so much resemble ruminating animals in their internal conformation. A short time after the grasshopper assumes its wings, it fills the meadow with its note which, like that among birds, is a call to courtship. The male only of this tribe is vocal; and upon examining it at the base of the wings, there will be founda little hole in its body, covered with a fine transparent membrane. This is thought by Linneus, to be the instrument it employs in singing; but others are of upimion, tae sound is produced by rubbing its hinder legs against each other, however this may be, the note of one male is seldom heard, but it is returned by another; aud the two little animals, after many mutual insults of this kind, are seen to meet and fight desperately. The female is generally the reward of victory; for, after the combat, the male seizes her with his teeth behind the neck, and thus keeps her for Several hours. Towards the latter end of autumn, the female prepares to deposit her burthen ; and her body is then seen greatly distended with her eggs, which she carries to the number of a hundred and fifty. In order to make a pro- per lodgment in the earth for them, nature has furnished her with an instru- ment at her tail, somewhat resembling a two-edged sword, which she can sheathe and unsheathe at pleasure; with this she pierces the earth as deep as she is able; and into the hole which her instrument has made, she de- posits her eggs, one after the other. Having thus provided for the continuation of her posterity, the animal nerself does not long survive; but, as the winter approaches, she dries up, seems to feel the effects of age, and dies from a total decay. Some, how- ever, assert, that she is killed by the cold ; and others, that she is eaten by worms; but certain it is, that neither male nor female are ever seer to survive the winter. In the mean time, the eggs which have been deposited continue unaltered, either by the severity of the season, or the etardation of the spring. They are of an oval figure, white, and of the con- sistence of horn; their size nearly equals that of a grain of anise; they are enveloped in the body within a covering, branched all over with veins and arteries; and when excluded they crack, on being pressed between the fingers; their substance within is a whitish, viscous, and transparent fluid. Generally, about the beginning of May, every egg produces an insect, alout the size of a flea. These at first are of a whitish color; at the end cf two or three days they turn black; and-soon after they become of a reddish brown. They appear, from the beginning, like grasshoppers wanting wings; and hop among the grass, as soon as excluded, with great agility. Yet still they are by no means arrived at their state of full perfection; alth gh they bear a strong resemblance to the animal in its perfect form. They want, or seem to want, the wings, which they are at last seen te assume ; and can only hop among the grass, without being able to fly. The Wings however, are not wanting, but are concealed within tour little INSECTA—GRASSHOPPER. 83 bunches, that seem to deform the sides of the animal; there they he rolled up in a most curious manner, and occupying a smaller space than one could conceive. Indeed, all insects, whatever transmutations they seem to uu- dergo, are yet brought forth with those very limbs, parts, and wings, which tney afterwards seem to acquire. In the most helpless caterpillar, there are still to be seen the rudiments of that beautiful plumage which it afterwards expands when a butterfly; and though many new parts seem unfolded to the view, the animal acquires none but such as it was from the beginning possessed of. The grasshopper, that for above twenty days from its exclusion, has con- tinued without the use of its wings, which were folded up to its Ludy, at length prepares for its emancipation, and for a life of greater liberty and pleasure. To make the proper dispositions for the approaching cnange, it ceases from its grassy food, and seeks about for a convenient place, neneath some thorn or thistle, that may protect it from an accidental snower. The same laborious writhings and workings, heavings and palpitations, which we have remarked in every other insect upon an approaching change, are exhibited in this. : At length, the skin covering the head and breast is seen dividing above the neck; the head is seen issuing out first from the bursting skin; the efforts still continuing, the other parts follow successively; so. that the little animal with its long feelers, legs and all, works its way from the old skin, that re- mains fixed to the thistle or the thorn. It is, indeed, inconceiveable how the insect thus extricates itself from so exact a sheath as that which covered every part of its body. The grasshopper, thus disengaged from its outer skin, appears in its per- fect form; but then so feeble, and its body so soft and tender, that it may be moulded like wax. It is no longer of that obscure color which it exhibited before, but a greenish white, which becomes more vivid as the moisture on the surface is dried away. Still, however, the animal continues to show no signs of life, but appears quite spent and fatigued with its labor for more than an hour together. During this time, the body is drying, and the wings unfolding to their greatest expansion ; and the curious observer wil: perceive them, fold after fold, opening to the sun, till at last they become longer than the two hinder legs. The insect’s body also is lengthened during this ope- rattoa, aua it becomes much mor? beautiful than before. 832 INSECTA—LOCUST. THE LOCUST! ee eo MP. 9 ERAN Em a ee Ee sitll Ts about three inches long, and has two horns, or feelers, an inch in length The head and horns are of a brownish color; it is blue about the mouth, as also on the inside of the larger legs. The shield that covers the back is greenish ; and the upper side of the body brown, spotted with black, and the under side purple. The upper wings are brown, with small dusky spots with one larger at the tips; the under wings are more transparent, and of a light brown, tinged with green; but there is a dark cloud of spots near the tips. There is no animal in the creation that multiplies so fast as this, if the sun be warm, and the soil in which their eggs are deposited be dry. The Scripture, which was written in a country where the locust made a distinguished feature in the picture of nature, has given us several very striking images of this animal’s numbers and rapacity. It compares an army, where the numbers are almost infinite, to a swarm of locusts; it de- scribes them as rising out of the earth, where they are produced; as pursu- ing a settled march to destroy the fruits of the earth, and co-operate with divine indignation.. When the locusts take the field, as we are assured, they have a leader at their head, whose flight they observe, and pay a strict attention to all his motions. They appear ata distance, like a black cloud, which, as it ap- proaches, gathers upon the horizon, and almost hides the light of the day. It often happens, that the husbandman sees this imminent calamity pass away without dving him any mischief; and the whole swarin proceed onward to settle upon the labors of some less fortunate country. But wretched is the district u. n which they settle; they ravage the meadow and the pasture ground; strip the trees of their leaves, and the garden of its beauty; the visitation of a few-minutes destroys the expectations of a year; and a famine but too frequently ensues. In their native tropical climates, they are not so dreadful as in the southern parts of Europe. There, though the plain and the forest be stripped of their verdure, the power of vegetativn ig 1 Acridium migratorium, Lat. INSECTA--CRICKET. 833 80 great, that an in erval of three or four days repairs the calamity; but in the north of Europe, the verdure is the livery of a season; and when lost, the inhabitants must wait ti the ensuing spring repairs the damage. Be- sides, in their long flights to this part of the world, they are famished by the tediousness of their journey, and are therefore more voracious wherever they happen to settle. But it is not by what they devour that they do so much damage, as what they destroy. Their very bite is thought to contaminate the plant, and to prevent its vegetation.’ To use the expression of the husband- man, they burn whatever they touch, and leave the marks of their devasta- tion for two or three years ensuing. But if they be noxious while living, they are still more so when dead; for wherever they fall, they infect the air in such a manner, that the smell is insupportable, THE CRICKET! Very much resembles the grasshopper in its shape, its manner of ruminat- ing, its. voice, its leaping, and methods of propagatiun. Jt differs in its color, which is uniformly of-a rusty brown; in its food, witch is more vari- ous; and in its place of residence, which is most usually in the warmest chinks behind a country hearth. They are, in some measure, obliged to the bad masonry employed in making peasants’ houses for their retreats. The smallest chink serves to give them shelter, and where they once make their abode they are sure to propagate. They are of a most chilly nature, seldom leaving the fireside ; and if undisturbed, are seen to hop from their retreats to chirp at the blaze in the chimney. The wood cricket is the most timorous animal in nature ; but the chimney cricket, being used to noises, disregards them. Whether the voice of this animal is formed in the same manner with that of the grasshopper, is not yet ascertained ; nor do we well know the use of this voice, since anatomical inspection has not been able to discover the smallest organs of hearing. Still, however, we can make no doubt of their power of distinguishing sounds, though probably not in the same man- ne with the more perfect ranks of nature. Certain it is, that they have been often heard to call, and this call is as regularly answered by enother, al- though none but the males are vocal. 1Gryllus domesticus, Lr. 15 70* 834 INSECTA—LANTERN FLY They are very voracious little animals, and will eat oread flour, meat, and scummings of pots, but are particularly fond of sugar. ‘Ihey are a thirsty race, and show a great predilection for liquids, being oftea found drowned in pans of water, milk, or broth. Whatever is mvist the, affect, and therefore frequently gnaw holes in wet woolen stockings ana «prons that are hung to the fire. THE GREAT LANTERN FLY. Tuts is undoubtedly one of the most curious of insects; it is of a very considerable size, measuring nearly three inches and a half from the tip of the front to that of the tail, and about five inches and a half from wing’s end to wing’s end, when expanded ; the body is of a lengthened oval shape, roundish or subcylindric, and divided into several rings or segments; the length is nearly equal to the length of the rest of the animal, and is oval inflated, and bent slightly upwards; the ground color is an elegant yellow with a strong tinge of green in some parts, and marked with numerous bright red, brown variegutions, in the form of stripes and spots; the wings are very large, of a yellow colur, most elegantly varied with brown undula- tions and spots, and the lower pair are decorated by a very large eye-shaped spot on the middle of each, the iris or-border of the spot being red, and the centre halt red and half semi-transparent white; the head or lantern is paie 1 Fulgora laternaric. Lin. The order Hemiptera has two wings covered by elytra; mouth formed for sucuon, the rostrum composed of a tubular articulated sneath, include ing four scaly sete, in place of mandibles and jaws; elytra in some crustaceous, with the posterior extremity membranous; in others almost sumilar te wings, but more extended, thicker and colored. INSECTA—COCHINEAL. 835 yellow, with longitudina: red stripes. ‘This beautiful insect is a native of Surinam and many other parts of South America, and during the sight diffuses so surong a phosphoric splendor from its head or lantern, that it may be employed for the purpose of a candle or torch; and it is said that three o° four of these insects tied to the top of .a stick, are frequently used by travel lers for that purpose. A single one gives light enough to enable a person to read. THE COCHINEAL. Tus insect is of an oval form, of the size of a small pea, with six feet, ind a snout or trunk. It brings forth its young alive, and is nourished by ucking the juice of the plant. Its body consists of several rings; and when it is once fixed on the plant, it continues immoveable, being subject to 10 change. Some pretend there are two sorts, the one domestic, which is west, and the other wild, that is, of a vivid color; however, they appear to ve the same; with only this difference, that the wild feed upon uncultivated tees, without any assistance; whereas, the domestic is carefully, at a stated s-ason, removed to cultivated trees, where it feeds upon a purer juice. Those wo take care of these insects, place them on the prickly pear-plant, in a ce. tain order, and are very industrious in defending them from other insects; . fo. if any other kind comes among them, they take care to brush them off wisn foxes’ tails. Towards the ead of the year, when the rains and cold wecther are coming on, which ure fatal to these insects, they take off the leaves or branches, covered with the cochineal that have not attained their utmort degree of perfection, and keep them in their houses till winter is past. These leaves are very thick and juicy, and supply them with nourishment while they remain within doors. When the milder weather returns, and these animals are about to exclude their young, the natives make them nests, like those of birds, but less, of tree-moss, or soft hay, or the down of cocoa-nuts, placing twelve in every nest. These they fix on the thorns of the prickly pear-plant, and in three or four days’ time they tz.r g -orth their young, which leave their nests in a few days, and creep upcn the branches of the plant, till they tind a proper place to rest in. When the native Americans have gathered the cochineal, they put them into holes in the ground, where they kill them with boiling water, and after =e dry them in the sun, or in an oven, or lay them upon hot plates Ftom the various methods of killing them, arise the different colors whict they appear in, when brought to us. While they are living, they seem t be sprinkled over with a white powder, which they lose as soon as the boil 1 Coceus cacti, Lin 836 INSECTA—TERMITES. ing water is poured upon them. Those that are driec upon hot plates are the blackest. What we call the cochineal are only the females, for the males are a sort of fly. They are used both for dyeing and medicine, and are said to have much the same virtue as the kermes, though they are now seldom used alone, but are mixed with other things for the sake of the color. TERMITES, OR WHITE ANTS.|! Or this curious insect, Mr Smeathman has given, in the Philosophical Transactions, so full and interesting an account, that we cannot do better than quote from it. ‘“ Of a great many curious parts of the creation, (says he,) which I met with in Guinea, the termites, or white ants, seemed most worthy of minute attention. “ The size and figure of their buildings have attracted the notice of many travellers, and yet the world has not hitherto been furnished with a tolerable description of them, though, when we come to consider the wonderful order of these insects, and of their subterraneous cities, they will appear foremost? on the list of the wonders of the creation. “These insects are known by various names. They belong to the termes of Linneus, and other systematic naturalists. “ By the English, in the windward parts of Africa, they are called bugga bugs. In the West Indies, wood lice, wood ants, or white ants. By the French, at Senegal, vague vagues. In the West Indies, poux de bois, or fourmis blanches. By the Portuguese in the Brazils, coupée, or cutters, from their cutting things in pieces. By this latter name, and that of piercers or eaters, and similar terms, they are distinguished in various parts of the tropical regions. “Of every species of the termites there are three orders; first, the work- ing insects, which I shall call laborers ; next, the fighting ones, or soldiers, wa.ca do no kind of labor; and, last of all, the winged ones, or perfect in- gect:s, which are male and female, and capable of propagation. These might very appositely he called the nobility or gentry, for they neither labor nor light, being quite incapable of either, and almost of self-defence. These only are capable of being elected kings or queens; and nature has so order- ed it, taat they emigrate within a few weeks, after they are elevated to this state, and either establish new kingdoms, or perish within.a day orjwo. “The termes bellicosus, being the largest species, is best known of the coast of Africa. It erects immense buildings of well-tempered clay or earth, 1 The order of Neuroptera have four naked, reticulated, transparent wings; mouth pro- per fcrmastication; Jaws and lips straight, extended ; joints of ihe tarsi various, generally entire INSECTA—TERMITES. 837 which are contrived with such art, that we are at a loss to say, whether they are most to be admired on that account, or for their enormous magnitude ana solidity. They not only build larger and more curious nests, but are also more numerous, and do infinitely more mischief to mankind than other species. When these insects attack such things as we would uot wish to have injured, we must consider them as most pernicious; but when they are employed in destroying decayed trees and substances which only enicum- ber the surface of the earth, they may be justly supposed very useful. It is apparent to all, who have made observation, that they contribute more to the quick dissolution of putrescent matter than any other. They are su necessary in all hot climates, that even in the open fields, a dead animal or smal] putrid substance cannot be laid upon the ground two minutes, be- fore it will be covered with flies and their maggots, which instantly enter- ing quickly devour one part, and perforating the rest in various directions, expose the whole to be much sooner dissipated hy the elements. In a few weeks, these insects destroy and carry away the bodies of large trees, with- out leaving a particle behind, thus clearing the place for other vegetables, which soon fill up every vacancy ; and in places, where two or three years before, there has been a populous town, if the inhabitants, as is frequently the case, have chosen to abandon it, there shall be a very thick wood, and not the vestige of a post to be seen, unless the wood has been of a species which, from its hardness, is called iron wood. “The nests of the termites bellicosi are so numerous ali over the island of Bananas, and the adjacent.continent of Africa, that it is scarce possible to stand upon any open place, where one of these buildings is not to be seen within fifty paces, and frequently two or three are to be seen almost close to each other. In some parts near Senegal, as mentioned by M. Adanson, their number, magnitude, and closeness of situation, make them appear like the villages of the natives. These buildings are usually termed hills, from their outward appearance, which is that of little hills more or less conical, and about ten or twelve feet in perpendicular height above the common sur- face of the ground. “These hills continue quite bare until they are six or eight feet high; but, m time, the dead barren clay, of which they are composed, becomes ferutiz- ed by the genial power of the elements in these prolific climates; and in the second or third year, the hillock, if not overshaded by trees, becomes almost covered with grass and other plants; and in the dry season, when the herbage is burnt up by the rays of the sun, it is not much unlike a very large haycock. ‘Every one of these buildings consists of two distinct parts, the exterior and the interior. The exterior is one large shell in the manner of a dome. large and strong enough to shelter the interior from the vicissitudes of the weather, and the inhabitants from the attacks of natu:al or accidental ene- mies. It is always, therefure, much stronger than the interior building, 838 INSECTA—TERMITES. which is the habitable part, divided with a wonderful kind of :egularity and contrivance, into an amazing number uf apartments for the residence of the king and queen, and the nursing of their numerous progeny; or for maga- zines, which are always found well filled with stores and provisions. “ These hills make their first appearance above ground by a little turret or two in the shape of sugar-loaves, which are run a foot high or more. Soon . after, at some little distance, while the former are increasing in height «ad size, they raise others, and so go on increasing the number and widening them at the base, till their works below are covered with these turrets, which they always raise the highest and largest in the middle, and by filling up the ‘atervals between each turret, collect them as it were into one dome. They are made very solid and strong, and when by the junction of them the dome is completed, for which purpose the turrets answer as scaffolds, they take away the middle ones entirely, except the tops (which joined together make the crown of the cupola,) and apply the clay to the building of the works within, or to erecting fresh turrets for the purpose of raising the hillock still higher; so that no doubt some part of the clay is used several times, like the beards and posts of a mason’s scaffold. “« When these hills are at their ful] height, they answer excellently as places to look out. Ihave been with four men on the top of one of these hillocks. Whenever word was brought us of a vessel in sight, we immediately ran to some bugga bug hill, as they are called, and clambered up to get a good view, for upon the common surface it was seldom possible to see over the grass or plants. - “The interior parts of these buildings are disposed nearly as follows: “The royal chamber, which I call so on account of its being occupied by the king and queen, is situated at about a level with the surface of the ground, at an equal distance from all the sides of the building, and directly under the apex of the hill. : “Tt is on all sides, both above and below, surrounded by what I should call the royal apartments, which have only laborers and soldiers in them, aud can be intended for no other purpose than for these to wait in, either to guard or serve their common father and mother, on whose safety depends the happiness, and, according to the negroes, even the existence, of the whole community. These apartments compose an intricate labyrinth, which ex tends a foot or more in diameter’from the royal chamber on every side. Here the nurseries and magazines of provisions begin, and, being separated by smal] empty chambers and galleries, which go round them or communi+ cate from one to the other, are continued on all sides to the outward shell, and reach up within it two thirds or three fourths of its height, leaving an 2pen area in the middle under the dome, which very inuch resembles'the nave of an oid cathedral: this is surrounded by three or four very large Gothie shayed arcnes. which are sometimes two or three feet high next the front of the urea, but diminish very rapidly as they .ecede from thence like the arches INSECTA—TERMITES. 839 of aisles in perspective, and are soon lost among the innumerable cham- bers and nurseries behind them. “All these charrbers, and the passages leading to and from them, being arched, they help to support one another ; and while the interior large arches prevent them falling into the centre, and keep the area open, the exterior building supports them on the outside. “T have observed before, that there are of every species of termites tree otders. Of these, the working insects, or laborers, are always the most nu- merous. In the termites bellicosus, there seem to be at least one hundred laborers to one of the fighting insects or soldiers. The laborers are about one fourth of an inch long, and twenty-five of them weigh about a grain; so that they are not so large as some of our ants. From their external habit and fondness for wood, they have heen very expressively called wood lice. They resemble them, it is true, very much‘at a distance ; but they run faster than any other insects of their size, and are incessantly bustling about their affairs. “The second order, or soldiers, have a very different form from the labor- ers, and have been by some authors supposed to be the males, and the former neuters: but they are, in fact, the same insects as the foregoing, only they have undergone a change of form, and approach one degree nearer to the perfect state. They are now much larger, being half an inch long, and equal in bulk to fifteen of the laborers. . “There is now, likewise, a most remarkable circumstance in the form of the hedd and muuth; for in the former state, the mouth is evidently caleu- lated for gnawing and holding bodies ; but in this state, the jaws being shaped just like two very sharp awls a little jagged, they are incapable of any thing but piercing or wounding, for which purposes they are very effectual, being as hard as a crab’s claw, and placed in a strong, horny head, which is of a nut-brown color, and larger than all the rest of the body together, which seenis to labor under great difficulty in carrying it: on which account, per- paps, the animal is incapable of climbing up perpendicular surfaces. “The third order, or the insect in its perfect state, varies its form still more than ever. The head, thorax, and abdomen, differ almost entirely from the same parts in the laborers and soldiers ; and, besides this, the animal is now furnished with four large, brownish, transparent wings, with which itis at tae time of.emigration to wing its wavy in search of a new settlement. 840 INSECTA—TERMITES. In snort, 11 differs so much from its form and appearance im the other twa slates, that it has never been supposed to be the same animal, but by these who nave seen it in the same nests: and some of these have distrusted the evidence of their senses. It was so long before I met with them in their nests myself, that I doubted the information that was given me by the natives, that they belonged to the sarne family. Indeed we may open tweuty nests without finding one winged one, for those are to be found only just befere the commencement of the rainy season, when tbey undergo the last change, which is preparative to their colonization. “Tn the winged state, they have also much altered their size as well as form. Their bodies now measure between six or seven tenths of an inch in length, and their wings above two inches and a half from tip to tip, and they are equal in bulk to about thirty laborers, or two soldiers. They are now also furnished with two large eyes placed on each side of the head, and very conspicuous. If they have any before, they are not easily to be distin- guished. Probably in the two first states, their eyes, if they have any, may be small like those of moles; for as they live like these animals always un- der ground, they have as little occasion for these organs, and it is not to be wondered at that we do not discover them; but the case is much altered when they arrive at the winged state in which they are to roam, though but for a few hours, through the wide air, and explore new and distant regions In this form the anima] comes abroad during or soon after the first tornado, which, at the latter end of the dry season proclaims the approach of the ensuing rains, and seldom waits for a second or third shower, if the first, as is generally the case, happens in the night, and brings much wet after it. The quantities that are to be found the next morning all over the surface of tae earth, but particularly on the waters, is astonishing ; for their wings are only calculated to carry them a’ few honrs, and after the rising of the sun not one in a thousand is to be found with four wings, unless the morning zontinues rainy, when here and there a solitary being is seen winging its way from one pla-e to another, as if solicitous only to avoid its numerous enemies, parucul: rly various species of ants which are hunting on every spray, on every leaf, and in every possible place, for this unhappy race, of which probaly not a pair in many millions get into a place of safety, fulfil the frst law of nature, and lay the foundation of a new community. \ INSECTA—GALL INSECTS. 84. “Not only all kinds of ants, birds, and carnivorous reptiles, as well as in- sects, are upon the hunt for them, but the inhabitants of many countries, and particularly of that part of Africa where I was, eat them. At the time of swarming, or rather of emigration, they fall into the neighboring waters, when the Africans skim them off with calavashes, bring: large kettles full of them to their habitations, and parch them in iron pots over a gentle fire, stirring them about as is usually done in roasting coffee. In tat state, without sauce or any other addition, they serve them as delicious fuod ; and they put them by handsfull into their mouths, as we do comfits. I have eaten them dressed this way several times, and think them both delicate, nourishing, and wholesome; they are something sweeter, but not so fat and cloying as the caterpillar or maggot of the palm tree, snout-beetle, curculio palmarum, which is served up at all the luxurious tables of West Indian epicures, particularly of the French, as the greatest dainty of the western woud.” THE GALL INSECTS! Ant bred in a sort of bodies adhering toa kind of oak in Asia, which differ wita regard to their color, size, roughness, sinoothness, and snape, and which we cali galls. They are not fruit, as some have imagined, but preternatural tumors, owing to the wounds given to the buds, leaves, and twigs of the tree, by a kind of insect that lays its eggs within them. This animal is furnished with an implement, by which the female penetrates into the bark of the tree, or into that spot which just begins to bud, and there sheds a drop of corrosive fluid into the cavity. Having thus formed a receptacle for her eggs, she’ deposits them in the place, and dies soon after. The juice or sap of the plant, thus turned back from its natural course, extravasates and flows round the egg; after which it swells and dilates by the assistance of some bubbles of air, which get admission through the pores @? the oark, and which run in the vessels with the sap. This little ball receives its nutriment, growth, and vegetation, as the other parts of the tree, by slow degrees, and is what we call the gall-nut. The worm that is hatched under this spacious vault, finds in the substance of the bail, “hich as yet is very tender, a subsistence suitable to its nature ; gnaws and digests it til] the time comes for its transformation to a nymph, or chry- salis. and from that state of existence changes into a fly. After this the in- sect, perceiving itself duly provided with all things requisite, disengages itself soon from its confinement, and takes its flight into the open air. The 1 Cynipide. The order Hymenoptera has four naked veined wings of unequal size; mouth composed of jaws, mandibles, and two lips; hip tubular at its base, termite ted by a Jaluum, ether doubled or folded in, and forming a kind of sucker; females with a com pound ovipositor, or sting at the anus. 106 7 ‘ 842 INSECTA—ANT. case, nowever, is not s milar with respect to the gall-nut that grows m autunn. The cold weather frequently comes on before the worm is trans- formed into a fy, or before the fly can pierce through its enclosure. The nut falls with the leaves, and although you may imagine that the fly which lies within is lost, yet in reality it is not so; on Ahe contrary, its being coy- ered up so clase is the means of its preservation. Thus it spends the winter in a warm house, where every crack and cranny of the nut is well stopped up; and lies buried, as it were, under a heap of leaves, which preserve it from the injuries of the weather. This apartment, however; though so com. modivus a retreat in the winter, is a perfect prison in the spring. The fly roused out of its lethargy by the first heats, breaks its way through, and ranges where it pleases. A very small aperture is sufficient, since at this time the fly is but a diminutive creature. Besides, the ringlets whereof its budy is composed, dilate, and become pliant in the passage. THE ANT. THE common ants of Europe! are of two or three different kinds; some red, some black, some with stings, and others without. Such as have stings inflict their wounds in that manner; such as are unprovided with these weapons of defence have a power of spurting, from their hinder parts, an acid, pungent liquor, which, if it lights upon the skin, inflames and burns it like nettles. The body of an ant is divided. into the head, breast, and belly. In the head the eyes are placed, which are entirely black, and under the eyes there are two small horns, or feelers, composed of twelve joints, all covered with 2 fine silky hair. The mouth is furnished with two crooked jaws, which project outwards, in each of which are seen incisors, that look like teeth. The breast is covered with a fine silky hair, from which project six legs, that are pretty strong and hairy ; the extremities of each armed with two small claws, which the animal uses in climbing. The belly is more reddish than the rest of the body, which is of a brown chesnut color, shining as a glass, and covered with extremely fine hair. As svon as the winter is past, on the first fine day in April, the ant-hill, that before seemed a desert, now swarms with new life, and myriads of these josects are seen just awaked from their annual lethargy, and preparing for “the pleasures and fatigues of the season. For the first day they never offer to leave the hill, which may be considered as their citadel, but run over everv part of it, as if to examine its present situation, to observe what tnjuries it has Sustained during the rigors of winter, while they slept, and to meditate and settle the labors of the day ensuing. 1 Fornicarie. INSECTA—ANT., 843 At the first display of their forces, none but the wingless tribe appears, while those ‘furnished with wings remain at the bottom. These are the working ants that first appear, and that are always destitute of wings; the males and females, that are furnished with four large wings each, are more slow in making their appearance. Thus, like bees, they are divided into males and females, and the neutral or working tribe. These are all easily distinguished from each cther; the females are much larger than the males; the working ants are the smallest of all. The two former have wings, which, however, they sometimes are divested of; the latter never have any, and upon them are devolved all the labors that tend to the welfare of the community. The female als» may be distinguished by the color and structure of her breast, which is a little more brown than that of the common ant, and a little brighter-‘than that of the male. The neuters exercise al] the ordinary offices necessary for the existence and welfare of the community to which they belong; it is they who collect supplies of food, who explore the country ‘for this purpose, and seize upon every animal] substance, whether living or dead, which they can lay hold of, and transport to the common abode of the tribe. It is they who construct every part of the dwelling place, who attend the hatching of the eggs, the feeding of the larvae, and their removal to different situations, as occasion may require, and who conduct all the operations both of offensive and defen. sive warfare; in fact, all the laborious and perilous duties of this singuar commonwealth. There is every reason, however, to believe that the helots and females of tiis tribe of insects are originally and substantially of the same sex, and that the developement of the sexual organs in the latter is the consequence of some difference in the circumstances in which the larva is placed during its growth. In all the features of internal structure, the supposed neuters agree with the female, and in the number of articulations composing the antenne. Thus we find thirteen in the male, twelve only in the female, and twelve in the neuter. In the male ant, the abdomen his seven rings, in the female and neuter only six. In the two latter classes, the head is broader, and the mandibles very large and powerful, compared with those of the male, and furnished with serrated edges, and a sharp and often hooked point. The external sexual organs of the female and uv the neiier are so nearly similar in appearance, that Latreille declare- that he was unzhle to perceive the least difference between them. On the other hand, it is to be observed, that in the neuter the principal deviation from the model of the female consists in the absence of wings; a circumstance which may be conceived to be connected with a certain condition of the sexual organs, as are the horns of deer and the beard of men. Ants certainly possess a greater share of muscular strength, than almost any other insect of the same size. Of this we are witnesses from childhood in the incessant toil which they undergo, and the great loads they are seen 844 INSECTA—ANT. to carry, often exceeding ten or twelve times their own weight. This appa- rently is connected with a corresponding share of sensation, seen in their great susceptibility to all changes of temperature, to moisture, and other conditions of the atmosphere. In the perfection of their sight they are alsa remarkable; the males and females being provided with both the descrip- tions of eyes peculiar to this class, namely, the composite and the simple eyes. The laboring ants, indeed, who never fly, are frequently destitute of the latter kind. Many erroneous opinions are prevalent with regard to the food of ants, which have often been supposed to consume corn, and to do great injury to plants by devuuring their roots or stems. The truth is, that they are chiefly carnivorous insects, preying indiscriminately on all the softer parts of ani- mals, and especially the viscera of other insects, whom they will often attack when alive, and overpower by dint of numbers, upon which they devour their victim on the spot, or drag him prisoner into their nests; or if the game should be too bulky to be easily transported, they make a plentiful meal, and exert like the bee a power of disgorging a portion, and of impart- ing it to their companions at home. It appears that they are even able to retain at pleasure the nutritious juices unchanged for a considerable time The rapidity with which they consume, and in fact anatomize, the carcasses of any small bird or quadruped that happens to fall in their way, is well known, and furnishes an easy method of obtaining natural skeletons of «ese animals, by placing their dead bodies in the vicinity of a populous ant- hill. In hot climates, where they multiply to an amazing extent. their vo- racity and holdness increase with their numbers. Bosman, in his descrip- tion of Guinea, states that in one night they will devour a sheep, leaving it a fine skeleton; while a fowl is for them only the amusement of an hour, In these situations they will venture to attack even living animals of con- siderable size. Rats and mice often become their victims. The sugar ants of Grenada cleared every plantation which they visited of rats and other vermin, which they probably effected hy attacking their young. Poultry, or other small stock, could not be raised without the greatest difficulty ; and the eyes, nose, and other emunctories of the bodies of dying or dead animals were instantly covered with them. The fecundation of the ant js effected very generally during the flight of the females, in which they are accompanied by the males; both appearing to be provided with wings chiefly for this object. A certain number of impreg- nated females are also, by the assistance uf their wings, enaoled to reach distant situations, where they become respectively the founders of new colo nies; while the males, having fulfilled the office for which nature had des- tincd them, are left to perish on the spot where they descend, being removed froin those who formerly administered to them food, and being destitute of the means of procuring subsistence for themselves. Swarms of ants, of im- mense size, ure occasionally met with: some have been recorded of such INSECTA—WASP. 845 piodigious magnitude as to darken the air like a thick cloud, and to cover the ground where they settled to a considerable extent. THE WASP! Is well known to be a winged insect with a sting; to be longer 1n propore tion to its bulk than the bee; to be marked with bright yellow circles round its body ; and to be the most swift and active insect of all the fy kind. On each side of the mouth, this animal is furnished with a long tooth, notched like a saw, and with these it is enabled to cut any substance, not omitting meat itself, and to carry it toits nest. Wasps live like bees in community, and sometimes ten or twelve thousand are found inhabiting a single nest. Of all insects, the wasp is the most fierce, voracious, and most dangerous, whenenraged. They are seen wherever flesh is cutting up, gorging them- selves with the spoil, and then flying to their nests with their reeking prey. They make war also on every other fly, and the spider himself dreads their approaches. Every community among bees is composed of females or queens, drones or males, and neutral or working bees. Wasps have similar occupations; the two first are for propagating the species, the last for nursing, defending, and supporting the rising progeny. Among bees, however, there is seldom above a queen or two in a hive; among wasps there are above two or three hundred. As soon as the summer begins to‘invigorate the insect tribes, the wasps are the most of the number, and are diligently employed either in providing provisions for their nest, if already made, or in making one, if the former habitation be too small to receive the increasing community. The nest is one of the most curious objects in natural history, and contrived almost as artificially as that of the bees themselves. Their principal care is to seek outa hole that has been begun by some other animal, a field mouse, a rat, or a mole, to build their nests in. They sometimes build upon the plain, where they are sure of the dryness of their situation; but most commonly 1 Vespa vulgaris, Lin. 71* 846 INSECT A—WASP. on the side ofa bank, to avoid the rain or water that would otherwise annoy them. When they have chosen a proper place, they go to work with won- derfui assiduity. Their first labor is to enlarge and widen the hole, taking away the earth, and carrying it off to some distance. To prevent the earth from falling down and crushing their rising city into ruin, they make a sort of roof with their gluey substance, to which they begin to fix the rudiments of their building, working from the top downwards, as if they were hanging a bell, which, however, at length, they close up at the bottom. The materi- als with which they build their nests, are bits of wood and glue. The wood they get where they can, from the rails and posts which they meet with in the fields, and elsewhere. These they saw and divide into a multitude of small fibres, of which they take up little bundles in their claws, letting fall upon them a few drops of gluey matter, with which their bodies are pro- vided, by the help of which they knead the whole composition into a paste, which serves them in their future building. When they have returned with this to the nest, they stick their load of paste on that part where they make their walls and partitions; they tread it close with their feet, and trowel it with their trunks, still going backwards as they work. Having repeated this operation three or four times, the composition is at length flatted out until it becomes a small leaf of a gray color, much finer than paper, and of a pretty firm texture. This done, the same wasp returns to the field to collect a second load of paste, repeating the same several times, placing layer upon layer, and strengthening every partition in proportion to the wants or convenience of the general fabric. Other working wasps come quickly after to repeat the same operation, laying more leaves upon the former, till at length, after much toil, they have finished the large roof which is to secure them from the tumbling in of the earth. This dome being finished, they make another entrance to their habitation, designed either for letting in the warmth of the sun, or for escaping in case one door be invaded by plunderers. Certain, however, it is, that by one of these they always enter, by the other they sally forth to their toil;-each hole being so small that they can pass but one at a time. The walls being thus composed, and the whole somewhat of the shape of a pear, they labor at their cells, which they compose of the sate paper-like substance that goes to the formation of the outside works. Their combs differ from these of bees, not less in the composition than the position which they are always seen to retain. The honeycomb of the bee is edgewise with respect to the hive; that of the wasp is flat, and the mouth of every cell opens downwards. Thus is their habitation contrived story above story, supported by several rows of pillars which give firmness to the whole building, while the upper story is flat- roofed, and as smooth as the pavement of a room laid with squares of mar- ble. The wasps can freely walk upon these stories between the pillars to do whatever their wants require. The pillars are very hard and compact being larger at each end than in the middle, not much unlike the columns INSECTA—HORNET. 847 ofa building. All the cells of the nests are only destined for the reception of the young, being replete with neither wax nor honey. Each cell is, like that of the bee, hexagonal; but theré are two sorts, the one larger, for the production of the male and the female wasps, the other less, for the reception of the working part of the community. When the females are impregnated by the males, they lay their eggs one in each cell, ‘and stick itin with a kind of gummy matter to prevent its falling out. From this egg proceeds the insect in its worm state, of which the old ones are extremely careful. But the wasp community differs from that of the bee in this; that among the latter, the working bees take the parental luties upon them, whereas, among the wasps, the females alone are permitted to feed their young, and to nurse their rising progeny. For this purpose the female waits with great patieuce till the working wasps have brought in their provisions, which she takes from them, and cuts into pieces. She then goes with great composure from cell to cell, and feeds every young one with her mouth. When the young worms have come toa certain size, they leave off eating, and begin to spin a very fine silk, fixing the first end to the entrance of the ceil ; then turning their heads, first on one side, then on the other, they fix the thread to different parts, and thus they make a sort-of door which serves to close up the mouth of the cell. After this, they divest themselves of their skins after the usual mode of transformation; the aurelia by degrees begins to emancipate itself from its shell; by little and little it thrusts out its legs and wings, and insensibly acquires the color and shape of its parent. THE HORNET! Ie one of the largest and most remarkable species of the wasp. 1t 1s twice as large as the common wasp, and is also distinguished by a black breast, 1 Vespa crabro, Lin. 848 INSECTA—BEE. and double black spots on the belly; the head is also longer and slenderer and the eyes somewhat resembling a half moon. It is extremely bold an¢ venomous. Its predominant passion is for flesh, and, when hungry, two or three of them will seize upon a small bird, kill it, and devour its flesh. Nay it has even been said, that singly, it will attack and conquer a sparrow. THE BEE. Queen. Working Bee. Drone. _ Tue domestic bee differs in a variety of particulars from most other ani mals, and admits a threefold description, under its various characters ot queen bee, drone bee, and working bee; for though this last kind is, strictly speaking, the only honey bee, yet asall the three kinds are found, and seem to be necessary, in every community or hive of bees, they go under the same general name of apis mellifica, while at the same time they differ so much from each other, (more indeed than some different species of the same genus of other animals,) that a particular and separate description of each is neces- sary. The drones may easily be distinguished from the common or work ing bees. They are both larger and longer in the body. Their heads are round, their eyes full, and their tongues short. The form of the belly differs from those of both queen and common bees; and their color is darker than either. They have no sting, and they make a much greater noise when flying than either the queen or the common bees; a peculiarity of itself suf- ficient,to distinguish them. Other writers on this subject have asserted, that the dissection of the drone gives as great proof of its being the male, as that of the queen does of her being female. The queen is easily distinguished from all the other bees in the hive, by the form, size, and color of her body. She is considerably longer, and her wings are much shorter, in proportion to her body, than those of the other bees. The wings of both common bees and drones cover their whole bodies, whereas those of the queen scarcely reach beyond the middle, ending about the third ring of the belly. Her hinder part is far more tapering than those of the other bees; her belly or legs are yellower, and her upper parts of a 1 Apis mellifica, Lin. INSECTA—BEE. 849 much darker color than theirs. She is also furnished with a sting, though some authors assert that she has none, having been induced to form this opinion because she is extremely pacific; so much so indeed, that one may handie her, and even tease her as much as he pleases, without provoking her resentment. The omniscient Governor of nature has wisely ordained this majestic insect to be of a pacific disposition ; for, were she otherwise, were she like the other bees, of so irritable a temper as to draw her sting on every occasion, and to leave it in the body of her antagonist, it would prove of dangerous and often fatal consequence to the whole hive; for every bec, after losing her sting, dies within a day or two at the utmost. The queer bee is solemn and calm in her deportment. A young queen is a great deal smaller in size than a full-grown one; being not much longer than a com- mon hee, and is therefore not so easily observed when sought for. When only three or four days old, she is very quick in her motions, and runs very fast; but when pregnant with eggs, she becomes very large, and her body is heavy. The working or common bee is smaller than either the queen or the drone bee; and, as well as these, consists of three parts, viz. the head, which is attached by a narrow kind of neck to the rest of the body; the breast or middle part; and the belly, which is nearly separated from the breast by an insection or division, and connected with it by another narrow neck or junc- tion. There are two eyes in the head, of an oblong figure, black, transpa- rent, and immoveable. The mouth and jaws, like those of some species of fish, open to the right and left, and ‘serve instead cf hands, to carry out of the hive whatever encumbers or offends them. In the mouth there is a long proboscis, or trunk, with which the bees suck up the sweets from the flowers. They have four wings fastened to their middle part, by which they are not only enabled to fly with heavy loads, but also to make those well known sounds and hummings to each other that are supposed to be their only form of speech. They have also six legs fastened to their middle. The two foremost of these are the shortest, and with these they unload themselves of their treasures. The two in the middle are somewhat longer; and the two last are longest. On the outside of the middle joint of these’ last, there. is a small cavity in the form of a narrow spoon, in which the bees collect ly degrees those loads of wax they carry home to their hives. This hellow groove is peculiar to the working bee. Neither the queen nor the dioncs have any resemblance of it. The tibie of the hind legs are ciliated, and transverse.y streaked on the inside. Each foot terminates in two Looks, with their poirits opposite to each other; in the middle of these hooks there is a little thin appendix, which, when unfolded, enables the insects to fasten themselves to glass, or the most polished bodies. This part they likewise employ for transmitting the small particles of crude wax, which they find upon flowers, to the cavity in their thighs. The belly is ornamented witk six rings ; and contains, besides the intestines, the honey-bladder, the venom- 407 850 INSECTA-—BEE. bladder, and the sting. The honey-bladder isa reservoir, into which is tleposited the honey that the bee sips from the cups of the flowers after it has passed through the proboscis, and through the narrow pipes that connect the head, breast, and belly of the bee. This bladder, when full, is of the size of a smail pea, and is so transparent, that the color of the honey can be dis- tinguished through it. The sting is situated at the extremity of the belly and the head or root of: it is placed contiguous to the small bladder that con- tains the venom, connected to the belly by certain small muscles, by means of which the bee can dart it out and draw it in with great force and quick- ness. In length it is about the sixth part of an inch. These working bees may be said to compose the whole community, except in the season of the drones, which hardly lasts three months. During all the other nine months. there are no other bees in the hive except them and the queen. The whole labor of the hive is performed by them. They build the combs, collect the honey, bring it home, and store it up in their waxen magazines. They rear up the eggs to produce young queens, common bees, and drones; they carry out all incumbrances that are in the hives; they defend the community against enemies of every kind, and kill all the drones. ‘When the bees begin to work in their hives, they divide themselves into four companies; one of which roves in the fields in search of materials; another employs itself in laying out the bottom and partitions of their cells; a third is employed ‘n making the inside smooth from the corners and an- gles; and the fourth company brings food for the rest, or relieves those who return with their respective burdens. But they are not kept constant to one employment; they often change the tasks assigned them; those that have been at work being permitted to go abroad, and those that have been in the fields already take their places. They seem even to’ have signs by which they understand each other; for when any of them want food, it bends down its trunk to the bee from whom it is expected, which then opens its noney-bag, and lets some drops fall into the other’s mouth, which is at that lume open to receive it. Honey is originally a juice digested in plants, which sweats through their pores, and chiefly in their flowers, or is contained in reservoirs in which na- ture stores it. The bees sometimes penetrate into these stores, and at other times find the liquor exuded. This they collect in their stomachs; so that, when loaded with it, they seem, to an attentive eye, to come home without any booty at all. Besides the liquor already mentioned, which is obtained from the flowers of plants, another substance, called honey dew, has been disco- vered, ot which the bees are equally tond. From whatever source the bees have collected their honey, the instant they return home, they seek cells in which they may disgorge and deposit their loads. They have two sorts of stores; one of which consists of honey laid up for the winter, and the other of honey intended for accidental use in case of bad weather, and for such bees as do not go abroad in search of it. Their method of securing each of INSECTA—BEE. 851 these is different. They have in each cell a thicker substance, which is placed over the honey to prevent its running out of the cell; and that substance is raised gradually -s the cell is filled, till the bees, finding that the cell cannot contain any more, close it with a covering of wax, not to be opened tilf times of want, during the winter. When a hive is become too much crowded by the addition of the young brood, a part ef the bees think of finding themselves a more commodious nabitation, and with that view single out the most forward of the young queens. A new swarm is, therefore, constantly composed of one queen at least, and of several thousand working bees, as well as of some hundreds of drones. The working bees are some old, some young. Scarce has the colony arrived at its new habitation, when the working bees labor with the utmost diligence to procure materials for food and building. Their principal aim is not only to have cells in which to deposit their honey, but a stronger motive seems to animate them; they seem to know that their queen is in haste to lay her eggs. Their industry is such, that in twenty-four hours they will have made combs twenty inches long, and wide in proportion. They make more wax, during the first fortnight, if the season is favorable, than they do during all the rest of the year. Other bees are at the same time busy in stopping all the holes and crevices they find in the new hive, in order to guard against the entrance of insects which covet their honey, their wax-or themselves; and also to exclude the cold air; for it is indispensably neces- sary that they be lodged warm. When the bees first settle in swarming; indeed, when they at any time rest themselves, there is something very par- ticular in the method of taking their repose. It is done by collecting them- selves in a heap, and hanging to’each other by their feet. They sometimes extend these heaps to a considerable length. It would seem probable to us, that the bees froin which the others hang must have a considerable weight suspended to them. All that can be said is, that the bees must find this to be a situation agreeable to themselves. They, perhaps, have a method of distending themselves with the air, thereby to lessen their specific gravity ; as fishes do, to alter their gravity compared with water. When a swarm divides into two or more bands, which settle separately, this division 1s a sure sign that there are two or more queens among them. One of these clusters is generally larger than the other. The bees of the smaller cluster, or clusters, detach themselves by little and little, till at last the whole, to- gether with the queen, or queens, unite with the larger cluster. As soon as the bees are settled, the supernumerary queen or queens must be sacrificed to the peace and tranquillity of the hive. ‘This execution generally raises a ¢onsiderable commotion in the hive; and several other bees, as well as the ijueen or queens, lose their lives. Their bodies may be observed on the ground near the hive. The queen that is chosen is of a more reddish color than those which are destroyed ; so that fruitfulness seems to be a great mo 852 INSECTA—BEE. uve of preference in bees ; for the nearer they are to the time of laying their eggs, the bigger, redder and more shining are their bodies. | The balls which we see attached to the legs of bees returning to the nives, are not wax, but a powder collected from the stamina of flowers, not yet brought to the state of wax. The substance of these balls, heated in any vessel, does not melt as wax would do, but becomes dry, and hardens ; it may even be reduced to a coal. If thrown into water it will sink, whereas wax swims. To reduce this crude substance into wax, it must first be di- gested in the body of the bee. Every bee, when it leaves the hive to collect this precious store, enters into the cup of the flower, particularly such-as seem charged with the greatest quantity of this yellow farina. As the ani- mal’s body is covered over with hair, it rolls itself within the flower, and quick- ly becomes quite covered with the dust, which it soon after brushes off with its two hind legs, and kneads it into two little balls. In the thighs of the hinder legs there are two cavities edged with hair; and into these, as into a basket, the animal sticks its pellets. Thus employed, the bee flits from flower to flower, increasing its store, and adding to its stock of wax, until the ball on each thigh becomes as big as a grain of pepper; by this time having got a sufficient load, it returns, making the best of its way to the hive. After the bees have brought home this crude substance, they eat it by degrees ; or, at other times, three or four bees come and ease the loaded bee, by eating each of them a share, the loaded bee giving them a hintso to do. Hunger is not the motive of their thus eating the balls of waxy matter, es- pecially when a swarm is first hived; but it is their desire to provide a speedy supply of real wax for making the combs. At other times, when there is no immediate want of wax, the bees lay this matter up in reposito- ries to keep it in store. When this waxy matter is swa!lowed, it is by the digestive powers of the bee converted into real wax, which the bees again disgorge as they work it up into combs; for it is only while thus soft and pliant from the stomach, that they can fabricate it properly. That the wax thus employed is taken from their stomach, appears fiom their making a considerable quantity of comb soon after they are hived, and even on any tree or shrub where they have rested but a short while before their being hived; though no balls were visible on their legs, excepting those cf a few which may be just returned from the field. This is farther confirmed by what happened in aswarm newly hived; fortwo days together, from the tme of their quitting their former home, it rained constantly, insomuch that not one bee was able to stir out during that time; yet, at the end of two days, they had made a comb fifteen or sixteen inches long, and thick in pro- portion. The crude wax, when brought home to the bees, is often of as different colors as are the flowers from which it is collected; but the new combs are always of a white color, which is afterwards ghanged only by the impurities arising from the steam, &c., of the bees. Bees collect crude wax, also, for food; for, if this was not the case, there would be no want of INSECTA—BEE. 853 wax after the combs are made; but they are observed, even in old hives, to return in great numbers loaded with such matter, which is deposited in particular cells, and is known by the name of bee-bread. When a queen is removed from a hive, the bees do not immediately per- ceive it; they continue their labors, “watch over their young, and perform all their ordinary ocenpations. But, in a few hours, agitation ensues; all appears a scene of tumult in the hive: asingular humming is heard; the bees desert their young, and rush over the surface of the combs with a delirious impetuosity.” They have now evidently discovered that their sovereign is gone; and the rapidity with which the bad news spreads through the hive, to the opposite side of the combs, is very remarkable. On replacing the queen in the hive, tranquillity is almost instantly restored. ‘The bees, it is worthy of notice, recognise: the individual pergon of their own queen. If another be palmed upon them, they seize and surround her, so that she is either suffocated or perishes by hunger ; for it is very remarkable, that the workers are never known to attack a queen bee with their stings. If, however, more than eighteen hours Lave elapsed before the stranger queen be introduced, she has some chance to escape ; the bees at first seize and confine her; but less rigidly ; aud they soon begin to disperse, and at length leave her te reign over a hive in which she was at first treated as a prisoner. If twenty: four hours have elapsed, the stranger will be well received from the first und at once admitted to the sovereignty of the hive. In short, it appears that the bees, when deprived of their queen, are thrown into great agitation ; that they wait about twenty hours, appareutly in hopes of her return; but that, after this interregnum, the agitation ceases; and they set about supplying their loss by beginning to construct royal cells. It is when they are in this ‘temper, and not sooner, that a stranger queen will be graciously received; and upon her being presented to them, the royal cells, in whatever state of forwardness they may happen to be, are instantly abandoned, and the larve destroyed. Reaumur must, therefore, have mistaken the result of his own experiments, when he asserts, that a stranger queen is instantly well receiv: ed, though presented at the moment when the other is withdrawn. He had seen the bees crowding round her at the entrance of the hive, and laying‘ their antennae over her; and this he seems to have taken for caressing. The structure of the hives he employed prevented him from seeing further ; had he used the leaf-hive, or one of similar construction, he would have perceiv- en that the apparent caresses of the guards were only the prelude of actual ‘fhaprisonment. After the season of swarming, it is well known, a general massacre of the drones is commenced Several authors assert that the workers do not sting the drones to death, but merely harass them till they be banished from the live and perish. M. Huber contrived a glass table, on which he placed severa' hives, and he was thus able to see distinctly what passed in the bot- 72 R54 INSECTA—BEE. torn of the hive which is generally dark and concealed ; he witnessed a real and furious massacre of the males, the workers thrusting their stings so deep into the bodies of the defenceless drones, that they were obliged to turn on themselves as on a pivot, before tney could extricate them. The work of death commenced in all the hives much about the sametime. Itis ot, however, by a blind or indiscriminating instinct that the workers are impelled thus to sacrifice the males; for if a hive be deprived of its queen, no such massacre takes place in it, but the males are allowed to survive the winter. A farm, or a country, may be overstocked with bees, as with any sort of animal; for a certain number of hives always require a certain number of flowers to subsist on. When the flowers near home are rifled, then are these, industrious insects seen taking more extensive ranges, but their abili- ties may be overtaxed ; and if they are obliged, in quest of honey, to go too far from home, they are overwearied in the pursuit, they are devoured by birds, or beaten down by the winds and rain. From a knowledge of this, in some parts of France and Piedmont, they have contrived a kind of floating bee-house. They have on board one barge threescore or a hundred bee-hives, well defended from the inclemency of an accidental storm; and with these, the owners suffer themselves to float gently down the river. As the bees are continually choosing their Howery pasture along the banks of the stream, they are furnished with sweets before unrifled ; and thus a single floating bee-house yields the proprietor a consi- derable income. The bees are nearly alike in all parts of the world, yet there are diffe- rences worthy ournotice. In Guadaloupe, the bee is less by one half than the European, and more black and round. They have no sting, and make their cells in hollow trees, where, if the hole they meet with is too large, they form a sort of waxen house, of the shape of a pear, and in this they lodge and store their honey, and lay their eggs. They lay up their honey in waxen vessels of the size of a pigeon’s egg, of a black or deep violet co« lor; and these are so joined together, that there is no space left between them. e The honey never congeals, but is fluid, of the consistence of oil, and the color of amber. Resembling these, there are found little black bees, without a sting, in all the tropical climates; and though these countries are replete with bees, like our own, yet those form the most useful and laborious tribe in that part of the world. The honey they produce is neither so unpalata- vle, nor so surfeiting as ours; and the wax is so soft, that it is only used for medicinal purposes, it being never found hard enough to form into can- dles, as in Europe. Of insects that receive the name of bees, among us, there are several ; which however differ very widely from that industrious social race we have INSECTA—BEE. 855 Just been describing. The humble bee! is the largest of all this tribe, being: as large as the first joint of one’s middle finger. These are seen in every field, and perched on every flower. They build their nest in holes, in the ground, of dry leaves, mixed with wax and wool, defended with moss from. the weather. Each humble bee makes a separate cell, about the size of a small nutmeg, which is round and hollow, containing the honey in‘a bag. Several of these cells are joined together, in such a manner, that the whule appears like a cluster of grapes. The females, which have the appearance of wasps, are very few, and their eggs are laid in cells, which the rest soon cover over with wax. Itis uncertain whether they have a queen or not; but there is one much larger than the:rest, without wings, and without hair, and all over black, like polished ebony. This goes and views all the works, from time to time, and enters into the cell, as if it wanted to see whether every thing was done right; in the morning, the young humble bees are very idle, and seem not at all inclined to labor, till one of the largest, about seven o’clock, thrusts half its body from a hole designed for that purpose, and seated on the top of the nest, beats its wings for twenty minutes suc- cessively, buzzing the whole time, till the whole colony is put in motion. The humble bees gather honey, as well as the common bees; but it is neither so fine, nor so good, nor the wax so clean, or so capable of fusion. Beside the bees already mentioned, there are various kinds among us, that have much the appearance of honey makers, and yet make only wax. The wood bee, or carpenter bee,? is seen in every garden. It is rather larger than the common queen bee; its body of a bluish black, which is smooth and shining. It begins to appear at the approach of spring, and is seen fly- ing near walls exposed to a sunny aspect. This bee makes its nest in some piece of wood, which it contrives to scoop and hollow for its purpose. This, however, is never done in trees that are standing, for the wood it makes choice of is half rotten. The holes are not made directly forward, but turn- ing to one side, and have an opening sufficiet t» admit one’s middle finger, whence runs the inner apartment generally twelve or fifteen inches long. The instruments used in boring these cavities are their teeth; the cavity is usually branched into three or four apartments; and in each of these they lay their eggs, to the number of ten or twelve, each separate and distinct from the rest. The egg is involved in a sort of paste, which serves at once for the young animal’s protection and nourishment. The grown bees, how-- ever, feed upon small insects, particularly a louse, of a reddish brown éolor, of the size of a small pin’s head. Mason bees? make their cells with a sort of mortar made of earth, which they build against a wall that is‘exposed to the sun. “The mortar, which at first is soft, soon becomes as hard as stone, and in this their eggs are laid. Each nest contains seven or eight cells, an egg in every cell, placed regular- ‘Bombus, *Xulocopa. » 3 Odynerua, 856 INSECTA—CATERPILLAR. ly one over the other. If the nest remains unhurt, or wants but little repairs they make use of them the year ensuing; and thus they often serve three or four years successively. From the strength of their houses, one would think these bees in perfect security ; yet none are more exposed than they. A worm with very strong teeth is often found tobore into their little fortifica- tions, and devour their young. THE CATERPILLAR. Tuoven the caterpillar is not a perfect insect, but only a form in wnich an insect appears in one stage of its existence, and is always destined tw assume some other form, yet it is sufficiently interesting to us in this state, to warrant some particular notice of its characteristics. The body of the caterpillar, when anatomically considered, is found com- posed of rings, whose circumference is pretty near circular or oval. They are generally twelve in number, and are all membranaceous; by which caterpillars may be distinguished from any other insect that nearly reseme bles them in form. The head of the caterpillar is connected to the first ring by the neck, which is generally so short and contracted that it is scarcely visible. Al! the covering of the head in caterpillars seems to consist of shell; and they have neither upper nor under jaw, for they are both placed rather vertically, and each jaw armed with a large thick tooth, which is singly equal to anumber. With these the animals devour their food in such amazing quantities ; and, with these, some of the kind defend themselves against their enemies. Though the mouth be kept shut, the teeth are always uncovered; and while the insect is in health, they are seldom with- out employment. Whatever the caterpillar devours, these teeth serve to chop’ into small pieces, and ‘render the parts of the leaf fit for swallowing. Many kinds, while they are yet young, eat only the succulent part of the leaf, and leave all the fibres untouched ; others, however, attack the whule veaf, and eat it clean away. One may be amused, fora little time, in observ-’ wng the avidity with which they are seen to feed; some are seen eating the whole day: others have their hours of repast; some choose the night, and others the day. When the caterpillar atacksa leaf, it places its body in such a manner, that the edge of the leaf shall fall between its feet, which keeps INSECTA—CATARPILLAR. 837 it steady while the teeth are employed in cutting it; these fall upon the reaf, somewhat in the manner of a pair of gardener’s shears; and every morsel is swallowed as soon as cut. Some caterpillars feed upon leaves sa ver; narrow, that they are not broader than their mouths; in this case, the animal is-seen to devour it from the point, as we would eat a radisn. As there are various kinds of caterpillars, the number of their feet is various; some having eight, and some sixteen. Of these feet, the six fore- most are covered with a sort of shining gristle; and are therefore called the shelly legs. The hindmost feet, whatever be their number, are soft and flexible, and are called membranaceous. Caterpillars also, with regard to their external figure, are either smooth or hairy. The skin of the first kind is soft to the tou.h, or hard, like shagreen; the skin of the latter is hairy, aud, as it were, thorny; and generally, if handled, stings like nettles. Caterpillars, in general, have six small black spots placed on the circum- ference of the fore ring, and a little to the side of the head. Three of these are larger than the rest, and are convex and transparent; these Reau- rour takes to be.the eyes “of the caterpillar; however, most of them aave very little occasion for sight, and scem only to be directed by their feeling. But the parts of the caterpil.ar’s hody which most justly demand our atten- tion are the stigmata, as they are called; or those holes on the sides of its. body, through which the animal is supposed to breathe. All along this in- sect’s body, on each side, these holes are easily discoverable. They ara eighteen in number, nine on a side, rather nearer the belly than the back , a hole for every ring, of which the animal’s body is composed, except the second, the third, and the last. These oval openings may be considered as so many mouths, through which the insect breathes; but with this aimer- ence. that as we have but one pair of lungs, the caterpillar has no less than eighteen. 1t requires no great anatomical! dexterity to discover ilese iuags in the larger kind of caterpillars; they appear, at first view, to be hullow cartilaginous tubes, and of the color of mother-of-pearl. These tubes are often seen to unite with each other; some are perceived to open inte the Intestines ; and some go to different parts of the surface of the body. That these vessels serve to convey the air, appears evidently from the famous experiment of Malpighi; who, by stopping up the mouths of fhe stigmata with oil, quickly suffocated the animal, which was seen todie convulsed the iastant after. In order to ascertain his theory, he rubbed oil upon other parts of the insect’s body, leaving the stigmata free; and this seemed to have no effect upon the animal’s health, but it continued to move and eat as usual ; he rubbed oil on the stigmata of one side, and the animal underwent a partial convulsion, but recovered soon after. However, it ought to be observed, that air is not so necessary to these as to the nobler ranks of ani wals, since caterpillars will live in an exhausted receiver for ‘several days 108 72% 858 INSECTA--CATERPILLAR together; aud though they seem dead at the bottom, yet, when taken out yecover, and resume their former vivacity. If the caterpillar be cut open longitudinally along the back, its intestines will be perceived running directly in a straight line from the mouth to the anus. They resemble a number of small bags opening into each other, and strengthened on both *sides by a fleshy cord, by which they are united. These insects are, upon many occasions, seen to cast forth the internal coat of theit intestines with their food, in the changes which they so frequently undergo. But the intestines take up but a small part of the animal’: body, if compared to the fatry substance in which they are involved. This suk- stance changes its color when the insect’s metamorphosis begins to approach ; and from white it is usually seen to become yeilow. If to these parts we add the caterpillar’s implements for spinning (for all caterpillars spin at one time or another,) we shall have a rude sketch of this animal’s conformation, The life of a caterpillar seems one continued succession of changes; and it is seen to throw off one skin only to assume another; which also is di- vested in its turn; and thus for eight or ten times successively. How laborious soever this operation may be, it is performed in the space of a minute; and the animal, having thrown off its old skin, seems to enjoy new vigor, as well as to have acquired coloring and beauty. Sometimes it happens that it takes a new appearance and colors very different from the. ‘old. Those that are hairy still preserve their covering, although their ancient skin seems not to have lost a single hair ; every hair appears to have been drawn, like a sword from the scabbard. The fact, however, is, that a new crop of hair grows between the old skin and the new, and probably helps to throw off the extérnal covering. The caterpillar having in this manner continued for several days feeding, and at intervals casting its skin, begins at last to prepare for its change into an aurelia or pupa. Preparatory to this important change, the caterpillar most usually quits the plant or tree on which it fed; or at least attaches itself to the stalk or the stem, more gladly than the leaves. It forsakes its food, and prepares, by fasting, to undergo its transmutation. Those of them which are capable of spinning themselves a weh, set about this operation; those which have already spun, await the change in the best manner they are able. The web or cone, with which some cover them- selves hides the aurelia contained within from the view; but in others, where it is more transparent, the caterpillar, when it has done spinning, strikes in the claws of the two feet under the tail, and afterwards forces in the tail itself by contracting those claws, and violently striking the feet one against the other. If, however, they be taken from their web at this time, they appear in a state of great languor; and, incapable of walking, remain am that spot where they are placed. In this condition they remain one or two days, somewhat in the manner they made preparations for changing tNSECTA—BUTTERFLY. 853 there skin. They :hen appear with their bodies bent into a bow, watch they now and then are seen to straighten; they. make no use ‘of their legs; but. if they attempt to change place, do it by the contortions of their body THE BUTTERFLY. Tue number of these beautiful animals is very great; and though Lit. reus has reckoned up above seven hundred and sixty different kinds, the eatalogue is still very incomplete. Every collector of Eutierflies can show undescribed species ; and such as are fon’ of minute discovery, can here pro- duce animals that have been examined only by himself. In general, how- ever, those of the warmer climates are larger and more eautiful than such as are bred at home. The wings of butterflies, as was observed, fully distinguish them trom flies of every other kind. They are four in number; and though two of them be cut off, the animal can fly with the two others remaining. They are, in their own substance, transparent ; but owe their opacity to the beau- tiful dust with which they are covered ; if we regard the wing of a butterfly with a good microscope, we shall perceive it studded over with a variety of little grains of different dimensions and forms, generally supported upon a footstalx, regularly laid upon the whole surface. The wing itself is com- posed of several membranes, which render the construction very strong. though light; and though it be covered over with thousands of these scales or studs, yet its weight is very little increased by the number. The animal ts with ease enabled to support itself a long while in the air, although its flight be not very graceful. When it designs to fly toa considerable dis- tance, it ascends and descends alternately; going sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, without any apparent reason. Upon closer examina- tion, however it will be found that it flies thus irresularly in pursuit of its mate; and as dogs bait and quarter the ground in pursuit of their game, so these insects traverse the air, in quest of their mates, whom they can dis- cover at mor than a nile distance. This tribe of insects has been divided into diurnal and nocturnal flies; <1, more properly speaking, into butterflies and moths; the one flying only-by day, the other most usually on the wing in the night. They may he easily distinguished from each other, by their aatenne or feelers; those .of the butterfly being clubbed, or knobbed at the end; those of the moth, tapering finer and finer to a point. To express it technically, the antenne of butters flies are clavated; those of moths are filiform. 860 INSECTA—BUTTERPFLY. THE SWALLOW-TAILED BUTTERFLY, 1s reckoned the most superb of the British species. It is nut widely diffused, but occurs in the New Forest, and near Beverly and Bristol. The wings are tailed, with both surfaces alike; yellow with a brown border, in which are yellow lunules; the angle of the tail is fulvous. The larve feed on umbelliferous plants; the caterpillar is green, banded with black, marked with a row of red spots. There are two broods, of which the first appears in May, having all the winter_been in the pupa state; the second comes forth in August. THE PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLY? Is a species not very common. In some seasons, these insects appea) 1 considerable numbers, and then again are not seen for several years. In point of beauty, this has the highest claim of all; its wings are indenced, ———— 1 Papilio machaon, Lin. 2 Vanessa urtice, Law INSECTA--SPHINX CAROLINA, 861 orange above, variegated with black and white beneath; four eyes on the pesteriur-pa.r. Its larva feeds on nettles, thistles, docks, and other herbage by the sides of ditches, and changes its state about the middle or latter end of Juiy. THE SPHINX CAROLINA. Tue larva of this moth is green, with lateral spiracles on every seg ment, surrounded bya purple ring; and the caudal spine is of the same color. When full grown, they are thickest in the middle; their horn or tongue is generally curled; and they have two feelers. Their wings are clouded, entire, and the posterior margin is dotted with white; the abdomen has five pairs of fulvous spots. ‘In America, they are sometimes distinguished by the name of tobacco moths, on account of their feeding entirely on that plant. ” es 862 INSECTA—MOTH. THE DEATH’S HEAD MOTH. * Tuts beautiful insect is one of the rarest of the moths, and is found culy m warm places. It alights on particular flowers, among which are the jasmine, the potato, and the wild solanums. Of its four wings, the feath- ers of which are particularly fine and glossy, the upper pair are of a rich dark gray, marked with white and orange; while the under pair are of a glowing orange, with irregular black bands. The upper part of the abdomen is orange, barred with black. The most remarkable part of this insect, haw- ever, is a sort of representation of a death’s head, which appears on the superior portion of the thorax. .This is formed by a large irregular gray patch, having two black dots near the middle. THE SILK-WORM MOTH2 Tne silk-worm came originally from the northern provinces of China Before the introduction of the animal into Europe, silk was sold for more than its weight in gold. The Greek missionaries in the reign of Justinian transported the ova of the silk-worm in reeds, for the first time, to Constan tinople. The cultivation of this useful animal was thus extended to Southern 8 Acherontia atropos, Lin. 2 Bombyx mori, Lin RADIATA. 863 Europe, and was afterwards introduced into Spain and Africa, by the Arabs, in the time of the Crusades, the insect passed from the Morea into Sicily and Calabria. From Calabria, the ova and the mulberry were brought to France by some of the followers of Charles VIII., on his conquest of Naples, and the cultivation of this insect was afterwards encouraged and patronized by Sully, as an important branch of national industry. - The mode of feeding and managing the silk-worm, and procuring its deli- cate web, is detailed in nurnerous works both scien*ific and. economical. Tae caterpillar feeds upun the leaves of the mulberry. After remaining in this state about six weeks, during which the caterpillar changes its skin four times, the animal ceases to feed, and begins to form an envelope or cocoon of silken fibres in some convenient spot, producing the minute threads, till it has formed an oval, yellow case or ball,’ abeut the size of a pigeon’s egg, in which it changes toa chrysalis. In this state it remains for about fifteen days, when the perfect insect is produced. This, however, is not allowed to happen when the animals are reared for the sake of the silk, from its being observed that the animal before leaving its cocoon, discharges:a colored fluid, which injures the quality. ‘The cocoons are therefore exposed to such a degree of heat, as to kill the inclosed animals, a few only being saved to keep up the breed. fhe moth, when produced, is very short lived, breeding soon after the exclusian, and perishing after the deposition of the ova. The length of the silken tnread when unrolled, is said to be from three hundred to five hun- “drea yards in length, and this thread is composed of two united threads agglutinated together. a DIVISION IV.—RADIATA. Tuts division of the animal kingdom comprehends a great number of he- ings, of organization more simple than the preceding classes. However different otherwise in their structure or form, they seem (according to Cuvier) to correspond, in the character of having all their parts disposed around a ¢dmmon axis, in two or more rays, or in two or more lines extending from ‘one extremity to the other. Even the intestinal worms have at least two ‘ 864 ie RADIATA. a tendimous lines or nerveus threads, arising {from a circle round the mouth, many have four suckers around a prominence, in the form of a proboscis, and, notwithstanding some irregularities, there is always found in the ani mals arranged under this division, traces ofa radiated form, indistinctly marked in some, but in others, such as the Asteria, the Echini, and the Polypi, stril:- ingly perceptible. The nervous system in the animals of this division is never very evident ; and of acirculation by vessels, asin the previous classes, there is no trace. The Holothurie have two vascular appendages, one at- tached to the. intestines, and corresponding to the organs of respiration, and the other serving for the inflation of organs analogous to feet. The last of these only appears distinctly in the Echini and the Asteria; in the gelatinous substance of the Meduse are seen tubes more or less complicated, connected with the intestinal canal; but none of the appearances are con- ceived to have any strong analogy with the circulating vessels of the higher animals. Some genera, such as the Moluthuria Echinus, and many intestina] worms, have a mouth and anus, with a distinct intestinal canal; others have an internal pouch, with only ome opening, serving the purposes of a mouth and anus; but in the greater number there is only to be discovered a hollow cavity in the substance of the body, opening sometimes by many suckers or pores. Finally, in the lowest races of the animal kingdom, even this sim- ple organization disappears, and nutrition seems to be accomplished by ab- sorption, in the manner of vegetables. In regard to their reproduction, sexes have been observed in many of the intestinal worms ; others are hermaphro- dite and oviparous; and some seem to be reproduced by genune, or buds, o1 simply by a division of their parts. The conglomerated or compound ar- rangement of animals, of which some examples occur among the Mollusca, is a common circumstance among the Radiated animals, particularly among those named Polypi; and from their aggregation and expansion into trunks and branches of various forms, joined to the simplicity of the organization in the greater number of the species, originated the term Zoophyta, or ane mal plants. The radiated disposition of their organs, like the petals which form the corolla of a flower, seems also to have led to this idea. Indeed, the boundary line between the animal and vegetable kingdom seemsat first view to ve but indistinctly drawn ; and there are objects in both which even acea- rate observers are scarcely able to decide, whether they belong to the one or the other. In the simplest being, however, the globular form, as Carus ob- serves, is the characteristic of animality ; and minute microscopical investi- gation detects in the lowest of the animal races a semifluid mass, composed vf minute globules suspended in slimy fluids while in the organization, the cellular texture always predominates. To this characteristic form, the most imperfect ani>iated beings add a sensibility to the faintest impressions, tnat of light, for example, the power of voluntary motion either in the animal or its parts, and the absorption of food into an internal cavity. In the more perfect animals, the osseous skeleton serves to cover and protect the centra EVHINODERMATA 865 nervous masses, and to support the organs of motion, but in the simple struc ture of the lower animals, the franie wirk serves only the last of the pur- poses, being either external to the animal substances, as in the Tué:pore and Sponges, or internal, as in the Sertularze, Gurgomea, &e. The animals of this division have been arranged in five classes, viz. 3 Ecwinopermata, or animals with a crustaceous covering, distinct intes- tinal canal, and organs for generation, respiration, and partial circulation LI. Enrozoa, or intestinal worms ; elongated and depressed animals, which have no organs for respiration or circulatiun. II]. Acaterna. Animals of a circular and radiated form, and destitute of circulating and respiratory organs. IV. Pouyri, or Zoophytes; comprehending all those small, gelatinous, and compound or aggregated animals which have a mouth surrounded by tentacula, and conducting into a simple stomach. V. The Lnrusoria, or those smaller beings only known through the me- dium of the microscope, which are found in stagnant waters. ‘he greater part of these have a gelatinous body, and are destitute of viscera, though: some of the species possess visible crgans of movciuent, and a stomach. t CLASS X.—ECHINODERMATA. Body suborbicular, with a coriaceous or crustaceous covering, radiated, deste~ tute of head, eyes, and articulated feet ; mouth inferior, semple or multiform 4 organs of digestion compound ; exterior tubes or pores for respiration. Tue animals of this class were arranged by some of the older naturalists among the testaceous Mollusca; by others among the Zoophytes; while others considered them as allied to the Crustacea. The more modern wri- ters, however, founding their divisions on the comparative structure of the animals, as well as their external characters, have placed the animals of this group in a separate class, Cuvier making them the first class of his great division of Zoophytes, or animals with prehensile and retractile tentacula, ad Lamarck placing them also in a separate class, under the utle of Radi- aria. In this class the radiated structure, both externally and internally, forms a distinctive character. The body is generally orbicular, covered with a skin, or a crustaceous or calcareous covering, and often armed with tuber cies or jointed and moveable spines. The interior cavity is provided with distinct viscera, and a kind of vascular system maintains a communication with the different parts of the intestine, and with the organs of respiration. These organs consist in pores or orifices, or exterior tubes for the passage of the water, The animals of this class are destitute of head, eyes, and arty 109 73 866 ECHINODERMATA-—SEA STAR. culate ‘cet; their nervous system is indistinctly traced ; and their organs of motion are extremely imperfect. The Echinodermata are all marine am mals, and have the faculty, like many other of the more imperfect animals, of speedily regenerating parts of their bodies which have been broken or separated. Lamarck divides the class into three sections, viz. Fistulides, Echinides, and Stellerides, while Cuvier arranges jit into two orders, the first including those which possess numerous membranous tentacula, serving as organs of motion, and the second those which are destitute of these organs. Latreille makes two classes of the same animals, under the names of Hui o- thurida and Echinoderma. The arrangementof Lamarck is chiefly followel; but we have added a fourth section, comprising, under the title of Crinoida, given. to them by Mr. Miller, the animal remains known by the name of ncrinites.. THE SEA STAR, ‘Catren also the star-fish; these curious animals inhabit the sea, and are ’ generally found on the sand, or among rocks, considerably below low water mark. They are covered with a coriaceous crust, and have five or more rays proceeding from a centre, in which is situated the mouth. A prodigious number of tentacula, or short fleshy tubes, which seem at once calculated to eatch prey, and to anchor the animal to the rocks, proceed from each ray. The mouth is armed with long teeth, for the purpose of breaking the shells on which the animals feed. The animal breathes by means of gills. The common, or five-rayed star-fish,! which is the species here represented, has five angular rays, with prickly protuberances at the angles. When alive, it +s usually of a brownish white color. In one of these, which he kept for some time alive, Mr. Bingley observed more than four thousand tentacula, on the under sides of the rays. ' Asterias rubens, Lim. ENTOZOA. 867 In sunmert, When the water of the sea is warmed hy the heat of the sun: they fluat upon the surface, and in the dark they send forth a kind of stining light, resembli_g that of phosphorus. They are often seen fastened to the rocks and to the largest sea shells, ag if tc derive their nourishment from them. If they be taken and put intd spirit of wine, they will continue for many years entire; but if they be left to the influence of the air, they are, in less than four and twenty hours, melted down into limpid and offensive water. In all of this species, none are found to possess a vent for their excre+ ments, but the same passage by which they devour their food serves for thé ejection of their feces. These animals, as was said, take such a variety of figures, that it is impossible to describe them under one determinate shape $ but, in general, their bodies resemble a truncated cone, whose base is applied to the rock to which they are found usually attached. Though generally transparent, yet they are found of different colors, some inclining to green; some to red, some to white, and some to brown. In some, their colors apé pear diffused over the whole surface; in some, they are streaked, and in others often spotted. They are possessed of a very slow, progressive motion, and, in fine weather, they are continually seen stretching out and fishing fot their prey. CLASS XI.—ENTOZOA. Body soft, elongated, naked in almost all, without head, eyes, or feet ; mouth formed of one or many suckers ; no tentacula or organs of respira.ton ; in- testenal canal in some scarcely perceptible. Tue intestinal worms are remarkable for existing and propagatng only an the interior of animals.- There is scarcely an animal in which there are not found some species of parasitical worm ; and they occur not only in the alimentary canal and the vessels which communicate with it, such as the hepatic vessels, but even in the cellular tissue, in the liver, and the brain, The difficulty of conceiving how they appear in these parts, joined to the observation, that they are never found but in living bodies, had led some naturalists to suppose that they were engendered spontaneously. It is, however, now ascertained, not only that the greater part produce ova or living young, but that many have separate sexes, and couple as ordinary animals. These worms or ova, however, must be of extreme minuteness to be able to pass through channels so narrow. The intestinal worms being destitute of trachea, bronchi or any other organ of respiration, must necessarily receive oxygen through the r medium 868 ACALEPHA. of the animals which they inhabit. No trace of circulating vessels hasbeen detected ; and the vestiges of nerves are so obscure, that many naturalists have doubted their existence. When these characters are found in an ani- mal similar in form to those of this class, it is arranged along with this division, though it does not inhabit the interior of another species. Linnzus arranged this group of animals ina division of his great clas3 Vermes, including the genera Lumbéricus, Sipunculus, Fasciola, Gordtus, Ascaris, Hirudo, and Myzine. Subsequent writers, such as Pallas, Muller, Blumenbach, Bloch, and Geeze, established new genera, or added new spe- cies; and more lately, Cuvier, Lamarck, Rudolphi, and Bremser, from more detailed examination of the animals, and a more intimate knowledge of theit structure, have proposed arrangements better suited to the present state of the science. M. Lamarck divides the class into three orders, viz. Hispide, Rigidula, and Mollasse, the last of which is subdivided into three sections. In the method of Cuvier, the class forms two orders, Les Cavitaires, and Les Paren- chymateaux, according to the structure of their body. And Rudolphi, in his work, entitled Entozoruym, sive Vermium Intestinorum Historia Naturalis, ‘arranges them into five orders, viz. 1. Nematvides; body elongated, cylin- drical, elastic. 2. Acanthocephaius; body cylindrical, slightly elastic, with anterior simple or compound, prolongation covered with a series,of bentand retractile spines. 3. Trematodes; body flattened, or slightly cylindrical, soft, and provided with ‘pores for suction. 4. Cestoidea; body elongated, flattened, soft, of one or many pieces. 5. Cisticorus; body terminated by or adhering to a vesicle. This arrangement includes besides, three isolated genera, which would not admit of being placed under the previous heads. Latreille, in his Fumilles du Régne Animal, disposes the intestinal worms chiefly after the methods of Rudolphi and Cuvier; combining in his sketch of tne class, the general views of these excellent naturalists. As the method of Latreille is here followed with one exception, it is not necessary to repeat the characters of the. subdivisions. That branch of natural science which treats of intestinal worms, is generally termed Helnunthology. CLASS XII.—ACALEPHA. Gody gelatinous, circular, and radiated, with the skin soft ana transparent, susceptible of contraction and dilatation. Tne class Acalepha of Cuvier embraces the Radiaires, Medusaires and Ano- males of Lamarck, and besides includes the geaus Actinza, which the fatter POLYPI. 869 author had placed in a division of his Echinodermata. The animals of this class are either fixed by a base, or float freely in the ocean, and many are suspended in the water by the specific lightness of some of their parts, or bv tie air contained in their bodies. Their substance is gelatinous, without apparent fibres, though susceptible of contraction and dilatation. The sort of vessels, found in. some, are merely canals in the gelatinous substance, connected with the stomach; none of their movements seem connected with muscular action ; there is no proper cavity for containing organs; the moutn or the suckers, or tentacila in the centre of the inferior surface is unpro- vided with hard parts; and the stomach, or the organ of digestion, and nutrition, is a simple sac without outlet. Between this sac and the external is a complicated but obscure organization. The Acalepha shine during the night with a luminosity. Many species are ornamented with lively colors. They are common inal] seas. Cuvier divides the class into two orders, viz. 1. Those where the body is fixed by a base either permanently or occasion- ally; and 2. Those which float freely in the ocean. CLASS XIII.—POLYPI. Gelatinous animals with elongated, contractile body, and an alimentary sac with one opening ; mouth distinct and terminal, surrounded with tentacula or radi= ated lubes ; the greater number adhering together, and forming compound ‘animals. Tue class of Polypi or Zdophytes, is one of the largest and most singular of the Animal Kingdom. ‘ Nearly at the lowest step in the animal scale, many of them have the form of plants, accompanied by the simplest organization of parts for a liv- ing being capable of reproduction. Destitute of lead and eyes, and having no organs for circulation, respiration or locomotion, the body of the Polypus tp- pearsonly asa homogeneous substance, constituted of gelatinous and irritable cellular tissue, in which the fluids essential to life move sluggishly. Allare, however, furnished with an internal cavity or stomach, with .faint traces in some of hollow canals and ovaries. The body is generally cylindrical or conical, gelatinous or transparent; and the mouth surrounded by tentacula, varying in number and furm, serves also for arms. Many of the polypi have the principle of life so diffused in their structure, that portions cut from the individual soon acquire, in the proper element, all the characters of the fer- 73% 870 POLYPI. fect animal. Most of the same species, besides, form co:1:pound animals adhering 10 one another by lateral appendages, or by their] osterior extreini : “ty, and participate in a common life without ceasing to enjoy their indivi. dual and independent existence. The mode of reproduction in many mdividuals of this class is unknown. In general, it may be remarked, that many are conceived to be gemmiferous, or to extend the race by buds in the manner of plants, while others propagate the species by means of ova. In the lowest of the races, the distinctive characters of animal life are so faintly drawn, that with difficulty can many of these be distinguished from the Cryptogamic families of the Vegetable Kingdom. Many of the Polypi have the faculty of forming fixed envelopes, more or less solid, in which they re« side. The singular diversity of this envelope, in its own substance inur- ganic and calcareous, and its accumulation in immense masses in the seas of warm countries, by the combined operation of these animals, is not the least interesting fact in their history. They appear in these countries to multiply with such facility, and in such great abundance, as to become puw- erful agents in the modification of the surface occupied by the ocean. Isl- ands are reared, and coasts extended, by the incessant multiplication of these animals. M. Lamarck conjectures ihat even the calcareous mountains and strata of the present surface of the globe may have been formed in the re- volution of ages by Polypi; and that future changes in this surface, and in the level of the ocean, are in course of preparation by these minute animals. The animals of this class were regarded by the older naturalists as stony vegetables, or vegetating stones, and a number of theories were framed to explain their formation and growth. Their animal nature was first conjec- tured by Imperati, in 1699, proved in 1727, by: Paysonnel, and confirmed in 1740, by the observations of Trembley upon the Hydra. From this period, the true knowledge of these animals continued to increase, chiefly through the researches of Ellis. Marsigli, Baster, Donati, Boccone, Degeer, Reau- mur, Jussieu, and Cavolini, followed in the path traced out by Ellis and Linnzus, with the same success which attended his investigations of the’ other objects of nature, arranged the whole in his class Vermes, making them au order under the name of Lithophyta. The classification of this great naturalist, who fixed the characters of the divisions, and described the greatest number of species, forms the basis of what hassince been done by Pallas, Bruguieré, and Lamarck. Cuvier, in his Réyne Animal, divides the Polypi into two orders — the first comprehending the naked Poiypi; and the second those which live in polypiferous masses, formed by their united! iabors. Thesecond order is further subdivided into many families. Lae marck, whose system regarding these animals is followed in the present: work, divides the class of Polypi into five orders. -I. Potyer Natantes. — Tentaculated polypi, united in a common fleshy hody on an axis, free, and floating in the water. INFUSORIA. 871 Il. Ponyer Tustrerr.—Tentaculated polypi, united in a cominon fleshy budy, destitute of solid internal axis, and covered with tubiform cylindere | Ill Potyr: Vacinatt.— Tentaculated polypi, constantly fixed in an or- ganic covering, and forming, in general, compound animals. IV. Porver Denupati.— Tentaculated polypi, not forming a common envelope, fixed either constantly or spontaneously. V. Pouyer Ciniati.— Polypi destitute of tentacula, but with vibratile silie, at or near the mouth. ; The habitations of the polypi, or the common masses formed by their anited labors, are more or less calcareous or stony, from the madrepores, of e substance as consistent as shells, to the fibrous or membranous horny envelope of the sponge. Between these extremes are found every variety of consolidation and consistence; but all are formed by animals approach- ing to cne another in their general organization. Polypi are reproduced by ova or a separation of parts, natural or accidental. Their food is chiefly animal, derived, in the case of the smaller species, from the infusory ani- malcule which inhabit the waters. CLASS XIV.—INFUSORIA. Microscopic animals, gelatinous, transparent, polymorphous, and contractile ; no distinct mouth, nor constant or determinable interior organ; generation Sissiparous or gemmiparous. Tue Infusory Animals, or those animalcules which have been observed in infusions of different plants, or in waters, more or less corrupted, and which are generally so minute as to require the aid of the microscope to discover them, form the last series of beings in the animal scale. The greater portion of these appear to have a gelatinous body, of extreme simplicity ; but cyste- matical writers have, also, arranged in this class, many animals much more complicated in appearance, and which resemble them only in their extreme minuteness. Of animals so minute, the organization is but imperfectly known. Destitute of a distinct mouth, and internal organ of digestion, they seem to receive nourishment by absorption in all parts of their body. They are, however, capable of contraction and voluntary motion, and their repro- duction is effected by a separation of parts. Lewenhveck and Muller first introduced these animals to the notice of naturalists, under the name of Infusoria. In Lamarek's system, they compose the first class of his Inver: tebral Animals; Dumeril arranges them as the fourth family of his Zouphy- tes; and Cuvier makes them the fifth class of Zouphytes or those animals 87: INFUSORIA. ° which he has arranged as the fourth great division of the Animal Kingdom Lamarck divides the Infusoria into two orders: s- 1. Inrusorta AppenpicuLaTa.— With projecting parts at their exterior, as hairs. horns, ora tail. Il. Inrusonia Nupa, or naked Infusoria. — Destitute of exterior appen- dages. : 873 GLOSSARY. Accipitres ; the Rapacious class of birds, according to the V.innean system. Ambulatory: a inbe of walking birds, with three distinet tugs before, and one sebind Anal: in fishes, a name apphed to the fin near the anus. Anseres ¢ the class of swimming birds. Antenne: the horns of an insect, Apodal; au order of tishes with bony gills and no ventral fins. Aptera ; an order of insects without wings, "i Belluce; an order of mammnalia, having obtuse teeth in each jaw, and undivided hoofs. Birairve: a shell consisting of two parts, counected by a hinge, Branchie; the gills of a fish. Brufa: an order of mammatlia, entirely destitute of front teeth. Canine teeth; two sharp-poimed teeth im each jaw, in man, called the eve-leeth. Ceccums one of the lower intestines. Carunele ¢ a fleshy protuberance. Carinated ; rulged like the keel of a ship. Cere; the membrane covering the bill of a bird. Ciliary: belonging to the eyelids. Claricle; the collar bone. ; Coleoplerous; a vame applied to insects with crustaceans coverings to their wings. Corerts; wa bird, the feathers lying about the base of the wing. Crustaceous ; covered with a horny shell Cuneiform; wedge-shaped. Cuspid ¢ ending ma point, Dentated s \armshed with teeth, Digitated ; (urmshed with fingers or toes, Diptera: a class of msects with two wings. * Disticho-is¢ disposed in two rows. Emarginate; wotehed at the end, Elytra : the erustaceous coverings to the wings of caleapterans insects, Futomostraca sv Uribe of animals inhabiting the water, and wluch une tie characters of the mseet and the oyster. Eruria ; the slough or cast skin of a reptile. Femur: the thish, Fere: a class of mammalia with six front teeth in each jaw, and one canine tooth cn each side in both puws, Filiform; \read-shaped. : Gallinavcous ¢ a wae applied to those birds akin ta the domestic fowl, Glires 2a class of imaimiialia with two long front teeth tn each jaw, and no canine teeth, Grafle s the tribe of tards whieh wade in the water, but do not swin, Gressorials aterm apphed to the feet of walking birds, which have the fore toes con sected. but wuhont a membrane, Hemiptera sa tnbe of insects half crustaceous. half membranous. Hyaline s resembling glass. Imbricated 5 a over each other like the tiles on a roof, 874 Incise.s: the front or cutting teeth, Inguinal; stiuated near the orgaus of generation. Invertebrated & without a backbone. ‘ Tris the colored ring of the eyebail Larrea i a tern applied to one ef tbe incipient stages of an aunad.. Lepidopterous ? insects are Lepidopierous which have four wings covered with fine szales, apparently like powder or meal. Lithophyte: a stony substance which has a vegetable appearance. Lore; a bare streak on the sic2 of a bird’s head, from the beak to the eye. Lobated + having the toes or claws furmshed with a slitted membrane, Lunated : shaped fike a half-moon, : Mammalia ; that class of aunnals which suckle their young. Mamme i the breasts, Mandible; the yaw or bill, Marsupials furnished with a hag or pouch on the belly, like the opossum, Marillarys Welouging vo the jaw. Molar; the large or grinding teeth, Molluscous ; a term appled to those animals whose badies are soft, without an interna, skeleton, or aruculated covering. Neuropterous ¢ a vecin applied to insects ssh have membranous, transparent’ wings an which the membranes cross each other like network, Oceipul; the hind head, Ocellated ; marked with spots resembling little eyes. ‘ Operculum ; a hid or cover, Palmated ; webbed or having the shape of a band. Palpi; the teelers of an insect. Paputous; vovered with fleshy warts or points, Passerine; an order of birds comprising unose which sing, Pectinated ¢ shaped like the teeth of a comb. Pectoral; pertamiug to the breast. Pelvis ; whe cavity comprising the lower part of the alhdomen. Pinnated ; having the toes or claws separate, but furnished wath Jateral mempranes. Pisciform; having the shape of a fish, Prehensile; havig the power of seizing or taking hold. Primary feathers; the outer feathers of the wing. Provess: a flesty or corneous protuberance. Protractile; capalle of heme stretched forward. Pupa: the chrysalis of an insect. Rapucious ; an orde comprising the birds of prey, Retructite; having the power of drawing anwards, Sagittal; arrow-shaped, Scapulars ; the shoulder feathers of a bird. Sebaceous; (aly. Setuceous ; brstly. Secondaries; the middle feathers of the wine, Speeutum ; a colored spot ou the back of the wing. Sternuim ; the breast bone, Subcaudal ; under the tail. Subulate; curved ike a shoemaker’s awl, Tarsus: (10 ornithology.) that yart of the leg between the thigh and the claw. - Tentucula; the teelers of au usect. 875 o Testaccous; pertaining to the festacea, or animals covered with a hard shell like the tortoise ‘ ; & Tertiaries; the interior feathers of the wing, or those next the body. Tetr utactyle; furnished with four toes ur claws. Triquetrous ; three-sided, Univalve ; a shell complete in a single piece. Unguiculated; furmshed with nails or claws, Vent; (in tirds,) the under part of the rump, Ventral; belonging to the belly. Waders ; those birds which frequent the shore, hut do not swim. Wattles; the loose red flesh hanging about the neck of the turkey and some otost ' eds. . Zoophyte; a body partaking of the nature of animals and vegetables. Zygodactylous + having ‘he toes disposed in pars. A. ACALEPHA, . Agout, . Albatross, . Atcyones, s ALEcTuRIDES, Alligator, . Ampuisia, «. Ampinsbena, Anaconda, . Anchovy, « ANISODACTYLI, ANNELIDES, . Ant, . . “ white . Ant eater, . Antelope, . Apes,. ARACHNIDES, . Argali, . “Corsican Armaiuillo, Arneo, . ArticuLaTa, Ass, fe LS Auk, great Aves,. . . Avoset, “amu . B. Babiroussa, . Bahoon, pig-faced = ptg-tailed Badger, European “ Ba, . . “spectre, . BaTRACHIA,. Bear, black. “Bornean American Page. 863 262 659 563 609 694 203 709 702 733 558 774 84 836 art 353 66 791 374 375 269 380 774 317 630 406 640 641 nn 299 81 79 118 120 91 92 710 107 1i2 INDEX. Bear, brown... “ grizzly. © — jarge-lipped “© Thibet. « white . Beaver, . . Bee, ae. OE Bee eater,. Beetle, . 2. Bengal Loris, . Birps, ar ee Bison, ie) Bittern, . «le a American " least. _ Black cap,. . Blackbird, 2. Blood-hound, . Blue-bird, 2. Boa constrictor, Bob-o-link, 24 Buffalo, cape. “domestic Bulfinch, 2. Bulldog, . Bunting, cow. es painted . ” rice. towhee . Bustard, great . a little =. Butcher bird, Buuerfly, . . Buzzard, . ie American Moor . « turkey . Cc. Cabim . 382 632 634 634 513 483 iio 516 700 526 379 3sn 139 527 529 526 529 613 621 503 B59 458 462 ‘459 423 260 Cachalut, . Cainel, Se © te Camelopard, Canary bird, Canthans, Caracal, .. Carnivora, . Carp,. . “ golden . Cat, tiger... . “© domestic Cathird, . . Caterpillar, . Cavy, spotted . CerHacopuva, Ceracea, . . Chameleon, . Chainois, . Creirnoprera, CHELIboNES, CuHELoNiA, Chetah, . . Chimpansé, . Chinchilla, Chlainyphorus, Chough, . f Chuck WilPs Widow, Cinruipepa, . Cive, . . “ Javanese Coaita, . Coat, brawn, . { Cobra de Capello, Cochmeal, « Cock, domestic Cockatoo, .e Cockchaler, . Cockle, 2. 4 Cuckrvach, Page. 397 32) 35] 538 826 97 102 738 739 199 200 501 263 7598 392 699 364 1 667 687 192 68 242 277 486 576 272 158 157 83 117 708 835 589 548 8x4 769 828 Cod, ' Corunsn - Concuirena, ' Condor, . Coot,. . Cormorant, . Cougar, . . Crab, 2 we “land. . “ violet. . Crane, ee % “ balearie . Creeper, . Cricket... Crocodile, a Crossbill, . . Crow, carrion . _ © red-legged . Crustacea, : » Cuckou, European ey tt American ont -“Curlew,. 2. Cursones, . . _ Cuttle fish, 2. _ Cutwater,. . Cycosrom, ge D. Death's head moth, Deer, fallow. « Indian stag . ‘ Mouse. © pein. oe © roebuck . “ pusa . . “stag ¥ « Virginian . Diver, northern Dodo, . 2. Deg, . se %, & Altrican “Australian “© blood-hound . © bull 2. « Esquimaux . « greyhound 7 “ hurmer . “ hyeno. Dog,mastiff. . “ Newfoundland “ pomter . shepnerd’s 862 34 340 332 345 342 339 334 344 678 683 141 139 140 139 135 132 13 141 138 138 134 140 > INDEX. Dog, spaniel .. Dog, terrier . Dolphin, . . Dormouse, . . Dory,. . 2 Dotterel, . Dove,. . . . Dromedary, .. Duck, eider . {.. “ canvass-back E. Eagle, bald . “ Brazilian. « — Chilian sea « harpy 2 « golden “ osprey . « ring-tailed 6G. « Washington « wedge-tailed Earth worm, # EcHtnovermaTa, EventaTa, . Eel, g 4% 8 * econeer « « “ electrical 2. Egret, great... “* little 2. Elephant, . . Elephant beetle, . Elk, American. “European. Emeu, * « Entozoa, i, SO 3 Ermine, . . . F. Falcon, jer +e peregrine . « ~ rough-legged Fennec, . . . Fer, * * # Ferret,. * Fiellfare, . . Fisues,. . . Fish hawk, .. Flamingo,. . « Flea, 2 « & Flycatcher, blue gray , “ crested. “ pewit . Page. 133 138 394 235 750 623 585 321 865 745 745 631 630 279 827 345 322 617 867 124 430 431 461 154] 96 123 44 717 439 638 822 509 508 609]. 877 Flycatcher, tied ity ted-eyed =, ® spottea . Page 506 510 506 © swallow-tailed 511 “ tyrant. white-eyed . 507 511 yellow thruated 510 Flying fish, . . Foxy, i «# % «American “Arctic is “ silvery . Frogy,. «we “ edible. . “ tree . G. Gall Insects, é GaLLiNna,. . . Gally worm, . . Gannet,. 2. Gaur,. . . . Gayal, . wl Gazelle, . . Genet, . Gibbon, . 2. Gilthead, . . Giraffe, . . Gunes, . «§ + Glow worm, . . Glossary, f . Gat; ss os Goa . . “ Angora. . Rocky mountain Goatsucker, . Goldfinch, . . a European Goosander, . . , Goose, American wild “European . « solani. . Gopher mole, . Goshawk,. . GRALLATORES, é Grampus,. . Granivora, Grasshopper, Grayling, . Grehe, crested . Greyhound, . . Grufon 1 737 150 153 152 153 710 713 713 841 587 677 387 337 356 158 76 747 351 223 823 872 362 369 371 371 572 538 539 71 660 663 677 102 4&3 621 396 623 829 73t 652 132 412 878 Grosheak, cardinal Grouse, black . «dusky. « red «ruled « pinuated « sharp-tailed “© wood. . Guinea hen,. . “pig, se Gul, . . . H. Haddock, ~ * Halibut, . - Hainster, Hare, European American Harrier, : Hart heest, . ‘Hawk, black “ fish © marsh red-tailed sparrow swallow-tailed Heath hen, Hedgehog, Herning, . Heron, . “ “ ots blue great night . . Hippopotamus, Hog, . . Indian Mexican Honey guide, Hovpoe, . Hornbill, . Hornet, . Horse, . Humzning-bird, Huso,. Hyzua, spotted striped 1. Ibex, . Ibis, scarlet wood . . Page. 533 600 604 601 601 603 604 5938 597 261 655 741 741 240 254 257 134 359 456 439 462 462 454 457] 603 97 732 628 632 631 630 297) 299 300 539 563 472 847 310 560 727 16! 160 367 64 643 w 643 INDEX. Ichneumon, Iguana, indigo bird, INERTES, InFusuria, Insecta, InsecTivora, INVERTEBRATA, J J ackal, Jackdaw, Jagua Jay, b “ Yr, lue Canada Coluinbia “European © Florida “ Steller’s Jerboa, . Kanguroo, K. Kingbird, ._ Kinghsher, belted o Kite, ‘“* Mississippi European r aa Lammergeyer, . Lamprey, Lantern Ay, Lapwing, Leech, “ “ Lion, Lemming, Lemur, red and Llack o slow. Leopard, Linnet, American European . «Bengal “ Cape Lizard, Llama, . Lobster, Locus hy LoruosRaNcuil, . Louse Lumpfish, . Lynx, bay Page. 158 698) 538 682 871 801 96 752 148 477 185 431 483 484 48] - 484 483 243 219 507 565 564 460 461 426 721 834 623 777 235 89 191 536 534 163 1°8 169 697 328 781 832 728 821 742 195 197 Lynx, (ana Ja M. } Macauco . . ‘Maccaw, Mackerei,. Magpie. * -Magot, 2. 6 Manmnon, MALAcoPTERYGII, « Malbrouck, —. Mammauia, . Man, . . « Manati,.. . « Mandrill, . Manis, Marinose,, . Marmol, . «Lapland i Maryland s Parry’s . Marsupiatia, . Marten, pine... ie purple. es European Mastif,. . . Menura, . . Merganser, hooded rg 190 87 649 748 478 79 79 723 P28 3L 392 82 275 218 244 233 247 247 213 125 563 570 138 503 673 a red-breasted 671 Merlin, . «© Mocking-bird, . Mole, . . “gopher . “shrew. . Mo.iusca, . Mongous, . . Monkey, . . Moorcock, . Moose, . . Morse, . «oe Mouse, . . “field . 4 «jumping Mule, . Mullet, . Muscle, . . Musk, Thiber . Muskrat, . Mesqvash Myziarora, N Na. wom, . 452 496 99 102 101 754 88 be 601 332 216 239 232 244 329 747 765 331 230 230 799 Nantilvs, .. Night Hawk, Nightngale, . Ninekiller, . Noddy . Nutcracker, . Nuthatch,. . Nyl Ghaw . Oo. Ocelot, . . Omnivoza, . Opxipia, . wll Opossum, Mexiean .. murme . s Virginian Orang Outang, . Onole, Baltimore . “ orchard . Ortolan,. Ostrich, 2. «American . Otter, Canada . « common « sea. Page. 759 574 5t2 503 655 434 558 360 193 472 700 218 218 213 69 486 487 526 610 615 128 127 130 “ South American 129 Ouistiti,. . Ounce, oe & Ouzel, 2. 86 192 649 Owl, American horned 464 “European horned 463 © bam. . “burrowing © hawk . ** jittle “red. . * snowy . Ox, « . . Oyster, . P. Paca, . « PACHYDERMATA, Paco, . Patmipepes, Pangolin, . Panther, 2. Paradise bird, Parroquet, . Parrot, eT) Partridge, . Peacock, . . 467 470 766 263 278 330 653 275 188 491 - 550 545 605 INDEX. Pearl-oyster, . Peveary, Ye Pelican, 2. 2. e Penguin, . “Patagonian Perch, a? Ge Petrel, . 1 “stormy . Phatagin, . . Pheasant, . «golden . Pholas, . . Pigeon, American wild 577 Carolina « domestic . Pike,. . . Pilot fish, . . PINNATIPEDES, . Pintado,. . PLaciostomMa, . Platypus, . . Plover, golden . « — long-legged «ringed . Pointer... . . Folecat, . . Potvel, . 2 Porcupine,. . " Brazitian Canada Porpoise, . . Prawn, . . Puffin, . . Puma, ae Q. QuapRUMANA, . Quagga, ._ Quail, American “ Californian « European R. Rabbit,. . . Raccoon, . RapiaTa, is Rail, American “ water. . Rat, black... Rapaces, aS “ lemmmng . “ Norway . “ water. . 879 Page. Pige. 767] Rattlesnake, . . 703 300] Raven, . 473 673] Ray, . . . 726 68!) Razorbill, . 68) 682} Redbird, . . . 531 748} Redbreast, . . 614 657| Redstart, . . 515 658 sS American 611 275| Reindeer, - « 346 592] Reprives, . 685 593} Rhinoceros, 303 769] Roach, . . . 739 Robin, «© 6 6 499 684 “grounds, 529 585| Roebuck, . . « 342 735{ Roller, . . 486 749| Rook,, «© . «. 476 651{ Rougette, . . 92 697| Roussette,. . . 92 722|RoMINANTIA,. 320 278 Ss. 622) Sable . . + 126 621] Saga, . . « 356 623} Salamander,. . .715 134) Salmon, . . . 729 122 “trout. 730 868! Sandpiper, . . 644 260 “ red-hacked . 645 252 fe red-Lreasted 645 253 “solitary 646 395'Sauria, . . « 691 790) Scolopendra,. . 800 673) Scorpinn, «we 792 176] Screamer, horned 609 Sea bear, . . . 209 66 “ horse, . . 728 317 “ lion, » +» « 208 607 «owl, rar) 743 609 “ otter, - . «© 130 606 «star, ee. 866 “ unicom, . + 395 256] Seal, . . « 203 115 “ elephart . . 208 863 Greenland . 206 650] “ honded . . 209 649 “ ursme . . 209 238] Shad,. . 734 412) Shark, . 4 +22 233| Shearwater, « 658 237] Sheep, domestic . 376 231 “Rocky Mountain 372 880 Sheep, wild 2. Shrew mole,. . Shrew mouse ° SHHKE, « « w Shrimp... Siamang, . 2. Silk-worm, .. Skate, ery Aart is Skimmer, . . Skunk, « -« x Skylark, oo. Slolh,. . 2. Smew, . . Smelt)’ 2. Snail, 2. e, Snake, black . ~ hovded . Snipe, ain Vaan He “ semi-palmated Sole fish, . « Spanel, . 2. ss water. Sparrow, chipping . “field “« song. - Sphinx,. . . Spier, 2. 6 Spoonbill, 2. Spriughok, ee Squirrel, af a fat . me flying. me grey . Stag, . «© | “ Canada. . * Cape « « « Indian. ef Starling, oo. Swat,. 2. © - Stork « « « * Marabou ‘ Sturgeon, . « Srurniones,. 2 « Swallow, . « «bank... # harm. chimney « cliff . Swan,, . . - “ whistling . * blak . . Page. 74 101 98 505 790 ~ 7 862 726 653 126 523 264 672 731 761 702 705 647 648 743 133! 537 533 537 86! 794 641 358 243 235 249 334 345 359 340 489 124 634 636 726 726 567 670 569 672 57) 663 665 665 INDEX. Swift, Sword fish, . T. Tamandua, . Tamanoi Tanager, Tapir, Fj) te % Tarantula,. . Teal, Termites, . . Tern, greater . “ lesser. Terrier, Thrasher, . Throstle, . Thrush, brown. long . ee missel . es walter. Tiger, . wood . « black os Titmouse, bearded black-cap' “ Toad, . “Surinam. Torpedo, Tortoise, Toucan, Touyou, . . Tropic bird, . Trout, 2. 6 Tumbled ung, . TunicaTA, « + Tunny, Turbot, Turkey, Turkey Buzzard, Turtle, Urson, Vampire Viper, v. < bat. “Egyptian « horned Vulture; “ “ Lad bearded black. carrion fulvoas . 654 654 138 495 495 495 495 493 502 500 179 188 524 525 713 714 724 6387 543 615 678 730 826 77 749 7Al 594 423 689 92 707 706 708 426 425 423 412 Page. Vulture, kingof . 428 «secretary 429 « sociable . 418 Ww. Wagtail, white - 522 Walrus,. . 210 Wapiti, . . . 348 Warbler, blue-eyed = -£i7 blue-wineed 517 « golden-winged 517 Wasp, 6 6) «(845 Watriwaou,. . 273 Weasel, . 6 « 123 “pine... 125 Whale, . . . 399 « spermaceti 397 Wheatear,, . . 520 Whip-poor-will.. 575 Widgeon, . « «668 Wild cat, American 197 Wille, . . 648 Wolf. . .« « 142 “American . 145 © clouded black = 145 “prairie « 147 Wolf fish,. . 74G Wolverine, . 121 Wofnbach, . . 222 Woodchuck,. . 247 Woodcock, « « 646 Woodpecker, —. 55! “ dbwny . 556 golden-wing 55 « hairy a «55! «ivory billed 6&3 “ pileated . 654 “ yed-hellied 556 red-headed 551 « yellow-bellied 555 Wren, Carolina 520 © European . B18 « house . . 519 “ gold-crested 519 “marsh . . 620 Y. Yak, . . «© « &87 Yellow bird, . 538 Yellow hammer, . 636 Z. Zebra, - 6 « Oa . ee + . h z . H - fe : ~ . } . . a ~ : ; F 5