ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY Cornell University Gift of Thomas Bass From Home Bakings, by Edna Evans San Francisco, 1912. foz a8ed aas jaddng Ayweg MRS. RORER’S EVERY DAY MENU BOOK iving a menu for every meal in the year; menus for Weddings, Dinners, Receptions, and many other social functions; with illustrations of appro- priate decorated tables. By MRS. SARAH TYSON RORER Author of Mrs. Rorer’s New Cook Book, The Philadelphia Cook Boqk, and other popular works on cookery. | & ARNOLD AND COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA MANN SPEC Cau. “TK Lis RAIAE M> [Qos Copyright 1905 by SARAH Tyson Rorer All Rights Reserved Made at the Sign of the Ivy Leaf in Sansom Street Philadelphia George H Buchanan Company INTRODUCTION HE following menus are sufficient to cover three hundred and sixty-five days, and are arranged for use in any year. Monday’s meals are light and easily prepared. Wednes- day’s are more extensive, so that one may invite company if desired. Sunday’s meals are heavier and more elaborate than I have prepared in my own home, but it is understood that these bills of fare are arranged to suit the masses and not my peculiar whims and ideas. I readily understand that unless I accompanied each book to the house in which it finds a place, my personal bills of fare would be of little value. To the average housewife they would seem radical and out of the question. Not that they are so, but they represent a special knowledge of house- hold science and the needs of the body not usually understood by the average cook. Perhaps later on, household education will be much further advanced, so that housewives generally will appreciate simple living and hygienic bills of fare—daintily cooked, beauti- fully served meals that will satisfy both body and soul. They will be mentally and physically nutritious. If this book should fall into the hands of a housewife far from markets, various foods may be substituted for those mentioned, pro- vided they contain the same sort and amount of nourishment. One meat may be substituted for another, and one starchy food for another. Rice may take the place of white or sweet potatoes, and macaroni may be substituted for either of the three. Chestnuts are starchy, also white bread, and they may be used in place of potatoes or rice. One succulent vegetable may be substituted for another. If lettuce is not in the market, use another green that is accessible. Menus are suggestors ; they give ideas of routine and combinations, not cast-iron rules. Near large cities they may be followed exactly. In changing or substituting dishes, it is wise to remember that a heavy meat should be followed by a light dessert, one not containing nitrogen. Cup custards, dishes rich in egg and I 2 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book milk. should not follow heavy meats, use : whipped cream and fruits and light ices. My thoughts have been to please the masses. The first group of menus will, perhaps, be most widely used; they are by no means the most valuable, but they follow out the general routine of living of the average well-to-do American. In the arrangements I have given a soup as one course, meat with two vegetables as a second, salad with wafers and cheese as a third, then dessert and coffee. The vegetables and meats include those in season; canned goods are not considered to any great extent. The soups are varied, but where all the leftovers, bones and bits of meat are utilized they will be most inexpensive, in fact almost costless, Those who dine in the middle of the day, may use the luncheon menus for supper, omitting soup if it is mentioned. Breakfasts are more heavy than I use myself. They give a choice, however, as one member of the family may take fruit and cereal, another toast, eggs and coffee. If coffee is not used cereal coffee or cocoa may be substituted ; cocoa, however, is quite rich in nourishment and should be counted as part of breakfast. These menus should not cost over ten dollars per week for a family of six. The general fish course and the entrées have been omitted purposely as being useless, troublesome and expensive. One cannot easily put on paper the exact doings of a well- regulated hygienic kitchen laboratory. It seems so foreign to the average American kitchen that criticisms are overwhelming. One is accused of being false and impracticable. In the house where only one, or perhaps no servant is kept, the chafing-dish helps out on Sunday and Monday. Cooking the night meal in the dining room relieves the kitchen maid after a day’s laundry work. Maids of all work, or those who do special work, become tired and need a rest. Housework is rather monotonous at best. My own Sunday arrangement is, I think, worthy of trial by the average housewife. Let the breakfast be light and nutritious, something easily prepared and cleared away. Serve a chafing. Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 3 dish lunch at one o’clock, for which all the things have been arranged the night before. Then at six o’clock serve a good, substantial chafing-dish supper. This enables every one to go to church, both morning and’ evening, if they so desire, and gives the servants a day of rest. The second group of menus I like best because they are simple. The vegetarian group is attractive, palatable, inexpensive ; and it certainly is a relief now and then to sit down to a dinner com- posed entirely of clean vegetable foods. It is one thing to be a vegetarian and another a hygienic vegetarian. It is foolish indeed to eat foods badly cooked and in bad condition, simply because they are vegetable foods. Combinations of fats, pickles and fried foods are to be avoided in all forms of diet. A pie made from olive oil or cocoanut butter is not more acceptable to the stomach than one made from butter and flour, and the crust is by far less palatable. A conventional bill of fare is made from a skeleton like the following : First CoursE—Shell Fish. SECOND CoursE—Soup. THIRD CoursE—Hors-d'ceuvres, Cold Dishes as Radishes, Celery and so forth. FourtH CoursE—Fish. FirTH Course—Entrées, as Croquettes or Patties. SrxtH CoursE—Relevés, the Substantial Dish, the Roasts. SEVENTH CoursE—Punch ; this is usually served with the meat course. EicuTH Course—Game. NInTH Course—Sweets, Puddings and Jellies. TENTH CoursE—Ice Creams. ELEVENTH CouRSE—Toasted Crackers, Cheese and Coffee, or the eleventh course may be fruits and the twelfth course coffee. These may be rearranged to suit one’s mode of living, purse and especially the number of servants kept. 4 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book A FEW SUGGESTIONS Never try elaborate meals unless you have a competent cook and waitress. If you are obliged to do your own work, serve very simple but well-cooked meals; better have two courses well served, than five unsightly cold ones. On your days at home, serve very light refreshments, as coffee or tea with wafers—in hot weather a cup of sherbet with a wafer; more than this would be ostentatious. The beverage may be made in the kitchen and brought into the parlor by the maid. Or if you have a tea table in the parlor or library, ask a friend to make and pour tea. For ‘‘at homes,’’ add sandwiches and a greater variety of cakes. Refresh- ments of this kind, coming between lunch and dinner, must be exceedingly light and attractive. At large receptions, where guests do not arrive until nine or ten o’clock, and do not depart until after midnight, refreshments should be more substantial. A ball supper should be nutritious and easily digested. Or if for any reason refreshments must be served between five and eight o’clock, there should be a salad or some dish having meat value; this is a supper. One measures the refinement of the hostess by the simpli- city, daintiness and method of her entertainments. On your after- noons, if your house is large, tea may be served in one room, chocolate in another. Tea and coffee are easily made at the serv- ing table. Chocolate containing starch requires boiling, hence, it is better made outside and brought to the table in the chocolate pot. Cups must be thin and dainty. The service may not be uniform ; each cup may be different. If acolor scheme is to be carried out, it is attractive and pretty to have browns with choco- late, pink and red with coffee, and yellow with tea. All sorts of dainty sweet wafers may be made or purchased. In the Spring, violet, clover and rose sandwiches, with a well-made fine tea, are exceedingly nice. For large occasions serve from the dining room. Have it tastefully decorated, but in harmony with the room. Do not have Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 5 a huge bunch of American Beauties, for instance, in the centre of a small table in a small dining room. Dinners are the easiest of all social functions to prepare and serve. Use a spotlessly white cloth, with a centre piece, an embroidered mat, a table mirror and epergne filled with flowers or fruit, candlesticks or candelabra, and the regulation silver. Bread and butter plates are not used at dinner; butter is not served. The celery, olives and almonds are placed on the table. The oysters and clams are the only shell fish served at first course. When one lives away from the coast, however, it is better to omit shell fish; serve instead some unique form of fruit, as fruit cocktail, shaddock, grape fruit, or chilled watermelon. A sherbet may always take the place of punch. The game course may be omitted, and the salad, wafers and cheese made a special course. The most rational dinner, no matter how many guests one may have, consists of a soup, a meat with two vegetables, a dainty salad, wafers and cheese, and a simple dessert. Coffee may be served in the parlor or library. The illustrations in this book are not intended as a display of elaborate tables. The book is distinctly a simple menu book. People who can afford expensive decorations can also afford a designer. These few tables have all been simple meals in my own house, and are only suggestions as to what one can do with one or two servants and a very small amount of money. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION : ; i ‘ ‘ ‘i ‘ I Menus ror Every Day IN THE YEAR - II-193 Menus For Spectat Occasions (with accompanying illustrations) . ; ; 5 + 195-250 Golf Luncheon . ‘ 3 ‘i ‘ 3 197 Birthday Supper 5 4 3 3 - 199 Twelve o’Clock Hie. e : : F 201 Family Supper é : < ‘ - » 203 Young Lady’s Luncheon 3 ‘i . 3 205 Russian Tea . : ‘ 3 : : - 207 Young Lady’s Luncheon ‘ : ‘ ‘ 209 Chafing Dish Supper ‘ ‘ ‘ . it Five o’Clock Tea or “At Home” a 7 é 213 Afternoon Tea : a‘ . . ‘ - 213 Pink Luncheon. . ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 215 Japanese Tea . ; ‘ ‘ - 217 Easter Luncheon . ‘ ; z , F 219 St. Patrick’s Day . eS 4 7 . 221 Small Evening Affair . § j ‘ j 223 Dainty Luncheon . A F ‘ : 2 225 Ladies’ Luncheon . 4 ‘ é ‘ ‘ 227 Thanksgiving Table . 229 Chafing Dish Luncheon or Twelve o’Clock Breakfast ‘ ‘i ‘ - ‘i a 231 May Luncheon ‘ ; : - 233 Menus for Small Evening Affairs ‘ ‘ 235 A Few Ball, Large Reception or Wedding Suppers . ; ‘ A i - 237 Elaborate Dinners and Hingies ‘. ‘ 3 239 Contents MENUs For SpEcIAL Occasions (with accompanying illustrations )—Continued PAGE Gentleman’s Game Dinner 2 - : . 240 A Shore or Fish Dinner ‘ : F : 241 Another Fish Dinner ‘“ 2 - : - 241 A Gentleman’s Oyster Dinner a - ‘ 241° Halloween ‘ : ‘ ‘ : . 242 Thanksgiving Dinner j : : : 244 Lenten Dinners ‘ - 5 ; - 245 Game Dinners. , ‘i : , ‘ 246 Christmas Menus. 3 : ; ; - 247 Company LUNCHEONS—TWELVE 0’CLOCK BREAK- FASTS . ‘ ; ‘ é ‘ 251-282 Company Luncheons ; ‘ ; . 253 Chafing Dish Luncheons or cauee z , 256 A Few Lawn Suppers ‘ ; : ‘ . 258 Company Luncheons. 259 Small High Noon Affairs, Mariing Weiltings or Receptions . . 264 A Few Simple Luncheons fee Eight Beriie é 269 Bridesmaids’ Luncheons. ‘ z 2 - 271 Clover Lunch F : : 5 : é 272 Daisy Lunch . j ‘ ‘ ‘ - 273 Cobweb Lunch . : ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 274 Chocolatiere . : ‘ : ‘ : . 2975 A Few Simple Company Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts . : ‘ ‘ 275 Elaborate Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts ‘ + 279 Menus WitHout Meat . * * : ‘ 283 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FAMILY SUPPER . 5 . A 3 . Frontispiece Gotr LuNcHEON . . 3 ‘ Z 7 - 196 BirtHpay SupPPER F : . : : ; 198 ‘TWELVE o’CLocK BREAKFAST ‘ . j . 200 Famity SuppPER : - Fi : : j 202 Younc Lapy’s LUNCHEON . 3 ‘ : « 204 Russian TEA. ‘ z ‘ , : % 206 Younc Lapy’s LUNCHEON . ; 3 ‘ - 208 Cuarinc DisH SupPER : : ‘ ‘ : 210 FivE o’CLtock Tra on AN “AT HOME”. j . 212 Pink LUNCHEON s 3 5 ‘ , ‘i 214 JAPANESE TEA ‘ ‘ é ; - - - 216 Easter LUNCHEON . ‘ i ‘ ; : 218 St. Patrick’s Day . ‘ - ‘ : j . 220 SMALL EvenINnG AFFAIR . ‘ ei : , 222 Dainty LUNCHEON—THE SALAD CouRSE . 224 Lapigs’ LUNCHEON. ‘ : ‘ 2 . 226 THANKSGIVING TABLE . ; . ‘ i . 228 Cuarinc Dish LUNCHEON oR TWELVE 0’CLOCK BREAKFAST 7 ‘ 3 - , - 230 May LuncHEON . ‘ ‘ . . » 232 TaBLe Lam ror DINNER . : . 5 3 234 Menus for Every Day in the Year JANUARY First SUNDAY First MONDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Omelet Gems Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Celery Roasted Beef, Brown Sauce Browned Mashed Potatoes Spinach Mock Charlotte Coffee SUPPER Toast Broiled Sardines Lemon Jelly |§ Graham Wafers BREAKFAST Baked Apples Granose Minced Beef ‘Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef, Cold Tomato Sauce Brown Bread Tea DINNER English Beef Soup Nut Rolls, Sauce Hollandaise Creamed Cabbage Celery Salad Toast Cheese Coffee 11 12 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY First TUESDAY First WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Cream Chops Stewed Potatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Scalloped Oysters Rolls Cabbage Salad Wafers Coffee DINNER Black Bean Soup (beef bones) Boiled Leg of Mutton Caper Sauce Rice, Turnips (German fashion) Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Dowdy Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Cream Omelet Muffins Coffee LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup, Crofitons Hash of Mutton, Tomato Sauce Canned Fruit Wafers DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (mutton stock) Roasted Duck, Nut Stuffing Stewed Celery Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Bakewell Pudding Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 13 First THURSDAY JANUARY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Wheatlet, Cream Hashed Duck Toast Coffee LUNCH Macaroni, Sauce Béchamel Milk Biscuits Farmhouse Apples DINNER Sago Soup Shepherd’s Pie (cold mutton) Sauce Béchamel Peas Celery Mayonnaise Wafers Cream Cheese Batter Pudding Coffee BREAKFAST Oranges Hominy Grits, Milk Egg Brouilli Toast Coffee LUNCH Fried Oysters, Cabbage Salad Coffee Stuffed Dates DINNER Soup Maigre Creamed Spaghetti Boiled Cod, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Mock Artichokes Cabbage or Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 14 — Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY — First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Chipped Beef Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Fish Cutlets, White Sauce Milk Biscuits Gingerbread Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Steak, Parsley Sauce Hashed Browned Potatoes Canned Corn Celery Salad Wafers Cheese Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Hamburg Steaks (end of steak) Rolls Coffee DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Fricassee of Chicken Brown Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Stewed Celery Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Jerusalem Pudding Coffee SUPPER Cold Boiled Halibut Steak Sauce Tartare Bread and Butter Sandwiches German Compote of Apples Canned Peaches Sponge Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 15 JANUARY Second MONDAY Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Chipped Creamed Beef, Toast Coffee LUNCH Left-over Chicken in Border of Rice Celery Baked Apples DINNER Cream of Celery Soup Stuffed Beef’s Heart Brown Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Stewed Carrots Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Cottage Gems, Caramel Sauce BREAKFAST Steamed Figs Wheatlet with Milk Broiled Bacon, Eggs Toasted Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Cold Heart Cabbage Salad Sandwiches Sliced Oranges Wafers DINNER Cock-a-Leekie Toast Celery Boiled Fowl, Cream Sauce Rice, Salsify (browned) Café Parfait 16 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book — JANUARY Second WEDNESDAY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Bananas Rolled Wheat, Milk Minced Chicken on Toast Coffee LUNCH Oyster Croquettes Hollandaise Sauce Gluten Muffins Coffee DINNER Mock Bisque Soup Roasted Loin Mutton Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes (Southern style) Spinach Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Bavarian Cream BREAKFAST Granose with Apple Sauce Chops Creamed Potatoes Coffee LUNCH Spaghetti Croquettes Cheese Sauce Brown Bread Cocoa, Whipped Cream Wafers DINNER Peanut Soup Broiled Steak, Parsley Sauce Stuffed White Potatoes Corn Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Nun’s Puffs, Burnt Sugar Sauce Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 7 JANUARY Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Milk \ Broiled Mackerel Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Oysters a la Poulette Biscuits Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese DINNER Oyster Soup Halibut Steak 4 la Flamande Dill Pickle Plain Boiled Potatoes Lettuce Salad Toasted Bread Fingers Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Apples Hominy Grits, Milk Broiled Liver and Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup Toast Stewed Prunes Wafers DINNER Soup Soubise, Crofitons Egyptian Cylinders Brown Sauce Pea Patties Lettuce and Celery Salad Parmesan Balls Wafers Mock Charlotte 18 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Beauregard Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé with Marrow Balls Celery Olives Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Sweet Potato Croquettes Peas in Turnip Cups Sultana Roll Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Creamed Tripe with Mushrooms Bread and Butter Lettuce Salad Wafers Canned Peaches Angel’s Food Mayonnaise of Celery BREAKF AST Oatmeal, Chopped Dates, Milk Omelet Rolls Coffee LUNCH Turkey Sandwiches Tea Steamed Figs, Whipped Cream DINNER Portuguese Soup Potato Casserole with Creamed Turkey, Peas Wafers French Floating Island Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST Steamed Figs, Wheatlet, Milk Poached Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chipped Beef Muffins Cocoa, Whipped Cream, Wafers DINNER Purée of Rice (turkey bones) Round Steak Mashed Sweet Potatoes Stewed Turnips Waldorf Salad Wafers Cheese Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Broiled Chops Rice Muffins Coffee LUNCH Hash in Tomato Sauce Whole Wheat Bread Stewed Apples Gingerbread DINNER Tomato Soup, Crofitons Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Baked Squash Stewed Celery Spinach Salad Wafers Banana Soufflé Coffee 20 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Fruit Hashed Chicken Toast Codfish Balls, Tomato Sauce Corn Bread Coffee Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Baked Macaroni Brown Bread Broiled Oysters on Toast Celery Cabbage Salad Stewed Apples Wafers DINNER German Gruel Soup Blanquette of Mutton Rice Apple and Celery French Dressing Wafers Ginger Sponge Slices Chocolate Sauce Coffee DINNER Vegetable Bouillon Nut Rolls, Sauce Hollandaise Spinach Panned Baked Apples Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Rice Pudding Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 21 JANUARY Third SATURDAY Fourth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Liver Rolls Coffee LUNCH Smothered Beef Mush Bread Canned Peaches Graham Wafers DINNER Rabbit Soup Broiled Steak, Butter Sauce Browned Sweet Potatoes Spinach on Toast Waldorf Salad in Apple Shells Rice Jelly BREAKFAST Oranges Broiled Sweetbreads Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé with Almond Balls Stuffed Belgian Hare Brown Sauce Hominy Brussels Sprouts Celery Salad Wafers Ceylon Pudding Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Macaroni Rarebit Coffee Lemon Jelly Wafers 22 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Hare Celery Salad Brown Bread Stewed Prunes Crackers DINNER Cream of Beet Soup Hot-Pot, Pan Sauce Spinach Cabbage and Celery Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Tapioca Coffee BREAKFAST Oranges Wheatlet, Milk Smothered Beef Corn Muffins Coffee LUNCH Hashed Mutton (cold hot-pot) in Rice Border Olives Wafers Celery Stewed Prunes DINNER Lentil Soup Celery Boiled Beef, Tomato Sauce Carrot Hash Plain Macaroni English Apple Tart Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 23 JANUARY Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY BREAKFAST Chopped Steamed Prunes in Wheatlet, Milk Minced Beef Toasted Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Stewed Figs Wafers DINNER Consommé with Farina Blocks Baked Partridges on Grit Slices Currant Jelly French Fried Sweet Potatoes Spinach Lettuce with Grape Fruit Pulp French Dressing Swiss Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Granose, Grape Juice Broiled Bacon with Eggs Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cold Boiled Beef Tomato Catsup Whole Wheat Bread Tea Apple Sauce Graham Wafers DINNER Barley Soup Chicken en Casserole Baked Squash Creamed Sailsify Lettuce and Apple Salad Wafers Cheese Orange Tapioca 24 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST k 1 Orsnges Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk smells con bead Broiled Lamb’s Kidneys Coffee Muffins Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Oyster Stew Nut Soufflé, Whole Wheat Bread Whole Wheat Bread Apple Salad Wate Apple Salad Wafers Bre sds DINNER DINNER Clam Bouillon Pea Patties Stewed Fish Potato Balls Lettuce Salad Cheese Fondue Wafers Coffee Vegetable Soup Broiled Steak Sweet Potato Croquettes Cabbage (German fashion) Celery and Orange Salad, Wafers Bavarian Cream Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 25 JANUARY Fifth SUNDAY Fifth MONDAY BREAKFAST Chopped Prunes in Granose Grape Juice Eggs ala Martin Muffins Coffee DINNER Consommé with Rice Roasted Ducks, Onion Stuffing Cranberry Jelly Stewed Celery Cress Salad Wafers Cheese Balls Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Duck 41a Bordelaise Whole Wheat Bread Coffee Canned Fruit Sponge Cake BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Milk Creamed Cod Corn Muffins Coffee LUNCH Sardines on Lettuce French Dressing Whole Wheat Bread, Butter Sliced Oranges DINNER Egg Soup (duck bones) Macaroni (Italian style) Bean Croquettes, Cream Sauce Baked ain Parson’s Sponge 26 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JANUARY * FEBRUARY Fifth TUESDAY First SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Rolled Wheat, Milk Steak Coffee Broiled Bacon Rolls LUNCH Rice Croquettes, Cheese Sauce Whole Wheat Bread Stewed Prunes DINNER Tomato Soup Stuffed Leg of Mutton Brown Sauce Hominy Boiled Onions Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Steamed Apple Pudding BREAKFAST Baked Apples Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Clear Soup _— Bread Sticks Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Mashed Sweet Potatoes Boiled Onions Celery and Apple Salad Rice Pudding Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Creamed Turkey Rolls Canned Peaches Sunshine Cake Tea Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 27 FEBRUARY First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Omelet Rice Muffins Coffee LUNCH Turkey Sandwiches Olives Cocoa Wafers DINNER Cream of Rice Soup Broiled Steak Mashed Browned Potatoes Canned Corn Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Orange Whip BREAKFAST Apple Sauce with Granose Rolls Coffee LUNCH Minced Beef on Toast Tea Fruit Wafers DINNER Mock Oyster Soup Baked Beans, Tomato Sauce Celery Salad Poor Man’s Tartlets Coffee 28 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book ————————— FEBRUARY First WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Scrambled Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Broiled Oysters Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé with Egg Balls Celery Olives Fried Smelts, Sauce Tartar Roasted Beef, Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes Creamed Turnips Apple Salad in Apple Shells Thin Crackers Mock Charlotte, Custard Sauce BREAKFAST Sliced Ripe Bananas in Hot Wheatlet, Cream Frizzled Chipped Beef Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef in Tomato Aspic Mayonnaise Whole Wheat Bread Cocoa Ginger Wafers DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Ragout of Beef in Potato Border Squash (pan baked) Celery Salad Wafers Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 29 FEBRUARY First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Fish Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Fried Oysters, Cabbage Salad Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Brown Broth Celery Olives Eggs a la Martin Rolls Nut Roll, Sauce Hollandaise Scalloped Tomatoes Beet Root Salad Toasted Crackers Coffee Cheese BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Minced Beef Coffee Toast LUNCH Celery Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Baked Apples DINNER Soup Crécy Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Guava Jelly Boiled Rice Baked Onions Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Lemon Jelly, Nogg Sauce 30 Mrs. Rorer’s. Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Farina Blocks Celery Olives Roasted Duck, Walnut Stuffing Grape Jelly Sweet Potatoes (Southern fashion) Stewed Celery Waldorf Salad Jerusalem Pudding Coffee SUPPER Japanese Salad Milk Biscuits Coffee Canned Fruit Cake BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Cup of Bouillon Minced Duck in Rice Border Cocoa DINNER Clear Soup with Macaroni Broiled Chops Stewed Potatoes Onions au Supréme Chicory Salad = Toast Fingers French Floating Island Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 31 FEBRUARY Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Wheatlet Cream Broiled Calf’s Liver Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Nut Croquettes, Tomato Sauce Celery Baked Bananas DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (chop trimmings) Cannelon, Brown Sauce Delmonico Potatoes Spinach Celery Salad Velvet Cream BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Cream Thin Round Steak Rolls Coffee LUNCH Enchilades Brown Bread Celery Cocoa Ginger Wafers DINNER Clear Soup with Suet Balls Chicken Croquettes (white meat) Peas Milk Biscuits Oyster Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee 32 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Rolls Coffee LUNCH Hominy Croquettes Cheese Sauce Whole Wheat Muffins DINNER Soup Soubise Boiled Shoulder of Mutton Egg Sauce Rice Stewed Celery Carrot and Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Gelatin Coffee Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST Steamed Prunes Granose, Cream Broiled Fish Coffee Toast LUNCH Oyster Croquettes Sauce Hollandaise Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee DINNER Peanut Soup Impernarda Brown Bread Cheese Soufflé Waldorf Salad Toasted Crackers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book a3 FEBRUARY Second SATURDAY Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Toast Coffee LUNCH Canned Peach Shortcake Cream DINNER Tomato Soup, Crofitons Veal Cutlet, Brown Sauce Mashed Sweet Potatoes Spinach Chicory Salad Crackers Cheese Apple Tapioca Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Gluten Gems Soft Eggs Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup Roasted Turkey, Oyster Sauce Cranberry Jelly Stuffed White Potatoes Spanish Onions with Brown Sauce Chicory Salad Cheese Cake Crackers Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER Salmon Salad Brown Bread Sandwiches Canned Peaches Water Thins 34 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY Third MONDAY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Bacon Coffee LUNCH Cold Turkey Celery with Mayonnaise Rice Muffins Coffee Stuffed Dates DINNER Cream of Rice Soup (turkey bones) Mock Fillet, Tomato Sauce Rice Cole Slaw Apple Pone, Cider Sauce Coffee BREAKFAST Grape Fruit Hominy Grits, Cream Minced Turkey Toast Coffee LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup Cheese Soufflé Bread Oranges DINNER Egg Soup Broiled Steak French Fried Sweet Potatoes Spinach Celery Salad Thin Crackers Cheese Oranges and Bananas Sliced Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 35 FEBRUARY Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Eggs Brouilli Toast Coffee LUNCH Lobster 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Celery Soup Pulled Bread Stuffed Leg of Mutton Brown Sauce Rice Stewed Carrots Endive Salad Wafers Cheese Creamy Pudding Coffee BREAKFAST Chopped Dates Hot Farina, Cream Toast Bacon Coffee LUNCH Lentil Rolls, Sauce Béchamel Muffins Stewed Prunes Water Thins DINNER Cream of (canned) Pea Soup Hot-Pot (cold mutton) Lady’s Cabbage Corn Bread Cold Spinach, French Dressing Crackers Apple Stephon Coffee 36 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Salt Mackerel Toast Coffee LUNCH Fish 4 la Créme Baked Potatoes Chicory Salad Water Thins DINNER Oyster Soup Crackers © Baked Fish Brown Tomato Sauce Plain Potatoes Dill Cucumbers French Dressing Cheese Soufflé Wafers Coffee BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Cream Broiled Lamb’s Kidneys Muffins Coffee LUNCH Deviled Oysters Pulled Bread Celery Sliced Oranges DINNER Normandy Soup Beef Steak 4 la Bordelaise Stuffed Potatoes Baked Bermuda Onions Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Grandmother's Rice Pudding Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 37 ee ——= — FEBRUARY Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST Grape Fruit Broiled Sweetbreads Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé with Curry Roasted Beef, Brown Sauce Potato Croquettes Kale Corn Salad, French Dressing Cheese Crackers Chocolate Parfait Coffee SUPPER Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Fruit BREAKFAST Stewed Apples Granose Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef Potato Salad Whole Wheat Bread Tea DINNER English Beef Soup Mutton Cutlets, Tomato Sauce Rice Stewed Turnips Celery Salad Caramel Custards 38 Fourth TUESDAY Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Bacon Panned Baked Apples Coffee , Toast LUNCH Minced Beef on Toast Celery Tea DINNER Grape Fruit Spaghetti 4 la Italienne Fried Calves’ Brains Italian Potato Croquettes Jambolaya Waldorf Salad Swiss Cheese ‘Toasted Crackers Coffee BREAKFAST Steamed Figs, Cream Chops Oatmeal Mush Bread Coffee LUNCH Eggs ala Martin Whole Wheat Milk Biscuit Celery Fried Bananas, Lemon Sauce DINNER Grape Fruit Casuela Boiled Rice Corn Bread Spanish Salad Water Thins Café Parfait Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 39 FEBRUARY Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Apples Granose Eggs Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Shad Roe Salad Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup (giblets from casuela) Egyptian Cylinders Rice Apple Salad Cocoa Cake Cocoa, Whipped Cream BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Cream Broiled Salt Shad or Salmon Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Oyster Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee, Whipped Cream DINNER Fish Chowder Bean Croquettes, Cream Sauce Cabbage Salad Camembert Toasted Crackers Coffee 40 ‘Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book FEBRUARY * MARCH Fourth SATURDAY First SUNDAY BREAKFAST Farina, Creamy Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Coffee LUNCH Baked, Mashed Dried Peas Rice Brown Bread, Butter DINNER Oatmeal Soup Braised Ducks, Brown Sauce Guava Jelly Browned Parsnips Rice Celery Salad Thin Crackers Cheese Coffee Jelly, Whipped Cream BREAKFAST Oranges Beauregard Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Macaroni Larded Fillet, Mushroom Sauce Potato Croquettes Celery Salad Thin Crackers Pistachio Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER Nut Sandwiches Duck Salad Cocoa, Whipped Cream Rolled Wafers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 41 MARCH First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Cream Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee LUNCH Creamed Codfish Scotch Scones Coffee DINNER Barley Soup Broiled Steak, Butter Sauce Hashed Browned Potatoes Peas Lettuce Salad Thin Crackers Cheese Sliced Oranges BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Shad Melts Muffins Coffee LUNCH Club Sandwiches Olives Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Rice Hamburg Steak Spanish Pepper Sauce Potato Timbale Cole Slaw Fruit Gelatin, Cream Coffee 42 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH First WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Wheatlet Omelet Toast Sliced Bananas, Cream Fruit Gems Coffee Rolls Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Potatoes Stuffed with Fish Welsh Rarebit Toast Corn Muffins Coffee Sliced Oranges DINNER DINNER Purée of Lentils Cream of Spinach Soup Brown Fricassée of Chicken Braised Ribs of Beef : Brown Sauce Rice Baked Potat Currant Jelly ee Lettuce Salad Canned Asparagus (cold) ettuce Sala French Dressing Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Cake Coffee Fig Turnovers, Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 43 MARCH First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Fried Small Fish Graham Muffins Coffee LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup Egg Rolls Baked Apples DINNER Cream of Corn Soup Boiled Thick Slice Halibut Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Apple Salad Pulled Bread Coffee BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Cream Minced Beef Cornmeal Muffins Coffee LUNCH Clam Bouillon with Whipped Cream, Crackers Celery Salad Cheese Toast Baked Bananas, Sherry Sauce DINNER Calf’s Head Soup Roasted Loin Mutton Tomato Sauce Rice Peas Lettuce and Orange Salad Thin Wafers Cheese Compote of Canned Pears Coffee 44 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY a BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Rice Muffins Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Marrow Balls Roasted Chicken, Giblet Sauce Grape Jelly Rice Croquettes Boiled Bermudas Brioche, Purée of Peaches Coffee SUPPER Boiled Calf’s Head, Sauce Vinaigrette Rolls Sliced Pineapple Cake BREAKFAST Hot Farina with Canned Peaches Cream Toast Coffee Eggs LUNCH Minced Chicken on Toast, Tea Fruit DINNER Cream of Farina Soup (chicken bones) Broiled Steak Stuffed Potatoes Spinach Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Pop Overs, Cooking School Sauce Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 45 MARCH Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Hamburg Steak (end of steak) Rolls Coffee LUNCH Creamed Macaroni Whole Wheat Bread Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Cream of Peanut Soup Stuffed Beef’s Heart Brown Sauce Fried Hominy Asparagus on Toast Lettuce and Onion Salad Wafers Cheese Maple Meringue Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Hominy Grits, Butter Thin Broiled Ham Whole Wheat Biscuits Coffee LUNCH Apples and Rice Pulled Bread Tea DINNER Soup Normandy Crown Roast, Brown Sauce Browned Mashed Potatoes Canned Peas Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Balls Apple Custard 46 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Second THURSDAY Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Prunes Oatmeal, Milk Minced Mutton Toasted Coffee LUNCH Cold Mutton (crown roast) Celery Mayonnaise Whole Wheat Bread, Butter Steamed Figs, Whipped Cream DINNER Barley Broth Cannelon of Beef, Tomato Sauce Baked Potatoes Creamed Turnips Cabbage and Apple Salad Wafers Cheese Rice Pudding BREAKFAST Baked Apples Codfish Balls, Tomato Sauce Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Fried Oysters Cabbage, French Dressing Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Oyster Bisque Boiled Striped Bass Sauce Hollandaise Potatoes au Gratin Celery Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 47 MARCH Second SATURDAY Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Wheatlet, Milk Omelet Coffee Gems LUNCH Sliced Nut Sausage Whole Wheat Biscuits Tea Sliced Oranges DINNER Tomato Soup Broiled Steak, Butter Sauce Browned Sweet Potatoes Creamed Carrots Con Salad, French Dressing Cheese Toasted Crackers German Compote BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Bacon, Eggs Coffee Corn Gems DINNER Palestine Soup Roasted Turkey, Oyster Sauce Grape Jelly Potato Croquettes Stewed Celery Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Rice Jelly Coffee SUPPER Turkey Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Tea 48 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Third MONDAY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Steamed Eggs Coffee Toast LUNCH Broiled Tripe, Tomato Sauce Creamed Potatoes Canned Fruit Wafers DINNER Cream of Rice Soup Broiled Chops Boiled Rice Creamed Cabbage Celery Salad Wafers Bakewell Pudding BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Oatmeal Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Oysters in Chafing Dish Brown Bread Cole Slaw Coffee, Whipped Cream Wafers DINNER Soup Maigre Brown Stew, Dumplings Spinach Waldorf Salad Wafers Oatmeal Pudding Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 49 MARCH Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Apples Cornmeal Mush, Milk Creamed Chipped Beef Toast Coffee LUNCH Cream Celery Soup Whole Wheat Bread Baked Apples DINNER Lentil Soup Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Rice Creamed Onions Cabbage Salad Wafers Cottage Cheese Steamed Molasses Pudding BREAKFAST Boiled Rice with Raisins, Cream Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Minced Chicken on Toast Cocoa with Whipped Cream Ginger Wafers DINNER Soup Soubise (chicken stock) Broiled Round Steak Parsley Sauce Hominy Croquettes Creamed Cabbage Spinach Salad Wafers Tapioca Pudding Cheese 50 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Broiled Salt Salmon Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Beauregard Eggs Toast Sliced Oranges DINNER Mock Bisque Soup Hawaiian Picked Fish Plain Boiled Potatoes Hot Brown Bread Canned Green Pea Salad on Lettuce Leaves Wafers Cheese Balls Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Spaghetti 4 la Royale Gems Coffee Baked Apples DINNER Sago Soup Stuffed Calves’ Hearts Brown Sauce Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Cocoa, Whipped Cream Banana Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 51 MARCH Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Fried Small Fish Milk Biscuit Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Roasted Rib of Beef Brown Sauce Browned Sweet or White Potatoes Spinach Celery Salad Wafers Cheese Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER Cold Beef, Aspic Potato Salad Brown Bread Coffee Canned Fruit Almond Loaf BREAKFAST Sliced Oranges and Bananas Cream of Wheat, Cream Creamed Chipped Beef Toast Coffee LUNCH Welsh Rarebit Toast Coffee DINNER Beef Croquettes, Tomato Sauce Peas Milk Biscuits Apple Salad Wafers Cream Cheese Banana Pudding, Cream 52 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Fourth TUESDAY Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Boiled Rice with Steamed Dates Milk Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Cream of Cheese Soup Toast Baked Apples DINNER Vegetable Soup Boiled Shoulder of Mutton Caper Sauce Boiled Rice Stewed Yellow Turnips Nut Salad Maple Meringue Coffee Toast Fingers BREAKFAST Oranges Gluten Mush, Cream Rice Muffins Coffee LUNCH Oysters in Chafing Dish Toast Cheese Wafers Coffee DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (mutton water) Boiled Fresh Beef’s Tongue Horseradish Sauce Rice Croquettes Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Fruit Gelatin Spinach Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 53 MARCH Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Bacon and Eggs Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef’s Tongue Celery Mayonnaise Bread and Butter Tea DINNER German Gruel Soup Nut Sausages, Brown Sauce Spaghetti in Cream Sauce Egg Salad Cheese Fingers Cottage Gems, Orange Sauce BREAKFAST Apples Creamed Fish Boiled Potatoes Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Scalloped Oysters Milk Biscuits Cheese Crackers Coffee DINNER Mock Oyster Soup Baked Fish, Brown Sauce Baked Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Celery Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 54 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MARCH Fourth SATURDAY Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Fish Milk Biscuits Coffee LUNCH Fricassée of Dried Beef Mush Bread Stewed Prunes Dainty Wafers Tea DINNER Clear Soup with Macaroni Broiled Steak Stewed Celery, Stuffed Potatoes Coffee Bavarian Cream BREAKFAST Sliced Oranges Omelet Whole Wheat Gems Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Crofttons Roast Ribs of Beef Brown Sauce Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Browned Boiled Onions Celery Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Pistachio Ice Cream Nut Wafers Coffee SUPPER Thin Cold Beef Potato Salad Brown Bread, Butter Lemon Jelly Sponge Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 55 MARCH Fifth MONDAY l Fifth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Soft Boiled Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Steamed Eggs Brown Bread Celery Stewed Fruit Wafers DINNER Clear Soup with Rice Braised Top Ribs of Beef Browned Potatoes Stewed Turnips Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Orange Tapioca BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas in Hot Oatmeal Cream Broiled Bacon Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH ‘Hashed Beef on Toast in Tomato Sauce Stewed Prunes Crackers Tea DINNER Egg Soup Stuffed Calves’ Heart Brown Sauce Potato Croquettes, Canned Corn Cabbage Salad Toasted Crackers Nuts Cheese Raisins Cocoa with Whipped Cream 56 Mrs, Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL First SUNDAY First MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Beauregard Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Suet Balls Roasted Duck, Walnut Stuffing Stewed Turnips Celery Peach Ice Cream (canned peaches) Sponge Cake SUPPER Broiled Sardines on Toast Lemon Jelly Soft Custard Sponge Cake BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Minced Duck on Toast, Brown Sauce Coffee LUNCH Panned Oysters Brown Bread Celery Coffee, Whipped Cream DINNER Cream of Corn Soup Nut Roll, Sauce Hollandaise Scalloped Tomatoes Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Mock Charlotte Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 57 APRIL First TUESDAY First WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Spanish Omelet Gluten Gems Coffee LUNCH Broiled Tripe | Cabbage Salad Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Peanut Soup Baked Macaroni and Cheese Boiled Rice Mayonnaise of Celery Toasted Crackers Apple Charlotte BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Farina Cream Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Corn Fritters (canned corn) Tomato Sauce Brown Bread and Butter Tea DINNER Clear Soup with German Farina Blocks Curry of Chicken (Hawaiian fashion) Boiled Rice Stewed Tomatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Banana Pudding 58 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL First THURSDAY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Oranges Hamburg Steaks Cornmeal Gems Coffee LUNCH Welsh Rarebit Toast Coffee DINNER Cream of Asparagus Soup (asparagus butts) Broiled Steak Potatoes (mashed and browned) Canned Beets with Butter Jerusalem Pudding BREAKFAST Creamed Salt Cod Plain Boiled Potatoes Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Fried Perch Graham Gems Sliced Oranges Water Thins DINNER Bisque of Clam Boiled Rock Fish Sauce Hollandaise Plain Boiled Potatoes Parsley Sauce Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Crackers Coffee Cheese Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 59 APRIL First SATURDAY Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Creamed Fish Gluten Gems Coffee LUNCH Stewed Lentils with Rice Hot Boston Brown Bread Baked Apples DINNER Sago Soup Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Baked Potatoes Stewed Cabbage Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Orange Whip BREAKFAST Fruit Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee or Cocoa Whipped Cream DINNER Consommé a la Duchesse Fricandeau of Veal, Brown Sauce Baked Macaroni Scalloped Tomatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Strawberry Ice Cream Lady Fingers Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Creamed Sweetbreads with Mushrooms Bread, Butter Lemon Jelly Lady Fingers 60 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Second MONDAY Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Minced Veal on Toast Coffee LUNCH Potato Pudding with Chopped Veal Filling, Cream Sauce Whipped Cream Wafers Tea DINNER Cream of Corn Soup (canned corn) Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Peas Cabbage Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Strawberries Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Bacon Coffee Toast LUNCH Veal Croquettes Mayonnaise of Celery Bread, Butter Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Clear Soup with Tomato Blocks Panned Chicken, Cream Sauce Boiled Rice Asparagus Parson’s Sponge Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 61 APRIL Second WEDNESDAY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Steamed Figs Granose, Cream Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Stewed Giblets Boiled Rice Bread, Butter Tea DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Crofitons Beefsteak Rolls, Brown Sauce Italian Potato Croquettes New Beets (canned) Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Poorman’s Tartlets BREAKFAST Oranges Broiled Lamb Chops Toast Coffee LUNCH Hot Apples and Rice, Cream Gluten Gems Tea DINNER Cream of Pea Soup (canned peas) Larded and Braised Calf’s Liver Brown Sauce Boiled Rice Stewed New Carrots Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Baked Bananas Ginger Wafers 62 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Milk Bananas Broiled Salt Mackerel Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Clam Soup Cabbage Stuffed with Rice and Lentils, Cream Sauce Scalloped Tomatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Chocolate Sponge Hominy Grits, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Minced Calf’s Liver on Toast Tomato Sauce Strawberries DINNER German Flour Gruel Broiled Steak French Fried Potatoes Asparagus on Toast Rice Jelly Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 63 APRIL Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Marrow Balls Roasted Chickens, Brown Sauce Guava Jelly Potato Croquettes Asparagus on Toast Angel’s Food Coffee Ice Cream SUPPER Chicken Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Angel’s Food Lemon Jelly BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Milk Minced Chicken on Toast Coffee LUNCH Sardines Brown Bread Sandwiches Fruit DINNER Clear Tomato Soup __ Crofttons Cannelon, Brown Sauce Mashed Potatoes Canned Corn Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee 64 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Third TUESDAY Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Granose, Milk Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Potato Chowder Corn Bread Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Pea Soup Stuffed Breast of Mutton Tomato Sauce Currant Jelly Boiled Rice Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Strawberry Sago BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Broiled Sweetbreads Coffee Toast LUNCH Thin Cold Mutton Cress Salad Bread, Butter Tea DINNER Cream of Rice Soup (mutton bones) Roasted Chicken, Giblet Sauce Quince Jelly Boiled Rice Peas Lettuce Salad Toasted Wafers Cheese St. Petersburg Whip Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 65 APRIL Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas, Cream Creamed Chipped Beef Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee LUNCH Minced Mutton on Toast Tomato Sauce Stewed Prunes Gingerbread DINNER Chicken Broth with Rice (chicken bones) Mock Fillet, Tomato Sauce Baked Macaroni Stewed Cabbage Junket, Whipped Cream BREAKFAST Codfish Balls, Cream Sauce Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Bean Soufflé Whole Wheat Bread Stewed Prunes Thin Crackers DINNER Egg Soup (left-over yolks) Planked Shad Potatoes 4 la Flamande Scalloped Tomatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee 66 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Third SATURDAY Fourth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Strawberries Eggs 4 la Martin Toast Coffee LUNCH Broiled Calf’s Liver French Fried Potatoes Bread, Butter Fruit DINNER Clear Soup with Macaroni Pot Roast of Beef Plain Boiled Potatoes German Cabbage Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Sponge BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Cream Scrambled Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Suet Balls Roasted Lamb, Mint Sauce Boiled Rice Asparagus Tips Cress and Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Strawberry Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER Lamb Salad Nut Sandwiches Cocoa, Whipped Cream Wafers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 67 APRIL Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Bacon Coffee Muffins LUNCH Cold Lamb Sliced Tomatoes Whole Wheat Bread Tea DINNER Soup Soubise Broiled Steak Mashed Browned Potatoes Stewed Asparagus (left-over asparagus) Dandelion Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Velvet Cream BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Calf’s Liver Toast Coffee LUNCH Minced Lamb Boiled Rice Fruit Crackers Tea DINNER Normandy Soup Mutton Hot-Pot Scalloped Tomatoes Shaddock Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Strawberry Shortcake 68 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas in Hot Wheatlet Cream Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Warmed-over Hot-Pot in Rice Border Sliced Oranges Gingerbread DINNER Tomato Soup Brown Fricassée of Chicken Boiled Rice Baked Tomatoes Dandelion and Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Whipped Cream with Chopped Almonds BREAKFAST Cream of Wheat, Cream Beauregard Eggs Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Croquettes Cheese Sauce Corn Bread Tea DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Chops Delmonico Potatoes Dandelion Greens Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 69 APRIL Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Fish Creamed Potatoes Bread Coffee LUNCH Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Oatmeal Soup Slice of Halibut 4 la Flamande New Potatoes in Jackets Asparagus in Bread Boat Mock Charlotte Strawberry Sauce BREAKFAST Fruit Smothered Beef Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Strawberry Shortcake, Cream DINNER Potato Chowder Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Potatoes 4 la Créme Dandelion Greens Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Pop Overs with Orange Sauce 70 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book APRIL Fifth SUNDAY Fifth MONDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Eggs in Tomato Sauce Rice Muffins Celery DINNER Clear Soup Roasted Rib of Beef Brown Sauce Mashed and Browned Potatoes Asparagus on Toast Cress and Dandelion Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Old Fashioned Rice Pudding Coffee Crofitons SUPPER—In the Library Nut and Fruit Sandwiches Cocoa, Whipped Cream Olives Salted Almonds Bonbons BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Creamed Chipped Beef Corn Muffins Coffee LUNCH—On tray Beef Sandwiches Olives Tea DINNER English Beef Soup Veal Cutlets, Brown Sauce Baked Tomatoes _ Boiled Rice Chive Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Roly Poly, Hard Sauce Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 71 First SUNDAY Firsts MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Strawberries Fruit Cream of Wheat, Cream Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Sweetbreads Toast | Hamburg Steaks Corn Muffins Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Spaghetti Larded Fillet of Beef Mushroom Sauce Potato Croquettes Peas Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Sultana Roll, Strawberry Sauce SUPPER Tomato Mayonnaise Nut Sandwiches Canned Peaches Sponge Cake Tea Coffee LUNCH Cold Fillet, Aspic Cream Horseradish Sauce Rolls Tea DINNER Clear Soup Broiled Chops, Parsley Sauce Baked Potatoes Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberries 72 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY | First TUESDAY First WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Farina, Cream Bacon Toast Coffee Eggs LUNCH Minced Beef on Toast Tomato Sauce Milk Biscuits Tea DINNER Clear Soup with Rice Roasted Back of Fillet Brown Sauce Stuffed Potatoes Asparagus Mock Charlotte, Egg Sauce Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Granose, Cream Broiled Fish Coffee Toast LUNCH Cold Sliced Beef Tomato Catsup Oatmeal Mush Tea Bread DINNER Cream of Asparagus Soup Roasted Loin of Mutton Boiled Rice Scalloped Tomatoes Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Fruit Jelly, Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 73 MAY First THURSDAY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Broiled Bacon Poached Eggs Rolls Coffee LUNCH Thin Cold Mutton Tomato Catsup Muffins Tea DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (mutton bones) Fricassée of Chicken Boiled Rice Stewed Celery Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Apple Float BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Mackerel Coffee Corn Bread LUNCH Scalloped Mutton Brown Bread Cabbage Salad Stewed Prunes Wafers DINNER Clam Broth Planked Shad Duchess Potatoes Corn Bread Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee 74 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY First SATURDAY Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Shad Roe Coffee Rolls LUNCH Strawberry Shortcake, Cream DINNER Giblet Soup with Rice Broiled Round Steak French Fried Potatoes Canned Peas Cress and Celery Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Prune Soufflé Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Creamed Chipped Beef Coffee Toast DINNER Clear Tomato Soup Crofitons Panned Chicken, Cream Sauce Rice Dandelion Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberry Ice Cream Coffee Asparagus SUPPER Sardine Salad Brown Bread Sandwiches Lemon Jelly Sponge Cups Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 75 MAY Second MONDAY Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Cream of Wheat, Cream Broiled Calf’s Liver Bacon Toast ’ Coffee LUNCH Cream of Asparagus Soup Muffins Fruit DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Steak French Fried Potatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Strawberries, Cream Sponge Cake BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee Omelet LUNCH Hamburg Steaks (ends) Rolls Fruit Wafers DINNER Macaroni Soup Stuffed Calves’ Hearts Brown Sauce Baked Potatoes Dandelion Greens Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Caramel Custards Coffee 76 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book COC ———— MAY Second WEDNESDAY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Strawberries Farina, Cream Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Baked Spaghetti Brown Bread Lettuce Water Thins DINNER Oatmeal Soup Roasted Chicken, Brown Sauce Currant Jelly Boiled Rice Asparagus Pineapple 4 la Imperatrice Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Chops Muffins Coffee LUNCH Chicken Croquettes Milk Biscuit Lettuce and Cress Salad DINNER Giblet Soup Egg Balls Roasted Loin of Mutton Tomato Sauce Potatoes 4 la Créme Stewed Cabbage Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Syllabub Coffee Cheese Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book a7 MAY Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas in Hot Oatmeal Cream Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee LUNCH Plain Boiled Salt Cod Egg Sauce Corn Bread Coffee DINNER Tomato Bouillon Shad (stuffed and baked) Roe Sauce Plain Boiled Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers ‘Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Dried Beef Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Boiled Rice with Strawberries Cream DINNER Consommé 4 la Colbert Nut Roll, Cream Sauce Scalloped Tomatoes Strawberry Parfait 78 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Creamed Codfish Fruit Plain Boiled Potatoes Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Tomato Blocks Roasted Duck, Brown Sauce Potato Croquettes Peas Lettuce and Radish Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream Hot Chocolate Sauce SUPPER Broiled Sardines on Toast Coffee Lemon Jelly Angel’s Food Oatmeal, Milk Spanish Omelet Coffee Toast LUNCH Minced Duck Boiled Rice Fruit DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Steak French Fried Potatoes Stewed Asparagus Lettuce Salad, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Cheese Fruit Cannelons Mrs. Roret’s Everyday Menu Book 79 MAY Third TUESDAY Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Brown Stew (end of steak) Boiled Rice Fruit DINNER Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Panned Spring Chicken Cream Sauce Waffles Lettuce and Orange Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Tomato Omelet Muffins Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chipped Beef Milk Biscuit Fruit DINNER Brown Soup Boiled Leg of Mutton Caper Sauce Boiled Rice Baked Onions Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Ice Cream with Chopped Nuts 80 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Bobotee Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Mutton Salad Tomatoes Bread and Butter Tea DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (mutton bones) Shepherd’s Pie, Brown Sauce Baked Tomatoes Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Mint Sherbet BREAKFAST Stewed Codfish Corn Muffins Coffee LUNCH Broiled Lobster Lettuce Salad Coffee DINNER Frogs’ Legs a la Poulette Planked Shad Duchess Potatoes Lettuce Salad Cheese Soufflé Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 81 MAY Third SATURDAY Fourth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Steamed Figs in Hot Oatmeal Milk Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Dumpling Broth Toast Cocoa Molasses Cake DINNER Cock-a-Leekie Soup The Fowl, Egg Sauce Scotch Short Bread Lettuce Salad Wafers Stilton Cheese English Breakfast Tea Sugar, Cream BREAKFAST Fruit Egg a la Martin Whole Wheat Gems Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Spaghetti Roasted Forequarter of Lamb Mint Sauce Currant Jelly Boiled Rice Asparagus Cress Salad Wafers Cheese Orange Jelly, Whipped Cream Coffee SUPPER Vegetable Club Sandwiches Orange Jelly Sponge Cake Cocoa 82 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Minced Lamb Toast Minced Beef on Toast Tomato Sauce Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cold Lamb with Cress and Mint Salad Bread, Butter Tea DINNER Barley Broth Broiled Rump Steak Potatoes a la Bordelaise Spinach Lettuce Salad Cheese Fingers Cocoa Cake Coffee Creamed Chipped Beef Sour Milk Bread Tea DINNER Soup Crécy Stewed Chicken, Brown Sauce Rice Creamed Cabbage Lettuce and Apple Salad Wafers Cheese Lemon Creamy Pudding Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 83 MAY Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Bacon Muffins Coffee LUNCH Canned Salmon on Lettuce Mayonnaise Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Boiled Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton, Caper Sauce Rice Asparagus Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberry Parfait Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Farina, Cream Broiled Lamb’s Kidneys Bacon Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cold Sliced Mutton, Mint Jelly Corn Bread Tea DINNER Barley Broth (mutton stock) Jambolaya Boiled Greens Parmesan Balls on Lettuce Toasted Crackers Caramel Custards 84 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Broiled Fish Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Clam Chowder Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Boiled Sliced Halibut Sauce Hollandaise Plain New Potatoes Cucumbers Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Rolled Wheat, Cream Eggs ala Martin Toast Coffee LUNCH Panned Tomatoes, Cream Sauce Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Broiled Steak, Parsley Sauce Brown Mashed Potatoes Peas Dandelion Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberries Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 85 MAY Fifth SUNDAY Fifth MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Chops Creamed Potatoes Toast Coffee DINNER Macaroni Soup Roasted Lamb, Mint Sauce Rice Asparagus Tomato Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberry Bavarian Cream Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Creamed Sweetbreads Biscuits Coffee Fruit BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Rolls Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chipped Beef Toast Tea Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Ragotit of Lamb New Potatoes Asparagus Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Baked Indian Pudding 86 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MAY JUNE Fifth TUESDAY First SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Salt Cod Boiled Potatoes Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Croquettes Cheese Sauce Egg Rolls Coffee DINNER Rice Broth (lamb bones) Fricandeau of Veal, Brown Sauce Rice Greens Cold Asparagus or Lettuce Wafers Nun’s Puffs, Lemon Sauce Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Minced Meat, Tomato Sauce Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Young Ducks, Onion Stuffing Currant Jelly Hominy Blocks Peas Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Rice Pudding Coffee SUPPER Sweetbreads 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips Rolls Strawberries Coffee Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 87 JUNE First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Minced Duck Toast Radishes Fruit Wafers DINNER Cream of Hominy Soup (duck bones) Broiled Steak § Baked Potatoes String Beans Lettuce, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Shirred Eggs Rolls Coffee LUNCH Welsh Rarebit Toast Lettuce Salad Coffee DINNER Vegetable Soup (without meat) Braised Beef, Brown Sauce Mashed and Browned Potatoes New Beets Cress and Dandelion Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Picked Pineapple 88 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE First WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Cream of Wheat, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Strawberry Cannelon, Cream DINNER Broiled Lobster, Chili Sauce Panned Chicken, Cream Sauce Boiled Rice Asparagus Lettuce and Onion Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Strawberries Granose, Cream Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Chicken Milk Biscuits Sliced Tomatoes DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Warmed-over Braised Beef Brown Sauce Cole Slaw Boiled Macaroni Strawberry Parfait Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 89 JUNE First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Salt Mackerel Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Beauregard Eggs Toast Fruit DINNER Mock Bisque Soup Fish Cutlets, Cream Sauce Potato Balls Tomato Mayonnaise Toasted Crackers Blanc Mange, Whipped Cream Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Scrambled Eggs Egg Rolls Coffee LUNCH Purée of Black Beans Crofitons Pineapple Gingerbread DINNER Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Broiled Steak Potatoes ala Créme Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Coffee go Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY BREAKFAST Eggs in Tomato Sauce Pocket-book Rolls Coffee DINNER Okra Soup (canned okra) Roasted Ribs of Beef Brown Sauce Potato Croquettes String Beans Lettuce and Cress Salad Cheese Brioche, Purée of Apricots Coffee Toasted Crackers SUPPER Cold Beef Aspic Horseradish Sauce Milk Biscuit Angel’s Cake Fruit Tea BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Baked Hash Toast Coffee LUNCH Thin Cold Beef Sliced Tomatoes Bread and Butter Sandwiches DINNER English Beef Soup Baked Macaroni Mush Bread Plain Baked Potatoes Lettuce Salad Toasted Wafers Cheese Cocoa, Whipped Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book gl JUNE Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Strawberries Oatmeal, Cream Broiled Tomatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Beauregard Eggs Toast Fruit DINNER German Gruel Soup (stock) Thin Cold Beef Potato Salad Hot Brown Bread Coffee Gems Coffee BREAKFAST Creamed Chipped Beef Oatmeal Muffins Coffee LUNCH Fruit Gems Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Vegetable Bouillon Egyptian Cylinders Boiled Rice Mayonnaise of Tomatoes Toasted Crackers Maple Meringue g2 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE Second THURSDAY Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Cream of Wheat, Cream Whole Wheat Gems Eggs Coffee LUNCH Cannelon with Strawberries Cream DINNER Brown Broth Potato Casserole Peas Orange Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Marguerites Coffee BREAKFAST Berries, Cream Broiled Tomatoes, Cream Sauce Rice Muffins Coffee LUNCH Shad Roe Salad Milk Biscuit Coffee DINNER Cream of Potato Soup Stuffed Baked Shad Tomato Sauce Potato Balls Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 93 | JUNE Second SATURDAY Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Broiled Chops Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Tomatoes on the Half Shell Baked Potatoes Iced Tea DINNER Consommé a la Duchesse Mushroom Patties Broiled Sirloin Steak Potatoes 4 la Duchesse Peas Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Pineapple Sherbet BREAKFAST Scrambled Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Mock Turtle Soup Stuffed Breast of Veal Brown Sauce Boiled Rice Fried Eggplant Tomato Mayonnaise Toasted Crackers Chocolate Soufflé Coffee SUPPER Veal Salad Nut Sandwiches Coffee Berries Rolled Wafers 94 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE == Third MONDAY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Cream Minced Veal Toast Coffee LUNCH Corn Chowder Brown Bread Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Peas Strawberries, Cream BREAKFAST Strawberries Granose, Cream Fried Tomatoes Gems Coffee LUNCH Spaghetti Croquettes Mayonnaise of Tomato Fruit DINNER Soup a la Sap (veal bones) Broiled Round Steak Mashed Browned Potatoes Asparagus Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Strawberry Sago Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 95 JUNE Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Prunes in Granose Soft Boiled Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Round Steak Minced in Brown Sauce Toast Tea DINNER Dumpling Broth Mutton Chops Breaded Tomato Sauce Potatoes au Gratin Stuffed Bermuda Onions Cherry Sherbet Wafers Coffee’ BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Broiled Calf’s Liver Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Nut Sandwiches Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Clear Soup with Peas’ Boiled Chicken, Egg Sauce Boiled Rice Asparagus Tips, Plain Lettuce and Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Ginger Sponge Slices Maple Sauce 96. Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE “Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Boiled Smoked Salmon Coffee Toast LUNCH Sardine Croquettes Tomato Sauce Bread Fruit DINNER Purée of Vegetables Stewed Fish, Hot Corn Bread Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Orange Sherbet Wafers Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Rolled Wheat, Cream Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee LUNCH Macaroni (Italian style) Brown Bread Fruit DINNER Clear Soup with Farina Blocks Braised Calf’s Liver Brown Sauce New Potatoes Stewed Cabbage Lettuce and Onion Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Cherry Pudding Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 97 JUNE Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST Creamed Sweetbreads on Toast Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup Roasted Forequarter of Lamb Mint Sauce Boiled Rice Peas Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Coffee Ice Cream ° SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Calf’s Liver (terrapin style) Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee Fruit BREAKFAST Minced Lamb Creamed Potatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Lamb Tomato and Lettuce Salad Tea DINNER Cream of Pea Soup (iamb bones) Pilaff of Chicken Cress Salad Strawberry Cannelon, Cream 98 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book | JUNE Fourth TUESDAY Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Minced Chicken on Toast Coffee LUNCH Lamb Croquettes Peas Milk Biscuits Tea DINNER Cream of Rice Soup Broiled Steak French Fried Potatoes Stewed Asparagus Cherry Cannelons BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Muffins Coffee LUNCH Hamburg Steaks (end of steak) Corn Bread Tea Fruit Wafers DINNER Clear Soup with Noodles Baked Macaroni with Cheese Boiled Rice Asparagus 4 la Hollandaise Salmon Salad Bread and Butter Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 99 JUNE Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST Raspberries Cream of Wheat, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Fried Egg Plant, Tomato Catsup Tea DINNER Cream of Asparagus Soup Trish Stew Scalloped Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Cocoa, Whipped Cream Hot Gingerbread BREAKFAST Fillets of Fish Stewed Potatoes Pop Overs Coffee LUNCH Lobster Salad Brown Bread Sandwiches Coffee DINNER Sago Soup Scallops a la Newburg Saratoga Chips Planked Fish Potato Roses Cucumber Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JUNE Fourth SATURDAY Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Spanish Omelet Sponge Gems Coffee LUNCH Strawberries Whole Wheat Gems Cocoa, Whipped Cream DINNER Tomato Soup Beef Cannelon, Brown Sauce Mush Bread Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Sponge Cake French Jelly Coffee BREAKFAST Soft Eggs Oatmeal Scones Coffee DINNER White Bean Soup Boiled Leg of Mutton Caper Sauce Boiled Rice Cherry Salad Rice Jelly Coffee String Beans Toasted Wafers SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Welsh Rarebit Toast Coffee Lemon Jelly Sunshine Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 101 JUNE JULY Fifth MONDAY First SUNDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Molded Farina with Whipped Cream Toast Coffee Poached Eggs on Toast Coffee LUNCH DINNER Cold Mutton Lettuce and Mint Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Tea DINNER Cream of Rice Soup Shepherd’s Pie, Brown Sauce Stuffed Potatoes Lettuce and Cress Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Pineapple Bavarian Cream Noodle Soup Roasted Lamb, Mint Sauce Rice Croquettes Stuffed Tomatoes Green Pea Salad Ice Cream Rolled Wafers SUPPER Thin Cold Chicken Mayonnaise of Tomatoes Brown Bread and Butter Sandwiches Fruit 102 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Molded Oatmeal Garnished with Berries, Cream Fried Tomatoes on Toast Cream Sauce Coffee LUNCH Lamb Salad in Tomato Cases White and Brown Bread Sandwiches Fruit Angel’s Food DINNER Purée of Rice (lamb bones) Roasted Ducklings Onion Stuffing Currant Jelly Creamed Potatoes Peas Tomato and Cucumber Salad Toasted Crackers Raspberry Ice Cream BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Omelet, Tomato Sauce Rolls Coffee LUNCH Minced Duck on Toast Tomato Sauce Fruit DINNER Brown Soup (duck bones) Broiled Steak Potato Croquettes Stuffed Garnished with Green Peas Cress Salad Fruit Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 103 JULY Firsts WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST Boiled Tomatoes Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee LUNCH Brown Stew (end of steak) Boiled Rice Sliced Tomatoes Fruit DINNER Cream of New Beet Soup Stuffed Leg of Mutton Roasted Brown Sauce Sour Grape Jelly Boiled Rice String Beans Cherry Salad Toasted Crackers Whipped Cream with Rasp- berries BREAKFAST Creamed Chipped Beef Mush Bread Coffee LUNCH Bohemian Salad Thin Brown Bread and Butter Fruit DINNER Cream of Corn Soup Pilaff of Mutton (cold mutton) Cucumbers with Cream Sauce Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee 104 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Spanish Omelet Fruit pais aie Came Broiled Calf’s Liver Scotch Scones Corn Muffins Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Lobster Salad Brown Bread and Butter Cheese Sandwiches Coffee DINNER Bisque of Lobster Crab Patties Boiled Pompano Japanese Fish Sauce Plain Boiled Potatoes Mayonnaise of Tomato Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Egg Plant Farce Hot Brown Bread Cucumber Salad Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Egg Balls Steak 4 la Bordelaise Potato Timbale Corn on Cob Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Fruit Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 105 Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Fruit “na. Whi Molded Ee, hipped Cream Oates Cheon Egg Plant with Poached Eggs Toast Coffee Toast Coffee DINNER LUNCH Clear Soup with Pea Blocks oe geese Roasted Rib of Beef Cold Cauliflower Brown Sauce French Dressing Mashed and Browned Potatoes | Toasted Crackers Fruit Cauliflower Corn Fritters with Lettuce Salad Watermelon SUPPER Thin Cold Beef with Aspic Potato Salad Brown Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee Fruit DINNER Brown Soup (beef bone) Panned Chicken, Cream Sauce Boiled Rice Stewed Corn Tomato Salad Fruit 106 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Hominy Croquettes Tomato Sauce Muffins Coffee LUNCH Tomatoes Stuffed with Minced Beef, Brown Sauce Mush Bread Fruit DINNER Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Crown Roast Mashed Potatves Peas Cabbage Salad Cheese Toasted Crackers Ice Cream BREAKFAST Fruit Fried Tomatoes Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Dressed Egg Plant Sliced Tomatoes Whole Wheat Bread Fruit DINNER Cream of Corn Soup English Beef Pie (cold beef) Brown Sauce String Beans Pea Salad Wafers Fruit Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 107 JULY Second THURSDAY Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Rolled Wheat, Milk Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Corn Fritters Sliced Tomatoes Fruit DINNER Portuguese Soup Mock Fillet, Brown Sauce Baked Tomatoes String Bean Salad Toasted Crackers Cantaloupes BREAKFAST Broiled Weak Fish Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Lobster with Tomato Sauce Milk Biscuits Lettuce Salad Coffee DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Baked Blue Fish, Brown Sauce Plain Boiled Potatoes Cucumbers, French Dressing Plain Russian Salad Toasted Crackers Coffee 108 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Second SATURDAY ee Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Molded Farina, Cream Blackberries Rolls Coffee LUNCH Chive Salad Nut Sandwiches Chocolate, Whipped Cream DINNER Barley Soup Baked Loin of Veal, Brown Sauce Boiled Rice Peas Corn on Cob Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Watermelon BREAKFAST Fruit Fried Egg Plant Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Macaroni Roasted Chickens, Brown Sauce Sour Grape Jelly Potatoes Brown Baked Stewed Corn Tomato Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Ice Cream Macaroons Coffee SUPPER Veal Croquettes Mayonnaise of Tomatoes Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee, Whipped Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Third MONDAY 109 Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST Huckleberries Wheatlet, Cream Corn Oysters Muffins Coffee LUNCH Hot Corn Pudding Whole Wheat Bread and Butter Iced Tea DINNER Corn Chowder Chicken Pie (cold chicken) Cream Sauce Tomato Salad Wafers Watermelon BREAKFAST Blackberry Flummery, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Huckleberry Slump, Cream DINNER Mock Bisque Hamburg Steaks, Brown Sauce New Potatoes Lima Beans Corn on Cob Lettuce Salad Wafers Coffee 110 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST Berries, Cream Crisp Rolls Coffee LUNCH Corn Pudding Milk Biscuits Fruit DINNER Clear Soup Egg Plant, Stuffed Sauce Hollandaise Macaroni with Tomato Sauce Salad String Beans Watermelon BREAKFAST Huckleberries Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Omelet with Green Peas Rice Muffins Fruit DINNER German Gruel Soup Broiled Chops Creamed: Potatoes Succotash Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cheese Ceylon Pudding Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 111 JULY Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Broiled Tomatoes Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Corn Fritters Hot Brown Bread Cantaloupes DINNER Vegetable Bouillon Crofittons Planked Fish Potato Roses Sliced Cucumbers French Dressing Lima Bean Salad Toasted Cheese Fingers Coffee BREAKFAST Granose, Fruit Juice Fried Egg Plant Tomatoes Coffee LUNCH Smothered Beef Corn Pudding Fruit DINNER Panned Whole Chicken Brown Sauce Boiled Tomatoes Rice Macedoine on Lettuce French Dressing Toasted Cheese Fingers Chilled Watermelon 112 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Omelet Peas Toast Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup Roasted Lamb, Mint Sauce Rice Peas String Bean Salad Wafers Parmesan Balls Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER—On Porch Fruit and Nut Sandwiches Cocoa BREAKFAST Plums Cream of Wheat, Milk Minced Lamb Toast Coffee LUNCH-—In Chafing Dish Lamb in Tomato Sauce Rolls Tea Fruit DINNER Portuguese Soup (lamb stock) Beef Rolls, Brown Sauce Potatoes Carrot Timbale Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Water: Thins Coffee Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Fricandeau of Veal, Brown Sauce Rice Dressed Egg Plant Chiffon Salad Wafers Cheese Peach Shortcake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 113 =— —— —= JULY Fourth TUESDAY Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Berries Oatmeal, Hot Milk Rolled or Flaked Barley, Milk Muffins Coffee Toast Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Eggs in Tomato Sauce _ Bread Blackberry Flummery Whipped Cream Milk Biscuit DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Ragofit of Beef, Dumplings Tomatoes Stuffed with Bread Filling Asparagus Salad Fruit 114 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST Berries Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Cream of Asparagus Soup Whole Wheat Bread Fruit DINNER Clear Soup Fish Croquettes Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Macaroni a la Anglaise Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Strawberry Shortcake BREAKFAST Fruit Corn Oysters Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Blackberry Shortcake, Cream DINNER Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Broiled Salmon Potato Balls Cress Salad Swiss Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Lis JULY Fourth SATURDAY Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Berries Mush Bread, Butter Coffee LUNCH Bread and Butter Sandwiches Tomato Salad Berries Wafers DINNER Cream of Squash Soup Broiled Chops, Cream Sauce Rice Peas Mayonnaise of Tomato Strawberry Sago Coffee BREAKFAST Broiled Calf’s Liver Oatmeal Mush Bread Coffee DINNER Soup Julienne Roasted Chickens Brown Sauce Sour Grape Jelly Fried Hominy Blocks Stewed Tomatoes Orange Salad Toasted Crackers Pineapple Sherbet SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Chicken in Brown Sauce Brown Bread and Butter Sand- wiches Fruit Nut Wafers 116 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book JULY Fifth MONDAY Fifth TUESDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Molded Farina Fresh Fruit Poached Eggs Toast Cream Coffee Rolls Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Succotash Whole Wheat Gems Fruit DINNER—Cold Sardine Canapés Tomato Cream Soup Jellied Veal, Mayonnaise Dressing Japanese Salad Watermelon Creamed Chicken with Peas Brown Bread Cantaloupe DINNER Tomato Soup Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Rice Corn Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Slump Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 117 First SUNDAY First MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Berries Fruit Cream of Wheat, Cream perky Pee Aa Eggs on a Plate Rolls Toast Coffee Coffee DINNER LUNCH—In Chafing Dish Brown Soup Macaroni Rarebit Young Chickens, Cream Sauce Bread and Butter Peas Rice Frukt New Cabbage Salad DINNER Wafers Cream Cheese Cold Consommé _ Saltines Ice Cream Cold Beef 4 la Mode Aspic Cream Horseradish Sauce SUPPER Stuffed Sweet Peppers No. 2 Nut and Meat Sandwiches Coffee Corn on the Cob Watermelon 118 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST First TUESDAY Firsts WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Smothered Beef Corn Puffs Coffee LUNCH Shrimp Salad Bread and Butter Cold Coffee, Whipped Cream Ginger Wafers DINNER Raspberry Cocktail (currant juice) Tomatoes Stuffed with Chopped Beef Stewed Cornand Okra Cabbage Salad Cheese Balls Coffee Toasted Crackers Cocoa Cake BREAKFAST Wheat Porridge with Raspberry Cream Broiled Fresh Mushrooms Toast Coffee LUNCH i Beef Salad Oatmeal Wafer Bread Currant Cup Fruit DINNER Scotch Leek Soup (mutton liquor) Shoulder of Mutton Stuffed with Pine Nuts Currant Jelly, Cream Sauce Rice Stewed Tomatoes String Bean Salad Fruit Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 119 First THURSDAY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Cantaloupe Fruit Chops German Potato Bread Creatine Het Sweet Milk Scones Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Curried Tomatoes Japanese Salad Pop Overs Whole Wheat Bread Fruit Baked Bananas DINNER DINNER k : Okra Soup (bits of mutton) Cine Sous Salenes Stewed Beef and Beans Impernarda Cauliflower Corn Bread Beet Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Raspberry Flummery Sliced Cucumbers Lettuce Salad Melted Cheese Coffee 120 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs, Steamed Coffee Toast LUNCH Smothered Beef Corn Pudding Iced Tea DINNER Tomato Soup Boiled Leg Mutton Caper Sauce Rice Baked Squash Lettuce Salad Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Currants and Raspberries Fried Egg Plant Cucumber Sauce Rolls Coffee DINNER Sago Soup Chicken en Casserole Rice Stewed Corn and Tomato Cabbage Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Ice Cream Macaroons Coffee SUPPER Thin Cold Mutton Mint Jelly Rolls Butter Cherry Pudding, Hard Sauce Fruit Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 121 AUGUST Second MONDAY Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Veal Loaf Sliced Tomatoes Mayonnaise Dressing Iced Chocolate DINNER Noodle Soup (chicken bones) Round Steak, Tomato Sauce String Beans Corn on Cob Mayonnaise of Peas Wafers Ice Cream Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Molded Farina, Whipped Cream Broiled Tomatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Cheese Soufflé Whole Wheat Gems Fruit DINNER Fruit Cocktail Lamb, Mint Sauce Boiled Rice Peas String Bean Salad Wafers Cheese Balls Coffee 122 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST Second WEDNESDAY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Eggs Toast Tomato Sauce Coffee LUNCH Lamb Tomato Salad Fruit DINNER Clear Soup Broiled Chicken, Cream Sauce Rice Croquettes Plain Baked Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Peach Ice Cream BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Milk Omelet Toast Coffee LUNCH Egg Plant Stuffed with Lamb Tomato Sauce Corn Gems Tea DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Steak, Butter Sauce Baked Potatoes String Beans Tomatoes Stuffed with Cress French Dressing Watermelon Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 123 AUGUST Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Fish Creamed Potatoes Rolls Coffee LUNCH Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Whole Wheat Bread, Butter Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Boiled Fish, Sauce Hollandaise Plain Potatoes Stewed Cucumbers Lettuce and Cress Salad. Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee BREAKFAST Huckleberries Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Cheese Soufflé Green Corn Gems Sliced Peaches DINNER Cream of Corn Soup Stuffed Calves’ Hearts Brown Sauce Squash, Cream Sauce Rice Tomato and Cucumber Salad Chilled Watermelon 124 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST ort Sliced Peaches in Granose Broiled Sweetbreads Toast Cream Coffee Toast Coffee LUNCH DINNER Caviar Sandwiches Cold Roasted Beef Aspic Cream Horseradish Sauce Russian Salad Whole Wheat Bread Fruit, Cream Sponge Cake SUPPER—On Porch Nut and Fruit Sandwiches Cocoa, Whipped Cream Watermelon Broiled Tomatoes Toast Fruit SUPPER Beef Croquettes Tomato Sauce Peas Biscuits Coffee Chocolate Ice Cream Cocoa Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 125 AUGUST Third TUESDAY Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Huckleberries in Farina, Cream Toasted Brown Bread Coffee LUNCH Egg Plant (Hawaiian style) Rolls Fruit DINNER—Vegetable Cream of Lima Bean Soup Macaroni with Tomato Paste Squash, Sauce Hollandaise Rice Cabbage Salad English Dressing Wafers Peach Ice Cream Rolled Ginger Wafers BREAKFAST Fruit Boiled Rice, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Beauregard Eggs Toast Stewed Plums Wafers DINNER Soup Soubise Broiled Steak, Butter Seasoning Creamed Potatoes Corn Pudding Beet Salad Watermelon 126 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Cracked Wheat, Cream Gems Coffee LUNCH Macaroni in Tomato Cases Brown Bread Sliced Peaches Wafers DINNER Clear Soup Cannelon, Brown Sauce Hashed Browned Potatoes Baked Tomatoes String Bean Salad Blackberry Flummery, Cream BREAKFAST Creamed Fish Plain Potatoes Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cream of Beet Soup Toast Stewed Fruit Ginger Cake DINNER Clam Bouillon with Whipped Cream White Stew of Fish Plain Potatoes Cucumbers, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 127 AUGUST Third SATURDAY Fourth SUNDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Fruit Barley Flakes, Milk Eggs a la Martin Rice Gems Rolls Coffee Coffee LUNCH—On Tray DINNER—Cold Chicken Cream of Tomato Soup Crofitons DINNER Clear Soup Broiled Chops Stewed Sweet Peppers Boiled Rice Mayonnaise of Cabbage Coffee Sponge Wafers Mayonnaise of Tomato Whole Wheat Bread, Butter Watermelon SUPPER—On Porch French Tongue Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee Sliced Peaches Sunshine Cake 128 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUGUST Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Milk Fried Tomatoes Coffee Rolls LUNCH Stuffed Cucumbers, Brown Sauce Oatmeal Bread Fruit DINNER Clear Tomato Soup Brown Stew of Beef, Dumplings Buttered Beets Crackers String Bean Salad Sliced Peaches BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Royal Health Food, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Corn Chowder German Potato Bread Sliced Tomatoes DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Hamburg Steaks, Sauce Soubise Squash Lima Beans Peach Cannelon, Cream Mrs, Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 129 AUGUST Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Barley Flakes, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Tomato Omelet Milk Biscuits Fruit DINNER Cream of Beet Soup Stuffed Sweet Peppers (au entrée ) Panned Young Chicken Cream Sauce Rice Cabbage and Apple Salad English Dressing Graham Wafers Stewed Squash Frozen Peaches BREAKFAST Huckleberries Oatmeal, Milk Bird’s-nest Eggs Coffee Toast LUNCH Minced Meat on Toast Sliced Tomatoes Tea Prune Soufflé DINNER—Vegetarian Peanut Soup Tomatoes Stuffed with Rice Nut Rolls, Cream Sauce Peas Lettuce Salad Almond Butter Crackers Watermelon 130 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book , AUGUST Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST eat Sliced Peaches in Granose Barley Flakes, Cream Créer Curried Eggs Corn Gems Toast Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Boiled Lobster Tomato Salad Milk Biscuit Coffee DINNER Cream of Clam Soup Baked Fish, Tomato Sauce Plain Potatoes Crab Salad Toast Fingers Coffee Macaroni Croquettes Cream Sauce Mush Bread Fruit DINNER Giblet Soup Broiled Steak, Butter Sauce Mashed Browned Potatoes Stewed Corn Lima Bean Salad Wafers Cheese Peach Cannelons Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 131 AUGUST Fifth SUNDAY Fifth MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Royal Health Food, Milk Dropped Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Clam Bouillon Cold Baked Chicken Mayonnaise of Peas in Tomatoes Whole Wheat Bread, Butter St. Petersburg Whip Nut Wafers Coffee SUPPER—On Porch Sweetbread Salad Nut Sandwiches Tea or Coffee Fruit Angel’s Food BREAKFAST Fruit Granose, Cream Pulled Bread Coffee LUNCH Minced Chicken Toast Fruit DINNER Cream of Rice Soup (chicken bones) Roasted Loin of Lamb Mint Sauce Rice Peas Tomatoes, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Cantaloupes 132 AUGUST | Fifth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Tomatoes Egg Rolls Coffee LUNCH Corn Oysters String Bean Salad Whole Wheat Gems Fruit DINNER Barley Soup (lamb bones) Broiled Round Steak Tomato Sauce Potato Croquettes Boiled Purslane A Cooking School Salad Wafers Cheese Blanc Mange, Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book *« SEPTEMBER First SUNDAY BREAKFAST Creamed Chipped Beef Green Corn Griddle Cakes Coffee DINNER Giblet Soup Roasted Beef, Brown Sauce Browned Potatoes Succotash Cabbage and Apple Salad, Eng- lish Dressing Wafers Rice Pudding Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Caviar Canapé Creamed Sweetbreads Rolls Wine Jelly Soft Custard Angel’s Food Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 133 SEPTEMBER First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Apple Sauce with Granose Cream Pulled Bread Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef Sliced Tomatoes Corn Gems Tea DINNER Okra Soup Brown Stew of Beef (cold beef) Dumplings Lima Beans Tomatoes, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Wheatlet, Milk Omelet with Lima Beans (left over) Rolls Coffee LUNCH Stuffed Peppers, Tomato Sauce Baked Apples, Cream DINNER Portuguese Soup Braised Leg of Mutton Brown Sauce Carrots Sweet Potatoes Bohemian Salad Wafers Watermelon 134 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER First WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST Plums Oatmeal, Milk Poached Eggs on Broiled Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Thin Sliced Cold Mutton Tomato Salad Corn Meal Sally Lunn Tea Wafers DINNER Barley Broth (mutton bones) Veal Cutlets, Brown Sauce Stewed Okra and Corn Sweet: Peppers Stuffed with Rice Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Nun’s Puffs, Pudding Sauce BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Minced Mutton in Cream Sauce on Toast Coffee LUNCH Deviled Veal (cold veal) Sliced Tomatoes Milk Biscuit Sliced Peaches DINNER Vegetable Soup Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes Mashed Squash Carrot Salad Wafers Cheese Peach Dumplings, Hard Sauce Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 135 SEPTEMBER First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Farina, Cream Eggs Brouilli Toast Coffee LUNCH Tomato on the Half Shell Cream Sauce Sweet Milk Scones Sliced Peaches Soup Maigre Planked Bluefish Cucumber Sauce Plain Potatoes Egg Salad Wafers Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Liver Bacon Toast Coffee . LUNCH Creamed Macaroni Corn Bread Fruit DINNER Okra Soup (chicken giblets) Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Rice Baked Mushrooms Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Apple or Peach Custard 136 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY BREAKFAST Reed Birds Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Pea Blocks Stuffed Beef’s Heart Brown Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Stewed Corn Lettuce and Tomato Salad Wafers Cheese PeachIce Cream Rolled Wafers Coffee SUPPER Broiled Sardines on Toast Sliced Tomatoes Coffee Stewed Prunes Wafers BREAKFAST Apple Sauce, Granose, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef’s Heart, Chili Sauce Nut Sandwiches Tea Fruit DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Crofitons Broiled Steak French Fried Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Chopped Apple on Lettuce French Dressing Wafers Cheese Pop Overs, Orange Sauce Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 137 SEPTEMBER Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Hominy Grits, Milk Gems Coffee LUNCH Welsh Rarebit Toast Coffee DINNER Mock Turtle Soup Roasted Chicken, Giblet Sauce Currant Jelly Onions au Supréme Rice Ginger Slices, Spice Sauce BREAKFAST Baked Apples’ Wheatlet, Milk Shirred Eggs Coffee Toast LUNCH Chicken Salad German Potato Bread Coffee, Whipped Cream DINNER Cream of Mushroom Soup Broiled Chops Potato Timbale Peas Lettuce, Italian Dressing Wafers Cheese Almond Custard 138 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER Second THURSDAY Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST Grapes Farina, Cream Pulled Bread Coffee LUNCH Potato Chowder Whole Wheat Gems Sliced Tomatoes Fruit DINNER Egg Soup Trussed Calf’s Head (entrée) Baked Mashed Peas Plain Baked Tomatoes String Bean Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Sliced Peaches, Cream Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Broiled Lobster, Chili Sauce Crisp Rolls or Bread Sticks Coffee Fruit DINNER Steamed Clams with Broth Planked Bluefish, Melted Butter Plain Potatoes Parmesan Balls on Lettuce French Dressing Wafers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 139 SEPTEMBER Second SATURDAY Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Rolls Coffee LUNCH Egg Croquettes, Cream Sauce Lettuce Salad Fruit DINNER Ox Tail Soup Pot Roast Potatoes 4 la Bordelaise Cabbage a la Flamande Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Chipped Beef Mush Bread Coffee DINNER Consommé a la Royal Boiled Fresh Beef’s Tongue Raisin Sauce Boiled Rice Carrots en Surprise Bohemian Salad Wafers Ceylon Pudding Coffee SUPPER Lobster a la Newburg Rolls Lettuce Salad Wafers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 140 SEPTEMBER Third MONDAY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Grapes Oatmeal, Cream Ogunical, Mile Hamburg Steak (end of steak) Rolls Coffee Muffins Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cold Sliced Tongue Corn Chowder Short Bread Sliced Tomatoes Tea Tea Baked Bananas DINNER DINNER Cream of Oatmeal Soup Clear Soup Pulled Bread Broiled Steak Fried Onions Stuffed Potatoes Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cheese Parson’s Sponge Fricandeau of Veal, Brown Sauce Boiled Rice Creamed Cabbage Lettuce Salad Coffee Wafers Cheese Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 14] SEPTEMBER Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST ah Cream of Wheat with Stewed Prunes, Cream Broiled Tomatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Bouillon Veal Croquettes Peas Mayonnaise of Tomatoes Wafers Café Parfait DINNER Clear Soup Crofttons Crown Roast, Brown Sauce Mashed Potatoes Peas Tomato Salad Wafers Brioche, Peach Sauce Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Omelet Rolls Coffee LUNCH Peas 4 la Windsor Milk Biscuits Fruit DINNER Clear Soup Broiled Steak Stewed Potatoes Okra and Tomato String Bean Salad Wafers Cheese Cream Pudding 142 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Peaches in Granose Cream Graham Rolls Coffee LUNCH Egg Plant with Poached Eggs Fruit Tea DINNER Bisque of Oyster Halibut Steak Japanese Fish Sauce Plain Potato Balls A Cooking School Salad Wafers Coffee BREAKFAST Huckleberries Royal Health Food, Milk Thin Broiled Beef Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Stuffed Peppers Corn Bread Fruit DINNER Clear Soup Breaded Chops, Tomato Sauce Delmonico Potatoes Sugar Peas Cauliflower Salad Parmesan Balls Wafers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 143 SEPTEMBER Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Fruit Wheatlet, Cream Hamburg Steak Corn Bread Muffins Coffee Coffee DINNER LUNCH Chsneotp mai eae Gals Thin Cold Fillet Aspic Larded Fillet of Beef Chili Sauce Mushroom Sauce Bread Butter Potato Croquettes Lima Beans Fruit Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese DINNER Ice Cream Rolled Wafers Clear Soup Crofitons Roasted Beef (back of loin) SUPPER Brown Sauce Tripe Salad Garnished with Pickled Oysters Oatmeal Brown Bread Sandwiches Coffee Baked Sweet Potatoes (Southern fashion) Scalloped Tomatoes Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cheese Watermelon 144 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER SS Fourth TUESDAY Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Bread Sticks Coffee LUNCH Broiled Tomatoes Cheese Fingers Fruit Stewed Oysters Beef Croquettes, Tomato Sauce Peas Sliced Peaches Cocoa Cake BREAKFAST Cantaloupes Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH—In Chafing Dish Oyster Cocktails Crackers Beef Pats, Brown Sauce Pocketbook Rolls Butter Egyptian Salad (sardines) Wafers Camembert Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Tomato Blocks Beef Pie, Brown Sauce Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Stewed Cucumber Lettuce and Tomato Salad Wafers Cheese Washington Sponge Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 145 SEPTEMBER Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Hominy Grits, Milk Creamed Fish Baked Potatoes % Shirred Eggs Toast Com Gems Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Tomato Rarebit Whole Wheat Bread Coffee Jelly DINNER Clear Vegetable Soup Panned Chickens Mushroom Sauce Farina Soufflé A Cheese Fondue Wafers Ice Cream Macaroons Lobster Cutlets, Cream Sauce German Potato Bread Lettuce Salad Wafers DINNER Bisque of Lobster (from cutlets) Boiled Fish, Cucumber Sauce Potato Balls Macedoine Salad Wafers Toasted Crackers Roquefort Coffee 146 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SEPTEMBER mae Fourth SATURDAY Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Peaches Oatmeal, Milk Panned Tomatoes Toast Coffee LUNCH Corn Pudding Sliced Tomatoes Ginger Pudding Clear Soup Baked Calf’s Liver Potatoes Carrots Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Eggs DINNER Fruit Toast Coffee Clear Soup Beef a la Mode Spaghetti Turnips Tomato Salad Peach Ice Cream SUPPER Fruit Broiled Sardines Cress Salad Lady Fingers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Serene —= 147 SEPTEMBER =~ OCTOBER Fifth MONDAY First SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Cream of Wheat, Cream Minced Beef Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Beef a la Mode Mayonnaise of Tomato Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Chops Creamed Potatoes Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee BREAKFAST Oranges and Bananas Granose, Cream Broiled Liver Bacon Toast Coffee DINNER Clear Soup with Nut Balls Roasted Ducklings, Hominy Stuffing Stewed Tomatoes Cauliflower Salad Wafers Ripe Olives Cheese Montrose Pudding Coffee SUPPER Sardines Cress Lemon Sandwiches 148 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book ~— I ————_>——€T_T[EBahQQaQa&a] EIS OCTOBER First MONDAY First TUESDAY BREAKFAST Grapes Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Duck Sliced Tomatoes Fruit DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup (duck bones) Broiled Steak Baked Potatoes String Beans Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Iced Grapes BREAKFAST Fruit Flaked Barley, Milk Rolls Coffee LUNCH Brown Stew (end of steak) Dumplings Tea or Fruit DINNER Cream of Mushroom Soup Braised Sheep’s Liver Brown Sauce Creamed Macaroni without Cheese Scalloped Tomatoes Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cheese German Compote Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 149 First WEDNESDAY First THURSDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Sliced Ripe Bananas in Hot = . Wheatlet, Cream Oatmeal, Milk 7 Coff Eggs Toast ‘oast offee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Peach Cocktail in Apple Shells Oyster Stew Coin Bread Broiled Sweetbreads on Toast Pocketbook Rolls Cole Slaw Waldorf Salad on Lettuce Leaves Coffee Wafers Grape Sherbet Coffee DINNER DINNER Giblet Soup Egg Soup Cauliflower, Cream Sauce (entrée) Hot Pot Creamed Cabbage Creole Stew of Chicken Rice Baked Bananas Olive Salad Toast Fingers Sponge Cake, French Filling Coffee Oatmeal Brown Bread Chiffon Salad Wafers Cheese New Apple Dowdy Every Day Sauce 150 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER First FRIDAY First SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Fruit Hominy Grits, Milk Oatmeal, Milk Fried Egg Plant Toast epery Coffee Toast Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Scalloped Macaroni and Oysters Milk Toast Whole Wheat Gems Fruit DINNER DINNER Bisque of Clam (clam soup) Broiled Spanish Mackerel Sauce Tartare Potato Balls Stewed Cucumber Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Clear Soup with Rice Nut Rolls Tomato Sauce Beet Salad Wafers Apple Omelet Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 151 OCTOBER ——_—_ Second SUNDAY Second MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Baked Apples Creamed Dried Beef Granose, Cream Oatmeal Scones Coffee Rolls Coffee DINNER LUNCH Consommé a la Duchesse Roasted Ribs of Beef Brown Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Okra and Tomato Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Gelatin, Cider Sauce Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Oysters a la Poulette Toast Beef Salad with Egyptian Mayonnaise Rolls German Coffee Cake Coffee Cold Beef Creamed Horseradish Sauce Sliced Tomatoes Fruit DINNER Bread Broiled Chops Clear Soup Creamed Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Fruit 152 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Second TUESDAY Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Apple Sauce Granose, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Minced Beef on Toast Celery Iced Grapes DINNER Black Bean Soup Boiled Corn Beef, Raisin Sauce Mush Bread Turnip Balls Cabbage Salad, Italian Dressing Wafers Cheese Coffee Jelly, Cream BREAKFAST Sliced Ripe Bananas in Hot Graham Mush, Cream Corned Beef Hash Coffee LUNCH Tomatoes on the Half Shell Toast Apple Dumplings, Hard Sauce DINNER Soup Crécy (corned beef stock) Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Rice Cauliflower Fried Oysters Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 153 OCTOBER Second THURSDAY Second FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Creamed Salt Codfish Baked Apples, Cream Plain Boiled Potatoes Whole Wheat Gems Coffee Gees Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cold Corned Beef Cream Horseradish Sauce Cole Slaw Tea Nut Wafers DINNER German Gruel Soup Broiled Round Steak, Butter Seasoning Baked Sweet Potatoes Creamed Celery Lettuce Salad Toast Fingers Farmhouse Apples Scallops 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips German Potato Bread Coffee DINNER Oyster Bouillon Boiled Fish, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Lobster Salad Rolls Coffee 154 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book —>>>—I[lIlSS— — —_ _— SSS ee OCTOBER Second SATURDAY Third SUNDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chipped Beef Boiled Rice Grapes DINNER Salsify Soup Shoulder of Mutton with Browned Potatoes Chillies (Creole fashion) Apple Salad Wafers Cream Cheese Whipped Cream Nut Kisses BREAKFAST Fruit Barley Flakes, Milk Mutton Mince on Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé with German Farina Blocks Roasted Guinea Fowl Broiled Bacon Currant Jelly Hominy Stewed Celery Orange Jelly Wafers Peach Ice Cr. am Macaroons Coffee SUPPER Nut and Fruit Sandwiches Cocoa Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 155 OCTOBER Third MONDAY Third TUESDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Baked Apples Stewed Pears eens Granose, Cream Omelet Toast Coffee Gems Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cream of Celery Soup Panned Oysters Rolls Whole Wheat Bread Celery Salad DINNER Consommé with Rice Broiled Steak Stuffed Potatoes String Beans Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cheese Cottage Jems, Jelly Sauce DINNER Consommé with Almond Balls Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sauce Rice Croquettes Young Lima Beans Lettuce Salad Wafers Neufchatel Cheese Dutch Apple Cake 156 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Third WEDNESDAY Third THURSDAY BREAKFAST Warm Apple Sauce with Granose Cream Whole Wheat Bread Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Rarebit Toast Coffee DINNER Tomato Soup Crofttons Cannelon Purée of Peppers Potato Fritters A Simple Salad Wafers Cheese Farina Jelly BREAKFAST Hot Baked Sliced Bananas Cream Muffins Coffee LUNCH Omelet with Green Peas Oatmeal Gems Cocoa DINNER English Beef Soup (bits from cannelon) Broiled Loin Chops Creamed Potatoes String Beans Cabbage Salad, Farmer’s Dress- ing Wafers Apple Roly Poly, Hard Sauce Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 1$7 OCTOBER Third FRIDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Codfish Balls, Tomato Sauce Baked Apples Corn Muffins Coffee Mush Bread Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Baked Farina Tomatoes Sliced | Fried Oysters | Cabbage Salad Whole Wheat Bread Grapes DINNER Oyster Cocktails Boiled Flounder Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Beetroot Salad Cheese Fingers Coffee Cornmeal Sally Lunn Coffee DINNER Consommeé with Egg Balls Broiled Steak Mashed Sweet Potatoes Buttered Beets Olive Salad Toast Fingers Whipped Cream with Chopped Nuts 158 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Fourth SUNDAY Fourth MONDAY BREAKFAST Grapes Shirred Eggs Toast Coffee DINNER Consommé 4 la Colbert Roasted Chickens, Giblet Sauce Currant Jelly Italian Potato Croquettes Scalloped Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Sweet Purée of Chestnuts Whipped Cream Coffee SUPPER Creamed Chicken Sandwiches Tea Peaches Sponge Cake BREAKFAST Stewed Pears Oatmeal, Milk Minced Chicken, Toast Coffee LUNCH Hamburg Steaks (ends steak) * Brown Sauce Browned Sweet Potatoes Grapes DINNER Consommé with Rice Broiled Chops Stewed Potatoes Baked Potatoes Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Baked Apples, Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Fourth TUESDAY 199 ———— Fourth WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas in Hot Wheatlet Cream Muffins Coffee LUNCH Stewed Macaroni Corn Bread Tea DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup Breast of Mutton Rice Peas Cauliflower Salad Wafers Cheese Cocoa, Whipped Cream Graham Wafers BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Cornmeal Sally Lunn Coffee LUNCH Scalloped Oysters Gluten Bread Coffee Celery DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Fricassee of Guinea Crisp Rolled Bacon Currant Jelly Stewed Hominy Brussels Sprouts Coffee Cake Coffee 160 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Fourth THURSDAY Fourth FRIDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Apples Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Cream of Celery Soup Bread Sticks Apple Omelet DINNER Giblet Soup (Guinea giblets) Broiled Birds on Toast Stewed Mushrooms Rice Orange Salad Wafers Cream Cheese Ceylon Pudding BREAKFAST Creamed Salt Cod Plain Boiled Potatoes Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Broiled Oysters Milk Biscuits Cabbage, French Dressing DINNER Curry of Oysters Baked Fish, Brown Sauce Potato Soufflé Scalloped Cucumbers Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 161 OCTOBER Fourth SATURDAY Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Shirred Eggs Coffee Toast LUNCH Cabbage Rolls Whole Wheat Bread Tea Fruit DINNER Consommé with Tomato Blocks Broiled Steak Hashed Browned Potatoes Cabbage (Russian fashion) Café Parfait Rolled Wafers BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Rice Gems Coffee DINNER Consommé Jambolaya Rice Catcahas Olive Salad Wafers Cheese Frozen Apricots Almond Loaf SUPPER Nut Sandwiches Tea Baked Apples Devil's Food 162 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book OCTOBER Fifth MONDAY Fifth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Brouilli Toast Coffee LUNCH Sardines Lemon Whole Wheat Bread Grapes DINNER Cream of Peanut Soup Polenta Tomato Sauce Rice Egg Salad Crackers Fruit Graham Wafers BREAKFAST Grapes Granose, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Apple Scallop, Cider Sauce Bread Butter DINNER Soup Soubise Broiled Steak Delmonico Potatoes Stewed Carrots Spinach Salad Wafers Cheese English Bread Pudding Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 163 NOVEMBER First SUNDAY Firsts MONDAY BREAKFAST Chilled Grapes Eggs Bacon Rolls Coffee DINNER Clear Soup Roasted Chickens, Brown Sauce Creamed Potatoes Corn Tomato Salad Peach Ice Cream Coffee SUPPER Macaroni Rarebit Toast Peaches Cake BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Chicken Mince Coffee Toast LUNCH Omelet with Oysters Biscuit Coffee DINNER Tomato Soup Broiled Steak Hashed Browned Potatoes Creamed Turnips Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 164 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book NOVEMBER First TUESDAY First WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Potatoes Chops Muffins Coffee LUNCH Hamburg Steaks (ends) Corn Bread Fruit DINNER Brown Soup Stuffed Hearts, Brown Sauce Rice ‘New Carrots Bean Salad Wafers Cheese Mock Charlotte Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Chipped Beef Oatmeal Waffles Coffee A COMPANY LUNCH Oyster Cocktails in Peppers Broiled Chops Potato Timbale Peas Bobotee Salad Wafers Chocolate Parfait DINNER Chicken Gumbo with Oysters Rice Tomato Salad Toast Fingers Sweet Pickled Figs Pecan Cake Petit Brulé Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 165 NOVEMBER First THURSDAY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Broiled Salt Fish Granose Grape Juice Scotch Short Bread Zwieback Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Deviled Oysters Pepper Hash Banana Soufflé DINNER Consommé with Curry Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes (Southern fashion) Ladies’ Cabbage Waldorf Salad in Apple Shells Apple Snow, Cream Whole Wheat Bread DINNER Purée of Vegetables Planked Slice of Halibut Potatoes 4 la Duchesse Fried Oysters Lettuce or Celery, French Dressing Brown Bread Toasted Crackers | Camembert Coffee 166 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book NOVEMBER First SATURDAY Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Pears Oatmeal, Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Croquettes Béchamel Sauce Fruit DINNER Black Bean Soup Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Chestnuts as a Vegetable Spinach Mayonnaise of Celery Wafers A Plain Apple Charlotte BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Chestnut Muffins Coffee DINNER Tomato Soup Roasted Belgian Hare, Celery Stuffing Quince Jelly Rice Croquettes Brussels Sprouts Orange and Lettuce Salad Toasted Water Crackers Cheese Bakewell Pudding Coffee SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Clam Bouillon Beef Pats, Tomato Sauce Milk Biscuits Tea Canned Peaches Sponge Cups Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 167 NOVEMBER Second MONDAY Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Sliced Ripe Bananas in Hot Wheatlet, Cream Whole Wheat Bread Coffee LUNCH Minced Belgian Hare on Toast Celery Stewed Prunes DINNER German Gruel Soup Broiled Sirloin Steak Butter Seasoning Baked Potatoes Ladies’ Cabbage Celery, French Dressing Wafers Poor Man’s Tartlets Cheese BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Oatmeal Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Hamburg Steaks (end steak) Brown Sauce Whole Wheat Gems Oranges Tea DINNER Cream of Hominy Soup (hare bones) Braised Leg of Mutton Brown Sauce Currant Jelly Rice Turnips, Cream Sauce Endive Salad Wafers Cheese Farmer’s Pudding 168 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book NOVEMBER Second WEDNESDAY Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Granose Grape Juice Corn Muffins Coffee LUNCH Cecils, Sauce Béchamel Bread Butter Stewed Figs, Cream DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup Roasted Duck, Walnut Stuffing Grape Jelly Stewed Parsnips Cabbage Salad, English Dressing Wafers Cocoa, Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Marguerites BREAKFAST Stewed Prunes Broiled Chops Stewed Potatoes Rolls Coffee LUNCH Duck a la Newburg Saratoga Chips Coffee Lemon Jelly Crackers DINNER Cream of Rice Soup (duck bones) Mock Fillet of Beef, Brown Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Waldorf Salad in Apples Wafers Banana Soufflé Coffee Spinach Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book | 169 NOVEMBER Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Raisins Hominy, Milk Omelet Coffee LUNCH Fried Oysters Cold Slaw Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Oyster Soup Boiled Cauliflower, Cream Sauce Boiled Shoulder of Cod Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Chicory Salad, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee BREAKFAST Baked Apples Creamed Chipped Beef Corn Batter Bread Coffee LUNCH Fish Cutlets, Cream Sauce Milk Biscuit Coffee DINNER Consommé with Curry Blanquette of Mutton Rice Currant Jelly Plain Russian Salad Wafers Cheese Chocolate Cream Pudding 170 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book NOVEMBER | Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Codfish Balls, Tomato Sauce Brown Bread Coffee DINNER Consommé with Farina Blocks Roasted Capon, Chestnut Stuffing Cranberry Jelly Stuffed Spanish Onions Apple Salad, French Dressing Thin Crackers Purée of Apricots Coffee Brioche SUPPER Capon a la Newburg Saratoga Chips Bread and Butter Sandwiches Canned Pears Cocoa Cake BREAKFAST Stewed Prunes Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Coffee LUNCH Fried Cornmeal Mush, Syrup Rolls Tea Sliced Oranges DINNER Consommé with Rice Broiled Round Steak Mushroom Sauce Stuffed Potatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Jerusalem Pudding Coffee Kale Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 171 NOVEMBER Third TUESDAY Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Boiled Rice with Raisins, Cream Toast Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Croquettes Tomato Sauce Sweet Milk Scones Tea Baked Bananas DINNER English Beef Soup Boiled Salt Beef Stewed Horseradish Hominy Spinach Cabbage, Sidney Smith Dressing Toast Fingers Baked Batter Apple Pudding Cider Sauce BREAKFAST Stewed Figs, Cream Graham Gems Coffee LUNCH Cold Corned Beef Tomato Jelly Mayonnaise Dressing Corn Gems Coffee DINNER Soup Crécy (pot liquor) Broiled Birds on Fried Hominy Stewed Mushroom Rice Chicory Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Prune Jelly, Whipped Cream Coffee 172 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book ee el NOVEMBER Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Corn Beef Hash Whole Wheat Gems Coffee LUNCH Chestnuts 4 la Poulette Mush Bread Cocoa Stewed Dried Peaches DINNER Cream of Celery Soup Panned Rabbit, Claret Sauce ‘Baked Onions French Fried Sweet Potatoes Endive or Spinach Salad Whole Wheat Nut Wafers Orange Compote BREAKFAST Broiled Salt Mackerel Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Fried Small Fish, Sauce Tartare Egg Rolls Coffee DINNER Deviled Oysters in Ramekins Impernarda Corn Batter Bread Salt Water or Dill Pickles Toasted Crackers Stilton Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 173 NOVEMBER Third SATURDAY Fourth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Steamed Dates in Granose Cream Creamed Chipped Beef Coffee Rolls LUNCH Baked Potatoes Stewed Lentils Baked Apples DINNER Soup a la Sap (stock from calf’s head) Fricassee of Guinea Garnished with Bacon Baked Winter Squash Spinach Bohemian Salad Whole Wheat Wafer Bread Coffee Jelly with Cream Waldorf Salad BREAKFAST Baked Apples Minced Guinea on Fried Mush Coffee DINNER Mock Turtle Soup Roasted Ribs of Beef Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes Carrots en Surprise Wafer Bread Blanc Mange Coffee SUPPER Broiled Sardines Creamed Potatoes in Chafing Dish Whole Wheat Bread Butter Stewed Prunes Nut Kisses 174 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book NOVEMBER Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Oatmeal, Milk Minced Beef Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Sliced Calf’s Tongue Celery Whole Wheat Bread Butter Cocoa, Whipped Cream Nut Kisses DINNER Tomato Soup Calf’s Liver and Heart Warmed in Brown Sauce (left-overs) Fried Hominy Grits Ladies’ Cabbage Endive Salad Wafers Cheese Nun’s Puffs, Everyday Sauce BREAKFAST Apple Sauce, Granose, Cream Whole Wheat Muffins Coffee LUNCH Cold Sliced Beef, Chili Sauce Celery Tea Sweet Wafers DINNER Brown Soup (left-overs) Broiled Sirloin Steak French Fried Onions Stuffed Potatoes Creamed Turnips Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Cottage Gems, Chocolate Sauce Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 175 NOVEMBER Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY Thanksgiving BREAKFAST Fruit Hominy Grits, Milk Minced Beef in Tomato Sauce Rolls Coffee LUNCH Welsh Rarebit Toast Coffee DINNER Barley Soup Egyptian Cylinders Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes (Southern style) Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Pone, Cider Sauce BREAKFAST Baked Apples, Cream Corn Gems Coffee DINNER Oyster Cocktails Consommé a la Royal Roasted Turkey, Chestnut Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Baked Onions Broiled Birds Celery French Dressing Mince Pie Pumpkin Custard Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Salted Almonds Bonbons SUPPER Oysters in Chafing Dish Milk Biscuit Coffee 176 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book | NOVEMBER Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST Broiled Mackerel Fried Mush Coffee LUNCH Fried Halibut, Sauce Tartare Graham Bread Coffee DINNER Grape Fruit Salt Codfish (Creole style) Corn Bread Endive, Italian Dressing Swiss Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee BREAKFAST Chopped Dates in Hot Oatmeal Milk Toast Coffee LUNCH Mock Oysters Tomato Catsup Celery Baked Apples SUPPER Turkey Croquettes Mayonnaise of Celery Egg Rolls Sliced Oranges Sponge Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book | 177 NOVEMBER Fifth SUNDAY Fifth MONDAY BREAKFAST Stewed Prunes Oatmeal, Milk Shirred Eggs Coffee Toast DINNER Turkey Bone Soup with Rice Roasted Wild Duck Currant Jelly Fried Hominy Grits Brussels Sprouts Chicory Salad, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Mock Charlotte, Custard Sauce SUPPER Broiled Sardines, East India Dressing Whole Wheat Bread and Butter Sandwiches Coffee, Whipped Cream BREAKFAST Baked Apples Rolled Wheat, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Salmi of Duck Sweet Potatoes Stewed Prunes Crackers DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup Stuffed Steak, Brown Sauce Spaghetti in Cheese Shell Timbale of Carrot Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Ginger Sponge Slices Lemon Sauce 178 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER First SUNDAY First MONDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Oranges Sliced Bananas in Hot Oatmeal Cream Chops Muffins Ee Aue Coffee Toast Coffee DINNER LUNCH Consommé 4 la Royal Celery Olives Braised Leg of Mutton Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes Creamed Carrots Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Bakewell Pudding Coffee SUPPER Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Panned Oysters Rolls Cabbage Salad Wafers DINNER Tomato Soup Ragoft of Mutton in Border of Rice Baked Squash Mayonnaise of Celery Wafers Crackers Cheese Sliced Oranges Wafers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 179 DECEMBER First TUESDAY First WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Wheatlet, Milk Creamed Chipped Beef Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cheese Soufflé Pulled Bread Coffee DINNER Cream of Chestnut Soup Stuffed Beef’s Heart Brown Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Kale (asparagus fashion) Turnips in Jelly with Mayon- naise Wafers Nun’s Puffs, Spice Sauce BREAKFAST Fruit Gems Baked Apples Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Potato Chowder Corn Gems Fruit DINNER English Beef Soup (left-over steak) Hot Boned Chicken Sauce Béchamel Guava Jelly Boiled Rice Dipped Celery Nut Salad Toasted Crackers Apple Turnover with Ice Cream 180 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book = ——— DECEMBER First THURSDAY First FRIDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Graham or Rye Mush, Cream Minced Hearts Toast Coffee LUNCH Cold Heart Aspic Tomato Catsup Canned Peaches Gingerbread DINNER Normandy Soup Broiled Chops Delmonico Potatoes Celery au Supréme Wafers Cauliflower Salad Apple Stephon, Nogg Sauce BREAKFAST Apple Sauce in Granose Cream Scrambled Eggs Corn Gems Coffee LUNCH Baked Farina Whole Wheat Bread Stewed Prunes DINNER Tomato Soup Scallops 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips Baked Fish, Brown Sauce Potatoes (plain) Chicory Salad Neufchatel Cheese Coffee Wafers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 181 DECEMBER First SATURDAY Second SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Thin Broiled Liver Bacon Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cheese Milk Toast Apples DINNER Rabbit Soup Crofttons Broiled Steak Canned Mushroom Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Endive Salad Wafers Cheese Orange Sherbet BREAKFAST Codfish Balls, Tomato Sauce Oatmeal Bread Coffee DINNER Consommé Roasted Haunch of Venison Claret Sauce Currant Jelly French Fried Sweet Potatoes Stewed Celery Waldorf Salad in Apple Shells Wafers Baked Alaska SUPPER Chicken Salad Nut Sandwiches Stewed Prunes Almond Loaf 182 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Second MONDAY BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Venison Warmed in Brown Sauce Chestnut Muffins Sliced Oranges DINNER Mock Bisque Soup Pot Roast of Beef, Brown Sauce Sweet Potatoes Turnips, Cream Sauce Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Baked Apples, Cream Second TUESDAY BREAKFAST Oranges Minced Beef Fruit Gems Cocoa or Coffee LUNCH Thin Pot Roast Tomato Catsup Whole Wheat Biscuit Baked Apples DINNER English Beef Soup Pilaff of Chicken Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Prune Soufflé Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 183 — = Second WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Apples Boiled Rice, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Bouillon Bread Sticks Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Lettuce or Corn Salad, French Dressing Wafers Cheese Café Parfait DINNER Mutton Broth with Rice (shoulder bones) Fish Timbales, Cream Sauce Almond Steak Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Stuffed Prunes Little Pigs in Blankets Lettuce Salad Water Thins Rolled Wafers Coffee DECEMBER Second THURSDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Omelet Rice Gems Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chipped Beef Mush Bread Tea Stewed Apples Ginger Cakes DINNER Soup Crécy Steak a la Bordelaise Potato Croquettes Cauliflower, Cream Sauce Endive Salad Wafers Cream Cheese Syllabub 184 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Second FRIDAY Second SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fried Smelts Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH—In Chafing Dish Panned Oysters Egg Rolls Coffee DINNER Curry of Oysters Toast Boiled Rock, Sauce Hollandaise Plain Boiled Potatoes Waldorf Salad Wafers Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Hamburg Steak (ends of steak) Rolls Coffee LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup Bread Sticks Canned Fruit DINNER Egg Soup Baked Beans, Tomato Sauce Boiled Rice Cole Slaw Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Chestnuts with Whipped Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 185 DECEMBER Third SUNDAY Third MONDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Chipped Beef Oatmeal Scones Coffee DINNER Consommé Baked Belgian Hare, Chestnut Stuffing Guava Jelly Brussels Sprouts or Stewed Celery Endive or Lettuce, Japanese Dressing Toasted Crackers Neufchatel Cheese Frozen Pudding with Compote of Oranges SUPPER Eggs a la Martin Toast Fruit Cake BREAKFAST Fruit Boiled Rice and Raisins, Cream Rolls Coffee LUNCH Minced Belgian Hare, Warmed in Brown Sauce Barley Bread Tea DINNER Consommé with Crofitons Broiled Loin Chops Baked Potatoes Stewed Celery Lettuce and Apple Salad Wafers Cheese Apple Custard 186 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Third TUESDAY Third WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Omelet Rolls Coffee LUNCH Deviled Oysters Corn Dodgers Cabbage Salad Wafers DINNER Barley Broth Roasted Wild Duck Black Currant or Cranberry Jelly Hominy Blocks Browned Turnips Orange Salad Wafers Cheese Café Parfait BREAKFAST Baked Apples Barley Flakes, Milk Whole Wheat Bread Coffee LUNCH Minced Duck, Brown Sauce Whole Wheat Gems Prune Jelly, Milk DINNER Grape Fruit Consommé Crofitons Fresh Beef’s Tongue Raisin Sauce Stuffed Prunes Boiled Rice Carrot Hash Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Omelet Soufflé Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 187 DECEMBER Third THURSDAY Third FRIDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Oranges Codfish Soufflé Chops Sweet Milk Scones Cornmeal Sally Lunn Coffee Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Thin Cold Tongue 2 Stewed Lentils Pop Overs Mayonnaise of Celery Milk Biscuits Tea DINNER Cream of Pea Soup Broiled Round Steak French Fried Potatoes Boiled Kale Lettuce and Onion Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Steamed Figs, Cream DINNER Mock Oyster Soup Fish Patties Potato Balls Fried Oysters Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee 188 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Fourth SUNDAY Third SATURDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Creamed Chipped Beef Steamed Eggs Milk Toast Cocoa LUNCH Macaroni (Italian fashion) Potato Bread Sliced Oranges DINNER Oyster Gumbo Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Panned Baked Squash Baked Spanish Onion (left-over tongue) Cabbage Salad, Anchovy Dress- ing Wafers Cheese Hawaiian Banana Pudding Fried Mush Whole Wheat Bread Coffee DINNER Tomato Soup Crofitons Roasted Saddle of Mutton Brown Sauce Currant Jelly Boiled Rice Stewed Celery Chicory Salad Wafer Bread Cheese Peach Ice Cream (canned peaches) Coffee SUPPER Enchilades Corn Loaf Bread Stuffed Prunes Sliced Oranges Cocoanut Macaroons Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 189 DECEMBER Fourth MONDAY Fourth TUESDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Oatmeal, Milk Toast Minced Mutton Coffee LUNCH Creamed Chicken Milk Biscuits Tea Shaddocks Broiled Steak Shoe String Potatoes Mock Artichokes Plain Russian Salad Toasted Crackers ‘Cheese | BREAKFAST Chopped Prunes in Hot Barley Flakes, Cream | Oatmeal Brown Bread (toasted) Coffee | LUNCH Egg Rolls Coffee CHRISTMAS EVE SUPPER Oyster Cocktails Chicken Salad Pocketbook Rolls Olives Salted Almonds Apple Float Coffee 190 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Fourth WEDNESDAY Fourth THURSDAY CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST Broiled Birds Toast Coffee or Shaddocks Fried Smelts Corn Dodgers Coffee DINNER Oyster Soup Celery Olives Mushroom Patties Roasted Goose, Hominy Stuffing Apple Sauce Ladies’ Cabbage Carrot Timbale Celery and Apple Salad in Red Apple Shells, French Dressing Whole Wheat Nut Wafers Cream Cheese Plum Pudding Nun’s Butter Nuts Raisins Candies Coffee in Library SUPPER—In Chafing Dish Panned Oysters Cheese Sandwiches Vienna Coffee BREAKFAST Fruit - Oatmeal, Milk Eggs Toast Coffee LUNCH Scalloped Oysters Egg Rolls Coffee Sliced Oranges DINNER English Beef Soup Fricassee of Rabbit, Brown Sauce Currant or Grape Jelly Winter Squash Croquettes Stewed Onions Endive Salad Wafers Cheese Baked Apples Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 191 DECEMBER —————— Fourth FRIDAY Fourth SATURDAY BREAKFAST Fried Smelts Stewed Potatoes Corn Bread Coffee LUNCH Oysters and Tripe Rye Bread Cole Slaw Coffee DINNER Shaddock Cocktails Oyster Pie Stuffed Savoy Frijoles Celery Coffee or Amber Jelly Whipped Cream BREAKFAST Baked Apples Oatmeal, Milk Rolls Coffee LUNCH Warmed Over Rabbit Boiled Rice Stewed Dried Plums DINNER Consommé 4a la Colbert Nut Rolls, Cream Sauce Cabbage (German fashion) Lettuce, English Dressing Wafers Cheese Sliced Oranges Cocoa Cake 192 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book DECEMBER Fifth SUNDAY BREAKFAST Fruit Smothered Beef Corn Gems Coffee DINNER Consommé with Rice Roasted Capon Cranberry Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Waldorf Salad in Apple Shells Wafers Orange Whip { Coffee Onions | | 1 4 SUPPER Thin Sliced Capon Celery . Canned Peaches Cake | Tea Fifth MONDAY |] BREAKFAST Dropped Eggs Toast Coffee | LUNCH Cream of Rice Soup Zwieback Celery Baked Apples | DINNER Consommé Broiled Venison Steak Currant Jelly French Fried Sweet Potatoes Stewed Celery Lettuce Salad Wafers Apple Gelatin Cheese Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 193 DECEMBER Fifth TUESDAY BREAKFAST LUNCH Fruit Omelet, Oyster Sauce Broiled Chops Hashed Creamed Potatoes Toast or Muffins Coffee Baked Bananas Pop Overs DINNER Cream of Celery Soup Panned Round Steak, Tomato Sauce Mashed Browned Potatoes Buttered Beets Cooking School Salad Wafers Cheese Glazed Fruit Balls Menus for Special Occasions uoayounyT jfon Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 197 Golf Luncheon The illustration shows a table arranged for a simple golf luncheon or supper. In the centre is a square of canvas, covered with short rock moss, which nicely imitates grass. On this is a miniature golf course; the little stream of water is represented by silver crinkled paper pressed in the moss. The balls are made from dough slightly dried. The tiny golf clubs are doll’s toys. MENU No. 1 Chicken Salad Brown Bread and Butter Sandwiches Ripe Olives Deviled Eggs Peach Ice Cream Rolled Wafers Coffee MENU No. 2, FOR COLD, BRISK DAY Bouillon in Cups Bread Sticks Creamed Chicken in Paper Cases Bread and Butter Sandwiches Parmesan Balls on Lettuce Leaves Cheese Fingers Coffee 1 addng Aepyiiig 961 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 199 Birthday Supper The arrangement is for a child nine years old. The huge Birthday cake is iced with white icing and decorated with loops of pink candy ; a long-life candle is placed in the centre and nine small candles around the base. The small boxes, made in imitation of telephones, kodaks, hat boxes and so forth, are filled with all sorts of simple bonbons, and are to be given as souvenirs. The plate on the right contains bonbons—* crackers.” MENU Egg Balls Rolled in Tissue Paper Chopped Chicken Sandwiches Plain Bread and Butter Tiny Sponge Cakes Rolled Wafers Ice Cream Candied Cherries Salted Almonds i wn a if x re o Q “4 oO & 9 ° o 2 ® 3 a Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 201 Twelve o’Clock Breakfast The coloring scheme is scarlet, one of the most attractive of table colors. The centre piece is a pepper plant in fruit. Wrap the pot with crépe paper, fasten with broad scarlet ribbon, leaving two long ends; make a dainty bow of one end and place it in the centre of the plant; the other bring to the corner of the table, arrange it in long, graceful loops, holding a bunch of Jacqueminots. The illustration shows the third course placed ready for serving. MENU Oyster Cocktails in Scooped-out Tomatoes Broiled Chops Potato Croquettes Peas Waldorf Salad in Scarlet Apple Cases Wafers Cream Cheese Charlotte Russe Garnished with Maraschino Cherries Rolled Rose Wafers Coffee zeddng & S Apaeg zoz Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 203 Family Supper One usually places the entire meal on the table before supper is announced; if, however, there is to be a first course, as a cup of broth or oysters, place the first course, the salad, and the tea service. MENU No. 1 Beef Salad in Tomato Cases Bread and Butter Tea Sugared Pineapple Loaf Cake No. 2 Grape Fruit Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms Lettuce Salad Bread and Butter Coffee Baked Apples, Whipped Cream No. 3 Grape Fruit or Oranges Thin Sliced Cold Beef Aspic Horseradish Sauce Lettuce Salad Coffee Canned Peaches Angel’s Food Salted Almonds uosyoun’y s,Ape’y Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 205 Young Lady’s Luncheon The illustration represents the luncheon ready to be announced. Across the centre of the table place a strip, nine inches wide, of French bright-colored ribbon. Down the centre of the ribbon a row of variegated chrysanthemums, the stems cut close to the flowers. Tie a lunch roll in each napkin with narrow ribbon to match the centre strip. The china is Haviland, gilt and pink. The butter balls are on tiny lettuce leaves, on bread and butter plates. MENU Shaddocks or Grape Fruit Oyster Croquettes, Sauce Hollandaise Egg Rolls Masked Chops Peas Chicory Salad, Italian Dressing Wafers Neufchatel Cheese Café Parfait vay, ueIssny Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 207 Russian Tea Everything at a Russian tea is placed on the table; no plates or napkins are used. Bread and butter with caviar are eaten from the fingers. The “tea’’ is the great feature ; hence the necessity of fresh boiling water and good Oolong tea. Make it fresh at each pouring. Gentlemen use glasses; ladies, cups. Use lemon or not, as you please. The small decanter near the glasses contains Vodka. The hostess makes and pours the tea; the guests help themselves. There is very little variety in Russian teas, that is, if you have a dozen, they are practically the same. Hard boiled eggs cut in quarters may take the place of the marine herring, You are supposed to have eight dishes, five of which are always caviar, pumpernickel, rye bread and butter and tea. The Russians, as a class, prefer their tea slightly sweet- ened, but they never use milk or cream; sometimes lemon, but not often. MENU Vodka Rye Bread Caviar Pumpernickel Butter Marine Herring Sun Dried Salmon Anchovies Sausage Tea uosyoun] s,Apey Sunoxz Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 209 Young Lady’s Luncheon The illustration represents the second course at the luncheon—creamed fish served in dainty china ramekins placed on embroidered mats on breakfast plates. The centre of the table is covered with a luncheon cloth of white linen em- broidered with pink floss. The basket is filled with pink roses, the handle wound with pink satin ribbon, an end finish- ing one side, a large bow the other. The large glasses are for water, the small ones for Apollinaris. The color scheme is pink. MENU Chicken Bouillon Bread Sticks Creamed Fish in Ramekins Chicken Croquettes Peas Mayonnaise of Tomato Toasted Wafers Strawberry Parfait Rolled Rose Wafers seddng ysiq suyeyd Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book a1 Chafing Dish Supper A chafing dish supper is much like a chafing dish lunch- eon or twelve o'clock breakfast. One or two dishes may be prepared at table. On the left place the seasonings and liquids necessary for the service; on the right, the butter and flour. On the tray, a tablespoon, and a teaspoon for measuring, a large spoon for serving and a chafing dish paddle for stirring. Use the hot water pan, providing you have a good lamp; if the lamp is weak use the “ blazer.’’ The illustration shows the general arrangement of the table before the announcement of supper. A bowl of chrys- anthemums with short stems forms the centre piece. A dish of olives, one of bonbons, the butter on lettuce leaves on bread and butter plates and the rolls are on the table. MENU Clam Broth in Cups Creamed Sweetbreads with Mushrooms Rolls Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Have all materials well arranged to prevent delay, but cook each dish, do not simply warm it up. Parboil the sweet- breads and pick them apart, long before supper—cook them at the table. Clam broth may be heated and served from the dish. *y E ° q ~ x a a we 3 o H aw y a o ° v 2 & Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 213 Five o’Clock Tea or an “At Home” The illustration shows a polished oak table, white em- broidered linen mat in the centre, holding a large soft basket partly pulled together and filled with pink, white and varie- gated Japanese chrysanthemums. Back of the basket stands a silver candelabra, holding white candles with pink silk shades. Chocolate service at one end, tea at the other, and at the side a large cut-glass bowl of mint sherbet. A plate of wafers, another of dainty sandwiches, another of maca- roons, complete the necessary refreshments. Refreshments are not served in the dining room, except at an “at home” or high tea or five o’clock tea. Afternoon Tea In fashionable circles an afternoon tea is not a meal, but simply a cup of tea and a wafer; or, in summer, a glass of sherbet. uoaysuny yuUrg Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 215 Pink Luncheon The mats are white linen embroidered in pink conven- tional roses. China, Haviland, white and pink. The loving cup in the centre holds a large bunch of pink roses. The rolls are tied in the napkins with pink ribbon. The table is ready for the announcement of lunch. MENU Chicken Bouillon Rolls Creamed Fish in Ramekins Broiled Chicken, Cream Sauce Panned Mushrooms Shrimp Salad Toasted Crackers Chocolate Parfait Coffee Japanese Tea 216 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 217 Japanese Tea The design shows a table covered first with a silence cloth, pinned firmly at the corners, covered with Japanese crépe paper. Place the edge of the paper to the edge of the silence cloth, and fasten it with small pins. Over this throw a Japanese table cloth that has been made by carefully sticking sheets of the paper together. Pin here and there around the edge tiny Japanese lanterns, umbrellas or paper flowers. The candlesticks are silver, holding pink candles, at the base of which is a frill of clipped Japanese paper. In the centre of the table is a large Japanese vase holding Japanese paper flowers, fastened to sprays of laurel. The napkins are stamped so that when folded they form a kite, a face or some grotesque figure. Pink is always the accepted color. MENU No. 1 Japanese Tea Macaroons Rice Flour Wafers Bonbons No. 2 Tea Japanese Salad Sardines Rice Cakes Bonbons Japanese Dinner Shrimp Soup Thin Sliced Raw Blue Fish Soy Boiled Chicken Sautéd Celery White Fish Balls Rice Cakes Tea Easter Luncheon 218 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 219 Easter Luncheon The table here represented has at one side a large straw hat surrounded by a dainty green vine and filled with cotton ; the cotton is arranged to form a nest, in the centre of which are nine large hen’s eggs with one or two broken shells, out of which are coming little fluffy chickens. Standing by, looking into the nest, is the ‘‘ mother hen,” which is really a bonbon box. On the other side a little china rabbit is curiously peeping in the nest; other chickens are out of the nest and on the table. At the left is ‘‘mother goose,” and running across the table a rabbit carrying a carrot. Yellow and white, or white alone, seems the accepted color for Easter. This is only a suggestion, as an endless variety of appropriate decorations is sold at every shop. MENU Chicken Salad Garnished with Olives Egg Croquettes Nut Sandwiches Coffee Lemon Water-ice Lady Cake Stuffed Dates Coffee Aeq s,4o1r ; d s4omed 3$ ozz Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 221 St. Patrick’s Day A number of very novel and pretty decorations may be used on St. Patrick’s Day. The table has in the centre an Irish cart filled with crullers, made in form of shillalahs. Pasteboard boxes covered with green crépe paper, lids fastened with narrow green ribbon, tops decorated with artificial leaves of shamrock and tiny clay pipes, are used for ‘‘ Donny Brook’ cream, a pistachio ice cream. The plate at the right contains green candy straws with which to drink the punch. ‘The Irish hats and the bells are bonbon boxes containing green bonbons. The centre piece under the cart is a square of crépe paper edged with sham- rock leaves. In the right-hand corner is a pot of shamrock, the pot also is in the form of a shamrock leaf. The plate on the left-hand corner contains potatoes that have been baked, the centres scooped out and the spaces filled with chicken salad; the ends are carefully fastened with a small wooden toothpick. The sandwiches are brown bread and butter. Candles are green, the bottoms of which are decorated with fringed green tissue paper. The plates are green Chinese ware. MENU Murphies, with Emeralds (Peas) Sandwiches Donny Brook Cream, with Shillalahs Shamrock Punch (Mint Punch) leyy Surueaq [jews zzz Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book oo Small Evening Affair The table is arranged for a small evening affair the latter part of Easter week. In the centre, around the table mirror, is a thick rope of smilax; here and there over the table, fastened with small pins, are long sprays of trailing asparagus. The mirror holds a white and gilt Bohemian vase filled with daffodils. Candle- sticks are silver, holding yellow candles, MENU Chicken Salad on Lettuce Leaves Rolled Nut Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Spanish Meringues Coffee asinoy preg eyYL—uosysunT AWureq Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 225 Dainty Luncheon This illustration represents a luncheon just as the salad course has been brought to the table. The mats are of Rus- sian design and coloring. In the centre is a silver candelabra holding three pink candles with fringed pink tissue paper at the base. On the opposite sides of the table are small white glass vases filled with pink sweet peas. The small olive bowl at the right holds ripe olives. The tall comport is filled with bonbons; on the corner at the left is a cake of Philadel- phia cream cheese; at the right far corner the cracker jar filled with dainty toasted ‘‘ educators.” MENU Strawberry Cocktails in Small Glasses Cream of Tomato Soup in Cups Fish Cutlets, Cream Sauce Tiny Potato Balls Broiled Chicken, Creamed Mushroom Sauce Peas Pineapple Salad in Pineapple Shell Wafers Cream Cheese Café Parfait Garnished with Candied Cherries Coffee uosyounyT ,saipey Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 227 Ladies’ Luncheon The illustration shows a bare polished table covered with Mexican drawn work doilies. The table is fully arranged and luncheon is ready to be announced. A cut-glass celery dish in the centre is filled to overflowing with maiden-hair and pink sweet peas ; the candlesticks are glass, holding pink candles, the bases of which are trimmed with pink fringed paper. The small dish contains ripe olives, and a glass stem dish, bonbons. The rolls are tied in the napkins with broad pink satin ribbon, each bow holds a spray of fern and sweet peas. The small bowls at each place are filled with finely shaved ice, in the centre of which is a green pepper, seeds taken out, and the spaces filled with oyster cocktails. MENU No. 1 Oyster Cocktails Oyster Crackers Shrimps a la Newburg Saratoga Chips German Potato Bread Mutton Hearts with Mushroom Sauce Peas Waldorf Salad in Light Colored Apple Shells Toasted Wafers Strawberry Parfait Coffee No. 2 Oyster Cocktails in Pepper Shells Planked Shad, Roe Sauce Potatoes a la Duchesse Chicory Salad Toast Crackers Camembert Coffee Thanksgiving Table 228 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 229 Thanksgiving Table The centre piece is a shallow basket filled with ‘‘ stone”’ moss, holding a small pumpkin, the centre of which is scooped out and filled with long sprays of bitter-sweet. The edge of the basket is finished with small branches of dark red oak leaves. Here and there in the moss are bunches of partridge berries. The iron candelabra holds red candles. The menus are burned on thin boards, five by seven inches. The border decorations are tiny turkeys standing on pump- kins, with bunches of corn between. yseJYBIIG YIOTD,O aapamy, 10 uoaysunyT ysiq suyeyy Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 231 Chafing Dish Luncheon or Twelve o’Clock Breakfast A twelve o'clock breakfast is only a luncheon served at noon instead of two o’clock. It is made especially attractive by having everything prepared at table. The illustration represents a bare table covered with lace doilies ; in the centre is a cut-glass rose bowl filled with daffodils. Breakfast plates covered with maiden-hair fern, with here and there a nar- cissus, hold orange cups filled with strawberry cocktails. The small tray at the right-hand corner contains the season- ings to be used in the chafing dish. The menu cards are hand painted; the general scheme is yellow, the mats are white. MENU Strawberry Cocktails Creamed Fish in the Chafing Dish Rolls Chicken a la Bordelaise in the Chafing Dish Thin Brown Bread and Butter Lettuce and Chicory Salad Toasted Wafers Neufchatel Cheese Whipped Cream Thickly Covered with Chopped and Browned Almonds Macaroons and Nut Cakes Coffee uosyouny Aeyy Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 295 at May Luncheon Here we have again the drawn work Mexican doilies ; in the centre a cut-glass rose bowl filled with a huge bunch of pink sweet peas. On the mat are four candlesticks, with pink candles, fringed paper at the base. The illustration shows the table ready for the dessert ; the plates, with finger bowls, have been brought in, the bowls and mats have been lifted and placed at the left ready for the dessert. MENU Sliced Strawberries mixed with Shaddock Pulp in Shaddock Skins Lobster 4 la Newburg Potato Chips Pocketbook Rolls Breaded Chicken, Sauce Béchamel Peas Orange Salad with French Dressing Wafers Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream Garnished with Fresh Strawberries Coffee ve IOUUIC, JO} prey s1qe7 z Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 23% Menus for Small Evening Affairs Refreshments may be served between nine and ten o’clock from small tables, or card tables, or in the dining-room from the dining table ; or they may be passed in the library or parlor, dished and served directly from the pantry or kitchen. Change the service or plates but once. Pass coffee last, after the dessert plates are removed, unless it forms a part of the dessert. Persons cannot well manage two plates at one time, unless at a small table. Never under any circumstances use trays or ‘‘ lap-boards’”’ for holding refreshments. The first course will be handed by the waitress or person serving, without tray, two plates only being carried at the same time. In handing coffee, however, use a small tray. Tongue Salad Brown Bread and Butter Sandwiches Rolled Ginger Wafers Coffee Bobotee Salad Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Cake Coffee Chicken Salad Nut Sandwiches Coffee Beef Salad Thin Bread and Butter Lemon Jelly with Whipped Cream Coffee 236 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Parmesan Balls on Lettuce Leaves, French Dressing Chicken Sandwiches Coffee Egg Salad Nut Sandwiches Ice Cream Macaroons Coffee Japanese Salad Rolled Sandwiches Graham Wafers Tea Waldorf Salad Whole Wheat Bread Sandwiches Apple Sponge, Whipped Cream Sunshine Cake Coffee Fruit and Nut Sandwiches Cocoa Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 227 —— aS A Few Ball, Large Reception or Wedding Suppers Bouillon in Cups Wafers Chicken Cutlets Rolls Oyster Salad Neapolitan Ice Cream Fancy French Cakes Salted Almonds Bonbons Ginger Coffee Oysters 4 la Poulette in Cases or Paté Shells Chicken Salad Thin Bread and Butter Truffled Tongue in Aspic Lemon Jelly with Candied Fruit Charlotte Russe Ices Angel’s Food Salted Almonds Olives Bonbons Creamed Sweetbreads with Mushrooms in Cases or Shells Cold Turkey Tomato Jelly with Mayonnaise German Horns Ice Cream Ices Macaroons Jumbles Bonbons Olives Salted Mixed Nuts Coffee 238 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Clear Broth in Cups Waferettes Boned Chicken Molded in Jelly, Garnished with Boned Birds Tongue Salad in Tomatoes Bread and Butter Fingers Bisque Ice Cream Sponge Cakes Macaroons Kisses Coffee Bouillon Oyster Patties Boned Turkey, Mayonnaise Duck Salad Cress Sandwiches Claret Cup Mint Sherbet Ice Cream Ices Cakes Coffee Clam Bouillon Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Chicken Salad Olives Tongue in Aspic Sandwiches Ice Cream Orange Jelly Cakes Coffee Creamed Oysters Buttered Rolls Duck Salad Olives a English Walnut Sandwiches Sultana Roll, Claret Sauce Macaroons Small Cakes Coffee Pistachio Nuts Bonbons Almonds Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 239 Elaborate Dinners and Banquets Banquets are elaborate dinners elongated, and are not attractive even to those who suggest and prepare them. Each course must be well served, and the whole menu well blended. Haphazard, unconventional meals are never accept- able; but a banquet is a feast more than a dinner, and must, therefore, be all that its name implies. Never undertake a banquet unless you have a well-trained cook, parlor-maid and butler. American Beauties.—A huge bunch in the centre of a round table Oysters on Half-shell Crackers Tobasco Lemon Horseradish Consommé a la Royal Bread Sticks Celery Olives Radishes Boiled Cod’s Shoulder, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Cucumbers, French Dressing Sweetbread Patties Larded Fillet, Mushroom Sauce Spaghetti a la Italienne Ginger Punch Partridges on Toast Chicory Salad Sultana Rolls, Claret Sauce Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee 240 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Little Neck Clams Crackers Tobasco Lemon Horseradish Consommé with Tomato Blocks Bread Sticks Celery Olives Timbale of Fish, Lobster Sauce Duchess Potatoes Mutton Chop ‘ Hearts ’’ Mushrooms Truffled Capon, Giblet Sauce Black Currant Jelly Chestnuts a la Poulette Peas Roman Punch Asparagus, Sauce Vinaigrette Birds Chiffon Salad Chocolate Parfait Toasted Crackers Roquefort Coffee Petit Brulé Gentleman’s Game Dinner Oyster Cocktails Crackers Terrapin 4 la Maryland Saratoga Chips French Rolls Roasted Canvas Backs Currant Jelly Stewed Celery : Hominy Slices Chicory and Lettuce Salad Water Thins Small Charlottes (frozen) Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Petit Brulé Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 241 A Shore or Fish Dinner Steamed Clams with Broth Crackers Broiled Fish Stewed Potatoes Cucumber Sauce Planked Lobster Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Another Fish Dinner Crab Gumbo Bread Sticks Planked White Fish Maitre d’ Hétel Butter Potato Balls Broiled Chickens, Mushroom Sauce Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee A Gentleman’s Oyster Dinner Oyster Cocktails Crackers Clam Broth Bread Sticks Oyster Croquettes Planked Shad, Oyster Sauce Duchess Potatoes Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee 242 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Halloween Halloween, or the watching of All Hallows or All Saints, appears on the last eve of October, All Saints’ Day being November first. In England and Scotland it has long been the custom to crack nuts, duck in tubs of water for apples, eat doughnuts, drink cider, and pick the raisins from burning alcohol. The amusements of the evening vary in different localities and among different people. Calico balls, in which both ladies and gentlemen are dressed in calico, or gentlemen have calico ties and vests to match the material of the ladies’ garments, are thought by some to be the proper thing. Sometimes the young ladies send sufficient material like their garments for the gentlemen’s outfits to the house of the person who gives the party; then on an evening a week previous all the gentlemen are invited to meet and select their materials. These are made in vests and ties and no one knows to whom he is indebted. On Halloween each gentleman selects for his partner the young lady wearing the gown that matches his necktie. Another method is for each lady to make a necktie from the material like her gown and send it to the house of entertainment. These neckties are put into a box in the gentlemen’s dressing room; each gentleman selects his tie, goes to the drawing room where, of course, he finds ‘‘his partner’ wearing the gown to match his tie. Refreshments should be served on a highly polished oak or mahogany table covered with fall leaves arranged as mats. In the centre of the table put a small table mirror on a mat of brown chestnut leaves. In the centre of the mirror stand a large brown jug or pitcher filled with tiny old-fashioned chrys- anthemums, red and yellow. Toward the ends of the table Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 243 make large mats of leaves and pile on them beautifully polished apples. Cut sheets of tin in squares of about nine or ten inches, roll the corners to give the appearance of flat cake dishes. Fill these with doughnuts, ginger cookies and sand tarts. At one end of the table, on a large tray, place a jug of cider and glasses or stonemugs. Have plain brown bread and butter sandwiches, a large wooden bowl filled with cracked nuts. Another filled with smoking hot boiled chest- nuts will be brought in during supper. Serve on wooden plates, the ordinary picnic kind will answer, and, if conve- nient, use brown paper napkins. 244 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Thanksgiving Dinner Like Christmas, Thanksgiving has its own bill of fare which has not been varied for many generations. Roasted turkey, pumpkin, mince and apple custard pies are served in almost all parts of the United States. A heavy breakfast, with chicken pie, and a late dinner are the common rules, If shell-fish are in good condition, serve oysters on the half-shell or oyster cocktails as first course; if not, serve a clear soup. The turkey may be stuffed with oysters, or oyster sauce may be used in place of giblet sauce, or scalloped oysters may be served as a side dish. Oysters seem to be a part of the Thanksgiving dinner. Pumpkins, corn, nuts, fruits and bitter-sweet are the choice decorations. Oysters on the Half-shell Consommé 4 la Royal Celery Olives Roasted Turkey, Oyster Sauce Cranberry Jelly Potato Croquettes Cauliflower Chicken Pie Scalloped Oysters Lettuce and Apple Salad Water Thins Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Apple Custard Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 245 Oyster Soup Celery Olives Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Sweet Potato Croquettes Creamed Onions Chicken Pie or Oyster Pie Waldorf Salad Water Thins Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Crackers Cheese Coffee Cream of Tomato Soup Créutons Roasted Turkey, Oyster Sauce Cranberry Jelly Potato Pudding Creamed Onions Celery and Apple Salad Wafers Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Crackers Cheese Coffee Lenten Dinners Cream of Peanut Soup Créutons Oyster Croquettes, Sauce Tartare Boiled Fish, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 246 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Crab Gumbo Creamed Fish in Ramekins Planked Shad Maitre d’ Hotel Butter Duchess Potatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Clam Bouillon White Stewed Fish, Egg Sauce Potato Balls Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Game Dinners Oyster Cocktails Brown Bread Sandwiches Turtle Soup Roasted Haunch of Venison Currant Jelly French Fried Sweet Potatoes Broiled Birds Lettuce Salad Chocolate Parfait Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 247 Clam Broth Terrapin Saratoga Chips Roasted Duck Broiled Thin Ham Claret Punch Sweet Potato Croquettes Broiled Birds Lettuce Salad Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Christmas Menus For the ordinary company dinner all sorts of novelties are looked for and bills of fare are made as unique as possible. Not so with the Christmas dinner ; it has remained unchanged for many generations. Christmas would not be Christmas without the turkey or goose, plum pudding and sugar-plums. The pudding for the feast should be made at least two months before the occasion, and put away to ripen and become mellow and rich. Not so with the candies ; they should be as fresh as possible, not more than a day old, and should be kept in tin boxes and ina dry place. Cranberry jelly will be made always the day before. The turkey drawn and hung in a cold place for at least one day before roasting. If turkey or goose cannot be procured, a large chicken will answer very well. A fruit pudding is less expensive than plum pudding, but must be palatable and well made. The perfect menu com- bines the luxuries of the season without great expenditure of either time or money. Dinner should not be so elaborate 248 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book that it is’ entirely beyond the capacity of the cook or the housewife to whom the preparation is assigned. Select veg- etables that are in season. Use holly, cedar and mistletoe for decorations, or ground pine and partridge berry. Do not use roses or other hot-house flowers, they are entirely inappro- priate. Oyster Cocktails Crackers Consommé 4 la Royal Bread Sticks Celery Olives Mushroom Patties Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Punch Sweet Potato Croquettes Creamed Onions Broiled Birds Chicory Salad Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Cherry-stone Oysters in Beds of Cress Consommé a la Royal Broiled Salmon, Lobster Sauce Parisienne Potatoes Turkey, Chestnut Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce Boiled Rice Creamed Onions Shaddock Sherbet Canvas-back Duck Fox Grape Jelly Lettuce Salad, French Dressing Mince Pie Pumpkin Custard Nuts Raisins Fruits Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 249 Oyster Soup Bread Sticks Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Rice Croquettes Creamed Onions Chicory Salad Crackers Cheese Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee Oysters on Half-shell Crackers Tomato Soup Crofitons Roasted Turkey, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Mashed and Browned Potatoes Onions Scalloped Oysters Celery and Apple Salad Water Thins Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee Tomato Soup Crofitons Roasted Turkey or Chicken, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Boiled Rice Creamed Onions Waldorf Salad Water Thins Fruit Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee 250 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Cream of Tomato Soup Roasted Chicken, Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Mashed Sweet Potatoes Creamed Onions Celery Whole Wheat Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee Cream of Corn Soup Chicken Pie Roasted Beef, Brown Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Spinach Celery Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Nuts Bonbons Raisins Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee Company Luncheons Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 253 Company Luncheons SPRING Colors, White and Green.—Flowers, Fringe Tree Blooms, Spirea, or Mock Orange Blossoms Clam Cocktails in Green Peppers Crackers Creamed Halibut in Ramekins Cucumber Sauce Boned Chicken (hot), Spinach Sauce Rice Peas Cress Salad, French Dressing : Saltines Cream Cheese Whipped Cream in Punch Glasses, Garnished with Chopped Pistachio Nuts Angel’s Food Coffee Bonbons Ginger Colors, Violet.—Use violets in large flat baskets tied with bows of violet ribbon, violets in bunches at each plate Bouillon in Cups Bread Sticks Creamed Sweetbreads in Rice Border Chicken Croquettes Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Cream Cheese Whipped Cream with Candied Violets Sweet Violet Sandwiches Coffee 254 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SUMMER Color, White or Yellow.—F lowers, Poppies, Snap Dragons, Nasturtiums Clam Bouillon Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms Bread and Butter Sandwiches Cold Lamb Chops, Aspic Mayonnaise of Celery Olive and Cress Sandwiches Ice Creams Ices Angel’s Food Coffee Candied Fruits Salted Nuts Bonbons Bouillon Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Chicken Mayonnaise Truffled Tongue Nut and Plain Sandwiches Claret Cup Frozen Charlotte Russe Cakes Coffee Salted Nuts Bonbons Ginger AUTUMN Color, Pink.—F lowers, Chrysanthemums Oyster Cocktails in Tomato Cases Crackers Minced Tongue on Toast, Tomato Sauce Broiled Fillet of Beef French Fried Potatoes Beet Salad Saltines Frozen Peaches Rose Cake Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 255 Colors, Red and Yellow.—Decorations, Autumn Leaves or Scarlet Sage and Golden Glow Cream of Tomato Soup in Cups Timbale of Salmon, Cream Sauce Duck Croquettes, Chili Sauce Peas Tomato Salad Toasted Water Thins Charlotte Russe Garnished with Candied Cherries Coffee Salted Almonds Stuffed Dates WINTER Color, Red.—Flowers, Roses or Carnations Oyster Bouillon, Whipped Cream Sweetbread Cutlets, Mushroom Sauce Crescents Chicken Salad Nut Sandwiches Mint Punch Vanilla Ice Cream, Hot Chocolate Sauce Small Cakes Coffee Bouillon, Whipped Cream Fried Oysters Brown Bread Sandwiches Turkey Salad Almond Sandwiches Olives Mixed Ice Cream, Molded Small Cakes Coffee 256 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Chafing Dish Luncheons or Suppers SPRING Strawberry Cocktails Fresh Mushrooms with Sweetbreads Rolls Lettuce and Cress Salad Wafers Neufchatel Cheese Coffee Scallops 4 la Newburg Creamed Chicken Rolls Coffee Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Whipped Cream Lady’s Fingers SUMMER Tomato Cocktail in Pepper Cases Barbecue of Beef Rolls Coffee Cabbage Salad Wafers Cheese Raspberries Angel’s Food Deviled Tomatoes Crackers Curry of Beef Rice Coffee Egg Salad Wafers Ice Cream Cake Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 257 AUTUMN Clams on Half Shell Fish Pats, Spinach Sauce Birds’ Breasts, Claret Sauce Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Creamed Oysters Crackers Mutton (venison style) Rolls Coffee Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Sliced Peaches Sponge Cake WINTER Oyster Cocktails Crackers Creamed Fish Rolls Chicken a la Bordelaise Lettuce Salad Bar-le-duc Cream Cheese Toasted Crackers Coffee Panned Oysters Rolls Creamed Sweetbreads Mushrooms Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 258 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book A Few Lawn Suppers Creamed Chicken Salad in Tomato Cases Olive Sandwiches Apple Cup Fruit Parfait Almondines Fruit Salad Nut Sandwiches East Indian Punch Chicken in Aspic, Mayonnaise Brown and White Bread Cress Sandwiches Olives Salted Nuts Raspberry Sherbet SmaJl Cakes Lamb Salad Nasturtium Sandwiches Peach Mangoes Mint Sherbet Wafers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 259 Company Luncheons SPRING Strawberry Cocktails in Orange Baskets Creamed Fish Potato 4 la Duchesse Broiled Chickens, Mushroom Sauce Pocketbook Rolls Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Orange Sherbet Macaroons Coffee Cream of Tomato Soup with Whipped Cream Lobster a la Newburg Rolls Baked Sweetbreads Peas Tomatoes Stuffed with Cress, French Dressing Sultana Roll, Claret Sauce Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Clam Cocktails in Tomatoes Shad Roe Croquettes, Sauce Hollandaise Lamb Chops Peas Asparagus, French Dressing Toasted Crackers Brie Frozen Strawberries with Whipped Cream Coffee 260 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SUMMER Clam Bouillon with Whipped Cream Deviled Crabs, Sauce Tartare Cold Roasted Beef, Horseradish Sauce Aspic Cress Green Pea Salad Wafers Parmesan Balls Raspberry Parfait Almond Wafers Coffee Tomato Cocktails Crackers Creamed Fish in Ramekins, Cucumber Sauce Rolls Panned Young Chickens, Cream Sauce Peas Cherry Salad, French Dressing Almond Wafers Frozen Strawberries Nut Kisses Iced Bouillon Wafers Eggs in Tomato Cases, Cream Sauce Rolls Cream of Chicken Salad Brown Bread Sandwiches Chilled Watermelon in Glasses Rolled Wafers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday AUTUMN Menu Book Clear Tomato Soup in Cups with Whipped Cream Broiled Spanish Mackerel Maitre d’ Hétel Butter Potato Balls Cucumbers, French Dressing Tongue in Aspic, Mayonnaise Toast Fingers Compote of Pears, Brandy Sauce Coffee Chicken Bouillon Bread Sticks Frogs’ Legs a la Poulette Rice Balls Chicken Croquettes Peas Tomatoes Stuffed with Cress, French Dressing Wafers Omelet Soufflé Coffee Oyster Bisque Crackers Creamed Crabs in Ramekins Rolls Broiled Fillet of Beef, Sauce Bearnaise Mashed Lima Beans (baked) Lettuce and Tomato Salad Toasted Crackers Coffee Camembert 261 — 262 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book WINTER Grape Fruit Bouillon in Cups Bread Sticks Creamed Fish in Ramekins Masked Chops Peas Rolls Tomato Jelly on Lettuce, Mayonnaise Water Thins Café Parfait Oyster Cocktails in Pepper Cases Crackers Fish Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Rolls Chicken Breasts au Supréme Broiled Mushrooms Peas Broiled Birds Orange Salad Chocolate Parfait Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 263 Oyster Bouillon with Whipped Cream in Cups Fried Smelts, Sauce Tartare Rolls Chicken Patties Broiled Partridges Toast Rolled Bacon French Fried Sweet Potatoes Peas Waldorf Salad in Red Apple Cases Whipped Cream with Maraschino Cherries Toasted Crackers Brie Coffee 264 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Small High Noon Affairs, Morning Weddings or Receptions SPRING Serve from the dining room. Have both the dining room and table decorated with flowers. Color, Yellow.—F lowers, Daffodils Strawberry Cocktails in Orange Shells Sweetbread Salad Nut Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Orange Water-ice Molded with Strawberry Ice Cream Small Cakes Coffee Colors, White and Green.—Flowers, Narcissus Waldorf Salad in Green Apple Shells Rolled Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Pistachio Ice Cream Molded with Lemon Water-ice Rolled Almond or Pistachio Wafers Coffee Color, Violet.—Flowers, Violets or Wistaria Place in the centre of the table a flat basket filled with violets, so full that the flowers seem to be pushing open the lid. In the centre of the lid place a handsome bow of violet ribbon. Philadelphia Cream Salad White Bread Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Charlotte Russe Decorated with Violets Small Iced Cakes Decorated with Candied Violets Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 265 Color, Pink.—Flowers, Apple Blossoms Chicken Salad Creamed Sweetbreads Tiny Bread and Butter Sandwiches Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberries Angel’s Food Rose Icing Coffee SUMMER At this season of the year one may select from a great variety of flowers. It is not necessary that fruits, flowers and foods should be alike in color, but they must harmo- nize. Do not select flowers with heavy odors. In the early summer tulips and poppies, both yellow and red, make showy decorations. Colors, Yellow and Red.—Flowers, Tulips Sweetbread Salad Nut Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Strawberry Ice Cream and Orange Water-ice Molded Together Small Cakes with Orange and Rose Icing Coffee Color, Pink.—F lowers, Roses Shaddock Cocktails Served in Dainty Glasses Sweetbread Salad Garnished with Olives Tiny Buttered Rolls Brown Bread Sandwiches Strawberry Ice Cream Sponge Cake Coffee 266 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book | A White and Green Luncheon Use any white flower and trailing asparagus or smilax. In the centre of the table on a table mirror place a tall vase holding a few beautiful white flowers; tie the asparagus or smilax from the base to the corners of the table, fastening it securely with small pins. On one corner put a rather large bow of white ribbon, filled with maiden-hair. On the table place a dish of green and white bonbons, another of olives, and one of mixed nuts. Roll the sandwiches in white tissue paper fringed at the ends, and tied in the centre with narrow, green baby-ribbon, and serve them on a flat dish or in a basket. Creamed Chicken Salad on Dainty Lettuce Leaves Green Mayonnaise Sandwiches Pistachio Ice Cream Molded with Vanilla Ice Cream Angel’s Food, Pistachio Icing Coffee Colors, Red and White.—Trumpet Flowers and Wild Carrots Oyster Cocktails Tongue in Aspic Tomatoes, Mayonnaise White and Brown Bread Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Peach Ice Cream, Whipped Cream White Layer Cake Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 267 AUTUMN Chrysanthemums Bisque of Oyster Mushroom Patties Duck Salad Sandwiches Ripe Olives Peach Ice Cream Macaroons Coffee Scarlet Sage and Golden Rod Creamed Sweetbreads in Paper Cases Boned Chicken, Mayonnaise Dressing Sandwiches Peach Ice Cream Orange Ice Sunshine Cake, Rose Icing Coffee Purple Marguerites Grape Sherbet in Glass Cups Oyster Patties Chicken Salad Sandwiches Olives Violet Ice Cream, Whipped Cream Small Cakes Coffee Bitter-sweet and Moss Cream of Tomato in Cups Saltines Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms German Crescents Mayonnaise of Green Peas in Red Apples Water Thins Vanilla Ice Cream, Hot Chocolate Sauce Small Cakes Coffee 268 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book WINTER Crimson Carnations Bouillon in Cups Bread Sticks Boned Turkey, Mayonnaise of Celery Buttered Hot Rolls Olives Brandy Jelly Orange Ice Ice Cream Fancy Small Cakes Coffee Partridge Berry, Ground Pine or Winter Ferns Shaddocks with Chopped Candied Cherries Creamed Chicken in Paper Cases on same Plate with Mayonnaise of Celery Rolls Nut Sandwiches Vanilla Ice Cream Grape Sherbet Cakes Coffee _ Pink Roses Bouillon Water Thins Duck 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips Buttered Rolls Waldorf Salad in Apple Cases Cheese Straws Peach Ice Cream Currant Water-ice Cakes Coffee Red Roses Orange Cocktails in Orange Baskets Tongue Salad Sandwiches Olives Ice Cream Cakes Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 269 A Few Simple Luncheons for Eight Persons The Cost of Each Menu, $1.50 SPRING Grape Fruit Broiled Chops Peas Lettuce and Cress Salad Wafers Neufchatel Cheese Floating Island Sponge Cups Cream of Tomato in Cups Beef Olives, Brown Sauce Peas Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Pineapple Sherbet Coffee SUMMER Raspberry Cocktails in Glasses Panned Chicken, Brown Sauce Pocketbook Rolls Tomatoes Stuffed with Rice Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Chilled Watermelon Coffee Tomato Cocktails Stuffed Sweet Peppers (meat), Brown Sauce Rolls Parmesan Balls on Lettuce, French Dressing Wafers Kisses with Whipped Cream Coffee 270 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book AUTUMN Quick Bouillon Bread Sticks Celery Olives Little Pigs in Blankets Toast Brown Fricassee of Guinea Breaded Tomatoes Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Apple Salad Wafers Sliced Peaches Cake Coffee Oyster Cocktails in Red Peppers Crackers Partridges or Reed Birds Rolled Bacon Currant Jelly French Fried Sweet Potatoes Lettuce and Tomato Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee WINTER Clear Soup in Cups Bread Sticks Beef and Potato Cannelon, Brown Sauce Spinach (French fashion) Waldorf Salad in Apple Cases Toasted Crackers Prune Soufflé Wafers Coffee Clear Tomato Soup in Cups Smelts, Sauce Tartare Rolls Almond Steak Stewed Celery Butter Sauce Beet Salad on Lettuce Cheese Fingers Apple Sponge in Small Molds Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 271 Bridesmaids’ Luncheons Color, Pink.—Flowers, Apple or Peach Blossoms, or Mountain Laurel or Sweet Peas Tomato Soup in Cups, Whipped Cream Lobster 4 la Newburg in Ramekin Dishes Crescents Broiled Chickens, Cream Mushroom Sauce Peas Asparagus Salad Frozen Strawberries in Punch Glasses Rose Sandwiches Coffee Color, Yellow.—Flowers, Daffodils, Iris, Narcissus or Buttercup Strawberry Cocktails in Orange Skins Fish Cutlets, Bearnaise Sauce Chicken au Supréme Rolls Duchess Potatoes Parmesan Balls on Lettuce, French Dressing Frozen Custard in Glasses, Whipped Cream Rolled Wafers Coffee Colors, Red and Yellow.—F lowers, Scarlet Sage and Golden Rod Turkish Soup in Cups Saltines Olives Radishes Flaked Salmon with Sauce Hollandaise Rolls Masked Chops Peas Mayonnaise of Tomatoes Toast Strips Frozen Pudding Compote of Oranges Rose Wafers Stuffed Cherries Orange ‘‘ Butter Cups’”’ 272 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Clover Lunch To show to the best advantage, the table should be covered with a spotlessly white cloth; in the centre place a small table mirror, if you have it, on a small embroidered cloth, on which stand a rose bow! filled with huge pink clover blossoms. Scatter over the table small white clover blossoms and as many four-leaf clovers as you can get. At each plate put a bunch of small white clover tied with pink ribbon. Those for the ladies will be larger than those for the gentlemen. Have the dining room banked with clover; cover the mantel with large bunches of clover; in fact, put clover in every available space. MENU Strawberry Cocktails in Fancy Glasses Lobster Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Rolls Broiled Chicken, Cream Sauce Waffles or Rolls Tomato Mayonnaise on Lettuce Leaves Clover Sandwiches Vanilla Ice Cream, Strawberry Sauce Macaroons Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 273 Daisy Lunch Cover the table with a spotlessly white cloth ; use a white and yellow embroidered centre piece holding a vase filled with daisies. As the odor of daisies is not agreeable, corsage and buttonhole bouquets are quite out of the question. Drop single daisies here and there over the table. China should be gilt and white or plain white. Place a roll in each napkin, tie with yellow and white satin ribbon. If there is a chandelier over the table, hang from it a huge mass of daisies tied with yellow and white satin ribbon. Leave three long ends to the ribbon, which bring down to three corners of the table, fastening them in a bow holding a small bunch of daisies ; have each bunch different in shape, size and position. Leave the fourth corner open as the service end. MENU White Grape Cocktails in Orange Shells Creamed Fish in Ramekin Dishes Rolls Chicken Croquettes Peas Tender Lettuce with French Dressing and Egg Yolks Wafers Cream Cheese Frozen Custard Sunshine Cake Coffee 274 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Cobweb Lunch A cobweb lunch is very pretty as the closing of a nature study class, or for a lunch to. one’s nature study teacher. Write the invitations on white cards, with little golden cobwebs in a corner. Use a bare table highly polished, and, if possible, white linen mats embroidered in spider webs, even if it is but a small one in the corner. Very sheer linen, painted, are inexpensive and may be easily made for the occasion. In the centre of the table place a square basket fitted with a little tin box. Fill this with water and then with beautiful pansies, crowding them together; throw the lid open and fasten to the inside of the lid a dainty bow of violet ribbon, over which make a web of gold twine. Place bunches of violets at each place, little scarf pins for the gentlemen, and tiny lace pins with spider webs at the top for the ladies. These can be made from gold wire and are quite inexpensive. Hang from the chandelier a huge cobweb, made from strings attached to small round sticks covered with pansies, Have all the refreshments as light and dainty as possible. MENU Bouillon in Cups with Whipped Cream Thin Wafers Chicken Salad Nut Sandwiches Charlotte Russe Served in a Huge Angel’s Food, Iced and Decorated with Candied Violets Decorate the base of the cake with fresh pansies. Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 275 Chocolatiere A chocolatiere is usually given in the afternoon, although it may be given in the evening. Chocolate is served in every conceivable form. All the invitations are on chocolate colored cards. The decorations are brown: in the autumn shades of leaves are especially appropriate. The young ladies receiving are dressed in chocolate colored costumes ; plain full skirts, white aprons and little Dutch caps. A Few Simple Company Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts SPRING Grape Fruit Broiled Squabs Peas Milk Biscuits Lettuce and Cress Salad Wafers Cheese Strawberry Parfait Coffee Scallops 4 la Newburg in Cases Broiled Chops, Tomato Sauce Asparagus Tips Cress in Tomatoes, French Dressing Wafers Cream Cheese Strawberries Cream Cake Coffee 276 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book Mixed Fruit Cocktails Planked Shad Duchess Potatoes Cress Salad Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee SUMMER Chilled Watermelon in Glasses Eggs in Tomato Cases Rolls Chicken in Jelly Cress Salad Brown Bread Raspberry Sherbet Coffee Cold Bouillon in Cups Fried Egg Plant Tomato Catsup Broiled Chops Creamed Potatoes Peas Cherry Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Clam Bouillon Stuffed Tomatoes Rolls Tongue Salad Brown Bread Raspberries Wafers Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 277 AUTUMN Cream of Tomato Soup in Cups Panned Belgian Hare Hominy Croquettes Baked Tomatoes Whipped Cream with Sliced Peaches Angel’s Food Coffee Cream of Corn Soup in Cups Stuffed Peppers, Tomato Sauce Oatmeal Brown Bread Pea Salad in Young Beets Cantaloupe Soup 4 la Sap in Cups Potted Pigeons Boiled Rice Sour Grape Jelly Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee 278 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book WINTER Grape Fruit Smelts, Sauce Tartare Chicken Croquettes Peas Waldorf Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Celery Cocktails Broiled Sliced Halibut, Bearnaise Sauce Whole Wheat Biscuits Hamburg Steaks, Tomato Sauce _ Brussels Sprouts A Simple Café Parfait Rolled Wafers Oyster Bouillon Crackers Duck Croquettes Peas Celery on Lettuce, Mayonnaise Wafers Junket with Whipped Cream Lady’s Fingers Coffee Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 279 Elaborate Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts SPRING Grape Fruit Shad Roe (broiled), Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Lamb Chops Peas Cress and Dandelion Salad Wafers Compote of Pineapple in Ice Border Toasted Crackers Roquefort Coffee Strawberry Cocktails with Orange Juice in Orange Baskets Planked Shad Duchess Potatoes Cucumbers with French Dressing Broiled Chickens Mushrooms Peas Molded Spinach Salad Wafers Café Parfait Clam Bouillon Saltines Lobster 4 la Newburg Saratoga Chips Baked Sweetbreads Peas Asparagus Salad Strawberry Parfait Toasted Crackers Philadelphia Cream Cheese Coffee 280 Mrs, Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book SUMMER Strawberries with Hulls Creamed Crabs in Cases Rolls Broiled Squab Chickens on Toast Stuffed Potatoes Asparagus Tips Lettuce, Italian Dressing Wafers Neufchatel Raspberry Sherbet Macaroons Coffee Clam Bouillon Whipped Cream Scallops 4 la Newburg Brown Bread Hot Boned Chicken Lettuce, Mayonnaise Nut Sandwiches Frozen Charlotte Russe Coffee Caviar Sandwiches Chicken Croquettes Peas Rolls Coffee Duck Salad on Lettuce Leaves Wafers Jerusalem Cream Spiced Ginger Wafers Salted Pecan Nuts Olives Bonbons Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 281 AUTUMN Oatmeal Soup in Cups, Whipped Cream Minced Meat (Spanish style), Brown Sauce Potato Croquettes Tomato Salad, Mayonnaise Crackers Sliced Peaches, Cream Graham Wafers Coffee Cream of Pea Soup Mock Oysters, Tomato Catsup Milk Biscuit Broiled Birds Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Coffee Peach Cocktails Fish Timbale, Shrimp Sauce Rolls Baked Birds on Fried Hominy Peas Waldorf Salad Crackers Chilled Watermelon in Punch Glasses Coffee 282 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book WINTER Oyster Cocktails Bouillon Bread Sticks Olives Celery Fish Cutlets, Sauce Tartare Rolls Belgian Hare or Chicken en Casserole Rice Croquettes Celery Salad in Orange Cases Omelet Soufflé Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Bisque of Oysters in Cups Fillets of Flounder, Sauce Hollandaise Potato Balls Chicken au Supréme Broiled Mushrooms Tiny Rice Croquettes Broiled Birds Lettuce Salad Chocolate Parfait Toasted Crackers Roquefort Coffee Cream of Mushroom Soup in Cups Olives Celery Sweetbread Patties Chicken Croquettes Peas Waldorf Salad on Red Apples Pistachio Ice Cream Angel’s Food Toasted Crackers Camembert Coffee Menus Without Meat Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 285 MENUS WITHOUT MEAT SPRING SPRING BREAKFAST Oranges Wheatlet, Cream Toast Cereal Coffee LUNCH Cream of Asparagus Soup Whole Wheat Bread Stuffed Prunes DINNER Cream of Lettuce Soup Eggs in Tomato Cases Peas Corn Bread Prune Soufflé BREAKFAST Baked Bananas Brown Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH Stewed Asparagus Rice Whole Wheat Bread Fruit DINNER Grape Fruit Bean Croquettes, Tomato Sauce Baked Potatoes Spinach Cress Salad Wafers Cheese Cereal Coffee 286 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT SPRING SPRING BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Oatmeal = Sliced Bananas . Cream Granose, Grape Juice Pop Overs Cocoa Toast Cereal Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Omelet with Peas Corn Muffins Tea DINNER Vegetable Bouillon Scalloped Parsnips Peas Whole Wheat Bread Cress Salad Nut Sandwiches Banana Float Stuffed Potato Croquettes Cream Sauce Whole Wheat Bread Picked Pineapple DINNER Grape Fruit Potato Timbale, Nut Sauce Stewed Cabbage Cress Salad Cream Cheese Wafers Cup Custards Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT 287 SPRING SPRING BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Strawberries Cornmeal Mush Sliced Bananas Milk Whole Wheat Bread Butter LUNCH Ragottt of Potato Brown Bread Strawberries DINNER Cream of Onion Soup Mock Oysters Tomato Catsup Cabbage Salad Peach Tart Cereal Coffee Whole Wheat Muffins Cocoa LUNCH Cannelon with Raspberries Orange Sauce DINNER Tomato Soup Crofitons Cheese Croquettes, Cream Sauce Boiled Rice Peas Dandelion Salad Wafers Whipped Cream in Glasses 288 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT SPRING SUMMER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Soft Egg Toast Berries Whole Wheat Bread Cereal Coffee Cereal Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cream of Potato Soup Corn Bread Tomato Salad Whole Wheat Wafer Bread Cantaloupe Fruit DINNER DINNER Cream of Rice Soup Eggs in Tomato Cases Cream Sauce Nut Rolls, Sauce Hollandaise Peas Cold Asparagus, French Dressing Frozen Strawberries Sponge Cake Cereal Coffee Cream of Corn Soup Baked Stuffed Tomatoes Cream Sauce Rice Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Berries Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 289 = MENUS WITHOUT MEAT SUMMER SUMMER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Fruit Bread Nut Butter Granose Berries Cereal Coffee Cereal Coffee LUNCH LUNCH Cheese Soufflé Toast Beauregard Eggs Toast Fruit Fruit DINNER DINNER Tomato Soup _—_Crrofitons Cream of Pea Soup _—Crofitons Fried Egg Plant, Tomato Catsup Peas Lettuce Salad Strawberry Ice Cream Corn Oysters Baked Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Raspberry Parfait Wafers 290 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT _ i SUMMER SUMMER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Molded Farina with Berries Cream Cocoa LUNCH Corn Pudding Whole Wheat Bread Fruit DINNER Tomato Cocktails Corn Fritters Cucumbers, French Dressing Nut Rolls, Sauce Hollandaise Squash Watermelon Molded Oatmeal Cream Berries Cereal Coffee LUNCH Stuffed Tomatoes Whole Wheat Muffins Cantaloupes DINNER Cream of Peanut Soup Succotash Rice Tomato Salad Blackberry Cannelons Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 291 MENUS WITHOUT MEAT SUMMER SUMMER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Cranose Sivced Bananas Omelet with Tomato Sauce Cream Cereal Coffee LUNCH Corn Chowder Whole Wheat Bread Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Stewed Mushrooms Rice Peas Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Vanilla Ice Cream Whole Wheat Muffins Cereal Coffee LUNCH Boiled Rice with Raisins, Milk Bread and Nut Butter DINNER Vegetable Purée Lima Bean Cakes Stewed Corn Sliced Tomatoes Charlotte Russe 292 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book =—— MENUS WITHOUT MEAT AUTUMN AUTUMN BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Peaches Oatmeal, Cream Cereal Coffee LUNCH Panned Tomatoes Toast, Cream Sauce Cantaloupes DINNER Cream of Potato Soup Crofitons Chestnut Croquettes Tomato Sauce Squash Celery and Apple Salad Wafers Cheese Cup Custards Granose with Sliced Peaches Cereal Coffee LUNCH Huckleberry Pudding, Cream DINNER Broiled Tomatoes Toast Lima Beans a la Poulette Cabbage (German fashion) Corn on Cob Sliced Peaches, Cream Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 293 MENUS WITHOUT MEAT AUTUMN AUTUMN BREAKFAST Poached Eggs on Toast Cereal Coffee LUNCH Fried Cucumbers Tomato Catsup Lettuce Salad DINNER Okra and Tomato Soup Squash Stuffed with Bread and Nuts Baked Mush Bread Peach Ice Cream BREAKFAST Oatmeal with Baked Pears Whole Wheat Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH Peach Shortcake, Cream DINNER Cream of Beet Soup Lentils (Egyptian style), Sauce String Beans Sliced Peaches Sponge Cake Cream 294 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT 7 AUTUMN / AUTUMN 7 BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Toast Coffee LUNCH Stewed Macaroni Muffins Fruit DINNER Purée of Lentils Stuffed Sweet Peppers Tomato Sauce Potatoes Lettuce Salad Wafers Cheese Watermelon Wheatlet with Sliced Peaches Toast Coffee LUNCH Nut Sandwiches Tomato Salad Fruit DINNER Tomato Soup Fried Oyster Mushrooms Cabbage Salad Whole Wheat Bread Coffee Sliced Peaches Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 295 MENUS WITHOUT MEAT AUTUMN WINTER BREAKFAST Granose Biscuits, with Sliced Peaches and Cream Muffins Coffee LUNCH Baked Potatoes Cottage Cheese Corn Bread DINNER Cream of Turnip Soup Lentil Pie English Drawn Butter Stewed Cucumbers Tomato Salad Wafers Frozen Peaches Marguerites BREAKFAST Chopped Dates with Hot Oatmeal Whole Wheat Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH Macaroni Croquettes Tomato Sauce Brown Bread Stewed Prunes Gingerbread DINNER Vegetable Soup without Meat Baked Beans, Tomato Sauce Baked Potatoes Nut Sandwiches Celery Salad Apple Tart 296 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT WINTER WINTER BREAKFAST Granose, Grape Juice Cereal Coffee LUNCH Carrot Salad Nut Sandwiches Steamed Figs with Granose Cream DINNER Tomato Soup Crofitons Nut Rolls, Sauce Hollandaise Stewed Cabbage Chicory Salad Brown Bread Mock Charlotte, Custard Sauce BREAKFAST Prunes with Hominy, Milk Eggs Whole Wheat Bread Cocoa LUNCH Macaroni Rarebit Brown Bread Celery Cereal Coffee DINNER Purée of Black Beans Baked Hominy with Tomato Sauce Parsnips Cabbage and Onion Salad Wafers Almonds Farmhouse Apples Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book 297 MENUS WITHOUT MEAT WINTER WINTER BREAKFAST Whole Wheat Steamed, Milk Omelet White Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH German Compote Cocoa Gingerbread DINNER Cream of Celery Soup Kidney Beans, Brown Sauce Rice Salsify Fritters Cabbage Salad Nut Sandwiches Scalloped Prunes BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Milk Baked Apples Whole Wheat Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH Polenta, Tomato Sauce Corn Muffins Stuffed Dates DINNER Soup Crécy Nut Croquettes, Cream Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Plain Beets Celery Cannelons with Stewed Prunes 298 Mrs. Rorer’s Everyday Menu Book MENUS WITHOUT MEAT WINTER WINTER BREAKFAST BREAKFAST Baked Apples Granose with Stewed Apples Cereal Coffee Toast LUNCH Macaroni Creamed, Baked Rice Muffins Tea DINNER Cream of Onion Soup Cheese Pudding Stewed Celery Carrot Salad = Toast Syllabub Whole Wheat Bread Cereal Coffee LUNCH Purée of Lentils Rice Stewed Prunes DINNER Tomato Bisque Crofitons Baked Mashed Beans Baked Potatoes Carrots (Hawaiian fashion) Chicory Salad Wafers Cheese Chocolate Blanc Mange INDEX Afternoon Tea, 218 “At Home,” 213 Ball Suppers, 237 Birthday Supper, 199 Breakfast, Twelve o’Clock, 201; 231 Bridesmaids’ Luncheons, 271 Chafing Dish Luncheon, 231 Luncheons or Suppers, 256 Spring, 256 Summer, 256 Autumn, 257 Winter, 257 Supper, 211 Chocolatiere, 275 Christmas Menus, 247 Clover Lunch, 272 Cobweb Lunch, 274 Company Luncheons, 253 Spring, 253 Summer, 254 Autumn, 264 Winter, 255 Luncheons, 259 Spring, 259 Summer, 260 Autumn, 261 Winter, 262 Company Twelve o’Clock Break- fasts (simple), 275 Spring, 275 Summer, 276 Autumn, 277 Winter, 278 Dainty Luncheon, 225 Daisy Lunch, 273 Dinners and Banquets, Elaborate, 239 Fish, 241 Game, 246 Lenten, 245 Dinners and Banquets, Shore or Fish, 241 Thanksgiving, 244 Easter Luncheon, 219 Elaborate Dinners and Banquets, 239 Twelve o’Clock Breakfasts, 279 Spring, 279 Summer, 280 Autumn, 281 Winter, 282 Family Supper, 203 Fish Dinner, 241 Five o’Clock Tea, 213 Game Dinner, Gentleman’s, 240 Dinners, 246 Gentleman’s Game Dinner, 240 Oyster Dinner, 241 Golf Luncheon, 197 Halloween, 242 High Noon Affairs, Small, 264 Japanese Tea, 217 Ladies’ Luncheon, 227 Large Reception Suppers, 237 Lawn Suppers, 258 Lenten Dinners, 245 Luncheons, Bridesmaids’, 271 Chafing Dish, 231 Chafing Dish, 256 Spring, 256 Summer, 256 Autumn, 257 Winter, 257 Clover, 272 Cobweb, 274 Company, 253 Spring, 253 Summer, 254 Autumn, 254 Winter, 255 299 300 Index Luncheons, Company, 259 Spring, 259 Summer, 260 Autumn, 261 Winter, 262 Dainty, 225 Daisy, 273 Easter, 219 For Eight Persons, Simple Spring, 269 Summer, 269 Autumn, 270 Winter, 270 Golf, 197 Ladies’ 227 May, 233 Pink, 215 Young Lady’s, 205; 209 May Luncheon, 233 Menus, Christmas, 247 For Every Day in the Year January, 11 February, 26 March, 40 April, 56 May, 71 June, 86 July, 101 August, 117 September, 132 October, 147 November, 163 December, 178 Small Evening Affairs, 235 Special Occasions, 195 Without Meat, 285 Spring, 285 Summer, 288 Autumn, 292 Winter, 295 Morning Receptions, 264 Weddings, 264 Oyster Dinner, Gentleman’s, 241 Pink Luncheon, 215 ———_——————————————— Receptions, Morning, 264 Spring, 264 Summer, 265 Autumn, 267 Winter, 268 Russian Tea, 207 Shore or Fish Dinner, 241 St. Patrick’s Day, 221 Simple Luncheons for Eight Persons 269 Spring, 269 Summer, 269 Autumn, 270 Winter, 270 Small Evening Affair, 223 Evening Affairs, Menus for, 235 High Noon Affairs, 264 Suppers, Ball, 237 Birthday, 199 Chafing Dish, 211; 256 Family, 203 Large Reception, 287 Lawn, 258 Wedding, 287 Table, Thanksgiving, 229 Tea, Afternoon, 213 Five o’Clock, 213 Japanese, 217 Russian, 207 Thanksgiving Dinner, 244 Table, 229 Twelve o’Clock Breakfast, 201; 231 Elaborate, 279 Spring, 279 Summer, 280 Autumn, 281 Winter, 282 Simple, 275 Spring, 275 Summer, 276 Autumn, 277 Winter, 278 Weddings, Morning, 264 Wedding Suppers, 237 Young Lady’s Luncheon, 205; 209 SOME OTHER BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ARNOLD AND COMPANY & Mrs. Roorer’s NEW Cook Book This book marks the highest point of development in Domestic Science, and represents the results of hard work of the best years of Mrs. Rorer’s life. It is not a mere recipe book, but tells of those things one needs to know concerning cooking, living, health and best way of housekeeping. At the same time, each department has an abundance of new and good recipes, given in Mrs. Rorer’s clear and lucid style, so that no one can possibly make mistakes. A magnificent department on vegetables will make the book welcome to the growing cult of vegetarians. The scientific division of the vegetables into groups, giving their constituents, will prove of great value to invalids afflicted with diabetes, kidney disease, etc. In all, this book is the most valuable contribution to Domestic Science that has yet been published, placing it far above the level of the ordinary cook book. No household can afford to be witnout it, if good living and correct living are to be desired. Large 12mo., 735 pages, profusely illustrated ; bound in washable cloth, price $2.00; postage 20 cents Mrs. Rorer’s Philadelphia Cook Book A Manual of Home Economies. By Mrs. S. T. Rorer, author of Canning and Preserving, Hot Weather Dishes, etc. This is the standard book of Mrs. Rorer’s that has been before the public for a number of years. It has no con- nection with Mrs. Rorer’s New Cook Book. Each book is independent of the other, and the possession of one forms no reason for doing without the other. The Philadelphia Cook Book is full of good things, and, like all of Mrs. Rorer’s works, is eminently practical. It is a standard of excellence, in that it is full of the brightest things in cookery; the recipes are absolutely réliable, and the general instructions to housekeepers of the most helpful and necessary character. Nearly all cook books assume some knowledge and experience on the part of those who use them, but Mrs. Rorer makes her explanations so clear, and gives such definite directions, as to quantities, that the beginner has no difficulty in successfully accomplishing all the book calls for. Then there are frequent hints as to the proper use of left-overs, how to market, and, in many ways, information is given that is alike useful to the experienced cook as to the tyro in matters culinary. The book is full of choice recipes, every one of which has been successfully tested by Mrs. Rorer, in class room and home, and found to come out right. This alone is of incalculable benefit and ought to commend the book to the favorable consideration of every housekeeper. 12mo, nearly 600 pages, with portrait of author; water-proof and grease-proof covers, $1.75 Mrs. Rorer’s Fegetable Cookery and Meat Substitutes By Mrs. S. T. Rorer, author of Mrs. Rorer’s New Cook Book, Home Candy Making, etc. This book has a twofold object: 1. To show the value of vegetables in their relation to diet and health, how to prepare, cook and serve them, what to eat under certain conditions of health, and thus have them perform their proper work. 2. To give to the prudent housewife a knowledge of combinations of foods in the shape of toothsome recipes to take the place of meat, or as we call them —Meat Substitutes. It goes without saying that we all know too little about the value of vegetables as food. We eat them because they are palatable, not realizing their immense importance as body builders. Here they are classified, and thus made to give us a right idea of their use. Then as to Meat Substitutes. It is not necessary to be a vegetarian to desire a change from a meat diet. There are health reasons often demanding abstention from meats ; or economy may be an impelling motive; or a desire for change and variety in the daily bill of fare may be warrant enough. However we look at it here is the wonder book to point the way to better and healthier living. There is an abundance of the choicest and most palatable recipes, and they are given in such a manner, that if the directions are followed, the results are sure. You cannot make mistakes. 12mo, cloth, $1.50 net ; postage, 12 cents Mrs. Rorer’s Every Day Menu Book By Mrs. S. T. Rorer, author of Mrs. Rorer’s New Cook Book, Canning and Preserving, etc. In the course of her teaching and editorial work, there have come to Mrs. Rorer frequent requests for a book that will provide a daily bill of fare, one that will be at once rational, its directions easy of accomplishment, and give an excellent variety. Hence this Menu Book. It contains a menu for every meal in the year, system- atically arranged by months and days; menus for special occasions, such as holidays, weddings, luncheons, teas, etc.; illustrations of decorated tables for various social events, with appropriate menus; menus arranged for the seasons both as to food and decorations ; a department of menus without meats. A fine volume that ought to com- mend itself to every housekeeper. 12mo, 300 pages, handsomely illustrated; bound in cloth, $1.50 net ; postage 12 cents Mrs. Rorer’s Cakes, Icings and Fillings Every one is interested in the cake problem. There is possibly no item in the home bill of fare on which a woman prides herself as the ability to make a good cake. But how to add variety to the goodness? Here’s the book to help. Contains a large number of enticing and valua- ble recipes for cakes of all sorts and conditions. Some need filling, some need icing—well, here you have all the necessary information. Best of all, there is no fear as to results. Follow the directions and your cake is bound to come out right. 12mo, cloth, 50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents LOLb6 WO ‘hapays2eg TEeZz Xog SPLOM, PIOYISNOPG ees Sseiuegs esses Seheasesiteey corer Sees Sees Sean Sy Soe ee ee aa oe ene tt pesca sense oe oe ape is Seater agree See ee Serer roa SSS eee