ny aE AN Reon Ban Rahat PONSA ENG pate 5 AA een EN Ne SARS SHEA this a SRE Sa a Gornell University Library - Sthaca, New York \ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N. Y. Part I., pp. 1-892, published 1864. Part IL, pp. 898 to end, published 1867. HANDBOOK OF THE a a NEW ZEALAND FLORA: A SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE Hative Plants OF NEW ZEALAND AND THE CHATHAM, KERMADEC’S, LORD AUCKLAND’S, CAMPRELL’S, AND MACQUARRIE’S ISLANDS. BY J. D. HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S. 1.8. & G.S., AND HONORARY MEMBER OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, NEW ZEALAND. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. LONDON: REEVE & CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 3 i tg ' 1867. iN TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR GEORGE GREY, K.C.B., D.C.L. Oxon., ETC. ETC. ETC., GOVERNOR AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE COLONY OF NEW ZEALAND, WHO, THROUGHOUT A LONG AND DISTINGUISHED CAREER, IN THE COLONIES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, | HAS BEEN THE LIBERAL ENCOURAGER OF EVERY SCIENTIFIC UNDERTAKING THIS WORK I8 GRATEFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS EXCELLENCY’S VERY FAITHFUL SERVANT, J. D. HOOKER. ROYAL GARDENS, KEW, July, 1864. PREFACE. Tax desirability of publishing a compendious account of the plants of New Zealand having been represented to the Colonial Government by Dr. Knight, F.L.S., Auditor-General, and other gentlemen interested in the Natural History of the Islands, and in the development of their resources, that Government was pleased to entrust me with the pre- paration of such a work, and to place at my disposal the necessary funds for its publication, including a liberal remuneration for my services. I was at the same time instructed to make Mr. Bentham’s ‘Hongkong Flora’ my guide as to the form of the work and method of describing the plants, and to adhere in these and in all other matters to the plan* recommended by Sir W. J. Hooker for publishing in a uniform series Floras of all the British Colonies. The title ‘Handbook of the New Zealand Flora’ is adopted in accordance with the wishes of its pro- moters. Though as complete as the materials at my disposal enable me to make this book, it is still imperfect as to the descriptions of several Orders of Flowering plants; whilst with regard to the Flowerless, it is tolerably complete in the Orders Ferns and Lycopods only; of the others, the islands no doubt possess twice as many Mosses and Junger- mannias as have hitherto been discovered; and I have been able to offer but a meagre sketch of the Fungi, of the lower tribes of Alge, and of the more minute and especially crustaceous Lichens that grow on rocks and on the bark of trees. It must, however, be many years before the multitudinous- New Zealand genera and species of these very obscure and imperfectly-known tribes of plants are fully known, and I have thought it best to give good descriptions of all the commoner and most conspicuous only, which can be easily found and studied, and to treat more generally the rarer and more obscure, of which I have but imper- * See ‘ Natural History Review,’ 1861, p. 255. g* PREFACE. fect specimens, and which, were they perfect, could only be satisfactorily examined in a living state. I have, however, omitted no species known to me as a native of New Zealand, whether from books or collections. By adopting this plan I have, I hope, made this portion of the ‘ Hand- book’ a fair introduction to the study of the Orders of New Zealand Flowerless plants, and a safe guide to the principal species ; and I also hope that this will prove to be a more useful way of treating so very abstruse a subject, than would systematic descriptions, of equal length and pretensions to accuracy, of all the obscure and supposed species, whether common or scarce, perfect or imperfect. In the course of preparing this work, I have re-examined most of the materials described in my ‘ Flora Nove-Zelandiw ;’* these consisted of the collections of Banks and Solander, and of Forster, contained in the British Museum, and of those of the Cunninghams, Colenso, Sinclair, Bidwill, Dieffenbach, Raoul, Lyall, and my own, all preserved in the ‘ Hookerian Herbarium.’ Since the publication of that work, little of novelty has been added to the Flora of the Northern Island, but very many interesting discoveries have been made in the Middle Island, add- ing fully one-third to the previously known number of New Zealand Flowering Plants. Much remains to be done towards the Botany of the Northern Is- land especially ; of the whole province Taranaki, nothing is known; and except the Ruahine range, by Colenso, no mountain region has been approximately well explored. Then too of the outlying islands, as the Kermadec and Chatham Islands, very little is known, and of Bounty. or Antipodes Island nothing, whilst much remains to be collected on Lord Auckland’s group, Campbell’s Island and Macquarrie Island. The materials are still wanting for a comparison of the voleanic mountains of the Northern Island with the primitive or other mountains of the Mid- dle Island, a comparison essential to make before the geological or cli- , matic relations of the flora of either island can be ascertained. These subjects and those of the geographical distribution of New Zealand plants, and of the apparently recent development of many of its spe- cies by variation from others still existing in the islands, are, however, foreign to a purely systematic Handbook, and I shall hope to take them up when this is finished. In the ‘Flora Nove-Zelandiw,’ I have detailed at length the labours * This, which forms the second part of the ‘ Botany of the Antarctic Expedition of Sir J. Ross,’ was published in 1854-5, in two volumes, 4to, with 180 plates, coloured (including 1060 species), of New Zealand plants, PREFACE. 9* of all my predecessors, whether as collectors or authors, up to the year 1850, and shall therefore only briefly recapitulate them here. In August 1769, Siz JosrrpH Banks and his companion Dr. Sotan- DER visited the islands in Captain Cook’s first voyage, and collected in Poverty Bay, Tegadoo, Tolaga, Opuragi, the Thames river, Bay of Islands, Queen Charlotte’s Sound and Admiralty Bay. They obtained about 360 Flowering plants and ferns, had folio drawings made of most of them, and excellent manuscript descriptions. These MSS., together with about 200 engraved plates, were, I believe, all prepared for the press, and are preserved in the British Museum, but have never been published. In 1772 Captain Cook again visited New Zealand, accompanied by the two Forstzrs, Rernwoxip and Gores (father and son), and by Dr. Sparrman; they collected at Dusky Bay and Queen Charlotie’s Sound. Their herbarium amounted to only about 160 species of Flowering plants and ferns. Of these, 150 are published in Forster's ‘Florule Insularum Australium Prodromus,’ and a few others in his ‘Characteres Generum,’ and ‘De Plantis Esculentis Insularum Oceani Australis Commentatio Botanica.’ The specimens were distributed to various museums, and being often carelessly named, much confusion has crept into descriptive works. In 1777, Captain Cook, during his third voyage, visited New Zealand. On this occasion Mz. ANDERSON, his surgeon, was the botanical col- lector, who obtained very little indeed, and nothing of any importance. In 1791, Captain Vancouver arrived in Dusky Bay, on his way to sur- vey the coasts of North-West America, having with him as surgeon Mz. ARCHIBALD MENZIES, a very assiduous collector of Flowerless plants, who procured many species of Filices, Musci, and Hepatice, most of which are described at length, and beautifully illustrated in Hooker’s *Musci Exotici,’ and in Hooker and Greville’s ‘ Icones Filicum.’ In 1822, Captain Duperrey visited the islands in the French dis- covery corvette ‘ Coquille,” when one of his officers, the late ADMIRAL D’ UrvILze, made excellent collections. In 1827, Caprarn (afterwards ApMIzAL) Dumont D’Urvitue again visited New Zealand in the same ship, renamed the ‘ Astrolabe,’ accom- panied by an able naturalist, M. Lusson, when additional botanical collections were made in Cook’s Straits, the Thames river, and the Bay of Islands. The materials of this voyage (containing upwards of 200 Flowering plants and ferns) were published by M. A. Richard, in his: ‘Essai d’une Flore;de la Nouvelle-Zélande,’ with folio plates (Paris, 10* PREFACE. 1832). Some of Forster's plants, together with extracts from his MSS., preserved in the Paris Museum, were also published in this work. In 1825, Mr. Caarnes Fraser, then superintendent of the Sydney Botanical Gardens, landed for one day in the Bay of Islands, made a small collection of dried plants. He, however, procured more living ones, some of which were amongst the first plants of the islands which were introduced into European gardens. In 1826, and again in 1838, ALLAN Cuxninauam, the eminent Australian botanist and explorer, made extensive botanical explorations in the northern parts of the Northern Island, chiefly at the Bay of Islands ; and in 1833, his brother, Ricudzp OunnineHamM (Fraser's immediate successor in the Sydney gardens), was sent in H.M.S. Buffalo, to pro- cure timber for the Government of Australia. The results of the la- bours of the brothers, and especially of Allan, whose arduous exertions in the islands led to his untimely death at Sydney in 1839, added consi- derably to the known Flora, and were collected by Allan into his ‘ Flore Nove-Zelandiz Precursor,’ which was published by Sir W. J. Hooker, partly in his ‘Companion to the Botanical Magazine,’ vol. ii., and partly in the ‘ Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ vols. i. i1. iii. The herbarium of the Cunninghams, which has lately been pre- sented by its possessor, R. Hewanp, Esq., F.L.S., to the Royal Gardens, Kew, bad been lent to me by its liberal possessor during the prepara- tion of the ‘ Flora Nove-Zelandiz,’ and I have again consulted it during the preparation of this work. In 1840 and 1841, the French frigate ‘L’Aube,’ and in 1842-3 another, the ‘ Allier,’ made a lengthened sojourn at the islands; during those occasions M. Raovt, a very intelligent medical officer, diligently explored Banks’s Peninsula and the Bay of Islands, making excellent collections at the former locality especially; most of the new species discovered were published first in the ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles ’ (ser. iii. vol. ii. p. 118) by MM. Raoul and Decaisne, and more recently were described and figured in a beautiful work, entitled, ‘Choix de Plantes de la Nouvelle-Zélande,’ which further contains thirty plates, and an enumeration of all then known New Zealand plants. The collec- tions are preserved in the Paris Museum, and a set has been communi- cated to Sir W. Hooker’s herbarium. In 1841, the Antarctic Expedition visited the Bay of Islands, when, accompanied by my friend the Rev. W. Colenso, and by Dr. A. Sinclair during a part of the time, I was enabled to explore the neighbourhood very fully, and to add largely to the Cryptogamic Flora. PREFACE. 11* In 1847-9, Carrain Sroxzs, R:N., in H.M.S. Acheron, surveyed the coast of New Zealand; he was accompanied by Dr. Lyall, who made very large and excellent collections, especially of Flowerless plants, on various parts of the coast, but chiefly of the Middle Island. The other collectors to whom I am principally indebted for the mate- rials published in the ‘ Flora Nove-Zelandiz,’ are, firstly, the Rev. W. Cotzyso, who, during many successive years, has collected throughout the whole length of the Northern Island, with great care and skill, dis- covering more new and interesting plants (especially on the Ruahine Range, Tongariro, Hikurangi, etc.) than any botanist since Banks and Solander. In every respect Mr. Colenso is the foremost New Zea- land botanical explorer, and the one to whom I am most indebted for specimens and information. The late Dz. AnpREw Sincratr, R.N., .LS., formerly Colonial Secretary, a man of great attainments in many “ways, cottataly ranks second to Mr. Colenso. He collected very copi- ously in the Bay of Islands, the Auckland districts, and in the Nelson mountains, and was engaged in a botanical exploration of the Southern Alps in company with Mr. Haast, when he was drowned in the Rangi- tata river. His loss has been a very great one, whether as a botanist or as an enthusiastic and liberal patron of science. The first alpine collections were made by my late friend J. T. Bipwixt, Esq., of Sydney, who was the earliest explorer of the interior of the Northern Island, and in 1839 ascended the lofty active volcano Tongariro, incurring considerable danger; at a later period he was the first explorer of the Southern Alps, making extensive and very im- portant collections on the Nelson mountains, which were transmitted with copious notes to Sir W. Hooker. _The same mountains have been still better explored by Dz. Munro, who has added many beautiful alpine species to the ‘ New Zealand ‘Flora,’ and sent an excellent herbarium of Nelson plants to Sir W. Hooker. : In 1840, Dr. Dierrenzacu visited many parts of the Northern Is- and and northern part of the Middle Island, and is the first person who ascended Mount Egmont. His collections, which are however most scanty, compared with the great extent of interesting ground he passed over, were also communicated to Sir W. Hooker’s herbarium. Mr. Logan, Mn. Epazeey, the Rev. W. Tartor, the late GrnrraL Botron, Cart. Havirarne, Cart. Devry, R.N., Mr. .JoLuirre, Cart. D. Rove, and Mr. SrerueEnson, have all contributed inter- esting and important collections which are embodied in the ‘ Flora Nove-Zelandiz.’ 19* PREFACE, Since 1854, as I have before observed, no addition of importance has been made to our knowledge of the Flowering plants of the Northern Island ; which I greatly regret, as much remains to be done in all the mountain districts in collecting the Graminee, Cyperacee, and Crypto- gamia everywhere, and in observing the habits and characters of the species of Veronica, Coprosma, Astelia, and many other genera. As regards Flowerless plants, two valuable papers by Mr. Kniaut and Mr. Mirren, on some of the Lichens of Auckland,* and by Mr. Rapist on the Tree-ferns, are almost the only published contribu- tions made since that date to our knowledge of its Flora. The Middle Island, on the other hand, has furnished several diligent explorers.and many capital discoveries. Dr. Munro has made further excellent collections on the Nelson mountains, as have Dz. StncLarn and Carr. Rover. To W..T. Luxe Travers, Esq., F.L.8., of Can- terbury, I am indebted for many fine plants discovered in the alpine ranges of Canterbury, Nelson, and Marlborough, during various ex- cursions. Many of these being ticketed as to elevation, are the more valuable. His observations on the spread of introduced plants are extremely interesting, and will, I hope, be fully followed up.t The great opportunities enjoyed by the distinguished geologist and ex- plorer, Junius Haast, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S:, Government Geologist of Canterbury, have been used to the best advantage in the furtherance of botanical science, he having contributed more new species to the Flora of the islands than any collector since Mr. Colenso. I am indebted to him also for a series of maps, notes, and observations, especially re- specting the ranges of the mountain plants, including the most alpine species hitherto discovered, which have been of great service. It is difficult, to imagine how, with so many and such arduous duties as surveyor and geologist, Mr. Haast can have personally effected so much for botany as he has done, and I anticipate that his method of making complete collections on each mountain-and on each line ‘of march, will eventually do much to develop the extremely curious subject of the variations of New Zealand plants. Mr. Haast has further called my attention to the labours of his assistant Mr. Winutaw Youne, who has made several interesting discoveries, more particularly amongst the Grasses and Sedges of the alpine regions. From the Otago province I have an excellent herbarium of Dunedin * Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, xxiii. 99 and 101. + Journal of Linnean Society of London, Bot. iii. 163. T See ‘ Natural History Review,’ January, 1864. PREFACE. 13* plants, made by Dr. Lauper Linpsay, F.L.S.; and more recently very extensive and valuable collections, containing much novelty, from the Alps of the interior and west coasts, by another eminent geologist, Dz. Hector, F.G.8., Government Geologist, and Mz. Bucwanay, his assistant. The most important of these last collections arrived whilst the sheets of this work were passing through the press, and have ma- terially delayed its publication; for the discoveries which they contained seemed to me to be of sufficient importance to render it desirable that they should be embodied in the portions that had already been printed, which had to be recalled for the purpose. Again, since the completion of the Flowering plants, I have received two more contributions from these surveyors, including various new discoveries and new ‘habitats, which must be reserved for the Supplement. To render this Handbook more complete, I have included in it the plants of the outlying islands properly belonging to the New Zealand group. They are the following :— Chatham Islands, whence I have a very few plants collected -by De. Dizrrensacu. The splendid Myosotidium nobile inhabits this group, which is well worthy of a careful exploration. This, through the liberality of Mz. Travers, has been. done by his son, who, he- tells me, has returned from the group with considerable collections. Kermadec Islands, One of these, Sunday or Raoul Island, was visited by Captain Denham, in H.M.S. Herald, and botanized on by Mr. MacGuurveay, naturalist, and his assistant, Mr. Mixx; its Flora, though characteristic of New Zealand, is more tropical than the latter, containing the widely-diffused QMetrosideros polymorpha, and several tropical Ferns of the Pacific islands. I published a list of its plants in the Linnean Society’s Journal, Botany, vol. i. p. 125. Lord Auckland’s Group and Campbell’s Island were explored by Dz. Lyaut and myself, during the stay there of the Antarctic Expedi- tion, in the year 1840. Our collections amounted to 370 species, and are published in the first volume of the ‘ Antarctic Flora,’ with'80 plates of 150 species. Lord Auckland’s group had been visited in the pre- vious year by Admiral D’Urville’s Antarctic Expedition, but the col-. lections made by his naturalists, MM. Homsron and Jacquinort, were extremely small. The Cryptogamia alone are described, by M. Mon- TAGNE, in a work entitled ‘ Voyage au Péle Sud,’ Bot. Crypt., Svo, Paris, 1845, with a folio atlas of 20 plates: figures of some of the Flowering plants and Ferns have likewise been published in the same’ form, 14* PREFACE, but without descriptions. Lord Auckland’s group was also visited, in the same year, by Commodore Wilkes’s Expedition, when very few, if any, plants appear to have been collected; and more recently by Gun. Borton, who added several species to the Flora of the group. Considering how many beautiful plants different from those of New Zealand these islands contain, it is obvious that they deserve a very close and careful botanical scrutiny.* Macquarrie’s Island. A few plants from this desolate spot were sent to Sir W. Hooker by Mr. Fraszr, when Superintendent of the Sydney Botanic Garden. Of Bounty or Antipodes Islands nothing whatever seems to be bo- tanically or geographically known. The Flora of Lord Howe’s Islands is intermediate in character (as the islands are in position) between that of New Zealand and Australia, but much more nearly allied to the latter; whilst Norfolk Island, which should perhaps have been included in the New Zealand group, is much more tropical and may have equal claims to rank botanically with the New Caledonian or Fiji Islands. Of the 303 New Zealand genera of Flowering plants described in this part, about 252 (containing 222 species and 51 representatives) are common to Australia; 174 (containing 11 species and 82 representatives) to South America; 31 are peculiar to the group (comprising 59 species), and 6 {with 20 species) are found in the Pacific islands and elsewhere, but not in Australia or South America. Again, of the 935 species of Flowering plants, 677 are peculiar to the islands ; 222 are Australian; and 111 American. There are further 51 Australian representative and 32 American representative species. Comparing New Zealand with Europe, these countries have 115 genera and 58 species in common, the latter including many water-plants, and several land-plants which are doubtful natives. Of these European genera, the shrubby Veronicas and Ligusticum are the only ones that appear to be vastly more numerous in New Zealand than in Europe. It remains for me to apologize for many imperfections that will be * Of about one hundred Flowering plants, natives of these small groups, no less than twenty-seven are hitherto unknown in New Zealand proper, including three genera and twelve most conspicuous and singular species, viz., Ligusticum latifolium and antipodum Pleurophyllum two species, Celmisia vernicosa, Gentiana two species, Plantago Antaraiee. Chiloglottis cornuta, Anthericum Rossii, Rostkovia two species. : PREFACE. 15* found in this work, and to express a hope that these will be pointed out to me when discovered, so that they may be corrected in a future edition. Of the two principal sources of error in any work of the nature of a Systematic Flora, one is unavoidable, and that is the im- possibility of deciding, in many cases, as to what should be regarded a species and what a variety ; in my case this difficulty is greatly en- hanced by my having only dried specimens to examiné. But this is not all; for it is now admitted that one and the same species may be represented by two or more permanently distinct forms in one district, in other districts by but one of these forms, and in still other districts by forms which unite the characters of the most distinct forms of the first district ; and moreover, that these forms are usually permanent under cultivation. It hence follows that the several characters will have dif- ferent values in the estimation of the observers in each district, and that there must always be differences of opinion regarding the claims of such forms to take specific rank. The other great source of error is of more real importance, as it relates to facts and not at all to opinions ; it is, that in examining dried specimens, important and constant charac- ters are often overlooked, unimportant and transient ones exaggerated, and that errors accumulate in the successive process of examining so many organs, in applying technical terms tc them, and in describing, transcribing, printing, and even in correcting the press. The num- ber of these errors is always great in works which, like the Phenogamic Part of this Handbook, consist of descriptions of plants, two-thirds of which have been examined and described by one author alone, and it is to succeeding observers that I must look for their detection and correction. Royal Gardens, Kew: June 30, 1864. OUTLINES OF BOTANY, TO ACCOMPANY THE COLONIAL FLORAS, FROM BENTHAM’S ‘FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS,’ Cuap. I. Derrnrrions anp Drsorierive Borany, 1. The principal object of a Flora of a country, is to afford the means of determin- tng (i.e. ascertaining the name of) any plant growing in it, whether for the purpose of ulterior study or of intellectual exercise. 2. With this view, a Flora consists of descriptions of all the wild or native plants contained in the country in question, so drawn up and arranged that the student may teed with the corresponding description any individual specimen which he may gather. 3. These descriptions should be clear, concise, accurate, and characteristic, so as that each one should be readily adapted to the plant it relates to, and to no other one; they should be as nearly as possible arranged under natural (184) divisions, so as to facilitate the comparison of each plant with those nearest allied to it; and they should be accompanied by an artificial key or index, by means of which the student may be guided step by step in the observation of such peculiarities or characters in his plant, as may lead him, with the least delay, to the individual description belonging to it. 4. For descriptions to be clear and readily intelligible, they should be expressed -as much as possible in ordinary well-established language. But, for the purpose of ac- curacy, it is necessary not only to give a more precise technical meaning to many terms used more or less vaguely in common conversation, but also to introduce purely technical names for such parts of plants or forme as are of little importance except to the botanist. In the present chapter it is proposed to define such technical or technically limited terms as are made use of in these Floras. 5. At the same time mathematical accuracy must not be expected, The forms and appearances assumed by plants and their parts are infinite. Names cannot be invented for all; those even’ that have been proposed are too numerous for ordinary memories. Many are derived from supposed resemblances to well-known forms or objects, These resemblances are differently appreciated by different persons, and the same term js not only differently applied by two different botanists, but it fréquently happens that the same writer is led on different accasions to give somewhat different meanings to the same word, The botanist’s endeavours should always be, on the one hand, to make as near an approach to precision as circumstances will allow, and on the other hand to avoid that prolixity of detail and overloading with technical terms which tends rather to confusion than clearness. In this he will be more or less successful. The aptness of a botanical description, like the beauty of a work of imagination, will always vary with the style and genius of the author. ¢ pu OUTLINES OF BOTANY. § 1. The Plant in General. - The Plant, in its botanical sense, includes every being which has vegetable life, ee the loftiest ‘tree which adorns our landscapes, to the humblest moss which grows on its stem, to the mould or fungus which attacks our provisions, or the green scum that floats on our ponds. ; F 7. Every pewind of a plant which has a distinct part or function to perform in the operations or phenomena of vegetable life is called an Organ. a 8. What constitutes végetable life, and what are the functions of each organ, be- long to Vegetable Physiology ; the microscopical structure of the tissues composing the organa, to Vegetable Anatomy ; the composition of the substances of which they are formed, to Vegetable Chemistry ; under Descriptive and Systematic Botany we have chiefly to consider the forms of organs, that is, their Morphology, in the proper sense of the term, and their general structure so far as it affects classification and specific resemblances and differences. The terms we shall now define belong chiefly to the latter branch of Botany, as being that which is essential for the investigation of the Flora of a country. We shall add, however, a short chapter on ‘Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology, as a general knowledge of both imparts an additional in- terest to and facilitates the comparison of the characters and affinities of the plants examined. 9. In the more perfect plants, their organs are comprised in the general terms Root, Stem, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit. Of these the three first, whose func- tion is to assist in the growth of the plant, are Organs of Vegetation ; the flower and fruit, whose office is the formation of the seed, are the Organs of Reproduction. 10. All these organs exist, in one shape or another, at some period of the. life of most, if not all, flowering plants, technically called phenogamous or phanerogamous plants ; which all bear some kind of flower and fruit in the botanical sense of the ‘term. In ‘the lower classes, the ferns, mosses, fungi, moulds or mildews, seaweeds, ‘etc., called by botanists eryptogamous plants, the flowers, the fruit, and not unfre- quently one or more of the organs of vegetation, are either wanting, or replaced by organs 80 different as to be hardly capable of bearing the same name. 11. The observations comprised in the following pages refer exclusively to the flowering or phenogamous plants. The study of the cryptogamous classes has now become so complicated as to form almost a separate science. They are therefore not included in these introductory observations, nor, with the exception of ferns, in the present Flora. 12. Plants are Monocarpie, if they die after one flowering-season. These include Annuals, which. flower in the same year in which they are raised from seed; and Biennials, which only flower in the year following that in which they are sown. ie Caulocarpic, if, after flowering, the whole or part of the plant lives through the ‘winter and produces frésh flowers another season. These include Herbaceous peren- nials, in which the greater’ part of the plant dies after flowering, leaving only a small perennial portion called the Stock or Caudex, close to or within the earth; Under- shrubs, suffruticose or suffrutescent plants, in which the flowering branches, forming a considerable portion of the plant, die down after flowering, but leave a more or less prominent perenriial and woody base; Shrubs '( frutescent or fruticose plants), in which the perennial woody part forms the greater part of the plant, but branches near the base, and does not much exceed a man’s héight; and Trees (arboreous or arborescent plants) when the height is greater and forms a woody trunk, scarcely branching from the base. Bushes are low, much branched shrubs. ; 18. The terms Monocarpic and Caulocarpic are but little used, but the otler dis- tinctions ertumerated above are universally attended to, although more useful to the gardener than to the botanist, who cannot‘always assign to them any precise character. Monocarpic plants, which require more than two or three years to produce their flowers, will often, under certain circumstances, become herbaceous perennials, and are generally confounded with them. ‘Truly perennial herbs will often commence flower- ing the first year, and have then all the appearance of annuals. Many tall shrubs oe OUTLINES OF BOTANY. and trees lose annually their flowering branches like undershrubs. And the same botanical species may be an annual or a perennial, a herbaceous perennial or an under- shrub, fs undershrub or a shrub, a shrub or a tree, according to climate, treatment, or variety. _ 14. Plants are usually ¢errestrial, that is, growing on earth, or aquatic, i. e, growing in water ; but sometimes they may be found attached by their roots to other plants, in which case they are epiphytes when simply growing upon other plants without penetrating into their tissue, parasites when their roots penetrate into and derive more or less nutriment from the plant to which they are attached. 15. The simplest form of the perfect plant, the annual, consists of — : (L) The Root, or descending axis, which grows downwards from the stem, divides and spreads in the earth or water, and absorbs food for the plant through the extre- mities of its branches. (2) The Stem, or ascending axis, which grows upwards from the root, branches and bears first one or more leaves in succession, then one or more flowers, and finally one or more fruits. It contains the tissues or other channels (217) by, which the nutri- ment absorbed by the roots is conveyed in the form of sap (192) to the leaves or other points of the surface of the plant, to be elaborated or digested (218), and afterwards redistributed over different parts of the plant for its support and growth. (3) The Leaves, usually fiat, green, and horizontal, are variously arranged on the stem and its branches. They elaborate or digest (218) the nutriment brought to them through the stem, absorb carbonic acid gas from the air, exhaling the superfluous oxygen, and returning the assimilated sap to the stem. (4) The Flowers, usually placed at or towards the extremities of the branches. They are destined to form the future seed. When perfect and complete, they consist : Ast, of a pistil in the centre, consisting of one or more carpels, each containing the germ of one or more seeds; 2nd, of one or more stamens outside the pistil, whose action is necessary to fertilize the pistil or enable it to ripen its seed ; 3rd, of a:perianth or floral envelope, which usually encloses the stamens and pistil when young, and expands and exposes them to view when fully formed. This complete perianth is double ; the outer one, called Calyz, is usually more green and leaf-like; the inner one, called the Corolla, more conspicuous, and variously coloured. It is the perianth, and especially the corolla, as the most showy part, that is generally called the flower in popular language. (5) Fhe Fruit, consisting of the pistil or its lower portion, which persists or remains attached to the plant after the remainder of the flower has withered and fallen off. It enlarges and alters.more or less in shape-or consistence, becomes a seed-vessel, en- closing the seed until it is ripe, when it either opens to discharge the seed or to the ground with the seed. In popular language the term jruit is often limited to such seed-vessels.as are or look juicy and eatable. Botanists give that name to all seed- vessels. ’ 16. The herbaceous perennial resembles the annual during the first year of its ‘growth; but it also forms (usually towards the close of the season), on its stock (the portion of the stem and root which does not die), one or more buds, either exposed, and then popularly called eyes, or concealed among leaves. These buds, called leaqf- buds, to distinguish them from flower-buds or unopened ‘flowers, are future branches fis yet undeveloped; they remain dormant through the winter, and the following ‘spring grow out into new stems bearing leaves and fiowers.like those of.the preceding year, whilet the lower part of the stock emits fresh roots to replace those which had- perished at the same time asthe stems. ; 17. Shrubs and trees form similar leaf-buds either at the extremity of their branches, or along the branches of the year. In the latter case these buds are usually axillary, that is, they appear in the awil of each. leaf, 4.¢. in the angle-formed by the leaf and the:branch. When they.appear at any other part of the plant they are called adventi- tious. If these buds by producing roots (19) become. distinct plants before separating from the parent, or if adventitious leaf-buds are produced in the place of flowers or seeds, the plant is said to be viviparous or proliferous. e2 iv OUTLINES OF BOTANY. § 2. The Root. 18. Roots ordinarily produce neither buds, leaves, nor flowers. Their branches, called fibres when slender and long, proceed irregularly from any part of their surface. 19. Although roots proceed usually from the base of the stem or stock, they may also be produced from the base of any bud, especially if the bud lie along the ground, or is otherwise placed by nature or art in circumstances favourable for their deve- lopment, or indeed occasionally from almost any part of the plant. They are then often distinguished as adventitious, but this term is by some applied to all roots which are not in prolongation of the original radicle. 20. Roots are Jrous, when they consist chiefly of slender fibres. : tuberous, when either the main root or its branches are thickened into one or more short fleshy or woody masses called tubers (25). ? aia taproot:, when the main root descends perpendicularly into the earth, emitting only very smajl fibrous branches. 21. The stock of a herbaceous perennial, or the lower part of the stem of an annual or perennial, or the lowest branches of a plant, are sometimes uuderground and assume the appearance of a root. They then take the name of rhizome. The rhizome may always be distinguished from the true root by the presence or production of one or more buds, or leaves, or scales. § 3. The Stock. 22. The Steck of a herbaceous perennial, in its most complete state, includes a small portion of the summits of the previous year’s roots, as well as of the base of the previous year’s stems. Such stocks will increase yearly, so as at length to form dense tufts. They will often preserve through the winter a few leaves, amongst which are placed the buds which grow out into stems the following year, whilst the under side of the stock emits new roots from or amongst the remains of theold ones. These peren- nial stocks only differ from the permanent base of an undershrub in the shortness of the perennial part of the stems and in their texture usually less woody. 23. In some perennials, however, the stock consists merely of a branch, which pro- ceeds in autumn from the base of the stem either aboveground or underground, and produces one or more buds, This branch, or a portion of it, alone survives the winter. In the following year its buds produce the new stem and roots, whilst the rest of the plant, even the branch on which these buds were formed, has died away. These annual stocks, called sometimes hybernacula, offsets, or stolons, keep up the communication between the annual stem and root of one year and those of the following year, thus forming altogether a perennial plant. 24, The stock, whether annual or perennial, is often entirely undersround or root- like. This is the rootstock, to whic f rhea ¢ h some botanists limit the meaning of the term rhizome, When the stock is entirely root-like, it is popularly called the crown of the root. 25. The term tuber is applied to a short, thick, more or less succulent rootstock or rhizome, a8 well as to a root of that shape (20), although some botanists propose to re- strict its meaning to the one or to the other. An Orchis tuber, called by some a knob, is an annual tuberous rootstock with one hud at the top. “> ne ey "9 prefixed to a termination, indicating the particular kind of part referred to. Thus— unidentate, bidentate, multidentate, mean one-toothed, two-toothed, many-toothed, etc. : bifid, trifid, multifid, mean two-lobed, three-lobed, many-lobed, ete: unifoliolate, bifoliolate, multifoliolate, mean having one leaflet; two leaflets, many leaflets, etc. : unifoliate, bifoliate, multifoliate, mean having one leaf, two leaves, many leaves, ete. biternate and triternate, mean twice or thrice ternately divided. : unijugate, bijugate, multijugate, etc., pinne or leaflets, mean that they are in one, two, many, etc., pairs {7ugq). ’ 45. Iseaves or their parts, when flat, or any other flat organs in plants, are linear, when long and narrow; at least four or five times as long as broad, falsely compared to a mathematical line, for a linear leaf has always a perceptible breadth. lanceolate, when about three or more times as long as broad, broadest below the middle, and tapering towards the summit, compared to the head of a lance. ? and tapering towards the base, compared cuneate, when broadest above the middle, 1 to a wedge with the point downwards ; when very broadly cuneate and rounded at the top, it is often called flabelliform or fan-shaped. ge spathulate, when the broad part near - top is short, and the narrow tapering art long, compared to a spatula or flat ladle. : : ponte alien scarcely tries as long as broad, and rather broader below the middle, compared to the longitudinal section of an egg; obovate is the same form, with the broadest part above the middle. ; ; ae ast, oval, oblong, elliptical, rhomboidal, etc., when compared to the corre- sponding mathematical figures. . F eancnedly oblong, uae when conspicuously broader than long. ‘vill OUTLINES OF BOTANY. leate, when curved like the blade of a scythe. a if “ntermoilinte forms between any two of the above are expressed by eubinns two terms. Thus, a linear-lanceolate leaf is long and narrow, yet broader below t! ie middle, and tapering to a point; u linear-oblong one is scarcely narrow enough to be called linear, yet too narrow to be strictly oblong, and does not conspicuously taper either towards the summit or towards the base. 47. The apex or summit of a leaf is . acute or pointed, when it forms an acute angle or tapers to a point. ro obtuse or blunt, when it forms a very obtuse angle, or more generally when it is more or less rounded at the top. acuminate or cuspidate, when suddenly narrowed et the top, and then more or less prolonged into an acumen or point, which may be acute or obtuse, linear or tapering. Some botanists make a slight difference between the acuminate and cuspidate apex, the acumen being more distinct from the rest of the leaf in the latter case than in the former ; but in general the two terms are used in the same sense, some preferring the one and some the other. truncate, when the end is cut off square. retuse, when very obtuse or truncate, and slightly indented. back emarginate or notched, when more decidedly indented at the end of the midrib ; obcordate, if at the sare time approaching the shape of a heart with its point down- wards. mucronate, when the midrib is produced beyond the apex in the form of a small oint. : aristate, when the point is fine like a hair. 48. The base of the leaf is liable to the same variations of form as the apex, but the terms more commonly used are tapering or narrowed for acute and acuminate, rounded for obtuse, and cordate for emarginate. In all cases the petiole or point of attachment prevent any such absolute termination at the base as at the apex. 49. A leaf may be cordate at the base whatever be its length or breadth, or what- ever the shape of the two lateral lobes, called auricles (or little ears), formed by the indenture or notch, but the term cordiform or heart-shaped leaf is restricted to an ovate and acute leaf, cordate at the base, with rounded auricles. The word auricles is more particularly used as applied to sessile and stem-clasping leaves. 50. If the auricles are pointed, the leaf is more particularly called auriculate; it is moreover said to be sagittate, when the points are directed downwards, compared to an arrow-head ; iastate, when the points diverge horizontally, compared to a halbert. 51. A reniform leaf is broader than long, slightly but broadly cordate at the base, with rounded auricles, compared to a kidney. 52. In a peltate leaf, the stalk, instead of proceeding from the lower edge of the blade, is attached to the under surface, usually near the lower edge, but sometimes in the very centre of the blade. The peltate leaf has usually several principal nerves me from the point of attachment, being, in fact, a cordate leaf, with the auricles united. 53. All these modifications of divisi into the other that it is often difficult whether the leaf be toothed or lobed, div or acute, etc. The choice of the most describer. 54, Leaves, when solid, Stems, Fruits, Tubers, and other parts of plants, when not flattened like ordinary leaves, are setaceous or capillary, when very slender like bristles or hairs, acicular, when very slender, but stiff and pointed like needles. subutate, when rather thicker aud firmer like awls. linear, when at least four times as long as thick; ob2ong, when from about two to about four times as long as thick, the terms haying the same sense as when applied to flat surfaces. ovoid, when egg-shaped, with the broad end downwards, is upwards ; these terms corresponding to ovate and obovate on and form in the leaf pass so gradually one to say which term is the most applicable— ided or compound, oblong or lanceolate, obtuse apt expression will depend on the skill of the obovoid if the broad end shapes in flat surfaces, OUTLINES OF BOTANY. ix globular ov spherical, when corresponding to orbicular in a flat surface. Round applies to both. turbinate, when shaped like a top. conical, when tapering upwards ; obconical, when tapering downwards, if in both cases a transverse section shows a circle, pyramidal, when tapering upwards; obpyramidal, when tapering downwards, if in both cases a transverse section shows a triangle or polygon. Susiform, or spindle-shaped, when tapering at both enda ; eyliadsical, when not tapering at either end, if in both cases the transverse section shows a circle, or some- times irrespective of the transverse shape. terete, when the transverse section is not angular ; trigonous, triquetrous, if the transverse section shows a triangle, irrespective in both cases of longitudinal form. compressed, when more or less flattened laterally ; depressed, when more or less flattened vertically, or at any rate at the top ; obcompressed (in the achenes of Compo- site), when flattened from front to back. articulate or jointed, if at any period of their growth (usually when fully formed and approaching their decay, or in the case of fruits when quite ripe) they separate, without tearing, into two or more pieces placed end to end. The joints where they separate are called articulations, each separate piece an article. The name of joint is, in common language, given both to the articulation and the article, but more espe- cially to the former. Some modern botanists, however, propose to restrict it to the article, giving the name of joining to the articulation. didymous, when slightly two-lobed, with rounded obtuse lobes. moniliform, or beaded, when much contracted at regular intervals, but not sepa- rating spoutaneously into articles. 55. In their consistence Leaves or other organs are fleshy, when thick and soft ; succulent is generally used in the same sense, but implies the presence of more juice. coriaceous, when firm and stiff, or very tough, of the consistence of leather. crustaceous, when firm and brittle. membranous, when thin and not stiff. scarious or scariose, when very thin, more or less transparent and not green, yet. rather stiff. : 56. The terms applied botanically to the consistence of solids are those in general use in common language. 57. The mode in which unexpanded leaves are disposed in the leaf-bud is called their vernation or prefoliation ; it varies considerably, and technical terms have been proposed to express some of its varieties, but it has been hitherto rarely noticed in descriptive botany. § 6. Scales, Bracts, and Stipules. 58. Scales (Squamea) are leaves very much reduced in size, usually sessile, seldom green or capable of performing the respiratory functions of leaves. In other words, they are organs resembling leaves in their position on the plant, but differing in size, colour, texture, and functions. They are most frequent on the stock of perennial plants, or at the base of annual branches, especially on the buds of future shoots, when they serve apparently to protect the dormant living germ from the rigour of winter. In the latter case they are usually short, broad, close together, and more or less imbri- cated, that is, overlapping each other like the tiles of a roof. It is this arrangement as well as their usual shape that has suggested the name of scales, borrowed from the scales of a fish. Imbricated scales, bracts, or leaves, are said to be squarrose, when their tips are pointed and very spreading or recurved. 59. Sometimes, however, most or all the leaves of the plant are reduced to small scales, in which case they do not appear to perform any particular function. The name of scales is also given to any small broad scale-like appendages or reduced organs, whether in the flower or any other part of the plant. . 7 60. Bracts (Bractee) are the upper leaves of a plant in flower (either all those of the flowering branches, or only one or two immediately under the flower), when differ- x OUTLINES OF BOTANY. ent from the stem-leaves in size, shape, colour, or arrangement. They are generally much smaller and more sessile. They often partake of the colour of the flower, although they very frequently also retain the green colour of the leaves. When small they are often called scales. 61. Floral leaves or leafy bracts are generally the lower bracts on the upper leaves at the base of the flowering branches, intermediate in size, shape, or arrangement, between the stem-leaves and the upper bracts. ; 62. Bracteoles are the one or two last bracta under each flower, when they differ materially in size, shape, or arrangement from the other bracts. 63. Stipules are leaf-like or scale-like appendages at the base of the leaf-stalk, or on the node of the stem. When present there are generally two, one on each side of the leaf, and they sometimes appear to protect the young leaf before it is developed. They are however exceedingly variable in size and appearance, sometimes exactly like the true leaves except that they have no buds in their axils, or looking like the leaflets of a compound leaf, sometimes apparently the only leaves of the plant; generally small and narrow, sometimes reduced to minute scales, spots or scars, sometimes united into one opposite the leaf, or more or less united with, or adnate to the petiole, or quite detached oi the leaf, and forming a ring or sheath round the stem in the axil of the leaf. In a great number of plants they are entirely wanting. 64. Stipelle, cr secondary stipules, are similar organs, sometimes found on com- pound leaves at the points where the leaflets are inserted. 65. When scales, bracts, or stipules, or almost any part of the plant besides leaves and flowers are stalked, they are said to be stipitate, from stipes, a stalk. § 7. Inflorescence and its Bracts. 66. The Inflorescence of a plant is the arrangement of the flowering branches, and of the flowers upon them. 4x Inflorescence is a flowering branch, or the flowering summit of a plant above the last stem-leaves, with its brenches, bracts, and flowers. 67. A single flower, or an inflorescence, is terminal when at the summit of a stem or leafy branch, axillary when in the axil of a stem-leaf, leaf-opposed when opposite to a stem-leaf. The inflorescence of a plant is said to be terminal or determinate when the main stem and principal branches end in a flower or inflorescence (not in a leaf- bud), axillary or indeterminate when all the flowers or inflorescences are axillary, the stem or branches ending in leaf-buds. 68. A Pedunele is the stalk of a solitary flower, or of an inflorescence ; that is to say, the portion of the flowering branch from the last stem-leaf to the flower, or to the firat ramification of the inflorescence, or even up to its last ramifications; but the portion extending from the first to the last ramifications or the axis of inflorescence is often distinguished under the name of rhachis. 69. A Scape or radical Pedunele is a leafless peduncle proceeding from the stock, or from near the base of the stem, or apparently from the root itself. 70. A Pedicel is the last branch of an inflorescence, supporting a single flower. 71. The branches of inflorescences may be, like those of stems, opposité, alternate, ete. (32, 33), but very often their arrangement is different from that of the leafy branches of the same plant. 72. Inflorescence is centrifugal, when the terminal flower opens first, and those on the lateral branches are successively developed. centripetal, when the lowest flowers open first, and the main stem continues to elongate, developing fresh flowers. 73. Determinate inflorescence is usually centrifugal. Indeterminate inflorescence is always centripetal. Both inflorescences may be combined on one plant, for it often happens that the main branches of an inflorescence are centripetal, whilst the flowers on the lateral branches are centrifugal ; or vice versd. 74, An Inflorescence is jae Spike, or spicate, when the flowers are sessile along a simple undivided axis or rhachis. OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xi , ,_ & Raceme, or racemose, when the flowers are borne on pedicels along « single un- divided axis or rhachis. a Panicle, or paniculate, when the axis is divided into branches bearing two or more flowers. _ & Head, or capitate, when several sessile or nearly sessile flowers are collected into a compact head-like cluster. The short, flat, convex or conical axis on which the flowers are seated, is called the receptacle, a term also used for the torus of a single hae (135). The very compact flower-heads of Composite are often termod compound lowers. an Umbel, or umbellate, when several branches or pedicels appear to start from the same point and are nearly of the same length. It differs from the head, like the raceme from the spike, in that the flowers are not sessile. An umbel is said to be simple, when each of its branches or rays bears a single flower; compoynd, when each ray bears a partial umbel or umbellule. a Corymb, or corymbose, when the branches and pedicels, although starting from different points, all attain the same level, the lower ones being much longer than the upper. It is a flat-topped or fastigiate panicle. a Cyme, or cymose, when branched and centrifugal. It is a centrifugal panicle, and is often corymbose. The central flower opens first. The lateral branches succes- sively developed are usually: forked or opposite (dichotomous or trichotomous), but sometimes after the first forking the branches are no longer divided, but produce a succession of pedicels on their upper side forming apparently unilateral centripetal racemes ; whereas if attentively examined, it will be found that each pedicel is at first terminal, but becomes lateral by the development of one outer branch only, immedi- ately under the pedicel. Such branches, when in bud, are generally rolled back at the top, like the tail of a scorpion, and are thence called scorpioid. a Thyrsus, or thyrsoid, when cymes, usually opposite, are arranged in a narrow pyramidal panicle. 75. There are numerous cases where inflorescences are intermediate between some two of the above, and are called by different botanista by one cr the other name, according as they are guided by apparent or by theoretical similarity. A spike-like panicle, where the axis is divided into very short branches forming « cylindrical . compact inflorescence, is called sometimes’ a spike, sometimes a panicle. If the flowers are in distinct clusters along a simple axis, the inflorescence is described as an interrupted spike or raceme, according as the flowers are nearly sessile or distinctly pedicellate; although when closely examined the flowers will be found to be inserted not on the main axis, but on a very short branch, thus, strictly speaking, constituting 8 panicle. < ; 6. The catkins ( ta) of Amentacez, the spadices of several Monocotyledons, the ears and spikelets of Grasses are forms of the spike. 7%. Bracts are generally placed singly under each branch of the inflorescence, and under each pedicel ; bracteoles are usually two, one on each side, on the pedicel or close under the flower, or even upon the calyx itself; but bracts are also frequently scattered along the branches without axillary pedicels; and when the differences between the bracts and bracteoles are trifling or immaterial, they are usually all called bracta. 78. When three bracts appear to proceed from the same point, they will, on exami- nation, be found to be really either one bract and two stipules, or one bract with two bracteoles in ite axil. When two bracts appear to proceed from the same point, they will usually be found to’be the stipules of an undeveloped bract, unless the branches of the inflorescence are opposite, when the bracts will of course be opposite also. 79, When several bracts are collected in a whorl, or are so close together as to appear whorled, or are closely imbricated round the base of a head or umbel, they are collec- tively called an Involucre. The bracts composing an involuere are described under the names of leaves, leaflets, bracts, or scales, according to their appearance. Phyllaries is a useless term, lately introduced for the bracts or acales of the involucre of Com- posite, An Znvolucel is the involucre of a partial umbel. 80. When several very amall bracts are placed round the base of # calyx or of an xii OUTLINES OF BOTANY. involucre, they have been termed a éalycule, and the calyx or involucre said to be caly- culate, but these terms are now falling into disuse, as conveying & false impression. 81. A Spatha is o bract or floral leaf enclosing the inflorescence of some Monocoty- ledons. 82. Palee, Pales, or Chaff, are the inner bracts or scales in Composite, Graminee, and some other plants, when of a thin yet stiff consistence, usually narrow and of a pale colour. : 83. Glumes are the bracts enclosing the flowers of Cyperacee and Gramineae. § 8. The Flower in General. 84. A complete Flower (15) is one in which the calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils are all present; a perfect flower, one in which all these organs, or such of them as are present, are capable of performing their several functions. Therefore, properly speak- ing, an incomplete flower is one in which any one or more of these organs is wanting ; and an imperfect flower, one in which any one or more of these organs is so altered as to be incapable of properly performing its functions. These imperfect organs are said to be abortive if much reduced in size or efficiency, rudimentary if so much so as to be scarcely perceptible. But, in many works, the term éncomplete is specially applied to those flowers in which the perianth is simple or wanting, and imperfect to those in which either the stamens or pistil are imperfect or wanting. 85. A Flower is dichlamydeous, when the perianth is double, both calyx and ‘corolla being present and distinct. monochlamydeous, when the perianth is single, whether by the union of the calyx and corolla, or the deficiency of either. asepalous, when there is no calyx. apetalous, when there is no corolla. naked, when there is no perianth at all. hermaphrodite or bisexual, when both stamens and pistil are present and perfect. male or staminate, when there are one or more stamens, but either no pistil at all or an imperfect one. female or pistillate, when there is a pistil, but either no stamens at all, or only imperfect ones. neuter, when both stamens and pistil are imperfect or wanting. barren or sterile, when from any cause it produces no seed. Sertile, when it docs produce seed. In some works the terms barren, fertile, and perfect are also used respectively as synonyms of male, female, and hermaphrodite. 86. The flowers of a plant or species are said collectively to be untsexual or diclinous when the flowers are all either male or female. monecious, when the male and female flowers are distinct, but on the same plant. diecious, when the male and female flowers are on distinct plants. polygamous, when there are male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers on the same or on distinct plants. 87. A head of flowers is heterogamous when male, female, he‘maphrodite, and neuter flowers, or any two or three, of them, are included in one head ; homogamous, when all the flowers included in one“head are alike in this respect. A spike or head of flowers is androgynous when male and female flowers are mixed in it. These terms are only used in the case of very few Natural Orders. 88. As the scales of buds are leaves undeveloped or reduced in size and altered in shape and consistence, and bracts are leaves likewise reduced in size, and occasionally altered in colour; so the parts of the flower are considered as leaves still further altered in shape, colour, and arrangement round the axis, and often more or less combined with each other. The details of this theory constitute the comparatively modern branch of botany called Vegetable Metamorphosis, or Homology, sometimes improperly termed Morphology (8). 89. To understand the arrangement of the floral parts, let us take a complete flower, in which moreover all the parts are free from each other, definite in number, i. e. always the same in the same species, and symmetrical or isomerous, i.e. when each whorl con- sists of the same number of parts. OUTLINES OF BOTANY: xiii 90. Such a complete symmetrical flower consists usually of either four or five whorls of altered leaves (38), placed immediately one within the other. The Calyx forms the outer whorl. Its parts are called sepals. The Corolla forma the next whorl. Its parts, called petals, usually alternate with the sepals; that is to say, the centre of each petal is immediately over or within the interval between two sepals. The Stamens form one or two whorls within the petals. If two, those of the outer whorl (the ouéer stamens) alternate with the petals, and are consequentiy opposite to, or over the centre of the sepals; those of the inner whorl (the inner stamens) alternate with the outer ones, and are therefore opposite to the petals. If there is only one whorl of stamens, they most frequently alternate with the petals; but sometimes they are opposite the petals and alternate with the sepals. The Pistil forms the inner whorl; its carpels usually alternate with the inner row of stamens. 91. In an axillary or lateral flower the wpper parts of each whorl (sepals, petals, stamens, or carpels) are those which are next to the main axis of the stems or branch, the Zower parta those which are furthest from it ; the intermediate ones are said to be tateral. The words anterior (front) and posterior (back) are often used for lower and upper respectively, but their meaning is sometimes reversed if the writer supposes himeelf in the centre of the flower instead of outside of it. 92, The number of parts in each whorl of a flower is expressed adjectively by the following numerals derived from the Greek :— mono-, di-, trie, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta, octo-, ennea-, deca-, etc., poly- 2 , ms 3 “s ms 9-, 0-5 many- prefixed to a termination indicating the whorl referred to. - 93. Thus, a Flower is disepalous, trisepalous, tetrasepalous, polysepalous, etc., according as there are 2, 3, 4, or many (or an indefinite number of) sepals. dipetalous, tripetalous, polypetalaus, etc,, according as there are 2, 3, or many tals. ‘ ee diandrous, triandrous, polyandrous, etc., according as there are 2, 3, or many stamens. . digynous, trigynous, polygynaus, etc., according as there are 2, 8, or many carpels. And generally (if symmetrical), dimerous, trimerous, polymerous, ete., according as there are 2, 3, or many (or an indefinite number of) parts to each whorl. 94. Flowers are unsymmetrical or anisomerous, strictly speaking, when any one of the whorls has a different number of parts from any other; but when the pistils alone are reduced in number, the flower is still frequently called symmetrical or isomerous, if the calyx, corolla, and staminal whorls have all the same number of parts. 95. Flowers are trregular when the parts of any one of the whorls are unequal in size, dissimilar in shape, or do not spread regularly round the axis at equal distances. It is however more especially irregularity of the corolla that is referred to in descrip- tions. A slight inequality in size or direction in the other whorls does not prevent the flower being classed as regular, if the corolla or perianth is conspicuous and regular. § 9. The Calyz and-Coralla, or Perianth. 96. The Calyx (90) is usually green, and smaller than the corolla; sometimes very minute, rudimentary, or wanting, sometimes very indistinctly whorled, or not whorled at all, or in two whorls, or composed of a large number of sepals, of which the outer ones pass gradually into bracts, and the inner ones into petals. _ 97. The Corolla (90) is usually coloured, and of a more delicate texture than the calyx, and, in popular language, is often more specially meant by the flower. Its petals are more rarely in two whorls, or indefinite in number, and the whorl more rarely broken than in the case of the calyx, at least when the plant is in a natural state. Double flowers are in most cases an accidental deformity or monster in which the ordi- nary number of petals is multiplied by the conversion of stamena, sepals, or even carpels into petals, by the division of ordinary petals, or simply by the addition of supernume- rary ones, Petals are also sometimes very small, rudimentary, or entirely deficient. xiv OUTLINES OF BOTANY. 98. In very many cases, a so-called simple perianth (15) (of which the parts are usually called eaves or segments) is one in which the sepals and petals are similar in form and texture, and present apparently a single whorl. But if examined in the young bud, one half of the parts will generally be found tu be placed outside the other half, and there will frequently be some slight difference in texture, size, and colour, indicating to the close observer the presence of both calyx and corolla. Hence much discrepancy in descriptive works. Where one botanist describes a simple perianth of six segments, another will epeak of a double perianth of three sepals and three petals. . 99. The following terma and prefixes, expressive of the modifications of form and arrangement of ‘the corolla and its petals, are equally applicable to the calyx and its sepals, and to the simple perienth and its segments. . 100. The Corolla is said to be monopetalous when the petals are united, either en- tirely or at the base only, into a cup, tube, or ring ; polypetalous when they are all free from the base. These expressions, established by a long usage, are not strictly correct, for monopetalous (consisting of a single petal) should apply rather to a corolla really reduced to a single petal, which would then be on one side of the axis; and polypetalous is sometimes used more appropriately for a corolla with an indefinite number of petals. Some modern botanists have therefore proposed the term gamo- petalous for the corolla with united petals, and dialypetalous for that with free petals ; but the old-established expressions are still the most generally used. . 101. When the petals are partially united, the lower entire portion of the corolla is called the tube, whatever be its shape, and the free portions of the petals are called the teeth, lobes, or segments (89), according as they are short or long in proportion to the whole length of the corolla. When the tube is excessively short, the petals appear at first sight free, but their slight union at the base must be carefully attended to, being of importance in classification. 102. The Eistivation of a corolla, is the arrangement of the petals, or of such portion of them as is free, in the unexpanded bud. It is valvate, when they are strictly whorled in their whole length, their edges being placed against each other without overlapping. If the edges are much inflexed, the wstivation is at the same time induplicate; involute, if the margins are rolled inward ; reduplicate, if the margins project outwards into salient angles; revolute, if the margins are rolled outwards ; plicate, if the petals are folded in longitudinal plaits. imbricate, when the whorl is more or less broken by some of the petals being out- side the others, or by their overlapping each other at least at the top. Five-petaled imbricate corollas are guincuncially imbricate when one petal is outside, and an adjoin- ing-one wholly inside, the three others intermediate and overlapping on one side; bilabiate, when two adjoining ones are inside or outside the three others. Imbricate petals are described as crumpled (corrugate) when puckered irregularly in the bud. ‘twisted, contorted, or convolute, when each petal overlaps an adjoining one on one side, and is overlapped by the other adjoining one on the other side. Some botanists include the twisted estivation in the general term imbricate; others carefully distin- guish the one from the other. 103. In a few cases the overlapping is so slight that the three estivations canndt easily be distinguished one from the other; in a few others the estivation is variable, even in the same species, but, in general, it supplies a constant character in species, in genera, or even in Natural Orders. 104. In general shape the Corolla is tubular, when the whole or the greater part of it is in the form of a tube or cylinder. ; campanulate, when approaching in some measure the shape of a cup or bell. wrceolate, when the tube is swollen or nearly globular, contracted at the top, and slightly expanded again in a narrow rim. : rotate or stellate, when the petals or lobes are spread out horizontally from the base, or nearly so, like a wheel or star. hypocrateriform or salver-shaped, when the lower part is cylindrical and the upper portion expanded horizontally. In this case the name of tube is restricted to the cylindrical part, and the horizontal portion is called the limb, whether it be divided to the base or not. The orifice of the tube is called its mouth or throat. OUTLINES OF BOTANY, xv infandibuliform or fannel-shaped, when the tube is cylindrical at the base, but en- larged at the top into a more or less campanulate limb, of which the lobes often spread horizontally. In this case the campanulate part, up to the commencement of the lobes, is sometimes considered as a portion of the tube, sometimes as a portion of the limb, and by some botanists again described as independent of ¢ither, under the name of throat (fauces). Generally speaking, however, in campanulate, infundibuliform, or other corollas, where the lower entire part passes gradually into the upper divided and more spreading part, the distinction between the tube and the limb is drawn either at the point where the lobes separate, or at the part where the corolla first expands, ac- cording to which is the most marked. 105. Irregular corollas have received various names according to the more familiar forms they have been compared to. Some of the most important are the bilabiate or two-lipped corolla, when, in a four- or five-lobed corolla, the ‘two or three upper lobes stand obviously apart, like an upper lip, from the two or three lower ones or underlip. In Orchidee and some other ‘families the name of lip, or Jabellum, is given to one of the divisions or lobes of the perianth. personate, when two-lipped, and the orifice of the tube closed by @ projection from the base of the upper or lower lip, called a palate. ringent, when very strongly two-lipped, and the orifice of the tube very open. spurred, when the tube or the lower part of the petal has a conical hollow projec- tion, compared to the spur of a cock ; saccate, when the spur is short and round like a little bag ; gibbous, when projecting at any part into a slight swelling ; foveolate, when marked in any part with a slight glandular or thickened cavity. ’ ‘resupinate or reversed, when & lip, spur, etc., which in allied species is usually lowest, lies uppermost, and vice versd, ‘ 106. The above terms are mostly applied to the forms of monopetalous corollas, but several are also applicable to those of polypetalous ones. Terms descriptive of the special forms-of corolla in certain Natural Orders, will be explained under those Orders respectively. 107. Most of the terms used for describing the forms of leaves (39, 45) are also ap- plicable to those of individual petals; but the flat expanded portion of a petal, cor- responding to the blade of the leaf, is called its Jamina, and the stalk, corresponding to the petiole, its claw (unguis). Thestalked petal is said to be ungutculate. § 10. The Stamens, 108. Although in a few cases the outer stamens may gradually pass into petals, yet, in general, Stamens are very different in shape and aspect from leaves, sepals, or petals. It is only in a theoretical point of view (not the less important in the study of the physiological economy of the plant) that they can be called altered leaves. 109. This usual form is a stalk, called the filament, oe at the top an anther divided into fwo pouches or cel/s. These anther-cells are filled with pollen, consisting of minute grains, usually forming a yellow dust, which, when the flower expands, is scattered from an opening in each cell. When the two cells are not closely contiguous, the portion of the anther that unites them is called the connectivum. 110. The filament is often wanting, and the anther sessile, yet still the stamen is perfect; but if the arither, which ‘is ‘the essential part of the stamen, is wanting, or does not contain pollen, the stamen is imperfect, and is then said to be barren or sterile (without pollen), abortive, or rudimentary (84), according to the degree to which the imperfection is carried. Imperfect stamens are often called staminodia. 111. ‘In unsymmetrical flowers, the stamens of each whorl are sometimes reduced in number below that of the petals, even to a single one, and in several Natural Orders they are multiplied indefinitely. . : 112. The terms monandrous and polyandrous are restricted.to flowers which have ‘veally but one atamen, or an indefinite number respectively. Where several stamens are united into one, the flower is said to be synandrous. 113. Stamens are ; . : . -‘monadelphous, when united by their filaments into one cluster. This cluster either xvi OUTLINES OF BOTANY. forms a tube round the pistil, or, if the pistil is wanting, occupies the centre of the flower. : f diadelphous, when 20 united into two clusters. The term is more especially ap- plied to certain Legwminose, in which nine stamens are united in a tube slit open on the upper side, and a tenth, placed in the slit, is free. In some other plants the sta- mens are equally distributed in the two clusters, : : triadelphous, pentadelphous, polyadelphous, when so united into three, five, or many clusters. ae oe syngenesious, when united by their anthers in aring round the pistil, the filaments usually remaining free. ; didynamous, when (usually in a bilabiate flower) there are four stamens in two pairs, those of ong pair longer than those of the other. tetradynamous, when (in Crucifer@) there are six, four of them longer than the two others. : : exserted, when longer than the corolla, or even when longer than its tube, if the limb be very spreading. 114, An Anther (109) is ' adnate, when continuous with the filament, the anther-cells appearing to lie their whole length along the upper part of the filament. . innate, when firmly attached by their base to the filament. This is like an adnate anther, but rather more distinct from the filament. versatile, when attached by their back to the very point of the filament, so as to swing loosely. 115. Anther-cells may be parallel or diverging at a less or greater angle; or diva- ricate, when placed end to end so as to form one straight line. The end of each an- ther-cell placed nearest to the other cell is generally called its apex or summit, and the other end its base (36) ; but some botanists reverse the sense of these terms. 116. Anthers have often, on their connectivum or cells, appendages termed bristles (setee), spurs, crests, points, glands, etc., according to their appearance. 117, Anthers have occasionally only one cell: this may take place either by the dis- appearance of the partition between two closely contiguous cells, when these cells are said to be confluent ; or by the abortion or total deficiency of one of the cells, when the anther is said to be dimidiate. 118. Anthers will open or dehisce to let out the pollen, like capsules, in valves, pores, or slits. Their dehiscence is introrse, when the opening faces the pistil; extrorse, when towards the circumference of the flower. 119. Pollen (109) is not always in the form of dust. It is sometimes collected in each cell into one or two httle wax-like masses. Special terms used in describing these masses or other modifications of the pollen will be explained under the Orders where they occur. i § 11. The Pistil. 120. The carpels (91) of the Pistil, although they may occasionally assume, rather more than stamens, the appearance and colour of leaves, are still more different in shape and structure, They are usually sessile; if stalked, their stalk is called a podo- carp. This stalk, upon which each separate carpel is supported above the receptacle, must not be confounded with the gynobasis (143), upon which the whole pistil is some- times raised. 121. Each carpel consists of three parts : _ 1. The Ovary, or enlarged base, which includes one or more cavities or cells, con- taining one or more small bodies called ovules. These are the earliest condition of the future seeds. 2. the Style, proceeding from the summit of the ovary, and: supporting— 8. the Stigma, which is sometimes a point (or punctiform stigma) or small head (a capitate stigma) at the top of the style or ovary, sometimes a portion of its surface more or less lateral and variously shaped, distinguished by a looser texture, and covered with minute protuberances called papille. 122. The style is often wanting, and the stigma is then sessile on the ovary, but in OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xvii the perfect pistil there is always at least one ovule in the ovary, and some portion of stigmatic surface.- Without these the pistil is imperfect, and said to be barren (not setting seed), abortive, or rudimentary (84), according to the degree of imperfection. 123. The ovary being the essential part of the pistil, most of the terms relating to the number, arrangement, etc., of the carpels, apply specially to their ovaries. In some works each separate carpel is called a pistil, all those of a flower constituting together the gynacium ; but this term is in little use, and the word pistil is more generally applied in a collective sense. When the ovaries are at all united, they are commonly termed collectively a compound ovary. 124. The number of carpels or ovaries in a flower is frequently reduced below that of the parts of the other floral whorls, even in flowers otherwise symmetrical. Ina very few genera, however, the ovaries are more numerous than the petals, or indefinite. They are in that case either arranged in a single whorl, or form a head or spike in the centre of the flower. 125. The terms monogynous, digynous, polygynous, etc. (with a pistil of one, two, or more parts), are vaguely used, applying sometimes to the whole pistil, sometimes to the ovaries alone, or to the styles or stigmas only. Wherea more precise nomenclature is adopted, the flower is monocarpellary, when the pistil consists of a single simple carpel. bi-, tri-, ete., to poly-carpellary, when the pistil consists of two, three, or an inde- finite number of carpels, whether separate or united. syncarpous, when the carpels or their ovaries are more or less united into one compound ovary. a@pocarpous, when the carpels or ovaries are all free and distinct. 126. A compound ovary is unilocular or one-celled, when there are no partitions between the ovules, or when these partitions do not meet in the centre so as to divide the cavity into several cells, plurilocular or several-celled, when completely divided into two or more cells by partitions called dissepiments (septa), usually vertical and radiating from the centre or axis of the ovary to its circumference. . : di-, tri-, etc., to multi-locular, according to the number of these cells, two, three, etc., or many. : 127. In general the number of celle or of dissepiments, complete or partial, or of rows of ovules, corresponds with that of the carpels, of which the pistil is composed. But sometimes each carpel is divided completely or partially into two cells, or has two rows of ovules, so that the number of carpels appears double what it really is. Some- times again the carpels are so completely combined and reduced as to form asingle cell, with a single ovule, although it really consist of several carpels. But in these cases the ovary is usually described as it appears,as well as such as it is theoretically supposed to be. 128. In apocarpous pistils the styles are usually free, each bearing its own stigma, Very-rarely the greater part of the styles, or the stigmas alone, are united, whilst the ovaries remain distinct. . 129. Syncarpous ‘flowers are said to have several styles, when the styles are free from the base. one style, with several branches, when the styles are connected at the base, but separate below the point where the stigmas or stigmatic surfaces commence. one simple style, with several stigmas, when united up to the point where the stigmas or stigmatic surfaces commence, and then separating. ps one simple style, with a branched, lobed, toothed, notched, or entire stigma (as the case may be), when the stigmas also are more or less united. In many works, how- ever, this precise nomenclature is not strictly adhered to, and considerable confusion is It. A ceed the number of styles, or branches of the style or stigma, is the same aa that of the carpels, but sometimes that number is doubled, especially in the stigmas, and sometimes the stigmas are dichotomously or pinnately branched, or penicillate, that is, divided into a tuft of hair-like branches.’ Ail these variations sometimes make it a difficult task to determine the number of carpels forming a compound ovary, but the point is of considerable importance in fixing the affinities of plants, and, by careful xvill OUTLINES OF BOTANY. consideration, the real as well as the apparent number has now in most cases been agreed upon. on 268 131. The Placenta is the part of the inside of the ovary to which the ovules are attached, sometimes a mere point or line on the inner surface, often more or less thick- ened or raised. Placentation is therefore the indication of the part of the ovary to which the ovules are attached. 182. .Placentas are da : axile, when the ovules are attached to the axis or centre, that is, in plurilocular ovaries, when they are attached to the inner angle of each cell; in unilocular simple ovaries, which have almost always an excentrical style or stigma, when the ovules are attached to the side of the ovary nearest to the style; in unilocular compound ovaries, when the ovules are attached to a central protuberance, column, or axis rising up from the base of the cavity. If this column does not reach the top of the cavity, the pla- centa is said to be free and central. parietal, when the ovules are attached to the inner surface of the cavity of a one- celled compound overy. Parietal placentas are usually slightly thickened or raised lines, sometimes broad surfaces nearly covering the inner surface of the cavity, some- times projecting far into the cavity, and constituting partial dissepiments, or even meeting in the centre, but without cohering there. In the latter case the distinction between the one-celled and the several-celled ovary sometimes almost disappears. 133. Each Ovule (121), when fully formed, usually consists of a central mass or nucleus enclosed in two bag-like coats, the outer one called primine, the inner one secundine. The chalaza is the point of the ovule at which the base of the nucleus is confluent with the coats. ‘The foramen is a minute aperture in the coats over the apex of the nucleus. 134. Ovules are orthotropous or straight, when the chalaza coincides with the base (36) of the ovule, and the foramen is at the opposite extremity, the axis of the ovule being straight. campylotropous ox incurved, when the chalaza still coinciding with the base of the ovule, the axis of the ovule is curved, bringing the foramen down more or less to- wards that base. : anatropous or inverted, when the chalaza is at the apex of the ovule, and the foramen next to its base, the axis remaining straight. In this, one of the most frequent forms of the ovule, the chalaza is connected with the base by a cord, called the raphe, adhering to one side of the ovule, and becoming more or less incorporated with ite coats, as the ovule enlarges into a seed. amphitropous or half-inverted, when the ovule being as it were attached laterally, the chalaza and foramen at opposite ends of its straight or curved axis are about equally distant from the base or point of attachment, ae § 12. The Receptacle and Relative Attachment of the Floral Whorls. 135. The Receptacle or torus is the extremity of the uncle (above the calyx upon which the corolla, stamens, and ovary are Gael. a eae little abe than a mere point or minute hemiephere, but it is often also more or less elongated thickened, or otherwise enlarged. It must not be confounded with the receptacle of inflorescence (74). 136. A Disk, or dise, is a circular enlargement of the receptacle, usually in the form of a cup (cupular), of a flat disk or quoit, or of a cushion (palvinate). It is either immediately at the base of the ovary within the stamens, or between the petals and stamens, or bears the petals or stamens or both on its margin, or is quite at the ex- tremity of the receptacle, with the ovaries arranged in a ring round it or under it. 137. The disk may be entire, or toothed, or lobed, or divided into a number of parts, usually equal to or twice that of the stamens or carpels. When the parts of the disk se ee and short, they are often called glands. . Nectaries, are either the disk, or small deformed petals, or.a i or appendages at the base of petals or stamens, or any srcalh bodies a eone which do not look like petals, stamens, or ovaries. ‘They were formerly supposed to OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xix supply bees with their honey, and the term is frequently to be met with in the older Floras, but is now deservedly going out. of use. 139. When the disk bears the petals and stamens, it is frequently adherent to, and apparently forme part of, the tube of the calyx, or it is adherent to, and apparently forms part of, the ovary, or of both calyx-tube and ovary. Hence the three following important distinctions in the relative insertion of the floral whorls. 140. Petals, or as it is frequently expressed, flowers, are _ _ lypogynous (i.e. under the ovary), when they or the disk that bears them are en- tirely free both from the calyx and ovary. The ovary is then described as free or su- perior, the calyx as free or inferior, the petals as being inserted on the receptacle. perigynous (i. e. round the ovary), when the disk bearing the petals is quite free from the ovary, but is more or less combined with the base of the calyx-tube. The ovary is then still described as free or superior, even though the combined disk and calyx-tube may form a deep cup with the ovary lying in the bottom ; the calyx is said to be free or inferior, and the petals are described as inserted on the ealyx. epigynous (6. e. upon the ovary), when the disk bearing the petals is combined both with the base of the calyx-tube and the base outside of the ovary; either closing over the ovary 20 as only to leave a passage for the style, or leaving more or less of the top of the ovary free, but always adhering to it above the level of the insertion of the lowest ovule (except in a very few cases where the ovules are absolutely suspended from the top of the cell). In epigynous flowers the ovary ia described as adherent or inferior, the calyx as adherent or superior, the petals as inserted om or ubove the ovary. In some works, however, most epigynous flowers are included in the perigynoua ones, and a very different meaning is given to the term epigynous (144), and there are a few cases where no positive distinction can be drawn between the epigyndus and perigynous flowers, or again between the perigynous and hypogynous flowers. 141. When there are no petals, it is the insertion of the stamens that determines the difference between the hypogynous, perigynous, and epigynous flowers. 142. When there are both petals and stamens, in hypogynous flowers, the petals and stamens are usually free from each other, but sometimes they are combined at the base. In that case, if the'petals are distinct from each other, and the stamens are monadelphons, the petais are often said to be inserted on or combined with the staménal tube; if the corolla 1s gamopetalous and the stamens distinct from each other, the latter are said to be inserted in the tube of the corolla. in perigynous flowers, the stamens are usually inserted immediately within the petals, or alternating with them on the edge of the disk, but occasionally much lower down within the disk, or even on the unenlarged part of the receptacle. in epigynous flowers, when the petals are distinct, the stamens are usually inserted as in perigynous flowers ; when the corolla is gamopetalous, the stamens are either free and hypogynous, or combined at the base with (inserted in) the tube of the corolla. 143. When the receptacle is distinctly elongated below the ovary, it is often called a gysobasis, gynophore, or stalk of the ovary. Jf the elongation takes place below the stamens or below the petals, these stamens or petals are then said to be tnserted on the stalk of the ovary, and are occasionally, but falsely, described as epigynous. Really epigynous stamens (z. e. when the filaments are combined with the ovary) are very rare, unless the rest of the flower is epigynous. , . : 144, An epigynous disk is a name given either to the thickened summit of the ovary in epigynous flowers, or very rarely toa real disk or enlargement of the receptacle closing over the ovary. 3 145. In the relative position of any two or more parte of the flower, whether in the same or in different whorls, they are connwent, when nearer together at the summit than at the base. divergent, when further apart at the summit than at the base. coherent, when united together, but so slightly that they can be separated with little or no laceration ; and one of the two cohering parts (usually the smallest or least important) is said to be adherent to the other. Grammatically speaking, these two terms convey nearly the same meaning, but require a different form of ee prac- XX OUTLINES OF BOTANY. tically however it has been found more conyenient to restrict cohesion to the union of parts of the same whorl, and adhesion to the union of parts of different whorls. : connate, when 80 closely united that they cannot be separated without laceration. Each of the two connate parts, and especially that one which is considered the smaller or of the least importance, is said to be adnate to the other. Sree, when neither coherent nor connate. ; Ss ror distinct is also used in the same sense, but is also applied to parts distinctly visible or distinctly limited. § 13. The Fruit. 146. The Fruit (15) consists of the ovary and whatever other parts of the flower are persistent (i.e. persist at the time the seed is ripe), usually enlarged, and more or less altered in shape and consistence. It encloses or covers the seed or seeds till the period of maturity, when it either opens for the seed to escape, or falls to the ground with the seed. When stalked, its stalk has been termed a carpophore. . 147. Fruits are, in elementary works, said to be simple when the result of a single flower, compound when they proceed from several flowers closely packed or combined ina head. But as a fruit resulting from a single flower, with several distinct carpels, is compound in the sense in which that term is applied to the ovary, the terms single and aggregate, proposed for the fruit resulting from one or several flowers, may be more appropriately adopted. In descriptive botany a fruit is always supposed to result from a single flower unless the contrary be stated. It may, like the pistil, be syncarpous or apocarpous (125) ; and as in many cases carpels united in the flower may become separate as they ripen, an apocarpous fruit may result from a syncarpous pistil. 148. The involucre or bracts often persist and form part of aggregate fruits, but very seldom so in single ones. 3648 149. The receptacle becomes occasionally enlarged and succulent; if when ripe it falls off with the fruit, it is considered as forming part of it. 150. The adherent part of the calyx of epigynous flowers always persists and forms part of the fruit; the feos part of the calyx of epigynous flowers or the calyx of perigy- nous flowers, either persists entirely at the top of or round the fruit, or the lobes alone fall off, or the lobes fall off with whatever part of the calyx is above the insertion of the petals, or the whole of what is free from the ovary falls off, including the disk bear- ing the petals. The calyx of hypogynous flowers usually falls off entirely or persists entirely. In general a calyx is called deciduous if any part falls off. When it persists it is either enlarged round or under the fruit, or it withers and dries up. 151. The corolla usually falls off entirely ; when it persists it is usually withered and dry (marcescent), or very seldom enlarges round the fruit. 152. The stamens either fall off, or more or less of their “filaments persists, usually withered and dry. 153. The style sometimes falls off or dries up and disappears ; sometimes persists, ie a point to the fruit, or becomes enlarged into a wing or other appendage to the fruit. 154. The Pericarp is the portion of the fruit formed of the ovary, and whatever ad- heres to it exclusive of and outside of the seed or seeds, exclusive also of the persistent receptacle, or of whatever portion of the calyx persists round the ovary without adhe- ring to it. 155. Fruits have often external appendages called wings (ale), beaks, crests, awns, etc., according to their appearance. They are either formed by persistent parts of the flower more or less altered, or grow out of the ovary or the persistent part of the calyx. If the appendage be a ring of hairs or scales round the top of the fruit, it is called a pappus. 2 156. Fruits are generally divided into succulent (including fleshy, pulpy, and juicy fruits) and dry. They are dehiscent when they open at maturity to let out the seeds, indehiscent when they do not open spontaneously but fall off with the seeds. Succu- lent fruits are usually indehiscent. 157. The principal kinds of succulent fruits are the Berry, in which the whole substance of the pericarp is fleshy or pulpy, with OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xxi the exception of the outer skin or rind, called the Epicarp. The seeds themselves are usually immersed in the pulp; but in some berries, the seeds are separated from the pulp by the walls of the cavity or cells of the ovary, which forms as it were a thin inner skin or rind, called the Endocarp. the Drupe, in which the pericarp, when ripe, consists of two distinct portions, an outer succulent one called the Sarcocarp (covered like the berry by a skin or epicarp), and an inner dry endocarp called the Putamen, which is either cartilaginous (of the consistence of parchment) or hard and woody. In the latter case it is commonly called a stone, and the drupe a stone-fruit. When the putamen consists of several piesa stones or nuts, each enclosing a seed, they are called pyrenes, or sometimes ernels. 158. The principal kinds of dry fruits are the Capsule or Pod,* which is dehiscent. When ripe the pericarp usually splits longitudinally into as many or twice as many pieces, called valves, as it contains cells or placentas. If these valves separate at the line of junction of the carpels, that is, along the line of the placentas or dissepiments, either splitting them or leaving them attached to the axis, the dehiscence is termed septicidal ; if the valves separate between the placentas or dissepiment, the dehiscence is loeulicidal, and the valves either bear the placentas or dissepiments along their middle line, or leave them attached to the axis. Sometimes also the capsule discharges its seeds by slits, chinks, or pores, more or less regularly arranged, or bursts irregularly, or separates into two parts by a horizontal line ; in the latter case it is said to be ctreumsciss. ; the Nut or Achene, which is indehiscent and contains but a single seed. When the pericarp is thin in proportion to the seed it encloses, the whole fruit (or each of its lobes) has the appearance of a single seed, and is so called in popular language. If the pericarp is thin and rather loose, itis often called an Utricle. A Samarais a nut with. a wing at its upper end. 159. Where the carpels of the pistil are distinct (125) they may severally become as many distinct berries, drupes, capsules, or achenes. Separate carpels are usually more or less compressed laterally, with more or less prominent inner and outer edges, called suéures, and, if dehiscent, the carpel usually opens at these sutures. A Follicle ia a carpel opening at the inner suture only. In some cases where the carpela are united in the pistil they will separate when ripe ; they are then called Cocci if one- seeded. 160. The peculiar fruits of some of the large Orders have received special namcs, which will be explained under each Order. Such are the siliqua and silicule of Cruci- fers, the legume of Leguminose, the pome of Pyrus and its allies, the pepo of Cucur- bitacem, the cone of Conifers, the grain or caryopsis of Gramines, etc. § 14. The Seed. 161. The Seed is enclosed in the pericarp in the great majority of flowering plants, called therefore Angiosperms, or angiospermous plants. In Conifere and a very few allied genera, called @ymnosperms, or gymnospermous plants, the seed is naked, without any real pericarp. These truly gymmospermous plants must not be confounded with Labiate, Boraginea, etc., which have also been falsely called gymnospermous, their small nuts having the appearance of seeds (158). acct 162. The seed when ripe contains an embryo or young plant, either filling or nearly filling the cavity, but not attached to the outer skin or the seed, or more or less im- mersed in a mealy, oily, fleshy, or horn-like substance, called the albumen, or pert- sperm, The presence or absence of this albumen, that is, the distinction between albu- . minous and exalbuminous seeds, is one of great importance. The embryo or albumen can often only be found or distinguished when the seed is quite ripe, or sometimes only when it begins to germinate. 163. The shell of the seed consists usually of two separable coats. The outer coat, called the éesta, is usually the principal one, and in most cases the only one attended to in descriptions. It may be hard and crustaceows, woody or bony, or thin and mem- - * In English descriptions, pod is more frequently used when it is long and narrow; capsule, or sometimes pouck, when it is short and thick or broad. xxii OUTLINES OF BOTANY, branous (skin-like), dry, or rarely succulent. It is sometimes expanded into wings, or bears a tuft of hair, cotton, or wool, called a coma. The inner coat is called the tegmen. : 64. The funicle is the stalk by which the seed is attached to the placenta. It is occasionally enlarged into a membranous, pulpy, or fleshy appendage, sometimes spread- ing over a considerable part of the seed, or nearly enclosing it, called an aril, A stro- phiole or caruncle is a similar appendage proceeding from the testa by the side of or near the funicle. . 165. The Ailwm is the scar left on the seed where it separates from the funicle. The micropyle is a mark indicating the position of the foramen of the ovule (133). 166. The Embryo (162) consists of the Radicle or base of the future root, one or two Cotyledons or future-seed-leaves, and the Plumule or future bud within the base of the cotyledons. In some seeds, especially where there is no albumen, these several parts are very conspicuous, in others they are very difficult to distinguish until the seed begins to germinate. Their observation, however, is of the greatest importance, for it is chiefly upon the distinction between the embryo with one or with two coty- ledons that are founded the two great classes of phenogamous plants, Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. ; 167. Although the embryo lies loose (unattached) within the seed, it is generally n some determinate position with respect to the seed or to the whole fruit. This position is described by stating the direction of the radicle next to or more or less remote from the hilum, or it is said to be superior if pointing towards the summit of the fruit, inferior if pointing towards the base of the fruit. § 15. Accessory Organs. 168. Under this name are included, in many elementary works, various external parts of plants which do not appear to act any essential part either in the vegetation or reproduction of the plant. They may be classed under four heads: Tendrils and Hooks, Thorns and Prickles, Hairs, and Glands. 3 169. Tendrils (cirrhi) are usually abortive petioles, or abortive peduncles, or some: times abortive ends of branches. They ave simple or more or less branched, flexible, and coil more or less firmly round any objects within their reach, in order to support the plant to which they belong. Hooks are similar holdfasts, but of a firmer consis- tence, not branched, and less coiled. 170. Thorns and Prickles have been fancifully called the weapons of plants. A Thorn or Spine is tho strongly pointed extremity of a branch, or abortive petiole, or abortive peduncle. A Prickle is a sharply pointed excrescence from the epidermis, and is usually produced on a branch, on the petiole or veins of a leaf, or on a peduncle, or even on the calyx or corolla. When the teeth of a leaf or the atipules are pungent, they are also called prickles, not thorns. A plant is spinous if it has thorns, aculeate if it has prickles. 171, fairs, in the general sense, or the indumentum (or clothing) of a plant, in- clude all those productions of the epidermis which have, by a more or less appropriate comparison, been termed bristles, hairs, down, cotton, or wool. 172, Hairs are often branched. They are said to be attacked by the centre, if parted from the base, and the forks spread along the surface in opposite directions ; plumose, if the branches are arranged along a common axis, as in a feather ; stellate, if several branches radiate horizontally. These stellate hairs have sometimes their rays connected together at the base, forming little flat circular disks attached by the centre, and are then called scales, and the surface is said to be sealy or lepidote. 173. The Epidermis, or outer skin, of an organ, as to its surface and indumentum, is smooth, when without any protuberance whatever. glabrous, when without hairs of any kind. striate, when marked with parallel longitudinal lines, merely discoloured. : penne (suleate) or ribbed (costate) when the parallel lines are more distinctly raise either slightly raised or OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xxiii rugose, when wrinkled or marked with irregular raised or depressed lines. umbilicate, when marked with a small round depression. umbonate, when bearing a small boss like that of a shield. viscous, viscid, or glutinous, when covered with a sticky or clammy exudation, scabrous, when rough to the touch. tuberculate or warted, when covered with small, obtuse, wart-like protuberances. " gg arieates when the protuberances are more raised and pointed but yet short and ard, echinate, when the protuberances are longer’ and sharper, almost prickly. setose or bristly, when bearing very stiff erect straight hairs. glandular-setose, when the sets or bristles terminate in a minute resinous head or drop. In some works, especially in the case of Roses and Rubus, the meaning of sete has been restricted to such as are glandular. glochidiate, when the scte are hooked at the top. pilose, when the ‘surface is thinly sprinkled with rather long simple hairs. hispid, when more thickly covered with rather stiff hairs. hirsute, when the hairs are dense and not ao stiff. downy or pubescent, when the hairs are short and soft ; puberulent, when slightly pubescent. strigose, when the hairs are rather short and stiff, and lie close along the surface all in the same direction ; strigiliose, when slightly strigose. tomentose or cottony, when the hairs are very short and soft, rather dense and more or less intricate, and usually white or whitish. woolly (tanate), when the hairs are long and loosely intricate, like wool. The . ee tomentum is said to be floccose when closely intricate and readily detached, e fleece. mealy ( farinose), when the hairs are excessively short, intricate and white, and come off readily, having the appearance of meal or dust. canescent or hoary, when the hairs are so short as not: readily to be distinguished by the naked eye, and yet give a general whitish hue to the epidermis. "glaucous, when of a pale bluish-green, often covered with a fine bloom. 174, The meanings here attached to the above terms are such as appear to have been most generally adopted, but there is much vagueness in the use practically made of many of them by different botanists. This is especially the case with the terms pilose, hispid, hirsute, pubescent, and tomentose. : 175. The name of Glands is given to several different productions, and principall;, to the four following :— 1. Small wart-like or shield-like bodies, either sessile or sometimes stalked, of o fungous or somewhat fleshy consistence, occasionally secreting a small quantity of oily or resinous matter, but more frequently dry. They are generally few in number, often definite in their position and form, and oceur ehiefly on the petiole or principal veins of leaves, on the branches of inflorescences, or on the stalks or principal veins of bracts, sepals, or petals. : : 2. Minute raised dots, usually black, red, or dark-coloured, of a resinous or oily nature, always superficial, and apparently exudations from the epidermis. They are often numerous on leaves, bracts, sepals, and green branches, aud occur even on petals and etamens, morg rarely on pistils. When raised upon slender stalks they are called pedicellate (or stipitate) glands, or glandular hairs, according to the thickness of the stalk. 8. Small, globular, oblong or even linear vesicles, filled with oil, imbedded in the . substance itself of leaves, bracts, floral organs, or fruits. They are often very numer- ous, like transparent dots, sometimes few and determinate in form and position. In the pericarp of Umbeilifere they are remarkably regular and conspicuous, and take the name of vitie. ae 4, Lobes of the disk (187), or other small fleshy excrescences within the flower, whether from the receptacle, calyx, corolla, stamens, or pistil, XXIV OUTLINES OF BOTANY. Cuap; II. Cxassi¥icatioy, or Systematic Botany. 176. It has already been observed (3) that descriptions of plants should, as nearly as possible, be arranged under natural divisions, so as to facilitate the comparison of each plant with those most nearly allied to it. The description of plants here alluded to are descriptions of species; thenatural divisions of the Florarefer to natural groups of species, 177. A Species comprises all the individual plants which resemble each other suffi- ciently to make us conclude that they are all, or may have been all, descended from a common parent. ‘These individuals may often differ from each other in many striking particulars, such as the colour of the flower, size of the leaf, ete., but these particulars are such as experience teaches us are liable to vary in the seedlings raised from one individual. 2 178. When a large number of the individuals of a species differ from the others in any striking particular they constitute a Variety. If the variety generally comes true from seed, it is often called a Race. : 179. A Variety can only be propagated with certainty by grafts, cuttings, bulbs, tubers, or any other method which produces a new plant by the development of one or more buds taken from the old one. A Race may with care be propagated by seed, although seedlings will always be liable, under certain circumstances, to lose those prticulars which distinguish it from the rest of the species. A real Species will always come true from seed. 180, The known species of plants (now near 100,000) are far too numerous for the human mind to study without classification, or even to give distinct single names to. To facilitate these objects, an admirable system, invented by Linneus, has been uni- versally adopted, viz. one common substantive name is given to a number of species which resemble each other more than they do any other species; the species so col- lected under one name are collectively called a Genus, the common name being the generic name. Each species is then distinguished from the others of the same genus by the addition of an adjective epithet or specific name, Every species has thus a bo- tanical name of two words. In Latin, the language usually used for the purpose, the first word is a substantive and designates the genus; the second, an adjective, indi- cates the species, 181. The genera thus formed being still too numerous (above 6,000) for study with- out further arrangement, they have been classed upon the same principles ; viz. genera which resemble each other more than they do any other genera, have been collected together into groups of a higher degree called Families or Natural Orders, to each of which a common name has been given. This name is in Latin an adjective plural, usually taken from the name of some one fypical genus, generally the best known, the first discovered, or the most marked (e.g. Ranunculacee from Ranunculus). This is however for the purpose of study and comparison. To speak of a species, to refer to it and identify it, allthat is necessary is to give the generic and specific names. 182. Natural Orders themselves (of which we reckon near 200) are often in the same manner collected into Classes ; and where Orders contain a large number of genera, or genera a large number of species, they require further classification. The genera, of an Order are then collected into minor groups called Tribes, the species of a genus into Sections, and in a few cases this intermediate classification is carried still further. The names of these several groups the most generally adopted are as follows, beginning with the most comprehensive or highest :— Classes. Genera. Subclasses or Alliances. Subgenera. Natural Orders or Families. Sections. Suborders. Subsections. Tribes. Species, Subtribes. Varieties. Divisions. Subdivisions, 183, The characters (3) by which a species is distinguished from all other species of OUTLINES OF BOTANY. xxv the same genus are collectively called the specific character of the plant ; those by which its genus is distinguished from other genera of the Order, or its Order from other , Orders, are respectively called the generic or ordinal character, as the case may be. The habit of a plant, of a species, a genus, etc., consists of such general characters as strike the eye at first sight, such as size, colour, ramification, Arrangement of the leaves, inflorescence, etc., and are chiefly derived from the organs of vegetation. . 184, Classes, Orders, Genera, and their several subdivisions, are called xaturat when, in forming them, all resemblances and differences are taken into account, valuing them according to their evident or presumed importance ; artificial, when resemblances and differences in some one or very few particulars only are taken into account indepen- dently of all others. 185. The number of species included in a genus, or the number of genera in an Order, is very variable. Sometimes two or three or even a single species may be so different from all others as to constitute the entire genus; in others, several hundred species may resemble each other so much as to be all included in one genus; and there is the same discrepancy in the number of genera toa Family. There is moreover, un- fortunately, in a number of instances, great difference of opinion as to whether certain plants differing from each other in certain particulars are varieties of one species or be- long to distinct species ; and again, whether two or more groups of species should con- stitute as many sections of one genus, or distinct genera, or tribes of one Order, or even distinct Natural Orders. In the former case, as a species is supposed to have a real existence in nature, the question is susceptible of argument, and sometimes of ab- solute proof. But the place a group should occupy in the scale of degree is very arbi- trary, being often a mere question of convenience. The more subdivisions upon cor- rect principles are multiplied, the more they facilitate the study of plants, provided always the main resting-points for constant use, the Order and the Genus, are compre- hensive and distinct. But if every group into which a genus can be divided be erected into a distinct genus, with a substantive name to be remembered whenever a species is spoken of, all the advantages derived from the beautiful simplicity of the Linnean nomenclature are gone. Cuar. III. VeartTaste ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. § 1. Structure and Growth of the Elementary Tissues. 186. If a very thin slice of any part of a plant be placed under a microscope of high magnifying power, it will be found to be made up of variously shaped and arranged ultimate parts, forming a sort of honeycombed structure. These ultimate parts are called cells, and form by their combination the elementary tissues of which the entire plant is composed. 187. A cell in its simplest state is a closed membranous sac, formed of a substance permeable by fluids, though usually destitute of visible pores. Each cell is a distinct individual, separately formed and separately acting, though cohering with the cells with which it is in contact, and partaking of the common life and action of the tissue of which it forms a part. The membranes separating or enclosing the cells are also called their walls. ete 188. Botanists usually distinguish the following tissues :— (1) Cellular tissue, or parenchyma, consists usually of thin-walled cells, more or less round in form, or with their length not much exceeding their breadth, and not tapering at the ends. All the soft parts of the leaves, the pith of stems, the pulp of fruits, and all young growing parts, are formed of it. It is the first tissue produced, and continues to be formed while growth continues, and when it ceases to be active the plant dies. (2) Woody tissue, or prosenchyma, differs in having its cells considerably longer than broad, usually tapering at each end into points and overlapping each other. Thecells are commonly thick-walled ; the tissue is firm, tenacious, and elastic, and constitutes xxvi OUTLINES OF BOTANY. the principal part of wood, of the inner bark, and of the nerves and veins of leaves, forming, in short, the framework of the plant. : (3) Vascular tissue, or the vessels or ducts of plants, so called from the mistaken no- tion that their functions are analogous to those of the vessels (veins and arteries) of animals. A vessel in plants consists of a vertical row of celle, which have their trans- verse partition-walls obliterated, so as to form a continuous tube. All phenogamous plants, as well as ferns and a few other cryptogamous plents, have vessels, and aré therefore called vascular plants; 30 the majority of cryptogams haviug only cellular tissue are termed cellular plants. Vessels have their sides very variously marked ; some, called spiral vessels, have a spiral fibre coiled up their imside, which unrolls when the vessel is broken; others are marked with longitudinal slits, cross bars, minute dots or pits, or with transverse rings. ‘The size of vessels is also very variable in different plants ; in some they are of considerable size and visible to the naked eye in cross sections of the stem, in othera they are almost absent or can only be traced under a strong magnifier. 189. Various modifications of the above tissues are distinguished by vegetable ana- tomists under names which need not be enumerated here as not being in general prac- tical use. Air-vessels, cysts, turpentine-vessels, oil-reservoirs, etc., are either cavities left. between the cells, or large cells filled with peculiar secretions. 190. When tissues are once formed, they increase, not by the general enlargement of the whole of the cells already formed, but by cell-division, that is, by the division of young and vitally active cells, and the enlargement of their portions. In the formation of the embryo, the first cell of the new plant is formed, not by division, but around a segregate portion of the contents of a previously existing cell, the embryo-sac. This is termed free cell-formation, in contradistinction to cell-division. 191. A young and vitally active cell consiste of the outer wall, formed of a more or less transparent substance called cellulose, permeable by fluids, and of ternary chemical composition (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) ; and of the cedl-contents, usually viscid or mucilaginous, consisting of protoplasm, a substance of quaternary chemical compo- sition (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen), which fills an important part in cell- division and growth. Within the cell (either in the centre or excentrical) is usually a minute, soft, subgelatinous body ealled the nucleus, whose functions appear to be inti- mately connected with the first formation of the new cell. As this cell increases in size, and its walls in thickness, the protoplasm and watery cell-sap become absorbed or dried up, the firm cellulose wall alone remaining as a permanent fabric, either empty or filled with various organized substances produced or secreted within it. 192. The principal organized contents of cells are a sap, the first product of the digestion of the food of plants; it contains the ele- ments of vegetable growth in a dissolved condition. sugar, of which there are two kinds, called cane-sugar and grape-sugar. It usually exists dissolved in the sap. It is found abundantly in growing parts, in fruite, and in germinating seeds dextrine, or vegetable mucilage, a gummy substance, between mucilage and starch. starch or fecula, one of tle most universal and conspicuous of cell-contents, and often so abundant in farinaceous roots and seeds as to fill the cell-cavity. It consists of minute grains.called starch-granules, which vary in size and are marked with more or less conspicuous concentric lines of growth. The chemical constitution of starch is the same as that of cellulose ; it is unaffected by cold water, but forms a jelly with boiling water, and turns blue when tested by iodine. When fully aasied it is no longer starch, but, dextrine. _ chlorophyll, very minute granules, containing nitrogen, and coloured green under the action of sunlight. These granules are most abundant in the layers of cells imme- diately below the surface or epidermis of leaves and young bark. The green colouring taatter is soluble in alcohol, and may thus be removed from the granules. chromule, a name given to a similar colouring matter when not green. waz, oils, camphor, and resinous matter, are common in cells or in cavities in the tissues between the cells, also various mineral substances, either in an amorphous state or as microscopic crystals, when they are called Raphides. QUILINES OF BOTANY. xxvii § 2. Arrangement of the Elementary Tissues, or Structure of the Organs of Plants. 193. Leaves, young stems, and branches, and most parts of phenogamous plants, during the first year of their existence consist anatomically of 1, a cellular system, or continuous mass of cellular tissue, which is developed both vertically as the stem or other parts increase in length, and horizontally or laterally as they increase in thickness or breadth. It surrounds or is intermixed with the fibro- vascular system, or it may exist alone in some parts of phenogamous plants, as well as in cryptogamous onés. 2, a fibro-vascular system, or continuous mass of woody and vascular tissue, which is gradually introduced vertically into, and serves to bind together, the cellular system. It is continued from the stem into the petioles and veins of the leaves, and into the pe- dicels and parts of the flowers, and is never wholly wanting in any phenogamous plant. 3, an epidermis, or outer skin, formed of one or more layers of flattened (horizon- tal), firmly coherent, and usually empty cells, with. either thin and transparent or thick and opaque walls. It covers almost all parts of plants exposed to the outward air, protecting their tissues from its immediate action, but is wanting in those paris of aquatic plants which are constantly submerged. 194. The epidermis is frequently pierced by minute spaces between the cells, called Stomates. They are oval or mouth-shaped, bordered by lips, formed of two or more elastic cells so disposed as to cause the stomate to open in a moist, and to close up in a dry state of the atmosphere. They communicate with intercellular cavities, and are obviously designed to regulate evaporation and respiration. They are chiefly found upon leaves, especially on the under surface. 195. When a phenogamous plant has outlived the first season of its growth, the anatomical structure of its stem or other perennial parts becomes more complicated and very different in the two great classes of phenogamous plants called Zxogens and Endogens, which correspond with very few exceptions to the two classes Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons (167), founded on the structure of the embryo. In Exogens (Dicotyledons) the woody system is placed in concentric layers between a central pith (198, 1), and an external separable bark (1985). In Endogens (Monocotyle- dons) the woody system is in: separate small bundles or fibres running through the cellular system without apparent order, and there is usually*no distinct central pith, nor outer separable bark. -196. The anatomical structure is also somewhat different in the different. organs of plants. In the Root, although it is constructed generally on the same plan as the stem, yet the regular organization, and the difference between Exogens and Endogens, is often disguised or obliterated by irregularities of growth, or by the production of large quantities of cellular tissue filled with starch or other substances (192). There is sel- don, if ever, any distinct pith, the concentric circles of fibro-vascular tissue in Exogens are often very indistinct or have no relation to seasons of growth, and the epidermis has 110 stomates. 197. In the Stem or branches, during the first year or season of their growth, the difference between Exogens and Endogens is not always very conspicuous. In both there is a tendency to a circular arrangement of the fibro-vascular system, leaving the centre either vacant or filled with cellular tissue-(pith) only, and a more or less distinct outer rind is observable even in several. Endogens. More frequently, how- ever, the distinction is already very apparent the first season, especially towards its close. The fibro-vascular bundles in Endogens usually anastomose but little, passing continuously into the branches and leaves. In Exogens the circle of fibro-vascular bundles forms a more continuous cylinder of network emitting lateral offsets into the branthes and leaves. : 3 198. The Exogenous stem, after the first year of its growth, consists of ; 1, the pith, a cylinder of cellular tissue, occupying the centre or longitudinal axis of the stem. It is active only in young stems or branches, becomes dried up and com- pressed as the wood hardens, and often finally disappears, or is scarcely distinguishable in old trees. ‘ 2, the medullary sheath, which surrounds and encases the pith. It abounds in spiral vessels (188, 3), and is in direct connection, when young, with the leaf-buds and xxviii OUTLINES OF BOTANY. branches, with the petioles and veins of leaves, and other ramifications of the system. Like the pith, it gradually disappears in old wood. J 8, the wood, which lies immediately outside the medullary sheath. It is formed of woody tissue (188, 2), through which, in most cases, vessels (188, 3) variously dis- posed are interspersed. It is arranged in annual concentric circles (211), which usually remain active during several years, but in older stems the central and older layers be- come hard, dense, comparatively inactive,-and usually deeper coloured, forming what is called heart-wood or duramen, the outer, younger, and usually paler-coloured living layers constituting the sapwood or alburnum. 4, the medullary rays, which form vertical plates, originating in the pith, and, radiating from thence, traverse the wood and terminate in the bark. They are formed of cellular tissue, keeping up a communication between the living portion of the centre of the stem and its outer surface. As the heart-wood is formed, the inner portion of the medullary rays ceases to be active, but they usually may still be seen in old wood, forming what carpenters call the silver grain. 5, the bark, which lies outside the wood, within the epidermis. It is, like the wood, arranged in annual cancentric circles (211), of which the outer older ones become dry and hard, forming the corky layer or outer bark, which, as it is distended by the thickening of the stem, either cracks or is cast off with the epidermis, which is no longer distinguishable. Within the corky layer is the cellular, or green, or middle bark, formed of loose thin-walled pulpy cells containing chlorophyll (192) ; and which is usually the layer of the preceding season. The innermost and youngest circle, next the young wood, is the liber or inner bark, formed of long tough woody tissue called bast-celis. 199. The Endogenous stem, as it grows old, is not marked by the concentric circles of Exogens. The wood consists of a matrix of cellular tissue irregularly traversed by vertical cords or bundles of woody and vascular tissue, which are in connection with the leaves. These vascular bundles change in structure and direction as they pass down the stem, losing their vessels, they retain only their bast- or long wood-cells, usually curving outwards towards the rind. The old wood becomes more compact and harder towards the circumference than in the centre. The epidermis or rind either hardens so as to prevent any increase of diameter in the stem, or it distends, without increasing in thickness or splitting or casting off any outer layers. 200. In the Leaf, the structure of the petioles and principal ribs or veins is the same as that of the young branches of which they are ramifications. In the expanded portion of the leaf the fibro-vascular system becomes usually very much ramified, form- ing the smaller veins. These are surrounded and the interstices filled up by a copious and very active cellular tissue. The majority of leaves are horizontal, having a differ- ently constructed upper and under surface. The cellular stratum forming the upper surface consists of closely set cells, placed vertically, with their smallest ends next the surface, and with few or no stomates in the epidermis. In the stratum forming the under surface, the cells are more or less horizontal, more loosely placed, and have ge~ nerally empty spaces between them, with stomates in the epidermis communicating with these intercellular spaces. In vertical leaves (as in a large number of Australian plants) the two surfaces are nearly similar in structure. 201. When leaves are reduced to scales, acting only as protectors of young buds, or without taking any apparent part in the economy of vegetable life, their structure, though still on the same plan, is more simple ; their fibro-vascular system is less rami- fied, their cellular system more uniform, and there are few or no stomates. 202. Bracts and floral envelopes, when green and much developed, resemble leaves in their anatomical structure, but in proportion as they are reduced to scales or tratis- formed into petals, they lose their stomates, and their systems, both fibro-vascular and cellular, become more simple and uniform, or more slender and delicate. 203. In the stamens and pistils the structure is still nearly the same. The fibro- vascular system, surrounded by and intermixed with the ccllular tissue, is ueually sim- ple in the filaments and style, more or less ramified in the flattened or expanded parts such as the anther-cases, the walls of the ovary, or carpellary leaves, ete. The pollen consists of granular cells variously shaped, marked, or combined, peculiar forms being constant in the same species, or often in large genera, or even Orders. The stigmatic portion of the pistil is a mass of loosely cellular substance, destitute of epidermis, and OUTLINES OF BOTANY, xxix peel, is in communication with the ovary by a channel running down the centre of e style, 204, Tubers, fleshy thickenings of the stem or other parts of the plant, succulent leaves or branches, the fleshy, woody, or bony parta of fruits, the albumen, and the thick fleshy parts of embryos, consist chiefly of largely developed cellular tissue, re- plete with starch or other substances (192), deposited apparently in most cases for the eventual future use of the plant or its parts when recalled into activity at the approach of a new season. 205. Hairs (171) are usually expansions or processes of the epidermis, and consist of one or more cells placed end to end. When thick or hardened into prickles, they still consist usually of cellular tissue only. ‘Thorns (170) contain more or less of a fibro-vascular system, according to their degree of development. 206. Glands, in the primary sense of the word (175, 1), consist usually of a rather loose cellular tissue without epidermis, and often replete with resinous or other sub- stances. § 3. Growth of the Organs. 207. Roots grow in length constantly and regularly at the extremities only of their fibres, in proportion as they find the requisite nutriment. They form no buds contain- ing the germ of future branches, but their fibres proceed irregularly from any part of their surface without previous indication, and when their growth has been stopped for a time, either wholly by the close of the season, or partially by a deficiency of nutri- ment at any particular spot, it will, on the return of favourable circumstances, be re- sumed at the same point, if the growing extremities be uninjured. If during the dead season, or at any other time, the growing extremity is cut off, dried up, or other- wise injured, or stopped by @ rock or other obstacle opposing its progress, lateral fibres will be formed on the still living portion ; thus enabling the root as a whole to diverge in any direction, and travel far and wide when lured on by appropriate nutriment. 208. This growth is not however by the successive formation of terminal cells attain- ing at once their full size. The cells first formed on a fibre commencing or renewing its growth, will often dry up and form a kind of terminal cap, which is pushed on as cells are formed immediately under it; and the new cells, constituting a greater or leaser portion of the ends of the fibres, remain some time in a growing state before they have attained their full size. 209. The roots of Exogens, when perennial, increase in thickness like stems by the addition of concentric layers, but these are usually much less distinctly marked ; and in a large number of perennial Exogens and most Endogens the roots are annual, perishing at the close af the season, fresh adventitious roots springing from the stock when vegetation commences the following season. 210. The Stem, including its branches and appendages (leaves, floral organs, etc.), grows in length by additions to its extremity, but 1 much greater proportion of the extremity and branches remains in a growing and expanding state for a much longer time than in the case of the root. At the close of one season, leaf-buds or seeds are formed, each containing the germ of a branch or young plant to be produced the following season. At a very early stage of the development of these buds or seeds, a commencement may be found of many of the leaves it is to bear; and before a leaf unfolds, every leaflet of which it is to cpnsist, every lobe or tooth which ie to mark its margin, may often be traced in miniature, and thenceforth till it attains its full size, the branch grows and expands in every part. In some cases however the lower part of a branch and more rarely (e.g. in some Meliacee) the lower part of 2 compound leaf attains its full size before the young leaves or leaflets of the extremity are yet formed. 211. The perennial stem, if exogenous (198), grows in thickness by the addition every season of a new layer or ring of wood between the outermost preceding layer and the inner surface of the bark, and by the formation of a new layer or ring of bark within the innermost preceding layer and outside the new ring of wood, thus forming a succes- sion of concentric circles. The sap elaborated by the leaves finds its way, in a manner not as yet absolutely ascertained, into the cambium-region, a zone of tender thin-walled cells connecting the wood with the bark, by the division and enlargement of which new XXX OUTLINES OF BOTANY, cells (190) are formed. These cells separate in layers, the inner ones constituting the new ring of wood, and the outer ones the new bark or liber. “In most exogenous trees, in temperate climates, the seasons of growth correspond with the years, and the rings of wood remain sufficiently distinct to indicate the age of the tree ; but in many tropical and some evergreen trees, two or more rings of wood are formed in one year. 212. In endogenous perennial stems (199), the new wood or woody fibre is formed towards the centre of the stem, or irregularly mingled with the old. The stem conse- quently either only becomes more dense without increasing in thickness, or only in- creases by pradual distention, which is never very considerable. It affords therefore no certain criterion for judging of the age of the tree. 213. Flowers have generally all their parts formed, or indicated by protuberances or growing cells at a very early stage of the bud. These parts are then usually more re- gularly placed than in the fully developed flower. Parts which afterwards unite are then distinct, many are present in this rudimentary state which are never further de- veloped, and parts which are afterwards very unequal or dissimilar are perfectly alike at this early period. On this account flowers in this very early stage are supposed by some modern botanists to be more normal, that is, more in conformity to a supposed type; and the study of the early formation and growth of the floral organs, called Organogenesis, has been considered essential for the correct appreciation of the affinities of plants. In some cases, however, it would appear that modifications of development, not to be detected in the very young bud, are yet of great importance in the distinetion of large groups of plants, and that Organogenesis, although it may often assist in clear- ing up a doubtful point of affinity, cannot nevertheless be exclusively relied on in esti- mating the real value of peculiarities of structure. 214. The flower is considered as.a bud (flower-byd, alabastrum) until the perianth expanda, the period of flowering’ (anthesis) is that which elapses from the first expand- ing of the perianth, till the pistil is set or begins to enlarge, or, when it does not set, until the stamens and pistil wither or fall. After that, the enlarged ovary takes the name of young fruit. 215. At the close of the season of growth, at the same time as the leaf-buds or seeds are formed containing the germ of future branches or plants, many plants form also, at or near the bud or seed, large deposits, chiefly of starch. In many cases,—esuchas the tubers of a potato or other root-stack, the scales or thickened base of a bulb, the albu- men or the thick cotyledons of a seed,—this deposit appears to be a store of nutriment, which is partially absorbed by the young branch or plant during its first stage of growth, before the roota are sufficiently developed to supply it from without. In some cases, however, such as the fleshy thickening of some stems or peduncles, the pericarps of fruits which: perish long before germination (the first growth of the seed), neither the use nor the cause of these deposits has as yet been clearly explained. § 4. Functions of the Organs, 216. The functions of the Root are,—1. To fix the plant in or to the soil or other substance on which if grows. 2. To absorb nourishment from the soil, water, or air, into which the fibres-have penetrated (or from other plants in the case of parasites), and to transmit it rapidly to the stem. The absorption takes place through the young growing extremities of the fibres, and through a peculiar kind of hairs or absorbing organs which are formed at or near those growing extremities. The transmission to the stem is through the tissues of the root itself. The nutriment absorbed consists chiefly of carbonic acid and nitrogen or nitrogenous compounds dissolved in water. 3. In some cases roots secrete or exude small quantities of matter in « manner and with a purpose not satisfactorily ascertained. : : 217. The stem and its branches support the leaves, flowers, and fruit, transmit the crude sap, or nutriment absorbed by the roots.and mixed with previously organized matter, to the leaves, and re-transmit the assimilated or elaborated sap from the leaves to the growing parts of the plant, to be there used up, or to form deposits for future use (204), The tranemission of the ascending crude sap appears to take place chiefly through the elongated cells associated with the vascular tissues, passing from one cell to another by a process but little understood, but known by the name of endosmase. OUTLINES OF BOTANY, XXXD 218. Leaves are functionally the most active of the organs of vegetation. In them is chiefly conducted digestion or Assimilation, a name given to the process which ac- complishes the following results:—1. The chemical decomposition of the oxygenated matter of the sap, the absorption of carbonic acid, and the liberation of pure oxygen at the ordinary temperature of the air. 2. A counter-operation by which oxygen is absorbed from the atmosphere and carbonic acid is exhaled. 8. The transformation of the residue of the crude gap into the organized substances which enter into the com- position of the plant. The exhalation of oxygen appears to take place under the influ- ence of solar heat and light, chiefly from the under surface of the leaf, and to be in some measure regulated by the stomates; the absorption of oxygen goes on always in the dark, and in the daytime also in certain cases. The transformation of the sap is effected within the tissues of the leaf, and continues probably more or less throughout the active parts of the whole plant. ; : 219. The Floral Organs seldom contribute to the growth. of the plant on which they are produced ; their functions are wholly concentrated on the formation of the seed with the germ of a future plant, : 220. The Perianth (calyx and corolla) acts in the first instance in protecting the stamens and pistils during the early stages of their development. When expanded, the use of the brilliant colours which they often display, of the sweet or atrong odours they emit, has not been adequately explained. Perhaps they may have great influence in attracting those insects whose concurrence has been shown in many cases to be ne- cessary for the due transmission of the pollen from the anther to the stigma. / 221. The pistil, when stimulated by the action of the pollen, forms and nourishes the young seed. The varied and complicated contrivances by which the pollen is con- veyed to the stigma, whether by elastic action of the organs themselves, or with the assistance of wind, of insects, or other extraneous agents, have been the subject of. numerous observations and experiments of the most distinguished naturalists, and are yet far from being fully investigated. Their details, however, as far as known, would be far too long for the present outline. | 222, The fruit nourishes and protects the seed until its maturity, and then often promotes its dispersion by a great variety of contrivances or apparently collateral cir- . eumstances, €.g. by an elastic dehiscence which casts the seed off to a distance; by the development of a pappus, wings, hooked or other appendages, which allows them to be carried off by winds, or by animals; ‘ete., to which they may adhere ; by their small specific gravity, which enables them to float down streams; by their attractions to birds, ete., who taking them for food drop them often at great distances, etc. Ap- pendages to the seeds themselves also often promote dispersion. 223. Hairs have various functions. The ordinary indumentum (171) of stems and leaves indeed seems to take little part in the economy of the plant besides perhaps some occasional protection against injurious atmospheric influences, but the root-hairs (216) are active absorbents, the hairs on styles and other parts of flowers appear often materially to assist the transmission of pollen, and the exudations of glandular: hairs (175, 2) are often too copious not to exercise some influence on the phenomena of vegetation. ‘The whole question, however, of vegetable exudations and their influence on the economy of vegetable life, is as yet but imperfectly understood. Cuar. IV. Comzection, PRESERVATION, AND DETERMINATION OF PLANTS. 224. Plants can undoubtedly be most easily and satisfactorily examined when freshly gathered. But time will rarely admit of this bemg done, and it is moreover desirable to compare them with other plants previously observed or collectéd. Specimens must, therefore, be selected for leisurely observation at home, aud. preserved for future refer- ence. A collection of such specimens constitutes a Herbarium. 225. A botanical Specimen, to be perféct,-should have root, stem, leaves, flowers (both open and in the bud), and fruit (both young and mature). It is not, however, always possible to gather such complete specimens, but the collector should aim af XXXIi OUTLINES OF BOTANY. completeness. Fragments, such as leaves without flowers, or flowers without leaves, are of little or no use. 226. If the plant is small (not exceeding 15 in.) or can be reduced to that length by folding, the specimen should consist of the whole plant, including the principal part of the root. If it be too large to preserve the whole, a good flowering-branch should be selected, with the foliage as low down as can be gathered with it; and one or two of the lower stem-leaves or radical leaves, if any, should be added, so as to preserve as much as possible of the peculiar aspect of the plant. ; 227, The specimens should be taken from healthy uninjured plants of a medium size. Or if a specimen be gathered because it looks a little different from the majority of those around it, apparently belonging to the same species, a specimen of the more prevalent form should be taken from the same locality for comparison. 228. For bringing the specimens home, a light portfolio of pasteboard, covered with calico or leather, furnished with straps and buckles for closing, and another for slinging on the shoulder, and containing a few sheets of stout coarse paper, is better than the old-fashioned tin box (except, perhaps, for stiff prickly plants and a few others). The specimens as gathered are placed between the leaves of paper, and may be crowded to- gether if not left long without sorting. 229. If the specimen brought home be not immediately determined when fresh, but dried for future examination, a note should be taken of the time, place, and situation in which it was gathered ; of the stature, habit, and other particulars re- lating to any tree, shrub, or herb of which the specimen is only a portion; of the kind of root it has; of the colour of the flower; or of any other particulars which the specimen itself cannot supply, or which may be lost in the process of drying. These memoranda, whether taken down in the field, or from the living specimen when brought home, should be written on a label attached to the specimen or pre- served with it. 230. To dry specimens, they are laid flat between several sheets of bibulous paper, and panies, to pressure. The paper is subsequently changed at intervals, until they are dry. 231. In laying out the specimen, care should be taken to preserve the natural posi- tion of the parts as far as consistent with the laying flat. In general, if the specimen is fresh and not very slender, it may be simply laid on the lower sheet, holding it by the stalk and drawing it slightly downwards ; then, as the upper sheet is laid over, if it be slightly drawn downwards as it is pressed down, it will be found, after a few trials, that the specimen will have retained a natural form with very little trouble. If the specimen has been gathered long enough to have become flaccid, it will require more care in laying the leaves flat and giving the parts their proper direction. Speci- mens kept in tin boxes, will also often have taken unnatural bends which will require to be corrected. : 232. If the specimen is very bushy, some branches must be thinned out, but always s0 as to show where they haye been. If any part, such as the head of a thistle, the stem of an Orobanche, or the bulb of a Lily, be very thick, a portion of what is to be the under side of the specimen may be sliced off. Some thick specimens may be split from top to bottom before drying. 233. If the specimen be succulent or tenacious of life, such as a Sedum or an Orchis, it may be dipped in boiling water all but the flowers. This will kill the plant at once, and enable it to be dried rapidly, losing less of its colour or foliage than would otherwise be the case. Dipping in boiling water is also useful in the case - Heaths and other plants which are apt to shed their leaves during the process of rying. 284, Plants with very delicate corollas may be placed between single leaves of very thin unglazed tissue-paper. In shifting these plants into dry paper the tissue-paper is not to be removed, but lifted with its contents on to the dry paper, 235. The number of sheets of paper to be placed between each specimen or sheet of specimens, will depend, on the one land, on the thickness and humidity of the speci- mens ; on the other hand, on the quantity and quality of the paper one has at command. The more and the better the paper, the less frequently will it be necessary to change OUTLINES OF BOTANY. XXXIi1 it, and the sooner the planta will dry. The paper ought to be coarse, stout, and un- sized. Common blotting-paper is snadh too tense a , 2 236. Care must be taken that the paper used is well dried. If it be likewise hot, all the better; but it must then be very dry; and wet plants put into hot paper will require changing very sdon, to prevent their turning black, for hot damp without ven- tilation produces fermentation, and spoils the specimens. 237. For pressing: plants, various more or less complicated and costly presses are made. None is better than a pair of boards the size of the paper, and a stone or other heavy weight upon them if at home, or a pair of strong leather straps round them if travelling. ath of these boards should be double, that is, made of two layers of thin boards, the opposite way of the grain, and joined together by a row of clenched brads round the edge, without glue. Such boards, in deal, rather less than half an inch thick (each layer about 2} lines) will be found light and durable. 238. It is useful also to have extra boards or pasteboards the size of the paper, to separate thick plants from thin ones, wet ones from those nearly dry, etc. Open wooden frames with cross-bars, or frames of strong wire-work lattice, are still better than boards for this purpose, as accelerating the drying by promoting ventilation. , 239. The more frequently the plants are shifted into dry paper the better. Except- ing for very stiff or woody plants, the first. pressure should be light, and ‘the first shift ing, if possible, after a few hours. Then, or at the second shifting, when the specimens will have lost their elasticity, will be the time for putting right any part of a specimen which may have taken a wrong fold or a bad direction. After this the pressure may be gradually increased, and the plants left from one to several days without shifting. The exact amount of pressure to be given will depend on the consistence of the speci- mens and the amount of paper. It must only be borne in mind that too much pres- sure crushea the delicate -parts, too little allows them to shrivel, in both cases inter fering with their future examination. ; 240. The most convenient specimens will be made, if the drying-paper is the same size as that of the herbarium in which they are to be kept. ‘Chat of writing-demy, rather more than 16 inches by 104 inches, is a common and very convenient size. nen size reduces the specimens too much, a large size is both costly and inconvenient ‘or use, : 241. When the specimens are quite dry and stiff, they may be packed up in bundles with a single sheet of paper between each layer, and this paper need not be bibulous. The specimens may be placed very closely on the sheets, but not in more than one layer on ‘each sheet, and care must be taken to protect the bundles by sufficient cover- ‘ing from the effects of external moisture or the attacks of insects. ; 242. In laying the specimens into the herbarium, no more than one species should ever be fastened on one sheet of paper, although several specimens of the same species may be laid side by side. And throughout the process of drying, packing, and laying 2 great care must be taken that the labels be not separated from the specimens they elong to. ‘243. To examine or dissect flowers or fruits in dried épecimens it is necessary to soften them. If the parts are very delicate, this is best done by gradually moistening them in cold water; in most cases,. steeping them in boiling water or in steam is much quicker. Very hard fruits and seeds will require boiling to be able to dissect them easily. fs - . 344, For dissecting and examining flowers in the field, all that'is necessary is a pen- knife and a pocket-lens of two or three glasses from 1 to 2 inches focus. At home it is more convenient to have a mounted lens or simple microscope, with a stage holding a glass plate, upon which the flowers may be laid; and a pair of dissectors, one of ‘which should be-narrow and pointed, or a mere poitit, like a thick needle, in a handle; the other should have a pointed blade, with a sharp edge, to make clean sections across the ovary. A compound microscope is rarely necessary, except in cryptogamic botany and vegetable anatomy. For the simple microscope, lenses of 4, 3, 1, and 14 inches focus are sufficient. : : 245. To assist the student in determining or ascertaining'the name of a plant be- longing to a Flora, analytical tables should be prefixed to the Orders, Genera, and e XXXIV OUTLINES OF BOTANY. Species. These tables should be so constructed as to contain, under each bracket, or equally indented, two (rarely three or more) alternatives as nearly as possible contradie+ tory or incompatible with each other, each alternative referring to another bracket, or having under it another pair of alternatives further indented. The student having’a plant to determine, will first take the general table of Natural Orders, and examining his plant af, each step to see which alternative agrees with it, will be led on to the Order to which it belongs; he will then compare it with the detailed character of the Order given in the text. If it agrees, he will follow the same course with the table of the genera of that Order, and again with the table of species of the genus. But in each case, if he finds that his plant does not agree with the detailed description of the genus or species to which he has thus been referred, he must revert to the beginning and carefully go through every step of the investigation before he can be satisfied. A fresh examination of his specimen, or of others of the same plant, a critical considera- tion of the meaning of every expression in the characters given, may lead him to detect, some minute point overlooked or mistaken, and put him into the right way. Species vary within limits which it is often very difficult to express in words, and it proves often impossible, iri framing these analytical tables, so to divide the genera and species, that those which come under one alternative should absolutely exclude the others. In such doubtful cases both alternatives must be tried before the student can come to the conclusion that his plant is not contained in the Flora, or that it is erroneously - described. 246. In those Floras where analytical tables are not given, the student is usually guided to the most important or prominent characters of each genus or species, either by © general summary prefixed to the genera of an Order or to the’ species of the genus, for all such genera or species ; or by a special summary immediately preceding the detailed description of each genus or species. In the latter case this summary is called a diagnosis. Ox sometimes the important characters are only indicated by italicizing them in the detailed description. : ' 247. It may also happen that the specitnen gathered may present some occasional or accidental anomalies peculiar to that single one, or to a very few individuals, which may prevent the species from being at once recognized by its technical characters. It may be useful here to point out a few of these anomalies which the botanist may be most likely to meet with. For this purpose we may divide them into two classes, viz.: 1, Aberrations from the ordinary type or appearance of a species for which some general cause may be assigned. A bright, light, and open situation, particularly at considerable elevations above the sea, or at high latitudes, without too much wet or drought, tends to increase the size and heighten the colour of flowers, in proportion to the stature and foliage of the plant. Shade, on the contrary, especially if accompanied by richness of soil and sufficient moisture, tends to increase the foliage and draw up the stem,-but to diminish the num- ber, size, and colour of the flowers. A hot climate and dry situation tend to increase the hairs, prickles, and other pro- ductions of the epidermis, to,shorten and stiffen the branches, rendering thorny plants yet more spinous. Moisture in a rich soil has a contrary effect. The neighbourhood of the sea, or a saline soil or atmosphere, imparts a thicker and more succulent consistence to the foliage and almost every part of the plant, and ap- pears not unfrequently to enable plants usually annual to live through the winter. Flowers in a maritime variety are often much fewer, but not smaller. The luxuriance of plants growing in a rich soil, and the dwarf stunted character of ‘those crowded in poor soils, are too well known to need particularizing. It is also an everyday observation how gradually the specimens of a species become dwarf and stunted as we advance into the cold damp regions of the summits of high mountain- ranges, or into high northern letitudes; and yet it is frequently from the want of at- tention to these circumstances that numbers of false species have been added to our Enumerations and Floras. Luxuriance entails not only increase of size to the whole plant, or of particular parts, but increase of number in branches, in leavés, or leaflets of a compound leaf; or it may diminish the hairiness of the plant, induce thorns to grow out into branches, ate. OUTLINES OF BOTANY. XXXV Capsules which, while growing, lie close upon the ground, will often become larger, more succulent, and less readily dehiscent, than those which are not 80 exposed to the moisture of the soil. Herbs eaten down by sheep or cattle, or crushed underfoot, or otherwise checked in their growth, or trees or shrubs cut down to the ground, if then exposed (o favourable circumstances of soil and climate, will send up luxuriant side-shoots, often so different in the form of their leaves, in their ramification and inflorescence, as to be scarcely re- cognizable for the same species. Annuals which have germinated in spring, and flowered without check, will often be very different in aspect from individuals of the same species, which, having germinated. later, are stopped by summer droughts or the approach of winter, and only flower the iene season upon a second growth. The latter have often been mistaken for per- ennials. : Hybrids, or crosses between two distinct species, come under the same category of anomalous specimens from a known cause. Frequent as they are in gardens, where they are artificially produced, they are probably rare in nature, although on this sub- ject there is much diversity of opinion, some believing them to be very frequent, others almost denying their existence. Absolute proof of the origin of a plant found wild, is of course impossible; but it is pretty generally agreed that the following particulars must always co-exist in a wild hybrid. It partakes of the characters of its two parents ; it is to be found isolated, or almost isolated, in places where tie two parents are abun- dant ; if there are two or three, they will generally be dissimilar from cach other, one partaking more of one parent, another of the other ; it seldom ripens good seed ; it will never be found where one of the parents grows alone. Where two supposed species grow together, intermixed with numerous intermediates bearing good seed, and passing more or less gradually from the one to the other, it may generally be concluded that the whole are mere varieties of one species. The be- ginner, however, must be very cautious not to set down a specimen as intermediate between two species, because it appears to be so in some, even the most striking cha- racters, such as stature and foliage. Extreme varieties of one species are connected together by transitions in all their characters, but these transitions are not all observa- ble in the same specimens. The observation of a single intermediate is therefore of little value, unless it be one link in a long series of intermediate forms, and, when met with, should lead to the search for the other connecting links. 2. Accidental aberrations from the ordinary type, that is, those of which the cause is unknown, r ’ These require the more attention, as they may sometimes lead the beginner far astray in his search for the genus, whilst the aberrations above-mentioned as reducible more or less to general laws, affect chiefly the distinction of species. Almost all species with coloured flowers are liable to ovcur occasionally with them all white. Many may be found even in a wild state with double flowers, that is, with a multi- plication of petals. i Plants which have usually conspicuous petals will occasionally appear without any at all, either to the flowers produced at particular seasons, or to all the flowers of in- dividual plants, or the petals may be reduced to narrow slips. at Flowers usually very irregular, may, on certain individuals, lose more or less of their irregularity, or appear in some very. different shape. Spurs, for instance, may disap- pear, or be produced on all instead of one only of the petals. One part may be occasionally added to, or subtracted from, the usual number of parts in each floral whorl, more esy xcially in regular polypetalous flowers. . Plants usually monecions or dic.cious may become occasionally hermaphrodite, or hermaphrodite plants may produce occasionally unisexual flowers by the abortion of the stamens or of the pistils. : . Leaves cut or divided where they are usually entire, variegated or spotted where they are usually of one colour, or the reverse, must also be classed amongst those accidental aberrations which the botanist, must always be on his guard against mistaking for specific distinctions.: INDEX OF TERMS, OR GLOSSARY. XXXVI ——_>—_ The Figures refer to the Paragraphs of the Outlines. Par. Aberrations . . Abortive . . . . . 84 Abruptly pinnate . . 43 Accessory organs . . 168 Acicular oe. 54 Achene , . . . « 158 Aculeate . . 170 Acuminate, acumen. . 47 Acute. . . . . AT Adherent. . 140, 145 Adnate . . 63, 145 Adnate anther .. . . 114 Adventitions. . . 17,19 Aerial = growing in the air. Astivation . . . . 102 Aggregate fruit. . . 147 Alabastrum (bud) . . 214 Ale (wings) . 37, 155 Alate=having wings. Albumen, albuminous . 162 Alburnum . . - 198 Alliances. . . . . 182 Alternate. . . . 382,90 Amentum=catkin . . 76 Amphitropous . . , 184 Amplexicaul. . . . 387 Amygdaloid = almond-. like. Amyloid . ° 192 Anastomose . . « 40 Anatropous . . . . 134 Androgynous. . . . 87 Angiospermous . . . 161 Anisomerous. . . + 94 Annuals . . . . . 12 Anterior . . 91 Anther . . 109, 114 Anthesis . (flowering pe- viod) . , . . 214 Apetalous. . . . . 85) Apex . . Apiculate= with a little point. Apocarpous . Aquatic = growing in. Bracteoles , water - « « « 14] Bristles, bristly . Arboreous or arbores- Bud . cent plants . . . 12] Bulb . Aril, arillus . . + . 164{ Bush . Aristate Arilate (having an aril) 164 47 Article, articulate, arti- culation Artificial dinicious s and characters. . . Ascending Asepalous . Assimilation. . Auricle . Auriculate = having aa- ricles Axil, axillary. . 5. 17 Axile (in the axis) . Par. . 86, 47,115 | Biternate . Blade . . 125 oo. Cespitose=tufled . Callous=hardened and usually thickened. ‘| Calycule, calyculate. Bracts, antes 60, TT, 202 Bracteate = having bracts. 62 198 16 26 12 28 80 « 184] Calyx . . . 15, 90, 98 . . » « 28] Canbium-region. . ail . . « 85 | Campanulate .- . - 104 218 | Campylotropous . . 134 . 49 | Canescent . - . 178 Capillary = hair-like 54 - . 50] Capitate . - 74 Capsule . » . 158 - 132 | Carpel . 15, 123 Carpophore . - 146 Bark . . . . « . 198 Barren . . . . 85,110 Base . . . 86, 48, 115 Bast-cellg. . . . . 198 Berry. . . . . . 157 | Caryopsis . Bi- (2 in composition). 44 | Catkins Bicarpellary . . . . 125 Bidentate . Biennials . Bifd . . Bifoliolate Bijugate . Bilabiate (two: lipped) 102, 105 Bilocular . Bipiunate . Bisexual . eae sie it ee, a oe ae Cellulose . «oo. + « 126} Centrifuyal «+ . « « 43 | Centripetal +. » + 85'Chaf . . Cauline (on the stem) Caulocarpic . 12 | Cells (elementar: Cells (of anthers Cells (of the ovary) . 44 | Cellular system . Cellular tissue Cartilaginous = of the consistence of carti- lage or of parchment. Caruncule, carancnilate . Par. Chalaza . . . 1 . 188 Character. . : . 183 Chlorophyll . . Chromule. . . . Ciliate. . 2... Cireumsciss .. . Cirrhus = =tendril_ . Class . . . Claw (ofa al), ‘ Climbing a eS. ~ 12 . 192 39 » 158 . 169 . 182 . 107 29 Coats of the ovule . . 133 Coats of the seed . 163 Cocets. 2. . . . . 159 Coherent. . . . 145 Collateral = inserted one by the side of the other. Collection of specimens 224 Coma... . . . 168 Common petiole . . 39 Complete flower. . . 89 Compound leaf . . 39 Compound flower - 74 Compound fruit. . . 147 Cémpouud ovary . . 126 Compound umbel . . 74 Compressed . . . . 54 Cone . . . . « . 160 Confluent. . . . . 117 Conical '. . 1. 54 Connate - 145 Counective, connectivum 109 Conniveut. Contorted, convolute 145 . 102 Cordate. . . . . « 49 Cordiform. . . 49 Coriaceons So Ate 55 Corky layer... . 198 Corm... . . 27 Corolla... 16, 90, 97 Corrugate (crumpled). 102 Corymb, corymbose . 74 Costate . . . . . 178 Cotton, cottony . - 173 Cotyledons . 166 Creeping . . . 28 Crenate, crenulate . 39 Cristate = having acrest- like appendage. Crown of the root . . 24 Crumpled. . . « . 102 Crustaceous . . 55 Cryptogamous plants - 10 Culm ae a ee Cuneate. ., .. . 45 Cupular (cup- -shaped) . 136 Cuspidate.. ., .. eA GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Par. Cylindrical 2... 54 Cyme, cymose 74 | Deca- or decem- (10 in composition) . . 44, 92 Deciduous calyx... 152 Decompound. . . . 43 Decumbent . . 28 Decurrent. . . . . 387 Decussate. . . . . 82 Definite . . . . 89 Definitions . . . “te i) Dehiscence, dehiscent 118,.156 Dentate . . . . . 39 Depressed. . . . . 54 Descriptive Botany . (p. i Determinate . . Determination of plants. 24g Dextrine . » « 192 Di- (2 in composition). 92 Diadelphous.. . 2 . 118 Diagnosis. . - 246 Dialypetalous , - 100 Diandrous.. . . « «. 98 Dichlamydeous . . 85 Dichotomous. . . . 33 Diclinows. 2. . . . 86 Dicotyledonous plants . 167 Didymous. . . «. ', 54 Didynamous. . . . 113 Diffise. . . . . » 28 Digitate . - . 41 Digynous . » «93,125 Dimerous. . . « « 98 Dimidiate . . 117 Diecious . . . « - «86 Dipetalouos . . . . 98 Disepalous . . 93 Disk - . « 186 Dissepiment . . . . 126 Dissected. . 89 Distichous . . . 32 Distinct . . . « « 145 Divaricate. . . . 115 Diverging, divergent 116, 145 Divided. . - . 389 Dorsal = on the back. Double flowers . . . 97 Down, downy . 178 Drupe. .. . . 157 Dry fruits. . . . 158 Ducts... . . . 188 Duramen . . . . . 198 Bars. tf Se a) mae 76 Echinate . . «+ 178 XXXVI Per. Elaborated sap . . . 217 Elementary cells and tis- sucs. 2. . » 186 Elliptical . . 45 Emarginate . . . . 47 Embryo . . 162, 166 Endocarp. «5. . . 157 Endogens, endogenous plants . . . . . 195 Endogenous stem . 199 Endosmose . . . . 217 Ennea- (9 in composi- tin) . . 2. . . 92 Entire. . . . . . 39 Epicarp . . 167 Epidermis. . 173, 198 Epigynous - . 140 Epigynous disk . . . 144 Epiphyte . 14 Erect... 28 Exalbuminous (without albumen). ~ - . 162 Examination of plants . 243 Exogens, exogenous plants . . 2. 195 Hxogenous stem. . . 198 Exserted . . . .. . 118 Extrorse . . . . . 118 Faleate . . 1. 1 1 45 Families . » . 181 Farinose . - 178 Fascicled, fasciculate 32 Fastigiate a a ee eee Fecula. . . « « FS Female . ... 85 Fertile. . . . 1. . 85 Fibre « s «© 4 4 18 Fibrous root. . . . 20 Fibro-vascular system . 193 Filament . . . . . 109 Filiform = thread-like. Fimbriate = fringed. Flabelliform = =i -shaped - Fleshy. 2. 2. 2... Flocecose . 2. 1 18 Floral envelope . . . 15 Floral leaves . . 61 Flowers . 15, 84, 218, 219 Flowering plants ota 0 Foliaceous = leaf-like. Follicle . . 1. . . 150 Foramen . . . . . 188 Forked. . . . . . 83 Foveolate . 105 Free . 89, "182, 140, 145 Fruit... 15, 146, 222 XXXVIil Par. Frutescent, fruticose 12 Function . . 2 ¢ Funicle (funiculus) « « 164 Fannel-shaped . . . 104 Fwrowed . - 173 Fusiform = spindle- shaped. . « 6 + - 100 54 Gamopetalous . Geminate . . ai ag BD Genus, genera. . . . 180 Germ, germination . . 215 Gibbous . . . . . 105 Glutinous. . . Grain . Glabrous . . . . «178 Glands. . . 175, 206 Glandular- cetose . - 173 Glaucous . . » 173 Globose, globular, ~ » 4 Glochidiate . . . . 173 Glume. . . » » 83 Gymnoapermous . . . 161 Gynobasis, gynophore . 143 Habit. . . . . . 188 Hairs . 171, 205, 223 Hastate . . . . . 50 Head. . we 74 Heart-wood . . 2. Hepta- (7 in composi- tion) BY seta Herbaceous perennials . Herbariun . . . . Hermaphrodite . . . Heterogamous . . . Hexa- Gi in eomportiiaa) Hilum . . 165 Hirsute . . . . 173 Hispid. . . 173 Hoary. . . , 173 Homogamons . . 87 Hooks. . . . . . 169 Hybernaculum . . . 28 Hybr de: ae 8S 247 Hypoerateriform. (salver- shaped)... « » . 104 Hypogynous - . . . 140 Imbricate, imbricated 58, 102 Imparipinuate . . 43 Imperfect oe. 84 Incomplete . . . . 84 Indefinite . eae al 9D. Indehiseent . . . . 156 Indeterminate . . 67 Indumeiitum. . : 171 GLOSSARY OF Induplicate . . 1 Inferior. . 1. we Inferior radicle . Inflorescence. . . . Tofundibuliform (fuunel- shaped). . » - Innate anther , Insertion . Internode . Interrupted spike or ra- ceme-. . .. Introrse . . . . TERMS. Par. 102 . 140 - 167 66 » 104 . 114 . 140 31 75 . 118 Tuvolucre, involucel . 79 Involute . . . . 102 Irregular. . . . . 95 Tsomerous. . . Joint, joining. . Jugum, juga= pairs. 89 54 44 Kernel. . . . . . 157 Knob... . 25 Tabellum . 2... . . 105 Laciniate. . . . . 89 Laming . . . .85,107 Tanate=woolly . . . 178 Lanceolate . . . . 46 Lateral. . . 91 Leaf, leaves 15, 35, 200, 218 Leaf-bud ewe eee Teafleh.. . . A 39 Leaf-opposed. . . . 67 Legume . . . . . 160 Lepidote . . . . . 172 Liber 2. 198, 211 Ligulate = strap-shaped. Limb. . . . . . 104 Linear . By 46 45, 54 lip, lipped . . . . 105 Lobe, lobed + + « 89 Loculicidal . . . 158 Lower . +e 6 91 Lunate = crescent-shaped.: lyrate. . . 2... AL Male . . . 2. 85 Marceseent . . . . 151 Mealy. . . 173 Medullary rays and sheath . ‘ - 198 Membranous. . . . 55 Micropyle. . . . . 168 Midrib ne - 40 Monadelphous . . , 118 Monandrow. , . . 142 Moniliform. . . . . 54 Par. Mono- (1 in Snipes tion) . e a Oe Monocarpellary . « « 185 Monocarpie . . . 12 Monochlamydeous . 85 Monocotyledonous plants 167 Monecious . . . . 86 Monogynous. . . . 125 Monopetalous . , . 100 Morphology . . . 8, 88 Mucronate . . . . A? Multi- (many, or an in- definite number, in composition) . . 44 Muricate . . . . 173 Naked. . . . .85,161 Natural divisions and characters. . . . 184 Natural Order . 181 Navicular = boat- shaped. Nectary . . . . . 138 Nerve . ow es 40 Net-veined . . . . 40 Neuter . ooo: 4: 85) Node... - 8l Novem- (9 in composi- tion) 2 2... 44 Nucleus of acell, . . 191 Nucleus of the ovule . 188 Nut. . . . . . . 158 Obcompressed . . . 54 Obconical. . . 1. . 54 Obcordate . sy AT Oblate. , oe. 45 Oblong. . +. 45, 54 Obovate . see 45 Obovoid sc 6. A Obpyramidal. . . . 54 Obtuse. . soe w AY Oct- or octo- (8 in com- position). . . . 44, 92 Offset . . . . - 23 Opposite . « » . 82 Orbicular. . . . . 45 Order... .. . 181 Organ. . eae ee Organogenesis + . 218 Organs of vegetation and Teproduction . . 9 Orthotropous. . . , » 184 Ovl 2... 1... 45 Ovary. . 6 1. 4121 Ovate. . . . ~ 45 Ovoid . aap ee ee 5A /Ovule. . . . 121, 138 ; Par. Palate. . 2. . . . 105 Palea,, palem, . » + « 82 Paleaceous =of a chaffy consistence, Palmate 41, 42 Palmatifid, palmatisect . A2 Panicle, paniculate » » 4 Papilla . . 1. . . 122 Pappus soe 155 Parallel veins. . . 40 Parasite . 2... 14 Parenchyma . . . . 188 Parietal - 182 Pectinate . . . - 41 Pedate. . . . . 41, 42 Pedatifid, pedatisect 42 Pedicel. . ... . . 70 Pedicellate=on a pedicel. Pedunele . , 68 Pedunculate=on a ‘pe- duncle. . Peltate. » 62 Penicillate. . . 130 Pentd- (5 in composition 92 Pepo 160 Perennials. . . . . 12 Perfect flower . . . 84 Perfoliate. . . 37 ’ Peritioth . 15, 98, 202, 220 Pericarp 2. . 154 Perigynous . . . . 140 Perisperm. . . . . 162 Persistent. . . . . 146 Personale.. . . . . 105 Petal » 2... + « 90 Petiole. . . . . « 85 Petiolule.: . . . 89 Dhacucpain cu phanero- gamons . 4 Phyllaries . : 79 Phyllodium =a flat pes tiole with no blade. Pilose. 2 1. . 178 Pima. . 2... 48 Pinnate - 41,4 Pinnatifid, pinnansect . 42 Pistil . 15, 90, 120, 208, 221 Pistillate . 85 Pith . . 1 ; 198 Placenta, Pee - Plant. ... . Plicate. . . . Pane Plumose . . . . 172 Pumule . . . . 166 Pluri- = severa/, in com- position. : Ptorilocular . . . . 126 10 | GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Par. Pod .... . . 158 Podocarp. + . . . 120 Pollen . 109, 119 Poly- (many, or an in- definite number, in composition) . 92 Polyadelphous . 113 Polyandrous . . . 92,112 Polygamous . . . . Polygynous ... .92, 125 Polypetalous . 106 Pome. . 160 Posterior. . . . 91 Preefoliation . . . 57 Preservation of speci- mens . . « 224 Prickles . . . . . 170 Primine - e © « 133 Procumbent . . . + 28 Proliferous . 17 Prosenchyma. . . ~ 188 Prostrate. . .-. « 28 Pr otoplasm ee . 191 Pubescent, puberulent . 173 Pulvinate (cushion- shaped). . . - 136 Puneeoons like a point _ or dot. Putamen . . . 157 Pyramidal. . . . « -54 Pyrenes . . . » . 157 Quadri- (4 in composi- tion) . 2. 1 2. + 44 Quincuncial . ; 102 Quinque- (5 in compo- sition). . . . . 44 Quintuplinerved se 6 40 Race . . . 178 Raceme, racemose . . 74 ‘Rachis. . . . . 39,68 Radicll . . . « . 38 Radicle . . - . « 166 Raphe. . . . 184 Raphides . . 192 Receptacle : 114, 135 Reduplicate . . . . 102 Regular . . 95 Reniform. . . 51 Resupinate 105 Reticulate . 40 Retuse. . . 47 Revolute . . » - . 102 Rhachis . . . 39, 68 Rhaphe . . 134 Rhizome . . - » 21, 24 xxxix Par. Rhomboidal . 45 Riba” ee 4s Sees 40 Ribbed. 2. 2. . 178 Ringent . ee 105 Root 15, 18, "196, 207, re Rootstock . : Rostrate= beaked. Rosulate . . . . « 88 Rotate . - 104 Rudimentary . . 84 Rugose. 173 Runcinate . 41 Runner 30 Saceate . » 105 Sagittate . . 50 Salver-shaped . - 104 |Samara . . . . - 158 Sap. . 2 6 « . 192 Sapwood . . 198 | Sarcocarp . - 17 Sarmentose - 28 Scabrous . . . - «178 Scales . . 58,59, 172, 201 Scaly bulb. - . 26 Sealy surface. . . . 172 Scape . . 69 Scariose, scarious 55 Scattered . 32 Scion . ERs. 30 Scorpioid cyme . 4 Section ©. 182 Second. . . . « + 82 Secundine. . . 133 Seed . . 161 Segment. . . . . + 39 Sepals . . . 90 Septem- (7 in Seapets: tin) . .- . Septicidal. . . . . 158 Septum=partition . . 126 Serrate, serrulate . . 39 Sessile . - 37 Seta, sete ‘ristles) « . 173 Setaceous (bristle-like) . 54 Setose (bearing bristles) 173 Sex- (6 in composition). 44 Sheathing. . . . . 287 Shrubs. . . . . 12 Silicule, siliqua . . 160 Silver grain . . « 198 Simple. . . . . + 39 Sinuate . 6... 39 Sinus . . + - 39 Smooth . . . 173 Spadix. . 2... + 76 Spatha. . . . . + 81 xl Spathulate Species. . . . Specimen. . . Spherical... Spike, spicate . Spikelet . . . Spinous . . . Spiral vessels . Spur, spurred Squame =scalea . Squarrose . Stamens . 15, 90, Staminate. . Staminodia Starch. . . Stellate Stellate hairs. . Stem 15, 28, 197, Stem-clasping . Sterile. . . . Stigma. . . . Stiplla . . . Stipes, stipitate . Stipoles . . . Stock . . . Stole, stolon . . Stomates . Stone, stone-fruit Striate. 2. . Strigose, atrigillose . Strophiole, strophiolate 164 Style . . . . . . 121 Sub= almost, or under, in composition. Subclass, suborder . . 182 Submerged = under water. Subulate . . . 54 Succulent . . 55 Succulent fruits . « 157 | Sucker. . . .° . 80 ‘Suffrotescent, suffruti- cose. . a te Se WD. Sugar... « « 192 Suleate. . . - . 173 Superior . . 140 Superior radicle.. . 167 Par. re) 177 - 225 54 VE . 76 - 170 . 188 . 105 58 + « 88 108, 203 » . 85 » . 110 » . 192 » . 104 » . 172 210, 217 - . 87 - « 85 . 121 . 64 - » 65 - . 68 . 16, 22 . 28, 30 * . 194 « « 157 . 173 » . 173 Superposed = inserted one above the other. * GLOSBARY OF TERMS. Par. Suture. . . . 159 Symmetrical . - 89 Synandrous . . . . 112 Syncarpous . . . . 125 Syngenesious . » . 113 Systematic Botany (p. xxiv.) Taproot . . . . . 20 Teeth . . . . .39,101 Tegmen . . . . . 168 Tendril . 29, 169 Terete: . cae 54 Ternate . . . . 32, 41 Terrestrial = growing on theearth . . . Testa... . - 163 Tetra- (4 in composition) 92 Tetradynamous . ~ 118 Thorns. . . . . . 170 Throat. . . . . . 104 Thyrsus, thyrsoid . 74 Tissues (elementary) . 186 Tomentose . . 178 Toothed . . . . . 89 Torus . . « 1385 Trees . . - 12 Tri- (3 in composition) 44, 92 Tribe... . 183 Trichotomous . . . 33 Trifid . 2... . , 642 Trifoliolate - . 41 Trigonons. . 2... Bd Tripmmmate 2. . . 48 Triplinerved . 40 Triquetrous . . 54 Tristichous . -. 32 uncate . 3 47 Tronk . ww 12 Tube... 101, 104 Tuber, tuberous 20, 25, 204 Tuberculate . . . . 17% Tubilar . . . 104 Tuftel. . - 28 Tunieated balb . vn OT Turbinate = sop-shepedi 54 Twinerr. 2... - 29 Twisted . . . 102 Type, typical. . . | 181 Par. , Umbel, umbellate, um- bellule . . . 38, 74 Umbilicate . . . 173 Umbonate. . . . . 173 Uncinate = hooked. Undershrubs . . . 12 Undulate . . . . . 39 Unequally pinnate . . 43 Unguiculate . . . . 107 Unguis (claw) . . . 107 Uni- (1 in eomposition) 44 Unilateral (one-sidéd) ra- cemes . . . « « 74 Unilocnlay . . . . 126 Unisexual. . . . . 86 Unsymmetrical . . 94 Upper. 2 «© « « « OL Ureeolate. . . . . 104 Utricde. . . . . . 158 Valvate . .. . 102 Valves. . . . . . 168 Variety. - + « 178 Vascular’ tissue . 188 Vegetable Anatomy . 8, 186 Vegetable Chemistry . 8 Vegetable Homology or Metamorphosis . . 88 Vegetable Physiology 8, 207 Veins, veinlets, venation 40 Vernation. . . . . 57 Versatile anther’. . 114 Verticil, verticillate . 32 Vessels. . 2. «. . . 188 Virgate = twiggy . 28 Viscid, viscous . - 173 Vitta, vitte . . . 175 Viviparous 17 Voluble . . 29 Wart, warted . . 173 Wavy a * we « 88 Whorl, whorled 3 - 82 Wing, winged 37, 165 Wood. . . . . . 198 Woody'tissue. . . . 188 Wool, woolly. . . . 178 CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE ORDERS AND GENERA. I, KEY, CHIEFLY ADAPTED FROM DR. LINDLEY’S ‘ VEGETABLE KINGDOM.’ II. KEY, ACCORDING TO THE LINN.EAN CLASSES. Ill, ARRANGEMENT AND CHARACTERS OF THE ORDERS ACCORDING TO THE NATURAL SYSTEM, AS ADOPTED IN THE PRESENT WORK. THE following Keys are intended to facilitate the student’s endeavours to determine the names of New Zealand plants. I have tried to make them as simple as possible, by avoiding the use of more technical terms than ne- cessary, and by employing in many cases characters taken from the general habit of the plants. None of these Keys can, however, be used, without some previous study of the elements of structural botany ;* for the terms employed have each an exact meaning, which cannot safely be guessed at. The amount of study required depends much upoft whether the student’s powers of observation and of reasoning are good and accurate ; but no amount of ability will obviate the absolute necessity of observing the characters of plants carefully and accurately, and clearly understanding the application of the terms used in defining these characters ; and I would remind. both teachers and students, that it is now a generally received opinion, that no subject is so well suited as systematic. botany, to quicken the observing powers, and to improve the reasoning faculties of the young; and. I believe that a little training in the use of these Keys alone, will sharpen the intellect of the quickest to a remarkable degree, and materially improve that of the dullest. So many New Zealand plants are variable, have minute or unisexual flowers, or are otherwise difficult of determination, that by one key alone the student may fail to find out his plant; he must then try by means of the others ; but there are a few New Zealand plants, which, as it appears to me,, no system of keys will enable an uninstructed student to find out; just as there are idioms and expressions in languages that no grammar will teach. All plants are naturally divisible into two great primary groups :—Flower- ing (Phenogamic) and Flowerless (Cryptogamic). To the first belong all * These can be obtained from the excellent outlines of Botany by G. Bentham, Esq., P.LS., prefixed to this work. yf xii CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. such as have more or less obvious flowers, and in which fertilization is effected by pollen (shed by the stamens) falling on the stigma of the pistil, which contains the ovules, or on the ovule itself. The effect of this fertilization is, that the ovule ripens into a seed, which consists of one or more integuments enclosing an embryo or rudimentary plant. This embryo, again, consists of distinct parts, from which in germination the stem and leaves are developed upwards, and the root downwards. Cryptogamic plants have no such appa- ratus, no obvious flowers, no stamens nor pistil nor ovule, nor have their seeds any distinguishable integuments or embryo. Their fertilization is effected in a very different manner, by most minute organs, extremely difficult to dis- cover; and they are propagated chiefly by minute spores, or microscopic glo- bular or angular bodies, usually without integument, and never containing an embryo. When the spore germinates, it is by growth from any point of its surface. Asa rule, all commonly recognized trees, shrubs, and herbs belong to Phenogams, or flowering plants, whilst Cryptogams include Ferns, Lyco- pods, Mosses, Hepatice, Lichens, Fungi, and Algz; af these the Ferns and Lycopeds have leaves and branches more or less resembling those of Phe- nogams (but never flowers); the remainder are successively less and less like flowering plants, till we arrive at some of the lowest forms of Fungi and Alge, which are with difficulty to be distinguished from the lowest forms of animal life. The only New Zealand Phenogam that can be mistaken for a Cryptogam is Lemna (p. 277); and the Cryptogams which most nearly approach Phe- nogams are Lycopods, which have much of the habit of miniature Conifers, and are often furnished with cones also: these resemblances are, however, mainly in appearance. The Cryptogams are a special study of great difficulty; and it will take time and research, and the collection of many specimens, before the student can make much progress in a knowledge of any of the Cryptogamic Orders except Ferns. 1 confesg to having found very great difficulty in so describing the plants of any Cryptogamic Orders that a student shall readily name a specimen by this book; and with regard to Fungi, and certain divisions of the other Orders, as the crustaceous Lichens, freshwater, filamentous, unicel- lular and other Algg, no descriptions alone will suffice either to give the un- instructed student a general acquaintance with the subject, or to enable him to name an isolated species. ‘To understand these plants, gaod magnified drawings are essential ; and indeed the same may he said for all departments of Cryptogamic botany after the Lycopods. I would recommend the student who is disposed to study Mosses, Hepatic, Lichens, Algee, and Fungi, to take up one of these Orders at a time, to dissect, magnify, * and draw the organs of fructification (in all stages) of a good many species, before attempt- ing to name any by this book. Should he have access to the ‘Botany of the Antarctic Voyage,’ he will find in all its parts (Antarctic Flora, Flora of New * For this purpose, a good “simple microscope,” with powers of } in., $i + Poi dy in. (the 2 lather Coddington en: is sabes iP may ae z Wa eae, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, for about £4. 10s, Triangular-pointed (glovers’) needles stuck in a handle, and a small keen-edged knife (such as are used in eye-operations) are the best instruments for ordinary purposes to dissect with; they are easily sharpened on.a whetstone. CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. xliii Zealand, and Flora of Tasmania) figures of a vast number of New Zealand species, for very many of these are widely diffused over the southern hemi- sphere. Of New Zealand flowering plants, the following are more or less remarkable for some peculiarity of habit, habitat, locality, ete. 1. More or less aquatic species will be found in the following genera and Orders :— Ranunculus, p. 3. Limosella, p. 204. Isolepis, p. 801. Montia, p. 27. Utricularia, p. 222. Cladium, p. 303. Elatine, p. 28. Typhaces, p. 276. (Azolla, which somewhat re- Myriophyllum, p. 66. Naiadeéz, p. 277. sembles a flowering plant, Callitriche, p. 68. Scirpus, p. 299. is a Cryptogam.) Hydrocotyle, p. 85. Eleocharis, p. 300. 2. Leafiess plants, or plants provided with scale-like or very reduced leaves only, will be found in the following genera :— Discaria, p. 43. Salicornia, p. 233. Juncus, p. 288, Carmichaelia, p. 48. Cassytha, p. 239. Leptocarpns, p, 294. Rubvs, p. 54. Exocarpus, p. 246. Scheenus, p. 297. Viscum, 108. Dactylanthus, p. 255. Scirpus, p. 299. Cuseuta, p. 199. Gastrodia, p. 263. Eleocharis, p. 300. Veronica (§ 4, 4), p. 205. Prasophyllum, p. 272. Cladium, p. 301. Utricularia, p. 222. Lemna, p. 277. Lepidosperma, p. 307. 8. Parasitic plants growing on branches (exclusive of Epiphytes) :— Loranthaceee, p. 106. Cuscuta, p. 199. Cassytha, p. 239. Euphrasia, p. 2\9: the English species in germination attaches itself to the roots of grasses, from which it derives its nourishment. Santalum, p. 247, also should be observed in a young state, for it belougs to a family of which some species are parasites. ° 4. Plants with milky juice :— 7 Microseris, p. 164. Wahlenbergia, p. 169. Parsonsia, p. 187 (slightly). Crepis, ‘p. 164. Colensoa, p. 170. Convolyulus, p. 197. (do.) Taraxacum, p. 165. Lobelia, p. 171. Euphorbia, p. 247. Souchus, p. 165. Sapota, p. 185. Epicarpurus, p. 250. Picris, p. 165. 5. The leaves, etc., of species of the following genera and Orders are aro- matic, fetid, or otherwise odorous when bruised; and probably of others with which I am not acquainted :— Drimys, p. 10. Olearia, p. 123. Laurinee, p. 238. Rutacere, p. 38. Brachycome, p. 137. Monimiacee, p. 239. Myrtaceze, p. 69. Cotula, p. 140. Santalum, p. 247. Umbellifere, p. 84. Mentha, p. 225. Piper, p. 254. Araliacee, p. 99. Chenopodium, p. 229. Coniferse, p. 255, Coprosma, p. 110. 6. The following are wsually sea-side genera or species (to which probably many others may be added) :— Lepidium oleraceum, p. 14. Tillaea moschata, p. 61. Apium, p. 89. Hymenanthera, p. 18. Metrosideros tomentosa, p.'72. Meryta, p. 104. Spergolaria rubra, p. 25. Sicyos, p. 82. Coprosma Baueriana, p. 112, Linum monogynum, p. 35. Mesembryanthemum, p. 83. C. petiolata, p. 113. Corynocarpus, p. 46. Tetragonia, p. 83. Cassinia retorta, p. 145. f2 xliv CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. Senecio lautus, p. 160. Myoporum, p. 224. Carumbiom, P. 248. S. odoratus, p. 160. Plantago Brownii, p. 227. Triglochin, p. 278. Selliera radicans, p. 173. Pisonia, p. 229. Ruppia, p. 279. Scevola gracilis, p. 173. Chenopodium, p. 229. Juncus maritimus, p. 289. Samolus, p. 185. Sueeda, p. 231. Scirpus maritimus, p. 300. Sapota, p. 185. Atriplex, p. 231. Desmoschesnus, p- 303. Convolvulus Soldanella, p..198. Salsola, p. 282. Carex pumila, p. 315. Vitex, p. 223. Salicornia, p. 233. Spinifex, p. 322. Veronica elliptica, p. 209. Pimelea arenaria, p. 244, Zoysia, p. 324. Avicennia, p. 224. Euphorbia. p. 247. Festuca littoralis, 341. I. KEY TO THE NATURAL ORDERS, ETC., OF FLOWERING PLANTS. (Chiefly adapted from Lindley’s ‘ Vegetable Kingdam.’) Class I. DicoryLepons. Stem, when perennial, with pith, rings af wood, and separable bark. Leaves with branching netted veins. Leaflets or lobes of the perianth 4 or 5, or multiples of 4 or 5 (in the third division the perianth is often absent or imperfect). Embryo with 2 opposite cotyledons ; radicle elongating in germination. The exceptions to each of the foregoing characters are very numerons, but a little practice, and the tact and knowledge that practice alon® can give, will enable the student to decide at once whether almost any New Zealand flowering ‘plant belongs to thi8 or the following Class. Class II. Monocotytepons. Stem, when perennial, without rings of wood or separable bark ; the wood-bundles being isolated and scattered, ap- parently promiscuously through the cellular-tissue. Leaves (never opposite in New Zealand, often sheathing at the base) with parallel veins joined by straight cross-veinlets. Leaflets or lobes of the perianth 3 or 6, rarely 4; in grasses and sedges the perianth is imperfect or 0, and the flowers enclosed in dry imbricating scales. Embryo with one cotyledon or two alternate ones ; radicle not elongating in germination, but giving off root-fibres, e Palms and Cordylines are the only New Zealand trees of this class. Rhipogonum and Freycinetia the only ahrubs. Rhipogonum and Callixene have somewhat netted veins, Class III. Cryprocamia. See p. Ixvi. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDONS. I. Flowers having both calyx and corolla, the latter polypetalous. A. Potyanpkous. Stamens more than 20. § Ovary iuferior. Leaves usually opposite, Leaves with translucent dots. Shrabs or trees. . . . Myrracea, p. 69. Leaves fleshy. Creeping or trailing herbs . . . . . FicomE, p. 83, §§ Ovary superior. ~ + Leaves stipulate. Carpels free. Anthers 2-celled. Leaves compound . Rosacza, p. 53, Carpels free or combined. Anthers 1-célled. Leaves simple . Matvacem, p. 29. Carpels combined. Anthers 2-celled. Leaves simple. TiIaces, p- 82. tt Leaves exstipulate. Stameus perigynous. Carpels free. . . . . . . Rosacea, p. 53. Stamens hypogynous. Carpels free, many . . . . RANUNCULACER, p. 1. Stamens hypogynous. Carpels free, few . - . . Dnowsys, p. 10. Stamens hypogynous. Leaves with transparent dots . ElyPuRIcines, p, 28, Stamens hypogynous. Leaves without dots, . . , Titiacea, p* 82. B. OLIcanpRovs. CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENFRA. § Ovary inferior (or apparently so). t Flowers umbelled or capitate, Herbs. Herbs. Stamens 5. Stamens 1 or 2 . +t Flowers not umbelled nor capitate. Leaves stipulate. . . . . . Leaves exstipulate. «, Style, ; stigma simple. Petals 4, imbricate. Petals 4 or 5, valvate. Petals 4 or 5. + Leaves Cells of fruit. 1-seeded Cells of fruit many-seeded Cells of fruit 1-seeded. Shrubs. Leaves alternate . Stamens fewer than 20. Fruit of 2 separable carpels . Shrubs or trees. Fruit of 2 or more combined carpels. e 8 8 ew ee Stamens perigynous . Stamens epipetalous . . Stamens alternate with petals. ee 8 8 B. Styles or stigmas 2 or more, or stigma divided. ‘ Cells of fruit.l-seeded. Herbs . . . . . Cells of fruit many-seeded . ‘ §§ Ovary superior. stipulate. 1. Carpels solitary, 2- or more seeded. Flowersirregular 2. Carpels several, free, l-seeded. Flowers regular . 3. Carpels combined into a 1- or more celled ovary. a, Ovary l-celled. Ovules on its walls Climbing shrubs... Viscid, glandalar herbs. (parietal). Flowers regular . : Herbs or shrubs, not glandular nor climbing. Sepals 4 or 5. Sepals 2. Herbs. Herbs. y. Ovary 2- or more celled. Stamens hypogynous. Leaves opposite (water-herbs) ELaTinE, p. 28. Stamens hypogynous. Flowers regular or irregular... B. Ovary I-celled. Ovules fixed to its base. Leaves opposite . . . Leaves opposite or alternate . Leaves alternate. Herbs Stamens 5, perigynous, opposite the petals. Qvules Stamens perigynous, 5 alternate, or 10 and alternate with the petals, Ovules many . 1 in each cell. Shrubs . Tt Leaves exstipulate. 1. Carpels several, free. Herbs. Herbs. Shrubs or herbs. Leaves opposite, simple. 5; Leaves opposite. styles very short. . . opposite Carpels40r5 . « . Leaves alternate. Carpels 5 or more . Carpels Tree, Leaves alternate, simple, aromatic. . . . 2. Carpel solitary, 1-celled. Tree. Stamens 5, hypogynous. Ovule 1, pendulous, Tree. Stamens 5, hypogynous. Ovules 2 or more. xlv UMBELLIFERA, p. 84. ARALIACER, p. 99. Acmna, p. 55. RHAMNE, p. 42. ONAGRABIER, p. 75. LorantHace®, p. 106. Corneg, p. 104. SAXIFRAGER, p. 57. GRISELINIA, p. 104. HALonaGEs, p. 64. SAXIFRraGEH, p. 57. LEcuminos#, p. 47. Rosace&, p. 53. PasstFLor#, p. 81. Droseraca, p. 62. VIOLARIES, p. 15, CaRYOPHYLLER, p. 22, Portvuzaces, p. 26. GERANIACE, p. 35, RHAMNEG, p. 42. SAXIFRAGER, p. 57, Titima, p. 61. RaNuNCcULACE, p. 1. CoRraRIEx, p. 46. Drimys, p. 10. PENNANTIA, p. 41. Drimys, p. 10. Stamens 5, perigynous, alternating with scales, Ovule 1 Conynocarpus, p. 46. Stamens 10, perigynous. Stamens 4-5, epipetalous . 8. Carpels combined into a 1- or more-celled ovary. Glandular herbs. Ovary-1-celled, many-ovuled . . Herbs, not glandular. Ovary 1-celled, many-ovuled Ovary 2- or more celled. Stamens hypogynous. Herbs. Sepals 4, Stamens 6. Ovary 2-celled . Shrubs and trees. Sepals 5. Stamens 5, free. Ovary 2-5-celled. . . Ovules 2 or more. . . LeGuminosZ, p. 47. Myrsing, p. 185. Drosera, p. 68. CaRYCPHYLLER, p. 22. Crucirers, p. 10. PrrrosporuM, p. 18. ‘xlvi Herbs. Sepals5. Stamens 5. Ovary 5-celled . Herbs. Sepals 5. Stamens 10. Ovary 5-celled Ovary 3- or more celled. Stamens inserted at the base of a tumid disk, or perigynous. Shrubs. Leaves with transparent dots. 4or5. Stamens 4,5,8orl0 .. Shrubs and trees, Sepals 4 or 5. Stamens 4 or more. Petals lobed or cut. . Trees; leaves piunate. Sepals 4 or 5. Anthers 8-10, within a fleshy tube. . Tree ; leaves with glandular serratures. 5-lobed. Stamens 5, equal . Small herb. Calyx 5 lobed. Petals ‘Vinear. Sta- mens 5, unequal . . . ee ee Sepals ” Calyx CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. Linu, p. 34. GERANIACES, p. 35. Rutaces, p. 38. TILIACER, p. 32. DysoxyLuy, p. 40. Ixursa, p. 59. STACKHOUSIA, p. 42. II. Flowers having both calyx and corolla, the latter monopetalous. § Ovary inferior. Flowers minute, numerous, in involucrate heads . . © . Flowers numerous, in globose not involucrate heads . . . Flowers not collected into many-flowered heads. Leaves opposite and stipulate, or whorled . Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Stamens 2; filaments cohering with the style . . Stamens 5, inserted at the mouth of the corolla, alter- nate with its lobes . ae Stamens 5, opposite the lobes of the corolla. . . Stamens 5, epigynous or inserted at the base of the corolla. . . §§ Ovary superior. Corolla regular. + Ovary and fruit very deeply 2-4-lobed; lobes 1-celled, 1-seeded. Leaves alternate. Leaves opposite. Ovary 4-lobed : Leaves alternate. Stamens epipetalous. Leaves alternate. Stamens epipetalous. tt Ovary not deeply lobed. } Leaves alternate or radical (0 in Cuscuta of Convolvu- eo ee @ er ey Stamens perigynous. Ovary 3-lobed . Stamens nearly poe cEneees "Ovary 4- Jobed | Ovary 2-lobed . lacee). Ovary 1-celled. Stamens epipetalous. Herbs. Sepala2 . Shrubs ; tars with glandular dots. Sepals ‘4 or 5 Herbs ; leaves not dotted. Sepals 4 or 5 . Ovary 2- or more celled. Stamens epipetalons. Minute tufted herbs. Stamens 2 Herbs. Stamens 4, filaments very long Shrub or tree. Leaves alternate . Leafless climbing herb Stamens 4 or 5, without alternating scales. | Shrubs or trees. Anthers 1- celled. Ovary 5- 10-celled . Climbing or trailing ‘herbs, Anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2-4-celled . 5 Erect shrubs. Corolla-lobes jiwabricate. Anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2-4-celled. . . ee Erect herbs. Corolla-lobes plaited. Anthers 2- celled. Ovary 2-celled . . Stameus 6 or more. Anthers l-celled ; Ovary 5-celled. Stamens 10, hypogynous Composira, p. 121. AcaNa, p. 55. Rustace&, p. 110. StyLiviE4, p. 166. ALsEvosmiA, p. 109. Samotus, p. 185. CAMPANULACES, p. 169. STACKHOUSIA, p. 42. LaBratas, p. 225. BoraGined, p. 191. Dicuonpra, p. 199. PortuLack, p. 26. Myrsing, p. 183. SaMoLus, p. 185. Prema, p. 217. PLantaco, p. 226. Sapota, p. 185. Cuscuta, p. 199. Eniced, p. 173. ConvoLvuLacea, p. 197 VERBENACEA, p. 228. SoLane@, p. 200. MAuvace&, p. 29. Enices, p. 173. CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA, $$ Leaves opposite. Stamens epipetalous. Stamens 5. Climbing shrubs . . . Stamens 5. Herbs, very bitter. . . Stamens 5. Erect or prostrate shrubs Stamens 2 or 4. Herbs or shrubs. . Stamens 5, Sepals 2. Herbs. . . §§§ Ovary superior. Coroila irregular, 2-lipped. Leaves opposite. Ovary 4-lobed to the base. Filaments curved downwards. HERDS Fe ts -e8 AAM IO ead sh hake a hee aa AL. ae Ovary 4-lobed to the base, Filaments curved upwards, Shrubs or tres. . 2. 2... Ovary not deeply 4-lobed. Ovary 1-celled, nearly 2-celled from the 2 placentas. . . 1. 2. . Ovary Q-celled. 2 2... ew Leaves alternate, or 0 in some Lentibulariee. Shrub. Stamena 4. Leaves with pellucid dots . . . Herbs. Stamens 2. Leaves linear capillary orO0 . . projecting oe IIL. Flowers with a single perianth or 0, the calyx or corolla or both being absent." § Perianth single. t Ovary inferior. These marked * are all provided with a double perianth; but the calyx has so obscure a limb, that they may naturally be sought for in this division. «. Trees or shrubs. Parasitic shrubs. Leaves opposite, exstipulate . . . Tree. Leaves’ opposite or alteruate or 0, exstipulate. Flowers hermaphrodite . . . ....... Tree. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, very large, long- petioled. Flowers capitate, unisexual .. . . . . Trees. Leaves alternate, stipulate. Flowers unisexual Shrub. Leaves alternate, small, stipulate B. Herbs (flowers unisexual in all). Prostrate or climbing, with tendrils . . . . - Aguatic. ‘Leaves opposite or whorled. . . . 1 . Scapigerous. Leaves radical. Flowers unisexual . . Tuberous root parasite. Stems or scapes scaly. . . tt Ovary supetior. a. Leaves stipulate. Spiny shrub or tree, often leafless. Calyx valvate oe Herbs and shrubs. Stipules membranous, sheathing the) stem; 6 6s a i tee kw we Herbs and shrubs.’ Stipules free. Flowers unisexual . Tree. Stipnles free. Flowers unisexnal. Stamens 6 ormore . . 6 ee we ee ee ee B. Leaves exstipulate. 1. Carpels many, free. Stamens hypogynous . . . - . 6 « 2 + eo Stamens perigynous. . . . . - © + « 6 6 2. Carpels solitary or ovary 1-celled. Leaves 0. Fleshy, jointed, maritime hetb . . 1 . . Twining, slender, parasitic herb . . . . « Small shrub. Branches grooved. Fruitred. . Leaves opposite. Trees or shrubs. eaves opposite and alternate. Stamens 40r5 . . 1. 6 1 6 e @ ow xlvii Parsonsia, p. 187, GENTIANEA, p, 189. Locaniace#, p. 188, ScROPHULARINEA, p. 200, PortuLacEa, p. 26, Lawiata, p. 225. VERBENACE, p. 223, RHABDOTHAMNDS, p, 221, ScROPHULARINES, p. 200, Myororum, p. 224, Urricutania, p. 222, *LORANTHACES, p. 106. SantaLum, p. 247. Meryrta, p. 104. Fagus, p. 249. PomabDERRIs, p. 43, *Srcyos, p. 82, HALoracEg, p. 64, *GUNNERA, p. 67, DacryLantuus, p. 255, Discaria, p. 48. POLYGONER, p. 235, Urticrx, p. 250, CaRuMBIUM, p. 248, RaNuNCULACES, p. 1. Monimsaces, p. 289, SaLicornia, p. 233. CassyTHa, p. 239. Exocarres, p. 246, SANTALUM, p. 247, xlviii Herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite, minute, white, in axillary fascicles. : Herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite, mee re in axillary spikelets Herbs. Flowers unisexual, minute, ‘green. mens 4, opposite perianth- -lobes Herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite. Stamens 4 or 5, alternate with perianth-lobes. Ovules many Herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite. Stamen 1. Seed 1 Leaves alternate. Shrubs or trees. Leaves large, long petioled. hypogynous. « S635 : Leaves opposite and ‘alternate. Stamens 4 or 6 at the base of deciduous perianth-lobes . Leaves without transparent dots. Stamens 4, on middle or top of deciduous perianth-lobes . Leaves with transparent dots. Stamens 4 or 5, on base of perianth-lobes . . Bark tough. Stamens 2-4, on top of pevanth- tube. . Stamens 6-15, perigynous. turned valves 3 Tree. Leaves pinnate. mens 6-8, . . . Flowers minute, green. Perianth 4; or 5- partite C 8. Ovary 2- or 3-celled. Herb, juice milky. Leaves alternate . Shrabs or trees. Leaves opposite. Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate. perianth segments Spinous shrub or tree.. : Sta- Stamens 6-10, ” anthers with - up. Flowers tnisexual. Sta- Stamens2. . Stamens 4, on oo . Leaves opposite or 0. Sta- mens 4 or 5, perigynous . . Rigid shrub. "Leaves alternate. Stamens 5, hypo- gynous. . . . Tree. Leaves alternate. "‘Hlowers “onisexnal, Sta- mens 6-8. . ‘ ede $e Ne Herbs. Sepals 4. ‘Stamens 6 . ee §§ Perianth wholly wanting. + Leaves opposite, serrate, stipulate . acral ae Ge Leaves opposite, exstipulate. Stamen 1. Water-herb Leaves alternate. Juice milky. Maritime herb Leaves alternate, very aromatic. Shrub Leaves alternate, fleshy. Spikes slender. Leaves reduced to scales. Root-parasite . ao oa Leaves various, very coriaceous, or miaute imbricating scales. Trees and shrubs : Herb CLASS IT. MONOCOTYLEDONS. § Perianth superior, of 6 leaflets in 2 rows, Flowers very irregular. Anther 1, adnate to the style Flowers regular. Stamens 3 Flowers regular. Stamens 6 §§ Perianth iutcrior ; segments petaloid or r herbaceous. Periauth petaloid. Fruit a 1-3-celled, 38- or more seeded berry or capsule , Perianth herbaceous. Perianth herbaceous. connate carpels . . eo 8 8 se Fruit a 1-seeded drupe oe : Fruit of 3, 4, or 6 1-seeded, free or ALTERNANTHERA, CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. p. 234. CHENOPODIUM, p. 229. PaRIETARIA, p. 252. CaRYOPHYLLE, p. 22. ScLERANTHUS, p. 234. Pisoni, p. 229. SanraLuM, p. 247. PrRoTEACEs, p. 240. Mynsing, p. 183. THYMELEA, p. 241. Lavnineg, p. 238. AxeEctRyon, p. 45. HENOPODIACEA, p. 229, EvpHorsia, p. 247. Ouxa, p. 186, Proresces; p. 240. Discakria, p. 43. . Pittosporum rigidum, p. 20. Doponata, p. 44. CruciFeR&, p. 10. ASCARINA, p. 253. CaLLITRICHE, p. 68. Eupuorsta, p. 247, Pirrr, p. 254. Peperomia, p. 254. DactyLantuus, p. 255 ConiFERA, p. 255. OxcuiIpEx, p. 260. Lipertta, p. 274, Hypouis, p. 275. LrtiacEz, p. 280. Areca, p. 288. Nataveg, p. 277. CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. §§§ Perianth inferior, of 6 dry glumaceons leaflets. Flowers panicled or capitate, Anthers 2-celled. Capsule S-ValVeM ss a. fede ae oy ae Flowers in the axils of glumes, disposed in spikelets. An- _ thers 1-celled. Fruit a nut or 1-3-celled capsular utricle §§§§ Perianth 0 or incomplete. a. Flowers in dense heads or cylindric catkins or spikes. Climbing, shrubby. Leaves long, prickly . ‘ Erect, water or marsh plants. Heads spherical . . . Erect, water or marsh plants. Catkins cylindric . Floating or submerged water-plants ‘ 8. Flowers spiked or axillary and solitary. Water-herbs of various habit. Rush-like plants. Anthers 1-celled 5 ew y. Flowers in the axils of imbricating glumes, arranged in spikelets. Perianth 0, or of 6 small leaflets. Anthers l-celled . Perianth 0, or of minute scales or bristles. Anther 2- celled. Stems solid. lLeaf-sheaths closed . . . Perianth 0, or of 1-8 most minute scales. Stamens usually 3, 2-celled. Stems hollow, jointed. Leaf- sheaths split to the base. . . . 1... - xlix JUNCER, p. 288. RESTIACER, p. 293. FREYCINETIA, p. 275. SparGanrum, p. 276. Typua, p. 276. NalaDER, p. 277. NatapEg, p. 277. RestiackZ, p. 293. RESTIACER, p. 293. CYPERACES, p. 296. GRAMINER, p. 317. Il. CLASS III. CRYPTOGAMS. See p. Ixvi- \ KEY TO THE GENERA OF NEW ZEALAND FLOWERING PLAN®S, ARRANGED UNDER THE LINNASAN CLASSES. The Linnzan Classes are :— 1. Flowers perfect, having stamens in the same flower with the pistils. Class I. MonanBria .. 1 stamen in each flower. II. Dianpria ... 2 stamens, free from one another. III. Trianpria... 3 stamens, free from one another. IV. Terranpria.. 4 stamens, free, equal in height. V. PENTANDRIA.. 5 stamens, free. VI. Hexanpria .. 6 stamens, free, equal in height. VII. Hepranpria . 7 stamens, free. VIII. Octanpgaia .. 8 stamens, free. IX. EnNEANDRIA . 9 stamens, free. X. Decanpria .. 10 stamens, free. XI. Doprcanpria . 12 to 19 stamens, free. XII. Icosanpria . . 20 or more stamens on the calyx (perigynous). XIII. Potyanpria . . 20 or more stamens on the receptacle (hypoyynous). XIV. Dipynamia .. 4 stamens, 2 long and 2 short. ‘XV. TerrapyNaMIA 6 stamens, 4 long and 2 short. XVI. MonapE.pata’. Filaments united into 1 set at the base or higher. XVII. Drapenputa . . Filamerts united into 2 sets, usually 9 united and 1 free (Leguminosae). XVIII. Potyapetrura. Filaments united into 3 or more sets, 1 CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. XIX. Syncenesra . . Anthers united, but filaments free. XX. Gynanpeia . . Stamens and style consolidated. 2, Stamens and pistils usually in different flowers. XXTI. Monacra ... Male and female flowers on one plant. XXII. Dracra . . » Male and female flowers on different plants. XXIII. Potyeamra .. Male’ and female flowers separate or together, and flowers sometimes hermaphrodite. XXIV. Cryprocamia . Fructification concealed. CLASS I. MONANDRIA. Tufted herb. Leaves opposite, subulate . . . . . .. Water herb. Leaves opposite . . . 2... 1 ee Leafless, fleshy, jointed, seaside herb . 2. 2. 1. 1. 1 ee Small alpine herb. Leaves subniate, altenate . . . . . Minute, floating, green, scale-like fronds. . . . . . . Prostrate herbs. Leaves pinnate. lowers in a globose head ScLERANTHUS, p. 234, CaLiretcueE, p. 68. SALICORNIA, p. 233. ALEPYRUM, p. 295. Lemna, p. 277. Acana, p. 55. Besides the above, Orchidee (see XX:) are usually monandrous, but the anther is adnate to the style, and a few Cyperacee and species of Chenopodium have sometimes but onc stamen. CLASS IT. DIANDRIA. § Perianth inferior, double. ' Ovary l-celled. Flowersirregular . . 2. 2. 2. Ovary 2-celled. Flowers regular or irregular. . . . §§ Perianth inferior, single. Trees. Leaves opposite. . ...... Shrabs; bark tough. Leaves alternate . . . 3 Tufted herbs, Leaves subulate . . . 1... Erect herbs. Leaves alternate or opposite. . , . . Prostrate herbs. Leaves pinnate. Flowers capitate. . §§§ Perianth 0. Herb. Leaves alternate . . . . . Perianth 0. Shrub, aromatic. rn §§§§ Perianth superior. Tufted herb. Leaves imbricate. Prostrate herbs. J.eaves pinnate. Leaves alternate . Flowers solitary . . Flowers capitate . . Urnicuvarta, p. 222. ScRoPpHULARINEA, p. 200. . . . . . . Herb. Leaves simple, radical. Flowers spiked or panicled (See Lemna and Salicornia in 1, Forstera and Helophyllum in &X.) CLASS III. TRIANDRIA.. § 1. Flowers in spikelets. Perianth incomplete or 0.—Grasses; sedges, etc. Leaves sheathing Stem terete, hollow. Sheaths split to the base. Anthers 2- celled, versatile . . Stem solid, often 3-gonous. celled, adnate . RRR Re ae es Stem solid, terete. Sheaths entire. Anthers l-celled . § 2. Flowers in globose, peduncled heads. Leaves pinnate. § 3. Flowers not in spikelets nor heads. Perianth single. Herbs. Perianth superior, of 6 spreading pieces. . . Tree. Perianth superior. Calyx-limb 5-9-lobed Herbs. Perianth inferior, of 5 green leaflets . § 4, Flowers various. Perianth double. Herb. Leaves opposite. Herb. Leaves opposite. Sepals 2. Petals 5, inferior . ” Sheaths not split. Anthers 2. Sepals and petals 8 or 4, inferior Herb. Leaves linear, imbricate. Stamens 2 or 3, epigynous Herbs. Leaves radical. Stamens 2 or 8, epigynous . OLEA, p. 186. PIMELBA, p. 242. Gaimarpia, p. 295. CaENopopiuy, p. 229. Ac&NA, p. 55. PrpEROMIA, p. 254, Piper, p. 254, Donati, p. 58. AczNa, p.55. Gunvera, p. 67. GRaMiNnEA, p. 337. Ciprkacta, p. 296. REstTIACEA, p. 298, Ac&na, p. 55. Lipertia, p. 274, Meryvra, p. 104, Cuenoropiuy, p. 229. ELaTine, p. 28. Monti, p. 27. Donarta, p. 58, GuNNERA, p. 67, CLASSIFICATIONS OF ORDERS AND GENERA, li CLASS IV. TETRANDRIA. § 1. Perianth double, inferior. Corolla monopetalous, Leaves opposite. Maritime tree. Leaves entire, downy below . . . . AVICENNIA, p. 224. Grossostiema, p. 203. Litosenta, p. 204. Herb very aromatic, prostrate. Ovary 4-lobed . . . MENTHA, p. 225. Herbs. Leaves densely 4-fariously imbricate . . . . Logania, p. 188. Herbs, bitter. Corolla campanulate orrotate . . . . GENTIANEA, p. 189. Leaves alternate or radical. Shrubs. Leaves entire, with transparent dots. Stamens opposite petals . . . . « Myrsing, p. 183. Tree. Stameus epipetalous, alternating with scales |. Sapora, p. 185. Shrub. Leaves serrate, with transparent dots . . . . Myoporum, p. 224, Scapigerous herbs. Flowers spiked or capitate. Filaments very long, flexuese. . . 2. 6 « » + © © « © PLANTAGO, p. 226. § 2. Perianth double, inferior. Corolla polypetalous, Leaves opposite. Smallherbs. 2. . 2 1. 1. 1 ees ee ee he) 6TH, p. 61. Shrubs and trees. Petalslobed . . . . . « © . ARISTOTELIA, p. 33. Leaves alternate or radical. Shrubs or herbs. Flowers white, small, racemed . . . Lrprpium, p. 13. Shrubs. Leaves with transparent dots . Myrsing, p. 183. Climbing shrub. Flowers with a fringe inside the ‘petals PassiFLora, 81, Herbs. Leaves with glandularhairs . . . + « « Drosera, p. 63. § 8. Perianth double, superior. Corolla monopetalous. Leaves opposite ;: stipules Q. Style) . . 2. . . © » Lorantuaces, p. 107. Leaves opposite, stipuled. Styles2. . . . . « « » Rusiacea, p. 110. Leaves alteruate; stipules 0. Style] . . . . . . . Atsrvosmta, p. 109. ASPERULA, 121. Marsh or water, minute herbs. . . 1. 1 1 ee Leaves whorled . 2. 1 1 ee es ew ee ee Gatium, 120. Leaves 0. Stems jointed. Parasites . » + «-. Viscum, p. 103. § 4. Perianth double, superior. Corolla polypetalou. Herbs. Flowers minute ... . . « « « Hatoracea, p. 64. Parasitic shrub. ww ee ee ee ee he he «6 Macaulay river and Waimakeriri country, alt. 2-5000 ft., Haast (both without 6 I, RANUNCULACER. [ Ranunculus, flowers). I havea fine coloured drawing of this plant from Mr. Buchanan it is a very beautiful species, described as having the leaves at times almost entire. 8. R. Haastii, Hook. f., x. sp. Very stout, fleshy, glabrous, a span high. Radical leaves broadly reniform, 3 in. diam., palmately cut to the base into 5-7 deeply and irregularly laciniate, fleshy, blunt lobes; petiole tapering downwards, 3-4 in. long. Scape as thick as the finger, naked be- low, with a crowded mass of sessile laciniate cauline leaves, forming a sort of leafy involucre to the numerous 1-flowered naked peduncles. Flowers absent. Achenes forming a globose head as large as a nut, fleshy, very numerous, large, 4 in. long, on a globose swollen torus, glabrous, turgid; style long, flattened, subulate. Middle Island : shingle beds on Mount Torlesse and the Ribbon-wood range, alt. 4500 to 6000 ft., Haast. A most remarkable plant, of which I have but two imperfect specimens; it is probably very variable, and other specimens may deviate much from the above description. 9. R. crithmifolius, Hook. f.,”. sp. Small, perfectly glabrous, very fleshy, glaucous, stemless ; rootstock short, stout, horizontal, with thick fleshy fibres. Leaves all radical, on recurved petioles 1-2 in. long, blade broad, 3-1 in. broad, reniform in outline, biternately multifid ; segments short, linear, 4; in. long, obtuse. Scape stout, fleshy, erect, shorter than the leaves, single- flowered. Flowers small. Sepals linear-oblong. Petals not seen. Achenes in a globose head, } in. diam., turgid, keeled ; style sharp, straight, subulate. Middle Island; Wairau Gorge, on shingle slips, alt. 6000 feet, Travers. A very sin- gular plant, easily recognized by its glancous, fleshy habit, finely divided leaves, and single- flowered, short scapes, 10. R. sericophyllus, Hook. /., n. sp. Short, stout, erect, very silky, scapigerous, 1-flowered ; root fibrous. Leaves all radical, 1-2 in. long, pe- tiole stout, blade broadly ovate in outline, tripinnatisect, membranous ; seg- ments small, linear-oblong, subacute, with a pencil of silky hairs at the tip. Scape stout, erect, very silky, longer than the leaves, 1-Howered. Flower 1-1} in. diam. Sepals oblong, membranous, spreading, almost as long as the petals. Petals 8-10, obovate-cuneate, rounded at the tip, bright yellow ; glands 8, naked. Achenes not seen, ‘ B¥iddle Island: snow holes on Mount Brewster, and Hopkins river, i grass, alt. 5-6000 feet, Haast. A beautiful little plant, allied to deVagmatiae R. Guanke and like it, with 8 glands on the petals, but much more robust and silky, with large golden- yellow flowers, membranous leaves, with much smaller, shorter, ultimate segments. dR. Sinclairii, Hook. f.,n. sp. Small, 2 to 8 in. high, almost glabrous, with a few thin long silky hairs at the base of the petioles, and sometimes on the petioles and scapes ; rootstock stout, prostrate, with stout fibres. Leaves tufted, 1-4 in. long, ovate-oblong in outline, bipinnatisect or multifid; seg- ments narrow-linear, short, spreading, primary divisions 2 to 4 pairs, opposite, ovate in ontline. Scape’ slender, leafless, 1-flowered. Flower 4 in. diam., golden-yellow. Sepals 5. Petals 5, linear-obovate, with a deep oblong gland below the middle. Achenes with subulate, short, straight styles. Middle Island: mountains above Tarndale, alt. -, Sinclair ; Wai i" 4-5000 ft.-Travers ; Otago, Lake district, 6000 fe, Hoover a Sey elie little species, quite unlike any other, easily recognized by its small size and fiuely-cut leaves, The rootstock is prostrate, but 1 do not think the plant belongs to the creepiug section of the genus, which is almost wholly glabrous. It resembles the Andean 2. dichotomus more Ranunculus.) I, BANUNCULACES. q {han any other. A Raahine-range plant, of Colenso, with long hairs on seapes and petioles, 4nd less divided leaves, but without flower, may be a form of this. 12. R. plebeius, Br. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 9.—R. hirtus, Banks and Sol. ; Fl. N. Z.i. 9. Short or tall, more or less branched, and covered with long spread- ing or appressed hairs. Leaves mostly radical, long-petioled, 3-foliolate or pin- nately biternate ; leaflets usually broadly ovate, lobed and toothed. Scapes or branches numerous, ascending, slender, leafy, branched, 10-24 in. long, with few sessile or petioled leaves. Peduncles slender, glabrous or covered with ap- pressed or patent, rigid or soft hairs. Flowers }-? in.diam. Sepals oblong, reflexed. Petals twice as long, obovate, rounded at the tip, with a small de- ressed gland at the base. Achenes glabrous, compressed, forming a rounded head ; margin thickened ; style short, hooked ; receptacle elongate-ovoid, pi- lose.—R. acris, A. Rich. Flora, not Linn. Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. A common Australian plant, and probably a form of.a South African and European one. 18. R. lappaceus, Sm., var. multiscapus.— AR. multiscapus, Hook. f. FI. N. Z. i. 9. t. 5. Much smaller than 2. pledeius, 1-10 in. high, more or less hairy or hirsute, and differing in the entire or 3-lobed leaves, slender single-flowered scapes, and spreading sepals. Leaves 3-1 in. long, cuneate or ovate or ovate-rotundate, coarsely crenate, entire or 3-lobed, or 3-partite. Scapes usually longer than the leaves, covered with spreading or appressed hairs. Petals often large and bright yellow. Northern and Middle Islands: common in many situations, especially subalpine ones, ascending to 3000 feet in Otago. A most abundant Tasmanian and Australian plant. 14. R. subscaposus, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct.i.5. Erect or decumbent; very hairy, almost hispid, 6—10 in. high ; root fibrous. Leaves on petioles 4-8 in. long, covered with spreading or appressed hairs; blade 1-1} in. long, hairy on both surfaces, either broadly triangular-ovate and 3-lobed to the base, the lobes cuneate and incised, or entire with a cuneate base, and the margin above the middle deeply lobed or cut. Scape or stem shorter than the leaves, hispid or villous, sometimes running. Flowers small, 4 in. broad. Sepals 5, spreading, membranous. Petals 5, bright yellow. Ripe achenes not seen. Middle Island: Hopkins river, shady gorges near snow, alt. 45000 ft., Haast. Campbell’s Island, yall. This seems an alpine ally or a form of R. plebeius, remarkable for the stout-hispid or hairy scapes or flowering branches being shorter than the leaves. 15. R. macropus, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 10. Perfectly glabrous. Steme slender, 2 ft. long and more, fistular prostrate and rooting. Leaves 1-3 in. diam., semicircular in outline, cut to the base into 3-5 leaflets ; leaflets broad- or narrow-cuneate, irregularly cut and lobed at the apex, lobes obtuse ; petiole 4-12 in. long, weak. Peduncles solitary, axillary, those near the ends of the branches short, the rest very long. Flower 3% in. diam. Sepals 5. Petals 5—10, longer or shorter than the sepals, narrow obovate-oblong ; gland depressed, basal. Achenes turgid, glabrous, smooth, collected in a small glo- bose head ; style subulate ; receptacle oblong, glabrous.—Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 634. Common in pools and marshes, apparently throughout the the islands, from Poverty Bay, Colenso, to Otago, Lindsay. This differs from RB. rivularts chiefly in its very great size, more lax habit, very long petioles, and the much broader segments of the leaves, 8 I. RANUNCULACER. {Renunculus. 16. R. rivularis, Banks and Sol. ;—Fil. N. Z.i. 11. Creeping, perfectly glabrous, slender. Stems tufted, or sending out creeping stolons, or prostrate and branching at the nodes, or floating and branching irregularly. Leaves broadly ovate, reniform or semicircular, 3-1 in. diam., cut into 3-7 leaflets, which are linear or narrow-cuneate, deeply lobed and cut at the apex or to the middle, sometimes ternatisect ; petioles 1-3 in. long. Scapes or pedun- cles slender, longer than the leaves, 1-flowered. Flower 3-# in. diam. Se- pals 5. Petals 5-8, linear-oblong ; gland depressed, placed just below the middle. Achenes as in R. macropus. Var. a. major, Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 14. Suberect ; leaves tufted.—2. iacisus, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i 10, t. iv. Var. 8. subfluitans, Benth. l.c. Floating, or prostrate in wet swamps. Leaves alternate. —R. rivularis, FN. Z.i. 11; B. tnundatus, Banks and Sol.; Fl. Tasm. i. 8. Abuudaut in watery places throughout the islands, Baxks and Solandeér, ete. Also abun- dant in Australia, : 17. R. acaulis, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N.Z.i.11. Small, perfectly gla- brous, rather succulent. Stems with creeping stolons, 4—6 in. long. Leaves tufted, 4-2 in. broad, cut into 3, obovate, entire or 2-—3-lohed, coriaceous, broad, obtuse leaflets; petioles 1-3 in. long. Scapes 1-flowered, usually shorter than the petioles. Flower }-3 in. diam. Sepals 5. Petals 5-8, spathulate ; gland depressed, near the middle of the petal. Achenes as in R, macropus, Northern and Middle Islands: sandy and gravelly places, by rills of water. Bay of Islands, not rare, but much more so than R. txundatus ; Lord Auckland's group, J. D. H. Much smaller than either of the foregoing, and at once: recognized by the nearly entire broad leaflets. The Valdivian R. stenopetalus, Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 667, is the same spevies, I think, 18. R. gracilipes, Hook. f., x. sp. Small, perfectly glabrous, slender. Stems creeping? Leaves all radical, variable in size; petioles slender, 1-4 in. long ; blade pinnately divided, either pinnate, with 2-3 pairs of rounded, 3—4-lobed, sessile leaflets, 14 in. long, or biternately divided with the leaf- lets petioled, wedge-shaped, deeply lobed, 1 in. long. Scapes 3-6 in. long, very slender, 1-flowered. Flowers 3—2 in. diam., golden-yellow. Sepals glabrous, oblong. Petals 8-10, twice as long, obovate-cuneate, retuse; de- pressed gland small, near the very base. _Middle Island: banks of Lake Okau, Haast. A very distinct but variable species, with the habit and appearance of R. rivudaris, but the leaves are pinnately divided. My specimens are very imperfect, and I place it in the creeping section from its resemblance to the preceding. ‘ 19. R. pachyrrhizus, Hook. f.,n. sp. Small, densely matted, very suc- culent. Scapes and petioles with long weak hairs. Stem prostrate, cylindri- cal, creeping, as thick as a goose-quill. Leaves very short, small, all radical ; petioles stout, fleshy, 1} in. long; blade cuneate or obovate-cuneate, 1-} in. long, acutely lobed or cut. Scape short, stout, 1-flowered. Flowers 3-1 in. diam. Sepals linear-oblong, membranous. Petals 10-15, obovate-spa- thulate, bright yellow ; depressed gland near the base. Achenes not seen. Middle Island: Otago, Lake district, alt, 6-8000 ft., covering large tracts in low matted patches, Hector and Buchanan. A t curious littl a i ER most curious little species, best known by its 20. R. parviflorus, Linn., var. australis, Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 15. Ranunculus.) I, RANUNCULACEA, 9 —R. sessiliforus, Br. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 11. Slender, hairy, annual. Stem pro- strate or rarely erect, branching, 1-12 in. long. Leaves few radjcal and many cauline, alternate, small, }—3 in. diam., orbicular, 3-5-lobed, the lobes entire or variously cut, on short slender petioles. Flowers very small, on the branches opposite the leaves, solitary, almost or quite sessile. Sepals fugacious. Petals 5, about as long as the sepals. Achenes few, in a small globular head, compressed with thin edges, pilose, the sides covered with minute tubercles or hooks ; style short, hooked. Northern Island, Colenso (perhaps introduced). Common in temperate Australia. The typical 2. parviflorus is a S, European plant. 4, CALTHA, Linn. © Glabrous, tufted herbs, with most or all of the leaves radical, and 1-flowered scapes.—Sepals 5 or more, petaloid, imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens numerous. Carpels several, with many ovules in two rows on the ventral suture. Fol- licles splitting along the inner face, several-seeded. A small genus, found in the temperate and cold regions of both hemispheres. 1. ©. novee-Zelandize, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z.i.12.¢.6. Short, stout, tufted, glabrous, perennial, with a thick rootstock, numerous radical leaves, and short, thick, 1-flowered scape. Leaves spreading ; blade ovate-oblong, notched at the apex, deeply cordate and auricled at the base, with the obtuse auricles turned up and appressed to the surface of the leaf; petioles 1-6 in., dilated at the base into large membranous sheaths. Flowers 1-2 in. diam. Sepals 5-7, linear-subulate. Stamens short, very numerous, Carpels 5-7, broadly ovate, gibbous ; style short, hooked. : Northern Island: top of the Ruahine mountains, Colenso. Middle Island; Mount Brewster and Hopkins river, alt. 65-6000 ft., Haast ; Otago, alpine districts, alt. 4-6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan, The C. iatroloba, F. Muell., of ''asmania and Victoria (a plant not discovered when this was published) is very closely allied to this, differing chiefly in the re- curved styles. Orper II. MAGNOLIACEZ. Tribe WINTEREE. Aromatic shrubs or trees, with alternate, exstipulate leaves.—Sepals and petals imbricated in 2, 3, or many series, very deciduous. Stamens numerous ; hypogynous. Filaments often thick or dilated; anthers adnate. Carpels few, in 1 series, with 2 or more’ ovules attached to the ventral suture. Stigma sessile and terminal or decurrent along the suture. Ripe carpels of free, small drupes follicles or berries. Seeds few; testa shining; albumen copious, fleshy ; embryo small. ° This description refers only to the tribe Wénteree, which alone is represented in N. Zealand. ‘This Order contains many genera, in some of which the carpels are very numerous and spiked, in others combined, and in some the flowers are unisexual ; it abounds in the southern United States, and the mountainous regions of India and Eastern Asia; its qualities are aromatic. The genus Drimys contains one S. American, two Australian, one alpine Bornean, and probably several New Caledonian species. 10 Il, MAGNOLIACER. 1. DRIMYS, Forst. Sepals 2 or 3, membranous, combined into an irregularly lobed calyx. Petals 6 or more, in 2 or more series. Filaments thickened upwards; anther-cells diverging. Carpels few. z 1. D. axillaris, Furst. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 12. A small, slender, evergreen tree, 10-30 ft. high, with black bark, aromatic and pungent in all its parts. Leaves 1-6 in. long, elliptical-ovate, blunt, shortly petioled, quite entire, bright-green above, glaucous below, pellucid-dotted, midrib hairy beneath. Flowers small, axillary or from scars of fallen leaves, solitary or few to- gether; pedicels slender.. Petals unequal, linear. Stamens 8-10, in several series, Berries about 3, size of a peppercors. Seeds several, angled.—D. co- lorata, Raoul, Choix, t. 23; Wintera axillaris, Forst. Prodr. Abundant in forests throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, etc. ‘“ Pepper-tree’’ of the colonists. Wood makes pretty veneers, Buchanan. Orver III. CRUCIFERAE. Herbs, usually with small racemose flowers.—Sepals 4, free. Petals 4, free, placed crosswise. Stamens 6 (rarely 1, 2, or 4), hypogynous, 2 longer than the others. Ovary 2-celled, with 2 or more ovules. Capsule 2- (rarely 1-) celled, bursting longitudinally by 2 valves, which fall away from the seed-bearing placentas. Seeds exalbuminous, with the radicle turned up toward the edges (accumbent) or back of the cotyledons (incumbent). A large Order, abounding in all temperate countries, especially of Europe and Asia. Most of the New Zealand genera are British. Properties stimulant and antiscorbutic. The Mustard, Shepherd’s-purse, Radish, Turnip, Cabbage, etc., all belong to this Order, and are found as escapes from cultivation. i * Pod long and narrow (often short in Nasturtium). Pod terete, stont, curved. Seeds in 2 rows. Flowers yellow 6 1. Nasrurrrum. Pod somewhat 4-gonous. Seeds in] row. Flowers yellow. « . 2. BaRBAREA. © 3. SISYMBRIUM. 4, CARDAMINE, Pod terete, slender. SeedsinlJrow ......4., Pod flat. Valves elastic. Seeds in 1 row. Flowers white . ** Pod short and broad. Pod with convex or keeled valves . . . . 1 1 ww a a Pod with much-flattened, often winged, l-seeded valves . , Pod with much-flattened, often winged, many-seeded valves . . , - . 5&. Braya, 6. Leripium. » 7. Nororutaspr. 1. NASTURTIUM, Br. Branching herbs, with usually yellow flowers and cut leaves.—Sepals spreading. Petals with short claws, yellow, sometimes 0. Stamens 6 or fewer. Pod subcylindric, usually curved ; valves membranous, concave, many-seeded. Seeds in 2 series in each valve, minute, turgid; cotyledons accumbent. ' A large British genus, of which the Watercress (NV. officinale) is a white- i abundantly naturalized in rivers, etc. se Ci Gaeen) we Site fomered nears 1. N. palustre, DC.—N. terrestre, Br.; FN. Z.i.14. A suberect, glabrous or pilose, branching herb, with entire or pinnatifid leaves, auricled at the base, the lobes sinuate-toothed. Flowers on slender pedicels, small, Nasturtium.) Ill, CRUCIFERR. ll Petals hardly longer than the calyx. Pods turgid, oblong, as long as or shorter than their pedicels, curved. Northern and Middle Islands, not uncommon in moist places. I have adopted the name palustre for this plant, because it. is-that used in most Continental works, aud in Bentham’s Australian. Flora, but that of. terrestre.has equal claims to be retained. A very widely distributed plant in both the Old and New World; a state with almost entire leaves, N. semipinnatifidum, Hook., sometimes occurs, 2. BARBARBEA, Br. Stout or slender, erect, leafy, glabrous herbs, usually with angled stems, and pinnate or pinnatifid leaves.—Sepals suberect. Petals clawed, yellow. Pods erect, elongate, compressed, 4-gonous, with keeled or costate, straight, coriaceous, many-seeded valves. Seeds oblong, in one series; cotyledons accumbent. A common Enropean genus, of which one species was cultivated in former times in Britain as a pot-herb. The New Zealand species, which is also Australian, seems to be quite the same as the British, which is very variable. 1. B. vulgaris, Linn.—B. australis, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 14. Erect, rather rigid, stout, leafy, 1-2 ft. high, with green, furrowed stems. Lower leaves lyrate-pinnatifid; lobes obovate-oblong, terminal ovate and sinuate. Upper leaves entire, sinuate or pinnatifid. Flowers rather large. Pods stout, 12 in. long, 4,-4 in. broad, erecto-patent, broader than their terete pedicels ; valves veined; style short, straight. Northern Island, Colenso. This, the “Toi” of the natives, was formerly used by them as food, 3. SISYMBRIUM, Linn. Herbs, usually leafy with slender stems and small white or yellow flowers.— Sepals suberect or spreading. Petals clawed. Pod slender, terete or slightly compressed ; valves concave; many-seeded. Seeds in one series in each cell, oblong. A British genus, abundant in the north temperate zone, rare in the south. 1. S. novee-Zelandis, Hook. f., ». sp. Tall, very slender, 1-2 ft. high, ylabrous or covered with minute stellate pubescence. Leaves chiefly radical, spreading, 1-2 in. long, few or many and crowded, narrow-obovate or linear-oblong, sinuate-pinnatifid; lobes blunt. Flowering stems very slender, sparingly branched, with few entire or toothed linear leaves. Flowers ‘small, white. Petals narrow. Sepals erect. Pods 3-2 in. long, 5 in. broad, very narrow, linear, obtuse, glabrous, on slender pedicels; valves convex, l-nerved. Seeds small. Cotyledons obliquely incumbent. Middle Island: mountains of Nelson, Rough; Shingle slips, Wairau Gorge, alt. 4500 ft., Travers. 4, CARDAMINE, Linn. Generally slender or small herbs, with entire or pinnate leaves, and small white flowers.—Sepals erect or spreading. Petals clawed or spathulate. Pod long, linear, compressed ; valves flat, usually separating elastically and curving 12 III, CRUCIFERZ. [Cardamine. backwards. Seeds numerous, forming one series in each cell, flattened ; coty- ledons accumbent. A very extensive genus, especially in temperate regions. Common in England. Stems slender. Leaves pinnate . . 1. 6. 2 2 © e - « - 1. C. hirsuta. Stem 0. Leaves spathulate 2. . 2 2 ee we - + « & C. depressa. Stem stout, tall. Leaves sinuate-lobed . . . . . . + « « 8. C. stylosa. Stem very short and stout. Leaves long, deeply toothed . 4. C. fastigiata, 1. C. hirsuta, Linn. ;—F1.N.Z.i.13. A very variable, slender, branched, rarely simple, glabrous or slightly hairy annual, 12-18 in. high, erect or de- cumbent, sometimes assuming a perennial rootstock, especially near the sea. Leaves pinnate; leaflets few, opposite or alternate, entire or lobed, orbicular oblong ovate or cordate, usually on slender petioles, sometimes reduced to one. Flowering branches sometimes reduced to capillary 1-flowered scapes. Flowers small, white (sometimes 4-androus in Europe). Pods 2-13 in. long, slender, on slender pedicels, obtuse or produced into acuminate styles. Seeds small, pale yellow-red. Var. a. dedilis. Erect or generally decumbent, much branched. Leaflets in several pairs, rounded or cordate. Pods very slender, with long slender styles..—C. dedclis, Banks ; Sisymbrium heterophyllum, Forst. Var. B. corymbosa. Smaller in all its parts, with few-flowered corymbs. Leaflets 2 pairs, Pods with short styles—C. corymbosa, Fl. Antarct. i. 6 ; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 686. Var. y. subcarnosa, Fl. Antarct. i. 5. Erect, rather fleshy, with stout branches and pe- tioles. Leaflets in several pairs, obovate or oblong. Flowers numerous, larger, in a dense corymb. Styles very short, stout. Var. 8. uniflora. Very small, the leaves reduced to 1 pinnule, and the stem to a 1- flowered scape, ; Abundant throughout the islands, in all situations, especially moist or shady, Banks and Solander, etc. Var. a, the most frequent; var. 8, in woods; var. y, a southern succulent form, found in Campbell’s Island, and probably also in the Southern Island, and elsewhere ; var 6, rather a reduced state than a distinct race. A very common plant in all temperate aud cold, and mauy warm parts of the world; the succulent forms are an excellent cress. In Britain and elsewhere in the northern hemisphere, this plant is an annual, in the more equanle climate of the southern usually a perennial. 2. ©. depressa, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 6. A glabrous or pilose stemless perennial. Leaves crowded, rosulate, 1-2 in. long, spathulate, entire or crenate, sinuate or lobulate, obtuse or retuse, narrowed into long or short petioles. Flowering stems }-4 in. high, erect or ascending, few- flowered. Flowers small, white. Pods 3-14 in. long, erect, rather stout; styles short, stout. Var. a. depressa. Glabrous, larger. Leaves entire or lobulate.—C, depressa, Fl. Antarct. 1.6. t. 3 and 4 B. : Var. 8. stellata. Pilose, smaller. Leaves nearly quite entire—C. stellata, Hook. f.; Fl. Antarct. 1.7. t. 4 A. Middle Island : var. a, Lake Tennyson and Wairan mountains, alt. 4-5000 ft., Travers ; Hopkins river, Lake Okan, etc., Haast ; Otago, wet places in the Lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Word Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Islands, a and 8, abundant, J. D. H. I suspect that this will prove a reduced form of C. Airsuta, a Tasmanian variety of which plant approaches it in foliage. ‘ 3. C. stylosa, DC.—C. divaricata, Fl. N.Z.i.19. Perennial ?, tall, 2 to 8 ft. high, glabrous, stout, branched, leafy. Leaves 3 to 5 in. long, linear- spathujate or oblong, sagittate at the base, quite entire or toothed, or sinuate or lobed or almost pinnatifid at the base. Racemes elongated. Flowers Cardamine.] 1II, CRUCIFERE. 13 rather small, white. Pods stout, 1-1} in. long, on horizontally spreading stout pedicels; valves concave; style stout, } in. long. Seeds brown, with impressed dots.— Arabis gigantea, Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 259. Northern Island: Bay of Islands, R. Cunningham ; near Auckland, Lyall, Sinclair. Seeds rather smaller and paler than in the Australian and Tasmanian plant ; leaves in one specimen almost pinnatifid; but clearly, I think, the same species. 4. C. fastigiata, Hook. f—Arabis fastigiata, Fl. N. Z. ii. 824. A glabrous perennial; rootstock a span long, perpendicular, tapering, fusiform, as thick as the little finger, densely clothed towards the apex with the recurved bases of the old leaves ; branches ascending from the top of the rootstock amongst the leaves, 6-18 in. long, rather stout, leafy, simple or branched. Leaves densely rosulate at the apex of the rootstock, 2-8 in. long, narrow, lanceolate-spathulate, acute, coarsely inciso-serrate, very coriaceous ; cauline less spathulate, narrower, with narrower serratures. Flowers very numerous, white, about 4 in. diam., on slender pedicels. Petals with narrow claws. Pods suberect, curved, narrow-linear, 1}-2 in. long, 5 in. broad, with acute ends and very short styles. Seeds (unripe) oblong, compressed, red-brown. Middle Island: highest part of Macrae’s run, Munro ; river-bed of the Macaulay, alt. 8500 ft., Haast. In the New Zealand Flora, I referred this to Arabis, and it has equal claims to this genus and Cardamine ; but its close affinity with C. radicata, of Tasmania, determines me to transfer it here. 5. BRAYA, Sternberg. Alpine, densely tufted, perennial herbs, with long tap-roots, rosulate radical leaves, and scapes bearing short few-flowered racemes or corymbs.—Flowers white pink or purplish. Sepals short, equal. Petals obovate. Stamens 6. Pod short, thick, ovate or oblong; valyes convex, with a stout costa, or keeled ; septum entire or open; style very short; stigma capitate. Seeds in 1 or 2 series; funicles very short; cotyledons incumbent. An Arctic genus, also found, but rarely, in the loftiest alps of Europe, N. Asia, and N. and S. America. 1. B. novze-Zelandiz, Hook. f., n. sp. A very short, depressed, al- pine herb, covered with stellate pubescence; root long, tap-shaped, as thick as-the finger, bearing one or several equally thick, erect or ascending cylindric branches, covered with scars of old leaves and surmounted by a head of small imbricating leaves that spread out horizontally. Leaves }—} in. long, oblong, pinnatifidly lobed, narrowed into flat short petioles; those on the scapes with longer petioles, and a minute obovate blade, which is digitately lobed at the top. Scapes or peduncles very numerous, rising from the root below the leaves, shorter than these, and spreading horizontally, 3—5-flowered. Flowers not seen. Pods }-1 in. long, about half as broad, laterally compressed ; septum incomplete. Seeds 3-5 in each valve, obovoid. Middle Island: Lake district, débris of schist on Mount Alta, alt. 5000 ft., Heetor and Buchanan. A most remarkable plant; the pod is rather too much compressed for Braya, and approaches that of Lepidium. 6, LEPIDIUM, Linn. Herbs, sometimes with an almost woody stem, toothed or pinnatifid leaves, and white, sometimes unisexual flowers.—Stamens 4 or 6. Pods broad, 14 III, CRUCIFERZ, [Lepidium. much flattened laterally, obtuse, winged or keeled at the back; cells 1-seeded. Cotyledons incumbent. A large genus, common in England, and the N. and S. temperate zones generally. To this genus the garden “ Cress” belongs, also L. ruderale, a common slender Australian and Euro- pean much-branched annual, with linear leaves, which will probably soon be introduced into New Zealand. Erect. Leaves more or less toothed or serrate. . . . . - + I. Z£. oleraceum. Erect. Leaves pinnatifid . . . - 2 1 2 6 «+ « + + & ZL, sisymbrioides. Procumbent. Leaves pinnatifid . . . . . - «+ + » = 8. L, incisum. 1. L. oleraceum, Forst.;—Fl.N.Z.i.15. Suberect, perennial, glabrous, 10-18 in. high; stem stout, woody, scarred, branched, smelling disagree- ably when bruised. Leaves obovate-cuneate or oblong-spathulate, 1-3 in. long, lower serrate, upper more entire. Flowers numerous, small, 4-androus. Peds on slender spreading pedicels, ovate, subacute, 4 in. long, not winged at the back.—A. Rich. Flora, t. 35. Abundant ou the shores throughout the islands, Banks and Solander; Otago, Lake district, Waitaki valley, Hector and Buchanan, asmall-leaved form. Lord Auckland’s group, Bolton. Not found in other countries. %. L. sisymbrioides, Hook. f., x. sp. Erect, glabrous, slender, a span high; root woody, spindle-shaped, branching out into several heads at the top. Stems very numerous, slender, flexuose, sparingly branched, leafy, Leaves small, 1-2 in. long, linear, pinnatifid; segments small, short, !; in. long, entire toothed or lobulate. Flowers small, in terminal racemes; petals white; pedicels slender. Pods on spreading curved slender pedicels, 4 in. long, broadly subquadrate-ovate, acute at both ends, not winged at the back, notched at the apex. Middle Island: Dry Grass flats, Lake Okau, alt. 2000 ft., Haast ; Otago, grassy plains, Waitaki valley, Hector and Buchanan ; possibly a form of DL. incisum. 8. L. incisum, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 15. Glabrous or pilose, much branched, prostrate; root stout, perennial, woody ; branches sparingly leafy, a span long, ascending at the tips. Lower leaves on long petioles, 2-3 in. long, pinnatifid, with 4-6 pairs of spreading or recurved bluntly-toothed lobes, the upper entire or toothed at the tip, broadly cuneate. Flowers in small, axillary or terminal, few-flowered racemes. Petals 0 in my specimens. Stamens 4, glands of the disk 6 or 8, elongated. Pods ovate-cordate, notched at the apex, } in. long, half as long as the slender pedicels. Northern Island. Opuraga, on the beach, rare, Banks and Solander ; Port Nicholson, on rocks near the sea, Colenso. Liddle Island. Limestone rocks in the subalpine region of Waimakeriri, alt. 2000 ft., Haast. Ihave described the habit, foliage, inflores- cence, ete., of this plant, from Banks and Solander’s specimen and drawing; Mr, Haast’s being very young and apparently dwarfed. 7. NOTOTHLASPI, Hook. f. _ Herbs, with numerous spathulate, thick, radical leaves.—Flowers rather large, white. Sepals erect. Pods very much flattened ; valves winged ; cells very many-seeded, Seeds on very slender funicles; radicle incumbent, some- times very long. A genus confined to New Zealand. Scape very stout. Style very short. . . . « « . «© «© © « 1. W. rosulatum. Stem usually much branched at the base,. Style long . . . . . . 2 M. australe. : Notothlaspi.] 111, CRUCIFERS. 15 1. N. rosulatum, Hook, f., 1. sp. A very stout, eréct, densely leafy, pyramidal, fleshy herb. Stem 0, or very short. Leaves very nu- merous and most’ densely crowded, imbricated, forming a rosette, spathulate, petioled, crenate, when young covered with weak cellular hairs, glabrous when old. Scape often thicker than the finger, a span high, bearing a profusion of white sweet-scented flowers. Pods }~1 in. long, obovate, with a very short style. Seeds rather large, with a thin pitted testa; radicle very long, often twice folded, first upwards, then downwards and backwards over the back of the cotyledons. Middle Island : alt. 3500 to 6500 ft. ; shingle beds on the Ribbon range, Mount Tor-: lesse and Waimakeriri valley, Sinclair and Haast; Wairau valley, Maling, Travers ; Lake Tennyson, Rough. A most singular plant. 2. N. australe, Hook. f.—Thiaspi (7) australe, Fl. N. Z. ii. 825. A small, perennial, densely tufted, much branched (rarely simple), glabrous plant, with short leafy branches, and very numerous white corymbose flowers ; roots slender, fusiform, descending deeply ; branches 1-2 in. long. Leaves. cauline and radical, petiolate, 3-1} in. long, spathulate-oblong or linear- spathulate, subacute, entire or crenate, coriaceous or fleshy, often recurved. Flowers white, scentless, in many-flowered corymbs, almost involucrate by the numerous cauline leavés, about } in. diam., on pedicels 4-1 in. long. Young pods obovate, retuse, with long stout styles; valves winged. Seeds excessively numerous. Middle Island: top of Gordon’s Nob, Upper Wairau river, and elsewhere in the Nelson Province, alt, 4—5000 ft., Munro, Sinclair, Travers, Haast. The most frequent naturalized Crucifere known to me in New Zealand are all common British weeds, except A/yssum maritimum, mentioned by A. Cuoningham, but which is not fully naturalized. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Linn. (Shepherd’s-purse). An annual, with spreading rosulate pinnatilobed radical leaves, simple or branched scapes, many small white flowers, an ob- cuneate or obcordate retuse flat pod, the valves not winged, and cells many-seeded. : Senebiera pinnatifida, DC. A much branched, prostrate, glabrous, leafy annual, with bipinnatifid irregularly-cut leaves, short leaf-opposed racemes of very small, white flowers, succeeded by very small, didymous, wrinkled, indehiscent, 2-celled, 2-seeded pods. §. Coro- nopus, Poir.; with subacute, crested pods, is also found. Watercress, Nasturtium officinale, Linn., is a pest in the rivers about Canterbury, at- taining a size never eeen in Europe, and is found also abundantly eleewhere. ; The Cabbage, Brassica oleracea, Linn., Turnip, B. campestris, Linn., Cress, Lepidium sativum, Linn., Charlock, B. Sinapistrum, Boiss., Horseradish, Cochlearia Armoracia, Liun., Radish, Raphanus sativus, and probably various others, occur as escapes from fields and gar- dens. —————— T have an indifferent specimen of a Cruciferous (?) plant, gathered by Haast, on terraces near Lake Okau, which I am aonable to refer to any geuus; it is a slender branched herb, pubescent, with simple hairs; sinall pinnate leaves ; leaflets in 1 to 2 pairs, rounded, entire or lobed; and minute white flowers, that seem to be in an imperfect condition. Oxvrer IV. VIOLARIEZ. Herbs or shrubs, with alternate stipulate leaves. Flowers regular or irre- gular.—Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, imbricate. Stamens 5, hypogynous ; anthers sessile or on short filaments, often united, the connective usually ex- panded upwards or provided with an appendage at the back, or both. Ovary 16 IV. VIOLARIEZ. with 2 to 5, parietal placentas, and one style. Fruit a capsule or berry. Embryo axile in fleshy albumen. A large Order, widely distributed through tropical and temperate regions. Petals spreading. Anthers united. Capsule 3-valved. . . . . 1. Viona. Petals small. Anthers free. Berry with 8 or 6 placentas . . . 2. Meticytus. Petals small. Anthers connate. Berry with 2 placentas. . . . 8. HYMENANTHERA, 1. VIOLA, Linn. Herbs, with trailing stems or short woody stocks. Leaves alternate, petioled, stipulate. Flowers irregular—Sepals 5, produced at the base. Petals un- equal, spreading, lowermost often larger, spurred or gibbous at the base. Anthers 5, connective flat, produced into a thin membrane, the lower often spurred. Style capitate. Capsule 3-valved, with a parietal placenta on each valve. A large British and widely-diffused genus in all temperate climates, of which several species produce two forms of flowers; the larger pedancled, with large petals, that often ripen few seeds ; and minute ones lower down, apparently imperfect, with reduced petals or 0, that ripen abundance of seed. Stems slender. Leaves cordate. Stipules and bracts lacerate. , . 1. V. filicaulis, Stems slender, Leaves cordate. Bractsentire . . . . . . . 2 VM Lyallii. Stems short. Leaves ovate. Bracts entire 7 3. V, Cunninghamit. 1. V. filicaulis, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 16. Very slender, perfectly gla- brous. Stems filiform, prostrate or creeping. Leaves alternate, orbicular- cordate or broadly ovate-cordate, obtuse or acute, obtusely crenate ; petioles 1-3 in. long ; stipules lacerate, the teeth filiform, tipped with a gland. Pe- duncles very slender, 1-flowered ; bracts subulate, more or less faa like the stipules. Flowers very pale blue, 4-3 in. diam. Sepals linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Spur very short. Northern and Middle Islands: as far south as Otago, in varions localities, abundant. Very near the V. serpens of India. 2. V. Lyallii, Hook. f., . sp—V. Cunninghamii, var. y, Fl. N. Z.i. 162 Entirely similar in most respects to V. filicaulis, but the stipules and bracts are generally more green, and always entire, usually obtuse, and the flowers are smaller. Northern Island: in various places, Sixclair, Colenso. Widdle Island: Nelson, Travers ; Canterbury, Lyall. In the N. Z. Flora I regarded this as a cordate-leaved variety of V. Cunninyhamii, but more specimens have convinced me of its distinctness. Closely allied to the Australian V. Caleyana, but smaller in all its parts, and with lees deeply cordate leaves. 3. V. Cunninghamii, Hook. f. Fl. N.Z.i.16. Very variable in size, glabrous. Stem short, much branched, often thickened into a short woody stock. - Leaves tufted on the top of the root or stem, or on very short branches from it, ovate ovate-oblong or triangular-ovate, narrowed into the petiole, obtuse, obscurely crenate ; petioles often 4 in. long; stipules broadly adnate to the base of the petiole, slightly lacerate or entire. Peduncles slen- der; bracts linear, obtuse, quite entire. Flowers 4% in. diam., pale blue. Sepals linear-oblong, obtuse.—Hrpetion spathulatum, A. Cunn., not Don. Very common in moist places, from the middle of the Morthern Island southwards, ascending to 5000 ft. Middle Island: Hopkins river and Lake Okau, Haast; Wairau mountains, Travers ; Otago, Hector and Buchanan. Also found in Tasmania, z & Melicytus.] IV, VIOLARIES. 17 2. MELICYTUS, Forst. Shrubs, with short-petioled, toothed, minute-stipuled leaves. Flowers axillary, fascicled, small, regular, almost unisexual or polygamous. Sepals 5. Petals 5, short, spathulate, spreading. Anthers 5, free ; connective produced into a membrane, and furnished with a scale at the back. Style 3-6-fid, or ils a discoid stigma. Berry with few or many angled seeds, on 3 to 6 pla- centas, This genus is confined to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, serrate. . . . . . . « « 1, Yt, ramiflorus. Leaves large, obovate, sinuate-serrate . . . . =... « - « 2 M.macrophyllus. Leaves long, linear-lanceolate, sharply serrate . . . . . . . 3. M. lanceolatus. Leaves small, orbicular-ovate, sinuate . . . 2 4. M. micranthus. 1, M. ramiflorus, Furst. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.18. A glabrous, white-barked, small tree or large shrub, 20-30 ft. high; trunk often angular, and 7 ft. in girth (Buchanan); branches brittle. Leaves alternate, 4-5 in. long, oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, serrate with small obtuse teeth, sometimes obscurely 80; petioles slender; stipules deciduous. Flowers small, in fascicles on the branches ; peduncles slender, 3-3 in. long, with 2 minute bracts. Flowers minute, $ in. diam. . Calyx-lobes obtuse, spreading, green. Anthers obtuse ; stigma almost sessile, 6-lobed. Berry small, 4 in. diam. Abundant throughout the islands, as far south as Otago, Banks and Solander, etc. Leaves eaten greedily by cattle; wood soft, useless (Buchanan). Also found in Norfolk Island. 2. M. macrophyllus, 4. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.19. A large glabrous bush, 4-7 ft. high; bark pale-brown. Leaves 3—4 in. long, obovate or ellip- tical-oblong, acute, coarsely and distantly (rarely closely) sinuate-serrate, more coriaceous and broader than in M. ramiflorus ; stipules deciduous. Flowers twice as large as in the former, in fascicles of 4 or 6 on the branches ; peduncles stout, 3+ in. long, much decurved, with small, broad, opposite bracts close to the flower. Calyx-lobes short, broad, rounded. Anthers apiculate. Stigma broad, nearly sessile, discoid, lobed. Berries } in. diam. Northern Island: about the Bay of Islands only, so far as is hitherto known, 4. Cun- ningham, etc. Easily distinguished from M. ramiflorus by the coarser habit, broader, more obovate, coriaceous leaves, fewer stout, decurved pedicels, with bracts at the apex, and larger flowers and berries. 3. M. lanceolatus, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 18. ¢.8. A slender shrub or small tree, 10-12 ft. high ; branches brittle; bark dark-brown. Leaves 4-7 in. long, narrow linear-lanceolate, acuminate, sharply erose-dentate, ra- ther membranous. Flowers small, 2 or 8 together; pedicels short, decurved, bracteate above the middle. Calyx-lobes oblong. “Petals erect, with spread- ing limb. Connective produced into a subulate point. Style long, 3-fid. Berry oblong, } in. diam. Northern Island : forests at Patea on the east coast, Colenso. 4, M. micranthus, Hook. f. Fl, N. Z.i.18. A small, rigid shrub; branches tortuous, covered with grey or brown bark, the youngest pubescent at the tips. Leaves small and scattered, 3-3 in. long, orbicular-obovate, obtusely sinuate, the youngest often obovate-oblong and pinnatilobed ; petioles very short, puberulous. Flowers unisexual, very minute, axillary ; pedicels VOL. 1. c 18 IV. VIOLARIES. [Melicytus. very short, curved, bracteate at the base. Calyx obtusely and shortly 4-lobed ; lobes broad, ciliated. Petals small, orbicular. Anthers rounded, didymous, sessile. Ovary flagon-shaped; style short ; stigma 4-lobed. Berry minute, as small as a mustard-seed, about 3-seeded.— Elaodendyon micranthus, Hook. f. in Lond. Journ. Bot. iii. 228. t. 8. Northern Island: east coast and interior, Colenso. Middle Island : Nelson, Bidwill. A plant of very different habit and appearance from the preceding species. 3. HYMENANTHEBA, Br. Woody shrubs, with alternate or fascicled, entire or toothed, minutely stipuled leaves, and small axillary, solitary, fascicled, sometimes unisexual flowers.—Sepals 5. Petals 5, short. Anthers sessile, connate; connective produced into a membrane, and furnished with a scale at the back. Style short, with a 2-lobed stigma. Berry small, with 2 or few globose seeds on 2 placentas. A small genus, native also of Norfolk Island, Tasmania, and South-eastern Australia, the species are very variable in foliage. 1. H. crassifolia, Hook. f. Wl. N.Z.i.17.é.7. A small shrub, 2-4 ft. high, with rigid, stout, tortuous branches, rarely sending out straight shoots ; branchlets pubescent; bark white. Leaves* very variable, thickly coriaceous, common form linear-spathulate, 2-3 in. long, but on young shoots often larger, broader, sinuate or toothed, and in older shorter, obtuse, veined when dry; petioles short; stipules very minute and deciduous. Flowers very small, solitary or few together, axillary; pedicels short, stout, curved, with one concave appressed bract. Sepals orbicular, erose or ciliolate. Pe- tals linear-oblong. Anthers recurved, connate into a membranous lobed tube, the lobes ciliolate. Berries } in. diam., blue-purple. Northern Island: maritime rocks opposite the Cavallos Islands, A. Cunningham ; Cape Palliser, Colenso. Wiliddle Island: Nelson, Bidwill, Travers. Orver V. PITTOSPOREZ. Shrubs or trees, with alternate or whorled, exstipulate, evergreen leaves and regular flowers.—Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, with Jong, erect claws and spreading limbs, imbricate. Stamens 5, free, hypogynous, erect, with oblong or sagittate anthers. Ovary 1 or 2, rarely 3-5-celled (often imperfectly), with a short or long style; ovules many, placentas attached to the septa. Capsule usually bursting by woody valves, which bear the placentas on the middle. Seeds with a minute embryo in hard albumen. Rather a small Order, abounding in Australia; represented only by Pitéosporum in India and its islands, the Pacific, and Africa: absent in America. 1. PITTOSPORUM, Linn. Flowers often polygamous. Sepals free. Petals usually recurved. Fila- ments subulate. Ovary perfeotly or imperfectly 2-5-celled. Capsule woody or coriaceous. Seeds immersed in a transparent gluten. Pittosporum.] V. PITTOSPOREM, 19 Leaves alternate. Flowers solitary or 2-nate, axillary. Leaves 1-2 in., oblong, entire. Peduncles as long as calyx, pubes- cent. 2 ww ee ee ee ee ee ee we LP. tenuifolivm. Leaves 1-2 in., oblong, entire. Peduncles very short, glabrous . 2. P. Colensoi. Leaves 1-14 in., linear-obovate, serrate, blunt, very coriaceous . . 3. P. patulum. Leaves 1 in., narrow, linear-lanceolate, entire. . . . . . . . 4 BP. reflecum. Leaves 4 in., linear- or obovate-oblong, very coriaceous. . . . . 5. P. rigidum. Leaves 4 in., broadly rounded-obovate or obcordate . . . . . 6. P. obcordatum. Leaves alternute. Flowers fascicled or corymbose or panicled. Leaves glabrous. Flowers in axillary and terminal dense fascicles . 7. P. fasciculatum. Leaves tomentose below. Flowers in terminal umbels . . . . . 8. P. crassifolium. Leaves glabrous. Flowers in terminalumbels . . . . . . . 9. P. umbellatum. Leaves glabrous. Flowers in terminal branched panicles . . . . 10. P. eugentoides. Leaves whorled, Leaves 1-2 in.; elliptic-lanceolate 2... 6 1 1. 1. «1 Pi cornifolium. Leaves }-1 in., linear-oblong . 12. P. pimeleoides, 1. P. tenuifolium, Banks and Sol. ;—HFl. N. Z. i.21. A bush or small tree, 20-40 ft. high, with slender trunk; young shoots and leaves often pubescent. Leaves 1-2 in. long, broadly oblong or elliptic-obovate, obtuse, acute or acuminate, quite entire, undulate, rather membranous, gla- brous or pubescent on the midrib ; petiole short. Flowers axillary, solitary, on curved pubescent peduncles as long or longer than the calyx, variable in size, +-3 in. long. Sepals very variable in form and shape, from broadly ovate to linear-oblong, silky or glabrous. Petals dark-purple. Ovary pubes- cent. Capsule size of a small nut, usually 3-valved, broadly obovoid, downy when young, glabrous and rugose when old.—Trichilia monophylla, A. Rich. Flora, t. 34 bis. Abundant throughout the east coasts of the islands, as far south as Otago, Banks and Solander, etc. ‘ Wood worthless for any purpose,” Buchanan. 2. P. Colensoi, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 22. A small tree, very closely allied to P. tenuifolium, if not a variety of it, but the leaves are smaller, more acute and coriaceous, and not undulated; the peduncles shorter than the sepals, both of which are always glabrous ; and the scarious bracts at the base of the peduncle are very persistent. The fruit also is smaller and rounder. Northern Island: east coast and interior, Diefenbach, Colenso. More specimens are much wanted to clear up this species, of which some specimens have almost the undulate, obtuse leaves of P. tenuifolium. Dr. Lyall’s Chalky Bay specimens, in fruit only, referred here in the Fl. N. Z., I now think are more probably P. fasciculatum. . 3. P. patulum, Hook. f., 7». sp. Branches stout, glabrous ; branchlets puberulous. Leaves patent or recurved, 1-1 in. long, % in. broad, very narrow, linear-oblong, narrowed at the base, obtuse, crenate-serrate, very coriaceous and shining Fruit globose or broader than long, woody, 4 in. diam., compressed, on a short, stout, axillary peduncle. Middle Island: Wairau mountains, alt. 5000 ft., Sineair. I have but one, and that a fruiting specimen, of this most distinct-looking species. 4. P. reflexum, 2. Cunn.—P. pimelicides y, Fl. N. Z. i. 25. A small, slender, much-branched shrub, 2-3 ft. high, with almost filiform, silky-pu- bescent twigs. ‘Leaves numerous, patent or recurved, very slender, linear- lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, quite entire, $-1} in. long, 4 e broad. c . 20 V. PITTOSPOREA. [Pittosporum. Flowers not seen. Peduncles solitary, terminal, short, curved,’ pilose, 1-2- flowered. Ovary hirsute. Capsule ovoid, acuminate, 3 in. long, compressed, 2-valved ; valves with the tips recurved.—P. radicans, R. Cunn. Northern Island: thickets at Wangaroa, R. Cunningham ; Bay of Islands, J. D. H. ; east coast ?, Edgerley. In the N. Z. Flora I regarded this as a variety of P. pimeleoides, trom which it differs in the much narrower, acuminate, not whorled Jeaves ; but more specimens are requisite to describe it fully. 5. P. rigidum, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.22.¢.10. .A rigid, much-branched shrub; branches tortuous, woody, stout, spreading. Leaves small, shining, in young branches sinuate-dentate or pinnatilobed, in the older narrow-obovate, cuneate, elliptical or oblong, 3 in. long, shortly petioled, very thick and coria- ceous, margin recurved. Flowers axillary, solitary ; pedicels short, downy. Calyx? Petals dingy-purple, nearly as long as the leaves. Capsules small, 44 in. long, broadly ovoid, acute, compressed, pilose, 2-valved, many- seeded. Northern Island: mountains, near the Waikare lake and Ruahine mountains, Colenso. Middle Island: mountains of Nelsou, Bidwil/. The calyx is absent in all my specimens. 6. P. obcordatum, Raoul, Choi, 25. t. 26 ;—Fl. N. Z.i.23. A shrub or small tree, glabrous, with divaricating, rather slender branches ; bark pale. Leaves small, 4 in. long, remote, or 2 or 8 together, rounded or obcordate, sinuate, crenate or quite entire, suddenly contracted into a very short pe- tiole, rather coriaceous; nerves obscure. Flowers } in. long, solitary or two together, on short puberulous peduncles, white. Sepals very slender, subu- late. Petals narrow-linear. Ovary pubescent. Fruit unknown. Middle Island: shady woods, near Akaroa, Raouw/. 1. P. fasciculatam, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 24. A branching bush, with glabrous leaves and branches, and inflorescence tomentose. Leaves alter- nate, coriaceous, obovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, quite entire, pale beneath ; petioles } in.long. Flowers densely fascicled, axillary and terminal, sometimes collected at the base into a short cyme, together with the linear bracts and calyx densely tomentose ; peduncles 3-4 in. long, Sepals ovate- lanceolate. Petals linear-oblong, deep purple, 4 in. long. Capsule on a curved pedicel, }~? in. long, like that of P. tenujfolium, 2-8-valved. Northern Island : Lake Taupo, Co/enso. Mliddle Island: Chalky Bay, Lyall ; Otago, Lake district, not common, Hector and Buchanan. Very closely allied to P. tenutfolium, but the flowers are densely fascicled, almost villous, and the leaves rather longer and more like those of P. Colensoi, Dr. Lyall’s and Hector’s specimens, which are in fruit ouly, have the foliage more like P. tenuifolium. 8. P. crassifolium, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.28. A shrub or small tree; branches erect ; twigs, leaves below, petioles and inflorescence densely clothed with a thick white or buff tomentum. Leaves alternate, narrow-obovate or linear-obovate or oblong, obtuse, quite entire, 2-3 in. long, very coriaceous, margins recurved. Inflorescence terminal, usually a peduncled, simple umbel, sometimes reduced to a fascicle or a single flower ; bracts broadly ovate, ciliate, imbricate. Flower nearly 2 in. long. Sepals linear-oblong, with white tomentum. Petals narrow, deep-purple. Capsule very variable in size, nearly globose, 2—4-lobed and -valved, downy. Northern Islaud: not uncommon, Banks and Solander, ete. Pittosporum.] V. PITTOSPORER. 21 9. P. umbellatum, Banks and Sol. ;—¥Fl. N. Z. i. 24. A small tree, 20-30 ft. high, everywhere glabrous, except the under sides and petioles of the young leaves, peduncles, and calyces, which are covered with silky fulvous hairs; branches whorled. Leaves alternate, coriaceous, bright green, 2-3 in. long, obovate- or lanceolate-oblong, obtuse or acute, quite entire, narrowed into petioles 4} in. long. Flowers numerous, rather large, nearly } in. long, in terminal umbels or corymbs. Peduncles slender, 1 in. oan Sepals ovate- lanceolate. Petals linear-oblong, obtuse. Ovary pybescent. Capsule Hae 4-lobed, size of a hazel-nut, 2-valved ; valves woody, granulated on e surface. Northern Island: common about the Bay of Islands and elsewhere, Banks and Solander, etc. : 10. P. eugenioides, 4. Cunn.;—Fl. N. Zi. 28. A small, branching tree, 20-30 feet high, everywhere quite glabrous, except the inflorescence and at times the youngest leaves, which may have a few scattered silky hairs ; branches often whorled. Leaves 2-4 in. long, usually elliptical, acute, nar- rowed into long petioles, rarely broader and obovate, quite entire, undu- lated or crisped, rather coriaceous, with numerous fine veins. Flowers 344 in. diam., fragrant, dicecious (more or less), males with large anthers and longer filaments, collected in branched, many-flowered corymbs, with diverging, slender peduncles and pedicels; bracteoles setaceous. Sepals very variable, ovate, acuminate, glabrous. Petals narrow and spreading, recurved. Capsules numerous, small, } in. long, ovoid, acute, glabrous, 2--3-valved.— P. elegans, Raoul, Choix, 25; P. microcarpum, Putterlich. Common on the east coast throughout the islands, as far south as Otago, Banks and So- lander, etc. “‘ Bark white, resinous; wood white, soft, worthless, even fur firewood,” Buchanan, ll. P. cornifolium, 4. Cunn.;—Fi. N. Z.i.23. A small slender shrub, 2-4 ft. high, with forked or whorled branches, everywhere glabrous, except the young shoots and inflorescence, which present a few long silky hairs. Leaves 1-2 in. long, whorled, obovate or elliptic-lanceolate, shortly petioled, quite entire and glabrous, coriaceous. Flowers polygamous, on very slender, terminal, 1-2-flowered peduncles, dingy red, 4 in. long; peduncles pilose, of the males $-1 in., female 3-3 in. long. Sepals very narrow, subulate. Petals as narrow, with slender tips. Capsule 4 in. long, broadly oblong or obcordate, compressed ; valves yellow inside, coriaceous. Seeds large.—Bot. Mag. t. 3161. Northern Island: eastern and southern coasts, common, Bunks and Solander, etc.: always (?) growing epiphytically on trunks of forest-trees. 12. P. pimeleoides, 2. Cunn.;—FI.N.Z.i. 25. A very slender, branched shrub, 3-5 ft. high; branches, young leaves, and inflorescence loosely pilose. Leaves spreading, whorled, 1 in. long, }-} in. wide, rather membranous, linear-oblong, obtuse or acute, quite entire. Flowers small, terminal, solitary or few; peduncles 1-flowered, very slender, }-1 in. long. Sepals subulate. Petals very slender, yellow-red. Capsule small, quite like that of P. refleaum. —P. crenulatum, Putterlich, Synops. Pittosp. 15. Worthern Island: on dry hills at the Bay of Islands. I have restored the var. reflerum 22 V. PITTOSPOREE. [Pittosporum. of Fl. N. Z., as a different species, but with some doubts; better specimens are wanted of both. Orver VI. CARYOPHYLLEZ. Herbs, with opposite, quite entire or minutely serrulate leaves. Flowers hermaphrodite. Sepals 4 or 5, free or connate, imbricate. Petals 4 or 5 or 0, hypogynous or perigynous. Stamens 4, 5, 8, or 10, inserted with the petals, sometimes seated on or between the lobes of an annular disk. Ovary 1-celled, bearing many (rarely few) ovules on a free central or basal placenta ; styles 2-5, free or connate, stigmatose at the apex or Inner face. Capsule many-seeded, splitting into as many, or twice as many, valves as styles. Seeds with farinaceous albumen, and a usually curved terete embryo. A very large Order, abounding in temperate and cold climates, of which a few foreign species are shrubby. Trise I, Sileneve.—Sepals connate into a tubular calyx. Calyx turbinate or campanulate. Stamens 10. Styles2. . . . . 1. GyPsoPHita. TRIBE II. Alsineze.—Sepals free. Petals bifid. Styles3. StipulesO. . . . . 1. - . + + + 2 STELLARIA. Petals 0. Styles 4to5. StipnlesO . « . . . . . . « + ~ 8, ConoBantuus. Petals entire. Styles 3. Stipoles scarious . . . . . . . . . 4 SPERGULARIA. 1. GYPSOPHILA, Linn. Annual (or perennial) herbs, with small paniculate flowers.—Calyx more or less campanulate, 5-fid, usually 5-nerved. Petals 5, with a narrow claw, and entire or emarginate blade. Stamens 10, at the base of a small torus. Ovary many-ovuled; styles 2. Capsules ovoid or globose, 4-5-valved. Seeds laterally attached. A large S. European genus, of which the following is the only representative in the southern hemisphere. 1. G. tubulosa, Boiss. ;—/l. N. Z. ii. 325. A small, much dichoto- mously-branched, glandular-pubescent annual, 4-5 in. high; stems slender, terete, erect. Leaves subulate, hardly acute, rigid. Peduncles slender, axil- lary, 1-flowered, 3-3 in. long, diverging in fruit. Flowers small, 3 in. long. Calyx tubular-campanulate, with 5 green ribs, 5-toothed. Petals narrow, linear, retuse or bifid, longer than the calyx. Capsule 5-valved at the tip, exserted, Seeds transversely rugose, with deep impressions. Northern Island: east coast, Ahuriri, Raukawa, Cape Palliser, aud Hawke’s Bay, Colenso. Middle Island: Rangitata valley, Sinclair and Haast. Tarndale plain, 4000 ft., Travers. Moraines round Lake Okau, amongst grass, Haast ; Otago, abundant everywhere in grassy plains, Hector and Buchanan. Not wocommon in South Australia, where it was discovered by Brown. Originally described from Asia Minor, and found nowhere but in that country, Australia, and New Zealand; it is worth observing whether it is rapidly increasing, for if so it is probably an importation. 2. STELLARIA, Linn. Erect or decumbent herbs, annual (or perennial), with flat or acerose leaves, and axillary or fascicled white flowers. Sepals 5, spreading. Petals 5, bifid, or 0, Stamens 10 or fewer, hypogynous, or seated on an annular disk. Styles Stellaria.] VI. CARYOPHYLLES. 23 3; ovules few or many. Capsule globose oblong or ovoid, splitting into 3 bifid or 6 valves. Seeds often muricate. A very large genus in Britain, and the temperate and cold regions of both hemispheres generally, Creeping. Leaves suborbicular. Sepals subulate . . . . . . . 1. S. parviflora, Minute, creeping or ascending. Leaves oblong or linear . . . . . 2. S. elatinoides. Decumbent. Leaves ovate or obovate. Sepalsblunt . . . . . . 8. &. decipiens. Erect. Sepals very large. Leaveslinear. . . . . . . . » « 4 8. Roughii. Erect, rigid. Leaves acerose, with recurved margins ‘ . 5. 8 gractlenta. 1. S. parviflora, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 25. A very slender, pale green, flaccid herb, with prostrate, wiry, creeping stems and branches, a span long and upwards, wholly glabrous except a few hairs on the petioles. Leaves 3-3 in. long, nearly orbicular, acute, rarely cordate at the base, longer than the petioles. Peduncles axillary, shorter than the leaves, 1— 2-flowered, 2-bracteolate about the middle. Flowers minute, jy in. diam. Sepals 5, subulate-lanceolate or oblong, acuminate, with white scarious mar- gins. Petals 0 or 5, shorter than the petals. Stamens 5 or 10. Capsule as long or longer than the sepals, 6-valved to the middle. Seeds about 8, pale brown, deeply pitted and reticulated. Northern and Middle Islands: not uncommon in woods, Banks and Solander, ete. ; and ascending to 5000 ft. on the Wairau, mountains, Travers. Allied to the ‘Tasmanian 8. flaccida, . 2. S. elatinoides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 25. A very small, glabrous, tufted, pale-green herb. Stems 3-1 in. long, erect or creeping, very slen- der or rather stout. Leaves j!;—1 in. long, oblong or linear, subacute, nar- rowed into a short petiole. Flowers; in. diam., axillary, solitary, sessile. or on short peduncles, large for the size of the plant. Sepals ovate-lanceo- late or subulate, acuminate, with white scarious margins. Petals 0. Sta- mens 5 or 10. Capsule globose, as long as the sepals, 6-valved to the middle. Seeds 2—6, large, grossly tubercled. Northern Island: grassy banks on the east coast, Cape Kidnapper, Hawke’s Bay, Lake Rotoatara, etc., Colenso. Closely allied to the Tasmanian S. multiflora, Hook., but much smaller in all its parts, and with flowers sessile or almost so. 3. S. decipiens, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 27. A glabrous, laxly tufted, weak, decumbent, pale green, branching herb. Leaves j-} in. long, ovate or obovate, acuminate, narrowed into a broad, somewhat ciliate petiole. Peduneles axillary, 1-3-flowered, 2-bracteolate in the middle, shorter or longer than the leaves. Flowers larger than in 8. parviflora and elatinoides. Sepals oblong-ovate, obtuse or subacute, quite glabrous. Petals 0 or 5, small. siete Jsland. The Northern Island plant without ? d Gampbell’s Island. The Northern Island plant withou ee eee A. N. Ze : oe probably a form of S. parviflora. Closely allied to the S. media of Europe, which is naturalized abundantly in some parts of New Zealand, ‘fering in the axillary 1-flowered peduncles, and absence of a pubescent line on the isis kia allied to the Tasmanian S. flaccida, but the flowers are much smaller, pe- duncles short, and sepals glabrous and not acuminate. 4. S. Roughii, Hook. f.,. sp. A short, much-branched, glabrous, suc- culent, erect or straggling green herb, 2-4 in. high. Leaves 3-4 in. long, fleshy, linear, acuminate, l-nerved. Flowers large, 3-2 in. diam., terminal, a4 Vil. CARYOPHYLLESE. [Stellaria. solitary, on short, stout peduncles. Sepals very large, lanceolate, acuminate, with 3 thick nerves. Petals much smaller than the sepals. Capsule sub- globose, much shorter than the sepals, 6-valved to the base. Seeds about 6, very large, pale brown, covered densely with long papillee. Middle Island; Nelson mountains, Rough ; Mount Torlesse, on shingle beds, alt. 4-6000 ft., Haast ; shingle slips, Wairau Gorge, alt. 4-6500 ft., Travers. A very singular species, easily recognized by its large green flowers, quite unlike any other in habit. 5. S. gracilenta, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. ii. 326. A wiry, rigid, loosely- tufted species, with subérect, nodose, scabrid stems, 2-4 in. high, and very long peduncles. Leaves opposite, each node bearing also a small fascicle of leaves, 3 in. long, subulate or linear, curved, obtuse or acute, glabrous, shining, the margins revolute to the midrib, leaving a deep furrow between them. Peduncles axillary in the upper leaves, solitary, 1-flowered, 1-4 in. long, erect, wiry, 2-bracteolate in the middle. Flower } in. diam. Sepals linear- oblong, obtuse, with white, very broad, scarious margins. Petals 5. Capsule cylindric-oblong, much longer than the sepals, 6-valved to the base. Seeds 8 to 10, yellow-brown, densely covered with long papillose hairs. Middle Island: Nelson, Bidwill ; Tarndale, Sinclair, Travers ; Kowai valley, Haast ; Manuka Island, Munro; Lake Tennyson, alt. 4400 ft., Travers; Otago, alt. 2000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A very peculiar species, at once recognized by its rigid, wiry habit, narrow leaves, and very long, erect, slender peduncles. S. media, Sm., the common English “ Chickweed,” is naturalized in many parts of New Zeajand, and in Lord Auckland’s Island. It may be distinguished from its very uear con- gener, S. decipiens, by the pubescent line on the stem and more panicled inflorescence. ‘The seeds are black and ‘tubercled. 3. COLOBANTHUS, Bariling. Usually- densely-tufted, rigid, green herbs, with subulate, opposite leaves, and solitary green flowers on short or long terminal scapes or peduncles.—Se- pals 4 or 5, coriaceous, erect. Petals 0. Stamens 4 or 5, perigynous, alter- nate with the sepals. Styles 4 or 6, opposite the sepals. Capsule ovoid, many-seeded. A southern genus; found only in Australia, New Zealand, the Andes of South America, and Antarctic regions. Leaves hardly rigid, 4-3 in. with acute tips. Flower 4-merous . . 1. C. quitensis. Leaves rigid, long, 4~14 in. with acicular tips. Flower 5-merous . . 2. C. Billardieri. Leaves very short, 3 in., subulate, with acicular tips +. . . 8. C. subulatus. Leaves 4 in., polished, subulate, with very long acicular points 4. C. acicularis. Leaves very short, 3 in., linear, with obtuse tips aes 5. C. muscoides. 1. ©. quitensis, Bartl. A small, glabrous, perennial, much-branched, tufted, green herb, 1-2 in. high. Leaves chiefly radical, 3-3 in. long, subu- late, acute but not acicular (or very rarely so) at the tips, concave above, convex on the back, quite entire. Scapes longer or shorter than the leaves, usually very short. Flowers 4-merous, 3 in. long. Sepals ovate, blunt, rarely acicular at the tip. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Travers ; clefts of rocks on the Kowai river, alt. 1500 ft., Haast. Except in the rather smaller leaves, I can find no distinction between this and the S, American plant, which is found along the Andes from Mexico to Cape Horn, and also in Amsterdam Island in the S. Indian Ocean. It is very riearly allied to C. Bil- . Colobanthus.] VI. CARYOPHYLLEE. 25 lardieri, but that is a more rigid plaut, with 5-merous flowers and acicular tips to the leaves and sepals. I have an alpine Tasmanian state of C. Bil/ardieri, with foliage and sepals of C. quitensis, but pentamerous flowers. I suspect all are varieties of one plant. 2. C. Billardieri, Fenzl ;— Fi: N. Z.i.27. A small, quite glabrous, often tufted plant, with numerous subulate, spreading or recurved radical leaves and long peduncles; rarely low, densely tufted, with shorter leaves and scapes, Leaves usually }-14 in. long, like those of C. guitensis, but with acicular tips. Peduncles often 2 in. long. Flowers 3-4 in. long, green, usually 5-merous. Sepals ovate, with acicular apices, longer or shorter than the capsule.—Spergula affinis, Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 266; S. apetala, Labill. Fl. Nov. Holl. t. 142. Common throughout the islands, especially in alpine or hilly districts, Colenso, ete. Campbell’s 1 land, J.D. H. Small varieties closely resemble the preceding. Abundant in Victoria and Tasmania. 3. ©. subulatus, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 13 and 247. 1.93. A small, moss-like, densely czespitose, perfectly glabrous plant, with subulate, rigid, shining leaves, forming tufts about 1 in. high. Leaves densely imbricated, about 2 in. long, with acicular points, grooved above, convex on the back. Peduncles very short. Flowers hidden amongst the leaves. Sepals 4 or 5, ovate-subulate, with acicular apices, rigid. Middle Island: Awatere valley, and rocky places, Sinclair range, alt. 4000 ft., Sezclazr ond Haast ; Otago, Lake district, Hector and Buchanan; Campbell’s Island, J. D. H. Also found in the alps of Victoria, and abundantly in Autaretic America. 4. C. acicularis, Hook. f.,.sp. A small, moss-like, densely czespitose, shining, rigid, glabrous plant, forming tufts 1-2 in. high. Leaves densely imbricated all round, } in. long, like those of C. sududatus, but paler, more shining, much larger, and with much longer acicular points. Flowers almost sessile, shorter than the leaves. Sepals 5, like the leaves, longer than the capsule. Middle Island: dry rocky places, Wairau Gorge, alt. 4-5500 ft, Travers ; Otago, Lake district, abundant, Hector and Buchanan. 5. ©. muscoides, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 14. A perfectly glabrous, moss-like, densely tufted, bright green plant, soft and rather flaccid in texture, forming large patches. Stems most densely matted. Leaves densely imbri- cated, patent, about 2 in. long, linear, obtuse, rather dilated at the base, green, soft. Peduncles extremely short. Flowezs minute, sunk amongst the leaves, 4-merous. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, concave, green. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island: rocks near the sea, J. D. H. 4, SPERGULARIA, Persoon. Spreading, dichotomously-branched, perennial herbs, with linear leaves, scarious stipules, and white or rose-coloured peduncled flowers.—Sepals 5, spreading. Petals 5, obtuse, or 0. Stamens 5 or 10, hypogynous. Ovary subglobose ; styles 3. Capsule 3-valved. Seeds compressed, often winged. A small British genus, of which species are scattered over many temperate and warm parts of the globe, especially near the sea, and in waste places. ‘ 1. S. rubra, Pers., var. marina.—4renaria media, Linn.; Fl. N. Z. i. 26. Avrather succulent, excessively-branched, prostrate or suberect, annua! 26 Vi, CARYOPHYLLER. [Spergularia. herb, with perennial root, more or less pubescent with viscid down. Stems and branches terete, 1 in. to a span long. Leaves linear, 3-1 in. long, quite entire. Flowers numerous, axillary and terminal, on long, slender pe- duncles, 3-1 in. long, which are often patent or reflexed. Flowers very variable in size, 34 in. long. Sepals green with a white membranous border. Petals shorter than the sepals, sessile, often very pale. Stamens 5. Seeds with a broad membranous wing. Common on the shore throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, etc. Also found under various forms in all temperate and many tropical localities. = There are several Caryophylleous weeds iutroduced into New Zealand, especially from Europe, besides the Stel/aria media, mentioned under that genus; the chief of these are :— Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Linn. A small, tufted annual, with opposite and 4-nate obovate or oblong leaves, small green flowers, 5 sepals, small entire petals, 3 stamens, a short 3-fid style, and 3-valved capsule.—Bay of Islands, Auckland, etc., introduced preably from Aus- tralia, where it is common, as it is in many other parts of the world. Cerastium. A genus of very common, erect or straggling, hairy European weeds, having small, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate leaves and white flowers, 5 sepals, 5 notched or 2-fid petals, 10 stamens, 5 styles, and a tubular membranous capsule, opening at the top by 10 teeth ; two species C. viscosum, Linn., and C. glomeratum, are abundant weeds of cultivation. Spergula arvensis, Linu. An annual weed, with slender stems, bearing whorls of linear — and cymes of white flowers, 5 sepals petals and styles, 10 stamens and a 5-valyed capsule. Orver VII. PORTULACEA. Herbs, usually glabrous, often succulent, with opposite (rarely alternate) exstipulate (rarely stipulate) leaves and hermaphrodite flowers.—Sepals 2 or 3, imbricate. Petals 4 or 5, free or connate at the base, hypogynous, imbri- cated. Stamens 5 or fewer, often adnate to the base of the petals. Ovary 1- celled ; style more or less deeply 2-8-fid, the arms stigmatose on the inner face; ovules several or many, in the base of the cell. Capsule mem- branous, with as many valves as styles, and one or many seeds.- Seeds with a crustaceous testa, farinaceous albumen, and terete curved embryo.. A considerable Order, most abundant in America. The typi i vated for salad) has a half-inferior ovary. a5 Feehan leet Gilde Leaves opposite or in pairs. Stamens 5, opposite the petals. Capsule 3- ormany-seeded . 2, 7... DL, 1. Ciaryront a epnosite, Stamens 3-5, opposite the petals. Capsule 1-8- ‘ = ROCCE Gia BS Rae ca eae Je a BO tae uae ey ‘ Leaves densely imbricate. Stamens 5, alternate with petals . 2. , : ae 1, CLAYTONIA, Linn. Herbs with opposite alternate or fasciculate le 1 aves, and racemose or soli- tary flowers.—Sepals 2, herbaceous. Petals 5, united at the very ince free. Stamens 5, adnate to and opposite to the petals. Ovary man: -ovuled Capsule 3-valved, 3- or more seeded. y : A large North American genus, of which the f ing i hemisphere species, ioiatiae in euaparate sue Enea ee cee ones 1. C. australasica, Hook. /. ;—¥Fl. N. Z.i.78. A glabrous, slender, Claytonia.] VII, PORTULACEZ. 27 creeping, rather succulent, tender herb, extremely variable in size. Leaves solitary or in distant pairs, narrow-linear or linear-spathulate, 2-2 in. long, quite entire, pale green, obtuse, nerveless, the petioles dilating into mem- branous stipules at the base. Scapes axillary, solitary, 1-flowered, erect, usually shorter than the leaves. Tlowers pure white, very variable in size, 4-4 in. diam.—Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 293. Middle Island: boggy places, probably common; Milford Sound, Lyall; Otago, Lindsay ; near Lake Tennyson, Mating ; Southern Alps, Haast; Mount Alta, ascendin to 5000 feet, Hector and Buchanan. 7 2, MONTTA, Linn. A small, annual, branched or simple, usually tufted, glabrous herb, with opposite, rather fleshy, spathulate leaves, and small, white, axillary, peduncled flowers.—Sepals 2 (rarely 3). Petals 5, connate at the base. Stamens usually 3 or 5, opposite the petals and adnate to them. Ovary and capsule asin Claytonia, but only 1—-3-seeded. A British genus, found in many parts of the north and south temperate zone. l. M. fontana, Linn. ;—FI. N. Z.i. 74. A glabrous, slender, branching, weak, bright green marsh or water plant, very variable in size. Stems 1-12 in. high. Leaves 3-1 in. long, from elliptical ovate to linear-lanceolate, sub- acute, quite entire. Flowers about 4 in. broad. Common in watery places throughout the alpine parts of the Northern and the Middle Islands, and in Campbell’s Island; also found in Tasmania, Kerguelen’s Land, and throughout temperate Western North America and South America, ete.; Europe, Labrador, i: Greenland, but not in eastern temperate North America, central Asia, nor in the Hima- aya. 8. HECTORELLA, Hook. f., 2. g. A small, densely tufted, glabrous, moss-like plant. Leaves most densely imbricated all round the stem, coriaceous, entire. Flowers almost sessile amongst the uppermost leaves, white-—Sepals 2, short, concave, truncate, continuous with the very short, broad, flat pedicel. Petals 5, united at the very base, erect, veined, obtuse, thickened below the tip. Stamens 5, inserted on the tube of the corolla, alternate with its petals; filaments as long as the petals; anthers linear-oblong, 2-celled. Ovary ovoid, membranous, veined, narrowed into an erect style; stigmas 1-3, linear, thickened, papillose in- ternally ; ovules 4-5, erect from the base of the cell, amphitropous, funicle slender. Fruit unknown. A remarkable genus, allied to no other, but approaching in habit Lyallia, of Kerguelen’s Land. Named in compliment to Dr. Hector, ¥.G.S., during whose adventurous expedition to the Otago alps it was discovered. 1. H. ceespitosa, Hook. f. Stemg 1-1} in. high, most densely tufted, and with the leaves on them nearly as thick as the little finger. Leaves ex- cessively numerous and closely imbricate, spreading, broadly triangular-ovate, 2 in. long, much dilated and membranous below the middle, coriaceous above with thickened margins and keel; veins reticulated. Flowers several from amongst the leaves at the tips of the stems, nearly ¢ in. long, white. Middle Island: Otago, Lake dis.rict, alt. 4--60C0 feet, Hector and Buchanan. 28 VIII. ELATINES. Orver VIII. ELATINEA. Small water-plants, rarely shrubs, mostly prostrate, with usually opposite stipulate leaves. Flowers small or minute, hermaphrodite, regular.—Sepals 9-5, free, imbricate. Petals 2—5, free, hypogynous, imbricate. Disk 0. Stamens as many as the petals or twice as many, hypogynous, free. Ovary free, 2—-5-celled ; styles 2-5, stigmas capitate; ovules numerous in the angles of the cells. Capsule septicidal, the valves falling away and leaving the seeds attached to a central column. Seeds straight or curved, with terete embryo and no albumen. A small Order, scattered over various parts of the world, as is the only New Zealand genus. 1. ELATINE, Linn. Aquatic, creeping, glabrous, small herbs, with pellucid-dotted leaves, and minute, axillary, solitary flowers.—Sepals membranous, obtuse. Ovary globose. Capsule membranous, the septa either disappearing or persistent on the axis. Seeds oblong or cylindrical, longitudinally striated and transversely wrinkled. The species are found in ponds, lakes, etc., in various parts of the world, inclading Britain. 1. E. americana, drnott ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 27. A minute, glabrous, prostrate, matted aquatic. Stem rather succulent, creeping, sometimes elon- gated, and 1-8 in. long. Leaves small, }—3 in. long, obovate-oblong, obtuse, quite entire, shortly petioled. Flowers minute, sessile, 3-merous. Cal persistent. Capsule with the septa disappearing. Seeds slightly curved. — AF. gratioloides, A. Cunn. Northern Island, probably common: bogs at Hokianga, R. Cunningham ; also found in Tasmania and Australia, the Feejee Islands and North and South America. Orver IX. HYPERICINEA. Herbs shrubs or trees, with opposite, simple, quite entire or glandular- toothed, often pellucid-dotted, exstipulate leaves. Flowers regular, herma- phrodite—Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, hypogynous, imbricate. Disk 0. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous, free or polyadelphous, filaments filiform. Ovary 3—5-celled, or 1-celled with inflexed margins to the carpels; styles as many as carpels, filiform, free or connate, stigmas terminal; ovules nu- merous, in 2 series in the axis of the cells, or on the inflexed edges of the car- pels. Fruit usually capsular. ‘Seeds exalbuminous. A large Order, widely distributed, as is the only New Zealand genns, which is also a British one. 1. HYPERICUM, Linn. Sepals and petals 5. Stamens very numerous, all free or connected into bundles. Ovary 1- or 3-5-celled. Capsule septicidal. Seeds not winged, with a straight embryo. Erect. Leaves snbeordate, with revolute margins . . . . . . « 1. H. gramineum. Procitmbent. Leaves oblong or obovate. . . - . - « « « « & Hi Japonicum. _ypericum.] IX. HYPERICINER. 29 1. Hi. gramineum, Furst. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 86. An erect or ascending, rather wiry, quite glabrous, perennial-rooted herb, branching from the root, with 4-angled branches, 6 to 12 in. high, slender and sparingly leafy. Leaves small, } to 1 in. long, sessile, cordate, oblong, obtuse, quite entire, black- dotted, margins usually revolute. Flowers subsolitary or in 38-chotomous terminal cymes, } to % in. across, on rather stout, erect, rigid peduncles. Sepals oblong or ovate, obtuse or acute, black-dotted, quite entire. Petals longer than the calyx, golden-yellow, curling inwards as they wither. Stamens nearly free. Capsule ovoid, acute, longer or shorter than the sepals.—Labill. Fi. Austr. Caled. t. 53.—Brathys Forsteri, Spach: Common in grassy places throughout the islands, Bazks and Solander, etc. ; also fre- quent in temperate Australia, New Caledonia, and the hilly country of India. 2. H. japonicum, Thun. ;—Fi. N. Z. i. 37. A much smaller plant than H. gramineum, with prostrate branches, broader, flat leaves, smaller, often sessile flowers, having broader, more obtuse sepals, aud shorter, rounder capsules; but apparently intermediate forms occur both in New Zealand, Australia, and India, in all which countries both occur, and 1 suspect they are the extreme forms of one variable species— HZ. pusillum, Choisy; A. Cunn. Prodr.; Ascyrum humifusum, Labill. Fl. Nov. Holl. ii. t. 175. Abundant in moist, grassy places, etc., throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. Also found in many parts of temperate and subtropical Asia. A very similar and perhaps identical plant, inhabits the west coasts of temperate North aud South America. Orpen X. MALVACEZ. Herbs shrubs or trees, with (usually) tough fibrous inner bark, alter- nate stipulate leaves, and stellate hairs. Flowers usually hermaphrodite, regular and large.—Calyx 5-lobed, lobes valvate. Petals 5, hypogynous, usually connate at the base, adnate to the staminal tube, imbricate. Disk 0 or a small torus. Stamens very numerous, their filaments united into a tube ; anthers often reniform, 1-celled. Ovary of 1 or more free or connate 1- or many-ovuled carpels, whorled round and adnate with the torus; styles as many as carpels, connate below, filiform above. Fruit of one or more inde- hiscent or 2-valved cocci, or capsular. Seeds often hairy; albumen little or none ; cotyledons large, folded. A very large Order, abundant both in the tropics and temperate zones, to which the Mal- low, Lavatera, Hollyhock, Cotton, and many other well-known cultivated New Zealand garden plants belong. Bracts 0 or small. Stigmas longitudinal. Ovules solitary . . . . 1. PLAGIANTHUS, Bracts 0 or small. Stigmas capitate. Ovules solitary . . . . . 2 HOHERIA. Bracts large. Stigmas capitate. Ovoles2tomany . . . . . . 8. Hipiscus, 1. PLAGIANTHUS, Forst. Shrubs or small trees, with very tough inner bark. Flowers uni- or bi- sexual.—Bracts 0, or small and distant from the calyx. Calyx 5-toothed or 5-fid. Staminal tube divided above into many short or long filaments. Ovary of 1 free, or many more or less united, 1-ovuled carpels ; styles filiform or club-shaped, combined below, stigmatiferous towards the apex along the 30 X. MALVACEE. [Plagianthus. inner face. Fruit of 1 indehiscent or irregularly bursting carpel, or of many whorled round an axis. Seed pendulous. A genus confined to Australia and New Zealand. Leaves small, linear, Peduncles 1-flowered. Carpelslor2 . . . 1. P. divaricatus, Leaves ovate, serrate. Panicles many-flowered. Carpel solitary . . 2. P. betulinus. Leaves ovate-cordate, serrate. Peduncles 1-flowered. Carpelsmany . 3. P. Lyalliz. 1. P. divaricatus, Forst. ;—Fl. N.Z.i.29. A rigid, glabrous, much- branched shrub, with slender spreading tough branches, small fascicled leaves, and minute white flowers, succeeded by small globose capsules. Leaves 3-$ in. long, narrow-linear or subcuneate, obtuse, quite entire, 1-nerved. Flowers in axillary fascicles or 1-flowered peduncles, shorter than the leaves, minutely bracteolate near the base. Calyx hemispherical, glabrous. Petals concave, oblong, small. Staminal tube with 6-10 large sessile anthers. Capsules size of a peppercorn, globose, rarely didymous, oblique, downy, bursting ir- regularly.—Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3271. Abundant in salt marshes throughout the islands as far south as Akaroa, Banks and So- lander, etc. 2. P. betulinus, .4. Cunn.;—Hi. N. Z.i. 29. A lofty tree, attaining 40-70 ft., when young a straggling bush with variable leaves. Leaves of young plants 3-3 in. long, ovate-rounded, variously crenate and lobed, in full-grown 1-2 in. long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, rounded or cuneate at the base, coarsely crenate-serrate, or obtusely doubly serrate, mem- branous, covered on both surfaces with small stellate hairs and reticulate venation ; petiole slender. Panicles terminal, much branched, very many flowered, stellate-tomentose. Flowers small, + in. broad, white, on slender ebracteolate pedicels. Calyx campanulate. Petals linear-oblong, narrower in the male flowers. Staminal tube long, slender, exserted in the male, bear- ing many shortly-pedicelled anthers. Carpel 1. Capsule small, ovoid, acuminate, splitting down one side, 1-seeded.—P. detulinus and urticinus, A. Cunn.; Philippodendron regium, Poit. in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. ii. 8. t. 3. Abundant in forests throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete., as far south as Otago. “ Ribbon-tree of Otago, wood worthless,” Buchanan. 3. P. Lyallii, Hook. {—Hoheria Lyallii, F\.N. Z.i.31.t.11. A small branching tree, 20-30 ft. high, with the young branches, inflorescence, and leaves below covered with white stellate down. Leaves 2-4 in. long, ovate- cordate, acuminate, deeply doubly crenate, glabrous above; petioles 2-12 in. Flowers large, 3 in. broad, white, axillary ; peduncles 1-flowered, soli- tary or fascicled, ebracteolate, about as long as the petioles. Calyx broadly campanulate. Petals obliquely obovate-cuneate, obscurely notched on one side towards the apex. Staminal tube short, with many long filiform filaments. Ovary about ]0-celled ; style slender, divided into as many filiform branches, stigmatose on the inner surface towards the apex. Fruit a depressed sphere, breaking up into 10 compressed reniform membranous carpels. Seed much compressed. In mountain districts throughout the Middle Island, from Nelson to Milford Sound ; western districts of Otago, fringing the Fagus forest, Hector and Buchanan. Mr. Haast informs me that this forms a deciduous tree at and above 3000 ft., but is evergreen below Plagianthus.] X. MALVACER. 31 that level; in autumn its naked branches and yellow foliage give a peculiar colour to the landscape at the higher elevation. 2. HOHERIA, A. Cunn. Small trees, with alternate, petioled, excessively variable, pellucid-dotted foliage, and fascicled, axillary, white, hermaphrodite flowers. Peduncles jointed in the middle. Bracts 0.—Calyx with a broad cup-shaped tube and 5 teeth. Petals linear-oblong, obtuse, oblique. Stamens 5-adelphous. Ovary 5-celled ; styles 5, filiform, stigmas capitate. Carpels (unknown in H. Sinelairii) laterally quite flat, whorled round a central axis, from which they fall away when ripe, indehiscent, crested at the back with a membranous wing. Seed pendulous. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or linear-oblong, sharply toothed . . . . . 1. . populnea. Leaves broadly ovate, bluntly serrate ea s 2. H. Sinclairiz. 1. H. populnea, 4. Cunun. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 30. Tree 10-80 ft. high, branches hoary. Leaves glabrous, excessively variable in size, shape and toothing, 2-5 in. long, ovate or lanceolate, generally sharply or coarsely double-toothed or serrate. Flowers abundantly produced, snow-white, gla- brous or hoary, 3-2 in. diam. Carpels produced backwards and upwards into a wing.—Hook. Ic. Pl, t. 565, 566. Var. a, vulgaris. Leaves ovate, with large sharp teeth. Var. B. lanceolata. Leaves linear or oblong-lanceolate, toothed or serrate. Var. y. angustifolia. Leaves small, linear-oblong, spinulose-toothed. Flowers small. HT. angustifolia, Raoul, Choix, 48. t. 26. Var. 3. crategifolia, Leaves ovate, variously lobed and toothed. Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. The bark affords a demul- cent drink, and is also used for cordage, etc. 2. H. Sinclairii, Hook./., x. sp. Larger in all its parts than H. populnea, and-readily distinguished by its broadly ovate, acute, obtusely serrate, cori- aceous, glabrous leaves. The peduncles are usually binate, and shorter than the petioles. It much resembles Plagianthus Lyallii, but the leaves are not cordate, more serrate, the peduncles jointed in the middle, stigmas capitate, and carpels 5. Northern Island: near Auckland ?, Stzclair. I find this fine species amongst some Auckland plants, sent without localities by Dr. Sinclair. 8. HIBISCUS, Linn. Usually erect herbs, with often lobed leaves and handsome hermaphrodite flowers. Bracts numerous (or few) below the calyx, free or connate.—-Calyx 5-fid or 5-toothed. Petals usually cuneate, oblique, soon withering. Sta- minal tube long, 5-toothed at the mouth, below which the filaments are in- serted. Ovary 5-celled, with 5 spreading styles and terminal stigmas; cells 8- or many-ovuled. Capsule 5-valved, loculicidal. Seeds glabrous or woolly. A very large tropical genus, containing many very handsome plants, some, as the Ochra (4. esculentus), yielding an esculent fruit, others (H. cannabinus), cordage; a few are trees, some climb. 1. H. Trionum, Linn. ;—F1.N.Z.i.28. A hispid annual, often branched; stem almost woody below, erect or with spreading branches, 1-2 ft. high. 32 X. MALVACEA. [Aibdiseus. Leaves petioled, cordate, palmately 3-5-lobed, lobes linear, often serrate or sinuate, the middle one longest. Bracts numerous, setaceous. — Flowers 4-1 in. diam., yellow with a purple eye. Calyx membranous, hispid, veined. Stamens few or many. Seeds dark-brown, wrinkled, glabrous. - Capsule hispid.—Bot. Mag. t. 209; H. vesicarius, Cav.; A. Cunn. Prodr. Scattered over the islands, and possibly introduced (A. Cunningham). Most common in the northern parts of the Northern Island, and certainly indigenous (Co/enso). Middle Island: South Wanganui, Zya/?. A very commoa Australian, Asiatic, and S. African plant, also found in S, Europe and elsewhere in the Old World. Orper XI. TILIACEA. (Including EvaocarPe2.) Trees or shrubs (rarely herbs) with often tough bark, alternate or opposite, often stipulate leaves. Flowers regular, hermaphrodite, rarely unisexual.— Sepals 4 or 5, free or connate, usually valvate. Petals 4 or 5, free, entire, lobed or ent. Torus generally conspicuous. Stamens usually numerous, free, inserted on the torus; filaments filiform; anthers 2-celled, often opening by terminal pores. Ovary sessile on the torus, 2-10-celled; style simple, usually divided at the apex into as many divisions as cells; ovules few or many, attached to the axis of the cells. Fruit very variable. Seeds generally with fleshy albumen, and broad, flat, thin cotyledons. A very large tropical and subtropical Order of plants, to which the English Lime-tree (Tika) belongs, together with the Indian Jute (Corchorus), valued for its fibre. Leaves alternate. Petals entire. Capsule echinate . . . . . . J. ENTELEa. Jieaves opposite. Petals crenate or lacerate. Berry 2-4-celled. . . 2. ABISTOTELIA. Leaves alternate. Petals lacerate. Drupe l-celled. . . . . . . 8, ELOCARPUS. 1. ENTELEA, Br. A small branching light-wooded tree, covered with stellate down, having large, alternate, 5-7-nerved, cordate, toothed stipulate leaves, and umbellate cymes of white flowers. —Sepals 4 or 5, free. Petals 4 or 5, undulate. Sta- mens very numerous, free, on a low torus, with filiform filaments and versatile anthers. Ovary 4—6-celled ; style simple, stigmatiferous at the toothed apex ; cells many-ovuled. Capsule globose, echinate with long rigid bristles, 4~6- valved, loculicidal. 1. BE. arborescens, Br. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 33. Leaves 4-8 in. long, on long petioles, oblique, often lobed irregularly and acutely, doubly or trebly crenate or serrate; stipules persistent. Flowers white, abundant, in erect cymes, bracteate at the axils, 2-1 in. diam., drooping. Sepals acuminate. Ovary hispid. Capsule the size of a hazel-nut, spines nearly 1 in. long. Seeds in two rows, albumen oily.—Bot. Mag. t. 2480; Apeiba australis, A. Rich. Flor. t. 34. Not rare throughout the Northern Island, Banks and Solander, etc. The genus is con- fined to New Zealand. : XI. TILIACES. 33 2. ARISTOTELIA, L’Héritier. Shrubs or trees, with opposite or subopposite, exstipulate leaves. Flowers usually wnisexual.—Sepals 4 or 5, valvate or subimbricate. Petals 4 or 5, lobed or crenate, rarely entire, sometimes minute. Stamens 4 or 5 or nume- rous, inserted on the glandular torus; filaments short; anthers with short terminal slits. Ovary 2-4-celled; style subulate, entire; cells 2-ovuled. Berry 2—4-celled, few- or many-seeded. Seeds often fleshy on the outside of the hard testa. , A small genus, with two Australian and Tasmanian, one Chilian, and the three following New Zealand species, Leaves large, membranons, pubescent. Racemes many-flowered . . . 1, A. racemosa. Leaves large, membranous, glabrous. Racemes many-flowered . . . 2. A. Colensoi. Leaves small, coriaceous, Flowersfew . . . . 3. A. fruticosa, 1. A. racemosa, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z. i. 33. A small handsome tree, 6-20 ft. high, with blackish bark and pubescent twigs. Leaves on long petioles, membranous, pubescent, variable in form, 3-5 in. long, ovate cor- date or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, deeply irregularly and acutely serrate, often red or purple beneath. Racemes panicled, axillary, many-flowered, peduncles and pedicels slender. Flowers dicecious, small, the males largest, 24 in. diam., nedding. Petals 4, 3-lobed, rosy, of the female flower very small, Stamens numerous, yellow, minutely hairy; anthers longer than the filaments. Ovary usually. 4-celled. Berry size of a pea, eaten by the natives. —Friesia racemosa, A. Cunn. Prodr.; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 601. Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. ‘‘ Wood white, very light, makes veneers,” Buchanan. : 2. A. Colensoi, Hook. f.,”. sp. Very similar in most respects to 4. ra- cemosa, but differing in the much narrower, perfectly glabrous leaves, which are ovate-lanceolate, narrowed into a long acuminate point, deeply irregularly serrate; and the small fruit, which is no bigger than a peppercorn. The seeds are as in 4. racemosa. I have seen no flowers. Morthern Island: woods in the Wairarapa valley, Coleuso. 8. A, fruticosa, Hook, f. Fl. N. Z. i. 34. A small, rigid, erect or decumbent shrub, with woody tortuous branches, and erect or spreading downy shoots, with red-brown bark. Leaves very variable, on short, downy or glabrous petioles, coriaceous, 3-1 in. long, ovate obovate or linear-ob- Jong, obtuse, entire crenate toothed serrate or lobed. Flowers - minute, usually solitary and axillary, rarely racemose ; peduncles usually short. Petals 4, very short or as long as the calyx, entire or lobed, pink, shorter in the female. Stamens 4-6; filaments short; anthers downy. Ovary 2-4-celled. Berry globose, small, 4-6-seeded. Seed with a bony, rugged testa, covered with a thin pulp. Common. in mountain districts, alt. 2-4000 ft., throughout the islands, and varying greatly, @olenso, ete. Ihave made four varieties in the New Zealand flora, but they seem to be states determined by age and exposure, rather thau hereditary races; of these the var. B is possibly a very small form of 4. racemose. 3. ELMOCARPUS, Linn. Trees, generally hard-wooded, with the branches leafy at the extremity. VOL. I. D 34 XI, TILIACER. [Hleocarpus. Leaves generally alternate, exstipulate.—Flowers racemose, usually ee phrodite, pendulous. Sepals 4 or 5, valvate. Petals 4 or 5, laciniate, mau- . plicate-valvate. Stamens numerous, seated on a glandular torus ; filaments short, anthers long, awned, pubescent, opening by a short, terminal slit. Ovary 2-5-celled ; style subulate, stigma simple ; ovules 2 or more, pendu- lous, Drupe with one bony, 1- or several-celled nut, which is often tuber- cled or wrinkled. Seed pendulous. A very large tropical Asiatic, Australian, and Polynesian genus. Twigs silky. Leaves with recurved margins. » - + + + + * 1. E.dentatus. Twigs glabrous. Leaves flat . . - . . . 2 BE, Hookerranus. 1. BE. dentatus, Vahl ;—H. Hinau, A.Cunn.; FI.N. Z. i. 32. A small tree, with brown bark, which yields a permanent dye ; branches fastigiate at the top of the naked trunk, silky when young. Leaves erect, petioled, 2-3 in. long, very coriaceous and variable, linear-oblong obovate or lanceolate, ob- tuse or acuminate, margins recurved, sinuate-serrate, below often white with silky down, and with hollows where the veins meet the midrib, Racemes glabrous or silky, of many white pendulous flowers 5 in. diam. Petals lobed or lacerate, Anthers with a flat recurved tip. Drupe 3-3 in. long, ovoid, pulp astringent but eatable; stone deeply furrowed.—Hook. Ic. Pl, t. 602; #. Cunninghamii, Raoul, Choix, 25; Dicera dentata, Forst.; Hriostemon den- tatum, Colla, Hort. Rip. lii. t. 30. Common throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. ’ 2. E. Hookerianus, Raoul, Choiz, t. xxv.;—H. N. Z. i.32, Asmall, quite glabrous tree, 30-40 ft. high, like #. dentatus in habit, but smaller in all its parts, Leaves coriaceous, elliptical or linear-oblong, obtuse, 1}-2 in. long, margins flat, crenate or sinuate-serrate, those of young plants linear and pinnatifid ; petioles }-} in. long. Racemes erect, shorter than the leaves, with small, drooping, whitish flowers. Sepals lanceolate. Petals rather longer, unequally cleft into obtuse lobes. Anthers obtuser than in HZ. dentatus, Drupe small, blue, 3 in., with a furrowed rugose nut. Hilly and other parts of the Northern Island; and common on the Middle Island, Colenso, Raoul, ete. Ornvrr XII. LINEA. Herbs or uridershrubs, usually with entire, alternate leaves, and subrace- mose, handsome, hermaphrodite, regular flowers.—Sepals 5, free, imbricate. Petals 5, free, fugacious, contorted. Stamens 5, hypogynous; filaments united below into a cup, which has usually 5 minute glands at its base; anthers ver- satile. Ovary 3-b-celled; styles 3-5, stigmas terminal; cells 1-2-ovuled. Capsule splitting septicidally into indehiscent or dehiscent 1-2-seeded cocci. Seeds with scanty albumen or 0. A rather large Order, in temperate and tropical countries, of which the tnbe Eu/inee is chiefly temperate. The Flax, L. usitatissimum, belongs to the only N. Z. genus, which is a large European one. 1. LINUM, Linn. Glabrous herbs, with narrow, quite entire leaves, fibrous bark, and usually Linum.] XII. LINES. 35 large flowers.—Sepals 5, entire. Stamens alternating with 5 setiform pro- cesses of the staminal tube. Ovary 5-celled ; cells imperfectly divided by a longitudinal septum. Cocci 5, septate, 2-seeded, or 10, by each splitting along the septum. , 1. L. monogynum, Forst.;—77. N. Z. i. 28. A perennial, variable herb, sometimes woody at the base, simple or branched, 6-12 in. high, erect or decumbent. Leaves 3-1 in. long, oblong linear or linear-subulate, 1—3- nerved. Flowers numerous, white or pale-blue, very variable in size. Se- pals ovate-lanceolate, acute. Styles united, their free tips recurved. Capsule _ globose, of 10 cocci.—Bot. Mag. t. 3574, Var. a. grandiflorum. Erect, branched; flowers numerous 3 to] in. Var. B. diffusum. Decumbent; flowers few, } to } in. : Common, especially Gn rocky coasts throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, etc. ascends 2000 ft, in the mountains of Canterbury, Haast. Chatham Island, var. u, Diefenbach. Orpen XIII. GERANIACEZ. (Including OxaLIDEa.) Herbs (the New Zealand species), with alternate, stipulate or exstipulate. leaves, and regular or irregular hermaphrodite flowers.—Sepals 5, free, im- bricate, one sometimes spurred. Petals 5, rarely fewer, imbricated. Disk inconspicuous or glandular. Stamens 10, hypogynous, the alternate ones often smaller, or imperfect, or without anthers; filaments often connate below; anthers versatile. Ovary 3-5-lobed, or of 3-5 carpels combined in the axis, produced into as many free or connate styles, with capitate or fongitudinal ‘stigmas; cells 1- or more ovuled. Fruit capsular, 3-5-lobed, 3-5-valved, variously dehiscing. Seéds with little or no albumen. A very large Order, containing many genera absent in New Zealand, differing a good deal in structure, to some of which the above character does not altogether apply. Flowers regular. Styles combined. Carpels caudate. . . . . . 1. GBRanivum. Flowers irregular. Calyx with a spur adnate to the pedicel. . . . 2, PELARGONIUM. Flowers regular. Styles free. Leaves 3-foliolate. . . . . . . 8. Oxatis, 1. GERANIUM, Linn. Stemless or branching herbs, with stipulate leaves, and axillary, 1-2- flowered, 2-bracteolate peduncles.—Flowers regular. Torus with 5 glands alternating with the petals. Stamens 10, all perfect (rarely 5 imperfect), free or united at the base. Ovary 5-celled, beaked; beak terminated by 5 short styles, which are longitudinally stigmatose; cells 2-ovuled. Capsule of 5, tailed, 1-seeded cocci, elastically curling up and separating from the axis, to which their tails remain attached. Cotyledons plicate or convolute. A large genus in Britain, and all temperate regions of the world. The roots are astrin- gent. -All the New Zealand species are biennial-.or perennial-rooted. The species are most pwzling to discriminate. ; Peduncles 2-flowered. Sepals awned. Carpels hairy. Seeds pitted 1. G. dissectum. Peduncles 1-flowered. Sepals hardly awned. Carpels hairy. Seeds scarcely dotted . . « 2, G. microphyllum, D2 36 XIII.. GERANIACER. [ Geranium. Peduncles 2-flowered. Sepals awned. Carpels hairy, Seeds quite even, (Stemless.) . 2s 2 6 ee eo ee ee te Peduncles 2-flowered. Sepals not awned. Carpels glabrous. Seeds smooth, 20. e+ ee ee ee eee we we wt 4 G molle. 1. G. dissectum, Livn., var.carolinianum, Fi. NV: Z.i.39. Stem 1-2 ft. high, stout, erect or decumbent, branched, more or less covered with spreading, usually retrorse hairs. Leaves 1-2 in. diam., on long petioles, or- bicular, deeply cut into few or many, broad or narrow, obtuse or acute lobes ; stipules broad, scarious. Peduncles slender, 2-flowered, with ovate, subulate bracts. ’ Flowers very variable in size, 3-2 in. diam. Sepals hairy, awned. Petals notched or retuse, pink. Carpels and their beaks hairy, even. Seeds deeply and coarsely pitted. Var, a. pilosum. Oovered with spreading hairs. Petals often rather large.—@. pilosum, Forst.; G. patagonicum, Hook. f., Fl. Antaret, ii. 252. c : Var. 8. patulum. Leaves covered with spreading and retrorse hairs. Petals usually small.—G. retrorsuin, DC. Prodr.; G@. patulum, Yorst. Prodr. Var. y. glabratum. More glabrous, the leaves 3-5-lobed, with the lobes broader. Abundant throughout the islands, Bants and Solander, etc. A most puzzling plant, oc- curring in S. America from Canada to Cape Horn. It is described in the N. American Floras as annual or biennial; the roots seem annual in Canadian and United States specimens, but perennial in West N. America, Rocky Mountain, and Chilian ones; the petals also, which are as short as the sepals in the United States form, become larger in the West American, The New Zealand form differs from the European G. dissectum, chiefly in the petals being often large, always less deeply notched, and the root always more than annual; but I do not find these distinctions to be constant. ‘The amount and depth of pitting of the seed varies much in different specimens, The species ranges through temperate Australia, and North and South America, in which latter country it has several names. 2. G.microphyllum, Hook. f. Fl. Aniarct.i.8.t. v.—G. potentilloides, L’Héritier; Fl. N. Z. i. 40. A very slender, prostrate, straggling, branched’ plant, 12-15 in. long, more or less covered with silky white, appressed or spreading hairs, often retrorse on the peduncles and pedicels. Leaves orbieular, 4-1 in. broad, usually cut to or below the middle into 6-7 broad, obcuneate, toothed, obtuse lobes ; petioles slender; stipules small. Peduncles rarely 2- flowered. Flowers smaller than in G. dissectum: 8, excepting in fine specimens, the sepals with very short awns, and the petals larger in proportion, white or pale-pink, retuse. Carpels even, with short hairs, Seeds minutely dotted. Monntainous or hilly situations in all the islands, Banks.and-Solander, etc. Word Auck- land’s group, J.D.H. Inthe N. Z. Flora I referred this to the Tasmanian G. potentilloides, which ig however referred by Bentham, Mueller, and Archer to G. pilosum, Forst. (dissec- tum, Linn.), from which this differs in the much more slender habit, smaller less-lobed leaves, smaller less-pointed sepals, and very obscurely pitted seeds. The varieties debile and micro- 2a of Fi. N. Z. are only forms, connected by too matiy intermediates to be retained as varieties. é 38. G. sessiliflorum, 3. G. sessiliflorum, Cav. ;—G. brevicaule, Hook.; Fl. N. Z. i. 40. Stemless, or nearly so ; root stout; branches, if present, very short, and leaves more or less covered with silky hairs, which are spreading or retrorse on the petioles, pedicels, and sepals. Leaves: mostly radical, very numerous, on long, slender petioles, 3-6 in. long, orbicular, cut to or below the middle into cuneate 5—7-fid lobes ; stipules broad, membranous. Peduncles short, from the root, or from branches which are rarely longer than the leaves. Flowers between those of G. dissectum B, and microphyllum. Sepals awned, very hairy. Geranium.] .XIIL, GERANIACEE. 37 Petals retuse, longer than the sepals. Carpels even, pilose. Seeds quite even or minutely punctulate, not pitted.—Fl, Antaret. ii, 252. _Mountain regions in the Middle Island. Terraces on the Kowai river, Sinclair and Haast ; Chalky Bay, Lyall ; Otago, Hector and Buchanan, Also found in Tasmania, on the Australian alps, in Fuegia, aud South Chili; it scarcely differs from G. dissecluin a, ex- cept in habit and the even seeds. Colenso’s Ruahine mountain specimens are, I think, re- ferable to G. microphyllum. _ 4. G. molle, Linn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.40. A procumbent, much-branched, slender plant, covered everywhere with soft spreading hairs. Leaves 1 iu: broad, orbicular or reniform, more or less 5—9-lobed, the segments 3-5-fid ; petioles long ; stipules very broad and membranous. Peduncles 2-flowered, with broad- membranous bracts. Flowers 3-1 in. broad. Sepals broadly ovate, not awned. “Petals bifid, longer than the sepals, pink. Carpels wrinkled, quite glabrous. - Seeds even, not dotted. Ne : Var, B? Carpels not at all wrinkled. ; Northern and Middle Islands, Lyall (without habitat); 8, Hawke’s Bay, Colenso. Tam mueh puzzled with this plant, which is not a native of any part of Australia or of America, though common in Europe, and extending east to the Himalaya. Lyall’s specimens are identical with the European, and quite characteristic of the commonest state of G. mol/e in every particular ; but all Colenso’s have quite even carpels, as in the European G. pusillum, Linn., and G.-rotundifolium, Liiin., from. both of which they differ in their glabrous carpels, and from the latter also in the bifid petals. 2. PELARGONIUM, L’Héritier. Herbs (rarely shrubs), with opposite, simple lobed or dissected, stipulate leaves, and 1- or many-flowered axillary peduncles.— Flowers slightly irregular.” Sepals 5, the upper produced into a spur which is adnate with the pedicel. Petals 5 or fewer, the upper often dissimilar. Torus with 5 glands. Sta- mens 10, of which 7 only or fewer are antheriferous. Ovary and fruit as in Geranium.” Avery large South African genus, rare elsewhere, and almost absent in Europe, Asia, and America ; a few are Australian. got 1. P. australe, Villd.,var. clandestinum ;— P. clandestinum, L’Hé. ; Fl. N. Z.i. 41. A more or less hairy, perennial herb; stem erect, simple or branched, 4 in.~2 feet high. Leaves orbicular or ovate, deeply cordate at the base,- 3-5-lobed, lobes coarsely or finely toothed or serrate; petioles slender, 2-6 in. long. Peduncles: axillary, longer than the leaves, pubescent, many-flowered. Flowérs small, } id. broad, in 10-12-flowered umbels, with whorled,-ovate, acuminate bracts at the base; pedicels {-} in. long, pubes- cent with scattered white hairs. . Sepals. unequal, ovate, acuminate; spur short, gibbous, or 0. Petals,unequal, ;—3. in. long, deep pink, longer than the sepals, spathulate, notched. _ Stamens about 5 fertile, the rest reduced. to membranous scales. Carpels very hairy, their tails lined on the inner face with white silky hairs. Seeds minutely dotted.—P. acugnaticum, Thouars ; P. grossularioides, Aiton ; Harv. and Sond. Flor. Cap. i. 289. Worthern and Middle Islands: abundant, especially near the sea, Banks and So- lander, ete. A lotion of bruised leaves of this is applied by the vatives to scalds ‘and burns. ‘Also found in Tristan d’Acunha, South Africa and Australia. 38 XIII. GERANIACEZ. 3. OXALIS, Linn. Stemless or branching, usually slender, perennial, acid herbs, with alter- nate or tufted, usually stipulate, 3-foliolate or pinnate leaves, and obcordate leaflets. Flowers regular. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, contorted. Disk and glands 0. Stamens 10, all fertile. Ovary 5-lobed, 5-celled ; styles 5 ; cells 1- or more ovuled. Capsule loculicidal ; valves more or less cohering together and by the septa to the axis. Seeds with an arilliform, fleshy coat, that bursts elastically ; albumen fleshy. A very large genus, abounding in South Africa, of which a few species are British, and very widely diffused in both tropical and temperate countries. ‘The foliage affords a grateful acid. Stems elongate, branching. Stipules or small. Flowers yellow. . 1. 0. corniculata. Stems short or 0. Stipules large. Flowerswhite. . . . - - - 2% 0. magellanica. 1. O. corniculata, Linn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i, 43. An erect or decumbent, branched, slender, glabrous or pubescent herb, usually with a perennial root ; branches 1-10 in. long, erect, ascending, or more usually prostrate, some- times matted together. Leaves 3-foliolate ; leaflets deeply obcordate, 3-1 in. long, glaucous below; stipules small or 0; petioles slender, very variable. Peduneles axillary, 1-6-flowered, variable in length. Flowers most vari- able in size. Petals yellow, notched. Capsules oblong or linear. Var. a. Decumbent. Leaves stipulate. Var. 8. stricta. rect or suberect. Leaves exstipulate—O. stricta, Linu.; O. Urvillei, lacicola, propingua, and divergens, A. Cunn, Prodr.; O. ambigua, A. Rich. Flor. Var. y. microphylla. Stems procumbent. Branches creeping. Leaflets very minute. Capsule oblong.—0O. microphylla and 0. exilis, A. Cunn. Prodr. Var. 8. cilixfera. Stems procumbent, filiform. Leaflets membranons, ciliated.—O. cilii- Sera and tenuicaulis, A, Cunn, Prodr. Var. ¢. crassifolia. Stems rigid, matted together. Leaflets small, thick, pilose.—0. crassifolia, A. Cunn. Prodr. Abundant, especially on the east coasts, throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. One of the commonest and most variable weeds of warm climates. 2. O. magellanica, Forst. ;—Ti. N. Z.i. 43. 6.13. A small, glabrous or pubescent, stemless, rather succulent species, 3-4 in. high. Rhizome creeping, perennial, covered with imbricate scales (old stipules). Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets broadly obcordate, glabrous, glaucous below. Petioles usually hairy. Peduncles radical, 1-flowered, 2-bracteolate, often longer than the leaves. Sepals ovate, obtuse. Petals pure white, 3-4 in. long, oblong- obovate or obcordate, often oblique and ciliated. Capsules globose.—O. Ca- taracte, A, Cunn. Prodr. ; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 418. Throughout the islands, in damp, shady, alpine, and subalpine regions. Common in simi- lar situations in Tasmania, Fuegia, and S. Chili, very nearly allied to the European Wood Sorrel (0. Acetosella, Liun.). Erodium cicutarium, Linn., a common European hairy pinnate-leaved geranium-like plant, seems now to be naturalized throughout the islands (as in Australia) ; it has regular flowers, 5 anthers, and the tails of the carpels bearded inside. Orver XIV. RUTACER. Shrubs and trees. J.eaves opposite or alternate, exstipulate, pellucid- dotted, usually fragrant, simple or compound. Flowers regular, hermaphro- XIV. RUTACEA. 39 dite.—-Sepals and petals 4 or 5, spreading, imbricate or valvate. Stamens usually 8 or 10, free, inserted at the base of a tumid disk; anthers versatile. ‘Ovary of 4 or 5, more or less united carpels; styles 4 or 5, wholly combined, or by a capitate stigma only; cells 2-ovuled. Fruit capsular, of 4 or 5 coria- ceous, 2-valved, 1-seeded cocci; outer coat separating from the inner, which is chartaceous, dry, and elastic. Seeds oblong, testa crustaceous ; albumen copious or 0. A very large Natural Order, now including the Rue, Orange, Cape Diosmas, Australian Boronias, and many other plants differing in certain points from the above ordinal character, abounding in the temperate regions of the southern hemispheres, especially in South Africa and Australia, rarer elsewhere. Flowers pentamerous. Leavessimple . . . . . i... « . 1, PHEBALIUM Flowers tetramerous, Leayescompound . . . . . .. « . . & MELICOPE. 1. PHEBALIUM, Ventenat. Shrubs. Leaves alternate, pellucid-dotted. Flowers in axillary or termi- nal corymbs, white.— Calyx small, 4 or 5-lobed or -parted. Petals 4 or 5, im- bricate or valvate. Stamens 8 or 10; filaments filiform, glabrous. Ovary 2-5- parted, almost to the base; style simple, rising from between the lobes, stigma capitate; cells 2-ovuled. Cocci 2-5, truncate or rostrate; endocarp separating. Testa smooth, black, shining. A very large Australian genus, not found elsewhere. 1. P. nudum, Hook. Ic. Pl. ¢.568 ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 44. A shrab or small tree, 12-15 ft. high, everywhere glabrous; branches very slender. Leaves alternate, 1-14 in. long, spreading, linear-oblong or narrow oblong-lanceo- late, obtuse, obscurely crenate, narrowed below into very short petioles, coria- ceous, paler and dotted below. Flowers in terminal many-flowered cory? ibs, whitish, 4-4 in. diam., on pedicels 1-3 in. long. . Calyx very small, 5-lobed. Petals 5, linear, obtuse, with narrowly overlapping margins. Cocci % in. long, obtusely rhomboidal, compressed, wrinkled, often only one ripens, split- ting down the front and back into 2 valves. - Morthern Island: Bay of Islands, 14. Cunningham; east coast, Edgerley, Colenso ; Auckland, Sinelair. Exceedingly closely allied to the Queensland P. edatius, F. Muell., but the flowers are larger, the petals longer, the corymbs more flattened, and the leaves taper less to the base ; they may prove to be local forms of one species. 2. MELICOPE, Forst. Glabrous shrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate, simple or compound, pel- lucid-dotted. Flowers in axillary many- or few-flowered cymes, more or less aumisexual.—Sepals 4, deciduous or persistent. Petals 4, sessile, spreading, valvate or imbricate, with inflexed tips. Stamens 8; filaments subulate. Ovary 4-lobed, 4-celled ; style 1, or 4 coalescing into 1, from between the lobes, stigma capitate; cells 2-ovuled. Cocci 1-4, spreading, free ; endocarp separating. ‘Testa shining; albumen abundant; embryo slightly curved. A Pacifie Island genus, very variable in habit, which does not extend westward into Aus- tralia. ‘The two New Zealand species are extremely dissimilar in habit. Leaves opposite, 8-foliolate . . - 2 - + se + Leaves alternate or fascicled, l-foliolate . . . . + + 1. M ternata. 2. M. simplex. 40 XIV. RUTACER. [Melicope. 1, M. ternata, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 43. A glabrous, small tree, 12— 15 ft. high; branches rather stout. Leaves opposite, 3-foliolate ; leaflets 3-4 in. long, ovate or linear-oblong, acute, quite entire, longer than the petioles. Flowers 4 in. diam., greenish-white, in peduncled, trichotomous, axillary cymes; bracts deciduous. Petals ovate, longer than the stamens, margins imbricate. Ovary quite glabrous; style short. Carpels 4, spread- ing, coriaceous, strongly wrinkled ; seed small, black, projecting from the fissure, attached by a slender funicle.—Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 603. Northern and Middle Islands, Buxks and Solander, etc.: not uncommon as far south as the Nelson Province. 2. M. simplex, 4. Cunn.;—F. N. Z. i. 48. ‘A glabrous shrub, 6-8 ft. high; branches ‘slender. Leaves altérnate,-scattered or fascicled, small, of 1 (very rarely 3, of which the lateral are minute), orbicular obovate or ovate, obtuse, doubly crenate leaflet, }—$ in. long, jointed on the top of a flattened almost winged petiole, }-2 in. long, which is broader towards the leaflet and channelled above. ‘Pedicels several together, axillary, slender, longer than the petioles, 1—4-flowered, bracteolate at the forks. Flowers very small, greenish-white. Petals linear-oblong, shorter in the male flowers than the stamens, valvate, or with the edges a little overlapping. Ovary oblong, hir- sute ; style in the female flowers slender ; stigma capitate. Fruit as in M. ter- nata, but much smaller.—Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 585. Northern and Middle Islands, Banks and Solander, etc.: not uncommon along the whole coasts to Otago. A very different-looking plant from Jf. ternata. Orprr XV. MELIACES. Trees (rarely shrubs). Leaves usually pinnate, alternate, exstipulate. Flowers regular, generally hermaphrodite-—Calyx small, 4 or 5-lobed or , ete., nds, A. to Wellington, Ralphs. Mliddle Island: Otago, Hectar and Bache (a aap cae fine Coprosma.) XXXVII. RUBIACES. 115 only male flowers of Ralphs’ specimen, which has smaller, oblong acuminate leaves. A most distinct form of species, from the slender habit, very membranous, ciliate (at length glabrous) cuspidate leaves, minute flowers, and didymous drupe. s 10. C, ciliata, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 22. A lax or densely-branched shrub, 4-10 ft. high. . Branches stout or slender, ultimate villous with rather rigid hairs; bark very’ pale, nearly white. Leaves tufted on short lateral branchlets, }-3 in. long, oblong, rounded or subacute at the tip, flat, rather membranous, very shortly petioled, petiole margin and under surface more or less ciliated, dusky brown when dry; veins few, nearly parallel to margin, not reticulated ; stipules broad, villous, cuspidate. Flower and fruit un- known. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island, abundant, J. D. H. I have seen no New Zealand specimens of this most distinet species, which a good deal resembles C. pilosa, Endl., of Norfolk Island. 1l. ©. tenuicaulis, Hook. f. Fl.N.Z.i.106. An erect shrub, 4-6 -ft. high, “ Branches slender, divaricating, but not at right angles, puberulous, bark pale-grey or brown. Leaves generally in distant pairs, 3-3 in., orbi- cular-spathulate, or broadly ovate-spathulate, obtuse or subacute, flat, puberu- lous on the under surface, veins few, reticulated in large areoles, suddenly narrowed into short petioles, not coriaceous ; stipules pubescent, not ciliated. Flowers axillary ;—zmale solitary or fascicled ; calyx cupular, minute, 4-toothed; corolla 3-2 in: diam., between funnel- and bell-shaped, 4-lobed nearly to the base ; anthers nearly as large as the lobes; fem.: unknown. Drupes very small, globose, ;—% in. diam. Northern Island : Bay of Islands, Colenso, etc. What I have described in Fil. N. Z. as the female flower of this, I now refer without hesitation to C. divaricata, which this species closely approaches, but differs in the bark, in the less divaricating branches, leaves in series of pairs on the twigs (not in terminal pairs on lateral branchlets), pubescent, reticulated veined below, and in the globose drupe. 12. C. rhamnoides, A. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.107. A densely branched bush, 2—4 ft. high or more. Branches slender, much divaricating, divided often flexuous and interlaced, pubescent ; bark pale, not smooth and even. Leaves 3-4 in. long, 4 broad, orbicular or oblong, rounded retuse or acute, narrowéd suddenly into a short petiole, flat, greenish-brown, quite glabrous ; veins very indistinct, not reticulated. Flowers minute, solitary, axillary, 75 in. long, on short curved bracteolate peduncles ;—male: calyx cupular, 4-lobed, membranous; corolla bell-shaped, 4-lobed ;—fem. : calyx-tube ovoid, glabrous, limb shortly tubular, 4- or 5-lobed; corolla tubular, rather slender, curved, mouth shortly 4- or 5-cleft ; styles filiform. Drupe very small, '5—} in. diam., globose or oblong.—? C. gracilis, A. Cunn. Northern and Middle Islands: not uncommon from the Bay of Islands to Otago. The divaricating slender pubescent branches, small broad glabrous leaves, minute axillary flowers, and tubular female corolla, are the best marks of this species, which in Cunning- ham’s Herbarium is mixed with the following. 13. C. divaricata, 4. Cun. A laxly branched shrub, 8-10 ft. high; branches very slender, widely divaricating, glabrous or minutely pubescent ; bark dark red-brown, quite even. Leaves in pairs on very short lateral shoots, 4_3 in, long, orbicular or obovate-spathulate, shortly petioled, in oo I 116 XXXVIII, RUBIACE. [Coprosma. coriaceous, in larger membranous and puberulous when young, contracted into petioles of variable length ; veins not reticulated. Flowers ;—male : not seen ; jem. : axillary, solitary, minute, 4; in. long; calyx-tube glabrous, limb short, tubular, unequally and often irregularly 4- or 5-lobed; corolla 4- or 5-partite, almost to the base; styles slender. Drupe small, obovoid, 4—} in. long, vari- able in size and colour. Common in the Northern and probably throughout the islands, Otago, Lya//. Iam greatly puzzled with this plant, which is the C. divaricata, 8. latifolia, and ¢. coriacea, of my N. Z. Flora, and in Cunningham’s Herbarium is mixed with C. rhamuoides, and is with difficulty distinguished from it; its prominent characters are, the very slender branches di- varicating at right augles, the smooth brown bark, almost glabrous twigs, and female corolla not tubular and cleft at the mouth, but spreading and divided to the base. The large-leaved form (/aéifolia) has larger membranous rounded leaves, somewhat pubescent below, the smaller (coriacea) has more coriaceous spathulate leaves. Of the variety y. pallida of Fi. N. Z., which has young male flowers only, I can make out nothing more; it has pale bark, and spathulate leaves, opposite throughout the twigs, it was collected by Colenso in the Waira- rapa valley, where it forms a small tree 5~7 ft. high, and where also the trne divaricata grows. Cunningham’s C. gracilis (divaricata, B. yracilis, Fl. N. Z.) has neither flower nor fruit, and is, I now think, referable to 0. rhamnoides, having more pubescent twigs than C. divaricata. 14. ©. parviflora, Hook. f. Fl. N. Zi. 107. A large dense rigid branching leafy bush. ‘Branches slender, pubescent, divaricating more or less ; bark pale-grey. ‘Leaves small, rather close-set, fascicled on lateral branchlets, very uniform, }-3 in. long, obovate or linear-oblong, rounded at tip, rarely subacute, very shortly petioled, rigid, flat, not shining, dark-brown when dry, very obscurely veined ; stipules pubescent, ciliate. Flowers minute, lateral, solitary, subsessile ;—male: calyx cupular, 4-toothed; corolla 3, in. long, broadly bell-shaped, 4-partite ;—fem.: calyx-limb glabrous, tube very short, Jagged, and ciliolate; corolla J, in., 4- or 5-cleft $ way down; style 3 in. Drupe ovoid, 14 in.—C. myrtillifolia, u, Fl. Antarct. i 21; Fl. N.Z.i. 108. Northern and Middle Islands: low grounds; common in woods as far south as Otago, also on the mountains, Tongariro and Ruahine range, Colenso and Bidwill, Auckland’s Island, .D.H. I think that my C. myrtillifolia of Lord Auckland’s Island is referable to this very common species, and as it was described without flower or fruit, that name had better be abandoned. Its axillary minute flowers distinguish it well from C. Colexsoi, and its very coriaceous uniform leaves from C. divaricata, rhamnoides, and tenuicaulis. 15. ©. propinqua, 4. Cunn. ;—Fl, N. Z.i.109. Tall, erect, glabrous,. woody, sparingly leafy, 4—8 ft. high. Branches divaricating, glabrous, scarcely puberulous at the tips; bark brown. Leaves usually in pairs on short axil- lary branchlets, $+ in. long, sy-qy broad, narrow linear-oblong, obtuse, narrowed at the base, nearly flat, coriaceous, veins indistinct ; stipules obtuse, glabrous. Flowers lateral ;—zale: fascicled, as in. long ; calyx cupular, 4- or 5-toothed; corolla bell-shaped, 4- or 5-cleft nearly to the base ;—/fem. : calyx. glabrous, limb tubular, 4- or 5-toothed ; corolla not seen. Drupe ovoid, 4-} in. long. — Northern Island: common from the Bay of Islands, 4. Cunningham, to Hawke’s Bay, Colenso, in wet places. This is the C. propingua, a and B, Fl. N. Z.;—the . linarifolia is certainly a different species, of which I have since procured fine specimens, 16. C. foetidissima, Forst. ;— Fi. N. Z. i. 105, and ii. 331. A large glabrous shrub or small tree 8--20 ft. high, intensely fetid after being bruised, Coprosma.] XXXVIII. RUBIACES. 117 sometimes smaller and procumbent. Branches slender, not divaricate, the ultimate minutely puberulous, bark very pale, white or grey. Leaves 1-23 in. long, 3—$ broad, oblong or linear- or obovate-oblong, narrowed into a rather slender petiole 3-£ in. long, obtuse or subacute, flat, rather membra- nous, pale or dark-brown when dry, not shining ; veins 0, or diverging and indistinct, not reticulated ; stipules glabrous or puberulous and minutely ciliate, cuspidate, the uppermost sheathing. Flowers terminal on the branch- lets, solitary, sessile, pendulous, rather large, 3—4-in. long ;—male : calyx cu- pular, 4- or 5-toothed ; corolla broadly campanulate, 4- or 8-lobed to the middle ; anthers large, linear-oblong, as long as the corolla ;—fem. : calyx- tube narrow-ovoid, limb short, tubular, toothed ; corolla tubular, curved, 4- or 5-cleft 4-4 way down ; styles very stout and long, $$ in. Drupe gene- rally large, ovoid, very fleshy, 3-2 in. long.—Fl. Antarct. i. 20. t. 18; @. affinis, F). Antarct. 1. .; C. repens, A. Rich.; C. pusilla, Forst.? : Mountainous districts of the Northern and Middle Islands: abundant. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island: abundant. The fetid odour, oblong leaves, and large solitary terminal flowers, well characterize this most distinct species ; the leaves are very variable. 17. ©. Colensoi, Hook. f.,n. sp.—C. myrtillifolia, y. linearis, Fl. N. Z. i. 108.. A small, subalpine, slender, perfectly glabrous shrub, 3-4 ft. high: Branches slender, spreading, puberulous ; bark white or grey. Leaves usually fascicled on short lateral twigs, 3-2 in. long, 1—2 broad, very variable in shape, narrow-oblong lanceolate- or obovate-oblong, more or less obtusely truncate and emarginate, narrowed into short slender petioles, margins sub- recurved, pale yellow-brown when dry, coriaceous, almost veinless ; stipules glabrous, not ciliated. Flowers solitary, terminal, on very short curved pedi- cels ;—-male : 2 in. long ; calyx cupular, 4-lobed, 2 lateral lobes much longer, patent ; corolla bell-shaped, 4-lobed, but not to the middle ;—fem.: calyx- tube cupular, unequally jagged and ciliate ; corolla 3; in. long, 5-partite, lobes spreading. Drupe small, 3 in. long, ovoid. Mountainons regions in the Northern Island, near Cook’s Straits, Colenso. A very dis- tinct species, allied to C. parviflora, in the retuse apices of the coriaceons leaves, the white bark, and olive-brown hue when dry ; but differing in the slender habit, lax foliage, leaves not recurved, and stipules not ciliated. When out of flower with difficulty to be distingnished by descriptions from divaricata, tenuicaulis, and other lowland species, with which it has no real affinity however. 18. C. cuneata, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 21. ¢.15; F.N.Z.i.110. A rigid, woody, much branched, erect or prostrate, very leafy shrub, 1-7 ft. high. Branches stout, glabrous or puberulous; bark white brown or black. Leaves fascicled, close-set, +4 in. long, 3-4 in. broad, cuneate-oblong or obovate- lanceolate or linear-obovate, retuse obtuse or subacute, often recurved, very rigid coriaceous and shining, a deeply sunk midrib above, almost veinless below; sti- pules (young) with fimbriate or densely ciliate margins. Flowers terminal ;— male: calyx cupular, jagged and fimbriate at the mouth; corolla 3 in. long, nearly 3 diam., with short funnel-shaped limb, and 4 or 5 long spreading lobes ; anthers } in. long ;—fem: calyx glabrous, with a 4- or 5-lobed limb ; corolla not seen. Drupe globose or oblong, rather small, 3~} in. long. Mountains of the Northern and Middle Islands: Ruahine and Lake Taupo ranges, 118 XXXVIII, RUBIACES. [Coprosma. and Mount Hikurangi, Cofenso ; Mount Egmont, Diefenbach ; Otago, lake district, Heefor and Buchanan. Common in Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island, J. D. H. I believe this to be one of the most distinct forms of the genus, but almost impossible to distinguish by foliage from some states of C. parviflora and others: its prevalent characters are the very stout leafy habit, small recurved, very rigid and coriaceous, more or Jess cuneate leaves, fimbriate or densely ciliate young stipules, and terminal, solitary, rather large flowers ; but flat-leaved forms approach C. parviflora, narrow-leaved ones C. propingua, lax-leaved ones C. Colensoi, and the stipules are sometintes glabrous. 19. C. acerosa, 4. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Zi. 109. A low, excessively ‘branched, spreading shrub, 2-5 ft. high. Branches divaricating, flexuous and tortuous, puberulous; bark yellow-brown. Leaves uniform, in oppo- site pairs or opposite fascicles on the twigs, }—3 in. long, 5}; broad, linear, subacute, erecto-patent, veinless; stipules short, puberulous, not ciliate. Flowers ;—male : calyx cup-shaped, 4-lobed, 2 lobes short acute, 2 much longer oblong obtuse ; corolla 2—} in. diam., broadly bell-shaped, 4-cleft to or below the middle ;—-fem. : minute, calyx-limb very short, 4-toothed ; corolla zz in., 4-cleft to the middle; styles as long as the leaves. Drupe ovoid, nearly }-} in. long. Northern, Middle, and Southern Jslands: not uncommon in rocky places, sand- banks, forests, etc.; Hokianga, etc., in salt marshes, 4. Cunningham. Colenso remarks that at Ahuriri the berries are sky-blue, transparent, as large as sloes, and eaten by the natives, A most distinct plant. I have a prostrate form from the mountains of Canter- bury, alt. 4000 ft., and the lake district, Otago. 20. ©. depressa, Col. ;— Fl. N. Z.i.110. A small, dense, prostrate, monch branched bush, 1-4 ft. high. Branches pubescent ; bark grey. Leaves in opposite fascicles, 2-3 in. long, ~, wide, spreading, rather recurved, linear-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, rigid, ‘coriaceous, nerveless, rather concave, yellow-green when dry; stipules pubescent and ciliate. Flowers ;—male : calyx minute, cupshaped, equally 4-toothed ; corolla 34; in. long, bell-shaped, 4- or 5-cleft ;—fem.: calyx-limb short, 4-toothed; corolla not seen. Drupe orange-yellow, sweet, about 2 in. long, Northern Island: in mountainous localities, Lake Taupo, top of Ruahine and Hawke’s Bay ranges, Colenso. Perhaps a form of C. cumeata, but with much smaller narrower leaves. ne forms approach C. acerosa, but the leaves are always broader and rather concave when ry. 21. C. microcarpa, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 110, and ii. 331. A leafy shrub, 1-10 ft. high. Branches slender, close-set, divaricating, pubescent, leafy; bark grey. Leaves in pairs on short slender lateral branchlets, }3 in. long, 2;—y); in. broad, spreading, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute,. flat, veinless, dark-brown when dry, not coriaceous ; stipules short, ciliate. Flowers minute ;—male: calyx cup-shaped, 4-toothed ; corolla broadly bell-shaped, + in. diam., 4-partite, lobes narrow acuminate, long ;—fent. : calyx-limb short, tubular, 4-toothed; corolla ~, in., tubular or funnel-shaped, 4-cleft + way down. Drupe very small, globose, 4; in. diam. Northern Island: tops of the Ruahine mountains, Colenso. Perhaps a variety of C. cuncata, 22. C. Hnariifolia, Hoot. f. ;—C. propingua, y, Fl. N. Z.i.109. A tall, erect, branching shrub. Branches spreading, slender or rather stout, twigs puberulous; bark grey or black. Leaves all opposite (rarely fascicled), 4-1 in. long, ~o-4 in. broad, linear linear-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, Coprosma. | XXXVIII. BUBIACEX. 119 acute or acuminate, flat, rather coriaceous, black when dry ; stipules puberu- lous, the upper produced into long sheaths, acute, ciliate. Flowers ;—male: not seen ;—fem. : calyx-limb of 4 long, linear, erect, obtuse teeth ; corolla 4- partite, 5 in. long, lobes narrow acuminate; styles as long as the leaves, Drupe ovoid, 3 in. long, generally crowned with the calyx-limb. Northern and Middle Island: in mountain localities; Ruahine mountains and woods at Manawarakua, etc., Colenso ; hanks of the Waihopai, Munro; Lake Tekapo, Haast ; Otago, Lindsay, A very well marked species by the foliage, long calyx-lobes and styles of the female flower, and long sheathing stipules; in many respects it closely resembles states of the C. Cunninghamii and C. propingua. , 23. C. repens, Hook. f. ;—Fl. Antarct.i. 23. t.16 A (not A. Rich.) ; Fl. N. Z.i. 110. A small alpine matted species, with long prostrate, creep- ing, rather stout flaccid stems and branches, densely leafy. Branches glabrous, bark pale. Leaves close-set and fascicled, 1-3 in. long, spreading or recurved, ovate-oblong or obovate, rounded at the tip, concave, very coriaceous, rather shining, black when dry, with thickened margins; veins 0; stipules short, obtuse, glabrous. Flowers :—male : not seen ;—fem. : minute, sessile; calyx shortly 4-toothed ; corolla ;4, in. long, tubular, curved, 4-cleft at the mouth ; styles sometimes 3 or 4. Drupe large, very succulent, sometimes nearly 3 in. long, grange-yellow, with 2-4 nuts. Worthern Island: open grounds near Lake Taupo, Colenso. Word Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island: common on the hills, J. D. H. Probably common in the Southern Alps, but I have seen no specimens. 24. C. pumila, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 22.116 B; Hl. N. Z. i. 3. A small, alpine, creeping, tufled species. Branches densely leafy, glabrous ; bark pale. Leaves imbricate, patent or suberect, 34 in. long, oblong linear-oblong or -obovate, obtuse or acute, nigid, very coriaceous, shining and rather concave when dry, veinless; stipules glabrous, obtuse. Flowers sessile, erect ;—male: very large, 3-14 in. long; calyx cupular, 4-lobed ; corolla tubular, curved, shortly 4- or 5-lobed ; anthers very large ;—fem. : calyx 5-toothed; corolla like the male, but half the size; styles 2. “Drupe 3 in. long, orange-yellow. Mountains of the Northern Island: summit of Ruashine mountains, Colenso. Mid- le Island: subalpine regions near the Great Godley glacier, Haast ; Otago, lake district, Hector,and Buchanan. 2. NERTERA, Banks and Solander. Small creeping herbs. Leaves petioled, ovate, stipulate. Flowers axillary, solitary, sessile, hermaphrodite.—Calyx-tube ovoid ; limb truncate or obscurely A-toothed. Corolla tubular or fannel-shaped, 4- or 5-lobed. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted at the base of the corolla ; filaments exserted ; anthers large, pendulous. Ovary 2-celled; styles 2, filiform, very long, hirsute ; cells 1-ovuled. Drupe red, fleshy, containing 2 plano-convex, coriaceous, 1-seeded nuts. : A small genus, of which one species is widely diffused in the southern hemisphere; the others are natives of New Zealand. It scarcely differs from Coprosma, except in the herba- ceous habit. Perfectly glabrous. Leaves broadly-ovate. . . . - - + - J. N.depressa, Perfectly glabrous. Leaves narrow-ovate . . - + + . » & MN. Cunninghamii. 120 XXXVIII, RUBIACES. [ Nertera, Hairy or villous. Leaves cordate-ovate, long petioled . . . . 3. M. dichondrafolia. -Hispid or glabrate. Leaves ovate or oblong, short petioled . . 4. NV. setulosa. 1. N. depressa, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N.Z.i. 112. Perfectly glabrous. ‘Stems creeping and rooting, tufted, 6-10 in. long, 4-gonous. Leaves 23 in. long, broadly ovate, acute or obtuse, coriaceous or almost fleshy ; petioles as long as the blade or shorter: Stipules very small. Flowers minute, ses- sile, 3's in. long. Calyx-limb 4-toothed. Corolla funnel-shaped. Middle Island: Wai-au-au mountains, alt. 3000 ft., Zravers. Southern Island, Lyall. Gord Auckland’s group, J.D. H. Also found in Tasmania, Tristan d’Acunha, and the Andes of South America, from Mexico to Fuegia. c 2. N. Cunninghamii, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 112. Altogether very similar to NW. depressa, but smaller, more slender, with more acute leaves. Calyx-limb obscurely 4-lobed. Corolla shortly funnel-shaped. Stamens erect. Northern Island: Bay of Islands, common in moist places; Taupo plains, Colenso. This appears also to be 9 Philippine Island plant. 3. N. dichondreefolia, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 112. ¢, 28 A. Stems slender, creeping, hairy or villous, a span to 2 feet long. Leaves 4-3 in. long, broadly ovate-cordate, acute or apiculate, membranous, more or less hairy above, glibrous below; petiole slender, as long as the blade. Flowers very small and fruit as in WV. depressa.—N. gracilis, Raoul, in Ann. Sc. Nat.; Geophila (7) dichondrefolia, A. Cunn. i Northern and Middle Islands: common in damp places. Very variable in size and airiness. 4. N. setulosa, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z. i. 112. 4.28 B. Small, hispid or glabrate; stem rigid, wiry, slender, 2-3 in. long; branches erect or ascend- ing.. Leaves 3-3 in. long, broadly ovate or oblong, obtuse, with stiff white hairs on the upper surface, glabrous below; petiole short; stipules small, notched. Flowers white, inconspicuous, as long as the leaves. Calyx-tube hispid. Corolla very slender, 4- or 5-toothed. ‘Filaments long, exserted ; anthers pendulous, linear-oblong, 2-lobed at the base. Styles very long. Drupe small, hispid. Embryo very minute. Northern Island: Ahuriri and head of Wairarapa valley, Coleuso. 3. GALIUM, Linn. Slender, weak, prostrate, erect or climbing, often hispid herbs ; stems 4- angled. Leaves whorled, entire or ciliated. Flowers minute, white or yellow, on axillary, simple or branched peduncles.—Calyx-tube globose; limb 0. Co- rolla rotate, 3- or 4-partite ; lobes valvate. Stamens 3 or 4; filaments short ; anthers didymous. Ovary 2-celled ; styles 2, short, with simple or capitate stigmas ; ovules 1 in each cell. Fruit minute, of 2 dry, 1-seeded carpels. A very large European and Oriental genus, found also in most other parts of the world. Leaves 4-nate, linear-lanceolate . . . . . . .. . . . s 1. G. tenuicaule. Leaves 4-nate, oblong, mucronate. . . . . ~ 2 © « & G. umbrosum. 1. G. tenuicaule, 4. Cunn. ;—F. N. Z. i118. Stem straggling ; branches 4 in.-3 ft. long, glabrous or scabrid., Leaves whorled in fours, 4-4 in. long, oblong- or linear-lancoolate, awned or acuminate, scabrid on Galium.] XXXVIII, RUBIACER. 121 the edges and midrib below. Peduncles 1-3-flowered, spreading, longer or shorter than the leaves, decurved in fruit. Flowers white, 34, in. diam. Fruit of 2 minute, globose, glabrous carpels. : Northern and Middle Islands; abundant in grassy situations, ascending to 4000 ft., Banks and Solander, ete. 2. G.umbrosum, Forst.— G@. propinquum, A. Cunn. ;—FI.N. Z.i. 113. Very variable, annual, usually erect and rather stiff, but often weak and strag- gling, 1-10 in. long, glabrous or ciliated on the stem and leaves. Leaves in whorls of 4, 4,3 in. long, broadly oblong, acuminate or awned, marked with pellucid dots when seen between the eye and light. Peduncles 1-3-flowered, longer or shorter than the leaves, Flowers very minute, white. Fruit of 2 globose, smooth, minute carpels, Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. 1 suspect that the Tasma- nian G. ctliare, nob., does not differ from this. 4, ASPERULA, Linn. Characters of Galium, but corolla more or less bell- or funnel-shaped. A less frequent genus than Galivm, but very large and with abont the same distribution. 1. A. perpusilla, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 114. A small, slender, de- cumbent, inconspicuous annual, everywhere perfectly glabrous. Stems very short, 1-2 in., filiform, branched. “Leaves 4 in a whorl, 3,4; in. long, lanceolate, acuminate, awned, often curving to one side. Flowers solitary, sessile, white. Calyx-tube glabrous. Corolla funnel-shaped, ,); in. diam., 4-partite; lobes linear. Styles united, their tips free, divergent. Northern and Middle Islands: not uncommon in dry and sandy places; base of Tongariro and of the Tararua range, Colenso ; upper Motucka alps, 2000 ft., Haast, Munro ; Canterbury, Travers ; Otago, Hector and Buchanan. The smallest known species of the genus, and the smallest flowering plant, except Ztl/ea and Lemna in the islands. ——— Two species of the Australian genus Opercularia are described (erroneously) by Gaertner as having been found in New Zealand by Banks and Solander; there are no specimens of them in Baake’s Herbarium. The flowers are in involucrate heads, and the capsules open by transverse lids, . Orpen XXXIX. COMPOSITA. Herbs shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple in most of the New Zealand ‘species, exstipulate. Fiowers minute (florets), sessile, densely crowded on flat or conical receptacles, forming heads surrounded an involucre consisting of 1 or more series of linear, erect bracts. Receptacle naked or bearing scales, smooth, pitted or papillose.—Calyx-tube adnate with the ovary; limb 0 or represented by bristles scales or’ hairs (pappus). .Co- rolla of two forms, tubular and 4- or 5-cleit with valvate lobes, or tubular below with a long linear limb ; usually both kinds ocour in each head, the outer ligulate (ray-florets) forming a ray of 1 or 2 series round the inner which are tubular (disk flowers) ; the ray-flowers are female or hermaphrodite, the disk-flowers male or hermaphrodite. Stamens 5, inserted on the tube.of 122 XXXIX. COMPOSIT. the corolla; anthers usually united in a tube which sheaths the style ; cells oftén produced downward (tailed). Ovary inferior, 1-celled ; style filiform, with 2 stigmatic branches; ovule 1, erect. Fruit a dry nut or achene: Seed erect; testa membranous; albumen 0; cotyledons oblong, plano-convex, tadicle short, inferior. One of the largest Orders of flowering-plants, found in almost every part of the globe to which flowering plants extend. The New Zealand genera are with few exceptions Aus- tralian also. Subord. 1. Corymbiferse.—Florets all tubular, or of the ray ligulate. Herbs shrubs or trees, without milky juice. (1. ASTEROIDEZ:) a. Ligulate florets, when present, never Sl Pappus rigid, of long unequal scabrid ; i784 Shrubs or trees. Peduncles 1- or mauy-flowered. Leaves whitish below. Veins branching . . . ... - . . . « » 1. Ovgarta, Herbs. Peduncles many-flowered. Leaves large, with many pa- rallel ribs... 1 1 6 ww ew ee we ee ow ee e &, PLEUROPHYLLUM, Herbs. Leaves all radical. Scape l-flowered . . . . . . . 8, CELMISIA. Branched herb, leafy, branches 1-flowered . , . « - - . . 4 VITTADINIA. B. Ligulate florets white or purplish, revolute. Pappus 0, or of small scales or short : hairs. Scapigerous herbs. Achene beaked. PappusO . . . . . . 5. LaGenorHora. Scapigerous herbs. Achene not beaked. Pappus very short orQ0 6. BracHYcoME. (2. SENECIONIDES.) y. Ligulate florets white or yellow. Pappus of 2 bristles. . . %. BIDENS. 8. Florets all tubular. Pappus 0, Tufted moss-like herbs. Florets purplish . . . . . . . . 8. ABROTANELLA. Heads yellow, unisexual or with ? and ¢ florets; outer fl. ? in Lor many series . . 1. 1 1 6 1 we we we ww e 6 Coruna. e. Florets all tubular, yellow. Heads all collected into one dense globose ball. Pappus soft and plumose. Scapigerous herbs, with globose inflorescence . . . . . . . 10. Craspepm. ¢ Ligulate florets, if present, yellow (inner scales of involucre sometimes white, spreading, and resembling a ray). Pappus of soft, white hairs. ; } Shrubs. Leaves all small. Involucral scales in many series. Iigulate fl. 0. Receptacle narrow, with scales amongst the flowers . . . . . 11. Cassrnta, Receptacle narrow, not without scales amongst the flowers . . _ 12. Ozormaunus, +t Herbs. Involucral scales in 2 or several series. Ligulate fi. 0. Small, creeping, tufted, alpine herbs. Heads small, sessile . . . 18. Raounia, Erect or decumbent herbs. Scales of involucre with or without white rays 2 6 ee ee ee ew we we we ew ee | 14, GNAPHALIUM,. Tufted, woolly, alpine herbs, with very broad sessile heads . . . 15. Haastia, ttt Herbs shrubs or trees. Involucral scales in 1 series. Ligulate fl. 0 or yellow. Herbs. Outer florets tubular, excessively slender, female. . . 16. ERecurtites. Outer florets ligulate or similar to interior. Pappus soft, white . 17. SENEcIO. Outer florets small, irregularly cleft . . . . . . . + © . 18. Bracuyezortis. Lignlate fi. 0. Pappus very rigid, yellowish . . 4 . . « . 19. TRaveERsrA, XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 123 (3. CrcHoraceZ.) Subord. 2. Ligulifloree.—Florets all ligulate. Herbs with milky juice. Herbs with radical leaves and leafless 1-flowered scapes. Achene not beaked. Pappus flattened, subulate . . . . . . 20, MicroskEnris. Achene not beaked. Pappus of soft, simple hairs. . . . . . 21. Crepis. Achene muricate upwards, beaked. Pappus plumose . - . . 22. Tapaxacom. . Branched leafy herbs. Achene ribbed, compressed. Pappus plumose . . . . - . . 23. Pieris. Achene flat or winged. Pappus of simple, very soft hairs . . . 24, Soncnus. 1. OLEARIA, Meench. (Hurybia, Cass.) Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate or fascicled, very rigid, coriaceous, with white or buff tomentum below.—Heads large or small, rayed, corymbose or solitary, peduncled or sessile. Involucre of imbricate, rigid scales. Recep- tacle convex, alveolate or almost even. Florets 20-100 (rarely 1-4); outer female, in one row, ligulate, white, the rest tubular, hermaphrodite ; anthers with very short tails. Pappus of one or more rows of long, rigid, usually un- equal, scabrid hairs, acute or thickened at the points. Achenes ribbed, terete, not flattened. A very large New Zealand and Australian genus, which will possibly have to be united with some others of the Old or New World; most were included, by De Candolle, under Eurybia, Cass., a genus established on the single pappus, but which cannot be separated from Olearia. The small N. Zealand section, having opposite pairs or fascicles of leaves, might (on account of its habit) be separated generically, were it uot for intermediate Australian forms. The terete (not compressed) achene and short tails to the anther-cells, distinguish the genus from the Northern shrubby 4s¢evs ; and the branched, shrubby or arboreous habit alone from Celmisia and Pleurophyllum. The three first species, or two of them, may prove varieties of one, as may the fourth and fifth of another. : I, Leaves alternate, not fascicled. A. Head solitary on a bracteate peduncle, 1-14 in. diam. ; florets 50-100. Rays large, long. Leaves very coriaceous, 2-6 in. long. Leaves 2-4 in., closely obtusely toothed. Braets imbricate . . 1. O. operina. | Leaves 2-4 in., closely obtusely toothed. Bracts few, leafy . . 2. O. angustifolia. Leaves 1-24 in., toothed towards the tip . . . - . . . . 3. O. semidentata. B. Heads panicled, 1 in. diam. ; florets 50-80, rays very short. Leaves broad, 2-5 in. long, very cortuccous, toothed. Leaves acutely irregularly toothed 2. ©. - se ee +e 4 0. Colensoi. Leaves crenulate. 2 2 6 6 2 + se ee et + 3 5. O. Lyallii. C. Head very large, solitary on along naked peduncle ; florets a very numerous, rays short. Leaves 8-6 in., entire . . . 6. O. insignis. D. Heads panicled, small, 4-} in. diam. ;, florets 8-20. Leaves 14-4 in. long, oblong or ovate, coriaceous, entire, waved or toothed. Leaves rather shining below, oblong, obtuse. Heads tin. long . 7. O. furfuracea. Leaves silvery below, oblong or ovate, acute, toothed. Heads a a inlong. 6 ee ee ee et 8. O. nitida. Leaves silvery below, oblong, acute at both ends, toothed; veins : diverging uy nee See. cas ac lane Be i » »« 9 O. dentata. 124 XXXIX. COMPOSITA., ([Olearia Leaves shining below, linear-oblong, spinous, truncate at the base 10. 0. dicifolia. Leaves with soft white wool below, acute, toothed. Achenes eer glabrous. 6 2 1 ee ee ee ee ew ee LL OL Cunninghamii. E. Heads solitary or corymbose, small, 3% in. diam.; florets 10-20. Leaves less than 1 in. long, entire. Leaves 1 in., flat. Heads corymbose; involucre closely imbrieate 12. 0. Haastit. Leaves 4—3 in., flat. Heads corymbose; involucre lax. . . . 13. O. moschata. : Leaves }-} in., convex. Head solitary . . . . «. + « - 14. O. nummularifolia. F. Heads corymbose, very narrow ; florets 1-4. Leaves 1-3 in. long. Leaves waved, oblong, obtuse, reticulate on both sides . . . . 15. 0. Forsteri. . Leaves lanceolate-oblong, acute, flat, reticulate on both sides. . 16. O. avicenniafolia. Leaves oblong, obtuse, waved, not evidently reticulate . . . . 17. O. albida. II. Leaves in opposite pairs or opposite fascicles, 3-1 in. long. Leaves 4-4 in., pale below. Heads pedicelled . . . . . . 18. O. virgata. Leaves 1-2 in., obovate or oblong, grey and silvery below. , . 19. O. Hectori. Leaves 4 in., linear, yellow below. Heads sessile . . . . . 20. O. Solandri. 1. O. operina, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 114. A stout branching shrub. Branches thick; leaves below and inflorescence covered with white tomentum. Leaves crowded, 2—4 in. long, 3% broad, rigidly coriaceous, narrowly obovate- lanceolate, acuminate ; teeth with obtuse, callous tips, glabrous above ; veins almost obliterated beneath. Peduncles 2 in. long, stout, thickly clothed with imbricating, ovate-lanceolate bracts 4-2 in. long; heads 1-14 in. diam. Co- rolla-tube of ray glabrous, of disk puberulous. Pappus hairs very unequal. Achene } in. long, ribbed, silky.—.Arnica operina, Forst. a. Branches as thick as a goose-quill, glabrous below. Flower of ray 3 in. long. 8. Branches as thick a3 the finger, tomentose. Flower of ray very short. Middle Island: u, Dusky Bay, Forster, Menzies ; 8B, Port Preservation, Lyall. 2. O. angustifolia, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 115. Very similar to O. operina, B, but. the leaves much more attenuated, longer, with 3-5 distinct parallel ribs below, the teeth closer, and the peduncles bearing fewer leaf-like bracts, of which the upper are 1-2 in. long. The specimens are past flower. Stewart's Island, Lyall. 3. 0. semidentata, Decaisne ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 116. A much more slender species than the preceding. Branches as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves 13-2} in. long, narrow oblong- or linear-lanceolate, acute, serrate towards the tip, white below. Peduncles 3-12 in. long, with few bracts; head 1} in. diam., purple? _ Achene } in. long, ribbed, almost glabrous. Chatham Island, Diefenbach. A beautiful plate of this plant was prepared by M. De- caisne, in 1845, for a work (hitherto unpublished) on the botany of the French expedition in the ‘Venus.’ ‘The leaves are broader in the figure than in my specimens. 4. O. Colensoi, Hook.f. Fl.N.Z.i. 115. ¢.29. A stout branching shrub. Leaves very thick and rigid, 13-4 in. long, broadly oblong- or lanceolate-obo- vate, acute, acutely irregularly toothed, shining above, with thick buff or white tomentum beneath; ribs evident or obliterated below. Panicles 6—10- headed, bracteate. Heads 4 in. diam. ; involucral scales linear, in 1 or 2 series, Olearia.] XXXIX. COMPOSITA. 125 scarious, villous at the tips. Ray florets very short. Pappus white, unequal, in several rows, Achene silky. a, Leaves without obvious petioles, shorter than the panicles, B. Leaves in distinct petioles, longer than. the panicles. Northern and Middle Islands: var. a, Mount Hikurangi, Colenso ; mountains of Canterbury, Haast ; var. 8, Dusky Bay, Lyall. 5. O. Lyallii, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.116. A small, very robust tree, much resembling O. Colensoi and similarly clothed, but far more robust, the leaves very broadly elliptical or oblong, with diverging veins, obtusely crenulate, the panicles much stouter; involucral bracts in more series. Petioles very broad and thick. Lord Auckland’s Islands, Iyall, Bolton. A noble plant. 1 have the foliage of what is possibly the same, gathered by Lyall in Milford Sound, but the branch and petioles are more slender. 6. O. insignis, Hook.f. Fl. N. Z. ii. 331. A very robust and remark- able species. _ Branches as thick as the finger, very densely clothed with thick fulvous or reddish tomentum, as are the young leaves, old leaves below, pe- tioles, peduncles, and involucres. Leaves 3-5 in. long, 2~3 broad,. oblong, obtuse, quite entire, excessively thick and hard, unequal at the base, shining above; petiole 3-1} in. long. Peduncle as thick as a goose-quill, 6-10 in. long. Head hemispherical. Involucral scales in very many imbricating series, subulate-lanceolate, acuminate, with rigid, recurved, needle-like points, the outer obtuse. Florets excessively numerous, of ray with filiform pilose tubes, 3 in. long, and narrow short rays. Pappus rufous, of one series of equal scabrid hairs, thickened at their tips. Achene very slender, densely silky. . Middle Island: banks of the Waihopai, on the driest rocks, Munro; Awatere valley, Sinclair, A most magnificent plant, almost generically distinct from Zwrydia in the simple pappus of equal hairs, thickened at the tip, but it approaches some Australian species in habit, size, and other respects. 7. O. furfuracea, Hook. f.—LEurybia, DC.; FIN. Z.i.117. A small tree, 10-15 ft. high. Branches terete, velvety ; twigs deeply grooved, and in- florescence and leaves below covered with closely-appressed matted hairs, pro= ducing a shining surface. Leaves 13-23 in. broad, ovate-oblong, obtuse, waved, rarely sinuate-toothed, rounded and unequal at base, reticulated above; petiole 3-1 in. long. Corymbs large, branched, Toose, spreading. Heads very numerous, } in. long, 3 diam.; involucral scales imbricate, ob- long, obtuse. Florets longer than involucre, of ray 3 or 4 with short broad rays, of disk 6-8. Pappus white, outer hairs short. Achene slender, angled, puberulous, and glandular.—Haatonia furfuracea, A. Cunn.; Aster, A. Rich. ; Shawia, Raoul. Northern Island: Bay of Islands to the east coast, Banks and Solander. 8. O.nitida, Hook. f—Lurybia, Fl. N. Z.i.117. A small tree, resem- bling O. furfuracea, but the tomentum is more silvery and shining, and leaves more ovate, less coriaceous, sinuate-toothed, and acute or acuminate. Heads in close, many-flowered, rounded corymbs, on silky ‘pedicels, 3-4 in. long, about as broad; involucral scales few, pilose, or laxly villous; florets 15-20, 126 XXXIX. COMPOSITZ. [Olearia. rays short. Pappus unequal. Achene silky.—Zurybia alpina, Lindl. and Paxt. Mag.; Solidago arborescens, Forst., not A. Cumn. Monntainous regions of the Northern Island, Banks and Solander, etc. : Mount Eg- mont, alt. 4000 ft., Diefenbach; Tongariro and Ruahine range, Colenso. Abundant throughout the Middle Island. 9. O. dentata, Hook. f—Eurybia dentata, o, Fl. N.Z.i.118. A shrub or small straggling tree, 20 ft. high, smelling of musk. Branches, panicles, and leaves below with very appressed down. Leaves oblong or linear-oblong, acute or acuminate, young pubescent above, 2—4 in. long, toothed and rather waved along the margins, not truncate at the base ; veins at an obtuse angle to the midrib. Heads white, in large rounded or flattened, many-headed co- rymbs, 3-4 in. long, broadly campanulate ; involucral scales few, pubescent and pilose; florets 10-12, of ray short; pappus white or red, in one series, hairs thickened at tips. Achene short, 3, in. long, pilose and ribbed. Northern Island: Ruahine range, Colenso. Wiiddle Island: Otago, Hector. Wood streaked with yellow, makes fair veneers, Buchanan. 10. O. ilicifolia, Hook. f,—Eurybia dentata, B, Fl. N.Z.i.118, Very similar to O. dentata, and also smelling of musk, but branches and twigs nearly glabrous. Leaves longer and narrower, usually truncate at the base, much and deeply waved at the margin, with spinous teeth, yellowish below when dry, and veins at right angles to the midrib. Heads as in O. dentate. Northern Island: Tongariro, Bidwill ;.Ruahine range, Colenso. Middle Island: Haast river, Canterbury, Haast; Otago, Lyall; lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Certainly distinct from O. dentate, and remarkable for its yellow hue when dry, waved spinous leaves, and horizontal veins. ll. O. Cunninghamii, Hook. f—LHurybia, FI. N. Z. i. 117. ¢. 30. A small tree, 12-20 ft. high. Branches, panicles, petioles, and under surface of leaves covered with soft white or brown tomentum. Leaves 2—5 in. long, oblong ovate-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, acute, more or less toothed, finely reticulated above; veins diverging, but not at right angles. Heads very nu- merous, in large broad panicles with diverging branches, broadly campanu- late, } in. diam.; involucre shortly turbinate, scales very woolly or nearly glabrous, obtuse or acute, much shorter than the florets ; florets 12-20; rays few, broad ; pappus white or reddish, unequal, rather thickened at the tips. Achene quite glabrous.— Brachyglottis Rani, A. Cunn. Northern Island: not uncommon in woods, Banks and Solander, etc. WLliddle Island: Nelson, common, Zravers ; Ship Cove, Lyall. Very variable in size of foliage, in its toothing, and in the involucre sometimes of very tomentose obtuse scales; at others of nearly glabrous acute ones. 12. O. Haastii, Hook. f., ». sp. A small shrubby tree. Branches stout and corymbs hoary. Leaves 3-14 in. long, oblong or ovate- or linear- oblong, obtuse, very coriaceous, quite entire, reticulate and shining above, below white and smooth, with close appressed white down, not shining, flat ; veins very obscure, at right angles to midrib. Heads in rather loose pe- duncled corymbs, % in. long, 4 in. diam., 10-15-flowered ; involucre cylin- dric, scales closely imbricate, obloug, obtuse, glabrous, inner nearly as long as ue florets ; ray florets few, broad; pappus white, unequal. Achene loosely pilose. Olearia.} XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 127 Middle Island: near the glacier of Lake Okau, alt. 4-4500 ft., Haast. I received this plant first from the late Mr. Veitch, of Exeter, who cultivated it from seeds brought from New Zealand, bearing the MS. name Eurybia parvifolia. 13. O. moschata, Hook. /., ». sp. A much-branched shrub, smell- ing strongly of musk. Branches, peduncles, and leaves below covered with densely appressed, white or yellowish tomentum. Leaves }-4 in. long, narrow obovate-oblong, obtuse, quite entire, flat, narrowed into a very short petiole, hardly reticulated above; veins quite obsolete below. Corymbs axillary, long-peduncled. Heads few, long-pedicelled, campanulate, 3 in. diam. ; involucral scales in few series, outer short, obtuse, white, tomentose, inner brown ; florets 12-20; pappus whitish, unequal. Achene silky. Middle Island: Mount Cook, 2500-3500 ft., and banks of Haast aud Hopkins rivers, Haast ; Otago, lake district, alt. 2000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. 14, O. nummularifolia, Hook. f.—Kurybia, Fl. N. Z. i. 118. A rigid, erect shrub, 1—10 ft. high, more or less viscid. Branches stout, erect, often glutinous. Leaves close-set, erect spreading or reflexed, 3-4 in. long, orbicular oblong or obovate, obtuse, quite entire, margins recurved, very hard and coriaceous, reticulate and shining above, below white or yellow, covered with appressed down. Heads solitary, on peduncles longer or shorter than the leaves, $—} in. long, } broad; involucre turbinate, scales appressed, im- bricate, broad, obtuse, nearly glabrous or the outer pubescent ; florets 8-10, rays rather broad ; pappus white, unequal. Achene pubescent. Alps of the Northern and Middle Islands, alt. 4000 ft: Tongariro, Bidwil ; Mount Hikurangi, Colenso ; P recal Bidwill ; Southera Alps, in various places, Sinclair, Haast, Travers ; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Travers sends a variety from the Wairan gorge, alt. 4500 ft., with the margins of leaves so recurved that the latter are cymbi- form, and the outer scales of the involucre are tomentose. 15. O. Forsteri, Hook. f—Eurybia, Fl. N. Z. i.119. A small tree, closely resembling O. furfuracea in habit and foliage. Leaves 2-3 in. long, oblong, obtuse, margins undulate, both surfaces finely reticulate, lower white with densely appressed down; petioles }—1 in. long. Corymbs shorter than the leaves, peduncled, spreading, many-headed. Heads fascicled and sessile on the branches of the panicle, 4-4 in. long ; involucre narrow, scales few, lax, coriaceous, shining, white, obtuse, nearly glabrous; florets 1 or 2, one often ligulate; pappus white, unequal. Achene pubescent.—Shawia paniculata, Forst. Northern and Middle Islands, Banks and Solander, etc. ; head of Ruamahanga and banks of the Pahawa river, Colenso ; Akaroa, Raoul. 16. O. avicennizfolia, Hook. f—Hurybia, Fl. N. Z. i, 120. A small tree. Branches hoary. Leaves 14-24 in. long, elliptic- or lanceolate- oblong, narrowed at both ends, subacute, margins flat, reticulate on both surfaces, white or rufous with closely appressed tomentum below ; petioles 4-1 in. long. Corymbs peduncled, densely very many-headed. Heads shortly pedicelled, 4 in. long, narrow ; involucre cylindric, scales few, imbri- cate, coriaceous, glabrous, ciliate, not shining; florets 3 or 4, one with a- broad ray; pappus white. Achene silkky.—Shawia avicenniafolia, Raoul, t. 18. 5 128 XXXIX, COMPOSITE, [Olearia. Middle Island: Akaroa, Raoul ; Nelson, Bidwill ; Southern Alps, Haast; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. 17. O. albida, Hook. {—Hurybia, Fl. N. Z.i. 118. A small tree, very like O. Forsteri in habit and foliage, but the leaves are not evidently reticulate on either surface, the under surface is rather softer and very white, the panicles larger, more effuse. Heads quite different, pedicelled, $ in. long, subcylindric ; jnvolucral scales imbricate, short, obtuse, pubescent ; florets 2 or 3, one often, ligulate; pappus white, unequal. Achene pubescent. Northern Island, Colenso; Auckland, Sinclair. 18. O. virgata, Hook. f—Eurybia, Fl. N. Zi. 119. An erect, twiggy shrub, 3-8 ft. high. Branches opposite, angled or grooved, glabrous or pu- bescent. Leaves 3-3 in. long, linear-oblong obovate or spathulate, obtuse, rarely quite linear, with white or fulvous tomentum beneath, veinless, margins flat or recurved. Heads solitary or fascicled, on short or long slender pedi- cels, rarely sessile, broadly campanulate, } in. diam. ; involucral scales woolly, few, short ; ray florets few; pappus white or reddish. Achene pubescent. Var. «. Leaves }-1 in., narrow linear-obovate, flat. Var, 8. Leaves $ in., linear, margins recurved. Var. y. Leaves 1-14 in., excessively narrow linear, margins recurved. Northern Island, var. a, boggy places, Wairarapa, Colenso. Middle Island, var. a and B, Wairan Pass, by watercourses, Bidwil/; Rangitata river, Sinclair ; Lake 'Tikapo and Wainaka, Haast; Otago, Lindsay. Var. y, Otago, Lindsay ; lake district, Hector and Buchanan, Very variable in size, breadth, and colour of foliage. 19. Os Hectori, Hook. f., ». sp. Habit of 0. virgata, but leaves 1-2 in. long, obovate, on slender petioles, membranous, covered below with pale- grey silvery tomentum, the veins distinct. Middle Island: Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan, “a beautifal shrubby tree.” Possibly an extreme form of O. virgata, but a most distinct-looking plant. 20. O. Solandri, Hook. f—Eurybia, Fl. N. Z.i. 119. An erect shrub, 5 ft. high. Branches stout, upper opposite, angled, often viscid. Leaves in opposite pairs or fascicles, } in. long, uniform, narrow linear or linear-obo- vate, obtuse, margins recurved, covered with yellow tomentum below. Heads solitary, sessile, 3 in. long; involucre turbinate, scales numerous, short, im- bricated, obtuse, fulvous; florets 8-10, ray short ; pappus red, equal. Achene pubescent. Northern Island: sandy shores of the cast coast, Banks and Solander, Cunningham, etc, Habit of Cassinia fulvida. 2. PLEUROPHYLLUM, Hook. f. Tall, succulent, robust, leafy, silky or woolly herbs. Leaves radical and cauline, with numerous stout parallel ribs —Heads racemed. Involucre he- mispherical, scales in 2 or 3 series, herbaceous. Receptacle flat, alveolate, toothed. Florets very numerous, of the ray in 1-3 series, ligulate, female ; of the disk tubular, 4- or 5-toothed, hermaphrodite. Pappus of 2 or 3 series, rigid, scabrid, unequal. Anthers shortly tailed. Achene angled, deusely setose. ‘ The only species known are confined to the islets south of New Zealand, and are noble Pleurophyllum.) XXXIX. COMPOSIT. 129 plants. The genus is best distinguished from such Olearias as O. Colensoi by its herbaceous habit and ribbed leaves. Heads with long, purple, 3-toothed rays . . . . . 2 + 1, BP. speciosum. Heads with very short 2-3-partite rays . . . . . 1 1 1. . % PB. eriniferum. _I. P. speciosum, Hook. f. Fi. Antarct. i. 31, t. 22, 23. Stem 2-3 ft. high; root thick, fleshy. Leaves villous with bristles intermingled, radical oblong, 1 ft. long, 6-8 in. broad, quite entire, ribs 18-20, cauline smaller. Raceme leafy, sometimes ‘compound below. Heads 2 in. broad, very hand- some, purple. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island, in wet places, J. D. H. 2. P.criniferum, Hook.f. Fl. Aniarct. i. 82. ¢. 24, 25. Stem 2-6 ft. high, sometimes branched at the base, covered at the base with the curled hair-like dry ribs of the old leaves. Radical and lower leaves silky-villous, 2 ft. long, 1 broad, amplexicaul at the base, broadly oblong, quite entire, ribs about 20-40, upper narrow, densely silky. Raceme simple. Heads subglobose ; involucral scales ciliate-dentate, glabrous or tomentose. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell’s Island, in swampy places, J. D. H. M‘Quarrie’s Island, Fraser. 3. CELMISIA, Cass. Perennial Aster-like herbs, with fusiform roots, or creeping branched rhizomes. Leaves all radical, rosulate, simple, entire or toothed, most fre- quently covered with more or less appressed white or buff tomentum. _Scapes with linear bracts, 1-headed.—Heads large, rayed. Involucral scales in few or many series, linear or subulate, usually pubescent or cottony or glandular, often recurved. Receptacle plane or convex, even or deeply alveolate. Florets of ray female, in one series, with long spreading or revolute, white or purplish ligules; arms of style with linear obtuse even arms, thickened at the edges : of disk hermaphrodite, tubular, 5-toothed, tube often thickened below; anthers with very short tails; arms of style shorter, tipped with long or short glandular cones. Pappus of about 2 series of rather few, unequal, rigid, scabrid, white or reddish bristles, the outer shorter. Achene linear, often as Jong as the pappus, angled or terete, rarely compressed, glabrous or silky, the hairs usually bifid at the very tip. A most beautiful genus, abundant in New Zealand, and, as in all the other large genera of these islands, the species are very variable, difficult to discriminate, and intermediate forms may be expected between those here described.” It is very closely allied in characters but not in habit to the large uorthern genus Zrigeron, and the minute obseure tails to the anthers is the only diagnostic mark; three South American Erigerons, indeed, have all the habits of Celmisia, they have, however, thea nthers of Erigeron, in which genus Weddell has placed them. From Aster, the same characters of the anthers, and the rarely flattened achenes distinguish them. From Olearia and Pleurophyltum, they differ only in habit. Two of the New Zealand species, and another are Australian; the genus is unknown else- where. A. Leaves more or less toothed or serrate (often obscurely), white or buff beneath (glabrous in a var. of Sinclaivii). Involueres generally viscid. Leaves 6-9 x 14-2 in., acutely serrate, lanceolate. . 2... ) LG holosericea. Leaves 3-6 x 3-14 in.,.crenate, narrow linear-oblong. . . » - - 2. C. densiflora. VOL. I. K 180 XXXIX. COMPOSITA. [Celrmuisia, Leaves 4-24 x 3-4 in., subserrate, linear or spathulate, coriaceous, ; white below. 2. 2 2 0 ee ee ew we ew ww te 8 discolor, Leaves 14-2 x 4-2 in., crenate-serrate, obovate-oblong, buff below. Achene silky ee ee ee Leaves 1-2 x 4-4 in., obovate-oblong or spathulate, white below, mar- i¢ gins recurved. Bracts many. Achene glabrons . . . - « «+ 6, C, Haastii. Leaves 1-2 x 4-3 in., serrulute, coriaceous, obovate, with white, soft tomentum below . 2. 1 ee ee te ee Leaves 2-24 x4 in., scarcely serrate, linear-oblong. Rays distant, : ; corolla-tube rigid . 1 6 6 6 6 ee ee ee He ee OL Lindsayi. Leaves 14-2 x 4-2 in., scarcely serrate, oblong or spathulate, mem- branous «we ww ee ee eee ew ww tw 8G Sinclairiz. 4. 0. hieracifolia, 6. C. incana. B. Leaves 3-18 x }-8 in., quite entire (obscurely toothed or rough in C. verbascifolia, spec- tabilis, and petiolata), silvery silky or woolly below (glabrate in C. Mackaui). Leaves 4-8 x $-3 in., oblong or lanceolate, not silvery below, Achene . glabrous. www ee ee ee ww we D Cte rbascifolta, ‘Leaves 10-18 x 4-23 in., lanceolate, silky below. Achene pilose. . 10. C. coriacea. Leaves 10 x 14 in., narrow lanceolate, glabrate on bothsides . . . 11. C. Mackaui. Leaves 3-5 x 4-4 in., linear, silvery above, shining below . . . . 12. C. Munroi. Leaves 8-18 x 4-3 in., ensiform, even and glabrous above, silvery below 13. C. Lyalliz. Leaves 3 x 4 in., linear, obtuse, viscous above, grooved below . . . 14. C. viscosa. Leaves 6-12 x 3-14 in., linear-oblong, with long purple sheaths . . 15. C. petiolata. Leaves 4-6 x 4-1 in., linear-lanceolate, with opaque, thick, buff, loose tomentum below . . 2 «2 «we se ww ee . 16. OC. spectabilis. Leaves 9 x 1} in., oblong, and scape and head, with dense velvety, rusty tomentum below . . . 1 ew ee soe ew ew & 6 VT. OC Traversii. C. Leaves 1-12 x 35-4 in., very narrow-linear or linear-oblong, white below, or on both sides. Leaves 2-18 x '5-4 in., narrow, margins recurved, cottony and silvery 18. C. longifolia. Leaves 3-1 x =’; in., acerose, pungent, silvery . . . . . . « . 19. G layicifolia. leaves 4-3 x }-} in., linear-spathulate, silky on both sides . . . . 20. C. Hectori. Leaves 2-§ x 75 in., shortly silky on both sides. Head sessile ., . 21. C. sessiliflora, D. Leaves perfectly glabrous on both surfaces, or with minute glandutar pubescence only. (See 8, Sinelairii, ix A, and 11, Mackaui, in B.) Leaves 4 x} in., obtuse, green, quite entire. . . . . . . . « 22. GC bellidioides. Leaves 3-1 x4 in., spathulate, acute, serrate . . . . . . » . 23.6 glandulosa. Leaves 1-4 x 4-4 in., linear, curved, coriaceous, shining. . . . . 24. C, vernicosa. 1. ©. holosericea, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 121. ¢. 31. Leaves 6-9 in. long, 14-2 broad, flat, leathery, lanceolate, acute, acutely serrate, quite gla- brous above, with fine, nearly parallel veins, covered below with a thin layer of white appressed tomentum, except the midrib; petiolar part broadly sheath- ing, 1 in. long and broad, furrowed, quite glabrous, shining, margins mem- branous. Scape 1-1} ft. long, slender, glabrous, with linear bracts 1 in. long. Head 2~3} in. broad; involucral scales in many series, subulate, outer- most leafy, the rest glabrous or viscid, with recurved tips; florets glabrous ; ray narrow, 4-1 in. long; pappus 3 in. long, as long as the pilose achene.— Aster holosericeus, Forst. Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Forster ; Port Preservation, Lyall. A magnificent plant. 2. C. densiflora, Hook. f., . sp. Leaves 3-6 in. long, 4-14 broad, narrow linear-oblong, obtuse, flat, leathery, crenate-dentate, quite glabrous but viscid above, below covered (except the midrib) with appressed white Celmisia.} XXXIX. COMPOSITHE. 131 tomentum; veins 0; petiolar part 1-1} long, $ broad, sheathing, glabrous, grooved, shining. Scape 8-12 in. long, slender, with few linear bracts 1 in. long. Head 1-2 in. broad;' involucral scales excessively numerous, subu- late, recurved, pubescent and viscid; florets densely crowded, glabrous; rays twisted, numerous, 1—} in. long, narrow; pappus 4 in. long, as long as the slender rather silky achene. Middle Island: mountains near Lake Okau, Dobson’s and Hopkin’s rivers, alt. 2-5000 ft., Haast ; Otago, lake district, subalpine, Hector and Buchanan. The excessively nume- rous florets and involucral scales (with recurved tips), short raya, and obtuse crenate leaves, well distinguish this. 3. C. discolor, Hook. f. Fl. N.Z.i.128. A rather small species, 4-12 in. high. Leaves imbricating upon short branches, from oblong-spathulate to linear, the former 1-13 in. long by 4 broad, the latter 2 in. long by 4 broad, sometimes with slender petioles, obtuse or subacute, serrulate to the touch or quite entire, opaque, glabrous or hoary above, white below, coria- ceous. Scape slender, viscid; bracts many, linear. Head ¢ in. diam.; involucral scales in few series, linear-subulate, recurved, viscid, pubescent or tomentose; rays narrow; pappus 2 in, long. Achene silky. Middle Island: abundant on the mountains between 2000 and 6000 ft., from Nelson to Milford Sound. The var. 8 of Fi. N. Z. is clearly a large form. Some states approach C. incana in the softness and laxity of the wool. 4. C. hieracifolia, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. ¢. 34 B. Closely allied to 0. discolor, of the same size, but the branches are much shorter, the leaves 13-2 in. long, 3-2 in. broad, obovate-oblong, sessile, obtuse, obtusely serrate, less coriaceous, with appressed buff (when dry) tomentum beneath. Scape stout, very pubescent and viscid, with many rather leafy, erect or recurved bracts not white below. Head as in discolor, but rather larger. ‘ Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Bidwill, Munro. Very near C. discolor, but I think istinct. 5. C. Haastii, Hook. f., 2. sp. Size and habit of C. dieracifolia, the leaves similar in dimensions form and texture, pale yellow-green above when dry, white with closely appressed tomentum below, margins narrowly recurved, with a few distant obscure teeth or stout bristles. Scape stout, cottony, co- vered with linear obtuse or acute cdttony or glabrate bracts. Head 4-1 in. diam. Involucral scales linear, obtuse, hoary, membranous, erect, appressed, hardly glandular; rays } in. long. Achene glabrous. Middle Island: Hopkins River and Mount Darwin, alt. 4500-6000 ft., Haast ; Otago, lake district, alpine, Hector and Buchanan. Near C. hieracifolia and incana, but differing wholly in the stout cottony scape, numerous bracts, linear membranous not recurved involucre- scales, and glabrous achene. 6. C. incana, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 123. ¢. 34 A. Robust, 4-10 in. high, branches from the rooting rhizome short, stout, densely clothed with fibrous leaf-remains. Leaves crowded, 1-2 in. long, 3-2 broad, oblong- spathulate, obtuse or acute, densely coriaceous, serrulate, thickly covered below or on both surfaces with snow-white soft, not appressed tomentum. Scapes stout, numerous, linear; bracts woolly. . Heads 1 in. diam. ; involucral scales linear or subulate-lanceolate, recurved, pubescent and viscid; rays nume- rous, narrow ; pappus } in. long. Achene silky. ; K 132 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Celmisia. Northern Island: Mount Hikurangi and Ruahine range, Colenso. Mfiddle Island : Upper Wairau, Sinclair ; top of Gordon’s Nob and Macrae’s Rua, alt. 4-5000 it., Munro 3 Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Generally a very distinct species, at once dis- tinguished by the size, soft, loose, snow-white tomentum, and very coriaceous serrate leaves, but I fear it may pass into C. discolor. 7. C. Lindsayi, Hook. f., . sp. Rhizome creeping, as thick as a quill, clothed with coriaceous, glabrous, short leaf-sheaths. Leaves 2-2} in. long, 2 in. broad, linear-oblong, subacute, with a few small serratures, snow- white below with appressed shining tomentum, midrib black, cottony towards the short sheath, opaque and glabrous ahove. Scape slender, flexuous, nearly glabrous. Head 13 in. diam.; involucral scales subulate, imbricate, glabrous, short; rays patent, few, distant, not recurved, 3 in. long; tube of corolla much thickened, rigid; pappus red, } in. long. Achene silky. Middle Island: Otago, Trap Cliffs at Shaw’s Bay, the Nuggets, mouth of the Clutha river, Lindsay. A very distinct species, remarkable for the slender, flexuons, glabrous scape, small imbricate involucre, few straight distant rays, and much thickened, rigid corolla- tubes, 8. C. Sinclairii, Hook. f., ». sp. - Rhizome long, as thick as a quill. Leaves 14-2 in. long, 4-3 in. broad, linear-oblong or obovate-spathulate, obtuse or acute, obscurely toothed, glabrous on both sides, or white below, membranous, contracted into membranous, glabrous or hoary sheaths 1 in. long. Scape slender, nearly glabrous. Head 1-1} in: diam:; involucral scales subulate, squarrose, recurved, pilose ; rays numerous, 3 in. long ; pappus whitish, 2 in: Achene silky. Middle Island: Dun mountains, Sizclair (leaves white below); Tarndale, Stzclair (leaves glabrous on both surfaces). Leaves more membranous than usual in the genus. I have only three specimens. 9. C. verbascifolia, Hook.f. Fl.N.Z.i.121. Very large. Root thicker than the thumb, spindle-shaped. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, narrowed into very broad, putple, glabrous, sheathing petioles, with woolly edges, 4—8 in. long, 13-8 broad, coriaceous, scarcely crenulate, opaque, glabrous above, below thickly clothed with pale, buff, loose, soft, thick tomentum ; veins diverging. Scepes as long as the leaves, and heads densely woolly; bracts long, linear. Head 2 in. diam.; involucral scales erect; linear-subulate; tube of ‘corolla much thickened below; rays very slender, -? in. long; pappus 4} in. long. Achene glabrous, ripe not seen. : Middle Island: Milford Sound and Port Preservation, Zyai/. .A splendid species. 10. C. coriacea, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 121: Leaves 10-18 in. long, 3-24 broad, lanceolate, coriaceous, narrowed into broad woolly. sheaths, co- vered above with a silvery pellicle of matted cottony hairs, below with dense white silvery tomentum: Scapes very stout, very cobwebby and cottony, with many linear bracts. Head 13-3 in. diam. ; involucral scales very nu- merous, linear-subulate, cottony or glabrous; rays excessively numerous, 1} in. long; tube of corolla pubescent. Achene linear, compressed; 4 in, long, pilose.—Aster coriaceus, Forst. : Middle Island: abundant in the mountains, from Nelson to Dusky Bay, Forster, ete. Not hitherto found in the Northern Island, the plant alluded to in the Fl. N. Z., as from the Celinisia.] XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 133 Ruabine range, proves to have been found in the Middle Island. “Leather plant” of colo- nists. .A magnificent species, which Mueller appears to have found in the Australian alps, but his specimens not being in flower, I cannot well determine the point. _ ll. C. Mackaui, Raoul, Choiz, xix. t.18 ;—Fl. N. Z.i.122. Altogether similar to C. coriacea, but the mature leaves are glabrate on both sides, rather glaucous below, sparingly cottony at the base only; the scape and involucre also glabrate, the achene quite glabrous, and the tube of the corolla thick- ened at the base as in C. verbascifolia. Middle Island: rocky’ places at Akaroa, Raoul. 12. C. Munroi, Hook. f.,'». sp. Leaves 8-5 in. long, 3-3 broad, narrow linear-oblong, strict, subacute, very coriaceous, with a silvery pellicle of matted cottony hairs above, below with dense white silvery tomentum, wrinkled in parallel lines when dry; margins slightly recurved; sheaths densely woolly and snow-white. Scape longer than the leaves, stout, very woolly and cottony; bracts numerous, linear. Head 1-1} in. diam,; invo- lucral scales numerous, linear-subulate, erect or recurved, woolly or glabrate ; rays very numerous, { in. long ; pappus 3 in. long, Achene glabrous or his- pidulous. Middle Island: Upton Downs, Awatare, elev. 1500 ft., Muxro; Hopkins River, Mount Cook, and elsewhere in the alps of Canterbury, 83-4500 ft., Zravers and Haast. Best dis- tinguished from C. coriacea by the narrow, smaller, linear, longitudinally wrinkled leaves. Munro’s specimens have quite glabrous achenes, Haast’s are hispidulous. 18. C. Lyallii, Hook. f, x. sp. Leaves 8-18 in. long, 3-2 broad, narrow ensiform, gradually tapering froma silky sheathing grooved base to the tip, very rigidly coriaceous, quite smooth glabrous and even above, below with dense appressed white tomentum, even or grooved, tip tapering, rigid, pale yellow when dry. Scape densely cottony ; bracts rather rigid, linear. Head 4-1} in. diam. ; involucral scales subulate-lanceolate, rigid, rather recurved, glabrous or cottony at the margins; rays twisted,-3 in. long; pappus 3 in. long. Achene pubescent or silky. Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Iyall; “urrumui valleys, 1200-1600 ft., Travers. Abundant in the Rangitata, Two-thumb, and Malvern ranges, alt. 35010 ft., and alps of Hopkins River, alt. 2500 ft., Sinclair and Haast ; Otago, lake district and Lindis Pass, dis- placing the tussock grass at 4000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A well-marked species, best distinguished by the very long, narrow, rigid leaves, which gradually taper from base to tip, -and are usually grooved with parallel ribs beneath. 14. C. viscosa, Hook. f., 2. sp. Bhizome very stout, together. with leaf-sheaths, 1 in. diam. Leaves crowded, 3 in. long, 4 broad, exactly linear, obtuse, sessile bn the ‘broader, glabrous, grooved, brown, short sheaths, very rigid, even or grooved above, white with appressed down beneath and ridged with parallel ribs. Scapes much longer than leaves, stout ; bracts numerous, pubescent and viscid. Head 13 in. diam. ; involucral scales numerous, subu- late, woolly and viscid; rays short, revolute; pappus ? in. long. Acheue silky. Middle Island-: summit of Mount Torlesse, alt. 5x6000 ft., Haast; Otago, lake dis» trict, subalpine, Sinclair and Haast. The short, linear, rigid, entire, viscid leaves, which are white and ribbed below, and viscid scape, are the best marks of this species ; it approaches states of C. discolor, but is much larger. 134 XXXIX. COMPOSITA. (Celmisia. 15. C. petiolata, Hook. f., .sp. Leaves with the long purple hairy grooved petiole 6-12 in. long, 2-1} broad; blade linear-oblong or oblong- lanceolate, subacute, hairy or loosely villous above, greenish-white, with vil-. lous appressed tomentum below, membranous; midrib purple below ; veins slender, diverging; margins entire or denticulate. Scapes longer than the leaves, hairy or villous, often purple ; bracts slender. Head 13-22 in. diam. ; involucral scales narrow, subulate, tomentose or glabrate; rays 4 in. long; pappus 3 in. long. Achene glabrous or silky. Middle Island: Hurrumui mountains, in moist valleys, alt. 3000 ft., Travers ; Hopkin’s River and Great Clyde glacier, alt. 2-6000 ft., Haast; Rangitata river, alt. 1800 ft., Siz- clair ; Mount Brewster, alt. 44500 ft., Hector. The long purple petioles and purple mid- rib of the rather membranous leaf, are constant characters in all my specimens, 16. C. spectabilis, Hook. f. Fl. N. Zi. 122.¢. 33. Rhizome very stout, together with leaf-sheaths 1-1} in. diam. Leaves 4—6 in. long, 3-1 broad, narrow linear-oblong, obtuse or acute, sessile on the long, excessively silky and shaggy sheaths, glabrous and even, young silvery above, densely clothed with soft, loose, buff tomentum below, very thick and coriaceous; margins re- curved, sometimes obscurely toothed. Scape stout, much longer than leaves, densely cottony; bracts linear. Head 1-1} in. broad; involucral scales subulate, recurved, densely woolly ; rays short, narrow, very numerous; tube of corolla thickened below; pappus nearly 3 in. long. Achene quite gla- brous. ° Northern Island: Tongariro, Bidwill ; Mount Hikurangi and Ruahine range, Colenso. Abundant throughout Nelson and Canterbury provinces of the Middle Island, alt. 2-5000 ft. The rather short, rigid leaves, covered below with loose, not appressed, buff, woolly tomen- tum, and glabrous achenes, are the best characters of this species, which varies extremely in stature ; very dwarf varieties are common. 17, ©. Traversii, Hook. f., x. sp. Leaves beneath margins and scape most thickly clothed with soft, velvety, rusty-brown (when dry) tomentum. Leaves with petiole 9 in. long, 13 broad, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, coriace- ous, glabrous and opaque above, except the silky midrib, below purple, dilating into the broad petiolar sheath, which is densely clothed with snow-white cot- ton. Scape very stout; bracts linear. Head 14 in. diam.; involucral scales very numerous, linear, acute, densely clothed with brown velvety tomentum ; rays narrow, rather short, § in. long; pappus } in. Achene glabrous. Middle Island : Discovery Peaks, Nelson, alt. 5500 ft, Zravers. 1 have but one seape and two leaves of this very remarkable and handsome plant, the dense, rusty, velvety tomentum of scape and leaf below, contrasting with the snow-white cotton of the sheaths, are most singular and beautiful features. 18. C. longifolia, Cass. ;—. gracilenta, Fl. N. Z. i. 122. Leaves usually very numerous, 1-18 in long, ;!;—+ in. broad, narrow-linear or nar- row-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, not pungent, upper surface glabrous or silvery, under silky-tomentose, margins often much recurved or revolute, rather soft and flexuose, never rigidly coriaceous. Scapes slender, cottony ; bracts linear. Head 3-13 in. broad; involucral scales subulate, glabrous or cot- -fony, acute or obtuse, never recurved in flower, black at tip; rays few or pany, long or short, broad or narrow ; pappus reddish or white. Achene glabrous or silky. Celmisia.} XXXIX. COMPOSITS. 135 Abundant thronghout the islands, ascending to 6500 ft., and varying excessively in stature, robustness, length, and breadth of leaves, one or many. (8-12) slender or robust scapes, aud large. or small, cottony or glabrate heads. This ig the commonest Celmisia in the islands, and is also found on the Australian and Tasmanian alps and Blue Mountains. Some states almost pass into C. Munroi. 19. ©, laricifolia, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. ii. 331. A small species, with prostrate rhizomes, densely leafy for 2-3 inches. Leaves densely crowded, 2-1 in. long, by ~ broad, acerose, pungent, somewhat recurved, glabrous above, silvery or cottony below; margins recurved. Scapes very slender, 2~4 in. long, glabrate; bracts few, setiform. Head 3 in. diam.; involucral scales few, linear-subulate, erect, cottony; florets few. Achene hispid. Middle Island: Gordon’s Nob and other Nelson mountains, alt. 4000 ft., Munro, Sin- elatry ; summit of Mount Torlesse, alt. 4500-6000 ft., Haast. 20. C. Hectori, Hook.f, ». sp. A densely tufted species, forming ex- tensive patches. Leaves densely imbricate, spreading, 1-2 in. long, 1-3 broad, linear- or spathulate-oblong, obtuse, silky on both surfaces ; margins recurved ; sheaths short, coriaceous, shining, glabrous,-cottony at the margins. Scape very robust, 4-5 in. long, villous and silky; bracts many, linear. Head large for the plant, 1 in. diam.; involucral scales linear-subulate, few, ob- tuse, pubescent ; rays $ in., long, rather broad; pappus 2 in. long. Achene silky. Middle Island: Otago, Mount Brewster, alt. 5-6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A very pretty and distinct little species, remarkable for the small foliage and large head. 21. C. sessiliflora, Hook. f.,”. sp. A small, robust, densely tufted, greenish-grey species, 2-3 in. high. Leaves most numerous and densely tufted, 4-2 in. long, =}; in. broad, strict, narrow-linear, obtuse, thick, convex at the back, equally hoary or silky on both surfaces; sheath as long and rather broader than the blade, membranous, with villous margins. Head 2 in. diam., sunk amongst the leaves ; involucral scales few, slender, subulate; florets few; rays 3 in. long; pappus white or reddish, 4 in. long. Achene silky. Middle Islaud: Upper Wairau, etc., 4000 ft., Sinclair; Discovery Peaks, 5800 ft., Travers ; grassy flats, Mount Cook and Macaulay river, 4000 ft., Haast ; Mount Brewster, and elsewhere in the lake district, 83-5000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. 22. C. bellidioides, Hook.f, 2. sp. A small glabrous species. Rhi- zome creeping, branched, often stout and woody. Leaves spreading, linear- oblong, 3-3 in. long, }-4 broad, linear-oblong or linear-spathulate, rounded at the tip, green on both surfaces ; margin sometimes obscurely toothed, rather coriaceous, veinless, narrowed into short, rather cottony petioles. Scape slender, 1-2 in, high; bracts many, leafy, narrow. Head ¢ in. diam.; invo- lucral scales few, green, often purple-margined, broadly linear; rays many, 2 in. long ; pappus 4 in. long; corolla-tube pilose. Achene villous or silky. Middle Island: Tarndale mountains, in loose shingle, alt. 5000 ft., Sinelazr ; fissures of rocks, Mount Torlesse, Macaulay and Hopkins rivers, Lake Hawai, etc., alt. 3-6000 ft., Haast. 23. C. glandulosa, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.124. A small glabrous plant, 1-3 in. high, covered with minute and glandular pubescence. Leaves {—1 in. long, 3 in. broad, petioled, ovate- or oblong-spathulate, acute, acutely serrate 136 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Celmisia. or toothed; petioles dilating into very short sheaths, rigid but thin. Scape slender; bracts few, linear, acuminate. Head 3 in. diam.; involucral scales linear-subulate, erect or recurved, pubescent and ciliate; receptacle deeply al- veolate ; rays few, 3 in. long; pappus } in. long. Achene silky. Northern Island: base of Tongariro, Colenso. Middle Island: Mount Cook, alt. 5-6000 ft., Haast. : 24. ©. vernicosa, Hook. f.; Fl. Antarct. i, 34. 1. 26 and 27. A densely tufted, very leafy, perfectly glabrous species, everywhere polished and shining. Leaves excessively densely crowded, rosulate, straight or curved, 1-4 in. long, 3-4 broad, linear, obtuse, extremely coriaceous, convex above, sometimes obscurely toothed; margins often recurved. Scapes solitary or numerous, very stout, flexuose, 1-8 in. high, covered with leafy coriaceous bracts. Head 1-14 in. diam. ; involucral scales linear, erect ; rays numerous, 3-1 in. long; disk purple; corolla-tube pilose; pappus 2 in. long. Achene hispid. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island : common from the sea to 1000 ft., 7. D. H. A most beautiful plant, quite unlike any hitherto found in New Zealand proper. 4. VITTADINIA, A. Rich. Herbs or undershrubs, branched, leafy. Heads on the ends of the branches, their characters those of Celmisia, but involucre obconic ; achene compressed, very slender; rays short, and anthers not tailed. A small genus, confined to Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Sandwich Islands. 1. V. australis, 4. Rich. ;—Eurybiopsis australis, DC. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 125. A small, much branched, more or less pubescent, hispid and glandular herb, 6-12 in. high, with a short, woody rhizome, and erect, leafy, slender branches. Leaves 4-} in. long, cuneate or linear-spathulate, 3-5-lobed or -toothed at the tip. Heads solitary, short-peduncled ; involucral scales few, in two series, linear, rigid, erect ; rays one series, white tipped with pink ; papbus white or reddish, 4 in. long. Achene not so long as pappus, linear, compressed, hispid, hairs forked at the tip. Cotnmon in dry places throughout’ the islands, from Aucklaud southwards, Wairau gorge, all. 4-5000 ft., Travers (a very tomentose form) ; in Otago it ranges from the sea-level to the snow-ranges, Hector and Buchanan. 5. LAGENOPHORA, Cass. Sniall perennial herbs. Leaves oblong or spathulate, usually membranous. Scapes single-headed.—Involucre of two series of narrow, appressed, acute scales. Receptacle rather broad, naked. Florets many, of ray in one series, femalé not yellow, with revolute ligule, and compressed, beaked, often glan- dular achene: of disk tubular, 5-toothed; achene often imperfect ; pappus 0. A small genus, found in Australia, Tasmania, India, China, and extratropical S. America. Petioles slender. Leaves hairy or glabrate. Heads 3-}in. . . . > 1. ZL. Forsteri, Petioles slender. Leaves hairy or glabrate. Heads}-4in.. . . . 2. L. petiolata. Petioles short. eaves hirsute. Achenes glabrous. . . . . . . 8. LZ. danata. Petioles broad. Leaves hirsute, pinnatifid. Achenes viscid . . . . 4. L. pinnatifida. Lagenophora.] XXXIX. COMPOSITA. 137 _i. Li, Forsteri, DC. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.125. A small, glabrous pilose or hirsute, daisy-like, slender plant. Leaves with the slender petiole 3-1} in. long, blade 2-1 in., obovate- or orbicular-oblong, obtuse, crenate toothed or lobed towards the base. Scape slender, 2-6 in. long, with few minute linear bracts, or 0. Head 3-3 in. diam.; involucral scales linear, acute, appressed, with hyaline margins, outer sometimes recurved ; rays very numerous, short, revolute. Achene 4; in. long, much compressed, edges thick, narrowed sud- denly into a short, hardly viscid beak.—Calendula pumila, Forster; Microca- calia australis, A, Rich. _ Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. 2. L. petiolata, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 125. In all respects like L. Forsteri, but the heads are very much smaller, only 1—3 in. diam., with much fewer florets, smaller rays, and more viscid achenes. Common throughout the islands, ascending to 4000 ft. HKermadec Islands, If ‘Gillivray. Auckland Island, Bolton. A variety, I suspect, of L. Forsteri. 3. -L. lanata, 4. Cunn.;—Fi. N. Z. i. 126. Hirsute and tomentose. Leaves obovate or obovate-spathulate, narrowed into very short petioles, 2-1 in. long, obtusely coarsely crenate-dentate. Scapes very slender, glabrous, 2—5 in. long, naked. Heads as in L. petiolata, but achenes glabrous. Northern Island: Bay of Islands, etc., common on dry grassy hills. Very similar to L. hirsuta, Poepp., of Chili. : 4. L. pinnatifida, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.126. Hirsute. Leaves 2-4 in. long, narrow obovate-oblong or spathulate, narrowed into long broad pe- tioles, deeply obtusely crenate-lobate or pinnatifid. Scapes 4-10 in. high, slender, pilose. Heads }-} in. diam. ; involucral scales as in ZL. petiolata. Achene viscid. Northern Island: east coast, Colenso; Auckland, Sinclair. Mliddle Island: Can- terbury, Sizclair and Haast ; Otago, Lindsay. Probably a form of the Australian L. Bil- lardieri. 6. BRACHYCOME, Cass. Scapigerous, perennial ‘small herbs. Leaves chiefly radical, spreading.— Heads with one series of rayed female, and numerous tubular hermaphrodite florets. Receptacle convex, naked, papillose. Involucral scales in I series, appressed, oblong-linear. Corolla of ray white blue or purplish, revolute ; of disk 5-toothed. Pappus of very short bristles or 0. Achene compressed, without beak. A large Australian and Tasmanian genus, closely allied to the European Daisy. Leaves all radical, entire or lobed. Scapes with head . . ... . 1. B. Sinclairiz. Leaves radical and cauline, lobulate. Heads terminating branches . . 2. B. odorata. Leaves all radical, pinnatifid. Scapeswithlhead . . . . . . . 38. B. pinnaia, 1. B. Sinclairii, Hook. f., 2.59. More or less glandular or glabrate. Rhizome short, simple or branched, as thick as a crow-quill. _ Leaves all radical, 1-2 in. long, petioled, spathulate, round at the tip, entire lobed or subpinnatifid, coriaceous, nerveless. Scape solitary or several, strict, 2-10 in. high, glandular; bracts 0 or 1 or 2. Head 4-1 in. diam., yellow with white ray; involucral ‘scales with or without a purple membranous jagged 138 XXXIX. COMPOSIT:. [Brachycome, border ; pappus minute, bristly or 0. Achene much compressed, narrow linear-obovoid, glandular or eglandular, margins thickened. Var. a. Leaves obtusely lobulate, Involucral scales with white or pale-purple edges. Achene glandular ; pappus 0. Var. 8. Leaves lobulate or entire. Involucral scales as in a. Achene glabrous ; pappus evident. Var. y. Smaller, alpine. Leaves quite entire. Scape short, stont, very glandular. In- volucral scales with broad purple edges. Achene glabrous; pappus0. Ray sometimes very long. : : Northern Island: not common; var. a, grassy places, east coast, Colenso. Mliddle Island: var. a and 6, commou in subalpine localities, Gordon’s Nob, and top of Macrae’s Ran, Munro; shingle beds, Ahuriri, Mount Misery, alt. 2-4000 ft., and elsewhere in Southern Alps, Sinclair, Travers, Hector, and Haast ; var. y, Otago alps, alt. 6-7000 ft., Hector. A common and variable plant in the Middle Island; the only representative of the Daisy in New Zealand. 2. B. odorata, Hook. f., n. sp. A small species, 2-4 in. high, branched from the base, pubescent and subglandular. Rhizome woody, as thick as a crow-quill, perpendicular, with ascending leafy branches at the tip, terminating in stout 1- or 2-bracteate scapes. Leaves few, }-1 in. long; petiole slender; blade spathulate, deeply unequally 3-8-lobed. Scape 2-3 in. long. Head lj : 24 4 } . "1 . 4 in. diam.; involucral scales short, not purple at the tips; ray very short; pappus very short, obscure. Achene linear-clavate, densely glandular. Northern Island: Patea village, Colenso, who observes that it is a favourite plant with the natives, is called ‘‘ Ronia,” and worn round the neck for ita scent, The B. radicata of FL. N. Z. was founded partly on this, and partly on specimens of a Brachycome in A, Cunningham’s herbarium, which I am now convinced were introduced there by acci- dent, and belong to an Australian species. The name of B. radicata had therefore better be abandoned. 3. B. pinnata, Hook. f., . sp.—B. radicata, var. B, Fl. N. Z. i. 127. Glabrous or minutely pubescent. Rhizome stout, ascending. Leaves all radical, 3-1 in. long, } in. broad, narrow linear-oblong, gradually dilated upwards, pinnatifid, the lobes uniform, orbicular, close-set, quite entire, coria- ceous, concave beneath. Scape slender, ebracteate, 3 in. long. Head 3 in. diam. ; involucral scales and florets as in B. Sinclairii. Southern Island, Zyaii, I have but one specimen of this pretty little plant. 7. BIDENS, Linn. Evect herbs. Leaves opposite, simple or compound. Heads erect, usually terminal and peduncled.—Involucral scales few, erect, narrow. Receptacle chaffy. Florets of ray lignlate, neuter, or 0; of disk hermaphrodite, tubular, 5-toothed. Styles bifid, arme with subulate points. Pappus of 2-4 barbed hispid rigid awns. ‘Achene narrow, 4-angled, or flattened, sometimes beaked. A large genus, found in all warm and most temperate parts of the world, 1. B. pilosa, Linn.’ Anerect, glabrous or slightly hairy annual, 1-2 ft. high, with angular branches. Leaves membranous, lower generally simple, upper pinnately divided, segments 3-5, stalked, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 in. long, serrate, rarely lobed. Heads few, terminal on slender pedun- Bidens.] XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 139 cles ; involucral scales 3-3 in. long; ray fl. few, white or 0. Achenes slender, the inner longer, exceeding the involucre, 4-angled. Northern Island: a weed of cultivation, not indigenous. WMKermadec Island: on the margin of the crater of Sunday Island, M‘Gildivray. A common cosmopolitan weed of warm countries, 8. ABROTANELLA, Cassini. Including Curarewa, Hook. f., and TRINEURON, Hook. f. Small, glabrous, alpine, tufted herbs. Leaves lax or imbricate, long or short.—Heads subsessile, small, inconspicuous, 4—15-flowered; outer fi. female; inner male or hermaphrodite. Involucre cylindric ; scales few, erect, in 1 or 2 series, coriaceous, Receptacle narrow, fiat, papillose. Female fi. : pappus 0 or very small; corolla tubular, unequally 3—-5-cleft at the mouth, inflated ; style bifid, inserted on a spherical disk; achene 3- or 4-angled, or costate, obovoid or obconic. Hermaphrodite fl. : corolla narrow campanulate, 4-cleft ; stamens almost free; style truncate. A small geuns, of which the species included under Ceratella and Trineuron (genera fonuded by myself on Auckland Island plants) differ much in lax habit and foliage from the original Fuegian A drotanella emarginata, which has closely imbricate, minute leaves ; my Tasmanian genus Seleroleima, again, has the habit of the Fuegian one. I follow A. Gray (Proceedings Amer. Acad.) in reducing all to Abrotanella. The section Zrineuron is found on the Australian alps and New Zealand ; and one species is Fuegian. Leaves 13-1 in., narrow linear-spathulate . . . . . . . . © 1. A spathulata. Leaves $-} in., ovate-lanceolate, acute recurved oe ew ew es A rosulata. Leaves 4-4 in., very narrow linear, recurved . . . . . . . . 8. 4. pusilla. Leaves } in., narrow linear-oblong, straight. . . . . . . . . 4 A. inconspicua. 1. A. spathulata, Hook. f. ;— Trineuron spathulatum, Fl. Antarct. i. 23. t.17. Stems short, tufted, 1-2 in. high, leafy. Leaves spreading, 3-1 in. long, ~;—, broad, narrow linear-spathulate, acute or obtuse, coriaceous, nerveless. Heads crowded amongst the upper leaves, which are sometimes raised above the others on a short stem, 4 in. long; involucral scales 8, oblong- lanceolate, with 8 pellucid nerves. Male fi.: corolla 4-angled, angles pel- lucid ;—fem. fi.: corolla 4-toothed. Achene obovoid, flattened, with 3 cel- lular ribs. >_< Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell's Island: in peaty soil, J. D. H. 2. A. rosulata, Hook. f. ;—Ceratella rosulata, Fl. Antarct. i. 25. t. 18. A small, densely tufted, moss-like herb 3, stems 1-14 in. high, Leaves imbricating, patent and recurved, rigid, coriaceous, 3-4 in. long, narrow ovate or lanceolate, acute, concave above. Heads aggregated amongst the upper leaves, 45 in. long ; involucral scales 8-10, linear-oblong, coriaceous, with pellucid veins. Male fi. : corolla 4-angled, angles pellucid ;—fem. fi. : corolla tubular, 4-toothed. Achene 4-angled, the angles produced into short horns. Campbell’s Island : in crevices of rocks, J. D. H. ‘3. A. pusilla, Hook. f. ;—Trineuron pusilium, Fl. N. Z.i, 130. Stems slender, ] in. high, slightly puberulous. Leaves §-} in. long, narrow linear, 140 XXXIX, COMPQSITR. [Abrotanella. recurved, sometimes secund.. Head solitary, terminal, 4; in. long; involucral scales linear, obtuse, ribbed. Achene linear-clavate, 4-angled. Northern Island: snowy places amongst the Ruahine mountains, Co/enso. 4. A. inconspicua, Hook. f. n. sp. A small, glabrous, tufted, very in- conspicuous, mose-like herb. Stems } in. high, densely leafy. Leaves spread- ing, 7 in. long, {4 in. broad, linear, or very narrow hnear-oblong, subacute, flat, coriaceous, rather rigid ‘when dry. Head solitary, sunk in the upper leaves; involucral scales linear-oblong, dilated upwards, obtuse, nerved ; florets about 16, outer with very slender corollas. ae Island: forming soft patches on Mount Alta, elev. 6000 ft., Hector and Bu- chanan, 9. COTULA, Linn. Including Lurtine.ia, Cass., and MyRI0GYNE, Less. Herbs, usually perennial, flaccid or succulent, full of minute oil-glands, very aromatic when bruised. Stems creeping or prostrate, terete. Leaves rarely entire, usually pinnatifid. Scapes short or long, ebracteate or bracteate.— Heads small, yellow, subglobular, unisexual, or the outer fl. female, the inner male. Involucre of 1 or more series of few or many scales with scari- ous margins. Receptacle hemispherical or conical, papillose, the exterior papilla generally elevated into pedicels for the florets. Florets glandular or eglandular; pappus 0. Male fl.: tubular or funnel-shaped, with minute im- perfect achenes; 4 or 5 loosely cohering stamens, and stout exserted style with discoid or bifid stigma. emale fl.: corolla 0, or short or inflated, contracted at the unequally 3~5-toothed mouth; style exserted, 2-lobed, seated on a spherical disk. Achene compressed, turgid or winged, obtuse or 2-lobed, usually thick and spongy. A large genus, abounding in many tropical and extratropical countries, especially of the southern hemisphere. I have reduced here Leptined/a ond Myriogyne to it. The species are extremely difficult to make out, and better specimens are much wanted. 1, Cotula. Heads bisexual, outer florets in few series, female, with flat winged achenes. Corolla 0, or a very minute deformed one. Stout, glabrous. Leaves 4-2 in., variously cut . . » « « « L. @. coronomfolia. Slender, much branched. Leaves 4-lin. Heads 35 in. 1. BO australis. 2. Leptinella. Heads uni- or bi-sexual, female with inflated corolla. Achenes not winged. * Flower-heads bisexual, outer florets female, in 1 or few series. Scapes very leafy. Leaves much cut. Heads blackish. . . . . 8. C. atrata. Scapes ebracteate. j : Stem stout, softly woolly. Leaves 2-pinnatifid, 2-4 in. Florets eglandular . 7 ya ges Sie tee ves ea oe ee a 4. C. plumosa. Stem stout, woolly. “Leaves pinnate, 2-3 in. Florets glandular 5. C. lanata. Stem slender. Leaves 1-1} in., pinnatifid, lobes short, distant 6. C. minor. Stem wiry, slender. Leaves 4 in., pinnatifid. Heads J, in. . qT. C. filiformis. Stem rigid. Leaves 1-1} in., pectinate, lobes few, eutire . 8. C. pectinata. ** Flower-heads uniserual. Stout, glabrous or glabrate. Leaves pinnatifid. ners bracteate, Heads 4 in. 9. C. pyrethrifolia, Slender, silky with white hairs, Leaves ‘Pinna, ‘Seape short, ebracteate. Heads }-}in.. . . - 10. C. perpustila. Cotula.J XXXIX. COMPOSITE. M41 Stout, glabrate. : Leaves serrate or lobulate. Scape ebracteate. Bed Pe coe es os a tg a eS eee Slender, sub-woolly. Leaves pinnatifid, lobes cut. Heads 3-} in. . 12. C. squalida. 3. Myriogyne. Heads bisexual: Semale florets in very many series ; males very few, in the centre. Heads sessile. . . . . 13. C. minuta. _’ 1. ©. coronopifolia, Linn. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 127. Perfectly glabrous ; stems succulent, creeping, branching, ascending, 2-10 in. long. Leaves scat- tered, 3-2 in. long, lanceolate or oblong, variously toothed lobed or pinnatifid ; petiole dilated into a broad toothed or lobed sheath. Heads 2—} in. diam. on the scape-like ends of the branches; involucral scales in 2 or 3 series, linear-oblong, obtuse, membranous : ray fl. 1 series, on slender pedicels ; co- rolla 0; achene flat, broadly winged, wings lobed at top and enclosing the 2-fid style, glandular on the inner face: disk fl. shortly pedicelled ; corolla subcylindric, 4-toothed. Northern and Middle Islands: marshy spots in varions localities from the Bay of Islands to Otago, Banks and Solander, ete. A widely-spread plant, found in Australia, S. America, S. Africa, N. and S. Europe, and N. Africa, 2. C. australis, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i128. A very slender, much- branched, flaccid herb, glabrous hairy or woolly at the nodes, 2-4 in. high: Leaves 3-1 in. long, deeply pinnatifid or 2-pinnatifid; lobes linear, entire. Heads minute, 3; in. broad, on long slender peduncles ; involucral scales in 2 series, membranous, linear-oblong: ray fl. in 3 series, pedicelled, without corolla; achene obovate, broadly winged, wing 2-fid at the top, glandular on the inner face’: disk fl. tubular, subcylindric, 4-toothed, teeth glandular.— F). Tasm. t. 50; Soliva tenella, A. Cunn. Northern and Middle Islands: not rare in waste places; also found in Australia, Tasmania, S. Africa, and Tristan d’Acunha. 7 3. C. plumosa, Hook. f.—Leptinella, Fl. Antarct. i. 24. t. 20. A large, tufted, creeping, aromatic, feathery species, more or less covered with soft, matted, villous hairs. Stems creeping, as thick as a goose-quill. Leaves long-petioled, membranous, 2-4 in. long, oblong in outline, pinnate ; leaflets close-set, slender, linear, recurved, pinnatifid to the base along the upper side only, ultimate divisions 3 in. long, linear, toothed on one side. Scapes woolly, shorter than the leaves. Heads 4 in. diam. ; involucral scales 20-30, broad-oblong, woolly, with broad black margins; receptacle conic: ray fl. 2 or 8 series, shortly pedicelled; corolla inflated, much compressed, mouth contracted, unequally 4-toothed, cordate at base; achene obovoid : disk fi. funnel-shaped, 5-toothed. Lord Auckland’s group, Campbell’s Island, J.D.H. M‘Quarrie’s Islands, Fraser. Also found in Kerguelen’s Land. The largest and most compound-leaved N. Z. species. 4, C.lanata, Hook. f.—Leptinelia, Fl. Antarct. i, 25.t.19, A smaller plant than C. plumosa ; stems creeping, 5-12 in. long, robust, densely woolly or glabrate. Leaves 1-3 in. long, rather thick, with broad petioles, pinnate ; pinnules close-set, curved, 3-5-lobed or pinnatifid along the upper edge, mi- nutely glandular. Scapes short, stout, woolly. Heads as in C. plumosa, but smaller; involucral scales not purple-edged. Floret of ray narrower, and all florets covered with minute conglobate glands. 142 XXXIX. COMPOSITZ. (Cotula. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island, J.D. H. The Leptinella propin- gua, Hook. f., of Campbell’s Island, is a broader-leaved variety of this species, 5. C. atrata, Hook.f, 2. sp. Robust, pubescent ; stems shortly creep- ing, ascending or erect, stout, 2-4 in. high, very leafy. Leaves 1 in. long, linear-oblong, erect, pinnatifid ; lobes close-set, crenate or toothed, thick and fleshy. Scapes stout, pubescent, clothed with pinnatifid bracts. Heads large, 3-2 in. diam., subglobose ; involucral scales in 2 or 8 series, oblong, ob- tuse, entire or pectinate or pinnatifid; receptacle conic: florets excessively numerous, black when dry; outer female in several series; tube of corolla cylindric, rugose, 3- or 4-toothed; achene linear-oblong, rugose: disk fl. funnel-shaped, with very long rugose tube, 4-toothed. Middle Island: shingle heaps on the alps, alt. 2-6500 ft.; Tarndale, Sinc/aér ; Wairau gorge, Travers; Ashburton glacier, Mount Torlesse, and Macaulay river, Haast. A very singular plant. Haast observes that the heads, when fresh, present a dark-yellow eye witha brown rim, ‘The involucral scales are sometimes quite entire, at others all pinnatifid. 6..C. minor, Hook. f.—Leptineila, Fl. N. Z.i.129. A small, creeping, pubescent or glabrate species, 1-15 in. long. Leaves either rosulate or al- ternate on long creeping runners, narrow linear-oblong in outline, pinnatifid almost to the base ; leaflets rather distant, short, recurved, obovoid oblong or linear, entire or cut on the upper edge only. Scapes slender, naked. Heads small, 3 in. diam.; involucral scales 8-20, orbicular, with purple edges: florets yellow, glabrous or glandular, of ray in several series; corolla flat- tened, ovoid, inflated, with narrow 2- or 3-toothed mouth ; achene obcuneate : disk fl. funnel-shaped, with 4 large teeth. Northern and Middle Islands: east coast, Colenso ; Foxhill, Nelson, Munro; Can- terbury plains, Lyall, Travers. 7. ©. filiformis, Hook. f., .sp. A very slender, rigid, creeping plant, glabrous or pilose. Leaves minute, } in. long, oblong, pinnatifid, segments subulate. Scapes filiform, | in. long, naked. Heads minute, qty in. diam. ; involucral scales 6-8, orbicular, with purple edges; receptacle conical; ray- fl. about 20; corolla short, compressed, inflated, very broad oblong, 2-lobed ve 3 achene obconic, glandular ; disk fl. funnel-shaped, 4-lobed ; lobes glan- ar. Middle Island : Canterbury plains, amongst grass, Haast. 8. C. pectinata, Hook. f., n. sp. Stems short, tufted, 1-3 in. long, silky-pilose, at length glabrate. Leaves 1-14 in. long, rigid, narrow linear- oblong, pectinately pinnatifid, the lobes short, subulate, entire, pointing up- wards. Scapes slender, naked, 1-13 in. long. Heads 3 in. diam. ; involu- eral scales about 15, pubescent, orbicular or oblong, with purple toothed edges; receptacle conic: ray fl. in many series; corolla oblong, compressed, 2-lobed above; achene cuneate, compressed, glandular: fl. of disk funnel-shaped; lobes 4, glandular. ; Middle Island: Canterbury plains, and crevices of rocks on Mount Torlesse, Haast : Otago, grass land in the lake district, Hector and Buchanan. I havealsoa specimen with. out habitat from Sinclair’s Herbarium. The Mount Torlesse specimens have woolly stems, but the structure of the flower seems the same as the plains ones. 9. C. pyrethrifolia, Hook.f. n. sp. A small, robust species, glabrous Cotula.] XXXIX, COMPOSITR. 148 or sparingly pilose; rhizome branching, tortuous, 1-2 in. long. Leaves 2-1 in. long, thick and coriaceous, petiolar part longest ; blade pinnatifidly cut into 5-8 alternate linear-oblong or obovate, short, thick, entire lobes, vs-4 in. long. Scapes 1-2 in. long, with one or more linear bracts. Heads uni- sexual, 4 in. diam.; involucral scales linear, in several series, herbaceous, with broad, membranous, purple, jagged tips ; receptacle hemispheric : florets covered with globose glands ;—fem. : corolla oblong, ovoid, inflated, with broad truncate base and contracted 4-lobed mouth ; achene oblong-cuneate ; —male: fannel-shaped, 4-lobed. Middle Island: rocks on the Kowai river,’ and elsewhere in the alps of Canterbury, Sinclair and Haast ; Tarndale plains, alt. 4000 ft., Zravers ; Otago, Hector and Buchanan. A very distinct species, small but very robuet; the leaves have few lobes, and the scapes ‘usually many bracts. It is very odorous when bruised. 10. C. perpusilla, Hook. f—Leptinella pusilia, Fl. N. Z. i. 129. A small silky species, with wiry runners 2-5 in. long. Leaves tufted, 3-2 in. long, % in. broad, sessile, narrow linear-oblong in outline, pinnatifid to the base ; leaflets close-set, recurved, serrate along the upper edge, silky on both surfaces. Scapes short, ¢ in. long, stout, silky, quite naked. Heads uni- sexual ;—fem.: 4 in. diam.; involucral scales 3 or 4 series, longer than the florets, incurved, orbicular-oblong, silky, coriaceous, with broad membranous toothed purple edges ; receptacle conic; florets eglandular; corolla as in C. pyrethrifolia, obovoid ;—male heads much smaller; scales in 1 row; florets fewer, funnel-shaped, glabrous. Northern Island: east coast, Colenso. WLiddle Island: grassy places, Kowai river, Haast ; Tarndale plains, 4000 ft., Travers. ll. ©. dioica, Hook. f—Leptinella dioica, Fl. N. Z. i. 129. Glabrous or slightly hairy. Stems creeping, rather robust, short, 1-3 in. long. Leaves petioled, 1-2 in. long, 3-3 broad, linear obovate or spathulate, obtuse, cre- nate-serrate lobulate or semipinnatifid ; lobes entire or serrate on the upper edge, glabrous. Scapes longer or shorter than the leaves, without bracts. Heads 1-1 in., male and female similar ; involucral scales 2 or 8 series, oblong-orbicular, hairy, with broad, purple, toothed margins; receptacle co- nical; florets as in C. perpusilla, but eglandular.—Soliva tenella, A. Cunn. Northern Island: Cape Turnagain, east coast, Colenso. Mliddle Island: Canterbury plains and Acheron valley, alt. 4000 ft., Zravers; Akaroa, Raoul; grassy terraces, Kowai river, Haast ; Otago, sands and swamps near the sea, and in the interior, Lindsay, Hector and Buchanan. Very near and perhaps not different from the Chilian and Fuegian Leptinella scariosa, Cass. (Soliva dioica, Schultz, L. ancistroides, H. and A.), but that has deeply pinuatifid leaves and rather glandular flowers. The scarcely pinnatifid leaves of fhis species are its most prominent characters. —~ 12. C. squalida, Hook. f—Leptinella, Fl. N.Z.i.129. A slender spe: cies, with long, weak, creeping, woolly stems, and Jong soft hairs on the leaves and scapes. Leaves 1-2 in. long, 3-4 in. broad, long linear-obovate, flaccid, petioled, pinnatifid; leaflets rather lax, recurved, incised along the upper margin. Scapes slender, ebracteate, tomentose, longer than the leaves. Heads unisexual ;—/fem.: 2 in. diam. ; involucral scales numerous, in many series, longer than the florets, incurved, orbicular, with erose purple margins, silky ; receptacle conical; florets as in O. perpusilla, eglandular ;—male heads much smaller, 4 in. diam.; itivolucral scales very few, and florets few. 144 XXXIX. COMPOSITZ. [Cotula. Northern Island: Hawke’s Bay, etc., east coast, Colenso. Middle Island : Akaroa, Raoul ; Canterbury, Zravers. Also very nearly allied to the South American Lepéinella scariosa, but the large female heads, with large incurved involucral scales concealing the florets, as in ZL. perpusilla, are very different. 13. C. minuta, Forst.—Myriogyne minuta, Less.—Fl. N.Z.1.180. A glabrous, prostrate, excessively branched, annual herb. Leaves alternate, ses- sile on the branches, 3~2 in. long, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, unequally sparingly toothed. Heads 3-4 in. diam., axillary, sessile, depressed, spherical ; involucral scales in 2 series, linear, obtuse ;—fem. fl. very numerous, densely packed; corolla short, 4-cleft ; achene linear, angled, pilose ;—male fl. very few, central; corolla broadly campanulate. \ thern and Middle Islands, in waste places near settlements, Forster, etc. Very fragra.. when bruised. Also a native of India, China, Japan, Australia, the Pacific islands, and Chili (Af. elatinoides, Less.). 10: CRASPEDIA, Forster. Perennial, erect, silky, simple, leafy herbs, bearing one globose, terminal, dense, involucrate, compound head, formed of numerous slender flower-heads, aggregated on a small receptacle. Leaves radical and alternate, simple, long. —Heads narrow, of 5—8 small, yellow, tubular, 5-toothed florets. Involucral scales long, membranous, hyaline, linear. Receptacle very narrow, bearing hyaline scales amongst the florets. Pappus of 1 row of very soft feathery hairs. Anthers with 2 slender tails. Stylesincluded. Achene silky, oblong, narrow. A small genus of Tasmanian, Australian, and New Zealand plants, excessively variable. Pubescent or tomentose. ©. 2 1 we we ee ew ee ee LO fimbriata. Lanate with white wook . . . . . . soe ew ee QC. alpina. 1. C. fimbriata, DC. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 181. Slender or robust, 4-15 in. high. Leaves usually all radical, with only bracts on the scape; radical petiolate, 1-8 in. long, spathulate, obtuse, quite entire, usually fringed with white tomentum, glabrate pubescent or woolly. Compound head 3-2 in. diam., soft, white dotted with yellow florets.—C. uniflora, Forst. Northern and Middle Islands: abundant, from the East Cape southwards, Banks and Solander, etc., ascending to 5500 ft. on the Discovery Peaks. I cannot distinguish this satisfactorily from the Australian and Tasmanian C. Richea. 2. C. alpina, Backhouse, in Fl. Tasm. i. 198.—C. fimbriata, «. lanata, FIN. Z.i. 132. Very near ©. fimbriata, and perhaps only a variety, but at once distinguished by the clear white cottony wool on the lower or on both surfaces of the leaf and scape. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Bidwild ; Upper Waihopai and Wairan, Munro; grassy places on the Rangitati, Kowai and Godley rivers, alt. 4-6000 ft., Haast ; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Intermediates between this and the preceding may be found, it is a native of the Tasmanian and Victorian alps. : 11. CASSINIA, Br. Shrubs. Leaves alternate, small, persistent, simple, often white or rusty below. Heads in terminal panicles or corymbs, small, white.—Involucre Cassinia.] XXXIX. COMPOSITA. - 146 eylindric turbinate or campanulate, of many or few, short, obtuse, imbri- cating scales, the innermost with short, white, dilated rays. Receptacle con- tracted, covered with slender scales’ like the inner involucral, except C. fulvida. Florets tubular, all similar and hermaphrodite, or the outer very slender and female. Corolla 4- or 5-toothed. Anthers 2-tailed. Arms of the style long, truncate, glandular. Pappus of 1-4 series of soft slender hairs, rather thickened at the tip. Achene small, oblong or obovate. A small Australian, New Zealand, and New Caledonian genus, distinguished from Ozo- thamnus by the linear scales amongst the florets. I fear that the first three species may prove forms ofone. C. pinifolia isa native of New Caledonia, not of New Zealand. Leaves oblong or obovate, whitish below. Heads few... . . 160 retorta, Leaves linear, narrow, whitish below, not glutinous, Heads numerons 2. C. leptophylla. Leaves linear, narrow, fulvous below, glutinous. Heads numerous . 3. C. Sulvida. Leaves obovate or oblong, fulvous below, glutinous. Heads numerous 4, C. Vanvilliersii, 1. C. retorta, 4. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.132. A shrub, 10-15 ft. high. Branches and leaves below covered with white tomentum, not glutinous. Leaves close-set, 2 in. long, spreading or recurved, linear-obovate or linear- oblong, obtuse, with recurved margins, opaque above. Heads 1-8 together, 6—8-flowered, turbinate, shortly pedicelled, + in. long; invelucral scales with white tomentum. Northern Island: not rare, especially near the coasts. 2. ©. leptophylla, Br. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.183. A shrub like C. retorta in habit and pubescence, also glutinous, but more slender. Leaves erect or spreading, rarely recurved, ,—;!5 in. long, 5}, broad, narrow linear, with recurved margins, glabrous above and more or less shining. Heads numerous, in terminal hemispherical corymbs, }—} in. long, 8-10-flowered, narrow turbi- nate or tubular ; involucral scales few, scarious, glabrate, shining.—Culea lep- tophylia, Forst. Northern and Middle Islands, Banks and Solander ; Cape Palliser and east coast, Colenso ; Hast Cape, Sinclair. WLiddle Island: Port Underwood, Lyaid. 3. C. fulvida, Hook. {—C. leptophylia, y, Fl. N. Z. i. 133. A shrub with the habit, etc., of C. deptophylia, but glutinous, with foliage larger and ‘tomentum fulvous. Branches covered with subviscid tomentum. Leaves 1-+ in. long, spreading, linear, obtuse, margins recurved, fulvous below, more or less shining and glutinous above. Heads very numerous, in terminal co- rymbs, 1-3 in. long, 4- or 5-flowered ; involucral scales pubescent or glabrate ; scales amongst the florets few or 0. ao North Jsland: Cape Palliser, Colenso. Wliddle Island, Lyall; mountains o Nehon, Munro # Ladk out Point, Dunedin, Lindsay ; river-beds in the Kowai, alt. 2-4000 ft., Haast ; Otago, common, Hector and Buchanan. 1 am still in some doubt as to the validity of this species, of which I had but one scrap when the Fl. N. Z. was prepared; the various specimens received siuce all agree with the original, and differ from C. leptophylla (to which, however, it is very nearly allied), by the strong fulvous colour and glutinous foliage... I find few or uo scales amongst the florets, so, by right, the plant should perhaps he referred to Ozothamunus. 4, CG. Wauvilliersii, Hook. f. Fl. N..Z. i. 133. An erect, dense, fastigiately-branched shrub, 2-10 ft. high. Branches and leaves below covered with fulyoustomentum. Leaves erect or patent; j-} in. long, linear- L VOL. I. 146 EXXIX, COMPOSITE. [Caséinia. oblong or obovate, obtuse, margins recurved, costate below, opaque or shining and generally glutinous above. Heads numerous, in terminal globose corymbs, 1 in. long, turbinate, on tomentose, very short pedicels ; involucral scales few, scarious, woolly ; scales amongst the florets numerous.— Ozothamnus Vauvil- liersii, Homb. and Jacq. Voy. au Pédl. Sud, Bot. t. 5. Northern and Middle Islands: common on the mountains, Bidwill, ete. Scarcely distinguishable from a true Ozothamnus of Tasmania (0. cuneifolius, A. C.). 12. OLOTHAMNUS, Br. Characters of Cassinia, but without any scales amongst the florets; inner scales of the involucre without white radiating tips in the New Zealand spe- cies, and hairs of pappus not always thickened at the tip. A large Australian and Tasmanian genus, very variable in habit. Heads corymbose. Slender shrub. Leaves orbicular, petiolate, lax. 1. 0. glomeratus. Heads solitary, terminal, sessile. Leaves sub-4-farious, keeléd and polished at back. . . . . . 2 0. microphyllus. Leaves sub-6-farious, linear, hoary or silky. . . . . « « + 8.,0, depressus. Leaves imbricated in very many series, polished and convex on back 4. 0. coralloides. Leaves imbricated in 6-8 series, polished and keeled on back . . 5. O. Selago. 1. O. glomeratus, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 183. A spreading bush ; branches slender, flexuous, tomentose at the tips. Leaves scattered, 3-1 in. broad, orbicular or broadly ovate or spathulate, quite entire, often apiculate, margins recurved, white and cottony beneath, suddenly contracted into slender petioles. Heads in small, lateral, subglobose, sessile or peduncled corymbs, small, J; in. long, pedicelled or sessile ; involucral scales scarious, woolly at the base, a few outer florets slender, female. Pappus-hairs thickened at the tip. Achene puberulous.—Swammerdamia glomerata, Raoul, Choix, 20. t. 16. Northern and Middle Islands: dry hills from the Bay of Islands to Otago, Banks and Solander, ete. 2..0. microphyllus, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 184. ¢. 35 A. A depressed woody shrub. Branches tomentose, ascending, crowded, densely covered with imbricating leaves, zy in. diam. Leaves minute, 5—yy in. long, closely imbricating, almost quadrifariously, appressed to the stem, triangular, ovate, thick; obtuse, obtusely keeled, woolly next the stem, green and polished at the back, with sometimes an oblong spot below the tip. Heads solitary, terminal, sessile, turbinate, 3-4 in. long; involucral scales scarious, glabrous or pubescent, inner somewhat dilated at the tip. Pappus not thickened at the tip. Achene pubescent. Middle Island: Wairau Pass, 4000 ft., Bidwil, Sinclair ; Southern Alps, clefts of per- pendicular rocks, Sinclair and Haast. The Nelsou specimens have more slender branches than the more southern. 3. O. depressus, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z.i. 134. A prostrate, silver-grey, woody shrub, sometimes 5 ft. high, with straggling, divaricating, rigid, slender branchlets, hoary or with appressed cottony down. Leaves minute, tz in. long, closely appressed to the branchlets and imbricating towards their tips, linear, obtuse, ‘silky, woolly above. Heads 1—} in. long, solitary, sessile on the tips of the branchlets; involucral scales very narrow, acuminate, recurved, cottony at the base. Pappus very slender. Achene glabrous. Ozothamnus.] « XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 147 Middle Island: Nelson mountains, banks of streams, Clarence and Wairau valleys, alt. 38-5000 ft., Bidwill, Sinclair, Travers. Great Tasman glacier and elsewhere, on shingle beds in the Southern Alps, Haast, and Otago mountains, Hector and Buchanan. 4. O. coralloides, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z. ii. 332. A very remarkable, woody, short, stout, branched shrub. Branches (with the leaves on) cylindric, as thick as the finger, the leaves resembling tubercles on their surface. Leaves in very numerous series, closely and densely imbricating, oblong, obtuse, 4-2 in. long, upper part very thick, convex and shining, lower part mem- branous; surface next to the stem densely clothed with white cotton. Head small, solitary, hidden amongst the uppermost leaves at the tip of the branch ; involucral scales linear, recurved, with membranous tips. Middle Island: Kaikora mountains, M‘Donald ; Upper Awatare valley, Sinclair. 5. O. Selago, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 3832. A good deal similar to O. coralloides, also very stout and woody, but intermediate between it and O. microphylius. Branchlets with leaves on 4 in. diam. Leaves imbricating in 5 or 6 series, oblong-ovate, obtuse, or subacute, trigonous, the exposed part of back keeled, shining, surface next the stem densely cottony. Heads -ter- minal, solitary, sessile, exposed; involucral scales linear-oblong, obtuse, lower half coriaceous, upper scarious, . x Middle Island: Kaikora mountains, M‘Donald, Sinclair. 13. RAOULLIA, Hook. f. Very small, generally tufted (often most densely), alpine and subalpine, slender, or rigid and stout herbs. Leaves minute, usually silky woolly or cottony, often most densely imbricated. Heads small, terminal, sessile— Involucre oblong; scales scarious, in 2 or 8 series, the inner often white and radiating. Receptacle very narrow, papillose or fimbrillate. Florets of cir- cumference in 1 or 2 series, female; corolla filiform, 3- or 4-toothed; arm of style exserted. Florets of disk numerous, hermaphrodite; corolla funnel-shaped above; anthers with slender tails; arms of style shorter. Pappus of 1 row of slender or stout scabrid hairs, sometimes thickened at the tips. Achene small, oblong. A genus founded on habit more than on any good characters that can separate it from Gnaphalium, section Helichrysum ; its herbaceous habit distinguishes it from Ozothamnus. It contains two natural and most distinct sections, of which one, containing RF. subulata, exi- mia, grandiftora, mammillaris, and bryoides has a convex, often hispid receptacle; achenes with very long, silky hairs, a thickened areole at their base; and stout, rigid, opaque pappus hairs, thickened at the tip; these probably constitute a good genus, to which the name Raoulia may be retained: the others may perhaps fall into Gnaphalium or Helichrysum, but until all the Gnaphalioid Composite are worked up, it is impossible to settle the limits of the genera. I at one time suspected that the white radiating involacres indicated sexual differences, but I have failed o prove this. The atyle has often 3 arms in this genus. Helichrysum Youngii, has much the habit of a Raoulza, but more that of the genus I have placed it in. ; 1. Inwolucral scales without white or radiating tips. Pappus-hairs numerous, slender, not thickened at the tip. Leaves yy in., erect or recurved, spathulate; obtuse. . . . . . . 1. RB. australis. Leaves a in., recurved, narrow oblong or spathulate, acute or mucronate 2. Rt. tenuicaulis, L 2 148 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [ Raoulia. Leaves 3’ in., erecto-patent, broadly ovate, glabrale . . . . - + 3. R. Haastit. Leaves 3 in., patent, recurved, linear, obtuse, silky. . . . « + 4. R. Munroi. 2. Involucre as 1. Pappus-hairs few, rigid, thickened at the tip. Achenes with long hairs and a thickened areole at the base. Leaves glabrous, subulate, rigid. . . . 1 se + + « 5. BR subulata, Leaves most densely imbricate, hidden in silky wool . . . . . . 6. RB. eximia. Leaves ovate, obtuse, silvery, grooved whendry. . . « - - + + 7. R. Hectori. 3. Involucre with the inner scales white-tipped, and radiating. Pappus as inl, Stems long. Leaves loosely imbricate, linear-oblong, glabrate . . . 8. 2B. glabra, Stems short. Leaves densely imbricate, linear-oblong, glabrate or silky 9. 2. sudsericea. 4, Involucre as in 3. Achenes and pappus as in 2. Leaves closely imbricate, ovate-subulate, silvery. . . . . . . . 10. BR. grandiflora, Leaves most densely imbricate, with a velvety silky tuft above middle . 11. R.mammillaris, Leaves most densely imbricate, tips covered with appressed wool . . 12. RB. bryotdes. 1. R. australis, Hook.f. Fl. N. Z.i. 135. A small, moss-like, densely- tufted plant ; stems 1~2 in. high; branches slender, erect or prostrate. Leaves minute, laxly or densely imbricate, ,,—4; in. long, spathulate, erect or recurved, rounded at the tip, covered with silky appressed wool. Heads 2,—} in. long; outermost scales spathulate, inner linear, searious, shining, yellow or pale brown, not dark at tips, nor white and radiating ; florets about 12, outer few. Pappus hairs excessively slender, subpilose, not thickened at the tips. Achene glabrous or puberulous.—Raoul, Choix, t. 15. Northern Island: Tongariro and Waikato, Bidwill; and elsewhere, in lofty, rocky hills, Co/enso. Middle Island : Nelsou mountains, Bidwill ; rocky hills at Akaroa, Raoul, Lyall ; Clarence, Tarndale plain, and Wairau valleys, alt. 3500 ft., Zravers ; Southern Alps, Haast ; Otago, Hector and Buchanan. A very variable plant. 2. R.tenuicaulis, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 185. ¢.36 A. Stems generally slender, ioosely tufted, prostrate, creeping, 1-10 in. long, with ascending branches. Leaves loosely imbricating, spreading and recurved, ;}, in. long, linear-oblong or spathulate-lanceolate, apiculate or acuminate, rarely broadly spathulate, grey with appressed silvery tomentum, rarely glabrate. Heads as in 2. australis, but involucral scales with brown acute tips. Northern Island: gravelly beds of rivers, Wairarapa, Ruanahanga, Palliser Bay, ete., Colenso. Wiiddle Island: Kowai river, alt. 1-2000 ft., Haast. 3. R. Haastii, Hook. f.,x. sp. A small, densely tufted, nearly glabrous species ; stems rather stout, prostrate; branches 1 in. high. Leaves densely imbricate, erecto-patent, .'5 in. long, broadly sheathing, broadly ovate-subu- late, obtuse, coriaceous, obscurely woolly or silky. Heads as in R. aus- tralis, but narrower, with 6-8 florets; involucral scales obtuse, not brown nor with a white radiating tip. Middle Island: gravelly terraces, Kowai river, Haast; Waiauna valley, alt. 3000 ft,, Sinclair, Travers. 1 was at first disposed to regard this as a form of R. tenuicaulis, but the leaves are very different im shape and in their broad bases, and the involucral scales are not brown at the tips. 4. R. Munroi, Hook, f,, x. sp. Stems slender, creeping, with very long, wiry, filiform rootlets. Branches slender, ascending; 1-2 in. high. Leaves jaxly imbricate, patent and recurved, $—~ in. long, linear, obtuse, uniformly clothed with grey silky tomentum. Heads narrow, 4 in. long; involucral Raoulia.) XXKIX. COMPOSITR. 149 scales glabrous, linear, green, with rather dilated scarious brown tips; florets about 12; pappus as in R, australis. ' Middle Island: Waihopai valley, Munro; Canterbury plains, Travers. The wiry stems and very long filiform rootlets, are prominent characters, as are the uniformly grey, silky, linear leaves, and narrow heads with brown-tipped involucral scales. 5. R. subulata, Hook. f, n. sp. A small, very densely tufted, rigid, moss-like species, quite glabrous throughout, blackish when dry. Stems stout- ish, branches 3 in. high. Leaves most densely imbricate, patent or suberect, rigid, subulate, acuminate. Heads large for the size of the plant, 2 in. diam. ; involucral scales linear-oblong, scarious, shorter than the leaves ; receptacle convex, hispid; florets of circumference in several rows. Pappus of rigid, scabrid hairs, rather thickened at the tips. Achene silky. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Sixclatr : Otago mountains, alt. 5-6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A remarkable and very small species, differing much from the foregoing in the pappus, hispid receptacle, and foliage. 6. R. eximia, Hook. f., 2. sp. A small, most densely tufted, hard little plant, forming large woolly balls on the mountains, enveloped in soft, velvety, white tomentum. Branches very short, with the leaves forming cylindric or mammilliform knobs, } in. diam. Leaves most densely compacted, wholly hidden amongst woolly hairs, imbricated all round in many series, } in. long, membranous, broadly linear- or obovate-oblong, rounded at the tip, bearing at the back above the middle a dense thick pencil of white velvety hairs, these bundles of hairs, meeting beyond the leaves, envelope the whole. Heads minute, sunk amongst the upper leaves; involucral scales about 10, linear, with subulate or obtuse tips, and a tuft of hairs on the back above the middle ; receptacle convex, naked ; florets about 10. Pappus of few rigid hairs, thickened upwards. Achene silky, with very long hairs. Middle Islands : Riband-wood rage, Mount Arrowsmith and Dobson, alt. 5500-6000 ft., Sinclair, Haast. A most singular plant, formiog hemispherical cushions on the mountains, 2 ft. high and 3 in. diam., called “‘ Vegetable Sheep.” Very near allied to 2. mammitlaris. 7. R. Hectori, Hook. f., ». sp. Most densely tufted, 1-2 in. high; branchlets erect, densely leafy, silvery at the tips. Leaves closely imbricate, erecto-patent, 4; in. long, broadly ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, more membra- nous below the middle, upper half covered with appressed silvery shining tomentum, back grooved longitudinally when dry. Heads small, sunk amongst the uppermost leaves; involucral scales about 10-12, scarious, linear-oblong, obtuse or subacute, yellowish, glabrous; receptacle conical, pilose; florets about 20. Pappus of few, rigid, scabrous hairs, thickened up- wards. Achene silky. : / Middle Island: Otago, lake district, in dry, subalpine places, Hector und Buchanan. A very distinct species, resembling in habit some states of R. australis. 8. R. glabra, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 135. Stems elongate, slender, pro- strate, branching, 2-10 in. long ; branches ascending. Leaves laxly imbricate, spreading, hardly ever recurved, 4 in. long, linear or linear-oblong, acute or ob- -tuse, glabrous or nearly so, rarely silky, 1-nerved, green. Heads rather large, 3-4 in. diam. ; outer involucral scales leaf-like, but with broader bases ; inner linear, with short, white, radiating tips; florets numerous, outer in 2 series, ered 150 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Raculia. Pappus of numerous soft, white, slender hairs as in 2. australis. Achene puberulous. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Bidwil ; Milford Sound, Lyall; shingle beds, Rangitata river, and Mount Cook, alt. 1800-3200 ft., Sinclair, Haast 3 Otago mountains, alt. 3-4000 ft., Hector and Buchanan, Haast sends apparently a silky variety, with rather broader leaves, from mountains near Lake Hawea, alt. 4000-5000 ft. 9. R. subsericea, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 186. Very similar in most characters to R. glabra, and perhaps au alpine variety of that, but a much more densely tufted plant, with very short stems and branches, closely imbri- cated, linear-oblong leaves, glabrous or covered loosely with silvery tomen- tum, green or silvery-white. Heads similar, but larger, + in. diam. Middle Island: Wairau mountains, Clarence valley, Aglionby plains, alt. 3000-4000. ft., and elsewhere in Nelson, Munro, Sinclair, Travers ; Port Cooper, Lyall ; Godley rivulet and Mount Darwin, alt. 83-5000 ft., Haast; Otago mountains, alt. 4000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. 10. R. grandiflora, Hook.f. Ft. N. Z.i.136. A very short, erect, densely tufted species, with very long, wiry, thread-like roots. Stems 1 in. high, densely leafy, with the leaves on as thick as the little finger. Leaves imbricat- ing all round the stem, 2~} in. long, erecto-patent, ovate-subulate, rigid, shining with white silky hairs, cottony at the base, striate. Heads large, 4-4 in. diam.; involucral scales 1 or 2 series, long, white, linear, spreading, $ in. long; receptacle convex, hispid. Pappus hairs few, rigid, swollen towards the tip. Achene silky. : Northern Island: summits of the Ruahine range, Colenso. Wfliddle Island: top of Gordon’s Nob, Muxzro; Upper Wairau, Sinclair ; top of Big Ben, Mounts Cook, Darwin and Torlesse, alt. 5-7000 ft., Haast; Mount Brewster, alt. 5-6000 ft., forming carpets, Hector and Buchanan. Allied in many respects to &. subulata, and especially in the hispid receptacle. : 11. R. mammillaris, Hook. f., n. sp. Like R. eximia, forming large, hard, hemispherical balls and patches on the ground, sometimes 8 ft. long and 3high. Branches very short, thick, with the leaves on forming cylindric or mammillary knobs, 4 in. diam. Leaves most densely compacted, imbricated in many series, spreading, ,—;4; in. long, obovate cuneate or spathulate, obtuse, membranous, cottony below, with a dense brush of velvety hairs on both surfaces beyond the middle, which does not exceed the tip of the leaf. Heads very small, 4 in: diam., about 10-flowered; inner involucral scales with short, white, acute, radiating tips; receptacle convex, naked. Pappus of few rigid hairs thickened at the tips. Achene with a swollen areole at the base and long white silky hairs. Middle Island : Mount Torlesse, on hard soil and rocky places, alt. 3-5000 ft., Haast. Very similar in many respects to R. eximia, and closely allied to it, but the leaves are smaller, with the velvety hairs not so long as to hide them, more cottony and obovate, and the inner involucral scales are distinctly rayed, 12. R. bryoides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. ii. 822. Forming hard, dense, convex, hoary patches, with an even surface. Branches 4-12 in. long, densel compacted, with the leaves on cylindric, 4,4 in. diam. Leaves most densely imbricate all round the branches, erecto-patent, };-3; in. long, broad, linear, Raoulia.) XXXIX. COMPOSITAE. 151 rather dilated at the obtuse tip, membranous, coriaceous ; margins cottony, glabrous below the upper 4, above that covered with appressed silky wool, l-nerved. Heads 3 in. diam., about 12-flowered ; involucral scales with white, subacute, radiating tips; receptacle tumid. Pappus-hairs few, rigid, se sro tips. Achene with very long white-hairs and a thickened areole at the base. Middle Island: top of Gordon’s Nob, Munro; Clarence and Wairau valleys, alt. 3000- 4000 ft., Sixclazr, Travers. 14: GNAPHALIUM, Linn. Herbs of very various: habit, annual or perennial, the New Zealand species all more or Jess densely covered on the leaves below, or all over, with white cottony wool. Heads solitary or corymbose or fascicled.—Involucre campanu- late hemispherical or turbinate; scales narrow, in several series, all similar, scarious and shining, or the inner produced into white spreading rays. Recep- tacle flat or conic, papillose or alveolate. Florets of ray female, in 1 or.more series, very slender, tubular, 3-5-toothed ; of disk hermaphrodite, funnel-shaped above. Anthers with slender tails.. Pappus hairs in one series,-slender or stout and thickened at the tip, slightly cohering at the base. Achene small, linear-oblong, usually pubescent. I have in vain sought to arrange the New Zealand Guaphalia and Helichrysa under these genera as defined by De Candolle and other authors, any separation of them into these involves bringing together plants most different, and separating most closely allied ones. Thus, those with white radiating involucral scales form, I think, a most natural genus or group; but I cannot identify them as a group either with Helichrysum, Antennaria, or Anaphalis, of authors, to many species of which they seem naturally allied. The bracteate species again so closely resemble the European and Himalayan Leontopodia, that they seem naturally con- generic, but they differ in several very important floral characters. I have not neglected to examine Weddell’s character of the pappus hairs cohering or free at the base, but cannot apply it to the New Zealand species, in all of which the hairs very partially cohere, but are so readily separated that the character is valueless. The thickness of the pappus hairs, and their thickening upwards, constitutes an excellent character, aud generally goes with that of the outer florets being in one series; these together should perhaps distinguish the New Zealand Helichrysa or Antennaria from Gnaphalium, and I have indicated them accord- ingly under the former name. 1. Heads solitary, inner involucral scales white, radiating. Florets of circumference in several series. Pappus hairs very slender. Stem 8-18 in. Leaves } in., apiculate. Head sessile. . . ..» 1. G. prostratum. Stem 2-10 in. Leaves 4 in., apiculate. Head on long peduncle . 2. G. bellidioides. Stem very short, densely tufted. Leaves obtuse. Head sessile . . 8. G. Youngit. 2. Heads corymbose, not bracteate. Inner involucral scales white, radiating. Florets of circumference in many series (except in 7). Pappus hairs very slender (except 7). Stem robust. Leaves 2x4-2 in. Corymbs dense. Heads } in. diam. 4, G. Lyallit. Stems slender. eaves }$-1 in. Heads few, #in.diam. . . . . 5. G@ trinerve. Stem slender. Leaves }-2 in. Heads Rin.diam, . . . . 6 « 6 G@. Keriense. Stem 2-4 in. Leaves tomentose on both sides. Heads numerous, So din.diam.. 2 0. 6 6 fe ee ee et . « 4%. G. Sinelairii. 3. Heads solitary. Inner involueral scales not white and radiating. Stem filiform, erect. Leaves scattered, cottony below . . . . « 8.4. Jjilicaule, Leaves radical, densely cottony on both sides. Scape cottony . . 9. G. Traversii. 152 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Gnaphalium. Stems short, tufted. Leaves silky on both surfaces. . . . + . 10. G. nitidulum. 4. Heads corymbose, not bracteate.. Inner involucral scales not white nor radiating, Pappus hairs very slender. . . » «11. G. luteo-album. 5. Heads collected into a dense, bracteate globe. Inner involucral scales not white nor radiating. Bracts broad, densely woolly. Female florets in 1 series. Pappus- hairs stout, rigid, thickened upwards. Leaves }-} in. long, rosulate. Inflorescence on a stout, terminal pe- . GUnClE: coe se SE ge ye GE Le ek a . 12. G. Colensoi. Leaves } in. long, densely imbricate, recurved. Inflorescence sessile 13. G. grandiceps. 6. Heads collected into a dense, bracteate globe. Bracts linear. Inner involucral scales not white nor radiating. Female florets in many series. Pappus hairs very slender. Stem erect, branched, leafy. Leaves linear, glabrous above . . . 14. G. envolucratum. Leaves radical, spreading, and scape densciy cottony. . . . . +» 15. G. collinum. 1. G. prostratum, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. 30, t. 21;—Fl. N. Z. i. 137. Stems rather slender, prostrate, woody at the base, 8-18 in. long, with many ascending leafy branches. Leaves uniform, loosely imbricating, 4 in. long, spreading or recurved, flat, obovate-spathulate, covered below or on both surfaces with dense, white, appressed wool, l-nerved. Heads sessile at the tips of the branches, 3.in. diam. ; involucral scales in many series, white, ra- diating, ¢ in. long, with white cottony claws; receptacle conical; female florets in many series ; pappus hairs very slender. Achene glabrous. Northern Island : Mount Egmont, alt. 4000 ft., Diefenbach ; top of Titiokura, Colenso. Abundant in Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island, J. D. H. 2. G. bellidioides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.187. Stems and leaves and flower-heads as in G. prostratum, of which it is probably a variety, but the ends of the branches are produced into slender bracteate peduncles, 2-5 in. long. Receptacle conical, or plane with a conical mammilla.—Xeranthemum, Forst. Abundant in alpine districts in the Northern and Middle Islands, ascending to 5000 ft., Banks and Solander, ete. 3. G. Helichrysum) Youngii, Hook. /., ». sp. A small, prostrate, densely tufted species, 1-2 in. high. Leaves imbricating on the short branches, erecto-patent, 4-4 in. long, obovate-spathulate, obtuse, densely clothed on hoth surfaces with snow-white cottony wool. Head sessile amongst the leaves, 3 in. diam. ; involucral scales in 2 or 3 series, the inner white, radiating ; recep- tacle very small, narrow; florets about 12, female in 1 series; pappus hairs thickened upwards, rather stout. Achene pubescent. Middle Island : mountains above Lake Hawea, alt. i ; i Mount Torlesse and Mount Cook, on shingle, alt. pane ee SO a trict, Hector and Buchanan, Named in honour of Mr. William Young, Mr. Haast’s fellow- traveller and able assistant, both as a surveyor and botanical collector. A beautiful little snow-white plant, intermediate in habit between Raoulia and the two preceding Guaphalia, 4. G, Lyallii, Hook. f. 71. N.Z.i.187. Stem very stout, almost woody; prostrate, branched, as thick as a swan’s quill; branches stout, erect leafy, 5-10 in. high, cottony above. Leaves close-set, spreading, 2 in. long rie broad, narrow oblong-lanceolate, broader upwards, acute, 3-nerved glabrous above, appressed tomentose beneath. Heads $ in. diam, forming dense corymbs, 2-4 in. across; pedicels cottony; involucral rays very many, 3 in. Gnaphalium.] XXXIX. COMPOSITA. 153 long, white, radiating, with short cotton | . ing, I y claws; receptacle plane; florets re female in 2 or 8 series ; pappus hairs few, slender. Y tine gla- Middle Island: Massacre Bay, Zyall. A very handso i i robust habit and large leaves, but probably a vuciele of the félioning. alia 5. G. trinerve, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Zi. 188. Stem rather slender and branches 6-24 in. long, ascending, glabrous or cobwebby, produced into bracteate peduncles. Leaves lax, uniform, flat, spreading or recurved, 3-1 in. long, obovate- or spathulate-lanceolate, acute or apiculate, faintly 3-nerved, glabrous above, white with appressed wool below. Heads 8-5, corymbose at the ends of the produced, slender, peduncle-like branches, 3 in. diam. ; pe- dicels slender or short and stout; inner involucral scales numerous, white radiating, clawed, } in. long. Achene and pappus as in G. Lyallii. : Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Forster; Milford Sound, Lyall ; “Dunedin, on sand dunes, abundant, Lindsay, etc. The Ruahine mountain plant referred to this in Fl. N. Z. is, I am now sure, a var. of G. Keriense. : 6. G. Keriense, 4. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z. i.188. A very variable plant, smaller than either of the above. Stems prostrate, with slender or stout, ascending, leafy branches, 2-6 in. high, produced into bracteate peduncles, Leaves spreading, very variable, 3-2 in. long, 25-4 in. broad, from narrow linear to oblong-spathulate or -lanceolate, acute, 1- rarely 3-nerved. Heads numerous; corymbose, on cottony pedicels, like those of G. ¢rinerve, but much smaller, 3 in. diam.—Helichrysum mieranthum, A. Cunn. in DC. Prodr. ; G. dealbatum, Forst. Prodr. ? Var. B. linifolia. Stems erect. Leaves excessively narrow ; pedicels capillary. Northern Island: very abundaut in moist places, falls of the Keri-Keri river, and else- where. IMLiddle Island: near Nelson, Travers ; Dusky Bay, Zyal/; var. B, banks of tne Manawatu and Ruahine range, Colenso. 7. G. (Helichrysum) Sinclairii, Hook. /., x. sp. A small, subalpine species; stems and branches ascending, leafy, 2-4 in. high. Leaves close- set, spreading, }-4 in. long, 3 broad, linear-oblong or obovate-spathulate, obtuse, densely covered with pale, cottony tomentum on both surfaces. Heads 3 in. diam., in numerous, rounded, terminal, dense corymbs, 3-1 in. across ; peduncles and pedicels short, densely cottony ; outer scales of invo- lucre cottony, inner shortly radiating ; female florets in 1 series; pappus of few stout hairs, thickened towards the tip. Achene glabrous. Middle Island: Upper Awatere valley, Sinclair. Very closely allied to the Raoulia catipes of Tasmania, but the leaves are much smaller, and the heads. not half the size, and much more numerous. 8. G. filicaule, Hook. f. ;—Helichrysum, Fl. N. Z. i.°140, t. 36 B. Stems usually simple, very slender, flexuose, cottony, 6-10 in. high, termina- ting ina filiform peduncle. Leaves scattere1, 3-3 in. long, obovate-oblong, obtuse or apiculate, glabrous above, white and cottony beneath. Heads solitary, 4-in. diam.; involucral scales numerous, linear, scarious ; outer cottony at the base ; receptacle small, convex; pappus of very slender filiform bairs. Achene puberulous. Northern Island: dry hills towards the east coast ; Wairarapa valley, Cape Kidnapper, 154 XXKIX. OOMPOSITH. [Gnaphalium. and Puehutai, Colenso. Middle Island?, Banks and Solander ; Canterbury, Haast ; Otago, grass flats in the lake district, Hector and Buchanan. 9. G. Traversii, Hook. f., x. sp. A small, slender, erect, almost simple plant, 2-8 in. high; stem and leaves on both sides covered loosely with snow-white cottony wool. Leaves radical, petiolate, spreading, 3-4 in. long, spathulate-obovate. Head solitary, $ in. diam., on a’scapiform slender stem, with 2 or 8 linear bracts ; involucral scales numerous, linear, scarious, hyaline, shining, outer cottony at the base, inner with erect paler tips; receptacle flat ; pappus hairs excessively fine. Achene puberulous, Middle Island: Wairau mountains, alt. 83-4000 ft., Zravers; alps of Canterbury, Haast. Mueller has sent this same plant from the Victorian alps, as G. involucratum, var. monocephalum, but besides the totally different habit it differs from that plant in the heads not being bracteate and twice as large, and in the looser cottony tomentum. 10. G. nitidulum, Hook.f, n. sp. A small, densely tufted species, covered with appressed, silky, shining, yellowish tomentum. Leaves closely imbricated at their bases, above spreading, flat, 4 in. long, linear, obtuse ; lower 1, membranous, glabrous, upper 3 densely silky. Heads terminal, solitary, large, } in. broad, on very short, slender peduncles ; involucral. scales in 2 series, erect, linear, hyaline, shining, with pale erect tips; florets not seen. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Sinclair ; Clarence and Wairan valleys, alt. 3500 ft., Travers. Fs 11. G. luteo-album, Linn. ;—Fi. N. Z. i. 189. Stems simple or branched from the base, erect or ascending, 6-18 in. high, and leaves densely covered with cottony tomentum. Leaves scattered, 2-2 in. long, narrow-linear or linear-spathulate. Heads fascicled, + in. long, fascicles collected in corymbs, dusky-yellow, cottony at the base; involucral seales erect, tips incurved, numerous, linear-oblong, scarious, hyaline, shining. Northern and Kermadec Islands ; yery common in some places, rarer inthe Middle Island ; Kowai valley and Rangitata ranges, Haast ; sand dunes, Dunedin, Lindsay ; Otago, pss a le and Buchanan. Gord Auckland’s group, Lyall. A yery abandant Tropical weed. : _12. G. (Helichrysum) Colensoi, Hook. /. i—Helichrysum Leontopo- dium, Fl. N. Z.i. 141. t. 37 B. A tufted, alpine, very silky species. Stems ascending, 1-4 in. high, terminating in stout woolly bracteate or leafy pedun- cles 1-2 in. long. Leaves densely imbricate, rosulate, patent or reflexed, flat, 3-4 in. long, linear-oblong, subacute, uniformly clothed with silky shining hairs, striate when dry; those on the peduncle smaller and shorter. Heads densely crowded into a bracteate captuitagh + in. diam.; bracts many, spread- ing, 7-3 in. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse, most densely woolly ; each head 4 in. long ; involucral scales linear-lanceolate, erect, scarious, shining, woolly at the back ; pappus hairs few, stout, scabrid, thickened upwards. Achene silky. Northern Island: Ruahiue 3 i i i Tarndale mountains, in shingle, alt. 6000 ae eget RAE a Tala 13. G. (Helichrysum) grandiceps, Hook.f, n. sp. Densely tufted Stems ascending, and branches 2-3 in. long, uniformly aad denssly elottiel to the tips with leaves, and terminated by the sessile bracteate heads. Leaves Gnaphalium.] |. . XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 155 closely imbricating, small, recurved, } in. long, concave, oblong-spathulate, obtuse, recurved, densely covered with thick white silvery tomentum. Heads and florets in G. Colensoi, but bracts shorter. Middle Island: Mount Sinclair; moraines of the Great Clyde glacier ; mountains near Lake Hawea, Mountains Cook and Torlease, alt. 4000-6000 ft., Sinclair, Haast ; Otago, lake district, subalpine, Hector and Buchanan. Allied to G. Colensoi, but very different in the small, broad, recurved, closely imbricated, uniform, less silvery leaves, and inflorescence not peduncled. 14. G. involucratum, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 139, An erect annual. Stems branched at the base, 1-2 ft. high, branches often proliferous, stiff, cattony. Leaves scattered, spreading, often fascicled, 1-8 in. long, narrow- linear or lanceolate, acute, glabrous above, cottony beneath ; margins often recurved and wrinkled. Heads small, 1} in. long, collected into dense axil- lary and terminal globular balls }-1 in. diam., which are subtended by nu- merous spreading or reflexed linear foliaceous bracts 1 in. long and of variable breadth; involucral scales erect, hyaline, linear, acute ; female florets numer- ous, hermaphrodite very few ; pappus hairs very slender. Achene glabrous.— G. virgatum, Banks and Sol. ;—FI. N. Z. i. 189; G. lanatum, Forst.; G. Qun- ninghamii, DC. Abundant throughout the islands, in waste places, Banks and Solander, etc.. The G. virgatum, B. and §.,not to be distinguished even as a variety I fear. Abundant in Aus- tralia and Tasmania. , 15. G. collinum, Labili. Fl. Nov. Holl. ¢. 189 ;—#Fl. N. Z. i. 189. Perennial, roots with runners, Stems scapiform. Leaves chiefly radical, pe- tiolate, 2-4 in. long, lanceolate-spathulate, acuminate, covered with cottony wool on both surfaces. Scape 4-8 in. high, slender, white and cottony; bracts 2 or 3, foliaceous. Heads as in G. involucratum, but collected inte a smaller fewer-headed subglobose capitulum, with only 1 or 2 linear bracts at their base.—G. simplex, Forst.P? ; Northern Island: dry hills, Bay of Islands, east coast, ete. Mliddle Island: not uncommon in the Canterbnry district; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan, Though extremely dissimilar in its typical state from G. ixvolucratum, I find now so many almost intermediate forms, that I suspect their permanent difference, and am disposed to refer the vars, 8 and y of the N. Z. Flora to that plant. 15. HAASTTIA, Hook. f., nov. gen. Very densely tufted, low, woolly herbs, forming balls qr cushions on the lofty mountains. Leaves crowded, broad, Flower-heads large, solitary, ter- minal, sunk amongst the uppermost leaves.—Involucral scales in 2 series, very numerous, narrow, herbaceous with scarious tips, free or connate at the base, acuminate. Receptacle narrow, flat, papillose. Florets of circumference in 2 or more series, female ; corolla very short, slender, tubular, with a cre- nulate mouth; styles with very long exserted arms, papillose at the tips. -Florets of disk very numerous, funnel-shaped, hermaphrodite ; arms of style shorter; anthers without tails. Pappus of 1 series of rather rigid, white, slender, scabrid hairs, thickened towards the tip. Achene compressed, linear or oblong, even or grooved. A very singular and distinct genus, differing from the other Gnaphalioid Composite in the tailless anthers. ; 156 XXXIX. COMPOSITE: [ Haastia. Leaves most densely imbricate, 3-nerved, crenulate. Pappus hairs free. 1. H. pulvinaris. Leaves laxly imbricate, recurved. Pappus hairs uuited below . . . 2. H. recurva. Leaves laxly imbricate, suberect. Pappus hairs free . . . . . . 8. HL. Sinclairit. 1. H. pulvinaris, Hook. f. Plants forming dense hemispheres or cushions, 3 ft. across, covered with falvous wool; branches with the léaves on as thick as the thumb. Leaves patent, 3 in. long, crenulate, most densely imbricate, broadly obcuneate, with dilated rounded tips, margins recurved towards the tip, membranous, ‘3-nerved when the wool is removed. Heads 4 in. broad. Pappus hairs free to the base. Achene glabrous. Middle Island; Kaikora mountains, and Mowatt’s Mountain, alt. 5000 ft., Sinelazr ; Discovery Peaks, alt. 5800 ft., Zravers. One of the most extraordinary plants in the islands. Sinclair says the patches are so dense, that the finger cannot be thrust between the branches. 2. H. recurva, Hook.f. More laxly tufted, as densely covered with wool, which is more rufous when dry. Leaves loosely imbricating, 4 in. long, obovate-spathulate, recurved. Heads 3 in. diam. Pappus hairs paleaceous and united at the base. Achene glabrous. Middle Island: shingle-beds above 5000 ft., Tarndale, Sizelair ; Discovery Peaks, alt. 5800 ft., Zravers ; Mount Torlesse, alt. 6000 ft., Haast. 8. H. Sinclairii, Hook. f.. Loosely tufted, branches ascending, erect, covered with paler cotiony wool. Leaves erect, imbricating, 3-3 in. long, oblong-obovate or rounded-obovate, obtuse, not recurved, 5—7-nerved. Head “$-1 in. diam.; involueral scales broader than in the preceding species. Pap- pus hairs free to the base. Achene glabrous. a Middle Island :. shingle beds, alt. 4-6000 ft., Wairan and Awatere mountains, and at the Wairau pass, Sinclair ; Mounts Darwin and Cook, Haast ; Mount Brewster, dry débris, alt. 6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. 16. ERECHTITES, Rafinesque. Tall, perennial, glabrous or ¢ottony herbs. Leaves alternate, simple or runcinate-pinnatifid—Heads corymbose, bracteolate, very narrow, cylindric or bell-shaped ; involucral scales in 1 series, herbaceous, narrow linear, ap- pressed. Receptacle papillose. Florets of circumference in 2 or more series, female, excessively slender, tubular, 2—4-toothed ; of the disk hermaphrodite, campanulate above; anthers‘ without tails; arms of style with short terminal cones. Pappus in many series of excessively slender, soft, roughened hairs. Achene obtong, striated, glabrate or hispid, obtuse or narrowed at the tip, terminated by a disk-like thickened top. A small genus, the species are natives chiefly of Australia and Tasmania ; a few others are American aud Indian. Glabrous. Leaves toothed or pinnatifid. Achene slender . . . 1. E, prenanthoides. More or less cottony. Leaves piunatifid. Achene short. . . . 2. BE. arguta. Hispid, except: the heads and pedicels . . se 6 + . + 8. B seaberula. Cottony and white. Leaves linear, long, with revolute margins . 4. EF. quadridentata. 1. E. prenanthoides, DC. ;—Fi. N. Z.i.141. A tall, glabrous, sim- ple or branched herb, 1-3 ft. high, rarely slightly hairy. Leaves 3-6 in. long, linear-oblong or lanceolate, lower petiolate, upper sessile with auricled bases, toothed lobed or pinnatifid. Corymb lax ; heads quite glabrous, nu- Erechtites.] XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 157 merous, on very slender pedicels, each 3-3 in. long; involucral scales green with white margins. Achenes slender, grooved.—Senecio, A. Rich. Not uncommon in moist woods, ete., throughout the islands, Baxks and Solander, etc. A common §, Australian and Tasmanian plant. 2. EB. arguta, DC.;—Fi. N. Z. i. 142. A stout, erect herb, 1-2 ft. high, more or less cottony, especially on the leaves below. Leaves 2-4 in. long, linear-oblong or lanceolate, irregularly pinnatifid and toothed, sessile and auricled at the base. Heads corymbose, numerous, small ; florets } in. long; involucral scales cottony below, shorter than the florets. Achene short, grooved, hispidulous.— Senecio argutus, A. Rich. Common throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, etc. Abundant in Tasmania and Southern Australia. 3. E. scaberula, Hook. f., x. sp. ;—H. hispidula, Vi. N. Z. i. 142, not DC. Aslender, erect herb, 1-14 ft. high, hispid all over, except the pedicels and involucre. Leaves 1-3 in. long, linear-oblong or lanceolate, toothed or pinnatifid, sessile. Heads? in. Jong, laxly corymbose or divaricating. Achene linear, indistinctly grooved, pubescent. Northern and Middle Islands: in various places, but so common as Z. arguta and quadridentata. This differs from the Tasmanian EZ. hispidula, in the achene only? in. ‘eng and not attenuate at the top, also in the smaller glabrous heads, and short involucral scales. 4. E. quadridentata, DC. ;—Fl. N.Z.i.142. A stout species, 1-3 ft. high, sometimes woody below, more or less covered with cottony wool, often snow-white all over. Leaves 2—6 in. long, very narrow linear, margins revolute. Heads corymbose, numerous, very narrow, 3 in. long; involucral scales glabrous or cottony. Achene grooved and angled, hispid, 4; in. long. —Senecio quadridentatus, Lab. Fl. Nov. Holl. +. 194. Abundant thronghont the islands, Banés and Solander, etc. Also frequent in Southern Australia and Tasmania, » I have a specimen of another Erechtites from ihe bed of the Godley river, alt. 3000 it, Haast, apparently differing from any of the above, but too imperfect to determine ; it is nearly glabrous, with narrow, linear-oblong, slightly toothed, coriaceous leaves, 1-2 in. long, sparingly cottony below, not auricled at base: heads glabrous, immature. 17, SENECIO, Linn. Herbs shrubs or trees, of very various habit. Leaves entire toothed lobed or pinnatifid. Flower-heads bracteate at the base, corymbose, rarely solitary.—Involucral scales in 1 or 2 rows, linear, erect, herbaceous or coria- ceous, rarely scarious, often brown at the tip. Receptacle plane or tumid, papillose or alveolate. Florets yellow, all similar and hermaphrodite, or the outer series female and ligulate ; the inner tubular, campanulate above, her- maphrodite. Anthers with very short tails or 0, Pappus of 1 or several rows of soft or stiff, smooth or scabrid, equal or unequal, slender or stout hairs, sometimes thickened at the tips. Achene linear-oblong, never beaked, usually with a thickened disk-like top, terete or grooved. One of the largest genera inthe vegetable kingdom, found in all parts of the world, and containing a multitude of dissimilar, always most variable species, I have classed the New 158 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Senecio. Zealand ones into natural groups, which are, in point of habit and many other characters, the equivalents of genera in other parts of the vegetable kingdom, but which canuot be made genera of, because of the namberless conuecting forms found in other countries. 8. Forsteri, of Fl. N. Z., differs from all others in the scarious involucral scales, and, hence I have re- stored it to the genus Brachyglottis, of Forster. The shrubby tomentose species, with very rigid, coriaceous, almost woody involucres, also form a peculiar set, for the most part ; but S. Greyii and Munroi, which should belong to the same group, have membranous scales. The New Zealand species are excessively variable, the first four may prove one, the remainder seem distinct enough. 1. Scapigerous herbs. Leaves all broad, radical. Scapes 1- or many-headed, Outer florets rayed. Involucral scales in about 2 series. Achengs glabrous. Pappus hairs white, slender. Leaves 1-4 x 1-3 in. rugose and hispid above, woolly below. Scape glandular. . wee ee we ee we ew ew ew 1 8. Lagopus. Leaves 4-4 3-1} in., rugose and hispid above, glabrate below. _ Scape cottony 2. 1 ee eee ee te ee ee DS, bellidioides. Leaves 8-6 x 18 in., woolly above and below. Scape glandular . 3. 8. sazifragoides. Leaves 2-5 x 1-3 in., and whole plant cottony, suow-white . . . 4. 8. Haustiz. 2. Branched herbs, usually glabrous. Leaves all or upper sessile and auricled at the base. Heads corymbose. Outer florets rayed (rarely tubular in 8. lautus). Involucral scales linear, in 1 series, herbaceous, connate into an obconic base. Achenes ribbed. Pap- pus of white slender hairs. ; Tall, glabrous. Leaves membranous, ovate, petioled, lobed, and toothed . . 1 ee ew ee we ee ee ww ws 5S, latifolius, Stout, short, glabrous or glabrate. ‘Leaves 1-2 in., rather fleshy . 6. S. dastus. Stout. Leaves cottony, white, lobed and toothed . . . . . . 7. 5. Colensoi. Tall, robast. Leaves leathery, glabrous, toothed, and vemed . . 8. S. vduratus. 8. An erect, simple, leafy herb, corymbose above. Heads very large. Involucral sales 2 series, outer florets’ rays very long. Pappus hairs rigid, scabrid 9. S. Lyallii. 4, Shrubby, glabrous. Leaves crowded, linear, margins revolute to the midrib. Head solitary ; outer florets with broad rays. Pappus of soft hairs. . 10. 8. byistulosus. 5. Shrubs with glabrous or woolly or tomentose or cottony stems, leaves, and involucres. _ Corymbs branched (heads solitary in 8, cassinioides), Involucral scales of 1 series. Re- ceptacle pitted. Outer florets rayed or not. Pappus of rigid, often unequal, scabrid hairs. a. Glabrous or nearly so. Heads corymbose. Leaves 2-4 in., linear or oblong-lanceolate. Rays very long . . 11. S. glastifolius. Leaves 1-2 in., orbicular, toothed. Rays very short . . . . . 12. S. sciadophilus, Leaves 1-1} in., oblong, crenate-toothed. Raysshort . . . . 18. S. perdicioides.. B. Leaves 5 bee! entire, very coriaceous indeed, covered on both surfaces or below with tomentum. Heads panicled or corymbose. Leaves 2-4 in., oblong, softly cottony below. Rayslong . . . 14. S. Greyit. Leaves 2-4 in., oblong, with appressed brown tomentum below. Ray0. 15. 8. eleagnifolius. Leaves 2-6 in., orbicular, with brownish tomentum below . . . 16. 8. rotundifolius. Leaves 4-] in., oblong, with whitish tomentum below . . . . 17. S. Bidwillit. ry. Leaves crenate, undulate, white and cottony below . . . 18. 8. Munroi. &. Leaves in. Heads solitary . ». . . . + » « « « 19. 8. cassiniotdes. 1. S. Lagopus, Raoul, Chow, 21. ¢. 17 ;—Fi. N. Z.i.143. Root of stout fibres ; crown loaded with long, woolly, matted hairs. Leaves 1-4 in. long, on short, stout, villous petioles, broadly cotdate-oblong, rounded at the tip, even or crenulate on the margin, densely clothed below with white wool, ru- gose above, and covered with short scattered bristles. Scape 2-6 in. high, branched above, bracteate, 2—8-headed, and involucre pubescent and pilose with black glandular hairs. Heads on slender pedicels, 4-1 in. diam., broadly Senecio. ] XXXIX. COMPOSITH. 159 obconic ; involucral scales tomentose; rays 3-4 in. long; pappus hairs white, slender, unequal. Achene linear, slender. Northern and Middle Islauds: subalpine pastures and rocky places, Ruahine moun- tains, Colenso ; Nelson, Bidwill, Sinclair, Munro; Canterbury, Raoul, Lyall. This and the two following, though most dissimilar in their usual states, appear to me to be united by intermediate forms. 2. S. bellidioides, Hook. f. Fi. N. Z.i.145. Smaller than 8. Lagopus, quite similar in habit and woolly crown, but the petioles often more slender. Leaf 4-4 in. long, broadly oblong or linear-oblong or cordate, obtuse at both ends or cordate or acute at the base, entire or crenate, margins often edged with white wool, above rugose and rough with hispid scattered hairs, below glabrate, with raised veins ; petioles more or less densely clothed with soft wool. Scapes slender, cottony and glandular,.1—4-flowered. Heads, etc., as in 8, Lagopus. —_ a. Leaves broad-dblong, glabrons below. Scapes cottony. B. Leaves broad-oblong, densely woolly below. Scayies tomentose and glandular. y. Leaves linear-obloug, glabrate or villous below. Scapes glabrate. Middle Island, abundant in hilly pastures, etc., from Nelson to Otago, Munro, etc., as- cending to 7000 ft. in the Otago alps, Hector andBuchanan, 3. S. saxifragoides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.144. Much larger than the two preceding, top of root sometimes 1 in. thick, covered with long villous wool. Leaves 3-6 in. long, with short, very stout, woolly petioles, broadly ob- long or orbicular, cordate, crenate, villous and silky above, densely woolly below. Scape 2-10 in. high, stout, bracteate, cottony or tomentose, and covered with black, spreading, glandular hairs, 4—-10-flowered. Heads 3-1} in. diam., as in S. Legopus. Middle Island: Port Cooper, Lyadl. 4. 3. Haastii, Hook.f, x. sp. Wholly covered with white, lax or ap- pressed, cottony wool ; rootstock woody, covered with soft wool or naked. Leaves with long, slender petioles, 2-8 in. long, blade 2-5 in. long, 1-3 broad, ohlong or broad cordate-oblong, obtuse, obscurely crenulate. Scape slender, 8-14 in. high, and peduncles very long, cottony, and slightly glan- dular. Heads as in S. Lagopus. i : Cook, alt. 2700-4000 ft., shores of Lake Okan, Lake Hawea, needa ce ete of the Anorin Haast ; Otago, lake district, alt. 2~8000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. The Lake Okau specimen is more bulf-coloured, less cottony ; its tomentum is more glandular all over, and shows a tendeucy to pass into 8. bellidioides. 5. &. latifolius, Banks and Sol. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 145. A tall branching glabrous herb, 2-3 ft. high. Stems flexuose, furrowed. Leaves membra- nous, 4-8 in. long, very variable, lower on long winged petioles with toothed auricles, oblong, lobulate and toothed; upper more fiddle-shaped or ovate- oblong, acute, contracted below the middle and again expanding into toothed auricles, 1 in. broad; in young specimens the leaves are scaberulous, lanceo- late, and toothed. Heads 4 in. diam.,. in large corymbs with spreading branches; involucral scales short, in 1 series, linear, acuminate ; rays slender, 1 in. long ; pappus very soft, white, slender. Achene strongly ribbed, his- pidulous. 160 XXXIX. COMPOSITA. [Senecio. Northern Island: in wooded districts, Banks and Solander, Diefenbach, Bidwitll; Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay, and Ruahine range, Colenso. 6. S. lautus, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 145. An excessively variable, per- fectly glabrous or slightly cottony, branched herb, 6 in. to 2 ft. high. Stem stout, grooved, green, flexuose. Leaves 1-2 in. long, sessile with amplexicaul auricles, or petioled, rather fleshy, ovate-oblong or linear, entire toothed lobed or pinnatifid ; lobes long or short, broad or narrow. Heads in few-flowered corymbs, }—4 in. long, 4 in. diam., broad-campanulate; involucral scales linear, acuminate; outer florets with short revolute rays, rarely 0; pappus fine, soft, white. Achene glabrous, ribbed or puberulous.—S. neglectus and 8. rupicola, A. Rich. Fl. t. 37. A most abundant plant, especially on maritime rocks and sands, ascending the mountains to 6000 ft., Banks and Solander, Some Otago mountain specimens are slightly cottony, bat none others that I have seen. Equally abundant in Tasmania and South Australia. 7. S. Colensoi, Hoot. f. Fl. N. Z.i.147, An erect, much-branched herb, covered with white cottony or cobwebby tomentum, except peduncles and heads. Stem flexuose, grooved. Leaves 1—4 in. long, coriaceous, linear- oblong, lyrate-or contracted in the middle, sessile with broad auricled bases, deeply irregularly toothed or lobulate, obtuse or acute, tomentose on both surfaces. Heads few, corymbose, 3-4 in. long, broadly campanulate ; rays short, revolute. Achene small, grooved, silky. Northern Island : cliffs near the sea, Bay of Islands, East Cape, and Cape Kidnapper, Colenso. This has the cottony tomentum and much the appearance of Erechtites arguta. I have immature specimens from Colenso of a variety or an allied species, covered with loose coarse white tomentum. 8. S. odoratus, Hornemann.—S. Banksii, Fl. N. Z. i. 146. A per- fectly glabrous or sparsely pilose, tall, slender or very robust plant, 2-5 ft. high. Stem flexuose, grooved. Leaves coriaceous, sessile, with auricled am- plexicaul bases, 2-4 in. long, 3-2 in. broad, broadly oblong to lanceolate, acute or acuminate, strongly veined. Heads small, 4 in. long, corymbose on slender pedicels, broadly campanulate ; rays short, revolute. Achene slender, grooved, pubescent, Northern Island : east coast, Banks and Solander ; on maritime cliffs, Colenso. Also found in South Australia and Tasmania, where the leaves are sometimes cottony. _ 3. S. Lyallii, Hook. 7—s. Tyaliti and S. (2) scorzoneroides, Fl. N. 7. i, 146. Glabrous, or glandular-pubescent. Rootstock very thick, crowned with long silky hairs. Stem stout, simple, erect, 1-2 ft. high, leafy, ending ina branched corymb of many flower-heads. Leaves all quite entire ; radical petiolate, oblong-lanceolate or very narrow linear, 2-10 in. long, 4,-2 broad, subacute, 1—5-nerved, cauline numerous, sessile, stem-clasping, gradually narrowed from the base to the obtuse tip. Branches of corymb (peduncles) ecling? pane ten large, 1-2 in. diam. ; involucre broadly turbinate, Scales In 1 series, linear, pubescent; rays 2] in. lone: appus of: rigi dirty-white, unequal scabrid hairs, talons narrow, silky, ‘ribbed. ee Middle Island: west coast, Milford Sound aud Du ; alps, ascending to 5000 ft., Munro, Sinclair, Travers, aunt ee but excessively variabie plant. Buchanan observes that the flowers vary in fala from salmon-colour to bright-yellow. 8. scorzonerioides is a very broad-leaved, glandular sete. Senecio. | XXXIX. COMPOSITA. 161 10. S. bifistulosus, Hoot. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 145. Glabrous? Stem woody ; branches scarred like a pine-branch. Leaves densely crowded, spread- ing, 1 in. long, jy broad, narrow-linear, margins revolute to midrib and united to it by their woolly borders, appearing crenate from the impressed veins. Flowering branch or scape from below the leaves, 4 in. long, with fo- liaceous bracts. Head 1 in. diam. ; involucral scales few, broad, cottcny at back ; rays few, broad; pappus very soft. Achene short, glabrous, ribbed. Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Zya//. A very curious plant, allied to no other in New Zealand, but apparently to the ‘Tasmanian S. pectinatus. 1 have but one specimen. 11. S. glastifolius, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 147. ¢. 89. A perfectly glabrous, branched, woolly shrub, 6-10 ft. high. Branches brittle, stout or slender ; bark pale-brown. Leaves shortly petioled, 2-4 in. long, 3-1 broad, oblong or lanceolate, entire or sinuate-toothed, acute or obtuse; nerves very faint, brown when dry. Corymbs lax, much spreading ; bracts leafy. Heads large, 13-2 in. diam.; involucre broad-campanulate, scales broadly linear, membranous.; rays few, very long, 3-2 in. ; anthers with short tails; pappus hairs rigid, unequal, scabrid, dirty-white. Achene glabrous, terete, ex- pauded and thickened at the tip.—Solidago arborescens, A. Cunn., not Forst. Northern Island: in woods, from the Thames river northward, Banks and Solander, ete. A curious plant, in many respects allied to the Tasmanian Centropappus Brunonis. 12. S. sciadophilus, Raoul, Choiz, 21. 4.18 ;—Fl. N. Z.i.153. A climbing shrub, perfectly glabrous or sparingly pubescent, with slender flexuose branches. Leaves 1-2 in. long, petiolate, orbicular, coarsely toothed, membranous, brown when dry. Heads in few-flowered corymbs, on slender axillary peduncles, sparingly divided, broadly campanulate, } in. diam. ; invo- lucral scales few (8—10) in 1 series, broadly linear, subacute; rays 4 in. long, revolute; pappus hairs numerous, in several series, rigid, white, scabrid. Achene nearly glabrous, grooved. Middle Island: Akaroa, in woods, Raoul. 13. S. perdicioides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.149. A shrub with slender, pubescent, striated, scarred branches. Leaves on slender petioles, quite gla- brous, 1—1+ in. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse, crenate and toothed, finely reticulated on the under surface. Heads obconic, 4 in. long, 8-flowered, in axillary and terminal corymbs ; peduncles pubescent ; involucral scales few, broad, obtuse ; rays few, broad ; pappus of 2 series of scabrid white hairs. Achene oblong, glabrous, deeply grooved. Northern Island: Tolaga, in woods, Banks and Solander. This plant has not been found since Cook’s voyage, a century ago. 14. S. Greyii, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 148. ¢. 38. A shrub, about 5 ft. high ; branches terete, woody, and petioles and leaves below covered with white appressed tomentum. Leaves with petioles 3-1} in. long, blade 2-4 long, oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, quite entire, unequal at the base, under side thickly softly cottony, upper glabrate, nerveless, edged with white. Corymbs large, terminal, panicled, drooping ; bracts large, foliaceous, sessile, obovate- oblong, cottony or glabrate; peduncles either white and cottony or not cot- tony and densely glandular-pubescent. Heads campanulate, } in... long; VOL. f. M 162 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. ' [Senecio, involucral scales thick, linear, acute ; rays 4-4 in. long; anthers with short tails ; pappus of many series of rigid scabrid white hairs.. Achene silky. Northern Island: from Pawahati, Cape Palliser, to Pahawa, in rocky and stony places, Colenso. A very beautiful plant. 15. S. eleeagnifolius, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 150. ¢.41. A small, ro- bust shrub, 6-8 ft. high; branches stout and petioles and leaves beneath densely covered with an appressed smooth layer of dirty-white or buff tomen- tum. Leaves with stout petioles, 3-1 in. long, obovate or lanceolate-oblong, ‘obtuse, coriaceous, quite entire, glabrous and obscurely veined above. Panicle terminal, stout, branched, and involucres densely covered with thick buff wool. Heads 3 in. long, campanulate ; involucral scales very coriaceous and woolly; ray 0; anthers tailed; pappus rigid, scabrid, white. Achene grooved, pubescent. Northern Island: woods on the Ruahine mountains, Colenso: Mount Egmont, alt. 6000 ft., Diefenbach. Middle Island: Rangitata range and Mount Cook, alt. 3-4000 ft., Sinclair, Haast ; Otago, in the bush, rare, Hector and Buchanan. 16..8. rotundifolius, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i149. A small tree with very robust branches, covered as are the petioles, leaves below, and inflores- cence with buff tomentum. Leaves with stout petioles 1—3 in. long, blade 3-6 in. diameter, orbicular, unequal or rounded or cordate at the base, very coriaceous, shining above with reticulate veins, margin tomentose. Corymbs terminal, short, close, much branched. Heads very numerous, cylindriec- campanulate, 4-4 in. long; involucral scales very thick, woolly; rays ex- tremely short; anthers without tails; pappus hairs rigid, scabrid, white. Achene glabrous, grooved.— Cineraria rotundjfolia, Forst. Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Forster ; Milford Sound, Lyad/. Closely allied to the last, though differing in the large orbicular leaves and the glabrous achene. The Mount Egmont plant referred to this in Fl. N. Z. is certainly S. eleagnifolius. 17. S. Bidwillii, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 150. A small, very robust, alpine shrub. Branches, petioles, and leaves below densely covered with ap- pressed, whitish tomentum. Leaves shortly petioled, 3-1 in. long, oblong or obovate-oblong, extremely thick and coriaceous, round at the tip, glabrous above, nerveless or reticulated; petioles 1-3 in. jointed on to the branch. Corymbs with many long-peduncled heads, sometimes abbreviated ; peduncles and heads with softer, more woolly tomentum than the leaves below. Heads campanulate, } in. long; involucral scales very thick; rays few, very short ; anthers shortly tailed; pappus hairs white, rigid, scabrid. Achene grooved, glabrous. Northern Island: Mount Hikurangi, and Ruahine range, Colenso. Wliddle Island: mountains of Nelson, alt. 6000 ft., Bidwill, Rough ; Discovery Peaks, alt. 5800 ft., Travers. 18. S. Munroi, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. ii. 333. A woody shrub, or small tree; branches, petioles, and leaves below covered with white appressed tomentum. Leaves petioled, 3-1 in. long, narrow oblong, obtuse, glabrous or viscid above, coriaceous, margin wrinkled and crenate; petiole 3-3 in. long. Corymbs lax, terminal, leafy; peduncles and pedicels tomentose, the latter and involucre glandular and pubescent. Head broadly turbinate, 3-4 in, diam.; involucral scales spreading, few, short, membranous, obtuse; rays Senecio. ] XXXIX. COMPOSITE. 163 nearly } in. long, revolute; anthers very shortly tailed ; pappus hairs white, rather slender, scabrid. Achene grooved, pubescent. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Munro; Upper Awatere valley, Sinclair. 19, S. cassinioides, Hook. f., x. sp. A small, woody, very robust, small-leaved shrub; branches stout, covered with deciduous bark; marked, like a pine-tree, with scars of fallen leaves. Leaves imbricate, }-} in. long, sessile, Hnear-oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, covered below, like the branchlets and involucres, with yellowish very appressed tomentum. Heads solitary, sessile, terminal, } in. long; involucral scales in 1 series, broadly linear, obtuse, corjaceous, with membranous margins, much shorter than the florets ; rays very short, revolute; anthers scarcely tailed; pappus of rigid, scabrid white hairs. Achene grooved, glabrous. — , Middle Island: Wairau Pass, alt. 5000 ft., and Rangitata river, alt. 3000 ft., Sinclair ; Godley river, alt. 45000 ft., Haast. A remarkable species, resembling Cassinia Vauvilliersii. 18. BRACHYGLOTTIS, Forst. A tree. Leaves very large, tomentose helow, as are the branches.—Heads small, excessively numerous, disposed in very large branching panicles, cam- panulate, 10-12-flowered.—Involucral scales in 1 series, linear, scarious, obtuse, shining, with subulate bracts at the base. Receptacle very narrow, alveolate. Florets of circumference female, irregularly lobed or 2-lipped, outer lip very short broad recurved, inner narrow revolute; of disk tu- bular, campanulate above. Anthers with short tails. Arms of style trun- cate, papillose at the tip. Pappus of 1 series of white, rather stout, scabrid hairs. Achene short, terete, papillose. I have restored-this genus of Forster’s, because of its very different habit from the other species of Senecio, its scarious shining involucral scales and two-lipped ray-florets; the latter, however, vary much in form. ; 1. B. repanda, Forst. Char. Gen. 46.—Senecio Forsteri, Fl. N. Z. i, 148. A small branching tree, 10-20 ft. high. Branches, petioles, leaves below, and inflorescence covered densely with soft, white, cottony tomentum. Leaves very large, 6-12 in. long, very broadly ovate-oblong or cordate-ob- lofig, irregularly lobed or waved along the margin, membranous, glabrous above; petioles 1-3 in. long. Panicles larger than the leaves, spreading, drooping or erect ; branches slender, flexuose. Heads excessively numerous, sessile or pedicelled, minute, 4 in. long.—Cineraria repanda, Forst. Prod. Abundant in forests throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. 19. TRAVERSIA, Hook, f., n. g. Leaves alternate, sessile, serrate, with’ reticulate venation.—Heads in corymbs, broadly campanulate, 10-12-flowered, bracteolate. Involucre or 1 series of 6-8 broad, oblong, obtuse, erect, spreading, very rigid and coriaceous scales, shorter than the florets. “Receptacle sinuous, alveolate. Florets all.tu- bular, campanulate above, with 5 revolute long lobes. Anthers obtuse, with- out tails, exserted. Arms of style truncate, papillose. Pappus of about 2 series of very rigid, unequal, s¢abrid, dirty-white hairs. Achene short, gla- brous. M 2 164 XXXIX. COMPOSITH. [Traversia. A remarkable plant, allied to Senecio, but differing remarkably in the rigid pappus, very coriaceous involucral scales, and venation of the leaves, which recalls that of the Juan Fer- nandez genera, Balbisia and Robinsonia. ° 1. T. baccharoides, Hook. 7. Apparently a small shrub, perfectly glabrous, somewhat glutinous on the leaves and base of the involucres. Branches slender, angled, with raised lines that are decurrent from the leaves. Leaves 13-2 in. long, coriaceous, obovate-lanceolate, serrate, acute, the nerves running nearly parallel to the midrib, and anastomosing. Heads on slender, rigid pedicels, 1-2 in. long, abowt 4 in. diam.; involucral scales green, shorter than the florets. Middle Island: Upper Awatere and Wairau valley, alt. 5000 ft., Sizelair; Discovery Peaks, 5500 ft., Zravers. 20. MICROSERIS, Don, Glabrous herbs, with milky juice, perennial roots, linear leaves, and naked scapes.—Involucre narrow, scales in | series, slender, with a few short small ones at the base. Receptacle naked, pitted. Florets all ligulate, yellow. Pappus of 1 series of rather rigid, flat, brown hairs, broadest at the base, produced upwards into fine scabrid points. Achene slender, striate, not beaked. A genus of only two species, a South American one and the present. 1. M, Forsteri, Hook. f. Fl. N.Z.i.151. Very variable in size, from 2-12 in. Leaves narrow, flaccid, quite entire toothed pinnatifid or irregu- larly cut. Scapes glabrous or downy above. Heads 4-2 in. long; involucral scales rather fleshy; borders membranous. Pappus pale yellow-brown.— Fi. Tasman. i. 226. t. 66; M. pygmea, Raoul, not Hook.; Scorzonera sca- pigera, Forst, Northern and Middle Islands: common from the Thames river, southward, ascend- ing to 3000 ft. on the mouutains, Also found in Tasmania and Southern Australia. This differs from the Chilian species only in the narrower pappus-scales. . 21. CREPIS, Linn. « Branching or (the New Zealand species) seapigerous herbs, with milky juice.—Heads campanulate, bracteate at the base. Involucral scales in 2 or 3 series, herbaceous, green, outer short, inner longer, often tipped with black. Receptacle naked. Florets all ligulate. Pappus of several series of exces- sively fine, silky, more or Jess pilose hairs. Achene linear, not beaked. A large genus of the north temperate zone, not found in Tasmania or Australia, 1. nove-Zelandiz, Hook. /., n. sp. A scapigerous herb, very vari- able in stature, 2-12 in. high, glabrous all over, or with the leaves, or scape, or involucre, or all, white and tomentose. Root stout, fleshy. Leaves spreading, gradually widened upwards into a large, entire, obtuse lobe, or linear and pinnatifid to the base, or petioled and lobed along the margin, lobes toothed ; sometimes the leaf is pinnatifid to the midrib, with all the lobes toothed, and the alternate smaller. Scape slender, naked, glabrous or tomentose, and studded with long, black, glandular hairs. Heads 3-14 in. Crepis.] XXXIX. COMPOSITA. 165 broad, like those of Taraxacum ; involucral scales linear, broader at the base, with obtuse black tips, glabrous or cottony and covered with black glandular eg Pappus hairs almost simple. Achene short, glabrous, compressed, ribbed. : Middle Island : Totara-nui, or Queen Charlotte’s Sound, Banks and Solander ; open hillsides in the Southern Alps, Canterbury plains, ascending to 8000 ft., Sixclair and Huast ; = ie Paes Otago, ieee lake district, Hector and Buchanan. A very curious nt, not well according with any described Iuded to as Hieraci: ile, Bank and Solander, in the N. z. Flora, & 153. pes ender en nee one Some 22. TARAXACUM, Juss. _ Herbs with milky juice and perennial roots. Leaves all radical, spreading, pinnatifid or lobed. Scapes single-headed, hollow.—Involucre of long, erect, herbaceous scales, the outer shorter and usually reflexed. Receptacle naked. Florets all ligulate. Pappus soft, white, of many series of extremely fine un- equal hairs. Achene long, ribbed, tapering into a slender filiform beak; the ribs muricate or toothed. _ A genus of probably only oue species (the “ Dandelion”), which varies very greatly, and is found in all parts of the temperate world. 1. 'T. Dens-leonis, Desf—F/. N. Z.i. 152. An extremely variable weed. Root stout, dark-coloured, bitter. Leaves toothed, sinuate, pinnatifid or runcinate, rarely entire, narrow, linear-obovate, 2-5 in. long, round at the tip. Scapes 2-8 in., leafless, glabrous or pubescent, or woolly above. Heads 1-1} in. broad, yellow. Involucre green; scales with membranous edges, often thickened at the tip, reflexed after flowering. Achene spreading, the pappus hairs diverging and forming a circle round the top of its beak. Northern and Middle Islands: in various pices, ascending the mountains to 5000 ft., Banks and Solander, etc. Very variable in foliage and stature, the larger forms are probably introduced with cultivation; the smaller are certainly indigenous. 23. PICRIS, Linn. Erect, hispid, leafy herbs, with milky juice—Heads corymbose. Tnvo- lucre campanulate; scales in 2 or 3 series, outer often recurved. Florets all ligulate, yellow. Receptacle uaked. Pappus of 1 series of soft, white, plu- mose hairs. Achene turgid below, narrowed above, with tubercled ridges. A small European genus, of whicli one species abounds in many parts of the world. 1. P. hieracioides, Zinn. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 151. Hispid or pilose. Stem 2-4 ft. high. Root-leaves petioled, linear-oblong, obtuse, toothed ; cauline smaller, sessile, linear, acuminate. Peduncles slender, pedicels bracte- ate. Heads 4-3 in. long; involucral scales hispid and pubescent. Northern Island: dry hills, Bay of Islands, ete. A very common plant in Europe, some parts of Tasmania, Australia, and various other parts of the world. 24. SONCHUS, Linn. Tall leafy herbs, usually with hollow stems and milky juice. Leaves alter- nate.—Heads corymbose, cylindric or ovoid. Involucral scales imbricate, green, herbaceous, connivent after flowering. Receptacle naked. Florets all 166 XXXIX. COMPOSITE. [Sonchus. ligulate. Pappus soft, white ; hairs simple, excessively fine and silky. Achene flat, not beaked, ribbed or striate. A genus of many species, uatives of temperate countries, and several (Sowthistles) are weeds of cultivation. 1. S. oleraceus, Linn. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 153. An erect, glabrous an- nual, 2-4 ft. high. Leaves undivided or pinnatifid, toothed and prickly at the margins, with a broad, cordate or triangular, terminal lobe, upper narrow, 9-lobed, and stem-clasping at the base. Heads pale-yellow, 3-1 in. diam., corymbose panicled or umbellate. Var. a. Achene glabrous ; ribs muricate. . Var. B. Achene oblong, broad, winged; ribs smooth.—S. aspera, Vill. Common throughout the islands; var. a perhaps only introduced, being @ weed of cul- tivation throughout the world. Var. 8. Certainly indigenous, being found by Banks and Solander and Forster, and at Chalky Bay by Zyalé, and in the interior of the Northern Jsland by Colenso, who says that it was formerly eaten by the natives, but that the intro- duced variety is preferred from being less bitter. ‘The var. B is a European and Australian plant. Orner XL. STYLIDIEX. Herbs. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Inflorescence various. —Calyx-tube adnate with the ovary; lobes 5-9. Stamens 2, filaments connate with the style, forming a column; anthers large, transverse. Ovary inferior, crowned with epigynous glands, 1- or 2-celled; style slender, stigma: 2-lobed, almost hidden between the anthers; ovules numerous, attached to the septum or to a central axis. Capsule 2-valved, dehiscing downwards, or coriaceous and indehiscent. Seeds minute; albumen fleshy; embryo most minute. A large Australian Order, extending westwards to Bengal and northwards to China, also found in antarctic America. Flowers 1-3, on long scapes. Column straight . . . . . + + 1. ForstTERA. Flowers solitary, sessile at the ends of the branches . . . » 2 5 2 HELOPHYLLUM. Flowers 1 or racemed. Column beut towards the top . . . . + 8. STYLIDIUM. 1. FORSTERA, Linn. Small, oe glabrous, perennial herbs, with tufted or creeping stems. Leaves small, imbricating or spreading, thick. Soapes. terminal, slender, 1-2-flowered. Flowers white, sometimes unisexual.— Calyx 1—3-bracteolate ; tube ovoid, lobes 5 or 6. Corolla campanulate or tubular, with spreading limb, 5-9-fid; throat naked or glandular. Epigynous glands 2; style straight, erect. Capsule ovoid. Seeds unknown, : A small genus, confined to the alps.of Tasmania, New Zealand, and antarctic America. It is probable that the three following species may be united by intermediates. Leaves 3-4 in., imbricate, obovate, recurved; midrib cuneate . . . . 1 F sedif olia. Leaves 4-} in., patent and recurved, linear-oblong; margins recurved . 2. F. Bidwilhi. Leaves 4-} in., patent; not imbricate nor shining; midrib slender . . 3. F. tenelia. 1. FP. sedifolia, Linn. f.;—Fl. N. Z.i. 154. Stems very stout, 3-12 in., densely. covered throughout their length with leaves. Leaves imbricating, sessile, 3+ in. long, oblong- or obovate-spathulate, obtuse, recurved, very co- Tiaceous, shining, midrib thickened, margin cartilaginous, the lower red- Forstera.) XL. STYLIDIER. ; 167 brown. Scape very slender, strict, 2-4 in., 1- rarely 2-flowered. Flower very variable; bracts linear-oblong. Calyx-lobes linear, obtuse. Corolla 47% in. diam.; tube very short; lobes linear-oblong. Stamens included. Middle and Southern Islands: Dusky Bay, Forster; Chalky Bay, Lyall; Rangitata range, alt. 2500-5000 ft. Sinclair ; Mount Dobson, 6500 ft., Haast; grassy banks, Otago alps, alt. 4-6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. 2. F. Bidwillii, Hook. /. Fi. N. Z.i. 155. Stems 2-8 in., more slender than in Jf. sedifolia. Leaves numerous, close-set, but not imbricate, patent and recurved, 3-3 in. long, linear or linear-oblong, coriaceous, not shining, green; margins recurved when dry; midrib beneath very indistinct. Flowers smuller than in F. sedifolia. Northern Island: Tongariro, Bidwill; summit of the Ruahine range in shady places, Colenso. 3. F. tenella, Hook.f. Fi. N. Z.i. 154. Stem short, 1-2 in. Leaves few, lax, erect or patent, not recurved, 3-3 in. long, narrow, oblong-obovate, contracted into a short petiole, subacute, margins recurved, midrib obsolete, not shining nor thickly coriaceous. Scape and flower as in F. sedifolia. Middle Islaud: Otago, on a hill 1800 ft. high, and at Milford Sound, Zya//; Southern Alps, Haast. Intermediate in some respects between F. Bidwillii and F. sedifolia, but has shorter stems and less coriaceous foliage than either; the leaves are as short as in sedi- Solia, but neither imbricate, recurved, coriaceous, shining, nor furnished with a thick cunei- form midrib. At the same time I can hardly doubt these three forms having been very recent offshoots from one. 2. HELOPHYLLUM, Hook. f. Densely tufted, moss-like plants. Leaves most closely imbricating, ter- minated by a globose knob. Flowers solitary, sessile in the uppermost leaves, 2- or 3-bracteate, white or pink, polygamo-dicecious.—Calyx-tube obconic ; lobes 5~7, obtuse. Corolla-tube short; limb spreading, unequally 4—-9-par- tite, often with thickened glands at the base of the lobes. Ovary incompletely 2-celled. Epigynous glands 2, semilunar. Fruit small, turbinate, coriaceous, l-celled, dehiscent only by the falling away of the summit. Seeds numerous, obovoid; testa brown, coriaceous; albumen very fleshy; embryo not seen, probably most minute. ; In the ‘Flora Antarctica,’ I regarded the first-discovered species of this genus as a section (Helophylium) of Forstera, I did not then know the fruit, which being turbinate and indehiscent, together with the most peculiar habit ot the three species now known, esta- blishes an excellent genus. The three species here described appear very distinct in the drawings sent me by Mr. Buchanan, but I suspect they may prove forms of one very variable plant. There is much in the habit and characters of Donatea that approaches this genus, and I think that Stylidiee are more nearly allied to Sexifragee than to any other Order. Leaves linear, broad at the base. Column scarcely exserted. Flowers white... ee eee ee eg ee ee te eee 1 Ef clavigerum. Leaves broadly ovate at the base. Column much exserted. Flowers : swhite .. . - . » 2. H. Colensoi. Leaves linear, not broader at the base. : Galina waladed: Flowers red 38. A. rubrum.. 1. H. clavigerum, Hook. f. ;—Forstera clavigera, V1. Ant. i. 38. t. 16. Stems 1-2 in. Jong, with the leaves 4 in. diam. . Leaves erect, densely im- bricated all round the stem, linear-oblong, broad at the base, 4 in. long, 168 : XL. STYLIDIEZ. [ Helophyllum. thickly coriaceous; tips globose, shining, bright green, concave above, con- vex below, with an obscure gland on the back below the tip. Flower $—} in. diam., white. Corolla 5—7-cleft. Column very shortly exserted. Stigmas of female flower uncinate, plumose; of male obtuse, 4-lobed. Middle Island: alps of Otago, alt. 6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. Lord Auck- land’s group and Campbell’s Island: abundant on the hills, J. D. H. 2. H. Colensoi, Hook. /., ». sp.—Forstera clavigera, Fl. N. Z. i. 155. A smaller species than H. clavigera, with very much broader leaves, smaller flowers, and the staminal column much exserted. Flowers minute, usually 5-cleft, sunk amongst the uppermost leaves, white. Northern Island: summits of the Ruahine range, Colenso. Middle Island: Gordon’s Nob, Munro; summit of Wairau range, alt. 4500 ft.; crater of a volcano near the lake above Tarndale, alt. 6000 ft., and Rangitata range, Sinclair ; Mount Torlesse, alt. 4500- 6500 ft., Haast ; Otago alps, alt. 6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan, 3. H. rubrum, Hook. f., x. sp. Habit and size of H. claviyerum, but the leaves are narrower, more coriaceous, with larger, thicker knohs. Flowers larger, dark red. Corolla unequally 7-cleft. Column included. Middle Island: Otago, alpine, Hector and Buchanan. 3. STYLIDIUM, Swartz. Herbs, usually rigid. Leaves various, chiefly radical—Corolla. irregular, 5-lobed, one lobe smaller and deflexed, the others ascending in pairs. Upper part of the staminal column bent down, and irritable at the flexure, springing up with elastic force when touched, and discharging the pollen. A very large Australian genus, with one or two East Indian species. : Tall. Flowers spicate. 2... 6 1 ee ee ee we 1 S graminifolium. Short. Flowers solitary . . 2 2 2 1 ee 0 ee we es & & subulatum. 1. S. graminifolium, Swartz ;—Fl. N. Z. ii. 333. Stems tufted, 8-10 in. Leaves very numerous, all radical, narrow-linear, rigid, grass-like, 2-6 in. Scape 6-18 in., rather stout, pubescent and glandular, edges ser- rulate to the touch. Spike 3-4 in. long. Flowers rather distant, 3 in. long, glandular. Calyx-lobes short, obtuse. Corolla-tube shorter than the ovary.— Bot. Mag. 44. t. 1918. Worthern Island: clay-hills near Auckland, Bolton, December, 185]. Only one specimen found, and I suspect introduced; it is a most abundant S.B. Australian and Tas- manian plant. 2. &.(?) subulatum, Hook. /., 2. sp. A small, tufted, subsquarrose plant, Stems excessively short, 4 in. long. Leaves very closely imbricate at the base, patent and recurved, 3 in. long, narrow subulate, rigid, pungent, con- cave above, convex at the back. Scape extremely short, stout, (and ovary) glandular, 1-flowered. Calyx-limb unequally 4- or 5-lobed ; lobes short, obtuse, Corolla-tube very short; limb irregularly 3-5-partite; lobes linear, obtuse. Column short, stout, straight? Capsule ovoid, 4 in. long, 1-celled by the rupture of the septum. Seeds numerous, small, obovoid; testa coriaceous, rugose, brown; albumen very fleshy ; embryo minute, globular. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Zavers ; Haast. A very singular little plant, the flowers of which are in a very imperfect state; it resembles Colobanthus Billardieri. Styldium.] XL. STYLIDIEE. 169 8, spathulatum, Br., introduced into A. Cunningham’s and other catalogues, is an Aus- tralian plant.. Orper XLI. CAMPANULACEZ. (Including Lopetiacu£ and GooDENIACES.) Herbs, rarely shrubs. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, entire, rarely pin- natifid. Inflorescence various.—Calyx-tube adnate with the ovary; lobes 5, rarely 2-10, persistent on the fruit. Corolla regular or irregular, usually tu- bular or campanulate, 5-lobed, often 2-lipped, and split to the base posteriorly ; lobes valvate or induplicate. Stamens 5, epigynous, rarely epipetalous; an- thers free or united. Ovary inferior, 2—5-celled ; style simple, often hairy at the top, 2—5-cleft, or with 2-5 stigmas, the latter sometimes surrounded with a cup, or ring of hairs; ovules few or many. Fruit a capsule berry or drupe. Seeds few or many; albumen fleshy; embryo straight. A very large Natural Order, found in all parts of the world, but of which the tribe Goodeniacee is chiefly confined to Australia and the islands of the tropical and southern oceans. 1. CampanuLace#.—Corolla campanulate, regular. Stamens free. 1. WAHLENBERGIA. 2. Lopeviacez#.—Corolla 2-lipped, split to the base posteriorly. Anthers united. Tall. Leaves large. Flower racemed. Berry indehiscent . . 2. CoLENsoA, Erect. Flowers axillary. Capsule coriaceous, 3-valved at the top 3. Loxetia. Creeping. Flowers axillary. Berry indehiscent . . . . . 4 Pratt, 8. Goopentacr£.—Corolla 1-2-lipped, posteriorly split to the base. Anthers free. Creeping herb. Corolla-lobes valvate Berry many-seeded . . 5. SELLIERA. Suberect, rather shrubby. Corolla-lobes induplicate. Drupe 2-celled 6. ScuvoLa. 1. WAHLENBERGIA, Schrader. e Erect or ascending, generally slender, simple or branched herbs; juice milky. Leaves alternate. Flowers terminal, regular or nearly so, drooping in bud, white or blue, rarely reddish.—Calyx-lobes 3-5. Corolla campanu- late, 5-lobed or -partite. Stamens 5, epigynous ; filaments dilated at the base ; anthers free. Ovary 2—5-celled; style simple, hairy at the top; stigmas 2 or 3; ovules numerous in each cell. Capsule ovoid or turbinate; opening at the top with 2-5 valves. A very large genus in Europe, most abundant in South Africa, also found in other parts of the world. Annual, usually branched. Stems leafy. Corollab-cleft . . . . 1M. gracilis. Perennial, glabrous, Leaves all radical; scape naked, 1-flowered. Co- rolla B-cleft. 2 0. ee ee ee te te ee Short, stout. Leaves thick, with broad cartilaginous margins. Corolla B-partite, 2. 0. 6 6 8 ee ee ee ee es 1. W. gracilis, 4. Rick. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.159. A very slender annual, branched, glabrous, hispid or pilose herb. Stem 1-24 in. high, often ascend- ing, angular; branches terminating in very slender, 1-flowered peduncles. Leaves 4-2 in. long; radical spathulate, petioled, toothed ; cauline sessile, linear-oblong, entire toothed or sinuate, acute or acuminate, rarely spathulate ; margins cartilaginous. Flowers extremely variable in size and form. Calyx- 2. W. saxicola. 3. W. cartilaginea. 170 XLI. CAMPANULACES. (Waklenbergia. tube ovoid; lobes 3-5, linear, long or short. Corolla at in. long, blue purplish or white, 3-b-lobed. Capsule elongate, obconic ovoid or club- shaped, $—- in. long, ribbed. —Campanula gracilis, Forst. ; Bot. Mag. t. 691. Var. a. Stem tall, generally glabrous. Flowers large. Capsule large, elongate, obconic. Var. B. capillaris, Stem 1-8 in., covered with spreading hairs. Flowers small or minute. Capsule small, ovoid. ‘ Abundant in dry places throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, etc., ascending to 4-5000 ft. An equally abundant and variable temperate and tropical Australian and Pacific Island plant, probably not different from an Indian and South African species. 2. W. saxicola, 4. DC. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 160. A small, perennial, scapigerous, perfectly glabrous herb, 2-8 in. high. Leaves all radical, petio- late, 1-2 in. long, spathulate, obovate lanceolate or narrow-linear,. shining, margins often white, entire or toothed. Scape naked, 1-flowered. Calyx- tube turbinate. Corolla oblique, 5-lobed, 1_2 jn, diam., pale-blue. Anthers linear-oblong, 1 or 2 of them unguiculate at the tip. Ovary 2- or 3-celled. Capsule obovoid.—W. albo-marginata, Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 818; Campanula saxi- cola, Br. Prodr. Northern and Middle Islands: not uncommon in hilly and subalpine districts, ascending to nearly 6000 ft. The Blue-bell of Otago. 3. W. cartilaginea, Hook. f., n. sp. A small, low, stout, glabrous or pubescent herb, 1-3 in. high. Leaves chiefly radical, 4-1 in. long, broadly spathulate, obtuse ; petioles broad, thickly coriaceous ; margins broad, white, entire, cartilaginous. Scape short, very stout, erect, naked or 1- or-2-leaved, sometimes forked, as if the plant might have a branched stem. Flower large, 4 in. diam. Calyx-tube subspheric or obconic, lobes large, linear-oblong ; margins cartilaginous, longer than the corolla, which is short, broad, and included within the calyx-lobes, and 5-partite almost to the base. Capsule turbinate. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, in shingle-beds, Rough; Tarndale, alt. 4000 ft., Sinclair ; Clarence and Wairau valleys, alt. 4-6500 ft., Zravers. A highly curious little species, Calyx sometimes 10-lobed. TY lower very sweet-scentcd. 2, COLENSOA, Hook. f. A tall, glabrous, milky herb. Leaves alternate, large, membranous, with very long petioles. Flowers large, racemose.—Calyx-tube turbinate; lobes 5, subulate, equal. Corolla very long, slightly curved, tubular, split to the base down the back, 2-lipped; upper lip of 2 linear-acule lobes, one on either side the fissure, lower of 3 oblong, acute, spreading lobes. Stamens exserted ; anthers cohering pubescent, hairy towards their tips. Ovary 2-celled; style bifid; arms spreading; ovules numerous. Berry globose, fleshy and coria- ceous, 2-celled, many-sceded. Seeds small, globose, attached to broad, pel- tate placentz. This fine plant was separated from Lobelia chiefly on account of the baccate fruit. 1. C. physaloides, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.157. Stem flexuose, branched, 2-3 ft. high, woody at the base. Leaves with petioles 3-6 in. long, ovate, acute, doubly serrate or toothed, membranous, glabrous or pilose. Racemes terminal, shorter than the leaves, 6-12 flowered; pedicels 1 in., bracteolate at the base. Colensoa.] XLI. CAMPANULACER. 171 Corolla 1-2 in. long, blue, pubescent. Berry 3 in. diam.—Lobelia physa- loides, A. C.; Hook. Ic. Pl. f 555-6. perry 3 obelia physa Northern parts of the Northern Island, fi W h ing- hen Dicfeotesh ae sland, from Wangaroa to the North Cape, Cunning. 3. LOBELIA, Linn. Erect or ascending, generally glabrous, milky herbs. Leaves alternate. Flowers usually racemose or axillary—Calyx-lobes 5. Corolla-tube split to the base down the back, rarely of 3 petals, 2-lipped; upper lip of 2 lobes (or two petals when separate), one on each side the fissure, lower with 3 spread- ing lobes. Anthers connate, 2 upper often pilose at the tip. Ovary 2-celled ; style undivided or 2-lobed. Capsule membranous or coriaceous, usually de- hiscing by 2 valves at the top. A very large genus, found in all parts of the world. The corolla is generally split but once to the base, but in Z. Roughzt, the two dorsal petals are free to the base, and it is hence split thrice to the base. Erect, glabrous. Stems flat or 3-gonous. Flowers small, axillary. . . 1. LZ. anceps. Small. Stems very short. Leaves broad, with deep teeth. Flowers on stout peduncles, large . 2. L. Rowghit. 1. L. anceps, Thunberg ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 158. A branched, leafy, erect or ascending, glabrous, subsucculent herb, 6-12 in. high. Stems flattened, trigonous, sometimes winged. Leaves 1-3 in. long, variable in shape, spathulate linear obovate or oblong, entire sinuate or toothed, narrowed into decurrent petioles. Flowers small, 3 in. long, pale blue, on short, soli- tary, axillary peduncles. Ovary elongated. Capsule linear or clavate, often + in. long. Northern and Middle Islands: abundant in wet places, as far south as Banks’s Pen- insula, Banks and Solander. Wermadec Islands: M‘Gillivray, a large leaved form. 2. L. Roughii, Hook. f., 2. sp. A very short, glabrous, scapigerous plant, full of acrid, milky fluid. Stems branched, very short, slender, tortu- ous amongst shingle, leafy at the top. Leaves } in. long, shortly petioled, obovate, very deeply toothed or lobed, the sinus round, coriaceous, nerveless. Peduncles stout, erect, axillary, 1-flowered. Calyx-tube globose ; lobes linear, coriaceous, obtuse, growing out as the fruit ripens. Corolla-tube’ 3-partite, about as long as the calyx-lobes, its lobes obtuse, short. Anthers glabrous. Capsule ovoid, globose, leathery, 4-3 in. long, dehiscing by cartilaginous valves between the calyx-lobes. Middle Island: Nelson mountains, Rough ; Wai-au-na valley, alt. 3000 ft., and Wairau Gorge, alt. 4—6500 ft. on shingle, Travers. A very curious little species, its habit is that of Waklenbergia cartilaginea. 4, PRATIA, Gaudichaud. Small, creeping, herbaceous plants, with prostrate stems. Leaves small, broad, rounded or oblong, sinuate or toothed. Peduncles axillary, often long, single-flowered.—Flowers the same as in Lobelia, Fruit fleshy, inde- hiscent. 172 XLT. CAMPANULACES. [Pratia. A small genus, natives of marshy placcs in Australia, Tasmania, India, and temperate South America. Stems long. Leaves 3-4 in., obtusely toothed or sinuate . . ~ - 1. P. angulata. Stems short. Calyx-lobes lanceolate or subulate. Leaves yy in. long, 5 sharply deeply toothed . 2. P.(?) perpusilla. Stems stout. Leaves 4-4 in., "very broad, fleshy, deeply coarsely toothed . Bike de ee ei : a Stem slender. Leaves 3 in., orbicular, obtusely toothed or sinuate, : ; purple below. Calyx-lobes 3g in., triangular, obtuse . . + 4, P.(2) linnaoides. 1. P. angulata, Hook. f. Fl. Antaret. i. 41; fl. N. Z. i. 157. Gla- brous, very variable. Stems slender, 6-12 in. Leaves 4-4 in. long, petioled or nearly sessile, orbicular, broadly oblong or obovate-oblong, obtusely sinuate- toothed, membranous. Peduncles short or long, 3-4 in., slender.. Flowers pale-blue, 1-4 in. long, sometimes 3 in. broad. Calyx-lobes linear or tri- angular-ovate, erect, obtuse. Anthers glabrous. Berry globose or ovoid, sometimes 2 in. diam.— Lobelia angulata, Forst. ; L. littoralis, A. Cunn. Var. a. Leaves orbicular, sinuate-toothed, shortly petioled. © Peduncle long and slender. Calyx-lobes short. Var. B. Leaves obovate, on slender petioles, deeply toothed, acute. Peduncle long. Calyx-lobes long, almost subulate. : ; Var. y. Leaves as in a, but much larger and very obscurely toothed. Peduncles very short.—P. arenaria, Fl. Antarct. i. 41. t. 29, Var. 5. Smaller, Leaves 4-4 in. long. ; Abundant in watery places, moist banks, etc., Banks and Solander. Ascending the Southern Alps to 5000 ft. Var. y. Lord Auckland’s group. Very nearly allied to the Tasmanian Lobelia pedunculata, Br., and possibly only a large form of that plant, but gla- brous, the leaves more petioled, less crowded, and the aspect is different. 2. P.(?) perpusilla, Hook. f—Lodbelia perpusilla, Fl. N. Z. i. 158. Very minute, glabrous. Stems matted, stout for the size of the plant, 3-4 in. Leaves ;1; in. long, sessile, oblong, acute, deeply toothed. Flowers almost sessile, } in. long. Calyx-tube hairy; lobes ovate-subulate, recurved. Anthers glabrous. Fruit not seen. 3. P. (7) macrodon. Northern Island: Hawke’s Bay, in muddy places, Colenso. The fruit being unknown, I am doubtful as to the genus; but the habit is altogether that of Pratia. Allied to the Tasmanian Lobelia irrigua, but a very much smaller plant. 3. P. (?) macrodon, Hook. f., ». sp. Perfectly glabrous. Stems matted, short, rather stout. Leaves crowded, very shortly petioled, 3-3 in. long, broadly obovate-orbicular, cuneate at the base, coriaceous, deeply coarsely 6-8-toothed. Peduncle short. Flower large. Calyx-lobes subulate- lanceolate. Corolla-tube cylindric, }—} in. long, broadest at the base. Fruit not seen. Middle Island: Southern Alps, Discovery Peaks, Acheron and Clarence rivers, alt. 5500 ft., Zravers ; summit of Mount Torlesse, alt. 4500-6000 ft., Haast. This again is doubtful as to genus till the fruit is known; it differs much from P. angulata in the more coriaceous (perhaps fleshy), deeply toothed leaves, large almost sessile flower, and long corolla- tube dilated below. 4. P. (?) linnzoides, Hook. f., n.sp. Glabrous ; stem slender, creeping, 1-3 in. Leaves coriaceous, very shortly petiolate or sessile, orbicular, } in. diam., coarsely obtusely sinuate-toothed, often purple below. Scape slender, Pratia.] XLI. CAMPULANACEA. 173 dark-coloured, 13-2 in. Calyx-lobes very small, broadly triangular, obtuse, vs in. long. Corolla } in. long, as in P. angulata. : Middle Island: Observatory Hill, Macaulay river, alt. 4500 ft., Haast; Otago, sub- alpine, Lindis Pass, Hector and Buchanan. his approaches small-leaved states of P. an- gulata, but the coriaceous or somewhat fleshy leaves, and very small calyx at once disiin- guish it, whether as a species or variety. 5. SELLIERA, Cavanilles. A small, glabrous, creeping, rather fleshy herb. Leaves narrow-linear or lanceolate. Peduncles axillary, 1- or 2-flowered—Calyx-lobes 5, equal. Corolla 1-lipped, split posteriorly to the base; lobes 5, ovate, acute, valvate, not winged. Stamens 5, epigynous; anthers free. Ovary 2-celled; style simple, stigma in a 2-lipped cup; ovules many. Berry 2-celled, indehiscent. Seeds numerous, imbricating upwards, compressed. 1. S. radicans, Cav.—Goodenia repens, Lab.;—Fl. N. Z. i. 156. Stems succulent, 2-10 in. long. Leaves 3-5 in. long, linear-spathulate or linear, obtuse, quite entire, nerveless, petiole half-clasping the stem. Pe- duncles axillary, solitary or several together, 1- or 2-flowered, with 2 subulate bracts above the middle. Flower § in. long. Berry very variable in size.— Lab. Fl. Nov. Holl. i. 53. t. 76. Abundant in salt marshes throughout the islands, Baxks and Solander, etc. ; Otago, Lower Waitaki river, Hector and Buchanan, apparently far from the sea. Also common in Tas- mania, South Australia, and Chili. 6. SCASVOLA, Linn. Erect or ascending, shrubby or half-shrubby plants. Flowers axillary or spiked.—Calyx-lobes 5, equal or very unequal, sometimes obsolete. Corolla split to the base posteriorly, 1-lipped; lobes induplicate, winged. Stamens 5; anthers free. Ovary 2-(rarely 1-4)-celled; style simple; stigma in a cup ; ovules erect, solitary in each cell. Drupe dry or fleshy, usually 2-celled, with 1 erect seed in each cell. A rather extensive genus in Australia and the Pacific Islands. 1. S. gracilis, Hook. f. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot.i. 129. procumbent shrub, covered with silky hairs. Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 1-3 in. long, acute, serrate, hairy on both surfaces. Flowers axillary, in. long, subsessile, on short branchlets, with 4 linear-lanceolate bracts at their base. Calyx silky, bracteolate; lobes 5, very unequal, 3 subulate, 2 intermediate very. short. Corolla yellow, its lobes very long, linear; tube villous within. Kermadec Islands, M‘Gillivray. S. Nove-Zelandie, A. Cunn., is Hymenanthera crassifolia, Hook. f. Orprr XLII. ERICEZ. (Including EpackipEs.) Shrubs or trees. Leaves evergreen and coriaceous in all the New Zealand species, simple, exstipulate. Inflorescence various. Flowers usually white, bracteate.—Sepals inferior, usually 5, free or united into a 5-partite calyx, 174 XLII. ERICER. imbricate. Corolla usually tubular or campanulate, glabrous or bearded on the throat or on the lobes; lobes 5, generally short, imbricate or induplicate- valvate. Stamens 5-10, hypogynous or epipetalous. Anthers 1- or 2-celled, cells awned at the back or tip or awnless, opening by slits or terminal pores. Disk 5-10-lobed, or of 5 scales. Ovary 1-12-celled; style simple, stigma capitate or truncate, simple or lobed. Ovules 1 or many in each cell. Fruit a capsule berry or drupe, free or enclosed in the fleshy calyx. Seeds minute ; testa reticulate ; albumen copious, fleshy ; embryo small. ‘A large Order, found in all parts of the world. Susorper I. Ericese.—Stamens in the New Zealand genera hypogynous; anthers 2-celled, opening by pores. Capsule dry, 5-valved, often enclosed in the fleshy calyx . . . . 1. GAULTHERIA. Berry fleshy, with the small withered calyx at its base . . . . . 2 PERNETTYA. Suporpzr JI. Bpacridere.—Stamens in the New Zealand genera epipetalous ; anthers 1l-celled. : : Fruit a drupe with a 1-10-celled bony nut; cells with | pendulous seed. Pedicels covered with imbricating bracts. . . . . » . « « 8, C¥ATHODES. Pedicels with few bracts placed close under the calyx. . . . . 4. LEucoPocon. Fruit a drupe, with 5 or more minute 1-seeded nuts . . . . . 5. PENTACHONDRA, Fruit a many-seeded capsule. Leaves not amplexicaul (except F. purpurascens). Flowers solitary. Pedicels covered with imbricating bracts. . . . . . . . 6, Epacnis. Leaves not amplexicaul. Flowers racemed. Bracts fewot0. . 7. ARCHERIA, Leaves with broad, sheathing bases . . . . . - - - - + 8, DRACcoPHYLLUM. 1. GAULTHERIA, Linn. Shrubs. Leaves coriaceous, toothed, altornate, rarely opposite, never sheathing at the base. Flowers white or pink, axillary solitary or racemose.— Calyx 5- or 6-lobed or -partite, often becoming fleshy and enclosing the cap- sule. Corolla ovoid or urceolate; mouth contracted; lobes 5, recurved. Stamens 10, included, hypogynous; filaments flat; anthers opening by pores, each pore with 1 or 2 awns. Disk cup-shaped, 10-lobed, or of 10 glands. Ovary 5-celled; cells many-ovuled. Capsule free or enclosed in the baccate calyx, 5-valved loculicidally; valves separating from a central axis which bears the seeds; sometimes the capsule becomes fleshy and inde- hiscent. : A large genus, especially in the American and Indian mountains, unknown in Europe and Africa, found also on the Australian and Tasmanian alps. The baccate calyx is a variable character in New Zealand, occurring in G. antipoda, sometimes on the same fruiting raceme with simple calyces, in which plant further, dry dehiscent, and baccate indehiscent capsules occur also on the same branch, thus uniting the characters of Pernettya and Gaultheria. Leaves alternate. Flowers axillary, or racemes leafy. . . . . . 1. G. antipoda. Flowers racemose. Leaves lanceolate oblong or rounded . . . 2 G. rupestris. Flowers racemose. Leaves ovate-oblong, cordate. . . . . . 8. G. fagifolia. Leaves opposite, cordate. Flowersracemose . . . . . . « « 4. G. oppositifolia, 1. G. antipoda, Forst.;—#l. N. Z. i. 161. QE. ca Leaves obtuse. Bracts and sepals acute . 3 - + s « 8. H. Sinclatrii Leaves ovate obtuse. Bracts and sepals obtuse + . 4. EB. alpina. ( Epacris.) XLIT, ERICER, 179 1. &. purpurascens, Br. _ An erect, tall, sparingly-branched shrub, 6 ft. high ; branches flexuose, 3-1 ft. long, densely clothed throughout with closely imbricating, sheathing, spreading, recurved, pungent leaves. Leaves 3 in. long, coriaceous, very convex, sheathing by their lower part, but attached by a small broad petiole, broadly ovate-cordate, suddenly contracting into the rigid patent needle-like tip, quite glabrous. Flowers very numerous, often ‘one in the axil of every leaf for a large portion of the branches; bracts and sepals ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, pungent. Corolla 3 in. long; lobes ovate, acute.—. pungens, Bot. Mag. t. 844. Northern Island: Papakura, 18 miles from Auckland, Sixedair. A New South Wales plant, and I cannot but suspect introdaced (like Stydidium graminifolium) into New Zealand, but Dr. Sinclair, with whom I had a good deal of correspondence on the subject, regarded it as indigenous, 2. E. pauciflora, 4. Rich.;—Fl. N. Z. i. 166. A glabrous, erect, twiggy shrub, 1-2 ft. high, branches puberulous, stoutish, leafy. Leaves very coriaceous, suberect, imbricating, 4 in. long, concave, broadly ovate or oblong-lanceolate, suddenly acuminate, obtuse at the tip, nerveless, quite smooth and glabrous on both surfaces. Flowers small, white, scarcely longer ‘than the leaves, numerons’ towards the tips of the branches; bracts very numerous, ovate, acute, elosely imbricating in 5 or 6 ranks. Corolla with a very short tube, and patent, broad, rounded lobes. Capsule’ small. Northetn and Middle Islaids: on dry hills and in swampy grounds, Banks and Solander, ete. -Common as far south as Nelson, very near the Tasmanian Z. virgata, 3. EB. Sinclairii, Hook. /., 2. sp. A foot high, much branched; branches stout, puberulous, leafy. Leaves erect, imbricating, 1-3 in. long, densely coriaceous, narrow lanceolate-oblong or oblong, obtuse, smooth and glabrous on both surfaces. Bracts, calyx, etc., as in Z. pauciflora. Northern Island, Herd. Sinclair. Numerous fine specimens of this are in Sinclair's’ Herbarium, but without ticket ; it resembles F. paucificra, but is a much less twiggy and more branched plant, with narrower, less concave not acuminate leaves. 4, E. alpina, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 167. A small, alpine, tufted or straggling shrub, 6-10 in. high, much branched, erect or decumbent ; branches puberulous. Leaves spreading or suberect, very coriaceous, 3} in. long, broadly ovate, obtuse, glabrous and smooth on both surfaces. Flowers axillary towards the ends of the branches; bracts and calyx-lobes broadly ovate, obtuse. Corolla not seen. Northern Island: base of Tongariro and Lake Taupo, Bidwill, Colenso. Middle Island: Southern Alps, growing with Pentachondra, Sinclair and Haast. A smaller and more straggling plant than either of the preceding, with obtuse bracts and calyx-lobes; very closely allied to the Tasmanian JZ. serpyllifolia, but the flowers are different, and leaves not mucronulate, 7. ARCHERIA, Hook. f. . Branched shrubs, with coriaceous, evergreen leaves. Flowers in the New Zealand species in terminal tacemes. Bracts few or 0. Corolla as in Epueris. Capsule deeply 5-lobed. Seeds ascending from basilar or subbasilar placentze. This geuus was established in the Tasmanian Flora, for a set of peculiar Epacridea, differing from Epacris in the absence of bracts, the usually more deeply lobed eis with N 180 XLII. BRICEX. [Archeria. i ivided i i sthasi long atyles, basilar placentas, and was divided into two sections, one with axillary flowers and long ¢ 5 the tbs (to which the New Zealand species beloug) with racemed flowers and short styles, i i i 1, EB. Traversii. Leaves 3-3 in., narrow limear or linear-lanceolate. . . - + + ° ‘ Leaves 1 in., broadly obovate or oblong. - - + - - s - . « & racemosa. 1. A. Traversii, Hook. f., n. sp. A small (?) shrub with slender spreading branches. Leaves loosely set, very spreading, 3—} in. long, narrow linear-lanceolate, acute, quite glabrous, smooth and shining on both surfaces, margin recurved, midrib very thick below. Flowers small, in very short, ter- minal, puberulous racemes. Bracts few, deciduous, oblong, obtuse. Sepals oblong; margins membranous. Corolla not seen. Capsule minute. Middle Island: woods, Aorere valley, alt. 1400 ft., “not observed on the Nelson si’e of the valley,” Travers. 9, A. racemosa, Hook. f.;—Epacris racemosa, Fl. N. 2%. i. 167. A shrub. Branches very slender. Leaves scattered in fascicles or almost whorled, very spreading, 1 in. long, 3 broad, elliptic- or obovate-oblong, acute, flat, nerveless. Raceme 3 in. long, downy; bracts and calyx-lobes oblong; margins membranous. Corolla 4 in. diam. ; tube short, broad ; lobes broad, ovate, obtuse. Great Barrier Island, Rough. 8. DRACOPHYLLUM, Lab. Shrubs or trees, sometimes prostrate or tufted. Leaves long, rigid or grassy, usually crowded at the ends of the branchlets, their bases broad, sheathing, suddenly contracting into a ‘long subulate, usually concave, very narrow blade, which tapers from the base to the tip—Flowers in axillary or terminal branched panicles racemes or spikes, rarely solitary ; pedicel bracteate. Sepals 5, ovate or lanceolate, persistent, longer or shorter than the corolla. Corolla tubular or campanulate, usually white; lobes 5, spreading, ovate or lanceolate, obtuse, their tips more or less inflexed. Anthers 5, sessile at the mouth of the corolla. Disk of 5 erect scales. Ovary 5 -or 6-celled; style shortish, stout; ovules numerous in each cell, attached to a pendulous pla- centa. Capsule shorter than the sepals, 5- or 6-celled, 5- or 6-valved. A large genus in New Zealand, having several representatives in Tasmania, temperate Australia and New Caledonia, 1. Leaves patent or recurved (or suberect in 8). Flowers panicled or spiked. Flowers in terminal panicles, 8-16 in. long. Corolla}in. . . 1. D. latifolium. Flowers in lateral panicles, 8-6 in. long. Corollafin. . . . 2. D. Menziesit.| Flowers in terminal panicles, 2-4 in. long. Corollajin. . . 3. D. strictum, Flowers few, spiked. Leaves 2-5 in., pungent. . . . . . 4 D. squatrosum. Flowers in capitate spikes, Leaves 3-lin., obtuse . . . . 5. D. recuroum. 2. Leaves erect, with acieular or pungent tips. Flowers spiked (solitary in 9). Leaves 4-9 in., pubescent or glabrate. Sheath 4-3 in. broad . 6. D. longifolium. Leaves 1-4 in., glabrous. Sheath 4-}in. broad . . . . « 1. D. Urvilleanum. Leaves 4-4 in., glabrous or puberulous. Flowers2or3. . . 8. D. subulatum. Leaves $4 in., glabrous or puberulous. Flower solitary. . . 9D. uniflorum. 3. Leaves erect, not pungent, obtuse at the very tip. Ficwers solitary or 2- or 3-spiked. Leaves 3-1 in. Flowers lateral . A «8 Bo eee rid gee LOL DD. Bees Leaves x4; in. Flower solitary, terminal . . rosmarimefolium. oe ew e «1D D. muscoides, Dracophyllum.} XLII. ERICES. 181 1. D. latifolium, 4. Cunn.;—Fl. N. Z. i. 167. A small tree, 8-15° ft. high. Bark black: Leaves spreading and squarrose, 10-24 in. long, 1} broad at the base, serrulate, gradually tapering into very long, fine points, very concave, rarely nearly flat. Panicle terminal, very large and dense, 8-16 in. long, narrow oblong, cernuous in fruit; rachis and branches stout, pubescent. Flowers innumerable, densely crowded, 4 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse, a quarter the length of the shortly campanulate corolla. Style short, stout. Capsule 3—! in. diam. Northern Island : common in woods from the Bay of Islands to Auckland, Banks and Solander, ete. _ 2. D. Menziesii, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i.168. A small tree, Leaves similar to thosé of D. datifolium, but less serrulate, only 6-8 in. long, and 3 broad at the base. Panicle lateral, 3-6 in. long, pubescent, cernnous in fruit, sparingly branched, not very many-flowered. Flowers on curved pe- duncles, 3 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, 3 shorter than corolla. Style long and stout. Capsule nearly 3 in. diam. Middle Island. Dusky Bay, Mexzies; Port Preservation, Lyall; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. C 3. D. strictum, Hook.f. Fi. N.Z.i.168. A small (?) shrub. Leaves strict, patent or suberect, sword-shaped, flattish, 14-3 in. long, 3} in. broad at the sheathing base ; margin scarcely serrulate: Panicle terminal, 2-4 in. long, puberulous. Flowers rather numerous, } in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, subacute, 3 as long as the corolla, Style short, stout. Capsule 5 in. diam. Var. a. Larger. Leaves suberect, 2-3 in. long, $ broad at the base. : N pop co Leaves patent, 2 in, long, 4 broad at the base.—D, affine, Hook. f. Fl. ~4.1 le i Northern Island. Var.a, Tongariro, Bidwill ; var.B. Diefenbach, Middle Island: Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan ; var. B, Southern Alps, Sinclair and Haast. 4. D. squarrosum, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i.169. A shrub, with branchlets as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves patent and recurved, 2-5 in. long, 3-2 in. -broad at the sheathing base, which is not auricled, and gradually attenuated, rather soft and grass-like, margins of young leaves serrulate, ciliolate towards the base. Flowers, } in. long, im short, simple, 8-5-flowered, spiciform racemes 3-1 in. long. Sepals equalling the tube of the corolla, ovate-lanceo- late, acuminate, ciliate; corolla-lobes ovate-lanceolate. Style rather long. Worthern Island: east coast, Banks and Solander; Auckland, Sivclair; Manakau Bay, Colenso. 5. D. recurvam, Hook. f. Fl. N. Zi. 171. A small, erect, much branched shrub, 1 ft. or more high. Leaves much recurved, 3~1 in. long, sheathing base membranous, 4-4 in. broad, suddenly contracted into a rigid, concave, subulate, recurved lamina, ,}, in. broad at the base, obtuse at the very tip, minutely serrulate, almost keeled at the back. Flowers 3 in. long, in terminal, oblong, bracteate spikes 2 in. long; bracts foliaceous, almost hiding the flowers. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, as long as the corolla- tube, Corolla-lobes ovate, acute. Capsules small, shorter than the sepals. Northern Island: Tongariro, Bidwill ; Mount Hikarangi and tops of the Ruahine range, Colenso. Probubly a recurved-leaved form of D. rosmarinifolium, but it luoks very different in the foliage and dense heads of flowers. 182 XLIT. ERICEE. [Dracophyllum, 6. D. longifolium, Br. ;—F!. N. 7. i. 169, and D. Lyailii, Hook. f. l,c. A small tree, with black bark. Leaves erect, 3-9 in. long, sheath } in. broad, lamina at the base $-2 in. broad, concave, rigid, pubescent above, rarely glabrous, ciliate at the margins. Racemes lateral, 1-1} in. long, 6-12-flowered. Flowers crowded, } in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, ciliated, longer than the corolla-tube.—Zpacris longifolia, Forst. Middle Island: Dusky Bay, Forster; Thomson’s Sound, Lyall; Otago, Lindsay ; Dunedin, ascending to 3000 ft., Hector and Buchanan ; Southern Alps, above the Fagus forest, alt. 8-4000 ft., Huast; Hopkins river, 4000 ft., Haast (leaves 2-3 in. long). Bord Auckland’s group and Campbell's Island: abundaut near the sea, J. D. HH. . The Campbell’s Island speciinens have more obtuse sepals and shorter leaves (2-3 in. long). Mr. Buchanan observes that the wood is soft, makes pretty veneers, and burns well when new-cut. None of the Middle Island specimens are so large in the foliage as the Auckland Island, which also are most pubescent. ‘The D. Lyalii I find to be connected by too many intermediate forms to rank as a separate variety. 7. D. Urvilleanum, 4. Rich. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.170. A much branched shrub, 6—8 ft. high. Branches slender, quite black or dark chestnut. Leaves erect, very slender, flexuous, 1-4 in. long; sheath membranous, 3-3 in. broad, auricléd, lamina j), in. broad at the base, concave, glabrous, not ser- rulate. Racemes short, lateral, 6-10-flowered. Flowers small, 4 in. long. Sepals ovate-acuminate, equalling the corolla-tube, ciliate or glabrous, Var. a. Leaves 14-2 in. long. Var. 8. Branches paler. Leaves 2—4 in. long, more fleruose.—D. jilifolium, Hook, f. Fl. N. Z.i. 169; D. setifolium, Stsch., in Bull. Soc. Nat. Hist. Mose. xxxii.28. Var. y. Branches chestnut-brown. Leaves 1-1} in. long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, exceed- ing the corolla —D. Lessonianum, A. Rich —F. N. Z. i. 171. Var. 8. More robust. Branches chestnut-brown. Leaves 1-1} in. long, often ciliate or tomentose on the edges. Sepals ovate, acute, fimbriate, rather shorter than the corolla.— D. scoparium, Hook. f. F). Ant. 47. t. 33; —-Fl. N. Z. i. 171. Northern Island: var. a, Tasman’s Bay, D’Urville; Bay of Islands, banks of the Keri-Keri river, 4. Cunningham, ete.; var. B, various places from Auckland to Wellington, Colenso, etc.; var. y, Bay of Islands to Auckland not unfrequent, on dry hills; var. 8, niountainous districts of the Northern Island + top of Ruahine mountains, Co/enso. Middle Island: ascending to 4000 ft. in Nelson, Travers; Southern Alps, Sinclair and Haast. Chatham Island, Diefenbach (edges of leaves very downy). Campbell’s Island : common near the sea, J. D. H. _8. D. subulatum, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 171. An erect shrub, 2-4 ft. high, with slender, sparingly leafy branches, and red-brown bark. Leaves erect, rigid, pungent, ¢-2 in.. long, strict or flexuose, sheath zz in. broad, blade 2; in. broad at the base, semiterete, concave, puberulous or glabrate above, margin most minutely ciliate. Racemes small, lateral, 2—5-flowered. Flowers small, ;4;-% in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, subacute, as long as the short tube of the corolla, quite glabrous. Northern Island: barren plains of Tewahiti base of Tongariro, Tarawera, etc., Colenso. A very distinct little species, and quite different from any form of D. Urvilleanum. 9. D. uniflorum, Hook.f, n. sp. A stout, erect shrub, with dark red- brown bark. Leaves erect, rigid, coriaceous, pungent, 3-3 in. long, sheath zs—s in. broad, not auricled; blade ,},—3'; in. broad at the base, semiterete, concave and puberulous above, margin most minutely ciliate. Flower. soli- tary, lateral, almost hidden by sheathing bracts, }~} in, long. Sepals lanceo- late, acute, as long as the corolla-tube. Dracophyllum.] XL. ERICER. 183 Middle Island: Wairau mountains, alt. 4000 ft., Zravers ; Rangitata range, 35000 ft., Sinclair and Haast ; forming much of the subalpine vegetation between 3000 and 5000 ft. in the Southern Alps, Haast ; Otago, lake district, alpine, Hector and Buchanan. A very dis, tinct species, remarkable for the short, pungent leaves, and large solitary flower. 4 10. D. rosmarinifolium, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 171. A very small,’ often prostrate, woody shrub, a few inches to 1 ft. high. - Leaves erect or somewhat recurved, 3~1 in. long, rigid, straight or curved; sheath }—2 in. broad; blade ;', in..broad at the base, semiterete, concave, minutely ciliate, keeled towards the obtuse tip. Flowers solitary or in 2-flowered spikes, 3-3 in. long. Sepals ovate, subacute, glabrous, as long as the corolla-tube. Middle Island : Dusky Bay, Forster, Lyali; Nelson mountains, Bidzzll; Wairan mountains, altitude 4-5000 ft., Zravers; Otago alps, altitude 5-7000 ft., Hector and Buchanan ; common in the Southern Alps, ascending to 6300 ft., Sinclair and Haast, Allied to D. sabudatum, but the obtuse leaves at once distinguish it; nearer D. recurvum. 11. D. muscoides, Hook. f.,». sp. A most densely tufted little species, with woody subterranean stem, and compacted, short branches, densely covered with minute, imbricate leaves. Leaves ;4; in. long, ovate-subulate from a broad sheathing base, obtuse, coriaceous, semiterete, shining, most minutely ciliolate. Flower solitary, terminal, 3 in. long. Sepals ovate, subacute, as long as the corolla-tube. Middle Island: alps of Otago, alt. 7-8000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A very sin- gular little plant, closely allied to the D. minimum, F. Muell., of the Victorian alps, but differing in the longer branches, covered with shorter, more imbricating leaves. Orper XLII. MYRSINEZ. Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, simple, exstipulate, full of pellucid glandular dots or lines. Flowers small, regular, or nearly so.—Calyx inferior in the New Zealand genus, 4- or 5-cleft, imbricate. Corolla, 4- or 5-cleft or 5- partite, rarely of 5 free petals. Stamens 4 or 5, opposite to and inserted on the corolla-lobes, or almost free. Ovary 1-celled; style simple, stigma simple or lobed; ovules 1 or more, inserted on a free central, often fleshy placenta. Berry indehiscent, 1-celled, J-many-seeded. Seeds sometimes enclosed within the withered placentas, albuminous ; embryo transverse, terete. A tropical and subtropical Order, advancing much further south in the New Zealand Islands than in any other longitude. 1. MYRSINF, Linn. (Suttonia, F7. N. 2.) ‘ Trees and shrubs, sometimes small and creeping. Flowers small, usually in lateral fascicles or umbellate, rarely axillary and solitary, hermaphrodite or polygamous.—Calyx 4- or 5-fid, inferior, rarely 2-fid or 0, Petals 4 or 5, free or tapering at the base, reflexed, deciduous. Stamens 4 or 5; filaments free or attached to the base of the petals. Ovary subglobose, l-celled ; style short of 0; stigma concave or fimbriate; ovules 1-5, sunk in the fleshy placenta, Fruit a berry or drupe with a crustaceous nut. Seeds solitary or few, usually enclosed in the papery remains of the placenta. A large genus, found in all tropical and warm couutries, rare in temperate. 184 XLIIL. MYRSINEA. [Myrsine. Tree. Leaves 4-6 in.,-linear, glands oblong » - s+ es +? 1. M. salicina. Shrub, erect. Leaves 1-13 in., oblong or obovate. - - + + 2. M. Urvillei. Shrub, erect. Leaves } in., obovate or obcordate, retuse or 2-lobed . 3. M. divaricata. Tyee. Leaves 4-1 in., oblong-obovate, obtuse ; cuticle loose below . 4, M. montang. | Small, trailing shrub. Leaves +4 in., orbicular or obovate - + «+ 6. M. nummularia. ]. M. salicina, -Heward, mss.— Suttonia, Fi. N. Z. i. 172. t. 44. A small, erect, perfectly glabrous tree. Leaves 4-6 in. long, 3% broad, narrow linear or linear-oblong, obtuse, quite entire, flat, much veined, pellucid glands oblong. Flowers in dense lateral many-flowered fascicles, hermaphrodite, 5 in. broad; pedicels 3 in. long, stout. Calyx oblique ; lobes rounded, ciliate. Petals cohering at the base. Stamens adhering to the petals. Berry ovoid, } in. long, 2-seeded. Northern Island: in woods, from Bay of Islands to Wellington, Cunningham, Colenso, ete. 9. M. Urvillei, 4. DC.-—Suttonia australis, A. Rich. Flor. t. 38 ;—Fl. N. 4%. i173. A shrub, 8-10 ft. high, perfectly glabrous ; bark nearly black. Leaves 1-14 in. long, oblong or obovate, obtuse, coriaceous, undulate, much veined, studded with rounded pellucid glands. Flowers in capitate, lateral fascicles, Jz in. broad.. Calyx 0 or 2—4-lobed. Petals revolute. Stamens adherent to the petals; anthers large; stigma sessile, capitate. Berries small, globose, 4-1 in. diam.—. Richardiana, Endl. Northern and Middle Islands, abundant, Banks and Solander, etc. Resembles Pittosporum undulatum a good deal in foliage. 3. M. divaricata, 4. Cunn.—Suttonia, FI. N. Z. i. 173; Fl. Antarct. i. 51. t. 34 A small, very straggling, twiggy, branched bush. Leaves al- ternate or fascicled, 2 in. long, broadly obovate or. obcordate, obtuse retuse or 2-lobed, very coriaceous, reticulated, pellucid glands rounded. Flowers minute, 2; in. diam., fascicled. Calyx 4- or 5-lobed. Petals 4 or 5, obovate. Style short; stigma cup-shaped, lacerate. Berry small, depressed, spherical. Northern Island: moist woods, abundant, Lord Auckland’s group, J. D.H. Habit of a Coprosma. 4. M. montana, Hook. f—Suttonia, Fl. N. Z. ii. 384. A small tree, branches robust; bark dark red-brown. Leaves alternate, 3-1 in. long, ob- long-obovate, obtuse, very coriaceous, reticulate above, cuticle beneath loose when dry, pellucid glands rounded. Flowers not seen. Fruit globose. Northern Island: top of the Ruahine range, Colenso. Possibly only a variety of I. divaricata, as J originally supposed, but the habit is very different, branches more robust, eat eae and more coriaceous, not fascicled, reticulate above only, and never obcordate or 2-lobed. 5. M. nummularia, Hook. /.—Suttonia, Fl. N. Z. 1.173, t. 45. A small prostrate shrub, with very slender branches, straggling, 6-18 in. long. Leaves alternate, 34 in. long, orbicular or broadly obovate, reticulate above, wrinkled below, pellucid glands rounded. Flowers minute, scattered, soli- tary, axillary or lateral. Calyx very minute, 4-lobed. Petals 4, concave. ciliate. Stamens large, inserted on the petals. Stigma sessile conical. Berry globose, -3, in. diam. = . : Northern Island: not uncommon on the mountains; top of the Ruahi ki Rotoatara, etc., Colenso. Middle Island: alps near Haast’s Pass, Haast « Gas ce district, scrambling over rocks, Hector and Buchanan. : ; XLIV. PRIMULACER. 185 Orpen XLIV. PRIMULACEZ. Characters of Myrsinee, but plants herbaceous, leaves less coriaceous, with- out pellucid glands, and corolla usually less deeply divided. A large Order in the northern hemisphere, especially in the cold, temperate, and moun- tainous regions, rare in the tropics, and still more so in the southern hemisphere. 1. SAMOLUS, Linn. Creeping, rarely erect herbs. Leaves alternate. Flowers axillary and soli- tary in the New Zealand species.—Calyx half-superior, persistent, 5-cleft. Corolla campanulate, tube very short, 5-cleft. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla, alternating with 5 staminodia. Ovary subglobose; style straight, stigma capitate: ovules numerous. Capsule half-inferior, 5-valved at the top, 1-celled, many-seeded. ‘A genus found in Europe, and in various temperate and subtropical parts of the world. 1. S. littoralis, Br. ;—Fl. N. Z.i. 207. A small prostrate and creep- ing, branched, perfectly glabrous herb, Leaves fleshy, 2—1 in. long, linear- spathulate or oblong-spathulate, often recurved. Peduncles longer than the leaves. Flowers white, 3-2 in. diam. Capsule crowned with the per- sistent stigma.—Sheffieldia repens, Forst. : Marshy places near the sea throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete, Also abundant in Australia, Tasmania, the Pacific Islands, and found in South Chili. * Anagallis arvensis, Linn., the “ Scarlet Pimpernel” or “ Poor Man’s Weather-glass,” has been introduced into cultivation. Orpez XLV. SAPOTEA. Trees or shrubs, juice usually milky. Leaves alternate, entire, exstipulate, coriaceous. Flowers axillary, regular, solitary or fascicled.—Calyx free, 4—8- toothed or -partite. Corolla 4—8-lobed ; lobes imbricate. Stamens 4-8 or 8-16, sometimes with alternating staminodia. Ovary superior, 2—12-celled ; style simple, stigma simple or lobed; ovules solitary in each cell. Fruit a berry or drupe, 1—4-seeded. Seeds usually with a crustaceous, shining testa, marked with a large uupolished hilum, albuminous with foliaceous cotyledons or exalbuminous with fleshy cotyledons. Almost exclusively a tropical Order, found in both the Old and New World. 1. SAPOTA, Linn. Trees, with milky juice. Leaves generally fascicled at the ends of the branches. Flowers polygamous, in axillary or lateral fascicles or umbels. —Sepals 4-6, orbicular, imbricate. Corolla 4—6-lobed. Stamens 4—6, short, inserted at the base of the corolla-lobes and opposite them, alternating with as many staminodia. Ovary hirsute, 4-12-celled; style straight, stigma simple. Berry with 1 nut-like seed. Seeds elongate, compressed ; testa hard, crustaceous, shining, with a long grooved opaque hilum; embryo with flat foliaceous cotyledons and a short terete radicle. A small genus of chiefly ‘tropical trees. 186 XLV, SAPOTES. [Sapota. 1. S. costata, 4. DC. ;—FI.N.Z.i.174. A tree, 20 ft, high, branches hoary. Leaves 2-8 in. long, coriaceous, obovate-oblong, obtuse, with nume- rous parallel veins diverging from the midrib. Pedicels stout, curved, 4 in. long. Flowers globose, + in. diam., usually 4-merous. Sepals very coria- ceous. Corolla-lobes scarcely longer than the sepals. Filaments short, fleshy. Ovules suspended. Berry 2-1 in. long. Northern Island: Wangarei Bay, Colenso; coast opposite the Cavalhos Islonds, 2. Cunningham, Yhe same with the Norfolk Island plant, except that the flowers are very rarely pentamerous, and the calyx smaller. There is also an allied Australian species. Orpen XLVI. JASMINE. (OLEINES, JV, N. Z.) Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite or subopposite, exstipulate. Flowers small, in axillary or terminal clusters racemes or panicles, often unisexual. —Calyx small, 2-4-toothed, often unequally. Petals 0 in the New Zealand species. Stamens 2, epipetalous or hypogynous. Ovary 2-celled; stigma simple or 2-fid; ovules 1-or 2 in each cell. Fruit drupaceous in the New Zealand species, containing a bony 1- or 2-celled nut, Seeds with or without albumen; embryo straight. . " A considerable Order of temperate and tropical plauts, to which the Jasmine aud Olive elong, 1, OLEA, Linn. Shrubs or trecs, Leaves opposite or subopposite, entire, coriaceous. Flowers small, unisexual, in short axillary racemes or panicles.—WMale fl. : Calyx unequally 2-4-lobed. Petals 0 in the New Zealand species. Stamens 2, with large exserted anthers; ovary rudimentary. Female fl.: Calyx ur- ceolate, unequally 4-lobed. Anthers compressed, imperfect, included. Ovary oblong, 2-celled ; style short ; stigmas 2. Drupe oblong, 1- or 2-celled. A large genus, scattered over the globe; the New Zealand species belong to a peculiar small section with apetalous flowers. . Leaves 3-6 in., obtuse, veins obscure. Racemes stout. Drupe 4 in. 1. 0. Cunninghamii, Leaves 2-4 in., acute, veins distinct. Racemes slender. Drupe § in. 2. O. lanceolata. Leaves 1-2 in., narrow linear, obtuse. Drupe 4 in. oe 3. O. montana. 1. O. Cunninghamii, Hook. f. Fil. N. Z. i. 175. A lofty. tree, branches with white bark, young pubescent. Leaves nearly opposite, 3-6 in. long, coriaceous, narrow oblong-lanceolate or narrow linear-oblong, ‘obtuse, very coriaceous, nerves very obscure on both surfaces. Racemés 3-2 in. long, stout, erect, 10-15-flowered ; bracts ovate, concave, membranous. Flowers shortly pedicelled. Male calyx of 2 very small and 2 large lobes. Drupe obliquely ovoid, 3 in. long, 1- or 2-celled and -seeded.—O. apetala, A. Cunn., not Vahl. Northern and eastern parts of the Northern Island, Banks and Solander, etc, Cons ounded by A. Cunningham with the Norfolk Island closely-allied plant. 2. O. lanceolata, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 176. A small tree, 30 ft.. high, much less robust than O. Cuxninghamii, branches slender; bark.white! Leaves opposite, 2-4 in. long, narrow lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, Olea.) XLVI, JaSMINEA. 187 with raised veins on both surfaces. Racemes very slender, 6-10-flowered,, sparsely pilose. Flowers minute, much as in O. Cunninghamii, but smaller, pedicels slender. Berry ovoid, crimson, } in. long. Northern Island : woods of the east coast and interior, Colenso. 3. O. montana, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 176. ¢. 46 A and B (not C). -A large bushy-headed tree, 40-50 ft. high; branches slender ; bark reddish. Leaves opposite, 1-2 in. (in young plants 3-4 in.) long, very coriaceous, narrow linear, 1} in. broad, obtuse, nerveless. “Racemes slender, 2-1 in. long, puberulous, 6—8-flowered. Flowers very minute, as in O. Cunninghamii. Drupe narrow ovoid, + in. long. Northern Island: Bay of Islands, Cunnizgham ; east coast, interior, and Wairarapa Valley, Colenso, Oxrper XLVIT. APOCYNEZ. Trees or shrubs, often climbing, with milky juice. Leaves opposite ex- stipulate. Flowers in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles.—Calyx 5-par- tite or -lobed ; lobes imbricate. Corolla with a short or long tube ; lobes 5, contorted in bud. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla; anthers often sagit- tate and adhering by their anterior face to the stigma. Ovary 2-celled {rarely 1-celled), or of 2 carpels combined by the styles or stigmas; style long or sbort, stigma usually angular; ovules many. Fruit of 2, slender, 1-celled capsules (rarely a berry or drupe), opening inwardly. Seeds pendulous, ex- albuminous, often with a tuft of silky hairs. ‘A large tropical Natural Order. 1, PARSONSIA, Br. Slender climbing plants ; branches terete. Leaves excessively variable in form and size. Flowers small, panicled.—Calyx 5-partite ; lobes within fur- nished with a small scale at the base. Corolla urceolate campanulate or shortly funnel-shaped ; lobes 5, reflexed, eglandular. Stamens 5; anthers sagittate, included or exserted, adhering to the stigma, one cell without pollen. Hypogynous scales 5. Ovary 2-celled; style slender. Fruit of 2 long narrow, terete, acute, 1-celled capsules. Seeds with a fine silky tuft of hairs. A small tropical Asiatic and Australian genus. I am convinced that there are but two New Zealand species of this genus, to which Raoul’s names of P. albiflora and P. rosea had on the whole better be retained, to avoid the confused synonymy of Forster’s name of capsularis, which has been variously applied. : Flowers } in. long. Autherasincluded . 2. 2. 2. + «ws 1. Pi albifiora. Flowers } in. long. Anthersexserted . 2. 2 6. 6 ee ee + 2 Pi rosea. 1. P. albiflora, Rvoul.—P. heterophylla, A. Cunn.;—FI. N. Z. i. 181. Stems stout, glabrous or pubescent, as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves most often 1-2 in. long, coriaceous, oblong ovate or lanceolate, with transverse veins, more rarely linear or obovate, or narrow linear-lanceolate, 3-4 in. long, with lobed margins, in young plants spathulate. Panicles many-flowered. Flowers white, odorous, 3 in. long. Corolla-lobes shorter than the tube. Anthers included. Capsule 3-4 in. long.—J. capsularis, Endl. ; Deless. Ic.. Sel. v. 1. 49 (bad) ; ?P. variabilis, Lindl. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 181. 188 XLVII, APOCYNEZ. [Parsonsia. Northern and Middle Islands: abundant trom the Bay of Islands to Otago, Banks and Solander, ete. 1 know nothing of the P. variabilis, Lindl., but suppose it to be founded on young specimens of this. 2. P. rosea, Raoul, Choir, xvi. t. 12 ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 180. A more slender plant than the preceding. ‘Leaves usually very long, linear, membra- nous, obtuse or acute at both ends, entire or undulate at the margins, 2-3 in.long, in young plants obovate or spathulate. Panicles with few scattered flowers. Corolla shortly campanulate 51, in. long; lobes as long as the tube. Anthers exserted.— P. rosea and P. capsularis, Raoul, 1. c. ; Periploca capsularis, Forst. Northern and Middle Islands, abundant, Banks and Solander, ete. Orper XLVIII. LOGANIACEA. Shrubs or trees (rarely herbs). Leaves opposite, with interpetiolar stipules. Flowers usually in cymes or corymbs, regular, and hermaphrodite.—Calyx 4- or 5-lobed, -toothed, or -parted. Corolla 4- or 6-lobed, lobes imbricate, contorted _ or valvate, often hairy at the throat. Stamens 4 or 5, alternate with the corolla- lobes. Ovary free, 2-5-celled; style simple, stigma simple or lobed; ovules. 1 or more in each cell. Fruit capsular in the New Zealand genera, 2-valved, many-seeded. Seeds albuminous. A small Order, consisting of plants variously related, some to Rubiaceae, others to Scro- phularinea, others to Genttanee and Apocyne@. The leaves often turn black when dry. Calyx 5-partite 2. 0. 6. 1 + ee ew ee we ee ee 6D, Loaanta, Calyx B-fid. 2 5 6. 6 ew ee ee ee ee we ee ee 62, GENIOSTOMA, 1. LOGANTA, Br. Herbs or shrubs, Flowers small, axillary or solitary, dicecious ?—Calyx 5-partite, imbricate. Corolla campanulate, tube bearded, limb 5-parted, lobes imbricate. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla. Ovary-2-celled; stigma simple; ovules numerous. Capsule 2-celled, splitting into two valves, with the seeds on their margins; valves 2-fid. Seeds small; albumen fleshy. A large New Holland genus, not extending into Tasmania. Leaves spreading, linear, obovate or oblong. Flower minute . . . . 1. EZ. depressa. Leaves 4-fariously imbricate. Flower as large as leaves . . . . . 2 L. tetragona. 1. L. depressa, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 177. A prostrate, rigid, woody shrub; branches densely interlaced, puberulous. Leaves 4—} in. long, coria- ceous, veinless, linear-obovate or oblong, obtuse. Flowers minute, axillary, pedicelled, bracteate, solitary or in 3-5-flowered panicles, male only seen. Sepals oblong, obtuse, ciliate. Corolla scarcely longer than the calyx; lobes rounded. Filaments slender, anthers large, 2-cleft for halfway up. Ovary imperfect in my specimens (which are probably unisexual); style short, cla- vate; stigma oblong, thick. Fruit unknown. Northern Island: Ruahine mountains, Colenso. Very closely allied to the L. fascieu- fata, Moell., of the Australian alps. Habit of an alpine Coprosma. 2. L. tetragona, Hook. f., x. sp. Rigidly coriaceous, decumbent or pro- strate; stem woody, creeping at the base, densely tufted ; branches ascending, short, densely leafy, pubescent, 1-2 in. long, with the leaves on 3 in. diam. Leaves densely 4-fariously imbricate, spreading, oblong, obtuse, quite entire, Logania.} XLVIM. LOGANIACER, 189 very corlaceous, concave, ciliated towards the base, connate in pairs at the very base, keeled margins thickly cartilaginous. Flower solitary, sessile, terminal, seen with old fruit only. Calyx about as large as the leaves; tube oe lobes 4, oblong, obtuse, ciliated, rather distant. Capsule coriaceous, -valved. BMliddle Island: Otago, lake district, alpine, Hector and Buchanan. 2. GENIOSTOMA, Forst. Characters of Logania, but the valves of the capsule not 2-fid nor 2-partite, the wstivation of the corolla-lobes contorted, and the.calyx less deeply divided. A considerable. genus of Madagascar and Bourbon, the Asiatic and Polynesian islands, not fonnd in continental Africa, nor in Australia, 1, G. ligustrifolium, 4. Cunn.;—Fl. N.Z.i.177. A perfectly gla- brous shrub or small tree; branches slender. Leaves 13-3 in. long, ovate- oblong, acuminate, membranous. Flowers in short, axillary and lateral corymbs, % in, diam., white; peduncles and pedicels bracteolate. Corolla- tube very short, lobes reflexed. Ovary globose, with a very short style and large 2-lobed stigma. Capsules on slender divaricating pedicels, globose, one in. diam., valves separating from the placentiferous axis.—Hook. c, Pl. t. . Northern Iceland: not uncommon in woods, ete., Banks and Solander, ete. Orpen XLIX. GENTIANEZ. Herbs, usually glabrous and bitter. Leaves opposite, exstipulate, quite entire. Flowers solitary or cymose, often handsome.—Calyx 4- or 5-lobed. Corolla 4- or 5-cleft or lobed, contorted in bud, persistent. Stamens 5, in- serted on the corolla. Ovary 1-celled, with 2 parietal placentas often pro- jecting into the cavity, and dividing it into 2-4 cells; styles 1 or 2, stigma 2-lobed or 2-capitate; ovules numerous. Capsule (rarely a berry) usually membranous, elongate, septicidally 2-valved. Seeds small; albumen fleshy. A large tropieal and temperate Order, especially abounding in mountainous regions. Flowers large, white or yellowish or purplish. Style 1. Stigma 2-lobed . 1. GENTIANA. Flowers small, yellow. Ovary with 2 styles. . . . ... =... 2 SEBma. 1, GENTIANA, Linn. Erect or ascending, simple or branched herbs, with conspicuous flowers.— Calyx 4- or 5-cleft. Corolla 4- or 5-cleft, campanulate or rotate. Anthers not twisted, turning back, and so becoming extrorse. Ovary linear; style 1, stigma bifid. Capsule septicidal, elongated, membranous. A large mountain genus, found in all parts of the world. The species are most variable, and the New Zealand ones especially so, insomuch that in framing characters for the species I haye had to take prevalent forms and to disregard intermediate ones, which occur in abundance between all. Some Chili species are too close to the New Zealand, but I hesitate to unite them, without better materials. Root annual (sometimes perennial in 3). Stems very slender, 1- or few-flowered. Stem leavesfew. Calyx- lobes subulate. 2 6 6 1 ee ee ew te ow eee 1. &. montana. 190 - XLIX. “GENTIANES. [Gentiana. Stems short,.robnst, very leafy, many-flowered. Calyx-lobes linear- oblong, obtuse. . . . 2. - - gel ioe Sei ak ee, cis Stems robust, many-flowered. Stem-leaves few. Flowers corym- : bose. Calyx-lobes oblong. . . . +) - + + ee eB GQ. pleurogynoides, Root perennial. Stems ascending, few-leaved, 1- or many-flowered. Calyx-lobes oblong or ovate 2. 6 1 ee ee ee te Stems prostrate, very leafy. Calyx-lobes spathulate, as long as the corolla . 2. ee ee ee ee ee te ww BL G, coring, 2. G. concinna. 4, G. saxosa. 1. G. montana, Forst.;—Tl. N. Z. i. 178. Root slender, filiform, annual. Stems generally many from the root, very slender, 4-18 in. high, usually ascending, 1- or few-flowered, sparingly leafy. Leaves: radical spathulate, with long or short petioles, 3-2 in. long, rather membranous ; cauline sessile, ovate or oblong, obtuse. Flowers on slender pedicels, $$ in. long. Calyx deeply divided; lobes subulate-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla- lobes oblong, subacute.—G. Grisebachii, Hook. f. in Hook. Ic. Pl. 636. Northern Island: mountainous districts; Tongariro, Bidwel/. Common throughout the. Middle Island, Forster, ascending to 3000 ft. Also common in Tasmania and the alps of Victoria, in both which countries it attains a larger size, and moré coryrabose habit. I cannot distinguish seedling states of G. sarosa and plewroyynoides from this. 9. G. concinna, Hook. f.; Fl. Antarct. i. 58. ¢. 35. Root slender, annual. Stems numerous from the root, erect or ascending, 2-12 in. long, rather stout, leafy. Leaves all linear-oblong or spathulate-oblong, $~13 in. long, coriaceous, obtuse, often recurved. Flowers about 4 in. long. Calyx deeply divided lobes often as long as corolla, linear-oblong, obtuse. Co- rolla lobes narrow, obovate-oblong, obtuse. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island: abnndant on the hills, 7. D.H. The stouter leafy habit and form of the calyx-lobes best distinguish this from G. montana. Itis extremely variable; shoots have often leaves 8 in. long, linear-oblong, and 3-nerved. 3. G. pleurogynoides, Grisch.— G. sarosa, y, Fl. N..Z. i. 178. Root slender or stout, usually annual; Stems solitary or numerous from the root, erect, rarely ascending, always stout, 4~20 in. high, sparingly leafy. Leaves: radical 4-3 in. long, very coriaceous, rosulate, petioled, spathulate ; cauline in distant pairs, oblong-ovate-or ovate-cordate, short or long. Flowers yellowish, very handsome, usually large, }—-1 in. long, in terminal umbels or corymbs. Calyx not deeply divided; lobes oblong or ovate, subacute or acute, very variable in length. Corolla-lobes usually much larger and broader than in the two preceding. Northern Island: summit of Ruahine range, Colenso. W£iddle Island: abundant on all the mountains, ascending to 5000 ft.’ Forster, etc. The usually simple, stont, erect, sparingly leafy stem, and corymbose large flowers are the ‘best characters of this beautiful form. A common Tasmanian plant. 4. G. saxosa, Forst.;—Fl. N. Z. i. 178. Root stout or slender, pe- rennial. Stems usually numerous, erect or ascending, stout or slender, 2-6 in. high, sparingly leafy, 1- rarely many-flowered. Leaves: radical numerous, often rosulate, spathulate or oblong, 3-3 in. long, coriaceous ; cauline oblong-ovate or ovate-cordate. Flowers usually large, 4-3 in. long. Calyx- lobes excessively variable in depth and form. Corolla-lobes broadly obovate- oblong, obtuse. Gentiana.] XLIX. GENTIANFE. 191 Var. a. Stems nvmerous, short, ascending, 1-2-flowered. Leaves rosulate, spathniate. Calyx divided. 3 way down ; lobes ovate-oblong, acute. (Like @. montana, but perennial.) — G, beltidifolia, Hook. f. in Hook. Ie. Pl. t. 635. Var. B. Stems stout, branched, erect, leafy, many-flowered. Calyx divided 3 way down, lobes linear-oblong. (Like G. plewrogynoides, but perennial.) Var. y. Stems erect, very stout, simple, sparingly leafy. Leaves often large, thick, and fleshy. Flowers very numerous, large, corymbose. Calyx short, divided to the middle; lobes ovate-acute or acuminate. (Like G. plewrogynoides, but perennial, and calyx very peculiar, unlike any except some forms of var. a.) . Northern and Middle Islands. Var.a. Abundant in the mountains, Forster,etc.,ascend- ing to 6000ft. Var. 8. Sinclair range and elsewhere; Southern Alps, ascending to 6000 ft., Sinclair and Haast. Var. y. Nelson mountains, Bidwill (with G. pleurogynoides) ; Port Cooper, Lyal (very large state); Upper Wairau, Sinclair (root leaves 3 in. long, linear- oblong); Mount Darwin and mountains near Lake Tekapo, alt. 38-5000 ft., Haast (very stout forms with very broad and fleshy leaves). The calyx of var. y, in conjunction with - its habit, would indicate a different species, were it not that the same calyx occurs in ge- anuine G. sarosa, var. a. 5. G. cerina, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct.i. 55. ¢. 36. Root perennial, stems very numerous, branched, stout, trailing, very leafy, 8-16 in. long, as thick as a quill. Leaves very thick, coriaceous, obovate- or spathulate-oblong, 4-14 in. long ; radical and cauline similar, 3-nerved. Flowers several together, crowded towards the ends of the branches, sunk amongst the leaves, 3-3 in. long. Calyx deeply divided ; lobes large, oblong-spathulate, often recurved, longer than the corolla-tube. Corolla-lobes broad, white, with red-purple nerves, Lord Auckland’s group: on rocky islets, ete., near the sea, abundant, J. D. H. A most beautiful plant; remarkable for the thick, trailing leafy stems, bright-green, shining, succulent foliage, and large calyx-lobes. 2. SEBZA, Solander. Erect, glabrous, annual herbs, with simple or divided, sparingly leafy stems. Flowers cymose, small.—Calyx 4- or 5-parted; lobes keeled or winged. Corolla 4- or 5-fid, persistent in fruit; tube straight; lobes twisted after flowering. Stamens 5, at the mouth of the corolla; anthers finally twisted a little. Ovary 2-celled; styles 2, straight, stigmas capitate. Capsule of 2 linear- pointed valves, separating from a seed-bearing axis. A small, tropical, and Southern African genus, also found in Australia and Tasmania. 1. S. ovata, Br ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 179. Stem slender, 4-10 in. high, 4-angled. Leaves 2 or 3 pairs, ¢ in. long, sessile, obtuse, very broadly ovate. Flowers 2 in. long, «yellow, 5-fid. Calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, keeled. — S. gracilis, A. Cunn. Prodr. Northern and Middle Islands: bogs at Hokianga, 4. Cunningham ; grassy places, Ahuriri, Colenso; Port Cooper, Lyalé, Also found in Australia and Tasmania, and very nearly related to a Madagascar species. Orver L. BORAGINEZ. Herbs, often hispid with stiff hairs. Leaves alternate, simple, quite entire, exstipulate. Flowers rarely solitary, usualiy in 1-sided, scorpioid racemes or spikes, often variable in colour.—Calyx 5-lobed or -partite. Corolla regular, 192 XLIX. BORAGINER. 5-lobed, imbricate in bud, throat often closed with swellings or scales oppo- site the lobes. Stamens 5, inserted in the throat of the corolla, included or exserted. Anthers with 2 parallel cells. Ovary deeply 4-lobed, 4-celled ; style inserted between the lobes, stigma capitellate; ovule 1 in each cell. Fruit of 4 simple, smooth crested spinous or winged nuts, often resembling naked seeds. Embryo straight; albumen little or 0. A large Natural Order, especially in Europe and oriental regions ; also found all over tle globe. The above character does not include the tribe Cordiacee,.of which there is no New Zealand representative, and which includes ahrubs and large trees, with the leaves often serrated, the ovary not lobed, and the fruit a 4-celled drupe or nut. Corolla salver-shaped. Stamens included. Nuts minute, polished . . 1, Myosoris. Corolla more or less campanulate. Stamens exserted. Nuts minute, polished : . . 9 Exarnuena. Corolla rotate. Nats large, with broad wings . toe a ee ee 8 Mysorrprum. 1. MYOSOTIS, Linn. Annual or perennial herbs: Leaves usually spathulate or ovate, radical petioled, cauline sessile. Flowers small, in scorpioid racemes, or solitary and axillary, or solitary sessile and terminal.—Calyx 5-lobed or -partite. Co- rolla slender, long or short, cylindric; limb expanded; lobes 5, patent ; throat with 5 swellings. Stamens 5; anthers sessile or filaments very shart, included. Nuts minute, ovoid, compressed, very shining. A large European genus, to which the “ Forget-me-not ” belongs. Three New Zealand species differ from all their congeners in having solitary sessile terminal flowers. 1. Flowers solitary, sessile, terminal. Leaves small, tmbricate. Stems 1 in., tafted. ‘Leaves narrow linear-oblong. . . . . . . 1. M. uniflora. Stems ! in,, tufted. Leaves broadly oblong-quadrate . . . . . 2 M. pulvinaris. Stems 1 in., tufted. Leaves broadly obovate-spathulate . . . . . 8. M. Hectori. 2. Flowers all solitary and in the axils of the leaves or below them. Leaves distant, petioled. Flowers pedicelled. . . . - . . « « 4. ML. spathulata, Leaves close-set, sessile. Flowers minute, sessile . . . . . . . 6. M. antarctica. 8. Flowers all in terminal racemes, or the lower only axillary. Erect, very hispid. Flowers all racemose. Pedicels short. Nuts ovoid, blak 2 1 6 we ee ee ee ee ee we we we BL, ttust ailis. Prostrate, slender. Lower flowers axillary, Petioles and pedicels slender. Nuts orbicular, pale . . . . . . . . . «1 + 4. MM. Forsteri. Stout, erect. Petioles broad. Flowers pedicelled. Calyx-hairs ap- pressed . . ew ee ee we ee ew we ww we 8M. capitata. Stout, erect, very hispid. Flowers sessile. Calyx-hairs speading. . 9. Df. Traversit 1. M. uniflora, Hook. f., 2. sp. A small, densely-tufted, much-branched perennial, forming rounded masses; hoary with appressed, rigid, spicular hairs, that are rough under the microscope ; root woody, tortuous ; branches slender, erect, fascieled, }-14 in. high, densely leafy throughout. Leaves erect, imbricating, close-set, 2-2 in. long, sessile, narrow linear-oblong, obtuse, a little dilated at the base and often above the middle, nearly glabrous on the upper surface, rather coriaceous. Flower terminal, yellow, solitary, sessile, nearly } in. long. Calyx-lobes linear-oblong, covered with straight tigid hairs. Corolla with a long, rather slender tube, twice or more as long as the calyx; lobes short, rounded. Stamens included. Nuts ovoid, acute. Myosotis.] L. BORAGINEA. 193 Middle Island: on shingle beds on the mountains, often forming rounded masses ; Hopkins river, alt. 2~3500 ft., Haast. : 2. M. pulvinaris, Hook. f., 1. sp. A small, densely-tufted, much- branched perennial, forming soft, rounded, mossy cushions, hoary with soft white hairs. Branches 2-3 in. long. Leaves most densely’ imbricated in many series all round the branches, closely overlapping, sessile, 3} in. long, % broad, broadly obovate or oblong-quadrate, rounded or retuse at the her- baceous tip, slightly narrowed below and very membranous, 1-nerved. Flower white, terminal, solitary, sessile, nearly } in. long. Calyx-lobes linear, obtuse, covered with soft white hairs. Corolla-tube funnel-shaped, twice as long as the calyx; lobes short, rounded. Stamens included. Nuts not seen. Middle Island : alps of Otago, alt. 6000 ft., Hector and Buchanan. A most remark- uble little plant. 8. M. Hlectori, Hook. f, ». sp. Habit and appearance of M. pulvi- naris, but less soft. ‘Leaves broadly obovate-spathulate, contracted into a broad, coriaceous, glabrous petiole. Flowers white, shortly peduncled. Nuts narrow ovate-oblong, shining. Middle Island: Otago, dry localities in the lake district, Hector and Buchanan. 4. M. spathulata, Porsi.;— Fl. N. Z. i. 201. A flaccid, decumbent, pilose or slightly hispid annual. Stems branched from the base, prostrate, ascending at the tips, 3-10 in. long, leafy at intervals. Leaves with short or long petioles, ;',-4 in. long, blade 4-4 in. long, orbicular-obovate or -oblong, apiculate, membranous, hispidulous on both surfaces. Flowers all axillary or on the stem below the leaves, solitary, on slender peduncles longer than the petiole, white with a yellow eye. Calyx-lobes linear, acuminate, shorter than the short funnel-shaped corolla-tube. Corolla 4—} in. diam. ; lobes rounded. Stamens included. Nuts ovoid, pale, very shining, compressed edges thin. — Anchusa spathulata, Rem. and Schultes. Northern Island : dry stony places, uot unfrequent, Banks and Solander, etc. Wid- @le Island: Nelson, Zravers; Wakefield, Munro. Both this and M. Forsteri are figured amongst Forster’s drawings as M. spathulata. 5. M. antarctica, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 201. A small, very hispid, much-branched; depressed perennial. Stems many, spreading from the root, 1-4 in. long, prostrate with ascending tips, rather stout, very leafy. Leaves sessile, somewhat recurved, }-4‘in. long, obovate- or spathulate-oblong, obtuse or apiculate, hoary on both surfaces with rigid white hairs. Flowers solitary, axillary, blue yellow or white, nearly sessile, 4, in. long. Calyx-lobes short, ovate-lanceolate, subacute, hispid with appressed straight hairs. Corolla- tube cylindric, as long or twice as long as the ealyx; lobes short, rounded. Stamens included. Nuts ovoid, very shining, black.— Fl. Antarct. 57. t. 38. Northern Island: mountainons districts of the east coast aud interior, Colenso. Middle Island: Upper Waihopai,’ Munro; Tarndale plains, alt. 4000 ft., Travers ; ter- races on the Hopkins, alt. 2-3000 ft., Haast ; Otago, Torbury Heads, Dunedin, Lindsay ; lake district, subalpine, Hector and Buchanan. Campbell's Island, J.D. H. This seems to be identical with a plant from the Straits of Magalhaens. 6. M. australis, Br. ;—Fl.N.Z.i. 201. An erect hispid annual herb, VoL. 1. 0 194 L. BORAGINES. [Myosotis. 6-10 in. high, branched from the base; branches rather stout, ascending, sparingly leafy. Leaves, radical 1-2 in. long, narrowed into long petioles, oblong-spathulate, obtuse, hispid on both surfaces ; cauline shorter, sessile, linear-oblong or spathulate, all very hispid with rigid hairs on both surfaces. Racemes terminal, elongate, many-flowered, hispid with spreading simple and hooked hairs, Flowers yellowish, shortly pedicelled. Calyx oblong, 5-lobed to near the base; lobes linear, acute, hispid with spreading hooked hairs: Corolla very variable, 1} in. broad, tube funnel-shaped; lobes short, rounded, Stamens included. Nuts ovoid, black, very shining. Middle Island: abundant in dry stony places, Hurumui and Wairau valleys, 1-8500 ft., Travers ; Tarndale, alt. 4-5000 ft., Sinc/atr ; terraces and moraines at Lake Okau, Haast ; Waihopai and Agiionby plains, Munro ; Otago, Lyall. Also a native of Australia and Tas- mania. 1. M. Forsteri, Rem. and Sch.;—Fl. N. Z. i. 200. A prostrate, branched, slender, subhispid and pilose annual. Stems branching from the base, ascending, flaccid, 8-16 in. long. Leaves, radical and lower cauline with long slender petioles, }-2 in. long; blade oblong-spathulate, obtuse, membra- nous, hispidulous on both surfaces; upper leaves oblong-obovate. Flowers axillary and in terminal hispid racemes, variable in size, lower on pedicels 3-1 in. long. Calyx 4-} in. long, campanulate, 5-lobed to the middle; lobes linear-oblong, acute, hispid with spreading hooked hairs. Corolla-tube funnel-shaped, as short as or longer than the calyx; limb 4,-4 in. broad ; lohes rounded. Stamens included. Nuts nearly orbicular, pale, very shining. Northern Island: dry places, east coast, etc., Banks and Solander, Colenso. M&id- dle Island: Nelson, Sinclair: Milford Sound, Zya/l; Canterbury, Raoul; Travers. 8. M. capitata, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct, 66.24.87; Fl. N.Z.i.201. A robust perennial, covered with soft, appressed, scarcely hispid hairs; stems ascending 6-18 in. high, stout, leafy. Leaves, radical-linear-obovate or lanceo- late, obtuse, 2-4 in. long, narrowed into broad petioles, hispid-pilose on both faces; cauline linear-oblong or spathulate, sessile. Racemes large, simple or branched, often forming a dense very many-flowered head. Flowers very crowded, violet-blue or purple; pedicels short, stout. Calyx 3-3 in. long, 5-partite; lobes hispid with appressed straight hairs. Corolla-tube cylindric, little longer than the calyx; limb} in. diam.; lobes rounded. Stamens in- cluded. Nut ovoid, obtuse, polished. _ Middle Teland: upper part of Macrae’a Run, Munro; Ruspuke Island and Port Wil- Hemalaee s trap cliffs at Shaw’e Bay, Otago, Lindsay, Word Auckland’s group, J. 9. M. Traversii, Hook. f.,.ap. An erect, rather rigid, densely hispid perennial, 3-8 in. high; stems several from the root, stout, erect or ascend- ing, leafy, very hispid with erect or spreading hairs. Leaves; radical narrow linear-spathulate, obtuse, 1-1} in. long, narrowed into short petioles, hispid on both surfaces ; cauline linear-oblong. Racemes densely hispid, capitate, many-flowered. Flowers almost sessile, lemon-coloured. Calyx 2 in. long, 5-partite ; lobes linear, hispid with rigid, spreading, simple and hooked bristles. Corolla funnel-shaped, rather longer than the calyx ; lobes rounded. Stamens included. Nuts narrow ovoid, obtuse, very polished. Middle Island: shingle beds on Tarndale, alt. 5-6000 ft., Sixelair ; Wai-au valley and Myosotis.} L. BORAGINER. _ 195 Discovery Peaks, alt. 5500 ft., Travers ; Waimakeriri valley, alt. 2500 ft., and Mount Darwin, alt. 4500-6500 ft., Haast; Otago, lake district, Hector and Buchanan. Near M. capitata, but smaller, much more bispid, with often hooked bristles on the calyx, and nats much longer and narrower. In the form of the flower this tends towards Ezxarrhena, 2. EXARRHENA, Br. Hispid, erect, rarely prostrate herbs. Leaves, radical petioled, cauline ses- sile. Flowers usually large, in scorpioid cymes.—Calyx narrow, 5-lobed or -partite. Corolla narrow, funnel-shaped or tubular, with an expanded limb ; throat usually without thickenings; lobes 5, spreading. Stamens with long exserted filaments. Nuts as in Myosotis. An Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand genus, very near to Myosotzs, but no species of the latter genus have flowers so large and campanulate as the majority of Ezarrhene have, and the length of the filaments, though a very variable character, ig a very manifest one. Slender, diffuse, prostrate. Leaves broad, on slender petioles . . . 1. FE. petiolata. Stout, suberect, very hispid. Calyx 5-partite. Corolla 3-2 in. long. Nutslinear 2 2 1 1 1 we ee ee ee ew tlw 8 B macrantha, Stout, suberect, sparingly hairy. Flowers pedicelled. Calyx 5-lobed. _ Nuts broad, short, black, © 2 2 1 6 1 we ee ee ee 8. EB Lyalhii. Suberect, hispid. Flowers sessile. Calyx 5-partite. Corolla 4-3 in. Nuts linear . . Bye cer ek oe Oe an Se ee ee SB asa 1. E. petiolata, Hook. f.—Myosotis petiolata, Fl. N. Z. i. 202, A slender diffuse perennial ?, covered with short scabrid or hispid hairs. Stems many from the root, 3-12 in. long, slender, prostrate and ascending, sparingly leafy. Leaves: radical and lower cauline with long slender petioles, 4-2 in. long, rounded elliptic-oblong, apiculate, 3-1} in. long; cauline sessile, obo- vate-spathulate; all membranous, with short scattered hairs on both surfaces, Racemes slender, elongate, many-flowered, simple or forked. Flowers on slender pedicels. Calyx-}in. long, parted deeply ; lobes linear, hairs straight, appressed. Corolla with a very short funnel-shape tube, and 5 oblong spreading lobes, 3-3 in. diam. Filaments very slender, elongate; anthers shortly oblong. Nuts broadly ovoid, very shining, red-brown. Northern Island: dry stony places and alluvial river banks, Cape Turnagain, Puehutai, Hawke's Bay, etc., Colenso. Habit of Myosotis Forsteri, but flowers totally different. 2. E. macrantha, Hook. f., 2. sp. A rather stout, suberect perennial, covered with appressed or spreading, rather hispid hairs. Stems 6-12 in. high, ascending, stout, leafy. Leaves: radical 2-4 in. long, lanceolate- oblong, narrowed into broad petioles; cauline 1-2 in., linear-oblong, all softly hispid on both surfaces. Raceme short, many-fiowered, simple or branched, very hispid. Flowers purple or white, close-set, large, all pedi- celled. Calyx 3-3 in. long, deeply 5-partite ; lobes linear, hairs appressed or spreading, simple or hooked. Corolla 4-4 in. long, tube mach longer than the calyx, funnel- or almost bell-shaped; lobes broad, oblong. _ Stamens exserted, filaments slender ; anthers linear. Nuts linear-oblong, 3 in. long. Middle Island; Dun mountain, Sinclair ; Wairau and Wai-au, on mountains, alt. 3- 5000 ft., Travers ; Hopkine river, by waterfalls, alt. 3500 ft., Haast ; Otago, Lindis Hills, subalpine, Hector and Buchanan. A good deal like Myosotis capitata in habit, foliage, and pubescence. a 196 L. BORAGINES. {Zvarrhena. 3. EB. Lyallii, Hook. f.— Myosotis Lyalli, Fl. N. Z. i. 202... A rather short and stout tufted perennial, slightly hispid with appressed hairs. Stems several from the root, erect or ascending, rather stout, 2~6 in. high. Leaves: radical oblong-spathulate or obovate-lanceclate, subacute, 1--12 in. long, narrowed into rather slender petioles ; cauline narrow lmear-oblong or oblong-spatholate ; all slightly hispidulous on both surfaces with appressed hairs. Raceme short, simple or forked. Flowers very shortly pedicelled. Calyx } in. long, hispid with appressed or patent, simple and hooked bristles. Corolla 1—} in. long; tube cylindric, longer than the calyx ; lobes short, rounded. Stamens with long slender filaments ; anthers linear. Nuts broadly ovate or orbicular, very black and shining. Middle Ieland: Milford Sound, Zyadi. Habit of a small specimen of Myosotis capitata, but the flower is very different. I have but two specimens. 4. E. saxosa, Hook. f—Myosotis saxosa, Fl. N. Z%. i. 202. A small, rigid, prostrate perennial, more or less densely hispid (sometimes white) with rather spreading white hairs. Stems 2-6 in. long, rather stout, leafy, prostrate ; racemiferous branches ascending, stout or slender. Leaves: radical obovate- or lanceolate-spathulate, acute, }—2 in. long, narrowed into a broad or narrow petiole, rather harsh and rigid, uniformly hispid-pilose on both surfaces; cauline linear-oblong, 4-3 in. long. Raceme small, few-flowered. Flowers nearly sessile. Calyx 4-3 in. long, deeply partite; lobes linear, acute. Corolla-tube cylindric, short or rather elongate ; lobes short, rounded, 2 in. diam, Stamens exserted; filaments slender; anthers linear-oblong. Nuts 4, in. long, narrow linear-oblong. Northern Island: east coast, crags at Tetiokura, Colenso (very white and hispid). Middle Island: Dun mountain, in open stony places, Munro, Travers (much less hispid). 3. MYOSOTIDIUM, Hook. A succulent herb, 1-3 ft. high, perennial or biennial. Leaves large, lower petioled, ovate, obtuse, with parallel veins. Flowers pale blue, in dense branched scorpioid racemes.—Calyx 5-partite. Corolla rotate; lobes 5, rounded, expanded; throat closed with 5 protuberances. Stamens 5, in- serted within the tube; anthers included. Ovary 4-lobed ; style very short, stigma capitate. Fruit large, between globose and pyramidal, 4-angled, of 4 dorsally much-flattened coriaceous winged nuts, adhering to a central fleshy column. A remarkable genus, perhaps too near to Cynoglossum and Omphalodes, differing from the former in the margined nuts, which do not bear barbed bristles, and from the latter in the wing of the nut not being inflexed ; all should probably merge into one genus. 1. M. nobile, Hook. Bot. Mag. t.5137. Stem stout, pilose. Radical leaves a span long, broadly ovate or ovate-cordate, very thick and fleshy, gla- brous, shining, bright green ; cauline sessile, oblong. Racemes collected into a dense large subglobose head, 2-5 in. diam. Flowers pedicelled. Calyx-lobes oblong, obtuse, hispid. Corolla 3-4 in. diam., deep azure in the centre with a purple eye, fading towards the ends of the lobes. Fruit as large as a hazel-nut.—Cynoglossum nobile, Hook. f. in Gard. Chron. 1858, p. 240. Myosotidium.} L. BORAGINES. 197 Chatham Island, Watson. 1 have no native specimens, the above description being drawn up from-cultivated ones. I find amongst Sinclair’s plants, without habitat, a small scrap of a Gynoglossum, from the neighbourhood of Auckland. The genus may be known from Woscu beac nuts covered with barbed bristles; the species looks like the common tropical C. micranthum, and is probably an introduced weed. Orver LI. CONVOLVULACEZ. Climbing or trailing, rarely erect herbs or shrubs, usually with milky juice. Leaves alternate, exstipulate (0 in Cuscuta). Flowers regular, hermaphro- dite, axillary or terminal, solitary or cymose, often large.—Sepals 5, rarely united, imbricate, persistent. Corolla bell- or funnel-shaped or rotate, limb b-angled and plaited or 5-lobed and imbricate. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla, alternate with its lobes, often unequal; anthers free. Ovary free, undivided or 2-lobed, 2~4-celled ; style simple or 2-fid, or styles 2, stigmas various ; ovules 1 or 2, erect in each cejl. Fruit various. Albumen mucila- ginous or 0; cotyledons usually folded; embryo curved or spiral in Cus- cuta. A very large tropical Order, rarer in the temperate zones, though common in Europe. Stems leafy, prostrate or twining. Corolla plaited. Style 1; stigmas2. . . . , . « IL. Convo.vonus. Corolla plaited. Style 1; stigma capitate, lobed . . . . » 2 Tromaa. Corolla rotate. Styles 2; stigmas capitate . . . . . . + . 8. DicHonpRra. Stems leafless, twining, parasitic Boe we 3s ° 4.. CusouTa. 1. CONVOLVULUS, Linn, Climbing or prostrate herbs, with milky juice, slender stems, and usually large. perennial rhizomes. Flowers large, axillary, solitary or cymose.—Co- rolla funnel- or bell-shaped, border 5-angled, plaited. Stamens hearly equal, included. Ovary on an annular disk, incompletely’ 2-celled; style slender, stigmas 2; ovules 4. Capsule 1-celled, 2-4-seeded. A very large and widely distributed genus. Bracts large, enclosing the calyx. Peduncles terete. Climbing. Leaves 2-4 in., oblong-sugittate, acuminate, deeply 2-lobed atbase 6 6 1 ww ee wt et ew ww ww TO, Sepium, Prostrate. Leaves 4-14 in., ovate or deltoid cordate, acute. . , 2. C. Tuguriorum. Prostrate. Leaves reniform. . . ° ah at Ge Ge . . 3&8. C. Soldanella, 4 5 Bracts enclosing the calyx. Peduncles winged ae . C. marginata, Bracts small, on the peduncles. 2, 2 1 ee ee ew ee 1. C. Sepium, Zinn. ;—Calystegia Sepium, Br.; Fl. N.Z.i.183. Stem slender, climbing, and leaves glabrous or pubescent. Leaves large, 2—4 in. long, oblong-sagittate, acuminate, deeply lobed at the base, lobes rounded angled or truncate. Bracts enclosing the calyx and longer than it, ovate or oblong, obtuse or acute. Peduncles 1-flowered, generally twice as long ae the petioles, angled or margined. Corolla 2-4. in. broad, white or rose-coloured. Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Solander, ete. The common Convolvulus or “ Bindweed” of England. Rhizome eaten by the natives. Also common in Europe, Aus- tralia, and various temperate countries in both hemispheres. . C. erubescens. 198 LI. CONVOLVULACBE. (Convoloulus. 2. C. Tuguriorum, Forst. ;—Calystegia Tuguriorum, Br.; Fl. N. Z. i. 1838. t. 47. Stem slender, prostrate, rarely climbing, 12-24 im. long, and leaves glabrous. Leaves 4-14 in. long, broadly ovate-cordate or deltoid, acute or obtuse, entire lobed sinuate or angled, sinus at the base broad. Pe- duncles longer than the petioles, terete or margined. Bracts as long as the calyx and enclosing it, orbicular or cordate. Corolla 1~2 in. across, white or rose-coloured. Capsule ovate, acute, 3 in. long: Seeds yellow, small. Abundant throughout the islands, Banks and Salander, etc. A much smaller plant than the preceding, but large specimens are often difficult to distinguish, The same plant is found in Valdivia and Chiloe. 3. C. Soldanella, Linn. ;—Calystegia Soldanelia, Br.; FI. N. Z. i. 183, Stems prostrate, glabrous or puberulous, 1 ft. long, stouter than in the pre- ceding. Leaves broader than long, 3-1} in. diam., reniform or cordate-reni- form, acute or obtuse and apiculate, sometimes rather fleshy, sinus at the base broad and open, entire or rarely lobed. Peduncles terete, longer than the leaves. Bracts enclosing the calyx, broadly orbicular or cordate, obtuse or apiculate. Corolla rose-red, 1-2 in. broad. Capsule large, globose. Seeds large, black. Northern Island: shores near Auckland, Sinclair. W£iddle Island: Canterbury, Haast ; Bluff Island, Lyall. The southern specimens are ideutical with the European and Australian; the Auckland ones approach C. Zuguriorum in foliage, and in the absence of fruit may be referable to a state of that plant. This species is found in many temperate and tropical sheres. 4, C.marginata, Hook. f.—Calystegia marginata, Br.; Fl. N. Z. i. 184, t.48. Stems slender, climbing, quite glabrous. Leaves 1-2 in. long, broadly sagittate, acuminate, the basal lobes long, diverging, obtuse or acute, entire lobed or 2-fid. Peduncle shorter than the petiole, with two often crisped wings. Flowers small. Bracts cordate-ovate, obtuse, half as long as the co- rolla. Corolla white, 4 in. diam. Northern Island: Wangarui and Owai, on the east coast, Colenso ; Bay of Islands ?, Sinclair. Also a native of eastern Australia, 5. C. erubescens, Br, ;—Fl. N.Z.i.185. Stems prostrate, 4—12 in. long, rarely twining, and leaves glabrous pubescent or silky. Leaves very variable, 2—3 in. long, oblong hastate or cordate, obtuse, quite entire or sinuate. Peduncles longer than the petioles, with two small subulate bracts above the middle. Sepals broadly oblong, rounded at the tip, coriaceous, silky. Co- rola white or rose-coloured, 3% in. diam. Capsule globose. Seeds rugose. Northern Island : south-west head of Palliser Bay, Colenso. Middle Island : banks of the Waihopai, Munro; Port Cooper, Lyall, Bolton, Otago, Lower Waitaki river, Hector and Buchanan. he flowers appecr to be most frequently white in New Zealand. A very common Australian plant, closely allied to the European C. arvensis, and some others of very wide distribution. 2. IPOMGS&A, Linn. Climbing herbs (rarely erect), with milky juice, resembling Convolvulus, except that the stigma is capitate, 2- or 3-lobed, and the capsule 2- or 3-celled. A very large tropical and subtropical genus, to which the Sweet-Potato, or Kumeraho, of ° Ipomea.] Ll. CONVOLVULACER. 199 the New Zealander belongs; this (Batatas edulis, Choisy ; Convolvulus chrysorhizus, Forst.) is cultivated all over the Pacific, and was introduced by the earliest inhabitants. 1. I. tuberculata, Rem. and Sch. ;—I. pendula, Br. ; F\.N. Z. i. 185. Stems slender, glabrous, twining, sometimes tubercled. Leaves 5-foliolate ; leafiets 3-14 in. long, sessile, lanceolate, acuminate, quite entire, the outer sometimes 2-lobed. Peduncles 1-3-fiowered. Flowers drooping, large, rose- coloured. Sepals obtuse. Oorolla 1-3 in.diam. Seeds silky.—Convolvulus mucronatus, Forst. Northern Island: east coast, Banks and Solander; Bay of Islands, Cunningham ; Cavalhos Island, Colenso, An Australian, Pacific island, and Indian plant, probably the same as J, palmata, Forat. 3. DICHONDBA, Forst. Prostrate herb. Flower solitary, axillary, small.—Calyx 5-partite. Corolla nearly rotate, 5-lobed, imbricate. Ovary of 2 distinct carpels; styles 2, dis- tinct, stigmas capitate; ovule ] in each carpel, erect. Capsule membranous, indehiscent, 1-seeded. 1. D. repens, Forst. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.185. A small, procumbent, branched, creeping, tufted, silky herb. Leaves petiolate, reniform, }—1 in. broad, entire or emarginate at the tip. Flowers small, yellow. Corolla shorter than the calyx. Abundant throughont the islands, Banks and Solander, etc. A very coinmon tropical plant in both hemispheres; also found in Tasmania, Australia, and the warmer regions of America. 4, CUSCUTA, Linn. Leafless, rootless, slender, twining, parasitical herbs, adhering by small lateral suckers to herbs or shrubs, which they derive their nutriment from, and eventually strangle. Flowers white yellow or pick, marked with transparent oil-glands, small, clustered or racemose.—Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla ovoid glo- bular or urceolate. Stamens very short, inserted at the union of the lobes of the corolla, with as many scales below them. Ovary 2-celled; styles 2, stig- mas capitate; cells 2-ovuled. Capsule membranous, 2-celled, 2-seeded, dehiscing transversely at the base. Seeds albuminous; embryo terete curved or spiral ; cotyledons 0. A considerable genus, found in Europe and many tropical and temperate parts of the globe: it resembles Cassytha in habit; and some species (Dodders) are pests in clover-fields and other crops in England. 1. CG. densiflora, Hook. /. Fi. N. Z.i. 186. Stems slender, matted and twisting together, as thick as stout thread. Flowers crowded into very short 6—10-flowered racemes. Calyx-lobes short, oblong, obtuse. Corolla $ in. long, bell-shaped ; lobes short, rounded, recurved. Scales oblong, fimbriated, united at their bases by a thin membrane. Filaments longer than the an- thers ; styles rather long. Middle Island: Port Underwood, Zyaii. Dr. Engelmann, who has examined all the Cuscuta of the Hookerian Herbarium, observes of this that it hardly differs from the South Brazilian @. racemosa, Martius; but according to the descriptions of that plant, the corolla- lobes are erect and acute, and the filaments and style much shorter. 200 LIL, SOLANES. Orver LIT. SOLANER. Herbs shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Flowers usually in mes, regular or irregular, hermaphrodite.—Calyx usually 5-lobed, inferior. corolla 5-lobed, folded in bud. Stamens inserted on the corolla, alternating with the lobes; anthers free or cohering, opening by slits or pores. Ovary superior, 2-celled; style simple, stigma entire or lobed; ovules numerous, on placentas attached to the axis. Fruit a berry (rarely capsular) indehtiscent, several-seeded ; albumen copious, fleshy ; embryo usually curved or spiral. A very extensive Natural Order, abounding in ell temperate and hot latitudes. 1, SOLANUM, Linn. Herbs shrubs or small trees, Flowers regular.—Calyx 4- or B-cleft. Co- rolla rotate or bell-shaped, 4- or 5-fid, with plaited estivation. Stamens 4 or 5, equal or unequal, filaments short; anthers linear, free or conniving, opéning by 2 terminal pores. Style simple, stigma obtuse; ovules very nume- rous. Berry oblong or globose, 2- celled, cells many-seeded. Seeds flattened or reniform ; embryo curved. 2 very large genus, found in all temperate and tropical parts of the world, absent in the coldest. ‘Tall and stout. Flowers 4-4 in, diam., blue or purple. Anthersspreading 1. S. aviculare. Slender. Flowers in. diam., whitish, Anthers connivent. . . . . 2. S. nigrum. 1. S. aviculare, Forst. ;—-Fl. N. Z. i, 182. Stem tall, herbaceous; glabrous, angled, shrubby at the base, branched, leafy. Leaves very variable, 4-10 in. long, lanceolate or oblong, entire or variously lobed or pinnatifid, membranous, glabrous, veins divaricating at right angles. Flowers in axillary or supra-axillary 3~10-flowered cymes, large, purplish or bluish. Calyx-lobes short, obtuse. Anthers spreading. Berry ovoid, edible.—S. laciniatum, Aiton; Bot. Mag. t. 349. Throughont the islands, common in woods, Banks and Solander, etc. Also found in aottele Island, in Southern Australia, and Tasmania, The spreading anthers are unusual in the genus. ; 2. S. nigram, Linz. ;—F!. N. Z. i. 182. Stems slender, branched, glabrous, 1-3 ft. high. Leaves petioled, 1-4 in. long, ovate, acuminate, rarely sinuate or lobed. Flowers }—4 in. diam., umbelled,: umbels on long supra-axillary peduncles. Berry $4 in. diam., globose, black or red. Abundant in waste places near houses, etc., throughout the islands. One of the commonest weeds in the world. The “ Cape Gooseberry,” Physalis peruviana, Linn., is naturalized in the northern dis- aie of New Zealand.” The Potato, Capsicuin, and Tomato also occur as escapes from vul- vation, Orprr LIT]. SCROPHULARINEZ. Herbs, shrubs, or small trees. Leaves opposite, (except Pygmea) ex- stipulate. Flowers axillary or in terminal racemes cymes or panicles, irre- LIII. SCROPHULARINER. 201 gular, rarely regular, hermaphrodite.—Sepals 5, free or variously cohering, inferior, very rarely half-superior, persistent. Corolla regular or 2-lipped, imbricate in bud. Stamens 2 or 4, with sometimes a rudimentary fifth between the upper corolla-lobes. Ovary 2-celled; style simple, stigma simple or 2-lobed, or of 2 plates; ovules numerous in each cell. Capsule 2-celled, many-seeded. Seeds albuminous ‘One’ of the most extensive Natural Orders, found in all quarters of the globe. The New Zealand genus Pygmea, of which I have seen no fruit, is a doubtful member of the Order; unlike its co-ordinates, the leaves appear to be imbricated all round the stem, and not opposite. Stamens 2, Calyx 4-partite. Corolla with 2 inflated lips. Stigma subcapitate Calyx 5-partite. Corolla 2-lipped. Stigma 2-lamellate. . . . . Calyx 4- or 5-partite. Corolla 4- or 5-lobed. Stigma subcapitate. Leaves OPPOSite eo a sa, es Se a ge Se Calyx 5- or 6-partite. Corolla 5- or 6-lobed. Stigma subcapitate. Leaves -imbricate, alternate. . . fae ‘ be Gy ei ar aK . CALCEOLARIA, . GRATIOLA, 1 4 7. VERONICA. 8 : . . PyemMgza. Stamens 4. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, tumid at throat. Stigma 2-lamel- Nate a SR ae a eS oR ea eh es ORE MIMS, Calyx 5-lobed, Corolla 2-lipped, not tumid at throat. Stigma 2-la- meliate 2. 1. 6 6 2 we ee ee we ww tw we we 68 Mars. Calyx 3-5-lobed. Corolla minute. Anther l-celled. Stigma spathu- late, 2 6 ee ee ee ee ee we ew ee «OS. GLossostigna. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla minute, rotate. Anther l-celled. Stigma clavate, 206 6 wee ee ee ww ee ww «6. Li tos ELLA. Calyx 65-partite. Corolla 5-lobed. Stigma capitate . . . . . . 9, Ountsta. Calyx 4-lobed or -toothed. Corolla 2-lipped. Stigma dilated . . . 10. Eupnrasta. 1, CALCEOLARLIA, Linn. ‘Herbs. Leaves radical and cauline. Flowers in axillary or terminal racemes.—Calyx 4-partite, inferior or half-superior. Corolla-tube very short ; limb -2-lipped ; lips nearly equal and both inflated in the New Zealand species, the upper small and lower very large and inflated in the American ones. Stamens 2; anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2-celled; style simple, stigma sub- capitate; ovules numerous, placentas on the septum. Capsule ovoid, septi- cidal, 2-valved ; valves 2-fid. Seeds numerous, striate. A very large South American and especially Andean genus, of which the only extra American species are the New Zcaland ones, which belong to a section (Jovellana), having the two lips of the corolla nearly equel. i Stem erect. Leaves oblong, 2~4 in, long. Calyx inferior. . . . . J. C. Sinelairii. Stem creeping. Leaves ovate, $-% iu. long. Calyx half-superior. . . 2. C. repens. 1. G. Sinclairii, Hook. Ic. Pi. ¢. 561 ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 187. An erect, slender, glandular, pubescent herb, 6-18 in. high. Leaves with slender pe- tioles, 2—4 in. long, oblong, coarsely-toothed or Jobulate, the lobes again toothed, very membranous, sometimes cordate at the base. Panicle branched. Calyx- lobes ovate, obtuse or acute. Corolla downy, 4 in. diam., yellow? spotted with purple. Capsule } im. long. Northern Island: East Cape, Sinciair ; Hawke’s Bay, Colenso. Very closely allied to the Chilian C. punctata, but differing a little in foliage, and in the corolla apparently yellow, not parple. 202 LI, SCROPHULARINE. [ Calceolaria. 2. C. repens, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. i. 187. A very slender, branched, creeping, pubescent herb. Leaves with slender petioles, }—3 in. long, orbicular, broadly ovate-oblong or ovate-cordate, irregularly and unequally doubly- toothed or crenate, very membranous. Panicles very few-flowered. Flowers 3 in. across, Calyx half-superior. Northern Island: ravines and forests at the base of the Ruahine range, Colenso. 2, MIMULUS, Linn. Erect or creeping herbs. Flowers solitary and axillary in the New Zealand species.—Galyx tubular or short, terete or 5-angled, 5-toothed or -lobed. Corolla campanulate, 2-lipped; upper lip erect or reflexed, 2-lobed; lower 3-lobed, usually with 2 protuberances at the throat, lobes all flat. Stamens 4; anther-cells diverging, finally confluent. Stigma 2-lamellate. Capsule loculicidal, 2-valved; valves separating from the placentas. A considerable genus, found in various parts of the world, but not in Europe, except as an introduced plant. A Glabrous. Leaves sessile 2. 2. 2 6. 1 1 ee ee . . . 1. M. repens. More or less pilose. Leaves petiolate . .- . . . + + - - 2. Df. radicans, 1. M. repens, Br. ;—Fi. N. Z.i. 188. A small, creeping, succulent, perfectly glabrous herb; stems branched, 1~5 in. long. Leaves 4-} in. long, oblong or broadly ovate, sessile or stem-clasping, quite ‘entire. Peduncle axillary, 1-flowered, longer or shorter than the leaves. Calyx variable in form, from obconic to hemispherical; lobes obscure. Corolla large, } in. across, pale-blue with yellow throat.—Bot. Mag. t. 5423. Northern and Middle Islands: not rare in muddy places, bogs, etc., Banks and Solander, ete. Also a common Tasmanian and South-Eastern Australian plant. 2. M. radicans, Hook. f. Fl. N. Z.i. 188. Stem creeping and root- ing, with short, leafy branches. Leaves spreading, close together, 3-1 in. long, petiolate, obovate, obtuse, quite entire, glabrous or pilose. Peduncle stout, erect, longer or shorter than the leaf, 1- or 2-flowered, with a subulate bract in the middle or at the fork. Calyx 5-cleft, pilose. Corolla large, 3-2 in. broad. Northern Island: Tararua mountains and Wairarapa valley, Colenso. Wliddle Island: common in swampy places, ascending to 1200 ft., from Nelson, Munro, ete., to Otago, Lindsay. u 38. MAZUS, Loureiro. Herbs. Leaves opposite or fascicled. Flowers in terminal, leafless racemes, or solitary.—Calyx bell-shaped, 5-fid. Corolla: upper lip 2-fid; lower larger, 3-fid, with two protuberances at the throat. Stamens 4; anther-cells diverging. Stigma equally 2-lamellate. Capsule globose or compressed, lo- culicidal, 2-valved ; valves entire, separating from the placentas, A small Indian, Chinese, and Australian genus. 1. M. Pumilio, Br. ;—#i. N. Z. i. 189. Stem creeping underground, sending out very short, leafy branches. Leaves fascicled, spreading, 3-2 in. Jong, petioled, narrow obovate-spathulate, obtuse, nearly entire or lobulate, membranous, glabrous or sparingly pilose. Scape slender, 1-6-flowered. Mazus.| LIII, SCROPHULARINES. 203 Flowers on slender, curved pedicels, with a snubulate bract at the base or middle. Corolla blue, }—4 in. diam.—Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 567. Northern and Middle Islands, Banks and Solander, etc.: common as far south as Canterbury. Also common in South-Eastern Australia and Tasmania. 4, GRATIOLA, Lina. Erect or creeping herbs. Leaves small, usually sessile. Peduncles axil- lary, 1-flowered—Calyx. 5-partite. Corolla: upper lip entire or shortly 2-fid; lower 3-fid; throat without protuberances. Stamens 2 fertile, and 2 reduced to filaments ; anther-cells distinct, parallel, Stigma inflated or 2- lamellate. Capsule 4-valved; valves felling away from the placentas. Seeds numerous, small. A considerable tropical and subtropical genus, scattered over the world, rare in temperate regions though found in Europe. Leaves 3-4 in. long, glabrons, toothed. . . . - «. « » « © « I, G. sexdentata. Leaves 3—} in. long, glabrous or puberulous, obtusely toothed . . . 2 G. nana. 1. G. sexdentata, A. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.189. Stems stout, ascend- ing or suberect, 6-18 in. long, glabrous. Leaves 3-3 in. long, sessile, ob- long, subacute, with scattered teeth. Peduncles very short. Flowers $ in. long, yellow. Anthers 2-celled, one cell sometimes empty ; sterile filaments elongated. Northern Island: marshy places, not uncommon, Banks and Solander, ete., probably overlooked in the Middle Island. Also found in South-Eastern Australia aud Tasmania; and most closely allied to the South American G. peruviana. 2. G. nana, Benth. ;— Fl. N, Z.i. 189, Stems short, matted, creeping, and as well as the leaves, glabrous or puberulous. Leaves 1~} in. long, ob- long, obtuse, obtusely-toothed. Peduncles very short. Flowers as in G. sex- dentata. Northern Island: Bay of Islands, 2. Cunningham, and elsewhere probahly common but overlooked. Middle Islaud: Kowai valley, Haast. Much smaller than G@. serden- tata. Flowers white or pinkish. Also found on the alps of Tasmania. Very like Mimulus repens, in general appearance. Herpestes cuneifolia, Spr., is introduced into Raoul’s catalogue of New Zealand plants, no doubt by mistake for a Gratiola, or for Mimulus repens, which it closely resembles. 5. GLOSSOSTIGMA, Arnott. Minute, tufted, creeping herbs. Peduncles axillary, 1-flowered.—Calyx bell-shaped, 3-5-lobed. Corolla_most minute, upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed. Stamens 2-4; anthers 1-celled, exserted. Stigma large, dilated, spathulate. Capsule subglobose, loculicidal, 2-valved ; valves separating from the placentas. ; Minute Indian, African, and Australian herbs. l. G. elatinoides, Benth. ;—Fl. N. Z. i. 189, Glabrous. Stems root- ing at the nodes, 1-2 in. long. Leaves petioled, spathulate, {2 in. long, quite entire, obtuse. Peduncles shorter than the leaves. Flowers Jy in. long. Stamens 4; anthers peltate, exserted.—Zricholoma elatinoides, Benth. ; Lobelia submersa, A. Cunn. Northern Island: common in wet places, A. Cunningham, etc. 204 LILI. SCROPHULARINES. 6. LIMOSELLA, Linn. Small, tufted, marsh or water plants. Leaves linear or linear-spathulate. Peduncles axillary, 1-flowered. Flowers minute.— Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed. Corolla rotate; limb 5-fid; segments unequal. Stamens 4 ;. anthera 1-celled, included. Stigma subclavate. Capsule subglobose, 2-valved ; valves entire, separating from the placenta. A small genus of plants found in all parts of the globe, probably all the species enume- rated in books are varieties of one. ‘1. L. aquatica, var. tenuifolia, Linn. ;—Fl. N. Z. i.190. Leaves 3-11 in. long, obtuse. Peduncles solitary or several together. Flowers white, 5}, in. across or less.—Z.. australis, By.; L. tenuifolia, Nuttall. Throughout the islands, common in wet places. A widely distributed plant in the tem- perate and cold regions of both hemispheres and tropical mountains. 7. VERONICA, Linn. Herbs or shrubs, rarely small trees. Leaves very various, opposite, often connate at the base, small and ‘scale-like or large, soinetimes minute and most densely imbricating quadrifariously. Flowers small, usually in axillary racemes, sometimes spiked corymbose or panicled, rarely solitary.—Sepals 4, rarely 5 (one being 2-fid or 2-partite). Corolla with a short or long tube, and expanded 4- rarely 5-lobed limb; lobes unequal. Stamens 2, filaments long or short, inserted at the throat of the corolla. Ovary small, compressed, 2-celled; style slender, stigma capitate; ovules numerous. Capsule 2-celled, ovoid orbicular or didymous, dorsally or laterally compressed, septicidally dehiscing; valves often splitting- longitudinally, falling away from the seed- bearing septum. Seeds numerous or few. A very large Enropean, Oriental, and New Zealand genus, comparatively rare in other parts of the globe. In New Zealand it forms a more conspicuous feature of the vegetation than in any other country, both from the number, beauty, and ubiquity of the species, from so many forming large bushes, and from the remarkable forms the genus presents. The species are excessively difficult of discrimination, present numerous intermediate forms between many most distinct-looking ones, vary extremely in all their organs and hybridize most freely; many probably are, if not bisexual, still partially so, the two sexes presenting differences in the size of the stamens and calyx and capsules, a point worthy of the close attention of the colonist. Between the first 19 species it is most difficult to draw any contrasting specific charactera, they appear to present a graduated scale of forms. V. e/tiptica alone, I find it impossible to confound with any other which is the more remarkable, as it is the only New Zealand shrubby species that extends beyond the islands, aud inhabits South Chili, etc.; yet, except for the large size of the white flower and large fruit, it is difficult to poiut out any character of innportance to distinguish it from forme of several others. Of the curious species of section 4,(viz. 20 to 25), all seem very distinct and well marked ; though intermediates are quite conceivable, and may be found, it would be instructive to know if they will hybridize'together and with the other sections. Section 5 also presents a most remarkable form of the genus, quite new, and peculiar to New Zealand; the two species it includes seem distinct. Of the 5 species in section 6, V. macrantha avd Benthami are very distinct, and the latter a most beautiful and remarkable plant; the three others are more closely allied, but I think distinct. Veronica.) LIT. SCROPHULABINEE. 205 In section 7, V. inifolia and, Anagallis are very different from one another and any others ; 34 to 37 are probably all forms of one plant, as is perhaps V. spathulata of V. elongata. So many new species of this genus (19) have been found since the publication of the ‘Flora Nove-Zelandite,’ that probably many more will reward the researches of collectors; on the other band, no doubt some of the species here described will be reduced by future observers. In the following Conmpextin T have had regard to prevalent prominent differences only ; there is not an organ that does not vary conspicuously in every species, and I regret to add that 1 have been obliged to neglect sundry specimens from inability to refer them exactly to any species. In such a genus as this, characters must be arbitrarily adopted, and be regarded as provisional only. I. Capsule dorsally compressed, ovoid, turgid ; valves 2-fid at the tip. A. Leaves quite entire (rarely toothed im V. Haastii). § 1. Large shrubs. Leaves oblong or obovate 1-4 in. long, obtuse or subacute. Racemes simple, short, stout, many-jlowered. Leaves 2-4 x14 in., obovate. Stamens stout. Capsuled in, . . 1. 7 speciosa. Leaves 3 1 in. , linear-oblong. Stamens slender. Capsulef}in. . 2. F. Diefendachii Leaves 1-2 x#1 in., sere ee subacute. Stamens slender. Capsule Zin... . 7 - . 8. V. macroura. § 2. Large shrubs. Teaes jhiess or. faihboatiat 2-64 in. ie. Racemes simple, long, slender, very many-flowered. Leaves 2-6 in. Capsule 3 in., scarcely longer than sepals . VF. salicifolia. Leaves 8-6 in. Capsule } in., 2 or 3 times as long as sepals. V. macrocarpa. Leaves 1-3 in. Capsule a little longer than the small, obtuse sepals °6. V. parviflora. Leaves 1-3 in. tea 3 in., 2 or 3 times as long as the lanceolate sepals. bo rigid Be Moe OS Leaves 1-2 i ans hairy on both “ gurfaces . Is Hy BS EN, cy ects § 8. Large or small, erect shrubs. Leaves 3-1 in. long, coriaceous. Racemes or spikes peduncled, usually short, simple or corymbose, or collected into heads. Bracts usually small, large in 13 and 18. ; a. Leaves lax, sprending, not imbricate, Branches even. Leaves $-1 x 3-4 in. Racemes long. Pedicels usually distinct. . 9. V. Traversii. . V. ligustrifolia, . V. pubescens. cont ao Leaves 3-4 x4-+ in. Spikes attenuate. Pedicels0 . . . 10. V. vernicosa. Leaves 3-3 x 4-4 in., petioled and apiculate. Branches hoary. Co. rolla 4-3 in., white... . 11. V. elhiptica. Leaves 3-2 xdi in., keeled. Flowers corymbose, Pedicels slender . 12. V. diosmafolia. Leaves 4-1 x 4-} in., not keeled. ar. short. Pedicels 0. Bracts jarge ww ee ay. an “ae . 13. Vi Colensoi. B. Leaves excessively thick, concave, more or less, selifonté se closely. Branches with elose-set transverse scars. Leaves 4-4 x 3-4 in., keeled, not truncate nor cordate at base . . 14. V. levis. Leaves 4-} x 4-4 in., keeled, subcordate at base. . . . . 15. V. burifolia. Teaves 4-2 x 3-$ in., midrib obscure. Capsule ovate, acute, glabrons 16. FV. carnosula, Leaves 3-4 x 3-4 in., midrib obscure. cone broad, cee pu- bescent . . » 17. F, pinguifolia Leaves 3-4 in. Spikes tomentose, distichons. Bracts large, concave 18. 7. pimeleoides Leaves 3-3 in., orbicular, spreading and recurved. Spike mas dense. Ovary viloos . . . e ie ae as - 19. V. Buchanani. § 4. Erect or decumbent shrubs. Leaves very minute, thick a short, Qs—yq in. long, . densely 4.fariously imbricate, or in distant pairs. Flowers eee or capitate af the ends of the branches. © «. Leaves most densely imbricate, connate in paire, Branches ere me in. diam. Leaves black — mae tumid, te obtuse . . . se V. tetragona. 206 LIII. SCROPHULARINES. [ Veronica. Branches square, 3-75 in. diam. Leaves brown when dry, abruptly acuminate... 1 ew we ee tw ww ew ONL VK, lycopodioides. Branches square, jj; in. diam. Leaves very broad, subacute, black when dry 2 6. 1 1 ee ee ee ee ew tw ee ORF, Letrasticha, Branches terete. Leaves connate to middle, brown when dry . . 23. V. Hectori. Branches terete. Leaves truncate, yellowish when dry. . . . . 24. V. salicorniodes. B. Leaves in distant, opposite patrs . . 1 6 6 4 + + 6 « 85. VY. eupressoides. § 5. Small decumbent shrubs, with short flexuous branches, densely clothed with short, broad, rigid, densely imbricating leaves, 4-} in. long, Flowers in terminal, sessile, ovoid heads, continuous with the branches. Leaves }-} in., not keeled. Sepals not ciliate . . . 1 . . . 26. Vi Haastii. Leaves 3-2 in., recurved, keeled. Sepals ciliate. . . . . « « 2%. V. epacridea. B (§ 6). Leaves more or less toothed or serrate. (See Haastii, in § 5.) Glabrous. Flowers racemose, Sin. diam.. . . . . « © « « 28. V. macrantha, Flowers sessile on branches of a loose panicle 3-10 in. long . . . 29. V. Hulkeana, Flowers sessile, in short, spreading, puberulous panicles. Bracts acute 30. V. Luvaudiana. Flowers sessile, in dense oblong panicles. Bracts obtuse . . . . 31. V. Raoulii. Flowers indense, leafy racemes. Leaves edged with down . . . 32. V. Benthami, ID. (§ 7). Capsules laterally compressed, didymous.—Herbs with creeping, diffuse, slender stems (or erect in 40). Leaves serrate or toothed, except in V. \inifolia, Flowers in slender, axillary, long-peduncled racemes (short in 38 and 39). Leaves }-1 in,, linear, obtuse, quite entire . . . . . . . . 33. V. hinifolia. Leaves 4-} in., ovate, glabrous, serrate, Raceme glandular . . . 34. V. nivalis. Leaves 4-3 in., ovate or oblong, serrate, glabrous. Peduncle long . 35. V. Lyallii. Leaves 7,3 in., ovate or oblong, glabrous, with 1 or 2 teeth on each side. Pedunclelong . . . - + © © 6 ee ew se 86. VM Bidwillii, Leaves 1-5 in., oblong ovate or lanceolate, glabrous, deeply serrate. 37. V. cataracta. Leaves 4-1 in., glabrous or pubescent, broad, ovate-cordate, coarsely toothed ls: co. a bh lah cae der ae gh) Rosy pe es Sie, Fal aoe Ses Se Leaves 1-4 in., glandular-pubescent, ovate-spathulate. Peduncles veryshort. - 2. 6. ee ee ee ww ew ee «6 89. Vi spathulata, Erect glabrous. Leaves oblong, 1-2 in., crenate . . . » « . 40. Vi Anagallis. 1. V. speciosa, 2. Cunn. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.191. A glabrous stout shrub ; branches angled, as thick as a goose-quill. Leaves sessile or with very short thick petioles, 2-4 in. long, 1~1} broad, obovate-oblong, rounded at the tip, very coriaceous, shining, quite entire, downy on the midrib above, veins obsolete. Racemes dense-flowered, not longer than the leaves, 1 in. diam., stout, erect; pedicels short. Calyx-lobes oblong-ovate,-subacute. Corolla deep blue-purple, 3 in. diam., lobes obtuse. Stamens and style very long and stout. Capsule } in. long, broadly ovate, thrice as long as the calyx.— Bot. Mag. t. 4057. Northern Island: seacoast at Hokianga, Cunningham. M£iddle Island: Ship Cove and Port Nicholson, ZyadZ. 1 have a cultivated hybrid between thie and V. edliplica, with leaves only 14 in Jong, and racemes 1 in. long, of blue flowers, raised by I. A. Henry, Eaq., of Trinity, Edinburgh. 2. V. Dieffenbachii, Benth. ;—Fl. N. Z.i.191.