Production Note Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell's replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials and the Xerox Corporation. Digital file copyright by Cornell University Library 1994.BUSINESS GAZETTEER AND OR ROMULUS, SENECA CO., N. Y„ IPOIl 188©. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY WM. H. CUFFMAN. Preserve this Book for Future Reference. Trumansburg, N. Y.: C. L. Adams, Printer, Sentinel Office, 1886. \D. MONROE, M&MWhWSt M, F.» DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Cha- mois, Sponges, Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Combs, Toilet Soaps, Powders, Perfumeries, Law Blanks, School Supplies, Reward Cards, Stationery by the box, quire or ream, Pens, Ink, Mucilage, Playing Cards, Games, Purses, Wallets, Account Books, A. T. VanNostrand, ROMULUS. 1ST. Y., DEALER IN HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Fine Cutlery, Farm Tools, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE, STOYES, Dynamite, Barbed Wire, D. M. Osborne’s Binding Twine and Extras, Exclusive sale of the cele- brated ANDES RANGE, and all of Phil- lips & Clarks Stove Co.’s Goods.Romulus Directory. . 1886. ROMULUS POST OFFICE. John V. R. Hinkley, Postmaster; Richard M. Steele, Assistant. Office open from 7 a. m. until 9 P. m. Mails arrive: 11:24, a. m. and 7:47, p. m.* Mails close: 11:10, a. m. and 7:35, p. m. Gr., I. & S. R. R. TIME TABLE. Trains pass Romulus Station as follows:—Going South: Ac- commodation, 8:25, A. M.; Mail, 11:24, a. m. Express, 8:30, p. m. Going North: Express, 7:04, a. m. ; Accommodation, 3:40, p. m. ; Mail, 7:47, p. m. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Presbyterian: Rev. J. W. Jacks, Pastor. Church Edifice, Main street, Parsonage, Cayuga street. Sunday Service at 10:30, a. m. and 7:30, p. m, Sunday School immediately after morning service; John Monroe, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting on Fri- day evening. St. Stephen’s, (Protestant Episcopal) : Rev. J. P. Foster, Minister-in-charge. Mr. D. L. Ferris, Lay-Reader, Assistant. Church Edifice, Seneca street. Sunday Service at 10:30, a. m. and 7:30, p. m. Sacred Heart: Rev. Thomas O’Connell, Pastor in charge. Church Edifice on Cayuga street. MAIN STREET. WEST SIDE GOING NORTH. John W. Snook, George R. Hunt, Charles P. VanDuyn, Bergen YanNostrand, B. G. Berger, Clinton Pasko, John Monroe, Chas. H. .Sayre, . Augustus T. YanNostrand, Post Office, LaTourette & Co., Hinkley House, George H. Curtis, Richard Hapenny, Ed- ward Flemming, Presbyterian Church and Chapel, John Y. R. Hinkley, Steam Mill, Wagon Shops, John Lisk, Frank M. Taylor, Johnson Updike, Frank Adair, John Updike. ' EAST SIDE GOING SOUTH. Timothy Owen, Joel Coryell, John Yakley, Almiron Updike, Buel Wilber, Mrs. Luther Sage, David Ambrose, Charles Young, W. Leonard Lisk, Aaron Brown, David Monroe, John W. Snook, John Coryell, Mrs. Mary Steele, Public Hall, W. L. Lisk, Barber Shop, Henry M. Swick, Mrs. Almena Carman, Charles Wilber, H. Edmonds, G. Burr Robinson, Joseph H. Snook, VanDoren YanNostrand.2 CAYUGA STREET. NORTH SIDE GOING EAST. ^Augustus T. VanNostrand, H. Melvin Burton, Presbyterian Parshuage, Peter LaTourette, Charles H. Fiddler, Jplm; M. * Mooney, Morris Brown. SOUTH SIDE GOING WEST. Yerkes & Monroe, G., I. & S. Depot, Church of the Sacred Heart. SENECA STREET. NORTH SIDE GOING WEST. William P. Goodman, Richard M. Steele, Mrs. Eliza Depew. SOUTH SIDE GOING EAST.’ Charles M. Yail, Joshua Hinkley, Dr. Daniel F. Evarts, John G. King, Mrs. Sarah Updike, Mathias Mann, Episcopal Church. TIPPERARY STREET. Patrick O’Mars, Thomas Harmon. BACK STREET. Sirs. Kate Russell. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGE. D. Monroe, Drugs, Groceries, &c., Romulus........Inside front cover. •A. -T. VanNostrand, Hardware, Romulus,.............Inside front cover. A. S. Gay, Clothing, Seneca Falls................Inside- back cover. J. W. Smith & Co., Dry Goods, Geneva...............Outside .back cover, W. L. Lisk, Groceries, Crockery, &c., Romulus,................... 3 B. D. Lefler, Buggies, Wagons, Machinery, &c., Romulus,--...... 3 John W. Snook, Undertaker, Romulus,................J.............. 4 Clinton Pasko, Fresh Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, &e„ Romulus,.......4 H. M. Burton, Carpenter and Builder, Romulus.......................4 Hinkley House. George H. Curtis. Proprietor, Romulus,............... 4 Frank M. Taylor, Hardware, Romulus................................... 5 H. Dennison & Son, Shoe Dealers, Geneva............................. 6 Hallenbeek & Little, Groceries, Geneva,............*............... 7 W. H. Partridge, Druggist and Apothecary, Geneva...................7 Franklin House, B. H. Remington. Proprietor, Geneva................7 Dr, Sweet’s Worm Syrup.............................................7 Frank O. Kent. Clothier and Tailor, Geneva,______________________ 8 Dorchester & Rose, Hardware, Geneva,...............................8 E. W. Fox, Tobacco Store, Geneva,................................ 8 New York Central Iron Works, Dunning Boiler, Geneva,.......... 9 M. C.. Haight, Jeweler, Geneva..................................... 9 .Mrs, C. J. Nelson, Milliner, Geneva............................... 9 J. L. Beach, Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Geneva.............10 r Gregg & Co.. Agricultural Implements, Trumansburgh...............ill Fred. Robinson, Photographer, Trumansburg.........................12 R. B. Hill, Dentist, Trumansburg......................12 R. J. Hunt, Insurance, Trumansburg.................................12 R. Mockford, Jeweler, & Proprietor of Cataract House, Trumansburg,. 12 J. M. Lovell, Dry Goods and Groceries, Trumansburg,.................13 Owen Buckley, Dealer in Bicycles and Tricycles. Trumansburg........13 Mosher Bros. & Co., Clothiers and Tailors. Trumansburg,.____.......-.14 Ithaca Hotel, H; D. Freer, Proprietor. Ithaca..................... ..14 Seott;& Horner, Coal. Lumber, &c., Ovid Center.....................14 E. H; Hart. Proprietor Taughannock House, Taughannock Falls....... 15 /.George R. Hunt, Agricultural Implements, Insurance. Romulus....... 15 R. C. Vair, Confectioner, Trumansburg,.......................*....15 Addison’s Boot and Shoe House, Seneca Falls......;.................163 W. L. T9 DEALER IN 5 A fine line of TOBACCO & CIGARS a Specialty. Best Goods, Small Profits, Quick1 Sales," For Cask or Barter. DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ■TVUWIhV W II n«VIIV) (Top and Open Buggies, Platform Spring & Buckboard Wagons,) 4PIanotTwinetBindeps,f Jbe Jfew 3*lam Morwt, TIGrER WHEEL RAKE BINDING TWINE, &c., &c., Romuliis, INT. Y.t 4 JOHN W. snooe:, COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, &C. &C. FlWB UMBil lliWMI ll4l»¥. Special attention given to the Care of the Dead. Night calls promptly attended. B.OMUXIXJS, XT. 7. DEALER IN 't Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Provisions, TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY, &C. ROMULUS, N. Y. EC. M. BURTON, Carpenter and Builder. All Work entru ted to him will be executed with Neatness and Despatch. Hom-alms, If. T. Hinkley House, Bomulns, N. X. GEO. H. CURTIS, - - - - PROPRIETOR Special attention given to Commercial Travelers. Good Livery connected with the house.5 FRANK M. TAYLOR, ROMULUS, N. Y.. MANUFACTURER QFgAND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF IM Sheet-Iron fare, Stoves, ■.HARD'W’ARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PAINTS, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds^ Wooden Ware, Pumps, Agricultural Tools, Plows, Plow Points. Agent for the celebrated Monroe Range, the most popular range ever offered in the American market. I make a specialty of Stoves and deliver and set them up myself, anywhere in the County, and warrant each and every one to give satisfaction.—OUR— Is a decided success! The demand for them has swelled to enormous proportions ! ! Made on opera toe and common sense last. Equal to any $3.00 shoe sold in the country. Our Ladies' Matchless Button Boot I $3 Is truly wonderful ! Stop and think ! A Fine Kid Button Boot (all hand made), no breaking, no • tacks to hurt the feet, the style charms the eye, the fit graces the feet, and the price places them within the reach of the Most economical. Will match them with any $4.shoe sold. ^ ^ J ■ Gentlemen's Stylish CongresyTace & Button, for only If,I, The Great $3 Shoe in all styles of Toe, Button, Lace & Congress. Also a choice line, of all. the leading makes which are pro- nounced by, critical and economical buyers, satisfactory in Style, Quality, and Price.. With our,big assortment, purr, low. prices, our sleepless activity, WE A.BE BOUND TO LEAD. - —0- Vitle Awafce Shoe Dealers, 22 Seneca St,, Geneva, t Y, I9 HALLENBECK & LITTLE Crenera, IN'. Y. Teas and Coffees a Specialty. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. pI^UGGIST AND ^LPOTHECARY, SODA AND MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. FINE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. JVo. 8 Seneca St., Geneva, N. Y. JgST’Telephone connection with Geneva and all surrounding Villages. Franklin House, . CHHNHirA, N. T. S. H. REMINGTON, . PROPRIETOR. When your children have those ailments which are recognized by in- telligent mothers as produced by WORMS, give DR. SWEET’S WORM SYRUP. It is a perfectly harmless combination, and children will take it as readily as candy. The following will give some idea of its efficacy: , '4, Southold, Long Island, Jan. 1. 1885; .. * JDK. A.. Ji.^WEET.—Dear Sir: Our little boy, aged 5 years, had convul- sions every day or every other day for a long time, and three of our best physicians pronounced them epileptic.and failed to give: him any relief. I then sent to,§en,evaloi* some of your worm Syrupr, and two bottles re- lieved him entirely. He has had ho convulsions since. Gratefully yours, MRS. MARY E. TERRY.8 Successor to Kent & Son. Established in 1857. One of the oldest Merchant Tailoring and Clothing Establishments in this region, built upon the firm foundation of dealing upon strictly honest principles. FINE CUSTOM WORK a specialty, at reasonable prices. FBAmt O. KENT. 190 Exchange St., Geneva, N. Y. Dorchester M I^ose, Greneva, 1ST. Y. Andes Ranges, and other Stoves made in Geneva, at very low prices. The place to save money in buying Hardware, &c. GrO to ■aw.Fox’s Tobacco 8tomb. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Fine Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes & Smokers1 Articles. 180 Exchange St., Geneva, N. Y.THE DUNNING BOILER. OVER 3,500 IN USE. Patent Wrought-Iron or Steel with Self* Feedieg Coal Uagazine, is the oldest and best for LOW PRESSURE „ STEAM HEATING, And Insures a Warm House Day and Night. Made as follows: As a Magazine Boiler, which requires attention but once in 24 hours; As a Surface Burner, to burn hard or soft coal, wood or coke; As a Hot Water Boiler, for greenhouse and hot water heat- ing; As a Portable Boiler, to be set without brick-work. Also in Two Sections to pass through any door where a larg- er one cannot be used. And in addition to the above we have under way an entirely new con- struction of Boiler, which will excel anything yet upon the market. Send for Illustrated Catalogue with full description ___ and price-list. KEEPri STEAM UP OONSTANLY. 46TAGENTS WANTED.*^ N. B.—Correspondence solicted from Architects and persons building. Manufactured at the HEW YORK CEHTHAL IEOH WORKS, GENEVA, N. Y. M. C. HAIG-HT, JEWELER. 6 Seneca Street, - - GENEVA, N. Y. Mrs. C. J. Nelson, No. 25 Seneca Street, GENEVA, N. Y.10 -A. 3>T X> WAREROOMS IN TILLMAN BLOCK, « (Near Steamboat Landing), .157 &159 Exchange Street, a E! W ^ V A,11 TuiamailsDiairgli, NT. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF HORSE RAKES, DISC HARROWS, Plows, Lawn Mowers, etc. All goods are guaranteed standard in every particular, and are sold strictly on their merits. We desire to call special attention to our new two-horse low down. Twine Binder which has been successfully and thoroughly tested for two seasons. We claim;fur this machine, Superiority in Lightness of Draft, Simplicity of Construction, and Durability. Our Folding Table does away with the necessity of building wide gates or using cumbersome trucks. , Our Knotter is an entirely new device,—working perfectly un- der any and all circumstances. We guarantee our Binder to do first-class work. The Meadow King Mower has an established reputation throughout the United States, and is well known in foreign coun- tries, being in use in England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Prus- sia, New Zealand and Australia. It is simple, strong, safe, dur- able, light draft, no side draft—is King of the Meadow. The Gregg Reaper is excelled by none. It is not complicated. It does not require an expert to operate it. .; The Gregg Rake does finished work and is equalled only by its companion the Meadow King Rake. Our New Model Rotary Disc Jointed Pulverizing Harrow, manufactured, under the celebrated LaDow letters patent, has no successful competitor in the field. It is effective in work, simple in, construction, durable in wear,, convenient in handling. This Harrow has the ^automatic scraper attachment, which is not found m any other Harrow manufactured in the United States. Write us for discriptive circulars, prices and terms. t?, JuOdAjL ^GKNTS: . . _ T ' j, JET. MARKELL, - - Hayt’s Corners^ N, F. J. T. SHANNON, - Fayette, N. Y*12 -A.2NT 33 ARTIST. TBrMANSBUB©, 3ST. X. ---------------- » rLife Size Portraits in India Ink or Crayon. Instantaneous Photo- graphs a Specialty. We have lately added to our Gallery a new outfit for Viewing, and are prepared to attend to all calls for that kind of work. Hill's Dental Rooms. All the valuable improvements in Dentistiy always to the front. Natural teeth cared for in the best possible manner. Badly de- cayed teeth and healthy roots crowned with perfect Porcelain Crowns that will deceive your intimate friends. 3KTOTE THE EE33TTCTION- Best Teeth, formerly $10 now $8; Gas, each administration, formerly 75c., now 50c. This 1 trust will place Gas, the great pain saving boon to humanity, within the reach of all. Page Black, Trumansburg, N. Y. R. B. HILL, DENTIST. ——0---- Companies are represented whose record in the past is a sufficient guaranty for the future of a prompt and honorable adjustment of all losses. Correspond, or apply at the office in Collins Block, first floor, Trumansburg, N. Y. CALL A.T MOCKFORD’S JEWELRY AND MUSIC STORE, TRUMANSBUR G, N. Y., And get the worth of your money either in Goods or Work. R. Mockford is also Proprietor of the CATARACT HOUSE, (south side) TAUGHANNOCK FALLS, N. Y. The nearest Grand View of the Falls, is from a platform on these grounds. Lots of Tables and Seats in nice shady groves, Croquet, Ham- mocks, Swings, Splendid Spring Water, &c. free for pic-nic and excursion parties. In case of rain have large tables under cover. Terms at the House, $2.00 per day. Bar supplied with good Cigars, Mild Brinks, &c.13 J. M. LOVELL, Dry - Ms, Notions, Groceries! Crockery, Glassware, Decorated Goods, Carpets, Oil Clotlis, > iriOTom <6. OTTO —ALSO— dealer in all kinds of second-hand machines and wheel- men’ s sundries. Bicycles to Rent. Trumansburg, N. Y.14 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY. TR UMANSB'URG, N. Y. This well known house was established in 1868, and the large assortmentof READY MADE CLOTH- ING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS they carry invites trade from a large area of country—for their prices are the lowest. Custom Made Cloth- ing a Specialty. NO. 1 Opera BM. - trumansburg, n. y. Ithaca Hotel, •o-——o- Bomeuieut to Cornell Uiuiersity and ItbaGa gorge. H. D. FREER, - - Propeietor. CASH 3PAXX> JPpR A11.KXNDS OP GRAIN. O VID CENTER, N. Y.15 --^-0-- .Before deciding, yon are particularly invited to ex- amine into the advantages of TAUGHJgl^OGK EpLLS, on the west shore of Cayuga Lake. Can be reached via. Lehigh Valley R. R. or Cayuga Lake Steamers. The Taughann©ek hj@use< (North side) is surrounded by pleasant grounds and commands a magnificent view of the famous Falls. Excursion parties as well as gusts of the house may be assured of a cordial reception. _______E. 3, HART, Proprietor, Taugtonoek Falls, N, Y, /ETNA. .CONTINENTAL. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Life, Fire and Live Stock Insurance, Wo Yo PHILA. MUTUAL. Notary Public. NEW YORK LIFE. Confectionery & Ice-Cream Parlor, Opera Block, Trumansburg, N. Y. Confectionery of the purest quality, always fresh, and as cheap as inferior goods. Ice-Cream in its season, of superior quality, and pure flavoring.We have an Immense Stock of SUPPERS IRUBBERS, And are prepared to suit every one in search of Good Goods, at Wholesale Prices. ADDISONS LOW PRICED SHOE HOUSE, DANIEL'S HALL BLOCK, SENECA FALLS, N. T.II II SENECA FALLS -----O------ Purchasers of Clothing will find it decid- edly to their advantage to visit Gay’s Union Clothing House, at Seneca Fails, before mak- ing their Purchases of Clothing. We manufacture all our own Clothing, and keep on hand at all times a large and com- plete stock. Our prices are all marked in plain figures, and one price to all. We keep Good Goods, and sell them at Prices that Defy Competition. Call and see us. SENECA FALLS, N. Y.ESTABLISHED 1849. o THE OLDEST, LARGEST & MOST ENTERPRISING IN ALL THIS REGION. OVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE DEVOTED TO THE DISPLAY AND SALE OP DRY GOODS & CARPETS IT WILL REPAY EVERY RESIDENT ON THE LINE OF THE G., I. & S. R. R. TO PAY A VISIT TO OUR STORE AND PUR- CHASE A BILL OF GOODS. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE A PER- SONAL INSPECTION, YOUR ©m DHLS B IT M WILL RECEIVE THE SAME CAREFUL CONSIDERATION. SENEGA & LINDEN STREETS,