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SYRACUSE : SUMMERS & COMPANY, 22 EAST RAILROAD STREET. 1866.ORKilX AXI) HISTORY OF THE LED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ERIE CANAL. t>n the fourth day of July, 1817, with much 'ceremony, the construction of the Erie Canal was commenced at Rome, on that summit that divides the waters that find their way on the one side by the St. Lawrence and on the other by the Hudson to the ocean. On the 26th day of October, 1825, the com- pletion of the canal was celebrated. In the •short period of eight years and about four months the mighty work of connecting the great lakes with the ocean by a safe and conven- ient navigation had been accomplished. The high officers of the State, accompanied by many x>f the leading friends of the canals, embarked on its waters for the ocean amid the roars of artil- lery that carried the glad tidings from gun to gun, from the shores of the lake to the walls of Fort La Fayette in New' Yoik harbor. Such a salute of artillery, formed in a battery five hun- dred miles long, the world had never heard be- fore—and never before had there been such an occasion. It was to celebrate one of those vic- tories of peace that all men saw must determine and make certain the future glories of this new nation. On the decks of the flotilla that then took its departure from Lake Erie stood men who had first taught the public and educated it up to the courage that had dared the enterprise j—men Who had suffered obloquy and contempt as the wildest of visionaries ;-r-men who had been Te* viled and had all manner of evil spoken of them for having led the State to undertake a project so vast that it was said of it that the utmost en- ergies of the mightiest empire would only be sufficient for its accomplishment. Prominent among these men was De Witt Clinton—who more than any other man had staked everything on the success of the canal—• who had suffered more in abuse—who had de- voted more unpaid time—who had spent more of his own money than any other man—now Governor of the leading State of this mighty nation, surrounded by a people who were proud to do him honor, who appreciated the victory that his statesmanship had at last won over all gainsayers, and felt that henceforth his fame was secure. We who have seen this canal in operation for nearly all our lives, can hardly appreciate the difficul ties that surrounded its early bistory. The population of the whole State did not at the commencement of the construction of the canal * equal that of the city of New York at this day. The wealth of the people was in still smaller proportion to that which now undertakes great works. Engineering as a profession had no,ex- istence in the country. Canals the people had never seen. The agricultural interesta of the eastern part of the State, where was the great- »2 eat population and the seat of political power, greatly feared the competition that the grain- growing capacity of the then far-famed Genesee County would give them in the cities—and strange as it now appears, the seaport that the canal was soon to make the commercial center of the world, was most obstinate in its opposition. Political parties took ground in regard to the canal policy of the State, and arrayed the blind ignorance that parties wield against it. Many men that the world called good and wise re- fused to aid, and in many cases violently op- posed it. The great sage of Monticello, when asked to give it his assistance, said that it was a hundred years too soon to undertake such an enterprise. The nation, that owned a vast do- main, then wild and unsettled, that the canal was to make into powerful States, most posi- tively refused to give the least part of its sur- plus wealth or of its unsaleable lands, to aid in the work. Single handed the State undertook the enterprise, and through evil and good re- port, depending on our own citizens for commis- sioners, engineers and contractors, .in an incon- ceivably short time the work was accomplished, and on the flotilla that started from Buffalo on the 26th day of October, 1825, to mingle the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Atlantic, were borne the men who had so successfully consummated the mighty enterprise. The im- portance of the Erie Canal was not then over- rated. Railroads were little known, and would be still far behind their present development among us but that the canal, having first opened the country, made railroads possible and profit- able—and to whatever extent railroads may hereafter be constructed the Erie Canal will still remain the great regulator of the prices of transportation from the west to the east. Re- maining the property of the State—free to the navigation, with equal tolls, of every man’s bo it, no combination can be made to keep up the prices of transportation, as they might have been kept up, but for the canal owned by the State. Calm and sober reflection, now that more than forty years have elapsed since we have used the canal, must admit that the re- joicings that attended the voyage of the first boats all the way to the sea were justified by the occasion, and all future ages must award to the men who brought this canal into being the high meed of Public Benefactors. A synopsis of the early history of the canal will be attempted in the following pages. In 1724, Cadwallader Colden, then Surveyor- General of the Province of New York, in his re- port to Governor Burnet, after having men- tioned the communication into Lake Ontario by* the Onondaga river, says: “ Besides the pass- age by the lakes, there is a river which cornea from the country of the Senecas, and falls into the Onondaga river, by which we have an easy carriage into the country, without going near Cataraqul (Ontario) Lake. The head of this river goes near the Lake Erie, and probably may give a very near ^passage into that lake, and more advantageous than the way the French are obliged to take by the great falls of Jagara (Niagara).” (Colden’s Memoir, p. 28.) This is doubtless the first recorded specula- tionin regard to a water communication between the Mohawk river and Lake Erie across the in- terior of the country, and avoiding Lake Ontario entirely. It was but the expression of a hope that a more safe, as well as convenient way might be found to the trade of the upper Lakes than .that frequented by the French, and made dangerous to the frail boats then employed in the fur trade by the storms of Lake Ontario* and was doubtless abandoned by the Surveyor-Gen- eral when he had acquired more knowledge of of the country. In 1847 he published a history of the Five Nations of Indians, containing a mapt* on which the Genesee river is quite accurately laid down as running across'the country between the Seneca river and Lake Erie ; showing that there could be no such line of navigation, usiqg the natural water courses, as in 1724 he hoped might exist. In the report of the Surveyor- General in 1724 is described the portage or car- rying place, between the Mohawk and Wood Creek, where the village of Rome now stands. He said the portage was three miles loDg, ex- cept in very dry weather, when goods must be carried two miles further. Carver, who traversed the lake country one hundred years ago (1766), says that a water passage between the Mohawk and Wood Creek was at that time effected by sluices (Colden, p, 12), and in 1768 Sir Henry Moore, in a message to the Colonial Legislature, proposed to remedy3 the obstructions to the navigation of the Mo- hawk, between Schenectady and Fort Stanwix (now Rome), by sluices, like those in the great t^nalof Languedoc in France. (Colden, p. 13.) Thus it appears that while we were but a col- ony of Qreat Britain the subject of improving the natural water courses between the Hudson and. the great lakes was a matter that attracted and received the attention of the Government, and as soon as we had secured our national in- dependence the subject was still more vigorous ly pressed on the public attention. In 1784, and again in 1785, Christopher Colies, of the city of New York, memorhlized the Leg- islature, and procured an appropriation of one hundred and twenty-five dollars to enable him to examine the Mohawk river, with a view ioits improvement (Clark’s Onondaga, p. 61, vol, 2), and in 1786 Jeffrey Smith, a member of the Legislature, asked leave to introduce a bill for the improvement of this navigation, and for “ex- tending the same, if practicable, to Lake*Erie.” (Turner’s Holland Purchase, p. 619 ) In 1791, Governor George Clinton, in his speech to the Legislature, urged the necessity of improving the natural water channels, so as to facilitate communications with the frontier settlements, and in that year a law was passed to authorize the Commissioners of the Land Office to survey the portage at Rome and the Mohawk to the Hudson for improvement by locks, and one hundred pounds were appropria- ted for the object. (State Engineer’s Report, 1862, p. 619 ) The survey was made by Abraham Harden- burgh, under ihe advice of William Weston, an English Engineer. (Clark s Onon , p. 51, vol. 2.) The Commissioners who had charge of the work were Elkanah Watson, General Schuyler and Goldsbrow Banyer. (State Engineer’s Re- port, p. 91.) The Commissioners made a report so favora- ble that the Legislature on the 30th of March, 1792, passed an act incorporating the “ Western Inland Lock Navigation Company,” with power to open a lock navigation from the Hudson to Lakes Ontario and Seneca. By the same act the “ Northern Inland Lock Navigation Com- pany ” was incorporated, with power to make a lock navigation from the Hudson to Lake Cham- plain. (State EQoineer’s Report 1862, p. 92.) The capital stock of each of these companies was at first fixed at twenty-five thousand dollars ; afterwards the capital of the Western Company was raised to $300,000. In 1795 the State subscribed ten thousand dol- lars, and in 1796 loaned $37,500, taking a mort- gage on the Little Falls canal and locks—and the company in 1813 had expended $480,000. This large expenditure of mou*y proved to be of very little utility. As early as 17T6 the navi- gation was opened from Schenectady to Seneca Lake for boats of sixteen tons burthen, in favor- able stages of the water in the rivers—hut the locks being constructed of wood and brick soon failed and had to be rebuilt. The tolls were 52 cents on a barrel of flour for a hundred miles, and for a ton of goods for the same distance $5.72. (State Engineer’s Report, p. 93.) The high tolls and other expenses of this navigation were so onerous that land carriage on the poor roads of that day still continued to be the usual mode of communication between the interior ^ and the seaboard. In 1778 a company was incorporated to make a canal around the fa Is of Niagara, but nothing was ever done under the law. The Western Company employed Mr. Weston, the English Engineer to examine the Oswego river, and he reported the “ navigation from Os- wego Falls to Lake Ontario as hardly suscepti- ble of improvement by means of canalliog,” and . iQ 1808 the company surrendered to the State all their right to improve this river—and thus the leading object of the company, connecting the Hudson with Lake Ontario, was formally abandoned. The history of both the Western and Northern Internal Lock Navigation companies is but a re- petition of failures, and a record of disappointed hopes. The friends of internal improvements in the interior and western parts of the State,by the end of the last century, ceased to look to the Western Company as likely to furnish any relief to their over-burthened cost of transportation. The statesmen of that day despaired of any ad- vancement of the population and dignity of the State to be brought about by this abortive en- terprise (Hoosack’s Memoir, p. 381.) Most naturally discussions in regard to what measures could be adopted to enable the owoe *s of the rich lands of the interior to find their4 markets, at a reasonable cost, were constant among the public men at the beginning of this century. One of these discussions led to impor- tant results. Gouvemeur Morris and Simeon DeWitt met in Schenectady in 1803, and passed an evening in a free interchange bf views. The means of intercourse with the interior, was an important topic. Mr. Morns “ mentioned the project of tapping Lake Brie, aj he expressed himself* and leading its waters, in an artificial river, directly across the country to Hudson’s River.” To this Mr. DeWitt very naturally op- posed the intermediate hills and valleys, as in- superable obstacles. Morris’s answer was, in substance, labor mprobus omnia, v intit} and that the object would justify the labor and expense, whatever it might be. “ Considering this as a* romantic thing,” says Mr. DeWitt, “I related it on several occasions.” (DeWitt’s Letter, Canal Laws, Vol* 1, p. 39.) Simeon DeWitt had then long been Surveyor General of the State, and was well acquainted with its topography to the west bound^ of the Military Tract, but owing t& the fact that so much ol the State as'lies west of that tract was owned in large grants by com- panies that bad made their own surveys, and had their own land offices, he possessed no especial advantages, growing out of his position, of knowing anything of the formation of the coun- try west of the military lands; and he very nat- urally supposed that the rivers ran in deep val- leys to Lake Ontario, and that between them w^ere ranges of high hills. ! He was a man of caution, and dealt in facts, and had little or noth- ing of the extravagant in his nature. Mr. Mor- ris was a man of an entirely different stamp. He was a projector. He had seen canals in Eu- rope, and knew their utility, and he had seen Lake Erie, and had long entertained the opinion that ships were some time to sail from London by the way of the Hudson to this inland sea. In* view of the mighty results that would flow from a canal, all obstacles were but trivial in his mind, and hills and valleys, in his ardor, were swept away in the argument by a Latin quo- tation. As early as 1777, Mr. Morris had pub- licly expressed his views in regard to internal improvements. “ After the evacuation of Ticon- deroga, when our scattered forces had been con- centrated at Fort Edward, Mr. Morris arrived at General Schuyler’s headquarters, on a mission from the Committee'of General Safety, of this State/’ Governor Morgan Lewis (Hoosatfk, p, 250) describes him as never doubting the mate triumph of our arins, and frequent!/ de- scanting with great energy on what he termed “ the rising glories of the Western world,” and announcing “ that at no distant day the waters, of the great Western inland seas would, by the aid of man,4 break through their barriers and mingle with those of the Hudson.” “I recollect asking him,” says Governor Lewis, “ how they were to break through the barriers. To which he replied, that numerous streams passed them through natural channels, and that artificial onefe •might be conducted by the same routes.” In 1800 Mr. Morris visited Lake Erie, and in December of that year wrote a letter to his friend John Parish, then of Hamburg, giving an ac- count of his journey (Hosack, p; 257.) Of Ni- agara River, above the Falls, he says: “A quiet, gentle stream laves the shores of a coun- try leVfel abd fertile. Along the banks of this stream, which, by reason of the islands in It, appears to be of moderate size, we proceed to Fort Erie. Here again the boundles waste of waters fills the mind with renewed astonish* ment; and here, as in turning a point of wood, the lake broke on my view, I saw riding at an- chor nine vessels, the least of them 100 tons* Can you bring your imagination to realize this’ scene 1 Does it seem like magic 1 Yet th& magic is but the early effort of victorious indus- try. Hundreds of large ships will in no distant period bound on the billows of those inland seas. At this point commences a navigation of more than a thousand miles. Shall I lead yoar astonishment to the verge of incredulity 7 I will. Know, then, that one-tenth of the expense borne by Britain in the last campaign would enable ships to sail from London through Hud- son’s River to Lake Erie. As yet, my friend, we only crawl along the outer shell of our country. The interior excels the part we inhabit in soil, in climate, in everything. The proudest empire in Europe is but a bauble compared to what America will be, must be, in the coorsd of two centuries, perhaps of one.” . This shows how strongly Mr. Morris had at this early day become impressed with the great scheme of uniting Lake Brie with^ tide-water by a canal.5 Among the men to whom Mr. DeWitt re-ated the conversation at Schenectady, setting forth what he called Mr. Morris’s “romantic” scheme, was a land surveyor, who had made his home amid the wilds of Central New York. In 1794 he had come from Pennsylvania in boats loaded with kettles for boiling salt; up the Sus- quehannah river to the Chemung and its branch- es, to the portage at Bath; then by the way of Crooked and Seneca Lakes, and the rivers to the Salt Springs, where he had made salt and surveyed and cultivated land, until his neigh- bors had sent him to Albany to legislate for them in the year 1804. Mr. DeWitt had long known this man as one of his most trusted deputy surveyors, and quite naturally told him of the “ romantic” scheme of Morris. This surveyor, James Qeddes, says in a letter to Dr. Hosack (1 Hosack, p. 235), “The impres- sion made on my mind was vivid; the saving of so much lockage” (by avoiding the' descent to, end the ascent from, Lake Ontario), “ struck me as a grand desideratum. I had then been ten years in this country, a wilderness at that time; but partly penetrated, had a knowledge of the chain of swamps which stretch across the coun- try from Montezuma to the Mohawk river, and readily entertained some idea of the practica- bility of the project.” He says in his letter, dated February, 1822: “ The idea of saving so much lockage, by net descending to Lake On- tario, made a lively impression on my mind, by which 1 was prompted on every cccason to en- quire into the practicability of the project” (Ca- nal Laws, vol. 1, p. 42.) Mr. Qeddes lived near the center of the State, ‘and all his interests were connected with the growth and prosperity of the country in which he had made his home, and untiringly he press- ed his investigations as to the character of the surface of the country west of the great chain of swamps. Extensive correspondence was re- sorted to with land agents, surveyors, and other men who, it was supposed, might be able to give information, and every available map consulted. He did not rest with this; he formed public opinion, and agitated the subject, until, in 1807, it had become a theme of so great interest in Onondaga county, that it became the turning point of local politics (see Appendix A.) J udge Joshua Forman, a citizen of that county, was one of those extraordinary men who possess the power of persuading other men to adopt their views and opinions to such an extent that they direct public opinion in the communities in which they live. A graduate of Union College, and a pupil in the study of the law of Samuel Miles Hopkins, he had added to the bountiful gifts of nature the accomplishments of a scholar ; to these were joined a singular grace of person and manner. Ardently advocating the canal scheme, he was by common consent selected to go the Legislature to procure an appropriation of money to make surveys. In politics he was a Federalist, and his county was strongly against that party. To overcome this difficulty, leading Federalists and Democrats came together and formed a “ Union ticket” for the Assembly, con* sisting of John McWhorter (Democrat), and Joshua Forman (Federalist.) JTo give it strength it was headed “ Canal Ticket ” ( Clark, vol, 2, p. 72.) Prominent in its support were Doctor William Kirkpatrick, then a Democratic member of Congress and Superintendent of Onondaga Salt Springs, and Thomas Wheeler, of the same side of politics, acting in concert with leading Federalists, including James Qeddes and Elisha Alvord, and so strongly was the ticket pressed that, at SAlina, Mr. Forman received 110 votes and only two were given against him ( Thomas Wheeler’s Letter and Ira Gillchre’s Personal Communications.) His election was triumphant (see Appendix B.) Thus the leading men of Onondaga laid aside party, and united in send- ing to the Assembly by far the best man the county had, to do the service then required. The example then set of ignoring party claims was often followed in the many bitter contests that were afterwards encountered. This election was held in April, 1807. Six months afterwards, on the 27th day of October, appeared the fir|t number of a series of articles, in the Ontario Messenger, signed “ Hercules,” and written by Jesse Hawley, strongly advocating the construe* tion of a canal on the interior route (see Appen* dix C.) On the 4th day of February, 1808, Judge Forman, in the Assembly, called up for consid- eration a joint resolution which he had pre- viously submitted, and which was in the follow- ing words: “Resolved (if the honorable the Senate concur herein), That a joint committee6 be appointed to take into consideration the pro- priety of exploring and causing an accurate sur- vey to be made of the most eligible and. direct route for a canal, to open a communication be- tween the tide waters of the Hudson River and Lake Erie, to the end that Congress may be en- abled to appropriate such sums as may be nec- essary to the accomplishment of that great na- tional object, and ia case of such concurrence, that Mr. Gold, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Forman, Mr. German and Mr. Hogeboom, be a committee on the part of this House.” The fruit that this resolution bore, was the canals of the State of New York. On the 21st day of March, Mr. Gold, from the joint committee, reported the resolution so amended as to order the Surveyor General “ to cause an accurate survey to be made of the rivers, streams and waters (not already accu- rately surveyed), in the usual route of commu- nication between the Hudson River and Lake Erie, and such other contemplated route as he may deem proper, and cause the same to be de- lineated on charts or maps for that purpose ac- companying the same, with the elevations of the route, and. such explanatory notes as may be necessary for all useful information in the premises, of which one copy shall be filed in the office of Secretary . of this State, and another transmitted to the President of the United States, which the person, administering the gov- ernment of this State is requested to do.” The Senate concurred on the 6th of April, and on the 11th of April six hundred dollars were ap- propriated to enable the Surveyor Goneral to “carry out the resolution. To Judge Forman belongs the credit of pro- curing this first Legislative action looking to the construction of a canal directly from the Hudson to Lake Erie. He displayed great tact in the management of the matter, and though his resolution was in the first instance received with* derision, he made , a very able speech, showing that he was fully informed on the sub- ject of canals generally, and sketched the route, •* following the valley of the Mohawk to Rome, then the valley of Oneida and Seneca rivers to tie head of Mud Creek ; from the west, from the Niagara up Tonnewanda and down Allen’s Creek to the Genesee.river” (Hosack, p. 345- see Forman’s letter there.) He estimated the cost at $10,000,000, which he said was a “ bag- atelle to the value of such a navigation.” The expressions of ridicule with which the proposi- tion was at first received, were no longer heard, but the ground on which some members said they voted for the resolution, was “ that it could do no harm, and might do some good.” It will be observed that 4,he resolution, as passed, is unlike the one introduced, in this ; Directions are given to survey the usual routes of communication, and only by the words “ such other routes as he may deem proper,” meeting the object of the mover. The joint committee could not be induced to take the responsibility of so wild a project; they only left a chance of its be* ing examined at the discretion of the Surveyor General. The very small sum appropriated was in itself proof that but little Was expected to be done, and that was probably doled out to silence the importunities of the persistent represefita-. live of Onondaga. Such was the reception given by the Legisia-. ture to the Erie Canal, when first presented for its consideration. It had been a part of the plans of the men of Onondaga, that Mr. Geddes should make the surveys, and the Surveyor-General readily ap^ pointed him to do the work ( Ira Gillchre’s and James Geddes’ personal communications to author.) On the 11th of June, 1808, the Sur- veyor General wrote Mr. Geddes, saying, “ as the provision made for the expenses of this busi- ness is not adequate to the effectual exploring of the country, you will, in the first place, ex- amine what may appear to be the best place for a canal from Oneida Lake to'Lake.Ontario in the town of Mexico, and take a survey and level of it;—also whether a canal cannot be made be- tween Onfeida Lake and Oswego, by a route in part to the west of the Oswego River, so as to avoid those parts along it where it will be im- practicable to make a good navigation. The nexi object will be the ground between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, which must be exam- ined with a view to determine what will be the most eligible track for a canal, from below the Niagara Falls to Lake Erie. If your means will admit of it, it would be a desirable thing to have a level taken throughout the whole distance be- tween the two Lakes. As Mr. Joseph Ellicott has given me a description of the country from7 Tonnewanda Creek to the Genesee River, and pointed out a route for a canal through that tract, it is important to have a continuation of it explored to the Seneca River. No levelling or survey of it will be necessary for the present (because the appropriation will probably by this time be expended.) It must be left as a work by itself, to be undertaken hereafter, should the Government deem it necessary. A view of the ground only, with such information as may be obtained from others, is all that can now be re- quired of you.” Mr. Geddes at once commenced his explora- tions in accordance with these instructions of the Surveyor General, and made careful surveys of both the routes proposed from Oneida Lake to Lake Ontario, and then went to the Niagara River, and leveled around the Falls, determining with great accuracy the whole descent in the river. This whole survey of the Ontario route was not an agreeable work for Mr. Geddes, as his views were all directed to the finding of a line over which a canal could be made that would save the lockage down to Lake Ontario, and then up to the Romo summit ; nevertheless, he executed the work as faithfully as it could -have been done, bad he entertained no other views than making a canal by that route. He spent the season and the money in this teork, and thus carried out his instructions, but be had not accomplished the object that he hud for years been aiming at In his letter to Mr. Darby, of February 22, 1822, published in the Canal Laws, he says: w The f-pot of great difficulty and uncertainty respecting our inland route remained unexamined,—to wit: the tract fcettVedh Genesee River and Palmyra, of head waters of Mud Creek,-^-and the hopes from a View of maps discouraging indeed. Where was the water to be got for locking over the high land that Was supposed to rise between Genesee River and Mud Creek 1 All knowledge of an interior rente was incomplete wbiledhis piece of country remained unknown. In December of that year I agdin left home for the above object, and after dis- covering at the west end of Palmyra that singu- lar brook which divides, running part to Oswego fipd part to the Irondequot Bayy-I leveled from this spot to the Genesee River, and to my great joy and surprise found the level of the river far elevated above the spot where the brooks parted, and no high lands between. But to make the Genesee River run down Mud Creek, it must be got over the Irondequot Valley. After leveling from my first line one and a half mile up the valley, I found the place where the canal is now making across that stream. * * *. The pas- sage of the Irondequot valley is on a surface not surpassed, perhaps, in the world for singularity. The ridges along the top of which the canal is carried, are in many places of just sufficient height and width for its support. * * * When the work is finished, the appearance to a stranger will be that nearly all these natural embankments are artificial works. * * * The surface of the foundation of the arch for the stream to pass through, is just seventy feet be- low the top water line of the canal. * * * W ile traveling the snowy hills in December, 1808,1 little thought of ever seeing the Genesee waters crossing this valley on the embankment now constructingover it. I had, to be sure^ lively presentiments that 'time would bring about all I was plalming; that boats would one day pass along on the tops of these fantastic ridges; that posterity would see and enjoy the sublime spectaclebut that for myself, I had been born* many, very many years too soon. There are those, Sir, who can realize my feelings on sjich an occasion, and can forgive if I felt disposed to exclaim Eureka, on making this discovery. How would the great Brindley, with all his characteristic anxiety to avoid lockage, have felt ia such a case, all his cares at an end about water to lock up frcm the Genesee River, finding no lockege required,7? Boats to pass ever these arid plains, and along the very tops of these high ridges, seemed like idle tales to every one around me.” Early in the year 1805, Mr. Geddes had seen a map of the country west of the Genesee riVer, that led him to believe that a route could be found there without difficulty ; and Mr. Ellicott had, in his letter, referred to by Mr. De Witt, pointed out the route that appeared tb him the best and bad given such information, that no fears were entertained as to that part of the country. The great obstacles had been looked for between the Genesee rivet and the waters of the Seneca. The discovery of the passage of8 the Irondequot reaily solved the whole ques- tion. It is quite common for men possessing much information in regard to the history of the canal, to say that its practicability was determined by the expenditure of the small sum of six hundred dollars—which was the sum the State appropri- ated for making the sarvey and the maps and report of 1808. The true statement of the case is this: the sum appropriated by the State was ex- pended under the instructions of the Surveyor- General in determining the ineligibility of the Lake Ontario route. The eligibility of the in- terior route wafe determined at the cost of sev- enty-three dollars, advanced by the Engineer from his own funds, and afterwards paid him by the State. On the 20th day of January, 1809, Mr. Ged- des submitted his report the Surveyor-General, and Mr. Dewitt said of it, in his letter to Mr. Darby, that it marked out a route “ almost pre- cisely in the line, which, after repeated, elabo- rate and expensive examinations, has been final- ly adopted.” He continues: “ Th'us then was, by the operations of 1808, the fact satisfactorily established, that a canal from Lake Erie to Hud- son’s river was not only practicable, but practi- cable with uncommon facility.” (Canal Laws, vol. 1, p. 40,41.) This report of Mr. Geddes occupies twenty- five pages of the first volume of the official his- tory of the canal (Canal Laws, vol. 1, from p. 13 to 38), and shows that the whole subject had been carefully considered. The route proposed by the way of the Tonnewanda swamp Mr. Elli- cott supposed would have a summit not more than twenty feet above the mouth of Tonnewanda Creek, and not more than ten feet above Lake Erie, and that Oak Orchard Creek and some other streams would furnish sufficicient water to supply this summit. Mr. Geddes saw the objections to encounter- ing this summit, and suggested there may be “ found some place in the ridge that bounds the Tonnewanda valley on the north, as low as the level of Lake Erie, where a canal may be led across, and conducted onward, without increas- ing the lockage by rising to the Tonnewanda swamp” (Canal Laws, vol. 1, p. 32.) In this conjecture he proved to be substantially cor- rect, and subsequent investigation showed that the Tonnewanda Summit was seventy-five feet above Lake Erie. It may be well to remark here, that but for the finding of a route out of the Tonnewanda valley to the north, and thus keeping below the level of Lake Erie, the canal could never have been successful. The supply of water on the Tonnewanda summit would have proved insuf- ficient to transact the business of the canal be- fore the lapse of many years; and if this had not proved to be so, it is very doubtful whether the one hundred and fifty feet of extra lockage would not have been looked upon as too for- midable in tho first cost, and as an obstruction too serious to navigation, to have given any preference to the interior route over that by way of Lake Ontario. The same may be said in re- gard to the Irondequot embankment. But for those natural ridges, that now look like the work of man, we can hardly suppose that the public mind would have been brought up to hazarding the immense expenditure that would have been necessary to have constructed an entire embank* ment. The real object of Judge Forman’s joint resolution was accomplished, so far as to estab- lish the practicability of a canal by the interior route. The next thing to be done was to pro* vide the money necessary to do the work. Ho had recited in his resolution, the message of Mr. Jefferson to Congress, in which the President recommends that the surplus moneys of the Treasury, over and above such sums as could be applied to the extinguishment of the national debt, be appropriated to the great national ob- jects of opening canals and making turnpike roads. Believing this recommendation bad been made in good faith, and that either the whole work would be assumed by the nation, or that, at the least, it would aid in it, Judge For- man, in January, 1809, made a journey to Washington to lay the project before Mr. Jeffer- son. Introduced by his representative in Con* gress, the same William Kirkpatrick who had aided so much in electing him on the Onondaga “ Canal Ticket,” he stated that the State of Hew York had\ explored a route for a canal, that, once constructed, would people the whole North* western Territory, and he fnlly set forth the ad* vantages of such a canal to the whole country^ in peace and in war. After hearing attentively, the President replied that it was a very* fineproject, and might be executed a century hence. u Why, sir,” he said, “here is a canal of a few miles projected by General Washington, which, if completed, would render this a fine commer- cial city, which has languished for many years, because the small sum of two hundred thousand dollars necessary to complete it cannot be ob- tained from the General Government, the State Government, or from individuals, and you talk of making a canal 350 miles through the wilder- ness ! It is little short of madness to think of it at this day.” In a letter to Governor Clinton in 1822, Mr. Jefferson alludes to this interview, and says : 1 ‘ Many, I dare say, still think with me that Npfa York has anticipated, by a full century, the ordinary progress of improvement. I!his great work suggests a question, both cu- rious and difficult, as to the comparative capa- bility of nations to execute great enterprises. It is not from greater surplus of produce, after supplying their own wants, for in this New York is not beyond some other States: is it from other sources of industry additional to her pro- duce 1 This may be : or is it a moral superior- ity—a sounder calculating mind, as to the most profitable employment of surplus, by improve- ment of capital, instead of useless consumption 1 I should lean to this latter hypothesis, were, I disposed to puzzle myself with such investiga- tions” (Hosack, p. 348.) Mr. Forman returned from Washington dis- appointed, but not discouraged. He knew that the report of the survey of 1808 furnished the materials for a successful agitation, and he and his coadjutors gave no rest to the public mind. Simeon DeWitt says: “The favorable light in which this year’s work presented the projected enterprise, after encountering prejudices from Various sources, and oppositions made for va- rious reasons, induced the Legislature, in 1810, to organize a board of commissioners, with pow- ers and means to prosecute the business” (Canal Laws, vol. 1, p, 41.) In a letter to Doctor Ho- sack, dated in 1828, Judge Forman says: “ The report of Judge Geddes proved beyond a doubt the practicability of a canal on the interior route, and put at rest all further question of the one through Lake Ontario” (Hosack, p. 348.) Ed- ward P. Livingston, who was a member of the New York Senate from July, 1808, to 1812, says *n his letter to Doctor Hosack: “ The report of Mr. Geddes, in 1809, led the public mind more generally to think on the subject, and in 1810 Mr. Platt introduced his resolutions into the Senate” (Ibid, p. 395.) Judge Platt lived in Oneida county, and had been elected to the Senate of the State in 1809 and appears, by his letter to Dr. Hosack (page 382 of his memoir), to have been moved to intro- duce his resolution by the efforts of Thomas Eddy, who was one of the directors of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company, to have a law passed in aid of that company. Mr. Platt felt that tho time had come for the State to assume the whole subject of improving its in- ternal navigation, and that a canal—not the re- moval of bars and obstructions from the beds of rivers, and the making of locks around the rapids—was the object at which the public should aim; that rivers and lakes should be made serviceable to feed a canal that should reach from Lake Erie to tide-water, if such could be made. It took a night’s argument to bring Mr. Eddy to see the force of this view; but once convinced, he became a zealous and useful friend of such a canal. The resolution was drawn up for the appoint- ment of commissioners with power to examine the whole sabject and report their views to the Legislature. It was introduced on the 13th day of March, and by the 15th had passed both houses by unanimous votes—such had been the progress in public opinion in the short time that had elapsed since Judge Forman’s movement had been received with derision. The resolution was drawn up with a view to place on the Commission men of commanding talents and position belonging to both political parties, whose services should be given without compensation, When the resolution was intro- duced, at the request of Mr. Clinton a blank was left for the names, that he might be unembar- rassed in seconding it. The day after its pas- sage, in blank, the names of Gouverneur Morris, Stephen VanRensselaer, DeWitt Clinton, Simeon DeWitt, William North, Thomas Eddy and Peter B. Porter, were inserted. In this movement Mr. Platt consulted Stephen Van Rensselaer and Abraham Van Vecbten, then members of the Assembly, and who both gave their valuable aid in that House, During the session three thousand dollars10 were appropriated to pay the expenses that the commissioners might incur for surveys, and such objects generally as were embraced in the dis- charge of their duties. Mr. Platt has given in his letter to Doctor Hosack an interesting account of his consulta- tion with Mr. Clinton, saying, “ Mr. Clinton was then a member of the Senate, and possessed a powerful influence over the dominant party in the State. * * * We requested an inter- view, and unfolded our plan, and the prominent facts and considerations in support of it. * * * Mr. Clinton listened with intense interest, and deep agitation of mind. He then said that he was in a great measure a stranger to the western interior of our State; that he had given but little attention to the subject of canal naviga- tion, but that the exposition of our plan struck his mind with great force; that he was then prepared to say that it was an object worthy of thorough examination; and that if I would move the resolution in blank (without the names of the commissioners), he would second and support itand Judge Platt says,u From this period Mr. Clinton devoted the best powers of his vigorous and capacious mind to this subject, and he appeared to grasp and realize it as an object of the highest public utility, and worthy of his noblest ambition1’ (Hosack, pp. 383, 384.) On the second day of July, 1810, the commis- sioners all met at the Surveyor General’s office in Albany (Campbell’s Life of Clinton, p. 30 ) Mr. DeWitt having engaged Mr, Geddes to at- tend them as Surveyor from Utica to show them the route he had reported in favor of, Gouverneur Morris and General Van Rensselaer determined to make the trip by land, the other commissioners, except General North, by the line of the rivers in boats as far as Geneva. The party in boats embarked on the fourth day of July from Schenectady, and toiled up the Mohawk to Utica, making observations as they progressed in regard to the river. On the tenth' day of the month the Board were all present at a meeting in Utica, and there they met the Sur- veyor. On the 12th day of July the commis- sioners held a meeting at Rome, to make their final arrangements for the exploration. Here their work really commenced, for this was the dividing point of the routes by Lake Ontario, and directly across the country. All east of this summit had been surveyed by the Western Lock Navigation Company, and had been used from the earliest period in which the country had been known. At this important meeting Mr. Morris gave his views in regard to the inte* nor route. “ He was for breaking down the mound of Lake Erie, and letting out the waters to follow the level of the country, so as to form a sloop navigation with the Hudson, without any aid from any other water” (Clinton’s Jour- nal Campbell’s Life, p. 54.) This shows what was meant by the expression used by Mr. Morris in 1803, in his conversation with Mr. DeWitt—“ tapping Lake LrieMr. Clinton records this announcement of the senior commissioner, in his journal, but makes no,com- ments. Though Mr. Morris bad been consider- ing the subject of a water communication from the great lakes to the Hudson, ever since 177T (Hosack, p. 250), and had visited the canals of Europe to gather information, he had not ar- rived at any true conception of what the face of the country would permit of being done, and it is not strange that Mr. Dewitt should have called his scheme a u romantic” thing. The Surveyor, who had for six years been gathering facts and making examinations of the country, knew that such a scheme was utterly impracticable. Long after this, in 1829, Mr. Geddes said, in a pub- lished letter, “ I had great oportunities of being acquainted with Mr. Morris’s canal notions. His great desire to lessen lockage probably sugge&t- ted the idea of passing across the country south of Lake Ontario.” From Rome the Commissioners adjourned to meet at Geneva. Oswego was visited, and the party retraced their way to Three River Point* and thence up the Seneca river to Cayuga and Seneca lakes, arriving at Geneva on the 24th day of July, where they found a letter from that part of the company that bad gone by land, promising to meet them on the Niagara river. The parties that explored the rivers consisted of Messrs. Clinton, De Witt, Eddy, North and Porter, Commissioners, and Geddes, Surveyor. This journey was undertaken at no little has- ard to health at this season of the year. Great Pains were taken to protect the party from ma- laria, and only one or two of the number ex- perienced much injury from the deadly fevers that then made these rivers of so bad repute.11 At Geneva the boats were sold, and carriages procured. From this place the party went to view the confluence of Mud Creek and the Can- andaigua outlet at Lyons. Mr. Clinton says in his journal that on the 27th of July they crossed the Irondequoit creek at Mann’s Mills, where Mr. Geddes proposes a great embank- ment for his canal, from the Genesee river to the head waters of Mud Creek. He crosses Ironde- quoit creek here, in order to obtain the greatest elevation of ground on the other side.” (Camp- bell, p. 111.) The Genesee river was carefully observed at the point where Rochester now stands, and then the party went on westward by the Ridge road and arrived at Lewiston at the end of the month and on the second day of August were joined by Morris and Yan Rensselaer. On the third of August a meeting was held a Chippeway, at which they gave Mr. Geddes in structions to take levels and distances on a va- riety of points, and adjourned to meet in the city of New York. (Campbell, p. 132 ) On the fifth of August Mr. Clinton says they were at Buffalo, which he describes as a place of great resort. All persons that travel to the Western States and Ohio, from the Eastern States, and all that visit the Falls of Niagara, come this way. The village, he said, “ contained from thirty to forty houses, * * five lawyers and no church.” (Campbell, p. 136 and 137.) At Black Rock the party broke up, leaving Mr. Geddes to commence his surveys. Mr. Geddes* first business was to find, if such a place existed, a depression in the range of lands that bounded the valley of the Tonnewan- da creek on its north side—through which the waters of Lake Erie might be carried without too deep cutting to be admissable. In this he was entirely successful. On the second day of March, 1811, the Com- missioners made their first report, drawn up by their President, Mr. Morris. They reported against the Lake Ontario route, giving such good reasons for so doing, that henceforth only enemies of the canal urged its adoption. In reference to an inland navigation the Com- missioners say that “ they beg leave to refer for information to the annexed reports and maps of Mr. James Geddes. * * From these it is evident that such navigation is practicable. Whether the route he sketched out will here- after be pursued ; whether a better may not be found—and other questions subordinate to those, can only be solved at at a future time.” (Canal Laws, p. 52.) The Commissioners go on to give a general view of the country, and propose a canal from Lake Erie to the Hudson with an average de- scent of six inches per mile. This was Mr. Morris’s idea of a canal, and to carry it out he was willing to make the enormous embank- ments that would be required to cross the val- lies of the Genesee, 26 feet high; Seneca river 83 feet high, and Caynga 180 feet. He estima- ted the cost of such a canal from the Niagara river to the Hudson at only five millioo dollars. One valuable suggestion of this report will forever remain of controlling force. They pro- test against allowing any private individuals or company owniDg this canal—urging that it would prevent cheap transportation. On the 8th day of May, 1811, a law was passed addiog to the Commission Robert R, Livingston and Robert Fulton, and giving power to employ engineers and make further surveys, and to make application to the National and State Governments for aid to execute the great work Fifteen thousand dollars were appropriated. On the 14th day of March, 1812, the Commis- sioners made their second report, in which they say they have met with no success in their ap- plications to other States and the National Gov- ernment for aid, and say that, having once of- fered the the Government and the offer not having been accepted, the State is at liberty to consult and pursue the maxims of policy, and derive for itself the benefits of the tolls that may justly be collected. They say that they have continued their surveys, and quote from a letter of the English Engineer, Mr. Weston: “ From the perspicuous topographical descrip- tion and neat plan and profile of the route of the contemplated canal, I entertain little doubt of the practicability of the measure.” (Canal Laws, vol. 1, pp. 81, 82.) These maps and pro- files were made by Mr. Geddes, and sent to Eng- land for the opinion of the then most eminent Engineer of that country. In this report Mr. Morris abandons his idea of an inclined plane east of the Seneca outlet. The estimated cost of a canal is raised to $6,000,000.12 In November, 1811, Judge Benjamin Wright, of the village of Rome, who had been in the service of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company as an Engineer, was employed to make a survey of the north side of the Mohawk river. His report demonstrated tho impracticabilty of a canal along that river, having a uniform de- scent of six inches to the mile. (Canal Laws, vol.l,pp. 531-557.) The Commissioners had now in their service two men who afterwards became eminent as en- gineers, and of whom it may with truth be said, they were the fathers, in this country, of a new liberal profession; and that of the great number of able civil engineers that have succeeded them, none have excelled them. But of the capacity of these two men the Commissioners and the public generally had not become informed, and •the report of 1812 calls them Surveyors, and dwells on the importance of securing the ser- vices of a “ capable engineer of the first talents, tried integrity and approved experience.” After- wards, in 1821, the Commisssioners, say that to these two men the State is mostly indebted for tho manner in which they discharged their du- ties—and that they have been found equal to the high trusts confided to them. (Canal Laws, vol. 2, p. 28.) To the fact that the Commissioners for many years expected to put the canal in charge of an engineer of European reputation, we may as- cribe the practice that very early grew up of not giving the reports of what they called their u Surveyors ” to the public. The reports of the engineers were generally used by the Commis- sioners to furnish materials that in the more im- posing name of the Commission, were laid be- fore the Legislature. . On the 19th day of June, 1812, an important law was passed, authorizing the Commissioners to purchase all the rights and interests of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company, with certain provisos, anci to borrow the sum of five millions of dollars, to be used in the construc- tion of the canal. On the 8th day of March 1814, the Commis- sioners reported that they had appointed an English engineer who was soon to be at work ascertaining the best line for the canal from Lake Erie to the Hudson, and that they have caused further investigations to be made up to the last summer, when they were suspended in consequence of the war. In this report they express a desire to not be held as committed exclusively to a canal descending according to the level of the country, like an inclined plane. (Canal Laws, vol. 1, p. 105.) On the 15th day of April, 1814, the law of 1812/authorizing the borrowing of 85,000,000, was repealed. The war with Great Britain then absorbed all thoughts and all energies, and while it continued all efforts for a canal were abandoned, and the project slept; until in the fall of 1815 a movement was made in the city of New York by Mr, Clinton, Judge Platt and Mr. Eddy. Cards of invitation were sent to about one hundred men to meet at the City Hall, to consult as to the best measures to he adopted. Villiam Bayard was chairman and John Pintard secretary. Judge Platt made a speech, and urged tho formal abandonment of the plan of an inclined plane, and the appointment of a committee to prepare and circulate a memorial to the Legis- lature in favor of the canal. Mr. Clinton was put at the head of this committee, and associa- ted with him were Thomas Eddy, Cadwallader D. Colden and John Swartwout. Mr. Clinton drew the memorial, with his wonderful ability, showing a perfect knowedge of the subject, with a sagacious discernment of its beneficial results to the State and to the nation. (Platt in Ho* sack’s Memoir, pp. 385-6.) This was a signal of a concerted movement along the whole line. Great meetings were held at Albany, Utica, Onondaga, Geneva, Can- andaigua and Buffalo. The meeting in Onon- daga was held the 23d day of February, 1816, and was presided over by James Geddes, and its memorial was drawn by Joshua Forman. It was signed by over three thousand petitioners. (Clark’s Onon., vol. 2, p. 59.) At the meeting in Canandaigua Colonel Troup presided, and Gideon Granger, John Greig, John Nicholas, Nathan N. Howell, and Myron Holly took ao* tive parts in its proceedings. This agitation led to more then one hundred thousand petitioners asking the Legislature to at once go on with the the construction of the canal. On the 8tb day of March, 1816, the Commis- sions made their next report, and in this they call on the Legislature to furnish means to pay13 a professional engineer, and say that there are so few competent persons in Europe that there is every inducement to employ one of our own countrymen if the necessary scientific and prac- tical knowedge can be founds The negotiations with Mr. Weston, who had ucted as consulting engineer, and as such had examined the maps and profiles of Mr. Geddes, had failed. He had been offered a salary of seven thousand dollars a year to leave England and come and take the direction of the construc- tion of the canal. At last he gave a final re- fusal, saying he only declined the greatest hon- or ever offered him because of age and family matters. Thus the Commissioners were forced to employ native and New York talent. The report of 1816 says nothing about in- clined planes, and it is not signed by Mr. Mor- ris, as Mr. Colden (p. 45) suggests-for this rea- son. Much surveying had been done, out of defer- ence to Mr. Monis’s views (Personal Communi- cations from Mr. Geddes), his tenacity being Very great. But the measure had passed be- yond his control, and with his influence passed •away the idea that a foreign engineer must have the direction of the loctaion and construction of our canals. Though the war had checked the enterprise for a while, it had conclusively shown the im- portance of its success. The want of a practi- cable communication from the seaboard to the lakes was grievously felt. It has been said that at one time the cost of the transportation of •cannon from Albany to the lakes was twice and more than twice their first cost. (Colden, p. 42.) The flood of petitions poured on the Legisla- ture was answered by the passage, on the 17th day of April, 1816, of “ ai^ act to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of this •■State.” The joint committee of the Senate and As- sembly, by Mr. Jacob Rutzen Yan Rensselaer, made their report, on the 21st day of March, and they embraced in it statements from Mr. Geddes of the characfer of the route from Lake Erie to the Seneca river, and of Mr. Wright, from the Seneca river to the Hudson. The report of the committee, embracing the communications of these engineers, was strong- ly in favor of immediately commencing the work. After a very long discussion this hill was so amended as to provide for the making of surveys and the gathering of information in re- gard to the whole cost, not only of the Erie Ca- nal, hut of a canal along the Hudson from tide- water to Lake Champlain. But no authority was given to commence the work. The Commission wassomewhat altered by the law of 1816—Mr. Morris, General Peter B. Por- ter and SimeoD Be Witt of the original Commis- sion were left off—and some new names added, so that the Commission as newly constituted consisted of Stephen Van Rensselaer, Be Witt Clinton, Samuel YouDg, Joseph Ellicott and Myron Holley. * Mr. Morris was doubtless left off in consequence of the difficulties that had grown out of the drawing of the last report. That Mr. Morris felt the injury that was being done him, appears from his note dated March 9, 1816, which was published in the American in April, 1819. He says: “ I have an ardent wish that the canal may be made; but so humble is my ambition, that I am content that the reputa- tion of having imagined, proposed, and carried it into effect, be given to any person.” Could this blow have been defered four months he would have been beyond its reach, for by that time he was in his grave. General Porter was concerned in determining the boundary line be- tween the United States and the British Posses* 8ions—he being Commissioner for our Govern- ment. Twenty thousand dollars were appropriated to carry out the Canal Law of 1816. In 1814 the Canal Commissioners had pro* posed the Champlain Canal, and by 1816 it had become evident to the friends of the Erie Canal that they most combine the Northern Canal with their own to get the necessary strength in the Legislature, and thus the projects were united. On the 17th day of May, 1816, the Commis- sioners met at New York, and appointed Mr, Clinton President, Mr. iToung Secretary, and Mr. Holley Treasurer, and on the 17 th day of Pehrnary, 1817, they made their first report, from which it appears that Mr. Ellicott, having for his engineer William Peacock, made a care- ful exploration of the route that he had favored from Buffalo to the Genesee river, by way of the summit between Tonnewanda Creek and14 Black Creek;—that Mr. Geddes took a point eleven miles up the Tonnewauda Creek and fol- lowed his route, keeping below the level of Lake Erie, and leading its waters as far east as the Seneca River, where his section terminated. Of this section thus marked out, the commis- sioners say, it has a level of 69 miles and 51$ chains, and they speak of it as having other great advantages. The middle section of the canal extended from the Seneca river to Rome, and was put under the charge of Mr. Benjamin Wright. The eastern section, extending from Rome to the Hudson liver, was put under Mr. Charles C. Broadhead as engineer. The Northern Canal had for its engineer Lewis Garin. As has been stated, all efforts to secure the services of the English engineer, Mr. Watson, having failed, the commissioners were in great doubt as the best course to pursue. Under these circumstances Mr. Geddes and Mr. Wright, having consulted with each other, appeared be- fore the Board, and expressed their confidence in their ability to locate and construct the canals, but expressed a strong desire that the commissioners should feel a like confidence if they were to be entrusted with the responsi- bility (Personal Communication from James Geddes.) Most fortunately for the Stale, the commissioners gave these engineers that confi- dence. Butin so doiDg they encountered the censures of tho enemies of the canals, in and out of legislative halls. On the Assembly floor, it was tauntingly asked, “Who is this James Geddes, and who is this Benjamin Wright that the Commissioners have trusted with this re- sponsibility—what canals have they ever con- structed I What great public works have they accomplished 7” But really the Commissioners had no alternative-—and now it is easy to se that the course adopted was much wiser than ' have entrusted the canals to the keeping of any one man, as would have been the case had the efforts made to secure Mr. Weston been suc- cessful. To add still more to these difficulties in re- gard to the engineering, it was said in high places, by men who claimed much knowledge on such subjects, that no confidence could be planed in an ordinary engineer’s spirit level for laying out long lines of canal, and that there was no possibility of running a line for the long levels that yvas not liable to be erroneous to the whole depth of the canal. So much annoyance did these cavilers produce that in the next year it was deemed expedient to settle that matter that a full test should be made. It was decid- ed that Mr. Geddes should start at a given point on the canal line at Rome, and carry a level along the road to the east end of Oneida Lake, and taking the height of the lake while the wa- ter was tranquil, that he should then connect by a level the Oneida'with Onondaga Lake; af- ter which carry a level from that lake to the ca- nal line—thence to work east, laying off sections along the canal line. This he did, and laid out nine miles towards Rome. Mr. Wright started from the same point in Rome, and carried the line westward until he came to the stakes set, by Mr. Geddes. The levels of these two engi- neers, which embra ced a circuit of nearly one hundred miles, differed from each other less than an inch and a half!! (Canal Laws, vol. I, pp. 369, 370, and Personal Communication,) The publication of the result of this test level put an end to much of the talk of pretenders to scientific knowledge. The report of the Commissioners in March, 1817, was very elaborate, and was made up chif fly from the reports of the engineers,1 and without giving them any credit, but so drawn as to make only the Commissioners appear to the public (See Mr. Wright’s letter in Hosack’a Memoir, p. 504), and this continued to be hence- forth the uniform practice of the Commission-. ©is. On the 15th day of April, 1817, the canal policy of this State was finally established by law. This law was supported in the Assembly with great ability by many members, and op^ posed as desperately lyr others. The eminent •Elisha Williams, then a member from Columbia county, broke over the claims of local interests and gave the bill a support that was decisive; “ he appealed to the members from New York city, who were almost to a man hostile to the project, ‘ If,’ said he, turning to a leading mem- ber of that delegation, ‘ if the canal is to be a shower of gold, it will fall upon New York; if a river of gold, it will flow into her lap,’ ” (Ho*» sack, p. 450.) In the Senate, Mr. Martin Van Buren’s15 support was as efficient as that of Mr. Wiliams in the Assembly. He in- sisted that the facts were then folly ascertained and that the time had come to com- mence the work. So marked was the effect of Mr. Van Buren’s speech that when he sat down, Mr. Clinton who had been a listener in the Sen- ate Chamber, “ breaking through that reserve which political collisions had created, ap- proached him and expressed his thanks for his exertions in the most flattering terms.” (Ho- sack, p. 453.) The law had still to pass the ordeal of the Council of Revision. Judge Platt who had be- come one of the members of that body, gives the following account of its action. The The Council consisted of Lieutenant and acting Governor Taylor, Chancellcr Kent, Chief Justice Thompson, Judges Yates and Platt. After the bill had been read, the president called on the Chancellor for his opinion. He said he had given very little attention to the subject; that it appeared to him a gigantic project, which would require the wealth of the United States to accomplish; that it had passed the Legisla- ture by small majorities, after a desperate strug- gle : and he thought it inexpedient to commit the State in such a vast undertaking until pub- lic opinion could be better united in its favor. Chiet Justice Thompson said he cherished no hostility to the canal, and that he would not en- quire as to the majorities, as the Legislature had agreed to the measure he would be inclined to leave the responsibility with them; but he said the bill gave arbitrary powers to the Commis- sioners over private rights, without proper guards, and he therefore opposed the bill. Judge Yates was a decided friend of the canal, and voted for the bill. Judge Platt was also ardent in its favor. The Lieutenant Governor “ panted with honest zeal to strangle the infant Hercules in its birth by his casting vote in tho negative.’ A warm discussion arose, but a more temperate examination of the bill obviated in some meas- ure the objections of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, “ Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins [late Governor of the State] came into the Coun- cil Chamber and familiarly took a seat, and joined in the argument, which was informal and desultory. He expressed a decided opinion against the bill, and ami ng other reasons, he stated that the late peace with Great Britain was a mere 'trace; that we should undoubtedly soon have a renewed war with that country; and that instead of wasting the credit and re- sources of the State on this chimerical project we ought immediately to employ all the reve- nue and credit of the State, in providing arsen- als, arming the militia, erecting fortifications and preparing for war. “ Do you think so, Sir T* said Chancellor Kent. “ Yes, Sir,” was the reply ; “ England will never forgive us for onr victories on the land and on the ocean and the lakes; and my word for it, we shall have an- other war with her within two years.” The Chan- cellor, then rising from his seat, with great ani- mation declared, “ if we are to have war, or to have a canal, I am in favor of* the canal, and I vote for the bill.” Thus Platt, Yates and Kent out-voted Taylor and Thompson, and the bill became a law. So narrow are the chances on which great measures sometimes turn. The accidental com- ing into the Council Chamber of the Vice Presi- dent of the United States to oppose an already lost measure, by using, for his purposes, an un- fortunate argument, made no less a man than the great lawgiver of this continent change his views, and with his change the fortunes of the bill were changed. The Chancellor, looking from his political standpoint, undoubtedly thought that if the ability of this State was taxed to the utmost in constructing a canal, that the dominant party would find more difficulty in involving the nation in war; than it would havej if our finances were embarrassed, and that with the Vice President “ the wish was father to the thought.” This law, that was passed with so much diffi- culty, created the Board known as the ‘ Com- missioners of the Canal Fund,” consisting of the Lieutenant Governor, the Comptroller, the At- torney General, the Surveyor General, Secre- tary of State, and the State Treasurer, whose duty it is “ to manage to the best advantage all things belonging to said fund.” The Canal Commissioners were authorized to commence constructing the canals from Lakes Erie and Champlain to the Hudson river. by opening communication by canals and locks between the Mohawk aud Seneca rivers, and between Lake Champlain and the Hudson river,16 receiving from the Commissioners' of the Canal fund the moneys necessary. A fund was created, by imposing a duty of twelve and a half cents per bushel upon all salt to be manufactured in the western district of this State; a tax of one dollar on every passen- ger that should make a trip of over one hundred miles on any steamboat on the Hudson river, and half that sum for any distance less than one hundred miles and over thirty miles ; the pro- ceeds of all lotteries which should be drawn in this State, after the sums then granted on them were paid; all the net proceeds from the West- ern Inland Navigation Company property which was to be purchased; all the donations made, or to be made ; all the duties upon sales at auc- tion, after deducting $33,500 annually, which sum was appropriated to the Hospital, economi- cal school, orphan asylum, and foreign poor in the city of New York. Besides these several means of revenue, $250,- 000 were to be raised by levying a tax on all the lands and real esiate lying along the route of said canals, and within twenty-five miles there- of on each side, the assessment to be made by the Canal Commissioners according to the bene- fit which in their opinion will be derived from the canals. This financial scheme proved eminently suc- cessful. The salt duties alone paying towards the canals more than $3,000,000—which is con- siderably more than one-third of the cost of both of them—and by September, 1833, the salt and auction duties had paid $5,812,621. (State Engineer’s Report 1862, p. 139.) The tax on steamboat passengers was suspended the next year, and the tax on lands along the canals was never collected, and the lotteries never paid any- thing. George Tibbetts, then a Senator from Troy, was the author of this financial scheme, and to him belongs the great credit that has so justly been awarded to it. (Hosack, See Stones’ and Tibbitt’s account.) v Thus has been traced from the suggestion of Gouverneur Morris, in 1803, to Simeon De Witt, in the year 1817, the project of uniting Lake Erie and tile-water on the Hudson river—for thus long was the State in maturing anything that can justly be called a canal policy—and from so small a beginning did this mighty policy spring.. The time was ripe, and the men, just fitted to do the various thiogs that were necessary to be done, most fortunately stood ready for the duty. Gouverneur Morris is beyond all doubt entitled to the credit of having made the sug- gestion of the “ interior route.” This sugges- tion was seized by a man who, though of few words, was persevering, and who by hard labor accomplished great results. It has been asked why Mr. Geddes, being ft member of the Legislature when Mr. De Witt told him of Mr. Morris’s “romantic” scheme, did not move for some legislative action. The answer is, he had then had no time to mature his views, nor had he yet gathered such facts as were necessary to justify legislative action. To appropriate all the knowledge of the to* pography of the country that then existed was his first work. Correspondence with land agents and surveyors in the Western part of the State was resorted to, and so successful had been his inquiries that, when in 1808 Mr. De Witt issued his instructions as to a survey, Mr. Ellicotfc had pointed out a route from the Niag* ara river to the Genesee—which, if a better one could not be found, it was thought would an- swer for the then supposed wants of a canal— so that that the whole question was very soon narrowed down to the country between the Genesee river and the head waters of Mud Creek* By 1807, the time had come for legislative ac- tion, and few men have ever lived in this State better calculated to procure such action than Joshua Forman. The only apparent difficulty was in his belonging to the Federal party in politics, and living in a county strongly Demo- cratic, and thus as a partizan he could not be elected; and to secure his services it was neces- sary to form a new party—a canal party. This was done so well that the then Democratic member of Congress, Dr. Kirkpatrick, as well as many others prominent in that party, ar- dently supported the movement. Forman was successful in the Legislature, and the survey of 1808 was the result, and this survey led to the appointment of a Board of Canal Commission- ers, having for one of its members De Witt Clin- ton, who personally informed himself of the topographical formation of the country, and17 thus became convinced of the practicability of a canal; and holding the position that be did in political influence in the State, he was able to do more than it has at any other time been granted 'to one man to do for the glory and prospeiity of our State. In a government constituted like ours, no great measure can be successful without the Concurrence of the efforts of many influential then; and now that we look back on this, we Cannot but see that, while to no one man can we give all the credit, there is enough to divide and give an ample share to every one of those who were instrumental in bringing everything to a successful conclusion. No more fitting words can be chosen to close this paper than those used by Mr. Morris in the Commissioner’s Report of 1812: “ The life of an individual is short. The time is not distant when those who make this report will have passed away. But we can fix no term to the existence of a State; and the first wish of a patriot’s heart is, that his own may be eter- nal. But whatever limit may have been assign- ed to the duration of New York by those eter- nal decrees which established the heavens and the earth, it is hardly to be expected that she will be blotted from the list of political societies before the effects here predicted shall have been sensibly felt. And even when, by the flow of that perpetual stream which bears all human in- stitutions away, our Constitution shall be dis- solved and our laws be lost, still the descendants of our children’s children will remain. The same mountains will stand, the same river’s flow, new moral combinations will be formed on the old physical foundations, and the extended line of remote posterity, after the lapse of thousands of years, and the ravages of repeated revolu- tions; when the records of history shall have been obliterated, and the tongue of tradition have converted the shadowy remembrance of ancient events into childish tales of miracle,— this national work shall fremain. It shall bear testimony to the genius, the learning, the indus- try and intelligence of the present age.” \APPENDIX. APPENDIX A. Judge Oliver R. Strong, now eighty-five years old, still hale and hearty, in the full possession of all his faculties, and who for nearly half a century held important offices—amoDg them Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Member of Assembly, and County Treasurer—and who all his life has commanded the respect of all men, has at various times reminded me of a con- versation that occurred early in 1804, imme- diately after Mr. Geddes had returned from serving in the Legislature of that year, at Onon- daga Hill, then the county seat, naming as pres- ent Doctor Walter Cotton, General John C. Ellis, Warren Ellis, and others. Mr. Geddes told the gentlemen present of the suggestion that he had received in Albany of a route^or a canal across the country direct from Lake Erie, avoiding Lake Ontario entirely, and urged its impor- tance, and the probability of the practicabi ity of such a scheme. Judge Strong has written me a letter saying that he well remembers the election of Judge Forman in 1807; that Forman was well known to be in favor of a canal, say- ing—“ I know many of the party opposed to him politically voted for him under the belief that he would render essential service in pro- moting the object which was near the hearts of all at that time; namely, the canal.” Judge Strong voted at that election, and he verifies the date of the conversation of Mr. Geddes in regard to the information he had brought from Albany, by circumstances that leave no doubt as to the accuracy of his memory. In Mr. Geddes’s let- ter to Dr. Hosack (page 262 of the Memoir) he said: “ When Mr. Morris’s-project of construct- ing a canal across the country, the whole dis- tance from Lake Erie to the Hudson, was made known and discussed in the interior, the scheme was adopted there, and spread with inconceiv- able rapidity.” APPENDIX B. In 1846 Judge Forman, feeble with old age, made a journey from his then home in North Carolina, to visit his friends yet alive in Onon- daga. His presence here produced much ex- citement, which found some expression in a pub- lic dinner given him at the Syracuse House. At this dinner speeches were made, and the Judge’s services to the State and this locality furnished a fruitful topic. Thomas Wheeler, then a res- ident of Salina, wrote a letter for publication in the Cnondaga Democrat, from which the following extract is taken: “ In April, 1807, Judge Forman called on me at Salina, and wanted me to support him for Member of Assembly, and urged as an induce- ment that he wanted to make a proposition for a canal from Lake Erie to the Hudson; and also urged the Duke of Bridgwater’s canal, and the great increase of the salt trade after it was finished. He alluded to the remark of Thomas Jefterson that there was money in the United States Treasury which might be ap- propriated to roads and canals; and took the ground that there was no other place where a canal could be made [on account of the Alle- ghany mountains] in the United States, but through the State of New York, to connect the great lakes with tide-water. He also stated that Gouverneur Morris had written from the banks of Lake Erie that the money that Great Britain had expended in one campaign in war would make a ship canal from where he stood to tide-water; that the canal, if made, must pass near where he then sat; that it should be a State concern and not a Political one; and went into a calculation of the expense, which, with wooden locks, we made less than $5,000,000. Thus he urged me for more than an hour; but I refused. He then started to go away, and when near the door turned round and asked me if I ever stood on Caneseraga hills, and observed that the coun- try north, east and west was level as far as the eye could reach. I told him I had; and then I thought if a canal was only made from Rome19 to Cayuga Lake, it would be of great advantage to this section of the State, and then I agreed to support him, and thought the business closed. But he was not satisfied. He wanted to see William Kirkpatrick, the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs. The Doctor came, and much the same arguments and calculations were used and gone through with, at the close of which Doctor K. raised both hands and said, with much emphasis, “I will support you.’ Soon after, I gave a boy three dollars to attend the election in another town, and see that each elector had a ticket with Joshua Farman’s name on it, which I think was the first money ever paid for starting the Brie Canal.” To give further information in regard to the election of Judge Forman in 1807, the statement of Mr. Ira A. Gillchres, who still lives in the town of Salina, is added to this note. In 1806, coming from Whitesboro, Oneida county, with Capt. William Gillchres, his father, Judge Forman and others, from attending a law- suit, in which Capt. Gillchres was a party, and Judge Forman was his lawyer, they rested on top of Caneseraga Hill, Judge Forman pointed out the level country north of them and said to Capt. G.,—“ Is not that a fine plane 1 The time is not far distant when yon will see vessels sailing along that plane; you will see the waters of the Hudson and Lake Erie mingled together.’» Explaining his views at length, Capt. G. became convinced of their value, and said to the Judge that he should go the Legislature and get an appropriation for surveys. To this the reply was, that, being a Federalist, he could not ex- pect to be elected. To this Capt. G. said he thought that his influence in the* Democratic party might overcome that difficulty. Mr. Ira A. Gillchres goes on to say, that the political movement thus suggested by his father was made, and that the ticket at the election was beaded “ Canal Ticket” and that from Capt. Gill- shres’ tavern in Salina these tickets were sent over the county. The heading of the tickets was designed to give strength to the movement. This same Ira A. Gillchres was one of Mr. Ged- les’s party in his survey in 1808. This Jong note is inserted that there may be 10 doubt as to the fact that the election in 1807 urned in Onondaga county on the question of a jacal across the country (not by Lake Ontario), as this whole matter has been ignored by the claimants to the honor of fir&t proposing the in- terior route, without having received the sug- gestion as coming from Goaverneur Morris. append ix c. In 1829 appeared Dr. Hosack’s memoir of DeWitt Clinton. In the Appendix (page 301, &c.), Mr. Hawley sets up the claim to have been the originator of the overland route; and again, in the Monroe Democrat in 1835, he pressed his claims on the public. To the Dem- ocrat Mr. Geddes wrote under date of November 16th, 1835, and said: “ In a letter written Feb* ruary, 1822, by Simeon DeWitt, Esq., the lat© Surveyor General, which letter has been pub* lished in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, he says —* The merit of first starting the idea of a di- rect communication by water, between Lake Erie and Hudson River, unquestionably belongs to Mr.- Gouverneur Morris. The first suggestion I had of it was from him in 1803,’ * * Mr. DeWitt further remarks—‘ Mr. Geddes says, when in company with Mr. Jesse Hawley it [the canal project] became a subject of conversation, which probably led to enquiries that induced Mr, Hawley to write the essays which after- wards appeared in newspapers on the subject of carrying a canal from Lake Erie to Albany,* The above letter remained seven years unno- ticed, until 1829, when Dr. Hosack’s Memoir ap- peared, containing Mr. Hawley’s letter.” Mr. Geddes goes on to say: “Bound in the same boards was a letter to Dr. Hosack from me (p. 226), in which I say I have not the least doubt that the ideas of every one on the internal route project are traceable to the conversations in 1803 between DeWitt and Morris. And was it not reasonable that no doubt should remain with me, seven years having passed away, with- out the appearance of any gainsayer 1” * * * In writing to Dr. Hosack in 1829, through precipitancy, not consulting dates which were at my hand, I blundered respecting the year when I saw Mr. Hawley in Geneva and informed him of Mr. Morris’s canal project. Mr. Hawley says it was at Geneva, whin ‘ visiting his relatives with whom I boarded.’ That this visit was in in 1805, and not in 1806, can be proved by sev? eral persons now (1835) living, and by written records indisputable. In the Democrat of the20 13th October, Mr. Hawley says—‘ The idea oc- curred to me about the 5th of April, 1805.* This was about two months after his interview with me, and not about ten months before, as he writes to Doctor Hosack.” In Mr. Geddes’s letter to Dr. Hosack, page 266, he says: 111 have the most perfect recollection of circum- stances, time and place, when I informed Mr, Jesse Hawley of the project. * * * I had a few days before seen a map of the country west of the Genesee River, from which I had received new ideas as to the probable track of such a canal, and finding in him a taste for such dis- quisitions, I conversed at length with him on the subject, and have no doubt but that I then informed him that the idea came from Mr, Morris.” APPENDIX D. Since the foregoing paper on the “ Origin of the Erie Canal” was read before the Buffalo Historical Society, I have been favored by Gouverneur Morris, Esq., son of the projector of the interior route of the canal, with the op- portunity of a full examination of such papers as are still preserved, that were left by that ex- traordinary man. From 1800 to within a few days of his death, in 1816, he kept a diary, but in which is entered only such matters as related to farm operations, the state of the weather, and the journeys he made; nor, except in rare instances, is there to be found any allusions to public events, or to public matters. Yet there were a few things that appeared worth repro- ducing here, as throwing light on some points discussed in the body of the paper. In 1803 Mr. Morris made a journey, by way of Oneida and Ontario Lakes to his lands in St. Lawrence county. At Three River Point (the confluence of the Oneida and Seneca rivers), he appears to have been struck with the fact that the canal must not follow along the line of these rivers and the Oneida Lake, as by so doing it would be lower than the Rc me summit; so he writes in his diary that it “ should be taken from the head of Onondaga [Seneca 1] river, and carried on the level as far east it will go, and, if practi- cable, iDto the Mohawk river; theD. in as direct a course as circumstances will permit, to Hud- son’s River, making locks as the descent may require. This canal should, I think, be five feet deep, and five and forty feet wide. A branch might easily be carried to Lake Ontario, the fit- test harbor would be, I believe, at Oswego.” This entry is dated Sept. 12tb, 1803. On hi* way up be mentions the fact of having spent a night in Schenectady. This must have been the evening when, as related by Simeon DeWitt, he talked of “ tapping Lake Erie, as he expressed himself, and leading its waters, in an artificial river, directly across the country to Hudson’s River” (Canal Laws, vol. 1, p. 39.) At Three River Point, Mr. Morris saw that a. branch might connect the grand canal with Lake Ontario at Oswego. But my principal object in introducing this extract was to show, that Mr. Morris was willing to conform to the face of the country, “ making locks as the descent may re- quire.” This would indicate that lie was not so wedded to an inclined plane as to have made it necessary to have left him off a commission that he had been at the head of until 1816. Among the papers was found the draft of a letter to Henry Latrobe, Esq., dated April 25th, 1810, informing him of the appointment of com^ missioners and their proposed examinations. He says: “ I hope the business may be effected in a proper manner, for it is, I believe, the most extensive theatre for skill and industry which can be found on this globe. But I fear that our minds are not yet enlarged to the siae of so great an object, and I am thoroughly per- suaded that the attempt at, and still more the execution of, any little- scheme will probably prostrate, and certainly postpone, that which is alone worthy of notice.” In July, 1810, while performing his duty in exploring as commissioner, Mr. Morris saw Mr. Ellieott at Batavia, and found him strongly in favor of the route near that place and by Allen’s Creek to the Genesee river, and confident that a supply of water, could be bad for the summit level. Under date of July 21st, 1810, he enters the following in his journal: “ We cross the Tonnewanda Creek this morning, and the view of it renders calculation unnecessary. Decidedly there is not water. At Vanderrenters, where we get breakfast, we met the representative of the county, who thinks there will be no diffi- culty in bringing a canal round the falls so as to use the water of Lake Erie. I am perfectly21 convinced that unless this can be done, every attempt at any useful navigation must fail.” After Mr, Morris was dead, great efforts were made by certain parties to show that when he wrote to Mr. Parish and talked to various per- sons in regard to ships sailiog from London by the Hudson river to Lake Erie, he meant to have such ships go by Oswego through Lake Ontario and then around the falls of Niagara. His conversation with Mr. Do Witt in 1803, out of which sprang the measures that led to the construction of the canal, appears to be a con- clusive answer to such caviling; and I cannot see any reason to doubt the correctness of Gov- ernor Seward’s declaration in his introduction to the Natural History of the State of New York (p. 86). ‘ To Gouverneur Morris, history will assign the merit of first suggesting a direct and continuous communication from Lake Erie to the Hudson.” Cadwallader D. Colden, in his elaborate memoir, giving the history of the ca- nal and of the celebration of its completion, takes ground (in the body of the work) against the claims of Mr. Morris to this credit, but in his errata et corrigenda, at the eod of the volume, where few men have ever seen it, he has the following: “ It is due to Mr. Morris to mention that since the memoir was written the author has ascertained that when in the year 1800 Mr. Morris suggested the practicability of enabling ships to sail from London into Lake Erie, and when in 1803, he spoke of “ tapping Lake Erie,” he undoubtedly contemplated a water communica- tion directly from that lake to the Hudson, and did not as the memoir supposes he might have done, refer to a comnunication by the Niagara Canal, and Lake Ontario.” Much more proof of the positiou I have taken as to Mr, Morris’s claim might be added, but I forbear, offering as an excuse for having given so much that recent- ly very groundless claims to this honor have been revived. t