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OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH,.............2 CONFESSION AND COVENANT,........... 3 LIST OF MEMBERS PREPARED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE CHURCH,.......6 SUMMARY,...............:...........17 HOUSEHOLDS AND CLASSES,............IS REMARKS,...........................29 PASTORAL LETTER,...................32A M A N XT A L, WM.m OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Sn Utngftamtcm: For—1833. T&. 3T. J. R, ORTON, PRINTER. 1833.OFFICERS. -----•ojo.—- PETER LOCKWOOD, Pastor totalled, Nov, 1827. RULING ELDERS. SAMUEL STOW, JOSIAH WEST, SILAS WEST, PORTER ROOD, JOSEPH M. SMITH, OLIVER ELY, ORVILLE STEVENS, CARY MURDOCK, HAMILTON COLLIER, ARUNAH HALL, HENRY LILLY, ORSEMUS LILLY. DEACONS. SAMUEL STOW, 1 PETER DEWITT, JOSIAH WEST, I ARUNAH HALL, OLIVER ELY, Treasurer for the Tract Cause. do do for Foreign Missions, do do for Domestic Missions, do do for the Sabbath School Cause. SILAS WEST, Treas. for church funds collected at communion, do do for the Colonization Cause. do do for the Bible Cause. do do for the Education Cause. A collection is taken up, on the First Sabbath in every month, fo* Foreign Missions: On the Second Sabbath in each month, for the Sab- bath School Cause: On the Fourth ofJuly, for the African Colonization Cause: On Thanksgiving day, for Domestic Missions: and at every Communion Season, for the benefit of the poor in the church. BIBLE DEPOSITORY at Doct. West’s Office. TRACT do at P. Lockwood’s Study. S. a BOOK do doTHE CONFESSION OF FAITH, &sra> Adopted by tbis Church. I. You believe in the existence and infinite perfection of Jehovah, the one only living and true God. Psal 83 18, 1st Thess 1 9, Psal 90 2 and 147 5, 1st John I 5 ^nd 4 8 Jam 1 17, II. You believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the the inspired word of God, and a perfect uner- ring standard of divine truth. 2 Pt. 1. 19—21. 2 Tim. 3 16 17, Ps 12 6, Is 8 20, Acts 17 11. III. —That in the one only living and true God there are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, equal in power and glory. 1st. John 5. 7. Mat. 28. 19. 2d Cor. 13. 14. IV. —That God for his own glory created all things visible and invisible ; and that according to his eternal plan He governs all worlds and all events. Gen, 1.1. Col 1 16, Prov 16 4, Psal 19 1 |[ Dan 4 34 35, Psal 135 6, Eph 1 11, Isa 45 5—7. and 46 10. V. —That God created man after his own image in right- eousness and true holiness; that man fell from this state by sin- ning against God; and that thereby according to a divine consti- tution, all our race are involved in total depravity and ruin. Gen 1 26 27. Eccl 7 29, |j Gen 3 1—13. Rom 5 12 19. Gen 6 5, Ps 53 1—3. Eccl 8 11. Mat 23 33, Rom 3 19. VI. You believe that Jesus Christ is both God and man, in two distinct natures and one person forever. Mat 1 28, John 1 verse 1, with verse 14* Col 2 9, 1st Tim 3 16 Isa 9 6, Rom 9 5 Phil 2, 5—11 Heb 1, VII. —That Jesus Christ, by his perfect obedience, and by his meritorious sufferings, has honored the divine law, and made a complete atonement for the sins of the world ; so that God can be just in extending salvation to men for his sake. Heb 7 26, 2d Cor 5 19—21 Isa 42 21, Gal 3 13, Heb 2 9, 1st John 2 2, Rom 3 25 26, Mat 22 4 9, Rev 22 17. VIII. You believe that all, who will ever be saved by Je-4 CONFESSION OF FAITH. sus Christ, were, in distinction from all others, given to Him as his elect seed from eternity. Psal 22 30, Isa 53 10—12, John 6 37—39 and 17 2 6, Rom 8 29 30 and 11 5 7, Eph 14 5, 2d Tim 1 9. IX. —That the elect are by nature as totally unwilling to ac- cept of gospel salvation as others; but are made willing by the special grace of God in regeneration. Luke 14 18, John 5 40, Prov 27 19, Rom 3 9 10, Eph 2 3|f Psal 110 3, 1st Cor 15 10, John 1 11—13. X. —That regeneration is, in every instance, followed by repentance, faith, and other holy affections of heart; and by good works: also, that there is an infallible connexion, according to the new covenant, between this gracious change and eternal salvation. Jer 31 19, 1 John 5 1 and 4 7, Gal 5 22—24, Eph 2 10 || Isa 55 3, Jer 32 40, John 4 14, Rom 8 30 38 39, Phil 1 6. 1 Pet 15. XI. —That the regenerate are justified by grace, through faith in Christ, and not for the sake of any merit either in their faith, or new obedience. Rom 3 20—28 and 4 2—5, Gal 2 16, Phil 3 9, Isa 45 24 25, 1st Cor 1 30 31. XII. You believe that Christ now has, and ever has had, a Church in the world, which, in its visible form, is composed of all who profess faith in Him, and submit to the laws of his king- dom: that under the present dispensation, its sacraments are bap- tism and the Lord’s supper; and that baptism is to be administered, not only to believers, but also to their households. Gen 6 2, Acts 7 38, Mat 16 18, Acts 2 41—47, Deut 29 10 13, Rom 11 21, i| Mat 28 19, Luke 22 19 20, |i Gen 17 10 26 27, Ex 12 48 Acts 16 15, 31—33, || Gen 17 7, Acts 2 39 Isa 65 23, Deut 30 19. XIII. You also believe that it is a duty solemnly binding on parents and heads of families, religiously to instruct, govern, and restrain their children and households. Gen 18 19, Deut 6 7, Josh 24 15, Prov 22 6, Eph 6 4 H 1st Tim 3 4, 1st Sam 3 13, 1st Kings 1 6. XIV. You believe that worship, in the closet, in the fami- ly, and in the sanctuary, is divinely appointed; that the sanctifi- cation of the weekly sabbath is of perpetual obligation; and that it is a Christian duty to contribute of our substance, not only for the support of the Gospel among ourselves, but also for the diffu- sion of its blessings through the earth. Mat 6 6, Mark 1 35, ~|| 1st Chr 16 23. 1st Pet 3 7, || Ex 20 24, Isa 56 7 Heb 10 25, Ex 20 8—11, Luke 23 56, Heb 4 9, 10 1| 1st Cor 9 14, Gal 6 6 , Mai 3 8, || Psal 72 19, Mat 6 10, Mark 16 15, 1st Thess 2 16, Acts 10 88 and 20 35, Rom 8 9, 1st John 3 17, 18, Gal 6 10, Prov 3—9, 10.COVENANT. 5 XV. Finally. You believe in the resurrection of the body, and a general judgment; and in the eternal blessedness of the righteous in heaven, and in the endless misery of the wicked in hell. Acts 24 15, 1st Cor 15, |j Mat 25 31-46, Acta 17 31, H Mat 25 46, Luke 16 19—26, 2d Thess 1 6—10, Rev 22 11, 12. Do you consent to these as articles of your belief ? THE COVENANT. YOU do now in the presence of the ever-living and heart- searching God, his holy angels, and this assembly solemnly a- vouch the Lord Jehovah,—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to be your God, your Redeemer, Sanctifier, and everlast- ing Portion. You give yourself [or yourselves] and all you have to Him; confessing that your many sins have deserved his wrath, and building your hope of acceptance alone on his mercy, manifes- ted through the infinite atonement. You do, of choice, take the word of God as the only rule by which to regulate your faith and practice. You cheerfully engage, depending on his grace, to lead a life of piety and devotion towards God, and of uprightness and charity towards men; and to keep yourself unspotted from the world ; making Christ your example, and the building up of his kingdom your supreme object. You sincerely dedicate yourself [or yourselves] to the service of Christ in his Church, faithfully covenanting that you will walk honestly and orderly with us, in all the ordinances and institutions of the Gospel; and that you will submit to the discipline and watch of this Church of Christ, and do what in you lies,, to pro- mote its purity, peace and edification : And among other means to effect this, you promise to be tender of the character of its members, avoiding slander and evil speaking; and to reprove, and receive reproof, in the spirit qf meekness. In fine, you en- gage, depending on the grace of the new covenant, not to turn back from your profession, but to walk with God, and with his people, all the days of your life. Do you, as far as you know your heart, freely consent to this covenant ? A2S&ames of the iEemtjevs of the ©h»rchr FROM ITS FORMATION, AND THE DATE WHEN EACH ONE WAS RECEIVED, WITH REMARKS. NAMES. Jesse Hinds, Jonathan Ogden, John McKinney, Ruth Sedgewick, Martha Hinds, Mary Whiting, Julia (Stephen*) Weed, Louisa G. Ely, Eliza (Samuel*) Smith, Mary Wetmore, Hannah Stow, Tryphena Sabin, Pruda Woodruff, Anastatia Ogden, Mary McKinney, Lucy Edwards, jr. Cornelia Jones, Mary E. Doubleday, Sally Hosford, Elizabeth Manning, Ann Vandewater, Sally Pratt, Sally Edwards, Mary Weed, Thomas West, Josiah West, Mary ( John B.) McIntosh, 1817 REMARKS. Excom. 1819, Rec. 1832, Dism. 1824. Do. Rochester, 1823. Dism. Haddam, 182(X Dism. Diyden. Died July 9th 1819= Dism. April, 1824. Dism. Berkshire, 1821. Deceased. Dism. N. Y. Jan. 1829. Do. Newark-valley 1831 Dism. 1826. Died March 12, 1828. 1818. * Husbands noticed thus, (in parenthesis) are not professorsNAMES OF MEMBERS, NAMES. Betsey McKinney, Mary Houghton, Mary Martin, Hiram Dimmick, Fanny M. Dimmick, Abigail Carter, Ann ( Syfoams) Dimmick, Fanny Dimmick, Polly Stowell, Lucy Morse, Sabrina Dewitt, Nancy Sabin, Porter Rood, Sally Rood, Joseph M. Smith, Emma Smith, Jonathan Edwards, Hannah Mersereau, Jane Shipman, Melinda Comstock* Betsey Stow, Jehoshaphat Holmes, Joseph Ogden, Salmon Green, Rachel Green, Hamilton Collier, Samuel Stow, Peter Potter, Mahlah Niles, Jane Potter, Aaron Jacobus, Aurelia Newell, Abraham W. Sedgewick, Benjamin Sawtell, Sally {Daniel) Evans, Matilda Evans, Maria Lanning, 1818. REMARKS. 1819. Deceased. Dism. Genoa, 1828. Joined the Baptists. Died Jan. 17, 1833. Dism. Lisle, 1828* Deceased. 1820.. Died Aug. 30, 1832. Dism. Union. Do. Union. Do. Clinton. 1821. Died Aug. 12,1823. Do. 1821. Deceased. Dism. Genoa. Do. do. 1822. Dism. Rochester. Deceased. 1823. Dism. to N. Jersey .8 NAMES OF MEMBERS. NAMES. Lucretia Gray, Polly Burrell, Ann Masters, Rachel Bean, Phebe Crofoot, Susan (Jlmmi) Doubleday, Mary Page, Elizabeth Burgess, Mary Campbell, Hester Brewster, , Erastus Newell, Theodore Sedgevvick, Fidelia Anderson, Polly Frisbie, Lavina Hall, Samuel Pope, Freelove Pope, Jeremiah Campbell, Hezekiah Whittlesey, Helen C. (Isaac) Tompkin3, Jesse Coon, Silas West, Lucy C. West, Margaret Whittlesey, Jonathan Gray, Ezra Carrier, Henry Hudson, Peninnah Hudson, Sophia Lanterman, Betsey Bevier, Betsey Cooper, Almira Bayless, Julia Ann Slosson, Isaac Bevier, Catharine Green, Mehetabel Cortright, Mary Bevier, Erastus Dewolf, Mary Harper, 1823. REMARKS. Dism. Greene, 1824. Do. Union, 1828. Do. Union, Dec. 1832. Died Aug. 26, 1826. Dism. Rochester. 1824. Died Oct. 24, 1832. Susp. Dec. 1827. Dism. Conklin, 1832. 1825. Dism. Worcester N. Y. Do do. Do. Buffalo, Oct. 1832. Do. Conklin. Do. Great Barrington. Do. Conklin Feb, 1832. 1826. Dism. Wilksbarre, 1828. Do, Windsor, July 1832.NAMES OE MEMBERS. 9 NAMES. 1826. REMARKS. Hiram Davis, Dism. Lisle, 1828. deceased. Salina Davis, Do. do. Hester Stocking, Do. to Methodists, 1331. Polly Close, Died Aug. 11, 1827. Anna Hasbrouck, Hannah Ann Seymour, Henry Lilly, Nancy Bowers, Ransom Andrews, Hannah Andrews, Caroline Mather, 1827. Abram A. Bevier, Maria Bevier, Rachel Bevier, wife of I. Phena Harper, Zenas Pratt, By Sally Ralyea, ElizaVande water, Elizabeth Kelsey, Betsey Stow, Matthias 0. Edwards, Mary McKinney, Eunice Meeker, Zemora Cushman, Rhoda O. Edwards, Derick Ralyea, Arora Burrell, Lydia Sawtell, Melissa Graves, Calista Park, Frances Morse, Adaline Newell, Diantha Doubleday, Julia Ann Weed, Betsey Weed, Frances {Henry)Mather, Eliza Burrell, Catharine Dewitt, Mary Hasbrouck, Ann {Arthur) Gray, Lydia {Charles) Howard, Died May 4, 1831- Examination, do Died Feb. 8,1831. do Dism. N. Y. 1829. do Excom. 1829. do Dism. Windsor, 1828. do Dism. Newark-valley, 1831. do Dism. Union, 1829. do Dism. Richland Ohio, 1828- do Died Sept. 30,1831. do Dism. Pittsburgh, 1832. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do10 NAMES OF MEMBERS- NAMES. 1827. REMARKS. Mary Wallace, Exam. Laura Chapman, William Aldrich, do do Eliza M. Ely, do Celia Collier, do Rachel Green, do John T. Doubleday, do Catharine Thomas, do Rachel Bevier, wife of E. do Theodosia V an Name, do Sarah Dewitt, do Ebenezer Park, do Abigail B. Estabrook, do Frances Whitney, do Ann Eliza McKinney, do Adaline (Elias) Hawley, do Elizabeth (Nicholas) Carman, do Elizabeth (John) Jackson, do Lydia (Hull) Stratton, do Christian Bevier, do Magdalen Bevier, do Rachel Van Name, do Philena Park, do Maria Gray, do Abner R. Campbell, do Chloe (Peter) Newton, do Maria Amhusk, do Susan (David) Allison, do Susan Catharine Robb, do Dism. Tioga Point. 1827. Asahel Wilmot, do Dism. Coventry 1832. 1828. Catharine (Andrew) Hawver, By Letter. Lyman Holden, do Died Oct. 7,129. Elizabeth Collier, do Died Sept. 15,1829. Rebecca Stevens, do Stephen Bunnell, do Abigail Bunnell, do Matilda Lockwood, do James H. Madole, Exam. Dism. Oxford, 1830 Delia Munsell, do Bathia Stow, do John J. Madole, doNAMES OF MEMBERS. 11 NAMES. 1828. REMARKS. Christina Madole, Exam. Dan Dimmick, do Abigail (Sainael fF.) Sherwood, do Rufus Lounsbury, do Lucy (Michael) Kinney, do Phebe Dingy, do Benjamin Taylor, do Dism. Union, 1828. Nancy Collier, Margaret Collier, William Slosson, Eleanor Upright, Lucinda Bowers, Rachel Morris, Julia Butts, Lucina Morris, Sybill F. Parker, Nancy Holmes, Ruth ( George) Smith, Jane Hamlin, Lydia Bevier, Arunah Hall, Deborah Lilly, Deborah Lilly,jr. Louisa Lilly, Foster Lilly, David L. Meeker, Sarah Meeker, Catharine Orcutt, Oliver Ely, George Newell, Ira Davidson, Julia Me Allister, Sarah M. Bos worth, Orsemus Lilly, Anna Lilly, Ira Stow, David C. Me Allister, Jeremiah Mitchell, Marcia (James JL.) Smith, Julia Ann Davidson, Letter. do do do 1829. Letter Dism. Meadville, Pa. do Do. Oxford, 1830. do Do. Western, 1830. do Do. Oxford, 1830. do do Exam. do do do do do do do 1830. Exam. do do Died Feb. 3, 1833. do do do do do do do do do do do do12 NAMES OF MEMBERS. NAMES. 'Isaac Carpenter, Orville Stevens, Dulcy Dickson, Betsey Carpenter, Deborah Walker, Rachel Benton, Gertrude Ralyea, Mary Barnes, Achsah Hall, Jonathan Lilly, Eunice Lilly, Isaac Leavenworth, Ann Leavenworth, Louisa Park, 1830. REMARKS. Exam. Susp. 1832. do Letter. do Died, 1832 do do do Exam. Dism. Utica, 1832. do do do 1831. Letter. do do Mary (Frederick A.) Holmes, do Lucy White, Caroline (Julius) Page, Amelia Whiting, Adaline (James) Bull, Mary Ann Burrell, Sarah Burrell, Arnold Burrell, Sarah Sherwood, Eliza Bradley, Emily Ogden, John B. Ogden, Catharine Ogden, Harriet Fairbanks, Pamela Smith, Catharine Van Name, Cornelius Van Name, Barbara Hasbrouck, Cornelia McAllister, Maria Bevier, Sarah Merrill, Caroline Smith, Malvina Rood, Lucy Howland, Eliza Ann (TVm. S.) Gaylord, do Harriet Parker, do Pamela Cooper, do Exam. Dism. Sandisfield. do do do do do do do do do do do do Dism. De Ruyter. do Do. Windsor, 1832. do do do do do do do do doNAMES -OF MEMBERS, 13 NAMES. Harriet Gregory, Sarah Wallace, Ann Eliza Green, Alvah Green, Rachel >Bevier, Elmira Bevier, Methusalem Hasbrouck Joseph Carman, Zechanah Bevier, Ross W. Estabrook, William Bevier, Mason Whiting, Josiah Smith, Mary Ogden, William Ogden, Curtis Thorp, John Lewis, George Lay, William Hardy, Jeremiah Carhart, Mary Smith, Catharine Carnahan, Esther (Thomas) Bevier, Eliza Masters, Thankful Keator, Candace Freeman, Margaret (Joseph) Leonard, Sally Lilly, Catharine Whiting, Abigail {Edward) Kellogg. 1831. remarks. Exam. .Dism. Columbus, 1832. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Letter. ■do B14 NAMES OF MEMBERS. 1832. By NAMES. Emily Blackman, Abigail Cane, Mary (Charles #.) Williams, Catharine Wagonner, Peter Dewitt, Elizabeth Dewitt, Cary Murdock, Polly (Wm. R) Parker, Ketiirah Delamatter, • • • • Dii NAMES. Anna ( Thomas) Wetmore, Olivia Mosier, Nancy Bostwick-, Maria H. Strale, Elizabeth Wagonner, Diana (John) Wilson, Bela E. Benton, Chloe (Horace) Griswold, n Catskill, Oct. On Examination. Elizabeth (Pliny) Brown, Sarah (Martin) Hawley, Jesse Hinds, Sarah (Moses) Barlow, Jemima Hasbrouck, Sally Hasbrouck, Elisha Bevier, Elihu Ely, Henry T. Shipman, Jennette Shipman, Smith Park, Mary Ann Wallace, Sarah E. Edwards, Rhoda Waterman, Mary McIntosh, Jennette Shipman, jr. Mary Shipman, Mary Aldrich, Mason Whiting, jr. Hamilton Rood, Henry W. Shipman, Lucy Edwards, Sally M. Dewitt, Abraham Bevier, jr. Vashti Hawley, Esther Ogden, Elbertine Leavenworth, Catharine D. Murdock, Ambrose S. Parkox, Irene Kilbourn, * Maria Hinds, Mortimer Close, Robert Piatt, John W. Ray, Elisha Leavenworth, Franklin Morse, Stephen D. Gibson, Josiah Blackman, George Pratt, George Upright, Polly (David) Chamberlain, Amanda Bunnell, Amy Warner, Margaret Taylor, Abigail Boice, Rhoda Case, Walter Rood, Reuben Lilly,NAMES OP MEMBERS. 15 ON EXAMINATION---1832. NAMES. William B. Doubleday, Aurelia Wood, Margaret Shipman, Henry Benton, Lucy (Mahlon) Twining, Waterman Morse, George Holmes, Frances Collier, John Christopher, Uriah M. Stowers, Harriet Parmenter, Rachel Taylor, Lucy Aldrich, Mary Aldrich, Sally Sawtell, Theodosia Gray, Pamela Gardiner, Lucinda Butler, Perez Randall, Isaac G. House, John W. Wilcox, Orrin Wilcox, Squire Simpson, Panthea (Joseph) Randall, Betsey Meeker, Sarah Braynard, Julius W. Smith, Ebenezer Whitney, Jacob Halsted, Thomas Wallace, Cornelia Halsted, Elizabeth Lockwood, Charles Stow, Elizabeth Whitney, Davenport Miller, Allen Perkins, Thomas Waterman, Eiiva Wentz, Polly Butler, Harriet Edwards, Amasa Mitchell, Charles Park, NAMES. Edward Mills, Silas N. B. Goodrich, Sarah Irene Randall, Harriet Brown, Stephen Brown, Deborah (Joseph) Bartlett, Ephraim F. Matthews, Prudence Lewis, Rufus Aldrich, Eliza Evans, Richard Mather, Julia Pomeroy, Delia Butler, Sarah Pomeroy, Jane Pomeroy, Amasa Wattles, Robert Wattles, Nassau Hall, Matilda Wetmore, Mary Cushman, Julia Ann Collier, Rebecca Bevier, Albert Smith, Jacob McKinney, Elvira C. Simpson, Abigail Stevens, Ann Park, Clorinda Deacon, Delclutha Randall, Mary Ann Cushman, Minerva (James) Somes, Benjamin Sawtell, Sophia Burrell, Stephen Dickson, Edward Wardell, Catharine Meeker, John D. Lockwood, Hiram Andrews, Frances Seovill, Betsey Morse, James Fox, Luke Stow,16 NAMES OF MEMBERS’ OST EXAMINATION--1832. NAMES. Hester Cortright, Elmira Hasbrouck, Sally Andrews, Lucretia Gray, Francis Pratt, Benjamin Morse, Davis Estabrook, Silas McKinney, Robert C. Wetmore, Mary Wardell, Lavina Terwillager, Catharine M. Johnson, Henry Stow, Hannah Morse, Porter Rood, William Ely, Louisa Ely, Harriet E. Smith, Mary Ann Blackman, Elizabeth Howland, Abigail Close, Rachel Gray, William Niles, Lucretia Wattles, Catharine Gray, John McAllister, Lydia A. Wetmore, Jane Upright, Betsey Park, Elizabeth Halsted, John M. Dimmiek, John R. Whitney, Roger W. Hinds, Stephen Bunnell, HarrietVoorse, • •••Dism. Charlotte Maynard, Do. Ethel Porter, Do. Celindia Cary, Do. Abigail Close, Died Susan Wetmore, Do. NAMES. Maria (Luther H.) Sawtelp, Jane Park, Maria Orcutt, Pamela Ogden, Isaac Hamlin, Parley Lee, Maria Lee, Russel Wilcox, Tidal Knapp, Alexander White,. David Hall, Arunah Lilly, Smith Spencer, Hannah Lilly, Chloe Wilcox, Harriet West, Caroline Cary, Rachel West Sarah M. Hall, Laura Cary, Charles F Holmes. Orlando West, Elizabeth M Dimmiek, Amanda M. Siowell, William West, Foster Lilly, Frederick Pratt, James Pratt, Abigail Carter, Catharine Bevier, Catharine Dewitt, Deyo Hasbrouck, Alvan Boice, Ann E. Parmenter, Oxford, Aug. Michigan, Sept. North Carolina,Dec. Ithaca, Dec. May, 24th. June, 10th.NAMES OF MEMBERS. 17 1833. Oh Examination. NAMES. Sally Whitney, wife of E. Sally Whitney, wife of J. R. Sarah Ann Ralyea, Harriet Cure, Sarah Ann Corby, Peter Hasbrouck, Cornelius Newkirk, James Lockwood, NAMES. Susan Wattles, Marcia Ann Wattles, Pamela Wattles, Harriet Harper, Margaret(Ransford) Cooper, Matilda, ( ) How, Mortimer Rood, Summers. Total, admitted since the organization of the Church-—533: viz. 1833. 15 on Exam. 0 by Letter 15. 1832. 206 “ 17 “ 223. 1831. 54 “ 6 “ 60. 1830. 21 €t 5 “ 26. 1829. 9 “ 5 “ 14. 1828. 11 “ 11 « 22. 1827. 60 “ 0 “ 60, 377. 43. 420. From 1817 to 1827. 59 “ 54 " 113. Total 533. Excommunicated • .................2 Suspended.........................2 Dismissed ..................... 59 Died.............................21 Joined the Baptists ..............1 ---- 85. Total now in Communion • •«• ............. • • * • 448. B2MEMBERS OP THE CHURCH, WX SM®WQSHL(£>I£®e Xtsto a&elgft&otftoofc ©lasses. -------------- FIRST CLASS. Feb. 18th. Mahlah Niles, Wm. Niles, 19 th Caroline Page, 20th Sarah Hawley, Adaline Hawley, 21st JOHN T. DOUBLEDAY, Mary E. Doubleday, Aurelia Wood, 22d Ann Masters, Eliza Masters, 23d Panthea Ranball, 25th Maria H. Strale, Aim E. Parmenter, Harriet Parmenter, Harriet Edwards, 26th SQUIRE SIMPSON, Elvira C. Simpson, Feb. 27th ZEN AS PRATT, Sally Pratt, Robert Pratt, George Pratt, Francis Pratt, Frederick Pratt, James Pratt, Nancy Sabin, Jeremiah Carhart, 28th JOSXAH SMITH, Mary Smith, March 1st, MASON WHITING, Mary Whiting, Mason Whiting, jr. Catharine S. Whiting, Amelia 0- Whiting, Clorinda Deacon, 2d JEREMIAH CAMPBELi Abner R. Campbell, Lucy Howland, Elizabeth Howland, Rachel Bean, Note. Names in small and large capitals are heads of familieiNEIGHBORHOOD CLASSES—BY HOUSEHOLDS. 19 March 4th, Frances Mather, Charles Park, First Class continued. March 12th, WM. B. DOUBLEDAY, Diantha Doubleday, 5th AMASA MITCHELL,. Jeremiah Mitchell, Rhoda Waterman, Phebe Crofoot, 6th Mary Aldrich, Mary Aldrich, jr. William Aldrich, Lucy Aldrich, 7th Vashti Hawley, Nancy Bostwick, Lucre tia Wattles, 8th Uriah M. Stowers, 13th HAMILTON COLLIER, Celia Collier, Nancy Collier, Margaret Collier, Frances Collier, Julia Ann Collier, Sarah Merrill, 14th Rhoda Case, 15th Deborah Bartlett 16 th Marcia Smith, 18th Albert Smith, 9th 19th Lydia Howard, CARY MURDOCK, Edward Mills, Catharine D. Murdocl 11th Ambrose S. Parker, Allen Perkins, Deborah Walker. This class meets at the house of M. Whiting Esq. on the first Tuesda) after every communion season, at 2 o’clock P. M.—The Session meets on the evening of the same day, for the examination of Candidates, an^ for the transaction of other business, at the house of Cary Murdock. On Thursday of this week, a Lecture is preached in the School house, near John Munsell, Esq. at 5 o’clock in the Summer, and in the evening during the Winter. The members of the Church hold a meeting for prayer and exhorta- tion in the same School house,every Sabbath. The hours varying in win- ter and in summer as above. Note. Persons under the care of the Session, but not yet communi cants, meet with the class, within the bounds of which they reside,20 neighborhood classes, SECOND CLASS. March 20th, ELIHU ELY, Eliza M. Ely, Pamela Gardiner, 21st OLIVER ELY, Louisa G. Ely, William Ely, Louisa Ely, John W. Ray, 22d Susan Doubleday, 23d Julia Weed, Julia Ann Weed, Betsey Weed, 25th Helen G. Tompkins, 26th ARORA BURRELL, Mary Burrell, Mary Ann Burrell, Sarah Burrell, Sophia Burrell, 27th Davenport Miller, 28th JACOB HALSTED, Elizabeth Halsted, Cornelia Halsted, Irene Randall, 29th SILAS WEST, Lucy C. West, Pamela Coopet, March 30th, Anna Wetmore, Matilda Wetmore, Robert C. Wetmore, Lydia A. Wetmore, April 1st, Sybill F. Parker, 2d Catharine Carnahan, 3d WILLIAM SLOSSON, Julia Ann Slosson, Sabrina Dewitt, Catharine Dewitt, Sarah Dewitt, 4th JAMES LOCKWOOD, Elizabeth Lockwood, 5th THOMAS WALLACE Mary Wallace, Mary Ann Wallace, Sarah Wallace, Mary Houghton, 6th Maria Hinds, Roger W. Hinds 8th GEORGE HOLMES, Nancy Holmes, 9th Matilda Lockwood, John D. Lockwood, Louisa Park, 10th Delia Munsell,BY HOUSEHOLDS. 21 Second Class continued. April lltb, IRA DAVIDSON, Julia Ann Davidson, 12th JESSE HINDS, Martha Hinds, 13th Sarah Braynard, 15th Nancy Bowers, 16th PEREZ RANDALL, Delclutha Randall, Mary Cushman, 17th April 18th, JACOB McKINNEY, Betsey McKinney, Ann Eliza McKinney* Silas McKinney, Mary McKinney, Tryphena Sabin, Margaret Taylor, Frances Scovill, John Lewis, George Lay, 19th, Mortimer Close, Abigail Close, Rachel Taylor, 20th Diana Wilson, Stephen D. Gibson. This class meets at Dr. West’s, on the Second Tuesday after every communion Season, at 2 o’clock P. M. See Note—page 19. The Session meets for the examination of Candidates, &c. at the houi*e of 0. Ely, on the evening of the same day. On Thursday of this week, a lecture is preached in the school house near Gen. Williams’ tavern—at 5 o’clock, during the Summer—and in the evening, during the Winter. The members of the church, hold a meeting for prayer and exhorta- tion, in the same School house, every. Sabbath—The hour varying in winter and summer as above. THIRD CLASS. April 22d Mary McIntosh, Mary McIntosh, jr. 23d Mart Page, Theodosia Gray, April, 24th Lavina Terwillager, 25th Lucy Edwards, Lucy Edwards, jr. Sarah E. Edwards,22 NEIGHBORHOOD GLASSES, Third Class continued. April 26tb, May, 7th Elizabeth Brown, 27th JOSIAH BLACKMAN, Emily Blackman, Mary Ann Blackman, Sarah Ann Corby, 29th Eliza Smith, Caroline Smith, Irene Kilbourn, Ephraim F. Matthews, 30th BENJAMIN MORSE, Franklin Morse, Frances Morse, Waterman Morse, Betsey P. Morse, Hannah W. Morse, Abigail Kane, May, 1st. Charles Stow, John Christopher, 2d Eliza Ann Gaylord, 3d Eleanor Upright, Jane Upright, George Upright, 4th PETER POTTER, Jane Potter, 6th ISAAC HAMLIN, Jane Hamlin, Jane Park, 8th Mehetabel Cortright, Hester Cortright, 9th Ann Gray, 10th JOSEPH M. SMITH, Emma Smith, Harriet E. Smith, Julius W. Smith, 11th NASSAU HALL, Lavina Hall, 13th SAMUEL POPE, Freelove Pope, 14th Lucy Kinney, 15th RICHARD MATHER, Caroline Mather, 16th EBENEZER WHITNEY, Sally Whitney, Frances Whitney, Elizabeth Whitney, William Hardy, Silas N. B. Goodrich, 17th DERICK RALYEA, Sarah Ann Ralyea, Sarah Pomeroy, Jane Pomeroy,BY HOUSEHOLDS. 23 Third Class continued. May 18th, GEORGE NEWELL, Adaline Newell, Rufus Aldrich, 20th 21st Eliva Wentz, Polly Chamberlain, May 22d, Amy Warner, 23d Aurelia Newell, 24th AARON JACOBUS 25th Matilda How. This class meets at Richard Mather’s the Third Tuesday after every Communion Season, at 2 o’clock P. M.—See note, page 19. The Session meets on the evening of the same day, for examination &c., at the house of Ebenezer Whitney. On Thursday of the same week, a lecture is preached at the house of J. M. Smith, at 5 o’clock during the Summer, and in the evening, during the winter months. The members of the Church hold a meeting for prayer and exhorta„ tion, every Sabbath in the house of Mr. Allen, who resides in this dis- trict.—Time of commencing, winter and summer, as above. Melissa Graves, This class meets at the house of J. J. Madole, on the Fourth Thurs- day after every Communion Season, at 2 o’clock P. M. On the same day a lecture is preached alternately in the School house FOURTH CLASS. May, 27th Elizabeth Carman, 28th JESSE COON, 29th STEPHEN BUNNELL, Abigail Bunnell, Amanda Bunnell, 30th Olivia Hosier, 31st Sarah Barlow, 4th James Fox, 5th Laura Chapman, 6th RUFUS R. LOUNSBURY. June, 1st JOHN J. MADOLE, Christina Madole, Mary Holmes, Candace Freeman, 3dNEIGHBORHOOD CLASSES ■24 east of Mr. Lounsbury’s, and in the School house west of Mr. Madole’i U 5 o’clock in the Summer, and in the evening during the Winter. The members of the Church, hold a meeting for prayer and exhorta- tion, alternately, at the two School houses named above, every Sabbath —The hour varying in winter and summer as above. This week the Session meets on Tuesday evening at the house of the Pastor. FIFTH CLASS. June 7 th Delia Butler 8th ORVILLE STEVENS, Rebecca Stevens, Abigail Stevens, Sarah M. Bos w orth 10th Chloe Newton, 13 th Lydia Stratton, 12th IRA STOW, Bathia Stow. 13 th PETER HASBRO UCK, Anna Hasbrquck, Jemima Hasbrouck, Sally Hasbrouck, 14th Thomas Waterman, 15th, Catharine Meeker, Betsey Meeker, 17th Lucinda Butler, Polly Butler, June, ISth Lucretia Gray, Maria Gray, Catharine Gray, Lucretia Gray,jr Rachel Gray, 19th Abigail Sherwood, Sarah Sherwood, 20th Ruth Smith, 21st DAVID L. MEEKER, Sarah Meeker, 22d Rachel Benton, Bela E. Benton, Henry Benton, 23d Elizabeth Jackson, 25th Mary Ann Cushman, Harriet Cure, Isaac G. House, 26th ALVAN BOICE, Abigail Botqs,BY HOUSEHOLDS- 25 Fifth Class continued. June 27th, Phebe Dingy, 28th Minerva Somes, 29th Sally Evans, Matilda Evans, Eliza Evans, July 1st, HENRY T. SHIPMAN, Jennette Shipman, Henry W. Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Jennette Shipman,jr. Mary Shipman, 2d Margaret Goofer, 3d Maria Orcutt, 4th ISAAC LEAVENWORTH, Ann Leavenworth, Elisha Leavenworth, Elbertine Leavenworth, Julia Pomeroy, July 5th david c. McAllister. Julia McAllister, Cornelia McAllister, John McAllister, 6th Ad aline Bull, 8th BENJAMIN SAWTELL, Lydia Sawtell, 9th HEZ. WHITTLESEY, 10th Lucy Twining, 11th Prudence Lewis, 12th ROSS W. ESTABROOK, Abigail Estabrook, Davis Estabrook, 13th Abigail F. Kellogg, 15th Dan Dimmick, This class meets at H. T. Shipman’s on the Fifth Tuesday after every communion Season at 2 o’clock P. M. See note p. 19. On the evening of the same day the Session meets at the house of Ross W. Estabrook. On Thursday of this week a Lecture is preached in the house of 0. Stevens at 5 o’clock P. M. in the summer, and in the evening during the winter. The members of the church hold a meeting for exhortation and pray- er every Sabbath, at Mr. Stevens’,—Time varying in winter and sum- mer as above. C26 NEIGHBORHOOD CLASSES, SIXTH CLASS. July 16th, ELISHA BEVIER, Rachel Bevier, Rebecca Bevier, Catharine M. Johnson, 17th Thankful Keator, 18th Catharine Green* Rachel Green, Alvah Green, Ann Eliza Green, 19th ARNOLD BURRELL, Eliza Burrell, 20th EBENEZER PARK, Philene Park, Calista Park, Betsey Park, Smith Park, Ann Park, 22d PORTER ROOD, Sally Rood, Walter Rood, A. Hamilton Rood, P. Malvina Rood, Mortimer Rood, Porter Rood, jr. 23d Mary Bevier, Cornelius Newkirk, 24th Harriet Brown, Stephen Brown, 25th SAMUEL STOW, Hannah Stow, Luke Stow, Henry Stow, Curtis Thorp, 26th CHRISTIAN BEVIER, Magdalen Bevier, William Bevier, Rachel Bevier, Elmira Bevier, 27th Catharine Wagonner, Elizabeth Wagonner, 29th EDWARD WARDELL, Mary Wardell, 30th STEPHEN DICKSON, Dulcy Dickson, 31st JOHN R. WHITNEY, Sally Whitney, This class meets at Mary Bevier’s—-on the Sixth Tuesday, after every communion Season at 2 o’clock P. M. See Note page 19. On the evening of the same day, the Session meets at the house of P* HoodBY HOUSEHOLDS. 27 On Thursday of the same week, a Lecture is preached in the Sehool house near Mr. Rood’s—at 5 o’clock in the summer, and in the evening during the winter. The members of the church hold a meeting for prayer and exhortation, every Sabbath in the same School house. Hour varying in winter and summer as above. SEVENTH CLASS. Aug. 1st Maria Sawtell, Sally Sawtell, 2d 10th ZECHARIAH BEVIER, Lydia Bevier, 12th Catharine Thomas* JONATHAN OGDEN, Joseph Carman, Esther Ogden, 3d William Ogden, METHUSA. HASBROUCK John B. Ogden, Mary Hasbrouck, Elmira Hasbrouck, 5th Esther Bevier, Catharine Bevier, 6th DEYO HASBROUCK, Barbara Hasbrouck, 7th Catharine Van Name, Rachel Van Name, Emily Ogden, Mary Ogden, Catharine Ogden, Eliza Bradley, 13th Maria Amhusk, 14th CORNELIUS VanNAME, Theodosia VanName, Pamela Ogden, "l§th 8th Maria Bevier, Hannah Ann Seymonr, 9th ISAAC BEVIER, Rachel Bevier, Maria Bevier, Abraham Bevier, Stephen Bunnell, 16th Robert Wattles, Amasa Wattles, Susan Wattles, Marcia Ann Wattles, Pamela Wattles,28 NEIGHBORHOOD CLASSES, Seventh Class continued, 17th 22d Mary Williams, PETER DEWITT, Elizabeth Dewitt, Sally M. Dewitt, Catharine Dewitt, 23d Susan Allison, 24th RANSOM ANDREWS, 19th Phena Harper, Harriet Harper, Hannah Andrews, Hiram Andrews, Sally Andrews, 20th Catharine Hawyer, 21st 26th Chloe Griswold, Polly Frisbie, Fidelia Anderson, This class meets at Jonathan Ogden’s, on the Seventh Tuesday after every communion Season, at 2 o’clock P. M. See Note page, 19. On the evening of the same day the Session meets at the house of M. Hasbrouck. On thursday of this week, a lecture is preached in the School house- near Mr. Ogden’s, at 5 o’clock during the summer, and in the evening during the winter. The members of the church, hold a meeting for prayer and exhorta- tion every Sabbath—at the same School house. The hour in winter and summer, varying as above. Aug. 27th, EIGHTH CLASS. 29th ORSEMUS LILLY, Louisa Lilly, Eunice Lilly, Laura Cary, Charles F. Holmes* . Alexander White, FOSTER LILY, Deborah Lilly, Deborah Lilly, jr. Jonathan Lilly, Foster Lilly, jr. Sally Lilly, Reuben Lilly, Arunah Lilly, Hannah Lilly, 28th HENRY LILLY, Anna Lilly,BY HOUSEHOLDS. 29 Eighth Class continued. 30th 6th ARUNAH HALL, Achsah Hall, David Hall, Sarah M. Hall, Tidal Knapp, 31st PARLEY LEE, Maria Lee, Amanda M. Stowell, Sept. 2d, Harriet Parker, 3d Polly Parker, 4th Abigail Carter, 5th RUSSEL WILCOX, Chloe Wilcox, John W. Wilcox, Orrin Wilcox, 7th JOHN M. DIMMICK, Anna Dimmick, 9th, JOSIAH WEST. Orlando West, 10th WILLIAM WEST, Rachel West, Harriet West, Caroline Cary, 11th Fanny Dimmick, Elizabeth M. Dimmick, Smith Spencer, Margaret Leonard, 12th Gertrude Ralyea, This class meets at Orsemus Lilly’s, on the Eighth Tuesday after ev- ery communion Season, at 11 o’clock A. M. On the same day at 2 o’clock P. M. a lecture is preached in the samo house; at the close of which the Session meets. The four Elders residing in this district, aided by their brethren, sus- tain public worship every Sabbath—a Sabbath School—the monthly con- cert, and several conferences and prayer meetings during the week. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is administered in that neighbor- hood twice in a year, (viz.) on the first Sabbath in May and November. REMARKS. I. The communion is administered in this church on the first Sabbath of every other month- The Saturday prevmv« \- observed by the church, as far as is practica- ble, as a season of fasUzm, dilation and prayer.30 REMARKS- At 10 o’clock in the morning a general church conference and pray- er meeting is held in the church. The Preparatory Lecture is preached in the church, at 2 o’clock P. M The Session meets in the church to attend to any business that may come before them, immediately after the Preparatory Lecture. II. The afternoon of the second Sabbath after every communion Season is devoted to the baptized children of the church. On that occasion the baptized children when they come into the house of God, take their places in the front body Slips vacated for that purpose, and are made the special subjects of exhortation and prayer,by the Pas- tor and the church. This is the Stated Season for attending to the ordinance of household baptism. Parents, members of the church, who have children to be baptized, are expected to present them, on that occasion. III. Those male members of the church who reside in the village are divided into eight companies. These companies attend to the Sab- bath evening prayer meetings in the eight districts around the village. They go round the circle, in the order of rotation—and thus com- plete their circuit, between every communion season. It is understood- that they go to assist the brethren who reside in the different districts. IY. The members of the church are arranged in this book in two tables. The first table exhibits principally a copy of the records—and is in- tended for the benefit of the members, as a brief chronological history of the church. In the Second table, the members are arranged by households. Over each household is printed a day of the month. On that day, all the church unite in remembering, in their private and family devotion, the family, thus set under the day. Individual members,not connected in families belonging to our church, are remembered in the same way with households. The individual or household observe the day on which they are thus remembered by all the church, as a day of special prayer, and, (so far as practicable) as a day oi fasting and prayer. On that day at 11 o’clock, this household (or individual as the case- may be,) receive a religious visit from their Pastor, on which occasion, it is desired that all the members of the family be present. Persons residing at a distance,or who are tempor aril ally absent,and can- not therefore receive on their day a pastoral visit, receive, as a substi- tute, a pastoral letter. It will be observed that the Sabbath day, is not noticed in this table.REMARKS 31 The reason is, on the Sabbath the whole church unite in praying for their Pastor. V. The households in the church, are next divided into eight clas- ses, in the order of locality of residence. Those who reside in the same neighborhood, are put into one class. The Pastor (and as many of the Session as can,) meets with one class every week. The place of meet- ing is somewhere within the bounds of the class. The object of the meeting is to enquire into the state of feeling in each member, and in any other way that may be suggested, to promote personal piety, and a spirit of active benevolence. Each of the classes is thus visited between every Communion Season. All the classes meet together for prayer and conference on the Saturday previous to the Communion, as has been before observed. VI. For the purpose of approximating still nearer to the accom- plishment of the objects for which Christ instituted his visible Church each of these eight classes is entrusted to the Supervision of an Elder. The Elders change classes, at every communion Season. It is understood to be the duty of the Elder, to have a personal inter- view (so far as is practicable,) with every individual of his class, to ob- tain information relative to those who are absent, and who cannot there- fore be visited, and to report, to the Session, previous to the communion Season at which he resigns his class. In this way not only the Elders become aquainted with the members? but all the church have an opportunity of knowing them which labor among them, and are over them in the Lord, &c. I. Thess. V. 12, 13. JV. B. Members of this church who remove beyond the bounds of our Congregation, are desired to apply for letters of recommendation to churches, within the bounds of which they have taken up their resi- dence. Members of sister churches residing among us, are expected to pre- sent their letters of recommendation to us, within, at least, one year after they have taken up their residence, and communed with us. VII. There are several Sabbath Schools- connected with the Con- gregation. The principal one, is taught in the Church, at the ringing of the first bell in the morning during the summer, and immediately after the second service during the winter. This school accommodates the village and its immediate vicinity. The others, are for the benefit of families living at some distance from the village. They are taught in the School houses of the different dis- tricts in which they reside. They generally open by the first of March, and close in consequence of the shortness of the days, by the first of No- vember.32 REMARKS. A plan has been suggested for the arrangement of the School in the village, which corresponds so delightfully with the present organiza- _ tion of the church, that its adoption is recommended into all the Schools connected with the congregation. The School is divided into classes of six persons, with a teacher, to each class. The teacher makes one of his scholars, beginning with the first on his class book, a subject of prayer, each secular day in the week. The scholars enter into the same arrangement—thus praying for each other. On the Sabbath, all the scholars unite in praying for their Teacher, their Superintendant, and their Minister. The infant S. School, is taught, for the present, both in the morning, and after the second service in the afternoon. On Saturday afternoon of each week, the children of the church are invited to meet at Mrs. Strale’s Schoolroom, where they are instruct- ed and prayed with, by female members of the church who are associa- ted for that purpose. $3astoral Setter, TO the Members of the Presbyterian Churth—Binghamton. Dear Brethren— YOU have already heard the announcement I made to you on the last Sabbath. The preparing of this year’s Manual for your use, was the chief instrument in bringing me to that decision. Little did I think,, when I commenced it, that it would result in an event so impor- tant as the dissolution (with the leave of Presbytery) of the Pas- toral relation existing between us. The two objects for which I labour, are the conversion of sin- ners, and the sanctification of the people of God. As it regards the first of these objects, (viz.) the conversion of sinners, an examination of the list of members of the church, led me to form another list of the attendants on the sanc- tuary, who remain unconverted. This list I took, and, from it, marked of those who, from some cause, had become personally disaffected towards me : Some of whom had entirely “ forsaken the assembling of themselves together” with us; and with regardPASTORAL LETTER. 33 to all of whom, I was led to feel that I could do them good no longer. Another faithful man might.—The same love for their souls, therefore, which originally induced me to become your Pas- tor, now led me to decide that I ought to remain so no longer. The other part of this list of professedly unconverted persons are willing, and some of them desirous, that I should still remain your Pastor. I love them for their kind feelings towards me. But this is no time for compliments. I have failed in my efforts to bring them to comply with the terms of the Gospel. In the meanwhile, time is rapidly bearing them away to the world of spirits, be- yond the reach of any efforts. If any thing can be done for them by any other person, I am anxious that the experiment may be made. As it regards the second object for which I labor, (viz.) the sanctification of the people of God—I confess the path of my duty has not appeared so plain. Every time I thought on the subject of leaving you, the company of young converts for the last two years, and especially the multitude that has been gathered during the last few months, seemed to stand before me and solicit my con- tinuance among them. At one time I was on the point of deei- ing that, for their sakes, I ought to remain ; but at length deci- ded as I have done— mainly in view of those six or seven impen- itent persons, whose feelings towards me, have been alluded to; and also in view of the peculiar system of your Church organiza- tion. Let the young Converts adhere to this system, and,though left for a season without a Pastor, they will not be scattered as sheep without a shepherd. As my last advice to you all, my dear brethren, I say, adhere to this system, and improve it. You cannot grow lukewarm so long as you adhere to it daily, “ in spirit and in truth.” It will promote in you a spirit of prayer and brotherly love. It will help to form your character on the model of a vigorous piety. Al- ready it has been proved by your own experience, to be admirably adapted to beget and to nourish the revival spirit in the hearts of Christians. Above all, do not neglect that part of the System which makes your Pastor a subject of prayer every Sabbath. Especially, do not neglect it, while he ministers to you in holy things, who, has now the pleasure of signing himself— Your affectionate Pastor, PETER LOCKWOOD. Feb. 9, 1833.