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THE pamph1et*rgned “A Citizen,”' and entitled f< A; defence,'* Sec. generally known by the name of “ The Book,” hat at length made its appearance; and as was expected, this last effort of an expiring- faction, has excited no other emotions iii the mind of an enlightened public, than those of contempt and pity—Con- tempt for the miserable arts of condign despair, and pity like that ex- cited by an object in the agonies of dissolution, on a maniac dancing in* his chains. This production should have been left to the oblivion which inevitably awaits it; nor should my pen have been employed in its detection and exposure, had it not been characterized by the lowest; attempts at concealment and treachery, falsehood and detraction.— Like Iugo in the play , a wretched abandonment of character; a desti- tution of principle, and a;fiend-like thirst for revengey accompany tho author thro* the whole of liis* progress, and appear to acquire additional: force, as he approaches the period of Ills downfall. That it is a tissue, however, which it requires no strength to bursty will appear by the ex- amination of a single point o n which the whole of the story is made to rest. • If the ridiculous charge made against two or three individual* ) that they had cheated Mr. Young out of his nomination, turns out to - be the mere phantom of a disordered imagination, instead of a logical deduction of truth, if the facts which have been urged in support of this charge, are the mere creatures of misrepresentation, prevarication and falsehood ; this alone will settle the controversy, and fix the im- putation, upon its unprincipled authors** The loop on which this absurd tale is made to hang, is the frail andfeeble certificate of Ketcham, Gardner and Cowles* That T should be authorised to apply an epi- thet more severe than that of frail and feeble, I take it upon me to prove in the first place by the certificate itself, compared; with one which the same men issued last spring r And in the next place by a plain statement of facts, gi ven under the solemnity of an oath, leaving: it at present for atheists and blasphemers, (for I am sure none other* will,) to ascribe greater moral certainty to a certificate carrying on tho- face of it miserable evasion, than to a history sanctioned by an appeal to the Christians God. That this certificate is both suspicious and evasive, I appeal to the* pamphlet page 27* Why do they not tell their fellow-citizens, that they did not collectively or individually during that session charge. Young with ill-treatment towards them. ? Would not this have been perfectly easy if true ? Why do they blink the question, and tell * long story about a conversation which they , held with Mr. Bonce* which whether it was true or untrue, is totally immaterial ? What do * they mean in a later stage of their certificate, by the unsuspecting andunguarded conversation, they had held with Mr. Bunce, and whiclr they were afraid he would make mischief of ? Do they call the con- versation which they detail an unguarded one ? Or was it some other conversation and conversations which shall be proved upon them ? In- stead of saying that they expressed no opinion to Bunce that “ Young ought not again to be nominated^* why do they not tell us, whether they pr either of them expressed any opinion to Bunce, or any other person, against his nomination the then next spring ? In Mr. Kasson’s letter (P- 33,) it appears they told him that Bunce and another gentleman'* •ailed on them, with whom they held a conversation ; whereof the one given in their recent certificate is confined exclusively to Bunce. Read also the following certificate of these men, which they gave to the public last spring ) in which they admit some other conversation which they call a free and unreserved conversation^ and protest against the ** treacherous perversion*’ of it. “ To the Citizens of the county of Saratoga. Having heard that a private conversation of ours has been rep- resented to our Fellow Ciiizens in a light unfavorable to the char- acter of Samuel Young, Esq. and has been used to his prejudice, in the estimation of his constituents.—-We discharge a duty grateful to our individual feelings, due to the feelings and character of a highly useful, able, faithful and industrious Member of Assembly, and due to our county, to express our pointed indignation against the treacherous perversion of the spirit of a free and unreserved conver- sation by stating to our fellow citizens, that we have always lived in the most perfect harmony with Mr. Young, have had with him on all legislative business the most cordial co-operation and concert : that his uniform deportment towards us has been friendly and de- corous, and that we never gave an intimation of any wish or opinion, against his renomination to the Assembly. HOWEL GARDNER, RICHARD KETCHUM, BENJAMIN COWLES. Albany} April 17, 1815.”* Whatever name these gentlemen, may have given to their conver- sations, some limes calling them unsuspecting and unguarded, and sometimes//^ and unreserved, in order to determine their nature and place them in a clear light, 1 shall now go on to shew the public what they did say, and not stop to quarrel about names so long as I am sure that public will be content with the things themselves. I cahilenge incredulity itself after reading thefollowing affidavits and statements, to doubt one moment on the subject. * Several hundred of these certificates were a day or two ajtcr the Me Bean Meeting, struck off at the Federal Printing Office in tM& filing*) and circulated thro* the County during the election*«* Isaiah Bunce & Thomas Palmer being duly swdrn, say, that they were at Albany in the early part of the late session of the Le- gislature, and put up at the house where the Delegates of the coun- ty of Saratoga quartered. That they and three of the Delegates from said county, viz. Messrs. Ketcham, Gardner and Cowles, con- versed freely with each other on various political subjects, and in One Conversation they had with these said Members, they told these Deponents, that they had not been well treated by their colleague Mr. Young-—spoke freely of their unpleasant situation, owing to that treatment, mentioning a number of instances illustrating th® same, both in the fall session and the then session of the Legislature* And these deponents further say, that they the said Ketcham, Gardner and Cowles, did in that conversation, decidedly express their opinion that the said Young ought not to represent this county again in the next session—at the same time signifying that they had no wish, that the talents of Mr. Young should be lost to the county, but believed it would be for his benefit, should he not be elected the ensuing session—or language to that import. And these deponents further say, that this conversation took place while it was generally believed and expected, and so express-* ed by the said Ketcham, Cowles and Gardner in particular, that Mr. Young would in a day or two, be appointed Secretary of the State of New* York. ISAIAH BUNCE, THOMAS PALMER. Sworn the 5th day of May, in the Tear 1815, before me SAMUEL CQOKf Master in Chancery” “ John Dunning being sworn saith, That in March last, He went to Albany and there saw Benjamin Cowles Esq. one of the Delegates from Saratoga, who told this deponent, that Samuel Young Esq. had treated the Members of this county with neglect, that their situation owing to the treatment they had received from him was very disagreeable, or words to that amount—mentioning instan- ces of that neglect &c. And this deponent further saith, That on his return from Albany, he overtook Richard Ketchum Esq. then going to visit his family in Stillwater—that he conversed with the said Ketchum, dn the sub- ject of Mr. Young’s treatment to them, who informed this depo- nent the same as Mr. Cowles had done, and related several circum- stances confirming the same. JOHN DUNNING^ Subscribed and sworn before me, Philo T% Beebe, one of the Justices of the JPeace in Malta, County of Saratoga, <$he 4th day of May 1815. \ - PHILO T. BEEBE, Justice,*/the Pe*ct?f* Amid* AticoTT being sworn saith, that Messrs* Ketchum, Gardner and Co wles, three of the Delegates from the county of Sar- atoga, some time in March last, when at Albany, told this Depo- nent, that they had been ill-treated, or not well treated by Samuel Young Esq. their colleague—and ex pressed their opinion and wish- es fully, that some other person than he, should the next session represent this county in Assembly. Mr. Ketchum in presence of the other two, said he had made up his mind fully in favor of George Palmer, Esq. or Esek Cowen Esq. being the man, to which the other two appeared to assent.—Mr. Gardner however remarked, that tome said Mr. Young might be sufficiently, mortified by not being appointed Secretary of State. AMOS ALLCOTT* Sworn the 5 th day of May, in the Year 1815, before me SAMUEL COOK Master in Chancery ” u Lewis B. Edwaros being sworn saith, That a few days after Mr. Bunce and Palmer returned from Albany—Mr. Gardner Member of Assembly, called at the office of the Saratoga Journal, on his way home to see his family, and told Mr. Bunce among other things, that Mr. Young had lost the Office of Secretary of State, and that ■Mr. Porter was appointed. And further remarked, * it may be best to suspend the thing we talked of, his loosing that may* humble him enough, pride will have a all—or words to that import. And this Deponent further saith, That about a fortnight after this, Mr. Cowles one of the other Members of Assembly, called at the Office on his return from Hadley to the Legislature, and on Mr. Bunce, asking him whether Mr Young had treated them any bet- ter since his disappointment, he replied he had not—and that Mr. Young had never yet even asked them to walk to the House with him or words to that effect. On the said Bunces enquiry whether he had mentioned the subject to any of his friends while at home— he replied that he intended to have done so t<# Esq. Rockwell, but he had missed of him returning from Albany. Mr. Rockwell, a« appeared having gone to Albany while Mr. Cowles was going t+ Hadley. LEWIS B. EDWARDS* Sworn the fifth day of May, in the year 1815, before me SAMUEL COOK Master in Chancery ” It is here proper to remark, that on the 18th of April, the day of the Mc‘Bain meeting ; Judge Child, recommended that no publication be made on either side, and that after election a meeting should take place between the members and Messrs. Bunce and Palmer, and endeavor to come to an amicable explanation. Mr. Stillwell, will well remem- ber, that two days afterwards lie called on Mr, Palmer, with a mes sage from Judge Child, requesting him, “by all means net to publish(?) any thing during the election, relative to the conversation with the members,’V to which Mr. Palmer readily assented. Notwithstanding which, the next day the certificate of the members, were brought to the Federal Printing Office, and several hundred copies struck off, with the knowledge of Mr. Stillwell, who then kept bis office within a fewr rods of the Federal Press. Yet no contrary statements were published during the election, nor until after two or three weeks had expired af- ter the time set by Mr. Cowles, for the members to meet Messrs. Bunco and Palmer. The members were requested by several Republicans to meet; they were finally publicly invited in the Journal, but contrary to the expectations and wishes of a great portion of the Republicans of the County, they did not come forward \ and the above affidav^s were published. And here the controversy on this point" might have ended ; but it seems the members, or rather the 4 Citizen,* was not sat- isfied, and he procures another certificate from them, which may he seen in page 27 28 and 29 of that pamphlet. Compare theirtwo state- ments—examine the above affidavits again—read the following certifi* cates, and judge for yourselves. « I hereby certify, that I met Benjamin Cowles, Esq! at Jones* Inn. in Halfmoon, on his return home from the Legislature, on the 20th of ? April last, two days after the Me Bean Meeting, and we there convers- ed together on the subject of the conversation he Messrs. Ketchura and Gardner, had with Messrs. Bunce and Palmer, in Albany, (where it wasalledged that they Ketchum, Cowles and Gardner, had complain- ed of vanity, neglect and ill-treatment of Mr. Young.) ThatTex- pressed my surprize to Mr. Cowles, that he, (Cowles) Ketchum and Gardner should lend their names to an instrument denying the conver- sation above alluded to, when be Cowles, Ketchum and Gardner, knew they had not only complained to Bunce and Palmer, hut to my- self ami others. To which he answered, that the certificate given by them was not given meaning to deny any thing that bad been said as respected ill-treatment, &c. of Mr. Young, but only to re-but other things which the gentlemen who called for the certificate* (among whom were James Thompson, Esq.) represented to have been said. On which I suggested the propriety of his calling on Bunce and Palmer, at the Springs ; and immediately getting his colleagues to meet them, and have the thing explained, and prevent improper use being made of their certificate ; to which proposition he, after expressing his regret that it had become public, cordially acceded. I then parted with him on my way to New-York. AMOSALLCOTT, JBdllston Sfiay March 1816.’* H I certify, that Mr. Cowles did on that day, (20th April) call on Mr. Bunce as mentioned in the above certificate of Mr. Allcott he had agreed to do, and after some conversation on the subject, in which ho admitted that he, Gardner and Ketchum, had complained of Young’s ill treatment and haughtiness to them, and their expressing their apis*toil against his being nominated as a candidate for iliat election kc. IrS atrongly solicited Mr. Bunce to liave nothing published in his paper oa the subject, till he could go and see his colleagues, Mr. Gardner and Ketchum, and get them to meet and have the affair explained and re- conciled, which he said he would at all events endeavor to do before the next paper should come out, [this being Thursdayy and the paper not to appear before the next Wednesday,] that he was then in a great hurry,and must get home that night, but he would make it his busi- ness to immediately attend to it ; to which proposition Mr. Bunce readily agreed, and promised Mr. Cowles accordingly. This conver- sation was in the office of the Saratoga Journal, in the room in which I was at work. The next day however, information was brought to Mr. Bunce in the office, that the certificate of the said Cowles, Gard. ner and Ketchum, denying the conversation relative to Mr. Young, waf then striking off at Mr. Comstock’s Office in this place, and shortly af- ter a firinted copy was brought into the office LEWIS B. EDWARDS.' Ballston Spa, March 1816.” u I certify, that shortly after the rising of the Legislature, I satf Benjamin Cowles, Esq. in the village of Ballston Spa, on his way home ; And in a conversation with him relative to the reports respec- ting Mr. Young, I asked him whether he had not told Mr. Bunce and Palmer, “ that Mr. Young had treated his colleagues with neglect, and that his trealmeut towards them was haughty and reserved,’* to which Mr. Cowles answered in the affirmative. 1 further asked him if he did not tell Mr. Palmer and Bunce, “that he was convinced of Mr. Young’s vanity, previous to bis being in the Legislature with him,” and state as an example u that while they were Supervisors, they were ap- pointed a committee to arrange or make out an account, for the board of Supervisors, and that he the said Benjamin Cowles, Esq. made out the account himself and delivered it to Mr. Y. who copied and presen- ted it to the board of Supervisors, and claimed the credit of it .himself19 To all of which Mr. Cowles answered in the affirmative, and express- ed a wish that Mr. B. and P. would not publish any thing concerning the conversation, as he was anxious to see Messrs. Gardner and Ketch- um, and have the affair reconciled. He further stated that lie did not think that the certificate given by Mr. Ketchum, Gardner and himself, to Jas. Thompson, Esq. did deny the conversation with Bunce and Palmer. A. ODELL. Ballston Spa, March, 1816.” “ I certify that some time in the month of February 1815, Benja- min Cowles, Esq. came home from the Legislature on a visit, that I saw Mr. Cowles at Ensign’s Inn, in the town of Hadley, in which town we both reside ; and that we then and there entered into a conversa- tion concerning Mr. Young, and that Mr. Cowles intimated to me that Mr. Young’s treatment was baugbty to wards the members, and said t&at he was disappointed in his expectations in the treatment he receiv-*d from Mr. Young, and he further told me that he thought it would be as well to send some other man to the Legislature the then ensuing year. I farther certify, that some lime in the fall of 1815, I had another conversation with the said Benjamin Cowles, Esq. on the subject of the affidavits that had been published, relative to the conversation said to have passed between Isaiah Bunce and Thomas Palmer, and the mem- bers in Albany ; and that during that conversation he did not contra- dict the statements published, but gave me to understand that the same were true, and intimated that he had inconsiderately signed the certifi- cate published during the election. I further certify, that Mr. Cowles was the first person, who informed me of the ill-treatment the members had received from Mr. Young, and that it would be as well to send some other person to the Legisla- ture the ensuing year. BARRY FENTON. Hadley^ March .1816.” {* I, Jacob Thorn, of Galway, in the county of Saratoga ; do certi- fy, that shortly after the affidavits of Messrs. Bunce, Palmer, Allcott, Dunning and Edwards, were published, relative to the conversation they had with Messrs. Ketcham, Gardner and Cowles in Albany ; I had a conversation with Mr. Ketcham in Stillwater, relative to the affi- davits published. I told h* a if the affidavits were not true, lie ought to contradict them. He replied, that his friends advised say nothing about it. I enquired of him the meaning of those affidavits— and whether the facts therein stated were true—to which the said Ketcham answered, that they were true—but said he did not expect it would have been made public. JACOB THORN.” “ I certify, that some time in the month of March 1815, I went to Albany on business, and called at the house where the members of this county resided ; found Messrs. Gardner, Ketcham and Cowles, and made my business known. Mr. Cowles said he would call and see me at my lodgings. Accordingly he did ; told me R was not according to his wish, that what I had to offer in the business could not be com- plied with. I then asked where Mr. Young quartered ? He said he would tell me ; on the way, Mr. Cowles said there had been a coldness between the Speaker of the House) and the members from this County, since he became speaker and expected to be Secretary of State, and oa that account declined going, JONATHAN KELLOGG. Northumberland) April Sth 1816.” I hereby solemnly certify, that some time in the month of Feb- ruary (and 1815,1 believe in the early part of it,) in a conversation Col. John Prior had with me just after his return from Albany, on the subject of candidates for the then approaching election ; he the said Prior remarked; that “ Mr. Young was not so popular as he( 10 ) been.” On my asking him why, he replied, s( for his ill treatment to his colleagues, having grown haughty, See-/* This I understood him to have received directly from the said members, Messrs. Gard- ner, Cowles and Ketcham. In the spring of the same year, after Messrs. Palmer and Bunce had made known similar complaints, that the said three members had made to them of Young’s treatment, I had another conversation with the said Prior on the subject, in which he the said Prior intimated, “ he did not believe the said mem- bers had told the said Palmer and Bunce what they had pretended.” I then asked him, if the members were not as likely to tell them of it, as himself, and repeated to the said * Prior what he had told me in the winter, of the members havirig made the same complaint to liim, which the said Prior did not pretend to deny as having heard from the members, nor having told me the same. JOSEPH MITCHEL; Dated) Greenfield, March 15, 1815. viz : William Stillwell, late a Judge, and now Clerk of this county. This political Proteus, together with a number of his. friends Was I believe, among, the first to start Mr. Cowen as a candi- date, before the county convention, and was from time to time very* importunate with him, to consent that his name should be made use of for this purpose. From the early part of February 1815, until he had got the Clerk’s office, he appears to have been Mr* Co wen’s indefati- gable supporter. At the Me Bain meeting however, he was as active and diligent to get rid of that nomination, as he had before been to effect it. Thomas Palmer, Esq. the secretary of that meeting, together with, Judge Stillwell, were chosen two of the committee to draw up the pro- ceedings, and were unquestionably in all respects the proper organ for that purpose. Sensible of this, Judge Stillwell, the evening after the meeting, invited Mr. Palmer to his house, where they deliberately* and without any disagreement drew up the statement, published p. 24 and 25, of their pamphlet. They jointly reviewed this statement the Tteoct morning'*—•agreedin its correctness, and ordered it to be printed.; Shortly after, without the knowledge of Mr. Palmer or Mr; Cowen* Stillwell secretly withdraws this statement from the printing office, and adopts and signs another drawn up by Mr. Thompson, differing in, many respects from the first. This last statement the secretary re- fused to sign, and his name was inserted as you will see by the state- ment itself, p. 16, without his knowledge or authority. Having thus boxed the compass and settled down upon point no pointy it is not sm> prising that when Stillwell lends his name to “ The Citizen;'* and ap- pears in his Book, as the flaming advocate forEAIt SIB, Having seen and examined a publication signediC A Citizen,” purporting to be an apology and justification of the gentlemen who composed the McBain meeting. In that publication I observe a studied and systematic attempt to fix on you and Mr. Bunce, the blame of having started Esek Cowen Esq. as a candidate for assem- bly, and of having procured his nomination by fraud and intriguer In consequence of seeing Wra. Stilwell’s name affixed to the procee- dings of that meeting, and being well informed that the said Stilwell hath gone great length to justify the conduct of the said meeting, in making void the nomination made by the county convention, I feel myself constrained by a sense of justice to declare, that some time on •r about the 1 ltl> day of February 1815; being in company with Ea-{ 12 ) tk Cowen, at th<* house of Wra. Stillwell Esq., he the said Stillwell did then and there introduce the subject of the then next election, by saying, that himself and a number of others had conversed on the subject, and sgreed that Mr. Cowen ought to be a candidate— [That Mr, Cowen made objections, and mentioned to him the names of several other gentlemen as being proper candidates in preference to himself; to which Mr. Stillwell objected, and urged Mr. Cowen with apparent zeal to suffer his name to be made use of as a candi- date. Sir, you are at liberty to make such use of the above state- ment of facts, as in your judgment you shall think ptoper. Yours, Respectfully, !Hon. T. Palmer Esq.” B. J. CLARK. It will also appear amongst other thing's, by the following letter written by John R. Mott,* who I believe is the second certifier in the book,” that Judge Stillwell entertained sentiments opposed to Mr* To ling’s nomination, as late as the sixth of April. “ Saratoga, April 6, 1815. DEAR SIR, It was late when I returned from Ballston, which prevented * It will be recollected that the writer of this letter is the famous conversation-monger, who together with his brother James Mott, arc made the instruments of proving duplicity in Mr. Cowen. John R. Mott pretends that as early as the 1st of March, Mr. Cowen told him that Palmer and Bunce were opposed to Youngs &c and yet on the 6th day of April following, he very gravely informs Mr. Cowen by letter, of the very facts which he says Mr. Cowen had told him before. This is the man too who tells so much about private conversation, and Mr. Cowenys hesitating to tell him names', and enjoining him to secresy, and who so very spunkily says that he called Gen. Punning “ a fool.,9 Mr. Cowen must• I think, feel himself greatly indebted to these broth- er certifiers for their honor and patriotism. This loo is the man, who sometime before wrote a fawning let ter, asking Mr. Cowen to give him an office (Assistant Assessor of the U. S.J which he had at his disposal$ to which Mr. Cowen readily acceded, and afterwards on another writ- ten request, conferred the same office on his brother certifier "James Mott. [ The inhabitants of Haffnwon, will furnish ample credentials, for their extraordinary attention and correctness in the execution of their offices, One of these men shortly before the election was appoin- ted deputy to the Sheriff : He suddenly veers about and becomes a convert to court doctrine, and evinces his zeal in the new cause he had espoused, by his anathemas against his former friends. These broth- ersin blood, in politics and in virtue, generously avail themselves of the advantages afforded them by official intercourse with Mr* Cowen on business, and then patriotically tender the fruits of their rotten- hearted labor to « the citizek” and his friends as proofs of dupli* city.(13) kny calling on yom T had conversations with several gentlemen vhich appears in “ the book,” tho* now altered by striking out Stillwell’s name, arrives by ex fir ess from Albany, in season to make up for this dish, its last ingre- dient-—But Alas ! to no purpose \ the people’s delegates nominate Mr. Co wen. I boldly and solemnly appeal to that convention whether they or the most of them were not Individually called upon, by Thompson or some of those acting under him, and urged to support Mr. Young upon part or all of the pretences above mentioned. In order to render assurance doubly sure, these strong and noisy opposers of fraud, these high minded and honest politicians discover another circumstance of which'they quickly avail themselves. One of the towns had neglected to choose a committee. The ceremony of packing was immediately resorted to, and three men who were ready to go all lengths with these upright gentry, presented and palmed themselves upon the convention, as legit- imate members. Thus having been belabored incessantly for two. thirds of an April day, the convention retire to their .duty, and as usual ballot for the candidates. After balloting and before the votes w ere canvassed, they unanimously resolve, that the lawyer having the greatest number of votes shall he considered the candidate, and the other rejected. After canvassing and finding that Mr. Cowen had two votes more than Mr. Young, it was again unanimously7 resolved that he be considered the candidate. This arrogance and fire sumption in the delegates of the people, was- o?) isol tamely to be endured by the court jiarty ; and these high-minded advocates of Republican purity immediately cast about for the means of correcting the evil. And what more easy and certain mode of doing this, than to solicit and procure the friendly interference oi federalism^ whose doctrine by this time appearsTto be in perfect co incidence with, their own ? They could abhor coalition, management and intrigue in the ranks of Republicans nay the intrigue which owed its birth and maturity to their heated imaginations alone, was odious and abomina- ble in its fancied perpetrators ; while they themselves were basely cour- ting the embraces of Federalism in secret; and building their hopes of success on the vile basis of a political bargain with that party /—like a. drunken clergyman who enters the pulpit heated with his bottle, and excites your disgust by a long discourse on the follies of intemperance** The high pretensions of these then to chastity and plain dealing, will be better tested by reading the following certificates ;—the reader be- ing first reminded that Mr. Elihu Roe and James Thompson, Esq. are hoideu forth both in the book, and in these statements, as twin-leaders -—a sort ofCastor and Pollux or cfo-umvirate in the tribe 5 and foe -this,reason theyare resorted to* as furnishing together with a few sub- ordinate officers, a clue to the immaculate character which they and their friends so loudly claim. “ I certify, that I heard Elihu Roe declare, to Jonathan Minor,7 at the store of Epenetus White, that James Thompson Esq. had at the last election, made overtures to the federalists to support Sam- uel Young Esq. as a member of Assembly. BURR WAKEMAN. March 1816.” 4t I hereby certify, that I had a conversation with Mr. Elihu Roe,' in the store of Epenetus White, in the presence of Mr. Burr Wake- man, in which Mr. Roe declared that James Thompson Esq. did propose to the federalists, to support a federal candidate for mem- ber of Assembly, if the federalists would support Samuel Young, Esq. as a candidate for member of Assembly at the election of 1815. JONATHAN MINOR. Ballston, March 28^/* 1816/* " I, Gideon Goodrich, late of the town of Milton, in the county of Saratoga, do hereby certify to my fellow-citizens ; that on the first day of election of 1815 in said town, where I then resided, at St. John’s Inn, where the polls of election were that day held, in a conversation on the subject of supporting Samuel Young, contrary to the general nomination ; Archy Kasson, a leading friend of Young admitted in presence of a number of persons, that he had said that ho had rather have three federalists go to the legislature from this county with Young, than not to have Young elected. On my ex- pressing surprise at such sentiments, from a man professing to be a republican, he added he still felt or thought so. Mr. James Thomp- son who was present, then replied) that he would say he had ratherhave seven federalist go with Young, than not to have him elected—! or any number that would not give a federal majority,* or words to that import, Having removed from this county, but now on a visit at my old residence in Milton* and being called upon by those who feel them- selves abused in the support of the cause of their country, no one will consider it officiousness in me, to thus repeat what was expres- sed in so public a manner on that occasion GIDEON GOODRICH* Mile on, 4firil\9th 1816.” and should be sorry to withdraw it after the friendly inter- course which had subsisted between them—that it was the earnest de~ ' sire of judge Child that Mr, Bunce should have the refusal of print* ing it ; “ but as a last resort say to him from me, that if he refuses tv print it as desired by Mr. Thompson, that I forever withdraw my patronage from Iris press.” Here Mr. Bunce indignantly threw back tlie paper to Mr. Thomp- son, and declared that under those circumstances he should not print it —saying that after buffeting the storm of federalism, and the dark days of the wars of our country, he little expected such treatment from one whose duty it was to protect the prets See. &c.—and it was af- ter much persuasion, and partly through my own importunities, that he was induced to print it. Mr. Bunce’s conduct through the whole transaction* which must have lasted two hours or more, was consistent5 March 1816.** Among others to whom Lee admitted he had been promised or offered the Clerk’s office by Young, is Mr. Nicholas Smith, but it is tnougin unnecessary to multiply certificates on this head. ^ The writer of that pamphlet also displays his characteristic ig- norance, or stupid disregard to truth, when he says that the, Journal ever charged Young with receiving pay in three capacities, during the extra session of 1815. It never made the charge as it respect- ed that, or any other year ;—but it so happens that during the ex- tra session oi 1814, Mr. Young did receive j§5 per day, which was the pay for a member of the house, and g2 25 per day, which was the extra allowanceon account of his being speaker.. See New Re- vised Laws, Vol. I. p, 528, and the act of April 18th 1815, called the supply billy Sec. 15, by which two acts, the wages of the Assem- bly are fixed at g.5, and those of the speaker at 87 25, and extend- ed to the extra session of 1814. Altho* the Journal rever made the Dcharge imputed toit, yet you see how easily and conclusively that charge might have been supported, had the assertion ever been made. With regard to Mr. Young’s receiving the pay of a CoL he never was charged with having done this during any extra session. That paper did insinuate that he at one time as aid to the governor recei- ved that pay. And it is hardly worth stopping to enquire whether he did or not, so long as we have his ward that the Governor offered it to him, in consequence of which he agreed to serve. Whether she got the cash and gave a receifit for it ;—or it was absorbed in his exfiences ;—or laid it out to buy another press ;—or yet remains due> is altogether immaterial, so long as an answer is substantially made out to a question raised by his good friends, andrto which the public may expect a reply ; The following certificate is therefore given without comment* can council should be chosen ; that he could be a member of the ie- gislature and Secretary of State at the same time$ and could reside at the Springs or Ballstown in the summer^and do the business of Sec- retary in Albany by Deputy, and that these two offices would give -him a pretty good or words to that effect. JESUP RAYMOND, Ball&ton, April 1816.’* Green—let me consider-; yes, green becomes my complexion best, and green, it shall be.” Mr. Kasson, was early spoken of by the Independent American* as an applicant for the Sheriff's office, and as it appears, was after- wards a candidate for the county convention, and pledged to the sup- port of Mr. Young; In consequence of this, the Journal did ask the question to Mr. Young, whether he intended Mr. Kasson as the Sheriff of this county ?—and nothing more* I think a farther inqui- ry was made whether he was not authorised to purchase a “ man- sion house for the new secretary? in the village of Ballston Spa ?*’ oh: which he preserves a cautious silence* It is remarkable in this and other instances, with what industry the citizen: manufactures assertions to suit his own purpose, and- then denies them. Having at length exhausted his fancy in fabri- cating, shaping and denying particular charges, hardly one of which ever existed, he ranges up his whole artillery of vengeance the battle becomes generalAnd the famous Doctor Slop, the man midwife, did:not pour a more copious and continued shower of cur- ses upon Obadiah, who had tied his bag: of instruments with hard knots, than is thus suddenly let fiy upon the devoted head of the Ed- itor of the Saratoga Journal. w Really** said the Frenchman to an old woman who had been storming* and fretting at Napoleon, u the Emperor, my master would feel himself infinitely, grieved, if ha knew how hard your ludy+ship thought of .him/* But it seems the Editor of the Journal “ has indulged himself in a course of law and vulgar sarcasms,” tho* no particular instance is pointed out. Thus the-citizen, after sending his friend, Mr* Elias Benedict, into the bar-room, to certify the damns and god damns of Mr. Wilkins, suddenly becomes extremely modest and refined, and fairs to moralizing like Michael Cassio, after his own drunken fit is ever. Mr. Bunco might really he esteemed far gone, had he reach- ed the climax of vulgarity which distinguishes the citizen and his ■book. * But says the book in another place,u the manners of Mr. Bunce are coarse and vulgar ” I suppose an immediate allusion is here intended to the manner in which he treated Stillwell and Thompson's supercillious proposition to agree to print their famous history of the(28 ) v, - McBain Meeting, without reading it, under penalty of losing the first Judge’s patronage in case of a refusal. Perhaps they mean that he did not on that occasion, turn out his toes exactly as he ought ; or invke a becoming bow to so much mock consequence as surrounded them, I know not in what language to^escribe their notions. We Jiave already admitted that Mr. Bunce does not pretend to vie in purity of dialect with the certificate of Mr. Elias Benedict. Sup- pose we also admit that he cannot hold competition with Roe as a profound linguist—with Mr. Thompson in fairness, high min dt dues «, openness and candor*— nor with Mr. Linnendoll in beheslettres—-and th^t he would pot make so good a dancing master as Mr James Merrill .* and leave the public to judge whether coming short of these qualifications, be can be any way tolerable in his person or polished in bis conversation. k*"1" -."'I ‘■■■him. ■» ■ 1 • ■ ■ ■■ ■ .--, .I * By a new species of logic adopted by the author of the Book, a man is accounted honorable and virtuous by the square foot of car- case. Ergo,a little man” in stature, comprehends all that is hypo- critical and wicked, lUhe great wan, James Merrill, who is the sub- ject of this note, by the above rule is of course, the roost honora- best informed and religious man of the whole group, who embel- ish the fair pages of that “ book.” It is proper that the public should know a little of his debut and denoument as a political charac- . ter. . * Hisnotorious feat was performed in his first and last appear- ance as a member of assembly, where his colleague by a friendly rapp on the knuckle convinced him that he was endeavoring to read off a federal vote for a council of appointment, which a federal mem- ber had assured him was more legible than the one prepared for him. The second time as a quid of the Burr stamp, and willing to spend 500 dollars rather than the republican candidate should succeed. The third time in a new character ; with his name blazoned in large capitals in recommendation of S. Van Rensselaer for gover- nor, in opposition to Daniel D. Tompkins in 1813. The fourth time in 1815, as the agent and director of th% Me Bain meeting ; still ready with 100 dollars, to divide the ticket with the federalists rather than the regular nomination Should succeed and Mr. Young not be elected ; swearing he had not before ta* ken hold since his friend Burr went down. On the drst day of election he is a flaming democrat. On the second day, at the opening of the polls, he makes public proclamation “ for all those who did not intend to vote for Mr, Young to come forward and stale their reasons, and they shoyld be heard; and that now he had no objections that three federalists should be e- lected.” On the third day of the election, uit depended on a word, and the types of the republican printer would be scattered” A true sample of u the mild spirit of Christian humility” Vid. book•(29) But Ms said again; that he has presented some of 6ur citizens u ia the ludicrous attitude of being in chase of one of the wheels of a political hack” This plain farmer-like simile has given great of- fence, and perhaps justly, to the high and refined notions of certain book gentry ; who have been too much in the habit of hunting an office, or chasing a dollar> to believe that the idea of so ordinary an occupation, could ever have been connected with that of such great men as themselves. It may not be amiss to here remark, that Mr. Bunce was admitted an Attorney of the Supreme Court in 1804; he settled in the village of Salina in the county of Onondaga; shortly afterwards it was made a post town, and he was appointed Post-Master* by the general gov- ernment* and continued in that office until he removed from that place* Soon after his removal to Bridgewater, Oneida County, he was appointed Post-Master at that place, and continued in that office until he resigned on his removal to the county of Saratoga. During his residence in the Western District, he attended with industry and fidelity to the profession in which he was educated. Soon after the declaration of war he concluded to quit the prac- tice of law, and purchased the establishment of the Republican press of this county, and became the editor of the Journal. Mr. Bunce has been a faithful, able, zealous and indefatigable sup- porter and defender of our republican institutions, and of the meas- ures of our general and state government; and 1 confidently ask* who ever accused him till this faction commenced their % operations. During the memorable campaign of 1814, he was not only vigilant and faithful to our rights as an editor; but when dan- ger threatened from all quarters, he hired, equipped, and sent a com- mon soldier into the field for the defence of New-York. Several who were active in introducing Mr. Bunce to the repub- licans of this county, after finding him too independent to bend to their particular” views, and after he had rejected with disdain their proffers to surrender to them his rights as an editor, chey formed themselves into a court of Inquisition, and ushered forth their court- ly mandates “ Bunce must be sacrificed” “the Journal shall go down,*’ even this proscription extended to his family, and to his fire- side ; and so eager were certain of these factionists, that they for- med apian to break up his establishment by force, and actually threatened to scatter his types, This fact is too susceptible of proof to be denied, The republicans for a longtime were silent spectators, while viewing the persecution of their-editor, and attack upon their own rights and privileges ; they fondly hoped, that time would cure th© evil, and sober reflection convince them of their error ; but in this hope they were disappointed / their persecutions encreased ; and t© * This circumstance woifid not have been mentioned had not the CIT- izen boasted of the same office confering great, honor on one of hut disciples*( 30 ) j$nab!e thfem more certainly to effect their object, and encouraged by the smiles of federalists, they secretly brought a new printing press into the county—-it was then the designs of these men were more apparent—it was then the republicans proclaimed their rights, and spoke to these 44 conspirators” in language too loud not to be beard—too emphatic not to be understood. And as long as these 4t conspirators” continue their press to war against the rights and privileges of the people, Mr. Bunce as a faithful centinel, will re- main firm at his post. What though a,gang of office-holders should u in the mild spirit of Christian humility” (see page T of the book ) fulminate their maledictions against him ; the people will not be frightened into submission, nor the editor from his duty. But the Editor of the Journal has abused some of us, say they— Does the truth abuse them ? does the exposition of the foulest com* bination that ever disgraced this or any other county, constitute a* buse ? Is there such terrible majesty surrounding an office ? No matter of what misrepresentations they are the authors of—No mat- ter how basely, and shamefully they have belied and slandered their neighbors—No matter of what deception, hypocrisy and intrigue, they are guilty—No matter how long they have conspired against "the rights and privileges of the people—No matter how unbecom- ing, gross and absurd their conduct may have been ; it an independ- ent Editor, in vindicating the rights of the people, and those of his own, questions the propriety of their conduct ; they immediately skulk behind their offices, and impudently exclaim, “touch us not— we are privileged ” ^Pigmies are Pigmies still tho’ perch’d on Alps/ While I would not refrain from censuring the improper conduct ©f these office leaders, I shall eyer be ready to extend the hand of fellowship to such as have been deluded by them—Nay, I would go farther, let them exhibit signs of repentance—let them evince a de- termination to support our republican rights—let them ©ease to war against the people^ their editor, and individuals—let them remove their pensioned press-wthen shall they have my Voice and my heart, to intercede for them with an insulted and abused community. But faint indeed is the hope of a reformation in that man who violates all honor, truth and decency. Who but the author* of that * In treating of the productions of an author, it is customary to give some account of his character,pursuits, &c. &c. This is usually done hy Way of introduction ox appendix. I beg leave in this instance to de- viate from the regular method, and present him in the more appropro- priate station of a JVbta Bene. The author of that pamphlet ifc a lawyer in practice and a moralist by profession ; by the former, he has acquired great booty ; by the latter a------------------■—* and what, is peculiar to himself (and all 4 peculiar’ men have their peculiarities) he never suffers his profession to interfere with his practice ; and yet inmoney concerns* he has been * Here the blank was iiot filled up,—Printer*r si j book would charge the Milton committee* of being the tools of u fraud and management V9 Who but him would affix the charge of “ miscreants’3 to the republicans of Galway; Milton, Greenfield* Saratoga, Malta and Ballston ? Who but him would have the un- blushing effrontery to publish, “ that the general committee in nom- mating Mr* Cowen, instead of Mr. Young, committed an outrage on the feelings and wishes of their constituents ? [see page 8. of that pamphlet.] Who but the author of that pamphlet would———— but I beg pardon—read the pamplet itself, and you have aubundant evidence of the authors views, his principles, his heart and his de- signs. * But the vengeful serpents of malice and persecution have not confi- ned their labors to the book, Early last spring, a thrust was made at the Editor of the Journal, on the authority it was said of Mr. Hackley, late a member from Herkimer, who (so Thompson said) had author- ised him to tell the people, that Mr* Bunce was unworthy of confi- dence nay, to make use of a number of debasing epithets,—such as would quadrate with the palate of Roe or Thompson, much better than that of a gentleman like Mr. Hackley. But as this gentleman known to handle both with great adroitness. In his practice his felloe townsmen are “ pine plains-men,33 in his profession “ a contemplible rabble and truly so, for the former tell him “ the farm you live on was once the soil of a revolutionary soldier.53 This is truly saucey, for lie acquired it by his practice. The latter tell him, “ yon sued ua for small sums due the estate of a relative ; you made listen times more costs than the demands—you took advantage of a then existing law, to oppress us ; you feasted on our misfortunes, and rioted on our distress- es ; till an ugly law extended relief to the “ rabble 99 One of these men livihg in an adjoioiog town, tells him, u 1 once owned two farms ; I own no farms now—They are swallowed up in “ morality ” It is not yet ascertained, whether his rate of 40 per cent interest, is regulated by his practice or his profession. It certainly cannot be, as has been supposed, in proportion to the wants of the dis- tressed. I am inclined to think his morality often runs ahead of his practice, in this case. * A good reputation is not common to all men. Our author has prac- tically demonstrated the truth of this position, and conclusively shewn, that the needy have an absolute right to filch a supply from their neigh- bor ; and has exhibited such powerful proofs in support of his claimsv that he has actually obtained more than a quantum sufficit, and confer- red the surplus on some of his needy friends. The misfortunes of his neighbor, forms the chief round in his ladder to eminence; it rests on the sanctuary of domestic afflictions, andi* supported by the tears of the wTidow and the orphan. Lo l Avarice claims him for her own—Billingsgate yields hei* choicest flowers—En- vy entwines the glowing wreath—and malice triumphantly crowns him * lord ol the ascendant.’3has declined appearing in the book, and certainly never did, and never "would authorize Thompson to use his Ratue for the vile purpose i® which he employed it, I barely glance at this circumstance as one ar- ticle, which would otherwise have been pressed iuto the Pandoras bofc which has been so industriously served up for the public. Instead of atoning by a mild, moderate and conciliatory course of conduct, for the injuries attempted, riot only against an individual, but the public,-in endeavoring to put down and destroy a free press ; the project is set on loot of introducing and palming upon the county an* other press a child of their own 5—a copartner in all their labors* their joys and sorrows. It is how ever, one thing to introduce a press, and another to get the fieofiie to support it. While a few malicious imps, hungering for revenge, were “grinning horrible a ghastly smile? to hear their famine should be filled-f* Use people in a number of dif- ferent towns assembled, and freely expressed their sentiments on the fatal tendency of such measures ; and animadverted with freedom and spirit on the motives which prompted them;—for which the book prin- ted by the printer of their paper, stigmatizes them with the epithet of miscreants \ and treats the whole, of their labors as mere cant and slang ; I suppose it must mean compared with its own dignified and masterly pages. The -majesty of the people is truly a monstrous Deity* in the eye of venal and sell-created consequence. It is merely for re- peating some of the sentiments expressed at these meetings, that the editor of the Journal is assailed as the -arch-disturber ol our political re - pose. The Citizen, in one place storms furiously at the allegation, that the Albany conimittee-had advised them to remove their press. Thai com- mittee was appointed to inquire into the difficulties which agitated the republican family in this county, and devise if possible the means of re- moving them. Thompson as chief cook of his own party, appeared be- fore them, with the book in his hand and Judge Child at his elbow as usual; and I do believe the citizen from my very soul, w hen he says they gave him no such advice. The committee were composed of sensible men ; and after listening to his incoherent display ol folly and nonsense on that occasion, it would be literally casting pearl be- foi e swine, to have given them any advice on the subject. Having established and considered some extraneous facts, for which I am aware certain gentlemen will not thank me especially as it may disorder the thread of their own reasoning a little ; I shall now proceed briefly to consider the charge of Fraud, Falsehood, Duplicity and Corruption, as it appears in the book itself, on their own proof, independent of the loregoing memora?*5 ffeelf into a base attempt to fix upon him, what so snugly suits thfc shoulders of others. It seems he finally bestows that justice upon a political adversarywhich the baseness and treachery of his colleagues and pretended friends had withheld. Am I acting the part of an accu- ser towards those men ? No. They have accused themselves. Why are they again before the public ? Had they hopes of skulking into ob- scurity among the motley multitude of certificates which throng the fol- io of the book"! or have they like one of the moral personages in Hu* 'dibras, ^ catch?d the itch on purpose to be scratch'd ? It now requires an eye less keen than that of a ministering spirit to pierce the cob web Teil which shields them from detection. But in the process of this investigation, we are led to the considera- tion of a subject “ too awful for irony?' The interested certificates of these men are ushered to a Christian public, and a higher sanction de- manded for them,by the author, than he is willing to allow to facts attes- ted under the solemnity of an oath. One could hardly have anticipa- ted this atheistical appeal to the credulity of the public, even tho* hu- man nature were as vile and monstrous in otheras it appears to be in that author. But perhaps there was a necessity for it, in order to pre- serve the dark uniformity of his production. If, as has been asserted more than one of his prominent certifiers (among whom I would by no means rank these men) are themselves atheists^ what could he swear them upon ?—Upon the evangelists think you ?—He might as well swear them on Payn’s age of reason, or his own vile book itself. Where they “ believe that their miserable bodies must take\eternal refuge in the grave, and the last puff of their nostrils will send their-souls to anni- hilation, l hey laugh at the solemnity of an oath and tell you that the ; 1?rave into which they sink as a log, forms an intrenchment against the throne of God, and the vengeance of exasperated justice!” Such is Hie character which the writer fixes upon himself—Such is the charac- ter which several of his disciples sustain in public. True, the falsityof an extra-judicial oath, carries with it no tempo- 'Tal punishment; but the moral obligation remains to give it validity. That eternal reward or punishment which the Citizen has taken so much pains to blot out from the mind of his readers, will still continue the delight and terror of the Christian, the eternal fountain of his hopes nnd fears ;—-with him a sufficient motive to truth, without the artifi-, cial and imperfect aid of national law. The affidavits of four or five tredible witnesses were already before the public, that Mr. Young’s colleagues did make a charge against him; but it seems that every moral sanction must be trampled upon or trifled with by the Citizen, to secure a triumph for his false and infidel principles. He skips* like a grasshopper, over facts and premises and propositions, and perches upon bis pitiful assertions, which he wishes the public to pervert into conclu- sions, Why did he not give these affidavits to the public ?—He can- not surely complain that he forgot them, for they appear to haunt his guilty imagination through the whole of his progress ; nor can he com- plain of wanting room. But the answer is easy. He knew it would make bis bait so yery bad that even his own gulls would not nibble.-"*was afraid of injuring his credit as an author even among his omi sort—for these affidavits prove conclusively and indubitably, that not one jot nor tittle more was uttered against Mr. Yeung, than what em* ana ted from his own colleagues, in the course of the winter of 181& and 1315. It is still more remarkable so far forth as the charge of fraud is con« cernedj with what logical precision the Citizen pursues his inquiry.—* One is naturally led to expect from his positive rant, nothing short of point blank demonstration at least, that the fraud, (which if there wa* any originated with Mr. Young’s colleagues) had produced the desired effect That the attempt to cheat the people out of this mammoth legislator,—this sine qua non to their political salvation, should hav& at least produced some influence with the men upon whom it was exei> ted. Is there no lost and wandering sheep ready to return to the foldr and certify the delusions practised upon him by these wolves in sheep* clothing ? Even Mr. Thompson* whose attention is apt to be others . wise directed* the moment he falls in conversation with Palmer and Bunce, scents out the fraud with all the instinctive keetmes* of a blood hound.—Mr. Kassoa on the same track, hardly the length of a nose behind, and unwilling to be outdone in sagacity, echoes the how** lings of his leaden Judge Stillwell, tho* it seems the dullest of the* pack, follows hard and completes the choir ; or in other words Thomp- son and Kasson make a certificate that they were not deceived, and ♦Stillwell endorses to give it a proper currency. Even Mr. Roe lays claim to the same spirit of discernment, tho* hfaf title to that claim might he questionable on another ground. He h readily led. into a conclusion that Mr. Wilkins must have visited th* Northern towns to procure Mr. Co wen’s nomination ; when it happen# that the committees in those towns had, been chosen before his namd had been mentioned in tliem as a candidate, and before he had consen- ted to be considered one;... Mr. Roe had much better have satisfied himself by consulting the northern delegation on this subject* He is re- markably alert to detect & fraud where, there is none, but is willing t® take any thing upon which accommodates his good friend the Citi* zen* He certifies that he could not be deceived by the poor stories of Palmer and Bunce But believing the public to be greater numb- sculls than himself, imagines that he can trick them into a belief, that the gentlemen who composed the northern.delegation (among whom are many of the most respectable names in the county) are the mero creatures of another’s will. It is perhaps fortunate that this man is an exception to the general law of nature, that like produces like> or h« might ha ve made tools of the whole county convention* \V ho then was defrauded?’—The Motts are by no means willing t® admit that this was the case with them. The Citizen cannot produce even one poor certificate from any one of the county convention, that they were deceived or misled—neither Mr. Deake nor judge Child were of the committee, and if they had been, they are both so good a* to tell us they were not gulled in that instance at least. John R. Mott, #ne of the delegation from the town oi Saratoga) according to hi# o wnX 36 ) Certificate had gone to New-York and sent Mr OSmslead who* wiflr •Mr. Cowen*8 consent (for it must have been by his consent that he ac- ted as a substitute) sat in convention, and voted for Mr. Young. Thus ingeniously does the citizen rummage the chain of cause: and effect, to eke out his favorite conclusion. ■ . But stop, I confess I had like to have forgotten the certificate of Dir. Child (Increase W. Child) a son of judge Child, one of the most dis- tinguished among the dramatis persona who figure in the book t—He does go the length of saying, that he voted on the strength of, Mr. Bunce’s representation, Voted for whom! For Mr. Cowen7 O no.—- But he voted for a committee, who were to meet a committee? to make put the county nomination J—And shocking to relate, poor Dr. Child was galled into a vote for three of the most respectable men in the town -of Milton! !—viz: Daniel Couch jmr. Esq. Joel Keeler Esq- late a member of the legislature, and Thomas Palmer Esq 1 / !—It is derog- atory to no man in that town, to say that a more respectable delegation could not have been procured. And what is more shameful still, one of those gentlemen, viz : Daniel Couch jan. Esq. whom the Doctor had thus honestly sent to vote for Mr. Cowen, actually deceived his cou- Btituent, and voted for Mr, Young / / 11—Doctor Child’s certificate is very happily illustrated by the burlesque syllogism ; that Moses was: the meekest man:—Salomon was the wisest man ;—-And therejore £t. Paul was ship wrecked. The conclusion of a fraudulent nomina- tion, follows about as direct upon Dr. Child's premises, as the ship- wreck of St. Paul did upon the meekness of Moses or the w isdom of Splomon. We should be almost led to suspect from this specimen, that the Doctor is a greater infant in politics, than in dissection. This famous pamphletfceer is by no means more fortunate, when he approaches the topic of the Me Bain meeting. The materials of which this meeting was composed are now known as* far as the book, which has kindly given their names to the public. It consisted of one first judge. One Sheriff And one Clerks appointed under the administra- tion of Samuel Young Esq.—George Palmer Esq. Master in Chancery f As*t. Justice, Justice oi the peace, Post Master, &©, and whom'i&c boot holds out as the expectant of the Surrogates office.—Roe deputy SheriiF and ci~devant constable—James Mott-—.James Thompson Esq. wTho had kindly volunteered, as early as the 1st of April, to take the interests of the county under his charge'as public prosecutor-wad States evidence—— Alfiheus"Goodrich Esq< his partner—Doctor Nathan Thampsort his brother—Mr Elias Benedict his client ;—the one'willing to receiver &nd the other to pay in certificates of the most current stamp—A jus- tice or justices from BaIlston,w ho knew their political God-father—-Dr* Samuel Pitkin, who acted as minister plenipotentiary from Milton to &a- ratoga, making thirteen, who it is admitted, were from all the different towns enumerated in the caption of the meeti g viz : Bailston, Still- water, Galway, Saratoga, Greenfield and Milton. Add to these some others of minor note, and you make, as the Citizen would have it, the Humber of 21 or more, The Citizen too tells us he was there $ but; whether in the character of -———--------———— or -***+•»------------w we are left to grope ia the gloom of conjecture*C '7 ) Such was the formidable Areopagus convened to purify the body politic ; to correct the poor misguided county convention ;—and guard the people against being their own worst enemies ; such was the assem- bly presented to the public as a numerous and respectable meeting from 6 towns o.ut of 14 (judge Child and Dr. Thompson kindly repre- senting the towns of Greenfield and Galway. No sooner hud this numerous meeting assembled, than it was tho’t necessary to divide them into the proper committees This being more genteel and par• liamentary than to act in a body;—Accordingly Stillwell, Thompson and Pap mer are created a committee to draw up the proceedings of the meeting / Child and Stillwell, a committee of Logic and Rhetoric, to call on absent friends and get them to consent that he should resign. Mott and Child acted as a committee of vigilance to pick up and report scraps of conversations and letters from Mr. Cowen, after ilie meeting Was over. Mott, Thompson, Kasson, Stillwell, Roe, &c. acted as a committee to report to the county, the fraud which had deprived Mr. Toung'oi\\\$ undoubted right to go to the Legislature, whether the people were willing or not. Mr. Elias Benedict to draw up the proceedings of Mr. WiP khw^A possibly to enforce the statute fur the suppression of Vice and Immoral- ity ;—'and a commiitee of the whole to tell the county they had beemh:re; and do away the strange reports which had gone abroad, that they \yere a lit-le self- created body , without precedent, authority or premises> resembling what saucy people would call a faction. Ail might yet have gone well, had not Stiflwell been such a miserable slouch at telling a sory. It appears that Stillwell and Palmer had written a history of ihe meeting tor publication, in which Mr. tbwew tells the meeting, “ that they must be responsible if they act without his absolute resignation.” See p. 24 and 5. This presumptuous act throws the Citizen into a whirlwind of passion ; and he falls a cursing like a ve>y drab, at Palmer, Bmice and Cowen, apparently not bdieving that hisfriend Stillwell would ever have told so dangerous a truth. He calls it a farrago of nonsense, after having before asserted that Palmer as Secreta- tary had nothing to do with it ; that it belonged exclusively to the committee of publication / and then recollecting that Palmer and Stillwell were a majority of that committee, and consequently the proper authority, he takes another leap, and says, that the rough draft of the proceedings were given to fames Thompson Esq for whom he claims the copy right. Now alt ho’ Thompson is unwilling to be outdone in telling a story, and tho* he had peaceable and quiet possession according to the book of the consciences of Stillwell and Child, instead of felling the public that Mr. Cowen had resigned, he says something which to be sure would look “ like that,*’ as the citizen says, up- on the first impression ; but which on being critically examined, contradicts the fact on the face of it. Even the compound of jargon and inconsistency drawn up by Thompson, and published in page 16 of the book, could not be tortured into an unconditional resignation. Mr, Cowen is there made to say, not that he resigned his nomination But that for reasons there enumerated, “it was his persdnal wish to resign his own nomination &c. and he submitted to the decision of the meeting, the question whether it would be most expedient to act on his resignation which he now made {which must refer to the personal wish before ex- pressed, for no other resignation is pretended) if the meeting should judge a postponement impracticable, or to postpone acting untill he could have time to communicate to some of the particular friends of his nomination (beside those who were present at the meeting) his reasons for resigning, and procure their concurrence before band, &c.>* Mr. Cowen thus makes die concurrence of his friends before hand a condition precedent ;—but the meeting disregard it—reject the condition, and gravelyre- soive to accept a resignation, which had not yet been tendered to them. Such is thd rickety production which came straggling before the public in search of the Secretary, who ha i refused it the sanction of his name. In order to remedy evil, and “ ikons it into form" a» the citizen would say, his name givesI 38 ) pTace to that o? Thompson and Stillwell, who it is agreed are larger men than the Secretary,* and must therefore carry greater weight. Even the certificate which follows, signed by nearly the whole of the meeting, after going on to say that Mr. Co wen openly and publicly resigned, immediately defeats itself by referring back to, and adopting the statement drawn up by Thompson as a can- did, fair and faithful statement of facts ;—and it is evident that such part of the certificate as overshoots the premises upon which it is professedly founded, must mean nothing more than to give a construction advocated by the Citizen, and which they esteem so necessary for their defence. The certificate of Peters, Stewart and How, shew the miserable shifts to which the Citizen and his friends were driven in order to bear themselves out in their conduct. They are perhaps excusable so long as they keep to the question of construction ; but when they tax the zeal of their friends with certificates and declarations so far beyond what they themselves are willing to say—nay, which actually contradict the.certificates and declarations that precede them, one is almost induced to overlook the diffi- culties of their defence, and to suspect the moral honesty—not of these men ; but of those who have drawn them into this singular situation. After all this round of certifying and reasoning, the shoe still continues to pinch, and the first Judge again appears before the public to help the defect. Alt ho* he signed Thompson’s statement in which he is careful to make use cf the lan- guage employed by it, and the epithet personal when he speaks of Mr. Cowen’s language, yet when he afterwards hears of a distinction between personally and absolutely he seems almost struck dumb with astonishment., and says he had nev- er heard of the distinction before. Now alth.o’ the public will make all rational allowance for the judge’s want of distinctipn wheie Mr. Thompson is concerned, yet 1 suspect they could hardly account for his present lack of apprehension, un- less he took that statement upon tick, and signed without reading it. Still despairing of any thing like a defence upon this ground, the Citizen at length, p. 24, dismisses his whole train of statements, certificates and letters, & undertakes very learnedly and elaborately to refine upon the. distinction ; and in- sists that if a man expresses his personal wish to resign, it is to all intents and pur- poses a resignation, and that no other was ever heard of v as if it was impossible to consult the opinions of others, and make a general resignation depend upon their consent. All that it seems necessary in that case, is for the Me Bain meeting to* resolve to accept what they thus are pleased to call a resignation, and nominate another candidate. And this it seems accords with the sense of all the wTorld otr the subject, both federal and republican. Thus the world are at length after a lapse of ages, furnished with an easy recipe for a resignation-^a sort of panacea to correct all the sores of the body politic and produce a ** speedy composure of the public mind.” ** Ter.eatis Pisum Amiciand call no one a political quack playing off his whimsical nostrums upon the people, wfiose mental repose lies so near his heart. If the meeting are told that they shall be responsible if they act on a declaration thus limited, keep it out of view as much as/possible, or say as the citizen’does, p. 40, that it was only something We that or out of season, or some such thing. If a committee of three are chosen to publish the proceedings and two of them write z farrago of nonsense which puts the wThole together by the ears, in order to decide the quarrel and “ speedily compose the public mind/* let them raffie upon the question, and to see that every thing is fair, appoint the First Judge to hold the hat. Ancient history tells us of more important contra versies than this, decided in the same way; “ Old Hector was a waiy chap* “ At pitch and chuck and hustle-cap, “ An old Scotch bonnet quickly takes, ** In which he three brass farthings shakes? -r——- ■ — ** Then turn’d his head without deceit, * The Citizen is perhaps correct when he calls Mr. Palmer a little man, and judges of his own favorites by the quantity of matter, instead of mind ,•—Like the X- ialian Farmer in estimating the qualities of a grave animal m less famons strength and dullness than for the length of his, ears*(39) ** To shew them ths^t he scorn’d to cheat s? ** And cries aloud, here goes, my boy, "3 ^ *Tis heads for Greece and'tails for Troy f •' Then turns the cap .* great Troy prevails* ** Twofarthings out of three were tails.** "But it is time to lift the curtain, and attend more minutely to the chief jug* glers who figure behind it. The Sheriff and others, who sign the Me Bain cer* tificate, alledge that Mr. Cowen (according to thdr construction) noi only resign- ed his nomination but did so Without any previous request (as they perceived J It would seem from this, that these men were kept as a sort of puppets to dance in accordance with the wires which actuated them, from behind the scene ; being thus, according to their own account, strangers to the pressing request made to Mr. Cowen ,* and the arguments by which it was enforced. They are exclu- ded the mum performance and reserved for the farce §—probably for the wisest cf reasons, as there are certain important parts which would be ruined in vulgar hands. It is time that these men shoufd perceive, if they have not yet learned one important fact among others, which their famous masters, Thompson and Child, have thus hypocritically concealed throughout. For this purpose I give the following extract of a letter from Judge Child, written on the subject of that meeting, the day after it took place, dated at Greenfield, April 19, 1815 : We accordingly met, and had a free candid and friendly consultation with Mr. Cowen ; and when he came to hear the communication from Esquire C voles, Ketchum and Gardner, on the subject of Mr. Young’s conduct and usefulness itt the Legislature;—and taking into consideration all the circumstances,, he cheer- fully declared that, in his judgement, it was best for him to resign being a can- didate ; and use his influence for the election of Mr. Young but that he really desired an opportunity of consulting thosefriends who had exerted them- selves to procure his nomination, that were not present. It was stated to him that they lived or at least some of them, at such a distance, that it would be very difficult to give seasonable information to the county of his resignation in favor of Mr Young, should it be put bye till Thursday or Friday as he requested and that the same reasons * ipbicb convinced him that it"would be proper for him to resign, would satisfy them on the subject. Mr. Cowen still tho’t it would be tbe best way to proceed and the most gratifying to his feelings, to take time to consult his friends* Thus you see Mr. Cowen was requested to resign, and the arguments in favor of that resignation founded upon the famous certificate, dated Albany, April \7% 1815, published Ante, page 4—a statement jesuitically calculated to shew that the zeal of his friends had, byperverting the conversation of Ketchum &c. aided in procuring his nomination. And when he expresses a desire to consult his friends / an answer is ready, emanating from the same fa*se and deceptive source. Thus are the most shameful arts employed to destroy his confidence in those friends, and induce in him a reluctance under all the circumstances (as the first j udge expresses it) against being a candidate—You thus see their rotten certificate* made the foundation for the rise—progress and result of that meeting. Thus does the charge of duplicity, fraud nnd falsehood recoil upon the heads of those arch-certifiers, or the men employed in obtaining and giving currency to their shameful communication. It then in fact ceases to be a question what was said or done by that meeting, or any member of it. For according to every principle of reasoning, divine orhuman ; if the whole was grounded on fraud, the whole was a nullity, and possessed no moral force* “If*9 says the book, Mr. Cowen’s nomination was procured by. frauds it cannot be called *1? secerns that an effort was afterwards made to convince their friends, by pub* lishing several hundreds of the famous communication from, Young's colleagues ^nop* withstanding an express stipulation to the contrary.; - ( 40 ) a nomination ; ancl may be departed from with Jut pun It y.” It turning out on investigation, that bis nomination was a perfectly fair one, and bis pretended resignation founded on th & grossest duplicity ;—whether it was conditional or absolute, whether it was personal er general, it is void, and unworthy the name of a resignation* Eternal justice disa- vows it; Political justice disowns it; and common sense condemns the perversion. The notninaiion> of Mr. Young, by a meeting thus packed for the purpose, by a few of his friends, was not only void for that rea- son, but it'had its origin in the same duplicity, and was iherefore equally void with every thing founded upon it. Were Young’s colleagues correctly informed, as to the manner their conversations were spoken Of? or were they deceived by Kasson and Thompson viien they called for their certificates at Albany ? If the latter, they had near one year before giving their second certificate, to correct the error. Why have they always shrunk from investigation ? Why in their second certificate, contradict the frst ? Why after hav- ing near a year to prepare it* does their second certificate contradict itself? As they now stand, they present a more shocking caricature of folly and inconsistency, than evox figured before the public. They have burst the bands of political faith—They have melted the cement of affection, and driven to a returnless distance, the best and dearest of friends. No man knew w hat to sav or think of w hat they skid or certified—Individual ruin is threatened/and the destruction of a free press aimed at; while in the political atmosphere all is uproar, dis- order and confusion. -------Alas.—ts That men, , , Clothed with a little brief authority^ Should play such antic tricks before high heaven, As make the angels weep I” With these men however I#bave now done—But let their Panderhe- ware ; let him pause and reflect^ erlv near the bottom, for and"1815, read [1815] a* d. Page 20ih, in note, 4 lines from bottom, for “ publhbedf read certified. . Page 22, 3d line in second paragraph, for 4their book/ rea$ the. book.