Production Note Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell1s replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials and the Xerox Corporation. Digital file copyright by Cornell University Library 1993.Cornell ^Iniversitn JSikarjr ..............islwlyf-NEW-YGRK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PUBLICATION FUND. XXIV.COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS. EDWARD F. DE LANCEY, DANIEL PARISH, Jf., CHARLES ISHAM.COLLECTIONS OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY ^ yi(A$U ^ y\ jmj ^ FOR THE YEAR 1891. PUBLICATION FUND SERIES. NEW YORK: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. MDCCCXCII. /? S iOfficers of the Society, i PRESIDENT, JOHN ALSOP KING. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, JOHN A. WEEKES. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, JOHN & KENNEDY. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, JOHN BIGELOW. DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, EDWARD F. DE LANCEY RECORDING SECRETARY, ANDREW WARNER. TREASURER, ROBERT SCHELL. LIBRARIAN, CHARLES ISIIAM.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FIRST CLASS-FOR ONE YEAR. JOHN A. WEEKES, JOHN W. C. LEVERIDGE, J. PIERPONT MORGAN. SECOND CLASS-FOR TWO YEARS. EDWARD F. DE LANCEY, DANIEL PARISH, Jr., FRANCIS TOMES. THIRD CLASS--FOR THREE YEARS. BENJAMIN H. FIELD, FREDERIC GALLATIN, CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL. FOURTH CLASS-FOR FOUR YEARS. JOHN S. KENNEDY, GEORGE W. VANDERBILT, WILLIAM KELBY. JOHN A. WEEKES, Chairman. DANIEL PARISH, Jr., Secretary. [The President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian are members, ex-officio, of the Executive Committee.] COMMITTEE ON THE FINE ARTS. DANIEL HUNTINGTON, JACOB B. MOORE, ANDREW WARNER, HENRY C. STURGES. JOHN A. WEEKES, GEORGE W. VANDERBILT. DANIEL HUNTINGTON, Chairman, ANDREW WARNER, Secretary. [The President, Librarian, and Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee are members, ex-officio, of the Committee on the Fine Arts.]MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS. i755-U64-INTRODUCTION. This volume contains the Muster Rolls of the various regiments and smaller organizations of troops raised and put in the field by the province of New York, which served dur- ing the Seven Years' War in America, or, as it was later called, “ The Old French War”—the war which terminated forever the power of France in the New World. They cover the vvhole period of that war from 1755 to 1763, except those for 1757, which have disappeared from the archives of the State of New York at Albany, where all the others are preserved as originally filed in the office of the Pro- vincial Secretary of the Colony of New York. From them the copies used in printing this volume were most carefully made by the eminent New York archivists and historians, the late Dr. Edmund B. O’Callaghan and Mr. Berthold Fernow. The former, so well known as the historian of New Netherland, and editor of the invaluable collection of the “ Colonial Documents of New York,” in eleven quarto volumes, and other works, upwards of thirty-five years ago copied personally nearly two-thirds of these Muster Rolls, intending to use them in a work of his own, an intention subsequently aban- doned. After his death in 1870, his widow, to whom he devised and bequeathed all his property, among others of his manu- scripts gave these copies to the New York Historical Society. Subsequently the Society determined to complete the tran- scription of the Muster Rolls, with a view to their future publication in its “ Collections,” and entrusted the work to Mr. Berthold Fernow, well known for his own accurate and continued labors in the field of New York history. The Rolls have been copied by both these gentlemen exactly as they were written and filed, such being the only true rule to be observed in transcribing for the press historical documents of this nature. The numbers and designations of the companies, the names of the privates and officers, the mention of individual size, age, personal appearance, nativity, localities where en- listed, with the dates of enlistment, and similar details given in these Muster Rolls, are a mine of a kind of information which is now of very great value and importance. This is owing to the great interest and attention which of late yearsXll INTRODUCTION. have been given to the colonial history of America in general, and of New York in particular. As illustrative of these Muster Rolls, and of the efforts of the province of New York in the Seven Years’ War in America, there has been added an appendix of documents and papers compiled from the archives of the State at Albany and the library of the Society. These show the action of the Governors of the province, the colonial legislature and other provincial authorities, not only in relation to their own troops, but to the carrying on of the war generally by the people of the province of New York, its legislature, and its Governors. These documents and papers contain a mass of information of much value, and not easily accessible heretofore to the historical inquirer. They are as follows: 1. A list of all the acts of the legislature of the province —seventeen in number—under which the various regiments and smaller bodies of troops were raised, equipped, paid, and subsisted. This gives the year and day of the month in which each act was passed, thus enabling them to be con- sulted in any one of the volumes of the colonial statutes of New York, ancient or modern. 2. The official orders, directions, and proclamations of Governors James De Lancey, Sir Charles Hardy, and Cadwal- lader Colden during the war, relative to the troops, the regi- ments, their officers, their movements, their destinations, and the events of the campaigns; in short, an official history of the direction of the war in New York, of which little has been before known. Interspersed in these documents are a few excerpts from newspapers of the day, called forth by their issue or by specific incidents of the war. 3. Lists of commissioned officers as far as they could be obtained from the records, and lists of names of non-commis- sioned officers and privates, found in the commissariat accounts of the Commissaries, John Cruger, Beverley Robinson, and Peter van Brugh Livingston, who formed a joint commission. From the same accounts, lists of the names of deceased soldiers from 1756 to 1762 whose heirs received the pay due them at the time of their death. 4. Lists of deserters, and notices and advertisements in relation to deserters during the war. 5. Lists of commissions signed by the Governors. 6. A book of military appointments and other military information in 1759, 1760, and 1761, kept by John Godby, a clerk in the office of the Secretary of the province, in the per- formance of his official duties.INTRODUCTION. XUI 7. Lists of the commissions issued for the provincial regi- ments, dated April 6, 1761, and October 8, 1761. 8. List of warrants issued to captains for bounty and enlistment monies, with the amount of each warrant in New York currency. This volume of Muster Rolls and accompanying documents and papers is an important contribution to the true history of the province of New York in the middle of the last century. Its general Index, the careful work of Mr. William Kelby, the Librarian of the Society, gives the name of every officer and private in the Rolls and Lists. Edward F. De Lancey. August, 1897.NEW YORK MUSTER ROLLS. I755-I764- Albany, June 4th 1755. A list of Capt. Edmond Mathews Company mustered the 4TH day of June at the City of Albany in the year of our Lord 1755. Before Hanse Hansen Esqr Mayor and Jacob Ten Eike and Garret Mar- seles Esqrs. Aldermen. Their names as by Certificates produced to us and also the men in person. Edmond Mathews, Captain Elias Funda, first Livetenant John Lotteridge, 2d Lievetenant John Sidebom Martin Rine John Long John Himes Michal McDaniel Patrick Murray William Austin Richard Conely John Johnson Thomas Lotteridge Alexander Anderson James Harris Hugh Raily John Johnson, Jr Cox Hamilton John Van Din Christopher Upen John Smith Gasham Saxton Thomas McCord Daniel Calligon William Morrison James Bennet John Hewnson John Karty Johanathan Miller Mykell Cassety Anthony Brodrick William Snodgrass John Applestall Uriah Nealson William McPharson Patrick Mathews John Hally Caleb Knap Henry Waldron William Kopps Joseph Mitchell Ronald Mc Donald Hugh Dougherty David Burch John Loughran Charles Dowdell Johannes Shallbury Nicholas Van Schayk John Kaff Thomas Morrey William Litch2 MUSTER ROLLS OF Thomas Wells Oein McGarde John Hawkins William Dakret Charles Doudel Samevill York William Watson Micel Doren Nicholas Kidney Hendrick Herkson James Pat Bladdo James Mars Timothy Whelan Joseph Monci Dennis O’Bryan Allick McClecklin John Collins Garret Marselus Christopher Whitmore Johannis Beckle Jacob Petengill . Swerus Marselus Jasper Baly Samuel Biltman John Scodswell Philip Hellembolt Daniel McCaleps Adam Strodbeek William Royston Hendrick Manier John Goodwin Charles Galeher John Reyley Jacob Haberman John Dolby James Herley Dennis Low William Forgison James Kelly Philip Miller Daniel Wilkison Hendrick Gans Francis Bourgeois Frans Johan Shemine Elfeng William Harker Johannes Mesker James Conner John Liddy Dennis Springer This is to Certifie that, we mustered the within Company for Captain Edmond Mathews at the City of Albany as within Expressed at the head of this List they day and year first abpve Written the whole Company containing one hundred Men Officers Included. Hans Hansen, Mayor Gerret Marselis, Alderman Jacob Ten Eyck, Aldm List of Each Officer and Soldier Inlisted in Captn Philip Jn°- Schuyler’s Company. Philip Schuyler, Capt. Henry V. Schaack, ) T • t. Philip Lansing, j ieu Joshua Brooks, Dan1 Bixby, Andries Besinger, John MTntire, - Sergts-NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 3 Will”- Pendal, ] Jabey Jozlin, > Corpls- John Dunbar, ) Edward Wheeler Willm- Crouder Nich3- Graat Charles Jacobs 5 Patrick O’Neal Henry McCormack Anthony Speck Anthony Noble John Woodcock, Jr- IO Johannis Jager Johannis Wacker Richard Hews James Shelledon John Jurigh Geer 15 Johan Jurigh fock Hans Jurigh Buck John Crodis John Brooks John Ward 20 Napthaley Owens Johannis Graat John Nojards Frans P. Klaw Sam1L Roberson 25 John Were Jonathan Lowell Johannis Vedder James Williams John Eerhart 30 Sam11 Taylor Alexr- Grant Christopher Lodewyck John Thomas Philip Harmen 35 Charles Deen John McNamara Anthony Warren Johannis H. Klaw George Rainer 40 Nich’s. Follard Thomas Curril Jacob Quackenbosh Francis Crebel Dan1L Stoddard 45 Benjamin Sampson Jacob Tongkings Jerome Van Wieren Jurigh Protepigh Thomas Caton 50 George Shurff Andries Besinger, Jr- Abrm- Concklin Petrus Schutt Hugh Flannagan 55 Jacob Woodcock Lammert H. V. Valken- burg. Robbert Barret Benjamin Wampum John3- Althuysen 60 Mathew Howell Oliver Thayre John Cooms Will"1- Higgins Jonathan Hutchins 65 Richard Hornet George Patterson John Wittington Christian Ceerhart David Crawford 70 David Winchel Sam11- Thomas George Albreghtill Peter Faverois Joseph Hall 75 Ruben Prime Isaac B. Van Alstyn Bastian Pompald Thomas Wells Isaac Van Alstyn 80 Dirck Woodcock, Jr Willm- C. Halenbeek Willm Bearcraft Garrat Bowman4 MUSTER ROLLS OF Oliver White 85 Sangro Warren Thos Benson Safvinus Besinger Myndert Wynkoop 89 David Price Mustered then In the Regiment of foot Raised in the Pay and Service of the Province of New York and Commanded by the Honble James De Lancey Esqr- Commander in Chief of said Province. One Captain two Lieuts- four Sergts- three Corpls- One Drummer and Eighty Nine Private Centinals. According to an Act of the Legislature of this Province Passed the third Day of May In the twenty Eight Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, King of England, France and Ireland, Anno. Dommino 1755. Mustered before us in the Mannor of Rensselaerwyck in the County of Albany this fourteenth Day of June 1755- SYBRANT G. V. Schaick, Judge JOHANNIS VANSANTE, Justis Jacob Ten Eyck, Justis Phill I. Schuyler. A List of the Company under the Command of Capt. Street Hall Esqr. of Wallingford Enlisted in his Majesty’s Service in the pay of the province of New York. Viz. Street Hall, Esqr., Capt. David Baldin, 1st Lieut. Ebenezer Dyar, 2 Lieut. Josiah Stanly Justus Holt John Rowlison James Osburn Isaac Cook John Andrus David Spencer Anthony Miller Jonathan Wright Frederick Chappel James Hartford Nath11. Yale Waitstill Cook Stephen Ives Elisha Brackett John Dudley Daniel Tharp Barnabas Merwin Jonathan Bull Ethan Curtiss John Rose Sylvanus Bishop Nathan Osborn Phinehas Beech Nathan Andrews Benjamin Huff Israel Daton Nath11. Cook Timothy Carrington Nath11. Hitchcock Sam11. Whedone Sam11. BayleyNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 5 Jason Cooper Peter Davis Will1". Brown Eldad Curtiss Josiah Dudley Hezekiah Brackett Sam11. Towner Benjamin Griswold Benjamin Chittingden Thomas Watson Nicholas Els worth Amaziah Busk David Page Ephraim Camp John Tom Will: Tom Enos Potter James Henman Benjn. Cooke, Jr. John Atwood Bate Hall Israel Frisbe John Kimbol Willm. Right Peter Sip Adam Saintgood Peter President Permenas Bunnel Francis Blague John Low Moses Earl • Denis Covert James Parker Moses Wooster Israel Smith Samuel Lyon Edward Wooster Timothey Dirgey David Colkoon Samuel Halbart Daniel Kenney Samuel Waller Abiraham Stoddard Elijah Hamblin Jedediah Jewet Paul Atwell John Thomas Nathaniel Dike Larance Parkle John Howde Joseph Ball Archd. Blare Timothy Turner Eben Warner Sam11. Smith Jedediah Morehouse Thadeus Carter David Cooke Charles Dutton Joseph Miles Elnathan Street Ebenr. Bracket Mordica Cuff James Corbit Joseph Bishop June 21st 1755 Then mustered aforenamed Ninety Seven private soldiers as able Bodied Effective Men &c. Test Elihu Chauncey, Commissr of ye Musters. Norwalk 23d June 1755. I do certify to the Honourable James Delancey Esqr. U. Governor and Commander in Chiefe of the Colony of New York that Captain Street Hall hath Raised a Company of one Hundred Effective Men Officers included for the service of the said Colony of New York as appears by the Muster Roll of the said Company signed by Elihu Chauncey Esqr. whom I appointed Commissary of the Musters for the three Com-6 MUSTER ROLLS OF panies to be Raised in this Colony on the pay and Encour- agement of New York, which Roll is herewith transmitted, given under my Hand the Date above Thos. Fitch. N. B. The Commissary is one of the Judges of one of our County Courts a Major in the standing Militia and Divers Times hath been Clerk of the Assembly. List of Each Officer and Soldier In Capt- Will*1' McGinnes Company. Willm* McGinnis, Capt. Robert M. Ginnis, Junr* Peter Backer, Solomon Gardner, John Freeman, John Hair, Harmanis Teruilliger, Martin McGee, John Williams, Joseph Fitch, Morris Mackivers, - Lieut8, - Serjts* - Corpls- John McClafry Stephen Brown John Smith John Davis John Brooks William Downard Andrew Philips Richard Hair John Richardson 10 Edward Simmons Hamilton Stewart John McDonnald Will1"- Hair John Johnson Frederick Geler Michel Tobin John Writh Pieter Creedy John Flemmin 20 John Adams Johan8- Streter Michel Lester Goeliff Cosman Hendrick Fretzie James Travis Barnet Gelder Johannis Miller Willm- Brice Timothay Higgins 30 George Berry Bangadis Mark Jacob Mabie John Mabie Lawrence Blesie Johannis Eckerson Pieter Griffys John Foy Jacob Enckish John Philips 40 John Hair Jr- Francis Burck Jr- Thomas Berop Ludwick Bernhard Cornelis Van Sice Folkert Philips Crownage KincadeNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 7 George Ackley John McMichel Andrew Stewert SO Severyne Brown Van Et- ten Garret Newkerck John DeWitt John Palmer Andrew Springstone Andrew Keyser Willm- McConnell Andrew Kerney Thomas Kerurer Lawrence Schoolcraft 60 Johannis Pest Pieter Williams Lodwick Sneyder John Stoats Pieter Stack George McMohon William Shafe Joseph Griffin Stephen Hunt Coonrath Kyer 70 Isaac Backer James Darwell James Ranson John Stage Daniel Leach Daniel DeWitt George Sparks Robert Sparks Daniel Decker Daniel McBride 80 Evert Ostrander Alexr- McNoll Samuel Stevens William Sturdy Pieter Wilson Jacob Sluyter Frances Duffy Johannis Plauck John Toole Edward Collins 90 Joghem VanValkenburgh HarmenVanValkenburgh Johannis Schoolcraft Peter Griffes Edward Simmons Patrick O'Hara John Richardson Johannis Streter Adam Shever John Cowles 100 Saveryn Brown Andw* Springstein Andw* Kyser William Stewart Jam8* Ransom James Dowel Mustered Then in the Regiment of foot Raised in the pay and Service of the Province of New York and Com- manded by the Honourable James DeLancey Esq Com- mander in Chief of sd* Province one Capt. Two Lieut8- four Serjts* Three Corplls; one Drum & Eighty Nine private Cente- nels according to an Act of the Legislature of this Province passed on ye third Day of May In the Twenty Eight year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George the Second King of England France and Ireland &ca- Annoque Domini 1755 Mustered before us in the Town of Schenectady In the County of Albany this Twenty fourth Day of June 1755. William McGinnis. Sybrant G. V. Schaick, Judge John Visger, Justice Jn°* B. V. EPS, Justice8 MUSTER ROLLS OF Capt. McGinnes Company. John Powel Daniel Letts David McGiggin Andrew Phillips Will1"- Price Peter Wilson Will- Howly Edwd- Davis Lowdowick Snyder George Sparks Evert Osterander John Miller Conrad Kyer Lawrance Schoolcraft John Schoolcraft Hugh Horon Godlif Coffman Wm- McCane Peter Stark Edwd' Simmons John Wright George Berry George Eckly John McMichael John McCafry John Geo. Waggoner John Page David Decker Frederick Geler Peter Williams Adam Shaver Lowdowick Bernherd Henrich Fitchet Peter Griffies John Davis John Staats Edwd- Collins Edwd- Machair John Streder John Brooks Johan8, Plank Richard Hair John Hair, Jr- Wm. Hair Barnet Kelder W- Sheaf Stephen Hunt John Richardson Thom8- Beareep Richard Hair Martin McGee Andw- Stewart John Mabie Muster Roll of Capt. Isaac Corsa’s Company. Joseph Hunt Nathan Flint John Kerritte John Harris 5 Peter Boon John Mahar Joseph Hutchings Patrick Fitsge'ral Peter Clinton IO John Smith Archibald McEntire Daten Buck Henry Harris Joseph Wordin 15 Roger Downy William Ryddle Joseph Harrell David Sturdyman John Suffered 20 Patrick Martin Thom8- Murry Jam8- Deniston Michael White Samuel GilbertNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 25 Elixander Steward Daniel McLean William Blake Johanes Sleghter Patrick Oneal 30 Savage Truscoate Patrick Dugan John Welch Thom8* Sealy John Tapper 35 John Combco John Michaelhoffnail Rooling Toster Jonathan Barrett Richd* Taylor 40 Wharton Butler Benjamin Philips Sr* Thomas Hosington Rob4* Smith Timothy Agin 45 Daniel O’Brien John Scot John Bryant David Brady Mathew Fisher 50 Thomas Hagerty Rob4* Rogers Thom8* Wilson Henry Stabs Willm* Johnston 55 Eliphar Clinton Walter Ryddle William Peneevow Alexander McCloud John Gordon 60 Michael Tompson Barnabe Maquade John Fluig Thom8* Wilder Abraham Bullis 65 Titus Travis Jeremiah King Vincent Carter William Griffin Samuel Anthony 70 George Bary Richard Wilson Thom8* Cannif Michael Howser Howel Williams 75 Ezekiel Jee Silvenus Purdy John Nowlen Thom8* Conkling Henry Kniffen 80 Stephen Pryor Jose Burrill Deliverance Conkling Johanness Coone Henry Cronkhite 85 John Lane Bornt Marling Nathaniel Aplebe John Glin Joshua Gidney 90 John Grindell Gabriel Huson George Caten Christophel Petrente John Johnston John Thackor Ninty Five Men Enlisted Isaac Briggs entered 1st J uly as appears by Cer- tificate. I Moses Owen one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the County of Westchester do certify that Isaac Briggs of Tuckyho aged Seventeen Years is duely Inlisted in the Com- pany to be Commanded by Isaac Corsa in the pay of the Province of New York. And that I administered to him the Oath of fidelity Inserted in the Instructions from^Lieutenant Governor DeLancey and that the Clause in the Act of thatIO MUSTER ROLLS OF Province against Meeting and Desertion was read to him in 17 55- Westchester) County ) SS. We the under subscribing authority Do Corsa and he having produced the Setificates to us that they them to be able sufficient Bodyed Men to the Number of Capt. Phillip Paymusters of the Men Raised in the Service Effective Men. Capt. Lieut. Serg*- Corp1- Drumr- Phill. Jn°* Schuyler ) Henry V. Schaack > Phill. Lansingh ) John McIntire...... Andries Besinger.. . Joshua Brooks..... Dan1* Bixby........ Anthony Warren.. . Oliver White....... Will. Deer......... Private Men Charles Jacobs........ Sam11- Roberts.... Jona11, Lowell.... Alexr* Grant........ Benjn- Sampson Oliver Thayre..... George Patterson. . David Crawferd.. . . Joseph Kail....... Joseph Bosworth., . Jonathan Hutchins, Nich8, Grant........ Johannis Grant. . .. Henry McCormack. Sam1- Taylor. .... Dan1- Stoddard.... Ruben Prime.......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- II my Presence. Dated at the Whiteplains the 1st day of July Moses Owen. Hereby Certify the within List of the Levy Raisd by Capt. are Lawfully Inlisted was this Day Revewed by us and find the within List July ye Ith 1755* Gill Bloomer, Judge Moses Owen, Justis Elisha Hyatt, Justes J. Schuyler’s Company. 'OF the Province of New York as pr act- When Inlisted. Number of Days. Amount of each man’s Pay. { ID £ s. d. x May 5 TO 58 @ 8/ 23 4 i *■0 @ 6/ 17 8 cn 56 H-1 g 50 O 50 5-h 5o NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- II my Presence. Dated at the Whiteplains the 1st day of July Moses Owen. Hereby Certify the within List of the Levy Raisd by Capt. are Lawfully Inlisted was this Day Revewed by us and find the within List July ye Ith 1755- Gill Bloomer, Judge Moses Owen, Justis Elisha Hyatt, Justes J. Schuyler’s Company. of the Province of New York as pr act* When Number of Amount Inlisted. Days. 01 each man’s Pay. ( i~n £ s. d. < May 5 tn 58 @ 8/ 23 4 ( @ 6/ 17 8 QJ T3 56 17 8 7 J3 4 13 4 May 14 G 49 @ 1/8 418 17 ' l—H 46 3 16 8 June 9 23 1 18 4 May 13 50 3 15 0 24 G-t O @ 1/6 2 18 6 June 3 03 236 Q 81 7 0 4-J m 56 HH 56 O 56 4-> 4-> 56 May 7 3 56 38 10 0 s 56 +J 56 "3 l-H «-t-i 56 56 O 56 May 12 03 5i Q X 5i 5i 9113 . May 13 4-J g 50 O 50 £ 5o NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. When Number of Amount of each man’s Pay. Inlisted. Days. So @ 1/6 £ s. d. l8 15 O 5o 50 May 10 53 363 May 16 47 47 47 T-O 47 May 14 1—l 49 3 1 3 May 20 > 39 289 May 26 3 37 6189 37 O 37 od 37 P 37 6189 4-) CO 37 May 27 4—> G 36 35 s 35 4-> CO 35 13 2 6 'c 35 HH 35 O 35 May 29 34 4 5 0 O 34 May 30 • Discharged ... John Where ) I Do Declare on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God were regularly Inlisted According to an Act of the Legisla- were in Actual Service Except the three Discharged as pr Sworn before us Albany, July 28th 1755. Phill. Schuyler, } -n Jn«- De Peyster, lPaymasters- I acknowledge to have Recd* of Messrs- Phill. Schuyler & ; men. Likewise the Pay of the officers mentioned there from. July, both Days Included. £276. 8. o.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 15 When Inlisted. Number of Days. Amount of each man’s Pay. £ s. d. June 8 24 @ 1/6 1 10 0 June 9 >> 23 ■% 23 4 63 June 10 l+H O 23 1 76 22 June 12 o3 Q 20 20 June 12 CO 20 650 fH 19 3”3 June 14 G -1 ■ Sergants 1 Corporals DrummerNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 23 Private. When In- listed. When Paid. Days due. Rob*- Rogers May 20 July 1 30 Joseph Worden 22 30 John Glinn 30 Jonathan Barratt 30 Jesse Burrill 26 30 John Lane 30 John Bryant June 2 30 William Johnson 30 Tohn Owling 30 Deliverance Conckling. 30 Henry Cronkhite 30 Alexr- McClowd ... . 3° John Mahar 30 Henry Stibbs 3 30 Silvanus Purdy 4 30 John Thacker 30 Mich1- Howser 8 3° George Berry 11 30 Samuel Anthony 12 30 Thomas Conniff 30 Ezekiel Gey 13 30 Benj11, Phillips 30 John Scott 30 Richard Wilson 14 30 Eliphat Clinton 30 David Sturdivant .... 30 Titus Travis 16 30 Thomas Wilson 30 Jeremiah King 17 30 Thomas Harrington. . 30 Thomas Seely 21 30 Joshua Gedney 29 30 Nath1- Applebe 30 30 Adam Mikeel July 6 25 John Eliott 7 25 Joshua Barns 5 24 Wm Firth 18 Deserted 26 Mch1- Bryant May 20 13 John Smith 21 30 Henry Harris 22 30 Amount. £ J- d.- i 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 .17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 117 6 1176 1176 1 17 6 1176 1176 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 1 17 624 MUSTER ROLLS OF Private. When In- listed. When Paid. Days due. Amount. £ s. d. James Denisson May 22 30 1 17 6 John Wesltch. 30 1 17 6 Peter Clinton 30 1 l7 6 Thomas Hagarthy. . . . 27 30 1 17 6 Samuel Gilbert 24 3° 1 17 6 John Gordon 30 1 17 6 Thomas Wilder 30 1 l7 6 Richard Taylor 30 1 17 6 Thomas Conckling . .. 26 Deserted 30 1 17 6 Christophel Petrents.. 30 1 17 6 David Brady 30 1 17 6 John Tapper 30 1 17 6 Patrick Fitzgarld 30 1 17 6 Wm- Riddle 28 3° 1 17 6 Walter Riddle 30 1 17 6 Savage Prescott 30 1 17 6 Alexr- Stewart 30 1 17 6 Rowland Foster 30 1 17 6 William Blake 30 1 17 6 Timothy Agen 29 30 1 17 6 Joseph Harrill Deserted 30 1 17 6 Worton Butliss 30 1 17 6 Barneby McQuade . . . 30 30 1 17 6 John Combs 30 1 17 6 Howel Williams 30 1 i7 6 Jo”- McHofnail 30 1 17 6 John Sufferly 3i 30 1 17 6 Mathew FTsher 30 1 17 6 Mich1- White 30 1 17 6 Daten Buck 3° 1 17 6 Patrick Onail June 4 30 1 17 6 Rob1, Smith 11 30 1 17 6 Daniel Obryan 16 30 1 17 6 Wm* Pennemore 30 1 17 6 John Fling 1 30 1 17 6 Patrick Martin 19 30 1 17 6 Johanis Slighter 27 30 1 17 6 Patrick Duggen 30 1 17 6 John Lynsey July 11 30 1 17 6 Richard Harding 30 1 17 6NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 25 Private. When In- listed. When Paid. Days due. Amount. £ s. d. Abraham Bulliss May 29 3° i 17 6 Wm- Grififen 3° 1 17 6 Roger Downing J une 2 30 1176 Dan1* McClean 3° 1176 Thomas Murray 30 1 17 6 John Harriss 30 1 17 6 Vincent Carter 28 30 1 17 6 159 14 O 4 Sergeants @ 20d 30 IO OO OO 3 Corporals at 18 30 6 15 00 1 Dinner 3° 2 3 Capt. Corsa @8/ 3° 12 0 0 Lieut. Thody @ 6/. . . 3° 900 Lieut. Ogden @ 6/ ... 30 900 208 12 0 3 Deserters deducted . 5 7 6 203 4 6 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are mentioned in the within Rool or List where in Actual Service In My Company from the first day of July to the 31 both days Inclusif (Except three De- serted) & those marked otherwise on said list. Isaac Corsa. Sworn before us ye 5th Aug4* 1755 Phil. Schuyler Jn°* De Peyster These names were dropped in the Muster Roll for Aug4. 1755: Samuel Brewer Johannis Purdy deserted 7th Aug1- 1755 Returned 22dAug1 John Thacker D° u 30th “ Ezekiel Gey 6th u u 24 “ William Griffin 7th u a 22d “ Roger Downing 6th ii a 24th “YE d. 8 4 4 <5 *6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 MUSTER ROLLS OF i Roll of Captain Street Hall of their Enlistment also Acc s from ye date their Enlistmen lULY. Street Hall, Captain David Baldwen, Lev1 Ebenr- Dyar, Lev1 Sergants. osiah Stanly, tepnMarwin, n°* Roalingson, lrchd- Blare, saac Cooke, )avid Spencer, ^ Corporal, Lthan Curtis, .ilvanus Bishop, )avid Hall, Antony Miller, srael Daton. ., Stephen Ives.. „ >amuel Totson tineas Beach 5ale Hall..... >am1L Baley.. . . Drummer. Clark... onlh- Wright..... $enjn- Griswell Nathaniel Yale.. . Llisha Bracket. .. , ohn Dudly........ 5eter Davis....... ames Coben..... rhadeus Carter .. dichael Doolittle ames Hertford. . Nathan Osbon ... 'srael Smith..... [ohn Thomas. . .. [ohn Lowe........ [ames Parker..... Francis Blake.... David Page...... Daniel Thorp. ...NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 27 Number Days. Full Pay. 1755 £ s. d. May 27 Jason Cooper 34 2 2 6 James Henman . . . 34 2 2 6 Fredk- Chappel 34 2 2 6 Benj. Chidderton 34 2 2 6 Nicholas Elsworth 34 2 2 6 28 Asa Page 34 2 2 6 Josiah Dudly 34 2 2 6 Benjn- Hough 34 2 2 6 Ephraim Camp 34 2 2 6 Hezh Bracket 34 2 2 6 Abram J acobs. 34 2 2 6 Enos Hitchcock. 34 2 2 6 Wm- Brown 34 2 2 6 30 Ephraim Andrus . 32 2 O 0 Stephen Pirkens 32 2 O 0 Jonth- Bull 32 2 O 0 Elded Curtis. 32 2 O 0 Weitstal Cooke 32 2 O 0 John Andrus 32 2 O 0 Israel Frisbe 32 2 O 0 Permemas Bunnel 32 2 O 0 Nath1- Dike 32 2 t) 0 31 Denis Covert 3i 1 18 9 June 1 John Atwell 30 1 17 6 Enos Potter 29 1 16 3 Nathan Andrus . 29 1 16 3 Reuben Hitchcock 29 1 16 3 Thomas Gill _ 29 1 16 3 3 Lawrance Parklee 28 1 15 5 Jedediah Jewel 26 1 12 *6 Sam11- Lyons 26 1 12 6 John Hoade 26 1 12 6 Elijah Hamlin 26 1 12 6 6 Stephen Mix 25 1 11 3 Paul Atwell 25 1 11 3 10 Ebenr- Warner 21 1 6 3 Sam1, Harlbut 21 1 6 3 Sam1- Waller 21 1 6 3 David Calhoun 21 1 6 3 Timo. Dirkee 21 1 6 3 11 Aberam Stodard. 20 1 s Daniel Kenny 20 1 5 ..28 MUSTER ROLLS OF 1755 June 11 13 16 17 23 26 July 3 7 May 17 June 3 May 28 June 2 May 24 Moses Erie....... Tim°- Turner..... Jededh- Morehouse. Edward Wooster. . Moses Wooster... Sam1- Smith...... Joseph Ball...... Josiah Nettleton. . Daniel Wordon.. .. Joshua Perry..... Wm- Hopkins...... Sam11- Baley Jr .... Gideon Parrish I Captain...... 1 Levtenant Ist. 1 Levtenant 2d. sick. ment......... Nath11- Cook, ) Nath11- Hitchcock, j Thomas Walston, Willm- Tom, John Tom, Amazh- Bush, Deserter Deserters 1 Captain.......... 45 day @ 8/ 2 Levtenants....... 90 D° @6 4 Sergents........ 128 D° 1/8 ^dZT'I........... '/3 79 Private........ 2320 Ditto 1/3 1 Will Thom since ) appeared j ^ Deduct 3/9 for 3 Days over Charged for Lorence Parklee... Number Days. Full Pay, £ s. d. 20 i 5 .. 18 126 18 126 18 126 18 1 26 15 .. 18 9 14 .. 17 6 8 .. 10 .. 8 ..63 8 .. 00 5 .. 00 0 0 45 18 0 0 45 13 10 .. 45 13 10 .. 211 7 10 28 1 15 .. 28 I 15 .. 28 I 15 .. 34 226 29 1 16 3 29 1 16 3 38 276 13 7 6 £18 O O 27 O O 10 13 4 10 14 6 !45 0 0 1 16 3 '213 4 1 3 9 £213 o 4NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 29 I doe Declare on the Holy Evangelest of Almighty God that yemen whose names are mentioned in the within written Roll or List where Regularly Inlisted according to an Act of Assembly of the province of New York made for that pur- pose and that the men therein mentioned where in actual Sarvice from there Respective Inlistments to ye first of July Exclusef except those markd- otherwise on the Roll. Street Hall. Sworn before us ye 5th day of Aug*’ 1755 Jn° De Peyster Phil. Schuyler Recd* of Messrs- Phillip Schuyler & John Depeyster the sume of Two hundred and thirteen pounds & four pence In full for one Cap1- two Lieut. 4 Sarg*- 3 Corprels one Drum & Eaighty men from there respective Enlistement to the first of July Exclusef as pr. List on the other side August 5, 1755. j Street Hall £213.0.4. List of Each Officer and Souldier Inlisted in Capt. Peter Vanderburgh Company from July ii to July 31 Inclusef 1755. Capt. Peter Vandenburgh Lieut. Joshua Champlin Lieut. Zebulon Mead Jacob Bull, James Green, Jonathan Polley, John Lewis, Peter Casley Ebenezer Novrick, Daniel Lane, Silas Ma, Sergants »Corp1 Is. Drummer James Tinley Timothy Larkin James Weaks James Dowdel William Jonson Jeremiah Bingham John Moss Jeremiah Wells Daniel Holdredg Jeffry Nase Joseph Reed Ebenezar Owen Mikel Walter Haliness Stealbark Thomas Ingerson John Clemmans Joseph Steal George Bunday Thomas Champlin Simon Terbush30 MUSTER ROLLS OF Samuel Read Fransis Sauwood John Andress Carpender Edward Durfee Mike McDaniel John Roberts Thomas Green Ichabod Stockwell Elisha Harney William More Stephen Meed Kain McKinney Mikel Brown Flitcher Smith Hezakiah Kinney Richard Balis Nathaniel Chappel, Deserted July 25 day 1755 and car- ried off all his cloaths Elkany Cook John Herrick John Ryne John Gillit Elijah Currey James Carrel Stephen Hull Patrick Quin John Wheeler John Wood Wait Weeks John Franklin Simon Ousterhouse Increse Winn Philip Welpee John Hendrick Spicer Joseph Parrish William Mills James Mory Henry Lewis Nathaniel Dunham Jacob Weavour Simeon Croughling Elifelet Stefens Amos Bennett John Maburey Nathaniel Dinney Eaisther Wandle John Heffey Roulf Sherred Johanis Coonrot Karel John Thompson Jonathan Linsey A Muster Roll of Capt. Saml- Dimock’s Company Time of there Enlistment, Wages & Billiting due until Augt- ist Included 1755. | Days. Wages. [ Weeks. | Days. Billiting. £ s. d. £ s- d. May 17 Samuel Dimock Cap*. 75 30 00 00 9 6 2 8 — Christr* Helme Lieut.. 75 22 10 00 9 6 2 8 — Benjamin Kingian d Lieu* 75 22 10 00 9 6 28 — May 9 Allen Leet Serg* 54 4 10 00 6 6 i 16 6 25 Benj" Woodworth Serg1 38 3 3 4 4 4 | 1 04 4NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 31 Days. Wages. Weeks. Days. Billiting. £ s. d. s. d. May 27 Elisha Kartland Serj* . 36 3 0 O 4 2 I 2 IO June IO Thomas Drinkwater Serg1 53 4 8 4 8 2 I 15 II June 25 Elliab Farnam Corp1. . 38 2 17 4 4 I 04 4 June 9 Timothy Pacifull Corp. 54 4 01 — 6 6 I l6 6 June 4 Jabez Howland Corp1. 59 4 08 6 7 4 2 — 3 July 7 N1L Hall Drum' 25 4 07 6 3 1 16 9 June 2 John Griswould Clerk. 60 3 IS 0 7 5 2 I 1 June 30 Stephen Downer 32 2 00 0 3 5 l9 9 18 Samuel Bolden 43 2 13 09 5 2 I 8 2 19 Increase Billings 42 2 12 6 5 1 I 17 5 22 William Button ..... 39 2 08 09 4 5 I OS 01 2 Andrew Baldwin 60 3 15 00 3 5 2 01 01 16 Edward Bostrick 45 2 16 03 s 4 I °9 8 July 7 William Brown 24 1 10 00 2 2 13 8 2 Samuel Bennet. 30 1 17 6 3 3 18 3 June 4 Samuel Cabel ........ 58 3 12 6 7 1 I 19 6 19 Roger Clark 42 2 12 6 5 6 I 7 5 9 Samuel Cummins 54 3 7 6 6 1 I 16 6 July 11 Andrew Coley 21 1 6 3 2 1 11 5 4 Cornelius Coen 28 1 IS 0 3 4 16 9 1 Christoph Crouck 31 1 18 9 3 5 19 OO June 30 Danil Comstock 32 2 — 3 2 l9 9 July 10 Ebenezar Crosby. . .. 22 1 7 6 2 4 12 2 14 Samuel Camfield 18 1 2 6 4 2 8 4 June 5 George Dibel 58 3 13 8 2 1 I 18 9 June 18 Zebulon Dudley 43 2 18 9 2 1 I 8 2 12 N1L Divine 49 3 1 3 1 1 I 12 9 29 John Ergetstone 33 2 1 3 6 1 I OO 6 2 David Franklin 60 3 15 0 5 2 2 1 1 10 Edward Fuller 53 3 9 6 3 1 I 14 3 July 9 Moses Fisher 23 1 8 9 2 3 OO 12 11 7 Nathan Fisher 25 1 11 3 2 5 OO 14 15 June 18 Thomas Graves 43 2 13 9 5 2 I 08 02 20 Ellisha Gard 41 2 11 3 5 — I 06 08 18 Samuel Hudson 43 2 13 9 S 2 I 08 02 July 10 Cornelius Hannaball.. 22 1 07 6 2 2 OO 12 02 June 19 Archabel Johnson .... 42 2 12 6 5 1 I 07 05 23 John Loveland 38 2 07 6 4 4 I 04 04 2 Calvin Leavenworth .. 60 3 IS 0 7 5 2 01 01 27 William Lord 36 2 OS 0 4 2 I 02 IO32 MUSTER ROLLS OF Days. Wages. 6 19 6 i 266 ; 162 15 o Total, 213 7 8NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 35 I doe Swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned In the within Book or List where in actual Service In my Company from the first Day of Augu to the 31. Day thereof Both Days Included. Recd- of Messrs* Philip Schuyler & John DePeyster pay- masters of the New York forces the sum of two Hundred & thirteen Pounds seven shillings and Eight Pence In full for the pay of three officers four Serjts- 3 Corpls- 1 Drummer and 84 private Men from the 1st Day of August to the 31st thereof Both Days Included as wittness my hand this 12th day of Sept. 1755. Recd- the above mentioned sum pr. the hands of Volkert P. Dow. Robert Mginnes. .Muster Roll of Capt. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler’s Comny from ye ist Day of August to the 31st thereof both Days Included. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler, Capt. Henry Van Schaack, Philip Lansing, John Brooks, John McIntire, Andries Besinger, Daniel Bixby, Anthony Warren, Abraham Conckling, Oliver White, William Deer, Lieuts. Serj* - Corporals. Drummer. Richard Hornet David Price Johannes Graat Samuel Roberts 5 John Thomas Benjamin Sampson Lamert Van Valken burgh Johannes Althuysen Frans Klaw 10 Johannes Klaw John Brooks Sangro Warren Nicholas Graat Gerrit Bowman 15 Edward Wheeler Jurigh Protepigh Charles Deer David Crawford Alexander Grant 20 John Eerhart Johannes Waaker George Albreghtell Hugh Flannagan Jacob Woodcock 25 James Williams Anthony Noble John St Lawrence Nicholas Follard Napthaly Owens 30 Jerone Vanvlieren Reuben Prim John Veder36 MUSTER ROLLS OF George Shurf Benjamin Wampum 35 Dirck Woodcock Samuel Taylor Christopher Ceerhart William C. Halenbeek Mathew Howel 40 Thomas Carril Charles Jacobs William Pendall William Higgins William Beecraft 45 George Patterson John Ward Robert Barret George Rainer George C. Cogb 50 Myndert Wynkoop Petrus Schut Johan Jurigh Bogh Johannes Jager Patrick O'Neil 55 Richard Hews Philip Harmon Joseph Hall Martin Zighler John Nojaras 60 Joseph Bosworth John Woodcock William Crouder Jonathan Lowell Jacob Quackinbouss 65 Thomas Caton Bastijan Pompale Thomas Welch David Winshell Oliver Thayre 70 John McNamara Peter Faverois Anthony Speck Francis Crebel Isaac Van Alstyn 75 Samuel Thomas Henry McCormack 77 Jonathan Hutchins. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are mentioned in the above Roll or List were then in Actual Service as Witness my hand this 12th Sept. 1755. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose names are mentioned In the within Roll or List where In Actual Service in my Company from the 1st Day of Aug1- to the 31st therof Both Days Included,, as witt- ness my Hand. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler. Sworn before me Volckert P. Douw, Justice. £ s. d. For 1 Captain for 31 Days @ 8/ ------- 12 8 0 2 Lieut9* for 31 D° @6/ .......... 18 12 o 4 Serjts* for 31 D° @1/8.......... 10 6 8 3 Corp1, for 31 D° @1/6........... 6 19 6 I Drumr- for 31 D° @ 1/6.......... 2 6 6 77 Private men for 31 D° @1/3..........149 3 9 19916 5NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 37 Great Carrying place September the 12th. 1755 Then Recd of Mess” Phill. Schuyler & John DePeyster, By the Hands of Capt Volkert P. Douw the sum of one hundred and Ninety Nine pounds sixteen Shill, and 5d as pr. the above pay roll. Recd pr. me Phill. Jn°- Schuyler. Muster Roll of the Company under the Command of Capt. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler from the ist Sept* to the 3oth thereof Incl. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler, Captain Henry Van Schaack, Phill. Lansingh, Joshua Brooks, Dana Bixby. John MTntire, Andries Besinger, Anthony Warren, Oliver White, Abr111 Concklin, Lieuts. Serjts- \ Corpk* J Richard Hornet Johannis Graat Sam11 Roberts John Thomas 5 Benjn Sampson Sam1 Van Valkenburgh John Althuysen Frans Klaw John Woodcock 10 Sangro Warren Nicholas Graat Garret Bowman Francis Crebel Edward Wheeler 15 Jurigh Drotepigh Charles Deer David Crawford Alexr Grant Johannis Waaker 20 George Albreghtell Hugh Flannagan Jacob Woodcock James Williams Anthony Noble 25 John St Lawrence Nicholas Foilard Isaac Van Alstyn Napthaly Owens Jerone VanVlieren 30 Ruben Prime Johannis Vedder Christopher Lodewyck George Shurff Benjn Wampum 35 Dirck Woodcock Samu Taylor Willm C. Halenbeek Thomas Curril Charles Jacobs 40 Sam11 Thomas Will"1 Higgins Will1" Beecraft George Patterson William WardMUSTER ROLLS OF 8 45 Robert Barret George Rainer Petrus Schut Hans Jurigh Buch Johannis Jager 50 Phillip Harmen Joseph Plall Martin Zigler Henry McCormack John Nojares 55 Joseph Bosworth Will” Crouder Jonathan Lowell Jacob Quackenbosh Thomas Caton 60 Bastian Pompale Thomas Walsh David Winchell Oliver Thayre John McNamara 65 Peter Faverois Anthony Speck 67 John Eerhart Patrick O'Neale David Price Myndert Wynkoop Jonathan Hutchins John Brooks George C. Cock Mathew Howell Christian Ceerhart William Pendal William Deer, Drum- mer D° 78 Richard Hews, Dead T3 b/) u, ai u CD CD V +-> aS #> *n P-. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are mentioned In the within Roll or List were in the actual Service of the Province of New York For the time as calculated By the underneath Day note, In Coll. Willm Cockroffts Reg* and my Company. Phill. Jn° Schuyler Lake George Sworn before me ye 9th Octr 1755 Phil. Schuyler. For 1 Capt. for 30 Days from the 1st Sept to the 30th there- of Both days Included D° D° D° D° D° For 2 Lieuts D° For4Serjts D° For2CorpIs D° For 1 D° 28 Days For 61 Effective men for 30 Days For 1 Drumr Discharged 4th October, from the 1st September 34 Days < For 1 Died Sept. 14th 14 Days < For 6 Discharged 24th Septemr 144 Days < For 1 D° 28th D° 20 Days 1 For 2 D° 30th Sepr 60 Days < For 1 Effective, Deserted 23d Aug* Returnd 4 Septr is in all 60 Days < £ s. d. 8/ 12 O O 6/ l8 OO 1/6 10 OO 1/6 4 10 0 1/6 I 15 0 i/3 123 15 0 1/6 2IIO i/3 17 6 i/3 9 00 1/3 I 15 0 i/3 3 IS O i/3 3 1 3 190 19 9NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 39 Recd of Messrs* Phill. Schuyler & John Depeyster Paymas- ters to the Forces Raised by the Province of New York the sum of One hundred and Ninety pounds Nineteen Shillings and Nine Pence. In full for myself and Company as per the above pay Note as witness my hand at Lake George this 9th Octr 1755. Piiill. Jkd* Schuyler. £190.19.9. Muster Roll of Capt. Robert McGinnis’s October 31ST 1755. Robert McGinnis, Captn- Peter Becker, Lieut. John Freeman, J Solomon Gardner, John Hair, Hermanus Terwilleger, John Williams, Wm- Price, Corporals. Wm- Hair, j Andrew Fillips, Drummer. Joseph Griffes Andrew Kyser Johannis Strader Jacob Sluyter John Stagg Daniel DeWitt George Sparks Daniel Letts James Dorwell 10 Edward Davis John Right Edward Mahair Peter Craty Stephen Brown John McMical John McCafery Andrew Stewart John Smith John Miller 20 Henrick Frichet Alexander McNall John Philips John Waggoner Adam Shever Joseph Phitchet John Richardson sick in Albany Patrick O’Harow John Flemen Daniel McBride 30 George Ackley John Fowey John Brooks Johan Van Valkenburgh Harm8 Van Valkenburgh John Staats Wm- McConnell Wm.. Howley Frederick Geler Lowdowick Snyder 40 Coon rad Kyer John Ackerson John Beets John Hair Jr* Richard Hair Wm. Downard40 MUSTER ROLLS OF Stephen Hunt Isaac Becker Martin McGee Thomas Berup John Planck Edward Collins John Schoolcrafft John McDonald Peter Starke wounded Furloug’d Thomas Kerney James Kennedy I do swear on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actuall Service in my Company from the 1st day of Oct. to 31 of said month both days Included, Except those names marked or tested other ways. Robt- McGinnis. Sworn before me ye 10 Dec1-* Jn°- De Peyster. Andrew Kerney Andrew Philips Edward Simmons Francis Duffey Peter Wilson Lawrance Schoolcraft John David Deceased 13th Oct. 1755 Hamilton Stewart De- cas’d 20th D°* A Muster Roll of Capt. Michael Thodey’s Company FROM THE 1ST TO 31 ST OCTOBER 1755, BOTH DAYS Included Vizt- Thomas Champlin, James Green, Jonathan Polley, John Lewis, Peter Carsley, Mich1, Walter, John Maybury, Sam11* Paine, John Whealor Thomas Green Mich1- McDonald James Weeks Wm. Nules. Ichabod Stockwell Edward Dunfee Thomas Ingerson * James Dowdle Patrick Quin Simeon Bowling - Sergts- i Corporals. j Drummer. Elijah Currey Elijah Harvey Jacob Weavour Nath1, Dunham John Franklin Roulef Sherred John Clemmans John Hassey Elkany Kook Rob1, Kook John ThomsonNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1 755* 41 Richard Nicholson John Henrick Lewis Bennet John Ryon Amoss Bennet Wm. Moore Ebenezer Owen John Moss Dan1* Davison John Koonratt Kerrell* Mich1- Browm* Sam1* Read Nath1- Chappel Francis Sauwood James Finly Nath11' Lane Elimas Steerbark James Carrell Joseph Stell Thimothy Larkins Stephen Mead Jeremiah Bingham George Bunday Jonathan Lynsey Richd' Bavless * These names were dropt in the Muster Roll for Novr- 1755. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose Names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actuall Service in my Company from the first day of Octr* to the thirty first thereof both days Included. Michl* Thodey. Sworn before me Dec. 2d 1755. Jn°- De Peyster. Muster Roll of Capt. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler’s Com- pany FROM THE 1ST OCTOR' TO THE 31 ST THEREOF both Days Included. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler, Capt. Henry Van Shaack, Phill. Lansing, Joshua Brooks, John McIntire, Andries Besinger, Dan11, Bixby, Peter Faverois, Oliver White, Lieut8' Serjts- Corp1 Is. Isaac Van Alstyn . George Albreghtill Will01, Beecraft. ... Joseph Bosworth . Robbert Barrit .. Hans Jurigh Buch John Eerhart...... Hugh Flannagan . Nicholas Follard . 3i 31 31 31 31 3i 3i 31 3i Alexr* Grant..... Johannis Graat... Nicholas Graat. .. Thomas Welsh Mathew Howell.. Frans Klaw....... John St. Lawrence Jona: Lowell..... Christr- Lodewyck. 31 3i 31 31 31 3i 31 31 3142 MUSTER ROLLS OF Bastian Pompale..........31 Jurigh Protepigh......... 31 George Patterson........ . .31 Jacob Quackenbosh........31 George Rainer...........31. Martin Zigler............31 Abrm- Concklin...........31 Thomas Caton.............31 Sangro Warren............ . 31 John Brooks..............31 Francis Crebel...........31 Thomas Curril.......... .. .31 David Crawford...........31 Charles Deen.............31 Richard Hornet...........31 Willm- Wiggins...........31 Philip Harmen............31 Willm* C. Halenbeek......31 Joseph Hall..............31 Johannis Jager ..........31 John Nojares.............31 Anthy- N oble............. 31 Napthaly Owens...........31 John Althuysen, Dead ... .20 Anthy* Speck.............31 Petrus Schut.............31 George Shurff......... 31 Benjn* Sampson..........31 Sam1-Thomas.............31 John Thomas.......... 31 Oliver Thayre...........31 John Vedder.............31 David Winchel.........: .31 Benjn- Wampum...........31 Dirk Woodcock...........31 Johannis Waaker.........31 Edward Wheeler..........31 David Price, Dead.......31 Garrat Bowman.. ........31 J ohannis Klaw..........31 Ruben Prime..............31 Sam11- Roberts..........31 Willm- Crouder..........31 Henry McCormack........ 31 Charles Jacobs..........31 John McNamara .,........31 Sam11- Taylor...........31 Jerome Van Vlieren ....... 31 Sam Van Valkenburgh ... .31 John Ward...............31 James Williams......... ..31.. Myndert Wynkoop, Disd- Sick..................31 2173 . PAY NOTE. Fori Captain from the 1st to the 31st Octr- both Days Included is 31 days @ 8/ 2 Lieuts. Each 31 Days is 62 Days @ 6/ 4 Sergts- Each 31 Days is 124 @ 1/8 2 Corpls- Each 31 Days is 62 @ 1/6 67 Private Men Each 31 Days is 2071 @ !/3 1 Died the 20th Octor- is 20 @ i/3 1 Died was discharged 24th Sept, to the 2] [st Oct. 31 @ i/3 1 Discharged but sick at the West Camp from the 24th Sept. to the 31st Oct., 38 @ i/3 £ s • d. 1290 18 12 o 10 6 8 4 13 o 129 16 3 1 50 1189 2 76 Myndert Wynkoop being gone from Albany and not allowed 31 Days.............. 181 16 11 1 18 9 179 17 2NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 43 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose names are mentioned in the within roll or List where in actual Service in my Company from the I of Octr* to ye 31 of said Month both days Inclusef Except those marked otherwise on the pay note. Prill. Jn°- Schuyler. Sworn before me ye 22 Decern1, 1755 Jn0, De Peyster. Albany Decr- 22d 1755. Then Recd of Messrs* Jn°* De Peyster and Philip Schuyler the Sum of one hundred and Seventy Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and 2d. In full for me and my Compy* from the 1st Oct. to the 31st Both days Included as pr> the within pay Note. Phill. Jn0, Schuyler. £179. 17. 2. A Muster Roll of the Company of Volunteers Raised & Commanded by Edmond Mathews and Mustered in Lake George Octr- ye ist 1755 being in Number 77 Effective private Men. Edmond Mathews, Esqr , Captn* Jellis Funda, First Lieut. John Lottridge, Second Lieut. Willm* Orson, Jas* Patblado, . qpn-ts. Christopher Quin, ' J Joseph Mitchel, John Sidebottom, Anthony Broadrick, (-Corporals. Hugh Dougherty, J John Goodwin, Drummer. Dennis O’Brian John Collins Christopher Witmore Henry Rice Jas* Harley John Reily Corn8, VanVaghten Garret Marcell us Ahasur8, Marcellus 10 Samuel Builtman Adam Strodbeck Adam McLachlin Hendrick Manier Francis Lewis David Burch John Loughren John Hermon Adam Miller Mich1, Cassedy 20 Charles Galocher44 MUSTER ROLLS OF Ja8, Guttery Mich1- Hillen John George Burger Samuel York Phillip Miller Hendk< Gano Francis Schemel Johans* Mesker Joseph Munci 30 Charles Holland Willm* Snodgrass John Applestall Caleb Knapp Henry Koldron Willm- Watson Nich8, Kidney Jacob Pettengal Reynold McDonald Daniel McKillip 40 John Cogswell Willm- Morrison Jas- Bennet John Cogdil Will”1, McPharson John Holley Johan55, Buckly Timothy Higgins Richd- Masterson Johans- Salsberry 50 Hendk* Salsberry Conrade Freckhe Patrick Devor Alexander Strahan John Dorby Thos* Murrey Will1*- Leach Tho8, Wells John Hawkins Mich1, Dovon 60 Hendk* Erkson Mich1, Holenbeck Ja8, Mars Martin Ryan Nich8, Van Schack Dennis Springer Owen McCarty John Lyddy Ja8, Connor Patrick McD‘onald 70 John Johnson John Long Ja8, Harris Hugh Railey Jacob Bren on Anthony Owen John Smith 77 John Hames the whole amount of the Pay is ^201. 15. 2. The Muster Roll for the Month of October y 1st 1755. I doe swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actual Service in my Company from the first day of Octobr* to ye 31 of said Month both days Included Except those marked otherwise. Sworn before me ye 30 Decr* 1755. Jn0, De Peyster. Edmond Mathews.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 45 A Muster Roll of Capt. Isaac Corsa’s Company from THE 1ST OF Nov* TO THE 2th OF DEC* 1755. BOTH days Included. Nathan Flint, John Kindal, John Johnson, Barnt Martlin, Samuel Brewer, Jesse Burrill, Thomas Wildear, George Katon, - Serjeants. Corporals. Drumr* Joseph Worden John Glyn Jonathan Barrat John Lane John Cooling John Mahar John Thacker Michi* Howser Ezekiel Gey Richard Wilson Elefut Clinton David Sturdivant Thomas Wilson Jeremiah King Thomas Harring Thomas Scaly John Eliot Joshua Barns Mich1* Bryant Henry Harriss James Denison John Welch Peter Clinton Thomas Hagarty Samuel Gilbert Chris1* Petrents David Brady John Tappen Discharge Novr* 24, William Riddle Richard Taylor Private Patrick Fitzgarold Walter Riddle Savage Trescott Rowland Forster William Blake Whorten Ruttess John Cowls Mich1* Hofnal John Sufferly Mathew Fisher Daton Buck Patrick Onail William Ponnomne John Fling Patrick Martin Johannes Slighter John Synfey Abraham Bullys Wm* Griffen Roger Downing John Harriss Vincent Carter Titus Travis Rob1* Rogers Henry Stibbs Nath1* Applebee Timothy Agen 1755 I George Bury I John Smith.46 MUSTER ROLLS OF I doe swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are Mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actual Service in my Company from the 1st day of Novr* to the Second day of Decr* 1755 both days Included. Sworn before me Isaac CORSA. Jn°* DePeyster. Muster Roll of Capt. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler's Com- pany FROM THE 1ST NOV. TO THE 2° DECEMBER both Days Included. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler, Cap. Henry Van Schaack, Phillip Lansingh, John Brooks, John McIntire, Andries Besinger, Dan1 Bixby, Oliver White, Peter Faverois, Lieu1, Sergts- Corpl£ Men’s Names. Isaac Van Alstyn. George Albreght ., Will”1* Beecroft__ Joseph Bosworth . Robbert Bennet. . Hans Juriah Buch John Eerhart_____ Hugh Flannagan . Nicholas Follard . Alexr Grant...... Johannis Graat. .. Nicholas Graat... Thomas Welsh ... John Ward........ Mathew Howell.. Frans Klaw....... John St. Lawrence Jon11* Lowell.... Chrisr* Lodewyck . Bastian Pompale . Jurish Protepigh . George Patterson. Number of Days. ..*32 ...32 ... IO ...32 ...32 ...32 . . 32 ... 32 ....32 ... 32 . .. 32 . .. 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Men’s Names. Jacob Quackenbosh. George Rainer..... Martin Zigler...... Abrm* Concklin..... Thomas Caton James Williams Sancia Warren...... John Brooks ....... Francis Brebel..... Thomas Carril...... David Crawford Charles Dan....... Richard Hornet William Higgins . .., Philip Harmen .... Will"1, C. Halenbeek Joseph Hall....... Johannes Jager. John Nojarer...... Myndert Wynkoop Anthony Speek ... Petrus Schut.... .., Number of Days. • • - 32 ...32 ...32 •••32 ••• 32 ...32 ...32 ...32 .. 32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ... 32 ... 32 ...32 ...32 ... 32 ...32 ...18 ...32NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755* 47 Men’s Names. George Shurff.... Benjn* Sampson... Sam1, Thomas ... Jn°- Thomas..... Oliver Thayre.... John Vedder..... David Winchel. .. Anthony Noble . . Napthaley Owen . John Washer..... Dirk Woodcock .. Benjn- Wampum,. Number of Days. ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 . - . 32 ...32 ...32 ...32 • . 32 ...32 Men’s Names. Number of Days. Edward Wheeler ........ 32 Gerret Bowman.......... 32 Johannis Klaws......... 32 Ruben Prime............ 32 Sam1 Roberts........... 32 Willm- Crouder......... 32 Henry McCormack........ 32 Charles Jacobs........ 32 John McNamara.......... 32 Sam1- Taylor .......... 32 Jerome Van Vlieren..... 32 Sam1- V. Valkenburgh .... 32 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in actual service in my Compy- from the 1st of Novr* to the 2d of Decr- both days Inclusef Except those marked otherwise on the pay note. Phill. Jn°* Schuyler. A Perputal Roll of the Company of Voluntiers Raised & Commanded by Capt. Edmond Mathews t and Mustered in Lake George Novr- ye 2d 1755 being in Number 77 Effective Men. [The same names as in the list of Oct. 1st with the addi- tion of Patrick Murrey.] A Muster Roll of Capt. Street Hall’s Company FROM YE Ith NOVEMBr TO 2th DECEMBER BOTH DAYS Included vizt* Josiah Stanlay, Jn°- Roulingson, Stephen Merwin, Isaac Cook, Ethen Curtis, John Thomas, Stephen Mix, Enos Potter, - Serjts- i [ Corporals. Drummer. Moses Earl Benjamin Griswell Sam1* Bayle Michale Dowlittle Jonathan Wright Frederick Chappel48 MUSTER ROLLS OF James Hartford Nathanale Gale Waitstell Cook John Dudly Daniel Tharp Jason Cooper Peter Davis Eldad Curtis Bate Hall Israel Frisbe Francis Blake Enos Hitchcock Sam1- Lyon Ed Wooster David Calhoun Sam11- Waller Paul Atwell Larance Parkle John Howde Sam1- Smith Joshua Perrey William Hopkins Sam11- Tietson Ruben Hitchcock Sam11- Bayles Jr Dennis Covert Ebenezer Warner Asa Page Phinehas Beach Nathanall Dike Benjamin Chitterton William Brown Daniel Worden William Tom Stephen Perkins Sam11, Hurlbert Gideon Parish Permineas Bunnel Nathan Andrews Hezekiah Bracket James Parker Moses Wooster James Coben Stephen Joes Antony Miller Ephraim Andrews Albany ye 4 Decr- 1755 I doe swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in actual Service in my Company from the 1 of November to ye 2 of Decr- both days Included Excepting those marked in the said Roll other wise. Street Hall. A Muster Roll of Capt. Saml- Dimocks men, Novr- 30TH, 1755. £ s. d. Capt. Sam1- Dimock............... 12 00 o Left. Christopher Helms.......... 4 16 o Le* Benjn- King.................. 9 00 o £ s. d. Serj1-Allin Leat.... 2 10 00 Serj*- Benjn- Wood- worth.............. 2 10 OO Serj^ElishaKirtland. 2 10 00 Serj^Jabez Howland. 2 10 00 Corp1- Eliab Farnam. 2 5 00 , £ s. Corp1- Tim°- Persival. 2 5 Corp1-Zebulon Dudly 2 5 Drmr- Nath11- Hall... 2 5 John Grisewould ../ 1 17 6 Stephen Downer ... 1 17 6 Sam1* Baldwin...... 1 17 6 8 8 8 ^NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755* 49 £ s, Wu* Butten......... 2 17 Andrew Baldwin.... 1 17 W11* Brown......... 1 17 SamIL Benet.......... 10 Sam11-Cable........ 1 17 Roger Clarke....... 1 17 Sam1* Canfield..... 1 17 Andrew Cooley,.... 1 17 Cornelus Cone...... 1 17 Cristopher Crouch.. 1 17 Danil Comstock_____ 1 17 Ebenezer Croseby.. 1 17 Gorge Dibble....... 1 17 John Egleston...... 1 17 David Franklin..... 1 17 Moses Fisher....... 1 17 Thomas Graves...... 1 17 Elisha Garb........ 1 17 Sam11, Hutson...... 1 17 Cornelus Hanabal... 1 17 Archabald Johnson, o 08 John Loveland......o 2 W11* Lord.......... 1 17 Zephoniah Mitchle. .117 Sam1- Mack......... 1 17 WIL Markham........ 1 17 Joseph Moxly....... 1 17 Elisha Palmer...... 1 17 W11* Pereggo....... 1 17 Sam11* Rynols...... 1 17 Thomas Sherman... 1 17 Stephen Spencer.... 1 17 John Shaw............ 117 Jabez Spencor...... 1 17 Francis Sumers..... 1 17 d. £ s. d. 6 Sam1- Teal 1 17 6 6 John Tacker 1 17 6 6 Christopher Tooty.. 1 17 6 . . Sam1* Tooly. 1 17 6 6 Thos* Webb 1 17 6 6 James Warner 1 17 6 6 Boaz Williams 1 17 6 6 Jonathon Washbon. 1 17 6 6 John Wetmore 1 l7 6 6 Sam11* Rayment 1 17 6 6 Joshua Rogers 1 17 6 6 Richard Dorus 1 17 6 6 Peter Buck 1 17 6 7 John Chops 1 17 6 7 Andrew Curri Comp. 1 17 6 6 Ruben Rusk 1 17 6 6 John Indian 1 17 6 6 Daniel Sirus 1 17 6 6 Benjn- Harry 1 17 6 6 Charles Powheage.. 1 17 6 9 Robert Pone. 1 17 6 6 Jacob Pompey 1 17 6 6 Japhet Pompey 1 17 6 6 Ruben Rusk 2nd .... 1 17 6 6 Tom Sherman 1 17 6 6 Charles Charper. ... 1 ■17 6 6 Zackeus Stell 1 17 6 6 John Tromp 1 17 6 6 Joseph Toby 1 17 7 6 Lem11* Zone 1 17 6 6 John Yeout 1 17 6 6 Sam11- Todd 1 17 6 6 6 Benjn* Waggs....... 1 17 6 6 Sum total 177 3 Albany ye 5 Decr* 1755. I doe declare on ye holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within rool or List where in actual service in my Compy from the 1 Day of Novr- to ye 2 of Decr- both days Included Except those marked otherwise. Samll- Dimock. Sworn before me Day & year above. Jn°* De Peyster.5° MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Role of Capt. John Slapps Company With ye Admounts of Their Wages from ye last Day of October to ye first of Second of December which is 32 Days. Albany December ye 4™ 1755. £ *. * John Slapp, Esqr-, Capt. .32d @ 8/0 pr-.. 12 16 o Sam11, Stanton, Ist Lievt,.32d @ 6/0 pr .. 9 18 o Sam11- Gaylord, 2 Lev1-. .33d @ 6/0 pr-.. 9 18 o 32 00 00 Dan1- Bellows, Willm- Billings, Benjn- Brooks, Thomas Goodrich, Ebenezr- Davis, Nathan Lylley, Josiah Savage, Charls Squire, Timothy Ranny Ebenr- Lymon Thomas Lovland Joseph Buts Benj11- Coys Zaikriah Briknal Joseph Rust Daniel Killum Epharim Goodrich Richard Webber Ebenr- Croker Josiah Terril Joseph Lewis Aron Stevens Willm- Duey Willm- Hopkins Will1"- Pollard Nath1- Miller Edmun Redding Will"1- Loyd Moses Whitney John Silkrig Elezar Robbertson Josiah Preston Wath: Curtis Dan1, Rust, Jr- Nath11- Will, 2 days >• Serj1 @ 1/8 pr-.. 10 13 4 [r Corpls- 9 18 o j Drummer. Charls Bartlett Climon Neff Sam11- Guilburt Sam11- Cotton John Brown Benajah Edwards Sam11- Judd Ezekil Whitney Jonathan Pawrkaigh Syrus Hawkins James Robbords, 2 days John Ryon Brister Park John Gennius Asa Bowdish Joseph Pomham Peter Dye, 2 days Robart Stevenson Jabez Barns John Lord J oseph Garrot Thomas Kines John Rice Roburt Stevens Elezar Gaylord Thomas Sweete Justes DaleNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1756. 51 Roburt Durke Simon Sparhawk Epharian Dean Thomas Blake Woodbury Starkwether Daniel Ford, 5 Days Josiah Whitney Aron Whitney £ s. Fifty Eight Private Men @ 1/3 pr- Day........... 116 0 3 Men that was Furloughd thats out Due 2 days a peace .................................. 7 One 5 Days...................................... 6 Sergants......................................... 10 13 Corprils.......................................... 9 18 Com11, Officers.................................. 32 0 John Slapp. d. 0 6 3 4 o o I doe swear on the wholy Evangelist of Almight god that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll List wherein actual Service in my Company from the 1 Day Novr- to the 2 of Decr* both Days Inclusef (Except those that are marked otherwise before me Decr* 5 1755. John Slapp. Sworn before me Decr* 5 1755. Jn°* De Peyster. A Muster Roll of Capt. Robert McGinnis’s Com- pany- March ye 31s1, 1756. Robert McGinnis, Capt. Mindert Roseboom, John Rosa, James Patblado, Randal McDaniel, Nathan Betts, Andrew Bessinger, Stephen Brown, Edward Davis, Dennis Crohon, John Goodwin, Drummer. Lieut8, Sergeants. Corporals. Samuel Builtman George Alberton Henry Passasie John Nicholas Christian Passasie George Cook George Poock Severinus Bessinger Andrew Bessinger Jr-, tak- en prisoner Ap1 ye 20 IO Richard Hornet Oliver Thier Michael Tobin John McGee Dischd- May ye 8 John Coulter do May ye 852 MUSTER ROLLS OF Joseph Tomnie George Eligh John Roofe George Maijor Peter Shurtz Dischd* May ye 8 John Hortigh Hendrick Frey John Smith Coenraet Fritchie Dischd* May ye 8 John Fleming John Booth John Wright Mathew Sheffer John Weise John Johnson Matthew Dunbar Jelles Kouse Josiah Lounsbury Dischd* 20 May Anthony Miller Christian Kitman Dischd* May ye 6 William Kasselman do May ye 18 Severeinus Castleman George Crous Charles Read Hendrick Cans Died April ye 6 John Walker Dischd May 18 John George Waggoner Dischd May 18 Richard Hare John St. Lawrence Henry Philips Dischd* May 19 Andrew Philips do Thomas Crago Dischd May 6 Francis Duffey John Hare Sam1* Martin Janus Brown Samuel Taylor Dinnis Crohon I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose Names are mentioned in this Rolle or list where in actual sarvice in my Company from ye first of March to ye 31 of said Month both days Inclusef. Robt* McGinnis. Albany ye 22d April 1756. Jn°- De Peyster. A Muster Roll of Capt. Pieter Van Den. Burgh Deceased Company from the first Day of Augt> TO THE 31 OF SAID MONTH BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Joseph Champlin, Zebulan Mead, Thomas Champlin, James Gaeen, Jonathan Polley, John Lewis, Pieter Casley, Michel Walter, Dan1 Dawson, Lieut. Sergls* | CorpIs* Drummer,NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1756. 53 Privates. James Finly Thomas Green Timothy Larken James Doudle Jeremiah Bingham John Mose Jeffrey Nese Ebunezar Owen Thomas Tingerson Joseph Steel George Bunday Frances Sauwood Edward Dunfee Mikell MacDaniel Daniel Holdridge John Roberts Ichabod Stockwell Elisha Harvey -William More Mickell Brown Hezekiah Kenney Elkanah Cook John Herrick Carrel James Patrick Quin John Wheelar John Francklin Increase Winn Joseph Parrish Samuel Bain John Mabury William Mills Simon Terbush James Weeks Nathaniel Dunham Jacob Weavor Simon Browling Amos Bennet Nathanel Pinny Roulf Sherred Johanis Coonrat Correl John Thomson Jonathin Linsey Richord Nichelson Nathaniel Lane Richard Baylis PAY NOTE FOR THE ABOVE ROLL. £ S. d. 1 Captain from Ist- to 21 Ins** @ 8/ 8 8 2 Lieut8* 31 days each @ 6/ aps* 18 12 4 Sergts* 31 days each @ 5i/8 aps- 10 6 8 2 Corporalls Ditto @ 46/6 aps* 4 13 1 Drummer @ 2 6 6 46 Private Men 31 days each @ 00 vcT aps* 89 2 6 133 8 8 Ded** for 4 Orders Drawn in favor of 4 Men 689 126 19 11 Pd* W. V. Denburgh................... 121 03 2 516 9 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose names are mentioned In the within Roll or List were In actual Service from the ith Day of Aug** to the 31th thereof Both Days Included as witness my hand. Joshua Champlin. Sworn before me Volckert P. Douw, Justice.54 MUSTER ROLLS OF Great Carrying Place Sept. 12 1755 then Received of Messrs Phill. Schuyler & John Depeyster by the hands of Mr. Volckert P. Douw the sum of one hundred and twenty one pounds three shillings and 2d* as witness my hand. Joshua Champlin. £121.3.2. Albany the 7 April 1756 Recd* of John Depeyster & Phil. Schuyler the sum of five pounds Sixteen shillings & gdt being the remd- of the within [Pay Note] recd* by me pr. an order from Hend Van der burger Exectr- of the Estate of Pieter Van den burgh Late Capt. of the Compy' of men mentioned in this rool. William Vanderburgh. £5-16.9- £ s. d. 689 paid four orders for 4 men as appears on the other side. 121 32 the first receipt. 5 16 9 the Second. 133 8 8 which Is the Sume this Mostorol Corns to. A Muster Roll of Volunteers in Richmond County Commanded by Capt. Thos* Arrowsmith Dated 25TH March 1758 are as P'olloweth Vizt- Inlisted by me out of Capt. Holmes Company. Henry Lurya..... Nathaniel Hillyar. John Glaspy..... John Baker...... 5 Ralph Skidmore .. Vincent Fountain. George Johnson.. Anthony Bird .... Christopher Smith 10 Thomas Merrell .. John Putman..... Daniel Cranawalt . John Prichet. ...... Time of Inlist- ment. Month Day March 25 do 27 do 27 do 2 7 do 30 do 31 do 31 do 31 do 31 do 31 do 31 do 31 April 2855 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. Capt. Wright’s Company Vizt* Time of Enlist- ment. Thomas Welstead....................... 15 John Sinicins......................... Matthias Johnson...................... Charles Price......................... Treddle Simmon.................. . . . Alexander Flemming.................... 20 Dougha Johnson...................... Philip Lefurg......................... John Segan ........................... Thomas Johnson........................ Daniel Egbert......................... 25 Jacob Cain............................ Joseph Vanpelt. ...................... Cornelius Van Cleef................... Out of Captn. Carson Company Inlisted by Lieu- tenant Waters. Cornelius Bowman...................... Thomas Fletcher....................... 30 Peter Vanpelt......................... William Blake......................... Isaac Johnson......................... Solomon Selow......................... Alexander Ogg......................... 35 Alexander Lisk........................ Daniel Croskeron...................... John Merrell............................ Richard Housman..................... Matthew Lisk............ ............. John Lisk............................. John Wood (James Lisk in his room) Elijah Beedle......................... John Johnson........................ Thomas Burbanck*...................... 45 James Smallshanks..................... Egbert Haugelvout..................... Out of the Troop Capt. Tuyion by Capt. Arrowsmith. John Griffith......................... Peter King............................ Bartholomew McQuin.................... Jacob Whetsel......................... Thomas Dougherthy .................... Robert Degroot........................ Samuel Hays........................... Month Day March do 27 April 5 do 6 do 11 do 13 do 17 do 17 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 20 do 25 do 25 March 25 do 25 do 31 do 31 do 31 do 31 April 7 do 7 do 11 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 27 May 1 do 1 April 1 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 11 do 25 do 2556 MUSTER ROLLS OF Past Muster before me ye 25 April Except those who In- listed Since and past at the time of their Inlistment. Thos- Arrowsmith. A Roll of Captain Stephen Nottingham's Company Voluntarily Inlisted in his Majesties Service in the Pay of the Province of New York & Mus- tered the 151 * * * 5 * * * * 10?1 of April, 1758, by Charles Clinton, Esq., Lt. Colonel of one of the Battallions of said Province, Witpi the Time of their Several Inlistments. Captain, Lieutenants, Stephen Nottingham, Esq. Henry Jensen, Cornelius Wyncoop. No. Serjeants. Thos- Nottingham...... Gerret Brodhead....... Jacob Nottingham...... John Johnson.......... Corporals. Jacob Vandermark...... Petrus Schoonmaker ... Barnet Mercle......... Drumr- Geo. Weber . ,........ Privates. Wilhelmus Mercle...... Mortin Middagh jun.... John Dotey............ John Keator........... 5 Dan1* McKinley......... Petrus Clarewater.... John Middagh......... Mortin Krum.......... John Brodhead........ 10 Andries Davis.......... Luke Brodhead........ Wm Ennist............ Jacob Keator jun..... When Inlisted. April 4 do 7 do 4 do 7 do 4 do 5 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4 do 4NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 57 No. Privates. When Inlisted. Gerardus Newkirk .... April do A 15 Petrus Mercle 4 A Isaac Roosa do Adam Huffman do A Bruynus Vanderburgh do A George Middagh, Tun do A 20 Jacobus J. Bush do A Abraham Keator do A Nich8* Slouvter . do *r A Beni. Mercle do T’ A Dirck Chambers do A 25 Andries Kyser do n- A Arie Keator do *r A Japhtha Slouyter do A Richd* Lounsberry do 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Benjn* Eakerley do 30 Tarn8-Alegar do Wm- McConnell do Jacobus Turner do Johannis Ryder do Cornel8- Hardenbergh do 35 Conrad Burger do Johannis Hornbean do John Mullen do Benjn- Cartwright do Nath1* Cartwright do 40 John van Vleet do Wm- Hyn do Chrisse Davids do Casper Ruyter do Johannis Turner do 45 Jacob Clyn do Egbert de Witt jun do George Mack do Andries Rudolf do Petrus Vernov „ do So Garton De Witt do Christopher Medler do Albertus Anthonv do 6 Philip Miller do 6 William Mercle do 6 55 John Beneway do 6 Sam1* Wells Junr- do 6 John Herman do 658 MUSTER ROLLS OF No. 6o 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Privates. When Inlisted. Wm Snyder April do 6 John de Witt junr- 6 Cornel55, Hendrickse do 6 Petrus Post do 6 Joseph Martin do 6 Jacob Vanderlinde do 6 Lucas de Witt do 6 Johannis Stroup do 6 Petrus And. Vanlieuven do 6 Peter Luyick Junr- do 6 John Ebberhard Gochnat do 6 John Cane do 6 Joseph Grififen do 6 Roger Blameless do 6 Mortha Bayard do 6 ! Philip Schoonmaker do 7 ! . 7 Joost Koonst do Philip Swart do 7 Solomon Oosterander do 7 Stephanus W^eest do 7 Jacob S. Freer do ✓ 7 Aaron Rice do 7 Nath1, Bryant do 7 7 Baltus Kiefer do Hendricus Oosterhout do 7 7 Benjn Swart do Ezekiel de Witt do 7 Petrus de Witt do 7 7 Lucas Wyncoop do Johannis Keight Junr* do 7 Jacobus Post do 7 Hendricus Post do 7 Hendricus Redeker Jun do 7 Barent Legg do 7 Petrus Oosterhout do 7 Coonrad Andries Tiel do 7 Wm Shafe do 7 Griffe Estel do 7 Hendrick Beem do 7 Peter Miller do 7 Hermanus Dumond do 7 Hugh Smith do 7 Johannis; Hepraff do 7 Wm- Kiger (Higer?) do 7NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 59 No. Privates. When Inlisted. Jacobus Montanie April do 8 John Brede . 8 Wilhelmus Chrispel do 8 105 Garret Newkirk • do 8 Joseph Hotkins do 8 John Wheeler do 8 Jacob Helm. .. do 8 Hendrick Plough do 8 IIO Petrus Schoonmaker do 8 Jacob Slouyter do Q Martin Griffin do 15 13 22 John Vanderspagle do 114 Richd* Brodhead do N. B. John Johnson, Serj*' John Dotey Hendrik Been Johannis Degraff Petrus Post Richard Brodhead These were Inlisted & Sworn but not mustered.6o MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roal Taken in Queens County, by M: Tay at Sundrie Other Times Since, Officers. Privates. Heighth. Age. Capt. George Crew. F. 5 /. 5/4 26 Thos Wiliams. Mathias Salick 5 6% 21 Baltus Taylor 5 4 26 Lts. Peter Tucker. 5 2/2 30 Dan11- Wright. 5 John Smalling 5 6 21 Wm- Algeo. Ned Mustee 5 4 18 Charles Gullifer 5 6 22 Non Benjn- Balden 5 7% 19 Commissioned Vallentine Havener. ... 5 5 38 Officers. TO Peter Crouse 5 2^ 21 John Allison. John C. Frederick . 5 3J4 38 Jas. Casseday. Stephen Mustee 5 11 24 Jas. Palmer. Henry Dawson 5 7 22 Peter Velser. Sam11- Boyd 5 8 % 27 15 Ned Ward 5 7 18 Corporals. Nat Mustee 5 8 32 Dan11, Southard. Luis Mustee 5 11% 26 Cooper Brooks. Tuin Indian 5 3 20 John Hatton. Elkanah Mustee 5 10 20 20 Phillip Townsend 5 7 24 Drum. Moses Robins 5 6 27 Benj. Agens. Phillip Slagg 5 10 22 John Villelo 5 l9 Dan11- Townsend 5 6 25 25 James Tredwell 5 5 21 Isaac Nation 5 71/* 22 John Wright 5 6 40 John Denton 5 4^ 21 John Luther 5 4^ 29 30 James Titus 6 .... 35 Thos- Howel . .. 5 3/4 22 Nicolas Dermot 4 11 26 Abner Lines 5 7Y2 25 Rinear Everet 5 8 24 35 John Valence 5 8 25 Thos* Gritman 5 11 20 Joseph Morgan........ 5 7% 21 Wm- Stites 5 20 Smith Rowland • 5 3 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 6l LOR WOOLSEY, ON YE ElGHTENTH OF APRIL 1758 AND Capt. Richd Hulets Company. Where Born. Trade. Complex11- When Inlisted. Germany Gun Smth- Brown 1758. March 26 do . .... Carpr- Fair do do do Labour1*- do do do England . Carpr- do do do Qs* County.... do .... Weaver Brown do 28 Labour1*- Yaliow do 30 do do England do Fair Qs- County.... Germany Weaver. . do ........ do do B. Smith . Brown do 31 April 3 do do do Butcher Fair do Shoe Makr- do Qs- County.... England Labr- .. do .... ...... Yaliow Brown do do do A Boston Sailor do 1 do do Qs- County.... do .... Labr- do Black Yaliow do do do do do .... do Black do do do .... do Indian ...... do do do .... do Yaliow do do do .... do Indian do do Boston do Yaliow do do Qs* County do do do do do .... Joiner Fair do do do .... Labr- Indian do do do .... Weaver Negro do do do .... Labr- Black do do do .... Shoe Maker Sandy do do do .... Labr- Fair do do Germany Printer do do 7 do do Qs- County Carp1*- Dark England Labr* Brown do do do do Fair do do Qs- County.... Cooper Yaliow ...... do do do .... Weaver Fair do do do do Connecticut... Labor- Brown Qs- County.... do . ... Weaver Shoe Makr- do do do do do do do .... Weaver do do do do 10 do Joiner Fair 62 MUSTER ROLLS OF Officers. Privates. Heighth. Age. 40 Ephraim Cossaboom ... F. 6 /. 25 David Peterson 5 8 J9 Thomas White 5 11% 21 John Stringham....... 5 11 26 John Doxey Junr- 5 9% 22 45 Thos. Wilson 5 2 !9 John Springer 5 8 22 John Foster 5 8/2 19 James Weed 5 SY 34 Richd- Mandor 5 27 50 John Williams 5 ■ 7% !9 John Provost 5 6 !9 Hezekiali Holdridge .. . 5 7/4 46 Sampson Hawxhurst.. . 5 7 21 Jotham Hawxhurst .... 5 10 J9 55 Barnadus Bloom 5 IIZ/2 26 Sam11 Palmer 5 6 40 Isaac Howard 5 8 38 Dennis Field 5 3 35 Joseph Hagavowt 5 10 27 60 Absalom Hutchins .... 5 4 30 Nath1* How 5 3/4 39 Joseph Paul 5 7Y 36 Joseph Peterson 5 7Yz r9 Martin van Norstrand.. 5 8 20 65 Richard Green ........ 6 .... l9 Wm- White 5 4 19 David Cassaboom...... 5 10 37 Timothy White 5 5>4 35 Nath1, Conger . 5 7?4 44 70 Wm- Shaw 5 734 42 Henry Doxey 5 10 J9 Elijah Rainer 5 io}4 23 Joseph Higbie ... 5 6 !9 Jacob Jonston. ...... .. 5 YY 24 75 Joseph Thurston 5 3 22 Wm Rainer 5 8Y !9 Joshua Chappel ....... 5 8 ^ 34 Jonas Scofield 5 4/4 32 John Cunningham 5 ioy2 35 80 Eliphas Clinton S 11 20 1 Robert Lockwood S 7Y 34NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758 63 Where Born. Trade. Complex"- 0s- County. ... do .... West Chester.. Qs- County.... do .... England Weaver. Fair Labor* do Weaver Brown Labor- Fair Carptr* do Labor* do Albany do Dark West Chester.. Connect1, do Brown ...... Black Smthi Fair England do Brown Os- ~Co Labor- do do Baker Dark Connecticut . .. Qs* County.... do .... do .... Connecticut ... Qs* County.... Ireland Miller do Taylor Fair Carpr* do Sailor do Labor* do Cooper . do Sailor . . . Brown ...... Pennsylva- do do Qs County.... Connect1, W eaver do Turner . do Qs- County .... do do .... do do .... Connect1, Shoe Makr> do Labor- Fair Sho Makr- do Weaver do Labor* Dark Weaver Fair do Labor* do Jersey Weaver Dark Ireland Labo1, do Qs* County. ... do .... do .... do do .... do .... do Connect1, Weaver do do do Taylor Fair Labor* do Blacksmith do Weaver do Labor' do Cooper Brown West Chester. . Boston Labor- Fair do Sandy Connect1, do Dark When Inlisted. 1758. April 10 do do do do do do do do do 11 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 12 do do do do do do do 13 do do do do do 14 do do do do do do do 15 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 16 do do do 17 do do do do64 MUSTER ROLLS OF Officers. Privates. Heighth. Age. John Mow F. /. 5 8 21 Tobias Isinghood 5 7% 24 Wm* Adare. 5 25 85 Patrick Carrighan 5 6^ 25 James Alkason 5 10% 20 Caleb Smith 5 6^ 20 Daniel Wood 5 7% 30 Joseph Griffing 5 9% 24 90 Jacob Wright 5 9 21 John C. Vellt 5 9/^ 19 A Muster Roll of ye Company Commanded by Officers. Privates. Height. Age. Capt. Anthony Havens F. 5 /. 7 22 Richd* Hulet Wm’ Snow - ... . 5 37 Phillip Hulet 5 4 18 Lts Hambtn* Blackwod 5 9 29 Ephraim Moss 5 Matthias Lawrence .... 5 8 46 Douwe Delmus Wm- Hart S 8 44 Nicolas Wilson 5 . 9 29 Timothy Hill 5 7 23 Timothy Baldwin...... 5 7 30 10 Richd- Speed 5 6 36 John Doxey 5 11 20 Manser Kettle 5 8 26 Edward Cornell 5 5 17 John Smith 5 4 40 15 JohnLarrabe 5 8 22 John Cofman 5 6 36 Harman Lower 5 8 48 Adam Cronk 5 10 43 Richd- Knott 20 Tuin Jones Harry Floyd 5 7 25 James Cornel 5 5 47 James Verrity 5 5 J9NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758, 65 Where Born. Trade. Complex11- When Inlisted. Connect1 Turner Dark 1758. April 17 do do Germany Pedler Fair Ireland Labor* do do 18 do do Brown do do Penna’ ....... Carpr- do do do Qs- County ... do .... Sho Makr- Tavlor Fair do do do do do do .... Labor* do do do Suffolk Co , Germany Carptr* Cooper do do do do do 29 Capt. Richd- Hulet pr. M. Taylor Woolsey. Where Born. Trade. Complex11- Suffolk Labor- Indian England do Fair Qs* County.... Ireland do Indian Marriner Brown Germany ..... Carpr‘ do ...... England Labor- Fair Qs- County.... Weaver do Ireland Cord Wainr* Fair Qs- County. ... England Labon Brown Taylor do Qs- County. ... Jersey Wagonmakr* Labor* Fair Brown Qs- County.... France Labor- Fair Weaver Brown England ..... Joiner Fair o Germany Butcher. Brown do Labor* do do Weaver do England Cord Wainr> . ... Fair Suffolk Co. . . . Labor- Indian Indn- Qs- County.... do do do .... Shoemaker Fair When Inlisted. March 29 do 30 April 3 do 4 do do do 5 do do do do do do do do do 6 do 6 do do do 7 do do do do do 8 do do do do do do do do do 10 do do 566 MUSTER ROLLS OF Officers. Privates. Height. Age. F. /. Abram Pettit 5 3 23 25 James Seaman 5 4 23 Sam11, Scidmore 5 9 38 Isaac Totton 5 7 20 James Balden 5 7 !9 Joseph Wert 5 6 21 30 Abraham Golder 5 7 21 Joel Taylor 5 6 21 Abram Simonsen 5 7 18 Zacry Allen 5 9 17 Tobias Weeks • 5 2 24 55 Tunis Coovert. .... .... 5 11 17 James Brown 5 8 30 Sam11, Higby 6 21 Henry Higby 6 20 Simon Lambertson, Sr.. 5 7 5i 40 Simon Lambertson .... ' 5 8 28 George Bunce 5 6 35 Wm- Gritman 5 9 23 Ezekiel Brundage 5 7 27 Sam11, Smith. 5 7 20 45 Lucus Cover 6 40 Peter Beyea 5 9 24 John Thacker ■■5‘ 6 22 Nicolas Sesicle 5 4 18 Sam11, Southard 5 6 28 50 George Row 5 9 21 James Read. 5 6 17 Antony Seaman 5 9 40 Benj Jackson 5 7 21 Martin Bo wren e 5 3 27 55 Tunis Hardenberg 5 11 23 John Davis 5 11 26 Daniel Barns 5 S 24 John Conner 5 6 30 Jacob Carle 5 7 23 60 Thos. Tomson 5 8 43 George Grewnecal 5 4 36 Stephen Hulet Wenden Hines ... Henry Monfort 65 John Frank 6 1 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. '67 Where Born. Trade. Complex11- When Inlisted. Qs* County- do Long Island. Qs- County, do Germany Qs County Jersey ... Qs- County do do do Ireland . . Qs- County do New York Qs- County Suffolk Co. Qs- County Rye ..... Qs County Qs- County. West Chester. N. England Switzerland Qs- County, New York Qs- County do do Germany. Qs- County England Qs- County Ireland . Qs- County do Germany. Qs- County Shoemaker....... Hatter.......... Labor- ......... Taylor ......... Cord Wainr-..... Labor-....... do ........... Cord Wainr* . .... Labor-...... do ........... do ........... Weaver......... Quack Doctor .. . Labor* ......... do Cord Wainr-..... Weaver ......... Carpr-!......... Farmer.......... Farmer............ Ship Carpr*..... do ......... Labor-....... do ........... Turner.......... Labor-.......... Weaver.......... Labor* . ....... do ........... Weaver.......... Farmer ......... do .......... School Master. .. Butcher......... Labor-.......... Carpr-.......... Labor-.... Cord Wainr* ...... Farmer.......... Brown. . Fair Indian. . Fair____ do Brown.. do .. do .. do do ., Indian., Brown., do . do do . Fair___ do . .. Brown. Fair___ Brown, Brown . Fair.. . Brown. Fair . Brown. do . do Fair... do ... do ... Brown. do . Fair... do ... do .. . do ... Mustee Fair .. . do ... April 11 do 12 do 14 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 15 do 7 do 15 do 21 do IS do do do do do do do do do 16 do IS do 14 do 17 do 18 do do do 20 do 14 do 20 do do do do do do do do May 3 do 9 3 April 19 May 268 MUSTER ROLLS OF Officers. Privates. Height. Age. F. /. John Marston......... Wm Douty........... John Dvvire.......... Richd* Everet........ 70 John Ginkens......... David Wright......... Moses Indian..... Robert Palmer ....... Andrew Jonson........ Abram Demot.......... Christopher Sumer.... Tho5- Halfpenny...... John Welch........... Jaames Branagin...... Jacob Wansen......... Joseph Darby......... 5 . 6 40 34 24 Wft Tillet Lazarus Griffith Muster Roll of a Company of Provincialls in the Quota of Queen’s County Com- Petrus Stuyvesant, Captain. David Jones, ) j ieutehant. Morris Smith, j ^ieutenants- Privates. Stature. Age. i Peter Lain -.. .... F. I. 5 6. 5 .10 20 2 Solomon Abrahams 18 3 Richd* Tuin 5 4 5 7 5 4 22 4 Harry Simmons *9 22 5 George Dawson .. 6 Simeon Smith 5 9 5 7 28 7 George Dunbar 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 69 Where Born. T rade. Complex11- Qs- County.... Carpr*........... Fair Qs County.... do .... Labor* Brown Weaver do - do .... When Inlisted. April ig April 19 do 18 April 19 do 14 do 22 May 11 April 23 do 14 do 18 do 4 do 15 do 18 do 12 April 8 do 18 detached do 18 detached Pay of the Province of New York as part of ye MANDED BY CAPTAIN PETRUS STUYVESANT. Simion Smith, 1 George Dunbar, James Man, Cornelius Turner, Jeremiah Finch, 1 John Walter Mathew Robinson, Where Borne. Trade. Complexion. When Inlisted. Oysterbay Indian .... March 28th King’s Countv do .... do Oysterbay do .... do Hempstead Mustee . . . March 30 England Barber Fair Ao1, ve ;th Jamaica Shoemaker.... Dark do ist do Taylor Sandy .... do - Serjants. - Corporals7° MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. Stature. Age. F. 1. 8 P. Jackson 5 9 27 9 Stephen Baker 5 9 19 io Pomp Messenger.... .... 5 4 20 ii Valentine Burch 5 5 25 12 Turman Smith 5 5 25 13 Charles Smalling 5 7 20 14 Robert Lewis .. .: .. •, 5 5 20 15 George Lane 5 72 16 James Smith 5 8 30 17 John Simmons . 5 8 24 .18 Cornelius Turner 5 4 21 19 Samuel Burr 5 5 ■ 28 20 Thomas Dennis 5 7 22 21 Thomas Morgan 5 9 22 22 Michel Frost . 5 10 19 23 Willm- Baker 5 8 20 24 Solomon Rainer 5 11 30 25 Harry Eato 5 10 20 26 John Gritman 5 8 21 27 Jeremiah Pomp 5 7 20 28 Thos* Townsend 5 8 18 Dischd- Augustine Creed 5 4xA 47 29 James Hooper.. 5 8 21 30 Sam1- Waller 5 4 10 31 Jacob Latin 5 9 20 32 James Hollis 4 ii 28 33 John Walters 5 8 20 34 Timothy Herrick 6 32 35 Isaac V Northstrandt 6 1 26 36 Jeremiah Finch 5 9'A 30 37 Dan1 Bancks 5 7% 36 38 James Camuch 5 1 28 39 Boy, Nath1- Cook 4 9 16 40 Abraham Allen 5 6 J9 41 Joseph Cheshier 5 5 20 42 Noah Hall e. 10 17 43 Thomas Morrell J 5 6 18 44 John Norstrandt 5 6 29 45 Benjamin Campbell 5 8 17 46 Titus Quason 5 8 30 47 Samuel Hubbs 5 3 . 26 48 Benjn-Wiggins 5 10 1 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOrS, 1758. 71 Where Borne. Hempstead . . . Jearsey...... Jamaica...... Oysterbay do do North Castle. . Oysterbay Hempstead . . . do Horse Neck .. Oysterbay do do ....... do Hempstead .. . do Oysterbay do do Oysterbay Jamaica..... Jamaica..... New York . . . Oysterbay . . . England..... North Castell R. Island .... Jamaica..... Greenwich. . . do Ireland..... Newtown .... Oysterbay . .. do do Oysterbay . . . Flatbush Oysterbay . . . Islip....... Oysterbay .. . do Trade. Carpenter. Weavour . do Shoemaker. Weavour . . do do Shoemaker. Cooper .... Weavour . . Joyner .... Miller..... Shoemaker. Carpenter. . Shoemaker, do Baker...... Carpenter. . Joyner Dyer . . Shoemaker. Carpenter. . Cooper Taylor. Complexion. When Inlisted. Yealow . . . . Ap1- ye 3d Fair do 14th Black do 5 Dark do ye 4th Dark do ye 5th Dark do do Dark do do Indian.... do do Dark do do Fair do do do do do do do ye 6th Dark do ye 6th Fair do ye 6th do do ye 7th Dark .... do ye 7th Dark .... do ye 6th Mustee . . . do 7th Fair do 7th Mustee ... do 7th Fair do 7th Dark . ... do 6th Fair do 7th Dark do 7th Fair do ye 7th Sandy .... do ye 7th Dark do ye 8th Sandy .... do ye 8th Dark ..... do ye 10th Rudy. .... do ye 11 th Fair do ye nth Dark do ye 1 ith Fair do ye 12th Dark do ye nth do do ye 1 ith Fair do ye 1 ith Fair April 12th do do 13th , Fair do 13th Indian do nth do . .. . do loth . Dark do 13th72 MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. Stature. Age. 49 Amos Smith........ 50 Aron Concelye .... 51 Daniel Dean....... 52 Mathew Robinson . 53 John Townsend ... 54 Robert Palmer . .. 55 James Lightfoot.. . 56 Samuel Legross ... 57 Peter V Norstrandt 58 John Pettet....... 59 Gilbert Adams.... 60 Christopher German 61 Benjamin Weeks... 62 Stephen Bishop.... 63 Thomas Farrington 64 Michael Gauthy .. . 65 Sam1, Hounswelt.. . 66 Daniel Tilty...... 67 James Henchman.. 68 Daniel Weeks...... 69 Samuel Thurston . . 70 Thomas Campee ... 71 John Green........ Dischd- John Ralph. 72 Anthony Seaman . . 73 John Smith. 74 Benjn- Jackson.... 75 Charles Lisk. 76 Proculus Macoon . . 77 Jacob Boorum. 78 Coleman Ludlum . . 79 Thimoty Ferris.... 80 John Franks....... 81 Martin Young...... 82 John Roads........ 83 Tain Indian....... 84 James Man....... 85 Joseph Bugle...... 86 Sears Mott........ 87 Jonathan Sticklin . . 88 Augs* Ackler...... 89 Nicholas Fight .... F. I. 5 9 5 8 5 6 5 4 5 4 5 10 5 5 5 6 18 30 19 49 33 2 7 32 22 5 7 5 4 5 9 5 9 5 11 5 4 5 6 5 9 5 7 5 5 5 9 5 6 5 10 6 1^ 22 19 48 45 43 24 36 34 24 21 19 18 20 20 5 8 36 5 5 38 5 6 24 5 10 39 5 4 37 5 6 37 5 8 35 5 7 18 5 6 20 5 6 39 5 4 39NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758 73 Where Borne. Oysterbay . . . Kings County Jamaica..... Ireland..... do ....... Horse Neck. . England..... Oysterbay . . . Hempstead......... West Chester...... Prussia........... Oysterbay......... Gilford N. England. Flushing.......... Switserland....... Germany........... Oysterbay ........ Flushing.......... Oysterbay......... Hempsted.......... Germany........... Jamaica........... Jamaica Oysterbay . , Jamaica Horse Neck Garmany . . , do Jamaica Oysterbay . , England Hempsted . , Oysterbay . Jamaica Germany . . do Trade. Complexion. When Tnlisted. Shomaker Fair April 13th do do 13th Dark do 14th Weavour Dark do 14th Cooper Light do 15th Weavour Dark do 15th Silver Smith . . Fair do 15th Dark do 15th do 15th Taylor Dark .... do 15th do .... do 19th Gardener Dark .... do 17th do .... do 19th Currier do .... do 17th do .... do 18th Barber do do 18th Mason do do 18th Cooper Fair do 18th Dark .... do 18th Weavour. . . . .. do .... do 19th do do .... do 19th Shoemaker. . .. Fair ...... do 20th Cooper Dark .... do 20th do 20th Inkeeper ..... 0 0 ^0 Weaver Sandy .... do 19 Negro .... do 21 Taylor Fair do 23d Cooper Dark .... do 23d Weavour Fair.. ... do 18th Joyner do Indian .... do nth nth Barber Ruddy do ye 5th Sadler do do ye 18th Currier Fair do ye 11 th Weavour do . . nth Taylor Dark .... May ye 1st Weavour do .... do do74 MUSTER ROLLS OF Private. 90 Isaac Craft....... 91 Thomas Smith...... 92 Willm- Pumpshire .... 93 Benjn- Morrell.... 94 Thomas Merrit..... Peter Peck, no bounty 95 James Nowles...... Stature. Age. F. I. . 5 6 23 . 6 18 ■ 5 4K 46 • 5 4 *9 •5-6 24 Inlisted for ye These may that the Names Incerted in This Muster Roal appears By the Certificates shewn to me By Capt. Stuyvesant on ye 18 and succeeding Days of April 1758. A Muster Roal of Yf Company Commanded By Capt. Richard Hulet. y ts> j Ephraim Moss. 1 Douw Ditmus. Privates. H eighth. Age. F. /. Anthony Havens S 7 22 Wm* Snow c Philip Hulet 5 4 0/ 18 Hambtn* Blackwood 5 9 29 Mathias Lawrence *. .. 5 8 46 Wm- Hart 5 8 dd Nicolas Wilson S 9 29 Timothy Hill. 5 7 23 Timothy Baldwin 5 7 30 10 Richard Speed 5 6 36 John Doxey . . 5 11 20 Manser Kettle 5 8 26 Edward Cornell 5 5 17 John Smith 5 4 40 15 John Larrabe, Serj*- 5 8 1 22NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 75 Where Borne. Trade. Complexion. When Inlisted. Oysterbay Joyner Fair Ap1- ye 6 do ye 4 do ye 6 Ap1* ye 15 May 10 Ap1* 12 Jamaica Weavour do Hempsted Oysterbay Westchester Connecticut, stabd- himself. Carpenter Blacksmith.... Indian .... Fair Ruddy .. New Quota. were Duly Inlisted as part of ye Quota of Qs- County as and were muster’d By me as able Bodyed and Effective Men M. Taylor Woolsey, Muster Master. Capt. Richd. Hulet pr- M. Taylor Woolsey. Nicholas Wilson, Timothy Hill, John Lerabee, Isaac Tolton, James Brown, | Sergts- j- Corporals. Where born. Trade. Complexion. Suffolk Labor* Ind"-.. .... England do Fair Os* County . . . . do Indn- Ireland Marriner Browm .... Germany Carpr* do .... England Labor* Fair Qs* County Weaver do Ireland Cord Wainer... . Fair Os* County Labor* Brown .... England Taylor do .... Qs County Wagon Maker. .. Labor- Fair Jersey Brown .... Qs* County Labor* . Fair.;.... France Weaver Brown .... N. England Joiner iFair When Inlisted. M’ch 29 do 30 April 3 do 4 do do do 5 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 7 do do76 MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. H eighth. Age. F. 1. John Cosman. 5 6 38 Harman Lower 5 8 46 Adam Cronk 5 10 48 Richd- Knott 20 Tuin Jones Harry Floyd 5 7 26 James Cornel 5 5 47 James Verrity 5 5 19 Abram Pettit 5 3 23 25 James Seaman 5 4 23 Sam11, Scidmore 5 9 38 Isaac Totton 5 7 20 James Balden S 6 19 Joseph West 5 6 21 30 Abraham Golder 5 7 21 Joel Taylor 5 6 21 Abraham Simonson 5 7 18 Zacey Allen 5 9 17 Tobias Weeks 5 2 24 35 Tunis Coovert 5 11 17 James Brown 5 8 30 Sam’ll Higby 6 21 Henry Higby 6 20 Simon Lambertson, Sr* 5 7 51 40 Simon Lambertson 5 8 28 George Bunce 5 6 35 Wm- Gritman 5 9 23 Eezekiel Brundage 5 7 27 Sam11- Smith. 5 7 20 45 Lucus Covert 6 40 Peter Beyea. 5 9 24 John Thacker 5 6 22 Nicolas Sesicle 5 4 18 Sam1L Southard 5 6 28 50 George Row. . • 5 9 21 James Read 5 6 17 Antony Seaman 5 9 40 Benj. Jackson 5 7 21 Martin Boweene 5 3 27 55 Tunis Hardenberg 5 11 23 John Davis 5 11 26 Daniel Barns I 5 5 24NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 77 Where born. Trade. Complexion. When Inlisted. Germany Butcher Brown .... M’ch 7 do Labor> do .... do do do Weaver do .... do do England Cord Wainer... . Fair...... Indn- do do do do Suffolk Co Labor Indn* do do Qs- County do do do 10 do Shoemakr- Fair do do do do Brown .... do 11 do . Hatter Fair...... do 12 Long Island Labor Ind*-...... do 14 Qs* County Taylor Fair do do do Cord Wainr* Fair do do Germany Labor Brown .... do do Qs- County do do .... do do Tersev Cord WaiiY do .... do do Qs-County Labor* .. do .... do do do do do .... do do do do Indn- do do do ...... Weaver Brown .... do do Ireland Quack Dr- do .... do do Qs* County Laborr* do do do do do do do do N. York Cord Wainr- Fair do 15 do 7 Qs- County Weaver do Suffolk Co. Carpr- Brown .... do 15 do 21 Qs* Coun........ Farmer Fair Rye Farmer Brown do 15 do do Qs* County Ship Carpr- Brown . . .. Qs- County do Fair do do West Chester Labor*- Brown .... do do N. England do Fair do do Switserland Turner Brown .... do 16 Qs* County Labor- do .... do 15 N. York Weaver do do 14 do 17 Qs- County Labor* Fair do do do do 18 do Weavr* do do do Germany Farm** Brown do 20 Qs- County do do do 14 England Schoolma*- Brown do 20 Qs* Countv ...... Butcher Fair do do78 MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. Heighth. Age. John Conner........... Jacob Carle............ 60 Thos- Tomson.......... George Grewneeal....... Stephen Hulet......... Wenden Hines.......... Henry Monfort.......... 65 John Frank............ John Marston........... Wm Douty............... John Dwire............. Richard Everet......... 70 John Ginkens.......... David Wright. . . .... William Steel.......... Richd- Cary.... ....... Jabez Carey ........... Charles Lisk.......... Moses Indian.......... Robert Palmer......... Andrew Johnson........ Abraham Demot......... Chris* Sumer.......... Tho: Halfpenny........ John Walsh............. James Branagin........ Lazarus Griffith...... Joseph Darby.......... Samuel Brown, Sergeant F. I. 5 6 30 5 7 28 5 8 43 5 4 36 6 1 21 5 6 40 5 9 40 5 8 21 23 These may Certify that the Men’s Names Incerted in this as Part of the Quota of Queens County as appears by the Bodyed and Effective Men on ye 18 of April at Sundrie TimesNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 79 Where born. Trade. Complexion. When Inlisted. Ireland Labor* Fair M’ch 20 0s* c Carpr* do do do do Labor* Mustee... . do do Germany Cordwr* Fair May 'X j Os- Farm'- do do Q May 3 April 19 May 2 April 19 April 19 do 18 Os* Coun*7, Carpr Fair Ap1- 19 do 16 do 22 May 11 do 11 do 11 Staten Isld*...... Weaver Fair do IQ May 11 Ap'- 23 Ap1- 14 do 18 do 4 do 15 do 18 do 12 Cape Cod Labourer Brown.... do 11 Oysterbav Weaver do .... do 18 Boston Ship Carpenter.. Brown.... do 19 Muster Roal Being Capt. Hulet’s Compy were Duly Inlisted Certificates Shewn to me and were Mustered by me as able since. M. Taylor Woolsey, Muster Master.8o MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d & passed Muster Jonathan Fowlers Com Capt. Jonathan Fowler. Men’s Names. Date of Inlist1- * £ cd cd ^ CL TJ O >u p L> * Inlisted by Cap1* Ebenezer Seely.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 89 No. Enlisted by James Howel, ) LIEUXs. Gilbert Bradner, ) ^ Corporals. Nathaniel Green, J Nathaniel Wescoat, Drummer. Where born. Trade. When enlisted. I ersev Farmer. April 21 19 19 3 19 7 29 N. England do Boston do Dutchess do Boston do Connecticut Smith do Carpenter I IO MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. Age. Joseph Hollester.. John Bennett..... IO Joseph Phillips.. . . Phineas Woodward Amos Allen....... John Fra.nkland . . . Moses Allen...... 15 Samuel Cogswell . . Daniel Allen..... James Pingry..... Jeddiah Carley. . . . Thomas Inckly. . . . 20 Samuel Boyington James Lovelace . .. John Aston....... Charles Barsleys . . Daniel Atwood . . . 25 Andrew Cowley . .. Mathew Fuller. . . . Michal Tenry..... Ruben Rapeljea. .. George Clasen 30 Bethual Baker .... David Hodges John Gray........ George Dickenson. Willian Calkins .. . 35 Caleb Hill....... Stephen March ... Gilbert Clap..... Ebenezer Gage David Vickey..... 40 Enoch Seers...... Eneas Nicholson . . Rowland Rosall. .. Asa Cummins...... Azariah Parish 45 Joshua Barnum .. . Daniel Cash...... Jacob Ellis...... Abel Sherwood ... Bennonia Gray Thomas Cole...... Daniel Townsend . 20 31 19 23 17 20 17 45 35 19 44 3i 18 42 22 19 50 22 60 29 20 19 22 23 20 19 17 17 19 20 23 19 17 20 19 19 18 21 19 21 33 20 18 36NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 758. I I 1 Where born. Trade. \ Connecticut' Labourer do do do do . do do do do do do Boston .. do do Smith Connecticut Labourer. do do Boston . do do Carpenter . Connecticut Farmer.. . do Cord wain er Westchester Labourer N. England do Cape Cod do Connecticut Cordwainer. ... ...... Boston Labourer Westchester do L. Island do R. Island do Boston do N. Engld- do Cape Cod do . R. Island Sadler . . Dutchess Farmer N. England . Weaver Connecticut . Cooper Westchester Labourer Boston . .. . Smith do Cordwainer do Labourer . . do Weaver do Smith Connecticut Cooper do .......... Farmer do do Boston do do do Connecticut Carpenter Boston Farmer do do L. Island do When enlisted. April 19 20 3 6 14 7 7 *9 *9 5 20 19 12 19 10 3 17 17 3 19 J9 14 19 18 18 3 18 3 3 3 3 12 12 3 3 3 17 5 4 4 12 12 3 12I 12 MUSTER ROLLS OF Privates. Age. Jezadiah Frost....... David Sturdyvant..... John Perry........... William Allen........ John Franklin ....... William Earl......... Jacob Leonard........ Rossel Frankland .... Henry Grey......... Mathew Standish .... Thomas Evans......... Abner Edie . ........ Benjamen; Herrington . Zechariah Herrington .. Benjamen Shaw........ Edward Popple . ..... Isaac Harrington..... Stephen Hull . . .. .. ... John Barber...... John Martin.......... John De Pew.......... Samuel Blackman . . Conrad Steenbergh 75 Simon Scouten........ Philip Pear.......... John Wm- Loudenburgh Andrew Silvernail.... Samuel Brewster...... 80 Reuben Crosby........ 23 22 25 19 20 19 24 18 32 17 18 25 22 21 25 30 17 20 18 34 24 29 22 28 23 26 27 20. 23 A Age & Size Roll of tiie Detachment of New May ist No. Men’s Names. Age. Trade. Size. 1 Charles Kelley 26 feet inches 5 5 2 John Lintener 18 5 2 3 John Robb 24 5 7 4 Joseph Crow 18 5 2 5 Stephen Smith 18 5 3 6 Thomas Dilkins 17 5 8 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 1 J3 Where born. Trade. When enlisted. Connecticut Cordwainer April 12 Dutchess Farmer 12 Boston Toyner 12 Westchester Farmer 3 Connecticut . do 5 Dutchess do 5 Connecticut do .... . 8 do do 8 do .... ...... do 4 Dutchess do 5 do do 5 Boston Cordwainer 8 R. Island Labourer.... ... ... 10 do do 10 Connecticut Cordwainer 11 R. Island Labourer. ig Dutchess do .. 7 17 R. Island Soldier .. 19 Boston Farmer ... 12 Ireland . do 9 Westchester do 4 do do ... . 29 Dutchess Cordwainer ... 20 Fishkills Taylor ; 8 Westchester .... Cordwainer May 1 Germany Farmer May 1 Dutchess do do 1 do do do 3 do do do 4 York Troops Commanded by Capt. John McEvers 1758. Volunteers when Inlisted. Where Born. Eyes. Hair. Visage. Complection. Apr. 18 Rh. Isld* .... Brown. do Germany ... do do Ireland do do do ..... Fair. do New Engl. .. do do Old Engl.... do 8114 MUSTER ROLLS OF No. Men’s Names. Age. Trade. Size. 7 8 John Bout .... .. Jocab Vanbreeman. .. 21 22 feet inches 5 4 5 6 5 7 5 7 9 Richard Fletcher IQ IO John Thompson 21 II Josave Dully 22 5 10 5 8 12 Stephen Biss 40 13 Gabriel Sprung 21 5 7 14 15 James Savage Zebedey Totan 18 21 5 9 5 10 6 5 8 16 17 18 *9 Nhile Gurine John Hess Mickel Kasure.... Charles Tooley, Serj’t Maj. 39 30 20 Adam Garlock. 30 5 7 5 8 5 8 21 Cornelus Mesurall 20 22 John Johnston 18 23 John White 20 5 8 5 8 24 John Kipp 19 25 26 Thomas Linn Robert Young 20 24 5 3 5 6 27 Robert Waters 18 5 •• '5 5 5 2 28 Daniel McEntire 17 29 Gasper Strawgh 24 30 William Rodgers l9 6 .. 31 George Dominick 19 5 5 32 Alexander Coultar 23 5 7 5 7 5 8 5 7 33 .34 David Meldrum Martin Shire 22 25 35 Joseph Rodgers 30 .36 William Cradock 23 5 10 5 3 1 11 5 9 5 8 .37 James Brice 18 38 Nicholas Tibout l9 -39 Robert Land 20 •40 John Sadler 29 -4i Cornelus Vanveighton 24 5 6 .42 Christophar Howser 32 5 3 •43 Peter Lasier.... 20 5 5 5 5 44 John Ferril 40 45 Francess Jaffo 28 5 4 46 John Williams 30 5 5 47 John Barber 34 5 5 .48 Thomas Leirey 30 5 4NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. ”5 Volunteers when Inlisted. Where Born. Eyes. Hair. Visage. Complection. Apr. 18 New York .. Brown. do do Ruddy. do Old Engl.... Brown. do N. York .... do do New Engl.. . do do Old Engl.. .. do do New York .. do do do do Long Isld. . . do Ireland do do do London Brown* do Germany . do do New York .. Fair. do East Jersey. do do New York .. do do East Jersey . do do Ireland Pale. do Scotland .. Ruddy* do New York .. Brown. do Ireland Ruddy* do Germany .. . Fair. do Conn1* Brown* do New York .. do do Ireland do do Scotland .... do do New York .. do do Old Engl.... Fair. do Virga*....... Brown* do New Jersey . do do New York .. do do New York .. do do Philadelphia. Fair* do New York .. do do Germany ... Brown, do do do do Ireland Fair. do Holland Brown. do Staten Isld*.. do do New York .. Fair. do Ireland Brown.MUSTER ROLLS OF I 16 . No. Men’s Names. Age. Trade. Size. feet inches 49 Philip Quick 18 5 8 50 John Robertson 19 5 4 5i William Parham 18 5 9 52 John Perrey. 24 5 7 53 John Martin 17 5 2 54 William Little.... 32 6 2 55 John Johnston, Jun 23 5 7 56 Henry Dean 28 5 10 5 7 Leynard Wylant 58 Gilbert Sherer 21 6 1 59 Samawel Slingsby. 25 5 8 60 Josave Reynalds 20 5 6 6l Henrey Agnew 20 5 4 62 Richard Rice 21 5 5 63 Thomas Leech 32 64 James McDonald 30 5 6 65 Robert Archart 20 5 9 66 Richard Barker 26 5 8 67 Luke Cloper Quick 21 5- 9 68 John Tomlinson 21 5 6# 69 Donald McBaine 21 c 10 70 Mich1- Slydell 20 D w 5 9 71 Bowman Hendlock 29 5 6 72 Abraham Alstine 24 5 2 73 Josia Hinkley 2 6 5 8 74 Peter Burras 25 5 7 75 James Rich .. 22 5 6 76 John Paterson .21 6 1 77 Robert McDonald !9 5 5 78 John Evins 25 5 6 79 Martin Bowman 20 5 8 80 Ebenezer Holly 30 5 8 81 James Hull .19 5 4 82 Mingo Booth 33 5 6 83 Joseph Paterson 34 6 84 William Rancher 18 5 10 85 William Thorp 24 5 4 86 Edward Tout 18 5 3 87 John Fisher 24 5 9 88 John Lindmand 89 Edward Murphy 90 John Thomas NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758 II 7 Volunteers when Inlisted. Where Born. Apr. 18 East Jersey . do Scotland .... do Philadelphia. do Derby Shire. do Germany . .. 27 Apr. New York .. do Ireland do New York .. 24 Apr. do Esopus do New England 16 Apr. Staten Isld*. . do Ireland do Philada-.... do London do Ireland do Germany ... do Philad3- do New York . . 15 Apr. London 12 do Scotland .... do New York . . do New Jersey . do New York .. do Cape Cod. .. do Germany ... do New Engld. . do Boston do Ireland . . ... do New England do Germany .. . do New York . . do do do Long Isld-.. . do Stratfoard . . do Maryland . . . do Conn4* do Philada- do Germany . .. do do do Hair. Visage. 1 Complection. Negro. Fair. Brown. Fair. do Brown. do Mulata. Brown. do do Fair. Brown. do do Fair. Brown. Fair. Brown. Fair. Brown. Ruddy. Fair. Brown. do do Fair. do Brown. do do Fair. Brown. do do do do do118 MUSTER ROLLS OF No. Men’s Names. Age. Trade. Size. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 John Banker feet inches Noah Seares 18 Michel Degrove : George Clapham Nicholas Cort Alan McDugall Marinus Wilett John Keen 21 5' 8 Wm- Taylor Agnew & Murphy absent, to have no Bounty Henry This is to Certify that the Mens Names that are Incerted vincials raised for the City of New York and are Abel Bodied A Return of Men furnish’d by Kings County In An Act of the Governor Councill & Generall 24TH of March 1758 Entituled an Act for Rais- & Eighty Effective Men &c. &c. Men’s Names. Joseph Campbell . James Bys........ Cornelius Bulsing . Jeremh* Stillwell .. John Steymets ... Adrian Hegeman . William Berry.... Jacob Roors...... Nicholas Bussh. . * Mich1- Vooght George Kitcher. .. Abrm- Garrisson. .. Simon Simmerman Jacob Tablee..... John Wood........ Lambert Swayer.. Nichs- Pealman . .. Andw* Bradlin ....NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. II9 Volunteers when Inlisted. Where Born. Eyes. Hair. Visage. Complection. Apr. 2 Apr, 18 West Jersey Brown. do do do do do do 19 do 19 New York Brown. Dean. in this Roll were duely Inlisted as part of the Quota of Pro- Effective Men. Oliver De Lancey. Part of The Quoata Proportion’d said County by Assembly of the Province of New York Pass’d the ing Paying & Cloathing Two thousand Six hundred Place of Birth. Age. When Inlisted. New York 17 April the 3d Kings County 18 do New York 45 do Staten Island 27 do Kings County 21 do New Jersey 21 April the 5th Kings County 23 do Holland 23 April the 4th Staten Island 17 April the 8th Germany 25 April the 4th Germany 33 do Kings County 29 April the 23th Germany 45 March the 20th Germany 22 April the 1st Germany 24 April the 1st Holland 21 April the 5th Germany 18 April the 17th Germany 24 April the 1st By whom. -Capt. Stillwell - Capt. Van Pelt -Capt. Sedam120 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. John Harriss................... Valentine Huff................. Peter Cork..................... Johan Vandevort.............. Joshua Weekes.................. George Elsworth..... .......... Thomas Stillwell............... John Cox....................... Johann8 Hoffman ............. John Knight....................... Filde Crydeman................. George Early................... Mich1* Spoon or Lepel.......... Peter Martelaer................ Roelof Van Voorhees. .......... John Nisbet.................... Hendk- Fordenkroogh............... Dirck Amerman . ............... Gysbert Van Sicklen............ Jacob Cosyne................... Thomas Spack................... Martin M: Shelin.............: John Moracular................. John Seaglur................... John Earnish Stynley........... Wm- Harwood.................... Peter Benson................... Jacob Sheerman................. Benj. Bryan.................... John Martin Ludwick............ George bowman .... ............ David Sytle.................. John Ormond.................... John Fryart.................... Abraham Van Gelder............. Benjn- Nisbet.................. Peter Van Der Water............ Wm-Davis ...................... John Evans........ ............NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. I 2 I Place of Birth. Age. When Inlisted. New York 52 April the 17th Germany 30 April the 5th Germany 23 April the 8th King’s County..... 27 ■ April the 17th Queens County. . . . 19 April the 17th New York . ...... 34 April the 3d Kings County 17 April the 5th England 29 April the 5th Germany 25 April the 5th England 32 March the 22d Germany 25 April the 1st Germany 40 April the 1st Germany 35 April the 1st Germany 28 April the 17th Jersey 17 April the 3d Queen’s County. . . . l9 April the 18th Germany 48 April the 1st King’s County 18 April the 3d New Jersey 17 April the 3d Kings County 25 April the 3d Germany 32 April the 5th Germany. . . 33 April the 5th Germany. 26 April the 5th Germany 28 March the 20th Germany 20 April the 5th England 32 April the 5th New York 17 April the 5th J ersey 30 April the 18th Staten Island 18 April the 18th Germany 25 April the 20th Germany 22 April the 20th Germany 32 April the 10th England 26 April the 17th Germany 22 April the 18th Germany 28 April the 18th Queens County .... 21 April the 18th Kings County ..... 19 April the 18th England 2 7 April the 4th Queens County .... J9 April the 18th By whom. Capt. 'Brewer ton Capt. Stryker -Capt. Lott Capt. Schenck ■Capt. Titus122 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Return of Men furnish’d by King’s County to Men’s Names. Garrit Stymets ....... Seth Peck............. David Brown........... Keneth Mathewson. . . John Mich1- Gletz..... Isaac De Graaw, Lieu1-, This is to Certify that the above Muster Roll of the Men Able Bodied Men. A Muster Roal begun the Eighteenth April In County The Day of Inlistment. April 12 it u II 13 17 Inlisted or Capt. Alexander Smith. ‘ 18th “ 25th “ I2th “ 15th “ nth “ 17thNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758. 123 COMPLEAT THE QUOTA PROPORTION’D SD' COUNTY &C. Place of Birth. Age. When Inlisted. By whom. New Jersey 25 33 19 28 20 April ye 22d April ye 26th April ye 22d April ye 27th April ye 24th | Capt. Titus | Capt. Brewster Capt. Stryker. Rhode Island Queen’s County Scotland Germany New York May 3d 1758. furnishd by Kings County is Just & True & that they are ___________ Oliver DeLancey. Suffolk County Being the Quoata of the said 1758. PRODUCED BY Lieut. Jacob Smith. 2d Lieut. John Satterly. Jacob Munsell Jesse Munsell Nicholas Baylys Mathew S we any Ned Kellis Simon Neverfear Ned Pompy Ernest Augustus Gauber P. Van D. Ian See f William Tooker Nathaniel Satterly 1 John Hulse John Satterly, Jr* Amos Wilcott [John Smith Andrew Smith [ William Smith Nathaniel Owen Captain, Indian Bennet Satterly David Marow 124 MUSTER ROLLS OF The Day of Inlistment. Ap1- 11 20 nth 17th 14th 14th 15th 13th ‘ 18th Inlistd 27 April 27th Detailed 2 Mav Mustered 18 April Inlisted -< Inlisted or Capt. Alexander Smith. Jonathan Davis Jeremiah Brown Isaac Miller David Robbins Silas Davis John Robinson Josiah Woodhull Charles Mehain Ezekiel Petty Elias Bellows Nathaniel Foster Robert Roberson, Jr* John Cornish Edward Seward Samuel Tomson Shadrick Terry Nathan Roes Morris Bartow Daniel, Indian Enos Bishop Gersham Hawkins Samuel Gould Major Nathaniel WoodhullNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 758. 125 PRODUCED BY Lieut. Jacob Smith. 2d Lieut. John Satterly. "Nathan Tillotson Jesse Garrard John West Patrick Lott Jehu Jehu Anthony Prime Amos Lane, an Indian William Smith of Smithtown "Thomas Jehu Benjamin Garrard Daniel Blidenbergh Elnathan Weeks Nathan Alaben j John Whitmore ( Prosper King Jeremiah Havens David Hallock Isaac Overton makes 64126 MUSTER ROLLS OF The Day of Inlistment. ioth April 14th 15 th 14th 11 14th 18 Inlisted 14th detailed 21 st ioth 14 15 24 detailed ioth 18 18 th 24th detailed The Day of Inlistment. 6 April io ioth 18th 15 15th Inlisted or Produced by Capt. Alexander Smith. ^ Ebenezer Wood John Phillips Clock ^ Benjamin Toms Obadiah Bartoe ' Obadiah Smith Thomas Smith, Jr* Epinetus Smith Zachariah Smith - Timothy Chichester Jonathan Wicks, Junr- Thomas Rogers, Junr* « Indian, March j Nathaniel Akerly ( Jonathan Scudder Uriah Scudder Stephen Abbot Luke Ruland j Theodorus Collier ( John Howard Smith William Place Austin Jarvis Scudder Samson, a free Negro Joshua Ketcham, Jr* Jonas Wood Nathaniel Brown Joseph Nickles, Molata ^ John Ruland Daniel Hutchens, Mustee Isaac Ruland Israel Lewis Inlisted or Produced by Capt. Thomas Terry John Hubbard Jacob Howell f Wise Wright Duryea do do do do do do do do U- Dunbar do do L*- Duryea do L*- Dunbar do do do do Capt. Morse do do do Lt# Duryea L1- Dunbar do Capt. Morse L*- Dunbar Capt. Morse L4 Dunbar L*- Duryea Capt. Morse do do do L*- Duryea doH4 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Benjamin Chamberlain. . Nathan Chapman Christopher Summers.. Martin Young M’ch 24 Ap1- 19 19 l9 33 23 23 36 Boston . Connecticut ........ Germany . . . do This is to Certify that the above being one Captain Two County in Capt. Morse's Compy- A Muster Roll of Men Rais'd and pass’d in Qeens April Richard Hulett, Capt. Men’s Names. i Saul Lester (Indian). . . . James Harrison........ John Hendrick......... Daniel Burn........... Wm- Moore............. Daniel Whelply........ George Early.......... Roger McDaniels___ Obediah Cooper........ io Icabod Denbo...... Silvanus Slawson...... Henk* Fordenbrook..... John Cooper........... Robert Rating......... George Dawson......... John Morris........... Joakim Allbrittain.... Jacob Palmer.......... Benjamin Boldin....... 20 John German........... Richd- Cox............ Jn°- McGonnagale...... Vincent Hodge......... John Pederue............ Benjn- Lewis.......... Samuel Comestead...... John Henderson........ Date of Inlistm1* a; b/> < Where born. March 23 30 Oysterbay 10 19 New York 12 26 C°- Waterford, Ire 12 25 Ireland 13 35 Londonderry. ... April 11 27 Connecticut. .... March 14 43 Germany 26 27 Ireland 24 34 Oysterbay March 17 21 Connecticut 16 21 do 8 42 Prussia 10 24 Amsterdam 12 28 Ireland 8 23 North Britain.. . . 10 30 Germany 10 36 Prussia 8 28 Horse Neck March 16 40 Connecticut 25 38 do 13 36 England 23 l9 North of Ireland. April 7 45 Germany 5 l9 Wales . . 5 23 Rhode Island.... 3 23 Seabrook, Conn.. M'ch 22 23 Ireland.... NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759' T45 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer Husbandman Labourer Capt. Cornwell do Capt. Betts Capt. Morse do do do do do Lieut8- and Ninety Seven Men have past Muster for Qeens Mich. Thodey. County for Captain Richard Hulett’s Company 12TH 1759- Joseph Beadle, Lieut. Michael Weeks, do Trade. Labourer......... do do .......... House Carpenter. . Taylor........... Hatter........... Labourer......... Weaver........... Labourer......... Shoemaker........ do .......... Carpenter........ Weaver......... Barber........... do ............. Labourer......... do .......... do .......... Cooper......... Labourer......... Ship Carpenter... . Labourer ........ Taylor........... Labourer......... do ........... Blacksmith........ Labourer......... Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Mott's Troop.... do Capt. Wooley’s......... Capt. Seaman's......... do ....... do .... do ....... Capt. Ja8, Townsend's... do Capt. Frost’s.......... do ............... do ............... do ............... do ............... do ............... do do ............... do ............... do ............... Capt. Ja8, Smith's..... do ....... do ....... Capt. Hulett’s......... do ............... do ............... do ............... do Capt. Hulett's do do do L* Weeks Capt. Hulett's do L*- Weeks do Capt. Hulett's do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do io146 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Wm- Tomey.............. James Moore...,,.... 30 Isaac Byyea....... George Lane.......... Amoss Lane. ........... Peter Lane. ..... Charles Masheaw...... Abner Hascen......... Daniel Townsend....... Mich1- Bidfield...... Stephen Wood......... Daniel Hubbs.. ...... 40 Nicholas Wilson. ...... Joseph Crispin. ..... Joseph Morgan ....... Gilbert Forster . ....... Isaac Springer. ...". James Verrity ......... Robert Compress....... Thomas Ryan...... ... r Wm- Allen. .......... Isaac Smith.. ....... 50 Solomon Simmons. Jacob Johnson. ...... John Hammell......... Jacob Kenaght.... John Roberts......... Matthew Ease......... James Turk.. . ........ John Henderson........ John Willets........... John Cole............ 60 John Davis............ Peter Fowler......... John Brooks.......... Dennis Sullivan...... Corns* Jackson........ 65 John Tool............. Date of Inlistm1, 21 Pensilvania....... This is to Certify that the Within, being One Captain for Queens County, in Capt. Hulett’s Company, by me N. B. Saul Leister Died 24 April 1759, Since Muster.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 147 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Joiner Capt. Hulett’s. Capt. Hulett Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do ......... do do do ......... do do do do do do do do do ... ...... do do Cordvvainer . ...... do do do Capt. B. Smith s do Weaver do do Shingle Maker..... do do Shoemaker. Capt. Jas* Smith’s do Weaver Capt. Birdsall’s do Labourer do do Shoemaker .. do do Labourer do do Butcher. .......... do do Labourer do do do do do Shoemaker........ do do Labourer . do do do Capt. B. Smith’s. do Mason do do Labourer do do do do . . do do do do Shoemaker........ do do Tanner. Capt. Frost’s do Shoemaker......... Capt. B. Smith’s....... do Cooper. Capt. Frost’s.. do Labourer do do do Capt. B. Smith’s ....... do Taylor. Capt. Birdsall’s. do Chair Maker. .*.... do do Weaver. * Capt. Seamen’s.. do Two Lieutenants and Sixty five Men, have past Muster Mich: Thodey.148 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Rais'd and Pass’d Muster pany 12 Daniel Wright, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm4- Age. Where born. William McCord .. . Ap1 I 38 C°* Longford Ireld- Andrew Brown .... M’ch 22 42 Boston Patrick Lynch Ap1- IO 40 Ireland Edward King M’ch 10 35 C°* Waterford Ireld-. .. Jacob Bender 12 18 Germany Jeremiah Sullivan.. 16 34 Co. Cork Ireld- Edward Daily ..... 16 21 do .. William Smith .... 20 27 C°* Teperary Ireld-. ... Lewis Bemish 9 25 Switzerland 10 John Cross 2X 21 Germany ...... John Doty 13 27 Brunswick N. J ...... Samuel Morse..... 12 24 Newtown Patrick Hale .... .. 12 27 Ireland John Evans....... 24 21 Oxfordshire Old Engl. William Winter ... 12 35 Somersetshire do Robert Killpatrick. 19 26 C°- Antrim Ireld- John Tremble 13 26 Dublin John Fellpack 12 25 Germany Daniel Chapman . . . Ap1- 12 33 Connecticut Thomas Saunders . M’ch 15 44 Scotland .., Mathias Gardener . 15 21 Germany William Wring .. ... 25 27 C°* Cork Ireld- William Ressroad.. 25 30 Minirco Samuel Palmer .... 23 40 Connecticut Francis Fountaine . 15 21 Switzerland Levy Elliss 24 23 Cape Cod Vincent Vain 16 22 Venice Oliver Bowmaster . 24 27 Germany Jonathan Weeks. .. April 2 47 Newhamshire Daniel Westcoop .. M’ch 17 34 Germany Isariah Parrish 24 20 Nw\ London Conn.... John Smalling 16 21 Oyster Bay Roger Pell. Ap1 4 32 Westchester Co James Milligan.... M’ch 25 35 Ireland Alexander Foster.. 25 31 do Henry Ton ere 16 24 do Burger Price 14 '‘'T 25 Germany. — NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759' H9 in Queens County for Captn- Daniel Wright’s Com- April 1759 James Caseday, 1 T . ... Isaac Seamans, j T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Turner ... Capt. Blackwell’s ...... Capt. Wright Baker do ...... do Labourer Capt. Remsen’s do Marriner Capt. Mott’s Troop .... do Labourer do .... do do do .... do do do .... do Stay Maker do .... do Labourer do .... U• Cassday do do .... Capt. Wright do Capt. Wooley’s do Mason do do Turner do do Labourer do do Butcher do do Weaver .... ..... do do Labourer ........ do do Tayler do do Ship Carpenter .. . do do Labourer do do Cooper do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do ........ do do do ....... do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do do do do Weaver Capt. Seaman’s do Labourer do do Sawyer do do Labourer do ........ do Weaver do do Glass Maker...... do doMUSTER ROLLS OF 150 Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1* Age. Robert Oughaltrie. M’ch 12 46 Thomas McQuire .. 12 47 James Bay ley ..... 25 35 Stephen Castwick . 24 32 Arthur McCann 22 23 Joseph Pomroy. ... 14 25 Yalentine Birch . .. 16 45 John Balding ..... April 7 38 Thomas Duboice .. M’ch 29 19 Nichs* McDaniel... 19 27 Jonas Sealy 20 23 John Wood M’ch 26 30 Peter Bennet...... 13 25 Thomas Sturgest .. 9 23 Robert Edwards... M’ch 8 32 John Townsend ... 24 32 Harry Lubaack.... April 12 26 Benjamin Post .... M’ch 31 27 Thomas Powell. ... 3i 32 Samuel Sample.... 3i 24 Voluntine Huff.... M’ch 14 30 Mich1* Spoon 14 35 William Davis.... . 8 27 John Moorewise... 11 25 John Yonger...... M’ch 14 44 Lawrence Mahar .. 17 33 James Doudle .... . 24 28 Henry Miller 28 30 Barny Lovet ,.... 28 27 Patrick Carr....... 3i 19 Francis Chick 25 25 Phillip Canada Ap1- 6 , 42 Simon Simonman.. M’ch 14 42 Okey Stephenson.. ApL 4 . 20 Rowland Smith ... M’ch 13 19 Coonrat Han II 34 Mich1* Cross 5 » 20 Edward Busk 25 1 27 William Clissall . .. I9 1 40 James Deane 21 23 John Brown IC > 27 Coonrat Dunyar. .. 21 36 John Darby 2; ; 32 "Where born. Ireland............ do ............. do ............. Cape Codd ......... Ireland ........... Connecticut........ Old England ....... Hemstead. .... .... Poughkeepsey..... Ireland............ Stamford........... Germany ........... do ....... ..... Fairfield Conn ...... Old England ........ Ireland. .*........ Germany_______....... Hemstead .......... Bedford purchase Ireland ........... Germany............ do ............. Old England........ Germany.......... do Dublin .............. N°* Ireland .... .. Germany ............. Ireland ........... Dublin............. London ............ Ireland ........... Germany.......... King's County........ Hemstead............. Germany............ do ............. Waterford Ireld*... Old England.......... Epswich Boston Ireland.......... Germany.............. Ireland ...........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 151 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Weaver Capt. Seaman’s ........ 1 Capt. Wright Mason do .... do Labourer ........ do do Cordwainer Capt. Betts do Labourer .. Capt. Tacob Townsend.. do do do do Cook do do Cordwainer. .♦ do do House Carpenter.. do do Labourer do do do do do Barber do do Stocking Weaver.. do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do Brewer do do Labourer do do Taylor * .. do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do do ........ Capt. Frost's L* Seamen's do do do Waterman . do do Labourer do . Capt. Wright L*' Seamen's Shoemaker .... ... do Waterman ....... do Capt. Wright Shingle Maker.... do do Paper Maker... do ! do Weaver .... ...... do do Marriner do do Cordwainer..... .. do do Labourer do do do . . do L** Seamen Weaver do do Carpenter Capt Jas- Smith Capt. Wrights Labourer..... ... do do Sadler do do Mariner.. ....... do L** Cassday Wool Carder ...... do U' Seamen Silver Smith do L1, Cassday Labourer do ........ do do . do Capt. Wright Mason .. . * do doT52 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Phillip Joyase M’ch 10 24 Germany Jonathan Dye 25 22 East Jersey Augustus Pennell. . 29 34 Switzerland Hugh Smith O 28 Bel [fast John Nicholas 25 22 Germany Joseph Weeks 14 19 Oysterbay John Sixshort 11 36 Germany Steph11, Blevit ..... 24 26 Geneva : Thom8* Havell Ap1- 12 29" Wales Hen Nannie M’ch 25 29 Germany Thomas Dogherty for C. Myer 23 26 Scotland Joseph Buyer 14 18 Germany Bartholimus Casey. Ap1- 5 30 Limerick Ireland William Gordon... M’ch 31 27 Aberdeen Wm- White Ap1- 23 19 Marineck. Rob*- White M’ch 14 39 Devonshire John Davis Ad1, 3 xz Ireland Barent Bloomer . . . M’ch 26 J 28 Queens Co .. Jonas Mather 19 30 Switzerland J oseph Cross 23 20 New England John Rllis ^ j Ap1- 12 IQ Ireland Henry Lampson. .. 12 32 Switzerland ..... Daniel Dans M’ch 23 20 Connecticut Wm' Beacon 23 29 Old England Michael Laypoll. .. 19 35 Germany Thomas Jones 14 30 Somerset Co Simon Colleyon. ... 25 28 Germany Phillip Camsell.... 23 28 Ireland Elisha Murray 25 24 N°- Milford Andrew Ruessort.. 12 22 Germany Benjamin Davis . .. 3° 26 Piscatioa Wra Conally 30 23 Ireland Joseph Ford Ap1- 4 28 Flushing Jeremiah Ryan Mch 25 25 Ireland George Smith Ap1 12 27 Old England Augustus Ackler .. Mch 29 1 40 Germany . .; John Smith Ap1, 13 28 Ireland . .; Wm Hardy Mch 30 1 2K Rhode Island Mich1* Greatee Ap1- 13 j 39 Germany Patrick Carrygin .. Mch 25 26 Ireland Andrew Nelson . .. 14 20 do Joseph Long....... lAp1* 16 » 18 England NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 153 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Labourer Capt. Jas* Smith do do .. .... Button maker .... do . Weaver do Labourer do Weaver Capt. Seaman’s ........ Labourer Capt. Jas- Townsend Taylor Capt. Hulett’s Labourer do ... Shoemaker Capt. T. Brain’s Baker Capt. Mills Labourer Capt. JaSi Smith, do Capt. Hulett’s . ...... do Capt. Birdsall do do do do do do do do do do do do Rope maker do Baker do Labourer Capt. B. Smith’s do do Shoe maker do . ... Labourer do ..... Barber do ...... Labourer do ....... do Capt. S. Cornwell’s. ... Weaver do ...... f Gunsmith do ..... Husbandman do ...... Labourer do ...... Cordwainer do ..... 1 Potter .'. . do . . Labourer do ... Mariner do ...... Mason do ...... Barber do ...... Labourer do ...... Taylor Capt. Mills’ Labourer Capt. S. Cornwell’s Officers who Inlisted. L** Cassdy Capt. Wright do U- Cassdy Capt. Wright do do do do do • U- Cassdy Capt. Wright do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doi54 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm** Age. Where born. William Chapman . April io 38 Old England Samuel Knap 14 21 Goshen James Wooley..... Mch 17 17 Cork. Duncan McConnoly. Ap1- 18 18 Scotland Dennis Crahon .... 18 28 Ireland George Caroall .... 19 32 do John Burnside 21 30 C°- Derry Ireland .... This is to Certify that the foregoing being One Captain have past Muster for Queens County in Capt. Wright’s Com- A Muster Roll of the Men raised and Pass’d Mus Howell’s Company the i6th Day of April Captain, James Howell. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. By Capt. Jas- Howell. Thomas Week M’ch 13 20 James Ellison do 13 20 William Cimble ,... do 13 23 Squire Whitiger Ap1* 6 17 Write Petersen do 5 20 Henry Dobin do 6 20 Richard Conely...... M’ch 13 24 Ebenezer Hally Ap1- 6 30 James Doherty . do 5 18 John Kining ...... M’ch 13 21 William Arnet do !3 20 John Postly Ap1- 5 24 William Pumpsin do 5 30 William Green do 2 18 Jeremiah Seily do 2 18 Jacob Vandusa M’ch 27 19 Peter Stagg Ap1- 2 23 Jonathan Colburn .. M’ch 27 21 Lawrence Decker. do 28 39 20 William Kirk do 27 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759- *55 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Scribler . . Shoemaker ....... Labourer Weaver Labourer .. do ........ do Capt. Townsend’s .... .. Capt. Cornwell’s........ Capt. Remsen’s Capt. Birdsall’s Capt. Cornwell’s........ do ........ do .... Capt. Wright do do L** Seaman Capt. Wright U’ Seaman Capt. Wright Two Lieutenants and One hundred and Twenty Nine Men, pany. Mich1- Thodey. TER IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR CAPTAIN 1759 out of Goshen Col. Tustens Regiment. Peter Lent, Thomas Osburn, | Lieut8- James Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Goshen Labourer .... Capt. John Wisner do do ............ do .... do do do .... do Long Island ....... do .... do do ....... Cordwainer... do Philadelphia Labourer .... do Ireland do .... do Goshen do .... do do do .... do Old England do .... do Goshen do .... do do .... do .... do Long Island do .... do J ersey do Capt, Thom8* Decay New England.... .. Weaver ..... do do Labourer .... do Tersey do .... do do Blacksmith... do Goshen. Labourer .... do do* do .... do156 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1- Age. Godfree Vandusa. M’ch 27 57 Jonathan Knap Ap1- 2 20 John Decker do 5 !9 William Courter. do 5 25 Daniel Baily do 5 21 Uriah Hand do 5 33 Abraham Aplestrong do 8 20 John Lewis do 10 28 James Fisher . .. do 12 27 David Cornelius. do 2 35 William Robisson do 13 37 Timothy Eakerly Mch 12 33 Henry Sands do 24 27 David Roe do 15 20 William Miles do 12 33 Henery Basell do 19 20 James Finch do 15 18 Thomas Street ApL 2 33 William Carpenter . M’ch 17 20 Simon Waits do 27 20 John McHourter Ap1- 6 19 Joseph Wieks Ap1- 9 42 Abraham Harrison M’ch 27 18 Samuel Smith do 27 17 Goedfiff Kniffer Ap1- 9 21 Gilbert Veal M’ch 14 20 Duncan Gilchrist , Ap1- 10 50 Coleman Curtiss do 3 22 Smith Clark do 3 18 John Gregg do 5 21 Benjamin Gregory do 2 25 Niniad Curtiss . do 2 24 Charles McKenny do 7 24 Josiah, a Mullata do 2 18 William Hudson do 21 3i Thomas Gregg do 20 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 157 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Dutchess County... Labourer Capt. Thom8* Decay Goshen do .... do do do do Jersey do .... do Goshen do .... do Jersey Taylor do Dutchess County... Labourer do Pensylvania Blacksmith... Capt. Thom8- Smith Jersey Labourer .... do do do .... do Connecticut do .... do Long Island Weaver Capt. Colvin Bradner Ireland do .... do Goshen Labourer .... do London Vintner do England Labourer .... do Goshen do .... do England do .... do Goshen Hatter do England Labourer .... do Pennsylvania Weaver Capt. John Bull Long Island Cord wain er... do Goshen Labourer .... do Long Island do .... do Germany Carpenter. . .. do Long Island Weaver do Scotland Labourer .... do Long Island Cordwainer .. Capt. David Marvin do Labourer .... do Jersey Cordwainer .. do Connecticut Labourer .... do do do .... do Jersey do .... do Long Island do .... do do Cordwainer .. do Jersey Labourer .... doi5» MUSTER ROLLS OF Men Inlisted out of Colonel Abraham Harring’s DAY OF Men's Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. By Peter Lent, Lieut. Johannis Kool . .. March IO 23 William McPherson . • do io 45 William Dobbs do 12 18 John Rednor. do 12 49 Karel Turk do 12 19 John Ledrick do 12 32 Isaac Metanie do 13 26 John Steel do 14 42 Andrew Shore. do 14 37 Francis Matysa do 12 39 William Sisco do 13 40 Abraham Bennet do 12 25 Ned Waters do 19 45 Egbert Post Ap1- 3 19 Johanis Peter Arbos do 4 48 John Post do 4 20 John Carr do 16 28 Isaac Myer do 16 22 Edward Meason do 17 30 John Holend * do 16 21 Richard Williams do 17 47 William Crom do 16 20 David Smith do 22 19 Donald McDonald . do 13 24 Hugh McAlpin do 22 25 Barent Martlings do 6 29 Ryke Barry do 21 22 John Demorat Ap1* 4 22 James Jacklin do 4 39 George Smith M’ch 14 47 William Ramsey ... do 18 32 Isaac Dutcher do 16 21 Jonathan Lounsbery do 16 21 James Paul do 16 20 Peter Geseler do 16 18 Leonard Iseman do 16 25 Jacob Springsteen do 16 19 Paulus James do 23 20 Reuben Mede do 23 40NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759, 159 Regiment In Orange County—Mustered the 24TH April 1759. Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Albany Farmer...... Capt. Corn8- Haring Ireland do do New York Island .. do do Bergen County .... Cordwainer .. do Germany Farmer. ..... do Germany ....... Tayler do New York......... Farmer do Ireland.... .. \ do do Germany .......... Cordwainer . . do New York. do do Westchester Co.... Labourer .... do Bergen County..... do .... do Barbadoes......... do .... do Roterdam ... ...... Weaver ..... do Germany.......... Farmer... ... do Westchester Co. do do Ireland do Capt. John Peterse Smith Tappan do do Ireland ...... do do do do do Wales do do Tappan ........... do do do do do Ireland . .. do do do Weaver....... do Westchester Co Carpenter. . do Plumptown ......... Labourer ... do Norwake .... do do New London . ... .. do do England do do Ireland Taylor do U Phillips Manner.. W eaver Capt. Johs- Snyder Rye Labourer .. do Long Island do do Kakiate do do Germany do do Kakiate do do Haverst raw do do Conecticute Blacksmith .. doi6o MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Mathew Hopper. M’ch 24 40 Peter Lucas. . . . Ap1- 3 47 Peter Lucas, Jr- do 24 23 John Weaver do 7 20 100 Solomon Yeomans M’ch 26 52 Thomas Conklan do 26 !9 Jacob Parker do 26 21 Ezekiel Miller do 26 19 Benjamin Yeomans do 3i 19 Daniel Heacok Ap1- 9 17 Hermanus Heselar do 7 23 Samuel Babcock M’ch 16 24 David Babcock do 16 36 Abraham Garrison do 24 25 John Seely do 24 17 Robert Mathews ApL 2 3i Jeremiah Yeomans Mch 3i 23 Edward Barker Ap'- 3 24 Richard Caldwell do 3 49 Daniel Van Sickle do 7 23 Hermans- Blawfield do 10 18 Herman8, Springsteen do 11 23 John Wood do 11 21 William Babcock do 11 40 David Williams do 2 28 James Babcock do 24 28 James Seacur do 30 J9 123 Benjamin Babcock... Detached Pursuant to an Order to me Directed by the Honourable Chief in and over the province of New York &c. Dated the are Contained in the above List and believe them to be able hand this 26 Day of April 1759* Note the above Roll Contains one hundred and twenty one hundred and twenty Six which is four Men Less than theNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 161 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. New York Farmer Capt. Johs Snyder do Labourer .... do do do .... do Germany Taylor do Long Island Labourer .... Capt. Thos* Osburn Westchester Co.. .. do do Haverstraw do do Kakiate do do Highlands do .... do Haverstraw do do do do Capt. Johan8* Snedeger Tappan Turner Capt. Andreas U nderdunk Newarktown do do Long Island Farmer do New England do ...... do Pennsylvania ...... Cooper do Haverstraw Weaver do England Labourer .... do do Barber do Jerseys Weaver.. .... do Kakiate Labourer .... do Haverstraw do .... do Kakiate do .... do do do do Carolina do .... do Haverstraw do do do do James De Lancey Esqr- Lieut. Governor and Comander in fifth Day of April 1759 I have mustered the Men whose Names Bodied Men fit for his Majesties Service. Given under my Char. Clinton. three men which with the Capt. and two Lieutenants make Quota of Orange County. 11162 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the men Raised and pass’d muster George Brewerton Junrs Com- Time of Inlistm1- Men's Names. Age. Inlisted by Capt. Brewerton, Jr- M’ch II Richard Joyce 24 do II James McGlocklin 29 do 13 Patro Jemiter 27 do 13 Norris Palmer 19 do 14 Thomas Howel 21 do 14 John Clint 20 do 15 Thimothy Riley 25 do 16 John Watkins 20 do 16 John Hannan 30 do 18 Cornelious Vanderwater 19 do 18 Humphrey Bradburn 21 do 18 Samuel Boyes 18 do l9 Henry Rease 19 do 19 George Colhead 20 do 20 Joseph Ducke 18 do 23 James Cunningham 18 do 24 John Malton 20 do 24 Jacob Murweis 19 do 25 William Bloomfield 38 do 25 John Rainsdon . 34 do 25 Peter Goff 23 do 26 Volkert Somerdyck 38 do 26 Christopher White 20 do 27 Edward Buckley 21 do 2 7 25 Cornelious Lott 47 do 28 Simon Cherpenett 28 do 29 Mathias Maverickalia Moore 37 do 29 James Collier. 22 do 29 JohnFusileer 30 Ap'- 1 William Hencock... 18 do 2 Mathew Sindown 20 do 3 John Mackely 32 do 4 William Thomas 22 do 5 George Look 36 do 5 Charles Parket 32 do 7 Patrick Ennis 35 do 9 James Simpson 35 do 9 John Cribb 45 do 9 James Dugalis 39NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 163 for the City and County of New York, Capt. pany, New York April 26™ 1759. Trade. Where born. * Company of Militia & ye num- ber furnished by each. Cloather Ireland Labourer Barbadous Mariner Carpenter Margarite Westchester County Cooper Queens County.... Laborour Mariner Germany Ireland Barber London Docter Dublin Joyner . New York Cordwiner do ........ Barber. do Laborour Barber Germany do Laborour Cooper Taylor do Ship Carpenter . S1* Biyou New Castle Ireland Germany England Uppolster Cordwiner ..... London Ireland Laborour New York Leather Dresser. Germany Mariner Dublin Weaver do Baker* ... England Lyon Manor of Living11 .. Book Binder ... London Labourer Stone Cutter ... N. Jersey New York Stone Cutter ... New York ........ House Carpenter Germany Mariner Weaver Mariner England Germany Connecticut Barber. Ireland Laborour Scotland Cordwiner Blacksmith..... England Scotland 164 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm*- ApL 10 do 10 do 11 do 13 do 16 do 17 do 17 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 19 do 19 do 20 do 20 do 20 do 21 do 21 do 21 do 22 do 22 do 22 do 23 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 25 do 25 do 25 do 21 dp 21 do 26 do 16 do ■ 25 do 27 do 27 do 19 do 24 do 23 do 23 do 25 do 25 do 26 do ,28 Men’s Names. Age. Daniel Roney........ George Ketcher...... James Dun........... Cornelious Redfield . . Daniel Murphy....... Lewis Paris......... Powel Sanders....... Richard Orsburn John Joris Smith .... Martin Evert........ Robert Coleman...... John Mason.......... James Sands......... Thomas Carty........ John Fredrick Lubers 55 William Coalson..... Edward Sarjeant..... John William Clos . .. Francis Tade........ Daniel Forbes....... 60 Thomas Rowland.... William Pratt....... James Conger........ Thomas Kinos....... John Meetgo......... John Kendrick....... Christian Nealson. ... Hugh McGlardin...... John Arburtusstiller . Henry Brewer........ 70 Robert Clark........ John Kennedy........ William Butler...... John King........... John Burk........... Frederick Helmtein. . Adam Hoebert........ Joseph Lighten...... Patrick Ryan........ Jerry Walter ....... J oseph Gorday ..... Lewis Barrow........ Coor8* Van Derhove. . 2 7 3i 20 19 39 24 27 19 2 7 28 24 18 18 20 39 36 2 7 19 22 45 22 37 25 20 22 22 39 3<5 32 35 30 30 23 24 21 19 25 20 32 45 38 19 48NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759- I^5 Trade. Where born. Company of Militia & ye num- ber furnished by each. Laborour Ireland do Germany Mariner Virjeny do Roterdam . Miner Ireland ..... Baker Burdoes Miner Denmark Mariner New York Carpenter Hamburg Mariner Germany do Ireland do New York do Lone Island Mariner Ireland Gardner Hamburgh .... .. Ship Right Norththumberld- . . . Mariner Dublin Laborour German v Mariner Florada *.. Farmer Scotland Cooper Wales Mariner Boston Labn N. Jersey Doctor Glostershire Mariner Hannover Carpenter Holland do ...... Hamburge Labourer Ireland Barber.. _. Germany Butcher England Labourer London Laborour Ireland Guner do Mariner Bourdeaux Brasier Dublin Mariner Denmark Weever Germany Mariner Boston Laborour Ireland Weever Germany Mariner Havannah Laborour Paris Weever Staten Island Capt. Waldron do do Capt. Debrouis Capt. Benson Capt. Lispenard do Capt. Van Wyck do do do do do do }2 2 \7MUSTER ROLLS OF 166 Time of Inlistm1- Men’s Names. Age. Ap1* 23 Thos* McCarty 50 do 25 George Hubbard i9 do 28 Christopher Clay 22 do 28 John Chrisr- Hellen. 22 do 23 Joseph Wirt 22 do 3° Lawrence McCarth 33 do 27 Andrew McCullough 23 do 28 Normand McDonald 50 May 1 Nicholas Sesinger 19 do 1 Christopher Anderson 28 do 2 Thomas Bourton 3 7 do 3 John Buytelaas 44 do 3 95 Thomas Ross 46 do 3 Daniel Johnson 22 do 3 John Davis 41 do 3 Alexr- Sudderland 35 do 3 John Charles Warnsdarf 36 This is to Certify that the above being one Captain one the City & County of New York. George Brewerton, Jur* Captain. John Fisher, Lieut. Bounty, ioi ) Inlisting, 97 \ A Muster Role of Men Rais’d & Pass’d in the County Men’s Names. Day of Inlisting. Age. Thomas Doehary March 5 30 George Richards do 5 34 Lewis Mitchel , do 5 38 Vinson Fountain do 9 24 5 Paul Tibbett do 8 30 Andw> Androvette do 29 21 Samuel Evans April 9 25 James Griffis Feby- 6 31 Ephraim Taylor March 24 30 10 Alexr- Ogg April 4 43 Coonrad Vanderbeek M’ch 24 27 Abrm- Vanderbeek do 24 16NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 167 Trade. Where born. ( Laborour Ireland 1 do Germany do do do ...... do Glasier Germany Miner .. Ireland Laborour . Scotland do do Turner Germany.......... Mariner .... Ireland Weaver Westchester Co.... Amsterdam Mariner Surgeon Scotland Labourer do do Shrewsbury do ...... Scotland do Prussia ber furnished by each. Capt. Debois I Capt. Tuder I Capt. Obeil ) do \ 2 Capt. John Provost I Capt. A. Sayler I Capt. Tuder ) do f 2 Capt. Hornbrock I Capt. Debrouis I Lieut, and One hundred & One Men have past Muster for Mich. Thodey. of Richmond for Captain Arrowsmith’s Company. Where Born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia, Ireland Spinner ......... James Guyon do London Taylor Staten Island Weaver do do Labourer do Dover, New England Shoe Maker do Staten Island Labourer do do W eaver do England Husbandman .... Jacob Corsen Staten Island Blacksmith do Scotland Labourer ........ do Readingstown, Jersey do do do do do doMUSTER ROLLS OF I 68 Men’s Names. Day of Inlisting. Age. John Martin M’ch 26 45 Thomas Jones Ap1 4 31 Daniel South do 9 21 Luke Johnston. March IS 56 Peter Johnston Ap1- 9 30 Peter Van Pelt M’ch 24 22 Corn’s Bowman Ap1- 9 40 Patrick Larkins do 9 35 Samuel Bryant 9 48 Daniel Cruskeron M’ch 25 41 Patrick Corkon do 24 47 David Wood do 3 29 25 Charles Price do 6 28 Barthow- Magguire do 6 22 Daniel Pitman do 10 20 James Latourreth ... do 17 28 William Storey do 30 28 Thos* Milburn do 31 18 Tho8, Fitz-jerald do 2 22 Matthias Johnston do 10 29 James Carline do 12 26 Charles McQuin Feby- 27 24 35 Ralph Skidmore do 28 19 Richard Gromow M’ch 3 18 William Dunn do 8 21 John Snell do 8 26 J ohn Liske do 10 24 40 Isaac Cole do 24 20 Andrew Duchett 40 Abraham Fitchitt Septr- \7 25 Edward Barber April 9 46 John Simeson do 10 35 45 Edward Newman do 10 36 Nath1- Hilyard do 10 3i Shadrick Titus do 10 25 Moses Toner ... do 25 Isaac Johnson do 19 Pursuant to an Order to me directed by the Houn : James mander in Chief in & Over his Majesties Province of New on the Preceeding Roll & beleive them to be fitt for his Aprill 1759.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759- 169 Where Born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Ireland Labourer Jacob Corsen do Groom do Cranbury, N. Jersey. Wheel Wright . .. do Ireland Tanner do Staten Island Weaver do do Labourer do do do do England Taylor do New England do do Staten Island Labourer do Ireland Taylor do Long Island Weaver . Hezekiah Wright England Tallow Chandler. . do France Labourer do Germany do do Staten Island do do do do do do . ...... do do Dublin do do Staten Island do do Ireland do do do do Joseph Holmes Staten Island do do do do do Pennsylvania Sadler do Germany. Taylor do Staten Island Weaver do do Blacksmith do Pennsylvania . Taylor do’ Staten Island Labourer do Long Island Mill WriP-ht do Staten Island Weaver do Ireland . „ Weaver do Staten Island Taylor do do Labourer Hezekiah Wright Scotland . .• do Jacob Corsen Staten Island do Hezekiah Wright Delancey Esqr- his Majesties Leut. Governour and Com- York bearing date the 5th Instant I have muster’d the men Majesties Service Given under my hand this 27th Day of John Johnston.MUSTER ROI.LS OF 170 A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and past Mus- Richard Smith’s Company Richard Smith, Capt. Time of Inlistm1- Men’s Names. o3 bfi < M’ch 3 Jn°* Harrison 23] do 3 Wm- Whiley 26 do 9 Jacobus Van Broman . .. 22 do 10 Charles Jeffery 201 do 15 Allen McCoy 17] do 13 Silvester Tate 281 do 17 Edward Roy 26] do 8 John Cornelison 30 < do IO Daniel Dorman 25 ! do 29 Wm- Foster 17 do 21 Samuel Overthro 42! do 20 John Andrews 37: do 24 James Beekman. 19: do 24 Samuel Stevens 24. do 29 Marmaduke Blackwood. 39( do 26 Alexander Sloan 52: do 26 John McCoy 27 do 23 Stephen Raphe . 21 do 28 Zebulon Schoffield 20 do 23 Thomas Orr 25 do l9 George Stuart 28 do 30 Wm* Coles 23 ApL 1 Phillip Welsh 30 do 2 Samuel McMasters 16 do 6 Fabian Sebastian ...... 36 do 6 Francis Duffie 21 do 18 Francis Marcelain 28 do 18 Peter Dolanue 23 do 18 John Goode 34 do 26 Jn°* C. Envoldson 36 do 13 Alexander McKenny . .. 35 do 13 Robert Katen 22 do 12 Adolph Vouck 3i do 11 Michael Morris 35 do IC >Jn°- Edwards 32 do 2o|Morris White 36 Ship Carpenter. Trade. do do Mariner. do ................ do ................ do ................ Mariner............... Tanner ............... Cordwainer............ Leather Breeches Maker. Turner................ Labourer.............. do ................ do ................ do ................ Cordwainer............ do ................ Labourer.............. Mariner............... House Carpenter....... Breeches Maker........ Mariner............... do ................NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 171 TER FOR THE ClTY & COUNTY OF NEW YORK FOR CAPT. New York 28™ April 1759. Barnaby Burn, | Francis Thodey, j Lieut8' Where born. Where Inlisted. Company of Militia and the number furnished by each. Ireland................. Cork in Ireland......... Harlem N. York.......... New London.............. Liverpool............... Yorkshire............... C° Waterford Ireland .... New York................ Newfoundland............ England............... j C°* Gloucestershire W. ( N. Jersey............ England................. City of New York. ...... Boston N. England....... Dublin.................. Ireland................. Scotland ............. Long Island............. New York................ Ireland................. Scotland.. ............. Berkshire Great Britain... Ireland................. do .................. Germany............... Ireland................. In the Savoys........... Marsailes............... Northamtonshire......... Denmark . .............. Scotland................ Limmerick............... New York.._____ ........ Ireland................. Dover................... Co. Cork, Ireland....... New York do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do172 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm4’ Men’s Names. Ap1- 23 Albert Thomas do 13 John Barnes do 16 jn°. Frederick Mattheson do 16 James Bland do 16 John Cammel do 20 Sevares Bergh do 23 Ronal Chalmers do 25 Jn°- Davis do 17 Joseph Jones do 24 John Cad well do 24 John Carr do 24 John McClain do 24 John Peterman do 7 Edward McDaniel do 12 Caleb Ogden do 13 Andrees Cahill do 28 John Jacob Cremer do 21 Duncan Forbes do 28 Johannis Kerit do 20 Ezekiel Leathers do 25 Jn°- Henry Bower do 25 Josiah Seeley do 25 Michael Rosh do 27 John Fisher do 26 Wendel Haynes do 24 Wm* Newman do 24 James Campbell do 23 Sybriant Adrian do 20 Darby McMannus do 24 William Martin do 24 Richard Little do 24 Abra: Lawder do 20 Andries Andrires do 24 George Bono do 28 Andrew Linquest do 27 Joseph Deely do 18 Leonard Gulbere .. . .. do 25 James Frasier do 26 > John Edwards. do 26 • Tobias Butler do 23 , Edmond Doren do 24 .Donald Campbell 24 17 24 26 17 20 24 40 17 21 27 30 27 35 *9 23 22 30 25 28 44 17 46 26 45 41 16 27 33 32 29 38 28 36 4i 45 28 40 20 28 21 ■ 46 Mariner....... do .......... Blacksmith Mohair Maker. Labourer...... do ........ Trade. Mason........... Mariner......... Leather Dresser . . Weaver.......... do ........... do ............. Mariner.......... , Hatter....... Taylor .... ...... Labourer.......... Surgeon ........ Blacksmith........ House Carpenter Mason........... Taylor.......... Husbandman______ Gardner......... Taylor.......... House Carpenter. Leather Dresser.. Ship Carpenter... Labourer........ Mariner......... do ........... Husbandman.... Mariner......... Glasier......... Mariner......... do ........... Labourer..... do ........... Mariner.... ... Cooper.......... Breeches Maker.. Labr<............NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 173 Where bom. Where Inlisted. Company of Militia and the number furnished by each. Denmark New York Hamburgh do Copenhagen do Dublin do Germany do Sweedland do Scotland do Ireland do Capt. Van Wyck Whales do England do Capt. Debrosses Ireland do do Scotland do do Amsterdam do do Ireland do Newark do Ireland . do Germany do Capt. Jas- McEvers Scotland do do Germany do do New Hamshire do Capt. R. Livingston Denmark do do New England do do Germany. do do do do Capt. Is. Depeyster do do do England do do Fishkill do do Norway do Capt. Hardenbrook Ireland do Capt. Moore Antegua do do England .. do do do do do Copenhagen do do England do do Sweedland do do England do Capt. Hardenbrook France do Capt. Walton Ireland do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Jn°- Provoost Scotland do do174 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm4- Men’s Names. 6 bJO < Ap1- 24 John McDonald 31 do 24 Lenard Weylant 41 do 24 Elijah Forguson 28 do 23 Sam1, Stillwell 46 do 23 Thomas Hornman 24 do 23 Jacob Dauf 24 do 23 Richard Horncastle 46 do 30 Joseph Petram 20 do 30 Joseph Masner 34 do 3° Nicholas Carelhof 18 do 3° Richard Cook 43 do 30 Dan1 Van Duersen .... 43 do 23 Donald Cameron 18 do 3° Hendrick Hannar 30 do 30 Patrick Arling 25 May 1 Thomas Ashby 40 do 1 Michael Gramar........ 36 do 1 Donald McDonald 24 do 2 John Ricketts 36 do 2 Anthony Debarer 38 Trade. Labourer.,.. do ......... do ..... Weaver...... Masoner. Farmer.. ... Barber...... Labourer.. .. do do Mason....... Cooper...... Labourer.. .. Wheelwright, Labourer.... Poltorer.... Baker....... Miller...... Mariner..... Sailor...... This is to Certify that the foregoing being one Captain City & County of New York. A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and Passed Muster Holmes his Company Capt. James Holmes. Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. Where born. Mich1, Fight March 21 47 30 27 18 Ireland Michael Crosby M’ch 16 Ireland Christian Marks....... James McGuire Mch 31 Ap1- 10 Ap1- 5 Ap1- 5 Ap1: 4 Germany Connecticut. Gideon Haight 22 Connecticut Nathan Wood 28 New Castle Barnaby Brown 17 do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. l7 5 Where born. Where Inlisted. Company of Militia and the number furnished by each. Scotland New York Capt. Jn0, Provoost Germany do Capt. Abeel West Chester County do do Norwicham Great Britain. .. do Capt. Lepenard Germany do do do do do Great Britain. . do Capt. Jn°- Provoosts att French Camp do Capt. Van Wyck Prague Holland do do Amsterdam do do New York do Capt. Benson do do Scotland do Capt. Jn°* Provoost Hanover do Capt. Hardenbrook Ireland do Capt. Tuder London do do Germany do do Scotland do Ireland do Canary Island do Two Lieuts- and Ninety Eight Men have past Muster for the Michl- Thodey. in the County of Westchester ffor Capt. James April 30™ 1759- Lieut. Gilbert Willett. Lieut. Silvanus Horton. Trade. Of What Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer Capt. Theall’s Co. . .. Lieut. Horton Ropemaker . .. do do T .ahmirer . . . of the Troop I> Willett Labourer t T .. Capt. Griffen L*’ Horton Labourer Capt. Lockwood .... Capt. Holmes Labourer do .... do do do do176 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. Gershom Mead M’ch 17 39 Charles Williams M’ch 23 18 10 Simeon Burton Ap1- 6 42 Gideon Dolph ... April 12 52 Wait Green. M’ch 16 18 Bowdick Arnold M’ch 16 18 Jonathan Ambler . .... M’ch 21 29 Thaddeus Seely M’ch 17 22 John Bishop Ap1- 9 20 Jonathan Lockwood . .. Ap1- 4 17 Samuel Raymond Ap1- 17 19 Jonathan Tyler Ap1- 2 J9 James Miller M’ch 8 21 Nathaniel Chappel .... Ad1- 3 22 Jonathan Barrett M’ch 21 30 Andrew Ayres Ap1- 3 21 Nehemiah Stanton .... M’ch 28 21 Israel Honeywell Ap1- 3 23 Jeremiah Simpkins .... Ap1- 12 25 William Lounsberry. .. Ap1- 19 18 Garret Simpkins Ap1- 19 25 Samuel Thomas Slator. M’ch 11 24 Robert Van Velserer .. Ap1- 10 24 John Bostwick M’ch 19 27 Daniel Mills M’ch 19 20 David Bostwick Ap1- 2 23 Isaac Akerly Ap1- 3 24 John Robinson Ap1- 3 26 David Brewster Ap1- 3 23 Titus Mills M’ch 15 17 Jehiel Green M’ch 15 17 Reuben Baxton Ap1- 3 35 John Bowden .... Ap1- 3 25 Isaiah Canfield Ap1- 2 17 James Sands Ap1- 3 28 Joseph Akerly Ap1- 3 17 Obediah Gilbert Ap1- 3 18 Jacob Miller ...... Ap1- 2 19 Jesse Frinck Ap1- 3 18 Elnathan Todd ....... M’ch 27 20 Jonas Newan M’ch 7 17 Daniel Simpkins M’ch 8 4i James Billington ...... M’ch 16 17 1 Where born. Connecticut . Connecticut . do do do do do Bedford..... Connecticut . do do do do Connecticut . Bedford ...... Bedford..... do do ...... do ...... do ...... do ...... Germany .... Long Island . Bedford..... do ...... do ...... Long Island . Boston...... Connecticut . Bedford..... North Castle. Connecticut . do Bedford..... Long Island . Long Island . Connecticut . Bedford..... Connecticut . do do Bedford . ersey........ NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. I 77 Trade. Of What Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Cordwainer . . . Labourer Labourer ..... Labourer do Weaver Capt. Lockwood .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... Capt. Holmes do do do do do Labourer Taylor do .... Capt. Crain’s do do T.abourer ..... do do do do ........ do do do do do do do do do do do ..... do do do . .. do do do do do do do do do do , do do do do Weaver do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do Capt. Holmes do J oyner do do Carpenter do do Labourer do . do Joyner do do Labourer do do Labourer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do . .... do do do do do Ho do do do do do Weaver do do Labourer do . do do do do do do do Cordwainer . . . Capt. Dennis do 12178 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. William Pressure M’ch 18 38 John See .... Ap1- 16 25‘ James Currey Ap1- 2 19 Jacob Hatter Ap1- 26 35 John Morris Ap1- 25 35 John Blackwood ApL 22 29 Jacob Paris Ap1- 26 40 John Rogers Ap1- 27 25 William Gill Ap1- 27 37 John Edwards M’ch 16 5i Johnson Daniels Ap1- 3 17 James Baxter. Ap1- 1 20 Paulus Sailor M’ch 16 27 James Johnson M’ch 17 50 Michael Crow Ap1- 3 17 William Lovee Ap1- 22 23 James Valveer Ap>- 5 40 John Jordan M’ch 31 55 James Springer Ap1- 3 17 Isaac Post Ap1- 3 18 Richard Ward Ap1- 6 47 Thomas Paton Ap1- 9 25 John Price Ap1- 13 49 Where born. New York........ Germany......... Westchester..... Fordam Mannor.. do do Switzer......... Rhoad Island .... Boston.......... England......... Philipsburgh.... Courtland’s Mr*. . . Germany......... Ireland......... Germany ........ Westchester..... Jersey in Europe . Germany......... Saratoghe....... Philipsburgh.... England ........ Boston.......... England......... Totall 76. The above Muster Roll made up and delivered Capt. James Bounty 73. Inlisting 59. A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and passed William Gilchrist his Capt. William Gilchrist. Men’s Names. John Connor......... John Haines....... Reuben Lane ...... Justus Golding...... Gilbert Adams....... Benjamin Bergeau .... John Forster........ Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where Born. Ap1- 17 36 Ireland Ap1- 8 M’ch 13 44 New York 16 Rye Ap1* 10 16 North Castle M’ch 13 20 Scarsdale ... Ap1* 10 17 Scarsdale Ap1* 10 20 Philipsburgh NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 179 Trade. Of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer Capt. Embry Capt. Holmes do do do do do do do do do Cloathier do do Cooper do do Cloathier do ....... do Labourer . do do Marriner Capt. Israel Underhill do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Weaver do do do do do Baker Capt. Secord do Weaver Capt. Vermilea do Labourer do do Cordwainer . . . do do Labourer do do do do do Sawyer do do Holmes this first May 1759 pm __________J°H» THOMAS { Muster in the County of Westchester for Capt. Company April 30™ 1759. Lie4- Nathan Flint. Lie4- Joseph Golding. Trade. Out of What Company of Militia. Officer who inlisted. Labourer .... Capt. Theall’s Compy* Cap** Gilchrist Weaver ..... Capt. Purdy’s Compy-.... L1- Flint Labourer .... do Compy*.... Capt. Gilchrist Labourer do Compy- U‘ Flint Labourer .... of the Troop Capt. Gilchrist Labourer .... Capt. GrifFen’s Lie1- Flint Labourer .... do doi8o MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. William Woolfeg..... Thomas Oakly........ Reuben Rogers....... Henry Yonkers....... Daniel Shooleman.... John Vallance....... Joseph Knight....... Nathaniel Westcote .. John Cascon Saybrick. Joseph Rogers....... Joseph Horton....... Joseph Shelly....... John Quin........... Nathaniel Hair...... Asa Carpenter....... Joel Taylor......... James Gregory....... Joseph Wood ........ Oliver Arnold....... Samuel Hart......... Michael Guernsey .... James Sturtivant.... Isaac Marlings...... John Rushton........ Joel Adgett......... Samuel Worden....... Joseph Tooker......... William Daniels..... Jacke Deval......... John Wallace........ Benjamin Golding .... Elijah Baldwin ..... Vincent Searle...... Daniel McClean....... John Thorn.......... Gershom Myer Thorn. George Kaisen, Jr-.... Joseph Rose. ........ Daniel Brown, Jr\ .... Abrahm* Thornycraft.. Jacob Van Tassel .. . . David Dayton..... Daniel Waters....... Thomas McDaniels... . Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where Born. M’ch 27 17 Orange County M’ch 22 19 Courtlands Manor.... M’ch 22 27 Marnonock M’ch 16 18 Philipsburgh ........ M’ch 8 17 do . M’ch 12 24 Connecticut M’ch 4 5° England M’ch 13 20 Connecticut M’ch 14 45 England M’ch 5 30 England .... M’ch 21 l9 White plains Ap1 6 23 Long Island M’ch 17 50 England M’ch 6 l7 Rye 21 North Castle M’ch 3 20 New York ..« M’ch 12 17 England Ap1- 10 12 Connecticut M’ch 21 46 Connecticut M’ch 28 18 Bedford Ap1- 3 18 Jersey M’ch 28 18 Dutchess Co M’ch 27 17 Philipsburgh M’ch 23 28 Ireland . . M’ch 13 19 North Castle M’ch 13 22 Connecticut M’ch 13 17 North Castle . 26 North Castle M’ch 22 40 France ApL 11 32 England M’ch 13 19 North Castle Ap1- 10 18 North Castle M’ch 31 !9 Bedford M’ch 21 20 Jersey Ap1- 15 18 Long Island Ap1- 15 18 North Castle Ap1- 15 18 North Castle Ap1- 17 48 Connecticut. Ap1- 7 18 Connecticut Ap1- 2 20 Long Island M’ch 27 .37 Philipsburgh Ap1- 6 13 Long Island M’ch 23 31 Connecticut Ap1- 2 3i do ...... ...NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. l8l Trade. Gut of What Company of Militia. Officer who inlisted. Labourer .... Capt. Griffen’s < Capt. Gilchrist Cooper do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Tanner do do Labourer .... Capt. Hatfield’s do Joyner do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Cordwainer . . do do Clerk ........ do . do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Cordwainer . . do do Blacksmith. .. do do Mason do do Carpenter .... Capt. Lockwood’s do Labourer .... Capt. Crain’s do Cordwainer . . do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do .... do Labourer .... do do T aylor Capt. Dennis’s do Blacksmith.. . do do Cordwainer . do do Cordwainer .. do do Labourer .... do do Clerk do do Labourer do ...... do Labourer do do do do do do do do Taylnr, _ . . _ do do Labourer do do Labourer do do Labourer do do Labourer do do Cordwainer . . Capt. Sutton’s do Weaver do do dr* do do Labourer do do do .... do do182 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. David Hammond....... Deliverance Bonker... Nathan1, Brock....... Stephen Weeks....... Murray Brown........ Tobias Miller....... John Lindsly........ George Adam......... Thomas Andreas...... John Chambell....... Robert, Negro....... Silas Flint......... Abraham Dobbs....... Nath1* Hewson....... John Birk........... William Woolsey..... Shadreck McGregory.. Thomas Wilson ...... Jacob Shoemaker..... Peter Marlings...... Philip Peers...... John Van Tassel ..... Deliverance Brewer. .. Abram- Dutcgher..... Thomas Paldin....... James Waldrom....... Henry Forshee....... Samuel More......... Jacob Thomas........ .; George Van Tassel.... Thomas Cromell. George Murray....... Jacob Shoemaker..... Samuel Williams..... Solomon Yewricks.... John McCarter....... John Weems.......... Gilbert Angevine.... Thomas Guion ....... Benjamin Akerly..... Day of Inlistm1- Age. Where Born. M’ch 23 43 New York M’ch 29 30 Philipsburgh M’ch 17 20 North Castle M’ch 20 18 do M’ch 23 l6 do Ap1* 10 l6 Courtland’s Mannour. Ap‘- 9 21 England M’ch 23 27 Guernsey M’ch 30 17 Jersey Ap1- 24 24' Boston Ap1- 1 45 Africa M’ch 6 21 Connecticut Ap1- 7 17 New York Ap1- 7 17 Philipsburgh Ap1- 7 17 do Ap1- 7 17 Orange County M’ch 12 50 Scotland Ap1- 13 19 England M’ch 31 40 Jersey M’ch 12 25 Philipsburgh M’ch 15 24 do M’ch 15 21 do . M’ch 21 22 ; do M’ch 21 20 do M’ch 30 20 Rye ApL 2 20 Philipsburgh M’ch 21 25 do M’ch 15 30 Ireland Ap1* 26 23 Wales M’ch 22 17 Phillipsburgh Ap1- 3 29 Westchester Ap1- 14 29 Scotland .. M’ch 16 30 Staten Island Ap1- 3 17 Philipsburgh Ap1- 3 20 do Ap1* 2 16 Ireland . M’ch 13 40 Ireland Mch 31 16 New Rochell Ap1* 1 16 do Mch 25 1 27 Long Island Totall 94. The above Muster Roll made up and Delivered Capt. John Thomas, Muster MasterNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. *83 Trade. Out of What Company of Militia. Officer who inlisted. Labourer .... Capt. Sutton’s 1 Capt. Gilchrist do .... do do do do do do .... do do do .... do do do .... do do Cooper do do Taylor do Cordwainer .. do uu do Labourer .... do do do .... Capt. Embry’s .... do Labourer .... Capt. Jn° Underhill’s.... do do do .... do do .... do .... do do .... do .... do do .... do .... do do do .... do do do .... do Carpenter.... Capt. Concklin’s do Taylor do do Cordwainer .. do do do do do Labourer .... do do Blacksmith. .. do do Labourer .... do do do do do do do do Schoolmaster. do do Glover do do Labourer Capt. Gilb1* Drake’s do Blacksmith... do do Labourer do do Carpenter do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do Capt. Secord’s do do do do do do do do Capt. Rogers’s do William Gilchrist the first May 1759. pr me for the County of Westchester.184 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and passed Jonathan Haight his Capt. Jonathan Haight. Men’s Names. Day of Inlisting. Age. Jacob Randell Ap1, 12 27 John Trusdell Ap1- 3 22 Jacob Parish Ap1- 10 21 Adonijah Morehouse Ap1- 9 18 David Hawkins Ap1- 14 33 Patrick Mitchel M’ch 30 2 7 Samuel Bender M’ch 16 22 Ebenezer Northup M’ch 20 18 Nehemiah Rockwell Ap1- 3 16 John Lowder Ap1- 2 18 Jonathan Lowder M’ch 20 17 Joseph Lockwood Ap1- 10 55 William Revee Ap1- 27 30 Woolston Rose M’ch 21 23 William Derbyshire M’ch 27 17 Joseph Underwood Ap1- 10 46 Matthias Catterleing M’ch 6 19 Henry Walton Ap1- 4 42 Nath1* Byington Ap1- 20 21 Noah Burbanck Ap1- 6 40 Richard Raynor 27 William Shaw Ap1- 11 37 Nath1, Astin Ap1- 27 27 David Vicerge Ap1 20 20 Ebenezer Robinson Ap1- 20 22 Asa Paris Ap1- 20 18 Timothy Delevan Ap1- 4 44 Joseph Wood Ap1- 19 44 Androis Quick Ap1* 2 20 Zebulon Pedrick M’ch 2 23 James Dickson M’ch 17 23 Samuel Brooks M’ch 23 18 Teremiah Ricker Ap1* 10 28 Enoch Silsbee M’ch 27 16 James Doan M’ch 17 18 John Depue Ap1* 20 25 Tacob Frinck Ap1* 20 24NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759’ 185 MUSTER IN THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER FOR CAPT. Company April 30™ 1759. Lieut. Robert Frans. Lieut. Nath1- Wyatt. Where Born. Trade. Of what Company of Militia. Connecticut ..... ... Weaver Capt. Wallace's North Castle Cooper do Connecticut Labourer .... do Connecticut . Blacksmith . .. do Long Island .. Labourer .... do Ireland Labourer .... do Connecticut Labourer .... do Connecticut Labourer .... do Connecticut Labourer .... do Connecticut Cordwainer. . . do Connecticut Labourer .... do Connecticut Labourer .... do Long Island Labourer .... do Connecticut do .... Capt. Rogers’s Whiteplains do .... do Long Island do do Germany. Taylor . do Connecticut Labourer .... do do do .... do do Cordwainer .. do Long Island Weaver do Mamarock Labourer .... do Bedford . Labourer .... do Boston .. * Cordwainer . . do do Labourer .... do Canterbury Hatter do Connecticut Labourer .... Capt. Lobdell's Boston Labourer .... do New York do .... do Long Island do .... do Connecticut do do do Cordwainer.. . do Rye Labourer do Cortland's Manor do do Salem . do do Philipsburgh Weaver do Connecticut Carpenter .. . . doMUSTER ROLLS OF 186 Men’s Names. Day of Inlisting. Samuel Pial........ Joseph Dickson .... Isaac June......... Abraham Depue.... John Chandler...... Gabriel Travis..... David Jones........ Increase Cuttler .... William Dickson.... Abrahm- Kronkheyt . Joseph Tuttle...... Albertus Vantassel . Jeremiah Brewer Jr*. Andrew Robinson .. John Miller........ Caleb Sherwood_____ Nicholas Depue .... Jeremiah Wood .... Anthony Blauer .... Gilbert Travis..... Henry Rich......... James Reynolds.... Gilbert Yeomans ... John Shaffers...... Abrahm- Slott...... William Brock. Peter Mills........ Thomas Gray........ Thomas Welch....... Henry Derry........ John Branegint..... Isaa Hewson........ Deliverance Concklin Isaac Jacobs....... Joseph Concklin.... Isaac Yocks........ John Haff.......... Samuel Hewson_______ Gilbert Weeks...... John Champbell.... Peter Sherine...... John Stoakam....... Walter Lewis.... ... Ap1- 2 16 Ap1- 3 18 M’ch 14 20 M’ch 20 20 M’ch 20 2? Ap1- 3 26 Ap1- IO 49 M’ch 21 16 Ap1- 21 29 Ap1- 21 16 Ap1- 21 20 Ap1- 21 48 Ap1- 22 22 M’ch 20 18 M’ch 21 16 M’ch 19 19 M’ch 17 17 M’ch 18 18 Ap1- 4 27 M’ch 17 16 M’ch 21 50 M’ch 17 19 Ap1- 21 18 M’ch 20 23 Ap1- 20 28 M’ch 19 40 M’ch 15 17 Ap1- 21 21 M’ch 22 23 M’ch 27 36 M’ch 22 39 Ap1- IO 16 Ap1- 7 20 M’ch 22 20 M’ch 22 19 Ap1- 7 27 Ap1- 7 18 Ap1- 4 20 M’ch 19 18 M’ch 19 29 M’ch 19 18 Ap1- 3 32 Ap1- 2 24NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759- 187 Where Born. Trade. Of what Company of Militia. Connecticut Labourer Capt. Lobdell's do Connecticut ........ do do do ..... Capt. Jn°* Verplanck's Courtland Manor do do England do do Philipsburgh do do Long Island Carpenter .... do Salem Labourer .... do Ireland do do Courtlands Manor.... do .... do do .... do do Philipsburgh Weaver do Tersev Miller do Rhoad Island Labourer *... Capt. Ph. Verplanck’s Courtland's Manor. .. do .... do Rye do .... do Philipsburgh Weaver do Courtlands Mr* Labourer .... do Switzer do .... do Courtland's Mr- do do Switzer Cooper do Connecticut Blacksmith.. . do Eastchester Labourer .... do Germany ... Weaver do Yonkers Cordwainer. .. do Jersey Weaver do Dutchess.. Labourer .... do Long Island Cordwainer. .. do Ireland Cooper Capt. Jacobus Teller's England Mason do at Sea Labourer do Philipsburgh do do Courtland Mr do do do do do do do do Philipsburgh Weaver do do Labourer do do ........ do do North Castle do Capt. Brown's Philadelphia Courtland's Mr- Weaver do do do Courtlands Mr- Cordwainer. .. do North Castle Labourer doMUSTER ROLLS OF 188 Men’s Names. Day of Inlisting. Jacob Vanschoy Ap1 20 Ap1, 10 M’ch 19 Ap1- 3 Ap1- 10 Ap1- 6 M’ch 14 M’ch 20 John Van Veer Henry Birdsell •. Nath1, Robinson Samuel Jenkins Joseph Haight Josiah Lockwood Jacob Travis James Saltz M’ch 20 Nath1, Finch Ap1- 10 M’ch 26 J ohn Lyon Timothy Ketcham .. Ap1- 3 M’ch 26 Jacob Shaffer Zedekiah Kircham Ap1, 21 Ap1- 3 Ap1 IQ Ap1- 27 M’ch 26 Simon Paddue John Loosee William Carr Gabriel Hewson Total 101 Age. 25 38 19 31 22 20 22 18 24 18 22 38 17 28 40 27 3° 21 The above Muster Roll made up and delivered Capt. Jona John Thomas, Muster Master A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and passed Joshua Bloomer his Capt. Joshua Bloomer. Men’s Names. Day of Inlists- Peter Coleshee....... James Blaun.......... James Davis.......... Elisha Merritt ........ Isaac Brigs.......... David Carter........... Jesse Adams.......... James Brown.......... Anthony Lovelett William Snow......... Cato Thomas.......... Stephen Pryer........ Feby- 24 M’ch 16 M’ch 10 Feby- 26 M’ch 13 M’ch 17 M’ch 12 M’ch 26 M’ch 26 Ap*- 5 M’ch 17 Apl 3 Age. Where Born. 36 France 25 Ireland 28 Long Island 18 Rye 19 Eastchester 45 Ireland 20 Scarsdale . 21 Mannroneck 38 France 35 England 21 Rye 49 England NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 189 Where Born. Trade. Of what Company of Militia. Long Island Labourer Capt. Brown’s do Westchester......... do Long Island Weaver do Courtland’s Mr* Labourer .... Capt. Hyatt’s Capt. Roger’s Capt. Hyatt’s do Westchester Co do .... Rye Weaver Connecticut Joyner Labourer .... Courtland’s Mr* ...... do L. Island Weaver do Dutchess Co Labourer .... do Westchester do .... do Long Island do .... do Dutchess Co do .... do Long Island do .... do Ireland Weaver do Westchester Labourer .... do Ireland Weaver do Philipsburgh Labourer. . ... do than Haight the first May 1759. pr me for West Chester County. Muster in the County of Westchester for Capt. Company April 30™ 1759. Lie1 Henry Bayean. Lie1* Joseph Ball. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officer who Inlisted. Blacksmith. .. Capt. Theall Capt. Bloomer do Pewterer. .... do Taylor. .... .. do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Weaver do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Woolcomber . do doMUSTER ROLLS OF I9O Men’s Names. James Kniffen ... Abraham Haight.. Benjamn Haight . . Daniel Hobbs William McHorne.. Jonathan Merritt.. Richard McMaster. Peter Merrit..... David Kniffen Joseph Williams .. Amos Haight...... Ichabod Ogden . .. Adam Boat........ Amos Quarters . . . Joseph Merritt Thomas Nicolls . .. John McCormock.. James German Robert James Augustus Jay..... Stephen Murray0.. Benjamin Jones. .. Robert Willson .. . Henry Cole....... Abraham Williams Isaac Williams Isaac Storm...... Daniel Willsee... . Jeremiah Storm ... Jacob Boyse...... Henry Maybee . .. William Hutson .. Israel Thornwell .. Abrm- Van Woort . Barnt Dutneyhor . Abrahm* Concklin.. Nathan Appleby .. Adam Michael George Goodman.. Samuel Phillips . ., Moses Bishop..... Samuel Fowler..., Day of Inlistg- Age. Where Born. Feby- 26 16 Rye M’ch 25 17 Whiteplains Mch 26 16 Connecticut Mch 21 Long Island Feby* 26 18 Sarotagha Mch 10 48 Rye Mch 15 39 Ireland Feby- 28 l9 Rye M’ch 15 44 Rye Feby- 27 18 Rye M’ch 12 17 Connecticut M’ch 12 17 Connecticut Fehy- 26 19 Mamaroneck ...... M’ch 4 16 Rye F eby • 26 24 Rye M’ch 11 28 Connecticut...... Feby- 27 28 Maryland M’ch 19 38 Swizter M’ch 22 43 England , M’ch 8 29 York Ap1- 9 36 France M’ch 22 30 Connecticut M’ch 21 31 Ireland April 2 28 Highlands M’ch 23 21 Philipsburgh .... Ap1- 3 21 do .... M’ch 27 19 do .... M’ch 17 18 do .... M’ch 23 22 do .... M’ch 27 17 do . ... M’ch 23 21 do .... M’ch 28 19 do .... Ap1- 5 18 Jersey M’ch 27 21 Philipsburgh .... M’ch 28 18 do .... Ap1- 5 16 do . ... M’ch 28 23 Eastchester Ap1- 3 34 Long Island M’ch 12 23 England M’ch 23 16 Rhoad Island .. . Ap1- 3 17 Phillipsburgh.... Ap1- 4 50 Eastchester NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759" 191 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officer who Inlisted. Labourer .... Capt. Theall Capt. Bloomer Labourer .... do Lieut. Bull Labourer .... do Capt. Bloomer Cordwainer . . do l under Capt. Hewlet { on Long Island Labourer .... Capt. Purdy Capt. Bloomer Labourer .... do do Weaver do do Taylor do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Gordwainer .. do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Cooper of the 'froop do Labourer .... of the Troop do Labourer .... of the Troop . Lieut. Ball Labourer .... of the Troop Lieut. Bayeaux Labourer .... Capt. Griffen Capt. Bloomer Labourer .... do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... Capt. Wallace do Clerk Capt. Holmeq do Labourer .... Capt. Buckbul do do do do Weaver do do Labourer .... do do do .... do do do do do do .... do do do do do do do do Weaver do do Labourer do do Labourer do do do do do Weaver do do do do do Marriner Capt. Fowler do Roper do do Labourer do do do .... do do192 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlists- | Age. Joseph Lawrence..... Ap1- 2 23 John Monday Ap1- 2 43 Jeremiah Fowler Ap1- 21 33 Mark Christian Ap1- 3 31 Isaac Secord Ap1- I 44 John Morrell . M’ch 6 23 Francis Morrell M’ch 3i l9 1 Daniel Dear Ap1- 3 46 - Joseph Rodman, Jr.. .. Ap1- 3 18 Obadiah Thorn Ap1- 3 40 Abrahm- Barbozatt Ap1- 23 52 : Gloude Boatman Ap1- 8 31 James Rhoads Ap1- 29 22 Matthew Hudson Ap1- 29 23 John Jordan M’ch 22 Thomas Storm Ap1- 4 18 John Miller Ap1- 4 19 Stephen Van Tassell .. Ap1- 4 l9 Charles Vincent Ap1- 3 17 John Van Tassell Ap1- 3 21 Hugh Campbell M’ch 27 32 Collins Chapman Ap1- 17 24 Samuel Street Ap1- 25 25 William Johnson Ap1- 26 21 Jonathan Bouden Ap1- 2 30 James Barnes Ap1- 9 29 George Divers M’ch 19 23 Jonathan Sherwood . .. Ap1- 18 18 Thomas Johnson M’ch 22 17 Jacob Bird Ap1- 30 28 Thomas Davids M’ch 21 18 Abrm- Deveer ......... M’ch 30 l9 Valentine Ryneek Ap1- 9 44 Jeremiah Baker M’ch 20 17 William Van Wort M’ch 9 20 Peter Boyse M’ch 21 22 John Hitchcock M’ch 12 49 John Taylor Ap1- 26 21 John Bryer Ap1- 23 18 Where Bom. Eastchester do do New Rochell France....... Long Island.. Switzer...... France ...... England...... England...... Scotland..... Philipsburgh . do do Dutches Co.. Philipsburgh Scotland Connecticut. do New York ., , , Connecticut . Long Island. Germany Philipsburgh Westchester. Germany . .. Philipsburgh do Germany.... Philipsburgh do do do Rye.......... New Rochel. The above Muster Roll made up and delivered Capt. May Ist 1759. John Thomas, Muster MasterNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759- 193 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officer who Inlisted. Joyner Capt. Fowler Capt. Bloomer Labourer .... do do Shoemaker.. . do do do do do do Capt. Secord do Labourer .... do do do .... do do do .... do do do do do do .... do do Stone Cutter . do do Cooper do do Blacksmith. .. do do Marriner do do Carpenter.... Capt Drake do Labourer .... do Lieut. Bull do do Capt. Bloomer do .... do do Blacksmith... do do Labourer .... do Lieut. Bull do .... Capt. Is. Underhill. ... Capt. Bloomer Carpenter.... Capt. Vermilea do Marriner do do Labourer .... do do do .... do do Blacksmith. .. Capt. Underhill do Labourer .... do do Labourer do do do do do do .... do Lieut. Bull Labourer Capt. Concklin Capt. Bloomer do .... do do do .,.. do do Cooper do do Labourer do do do .... do ....... do do do do Labourer .... do do Labourer .... Capt. Secord do Bloomer pr me for Westchester County. 13194 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed Gilbert Potter, Captain. Men’s Names. John Woolfe..... Bower Slason Jacob Cansibome. Terrence Newger. Jonathan Rogers . Simon Cooper... . Thomas George .. Benjamin Toms .. William Russels.. Pack Pharris.... Domnick Caveny . Timothy Abbet .. Zopher Wilmot .. John Coone...... John Cline....... David Griswell ... Richard Peirce ... James Cason. James Harp...... Jacob Tryon..... Jacob Fisher. Robert Ervin William Blake... Peter, Indian.... William Tuthill . Jacob Jule...... John Moguer ... Isaac Conkling .. Nathaniel Brown John Ruland.... Joseph Mitch el. . Abraham Ruland Jacob Ruland ... Benjamin Smith . Samuel Hosawell Robert Hareholt John Rolofe . . .. Day. Age. Ap1- 3 23 M’ch 12 17 Ap1- 3 !9 do 9 20 do 3 26 do IO 19 M’ch 20 32 Ap. 2 19 do 2 18 do 3 20 Mar 28 29 Ap. 3 21 M. 20 22 Ap. 3 35 do 3 30 do 9 23 do 9 19 do 9 17 do 3 26 Ma 12 18 Ap 9 26 Ma. 18 19 Ap. 3 29 Ma 13 39 do 20 25 Ap. 3 30 do 3 23 Mar 29 26 Ap. 3 17 do 3 l9 do 28 26 do 3 18 do 3 38 Ma. 19 20 do 19 35 do 19 20 do 30 32NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759‘ *95 Muster in the County of Suffolk April 1759. Jesse Platt, | Joseph Brewster, ) Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Wittenberg in Germany . Labourer . . . Lieut. Timy* Scudder Stamford, in Conn do do Suffolk County Weaver do Ireland Baker do Huntington Suffolk Co .. Weaver do do Shoemaker.. do London a Cook Capt. Joseph Lewis New Jersey Black Smith. do Huntington Suffolk Co .. Shoe Maker. do Connecticut Weaver do Ireland Labr* do Hunting11* Suffolk Co .... Shoe Maker. do Connecticut Fuller do Queens County Shoe Maker. do Germany Nail Maker.. do Connecticut Cloather.... do Berkshire Seaman do Huntington Labr* do West of England Seaman do Stamford Conn ......... Cooper Capt. Isaac Platt Germany Weaver Capt. Lewis Ireland Butcher .... Capt. Isaac Platt Old England Mason ...... do Suffolk Co Labr* Capt. Lewis Old England Baker Capt. Platt Germany Butcher . . . ! do Ireland Labourer . . . do Suffolk Co Shoe Maker. do Huntington Suffolk Weaver do do ...... Shoe Maker. U- Scudder Block Island . do do do Labr* ....... do do Weaver do do Hatter Capt. Lewis Germany Y.... Mason Capt. Platt do Baker Capt. Lewis Prusian Labourer . .. L** Scudder196 MUSTER ROLI.S OF Men’s Names. Andrew Bradly....... Timothy Pangborn . ,. Edmund Andreiss .... Samuel Lord......... Benjamin Higgins Nathan Alaba........ John Jones ......... Jesse Ford.......... Thomas Roe......... Peter Slason........ William Forbes...... Elisha Baker........ Josiah Bassett...... John Rinchard..... Benjamin Rumsey James Johnson....... Ebenezer Loveland . .. Charles Hadden...... William Johnson..... Peter Pond.......... Zachariah Pond...... John Sherwood....... Thomas Hayhurst Abraham Samson Jesse Garret........ Sam Powagen, Indian. William Ward........ Ludlow Wagen. Day. Ma. do Aug'- Mar Ap. Ma Ap. Ap. do do Ma. do A. do do do do do do do do Ma do do do do do do 30 IS 9 26 3 20 2 11 11 2 19 30 4 17 15 12 21 21 21 17 5 14 27 21 21 21 21 18 Age. 25 46 28 23 19 21 41 48 50 !9 21 22 23 28 25 40 17 25 40 19 17 23 22 17 19 20 34 17 Amos Lane the person the Company determined should go James Bucanan.................... Michael Allen ...................... Benjamin Davis............'...... John Holden........ ............. Solomon Hains.................... Arthur Alcerly................... Ephraim Bayly.................... Charles Killis............... Namus, Indian . ................. Simon, Indian.................... John Cluck, Indian............... Hue Manaman...................... Ebenezer Hulse .................. Joel Canfield.................... Ap. 10 18 Ma. 27 24 do 3i 22 do 26 21 do 30 21 do 26 30 Ap. 4 is Mar. 16 19 do IS 18 Aug‘- 24 18 Aug. 9 22 Ma. 26 l9 Ap. 12 11 D mos. do 18 x9NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. I97 Where born. Germany................Baker .... New Jersey ............Labr-...... do ................Shoemaker Conecticut......... Taylour. .. Queens County..........Labr*...... Suffolk Co.............. do ...... Cumberland O. E____.... Seaman . . . Massachusetts...........Founder.. . do .........Labr*...... Connecticut ............ do ...... Westchester ...........Shoemaker Connecticut............. do Huntington..............Blacksmith Germany................Soap Boyle Connecticut.............Cooper . ... on Upward Ireland.......Labr*..... Conecticut..............Seaman ... Massachusetts...........Blacksmith do .........Weaver . . . Connecticut..............Shoe Maker do ................ do do ............... . do Buck in Pennsylvania. . . . Cooper Suffolk Co...............Labr- . . . do .................. do ... do .................. do ... New York................Sailor . . Suffolk Co..............iLabourer for Capt. Job Smith Compy- in Suffolk Trade. Suffolk Co. Ireland.......... Connecticut...... New Jersey....... Connecticut...... Suffolk County.. .. Haddam Con....... Suffolk County... , do do do do do Wallingford Conn Taylour . Butcher. . Taylour . Weaver.. Labourer do do do do do do do do do Out of what Company of the Militia. Capt. Platt Capt. Lewis Lieut. Scudder Capt. Lewis do U• Scudder do do Capt. Lewis L* Scudder do do Capt. Lewis Capt. Platt Capt. Job. Smith do do do do do do do do do do do do do County. Capt. Strong do do do do do do do do do do do do doMUSTER ROLLS OF 198 Men's Names. John Shipman.... Edward Shipman. . Benjamin Rice Stephen Bates Jared Whedon Richard Helme.... James Comstick ... Benjamin Tanst ... John Burrage..... Ezekiel Bundy Azel Tanst....... Daniel Lane ..... Tom Hoel ....... Kellis, Molato J oseph Seward Aaron Meech Waitstill Cook. James Wallsworth John Trubby..... William Maltby . . Nathaniel Clark . . Samuel Bayly .... Daniel Max...... Amos Lucas...... Simon Parmely . . Phineas Comstick William Crook . .. George Sexton . .. Jabeth Bates.... Richard Robinson Hezekiah Bayly .. Jacob Surut..... Martin Brown .... Captn- Barnabas Tuthill. Abraham Turner .... Robert Brown....... Samuel Teel....... Ebenezer Field.... Sylos Johnson, Indian Joseph Hall....... Ira Whiteman...... Day. Age. Ap. 5 23 do 4 21 do 4 35 do 4 35 do 4 21 do 19 19 do 4 22 Ma 23 19 Ap 4 33 do 4 21 Ma 23 19 do 23 19 do 23 19 do 23 18 do 30 4i Ap. 4 46 Ap 4 3i Mar 30 24 Ap 18 20 do 19 28 do 19 25 do 4 46 A 4 25 do 4 21 do 4 18 do 4 19 do 4 22 do 4 22 do 4 25 do 4 21 do 4 22 Ma 27 42 Ma. Ap. i9 2 32 Ma. 29 30 Ap. 2 33 do 2 22 do 2 16 do 2 17 do 2 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. I99 Where born. Trade. Seabrook Conn Labourer ... ( do do ... Wallingford Conn do ... Durham Conn. do Brandford Conn.. Joyner Suffolk Co. Taylour .... Seabrook Conn Shoemaker.. Suffolk Co Labr- Massachusetts Weaver Preston Conn Shoemaker.. Suffolk Co Black Smith. do Tovner do . Labn do do do Weaver.... Preston Conn Labr> Wallingsford Conn do Groton Conn do Lime Conn. Hatter Seabrook Conn Weaver Connecticut Labr* Hadden Conn Lab. . Walingsford Conn Black Smith. Middletown Carpenter.. . Durham Labr- Conecticut Joyner Massachusets Labr- Conecticut do do do Suffolk Co farmer Conecticut Blacksmith.. Suffolk Co Labr* do Weaver Out of what Company of the Militia. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Davis do do do do do do do do do do do Daniel Gouldsmith, Daniel Griffin, j- Lieutenants. Conecticut........ Scotland.......... Massachusets...... Gilford Conn...... Killingsworth Conn do Durham Conn....... Shoemaker. . Barber...... Leather Dresr Labr-..... do ........ do ........ Gouldsmith . Capt. Budd do do do do do do200 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day. Age. Samuel Tully Ap. 2 21 Peter Hall do 2 20 Timothy Shally do 2 19 Phineas Beckwith Ma. 22 24 Benjamin Shaddock do 23 36 Thomas Wait do 23 24 Daniel Whiteman do 22 24 Gamaliel Bayly Ap. 3 21 John Saunders Ma 30 26 John Wampanage do 24 23 Christopher Brown , do 21 20 Charles Manneman do 18 49 Moses Hutchenson do 19 32 Samuel Rucket. do 27 17 Tho5, Reeve Ap. 30 21 Nathaniel Wells do 28 19 Ephraim Brown do 30 37 Capt. Stephen Sayre. Amos Babcock Mar IS 22 Anthony Fowler do 15 20 Adam Pharow do 15 18 Isaac, Indian do 15 18 Thomas Baker Ap. 3 17 Joshua Larkin Ma 25 26 Oliver Rathbun do 22 23 Thomas Cottrel do 25 20 Mathew Maloney do 24 25 Cornelius Jobe do 20 20 George Webby do 20 24 Benjamin Leek do 29 22 John Edward do 22 20 Edward Bennit do 22 19 Coffe Thomas do 15 16 Lawrence Poyneg do 15 24 Edmund Perry do 24 51 Francis Summer do 15 40 Thomas Rumbelow do 15 23 William Dove do 16 19 Benjamin Stephens do 15 22 Isaac Benjamin do 29 17 Amos Larking do 29 24NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 201 Where born. T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Killingsworth Conn Labr* Capt. Budd do do do Gilford Cooper do Lime in Conn Sadler do do in do Labr* do do do Farmer do Dutchess Co. N. Y Labr- do Suffolk Co Cooper do Lime in Conn . do do New London do do Suffolk Co Labr- Capt. Wisner Suffolk Co Labr- do Hebron Conn do ....... do Suffolk Co do do Suffolk Co do do do Joyner do do Labr- do Jonathan Baker, Elias Halsey, Lieutenants. Newport Labr* Suffolk Co do do do do do do Cordwainer . New Port Weaver do Cloather .... Hopkington Farmer Limerick Ireland do Connecticut do do Seaman Suffolk Co Weaver..... do Taylour .... do Labr- do do Stonington Seaman Plymouth in Massacht8, .. Labr- Ireland Taylour. ... Old England Labr- Connecticut farmer Old England Shoe Maker . Preston Conn Labor17, Rhode Island Weaver Capt. Isaac Barr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Mulford do do do do do202 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day. Age. Thomas Morris.... Ma. 29 33 Elmadam Osman do 21 22 Ezekiel Coocker. do 27 19 Silas Webb do 21 2i Samuel Hallock do 4 3i Nehemiah Williams M. 29 19 Josiah Benjamin do 27 25 James Warner Ap. 3 21 Joshua Goldsmith M. 3° 21 John Clark do 21 J9 Benjamin Patty A. 18 29 Seth Marvin Ma. 23 29 Thomas Reeve.... * do 24 20 Jasper Peck Jr* do 23 22 Peter Hart . do 24 2 7 Elias Bebee Ap. 3 23 Abraham Johnson Ma. 27 20 Jeremiah Dickenson do 31 17 Namus Kellis Ap. 12 25 Peter, Indian A. 2 25 Samuel Brooks ..... Ap. 23 43 Joshua Chappel do 23 38 William Minnon Ap 5 26 Joseph Gorton Ap. 6 44 Nathaniel King Ap. 4 25 Edward Hawkins do 10 22 William Becket Ma 23 23 Joseph Roger Ap. 3 38 Ambrose Eglestone do 2 39 Benjamin Glover do 2 19 Silas Peck do 2 33 John Clark do 6 44 Randolp Clark Ma 23 25 Ephraim Gouldsmith Ap. 13 18 Thomas Brown Ma 21 26 Robert Oates do 30 44 William Penny Ap. 9 17 David Marrow Jr- Ap. 9 19 John Chatfeeld Ap. 3 18 Thomas Filer Mar. 29 26 Daniel Cocheat Ap. 3 20 Daniel Minor Ap. 27 17 Joseph Jeffry ... . do 15 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 203 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Rhode Island Weaver Capt. Mulford do do .. „........ Shoemaker . Haddam Conn do do Suffolk Co Seaman .... do do Farmer do Groton Conn Shoemaker.. do Connecticut Gunsmith... do do Farmer do Suffolk Co Blacksmith.. do Suffolk County Weaver do Massachusets Taylour .... Labn ....... do Lime Conecticut Capt. Dan1, Osborn do Suffolk County Shoemaker. . Lime Conn Labr- do Suffolk Co Cooper do Lime Conn Farmer ..... do Suffolk Co do do do Weaver .... do do Labr- do Conecticut Labn do New London do Soldier Labr* Cap. Moore do do Carpenter... do do Norwich do Suffolk Co Weaver do New London Toyner do do Blacksmith.. do Lime in Conn Turner do Conecticut Carpenter... Cooper do Suffolk Co do Connecticut Farmer do Old England do Capt. D1- Wells do» do do Suffolk Co do do do .... ; do do Ireland Chair Maker. do Suffolk Co Joyner do do ...... j j Labr- do Suffolk Co . do do do Taylour .... Labr- do Connecticut do do Labr- do Suffolk Co ILabr- do204 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Day. Age. John Wabbington Ap. 15 19 Ned Gardner Ap. 3 32 William Clark M. 19 18 Ebenezer Cooper do 19 18 Josiah Gonnock Ap. 3 21 James Culver do 3 25 Harry, Indian do 3 50 John Quiamps do 3 18 Joseph Goodall do 3 23 Stephen Downer do 3 41 Eliphalet Posterter do 3 22 Obadiah Rhodes M. 3 31 Thomas Gamble A. 3 18 Charles Sharper do 3 35 Harry Porras Ma 26 25 Samuel Bekam M. 16 18 Asa Hains do 16 20 Joaph, Indian Ap. 3 19 Joseph Parks do 3 24 Ichabud Edwards M. 16 24 Samuel Ways do 16 25 Benjamin Meelk do 20 27 Patrick Sinnot Ap. 4 24 Oliver Hewit . . . M. 16 19. Christophen Crouch do 16 21 Charles Powheag do 16 22 Timothy Meach do 16 18 Jeremiah Uttly Ap. 5 38 Peter Powheag Ma 16 20 Hannibal Gonniel do 20 20 Israel Dewe. do 16 22 John Wags do 16 19 Harry, Mustee Ap, 16 17 Joseph Champlin M. 25 33 Thomas Stephens Ap. 3 23 Amos Holdridg do 3 22 John Charles ... do 3 19 Edward Petty do 10 24 Timothy Cleaveland .. Ma 30 24 Samuel Hallet A. 3 . 25 Asa Stephens Ma 30 24 David Reeves Ap. 3 10 Josiah Whitter do 3 24NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 205 Where born. Trade. Connecticut Labr C Suffolk Co do do Shoe Maker. C do Seaman do Labr< do Carpenter . . . do Labr- Preston Conn do : Suffolk Co Weaver Preston Conn Shoemaker . Connecticut Labr* do do do do Groton Conn do Suffolk Co do Groton do do do . . Suffolk Co do Connecticut Shoemaker.. Suffolk Co "Weaver . ( Connecticut I .abr- Suffolk Co do do do . . Stonington do do do . . . do do do do Preston Conn Shoe Maker. Stonington Labr* Suffolk County do Stonington Weaver do Labr* . . do do Rhode Island Black Smith. Suffolk Co Tab1, . . Stonington Weaver Suffolk Co Labr> do do Canterbury do Stonington do Connecticut do Suffolk Co do Preston Conn do the Militia. Capt. Capt D1- Wells do John Post do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Topping do do do do do do do do do do do do do Jn°* Howell do do do do do do do do do206 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day. Age. David Foster Ma 30 30 22 19 21 Seth Howell do James Lane do 21 David Burnit A 2 18 Samuel Clark Jr* ... M. D 30 A 17 17 20 Elias Howel Jr* Ap. M. John Latham Jr* 16 Samson, Indian do 20 26 Nathan Benjamin do 24 4 16 22 James Mackloin A. 22 Elias Rous Ma. 20 Jonathan Parker do 16 22 Henry Downing do 22 20 Stephen Starkwather do 22 24 IQ Amos Yarington do 22 Bersdick Crooker do 22 21 Cuffe Cuffe Ap. do 2 19 24 18 Simeon Bundy 2 Josiah Halsey do J A nr I Disputed between one Capt. Wine and one Capt. Moore I Never mustered nor doth any person know where the Lost their Quota or whether a mistake in the general Enum- the Coll unluckily omitted to take a Coppy of this General find out to Rectify it. Thought it not prudent to keep the April 30th 1759. _____ A Muster Roll of the men Raised & Past Muster Zandt’s Company New Time of Inlistm*- Men’s Names. Age. March 27 Henery Pindar 17 do 28 Isaac Fredenberg .. 17 do 26 Peter Crolis 21 do 26 Martin Myer 25 do 26 John Martin is do 26 Stephen Babb 17 do 27 John Brower 20 do 25 John Brookman 17 do 21 John Sharp 7. 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 207 Where born. Suffolk Co...... do ........ do ........ do ........ do ...... Suffolk Co...... Groten ......... Suffolk Co...... Preston Conn... do do Coventry do..., Stonington do.., do do Preston do...... Suffolk Co...... Vollentine Conn Suffolk Co..... T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Shoe Maker. Labr- . .... do ....... do ........ Shoe Maker, do Carpenter.. . Labr- ....... Gunsmith . . . Taylour_____ Blacksmith.. Farmer do .... . do ....... Shoe Maker. Cooper ..... Labr*....... do ........ Weaver. Capt. Jn°* Howell do do do do Capt. Silas Cook do do do do do do do do do do do do do refusing to abide by the Coll3, Determination, defect lies whether any of the Capt3- have omitted forgot or eration of the Quota at the Meeting of the Coll & Captains Quota I have taken some pains and we will take more to Roll till then. Geo. Muirson, NaTHl- WOODHULL, Muster Masters. for the County of New York for Capt. Tobias Van York May 2d- 1759. Trade. Where Born. Marriner New York Shoemaker. do do do do do Leather dfesser Germany N. York House Carpentr- T ovnr- County of Bergen Jersey N°. York do House Carpr* do208 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm1- Men’s Names. Age. March 2 7 Sam1- Chapman .... 26 do 21 Peter White 18 do 27 Sam1- Taylor 18 do 27 John Valantine 17 do 21 James McKay 26 do 25 Willm- Power 17 do 13 Andrew Meverick 30 do 28 John Middeburg 18 Ap1- 2 George Bistell 44 do I John Terrill 20 do I George Horn 20 do I Andrew Charles 28 do 2 Nath1- Fretengham 35 March l6 John Ramsey 40 Ap1- 3 John Campbell 20 do 4 Willm- Little 20 M’ch !9 Rob1- Cross 19 do T9 Charles Cox 19 Ap1- 5 Dan1- Sutton ... 23 do 1 Israel Rogers 28 Mar. 28 Christr- Prean 30 Ap1- 7 Edward Tout do 7 Joseph Stall 25 do 7 Allexr- M'Tall 30 do 8 John Geuter . 19 do 12 John Bummer . 22 do 14 Paul Williams l9 do 14 William Murray 21 do 16 William Wallace 16 do 18 Phillip Hone 17 do 21 James Wheller 16 do 22 James Emmott 20 do 20 Will. English. !9 do 17 Aaron Artoes 18 do 24 Will”- Bladen 23 do 23 George Ash 19 do 23 James Diblin 18 do 23 Daniel Buttler 21 do 23 Daniel Linch 31 do 18 Charles Tempel 28 do 23 Edward Brown 16 do 23 James Lyon 19 do 20 Pullus Schylus do 27 Joseph Bunghall 40NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759* 209 T rade. Where Born. Labr........... Cooper ........ Labr*........ Shoemaker . ... . Bricklayer------- Labr-.......... Painter.......... Shoemaker .... Leather dresser Soldier........ Taylor......... Marriner....... An Old Smugler Potter......... Marriner....... Hatter ........ do ......... Marriner....... Blacksmith..... Baker.......... Shoemaker . .. . Marriner....... do ........ Shoemaker...... Marriner....... do ........ do ........ Shoemaker Joyner....... Baker ....... Shoemaker .... do .... Baker........ Marriner..... Taylor....... Labr*........ do ......... Taylor....... Marriner. ..... Labr-........ Marriner..... Blacksmith. . . . Labr-..... G. Britain N. York England Phillipsburgh Ireland London Boston N. York England Ireland Germany Ireland N. England Scotland N. York do do Long Island Burlington , Eliz: Town . Germany . Philadelphia . Marlborough . Ireland . N. York . Germany . England . Ireland . N. York do . Phillips Manner . Cowneck . N. York . N. Jersey . City of London . Brunswick . Ireland do . Cork . England . Gloucestershire . Ireland . Germany do 14210 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm4- Men’s Names. Age. Ap1- 20 rhos Peak 17 do 18 Rob1' Brown. \ 18 do 23 James Lakashire 35 do 23 Anthony Edwards 24 do 23 Timothy Bussin 19 do 23 Walter Murphy 47 do 23 ohn Tenbrook J9 do 24 Tohn Whitcheld 18 do 24 Samuel Buchannan 21 do 24 John Taylor 23 do 24 John McCormick 46 do 24 Michael Montgomery 27 do 24 Hugh Campbell 25 do James Paterson 19 do 24 James Sayer 26 do 24 Samuel Waterhouse 20 do 24 John Noblet 25 do 24 John Doile 32 do 21 John Moore 23 do 24 Christr- France 24 do 24 Thomas Cain . 36 do 24 Rob1' Thomson 18 do 24 Henery Harris 38 do 24 Daniel Sardel 26 do 24 John Lottridge 24 do 24 Will Calreth 25 do 23 Thos- Pilkins do 26 Simeon Ames 32 do 27 Sam1- West 45 do 26 Abr- Potts 35 do 25 Johannes Petters 36 do 23 Richd* Kelly. 23 do 23 Luke Burn. 20 do 23 Willm- Carley 23 do 19 John McKay 27 do 19 John Callaehan 26 do 19 Isaac Sprage 25 do 19 Will1” Boyd 25 do 19 Matthew McVea 25 do 19 James Gambell 25 do 25 David Wilson 23 do 22 Abr' Brawser 18 do 20 Matthew Graham 35 do 25 Austin Penny ... . 23NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. 211 Trade. Where Born. Marriner N. York Morrisania Printer .... London Labr- .. Holland Shoemaker N. York Labr- Dublin do N. York Marriner England Cooper Londonderry Labr- do Marriner .. . ... . do do do do . do Marriner Scotland Baker Norwich Husbandman Connecticut do Dublin Marriner. do Labr- Ireland Blacksmith Germany Weaver Ireland Cooper N. York Labr- Germany Ropemaker England Labr- Ireland Cooper do Blockmaker England Labr- Connecticut Marriner N. Carolina Shoemaker Wfc- of England Marriner N. Carolina Galway Marriner Ireland Labr- Connecticut Scotland Labr- Cork Butcher. England Labr- Ireland Ropemaker do Taylor Scotland Labr- Ireland do N. York Painter ..; . Ireland Currier . England212 MUSTER ROLLS OF Time of Inlistm4* Men’s Names. Age. Ap1- 25 John Fall 27 do 27 Samuel Baker 21 do 26 Joshua Reynolds 21 do 19 Joseph Mason 27 Officers. Tobias Van Zandt, Capt. Abra Deforest, Lieut. Peter Myers, do This is to Certify that the foregoing being One Captain muster for the City and County of New York. _________________ A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in PANY 12TH Captain, James Middagh. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Charles Richy M’ch 24 do 26 Scotland Henry Hughes 21 London....... Edward Delian ... .... do 25 22 Ireland Lambert Swize do 29 22 Amsterdam ... Jacob Shearman do 31 34 Jersey ........ Leonard Genery do 30 Germany John Lippy 0 V 23 do .... Jeremiah Stillwill Ap1' 1 30 Staten Isld*.... George Parse do 22 London Solomon Longe . ...... do 37 Ireland .. ..... John Morris . T . . ..... do 25 21 do ....... Solomon Yorksee do West Chester.. Erederick Short. .... . . do 26 Germany ..... John Clunn M’ch 22 20 N. Jersey . .... John Fulmore ApL 2 30 Germany ..... John Freadle . . do 24 do Martin Shyley .. do 10 34 do Richard Sproung do 20 Long Island.. . George Aft do 2 20 Philadelphia . . John Giddyman M’ch 26 30 N. Jersey ...... Samuel Patterson do 22 20 New York Charles Rawlins do 26 36 England ...... George Livingston do 29 33 do ...... Birhard Gam hell . . . Ap1* 10 do 37 26 London.. .... . Simon Sharepenny Randal D’Bois Germany ...... Ap1, 1 25 Germany NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 213 Trade. Where Born. Painter England W. Jersy Staten Island Cord winder Cartmaker Marriner England Two Lieut8’ and One hundred and Two Men have past Mich1- Thodey. the County of Kings for Captain Middagh’s Com- April 1760. John Nisbet, Lieutenant. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Fell Monger Capt. Seddam .... Lieut. Nisbett Ropemaker do ..... do Weaver do . . . .; do Labourer do .. . . do Bricklayer do .... do Labourer do .... do do do .... do Cordwainer Capt. D. Stillwell . J Capt. Middagh Weaver do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do ... do do Taylor do do Dyer Capt. Brewerton ... do Miller do ... do Cordwainer do do Baker do ... do Butcher do do Blacksmith do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do Baker Capt. Lott Capt. Middagh214 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. George Foulk....... Johannes Coughman . John Bossley....... James Argen........ John George Smith .. Michael Clinck..... Peter Myrtle....... Thomas Martin____ Thomas Lilly ...... George Read...... Henry Iagoe........ David Goindett..... Andrews Walter..... Mathew Gracey.... John Peckner..... John Furthingham .. . William Skilling... Walter Harris...... Nicholas Moyee..... Maxwell McCormick., Jonathan Welsh John Mellington .... Thomas Anthony Stephen Dean ...... Martis Vanhoose.... John Burroughs ... Rob1, Taylor....... Andrew Stephen .. George Blakency . . . Andrews Wicke...... John Ray sail...... Peter Sprung....... Burnett Money...... Prince Edward Francis Elsworth . . . John Shamp......... George Appleby James McLoughlin .. Mathew Holland John Swart Feger... Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. M’ch 31 21 1 German Town, do 28 < Germany do 47 England .. do 19 Essex in do ... do 24 1 Germany May 12 30 do .... May 12 30 - Germany M’ch 25 19 N. Jersey do 31 36 Ireland ....... Ap1- 4 26 England do 44 Dublin M’ch 29 30 Germany do 31 40 do May 12 25 N. Jersey M’ch 25 28 Germany do 24 31 Ireland do 32 do do 29 23 Liverpool do 29 England ...... do 36 Ireland do 31 Boston ....... do j 42 England do 26 do May 12 25 Long Island. . . do 36 Holland M’ch 26 •j 20 N. Jersey do 28 Ireland • Ap'- 5 28 Scotland .... . do 2 20 Ireland May 12 23 Germany do 20 do M’ch 29 18 Long Island. . do 26 Germany .... do 20 Long Island. . do 19 Germany .... do 23 do .... . Ap1- 18 28 Dublin May 12 30 Ireland do 27 do do 24 Germany . ... This is to Certify that the above i Capt. i Lieut. & 66 May 12th 1760.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 215 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. 1 Officers who Inlisted. Cordwainer Capt. Loft < Capt. Middagh Labourer ........ do do Turner do do Labourer do do Carpenter do do Weaver do do Labourer Capt. Seddam Lieut. Nisbett Weaver Capt. Seank do Laborour do do Gardiner do .... do Silversmith do do Butcher do do Labourer do . . do Carpenter do do Gunsmith Capt. Streaker .... L‘- Nisbet Weaver do do Tanner do do Labourer do .... do Pipe Maker do .... do Weaver do .... do Cordwainer do .... do Butcher do .... do Labourer do do Weaver do .... do Carpenter do do Cordwainer Capt. Vanpelt Capt. Middagh Weaver do do Staymaker do do Tanner do do Taylor do do Butcher do do Labourer Capt. Peter Lott.. . do do do do do do do Baker do do Labourer do do do do do Clerk . do do Cordwainer do do Stone Cutter do do Men has past Muster for Kings County. Geo. Brewerton, J1-2l6 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in PANY 29™ James Clinton, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. George Lueky Ap1- 2 20 William Buchanan do 24 21 Samuel McColm do 2 31 Robert Farier do 2 26 James Adisson do 26 49 Edward Early do 24 21 Daniel McBride do 5 35 Gerlecht Hext.......... do 2.3 20 Henry Seise do 5 19 Johannis Felder do 23 24 Martin Roat. do 23 26 George Felmer do 23 26 Fredrick Kinbergh do 23 26 Isaac Emy do 23 30 Matise Kinbergh do 23 22 William Neily do 12 19 James Dunlap do 2 19 John Ogden do 5 18 Thomas Johnston do 5 26 Joshua Deans do 5 28 Richard Andrews do 5 25 Joseph McClughan do 5 34 Barnabas Monroe do 24 38 Henry Savage do 26 29 Charles Brannin do 26 36 Duncan Campbell do 26 30 John Graham do 2 20 Samuel Boyd do 24 23 Robert Waugh do 24 23 James Waugh do 24 28 James Johnston do 3 25 Robert Hanmer do 24 29 Robert Ferguson do 7 45 William Smith do 26 24 Samuel Stagg do 10 25 Malachi Seker do 22 19 Hans Jury Haas do 22 18 Where Born. Ulster County, do do Ireland....... do ....... do ....... do ........... Germany Philadelphia. . . Ulster County. Germany . do ..... do ........ Germany Ulster........ Ulster........ Ireland ....... Orange Co..... Ireland....... Long Island... Ireland....... do ........ do ....... do ........ do ........ Scotland ...... Ulster Co..... Ireland....... do ........ do do ........ Long Island. .. Ireland....... Dutchess Co.. . Orange Co.. . . Germany ..... do ...........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 217 the County of Ulster for Captain Clinton’s Com- April 1760. George Clinton,) Isaiah Purdy, y Lieutenants. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Cooper Farmer Cordwainer Weaver Colier... Cooper Blacksmith Farmer do do Baker. Farmer Cordwainer, Mason Farmer do Weaver Farmer do Weaver Farmer do do do do ... do Cordwainer Weaver . .. Farmer . .. do do do do do do do do Capt. Neily...... Capt. Ellison.... Capt. Neily...... Capt. Ellison.... Capt. Neily...... Capt. Borland . .. Capt. D. Newkirk do do do do do do do do Capt. Neily...... Capt. Borland . .. do do do do do do do do do Capt. Ellison.... do do .... do ,, .. do .... do .... do .... Capt. Neily...... do ..... do ........ do ........ L> Clinton Capt. Clinton Lieut. Clinton do Capt. Neily Capt. Clinton do Capt. Newkirk L* Clinton Capt. Newkirk do do do do do L* Clinton do do do do do do Capt. Clinton do do do do do do do L*- Clinton Capt. Clinton U- Clinton Capt. Neily L** Clinton U' Purdy do2 I 8 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Daniel Smith.......... Robert Goodgion....... Isaac Butters......... John McMichel......... Robert Smith.......... Duncan Kilcrest....... Moses Nichols......... David Clerk . .... Alexander Every....... Daniel Dewitt..... Walter Slouter........ Tunis Tirwelleger..... George Ferguson....... Peter Tirwilliger..... Johannes Decker....... George Neily...... William Stuart........ Pierce Mansfield...... Abraham Springsteed.. . Daniel Cachel..... Cornelius Callaghan William Van Clief..... Felix McClarnin....... John Lasly............ Samuel Neily.......... Joseph Patterson...... Lawrence Murphy....... John Williams......... Stephen Tayler........ John Fulton........... Benjamin Phillips..... Aary Isbrant.......... Helamas Vandemark . . . John McHone........... John Fling............ Nicholas Miller....... Henry Dewitt.......... Thomas Power. ........ John McCarty.......... John Wright........... William Whitehead Thomas Remseman George Terbuck.-...... >ay of Inlistm*- Age. Where Born. Ap1- 22 17 Dutchess Co.. . do 26 24 Philadelphia . . do 22 !9 Jersy .. do 22 18 Ulster Co do 26 18 Philadelphia . . do 26 49 Scotland do 22 17 New England . do 18 21 Long Island . . . do 18 40 Ireland do 17 28 Ulster Co do 17 23 Dutchess Co... do 17 18 Ulster Co do 17 41 Ireland do 17 24 Ulster Co do 18 20 do .... do 5 17 West Chester.. do 2 40 Scotland do 26 30 Ireland do 5 21 Ulster Co do 23 29 Ireland do 2 35 do do 1 19 Jersey do 8 39 Ireland M’ch 29 24 New York .... do 29 20 Ulster County. Ap1- V 18 England do 17 21 Ireland do 3 21 Ulster Co do 3 l9 do .... do 24 25 do .... do 8 49 Boston do 8 l9 Ulster Co do 18 19 do .... do 11 4i Ireland do 3 48 do M’ch 29 23 Germany do 29 40 WestchesterCo. do 29 29 Ireland do 29 36 do 26 26 do Ap1- 2 24 Kent County.. do 3 26 Scotland do 2 37 England ......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 760. 219 Trade. Farmer .... Taylor..... Farmer .... do .... Weaver .... Farmer do Taylor..... Farmer do Weaver Labourer . . Turner Farmer do do do do do do do do do do Carpenter . . Labourer . . do Collier... Cordwainer do Blacksmith Labourer . do Weaver . .. Labourer . do Weaver . .. Labourer . do Cordwainer Labourer . Taylor .... Labourer . Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Neily....... do do ........ do .......... do .......... do .......... Capt. Ellison..... Capt. Hardenbergh , do do do do do do do do Capt. Neily....... Capt. Borland ..... do ..... do ..... Disputable........ Capt. Haasbrouck . do do do Capt. Graham..... do ......... Capt. Ellison..... do ......... do ......... . Capt. Haasbrouck . . Capt. Smedes.... . Capt. Hardenbergh . Capt. Ellison... do ......... . Capt. Haasbrouck . do do do do do . Capt. Ellison... . Capt. Haasbrouck . L*- Purdy Capt. Niely L** Purdy do Capt. Neily do U' Purdy Capt. Clinton do L*- Purdy do do do do do L1* Clinton do do do Capt. Newkirk L** Clinton Capt. Clinton L* Purdy do do do do L1- Clinton do do . L*- Purdy do . Capt. Clinton do . L** Clinton . IJ- Purdy do do do do do . U- Clinton . U PurdyMUSTER ROLLS OF 2 20 Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm4- Age. Where Born. Jonathan Rosel Ap1- 2 Long Island. .. Samuel Elsworth do 2 45 Ulster County. Henry Elsworth do IO 18 do John McClean do 10 27 Ireland Solomon Toly do 8 35 Long Island... Robert Sparks do 15 2•? Ulster Co John Stagg do j i5 0 25 Jersy J acob Rineheart do 15 21 Germany Hendrick Vandemark. .. do J 15 20 Ulster Co William Blameless do *9 31 do . Aarie Terwilleger do 26 19 do .... Jeremiah Harington.... do 25 39 Ireland Johannis Clarwater do 25 42 Ulster County. John Tollv do 2? 21 Ireland Owen Kinagen do J 2 AI do Tohn Braigain do J A 28 Mariland John Calhoon do 2A IQ Ireland Ralph Gow do % 28 do Fredrick Spinner do D 2 2s; Germany .... James Murphy M’ch 29 j 23 Ulster County. Richard Fanning do 29 24 Long Island. .. Samuel Seers do 25 28 New England . Thomas Buchanan do 25 24 Ireland Robert Buchanan do 25 26 do This is to Certify that the above Hundred and four Men by me. A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and Pass’d In Company Capt. Ephraim Morse. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1- Age. Where born. James Breckford Ap1- 15 M’ch 27 do 27 do 31 Ap1* 8 do 4 31 22 32 24 26 36 25 Boston Nicholas Pealman Frederick Pilgrim Robert Graham Alexr Campbell Hugh Martin Germany Hanover Ireland do do Moses Roach do 3 do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 221 Trade. Labourer . Weaver . .. Labourer . do do do do do Blacksmith Cooper . .. Farmer . .. do Carpenter . Labourer . do do do Farmer . .. Labourer . Carpenter. Labourer . Carpenter . Labourer . do Out of what Company of Militia. Capt. Haasbrouck. do Capt. Hardenbergh do Capt. Smedes do .... do ......... do .... do .... do .... do .... Capt. Graham..... do ......... do ......... Capt. Hardenberg . Capt. Smedes..... Capt. Ellison...... do ......... Capt. Newkirk Capt. Haasbrouck . do do Capt. Graham..... do Officers who Inlisted. U■ Purdy do Capt. Clinton do L1, Purdy Capt. Smedes do do do do do Capt. Graham do do L* Clinton L1- Purdy U‘ Clinton do do do do L*- Purdy Capt. Graham do was mustered and passed the day and year above mentioned Goose Van Schaick, I> Colonel. the County of Queens for Capt. Ephraim Morse’s Apl* 1760. Ruluf Durye, ) Lieutenants Abraham Ramson, j ^ieutenants- Trade. Out of what Compy of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer L** Weeks U Duryee Capt. Morse do do do do do do Capt. Mott Glasier do Labourer . . Blacksmith Labourer do do Capt. Seaman........ do do 222 MUSTER ROLLS OF 1 Men’s Names. Dayof Inlistm4* Age. Burger Price. Ap1- 3 24 < Augustus Pennil Ap1- 17 35 Francis Fountain do 19 22 Henry Uback do 19 27 John Taylor do *5 25 1 Andrew Cockaran do 17 31 John Butler 30 Benjamin Chamberlin. .. do 29 34 - Thomas Bulger do 29 2 7 - Henry Agin do 14 28 Daniel Runy M’ch 29 29 Thomas Cline Ap1- 29 24 1 John Muffit do 3 20 Thomas Roliver . do 29 28 Hugh Donnaly do 21 28 Jacob Miller do 10 24 1 William Baly do 21 20 John Cooper do 10 26 Edward Hoy do 3 27 : Henry Lockman do 7 29 1 John Hunter do 20 24 James Mott do 3 30 John McDonald do 30 29 John Mott M’ch 24 34 Bartholomew Goodall .. do 27 50 Ruluf Voorhees Ap1- 5 19 John Skidmore M’ch 24 18 Cummin Shiels Ap1- 22 28 Peter Archer M’ch 30 26 Samuel Fantiman do 25 27 Christian Bladner Ad1- 30 26 Peter John M’ch 27 28 James Clark do 31 23 John Beard M’ch 3i 24 John Keys do 27 24 Michael Cock do 31 24 John Brown do 29 17 Robert Gillis do 27 24 John Tate do 3i 22 Jacob Yale do 27 28 Volentine Brown ApL 5 2 7 James McLillon M’ch 3i 35 John Drummond Ap1- 10 30 Where born. do do do 'elanc do do do do do do Holland Pensilvany . .. Long Island. . Scotland.... Long Island. . Germany New Jersey .. Long Island. . Ireland..... Pensilvany .., Long Island. Germany do Ireland..... Scotland .... Pensilvany . . Germany . .. Scotland .... Ireland..... do ....... Germany . .. do Ireland..... do .......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 223 Trade. Out of what Compy of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Glasier Capt. Seaman Capt. Morse Labourer Capt. Hewlett L4 Durye Gardner do do Butcher do do Labourer do Capt. Morse do do do do do do do L4, Weeks do do do do Carpenter do do Weaver do do Joiner do do do do do Tanner do do Labourer do do Tanner L4- Volentine do Carpenter do do Weaver do do Taylor do do do Capt. Mott L4- Ramson Labourer Capt. Braine L4 Durye Labourer do do do do Capt. Morse do Capt. Betts L4 Durye do Capt. Braine do Carpenter do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do L4* Volentine do do Capt. James Smith . .. Capt. Morse do do do Labourer Capt. Js- Smith .... ; do do do do Cooper Capt. Braine. . . . do Cordwiner Capt. James Smith. .. do Labourer do do do do do do do do Cordwiner do L4, Durye do do do Labourer Capt. Ben. Smith .... do224 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. John Halbert..... Nicholas Bagh.... Andrew Bradly . . . John Switser..... John Rinehart .... Charles Gollihan . . Benjamin Reel. ... Frederick Neal . . . Robert Morril .... Peter Duffy........ Frederick Andrews John Farguson ___ George Roe....... Robert Boggs .... Matthew McCray . John Fagan....... John McKitterick . Peter Fountain . . . James Collins.... Samuel Griswell. .. Anthony House .. Martin Bower .... John Philliphouse . Henry Brester .... Nath1- Cook...... John Pendrow . ... John Hosam .... Johannis Powlis. .. Thomas Gillis David Smellin . Richard Nott..... Joseph Binder John Tool........ James McMullin ... John Hank........ John Smith....... James Saunders. . . James Dogerty ... William Gilmore. . Andrew Brown ... Samuel Morse William Hedger . . John Johnson...... Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Ap1* 11 24 Germany ...... do 6 26 do ...... do 29 26 do do 12 35 do ..... do 20 26 do ...... do 17 25 Ireland do 24 36 Germany do 3 30 do do 23 17 Long Island. ., do 20 l9 Ireland do 14 27 Germany ...... do 10 23 Scotland ... . do 11 22 New York do IO 49 Ireland ...... Mch 26 32 do ...... do 2 7 29 do do 26 21 do ...... Ap1* 24 22 Germany .... M’ch 24 25 Ireland do 25 42 New England , Ap1-. 18 35 Germany .... M ch 23 28 do do 24 27 do .... Ap1- 4 26 do .... M’ch 24 19 Long Island. . do 25 18 Wales ....... Ap1- 4 21 Germany .... May 1 28 do .... Mar. 25 17 Maryland .... do 25 25 Ireland . Ap1- 26 45 England M’ch 24 20 Germany .... do 29 23 Pensilvany ... do 23 23 Ireland ...... do 29 22 Germany .... Ap1, 7 2 7 do .... Mar. 3i 22 Pensilvany .. . ApL 2 20 Ireland ...... M’ch 23 45 Scotland do 26 36 Boston do 13 24 Long Island. . May 1 40 Westchester. . Mar. 29 23 Holland ......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 225 Trade. Out of what Compy of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Butcher Capt. Ben. Smith .... Capt. Morse do do .... do Baker do .... do Cooper do .... do Labourer do .... U Ramson do do .... Capt. Morse do Capt. Cornwell U- Du rye do Cordwiner do Labourer do Capt. Morse do do Capt. Braine do Capt. Birdsall U' Du rye do Labourer Capt. Mills Weaver do do Labourer do do do do Capt. Morse do do .. . .' do do do do Barber do do do do do Mason do do Barber Capt. Rapalje do Labourer do do Cordwiner do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do .. . do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Blackwell do Taylor do ... do Weaver do ... L1, Ramson Labourer do Capt. Morse L1, Ramsen do do do do . . . Capt. Morse do do do . . . do do do do do do Baker do do Mason do U Ramsen Capt. Morse U- Ramson Blacksmith Capt. Rapalje Cooper Capt. Ramson 15226 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Nicholas Wan.......... John White............ Sigmon Brand.......... John Lawell........... Daniel Mahony......... John Nicholas......... Jacob Dirck........... Thomas Lalen......... David Lawell.... ..... William Griffiths..... Lewis Cress........... Joseph Morril......... Samuel Roberts........ Thomas Farrington Richard Speed......... Andries Andrews....... Alexander Woosher Day of Inlistm1- Age. Where born. Ap1- IO 32 Germany ..... Mar. 25 40 Ireland ....... Ap1- 25 21 Germany Mar 24 19 Ireland Ap1- 14 19 do do 27 26 Germany do 6 28 do do 8 23 New Jersey . . . Mar. 24 17 Ireland do 26 2; Wales do 28 30 Prusia . . May 1 18 Long Island . . . M’ch 24 20 do do 24 26 do Ap1- 1 35 England Mar 28 28 Germany Ap1- 12 3i Scotland ...... A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in April Captain, Daniel Wright. Men’s Names. Benjamin Campbell .... Jacob Cosaboom........ Urias Smalling........ Jeffry Strong ......... William Frasier...:.. Thomas Smalling....... Patrick McDonold...... Daniel Field. ........ Silvester Cavelly..... Joseph Mitchel____ Hugh McFarling ....... Thomas Burk........... Harmanus Vanwooser . . Michael Morris ....... Day of Inlistment. Age. Ap1- 3 19 do 7 20 do 7 18 do 3 35 do 4 26 Mar. 31 20 Ap1- 13 25 do 28 43 do 4 26 do 24 27 do 15 36 do 4 29 do 29 26 do 29 33 Where Born. Oysterbay...... Huntington . .. Oysterbay...... Long Island.. . Ireland...... Long Island. . . Ireland ....... do ......... do ....... Block Island . . . Ireland ..... do New England.. Ireland .......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j6o. 227 Trade. Labourer do do Carpenter Labourer do do do do Carpenter Labourer do do do Taylor... Seaman.. Weaver .. Out of what Compy of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Ramson Ramson do Capt. Morse do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Blackwell do do do Capt. Betts U- Ramsen do Capt. Morse Capt. Birdsall U- Ramsen Isaac Corsa, Coll* THE COUNTV OF QUEENS FOR CAPTAIN WRIGHT’S COMPANY, 1760. Edward Burk, John Dean, Lieutenants. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Cooper .. Capt. Hewlett 1 Weaver do do do Labourer do Carpenter do Blacksmith do Cooper do . . Labourer do do L4- Weeks do do ... .... do Ho do do Seaman do Taylor do 1 Officers who inlisted. Capt. Wright do do do do do do do do do do do do do228 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. William Carmon ....... Rice Davis........... Jacob Van Seriver.... Hugh McCarty......... James Matthews....... Phillip Hambersmith .. . George Honstine...... J ohn Baker.......... John Mercular........ John Martin, Fifer . Owen Sullivln........ Joseph Sink.......... William McCord....... Thomas Carty......... David Ludlam......... Thomas Smith......... John Fleming......... James McGloglin...... John Peater.......... Peter Fowler......... Simon Simorman....... Phillip Lynch........ John Riley........... George Doughty....... William Thompson Stephen Blevelt...... Andreas Rupper....... Christopher Typper John Newgar.......... Joseph Lyten......... Samuel Boyd.......... John Carril.......... Henry Dawson ........ William Beacon....... Peter Fresong ... ... . Nicholas McDougle * Lewis Bastian...... • Edward More........ ^Stephen Murrow ..... James German......... Vincen Savannah ..... John Worthali........ James Kearney........ Day of Inlistment. Age. Ap1- 29 00 00 (N CO Ap1- ii 22 do 29 20 do 29 24 do 12 35 do 12 33 do 19 29 do *9 29 do 9 39 do 5 22 do 12 3° do 17 27 Ap1- i 3i do 3 38 Mar: 28 20 do 24 22 Ap1 2 7 21 do 2 24 do 8 33 do 2 40 Mar 28 29 Ap1- 13 20 do 15 18 Apr. 11 20 Mar. 3i 26 Ap1- 4 23 do 3 24 Mar. 28 28 Mar. 3i 22 do 27 20 Ap1- 4 23 Mar. 27 22 do 3i 30 do 27 35 do 24 28 Ap1' 2 25 do 22 20 do 26 38 Mar. 26 27 do 24 21 do 28 27 do 3i 38 Where Born. Jamaica....... England....... New Jersey Ireland....... do ......... Germany ...... do ........ Germany....... do ........ do ........ Ireland ...... Germany....... Ireland ...... do .......... Long Island. . . do Germany....... Ireland ...... Germany....... Ireland ...... Germany....... Ireland ....... do ......... Long Island. . . do Ganava ....... Pensilvany Ireland....... France........ Boston........ do ......... Ireland ...___ England ...... do ........ Flanders ...... Scotland ...... Ittally....... Ireland ...... Germany....... do ........ Itally........ Pensilvany Ireland .......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOrS, 1760, 229 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who inlisted. Currier..... Labourer ... do do do Blacksmith . Weaver Taylor...... Labourer ... do do Currier..... Turner...... Cooper ..... Weaver...... do ...... Cordwiner.. . Seaman Butcher Labourer . ,. do Currier..... Seaman Blacksmith .. Taylor...... do ...... Weaver Labourer ... do do do do do do do do do do do Cooper ..... Labourer . . . Stone Cutter Labourer ... Lu Weeks ..... Capt. Betts.... Capt. Weeks ... do Capt. Seaman... L1* Voluntine ... do do do do do do Capt. Birdsall. .. Capt. Mills.... do do Capt. Blackwel . Capt. Cornwell.. L* Voluntine ... do do do do Capt. Jas- Smith U- Weeks....... Capt. Mott do ....... do ....... do Capt. Woolley, do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Wright do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Wright do do do do L‘* Snethen do do do do do do do do do do do do do2 30 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where Born. John Murray Mar. 22 28 Conecticut .... Thomas Foard do 26 26 Long Island ... Ezekiel Holley do 22 38 Stratford Thomas Reed do 24 20 England Cornelius Hale do 25 21 Ireland Owen Sulliven Ap1- 28 24 do Daniel Lynch Mar 24 26 do ....... Dominick Murphy ApL 11 32 do ....... Phenix Lewis do 8 18 Long Island. . . Solomon Taylor do 3 25 Connecticut .. . David Buffington do 11 22 Pensilvany .... Simon, Indian Mar 22 18 Long Island . . . Alexander Foster do 30 32 Ireland Benjamin Hothinson . . . u do 11 38 New Jersey. . .. John Foster do 25 21 Westchester. .. Patrick McDonald...... Ap1* 4 22 Ireland Joseph Weeks do 11 22 Oysterbay .... Andrew Henry do 24 28 Ireland Conraet Horn do 11 35 Germany Patrick Carr do 4 28 Ireland John Noblett do 4 26 do Volentine Huff . do 30 32 Germany Jeremiah Ryan do 2 25 Ireland . Peter Burrough ........ do 25 24 Flanders Lebright Waggoner .... do 16 21 Germany William Leak. do' 8 35 England John Harley do 7 26 do Frederick Coon do 28 18 Philadelphia . . . John Lane do 5 25 Ireland Thomas Crawford do 1 41 do James Colyer Mar. 31 24 do ....... John Hays Ap1- 4 36 do ....... John Jenkins Mar 29 24 Long Island . .. George Bucklo Ap1- 28 21 New Jersey.... John Blee do 28 36 England Sam1* Fuller do 28 33 Ireland David Mead do 25 33 do Robert McGraw do 10 25 do Henry Parker do 7 33 England ...... Thomas Howel do 7 29 do John Thorn do 7 19 Long Island. .. James McMullin . do 16 37 Ireland George Divers Mar 28 24 Germany.. ....NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 231 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Colyer Capt. Wooley ] Carpenter do Labourer do do do do do Weaver do Tavlor do Labourer Capt. Seamans Cordwiner do Blacksmith do Labourer do do do do do do do do do ....... Seaman do Weaver do Labourer do do do Seaman Capt. Jas* Smith < Labourer do do L** Volentine Cordwiner Capt. Ben. Smith .... Lt- Volentine Weaver Taylor Capt. B. Smith 1 Baker do Mason do Labourer do Weaver do Labourer do do do do do Weaver Capt. Cornwell do do Labourer do Butcher do Seaman do Weaver do Sail Maker do Labourer do Taylor do Labourer do do do Officers who inlisted. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do >*• Wright do do do I> Snether Capt. Wright do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do232 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. A^e. Where Born. Bichard Fv^rit Ap1* 16 do 5 22 England James Coile 25 Ireland Thomas Lewit Mar 28 21 England James Robertson Ap1* 5 22 Ireland James Verity do 14 21 Long Island. . . Richard Power TVTathpw Dial do 7 do 29 43 26 Ireland Ireland A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company. Israel Horton, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1- Ebenezer Sloper Ap1 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 18 do 21 do 28 do 18 do 19 do 23 do 22 do 21 do 22 do 21 do 19 do 18 do 17 do 23 do 18 do 19 do 22 do 21 Elnathan Coorwin Abner Reeve . Benjamin Chadwick 5 John Pooler, Junr* . Joshua Gouldsmith Simeon More James Perkins William Corwin ... 10 Joseph Tuttle Ebenezer Tenning . Elijah Hambelton Seth Marvin Thomas Overton 15 Stephen Overton John Franklin ' John Drake Nehemiah Baker John Mason 20 Benjamin Shearman Samuel Hubbs Obadiah Booth Nathan Dow Joseph Franklin 23 Toby Jeffry, Indian John Miller Age. 22 20 20 39 21 22 19 2 7 22 20 19 36 26 19 21 22 22 22 23 24 23 21 22 19 37 20NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 233 Trade. Labourer do do do Cordwiner Labourer Labourer Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who inlisted. Capt. Cornwell Capt. Wright do do do do do do Capt. Birdsall do do do L‘- Weeks do Isaac Corsa, Coll. the County of Suffolk for Captain Israel Horton’s April 1760. Daniel Griffen, Thomas Veal, Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. South Hold S. Cy- Farmer Capt. Barnabas Wines do do do do do do Lime Conn do do Connecticut do do South Hold S. Cy do do New London do do Ipswich Shoemaker. . do Rhode Island . Labourer .... do Hebron Conn Farmer do Connecticut Weaver Capt. John Bud Philadelphia Labourer .... do Lime Conn Labourer .... do South Hold S. Cy* Carpenter . .. do South Hold Shoemaker .. do Killingsworth Conn.. . . Labourer .... do South Hold Weaver do Middletown Conn Labourer do New London Conn.... Labourer .... do Dartmouth Mass Labourer .... do Lime Conn Labourer do South Hold Shoe Maker. . do Plainfield Conn Farmer do Killingsworth Conn,. . . Labourer .... do Naraganset Carpenter . .. do New London Conn.... Labourer .... do234 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. John Clark.......... Walter Brown........ Ephraim Brown....... 30 Josiah, Mustee ....... John Quinumps....... Samuel Dickerson Thomas Scovell...... Jeremiah Dickerson,.. 35 Joseph Emerson...... Peter Hart.......... Thomas Reave______ Stephen Mack........ Israel Stephens..... 40 Nemos Kellis........ Jasper Beebe ....... Thomas Powers ...... Moses Hutchenson . .. Randal Clark........ 45 Stephen Potter...... Gamaliel Tuthill...... David Franklin....... Joseph Allen......... . Abraham Vail...... 50 John Ford........... Joseph Peck ......... Joseph Rogers....... John Hobbard........ Jeremiah Winy....... 55 Ebenezer Wheeler. ... Silas Harris........ Asa Beebe........... Eliphalet Beebe ...... Joseph Porter....... 60 Daniel Freeman...... Benajah Edwards..... Richard Benjamin Zadock Reave........ Hezekiah Dayton 65 Edward Corwin....... Isaac Penny......... Elnathan Hudson David Marrow........ Henry Hewit......... Ap1, 3° 20 do 30 39 do 30 39 May 1 30 April 17 18 May 5 17 April 21 20 do 22 18 do 28 37 do 22 28 do 28 21 do 18 19 do 18 29 do 28 28 do 24 44 do 25 22 do 22 34 do 22 26 do 26 48 do 24 17 April 19 21 do 24 27 do 24 18 do 23 21 May 5 43 April 28 40 do 24 32 do 24 26 do 23 22 do 24 29 do 23 21 do 23 !9 do 24 27 do 22 18 do 25 22 do 21 I9 do 30 l9 do 24 24 M’ch 31 30 April 28 32 do 30 27 do 30 46 do 24 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 235 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. South Hold Weaver ..... Capt. John Bud do Labourer .... do do do .... do do do .... do Preston Conn do do Suffolk County Weaver do Lyme Conn Carpentry ... Capt. Dan1, Osborn Suffolk County Weaver do Ipswich Mass Labourer .... do Suffolk Co Cooper do do Cordwainer .. do Lyme Conn Farmer do Killingsworth Conn.... Shoemaker .. do Suffolk Co Trade do New London Conn Labourer .... Capt. Thos Moore Ireland Tallow Chan dr- do Hebron Conn Weaver do Old England Labourer .... do Rhode Island Blacksmith .. do Goshen Shoemaker .. do Killingsworth Conn.. . . Labourer .... do Massachusets Tavlor do Suffolk County Labourer .... do New London do .... do Walingsford N. E Weaver do Lime N. E Farmer do Windham Conn Farmer...... Capt. Dan1 Wells do Scotland Farmer New London Labourer .... do do do .... do do Joyner do do do do Hebron Conn Iron Refiner . do New- London Conn Sailor do Suffolk County Labourer .... do do Weaver do do . . do do do do do do Carpenter.... do do do .... do do Shoemaker .. do Scotland Nailmaker ... do Stonington Farmer do236 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. 70 Joshua Vail April 30 do 30 May 2 April 22 do 30 20 Jonathan Reave, Jr j6$4 Tim, Indian 42 19 24 Thomas Ingham William Luce A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company Jesse Platt, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Richard Clark April 22 19 William Russel M’ch 31 19 Michael Douly April 21 22 Thomas Williams M’ch 27 21 William Baily April 15 26 Samuel Mack Murrey do 15 27 John Hubbart do 12 40 Stephen Abner, Indian. do 10 19 David Murray do 5 19 John Cline do 5 29 William Nesmate do 3 19 Robin, Indian do 3 24 Benjamin Toms .. M’ch 3i 20 James Cason do 3i 19 John Kelsey . *.. do 3i 18 Joseph Simmons do 3i 20 Jacobus Hubbs do 3i 19 Peter Mack Daniel April 8 38 Michael Satler do 12 44 Joseph Story do IS 24 William Tuttle do 21 26 James Ruddy do 9 38 Sam1* Max Marston do 27 18 John MacGie April 21 24 Abraham Ruland do 10 20 Con Bryan do 22 30 Henry Skinner do 10 30 William Gannon do 11 46NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 237 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. South Hold Weaver Capt. Dan1 Wells do do do do Suffolk Coy- Blacksmith .. Labourer .... Labourer .... do do Hebron N. Engd- £> Suffolk Coy-. ... the County of Suffolk for Captain Jesse Platt’s April 1760. Nathaniel Satterly, Jonathan Davis, Lieutenants. Where born. New Castle......... Huntington S. Co___ Ireland............ Philadelphia....... Edinbugh........... Ireland............ Huntington......... Huntington......... New York........... Germany............ New York........... Queens County...... New Jersey......... Huntington . ...... Huntington......... Queens County...... Huntington......... North Brittain..... Germany............ ( Norwich N. Engd ) ( Conn1, Gov1, j Norwich Old Engd>. .. Londonderry........ Antrim Ireland..... Ireland............ Huntington......... Ireland............ Hanover............ Ireland............ T rade. Out of what Company of Militia. Labourer Capt. Jos- Lewis Cordwainer do Labourer do Blacksmith do Barber & Wigm’kr do Labourer do Cooper do Labourer do Labourer do Nailmaker do Farmer do Labourer do Blacksmith do Farmer do Farmer do Shoemaker do Carpenter do Silver Smith do Labourer do Shop Joyner do Baker do Labourer do Labourer do Schoolmaster Capt.Timy- Scuddei Labourer do Labourer do Carpenter do Sailor do238 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Uriah Hubbs...... George Overthro . . Daniel Hutchens . . Stephen Dayton ... Jacob Ruland..... Clade Champain.. . Thomas Evans .... John Abater...... Solomon Right.... Christopher Crouch Thomas Roe....... After Newman James Murfey..... Daniel Ketcham ... John Morrel ...... Stephen Sharwood. Benjamin Smith ... Thomas Skidmore . Benjamin Wiggins . George Burns..... Timothy Pangborn Albert Bowman ... Elias Armstrong . . Ephraim Shade John Evans....... Caleb, Indian.... Robbin Joqean William Alderman. John Caner ...... Darby Mahony. .. . Claudis Delis.... Andrew Irwin..... John Curry....... John Picke....... Donald Frasier John Henry Smith James Smith...... William Johnson . , Cornelius Clark. .., Abraham Sampson David, Indian .... Isaac Lamb....... Elisha Eddy...... April 10 21 M’ch 3'i 18 do 25 19 April 3 22 do 21 4 7 do 21 18 M’ch 29 20 Ap1- 14 21 do 28 20 do 5 21 do 28 50 do 29 20 do 22 30 do 10 21 do 1 26 do 3 19 do 3 21 do 12 46 do 21 20 do 23 26 do IS 46 do 16 30 do 5 26 do 11 40 do 28 37 M’ch 25 26 Ap1- 1 30 do 28 40 do 28 35 do 28 31 do 11 31 do 16 22 do 10 42 do 18 25 do 25 34 April 17 26 Ap1- 17 26 do 10 46 do 10 33 do 28 19 do 18 23 do 28 23 do 29 23NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 239 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Huntington......... Philadelphia....... Huntington......... Smithtown.......... Huntington ........ Germany............ Philadelphia. ..... Islip Grange ...... Queens Co.......... Connecticut........ Connecticut........ Stamford N. Engd- . .. Ireland............ Huntington . ...... Switzerland...... Huntington......... Huntington ........ Huntington........... Queens County...... Ireland............ New Jersey......... Germany......... Connecticut........ Connecticut........ Connecticut........ Connecticut........ Queens Co.......... Connecticut...... Ireland ......... Ireland . ......... Connecticut........ Ireland ........... Ireland ........... Ireland . .. -..... Scotland ............ Germany............ Smithtown ......... Ireland.............. South Hampton Smith Town .... ... Islip Grange....... Connecticut... Connecticut........ Labourer..... Sailor....... Labourer..... Labourer..... Weaver....... Shoemaker ... Blacksmith .. . Labourer..... Weaver....... Farmer....... Farmer....... Farmer....... Farmer....... Farmer....... Labourer..... Labourer ..... Hatter....... Labourer ..... Labourer..... Sailor....... Labourer ..... Blacksmith .. . Cooper...... Labourer .... Labourer .... Labourer .... Labourer .... do .... Labourer .... Labourer .... Labourer .... Labourer .... Labourer .... Weaver...... Soldier & Labourer Millwright... Labourer .... Weaver...... Sailor...... Labourer .... Labourer .... Weaver...... Joyner ..... Capt.Timy- Scudder do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Thos* Jarvis do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Jn°* Smith do do do do do do do do do do do do do240 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Martin Brown Ap1' 26 do 21 Nathan Alebene Benjamin Garret John Robinson Richard Kelly do 21 do 23 do 21 Hopestill Welch do 11 Peter Frasier do 19 do 11 Isaac Dodge Thomas Bingham do 11 Tone Sell do 21 Jacob Sarout do 25 do 18 John Ferry Robert Bruce do 22 Ezekiel Bundy do 26 Jonas Woodward do 26 Simeon Bundy do 26 Caleb Bundy do 8 Coonrad Dunyans Joseph Patterson do 25 do 19 do 26 Elemuel Moger Andrew Buckanan do 26 Charles Killis do 8 Peter Cogchene do 16 Tom Cuff do 10 Harry Jacus . do 16 James Buchanan do 25 do 29 do 12 Andrew Smith John Clark Richard Hellems do 25 do 26 Edward Soward William Washum do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 25 do 15 do 25 do 15 do 29 do 29 May 6 Thomas Howel Charles Petequam Matthew, Indian Solomon, Indian George, Indian David Marrow Westwerd Obe Ludlo Clark Killis, Mullatto Nathaniel Norton Richard Jonathan John Moorehouse Age. 23 21 21 20 24 20 24 20 19 17 44 32 28 22 23 24 25 38 36 39 16 19 45 18 40 19 20 19 20 19 30 21 23 17 18 25 19 44 18 19 18 24 28NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 241 Where born. Trade. Suffolk Co Weaver . ( Suffolk Co Weaver Suffolk Co Labourer Suffolk Co Labourer Ireland Wheelwright Windham Conn Blacksmith N. Brittain Brewer Windham Conn Shoemaker Windham Conn Farmer Suffolk Co Farmer Suffolk County Farmer Connecticut Farmer ( Connecticut Farmer.. Preston Conn Shoemaker do do Brickmaker Connecticut Carpenter Rhode Island Farmer Germany Labourer Stratford Conn Labourer Suffolk Co do do do do do New England do Brook Haven S. Co... do do do do Taylor do Labourer do do do Taylor Brook Haven S. Co... Weaver Suffolk Co Labourer do do do do . do do do do do do do Cordwainer do Labourer South Hold S. Co... . do Brook Haven S. Co.. . do ........ South Hold S. Co.... do Suffolk Cy* do Fairfield N. E Farmer Out of what Company of Militia. do do do do do do do do do do Strong do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Josiah Smith do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Tim. Scudder 16242 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed in the Captain, George Dunbar. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Timothy Buddy. . . Ap1* do 28 22 20 22 Tacob Morris Peter Storm John Locklan do do 1 18 28 27 *9 ACl John Anderson Mar do 4U 27 30 William German Tohn Brown do Ap1- do 26 36 37 Fabeon Sebastian 3 23 Jacob Peckman. . Robert Hannon Mar 3 I 0/ 3 C Michael Dogertv .... Ap1* Mar. do D 1 I A 27 21 22 21 George Horn 30 Thomas Williams 30 Augustin Seley Ap1- do O Tohn Coal y 0 22 Gilbert Fowler do y 2 21 Tacob Misell do do A 2/1 Adam Algear 4 A z4 2 C Solomon Rainer...... do H- 16 I 7 3 C Caleb Smith do JD 2 A William Pigeon. do 1 / I 7 z4 2/1 Tohn Lester do do 1 / 30 z4 2 C William Styles 22 21 2 3 Toseph Thurston do 25 28 17 18 T C Isaiah Douehtv do do 20 Silvenus Rainer 24 0 T William Miller do do do do do Mar do Ap1* Mar Cormack Hart . . !9 19 58 25 45 2 T Robert Mack 1 J T C Thomas Farmer 1 D O Pampy Messenger y 2 James Stilwill 27 Tames Berve ..... 3 T William Frasier J 1 2/1 JL 22 Frederick Taylor ^4 31 38 26 John Hendrick May J1 I NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 243 County of Queens for Captain Dunbar’s Company. John Pettit, Barrack Snethen, Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Ireland ...... England ...... Germany..... Ireland .... Long Island. . England..... Ireland ...... Germany..... Pensilvany ... Ireland....... do Germany. England..... New England Germany..... Long Island .. Germany..... do Long Island do do do do do do do Ireland ..... do ....... do ....... England .... Long Island . England_____ do .... Scotland .... Germany.. .. Ireland..... Farmer...... Barber .... Labourer ... do do Schoolmaster Labourer ... do ... do ... Butcher..... Labourer — Weaver ...... Seaman...... Hatter...... Cordwainer . Weaver...... Labourer . .. do do Cordwainer.. Weaver Cordwainer. . Weaver Blacksmith.. Carpenter .. . Taylor...... do Weaver Labourer ... Cordwainer.. Labourer ... Weaver Barber...... Sailor...... Labourer . .. do Out of what Company of Militia. Capt. Benj. Smith do do do do do Capt. Jas- Smith Capt. Cornwell do do Capt. Birdsal do do do do do do do do Capt. Jas Smith Capt. Birdsal do do do do do Capt. Miller Capt. Mills do do do do do do do Capt. Birdsal244 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Peter Goff........ James Harris ..... John Williams..... Daniel Mercel .... Thomas Megraw . . . Isaiah Doughty Daniel McCloud George Baston..... Patrick Carty..... John Henderson . . . William Toomy Robert Edwards Robert Hubbs...... Martin Millenbrook . John McLean....... William Snow...... William Davis. James Axton ...... John Brook........ John Townsend William Ross ...... William Herrington. Henry Craft....... George Dawson Jonathan Dunmore Thomas Ward....... Andrew McCullough James Tinnan...... John Colwell...... James Killin...... Hugh Gallikhan Joseph Morgan..... Jacob Hendrickson . Francis Pasly....... John Welch ....... Thomas McNair Peter Solivan..... Day of Inlistment. Age. May 6 26 Mar 22 20 do 25 22 Ap1- 18 25 do 4 25 do 28 18 Mar 3i 31 do 26 36 Ap1- 1 32 Mar. 28 25 do 30 26 Ap1- 1 35 do 1 33 Mar 28 32 Ap1- 24 40 do 11 40 do 16 32 Mar. 29 22 do 3i 20 Ap1- 5 32 do 9 21 Mar 27 26 Ap1- 8 20 do 5 22 do 15 23 do 25 39 do 1 25 Mar 30 22 do 3i 24 do 28 28 do 29 27 Ap1- 17 23 do 28 18 do 10 21 do 16 38 do 9 30 May 6 32NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 245 Where born. T rade. Ireland Cordwainer ( New York Labourer ( Germany Baker do Labourer Ireland do ( New Jersey Cordwainer ( Scotland Labourer Boston do ( Ireland do do do ( do Joiner England Labourer i Long Island Weaver Ireland Labourer 1 do Cordwainer England Labourer do Seaman do Weaver Long Island Labourer Ireland Brewer New England Labourer © do do do Cordwainer England Barber Philadelphia Cordwainer Ireland Labourer Scotland do Ireland Tanner England do Ireland .... Blacksmith do Weaver Long Island Cordwainer do Weaver Ireland Labourer do do do do do do Out of what Company of Militia. do do do t. Seaman do t. Hewlett do t. Weeks do t. Betts do Lieut. Weeks Lieut. Volentine do do do do do do do Capt. Braine do Capt. Jas- Smith do do do do do do U' Volentine Capt. Birdsal Capt. Ben. Smith Capt. Birdsal Isaac Corsa, Coll246 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company. Captain, Anthony Waters. Men’s Names. Charles Price......... Marma Duke Bunton . .. Edward McDonald....... Thomas Milburn........ 5 James Sumerlin...... Thom8* Fitsjerald. ... Benjamin McClear\y.... John Stealy........... George Cooper......... 10 Martin Jordan......... Wilm' Lance........... Wilm- Anderson........ Jn°- Smith............ Abrm- Grummo.......... 15 Vincent Fountain...... David Dye............. Michael Warin......... Ralph Skidmore........ Jeremiah Wool......... 20 Peter Cole.............. Thoms- Dockety.......... Wilm- McKey . ........ Barthw- McGuire......... Paul Tibbits .......... 25 John Higgins.......... John Sworts........... John Snell......... Jacob Wessells........ Wilm' Wiless.......... 30 Mathias Chadwell...... John Johnston......... Thom8- Chadwell....... John Martin........... Wilm- Hunter.......... 35 Jn°- McNeily.......... Joseph Hatch.......... Andrew Ogg............ Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. March27 30 Harford Shire . do 27 22 Jerseys April 1 50 Dublin do 1 18 Staten Island.. do 13 22 Ireland do H 21 do do 17 25 do May 9 27 England .... .. April 4 33 Germany do 5 25 Ireland do 20 34 London do 26 18 New York .... do 30 25 Ireland . . ... .. do 24 50 Albany do 5 25 Staten Island.. do 13 35 do do 25 26 Germany ..... do 28 19 Staten Island.. March 22 40 New York .... April 13 18 Staten Island.. do 12 3i Ireland ... do 5 23 Staten Island:. March 27 25 Germany do do 30 New England . April 16 26 London do 12 24 Germany do 14 28 do March 22 45 do do 22 24 England ...... April 3 l9 Brunswick do 13 20 Staten Island.. do 4 27 Jerseys March 22 45 Ireland do do 25 do do 22 27 do April 8 18 Jerseys do 24 43 Scotland NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 247 the County of Richmond April 1760. Nathaniel Hilliard, for Captain Waters Lieutenants. Trade. Dut of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. Talowchandler Capt. Wright.. Feet In. 5 8 Dark Eyes Dark hair Labourer .... do 5 5 do do do .... do 5 5 Blue do do Carpenter... . do ■ 5 4 do light do Weaver do 5 5 do dark do Labourer .... do . . 5 1 Dark do dark do do .... do 5 10 Blue do brown do Miner 0 5 9 dark do dark do Cordwainer . . do 5 5 do do Labourer .... do 5 6 do light hair do .... do 5 4 Blue Eyes Dark hair do Capt. Dubois .. 5 8 do do do .... do 5 10 do do do .... do 5 6 do do do .... do 5 10 do do do .... do 5 9 Dark Eyes do do .... do 5 6 do do do .... do 5 8 do do do .... do 5 8 do do do .... do 5 4 do do do .... do 5 1 Light Eyes light hair do .... do 5 5 do do do .... do 5 1 Dark do dark do do .... Capt. Geyoung. 5 7 do do Labourer .... do 5 10 Blue Eyes do do Butcher .... do 5 5 Dark do do do Taylor ...... do 5 5 Blue do do do Labourer do 5 3 Light do Sandy do Joyner .... do 5 7 Dark do Dark do Labourer Capt. Carsen .. 5 7 Blue do Dark do do do 5 10 Blue do do do Cooper do 5 11 Blue do Dark do Labourer do 5 5 Light do light do do do 5 10 do do do do 5 7 Dark do Dark do do 5 6 Blue do Brown do .... do 5 5 Light do Sandy248 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. Isaac Johnston, Senr*.... April 24 26 Staten Island.. Joseph Hawkins do 26 37 England 40 Isaac Johnston, Jun March 28 20 Staten Island.. Richard Wilkison April 8 17 Jerseys Isaiah Jones do 8 18 do John Veltman.... „ March 22 37 19 Curesoo John Bristed April 19 Staten Island.. 45 Patrick Corkin do 26 45 Ireland Shadrah Titus April 24 27 Staten Island.. Archibald McDonald.... do 16 18 Scotland George Lavart May 14 21 Germany 49 John Baker do 14 19 Staten Island.. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed in Company, May Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Antony Noble Mch 28 40 New York Paul Hamel do 23 35 Germany .... Samuel Wigle do 23 J J 29 Philadelphia . George Cooney do 24 24 Rhode Island. Collin Campbell . . do 26 18 Scotland .... Robert Robinson do 29 17 do Thomas Mathew do 30 30 England Cornelius Slator T.. Ap’l 3 J 40 Ireland William Croudor L O do 4 T 30 Virginia Thomas Jordon do 4 j 24 Barmudas.... John TmdowiV do 4 T 28 Germany .... Benjamin Beamy do 5 22 Connecticut .. Eranris Nicholas do 7 IQ France Cornelis McMannis do 7 39 Ireland John Power do 3 10 do Duncan McfCin7,ie . . . . do 3 18 Scotland Michael Rake do 8 40 Germany .... James P'lenningham . .. . do 9 r 32 Ireland NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 249 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. Labourer .... Capt. Carsen . . Feet In. 5. s Blue Eyes Brown Cordwainer .. do 5 4 Black do Black Labourer .... do 5 9 do do Cooper ...... do 5 4 do do ShipCarpenter do 5 3 Blue do Brown Labourer .... do 6 0 Light do Light Weaver do 5 7 do do Taylor do 5 7 Blue do Dark Labourer .... do S 11 Dark do do do .... Capt. Dubois .. 5 3 do do do do Capt. Geyoung. 5 6 Light do Light do .... Capt. Dubois .. 5 8 Blue do Light Isaac Corsa. the County of Albany for Captain Van Veghten’s the ist 1760. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Cooper Capt. Bratt Butcher do Labourer Adm- Vroman do Van Vranken do Ransler do do Turner Richd- Halenbeck.. Tailor do Labourer Staats Rope Maker Van Ranslow Labourer Tymesen do Halenbeck Tailor Roseboom Labourer V. Vranken Tailor Staats : . .. Labourer Van Housen Shoemaker Bratt Labourer Staats Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Van Veghten do do do do do do do do De Gar mo Capt. Van Veghten do do do do L* V. Denbergh Capt. V. Veghten do250 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Michael Mian.......... John Corbet........... John Shutts........... Nicholas Vanderkirk... . Isaac Ousterhout...... William Wattery....... Oliver Hider.......... Philip Shipey......... Abraham Carny......... Ebenezer Bigsbey...... Albert Roatch ......... Samuel Malbry......... Robert Meeker......... James Durham.......... Andrew Ballerson...... Elisha Rose........... Rulif Dutcher......... John Kills............ Samel Day............. Phillip Buck.......... William Evans......... James Williams........ William Young......... John Volly......... Percee Watter......... Paul Pains............ Charles Dougharty .... Alexander McBride..... William Chitehart .... John Ryan ............ William Strong........ George Buck........... John Ward............. Edward Dormand........ Perter Pelly.......... John Ebbie............ Isaac Hills........... Jeremiah Ousterhout . . . Rulif Dutcher Jr*. ... . . . John Nap ............. Francis Flemming...... John Tingue . ........ John Able............ . .. ay of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Ap’l 9 30 Ireland do IO 42 do do n 33 Germany .... do ii 19 Albany do 12 21 Connecticut . . do 12 18 do do 12 17 do do 12 23 Boston do 12 23 Connecticut . . do 12 16 do do 12 26 Germany .... do 12 16 Connecticut . . do 12 34 do do 12 25 Ireland do 12 23 Connecticut . . do 12 16 New York ... do 12 18 New England do 12 25 do do H 27 Boston do 14 17 Germany .... do 14 23 Ireland do 14 39 do do 13 18 Philadelphia . do 15 22 Germany . ... do 15 35 Boston do l6 22 do do 17 33 Ireland do IS 25 do do 18 27 Philadelphia . do 19 24 England do 22 20 Pensilvania . . do 22 20 Germany . ... do 23 25 Ireland do 24 30 do do 24 30 France do 25 20 Germany do 25 25 - Connecticut . . do 25 17 do do 25 22 do do 25 21 do do 26 40 Holland do 27 21 England do 27 3i Barbadoes ...NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j6o. 25I Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer do do do Carpenter . . Labourer .. Tailor .... Labourer ... do do do Shoemaker. Labourer .. do do do do Sailor ...... Labourer .. Tailor..... Bellesmaker Labourer .. Shoemaker . Blacksmith . Labourer . . Tailor..... Weaver .... Carpenter .. Labourer . . do do do do do do do Blacksmith . Labourer .. do Barber..... Labourer .. Weaver ... V. Arnem..... Staats....... Dubois ...... do ........ Staats....... Lansing...... V. Allen Ranslow...... V. Vranken. .. Staats....... Halenbeck... . Lansing .;.. .. V. Vranken. .. Staats....... Ranslar...... Staats....... Hanson ...... Ranslor...... Staats....... Groat ....... Ranslor...... , Staats...... Halenbeck.... do . Tymesen do . Winne ..... . . do ......... , Tymesen ... . . M. Halenbeck do . Bratt...... . do ........ . Tymesen .... do ....... . Halenbeck . . . Bratt...... . do ........ Winne....... . Tymesen____ do ....... . Roseboom .Halenbeck____ Capt. V. Veghten Lt# V. Denbergh Capt. V. Veghten do do U- Garmo do Capt. V. Veghten do lJm Garmo Capt. V. Veghten U- Garmo Capt. V. Veghten U’ Garmo Capt. Van Veghten do U- Garmo Capt. V. Veghten do do do U' V. Denbergh Capt. V. Veghten do do do do L** Garmo , Capt. V. Veghten do do do do do do do . U' Garmo do do do . Capt. V. Veghten do do252 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. John Welsh............ Thomas Brown.......... Christopher Ludwig John Doron............ Thomas Wainwright... . Mathew Dice .......... Jacob Bender.......... Jacob Jones........... Patrick Lamy.......... Daniel Woods.......... Patrick Connely.... James Bantely......... Joseph Nisbit......... Phillip Wonder........ Peter Huyck........... Jacob Hills........... John Farguson......... Robert Griffin ....... Isaac Woodcock........ Peter Boyles.......... Jacob Michael......... James Butler....... Peter Hinkel.......... Jeremiah Clerk........ Roger Monaghan........ George Hough.......... Antony Swarts......... Peter Defavette....... Peter Crouse.......... Stesopus Smith........ John Morris........... Thomas Coleman........ Isaac Arnhout...... Christian Smoake...... John F'itzgerald...... William Spencer....... John McCollum .......... Day of Inlistm1* Age. Where born. Ap’l 2 7 23 Ireland ....... do 28 l6 Connecticut. . . do 28 22 Germany do 28 17 Albany do 28 20 England do 28 23 Ireland do 29 18 Long Island. .. do 29 19 Connecticut .. . do 29 33 Ireland do 29 23 do do 29 26 do do 29 36 Connecticut . .. do 30 23 Long Island. .. do 30 25 Germany do 30 20 Albany do 30 19 Connecticut . . . do 30 25 Ireland do 30 21 do May I 16 Kinderhook . . . do I St 17 do do I 22 Germany do I 21 England do I 40 Holland do 2 40 Ireland do 2 30 do do 2 18 Germany ..... do 2 21 do do 3 22 France do 3 23 Germany do 5 19 Connecticut. .. do 5 *9 do do 9 25 Virginia do 6th 16 Germany do 6 18 Mohawk River. do 12 18 Maryland ..... do 9 42 England do 9 22 Boston NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 253 Trade. Shoemaker ....... Labourer......... do ......... do ......... Tailor........... Labourer......... do ........... do ........... do ............ do do ........... do ........... Weaver ........ Labourer ........ do ......... Weaver .......... Labourer ........ Cordwainer....... Labourer ........ do ........... Baker.......... Clothier......... Carpenter........ Weaver .......... Labourer ........ Baker............ Labourer......... do ........... do ........... Carpenter ....... do ........... Labourer......... do ........... do ......... do ............. do ........... do ........... Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. R. Wheeler. . V. Hoosen .. do V. Alen..... do ....... Tymesen Service..... V. Housen .. Winne ...... do ...... do ...... V. Alen..... Dubois...... Halenbeck... do V. Alen..... Halenbeck... Winne....... V. Alen do ...... Staats...... Halenbeck... do Tymesen Dubois...... Adm- Vroman do Campbell ... V. Alen..... Curts....... Adm- Vroman Dubois ...... Petrue...... do ....... Truex....... Wells....... do ....... Capt. V. Veghten L4 V. Denbergh do do do Capt, V. Veghten L4* Gar mo do do do do do Capt. V. Veghten do do do do do do do do do do do L4, V. Denbergh Capt.V. Veghten L4- V. Denbergh Capt. V. Veghten L4, V. Denbergh L4* Degarmo L4 V. Denbergh do do Capt. V. Veghten do do do254 MUSTER ROLLS OF Muster Roll of the men rais’d in the County of pany May Captain, Peter Harris. Men's Names. Day of Inlistm** Age. Where Born. Barthow Hoogeboom ... Ap1- 5 20 Dutchess John Ferguson do 2 6 29 Connecticut . .. Marcus Snyder. . do 5 17 Dutchess William Tompkins do 4 18 Ulster Thimoty Howmans .... do 26 42 Long Island.. . Wilhelmus Steenbergh.. do 5 20 Ulster Tobias Steenbergh do 26 21 do Israel Chilson do 7 17 N. England ... Capt. Peter Harris Henry Rundel, Indian .. do 20 17 Rhode Island.. Peter Cole. do 26 22 Dutchess ..... Zacharias Snyder. do 26 22 do John Buys do 26 18 do John Lassen do 26 IQ do John Tompkins do 8 7 32 W** Chester ... Martin Bush . . . do 16 18 Dutchess Samuel Matthews do 26 IQ do Peter Johnson do 26 18 do Asa Perkins do 8 18 N: England . .. Gedion Turner do 8 22 do Nath1, Washburn do 1 21 do Abram* Swartwout do 8 17 Dutchess Myndert V. D. Bogert.. do 8 .49 do Isaac Burnett do 16 26 do Tsaac Parmetier do 16 23 do William Corkeran do 26 21 Westchester. .. Richard Munyon do 16 23 Rhode Island.. John Dandey do 16 37 New York .... John Van Denbogert . .. do 26 32 Dutchess James Webb do 18 28 England Daniel Moore do 26 40 Ireland Abraham Burrows do 26 42 New York .... Isaac German do 8 31 England James Alls worth do 26 J 17 N. England ... Elisah Ballard do 26 21 do Elisah Powel do 8 22 do Moses Prindle do 12 32 do Timity Harris do 12 17 doNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 255 Dutchess and pass’d for Capt. Peter Harris’s Com- YE 1: 1760. Lieut- J J°sePh Powel. Lleul ’ \ Isaac Conclin. Trade. What Company of Militia. Labourer Capt. Leyster ( do do do do do do Carpender do Farmer do do do do Capt. Humphris Capt. Lyster do Capt. Vielie Weaver do Farmer do do Capt. Losie do do Weaver Capt. V. Kenren . Blacksmith do Farmer do do do .... do do Toyner do .... Labourer do Black Smith Capt. Tappen Weaver do Cordwainer ... ..... do Farmer. do Weaver .. do Labourer do do . .. do do do Founder do Schoolmaster do Brickmaker do Weaver Capt. Delamater ....... Labourer do do do do Capt. Mead do do Blacksmith ....... do Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Harris do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do256 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day Qf Inlistm1- Age. John House ApL 7 18 Samuel Hoges Ap1- 12 24 1 Samuel Benedict do 12 18 Abraham Van Ambrugh. do 10 25 Amos Turner do 8 29 Darmon Bartley do 1 18 Jeremiah Steanburgh . .. do 16 17 John Benndigin do 5 42 Jeremiah Wood do 26 20 George Mense do 24 19 Benjaman Phillips do 24 19 Joseph Hegeman do 10 19 William Buys do 24 19 John Hickey do 10 17 Henry Buys do 10 25 Tunis Cole do 24 20 Peter Ostrander do 7 10 Peter Simson do 24 26 Joseph Lott do 28 18 Jacob Jones M’ch 3 48 John Wording ApL 24 17 Isaac Wansor do l9 33 John Stone do 26 47 John Graham do 8 33 Isaac Benzel do 26 18 John Lake do 26 49 Benjamin North do 26 18 William Conaly do 26 25 Christopher Smith do 26 42 John Lake, Jr- do 26 18 Solomon Seaman do 26 17 Peter Wasfall do 26 17 William Pangborn do 26 2.2 Comb Wood do 1 39 Jacob Ladew do 10 16 Andrew Myers do 1 31 Nucomb Smith do 9 10 John Vredingbourgh . . . do 10 20 Abraham Vredingborg. . do 18 22 Cyrenios Nucomb do 8 39 John Murry do 26 40 Fransis Mathitt do 26 29 Leonard Hunold ApL 1 26 Where Born. Dutchess . . Connecticut do Westchester Boston .... Dutchess . .. do Ireland .... New York . Ulster Count Boston... Dutchess . do Albany Count Dutchess . do do New York Dutchess Co Merahland . Long Island do England ... do Long Island Boston .... Long Island Ireland .... Long Island Boston .... Dutchess . . do Jerseys .... do .... Dutchess .. Germany... Connecticut Dutchess . . do Connecticut Ireland .... Old France. Germany . .NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760, 257 Trade. What Company o£ Militia. Officers who Inlisted.. Cord wain er . . Capt. Mead Capt. Harris Farmer do do do do do do Capt. Stootenberg do Blacksmith Capt. V. Kurert do Farmer do do do do . do do do do do Capt. Tappan do do Capt. Hostenbourgh.... do do Capt. Tappan do do Capt. Hostenbourgh.... do do do .... do do do .... do do do .... do do do .... do do .. . do .... do Cordwainer do .... do Miller.... do do Labourer do .... do Cordwainer do .... do Black Smith Capt. Hicks. do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Carpenter do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Jab* Harcor do do Capt. Jackson do Weaver Capt. Henry Har do Labourer .. do do Weaver do ...... do Labourer do do do Capt. Neu do do do do Carpenter Capt. De Witt do Labourer do do 17MUSTER ROLLS OF 25S Men’s Names. Day Inlistm1- Age. Where Bom. Peter Van Ballen ApL 26 30 Dutchess Jacob Shaver do 26 17 do Peack De Witt do 26 20 do Robert Cane M’ch 31 18 do ..... Peter Carnmell Ap1- 25 M’ch 31 17 20 do Martin Simon Germany Siekn er Ap1- 25 do 9 26 Dutchess ..... Major Pawling James ITohs 18 Dutchess Sephen Crons do s 25 Ulster County. Peter T.owrliwits , do 5 do 18 22 Germany Garritt Van Ness 18 Albany John Ostrander do 25 do 8 do 8 17 3i 31 18 Dutchess Jacob Mace Jersey Jacob Boice * . . Dutchess Peter Fredenburgh do 23 do .... William Shilley Anthony Turk do 23 do 5 23 17 Germany do .... Mattaies Fredenburgh.. do 23 37 Dutchess .... Benj. Fredenbergh do 20 20 do Peter Weaver do 24 do 23 17 19 do David Wells Dutchess Jacobus Kiep George Elliout do 26 do 26 20 28 do Ireland Fielx Layster do 12 17 Dutchess The above Contains One Captain, two Lieuts- & one hun- Captain John Van Ness his Capt. John Van Ness. Men’s 'Names. Day of Inlist. Age. Simeon Barber, Lieut Ap1- 23 do 23 do 24 do 27 31 19 27 16 Michael Stilwel Moses Barber Jacob Miller Roswell Nettleton NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j6o. 259 Trade. What Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Weaver Capt. De Witt Capt. Harris Labr- do do Cooper do do Labourer......... do do do do do do do do Shoemaker do do do Caner .. Capt. H. Harman do Weaver Capt. I. Harman Mason do do Tanner Capt. H. Harman do Barber Capt. F. Near do Blacksmith ....... Capt. Vetie do Labourer Capt. J. Haremair do do . Capt. Near , do Weaver «... do do Labourer Capt. F. Harman do do Capt. Near do Cordvvainer . do do Labourer do .. do Capper do do Labour Capt. Stoutenburgh .... do do Capt. Velie do do do do dred & four privates mustered by me. Barthow- Le Roux, Muster Master of Dutchess County. Muster Roll May 1760. Samuel Whelpley, Simeon Barber, Lieut8- Where born. Trade. What Company of Militia. Long Island Weaver Capt. Humphreys do do do Rhode Island Cordwainer Dutchess do New England Farmer 260 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlist. Age. Benjamin Brownel Ap1- 26 30 Leonard Farguson do 26 21 Enos Ferguson do 26 21 John Daly do 14 17 Henry Joshling do 11 18 John Sharp Jr- .. do 20 19 William Ferris do 20 19 John Joshling do 11 21 Solomon Kinery do 12 36 Daniel Fenny do 2 24 Ebnezer Atwater . do 12 37 Mikell Burk do 27 20 John Wilman do 13 20 John Gray do 27 21 Silvanus Willebus do 26 26 Eli Runnels do 10 23 Samuel Moore do 11 21 John Richardson do 20 30 John Sharp .... do 23 52 David Shirdwint do 11 22 Isaack Betherton do 26 41 Isaack Betherton Jr- do 26 16 Jacob Miller do 26 29 John Paddock ... Benjamin Streater do 26 16 do 3 22 Jacob Spanenbergh do 26 36 Abraham Johnson do 5 18 Johannes Lones do 26 17 Nicholas Luyck Jr* do 25 33 Joseph Cooe do 5 22 Nicholas Cramer .. do 10 17 Robert A^illess . do 26 42 Jacob Cline do 23 19 John Williams do 10 38 Henry Kieffer do 10 34 Adam Wolferron do 26 40 Isaac Cole, Jr- do 10 19 John Morris do 26 35 Nicholas Huygh do 10 23 Oliver Ecker . do 10 30 Michael Lush do 5 19 Samuel Wheeler do 10 23 Jacobus Ostrander do 9 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 261 Where born. Rhode Island...... Dutchess.......... Dutchess.......... Boston ........... R. Island ........ Dutchess.......... N. England........ Connecticut....... Boston............ do ............. Connecticut....... do ........... do ........... do ........... do ........... do ........... Long Island....... Ireland........... Connecticut ....... Westchester.... Long Island....... do ........... Germany............ Dutchess.......... R. Island ........ Germany........... Jerseys........... Dutchess ......... Albany County Horse Neck........ Germany........... England........... Germany........... Ireland........... Albany County Germany........... Dutchess.......... Ireland........ Dutchess.......... Westchester....... Dutchess.......... Ulster............ Dutchess.......... Trade. What Company of Militia. Farmer..... do ...... do do ..... Labourer ... do do do do do Carpenter ... Farmer..... Cordwainer. . Joiner..... Farmer..... do ...... Weaver Labourer ... do do do do do do Farmer..... do ...... Black Smith. Farmer..... do ...... Cord Winder Farmer..... Cord Winder Butcher.... Labourer ... do Farmer..... Cord Winder Mason...... Farmer..... Weaver Farmer..... do ...... do Capt. Losie do do Capt. Delamater Capt. Mead Capt. Jackson Capt. Mead do do do Capt. Hopkins Capt. Delamater do do do Capt. D. Jackson do do do do do do Capt. Mead Capt. Jackson Capt. Mead Capt. DeWitt Capt. Hoffman Capt. Viele Capt. J. Heermans do Capt. Hoffman do Capt. Near Capt. Hoffman do Capt. Viele Capt. Heermans Capt. Hoffman Capt. Viele do Capt. J. Heermans Capt. Hoffman Capt. Heermans262 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Philip Johnson..... Adam Ostrander ... Teunis Cover ...... Philip Tuff........ Peter Buckle....... Benedick Fritz .... Elisha Blin........ Elija Buttles...... Samuel Richards ... William Lowell William Willeby ... Domeney Digers ... James Hurd......... Miles Grissil .... Caleb Reynolds----- Hendrick Ostrander Charles McCarty Adam Slouter....... Day of Inlist. Age. Ap1, IO 23 do 8 52 do 25 21 do 26 24 do 26 27 do 23 25 do 26 27 do 26 17 do 17 24 do 17 55 do 17 23 do 17 32 do 17 20 do 26 18 do 4 24 do 11 25 do 26 43 do 17 18 The above contains one Captain two Lieutts* and Sixty A Muster Roll of the Men raisd in the County Rea's Company Capt. Richard Rea. Men's Names. Oliver Fox.......... William Day......... Jeremiah Parmer..... John Cannon, Lieut. . Tilton Eastman...... William Eastman .... James Richards...... Samuel Dalie........ Joshua Hill......... Isaac Ter Bush, Lieut Capt. Richard Rea. .. Joseph Beavans...... Samuel Terry, Lieut.. Josiah Hale......... Day of Inlist. Age. Ap1- 14 19 do 12 17 do 23 16 do 16 18 do 16 20 do 19 18 do 15 21 do 12 19 do 3 17 do IO 27NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 263 Where born. Ulster........... do ............. Germany........... do ............ Rhode Island...... Germany........... Connecticut....... do ...... do ........... do ........... do ........... France............ Connecticut ...... do ........... Connecticut....... Albany ........... Ireland........... Dutchess County.. . Trade. What Company of Militia. Farmer Weaver . . . Labourer .. do do do Cooper.... Labourer ., do Cordwinder Labourer . , do do Joiner .... Labourer . Labourer . Labourer . do Capt. Hoffman Capt. Heermans Capt. Heermans Capt. do Capt. do Capt. Near Capt. Viele Capt. Edwards Capt. Viele Capt. Edwards Capt. do Capt. do Capt. do Capt. do Capt. do Capt. Viele Capt. Viele Capt. Edwards five privates Mustered by me. Barthorw Le Roux, Muster Master of Dutchess County. of Duchess and Passed muster for Capt. Richard May y* i: 1760. Lieut8-, John Cannon. Samuel Terry. Where born. Trade. What Company of Militia. Connecticut Farmer Capt. Bogardus do do do do Capt. P. D. Bois do Eleazer D. Bois do do Capt. Humphries Capt. Lyster Capt. Js- Livingston do New England do Connecticut. do Connecticut do do do Dutchess do do do Rhode Island. Weaver Rhode Island . Cordwainer . Connecticut 264 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlist. Age. Solomon Cole Ap1- 21 17 James Cooee do 8 17 Joseph Flee do 12 17 Benjamin Bennett do 4 16 Nath1- Earl do 14 18 Daniel Parks . .. do 13 18 Thimoty Pierce. do 28 19 Samuel Coxwell do 28 17 Benjamen Franklen . do 24 18 Ephraim Darling . . do 25 17 George Bundy do 23 26 Ichabud Parmiter do 24 48 Joseph Odel do 23 4i Zeth Covel do 16 22 Benjamin Beamus do 12 17 William Stephens do 25 22 Daniel Allen do 23 40 Phineas Woodard do 12 26 Thomas Wilcoks do 26 20 James McNeal do 26 28 Joshua Loveless do 4 17 Joseph Ashcraft do 12 16 Stephen Hall do 7 22 Abrm- Hartwell ApL 18 17 Ebenezer Balie do 26 21 Theodoras Crosbie do 5 20 David Cash do 6 17 George Guage do 18 20 Asa Cummings do 25 18 John Frost do 26 20 Jesse Fairchild do 14 17 Richard March do 6 17 Austin Wright do 26 20 John Roberts do 26 21 Benjamin Higgens do 26 23 Abner Doughty do 26 20 Nath1, Green do 14 23 Thomas Merrick do 18 17 Samuel Hopkins. do 14 21 Benjamen Hopkins do 6 21 David Vickroy do 28 22 James Cowen do 26 44 Joseph Robins do 26 34 Asa Loudinton do 16 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 265 Where born. T rade. Boston Farmer < Rhode Island do Dutchess do Connecticut do Dutchess do 1 N. England do do do do do do do Dutchess do R. Island Cordwainer . Collier...... Connecticut do .... .. .... Weaver Boston Cordwainer . Farmer Dutchess do do Connecticut Carpenter. .. Labourer . .. do ... do do do Weaver do Boston Ireland Rhode Island Connecticut .... R. Island N. England Farmer R. Island do Boston do .... Dutchess Cooper Boston . Farmer...... do . Cooper Dutchess , Cordwainer . Joyner Connecticut Dutchess Weaver Long Island . Farmer R. Island do Boston Weaver Long Island Farmer. . . N. England Cordwainer . Farmer.. .. do Boston Marriner.... Farmer. do do Cordwainer . Farmer. Ireland Boston Marriner.... Farmer Dutchess , What Company of Militia. do do do t. Earl do do do do do do do do Capt. Livingston do Capt. Ross do do do do Capt. Livingston do do Capt. Dickenson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Bogardus266 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlist. Age. Cumfort Loudinton Ap1* 16 l9 Isaac Crow do 2 18 Obadiah Chace do 24 18 Jacob Pepper do 3 20 James Lovelace do 15 I8 Abner Goodspeed do 2 17 Ephariam James do 23 20 John House do 12 45 Isaac Wilcocks do 3 18 John Bennet do 18 16 Caleb Worden do 20 19 Jacob Burges do 20 16 John Sunderling do 4 29 Samuel Fox do 14 24 Simeon Covel do 18 45 Gideon Hollester. do 14 17 Samuel Spalding do 21 20 Zephaniah Little do 8 18 Elamuel Fuller do 18 18 Jeradiah Davis do 26 22 John Dean do 26 19 Jonathan Lawrence do 8 18 James Shaw do 8 23 John Hiames. . .. do 5 50 Elijah Hamlen do 18 35 James Ravelje do 26 28 Stephen Fenton do 26 28 Zazares Ellis do 18 16 Nath1- Hollester do 21 45 Andrew Atwood do 28 30 Plagery Sprague do 8 50 Samuel Nelson do 12 16 Maher Daggett do 5 3i John Nelson do 26 l9 John Barber, Jr- May 3 20 Samuel Dimmick do 3 34 Ebenezer Robertson do 3 24 William Roe do 23 22 The above Contains One Captain two Lieutts* and NinetyNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 267 Connecticut . do do do Long Island . Connecticut . W. Chester. . Dutchess . . .. R. Island Boston....... Dutchess... . Boston...... do ...... Connecticut Boston...... N. England., Dutchess N. England. Dutchess. ... do ...... do Westchester do Where born. T rade. Dutchess Farmer do do Boston do Dutchess do R. Island do Boston do N. Carolina do Rhode Island Cordwainer . Westchester Sadler N. England. ... Labourer . . , do do Boston do Connecticut Blacksmith. do Farmer Boston Cordwainer Farmer..... Cordwainer . Farmer....... do ...... Marriner Farmer..... do ...... do ...... Carpender . . Farmer..... do ........ Cooper Labourer . . do do do do Black Smith Labourer . . do do Cooper .... What Company of Militia. Capt. Bogardus do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Livingston do Capt. Rhodes do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Ross Capt. Rhodes Capt. Delamater Capt. Mead do Capt. Dubois Capt. Rhodes do Capt. Dickerson Capt. Rhodes three privates mustered by me. Barthow* Le Roux, Muster Master for Dutchess.268 MUSTER ROLLS OF Muster Roll of Men rais’d in the Countv of Company May Capt. Jacobus Swartwout. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1- Age. Shadrack Baker Ap1- 4 26 Simeon Schouten do 5 29 John Schouten do 5 27 Jacob Schouten do i 18 Henry Wright , do i 27 George Hicks do 4 22 Joshua Baker do 5 30 Joseph Hornett M’ch 3i 3k Anthony Coffin Ap1- 9 37 James Bennit do 19 18 Henry Gray do 4 35 Thos* Coffin do 13 17 Dan1* Nettleton do 8 20 Richard Stanley do 9 4i William Prichett do 9 26 Jacob Coffin do 7 21 Amos Allen do 17 20 Joseph McIntosh do 17 21 William Clarck do 18 17 James Draper do 23 17 Samuel Clarck do 19 l9 Ebenezer Cummins do 17 21 John Adam West do 3 20 Hans Jere Weatman do 26 28 James Brooks do 9 27 Oliver Cromwell do 26 20 Ephariem Bartlev do 26 51 Solomon Schouten do 2 17 Harmanus House do 1 21' William Green. do 2 37 Peter Storm do 18 3° Wm- Woodford do 9 40 Henry Wiltsie do 2 39 Rob4, Shearer do 9 23 Evert Valker do 4 17 James Pickket do 6 16 Mingo Lango do 1 56 Stephen Bedford do 4 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 269 Dutchess and pass’d for Capt. Jacobus Swartwout’s YE IBT 1760. T . ( Nicho8- Emanuel Gabriel. Lieut - Isaac Bush. Where born. Trade. What Company of Militia. Long Island Farmer Capt. H. Rosenkrans Fish*Kills do do do do do do do do Staten Isld*......... do do Westchester do do Dutchess Farmer do Fish Kills do do Old England Cord wain er do Dutchess Farmer . do Connecticut do do N. England do do Connecticut do do Old England Cordwainer Eleazr- Du Bois do Farmer do Fish Kills. . Carpender Capt. Cs* Swartwout Connecticut Farmer Capt. Za Ross do ....... Farmer do do do do Boston do do Connecticut do do Boston do do Germany Labourer Cor8, Swartwout do do do N. Jersey Cordwainer do West Chester Farmer do N. England do do Fish Kills. do do Tappan do do Old England Carpender. do Fish Kills Weaver do London O. E Sadler Eleser Du Bois Long Island Farmer do N. Jersey .. do do Dutchess do do N. England ........ do ; . . . do Rhode Island ...... Labourer do Goshen .. Cooper ... . . . . .. . do270 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm1- Thomas Meridet Ap1* do Q Philip Smith 23 23 i; William Camble do Thomas Frost do Patrick Mitchel do J J4 26 Zebulon Mosier do Azariah Parish do 17 26 Ezekel Gee do Daniel Mead do 22 John Conet do 22 Lewis Mead do 19 23 19 26 Benjamen Hedger do David Richards. do Nath11, Brock do William More do 26 Edward Rose do 26 Joseph Tucker do 26 Henry V. Heynen do 28 James Doudle do 26 Gidion Titshoudt do 26 Daniel Calagohun Mch 3i 26 Ruben Mentor Jr- Ap1- do John Bradshaw 28 Ebenezer Burliegh do 24 24 14 15 3i 16 Hercules Stanley do John Jordan do Benjamen Darling Jr- do Adam Miller M’ch Dennis Christie Ap1- do William Ingram 26 Hans Jere Hoftgood do 25 25 25 - 26 Joseph Misever do Thomas Carskaden do William Branderkin do Benjamen Post do 25 16 William Lent do J ohn Ames do 14 Capt. Jacobus Swartwout Lieut. Gabriel Emanuel John Woys, Indian do 16 Nicholas Myer do 28 Cornielus Willsie do 6 David Cartie , do 20 William McMunnseres do 28 Age. 22 18 18 17 35 2 7 21 31 17 17 18 17 23 22 20 19 18 48 32 24 35 21 47 28 22 5i 16 29 38 J9 42 33 20 21 28 21 18 22 46 30 38 22NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 271 Where born. Fish Kills. Germany . Dutchess . do Cooper .. Labourer do do Ireland do N. England R. Island Cordwainer Labourer W1, Chester Weaver Dutchess Farmer do do N. England do . W. Chester do ......... do do W. Chester do Jersey do Dutchess do W. Chester do N. York Cordwainer N. Ireland Weaver . Fishkills Taylor Ireland Cooper Connecticut Farmer Long Island do Connecticut do N. England do Germany Weaver N. England Farmer Germany Butcher Ireland Labourer Long Island do Germany Tovner do Taylor N. England Turner Long Island Farmer do Taylor W4, Chester Farmer do do . . N. England Labourer Flanders Weaver . Long Island Labourer Ireland do do Trade. Taylor. What Company of Militia. Eleser Du Bois Capt. Humphries do do do do Capt. Dickenson Capt. Du Bois do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Lyster do Capt. Earle do do do Capt. Humphries do do Capt. D. Viele do do do do do Capt. Losie do do do Capt. Swartwout do Capt. Losie Capt. Ea* Du Bois Capt. C. Swartwout Capt. Lyster Capt. Vielie272 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Ezecial Spicer Ap1- 3 19 Jacob Pennir ,... do 13 20 Barnabus Chapman do 4 30 Esekiah Brown do 15 17 Mathew Strait do 5 17 John Holms do 16 33 John Lougy do 2 29 Jidediah Grave do 15 26 Gasham Jones do 15 23 Benjamin Dailey do 15 46 Jeffrey Neuce do 15 37 John Thurston do 16 24 Timity Barke do 20 28 John Smawling do 26 21 Elkeannv Cooke do 4 22 John Johnson do 26 50 James Green do 26 16 The above Contains One Capt. two Lieut*5- and Ninety Eight A Muster Roll of the men. raised and pass’d in Schuyler’s Company, Men’s Names.. Day of Inlistm^ Age. Where born. Thomas McCarty....... M’ch 28 42 Ireland Joseph Thurston^ do 29 23 England John Grove Apl; 2d 30 Lancaster Pa .. Tames Tackson do 1 45 England ...... Francis BrownA do 3 26 do John Petrold. do 5. 27 Saxony Michael Keough ..... ' do 5 2 6 Ireland John Andris do 5 26 do ....... Charls Boyls. do H 23 do 10 Christian Huibsman .. do 8 J 30 Saxony Silvester Tate do 8 England Edward Barron ... do 9 25 do Dennis Dunn do 9 35 Ireland Thomas May ... do 10 J J 20 England John McKenzIe ... do L2 36 Scotland NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 2 73 Where born. Trade. N. England Cordwainer 1 do Labourer < do Farmer Connecticut do < Road Island do Boston Blacksmith ...... Pensilvania Farmer Connecticut.. do N. Carolina . . do Providence Cordwaner Connecticut Labourer Boston B Smith Connecticut Hatter Long Island Labourer Connecticut do Albany Weaver Dutchess Farmer What Company of Militia. Capt Capt, Capt Capt, Capt Capt Capt Capt , Mead . Delamater do . Hopkins do do , Mead . Hopkins do do do do . Hicks .Jackson Vielie . Jackson . Swartwout privates Mustered by me. Barthow* Le Roux, Muster Master for Dutchess County. the County of Albany for Captain Stephen May 3d 1760. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Labourer Capt. Van Arron Clothier do Van Ranslors Labourer do Winne do do Halenbeck Weaver V. Vranken Labourer Roseboom Brazier Knickerbacker Sadler V. Vranken * Shoemaker do Labourer Tychardt do ....... Roseboom do Starenbergh do Roseboom do Knickerbacker Tailor V. Arron Officers who Inlisted. L** Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler do I> Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler do do do do Vroman do do Capt. Schuyler do do 18MUSTER ROLLS OF 274 Men’s Names. James Currey........ Roger Harlings ...... John A. Sleytor..... Rowlan McGill....... 20 Henry Bassit........ James Neegles....... James McNamarrow .. James Shaw.......... Frederick Roright. ... John Shell.......... John Phillips....... John Miller......... Frederick Dorson .... Phillip Shoemaker. . . . 30 John McKay.......... Alexander Robinson.. Daniel Conoly....... Herman Hogdorn.... James Woods......... Christian Passasky . . . James McCrindel..... John M. Cowman...... Michael Skinner..... James Aarry. ....... 40 Patrick Quilling.... John Russel......... Morriss Whalin---- Henry Heats......... Joseph Frehout...... Antony Spacke....... Garret Pendergrass... Thomas Organ........ Peter Shandly....... John Sleytor........ 50 Jacob Jacobs........ Peter Lerway........ Nicholas Meyer...... Henry Burst......... Jeremiah Marinius. ... Alexander Dunlap.... Harme Walkenburgh. . Nicholaus Garlock.... John Ryser.......... Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Ap1* 14 25 Ireland do 14 21 do do 14 40 Germany do 14 23 Ireland do 14 22 England do 14 30 Ireland do 14 43 do do 15 30 do do 18 20 Mohawk River. do 18 18 Schohary do 20 40 New York do 20 2 7 East Camp do 21 25 Holland do 22 40 Germany do 22 17 Scotland do 22 36 do do 23 22 Ireland do 23 36 Schohary do 23 24 Ireland do 23 21 Albany do 24 32 Scotland do 24 28 Germany do 24 18 Connecticut . .. do 24 18 do do 24 40 Ireland do 24 42 do do 24 22 do do 25 27 Germany do 26 21 do .. .. , do 26 30 Schanectady . , do 27 22 Ireland do 27 23 do do 27 28 do do 27 40 do do 28 21 Schohary .... do 28 26 do ... do 28 20 do .... do 28 18 do .... do 28 32 Schanectady . do 28 37 Ireland do 28 21 Schohary .... do 28 28 Mohawk R... do 29 24 GermanyNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 2 75 Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer Klaes Capt. Schuyler L4* Vroman do Starenberg Baker Winne L4- Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler do Labourer V. Arron do Knickerbacker Tailor Winne do do do L4, Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler L4 Vroman Labourer V. Arron do ....... Ackers do do do do Klaw Capt. Schuyler do Carpenter . do Barber do do Carpenter Roseboom L4* Ten Eyck do Labourer do Tailor Bratt Capt. Schuyler L4, Vroman Labourer Ackers Weaver Starenberg do do V. Alen Capt. Schuyler do Labourer Roseboom do Clock do Bricklayer Roseboom . do Labourer V. Allen do do do do do Winne do Weaver Klaw do Tailor V. Aron do Labourer Starenberg L4, Vroman do Klaw Capt. Schuyler do do Halenbeck do Starenberg L4, Vroman do Ackers . . do do do do do V. Arron Capt. Schuyler L4, Vroman do Ackers do do do do do do do do do Shoemaker do do Labourer do do Weaver do do Labourer do do do Halenbeck L4- Ten Eyck2 j6 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. John Barker. 60 George Nixon .... Heny> Wheeler .... John Thomas...... David Advance . . . Coleman Ludlow. . John Allen....... Timothy Shaw... . James Patterson . . John Kelly....... Andrew Ranseer . . George Ox........ Christian Beasly . . Andrew Weisner. . John Snieth...... John Weadman... John Snider...... James Anderson . . Ephraim Conkling Timothy Conner . . Michael Staller ... 80 John Ryan......... Timothy Gleson .. . Cornelius Mathews Mathew Brown ... James Cunningham. . . John Kirkpatrick. Barny Winterscail. . . . James Plathoe . . . Samuel Jones.... Richard Williams 90 Oliver Thair.... Joseph Seely .... Michael Brown . . Peter Fox. ...... Frederick Staat .. Adam Campbell. . Daniel Stagnar. Dennis Welsh.. Hen. Daniels . . 100 Thomas Smith. Day of Inlistm*- Age. Where born. Ap1- 30 22 Germany May Ist 35 Ireland do 1 20 Kinderhook . . . do 1 25 do do 1 22 Ireland do 1 28 N. York Gov1- . do 1 17 Scotland do 1 45 Ireland do 0 18 do do 2 40 do do 2 29 Germany do 2 28 do do 2 30 do do 2 40 do do 2 25 do do 2 21 do do 2 17 Schohary do 2 25 Ireland do 2 30 N. York do 3 42 Ireland do 3 21 Germany do 3 21 Ireland do 3 43 do do 6 30 do do 6 35 do ....... do 6 l9 Philadelphia. . . do 6 26 Ireland do 6 3i do do 6 45 Scotland do 6 4i Wales do 7 20 England do 9 45 Connecticut. . . do 9 18 do do do do do 9 6 6 37 27 28 17 Ireland Germany do 6 German Flats.. do 6 29 Germany . ... . do 6 29 do do do do 10 12 18 26 Ireland 22 28 Albany ....... England ......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 277 T rade. Out of what Company of Militia. Wheelwright Labourer........ do .......... do .......... Bricklayer...... Labourer........ do .......... do .......... do .......... Wheelwright Turner........ Labourer....... do .......... Carpenter ...... Labourer ....... Miller.......... Labourer........ Baker........... Labourer........ Slater ......... Labourer........ Tanner & Currier. Labourer........ Sawyer.......... Labourer ....... Cooper ......... Labourer ....... do .......... do .......... Baker........... Hatter.......... Labourer........ do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do ....... do .......... Blacksmith...... Halenbeck....... V. Allen . ,.... Klaw ............ do ........... Ackers.......... Winne........... Tychart......... Campbell......... V. Arron........ V. Housen....... Starenberg...... do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ Halenbeck....... Hansen ......... V. Allen........ Hansen ......... Campbell........ Staats.......... Hogheboom....... Ackers.......... Klaw............ do ........... Adm- Vroman Hogheboom....... Klaw............ Ackers.......... do .......... Roseboom........ Pietrese ....... do .......... do ....... do .......... do .......... do .......... Gose Van Alstine Vroman.......... Officers who Inlisted. U' Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler do do Lt Vroman Capt. Schuyler do do L*- Ten Eyck Capt. Schuyler. U' Vroman do do do do do do do U- Ten Eyck do do do Capt. Schuyler do do L1’ Vroman Capt. Schuyler do do L*- Ten Eyck do U’ Vrooman do L* Ten Eyck do do do do do do do do278 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men rais’d and pass’d in Company May Capt. Peter Bain. Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Peter Herder Ap1- 9 21 Nicholas Smith do IO 20 Gabriel Acker do 10 33 James Acker do 10 25 Michael Erganbergh do 10 17 William Jacobie do 10 19 William Lindsey do 10 30 Frederick Shutts do 10 22 Wm- Thomas do 10 23 Gysbert Plank do 11 17 George Wolf do 11 24 John Decker do 11 24 Frederick Burgsdorf do H 26 Jacob Luke do 14 18 Marmaduke Blackwood do 16 40 John Kripping do 16 40 John C. Georgy do 17 32 Solomon Shutts do 19 26 John C. Luke do 19 43 John Bush do 19 30 Robert Maybey do 21 24 James Dougherty do 23 28 Samuel Kripping do 24 35 Samuel Kripping Jr* do 24 16 John Morrison do 25 19 James McClonaghon do 25 35 Jacob Snider do 25 48 John Wise do 25 20 James Linch do 25 19 Benjamin Beetch do 25 20 Nicholaus Dick do 25 20 Heny* Widerwegh do 25 20 Peter Michael do 25 25 Simon New do 25 27 George Suttheis do 25 23 William Mackridge do 25 23 Isaac Simpson do 25 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 279 the County of Albany for Captain Peter Bain’s the 1760. John R. Hanson, Cornelius V. Dyke, Lieutenants. Where born. Germany.............. Livingston’s Manor.. . . do .... do Dutchess County...... do .... Ireland.............. Germany.............. England.............. Catts Kill........... Germany.............. Livingston Manor..... Germany.............. Dutchess County .... . Ireland.............. Connecticut ....... Germany.............. Dutchess County...... do .... Ireland.............. Schanectady ..... Scotland............. Connecticut...... do ............. Livingstons Manor Ireland.. ........... Claverack............ Germany............ Mohawk river......... Connecticut.......... East Camp ........... do ............. Germany.............. do .... .. .. ..... do .............. England.............. Kinderhook............ Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Labourer Capt. Livingston do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Weaver do Labourer Dubois do Livingston do do Turner do Labourer do Cordwainer do Labourer do do do do Dubois do do do ....... do do Livingston Baker Winne Carpenter Livingston Labourer do do do do do do Hogheboom Weaver ... do Labourer do do ....... do do Carls do do do do do do do Hogheboom Forgeman....... V. Housen Labourer HogheboomMUSTER ROLLS OF 280 Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Henry Loop Ap1* 25 20 Eliah Leon do 25 3'I Phillip Hough do 25 • 43 Martin Widerwax do 25 43 Moriss Whalin do 25 30 John Cratch do 25 47 Edmond Ryan do 25 38 Henry Barret do 25 19 Jesse Weldon do 25 23 John Harman May Ist 32 Francis McDarmond May Ist 19 Myndert Winecope do Ist 23 J ohn Boyd do 1st 22 Moses Wiswell do Ist 23 Jesse Chatfield do 1st 27 Asie Addie do Ist 32 Duncan McArthur do Ist 17 Zachias Owen do Ist 22 Ammaziah Owen do 1st 20 Dennis Fitzpatrick. do 2d 38 William Joy do 3d 39 George Anderson do 3d 40 Peter Smith do 3d 28 Darby McCarty do 3d 28 James Morrison do 3d 33 David Chatfield do 3d 43 Bastian Stroop do 3d 19 A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company. Jonathan Baker, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. Where bom. Robert Craige . William Clark April 5 do 21 do 14 do 17 23 19 29 23 Old England Suffolk Co Elias Jagger do Jo Petter do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 281 Where born. Fishkill........ Connecticut..... Germany......... East Camp....... Ireland......... England......... Ireland......... Connecticut..... do ........ Germany......... West Camp....... Hackensack...... N. York......... Boston ......... Connecticut..... do .. Livingston Manor Connecticut..... do .... Ireland......... Boston Gov*-.... Ireland....... Germany......... Ireland......... Scotland ........ Connecticut..... Catskill........ Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Labourer ....... Hogheboom do Livingston do do Carpenter do Labourer do Carpenter Carls Labourer do do do do Dubois do do do do Cooper Labourer Livingston Joiner V, Arron Blacksmith Livingston Labourer do do do do do do ....... do do Tygart Weaver Livingston Cooper do Miller do Labourer do do do do do do ....... Dubois the County of Suffolk for Captain J. Baker’s April 1760. Stephen Pearce, J Benjamin Willson, j Lieutenants. T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Seaman Capt. John Post George Merrick Shoemaker ..... do do Toyner do do Labourer. do do282 MUSTER ROLLS 0F Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. Harry, Indian April 11 49 : John Rukett do 16 46 Robin Nero do 11 20 Ocus, Indian do 21 48 Asa Haynes do 12 21 Josiah Gonack do 11 22 ; David Hilland do 11 41 William Barron do 18 22 Edward Petty May 2 25 Jeremiah Foster do 1 22 William Smith do 2 24 David Foster do 2 20 Jonah Howel do 2 21 Edward Senniman...... April 24 17 Francis Summers . do 25 47 Israel Dewey do 25 21 John Edwards do 26 21 Thomas Cottrill do 26 19 Christopher Dennison .. do 28 39 William Dewey do 28 20 Daniel Hamor do 28 20 Thomas Rumbols ...... do 28 24 Moses Mazene May 3 31 John Parson, ye 6th .... ApL 28 16 Amos Larking do 28 25 Nathaniel Selking do 28 24 Joseph Champlin do 28 34 Edward Bennit do 28 20 Joshua Larking May X 27 Elijah Dee April l 20 19 Henry Norris do 28 20 Lyon Loper . do 9 17 John Wags do 7 17 David Conkling .... do 7 17 Solomon Plant do 10 ' IQ Isaac Conkling do 25 28 Samuel Wags do 8 27 Thomas Filer do 28 21 Cuffe Thomas do 28 ; 17 Jonathan Osborn....... April 28 ; 20 Moses Sheep Cock do 8 ; 24 Warinose, Indian do 23 . 56 Jonah Fordham do 12 : 28 Where born. do ....... do ......... do ............ New England ....... Suffolk Co.._____ New London......... Boston Gove1,...... Suffolk Co......... do ............ Philadelphia....... Suffolk Co...... do ............ Groton Conn...... Ireland ........... Stonington......... East Hampton_________ Rhode Island....... Stonington N. Ed ... do do Old England....... Connecticut _____ Suffolk Co.... Dublin .. . . ..... New England........ Westerly Rhode Isd- Suffolk County..... Rhode Island ...... Saybrook........... Suffolk Co....... do ......... Stonington N. Engd- Suffolk Co......... Brandford N. Engd- East Hampton .... New London.... .. Suffolk Co.......... do ... .__ Suffolk Co......... Connecticut........ Suffolk Co........ do ............NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 283 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Labourer Capt. John Post George Merrick do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Shoemaker do do Farmer do Capt. J onn,Baker do do do Carpenter . do do Wheelwright.... do do Cordwainer ...... do do Labourer do do do Capt. Isaac Barns do Taylor do do Weaver do do Taylor do do Labourer . do do Blacksmith do do Farmer do do do do do Labourer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do Wigmaker do do Blacksmith ...... do do Labourer do do Weaver do do Labourer Capt. David Mulford do do do do Weaver do do Labourer do do Cordwainer do do Wheelwright ... do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do .'.... do Taylor do do Labourer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do Capt. John Howel George Herrick284 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of In- listment. Age. Obediah Robbins April 22 25 1 Benedick Croker do 18 21 ( James Sheroot do l6 3 7 J Abraham Foster do 22 20 John Howel, Jr* do 22 17 Joseph Fordham do 5 17 Samuel Clark . . do 2 18 David Mackee do II 22 Archabal, Mustee do 3 40 Joseph Hammon . do 19 22 ] Mathew Malony ....... do 24 29 1 Christopher Foster do 28 17 i David Read do 28 18 Nathaniel Howel do 28 18 Jared Wooly May 1 17 Phinehas Bower do 8 23 Icabud, Mustee Ap1- 22 17 Isaac Whittlesey do 26 20 < Ichabod Edwards do 28 24 John Griffen do 26 23 Elnathan Wood do 14 40 ; Joseph Randol do 22 25 1 Lewis Hamberer May 1 20 : Charles Panheage April 26 23 Daniel Cochiage do 15 21 ; Silas Sayre do 22 23 Pell Collens do 26 19 Benjamin Petty do 2 31 Jonathan Hector May 1 36 Samuel Baker May 1 19 Simon Cooper April 26 20 Benjamin Reave do 11 18 Isaac Benjamin do 28 18 John Kinney do 2; 30 Matthew Davis do 3 17 Stephen Haines May 8 21 Jeremiah Halsey do 8 22 Absolam Coffe do 3 16 Cuffe Cuffe do 1 20 Peter Cuffe do 2 26 Stephen Osborn Ap. 28 ’ 23 Silas Howell, Jr- May 2 16 Josiah Halsey do 2 : 18 ! Where born. do do do do do do do do do do do East Hampton New Haven N. E. . Rhode Island. Suffolk Co......... New London N. Ed- Massachusets. ...... Suffolk Co......... Groton N. Engd* . .. Suffolk Co......... do ............. Preston N. Engd* Ireland......... J ersey ........ Suffolk Co...... do ...... do ........... do ......... do ...... do ......... do ......... do .........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 285 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Taylor Capt. John Howel George Herrick Cooper do .... do Labourer do do do . do do do ...... do do do do do Cordwainer do do Joyner do do Labourer do do Cooper do . . . do Labourer do .... do Weaver ........ do do Cobler do .... do Labourer do .... do Shoe Maker .... do . do Labourer do do do do do do Capt. S. Toppinp-. . do Cloathier do Jonath11' Baker Labourer do .... do Taylor do .... do Tanner do do Farmer do Lieut, Pearce do do Jonath11, Baker do do .... do do do L* Pearce Cordwainer do . Jonath11- Baker Taylor do George Herrick Labourer do . . Capt. J. Baker do do do Cordwainer Capt. Silas Cook . . . do Weaver .. do do Farmer do . . . do Cooper do do Weaver do Georcre Hprrick do ........ do V-l cl v X X vi 1 iv XV Cant Ton Bakpr do do 1 v/11. jjcuvli do Labourer do do do do .... do do do do Shoemaker do do Labourer do do Weaver do do286 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Annanias Cooper...... David Woodruff....... John Ferry........... Robert Bruce......... Ezekiel Bundy........ Jonas Woodward ...... Simeon Bundy......... Caleb Bundy ......... Coonrod Dunyans...... Joseph Patterson .... Elemmuel Moger....... Andrew Buchannan Charles Killis....... Peter Cochene........ Tom Cuff............. Harry Jacus.......... James Buchannan...... Andrew Smith......... John Clark........... Richard Hellems...... Edward Soward........ William Washum....... Thomas Howel......... Charles Petequam..... Matthew, Indian...... Solomon, Indian...... George, Indian..... David Marrow......... Westwerd Obe......... Ludlo Clark.......... Killis, Mullatto..... Nathaniel Norton..... Richard Jonathan..... John Moorehouse...... Age. Where born. 36 Suffolk Co 42 do 32 Connecticut 28 Connecticut 22 Preston Conn 23 do do 24 Connecticut 25 Rhode Island 38 Germany 36 Stratford Conn 39 Suffolk Co 16 do 19 do 45 New England 18 Brook Haven in S.Co.. 40 do 19 do 20 do l9 do 20 do I9 do 30 Suffolk Co 21 do 23 do 17 do 18 do 25 do . . l9 do 44 do 18 South Hold S. Co. . .. 19 Brook Haven S. Co... 18 South Hold S. Co. . .. 24 Suffolk Co. 28 Fairfield N. E Day of In- listment. May 2 do 2 ApL 18 do 22 do 26 do 26 do 26 do 8 do 25 do 19 do 26 do 26 do 8 do 16 do 10 do 16 do 25 do 29 do 12 do 25 do 26 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 25 do 15 do 25 do 15 do 29 do 29 May 6NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 287 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Weaver Capt. Silas Cook Capt. Jon. Baker Carpenter do do Farmer Capt. B. Strong Capt. J esse Platt Farmer do do Shoemaker ..... do do Brickmaker do do Carpenter do do Farmer do do Labourer ....... do do do do do do do do do do do do ....;. do do do do do do do do do do do Taylor do do Labourer do do do do do Taylor do do Weaver Capt. Josiah Smith do Labourer do do do do ....... do do do do do do do do do do do i do do Cordwainer do do Labourer do do do do do do do do do ....... do do do do do Farmer Capt. Tim Scudder do 288 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the men raised and passed in Yates’s Comp’y May Captain, Christopher Yates. Men’s Names. Joshua Phillips ..... Benjamin Cooley...... Samuel Burchfield.... John Christian Snower. Lawrence Heborn...... John Fitzpatrick .... John Wywoder......... William Wildey....... John Brooks.......... IO Nathan Jack way....... Henery Berlin........ Abraham Merselis..... Andrew Fort.......... William Murdeke...... David Schooner....... Jn°- Michael Yeats... Adam Smith........... John Walker.......... William Young........ 20 John Croon............ John Campbell........ Patrick McGloghlin.... Adam McMullon........ Joseph Scustile...... Samuel Hooper........ Peter Merselis....... John Carr ........... David Pettigoe......... Michael Cannon....... 30 James Glen...... Patrick McGrath...... Morgan Canway........ Joseph Powel......... Alexander Martin..... Peter Tross.......... Ernest Becker........ Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. March 12 21 England do 29 19 New England . . do 30 31 Philadelphia . . . do 31 38 Germany do 31 46 Scotland April 1 18 S*- Christophers. do 2 45 Bohemia....... do 7 47 England do 7 31 Ireland do 7 19 Rhode Island . . do 7 21 Stockbridge .... do 8 35 Schanectady . do 9 21 Germany do 10 31 London do 10 25 Germany do 11 20 do do 12 19 Schanectady .. . do 12 31 Ireland do H 38 do do 14 23 New Jersey .... do IS 22 Pensilvania do 15 25 Ireland . do 15 28 do do 15 26 Pensilvania .... do 16 22 Long Island.... do 16 18 Schanectady .. . do 16 43 Germany do 18 23 Boston Gov1* . .. do 19 24 Ireland do l9 30 do do 12 28 Ireland do 20 39 do do 21 20 Mohawk River . do 22 38 Ireland do 22 23 Albany do 22 46 Germany NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 289 the County of Albany for Captain Christopher THE 5th 1760. Myndert Wimple, J Lieutenants_ T rade. Labourer . Carpenter. Labourer . Joiner Labourer . Sailor.... Labourer . Weaver .. Shoemaker Weaver. .. Labourer . Mason .... Labourer . Shoemaker Labourer . Shoemaker do Labourer . do Millwright Labourer . Miller .... do .... do .... Shoemaker Blacksmith Weaver . ... Labourer. . do . do Shoemaker do do do Weaver .. do Militia Comp. Stature. Remarks. Cap**- Lansingh .... F. /. 5 2J4 Truax 5 Hanson 5 8^ do 5 3^ Lansingh 5 3 Groot S SA Truax 5. 2 Lansingh .... 5 5 Campbell .... 5 5- Hanson 5 9% do 5 6 Mulattoe Groot 5 uU Dark do Waganer .... . s 8^ Campbell 5 3^ Truax 5 8 Groot 5 8 do 5 8 Hanson 5 4 Groot 5 SZA v. Alstyn 5 7% Groot 5 8J< . Campbell .... 5 7 Groot 5 7 Vroman ..... 5 9 Mulattoe Lansingh ..... 5- 9% Campbell...... 5 4 do .... 5 3 Jn^ Vroman .. S 8,^. Lansingh 5 5 Groot 5 6 Hanson 5 8 Sanders 6 . Hanson ..... 5 5 do .... . s Ad. Vroman . 5 5 Tychardt S 5 19MUSTER ROLLS OF 29O Men’s Names. Michael Shyble....... Bastian Cress........ Jacob Salsberry...... 40 Adam Baker............ Peter Aanee......... James McIntosh....... Nicolaus Len ........ Jacob Henry.......... Isaac Nesson......... Richard Nichelson .... Benjamin Bidle....... John Potman.......... John Carrel ......... 50 Andrew Bathem......... John Burk............ Albert v. d. Werken ... . Marks Petry.......... Jn°- Valene Singer... George Hickey ....... Frederick Strobeck. . . . Adam Flint........... Michael Pealer....... John Herring......... 60 Christian Hufnagel____ John Rice............ Jacob Tonkins ....... Jacob Miar .......... Jacob Follier........ Henry Ecklaer........ John Becker.......... Phillip Folck ......... Jacob Craft.......... John Moore........... 70 George Crites......... . Edward Archerd....... Frederick Snell...... Johannes Emegia...... John Bart.............. Garrett Wendell ..... Wilhelmus Resselman. John Spannburgh William Halchner..... Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. April 22 17 Sch oh ary do 22 26 Germany do 22 18 Schohary do 22 !9 do do 22 17 do do 22 18 Ireland . do 22 34 Germany do 22 23 do do 23 26 New York do 23 40 Ireland do 23 40 England do 23 18 Mohawk River . do 24 21 Germany ...... do 24 22 do do 26 22 Mohawk River . do 26 18 do do 26 ■ 1.6 do . do 26 26 Germany do 26 17 Mohawk River . do 26 23 Germany ...... do 26 20 Albany do 26 25 Germany ....... do 26 21 Schohary do 26 24 Germany do 26 27 do do 28 40 New Jersey do 29 32 Germany do 29 18 do do 29 20 Mohawk River . do 30 25 Germany do 30 40 do May 1 25 do ...... do 1 3i Ireland do 1 46 do do 1 28 Albany ........ do 2 18 Mohawk River . do 2 18 do do 2 46. Germany do 2 18 Albany do 2 50 do do 2 28 Germany do 2 22 do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j6o. 291 Trade. Militia Comp. Stature. Remarks. F. I. Labourer Capts- Ad. Vroman . 5 9 % do Tygarts 5 7% ) do Ad. Vroman . 5 8^ ! do do 5 6^ 1 do do 5 SA ; Weaver . .. do 5 3^ ■ Labourer .. * Truax 5 6 do Ad. Vroman . 5 4tt do Tygarts...... t> 6 Mulattoe Weaver do -J 5 iM Labourer Jn°* Vroman.. 5 7 do do 5 8 Carpenter . do 5 7% Labourer do 5 6 do Ad. Vroman.. S 8 do do 5 10H do Waganer 5 5)4 do do .... 5 2 do do 5 3 do do .... 5 8^ do v Alstyn 5 3 do do .... 5 3 do do ..... 5 8% do do .... 5 5 do Waganer .... 5 1 Tailor v. Alstyn .... 5 5 Labourer Hanson 5 3 do Jn°- Vroman.. 5 9 do Clock 5 8 do do S 5% Baker do 5 5 Labourer Service 5 5% Seaman .......... Hanson 5 7H Weaver do 5 5'A do Vroman 5 SA Labourer .— Tychard 5 6 do .... do 5 7 Shoemaker do 5 6% Labourer ......... Truax 5 9 do v. Alstyn .... 5 7 do Jn°- Vroman.. 5 5 Slaitor ........... Service 5 10U 292 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Christian Baird...... 80 John Shaver........... Staats Segar......... George Coon.......... William Morail ....... Jacob Keller......... Conrad Smith......... Ambrosius Saalner Edward Johnson....... Jacob Job............ Jn°* Andrew Butz..... 90 John Clack junr*...... Henry Fiderly........ Daniel Hogan ........ William Crooks....... Patrick Delany........ William White........ Janies Howard........ John §trade.......... 98 Ludewig Snidar........ Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. May 2 19 Germany do 2 18 Mohawk River . do 2 45 Highlands York do 2 46 Albany do 3 35 Germany ...... do 3 24 do do 3 37 do ...... do 4 51 do do 4 41 England do S 30 Germany do 5 32 do do 5 21 Boston do 5 17 Mohawk River . do 5 25 Ireland do 5 34 England do 5 44 Ireland do 5 23 do do 5 do April 22 22 Germany May 2 18 Mohawk River . A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and passed Captn* Abraham Deforeest’s Abraham Deforeest, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlisten. Age. James Dunscomb . March 26 Peter Burger do 26 19 John Jenkins do 26 29 James Burns do 26 19 James Nowlan do 26 22 Patrick Donovan do 26 30 Edward Dwyer do 26 33 Owen McCarty do 26 24 John Ogden do 26 20 IO John Cabeler. do 26 30 Edward Tompson do 26 35NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 293 Trade. Shoemaker Labourer . do do do Tailor Cooper ... Labourer . do Tanner ... Tailor Weaver . .. Labourer . Tailor do Blacksmith Tailor Labourer . do do Militia Comp. Stature. F. I. Capts* Tygarts 5 7 Clock S 5 Ad. Vroman.. 5 SlA ' do 5 Sti do 5 5 do 5 5 Hanson 5 SU Service 5 9 v. Alstyn .... 5 8 Waganer .... 5 ioy2 do .... 5 2 do 5 4 do .... 5 6^ Groot 5 4 H Clock 5 4/4 Waganer 5 8^ Hanson 5 8 Clock S 8 Vroman 5 3 Clock 5 4 Remarks. Muster for the City and County of New York for Company May 8th, 1760. Constant O Brian, Lieut. Nichs Beckets, do Where born. New York England .. New York. Ireland ... do do ... do New York, Germany. Ireland . . Trade. Barber .. . Marriner . Backer ... Marriner . do do do Carpenter Labourer . Staymaker Stature. Complexion. Feet In. 5 6 fair 5 7 brown 5 7 fair 5 4 brown 5 7 fair 5 to brown 5 7 do 5 do 5 7A fair 5 8 do294 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlisten. Age. Henry Pender March 26 18 John Uttenburg do 26 18 John Valentin do 26 18 Conrad Hennan do 26 18 Edward Tout do 26 21 John Watters do 31 47 John Wright do 26 21 John Brower do 26 21 John Brookman do 26 18 Joseph Bonghall do 26 4i John Ewell do 26 29 Math. Hughes do 26 24 Joseph Atkins do 27 19 John Cuttrack do 28 20 Aron Aortis do 28 19 Thomas Patterfer (?) do 28 29 DanL Harbit do 29 18 William Melsback do 29 21 Daniel Sadil do 30 27 John Johnson April 25 21 James Campell do 10 21 Absalom Baker do 16 28 John Mitchell do 28 21 Will®* Parcells do II 43 John Smith do 20 25 Patrick Slaven do 21 30 Robert Haggitt do 17 40 Will® Howes do 12 l9 Andro Gardner do 28 29 Curchill James do 7 24 John Lamerse do 28 22 Chrisf- Fisher do 21 22 Christ^ Handeman do 29 32 John Doney do 1 30 Will® Owen do 28 32 John Anderson do 8 l9 Abrah® van Ornen do 12 20 David Reese do 16 45 James Lanhasher do 5 36 Isaac van Duzer do 30 20 Thomas Cooper . do 26 5i John Clint do 7 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 295 Where born. England............ New York........... do ............. Germany............ New York........... England............ Ireland ........... New York............ do ............. Germany............ England............ .do ........... do ............. New York........... do ............. City Exeter Engl New Brunswick....... New York........ England . ......... Nevis.............. New York........... England............ Dublin............. New York........... Germany......... Ireland............ London............... Second River....... Nantucket .......... New York........... Zealand............ Germany ........... Prusia............. Devonshire......... Ireland............ New York. ......... do ............. Penslivania..... London............. New York........... England.............. Germany ........... Trade. Stature. Complexion. Feet In. Marriner Barber ...... Shoemaker . Backer..... Shoemaker . Marriner . . . do Carpenter . . Joyner .... Labourer ... Marriner . . . do Cooper..... Hatter..... Baker...... Labourer .. . Shoemaker . Blacksmith . Ropemaker . Cooper..... Marriner .. . Barber..... Sailor..... Tanner..... Blacksmith . Joiner..... Butcher Carpenter . , Marriner .. . Baker...... Marriner .. Labourer ... Marriner .. Carpenter ., Labourer ... Barber ... Currier .... Labourer .. Printer .... Blacksmith Labourer . . do ....... 5 6 brown 5 7# fair 6 1^ do 5 6 do 5 5 brown 5 6 fair 5 7 do 5 5^ brown 5 9 fair 5 6 brown 5. 4^ do 5 7^ do 5 6 fair 5 4 brown 5 6 do S 7 do 5 6 do 5 3 do 5 5 fair 5 5 - Negro 5 7 fair S 3 ruddy S 7 fair 5 8 ruddy 5 6 brown 5 6 sandy 5 5 brown S 2 fair 5 10 brown 5 8 ruddy 5' 6 brown 5 3 do 5 7 do 5 5 fair 5 4 do 5 8 brown 5 8 do 5 6 do 5 2 fresh 5 .5 do 5 8 blue 5 3 fair2g6 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlisten. Age. Thos. Cox............ Dennis Dunscomb .... George Lowe.......... Joseph Pennet........ Dan1, Harper . ...... George Munson........ 60 Will™- Palmer........ John Parcker...... Jam8- Emmit......... Thom8- Bradley....... Jam8- Shylot........... John Shwiney......... Will™- Bloomfield.... Alex. Smith............ Thom8 Lain........... John Banns........ 7o Stephen Spalding .... Richard Thomas....... Edward McCollough... John Login........... Franc8- Godfrey Albert. Will™- Buckley....... Alex. MTntosh........ John Morris ......... Vincent Carty........ 80 Benjamin Lewis....... Dan1- Buttler.......... John Canneday........ Will™- Barnes........ Sam1- Mercey......... Phillip Hess......... Edward Doren......... Robert Power...... John Mason .......... Sam1- Sayer ......... 90 Will™- Hand.......... Michel Rish.......... Jeremh- Sullivan..... Will™* Anterbush ...... John Carrol.......... John Hands ......... Richard Cook......... April 7 18 do 9 19 do 7 36 do 16 28 do 20 20 do 1 21 do 12. 18 do 1 34 do 9 20 do. 11 21 do, , 3° 49 do 29 42 do 3 40 May 7 20 do 7 20 do 5 19 do 5 18 do 5 19 do 2 24 do • 5 20 do 7 24 do. 3 21 do 2 25 do 2 3i do 2 21 do. 2 28 do 3 22 do 3 30 do 2 20 do 2 32 do 2 18 do 2 22 do 2 22 do 4 20 do 2 25 do 3 27 do 3 45 do 3 30 do 3 25 do 3 40 do 4 23 do 2 45NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 297 Where born. Trade. Stature. Complexion. New York. ... do Germany. London...... Ireland..... New England New York. .... England .... New York. .., Perpetuse . .. London...... Ireland..... England----- Ireland..... New York England .... Ireland..... do ...... do ...... Pensilvania.. Germany... . Ireland..... Scotland .... London...... New York. .. Bristol..... Ireland..... do ...... Brister..... London...... Germany. .. Ireland..... do ...... New York. .. England .... do .... Germany Ireland..... England .... Ireland..... do ...... New York. .. Shoemaker Feet 5 In. brown Silversmith 5 4 do Weaver 5 6 ruddy Marriner 5 5 brown Weaver 5 8 % do Taylor 5 8 do Shoemaker 5 7 fair Marriner 5 9 ruddy Shoemaker 5 3 brown Carpenter 5 8 pale Coardwainer 5 5 brown Flax Teaser 5 6 do Carpenter 5 8 ruddy Marriner 5 5 brown do 5' 4 do do 5 8 do do 5 6 do do 5 5 do Surgeon 5 8 do Marriner 5 8 fair Butcher 5 7 fair Labourer 5 0 do do 5 11 brown Printer 5 brown Labourer 5 2 do Shoemaker 5 6 do Marriner 5 5 do Labourer 5 4 ruddy Marriner 5 7 brown Printer 5 2 brown Baker 5 4 do Taylor 5 7 ruddy Tanner 5 5 do Shoemaker 5 5 do Baker . . 5 6 fair Tavlor 5 6 do Labourer 5 6 brown do 5 7 do Crosser 5 9 do Marriner 5 7 fair Ship Carpenter . . . 5 5 brown (Mason 5 11% do298 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlisten. Age. David Wilson May- 2 23 John Michel Gates do 4 24 Will"1- Wallace do 2 19 IOO Will™- Atkins do 2 36 Robert Hodge . do 5 20 Caleb Ogden do 9 21 Math8, Shaw do 7 26 This is to Certify that the above, Being One Captain Two the City & County of New York for Abra. Deforest Company, A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d and Pass'd Muster Barnaby Byrn’s Company New Barnaby Byrn, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. Henry Dawson March 24 24 Ireland Joseph Dayly do 24 47 England ...... Sampson Mispullit .. do 24 20 England William Kennedy ... do 26 25 Ireland ....... William McDermott. do 26 23 do ....... Danil Donnelly do 28 45 do James Drewit do 28 28 do William Rannels... . do 28 22 do James Brown .. do 29 27 West Indian .. . 10 Jacob Bramer do 2Q 20 Hannover John Penny do 2Q IQ Amarican ..... Alexander McKeny.. do 31 44 Scotland Thomas Climmy .... do 31 18 Scotland Henry Wade do 77 England John Thomas do 01 31 jj 27 England John Holshowsen. .. do 31 19 Prusian William Brereton ., . do 31 19 Ireland George Grant....... do 31 1 48 Ireland NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 299 Where born. Trade. Stature. Complexion. Ireland Labourer Feet In. 5 7 5 4 5 5 e ^ fair Germany do do New York Shoemaker do England Butcher brown Scotland Baker J O 5 8 5 7 5 11 do Tersev Hatter do Ireland Labourer do Leuts- and One hundred and Two Men have passed Muster for New York 12 May 1760. Mich. Thodey, Mustr- Mastr* for City N. York. for the City & County of New York for Captain York March the 24™ 1760. Cox, Leiut. Hughes, do. Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Comp lection. F. /. Labourer 5 2 fair Breekler 5 4^ Brown Labourer 5 10 Brown Labourer 5 II fair do 5 2 Brown do 5 7% fair Tayler 5 6 Brown Labourer 5 11 Brown Mulato Labourer 5 5 fair do ..... 5 fair Labourer 5 2^ Brown Shoemaker 5 5 Brown Mariner ' 5 5 fair Wiggmaker .... 5 2 Brown Labourer 5 4% fair Mariner. 5 2 . fair Labourer ...... 5 6 Brown do 5 4^ fair300 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. Mathew McKeny. . . . March 31 21 Ireland 20 Philip Levy do 36 H annover Robbert Elliot do 31 J 27 Enp-land James McClee Apr. I 20 Ireland . Jonathan Dentfild. .. Jr do I 26 England Andrew Barry do 2 24 Ireland . Alexander McCarthy. do 3 22 Scotland Thomas Murphy... . do 3 40 Ireland Edmond Nowland. .. do 4 22 Amarican Dugel McDoffee do 5 24 Scotland Henry Frederick. . . . do 5 20 . Wurterberg . . . 30 Edward Sutton ..... do 5 18 Ireland James Sands do 6 IQ Amariran James Beekman do 6 20 Amarican John Favaratt do 6 26 Zwizer Thomas Welch ..... do 7 36 Ireland Barny Gomos do. 7 20 Portengale .... Peter Powell do 8 23 England Alexander Pursell. . . do 8 29 Scotland Richd- Russell do 11 23 T reland William Forrest do 1 r 24 Ireland .......' 40 Norris Palmer do 1 3 20 A marican David Roberts do 14- 26 England Thomas McNamarah. do *T 28 Ireland Garrit de Groate .... do H 18 Amarican John Rynders do I C 26 Prusian . John Stephens do x J l6 2 7 S. Carolina .... Thomas Nealy do 18 27 Hi.crh lands John Williams do IQ 22 Prnsian Danil McDonnell. ... do 21 26 Scotland John Bean do 21 22 Ireland 50 John Galasby do 21 47 Ireland . . . Dennis van der Lip.. do 22 23 Amarican Silvanus Evans ..... do 24 35 England ...... David Hope........ do 24 27 Scotland Simon Drum ....... do T- 24 36 Pm sia n Matthew Gardner . .. do 24 26 England Thomas Flemming.. do 25 40 Ireland Patrick Welch do 26 28 Ireland Robd’ Dixon ........ do 26 36 E n P'1 a n d Marten Moore do 27 j 36 Livingne Manor. 60 William Mullit do 27 30 England NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1758' 301 Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Compiection. Labourer F. I. 5 4^ : fair do Marriner 6 5 7 Brown fair Shoemaker . . .. 5 4 fair Cooper 5 lA Brown Labourer 5 10 do do ..... 5 5 do do 5 2^ do Shoemaker 5 7 do Bookbinder 5 10 do Labourer 5 AA fair Mariner 5 7 5 7^ fair Tanner Negro Shoemaker 5 10 fair Labourer 5 6 fair Labourer ...... 5 5K 5 7 Brown Labourer Brown Joiner 5 5^ fair Labourer 5 5A Brown Labourer ...... 5 4A fair Weaver 5 5^ fair Carpenter 5 8 fair Mariner 5 6 fair Cooper 5 5 Brown Carpenter 5 6 fair Mariner 5 4 fair Carpenter Shoemaker 6 5 3^ fair fair Mariner 5 5 fair Miller 5 4 Brown Mariner. 5 93^ fair Carpenter 5 6 fair Labourer 5 4 fair Mariner 5 9A Sandy Apothecarie 5 8 ^ Brown Carpenter 5 8^ fair Mariner 5 7 Brown Labourer 5 2 fair Mariner 5 2 fair Brasier 5 4% Brown Baker 5 4 fair Blockmaker ... . 5 3 fair302 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Salomon Tygert .... Apr. 27 32 Thomas Adams. .... do 27 24 Anthony, Mustee.. . . do 28 20 John Wilson do 29 18 Richd* Ree do 29 19 James McCay do 29 29 Jeremiah Bohannen . do 29 26 William Broadhorst . do 29 36 Paul Hall do 29 19 70 John McKym....... do 30 49 Joseph Fagen do 30 25 Michael Arnell do 30 22 Henry Dean ... .... do 30 36 James Morris ... ,... . do 30 25 Thomas Corry , yf. .. May 1 30 Michael Cosby. ..... do 1 30 Richd- Cannart do 1 22 James Camble do 2 30 George Dixon do 2 22 80 J ohn Barran ........ do 2 20 John Burk do 2 22 John Wallace .. do 2 30 James Carron....... do 3 39 Abraham Pellow .... do 4 29 John McGuyer do 4 25 Climont Cherrington. do 4 47 Henry O’Bryan do 4 26 Charles Durston .... do 5 25 John Courston do 5 29 90 Daniel Forbis....... do 5 40 Roger Comely do 8 25 James Deverix April 10 42 James Rennolds .... May 12 20 Where born. Ireland ... Ireland ... New York. England .. Ireland ... do do do Amarican . Ireland ... Ireland . . . England . . Amarican . Virgina .. < Ireland ... do do Scotland .. Ireland do do do do England .. Ireland ... England .. Ireland ... England .. do Scotland .. Ireland . .. Holland... Ireland This is to Certify that the above, being One Captain, the City & County of New York, for Capt. Barnaby Byrn’sNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 303 Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complection. F. I. Weaver 5 2 Brown Weaver 5 4% fair Labourer 5 3 Malato Mariner 5 fair Mariner 5 5 fair Labourer ...... 5 2 fair Mariner 5 2 fair Labourer S ,S% Brown Labourer 6 y2 Negro Labourer do 6 y2 Brown do do 5 4'A fair Mariner do 5 sy Brown Labourer do 5 9 Negro Shoemaker do 5 fair Mariner do 5 9 do Ropemaker Capt. Lippenen .. 5 '3# do Mariner do 5 3 do Black Smith.... for the Troop.... 5 4 do Masson Capt. Abeel C Q do Labourer do j y 5 9 do Mariner do 5 6 Brown Labourer do j K 7 fair Weaver Capt. Beekman .. 5 4^ Ruddy Carpenter do 5 4 Brown Labourer dp 5 2 fair Tanner do .. 5 7 Brown Labourer do 4 7 fair Vintner Capt. de Bruce .. 5 2 Brown Labourer do 5 3 fair do Capt. Dice c 8 Brown ' do do c c Brown do do ...... J D 8 fair do ...... do 5 4 Brown Two Lieuts and Ninety three Men, have passed Muster, for Company. New York May 12, 1760. Mich. Thodey, Mustr- Mastr- for the City & County of New York.304 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company. Captain, Nath11, Hubbell. Men’s Names. i George Edmd- Sutton.. William Oliver....... John Pomroy ......... Christr* Slyder...... Christian Shilling... Edward McDaniel... .. Charles Burtnell..... Rob1- Coates......... Patk Kelley.......... 10 Francisco Theodo .... Abram- Fitchett...... Francisco Coslea..... William Callarne..... Peter McKay.......... Peter Donnelly....... James Thompson....... Henry Metcalfe....... Baltus Hillicus...... Samuel Love.......... 20 John Brennan......... Rob1, Irwin.......... Daniel Penny......... Samuel McDonald Francis Doran........ Samuel Chesnutt...... William Smith........ Daniel O'Bryan ____._ John Anderson ....... William Newberry 30 Abram- Smith....... Jacob Cook .......... John McCIeen ........ Joseph Antonio ...... Jonathan Russ........ Adam Attler ......... William Farr......... Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. March 23 27 London do do 29 America do do 21 America do do 33 Germany. do do 26 Holland do do 40 Ireland... do do 32 Ireland do do 19 England do do .40 Ireland do do 28 Spain do do 25 America •.. do do 23 Spain do do 22 England do do 27 England . . . do 26 25 Ireland do 27 23 Ireland do 25 35 Ireland do 27 43 Germany do 28 29 Ireland do do 29 Ireland do do 23 Ireland do 25 23 Block Island do 29 24 Scotland do do 40' Ireland April 1 29 England March 31 28 Ireland Apr. 1 31 Ireland . ... do do 35 Scotland do 2 36 England do 3 5° England do do 25 Germany do do 30 Ireland ......... do 5 35 Spain do do 30 America do 6 20 Holland ..... ... . do 71 23 England NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 305 THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK FOR CAPTAIN HUBBELL’S April 1760. John Fisher, ) Alex1, White, J Lieutenants. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Complexion. Feet. In. Clerk 5 6 Ruddy Labourer 6 Brown Indian do 5 9 Brown do 6 Brown do 5 8 Brown do 5 6 Brown do 5 6 Pale Mariner 5 4 Dark Labourer 5 4 Ruddy Mariner 5 9 Dark Labourer 5 6 Fair do 5 10 Dark Mulatto Mariner 5 8 Brown do ....... 5 5 Brown do 5 ■S' Brown Labourer 5 8 Fair Cordwainer .... 5 6 Brown Blacksmith .... 5 7 do Mariner 5' 8 do Labourer 5 8 do do ...... 5 7 Fair do 5 8 Black Indian do 5 6 Fair do 5’ 5 Fair do 5 9 Brown Mariner ....... 5 7 Brown Labourer 5 5 Light Gardiner 5 6 Brown House Carpenter 5 5 fair Labourer ...... 5 8 Brown Cordwainer ... . $ 6 Fair Marriner 5 6 Brown do . 5 7 Brown Carpenter 5 8 Fair Marriner 5 5 Fair do ’ 5 9 |Brown 203°6 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Ezekiel Leather Apr. 6 27 Caleb Shereeve do 8 34 Samuel Jones do 7 35 Rymert Bushett do do 20 Toseph Buckells do 8 25 George Helbertt do IO 26 Francis Jeareaux do 15 30 Nicholas Jollyman .... do 12 26 John Payne do 15 30 John Vanderburer .... do 19 28 John Shoreland do 21 32 James Garnett do do 28 John Edwards do do 30 Peter Calumpoe do do 30 Theodo Twawoolshead. do 22 25 William Cole do 22 28 Peter Jamey do 21 28 Joseph Symonds do 24 21 Joseph Forrester do 25 40 Thomas Farmer do 27 28 George Dallby do 28 28 [Name erased.] do 29 Robert Evans ........ do 2 34 Benjamin Moorewise.. do 3 21 Philipp Miller do 6 21 William Hughes, senr- . do IO 28 Joseph Ensign do 9 40 William Hughes, jun.. do 8 19 Michael George do 10 24 Thomas Darby do 11 26 Isaac Lawrence do 12 22 James Neil do 17 26 John Smith .. do do 35 William Bowen do 18 1 29 • John Coulter do 24 • 38 George Chapman do 21 16 Isaac Warner. do 26 ' 41 John Glenri do do ■ 31 Dennis Mon Holland. . do 25 » 47 Robert Merryfield do ' 3C > 44 Evert Johnson. do do 1 33 William Coates. May 1 23 Where born. New England America ....... England........ Sweedland...... America........ Holland........ Sweedland ..... do ........ England ....... Holland........ England ....... do ......... do ......... Spain.......... Spain.......... America........ Spain.......... England........ do ......... do ......... do ......... Spain............ England ....... Germany......... Germany.......... Wales ......... Ireland ....... Philadelphia .... Hamburg........ Maryland....... Surinam ....... Maryland....... England........ Wales , ....... Dublin......... Bristol........ England........ Dublin......... Ireland ........ England........ Holland......... Yorkshire......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 760. 307 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Complex”* House Carpenter Carpenter..... Boulter & Baker. Labourer...... Blacksmith.... Labourer...... Baker ........ Labourer...... Marriner...... Taylor........ Marriner...... do do ........ do do ........ Shoemaker .... Marriner...... do ........ do ........ Vintner....... Labourer...... Marriner...... Hosier........ Labourer...... Watchmaker . . . Carpenter..... Marriner...... Printer....... Sailmaker..... Marriner...... Taylor. ...... Mariner....... do ........ Taylor........ Mariner....... do ........ do ........ Labourer...... Mason ........ Pewterer...... Mariner....... do ........ Capt. Livingston Feet. In. 5 8 Brown 5 6 Brown 5 9 Fair 5 4 Fair 5 9 Brown 5 6 Brown 5 8 Fair 5 5 Ruddy^ 5 7 Brown 5 7 do 5 8 do 5 9 do 5 6 do 6 Negro 5 5 do 5 4 Fair 5 9 Dark Mulatto 5 4 Fair 5 8 Brown 5 8 | Fair 5 9 Brown 5 10 Black 5 4 Fair 5 4 do 5 5/^ Brown 5 3 do 5 8 do 5 2 Ruddy 5 5 fair 5 8 Brown 5 7 do 5 8 Brown 5 6 fair fair 5 3% fair 5 3 Brown 5 3 do 5 4 Light 5 7 Red 5 8 fair 6 4 Ruddy 5 6 Fair;o8 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Kennedy May 1 26 ] James Bell do do 29 1 80 John Sears do do 18 1 William Ware do do 25 ] John Closs do 2 40 1 Thomas Brown do do 27 ] Nichs* O’Bryan . do do 31 ] Mich1- McDaniel do 3 32 ] Jacob Vanprimer do 1 23 J John McCann do 3 27 ] Charles Baxter . do do 26 ' John Powel Saunders . do do 28 < 90 William Baxter do do 29 • Robt Bell do do 20 David Gibson do 2 17 Richard Meead do 3 26 Owen Keith do 1 30 Mich1- Connelly. ...... do 8 23 William Crawford do 5 27 Daniel Hogan do do 25 Joseph Gomuss do do 27 John Darey .. do 8 20 100 John Dennis April 29 27 John Larking May 9 1 42 George J eary do do 26 Anthony Coales do do 18 Cornelius Scantling . . . do do i 48 Michael Isaacts do 12 j 22 Where born. do ............ do ............ do ............ do ............ New England.... Waterford Ireland. Lisbon .......... Ireland......... Cow Neck.......... Dublin .......... London ......... Spain........... Ireland. . . . .. England........... This is to Certify that the Within Being One Captain Two the City & County of New York for Capt. Nath11- HubbellsNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j66. 309 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Complex11* Labourer Capt Desbrosse .... Feet. In, 5 9 Fair Mariner 5 5 Brown do 5 3 Light Labourer ...... 5 3 Brown do do Capt Vanhorn ..... do 5 5 5 6 5 7 do do Taylor Capt Desbrosse .... do Labourer Capt Hardenbrook . 5 8 do do Capt Lispenard .... 5 8 Red Glassmaker .... Capt Cromeline .... 5 5 fair Labourer do .... 5 4 fair Miner do .... 5 2 fair Labourer Mariner Capt Benson do 5 4 5 8 5 6 Brown Brown Labourer . Capt Livingston.... fair Weaver Labourer Capt. Bateman 5 5 5 A% do do do 5 9 fair Mariner Capt Vanhorn .... . 5 6 Brown Chocolate Maker Capt Dice 5 33^ do Mariner ....... S 3 do Labourer ...... 5 7 fair do 5 10 Black Indian Mariner ....... 5 7 Brown Labourer ...... 5 8 fair Mariner 5 2 Brown Sawyer 5 7 fair Watchmaker . .. 5 S Brown Leiut8, and One hundred & five Men have pass’d Muster for Company, New York 12 May 1760. Mich. Thodey, Mustr- Mastr- for ________ the City of New York.3IQ MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Bayeux’s Company, Henry Bayeux, Captain. Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Edwards April 7 52 John Josep Giles .... March 25 24 ! John See April 7 27 ■ William Prue do IO 18 5 J fohn Crissling May IO 45 . ohn Hairn do 12 30 [eremiah King March 28 37 Peter Williams do 27 24 William Davids do 22 18 IO David Sherwood .... do 31 17 Samuel Hichcock.... do 27 19 Jacob Thomas do 31 25 Isaac Dickman do 31 17 Jacob Shumaker .... April 2 42 15 David Fishshear .... March 31 17 Thomas Armstrong.. April 2 39 Jeremiah Bacon May 2 22 Richard Betts do I 34 Daniel Willsey do 4 18 20 Jacob Forshear do 13 16 Abraham Haight.... do 15 19 Richard Huson do 15 23 Jeremiah Brock do 11 l9 Gilbert Adams do 22 21 25 Jacob Sharman do 22 27 Thomas Huson do 25 20 John Jones do 22 40 James McCoy do 28 21 Peter Fravors do 25 35 30 Michel Ratzer April 19 21 Isreal Persele March 26 53 William Monatt April 19 36 Francis Phillips Mar. 22 20 John Paterson Apr I 30 35 James Purkins do 24 16 Jeremiah Seccord.... do 2 20 Luke Johnson do I 43 John Leey do I 22 Where born. Irland........ Estchester____ PhillipseBurrah do do Way Is........ PhillipseBurrah Jarsey........ PhillipseBurrah Sea Born...... North Castle.. In gland...... Oreng County . PhillipseBurrah Rye........... PhillipseBurrah Connecticut... Scarsdale..... Straten Island. Phillipse Burrah Ingland....... J arsey....... France ....... Jarmeney...... Sea Born...... Scotland ..... Swizaland..... Irland........ Long Island. .. New Rachel.. . Ingland ...... Irland..........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 760. 31 I THE May County of West Chester for Captain Capt. 13™ [760. Richard Smith, | Peter Martlings, j Lieutenants. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. Labourer .. Capt. Emory .... Feet In. 5 4 Black Eyd Black hair Barber .... do .... 5 5 Light Eyd & Hair Labourer .. do .... 5 7 do do do .... 5 7 do Black hair do .. do .... 5 3 do Brown do do do 5 2 do do Saylor Capt.Isr1 Underhill 5 7 do do Cordwinder. Capt. Conkling... 5 11 do do Labourer . . do 5 7 do do do do 6 0 do Light hair do do ... 5 9 Dark Eyd do hair Taylor .... do 5 6 do do do .... do s 10 Black Eyd Black hair Carpenter. . do 5 10 do do Cordwinder. do ... 5 7 Light Eyd Light hair Saylor do 5 8 do do Cooper .... do 5 8 do do Saylor do 5 8 Black Eyd Black hair Labourer . . do 5 8 Light Eyd light hair do do 5 5 do brown hair do Capt. Tredwell. .. f* 8 do light hair Blacksmith. do 5 10 Black Eyd black hair Labourer .. do ... 5 7 Light Eyd brown hair do do 5 5 do light hair Carpenter. . do 5 8 Dark Eyd dark hair Labourer .. do 5 8 Black do black do Clother.... do 5 6 Dark do dark do Labourer .. do 5 7 do do do do do do 5 5 Black do black do Coopper . . . Capt. Seccord 5 5 Brown do black do Waver do 5 4 Black do black do Labourer .. do 5 7 Dark Eyd Black hair do do 5 6 do Dark do Labourer .. Left. Purdy 5 9 Light do Light do do do 5 0 Black do Black do Cordwinder. .Capt. Virmilliea.. 5 5 Light do light do Turner do 5 9 do do do do Labourer .. do 1 5 1 1 do do do do312 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. James Sandars Apr. 4 30 Boston . .. 40 Francis Berrey do 25 18 New York .... George Vantastal..... do 22 18 Philipse Borrow Cornelus Prusen..... April 24 25 New York .... Francis Bailey do 26 18 Cortland Manor John Tise do 2 5 33 Rncrland 45 John Godfry do j 28 2 7 H ol a n d Regerock Roof Mav 0 34 Ga rm eny John Thomas March 2K 40 Ireland T . . Peter Turner May 7 29 Jarsey Nethaniel Houtwell . do 1 23 Suffock Co . . . . 50 Abraham Ducher... . March 22 23 PhilipseBorrow Edward Barkin do 26 34 England Thomas Emphry .... April 2 !9 Maryland Samuel Dickerson. .. do 5 25 England Abraham Conklin . . . do 26 16 Philipse Borrow 55 Bar.ent Ducher do 24 19 do Adam McCale....... do 24 33 Longh Island . Abslum Simons ..... May 2 17 Fox Medow ... Isaac Williams do 2 22 PhilipseBorrow William Wolsey do 2 17 Orange Co 60 Tunus Croneck do 2 17 PhilipseBorrow Robert Stevens March 27 23 - Eastchester . .. Roger Pell.......... April 1 34 New Roachel.. John Evins ........ March 28 23 Pennsyvila .... Peter Sterpauck April 2 7 43 Garmany 65 Richard Steveis do 22 21 Eastchester . .. David Barthy do 28 27 Longh Island.. Richard Bisser do 2 40 Eastchester . .. Charles White do 22 46 Ireland James Walters do 14 24 Sfc Citts....... 70 David Taylor do 28 37 Marneck Jacob Vincen do 28 23 Westchester.. . Thomas Johnson do 25 18 do ... Antoney Fowler .... do 28 17 do John McCormick .... March 26 28 Ireland 75 William Mash . ...... do 27 36 Westchester. . . Ephrun Bennet do 27 18 Jarsey 77 Jeremiah Fowler . ... April 28 : 32 Eastchester ... My Musterrole returned by me this 14th of May 1760 the Colony of Newe York.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 313 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. Feet In. Carpenter. . Capt. Virmilliea .. 5 7 Negro Roapmaker. do . . 5 2 Light Eyd light hair Labourer . . Capt. Drake 5 11 do do Mason.... . do 5 6 Dark do dark do Labourer . . do 5 6 do do Taylar .... do 5 2 Light do light do Baker do 5 5' Brown Eyes brown do Labourer .. do 5 5 Light do light do Gardner ... do 5 0 Black do black do Baker do 5 8 Dark do do do Labourer . . do 5 6 Light do light do Blacksmith. Capt. Buckhout .. 5 7 do do black do Ditcher . ... do 5 4 do do light do Taylor .... do 5 6 do do Labourer .. do 5 6 do Black do do do 5 4 do light do do do 5 9 do do do do 5 9 do do do do S 6 dark do Brown hair Weaver. ... do 5 7 Light Eyes light do Labourer .. do 5 7 do do do do 5 8 do do do Capt. Fowler 5 8 do Dark do do do 5 10 Dark Eyes do do do do .... 5 8 Black do black do Weal Wright. do .... r 0 6 Light Eyes light do Joyner .... do .... 5 9 do do Barber .... do .... 5 4 do do Carpenter. . do .... 5 6 Black do black do Taylor .... do .... 5 8 Dark do dark do do .... do 5 3 Negro Mason.... . Capt. Underhill . . 5 5 Light Eyes light hair Taylor do 5 7 do do Labourer . . do 5 4 Brown do brown do do do 5 10 do do do do 5 7 Light do dark do do do 5 8 Brown do brown do do do 5 2 Light do light do Cord winder. do 5 2 do do Number being 80 to the payemasters & Comesuryes for the pr. Me John Thomas, Muster Master for the County of West Chester.3I4 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company, May William Gillchrist, Captain. Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Jonathan Ambler March 22 30 Gershon Mead do 22 29 Jonathan Barritt May 2 31 John Bishop do 6 19 5 William More March 22 36 John Cosel do 22 23 Richard Wall do 22 33 Seth Stodard April 1 24 John Morgan do 1 34 io Joseph Nights March 22 48 Nathaniel Hare do 24 17 Thomas Willson April 24 22 Thomas Hogens do 27 37 Robert Rogers March 22 50 15 George Morway....... do 22 39 Adam Enporour do 22 32 Abram* Thorny Crift . . do 28 21 John Chase do 28 22 John Lee May 9 22 20 Moses Akerly April 5 27 John Bonton do 11 21 John Cuninggame .... do 11 31 John Miller do 11 23 Hezekiah Averey do 25 18 25 Murrey Brown do 25 16 Thomas Andrews do 25 18 Deliverance Banker... do 17 32 Jacob Vantasel do 17 35 Jacob Hatton do 15 36 30 Thomas Champea do 23 22 Nathaniel Jurden do 20 49 Henry Green May 7 37 Jeziell Fowler March 25 23 Isreah Jones do 25 21 35 William Jane do 27 27 Allaxandra Murry do 30 17 Hugh McCartee ...... do 30 26 Where born. Connecticut..... do ....... Bedford ........ Connecticut..... Irland .'....... Ingland ........ do ........... Connecticut. .... do ..... Ingland ........ Rye............. Ingland ........ Irland.......... Scotland........ Jarmeney........ do ......... Long Island..... Road Island..... Boston.......... Long Island. .... Connecticut..... Rye............ Manner Cortlandt Scarsdeal....... North Castle Jarsey . ....... Westchester Co.. Philipse Barrah.. Jarmeney ....... France ......... Ingland ........ New York ...... Westchester do Long Island..... Irland ......... do ...........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 760. 3 15 the County of Westchester for Captain Gilchrist’s YE 13™, 1760. Ambros Horton, John Harise, Lieutenants. T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia, Stature. Labourer Capt Rub Lockwood. 6 1 Cordwinder . . . do >■'. 5 7 Labourer Capt Crane 5 6 do do 6 0 Taylor Capt Hatfield 5 2 Cordwinder . . . do 5 10 Labourer do 5 7 do do 5 11 do do 5 7 do do 5 6 do do 5 4 do do 5 4 Cordwinder . . , do 6 c Joyner . . ..... . . do 5 5 Taylor Left Miller 5 2 Labourer do 5 6 Cordwinder . . . do . 5 3 Labourer do 5 5 do do 5 7 do do 5 8 do do 5 4 do do 6 0 do do 5 4 do do 5 8 do do 5 4 do do 5* 8 do ... do 6 0 do do 6 2 do Capt Emory 5 6 Cordwinder .. . do 5 i° Gardener do .... 5 3 Waver. do 5 7 Joyner Capt Israel Underhill 5 9 Carpenter do 5 i° Weaver do 5 8 Labourer do 5 4 Stone Cutter .. do 5 10 Description of the Men’s Persons.316 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Robert Causton .... Thomas Botton .... 40 John McAdams______ Joseph Pell....... Gershon Clark...... Will"1- Stockham.... Jeffery Tayrott... *John Hayns....... Thomas George .... John Valance...... Jonathan Palmer . .. John Wems......... John Peters....... John Munday....... Jeremiah Cudney... Obediah Hunt...... Francis Bradley .... Thos. Nelson...... Nithaniel Wastcoter Cato Thomas....... Thos. Mitchel..... Mores Coly........ James Maren....... Vincen Sorles..... Charles Roach..... Jonathan Silsby.... James Hallock..... John Wallas....... Joseph Rowse...... Richard Solter.... Nathaniel Holmes.. Samuel Holmes .... 70 Benjamin Roa...... Joseph Tucker ..... James Vanscoit .... Stephen Dennis ... Israel Wastcote .. . 75 Timothy Airse ___ After Moger...... Nithaniel Warters . Ezra Green....... Richard Wilson ... 80 Nicklas Cooper. ... * broke Gole and Desarted again. 45 50 55 60 65 Day of Inlistment. Age. April 28 20 \ do 25 21 1 do 25 19 \ do r9 19 do 14 49 1 do 28 18 1 do 28 18 1 A Desarter last April 21 33 ] March 28 26 < April 14 18 ]i do 19 38 : do 19 21 . do 19 17 do 28 18 : . May 13 22 . April 3 32 : March 25 21 do 28 21 < do 29 23 : . April 24 34 do 2 39 . May 4 29 March 28 21 . April 2 46 . Mav 7 25 21 . March 26 33 . April 7 51 . do 7 16 do 1 37 . do 1 16 . do 1 40 18 21 . March 9 18 . May 8 28 . April 22 27 . May 7 23 . 22 5 23 . April 28 35 do 18 34 Where born. do year Taken this do England Rye....... Block Island . . Ireland....... Ireland ....... Bedford ...... West Indies... Connecticut... North Castle .. England ...... Boston........ Connecticut... Bedford ...... do ...... Jarsey....... North Castle ., Long Island. North Castle Bedfort ......... J arsey ......__ Long Island. Connecticut..... N. York....... Ireland . ...... Orange County .NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 317 Trade. Labourer . T aylor Cooper ... Saylor .... Carpenter. Labourer . Labourer . Out of what Company of the Militia. Capt Israel Underhill do do do Capt. Conkling...... Capt Isr. Underhill .. do Year put into Gole. Cook Labourer .... do .... do .... Mason....... Labourer .... do .... do .... Weaver ..... Labourer .... do ------ do Cordwinder . . Labourer .... do .... do Taylor ...... Joyner ...... Miller...... School Master. Mason....... Labourer .... do .... do .... Cordwinder . . do Carpenter.... Labourer .... Taylor...... Millwright ... Weaver...... do ....... Black Smith. . Weaver...... Labourer .... Capt Tredwell.. Capt Griffens... do do do do do Capt Hatfield .. Lieut Purdy ... do do do do do do Capt Lobdel ... do do Capt Lyons. ... do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Wallese.., Capt Buckhout do Stature. 5 9 5 3 5 8 5 10 5 9 5 9 5 11 Description of the Men’s Persons. 5 5 5 5 5 8 9 o 6 8 5 7 6 o 5 7 5 3 6 o 5 3 5 10 5 4 5 3 5 6 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 4 S 4 5 8 5 11 5 5 5 9 Indian.318 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Caleb Horton... Abraham Travies Henery Coale ... George Long ... 85 John Wilson.... Charles Vincen.. Silos Flint..... John Eliott..... John Briggs----- 90 James Currey .. . John Forster____ Joseph Anderson Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. May 2 16 Phillipse Burrah. do 2 18 Philipse Burrah . do 2 40 do March 22 22 Ireland do 22 25 England do 22 18 Fresh Kills do 22 22 Connecticut April 23 22 Ingland do 23 17 Phillipse Burrah . March 25 20 Westchester do 22 gone to Long Island Maye 14 18 |Newe York This Musterrole Retorned by me this 14th of Maye 1760 To the payemasters & Comesaryes for the Colony of Newe York. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Haights Company, Jonathan Haight, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Jacobus Concright April X 18 Barnibas Cledon March 27 30 Incres Cutlar April 28 17 Andrew Peterson do 24 45 5 Isaac Harton do 28 17 Ruben Piner do 28 18 Paul James do 28 21 Alex Burtus do 14 45 John Commal do 24 29 10 Phinus Baker do 12 21 Michal Chadock do 14 18 Jabus Fuller do 3 19 George Scott do 3 50 Peter Nilson do 3 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 760. 3T9 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature.1 Description of the Men’s Persons. Labourer do do ..... Capt Buckhout do do 5 6 5 8 e 8 Wool Coroer... Sailor Capt Drake do J u 5 10 5 6 5 8 Black Smith . . do Labourer Capt John Underhill. 5 4 do do 5 5 do do 5 3 do do 5 5 5 10 Blacksmith.... Capt Buckhout 5 5 the Number being 95. pr. me John Thomas, Muster Master for the Coonty of West Chester. ___________ 95 men. the County of Westchester for Captain Jonn May ye 13™ 1760. Robert Travis, ) Jonathan Miller, f Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Dutchess Co... Labour Wales do .... Dutchess Co... do .. . Swedland Sailor Westchester... Labour Conn4* Joiner ...... Orange County Labour Philpse Burrow Wever Philadelphia . . do Boston Carpenter .. do Labour .... do do Long Island... do Cort. Manor.. . do . ... Out of what Company of the Militia. Stat- ure. F. I. Capt Jonth Vin Selouck 6 0 do [Selleck] 5 8 do 5 5 do 5 7 do 5 7 do 5 6 do 5 10 do 5 11 Capt Brown 5 5 do 5 8 do 5 7 do 6 0 do 5 11 do 5 11320 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. 15 John Aston ...... Arter Veal....... Samuel Jinkins. .. Israel Mulinex . .. Joseph Conclin. .. 20 Aron Chatton George Taylor . .. Henery Terry.. . . Duburtus Poasly . Lewis Huson 25 William Combit .. John Normade . . , Jacobus Ilronk . . , Peter Mills...... James Mansfield., 30 Jacob Armstrong Zopar Jones .... Joshua Lumerix . Eleazer Youman. Edward Brown . . 35 Nicolas Depew . . James Wood.... William Wolsey . William Miller . . Daniel Rusel.... 40 Philip Stenback . Gilbert Travis . . . Josiah Smith Gabriel Huson . . Wolster Rost ... 45 Wm- Durbystur . . David Todd....... Thos* Wright Samuel Montrop Matyse Colding . 50 Thomas Peek ... Abrm- Sloot Thadeus Dickson Peter Partrick .. . James Done....... 55 Daniel Brooks.. . David Sarles . ... April 14 24 do 14 21 do 25 21 do 25 25 May 45 do 6 17 April 1 25 do 3 36 do 1 21 do 11 18 do 3 28 do 3 26 March 3i 23 do 27 !9 do 6 3i Apr. 23 21 do 1 18 do 23 21 do 8 21 do 17 19 do 17 17 do 1 21 do 28 18 do 21 May 7 19 19 April 1 18 do 2 22 do 1 21 March 24 23 April 4 18 do 23 16 May 4 23 Apr 19 17 do 2 24 do 23 17 May 7 30 Apr 2 18 do 5 23 do 1 19 do 26 19 do 14 16NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 321 Where born. T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stat- ure. F. /. Cort. Manor. .. Labour Capt Brown 5 8 Rye do .... do ....... c c Cort. Manor. .. do .... do 5 S Westchester.. . Wever do 5 t do Carpenter . . Capt Tellar D 5 11 do Weaver .... do 5 i England Saier do C ' Ireland Mason do D / C ' Virginia Labour .... do J J 6 c Philipse Burrow Weaver .... do 5 < Ireland Labour .... do Swits Taylor Capt Phil Verplanck .... j j 6 c Westchester. .. Cordwinder. do .... 5. < Dutchess Co... Labour .... ~do .... 5 : Ireland Weaver .... do .... 5 i Straten Island. Labour do .... 5 1 Long Island. .. do .... do .... 5 i Westchester . . Cordwinder. do 5 i Whiteplains. . . Labour .... do .... 5 - Albany do .... do .... S : Cortland Manr. Weaver .... do .... 5 Westchester. .. Cordwinder. do .... 5 ■ Orange Co Labour .... do .... 5 Cortland Manr*. do .... do 5 1 Long Island. .. do .... do 5 Jersey do .... do 5 Cortland Manr*. do do .... 5 Conn1, Cordwinder. Capt Rogers 6 Westchester. .. Labour do 5 1 Connectic1* do do 5 Whiteplains. .. do do 5 ■ Dutchess Co... do do 5 Ireland Sailor .. . . do s N. York Labour ... . do J c Germany do .... do . . J c J N. York do . ... do Philipse Borrow r Cordwinder, do J 5 Cort. Manor. .. Labour do 5 Connect ...... do ... do c W estchesterCo. do do . J 5 Conn1, do do . . e WestchesterCo do ..,. do D 5 9 8 7 4 5 9 5 5 4 o 8 9 8 9 4 21322 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment.* Age. Philipp Money Apr do 34 23 25 27 25 20 John Quick Arnils Digans do 60 Thos. Williams May do 7 Zebolon Pedruck 7 Enoch Corwell April do / James Salts Q 25 18 Gilbert Travis do l6 65 Gilbert Conclin do l6 l6 Jacob Travis do I 19 26 John Pulin do 3 David Taylar March 22 18 John Macrede .. .. May do 6 20 70 William Watson 6 20 Jonathan Wolsey April May April do 16 20 Conlius Chaton . 7 19 20 Jacob Shover ✓ Q Jacob Yunomore 28 22 75 Joseph Cosle . ... do 23 21 Joseph Farmin 26 Calib Latin 23 21 78 Samuel Brooks do 23 this Muster Role made by me this 15th of Maye 1760. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Bloomer’s Company, Joshua Bloomer, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Cotlipp Youton April I March 22 16 Samuel Boden 37 18 Joseph Todd April 4 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 323 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stat- ure. F. I. Long Island. .. Labourer. . . Capt Lobdel 5 7 Connecticut . . . do ... do 5 8 Block Island . . do do 5 I* Rhord Ihland . do do 5 7 Long Island. . . do ... do 5 7 Cortland Man. do ... Capt Hyat . 5 8 Long Island. .. Weaver .... do .... 5 8 Cortland Mr*. .. Labourer.. . do 5 10 do do ... do 5 10 do Weaver .... do 5 10 England Labourer. .. do c Cor,t. Manor. . . do do 5 4 Jersey do ... do e 7 England Taylor do c < Bedford Weaver .... do 5 6 Dut8, County .. Labourer. . . do \ . . 5 9 do do do . 5 2 Straten Isld*. . . Weaver .... Capt John Underill 5 6 Conn1 Tayler Capt Wallese 5 8 Long Island. .. Weaver Capt Lyon 5 10 do Cordwinder. do 5 8 N. York do Capt. Wallese 5 9 pr. me John Thomas, Muster Master for the County of West Chester the Number being 87. the County of Westchester for Captain Joshua May 13th 1760. Selvenus Horton, ) John Boshwick, j Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stat- ure. Jarmeny Labourer . Capt Holms . . . . c 7 England do do c c do do do D D 5 6324 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. David Bostick...... 5 David Sealey....... Jabez Smith.......... David Finch.......... Joseph Harris....... . Abrm* Ruxgve....... TO Thomas Crumwell .. . Enos Brown......... Samuel Nichson .... David Warring ...... Thomas Rusell...... 15 John Akerly......... Richard Marsh........ Jesey Haight....... Thomas Sanford.... William Brown...... 20 Benidick Arnold .... Weight Green ....... Brockway Brown John Ferris (Harris?) Gideon Dolf........ 25 Oliver Arnold....... Peter Forginson .... Jonathan Holms. John Price......... Patrick McOvoy .... 30 Leabon Light........ Somas Tomas Traser Nathaniel Chappell . James Sturdevent. .. Peter Lockwood .... 35 David Durell........ Salomon Burtis..... Nehemiah Stanton .. John Pengrey....... William Saris...... 40 Thomas Seman........ Alaxandra Flecher.. William McHorney . Eliphelet Saburley?. Thos- Gibson....... 45 John Roe .......... Joseph Williams .... Day of I n list m ant. Age. April 23 24 March 31 16 April 28 2 7 do 4 18 do 2 24 do 22 39 do 1 31 do 2 21 May 4 28 do 7 16 do 7 21 do 7 19 do 6 45 April 3 17 do 3 18 do 3 16 March 26 19 April 10 J9 do 1 J9 do 3 30 do 28 54 do 29 46 May 6 19 Aprl 11 18 do 9 16 do 9 17 do 28 17 do 28 25 do 28 25 do 2 21 May 2 17 do 6 28 do 6 40 do 6 22 do 6 25 do 6 20 do 10 16 do 1 21 Mar 22 18 Apr 28 18 do 28 18 do 11 23 do 11 l9NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 325 Where born. Trade. Bedford Carpen tder i do Joyner Connecticut ..... do Cordwinder Labour In gland Watchmaker .... Conn1, Cordwinder . . Westchester North Castle .... Black Smith Labourer Boston do Bedford do do do do do Boston do Connect1, do do do Westchester .... do Conn1, do do do Westchester do Conn1, Cordwinder do Labourer do Carpenter Cortl1, Manor .... Labourer Bedford do Pensalvanea do Westchester do Bedford do Jarmeney Lace Maker ..... Connect1, Labourer Duches do Conn1, do Boston Waver Long Isld- ....... Labourer Bedford do Conn1, Cordwinder Bedford Labourer Long Isld* Black Smith Scotland Labourer Albeney do Long Island do Cordwinder Labourer do .... Taylor Rye Labourer Out of what Company of the Militia. do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Lockwood do do do do do do do do do Capt Crane do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Cpnkling Capt Purdy do do do do Stat- ure. 5 8 5 5 o 4 5 3 6 8 5 5 5 11 5 10 5 9 5 9 5 11 5 10 5 9 5 10 5 11 5 7 5 7 S 5 9 4 4 9 7 7 6 7 5 8 9 o 6 4 4 2 5 4 5 3 4 3 5 8 5 11326 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Abel Mosher . .... Ruben Lane L...... Peter Merril...... 50 James Kniffin..... Ebenezer Cooper *.. John McDaniels____ Amos Qwartoo Peter Ware ....... 55 John McCormick... . Elias Roberts..... Darby Sulivan........ James Murphy .... Isaac Briggs...... 60 Benjamin Boyea .... Robert James ... John Utter ....... John Feild........ James Roads....... 65 George Francis .... John Gibbs........ Timothy Reed .... Daniel McCleen.... John Carr......... 70 Hachaliah Brundige Christopher Warren George Watson.... John Chandler..... James Blaud....... 75 Marthew Hutson .. William Tocker ... James Bilinton .... Nathan Weed....... Samuel Finch...... 80 Jonathan Leader .. Samuel Bouton.... Ebenezer Brooks .. John Tharps....... Joseph Silsbe..... 85 Silos Canfield.... Thomas Wayls Daniel Osborn..... Barrick Nichollson . Ebenezer Nortrup . Apr 2 Mar 22 do 26 Apr IO Mar 22 Apr. I Mar I May 8 do 22 April 8 March 22 do 22 do 27 April 19 do 28 March 22 do 22 do 22 April 4 do 18 May 5 do 5 do 5 April 18 Mar 28 do 22 do 22 do 24 do 22 April 28 March 31 April 3 May 1 do 5 Mar 27 Apr 25 do 28 Mar 27 Apr 8 Mar 27 do 27 Apr 16 May 6 Age. 17 17 J9 17 18 33 17 30 31 29 35 30 19 18 46 33 31 23 17 27 30 36 27 17 17 30 29 26 23 16 17 26 35 18 23 28 17 16 18 16 18 16 20NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 327 Where born. Long Isld ....... Rye do ............ do ......... Long Island ..... Irland ......... Rye............. Albeney ......... Irland.......... J arsey .......... Irland.......... do ........... Phillipse Burrow. Scarsdeal ■ *... Ingland ........ . Road Island.... . Long Island..... Ingland___...... New Rochelle ... Conn1,.......... Ingland......... Scotland......... Irland.......... Rye ............ Rye ............ Irland.......... Ingland......... Irland.......... Ingland......... North Castle J arsey......... Connect1,....... do ........... do ........... do ........... do ........... do ........... New York........ . do .......... do .......... do .......... Connecticut..... do ......... Trade. Cordwinder . Labourer ... do do Saylor..... Waver ..... Labourer ... do do do do do do do do do do Black Smith. Cordwinder , Paynter Hedger Waver do ....... Labourer . . . do do do do do do Cordwinder do Labourer . . do Waver..... do ..... Cordwinder Labourer . . Carpenter . . Labourer . . do do do Out of what Company of the Militia. Capt Purdy do do do do do do do do Capt Tredwel Capt Griffen do do do do Capt Lobdel Capt Seccord do do do do do do Left Purdy do do do do do Capt. Lyon do Capt Wallace do do do do do do do do do do do Stat- ure. s 4 5 3 5 10 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 6 5 10 5 10 5 8 3 5 6 7 6 6 7 3 2 6 2 6 6 5 7 5 8 5 5 7 4 o 7 o S 10 5 7 5 7 5 11 5 6 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 6328 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s- Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. 90 James Sands Apr 12 30 Daniel Bouten May 13 16 Abraham Jonson do 13 30 John Uter do 14 37 Jonus Numan do 14 18 Jacub Miler April 26 24 this Muster Role Made by me this 15th of Maye 1760. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in pany, May James Howel, Captain. Men’s Names. ♦Gilbert Veil...,..... John Gardiner ........ John Kennon............. James Finch............ David Rogers.......... Philip King........... Samuel Baily.......... William Robinson....... Daniel Skepmor........ 10 Solomon Miller........ f Johnathan Colburn .. . . f Amos Monro.......... John Decker........... John Campbell......... George Boshannan...... Gamaliel Trusdel...... George Knap........... Cornelius Holdron Richard Rose.......... 20 Jacob Decker.......... Peter Stagg........... John Bearsh'anks...... Day of Inlistment. Age. Where Born. March 28 21 Long Isleand April 26 48 Westchester Co.. Mar 28 22 England do 31 19 Orange Co April 4 21 Ulster Co.. ... March 28 49 Germany Apr, 26 21 Long Isleand... . do 28 23 do .... do 10 29 do March 4 19 Goshen" Apr 5 21 Jersey .. do 9 27 New England.. . . Mar 29 20 Orange Co do 29 19 Ireland do 29 17 Goshen do 29 l9 Westchester Co.. do 29 19 Goshen . ....... do 29 20 do do 29 47 Dublin do 29 19 Menysink. Apr. 5 24 Pumptown .... .. do 10 J9 Germany * Deserted, f Both condemned to be hanged for deserting.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 329 Where born. Long Island Conn1'- Ireland Conn1*...... do ...... Bedford.... T rade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stat- ure. Labourer Capt Gilb Drake. 5 7 do . Capt Crane 5 4 do do 5 6 Doctur Capt Holmes .... 5 7 Labourer do .... 5 5 do do .... 5 8 pr Me JOHN Thomas, Muster Master for the County of West Chester the number being 98. the County of Orange for Captain Howel’s Com- 19™, 1760. Alexander Johnston, Abraham Thew, Lieutenants. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Sta ,ture. Description of the Men’s Persons. Weaver Capt Bradner ... 5 9% Fair haired blew eyes Labourer . .. do ... ,5 7% do do do do ... 5 6 do do do ... do 5 7% do do Blacksmith.. do 5 8 % do do Labourer . . . do ... 5 7 Brown hair grey eyes Carpenter... do 6 Fair hair do Weaver Capt Bull 5 AXA2 Brown hair do Seaman do 5 5^ ( Black curled hair 1 grey eyes Farmer ..... Capt Dekey .... 5 2^ Brown hair grey eyes Blacksmith.. do .... 3 7% do blew eyes Carpenter. . . do 5 9 do do Labourer . . . do .... 5 8 do do Cordwainer.. do .... 5 5 Ya Fair hair do Labourer . . . do .... 5 3 do do do do .... 5 do do do do .... 5 9 do do do do .... 5 7 do do Woll Coamer Capt Bull 5 2% Black hair do Labourer . . . Capt Dekey .... r* 5 9% do do do do 5 63/ Fair hair do do Capt Marvin .... 5 2/ do do330 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Charles McAllister Apr. 25 19 Edward Serjeant do 28 19 J ohn Postley. do 28 28 John Wilson May 19 26 Josiah Jepule Apr 7 19 David Reyner do 7 17 John McIntosh do 5 21 30 Reuben Tucker. Mar 31 21 Elliphas Gaven Apr. 25 22 J ohn Sutton 27 22 Hendrick Mire Apr 18 30 Jeremiah Hawley do 18 22 John Simpson do 10 18 Abraham Carpenter.... Mar 27 17 Jacob King Apr 3 20 William Kirk Mar 29 19 Peter Smith Apr 18 20 40 Joseph Baily do 3 23 Richard Connely Mar 27 34 Thomas Wright Apr 3 21 James McKain do 3 20 Lyon Gardiner Mar 27 20 Soloman Carpenter .... Apr. 23 20 William Thompson do 25 22 Peter Arnout Mar 28 26 Isaac Brook do 28 23 Thomas Owens do 22 20 50 Julius Smith Apr. IC 1 19 Tobias Weygant do 28 i 29 Moses Cuningham do 28 1 17 James Fisher do 3C ) 29 Where born. Orange Co.... .. New England.... Ireland ......... do Long Isleand'...- Orange Co....... Scotland.......... Long Isleand.... Rode Isleand.... Goshen.......... Germany......... Goshen.......... New Castle Co .. Goshen.......... do .......... do .......... Albany Co....... Goshen.......... Ireland...... Goshen ......... Jersey ......... Long Isleand.... Goshen ......... Philadelphia ... . Goshen........ East Jersey . ... . England . . .... Long Isleand Ulster Co....... New England ... Jersey............NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 331 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Labourer .. . Capt. Marvin.... 5 SA Carpenter. .. do .... 5 ix Farmer do .... 5 aVa do Capt Bull. 5 6 do Capt Marvin.... 5 5 do do .... 5 aVa do do .... 5 4/4 Cordwainer.. Capt Bull S' 4 >4 Farmer do 5 8 Cordwainer.. Capt Wisener .. 5 8# Farmer do 5 A% Cordwainer . do 5 9tA Labourer . .. do 5 7% Taylor do 5 SH Weaver do 5 8X Labourer . . . do 5 AVa Carpenter.. . do 5 A% Labourer . .. do 6 y2 do do 5 1X Forgeman .. do S 11 Labourer . .. do 5 8)4 Blacksmith.. do 6 % Labourer Capt Jas Smith. . 6 1 Taylor do 5 9)4 Labourer . .. do 5 7H do do S 3X do do 5 8A do Capt Thos Smith 5 6 do do 5 8A do do 5 5 do do 5 3 H Description of the Men’s Persons. Brown hair Grey Eyes do do do do j fair curled hair Grey ) Eyes Black hair Grey Eyes Mulatto do Brown hair well sett do do do do do do do do Fair hair do do do do do do j short black hair ( well sett fair hair well sett do do do j Dark brown hair ( well sett Brown hair blew eyes j short brown hair \ blew eyes fair hair Grey Eyes j short brown hair ( Grey Eyes j short brown hair ( Grey Eyes fair hair Grey Eyes do do do j short fair hair Grey j Eyes ( short brown hair \ Grey Eyes j short fair hair Grey ( Eyes Black hair Grey Eyes fair hair do J short brown hair j Grey Eyes j short curled brown ( hair Grey Eyes j short brown hair j Grey Eyes j fair complexion ( Grey Eyes332 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Samuel Sayers Apr. 28 18 Barney Manuey Isaiah Smith May 20, 19 Samuel Smith do 20 17 William Owen do 20 19 William Ayers do 20 21 60 Johannis Koole Mar 24 23 Men Inlisted out of Col. Abra- ham Harings Regiment. "Francis Mattyie do 24 . 39 John MattyieValentine do 29 19 Jacob Whitman do 29 30 Edward Meason do 29 33 Paulus Berry do 31 30 Andreas Shoes do 31 32 Arthur Johnston Apr 3 29 John Ledruk do 3 24 Nicholas Manuel do 3 22 ?o - Samuel Quack do 14 29 Thomas Wen do 24 19 Phredrick Teech March 30 48 Abraham Bennet .... do 27 25 Edward Burney do 25 32 Simon Hayes April 19 19 Nathanael Layfargey. Mar. 24 32 John Steel April 1 43 James Stewart Mar. 24 21 I Roeloff Vanhauta.... do 20 24 8o John Pearson April 3 26 Urian Perry Mar 28 20 John McDonnell do 28 20 Robert Duffy April 3 23 Where born. Goshen Long Island do do East Jersey...... do ......... Long Island.... Tappan......... Germany......... Ireland ....... j Pumpton in \ \ ye Jerseys \ Germany........ Ireland........ do ......... East J ersey ...... Long Island ...... New York....... Germany........ Jersey......... Wales ........... New York....... East Jersey.... Ireland........ Scotland.... Tappan......... East Jersey Germany........ Scotland....... do .........NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I j6o. 333 Trade. Labourer . . . Out of what Company of the Militia. Capt Bull. ...... Cordwainer . Weaver..... Taylor..... Capt Marvin do do Sadler do Labourer Capt Harring..... Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. 5 sK 5 6 5,6 5 4% 5 9 A 5 73A j fair complexion { Grey Eyes j Dark brown hair ( Grey Eyes Brown hair Grey Eyes j Dark brown hair J Grey Eyes t Dark brown hair ) Grey Eyes j short fair hair Grey \ Eyes Cordwainer . do Labourer . do Sawyer do Labourer . . . do Cordwainer . do do do Weaver do Taylor. ..... do Weaver.... . do Labourer . . . do Blacksmith.. do Labourer . . . do do do Surgeon Capt Smith Cordwainer . do Weaver, do Carpenter do Blacksmith,. do Labourer . .. do do do do . . .; do do do do do ...5 4 %. — 5 9jA • •••5 3% — 5 5% ...6 ^ .... 5 10 ...S 2^ ...5 1 ■ ....5 6 ...•5 8 ••••5 3 A • •• 5 7 ”•■5 4 ----5 7 ....5 sA •....5 I.I.K ......5 2 ....5 2% ....5 6# ....5 4K ..,.. 5 4 .....5 2 ....5 8X Free Negro j Dark brown hair \ Grey Eyes Black hair Grey Eyes Brown hair do j short fair hair Grey j Eyes Black hair Grey Eyes Brown hair do Brown & Grey hair Mullato Free Negro Brown hair j Brown hair pock { marked ( Brown hair slender { visage j short fair hair wears \ m -a w igg fair hair Brown hair fair Hair do do short do do short Black hair Brown hair (fair hair ;p o c k \ marked short fair hair334- muster ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John De Fries Mar 24 25 Henry Sniffin April 9 36 Frans Smith. . Mar 24 39 William Ransey May 19 54 John SeeJy ' Mar 29 17 David Babcock do 29 37 90 Samuel Babcock do 29 25 John McDonnell do 29 24 Richard Hughs do 25 18 Isaac Halstead do 29 21 Abraham Garison do 29 23 John Houser do 29 21 James Jennings. , Apr 7 20 John Halstead Mar 26 18 Johannis Weber do 26 22 William Cherry do 26 25 100 Willm- Loundsberry ... do 26 19 Theodorus Snedekar .. do 26 18 John De Jersey do 26 19 Peter Keslar do 26 18 Fredrick Penter April 3 20 Leonard Isseman do 3 27 Adam Trout March 26 20 John Taylor do 24 45 Thomas- Kelly do 24 47 Ari King April 3 51 no Cunerate Graverstile .. do 3 18 William Lewis do 6 40 Ezekiel Miller .. do 14 18 Abrm* Ackerman do 14 50 James Kelly March 26 20 James Paul April 18 20 Peter van Blarcum do 3 24 David Williams. ...... do 11 25 Benjamin Yeomans ... do 11 19 Jeremiah Yeomans.... do 11 21 120 Israel James do 3 r9 Where born. Tappan......... Rye............ Tappan......... Ireland........ Bedford ....... Newark......... Tappan......... Scotland....... England........ Orange Co...... Long Island.... do ..... j E. Jersey [ ( Woodbridge \ j Cakiate in \ ( Orange Co. j Germany........ England........ Westchester.... Orange Co ..... do do ........ Germany ....... do ......... Orange Co...... Elizabeth Town . Conn. ......... New York......... Phillips Mannor . Ireland........ Orange Co...... York Island.... New England . .. Long Island..... Jerseys........ Long Island.... HighldsOrangeCo. do Haverstraw.....NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 170O. 335 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Labourer ... Capt Smith ..... do do ..... do ... do Taylor. ..... Capt Underdunk. Labourer . .. Capt Coe do . .. do do do Blacksmith.. do Labourer . .. do do do do do Weaver...... do Toyner...... do Carpenter. .. Johs- Snedeker. . . Taylor...... do Cordwainer . do Labourer ... do do do do do do ... do do do ... do do Weaver do Labourer . . . Capt Underdunk. Cordwainer . do Carpenter. . . do Labourer . .. do do do do do Weaver Capt Snedekar .. Cordwainer . do Farmer Capt Osburn do do do do do ...... do do do do do .. .. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 43/4 S3A 8 8 % Sti 3A 6% 3H 6 63^ 2% Indian Black hair j Free Negro ( marked Brown hair Brownish hair Black hair j Brown hair ( marked j Black hair j marked Brown hair Black hair short brown hair Fair hair pock pock pock 3 short black hair 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Brown hair 13X 43X 10 3 6M 33A 2 3A 5 II; 31/2 43A 4 A 41/2 93A 6 6 5% 7 fair hair Black hair fair hair fair hair & complexion Brown hair fair hair j Brown hair pock ( marked Dark brown hair Black hair do do do do fair hair Brown hair short black hair do do do Brown hair do do Black hair Brown short hair do do do fair hair Dark brown short hair Brown curled hair336 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Where born. Henry Cooper April 20 17 Orange Co Peter Blakeway do 28 19 1 England The two following men are not in the Muster Roll I returned William Bole , John Pattee May do 24 23 45 46 Ireland East Jersey Number of men officers Included j May the 22, 1760. one hundred and twenty-five ( Pursuant to An Order from Commander in Chief of the Province of New York &c out of the County of Orange Whose Names are Con- Effective men fit for his Majesties Service. The above Roll officers included contains 125 men two The Quota to be Raised out of Orange County 130 of with the two Lieuts. Col. Tustin ought to Raise the Rest. A Muster Roll of the men raised and pass’d in -----, Captain. Company, Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Richard Weblo ... June 7 39 Joseph Rogers do 6 35 Phillip Mooney do 7 35 George Booth do 7 45 John Laport April : 17 21 Christian Smith May 6 40 Jn°- Gashkile Shasbrick June 7 47 *Chas- Williams do 7 20 Will"1, Thane do 7 40 Michael Croos do 7 19 Samuel Moore do 8 3i Timothy Hodges do 8 25 Joshua Coles do 9 20 John Mitchell do 9 25 Tohn Odle do 9 22 Gilbert Weeks do 9 20 Wm- Hughson do 9 17 John Huff (?) do 9 20 Caleb Lounsbury May 28 18 Amos Hallstead June 9 35 Will1"- Bennet do 9 45 * Deserted. This is to Certify that the above 19 Volunteers and 2 me June 9th 1760.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 337 Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Description of the Men’s Persons. Farmer Capt Osburn.... 5 4X Black curled hair Sailor do .... 5 5K fair hair to the Governour being mustered after I had made my return. Labourer . . . Capt Bull 5 3% Black curled hair Farmer do 5 33A Black hair the Honorable James Delancey Esqr- Lieut. Governour and I have Mustered the men Raised for his Majesties Service tained in this Muster Roll and Believe they are Able Bodied Char. Clinton. men who were afterwards mustered makes 127. which Col. Abraham Harings Regiment's Quota is 65 men the County of West Chester for Captain April 1760. ------, Lieutenants. Where born. Staten Island.... Old England...... Long Island...... New York ....... Geneva .......... Hamburgh ....... Lanchashire O. E. Stanford ........ New Rochell...... Germany....... Ireland.......... Newhaven......... Cape Codd........ Eswd- of Boston .. Phillips Manor ... New England Manor Court Land do Rye ............. Oysterbay..... Manor Courtland . Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Stature. Labourer Capt Lyons .... 5 9 do ...... Capt Hattfield. . 5 5 do Capt Lobdell.. . 5 8 Wheelright .... Capt Rogers .. . S 3 Weaver Capt Vermilliea. 5 4 Sweep Chimney do .! 5 4 Pavor do .; 5 8 Labourer Capt Lockwood.' 5 6^ do ...... Capt Hyatt 6 0 do Capt Amory.... 5 3 Schoolmaster .. Capt Miller 5 534 Labourer Capt Lockwood. 5 7 do Capt Rogers .. . 5 4 Ship Carpenter. Capt Drake 5 11 Labor- Capt Underhill . 5 7 do .... Capt Rogers... . 5 4 Weaver Capt Tallier .. . 5 S Labr-.. do 5 4 do Husbandman . . do 5 in Room of a detached ) } man mustered before. ) Capt Hyatt Capt Rogers.... 5 4 6 5 3 Detached Men have passed Muster for the above County by 22 Mich. Thodey, Muster Master.338 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of an Additional Company against Canada in the Year 1760 Men’s Names. Jerry Sullivan, Serg1- Richard Joyce do Edward Sparks ..... Samuel Hanson...... 5 John Moyster....... John Van Zandt James McCoy........ Michael White...... Simon Cramer....... 10 Matthew Murphy .. . Christopher Brewer . Lewis Barrow....... John Joseph........ Nicholas Calvee.... 15 Joseph Peter....... Francis Barton..... Joseph Baddely..... Thomas McMullen ... Moses Harley....... 20 John Quinland...... Alexander Morison. . Joseph Flore....... Michael Price ..... Henry Harish....... 25 Thomas Neal ....... John Purdis........ Wm* Turner......... James Thompson . .. Thomas Portel...... 30 Wm’ Cumbeford...... Patrick McCastlin ... John Candy ........ Hendrick Vessells ... Augustinus Adelphis 35 Joseph Franco_______ John Asobodo....... John Murphy........ John Holland....... When In listed. 1760 April 28 do 28 do 29 May 5 do 5 do 8 do 9 do 11 do 12 do 12 do 13 do 12 do 14 do 14 do IS do IS do 16 do 16 do 16 do 17 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 23 do 24 do 24 do 26 do 26 do 26 do 26 do 26 do 29 June 2 RAISED UNDER Age. 36 24 22 27 18 20 26 48 26 26 40 20 26 24 22 23 21 30 27 34 26 31 30 40 30 26 50 26 22 50 27 42 30 24 23 25 29 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 339 by the Province of New York for the Expedition the Command of Capt. Francis Thodey. Country. Trade. Cork in Ireland Scrivinier Dublin.... Clother Virginia Cooper Old England Taylor Scotland Seaman Long Island Shoemaker Ireland Callendar do Labourer Northwitch Conn1* ..... Seaman Dublin White Smith Old England Tallow Chandler Germany Labourer do Shoemaker do Labourer do Carpenter do Weaver Old England Black Smith Ireland Clothier Roxberry N. England ... Ireland Wheel Wright Barber Bamshire Scotland Seaman Portagal Callico Weaver Dublin Carpentar Germany Pedler Ireland Sailor Germany Woolen Weaver Old England Seaman Dublin Potterer do Weaver S°* Carolina do Ireland Labourer Old England Cooper Holland Seaman New Spain do Portagal do New Spain do Ireland do Long Island 1 do Height. 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 9 5 5 6 6 5 8^ 2 7 3 6 10^ 9^ 9^ 7% 7 8 2 5 7 9% 5 7% 6 9 7 9 6 5 6 8340 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. David Paxton.... 40 James Jennings ... Isaac Doughty Lewis Bastian... James Bland..... Thomas Smith 45 Joseph Elback Henry Russell Thomas Normant , Wm Forbes....... John Swain...... 50 Edward Bennet .. Wm- Harrison____ Joshua Ralph.... Francis Fox..... Wm* Carter...... 55 John Atkinson... Jas. Donaldson .. Venture Joseph.. George Price.... Edward Nickolson 60 Albert Egeles .... William McCarthy Samuel Scofield.. William Green... Lewis Ruderego.. 65 Daniel McNamara Andrew Charles.. John Gullery .... William Jones ... John Low........ 70 John Man......... When Inlisted. Age. 1760 June 2 49 do 3 29 do 3 20 do 4 25 do 4 30 do 4 22 do 4 28 do 4 19 do 4 27 do 5 18 do 8 25 do 8 26 do 8 22 do 8 22 do 8 43 do 8 21 do 8 22 do 9 36 do 9 26 do 9 27 do 10 27 do 10 33 do 11 30 do 11 18 do 11 27 do 11 23 do 12 26 do 12 30 do 12 32 do 12 23 I have Mustered the 70 Men named in the above Roll New York June 13th 1760.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 341 Country. Trade. Ireland Weaver Philadelphia Shoemaker Long Island Carpentar Italy Seaman Dublin do London do Old England do do do Virginia Ship Carpentar Scotland .... Seaman Ireland do do Pewterer N. England Seaman do do Durham England do do do do do Scotland Labourer Portap*al Seaman England do Ireland Farmer Nora way Sailor Ireland do do Labourer England Sailor Portagal do Ireland do do T aylor do Seaman .. Old England do Pensylvania Clothier Scotland Seaman Height. 5 3X 5 8^ 5 8/2 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 4 5 5 and passed them as Able Bodied Men fitt for service etc. Bev. Robinson.342 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of Captain Barnaby Byrn’s Company Names. Barnaby Byrn, Capt... Patrick Welsh, Lieut.. Henry Dawson Lieut.. I Robert Roberts....... William McDermot____ Thomas Pendergast . .. James Burns........... 5 John Wood............ Francis Duffy....... JohnDunphy.......... Christopher Aamerman Charles Murry....... io Paul Castle......... Daniel Ward......... William Emery....... James Glin.......... Solomon Tygert...... 15 James Marston....... House Fisher........ John Hays .......... Henry Thute......... David Herbart....... 20 Andrew Toat......... Charles Dunstal .... William Smith....... John Wallace........ James Kearns........ 25 John Keam........... Richard Rea........... William Reynolds.... Thomas Connick. ...... Henry O’Bryan...... 30 George Nublogh...... Absalom Baker ...... James Coul.......... John Flin........... Burger Price........ 35 Richard Benton...... Thomas Meeks........ Date of Enlistment. Age. Where born, April 7 do 7 do 7 do 7 2; Antigua ... do 7 24 Ireland .... do 7 31 do do 7 21 America ... do 7 32 England ... do 7 24 Ireland do 7 28 do . - .. do 7 31 Prussia . ... do 7 34 Ireland .... do 7 27 England ... do 7 20 Ireland .... do 7 23 England*... do 7 27 Ireland .... do 7 35 do do 7 29 America .. do 7 20 England .., April 8 36 Ireland ... do 8 40 England .. do 8 46 Ireland .. . do 8 19 America .. do 8 32 England .. do 8 3° Ireland ... do 8 20 do do 8 40 do do 8 65 do do 8 19 do ... do 8 24 do April 8 28 do do 9 23 do . .. do 9 5° Germany . do 9 36 England .. do 9 3° Ireland ... do 9 58 do ... do 9 26 Germany.. do 9 52 England .. Apr 10 30 doNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761 343 in the First New York Regiment April 7, 1761. Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complexion. F. /. Gentleman 5 8 Brown 5 11 fair Laborer . 5 7XA do Baker 5 7 do Mariner 5 7/4 Swarth Labr- 5 4A Fair clo 5 5/4 Pale do . . 5 6ly4 fair Mariner 5 5 A Brown do 5 8)4 do do 5 6 Fair do 5 6% do do 5 9% do Weaver 4 Brown Shipwright 5 5 Swarthy Mariner 5 4% Brown Laborer 5 7% do Barber 5 4>4 Fair Taylor 5 8 do Cooper .. 5 4'A ■ do Vintner 5 2Y4r Brown Stay maker . S 7 do Labr 5 %% Black Weaver 5 4% Ruddy Laborer .. 5 6 Fair Mariner . 5 5 A do Labourer 5 6 Dark Sawyer 5 11 Brown Ropemaker . 4 6 Fair Labr . 5 7/2 do Baker 5 6y2 Ruddy Labr 5 8 Brown do 5 4 Fair Glassmaker ........ 5 4 do Doctor . 5 9 do Whitesmith 5 4/4 Brown344 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Date of Enlistment. Age. Lewis Hugoe Apr 10 18 j George Chapman do 10 19 i Peter Donnellv do 10 26 i 40 John Markly do 10 34 < William Moss . . do 10 21 i Peter Defanvie do 10 19 i John Combe do 10 18 ] John Brannon do 10 40 i 45 David Bremmer April 11 26 ( Patrick Connelly do 11 20 ] Dennis Mulholland.... do 11 35 George Kennick do 11 25 < George Hicks... do 11 45 i 50 William Hoofmast .... do 11 25 < Jacob Fox do 11 21 i Philip Levy April 12 37 1 Edward Hawkins do 12 24 Edward Magher April 13 42 . 55 Peter Champinan do 13 22 ! James Mackey do 13 20 William Portis do 13 5° : John Slegal do 13 26 < James Brown do 13 28 60 Joseph Atkins........ do 13 20 Edward Chambers .... do 13 38 John Bernard do 13 38 * Roderick McKenzie... . do 14 40 Archibald Brown do H 20 65 Jeremiah Sullivan April 14 40 John German do 14 20 Thomas Crockford .... 14 28 Lewis Crosie do is 42 John Brooks do 15 42 70 Cornelius Duggon do 15 29 Henry Mackey do 15 30 John Carney do 16 25 John Glasby do 16 42 Patrick Moore do 16 25 75 James Shehan, Sen. . .. do 17 36 John McKeane do 17 34 Allen McDonald do 17 >9 James Shehan Jr do 18 34 Where born. do Scotland..... do ........ Ireland...... Holland...... Ireland...... Switz........ England...... Ireland...... Ireland...... England...... Ireland...... do ........ do ........ N. Foundland. Ireland...... Ireland......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 345 Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complexion. F. 1. Shoemaker 5 7Y.i Swarthy Mariner 5 3ti Brown Shoemaker 5 5 % Fair Labr 5 4 do Mariner 5 3 Brown Labr 5 7 do Mariner 5 Fair Labr 5 Brown Barber 5 4 Dark Labr 5 1 Brown Mason 5 8 do Labr 5 7V\ Fair Black Smith 5 3% Brown Fidler 3 0 Fair Cooper 5 7 Brown Labr 6 0 Dark Barber 5 9 Fair Carpenter 5 8 Dark Labr .. 5 10 Fair Cooper 5 Dark Labr 5 10 Fair Carpentr 5 8^ Brown Labr . 5 11 Brown Cooper 5 5 Swarthy Mariner 5 IOJ^ Brown Baker 5 sy do Labr 5 2% do do 5 6 Fair do 5 6% Baker 5 3% Barber S 2 }4 Shoemaker 5 S Mariner 5 3 Baker 5 2 Mariner S 3 Butcher 5 4 Carpenter 5 9 Cooper 5 Al/2 Butcher 5 6 Mariner 5 7Va Labr 5 3% Millwright 5 5/4 346 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Samuel Kelly......... 80 Nicholas O'Bryan..... Michael Morris....... Nicholas Manger...... Jacob Miller......... Thomas Berry ........ 85 William Hellan....... George Crist......... Arthur Camble........ 88 John Bently.......... John Webb .......... 90 George Ash........... Michael Isaacks...... William Mullit....... Patrick Scully....... Patrick Cooney....... 95 Adam DeFavent........ Jeremah Crowley...... 97 James Evans.......... Date of Enlistment. Age. Where born. April 18 21 England ...... do 18 39 Ireland do 18 35 do do 18 30 Switzer do 20 24 Germany do 20 43 Switzer do 20 30 Ireland ....... do 21 44 Germany do 21 20 Ireland do 21 ; 25 Limerick do 21 26 England do 18 21 America do 21 24 England do 22 3i do do 22 30 Ireland do 23 45 do do do 27 Switzer . do do 30 Ireland do do 24 do A Muster Roll of Kings and Richmond Counties in the Second Regi Anthony Waters, Captain. Names. Day of Enlistmt- Age. Where Born. Kings County. Barnard Southard.... April 8 37 Germany Gardliff Letter do Q 26 do Peter Johannes do y Q 20 do Coonrot Kilwether. .. do 7 9 y 32 do ...... c Tacob Horn do Q 2\ do . . . _ Michael Lirnin do y Q 36 do John Clannan do y Q O 2S do ...... Hendrick Frederick .. do y 9 j 22 do ...... George Bass do Q 22 London 10 John Albert. do y 9 20 Amsterdam ....347 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, i;6l. Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complexion. F. 7. Mariner .. 5 3/4 Taylor 5 s% Brickmaker 5 6 Taylor 5 8 Currier 5 7 Fencing Master 5 8 Mariner 5 6 Labr 5 6 Shoemaker 5 4 Mariner 5 4 do 5 8 Taylor 5 6 Silver Smith 5 5 ' Blockmaker 5 2 Victualler 5 6 Baker 5 8 Gardiner 5 5 Labr 5 5 do 5 8 Recruits for Captain Anthony Waters Company ment of New York. Nisbet,) x . . Grant, ^ Lieuts‘ Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complexion. F. /. Carpenter 5 2 Butcher 5 6 do 5 734 Carpenter 5 6 Tanner 5 6 Laborer.. 5 4 Cooper 5 434 Labourer 5 4/4 Weaver 5 5 Mariner 5 6 348 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Daniel Forbes....... Duncan McFarson .. . Simon Frasher....... Simon Trump......... 15 Abraham Bussey...... George Fairbrian Henry Iago.......... Thomas Brown........ George Appleby...... 20 John Coffman........ Thomas Anderson . .. John Walder......... Laurence Bourne Daniel Mahoney...... 25 William McCord...... Francis Ellsworth.... Martin Sheley....... John Lippey......... Daniel Frasier...... 30 Paul Hommell........ John McClear........ James Russell....... Jacob Potts......... John Carll.......... 35 George Reed......... John Williamson Andrew Anderson . . . George Folke........ Josh- Bouderheiser... . 40 Nicho8* Fry......... Andrew Stevenson . . . Fredk- Lillildol.... Christan Bremer..... Andries Petra....... 45 Alexd- W. Bean...... Dan1- Cameron....... John Welch.......... Josh- Nisbett....... Thomas Anthony 50 Alexr- Younge....... George Teney........ William Owens....... Day of Enlistmt- Age. Where Born. April 9 40 Scotland do 9 30 do do 9 24 do ....... do 9 35 Germany do 9 40 New York do 9 36 Scotland . do 9 45 Dublin do 10 29 Ireland do 10 27 do do 11 2 7 Germany do 11 29 Ireland do 11 33 Germany do 11 28 do do 11 20 Ireland do 11 30 do do 12 20 Germany do 12 34 do do 12 24 do do 13 36 Scotland do 13 40 Germany April 13 40 Ireland do 13 25 do do 13 28 Germany do 13 27 Ireland do 13 27 Scotland do 13 20 London ....... do 13 26 Germany do 14 22 do do 13 26 Switzer do 14 3° Germany do 18 31 Scotland do 18 33 Germany do 14 36 do ...... do 20 3 7 do do 20 40 Scotland do 20 20 do ....... do 21 England do 9 26 Queens County. do 9 26 England do 9 40 Suffolk Co do 10 24 Ireland do 11 32 do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761 349 Trade. Militia Company. Labourer......... do ........... Mariner........... House Carpenter . . Cooper .......... Labourer...... do ........... Collier.......... Weaver .......... Labourer......... Weaver . ........ Labourer ......... do ........... do ........... Turner........... Baker............ Cordwainer. ....... Labourer......... do ........... Butcher.......... Mariner.......... Barber........ Cordwainer....... Mariner.......... Gardiner......... Labourer......... Mariner....... Cordwainer....... Baker............ Gardener......... Taylor........... Labourer......... Cook............. Labourer......... do ........... do do ........... Weaver .......... Mariner.......... Cordwainer. ....... Brash ier........ Labourer......... Stature. F. 1. 5 5 5 7 5 434 5 7 5 10 5 10 5 534 5 0 5 6>4 5 4^ 5 334 5 434 5 10 6 0 5 6 5 7 5 3 5 5 734 5 2 5 6 5 4 5 934 5 7 5 7 5 0 5 6% 5 8 5 3 5 2 34 5 334 5 93^ 5 834 5 834 5 2 5 5/4 5 3 5 ioj4 5 2 5 8 5 5 5 2 Complexion.350 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Thomas Harlem...... Aaron Bennett...... 55 Nichs* Pealman...... Andries Wick....... John Williams...... Adam Algier..... Peter Kebler....... 60 Adam Leopold........ Peter Funtine...... Hendk- John Liviston. Firdnard Tement John Fridel........ 65 John Swartswegar . .. George Enniss...... Josh Menderson..... Peter Marther...... Coonrod Dunnis..... 70 Mich1, Lepolt........ Jacob Shearman George Keys......... Valentine Huff..... 74 Peter Showless...... Richmond County. Ralph Skidmore..... Tho8, Ryan......... John White......... Bart111, McGuire .. 5 George Botts........ George Jewett...... Thos Fitzgerald.... John Snell......... Edwd Barker _______ 10 John Bryan.......... John McDougal...... Walter Murphy...... Fredk- Prince...... Thos* Dougherty.... 15 James Daxerson...... John Locker........ John Rogers........ Day of Enlistmt- Age. Where Born. April 12 27 Germany ...... do 12 18 Kings Co. do J9 23 Germany ...... do 19 23 do do 19 23 do do !9 28 do do l9 35 do do 19 30 do do J9 24 do do 19 24 do do l9 20 do do J9 24 do ...... do J9 22 do do J9 25 do do 13 20 Germany ...... Apr 21 32 Germany ...... do do 36 do do do 35 do do 11 35 New Jersey do 23 26 Germany do do 33 do do do 41 Ireland April 4 21 Staten Island . . do do 22 do do do 30 Ireland do do 25 Germany do 5 20 Pensilvania do do 22 Germany ... do do 26 Ireland do do 28 Germany do 6 35 Ireland 5. do 9 27 do do 10 26 Scotland do 12 48 Ireland do 13 22 Germany do 13 3i Ireland do 11 30 Scotland do do 30 England do 15 28 Jerseys NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 35 1 Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Mason F. J. 5 6% Labourer 5 9 Baker 5 7 Taylor 5 7 Baker 5 2 Mariner 5 5% Baker ,. . 5 3 Labourer 5 6^ do 5 8 Mariner 5 7 Labourer 5 3 Miller 5 6 Stone Cutter Baker 5 7% 5 6 Labourer 5 1 do 5 do 5 3% Cordwainer....... 5 7 Mason 6 do 5 9 Labourer 5 8/2 Gardiner 6 1 Complexion. Kings County 23rd April 1761. Labourer.., do Mariner Labourer . Weaver . .. Labourer . do Taylor.... Gardiner ., Cordwainer Carpenter. Labourer . do 5 9 5 10 5 5 2 5 6 5 6 5 2 5 5 5 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 7352 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. John Boyd ..... John Cook ..... 20 Anthony Findle Johannes Merrit Caspr* * Bowman . Wm* Skey....... Samuel Morro.. . 25 Joseph Chalis. .. Day of Enlistmt* Age. Where Born. April 17 25 Scotland. ... do 18 38 England . ... do do 21 do . ... do 20 28 Staten Is.... j do do 44 do .. . j do 21 42 England .... 1 do 23 Ireland j do do i 23 do ..... 99 The foregoing Being One Captain Two Lieuts. and Ninety Waters Company for the Countys of Richmond and Kings 2 Lieut8-.............................. .Kings County 74 1 Capt................................Richmond 25 1 Capt 2 Lieut &c 99 A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed in Company Daniel Wright, Captain. Names. I Patrick McDaniel..... Michael Price........ Jeremiah Mahony Edward Balding....... Stephen Blevet ...... Thomas Shingleton . . . John Vogine.......... Dan1- Stanley . ..... Peter Deport......... • 10 Thomas Farrington . . . Samuel Jones......... James Jetnain........ Thomas H art....... John Sparing......... Jonathan Wright...... Day of Enlistment. Age. Where Born. April 8 25 Ireland do 8 29 Dublin do 8 33 Ireland do 9 *9 do do 14 27 Old France.... do 14 31 Newark do 14 26 Paris do H 23 Ireland ...... . do 14 20 Old France.... do 18 26 Flushing do 25 46 England do 14 40 Old France do 14 25 London do 14 23 Bath England . May 4 16 Flushing NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 353 Trade. Militia Company. Stature. Complexion. F. Black Smith 5 6 Labourer 5 7 Mariner 5 6 Miller 5 6 Labourer 6 Scrivener 6 Weaver . 5 8 Labourer . 5 6 Staten Island 24 April 1761. Nine Men where Mustered & Approved off in Cap’t Anthony by me. Geoe- Brewerton, Junr- the County of Queens for Captain Danl Wright’s May 1761. Abraham Remsen, ) John Dean, j* Lieutenants. Trade. Cooper.......... Carpenter....... Labourer........ do .......... Taylor.......... 'Shoemaker...... Breeches Maker.. Ship Carpenter .. Labr-........... do ........... do ........... Cooper.......... Weaver.......... Cordwainer ..... Labr<........... Officer who Inlisted. Stature. Capt Wright do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7^ 7% 1 9 3 7 6 9 5 5 8 6 4 3 8 Complexion. 23354 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. John Skidmore....... John Veteto......... Joseph Chesher ..... Valentine Burk...... 20 James Beckford....... John Brown.......... Joseph West......... James McLaughlin Richard Speed....... Thomas Smith........ John Barren......... Thomas Carbe........ George Doughty...... Isaih Doughty ...... 30 John Batter Shadwell. . Augustus Deharwix.. . George Diver........ Martin Fiffer....... John Poole.......... Samuel Reade . ..... James Wey........... Francis Weaver...... Peter Light ........ John Johnson ....... 40 John Coxhead........ Wm* Gillmore........ Jacob Ruder......... John Donner......... Joseph Link......... Peter Bower......... Joseph Fogal.......... Jacob Walley........ Wm- Simmerman....... James Dougherty..... 50 John Deiegal........ Adam Hooper......... Owen Sullivan....... George Demsey....... Symon Reay.......... Thomas Anderson..... Samuel Roberts...... Thomas Dun.......... Thomas David........ Day of Enlistment. Age. Where Born. April 20 29 Long Island.. . do 20 22 Oysterbay .... do 29 23 do do 20 45 Old England .. do 29 35 Boston „ do 20 19 Ireland May 15 18 Dublin do 15 22 Ireland April 8 40 Old England . . do 30 21 Long Island. . . do 25 22 Ireland May 8 21 Old England . . April 18 18 Long Island. . . do 20 20 do do 25 25 Switzerland . . . April 30 23 Switzerland . . . do 12 25 Germany do 9 42 do do 27 26 Prussia do 10 17 Highland do 13 17 Long Island. . . May 1 23 Germany do 1 23 do . . . . . April 9 24 Holland do 22 36 Old England . . do 10 46 Glascow do 11 25 Newtown . : . . . do 9 27 Germany do 9 32 do 9 32 do ...... do 9 22 do do 20 23 do do 15 25 Prussia do 7 21 N°- Ireland do 2 7 35 London May 6 19 Pennsilvania .. do IS 27 Dublin do IS 30 Ireland do 15 18 do do 15 28 West England. Apr 3 22 Newtown May 15 30 Ireland April 12 23 do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761 355 Trade. Officer who Inlisted. Stature. Labr Capt Wright 5 8 Joyner do 5 5 Labr- .. do 5 6 do do 5 7 do do 5 7% do do 5 4 Mariner. . do 5 5 do do 5 5 Taylor do 5 7 Weaver do 6 Husbandman .... do 5 7% Labr* . U’ John Dean 5 4 do do 5 7 Carpenter do 5 8 Shoemaker do 5 4 Barber do 5 4 Labr- Lieut Abra Remsen . . 5 do do 5 8 Barber do 5 7 Labr- do 5 3 Cooper do 5 7 Lab1- do 5 5 do do 5 5^ Cooper do 5 5 Taylor do 5 7^ Labr do 5 8 do do 5 4 do do 5 6 Currier do 5 5 Labr do 5 do do 5 91/2 do do 5 2 Taylor do 5 5 Labr Capt Wright 5 8 Mariner do 5 2 Labr do 5 4 Seaman Liet Wetbeck 5 7 do . do 5 8Vz do do 5 4 do do 5 8 Husbandman Capt Wright 5 9 do do 5 3 Labr do 5 6 Complexion.356 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Day of Enlistment. Age. George Lowman April 8 25 60 Henry Sceefton do 9 25 John Farrell do 26 26 Willm- Barnes do 25 20 Richard Neal do 17 25 Israel Pierso do 10 40 Henry Craft do 23 20 66 Jacob Bumstead do 26 21 67 Daniel Hoffman May 8 31 Robert Edwards April 29 32 Barent Agenl May 16 28 70 Wm* White do 1 21 James Lawler Apr 9 25 John Wetbeck do 17 39 James Buttler do 25 33 Andr* McCullough do 17 28 J ohn Williams........ do 17 21 Joseph Blackman May 1 20 Edward Harrington .. . do 1 21 John Hayburn April 24 19 Joseph Bender do 8 24 80 Dennis Dun do 12 33 Thomas Magrath do 27 35 Thomas Gibbons do 9 37 Andrew Cockran May 12 32 Will”- Short do 16 22 John Blu do 16 36 Augustus Ponnell Apr 27 37 Fredk- Neagle do 27 32 Thomas Reed May 17 23 89 Henry Dawson do 17 22 Peter Sullivan do 1 35 Dennis Spencer do 1 27 92 Timothy Shahan do 1 29 Where Born. Germany...... Old England .. Ireland...... Old England .. do Rhode Island.. North Castle .. Long Island... Germany...... Old England .. Ireland...... Old England .. Dublin....... Ireland...... do ........ Scotland..... Oysterbay____ Old England .. London Derry. Germany...... Ireland...... do ........ do ........ do Old England .. London ...... Switzerland ... Germany...... Old England .. do Ireland...... do do ........ The foregoing being One Captain Two Lieutns- & Ninety Wright's Company for the County of Queens by me.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 357 Trade. Officer who Inlisted. Taylor......... Cooper ........ Brewer......... Labr........... do ............ Weaver......... Shoemaker...... Cooper......... Labourer....... Labourer....... Carpenter ..... Labr......... do ............ do ............ do ............ do ............ do ............ do ............ Tobacconist.... Labr .......... do ............ do ............ do do ............ do ............ do ............ do ............ Button Maker . .. Liet Abra Remsen Capt Wright....... do .... do .... Lieut Snethen do do do do do Capt Wright Capt Dunbar do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do ____ do .... Capt Wright .... do .... do .... do .... Capt Dunbar .... do .... Capt Wright------- do .... do .... do .... do Stature. Complexion. 5 7% 5 10 5 8 5 4 5 4/^ 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 7 5 4 5 4 5 8^ 5 4 5 4 5 8^ 5 ■ 4^ 5 7 5 6 5 9 5 8 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 8 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 S 5 7 5 7 5 7^ 5 7 Two Men where mustered & approved off In Capt Dan1- Mich Thodey, Coll° N Y Regt.358 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed in Gilchrist’s Company William Gilchrist, Captain. Men’s Names. James Billington ...... Jacob Brush.......... John Price........... Israel Muller........ 5 Thomas Crammell .... John Thomson......... Samuel Rice.......... Charles Williams..... Jonathan Dan ........ 10 Peter Collosha........ John Shroud.......... Stephen Warren....... Lewis Miller......... John Mac Farling..... James Pinkerton...... Jabez Smith.......... Charles Hodges....... James Munday......... John Peters ......... 20 John Chandler . . .... Ambrose Hudson....... Mathew Hudson........ Isaac Briggs......... William McHorney.... 25 Clark Brown........... Jaredieh Owens....... Rubin Lane........... Timothy Conner........ Joseph Harrick....... 30 Justis Golding..... Gosham Griffing...... Vincin Sarles........ Joel Edgett ......... Asa Carpenter........ 35 John Taylor........... John Wallice......... Day of Enlistment. Age. Where born. April 9 19 Jersey do 12 18 Stanford do 20 18 J ersey do 20 18 Beauford Conn do 15 32 Westchester . do 18 28 Old England. do 13 32 Ireland May 7 21 Connecticut.. April 21 18 do do 10 35 Germany .... do 20 31 NorthofEnglan do 20 22 Westchester . do 26 18 do May 5 11 do April 28 28 ■ Old England. do 28 27 Connct* do 13 32 do do 15 18 Old England . do 15 22 do do 13 28 do do 23 30 do do 13 28 do do 13 21 New York . .. do 20 19 Albany do 13 18 Westchester . do 27 22 do do 8 18 do do 8 26 Ireland May 12 37 Old England . Aprill 17 19 Westchester . do 21 19 do do 17 22 do do 17 21 do do 13 23 do do 27 23 do do 17 34 Old England .NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 359 the County of Westchester for Captain William 15™ May 1761. Peter Marling, ) Lieutenants T 1 *n j_ • 1 f JL-/1C UtCIldllLo. John Bostwick, j Trade. Officers who enlisted. Stature. < F. /. Cordwiner. .. Capt Gilchrist 5 8 Black Smith. do 5 5 Labourer . . . do 5 7 do do 5 1 oy2 Blacksmith . . do 5 7 Labourer . . . do 5 11 do do 5 11 do do 5 ii/^ do do 5 7JA do do 5 11 do do 5 10 do do 6 1 do ... do 5 11 do do 5 n Cordwiner. . . do 5 sH do ... do 6 \Y-z do do 5 -3^ Labourer . .. do 5 4 Mason do c 7 Cordwiner... do 5 5 Doctor do e 6 Labourer . .. do J 5 4 do do 5 7 do do 5 4 do do 5 5 Cordwiner. .. do 5 10 Labourer . .. do 5 4 Mariner do 5 7 Labourer . .. do 5 7 do do 5 8 do do 5 8 do do 5 8 Taylor do 6 Blacksmith . . do 5 8 Laborour . . . do 5 8 do do 5 5 Complexion.MUSTER ROLLS OF 360 Names. Isaac Sherwood...... Abraham Dutcher..... John Youngs......... 40 Abraham Fitchett..... Samuel Hitchcock.... William Hammon...... Edward Lyell........ Joseph Lightley..... 45 Joseph Anderson...... William Hughson..... William Lightley.... Samuel Dickson...... Edward Nicholson .... 50 George Munson........ Anthoney Fowler..... William Davids...... Nath1* Hustis....... John Harman......... 55 John Anderson........ Leonard Fier........ Peter Ward.......... Joseph Wood......... John Jones.......... 60 James Bland.......... Peter Merritt ...... Simon Serpenett..... Lewis Burrous....... John Taulbert....... 65 Butler Peet.......... Michael Carren...... Justeen Deoman...... George Adam Mowvey. Francis Verpelia.... 70 Cornelius Brown...... Daniel McClean...... John Dickson........ Timothy Delivan..... Cheser Wanser....... 75 Edward Drake......... James McCoy......... Joseph Pel 1........ David Garrison...... Day of Enlistment. Age. Where born. Aprill 15 21 Westchester . do 13 26 do do 27 25 Old England . do 7 25 Richmond . .. do 4 21 Westchester . do 15 22 do do 16 22 New York . .. do 7 21 Old England . do 28 20 New York . . do 25 21 Westchester . do 24 24 Old England . May 2 26 do Aprill 19 30 Ireland do 9 21 Newhaven . .. May 2 x9 Westchester . Aprill 4 19 do do 5 19 do do 28 23 Germany .... do 29 46 New York . .. do 9 24 Germany .... do 4 25 do .... do 6 44 Connecticut . . May 5 43 Old England . Aprill 4 29 do do 26 19 Westchester . do 11 29 Germany .... do 9 20 do .... do 17 18 Philadelphia . do 13 38 Connecticut.. May 6 26 Ireland Aprill 9 21 Germany .... do 28 40 do .... May 8 27 Genevay..... Aprill 9 18 Westchester . do 28 23 Jersey do 27 4i Old England. do 24 44 Westchester . do 20 30 Queens Count do 17 20 Westchester . May 6 22 J ersey Aprill 12 21 Westchester . do 12 18 doNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 761. 361 Trade. Officers who enlisted. Stature. Labourer . . Lieut Marling . F. I. 5 a# Blacksmith . . do 5 10 Barber ...... do 5 7^ 5 6 Laborour . .. do do do 5 9 Cordwiner. .. do 5 10^ do do $ 8 >2 Weever do 5 11 Blacksmith . . do 5 7 Laborour . .. do 5 10 „ do do 5 11% do do 5 6^ do do 5 9/2 Taylor do ...: 5 10 5 n* Laborour . . . do do do 5 Cordwiner. .. do Miller do 5 6^ 5 7 Wealright. . . do Laborour . . . do 5 4 do Capt Gilchrist 5 10 Carpenter ... do 5 8 Laborour . . . do 5 3 Pewterer .... do 5 8 Taylor do 5 io/4 5 2 Silkweever .. Lieut Marling Laborour . . . do 5 2 do Capt Gilchrist 5 3^ do Lieut Marling 5 9 do do 5 6 do do 5 8 Taylor Carpenter... L*- Floyd Stevanson Capt Gilchrist 5 3 5 9 Laborour . . . do 5 4 do do 5 8 do do 5 10 do do 5 9 Blacksmith .. do 5 9 Labourour Lieut Floyd Stiphenson . . 5 5 do do 5 8 do do 5 n do do 5 7* Complexion.362 MUSTER ROLLS OF Names. Day of Enlistment. Age. John See Aprill 13 27 80 James Waters do 14 36 Edward Dwier May 6 25 John Johnson Aprill 12 19 John Pritty do 29 30 William Marsh do 10 40 85 William Davis do 12 !9 Francis Perry do 24 20 Thos. McMullin do 12 30 Thos. Ward do 22 18 John Lee do 18 24 90 William Miles May 15 37 Where born. Germany .. . St. Kitts.... Ireland..... Westchester Switzerland . Westchester Meriland .. . New York . . Ireland..... Old England do Connecticut. The above being one Captain 2 Lieutenants and Ninety Christ’s Company for the County of Westchester. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and Passed in the Company, John Van Veghten, Captain. Men’s Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. I Michael Rake April 10 33 2 John Boyd. do 10 22 3 Conrad V. Miller do 10 45 4 Henry Brayer do 10 49 5 Laurence Knabb do 10 32 6 Frederick Weest do IO 40 7 Frederick Long do 10 20 8 Edward Forster do 10 27 9 John Prime do 10 24 10 Peter Kinkle do 10 50 11 Jn°-Aghter Sleytor do 10 40 12 Philip Back do 10 17 13 James Denniston do 13 40 14 Jacob Miller do 13 33 15 Justine King . . do 13 37NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 363 Trade. Officers who enlisted. Stature. Complexion. Labourour .. Lieut Floyd Stiphenson .. F. 5 /. 87 do do 5 4 Carpenter . . . do 5 107 Laborour . .. do 5 6 do do 5 6 do do 5 10 do do 5 4 Ropemaker . do 5 4 Laborour . .. do 5 9% do do 5 0 do do 5 27 do Capt Gilchrist 5 1 men where Muster’d & approv’d off for Capt. William Gil- pr me Geo. Brewerton, junr- Col0- County of Albany for Capt. John Van Veghten’s May 18™, 1761. John de Garmo, Teunis Vrooman, Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Officer who Enlisted. Stature. Germany Cordwainer Capt v. Veghten £ I Ireland . . Weaver do j l £ 23/ Germany Butcher do 0 ^74 5 do Carpenter do 5 10 do Labourer do C I 1/ do do do J A /4 do Cordwainer..... do J ‘H*/2 C tl/ Ireland Labourer do j j /4 c 73/ Germany.. do do j / 74 5 8 do Carpenter do 6 8 7 do Baker Lieut Hansen . . do Labourer Capt v. Veghten J J /2 Ireland ........ Wigmaker do 3 J/4 5 2 Germany Labourer do 5 2^ Ireland Hatter do 5 87364 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. 16 Matthew Lawrence 17 Hugh Gausgriff...... 18 William White....... 19 Noah Gittet......... 20 Robert Griffith..... 21 William Young....... 22 Edward Stephens..... 23 James Keith......... 24 Daniel Ross......... 25 Charles McQuin...... 26 John Fitzgerald..... 27 Nehemiah Williams.... 28 Daniel McMurray..... 29 James Pitt.......... 30 Michael Cramer........ 31 Francis Flemming.... 32 Geo Howburgher...... 33 Caleb Ragland ........ 34 Anthony Swarts...... 35 John McGonnigoe..... 36 John Williams....... 37 Conrad Frank........ 38 William Williams.... 39 Joachim Albrecht.... 40 Henry Young........ 41 Adam Miller......... 42 Christopher Spring 43 Frederick Slieghte.. 44 Richd- Ham ...... 45 Bartw- Goodwels..... 46 Jacob Sweller....... 47 Abraham Byrne....... 48 Edward Anderson..... 49 John Bowen.......... 50 Mich1, Jacob Rudow ... 51 Wm- Pierce, mulato 52 Johannes Holster.... 53 Tho8, Manning....... 54 Wm- Brasser......... 55 Jacob Michael....... 56 Collivan Ludlow, negro 57 John Brown ......... 58 Jacob Lumbos........ Date of Inlistment. Age. April 13 27 do 13 29 do 13 27 do 13 40 do 13 23 do 13 38 do 14 22 do 14 31 do 14 19 do 14 26 do 14 19 do 15 21 do 16 38 do 16 28 do 16 40 do 17 42 do 17 40 do 18 40 do 18 23 do 18 J9 do 18 25 do 19 29 do 20 35 do 21 37 do 21 25 do 21 28 do 21 36 do 21 16 do 22 45 do 22 52 do 22 54 do 23 32 do 25 27 do 25 38 do 27 26 do 27 43 do 28 22 do 28 33 do 28 27 do 28 25 do 29 27 do 29 37 May 1 45NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 365 Where born. Trade. Officer who Enlisted. Germany Brewer Capt v. Veghten Ireland Labourer do Pennsylvania . .. Cordwainer do Connecticut .... Blacksmith do Ireland Shoemaker do do Labourer do Massachusetts .. Cordwainer do Scotland Scrivner do Boston Taylor do Ireland Labourer do Maryland do do Connecticut .... Cordwainer do Ireland Scrivner do England Mariner do Germany....... Wigmaker do do Labourer do do Butcher do England do Germany Wool Spinner .. do Ireland Labourer do England Cordwainer do Germany Labourer do England Cordwainer do Prussia Carpenter do Germany Smith do do .: Baker do do Taylor do County Albany . Labourer do England do do Germany Butcher Lieut Ten Eyck do Painter Capt v. Veghten do Labourer do Jersey, West . .. do do Philadelphia.... do do . Germany Ribbon Weaver. do Jamaica, W. I .. Blockmaker Lieut Hansen .. Germany . Labourer Capt v. Veghten Ireland . Mariner do New Jersey Cord winer do Germany....... Labourer do Long Island.... do do Ireland do do New England .. Blacksmith do Stature. 5 7 5 sy2 5 6y2 s 9% 5 7 5 $% 5 9X 5 6 y 5 iy 5 8 5 6^ 5 7% 5 7% s 6% 5 3% 5 4U 5 3% 4 11 5 6y2 5 2% 5 3 % S 7Va S sH 5 7% 5 7 5 W 5 7 5 5 3% 5 2 5 &y2 5 4^ 5 6 5 3% 5 5 7 5 5 % 5 8 5 11% 5 3% 5 8 5 5% 5 IO366 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. 59 Jn°- Drummond May 2 40 60 Odit Addev do 2 38 61 George Buck do 2 22 62 John Tingue do 2 22 63 David Hope .. . . do 3 27 64 John Abernethy do 3 26 65 Geo. Weesick do 4 21 66 Jn°- Erhardt do 4 50 67 Rob4, Anderson do 7 46 68 John Slattery do 7 40 69 Matthew Seigler do 9 25 70 Anthony Noble do 10 40 71 Geo. Nichols do 11 42 72 Martin Ryan do 11 36 73 John Simon do 12 30 74 Wm* Carty do 14 26 75 Alexr< McDonald do 14 33 76 Rob1 Dixon do 14 36 77 Wendall Hans do 18 50 78 John Corkacker do 18 25 79 Michael Doud do 19 34 80 Prinus Walker April 25 35 81 Anthony Wood May 6 82 John Kegelman do 12 30 83 John Miller do 12 35 84 Jacob Kelder do 13 26 85 William Newburgh do 9 20 These may Certifie that the above Named men being New York Regiment to the Number of Eighty Eight officers Albany May 18th 1761.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 367 Where born. Trade. Officer who Enlisted. Stature. Ireland Carpenter Capt v. Veghten 5 Boston Labourer do c < Vo Germany do do J J 72 5 5 England do do t 1 Scotland ....... Apothecary .... do 5 9^ Ireland Cooper do 5 83\i Germany...... Labourer do 5 6% do Carpenter do 5 834 Ireland Cooper do 5 63^ do Taylor do 5 5% Germany Butcher do 5 6# New York Cooper do 5 S3A Germany Taylor do 5 4^ Ireland Labourer do c i Germany Barber do 5 7U New England.. . Labourer do 5 2 Scotland Carpenter do 5 23^ London Brassfounder . . . do 5 Germany Taylor do 5 6 do do do 5 6% Ireland Labourer do C C Boston Blacksmith do J J C ^3/ Germany Mason U- Vrooman.... j 074 5 3 do Miller do .... c 2 do Taylor do .... 5 4 Vz Albany Labourer do .... 5 passed Muster for Capt, John van Veghten in the Second Including. by Myndt- Roseboom, L*- Col°- Goose van Schaick, L‘- Coll.368 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men rais’d & pass’d in the Company May Christopher Yates, Captain. Men’s Names. Paul Hall ........ Henry Derry....... Thomas Christy ... Henry Dain........ James Hall...... Aaron Shetson..... Patrick Delang____ Patrick McGraw ... Andrew Ward....... Adam Tinner...... Charles Dougherty. Thomas Welsh Thomas Murphy. .. Jn°- Winter Bottom Edward Anderson . John Lewrey....... Joseph Powel...... William White Mathew Woodert . . Silvester Tate Nathan Jack way .. . Jacob Terp........ John Carr......... Jacob Harris..... William McGraw .. Daniel Boos....... Joseph Monsie.. . ., Thomas Crain_____ Thomas Bearup.... Thomas Almond... Moses Weserel Daniel Rosel..... Ambrosius Spear . Daniel Williams .. James Man......... Date of Inlistment. Age. April 20 20 do 20 36 do 20 25 do 20 36 do 20 19 do 21 39 do 20 40 do 21 30 do 21 45 do 27 18 do 27 34 do 2 7 27 do 27 50 do 27 26 do 28 18 do 29 19 do 29 21 do 20 24 do 30 22 do 30 36 do 30 21 do 30 21 do 28 46 do 30 23 do 30 17 May 1 19 do 1 28 do 1 45 do 4 37 do 4 32 do 3 23 do 5 16 do 5 22 do 5 36 do 8 42 Where born. Jersey....... Ireland .... do ...... New Y ork.... England...... Germany...... Ireland...... do ....... West Minster. Germany...... Ireland....... do ....... do ....... England...... Boston....... Germany...... Mohawks .... Ireland...... Jersey ....... England...... Rhode Island. Jersey....... Germany...... Mohawks------ do .... Boston....... Connecticut .. Ireland ...... Scotland..... Ireland...... Boston....... Germany...... do ...... Scotland..... England......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 369 County of Albany for Captain Christopher Yates 19TH 1761. Barent Ten Eyck, ) Cornelius Van Dyck, j Lieutenants. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. Description of Men’s Persons. Complex. Eyes. Hair. F. /. Labourer .. Capt. Yates . .. 6 Negroe Mason .... do 5 7A Fair blue . . Brown Labourer .. do 5 7 do .... do . . do do do ... 5 \o% Negroe do do S SH Fair.. brown. Brown Doctor .... do . . 5 7 do black . do Blacksmith. do 5 7% do .... brown. do Labourer . . Lt. Ten Eyck.. 5 7 do .... grey.. do do Capt. Yates ... 5 4>4 Swarthy. black . Black Baker do 4 H Fair .... do . Brown Taylor .... do 5 6s/4 do grey. . do Cooper .... do ... 5 6% do .... brown. do Labourer . . do 5 2 do .... black . do do do ... 5 5 JS do blue . . do do do 5 3% do .... do . . do do do S 42A do .... brown. do do do S 4% do .... blue. . do Taylor .... do 5 72A do .... do . . do do .... do 5 7 , do .... do . . do Labourer . . do 5 5 2A Swarthy. black . Black Weaver . .. do 5 9 Fair do . Brown Labourer .. do 5 72A do .... blue . . do do do 5 2*A Swarthy. do . . do do do 5 4 X do black . Black do do 5 2% Fair do . Brown do do 5 10 A Molotto do do 5 9 Fair grey. Brown Cordwainer. do S 7% Swarthy. black . do Taylor do 5 2% Fair blue . . do Labourer .. do S 6% do do . . do Joiner do 5 9H do .... grey. . Sandy Labourer .. do 5 7A do .... blue . . ( Light | Brown do do 5 do do . . j Light j Brown do do 5 5M Swarthy. grey.. Brown Barber do 5 SA Fair do . . do 2437° MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Thomas McCarty........ George Nixon.......... Patrick Cain.......... Joseph Phillip...... ... William Wildey........ William Wildey, Junr- Samuel Gaul........... John Brooks........... Henry Vischer......... Thomas Anderson....... William Lemmon........ John Thuston ......... Baltus Utter Marks.... David Porter.......... William Linkins .. ... Andrew Sleaugh........ William Loyal......... Alexander Martin...... Anthony Wear.......... Alexander McCoy....... Jacob Frederick ...... Frederick Waggoner Adam Fix ............. Thomas Caven.......... Timothy Conner........ John Bell............. Zacharia Barr......... William Gittey........ Michael Keough........ John Chester.......... Joseph Thuston........ Laurence Hebron ...... Mathew Dice........... James O’Brian........... Richard Wool.......... James Wage............ John Casey............ Mathew Brown.......... James Jackson......... Date of Inlistment. Age. May ii 44 do ii 36 do 11 36 do ii 21 do 11 48 do ii 17 do 12 23 do 16 34 do II 22 do II 23 do 18 21 April 30 24 May 18 21 April 27 52 May 2 32 do 5 40 do 2 21 do 9 3i do 3 38 do 8 28 do 5 16 April 30 21 May 18 21 April 13 25 do 13 44 do 14 48 do 14 43 do 14 47 do 14 25 do 14 46 do 14 24 do IS 43 do 14 26 do 16 25 do 17 37 do 17 40 do 17 25 do 18 40 do 19 40 Where born. Ireland ..... do ........ do ........ England...... do ....... Jersey ...... Long Island. . Ireland...... Germany...... Jersey....... Boston....... Hampshire . . . Germany...... Scotland..... Ireland...... Germany...... Albany....... Ireland...... Germany Ireland ...... Mohawks Germany...... do ...... Ireland...... do Maryland Ireland ...... do ...... do ........ England...... do ....... Scotland ..'... Ireland...... do ........ New York. ... England...... Ireland ...... do ........ England......NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 371 Trade. Officers who _ Inlisted. Stature. Description of Men’s Persons. Complex. Eyes. Hair. F. I. Butcher . .. Capt. Yates . . . 5 Swarthy. grey.. Brown Labourer.. do 5 63^ do do . . do do do 5 Fair.... do . . do do do 5 5 Swarthy. do . . do do do 5 3 do do . . do do do 5 5K Negroe.. do do 5 SH do Cordwainer. do 5 4% Fair .... blue. . do Hatter .... do 5 5 % Swarthy. grey. . Brown Cordwainer. do 5 5 Fair.... do . . Sandy Carpenter . do ... 6 S # Swarthy. do . . Brown Labourer .. do 5 SH do do . . do do do 5 2 y2 Fair do .. do do do 5 s% do .... blue . . do do do 5 23A do .... do . . do do do 5 4 do .... do . . do do do 5 $A do .... black . do do do 5 4 -do .... brown. do Brewer do 5 4 do .... grey. . do Taylor .... do . ... 5 6lA do .... do . . do Labourer .. do ... 5 8 A do .... do . . do do do 5 1A do .... do . . do do do 5 5 A do .... blue . . do Taylor .... Lieut Ten Eyck 5 5A Pale do . . do Labourer .. do 5 6sA Dark . .. do . . Black do do 5 7A Pale .... do . . Grey do do 5 7A do .... do . . do Taylor .... do 5 8 do .... do . . do Brazier.... do 5 5 A Dark . . . do . . Black Labourer .. do 5 10 do ... brown. do Clothier . . . do 5 5 do ... blue. . Light Labourer .. do 5 2^ Ruddy . do . . do Mariner . .. do 5 5 A Dark . .. brown. Brown Miller do 5 6'A Fair do . i Light ( Brown Hatter do 5 6A Brown .. do . Grey Cordwainer. do 5 5 A Fair do . do Labourer .. do 5 9 A Pale.... blue . . Brown do do 5 5 Ruddy . do .. Sandy do do 5 A Swarthy. do .. j Black 1 Grey372 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. Daniel Connely April 22 23 : Charles Durose do 22 26 : Hugh Boyls do 22 18 Michael Donnely do 22 45 Michael Fowler do 22 18 Cornelius Mathews do 22 28 Patrick Mitchel do 27 32 Roger Connery do 27 26 George Russel May 2 26 James Curry do 4 26 William Green do 5 26 Samuel Howe April 13 34 Samuel Wheeler May 5 24 John Higgins do 5 39 John Keaton do 5 23 Richard Tynan . do 6 3i Henry Neal do 10 23 Henry Briggs 0 0 17 Michael Wall do 12 28 John Porter do 12 18 Morris Whalin May 12 22 John Syrotjack April 17 40 Hugh McFalls .. May 9 41 Patrick Costogan........ April 22 27 John Miller do 25 28 J ohn Baker do 25 26 Where born. do do do do do England do Esopus . Ireland . do do do ......... Rhode Island. Ireland ...... Boston.. . Ireland . . Germany. Ireland . . do German Camp. Germany.... These may Certifie that the above Named Men being Second New York Regiment to the Number of one hundred Albany May 20th 1761..NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 373 Trade. Officers who Stature. Description of Men’s Persons. Inlisted. Complex. Eyes. Hair. F. I. Laborer ... Lieut Ten Eyck 5 6 Dark brown. Black do ... do 5 6 do ... blue . . Brown do ... do 5 S% do ... do . . do Miner do 5 7 do ... do . . do Laborer . .. do 5 6 Indian - Sawyer.... do 5 8 Ruddy . blue . . Black Laborer . . . do 5 1 Dark . .. do . . j Black l Grey do do 5 33A do ... grey. . Brown Mariner . . . do 5 do ... blue . . Black Laborer ... do 5 63A do ... grey. . do do do 5 5 do ... blue .. do Taylor .... do 5 6 , Fair.... do . . do Laborer ... do 5 71/2 Dark . .. do .. Red Forgeman . do 5 4^ Ruddy . do . . j Light ( Brown i Black ( Brown Laborer . .. do 5 S Fair do . . Joiner do 5 4/4 Swarthy. do . . ( Black 1 Brown Laborer . .. do 5 8 Dark . .. do . . ( Black j Brown do do 5 3 do ... grey. . \ Black ( Brown do do 5 6)4 do do . . ( Black | Brown do do 5 8 X do do . . ( Light ( Brown Taylor Lieut Ten Eyck 5 554 do blue . . Black Weaver . . . do 5 6 Pale do . . Grey Laborer . .. do 5 6 Dark . .. do . . Brown do do 5 iO/4 Swarthy. brown. do Carpenter . Capt Yates 5 7% Dark . .. blue . . ( Light | Brown Laborer ... do . . . . 5 7 do . . . grey. . Brown pass’d Muster for Capt. Christopher Yates Company in the and three, Officers including. by Goose Van Schaick. Lt. Coll. Myndt- Rooseboom, Lt. Coll.374 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Deforeest’s Company, Abraham Deforeest, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Joseph Noblit April 8 28 John Nowland do 8 21 Willm- Price do 9 20 Remond Depome do 9 25 John Botee do 9 21 John Gotee do 9 24 Anthony Teruce do 11 25 Anthony Corand do 11 25 Denne Bechee do 11 40 IO John Valentine do 14 20 James Welch do 14 27 Peter Defort do 15 30 Anthony Rose do 16 30 Peter Free do 27 24 Benja* Davison do 27 46 Rob1, Ervin do 27 20 John Isaac’s do 27 26 Walter Carol do 30 38 Benja- Frasier May 11 24 20 Alexr* Clark do 11 36 Christopher Jenkins. . do 11 34 Aaron King do 12 45 Martin Dorin do 15 18 Henry Harris do 15 40 Thos- Nicholson do 16 18 John Shermon do 16 30 John Stanley do 17 21 David Power do 17 49 John Delfort do 17 25 30 Fran5- Smith do 17 4i George Simmons do 17 29 Christopher Clopur do 17 21 Dennis Boyle do. 18 40 Patrick McGuire do 18 38 Normand McDonald do 18 44 Patrick Collins do 22 40NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 375 the County of New York for Captain Abraham April 1761. John Visscher, J Lieutenants< Where born. Ireland ...... do ......... London ....... Germany....... do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ New York...... Old England. .. Germany....... Ireland ...... Germany....... Scotland...... Ireland ...... Germany....... Ireland....... Old England. .. Scotland ....!. Virginia ..... New York...... Ireland ...... Germany....... Old England. .. Germany....... do ........ Ireland....... Old England. .. Germany....... do ........ Spaniard...... Ireland ...... do ......... Scotland...... Ireland ...... Trade. Yeoman........ Weaver........ Peruke Maker.. Labourer...... do ........ do ........ Weaver........ Labourer...... do ........ Cordwainer Merchant...... Labourer...... Goldsmith..... Labourer ...... Butcher....... Carpenter..... Labourer...... Mariner....... do ........ Weaver........ Mariner....... do ........ do ........ Labourer ...... Mariner....... do ........ Taylor........ Mariner....... do ........ Goldsmith..... Mariner....... Labourer...... do ........ do ...... do ........ Mariner....... Officers who inlisted. Capt Deforeest do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Stature. 5 5 6^ 5 5/4 5 5J4 5 7 5 4J4 5 S 5 5 5 6 1 5 9 5 5 10% 5 7 5 5 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 10 5 5 5 2^ 5 2^ 5 7/4 5 2 5 5 i>4 5 6 5 6 5 2 5 7J4 5 iJ4 5 1 5 6376 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Thos Browne May 21 45 Dennis Anderson do 20 22 James Morgan do 22 45 Tho5* Burk do 21 30 George Guest do 8 21 John Thomas, Senr- do 8 30 James McFarling do H 36 George Dempsey do 14 30 James Bogers do i5 25 Fran5* Bidmon do 18 24 Tho5, Griffith do IS 24 Thos. Griffin do 19 27 Rob1- Gray do i5 45 Henry Moreland do 13 33 Joseph Simmons do i5 21 John Bolt do 17 22 Francis White do 14 30 James Churchill April 18 26 Tho5- Darby May 22 27 George Fearley do 21 23 John Daily do 20 27 John Tillman April io 35 John Howard May 21 26 Rob1, Carpenter do 20 24 John Pearsley do 21 24 William Wharton do 8 !9 Joseph Beaty do 15 39 Andrew Mannell do i4 33 Mathias Horngrave do i5 25 Edward Dyer do i5 56 John Flemming do 19 50 Neal McColister do 21 26 John McCormick do 17 47 i Tho5' Williams do 10 45 Henry Higgins do 9 23 Dennis Mahany do 21 23 John Shirley do 14 41 John Tucker do 13 23 Godfry Myer . do 14 38 Rob1 Werry do 14 35 Marias Sodar do 15 20 Nicho5, Moss do 14 29NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 2)77 Where born. T rade. Officers who inlisted. Old England. .. Mariner < Capt Deforeest . . Norway Philadelphia. . . Ireland do Carpenter Labourer do L1- Welsh do Old England. . . Ireland Mariner do do do do Labourer ...... do do Mariner do Holland do * do Ireland Tallow Chandler do Scotland Mariner do Old England. .. Scotland Carpenter Mariner do do London Taylor do Portugal Mariner do London do do Old England .. New York..... do do Baker do . Maryland Ireland ....... Mariner do do do Boston do do Germany London Cordwainer .... Mariner do do do Coach Maker. . . do Old England. . . Mariner do Virginia do do Ireland Ship Carpenter . Baker do Germany do Norway . . . Mariner do Ireland do do do do do do Labourer do do Mariner do Wales Labourer do Ireland Mariner do do do do Old England. . . do . . . Taylor do Mariner do Hamburgh Scotland do do Doctor do Portugal Mariner . do Old England. . . do do Stature. 5 5^ 5 8 5 6)4 5 10 5 9 5 9% 5 5 8 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 8 5 3 5 6 5 4 5 10 5 6 5 6 5 io)4 5 234 5 8)4 5 5 5 5 5 8)4 5 8)4 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 9 5 4)4 5 10 5 8)4 5 3# 5 3 5 4 5 8 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 1 5 5378 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Doyle .... *. May 16 38 80 Frederick Dawson do 20 25 Tho8- Jones do 8 40 Obadh- Cunningham. do 15 25 Nicho8- Talleen do 15 40 Walter McGuire do J9 50 Walter Harris * do 14 25 Conrat Cor [....,] do 35 Quan Sanquale 4 .*. . . . do 17 25 Philip Castalo do 14 26 John Thomas, Junr* do 16 22 90 Tho8- Sullivan do 1 21 John Moore do 20 29 John McKim do 21 59 Anthony Soron do 20 26 Brintho Wiffer do 21 26 Neal McNeal do 21 30 Tho8, Branin do 21 22 John Pryce do 22 28 Malcolm McCourry do 22 20 Edwd- Giles . do 23 41 100 Wm- Gordon do 23 23 Anthoy- Cavinach do 23 35 James McCormick do 23 28 Joseph Ward do 23 32 John Cozens do 23 45 Hend. Steel . . do 23 20 George Cross do 24 27 John McClean do 24 40 Mathew Banks do 23 24 Henry Hall do 23 45 no Johannes Hogoland .. do 25 28 Joseph Roderick do 22 42 Thomas Tryton do 24 25 113 William Collins do 25 23 The foregoing being One Capt. One Lieut. & One hun- In Capt. Abra.Deforeest’s Co. for City & County of New York.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 379 Where born. Ireland ...... Holland ...... Old England... New London .. Germany....... Ireland ...... Old England. .. Norway........ Spaniard...... do ....... Wales......... Ireland . .... do ....... do ....... Italian....... Germany....... Highlands..... Scotland...... Old England. . . Ireland ...... Old England... . Ireland ...... do ....... do ....... New York...... Old England.. . Amsterdam . .. Germany...... Ireland ...... Old England. .. Ireland ...... Denmark....... Portugal...... Old England. .. Dublin........ dred & thirteen Trade. Officers who inlisted. Mariner U Welsh Labourer do ....... Ship Carpenter. Mariner do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Deforeest .. U- Welsh do ........ Tanner & Currier Mariner do ....... U’ Visscher Labourer do Mariner do do do Labourer do Mariner........ do do U- Welsh do ........ do Carpenter do Mariner do do do do do Cooper Capt Deforeest .. L‘- Welsh Mariner Mariner Capt Deforeest do L** Welsh Capt Deforeest .. U- Welsh Mason Cordwainer .... Marriner do do Capt Deforeest .. U- Visscher do Labourer Capt Deforeest . . U- Welsh Mariner Stature. 5 6 5 2 5 7% 6 S 1% 5 4% 5 6 5 7A 5 4XA 6 5 6% 5 4 5 7 ■ 5 6 5 6 5 7 5 7U 5 6 5 SA 5 2 5 4xA\ 5 5 5 10 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 9^ 5 3 5 6y2 5 10 5 5 5 9^ 5 5 5 6^ 5 8 New York 26 May 1761. men where Musterd & Approv’d off by me Mich. Thodey.380 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men RAISED & PASS’D IN YE May 28th Captain, Peter Harris. Men’s Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. Barth. Hagebom April 11 22 Ezechiel Spicor do 11 21 Syles Camfield do IS 20 Samuel Moore do 15 22 Calib Rundiels May 8 27 Simon Schout, jun April 5 16 Henry Joyslin do IS I8 Joshua Dikinson do 17 18 Samuel Joslin do 21 18 Nathan Fisk do 16 20 Noah Bendick do 16 l6 David Blakly do 16 20 Thomas Freeman do 10 25 James Fienly do 12 30 Daniel Talmage do 16 19 John Crippen do 20 41 Joseph Beavin May 2 16 Silvanes Wolabay April 20 2 7 David Stourdafent do . 17 23 Isaac German do 12 33 Willm* Roadman do 22 16 Eja Purkins do 15 19 Philip Roberts do 20 39 Samuel Tuttle do 22 23 Henry Rundalls do 20 l9 Joseph Attwell May 10 29 Richard Wheal April 30 33 Ezekiel Mott do 19 23 Isaac Burnett do 19 25 Henry Ostrum do 11 20 Abraham Swartwout do 11 18 Azaik Kean do 30 22 Benjamin Post do 24 27NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 381 County of Dutchess for Capt. Peter Harris’s Company 1761. Simon Barber, Hobart Stanbrough, Lieutenants. Where Born. Dutches County. Conachticut ... Saylum........ Long Island.. . Conachticut ... C. of Dutches.. New England.. Boston ....... Oblong........ Boston ....... New England.. New Heaven . . England....... Ireland ...... N. England ... do West Chester.. N. England ... West Chester.. England....... Rhode Island.. do do Dutches....... N. England ... do England....... N. England ... Dutches ...... do ....... do ....... Long Island .. . do Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. Labourer Capt Harris .... F. 5 /. 9 do do 5 6 do do .... 5 7 Weaver do .... 5 8 do do 5 9 Labourer do .... 5 5 do do .... 5 1 Cordwainer do 5 8 Labourer do .... 5 5 Taylor do .... 5 7 Labourer do 5 10 do do .... 5 8 do do .... 5 7 do do .... 5 3 do do .... 5 4 do do .... 5 7 do do .... 5 8 Cordwainer do .... 5 4 Labourer do 5 11 Weaver do .... 5 8 Cooper do .... 5 7 Labourer do .... 5 9 do do .... 6 1 do do .... 5 8 do do 5 4 do do .... 5 8 do do 5 7 Black Smith do 5 7 C. Wainer do .... 5 9 Labourer do 5 10 do do ... . 6 1 Weaver ....... do 5 10 Taylor do 5 7382 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. Eliah Gurry April 21 39 Thom. Roadman May 2 20 John Willson April 28 28 Willm* Shearer do 28 20 Michel Gape do 15 23 Joseph Sellout May 3 16 John Johnson April 21 22 Joseph Bakell do 30 40 James Wing May 2 18 Friederick Harper do 21 48 John Poulet April IO 28 John Paradise May II 27 John Smalling do I 22 Will”1 Moore April IO 39 John Kean May 6 50 Peter Bartier April IO 33 Ebenezer Own May I 25 Corns- Wood April IO 36 David Carter May 6 33 Will™- Blair do 3 3i James Heas do 6 26 Titus Tyler April 24 34 Dan1- Sullavin do 22 26 Jn°- Vandebogert do 15 35 Henry Keep do IO 45 Mind. Vandebogert do 12 49 Damon Bartly do 13 18 John Katney May 20 21 Martin Sieman April IO 22 Gorge Colman May 5 23 Andrew Sther (?) do 5 19 These may Certify that the above Named Men being Company to the Number of one Capt. two Lieutanants &NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 383 Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. F. /. W. Chester Labourer Capt Harris .... 7 Rhode Island.. . Cooper do .... j 5 9 Ireland Labourer do .... 5 6 do do do .... c 10 Germany Mason do .... J 5 6 Dutches Co .... Cordwainer do .... 5 6 England Cooper do .... 5 5 Germany Paper.Maker . .. do .... 5 7 Dutches Co .... Black Smith.. .. do .... 5 1 Germany Carpenter do .... 5 3 Jarsey Baker do .... 5 7 Germany Taylor do .... 5 7 Long Island.... Labourer do .... 5 Ireland ........ Taylor do .... 5 4 do Schoolmaster... do 5 6 Germany Labourer do .... S 9 N. England .... do ...... do .... 5 5 Jersey do do .... 5 7 Ireland do do .... 5 4 do do do .... 5 4 do do ...... do .... 5 4 N. England .... Clother ... do .... 6 2 Ireland Labourer do .... 5 7 Dutches Co .... do ...... do .... 5 3 do .... Carpenter do .... 5 7 do .... Weaver do .... S 4 do Labourer ...... do 5 5 do .... Cooper do .... 5 5 Germany Labourer do .... 5 5 do do do 5 5 Dutches County. i do do .. .. 5 7 pass’d Muster for the County Dutchess and in Capt Harris’s Sixty four private men by Goose van Schaick.3^4 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Raised Jesse Platt, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Timothy Culver May 21 20 James Shadok April 24 18 Thom8* Cuffs, Mustee May 7 20 Mortis, Indian April 24 18 Jacob Serute, Indian June 1 45 Jacob, Indian April 24 17 David Nickols do 24 21 Sharper, Mustee do 24 16 Peter Frasier do 28 25 Michael Crosby do 28 33 Edward James May 4 18 Thom8* Ruland April 24 19 Isaac Smith do 20 19 Henry Miller do 20 20 Daniel Sampson, Mustee do 20 20 John Gurley do 10 ' 23 Sam1* McMaster do 14 17 James Smith do 29 20 Jesse Jarot do 29 21 James Sambo, Mustee do 27 19 Abraham Samson, Mustee do 29 19 Cornelius Clerk May 20 33 Wilm* Ward April 29 17 Jeffery Arthur, Indian do 29 19 Wilm* Hunter do 13 29 Ge°* Gardiner do 30 3° Jo8, Cush aw do 30 23 Cornelius Joyce do 30 3° Ludlow Clerk do 30 19 Jacob Whitsell . . do 30 18 Amos Lane, Indian May 1 28 Benjn* Toms do 2 21 Caleb, Indian do 2 27 Wilm- Nesbat do 12 21 Joseph Story do 6 25 Joseph Shepaws, Indian do 12 21 John Stedman do 13 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 385 and Passed in the County of Suffolk. Daniel Roe,) T • * ’ } Lieutenants. Where Born. T rade. Officers who In- listed them. Stature. F. /. Connecticut Labourer Dan1, Roe . .. c Liverpool do do 5 4/^ Brookh Suffolk Co... do do 5 7 Suffolk Co do do . .. t 7 * do do ..... do . .. c 7 do ..,, do ..... do j / C 4 Brookh. Suffolk Co.. do do j 1 5 3 do do ..... do 5 2 North Brittain Brewer Capt Platt .. c s Ireland Ropemaker . . . do D O 5 2 Philadelphia Labourer do 5 5 Suffolk Co do do c 8 do ..... Shoe Maker . .. do 5 do do do 5 5^ do do do 5 5 H Ireland Bricklayer do 5 4 do Labourer ..... do .. e e Suffolk Co do do .. D J C 4 do do ..... do J *T 5 6 do do do .. 5 4 do do do .. j n" 5 6% do do do . . c 7 do do do j / ^ 0 do do do j 5 0 Ireland do do C I0V2 do do do . . c 11 y2 London do do j /* K IO Ireland Shurgeon do j 5 6 Suffolk Co Labourer do C t; Dublin do do j j 5 6 Suffolk Co Soldier do J 5 3 New Jersey do do j $ 7 Suffolk County do do j / ^ 7 New York do ........ do .. j / c 6 New England Joyner do j c 8 Suffolk County Labourer do j 5 6 London Mariner do j 5 8 25386 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. John Townsend.......... James Collins ......... James Fargeson......... Mathew Whalling ...... Chals* McCarteny....... Hugh McFarling......... Dinis Harington........ John Diniston.......... James Buchanan ........ James Robeson........... John Burk.............. John Fitzgerald........ Alix Wishat............ Hugh Rogers............ Jacob Ruland .......... Abner, Indian.......... Edward Fling........... Christophr- Crouch..... John Roe............... Robr- Bruise .......... Anthony Bastien........ Thos* Centurian, Mullato 60 John Rynders........... Day of Inlistmeiit. Age. May 13 33 do 15 29 do 15 29 do 18 25 do 18 27 do 18 37 do 18 41 do 20 27 do 21 20 do 25 25 do 20 25 do 25 21 do 30 30 June 1 30 April 30 38 May 4 18 June 9 30 April 20 22 May 25 30 April 20 25 May is 23 April 20 19 June 11 24 The above being one Capt. one Lieut, and Sixty Men Suffolk County by Dr* Geo. Muirson. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Haight’s Company Jonathan Haight, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Francis Phillips Aprill 27 do 13 do 17 21 John Edwards 50 25 Thomas Marshal NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761, 387 Where Born. Trade. Officers who In- listed them. Ireland Brewer Capt Platt . . do Soldier do North Brittain Bricklayer . ..... do Ireland Labourer do do Mariner do do do ....... do do . do do do do do Suffolk Co Soldier do . . Ireland do do do do do do do do Scotland do do Dublin do do Kings Co do do Suffolk Co. do do Ireland do do Connecticut do do . . Ireland Brewer do Connecticut Labourer do Switzerland do do West Indies do Lu Welsh . . . Germany do do Stature. F. /. 5 5 5 7 5 8 5 5 4J4 5 3 5 9 5 7 5 10 5 4 5 6 5 8*; 5 6 5 10 5 8 5 5 S 7 5 4 5 S 5 4 5 4 where Raisd & pass’d Muster in Capt. Platt’s Company in Mich. Thodey. the County of Westchester for Captain Jonathan ist June 1761. Richard Hugh son, Benj. Stevenson, Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Germany....... Laborour .... Lieut Benj Stevenson F. I. 5 6 North Wales ... do .... do 5 4 Old England ... do .... do 5 4388 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Thomas Rockwood Benjamin Fowler . . Aprill 12 do 12 19 20 Thomas Fox......... John McDaniels..... James Grouse....... Michael Dwirk...... James Graves....... John Smith......... James Steward...... Joseph Gillyes..... William Muet....... Michael Miller..... Enos Smith......... John McCormick Robert Smith....... John McCollina..... Marthew Hollind. . . . Robert Torkner..... John Bryer......... Alexander Richerson John Dalide........ John Evans......... Nicholas Welsh .... Nicholas Cough .... John Martin........ Nicholas Goodwill .. Peter Barto ....... Phillip Goiteer.... Stephen Molett .... John Baudree....... William Huchings.. Daniel Worden...... Hendrick Stine Nicholas Depew Henry Budfill...... Peter Mills........ Gilbert Travis. Abraham Yearn ans . Jonathan Welsh Jonathan Lawrance. do 29 do 4 do 17 May 5 Aprill 27 May 15 Aprill 18 do 10 May 15 do 17 do 10 Aprill 6 do 27 do 6 May 21 Aprill 16 May 24 Aprill 10 do 12 do 17 do 12 May 10 Aprill 9 31 i 24 30] 31 25 38 19 25 3 7 39 28 36 27 31 28 32 20 25 25 22 40 50 22 do 6 23 do 11 22 do 27 27 do 17 23 do 20 24 do 10 20 June 1 25 Aprill 20 23 May 1 19 Aprill 21 22 May 1 20 Aprill 17 19 May 19 30 Aprill 9 28 do 24 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 389 Where born. Old England . .. Westchester Co. North Hamp- ) ton, Od Engl. ( North Scotland. Sussex Ola) England .. . . j Ireland........ North do....... Old England .. . Pensilvania Switserland Scotland....... Germany Long Island.. Ireland ........ do ......... do do ......... North Brittain. . Westchester Co. Scotland....... Switserland Pensilvania.... Ireland........ Germany...... Ireland........ Switserland Old France..... Switserland * . . . Old Spain...... Brest.......... West Indias Connecticut ... Germany........ West Chester Co, Long Island Dutches Co Westchester Co. do Connecticut Westchester Co. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Weever Lieut Beni Stevenson F. I. 5 7 do do 5 5 Mariner do 5 5 Laborour .... do 5 4 do .... do 5 1 do .... do 5 10 do .... do 5 10 Wever do 5 6 Laborour .... do 5 5 Berber do 5 5 Laborour .... do 5 7 do .... do 5 4 Wever do 5 4 Laborour .... do 5 7 Cord winder . . do 5 9 Miller do 5 10 Cord winder . . do S 8 Laborour .... do s sy. do .... do 5 91/- Cordwinder . . do 5 7 Taylor do 5 4 Laborour .... do 5 7 Masoner do 5 8 Laborour do 5 6 do .... do 5 5 do do 5 8* do do 5 7 do do 5 6 do do 5 5 do do 5 5 do Capt Haight 5 6 Joyner do 5 93 Laborour Lieut Hughson 5 5 do Capt. Haight 5 8 Weever do ....... 5 10 Laborour do 5 7 do do ....... 5 9 do do 5 8 Cordwinder . . do 5 9 , Laborour . .. . do 5 6NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 761. 391 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Connecticut do Long Island Connecticut Dutches Co Albany ........ Boston ........ Connecticut Dublin......... Scotland ...... Westchester Co. do Old England . . . Norwich, Conn . Long Island Germany........ Westchester Co. Connecticut do We st ch ester ) Co. Oblong . [ Westchester \ Co. Oblong . ) Ireland........ Westchester Co. do do Long Island Westchester Co. Ireland........ City Limbreck. . Ireland........ Staten Island . . . Old England . . . Ireland........ Old England . . . Switserland .... Westchester Co. Dutches Co. ) Quaker Hill, f Scotland....... Westchester Co. Laborour . . do do do Black Smith Laborour . . do Black Smith Weever .... Laborour . . do do do do do do do Cordwinder Laborour .. do do do do do do do do Weever . . . Laborour . Cooper . . . Hous Carp< Laborour . Mariner... do Gardner... Laborour . en Cooper . . . do Laborour . Capt. Haight . . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lieut Hughson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt Haight. . . Stature. F. /. 5 7 5 9^ 5 9 5 8 5 9 5 1 5 9 5 9^ 5 4J4 5 9 6 4 5 9 5 4 5 7 S 4 5 9 5 9 5 4 5 10 Yt 5 Jo>4 5 3^ 5 9 5 9 5 JO/4 5 5 5 3^ 5 8 5 9% 5 5 5 6 5 4 5 7 5 9 5 1 5 6 5 2 5 10 5 9% 5 7^392 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Peter Simmons May 2 William Beacon, Serjeant Aprill 12 30 Thomas Hughson do II 22 John Scot do 5 17 Thomas Wanser do i 22 Jess Arnold do 25 17 Ogelsbey Drake do 27 25 Josiah Smith, Serjeant do II 24 Alexander McGrigery do 11 24 John Kinhade do 21 2 7 John Cuff May 5 21 Samuel Hughson Aprill i3 21 The above being one Captain two Lieutenants and ninety Haight’s Company for the County off Westchester. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Captain Richard Rea’s Richard Rea, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Albany Co. Richard George........... James McNamarrow Edward Brennon........ Henry Weeler............. Michael White......... Samuel Beaty.......... Walter McCollister.... Michael Smith......... Stephen Mason........... James McCrindell...... Jones Gray............ James Mansfield ...... Robert McCrackan...... Stephen Blundon....... John Cook............. Nathanael Shiphard.... John McCew............ April 14 28 do 14 45 do 14 40 do 2 7 21 do 21 48 do 21 18 May I 24 April 25 26 do 20 27 do 16 34 do 17 48 May i 30 April 24 21 May 14 54 April 24 33 May H 46 do 14 31NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 393 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Pensilvania Laborour .... Lieut Huglison P. /. 5 5 Old England . . . do .... Lieut. Horton . 5 11 Westchester Co. do .... do 5 8^ do do .... do 5 Long Island.... Dutches Co .... Weaver Laborour .... Lieut Hughson do 6 5 3 Westchester Co. do .... Lieut. Horton 5 3 Connecticut .... Cordwinder . . Capt Haight 5 11 Scotland Laborour .... Lieut Hughson 5 6 5 11 Connecticut .... do .... Capt Haight New Vork .... do .... Lieut. Horton 5 6 5 9xA Westchester Co. do .... Lieut. Hughson four men where Musterd and approv’d off for Cap* Jonathan by me Geo. Brewerton, Junr Coll. THE COUNTYS OF ALBANY ULSTER & DUTCHES FOR Company April 1761. Derrick Wynkoop, 1 T . . * J r’ > Lieutenants. Where born. T rade. England......... Ireland ......... do ............ Co. of Albany ... do do Schotland....... Ireland......... Pensilvania..... Schotland ...... do .......... Ireland......... do ............ England *■. . .... Ireland......... London.......... Ireland ........ Labourer..... do ........ do ........ Carpenter.... do ....... do ....... do ....... Taylor........ Cordwinder___ Labourer..... Sleigh Maker.. Weaver....... Taylor........ Labourer..... do ........ Cooper ....... Taylor....... Officers who inlisted. Capt. Rea do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Stature. 5 $% 5 9% 5 6'A 5 8^ 5 6 % 5 7 , 5 3rA 5 2% 5 7^ 5 8^ 5 7 5 10 5 4.H 5 4^ 5 8394 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Frederick Berney May 3 April 27 do 17 do 17 do 26 John London, negro Edward Thompson . . Thomothy Glisson William Woodford Dutches Co. Wm Brichhett May 4 do 11 Charles Boils Daniel Sawyer do 11 William Mardick do 16 Obediah Robbins April 13 ' do 28 Ulster Co. Wm* Witehead Francis Robbison do 23 do 22 William Anderson William Ward . May 25 April 26 May 9 April 19 do 23 do 19 do 21 William Thompson John Crow James Alstone John Hurley Samuel Fanning James Fowler John Mayhaw do 23 May 7 do Q Henry Elsworth Henry Ellet, Senr> John Hannon April 19 do 19 May 5 April 21 May 11 do 11 William English Henry Ellet, Jun William Philips Matthew Bogardus John Glinbey Salomon Jolly, free negro April 19 May 9 do 25 April 21 do 16 William Clarck Nathan Concklin James Salter James Smith Francis Deim (?) do 17 do 26 John Corbitt .. . . John Carn do 27 do 24 do 24 do 24 Dirick Krom Jacob Cisler Jeremiah Kittle Age. 26 40 29 48 41 25 23 21 32 26 26 19 19 41 18 45 23 19 18 17 37 19 49 28 3i 20 17 22 20 36 20 20 22 36 45 48 27 21 25 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 761 395 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Ireland Jamaica Ireland do London Marriner...... Taylor . ..... Stay Maker... . Labourer...... Sadler........ Capt. Rea do do do do 5 6 5 6 5 8 5 3^ 6 ^ Old England Ireland..... Long Island..... London.......... Jerseys......... Labourer . . Shoemaker . do Cordwinder Taylor.... do do do do do S 6^ 5 9K 5 8 5 4 5 834 Maryland ....... Old England New York...... West Chester. . . . Jersey........ N. England...... Old England Ulster County. . . New England . . , North Castle .... . Ireland...... Ulster County. . . New England . . . Ireland......... do .......... New England . . . Boston....... Dutches Co...... Ulster Co....... Long Island..... do ........ West Chester.. . . Jerseys......... Germany......... Ireland......... do ....... Germany......... Marble Town Germany......... Marbletown...... Farmer . .... Sea Man...... Farmer....... Labourer..... do ........ do ..... Weaver....... Farmer *..... do ......... do ....... do ......... do ......... Carpanter ... Brick Maker. . . Farmer....... do ........ do ........ Shoe Maker . .. Cooper ...... Farmer....... Cordwinder . . . do Labourer..... Baker........ Labourer ...... do ........ do ........ do ........ Cooper....... Labourer..... do .......... do .......... do .......... do ....... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do ........ do ........ do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do .......... Lieut Sleght.... Lieut. Wynkoop . . Lieut H. Sleght . . do do 5 7^ 5 6^ 5 8>4 5 10 5 7 5 10 5 8 5 2^ 5 4r% 5 634 5 5 7 5 6 5 ioj^ 5 2^ 5 10 5 10 5 6 5 10 5 10 5 6 5 &A 5 $% 5 7A 5 2 6 o 5 S 5 6^390 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Jacob Parrish May 11 24 Nathaniel Boyinton do 8 23 Isaac Akerly Aprill ii 24 Nathaniel Jaeger. do 8 21 Charles Vincent May 16 19 Edward Brown Aprill 21 20 Ebenzer Robison . May 8 24 Samuel Wording do 18 23 John More do 2 30 James Walker do 22 27 Abraham Depew Aprill l4 23 James Nesson May 8 17 John Pullin Aprill 17 26 Peter Partrich do 13 23 Daniel Farington May 5 18 Mattice Catterling Aprill 17 23 Jacob Travis do 17 22 William Southworth do 9 21 Nathaniel Wording May 18 19 / James Done Aprill 20 ,8 Nathaniel Finch May I John Langdon Aprill 30 20 James Ackles May i 35 William Finch Aprill 30 18 John Sorine do 30 29 Jedediah Davis do 27 23 William Hughson do 27 18 Edward Dieling do 27 24 John Thomas do 13 5o Henry Smith do 22 . 48 Jacob Shearman do 13 36 Samuel Selvens do i 35 John Burk do 6 20 John Willson do 22 28 Francis Fountain do 13 22 Gabriel Hughson May 16 22 David Cash do i 18 { Joseph Grean Aprill 22 21 Henry Scot do 24 20396 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Anclries........ Adam Keator.......... Peter Eller.......... Nicholas Sluyter ...... Richard Stokes....... Richard Hornet ...... Thomas Jones........... Caspar Ruyter.......... Hiskia van Keauren .. Henry Sands............ Jurrian Tappen....... Cornelius Coneway .. . John Brady........... John Andries Rudolph Jacobus Montony. . ... James Nower.......... Jacobus Duboys....... Martin us Beekman.... Frederick Hymes...... Petrus van Winkell.... John Griffen, Junior .. Anthony Barron....... Stevanus Ackert...... John Beaver.......... George Forgisson..... Jacobus Davies, Jun.. . Petrus Dackar......... Cornelius Chambers. .. Jacob Barly.......... Jurry Humble......... Barrent Griffes...... Patrick McGee........ Richard Lounsberry .. Marten Griffen....... Jacob Fredrick Hymes April 24 25 do 24 18 do 24 32 do 24 21 do 24 17 do 24 48 do 26 22 do 27 30 do 28 30 do 28 29 do 30 50 do 30 28 do 30 40 do 30 40 May 2 28 do 5 32 do 7 17 do 7 18 do 7 49 do 7 21 do 7 18 do 11 23 do 12 17 do 12 21 do 12 49 do 12 17 do 15 17 do 15 23 do 18 30 do 21 18 do 21 32 do 22 19 do 22 21 do 23 21 do 7 16 Albany County Dutchess...... Ulster ........ 22 5 65 92 The Above being One Captain one Lieutenant and ninety Rea's Company for the Countys of Albany, Ulster & Dutchess, New York June 3d, 1761.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 397 Where born. 1 Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Ireland Labourer iLieut H. Slep-ht . . 5 3 5 10 Marbletown do do Germany... do do 5 11 Ulster Co do do 5 814 5 6 Marbletown do do Ireland . do do 5 37 5 814 5 8 England do do Germany. Cordwinder . .. Lieut Wynkoop . . Ulster Co do Lieut Sleght 5 9% Ireland Weaver I do 5 4 7 5 844 5 11 5 7 Ulster Co Labourer i do Ireland do I do do Cordwinder . . . | Lieut Wynkoop . . Germany Black Smith do 5 7% New York. do . . . • Lieut H. Sleght .. 5 814 Germany Baker do 5 6 Ulster Co Labourer do 5 10 5 77 Orange Co do do Germany. Ulster Co Taylor Labourer Lieut Wynkoop .. do 5 6 5 4 5 8 5 4 do Germany do do do do Dutches Co Weaver Lieut H. Sleght .. 6 1 6 i/o Ulster Co Labourer do . . . .. Philadelphia .... Turner Lieut Wynkoop . . w 72 5107 Marbletown Labourer do 6 c Menissinck do do 5 4/2 5 10 Ulster County.. . do Lieut H Sleght . .. Philidalphia do Lieut Wynkoop .. 5 6 Ulster Co do do 5 6 5 57 Ireland do do Livingston Manr-. do Lieut H. Sleght .. 5 7 Ulster Co do Germany Cordwinder . . . Laborour do do do Lieut Wynkoop .. 5 6)4 5 10 5 2 two men where Mustered & approved off for Captain Richard by Lieut Col°‘ yan Schaick & Rosboom. pr me Geo Brewerton, jun. Col°-398 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in pany, April James Clinton, Captain. Men’s Names. | Day of Inlistment. Age. John Bragen ! April 15 29 John Spearshanks ! do 18 20 John Branagen ! do 17 42 John Curry .. ! do 21 43 J ohn Fling do 24 48 Robert Murray | do 24 25 James Johnson ; do 24 26 Robert Maxfield do 22 49 John Mucklehone I do 28 42 William Hagerty do 28 21 Stephen Hooper do 26 20 Thomas Purchase ... do 26 l9 Robert Ferrier i do 17 27 John Grahams ! do 17 21 James McCawn j May 3 17 Robert Shepherd, Indian do 5 16 William van CliefF ; do 7 21 John Kernaghan April 28 22 Charles Kernaghan ; do 28 21 John Colter do 15 22 Neal McArter do 28 20 John Nicholson May 7 18 William Nicholls do 7 21 Edward Early ; 1 April 21 21 Christopher Miller 1 May 5 24 Samuel Davis April 20 27 Garleght Hext May 4 20 John Williams April 24 21 Abraham Ari, negro do 26 3i Daniel Williams ! do 28 18 William Bayer do 21 17 Michael Crans do 21 24 Uri Felmer do 22 26 Douglas McEller May 3 18 John Taylor April 2 17 Stephen Taylor do 24 20 Denis Jordan do 22 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 399 the County of Ulster for Captain Clinton’s Com- 1761. William Stewart, Hendrich Is- Sleght, Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Officers who inlistei England . . . . Labourer . . . Capt Clinton. Germany do do Ireland do do do do do do do ... do Scotland Taylor do Ireland Labourer . . . do do Miller do do Weaver do Orange Co Labourer . . . do New Jersey ....... do ... do England do do Ireland Weaver Lieut Stewart Ulster Co Cordwainer. . Capt Clinton. do Cooper do Rhode Island Labourer . .. do New Jersey do do Ireland do do do do do do Weaver Lieut Stewart Ulster Co Cordwainer. . do do Cooper ...... Capt. Clinton Masachusetts Labourer .. . do Ireland Cooper do Germany Weaver do New York Labourer . . . do Germany do do Ulster Co Cordwainer.. do New Jersey Labourer . .. do Ulster Co . T aylor Lieut Stewarl New York Labourer ... do Ulster Co Weaver Capt Clinton. Germany Labourer . .. do New Jersey Cordwainer. . do Ulster Co do Capt Ray ... do do Capt Clinton. Ireland Weaver do Stature. 5 9 s 4 5 5 91/2 5 9 5 SH 5 9% 5 7 5 9V2 5 4^ 5 8JA 5 2 5 7 5 7% 5 7 5 6^ 5 11 5 TV2 5 11 5 7*4 5 7 5 6 5 8 5 m 5 9 510 5 6 5 6^ 5 334 5 5 5 3% 5 5^ 5 2 5 8 5 6 5 10K 5 3%400 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Jonathan White May 6 18 Robert Burnet Jun . do 24 l7 Tohn Umphrey April 20 20 William Buchannan do 28 22 William Bole do 20 45 John Burns do 25 17 John Green May 7 35 James McGlaughlin do 24 30 John Smith do 7 30 William Hughs April 22 45 Robert Goodgion May 4 22 John Butters do 5 19 Robert Impson do 5 49 Nicholas Green do 18 28 Patrick White April 23 3° John Southerland May 6 45 Michael Warrin April 23 26 William Crawford > . . . May 4 50 James MTntire ■ April 19 27 John Cahoen May 1 22 James Mahon \ .rr. . . do 1 28 John Mullin do 23 49 John Coleman April 23 18 Samuel Wilson do 23 22 John Gregg do 28 23 Duncan Campbell do 23 28 James Dunlop do 21 25 James Parker ....’ May 4 20 William Thomson do 25 22 Patrick Collins April 23 26 Isaac Butters May 4 20 John McMichael do 7 19 Francis Elliot do 11 40 Joseph Vincent do 8 53 Hendrick Myer do 18 30 Daniel McBride do 18 36 David Rogers April 23 22 John Lewis ... May 7 19 William Sluyter April 17 22 William McConnell do 21 37 Jacob Bargar do 21 26 George Bare do 21 26 Michael Warner do 21 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 401 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. New England Labourer . . . Capt Clinton.... 5 2 Ulster Co do ... do .... 5 do do ... do 5 7% do do do .... 5 \o% Ireland do ... do 5 4 Ulster Co Blacksmith .. do .... 5 5^ Ireland Labourer .. . do .... 5 3% do do ... do .... 5 6% England do do .... 5 Ireland , do do 5 4% Philadelphia Taylor do 5 9 New Jersey Labourer . . . do .... 5 6% Ireland do do .... 5 8 New England do ... do .... 6 0 Ireland Cordwainer. . do 5 2 Westchester Carpenter... do .... 5 91/2 Germany do do .... 5 7 Ireland Labourer . .. do 5 6% do do do .... 5 6% do do Lieut Stewart. .. 5 10 do Mariner .... do 5 5 % do Carpenter... Capt Clinton.... 5 6 Mannor Livingston. Labourer .. . do .... 5 5 Ireland Cordwainer.. do .... 5 n% New Jersey do do .... 5 10 Scotland Labourer . .. do .... 5 9 Ireland Weaver do .... 5 7 New Jersey Taylor Lieut Stewart . .. 5 10% Pensyl vania do ..... do 5 10% Ireland Labourer . .. do ... 5 7 New Jersey Weaver ..... Capt Clinton.... 5 9V\ Ulster Co Labourer . .. Lieut Stewart. .. 5 6% Ireland do Capt Clinton.... 5 3 England do do .... 5 4 Germany do do 5 6 Ireland . . Blacksmith . . Lieut Stewart... 5 7% Orange Co do Capt Clinton.... 5 do Labourer ... do .... 5 4 Dutches Co do Lieut J. Sleght.. 5 6% Ireland Scrivener . .. do 5 6% Jarman y Weaver Lieut Wynkoop. 5 5 do Meason do 5 4 do do do 5 4 26402 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Peter Miller .. . April 21 26 Robert Cahill do 23 40 William Haffy do 23 34 Jacob Middagh Jun do 24 20 Abraham Post do 30 26 Theophilus Elsworth May 5 21 Phillip Miller do 5 3i John Sleght Jun do 13 20 Jacobus Post April 26 21 Benjamin English June 2 18 Patrick Colgan do 1 25 John Bayley do 2 20 The Above being One Captain two Lieutenants & ninety Clinton’s Company for the County of Ulster by Lieut. Col°- A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in 2 June Peter Lent, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. I Henry Sniffin.......... Richard Williams....... Jacob Nase............. John Thomas............ Benjamin Blackledge... John McDaniel, Junr-. ., Frederick Painter...... John McDaniel, Senr-.. Samuel Tarvis, Mullato Willm- Lounsberry Peter Gone . ., ..... Johannis Cole ........ Jacobus Bell ____ David Smith.......... Thomas Ackerson...... April 13 37 do 14 48 do 14 l9 do 14 3i do 14 18 do 17 20 do 47 20 do 17 24 do 21. 24 do 23 21 do 23 21 do 24 23 do 25. 19 do . 25. 20 do 25 22NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 761. 403 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Garmany.. . . Joyner Lieut Wynkoop. 5 4 Ireland Weaver Lieut. H.Sleght. 5 6 Dutches Co Laborour ... do 5 10 Marble Town do | do 5 Albany Co do . . ., do 5 9% New York do . . . I do 5 10 Albany Co Cordwiner... do 5 10^ Ulster Co Cooper do 5 6^ do do Lieut Wynkoop. 6 iy Long Island Cordwiner. . . Capt Clinton.... 5 Ireland Laborour ». . do .... 5 6 New York do ... do .... 5 2 two men where Muster’d & approved off for Capt. James Rosboom. pr me Geo. Brewerton, Junr Col°- the County of Orange for Captain Lent’s Company 1761. Samuel Gale, ) T • } Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F. I. Rye . . Labourer Capt Lent ... 5 4 Wales Shoemaker . . . do .... 5 3 Germany Labourer .... do 5 4 Virginia do .... do .... 5 9% Elizabethtown do do .... 5 3 Scotland do .... do .... 5 4 Germany do do 5 4 Scotland Blacksmith . . . do .... 5 6 Portugal ...... Taylor do .... 5 6 Westchester Weaver do .... 5 5 7 Orange Co Wheelwright . do .... do Labourer .... do .... 5 -6 do do .... do .... 5 6 do Weaver do .... 5 8^ 5 7% do do do .... 404 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Defrise, Indian William Thompson . John Redner........ Abraham Bricker . . . Edward Masen....... Jacobus Minna...... James Pawl......... Jurry Perry........ Thomas Morgan .... James Kelly ....... Johannis Coleman . . David van Blarkom. Jacobus de Clark . .. Richard Huse....... 30 Abraham Garrison . . John Halstead...... Henk* Riker....... Matthias Nack...... James Smith........ David van Blarkum. Simon Hause........ Darby Sullivan..... Johannis Staser Andrew Henry....... Thomas McGuire ... Henry Dobbins...... John Kinnin........ James Wells........ John Colsin........ Thomas Owens....... Richard Connerly. . . William Owrens..... John MTntosh....... Joseph Bayley...... John Chandler...... James Bennet....... George Bucannon . . Silas Burr...... Jeremiah Sealy..... John Sutton........ Jonathan Knap...... James Neagles...... April 25 26 do 25 *9 do 25 50 do 26 21 do 29 34 do 29 18 May 1 21 do 1 19 do 1 21 do 1 21 do 3 50 do 7 21 do 7 20 do 4 20 do 4 23 do 4 19 do 10 21 do 10 19 do 20 28 do 21 24 do 21 20 do 22 43 do 22 32 do 1 25 do 25 48 April 15 22 do 16 22 do 16 20 do 16 47 do 17 23 do 20 38 do 21 20 do 23 3° May 1 25 do 29 46 April 23 17 do 23 17 do 23 22 do 23 21 do 17 24 do 17 22 do 21 38NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761 405 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature, F. /. Orange Co Shoemaker . .. 1 Capt Lent .... 5 7 Philadelphia. ..... Weaver do .... c 7 Bergen Shoemaker ... do .... 5 A1/- do Labourer .... do .... 5 9 Dublin do .... do .... 5 6 Orange Co.. do .... do .... 5 4 Long Island do .... do .... 5 5 Germany do .... do .... 5 4 Philipsborough Wheelwright . do .... 5 7Y Connecticut Byram .. . Cooper do .... 5 4 Germany Labourer .... do .... 5 8 Bergen Weaver do .... S 7 Orange Co do do .... e 81/ London Labourer .... do 5 4 Long Island do .... do .... 5 5 Orange Co Carpenter .... do .... 5 5 Horseneck Labourer .... do .... 5 7 New York do .... do .... 5 8 Scotland do .... do .... 5 6 Bergen do do 5 8 New York do do .... 5 4 Ireland do .... do .... 5 4 Germany do .... do 5 5 Ireland Pewterer do .... 5 6 do Labourer .... do .... 5 8J Philadelphia do . .... Lieut Gale 5 8 Old England do .... do 5 6 Rhode Island do do .... 5 9 Old England do do .... 5 4/ Wales do do 5 8 Ireland do do .... 5 3 Long Island Taylor do 5 4 Highlands of Scotland Labourer do 5 5 'Goshen do do 5 ii Old England Schoolmaster. do 5 7- Connecticut Labourer Lieut Broderick 5 6 Goshen ............. do do 5 4 Connecticut do do 5 9 do . ....... Weaver do 5 8 Goshen .. . Cordwainer .. do 5 6; do Labourer do 5 9 Ireland Taylor | do 5 4406 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. William Sutton.......... Samuel Concklin....... James Dougherty ........ James Perkins, Mullato ... Uriah Hand.............. Thomas Mahan ........... William Harrington...... John Weldon............. John Price.............. Anthony Johnson, Mullato 68 William Scott............ Day of Inlistment. Age. April 21 18 do 22 27 do 22 19 May 18 18 do 25 36 April 24 32 do 24 27 May 19 30 do 24 24 April 30 18 June 5 22 The Above being One Captain, One Lieut and Sixty Lent’s Company for the County of Orange by me A Muster Roll of the Men Raised & Pass’d Daniel Griffen, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. I Joshua Miner April 13 22 William Curvvin May 3 17 Samuel Ruckett, Indian. do 2 20 Isaac Ruckett, Indian do 10 17 John Fowler, Indian do 10 17 John Davis do 7 24 Reuben, Indian do 29 48 David Marrow do 26 20 John Truby April 15 23 Simon Curwin May 26 16 Josep Goldsmith ... do 3 *9 David, Indian do 17 19 Isaiah Howel do 14 18 George Tamaico, Indian. April 20 18 David Reeve May 26 18 Joseph Gibbs do 26 22NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 761. 407 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F. /. Wall Kill Labourer .... Lieut Broderick 5 5 Orange Co do .... do 5 9 Goshen do .... do 5 7% Long Island . do .... do 5 4 Jerseys Taylor do 5 6*4 Ireland Labourer .... do S 8 New London do .... do 5 10 Trentown Jersey do .... do 5 10 London do .... Capt Lent 5 8 New York do .... do J C 2 Ireland do .... do D J 5 8/3 New York 5 June 1761. Eight Men, where Muster’d & Approv’d off In Capt. Peter Mich. Thodey. in the County of Suffolk for Capt. Griffen. Abraham Dayton, ) John Fowler, f Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. New London . .. Cordwainer .... Dan1- Griffen.... F. 5 /. 9 South Hold .... Carpenter do .... 5 5 do .... Labourer do .... 5 10 do .... do do .... 5 6 South Hampton. do do .... 5 VA Bristol Europe.. Brasier do .... 5 7 Suffolk Co Labourer do ... 5 8 do Cordwainer .... do 5 10 Lyme Conn1- . .. Hatter do .... 5 6 South Hold .... Sadler do .... 5 3 do .... Cordwainer .... do .... 5 4 South Hampton. Labourer do .... 5 4% South Hold .... Joyner do .... 5 3 New London . .. Labourer do .... 5 3K South Hold .... do ..../. do .... 5 5 Massechusetts .. do do 5 9408 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Glaude La Porte April 9 21 Mathew Conkling do 16 18 David Conkling do 16 18 Eleazer Conkling .. do 16 20 Thomas Chatfield do 16 18 Nathaniel Happer, Indian do 16 21 Abraham Hand do 30 18 Daniel Skellenger do 30 18 Richard Edwards May 9 17 Samuel Tayler do 9 19 Samuel Tayler do 27 44 William Tapping # April 29 17 Joseph Sommers do 29 17 William Jagger May 9 17 Jacob Zachariah, Indian April 20 20 George Bishop do 30 21 Phineas Fordham do 29 !9 George Basto May 6 38 William Forbes do 3 18 36 John Thomas do 14 27 The whole Number of the Above is One Capt & Thirty South Hold June 6th 1761. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass'd in for Captain Dunbar's George Dunbar, Captain. Men’s Names. .. Day of Inlistment. Age. I David Smiley April 14 26 Michael Clink do 29 32 John Kees May 1 25 John Pendrey do 20 19 Hector McKensie do 20 34 John Hearts do 21 31 Anthony House June 4 37 Patrick Lawn do 10 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 409 Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. Lion in France. . Weaver Dan1, Griffen.... K /. 5 4 East Hampton. . do Abr. Dayton . .. 5 4 do Cordwainer .... do .... 5 6 do Weaver do .... 5 7XA do Labourer do .... 5 5 Rochester Mass. do do .... 5 6 South Hampton. Cordwainer .... do .... 5 4 East Hampton.. do do .... 5 4/4 do Labourer do .... 5 do Joyner do .... 5 10 Massechusetts .. Labourer John Fowler... . 5 10 South Hampton. Weaver do .... 5 i# South Hold Joyner do .... 5 2/4 South Hampton. Cordwainer do .... 5 4 N. England Labourer do .... 5 2 South Hampton. do do .... 5 9 do Weaver do 5 3% N. England Labourer Dan1, Griffen.... 5 AxA Scotland Sailor do .... 5 4}4 5 7/^ Jerseys Husbandman . .. Lieut Welsh Six Men. Geo. Muirson, Muster Master. THE COUNTYS OF NEW YORK QUEENS & WESTCHESTER Company June 17, 1761. Where born. Ireland...... Germany Pennsylvania Wales ...... Scotland . * Germany do Ireland...... Ambrose Horton, Barak Snethin, Lieutenants. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Weaver Capt Dunbar.. Labourer do do . do do do Shoemaker do Miller do Barber do Labourer do Stature. F. I. 5 7 5 5^ 5 8 5 2' S 10 5 5 5 4 5 5410 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. John Robinson........ io Eben Croasdale .... John Cutler.......... Thomas McCarty....... Edward Bustead....... Richard Galloway..... Charles Smith........ John Roe............. John Moulder......... Francis Johnson...... James Sheerar........ 20 John Wilson.......... Richard Roach........ James Day............ Jesse Price.......... John Downing......... Jeremiah Fowler...... Andrew Miller........ Peter Arlute......... James Byrns.......... Manuel Quimby........ 30 Daniel Lockeree...... James Young.......... Richard Britt......*. . Joseph Gomez......... Laven Latton . .. ... John Harden.......... John Summers......... William Bedhams...... Francis Ute.......... John Wolf............ 40 Daniel McLaughlin .... John Witty........... John Higgins......... Anthony Francisco .... Joseph Arbian, Mulatto Pedro Pandelo........ Henry Taylor, Mulatto John Morison......... John Henry. . . ..... James Graham......... 50 Adam Michael ........ J une 10 do 14 do 14 April 8 May 26 do 29 June 1 do 2 do 3 do 2 May 30 June 5 May 26 June 5 do 6 do 5 do 6 do 5 do 12 do 8 do 6 do 7 do 11 do 8 do 10 do 8 do 6 do 8 do 13 do 8 do 5 April 24 June 12 April 10 June 13 do 11 do 11 do 11 do 5 do 1 May 7 April 16 Age. 19 29 24 21 19 24 20 34 20 22 27 19 29 35 33 21 25 4°(?) 22 34 28 27 24 46 32 35 29 42 32 22 37 32 40 36 22 44 20 19 30 37 27 43NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 411 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F. /. Ireland Labourer . Capt Dunbar . . 5 6 Pennsylvania . . do . do 5 8 do do do 5 6 Ireland Cooper Capt Wright . . 5 9J/2 Cork Labourer Lieut Welsh . . 5 3 Ireland Perukemaker do 5 8 do Labourer . do 5 4 S°* Wales do do 5 9% England do do 5 4 N°* Ireland . ... do do S 5 N°- Hampton . . Cordwainer do 5 11 New York do do 5 4 Ireland Mariner do 5 9 do . . .. Brewer do 5 9 Pennsylvania . . Carpenter do 5 7% Ireland . . Labourer do 5 6 do Cooper do 5 6 Italy Mariner do 5 9Yz do . . do do 5 6 Ireland Slater do 5 3 Portugal Blacksmith do 5 Sy Ireland Labourer do 5 VA Old England . . Mariner do 5 8 Ireland Labourer do 5 3 Portugal do /. do 5 6y> Maryland do do 5 7 Ireland Baker do 5 8 Giberalter Labourer do 5 8 England Silk Dyer& Scourer. do 5 7% New York Cordwainer do 5 sy Hamburgh .... Mariner do 5 4 Ireland Labourer do 5 5 do . Mariner do 5 sy do Gardiner do 5 10 Portugal Labourer do 5 7 do do do 5 7y do do do 5 4 J amaica do do 5 5 Ireland Mariner do 5 6 do Labourer do 5 sy do : Callender Lieut Horton. . 6 Long Island. . . Labourer do J 5 8'%412 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Sniffin .. June 15 18 Aaron Moss do 2 30 John Carrol April 13 27 Joseph Fitzpatrick May 15 38 Sampson Mespullet June 15 21 James Collier May 22 25 Anthony Hewes June 7 40 Joseph Latton do 16 23 Joseph Fagan do 11 22 James Chewman April 8 16 Fredk Carman June 15 19 62 Rob1* Coleman do 17 23 The within being one Captain Two Lieuts- and Sixty Two Company for the City & County of New York, forty Seven, by me A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Company 2ist Isaac Terbush, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Nehemiah Smith April 25 May 13 April 27 May ^4 do 23 do 4 George Scull Edward Coffin Moses Gee Abraham Eynman Robert Wier Andries Schouten April 24 May 4 do 4 William Dolaway Robert Shearer John Schouten 1 . . . do 4 Henry Wright . do 25 April 6 May 6 do 20 Tohn Langdon V : .. Jonas Parks William Cummings .. . Age. 31 18 18 !9 44 52 23 3 7 23 27 27 16 23 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 413 Where born. T rade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F. /. Rye Labourer Lieut Horton. . S 4- New York Barber Lieut Walsh . . j 1 5 7 Ireland Labourer Capt Thodey .. 5 7% do do Lieut Walsh .. 6 0 London do do do do Lieut Sneden.. j j Old England .. Mariner Lieut Walsh . . D O 5 9 Boston Labourer do 5 4 Dublin do . .... do J *T £ 7 New York do do . . q 7 do Taylor do 5 6 Ireland Marriner do 5 6 New York 17th June 1761. Men where Musterd & Approvd off In Capt. George Dunbar’s for Queens County, Twelve, & for West Chester Coun ty, three Mich. Thodey. the County of Dutchess for Captain Isaac Terbush June 1761. Tunis Corsa, ] T • Samuel Whelpley, j leu enan s< Where born. Long Island...... Westchester Fish Kill........ Westchester...... Rhode Island Ireland.......... Fish Kill........ Ireland.......... Jersey........... Dutches Co....... Statten Island . . . Fish Kill........ Connecticut...... do ......... T rade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Blacksmith Capt Terbush .. F. /. 5 7 Labourer do 5 7% Shoemaker do 5 4 Labourer ...... do 5 4 do do 6 Breechesmaker . do 5 4/4 Weaver do 5 10 do do 5 10 Labourer do 5 9 do do 5 5J4 do do 5 10 do do 5 6 do do S 8 do do s 7V2MUSTER ROLLS OF 4H Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Christopher Stevens William Barker.... Phenias Woodard .. David Hammans . . . Joseph Langdon . . . David Smith....... Isaac Craw........ Elijah Crosby..... Matthew Wineter . . Henry Webber...... William Forgison .. Abraham Walker . . . Benjamin Hedger . . Jacob van Tassel ... Joseph Sullen..... Christopher Stevens David Young....... De Owen Le Flower Francis Miller.... Matthew Felix..... Robert Cain ....... Peter Ostrander Nicholas Wager. . . . David Cash........ James Mansfield.... Daniel Shepherd . .. James Louden...... Ellis Vinson...... William Lent...... Daniel Willcocks .. . . Elijah Dowee ...... Marline Dowee .. . . Thomas Knap....... Elisha Pain....... Samuel Richards . . . George Anderson. . . James Dowdle...... John Jackson...... Daniel Hogan Anthony Sheniew . . Ebenezer Allion.... Loudawick Creeles . May 17 April 25 do 2 May 17 do 16 April 27 May 20 do 25 April 27 May 19 April 21 May 4 do 12 April 27 May 4 do 7 April 22 June 15 May 23 do 29 do 24 do 26 do 27 April 27 J une 16 do 16 May 27 June 5 April 25 June 6 do 16 do 16 do 16 do 16 do 16 do 1 do 8 do 7 April 28 June 25 April 26 May 27 Age. 23 28 25 17 23 20 19 23 25 24 20 17 15 20 23 26 20 25 36 19 20 17 18 30 19 42 21 22 17 16 20 16 16 25 40 36 29 25 27 17 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 415 Where born. Connecticut----- Ireland......... Connecticut .... Rhode Island. .. North Castle ... Bedford......... Westchester.. .. Boston.......... Westchester.... do .... do .... Dutches Co .... Westchester Dutches Co Long Island .... Connecticut Fish Kill....... Canada ......... Ireland......... do .......... Dutches Co do do .... do Ireland......... Connecticut ... . . Ireland....... Rhode Island. .. Westchester New England . . Boston.......... Boston.......... Connecticut do do Ireland......... do .......... Pensylvania Ireland......... France.......... Dutches Co Germany......... Trade. Labourer........ Schoolmaster. . Labourer...... do ........ do ........ Cordwainer... . do _______ do Farmer........ do ........ Cordwainer . .. . Farmer........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ Weaver........ Blacksmith .... Labourer...... Sawyer........ Labourer ..... Farmer........ Weaver........ Cooper ....... Weaver........ Farmer........ Doctor. ...... Joiner........ Labourer ..... do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ Cooper ....... Labourer...... do ........ Distiller..... Farmer........ do ........ Cordwainer. ... Officers who inlisted. Stature. Capt Terbush do do do do do Lieut Corsa . . Capt Terbush do do Lieut Barber . do Lieut Corsa . . Capt Terbush do do do Lieut Corsa .. do do Lieut Corsa Lieut Whelpley. Capt Terbush . . Lieut Whelpley do Capt Terbush .. do do do Lieut Whelpley do do do do Lieut Corsa Capt Terbush .. do Lieut Whelpley Lieut Corsa , Capt Terbush do F. /. 5 9 5 4 5 9% 5 3/4 5 9/4 5 934 5 7. 5 11 5 Sy | 5 9 5 1 6 934 { 5 9 : 5 5 ! 5 9Va ! 5 10 Is 9/4 i 5 7 5 6 5 A 8/4 \J s 6 5 8 5 10 S 6 i}4 5 6 7 5 11 5 5 6j4 5 6y2 5 7 5 6 5 10% 5 6% 5 6 ■ 5 5 5 5 5 5 ■ 5 4 ■ 5 7416 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Andrew Ross June 9 23 Myer Earn May 28 18 William Watson June 8 20 Jonathan Woodard April 23 17 Adam Miller June 5 30 Andrew Myers April 10 32 Hugh Gamble May 16 42 Daniel Callahon . April 27 33 Benjamin Cahoon June 15 24 Abraham Johnson do 12 20 Thomas Green do 12 40 Peter Miller do 13 28 Peter Osterout April 29 20 Joseph Worden do 24 19 John Kenneday June 7 40 John Burke do 6 25 Jeremiah Ness do 15 22 Lawrence Schael . do 11 20 John McKenney ... do 11 40 Gabriel Menter May 23 i6(?) Peter Avery June 20 . -22 Robert Menter . May 23 50 Volentine Earnest '.. . June 8 25 The Above being one Captain two Lieutenants and Capt. Isaac Terbush’s Company in the County of Dutchess. A Muster Roll of the men raised and pass’d in of the New York Regiment Men’s Names. Companys. Date of In- listment. Age. i Christr Queen Capt Vandenbergh . June 16 36 Francis Bartow , do do 13 24 Timothy Cannon do do 14 39 Mich1 Hoppole do do 17 40 Rowland McGill do do 14 27 John Wilson do do 15 41 Wm- McCollum........ do do 15 33 Josef Dreaf. do do 16 36NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1761. 417 Where bom. Ireland Dutches Co Old England . . New England . Germany...... do ........ Ireland ....... do ......... Rhode Island. . New Jersey. . . . Ireland....... Germany....... Dutches County Connecticut.....iCordwainer Trade. Officers who inlisted. Taylor .......Lieut Corsa Farmer........jCapt Terbush . . Taylor ........Lieut Whelpley. Farmer......... Capt Bush..... Butcher.......|Lieut Corsa. ... Weaver........iLieut Whelpley. do .........ILieut Corsa... do .........jCapt Terbush .. . Farmer........| do do .........iLieut Whelpley. Joiner .......i do Farmer........| do Farmer........ do Ireland..... Old England Germany.. .. do Setaket..... Dutches Co . do Connecticut . Pensilvania. . Cooper Farmer do do Taylor.... Farmer Cordwainer Farmer Labourer . do do • Lieut Corsa do do do do do do Capt Terbush Stature. F. /. 5 8 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 6^ 5 7% 5 11 5 5 5 8 5 10 5 8 5 7 5 4 5 6 6 5 6 5 11 5 7 5 n 5 1 5 2 5' 4 5 7 Seventy nine men where Mustered and approved off for Geo. Brewerton, Junr Col°- the County of Albany for the several Companys Albany 2d July 1761. Where born. Trade. Officers who iniisted. Stature. F. Ireland Labourer Lieut Ten Eyck do do 5 10V2 5 6^ 5 4 5 2 Germany Ireland do do Germany do De Garmo .... Ireland do Ten Eyck 5 4^- England Miner do 6 1 Ireland Cooper do 5 6/2: Germany Butcher do 5, 4/2. 27418 MUSTER ROLLS OF 1 Men’s Names. Companys. Date of In- listment. Age. Geoge Colloghan...... Capt. Vandenbergh. June 18 20 io Easil Stewart do do 14 21 Edwd- Graham . do do 14 21 John Nicholas do do 20 26 Wm Hanson do do 25 18 John Sullivan do May 28 49 John Stagner do June 14 24 Mathw- Timmerman. . . Capt Rea do 23 l9 John Warton do do 28 22 Andrew Bower do . do 20 28 Augustus Sealey Capt Lent do 2 22 20 Samuel Holley do do 0 20 Wm- Brown do April 22 2Q Samuel Sealy do May 25 40 Joseph Welsh do June 13 24 Alexr- McCarty do do 9 23 Amos Long Capt. Vandenbergh. do 26 18 Moses Content Capt Griffin April 29 23 Benjn- Hedges do June 13 J 18 Lion Looper do j j do 13 IQ Thomas Morgan Capt Dunbar ...... j do 22 21 30 Wm> Wright do do 22 27 Thomas Lane do do 23 20 George Smith do do 23 I 7 William Hanson do j do 25 20 Moutrey Young do do 23 45 John Cleanvey do do 22 17 Nichs* Butler do do 22 25 Geo. McCay do April 17 38 John Lyton do June 22 25 September, Negro Capt Thodey April 24 20 John Rogers Capt Platt June 26 24 Thos. Hutchins do do 26 26 Wendel Hildenbrant .. Capt Vandenbergh . do 1 20 43 James Cloudy do do 1 21 This is to Certify that the Above being Forty three Companys in the New York Regiments Affixd to their Livingston Esqre3 Commissarys & Paymasters to yesaid Regi- for the Amount, they having Advanced the Bounty & Douw & A. Ten Brook EsqresNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 76 r. 419 Where born. Pensilvania..... Maryland........ Ireland ........ Germany......... England......... Ireland ........ England......... Germany......... Connecticut..... Germany......... Boston.......... Goshen Orange .. Boston.......... Connecticut..... Scotland........ Long Island..... Geneva ......... Long Island..... do ........ Pensilvania..... Old England New York........ Germany......... Boston...... Ireland......... do .......... do .......... do .......... do ......... Guinea.......... Germany......... Long Island..... Germany......... do ........... Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Labourer Ten Eyck F. I. 5 5 do do 5 10 Cooper do 5 4/3 Taylor De Garmo .... 5 1 Labourer Ten Eyck 5 4 Hatter do 5 7%A Labourer do 5 8 Baker L** Sleight .... 5 i/( Labourer do 5 7 do do .... 5 S1/2 Hatter V Bardrick . . . 5 9 Saddler do 5 8 Labourer do ... 5 6 Carpenter do ... 5 11 Labourer do .5 S1/2 do do 5 5 do L** Ten Eyck. . 5 Barber Capt Griffin . . . 5 8 Cooper do 5 5 Weaver do ... 5 8 Merchant Lu Welsh 5 11 White Smith .... do 5 9 Mariner do 5 4 Labourer do ..... 5 5 Cordwainer Ten Eyck 5 51/2 Labourer Lieut Welsh .. 6 Mariner do 5 4 do do 5 8 do do 5 7 do do 5 6 Capt Thodey . . 5 5 Labourer. U Welsh 5 6 5 5 5 4 Shoemaker Labourer do U‘ Dawson.... do do .... 5 5 Albany 6 July 1761. privates where Musterd & approv'd of here, for the Severall Names & that Messrs Jn°- Cruger, B. Robinson & P. v B. ments are Intiled to Receive a Warrant on the Treasury Inlisting Money here for that Number by Messrs. V. P. Mich. Thodey, Coll°- Comand*- N. Y. Regts-420 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men RAISED AND PASSED IN pany i7TH April 1762. Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Joseph Katon T762 March 24 22 Manuel Sasue do do 22 John Dego, Negro Anthony Cora do 29 do 23 House Fisher do 21 Alexander Campbell do 22 Joseph Romo do 25 Francis Vantoney do 24 23 Hans Jacobsenborg do 27 30 Anthony Serone do 25 28 Manuel Sezu do 27 34 Nicholas Newman do 31 27 James Rogless April 3 19 Thomas Howie March 24 20 John Hawley April 11 18 Wm* Charles do 12 18 John Savenga do 8 28 Francis Anthony March 24 27 Joseph Bonney April 8 25 Richd Clarenbould March 24 29 Thomas Manning do 22 34 Joseph Moss March 24 22 Andrew Miller April 4 41 John Jackemet do 12 24 James Hugan March 22 28 Peter Jarsey do 24 26 Peter Gaddico do 24 28 John Butler. April 9 24 Anthony Hobarr do 16 35 Benjamin Yates do 8 28 This is to Certify that the above being One Lieut, and County of New-York.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 421 the County of New York for Captain Embarked same day. [Patrick Welsh], Ambrose Horton, Lieutenants. COM- Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F. 1. Portangale Marriner Capn Byrns 5 6y2 do do do 5 2 do do do 5 5 do do do 5 3 Old England . . . do do 5 4 Scotland do do 5 7 Italy do do 5 3 Leghorn do do 5 5 Norway do do 5 Italy do do S 6 Portengale do do 5 4 Virginea do do 5 6 London do . do 5 4 Old England . . . do do 5 4 do do do 5 4 do do do S 1 Italv do do 5 4 Portangale do do 5 9 Leghorn do do 5 7 Old England .. . Ship Builder do 5 6 Ireland do .... Capt Thodey .. . 5 sy Boston Gov1,.... do .... do ... 5 8 Italy do .... Lt# Fitzpatrick .. 5 8 Switz do .... do 5 2 Ireland do .... Capt Thodey . . . 5 8 Switz do .... Capn Byrns 5 7 do do do 5 8 Ireland do .... Capn Grant 5 8 Germany do do 5 9 \ Trent Town ) \ E. Jersey. ) do .... Capt Byrns 5 9 thirty Men were Raised & passd Muster for the City & Mich. Thodey.422 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed for Abraham De Forest’s Com- Abraham De Forest, Captain. Men’s Names. William Hall........... Joseph Ward............ Thomas Renolds......... Normand Davison........ Robert Eriwin.......... Richard Bradley........ William Swords......... Henry Morland.... ..... William Price.......... Thomas Dreyton......... Nicholas Obrian........ John McKim............. Alexander Pursel....... John Brown............. John Flin.............. Peter File............. Thomas Williams........ Robert Howel........... Cornelius Vandewater . .. John Aderson........... Martin Dorin .......... John Fleming........... Westchester. Wm- Mewitt............. Samuel Baldwin......... Frederick Taylor....... John Pretty............ John McDaniells...... John Burke........ William Snider......... John Clarke.............. Elisha Lombar.......... John Wallis............ Henry Senon ........... Francis Phillips....... Samuel Dickson......... Day of Inlistment. Age. March 25 50 do 25 28 do 26 30 do 26 40 do 26 21 do 28 26 do 28 25 do 29 35 do 29 21 do 30 30 do 3i 39 do 3i 55 April 1 36 do 6 45 do 7 49, do 12 26 do 14 45 do 26 *9 do 27 20 do 2 7 20 May 12 21 do 12 50 March 5 39 do 16 21 do 22 40 do 23 32 do 24 37 do 24 4i do 30 21 do 30 22 April 1 40 do 3 36 do 5 3i do 6 32 do 9 27NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 423 the County of New York & Westchester for Capt. pany May 15™ 1762. James Treddell, ) T • J > Lieutenants. Where born. Trade. j Officers who inlisted. Stature. s F. /. England Taylor....... Capt De Forest.. . . 5 6 America Cooper do c 6 Ireland Mason do j £ Q England Painter do .... j y C A Ireland Joiner do J T- c 7 America Cordwainer. . . do j / 5 6 England Baker do .... c 7 do Taylor do .... 5 3 do Barber . do .... 3 6 do Oyle maker . . do .... 5 6 Ireland Taylor do .... 5 7 do Forgeman .... do .... 5 7 Scotland do .... c 6 England Glassmaker.. . do .... j 5 6 Ireland do .... t c Germany Baker do J J 5 5 Wales Tinker do .... c 4 America Blacksmith . . .; do .... 5 5 N. York Joiner do .... do do do .... J 3 c 6 Ireland Mariner do .... j C 6 do do .... j ^ 6 Scotland . Labourer .... Capt B. Stevenson. j 5 7J4 America Shoemaker . . . do 5 9 Germany Labourer .... do 5 2 Old France Baker do c jo Ireland Weaver do j J w c 8 do Labourer do j u 5 1 Old England . .. Carpenter .... Ll- J. Treddell 5 5H do Joiner Capt Stevenson. .. 5 6 Old France Labourer do 6 Old England . .. Schoolmaster . Lieut J. Treddell. . 5 4 Old France Weaver Capt Stevenson... £ A do . ... . Labourer do .’!! J *r 5 6 Old England . .. do .... do 5 5/4424 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Peter Defour............... Stephen Mullett............ John Bernard............... Cornelius Ellison.......... Frederick King............. Francis Good .............. Leonard Henry.............. Francis Duran.............. Thomas Bolton.............. John Welch................. James McGregor, alias Foster Patrick McClaine........... Day of Iniistment. Age. April 9 32 do 13 23 do 26 31 May 4 37 May 5 46 do 6 22 April 1 39 do 21 30 May 6 24 April 26 32 May 14 22 do 16 32 This is to Certify that the above being One Capt. One me for the following Countys vizt New York 19th May 1762. A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d and Pass’d Muster Denbergh's Company. Men’s Names. Dates of Iniistment. Age. I John Simons March 25 37 2 Peter Venson do 29 24 3 Nicholas Hinkle do 29 50 4 Alexander Sharper do 29 34 5 Robert Dixon do 28 45 6 William Goff do 28 34 7 Jeremiah McCarty do 30 30 8 John Roach do 25 32 9 John Ceaton do 25 10 Calob Nelsson do 24 42 11 John Prime do 29 26 12 Derick van Dyke April 1 20 13 Martin Shoffnear March 29 40 14 Joseph Groff do 27 38 15 John Jerman do 31 . 31 16 Bartholw- Goodwell do 25 54 17 Jacob Sweller do 24 54 18 Thomas Harman do 25 28NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 762. 425 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. F, /. Switzerland .... Seaman Capt Stevenson . .. 5 0 Old France. . Labourer .... do 5 634 do Carpenter .... do 5 5 Long Island.... Labourer .... Lieut Treddell.... 5 8 Germany Taylor Capt Stevenson . . . 5 5 Canada Blacksmith . .. do 5 5 Old France Labourer .... do 5 6 Switzerland .... do .... do 5 6)4 Old England . . . Taylor do 5 4 New England . . Shoemaker . . . do ... 5 10 Scotland Labourer .... Mr- McGloaklin.... 5 8 Ireland Seaman do .... 5 8 Lieut & forty Seven Men where Raised & Pass’d Muster by City & County of New York Twenty Four) County of Westchester Twenty Three j Mich. Thodey. in the City & County of Albany for Cornelius van Albany May 17™ 1762. Where Born. Trades. Officers whom inlisted them. Germany Barber Capt Vandenbergh do Labarour .... do do do .... do do do .... do England Copper Smith. do Ireland Carpenter. ... do do Sawyer do Germany Butcher do Ireland Labarour .... do Pensalvania Wool Comber. do Germany Labarour .... do County of Albany do .... do Germany Weavour .... do do Butcher do Old France Labarour .... do Germany Butcher do do ..., .... Limner do do Masson do Stature. 5 73A 5 5 4% 5 8)4 5 3 5 7% 5 7 5 6 5 5 5 8 5 7% 5 7% 5 5 X 5 5 5 4H 5 4 5 6)4 5 SU426 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. 19 John Cochnam....... 20 Thos. Murphey..... 21 Fredrick West..... 22 Jacob Michel...... 23 Peter Hinkle....... 24 Antony Browner.... 25 Martin Sealy...... 26 John Johnsson..... 27 Thomas Feazer........ 28 John Roch ........ 29 Thomas Gibson..... 30 Joshua Charles.... 31 James O’Bryant.... 32 Jacob Timberman .... 33 Lawrence Haburn .... 34 John Johnson, Mulatto 35 Benedick Fritts... 36 Thomas Brown...... 37 Isarail Spencer... 38 Abraham Johnson .... 39 Cornelius Jacobs.. 40 John Ray.......... 41 Hendrick Wheeler__ 42 John Woodcock..... 43 Thomas Marks...... 44 Thomas Pandle .... 45 Alexander Sweeny... . 46 Samuel Malary..... 47 Richard Gilbert... 48 Peter Davies...... 49 Edward Vaughan.... 50 James Lynch....... 51 John Sweeny....... 52 John Coxen.. ..... 53 Abner Lewis.... 54 Ezekiel Clark ........ 55 Samuel Higgins.... 56 Francis Heyler.... 57 Henry Widderwax.. . . 58 Thomas Jodd....... 59 Squire Pixley..... 60 Edmond Ryan....... 61 Abram Woodcock ,.., March 26 27 do 28 So do 25 43 do 2 7 26 do 26 58 do 28 50 do 26 37 do 29 23 April 21 '9 do 1 26 do 7 ■ 18 do 6 20 May 8 37 April 27 26 do 45 do 14 52 do 12 35 do 13 19 do 13 18 do 16 17 do 22 19 do 25 20 do 22 22 do 22 36 do 2 25 do 6 38 do 11 48 do 21 18 do 12 16 do 1 35 do 25 18 do 8 21 do 2 45 do 1 35 do 25 18 do 25 21 do 17 17 do 22 35 do 11 19 May 10 20 April 13 21 do 9 40 do 12 22NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 427 Where Born. T rades. Officers whom inlisted them. Stature. Germany Labarour .... Capt Vandenbergh. 5 2^ Ireland do .... do 5 3 Germany do .... do 5 4^ do Baker do 5 4/^ do Carpenter.. .. do 5 8 do Baker do 5 5 do Cordwinder .. do 5 2u do Labarour .... do 5 4V2 Long Iseland.... Carpenter.. . . do 5 Germany Weavour .... do 5 2 Long Iseland ... Labarour .... do 5 2H New England . . . do .... do 5 IO Ireland Brewer do 5 7lA Germany Taylor do 5 5 Scotland Gardner ..... do 5 2 Albany Weaver do 5 6 Germany Labarour .... do 5 2 New England.... do .... do 5 10 do do .... do 5 10 do .... do .... do 6 West Indies do .... do 5 2^ Germany do do 5 8/i County of Albany do .... do 5 7 do do .... Lieutenant Miller.. 5 England Joyner do 5 10 Maryland Labarour do 5 io>4 Ireland do do 5 6^ New England . . . do do 5 9 do do do 5 4^ Ireland do do 5 8% New England . . . do do 5 6 Mohawk River. . . do do 5 s34 Ireland do do 5 5% England Taylor do 5 sti New England . .. Labarour do 5 734 do do do 5 3 % Clavarock do do 5 4% Germany Taylor ...... do 5 8% Manor Livingston Labarour do 5 New England . . . do do 5 5 ' do do do 5 3 Ireland do do 5 3 Dutches Co do .. .. do 5 9%428 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. 62 Ezekia Battesson......... 63 David Battesson.......... 64 Jeremiah Battesson........ 65 Elekias Clark......... 66 Henry Houghtalen......... 67 John Dingman.......... 68 Jacob Warner.......... 69 Thomas Current........... 70 James Carley ............ 71 John Piercey............. 72 James O’Bryant........... 73 John Tom................... 74 Alexander Mall . . ...... 75 Michel Rurach............ 76 William Pew.............. 77 Oliver Redder........ 78 John Breymer............. 79 Conrade Bazoon .......... 80 Michel Fullard, Indian... 81 Randle Job, Indian....... 82 George Weaver............ 83 James Nelson............. 84 John Broceks, Melato..... 85 Thomas Robertson, Melato. 86 John Pyshel ............. April 26 do 16 do 25 do 12 May 13 April 6 do 13 May 2 April 5 do 25 May 16 March 27 April 22 do 4 May ii do 18 April 8 do 12 March 25 do 27 May 20 March 30 May 19 do do 23 Age. 24 33 21 18 18 *9 17 50 16 40 48 25 27 28 34 18 55 56 22 21 21 20 24 18 28 These may Certify that the above Named Men being pany to the Number of Eighty five one being since Musterd Albany May 24, 1762. Albany ye 24th May 1762. Recd from Messrs Gerardus De Peyster & Dirck Ten the Bounty in full for 85 men Raised and passed Muster for the General Assembly, as also the Inlisting money BeingNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 429 Where Born. T rades. | Officers whom inlisted them. Stature. New England . .. Labarour „. . . | Lieutenant Miller .. 5 i° do do . . . .! do 5 5kt do do .... do S 6/^ do do .... do 5 7% Dutches Co do . ... do 5 4 Clavarock do .... do 5 8 New England . .. do do 5 8X England .... .... do . . .. 1 do 5 2% New England . .. do .... do 5 3 lA Long Iseland.... Carpenter. . . . do 5 Ireland Labarour . . . . do 5 8y2 England do .... do 5 8 Scotland Weaver Capt Vandenbergh. 5 4% Ireland Labarour .... do 5 9 New Jersey do .... do 6 New England . . . do .... Lieut. Miller 5 8 Germany do .... Capt Vandenbergh. 5 4 New York do .... do 5 6U Road Iseland.... do .... do 5 7 New England . . . do .... do 5 9 German Flatts . .. do .... do 5 53^ New Jersey Cordwinder . . do 5 2 % Albany Labarour .... do 5 5 Staten Iseland . . . do .... do 5 1 Germany Ferer do 5 6^ Mustered and Past for Capt. Cornelius Vandenbergh’s Com- arrested and put in Joail. pr. Myndt- Rooseboom, Col° Goose van Schaick, L'- Coll. Broeck The Sum of £ Eight Hundred and fifty pounds being my Company at Ten pounds pr man, Agreeable to Act of Eighty five pounds. Capt. Cornelius Vandenbergh.430 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d in Haight’s Company Jonathan Haight, Esq., Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Daniel Farington April! 6 !9 John Dalliday March 31 25 William Prisher April! 24 42 Thomas Marshal do 2 25 John Martin do 2 23 Thomas Fox do 2 32 Jacob Sheerman . . March 29 40 Joseph Guyoux Aprill 3 25 James Grose do 2 29 William Hutchin do 2 22 Abraham Fitchet do 2 26 Isaac Persey do 21 18 Leonard Fire March 29 26 Thomas Rockwood Aprill '2 20 John McCormick March 22 33 Vallintine Rineck Aprill 28 45 Samuel Silvan March 22 40 Samuel HPchcock Aprill 19 21 Thomas Crumel March 29 34 William Thomas Aprill 25 27 Phillip Eagan do 11 50 Roger Monahon March 22 35 William Sarles Aprill 7 21 Edward Richmond May 1 19 Anthony Curreng Aprill 2 30 Edward Lyell March 22 21 John Miller Aprill 16 18 William Hammon May 5 22 Thomas Carby March 29 22 Thomas Wallice Aprill 20 19 John Joyce do 20 24 Thomas Swan May 10 27 Henry Blizard Aprill 15 18 David Belsher March 27* 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 431 the County of Westchester for Captain Jonathan May 21, 1762. Peter Martling, William Jarvis, Lieutenants. Where born. Long Island. . . Switzerland . . . City New York. Old England . . . Ireland ...... Northamton ) England .. \ Staten Isld .... Switzerland .. . Old England. .. Westchester . .. Richmond Co.. City New York. Germany ...... Old England .. Ireland ...... Germany....... Old England . . Westchester . . . do Old England.. . Ireland....... do ........ Westchester . . . Yorkshire O ) Engl.......f Switzerland . .. Dutchess Co . .. Westchester do Old England. . . Westchester Co. Connecticut Old England. . . Westchester . . . Boston........ T rade. Officers'who inlis Laborour Capt Haight Taylor do Laborour do do Lieut Martlin: do do do do Carpenter do Barber do Laborour do do do do do Ship Carpenter . do Laborour do Weever do Laborour do do do do do do do Blacksmith do Laborour do do do do do do do do do do do Cord winer do Laborour do Cordwiner do Laborour do do Lieut Jarvis. Weever do Laborour do do Lieut Martlir Taylor Capt Haight. Stature. F. /. 5 io}4 5 4% 5 8^ 5 4 5 6 5 6 5 8 5 7 5 5 10 5 6 5 9 5 4 S %/i 5 7/2 5 9 5 10 5 9 5 7 5 4% 5 6 5 STA 5 6% 5 1 5 6 5 8 5 4tf 5 io}4 5 4^ 5 10 5 7 5 8 5 4^ 5 243 2 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Jnlistment. Age. John Willison..... John Chandler ..... Benjamin Jones Benjamin Thomas . . John Morrison..... Richard Wall...... Timothy Connor . . . Samuel Bullard.... Jonathan Merrit Thomas Bagley...... Hachaliah Brundage Abraham Haight . . . Caleb Lawrence Rubin Lane........ James Sniffing.... Clark Brown...... . James Brown....... James Cantly...... Lewis Hughgo...... John Sniffing..... Andrew Carhartt . . . Michael Wall...... John Chapman....... Nath1, Hughston Asa Carpenter...... Joseph Scribner Stephen Deolf..... Israel Crowford Samuel Slawson John Hartt........ David Taylor...... Joab Winchel...... Stephen Warring .. . Jacob Brush ....... Joseph Harris..... Cornelious Brown . . Walter Lockwood .. Isaac Akerly....... Gedion Simkins Garret Simkins..... Peter Paterick.... Zephania Miller March 30 do 29 Aprill 15 March 29 do 27 do 27 do 18 do 29 Aprill 5 March 22 do 27 do 30 do 30 do 31 do 22 March 23 Aprill 2 May 3 Aprill 28 May 11 Aprill 6 May 1 do 8 Aprill 2 do 27 March 22 do 22 do 23 do 22 Aprill 12 March 26 May 4 do 6 Aprill 9 do 10 March 30 Aprill 20 do 16 do 22 do r9 May 5 Aprill 19 27 29 36 So 27 38 38 31 50 26 20 21 19 19 20 19 25 40 20 18 18 29 32 20 24 43 26 47 21 26 19 18 21 18 24 18 21 26 35 31 23 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Old England. . . Laborour Capt Haight F. I. 5 6 do do do 5 4 Connecticut . .. Mason do 5 8% do Weever do 5 7% Old England. . . Laborour do 5 3 do do do 5 6 Ireland do do 5 6 5 6 do , Weever do Westchester Co. Laborour do Ireland Westchester . . . do do do do S 9 5 53^ do ... do do 5 8^ do Cordwinder .... do 5 5^ do Laborour do 5 4 do do do 5 7'A do Weever do 5 aV2 do do Lieut Horton.... 5 SH Ireland Mariner do .... 5 7% 5 7 5 5 Germany Westchester . .. Cordwiner. Laborour do do .... do ... do do .... 5 4 Ireland do do .... 5 6 5 9 Pensilvania.... Weever do .... Westchester . . . Cordwiner Lieut Martling .. 6 1 y± do Blacksmith do 5 7V* Connecticut . . . Cordwiner Lieut Jarvis 5 10 do Laborour do ..... 5 7'A do Carpenter ...... do 6 1 do Laborour do ..... ' 5 9 Long Island. .. Carpenter do 5 6 Connecticut . .. Taylor do 5 3 do ... Cooper do 5 6 do ... Laborour do 6 do Blacksmith do ..... 5 6^ West England. Laborour do 5 5^ Connecticut .. . Taylor......... do 5 5^ do Laborour do ..... 5 9- Long Island. .. do do ..... 5 10 Westchester Co. do do 5 10 y2 do do do 5 7 do do do 5 8}4 do do do 5 7V2 28434 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Samuel Canfield Jonathan Brush Isaac Burdzil..... Jonathan Ambler... Samuel Akerly..... David Miller...... Jonathan Dan ..... Andrew Mills...... Jabesh Bradley.... Uzial Osbum ...... Load Champlain ... John Moore....... Jacob Travis..... Abraham Depew .. Thomas Peek...... Nathaniel Jagger.. Andrew Place..... Abraham Yeomans , Enoch Cornwell Peter Simmons.... Silas Tarbell..... Thomas Adams ..., Able Travis...... Henry Derry...... Thomas Ford...... William Darbilshire Ebenezer Brock. . . Benjamin Hedger . Abraham Body.... William Chairwood Thomas Hyatt .... James Pitts...... Day of Inlistment. Aprill 16 do 22 do 24 do 8 do l9 do 10 May 4 Aprill 16 do 20 do 12 do 2 do 16 May 1 Aprill 1 do 3 do 3 March 31 do 31 Aprill 10 March 31 Aprill 27 do 30 do 28 do 28 May 17 Aprill 15 do 5 May 21 Aprill 17 do 29 do 19 March 25 The above being one Capt. 2 Lieutenants and one H than Haight's Company for the County of Westchest< New York May 24th 1762. Age. 18 50 18 33 18 16 18 30 35 16 22 18 22 23 19 21 22 32 23 20 18 24 23 4i 31 20 48 18 25 17 19 25 undredNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 435 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Westchester Co. Laborour Lieut Jarvis..... Long Island .. . Blacksmith do Westchester . . . Laborour do Connecticut.. . . do do Westchester Co. do Capt Haight do do do ..... Connecticut . . . do do do ... do do do do do Westchester . . . do do Old Franee.... Cord winer do Westchester . . . do do do Laborour do do do do City New York. do do Connecticut . .. Taylor do Long Island,. . . Cord winer do Westchester . . . Laborour do do . . . do do Orange Co .... do do Long Island .. . Weever do Ireland do do Westchester .. . Laborour do Ireland Mason do Orange Co Carpenter do Westchester . .. Laborour do Long Island.. . do do Westchester . .. do do do . . . do do do . . . T aylor do Connecticut .. . Laborour do .... Old England. .. do do ..... Stature. F. 1. 5 11 5 6 5 4 6 6 1 5 10 5 8 5 6 5 9 5 5^ 5 5 X 5 4'A 5 11 6 4/^ 5 5 5 8 S 11 5 8 5 9 5 6% 5 9% 5 5 5 10 5 7 5 9% 5 4 5 4 5 io}4 5 7 5 6 5 9 5 7 & Eight men where Muster’d and approv’d off for Capt. Jona- pr. me Geo. Brewerton Jun. Col°436 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of Men Rais’d in the following & Pass’d the For the New York Regiment. For what County. For what Com- pany. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. City N York.. Capt Byrns Robert Rankin .... May 17 John Byrns do 22 Wm Reed do IO Steph. Eastick do 19 James Jobe do 21 John March do 22 Owen Ogobbin do 23 Capt Thodey John Daniels do 16 Noah Sears do 22 Richmond Co. Capt Deforest Wm Wright Apr 13 Thomas Bright .... May 5 Alexr Tavlor do 6 Jn° Vanama Apr 24 Benjn Matthews. . . . May 13 John Coleman do 20 Jn° Watkins do 15 James Dougherty . . do 10 Queens Co. .. Capt Grant Thos. Pickart, Indian do 15 This is to Certify that the above being Eighteen Men were City New York, Nine Men, for Richmond County Eight Men .A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and Passed in the pany Albany John Vischer, Captain Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Peter Fowler April 14 36 John Danalson May 3 24 William Young March 28 40 Elijas Winsell April 8 23 John M'Call May 12 21 William McGee .. March 28 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 437 COUNTYS FOR THE SEVERAL COMPANYS UNDERMENTIONED 26™ May 1762. Age. 21 22 22 38 19 22 3 7 28 22 25 48 27 30 38 48 25 36 17 Where born. Trade. Ireland Labourer ....... . do Marriner do Labourer Pensilvania Cordwainer do Labourer Old England Watchmaker Ireland . Labourer . . Boston Marriner New Jersey Cordwainer do Weaver do Labourer Ireland . . do Staten Island do Old England Weaver Germany Labourer Wales do Ireland do Long Island do . Stature. 5 5 8 5 5 5 4 5 9 5 10 5 7 5 9 5 7 , 5 634 5 8^ 5 6 5 3 5 3 5 4 mustered & Passed by me for the following County’s viz. for & for Queens County One Man. New York 28th May 1762. Mich. Thodey. City & County of Albany for John Vischer’s Com- May — 1762. Where born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted them. Stature, Ireland Labourer .... Weaver Capt Vischer do do do do Lieut' Vrooman.... F. I. 5 5X 5 8 5 53^ 5 5 % 5 5 6 do do do New England .. Pensylvania .... Ireland Labourer .... Sadler ....... Labourer .... 43§ MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Peter Marjeson.... Jery Tolocken Burg Nathaniel Shelding io William Guttrey. . . David Carter..... John Mailer...... Joseph Bilimas.... George Habacher.. John Killegan.... Edmond Stevens .. Gisbert Plank.... Hendrik Plank .... Robert Cashed 20 Ponson Marcs...... Edmond Eves...... Thomas Davis .... John Burk........ Samuel Brown Alexander Quo.. . . James Keith...... Esay Perkins..... Robert Hanley Jacob Forbush 30 Benjn* Hoghtaling . James Stuart..... William Trounce .. John Brown....... John Hunter...... John Keys........ Peter Baker...... James Brannagin .. John Kearn....... John Schall...... 40 Dan1L Martiplock .. Patrick Coonney . . John Reynex...... John McClean..... James Parris ...... John Doil Notin... Cornelius Duggin. , William Dance . ... May 13 45 April 14 17 do 5 17 do 9 47 March 29 49 do 25 22 May 6 21 April 6 44 May 7 32 April 9 24 do 17 19 do 20 16 do 20 40 do 7 17 March 30 17 April 19 23 do 5 27 do 29 40 do 14 40 do 3 30 do 10 22 do 10 25 do 8 36 do 24 26 May 13 58 do 11 22 April 15 56 May 14 26 do 14 26 do 2 32 do 1 37 do 5 3i do 11 36 April 27 40 do 5 44 May 13 27 March 26 40 May 18 38 do 18 4i do 18 35 April 27 1 29NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 439 Where born. T rade. New York Carpenter . Co. of Albany .. Labourer .. N. Carolina .... do Ireland Taylor do Labourer .. Scotland do Montreal do Germany Butcher.... Ireland Labourer .. New England.. . Cordwainer . Catskill Labourer .. do do Ireland do do Stay Maker England Labourer .. do Taylor....'. Ireland Carpenter .. do Weaver Philadelphia.... Cordwainer. Scotland . Labourer .. Rhode Island. .. Carpenter . Ireland Labourer .. Scotland do County Albany . Weaver Scotland ....... Labourer .. England Minor New England .. Carpenter .. Pensylvania .... do do Labourer . . County Albany . do Ireland do Germany do do .... do j West Camp ) 1 Albany Co j do Ireland Baker England Taylor Ireland Mer (?) France Doctor Ireland Marriner . .. do Baker....... Schenectady.... Taylor Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. F. 1. Capt Vischer 5 9% Lieut Vrooman .... 5 9% do .... 5 TV* do .... 5 7/2 do .... 5 8 Capt Vischer 5 6*/2 do 5 6% do 5 do 5 8% do 5 9% do 5 10 do 5 5 do 5 do 5 3 do 5 3H do 5 7 do 5 3% do 5 AV\ do 5 3U do 5 1 do 5 9 do 5 7 do 5 $% do 6 do 5 do 5 6 do 5 8*/2 do 5 6*4 do 5 8 do ...... 5 6*4 do 5 43^ do 5 2 do 5 do 5 9A do 5 5 Lieut Vrooman 5 Capt Vischer 5 s% do 5 9 do 5 6% do 5 Lieut Vrooman .... 5 11440 MUSTER ROIXS OF Men’s Names. George Crifts..... Francis McDemout. . 50 Andries Schoke .... Jn°* Casper Nayor. . . John Yagor........ John Armon........ Rodger Connelly ... Abram Arra, Mulato John Wawooder. .. . John Fresman........ Jacob Wormsley ... Peter Bratt....... 60 Henry Dean........ Thomas Anderson . . John Dannis....... John Jerry Norts ... Aront Spileer ...... John Beptist...... Thomas Fetgaral ... Michael Morris.... Alexander Marten . . Abram Johnston ... 70 John Karr......... Henry Jacob....... Frederick Smith. ... John Dean......... Amos Lean......... Anthony Wne (?)... Jacob Seagell ...... Thomas Tillaback . . Cornelius Sullivan.. Thomas Willson... . 80 Abram Merselius ... Thomas Tousend... Michael McGurk. . .. John Reen......... Joseph Nell....... Sam William Sahen. John Johnson...... Richard Williamson William Thome . . .. Dates of I11 list men t. Age. April 48 do 20 20 24 May 25 22 do 3 36 do 19 33 do 18 27 April 9 25 do 9 45 May 3 20 April 21 28 do 23 16 do 16 30 24 do 9 27 May 3 30 April 6 40 do 29 30 do 19 28 do 3 35 do >5 36. do 19 19 do 6 50 do 23 30 do 23 36 do 25 58 do 23 20 do 15 40 do 21 17 do 23 18 do 12 23 do 30 24 May 3 40 April 2 24 May 20 40 April 16 l9 do 13 46 May 20 38 do 20 18 do 26 36 29NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 44I Where born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. Germany Weaver Lieut, van Dyke.. .. F. 5 1. ( West Camp ) \ Co Albany ) Labourer .... Capt Vischer 5 8 Germany Blacksmith . .. Lieut M. Crindell.. 5 41/* do Glazier Lieut van Dyke.... 5 6 do Labourer .... do .... 5 3 Ireland Marineer Capt Vischer 5 9 do do do 5 3 New Jersey .... Labourer .... do 5 3 Germany do Lieut van Dyck.... 5 2 do do .... do .... 5 4 do do .... do 5 4 Stone a Rabbei. do .... do .... 5 2 New York do .... do .... 5 10 New Jersey .... Cordwainer. .. do .... 5 S/4 Old France Labourer .... do 5 ■4% Germany do .... do .... 5 5^ do do .... do .... 5 6*4 Canady do .... do .... 6 Ireland do .... do .... 5 2 do Taylor do .... 5 6y2 do Labourer .... do .... 5 5 New Jersey .... Blacksmith ... do .... 5 10 Germany Weaver do .... 5 3 do Labourer .... do .... 5 5 do . Taylor do 5 3^ England Labourer do .... 5 3 Long Island.... do .... do .... 5 4^ Germany Copper Smith. do 5 do Labourer do 5 2 Stone a Rabbei. do .... do 5 3A Ireland . do .... do 5 1 England do do 5 VA Schenectady do .... do 5 ll34 England ....... do do 6 1 Ireland do .... do 5 3 N e w J ersey .... do do 5 7 do Carpenter do 5 9 Ireland Wheelriglit.. . Capt Vischer 5 6 Fish Kill....... Labourer do 5 2 Ireland ........ do do 5 6 do do .... do 5 4442 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Joel Fishick May 30 22 90 Antoney Bartor do 31 21 Batson Crampton April 22 21 William Green May 30 40 Michael Ryan . May 31 40 Moses Rodman do 31 41 John Challahan do 31 31 Rob4- Taylor do 31 28 Nicholas Grusback do 31 40 George Crenogle * do 40 99 Patrick Connalley do 30 Daniel McCloud 21 These may Certify that the above Named men being Nujnber of Ninety Nine. Albany June 2th 1762. A Muster Roll of Men raised in the City and Company May Names. Day of Enlistment. Age. Where Born. Joseph Now April 14 26 French Swist. .. John, Portugee do 19 28 do Philip Hie May 10 40 do Nichs Lakitte March 25 30 do Wm Josiah Lewis do 26 33 Old England . .. James Allen do 30 36 Ireland Peter Blando j Apr 1 j 28 French Swist. .. Jonas Weid do 22 50 Connecticut.... September, Negro Mar 22 20 Jamaica Martwill D Calvin J une 2 20 Italy . .. 1 This is to Certify that the above one Captain & Ten Men by Me. New York, June 4, 1762.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 443 Where born. Trade. New England... Blacksmith Holland Labourer . New England. . . do England Carpinter . Ireland Labourer . do do do do do do Albany do Germany Cordwinder Ireland Labourer . New England.. . Sayer..... Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. F. 1. Capt Vischer ...... 5 9% do 5 9 Capt Vandenbergh.. 5 8% Capt Vischer 5 9% do 5 5 do 5 8 % do 5 6y2 do 5 8% do ..... 6 % do 5 7 do 5 7% do 5 6 Musterd and Passd for Capt John Vischer’s Company to the Myndt Roseboom, L'- Col. 2d N Y Regt. Goose van Schaick, L‘- Col. ist New York Regt. County of New York for Capt Barrick Snethens 29 1762. Trade. Officer who Enlisted. Stature. Gunsmith Capt Byrns 5 7% 5 5/4 5 8/4 5 4 5 12 5 9 5 5/4 5 8 S 5 5 4 Sailor. do Labourer do Glover Capt Deforest Barber Capt Thodey Labourer do Baker do Doctor of Physic do Labourer do Cook do T . . where raised and passed for the City & County of New York Mich Thodey.444 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of Men raised & passed in the Detachment under Capt George Men’s Names. Date of Enlistment. Age. Ulster Co. Owen Kinnigan March 29 29 Benjamin Sweesey April I 16 Edward Bvon do 4 27 William Key do 5 18 John Taylor do 6 18 Stephen Haddon do 6 l6 Alexander Key do 7 19 James Smith do 8 16 John Hurley do 8 21 John Mullin do 9 48 Peter Cole do 9 18 James Davis do ii 39 Isaac Butters do Q 21 Archibald Hamilton do 12 40 John De Mott do 13 l9 Israel Murphy do 13 20 Joseph Knap . do 16 18 Cornelius Calligan do 17 45 Auri Isabrandt. do 19 21 Jacob Spangmburgh do l9 49 Thomas Purchase do 20 20 Joseph Patterson do 20 20 John Millen do 24 21 Isaac Taylor do 26 l7 Malchi Se^er do 26 21 John Lutts do 26 25 Daniel Walker do 26 22 William Stephens May 12 17 Edward Hovvel do 20 26 William Fielding do 28 54 Christopher Lewis June 7 19 Gerrit Decker April 27 16 Edward Igby March 30 18 James Addison April 9 52 William Otoa do 15 26 James Perry do 12 35 William Thompson do 3 19 Orange County William Sutton April 3 19 Samuel Oliver . do 3 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 445 Counties of Ulster and Orange & Dutchess for the Brewerton 3rd June 1762. Where Born. Ireland ......... Ulster County . .. Old England .... Ireland.......... Ulster County . .. New Hampshire. . Ireland.......... Ulster Co........ do ........... Ireland.......... Ulster County ... Ireland.......... New Jersey....... North Brittain . .. Long Island...... Dutchess County. Ulster County . .. Ireland.......... Dutchess Co...... Germany.......... London .......... England......... Germany......... Trade. Labourer do ...... Cordwainer .. Labourer Cordwainer .. Labourer do do ______ Cordwainer .. Carpenter ... Labourer Miller...... Weaver...... Ship Caulker. Cooper ..... Labourer Cordwainer .. Labourer do do do do Miller...... Cordwainer .. Germany Labourer do do Rhode Island .... do New Jersey do Ireland do do do Orange County.. . do do ... do New York do Ireland Miller . .. Germany Carpenter Wales Weaver . New Jersey Labourer Orange Co do New Jersey ' do Officer who enlisted. Stature. Capt Clinton do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lieut Stewart do do do j Mr Wright for ( Capt King Lieut Gale ... do 4 6 7 3 5 7'A 5 3 5 5 6 5 9 K 8 5 10 5 7% 8 5 7 5 9 5 SH 6 o 5 5 5 2 5 6% 5 2 5 7lA 5 5 5 7U 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 11 5 m 5 5 5 4 5 10 5 6 5 3 5 8 5 6 5 9446 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Orange County Peter Lunberg......... Anthony Seeley........ Vincent Searles....... David Searles ........ J ustice Baily........ Josiah Seeley......... John Kinriing......... Elias Bailey ......... Samuel Butler......... John Murray, Negro Lawrence Whorley .... . Leonard Dobins........ John Sergeant ......... Palitia Wenschill..... John Perkins, Mulatto . . John de Wight ........ Joseph Sutton ........ Isaac Knap............ William Forbes........ Isaac Aplestall....... David Sturdyvint...... John Lewis............ Vincent Grant......... Jeremiah Bouchanen Isaac Perkins, Indian ... David Williams.......... Mathias Tanner.......... Jabes Lewis......... Hugh McGuirter ...... Jacob van Dusen....... 70 Mathew van Dusen Dutchess Co James Vintson.......... John Peotet........... Justus Demon.......... Daniel Cameron........ Walter Strong......... Date of Enlistment. Age. April 6 26 do 6 19 do 6 22 do 6 19 do 9 20 do 9 21 Mar 29 24 Apr 9 18 do 15 18 do 19 21 do 12 19 do 11 18 do 25 17 do 12 26 do 8 17 do 25 25 May 10 18 do 20 19 April 10 20 May 21 17 do 10 24 do 3 18 April 14 !9 May 20 28 April 14 16 do *9 25 May 30 28 do 3 16 April 17 17 do 8 22 May 3 16 April 6 20 March 30 28 do 3i 24 June 6 22 April 9 41 This is to Certify that the above being Seventy five Men For Ulster County Thirty Seven For Orange do Thirty three For Dutchess do Five.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 447 Where Born. Trade. Officer who enlisted. Stature. Sweet Land Labourer Lieut Gale .... 5 4 Orange Co Cord winer do 5 4 Westchester Labourer do .... 5 lYz do ..... do do 5 AY Orange Co. ...... do do .... 5 4 Conecticut....... Taylor do .... 5 5 England Labourer ...... do .,.. 5 6 Orange County.. . | do do .... 5 do Carpenter dp .... 5 5% Long Island Cord wain er .... do .... 5 6 Ulster Co Labourer do 5 4 Orange Co. ...... • do ...... do .... 5 5 ■ Conecticut Blacksmith .... do 5 6 do Labourer do .... 5 6 Long Island do ..... do .... 5 1 Conecticut do do .... 5 10 Orange Co Taylor do .... 5 4 do ....... Cooper do .... 5 4J^ North Brittain Labourer do .... 5 5 Dutchess Co do do .... 5 6 Oblong do Lieut Minthorn 5 10 Conecticut ...... do do 5 6y2 New Jersey ...... Blacksmith .... do 5 4 Ireland Labourer do 5 3 Long Island do do 5 3 New York do do 5 4 Germany do do 5 8 Conecticut do do 5 4 Pensylvania . .. . . do do 5 7% Conecticut do do 5 7% Dutchess Co. ... . do do 5 4 Westchester do Lieut Concklin. 5 9 Switzerland do Capt Harris ... 5 8 do do do 5 sy2 North Brittain ... Taylor do 5 8 London Wheelwright... do 5 5 where Raisd & pass’d by me for the following Countys Vizt. New York 12 June 1762. Mich. Thodey.448 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the men Raised and Passed John De Garemo’s John De Garemo, Captain Men's Names. 1 Richard George ... 2 John Shee . ...... 3 Duncan McKay .*. 4 William Allen..... 5 Peter Dayly....... 6 David Porter...... 7 Phillip Boulton. ... 8 Jacob Boggard 9 Alexr Young....... 10 Mathew Howel.... 11 Daniel Buterfield . . 12 Henry Briggs..... 13 Henry Donalson... 14 Walter Carrel.... 15 Joseph Knox...... 16 John Ford........ 17 John Peal........ 18 Willm- Hanson 19 John Folkner..... 20 James Chanley 21 John Heyms...... 22 Jacob Leomus .... 23 Bartho1, Jeils.... 24 Timothy Walker . . 25 Will”1 11- Shaw (?) 26 Willm White...... 27 Conrade van Miller 28 Nicholas Tice.... 29 Adam Sweeny....... 30 Will™* Williams. . .. 31 Richd* Wyett..... 32 Andrew Ward 33 James Thorton 34 James Donaly..... 35 Jos. Spearshanks . . 36 Barnd- Winterscale . 37 Thomas Nox....... Date of Inlistment. Age. March 25 28 do 25 23 do 25 22 do 25 27 do 25 38 do 26 58 do 26 32 do 27 19 do 27 44 do 27 55 do 28 J9 do 28 17 do 29 24 April 1 55 do 1 18 do 2 27 do 3 4i do 6 18 do 12 3i do 18 40 do 10 21 do 21 42 May 3 28 April 21 28 . March 28 43 do 26 27 do 22 4i do 28 22 May 19 34 March 25 4i do 29 21 April 26 46 April 21 4i May 24 27 do 24 25 April 1 35 May 25 30NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 449 Muster in the City & County of Albany for Capt Company. Where born. Trade. Officers whom Inlisted them. Wales Labourer .... Capt De Garmo .... Ireland do .... do .... New Jersey . . do .... do .... England Mariner do .... Ireland Cordwinder .. do .... Scotland Laborour .... do .... Ireland Butcher do .... N. Jersey .... Carpenter .... do .... Long Iseland. Cordwinder . . do .... England Laborour .... do .... N. England .. do .... do .... do do .... do .... Albany do .... do .... Ireland do .... do .... England Smith do .... N. England . . Cordwinder .. do .... Wales Laborour .... do .... England ..... do .... do .... Scotland do .... do .... England Taylor do .... N. England . . Blacksmith . .. do .... do do do .... do do ... do .... do Cordwinder . . do .... New York... . do do .... Ireland Laborour .... do .... Germany Butcher do .... do Laborour .... do .... Ireland Millwright . . . do .... England Cordwinder .. do .... Maryland Carpenter .... do .... W. Chester. .. Laborour do .... England Cordwinder . . Lieut V. Dyck Ireland Taylor Capt De Garmo .... Germany Laborour do .... Ireland Weaver do .... do do do Stature. F. /. 5 4 H 5 11& 5 8^ 5 5 7% 5 5/4 5 9 5 5/4 5 73A 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 8 5 6^ 5 >4 5 H/4 5 6 5 5J4 5 5 5 7% 5 8% 5 9/4 5 9/4 5 83^ 5 10 5 5/4 6 1 5 9 5 5>4 5 4 >4 5 7>4 5 4J4 5 1 % 5 9/4 5 2% 5 8^: 5 8 29450 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men's Names. Date of Inlistment. Age. 38 James Melton May 5 23 39 John Lentnor do 21 20 40 David Loggin do 27 30 41 Edwd- Gillout (?) April 3 35 42 Dennis O’Bryan . do 1 34 43 Thos H agar tv do 7 45 44 Dennis Elison do 5 28 45 Dennis Twomy do 2 24 46 Patrick Ryan do 3 36 47 John Dene Gall . do 25 35 48 Thom8- Flood ,... May 29 35 49 Noah Gillet do 29 45 50 Mich Tennery April 1 25 51 Rob1- Bruce do 21 29 These may Certify that the above Named Men being the Number of fifty one Men. Albany June 7th 1762. A Muster Roll of the Men Raised and Past Muster Company Isaac Ter Bush, Captain. Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Manchester Hawley 1 May I 30 Joseph Palmerton Aprill 27 17 John Conet do 25 18 William Moore May 25 41 ’Nehemiah Smith Aprill 16 32 Joseph Calkins . June 8 18 John Smith Aprill 10 54 Richard Murch do 29 19 John Bruster. do 29 16 Able Merrick do 29 16 Thomas Burgis do 29 17 David Cash do 30 19NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 451 Where born. Trade. Officers whom Inlisted them. Stature. Ireland Butcher Capt De Garmo .... F. 5 7. 4% Germany Laborour .... do .... 5 9% Ireland Taylor do .... 5 8 Old France. .. Masson do .... 5 sy Ireland Laborour .... do 5 Wa do do .... do .... 5 3% do do .... do .... 5 4 do Tanner do .... 5 7% do Laborour .... do .... 5 4 England Marriner do .... 5 2^ Ireland Laborour .... do .... 5 4% N. England . . Blacksmith. . . do .... 5 iy* New York . . . Carpinter .... Capt Vandenbergh .. 5 6y2 England Labourer .... do 5 6 Muster’d and Past’d in Captn- John De Garmo’s Company To Pr Myndt Roseboom, L‘ Col°' 2 N Y Regt. Goose van Schaick, Lieut Colonel. for Dutchess County For Capt Isaac Ter Bush’s 1762. Jacob Concklin, | Phineas Woodard, j Lieutenants. Where Born. What Trades. Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. F. 1. Philadelphia.... Labourer ...... Lieut Concklin. . 5 9 Rhode Island . . . do U- Woodard.... 5 2 Dutchess Co... . do Capt Haight.... 5 sy2 Ireland Taylor IJ- Concklin .... 5 1 Long Island.... Blacksmith Capt Bush 5 6 Dutchess Co... . Labourer Lieut Woodard . 5 2 New England .. . Carpenter Lieut Concklin.. 5 8 do ... Black Smith .... do s 10 Dutchess Co.... Labourer do 5 6 . do .... Cooper.. , do 5 2 New England . . Labourer do 5 6 Dutchess Co.... Cooper do 5 9%452 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. William Murch...... Jeremiah Barly..... Willm- Richardson . . . John Evans ........ Prince Haws...... Barny Seers........ Pelethia Bruster .... Joseph Hornet...... George Hicks....... Moses Prindle...... John Kane.......... John Penree........ Jacob Schouten..... Lewis Du Bois...... Henry Lewis........ Joseph Worden...... Jones Odle......... Jonathan Woodard . James Birch........ Jonathan Hammond Elisha Willcocks .. . Amos Willcocks. . . . John Finch......... John Finton........ Richard Hornet .... Benjn- Vredinburgh . Jacobus Ostrander.. Peter Palmatier Juny- Daniel Earnst...... James Pickett...... Martin Smith....... Stephen Finton John Langley....... John Austin........ Lodawick Miller.... Isaac Romane....... Aprill 30 17 do 10 19 June 8 22 Aprill 15 18 May 1 18 June 6 19 do 8 21 April! 30 32 do 30 23 May 20 34 do 19 52 Aprill 1 20 do 29 J9 do 17 18 do 18 16 do 26 18 do 16 20 do 6 18 do 13 18 do 18 17 do 20 20 do *9 23 do 20 17 June 13 32 May 29 50 do 25 21 do 26 18 Aprill 3 20 do 24 22 do 29 18 do 30 17 do 17 30 May 25 18 do 11 55 «Aprill 26 16 do 26 17 This is to Certify that the above fourty Eight Men are Ter Bush’s Company the 16th day of June 1762.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 453 Where Born. What Trades. Officers who Inlisted | them. Stature. F. /. New England. .. Labourer Lieut Concklin. . 5 8^ Dutchess Co... . do do 5 6 do .... do Lieut Woodard . 5 7 do .... do do 5 6 Cape Codd do L* Concklin .... c 6 Boston Weaver L* Woodard .... J C IO Dutchess Co... . Labourer do .... J A w 5 10 do .... do Capt Bush t ioV> North Castle . . . Turner do 15 11 New England .. Labourer do j * 7 Ireland Weaver Lieut Concklin.. C S Wales Labourer do J J z I Dutchess Co.... do Capt Bush J S 6 do .... Carpenter do j 5 7 do .... Labourer do < c New England. .. do Lieut Woodard . 5 7% Dutchess Co.... do ;. do 5 8^ New England.. . do do 5 6 do do do 5 6^ do do ...... do 5 4 do ... do do 5 do ... do do 5 11 % do do do 5 4 do ... Joyner do 5 8^ Ireland ........ Labourer Lieut Concklin . Dutchess Co... . Cordwainer do J J 5 10 do .... Labourer do 5 3 do .... do Capt Harris 5 9 Germany do Capt Bush 5 3/4 New England. . . do do 5 6 do . . . do do 5 6 Dutchess Co.... do do 5 8 do .... Cordwainer Lieut Concklin . 5 3^ Ireland Weaver Capt Bush 4 10 Dutchess Co.... Labourer do 5 8 do .... do do 5 6 Muster’d and past in the County of Dutchess for Cap*- Isaac By Me Goose van Schaick, L*- Coll N Y. Regt.454 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d & Pastd for the Company, Richard Rea, Captain. Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Dutchess & Ulster Counties. Josiah Smith April 15 25 Joseph Thirston March L 26 25 Rich1- Neal do 26 25 Robert Griffith do 22 25 James Johnson do 27 18 James McGee do 27 30 James Bedford do 28 37 Hugh Boyles April I l9 James Gamble do 6 28 Alexr* Seger do 6 33 Robert Price do 9 54 Peter Connaway do 10 28 James McNamara do 11 48 William Bowen do 11 28 Michael Meyer do 11 35 John McIntoch do 12 30 Sam11 Bishop do 12 19 Sam11, Tran tor (?) do 12 21 Sam11 Marchell do 12 20 George Nicholas do 15 45 John Oghterslater do 15 40 Richard Wooll do 15 47 Francis Utt . . do IS 23 Martin Kilsey do 16 39 John Turner do 1; 20 Mich11 Gawey do 21 28 John Siggins. do 23 24 John Harley do 24 37 Joseph Craft do 26 30 John Wilders do 27 22 Hugh Mortgomery do 3 33 Patrick McColom do 5 35 Henery Slator May 1 22 Jacob Sheather do 2 24 Andrew McCombs do 17 22 Thones Hunter do 17 20 Moses Thompson do 19 42 James Denilston do 1 47 Asia Phillips do 24 18 Samel- Beatty do 29 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 455 City & County of Albany for Capt. Richard Rea’s 1762. James McCrindle, Lieut. Where Born. New England . . . England......... do ......... Ireland......... New England . . , Ireland......... New England . . . Ireland ........ Scotland........ Holland ........ England....... Ireland......... do ........... Wales........... Ireland ...... Scotland...... Pensilvania..... do ........ Ireland......... Germany......... do .. ...... New York........ do ........ England......... Irelaod . ...... do ......... England....... do ....... Long Island..... Pencilvania..... Ireland.......... do ........... Germany....... do ........ Scotland........ Ireland......... Scotland........ Ireland......... New England Ireland......... What Trades. Cordwinder . . . Clothyer ...... Labourer Cordwinder . . . Labourer...... do ........ do ........ do ........ Taylor........ do ......... Blacksmith Labourer...... do ........ Taylor........ Labourer...... do do ......... do ......... do ......... Taylor.... Baker......... Hatter........ Cordwainer . . . Hatter........ Labourer...... Sadler........ Labourer...... do ...... Cordwinder Baker......... do ......... Labourer ..... do ... do ........ Taylor ........ Labourer...... do ........ Barber........ Labourer...... do . . ... Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. Capt Rea 6 do 5 do 5 4 do 5 6^ do 5 6 do ...... 5 63^ do 5 6% do 5 6% do 5 6 do 5 4^ do 5 5 do 5 6^ do 5 9% do 5 6 do 5 7% do 5 5 # do 5 9 % do 5 \o% do 5 8^ do 5 sy2 do 5 Leut McCrindle. 5 63X do S do 5 3 3A do 5 3 34 Capt Rea 5 3M Leut McCrindle. 5 $% Capt Rea 5 6% Leut McCrindle. 5 7Ya do 5 6y Capt Rea 5 sU do 5 7% Leut McCrindle. 5 7V\ do 5 4J^ do 5 9 do 5 SH do 5 2^ Capt Ray 5 7% do 5 7 do 5 7456 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Cormuck Hart...................... Thoms Hart........................ Elisha Finten..................... James Couey....................... Amos Partlow...................... Hugh Conner....................... Robert Wire....................... Robert Arkills ................... John Hines........................ John Smith........................ Christophel Seputty (?) .......... Thomas Davige..................... John Coffinson.................... Elisha Wood....................... John Crow........................... Paul Beardslee ................... Frances Robeson................... James Fowlor...................... Willim- Anderson.................... Nath11- Canklin..................... Wm- Gilling......................., John Fling........................ Isaac Pool........................ Wm- Dollaway...................... Isaac Craw........................ Joseph Craw, Junr-................ Samel* Roe........................ Daniel Roe........................ John Wilson....................... Jonathen Phelps................... Mathew Dagget..................... Wm Woodford....................... John Schouten..................... David Watson....................... SameI- Piroy (?).................. John Names...................... Robert Shearer.................... Edward McGinnis................... Solomon Schouten ................. Solomon Leonard—a Deserter from May 26 do 26 March 29 April 2 do 2 do 3 do 1 do 3 March 29 May 21 do 22 April 1 do 26 do 8 do 3 do 2 do 3 do 12 do 27 dp 26 do 8 March 30 May 29 do 2 June 16 do 16 May 20 do 20 do 6 do 6 April 10 March 29 April 8 do 1 do 8 June 14 March 29 do 30 April 14 Captain Peter Age. 20 52 19 19 18 16 53 17 24 34 19 21 37 35 5t 19 19 18 21 J9 30 50 30 49 21 23 24 20 21 17 33 42 28 30 37 21 26 37 19 Harris This is to Certify that the Above Seventy Nine Men are Dutchess for Capt. Richard Rea’s Company the 16th day of457 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. Where Born. What Trades. Officers who Inlisted them. Ireland Labourer Lieut McCrindle do Capt Rea do ... do Quaben N. Engld-. Slonentovvn Taylor Labourer do Dutches Co do do Long Island Carpenter do Ireland Leather Dresser do Dutches Co Weaver do Boston Ship Carpenter. Labourer do Ireland do . . . . Dutches Co Miller do Dondon Cordwinder .. . do T . . . . New Jersy Weaver do Ulster Co Cordwinder . . . do Connucut Carpender do do Labourer do Old England .... do ..... do Philadelphia do do New York do do Lang Island..... Black Smith.. . do Old France Labourer do Ireland do do New York Cordwinder .. . do Ireland Weaver do , Dutches Co Cordwinder ... do New England . .. do do Dutches Co Labourer do do Taylor do New England . . . Albany Co Labourer do do do New England . . . Black Smith . . . do London Sadler do Dutches Co Labourer do ... Jerseys Wheelright Labourer do .... Cape Codd do West Chester. . . . do do Tersey do do Ireland do do .... Dutches Co do do Company. Stature. 5 5K 5 8 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 sy 5 6 5 10 5 sy 5 9 5 3 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 5 5 8 5 2 5 8 5 6y2 5 9% 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 7% 5 10 5 11 5 9% 5 7 5 9 5 %y 6 2 y 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 4 5 10 5 7 5 1 oy Muster’d and past for the Countys of Albany Ulster and June 1762. By me Goose van Schaick, I> Coll°* ist* N York Regt.458 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d & pass’d Muster Company, Peter Lent, Esqre, Captain. Men's Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. I Austin Sealy March 27. 22 Wm- Ellison April 6 22 Wm Kirk do 1 21 Wm Geary do 9 24 Hugh McGlocklin May 10 32 George Bohannon April 14 19 Mathias Harris do 14 20 Timothy Wood do 15 39 Esekial Miller May 20 20 io James Jones . . do 25 20 Henry O’Bryan do 30 26 Mark Carr do 10 21 Richd- Williams March 27 48 Hendrick Groat Vett do 28 20 David Smith do 31 22 Esekial Youmans do 31 19 Abraham Acker do 31 21 Fredk- Painter. .. ! April 2 20 James Paul do 2 22 20 Powles James do 6 21 Zebulon Miller do 12 18 John Ackerson do 13 20 Lodowick Crytes do 14 33 John O’Bryen do 16 30 Joseph Miller do 22 17 Richd* Jorvorrow do 24 28 Carpenter Kelley do 26 18 John van Dycke do 26 24 Jury Perrey May 4 19 30 Koonraat Gravesandt do 6 18 Jacob Nase do 12 21 Edward Bernay do 13 36 Peter Gorney April 12 22 Hugh McAlpine June 12 38 Corn8, Meshuroll do 15 24 John Baker .. > do 14 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 762. 459 in the County of Orange ----------For Captain Lent’s 19™ June 1762. Samuel Gale, Nathaniel Minthorn, Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Orange Co Hatter Lieut. Gale do Labourer do do Weaver do Connecticut .... Labourer Lieut. Minthorn. Ireland do do Orange Co do do Connecticut .... Taylor do do .... Weaver do Orange Co ..... Labourer do New Jersey .... do do Ireland do do Orange Co Blacksmith do Whales Cordwainer .... Capt Lent New Jersey .... Labourer do Orange Co ..... Weaver do do Carpenter do do Labourer do Germany do do Long Island.... Weaver do Orange Co Labourer do do do do do Carpenter do Germany Ireland Cordwainer .... do .... do do Orange Co Labourer do Old England . .. Taylor. do Connecticut .... Wheelwright . .. do New Jersey Germany Whampin Maker Labourer do do Phillipsborough. do do Orange Co do do Whales Surgeon do Old France .... Labourer do N°‘ Ireland Weavor do New York Cordwainer .... do ...... Old England ... Labourer do Stature. F. I. 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 6 5 8 5 33/ 5 5^ 5 5 5 7 5 4 5 6 2 5 2 5 7 5 8 5 6 5 7% 5 5 5 5 5 *A 5 5 5 SA 5 9 5 7% 5 4 5 4 5 6 S 4 5 AA 5 6 S 4 5 %A 5 &A 5 4# 5 9^ 5 7460 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Defrize June 17 28 Israel Knap April 12 20 Richard Cooper do 19 17 40 Edward Mason, Serg*- do 5 35 Gilbert Johnson June 19 17 Ebenezer Knap April 12 17 Benjn- Dailey June 16 17 James van Garda do 16 22 Isaac Samons do 10 23 John Clark April 16 18 Wm- Cartney March 22 25 . John Seep April 1 22 49 Thomas Johnson March 24 19 This is to Certify that the above being One Capt. Two Capt. Lent's Company for Orange County. New York June 23d 1762. A Muster Roll of the Men Raisd & pass’d Muster Stevens Company Benjamin Stevens, Eqre, Captain, Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. i Robert Stivers March 30 25 John Evans do 30 24 Joseph Pell do 27 22 Benjn Row . . do 24 20 John Edwards do 24 49 Daniel Chapman do 27 21 James Jetto May 5 17 George Hutchinson do 15 21 John Morris June 1 28 Richard Thrupp March 24 27 Lawrence Malone June 1 38 James Mosier do 1 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 461 Where Born. Trade. ^Officers who Inlisted. Stature. F. I. Orange Co Cordwainer .... Capt Lent 5 8 Westchester Co. Labourer do 5 Orange Co do do C "3 Ireland . . . do do J O e 7 Orange Co do do j / C • A Connecticut .... do ' do D 1 5 6^ Dutchess Co... . do Lieut Minthorn. 5 8 Minisink Wheelwright .. . do 6 0 Long Island.... Labourer do 5 6 Newjersey do do 5 Z1/? Connecticut .... do L*- McLaughlin.. 5 4 Jamaica do do C c New York do Lieut Nisbet.. .. 3 j 5 4 Leiuts & forty Nine Men where Raisd & pass’d Muster in Mich Thodey Coll°- Comd£ N Y. Regt. In the County of Westchester for Captain Benjamin 20 June 1762. Richard Huson, Silvanus Horton, Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who In- listed. Stature. East Chester Labourer Capt Stevens.. 5 8 Philadelphia do do 5 7 Westchester Shingle Maker. do S 10 Long Island Labourer do 5 8 Whales do do J $ 4 Connecticut do do .. D Plymouth do do . . J J C I London do ..... do . . D ^ 2 do Grocer do j ^ 4 do Stay Maker . . . do 5 5 Old England Labourer do 5 8 Westchester Co.... do do 5 3462 MUSTER ROLLS' OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Lanchaster Thorn May 22 do 8 14 Robert Farrington Jesse Arnold June 4 May 10 April 12 March 22 Samuel Hughson John Barrent Johan Caspar Crimpack Peter Barrent April 12 March 23 April 1 June 4 April 6 May 4 do 4 Ebenezer Boutton Thomas Wright Charles Curry Anthony Hill Augustus Barrot Stephen Furlong* 26 John Baptize do 4 Age. 20 25 17 22 29 30 27 19 21 18 17 26 24 32 This is to Certify that the above being One Captain Two County of Westchester for Capt. Stevens’ Company. A Muster Roll of the Men raised and pass’d Muster Company James Clinton, Captain. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. i Tames Dunlap, Seri** M a rrh 24 2 A John Fulton April do 1 Alexander McCarty . . 2 24 22 22 20 40 17 45 50 16 Robert Goodgion do 7 7 Q Samuel Wilson, Serjt do Daniel Cammeron . . . . , do Thomas Butler .. do Q John McGown do 9 10 John Micklehoan do 10 John Southerland do 14 25 10 David Southerland . .. . do Samuel Divine do 27 28 30 Samuel Davis, Serjt do 18 Joseph Fitchett . do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 463 Where Born. Trade. Officers who In- listed. Stature. Long Island Marriner ...... Ca.ptStevens. . 5 9 do Cordwainer . . . do 5 7 Dutchess Co Labourer Lieut Huson. . 5 33X Westchester Co.... do do 5 10 do do do 5 5 Copen Hagan do do 5 5 . Westchester do do 5 5^2 Connecticut do .... do 5 4^ Orange Co do do 5 10 Dutchess Co do do 5 6 do do ..... do 5 4 do do Lieut Horton. 5 6 do do do 5 6 do do do 5 6 Lieut8 and Twenty Six Men where Muster’d & pass’d in the Mich. Thodey, Coll° Comdg of the N. York Regts- in the County of Ulster for Captain Clinton’s 20™ June 1762. William Stewart, Lieut. Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Ireland . Weaver Capt Clinton . .. do ... p. /. 5 7 5 6 do Cordwainer ... North Britain . . . Labourer do ... 5 43/\ Pensylvania Tavlor do ... 5 93X Ireland Cordwainer . .. do ... 5 ii/^ North Britain . .. Labourer do ... 5 5^ Ireland do do . . . 5 7% 5 5 5 8% 5 Ulster County . .. Ireland Cordwainer . .. Weaver do do . . . West Chester. . . . Carpenter do Orange Co Labourer ..... do .. . 5 2 5 6 Masechusetts Bay. do do New York do do . . . 5 10# 5 11 Ulster Co Carpenter do 464 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Douglas McAllor .. Tunis van Clief.. . . John Graham, Serjt Cornelius McClean. Robert Ferguson . . 20 James Campbell.. . Samuel Fulton .... Stephen Hooper. . . Jacobus McClean , . James Graham Claudius Smith Daniel McBride ,. . Samuel McCollum . John Kennedy Duncan Cammeron 30 Robert Cross...... John Coleman Higgins Concklin . George Elms....... John Shea......... Allexander Hill . . . John Green........ William Haggerty. Gerlicht Hext (?). . John Bartly....... 40 James Noble....... John Johnston William Addison . . John Smith........ Richard Stewart. . . Thomas Combs. . . . Day of Inlistment. Age. April 17 17 do 20 17 do 7 22 do 28 17 May 1 52 do 4 24 April 10 18 do 20 24 do 30 30 do 7 21 do 14 26 do 6 40 do 5 30 do 6 23 do 11 22 do l9 17 do H 20 do 9 1; June 14 23 do J9 18 do 10 18 April 27 54 do 27 22 May 1 21 April 13 16 do 1 44 do 19 17 do 1 16 June 20 28 do 15 20 April 20 . 22 This is to Certify that the above being one Captain One Capt. Clinton’s C°- In County of Ulster. New York 24th June 1762.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 465 Where born. Trade. Officers who inlisted. Stature. Orange Co Carpenter Capt Clinton . . . F. I. 5 8^ New Jersey ..... Labourer do 5 3^ Ulster Co Cordwainer . . . do 5 8 do Labourer ..... do 5 8 Ireland do do ... 5 6 New Jersey Cordwainer . . . do 5 6 Ireland Labourer do ... 5 6 New Jersey do do ... 5 8 Orange Co Moulder do ... 5 10 Ulster Co Labourer do ... 5 8 Long Island do do 5 9 Ireland do Lieut Stewart . . 5 5 Orange Co Cordwainer. . .. do 5 10 Ireland Taylor do 5 North Britain .... Labourer do 5 3 Ireland Cordwainer.... do 5 5 Livingston Manor Carpenter do 5 5 Long Island Blacksmith .... do 5 4 v* Wallkill Carpenter do 5 10^ do Labourer Capt Clinton . .. 5 10 Ireland Weaver Lieut Stewart .. 5 5 do Labourer Capt Clinton ... 5 10 Orange Co do do 5 4 Germany do Lieut Stewart .. 5 7 New England.... do Capt Clinton . . . 5 3 Ireland Taylor do ... 5 5 Jersey Labourer do ... 5 4 Ulster County .. . Taylor do 5 2 Germany Mason Lieut Hewson .. 5 8 Ireland Long Island Labourer Cordwainer.... Capt Byrns Capt Clinton . .. 5 5 5 10 Lieutenant & Forty Five Men where Muster’d & pass’d for Mich Thodey, Coll°- Comd1- of N York Regts. 30466 MUSTER ROI.LS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d & pass’d Muster Company June Anthony Waters, Captain. Men’s Names. I Jeremiah Mannor...... James Stout ......... John Dey............. Patrick Calkings..... Vincent Fountain..... Peter van Pelt....... George Bass............. John Johnson......... John Zealuff......... 10 Simon Merroll......... Isaac Thos- Johnson . .. Isaac Johnson........ John Goodman........ John Stillwell ......... Alexr- Pecord........ Jehu Fisherman, Indian Prince Edward, Indian , Samuel Overthrow. Peter McIntire ...... 20 David Bird ........... John Roe............. John Pompey, Negro.. Augustus Pennell ____ Thomas Brewin, Negro Joseph death ... ____ Peter Rushe.......... Peter Green.......... 28 John Justus........... Day of Inlistment. Age. March 22 25 do 24 27 do 28 20 April 12 48 do 10 30 do 21 24 do 21 23 do 29 17 May 1 26 do 4 18 do 10 29 do 7 16 do 3i 20 June i7 44 do 20 18 do 20 18 do 20 !9 do 20 40 do 20 27 April 18 March 20 30 do 22 25 April 3 36 do 1 20 June 20 36 do 20 32 do 20 27 do 20 21 This is to Certify that the above being One Captain & County of Richmond for Capt. Anthony Waters’ CompanyNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 762. 467 in the County of Richmond for Captain Waters 2iST 1762. Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. F. /. Old England . . . Labourer Capt. Waters .. . 5 4 New Jersey .... Cordwainer do 5 9 do .... do do 5 11 Ireland Taylor do 5 Staten Island . . . Labourer do 5 10 do do do ... 5 8 London Weaver do 5 8 5 7 Staten Island. . . do do ... do Labourer do ... 5 7 do do do ... 5 8 do do do ... 5 6 do ... do do ... 5 9 Germany do do 5 SA Old England . .. Cloathyer do 5 6 New England. . . Labourer do 5 3 Rhode Island . .. do do ... 5 5 A Long Island .... do do 5 5 New Jersey .... Marriner do 5 sA North Brittain . . Founder do ... 5 6 New Jersey .... Ireland Wampen Maker. Labourer do ... Capt. Rea 5 9 5 5 5 6 5 8 Long Island .... do L* Nisbet Germany Cordwainer I> Martling .... West Indies.... Labourer L* McLaughlin.. 5 4 Old France..... do Capt Waters . ,. 5 7 do do do 5 10 do ..... do do 5 6 Hanover do do 5 5 Twenty Eight Men where Rais’d & pass’d Muster In the June 28th 1762. Mich. Thodey, Coll°- Comd1 N. Y. Regts-468 MUSTER ROLI.S OF A Muster Roll of the Men Raisd in the Colony Regiments under Capt. Timothy Timothy Northam, Captain. Men’s Names. Ebenezer Skinner..... John Gardiner........ Seth Warner.......... Ebenezer Fuller...... Moses Hunley......... Cornelius Sullivan... James Eady........... Jacob Clark.......... Epharim Clark........ James Gray........... Silas Prett.......... Thomas Byrns......... Benjn Halley......... Daniel Hammer, Indian Richard Nicholls..... Simson Wright........ Ichabod Bogue........ Joseph Prout ........ Benjn Hubbard, Indian . Elifelit Holmes...... John Lock............ Jacob Teal........... Samuel Northam....... Day of In- listment. Age. May 8 32 do 13 23 do 6 19 do 8 23 do 10 23 do 13 17 do 13 30 do H 16 do 14 17 do 14 19 do 13 19 do 12 36 do 13 20 do 27 23 do 14 50 do 16 16 do 16 17 do 21 18 do 17 28 do 14 18 do 15 19 do 16 29 do 13 16 This is to Certify that the above being One Captain & ticut for the New York Regiments & pass’d in Muster by June 30, 1762. A Muster Roll of the Men Rais’d & pass’d In the July i, Captain, Daniel Griffin. Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Isaak Howel April 24 !9 John Penny May 3 18 Robert Terry do 3 17 Jonathan Dicason do 3 18NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 469 of Connecticut & pass’d Muster for the New York Northam, N York 29™ June 1762. !• Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who In- listed. Connecticut Mason Cant Northam Old England Marriner v/up t li vJ tUClill do Connecticut Cordwainer.. . . do do Taylor do do Marriner do City of Cork. do do Connecticut Carpenter do do Labourer do do do do Old England ...... Marriner do Bristoll do do Ireland . . Labourer . ... do Connecticut Refiner of Iron do do Labourer do Rhode Island do do Connecticut do ..... do do do do do do do do do do do Joyner . do Old England Marriner do Boston Cordwainer.. . . do Connecticut Labourer do Stature. F. /. 5 9 5 7 5 8 5 6 5 8}4 5 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 6 5 11 5 ii}4 5 8 5 9 5 4 5 6 5 9 5 8 5 3 5 7 5 8 5 6 Twenty Three Men where Raisd in the Colloney of Connec- MlCH. Thodey, Coll° Comd* N York Regts. County of Suffolk For Captain Griffin's Company 1762. Daniel Roe, } Abraham Dayton, [ Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Stature. Suffolk Co do ..... Carpenter ...... do Capt Griffin .... do .... F. /. 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 do Farmer do .... do do do .... 470 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. John Trube........ William Goldsmith . . Daniel Shaw....... Ludlow Clark...... Joshua Reeve...... John Howel........ Jonathan Hallock . .. John Tuttle....... David Howel....... John Norrice......... Zepheniah Howel. .. John Colliner..... Peter Tummin...... Gains Gardiner.... Stephen Homes .... Jontben Rocket .... Abraham King...... Moses Contenant .. . William Topping ... John Warry........ Abraham Hopping. . Daniel Baley...... Joseph Reach...... Silas Woodruff.... Samuel Tyler...... John Frances...... Jonathan Monrow. . . Arther Ocoly...... Alexr- Johnston... William Orwine .... Nathaniel Norton .. . William Owens..... Jonathen Yarrington John Biggs........ John Report....... -William Bohannon.. Bejamin Toms...... Samuel MacMaster . Jacob Lotewall.... John Wilson....... Joseph Matthews . .. Thomas Ruland .. . . April 25 24 May 13 16 do 13 19 do 3 20 do 3 16 do 3 17 do 3 23 do 17 19 do 14 22 April 27 25 May 13 20 April 23 45 May 24 23 do 4 18 do 3 31 J une 7 22 do 7 20 April 28 26 do 18 18 do 23 26 May 12 16 do 7 17 do 7 29 J une 6 17 May 5 20 do 16 33 do 11 16 do 28 3<5 April 28 22 do 28 19 May 2 19 J une 20 25 April 27 19 do 16 17 do 14 23 May 10 22 April 21 22 do 21 18 June 15 25 April 21 19 do 16 23 May 11 21NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 4/1 Where Born. Trade. Officers who Inlisted. Connecticut .... Hatter Capt Griffin .... Suffolk Co Shoemaker do .... do do do .... do Joyner do .... do Shoe Maker .... do .... do Farmer do .... do do do .... do do . do .... do do do .... Old England . . . Weaver do .... Suffolk Co Shoe Maker .... do .... England Sadler do .... France Farmer do Suffolk Co Black Smith.... do .... do Farmer do .... do do do .... do Cooper do .... Switzerland .... Black Smith.... Lieut Dayton. .. Suffolk Co Weaver do France Farmer do Suffolk Co Weaver do . . . do Cooper do ... France Weaver do Suffolk Co do do do Carpenter do ... France Farmer do Suffolk Co do do do do Lieut Roe Ireland . Carpenter do do Miner do Black Smith do England Carpenter do Suffolk Co Shoe Maker do do Farmer do Sweedland Weaver do Suffolk Co do do New Jersey Black Smith do Ireland Seman do France Pit Sawer do England.. Farmer do France . . Weaver do Suffolk Co Farmer do Stature. F. I. 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 S 5 9 5 4 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 11 5 9 5 11 5 9 5 5 5 4 5 11 5 1 5 9 5 7 5 2 5 11 5 6 5 OO'V} OJUINI 00 OOUI OJ OJ in O O CN'M M472 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Inlistment. Age. Anthony Basteen April 12 26 Jacob Ruland May 11 47 John Stedman April 29 21 Elicum Brust May 28 18 Joshua Hulp do 23 56 David Coley June 26 23 Samuel Beckwith do 30 32 James Sambo, Negro do 11 18 Daniel Samson, Negro April 21 21 Daniel Fleng do 21 16 William Ward May 5 17 Samuel Burnet June 20 23 Solomon Tygert March 24 30 This May Certify that above is one Captain two Lieuten- Captn- Grifens Company for Suffolk County. July Ist 1762. NB. the Last man on this Roll was Muster’d by me which A List of Commissions Granted by the Honble Michael Thodey, Esq., Co11, Ist N York Regim1, & Commr* George Brewerton, Esq, Co11, 2d do . . . . for the Expedition. Goose Van Schaick, Esq, Lieut. Col Ist ReginY Myndert Roseboom, Esq, Lieut Col. 2d do William W. Hogan, Major, istdo John van Veghten, Major, 2d do for the Expedition. Captains. Lieutenants. CO | ‘So d Abraham Mamson J Z BarentTen Eyck ) John R. Miller > Tunis Vroman ) 2d Patrick Welsh jst Ambrose Horton Ist for the - Expedi- tion. j at I Oswego ( gone to ( Oswego John Constable, Surgeon i Reg*- James Clinton Richard Rea474 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster of Men Raised and Past Muster, Since Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistm*- Age. James Lyle May 7 30 Jacob Hartwick June 2 ' 38 Michel Donnally do 2 21 Patrick Lozie do 12 19 Alexander Allen do 12 27 William Erwin do 12 28 Rob1 Thomas do 12 24 Neal Commons do 12 22 Common Shulds . . * May 24 27 James Curry June 9 25 Samuel Ward do 11 40 James Hooper do 12 23 Conradt Wise do 17 38 James Wage do 18 42 William Holland Apr1 21 22 Patrick De Lancy June 2 45 These May Certifye that the above named men being after they being marched from this. Albany 19th June 1762. Endorsed with receipts of Captains Barak Snethen, John de inlisting money, £ij€>, paid by Paymasters Dirck Ten Broeck A Muster Roll of the Men Raisd and passd Muster Captain van Dyck’s Company Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. I Malachi Donally May 8 27 2 William Wildie do 19 17 3 George Finny April 2 27 4 John Adam Barger do 9 45 5 Henry Haywood do 2 42 6 John Cole do 20 23 7 Edward Seymore do 6 23 8 John Brooks do 29 33 9 Christophr* Quinn do 10 40 10 Corne18, Yacham, Indian do 17 17NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 475 the Musters of Albany County was Completed 1762. Where Born. What Trade. What Companies they belong to. Stature. F. /. Scotland Joyner Capt Snethen. . 5 8 Germany Carpenter.... do 5 6>* Ireland Labourer .... do c 5 y- do do .... do 5 5 Scotland do .... do 5 9 Ireland do .... do 5 do do .... do 5 10 do do .... do 5 6 do do .... Capt De Garmo 5 6/4 do do .... do 5 7^ New England do .... do 5 6# Long Island......... Cordwinder .. do 5 8# Germany Butcher do e 6 England Cordwinder .. do 5 New England do do 5 5 Ireland Labourer .... do 6 muster’d and past for the above mention’d Companies, Myndt Roseboom, L‘ Col. 2d N Y Regt. Goose van Schaick L‘ Col. is N Y Regt. Qarmo, and Lieut Colonel Roseboom for the bounty and and Gerard de Peyster. at Schenectady in the County of Albany from Schenectady May 27th 1762. Where born. What Trade. Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. Ireland Labourer ... Capt van Dyck. . F. 5 /. 4% New Jersey do ... do 5 6% Ireland Brazier do 5 6 Germany Weaver do 5 8 New England Labarour . . . do 5 7 Orange Co do ... do 5 N. Jersey do ... do 5 Ireland Cordwinder . do 5 4 H do Laborour .. . do 5 ioj/2 Eusopos do ... do 5 7%476 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. 11 James Alcinson...... 12 John Moore.......... 13 Peter Lucas, Negro 14 Peter Primus, Negro . ., 15 William Oney.......... 16 John Bodle............ 17 Michel Dorran....... 18 Patrick Moore....... 19 Edward Mills........ 20 Richd- Auldrick..... 21 Willm* Barkin....... 22 John Dance.......... 23 Robert Hide......... 24 James Summerel...... 25 Gilbert Poor........ 26 Michel Hoople....... 27 Peter Smith......... 28 William Wildie...... 29 Joseph Rodnezer..... 30 Peter Cluson........ 31 Francis Toddio, Indian April 26 24 do 22 33 do 9 46 May 26 16 do 24 25 April 12 55 do 15 45 do 12 26 do I 25 May 3 58 Apr. 2 27 do 9 25 do ' 5 S2 May 18 24 Apr 3 37 May 27 45 Apr 2 33 do 2 48 May 26 27 do 3i 21 do 3 27 These may Certify that the above Named Men are Mus- Number of thirty one. A Muster Roll of Men Raisd in different County’s, WHEN THEIR RESPECTIVE Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Richard Johnson June 17 do 9 17 21 Joseph Cocksure, Indian John Sharemen, Indian do Q 18 Alexandr- McFarden do 17 April 17 do 14 June 19 do 19 May 13 28 James Todd 20 Vessel Dickenson 28 Jacob Fassey 19 20 Thom8, Schaditon John Petty l9 These may Certify that the above named men being Companies, they being Absent when the Companys wasNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 477 Where born. ! What Trade. | Officers who Inlisted them. Stature. F. /. England Laborour . .. Capt van Dyck. . 5 3/^ Ireland do ... do 5 8 New York do ... do 5 Schenectady do do 5 4 Philadelphy Cordwinder . do 5 4/^ Ireland Baker do c Manr- Livingston . . Labarour . . . do J 3 /z 5 6>4 Ireland Cooper do 5 4/2 England Miller do . . c 714 do Brewer do . . J / /2 C t Ireland Labarour . . . do J J 5 4% Schenactady do do 6 % England Cooper do 5 5^ Ireland Labarour . . do 5 5 do do do 5 9% Germany do do 5 3/i Scotland do do 5 9 England Weaver do 5 5 Germany Baker do C 7.3/ Pensalvania Labourer . .. do D J 74 5 8/2 Portigal do do 5 7 V* ter’d & Pass’d for M r. Cornelius van Dyck’s Company to the Myndt- Roseboom, L‘- Col. 2d N Y Regt. Goose van Schaicic, L1- Coll, id N Y Regt. and passd Muster at Albany, they being absent Compys where Muster'd. Where Born. What Trade. What Companies they belong to. Stature. F. /. Dutches County.. . . Labourer . . . Capt Bush 5 7 New England do do 5 6 do do do 5 4 Scotland Talor do c c Ireland Labourer . . . Capt Ray J J 5 9 New Brunswick.. . . Cordwinder . do 5 9 Pensalvania Carpenter ... Capt Stevenson. 5 6H West Chester Co . . Labourer . . . do 5 7 Long Island Carpenter ... Capt Griffen .... 5 Muster’d and past Muster at Albany for the Above Mention’d Muster’d. Goose VAN SCHAICK, L* Col Ist N York Regt. Myndt- Roseboom, L'- Col. 2d N Y. Regt.478 ' MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of part of Capt. Timothy Northam’s Michael Thody Esqe is Coll., as they Men’s Names. Dates of Inlistment. Age. Ezekiel Scott, Serg* May 14 24 Samuel Balding, Serg* do 7 27 Jesse Craw, Serg1 do 14 23 Nathan Beebe do 20 23 Asa Merrills . . . . do H 40 Abraham Russel do 12 21 Rossel Beebe do 14 21 Gedeon Beebe do 25 22 William Dixon June 16 18 Thomas Rowley May . 10 16 James Calkins do 10 21 Obadiah Andrews do 14 21 Samuel Fox do 17 42 William Beans do 11 2s Robert Holdridge do 17 40 Hugh Monro do 14 30 Thomas Gould do H 21 Andrew Messenger do 15 21 Christopher Bennet do 5 16 Daniel Roberds do IS 18 John Lawrence do 11 27 Samuel Bur June 17 30 Zophar Andrews May 14 35 John Tooly do 14 22 Nathan Baxter April 28 20 Richard Larrobee May 13 24 Abner Philps do 14 31 Josiah Coy do 13 34 John Purple do 15 17 John Moody do 14 17 Simon Baxter do 21 46 Samuel Adams, Indian. do 14 28 James Wawas, Indian do 14 34 Timothy Tokous, Indian.. June 15 41 At the Request of Cap* Timothy Northam I do hereby number have Appeard before me And Appear to me to be Albany 10th August 1762.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 479 Compy in ist Regiment of New York Troops whereof Pass’d this 5™ day of August 1762. Where Born. j Of What Trade. (Blank). Stature. F. I. Farmingtown Farmer 5 3 East Haddam .... do 5 9 Windsor do K 11 East Haddam .... Cordwainer J 5 6 Hartford Leather Dresser. . 5 9 Providence Mariner 3 7 New London Labourer J / £ IO do Rope Maker J 5 8 Middle Town Labourer 5 6 Lime Town ....... do J C 2 Lebanon Joiner j * 4 Farmingtown do J 1 q IO New London Parmer < 8 East Haddam .... Mariner 5 6 Stoningtown Cooper 5 7 Kilmore in Ireid. . . Labourer 5 6 Farmingtown Cordwainer 5 11 do do J C Q Stoningtown Farmer J y 6 0 Middletown Joiner c 0 Plane Field Farmer D $ Q Wallingsford Founder j y 5 8 Farmingtown Cordwainer 5 6 Killingsworth Labourer 1 8 Hebron do J C Q Coventry Farmer . j y 5 10 Windsor ......... do 3 6 Woodstock Distiller East Haddon Farmer j y Guilford Cordwainer j y C 2 Martha’s Vinyard . Carpenter j 5 9 Farmingtown 5 8 do 5 9 Milford ■ 5 6 Timothy Northam. Certify that the Above named men being Thirty four In Able bodied men. VOLCKERT P DOUW, Mayor.480 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of the Men Continued in the pay of the Province of New York from ist July to 5th November 1762 Agreeable to an Act of Assembly allowing the three Pounds Bounty for their Continuance to that Time. Fort Ontario Augt- 10™ 1762. Men’s Names. John Taylor Moulry Young John Rogers Michael Crosby Michael White Israel Pearcy William Mattocks George Diver Valantine Burch Daniel Audlinton Thomas Berry George Cross Francis Duffey William Ellison Duncan McFerson Colin McClaren John Ferdinand Connel Frank John Higgans Hugh McFall Thomas McCarty George Nublow Joseph Obryan Anthoney Shinew Anthoney Swarts James Tomlinson Nehemiah Williams John Brown Edward Aulderson Francis Varpalee Michael Rake Jacob Shearman Henry Neal Men’s Names. George Nixon Charles Daugherty Godfry Myers Thomas Matthews Michael Doud Joshua Philipse James Salter Thomas Ward John Williams William Watson John Willson Robert Gray William Beacon Matthias Harkaman Neal McNeal Johannis Baker John Clint Jacob Gale David Smiley Abraham Dutcher Jiles Allpeen James Burns Cobus Breamer Joseph Buckall James Flannington Francis Flemming Christopher Hips- man Paul Humble Joseph Mesner Benjamin Wampim Laurance Knap Philip Hide Men’s Names. William Loyal William Linsey John McDonald jun Duncan McKensey Isaac Ruckels John Sullivan Ambros Pearse John Winterbottom Nicholas Goodwill William Blare Nathaniel Sheep- herd Matthew Brown Hugh Callhoon Peter Cullasee Remond Depond John Drummond Peter Fee George Jamaica John McDonald senr David McLaughlin William Pearcy John Robinson John Thirston James German John Anderson Francis Bartoe John Miller James McKay Moses Wiswell George Dimsey John Nuls Robert Faulkner This is to Certify that Ninety Eight men, Being part of those that Continued in the pay of the Province During theNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1762. 481 Last Winter & now Inserted here, are Duly Inlisted & have been Musterd by me, And are now Doing Duty in the Regi- ment. Mich. Thodey, Coll°* Comd1* Ontario 10th Aug** 1762. N. Y. Regts. A Return of the Height of the men Raised In Kings County. Men’s Names. John Nisbit.......'.. Abraham Rote......... Jeremiah Stilwill... Jacob Sheerman...... Thomas Chalwell..... Joshua Duly......... Richard Jewel....... Hendrick Johnson.... Benjamin Ears....... William Hendricksen. Art Van Pelt........ William Riley....... Derick Brewer....... Obediah Wilkins..... Benjamin Stimus..... John van Pelt....... John Mulford........ Daniel Eyanson...... Nicholas Pealman James Bechford...... Robert Chambers Francis Bartang..... Andries Walter...... Moses Beard......... Jacob Cary.......... George Lowman....... John Millington..... Michael Clint....... Charles Powel....... James Grimes........ Thomas Welch........ Peter Simonson...... Joseph Cammel......... Height. Men’s Names. Height. F. /. F. 1. 5 9% John Clunn 5 5 5 8)4 James McEfoy 5 4% 5 8 John Martin Ludwig. . 5 4 5 II George Tates 5 4 5 II Henry Nucom 5 4 5 10 George Mic1, Bush.... 5 4 5 10 Thomas Williams .... 5 4 5 9 Samuel Linton 5 4 5 9# Aaron Bennit 5 4 5 io)4 Willm* Burklow 5 4 5 8)4 Christ** Clear 5 4 5 8 Joseph Rush 5 3)4 5 7)4 Peter Clinch 5 3)4 5 7)4 Abraham Mills 5 3)4 5 7)4 Peter Resuce 5 3)4 5 7 John McGuire 5 3)4 5 6 Jacob Tobly 5 3 5 6 Fredrick Cline 5 3 5 6 John Marcular 5 3 5 6 John God free 5 3 5 6 John Mic1* Gletz 5 2)4 5 Joseph Shea 5 2)4 5 5* John Coffman 5 2 5 5* Thomas Karby 5 2 5 5^ Lambert Swire 5 2 5 5* Joseph Sink 5 2 5 . 5^ Michael Voet 5 5 . 5 Fredrick Horse 5 1)4 5 5 Peter Rose 5 i)4 5 . 5. John Thos. Rap 5 1 5 5 Hugh McFarling 5 1 5 5 Powles Humble 5 5 5 Christian Assinus .... 5 0 314&2 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Roll of part of Captain Northam’s Company Containing the Men’s Names and the times of THEIR INLISTMENTS, AS THEY APPEAR IN THE ANNEXED AFFIDAVITS: I Rosel Beebee 7th May 2 Jesse Craw 20th do 3 Abner Phelps 26th do 4 William Dixon ith June 5 Robert Holdridge yth do 6 James Wawwas 14th do 7 Timothy Tockus 15th do 8 Asa Merrels 17lh do I do hereby Certify that the above is a true Roll of part of Captain Timothy Northam’s Company which passed Mus- A Muster Roll of the Men raised and passed for of Ulster & Orange whereof James Clinton Domini 1763. Captain, James Clinton. Men’s Names. Day of Enlistment. Age. James Dunlap. Novembr 21 24 Neal McArthur . do 22 23 Duncan Campbell do 24 31 John Peacock do 22 39 Daniel Rogers do 28 28 Samuel Wilson do 24 24 Robert McDowel do 24 20 William Kelsey do 22 23 Henry Birney do 23 26 Benjamin Harlow do 23 22 Jacob Lawrence do 26 18 James Umphreyjun.. do 24 25 Alexander Umphrey .. * do 22 18 William Bay do 22 20 Alexander Bay do 24 20 James Graham do 23 23 William Denniston do 22 19 Joseph' Crawford do 24 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1763. 483 ter on the 10th day of August last and who served accordingly. —Witness my Hand this 19th day of April 1763. Mich. Thodey. City of New York ss. Asahel Strong of the Colony of Connecticut, Farmer, came this day before me and made Oath that he verily believes that the several Affidavits hereunto annexed were Duly taken before Justices of the Peace of the said Colony, And that the several Names subscribed to the said Affidavits as Justices of the Peace are of the writings of the said Justices respectively, And that they are Generally known reputed and Taken as Justices of and in said Colony. Sworn before me this 19th day of April 1763 Asahel Strong. The above and within sworne to in New York April 19, A110 1763 before me Fras- Filkins Alderman. guarding the Western Frontiers of the Counties. Esqr is Captain the 28™ Day of November Anno William Stewart, Alexander Denniston, Mathew Smedes, James McNeal, Lieutenants. Where Born. Trade. Out of what Company of Militia. Stature. Ireland Weaver Capt McLaughlin.... Capt McClaghry’s . . . F. I. 5 7 5 6. Ulster Co ..... Cordwainer . . . Scotland Labourer Capt Nieleys 5 8 Ireland Weaver Capt McClaghrys... 5 6. Ulster Co Farmer Capt Faulkners 5 10 Ireland Cordwainer.... do 5 11 5 7 do Labourer None do do Capt McClaghrys.... 5 8 do do None 5 8 Orange Co .... Cooper do 5 5: Westchester .. . Cordwainer. .. . Capt McClaghrys.... 5 8. Ulster Co Carpenter do .... 5 7 do ..... Labourer ..... do .... 5 r Ireland do ..... do .... 5 7 Philadelphia.. . do do .... 5 8- Ulster Co do do .... 5 8- do do Capt McClaghrys. ... 5 8. do Cooper Capt Nieleys ....... 5 T484 MUbTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Enlistment. Age. John McNeal Novembr 23' William McCrahan do 23 William Boyle do 24 Archibald Trimble do 24 David Clarke do 25 John Shay do 25 James Killpatrick do 23 John Cosnaghan do 23 25 Henry Neeley do 25 ^ 20 Thomas Sinrel do 21 23 Thomas Turner do 25 28 Charles Young do 26 19 William Faulkner do 25 23 Thomas Porter. do 25 29 Samuel Gillespy do 25 19 Henry Savage do 23 33 Samuel Wire do 23 22 John Ellsworth do 26 19 Joshua Thompson do 26 19 George Wilkins do 26 25 John Killpatrick do 26 21 Henry McHenry ... do 28: 21 Thomas Hunter do 28 27 John Courton do 28 29 Daniel Ferron do 28 25 John Kemaghan do 23 22 John Hannon do 25 l6 John Patterson do 25 25 James Douglass do 25 28 Thomas Ashley do 25 19 James Campbell Senr do 25 32 Daniel McWay do 20 Edward Burns do 21 Thomas Nox do 20 Abraham Cole do l6 Samuel Hedge do 26 John Hikey .. . do l9 James Ashell do I9 Richard McClaghry do 20 James Rogers do l6 Aury Terwilliger do 23 Joshua Decker, do 19XC4 I. 7 6 6 6 8 9 9 6 :o :i 7 :o 7 8 8 9 7 5 5 [i [O 4 [O 8 4 6 7 7 6 5 6 7 9 9 7 9 8 7 4 9 11 i PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1763. Trade. do "aylor ... ^abourer do do do do do do diason ... farmer . . do do do do do do do t1 armer do do do do do weaver Farmer , Weaver , Farmer do Farmer do do do do Oat of what Company of Militia. None Capt Neeley's..... Capt McClaghrys.... None Capt Hardenbergh’s. do None None Capt Neeleys...... Capt Faulkners ...... do .... do .... None Capt Graham’s..... do ..... Capt Faulkners.... None Capt McClaghrys. . . . None Capt Hardenbergh. . None do do do do Capt McClaghrys. . . . Capt Neeleys...... do ........... None None Capt Neeleys...... None do do Capt Hardenberg . . . do Capt McClaghry.... None do Capt Faulkner..... Capt Hardenberg . . . do486 MUSTER ROLLS OF Men’s Names. Day of Enlistment. _ Age. James Campbell Novembr 24 Thomas Carswell . do 42 Matthew Adams . . do 25 l6 John Stewart do 25 26 David Hannion do 25 30 Gilbert Traverse do 26 21 John Lutz do 25 28 Malchi Seger do 25 21 David Smith do 25 17 Hans Jury Smith do 25 19 James Kidd do 22 22 Andrew Kidd do 23 24 Samuel Devine do 25' 29 James McCord do 25 24 Frederick Shurts do 25 26 Alexander Ivery . do 22 40 Solomon Finch do 23 24 John Gilbert do 25 19 George Cox do. 25 35 John Cole do 25 24 John Crowell do 25 16 Patrick Willson do 26 30 William Roberson do 26 22 Robert Crawford do 23 25 John McMichael do 25 22 James Gillespy do 24 24 George Cooper do 25 23 Henry Parker do 25 30 Jacob More do 25 20 John Kennedv do 25 24 William Jones . do 25 25 Neal McGlocklin do 24 21 Edward Riggs do 24 35 John Coleman do ' 24 25 Matthew McCollum do 28 25 Johann is Oostrander do 28 21 John Graham do 28 24 I do hereby certify that the men whose names are men- mustered by me, who appeared to be able bodied and. effective hand this twenty eighth day of November Anno Domini 1763.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1763. 487 Where Born. Trade. Jerseys ....... Ireland ...... Jerseys....... Pennsylvania . . Jerseys....... Westchester Co. Germany....... do ........ Dutches Co.... Germany....... Ulster Co..... do ........ New England.. Ulster Co..... Germany....... Ireland....... Orange Co .... do Ireland....... Ulster Co..... Ireland....... do ......... Scotland...... Ulster Co..... do ..... Ireland....... Germany....... England....... Germany....... Ireland ...... do ......... Scotland...... Ireland ...... Scotland ...... Ulster Co .... . do ........ do ...... Cordwainer.... Farmer........ Farmer........ Cordwainer.... Farmer........ do ........ do .......... do ........ Weaver........ Farmer........ do ........ do ........ do ........ Cordwainer.... Farmer ....... do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ do ........ Weaver........ do ........ Farmer........ Cordwainer.... Cooper ....... Farmer........ do ........ do ........ Wheelwright . . Taylor........ Farmer........ do ........ , Bricklayer.. , Labourer.... do ........ do ........ , Cordwainer .... Out of what Company of Militia. Stature. F. 1. Capt Neeleys 5 3 do 5 4 None 5 5 do 5 7 Capt Neeleys 5 9 None 5 10 Capt Newkirk’s 5 7 do 5 5 None 5 8 Capt Neeleys 5 10 do ....... 5 7 do 5 10 do 5 5 Capt Faulkner’s .... 5 10 Capt Newkirk’s 5 4 Capt Hardenbergh .. 5 8 None 6 1 do 5 5 Capt Hardenberglrs. 5 4 do 6 2 None 5 4 do 5 8 do 5 5 Capt Neeleys 6 0 do 5 7 do 5 8 do 5 8 do 5 7 None 5 4 do 5 ' 5 do 5 9 do 5 8 do 5 5 Capt Faulkner’s 5 5 Capt Neeleys 5 10 Capt Hardenbergh’s. 5 8 Capt McClaghrys ... . 5 8 tioned in this Roll amounting to Ninety Seven were carefully men, fit for the most active & alert service. Given under my Thomas Wilson Coinl- of ye 2d Regim* of Militia in Ulster County.488 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Return of the Men Inltsted for Captain John Grant’s Company and Mustered at New York January 6, 1764, Specefying the Dates of their Several Inlistments & By Whom. Men’s Names. Date of Inlistm*- By whom Inlisted. Thomas Ellis, Sergt . .. Decbr 8 1763 Capt John Grant Samuel Reed do 11 do do John Rosested do 17 do do William Farmer do 17 do do John Flinn do 18 do do William McKey do 18 do do Lawrence McOuire do 22 do do Samuel Popham do 26 do do Wm- Culbertson, Serjt. . do 26 do do Samuel Taylor do 27 do do Henry Dopkins do 28 do do Thomas Norton do 28 do do John Henery do 3i do do John Faulkner Jany* 3 1764 do George Shroak do 4 do do John Handley Decbr 17 1763 U Nath Hillyer Patrick Corkeing do 17 do do James Cotter do 30 do do James Hogan Jany* 2 1764 do William Dobbins do 2 do do James Hanaira do 3 do do Henry Stutes. do 4 do do Michael Culwerville, \ Serjt . f Decbr 9 L4- Josh* Fitzpatrick Andrew Donnoily do 8 do do John Fitzgerald do 19 do do William Ears do l9 do do William O’Bryan do 30 do do Peter Thorn do 22 do do Walter Carroll do 23 do do William Mosman Jany- 4 1764 do John Ebison Decbr 28, 1763 do Cornelius Ryan do 26 do do John Bently do 26 do do John McCarthy .. do 25 do do James Bromagam do 26 do do John Horn do 29 do do William Hutchinson. .; do 27 do doNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1764. 489 Men’s Names. Date of Inlistm1- By whom Inlisted. Malcolm McDonald.... Decbr 26 1763 L*- Fitzpatrick John Scott do 27' do do William Housban do 28 do do Richard Reynolds do 28 do do Barny McGraw do 29 do do James Gar van do 30 do do Solomon Tyger do 30 do do James Smith do 19 do do Joseph Francis do 3i do do Peter Sherong do 31 do do William Carey do 3i do do John Winter Jany- 1 1764 do Nicholas Cline do 1 do do John Rynard do 1 do do Thomas Dain do 1 do do John Plum do 2 do do John Williams do 2 do do Sil Cavanaugh Dec 29 1763 do. George Langly do 20 do do John Minard J any* 1 1764 do Richd- Fair weather .... Dec 8 1763 do New York, January 6th 1764. I hereby Certify that by order of his Excellency the Honorable Major General Gage Commander in Chief of all his Majesties forces in North America, I have Seen, examined & pass’d the men whose names are Inserted in the Above List & have Compared their Inlistments with the Several Dates annex’d to their Names, which I found exactly to Correspond. The whole Number being Fifty eight. John Small, Major of Brigade.490 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of Captain Richard Rea’s Company of New Yorkers. Men’s Names. When Inlisted. Commenced Prc vision. Richard Rea Captain Decbr 7 ] [763 Jany 8 Teunis Corsa Lieut do 7 do do ye 8 James McCrindle Lieut .... do 7 do do ye 8 Sam1 Davison Sarj1 do 10 do do y* 8 Alexr McHarge do do IO do do ye 8 Sam1 Higgison do do 14 do do yc 8 Benj. Porst Corp1 do 13 do do ye 8 Nathaniel Stuart Corp1 do 8 do do ye 8 James Rankin do do 25 do do ye 8 Chris. Dugan Drumr do 14 do do ye 8 Thos- Binns do 29 do do y 8 John Bennit Jany 7 1764 do ye 8 John Brumly Decbr 21 1763 do ye 8 Peter Buck do 9 do do ye 8 Esiah Cain do 11 do do y 8 John Cleary do 19 do do ye 8 Adam Carr Jany 10 1764 do Ve 8 Jonathan Dunnin do 4 do do ye 8 Sam1 Dunnin Dec 19 do do ye 8 John Delany Dec 19 1763 do y: 11 Jacob Davis Jany 9 1764 do ye 11 James Edwards do 9 do do ye 11 Sam1 Freeman Dec. 15 1763 do ye 8 John Freeman do 19 do do ye 8 Francis Founteny do 15 do do ye 8 Joel Goye .. ... do 28 do do ye 8 John Gorely do 21 do do ye 8 Elisha Griffin do 26 do do ye 8 Will" Hislop Jany 8 1764 do ye 8 Thos Hall do 5 do do ye 8 Jabob Hymon Dec 4 1763 do ye 8 Henry Hofstatler January 4 1764 Jany 8 Nathaniel Kitcham Decbr 28 1763 do ye 8 Thos. Knap do 13 do do y 8 Epheram Knap do 13 do do ye 8 Aaron Lamburt do 20 do do ye 8 Harklous Linn do 16 do do ye 8 John Linsy, D do 8 do do ye 8 John Leasey do 28 do do ye 8NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1764. 491 Men’s Names. When Inlisted. Commenced Pro- vision. Donald McDunnel Decbr 29 do Jany 8 John Morris do 13 do do ye 8 Cornelous McFall do 13 do do ye 8 Jasper Peters Jany 10,1764 do ye 11th Clark Pike do 7 do do ye 8 Elias Purkins Dec 26 1763 do ye 8 John Pendrick do 19 do do ye 8 Esiah Pool do 9 do do ye 8 Sam1 Rowler do 8 do do ye 8 Edward Roberts do 9 do do ye 8 Sam1 Rea do 26 do do y* 8 John Rhoads do 2 7 do do ye 8 Jacob Shreader do 24 do do ye 8 Abrim Suthard do 19 do do ye 8 Nathaniel Smith do 12 do do ye 8 John Stuart (Sheart ?) do 8 do do ye 8 John Shea do 10 do do ye 8 John Storm do 21 do do ye 8 Abenezer Thorn do 20 do do ye 8 John Vallintine do 29 do do ye 8 Ezekiel White do 11 do do ye 8 Felix Queen Jany 13.1764 Jany 13th Jn°- Gaghigin do 12 do do 12th Albany, January 7th 1764. Then Mustered in the Above Company, The Captain two Lieut5, three Serjeants, three Corpls, one Drummer and Fifty three Private Men, all which (Excepting the three officers & Drummer) was Compleated with Firelocks, Bayonets, Car- touch Boxes and Ammunition from his Majestys Stores at Albany. Certified by Dun. MacVicar, Qr Mr 55th Reg1 Acting as Muster Master.49 2 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of Captain John De Garemo’s Company of New Yorkers. Men's Names. When Inlisted. Commenced vision. Pro- Capt Jn°- De Garemo . .. 7th Decbr 1763 13th Jany 1764 Lieut Barrent Ten Eyck Lieut Ephram van [ Veghten* j 7 do do Wm- Hicks 21 do do 13 th Jany* 1764 Wm* Brand 23 do do 13 th do do Peter MTntire 14 Jany 1764 17th do do Asea Philips 21 Dec 1763 13th do do Henry Hazard 29 do do 13th do do Simon Bennis 6 Jan 1764 13 th do do Farwell Himes, Dr 21 Dec 1763 13th do do Wm Andrews 23 do do 13th do do Jams- Annin 28 do do 13th do do Peter Bourns 23 do do 13 th do do Jn°* Baptist 3 Jan 1764 13 th do do Jn°- Barry 9 do do 13 th do do Hercolus Brown 9 do do 13th do do Jn°* Chanler 22 Dec 1763 13 th do do Rob1, Clark 23 do do 13 th do do Jn°* Cam re n 24 do do 13 th do do Wm Christy 8 Jan 1764 13 th do do Jams- Donaley 24 Dec 1763 13th do do Jn°- Daugherty . 26 do do 13 th do do Jn° Ellis 22 do do 13th do do Fran8, Eklin 24 do do 13th do do Peter Francis 30 do do 13 th do do Jn°- Florris 14 Jan 1764 17 do do George Golden ........ 21 Dec 1763 13 th do do Jno. Grixston 17 Jan 1764 13th do do George Henderson 8 do do 13 th do do Ezekiah Hills 14 do do 17 do do Lewis John 25 Dec 1763 13th do do Mich1, Jan ary 17 Jan 1764 17 do do Jn°- King 26th Dec 1763 13 Jany 1764 Michel Kelley 17th Jany 1764 17 do do Dan1, Kello 24th Dec 1763 13 do do Jn°- Lams 22d do 1763 13 do do * This Roll is in duplicate, the name of Lieut. Van Veghten having been left out in one ; Certificate is alike in both copies.NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1764. 493 Men’s Names. When Inlisted. Commenced vision. Pro- Sad rich Lee 9th Jan 1764 13 . Jany- 1764 Peter Luck 17th do do I7th do do Jams* Lodlow 24th Dec 1763 13 do do Jn°* McCormick 22d do do 13 do do Nath1* Mun 31 do do 13 do do Thos- McLaughlin 3 Jany 1764 13 do do Wm* Mathew 8 do do 13 do do Sam1, Mosten 14 do do 17th do do Joseph Morris 21 Dec 1763 13 do do Barny McKan 17 Jany 1764 17th do do Earison Nightengale . . . 17 do do 13 do do jn°. Philipson 9 do do 13 do do Thos' Prentis 9 do do 13 do do Joseph Procter 14 do do 17th do do Joseph Porter 23 Dec 1763 13 do do George Robinson 27 do do 13 do do Jam8 Rider 2 Jan 1764 13 do do Henry Sherman 8 do do 13 do do Andrew Teel 23 Dec 1763 13 do do Wm- Tabor 24 do do 13 do do Wm- Vaughan 21 do do 13 do do Jn0, Whitney 28 do do 13 do do Frans- Wilson 4 Jan 1764 13 do do Jn°- Williamson 26 Dec 1763 13 do do Jn°- Mooney 20 Jan 1764 21st do do Thos- McFernell 20 do do 21 St do do At Albany the 20th day of Janry 1764. Then Mustered in the above Company, one Capt., one Lieut., three Serjeants Three Corp8- one Drummer and Fifty two Men, which Num- ber (Excepting the Lieut) was all Compleated with Firelocks Bayonets & Cartouch Boxes, and Ammunition from his Majestys Stores at Albany. Dun. MacVicar, Qr Mr- 55th Reg‘ Acting as Muster Master.494 MUSTER ROLLS OF A Muster Roll of a Compy of Proven- Barnaby Byrne, Captain. No. Names. Dates of Inlisting. Age. I John Lee. 1764, April 21 24 2 Moses Ibbett do do 45 3 Willm Crooks do do 40 4 Joseph Croser do do 39 5 Robert Alexander do do 24 6 John Devis do do 26 7 Daniel Waltman do do 27 8 Willm Bowman do do 38 9 John Sack do do 46 IO Tho8- Frances do do 25 ii Jam8- Moor ! do do 23 12 Adam Keller do 23d 30 13 John Cain do do 38 14 Conrade Bole do do 33 15 Jam8 Rice do do 23 16 Jacobe Hover do do 29 17 John Petton do do 36 18 Barnaby Divin do do 35 19 Christopher Ashfield do do 30 20 Thos. Hartford do do 41 21 Robert Kearns do do 24 22 Prince Jones do 24 21 23 Daniel Sampson do do 22 24 John Riedmiller do do 28 25 Robert Broun do do 45 2 6 Stephen Jutoe do do 28 27 John Ennes Wilson do do 41 28 Clemet Plaice do 25 42 29 F rad rick Hinck do do 26 30 Sam11- Buerns do do 35 31 John McIntosh do 2 6 35 32 Pitter Card do 27 28 33 John Clark, senr- do do • 30 34 Jam8 Obryan do do 36 35 Will”1- Ingland do do 23 36 Abraham Thomas do do 38 37 Coowrod Horsenflicks do 28 38NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1764. 495 cels Commanded by Captn Barnaby Byrne. Benjamin Wiliett, I Lieutenants. lhomas McCauy, Where Born. Trade. England Hosier Irland Glaizer England Labourer Germany Silk Weaver. Irland Weaver England Labourer Germany do do do do do New York do do do Germany do Irland do Germany do Irland do Germany Barber England Labourer Irland do Germany i ..... . Baker, Irland . . . Tanner do Labourer America do do do Germany Barber England Silk Weaver Germany Labourer Irland Coard Winder Germany Gardiner do Labourer England Britches Maker .... Scotland Labourer Germany do Irland do Viren nia Gardner England Labourer do do Germany do Size. F. I. 5 8 5 8 5 5 5 10 5 &A 5 7% 5 8^ 5 6 5 6^ 5 8 5 53^ 5 7% 5 7 5 7 5 6^ 5 3/2 5 ii 5 5^ 5 7XA 5 6 5 6^ 5 53^ 5 73^ 5 33^ 5 434 5 33^ 5 5 5 6 5 33^ 5 4 5 33^ 5 10 5 33^ S 53^ 5 93^ 5 7 5 334496 MUSTER ROLLS OF No. Names. Dates of Inlisting. Age. 38 George Street 1764. April 28 22 39 Joseph McKay do do 21 40 Jacob Saylor do 30 30 41 Will1"- Nepton 1st May 41 42 Joseph Bond do do 35 43 Pitter Jackson (?) do do 36 44 Richard Ryon do do 26 45 Willm- Falbart 2d do 37 46 John Adams do do 36 47 Daniel Bayard 3^ do 25 4§ Joseph Roades do do 34 49 Miels Carmichall . . . do do 23 50 Elias Fortange do do 31 51 John Clark, junr* do do 20 52 Thos. Ryans 4th do 25 53 Willm- Bouan 5 th do 22 54 John Johnson do do 25 55 Michall Kervin do do 30 56 John Folliot 6th do 27 57 George Burford 7th do 28 58 Joseph Green do do 22 59 John Lice . do do 60 Daniel Campbell 21 st April 29 [Certificate of Muster of the above Roll, dated May 9thNEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 764. 497 Where Born. Trade. Stature. F. /. England . Scotland . Holland . England , do Irland . . do Scotland do Irland .. Germany Scotland Germany Scotland Irland . . England America Irland . . do England do do Scotland Labourer do Soap Boyler.. Coard Winder Labourer Cutler....... Taylor ....... do . . .; .. . Labourer do ...... Baker........ Labourer .... Baker........ Labourer . . do .. Tinn man . . Labourer . ... do do Taylor , Labourer . . . do * 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 .6 5 6^ 5 7^ 5 7% 5 6 5 3 H 5 5 4 5 2 5 10*4 5 4 5 5 5 5 8 5 2^ 5 4 5 3 6 % 1764, was stolen from volume XCIL, English MSS. at Albany.] 32OMISSION BY THE COPYIST. Capt. Samuel Dimock’s Company, page 20. Edward Bostwick, William L Jonathan Washburn, Reuben R Jacob Pompey, Capt. George Brewerton’s Company, pages 162, 164. March 14, John McKenny, age 37, Cordwainer, New York. April 12, John Glase, age 28, Labourer, Germany. Capt. Abraham De Forest’s Company, page 296, No. 79, blank line on roll. Capt. Daniel Griffin’s Company, pages 471, 473. Arthur Ackeley.......... ......Stature 5.7 Alexander Johnston...........A.. 44 5.6 William Erwin.................... “ 5.10 Nathaniel Norton................. “ 5.10 William Owens.............. ... “ 5.5 Jonathan Yarrington.............. “ 5.3 John Biggs..................... “ 5.3 John Leport.................... 44 5.5 William Buchannon.......... .... 44 5.8 Benjamin Toms.................. “ 5.8 Samuel McMaster................ “ 5.7 Jacob Lotewall.................. “ 5.5 John Wilson...................... “ 5.3 Joseph Mathews................... “ 5.7 Thomas Ruland................... “ 5.8 Anthony Basteen.................. “ 5.8 Jacob Ruland..................... “ 5.8 Elicum Brush..................... “ 5.2 Joshua Hulse..................... “ 5.7 David Coley...................... “ 5.4 Samuel Beekwith................. u 5.9 James Sambo, Negro............... “ 5.4 Daniel Samson, Negro............. “ 5.7 Daniel Fling..................... “ 5.1 William Ward..................... “ 5.3 Samuel Burnet.................... u Solomon Tygert................... u 5.4APPENDIX TO MUSTER ROLLS. Titles of Acts of Assembly for the raising, equipping, pay- ing AND SUBSISTING PROVINCIAL TROOPS. 1755 TO 1764. An Act for paying and subsisting Eight complete Companies of One Hundred effective Men each, Officers included, to assist in Conjunction with the neighbouring Colonies, in erecting one or more Forts nigh Crown-Point, within his Majesty’s Dominions ; for rais- ing the Sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, for and towards the said Service, and for making current Bills of Credit to the Amount thereof ; and other the Purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 3d. May, 1755. An Act to explain Part of a Clause of the above Act, Passed the nth7 Sept. 1755. An Act to enable his Excellency the Governor, or Commander in Chief for the Time being to make Detachments from the Militia of the Several Counties therein mentioned, for protecting and secur- ing the Frontiers of this Colony. Passed the 22d. Dec. 1733. An Act for raising, paying and subsisting One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in Conjunction with the neighbouring Colonies, on an Expedition, for reducing the French Fort at Crown-Point, and car- rying on an offensive War against the Indians who infest the West- ern Frontiers of this Colony, and other Purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 1st. April, 1756. An Act for the more speedy and effectual raising the Forces to be furnished by this Colony, on the Expedition against Crown- Point. Passed the 4th. May 1736. An Act for applying several Sums of Money for the Payment and Cloathing of the Forces, to be furnished by this Colony, to act in Conjunction with His Majesty’s Regular Troops, and those of the neighbouring Colonies, against the Subjects of the French King ; and providing other Necessaries requisite for the said Forces. Passed the 26th. Feb. 1757. An Act for the speedy and effectual recruiting the Forces to be furnished by this Colony, to act in Conjunction with His Majesty’s Regular Troops and those of the neighbouring Colonies, against the Subjects of the French King. Passed the 26th. Feb. 1737. An Act for raising, paying, and cloathing, Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, for forming an Army of Twenty Thousand Men, with the Forces of the neigh-500 APPENDIX. bouring Colonies, to invade the French Possessions in Canada, in Conjunction with a body of his Majesty’s Regular Troops, and other Purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 24th. March, 1758. An Act for raising a Supply of One Hundred Thousand Pounds, for levying, paying, and cloathing, Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, for forming, with the Forces of the neighbouring Colonies, an Army of Twenty Thousand Men, to invade, in Conjunction with a Body of his Majesty’s Reg- ular Troops, the French Pqssessions in Canada ; for emitting Bills of Credit for the like Sum ; and for sinking’and cancelling the said Bills in short Periods. Passed the 7th. March, 1759' An Act for levying, paying, and cloathing Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, for forming an Army of Twenty Thousand Men, with the Forces of the neigh- bouring Colonies," to reduce, in Conjunction with his Majesty’s Reg- ular Troops, Montreal, and other Ports belonging to the French in Canada ; for emitting Bills of Credit for the Sum of Sixty Thou- sand Pounds, and for sinking and cancelling the said Bills in short Periods. Passed March the 22d„ 1760. An Act for raising, paying, and cloathing Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Seven effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in securing his Majesty’s Conquests in North America, and other Purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 4th. April, 1761. An Act providing for One Hundred and Seventy-three Volun- teers, Officers included, to be employed in protecting the different Posts on the Frontiers. Passed the nth Sept. 1761. An Act for levying, paying, and cloathing One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in North-America, for securing his Majesty’s Conquests there, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 20th. March, 1762. An Act providing for One Hundred and Seventy-three Volun- teers, Officers included, to be employed in protecting the different Posts on the Frontiers, to the first Day of July, 1763. Passed the nth. Dec. 1762. An Act providing for Three Hundred effective Men, exclusive of Officers, to be employed against the Enemy Indians, and for One Hundred and Seventy-three Men, Officers included, to garrison several Forts on the Frontiers pfjhis Colony, in such manner as the Commander in Chief of all his Majesty’s Forces in North America shall think proper ; and also for Three Hundred effective Men, exclusive of Officers, to guard the Western Frontiers of this Col- ony, under the Direction of the Governor or Commander in Chief thereof. Passed the 13th. Dec. 1763. An Act providing for One Hundred and Eighty Men, exclusive of Officers, to be employed against the Enemy Indians, and other Purposes, therein mentioned. Passed the 21st. April, 1764.APPENDIX. 501 Proceedings of the. General Assembly of Connecticut, . May, 1755. Whereas the Assembly of the Colony of New York hath resolved to raise and subsist eight compleat companies of one hundred effective men each, officers included, to assist, in conjunction with the neighbouring Colonies, in the service of the intended expedition to prevent the encroachments of the French at Crown Point, and desired the Governor of that Colony to make application to this government for raising five compleat companies of one hundred effective men each, officers included, in this Colony for that service, and he hath accordingly commissioned and sent Oliver De Lancey, Esq. to make such application, who hath represented the difficulty of raising men in that Colony, and that there is great danger the number that Colony hath proposed cannot be speedily raised there, whereby the whole affair may be greatly retarded : This Assembly considering the importance of said expedition for his Majesty’s interest, and the necessity that it be carried on without loss of time, although a very large proportion of men hath been already raised in this Colony and are now almost ready to march, and it may be attended with great difficulty to raise so many more men here ; yet for preventing any delay that may otherwise happen, and for pro- moting and forwarding said design for his Majesty’s interest, for which this Colony is deeply concerned. Resolved,, by this Assembly, that his Honour the Governor be desired, and he is hereby desired, to give liberty for inlisting three compleat companies of one hundred effective men each, officers included, on the pay and encouragements proposed by the Colony of New York, to be commanded by officers that may be nominated by the Assembly of this Colony ; that is to say, a major in the regi- ment raised by that Colony, and proper officers for the several com- panies that may be inlisted in this Colony. This Assembly do nominate Eleazer Fitch, Esq, to be Major of the regiment to be raised by the government of New York on the expedition to prevent the encroachments of the French at Crown Point. This Assembly do nominate Mr. Street Hall of Wallingford, to be Captain of a company allowed by this Assembly to be raised in this Colony on the pay of the Colony of New York, David Baldwin of Milford to be First Lieut, and Josiah Walker, of Stratford, Sec- ond Lieut.. Of the Second Company Samuel Dimock of Saybrook Capt. William Avery, of Groton, First Lieut. Benjamin King, of Wood- bury, Second Lieut. Of the Third Company, John Slapp, of Mansfield, Captain, Samuel Stanton, of Stonington, First Lieut, Samuel Gaylord, of Middleton, Second Lieut.502 APPENDIX. By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esqr. his Majesty’s Lieu- tenant Governour and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America. To I Do hereby Authorize and impower you to aid and assist in raising a Company of Volunteers in the Colony of Connecticut in the Pay of this province to act in conjunction with the Towns of the other Colonies under the Command of Major General Johnson, and ’for your encouragement herein You shall so soon as the said Company shall be mustered receive my Commission as Lieutenant thereof. Given under my hand at Fort George in the City of New York the 17th day of May, 1755. James De Lancey. New York, 28th May, 1755. Sir : As The Service in which the Troops to be raised by this Province are to be employed, requires that the Companies should be completed and mustered as soon as possible, I desire you would immediately on Receipt hereof send me an account of the Names of the persons you have inlisted by virtue of my warrant to you and if not already full whether you are well assured you shall be able to complete the same in a short time that if you are appre- hensive you shall not, I may then issue a warrant to some other person, in which case you are to give over the men you have inlisted to the person I may appoint to Command the Company who shall be liable to pay the Bounty to you for the Men you have raised and if you are willing to accept of a Lieutenancy in the service you may depend on my Commission. Your humble Servant, James De Lancey. To Persons who have Warrants to raise Companies. By the Honourable James De Lancey Esqr. his Majesty’s Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America. To Whereas by an Act of the Legislature of this Province passed on the third of May instant, provision is made for raising and sub- sisting eight Complete Companies of Volunteers, to consist of one Captain, two Lieutenants, four Sergeants, three Corporals, one Drummer, and eighty nine.private men, to be employed in the build- ing one or more Forts on his Majesty’s Lands to the Northward of Albany, in Conjunction with the Forces to be raised b,y the other Governments, the whole to be commanded by William Johnson,APPENDIX. 503 Esqr. Major General and Commander in Chief of the said Forces. And as an Inducement to Officers and Men to engage in this Ser- vice the following pay and other advantages are Granted by the Act : To every Captain who shall raise such a Complete Company, to be paid on the first Muster thereof, One Hundred Pounds : To each able-bodied Man a Bounty of Thirty-two Shillings and six- pence, a Blanket a good Lappeld Coat, a Felt Hat, one Shirt, two pairs of Ozanbrigs Trowsers one pair of Shoes and one pair of Stockings. To Captains Eight Shillings per diem, Lieutenants Six Shillings, Serjants One Shilling and Eight-pence, Corporals one Shilling and Six-pence, Drummers One Shilling and Six-pence, and each private Man One Shilling and Three-pence day Pay, And you being represented to me as a Person able to raise such a Company, and fit to be employed in this Service : I have therefore thought fit to authorize and I do hereby authorize and empower you to beat up for Volunteers and to raise such a Company within this Prov- ince whom you are to inlist according to the directions herewith given you. On the Completion and Muster whereof you shall re- ceive my Commission to command such Company, and from thence- forth be intitled to pay : And all officers civil and Military are required, to give you all due Encouragement. And for you so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given under my hand at Fort George in the City of New York the day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-five. Endorsed, Warrant to Captains to raise men for Crown Point Expedition. New York, June 23, 1733. His Excellency the Hon. James De Lancey, Esq ; our Lieutenant Governor, has been pleased to appoint Mr. William Cockcroft, of this City, (a Gentleman well skilled in military affairs) to be Colonel of our Provincial Forces, who are to act in Conjunction with others from the neighbouring Colonies, on the present Expedition against Crown Point, the whole to be commanded by Major General Johnston. The N. Y. Mercury, June 23, 1733. By His Excellency Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, Captain Gen- eral and Governor in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America and Vice-Admiral of the same: A Proclamation. Whereas this Government from a due Sense of the importance of removing the French Encroachments at and near Crown Point, and a Just Presentment of the Barbarities committed on the Inhabit- ants, by the Savages infesting the Western Frontiers of this and5°4 APPENDIX. the Neighbouring Colonies of New Jersey and Pennsilvania, have determined to make provision for raising paying and subsisting One thousand seven hundred and fifteen effective Men, Officers included ; four hundred of which number to be employed in an Offensive War against the Indians now in hostility against his Majesty’s Subjects in the said Provinces, and the residue to be employed on the Expedition against Crown Point. And as an Encouragement to persons to enlist voluntarily in said services, have granted the fol- lowing allowances. To each able bodied Man who shall voluntarily inlist in the service for the Expedition against Crown Point, the sum of Five Pounds and the same Cloathing as was allowed to those employed in the like service last year. To every Officer properly Authorized to raise the said Forces for the Service against Crown Point, the Sum of Twenty Shillings for each-able bodied Volunteer whom they shall engage therein. To each able bodied Man who shall voluntarily inlist into the service against the Indians who infest the Western Frontiers of this province, the Sum of One Pound Ten Shillings, providing himself with proper Arms for the said Service. And that the whole number of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen effective men both Officers and Soldiers, be put upon the same establishment with respect to pay and provisions, as the Forces employed on the late Expedition against Crown Point were. I have therefore thought fit to notify the same by these presents Hereby earnestly inviting his Majesty’s good subjects chearfully to inlist themselves in either of the said services, and promising all those who shall enlist, the Bounty and other Encouragements before mentioned. Given under my Hand and Seal at Anns at Fort George, in the City of New York, the Eighteenth day of March One Thou- sand Seven Hundred and Fifty Six in the Twenty-ninth Year of His Majesty's Reign. Chas. Hardy. By His Excellenceys Command. Gw. Banyar, Dep’y-Sec’ry. By His Excellency Sir Charles Hardy, Knt. &c. You are forthwith to repair to the City of Albany with the Detachment under your Command, where you are to apply to the Commissaries for Arms Ammunition and Clothing for the men and to proceed with any Convoys of Provisions and Stores that may be sending to Fort Edward or Fort William Henry or to Reinforce either of those Garisons if Judged necessary and to Continue in such Convoy service or Garison duty until further order from the Colonel or Commanding officer of the Regiment. Given under my hand at Fort George in New York the 4th day of May 1756. Chas. Hardy. To Lieut. Alexander Mills of Capt. George Brewerton’s Com-APPENDIX. 505 pany in Col. Eleazer Fitch’s Regiment. The like order to Lieut. John Turk of Capt Thodey’s Company sent by Lieut. Turk the like order to Capt. Corsa who is gone to Albany. By His Excellency Sir Charles Hardy. Knight, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America and Vice- Admiral of the same. In pursuance of an act passed on the Fourth day of May Instant entitled “An Act for the more speedy and effectual raising the Forces to be furnished by this Colony on the Expedition against Crown Point” A copy whereof is herewith sent, You are forth- with to detach from the Militia under your Command the full num- ber of able bodied and effective men wanting to complete the Quota of the City and County of Albany to two hundred and eleven effect- ive Men, which detachment you are to put under the Command of the officer or officers in the said city and county authorized by me to inlist Volunteers for the Expedition against Crown Point, who have my directions to produce to you Returns of the number of Men they have inlisted for this service, and to report to me as soon as may be what you shall have done herein. Given under my hand at Fort George in the City of New York Fifth day of May, 1756. Chas. Hardy. To Sir William Johnson, Baronet, Colonel, or in his absence to the next Commanding officer of the Regiment of Militia for the City and County of Albany. 5th May Sent by Express going to Albany Copies of the within order signed, to Lieut. Col. Glen, and Lieut. Col. Van Rensselaer of the two Albany Batalions. And an other signed to Martin Hoffman, Cblonel of Dutchess County. 6 May Mr. Godby delivered the order to Col. Thomas Hicks of Queens County to his son, as also the order to the recruiting offi- cers in that County. 7 May I delivered Col. Stilwell’s of King’s County his order to detach from the militia a Major Leckny, who said he would give it to Capt. Brewerton, who was going into King’s County. 8th May Mr. [John] Godby delivered the order Col. Floyd of Suffolk County etc. to Mr. Bryant. 13 May Delivered to Capt. James Horton an order to Col. William Willet of Westchester Regiment to detach 16 men to com- plete the Quota of that County. He had orders to direct his Lieut, to furnish the Col. with the Returns of the Number of Men inlisted. By his Excellency Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America and Vice Admiral of the same. Whereas of the thirty seven Men raised in King’s County for the5°6 APPENDIX. Expedition against Crown Point only twenty three have been approved as fit for service. You are therefore, in pursuance of an Act passed on the fourth Day of May Instant entitled “An Act for the more speedy and effectual raising the Forces to be furnished by this Col- ony on the Expedition against Crown Point ” a copy whereof is herewith sent, forthwith to detach from the Militia under your Command fourteen able bodied and effective Men to complete the Quota to be furnished by Kings County for the service aforesaid. Which Detachment you, are to order to this City under the Com- mand of a proper officer who is to have the Men mustered by the Commissaries here and to see them embarked for Albany in the Vessel which the Commissaries will provide for that purpose. Given under my hand at Fort George in the City of New York the Seventeenth day of May 1756. Chas. Hardy. To Richard Stillwel Esqr. Colonel or in his absence to the next Commanding officer of the Regiment of Militia for Kings County. New York 17 June 1756. His Excellency hath directed me to inclose you Commissions for Captains McGinnis, Lotteridge, and Schuyler with blank Commis- sions for their Lieutenants and two blank Commissions for Captain Joseph Johnson’s Company, and to desire you’l be pleased to fill them up with the names of such Person as you approve of. As Captain McGinnis had the Rank of Captain last year his Commis- sion is dated the same day with Thodey’s to whom he is now next in rank. Captain Lotteridge as being an older Lieutenant than Schuyler is dated before Schuyler’s, and Schuyler’s before John- son’s. As the Governor chose to give the Preference to the officers of our own Province, I was obliged to date Capt. Schuyler’s the 15th April tho I suppose he had not then received his warrant but there will be no Inconvenience in this as the Captains and Lieutenants are to be paid from the date of the warrants and not their Commis- sions. In the Roll of officers I now inclose, the dates of all the Warrants I could come to the knowledge of are inserted. Col. Fitch’s Commission is dated 2d April, tho’ he was told by the Gov- ernor not to expect pay from the day he engaged in the service of this Province (which was the 5th May) should the Assembly have no objection to his being paid from 2d April, I believe Sir Charles will have none. Lieut. Col. Glazier’s is dated the same day but the Governor thinks he should not be entitled to Pay but from the time the New England Government paid him to. Sir Charles thought it might be some advantage to them in point of Ranksand therefore ordered the Commissions to be dated the day after the Act was passed. As Captain Johnson has only raised 45 Men, His Excellency now writes to the Lieut. Colonels of Albany to add so many Men to that Company as shall be found wanting to complete the 1315 Men, supposing every County to have furnished its full Quota. SoAPPENDIX. 507 that if McGinnis, Lotteridge and Schuyler’s Companies are full, I suppose there will be a necessity of detaching very few. Mr. Richard Morris asked me the other day if there was any room for a Lieutenant and told me his clerk Captain Brewerton’s son about 19 years of age, of whom he gives an exceeding good character, is desirious of engaging in the service, having a view to get among the Regulars hereafter if he can. If you should think it proper to give him a Commission perhaps you may have an oppor- tunity of doing it in Johnson’s Company. He is I am told a young fellow of good spirit and does not know how to provide for himself otherwise at present so it would be serving him and it may be the Publick at the same time. I am etc. Gw. Banyar. To Oliver De Lancey, Esq. New York 27 August 1756. Sir : Having received Advice from Albany that the enemy have laid Seige to Oswego and not knowing how far they may endeavour to penetrate in Case of the Loss of that Post, and as it is highly probable the Militia of your County may be soon called upon to March either to the Defence of Albany or other parts of this Prov- ince where their assistance may be wanted to repel any attempts of the Enemy, You are to hold your Regiment in readiness to march on the shortest Notice and for this Purpose you are to give imme- diate Orders for examining into the State of the Men, arms and accoutrements and the quantity of ammunition they are furnished with, and if any should be found unprovided you are to oblige them to furnish themselves as soon as possible with everything the Law requires, and to cause the Penalties of the Law to be vigorously levied on all Delinquents, and in general you are to observe and punctually obey the Orders given you by Lieutenant Governor De Lancey bearing date the Second day of September, 1754, and to the utmost of your power keep up and maintain good order and discipline in the Regiment under your command assuring them that in case they are at any time ordered to march, I will recommend to the Assembly in the strongest manner to make them a reasonable allowance for their services. Chas. Hardy. To .the Colonel or the next Commanding officer of the Regi- ment of Militia for Dutchess County. By His Excellency Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same. You are Immediately on receipt hereof to Issue your orders to the Captains or Commanding Officers of two or as many more as you shall think fit and necessary of those Companies that are near-508 appendix. est in situation to the City of Albany, that they hold their respec- tive Companies in readiness to March, and that on the first Intelli- gence from the Colonel or Commanding officer of the Regiment of Albany of the approach of an Enemy with an Intention as may be apprehended to attack that City they assemble their said Compa- nies together, and march with the utmost expedition to the City of Albany, taking with them what provisions and Ammunition they can, without Waiting for further Directions or Instructions, and that upon their arrival there they put themselves under the Command of the said Colonel or Commanding officer of the Regiment of Albany : And in case you shall receive advice of the march of a large body of the Enemy to attack Albany, so that a still greater force may be necessary to be sent to the assistance of that place, you are upon the receipt of such intelligence, and application from the said Colonel or Commanding Officer to order your whole Regiment to march thither as fast as possible, either in single Companies or larger Detachment, as they can be soonest got together, and to repair thither yourself with the other Field officers of your Regi- ment sending the earliest notice of your march to the Colonel or Commanding officer of the second Regiment of Ulster County. And you are to assure the said Captain or other officer to whom you shall give such Directions as aforesaid that I will strongly recom- mend to the General Assembly to provide for the Expenses which may accrue on this service. You are also hereby directed and required forthwith to give Orders to the respective Captains of your Regiment to cause their Serjeants to view and inspect the arms of all the Men inlisted in* or belonging to their several Companies, and to see that they be such as by law they ought to be ; and if any of them are not in order and fit for service to cause them forthwith to be mended and made fit for service and to examine into every man’s store of ammunition and accoutrements, and see that they constantly keep the quantity of each sort, which by law they are directed to do and wherever they find any men unprovided of all or any part thereof, to cause the several penalties and forfeitures inflicted bylaw, to be forthwith levied upon all and every of the delinquents without favour affec- tion or partiallity, and this you are to do once in three months and so often as you may judge expedient and Necessary to the end that every one may be constantly prepared against any surprize. And you are to give the like orders to the Troop of Horse. You are to order the Captains of each Company in your Regi- ment to Exercise his Company as often as conveniently may be, and at least once in three months, at which time every man’s arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, are by him and his subalterns to be carefully examined,"and where any of the men are found unpro- vided, or their arms, ammunition, and accoutrements defective, or in Case any of the meii unlawfully refuse or neglect to appear at such exercise, the fines are rigorously to be levyed ; and so likewise of the Troop.APPENDIX, SO? In general you are to the utmost of your power to endeavour that your whole regiment be constantly provided with everything necessary to march at a minute’s warning, and to be trained tomiliy tary Discipline as far as may be that in case of any sudden attempt, they may be able to Guard against a Surprize. Given under my Hand at Fort George in New York the Twenty- seventh day of August, 1756. Chas. Hardy. To Johannes Hardenbergh, Esqr. Colonel, or in his absence to the next Commanding officer of the first Regiment of Militia Foot for the County of Ulster. New York, 27th September 1756. Sir : I herewith transmit you the Copy of a Vote of the House of Assembly by which you will perceive there is an allowance of one shilling and three pence per day to each private Man of the Militia, who shall or may from time to time be in actual Service in aid of the Forces on the Northern Frontiers of this Colony, and a reasonable allowance to be made the officers commanding them. Which you will take the proper measures to have made known to all in your Regiment; And you will take Care that the Command- ing officer of every Party that shall March on this Service do make sign and deliver to you regular Muster Rolls containing the Names and Rank of every Person on such Duty, the time they entered upon it, and the day of their discharge, which Muster Rolls you are to sign yourself and transmit to me, keeping copies thereof by you signed as aforesaid, that in case the originals be lost recourse may be had to such copies. I am Sir Your very humble Servant : . Gw. Banyar, Dep. Sec’ry. The Colonel or Commanding officer of the Militia of the City and County of Albany, County of Dutchess, and County of Ulster. [Enclosure.] Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, Sept. 25, 1756. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that a Sum not exceeding One Shilling and Three Pence, per Day, be allowed to each private Man of the Militia, who shall or may, from Time to Time, be in actual Service in Aid of the Forces on the Northern Frontiers of this Colony, on proper Certificates of their said Service, from the Commanding Officers of the said Militia, who shall or may be so in actual Service. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that a rea- sonable Allowance be made to each Officer commanding the said Militia, on actual Service, for the Time they shall be in the said Service, on proper Certificates from their superior Officers.APPENDIX. 510 Fort George, New York, 26 March, 1757. Sir : Mr. De Lancey having informed me that you are willing to accept of the Command of one of the ten Companies in the Pay of this Province, You are accordingly to take upon you that Command and to act as Captain of one of the said Companys under your former Commission as Captain which will give you rank as the oldest Captain. I am Sir &c. Chas. Hardy. To Isaac Corsa Esq. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Fort William Henry. Fort William Henry, July 26, 1757. Sir : I am sorry that I have nothing better to relate to you than the following melancholy Affair, viz. Col. John Parker, with three of his Captains, and six or seven Subalterns, with Capt. Robert Maginis, Capt. Jonathan Ogden, Lieut. Campbell and Cotes, of the New York Regiment, with about 350 Men, went out on the 21st Instant, in Order to attack the advanced Guard at Ticonderoga by Water, in Whale and Bay Boats : They landed that Night on an Island, and sent before break of Day to the Main Land three Bat- toes, which the Enemy way-laid and took. These Battoes were to land two Miles this Side ; they being taken, gave the Enemy Intel- ligence of their Design of Landing. Our Men next Morning at Day Break, made for said Point, and the Enemy, who knew our Scheme, contrived as a Decoy, to have three Battoes making for said Point, which our People imagining to be the three Battoes sent out the Evening before, eagerly put to the Land, where about 300 Men lay in Ambush, and from behind the Point came out 40 or 50 Canoes, Whale and Bay Boats, which surrounded them entirely, and cut off everyone that was in the Circle. Col. Parker and Capt. Ogden, are the only two Officers that escaped with Life, the Latter much wounded in the Head. Capt. Maginus, and every one in the Boat with him, are Killed ; and not one Man left alive that were in the Bay Boats. Capt. Woodward being terribly wounded, jumped overboard, and was drown’d. Capt. Shaw killed ; Lieut. Campbell and Cotes of the New York Regiment, they say for certain are Killed ; a Captain of the New Jersey Regiment is also Killed, but have not yet learnt his name. Upon the whole, only Parker and Ogden escaped. Since the foregoing, Col. Glazier has received a Letter from a Serjeant belonging to Capt. Maginis’s Company, who says, that in the hottest of the Fire they forced their Battoe thro’ the Enemy’s Line, being favoured with the Smoak and Fog, and escaped with 6 or 7 more, that were alive with him in the Battoe, and landed on the East Side, where he luckily met with Capt. West from Fort Edward, on a Scout ; and as every Man made the best of his Way as soon as they landed, none but himself is yet come in safe. P. S. What could the Enemy be doing there ? They certainlyAPPENDIX. 511 were going on some great Design, by being there in so large a Body, as judged 1000 Men at least, Supp. to N\ Y. Mercury, Aug. 1, ijgpj New York, 6th August, 1757. Sir : His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, having signed an order yesterday in consequence of a Letter to him from Major Gen- eral Webb, giving an account that a large body of the Enemys Forces were moving to attack Fort William Henry. That you should hold in readiness 400 able bodied and effective Men with proper officers of your Regiment to march on the first Notice to Albany under the Command of the Major of your Regiment, and the Council having this day received information by Express from Albany to the Lieutenant Governor that Fort William Henry is actually attacked by considerable army. The Council desires that you will immediately order the said Detachment to be in a Readi- ness to march at a minute’s warning and to see that every Man be duly equipped for the Service. As the Council expects every moment the last orders for the march of the said Detachments from the Lieutenant Governor, they hope you will have them ready to march at the shortest warning. Gw. Banyar, Dep. Sec’ry. To the Colonels Commanding the Militia in the Counties of Westchester and Queens. By His Majesty’s Council in the City of New York August 13, 1757. Sir : As His Honour the Lieutenant Governor having ordered six hundred Men of the Militia of Queens County to be sent to Albany for the preservation of that City, and the Council having this instant received an order from the Lieutenant Governor by Express that one half of the Militia of your County should march into Queens County and be posted in the Towns nearest New York You are therefore immediately on Receipt hereof to order one half of the Militia of Suffolk County under proper officers to march into Queens County and to post them in the Towns nearest New York. P. S. By this Express we have an account that Fort William Henry and that Fort Edward was attacked and was taken by the Enemy and therefore it behoves every one at this Critical Conjunc- ture to do his utmost to save his Country from the Ravages of a Cruel Enemy. To the Colonel Commanding the Militia of Queens and Suffolk Counties.512 APPENDIX. C’ " New York, 14 August, 1757. ' Sir; We received your Honours Letter of the nth Instant by the post and were pleased to hear that the account you gave us of Fort Edward's being attacked was false and are glad to find that the affair at Fort William Henry was not so bad as was first re- ported. We have done everything in our power to hasten Succour for. Albany, yesterday there went 600 men from this City mostly Volunteers, part of ye Detachment from West Chester under Major Courtlandt went last Friday and the Remainder we suppose are gone by this time. That from Queens County are to embark to- morrow from Newtown Creek upwards of 300 men have passed by from Jersey and we are tola by Mr Stevens more are expected to the amount of 1000 in the whole. We hear great numbers are gone and going from New England but have no certain account how. many they consist of. We shall continue to do everything in our power for the publick service, and remain your Honours most obdt. Humble Servts. &c. To the Hon. James De Lancey. Endorsed. Letter from the Council at N. Y., to the Lt. Gov. at Albany T4 Aug. 1757.. To his Majesty's Council of the City of New York. Gentlemen : I have with all the despatch imaginable agreeable to your order of the 12th instant raised one half the militia of Suffolk County who are now cheerfully marching into Queens County in obedience to your Honours command where they will wait for fur- ther orders from his Honour the Governor or the Council and as there are many deficiencys in the militia for want of Commission officers I have to supply that defect appointed such men as officers as I thought best at this critical juncture to save our country which I hope you will approve of, a list whereof I here send you by the Express. I am in a poor state of health at present so as I am not able to march with the men and have sent the adjutant with them designing myself God willing to follow them if I am able to ride. I am with the greatest respect Your nlost Humble & obedient Servant, Richard Floyd. Brookhaven, Aug. 15th, 175 . New York, August 229 7757. On Friday the 12th Instant, an Express arrived here from Albany, with an Account of the Sur- render of Fort William Henry, to a large Army of French. The same Day 700 Volunteers from the City alone, .turned out, and next Day embarked for Albany, under the Command of Capt. Jasper Farmer, of the Artillery; Capt. John Provoost, of the Cadets ; Capt. James De Peyster, of the Grenadiers ; and the Captains DuAPPENDIX. 513 Bois, Lispenard and Beekman of the Militia. Most of Capt. John- ston’s Troop of Horse went up by Land. They were all ordered to return by Col. De Lancey who met them at Esopus. The N. Y. Mercury, Aug. 22, 1757. By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq; His Majesty's Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief \ in and over the Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereo?i, in America. A Proclamation. Whereas the Government, from a due Sense of the Dangers impending on North-America, and a dutiful Regard to His Majesty’s just Expectations from this His loyal Colony, hath made ample Provision for raising, paying, and cloathing, Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in Conjunction with a Body of His Majesty’s British Forces, and the Forces of the neighbouring Colonies against the French Settlements in Canada. And, as an Encouragement to Persons to inlist volun- tarily into the said Service, hath granted the iVllowances following : To each able-bodied Man, entering voluntarily into the said Service, the Sum of Ten Pounds, as a Gratuity for their voluntary Inlistment. To each Officer properly authorized to inlist Men, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, for each able-bodied Volunteer he shall inlist into the said Service : With the following Rates of Pay to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, viz. To Sergeants, One Shilling and Eight- Pence j To Corporals and Drummers, One Shilling and Six-Pence ; and to Private Men, One Shilling and Three-Pence, per Day, each. And to each Man the following Cloathing; One Hat, a Coat, a Pair of Buck-skin Breeches, two Shirts, two Pair of Stockings, two Pair of Shoes, and one Blanket. And as a further Inducement, the Forces will be furnished with Tents, and all other Necessaries for the Campaign. I have therefore thought fit to Notify the same by this Procla- mation, earnestly inviting His Majesty’s good Subjects chearfully to inlist; and promising to all those.who shall inlist in this Service, the Bounty and other Encouragements before-mentioned. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Fort-George, in the City of New York, the 25th Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty-eight, in the Thirty-first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, james De Lancey. By His Honour's Command, Gw. Banyar, Dep’y-Sec’ry. God Save the King 335H APPENDIX. By the Honourable James De Lance y, Esq ; His Majesty's Lieu- tenant Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over the Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereon in America. A Proclamation Forasmuch as a great Number of Men who shall inlist, or be engaged in the Forces in the Pay of this Province, will be possessed of good Arms of their own, which it is apprehended they will prefer to those furnished by the Crown, not only from their being much lighter, but as from their being accustomed to them, they will be much surer of their Mark with those, than with Arms they never handled before ; I have thought fit, as an Encouragement to all those who are able to furnish themselves with good Arms, to notify, that, if any such serviceable Arms as they shall bring to the Ren- dezvous, shall happen to be lost, or receive Damage in actual Service, the General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces will make them good to the Proprietors, in Money. And as a Powder-Horn, Shot-Bag, with a Case for the Lock of their Gun, to preserve it from the Weather, are thought more proper for the present Service than the common Accoutrements, the Men are also to come provided therewith. And whereas there may be a Number of the King’s Arms, and Arms belonging to this Province, concealed by Deserters, or others ; I do therefore require all His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, and Sheriffs, to make, and cause diligent Search to be made, within their respective Districts, for all such Arms ; and to seize and send the same to the City of New- York, to be delivered to Christopher Blundell, Store-keeper, at Fort George. Given under my Hand and Seal of Arms, at Fort George, in the City of New-York, the 8th Day of April, 1758, in the Thirty- first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth. , James De Lancey. By His Honour s Command, J Gw. Banyar, Depy. Secry. God Save the King. Deserted from Capt. Moore’s Company, belonging to one of the New York Provincial Regiments, the following Persons viz.: John Belcher, born in New Jersey, 22 years of age, brown complexion, 5 feet 10. John Fitzgerald, born in Ireland, 26 years old, brown complexion, 5 feet 4. Thomas Wiel, born in London, 24 years old, fair complexion, 5 feet 6. William Waters, born in Liverpool, 19 years, brown complexion, 5 feet 2. Roger Connely, born in Ireland,APPENDIX. 515 27 years, brown complexion, 5 feet 8. Edmund Murphy, born in Ireland, 20 years, fair complexion, 5 feet 7. Whoever takes up and secures any of the above Deserters, and will convey them safe to New York, shall besides having all reason- able Charges paid, receive Twenty Shillings Reward for each, paid by Gerard G. Beekman. The N. Y. Mercury, May <9, 1758. By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq ; His Majesty's Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chiefs in and over the Province of New-York, and the Territories depending thereon in America. A Proclamation. Whereas His Majesty hath nothing so much at Heart, as to im- prove the great and important Advantages gained last Campaign, as well as to repair the Disappointment at Ticonderoga, and by the most vigorous and extensive Efforts, to avert, by the Blessing of God on His Arms, all Dangers which may threaten North-Ameidca, from any future Irruptions of the French. And, whereas this Govern* ment being heartily disposed to co-operate with, and second to the utmost, the large Expence and extraordinary Succors supplied by Great-Britain, for their Preservation and Defence, hath made ample Provision for raising, paying, and cloathing, Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in Conjunction with a Body of His Majesty’s British Forces, and the Forces of the neighbouring Colonies, for invading Canada, and carrying War into the Heart of the Enemy’s Posses- sions ; and as an Encouragement to Persons to inlist voluntarily in the said Service, hath granted the Allowances following. To each able bodied Man, entering voluntarily into the said Service, the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, as a Gratuity for their volun- tary Inlistment. To each Officer properly authorized to inlist Men, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, for each able bodied Volunteer, he shall inlist into the said Service. With the following Rates of Pay to the Non Commission Officers and Men. To Serjeants One Shilling and Eight Pence. To Cor- porals and Drummers, One Shilling and Six Pence ; and to private Men, One Shilling and Three Pence, per Day each. And to each Man ; one Hat, a Coat, a Pair of Buckskin Breeches, two Shirts, two Pair of Stockings, two Pair of Shoes, and one Blanket. And His Majesty fs pleased to furnish all the Men so raised, with Arms, Ammunition and Tents, as well as to order Provisions to be issued to them, in the same Proportion and Manner as is done to the rest of the King’s Forces. And as a further Inducement to Men to inlist, I have thought fit,APPENDIX. 5^6 by the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, to declare, that all Per- sons who shall voluntarily engage in this Service, shall be intituled to a proportionable Share of the Lands to be granted for the Settle- ment of the upper Part of this Province. I have therefore thought fit to notify the same by this Proc- lamation ; earnestly inviting His Majesty’s loyal and brave Sub- jects, chearfully to inlist, and promising to all those who shall inlist, in this Service, the Bounty and other Encouragements before mentioned. An all Persons who deserted from the Forces in the Pay of this Province, during the last or any former Campaign, and shall come in, and inlist themselves in the Service aforesaid, on or before the first Day of April next, shall be intituled to a Pardon, and the like Encouragements as are given to other Volunteers. And forasmuch as many Persons have Arms of their own, which from their being accustomed to, and being lighter than the Tower Arms, will, it is apprehended, be more agreeable to them ; I do hereby make known, that His Excellency General Amherst, as an Encouragement to the Men to come provided with their own service- able Arms, hath engaged to pay for every one that shall be spoiled, or lost in actual Service, at the Rate of Twenty-five Shillings, Ster- ling, a Firelock. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Fort-George, in the City of New York, the Seventh Day of March 1759, in the Thirty-second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c. James De Lancey. By His Honour’s Command Gw. Banyar, Dep-Sec’ry. God Save the King. * All Gentlemen Volunteers, Inclined to serve his Majesty, in the Service of the Province of New-York, in the present Expedi- tion against Canada ; are desired to come to Captain Elias Des- brosses, or, Capt. Thomas Moore; or any other Officer having the Governor’s Warrant to inlist Men in the City and County of New York. And upon passing Muster, will be entituled to the following Bounty, viz. The Sum of Fifteen Pounds in Cash ; one Blanket, one good Coat, one Pair of Buck-skin Breeches, two Shirts, two Pair of Stockings, t.wo Pair of Shoes, and one Hat. And further, besides their Pay, (which is One Shilling and Three Pence per Day) they shall receive One Shilling per Day for their Subsistence, from the Time of their Inlistment, until they pass Muster. They are to be discharged by Law, the First Day of November next; and possibly sooner. It is to be observed, that the above Bounty with their Pay, being allowed for Six MonthsAPPENDIX. 517 Service, amounts to Three Shillings per Day, exclusive of their Cloathing, and other Camp Equipage. New York, March 5th, 1759. By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq; His Majesty’s Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over the Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereon in America. In Pursuance of an Act entitled, An Act for raising a Supply of One Hundred Thousand Pounds, for levying, paying and cloathing, Two thousand six hundred and eighty effective Men, Officers in- cluded, for forming with the Forces of the neighboring Colonies, an Army of Twenty thousand Men, to invade, in Conjunction with a Body of his Majesty’s regular Troops, the French Possessions in Canada ; for emitting Bills of Credit for the like Sum ; and for sinking and cancelling the said Bills in short Periods ; passed the Seventh Day of March Instant ; You are, unless a sufficient Num- ber of Volunteers offer before the Fourth Day of April next, on that Day to detach four under your Com- mand ; or so many Men, as, with the Number of effective Men raised by voluntary inlistment in the said shall make out the full Number of being the Quota of the said of the Forces to be raised by Virtue of the Act afore- said. And you are to take especial Care that such Detachment consist of none but able-bodied and effective Men, fit to perform the Service of the Campaign, as Non-effectives will be dismissed by the Officer wdiom I shall appoint to muster them : In which Case, you are immediately upon receiving Notice from the said Officer of the Number of non-effective Men, to detach an equal Number of able-bodied and effective Men in Lieu of such Non-effectives ; and so in like Manner from Time to Time, until the Whole are effective and complete; which Detachment you are to cause to be marched and there delivered to the Officer who shall have Orders to receive them. And you are, without any Delay, to return to me a List of the Names of the Persons detached, under your hand. Given under my Hand at Fort George in the City of New York the Sixteenth Day of March 1759, in the Thirty second Year of his Majesty’s Reign. James De Lancey. Issued orders agreeable to the above Form filled up as Follows New York, Colonel DeLancey. To march to the green near the Work House. Albany, Sir William Johnson To the City of Albany. - Kings, Johannes Lott, Esqr. To Brookland. Queens, Stephen Hicks, Esqr. To Newtown. Suffolk, Richard Floyd. To Newtown in Queens County. Huntington.APPENDIX. 518 Richmond, Thomas Dongan, Esqr. To march to Van Tuyles Ferry. Westchester, William Willet, Esqr. Part to Justin Marling’s and part to Peek’s Kill as shall be most convenient. Dutchess, Martinus Hoffman, Esqr. Part to Fishkill, part to Pokeepsingh and part to Kip’s Ferry as shall be most convenient, Ulster, Johannes Hardenbergh, Esqr. Col. of the 1st Regiment Thomas Ellison, Esqr. Col. of the 2d Regiment as follows, those of the 1 st Regt. to Kingston, and those of the 2d Regt. to New Wind- sor. Orange, Abraham Herring, Esqr. Col. of the Regt. to the Southward of the Mountains. Benjamin Thurston Esqr. Col. of the Regt. to the Northward of the Mountains, as follows those from the Southern Regiment to Haverstraw and those from the Northern Regiment to New Windsor. Where only one Colonel Directed thus One order to each Colonel, all dated March 16 1759 By the Honorable James De Lancey Esqr., His Majesty’s Lieut Gov. &c. You are to repair to the County of so as to be there on or before the tenth day of April Instant and then to muster the Quota of men to be raised for the said County of which is to consist of effective Men. In doing whereof you are carefully to enquire into the Age and Health and particu- larly to examine the Limbs of every Man, and to pass no Man whom you shall not upon such examination esteem to be able bodied and fit to perform the service of a Campaign. You are to return the Names of all Non effectives to the Colonel or Command- ing officer of the Regiment of the said and require him to detach an equal Number of men immediately in lieu of such Non effectives pursuant to the Orders he had from me whom you are also to Muster at such time and Place as you shall think fit giving timely notice thereof to the proper Officer that the men may be in readiness to be mustered. And you are to return a Muster Roll of the men so mustered digested into Columns agreeable to the model on the other side under your Hand to the Paymasters and Commissaries in this City keeping a Copy thereof & signifying my orders to the Captains commanding the respective Companies to take Copies of such Muster Rolls for their own use respectively. Given under my Hand at Fort George in the City of New York the Fifth day of April 1759. James De Lancey New York 7 April 1759 Sir : Inclosed I send you by the Governor’s Directions, Orders for mustering the Quotas of men to be raised by the Counties ofAPPENDIX. 5IQ Ulster and Orange: It is impossible that they can be executed both on the same day and therefore tis thought it will be best to Muster Ulster first and Orange as soon as that is done. The Governor bid me acquaint you that a Reasonable allowance should be made for your Trouble : He is just sat off with the General for Philadelphia and is expected to return in eight days at farthest. I am Sir Your most Obedt. Humble Servant Gw. Banyar. Charles Clinton, Esqr. New York 7 April 1759 Sir : Inclosed you have the Governor’s Orders for mustering the Quota of Men to be raised in the City and County of Albany. The Governor ordered the Warrant for Mustering those of West- chester County to be directed to you and Mr Thomas or either of you, so that if you should choose to stay to muster Westchester County you may, as the time will permit of it, or you may leave Mr Thomas to muster those of Westchester, as you and he think best. You’l observe the time appointed for your being at Albany is the 17th Instant. I am Sir Your most Obedt. Humble servant Gw. Banyar Lieut. Colonel Isaac Corsa. New York 7 April 1759 Sir : The Governor is just set off for Philadelphia with the General. Before he sat off he ordered me to send you the Inclosed Orders for Mustering the Quota of Men to be raised in Westchester County. Lieut. Col. Corsa is joined with you, But as he is to go to Albany to muster their Quota I imagine it will be most convenient that you muster those of Westchester yourself, but this is left to you and Col. Corsa. In either case, I dare say, none but good and able bodied men will be passed. I am Sir Your most Obedt. Humble servant Gw. Banyar. John Thomas, Esqr. New York, April 23, 1759. We can with Pleasure inform the Public, that the New York Regiment is by Voluntary Inlistment compleated to 2500 Men ; and as a remarkable Spirit for the Service prevails, there is not the least Doubt but in a few Days we shall be entirely compleated to 2680 Men, the full Establishment of this Colony. Weyman's N. Y, Gazette, April 23, 1739.APPENDIX. h520 By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esqr. His Majesty’s Lieut. Gov. &c. To Whereas by an Act of the Legislature of this Province passed on the Third of May Instant, Provision is made for raising and sub- sisting eight complete companies of Volunteers to consist of one Captain, 2 Lieutenants, 4 Serjeants, 3 Corporals, 1 Drummer and 59 Private men to be employed in the building one or more Forts on his Majesty’s lands to the northward of Albany in Conjunction with the forces to be raised by the other Governments the whole to be commanded by William Johnson, Esqr, Major General and Commander in Chief of the said Forces. And as an Inducement to officers and Men to engage in this Service the following Pay and other Advantages are granted by the Act: To every Captain who shall raise such a complete Company to be paid on the first muster thereof One Hundred Pounds. To each able bodied man a Bounty of Thirty-two Shillings and Six-pence, a Blanket, a good Lapelled Coat a felt Hat, one Shirt, two pair of orzanbrigs Trowsers one pair of Shoes and one pair of Stockings. To Captains Eight Shil- lings per diem Lieutenants Six Shillings, Sergeants One Shilling and Eight-pence Corporals One Shilling and Six-pence Drummers One Shilling and Six-pence and each private man One Shilling and Three-pence per day Pay. And you being represented to me as a Person able to raise such a Company and fit to be employed in this service I have therefore thought fit to authorize and I do hereby authorize and impower you to beat up for Volunteers and to raise such a Company within this Province whom you are to inlist accord- ing to the directions herewith given you. On the completion and muster whereof you shall receive my Commission to command such Company and from thenceforth be entitled to pay : and ail officers civil and military are required to give you all due Encouragement. And for your so doing this shall be your warrant. James De Lancey. May 4 1759. 4 May delivered to Colonel Johnson a Warrant to Mr William McGinnis and another to Edmond Mathews to raise Companies, with 4 blank warrants for Lieutenants of those Companies with the Instructions for each Captain as to the Method of enlisting Men. All dated 3d May. 5 May delivered a like warrant to Mr Philip J. Schuyler and 2 blank warrants for his Lieutenants with the like Instructions. All dated the 5 May. The Governor dated the warrant himself on the First day. 17 May Sent a like warrant to Dr. Muirson for Owen with two Lieutenants warrants by Express dated this day. Sent a like warrant to Jno. Sherman Esq. for Isaac Corsa, Esq & one Lieutenant warrant dated same day. The other warrant is given to Michael Thodey. [Gw. Banyar.]APPENDIX. 521 New York, May 14, 175 g. List of the Captains and Lieu- tenants OF THE SEVERAL COMPANIES COMPOSING THE TWO New York Battalions, gone on the present Campaign [the last Division from this City embarked for Albany on the 14th inst.] John Johnston, Esq ; Colonel of the New York Regiment, and Colonel of the 1st Battalion. Isaac Corsa, Lieutenant Colonel of the 1st Battalion/ Bartholomew Le Roux, Colonel Commandant of the 2d Bat- talion. Michael Thodey, Lieut. Col. of the 2d Battalion. Myndert Roseboom, Major 1st Battalion. Richard Smith, George Brewerton, jun. and Tobias Van Zandt, Captains. Francis Thodey, and Barnaby Byrn, Lieuts. to R. Smith. John Vischer and Robert Crawford, Lieuts to Geo. Brewerton. Abra- ham Deforeest and Peter Myer, Lieuts to T. Yan Zandt. New York 312 effective Men. William Gilchrist, Joshua Bloomer, Joseph Holmes, Captains from West Chester County. Nathan Flint, Joseph Golding, Henry Bayeaux, Joseph Bull, Gilbert Willet, and Sylvanus Horton, their Lieutenants. Jonathan Haight, Captain from the Manor of Courtlandt, West Chester County. Robert Travis and Nathaniel Wyatt, his Lieu- tenants. 389 effective Men, from the whole County. Thomas Arrowsmith, Captain from Richmond. Anthony Wat- ers his Lieutenant. 51 effective Men. John Pawling, Samuel Badgeley, Jacobus Swartwout, and Richard Rae, Captains from Dutchess. Peter Harris, Cornelius Badgeley, Lewis De Lavergne, Robert Emory, Reuben Beadle, Simon Caulk- in gs, Francis Beatty, and Thomas McNeal, their Lieutenants. 389 effective Men. James Howell, Captain from Orange. Francis Osborne and Peter Lent, his Lieutenants. 130 effective Men. James Clinton, Captain from Ulster. Joseph Denton and Peter Dumont, his Lieutenants. 228 effective Men. Richard Hulet, Ephraim Morse and Daniel Wright, Captains from Queens. Joseph Beadle, Michael Weeks, George Dunbar, Roelef Duryee, Isaac Seaman and Joseph Casseday, their Lieuten- ants. 300 effective Men. and Verdine Elsworth, Captains from Kings. John Middagh, Isaac Middagh, Haight and , their Lieutenants. 68 effective Men. Gilbert Potter, Barnabas Tuthill and Seth Sayre, Captains from Suffolk. Joseph Brewster, Jesse Platt, David Griffin, Daniel Gold- smith, Elias Halsey and Jonathan Baker, their Lieutenants. 289 effective Men. Peter Du Bois, Deputy Paymaster.522 APPENDIX. Thomas Jones. Ralph Norton and John Biggs Castrist, Sur- geons. Constant O'Bryan and Quarter Masters. Cornelius Van Beuren, Captain on the Western Frontiers. Ma- thew Rea and Jacob Ruse De Witt, his Lieutenants, with 90 Men. Albany has four Companies, but we have not yet received the Officers names. 424 effective Men. Weyman's N. Y. Gazette, May 21, 1759. Deserted from the New York Regiment, 1759. From Capt. Holmes’s Company. John Blackwood, by trade a cooper, 5 feet 9 inches, 29 years of age, dark complexion light eyes and light hair. Charles Williams, labourer, 18 years of age dark complexion, light eyes and light hair. Benedict Arnold, by trade a weaver, 18 years of age, dark complexion, light eyes and black hair. Whoever takes up and secures the said deserters, or either of them, in any of his Majesty’s gaols, so that they may be sent to the regiment, shall receive Forty Shillings reward for each, and all rea- sonable charges paid by Thomas Willett, in West Chester County. From Capt. Hulet’s Company raised on Long Island. James Hamsen \_Harrison\, born in New York, 19 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, grey eyes, dark complexion, brown hair, a labourer. Benjamin Lewis, born in Rhode Island, 23 years of age, 5 feet 2 inches, brown eyes, sandy hair, and a ruddy complexion, a labourer. Mathew Carr, born in Bucks Co. Penn. 21 years old, 5 feet 4 inches, blue eyes, ruddy complexion, light hair, a labourer. Vin- cent Hodge, born in Germany, 45 years of age, a taylor by trade, 5 feet 8, brown eyes, sandy hair. Robert Katiens, 28 years old, 5 feet 5, brown complexion and hair, a fisherman. From Capt. Wright’s Company, Long Island ; Daniel Chapma?i, born in Conn, by trade a ship carpenter, 5 feet 11%, grey eyes, sandy complexion and hair. Thomas Jones, born in New Jersey, 30 years of age, 5 feet 9%, blue eyes, ruddy complexion, a labourer. Samuel Palmer, born in Conn., 5 feet 9, brown eyes, sandy hair, a labourer. From Capt. Morse’s Company, Long Island. James Combs, born in New Jersey, by trade a weaver, 5 feet brown eyes and hair. From Capt. Potter’s Company, Long Island. John Jones, born in Ireland, 41 years of age, 5 feet 8, light complexion, well set, and wears a wig. From Capt. Tuthill’s Company, Long Island. David Mur row, 47 years of age, 5 feet 5, born in Scotland, by trade a nail-maker, dark complexion. From the Company raised in King’s County, Long Island. Thomas Chelwell, born on Long Island, labourer, 26 years of age, 5 feet 11, fair complexion. Charles Powers, inlisted in King’s County, L. I.APPENDIX. 523 Any persons securing ally of the above Deserters, in the gaol of New York, or Albany, shall have Three Pounds reward, paid by the Commissary, for each. Weymaris N. Y. Gazette, May 21, 1759- By the Honourable James De Lancey, Esq.; His Majesty § Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief \ in and over the Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereon in America. A Proclamation. Whereas this Government, from a dutiful Regard to His Majesty’s just expectations from this His loyal Colony, hath made ample Provision for raising paying, and cloathing, Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty effective Men, Officers included, to be em- ployed in Conjunction with a Body of His Majesty’s British Troops, and the Forces of the neighbouring Colonies, in Order to complete the Reduction of all Canada. And as an Encouragement to Persons to inlist voluntarily in the said Service, hath granted the Allowances following. To each able bodied Man entering voluntarily into the said Ser- vice, the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, as a Gratuity of their voluntary Inlistment. To each officer, properly authorized to inlist Men, the Sum of Twenty Shillings for each able bodied volunteer he shall inlist into the said Service. With the following Rates of Pay to the Non-Commission Offi- cers and Men, viz. To Serjeants, One Shilling and Eight Pence. To Corporals and Drummers, One Shilling and Six Pence. And to private Men, One Shilling and Three Pence, per Day each. And to each Man the following cloathing ; One Hat, a Coat, a Pair of Buck-skin Breeches, two Shirts, two Pair of Stockings, two Pair of Shoes, and one Blanket. And as a farther inducement ; the Forces will be furnished with Tents, and all other necessaries for the Campaign. I Have Therefore thought fit, to notify the same by this Procla- mation, earnestly in inviting His Majesty’s good Subjects chearfully to inlist; and promising to all those who shall inlist in this Service, the Bounty and other Encouragements before mentioned. Given, under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Fort- George, in the • City of New York, the Twenty-second Day of Marchy 1760, in Thirty-third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Gra^e of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c. James De Lyncey. By His Honour's Command, Gw. Banyar, Dep. Secry. God save the King.APPENDIX, 524 Fifteen Pounds Bounty. All Gentlemen Volunteers, In- clined to serve his Majesty King George the Hid, in the service of the Province of New-York, in the present Expedition against Canada, are desired to repair to Colonel Isaac Corsa, at his House opposite the Hon. William Walton, Esq; in the City of New-York, or any other Officer, having the Governor’s Warrant to inlist Men in the City and County of New-York: And upon pass- ing Muster, will be entitled to the following Bounty viz. The Sum of Fifteen Pounds in Cash, one Blanket, one good Coat, one pair of Buck-skin Breeches, two Shirts, two pair of Stockings, two pair of Shoes, and one Hat : And further besides their Pay (which is one Shilling and three Pence per Day) they shall receive nine Shil- lings per Week, for their Subsistance, from the Time of their Inlist- ment until they pass Muster. They are to be discharged by Law, the first Day of November next, and possibly sooner. It is to be observed that the above Bounty, with their Pay, being allowed for six Month’s Service, amounts to three Shillings per Day, exclusive of their Cloathing and other Camp Equipage. New-York, March 24th, 1760, Additional Names not on Muster Rolls, and Non-com- missioned Officers. Campaign of 1760. [From the Commissariat Accounts of John Cruger, Beverly Robinson and Peter Van Brugh Livingston.] Capt. James Middagh, Kings Co. (Muster Roll, page 212); Ser- geants, George Heft, Walter Du Bois, Jeremiah Stilwell, George Vol- mer ; Corporals, John Twedell, George Foulk. Capt. James Clinton, Ulster Co. (Muster Roll, page 216); Corpo- rals, Robert Waugh, George Luckin ; Privates, Robert Boyd, jun., Blenny Mountron, John Ward, Thomas Nelly, William Kirk, Rob- ert Smith. Capt. Ephraim Morse, Queens Co. (Muster Roll, page 220) ; Sergeant, Samuel Roberts; Corporal, Daniel Rooney ; Privates, John Philip Honce, Caleb Smith, Thomas Read, Alexander Wishart, Henry Smith, Peter Duffen, Lodowick Creets. Capt. Daniel Wright, Queens Co. (Muster Roll, page 226); Ser- geants, William Beacon, Solomon Tyler; Corporal, John Baker ; Fifer, John Martin ; Privates, Michael Morse, John McLean, John Suisher, Richard Spad, Paul Tibbets, Claude Champlin, John Hunter. Capt. Israel Horton, Suffolk Co. (Muster Roll, page 232) ; Ser- geant, Robert Bruce; Corporal, Isaac Penny; Privates, David McLaughlin, Michael Montgomery, David Muns, Randal Clarke.APPENDIX. 525 Capt. Jesse Platt, Suffolk Co. (Muster Roll, page 236); Sergeant, Peter Frazier; Corporal, James Bohannon; Privates, Daniel Hale- bengs, Samuel McCollister, James Sambo, Daniel Sampson. Capt. George Dunbar, Queens C,Q. (Muster Roll, page 242) ; Sergeants, Robert Mack, Frederick Aubery ; Corporal, Daniel McCloud ; Private, Joseph Smith. Capt. Anthony Waters, Richmond Co. (Muster Roll, page 246) ; Sergeants, Andrew Ogg, Joseph Hawkins ; Corporal, James Somer- ville. Capt. John Van Vechten, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 248) ; Sergeant, Thomas Mathews ; Corporal, Robert Griffith, Private, Anthony Swarts. Capt. Peter Harris, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 254); Ser- geants, Moses Prindle, Albertus Sickner ; Corporal, James Webb ; Drummer, Asa Perkins ; Privates, Joseph Yale, David Cash, Fran- cis Miller, Martin Seaman, Francis Elliot, Henry Reynolds, John Vanden Bogert, Myndert Yanden Bogert, Noah Flail, Leonard Union. Capt. John Van Ness, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 258) ; Corporal, Samuel Richards; Privates, John Whiteman, Everdus Walker, John Crippen, Henry Wheeler. Capt. Richard Rea, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 262); Ser- geant, Phineas Woodward ; Corporal, John Sunderland. Capt. Jacobus Swartwout, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 268); Sergeant, William Lent; Drummer, David Carter ; Privates, Fran- cis Doran, Abner Gillett. Capt. Stephen Schuyler, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 272) ; Sergeants, John Petzold, Joseph Thurston, James McCrindel, Michael Keough ; Corporal, John Miller; Privates, Michael Fowler, Christian Smoake, Henry Niel, Capt. Peter Bain, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 278); Sergeants, Richard George, Obadiah Robbins ; Co?porals, Joseph Adams, Wil- liam Clark ; Privates, David Porter, Joseph Bryan, Jacob More- wise, David Powell, Thomas McDonough, Capt. Jonathan Baker, Suffolk Co. (Muster Roll, page 280) ; Privates, Timothy Shehan, Jeremiah Crowley, George Ash. Capt. Christopher Yates, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 288) ; Corporal, Nathan Jackaway ; Drummer, William Murdick ; Privates, David Soper, Thomas Christoffel. Capt. Abraham D’e Forest, New York Co. (Muster Roll, page 292) ; Sergeants, William Bloomfield, Caleb Ogden ; Corporals, Ed- ward Doran, John Brower ; Drummer, James Munson ; Privates, John Webster, James Churchill, Robert Walters, Thomas Pudefer, William Ellsworth, Joseph Bouche.526 APPENDIX. Capt. Barnaby Byrn, New York Co. (Muster Roll, page 298) ; Sergeants, William Pew, Norris Palmer, Daniel Forbes, James Devereaux ; Corporal, James Barns; Privates, John Clyme, Simon Trump, John McGuire. Capt. Nathaniel Hubbell, New York Co. (Muster Roll, page 304) ; Sergeant, Thomas Darby ; Corporal, Henry Metcalfe ; Drummer, William Hughes, Sen’r ; Privates, John Mprris, William Woodford, Edward Burney, Simon Van Beuren. Capt. Henry Bayeux, Westchester Co. (Muster Roll, page 310) ; Sergeants, Robert Shases, Roger Pell ; Corporal, John Evans ; Pri- vate, Joseph Gillow. Capt. William Gilchrist, Westchester Co. (Muster Roll, page 314); Privates, Hachaliah Brundags, James Sniffin, Michael Cross, John Gacell Shaisbick, Peter Ward. Capt. Jonathan Haight, Westchester Co. (Muster Roll, page 318) ; Sergeants, Richard Hutchinson, Jonathan Woolsey, Josiah Smith ; Corporals, Jacob Travis, Thomas Ryan ; Drummer, Peter Mills; Privates, Jacob Shaffer, Thomas Peake, John McCude, John Wilson, William Hughson. Capt. James Howell, Orange Co. (Muster Roll, page 328) ; Cor- poral, David Rogers ; Privates, Michael Warren, Jonathan Knapp, James Dougherty, John Martin, Uriah Hand, Silas Barr, John Lewis, William Ewen. Capt. Gilbert Willett, Westchester Co. (No Muster Roll); Drum- mer, Mathew Hudson; Privates, James Rhodes, Benjamin Byea, Isaac Briggs, James Bland, Thomas Cromwell, John Chandler, Peter Merritt, William McCormick, Reuben Lane, Thomas Gibson, James Billington, Jabez Smith, John McCollom. Capt. Cornelius Wynkoop, Ulster Co. (No Muster Roll); Ser- geants, Samuel Daw, John Sleight, jun.; Corporal, John Bradley; Drummer, Cornelius Chambers ; Privates, William McConnell, Robert Cahil, William Sloughter, Cornelius Conway, Jacob Bailey, Nicholas Slayter, Casper Ryker, Jacobus Montania, Adam Cater, Jeremiah Kittle, John Carn, Frederick Hynes, John Griffin, Patrick McGee, Martinus Beekman, Thomas Elsworth. Capt. Wynkoop was paid May 7, 1760, £1,840 bounty and enlisting money for 115 men. Capt. Francis Thodey, New York (Muster Roll, page 338); Privates, Remig Jarera, Peter Murray, Peter Joseph. Campaign of 1761. Capt. Barnaby Byrn, New York Co. (Muster Roll, page 342); Sergeants, William McDermott, James Kearns, William Smith, Nicholas O’Bryan; Corporal, James Magee; Privates, Henry Bovey,APPENDIX. 527 Samuel Reese, Thomas Bernard, William Evans, William Allen, James Neilson, Samuel Langsford. Capt. Anthony Waters, Richmond and Kings Cos. (Muster Roll, page 346); Sergeants, John Freedale, Thomas Ryan, Joseph Nesbitt; Privates, Adam Hurst, Frederick Anderson, George Amust, Peter Keabler, Peter Showl, George Reed, Joseph Ferris, Frederick Femont, John O’Bryan, John McClair, George Finney, Joseph Rotenzur, James Davison, William Owens. Capt. Daniel Wright, Queens Co. (Muster Roll, page 352); Sergeants, David Stanley, Patrick McDaniel, Samuel Roberts, James Dougherty, Josiah Smith, Thomas Ryan; Corporals, John Vougue, John Barren, Thomas Smith; Privates, Richard Howard, Thomas Corley, Henry Birdsall, William Winton, Alexander Young, Isaiah Doughty, Samuel Reed. Capt. William Gilchrist, Westchester Co. (Muster Roll, page 358); Sergeants, John Chandler, Isaac Sherwood, Joseph Pell; Private, Valentine Ryneck. Capt. John Van Vechten, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 362); Sergeants, John Fitzgerald, William Young, Edmond Stephens; Corporals, John Prime, John Chorbacker, John Boyd; Privates, Robert Meeker, William Mallory, Samuel Mallory, Eleazer Bixley, John Knapp, Anthony Wolf. Capt. Christopher Yates, Albany Co. (Muster Roll, page 368); Sergeant, Joseph Thurston; Corporals, James Man, George Russell; Privates, Richard Richter, Samuel Walker, Christopher Fisher, Philip Shoemaker, Robert Griffiths, John Moore, Aarent Spitson, Michael Doran, Anthony Ure, Patrick McLaughlin, William Skey, Daniel Regan. Capt. Abraham De Forest, New York Co. (Muster Roll, page 374); Sergeants, John Nowland, Thcmas Green, Joseph Noblit, James Welch; Corporals, Anthony Rose, Alexander Clark; Pri- vates, Cornelius Corson, Benjamin Frasier. Capt. Peter Harris, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 380); Sergeants, Abraham Swartwout, John Kean; Corporal, Benjamin Post; Drummer, David McCarthy; Privates, James Webb, Henry Randel, John Evans, Silas Tarbil, Justin Pettit, John Montgomery, Samuel Perry, Theodoras Crosby, Mungo San go, William Tuttle, Edward Coffin, Nehemiali Bell, John Jordan, John Miller. Capt. Jesse Platt, Suffolk Co. (Muster Roll, page 384); Ser- geants, Peter Frazier, William Bruise, James Collins; Corporal, Ben- jamin Toms; Drummer, James Bohannon; Privates, William Han- son, William Holland. Capt. Jonathan Haight, Westchester Co. (Muster Roll, page 386); Sergeant, Isaac Akerly; Corporal, Gilbert Travis; Privates,528 APPENDIX. Thomas Hughson, Ogilvie Drake, Samuel Hughson, Aaron Chatter- ton, John Donaldson, Jesse Arnold, Edward Dillon, John Boyer. Capt. Richard Rea, Albany, Ulster and Dutchess Cos. (Mus- ter Roll, page 392); Sergeants, James McCrindle, William Clark, Richard George, Obadiah Robbins; Corporal, William Whitehead; Privates, Michael Conner, Jeremiah McCartney, Peter Decker, William Philipse, Samuel Beatty. Capt. James Clinton, Ulster Co. (Muster Roll, page 398); Ser> geants, John Coulter, William Buchannan, James Dunlap, James Mclntire, Samuel Davis; Corporal, Duncan Campbell; Drummer, David Rogers; Privates, Jacobus Post, Henry Seise, William Bell, Archibald Hamilton, Charles McCallister. Capt. Peter Lent, Orange Co. (Muster Roll, page 402); Ser- geants, Edward Mason, John Sutton; Drummer, Matthias Nack; Privates, Peter Mclntire, Jacob Meese. Capt. Daniel Griffin, Suffolk Co. (Muster Roll, page 406); Ser- geants y Thomas Darby, Samuel Taylor; Corporal, Joseph Gibbs. Capt. George Dunbar, New York, Queens and Westchester Cos. (Muster Roll, page 408) ; Sergeants, Hector McKenzie, James Sherar, John Kees ; Corporal, Francis Utt; Privates, William Glassley, Walter Carroll, John Williams. Capt. Isaac Ter Bush, Dutchess Co. (Muster Roll, page 412) ; Sergeants, Phineus Woodward, William Ferguson ; Corporal, John Schouten ; Privates, Solomon Schouten, Jacob Schouten, Lewis Croates, James Bush, John Evans, Michael Wager, John Connett, Solomon Tyler, Nehemiah Ewell, Lucas Luflowe, David Hammond. Capt. Francis Thodey, New York Co. (No Muster Roll) ; Ser- geants, William Bloomfield, Peter Riddock ; Corporals, John Cald- well, Richard Bradley ; Privates, Dennis Vanderlip, James Dublin, John He wart, John Battershadwell, John Butler, Garret Waters, John Harris, John Court Webber, Daniel McLean, Daniel Hannion, George Hawkins, Johannes Sly ter, James Randell, John Man, Rigmig Farerai, Adam Hooper, John Campbell, jun., George Har- bert, James Hogan, Roderick McKenzie, Jacob Miller, Michael Sickels, Daniel O’Bryan, Dennis Mahoney, Lawrence Oliver, Peter Jersey, George Low, George Askins, Abraham Van Arnem, John Van Dursen, John King, John Campbell, sen., Jeremiah Bohannon, Daniel Bradshaw, John Morris, James Jurner, John Forrestor, James Keaton, Jury Walder, William Cumberford, Peter Farner, John McFarling, John Anderson, Peter Donlevy, William Hall, William Hunter, Henry Pruions, Daniel Simpkins, Samuel Reaves, John Seept, Thomas Kersey, Robert Cahill, Roger Monnagan, John Edwards, James Bedford, Alexander Quay, William Hunter. Capt. Cornelius Vanden Bergh, Albany Co. (No Muster Roll) ; Sergeant, Jason Hazard; Corporals, Robert Hyde, Thomas Judd ;APPENDIX. 529 Privates, Michael Silk, Rowland McGill, John Clark, Francis Sew- erwax, Valentine Brown, Edward Ryan, Walter Michael John, Timothy Conner, John Morrison, Joseph Craft, Philip Boulton, Alderson Reagen. Names of deceased Soldiers, 1756 to 1762, whose heirs RECEIVED THE PAY DUE THEM AT THE TIME OF THEIR DEATH. [From the Commissariat Accounts of John Cruger, Beverly Robinson and Peter Van Brugh Livingston.] 1756 John Dun, John Myer, jun., Aaron Garrison, Joseph Pass- more, Jack, indian, John Cois, Jacob Robbins, Stephen Dillingham, J. Boy,-------Anmer, widow Christian. T 757 Jeffrey Strong. 1758 William Johnson, John Wright, Charles Roach, John Den- ton, Daniel Wood, William Depue, Jacob Brunkes, William Osburn, Albert A. Begun, Timothy Belding, Isaac Bod win, John Banker, Henry VanTassell, Joseph Davis, David Blauvelt, John Bout, Stephen Bishop, Jonathan Hall, Isaac Hall, Solomon Wood, Samuel Scidmore, Henry Wilsie, Charles Lisk, Abraham Solomon, Nathan Bryant, James Van Tassell, Daniel Murphy, Isaac Powell. 1759 John Fushey, Timothy Ketchum, John Bogert, William Brock, James Wood, Jonathan Ogden, John North, Samuel Lester, Isaac Secord, S. Van Tassell, John Stanley, Nehemiah Rockwell, Francis Weeks, widow Agnes, Bartholomew Hogeboom, John Van Cleeck^ Simon Lane, Henry Miller, A. C. Vander Beek, Coenraet Vander Beek, Gelson Clap, Hendrick Fushee, Thomas Daton, Ezra Mead, Thomas Pawling, David Grey, Thomas Davis, James Waldron, David Blauvelt, William Tothill, Valentine Crup, Isaac Langdon, Zachariah Barber, Jonathan White, David Hammond, Joseph Wood, Samuel Peat, Jeremiah Ritchey, Samuel Hart, Jacob Burchell, Zachariah Roschsans, Thomas Andrews, Thomas Wait, Thomas Brown, Silas Johan, Christopher Brown, Ichabod Lane, James Brown, Elijah Baldwin, John Van Pelt, Volkert Somerdyck, William TuthilJ, Benjamin Holmes,-------Bangham, John Cornelison. 1760 Isaac Brotherton, jun., Benjamin Darling, Moses Cunning- ham, Phoenix Walton, Gabriel Odle, Elezear Yeomans, Cornelius Chatter-ton, David Taylor, William Wilsey, Caleb Lounsberry, Peter Powell, John Cortright, Jeremiah Burch, Henry Jacobs, Joseph Patterson, Abraham Travers, Richard Wilkenson, George Van Tas- sell, John Soa, James Rhody, William Ramsey, John Jenkins, Hugh Campbell, William Coates, William Kelly, Israel Jones, William Wilsey, Isaac Dyckman, Gilbert Concklin, John Ogden, Richard Blesett, Obadiah Hunt, William Russell, James Sands, William 34530 APPENDIX. Atkins, James Sturdevent, John Austin, Eleazer Bailey, Jacob Burges, Samuel Hopkins, Solomon Cole, Richard March, Joseph Fushe, Daniel Fushe, Alexander Acker, John Haff, Henry Van Tassell alias De Witt, Thomas Armstrong, Reuben Penear, Thomas Sandford, Gideon Deolph, Gershom Mead, Ebenezer Brooks, Weart Green, Samuel Dickerson, Stephen Overton, James Scoff el, Joseph Fordham, Christopher Foster, Jonah Fordham, Stephen Haynes, Thomas Fleming, Richard Salter, Joseph Williams, Gershom Clarke, Eliphalet Saterly, Teunis Cronkheyt, William Bone, Jeremiah Secord, John Howes, Benjamin Beamus, James Loveless, Isaac Wilcocks, Jeremiah Palmer, Jacob Pepper, Gideon Hollister, Samuel Nelson, Nathaniel Hollister, Shadrich Baker, Thomas Kelly, Thomas Bohanna, Chauncey Graham, chaplain, Lieut. Robert Trevis, Tobias Dickenson, William Turner, Silvanus Raynor, Michael Chadwick, V Samuel Finch, John Tompkins, Joseph Chaplin, Silas Sears, Amos Lashin, John Rucketts, Daniel De Witt, John Decker, Samuel Stagg, Thomas Coffin, George Jones, Peter Button, Nathaniel Far- nell alias Hartwell, Jacob Van Tassell, Jeremiah Steenberg, Solomon Simons, Zacharis Snyder, Joseph Hagerman, Patrick De Witt, Jacob Ledeu, Timothy Yeomans, Cayranus Nuwcomb, Felix Lester, Christopher Smith, Peter Weaver, Daniel Welsh, Edward McDonald, William Crawford, Caleb Latting, William Tucker, John McDonald, Joshua Cole, Robert Boggs. 1761 Edward Taylor, David Reese, George Sutton, Isaac Warner, William Parcells. 1762 James Man, John Lummis, Patrick McClean, Alexander Taylor, John Sergeant, John Fleming, Samuel Oliver, Benjamin Sweezey, Justus Bailey, John Van Name, John Moore, Henry Birdsall, Thomas Adams, John Ambrose, James Dealy, Richard Brinckerhoff, Adam Bowman, Henry Iago, Abraham Pillow, Wanico Francisco, James Canby. By the Honourable Cadwallader Colden, Esq; President of His Majesty's Council, and Commander in Chief of the Province of New-York, and the Territories depending thereon in America. A Proclamation. Whereas this Government, from a dutiful Regard to His Majesty’s just Expectations from this His loyal Colony, hath made Provision for raising, paying, and clothing One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-seven effective Men, Officers included, to be employed in securing His Majesty’s Conquests in North-America, in such Manner as His Majesty’s Commander in Chief in North- America shall judge most conducive to that important End. AndAPPENDIX. 53I as an Encouragement to Persons to inlist voluntarily in the said Service, hath granted the Allowances following. To each able bodied Man entering voluntarily into the said Service the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, as a Gratuity for their volun- tary Inlistment. To each Officer, properly authorized to inlist Men, the Sum of Twenty Shillings for each able bodied Volunteer he shall inlist into the said Service. With the following Rates of Pay to the Non-Commission Officers and Men, viz. To Serjeants, One Shilling and Eight Pence, To Corporals and Drummers, One Shilling and Six Pence, And, to private Men, One Shilling and Three Pence per Day each. And to each Man the following Clothing ; One Hat, a Coat, a Pair of Buck-skin Breeches, two Shirts, two Pair of Stockings, two Pair of Shoes, and one Blanket. And as a farther Inducement, the Forces will be furnished with Tents, and all other Necessaries, for the Service in which they shall be employed. I have therefore thought fit, to notify the same by this Proclama- tion, and to all Officers authorized to inlist Volunteers to serve y in the Forces in the Pay of the Colony of New- I York. J New York 11 September 1762. Sir : Sir Jeffery Amherst having by his Letter to me of the 4th of last Month, made the like Requisition which he made.the year past, of One hundred and seventy three Men, including a Captain and three Subaltern officers, for garisoning the several Posts during the succeeding Winter. And it being necessary that Measures should be taken for engaging the Men, even before the Meeting ofAPPENDIX. 537 the General Assembly, his Majesty’s Council, not doubting that they will readily comply with the Requisition, have advised me to issue the proper orders for this Service. You will therefore immediately inlist the Number of Men wanted to complete this Corps. They will besides their usual pay be enti- tled to the Bounty of forty shillings each and to the cloathing men- tioned in the Act of last year, of which I inclose an Extract for your information. The enlistments must be jto the first of July next, and I shall give Directions to the Commissaries to provide the Cloathing in time to be sent up as early as the Season require, Assuring myself from your Zeal for the Service, that nothing will be wanting on your part to complete the Inlistments by the first of November. You will inform me in your next of the Names of the officers whom you think fit to recommend for this Corps, and send me returns of the Inlistments by every convenient opportunity that when complete I may provide for sending up the Bounty, I am &c. Robert Monckton. To Col. Michael Thodey, Commanding the Forces in the Pay of the Province of New York, Oswego. Burnetsfield\ February 12 1764. Deserted from Capt. John De Garmo’s Company, John Cameron, born in the Highlands of Scot- land, speaks bad English, aged 32, short dark brown hair, smooth face, grey eyes, stout made, about 5 feet 5. Had on when he went away, his Regimental Coat, a Pair of Buckskin Breeches, and a white Flannel Waistcoat. Whoever will apprehend the above De- serter, and secure him in any of his Majesty’s Gaols, and give notice to the Commanding Officer of the New York Troops, shall receive Forty Shillings Reward. John De Garmo, Captain. The N. Y. Mercury, March I2y 1764. Deserted from the New York Troops, commanded by Major William W. Hogan, Esq; at Schenectady. Of Capt. Richard Rea’s Company. Abraham Suthard, aged 30, 5 feet 10, born in New Jersey dark short hair. William Haislip, born in Old England, 5 feet 8, light hair, blue eyes, round visage, fair complexion. John Steuart, born in Ireland, 5 feet 8, black hair, sore eyes, dark complexion, thin visage. Felix Quin, born in New England, 5 feet 9, sandy complexion, blue eyes. Of Capt. John Grant’s Company. Peter Thorn,, born in Dutchess Co. 5 feet 10, dark complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Thomas Norton, mariner, 5 feet 9, born in Old England, brown hair and eyes, round visage. Of Capt. Henry Dawson’s Company. John Falkner, born in Ire- land, 5 feet 7, brown complexion, dark brown hair, aged 25.538 APPENDIX.; John Welsh, born in New York, 23 years, 5 feet 6, brown com- plexion, blue eyes, brown hair, a scar on his forehead. John Palmer, born in Old England, aged 30, 5 feet 8, dark hair and eyes. John Taylor, born in Ireland, aged 42, 5 feet 7, dark hair blue eyes. Roger Giddons, born in New Jersey, 5 feet 8, light hair blue eyes. Of Capt. Alexander White’s Company. . George Vardee, born in Old England, 5 feet 8, aged 25, fair, short dark brown curled hair. Thomas Jorden, born in Ireland, aged 37, 5 feet 10, curled wig, or short hair, a Ropemaker. Adam McCain, bom vcl New York, 5 feet 9, fair, blue eyes, short brown hair. Joseph White, born in Old France, 5 feet to, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, speaks much on the French accent. Nicholas Curlee, born in Old France, 5 feet 5, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, speaks much upon the French accent. Peter Denniston, born in Ireland, labourer, 5 feet 8, fair ruddy complexion, short dark brown hair, blue eyes, round visage. Oliver Westover, blacksmith, born in New Jersey, 5 feet 9, fair complexion, short black hair, round visage, brown eyes. James Thompson, born in Old England, 5 feet 10, fair complexion, black hair and eyes, thin visage, a blemish in one of his eyes. Of Capt. John De Garmo’s Company. John Grixin, aged 26, born in Old England, 5 feet 6, brown complexion, grey eyes, ligh- hair. James Annen, aged 19, borh in New York, a Cooper, 5 feet 6 fair, black hair and eyes. Peter McEntire, aged 20, born in Scott land, labourer, 5 feet 7, black hair, dark complexion, grey eyes. Henry Hazard, born in Ireland, 5 feet 5, dark brown hair, fair complexion, black eyes. John Chandler, born in England, black hair, dark complexion, black eyes. All the above Deserters had on when they went away their Regi- mentals. Any Person taking up any of them, and secures them in any of his Majesty’s Gaols, shall receive from the Commanding Officer of New York Troops, Forty Shillings, Reward. The N. Y. Mercury, May 14, 1764. This is to give Notice* to all Officers and Soldiers belonging to the New York Regiment in the Year 1762, that were at the Reduc- tion of the Havannah, under the Command of Col. George Brew- erton ;—That from certain Advice received from London lately, there are Powers agreeable to proper Forms, to be made out here, for the Recovery of the Prize Money due to such as are entitled to it; and upon applying either to Col. Michael Thodey, or Col. George Brewerton in New York, they may be put into the proper Method for the Recovery of such Part as they shall respectively be entitled to. Those who are entitled from the Wills and Powers of the Deceased, in the first Division made of the Prize Money shared at the Havannah, and not receipted for by me, will likewise have a FormAPPENDIX. 539 given them, if they think the Expence will answer their Expecta- tions. George Brewerton, jun. The N. Y. Mercury, May 21, 1764. Date of Commissions Signed by the Governor. 1755 Col. William Cockcroft June 11, 1755 to command the New York Regiment in the expedition against Crown Point. Dr. Peter Middleton appointed June 11, 1755 Surgeon to Col. Cockcroft’s Regt. 1756 Col. Thomas Ellison, Jan. 16, 1756 to command the 2d Regt. of Ulster Co. 1756 Col. Johannes Hardenberg Jan. 16, 1756 to command 1st Regt. of Ulster Co. 1756 Col. Beamsley Glazier March 1756 to command the New York Forces. July 17 1756 to be Adjutant General of the Forces under the Command of Gen. Winslow. 1756 Verdine Ellsworth July 1 1756 to be Quarter Master of the Province Regt. of N. Y. 1756 Joseph Anderson to be 1st Lieut, in Capt. Conkling’s Co. July 9 t 756 in place of John Pierson deceased. 1756 Nicholas Low to be 1st Lieut, in Capt. Michael Thodey’s Co. July 10 1756 in place of John Turk, deceased. 1756 Richard Rea to be 2d Lieut, in Capt. Michael Thodey’s Co. July 1, 1756. 1756 Elisha Abel to be 2d Lieut, in Capt. Jonathan Ogden’s Co. July 30 1756. 1756 Thomas Newman to be 2d Lieut, in Capt. George Brew- erton’s Co. July 31, 1756. Alexander Mills to be 1st Lieut, in Capt. Reuben Smith’s Co. July 31 1756. 1757, August. George Brewerton, Capt. George Brewerton, Junr., Stephen Moore, Lieut’s. New York. John McEvers, Capt. Thomas Mouncey, Tobias Van Zandt, Lieut’s. New York. Peter Da Bois, Capt. Cornelius Duane, Isaac De Graun, Lieut’s. New York. Francis Moore, Capt. Richard Smith, Richard Gatehouse, Lieut’s. New York. Jonathan Ogden, Capt. Joseph Golding, Nathan Flint, Lieut’s. Westchester Co. Jonathan Fowler, Capt. Abraham Storm, Robert Crawford, Lieut’s. Westchester Co. John Ver Planck, Capt. Gabriel Dickinson, Jonathan Haight,* Lieut’s. Westchester Co. Reuben Lockwood, Capt. James Holmes, Joshua Bloomer, Lieut’s. Westchester Co. John Peterson Smith, Capt. James Howell, Gilbert Brandner, Lieut’s. Orange Co.540 APPENDIX. Book of Military Appointments, &c., 1759, 1760, 1761. [Kept by John Godby.] April 2ist. Lieut. Mathew Ray left in the office (which he says was by the Governor’s) directions the Quotas of the Men drafted from the following Regiments, Viz : From 1 st Regt. of Ulster County............. 128 2d do .............. 100 Northern Regt. of Orange county.............. 61 283 He likewise said the Governor had ordered a Commission to be filled up in his name as ist Lieut, of Capt. Van Bueren’s Company to be posted on the Frontiers. April 23d. The Governor signed the following Commissions : Mathew Ray to be Lieut, of that Company in the Regiment, in the pay of the Province of New York, whereof Cornelius Van Bueren, Esqr. is Captain, dated 7 March 1759, delivered Lieut. Ray his Commission and swore him. Thomas Jones. One of the Surgeons of the Regt. in the pay of the Province of N. Y. whereof J. Johnston Esqr. is Col. Ralph. Norton, do. Delivered Mr. Jones his Commission and swore him. Dated 7 March 1759. John Biggs Castrist. One of the Surgeons of do, same date. I went to the Mayor according to Mr. Banyar’s direction and showed him the General’s desire in Writing that the Governor would order the Troops to their Rendevous as soon as possible and told him it was the Governor’s pleasure he should see the clothing etc. forwarded with the utmost dispatch so as to be ready to go to Albany when the first troops should go. He told me the clothing for the Troops at Albany were ready and the others completed to about 30 coats &c. he asked me if the Governor ordered me to show him that paper, I replyed no but Mr. Banyar, who had orders from the Governor to show it him, and to desire he would forward the Clothing. He said he would speak to the Governor about it. April 24th. Delivered Doctor Norton his Commission as one of the Surgeons &c. and swore him. Delivered Doctor Biggs Castrist his Commission and swore him. April 23th. Waited on the Governor with the Commission of Deputy Paymaster. The Governor said he would look over it and send it back. April 26th. The Governor signed the following Commissions, Viz : Cornelius Van Bueren Capt. Of the Company on the frontiers Jacob Rutse DeWitt, Lieut. Swore Capt. ,V. Bueren : but deliv- ered DeWitt’s Commission to him who is to be sworn in the Coun- try.APPENDIX. 541 James Clinton, Capt. Joseph Denton, Lieut. Peter Dumont : Lieut. These officers were sworn before me and delivered them their Commissions all dated 7 March 1759. April 27th. Delivered Col. Johnson his Commission and Quali- fied him The Governor signed a Commission to Peter DuBois, Esq. as Deputy Paymaster to the Forces of this Province. Thomas Osborn and Peter Lent Capt. James Howell's Lieu- tenants had their Commissions and were Qualified before me. Made out a Press Warrant for Major Thomas Ord Commanding officer of the Royal Artillery in the Department of the Province of New York to Impress Materials for Building, Artificers, Workmen, Labourers, Drivers of Waggons or other Carriages also Horses, Waggons, Carts or other Carriages. The warrant directed to Major Thomas Ord Commanding officer of the Royal Artillery in the Department of the Province of New York or the commanding officer thereof for the time being or his Deputy or Deputies and to all to whom &c. April 28th. Delivered Capt. James Howell his Commission and Qualified him. John Pawling, Capt. Peter Harris, Cornelius Radley, Lieuts. for Dutchess County. Gave Capt. Pawling his commission and Quali- fied him. Delivered him his 2d Lieut’s Commission. Samuel Badgley, Capt. Lewis Delavergne, Robert Emory, Lieuts. for Dutchess County. Delivered, the Capt. his Commission and Qualified him. Gave his 2d Lieut’s. Commission. Jacobus Swartwout, Capt. Reuben Beadle, Simon Caulkings, Lieuts. for Dutchess County. Delivered Capt. Swartwout his com- mission and Qualified him. Gave him his 2d Lieut’s Commission. Richard Rea, Capt. Francis Beaty, Thomas McNeal, Lieuts. for Dutchess county. Gave the Capt. his Commission and Qualified him. Gave him his 2d Lieut’s Commission. Thomas Arrowsmith, Capt. Anthony W. Waters, Lieut, for Richmond Co. Delivered Capt. Arrowsmith’s Commission and Qualified him. Gave Waters his Commission and Qualified him. Capt. Yerdine Elsworth applied at 4. o’Clock to be Qualified, as . it would take up a great deal of time and trouble to Qualify singly I refused to do it and told him as the rest of the N. Y. officers had not their Commissions it was best to Qualify them all together. He said the Governor had told him there was a Commission here for him which he came for and to be qualified. He went away dis- pleased. April jotk. Richard Hewlet, Capt. Joseph Beadle, Michael Weeks, Lieut’s for Queens County delivered Beadle his Commission. Qualified Weekes. Ephraim Morse, Capt. George Dunbar, Rulef Durye, Lieuts. for Queens county. Qualified Capt. Morse and his 2 Lieuts. Gave them their Commissions. Daniel Wright, Capt. Isaac Seaman, James Cassaty, Lieut’s for542 APPENDIX. Queens County. Delivered him his Commission and Qualified him his 2 Lieut’s Commissions remain in the office. I had forgot to give Capt. Arrowsmith the Receipts of McQuin and to tell him to stop out of his Bounty. I inclosed the fol- lowing Receipts in a letter to him for the purpose and desired him to send them back indorsed to me. 27 March 1759 Reed, of Abraham Polhemus in part of ^25 .............. 5 :o:o. 1 April From Paul Amerman.......... 3:5:0. 2 From Barent Johnson....... 0:16:0: All signed Charles McQuin Delivered the Letter for Capt. Arrowsmith to Capt. Solomon Davis who promised to send it him as soon as he got to the Island. Qualified Captain Verdine Els worth and delivered him his Com- mission. May 1st. John Middagh and Isaac Middagh Lieut’s For Kings County. Qualified them and delivered them their Commissions. The Governor Signed four Captains Commissions and Eight Lieut’s. Commissions for the City and County of Albany which Col. Johnston is to carry with him this evening to Albany: all Blank. Made out a Commission for Isac Corsa Esq. Lieut. Col. of the first Battalion in the New York Regiment Delivered this and the 12 Blank Commissions for Albany to Col. Johnston : with a Card to Mr. Peter Dubois that he would fill them up and send the Names to the office. Mav 3d. Richard Smith, Capt. Francis Thodey, Barnaby Byrn, Lieut’s for New York, delivered Capt. Smith his Commission also his Lieut’s. Qualified them yesterday. George Brewerton, Junr. Capt. John Visscher, Lieut, for New York, delivered Brewerton his Commission also his Lieut. Quali- fy ed them yesterday. Tobias Van Zandt, Capt. Abraham Deforest, Peter Myer, Lieut’s, for New York delivered Van Zandt his Commission and also his Lieut’s. Qualified them yesterday. Joshua Bloomer, Capti Henry Bayeux, Henry Bull, Lieut’s, for Westchester Co. delivered Bloomer his Commission swore him, gave him Lieut. Bayeux’s Commission who is to Qualify in the Country, delivered Lieut. Bull his Commission and Qualifyed him. 'William Gilchrist, Capt. Nathan Flint, Joseph Golding, Lieut’s for Westchester Co. delivered Gilchrist his Commission swore him and gave him Lieut. Golding’s Commission who is to qualify in the Country. Delivered Lieut. Flint his Commission and qualified him. James Holmes, Capt. Gilbert Willet, Silvanus Horton, Lieut’s for Westchester Co. delivered Holmes his Commission swore him and gave him Lieut. Willet’s Commission who is to Qualify in the Coun- try. Delivered Lieut. Horton his commission and Qualified him. Stephen Sayre, Capt. Elias Halsey Jonathan Baker Lieut’s, forAPPENDIX. 543 Suffolk Co. delivered Sayre his Commission and Lieut. Baker and Qualified them. Gilbert Potter, Capt. Joseph Brewster, Jesse Platt, Lieut’s for Suffolk Co. delivered Potter his Warrt. and Commission and quali- fied him. Barnabas Tuthill, Capt. Daniel Griffin, Daniel Goldsmith, Lieut’s for Suffolk Co. delivered Tuthill his Warrt. & Commission and Qualified him. May 4th. Jonathan Haight, Capt. Robert Travis, Nathaniel Wyatt, Lieuts. for Westchester Co. delivered Capt. Haight his Commission also delivered him Lieut. Wyatt’s Commission who is to Qualify in the county. Qualified Haight ^nd Lieut. Travis gave Travis his Commission. The Governor signed a blank Commission for one of the Quar- ter-masters of the New York Regiment. Constant O’Brian. One of the Quartermasters of the same Regiment the Governor signed his Commission. May yth. Bartholomew LeRoux Colonel Commandant of 2d Battalion. Michael Thodey Lieut. Colonel of the same Batalion. Gave these gentlemen their Commissions and Qualified them.' The Governor signed a Commission for Myndert Rooseboom to be one of the Majors to the regiments, also a Blank Major’s Commission. The Governor signed a Press Warrant to Capt. Richard Smith to Impress Vessels to Carry the Levies to Albany. May yth. Mr. Banyar sent Major Rooseboome’s Commission to Albany in a letter to Colonel Johnston. May 9th. Warrant to the Field officers for their allowance for tables and Camp necessaries: signed, gave the warrant to Colo. Le- Roux. Delivered Quarter-Master O’Brian’s Commission to Col. Thodey. May 10th. Delivered Lieut. Robert Crawford his Commission and Qualified him. May nth. Lieut’s Daniel Goldsmith, Daniel Griffin, Elias Hal- sey, Joseph Brewster of Suffolk County, gave these officers their Commissions and Qualified them. Lieut. Platt remains at Hunting- ton with about 40 men who are sick with the Measels. May 14th. Lieut’s Michael Weekes, Isaac Seaman, James Casaty. Gave these officers their Commissions and Qualified them. Capt. Hewlet sick. Filled up four blank Captain’s Commissions and two blank Major’s Commissions and one that was left blank and signed in the office and one sent to Albany to Rooseboom, make in the whole 4 Major’s Commissions. Mr. Banyar takes the Blank Commissions out with him to the Governor’s to be signed. George Brewerton Junr. one of the Majors, to receive Pay from the delivery of the Commission. William M. Hogan one of the Majors to receive Pay from the day Colonel Johnston engaged him. John Van Veghten Captain the room of Major Brewerton, Pay from day Major Brewer- ton receives Major’s pay. Philip Lansingh Captain in the room of544 APPENDIX. Major Roseboom. Pay from the day he engaged with Col. John- ston. A Blank Commission for a Captain. Colonel Thodey car- ried the above Commissions with him to Albany : the other blank for a Captain not signed. Memorandum Albany to the half Moon 12 m. Water Car- riage. From Half Moon to Stillwater 12 m. Land Carriage unless waters high. From Stillwater to Saraghtoga 14 miles water. From Saraghtoga to the little carrying Place 4 miles. Generally water Carriage—some times by Land to Fort Miller. From Fort Miller to Fort Edward 12 Miles Water Carriage. At any Season a Fall Obliges them to ride one mile Southward of Stillwater. May 16th. Minnah Burger one of Elsworth’s Lieut’s, gave him his Commission and qualified him. May joth. Jesse Platt, Lieut, in Captain Potter’s Company was this day Qualified and reed, his Commission he brought with him 38 Men left at Huntington sick, there were 40. One dyed and one gave him as he says the Slip. May 31st. Lieut. Joseph Haight: Received this day his Com- mission and was Qualified. June jth. Filled up three Blank Commissions, one Captain and two Lieutenants. June 12th. Capt. Richard Hewlet, Received his Commission and was Qualified. June 14th. Gave Jonathan Wheeler who goes express to carry the Long Island Members the Circular Letters. Suffolk County’s Members Queens and Lotts for Kings; kept Schenck to be delivered by me, also gave him Westchester Members to be left at the Governor’s. Christopher Yates Captains the New York Provincial Regiment; (the Company at Oswego) 1760 May 8th. Cornelius Wynkoop, Capt. John Cantyon Jur., Gar- ret Broadhead of Ulster, Lieut’s, of the 2d Regiment. May gth. George Dunbar, Capt. John Pettit, Barrack Snethen Lieut’s, of Queens 2d Regt. May 10th. Jonathan Baker, Capt. Stephen Pearce, Benjamin Willson Lieut’s. Suffolk Co. 2d Regt. Jesse Platt, Capt. Nathaniel Satterley, Jonathan Davis Lieut’s, of Suffolk Co. Israel Horton, Capt. Daniel Griffin, Thomas Veal Lieut’s for Suffolk Co. James Clinton, Capt. George Clinton, Isaiah Purdy Lieut’s, for Ulster, 2d Regt. Ephraim Morse, Capt. Roeloff Durye, Abraham Remsen Lieut’s, for Queens Co. May 12th. Daniel Wright, Capt. Edward Burk, John Dean Lieut’s for Queens Co.APPENDIX. 545 Barnaby Byrn, Capt. William Cox, James Farlie Lieut's, for New York, ist Regt. Nathaniel Hubbell, Capt. John Fisher, Alexander White Lieut’s for New York, ist Regt. Abraham Deforest, Capt. Constant O’Brian, Nicholas Becker Lieut’s, for New York. May 15th. Isaac Middagh, Capt. John Nisbet, Lieut, for Kings Co. Thomas Jones, Surgeon 2d Regiment John Constable Surgeon ist Regiment Alexander Campbell 3d Regiment. George Brewerton Junr. Lieut. Col. of the ist Regt. Anthony Waters, Capt. Nathaniel Hilliard, Lieut, for Richmond Co. May 16th. Goose Van Schaick, Lieut. Col. of the 2d Regt. whereof Isaac Corsa Esq. is Col. Myndert Roseboom, Lieut. Col. the Third Regiment. Jacobus Swartwout, Capt. Nicholas Emanuel Gabriel, Isaac Bush, Lieut’s, for Dutchess Co. 3d. Regt. Richard Rea, Capt. John Cannon, Samuel Terry Lieut’s. Dutch- ess Co. Peter Harris, Capt. Joseph Powell, Isaac Conckling Lieut’s, for Dutchess Co. John Van Ness, Capt. Samuel Whelpley, Simeon Barber, Lieut’s, for Dutchess Co. Joseph Bull, Lieut, of a Company in the 2d Regt. Bartholomew LeRoux Colonel of the ist Regt. Isaac Corsa Colonel of the 2d Regt. Blank Commission for Major in the 2d Regiment sent to Oliver DeLancey Esq. at Albany. William Gilchrist, Capt. Ambrose Horton, John Harris, Lieut’s, for Westchester Co. Gilbert Willet, Capt. Silvanus Horton, John Bostwick Lieut’s, for Westchester Co. May lytk. Jonathan Haight, Capt. Robert Travis, Jonathan Miller Lieut’s, tor Westchester Co. Henry Bayeaux, Capt. Richard Smith, Peter Martling Lieut’s, for Westchester Co. Joshua Bloomer, Esq. Major of the First Regiment. Nathaniel Woodhull, Esq. to be Colonel of the Third Regi- ment. Rev. Chauncey Graham [and Rev. Elihu Spencer] Chaplains of the Forces in the pay of the Province of New York Commissions dated 15 April 1760. May 23 d. James Howell, Capt. Alexander Johnson, Abraham Thew Lieut’s, for Orange Co. ist Regt. Sent by the Post yesterday to Mr. Peter DuBois four Captains and eight Lieut’s. Commission Blanks for Albany, to be filled up by him according to the muster rolls. June 13th. Francis Thodey, Capt. Peter Meyer, Joseph Haight, Lieut’s, additional Company. 35546 APPENDIX. Stephen Schuyler, Capt. Barent Jacob Ten Eyck, Peter B. Vroo- man, Lieut’s, for Albany, 3d Regt. John VanVeghten, Capt. Cornelius Van Denbergh, John De Garmo, Junr. Lieut’s, for Albany, 3d Regt. Peter Bain, Capt. John Rutgerse Hansen, Cornelius Van Dyck Lieut’s, for Albany, 3d Regt. Christopher Yates, Capt. Myndert Wempel, John Bradt, Lieut’s for Albany, 3d Regt. All Commissions for 1760, dated 22d March 1760, except Sur- geons and Chaplains. Commissions issued for the Provincial Regiments. Dated April 6, 1761. Col. Michael Thodey Lieut. Col. Goose Van Schaack Major William Hogan of the First Regiment of the Forces raised or to be raised in the Pay of the Province of New York. Col. George Brewerton Lieut. Col. Myndert Roseboom Major Joshua Bloomer of the Second Regt. Dr. John Constable Surgeon of the First Regt. Dr. Thomas Jones Surgeon of the Second Regt. Rev. Benjamin Concklin Chaplain. Barnaby Byrn Capt. Henry Dawson, Caleb Ogden Lieut’s, of a Company in the First Regt. Anthony Waters Capt. John Nisbet, John Grant Lieut’s, of a Company in the Second Regt. Francis Thodey Capt. Nathl. Hillyer, Patrick Welch Lieut’s, of a Company in the First Regt. William Gilchrist Capt. Peter Martling, John Bostwick Lieut’s, of a company in the Second Regt. Abraham Deforest Capt. John Visscher, Floyd Stevenson Lieut’s of a Company in the First Regt. Christopher Yates Capt. Cornelius Van Dyck, Barent Jacob Ten Eyck Lieut’s, of a company in the Second Regt. John VanVeghten Capt. Tunis Vrooman, John DeGarmo Lieut’s, of a company in the Second Regt. Cornelius Van Denbergh Capt. John B. Miller, John Reugert Hanson Lieut’s, of a company in the Second Regt. Peter Harris Capt. Simon Barber, Hobart Stoutenburgh Lieut’s, of a company in the Second Regt. Jonathan Haight Capt. Benjamin Stevenson, Richard Hughson Lieut’s, of a Company in the Second Regt. James Clinton Capt. William Stewart, Hendrick Sleght Lieut’s, of a company in the First Regt. Richard Rea Capt. Derick Wynkoop, John H. Sleght Lieut’s of a company in the First Regt. Peter Lent Capt. Samuel Gale, Anthony Broderick Lieut’s, of a Company in the First Regt.APPENDIX. 547 Jesse Platt Capt. Daniel Rose Lieut, of a Company in the Second Regt. Daniel Griffin Capt. Abraham Dayton Lieut, of a Company in the First Regt. George Dunbar Capt. Barah Snethen, Ambrose Horton Lieut’s, of a Company in the First Regt. Isaac Ter Bush Capt. Tunis Corsa, Samuel Whelpley Lieut’s, of a Company in the Second Regt. Commissions dated Oct. 8, 176r. William Hogan Capt. Patrick Welch, Henry Dawson, John Han- son Lieut’s, of the company to be retained in the pay of this prov- ince from the first day of November next to the first day of July 1762 whereof William Hogan Esqr. is Captain. Warrants issued to Captains for Bounty and Enlisting Money. 1758, May 1. To Capt. Stephen Nottingham for ^£1,392, bounty for 127 men, first regiment of Ulster Co. Capt. Jonathan Fowler, ^£1,300, bounty for 120 men, Westches- ter Co. Capt. Jonathan Ogden, ^655 bounty for 60 men Westchester Co. Capt. Ebenezer Seeley, ^1,067, bounty for 99 men, second regi- ment, Ulster Co. Capt. Samuel Badgley, ^9?t, bounty for 91 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. John Peterson Smith, ^1,344, bounty for 124 men, Orange Co. Capt. John McEvers, ^996, bounty for 99 men, City of New York. Capt. Joseph Cram, ^1,117, bounty for 94 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. Johannes Snedeker, for the use of Capt. John Anson Smith, ^142, bounty for 14 men Orange Co. Capt. Thomas Terry, ^752, bounty for 70 men Suffolk Co. Capt. Thomas Williams, ^1,081, bounty for 99 men Queens Co. Capt. Goose Van Schaick, ^991, bounty for 95 men, Albany. Capt. Peter Conyn, ^1,035 bounty for 95 men, Albany. Capt. Guy Johnson, ^951 bounty for 89 men, Albany. Capt. Richard Hewlet £10 bounty for one man, part of the quota of Queens Co. Capt. Peter Stuyvesant, ^t,oi8, bounty for 95 men Queens Co.548 APPENDIX. Capt. Reuben Lockwood, ^1,121 bounty for 103 men, West- chester Co. Capt. John Ver Plank, ^£1,055 bounty for 99 men Westches- ter Co. Peter Du Bois, £666 bounty for 62 men, Kings Co. Capt. William Humphrey ^1,040 bounty for 95 men Dutch- ess Co. Capt. John Pawling, ^1,042 bounty for 95 men Dutchess Co. Capt. George Brewerton, ^1,006, bounty for 93 men, New York City. Capt. Francis Moore, ^1,050 bounty for 98 men New York City. Capt. Thomas Arrowsmith, ^571 bounty for 53 men, Rich- mond Co. Lieut. James Smith ^1,229 bounty for 160 men Suffolk Co. Capt. Elias Hand ^993 bounty for 93 men Suffolk Co. Warrant for ^903 bounty on 85 men Queens Co. Capt. Luycas Van Veghten ^746, for 76 men Albany Co. Capt. Peter Yates ^870, bounty 84 men, Albany. Capt. Jonathan Ogden, ^20, bounty for two men. 1759, April 26. Capt. Cornelius Van Bueren ^965 for 90 men, also ^£1,072 for 67 men, the quota of first regiment Ulster Co. Capt. James Clinton ^1,024 for 64 men for quota of second regiment Ulster Co. Capt. James Howell ,£1,939 bounty for 122 men Orange Co. Capt. Jacobus Swartwout ,£1,872, bounty for 117 men Dutch- ess Co. Capt. Richard Rea £1,168, bounty for 73 men Dutchess Co. Capt. Samuel Badgley £1,104, bounty for 69 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. John Pawling, £1,760, bounty for no men Dutchess Co. Capt. Thomas Arrowsmith, ^784 bounty for 49 men, Richmond Co. Capt. Richard Hewlet, £1,013 bounty for 64 men Queens Co. Capt. Daniel Wright £2,048 bounty for 129 men Queens Co. Capt. Ephraim Morse, £1,543 bounty for 97 men, Queens Co. Lieut. John Middagh £1,040, bounty for 65 men Kings Co. Capt. Gilbert Potter, £1,792 bounty for 113 men, Suffolk Co. Capt. Barnabas Tuthiil, £1,057 bounty for 67 men, Suffolk Co. Capt. Stephen Sayre, £1,452 bounty for 91 men, Suffolk Co. Capt. William Gilchrist, £1,446, bounty for 91 men, West- chester Co. Capt. Joshua Bloomer, £1,462 bounty for 92 men Westchester Co. Capt. James Holmes £1,154 bounty for 73 men WestchesterAPPENDIX. 549 Capt. Richard Smith, ^1,523 bounty for 98 men New York. Capt. George Brewerton, jun. £1,592, bounty for 101 men, New York. Capt. Tobias Van Zandt, ,£1,592 bounty for 102 men, New York. Capt. Jonathan Haight, £1,487 bounty for 95 men Manor of Cortlandt, Westchester Co. Capt. Myndert Roseboom, £1,767 bounty for hi men, Albany. Capt Goose Van Schaick,,£ 1,520 bounty for 95 men, Albany. Capt. Peter Conyn, £1,344 bounty for 84 men Albany. Capt. Heinrich Hercheimer £1,139 bounty for 72 men, Al- bany Co. Capt. Verdine Elsworth, £958, bounty for 35 men. Warrant to Colonels-in-chief, for £100; to Colonels-Command- ant, £75 each ; lieutenant-colonels, £50 each; to Majors £4° each, to furnish their respective tables. Capt. Verdine Elsworth May 31 £560, bounty for 35 men, ad- ditional Company. Capt. Verdine Elsworth, June'.12 £368 bounty for 23 men. 1760, May 7. Capt. Cornelius Wynkoop, £1,840 bounty for 115 men Ulster Co. Capt. George Dunbar £1,168 bounty for 73 men Queens Co. Capt. Jonathan Baker £1,432 bounty for 92 men Suffolk Co. Capt. Jesse Platt £r,8n, bounty for T14 men Suffolk Co. Capt. Israel Horton, £ 1,166 bounty for 74 men, Suffolk Co. Capt. James Clinton £1,664 bounty for 104 men Ulster Co. Capt. Ephraim Morse £1,755, bounty for no men Queens Co. Capt. Daniel Wright £1,702 bounty for 107 men, Queens Co. Capt. Barnaby Byrn, £1,488 bounty for 93 men New York. Capt. Nathaniel Hubbell £1,680 bounty for 105 men, New York. Capt. Abraham De Forest £1,632, bounty for 102 men New York. Capt. Isaac Middagh £1,056 bounty for 66 men Kings Co. Capt. Anthony Waters, £784 bounty for 49 men Richmond Co. Capt. Jacobus Swartwout £1,568, bounty 98 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. Richard Rea, £1,488, bounty for 93 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. Peter Harris, £1,664 bounty for 104 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. John Van Ness, £1,040 bounty for 65 men Dutchess Co. Capt. William Gilchrist £1,392, bounty for 87 men, Westches- ter Co. Capt. Joshua Bloomer, £1,472, bounty for 92 men, Westches- ter Co. Capt. Jonathan Haight £1,104 bounty for 69 men, Westches- ter Co.550 APPENDIX. Capt. Henry Bayeux ,£1,232, bounty for 77 men, Westchester Co. Capt. James Howell £1,936, bounty for 121 men, Orange Co. Capt. Francis Thodey £1,120, bounty for 70 men additional Company, New York. Capt. Stephen Schuyler £1,663, bounty tor 107 men, Albany. Capt. John Van Vechten £1,537, bounty for 98 men, Albany. Capt. Peter Bain, £1,444 bounty for 93 men, Albany. Capt. Christopher Yates £1,532, bounty for 98 men, Albany. 1761, April 11 and 24. Capt. Bamaby Byrn £1,552 bounty for 97 men, New York. Capt. Anthony Waters £1,584 bounty for 99 men Richmond Co. Capt. Francis Thodey £1,552 bounty for 97 men New York. Capt. William Gilchrist, £1,440, bounty for 90 men, Westches- ter Co. Capt. Daniel Wright £1,472 bounty for 92 men Queens Co. Capt. Abraham De Forest £1,808 bounty for 113 men New York. Capt. John Van Veghten £1,360, bounty for 85 men Albany. Capt. Peter Harris, £1,504 bounty for 94 men Dutchess Co, Capt. Jonathan Haight £1,504, bounty for 94 men Westches- ter Co. Capt. Richard Rea £1,472 bounty for 92 men Ulster Co. Capt. Peter Lent, £1,088 bounty for 68 men, Orange Co. Capt. James Clinton £1,472 bounty for 92 men Ulster Co. Capt. Jesse Platt,. £960 bounty for 60 men Suffolk Co. Capt. Daniel Griffin £576 bounty for 36 men Suffolk Co. Capt. George Dunbar £992 bounty 62 men, Queens Co. Capt. Cornelius Van Denbergli £1,040, bounty for 65 men Al- bany Co. Capt. Isaac Terbush, £1,264 bounty for 79 men, Dutchess Co. Capt. Christopher Yates £1,792, bounty for 112 men, Albany. 1762, April, June, July, August. Col. Michael Thodey April 19 £825 bounty for 75 men for Ulster, Dutchess and Orange Co’s. Capt. Barnaby Byrn £198 bounty for 18 men Queens and Richmond Co’s. Capt. Barrack Snethen£no bounty for 10 men, New York. Capt. Jonathan Haight, £1,188 bounty for 108 men Westches- ter Co. Capt. Peter Harris £726 bounty for 76 men Dutchess Co. Capt. Abraham De Forest £517 bounty for 44 men New York and Westchester Co’s.APPENDIX. 55t Capt. John Grant, ^957 bounty for 87 men King’s and Queens Co’s. Capt. Francis Thodey ,£1,265, bounty for 115 men, New York. Capt. Isaac Terbush June 21 £528 bounty for 48 men Dutchess Co. Capt. Richard Rea £880, bounty for 80 men, Albany, Ulster and Dutchess Co’s. Capt. Benjamin Stevens June 23 £286, bounty for 26 men Westchester Co. Cant. James Clinton June 24 £495 bounty for 45 men Ulster Co. Capt. Peter Lent £539 bounty for 49 men Orange Co. Capt. Anthony Waters June 28 £308 bounty for 28 men Richmond Co. Capt. Timothy Northam of Conn. June 29 £253, bounty for 23 men. Capt. Daniel Griffin July 2 £649, bounty for 59 men, Suffolk Co. Warrant Aug 18, for £3,201 bounty money for Capts. Ter- bush, Rea, Stevenson, Griffing, Van Denbergh, Van Dyck, De Garmo, Vischer and Senethen’s Companies. Capt. Timothy Northam of Conn. Aug. 19 £374 bounty for 34 men.INDEX Aanee, Peter, 290. Aarry, James, 274. Abater, John, 238. Abbe, John, 16. Abbot, Stephen, 126. Abbot, Timothy, 194. Abeel, Capt. David, 167, 175, 303. Abeel, Lieut. Elisha, 539. Abernethy, John, 366. Abeylable, William, indian, 134, Able, John, 250. Abner, Stephen, indian, 236, 386. Abrahams, Solomon, indian, 68. Acker, Abraham, 458. Acker, Alexander, 530. Acker, Capt., 275. Acker, Gabriel, 278. Acker, Jacob, 86. Acker, James, 278. Ackerman, Abraham, 334. Ackerson, Cornelius, 87. Ackerson, Johannes, 34, 39. Ackerson, John, 458. Ackerson, Thomas, 402. Ackert, Stevanus, 396. Ackler, Augustus, 72, 152. Ackler, James, 390. Ackley, George, 7, 8, 34, 39. Adair, William, 64. Adam, George, 182. Adams, Edward, 132. Adams, Gilbert, 72, 178, 310. Adams, Jesse, 188. Adams, John, 6, 34, 496. Adams, Joseph, 525. Adams, Matthew, 486. Adams, Samuel, indian, 478. Adams, Thomas, 302, 434, 50Q Addey, Oait, 366. Addie, Asie, 280. Addison, James, 216, 444. Addison, William, 464. Adelphis, Augustine, 338. Adgett, Joel, 180, 358. Adlington, Daniel, 133, 480. Admant, John, 142. Adrian, Sybrant, 172. Advance, David, 276. Aft, George, 212. Agen, Bernard, 222, 356. Agen, Henry, 222. Agen, Timothy, 9, 24, 45. Agnew, Henry, 116, 118. Akerly, Arthur, 196, 470, 498. Akerly, Benjamin, 20, 57, 106, 182. Akerly, Isaac, 96, 176, 390, 432, 527. Akerly, Jacob, 100. Akerly, John, 324. Akerly, Joseph, 98, 100, 176. Akerly, Moses, 102, 314. Akerly, Nathaniel, 126. Akerly, Samuel, 434. Akerly, Timothy, 156. Akerson, Johannes, 86. Akinson, James, 476. Alaban, Nathan, 125, 196, 240. Alaban, William, 127. Albany County, muster rolls of troops from, 1755, 1, 2, 6, 10, 21, 29, 33, 35, 39.41,43.46.47; 1756, 51. 52: 1760, 248, 272, 278, 288, 525 ; 1761, 362, 368, 393. 416, 527, 528 ; 1762, 424, 436, 448, 454, 474 ; 1764, 490, 492 ; militia ordered into service, 505, 506, 508, 509, 517, 519 ; officers commissioned for, 472, 540, 542, 546 ; warrants to pay bounty and en- listment money, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551. Albert, Francis Godfrey, 296. Albert, John, 346. Alberton, George, 51. Albrecht, George, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46. Albrecht, Joachim, 364. Alderman, William, 238. Aldrich, Richard, 476. Aldridge, Daniel, 18. Alegar, James, 57. Alexander, Robert, 494. Algeo, Lieut. William, 60. Alger, Adam, 242, 350. Alkason, James, 64. Allaire, Thomas, 82. Allbritain, Joakim, 144. Allen, Abraham, 70. Allen, Alexander, 474. Allen, Amos, no, 268.554 INDEX. Allen, Daniel, no, 264. Allen, Ebenezer, 414. Allen, James, 90, 442. Allen, John, 276. Allen, Joseph, 234. Allen, Michael, 196. Allen, Moses, no. Allen, Samuel, 100. Allen, William, 112, 146, 448, 527. Allen, Zachry, 66, 76. Alley, Elias, 82. Alley, William, S2. Allison, Aaron, 132. Allison, William, 88. Allpeen, Giles, 480. Alls worth, James, 254. Almond, Thomas, 368. Alstyne, Abraham, 116. Alstyne, James, 394. Althuysen, Johannes, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42. Ambler, John, 94. Ambler, Jonathan, 176, 314, 434. Ambrose, John, 530. Amerman, Christopher, 342. Amerman, Dirck, 120. Amerman, Paul, 542. Ames, John, 270. Ames, Simeon, 210. Amey, Isaac, 94, 216. Amherst, Gen. Jeffery, 535, 536. Amory, Captain, 337. Amos, George, 527. Amos, Job, 16. Anderson, Alexander, 1. Anderson, Andrew, 348. Anderson, Christopher, 166. Anderson, Dennis, 376'. Anderson, Edward, 364, 368. Anderson, Frederick, 527. Anderson, George, 132, 280, 414. Anderson, James, 84, 276. Anderson, John, 133, 242, 294, 304, 360, 396, 422, 480, 528. Anderson, Joseph, 318, 360. Anderson, Lieut. Joseph, 539. Anderson, Robert, 366. Anderson, Thomas, 348, 354, 370, 440. Anderson. William, 246, 394, 456. Andreas, Thomas, 182. Andrews, Frederick, 224. Andrews, John, 170. Andrews, Obadiah, 478. Andrews, Richard, 216. Andrews, Thomas, 98, 314, 529. Andrews, William, 492. Andrews, Zophar, 478. Andries, Andries, 172, 226. Andriese, John, 30, 272. Androvette, Andrew, 166. Andrus, Edmund, 196. Andrus, Ephraim, 27, 48. Andrus, John, 4, 27. Andrus, Nathan, 4, 27, 48. Angevome, Gilbert, 182. Anmer, Christian, 529. Annen, James, 492, 538. Anterbush, William, 296. Anthony, mustee, 302. Anthony, Albertus, 57. Anthony, Francis, 420. Anthony, Samuel, 9, 23. Anthony, Thomas, 214, 348. Antonio, Joseph, 304. Aortis, Aaron, 208, 294. Appleby, George, 214, 34S. Appleby, Nathan, 190. Appleby, Nathaniel, 9, 23, 45, 80. Appleby, Nehemiah, 84. Applestall, Isaac, 446. Applesiall, John, I, 44. Applestrong, Abraham, 156. Arbian, Joseph, mulatto, 410. Arbos, Johannes Peter, 158. Arburtustiller, John, 164. Archard, Edward, 290. Archard, Robert, 116. Archer, Peter, 142, 222. Archer, Thomas, 82. Archibald, mustee, 284. Argen, James, 214. Arkills, Robert, 456. Arling, Patrick, 174. Arlute, Peter, 410. Armon, John, 440. Armstrong, Elias, 238. Armstrong, Jacob, 320. Armstrong, John, 96, 104. Armstrong, Obadiah, 128. Armstrong, Thomas, 310, 530. Arnell, Michael, 302. Arnet, William, 154. Arnold, Benedict, 96, 176, 324, 522. Arnold, James, 98. Arnold, Jesse, 392, 462, 528. Arnold, Oliver, 180, 324. Arnold, Robert, 96. Arnout, Isaac, 252. Arnout, Peter, 330. Arrey, Abraham, negro, 398, 440. Arrowsmith, Capt. Thomas, 54, 166 521, 541, 542, 548. Arthur, Jeffery, indian, 384. Ash, George, 208, 346, 525. Ashby, Thomas, 174. Ashcraft, Joseph, 264. Ashfield. Christopher, 494. Ashley, Thomas, 484. Askell, James, 484. Askins, George, 528.INDEX, 555 Asobodo, John, 338. Aspendell, Joseph, 82. Asseinus, Christian, 138, 481. Aston, James, 244. Aston, John, 110, 320. Aston, Nathaniel, 184. Atkins, Joseph, 294, 344. Atkins, William, 298, 530. Atkinson, John, 340. Attler, Adam, 304. , Atwater, Ebenezer, 260. Atwell, Hezekiah, 19. Atwell, John, 27. Atwell, Joseph, 3So^ Atwell, Paul, 5, 27, 48. Atwood, Andrew, 266. Atwood, Daniel, no. Atwood, John, 5. Atwood, Reuben, 16. Atwood, Thomas, 16. Aubery. Frederick, 525. Audlinton, Daniel, 133, 480. Aulderson, Edward, 480. Austin, John, 452, 530. Austin, William, 1. Avery, Elias, 16. Avery, Hezekiah, 314. Avery, Peter, 416. Avery, Lieut. William, 501. Ayers, Andrew, 176. Ayres, Benjamin, 98, 138, 481. Ayres, Timothy, 316. Ayres, William, 332, 488. Babb, Stephen, 206. Babcock, Amos, 200. Babcock, Benjamin, 135, 160. Babcock, David, 160, 334. Babcock, James, 160. Babcock, Samuel, 160, 334. Babcock, William, 87, 160. Back, Philip, 362. Backer, Isaac, 7, 34, 40. Backer, Lieut. Peter, 6, 33, 39. Backus, Jiduthan, 88. Backus, Zepheniah, 88. Bacon, Jeremiah, 310. Baddley, Joseph, 338. Badgeley, Lieut. Cornelius, 521. Badgeley, Capt. Samuel, 521, 541, 547, 548. Badhams, William, 410. Bagley, Thomas, 432. Bagonet, Simon, 20, 32. Bailey, Daniel, 156. 470. Bailey, Ebenezer, 264. Bailey, Elezar, 530. Bailey,. Elias, 446. Bailey, Francis, 312. j Bailey, Jacob, 526. Bailey, Jasper, 2. Bailey, Joseph, 330, 404. Bailey, Justus, 446, 530. Bailey, Samuel, 88, 328. Bailey, William, 222, 236. Bailey, see Bayley. Bain, Alexander W., 348. Bain, Charles, 140. Bain, Capt. Peter, 278, 525, 546, 550. Bain, Samuel, 53. Baird, Christian, 292. Bakell, Joseph, 382. Baker, Absalom, 294, 342. Baker, Adam, 290. Baker, Bethual, no. Baker, Ebenezer, 108. Baker, Edmund, 350. Baker, Elisha, 196. Baker, Jeremiah, 192. Baker, John, 54, 92, 228, 248, 372, 458, 480, 524. Baker, Capt. Jonathan, 201, 2S0, 521, 525. Baker, Joshua, 268. Baker, Nathan, T29. Baker, Nehemiah, 129, 232. Baker, Peter, 438. Baker, Phineas, 318. Baker, Samuel, 212, 284. Baker, Shadrack, 268, 530. Baker, Stephen, 70. Baker, Thomas, 200. Baker, William, 70. Baldwin, Andrew, 20, 31, 49. Baldwin, Benjamin, 60, 144. Baldwin, Lieut. David, 4, 26, 501. Baldwin, Edward, 352. Baldwin, Elijah, 180, 529. Baldwin, James, 66, 76. Baldwin, John, 150. Baldwin, Samuel, 20, 31, 48, 422, 478. Baldwin, Timothy, 64, 74, 529. Ball, Joseph, 5, 28. Ball, Lieut. Joseph, 189. Ballard, Elisha, 254. Ballerson, Andrew, 250. Banckerd, Gregory, 84. Banker, Deliverance, 106, 182, 314. Banker, Jacob, 108. Banker, Jeremiah, 108. Banker, John, 82, 118, 529. Banks, Daniel, 70. Banks, Matthew, 378. Banns, John, 296. Banyar, Goldsbrow, 504, 507, 509, gjj 513, 514, 515, 519, 520, 523, 53i’ 534? 535, 540- Baptist, John, 440, 462, 492. Barber, Edward, 168. Barber, John, 112, 114, 266.556 INDEX. Barber, Moses, 258. Barber, Lieut. Simeon, 258, 259, 381, 4T5, 545, 546. Barber, Thomas, 100. Barber. Zachariah, 529. Barbozatt, Abraham, 192. Bardick, Lieut., 419. Bare, George, 400. Bareshanks, John, 92, 328. Barger, Jacob, 400. Barger, John Adam, 474. Barheit, Christian, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38. Barker, Edward, 160, 312, 350. Barker, John, 276. Barker, Richard, 116. Barker, Timothy, 272. Barker, William, 414, 476. Barlow, Joseph, 108. Barly, Jacob, 396. Barly, Jeremiah, 452. Barnes, Daniel, 66, 76. Barnes, Isaac, 128. Barnes, Capt. Isaac, 201, 283. Barnes, Jabez, 17, 50. Barnes, James, 80, 192, 526. Barnes, John, 172. Barnes, Joshua, 23, 45. Barnes, Richard, 84. Barnes, William, 296, 356. Barnum, Joshua, no. Barnum, Zebulon, 100. . Barr, Capt. Isaac, 201. Barr, Silas, 526. Barr, Zachariah, 370. Barrent, John, 462. Barrent, Peter, 462. Barrett, Augustus, 462. Barrett, Henry, 280. Barrett, Jonathan, 9, 23, Barrett, Robert, 3, 12, 21 314* 46. ’ 38, 41, Barron, Anthony, 396. Barron, Edward, 272. Barron, John, 302, 354, 527 Barron, William, 282. Barrow, Lewis, 164, 338. Barry, Andrew, 300. Barry, John, 492. J Barry, Ryke, 158. Barse, George, 212. Barsleys, Charles, no. Barstow, George, 244. Bart, John, 290. Barthy, David, 312. Bartier, Peter, 382. Bartlett, Charles, 17, 50. Bartley, Darmon, 256, 382 Bartley, Ephraim, 268. Bartley, John, 464. Bartow, Anthony, 442. Bartow, Francis, 338, 416, 480. Bartow, Morris, 124. Bartow, Obadiah. 126. Bartow, Peter, 388. Barye, Matthias, 82. Bass, George, 212, 346, 466. Bassett, Henry, 156, 274. Bassett,. Josi ah, 196. Bastian, Anthony, 386, 472, 498. Bastian, George, 244, 408. Bastian, Lewis, 228, 340. Bates, Japhet, 198. Bates, John, 80. Bates, Stephen, 198. Bathem, Andrew, 290. Battershadwell, John, 528. Battesson, David, 428. Battesson, Ezekiah, 428. Battesson, Jeremiah, 428. Baudree, John, 388. Baxter, Charles, 308. Baxter, James, 104, 178. Baxter, Nathan, 478. Baxter, Reuben, 176. Baxter, Simon, 478. Baxter, William, 308. Bay, Alexander, 482. Bay, William, 482. Bayard, Daniel, 496. Bayard, Murtough, 58. Bayer, William, 398. Bayeux, Henry, 80. Bayeux, Capt. Henry, 189, 3x0 -2-j 526,542,545,550. ’ ’ Bayles, Nicholas, 123. Bayles, Richard, 30, 41, 53, Bavles, Samuel, 28, 48. Bayley, Ephraim, 196. Bayley, Gamaliel, 129, 200. Bayley, Hezekiah, 198. Bayley, James, 150. Bayley, John, 402. Bayley, Samuel. 4, 26, 47, 198. Bayley, see Bailey. Bazoon, Conrad, 428. Beach, Benjamin, 278. Beach, Phineas, 4, 26, 48. Beacon, William, 152, 228, 392, 480, 524. Beadle, Lieut. Joseph, 145, 521, 541. Beadle, Lieut. Reuben, 521, 541. Bealy, William, 132. Beamus, Benjamin, 248, 530. Bean, John, 300. Beard, John, 222. Beard, Moses, 136, 481. Beardslee, Paul, 456. * Beasly, Christian, 276. Beatty, Lieut. Francis, 521, 541. Beatty, Joseph, 376.INDEX. 557 Beatty, Samuel, 392, 454, 528. Beaver, John, 396. Becker, Daniel, 88. Becker, Ernest, 288. Becker, John, 290. Becker, Lieut. Nicholas, 293, 545. Becker, see Backer. Becket, William, 202. Beckford, James, 136, 220, 354, 481. Beckle, Johannes, 2. Beckwith, Phineas, 200. Beckwith, Samuel, 472, 498. Bedell, Elijah, 55. Bedford, James, 454, 528. Bedford, Stephen, 268. Beebe, Asa, 234. Beebe, Elias, 202. Beebe, Eliphalet, 234. Beebe, Ezekiel, 129. Beebe, Gideon, 478. Beebe, Jabez, 128. Beebe, Jasper, 234. Beebe, John, 127. Beebe, Nathan, 478. Beebe, Rossel, 478, 482. Beebe, Samuel, 129. Beecraft, William, 3, 12, 22, 36, 37, 41, 46. Beekman, Capt., 303, 309, 513. Beekman, Gerard G., 515. Beekman, James, 170, 300. Beekman, Mariinus, 396, 526. Beem, Hendrick, 58, 59. Beers, William, 478. Beets, John, 39. Begun, Albert A., 529. Belcher, David, 430. Belcher, John, 514. Bell, Anthony, 142. Bell, Jacobus, 402. Bell, James, 308. Bell, John, 86, 140, 370. Bell, Nehemiah, 527. Bell, Robert, 308. Bell, William, 528. Bellows, Daniel, 16, 17, 50. Bellows, Elias, 124. Bemish, Lewis, 148. Bender, Jacob, 148, 252. Bender, Joseph, 224, 356. Bender, Samuel, 184. Benedict, Noah, 380. Benedict, Samuel, 256. Bene way, John, 57. Benham, Samuel, 204, 529. Benjamin, Isaac, 200, 284. Benjamin, Josiah, 202. Benjamin, Nathan, 206. Benjamin, Richard, 234. Bennet, William, 336. Bennett, Aaron, 136, 350, 481. Bennett, Abraham, 158, 332. Bennett, Amos, 18, 30, 41, 53. Bennett, Benjamin, 264. Bennett, Christopher, 478. Bennett, Edward, 200, 282, 340. Bennett, Ephraim, 312. Bennett, James, 1, 44, 87, 268, 404. Bennett, John, no, 266, 490. Bennett, Joseph, 127. Bennett, Lewis, 18, 41. Bennett, Peter, 150. Bennett, Samuel, 20, 31, 49, 129. Bennis, Simon, 492. Benson, Ellis, 414. Benson, Peter, 120. Benson, Capt. Robert, 165, 175, 309. Benson, Thomas, 4. Bentley, James, 252. Bentley, John, 346, 488. Benton, Richard, 342. Benzel, Isaac, 256. Bergeau, Benjamin, 178. Bergh, Sevares, 172. Berlin, Henry, mulatto, 288. Bernard, John, 344, 424. 41, Bernard, Thomas, 527. Bern ay, Edward, 458. Berney, Frederick, 394. Bernhard, Ludwick, 6, 8, 34. Berop, Thomas, 6, 8, 34, 40, 368. Berry, Francis, 312. Berry, George, 6, 8, 9, 23, 34, 45. Berry, Paulus, 332. Berry, Thomas, 346, 480. Berry, William, 11S. Bertung, Francis, 136, 481. Berye, James, 242. Bessinger, Andries, 2, 3, 5, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46, 51. Bessinger, Serverinus, 4, 5. Betherton, Isaac, 260. Betts, Capt., 141, 151, 227, 229, 245. Betts, Nathan, 51. Betts, Richard, 310. Bevans, Joseph, 262, 380. Beyea, Benjamin, 326, 526. Beyea, Isaac, 146. Beyea, Peter, 66, 76. Bicknell, Zachariah, 17j 50. Biddle, Benjamin, 290. Bidfield, Michael, 146. Bidman, Francis, 376. Biggs, John> 470, 498- Biggs, Joseph, 129. Bigner, John, 142. Bigsbey, Ebenezer, 250. Bilimas, Joseph, 438. Billings, Increase, 20, 31. Billings, William, 16, 17, 50.558 INDEX. Billington, James, 176, 326, 358, 526. Biltman, Samuel, 2, 43. Bingham, Jeremiah, 19, 29. 41, 535. Bingham, Thomas, 240, 529. Binns, Thomas, 490. Birch, see Burch. Bird, Anthony, 54. Bird, David, 466. Bird, Jacob, 192. Birdsall, Capt., 143, 147, 153, 225, 229, 245. Birdsall, Henry, 188, 388, 527, 530. Birdsall, Isaac, 434. Birmingham, William, 142. Birney, Henry, 482. Bishop, Enos, 124. Bishop, George, 131, 408. Bishop, John, 82, 100, 102, 176, 314. Bishop, Joseph, 5. Bishop, Moses, 190. Bishop, Samuel, 454. Bishop, Silvanus, 4, 26. Bishop, Stephen, 72, 529. Biss, Stephen, 114. Bissell, Richard, 312, 529. Bistell, George, 208. Bixby, Daniel, 2, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46. Bixley, Eleazer, 527. Blacklidge, Benjamin, 402. Blackman, Joseph, 356. Blackman, Samuel, 112. Blackwell, Capt., 139, 149, 225, 229. Blackwood, Hamilton, 64, 74. Blackwood, John, 178. 522. Blackwood, Marmaduke, 170, 278. Bladdo, James P., 2. Bladen, William, 208. Bladner, Christian, 222. Blague, Francis, 5. Blain, James, 188. Blair, Archibald, 5, 26. Blair, William, 382, 480. Blake, Francis, 26, 48. Blake, Thomas, 17, 51. Blake, William, 9, 24, 45, 55, 194. Blakely, David, 380. Blakeney, George, 214. Blakeway, Peter, 336. Blameless, Roger, 58. Blameless, William, 92, 220. Bland, James, 172, 326, 340, 360, 526. Blando, Peter, 442. Blauer, Anihony, 186. Blawfelt, Ari, 86. Blawfelt, Daniel, 86. Blawfelt, David, 86, 529. Blawfelt, Hermanus, 160. Blesie, Lawrence, 6. Blevelt, Stephen, 152, 228, 352. Blinn, Elisha, 262. Blisenborough, After, 102. Bliss, Daniel, 17. Blizard, Henry, 430. Bloom, Bernardus, 62. Bloomer, Barent, 152. Bloomer, Gilbert, 11. Bloomer, Major Joshua, 95, 188, 189, 322, 521, 539, 542, 545, 546, 548, 549- Bloomer, Reuben, 104. Bloomfield, William, 162, 296, 525, 528. Blue, John, 230, 356. Blunden, Stephen, 392. Blydenburgh, Daniel, 125. Boat, Adam, 190. Boatman, Glonde, 192. Bobbet, Silas, 17, 18. Bockee, Denne, 374. Bockhout, John, 106. Boden, Samuel, 322. Bodine, Isaac, 94, 529. Bodine, Lewis, 94. Bodley, John, 476. Body, Abraham, 434. Boerum, Jacob, 72. Bogardus, Capt., 263. Bogardus, Matthew, 394. Bogert, Jacob, 448. Bogert, James, 376. Bogert, John, 529. Boggs, Robert, 224, 530. Bohannon, Andrew, 240, 286. Bohannon, George, 328, 404, 458. Bohannon, James, 196, 240, 286, 525, 527. Bohannon, Jeremiah, 528. Bohannon, Oliver, 87. Bohannon, Thomas, 530. Bohannon, William, 90, 216, 400 470 498- 528. Bohannon, see Buchanan. Boies, Samuel, 162. Bole, Conrad, 494. Bolt, John, 376 Bolton, Philip, 448, 529. Bolton, Thomas, 424. Bond, David, 131. Bond, Joseph, 496. Bone, William, 530. Bonghall, Joseph, 294. Bonnel, Samuel, 129. Bonney, Joseph, 420. Bono, George, 172. Booge, Ichabod, 468. Bool, Manning, 100. Boon, Peter, 8, 22. Boos, Daniel, mulatto, 368. Booth, George, 336.INDEX. 559 Booth, John, 52. Booth, Mingo, 116. Booth, Obadiah, 232. Booth, Samuel, 129. Borghdorp, Conrad, 104. Borland, Capt. William, 91, 217. Boseley, John, 214. Boskerk, Johannes, 88. Bostwick, David, 176, 324. Bostwick, Edward, 31, 498. Bostwick, John, 94, 176. Bostwick, Lieut. John, 323, 359. 545> 546. Bosworth, Joseph, 10, 21, 36, 38, 41, 46. Botee, John, 374. Bottom, Thomas, 316. Botts, George, 350. Bouche, Joseph, 525. Bcuderheiser, Joseph, 348. Bough, Hans Jurigh, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 41, 46. Bough, Nicholas, 142, 224. Bourgeois, Francis, 2. Bourne, Laurence, 348. Bout, John, 114, 529. Bouton, Daniel, 328. Bouton, Ebenezer, 462. Bouton, Elijah, 96. Bouton, John, 96, 314. Bouton, Samuel, 98, 326. Bovey, Henry, 526. Bowden, John, 176. Bowden, Jonathan, 192. Bowditch, Asa, 16, 50. Bowen, John, 364. Bowen, Martin, 66, 76. Bowen, William, 306, 454, 496. Bower, Andrew*, 418. Bower, John Henry, 172. Bower, Peter, 354. Bower, Phineas, 2S4. Bowler, Simeon, 18, 40. Bowman, Adam, 530. Bowman, Albert, 238. Bowman, Bowme, 22. Bowman, Cornelius, 55, 168, 352. Bowman, Garrat, 3, 12, 35, 37, 42, 47. Bowman, Martin, n6. Bowman, William, 494. Bowmaster, Oliver, 148. Boyce, Jacob, 190, 258, 529. Boyce, James, 82, 84. Boyce, Peter, 84, 192. Boyd, John, 80, 280, 352, 362, 527. Boyd, Robert, 524. Boyd, Samuel, 60, 216, 228. Boyd, William, 210. Boyer, John, 528. Boyle, Charles, 272, 394. Boyle, Dennis, 374. Boyle, Hugh, 372, 454. Boyle, Peter, 252. Boyle, William, 90, 336, 400, 484. Brackett, Ebenezer, 5. Brackett, Elisha, 4, 26. Brackett, Hezekiah, 5, 27, 48. Bradburn, Humphrey, 162. Bradhurst, William, 302. Bradley, Francis, 316. Bradley, Jabez, 434. Bradley, John, 526. Bradley, Richard, 422, 528. Bradley, Thomas, 296. Bradlin, Andrew, 118, 196, 224. Bradner, Capt. Colvin, 157, 329. Bradner, Lieut. Gilbert, 87, 88, 89, 539. Bradshaw, Daniel, 528. Bradshaw*, John, 270. Bradt, Lieut. John, 546. Brady, David, 9, 124, 145. Brady, John, 396. Bragan, John, 220, 398. Braine, Capt.,Thomas, 143, 153, 223, 245- Bramer, Jacob, 298. Brand, Sigmon, 226. Brand, William, 492. Branderkin, William, 270. Branigan, James, 66, 78, 438, 488. Branigan, John, 88. 186, 220, 256. Brannon, Charles, 216. Brannon, John, 344. Brannon, Thomas, 378. Branson, Nathaniel, 96. Brasher, Abraham, 210. Brasser, William, 364. Bratt, Captain, 249, 275. Bratt, Lieutenant, 289. Bratt, Peter, 440. Brayer, Henry, 362. Breamer, Cobus, 480. Brede, John, 59. Bremer, Christian, 348. Bremer, David, 344. Brennan, Edward, 392. Brennan, Jacob, 44. Brennan, John, 304. Brereton, Wiiliam, 298. Brested, Samuel, 102. Brester, Henry, 224. Brett, Richard, 410. Brewer, Christopher, 338. Brewer, Deliverance, 84, 182. Brewer, Derick, 138, 481. Brewer, Henry, 132, 164. Brewer, Jacobus, 106. Brewer, Jeremiah, 186. Brew’er, John, 92. Brewer, Samuel, 25, 145.5 60 INDEX. Brewer, William, 80. Brewerton, Col. George, 472, 538, 546. Brewerton, Col. George, jun., 132, 162, 215, 353, 393, 397, 4<>3, 4*7, 435, 444, 498, 504, 507, 521, 539, 542, 543, 544, 545, 548, 549- Brewerton, Capt. Jacob, 121, 137, 139, 213. Brewin, Thomas, negro, 466. Brewster, Captain, 123. Brewster, David, 176. Brewster, John, 450. Brewster, Lieut. Joseph, 195, 521, 543. Brewster, Pelaliah, 452. Brewster, Samuel, 112. Breymer, John, 428. Brian, see Bryan and O’Bryan. Brice, James, 114. Brice, William, 6. Bricker, Abraham, 404. Brickett, William, 394. Eriggs, Henry, 372, 448. Briggs, Isaac, 9, 100, 188, 326, 358, 526,533. Briggs, John, 318. Bright, Thomas, 436. Brill, Jacob, 18. Brinckerhoff, Richard, 530. Bristed, John, 248. Broast, George, 94. Brock, Ebenezer, 434. Brock, Jeremiah, 98, 310. Brock, Nathaniel, 102, 182, 270. Brock, William, 104, 186, 529. Brock way, Jedediah, 19. Broderick, Anthony, 1, 43. Broderick, Lieut. Anthony, 405, 545. Broderick, James, 88. Brodhead, Lieut. Garret, 56, 544. Brodhead, John, 56. Brodhead, Luke, 56. Brodhead, Richard, 59. Broecks, John, mulatto, 428. Bromer, Anthony,. 426. Bromley, John, 490. Brookman, John, 206, 294. Brooks, Daniel, 320. Brooks, Ebenezer, 100, 326, 530. Brooks, Isaac, 330. Brooks, James, 268. Brooks, John, 3, 6, 8, 14, 21, 34, 38, 39, 42, 46 146, 244, 288, 344, 370] 474- Brooks, Joshua, 2, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41 46. Brooks, Samuel, T29, 184, 202, 322. Brotheran, Isaac, 529. Brower, John, 206, 294, 525. Brower, Martin, 224. Brower, Vincent, 94. Brown, Andrew, 148, 224. Brown, Archibald, 344. Brown, Asa, 88, 142. Brown, Barnaby, 174. Brown, Beriah, 128. Brown, Brockway, 96, 324. Brown, Captain, 321. Brown, Christopher, 200, 529. Brown, Clark, 358, 432. Brown, Cornelius, 360, 432. Brown, Daniel, 180. Brown, David, 122. Brown, Edward, 89, 208, 320, 324, 390. Brown, Ephraim, 200, 234.' Brown, Ezekiah, 272, Brown, Ezekiel, 80. Brown, Francis, 272. Brown, Hercules, 492. Brown, Capt. Hosea, 101, 105, 187, 319- Brown, James, 52, 66, 76, 80, 98, 108, 129, 188, 298, 344, 432, 529. Brown, Jeremiah, 124. Brown, John, 16, 50, 80,150, 222, 242, 354, 364, 422, 438, 480. Brown, Marlin, 198, 240. Brown, Matthew, 276, 370, 480. Brown, Michael, 18, 30, 41, 53, 276. Brown, Murray, 382, 314. Brown, Nathaniel, 126. Brown, Robert, 198, 210,494. Brown, Samuel, 78, 438. Brown, Saveryn, 7, 33. Brown, Stephen, 6, 34, 39, 51. Brown, Thomas, 102, 202, 252, 308, 376, 348, 426, 529. Brown, Valentine, 222, 529. Brown, Walter, 234. Brown, William, 5, 20, 27, 31, 48, 49, 324.418- Brownell, Benjamin, 260. Bruce, Robert, 240, 386, 450, 524. Bruce, William, 527. Brundige, Bartlet, 104. Brundige, Ezekiel, 66, 76. Brundige, Hachiliah, 326, 432, 526. Bruning, Michael, 102. Brush, Eliakim, 472, 498. Brush, Jacob, 358, 432, 529. Brush, Jonathan, 127, 434. Brush, Richard, 98. Bryan, Benjamin, 120. Bryan, Con, 236. Bryan. John, 350. Bryan, Joseph. 525. Bryan, see O’Bryan. Bryant, John, 9, 23. Bryant, Michael, 23, 45. Bryant, Nathaniel, 58, 529. Bryaiit, Samuel, 16S.INDEX. 56l Bryer, John, 192, 388. Buchanan, Jeremiah, 302, 446. Buchanan, Robert, 220. Buchanan, Samuel, 210. Buchanan, Thomas, 220. Buchanan, see Bohannon. Buck, Daton, 8, 24, 45. Buck, George, 250, 366. Buck, Peter, 20, 32, 49, 490. Buck, Philip, 250. Buckall, Joseph, 306, 480. Buckhout, Capt. John, 81 103, 106 191* 313- Buckingham, Solomon, 90, Buckle, Joseph, 72. Buckle, Peter, 262. Buckley, Edward, 162. Buckley, George, 230. Buckley, Johannes, 44. Buckley, Timothy, 242. Buckley, William, 138, 296, 481* . Budd, John, 102. Budd, Capt. John, 131, 199, 233 Buell, Benjamin, 16, Buffington, David, 230. Builtman, Samuel, 51. Bulger, Robert, 84. Bulger, Thomas, 222. Bull, Lieut. Henry, 542. Bull, Jacob, 29. Bull, Capt. John, 89, 157, 329. Bull, Jonathan, 427. Bull, Lieut. Joseph, 521, 545 Bullard, Samuel, 432. Sullis, Abraham, 9, 25, 45. Bulson, Cornelius, 118. Bummer, John, 208. Bumstead, Jacob, 356. Bunce, George, 66, 76. Bundy, Caleb, 240, 286. Bundy, Ezekiel, 198, 240. Bundy, George, 18, 29, 41, 53, 264. Bundy, Simeon, 206, 240, 2S6. Bunghall, Joseph, 208. Bunnel, Permenas, 5, 27, 48. Bunton, Marmaduke, 246. Burbank, Noah, 184. Burbank, Thomas, 55. Burch, David, 1, 43. Burch, James, 452. Burch, Jeremiah, 529. Burch, Valentine, 70, 354, 150, 480 Burch, William, 140. Burchell, Jacob, 529. Burchfield, Samuel, 288. Burford, George, 496. Burger, Conrad, 57. Burger, John George, 44. Burger, Lieut. Minnah,'544. Burger, Peter, 292. 36 Burgess, Jacob, 266. Burgess, James, 530. Burgess, Thomas, 450. Burgsdorf, Frederick, 278. Burk, Lieut. Edward, 227, 545 Burk, Francis, 6. Burk, John, 164, 1S2, 290, 302, 386 390, 416, 422, 438. Burk, Michael, 260, 388. Burk, Thomas, 226, 376. Burleigh, Ebenezer, 270. Burnay, Lewis, 84. Burnet, David, 206. , Burnet, John, 90. Burnet, Robert, 400. Burnet, Samuel, 472, 498. Burnett, Isaac, 254, 380. Burney, Edward, 332, 526. Burns, Daniel, 144. Burns, Edward, 484. Burns, George, 238. Burns, James, 292, 342, 480. Burns, John, 400. Burns, Luke, 210. Burns, Peter 492. Burns, Samuel, 494. Burnside, John, 154. Burr, Samuel, 70, 478. Burr, Silas, 404. Burrage, John, 198. Burrill, Jesse, 9, 23, 45. Burroughs, John, 214. Burroughs, Peter, 116, 230. Burrows, Abraham, 254. Burrows, Lewis, 360. Burst, Henry, 274. . Burt, John, 96. Burtnell, Charles, 304. Burton, Simeon, 176. Burton, Solomon, 324. Burton, Thomas, 166. Burtus, Alexander, 318 Bush, Amasiah, 5, 28. Bush, Capt., 451, 477. tBush, Edward, 150. Bush, George Michael, 136, 481.. Bush, Lieut, Isaac, 269, 545. Bush, Jacobus J., 57, Bush, James, 528. Bush, John, 278. Bush, Martin,. 254. Bush, Nicholas, 118. Bushett, Rymert, 306. Bussey, Abraham, 348 Bussing, Timothy, 210. Busteed, Edward, 410. Butler, Daniel, 208, 296. Butler, James, 252, 356. Butler, John, 140, 222, 420, 528. Butler, Nicholas, 418.562 INDEX. Butler, Samuel, 446. Butler, Thomas, 462. Butler, Tobias, 172. Butler, Wharton, g, 24, 45. ' Butler, William. 164. Butterfield, Daniel, 448. Butters, Isaac, 218, 400, 444. Butters, John, 400. Butters, Nathaniel, go. Buttles, Elijah, 262. Button, Peter, 530. Button, William, 20, 31, 4g. Butts, Joseph, 17, 50. Butz, John Andrew, 2g2. Buyer, Joseph, 152. Buys, Henry, 256. Buys, James, 118. Buys, John, 254. Buys, William, 256. Buytelas, John, 166. Byington, Nathaniel, 184, 3go. Byington, Samuel, 170. Byon, Edward, 444. Byrn. Capt. Barnaby, 171, 2g8, .342, 421, 436, 443, 444, 465, 472, 521, 5?5, 532, 542, 545, 546, 549, 550. Byrne, Abraham, 364. Byrns, James, 410. Byrns, John, 436. Byrns, Thomas, 468.. Cabel, Samuel, 31, 4g. Cabeler, John, 2g2. Cahill, Andries, 172. Cahill, Daniel, 21S, Cahill, James, 342. Cahill, Robert, 402, 526, 528 Cahoon, see Calhoun. Cain, Caine, see Kane. Calbraith, William, 210. Caldwell, John, 172. Caldwell, Richard, 87, 160. Caleb, indian, 238, 384. Calhoun, Benjamin, 416. Calhoun. David, 5, 27, 48. Calhoun, Hugh, 480. Calhoun, John. 220, 400. Callaghan, Cornelius, g2, 218, 444 Callaghan, Daniel, 1, 270* 416. Callaghan, George, 418. Callaghan, John, 210, 442. Callarne, William, 304. Calumpoe, Peter, negro, 306. Calvee, Nicholas, 338. Calvin, Martwill D., 442. Camac, James,,70. Cameron, Daniel, 348, 446, 462. Cameron, Donald, 174. Cameron, Duncan, 464 Cameron, John, 4g2, 537. Camick, George, 132. Camp, Ephraim, 5, 27. Camp, Thomas, 140. Campbell, Adam, 276. Campbell, Alexander, 220, 420, 545 Campbell, Benjamin, 70, 226. Campbell, Capt., 253, 277, 2Sg. Campbell, Collin, 248, Campbell, Daniel, 4g6. Campbell, David, 172. Campbell, Duncan, 216, 400, 482, 52S. Campbell, Hugh.. 84, ig2, 210, 52g. Campbell, James, 172, 2g4, 302, 464, 484, 486. Campbell, John, 172, 182, 186, 208. 288, 328, 528. Campbell, Joseph, 118, 134, 481. Campbell, Lieut., 510. Campbell, Peter, 258. Campbell, Philip, 152. Campbell, William, 15J-. 21c. Campee, Thomas, 72 Canady, Philip, 150. Canby, James, 530. Candy, John, 338. Caner, John, 238. Canfield, Isaiah, 176. Canfield, Joel, ig6. Canfield. Samuel, 31, 4g, 434. Canfield. Silas, g8, 326, 380. Can iff, Thomas, g, 23. Cannart, Richard, 302. Cannon, John, 108. Cannon, Lieut. Tohn, 262, 263, 545. Cannon, Michael, 2S8. Cannon, Timothy, 416. Cans, Hendrick, 52 Cantine, Lieut. John, 544. Cantly, James, 432. Captain, indian, 123. Carbee, Thomas, 136, 354, 430, 481. Card,, Peter, 4g4. Carelhoff, Nicholas, 174. Carey, Jabez, 78. Carey, Jacob, 136. 481. Carey, James, 428. Carey, Jedediah, no. Carey, Richard, 78. Carey, William, 210, 48gt Carhart, Andrew, 432. Carhart, Thomas, 102. Carle, Jacob, 66, 78. Carlin, James, 168. Carls, Capt., 253, 27g. Carman, Frederick, 412, Carman, William, 228. Carmer, William, 228. Carmichael, Miles, 4g6. Carn, John, 3Q4, 526. Carney, Abraham 250.INDEX. 563 Carney, John, 344. Carney, Stephen, 89. Caron, James, 302. Carpenter, Abraham, 330. Carpenter, Asa, 180, 358, 432. Carpenter, Giles, 96. Carpenter, Jacob, 100. Carpenter, Capt. Nathaniel, 83, 99, 101. Carpenter, Robert, 376. Carpenter, Solomon, 330. Carpenter, Uriah, 16. Carpenter, William, 156. Carr. Adam, 490. Carr, John, 158, 172, 288, 326, 368, 440. Carr, Mark, 458. Carr, Matthew. 522. Carr, Patrick, 150, 230. Carr, Samuel, 87. Carr, William, 188. Carrigan, Patrick, 64, 152. Carrington, Timothy, 4, 28. Carrol], George, 154. Carroll, James, 18, 30, 41, 53. Carroll, John, 228, 290, 296, 348, 412. Carroll, John C., 41. Carroll, Thomas, 3, 12, 21, 36, 37, 42, 46. Carroll, Walter, 374, 448, 488, 528. Carrolton, John. 132. Carskaden, Thomas, 270. Carsley, Peter, 40. Carswell, Thomas, 486. Carter, David, 94, 188, 270, 438, 525. Carter, Thaddeus, 5, 26. Carter, Vincent, 9, 25, 45, 296. Carter, William, 340. Cartney, William, 460. Cartwright, Benjamin, 57. Cartwright, Nathaniel, 57. Carty, John, 1. Carty, Patrick, 244. Carty, Thomas, 164. Carty, William, 366. Carty, Carthy, see McCarty, Case, Capt., 88. Case, Israel, 129. Casey, Bartholomew, 152. Casey, John, 370. Cash, Daniel, no, 264, 390, 414, 450. Cash, David, 525, 533. Cashell, Robert, 438. Cashow, Joseph, 384. Casley, Peter, 29, 52. Cason, James, 194, 236. Cassidy, Lieut. James, 149, 521, 541, 543- Cassidy, Michael, 1, 43. Castalo, Philip, 378.® Castist, Dr. John B., 522, 540 Castle, Paul, 342. Castleman, Severeinus, 52. Caston, Robert, 80, 316. Caswell, Peter, 18. Cater, Adam, 526. Caton, George, 9, 22, 45. Caton, John, 372, 424. Caton, Thomas, 3, 14, 21, 36 38, 42 47- Caton, see Katon. Catterling, Matthias, 106, 184, 390. Caulkins, James. 478. Caulkins, Joseph, 450. Caulkins, Patrick, 466. Caulkins, Simon, 108. Caulkins, Lieut. Simon, 521, 541. Caulkins, William, no. Cavanagh, Anthony, 378. Cavanagh, John, 133. Cavanagh, Silvester, 226, 489. Caven, Thomas, 370. Caveny, Dominick, 194. Caveny, John, 418. Centurion, Thomas, mulatto, 386. Chaddock, Michael, 318. Chadwell, Matthias, 246. Chad well, Thomas, 138, 246, 481, 522 Chadwick, Benjamin, 232. Chadwick, Michael, 530, Chalis, Joseph, 352. Chalmers, Ronald, 172. Chamberlain, Benjamin, 144, 222. Chambers, Cornelius, 396, 526. Chambers, Dirck, 57. Chambers, Edward, 344, 532. Chambers, Robert, 136, 481. Champain, Claude, 238, 434, 524. Champea, Thomas, 314. Champineau, Peter, 344. Champlin, Joseph, 204, 282, 530. Champlin, Lieut. Joshua, 18, 29, 52 53- Champlin, Thomas, 19, 29, 40, $2. Chandler, John, 186, 326, 358, 404, 432, 492, 526, 527, 538. Chanley, James. 448. Chapman, Barnabas, 272. Chapman, Collins, 192. Chapman, Daniel, 148, 460, 522. Chapman, George, 306, 344. Chapman, John, 432. Chapman, Samuel, 208. Chapman, William, 152. Chappell, Frederick, 4, 27, 47. Chappell, Joshua, 62, 202. Chappell, Nathaniel, 16, 18, 30, 41, 176, 324. Charles, Andrew, 208, 340. Charles, John, 204.564 INDEX Charles, Joshua, 426. Charles, William, 420. Chase, John, 314. Chase, Obadiah, 266. Chatfield, David, 280 Chatfield, Jesse, 280. Chatfield, John, 202. Chatfield, Thomas, 408. Chatterton, Aaron, 320, 528. Chatterton, Cornelius, 322, 529, Chauncey, Elihu, 5, 17. Cherbacker, John, 366, 527, Cherpenett, Simon, 162. Cherrington, Clement, 302. Cherry, William, 334. Cheshire, Joseph, 70, 354. Chester, John, 370. Chestnutt, Samuel, 304. Chewman, James, 412. Chichester, Timothy, 126. Chick, Francis, 150. Chillea, William, 250. Chilson, Israel, 254. Chip, Henry, 20, 32. Chipman, Nathan, 144. Chitehart, William, 250. Chittenden, Benjamin, 5, 27, 48. Chopts, John, 20, 32, 49. Chrispel, Wilhelmus, 59. Christian, Mark, 80, 192. Christie, Dennis, 270. Christoffel, Thomas, 525. Christy, Thomas, 368. Christy, William, 492. Churchill, James, 376, 525. Cisler, Jacob, 394. Clancy, John, 418. Clannan, John, 346. Clap, Gilbert, no. Clapham, George, 118. Clarenbould, Richard, 420. Clark, Alexander, 374, 527. Clark, Andrew, 82. Clark, Cornelius, 238, 384, 533. Clark, David, 130, 218, 484. Clark, Elika, 428, Clark, Ephraim, 468. Clark, Ezekiel, 426. Clark, Gershom, 316, 529, 530. Clark, Jacob, 468. Clark, James, 222. Clark, Jeremiah, 252. Clark, John, 202, 234, 240, 286, 292, 422, 460, 494, 496, 529. Clark, Ludlow, 240, 286, 384, 470. Clark, Nathaniel, 198. Clark, Randolph, 202, 234, 524. Clark, Richard, 236. Clark, Robert, 164, 492. Clark, Roger, 20, 31, 49. Clark, Samuel, 206, 268, 284. Clark, Smith, 156. Clark, William, 204, 268, 280, 394, 525, 528. Clason, George, no. Clason, Peter, 476. Clay, Christopher, 166. Clear, Christopher, 134, 481. Clearwater, Johannes, 220. Clearwater, Petrus, 56. Cleary, John, 490. Cleath, Joseph, 466. Cleaveland, Timothy, 204. Cledon, Barnabas, 318. Clemmens, John, 18, 29, 40. Climie, Thomas, 298. Cline, Frederick, 136, 481. Cline, Jacob, 57, 260. Cline, John, 194, 236. Cline, Nicholas, 489. Cline, Thomas, 222. Clint, John, 132, 162, 294, 480. Clint, Michael, 136, 214,408, 481. Clint, Peter, 136, 481. Clinton, Col. Charles, 56, 89, 95, 135, i6i,337,5I9* Clinton, Eliphaz, 9, 23, 45, 62. Clinton, Lieut. George, 217, 544. Clinton, Capt. James, 94, 216, 398, 445, 462, 473, 482, 521, 524, 52S, 541, 544, 546, 548, 549, 550, 551. Clinton, Peter, 8, 24, 45. Clissall, William, 150. Clock, Capt., 275, 291. Clock, John Phillips, 126. Clopper, Christopher, 374. Close, Jesse, 98. Closs, John, 308. Closs, John William, 164. Cloudy, James, 418. Cluck, John, indian, 196. Clunn, John, 138, 212, 481, 526. Coales, Anthony, 308. Coalson, William, 164. Coates, Lieut., 510. Coates, Robert, 304. Coates, William, 306, 529. Coburn, James, 26, 48. Cochiage, Daniel, 202, 284. Cochran, Andrew, 222, 356. Cochran, Patrick, 168, 248, 488. Cochran, William, 254. Cock, George C., 14, 22, 36, 38. Cock, Michael, 222. Cock, Moses S., 282. Cockcroft, Col. William, 503, 539. Cocksure, Joseph, indian, 476. Coe, Capt., 335. Coffey, Thomas, 200. Coffin, Anthony, 268.INDEX. 565 Coffin, Edward, 412, 527. Coffin, Jacob, 268. Coffin, Thomas, 268, 530. Coffinson, John, 456. Coffman, John, 214, 348. Coggin, Peter, 240, 286. Coghill, John, 44. Cogswell, John, 44. Cogswell, Samuel, no. Coker, Henry, 133. Colashea, Peter, 102, 188, 358, 480. Colburn, Jonathan, 154, 328. Colden, Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader, .473, 530, 533, 534, 536. Colding, Matyse, 320. Cole, Abraham, 484. Cole, Baron, 92. Cole, Edea, 86. Cole, Hendrich, 82. Cole, Henry, 190, 318. Cole, Isaac, 168, 260. Cole, James, 342. Cole, John, 92, 146, 242, 402, 474, 486. Cole, Peter, 246, 254, 444. Cole, Solomon, 264, 530. Cole, Teunis, 256. Cole, Thomas, no. Cole, William, 306. Coleman, James, 94. Coleman, John, 89, 400, 404, 436, 464, 486. Coleman, Judah, 131. Coleman, Robert, 134, 164, 412. Coleman, Thomas, 252. Coles, Joshua, 336, 530. Coles, William, 170. Coley, Andrew, 31. Coley, David, 472, 498. Coley, Morris, 316. Colgan, Patrick, 402. Colhead, George, 162. Colleyon, Simon, 152. Collier, James, 162, 412. Collier, Theodorus, 126. Colliner, John, 470. Collins, Edward, 7, 8, 34, 40. Collins, James, 224, 386, 527. Collins, John, 2, 43. Collins, Patrick, 374, 400. Collins, Pell, 284. Collins, William, 378. Collmann, George, 382. Colskin, Nicholas, 533. Colson, John, 404. Colwell, John, 244. Colyer, James, 230. Combs, James, 140, 522. Combs, John, 9, 24, 45, 344. Combs, Thomas, 464. Comerford, William, 338, 528. Comfort, Jacob, 140. Commal, John, 318. Commins, Neal, 474. Compress, Robert, 146. Comstock, Daniel, 20. 31, 49. Comstock, James, 198. Comstock, Phineas, 198. Comstock, Samuel, 144. Cone, Cornelius, 20, 31, 49. Conger, James, 164. Conger, Nathaniel, 62. Conklin, see Conkling. Conkling, Aaron, 72. Conkling, Abraham, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42, 46, 190, 312. Conkling, Rev. Benjamin, 546. Conkling, David, 282, 408. Conkling, Deliverance, 9, 23, 106, 186. Conkling, Capt. Deliverance, 85, 325, 539-. Conkling, Eleazar, 408. Conkling, Eliakim, 127. Conkling, Ephraim, 276. Conkling, Gilbert, 322, 529. Conkling, Higgins, 464. Conkling, Isaac, 194, 282. Conkling, Lieut. Isaac, 255, 545. Conkling, Lieut. Jacob, 447, 451. Conkling, John, 82, 87. Conkling, John, indian, 82. Conkling, Joseph, 106, 128, 186, 320. Conkling, Nathan, 394. Conkling, Nathaniel, 456. Conkling, Samuel, 406. Conkling, Thomas, 9, 24, 87, 160. Connecticut, troops from, in the pay of New York, 4. 16, 19, 26, 30, 47, 48, 50, 468, 478, 501, 551. Connelly, Daniel, 274, 372. Connelly, Lott, 138. Connelly, Michael, 308. . Connelly, Patrick, 252, 344, 442. Connelly, Richard, I, 88, 154, 330,404. Connelly, Roger, 302, 372, 440, 514. Connelly, William, 152, 256. Conner, Hugh, 456. Conner, James, 2, 44. Conner, John, 66, 78, 178. Conner, Michael, 89. Conner, Timothy, 276, 358, 370, 432, 529. Connett, John, 528. Connick, Thomas, 342. Constable, Dr. John, 473, 545, 546. Content, Moses, 418, 470. Conway, Cornelius, 396, 526. .Conway, Morgan, 288. Conway, Peter, 454. Conyn, Capt. Peter, 547, 549.566 INDEX, Cooe, James, 264. Cooe, Joseph, 260. Cook, Benjamin, 5. Cook, David, 5. Cook, Elkanah, 19, 30, 40, 53, 272. Cook, George, 51. Cook, Isaac, 4, 26, 47. Cook, Jacob, 304. Cook, John, 352, 392. Cook, Nathaniel, 4, 28, 70, 142, 224. Cook, Obadiah, 131. Cook, Richard, 174, 296. Cook, Robert, 17, 19, 40. Cook, Capt. Silas, 207, 285. Cook, "Waitstill, 4, 27, 48, 19S. Cooker, Ezekiel, 202. Cooley, Andrew, 20, 31, 49. Cooley, Benjamin, 288. Coone, Frederick, 230. Coone, George, 292. Coone, John, 3, 194. Cooney, George, 248. Cooney, Patrick, 346, 438. Cooper, Ananias, 286. Cooper, Ebenezer, 204, 326. Cooper, George, 246, 486. Cooper, Henry, 336. Cooper, Jason, 5, 27, 48. Cooper, John, 144, 222. Cooper, Nicholas, 316. Cooper, Obadiah, 144. Cooper, Richard, 400. Cooper, Simon, 128, 194, 284. Cooper, Thomas, 294. Cooper, Zephaniah, 16. Coovert, Lucas, 66, 76. Coovert, Teunis, 66, 76, 262, Cor [ ], Conrad, 378. Cora, Anthony, 420. Corand, Anthony, 374. Corbett, James, 5. Corbett, John, 250, 394. Corbett, William, 320. Corey, Zophar, 128. Cork, PSter, 120. Corley, Thomas, 527. Cornelison, John, 170, 529. Cornelius, David, 156. Cornell, Edward, 64, 74. Cornell, James, indian, 64, 76. Cornish. John, 124. Cornwall, Edward, 84. Cornwell, Enoch, 108, 322, 434. Cornwell, Capt. Samuel, 143, 153, 225, 229, 243. Corsa, Col. Isaac. 8, 22, 45, 233, 245, 505, 5io, 519, 520, 521, 524, 542, 545- Corsa, Lieut. Teunis, '413, 473, 490; 547. Corsen, Capt. Jacob, 55, 169, 247 Corson, Cornelius, 527. Cort, Nicholas, 118, Corts, David, 82. Corwin, Edward, 234. Corwin, Elnathan, 126, 232. Corwin, Joshua, 128. Corwin, Stephen, 128. Corwin, William, 232. Cosby, Michael, 302. Cosel, John, 314. Cosgrove, Cornelius, 133. Cosgrove, Hugh, 364. Cosine, Daniel, 80. Cosine, Jacob, 120. Cosle, Joseph, 322. Coslea, Francisco, mulatto, 304. Cosman,.Goeliff, 6. Cosman, John, 76. Cossiboom, David, 62. Cossiboom, Ephraim, 62. Cossiboom, Jacob, 194, 226. Costigan, John, 484. Costigan, Patrick, 372. Cotter, James, 4S8. Cotton. Samuel, 17, 50. Cottrell, Thomas, 200, 282. Cough, Nicholas, 388. Coughlan, Simeon, 30. Coulter, Alexander, 114. Coulter, John, 51, 306, 398, 528. Coursen, John, 302, 484. Courter, William, 156. Coveil, Simeon, 266. Coveil, Zeth, 264. Covert, Dennis, 5, 27, 48. Cowen, James, 264. Cowie, James, 456. Cowles, John, 7. Cowley, Andrew, no. Cowman, John M., 274. Cox, Charles, 208. Cox, George, 486. Cox, Hamilton, 1. Cox, John, 120, 426. Cox, Lieut., 299. Cox, Richard, 144. Cox, Thomas, 296. Cox, Lieut. William, 545. Coxhead, John, 354. Coxwell, Samuel, 264. Coy, Josiah, 478. Coyes, Benjamin, 16, 50. Coyle, James, 232. Cozzens, John, 378. Cradock, William, 114. Craft, Abraham, 102. Craft, Henry, 244, 356. Craft, Isaac, 74. Craft, Jacob, 290.index. 567 Craft, Joseph, 454, 529. Crago, Thomas, 52. Craig, Robert, 2S0. Crain, Thomas, 368. Cram, Capt. Joseph, 547. Cramer, John Jacob, 172. Cramer, Michael, 133, 174, 364. Cramer, Nicholas, 260. Cramer, Simon, 338. Crampton, Batson, 442. Crane, Capt. Joseph, 108. Crane, Capt. Zebulon, 99, 101, I7?> 325- Crans, Michael, 398. Cranwell. Daniel, 54. Cratch, John, 280. Craty, Peter, 6, 34, 39. Craw, see Crow. Crawford, David, 3, 10, 21, 35, 37, 42> 46, 90. Crawford, Israel, 432. Crawford, John, 82, 90. Crawford, Joseph, 482. Crawford, Lieut., Si. Crawford, Robert, 486. Crawford, Lieut. Robert, 521, 539, 543- Crawford, Samuel, 90. Crawford, Thomas, 230. Crawford, William, 90, 308, 400, 530, Creed, Augustine, 70. Creed, Lieut. Lodowick, 524. Crenogle, George, 442. Cress, Bastian, 290. Crew, George, 60. Cribb, John, 162. Cribel, Francis, 3, 14, 21, 36, 37, 42, 46. Crifts, George, 440. Crimpack, Johan Caspar, 462. Crippen, John, 380, 525. Crispin, Joseph, 146. Crispin, Samuel, 278. Crissiing, John, 310. Crist. George, 346. Crites, George, 290. Croasdale, Eben, 410. Croates, 'Lewis, 528. Crocheron, Daniel, 55, 168. Crocker, Ebenezer, 16, 17, 50. Crockford, Thomas, 344. Crodis, John, 3. Crohon, Dennis, 51, 52, 154. Croker, Benedict, 284. Crolius, Peter, 206. Crom, William, 158. Crommelin. Capt., 309. Cromwell, Oliver, 268. Cromwell, Thomas, 182, 324, 358, 430, 526. Cronck, Teunis, 312. Cronk, Adam, 64, 76. Cronkright, Abraham, 106, 186. Cronkright, Henry, 9, 23. Cronkright, Jacobus, 318. Cronkright, Sybert, 106. Cronkright, Teunis, 530. Crons, Stephen, 258. Crook, John. 19. Crook, William, 198. Crooker. Bersdick, 206. Crooks, William, 292, 494. Crookson, John, 80. Croon, John, 288. Croos, Michael, 336. Crosby, Ebenezer, 31, 49. Crosby, Elijah, 414. Crosby, Michael, 174, 302, 384, 480. Crosby, Reuben, 112. Crosby, Theodorus, 264, 527. Closer, Joseph, 494. Crosie, Lewis, 344. Cross, George, 378, 480. Cross, John, 148. Cross, Joseph, 152. Cross, Lewis, 226. Cross, Michael, 150, 526. Cross, Robert, 208, 464. Crouch, Christopher, 20, 31, 49, 204 238, 386. Crouch, David, 20. Crouse, George, 52. Crouse, Peter, 60, 252. Crouse, Stephen, 258. Crow, Isaac, 266, 414, 456. Crow, Jesse, 478, 482. Crow, John, 394, 456. Crow, Joseph. 112, 456. Crow, Michael, 178. Crowder, Anthony, 86. Crowder, William, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38, 42, 47, 248. Crowell, John, 486. Crowfoot, Samuel, 98. Crowley, Jeremiah, 346, 525. Crown Point, expedition to, 501, 503, 504,505.506. Cruger, John, 419, 524, 529, 533. Crupp, Valentine, 529. Crydeman, Filde, 120. Crytes, Lodowick, 414, 458. Cudney, Jeremiah, 316. Cuff, mulatto, 130. Cuff, John, 392. Cuff, Mordecai, 5. Cuffee, Absalom, 284. Cuffee, Cuffee, 206, 284. Cuffee, Peter, 284. Cuffee, Thomas, mus'ee, 240, 282, 286, 384- Culver, James, 204.568 INDEX. Culver, Timothy, 384. Culverwell, Michael, 488. Cummings, Asa, no, 264. Cummings, Ebenezer, 268. Cummings, Samuel, 20, 31. Cummings, William, 412. Cunningham, Ezekiel, 87. Cunningham, James, 162, 276. Cunningham, John, 62, 314. Cunningham, Moses, 330, 559. Cunningham, Obadiah, 88, 90, 378. Cunningham, Stephen, 100. Curlee, Nicholas, 538. Curre, Compt. Andrew, 20, 32, 49. Curreng, Anthony, 430. Current, Thomas, 428. Currin, Michael, 360. Curwin, Simon, 406. Curwin, William, 406. Curry, Charles, 462. Curry, Elijah, 18, 30, 40. Curry, James, 80, 178, 274, 318, 372, 474- Curry, John, 238, 398. Curry, Thomas, 302. Curtis, Coleman, 156. Curtis, Elidad, 5, 27, 48. Curtis, Ethan, 4, 26, 47. Curtis, Nathaniel, 16, 50. Curtis, Niniad, 156. Cuthbertson, William, 488. Cutler, Increase, 186, 318, Cutler, John, 410. Cuttrack, John, 294. Cuyler, Harmanus, 86. Daggett, Matthew, 266, 456. Dakret, William, 2. Dalliday, John, 388, 430. Daly, Benjamin, 272, 46c. Daly, Edward, 14S. Daly, James, 530. Daly, John, 260, 376. Daly, Joseph, 114, 172, 298. j Daly, Joshua, 138, 481. Daly, Justus, 17, 50. Daly, Peter, 448. Daly, Samuel, 262. Dan, Charles, 46. Dan, Jonathan, 358, 434. Dance, John, 476. Dance, WTilliam, 438. Dands, Christopher, 57. Dandy, John, 254. Daniel, indian, 124. Daniels, Henry, 276. Daniels, John, 436. Daniels, Johnson, 178. Daniels, Thomas, 102. Daniels, William, 180. Dans, Daniel, 152. Darby, John, 2, 44, 150. Darby, Joseph, 68, 78. 140. Darby, Thomas, 306, 376, 526, 528. Darcy, John, 308. Darling, Benjamin, 270, 529. Darling, Ephraim, 264. Darwell, James, 7, 34, 39. Dauf, Jacob, 174. David, indian, 238, 406. David, Edward, 140. David, Thomas, 354. Davidge, Thomas, 456. Davids, Lodowick, 84. Davids, Thomas, 192. Davids, William, 310, 360. Davis, Andries, 56. Davis, Benjamin, 152, 196. Davis, Ebenezer, 16, 17, 50. Davis, Edward, 8, 34, 39, 51. Davis, Jacob, 490. Davis, Jacobus, 396. Davis, James, 188, 444. Davis, Jedadiah, 266, 390. Davis, John, 6, 8, 34, 40, 66, 76, 146, 152, 166, 172, 406, 494. Davis, Jonathan, 124, 237. Davis, Lieut. Jonathan, 544. Davis, Joseph, 84, 529. Davis, Matthew, 284. Davis, Peter, 5, 26, 48, 426. Davis, Rice, 228. Davis, Capt. S., 199, 241. Davis, Samuel, 398, 462, 526, 528. Davis, Silas, 124. Davis, Solomon, 542. Davis, Thomas, 438, 529. Davis, William, 120, 150, 244, 362. Davison, Benjamin, 374. Davison, Daniel, 18, 41. Davison, James, 527. Davison, Norman, 422. Davison, Samuel, 490. Daw, Samuel, 526. Dawson, Daniel, 52. Dawson, Frederick, 378. Dawson, George. 68, 144, 244. Dawson, Henry, 60, 228, 298, 356. Dawson, Capt. Henry, 342, 419, 472, 537. 546, 547- Day, James, 410. Day, Samuel, 250. Day, William, 262. Dayton, Abraham, 128. Dayton, Lieut. Abraham, 407, 469, 547- Dayton, David, 180. Dayton, Hezekiah, 234. Dayton, Israel, 4, 26. Dayton, Stephen, 238.INDEX. 569 Dayton, Thomas, 529. Dean, Charles, 3, 14, 2T, 35, 37, 42. Dean, Daniel, 72, 192. Dean, Ephraim, 16, 51. Dean, Francis, 394. Dean, Hector, 142. Dean, Henry, 440. Dean, Henry, mulatto, 116, 118, 302, 368. Dean, James, 150. Dean, John, 266, 440. Dean, Lieut. John, 227, 353, 355, 545- Dean, Jonathan, 533. Dean, Joshua, 94, 216. Dean, Stephen, 214. Dean, Thomas, 489. Dean, William, 10, 21, 35, 38. Debarer, x\nthony, 174. Decker, Cornelius, 87. Decker, Daniel, 7. Decker, David, 8, 34. Decker, Gabriel, 87. Decker, Gerrit, 444. Decker, Jacob, 328. Decker, John, 87, 156, 218, 278, 328, 530. Decker, Jonathan, 92. Decker, Joshua, 484. Decker, Lawrence, 154. Decker, Peter, 396, 528. De Clark, Jacobus, 402. Dee, Elijah, 282. Defanvie, Peter, 344. De Favent, Adam, 346. Defavette, Peter, 133, 252. De Forest, Capt. Abraham, 212, 292, 374, 422, 436, 443, 472, 498, 521, 525, 527, 542, 545- 546, 549- 550- Defour, Peter, 424. De Friez, John, indian, 334, 404, 460. De Garmo, Capt. John, 249, 363, 417- 448. 473. 475. 492> 537. 539-546, 55i. De Graff, Johannes, 58, 59. De Graw, Lieut. Isaac, 122. De Groot, Garrit, 300. De Groot, Robert, 55. Degrove, Michael, 118. Deharwix, Augustus, 354. De Jersey, John, 334. De Kay, Capt. Thomas, 87, i55> 329* Delamater, Capt., 255, 261, 273. De Lancey, Lieut. Gov. James, 4- 89, 95, 161, 502, 511, 512, 513, 5t4> 515» 5i7, 5i8, 519- 520, 523. De Lancey, Col. Oliver, 86, 119, I23> 134, 501, 507, 510, 513, 517. Delaney, John, 490. Delaney, Patrick, 292, 368, 474. Delanue, Peter, 170. Delavan, Timothy, 104, 184, 360. De Lavergne, Lieut. Lewis, 521, 541. De Lavergne, Nicholas, 39. De Lear, John, 106. Delegal, John, 354. Delfort, John, 374. Delis, Claudis, 238. De Lure, Harmanus, 106. Demarest, John, 135, 158. Demmon, Justus, 360. 446. Demott, Abram, 68, 78. Demott, John, 444. Demott, Nicholas, 60. Dempsey, George, 354, 376, 480. Denison, Christopher, 282. Denison, Daniel, 17. Dennis, Capt., 177. Dennis, John, 440. Dennis, John, indian, 308. Dennis, Stephen, 316. Dennis, Thomas, 70. Denniston, Lieut. Alexander, 483. Denniston, James, 8, 24, 45, 362, 454. Denniston, John, 386. Denniston, Peter, 538. Denniston, William, 482. Denny, Nathaniel, 30. Denny, Nicholas, 89. Denny, William, 128. Denslow, Ichabod, 144. Dentfield, Jonathan, 300. Denton, John, 60, 529. Denton, Lieut. Joseph, 521, 541. De Peyster, Gerardus, 428. De Peyster, Capt. Isaac, 173. De Peyster, Capt. James, 512. De Peyster, John, 22, 25, 29, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, 52. Depome, Redmond, 374, 480. Deport, Peter, 352, 374. Deoue, Abraham, 106, 186, 390, 434. Depue, John, 112, 184. Depue, Nicholas, 106, 186, 320, 388. Depue, William, 106, 529. Derbyshire, William, 184, 320, 434. Derry, Henry, 186, 368, 434. Desbrosses, Capt. Elias, 165, 173, 303, 309, 516. Dever, Patrick, 44. Devereaux, James, 302, 526. De Voe, Abraham, 192. Dewey, Israel, 204, 282. Dewey, William, 16, 50, 282. De Witt, Capt., 257, 261. De Witt, Daniel, 7, 34, 39, 218, 530. De Witt, Egbert, 57. De Witt. Ezekiel, 58. De Witt, Garton, 57. De Witt, Henry, 218, 530. De Witt, Lieut. Jacob R., 522, 540. JINDEX. 570 De Witt, John, 7, 34, 58, 446. De Witt, Lucas, 58. De Witt, Patrick, 530. De Witt, Peack, 258. De Witt, Petrus, 58. De Wolf, Stephen, 432. Dey, David, 246. Dey, John, 466. Dey, Jonathan, 152. Dey, Peter, 16, 50. Dibble. George, 19, 31, 49. Dibble, Sineus, 129. Diblin, James, 208. Dice, Capt., 303, 309. Dice, John, 496. Dice, Matthew, 252, 370. Dick, Nicholas, 278. Dickens, Joseph, 104. Dickerson, Capt., 265. Dickerson, George, no. Dickerson, James, 350. Dickerson, Jeremiah, 202, 234. Dickerson, Jonathan, 468. Dickerson, Samuel, 234, 312, 360, 422, 530- Dickinson, Lieut. Gabriel, 105, 539. Dickinson, Joshua, 380. Dickinson, Tobias, 530. Dickinson, Vassel, 476. Dickson, James, 184. Dickson, John, 360. Dickson, Joseph, 186. Dickson, Nathan, 104. Dickson, Thaddeus, 320. Dickson, William, 186. Diego, John, negro, 420. Diggins, Arnils, 322. Diggins, Dominie, 262. Dilkins, Thomas, 112. Dillaway, William, 412, 456. Dillingham, Stephen, 529. Dillon, Edward, 132, 212, 390, 528. Dimock, Samuel, 98, 266. Dimock. Capt. Samuel, 19, 30, 48, 498, 501. Dingman, John, 428. Dirck, Jacob, 226. Ditmus, Lieut. Douwe, 64, 74. Diver, Andrew, 94. Diver, Edward, 533. Divine, Barnaby, 494. Divine, Nathaniel, 20, 31. Divine, Samuel, 462, 486. Divour, George, 192, 230, 354, 480. Dixon, George, 302. Dixon, Robert, 300, 366, 424. Dixon, William, 478, 482. Doan, James, 184. Dobbins, Henry, 154, 404. Dobbins, James, 100. Dobbins, Leonard, 446. Dobbins, William, 488. Dobbs, Abraham, 182. Dobbs, William, 158. Dodge, Isaac, 240. Dodson, Jonathan, 132. Dolby, George, 306. Dolby, John, 2, 44. Dolph, Gideon, 176, 324, 530 I)olph, Jesse, 96. Dolph, Stephen, 142. Dominick, George, 114. Donaldson, John, 528. Donbery, Peter, 528. Done, James, 320, 390. Donean, John, 533. Doney, John, 294. Dongan, Col. Thomas, 518. Donnel, Augustus, 133. Donnelly, Andrew, 488. Donnelly, Daniel, 298. Donnelly, Hugh, 140, 222. Donnelly, James, 448, 492. Donnelly, Malachi, 474. Donnelly, Michael, 372, 474. Donnelly, Peter, 304, 344. Donner, John, 354. Donaldson, Henry, 448. Donaldson, James, 340. Donaldson, John, 436. Donovan, Patrick, 292. Dooley, Michael, 236. Doolittle, Michael, 26, 47. Dopking, Henry, 488. Doran, Edward, 172, 296, 525. Doran, Francis, 304, 394, 525. Doran, John, 252. Doran, Martin, 374, 422. Doran, Michael, 2, 44, 476, 527. Dorman, Daniel, 170. Dorman, Edward, 250. Dorson, Edward, 90. Dorson, Frederick, 274. Dorus, Richard, 20, 32, 49. Doty, John, 56, 59, 148. Dougherty, Charles, 250, 368, 480. Dougherty, Hugh, 1, 43. Dougherty, James, 154, 224, 278, 354, 406, 436. 526, 527. Dougherty, John, 492. Dougherty, Michael, 242. Dougherty, Thomas, 55, 152, 166, 246, 350. Doughty, Abner, 264. Doughty, George, 228, 354. Doughty, Isaiah, 242,244, 340, 354,327. Doughty, William, 68, 78. Douglass, James, 162, 484. Douw, Volckert P., 35, 36, 37, 53, 418, 478.INDEX. 571 Dove, William, 200. Dow, Joseph, 127. Dow, Nathan, 232. Dowd, Michael, 366, 480. Dowdell, Charles, 1, 2. Dowdell, James, 7, 19, 29, 40, 53, 150, 270, 414. Dower, Marline, 414. Down, James. 128. Downard, William, 6, 34, 39. Downer, Stephen, 20, 31, 48, 204. Downing, Henry, 206. Downing, John, 410. Downing, Roger, 8, 25, 45. Downs, Micah, 128. Downs, Michael, 100. Doxey, Henry, 62. Doxey, John, 62, 64, 74. Doyle, John, 210, 378, 438. Drake, Edward, 360. Drake, Gerardus, 102. Drake, Capt. Gilbert, 83, 313, 329, 337. Drake, John, 232. Drake, Oglesby, 392, 528. Draper, James, 268. Drayton, Thoma-, 422. Dreaf, Joseph, 416. Drewit, James, 298. Drink water, Thomas, 20, 31. Dromberger, Frederick, 276. Drum, Simon, 300. Drummond. John, 222, 366, 480. Duane, Lieut. Cornelius, 539. Dublin, James, 528. Du Bois, Capt., 167, 247, 251, 279, 512. Du Bois, Capt. Eleazar, 263, 269. Du Bois, Jacobus, 396. Du Bois, Lewis, 452. Du Bois, Matthew, 19. Du Bois, Capt. Peter, 263, 521, 539, 541, 542, 546, 548. Du Bois, Randal, 212. Du Bois, Thomas, 150. Du Bois, Walter, 524. Duchett, Andrew, 168. Ducke, Joseph, 162. Dudley, John, 4, 26, 48. Dudley, Josiah, 5, 27. Dudley, Zebulon, 20, 31, 48. Duffy, Francis, 7, 34, 40, 52, 170, 342, 480. Duffy, Peter, 224, 524. Duffy, R.obert, 332. Dugan, Christopher, 490. Dugan , Cornelius, 344, 438. Dugan, Patrick, 9, 24. Dumond, Hermanus, 58. Dumont, Lieut. Peter, 521. Dunbar, George, 68. Dunbar, Capt. George, 139, 242, 357, 418, 521, 525, 528, 541, 544, 547, 549- Dunbar, John, 3, 12, 22. Dunbar, Matthew, 52. Dunbar, Thomas, 87. Dung, Simon, 127. Dunham, Ebenezer, 16. Dunham, Nathaniel, 18, 30, 40, 53. Dunlap, Alexander, 274. Dunlap, James, 216, 400, 462, 482, 52S. Dunmore, Jonathan, 244. Dunn, Dennis, 272, 356. Dunn, James, 164. Dunn, John, 529. Dunn, Thomas, 354. Dunn, William, 168. Dunning, Jonathan, 490. Dunning, Samuel, 490. Dunphy, Edward, 18, 30, 40, 53, 82. Dunphy, John, 342. Dunscomb, Dennis, 296. Dunscomb, John, 292. Dunstable, Charles, 342. Dunyans, Conrad, 150, 240, 286, 350. Duran, Francis, 424. Durell, David, 324. Durham, James, 250. Durkee, Robert, 17, 51. Durkee, Timothy, 5, 27. Durose, Charles, 372. Durston, Charles, 302. Duryea, Lieut. Roelef, 139, 221, 521, 54L 544* Dusenberry, Peter, 102. Dutcher, Abraham, 84, 182, 312, 360, 480. Dutcher, Barent, 190, 312. Dutcher, Isaac, 155. Dutcher, Roelef, 250. Dutchess County, muster rolls of troops from. 1755, 18 ; X75B, 108; 1760, 254, 258, 262, 268, 525 ; 1761, 380, 393; 412, 527, 528 ; 1762, 445, 450 ; militia ordered into service, 505, 507, 509, 517 ; officers commissioned for, 541, 545, 546 ; warrants to pay bounty and enlistment money, 547-551. Dutchess, Isaac, 86. Dutton, Charles, 5, Duval, Jacques, 180. Dwers, George, 82. Dwyer, Edward, 292, 362. Dwyer, John, 68, 78. Dyckman, Isaac, 310, 529. Dye, see Dey. Dyer, Lieut. Ebenezer, 4, 26. Dyer, Edward, 376.572 INDEX. Dyer, Matthew, 232. Ellis, Thomas, 488. Dyke, Nathaniel, 5, 27-48. Eagan, Philip, 430. Eames, Benjamin, 132. Earl, Capt., 265, 271. Earl, Moses, 5, 28, 47. Earl, Nathaniel, 264. Earl, William, 112. Early, Edward, 216, 398. Early, George, 120, 144. Earn, Myer, 416. Earnest, Daniel, 452. Earnest, Valentine, 416. Ease, Matthew, 146. Eastman, Tilton, 262. Eastman, William, 262. Eastwick, Stephen, 150, 436. Eato, Henry, mustee, 70. Eaton, Aaron, 3 6. Ebbet, Moses, 494. Ebbie, John, 250. Ecker, Oliver, 260. Eckerson, Johannes, 6. Ecklaer, Henry, 290. Eddy, Abner, 112. Eddy, Elisha, 238. Eddy, James, 468. Edwards, Abraham, 89, 128. Edwards, Anthony, 210. Edwards, Benaiah, 16, 50, 234. Edwards, Capt., 263. Edwards, Ichabod, 130, 204, 284. Edwards, James, 490. Edwards, John, 170, 172, 178, 200, 282, 306, 310, 386, 460, 528. Edwards, Prince, 214. Edwards, Richard, 408. Edwards, Robert, 150, 244, 356. Egbert, Daniel, 55. Egeles, Albert, 340. Eggleston, Ambrose, 202, Eggleston, John, 20, 31, 49. Eklin, Francis, 492. Elback, Joseph, 340. Elfeng, Frans J. S., 2. Eligh, George, 52. Elkanah, mustee, 60. Eller, Peter, 396. Ellet, Henry, 394. Elliot, Francis, 400, 528. Elliot, George, 258. Elliot, John, 23, 45, 318. Elliot, Joseph, 130. Elliot, Robert, 300. Ellis, Capt., 91. Ellis, Jacob, no. Ellis, John, 152, 492. Ellis, Lazarus, 266. Ellis, Levi, 148. Ellison, Captain, 91, 217. Ellison, Cornelius, 424. Ellison, Dennis, 450. Ellison, James, 154. Ellison, John, 488. Ellison, Col. Thomas, 518, 539. Ellison, William, 458, 480. Elms, George, 92, 464. Elsworth, George, 120, 140. Elsworth, Henry, 220, 394. Elsworth, John, 484. Elsworth, Nicholas, 5, 27. Elsworth, Samuel, 90, 220. Elsworth, Theophilus, 402. Elsworth, Thomas, 526. Elsworth, Capt. Verdine, 521, 539, 541, 542, 549. Elsworth, William, 525. Elves, Francis, 214, 348. Embry, Capt. Joseph, 81, 179. Emegia, Johannes, 290. Emerson, Joseph, 234. Emery, William, 133, 342. Emmit, Teunis, 86. Emmott, James, 208, 296. Emory, Lieut. Robert, 521, 541. England, William, 494. English, Benjamin, 402. English, Jacob, 6. English, William, 208, 394. Ennis, George, 350. Ennis, Patrick, 162. Ennis, William, 56. Enporour, Adam, 314. Ensign, Joseph, 306. Envoldson, John C , 170. Erganbergh, Michael, 278. Erhart, John, 3, 14, 21, 35, 38, 41, 46, 366. Erhart, William, 140. Erkson, Hendrick, 44. Erwin, Lieut. Edward, 94. Erwin, Jacob, 133. Erwin, Robert, 94, 374, 422. Erwin, William, 470, 474, 498. Estel, Griffe, 58. Evans, Henry, 142. Evans, James, 346. Evans, John, 116, 120, 148, 238, 312, 388, 452, 460, 526, 527, 528. Evans, Robert, 306. Evans, Samuel, 166. Evans, Silvanus, 300. Evans, Thomas, 112, 238. Evans, William, 250, 527. Everitt, Richard, 60, 68, 78, 232. Everson, Thomas, 89. Evert, Martin, 164. Every, Alexander, 218.INDEX. 573 Eves, Edmond, 438. Ewell, John, 294. Ewell, Nehemiah, 528. Ewen, William, 526. Eyanson, Daniel, 136, 481. Eynman, Abraham, 412. Eyres, see Ayres. Fagan, John, 142, 224. Fagan, Joseph, 412. Fairbairn, George, 348. Fairchild, Jesse, 264. Fairweather, Richard, 489, Falada, Zacchaeus, 87. Falbart, William, 496. Fall, John, 212. Fanning, Richard, 220. Fanning, Samuel, 394. Fantiman, Samuel, 222. Farley, George. 376. Farlie, Lieut. James, 545. Farmer, Capt. Jasper, 512. Farmer, Thomas, 242, 306. Farmer, William, 488. Farnell, Nathaniel 530. Farner, Peter, 528. Farnum, Eliab, 20, 31, 48. Farr, William, 304. Farrell, John, 356. Farrington, Daniel, 390, 430. Farrington, Robert, 80, 462. Farrington, Thomas, 72, 226, 352. Faulkner, Capt., 483. Faulkner, John, 448, 488. 537. Faulkner, Robert, 388, 480. Faulkner, William, 484. Faveral, John, 300. Faverois, Peter, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 41 46. Feazer, Thomas, 426. Fee, Peter, 480. Feger, John Swart, 214. Felix, Matthew, 414. Fellpack, John, 148. Felmer, George. 216. Felmer, Uri, 398. Femont, Frederick, 527. Felter, Johannes, 94, 216. Fenton, Elisha, 451. Fenton, John, 452. Fenton, Stephen, 108, 266, 452. Ferdinand, John, 480. Ferguson, Elijah, 174. Ferguson, Enos, 260. Ferguson, George, 218, 396. Ferguson, James, 386. Ferguson, John, 224, 252, 254. Ferguson, Leonard, 260. Ferguson, Peter, 324. Ferguson, Robert, 216, 464. Ferguson, WTilliam, 2, 414^ 528 Ferrari, Rignig, 526, 528/533/ Ferrier, Robert, 216, 398. Ferril, John, 114. Ferris, John, 324. Ferris, Joseph, 527, Ferris, Moses, 96. Ferris, Patrick, 194. Ferris, Timothy, 72. Ferris, William, 260. Ferron, Daniel, 484. Ferry, John, 240. Fiderly, Henry, 292. Field, Daniel, 226. Field, Dennis, 62. Field, Ebenezer, 198. Field, John, 128, 326. Fielding, William, 444. Fier, Leonard, 360, 430. Fight, Michael, 174. Fight, Nicholas, 72. File, Peter, 422. Filer, Thomas, 129, 202. Finch, David, 324. Finch, James, 156, 328. Finch, Jeremiah, 70. Finch, John, 452. Finch, Nathaniel, 188, 390. Finch, Samuel, 326, 530. Finch, Solomon, 486. Finch, William, 390. Findle, Anthony, 352. Fingue, John, 250. Fink, Joseph, 138, 481. Finley, James, 19, 29, 41, 53^ 3gQ Finney, Daniel, 260. Finney, George, 474, 527. Finton, see Fenton. Firth, William, 23. Fish, David, 142. Fish, Robert, mulatto, 88. Fishback, Joel, 442. Fisher, Christian, 294. Fisher, Christopher, 527. Fisher, David, 310. Fisher, House, 342, 420. Fisher, Jacob, 194. Fisher, James, 156, 330. Fisher, John, 116, 172, 524. Fisher, Lieut. John, 166, 305, 545. Fisher, Matthew, 9, 24, 45. Fisher, Moses, 20, 31, 49. Fisher, Nathan, 20, 31. Fisher, Robin, indian, 127. Fisherman, Jehu, indian, 466. Fisk, Nathan, 380. Fitch, Major Eleazar, 501, 505. Fitch, Elijah, 16, 17. Fitch, Joseph. 6, 33, 39. Fitch, Gov. Thomas, 6.574 index. Fitchett, Abraham, i63, 304, 360, 430. Fitchett, Heinrich, 8, 39. Fitchett, Joseph, 462. Fix, Adam, 370. Fitzgerald, John, 252, 364, 386, 488, 514, 527. Fitzgerald, Patrick, 8, 24. 45. Fitzgerald, Thomas, 168, 246, 350, 440. Fitzpatrick, Dennis, 280. Fitzpatrick, John, 288. Fitzpatrick, Joseph, 412. Fitzpatrick, Lieut. Joseph, 421, 472, 4S8. Fitzwalter, George, 140. Flagg, Beniamin, 33. Flail Noah, 525. Flanagan, Hugh, 3, 12. 21, 35, 41, 46. Flanagan, Thomas, 86. Flee, Joseph, 264. Fleming, Alexander, 55. Fleming, Andrew, 140. Fleming, Francis, 250, 364. Fleming, James, 480. Fleming, John, 6, 34, 39, 52, 228, 376, 422, 530. Fleming, Thomas, 300. 530. Flenningham, James, 248. Fletcher, Alexander, 324. Fletcher, Richard, 114- Fletcher, Thomas, 55. Fling, Daniel. 472, 498. Fling, Edward, 386. Fling, John, 9, 24, 45, 218, 398, 456. Flinn, John, 342, 422, 488. Flint, Abraham, 128. Flint, Adam, 290. Flint, Nathan, 8, 22, 45. Flint, Lieut. Nathan, 101, 179, g2i, 539> 542. Flint, Silas, 182, 318. Flore, Joseph, 338. Florris, John, 492. Floyd, Harry, indian, 64, 76. Floyd, Col. Richard, 5Q5> 512, 51-7. Fock, Johan Jurigh, 3. Folck, Philip, 290. Follard, Nicholas, 3, 12, 21, 35. 37, a\ 46. Follier, Jacob, 290, Folliot, John, 496. Fonda, Lieut. Jellis, I, 43* Forbes, Daniel, 164, 302, 348, 526. Forbes, Duncan, 172. Forbes, Wil'iam, 196, 340, 408, 445. Forbush, Jacob, 438. Ford, Daniel, 16, 17, 51. Ford, Jesse, 196. Ford, John, 234, 448. Ford, Joseph, 152. Ford, Thomas, 230, 434. Fordenkroogh, Hendrick, 120, 244. Fordham, Josiah, 282, 530. Fordham, Joseph, 284, 530. Fordham, Phineas, 408. Forman, Capt. A., 97, 101. Forrest, William, 300. Forrester, John, 528. Forrester, Joseph, 306. Forshea, Abraham, 106. For>hea, Daniel, 530. Forshea, Henry, 182, 529. Forshea, Jacob, 310, 476. Forshea, John, 106, 529. Forshea, Joseph, 530. Forshea, Peter, 86. Forster, John, 178, 318. Forster, Edward, 362. Fort Andrew, 288. Fort Edward, 504, 510, 511, 512, 544. Fort Miller, 544. Fort William Henry, 504, 510, 511 5J2. Fortange, Elias, 496. Foster, Abraham, 284. Foster, Alexander, 143, 230. Foster, Christopher, 284, 530. Foster, David, 131, 206, 282. Foster, Elnathan, 131. Foster, Gilbert, 146. Foster, James, 424. Foster, Jeremiah, 131, 282. Foster, John, 62, 230. Foster, Nathaniel, 124. Foster, Obadiah, 131. Foster, Rowland, 9, 24, 45. Foster, Samuel, 16, 130. Foster, William, 170. Foulk, George, 524. Fountain, Estall, 82. Fountain, Francis, 148, 222, 390, 490. Fountain, Peter, 224, 350. Fountain, Vincent, 54, 166, 246, 466. Fowler, Anthony, 200, 312, 360. Fowler, Barley, 80. Fowler, Benjamin, 388. Fowler, Gilbert, 242. Fowler, James, 394, 456. Fowler, Jeremiah, 80, 192, 312, 410. Fooler, Jeziel, 314. Fowler, John, indian, 406. Fowler, Lieut. John, 407. Fowler, Capt. Jonathan, 80, 81, 191 3*L 539, 547- \ Fowler, Michael, indian, 372, 525. Fowler, Peter, 146, 228, 436. Fowler, Samuel, 190. Fox, Francis, 340. Fox, Jacob, 344. Fox, Jeremiah, 104 Fox, Oliver, 262.INDEX. 575 Fox, Peter, 276. Fox. Samuel, 266, 478. Fox, Stephen O., 131. Fox, Thomas, 388, 430. Foy, John, 6, 34, 39. France, Christian, 210. Francis, George, 326. Francis, John, 470. Francis, Joseph, 489. Francis, Peter, 492. Francis, Thomas, 494. Francisco, Anthony, 410. Francisco, Wanico, 530. Franco, Joseph, 338. Frank, Conrad, 364, 480, Frank. John, 66, 72, 78. Frankland, John, no. Frankland. Rossel, 112. Franklin, Benjamin, 264. Franklin, David, 19, 31, 49, 234. Franklin, John, 18, 30, 40, 53, 112, 232. Franklin, Joseph. 232. Frans, Lieut, Robert, 185. Fraser, Benjamin, 374, 527. Fraser, Janies, 172. Fraser, William, 242. Frasier, Donald, 238. Frasier, Peter, 240, 384, 525, 527. Frasier, William, 226. Fravors, Peter, 310. Frazer, Daniel, 348. Frazer, Simon. 348. Freche, Conrad, 44. Fredenburgh, Benjamin, 258. Fredenburgh, Matthias, 258. Fredenburgh, Peter, 258. Fredenburgh, William, 140. Fredenburgh, see Vredenburgh. Frederick, Henry, 300, 346. Frederick, Jacob, 370. Frederick, John C., 60. • Free, Peter, 374. Freedale, John, 350, 527. Frehout, Joseph, 274. Freeman, Daniel, 234. Freeman, John, 6, 33, 39, 490. Freeman, Samuel, 490. Freer, Jacob S., 58. Fresman, John, 440. Fresong, Peter, 228. Fretengham, Nicholas, 208. Frey, Hendrick, 52. Friel, Abel, 17. Frinck, Jacob, 184. Fiinck, Jesse, 176. Frisbe, Israel, 5, 27, 48. Fritchie, Coenraet, 52. Fritz, Benedick, 262, 426. Fritz, Hendrick, 6, 34. Fritz, Johannes, 87. Frost, Capt., 141, 145, 151. Frost, Jedediah, 112. Frost, John, 264. Frost, Michael, 70. Frost, Thomas, 270. Frost, William, 104. Frothingham, John, 214. Fry, Nicholas, 348. Fryart, John, 120. Fryer, William, 142. Fullard, Michael, indian, 428. Fuller, Cornelius, 108. Fuller, Ebenezer, 468. Fuller, Edward, 19, 31. Fuller, Emanuel, 266. Fuller, Jabez, 318. Fuller, Matthew, 110. Fuller, Samuel, 230. Fulton, John, 218, 462. Fulton, Samuel, 464. Furlong, Stephen, 462. Furman, Joseph, 322. . Fusileer, John, 162. Gabriel, Lieut. Nicholas E., 269, 270, 545- Gaddico, Peter, 420. Gage, Ebenezer, no. Gage, George, 264. Gage, Maj.-Gen. Thomas, 489. Gaghagan, John, 491. Gale, Joseph, 480. Gale, Lieut. Samuel, 403, 445, 459, 547- Gall, John Dene, 450. Gallagher, Charles, 2, 43. Galligan, Hugh, 244. Gallihan, Charles, 224. Galloway, Richard, 410. Gamble, Arthur, 346. Gamble, Hugh, 416. Gamble, James, 210, 454. Gamble, Richard, 212. Gamble, Thomas, 204. Gannon, William, 236. Gans, Hendrick, 2, 44. Gape, Michael, 382. Garb, Elisha, 20, 31, 49. Gardiner, Gains, 470. Gardiner, George, 384. Gardiner, John, 88, 328, 468. Gardiner, Lyon, 330. Gardner, Andrew, 294. Gardner, Edward, 204. Gardner, Matthew, 300. Gardner, Matthias, 148. Gardner, Solomon, 6, 33, 39. Garlock, Adam, 114. Garlock, Nicholas, 274.INDEX. 5;6 Garnett, James, 306. Garret, Benjamin, 240. Garret, Jeffrey, negro, 80. Garret, Jesse, 196. Garret, Joseph, 16, 17, 50. Garrison, Aaron, 529. Garrison, Abraham, 118, 160, 334, 404. Garrison, David, 360. Garrison, Jonas, 84. Garvin, James, 489. Gatehouse, Capt. Richard, 93, 539. Gates, John Michael, 298. Gauber, Ernest Augustus, 123. Gaul, Samuel, 370. Gauthy, Michael, 72. Gavin, Eliphaz, 330. Gawey, Michael, 454. Gaylord, Eleazer, 17, 50. Gaylord, Lieut. Samuel, 16, 50, 501. Geary, George, 308. Geary, William, 458. Gedney, Joshua, 9, 23. Gee, Ezekiel, 270. Gee, Moses, 412. Geer, John Jurigh, 3. Gelder, Barnet, 6. Geller, Frederick, 6, 8, 34, 39. Gelston, Dr. Samuel, 130. Genery, Leonard, 212. George, indian, 240, 286. George, Michael, 306. George, Richard, 392, 448. 525, 528. George, Thomas, 194, 316. Georgy, John C., 278. German, Christopher, 72. German, Henry, 133. German, Isaac, 254, 380. German, James, 190, 228, 480. German, John, 144, 344, 424. German, William, 242. Geron, Benjamin, 86. Gerrard, Benjamin, 125. Gerrard, Jesse, 125. Geseler, Peter, 158. Geuter, John, 208. Gey, see Gee, Jee. Gibbons, Thomas, 356. Gibbs, John, 326. Gibbs, Joseph, 406, 528. Gibson, David, 308. Gibson, Thomas, 324, 426, 526. Giddons, Roger, 538. Giddyman, John, 212. Gilbert, John, 486. Gilbert, Obadiah, 176. Gilbert, Richard, 426. Gilbert, Samuel, 9, 17, 24, 45,. 50, Gilchrist, Duncan, 156, 218. Gilchrist, Peter, 134. Gilchrist, Capt. William, 178, 314 521, 526, 527, 533, 542, 545 546’ 549, 550. 358, 548, Giles, Edward, 378. Giles, John Joseph, 310. Gill, Thomas, 27. Gill, William, 178. Gillett, Abner, 525. Gillett, Edward, 450. Gillett, John, 18, 30. Gillett, Noah, 108, 364, 450. Gillett, Robert, 222. Gillespie, James, 486. Gillespie, John, 54, 300, 344, 394. Gillespie, Samuel, 484. Gillies, Joseph. 388. Gilling,William, 456. Gillis, Thomas, 224. Gillow, Joseph, 526. Gilmore, William, 140, 224, 354. Giryen, William, 131. Gitley, William, 370. Glase, John, 498. Glassley, William, 528. Glazier, Col. Beamsley, 134, 506 510 539- Gleason, Timothy, 276, 394. Glenn, James, 288, 342. Glenn, Lieut.-Col., 505. Glenn, John, 9, 23, 45, 306. Gletz, John Michael, r22, 136, 481. Glover, Benjamin, 202. Glover, Jeremiah, 128. Gochnat, John E., 58. Godby, John, 505. 540. Godfrey, John, 136, 312, 481. Goff, Peter, 162, 244, 424. Goindett, David, 214. Goiteer, Philip, 388. Golden, George, 492. Golder, Abraham, 66, 76. Golding, Benjamin, 180. Golding, Lieut. Joseph, 101, 179, 521, 539, 542. Golding, Justus, 178, 358, 533. Goldsmith, Daniel, 127. Goldsmith, Lieut. Daniel, 199, 521, 543- Goldsmith, Ephraim, 128, 202. Goldsmith, Joseph, 406. Goldsmith, Joshua, 126, 202, 232. Goldsmith, Thomas, 127. Goldsmith, William, 470. Gomez, Bernard, 300. Gomez, Joseph, 308, 410. Gonnick, Josiah, 131, 204, 282. Gonniel, Hannibal, 204. Good, Frances, 424. Goodall, Joseph, .204. Goode, John, 170.INDEX. 577 Goodjohn, Robert, 218, 400, 462. Goodman, George, 190. Goodman, John, 466. Goodrich, Ephraim, 17, 50. Goodrich, Thomas, 16, 17, 50. Goodspeed, Abner, 266. Good well, Bartholomew, 142, 222, 364, 424. Goodwill, Nicholas, 388, 480. Goodwin, John, 2, 5, 43. Gorday, Joseph, 164. Gordon, John, 9, 24. Gordon, William, 152, 378. Gorely, John, 490. Gorney, Peter, 458. Gorton, Joseph, 202. Gotee, John, 374. Gould, Jesse, 127. Gould, Samuel, 124. Gould, Thomas, 478. Gow, Ralph, 220. Goye, Joel, 490. Graat, Johannes, 3, 10, 21. 35, 37, 41, 46. Graat, Nicholas, 3, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46. Gracey, Matthew, 142, 214. Graham, Capt., 219. Graham, Rev. Chauncey, 530, 545. Graham, Edward, 418. Graham, James, alias McCoy, 338. Graham, James, 410, 464, 482. Graham, John, 216, 256, 398, 464, 486. Graham, Matthew, 210. Graham, Paul, 84. Graham, Robert, 142, 221. Grames, Lieut., 93. Grant, Alexander, 3, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46. Grant, George, 298. Grant, James, 133. Grant, Capt. John, 421, 436, 473, 488, 537, 546, 55i. Grant, Lieut., 347. Grant, Thomas, 88. Grant, Vincent, 446. Grasier, John George, 142. Graves, James, 388. Graves, Jedediah, 272. Graves, Thomas, 20, 31, 49. Gravesandt, Coenrat, 334, 458. Gray, Benoni, no. Gray, David, 98, 529. Gray, Henry, 112, 268. Gray, James, 90, 468. Gray, John, no, 260. Gray, Jones, 392. Gray, Robert, 376, 480. Gray, Samuel, 14. Gray, Thomas, 186. Greatee, Michael, 152. Green, Ezra, 316. Green, Henry, 314. Green, Jabez, 16, 50. Green, James, 18, 29, 40, 52, 272. Green, Jehiel, 176. Green, John, 72, 400, 464. Green, Joseph, 390, 496. Green, Nathaniel, 109, 264. Green, Nicholas, 400. Green, Peter, 466. Green, Richard, 62. Green, Thomas, 30, 40, 53, 416, 527. Green, Wearte, 96, 176, 324, 530. Gr^en, William, 154, 268, 340, I372, 442. Greewneal, George, 66, 78. Gregg, John, 156, 400. Gregg, Thomas, 156. Gregory, Benjamin, 156. Gregory, David, 100. Gregory, James, 180. Gregory, Thomas, 88, 90. Grey, see Gray. Griffen, see Griffin. Griffin, Barrent, 396. Griffin, Captain, 327, 418, 477. Griffin, Capt. Daniel, 199, 233, 406 468, 498, 528, 543, 544, 547, 55o’ 551- Griffin, Lieut. David, 521. Griffin, Elisha, 490. Griffin, Gershom, 358. Griffin, John, 284, 396, 526. Griffin, Capt. Jonathan, 81, 99, 175 191. Griffin, Joseph, 7, 33, 39, 58, 64. Griffin, Martin, 59, 396. Griffin, Murtah, 92. Griffin, Thomas, 376. Griffin, William, 9, 25, 45. Griffith, John, 55. Griffith, Lazarus, 68, 78. Griffith, Robert, 252, 364, 454, 525, 5271 Griffith, Thomas, 376. Griffiths, James, 166. Griffiths, Peter, 6, 7, 8. Griffiths, William, 226. Grimes, James, 138, 481. Grindell, John, 9. Grissell, Miles, 262. Griswold, Benjamin, 5, 26, 47. Griswold, David, 194. Griswold, John, 19, 31, 48. Griswold, Samuel, 224) Gritman, John, 70. Gritman, Thomas, 60. Gritman, William, 66, 76^ Grixston, John, 492, 538. Groesbeck, Nicholas, 442. 37INDEX. 578 Groff, Joseph, 424. Gromow, Richard, 168. . Groot, Capt., 251, 289, 293. Grose, James, 388, 430. Grosvenor, Thomas, 98. Grove, John, 272. Gram mo, Abraham, 246. Gue, James, 108. Guernsey, Michael, 180. Guest, George, 376. Guion, Thomas, 182. Gulbere, Leonard, 172. Gullefar, Charles, 60. Gunter, Frederick, 86. Gurine, Nhile, 114. Gurley, John, 384. Gurney, Peter, 402. Gurry, Eliah, 382. Guttery, James, 44. Guttery, John, 340. Guttery, William, 438. Guyon, Capt. James, 55, 167, 247. Guyon, Joseph, 430. Gwin, William, 133. Habacher, George, 438. Haberman, Jacob, 2. Hacy, James, 90. Haddon, Charles, 196. Haddon, Stephen, 444. Haff, John, 19, 30, a 86, 530. Haff, William, 402. Haff, see Hough, Huff. Hagavowt, Joseph, 62. Hagerty, Thomas, 9, 24, 45, 450. Hagerty, William, 398, 464. Haggett, Robert, 294. Haight, Abraham, 102, 190, 310, 432. Haight, Amos, 190. Haight, Benjamin, 190. Haight, Gideon, 96, 174. Haight, Jehiel, 96. Haight, Jesse, 324. Haight, Capt. Jonathan, 105, 184, 318, 386, 430, 451, 472, 521. 526, 527, 533, 539, 543, 545, 546, 549, 550. Haight, Joseph, 188. Haight, Capt. Joseph, 521, 546, 550. Haines, Asa, 204, 282. Haines, John, 178, 316. Haines, Solomon, 196. Haines, Stephen, 284, 530. Haines, Wendel, 172. Hair, John, 6, 8, 33, 34, 39, 52. Hair, Nathaniel, 180, 314. Hair, Richard, 6, 8, 39, 52. Hair, William, 6, 8, 34, 39. Halbert, George, 133. Halbert, John, 224. Halchner, Wiljiam, 290. Hale, Josiah, 262. Hale, Patrick, 148. Halebengs, Daniel, 525. Halenbeck, Michael, 44. Halenbeck, Capt. Richard, 249, 273. Halenbeek, William C., 3, 12, 22, 36, 37, 42, 46. Haley, Moses, 338. Halfpenny, Thomas, 68, 78. Hall, Bate, 5, 26, 48. Hall, David, 26. Hall, Edward, 18. Hall, Henry, 378. Hall, Isaac, 17, 104, 529. Hall, James, 368. Hall, Jonathan, 104, 529. Hall, Joseph, 3, 10, 22, 36, 42, 46, 198. Hall, Nathaniel, 20, 31, 48. Hall, Noah, 70. Hall, Paul, negro, 302, 368. Hall, Peter, 200. Hall, Stephen, 264. Hall, Capt. Street, 4, 26, 48, 501. Hall, Thomas, 490. Hall, William, 422, 528. Hallett, Samuel, 204. Halley, Benjamin, 468. Halley, Ebenezer, 154. Halley, John, 1, 44. Hallock, David, 125. Hallock, James, 316. Hallock, Jonathan, 470. Hallock, Samuel, 202. Halsey, Lieut. Elias, 201, 521, 542, 543- Halsey, Ichabod, 131. Halsey, Jeremiah, 284. Halsey, Joshua, 131. Halsey, Josiah, 206. 284. Halsey, Stephen 130. Halstead, Amos, 336. Halstead, Isaac, 334. Halstead, John, 334, 404. Ham, Richard, 364. Hamberger, Lewis, 284. Hambersmith, Philip, 228. Hambleton, Elijah, 232. Hames, John, 1, 44. Hamilton, Archibald, 444, 528. Hamlin, Elijah, 5, 27, 266. Ham man, David, 414, 529. Hamman, Joseph, 284. Hamman, William, 360, 430. Hammer, Daniel, indian, 468. Hammell, John, 146. Hammell, Paul, 248. Hammond, David, 182, 528. Hammond, Jonathan, 452. Hamor, Daniel, 282. Han, Coenraet, 133, 150, 230.INDEX. 579 Hanaria, James, 488. Hancock, William, 162. Hand, Abraham, 408. Hand, Capt. Elias, 128, 548. Hand, Ezekiel, 129. Hand, Samuel, 129. Hand, Uriah, 156, 406, 526. Hand, William, 296. Handley, John, 488. Handley, Roger, 108. Hands, John, 296. Hank, John, 224. Hanley, Robert, 438. Hanmer, Robert, 216. Hannah, James, 87. Hannaman, Christopher, 294. Hannar, Frederick, 174. Hannibal, Cornelius, 20, 31. Hannion, Daniel, 528. Hannion, David, 486. Hannon, John, 162, 394, 484. Hannon, Robert, 242. Hans, Wendal, 366. Hanson, Capt , 289. Hanson, Hans, 1, 2. Hanson, Lieut. John R., 279, 365, 546. 547- Hanson, Samuel, 338. Hanson, William, 418, 448, 527. Happer, Nathaniel, indian, 408. Harcourt, Capt. Jacob, 257. Harden, John, 410. Hardenbergh, Capt., 93, 219, 485. Hardenbergh, Col. Johannes, 509, 518, 539- Hardenbergh, Cornelius, 57. Hardenbergh, Teunis, 66, 76. Hardenbrook, Capt., 173, 309. Harding, Richard, 24. Harding, William, 138. Hardy, Gov. Charles, 503, 505, 507, 510. Hardy, William, 152. Hareholt, Robert, 194. Haring, Col. Abraham, 158, 332, 518. Haring, Capt. Cornelius, 159, 333. Harish, Henry, 338. Harkaman, Matthias, 480. Harker, William, 2. Harley, James, 43. Harley, John, 230, 454. Harley, Moses, 338. Harlings, Roger, 274. Harlow, Benjamin, 482. Harman, Capt. Henry, 257. Harman, Capt. I., 259. Harman, John, 280, 360. Harman, Philip, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46. Harman, Thomas, 350, 424. Harp, James, 194. Harper, Daniel, 296. Harper, Frederick, 382. Harrald, Joseph, 8, 24. Harrington, Dennis, 386, 533. Harrington, Edward, 356. Harrington, Isaac. 112. Harrington, Jeremiah, 220. Harrington, Thomas, 9, 23, 45. Harrington, William, 244, 406. Harris, Henry, 8, 23, 45, 210, 338, 374- Harris, Jacob, 368. Harris, James, I, 44, 244. Harris, John, 8,25, 45, 100, 120, 315, 324, 528. Harris, Lieut. John, 315, 545. Harris, Joseph, 324, 432. Harris, Matthias, 458. Harris, Capt. Peter, 254, 380, 447, 453, 473, 52i, 525, 527, 54L 545, 546, 549, 550. Harris, Silas, 234. Harris, Timothy, 254. Harris, Walter, 214, 378. Harrison, Abraham, 156. Harrison, James, 92, 144, 170, 522. Harrison, William, 340. Harry, Benjamin, 20, 32, 49. Harry, indian, 204, 282. Harry, mustee, 204. Hart, Cormick, 242, 456. Hart, Doctor, 127. Hart, John, 130, 432. Hart, Peter, 202, 234. Hart, Samuel, 180, 529. Hart, Thomas, 352, 456. Hart, William, 64, 74. Hartford, James, 4, 26, 48. Hartford, Thomas, 494. Hartwell, Abraham, 264. Hartwell, Nathaniel F., 530. Hart wick, Jacob, 474. Harvey, Charles, 140. Harvey, Elijah, 18, 30, 40, 53. Harwood, William, 120. Hasbrouck, Captain, 91, 219; Hasham, John, 224. Haskin, Abner, 146. Hassey, John, 40. Hatch, Joseph, 246. Hatfield, Capt. Abraham, 101, 337. Hatton, Jacob, 178, 314. Haufman, John, 64. Haughwout, Egbert, 55. Hause, Simon, 404. Havannah, expedition to, 472, 536, 538, Havell, Thomas, 152. Havener, Valentine, 60. Havens, Anthony, indian, 64, 74.580 INDEX Havens, Constant, 129. Havens, Jeremiah, 125. Haviland, William, 127. Havorsack, John, 132. Hawkins, David, 184. Hawkins, Edward, 202, 344, 532 Hawkins, George, 528. Hawkins, Gershom, 124. Hawkins, John, 2, 44. Hawkins, Joseph, 248, 525. Hawkins, Josiah, 16, 17, 50. Hawkshurst, Jonathan, 62. Hawkshurst, Sampson, 62. Hawley, Jeremiah, 330. Hawley, John, 420. Hawley, Manchester, 450. Haws, Prince, 452. Ha)T>urn, John, 356. Haycock, Thomas, 87. Hayhurst, Thomas, 196. Haynes, see Haines. Hays, James, 382. Hays, John, 134, 230, 342. Hays, Samuel, 55. Hays, Simon, 332. Haywood, Henry, 474. Hazard, Henry, 492, 538. Hazard, Jason, 52N. Hazlett, William, 132. Heacok, Daniel, 160. Heading, John, 87. Healey, Cornelius, 230. Hearn, John, 310. Hearts, Anthony, 408. Heas, James, 382. Heats, Henry, 274. Hector, Jonathan, 284. Hedges, Benjamin, 270, 414, 418, 434. Hedges, Samuel, 484. Hedges, William, 224. Heermans, Capt. J., 261. Heffy, John, 19, 30. Heft, George Henry, 142, 212, 524. Hegeman, Adrian, 118. Hegeman, Joseph, 256, 530. Heldron, John, 86. Hellembolt, Philip, 2. Hellen, John Christopher, 166. Hellen, William, 346. Helms, Lieut. Christopher, 19, 30, 48. Helms, Jacob, 59. Helms, Richard, 240, 286, Helmtein, Frederick, 164. Henchman, James, 72. Henderson, George, 492. Henderson, John, 144, 146, 244. Hendlock, Bowman, 116. Hendrick, Jacob, 132. Hendrick, John, 41, 144, 242. Hendrickson, Cornelius, 58, 140. Hendrickson, Jacob, 244. Hendrickson, William, 134, 481. Henn, John, 133. Hennan, Conrad, 294. Henry, Andrew, 230, 404. Henry, Jacob, 290. Henry, John, 410, 488. Henry, Leonard, 424. Hepburn, Lawrence, 288, 370, 426. Herbert, Daniel, 294. Herbert, David, 342, 532. Herbert, George, 528. Hercheimer, Capt. Heinrich, 549. Herder, Peter, 278. Herkson, Hendrick, 2. Herman, John, 43, 57. Herrick, Lieut. George, 129, 281, 283. Herrick, John, 19, 30, 53. Herrick, Joseph, 358. Herrick, Timothy, 70. Herriman, Richard, 89. Herring, Cornelius, 86. Herring, John, 290. Herrington, Benjamin, 112. Herrington, Zachariah, 112. Heselar, Hermanus, 160. Hess, John, 114. Hess, Philip, 296. Pleustis, Nathaniel, 360. Hewes, Anthony, 412. Hewitt, Henry, 234. Hewitt, John, 528. Hewitt, Oliver, 204. Hews, Richard, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38. Hewson, Gabriel, 9, 84, 188, 320,^390. Hewson, Isaac, 186. Hewson, John, 1. Hewson, Lewis, 320. Hewson, Nathaniel. 182, 360, 432. Hewson, Samuel, 106, 186, 392, 462. Hewson, see Hughson. Heyler, Francis, 426. Heynen, Henry Y., 270. Hickelson, Nicholas, 86. Hickey, George, 290. Hickey, John, 256, 484. Hicks, Capt., 257, 273. Hicks, George, 268, 344, 452. Hicks, Col. Stephen, 517. Hicks, Col. Thomas, 505. Hicks, William, 492. Hide, Philip, 442, 480. Hide, Robert, 476. Hidelbaugh, Jacob, 86. Higbee, Henry, 66, 76. Higbee, Joseph, 62. Higbee, Samuel, 66, 76. Higer, William, 58. Higgins, Benjamin, 108, 196, 264. Higgins, Henry, 376.INDEX. 581 Higgins, John, 132, 246, 372) 4IO_ 454_ 480. Higgins, Samuel, 426. Higgins, Timothy, 6, 44. Higgins, William, 3, 14, 22, 36, 37, 42 46. Higginson, Samuel, 490. Hildenbrant, Wendel, 418. Hill, Alexander, 464. Hill, Anthony, 462. Hill, Caleb, no. Hill, Daniel, 100. Hill, John, 133. Hill, Joshua, 262. Hill, Timothy, 64, 74, 138. Hill, Zaccheus, 20, 33, 49. Hilland. David, 282. Hillen, Michael, 44. Hiller, John Albert, 134. Hilliard, Lieut. Nathaniel, 247. Hillicus, Baltus, 304. Hills, Ezekiah, 492. Hills, Isaac, 250. Hills, Jacob, 252. Hillyer, Nathaniel, 54, 168. Hillyer, Lieut. Nathaniel, 472, 488, 545. Hinck, Frederick, 494. Hines, John, 1, 44, 456. Hines, Wenden, 66, 78. Hinkel, Nicholas, 424. Hinkel, Peter, 252, 426. Hinkley, Josiah, 116. Hinman, James, 5, 27. Hipsman, Christopher, 480. Hislop, William, 490. Hitchcock, David, 84. Hitchcock, Enos, 27, 48. Hitchcock, John, 192. Hitchcock, Nathaniel, 4, 28. Hitchcock, Reuben, 27, 48. Hitchcock, Samuel, 80, 182, 310, 360, 430. Hobart, Adam, 164. Hobart, Anthony, 420. Hobbs, Daniel, 190. Hobbs, James, 258. Hobbs, Robert, 87. Hodge, Robert, 298. Hodge, Vincent, 144, 522. Hodges, Charles, 358. Hodges, David, no. Hodges, Samuel, 256. Hodges, Timothy, 336. Hodgkins, William, 16, 50. Hoff, Jacobus, 127. Hoff, John, 82. Hoffman, Adam, 57. Hoffman, Capt., 261. Hoffman, Daniel, 356. Hoffman, Godlif, 8, 34. Hoffman, Johannes, 120, 138, 214,481. Hoffman, John, 64, 348. Hoffman, Col. Martin, 505, 518. Hoffman, Ury, 87. Hofnagel,Christian, 290. Hofnail, John Michael, 9, 24, 45. Hofstatler, Henry, 490. Hoftgood, Hans Jure, 270. Hogan, Daniel, 292, 308, 414. Hogan, James, 420, 488, 528, Hogan, Thomas, 314. Hogan, Major William W., 472, 537, 543. 546, 547- Hogdorn, Herman, 274. Hogeboom, Bartholomew, 529. Hogeboom, Capt., 277, 279. Hoghtaling, Benjamin, 438. Hogincomp, Gilbert, 86. Hold, Isaac, 89. Holden, John, 196. Holdridge, Amos, 204. Holdridge, Daniel, 29, 53. Holdridge, Hezekiah, 52. Holdridge, Robert, 478, 482. Holdion, Cornelius, 328. Holland, Charles, 44. Holland, John, 158, 338. Holland, Matthew, 214, 388. Holland, William, 474, 527. Holley, Ebenezer, 116. Holley, Ezekiel, 230. Holley, John, 1, 44. Holley, Samuel, 418. Hollis, James, 70. Hollister, Gideon, 266, 530. Hollister, Joseph, no. Hollister, Nathaniel, 266, 530, Holmes, Benjamin, 529. Holmes, Captain, 323. Holmes, Daniel, 100. Holmes, Eliphalet, 468. Holmes, Henry, 104. Holmes, Capt. James, 95, 174, 177, 19L 539.542,548. Holmes, John, 96, 272. Holmes, Capt. John, 95, 101. Holmes, Jonathan, 324. Holmes, Capt. Joseph, 54, 169, 52I> 522. Holmes, Nathaniel, 316. Holmes, Samuel, 316. Holshovvsen, John, 298. Holster. Johannes, 364. Holt, Justus, 4. Homans, Timothy, 254. Homes, Stephen, 470. Homes, William, 90. Hommell, Paul, 348. Honce, John P., 524. Hone, Philip, 208.582 INDEX. Honeywell, Israel, 176. Honstine, George, 228. Hoofmast, William, 344. Hoogeboom, Bartholomew, 254, 380. Hoogland, Johannes. 378. Hooper, Adam, 354, 528. Hooper, James, 70, 474. Hooper, Samuel, 288. Hooper, Stephen, 398, 464. Hoople. Michael, 476. Hope, David, 300, 366. Hopkins, Benjamin, 264. Hopkins, Captain, 261, 273. Hopkins, John, 133. Hopkins, Samuel, 264, 530. Hopkins, William, 28, 48. Hopper, Matthew, 160. Hopping, Abraham, 470. Hopping, Daniel, 129. Hoppole, Michael, 416. Hops, Ebenezer, 12S. Hops, William, 87. Houtwell, Nathaniel, 312. Horan, Hugh, 8, 34. Horn, George, 208, 242. Horn, Jacob, 346. Horn, John, 488. Hornbean, Johannes, 57. Hornbeeck, Captain, 167. Horncastle, Richard, 174. Horngrave, Matthias, 376. Hornman, Thomas, 174. Hornet, Joseph, 268, 452. Hornet, Richard, 3, 14, 21, 35, 37, 42, 46, 51. 30, 452. Horse, Frederick, 138, 481. Horsenflicks, Coen rad, 494. Hortigh, John, 52. Horton, Lieut. Ambrose, 315, 409, 473, 545, 547- Horton, Caleb, 318. Horton, Isaac, 318. Horton, Capt. Israel, 127, 129, 232, 524, 544, 549. Horton, Capt. James, 505. Horton, John, 128. Horton, Joseph, 102, 180. Horton, Lieut., 393, 433. Horton, Lieut. Silvanus, 175, 323,461, 521, 542, 545- Hosawell, Samuel, 194. Host, Johannes Ury, 216. Hostenburgh, Capt., 257. Hotchkins, Joseph, 59. Hough, Benjamin, 4, 27. Hough, George, 252. Hough, Philip, 280. Hough, see Huff. Houghtalen, Henry, 428. Hounswelt, Samuel, 72. House, Anthony, 224. House, Harmanus, 268. House, John, 109, 256,266. House, John Philip, 142. Housman, Richard, 55. , Housman, William, 489. Hover, Jacob, 494. Howard, Isaac, 62. Howard, James, 292. Howard, John, 376. Howard, Richard, 527. Howburgher, George, 364. Howd, John 5, 27, 48. Howe, Nathaniel, 62. Howe, Samuel, 372. Howell. David, 470. Howell, Edward, 444. Howell, Elias, 206. Howell, Isaac, 468. Howell, Isaiah, 406. Howell, Jacob, 126. Howell, Capt. James, 87, 88, 89, 154, 328, 521, 526, 539, 541, 545, 548, 550. Howell, Jeremiah, 131. Howell, John, 284, 470. Howell, Capt. John, 205, 283. Howell, Jonathan, 126. Howell, Josiah, 131, 282. Howell, Matthew’, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 41, 46, 448. Howell, Nathaniel, 284. Howell, Norris, 162. Howell, Robert, 422. Howell, Royal, 131. Howell, Samuel, 131. Howell, Seth, 206. Howell, Silas, 284. Howell, Silvanus, 130. Howell, Stephen, 129. Howell, Thomas, 60, 198, 230, 240, 286. Howell, Zephaniah, 470. Howell, Zerubbabel, 131. Howell, Zophar, 128. How’es, John, 530. Howes, William, 294. Howie, Thomas, 420. Howland, Jabez, 20, 31, 48. Howley, William, 8, 34, 39. Howser, Christopher, 114. Howrser, John, 334. Howser, Michael. 9, 23, 45. Hoy, Edward, 222. Hubbard, Benjamin, indian, 468. Hubbard, George, 166. Hubbard, John, 126, 234, 236. Hubbell, Capt. Nathaniel, 304, 52^» 545, 549- Hubbs, Alexander, 92.INDEX. 583 Hubbs, Daniel, 146. Hubbs, Jacobus, 236. Hubbs, Robert, 244. Hubbs, Samuel, 232. Hubbs, Samuel, indian, 70. Hubbs, Uriah, 238. Hudson, Ambrose, 358. Hudson, Elnathan, 234. Hudson, iMatthew, 192, 326, 358, 526. Hudson, Samuel, 20, 31, 49, 128. Hudson, Sylvester, 130. Hudson, William, 156, 190, 526. Huet, Garley, 216, 398, 464. Huff, John, 336. Huff, Valentine, 120, 150, 230, 350. Huff, William, 106. Huff, see Haff, Hough. Hughes, Henry, 212. Hughes, Lieut., 299. Hughes, Matthew, 294. Hughes, Nathaniel, 132. Hughes, Richard, 334, 404. Hughes, William, 306, 400, 526. Hughson, Richard, 106. Hughson, Lieut. Richard, 310, 387, 461, 465, 546. Hughson, Samuel, 528. Hughson, Thomas, 310, 392, 528. Hughson, William, 336, 360, 390, 526. Hughson, see Hewson. Hugoe, Lewis, 344, 432. Huibsman, Christain, 272. Hulbert, George, 306. Hulbert, John, 129. Hulet, Capt., 141, 151, 153, 191, 223, 227, 245. Hulet, Philip, indian, 64, 74. Hulet, Capt. Richard, 60, 64, 74, 144, 521, 522, 54C 543, 544, 547, 548. Hulet, Stephen, 66, 78. Hull, James, 116. Hull, Stephen, 18, 30, 112. Hulse, Ebenezer, 196. Hulse, John, 123. Hulse, Joshua, 472, 498. Humble, Jurry, 396. Humble, Paul, 138, 480, 481., Humphrey, Alexander, 482. Humphrey, James, 90, 220, 482. Humphrey, John, 400. Humphrey, Thomas, 312. Humphrey, Capt. William, 255, 259, 263, 271, 548. Hunley, Moses, 468. Hunold, Leonard, 256. Hunt, Abell, 84. Hunt, Adam, 527. Hunt, Joseph, 8, 22. Hunt, Obadiah, 102, 316, 529. Hunt, Stephen, 7, 8, 34, 40. Hunter, James, 142. Hunter, John, 140, 222, 438, 524. Hunter, Thomas, 454, 484. Hunter, Walter, 132. Hunter, William, 246, 384, 528. Hurd, James, 262. Hurlbut, Samuel, 5, 27, 140. Hurley, James, 2, 43. Hurley, John, 394, 444. Hutchins, Absalom, 62. Hutchins, Daniel, 238. Hutchins, Daniel, mustee, 126. Hutchins, Jonathan, 3. 10, 22, 36, 38. Hutchins, Joseph, 8, 22. Hutchins, Thomas, 418. Hutchins, William, 388, 430. Hutchinson, Benjamin, 230. Hutchinson, George, 460. Hutchinson, Moses, 200, 234. Hutchinson, Reuben, 16, 17. Hutchinson, Richard, 526. Hutchinson, William, 488. Hutson, see Hudson. Hutton, Nicholas, 102. Huyck, Peter, 252. Huygli, Nicholas, 260. Huyner, John, 140. Hyatt, Captain, 323, 337. Hyatt, Elisha, 11. Hyatt, Capt. Nathaniel, 105, 189. Hyatt, Thomas, 434. Hyde, Robert, 528. Hymes, Farwell, 492. Hymes, Frederick, 396, 526. Hymes, Jacob Frederick, 396. Hymes, John, 266, 448. Hymon, Jacob, 490. Hyn, William, 57. Iagoe, Henry, 214, 348, 530. Ibbett, Moses, 494. Ichabod, mustee, 284. Igby, Edward, 444. Uronk, Jacobus, 320. Inckly, Thomas, no. Ingersoll, John, 96. Ingersoll, Thomas, 18, 29, 40. Ingham, Thomas, 236. Ingram, William, 270. Inman, Abraham, 412. Inman, David, 412. Irwin, Andrew, 238. Irwin, Robert, 304. Isaac, indian, 200. Isaac, mulatto, 33. Isaacs, John, 374. Isaacs, Michael, 308, 346. Isabrandt. Auri, 92, 218, 444. Isaman, Leonard, 86, 158, 334. Isinghood, Tobias, 64.INDEX. 584 Iswine, Jacob, 140. Ives, Stephen, 4, 26. Ivory, Alexander, 486. Jack, mulatto, 20, 529. Jackiin, James, 158. Jackmet, John, 420. Jackson, Benjamin, 66, 72, 76. Jackson, Cornelius, 146. Jackson, Capt. D., 257, 261. Jackson, James, 272, 370. Jackson, John, 414. Jackson, P., 70. Jackson, Peter, 496. Jackway, Nathan, 288, 368. Jacob, indian, 384. Jacobie, William, 278. Jacobs, Abram, 27. Jacobs, Charles, 3, 10, 21, 36, 37, 42, 47. Jacobs, Cornelius, 426. Jacobs, David, 98. Jacobs, Henry, 440, 529. Jacobs, Isaac, 186. Jacobs, Jacob, 274. Jacobsenborg, Hans, 420. Jacus, Harry, 240, 286. Jaffo, Francis, 114. Jager, Johannes, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46. Jagger, David, 131. Jagger, Elias, 131, 280. Jagger, Jeremiah, 131. Jagger, Nathaniel, 390, 434. Jaggers, William, 408. Jamaica, George, indian, 406, 480. James, Churchill, 294. James, Edward, 384. James, Ephraim, 266. James, indian, 129. James, Israel, 334. James, Paul, 158, 318. James, Robert, 98, 190, 326. Jamey, Peter, mulatto, 306. Jane, William, 314. Janeway, William, 133. Janson, Lieut. Henry, 56. January, Michael, 492. Jarot, Jesse, 384. Jarvis, Austin, 126. Jarvis, Capt. Thomas, 239. Jarvis, Lieut. William, 431, 472. Jay, Augustus, 190. Jean, Nathan, 89. Jeareaux, Francis, 306. Jee, Ezekiel, 9, 23, 25, 45. Jeffery, Charles, 170. Jeffrey, Joseph, 202. Jeffrey, Joseph, indian, 129. Jeffrey, Toby, indian, 232. Jehu, Jehu, 125. Jehu, Thomas, 125. Jeils, Bartholomew, 448. Jemain, James, 352. Jemiter, Petro, 162.- Jenkins, Christopher, 374. Jenkins, John, 68, 78, 230, 292, 529. Jenkins, Samuel, 106, 188, 320. Jennings, Chapman, 130. Jennings, Ebenezer, 232. Jennings, Hugh, 131. Jennings, James, 334, 340. Jennings, John, 16, 50. Jennings, Stephen, 130. Jepule, Josiah, mulatto, 330. Jersey, Peter, 420, 528. Jessup. Isaac, 130. Jetto, James, 460. Jewell, Isaac, 106. Jewell, Richard, 136, 481. Jewell, Slates, 84. Jewell, William, 80. Jewett, George, 350. Jewett, Jedediah, 5, 27. Jinglinger, Jacob. 133. Joaph, indian, 204. Job, Cornelius, 200. Job, Jacob, 292. Job, James, 436. Job Randel, indian, 428. Joes, Stephen, 48. Johan, Silas, 529. Johannes, Peter, 346. John, indian, 20, 32, 49, 129. John, Lewis, 492. John, Peter, 140, 222. John, Peter, indian, 130. John, Walter M., 529. Johnson, Abraham, 202, 260, 328, 416, 426, 440. Johnson, Andrew, 68, 78. Johnson, Anthony, mulatto, 406. Johnson, Archibald, 20, 31, 49. Johnson, Barent, 542. Johnson, Daniel, 136, 166, 481. Johnson, Dougha, 55. Johnson, Edward, 292. Johnson, Everet, 306. Johnson, George, 54. Johnson, Capt Guy, 547. Johnson, Hendrick, 136, 481. Johnson, Isaac, 55, 168, 248, 466. Johnson, Isaac Thomas, 466. Johnson, Jacob, 62, 146. Johnson, James, 196, 216, 398, 454. Johnson, John, 1, 6, 44, 52, 55, 56, 59, 98, 178, 246, 272, 354, 362, 382, 410, 426, 440, 466, 496. Johnson, John, negro, 294, 426. Johnson, Col. John, 520, 521, 540, 541, 542, 544-INDEX. 585 Johnson, John Hendrick, 142, 224. Johnson, Capt. Joseph, 506, 513. Johnson, Matthias, 55, 168. Johnson, Peter, 254. Johnson, Philip, 262. Johnson, Richard, 476. Johnson, Robert, 92, 400. Johnson, Samuel, 19. Johnson, Silas, indian, 198. Johnson, Thomas, 55, 192, 216, 312. 460. Johnson, William, 29, 80, 192, 196, 238, 529. Johnson, Gen. William, 502, 505, 517, 519, 520. Johnston, Alexander, 470, 498. Johnston, Lieut. Alexander, 329, 5, Johnston, Arthur, 332. Johnston, John, 9, 22, 45, 114, 169, 464. Johnston, Luke, 168, 316. Johnston, Peter, 168. Johnston, William, 9, 18, 23. Jolly, Solomon, negro, 220, 394. Jollyman, Nicholas, 306. Jonathan, Richard, 240, 286. Jones, Benjamin, 88, 98, 190, 432. Jones, David, 132, 186. Jones, Lieut. David, 68. Jones, Gashan, 272. Jones, George, 530. Jones, Isaiah, 248. Jones, Israel, 314, 529. Jones, Jacob, 252, 256. Jones, James, 458. Jones, John, 196, 310, 360, 522, 5' Jones, Joseph, 172. Jones, Prince, 494. Jones, Samuel, 276, 306, 352. Jones, Thomas, 87, 152, 168, 378, 522. Jones, Dr. Thomas, 522, 540, 545, Jones, Tuin, indian, 60, 66, 72, 76 Jones, William, 340, 486. Jones, Zophar, 320. Joquen, Robin, 238. Jordan, Dennis, 398. Jordan, John, 178, 192, 270, 527. Jordan, Martin, 246. Jordan, Nathaniel, 314. Jordan, Thomas, 248, 538. Jorvorrow, Richard, 458. Joseph, John, 338. Joseph, Peter, 338, 526. Joseph, Venture, 340. Josiah, mustee, 130, 156, 234. Joslin, Henry, 260, 380. Joslin, Jabez, 3, 14. Joslin, John, 260. Joslin, Samuel, 380. Journeay, James, 528. Joy, William, 280. Joyce, Cornelius, 384. Joyce, John, 430. Joyce, Philip, 152. Joyce, Richard, 162, 338. Judd, Samuel, 17, 50. Judd, Thomas, 426, 528. Jule, Jacob, 194. June, Isaac, 186. Justus, John, 466. Jutoe, Stephen, 494. Kaff, John, 1. Kaiser, George, 180. Kane, Isaiah, 490. Kane, Jacob, 55. Kane, John, 58, 452, 49^ 16, Kane, Patrick, 370. Kane, Robert, 258, 414, Kane, Thomas, 210. Kasselman, William, 52. Kasure, Michael, 114. Katney, John, 382. Katon, Joseph, 420. Katon, Robert, 170, 522. Katon, see Caton. Kean, Aziel, 380. Kean, John, 118, 382, 527 Kearn, James, 342, 526. Kearn, John, 342, 438. Kearn, Robert, 494. Kearney, James, 228. Keating, Robert, 144. Keator, Abraham, 57. 3. Keator, Adam, 396. Keator, Arie, 57. Keator, Jacob, 56, Keator, James, 528. 396, Keator, John, 56. Kebler, Peter, 350, 527. 546. Keeler, Jonah, 98. Keep, Henry, 382. Kegelman, John, 366. Keight, Johannes, 58. Keith, James, 364, 438. Keith, Owen, 308. Kelder, Barnet, 8, 34. Kelder, Jacob, 366. Keller, Adam, 494. Keller, Jacob, 292. Kelley, Michael, 492. Kellis, Charles, 196, 240, 286. Kellis, Edward, 123. Kellis, mulatto, 198, 240, 286. Kellis, Nemos, 202, 234. Kellis, Robin, 128. Kello, Daniel, 492. Kelly, Carpenter, 458. Kelly, Charles, 112.INDEX. 586 Kelly, James, 135, 334, 404. Kelly, John, 276. Kelly, Patrick, 304. Kelly, Richard, 210, 240. Kelly, Samuel, 133, 346. Kelly, Thomas, 334, 530. Kelly, William, 529. Kelsey, John, 236. Kelsey, Martin, 454. Kelsey. William, 482. Kenaght, Jacob, 146. Kendall, John, 8, 22, 45. Kendrick, John, 164. Kennedy, James, 40. Kennedy, John, 164, 296, 308, 416, 464, 486. Kennedy, Philip, 150. Kennedy, William, 298. Kenney, Daniel, 5, 27. Kenney, Ezra. 18. Kenney, see Kinney. Kennich, George, 344. Kennon, John, 328, 404. Kent, Peter, 86. Keough, Michael, 272, 370, 525. Kerel, Johannes Coeraed, 19, 30, 53. Kerit, Johannes, 172. Kerney, Andrew, 7, 33, 40. Kerney, Thomas, 7, 33, 40. Kernochan, Charles, 398. Kernochan, John, 90, 398, 484. Kerr, William, 108. Kersey, Peter, 80. Kersey, Thomas, 528. Kerwin, Michael, 496. Kesler, Peter, 334. Ketcham, Daniel, 238. Ketcham, Jesse, 127. Ketcham, Jonas, 108. Ketcham, Joshua, 126. Ketcham, Nathaniel, 490. Ketcham, Timothy, 188, 529. Ketcham, Zedekiah, 188. Ketcher, George, 164. Kettle, Jeremiah, 394, 526. Kettle, Manser, 64, 74. Key, Alexander, 444. Key, William, 444. Keyes, David, 140. Keyes, George, 350, 533. Keyes, John, 140, 222, 408, 438, 528. Keyser, Andrew, 7. Kidd, Andrew, 486. Kidd, James, 486. Kidder, Oliver, 250, 428. Kidney, Nicholas, 2, 44. Kiefer, Baltus, 58. Kiefer, Henry, 260. Kiep, Jacobus, 258. Kiger, WMlliam, 58. Killeene, James, 244. Killegan, John, 438. Killpatrick, James, 484. Killpatrick, John, 276, 484. Killpatrick, Robert, 148. Kills, John, 250. Killum, Daniel, 50. Kill weather, Coen radt, 346. Kimball, John, 5. Kinbergh, Frederick, 216. Kinbergh, Matise, 216. Kincaid, Crownage, 6. Kincaide, John, 392. Kines, Thomas, 16, 17, 50, King, Aaron, 374. King, Abraham, 470. King, Arie, 334. King, Lieut. Benjamin, 19, 30, 48, 501. King, Capt. 445. King, Edward, 148. King, Frederick, 424. King, Jacob, 88. King, Jeremiah, 9, 23, 45, 129, 310. King, John, 164, 330, 492, 528. King, Justine, 362. King, Nathaniel, 129, 202. King, Peter, 55. King, Philip, 328. King, Prosper, 125. Kings County, muster rolls of troops, from, 1758, 118; 1759, 134, 138; 1760, 212, 524; T761, 346; 1762, 481 ; mi- litia ordered into service, 505, 517, 532 ; officers commissioned for, 542, 545 ; warrants to pay bounty and en- listment money, 548, 549, 551. Kinkle, Peter, 362. Kinney, Hezekiah, 30, 53. Kinney, John, 284. Kinney, Solomon, 260. Kinney, see Kenney. Kinnicut, Francis, 102. Kinnigan, Owen, 220, 444. Kinning, John, 154, 446. Kinos, Thomas, 164. Kipp, John, 114. Kirk, William, 154, 330, 458, 524. Kirkland, Elisha, 20, 31, 48. Kitchen, George. 11S. Kitman, Christian, 52. Klauw, Capt., 275. Klauw, Frans P., 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 414 46. Klauw, Johannes H., 3, 12, 21, 35. 42,. 47- Klinck, see Clint. Kline, see Cline. Knapp, Caleb, 1, 44. Knapp, Ephraim, 490. Knapp, George, 328.INDEX. 587 Knapp, Isaac, 446. Knapp, Israel, 460. Knapp, John, 250, 527. Knapp, Jonathan, 87, 156, 404, 526. Knapp, Joseph, 444. Knapp, Lawrence, 362, 480. Knapp, Moses, 132. Knapp, Samuel, 152. Knapp, Thomas, 414, 490. Knickerbacker, Capt., 273. Kniffen, David, 190. KnifFen, Goedliff, 156. Kniffen, Henry, 9. Kniffen, James, 190, 326. Kniffen, see Sniffen. Knight, John, 120. Knight, Joseph, 102, 180, 316. Knott, Richard, 64, 76. Knott, Thomas, 98. Knowles, James, 74. Knox, Joseph, 448. Knox, Thomas, 448, 484. Kochnam, John, 426. Koldron, Henry, 44. Kook, see Cook. Koole, Johannes, 86, 158, 332. Koonst, Joost, 58. Kopps, William, 1. Kortright, Frederick, 274. Kortright, John, 529. Kouse, Jelles, 52. Kouse, John, 529. Kripping, John, 278. Kripping, Samuel, 278. Krom, Dirick, 394. Krom, Martin, 56. Kuey, John, 90. Kyler, Harmanus, 86. Kyser, Andrew, 7, 33, 39, 57. Kyser, Coenraet, 7, 8, 34, 39. lackasbire, James, 210, 294. Lackie, George, 90. Ladew, Jacob, 256, 530. La Fargey, Nathaniel, 332. Laforge, Philip, 55. Lake, John, 256. Lakitte, Nicholas, 442. Lalor, Thomas, 226. Lamaree, John, 294. Lamb, Abraham, 106. Lamb, Isaac, 238. Lamb, Thomas, 20, 32. Lambert, Aaron, 490. Lambertson, Simon, 66, 76. Lampson, Henry, 152. Lamy, Patrick, 252. Land, Robert, 114. Land, William, 498. Landers, Eliphaz, 104. Lane, Amos, 146, 196. Lane, Amos, indian, 125, 384. Lane, Daniel, 18, 29, 198. Lane, George, 146. Lane, George, indian, 70. Lane, Ichabod, 529. Lane, Jacob, 140. Lane, James, 206. Lane, John, 9, 23, 45, 230. Lane, Nathaniel, 17, 41, 53. Lane, Patrick, 408. Lane, Peter, 146. Lane, Peter, indian, 68. Lane, Reuben, 178, 326, 358, 432, 526. Lane, Samuel, 96. Lane, Simon, 529. Lane, Thomas, 296, 418. Lanie. William, 246. Langdon, Isaac, 529. Langdon, John, 390, 412. Langdon, Joseph, 4E4. Langley, George, 489. Langley, John, 452. Langsford, Samuel, 527. Lansing, Capt., 251, 289. Lansing, Capt. Philip, 2, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46, 544. La Porte, John Claude, 336, 408, 470, 498. Larabee, Ebenezer, 17. Larabee, John, 64, 74, 294. Larabee, Richard, 478. Larkin, Amos, 200, 282. Larkin, Benjamin, 16. Larkin, John, 308. Larkin, Joshua, 200, 282. Larkin, Patrick, 168. Larkin, Timothy, 18, 29, 41, 53. Larns, John, 492. Lash in, Amos, 530. Lassier, Peter, 114. Latham, John, 206. Latourrette, James, 168. Latting, Caleb, 322, 530. Latting, Jacob, 70. Latton, Joseph, 412. Latton, Laven, 410. Lavart, George, 248. Lawder, Abraham, 172. Lawler, James, 356. Lawrence, Caleb, 432. Lawrence, Charles, 84. Lawrence, Isaac, 96, 306. Lawrence, Jacob, 482. Lawrence, John, 478. Lawrence, Jonathan, 266, 388. Lawrence, Matthew, 364. Lawrence, Matthias, 64, 74. Lawrence, Joseph, 192.INDEX. 588 Lawson, John, 254. Leach, Daniel, 7. Leach, Thomas, 116. Leach, William, 1, 44. Leader, Jonathan, 326. Leahy, John, 310. Leake, William, 230. Lean, Amos, 440. Leary, Thomas, 114. Leather, Ezekiel, 172, 306. Leavenworth, Colvin, 20, 31. Leckny, Major, 505. Ledrick, John, 158, 332. Lee, John, 314, 494. Lee, Joseph, 98, 100. Lee, Shadrach, 493. Leek, Benjamin, 130, 200. Leek, Joseph, 129. Leet, Allen, 20, 30, 48. Le Flower, De Owen, 414. Legg, Barent, 58. Legross, Samuel, 72. L’Hommedieu, Benjamin, 128, Leighton, Joseph, 133, 164. Leise, Henry, 216. Lemmon, William, 370. Lenn, Nicholas, 290. Lent, Hercules, 106. Lent, Jacob, 82, 106. Lent, Capt. Peter, 155, 158, 402, 418, 458, 521, 528, 541, 547, 550, 551- Lent, William, 270, 4:4, 525. Lentnor, John, 450. Leomus, Jacob, 44S. Leon, Eliah, 280. Leonard, Jacob, 112. Leonard, Solomon, 456. Lepold, Adam, 350. Lepold, Michael, 120, 152, 350. Leppo, John, 212. Le Roux, Col. Bartholomew, 259, 263, 267,273,521,543,545. Lerway, Peter, 274. Leslie, John, 218. Lester, Felix, 530. Lester, John, 242. Lester, Michael, 6, 34. Lester, Samuel, 529. Lester, Saul, indian, 144, 146. Letter, Jolief, 346. Letts, Daniel, 8, 34, 39. Leveston, Hendrick J., 350. Levy, Philip, 300, 344. Lewis, Abner, 426. Lewis, Benjamin, 144, 296, 522. Lewis, Christopher, 444. Lewis, Francis, 43. Lewis, Henry, 18, 30, 452. Lewis, Israel, 126. Lewis, Jabez, 446. Lewis, John, 18, 29, 40, 52, 156, 400, 446, 526. Lewis, Joseph, 17, 50. Lewis, Capt. Joseph, 195, 237. Lewis, Phoenix, 230. Lewis, Robert, 70. Lewis, Walter, 104, 186. Lewis, William, 334. Lewis, William J., 442. Lewit, Thomas, 232. Lewrey, John, 368. Liddey, John, 2, 44. Light, Leabon, 324. Light, Peter, 142, 354. Lightfoot, James, 72. Lightley, Joseph, 360. Lightley, William, 360. Lilly, Nathan, 16, 17, 50. Lilly, Thomas, 214. Lindmand, John, 116. Lindsey, John, 24, 45, 490. Lindsey, Jonathan, 30, 41, 53. Lindsey, William, 278, 480. Lindsley, John, 182. Linindall, Frederick, 348. Link, Joseph, 228, 354. Linkins, William, 370. Linn, Hercules, 490. Linn, Thomas, 114. Linquest, Andrew, 172. Lintener, John, 112. Linton, Samuel, 136, 481. Lippey, John, 212, 348. Lirnin, Michael, 346. Lisk, Alexander, 55. Lisk, Charles, 72, 78, 529. Lisk, James, 55. Lisk, John, 55, 168. Lisk, Matthew, 55. Lispenard, Capt., 165, 175, 303, 309, 513. Little, Richard, 172. Little, William, 116, 208. Little, Zephaniah, 266. Litts, John, 92. Lilts, Roeloff, 92. Livingston, Capt., 279, 307. Livingston, George, 212. Livingston, Capt. James, 263. Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 419, 524, 529. Livingston, Capt. Robert, 173. Lobdell, Capt.. John, 103, 105, 185, ' 323, 337; Lobdell, Simon, 104. Lock, John, 468. Locker, John, 350. Locheree, Daniel, 410. Lockman, Henry, 222. Lockwood, Jonathan, 98, 176.INDEX. 589 Lockwood, Joseph,'184. Lockwood, Josiah, 188. Lockwood, Peter, 324. Lockwood, Capt. Reuben, 94? T75> 325> 337> 432, 539- 548. Lockwood, Robert, 62. Loder, Jonathan, 98. Lodewyck, Christopher, 3, 12, 21, 37, 41, 46, 252. Logan, David, 450. Logan, John, 296. Lombard, Elisha, 422. London, John, negro, 394. Lones, Johannes, 260. Long, Amos, 418. Long, Frederick, 362. Long, George, 318. Long, John, I, 44. Long, Joseph, 152. Long, Solomon, 212. Look, George, 162. Loop, Henry, 280. Loper, John, 130. Loper, Lyon, 282, 418. Lord, John, 17, 50. Lord, Samuel, 196. Lord, William, 31, 49. Losie, Capt., 255, 261, 271. Losie, John, 188, 490. Losie, Patrick, 474. Lotewall, Jacob, 470, 498. Lott, Cornelius, 162. Lott, Dirck Moore, 142. Lott, Col. Johannes, 517. Lott, Capt. John, 136, 137, 139, 213. Lott, Joseph, 256. Lott, Patrick, 125. Lott, Capt. Peter, 121, 137, 138, 215. Lottridge, John, 2TO. Lottridge, Capt. John, 1, 43, 506. Lottridge, Thomas, 1. Louden, James, 414. Loudenburgh, John W., 112. Loughlin, John, 242. Loughran, John, r, 43. Lougy, John, 272. Louis, mustee, 60. Lounsberry, Richard, 57, 396. Lounsberry, William, 176, 334, 402. Lounsbury, Caleb, 336, 529. Lounsbury, Jonathan, 106, 158. Lounsbury, Josiah, 52. Lounsbury, Valentine, 106. Love, Samuel, 304. Lovee, William. 178. Lovett, Barny, 150, Lovett, George, 248. Lovelace, James, 110, 266. Loveland, Ebenezer, 196. Loveland, John, 20, 31, 49. Loveland, Thomas, 17, 50. Lovelat, Anthony, 100, 1S8. Loveless, James, 530. Loveless, Joshua, 264. Low, George, 296, 528. Low, John, 5, 26, 340. Low, Lieut. Nicholas, 539. Lowder, John, 1S4. Lowder, Jonathan, 184. Lowdiwits, Peter, 258. Lowell, David, 226. Lowell, John, 140, 226. Lowell, Jonathan, 3, 10, 2t, 36,38, 41,. 46. Lowell, William, 262. Lower, Herman, 64, 76. Lowman, George, 120, 136, 356, 481. Loyal, William, 370, 480. Loyd, William, 16, 50. Lubeck, Harry, 150. Lubers, John Frederick, 164. Lucas, Amos, 198. Lucas, Peter, 160. Lucas, Peter, negro, 476. Luce, William, 236. Luchin, George, 216, 524. Luck. Peter, 493. Ludewig, John, 248. Ludington, Asa, 264. Ludington, Comfort, 266. Ludlow Coleman, 276. Ludlow, James, 493. Ludlum, Coleman, negro, 72, 364. Ludlum, David, 228. Ludlam, Silas, 130. Ludwick, John Martin, 120, 136, 481. Ludwig, Christopher, 252. Luflowe, Lucas, 528. Luke, Jacob, 278. Luke, John C., 278. Lumas, Jacob, 364. Lumas, John, 530. Lumerix, Joshua, 320. Luneburg, Peter, 446. Lupton, Thomas, 13T. Lurya, Henry, 54. Lush, Michael. 260. Luther, John, 60. Lutz, John, 444, 486. Luyck, Nicholas, 260. Luyick, Peter, 58. Luyster, Capt., 255, 263, 271 ► Luyster, Felix, 258. Lyell, Edward, 300, 430. Lyle, James, 474- Lyman, Ebenezer, 16, 50. Lynch, Daniel, 208, 230. Lynch, James, 278, 426. Lynch, Patrick, 148. Lynch, Philip, 228.59° INDEX. Lyon, Abraham, q6. Lyon, Benjamin, 108. Lyon, Capt., 323, 337. Lyon, James, 208. Lyon, John, 188. Lyon, Samuel, 5, 27, 48. Lyons, Abner, 60. Lyton, John, 418. Mabie, Henry, 102, 190. Mabie, Jacob, 6, 34. Mabie, John, 6, 8. Mabie, Robert, 278. Mabury, John, 30, 53. McAdams, John, 316. McAleer, Douglas, 464. McAllister, Charles, 330. McAlpin, Hugh, 158, 458. McArthur, Duncan, 280. McArthur, Neal, 398, 482. McAvoy, Patrick, 324. McBaine, Alexander, 340. McBaine, Donald, lib. McBride, Alexander, 250. McBride, Daniel, 7, 34, 39, 92, 216, 400, 464. McCaffry, John, 6, 8, 34, 39. McCall, Adam, 312. McCall, John, 436. McCann, Arthur, 150. McCann, John, 308. McCarty, Alexander, 300, 418, 462. McCarty, Charles, 262, 386. McCarty, Darby, 280. McCarty, David, 527. McCarty, Hugh, 228, 314. McCarty, Jeremiah, 424, 528. McCarty, John, 182, 218, 488. McCarty, Lawrence, 166. McCarty, Matthew, 90. McCarty, Owen, 2, 44, 292. McCarty, Thomas, 166, 228, 272, 370 410, 480. McCarty, Lieut. Thomas, 495. McCarty, William, 340. McCarty, see Carty. McCastlin, Patrick, 338. McCaw, John, 392. McChain, Edward, 8, 34, 39. McChain, William, 8. McClaghery, Capt., 483. McClaghery, Richard, 484. McClarren, Colin, 480. McClarren, Felix, 218. McClay, James, 132, 300. McClean, Cornelius, 464. McClean, Daniel, 9, 25, 180, 326, 360, 528. McClean, Jacobus, 464. McClean, John, 90, 172, 220, 304, 348 378,43s, 527. McClean, Patrick, 424, 530. Mcdeary, Benjamin, 246. McClelland, James, 142, 222. McClintock, James, 88. McClonaghan, James, 278. McCloud, Alexander, 9, 23. McCloud, Daniel, 244, 442, 525. McCollister, Charles, 528. McCollister, Neal, 376. McCollister, Samuel, 525. McCollister, Walter, 392. McCollum, John, 252, 388, 526. McCollum, Matthew, 486. McCollum, Patrick, 454. McCollum, Samuel, 92, 216, 464. McCollum, William, 416. McCombe, Andrew, 454. McConnell, William, 7, 34, 39, 57, 400 526. McConnolly, Duncan, 154. McCord, James, 486. McCord, John, 526. McCord, Thomas, 1. McCord, William,-148, 228, 348. McCormick, Henry, 3, 10, 21, 36, 37 42, 47' McCormick, James, 378. McCormick, John, 84. 190, 210, 3x2 326, 376, 388, 430, 493. McCormick, Maxwell, 214. McCormick. William, 526. McCowen, James, 398. McCoy, Alexander, 370. McCoy, Allen, 170. McCoy, Isaac, 133. McCoy, James, 310, 360. McCoy, James, alias Graham, 338. McCoy. John, 170. McCrackan, Robert, 392. McCrea, Matthew, 224. McCreary, John, 108. McCrindell, James, 274, 392, 525, 523 McCrindell, Lieut. James, 441, 455* 49°. McCrohan, William, 484. McCullough, Andrew, 166, 244, 356. McCullough, Edward, 296. McCurdy, Ennis, 140. McCurry, Malcolm, 378. McDaniel, Edward, 172, 304. McDaniel, John, 326, 388, 402, 422. McDaniel, Michael, 1, 18, 30, 53, 308. McDaniel, Nicholas, 150. McDaniel, Patrick, 226, 230, 352, 527. McDaniel, Peter, 236. McDaniel, Randal, 51. McDaniel, Roger, 144. McDaniel, Thomas, 180.INDEX. 591 McDermott, Francis, 280, 440. McDermott, William, 298, 342, 526. McDonald, Alexander, 366. McDonald, Allen, 344. McDonald, Archibald, 248. McDonald, Donald, 158, 174, 491. McDonald, Edward, 246, 530. McDonald, James, 116. McDonald, John, 6, 34, 40, 174, 222, 332, 334, 402, 480, 530. McDonald, Malcolm, 489. McDonald, Michael, 40. McDonald, Norman, 166, 374. McDonald, Patrick, 2, 44, 226. McDonald, Peter, 133. McDonald, Robert, 116. McDonald, Ronald, 1, 44. McDonald, Samuel, 304. McDonnell, Daniel, 300. McDonough, Thomas, 134, 525* McDougall, Alexander, 118. McDougall, Dtincan, 133. McDougall, John, 350. McDougall, Nicholas, 22S, McDowell, Robert, 482. McDuffie, Dougal, 300. Mace, Jacob, 258. McEagan, David, 34. McEller, Douglas, 398. McEvers, Capt. James. 173. McEvers, Capt. John, 5. 39, 1*3. 547- McEvoy, James, 136, 481. McEwing, John, 133. McFadden, Alexander. 476. McFall, Alexander, 208. McFall, Cornelius, 491. McFall, Hugh, 372, 480. McFarden, Alexander, 476. McFarlan, Hugh, 133, 136, 226, 386, 481. McFarlan, James, 376. McFarlan, John, 358, 528. McFarlan, Thomas, 493. McGee, James, 454, 526. McGee, John, 236. McGee, Martin, 6, 8, 33, 40, 51- McGee, Patrick, 396, 526. McGee, William, 436. McGiggin, David, 8. McGill, Rowland, 274, 416, 529* McGinnis, Edward, 456. McGinnis, Capt. Robert, 6, 33’ 39’ 4°> 51, 52, 506. McGinnis, Capt. William, 6, 8, 33> 52°- McGlardin, Hugh, 164. McGonagle, John, 144. McGonnigoe, John, 364. McGown, John, 462. McGrath, Patrick, 288. McGrath, Thomas, 244, 356. McGraw, Barney, 489. McGraw, Patrick, 368. McGraw, Robert, 230. McGraw, William, 368. McGregor, Alexander, 392, 533. McGregor, James, 424. McGregor, Shadrach, 82. McGuinn, William, 134. McGuire, Bartholomew, 168, 246, 350. McGuire, James, 174. McGuire, John, 136, 302, 481, 526. McGuire, Lawrence. 488. McGuire, Patrick, 374. McGuire, Thomas, 150, 404. McGuire, Walter, 378. McGuirter, Hugh, 446. McGurk, Michael, 440. McHarge, Alexander, 490. McHenry, Henry, 484. McHenry, William, 98, 19c, 324, 358. Mclntire, Archibald, 8. Mclntire, Daniel, 114. Mclntire, James, 400, 528. Mclntire, John, 2, 10, 21, 35, 37, 4^ 46. Mclntire, Peter, 466, 492, 528, 538. McIntosh, Alexander, 296. McIntosh, James, 290. McIntosh, John, 330, 404, 454, 494. McIntosh, Joseph, 268. Mack, George, 57, 132. Mack, Robert, 242, 525. Mack, Samuel, 20, 32, 49. Mack, Stephen, 234. McKane, Adam, 538. McKane, Barney, 493. McKane, James, 330. McKane, John, 90. McKay, Duncan, 448. McKay, George, 418. McKay, James, 208, 302, 480. McKay, John, 210, 274. McKay, Joseph, 496. McKay, Peter, 304. McKay, William, 246, 488. McKeal, Ryer, 104. McKeen, John, 344. McKenny, Alexander, 170, 298. McKenny, Charles, 156. McKenny, John, 416, 498. McKenny, Kain, 30. McKenny, Matthew, 300. McKenzie, Duncan, 96, 248, 480. McKenzie, Hector, 408, 528. McKenzie, John, 272. McKenzie, Roderick, 344, 528. McKeon, John, 87. Mackey, Henry, 344. Mackey, James, 344. Mackey, William, 90.INDEX. 592 Mackie, David, 284. McKillip, Daniel, 2, 44. McKim, John, 302, 378, 422. McKinley, Daniel, 56. McKitterick, John, 142, 224. Mackivers, Morris, 6, 33. Mackridge, William, 278. McLaughlin, Adam, 43. McLaughlin, Alexander, 2. McLaughlin, Capt., 483. McLaughlin, Daniel, 410. McLaughlin, David,. 480, 524. McLaughlin, Hugh, 458. McLaughlin, James, 162, 214, 222, 228, 354, 400. McLaughlin, Joseph, 216. McLaughlin, Lieut., 461, 467. McLaughlin, Neal, 486. McLaughlin, Patrick, 288, 527. McLaughlin, Thomas, 493. McLean, James, 206. McLean, John, 244, 524. McLean, William, 88. McLean, see McClean. Mackley, John, 162. McMahon, George, 7. McManus, Cornelius, 248. McManus, Darby, 172. McMaster, Richard, 96, 190. McMaster, Samuel, 170, 236, 384, 470, 498. McMichael, John, 7, 8, 34, 39, 218, 400, 486. McMullen, Adam, 288. McMullen, James, 224, 230. McMullen, Thomas, 338, 362. McMunn, William, 270. McMurray, Daniel, 364. McMurray, Samuel, 236. McNamara, Daniel, 340. McNamara, James, 274, 392, 454. McNamara, John, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38, 42, 47- McNamara, Thomas, 300. McNeal, Alexander, 7, 34, 39. McNeal, Hector, 82. McNeal, James, 264. McNeal, Lieut. James, 483. McNeal, John, 484. McNeal, Neal, 378, 480. McNeal, Lieut. Thomas, 521, 532, 541. McNealy, William, 246. McNear, Samuel, 142. McNear, Thomas, 244. Macoon, Proculus, 72. McPherson, Duncan, 348, 480. McPherson, William, 1, 44, 158. McQuade, Barnaby, 9. 24. McQuinn, Bartholomew, 55, 168. McQuinn, Charles, 168, 364, 522. Macready, John, 322. McVeagh, Matthew, 210. MacVickar, Duncan, 493. McWay, Daniel, 484. McWhorter, John, 89, 156. Mahan, James, 400. Mahan, Thomas, 406. Mahar, Edward, 344. Mahar, John, 8, 23, 45, 394. Mahar, Lawrence, 150. Mahaynes, Richard, 98. Mahone, Ross, 134. Mahoney, Daniel, 226, 348. Mahoney, Darby, 238. Mahoney, Dennis, 376, 528. Mahoney, Jeremiah, 352. Mailer, John, 438. Major, George, 52. Mall, Alexander, 428. Mallory, Samuel, 250, 426, 527. Mallory, William, 527. Malloy, Maurice, 132. Malone, James, 134 Malone, Lawrence, 460. Maloney, Matthew, 200, 284. Maltby, William, 198. Malton, John, 162. Mamson, Lieut. Abraham, 473. Man, James, 72, 138, 368, 527,’ n0 Man, John, 340, 528. Manaman, Charles, 200. ' Manaman, Hugh, 196. Mandor, Richard, 62. Manger, Nicholas, 346. Manier, Hendrick, 2, 43. Manning, Thomas, 364, 420. Mannor, Jeremiah, 466. Manny, Barney, 332. Manny, James, 89. Mansfield, James, 320, 392, 4x4 Mansfield, Jeremiah, 92, 218. Manton, James, 342. Manuel, Andrew, 376. Manuel, Nicholas, 332. Marcelain, Francis, 170. March, indian, 126. March, John, 436. March, Richard, 264, 530. March, Stephen, no. Maren, James, 316. Margeson, Peter, 438. Marimount, Lieut. John, 4-72 Marinius, Jeremiah, 274. Mark, Bangadis, 6. Markham, William, 32, 4^ Markly, John, 344. Marks, Baltus Utter, 370. Marks, Christian, 174. Marks, Ponson, 438. Marks, Thomas, 426.INDEX. 593 Marselis, Abraham, mulatto, 288. Marselis, Abram, 440. Marselis, Ahasuerus, 2, 43. Marselis, Garret, 1, 2, 43. Marselis, Peter, 288. Marr, James, 2, 44. Marsh, Edward, 104. Marsh, Richard, 324. Marsh, William, 312, 362, Marshall, Samuel, 454. Marshall, Thomas, 386, 430. Marston, John, 68, 78. Martelaer, Peter, 120. Marther, Peter, 350. Martin, Alexander, 288, 370, 440. Martin, Hugh, 220. Martin, John, 112, 116, 168, 206, 246* 388, 430, 524, 526. Martin, Joseph, 58. Martin, Patrick, 8, 24, 45. Martin, Samuel, 52. Martin, Thomas, 16, 214. Martin, William, 172. Martin hag on, John, 86. Martiplock, Daniel, 438. Martling, Barent, 9, 22, 45, 158. Martling, Isaac, 180. Martling, Peter, 182. Martling, Lieut. Peter, 311, 359, 43r? 467,472,545,546. Marvin, David, 88, 90. Marvin, Capt. David, 88, 91, 157^ 329. Marvin, Seth, 202, 232. Marvin, Stephen, 26, 47. Masheaw, Charles, 146. Masner, Joseph, 174. Mason, Edward, 158, 332, 404, 460, 528. Mason, John, 164, 232, 296. Mason, Joseph, 212. Mason, Stephen, 392. Massacho, Philip, 140. Masterton, Richard, 44. Maston, Elias, 80. Mather, Jonas, 152. Matheson, John Frederick, 172. Mathew, indian, 240, 286. Mathews, Benjamin, 436. Mathews, Cornelius, 276, 372. Mathews, Capt. Edmond, 1, 43, 44, 47, 520. Mathews, James, 228. Mathews, Joseph, 470, 498. Mathews, Patrick, 1. Mathews, Robert, 160. Mathews, Samuel, 254. Mathews, Thomas, 248, 480, 525. Mathews, William, 493. Mathewson, Kenneth, 122. Mathitt, Francis, 256. 38 Mattocks, William, 480. Mattysen, Francis, negro, 158, 332. Maverick, Andrew, 208. May, Silas, 29. May, Thomas, 272. May bury, John, 40. Mayhew, John, 142. Max, Daniel, 198. Maxfield, Robert, 398. Mazene, Moses, 282. Mead, Capt., 255, 261, 273. Mead, Daniel, 230, 270. Mead, Ezra, 529. Mead, Gershom, 176, 314, 530. Mead, John, 100. Mead, Lewis, 270. Mead, Reuben, 158. Mead, Richard, 308. Mead, Stephen, 18, 30, 41. Mead, Lieut. Zebulon, 18, 29, 52. Meare, William, 133. Medler, Christopher, 57. Meech, Aaron, 198. Meech, Timothy, 204. Meehan, Charles, 124. Meehan, Michael, 250. Meeker, Robert, 250, 527. Meeks, Thomas, 342. Meelk, Benjamin, 204. Meese, Jacob, 528. Meetgo, John, 164. Meldrum, David, 114. Melsback, William, 294. Menderson, Joshua, 350, 533. Mentor, Gabriel, 416. Mentor, Reuben, 270. Mentor, Robert, 416. Menzie, George, 256. Mercle, Barnet, 56. Mercle, Benjamin, 57. Mercle, Daniel, 244. Mercle, Petrus, 57. Mercle, William, 56, 57. Mercy, Samuel, 296. Meredith, Thomas, 270. Mericular, John, 120, 136, 228, 481. Merrick, Abel, 450. Merrick, Ebenezer, 18. Merrick, Thomas, 264. Merrillj Asa, 478, 482. Merrill, John, 55. Merrill, Simon, 466. Merrill, Thomas, 54. Merritt, Elisha, 188. Merritt, Ezekiel, 96. Merritt, Johannes, 352. Merritt, Jonathan, 190, 432. Merritt, Joseph, 102, 190. Merritt, Peter, igo, 326, 360, 526. Merritt, Thomas, 74.594 INDEX. Merryfield, Robert, 306. Merwin, Barnabas, 4. Meserole, Cornelius, 114, 458. Mesker, Johannes, 2, 44. Mesner, Joseph. 480. Messenger, Andrew, 478. Messenger, Pompey, negro, 70, 142, 242, 412. Metcalf, Henry, 304, 526. Metcalf, Samuel, 16. Meyer, Isaac, 158. Meyer, Jacob, 290. Meyer, Michael, 454. Meyer, Nicholas, 270, 274. Meyer, see Myer. Michael, Adam, 190, 410. Michael, Jacob, 252, 364, 426. Michael, Peter, 278. Michaelson, Henry, 82. Mickle, Adam, 23. Middagh, George, 57. Middagh, Capt. Isaac, 135, 138, 521, 542, 545, 549. Middagh, Jacob, 402. Middagh, Capt. James, 212, 524. Middagh, John, 56. Middagh, Lieut. John, 135, 138, 521, 542, 548. Middagh, Martin, 56. Middeburg, John, 208. Middleton, Dr. Peter, 539. Milburn, Thomas, 168, 246. Miles, Joseph, 5. Miles, William, 156, 362. Millen, John, 444. Millenbrook, Martin, 244. Miller, Adam, 43, 270, 364, 416. Miller, Andrew, 410, 420, 434. Miller, Anthony, 4, 26, 48, 52. Miller, Christopher, 398. Miller, Conrad V., 362. Miller, David, 434. Miller, Ezekiel, 160, 334, 458. Miller, Francis, 414, 525. Miller, Henry, 94, 150, 384, 529. Miller, Isaac, 124. Miller, Jacob, 138, 140, 176, 222, 258, 260, 328, 346, 362, 528. Miller, James, 176. Miller, John, 6, 8, 34, 39, 82, 108, 186, 192, 232, 274, 314, 366, 372, 430, 480, 525, 527, 533. Miller, John Peter, 402. Miller, Lieut. John R., 427, 473, 546. Miller, Jonathan, 1, 100, 128. Miller, Lieut. Jonathan, 319, 545. Miller, Joseph, 458. Miller, Lewis, 358. Miller, Lodawick, 452. Miller, Michael, 388. Miller, Nathan, 128. Miller, Nathaniel, 17, 50. Miller, Nicholas, 90, 218. Miller, Peter, 58, 96, 106, 416. Miller, Philip, 2, 44, 57, 306, 402. Miller, Solomon, 328. Miller, Tobias, 102, 182. Miller, William, 129, 242, 320. Miller, Zebulon, 458. Miller, Zephaniah, 432. Milligan, James, 148. Millington, John, 136, 214, 481. Mills, Abraham, 138, 481. Mills, Lieut. Alexander, 504, 539. Mills, Andrew, 96. Mills, Capt., 143, 153, 225, 229, 243. Mills, Daniel, 176. Mills, Edward, 476. Mills, Peter, 186, 320, 388, 526. Mills, Titus, 176. Mills, William, 18, 30, 53. Milton, James, 450. Minard, John, 489. Miner, Joshua, 406. Minnon, William, 202. Minor, Daniel, 202. Minor, Jacobus, 404. Minthorne, Lieut. Nathaniel, 447, 459. Misell, Jacob, 242. Misever, Joseph, 270. Mispullet, Sampson, 298. Mitchell, John, 294, 336. Mitchell, Joseph, 1, 43, 194, 226. Mitchell, Lewis, 166. Mitchell, Patrick, 184, 270, 372. Mitchell, Thomas, 316. Mitchell, Zephaniah, 19, 32, 49. Mix, Stephen, 27, 47. Moffat, John, 222. Moger, After, 316. Moger, Lemuel, 240, 286. Moger, John, 194. Molineux, Israel, 82, 320. Mom paw, Abraham, indian, 80. Monahan, Roger, 252, 430, 528. Monckton, Gov. Robert, 537. Money, Burnett, 214. Monger, Benjamin, 108. Montanye, Isaac, 158. Montanye, Jacobus, 59, 396, 526. Montfort, Henry, 66, 78. Montgomery, Hugh, 454. Montgomery, John, 527. Montgomery, Michael, 210, 524. Montross, Samuel, 320. Moody, John, 478. Moone, Daniel, 106. Mooney, Bernard, 140. Mooney, John, 493. Mooney, Philip, 336.INDEX. 595 Moore, Benjamin, 127. Moore, Daniel, 133, 254. Moore, Edward, 228. Moore, Capt. Francis, 539, 54$. Moore, Jacob, 486. Moore, James, 146, 494. Moore, John, 210, 290, 378, 390, 434, 476, 527, 530. Moore, Martin, 300. Moore, Matthias M., 162. Moore, Patrick, 344, 476. Moore, Philip, 104. Moore, Samuel, 84, 182, 260, 336, 380. Moore, Simeon, 232. Moore, Lieut. Stephen, 539. Moore, Capt. Thomas, I73> 203, 206, 235, 514. Moore, William, 18, 30, 41, 53, 102, 144, 270, 314, 382, 450. Morehouse, Adonijah, 184. Morehouse, Jedediah, 5, 28. Morehouse, John, 240, 286. Moreland, Henry, 376, 422. Morewise, Benjamin, 306. Morewise, Jacob, 162, 525. Morewise, John, 150. Morgan, James, 376. Morgan, John, 314. Morgan, Joseph, 60, 100, 146, 244. Morgan. Thomas, 70, 404, 418. Morgridge, Aaron, 98. Morrell, Benjamin, 74. Morrell, Francis, 192. Morrell, John, 192, 238. Morrell, Joseph, 226. Morrell, Robert, 224. Morrell, Thomas, 70. Morrell, William, 292. Morris, Jacob, 242. Morris, James, 302. Morris, John, 144, 178, 212, 252, 260, 460, 491, 526, 528. Morris, Joseph. 493. Monis, Michael, 170, 226, 346, 440. Morris, Richard, 507. Morris, Thomas, 202. Morrison, Alexander, 338. Morrison, James, 280. Morrison, John, 278, 410, 432, 529. Morrison, William, I, 44. Morrow, David, 123, 128, 202, 234, 240, 286, 406, 522. Morrow, Samuel, 352. Morrow, Stephen, 228. Morrow, see Murray. Morse, Capt. Ephraim, 64, 74, 138, 220, 521, 522, 524, 541, 544, 543, 549. Morse, Michael, 524. Morse, Nicholas, 214, 376. Morse, Samuel, 148, 224. Mortis, indian, 384. Mortlier, Peter, 214. Morway, George, 314. Mosher, Abel, 326. Mosher, Alexander, 102. Mosher, James, 460. Mosher, Robert, 102. Mosher, Thomas, 102. Mosher, Zebulon, 270. Mosman. William, 488. Moss, Aaron, 412. Moss, John, 19, 29, 41, 53. Moss, Joseph, 420. Moss, William, 344. Mosten, Samuel, 493. Mott, Capt., 141, 145, 149, 221, 229, 245- Mott, Ezekiel, 380. Mott, James, 222. Mott, John, 222. Mott, Joseph, 127. Mott, Sears, 72. Mott, Silvanus, 87. Mott. William, 127. Mottlier, Peter, 138. Moulder, John, 410. Mountron, Blenny, 524. Mow, John, 64. Mowatt, William, 310, 388, 422. Mowvey, George A., 360. Moxlev, Joseph, 20, 32, 49. Moysten, John, 338. Muckelhone, John, 90, 218, 398, 462. Muckelvaine, Archibald, 134. Muckott, Bristol, 129. Muirson, Dr. George, 131, 207, 386, 408, 520. Mulford, Capt. David, 201, 283. Mulford, John, 136, 481. Mulholland, Dennis, 306, 344. Mullen, John, 57, 400, 444. Muller, Israel, 358. Mullet, Stephen, 388, 424. Mullet, William, 300, 346. Muncy, James, 2, 18, 30, 44. Muncy, Joseph, 368. Muncy, Philip, 322. Muncy, Samuel, 127. Muncy, Lieut. Thomas, 539. Munday, James, 358. Munday, John, 192, 316. Munn, David, 524. Munn, Nathaniel, 493. Munro, Amos, 328. Munro, Barnabas, 216, Munro, Hugh, 478. Munro, Jonathan, 470. Munsell, Jacob, 123. Munsell, Jesse, 123. Munson, George, 296, 360.596 INDEX. Munson, James, 525. Munyon, Richard, 254. Murcli, Richard, 450. Murch, William, 452. Murdock, Wiiliam, 288, 394, 525. Murphy, Daniel. 164, 529. Murphy, Dominick, 230. Murphy, Edward, 116, 118, 515. Murphy, Isaac, mulatto, 92. Murphy, Israel, 444. Murphy, James, 220, 238, 326. Murphy, John, 338. Murphy, Lawrence, 218. Murphy, Matthew, 338. Murphy, Thomas, 132, 300, 368, 426. Murphy, Walter, 210, 350. Murray, Alexander, 314. Murray, Charles, 342. Murray, David, 236. Murray, Elisha, 152. Murray, George, 182. Murray, John, 230, 256. Murray, John, negro, 446. Murray, Patrick, 1. Murray, Peter, 526. Murray, Robert, 398. Murray, Stephen, 190. Murray, Thomas, 1, 8, .25, 44. Murray, William, 208. Murray, see Morrow. Myer, C., 152. Myer, Godfrey, 376, 480. Myer, Hendrick, 330, 400. Myer, John, 529. Myer, Martin, 206. Myer, see Meyer. Myers, Andrew, 256, 416, 521. Myers, Lieut. Peter, 212, 542, 546. Myrtle, Peter, 214. Nack, Matthias, 404, 528. Nagel, Frederick, 133. Nagel, Henry, 152. Names, John, 80, 456. Namus, indian, 196. Nasberry, Nathan, 127. Nase, Jacob, 402, 458. Nase, Jeffrey, 19, 29, 53, 272. Nat, mustee, 60. Nation, Isaac, indian, 60. Nayor, John Casper, 440. Neagles, James, 274, 404. Neal, Frederick, 224. Neal, Henry, 372, 480, 525. Neal, Richard, 356, 454. Neal, Thomas, 338. Nealy, Thomas, 300, 524. Neau, Capt. F., 257, 261. Neau, Joseph. 442. Ned, mustee, 60. Neece, Hendrick, 92. Ne^ece, Jacob, 92. Neely, Capt., 91, 217, 483. Neely, George, 218. Neely, Henry, 484. Neely, Samuel, 90, 218. Neely, William, 216. Neff, Clement, 16, 50. Neil, James, 306. Neilson, Christian, 164. Neilson, Uriah, 1. Nell, Joseph, 440. Nelson, Andrew, 152. Nelson, Caleb, 424. Nelson, James, 428, 527. Nelson, John, 266. Nelson, Peter, 318. Nelson, Samuel, 266, 530. Nelson, Thomas, 316. Neptune, William, 133, 496. Nesbitt, see Nisbit. Ness, Jeremiah, 416. Nesson, Isaac, mulatto, 290. Nesson, James, 390. Nettleton, Daniel, 268. Nettleton, Josiah, 28. Nettleton, Roswell. 258. Neverfear, Simon, 123. New, Simon, 278. Newberry, William, 304, 366. Newcomb, Cyrenios, 256, 530. Newcomb, Henry, 136, 481. Newell, Jonas, 176. Newell, Loftus, 90. Newgar, John, 228. Newgar, Terrance, 194. New Jersey, troops from, 504, 512. Newkirk, Capt. I)., 217, 487. Newkirk, Garret, 7, 34, 59. Newkirk, Gerardus, 57. Newman, After, 23S. Newman, Edward, 168. Newman, Jonas, 328. Newman, Nicholas, 420. Newman, Lieut. Thomas, 539. Newman, William, 172. New York City and County, muster rolls of troops from, 1755, 40 ; 1758, 112, 132 ; 1759, 162, 170, 206 ; 1760, 292, 298, 304, 338, 525, 526; 1761, 342, 374, 409. 526-528 ; 1762, 420, 422, 436, 442 ; 1764, 488, 494 ; offi- cers commissioned for, 472, 539. 542, 544> 545’ 546 ; militia ordered into service, 512, 517; independent com- panies in, 512 ; volunteers enlist, 5*9> 532 ; warrants to pay county and enlistment money, 547-551. New York Province, muster rolls of provincial troops, 1-498, 524 ; list ofINDEX. commissions issued to officers, 472, 539-547 ; acts of assembly for raising troops, 499 ; recruits forces in Con- necticut, 501, 551 (for muster rolls see Connecticut) ; terms of enlist- ment, 503, 504, 513-516, 520, 523, 524, 53 L 534, 535 ; militia ordered into service, 505, 507, 509, 511, 512, 517 ; list of deserters from the army, 514, 522, 532, 537 ; names of de^ ceased soldiers, 529 ; militia paraded to recruit volunteers, 531 ; her troops not to enter the regular army, 536; list of warrants for bounty and en- listment money, 547-551. Nicholas, Francis, 248. Nicholas, George, 454. Nicholas, John, 51, 152, 226, 41S. Nichols, David, 384. Nichols, George, 366. Nichols, Joseph, mulatto, 126. Nichols, Moses, 218. Nichols, Richard, 468. Nichols, Thomas, 90, 94, 108, 190, 39S. Nichols, William, 398. Nicholson, Barrick, 326. Nicholson, Charles, 87. Nicholson, Edward, 340, 360. Nicholson, ^Eneas, no. Nicholson, John, 398. Nicholson, Richard, 17, 18, 41, 53, 290. Nicholson, Thomas, 374. Niever, Goodlife, 89. Nightingale, Harison, 493. Nisbit, Benjamin, 120. Nisbit, John, 138, 481. Nisbit, Lieut. John, 213, 347, 461, 467, 473,545,546- Nisbit, Joseph, 252, 348, 527. Nisbit, William, 236, 384. Nixon, George, 276, 370, 480. Nixon, Samuel, 324. Noble, Anthony, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42, 47, 24.8, 366. Noble, James, 464. Noblet, John, 210, 230. Noblet, Joseph, 374, 527. Nojares, John, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46. Normand, John, 320. Normand, Thomas, 340. Norris, Henry, 282. Norris, John, 470. North, Benjamin, 256. North, John, 529. Northam, Samuel, 468. Northam, Capt. Timothy, 468, 478,482, 551. Northrup, Ebenezer, 184, 326. 597 Norton, Nathaniel, 240, 286, 470 4qo Norton, Dr. Ralph, 522, 540. ’ ^ ' Norton, Thomas, 488, 537. Norts, John Jurry, 440. Nott, Richard, 224. Nottingham, Jacob, 56. Nottingham, Capt. Stephen, 56, 54-7 Nottingham, Thomas, 56. Novrick, Ebenezer, 29. Nower, James, 396. Nowlan, Edmund, 300. Nowlan, James, 292. Nowlan, John, 9, 23, 45, 374, 537. Noxon, Bartholomew, 19. Nublow, George, 342, 480. Nulls, John, 480. Nulls, William, 40. Oakley, Gilbert, 80. Oakley, Thomas, 98, 180. Oates, Robert, 202. Obe, Westward 240, 286. O'Bryan, Lieut. Constantine, 132, 20-5 522, 543, 545. * ’ O’Bryan, Daniel, 9, 24, 304, 528. O’Bryan, Dennis, 2, 43, 450. O’Bryan, Henry, 302, 342, 458. O’Bryan, James, 370, 426, 428, 494. O’Bryan, John, 458, 527. O’Bryan, Joseph, 480. O’Bryan, Nicholas, 308, 346, 422 K2f> O’Bryan, William, 488. O’Bryan, see Bryan. Ochiltree, Robert, 150. O’Conner. Timothy, 276. O’Connolly, Daniel, 274. Ocus, indian, 282. Odell, Gabriel, 104, 529. Odell, Gilbert, 102. Odell, John, 82, 336. Odell, Jones, 452. Odell, Joseph, 264. Odell, Joshua, 82. • Ogden, Caleb, 172, 298, 525, 546. Ogden, David, 86. Ogden, Ichabod, 190. Ogden, John, 216, 292. Ogden, Jonathan, 529.. Ogden, Capt. Jonathan, 22, 100, 510, 539' 547, 548. Ogg, Alexander, 55, 166, 246, 528. Oghterslater, John, 454. O’Gobbin, Owen, 436. O’Hara, Patrick, 7, 34, 39. Oliver, Lawrence, 528. Oliver, Samuel, 444, 530. Oliver, Thomas, 222. Oliver, William 140. Oliver, William, indian, 304. Onderdonk, Capt. Andreas, 161, 325.59§ INDEX, O’Neal, Patrick, 3, 9, 14, 21, 24, 36, 38, 45- Oney, William, 476. Orange County, muster rolls of troops from, 1758. 86, 135 ; 1759, *54> 158; 1760, 328; 1761, 402, 526, 528 ; 1762, 445, 458 ; 1763, 482 ; militia ordered into service, 518, 519, 540 ; officers commissioned for, 539, 541, 545-547 ; warrants to pay bounty and enlistment money, 547—551 • Orchard, Robert, 116. Orchard, see Archard. Ord, Major Thomas, 541. Organ, Thomas, 274. Ormond, John, 120. Orr, Thomas, 170, Orson, William, 43. Osborn, Daniel, 326. Osborn, Capt. Daniel, 203, 235, 335. Osborn, Lieut. Francis, 521. Osborn, James, 4. Osborn, Jonathan, 282. Osborn, Josiah, 98. Osborn, Nathan, 4, 26. Osborn, Richard, 164. Osborn, Stephen, 128, 284. Osborn, Lieut. Thomas, 15 5 > 161, 541- Osborn, Uzal, 434. Osborn, William, 87, 529. Osman, Elmodam, 202. Osterhout, Hendricus, 58. Osterhout, Isaac, 250. Osterhout, Jeremiah, 250. Osterhout, Peter, 58, 416. Osterhout, Simeon, 18, 30. Ostrander, Adam, 262. Ostrander, Evert, 7, 8, 33. Ostrander, Hendrick, 262. Ostrander, Jacobus, 260, 452. Ostrander, John, 142, 258, 486. Ostrander, Peter, 256, 414. Ostrom, Henry, 380. Oswego. 473, 507, 536, 537, 544. Otto, William, 94, 444. Overton, George, 238. Overton, Isaac, 125. Overton, Samuel, 170, 466. Overton, .Stephen, 232, 530. Overton, Thomas, 129, 232. Owen, Amaziah, 280. Owen, Anthony, 44. Owen, Capt., 520. Owen, Ebenezer, 29, 41, 53, 87, 382. Owen, Jedediah, 358. Owen, Moses, 9, 11. Owen, Naphtali, 3, 12, 21, 42, 47. _r Owen, Nathaniel, 123. Owen, Thomas, 330, 404. Owen, William, 294, 332, 348, 404, 470, 498, 527. Owen, Zaccheus, 280. Ox George, 276. Padden, Simon, 188. Paddock, John, 260. Paddock, Lieut. Philip, 108. Page, Asa, 27, 48. Page, David, 526. Page, John, 7, 8, 34, 39. Page, Thomas, 128. Paine, Abraham, 128. Paine, Bulen, 22. Paine, Elisha, 414. Paine, Joseph, 126. Paine, Paul, 250. Paine, Samuel, 40. Paine, William, 130. Painter, Frederick, 402, 458. Palmatier, Joseph, 450. Palmatier, Peter, 452. Palmer, Benaiah, 104. Palmer, Elihu, 20, 32, 49. Palmer, Jacob, 144. Palmer, Jeremiah, 262, 530. Palmer, John, 7, 84, 538. Palmer, Jonathan, 316. Palmer, King, 16. Palmer, Norris, 162, 300, 526 Palmer, Robert, 68, 72, 78. Palmer, Samuel, 62, 148, 522 Palmer, Stephen, 132. Palmer, William, 100, 296. Pandelo, Pedro, 410. Pandle, Thomas, 426. Pangborn, Timothy, 196, 2oq Pangborn, William, 256. Paradise, John, 382. Parcells, William, 294, 530 Parent, William, 104. Parham, William, 116. Paris, Asa, 184. Paris, Jacob, 102, 178. Paris, James, 438. Paris, Lewis, 164. Parish, Azariah, 110, 148 0*7 Parish, Gideon, 28, 48. ’ Parish, Jacob, 184, 390. Parish, Joseph, 18, 30, co Park, Bristow, 16, 50. ’ l09- Parker, Charles, 162. Parker, Henry, 230, 486. Parker, Jacob, 160. Parker, James, 5, 26, 48, 4o_ Parker, John, 296. Parker, Col. John, 510. Parker, Jonathan, 206. Parker, Samuel, 80, 87. Parklee, Lawrence, 5, 27,INDEX. 599 Parks, Daniel, 264. Parks, Jonas, 412. Parks, Joseph, 204. Parmalee, Simon, 198. Parmyter, Ichabod, 264. Parmyter, Isaac, 254. Parson, John, 282. Partlow, Amos, 456. Passakie, Christian, 51, 274. Passakie, Henry, 51. Passmore, Joseph, 529. Paton, Thomas, 178. Patrick, Peter, 104, 320, 390, 432. Patrick, Zebulon, 104. Pattee, John, 336. Patterson, George, 3, 10, 21, 36, 37, 42, 46. Patterson, James, 210, 276. Patterson, John, 116, 310, 484. Patterson, Joseph, 116, 218, 240, 286, 444. 529. Patterson, Samuel, 142, 212. Patterson, William, 129. Pattifield, Thomas, 294. Patton, John, 494. Paul, James, 158, 334, 404, 458. Paul, Joseph, 62. Paulding, Capt. John, 521, 541, 548. Paulding, Major, 258. Paulding, Thomas, 182, 529. Paxton, David, 340. Payne, John, 306. Peacock, John, 482. Peake, Thomas, 210, 526. Peal, John, 448. Peal, Samuel, 186. Pealer, Michael. 290. Pealman, Nicholas, 118, 136, 220, 350, 481. Pearce, Stephen, 131. Pearce, Lieut. Stephen, 281, 544. Pearcy, Israel, 480. Pearcy, John, 428, Pearcy, William, 480. Pearse, Ambrose, 480. Pearson, John, 332. Peaseley, Dunburtus, 320. Peaseley, Francis, 244. Peaseley, Israel, 310. Peaseley, John, 376. Peck, Jasper, 202. Peck, John, 238. Peck, Joseph, 234. Peck, Peter, 74. Peck, Seth, 122. Peck, Silas, 202. Peck, Thomas, 320, 434. Peckeret, Samuel, 106. Peckman, Jacob, 242. Peckner, John, 214. Pecord, Alexander, 466. Pederue, John, 144. Pedrick, Zebulon, 184, 322. Peers, Philip, 112, 182. Peet, Butler, 360. Peet. Samuel, 529. Peffer, Michael, 133. Peirce, Richard, 194. Pelgrin, Frederick, 220. Pelia, Peter, 250. Pell, Joseph, 80, 316, 360, 460, 527. Pell, Roger, 148, 312, 526. Pellew, Abraham, 302, 530. Pelton, Ebenezer, 20, 32. Penal, Augustus, 152, 222, 356, 466. Pendal, William, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38. Pender, Henry, 206, 294. Pendergrass, Garret, 274. Pendergrast, Thomas, 342. Pendery, John, 224, 408, 452, 491. Pennemore, William, 9, 24, 45. Penner, Jacob, 272. Pennet, Joseph, 296. Pennsylvania, troops from, 504. Penny, Austin, 210. Penny, Daniel, indian, 304. Penny, Isaac, 128, 234, 524. Penny, John, 298, 468. Penny, Nathaniel, 19, 53. Penny, William, 202. Penter, Frederick, 334. Pepper, Jacob, 266, 530. Percival, Timothy, 19, 31, 48. Percy, Isaac, 430. Perego, William, 20, 32, 49. Perkins, Asa, 254, 380, 438, 525. Perkins, Elias, 491. Perkins, Isaac, indian, 446. Perkins, James, 232, 310. Perkins, James, mulatto, 406. Perkins, John, mulatto, 446, Perkins, Stephen, 27, 48. Pernet, Henry, indian, 130. Perry, Edmund, 200. Perry, Francis, 362. Perry, James, 444. Perry, John, 112, 116. Perry, Joshua, 28, 48. Perry, Lewis, 133. Perry, Samuel, 456, 527. Perry, Uriah, 332, 404, 458. Pest, Johannes, 7. Pestet, John, 446. Petequam, Charles, 240, 286. Peter, indian, 131, 194, 202. Peterman, John, 172. Peters, Jasper. 491. Peters, John, 210, 228, 316, 358. Peters, Wright, 92, 154. Peterson, Andrew, 318.6oo INDEX. Peterson, David, 62. Peterson, John, 86. Peterson, Joseph, 62. Peterslyne, Francis, 89. Petram, Joseph, 174. Petrents, Christophel, 9, 24, 45. Petrie, Andries, 348. Petrie, Marks, 290. Pettigrew, David, 288. Pettingill, Jacob, 2, 44. Pettit, Abraham, 66, 76, 140. Pettit, John, 72. Pettit, Lieut. John, 243, 544. Pettit, Justin, 527. Petty, Benjamin, 202, 284. Petty, Edward, 204, 282. Petty, Ezekiel, 124. Petty, John, 476. Petty, Joseph, 280. Petzold, John, 272, 525. Pew, William, 428, 526. Pharaoh, Adam, 200. Phelps, Abner, 478, 482. Phelps, Jonathan, 456. Philip, James, indian, 130. Philiphouse, John, 224. Phillips, Andrew, 6, 8, 34, 39, 40, 52. Phillips, Asa, 454, 492. Phillips, Benjamin, 6, 9, 23, 218, 256. Phillips, Francis, 310, 386, 422. Phillips, Henry, 52. Phillips, John, 6, 34, 39, 274. Phillips, Joseph, no, 370. Phillips, Joshua, 2S8, 4S0. Phillips, Philip, 106. Phillips, Samuel, 190. Phillips, Volkert, 6. Phillips, William, 394, 528. Phillipson, John, 493. Phoenix, Matthew, 414. Phyfier, John Martin, 228, J54. Pickart, Thomas, indian, 436. Pickett, James, 268, 452. Pierce, Timothy, 264. Pierce, William, mulatto, 364. Pierson, Israel, 356. Pietrese, Capt., 253, 277. Pigeon, William, 242. Pike, Clark, 491. Pike, John, 142. Pilkins, Thomas, 210. Pinckney, John, 104. Pindar, Henry, 206. 294. Pingrey, James, no. Pingrey, John, 324. Pinkerton, James, 358. Pinor, Reuben, 318, 530. Pippet, Thomas, 142. PitbLado, James, 51, 276. Pitman, Daniel, 168. Pitts, James, 364, 434. Pixley, Squire, 426. Place, Andrew, 434. Place, Clement, 494. Place, William, 126. Planck, Gysbert, 278, 438. Planck, Hendrik, 438. Planck, Johannes, 7, 8, 34, 40. Plant, Solomon, 282. Platt, Capt. Isaac, 195. Platt, Capt. Jesse, 195, 236, 287, 384, 418, 521, 525, 527, 533, 543? 544? 547? 549. 550. Platts, Peter, 94. Plough, Hendrick, 59. Plum, John, 489. Polhemus, Abraham, 542. Pollard, William, 16, 50. Polley, Jonathan, 18, 29, 40, 52. Pomeroy, John, 304. Pomeroy, Joseph, 150. Pompale, Bastian, 3, 12, 22, 36, 38, 42, 46. Pompey, Jacob, 33, 49. Pompey, Japhet, 20, 33, 49. Pompey, Jeremiah, mustee, 70. Pompey, John, negro, 466, 498. Pond, Peter, 196. Pond, Zachariah, 196. Ponnell, Augustus, 356. Poock, George, 51. Pool, Isaac, 456. Pool, Isaiah. 491. Poole, John, 232, 354. Poor, Gilbert, 476. Popham, Samuel, 488. Popple, Edward, 112. Porras, Harry, 204. Porst, Benjamin, 490. Porter, David, 370, 448, 525. Porter, John, 372. Porter, Joseph, 135, 234, 493. Porter, Thomas, 338, 484. Porter, William, 344. Portugee, John, 442. Post, Abraham, 402. Post, Benjamin, 150, 270, 380, 527. Post, Egbert, 158. Post, Eliphalet, 204. Post, Hendricus, 58. Post, Isaac, 178. Post, Jacobus, 58, 402, 528. Post, John, 158. Post, Capt. John, 205, 281. Post, Petrus, 58, 59. Postley, John, 154, 330. Potman, John, 290. Potter, Enos, 5, 27, 47. Potter, Capt. Gilbert, 194, 521, 522, 543,544,548.INDEX. 601 Potter, Stephen, 129, 234. Potts, Abraham, 210. Potts, Jacob, 348. Poulett, John, 382. Powagen, John, indian, 196. Powe, Robert, 20, 33, 49. Powell, Charles, 136, 481, 522. Powell, David, 525. Powell, Elisha, 254. Powell, Isaac, 529. Powell, John, 8, 34. Powell, Joseph, 288, 368. Powell, Lieut. Joseph, 255, 545. Powell, Peter, 300, 529. Powell, Thomas, 17, 127, 150. Power, David, 374. Power, Francis, 80. Power, John, 248. Power, Robert, 296. Power, Thomas, 218, 234. Power, William, 208. Powheag, Charles, 20, 204, 2S4. Powheag, Jonathan, 16, 50. Powheag, Lawrence, 200. Powheag, Peter, 204, Powles, James, 458. Powlis, Johannes, 224. Pratt, Silas, 468. Pratt, William, 164. Prean, Christian, 208. Prentiss, Thomas, 493. Prescott, Savage, 9, 24, 45. President, Peter, 5. Presley, Francis, 244. Pressler, Anthony, 92. Pressler, Thomas, 90. Pressure, William, 178. Preston, Joseph, 16, 50. Preston, William, 80. Pretty, John, 84, 362, 422. Price, Charles, 55, 168, 246. Price, David, 4, 12, 22, 35, 38, 42. Price, George, 340. Price, Jesse, 410. Price, John, 178, 324, 358, 378, 406,523, PricG Michael, 338, 352. Price, Robert, 454. Price, Roger, 222. Price, Samuel, 104. Price, William, 8, 34, 39, 374, 422. Prichet, John, 54. Prichet, William, 268. Prime, Anthony, 125. Prime, John, 362, 424, 527. Prime, Reuben, 3, 10, 35, 37) 42> 47. Primus, Peter, negro, 476. Prince, Edward, indian, 466. Prince, Frederick, 350. Prindle, Moses, 254, 452, 525. Proctor, Joseph, 493. Protepigh, Jurigh, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42, 46. Prout, Joseph, 468. Provoost, Burger, 148, 222, 342. Provoost, John, 62. Provoost, Capt. John, 167, 173, 512. Prue, William, 310. Pruions, Henry, 528. Prusher, Cornelius, 312. Prusher, William, 430. Pryor, Stephen, 9, 188. Pudefer, Thomas, 525. Pullen, John, 322, 390. Pumham, Joseph, 16, 50. Pumpshire, William, indian, 74. Pumpsin, William, 154. Purchase, Thomas, 398, 444. Purdis, John, 338. Purdy, Johannes, 25. Purdy, Lieut. Isaiah, 217, 311, 327, 544- Purdy, Silvanus, 9, 23. Purdy, Capt. Solomon, 97, 101, 191, 325. Purple, John, 478. Pursell, Alexander, 300, 422. Putnam, John, 54. Pyshel, John, 428, Quack, Samuel, negro, 332. Quackenbos, Jacob, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46. Quackenbos, John, 86. Quarters, Amos, 190, 326. Quason, Titus, indian, 70. Quay, Alexander, 438, 528. Queens County, muster rolls of troops from, 1758, 60, 64, 68, 74; 1759, 138, 144, 148 ; 1760, 220, 226, 242, 524, 525 ; 1761, 352, 409, 527, 528 ; 1762, 436 ; militia ordered into ser- vice, 505, 511, 512, 517 ; officers commissioned for, 541, 544-546; warrants to pay bounty and enlist- ment money, 547-551. Quiamps, John, 204, 234. Quick, Andrew, 184. Quick, John, 322. Quick, Luke Clopper, 116. Quick, Philip, negro, 116. Quilling, Patrick, 274. Quimby, Emanuel, 410. Quinland, John, 338. Quinn, Christopher, 43, 416, 474. Quinn, Felix, 491, 537. Quinn, John, 180. Quinn, Patrick, 19, 30, 40, 53. Radley, Lieut. Cornelius, 541. Raglan, Caleb, 364.602 INDEX. Rainsdon, John, 162. Rake, Michael, 248, 362, 480. Ralph, John, 72. Ralph, Joshua, 340. Ralph, Stephen, 170. Ramsey, Andrew, 276. Ramsey, John, 208. Ramsey, William, 158, 334, 529. Ramyment, Samuel, 20, 32, 49. Rancher, William, 116. Randall, Henry, 380, 527. Randall, Jacob, 184. Randall, James, 528. Randall, Joseph, 284. Rankin, James, 490. Rankin, Robert, 436. Ranney, Timothy, 17, 50. Ransom, James, 7. Rapelye, Capt., 141, 225. Rapelye, James, 266. Rapelye, Reuben, no. Rapp, John Thomas, 481. Rathbun, Oliver, 200. Ratzer, Michael, 310. Rawlins, Charles, 212. Ray, John, 426. Ray, Richard, 302. Ray, Simon, 354. Raymond, Samuel, 176. Raynor, David, mulatto, 330. Raynor, Elijah, 62. Raynor, George, 3, 12, 21, 36. 38, 42, 46. Raynor, Richard, 184. Raynor, Silvanus, 242, 530. Raynor, Solomon, 70, 242. Raynor, William, 62. Raysail, John, 214. Rea, Lieut. Matthew, 522, 540. Rea, Richard, 342. Rea, Capt. Richard, 108, 262, 392, 399,418,454,467,473,477, 490, 521, 525, 528, 537, 539, 541, 545, 546, 548, 549, 550, 551. Rea, Samuel, 491. Reach, Joseph, 470. Read, Charles, 52. Read, David, 284. Read, George, 214, 527. Read, James, 66, 76. Read, Samuel, 41, 354. Redding, Edmund, 17, 50. Redeker, Hendricus, 58. Redfield, Cornelius, 164. Rednor, John, 158, 404. Reed, George, 348. Reed, John, 440. Reed, Joseph, 29. Reed, Nathan, 98. Reed, Samuel, 18, 30, 488, 527. Reed, Thomas, 230, 356, 436, 524. Reed, Timothy, 326. Reese, Henry, 162. Reeve, Abner, 232. Reeve, Benjamin, 224, 284. Reeve, David, 204, 294, 406, 530. Reeve, Jonathan, 236. Reeve, Joshua, 470. Reeve, Nathaniel, 126. Reeve, Samuel, 32, 527, 528. Reeve, Thomas, 127, 200, 202, 234. Reeve, William, 184. Reeve, Zadok, 234. Regan, Alderson, 529. Regan, Daniel, 527. Reilly, Hugh, 1, 44. Reilly, John, 2, 43. Reilly, see Riley. Remmes, David, 88. Remseman, Thomas, 218. Remsen, Lieut. Abraham, 221, 353, 544. Remsen, Capt. 141, 149, 155, 225. Rescue, Peter, 138, 481. Resselman, Wilhelmus, 290. Ressroad, William, 148. Retam, Jacob, 86. Reuben, indian, 406. Reyno, John, 438. Reynolds, Caleb, 262, 380. Reynolds, Henry, 525. Reynolds, James, 186, 302. Reynolds, Joseph, 116. Reynolds, Joshua, 212. Reynolds, Richard, 489. Reynolds, Samuel, 20, 33, 49. Reynolds. Thomas, 422. Reynolds, William, 298, 342. Rhinehart, Jacob, 220. Rhinehart, John, 196, 224. Rhoades, Capt., 267. Rhoades, James, 192, 326, 526, 529. Rhoades, John, 72, 491. Rhoades, Joseph, 496. Rhoades, Obadiah, 204. Rice, Aaron, 58. Rice, Benjamin, 198. Rice, Henry, 43. Rice, James, 494. Rice, John, 16, 50, 290. Rice, Richard, 116. Rice, Samuel, 358. Rich, Henry, 186. Rich, James, 116. Richard, John, 132. Richard, Thomas, 89. Richards, David, 270. Richards, George, 166. Richards, James, 262. Richards, Samuel, 262, 414, 525.INDEX. 6°3 Richardson, Alexander, 3S2, 388. Richardson, John, 6, 7, 8, 34, 39> 2^°- Richardson, William, 452. Richey, Charles, 212. Richmond County, muster rolls of troops from, 1758, 54; I759> 166; 1760, 246, 525 ; 1761, 346, 5271 1762, 436, 466 ; militia ordered into service, 518 ; officers commissioned for, 541, ,545, 546; warrants to pay bounty and enlistment money, 548- .551- Richmond, Edward, 430. Richson, Richard, 133. Richter, Richard, 527. Ricker, Jeremiah, 184, 529. Ricketts, John, 174, 530. Rickey, Peter, 98. Rider, Jacob, 354. Rider, James, 493. Riddle, Walter, 9, 24, 45. Riddle, William, 8, 24, 45. Riddock, Peter, 528. Riedmiller, John, 494. Riggs, Edward, 486. Riker, Caspar, 526. Riker, Hendrick, 404. Riker, John, 86. Riley, John, 228. Riley, Timothy, 162. Riley, William, 134, 481. Riley, see Reilly. Rionof, Thomas, 88. Roach, Albert, 250. Roach, Charles, 104, 316, 529. Roach, John, 424, 42b. Roach, Moses, 220. Roach, Richard, 410. Roat, Abraham, 136, 481. Roat, Henry, 130. Roat, indian, 96. Roat, Martin, 94. Roat, Michael, 216. Robb, John, 112. Robbins, David, 124. Robbins, Jacob, 529. Robbins, Josiah, indian, 133. Robbins, Moses, indian, 60, 68 78. Robbins, Joseph, 264. ’ Robbins, Obadiah, 284, 394 C2Z *28 Robert, negro, 182. ’ Roberts, Daniel, 90, 478. Roberts, David. 300. Roberts, Edward, 491. Roberts, Elias, 326. Roberts, James, 17, 50. Roberts, John, 18, 30, 53, I33> I46, 264. Roberts, Philip, 380. Roberts, Robert, 342. Roberts, Samuel, 3, to, 2r, 35 47, 140, 226, 354, 524, 527 37> 42, Robertson, Ebenezer, 266. Robertson, James, 232. Robertson, John, 116. Robertson, Robert, 124. Robertson, Thomas, mulatto, 428 Robertson, William, 486. J Robeson, Francis, 394, 456. Robin, indian, 236. Robin, negro, 282. Robinson, Alexander, 274. Robinson, Andrew, 106, 186. Robinson, Col. Beverley, 341, 4Iq 529. ’ 5 4> Robinson, Ebenezer 184, 390. Robinson, Eleazer, 50. Robinson, George, 493. Robinson, James, 386. Robinson, John, 104, 124, 176, 240 410, 480. * ' Robinson, Matthew, 72. Robinson, Nathaniel, 188. Robinson, Richard, 198. Robinson, Robert, 248. Robinson, William, 156, 328. Rock, Jacob, 100. Rockett, Jonathan, 470. Rockwell, Nehemiah, 184, 529. Rockwood, Thomas, 388, 430. Roderego, Lewis, 340. Roderick, Joseph, 378. Rodman, Joseph, 192. Rodman, Moses, 442. Rodman, Thomas, 382. Rodman, William, 380. Roanezer, Joseph, 476. Roe, Benjamin, 316, 460. Roe, Daniel, 456. Roe, Lieut. Daniel, 385, 409. Roe, David, 156. Roe, George, 66, 76, 224. Roe, John,*324, 386, 410, 466. Roe, Nathan, 124. Roe, Samuel, 456. Roe, Thomas, 196, 238. Roe, William, 266. Rogers, Capt. Ananias, 107, 185, 321, 337- Rogers, Benjamin, 127. Rogers, Daniel, 482. Rogers, David, 328, 400, 526, 528. Rogers, Hugh, 386, 533. Rogers, Israel, 208. Rogers, James, 484. Rogers, John, 178, 350, 418, 480. Rogers, Jonathan, 194. Rogers, Joseph, 114, 180, 202, 234, 336. Rogers, Joshua, 20, 32, 49.INDEX. 604 Rogers, Reuben, 180. Rogers, Robert, 9, 23, 45, 314. Rogers, Thomas, 126. Rogers, William, 114. Rolf, Robert, 94. Rolofe, John, 194. Romaine, Isaac, 452. Rombart, Edward, 134. Romo, Toseph, 420. Roofe, John, 52. Roofe. Regerock, 312. Rooney, Daniel, 164, 222, 524. Roors, Jacob, 118. Roosa, Isaac. 57. Rosa, John, 51. Rose, Anthony, 374, 527. Rose, Daniel, 16. Rose, Lieut. Daniel, 547. Rose, Edward, 270. Rose, Elisha, 250. Rose, John, 4. Rose, Jacobus, 92. Rose, Joseph, 180, 316. Rose, Peter, 92, 136, 481. Rose, Richard, 328. Rose, Woolston, 106, 184, 320. Roseboom, Lieut.-Col. Myndert, 51, 249, 273, 367, 373, 429, 443, 451, 472, 475, 477, 521, 543-546, 549* Rosecrans, Capt. Henry, 269. Rosecrans, Zachariah, 529. Rosel, Daniel, 104, 368. Rosel, Jonathan, 220. Rosel, Peter, 102. Rosel, Rowland, no. Rosested, John, 488. Ross, Andrew, 416. Ross, Daniel, 364. Ross, Thomas, 166. Ross, William, 244. Ross, Capt. Zachariah, 265, 269. Rotenzur, Joseph, 527. Rourke, Michael, 428. Rous, Elias, 206. Rowland, Smith, 60. Rowland, Thomas, 164. Rowlandson, John, 4, 26, 47. Rowley, Gershom, 19, 32. Rowley, Israel, 32. Rowley, Samuel, 491. Rowley, Thomas, 478. Roy, Edward, 170. Royston, W7illiam, 2. Ruckels, Isaac, 480. Rucket, Isaac, indian, 406. Rucket, John, 282. Rucket, Moses, 200. Rucket, Samuel, indian, 406. Ruddy, James, 236. Rudolf, Andries, 57. Rudow, Michael Jacob, 364. Ruessort, Andrew, 152. Ruggles, James, 420. Ruland, Abraham, 127, 194, 236. Ruland, Benjamin, 127. Ruland, Isaac, 126. Ruland, Jacob, 194, 238, 386, 472, 498. Ruland, John, 126, 194. Ruland, Luke, 126. Ruland, Thomas, 384, 470/498. Rumbelow, Thomas. 200, 282. Rumsey, Benjamin, 196. Rundle, Henry, indian, 254. Rundle, Jacob, 98. Runnels, Eli, 260. Runnels, Henry, 380. Runnels, William, mulatto, 298. Rupper, Andreas, 228. Rusco, Abraham, 324. Rush, Joseph, 136, 481. Rush, Michael, 296, 172, 296. Rush, Peter, 466. Rush ton, John, 180. Rusk, Reuben, 20, 32, 33, 49, 498. Russ, Jonathan, 304. Russ, Joseph. 16. Russell, Abraham. 478. Russell, Daniel, 320. Russell, George, 372, 527. Russell, Henry, 340. Russell, James, 88, 348. Russell, John, 130, 274. Russell, Richard, 300. Russell, Robert, 100. Russell, Samuel, 128. Russell, Thomas, 324. Russell, William, 194, 236, 529. Rust, Daniel, 16, 50. Rust, Joseph, 16, 50. Ruyter, Casper, 57, 396. Ryan, Cornelius, 488. Ryan, Edmond, 280, 426, 529. Ryan, Jeremiah, 152, 230. Ryan, John, 16. 18, 41, 30, 50, 86, 250, 276. Ryan, Martin. I, 44, 366. Ryan, Michael, 442. Ryan, Patrick, 164, 450. Ryan, Richard, 496. Ryan, Thomas, 146, 350, 496, 526, 527. Ryder, Johannes, 57. Ryley, Andras, 140. Rynard, John, 489. Rynders, John, 300, 386. Ryneck, Valentine, 84, 192, 430, 527. Rysen, John, 84, 274. Saalner, Ambrosius, 292. Sabine, John, 82.INDEX. 605 Sack, John, 494. Sackwies, Robert, 130. Sadler, John, 114, 132. Sahen, Sam William, 440. Sailor, Jacob, 496. Sailor, Paulus, 178. Saintgood, Adam, 5. St. John, Ebenezer, 98. St. Lawrence, John, 14, 22/35, 37, 4L 46, 52. Salink, Johannes C., 142. Salisbury, Eliphalet, 324. Salisbury, Hendrick, 44. Salisbury, Jacob, 290. Salisbury, Johannes, I, 44. Salter, James, 394, 480. Salter, Richard, 316, 530. Saltz, James, 188, 322. Sambo, James, mustee, 384, 472, 498, 525.. Sammis, Joseph, 127. Sammons, Isaac, 460. Sammons, Joseph, 127, 408. Sammons, Timothy, 127. Sample, Samuel, 150. Sampson, Abraham, mustee, 196, 238, 3S4. Sampson, Benjamin, 3, 10, 21, 35, 37, 42, 47- Sampson, Daniel, 494, 525. Sampson, Daniel, mustee, 384, 472, 498. Sampson, indian, 206. Sampson, Scudder, negro, 126. Samuel, mulatto, r27. Sanders, James, 224, 312. Sanders, Nathan, 90. Sanders, Powell, 133, 164. Sandford, Zephaniah, 131. Sands, Henry, 156, 396. Sands, James, 164, 176, 328, 529. Sands. James, negro, 300. Sanford, Thomas, 424, 530. Sango, Mingo, 268, 527. Saratoga, 544. Sardel, Daniel, 210, 294. Sarjeant, Edward, 164, 330. Sarjeent, John, 446, 530. Sarout, Jacob, 198, 240. Sasue, Manuel, 420. Satdore. Conrad, 84. Satler, Michael, 236. Satterley, Bennett, 123. Satterley, Eliphalet, 5, 30. Satterley, John, 123. Satterley, Lieut. John, 123. Satterley, Nathaniel, 123. Satterley, Lieut. Nathaniel, 237, 544. Saul, John. 140. Saunders, Capt., 289. Saunders, John, 200. Saunders, John Powell, 308. Saunders, Thomas, 148. Savage, Henry, 216, 484. Savage, James, 114. Savage, Josiah, 17, 50. Savannah, Vincent, 228. Savenga, John, 420. Sawwood, Francis, 19, 30, 41, 53, 529. Sawyer, Daniel, 394. Sawyer, James, 88. Sawyer, Isaac, 16. Saxton, Gershom, 1. Saybrick, John C., 180. Sayer, James, 210. Sayer, Samuel, 296, 332. Sayers, John, 89. Sayler, Capt. A., 167. Sayre, Capt. Seth, 521. Sayre, Silas, 284. Sayre, Capt. Stephen, 200, 542, 548. Scantling, Cornelius, 308. Schaditon, Thomas, 476. Schelenger, Abraham, 128. Schemel, Francis, 44. Schenck, Capt. D., 139. Schenck, Capt. John, 121, 136, T39, 215. Schoke, Andries, 440. Schoolcraft, Johannes, 7, 8, 34, 40. Schoolcraft, Lawrence, 7, 8, 34, 40. Schoolman, Daniel, 180. Schooner, David, 238. Schoonmaker, Petrus, 56, 59. Schoonmaker, Philip, 58. Schout, Joseph, 382. Schouten, Andries. 412. Schouten, Jacob, 268, 452, 528. Schouten, John. 412, 456, 528. Schouten, Simeon, 112. 26S, 380. Schouten, Solomon, 268, 456, 528. Schutt, Petrus, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46. Schuyler, Philip, 22, 25, 29, 37. Schuyler, Capt. Philip John, 2, 4, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, 46, 520. Schuyler, Capt. Stephen, 272, 506, 525, 546, 550. Schy, James, 96. Schylus, Pullus, 208. Scodswell, John. 2. Scofield, Ebenezer, 96. Scofield, James, 530. Scofield, Jonas, 62. Scofield, Nelson, 84. Scofield, Samuel, 340. Scofield, Zebulon, 170. Scott, Ezekiel, 478. Scott, George, 318. Scott, Henry, 390.6o6 INDEX. Scott, John, 9, 23, 392, 489. Scott, William, 406. Scovill, Thomas, 234. Scribner, Joseph, 432. Scudder, Jonathan, 126. Scudder, Capt. Timothy, 195, 2^7 Scudder, Uriah, 126. 7‘ Scull, George, 412. Scully, Patrick, 346. Scupp, John, 460. Scustile, Joseph, mulatto, 288. Seaman, Anthony, 66, 72, 76. Seaman, Capt., 141, 145, 149, 221, 229, 245- Seaman, Lieut. Isaac, 149, 521, 54L 543- Seaman, James, 66, 76. Seaman, Martin, 382, 525. Seaman, Solomon, 256. Seaman, Thomas, 140, 324. Searles, David, 320, 446. Searles, Vincent, 102, 180, 316, 358, 446. Searles, William, 324, 430. Sears, Barney, 452. Sears, Enoch, no. Sears, John, 308. Sears, Noah, 118, 436. Sears, Samuel, 90, 220. Sears, Silas, 530. Sebastian, Fabain, 170, 242. Secord, Isaac, 192, 529. Secord, Jacob, 82. Secord, James, 160. Secord, Jeremiah, 310, 530. Secord, Jonathan, 82. Secord, Capt. Peter, 83,95, 179, 311- See, James, 84. See, John, 84, 178, 310, 362. Seeley, Anthony, 446. Seeley, Augustin, 242. Seeley, Augustus, 418. Seeley, Austin, 458. Seeley, David, 324. Seeley, Capt. Ebenezer, 88, 89, 90, 547- Seeley, James, 98. Seeley, Jeremiah, 154, 404. Seeley, John, 160, 334. Seeley, Jonas, 150. Seeley, Joseph, 276. Seeley, Josiah, 172, 446. Seeley, Samuel, 418. Seeley, Thaddeus, 96, 176. Seeley, Thomas, 9, 23, 45. Seept, John, 528. Sefton, Henry, 356. Segean, indian, 128. Seger, Alexander, 454. Seger, Malachi, 216, 444, 486. Seger, Staats, 292. Seguine, John, 55. Seigler, John, 120. Seigler, Matthew, 366. Seise, Henry, 216, 528. Seling, Nathaniel, 282. .Sell, Tone, 240. Selleck, Capt. Jonathan, 319. Selleck, Matthias, 60. Selow, Solomon, 55. Selvens, Samuel, 390. Senin, Henry, 422. Senniman, Edward, 282. September, negro, 418, 442. Seputty Christophel, 456. Serone, Anthony, 420.- Serpena, Simon, 212. Serpenett, Simon, 360. Serute, Jacob, indian, 384. Service, Capt., 253, 291. Sesicle, Nicholas, 66, 76, 166. Seward, Edward, 124, 240, 286. Seward, Joseph, 198. Sexton, George, 198. Seyfer, Peter, 84. Seymore, Edward, 474. Sezu, Manuel, 420. Shaddock, Benjamin, 200. Shaddock, James, 384. Shaddock, Joseph, 16. Shadwell, John B., 354. Shade, Ephraim, 238. Shafe, William, 58. Shaffer, Jacob, 188, 526. Shaffer, John, 186. Shaffer, Matthew, 52. Shaffnear, Martin, 424. Shaisbick, John Gucell, 336, 526, Shally, Timothy, 200. Shamp, John, 214. Shandly, Peter, 274. Sharemen, John, indian, 476. Sharp, John, 206, 260. Sharp, Richard, 87. Sharper, mustee, 384. Sharper, Alexander, 424. Sharper, Charles, 204. Sharper, Thomas, 20, 33, 49. Sharratt, James, 284. Shaver, Adam, 7, 8, 34, 39. Shaver, Jacob, 258, 322. Shaver, John, 292. Shaw, Benjamin, 112. Shaw, Caleb, 20. Shaw, Daniel, 470. Shaw, James, 266, 274. Shaw, John, 20, 32, 49, 130. Shaw, Matthew, 298. Shaw, Timothy, 276. Shaw, William, 62, 184, 448. Shea, John, 448, 464, 484, 491.INDEX. 607 Shea, Joseph, 136, 481. Sheaff, William, 7, 8, 34. Shearer, Gilbert, 116. Shearer, James, 410, 528. Shearer, Robert, 268, 412, 456, 526. Shearer, William, 382. Sheather, Jacob, 454. Sheehan, James, 344. Sheehan, John, 344. Sheehan, Timothy, 356, 525. Sheeley, Martin, 120, 212, 348, 426. Sheepcock, Moses, 282. Sheldon, James, 3. Sheldon, Nathaniel, 438. Shell, John, 274, 438. Shell, Lawrence, 416. Shelley, Joseph, 102, 180. Shelley, William, 258. Sheniew, Anthony, 414. Shepaws, Joseph, indian, 384. Shepherd, Daniel, 414. Shepherd, Nathaniel, 392, 480. Shepherd, Robert, indian, 398. Sherine, Peter, 104, 186. Sherman, Benjamin, 232. Sherman, Henry, 493. Sherman, Jacob, 120, 138, 310, 390, 430, 480. 481. Sherman, John, 350, 374, 520, 533. Sherman, Sawigion, 98. Sherman, Thomas, 20, 32, 49. Sherong, Peter, 489. Sherred, Roelef, 19, 30, 40, 53. Sherrod, John, 82. Sherrod, Nathaniel, 102. Sherwood, Abel, no. Sherwood, Caleb, 186. Sherwood, David, 3ro. Sherwood, Isaac, 360, 527. Sherwood, John, 196. Sherwood, Jonathan, 192. Sherwood, Silas, 104. Sherwood, Stephen, 238. Sherwood, William, 434. Shields, Gumming, 140, 222, 474. Shilling, Christian, 304. Shinew, Anthony, 480. Shipman, Edward, 198. Shipman, John, 198. Shippey, Philip. 250. Shirdwint, David, 260. Shire, Martin, 114. Shirley, John, 376. Shoecraft, Peter, 92. Shoemaker, Jacob, 84, 182, 310. Shoemaker, Philip, 274, 527. Shore, Andrew, 158, 332. Shoreland, John, 306. Short, Frederick, 212. Short, William, 356. Shough, Andrew", 370. Showless, Peter, 350, 527. Shraader, Jacob, 491. Shreeve, Caleb, 306. Shroak, George, 488. Shroud, John, 358. Shurff, George, 3, 14, 21, 36, 37, 42, 47- Shurtz, Frederick, 486. Shurtz, Peter, 52. Shute, Gilbert, 80. Shutts, Frederick, 278. Shutts, John, 250. Shutts, Solomon, 278. Shyble, Michael, 290. Shylot, James, 296. Sickels, Michael, 528. Sickner, Albertus, 258, 525. Sideboom, John, 1, 43. Sigel, Jacob, 440. Silke, Michael, 529. Silkreg, John, 17, 50. Silkreg, Thomas, 17. Silsbee, Enoch, 184. Silsbee, Jonathan, 316. Silsbee, Joseph, 326. Silvan, Samuel, 430. Silvernail, Andrew, 112. Sylvester, indian, 131. Simmerman, Simon, 118, 150. Simmerman, William, 354. Simmerman, see Zimmerman. vSimmons, Benjamin, 134. Simmons, Edward, 6, 7, 8, 34, 40. Simmons, George, 374. Simmons, Harry, mustee, 68. Simmons, John, 70. Simmons, Joseph, 236, 376. Simmons, Peter, 392, 434. Simmons, Solomon, 146, 530. Simmons, Treddle, 55. Simon, indian, 196, 230. Simon, John, 366, 424. Simon, Martin, 258. Simons, Absalom, 312. Simonson, Abram, 66, 76. Simonson, John, 168. Simonson, Peter, 136, 481. Simpkins, Daniel, 132, 176, 528. Simpkins, Garrett, 98, 176, 432. Simpkins, Gideon, 98, 432. Simpkins, Jeremiah, 176. Simpkins, John, 55. Simpson, Isaac, 278. Simpson, James, 162. Simpson, John, 330. Simson, Peter, 256. Simson, William, T34. Sindoun, Matthew, 162. Singer, John Valentine, 290.INDEX. 608 Singleton, Thomas, 352. Sink, Joseph, 228. Sinnot, John, 270, 450. Sinnot, Patrick, 204. Sinnot, Thomas, 484. Sip, Peter, 5. Sirus, Daniel, 20, 32, 49. Sisco, William, 158. Sixshort, John, 132, 152. Skellenger, Daniel, 408. Skey, William, 352, 527. Skidmore, Daniel, 328. Skidmore, John, 127, 140, 222, 354. Skidmore, Ralph, 54, 168, 246, 350. Skidmore, Samuel, indian, 66, 76, 529. Skidmore, Thomas, 238. Skilling, William, 214. Skinner, Ebenezer, 46S. Skinner, Henry, 236. Skinner, Michael, 274. Slagg, Philip, 60. Slapp, Capt. John, 16, 50, 501. Slason, Bower, 194. Slason, Peter, 196. Slater, Cornelius, 248. Slater, Henry, 454. Slater, James, 134. Slater, John, 274. Slater, John A., 274, 362. Slater, Samuel T., 176. Slattery, John, 366. Slaughter, Abraham, 88. Slaughter, Arnold, 96. Slaughter, Jeptha, 57. Slawson, John, 96. Slawson, Samuel, 432. Slawson, Sylvanus, 144. Slebly, Albert, 132. Slegai, John, 344. Sleght, Frederick, 364. Sleght, Lieut. Henry I., 395, 399, 419, 546. Sleght, John, 402, 526. Sleven, Patrick, 294. Slidell, Michael, 116. Slingsby, Samuel, 116. Sloan, Alexander, 170. Sloper, Ebenezer, 232. Slott, Abraham, 186, 320. Sluyter, Adam, 262, 382. Sluyter, Jacob, 7, 33, 39, 59. Sluyter, Johannes, 9, 24, 45, 528. Sluyter, Nicholas, 57, 396, 526. Sluyter, Walter, 218. Sluyter, William, 400, 526. Slyder, Christian, 304. Slye, Henry, 104. Small, Major John, 489. Smaliing, Charles, 70. Smalling, John, 60, 148, 252, 272, 382. Smaliing, Robert, 86. Smalling, Thomas, 226. Smalling, Uriah, 226. Smallshanks, James, 55. Smedes, Capt., 93, 219. Smedes, Lieut. Matthew, 483. Smiley, David, 142, 224, 408, 480. Smith, Abraham, 304. Smith, Adam, 288. Smith, Alexander, 296. Smith, Capt. Alexander, 122. Smith, Amos, 72. Smith, Andrew, 240, 286. Smith, Benjamin, 90, 194, 238. Smith, Capt. Benjamin, 143, 147, 153, 223, 231, 243. Smith, Caleb, 64, 242, 524. Smith, Charles, 410. Smith, Christian, 336. Smith, Christopher, 54, 256, 530. Smith, Claudius, 464. Smith, Conrad, 292. Smith, Cornelius, 86. Smith, Daniel, 218. Smith, David, 90, 158, 402, 414, 458, 486. Smith, Enos, 388. Smith, Epaenetus, 126. Smith, Fletcher, 19, 30. Smith, Francis, 374. Smith, Frans, negro, 334. Smith, Frederick, 440. Smith, George, 128, 152, 158, 418. Smith, Hans Jurry, 486. Smith, Henry, 140, 390, 524. Smith, Hugh, 58, 152. Smith, Isaac, 146, 384. Smith, Isaiah, 332. Smith, Israel, 5, 26. Smith, Jabez, 324, 358, 526. Smith, Lieut. Jacob, 123. Smith, James, 70, 238, 384, 394, 404, 444, 489. Smith, Capt. Janies, 145, 147, 153, 223, 229, 231, 243, 548. Smith, Capt. Job, 197. Smith, John, 1, 6, 8, 17, 23, 34, 39, 44, 45, 52, 64, 72, 74, 123, 132, 152, 224, 246, 294, 306, 388, 400, 450, 456, 464- Smith, Capt. John Anson, 239, 547. Smith, John George, 214. Smith, John Henry, 238. Smith, John Howard, 126. Smith, John Joris, 164. Smith, Capt. John Peterson, 86, 87, 89. *59> 539- 547- Smith, Capt. Joseph, 141, 223, 525. Smith, Josiah, 320, 392, 454, 526, 527. Smith, Capt. Jonah, 241, 287.INDEX, 609 Smith, Julius, 330. Smith, Martin, 452. Smith, Micah, 127. Smith, Michael, 392. Smith, Lieut. Morris, 68. Smith, Nathaniel, 491. Smith, Nehemiah, 412, 450. Smith, Neucomb, 256. Smith, Nicholas, 278. Smith, Obadiah, 82, 126. Smith, Peter, 280, 330, 476. Smith, Philip, 270. Smith, Capt. Reuben, 539. Smith, Capt. Richard, 170, 521, 539, 542, 543, 545, 549- Smith, Lieut. Richard, 311. Smith, Robert, 9, 24, 218, 388, 524. Smith, Rowland, 150. Smith, Samuel, 5,- 28, 48, 66, 76, 156, 332... Smith, Simeon, 68. Smith, Stephen, 108, 112. Smith, Stesopus, 252. Smith, Thomas, 74, 126, 228, 276, 340, 354, 527. Smith, Capt. Thomas, 87, 157, 331. Smith, Thurman, 70. Smith, William, 123, 125, 148, 216, 282, 304, 342, 526. Smith, Zachariah, 126. Smoake, Christian, 525. Snedecor, Capt., 335. Snedecor, Capt. Johannes, 161, 547. Snedecor, Theodorus, 334. Snell, Frederick,,290. Snell, John, 168, 246, 350, Snethen, Capt. Barrack, 229, 243, 3.57, 409, 443, 475, 544, 547, 550, 551- Snieth, John, 276. Sniffen, Henry, 334, 402. Sniffen, James, 432, 526. Sniffen, John, 412, 432. Sniffen, see Kniffen. Snodgrass, William, 1, 44. Snow, William, 64, 74, 188, 244. Snower, John C., 288, 529. Snyder, Jacob, 278. Snyder, John, 276. Snyder, Capt. John, 159. Snyder, Lodowick, 7, 8, 34, 39, 292. Snyder, Marcus, 254. Snyder, William, 58, 422. Snyder, Zacharias, 254, 530. Sodar, Marias, 376. Solomon, Abraham, 133, 529. Solomon, indian, 240, 286. Solomon, mulatto, 130. Somerendyck, Volkert, 162, 529. Somerville, James, 246, 476, 525. Soper, David, 525. 39 Sorine, John, 390. Soron, Anthony, 378. South, Daniel, 168. Southard, Abram, 491, 537. Southard, Bernard, 346. Southard, Samuel, 66, 76. South worth, William, 390. Spall, James, 87. ' Spanenburgh, Jacob, 260, 444. Spanenburgh, John, 290. Sparhawk, Simon, 16, 51. Sparks, Edward, 338. Sparks, George, 7, 8, 34, 39. Sparks, Robert, 7, 92, 220. Spaulding, Samuel, 266. Spaulding, Stephen, 296. Spear, Ambrosius, 368. Spearing, John, 352. Spearshanks, John, 398. Spearshanks, Joseph, 448. Speck, Anthony, 3, 14, 21, 36, 38, 42, 46, 274. Speck, Thomas, 120. Speed, Richard* 64, 74, 226, 354. Spelman, Samuel, 17. Spencer, David, 4, 26. Spencer, Dennis, 356. Spencer, Eliakim, 19, 32. Spencer, Rev. Elihu, 545. Spencer, Israel, 426. Spencer, Jabez, 32, 49. Spencer, Stephen, 19, 32, 49. Spencer, William, 252. Spicer, Ezekial, 272, 380. Spicer, Johan Hendrick, 18, 30. Spiller, Aront, 440. Spitson, Avent, 527. Spinner, Frederick, 220. Spitz, Jacob, 132. Spoon, Michael, 120, 150. Sprague, Isaac, 210. Sprague, Plagery, 266. Spring, Christopher, 364. Springer, Dennis, 2, 44. Springer, Henry, 106. Springer, Isaac, 146. Springer, James, 178. Springer, John, 62. Springer, Uriah, 96. Springsteen, Abraham, 94, 218. Springsteen, Andrew, 7, 92. Springsteen, Hermanus, 86, 160. Springsteen, Jacob, 158. Sprong, Gabriel, 114. Sprong, Peter, 214. Sprong, Richard, 212, 524. Sprout, William, 142. Squanquale, Juan, 378. Squire, Abraham, 130. Squire, Charles, I7, 50.6lO INDEX. Squire, John, 128. Squire, Thomas, 17. Staats, Capt., 249, 277. Staats, Frederick, 276. Staats, John, 7, 8, 34, 39. Stagg, John, 92, 220. Stagg, Peter, 87, 154, 328. Stagg, Samuel, 216, 530. Stagnar, Daniel, 276. Stagner, John, 418. Staid, John, 88. Stall, Joseph, 41, 208. Staller, Michael, 276. Stanbrough, Lieut. Hobart, 381. Stanbrough, James, 130. Stanbrough, Lewis, 130. Standish, Matthew, 112. Stanley, David, 352, 527. Stanley, Hercules, 270. Stanley, John, 374, 529. Stanley, John E., 120. Stanley, Josiah, 4, 26, 47. Stanley, Richard, 268. Stanton, Nehemiah, 98, 176, 324. Stanton, Lieut. Samuel, 16, 50,*501. Starenberg, Capt., 273. Stark, Peter, 7, 8, 34, 40. Starkweather, Stephen, 206. Starkweather, Woodbury, 16, 51. Staser, Johannes, 404. Staley, John, 246. Stealbark, Haliness, 29. Stedman, John, 383, 472. Steeder, Francis, 34. Steel, Ebenezer,. 17. Steel, Hendrick, 378. Steel, John, 158, 332. Steel, Joseph, 18, 29, 53. Steel, William, 78. Steenbergh, Conrad. 112. Steenbergh, Jeremiah, 256, 530. Steenbergh, John, 92. Steenbergh, Tobias, 254. Steenbergh, William, 18, 254. Steerbark, Elias, 41. Stenback, Philip, 320. Stephen, mustee, 60. Stephens, Andrew, 214. Stephens, Asa, 204. Stephens, Benjamin, 200. Stephens, Edmond, 364, 438, 527. Stephens, Israel, 234. Stephens, John, 300. Stephens, Thomas, 204. Stephens, William, 264, 444. . Stephenson, Okey, 150. Sterpauck, Peter, 312. Stetson, Aaron, 368. Stevens, Aaron, 17, 50. Stevens, Capt. Benjamin, 460, 551. Stevens, Christopher, 414. Stevens, Eliphalet, 18, 30. Stevens, John, 80. Stevens, Reuben, 96. Stevens, Richard, 312. Stevens, Robert, 17, 50, 312. Stevens, Samuel, 7, 34, 170. Stevenson, Capt. Benjamin, 387, 423, 477. 546, 551- Stevenson, Lieut. Floyd, 361, 417, 546. Stevenson, Robert, 17, 50. Stewart, Alexander, 924. Stewart, Andrew, 7, 8, 39. Stewart, Asahel, 418. Stewart, Hamilton, 6, 34, 40. Stewart, James, 332, 388. Stewart, John, 486. Stewart, Richard, 464. Stewart, William, 7. Stewart, Lieut. William, 399,445, 463, 483,546. Stewart, see Stuart. Stibbs, Henry, 9, 23, 45. Sticklin, Jonathan, 72. Stiles, William, 242. Still, Zaccheus, 20, 33, 49. Stillwater, N. Y., 544. Stillwell, Capt. D., 213. Stillwell, Col. Richard, 119, 134, 135, 139. 505. 506. Stillwell, Samuel, 174. Stilwell, Michael, 258. Stibvell, James, 242. Stilwell, Jeremiah, 118, 134, 212, 481, 524. Stilwell, John, 466. Stilwell, Thomas, 120. Stimus, Benjamin, 481. Stine, Hendrick, 388. Stites, Henry, 488. Stites, William, 60. Stivers, Robert, 460. Stockam, John, 186. Stockham, William, 316. Stock well, Ichabod, 18, 30, 40, 53. Stoddard, Abraham, 5, 27. Stoddard, Daniel, 3, 10, 21.. Stoddard, Seth, 314. Stokes, Richard, 396. Stone, John, 256. Storm, Lieut. Abraham, 81, 539- Storm, Isaac, 190. Storm, James, 82. Storm, Jeremiah, 190. Storm, John, 491. Storm, Peter, 242, 268. Storm, Staats, 84. Storm, Thomas, 192. Story, Joseph, 236, 384. 533- Story, William, 168.INDEX, 6ll Stout, James, 466. Stoutenberg, Capt., 257. Strade, John, 292. Strahan, Alexander, 44. Strait, Matthew, 272. Strawgh, Gaspar, 114. Street, Elnathan, 5. Street, George, 496. Street, Samuel, 192. Street, Thomas, 156. Streeter, Benjamin, 260. Streeter, Johannes, 6, 7, 8, 33, 39. ’ Stringham, John, 62. Strobeck, Adam, 2, 43. Strobeck, Frederick, 290. Strolger, Michael, 127. Strong, Capt. Benjamin, 197, 241, 287. Strong, Jeffrey, 226, 529. Strong, Walter, 446. Strong, William, 250. Stroup, Bastian, 2S0. Stroup, Johannes, 58. Strycker, Capt. Peter, 121, 136, 137, 138, 215. Stuart, George, 170. Stuart, Hugh, 142. Stuart, James, 438. Stuart, John, 486, 491, 537. Stuart, Nathaniel, 490. Stuart, William, 218. Stuart, see Stewart. Sturdivant, David, 8, 23, 45, 112, 380, 446. Sturdivant, James, 180, 324, 530. Sturdy, William, 7. Sturges, Thomas, 150. Stuyvesant, Capt. Petrus, 68, 547. Stymets, Garret, 122. Stymets, John, 118. Suarsager, John, 214. Suffered, John, 8, 24, 45. Suffolk County, muster rolls of troops from, 1758, 122; 1759, 194; 1760, 232, 236, 280, 524, 525 ; 1761, 384, 406, 527, 528; 1762, 468; militia ordered into service, 511, 512, 517 ; officers commissioned for, 543, 544, 546 ; warrants to pay bounty and en- listment money, 547, 551. Suisher, John, 524. Sullivan, Cornelius, 440, 468. Sullivan, Daniel, 382. Sullivan, Darby, 326, 404. Sullivan, Dennis, 146. Sullivan, Jeremiah, 148, 296, 338, 344. Sullivan, John, 418, 480. Sullivan, Owen, 228, 230, 354, 533. Sullivan, Peter, 244, 356. Sullivan, Thomas, 378. Summers, Christopher, 68, 78, 144. Summers, Francis, 20, 32, 49, 200, 282. Summers, John, 410. Summers, Joseph, 127. Sutherland, Alexander, 166. Sutherland, Daniel, 462. Sutherland, John, 266, 400, 462, 525. Suttheis, George, 278. Sutton, Daniel, 208. Sutton, Edward, 300. Sutton, George Edmund, 304, 530. Sutton, Jacob, 18, 88. Sutton, John, 330, 404, 528. Sutton, Joseph, 414, 446. Sutton, Thomas, 88. Sutton, William, 89, 406, 444. Suver, Conraed, 132. Suydam, John, 140. Suydam, Capt. Lambert, 119, 138, 139,s 213. Swain, John, 340. Swan, Thomas, 430. Swartswegar, John, 350. Swartvvout, Abraham, 254, 380, 527. Swartwout, Lieut. Abraham, 473. Swartwout, Capt. Cornelius, 269. Swartwout, Capt. Jacobus, 268, 270* 521, 525, 541, 545, 548, 549- Swartz, Anthony, 252, 364, 480, 525. Swartz, Benjamin, 58. Swartz, John, 246. Swartz, Philip, 58. vSwayer, Lambert, 118. Sweeney, Adam, 448. Sweeney, Alexander, 426. Sweeney, John, 296, 426. Sweeney, Matthew, 123. Sweesey, Benjamin, 444, 530. Sweete, Thomas, 17, 50. Swelter, Jacob, 364, 424. Switser, John, 224. Swize, Lambert, 136, 212, 481. Swords, William, 422. Symonds, Joseph, 306. Sythe, David, 120. Syrotjack, John, 372. Tabele, Jacob, n8, 136, 481. Tabor, William, 493. Tacker, John, 19, 32, 49. Tade, Francis, 164. Taggart, Capt., 279. Taggart, Solomon, 302, 342, 472, 4.85V. 498. Tain, indian, 66, 72, 74. Taintor, Samuel, 454. Talbot, John, 360. Talboy, Criss J., 126. Talcott, Jeffrey, 316. Tallcen, Nicholas, 378. Tallmadge, Daniel, 380.INDEX. 6l 2 Tallmadge, John, 130. Tanner, Matthias, 446. Tanst, Aziel, 198. Tanst, Benjamin, 198. Tappen, Capt., 255. Tappen, John, 9, 24, 45. Tappen, Jurriafi, 396. Tarbell, Nathan, 130. Tarbell, Silas, 434, 527. Tates, George, 138, 481. Tates, John, 222. Tates, Silvester, 170, 272, 368. Tatson, Samuel, 26, 48. Taukas, Timothy, indian, 47S. Taylor, Alexander, 436, 530. Taylor, Baltus, 60. Taylor, David, 312, 322, 432, 529. Taylor, Edward, 530. Taylor, Ephraim, 166. Taylor, Frederick, 142, 242, 422. Taylor, George, 320. Taylor, Isaac, 444. Taylor, Johti, 96, 192, 210, 222, 334, 358, 398, 444. 43o, 538. Taylor, Joel, 66, 76, 180. Taylor, Joshua, 87. Taylor, Matthias, 106. Taylor, Nehemiah, 98. Taylor, Richard, 9, 24, 45. Taylor, Robert, 214, 442. Taylor, Samuel, 3, 10. 26, 36, 37, 42, 47, 52, 208, 408, 488, 528. Taylor, Stephen, 218, 398. Taylor, Thomas, 96. Taylor, William,mi8. Teal, see Theall. Tear, David, 96. Tear, Matthias, 96. Teech, Frederick, 332. Teller, Capt. James, 107, 187, 321, 337. Tement, Ferdinand, 350. Temple. Charles, 208. Ten Broeck, A., 418. Ten Broeck, Dirck, 428. Ten Broeck, John, 210. Ten Eyck, Lieut. Barent T., 273, 365, 417.473.492.546. Ten Eyck, Jacob, 1, 2, 4. Tenney, George, 348. •Tenney, Michael, no, 450. Terbush, George, 21S. Terbush, Capt. Isaac, 262, 412, 450, •528, 547, 550, 55i- Terbush, Simeon, 18, 29, 53. iTerp, Jacob, 368. Terrill, Henry, 134. Terrill, John, 208. Terrill, Josiah, 17, 50. Terrill, -Peter, 138. Terry, David, 126. Terry, Henry, 320, Terry, Jonathan, 129. Terry, Nathaniel, 128. Terry, Robert, 468. Terry, Samuel, 129. Terry, Lieut. Samuel, 262, 263, 545 Terry, Shadrach, 124. Terry, Capt. Thomas, 1:6, 547. Terwilliger, Aarie, 220, 484. Terwilliger, Hendricus, 92. Terwilliger, Hermanus, 6, 33, 39, 92. Terwilliger, Jacobus, 92. Terwilliger, James, 92. Terwilliger, Peter, 92, 218. Terwilliger, Simon, 92; Terwilliger, Teunis, 218. Terwilliger, Wilhelmus, 92. Thacker, John, 9, 22, 23, 25, 45, 66, 76. Thane, William, 336. Tharp John, 326. Thayer, Oliver, 3, 10, 21, 36, 38, 42, 47.51,276. Theall, Andrew, 493. Theall, Capt. Hosea, 95, 103, 175,188. Theall, Jacob, 468. Theall, Samuel. 20, 22, 49, 198. Theodo, Francisco, 304. Thew, Lieut. Abraham, 329, 545. Thodey, Capt. Francis, 171, 339, 413, 418, 421, 436, 443, 472, 506. 521, 526, 528, 533- 542, 546, 550, 551* Thodey, Col. Michael, 22, 40, 85, 101, 103, 145, 147, 155, 167, 175, 213, 299, 3°3> 309. 357, 379. 3§7, 4<>7, 413, 419, 421, 425, 437, 443, 447, 461, 463, 465, 467, 469, 472, 473, 481, 520, 521, 536, 537, 538, 539, 543, 544, 546, 550. Thomas, Abraham, 494. Thomas, Albert, 172. Thomas, Benjamin, 432. Thomas, Captain, 91. Thomas, Cato, indian, 188, 316. Thomas, Conrad, 135. Thomas, Jacob, 182, 310. Thomas. John, 3, 5, 12. 21, 26, 35, 37, 42, 47, 116, 276, 298, 312, 376, 378, 390, 408. Thomas, Col. John, 192, 313, 323» 329> 519. Thomas, Richard, 16, 296. Thomas, Robert, 474. Thomas, Samuel, 3, 12, 21, 3^> 37» 42, 47- Thomas William, 162, 278, 43°- Thompson, Edward, 292, 394* Thompson, James, 88, 304, 33^> 53^- Thompson, John, 30, 40, 53i XI4> 35^, 533-INDEX. 613 Thompson, Joshua, 484. Thompson, Michael, 9. Thompson, Moses, 454. Thompson, Robert, 210. Thompson, Samuel, 124. Thompson, Thomas, mustee, 66, 78. Thompson, William, 228, 330, 394, 400, 404, 444. Thorn, Ebenezer, 491. Thorn, Gershom M., 180. Thorn, James, 80. Thorn, John, 180, 230. Thorn, Lancaster, 462. Thorn, Obadiah, 192. Thorn, Peter, 488, 537. Thorn, William, 440. Thornton, James, 448. Thorn well, Israel, 190. Thornycroft, Abraham, 180, 314. Thorp, Daniel, 4, 26, 48. Thorp, William, 116. Throop, Capt. Matthew, 141. Throop, Mercy, 16. Thrupp, Richard, 460. Thurston, Col. Benjamin, 5rS. Thurston, John, 272, 370, 480. Thurston, Joseph, 62, 242, 272, 370, 454, 525. 527. Thurston, Samuel, 72. Thute, Henry, 342. Tibbitts, Edward, 106. Tibbitts, Paul, 166, 246, 524, Tice, John, 312. Tice, Nicholas, 448. Tice, William, 106. Ticonderoga, 510, 515. Tidd, Benjamin. 17. Tiebout, Nicholas, 114. Tiel, Conrad Andries, 58, Tiernan, James, 244. Tiernan, Richard, 372. Tiler, Samuel, 408, 470. Tiler, Thomas, 282. Tiler, see Tyler. Tillaback. Thomas, 440. Tillet, William, 68. Tilley, Daniel, 72. Tillman, John, 376. Tillotson, Nathan, 125. Tim, indian, 236. Tingerson, Thomas, 53. Tinner, Adam, 368. Titshoudt, Gideon, 270. Titus, Capt., 121. Titus, James, 60. Titus, Shadrach, 168, 248. Tobin, Michael, 6, 51. Toby, Joseph, 20, 33, 49. Todd, David, 320. Todd, Elnathan, 176., Todd, James, 476. Todd, Joseph, 98, 322. Todd, Samuel, 20, 33, 49. Toddio. Francis, indian, 476. Tolly, John, 250. Tolman, Harman, 87. Tomlinson, James, 480. Tomlinson, John, 116. Tompkins, Jacob, 3, 290. Tompkins, John, 254, 530. Tompkins, Joseph, 96. Tompkins, William, 254. Toms, Benjamin, 126, 127, 194, 236, 384,470,498,527. Toms, John, 5, 28, 428. Toms, William, 5, 28, 48. Tonas, Adolph, 132. Toner, Moses, 168. 'l ongue, Henry, 148. Tongue, John, 250, 366. Tooker, Joseph, 180, 316. Tooker, William, 123, 326. Toole, John, 7, 146, 224. Tooley, Charles, 114. Tooley, Christopher, 20, 32, 49. Tooley, John, 220, 478. Tooley, Samuel, 19, 32, 49. Topping, Lieut. Daniel, 129. Topping, Edward, 130. Topping, Capt. S., 205, 285. Topping, William, 408, 470. Totten, Isaac, 66, 76. Totten, Zebedee, 114. Toucy, Lemuel, 20, 33. Toucy, Reuben, 20, 33. Tout, Andrew, 342. Tout, Edward, n&, 208, 294. Towner, Samuel, 5. Townsend, Daniel, no, 146. Townsend, Daniel, indian, 60. Townsend, Capt. Jacob, 151. Townsend, Capt. James, 141, 145, 153. Townsend, John, 72, 150, 244, 386. Townsend, Philip, indian, 60. Townsend, Thomas, 70, 440. Towump, John, 20, 33, 49. Toyeux, Philip, 133. Tracy, Samuel, 17. Traser, Somas T., 324. Travis, Abel, 434. Travis, Abraham, 108, 318, 529. Travis, Amos, 100. Travis, Gabriel, 186. Travis, Gilbert, 186, 320, 322, 388, 486, 527. Travis, Jacob, 102, 108, 188, 322, 390, 434, 526. Travis, James, 6. Travis, Robert, 106. 614 INDEX, Travis, Lieut. Robert, 319, 521, 530, 543, 545- Travis, Samuel, mulatto, 402. Travis, Titus, 9, 23, 45. Tredwell, Capt., 311, 327. Tredwell, James, negro, 60. Tredwell, Lieut. James, 423, 472. Trimble, Archibald, 484, Trimble, John, 148. Triton, Thomas, 378. Tross, Peter, 288. Trounce, William, 438. Trout, Adam, 334. Truax, Capt., 253, 289. Truby, John, 129, 198, 406, 470. Trueman, Thomas, 380. Truesdell, Gamaliel, 328. Truesdell, John, 184. Trump, Simon, 348, 526. Tryon, Jacob, 194. Tucker, Charles, 89. Tucker, John, 376. Tucker, Joseph, 270. Tucker, Peter, 60. Tucker, Reuben, 330. Tucker, William, 530. Tuder, Capt., 167, 175. Tuff, Philip, 262. Tuin, Richard, indian, 68. Tully, Samuel, 200. Tummin, Peter, 470. Tupper, Christopher, 228. Turk, Anthony, 258. Turk, James, 146. Turk, Lieut. John, 505, 539. Turk, Karel, 158. Turner, Abraham, 198. Turner, Amos, 256. Turner, Cornelius, 70. Turner, Gideon, 254. Turner, Jacobus, 57. Turner, John, 57, 454. Turner, Peter, 312. Turner, Thomas, 98, 484. Turner, Timothy, 5, 28. Turner, William. 338, 530. Tuthill, Capt.. Barnabas, 127, 129, 198, 521, 543, 548. Tuthill, Gamaliel, 234. Tuthill, Nathaniel, 128. Tuttle, Frugest, 89. Tuttle, John, 470. Tuttle, Joseph, 186, 232. Tuttle, Samuel, 380. Tuttle, William, 92, 194, 236, 527, 529- Twawoolshead, Theodo, negro, 306. Twedell, John, 212, 524. Twoomey, Dennis, 450. Twoomey, Joseph, 52. Twoomey, William, 146, 244. Tychardt, Captain, 273, 289. Tyler, Jonathan, 176. Tyler, Nathaniel, 17. Tyler, Solomon, 524, 528. Tyler, Titus, 382. Tymesen, Captain, 249. Uback, Henry, 222. Ulster County, muster rolls of troops from, 1758, 56, 90 ; 1760, 216, 524, 526 ; 1761, 393, 398, 528 ; 1762, 445, 462 ; 1763, 482 ; militia ordered into service, 508, 509, 519, 540; officers commissioned for, 539, 540, 541, 544, 546 ; warrants to pay bounty and en- listment money, 547-551. Underhill, Henry, 104. Underhill, Capt. Israel, 81, 179, 311. Underbill, Capt. John, 81, 101, 323, 337. Underwood. Joseph, 184. Union, Leonard, 525. Upham', Christopher, 1. Ure, Anthony, 527. Uilev, Jeremiah, 130, 204. Utt, Francis, 410, 454, 528. Uttenbergh, John, 294. Utter, Benjamin, 19. Utter, John, 326, 328. Vail, Abraham, 234. Vail, Gilbert, 328. Vail, Joseph, 525. Vail, Joshua, 236. Vain,Vincent, 148. Valentine, Cornelius, 106. Valentine John, 208, 294, 374, 491. Valentine, John M., 86, 332. Valentine, Lieut., 223, 229, 245. Valentine, Peter, 80. Valentine, Teunis, 80. Valkenburgh, Harme, 274. Vallance, John, 60, 180, 314. Valleau, Peter, 86. Valveer, James, 178. Van Aarmen, John, 436. Van Aarnam, Abraham, 132, 528. Van Alen, Capt., 251, 275. Van Alstyn, Capt. Goose, 277, 291. Van Alstyn, Isaac, 3, 12, 22, 36, 37, 41. 46.' Van Alstyn, Isaac B., 3, 12, 22. Van Ambrugh, Abraham, 256. Van Arnhem, Capt , 273, 279. Van Ballen, Peter, 258. Van Beuren, Capt. Cornelius, 522, 540, 548. Van Beuren, Simon, 526. Van Blarcom, David. 404. Van Blarcom, Peter, 334.INDEX. 6l5 Van Breman, Jacob, 114, 170. Van Cleef, Cornelius, 55. Van Cleef, Teunis, 464. Van Cleef, William, 218, 398. Van Courtlandt, Major, 512. Vanden Bergh, Bruynus, 57. Vanden Bergh, Capt. Cornelius, 416, 424, 427, 429, 443, 451,473, 528, 546. 55°, 55i- Vanden Bergh, John, 306. Vanden Bergh, Lieut., 249. Vanden Bergh, Capt. Peter, 18, 29, 52. Vanden Bogert, John, 254, 382, 525. Vanden Bogert, Myndert, 254, 382, 525. Vander Beek, Abraham, 166, 529. Vander Beek, Conrad, 166, 529 Vander Hoeven, Cornelius, 164. Vander Koek, Nicholas, 250. Vander Linde, Jacob, 58. Vander Lip, Dennis, 300, 528. Vander Mark, Hendrick, 142, 220. Vander Mark, Hilamus, 218. Vander Mark, Jacob, 56. Vander Spiegle, John, 59. Vander Voort, John, 120 Vander Werken, Albert, 290. Van Deusen, Daniel, 174. Van Deusen, Godfrey, 156. Van Deusen, Isaac, 294. Van Deusen, Jacob, 154, 446. Van Deusen, John, 528. Van Deusen, Matthew, 446. Vande Water, Cornelius, 162, 422. Vande Water, Peter, 120. Van Dyck, Capt. Cornelius, 279, 369, 441, 449, 546. Van Dyck, Derick, 424. Van Dyck, John, 458. Van Dyne, John, 1. Van Eps, JohnB., 7. Van Etten, Severyne B., 7. Van Garden, James, 460. Van Gelder, Abraham, 120. Van Hoese, Martis, 214. Van Hoesen, Capt., 249, 279. Van Horn, Capt., 309. Van Houten, Roelof, 86, 332. Van Keuren, Capt., 255. Van Keuren, Hezekiah, 396. Van Kleeck, John, 529. Van Kleeck, Lawrence, 19. Van Leuven, Petrus A., 58. Van Miller, Conrad, 448. Van Name, John. 530. Van Ness, Garritt, 258. Van Ness, Capt. John, 258, 525. Van Nostrand, Isaac, 70. Van Nostrand, John, 70. Van Nostrand, Martin, 62. Van Nostrand, Peter, 72. Van Orden, Abraham, 294. Van Pelt, Art, 134, 481. Van Pelt, John, 136, 481, 529. Van Pelt, Joseph, 55. Van Pelt, Peter, 55, 168, 466. Van Pelt, Capt. Peter, 119. Van Pelt, Capt. Richard, 135, 139, 215. Van Primer, Jacob, 308. Van Rensselaer, Capt., 249, 273. Van Rensselaer, Lieut.-Col., 505. Van Santen, Johannes, 4. Van Schaick, Col. Goose, 221, 367, 373, 429, 443, 45L 453, 457, 472, 475, 477, 545- 546.547.549. Van Schaick, Lieut. Henry, 2, 10, 21, 35.37.41,46. Van Schaick, Jacob, 188. Van Schaick, James, 316. Van Schaick, Nicholas. 1, 44. Van Schaick, Sybrant G., 4, 7. Van Servier, Jacob, 228. Van Sicklen, Aaron, 142. Van Sicklen, Daniel, 160. Van Sicklen, Gysbert, 120. Van Sise, Cornelis, 6. Van Tassel, Albertus, 186. Van Tassel, George, 182, 312, 529. Van Tassel, Henry, 529, 530. Van Tassel, Jacob, 180, 314, 414, 53°- Van Tassel, James, 84, 529. Van Tassel, John, 82, 182, 192. Van Tassell, Stephen, 192, 529. Vantoney, Francis, 420. Van Tuyl, Michael, 133. Van Urllson, Charles, 132. Van Valkenburgh, Harman, 7, 34, 39. Van Valkenburgh, Joghem, 7, 34. 39. Van Valkenburgh, Samuel 11., 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42, 47. Van Vechten, Cornelius, 43, 114- Van Vechten, Lieut. Ephraim, 492. Van Vechten, Capt. John, 249, 362, 472. 525, 527, 543, 54b, 550. Van Vechten, Capt. Lucas, 548. Van Veer, John, 188. Van Velser, Matthias, 100. Van Velser, Robert, 176. Van Vleckburgh, Jerry, 438. Van Vlierien, Jerome* 3, 12, 21, 35, 37» 42, 47- Van Vliet, John, 57. Van Voorhees, Roelof, 120. Van Vranken, Capt., 249, 273. Van Wart, Abraham, 84, 190. Van Wart, William, 84, 192. Van Winkel, Petrus, 396. Van Wooser, Harman us, 226. Van Wvck, Capt., 165, 173. Van Zandt, John, 338.6i6 INDEX Van Zandt, Capt. Tobias* 206, 521, 539» 542, 549- Vardee, George, 538. Vaughan, Edward, 426. Vaughan, William, 493, Veal, Arthur, 98, 320, Veal, Gilbert, 156. Veal, Matthew, 84. Veal. Lieut. Thomas, 129, 233, 544. Vedder, Johannes, 3, 14, 21, 35, 37, 42, 47. Vedito, John, 354. Veit, John C., 64. Veltman, John, 248. Venson, Peter, 424. Verity, James, 64, 76, 146, 232. Vermilyea, Capt., 81, 179, 311, 337. Vernooy, Petrus. 57. Verpelia, Francis, 360, 480. Verplanck, Capt. John, 104, 107, T87, 539.54»- Verplanck, Capt. Philip, 105, 187, 321. Vett, Henry Groat, 458. Vickery, David, no, 184, 264. Vickery, Jonathan, 108. Viele, Capt. D., 255, 261, 271. Villelo, John, indian, 60. Vincent, Charles, 192, 318, 390. Vincent, Ellis, 414. Vincent, Jacob, 82, 312. Vincent, James, 446. Vincent, Joseph, 400. Visscher, Henry, 370. Visscher, John, 7. Visscher, Capt. John, 375, 436, 473, 521,542,546,551. Vogine, John, 352. Volk, George, 214, 34S. Volker, Evert, 268. Volmer, George, 524. Volmer, John, 212. Volpack, John, 106. Vonck, Adolph, J70. Vooght, Michael, 118, 136, 481. Voorhees, Roelef, 222. Vouge, John, 527. Vredenburgh, Abraham, 256. Vredenburgh, Benjamin, 452. Vredenburgh, Isaac, 82, 206. Vredenburgh, John, 102, 256. Vredenburgh, William, 140. Vredenburgh, see Fredenburgh. Vrooman, Capt. Adam, 249, 277, 289. Vrooman, Capt. John, 289. Vrooman, Lieut. Peter, 546. Vrooman, Lieut. Teunis, 273, 363^ 43^ 473, 546. Wade, Ebenezer, 130. Wade, Henry, 298. Waddington, John, 204. Wage, James, 370, 474. Wagen, Ludlow, 196. Wager, Michael, 528. Wagenaar, Capt. 289. Wagenaar, John G., 8, 34, 39, 52. Wager, Nicholas, 414. Waggs, Benjamin, 20, 49. Waggs, John, 204, 282. Waggs, Samuel, 204, 282. Wagner, Frederick, 370. Wagner, Sebright, 230. WTainwright, Thomas, 252. Wait, Simon, 156. Wait, Thomas, 200, 529. Walbridge, Thomas, 16. Walder, John, 348. Walder, Jury, 528. Waldron, Capt., 165. Waldron, Henry, 1. Waldron, James, 182, 529. Walker, Abraham, 414. Walker, Daniel, 444. Walker, Everardus, 525. Walker, James, 390. Walker, John, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37, 42, 52, 288. Walker, Lieut. Josiah, 501. Walker, Primus, 366. Walker, Samuel, 527. Walker, Timothy, 448. Wall, Michael, 372, 432. Wall, Richard, 314, 380, 432. Wall, Thomas, 326. Wallace, Capt. James, 99, 185,191, 323. Wallace, John, 180, 302, 316, 342, 358, 422. Wallace, Thomas, 430. WTallace, William, 208, 298. Wallace, Capt. William, 101. Waller, Samuel, 5, 27, 48, 70. Walston, Thomas, 28. Walsworth, James, 198. Walter, Andrews, 134, 214, 481. Walter, Jeremiah, 164. Walter, Michael, 18, 29, 40, 52. Walters, Daniel, 100. Walters, James, negro, 312. Walters, John, 70. Walters, Robert, 525. Waltman, Daniel, 494. Walton, Capt., 173. Walton, Henry, 184. Walton, Phoenix, 529. Walton, William, 524. Wampanage, John, 200. Wampum, Benjamin, 3, 12, 21, 36, 37, 42, 47, 480. Wan, Nicholas, 226. Wandle, Eaisther, 30.INDEX. 617 Wanser, Chester, 360. Wanser, Isaac, 256. Wanser, Jacob, 68. Wanser, Thomas, 106, 392, 533. Warbaton, James, Indian, 131, Ward, Andrew, 368, 448. Ward, Daniel, 342. Ward, Edward, 60. Ward, John, 3, 12, 21, 36, 42, 46, 250, 524. Ward, Joseph, 378, 422. Ward, Peter, 360, 526. Ward, Richard, 178. Ward, Samuel, 474. Ward, Thomas, 244, 362, 480. Ward, William, 196, 384, 394, 472, 498. Ware, Peter, 326. Ware, William, 308. Warinose, indian, 282. Warner, Ebenezer, 5, 27, 48. Warner, Isaac, 306, 530. Warner, Jacob, 428. Warner, James, 20, 32, 49, 202. Warner, Michael, 400. Warner, Seth, 468. Warnsdorf. John Charles, 166. Warren, Anthony, 3, 10, 21, 35, 37. Warren, Christopher, 326, Warren, David, 324. Warren, James. 22. Warren, Michael, 88, 246, 400, 526. Warren, Sangro. 4, 12, 35, 37, 42, 46. Warren, Stephen, 358, 432. Warrey, John, 470. Warrey, Robert, 370. Warton, John, 418. Wasfall, Peter, 256. Washburn, Jonathan, 32, 49, 498. Washburn, Nathaniel, 254. Washer, John, 47, Washman, Nathaniel, 90. Washum, William, 240, 286. Waterhouse, Samuel, 210. Waters, Capt. Anthony, 55, 246, 346, 466, 525, 527, 532, 533, 541, 545, 546, 549, 550, 551- Waters, Daniel, 180. Waters, Edward. 58. Waters, Garret, 133, 528. Waters, James, negro, 362. Waters, John, 294. Waters, Nathaniel, 102, 316. Waters, Percy, 250. Waters, Robert, 114. Watkins, John, 162, 436. Watrous, William, 250. Watson, Abraham, 140. Watson, David, 456. Watson, George, 326. Watson, Thomas, 5. Watson, Wrilliam, 2, 44, 322, 4*6, 4°°* Waugh, James, 216. Waugh, Robert, 216, 524. Wawooder, John, 440. Wawwas, James, indian, 478. Weagut, Jacob, indian, 131. Wear, Anthony, 370, 440. Wear, John, 3, 14. Wear, Robert, 412, 456. Wear, Samuel, 484. W7eaver, Francis, 140, 354. W7eaver, George, 428. Weaver, Hendrick, 86. Weaver, Jacob, 18, 30, 40, 53. Weaver, John, 160. Weaver, Peter, 258, 530. Webb, Henry, 132. Webb, James, 128, 254, 525, 527. Webb, John, 346. Webb, Silas, 131, 202. Webb, Thomas, 19, 32, 49 Webber, George, 56, 200. Webber, Henry, 414. Webber, Johannes, 334. Webber, John C., 528. Webber, Richard, 16, 50, 336. Webster, John, 525. Webster, Moses, 142. Weed, James, 62. Weed, Jonas, 442. Weed, Nathan, 326. Weeks, Agnes, 529. Weeks, Benjamin, 72. Weeks, Capt., 229. Weeks, Daniel, 72. Weeks, Elnathan, 125. Weeks, Francis, 529. Weeks, Gilbert, 186, 336. Weeks, James, 18, 29, 40, 53. Weeks, Jonathan, 126, 148. Weeks, Joseph, 152, 230. Weeks, Joshua, 130. Weeks, Josiah, 127. Weeks, Lieut. Michael, 145, 221, 227, 245* 521. Weeks, Stephen, 102, 182. Weeks, Thomas. 154. Weeks, Tobias, indian, 66, 76. Weeks, Wait, 30. Weems, John, 82, 102, 316. Weesick, George, 366. Weise, John, 52. Weisner, Andrew, 276. Welch see Welsh. Weldon, Jesse, 280. Weldon, John, 406. Wellington, John, 14. Wells, Capt. Daniel, 203, 235, 253. Wells, David, 258.6i8 INDEX, Wells, James, 404. Wells, Jedediah, 19, 29. Wells, John, 128. Wells, Joseph, 127. Wells, Nathaniel, 16, 50, 200. Wells, Samuel, 57. Wells, Thomas, 2, 44. Welsh, Daniel, 530. Welsh, Dennis, 276. Welsh, Hopestill, 240. Welsh, James, 527. Welsh, John, 9, 24, 45, 68, 78, 244, 252, 348, 374, 424, 538. Welsh, Jonathan, 214, 388. Welsh, Joseph, 418. Welsh, Lieut., 377, 387, 409, 411, 419. Welsh, Nicholas, 382, 388. Welsh, Patrick, 300. Welsh, Lieut. Patrick, 342, 473, 547. Welsh, Peter, 90. Welsh, Philip, 170. Welsh, Thomas, 3, 12, 22, 36, 38, 41, 46, 136, 186, 300, 368, 481. Welstead, Thomas, 55. Wemple, Capt. Myndert, 289, 546. Wen, Thomas, 332. Wendell, Garrett, 290. Wenschill, Pelatiah, 446. Weserel, Moses, 368. Wesley, Stephen, 131. Wessells, Hendrick, 338. Wessells, Jacob, 246. West, Captain, 510. West, Frederick, 362, 426. West, John, 125, 133. West, John A., 268. West, Joseph, 66, 76, 354. West, Samuel, 210. West, Stephen, 58. Westchester County, muster rolls of troops from, 1755, 8, 22, 45; 1758, 80, 94, 100, 104 ; 1759, 174, 178, 184, 188 ; 1760, 310, 314, 318, 322, 336, 526; 1761, 358, 386, 409, 527; 1762, 423, 430, 460 ; militia ordered into service, 505, 511, 512, 518, 519; officers commissioned for, 472, 539, 541-546 ; warrants to pay bounty and enlistment money, 547-551. Westcoat, Israel, 316. Westcoat, Jonathan, 96. Westcoat, Nathaniel, 109, 180, 316. Westcoat, Richard, 88. Westcoop, Daniel, 148. Westover, Oliver, 538. Wetmore, John, 20, 32, 49. Wey, James, 354. Weygand, Tobias, 330. Weyland, Leonard, 116, 174. Whalen, Matthew, 386. Whalen, Morris, 274, 280, 3^2 Whalen, Timothy, 243. Wharton, William, 376. Wheedon, Jared, 198. Wheedon, Joseph, 94. Wheedon, Samuel, 4. Wheeler, Ebenezer, 234. Wheeler, Edward, 3, 14, 21, 3^ 37, 42, 47- Wheeler, Eliphalet, 108. Wheeler, Hendrick, 276, 392 426 *2* Wheeler, James, 208. ’ D Wheeler, John, 18, 30, 40, 5 Wheeler, Jonathan, 544. Wheeler, Capt. R., 253. Wheeler, Resolved, 16. Wheeler, Samuel, 260, 372. Wheeler, Ury, 135. Whelpley, Daniel, 144. Whelpley, Jonathan, 94. Whelpley, Philip, 19, 30. Whelpley, Lieut. Samuel, 2,59, 413, 545, 547- Whitaker, Squire, 154. Whitbeck, John, 356. Whitbeck, Lieut., 355. Whitcheld, John, 210. White, Capt. Alexander, 305, 472, 538 545- White, Charles, 312. White, Christopher, 162. White, Ezekiel, 49. White, Francis, 376. White, John, 114, 132, 226, 350. White, Jonathan, 400, 529. White, Joseph, 538. White, Michael, 8, 24, 338, 392, 480. White, Morris, 170. White, Oliver, 4, 10, 21, 35, 37, 41, White, Patrick, 400. White, Peter, 208. White, Robert, 82, 152, White, Thomas, 62. White, Timothy, 62. White, William, 62, 152, 292, 306, 364 368, 448. Whitehead, William, 218, 394, 528. Whitely, Isaac, 130. Whiteman, see Wittman. Whitman, Ananias, 88. Whitman, Daniel, 200. Whitman, Ira, 198. Whitman, Jacob, 332. Whitmore, Christopher, 2, 43. Whitmore, John, 125. Whitney, Aaron, 16, 51. Whitney, Ezekiel, 17, 50. Whitney, John, 493. Whitney, Josiah, 16, 51. Whitney, Moses, 17, 50.INDEX. 619 Whitsel, Jacob, 55, 384.' Whitter, Josiah, 204. Whittlesey, Isaac, 284. Whorley, Lawrence, 446. Wicke, Andrew, 214, 350. Wicks, Joshua, 156. Wiel, Thomas, 514. Wiffer, Brintho, 378. Wigel, Samuel, 248. Wiggins, Benjamin, 70, 238. Wilcox, Amos, 452. Wilcox, Daniel, 414. Wilcox, Elisha, 452. Wilcox, Isaac, 266, 530. WUgox, Thomas, 264. Wilde, William, 288, 370, 474, 476. Wilder, John, 454. Wilder, Thomas, 9, 24, 45. Wilkins, George, 484. Wilkins, Obadiah, 134, 481. Wilkinson, Daniel, 2. Wilkinson, Richard, 248, 529. Wiley, William, 170. Willets, John, 146. Willett, Lieut, Benjamin, 495. Willett, Capt. Gilbert, 175, 521, 526, 542, 545- Willett, Marinus, 118. Willett, Col. Thomas, 522. Willett, Col. William, 505, 518. Williams, Abraham, 190. Williams, Boaz, 20, 32, 49. Williams, Charles, 176, 336, 358, 522. Williams, Daniel, 368, 398. Williams, David, 160, 334, 446. Williams, Francis, 104. Williams, Howell, 9, 24. Williams, Isaac, 84, 190, 312. Williams, James, 3, 14, 21, 35, 37, 42, 46, 82, 250. Williams, John, 6, 33, 39, 62, 104, 114, 133, 218, 244, 260, 300, 350, 356, 364, 398, 480, 489, 528. Williams, Joseph, 190, 324, 530. Williams, Nehemiah, 202, 364, 480. Williams, Paul, 208. Williams, Peter, 7, 8, 34, 310. Williams, Richard, 86, 132, 158, 276, 402, 458. Williams, Robert, 82. Williams, Samuel, 182. Williams, Staates, 106. Williams, Thomas, 136, 236, 242, 322, 376, 422, 481. Williams, Capt. Thomas, 60, 547. Williams, William, 364, 448. Williamson, John, 348, 493. Williamson, Richard, 440. Willis, Robert, 260. Willis, William, 246. Willoughby, Silvanus, 260, 380. Willoughby, William, 262. Wills, Andrew, 142. Wilman, John, 260. Wilmot, Zophar, 194. Wilsey, Cornelius, 270. Wilsey, Daniel, 82, 190, 310. Wilsey, Henry, 82, 268, 529. Wilsey, Samuel, 80. Wilsey, William, 82, 529. Wilson, Alexander, 92. Wilson, Lieut. Benjamin, 281, 544. Wilson, David, 210, 298. Wilson, Francis, 493. Wilson, John, 102, 302, 318, 330, 382, 390, 410, 416, 432, 456, 470, 480, 498, 526. Wilson, John Ennis, 494. Wilson, Nicholas, 64, 74, 146. Wilson, Patrick, 486. Wilson, Peter, 7, 8, 34, 40. Wilson, Richard, 9. 23, 45, 190, 316. Wilson, Samuel. 400, 462, 482. Wilson, Thomas, 9, 23, 45, 62, 182, 314, 440, 487. Wilson, Uriah, 98. Wilson, William, 108. Winchell, David, 3, 12, 21, 36, 38, 42, 47. Winchell, Elijah, 436. Winchell, Joab, 432. Winder, Philip, 252. Wines, Capt. Barnabas, 201, 206, 233. Wines, Peter, 128. Wing, James, 382. Winne, Capt., 251, 273, 279. Winne, Increase, 18, 30, 53, Winne, Jeremiah, 234. Winslow, Gen. John, 539. Winter, John, 489. Winter, Matthew, 414. Winter, William, 148, 527. Winterbottom, John, 368, 480. Winterscale, Barnard, 276, 448. Wirt, Joseph, 166. Wise, Conrad, 474. Wise, John, 278. Wishat, Alexander, 386, 524. Wisner, Capt. John, 88, 155, 331. Wiswell, Moses, 280, 480. Witherwax, Henry, 278, 426. Witherwax, Martin, 280. Withington, John, 3. Wittey, John, 410. Wittman, Hans J., 268. Wittman, John, 276, 525. Wolf, Anthony, 527. Wolf, George, 278. Wolf. John, 194, 410. Wolferron, Adam, 260.INDEX. 620 Wollcott, Amos, 123. Wood, Anthony, 366. Wood, Benjamin, 108. Wood, Cornelius, 256, 382. Wood, Daniel, 64, 252, 529. Wood, David, 168. Wood, Ebenezer, 126. Wood, Elisha, 456. Wood, Elnathan, 284. Wood, Isaac, 87. Wood, James, 274, 320, 529. Wood, Jeremiah, 106, 186, 250. Wood, John, 18, 30, 55, 87, 118, 150, 160, 342. Wood, Jonas, 87, 126. Wood, Joseph, 100, 180, 184, 360, 529. Wood, Moses, 96. Wood, Nathan, 174. Wood, Nathaniel, 96, Wood, Solomon, 98, 529. Wood, Stephen, 92, 146. Wood, Timothy, 458. Woodcock, Abram, 426. Woodcock, Dirck, 3, 12, 22, 36, 37, 42, 47- Woodcock, Isaac, 252. Woodcock, Jacob, 3, 12, 21, 35, 37. Woodcock, John, 3, 12, 21, 36, 37, 426. Woodford, William, 268, 394, 456, 526. Woodhull, Josiah, 124. Woodhull, Col. Nathaniel, 124, 207, 473, 545- Woodruff, Jonas, 286. Woodruff, Samuel, 142. Woodruff, Silas, 470. Woodward, Jonas, 240. Woodward, Jonathan, 416, 452. Woodward, Phineas, no, 264, 414, 525, 528. Woodward, Capt. Phineas, 451, 510. Woodworth, Benjamin, 20, 30, 48. Woodworth, Matthew, 368. Wood, Jeremiah, 246. Wool, Richard, 370, 454. Wooley, Capt., 145, 149, 229, 245. Wooley, James, 152. Wooley, Jared, 284. Woolsey, Jonathan, 108, 322, 526. Woolsey, M. Taylor, 61, 65, 75, 79. Woolsey, William, 104, 180, 182, 312, 320. Worden, Caleb, 266. Worden, Daniel, 28, 48, 388. Worden, John, 256. Worden, Joseph, 8, 23, 45. Worden, Nathaniel, 390. Worden, Joseph, 416, 452. Worden, Samuel, 180, 390. Wormsley, Jacob, 440. Worthall, John, 228. Wossard, Alexander, 226. Wooster, Edward, 5, 28, 48. Wooster, Moses, 5, 28, 48. Woys, John, indian, 270. Wright, Austin, 264, Wright, Capt. Daniel, 60, 148, 226, 352, 521, 522, 427, 533, 541, 545, 548,549,550. Wright, David, 68, 78. Wright, Henry, 268, 412. Wright, Capt. Hezekiah, 169, 247. Wright, Jacob, 64. Wright, James, 88, 102. Wright, John, 6, 8, 34, 39, 52, 60, 100, 218, 294, 529. Wright, Jonathan, 4. 26, 47, 352. Wright, Simpson, 468. Wright, Solomon, 238. Wright, Thomas, 88, 320, 330, 462. Wright, William, 5, 148, 418, 436. Wright, Wise, 126. Wyett, Lieut. Nathaniel, 185, 521, 543. Wyett, Richard, 448. Wynkoop, Cornelius, 56. Wynkoop, Capt. Cornelius, 526, 544, 549- Wynkoop, Lieut. Derick, 393, 400, 546. Wynkoop, Lucas, 58. Wynkoop, Myndert, 4, 14, 22, 36, 38, 42, 46, 280. Wywoder, John, 288. Yacham, Cornelius, indian, 474. Yagor, John, 440. Yale, Jacob, 222. Yale, Nathaniel, 4, 26. 48. Yarrington, Amos, 206. Yarrington, Jonathan, 470, 498. Yarrington, Rufus, 17. Yates, Benjamin, 420. Yates, Capt. Christopher, 288, 368, 525, 527, 544. 546. 550. Yates, John M., 288. Yates, Capt. Peter, 548. Yeomans, Abraham, 388, 434. Yeomans, Benjamin, 160, 334. Yeomans, Ebenezer, 130. Yeomans, Eleazer, 320, 529. Yeomans, Ezekiel, 458. Yeomans, Gilbert, 186. Yeomans, Jeremiah, 86, 135, 160, 334. Yeomans, Jonathan, 87. Yeomans, Samuel, 135. Yeomans, Solomon, 160. Yeomans, Timothy, 530. Yeomans, William, 106. Yeout, John, 20, 33, 49. Yochs, Isaacs, 186. Yoncker, Henry, 180.INDEX. 621 Yonger, John, 150. York, Samuel, 2, 44. Yorkse, Solomon, 84, 1S2, 212. Young, Alexander, 348, 448, 527. Young, Charles, 484. Young, Constant, 129. Young, David, 414. Young, Henry, 364. Young, James, 410. Young, John, 360. Young, Martin, 72, 144. Young, Muirv, 418, 480. Young, Robert, 114. Young,William, 250,288, 364, 436, 527. Youton, Gottlieb, 322. Yunomore, Jacob, 322. Zachariah, Jacob, indian, 408. Zeluff, John, 466. Zigler, Martin, 22, 36, 38, 42, 46. Zimmerman, Jacob, 426. Zimmerman, Matthew, 418. Zimmerman, Simon, 118, 150, 228. Zimmerman, William, 354. Zimmerman, see Simmerman. Zone, Lemuel, 49.MUSTER ROLLS OF 12 Effective Men. Private Men Benjn- Wampum David Winchel.. . Jn°- Dunbar Nich8, Follard Johannis Jager George Albreght Peter Faverois . . . . .. Dick Woodcock Thomas Curril Napthaley Owens Jn°- Nojares . Garrat Bowman . David Price .... .. Willm- Beacraft Anthony Noble Johannes Wauker Johan Jurigh Buch Hugh Flannagan Isaac Van Alstyn Sam1- Thomas John Woodcock John Ward John Thomas Jerome Van Wieren Frans P. Klaw .. Isaac B. Van Alstyn Jacob Woodcock Lammert V. Valkenburgh Johannis H. Klaw Abrm- Concklin Jurigh Protepigh Bastian Pompale Thomas Welsh Will"1- C. Halenbeek Chris. Lodwyck Saugre Warren Mathew Howell Will”- Pendall Phill. Harmen George Rainer : Robbert Barrat John Althuysen